A True relation of the faction begun at VVisbich, by Fa. Edmonds, alias VVeston, a Iesuite, 1595. and continued since by Fa. Walley, alias Garnet, the Prouinciall of the Iesuits in Eng­land, and by Fa. Parsons in Rome, with their adherents:

Against vs the Secular Priests their bre­thren and fellow Prisoners, that disliked of nouel­ties, and thought it dishonourable to the auncient Eccle­siasticall Discipline of the Catholicke Church, that Secular Priests should be gouerned by Iesuits.

Newly Imprinted.


To the true Catholick Reader.

IN such bookes as some of our brethren haue bin lately constrayned to set out for your satisfaction: there is often mention made of the contention at Wisbich begun 1595. Of this contention, there haue gone many reports: and as yet the truth thereof hath not bin so fully published, as it is conuenient: the indirect course of our new aduersaries considered. Such as are in­fected with our English Iesuitisme, do ascribe all the blame in that behalfe vnto vs, that are secular Priests: in that we could not be brought to alter our old orders for the ad­uauncement of Fa. Weston a Iesuite to become our Gouer­nor or Agent; as his faction tearmed him. To make this matter therefore as cleare as the sunne, and that no indis­creete Catholike may be ignorant of the truth herein, if he will not wilfully shut his eyes, or stop his eares, as our Arch­priest would haue them: we haue thought it our duties to deliuer vnto you from point to point (as in the sight of God) the beginning and proceeding of those garboyles then a­mongst vs. And at this time, we are the rather moued so to do: because it hath pleased Maister Blackwell our sayd Arch-priest, very lately to send to his twelue Assistants to be diuulged a certaine Censure, or (we know not what to tearme it) a sheet of paper, fraught neither with wit, honest dealing, discretion, or learning: but in effect with as many shifts and lyes almost as lines, in derogation not only of some of the said bookes set out by our brethren, tearming the same (as if either he himselfe, or some of his commaunders the Iesuites had made them) to be seditious bookes: but likewise taketh vpon him, to touch the said contention, not in many words, but with much follie and great vntruth. We will be bold by way of Preface, a little to touch them.

These are his words. The first point (sayth he, meaning the diuision at Wisbich) was a thing long since ended with great edification, and by the meanes principally of those [Page] which are most condemned. It toucheth the greater and better part of that company. It nothing concerneth our au­thoritie: it being more auncient, and hauing orders taken at the attonement by their owne consent. It is well knowne at Rome by whose meanes they were disanulled. Neither is it more vnfitting for those which liued in one house to in­stitute rules for such as voluntarily demaunded and accep­ted them then to procure a sodality abroade. Thus farre our Arch-priest: and it is all he writeth to his assistants of this matter: which we the rather note to shew the extremity of his pride, in supposing by such an answere to the sayd bookes concerning that diuision to wipe away those imputations & matters, wherwith both Fa. Garnet, & Fa. Weston, & he himselfe in some sort are charged. That which here he sayth either touching our contention at Wisbich, or any thing whereof he hath written to his sayd assistants against the sayd bookes, is fully answered in print by one of our bre­thren, a true Catholick Priest: We hartily pray you to pro­cure the booke, and then iudge of our Arch-priest as you finde him. In the meane while and because this our treatise may come to your hands before the other, although the hi­story following doth sufficiently confute his words by vs now cited: yet will we giue you some little tryall of our new Go­uernors wisedome and sinceritie, by that which here he writeth.

The first point (sayth he) was a thing long since ended. And what then maister Blackwell? will you reason thus? It was long since ended: ergo, maister Garnet and maister Weston, the firebrands of that garboile with their factious adherents are not to be blamed as our brethren haue writ of them in their sayd booke? But we beseech you sir vpon your small credit tell vs, is that contention long since ended? Nay rather (speake man) is it ended as yet? It was in ef­fect: whether it were meete, and according to the auncient ecclesiasticall Discipline, that a Iesuite should haue the commaundement ouer secular Priests. And is this point [Page] yet decided? There was we confesse (as we thought) an end made amongst vs 1596. by maister Mush, and maister Dudley, and that with edification: but it fell out farre o­therwise. The edification you make mention of was nothing sutable to that edification, whereof the Apostle speaketh: but was much more agreeable to the building of Babell that tower of confusion. For whilest we of the vnitie were quiet, and supposed all had bin well: maister Garnet, and his subiect maister Weston, were so moued, that they had bin disappointed of their sayd gouernment amongst vs, as like prowde Nymrods and boisterous hunters they cast a­bout how to bring vs vnder them by an other stratageme, ȧs by the historie it will appeare.

When he also further sayth, that the end he mentioneth was made by the meanes principally of those which are most condemned: he meaneth maister Garnet and maister We­ston to be those principall persons; or else his speech is sense­lesse: and then also he writeth most falsely. For true it is, that the end which we supposed had bin made, was compas­sed by maister Mush and maister Dudley full sore against the harts and good likings of the sayd two Iesuites. Mary if he meane such an end of the sayd contention as they two propounded to themselues, which was but an interim to a further mischiefe, such an end, as then they respected and sought after, and do now perswade themselues to haue found it (whilest maister Garnet ruleth the roast) then indeede Fa. Garnet and Fa. Weston may truly be sayd to haue bin the especiall contriuers of it: otherwise it proceedeth from incredible boldnes to pretend them to be authors of any good peace, who breathe forth nothing but dissension and cruelty.

And where he sayth (as we suppose) that maister Gar­net and maister Weston, are two men now most condem­ned: it is true that they are indeed condemned for their Machiuilian practises against their brethren: being (vn­der pretence of their Fatherhoods) so puft vp with pride and arrogancic, as it is scarse probable to relate. But yet some [Page] exception may iustly be taken to his words, in that he sayth, they are most condemned. For in good sooth, we thinke his maistership as farre too blame as either of them, or more: in that being a secular Priest, he doth so tyrannize ouer his owne brethren by calling, and hath not the wit to see, how he is abused and made a puppie to daunce after their pipe, and to execute what they do commaund him.

But it followeth for sooth: that the said diuision toucheth the greater and better part of that company. Alack alack, doth it so? It toucheth indeede the greater part: and that very neerely: for it shewed them for the time to be very factious: such as secretly banded, and combined themselues with a Iesuite against their fellow prisoners and brethren. And therefore in that hee sayth those conspiring com­panions were the better part, he speaketh like himselfe very vntruly, as we in our indgements do esteeme of honest men. Mary in his sense, and according to the common saying, the veryer knaues, the better luck: they may well be recko­ned the better part: because none are iudged vertuous or of any estimation that oppose themselues against the Iesuites, or refuse to worship their Iesuiticall Idoll our Arch-priest. And yet we will be content to let them go for once as he would haue them: so he ioyne those words with the other that follow: and to this effect. The sayd contention tou­cheth the better part, and therefore it concerneth neither himselfe, nor any of his louing assistants, nor their impreg­nable authoritie. But in good sooth maister Blackwell, speake truly man: doth not that contention in some sort touch your high authoritie? Was it not the ground of it? If we had yeelded to Fa. Westons agencie, had you bin euer aduaunced as you are? Did not our garboyles beget your greatnes? If maister Weston had preuailed with vs, mai­ster Garnet would haue wiped your nose for dealing like a yong prince abroade-as you do. And therefore indeed in a right good sense, wee are your good maisters, and so you ought to esteeme vs. But if we should deale more seriously [Page] with you, and vrge you to set downe, wherein the said great part was, or is the better: what durst you say, if you haue any sparke of the feare of God before your eyes? Are they better learned? for shame you will not say it. Are their liues more sincere? I hope you will charge vs with no disho­nestie: or if you dare, we defye you: being in our liues we trust blameles before men, and euery way as honest as your selfe at the least.

As touching the orders you speake of; they were yeelded vnto (it is true) by our consent, and that most willinglie: but as for maister Weston, it so stroke him to the hart to yeeld vnto them, as he fell downe presently before the com­pany into a swoune: such was his pride, and so vnwilling he was to be ouer-ruled for the time. And whereas our Arch­priest saith: that it is well knowne at Rome by whose means the said orders were disanulled: we are glad to heare it, and haue taken some little paines in this treatise, to make it also as well knowne here in England. If his meaning be that we of the Vnity did first disanull them, he sayth vntruly, and they in Rome are falsely informed. No, no, those orders crossed too much the Iesuites deseignements to haue any long continuance, where they had any factious creatures to infringe them.

But that which followeth, is worthie some especiall consi­deration. Neither was it more vnfitting (sayth maister Blackwell) for those which liued in one house to institute rules, for such, as voluntarily demaunded and accepted them, then to procure a sodality abroade. In good faith we are sory, that we are compelled to disclose this fellowes fals [...] hood, and how much he is sunne-burnt with Iesuitisme. It is a world to see how artificially he doth smooth ouer in thi [...] place diuers false, and some very absurd points. And firs [...] consider we pray you: whether it was as fit for Priests i [...] prison to choose a Iesuite to rule them, as for other Priests abroade, to desire to haue a Bishop to gouerne them: and whether suiteth better with the auncient discipline of the [Page] Catholick Church for secular Priests to sue to the Prouin­ciall of the Iesuites to haue a Iesuite for their head: or for others to sue to his holynes to assigne them a Bishop. But let this passe: and proceede we to the rest: and when you heare the truth in a word, then consider the mans sinceritie. It will appeare vnto you by the history following, that Fa. Weston had bin laboring for a superioritie ouer his brethren for the space of seauen yeeres. To that purpose he had insinuated himselfe by hypocrisie, and vnequall distribution of mo­ney into the fauors of the yonger sort, such as were either themselues Iesuites, or else inclining thereunto. The Rules he speaketh of, were of Fa. Westons owne making. And all this was done secretly, the grauer sort of the company be­ing neuer acquainted with it. When they had contriued their busines, as you haue heard: they pretend themselues to be more holy, then the rest of vs whom they misliked: and that therefore, in respect of the sinnes that raigned amongst vs; they would no more either eate or drinke with vs, but would haue their diet by themselues. And in conclusion, they seuered themselues from vs, and dealt as you shall per­ceiue in this treatise at large; more like Donatists, then Catholick Priests. And all this inquitie doth this Iesuiti­call Arch-priest couer in the sayd words, so Clarkly masked with good tearmes, without any regard either of conscience, or common honesty, but to abuse the world, for the better vpholding of his owne credit: which being gotten by fals­hood, is still yet so mainteined. But we keepe you too long from the story it selfe: and therefore referring you for this matter to the sayd printed discourse, in answere both of it, and many other points, we commit you by our prayers to Almighty God, who open your eyes and harts, that you may truly discerne betweene wolues and true pastors of your soules, and accordingly to imbrace them, as heretofore you haue done, and we hope will do hereafter.

A true relation of the faction begun at VVisbich.

IN the yeare 1579. M. Saunders was dispatched from Rome to Ireland: and not long after the Pope sent other forces thither. About the same time also, the King of Spayne intending to as­sayle Portugall, vpon the death of King Henry the late Cardinall, prepared an Army and a Nauy (as it was pretended) for England. And to countenance the same, he procu­red by Cardinall Alexandrino his meanes, the renoua­tion of the Bull published by Pius quintus against her Maiestie: and printing of them to the number of 1500. at the least, he was content they should be spread abroad. Not long after Father Parsons, and two other Iesuites his subiects, Father Campion and Father Cotham, came into England with such a noyse, as mooued great expectation in some, and diligent caution to be had of their proceedings by others. These things hapning thus together: her Maiestie and the State (as fearing the worst) disposed of the affayres in the Realme accordingly: and thought it conuenient to carry a hand more hardly vpon the Catholicks. So as in the yeare 1580. Doctor Watson Bishop of Lincolne, Doctor Fecknam Abbot of Westminster, Doc­tor Young, maister Metham, Doctor Oxenbridge, and maister Bluet, were sent to remayne as prisoners in the Castle of Wisbich, where they liued in great vnitie and brotherly kindnes: euery man intermedling only with [Page 2] his owne affayres and priuate meditations. They were all in commons with the keeper: and for their recre­ation, had a Garden there to walke in, and to solace themselues as they thought good. Such money as was sent to any particular man he had himselfe the dispo­sition of it as he thought it conuement, that which came for the common vse, was by all their consents deliuered still to mayster Bluet, who diuided the same to euery man alike. There was then no affectation of superiority, but euery man yeelded of his owne accord that duty and precedencie which to euery one was due, the keeper hauing the commaundement ouer them all. Afterwards within about three yeares, eight or nine Gentlemen were likewise sent to remayne there as prisoners, vpon certayne speeches that the Duke of Guise had some intendment against England, whereby the number of the prisoners increased, with­out any disturbance at all to the foresayde vnity. These Gentlemen liued at their owne charges, and as most dutifull children demeaned themselues towards their fellow prisoners, and spirituall fathers. If at any time some little indiscretion hapned in any, a word (especially of his ghostly father) was more then suffi­cient to reforme it: or if vpon such like an occasion Bishop Watson were mooued to reprooue this or that, his answere was, What? are we not fellow prisoners? Are we not at the commaundement of an other? Shall Iadde affliction to one that is afflicted? Are we men who professe our selues to be examples to others in suffering for our consciences, and shall we not be thought then able without controllers to gouerne our selues? Be content: I will not take vpon me to re­prooue my fellow prisoners. And indeed this was the course that euery man held: so as by submitting themselues one to an other, euery man had a com­maunding power one ouer an other, such was the most [Page 3] christian and brotherly affection amongst them. In this sort they liued till all were either dead or gone, but maister Metham and maister Bluet, which was for the space of about sixe or seauen yeares.

Afterwards (vpon new attempts by Babington and his associates against her Maiestie, and by reason of the rumours of the King of Spaines preparations) a­boue thirtie priests that were prisoners elsewhere, were in the yeare 1587 (as we remember) sent likewise to Wisbich. In which number was maister Edmonds, alias Weston, a Iesuite: a man, who after Heywoods depar­ture out of England, was sent hither by Parsons from Paris to bee his substitute, or Prouinciall: Vpon whose apprehension maister Walley, alias Garnet, by order from Fa. Parsons, did succede him in that office. This company had scarsely consorted themselues with maister Metham and maister Bluet by the space of a weeke, but Fa. Weston (hauing in him the reliques of his late prouincialitie) began to cast about how he might aduance himselfe aboue his brethren. To which effect, entring amongst his best acquaintance into a great commendation of discipline, he offred to their considerations a very simple man one maister Dry­land (a Seminary priest, and his ghostly father) for a fit person, to take vpon him the direction and ouer­sight of the whole companie: adding, that if they thought that there were any thing in him (the sayd Weston) worthy the reckening of, he would imploy the same at their commaundement to the assisting and di­recting of him the sayd Dryland for the full supplying of any defects in him. This motion finding little suc­cesse, it being very absurd to make choyse of a head, that must borrow his discretion and directions of an other (as at this day our Arch-priest Blackwell doth of Fa. Garnet the Iesuite) he the sayd Weston gaue it ouer for about three weekes. And then he began againe [Page 4] (though in a more generall sort) to insist very grauely vpon his sayd pretended discipline: ayming with all his skill at his owne particular preferment: for thus the case stood. Maister Bluet (being a man that had bin chiefely imployed in the affaires of that house) was iunior to maister Metham: and he the sayd maister Metham (hauing more lately entred into the society of the Iesuits then maister Weston) was thereby (not­withstanding that otherwise he was farre his aunci­ent) yet his inferior according to the rules of that cal­ling. Now one of these three (if there should haue bin a gouernour chosen) being supposed to be the fittest amongst all the rest for such a place: maister Weston gessed, that in that choyse they would haue omitted maister Bluet in respect of maister Metham; and him the sayd maister Metham in regard of himselfe, and that so they should haue bin driuen to haue chosen him the sayd Weston. But it fell out otherwise: for in their consultation it was thought that maister Bluet, by reason of his long experience in that house, and of his acquaintance in that towne, together with the ge­nerall knowledge had of him with all Catholicks in England, in respect of his long dealings with the com­mon money, could in no sort be omitted: So as they concluded, that if they must be driuen to haue any such gouernment ouer them, it was most expedient to choose them all three. Whereupon maister Weston per­ceiuing that he could not get the whole regiment to himselfe, gaue that attempt ouer: vnder pretence, that he being a Iesuite, was forbidden by the rules of his order, and others his superiors, to meddle in matters of gouernment.

But it is here to be obserued: that the Iesuites long before this time, hauing gotten the regiment of the English Seminary at Rome: our countriemen of that order no sooner came into England, but presently (as [Page 5] the sequele declared) they began to lay their plots how they might bring the secular priests heads vnder their girdles. For notwithstanding their said rule (of not intermedling with gouernment) mentioned by Fa. Weston, they haue so many wayes to qualify it, as indeed it is but a mask to couer their sleights with, till opportunitie doth serue them. Whereof Fa. Weston ha­uing sufficient intelligence and skill, did not from time to time (almost by the space of seauen yeares) o­mit to put the same in practise. He laboured, as cun­ningly as he could, to creepe into the fauour of the yonger sort. When strangers came, it should escape him narrowly, but he would be the first that should bid them welcome: and no friendship could be held with him, except he might make the collation at such times vsuall. In which collations he would seldome omit to insist vpon the commendation of order and discipline: which being things in themselues of great worth, he was still therein to them that vnderstood him not very plausible. Being a man as impatient as some of his fellowes, and of as haughty a spirit as any man can be: it was wonderfull to consider, what humblenes and simplicitie he would pretend. His sighs and zeale seemed to be extra ordinary: as though the perfection of true mortification had bin the only thing he aymed at. Marry, with all this hypocrisie he deceiued none, but such as did not looke more nar­rowly into his proceedings: a righter Pharisee cannot easily be found. In the middest of his humilitie nothing troubled him more, then that maister Doct. Bagshaw (being a Doctor of Diuinitie) should haue place be­fore him at the table: insomuch as the better to con­tent him, we were driuen to place him at the tables end with him. The Iesuites abroad hauing gotten the grea­test part of cōtribution for prisoners into their hands, much was sent to be distributed, by this good father: [Page 6] wherewith (through his vnequall distribution of it) he laboured nothing more, then how he might draw, and binde men vnto him, to make his side and faction strong inough against the time, he had occasion to vse them. These & many other such his vnder-hand pra­ctises being well discerned by maister Metham and others, he the sayd maister Metham was very much mooued, and did greatly lament the same. This maister Metham was a vertuous learned Priest, who when he was prisoner in the Tower vowed to become a Iesuite; as admiring that calling, because he was not acquainted with their courses: but afterwards at his being in Wisbich, he found by wofull experience that all was not gold that glistered. Sundry times he hath sayd to some of our company, not without teares in his eyes, Keepe this fellow downe asmuch as you can, meaning Fa. Weston: by labouring to be popular, he becōmeth the ringleader of all mutinies in the house, which in time will breede faction against you. This house will come to vtter shame through his folly. I pray God that I dye before it commeth to passe, for I do foresee such a mischiefe. Thus maister Metham.

Cardinall Alane, when the Iesuites first came into England, told sundry of his friends, that certainely they (the said Iesuites) would rayse great garboyles in this countrey, by seeking to disgrace secular priests, and to aduance themselues aboue them. He had great experience of the ambition which raigned in many of that societie, and therefore indeuoured (as he might conueniently) to represse that humor in our English Iesuites, which kept them within some reasonable compasse whilest he liued. But afterwards they heard no sooner of his death, and shortly after of the death of Doctor Lewys Bishop of Cassane (of whome they stood in some feare, suspecting he should haue bin made Cardinall in the others place) but their insolen­cie [Page 7] burst foorth as a flame that had bin long suppres­sed. They depraued both those worthy persons now dead very slaunderously, charging the Cardinall to haue bin but a simple man, and of no great worth; and the Bishop to haue bin a factious person in Rome: and all this (forsooth) because sometimes they both had crossed sundry of their lewd attempts. Fa. Weston at Wisbich (as a man who had long trauailed with his imaginary discipline) hearing of these mens deaths, and being as he thought, backed sufficiently by his confederates, began to bring forth the fruits thereof. He lifted vp his coūtenance, as if a new spirit had bin put into him, and tooke vpon him to controll, and finde fault with this and that: (as the comming into the Hall of a Hobby-horse in Christmas) affirming that he would no longer tolerate these and those so grosse abuses, but would haue them reformed. At this his pride and vanitie some of vs greatly maruayled, but the reason thereof (which we then knew not) was this. We were then prisoners in the house to the num­ber of 34. whereof by his foresayd practises he had al­lured vnto him 19. who by his direction had chosen him to be their head, and giuen him the name of their Agent. Whereupon this grand senior thus promoted, withdrew himselfe to his chamber by the space of a fortnight, of purpose (as we afterwards perceiued) to rowze himselfe, and to deuise some such new orders and lawes, as he thought most conuenient for the go­uernment of his subiects, which being resolued vpon by him, he did dedicate them vpon Candlemas day to the blessed Virgin, as himselfe afterwards confessed. You must vnderstand, that he did not proceede thus farre, without Fa. Garnets priuity and consent. How­beit, his sayd subiects being ignorant thereof, they poore fooles must needs write a letter to his father­hood, to craue his approbation of their sayd election. [Page 8] Besides, Fa. Weston had to practised vnder hand with some of his sayd 19. subiects, as this his new prefer­ment must be obtruded vpon him, whether he would forsooth or not. And accordingly the sayd letter was framed: signifying to maister Garnet, that he the sayd maister Weston was as a man taken with the palsey of the mind, and would in no wise accept of their electi­on, except that he by his commaunding authoritie, would bid him rise vp and walke before them in the way of the righteous.

With this letter they sent also the sayd lawes or rules, being in number 22. where of some of them were ridiculous, and some of them very scandalous. These things (as we coniecture, for the distinct times were kept close from vs) being sent to Fa. Garnet; the new Agent after he had withdrawne himselfe from the rest of the company by the space of a fortnight, di­rected maister Southworth a Priest, and our fellow­prisoner vnto maister Bluet, to signifie vnto him, that Fa. Weston desired him to allot to him, and to his com­pany being 19. the high table in the Hall: and that leauing the ordinary Kitchin to them, he the sayd maister Bluet, with the rest (but twelue in number) would be content to prouide themselues of another. What meane you by this message, quoth maister Bluet? Cannot the Hall and Kitchin serue vs all now, as here­tofore they haue done? No, sayth maister Southworth, we are determined (20. of vs) to draw our selues into a more strict order of life: and haue therefore resol­ued to keepe commons together amongst our selues, thereby the better to auoyd such sinnes, as whore­dome, drunkennes, and dieing, the same being too or­dinarie with some in this house. What, quoth maister Bluet: hath Fa. Weston sent you vnto me with this mes­sage? and he answering, yea: He the sayd maister Bluet went to Fa. Weston, who iustified the sayd message: [Page 9] sauing that he qualified the mentioning of the sayd crimes with humme and hah: saying at the last (as though butter would not haue melted in his mouth) indeed we reuerence you, and maister Doct. Bagshaw: but amongst the rest, there are some enormities, which we would be glad to auoyd: and do therefore purpose to impose vpon our selues a more strict order, leauing you and others, to follow such courses, as you shall thinke good. With this his answere, maister Bluet be­ing somewhat moued: Haue you kept your chamber (sayth he) all this while, for this? Shall we haue a new Donatus amongst vs, to reuiue againe that pestilent schisme? Can you name any in the house, worse then your selues? Well, well: I pray you leaue this course: it is naught. Be content to eate and drinke with vs still: for, assure your selfe, we will neuer yeeld, that you should haue any seuerall roomes graunted vnto you; thereby to seuer your selues from vs. And so after ma­ny other speeches, for that time they parted.

When maister Bluet had imparted vnto vs the sayd message, and his sayd discourse with Fa. Weston, it did very much grieue vs all, as foreseeing what publick scandale it would grow vnto: and therefore diuers of vs dealt with them particularly, that they would desist from that their purpose, and be content that we might liue together still, like prisoners, and louing brethren, as we haue done before. But all was in vaine: they inlarged their calumniation and slauders of vs, and began to spread the same abroad to our great discredits: and would in no wise be stayed from the course they had begun. Howbeit, we hindered as long as we could their publick separation from vs, by kee­ping our old places, some of vs, at euery table: so as they could not choose, except they would haue for­borne their dinners and suppers, but that they must needs sit amongst vs. Whereupon Fa. Weston sent the [Page 10] sayd Southworth to our keeper, with the like message in effect to the former, concerning their intent (for the auoyding of sinne) to keepe commons by them­selues, apart from the rest: and therefore to intreate him, that they might haue a roome assigned them, to make a Kitchin of, and some other places meete and conuenient for them; offering him some large consi­deration for his good will therein. But he consulting with some of the grauer sort, disliked their attempt: and reiecting their suite, commaunded them to con­tinue in peace and quietnes, as the State had appoin­ted, and as he found them, at his first comming to be their keeper: vnlesse they could shew vnto him a­gainst the rest, some capitall crimes which might war­rant him to graunt their separation: for (sayd he) I am a Iustice of peace, qualifyed to take notice of such crimes. To whom maister Southworth answered: that in this case, the Queene could not make him a compe­tent iudge: and that the crymes were such and so great, as in conscience they could not keepe company with vs. Why (sayd maister Medlye) what crymes are those so horrible, that the Queenes authority cannot reach to take knowledge of? Maister Bluet can tell you (sayth maister Southworth) for I haue signifyed them vnto him. Very well quoth maister Bluet: I see the old prouerb verified now in you: An English man Italionate, is a Diuell incarnate. If you told me the causes why Weston and you do attempt to make this schisme and diuision in the house, why may not your slaundering toong vtter the same to maister Medlye our keeper? Must I be your Bedle to proclayme your lyes? But maister Medly, this Italionated company on hath this craft in his budget: if I should now relate vnto you what he hath told me of this matter, then would he being meerely Iesuited, deny it, and so turne the blame vpon me, that I telling it you publickly, do [Page 11] slaunder the house, and not he, nor his fellowes, that told it but secretly. Vpon this, and such like commu­nication, maister Medlye fell to the commendation of the quiet behauior of those prisoners, which were first sent to Wisbich: saying, that it was nothing, but the turbulent spirits, and humour of youth, that wanting due wisdome, discretion, and grauitie, thrust them into these noueltyes.

Much iangling they kept both at this time and af­terwards for seuerall roomes: but fayling of their de­sire therein, they grew to a great dislike with the kee­per: and to be reuenged vpon him, procured in short time two Priests to escape from him out of prison, which they knew would grieue him much. Besides, the ordinary Chappell belonging to the Bishop of Ely, lying fitly by them, they aduentured of themselues to dedicate the same to Bacchus for their Buttery: and entertayning an other Brewer (one Palmer) laid such Beere in it as they thought meete. It is not almost cre­dible what brablings were about these matters: and with what malice and impietie they did also prosecute vs, by seeking to blemish our good names, as though they had quite forgot that we were Catholick Priests, and their fellow prisoners. The common enemy could not haue vsed vs much more despitefully.

By this time Fa. Garnet hauing perused the sayd rules and letter, returned his approbation of them in a generall letter to that company, and alluding to a point mentioned in their letter to him, commaunded his subiect Fa. Weston as an hypocriticall paralytick, to take vp his bed and walke: that is, he gaue him leaue to accept of the Agency, imposed forsooth by them vpon him: but vnder-hand sent to Fa. Weston himselfe a priuate letter; wherein he admonished him in any sort so to take vpon him that his new Prelacy, as both his the layd fathers name for auoyding of enuy might [Page 12] be concealed: and that it might seeme to proceede wholy, from the importunity of those that had chosen him. All these particulars were at this time vnknowne vnto vs: they played fast and loose in corners (as you see) buying and selling of vs (as honest men as them­selues) at their pleasures.

Whilest they were thus in this garboyle with vs, a­nimated therein by Fa. Garnet: it hapned that maister Dolman (a graue Priest) came to Wisbich, with some contribution for the whole company: who perceiuing and lamēting what a breach he found of our auncient vnity, did endeuor for the space almost of a weeke, to haue reduced vs thereunto againe, being earnestly desired by vs all so to do. At this his being there, mai­ster Southworth drew him with importunitie into his chamber, and did shew vnto him their foresayd letter, and rules, which they had sent to Fa. Garnet, entring into a long discourse with him, concerning their pur­pose, to separate themselues from vs. Whereunto mai­ster Dolman aunswering, that in so doing, they would assuredly be the occasion of great scandale: he re­plyed, that their company were resolute to go through with it.

We had heard before of the sayd letter and rules sent to Fa. Garnet: but (as we then told M. Dolman) we could neuer come to the sight of them: and therefore we desired him to be a meanes, that we might haue the perusing of them. Whereunto he did very willingly yeeld; as thinking our motion therein very reaso­nable: and thereupon going to maister Southworth, he so preuayled with him, as that he the sayd maister Dol­man brought them vnto vs: which when we had read, we were much perplexed, finding our credits to be greatly touched by them. Howbeit, maister Doctor Bagshaw, in a very mild and charitable sort, did then desire maister Dolman, that by his mediation he might [Page 13] haue conference with Fa. VVeston: promising, that he would be a meanes, that this controuersie should be ended to his honor & credit, and to a further increase of amity and charity, then euer there had bin for a long time amongst vs. Maister Dolman being a glad man to heare so much from him, dealt with Fa. VVeston ac­cordingly: whome he found so stiffe, as he could by no meanes perswade him to admit of that godly offer: notwithstanding it was made vnto him thrice; and so oft pressed by him the sayd Dolman. Whereby mai­ster Dolman gathered, that Fa. VVeston had receiued some commaundement from maister Garnet, to take vpon him his sayd Agency: and for the better con­tenting of Doctor Bagshaw and his friends (being somewhat moued, that maister VVeston had so oft re­fused conference) told them so much: adding, that he thought maister VVeston his sayd refusall to be there­upon grounded: it being vnlawfull for him to reiect, or call into question that, which his Prouinciall had imposed vpon him. But afterwards he the sayd maister Dolman imparting to maister VVeston what he had sayd to Doctor Bagshaw and his friends, maister VVe­ston flatly denyed that he had receyued from maister Garnet any such approbation or commaundement, ei­ther by letter, or otherwise. With which his aunswere, maister Dolman acquainting vs, we did the more mar­uaile why he disdayned the sayd offer of conference. Howbeit, seeing their courses, we sayd that we would not impeach any order, which they thēselues thought meete to liue vnder: only we desired to liue in com­mons together with them, that the world might not take notice of any such schisme amongst vs: but this was reiected. Whereupon maister Dolman demaun­ded of Fa. VVeston whether they meant to keepe any more strict or large dyet by themselues, then the rest? who answered, that they did not. Why then (quoth he) [Page 14] haue you taken another Brewer? Maister Weston aun­swered: it was, for that he brewed better Beere then the other. Vpon occasion of these speeches betwixt them, maister Dolman told him, that by reason of the choyse of the sayd new Bruer, the Townesmen began to talke at large of their great breach in the Castle: and fur­ther sayd, that some scandale was already growne, by appointing the said Chappell for their Buttery. To which last point maister Weston replying, aunswered: that he thought (as the case stood now in England) they might vse things heere as they found them: which words of his gaue maister Dolman occasion to shew the contrary, both out of S. Thomas, and out of Na­uarre, in his Commentaries De spolijs. It were too long to set downe what then passed amongst vs, at this time of maister Dolmans being with vs: but he perceiued such opposition to his godly motions, as that he desi­red to haue some ioyned with him: and that he might then depart, and returne with his Colleague, named by them one Doctor Bauin, a fortnight after Easter. Hereunto we all willingly yeelded: and so after sixe dayes trauayle amongst vs, he bade vs farewell. But consider now a Iesuiticall trick that hapned. As mai­ster Dolman was going to horseback, maister South­worth met him in the Porters lodge, and told him with great vehemencie of spirit, that Fa. Weston had greatly abused both him the sayd maister Dolman, and the whole company: in that he had receiued a fortnight before a letter from Fa. Garnet in approbation of their choyse to haue him for their Agent: and had kept the same in his hands so long, without making his com­pany acquainted with it: which he tearmed to be double dealing, as indeed it was in them both. But maister Southworth pretending his great discontent­ment in that respect, perswaded maister Dolman to returne back to maister Weston, and then hearing the [Page 15] sayd letter read, and perceiuing that it was ambigu­ously written, so as the time did not serue him to enter into any discourse of it (hauing a great iourney that night) he departed, without making any of vs ac­quainted with the sayd letter: much meruailing (as since he hath confessed) to finde so grosse a falshood in maister Weston.

In the meane time that we were in expectation of maister Dolmans returne with his Colleague, it was a world to heare the people, that before had honored and admired vs, so long as we kept vnity and inte­grity, how they changed their opinions of vs, espe­cially of the Iesuites, tearming them in all ordinary assemblies, prowde, ambitious, and vndicatiue per­sons: perturbers of states, countries, and common­wealths. What would these men do (say they) if they had all in their hands: that being in a Gaole, dare take vpon them to rayse vp such tumults and gar­boyles? Certaine good men relating these things to maister Weston, desired him humbly vpon their knees, to consider what scandale he gaue to the world, and how God and his truth were much blasphemed by this dissention: but he, with great contempt and irri­sion aunswered, that he waighed not any mans iudge­ment: let them alone (sayth he) caeci sunt & duces cae­corum: if it be a scandall, it is scandalum per accidens, which I care not for: this matter is gone further then may be controlled by man: you shall see it with hands and seales confirmed, ere it be long. With this fathers obstinacy many were discontented: and maister Bluet did thereupon thinke it conuenient to write to mai­ster Perpoint, and to desire him (hauing bin a prisoner before at Wisbich) to moue maister Weston by his letter to some better quietnes. But the sayd maister Perpoint being now altogether Iesuited (which maister Bluet knew not of) shewed his letter to Fa. Garnet, who ta­king [Page 16] it in euill part, writ himselfe thereof to Fa. Weston, aduising him, that seeing maister Bluet had begun to write abroad of the affayres in that place, they should not now spare either him or any of the rest, to requite them with the like. So as thereupon maister VVeston stirred vp a young Priest very well learned, to write a bitter, rayling, and an vnghostly letter to a Gentle­man in London (a lay brother of that society) against Doctor Bagshaw and maister Bluet: to the intent that the sayd lay brother (being well esteemed amongst all the chiefest Catholicks) should blaze and spread the same abroad, to their exceeding discredits. But Doctor Farbeck being about that time in London, and knew very well the affayres then at VVisbich: vpon the sight of this letter by a Noble man, dealt very roundly with the sayd lay Iesuite, for the indignity and vnchristian dealing offered to those two persons secretly behinde their backs, where they could not defend their inno­cencie. He did at that time after a sort, satisfye the Gentleman so farre forth, as the spirit of that genera­tion will be qualified in such a matter: and besides so informed the Nobleman of such things as he knew, as that he was pleased with some disdaine to teare the letter in pieces. But the poore Priest that was vrged against his conscience to write it, being admonished thereof, fell out of his wits, and threatned to kill those that set him on worke: whereby they were driuen to intreate their keeper to shut him vp in a close cham­ber, where he remayned a tweluemoneth, and confes­sing willingly, that for abusing his penne against in­nocents, he was thus tormented: he asked the sayd parties forgiuenes. You haue heard peraduenture of a Machiuilian maxime: detrahe audacter, aliquid ad­haerebit: and here you haue seene the practise of it.

Maister Doleman (as you haue heard before) being departed from vs, hath reported vpon occasion, how [Page 17] carefully he imployed himselfe on our behalfe. I met (sayth he) with a deere friend to you all: a man well knowne to be excellently well learned in both lawes, and for his vertuous wisdome and other singular good parts in him well beloued, and greatly esteemed of all that know him. I meane Doctor Windam: vnto whom, I opened plainly and sincerely the whole matter, and craued it earnestly at his hands, that he would take some paynes therein, and for the loue he bare the ge­nerall cause, the especiall affection he had to your company, which I know is as great as he can giue and you desire, and for the old acquaintance and loue, that was between vs beyond the seas, he would aduise and instruct me what to deliuer vnto you. How much he lamented this controuersie amongst you, I am not able to expresse. After three dayes aduisement, he told me, for any that liued together as you do (presuppo­sing he vnderstood your state very well) to diuide themselues from the boord, from the rest of the com­pany (things so standing as they do now) though their purpose were right good, was both against charitie and pollicie. Whereupon hearing his great mislike, I made some hastie returne, and let Fa. Weston, with some of his company, vnderstand his resolution, with mine owne therein. Thus farre maister Dolman. This his returne was within tenne dayes after his de­parture, and before the time limited to him and his Colleague to deale in our causes. Vpon which his sayd speeches and communication with Fa. Weston concer­ning Doctor Windams opinion: Would God (sayd maister Weston) with most earnest affection (as it see­med) that you maister Dolman were as well able to perswade the rest, as you haue done me. For mine own part, I mind to giue ouer and meddle no further, but to commend the cause wholy to God: assuring you, if I could do the least of this house good for his [Page 18] soules health, by laying my head vnder his feete, I would most willingly do it. I pray you talke with some of our company, and see whether you can per­swade them. And thus farre this dissembling Iesuite (by maister Dolmans report) very well putting Father Garnets aduise in practise, so to enter into his course of gouernment, as that it might be thought to be impo­sed vpon him in effect against his will. But how found maister Dolman this Agents subiects? Fa. Weston could haue told him, like a crafty company on, if he had list to haue saued the poore old mans labour. For he no sooner moued them to reunite themselues, but they startled thereat, and sayd, they were still resolute to proceede in the course which they had vndertaken: and would heare nothing to the contrary.

At this time (as we remember) of maister Dolmans being at Wisbich, maister Bluet entred into speech with maister Weston in his the sayd maister Dolmans pre­sence, concerning both their desire of seuerall com­mons, and also their rules and lawes before mentio­ned: and sayd vnto him: that it seemed very strange that he should persist as he did, in defence of these his proceedings. To whom maister VVestons ghostly fa­ther aunswered: that as he, and Doctor Bagshaw, had caryed away the glory and fame of all that was here­tofore lawdably done in that Castle: so from hence-forth Fa. VVeston would indure it no longer, but would haue the same ascribed to himselfe, and to the Iesuites. Fa. VVeston halfe ashamed of this so plaine a confes­sion, tooke vpon him to mend it: saying, that their in­tent of separation was, rather to auoyd such sinnes as were in the house, as whoredome, dronkennes, and dicing, then for any such cause, as the party before had mentioned. And being further vrged to speake plain­ly, whether he knew himselfe of any such sinnes to be in the house, he aunswered, that he spake not in parti­cular, [Page 19] but in generall of them. Whereunto maister Bluet replying, affirmed, that in saying as he did, and charging no man in particular, he inuolued the whole house as guiltie of those sinnes, and was a detractor thereby in the highest degree. He also the sayd maister Bluet proceeded further in effect, as followeth. If there be such enormious sinnes amongst vs, haue we not ghostly fathers to reforme them? or can you name any that herein hath bin refractarious? Is not the sacra­ment of healthfull penance a sufficient remedie for men in our cases, to keepe vs from such enormities? If the meanes appointed by Christ, haue not sufficient force to remedie these euils: what extraordinary grace or power can we expect from your supposed authori­tye and lawes to effect the same? Againe, if such sinnes were in the house: either some particular men were guilty of them, or all: if some, why are they not de­nounced, that the rest may know, as well those that committed them, as those that fauour or defend them in such their turpitudes? And whereas we are prisoners heere against our wils, and therefore cannot choose but of necessity must dayly conuerse and be together, by order and commaundement of the State, and con­dition of the prison: how dare you (except you will incroach vpon her Maiesties authority) thus violently attempt to separate her subiects, promulgate lawes, execute punishments, and make your selfe in effect to haue as full power as the Pope hath himselfe? In that you seeme without his authority to make a new order of Religion, or I know not what, with bands, lawes, rules, and punishments, except your power be more then we can dreame of: you incurre thereby the sen­tence of excommunication: and by the lawes of this Realme, it is well knowne, that omnis coitio in the king­dome not prescribed by her Highnesse, is subiect to a very heauy censure. When Iames and Iohn priuatly [Page 18] [...] [Page 19] [...] [Page 20] and therefore vnlawfully sought by inediation of their mother, the right hand and the left: the rest of the Apostles did worthily dislike that attempt: but when Peter and these two were called vp to Mount Tabor to behold Christ in his Maiestie; all the rest tooke it in good part, and neuer grudged, because they were called thither by lawfull authority. Besides▪ if you and your pretended subiects will keepe no com­pany with vs, because of our sinnes (as you pretend) be your surmises true or false: yet (as you proceede) you ioyne therein with the Donatists; who because they would not defile themselues (pure creatures) with other mens sinnes, departed from the Church, and pe­rished in their foule schisme and heresie. In the pro­ceeding of this discourse there were sundry interrup­tions: but the summe was, that maister VVeston did little regard it: notwithstanding his pretence of yeel­ding mentioned before, if his companie would be thereunto perswaded.

When maister Dolman was to depart, he moued maister VVeston and others, that forasmuch as he had acquainted them already both with Doct. VVindams opinion and his owne, concerning the intent of his company for diuiding themselues in Commons from their brethren: he might with their good fauours be released of his promise of cōming againe after Easter. But they would in no sort yeeld thereunto: but desi­red him in any wise, as he loued them, to keepe the time appointed. Which made some of vs to meruaile, knowing now by maister Dolman, that Fa. Garnet had approued maister Westons Agency: although neither then nor since we could euer obteine a copy of his let­ter to that effect. Howbeit afterwards we perceiued his drift herein: which was to make tryall, if by any possible meanes he could winne of the sayd Arbitra­tors; to determine that some other order, then for­merly [Page 21] had bin vsed in that place, was necessary to be appointed. For then presently by way of a consequent depending vpon Fa. Garnets authority, he would haue obtruded vpon vs his owne Agency: or at the least haue gotten some aduantage against vs, to haue de­praued vs to those, who would not consider, that the admitting of maister Weston for our head, we had thereby submitted our selues to Garnet, and should so haue become meere subiects to the Iesuites.

At the time appointed our two Arbitrators, Doctor Bauyn and maister Dolman comming to Wisbich: we found him the sayd Bauyn much more stiffely lyned with Iesuitisme, then euer we could haue suspected. He being in maister Bluets chamber, and demaunding the cause why they were sent for: aunswere was made, that their presence was desired for the examining and deciding a fact of great scandale and deformitie: yea a flat schisme (as we thought) begun, and prosecuted in prison by Fa. Weston: and to reduce vs againe to our auncient vnity. To this Doctor Bauyn sayd, that he would do his best indeuour, to set quietnes amongst vs: and further told vs; that he had with disdaine read Father Westons lawes and platforme, and was fully resolued to casheere them, whatsomeuer came ofit: but yet (quoth he) you must haue some order and forme of gouernment amongst you. It was aun­swered him; that we had desired their company, but to iudge, whether the breach they had made, was law­full or no: iudge that first (quoth we) and then we will friendly conferre, what is meete to be done hereafter. We are in prison, and sometimes close prisoners, not in case to speake one with an other: and per­haps must be, as heretofore we were at the Keepers dyet: what shall we then trouble our selues, with rules, orders, or common wealthes? Are not the Canons of Councels, the lawes of the Church, and [Page 22] the sacrament of penance sufficient for Priests, that are in prison for the Catholick faith? Did the Bishop of Lincolne when he liued here, trouble himselfe with any such matters: or hath this yonker amongst vs, a Iesuite, more wit, grace, experience, and authority, then he had, being the Popes Legate ouer all England? To admit these his new lawes and penall statutes, were to confesse in effect, that we had liued inordinatly, vn­till this Iesuiticall youth came to reforme vs. No, no, they shall haue no such aduantage against vs: it is the But, they ayme at, to make the simpler sort of Ca­tholicks beleeue, that we secular Priests are no body, nor able to do any thing of our selues, except the Ie­suites may haue the commaundement ouer vs, to di­rect and commaund vs, as they thinke good.

After such communication had in maister Bluets chamber, maister Dolman and he went to maister We­ston, and his adherents, to know wherein they would commaund their seruice. But maister Weston after the new fashion, desired them first to fall downe and pray with him: which done, he arose; and framing his countenance as though he would haue wept, sayd vn­to them thus in effect. Your comming hither maketh vs glad, and heauy: glad, if that you will assist vs in that we haue begun; and so we will giue you prayse and benediction: but if you will crosse our designe­ments, and condemne our indeuors, you shall giue vs very great cause of sorrow. Aduise therefore your selues very well what you do: for the matters are of great importance, which we put into your hands. Then Doctor Bauyn (to pay maister Weston with his owne coyne) pretended to be so mooued with his words, as if he likewise could scarsely haue refrayned from teares: which maister Dolman and we obseruing, we doubted to finde him but an halting Arbitrator. Besides it seemed, that they were halfe vnwilling, to [Page 23] commit their former designements to these mens ar­bitrement: had it not bin for feare, that else the world would haue condemned them: and therefore they laboured them in secret, with all their might and maine to approoue their enterprises. Whilest we were in consultation (sayeth maister Dolman) good Lord, how were we dealt with vnder-hand, to allow wholy of their do­ings, and to reprooue the others. Many iarres hapned in these conferences. One of them that stood for the vni­ty, told the Arbitrators that a brother of the separa­tion, threatned him, and all the rest that stood against maister Weston, that if they would not submit themselues vnder the Iesuites obedience, and liue vnder their statutes and lawes, they should starue, and not haue a morsell of bread to put in their mouthes.

When Doctor Bauyn and maister Dolman grew to the consideration of Fa. Westons rules, and other his designements, he the sayd Doctor Bauyn did vtterly reiect them. Marry withall he made mention of a cer­taine draught and forme of discipline, which was more beneficiall to the Iesuites, then their owne: and such a one (as he himselfe hath confessed) the Iesuites abroad had agreed vnto. In this platforme, eight (be­sides maister Weston) were to haue bin chosen out of the brethren of the separation, and two of the vnited to make vp tenne: which tenne should haue gouer­ned all the rest; maister Weston being appointed euer for their mouth. So that as before in his owne common wealth called the Agenage, he was maister Agent: so in this other of Doct. Bauyns (tearmed the tenne men, and the mouth) this our deuout Iesuite was to haue bin called in proper speech, maister mouth. In com­munication about this new platforme of Doctor Ba­uyns, there grew some heate betwixt him, Doctor Bagshaw, and maister Bluet: both of them with great earnestnes, and very forcible arguments impugning [Page 24] the same, which Doctor Bauyn tooke in euill part, but was afterwards wel inough appeased. Then after a day or two our said Arbitrators (hauing taken great paines this way and that way) agreed together vpon a forme of pacification, to be offered vnto vs all: the princi­pall effect whereof was: that we should reconcile our selues generally one to an other, remitting freely and wholy each to other, all pretended or supposed iniu­ries past, vttering the same in order by some short word or speech, without any rehearsall, debating, or reasoning of any matters past, and without any condi­tion, or exception for the time to come. This pacifica­tion being first shewed to Doctor Bagshaw, and mai­ster Bluet, they did most ioyfully receiue it: and desi­red the Arbitrators very instantly, that for Gods sake, they would go forward with it. Afterwards they went to Fa. Weston, and maister Southworth, and deliuering them the copy of it, they seemed very willing to ac­cept the same: so as an hower the next day after din­ner was appointed for the mutuall recōciliation of all the company, according to the effect of the pacifica­tion before mentioned. Against which time maister Dolman being in the Gallery ready to go into the Hall to dinner, Fa. VVeston drew him aside to a window, and vsed these words vnto him: I trust (maister Dol­man) this reconciliation shall not preiudice our deter­mination, of diuision of Commons: to whom maister Dolman aunswered, that all their breach was about that matter: and that therefore, he and his fellow could in no sort like thereof, nor permit the same. Then sayth maister VVeston very sharply, you do vs great wrong. I meane you no wrong, quoth maister Dolman, but all the good I can wish or deuise: yes mary do you (sayth he) and so you would confesse, if you saw but our extract: which conteyneth three sheetes of paper of the enormious crymes, that we [Page 25] haue to charge them withall. But I pray you (sayth he) let vs intreate maister Doctor Bauyn, and you to stay this reconciliation, vntill to morrow: for we haue certaine Articles to shew you first, that cannot so soone be made ready. Vnto this motion the Arbitra­tors condescended, hoping it would haue turned vnto the best: but it fell out quite contrary. For they found that nothing would content them, except they would agree vnto the separation of Commons.

The Articles exhibited concerning vs, together with our Articles which we were constrayned thereby to offer to our said Arbitrators, we haue thought good here to set downe. First theirs (which are rather indeed Interrogatories to examine the Arbitrators, then mat­ters that do much touch vs) and then our owne: which we offer to all men, to be censured, as they shall think good.

1 Whether (say they to the Arbitrators) will you stay the time to examine those Articles, which any may be accused of?

2 Whether you thinke it secure for vs, that liue and meete together many times in the day (not ha­uing the meanes to auoyd each other) to haue those things proposed, and examined, and whether you can compasse our quiet?

3 That whosoeuer doth come to declare any mat­ter, shall submit themselues to you, as to their Ordi­nary, to declare without all equiuocation, or lying, any thing, whereof you thinke necessary to the mani­festation of the verity.

4 That you do take the promise of euery one that is called before you, to behaue themselues with mo­destie and good tearmes.

5 This supposed: we are all for our parts conten­ted, that they obiect, what they can against vs.

6 We require also, that they shall giue their con­sent, [Page 26] that they are all contented, to heare what may be layd out against them.

7 Euery thing being heard: that you pronounce sentence against those, that you shall finde culpable.

When our sayd Arbitrators had perused these In­terrogatories, no maruaile though they troubled thē, being so contrary to their expectation: and deuised of purpose to breake off all hope of reconciliation by their meanes: and such likewise, as by Iesuiticall shifts might haue bin prolonged, if they had list, for we know not how many yeares. With these Articles we were no sooner acquainted: but presently we set down these fower in some sort to aunfwere them.

1 We require that sufficient satisfaction may be made for the slaunder and diffamation of vs by their breach and letter: if sufficient causes cannot be pro­ued for their so doing.

2 We require that euery accusation be set downe in writing vnder the accusers hands, sub poena talionis, if it be not proued.

3 We will aunswere in all things according to the order in the Canon law: supposing these men to be our lawfull Iudges.

4 We will susteine any censure, with this condi­tion, that being censured by these men, we may be se­cured thereby from all other censures concerning that matter.

When these our Articles were deliuered to Fa. We­ston, and he with some others had perused them: they began first (sayth maister Dolman) to take exceptions a­gainst the fourth Article: and in the end against them all, plainely shewing indeed, that they liked nothing, but their owne designements, being resolued to proceed in them: let it fall how it should either back or edge, as the common prouerb is. Whereas we (by the testimony of the sayd maister Dolman) professed our selues very desirous of recon­ciliation: [Page 27] and offred our readynes to aunswere any matters, that might be obiected against vs: prote­sting that we would only indeuor to maintaine our owne credits, without any recrimination at all.

But the truth is, that our sayd Arbitrators saw so many inconueniences that would haue followed, if they had entred into this course, as they by no meanes would be drawne vnto it: but still insisted to haue lap­ped vp all discontentments in their sayd generall re­conciliation. Whereunto we for our parts, were all of vs well inclined: insomuch as maister Dolman himselfe protesteth, that he he will euer charge maister Weston and his company, to haue bin the causes that the said goodworke so greatly vrged by him and Doctor Bauyn, was not effec­ted by them. For (sayth he the sayd maister Dolman) all our motions were irkesome vnto them: and two or three, one after another came vnto me: and told me, that except I would remoue my opinion touching the breach of commons, they wished me to be gone. Whereupon he writ a letter to our whole company, and concluded thus. As before God I speake it in conscience, I am throughly perswaded: you, that shall vnder pretence of submitting your selues vn­der a head, and to liue vnder an order, diuide your selues from the rest, shall do a thing sinfull. This is my minde: this is my censure. And so the good old man departed from vs.

After his departure, notwithstanding that Doctor Bauyn, to our owne knowledge was very resolute a­gainst our diuiding of Commons; as maister Dolman and diuers others can also witnes: yet we know not, how afterwards it came to passe (through their Iesui­ticall practises with him) but (as we haue heard) with­in two dayes he turned his tippet, and incouraging them to take their owne course, went his way like a charitable Priest, and neuer bade vs farewell. We would be loth to do him iniurie, if this matter hath bin [Page 28] misreported vnto vs: but this we do affirme, that since that time his credit hath so increased amongst the Ie­suites, as now he is become one of their Archpriests as­sistants: and that within a day or two after his depar­ture from Wisbich, maister Weston and his company, entred into an actuall and publick schisme: they refu­sed either to eate or drinke with vs: they left the Hall altogether: they made the Chappell their Buttery, maister Brampstons lodging their Kitchin, and their A­gents chamber their Refectory.

Whilest Fa. Weston and his consorts were talking, as you haue heard before, of certain great matters which they had against vs, why they could not keepe com­pany with vs any longer: he the sayd good father, to shew what good stuffe they had in store, called one Garret forth, and perswadeth him to vnfold to the Ar­bitrators his owne confession, that vnto Weston his ghostly father, he had made a yeare and a halfe before. This demy-Iesuite, although the thing seemed most absurd and irreligious, obeyeth willingly to vnfold to the Commissioners, either what he had vttered in his confession of one of his fellowes, or at the least, what he had deuised between him and maister Agent. Well: propter bonum societatis, he commeth most sadly (as if he had bin compelled) and telleth thē that he is most vnwilling to vnfold that which turneth to the diffa­mation of a Priest: but yet for disciplines sake, which was seene decayed in the house, and for the obedience which he ought vnto his ghostly father, he will in­forme them of that, which may giue thē light to pro­ceede, as they thought good. Marry he will not haue it knowne, but vnto themselues in secret. This protesta­tion made, he sayth, that one of maister Medlye his men, an heretick told him, how that a Priest (and na­med him) was in the greene chamber (which was the keepers lodging) talking with Mary maister Medlyes [Page 29] may de: and that the Porter (who was in loue with her) was by maister Southworth willed to go vp to the greene chamber, for that there was such a Priest tal­king with Mary: who in all hast went vp, and finding the Priest not in the chamber with Mary, he looked into the Study within the chamber, and found him there with an english booke in his hand, whereat he was offended. Now (sayth maister Weston) you see matter sufficiēt for to leade you to giue sentence with vs. Indeed (sayth Doctor Bauyn) this is a matter that moueth me to be willing to giue my iudgement: what thinke you maister Dolman? The Romanes being Pa­gans (quoth M. Dolman) would not condemne S. Paul vpon the request, and accusations of the Iewes, before they heard Paul defend himself in a publick place: and shall we here cōdemne a Priest, and in him, 12. more, vnheard, vnexamined, and no place of defence left them? Maister Ba. I will not do it: but I will heare what the Priest can say for himselfe. I do not thinke (quoth Bau.) that we can doe so: for this matter is vt­tered to vs in secret, not to be opened againe. How then, shal we pronounce an externall sentence (quoth maister Dolman) as we are externall iudges, and con­demne these 13. but it must be knowne? Well, well, this is very strange: and so that matter was dasht.

If maister Agent and Doct. Bauyn had proceeded with the rest of their supposed enormious crimes a­gainst vs (so many as filled vp three sheetes of paper) and that M. Dolman would haue bin aduised by thē: you see what a prety course of iustice would haue bin held in these assises. What all those seuerall accusatiōs were, we could neuer haue the fauour to be informed: either by M. Agent or his assistants. You may suppose they were not great, in that we had been recey­ued with great applause, as companyons with them of their holy order: if we would but haue yeelded to [Page 30] Fa. Ed. Westons Agenage, thereby admitting a kinde of Fryer to be the head of secular Priests: as rare a deuise, as lightly hath hapned. But to returne where we left. A separation is made, and maister Agent is in his ruffe, sitting in a corner with his obedient subiects. If we should haue tearmed him Vsher of their new Hall, which was his owne chamber, and maister Brampston in the like respect, their chiefe maister Cooke, hauing good oportunitie, though he had lyen in his bed, to haue ruled the roast: the phrases had not bin very improper. Howbeit, such manner of conceits were then farre from vs: our hearts being very greatly re­plenished with griefe, to see so many of our brethren Catholicke Priests, and imprisoned for the same cause with vs, so irreligiously to separate themselues from vs. Besides: we were otherwise set on worke by them, in laboring to defend our selues from their diuelish practises in slaundering of vs: as though we had bin the men, that had made the faction, and not they: whereas it was most apparant to those that would not shut their eyes, that we swarued not one iot from that course which had bin held both by vs, and our very honorable & reuerend predecessors in that prison: as mē that detested such childish innouatiōs. Furthermore, our sayd griefe was greatly increased, in that we were daily aduertised from our friends abroad, how many Catholicks in euery corner (otherwise very graue and zealous) began to fauour this new deuise: being pos­sessed with a conceit, that we (formerly reputed their deere and louing fathers) were become on the sodaine, without any change at all in vs, persons of great licen­tiousnes; such as could neither indure any good order nor holesome discipline. Lord (thought we) whi­ther do these things tend: or what will be come of the most auncient and Catholick Romane Religion; if the old and constant professors thereof do begin to [Page 31] delight in change and innouations? And here by the way, we would gladly haue it obserued, that as well in all the aforesaid garboyles, as in the rest that follow hereafter: we that stoode for vnitie, haue alwaies been in effect meerely passiue, standing still vpon our de­fence: our aduersaries (for so our brethren did make themselues) practising their best actiuitie to hurt and wound'vs.

For to keepe their hands and tongues in vre, this Gentlemā our said new Agent was no sooner inuested in his Iesuiticall authoritie, but presently he sendeth a­broad certaine reasons (fiue in number) to his friends, least he should (forsooth) haue been mistaken in his said publike separation from vs. In which pretended reasons, many points being childish, and many false, we hold them not fit to be here inserted: only we haue mentioned them, because they driue vs againe to our Apologie, by incountring them with fiue others, which we will also pretermit: the fact it selfe attemp­ted by the Agent and his confederats being so absurd, and schismatically handled, as whosoeuer doth well know it, his owne reason and iudgement (if he haue any) are sufficient to condemne it.

You haue heard at large before of our troubles, which Doctor Ba. and maister Dolman would glad­ly (wee are perswaded) at the first, haue compoun­ded, but as the matter fell out, their paines therein, did not only, not end them, but through maister Agents Iesuiticall skill in shifting and false glosing, were the beginning of other new garboyles. For he hauing gotten into his hands certaine writings and letters of Doct. Bauyns, did pretend and giue it out amongst his friends, that he and his adherents had been very wil­ling to haue entred into any good pacification, had we not been so obstinate as no reason would content vs. He shewed some Priests of the said Doctors letters, [Page 32] wherein (as it should seeme) he affirmed, that their se­paration was in effect, no separation. Besides, it was giuen out, that we vtterly refused to haue the crimes obiected against vs, sifted by the arbitrators and loo­ked into. Againe, they said, that we hauing giuen the said Commissioners full authoritie to decide all mat­ters betwixt vs, did for feare, or because we would be still wilfull in our disorderly courses, reuoke the same: so as thereby nothing could bee effected. Also they quarrelled with vs concerning our yeelding to haue receiued such new lawes, as the Arbitrators should thinke good to impose vpon vs. All which particulars, with many more such like, being most falsly layd to our charges, they went from hand to hand, farre and neere, and were receiued by such Catholicks, as be­gan to be infected with Iesuitisme, as if they had been true: thereby taking occasion to depraue vs excee­dingly. Insomuch as the good old Father maister Dol­man was driuen to write diuers letters, for the cleering of the said false accusations, and was so earnest in them, as these and diuers others such like sentences fell sometimes from his pen: Detrahere, aut detrahen­tem audire quid horum sit damnabilus non facile dixerim: it is hard to say, whether is the greater sinne to be a slaun­derer, or giue eare vnto him: sub Christi specie daemon ini­que lates? thou art disguised (Sathan) in the habite of Christ? O secula nostra, hoc pharisaismo plenissima! our times are pestered with pharisaicall hypocrisie!

By these and such like courses which this Iesuitical faction did thus practise against vs, the Catholickes abroad were greatlie distracted: some leaned to vs, but more inclined to them: it being the fatall calami­tie of our Nation to be too much addicted to faction and nouelties. They of the new guise, sent vs word that in opposing our selues against the Iesuits, wee la­boured but in vaine, and lost thereby our reputation: that [Page 33] order being of such excellencie, as it might not be with­stood. An other writ vnto vs a long discourse, dated the 26. of Iune 1595, how vnwilling the Iesuits are to take vpon them anie superioritie: that Father Westons Agencie was not worthie to be tearmed by the name of superiority, because it was not praeesse sed prodesse: that Cardinall Allen a little before had willed sundrie Priestes that came for England, to acknowledge the Iesuits for such men, as had beene their superiours and maisters: and that therefore, they should make no difference but keepe peace with them, and goe vnto them for their aduise and directi­on. And afterward in the same letter, the Catholickes (saith he) are so wholie affected to the society, & haue them in such estimation, that whosoeuer shall shew himselfe to fauour anie part against them, or not so throughlie to affect them, yea though he be one of our owne coate (meaning a Priest) hee shall be lesse gratefull and welcome to them. And a third: in his letter dated in August 1595. the same yeere, writeth thus vnto vs: I can assure you, that in the generall opinion of the best sort of Catholickes, the tide is against you; and if you loue me, contend not with Fa­ther Weston. This and much such like stuffe wee recei­ued from the fancifull. But on the other side, they that plodded in the old steps of antiquitie, and had a great disgust of nouelties, did now and then write vnto vs, after another sort: Sometimes they signified vnto vs with great indignation, the abuses offered vnto vs, how our fellow prisoners of the faction did write in such manner against vs, and they were in horrour to thinke of it: and how also the gallants abroad (being at libertie) did insult vpon our miseries, treading vs vnder their feet, as though no secular Priest were wor­thie to be named the same day, that mention is made of a holie Iesuit. And some of great fame said vnto o­thers, that Father Westons separation from vs, was so odi­ous, as they thought it expedient in their opinions, that see­ing [Page 34] they deuided themselues from our table, wee should de­uide our selues from their prayers. An other moued vs to this effect: that seeing the old sigillum Salomonis, and our Sauiours direction failed, wee would inuent some new pentacle to binde these furious spirits (meaning the Iesu­iticall faction) which will do much hurt, if God be not mer­cifull, and men prouident. An other also in one mans person describeth vnto vs, the right qualities of our English Iesuits, as wee our selues haue found by expe­rience, and the world in the end shall trie them. The man he writeth of, is now one of the assistants to the Archprelate: and these are his words: he is the Iesuits Cursitor, alwaies in motion for them, either for gathering of monie, or for harkening after newes. If he can learne of any legacy giuen to your house, he seeketh by all the meanes he may, to conuert it from you to their vses, so (as I verilie thinke) there is not of a Priest a greater enemie to your companie then he is. Notwithstanding if he talke with a­nie, yea, that he likes not, he will most palpablie flatter him; but behinde his backe hee will most monstrouslie detract him. Let him be told againe of it in such sound manner, as with no face he may denie it; then hee looketh a while vp to the heauens, and after answereth: hee remembreth no such matter. Neuertheles for humilities sake, he will say he will render what satisfaction you will: and so with that gesture, and this hypocrisie, hee will shuffle ouer all matters, be they neuer so foule, that he shall be charged with. O Lord graunt him better grace. And some there haue bin, who haue by their letters, bin so farre from disliking of our pro­ceedings at that time: as in Iulie 1595. they moued vs earnestlie to continue, as wee had begun, and in no wise to giue place to faction, and nouelties: adding that they had not talked with any, that were either of learning or iudgement, which did not greatlie condemne father Weston for his vnquietnes: deeming him either to be growne into great melancholines, or els vnto too much simplicitie. We [Page 35] spare to trouble you with more to this effect; our pur­pose onlie being in this point to let you see the diuisi­on in the Church: procured by this breach amongst vs then at Wisbich. Whereof a godlie father writing thus generallie vnto vs al, saith: if through the continu­ance of your dissentions and discord, you will so greatly ter­rifie vs, as we shall think: our holie anchor drayling a floote: our visible Church to be hid vnder a bushell: our forme (through the great good conceit wee abroad had of you) of heauen, to be now a figure of hell: looke then hereafter for smal commiseration & pitty, when too late you shall lament your incurable woe, which by giuing the full reynes to your passions, you haue indrenched and implunged your selues into.

But howsoeuer at this time, many Catholicks were growne to be of Father Westons faction: yet it seemeth that some of themselues, who best knew the impietie of it, & what a dangerous scandall it gaue to the Ca­tholicke cause, began to draw backe, as repenting ve­rie much that euer the said Agenage was attempted. For if M. Perpoint the lay Iesuit, be an honest man, and his report to M. Dolman true, made in Iulie 1595. M. Garnet himselfe vpon occasion said: that he was ne­uer willing with the breach or diuision of commons: which being made plaine to him the said M. Perpoint to be as false as God is true, his owne letters testifiyng the con­trarie, he the said M. Perpoint answered, that he was well assured of it, that M. Garnet did now vtterlie mislike it. Whether this last cause was true or no, it doth not much concerne vs, because no man is able to bind vp­on any Iesuits word, they haue so manie shifts, and so little conscience in speaking truelie, except it be one of themselues to another. Otherwise their manner is, to frame their speeches, according to their companie: alwaies applying themselues to the times and occasi­ons, as they fall out: if their disseignements proue wel, [Page 46] they take the contriuing ofthem to themselues: if not, there is none will more condemne them: vtterlie re­nouncing them, as hauing neuer liked them, or con­sented vnto them. Some further experience hereof, you shall finde in the processe following concerning this good Prouinciall.

You haue heard before in some sort, how we were vsed by the aforesaid faction amongst vs at home, and by their adherents abroad in deprauing vs, and slaun­dering vs, farre beyond the limits of all Christianitie. They charged vs to be straglers, backbiters, liuers vp­on rapine, extortioners, impugners of order, men of confusion, violent persons, deteyners of other mens goods, and with we know not how manie other impi­eties: whereof our consciences beare vs witnesse, wee were as cleare and free as the best Iesuit in Christen­dome. Neither durst the diuell himselfe haue bin so impudent (as we suppose) to haue fraught their hearts with these conceits of vs, or framed their tongues to haue vttered them, had hee not first inueagled them with this most odious opinion: That detractiō in ge­nerall (so that a singular person be not named) is no offence. Vpon which ground, they ranne a great while, not daring to touch vs with any particularities till at the last in plaine termes, they laid theft in effect to some of our charges. Now these and such other like reports, flying farre and neere against vs, as though we had bin not Catholike Priests, but diuels incarnate, it pleased God to moue the discreeter sort of Catho­lickes in the North, to send vnto vs about a quarter of a yeere (after the aforesaid separation of commons) two learned Priests, M. Mush, and M. Dudley, to see and vnderstand how matters went with vs, and whe­ther wee were such men, as the reports (made by our aduersaries) went of vs. These two, both of them ve­ry discreete and zealous persons, men of great traueile [Page 27] and paines in their vocations, and of especiall estima­tion in the parts of their abode, for their great wise­dome, learning, and sinceritie, comming vnto vs, and finding such garboyles amongst vs: they so demeaned themselues, as on all sides, we were content to impart our griefes vnto them, and to be aduised by them. Whereupon, after the debating of manie things, ha­uing considered with themselues, what course it were best to hold, for the repayring of the rent that was a­mongst vs (so scandalous and offensiue to all true Ca­tholickes) they drew twelue articles, wherof one was, that wee should all ioyne againe in commons in the common Hall: and the rest did containe such other orders, as they thought meete for quietnesse to be ob­serued by the whole companie. Which articles, they first offered to M. Weston and his fauourers to be per­used, allowed, and subscribed by them: but they albeit they shewed then no dislike of them, yet they intrea­ted M. Mush and M. Dudley to carrie the same, first vn­to M. D. Bagshaw and M. Bluet (hoping as the euent declared) that they would presentlie haue reiected them, as they had done before D. Bauyns ten men and the mouth: whereby hee himselfe, and his adhe­rents might haue more iust colour likewise to disclame them. But contrarie to his expectation, wee of the vnitie, hauing well considered them, did presentlie without any further delay, subscribe vnto them verie willinglie and readilie. Whereat maister Agent and his subiects were much amazed: and in fine it pleased the good Father vtterlie in effect to reiect them: say­ing, that hee and his, had certaine rules of their owne approued vnto them, which they must follow, & min­ded not now to alter or change them, for these which they offered or any such like. Hereupon maister Mush and maister Dudley (supposing they should not be a­ble to doe any good amongst vs) left vs: and tooke [Page 38] their iournie towards London, of purpose to conferre with the Catholickes there, about these matters and scandals amongst vs. At their comming to the Citie, they found the laytie generally, & likewise manie of the Cleargie, exceeding stiffely bent to iustifie maister Weston, with all his proceedings, and to condemne vs, especiallie D. Bagshaw, and maister Bluet, as men of no worth, vnrulie, disordered, and disobedient persons, not to be fauoured or respected by any. Besides, such a preiudicial opinion, they perceiued to haue possessed mens hearts, through their admiration of Iesuitisme, as if the Catholicke faith had neuer beene trulie prea­ched, nor any good order rightlie established, or pra­ctised, by vs poore secular Priests, or any of our pre­decessors: before these yonkers thrust thēselues, with high lookes and great bragges into our labours, and that it might be sufficient for vs, if we might haue but some curateshippes to say Masse, and so much fauour as to attend vpon them, to know their maistershippes pleasures what they would commaund vs. These two godlie Priests, seeing the violence of this streame, offe­red at the first but little resistance: but as though they had inclined to the imputations against D. Bagshaw and maister Bluet, drew forth their said articles before mentioned: and hauing read them in the hearing of some principall Catholickes, addicted as you haue heard, desired their iudgements of them: who (thin­king they had beene maister Westons rules) did an­swere verie readilie, that they were reasonable, dis­creet and godlie: such as no honest Priest would, or could refuse to admit & allow of. And these be the ar­ticles (quoth maister Mush) that D. Bagshaw and the rest of the vnited companie haue very willinglie sub­scribed vnto: but haue beene verie peremptorilie re­iected by Father Weston and the ninteene his adhe­rents: whereby you see, that matters goe not at Wis­bich, [Page 39] as (I well perceiue) you haue beene informed. Here they that were so readie to condemne vs, began to blush, and hold downe their heads, being willing to heare and know, what before (like proper iudges condemning Catholicke Priestes vnheard vpon an imagined opinion that the Iesuits could not doe a­misse) they would not indure to heare mentioned. So as after true knowledge, taken of the estate and dis­position of both sides, and remēbring what letters Fa­ther Weston & his adherents had sent abroad against D. Bagshaw and maister Bluet, and the rest of the thir­teene vnited to the effect, that no Catholicks should send them any reliefe, or countenance them, that therby through want, they might be compelled to yeeld to the regiment im­posed vpon them by Father Garnet: they repented them of some courses, which formerly they had held against vs: and desired verie instantlie these two learned Priests to goe back againe to Wisbich, and to spare no paines, vntill they had brought vs all to peace & con­cord, giuing them great thanks, praise, and benedicti­on, for that which they had done alreadie. Whereun­to they answered, that they could be well content, to spend if it were their liues to bring that to passe; but at Wisbich, they thought they could doe no good, except they could first perswade him to order, who had been the authour and contriuer of those nouelties (which had procured such garboyles there) and that was (as they were informed) Father Garnet the Prouinciall of the Iesuits. If we can (sayd they) bring him to argue with vs touching that action, we doubt not, but that we shall pre­uaile with him: and then our trouble is in effect at an end before we begin: Eius est soluere, cuius est ligare; his letters to maister Weston & his fauourers, were the cause of their separation, and a word from him, will be sufficient to reunite them. Now (as God would haue it) it so fell out, that according to their desire, they met with maister Gar­net, [Page 30] who at their first incounter, seemed to be inexo­rable, affirming that he saw no reason why the Iesuits might not gouerne, and haue as well the prehemi­nence ouer all the secular priests in England, as they had at Rome, ouer the English Seminarie. With which proude answere they were somewhat sharpe­ned, and entred more roundlIe into farther commu­nication with him: no whit fearing to tell him what they thought, aswell of his said wordes vnto them, as of other the Iesuits proceedings in matters of state, succession of the Crowne, and such like (hauing late­lie perused maister Parsons booke of titles:) and also what account the secular Priests haue had with all true Catholickes, before his societie was borne, and must still haue of necessitie, except God in his secret iudgement, doe purpose some greater ouerthrow to the Catholicke faith, then they relying vpon his mercie, did any wayes expect. Manie words passed betwixt them, and some in such heat, as he threatned to be euen with them for their good wils to the Iesuits: but in the end hee was content to yeeld vnto them, and bidding them farewell, did write his letters to maister Weston, D. Bagshaw and some others, of his pleasure and purpose, that the said Agencie should be committed to their further consideration, to be either retained, or disanulled, as they should thinke meete: very hartilie desiring them so to compound all mat­ters amongst themselues, as that hereafter they might liue in quietnes.

Amongst many fayre florishes, vsed by him to mai­ster Doctor Bagshaw, he writeth thus: Edmundum meū tibi socium & adiutorem adhibeo. In this busines, I assigne vnto you, as your company on and assistant, my beloued mai­ster Edmonds. And againe: hisce ego literis eum vehe­menter moneo &c. by these my letters to you, I do earnestly admonish him (maister Edmonds) alias Weston, and also [Page 41] in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ, and in the vertue of his obedience, commaund him, that he apply his minde se­riously to the propounding and establishing of some rules, whereby an honest and firme friendship may grow and con­tinue amongst you. And in an other of his letters to a friend of his in Wisbich at that time, he sayth after this sort: I do determine, that if an agreement be not now made, to write to the 20. that Fa. Edmonds may liue pri­ualty as the rest, all or some by course performing that which was laid vpon him. What he writ to Fa. Weston we know not: but craftily inough, we are assured by his practi­ses towards vs since: being as meere a Iesuite, as if he had bin spit out of Fa. Parsons mouth.

The aforesayd two godly Priests, hauing wrought with maister Garnet as you haue heard, returned to Wisbich, where notwithstanding the sayd letters, they found Fa. Weston exceeding loth to lay downe the scepter of his Agencie, casting out some words, as though he had not bin bound in that case to the obe­dience of his Prouinciall. Howbeit maister Mush, and maister Dudley so vrged him before all the company, that sundry of his owne adherents, perceiuing how the matter went, began to draw back from him, and sayd, they would haue peace with their brethren, and diuide themselues no longer from them. Whereupon (quoth maister Weston) very pitifully: Ha, my maisters, will you for sake me thus? I would neuer haue left you, but sith it is so, I am content to giue ouer: and thus speaking, corruit inter manus discipulorū, he fell downe as if he had bin in a swoune, and much ado there was in recouering him. This entrance towards our vnity being made, then many things came in course to be debated, and particularly the report of theft publi­shed abroade by them of the Agenage: viz. that mai­ster Bluet and maister Potter had riotously deteyned from them so much Pewter, and other furniture, as a­mounted [Page 42] to the value of 17. pound, and that they could haue no iustice for the recouering of it. And first for the better triall thereof, Fa. Weston, maister Bluet, and maister Potter, were required by the sayd two Priests, that they would cause all the Pewter, and o­ther kitchin furniture which they had in their hands, seuerally to be brought forth: which was done by them all accordingly. Then maister Mush and maister Dudley, sent for a Pewterer, and willed him to view all the sayd Pewter, and kitchin furniture, and to tell them truly, what he iudged it to be worth: which vpon due consideration, and view had of it by the sayd party, he affirmed it to be all scarce worth foure pound. Well then (sayd maister Mush) yesterday, you maister mine (naming the partie) exclaimed that we had not the courage to say with Saint Iohn Baptist, non licet tibi habere, but now we aunswere, that al­though we are not comparable to Saint Iohn Baptist, yet as Priests must tell you playnely: non licet, it is not lawfull for you to infame and belye your fellow-prisoners, as we find you haue dealt with M. Bluet, and M. Potter. For we saw your letters abroade, wherein you charged them two, to with-hold from you 17. pound value in Pewter and kitchin furniture: and now we see, that all that both you and they haue, is scarce worth 4. pound. And therefore we say againe with Saint Iohn Baptist: non licet. You ought not so to haue belyed them, but are bound in conscience to aske them forgiuenes: and with your second letters to reuoke this slaunder that you haue so raysed against them: which if you shall refuse to do, we must be glad to do it for you. Now it is to be obserued, that when maister Weston and his adherents diuided themselues from vs, and made maister Brampstons chamber their kitchin, they found an oportunity to go into the com­mon kitchin, and tooke from thence such Pewter and [Page 43] other furniture, as had bin prouided, and euer before vsed for the company in the common Hall; and after­wards thought it a kinde of theft, that any was detey­ned from them, but that they might haue had all.

These matters and others likewise, these two good Priests hauing compounded amongst vs, they fell to the draught of new Articles, increasing the said 12. af­ter much discussing of them on all sides to the number of 19. Whereunto we all subscribed in the yere 1595. the 6. of Nouember; and so after our long dissensions, a generall peace was concluded to our great content­ment, we dare be bold to say it; and maister Weston and his friends returned vnto vs againe, and tooke their commons with vs in the common Hall, as before their breach made they were accustomed. Now we being all of vs thus reunited, not long after it pleased maister Garnet to write an other letter to maister Doc­tor Bagshaw, dated the 17. of Nouember 1595. Where­in it is very strange to consider, what ioy he preten­deth in that behalfe, whereas indeed, we are able to af­firme it vpon our owne knowledges, that the ouer­throw of maister Westons agencie went to his heart: we meane vexed him, and angred him exceedingly. But heare the diuelish Politician how he transformeth himselfe into an angell of light. When the blessed soules in heauen (sayth he) did sing with one consent, Glory be to God on high, you at Wisbich preached, and restored comfort and in earth peace to men of good will: then no doubt the princes went before, the singers followed after, and in the middest were the damsels playing on their tymbrels. Also he telleth vs, that as there is a coelestiall Hierarchy in Heauen, so we had then an other at Wisbich, which all Eng­land did reuerence: which the Queene of Saba admired: and which many from the vttermost borders of the earth came to see and behold: adding, that those men were bles­sed together with our seruants that stood in our presence, [Page 44] that heard our wisedome, and beheld our mutuall loue. Hereunto also, it may please you, that we adde some other words of his written to maister Doctor Bagshaw two yeres before, after himselfe had bin with vs at Wisbich in the yeare 1593. concerning his iudgement of our whole company at that time: I assure you (sayth he) that the being with you hath wrought such effect in the barts of all that were with me (being indeed three or four Gentlemen, whom we afterwards tearmed his Dea­cons, and Subdeacons) that they neuer saw place or per­sons which more delighted them: and for mine owne part, I tell you very sincerely, that it was the greatest comfort to be amongst you, which I had these whole seauen yeeres. Testis enim mihi est Deus, quomodo cupiam omnes vos in visceribus Iesu Christi: Which sentence of S. Paule being read that very day in the Epistle in the Church, when I came first vnto you, with other many most comfortable sen­tences, I was both not a little recreated, with a conscience of an vnfeyned loue towards euery one of you, and moued to thanke God almighty, Super communicatione vestra in Euangelio Christi à prima die vsque nunc: considerans quia qui caepit in vobis opus bonum, perficiet, sicut est mihi iustum sentire de omnibus vobis: And (that which conten­ted me most of all) comforted with an assured hope, that you are they, who in your singular charities will haue me dayly in corde & in vinculis vestris, & in defensione & confir­matione Euangelij socium gaudij vestri. Hitherto maister Garnet then: and now againe in the letter before mentioned he professeth: that being at that time with vs, he thought himselfe all that while to haue felt the ioyes of Heauen. Now we referre our selues and our cause to your considerations, to iudge as God shall mooue you: If he the sayd Garnet did thinke then truly of vs, and writ sincerely as he thought, what cause had his subiect maister Weston before the yere 1593. or after­wards, we continuing as before we were, to moyle and [Page 45] make a faction amongst vs for the setting vp of his Agency, as though we had bin not such men, as mai­ster Garnet sayth he found vs, but as Fa. Weston to co­lour his ambition reputed vs, that is, persons of all dis­order, licentionsnes, and confusion. And againe if maister Garnet at his being with vs three or foure dayes, did thinke himselfe all that while in Heauen: what a hell did he afterwards finde in his conscience, when he had bin the chiefe cause that Father We­ston and his adherents did separate themselues from vs. Moreouer if the sayd letter congratulatorie for our vniting proceeded from maister Garnets hart: and that thereby we were indeed in his opinion so chari­table, so wise, and so admirable persons: how iustly may all Catholicks, that tooke part with the sayd se­parators from vs, and factious against vs, blame and condemne themselues, in that we continuing our for­mer courses without alteration, either in our conuer­sation, or in our regiment (if it may so be tearmed) from the time that maister Garnet was with vs, vnto the very instant of our sayd reconciliation: the ioy­ning againe of maister VVeston and his adherents vn­to vs, is now reckoned by him the sayd maister Gar­net to be a matter so glorious both to God and men, as he hath described it. But we will proceede.

The aforesayd Agencie being thus ouerthrowne, and a peace concluded amongst vs, we for our parts, were replenished with great ioy: but you are farre deceiued, as we our selues were, if you thinke as we then thought: that either maister Garnet, maister VVe­ston, or their Iesuiticall crue, did take this so great a foyle in good part: we afterwards perceiued to our griefe, that maister Weston would neuer haue yeelded to haue ioyned in commons with vs againe, except maister Mush, and maister Dudley vnder-hand had consented vnto them, that if afterwards he and his [Page 46] company should thinke it conuenient to separate themselues againe from vs, they should haue these, and those roomes, such a table in the Hall, such a place for their Kitchin, and such other roomes, as they held conuenient for them: all which they set downe parti­cularlie vnder their hands, and left the same sealed vp with them: which God knoweth, wee neuer drea­med of. Besides, maister VVeston did not long sit at the vpper Table with vs, and below maister Bluet, and Doctor Bagshaw, where his due place was, but that he desired, and had it easily graunted vnto him, that he might leaue his said place, and sit in some other as he thought good Whereupon as disdaining to sit where he did before, he bound himselfe afterwards to no cer­taine place, but sate (you must thinke) for humilities sake, now here, now there, as he list. Moreouer not­withstanding our sayd reunion, such abroade as had depraued vs poore Priests, and charged vs as you haue heard: did continue (to shew their constancie in their former good wils towards vs) iustifying in their com­mon assemblies, what before they had reported of vs. Maister Dolman who dealt like a very honest man, to haue compounded all strifes amongst vs, as is before expressed, was likewise very sharply galled by them, because he deemed their sayd separation from vs to be a sinne, and that he had before greatly blamed them for making the Chappell at VVisbich their Buttery. Which particulars being reprochfully cast into his teeth, he maynteyned his former assertions: adding, that by their sayd prophaning that Chappell, they were scan­dalous, sacrilegious, irregular, and excommunicated per­sons. Whereof maister Garnet hauing notice, he desi­red maister Doctor Bagshaw, by his letter to pacifie and stay maister Dolman, from these or any such like spee­ches, which might tend to the renewing of the memo­rie of our former breach. Which maister Doctor Bag­shaw [Page 47] vndertooke, putting him the sayd Fa. Garnet, not­withstanding in minde how vilely he the sayd maister Dolman had bin dealt with, by such as he the sayd Garnet had great interest in: in that first Fa. Parsons had set out the booke of Titles in maister Dolmans name, which (not­withstanding that he detested the contents of it) might haue brought him into great danger: and secondly, for that one (a iesuite) vnder his commaund, had very cunningly thrust him out of a place, where of long time he had found great entertaynement, and so wrought, as foure pound yerely haue since bin deteyned from him, which was giuen vnto him, as a legacy by will. Againe: within some quarter of a yere, after our sayd established concord, great hart­burning grew, and many slaunderous speeches were cast abroade against some of vs by maister Weston and his old friends, concerning a priest and prisoner with vs, his escape [...]om Wisbich: who being aduised so to do by some of that crue, and with Fa. VVestons priui­tie, [...]is taking againe was ascribed by them to maister Doctor Bagshaw and some others: which gaue not only them occasion, but many of their friends abroad to write and rayle against vs exceedingly. Not long after, viz. in September, maister Archer a Iesuite (that liued with vs in prison) gaue an other occasion of very great garboyles by affirming that the stewes in Rome were there cum approbatione (testified vnder the hands of Doctor Norden, maister Buckley, maister Meredith, and Doctor Bagshaw:) that the stewes were as lawfull in Rome, as any Citizen there: (testified vnder the hands of Doctor Norden, maister Buckley, and maister Meredith:) that the stewes were in Rome, as lawfully as any Magistrate in that Citie: (testified vnder the hands of Doctor Norden, and Doctor Bagshaw:) that the stewes were in Rome as lawfully as the Pope him­selfe, or any order of religious men (testified vnder the hand of Doctor Norden, and Doctor Bagshaw:) and [Page 48] that they were most necessarie (testified vnder the hands of Doctor Norden, maister Buckley, and Doctor Bagshaw.) Which very lewde assertions, comming to Fa. Westons eares, and vnderstanding how they were impugned by maister D. Norden, he the sayd M. We­ston, did take vpon him by a fond and false distinction to defend them. Whereupon maister Doctor Bagshaw being drawne into that opposition, diuers long trea­tises passed betwixt him, and Fa. Weston: he the sayd maister Doctor Bagshaw impugning those lewde posi­tions, and maister VVeston with all his shifts and skill laboring to defend them. About these points, there grew such parts-taking and hatred, as that the sayd orders established amongst vs by maister Mush and maister Dudley, (in that they crossed these and such like demeanors) were in the latter end of the yeare 1596. vtterly cashierd and reiected. So as notwith­standing we kept commons still in the Hall together: we liued (God knoweth) there with great disquietnes: many of our old friends abroad being so farre drawne to Iesuitisme, as that they blamed vs, and tooke part with them in defence of these so abhominable ab­surdities.

And now it may please you to leaue vs in our sayd troubles and discontentments, and to be aduertised of the beginning of a more bitter tragedie. Whilest after our said peace we were lulled asleepe for a time in VVisbich, by maister Garnets inchaunting letter of congratulation, and exercised with the vniust affli­ctions of our brethren, as before we haue touched: he the sayd maister Garnet with his complices bestirred themselues, and that secretly, so as then we did not suspect, or looke for any further plots to be in contri­uing against vs. We will be bold to acquaint you with one of their notable stratagemes, which argueth more wit and foresight, then playne dealing or ho­nestie. [Page 49] It appeareth that by the Iesuites practises here amongst vs, in disgracing and abusing the secular priests very shamefully, there was some rumor thereof in Rome, to the great impeachment of the Iesuites cre­dits there, being then as turbulent in that Citie in their dealing with our English Seminary, as they had bin, and were still firebrands amongst vs. For the bet­ter incountering of which rumor, it being thought in­conuenient, that any of their owne calling by com­mending themselues, should take vpon them that of­fice, a secular priest was found out, a man of a quicker penne, then either of wisedome or sinceritie: who be­ing well acquainted with all the iarres and quarrels betwixt vs, and the Iesuites; and hauing written him­selfe a letter vnto vs, as presuming to aduise men of farre greater experience then himselfe, concerning our troubles about the sayd Agencie: this man (we say) did so harden his forehead, or in his simplicitie was so seduced, as contrary to his owne conscience he writ the tenth of Ianuary 1596. to Card. Caietan [...], Protector of the English Seminary, in the behalfe of the Iesuites, a most false and impudent letter. Where­in amongst many other things, he assureth the Cardi­nall, that of his owne knowledge, for twenty yeeres, there had not bin any dissension betwixt the secular priests and the Iesuites: and that the reports made a­gainst these good Fathers, concerning their ambition, were so farre from the truth, as that indeed the Iesuites were in all places most notable examples to the secular priests of singular humilitie, gentlenes, patience, pie­tie, and charitie. The letter it selfe with some obserua­tions vpon it, you shall finde amongst other things to this story annexed. With this cunning trick of these good Fathers, we were not then acquainted: it was well handled of them, that they had got so false a bro­ther frō amongst our selues to fit their deseignements [Page 50] so aptly, that is so lewdly, according to their desire.

After that maister Weston had begun his said Agen­cie, as hath been before mentioned, our brethren a­broad of the grauer and wiser sort, began to foresee: that if the same did continue, maister Garnet would shortly after, as well by M. Westons example in Wisbich, as also by the example of the Iesuits gouernment of the Seminarie at Rome, challenge, and take vnto himselfe, ere it were long, the Prelacie and gouern­ment ouer all the Priests in England. For the preuen­ting whereof, as also there being many Catholicke Priests in England, and many wants, as of authoritie of confirmation for the full accomplishing of the ef­fects of Baptisme, and of holy oyle, being of so neces­sarie imployment, they thought it conuenient to de­uise certaine orders, for a general association, amongst all secular Priests: and in the end concluded to referre the estate of our Church here, together with their rea­sons and most humble supplication to the Popes Ho­lines, that it might stand with his good pleasure (if he thought it conuenient) to graunt vnto them that they might haue some Bishop or suffragane here: as he had yeelded heretofore to our brethren in Ireland. In these consultations, one master Standish a Priest was a great intermedler, no man being therein more forward then himselfe: but finding in the end so many fitter men in all respects then himselfe for any imployment or extraordinarie preferment in that companie: he shortly after shifted his sayles, & going to the Iesuits, did acquaint them with the whole course that the se­cular Priests had taken, and intended to proceede in. Whereof they (the Iesuits) hauing full notice (as we gesse by the euent) sent into Spayne, to admonish Fa­ther Parsons of all the premisses, aswell concerning maister VVestons said Agencie, and the ouerthrowe of it, as of the enterprise, which our brethren the secular [Page 51] Priests here had in hand: and likewise to impart vn­to him, an other course deuised by them, & to be bet­ter managed and brought to passe by his great poli­cie, wisedome and credit. What answere Father Par­sons returned vnto them, wee can but also gesse. But we thinke wee may coniecture it, by that which fol­lowed, viz. that he would thinke of the matter, and that they should send one to meet him at Rome with further instructions, for his better proceeding to the accomplishment of their desires. Now you haue heard before, what a way they had made alreadie for themselues, and for the repayring of their credit in Rome, by maister Blackwell his false letter mentioned, very well knowing, that if any meanes might be had to aduance their credits, and set them aloft, it must come from thence, and therefore laid that machiuili­an ground for Father Parsous their only hope to work vpon afterwardes: which as you see fell out, as they could haue wished at that time.

Also the said Father Parsons (then as wee suppose) or shortlie after, hauing taken notice what our bre­thrē the secular Priests were in hand with in England, did send to some of the best account amongst them, and likewise to some others that in any sort, they should not proceed in that course: assuring them that it would be very offensiue to his holines, because of this knowledge, the very same in effect, hauing here­tofore beene offered to his consideration, hee did vt­terlie reiect the same as inconuenient in all respects as things stood for England. Besides to our further a­buse, and to keep vs occupied with our own concits, that wee might not somuch as suspect any thing of theirs: wee in our plaine dealing acquainted them with our whole drift, and purpose. Whereunto for a time, they craftilie applauded: as hoping shortlie, by their former courses to haue it dasht: but afterward [Page 52] perceiuing that their owne purposes could not so soone be compassed: (as wise men in their generati­on fearing the worst) thē they mightilie opposed themselues, and depraued ours. And then maister Black­well himselfe amongst others could write a discoursing letter with very much earnestnes and rhetoricall ar­guments against so ambitious a cogitation, as once to thinke of any one mans Soueraignty ouer all his bre­thren, during the times of our persecution.

Howbeit wee continuing resolute in our former purpose, but prosecuting the same with great dulnes, maister Garnet and his fellowers, dispatched the saide maister Standish, our false brother to Rome in the lat­ter end of the yeere 1596. there to expect Father Parsons comming. We will here leaue this honest man about his busines in that Citie, and put you in mind, that after Cardinall Allens death, the students in the English Colledge there, felt no lesse oppression by the Iesuits their tyranizing gouernours, then wee did at home: because we withstood their deseignements in aspiring to the like soueraigntie ouer vs here. It may be that hereafter some of our brethren, will set out those tragedies at large, which indured long, and will appeare to all men of indifferencie to haue beene ve­rie intolerable. In the meane while you shall vnder­stand that two or three, being of likelihood more grieued then the rest, or hauing a greater sense of our calamities, both at home and abroad, then manie o­thers: did write a treatise of the Iesuits dealing, & na­ming it a memoriall, dedicated the same in Latine to his holines in the yeere 1597. about which time Fa­ther Parsons being come to Rome, was in the middest of all his machiuilian plots, and vnder pretence of compounding the stirres in that Seminarie, first so dealt, as in verie short time by cousoning the Rector, he got that place for himselfe, and now enioyeth it.

[Page 53] The imputations laid vpon the Iesuits in the saide memoriall (the effect whereof you shall finde at the end of this historie) were so verie sharpe, and touched their freehold so neerely, as no meruaile if Father Gar­net bestirred his stumps to salue their credits by all the meanes and wayes he could deuise. And therefore he held it best to write his letter to all the secular Priests: wherin after certaine flourishes, how much they were beloued and honoured by him and all his brethren of the societie, he intreateth very earnestlie their testi­monies in their behalfe, against those reports made of the Iesuits in the said memoriall. And that hee might obtaine a faire shew of many hands, hee was content to play small game before hee would sit out (as our English prouerb saith:) and therfore he commendeth to them such a triple answere, as he thought would fit the most. Although (saith he) we are not so well known to many of you, as you all peraduenture will pronounce the whole contents of the said treatise to be false: yet one of these three answers may sit all your turnes. Some may say all is false: other that they themselues haue nothing to ac­cuse the Iesuits with, and doe not therefore beleeue the said reports to be true: and the rest may affirme without any scruple, that for their parts, they neuer dreamed of the said memoriall, nor doe in any sort approue the same. And the better to perswade them thus to answere, he sweareth by more then his little honesty, that there is not a true word in it. There is a saying amongst such lawyers as are of experience, that they seldome fall out to be the honestest men, who aredriuen so oft to seeke testimo­nials for the approuing of their good behauior. But that is no matter with them, and peraduenture, that conceit here holdeth not at Rome, so as maister Garnet did content himselfe with his owne course, and made such haste therin, as before August the same yeere, the testimonial he got, was with Fa. Parsons in the English [Page 54] Seminary. And here we cannot omit one thing, which indeede made vs a little merry in the middest of our sorrow, how good Fa. Parsons was troubled with one mans subscription to the sayd testimoniall. For thus he writeth: as he pretendeth from Naples, primo Au­gusti 1598. to the sayd party. After I saw a particular testimony of your owne hand in latine, concerning the me­moriall giuen vp against the societie, I could haue bin con­tent you had not written it: but either haue subscribed simpliciter, as many other auncient and graue Priests did to the cunning letter, as it was written (being very modest and most true) or that you had sayd nothing at all: as well you might haue omitted: the memoriall being writ and sent from Plaunders, whilest you were yet in Italy: and so that it was done, and exhibited, Te neque consentiente, neque conscio (for those are only the words of testimony that you giue) was not needefull: the thing being euident of it selfe, and your particular writing so bare a thing vnder the com­mon letter, was to detract from all the letter before: and for the matter it selfe (which was most abhominable, false, and slaunderous,) you leaue it indifferent to be beleeued, or not beleeued &c. Were it not that you might hereby perceiue what packing, and practising is amongst these fellowes for the maintenance of their owne cre­dit: and how swift they are in the expeditions they take in hand: we would haue made no mention here­of, because thereby our owne dulnes may iustly be condemned, who all this while had not sent our mes­sengers to Rome, for the information of his holynes, as touching our estates here, and the common desire of vs secular Priests, for a Bishop as before is mentioned. In which slow proceeding, we will leaue our brethren for a time, and returne to maister Standish attending vpon Fa. Parsons in Rome.

After this good Father had gotten the Rectorship of the English Seminary, it then pleased his Worship [Page 55] to proceede with the cause commended vnto him by his subiects in England, Fa. Garnet and the rest. We doubt not, but that in the meane time he had confer­red with his friends, and was resolued of the plot he meant to effect: the execution whereof was in man­ner as followeth. Standish that honest man must haue accesse to the Popes holynes, accompanyed with two runnagates, both of them Priests, Doctor Haddock, and maister Martin Array. These must take vpon them, and so they did, that they were men deputed from the secular Priests in England, most humbly to intreate his Holynes that he would be pleased by his most preheminent Authority, to appoynt a superior ouer the Church of England. And the rather to per­swade him thereunto, they affirmed like very lying wretches, that there was such great dissension betwixt the secular priests and the laytie, as great inconueni­ences would certainely insue, except one were placed amongst them, that by his authority might reforme and reconcile them. Now it is too well knowne, that the strife which was heere, rested betwixt vs and the Iesuites; no one lay Catholick (for ought we know) being at enmity with any other secular Priests, then with some few of vs, that were at Wisbich, and one or two more abroad that tooke our parts: and the dislike that such lay persons had of vs, was procured by the false practise of the Iesuites: we our selues, otherwise hauing neuer offended them, nor interteyned any quarrell with them, God is our iudge. His Holynes hearing and marking well their suite, demaunded of them, in expresse tearmes, if that which they had sayd vnto him, proceeded from the desire and consent of his louing Priests in England, affirming that otherwise he would in no sort giue any eare vnto them. Where-unto maister Sandish, very well instructed before by Father Parsons, and sufficiently assisted by the sayd [Page 56] two lying Priests, answered, that what he had presu­med to deliuer to his Holynes, he had done it most as­suredly by their consent. If Ananias was iustly charged with lying to the holy Ghost, in telling Saint Peter an vntruth, being replenished with that holy spirit, we see no cause, why we may not so charge this dishonest company on with all his assistants (Fa. Parsons and the rest) in that they Iyed so apparantly to Saint Peters successor the Popes Holynes, who we doubt not, but that he is likewise indued with the spirit of God in such plentifull sort, as the excellency of his high cal­ling doth require. For it is well knowne, and may be proued most euidently, (if any dare be so shamelesse as to deny it) that if you except Fa. Garnet, and some one or two of his adherents, the rest of the Priests in England generally were altogether ignorant of that deuise. Insomuch as the sayd Standish after his returne into England, being asked by certaine Priests, how he durst presume so impudently to abuse his Holynes with so intolerable an vntruth, he excused himselfe in this sort, viz. that when he sayd, he had the consent of the secular Priests in England to make that motion, his an­swere therein was made by him Cautè, that is, subtilly, or by equiuocation, meaning to himselfe, viz. as he supposed, or presumed; which words he kept in his minde and vttered not. By which vngodly shift, the tyranny wherewith now we are oppressed, was hatched.

By this so false and Iesuiticall a sleight, the Popes Holynes being abused as you haue heard, committed that matter (so propounded vnto him) to the further consideration of Cardinall Caietane, protector of the English Seminary, and to Cardinall Burghesius, which was the very plot that Fa. Parsons before had layd: the sayd Cardinall protector, being one, with whom he the sayd Parsons had especiall familiaritie and friend­ship; and by reason of his protectorship ouerruled the [Page 57] other Cardinall as he thought good: so as they two being appointed for this seruice, Parsons deseigne­ment was in effect thereby accomplished. Well it had hapned to vs, if his Holynes had bin at that time in­dued with that worthie gift of the holy Ghost, tear­med discretio spirituum: that when he made this de­putation to the Cardinall, he might haue sayd to the aforesayd false wretches: why haue you lyed to the holy Ghost, that thereby, either some extraordinary calamitie might haue fallen vpon them, or his Ho­lynes haue taken some other course for the inflicting vpon them such punishment as they deserued. But the matter passed as you haue heard: and Parsons must contriue it as he thinketh it conuenient, which he did in sort as followeth. One must gouerne all the Priests in England, but Parsons durst not name a Ie­suite for that purpose: that had bin too grosse dea­ling, he must then be a secular Priest, there was no remedie. And who should that be, but maister Black­well, who was knowne to be a chiefe parasite of the Iesuites, and would be sure, if he might haue this au­thoritie by them, neuer to do any thing, that might in any sort displease them. Whereupon Blackwell is named for the Arch-priest of England: assistants are appointed to wayt vpon him: a letter with the Car­dinals consent is framed by Father Parsons, dated the seauenth of March 1598. rules are made, and one in effect you may be sure, that maister Arch-priest and his assistants shall do nothing in any matter of im­portance, without the Iesuites consents. All things thus dispatched, maister Standish (as wee thinke) is sent back with this stuffe into England; and euen when our two messengers were ready at the last to go towards Rome, he arriueth: maister Blackwell re­ceiueth his authoritie, and publisheth the same for [Page 58] want of a Cryer by his owne letters: requiring all Priests to subscribe vnto it.

Hereof when sundry of vs had notice, we confer­red together as we could: and finding that the Car­dinals directions were not warranted, by any Breue from his Holynes: we feared some false packing by Father Parsons. Also some of our brethren talking with maister Blackwell, about the Cardinals constitu­tions, tooke him directly with a manifest forgery, in pretending certaine to haue come from the Cardi­nall which he was driuen to confesse, were of his owne making. Besides we considered, that if the Pope were made acquainted with the sayd Cardinals designe­ments; what he did, or allowed therein, was vpon false suggestion, (for as then wee did not certainely know, how Standish had played the Iesuite by Parsons aduise as is before expressed. Againe, wee perceiued by the Cardinals instructions, that maister Blackwell was made no better in deede then an Arch-priest of cloutes, being limited to do nothing, but as it should please maister Garnet. And it could not sinke into our heads, that his Holynes being throughly acquainted with these plots, would euer haue bin drawne to haue yeelded, that his Clergie of England should be ouer­topt, and controuled by the new vpstart Iesuites. We also did easily see into what danger this subor­dination would bring vs, being left in effect to Fa­ther Parsons directions. For these, and sundry other considerations, we desired that we might not be vr­ged to subscribe to the sayd authoritie, vntill wee might either see the Popes Breue to ratifie it, or haue time to know his Holynes further pleasure: when we should haue informed him the truth in these matters. Vpon our stay herein, (which seemed to vs so reaso­nable,) it is scarse credible, how we were slaundered [Page 59] and abused: insomuch as through such and many other iniuries offred by the Arch-priest and Iesuites vnto vs, we were compelled to appeale to his Holy­nes. But we were still too slow and dull in our pro­ceedings, and indeede wanted money, and other fit oportunities to make such quick dispatch as we desi­red. Whereupon Father Garnet, and maister Black­well abounding in all things, and perceiuing our in­tent, they presently dispatched their cursitors into euery part of the Realme, to get hands to certaine letters (drawne either by them, or by their direction) of thankesgiuing to the Pope, and Protector, for their singular care ouer the Church heere, in appointing vnto them so excellent a forme of gouernment: with much more to this purpose. And such a course was taken with our poore brethren, who many of them had neuer heard of this matter before, as partly through ignorance in some, through threatning and feare in others, and by faire promises to many; a num­ber of hands were gotten to the sayd letters. This ex­ployt thus effected, they sent the sayd letters with all speede to Rome, and procured by their messengers as they went, other letters, from sundry persons beyond the seas to their friends in that City to depraue our enterprise as much as possibly they could, affirming that what our messengers, when they came thither, should propound against the subordination in Eng­land, did proceede only from a few that were factious, and that it would be very dishonorable to his Holynes former proceedings, if they should finde any fauour or countenance there.

With these aforesaid Machiuilian practises, wee were not then acquainted, but as honest and plaine dealing men; when our said messengers, maister Bi­shop and maister Charnock, two learned Priestes, were [Page 60] readie to goe to Rome to prosecute our causes there: we acquainted our Archpriest therewith and desired, (if so it might stand with his pleasure) to sende some thither also, that might be furnished to answere for him, if we should be thought to informe amisse. This motion of ours, was so greatlie disdained by his mai­stership, as wee thinke the highest Cardinall in Chri­stendome, could not with greater contempt haue re­iected y e meanest Priest his sute y t liueth. And relying vpon Father Parsons, and his other said plots, hee pre­sumed to tell vs plainelie (to the great preiudice of iustice in the Court of Rome) that if we sent any thi­ther, they should not be heard, but finde that enter­tainement, which they little expected. Howbeit wee neuer imagined, nor could in deed thinke, either of those messages which they had sent before, or of that which followed: but rather supposed he had vsed such speeches vnto vs of purpose to stay vs from procee­ding in our former determination. And therefore we dispatch them hence, who being gone, our Archpriest chafeth: the Prouinciall his good maister, clappes him on the backe and egges him forward: the rest of the Iesuits whet their tongues and prepare their pens to speake and write what they can falselie deuise against vs to make vs odious: so as presentlie, we are become a by-word in their mouthes, & are nothing with them but Rebels, Apostataes, and what they list to report of vs. One Lister a Iesuit writeth a booke to proue vs al schismatikes, who had appealed to Rome, and both maister Blackwell and Father Garnet subscribed vnto it. In this booke, besides the tearmes before expressed, we are said to haue fallen from the Church, and the spouse of Christ: to haue troden vnder our feete our obedience due to the highest bishop: to haue lost our faculties, whereby we ought to haue wonne soules vnto Christ: to haue made [Page 61] our selues irregular: to haue incurred the sentence of ex­communication: to haue giuen a scandall to all goodmen: to be in all mens mouthes as infamous persons: to be as pub­licanes and sinners, and to be nothing better then sooth­sayers and Idolaters.

Wee haue now brought this story to the setting out against vs of the sayd treatise of schisme: and for the rest do referre you for a larger discourse to the bookes lately printed and published by some of our brethren. Therein you shall finde that by Father Par­sons practises, our sayd messengers no sooner came to Rome, but within sixe or seauen dayes they were cast into prison, and could neuer be suffred to come to the Pope. Whilest they were in prison, his Holynes Breue is procured for the confirmation of maister Blackwels authoritie. Afterwards the poore men are set at li­bertie, but kept asunder, and banished into diuers Prouinces, not to repayre into England, vntill they should haue leaue from Rome. The sayd Breue com­meth hither: wee being informed thereof, submit our selues to our Arch-priest: shewing our selues to be farre from schismaticks; and such was our desire of peace, as we were well content to remit all the former slaunders imputed most falsely vnto vs.

Besides, for the auoyding of further contention, we desired our Arch-priest, (whome now we reue­renced as we were bound in dutie) to take such or­der, as that hereafter there might not be so much as once mention made of the sayd pretended schisme. Whereunto he yeelded very willingly, and made a Decree to that effect: promising to be a meanes that our sayd two brethren might be released of their ba­nishment. His dealing with vs in this kinde sort did very much comfort vs, because we being men, who still had bin afflicted, any thing seemed a great [Page 62] benefit to vs. But shortly after we well perceiued, that our former appellation and sending to Rome with our refusall in the meane time to bow vnto him, did stick in his stomack. For whether prouoked by the malitious Iesuites, or stirred vp by his owne pride, and rancor to be reuenged vpon vs, now that we had submitted ourselues vnto his gouernment, he re­newed the remembrance of the old sore, contrary to his sayd decree, and that vnder the pretence of a let­ter that should come vnto him from Rome, from two Iesuites, Tichborne, and Warford: wherein he sayd, it was exprestely set downe, that we were iudged in Rome to be schismaticks before the obteyning of the sayd Breue, in that we did not subscribe to his authoritie, when the Cardinals first letters were intimated vnto vs. And vpon this false ground (except these two Iesuites and some one or two more of that crue had so iudged vs) he writ his letters abroade to that effect, as well what forsooth he had receiued from Rome, (concealing the names of the sayd two Machiuilian Iesuites) as also that he would receiue none to his fa­uour or absolue them, which would not acknow­ledge that they had sinned, and giuen a great scandale by their sayd prolonging to acknowledge his autho­ritie. When we heard hereof, it grieued vs much to see the weakenes of our new Gouernour: but more in that we perceiued what new troubles and dissen­sions would thereby insue. We did write therefore both to him and to his assistants, that they would be pleased, the old controuersie amongst vs might lye buryed still in the graue of obliuion, and not to be againe now renewed. But they shut their eares to our humble suites, and reiect vs with contumelious and reprochfull words, for presuming so rashlie (forsooth) to intermeddle with any thing that they had resol­ued [Page 63] of. Notwithstanding because they were our bre­thren, and many of them before that time some of our inferiors; we aduentured once againe to intreate this fauour at their hands, that two or three of the best learned amongst them, might be appointed to conferre of this matter with as many of vs: that so the controuersie might be compounded, before it brake out any further. How this was taken at our hands, it is scarcely credible: they tearmed our sup­plication a tumultuous expostulation, being fraught (as they sayd) with the forgetfulnes of our duties, and with the spirit of pride and presumption. And here­upon euen now, that we were become his subiects, after we had vnderstanding of the Popes Breue, and looked to haue bin greatly cherished and defended from iniuries by the strength of his soueraigne autho­ritie, we are againe as sharply prosecuted with impu­tations of schisme and rebellion as we were before, which caused vs to propound the question in contro­uersie amongst vs, to the famous Vniuersitie of Paris: hauing offered to them before, but in vayne, if it plea­sed them to ioyne with vs therein. That worthie com­pany after due consideration, determined the matter on our side. Whereof the Arch-priest being informed, addresseth out his owne edict, and condemneth there­in their sayd iudgement: inflicteth great censures vpon those Priests that should at any time mayn­teine that determination: and spareth not likewise to mulct the laytie (ouer whom for ought we know he hath no authoritie at all) as many as should in­cline to the imbracing and fauoring of it.

When we saw this our Arch-priest with his assistants thus peremptorilie bent by strong hand to oppresse vs: and without either conscience, or consideration of morall honestie to spreade abroade againe to our [Page 64] discredits their former calumniations, and very grosse and palpable slaunders: we thought it our best course if it were but to heape coales vpon their heads, to commend vnto them this consideration: whether it might not stand with their good liking to send two Priests to be chosen by them, with two others of ours to Rome to know his Holynes opinion and direction in this cause so hotely impugned by them: the same being the assured rule for the ending and finall de­termination of it: adding, that if we were condem­ned for schisinaticks, for delaying our obedience, as is before expressed, till we knew his Holynes plea­sure, we would most willingly subiect our selues to the heauiest censures that might be imposed vpon vs: and if cleared, the least satisfaction that they would thinke good to award vs, should fully please and con­tent vs. But this our last suite was more disdained (if it were possible) then either of the former: and so farre the Arch-priest was from yeelding vnto vs here­in, or to affoord vs otherwise the least shadow of his fauour, as he cast abroade his decrees, that our sayd deferring to receiue his authoritie before the Breue came, was schisme, and prohibiteth any vnder grie­uous paynes, either by word or writing to affirme the contrary. Whereupon we were compelled, as hauing no other refuge at all, to appeale againe to the infal­lible seate of the holy Apostle Saint Peter: thinking with our selues that thereby (at the least till the cause were decided) our aduersaries would haue forborne the prosecution of their malice against vs. But the humor they are possessed with, being altogether Ie­suiticall, that is violent and implacable, they ceased not but still continued, contrary to all course of law & iustice, euery day more and more to wound and op­presse vs. Our sayd appellation subscribed with the [Page 65] hands of 30. Priests, men of good desert and reputa­tion, they tearme an infamous libell, and presently vpon the sight thereof, de facto, do suspend and de­priue tenne of them from their faculties: eight of them being prisoners at Wisbich, and two others, both of them persons of extraordinary note and worth. There hath bin of long time an old saying in England: that set a begger on horseback, and he will ride a gal­lop: our said new gouernors sitting in their thrones, and scorning that any should refuse to worship them, can finde no limits for the stay of their fury, but still runne on from one mischiefe to an other. For, our cause thus depending, they forbid all the lay Catho­licks to keepe vs company, to relieue vs, or to suffer vs to execute any spirituall function with them: affir­ming, that whosoeuer shall be present at one of our Masses, or assist vs therein, doth commit a great sinne: and that to receiue the sacraments at our hands, is loco medicaminis, to receiue a deadly poyson. None may confesse their sinnes vnto vs, and none may heare vs preach, (at the least of those which are to too ma­ny) that yeeld themselues to the direction and plea­sure of such absurd commaunders, and wicked con­demners of their brethren, notwithstanding we be exempted from such their prohibitions by our appel­lation, and do therefore still mioy the full libertie of our Priesthood. The course they hold against vs, or at the least their stomack, may appeere vnto you, by that which a Iesuite hath written concerning vs, to one of his friends: Detest (sayth he) my deere mother the cursed crue of the disobedient to lawfull authoritie: if you know any, either of our coate, or of the lay sort, that be tainted with this pestilent poyson, eschue his company, as you would auoyd one that hath a plague-sore running vp­on him, assuring your selfe, that if such rebelliow persons do not submit their necks to the yoke of their superiors, [Page 66] that vnlesse God shew them some extraordinary fanour (which in such cases he vsually denyeth to such malitious Rebels) their reuolt and Apostasie from the Catholicke vnitie, will be the iust reward of their obstinacie and mala­pert opposition against their ordinary. God be mercifull vnto vs poore men: some of vs are prisoners, and are daily in the Magistrates hands to be cut off, and finish our miseries at their pleasures; and on the other side, where we should finde comfort, we are dealt with, as you see: and all is either because we are readie to offer our liues for the Catholick faith, or refuse, till we may be heard by the Popes Holynes▪ to acknowledge our selues to be Rebels, Schismaticks, contemners of the See Apostolick, Ethnicks, Publicanes, Idolaters, Apo­stataes, and what not? because we did not at the first subscribe to our Archbishops authoritie, but appealed as you haue heard. Which acculations, we trust no man liuing by learning or arguments shall be able to prooue against vs: and in the meane time, God is our witnes, how free we are in foro conscientiae, from any of these wicked imputations. In the aforesayd processe with these our aduersaries, some of our brethren haue bin as carefull to defend vs from schisme by writing, as they haue bin busie to accuse vs: and amongst sun­dry of our discourses to that eff [...]ct, two haue bin late­ly published in print, which we desire you would pro­cure: and hauing duly perused them, then thinke and iudge of vs as you shall finde cause. Now for our con­clusion, if any Iesuitical humorist, shall blame or seeke to discredit vs, because in the premisses of this Narra­tion we haue forborne to vse any sharp speeches a­gainst our common enemyes, we thinke it conueni­ent for the preuenting of their malitious collections, to yeeld vnto you our reasons thereof. First, the story gaue vs no occasion so to do. Secondly, we reteyne still the opinion which we haue signified to his Ho­lynes, [Page 67] that the Iesuiticall persecution begun against vs, is much more grieuous vnto vs, then that which we are subiect vnto from the State. Thirdly, we haue found by experience, that the rayling course which the Iesuiticall crue haue taken and vsed in many of their treatises against her Maiestie: and the procee­dings by the lawes of the Realme: hath done the Ca­tholick cause exceeding much hurt. Fourthly, as our case standeth, and for ought we see, if the pretended holy Fathers may haue their willes, we shall be driuen to relye more vpon her Highnes fauour for our tem­porall reliefe, that we perish not with famine, before we be cut off by her lawes, then vpon all the world besides. And lastly, howsoeuer we dissent from the State in the profession of our Religion: yet we are her Maiesties borne subiects, and vassals, and ought not for any cause, as we are perswaded, to withdraw in that respect, our duties, loue, and allegiance from her Highnes, or our natiue Countrie: much lesse to slaun­der, or secke the cruell ouerthrow of both, as our tray­terous aduersaries of the societie, not indeede of Iesus, but of the Diuell, and their adherents haue done. And thus praying to God with all our hearts, to heape vpon her Maiestie all temporall and heauenly bles­sings, and vpon our state sufficient wisedome and pro­uidence, for the good continuance of it: and vpon our Countrie all prosperitie and happines, and vpon the Church a dayly increase of zeale for the propaga­tion and maintenance of the Catholick faith, and vp­pon our Iesuiticall aduersaries such riches of his mer­cie, as seeing the height of their owne pride, and the excremities of their proceedings, they may become humble in their owne eyes, and desist from their very prowde Machiuilian and cruell deseignements: and vpon all Catholicks sufficient grace to take heed of those that are the authors of schisme and contention: [Page 68] delighting in nothing, but in factions and nouelties: and vpon our selues constancie to continue in his o­bedience, and patience, to be able to indure whatso­euer calamities shall happen vnto vs for our profes­sion of the truth, and the discharge of our con­sciences: we take our leaues, and do heere end for this time.

The memoriall mentioned Page 52. is hard to be got: few or none of vs that are secular Priests could euer come vnto the sight of it. Certaine abstracts of it are common. We haue seene two: whereof one hath annexed vnto it certaine obseruations of the Iesuites cariage of themselues in Rome: and both are as fol­loweth.

An abstract of the memoriall sent by certaine Englishmen out of the Low-countryes, to the Popes holines Clement the eight, against the Iesuites labouring in the English Vineyard, September 1597.
The inscription of the memoriall.
A briefe declaration of the miserable state of Catholicks in England.
After the Preface, it followeth in these words.

THe Iesuites that are in England, desirous either to bring vnder bondage, or vtterly to beare downe the Cleargie of the Church of England, haue dared to attempt it by a wonderfull stratagem. First, their will is, that in euery Catholicks house, (and such houses are in steed of the Church) either they themselues may be the Pastors, or others deputed by them in their roomes. And if happilie there be any, that do de [...]y the faculties graunted by them; or will not take notice that such assemblies, or companies of Catholicks de­pend [Page 69] on them; or will not obediently (as it were at a beck) execute those things, that they haue commaun­ded; such shall be censured either as Apostataes, or Hereticks, or taynted at least with some infection of heresie. So holie, so godly, so religious would they seeme to be; as nothing is holie, that they haue not sanctified; no doctrine Catholick, and sound, that commeth not from them; no dispensation auailable, that is not graunted by them: and which is worse, they haue beaten into the heads of the most, that the Masse is not rightly, and orderly celebrated of any, but a Iesuite.

When any of the Cleargie graunteth a dispensation in any case; by and by there is doubt made of his po­wer and authority; some question ariseth of his life, and conuersation; as if his Priesthood, and calling were not certaine, or assured. It is not inough for the Cleargie to liue a godly, and an holie life, vnlesse with­all they will acknowledge the lesuites to be their su­periors; thus some man shall be tormented, another some turmoyled, a third some troubled: for who so gathereth not for and with them only, he shall be iud­ged altogether to scatter. And that they may the bet­ter set this their deuise abroeh, they cause to be made knowne to all men the faculties graunted vnto them by his holynes the Bishop of Rome; and they giue it out, that the most vnlearned Iesuite doth farre excell the most learned secular Priest, both in faculties, and priuiledges. And it is noysed about, as it were by the common cryer that they haue power from his holynes to graunt to all, and euery one, all and singular their faculties; insomuch as it shall not be lawfull and safe for any to vse their priniledges though graunted them many yeres before frō his holynes, but with the leaue, and consent of these Fathers of the societie. And when they do giue out their faculties, they do not bestow [Page 70] them on learned, godly, or holy men; but on vnlear­ned, vngodly, and irreligious; nay seditious persons, such as follow their humor, stoupe at their beck, and stand bound euer after vnto them.

Further they endeuor, that by all meanes possible, both those almes which are giuen for the reliefe of them that are in prison, or any other poore afflicted whatsoeuer; as also whatsoeuer is paid in cases of dis­pensation, may come to their hands. Heretofore (when Priests had the collection of these almes) prisons were therewith maintayned; the want in Colledges was supplyed; the banished Catholicks (whose goodes were forciblie taken from them by Hereticks) were yerely succoured: but now, what is done with them we know not. Prisons and Colledges are depriued of them; the banished haue them not; the Priests see them not: but there are hired herewith seditious per­sons; deuisers of fables, slaunderers of their brethren, and skorners of the Saincts are herewith enriched; these, and such as these, receiue large stipends of their labours.

And yet so great a masse of monies cannot be con­sumed, with so small charges, and expences, but that the Fathers also bestow much vpon themselues. For they go indeed in great gallantrie; no Iesuite goeth but to visit any one, or trauelleth from one place to another, but he is richly apparrelled, he is attended on with a great trayne of seruants, as if he were a Ba­ron, or an Earle; which is not necessary, but playnely ridiculous and absurd. The secular Priests themselues do go also Gentlemen-like because of danger; but not arayed in that sumptuous manner, nor guarded with so many attendants, as the Iesuites. They wrangle, and reproue the Priests garments, and spendings; whereas the expences of one Iesuite were able to mayntayne twentie Priests plentifully, and richly. Neither by [Page 71] this meanes also could so great a quantitie of almes be wasted, but that (as the report goes) much treasure is conueyed beyond the Seas, but to what purpose, we know not, vnlesse it be bestowed vpon their bodie, their corporation, or societie.

Besides they desire (as some conceiue) that England should be conuerted of none but Iesuites only. For they will admit no fellow-laborers: and they vse the same meanes they heretofore vsed in Colledges, to dis­swade many for the order of their calling, counselling them by all meanes to enter into their societie; and this they dayly attempt by flatterie, by gifts, and re­wards, & sometimes by threatnings. They neuer send one scholler out of England to the Colledge at Doway to studie there, but hinder what they may them that are going thither. They care not for that Colledge, be­cause they cannot draw it into their societie: nay they haue laboured by all meanes vtterly to dissolue it.

Moreouer, they challenge vnto themselues a spiri­tuall Monarchie ouer all England, as it may appeare by a certain contention in the prison at Wisbich, in which there were, and are in hold for the profession of their faith 32. Priests, dayly looking for their death. These liuing a long time a godly, and an holy life, did eate altogether, studied altogether, vsed euery day to preach, to dispute, to intreate of cases of conscience, to expound the scriptures; and exercised the same studies, as they were wont to practise in the Vniuer­sities: all were of one minde; all of one heart; all as brethren; one bearing with another. The towne of Wisbich loued them; all the land praised them; the hereticks admired them; the keepers of the prisons greatly affected them: so that they inioyed euery day more and more libertie. Their maintenance came to them from all places yea the very Ministers (though hereticks) very often helped to reheue them. Many [Page 72] yeeres liued they in this godly, holy, and deuout kind of life, vntill a Iesuite, one Edmunds by name (inspired we know not with what spirit) gaue to some occasion to doubt of the well imploying of the almes receiued. This foundation laid, he so insinuated himselfe with faire demeanour and false deuises into the hearts of many, as that he deuided the Priests into two parts, whereof the one part drew to him, the other stood a­gainst him.

They vse also to fawne vpon men of noble birth, especially if they be rich, and mueigle them by all faire meanes to sell all that they haue, and enter into their Societie. Women also are induced by them to become Nunnes, and to leaue such goods as they haue, to them. Which thing many that are godly-wise allow not. For such rich Laitie (all circumstances conside­red) are able to further more the establishing of the faith in England, then the Iesuites consider of. For such as they, might giue maintenance to Priests; enrich the prisons of Catholicks with their gifts; help the afflic­ted: they may more freely, and with lesse danger speak of the Catholick religion, and faith; more commonly argue and discourse with hereticks. But the Iesuites consider not, that these, and such other things may be done, and would be done by them without any diffi­cultie. But in this manner do they make merchandise of the conuersion of England; thus do they dispose of the last wils of the sick; thus loue they to intermeddle with the mariages of many, with their temporall goods, and indeed with all things: Alwayes taking that course with all men, that something happen to their share, hauing minde indeed of nothing, but their owne gaine. They skorne to come to any one, but where they may be daintily, and costly entertayned: they looke not after the cottages of the poore, nor mi­nister their help to them, be there neuer so much need.

[Page 73] Moreouer, they are so delighted with equiuocation, or a subtile and dissembling kind of speech, as that to the scandall of others they are not ashamed to defend it in their publick writings. There were read before the Iudges on the bench in open Court, and in the hearing of all the people the letters of a certain Iesuite named Southwell, wherein equiuocations were most absurdly defended, which gaue cause of laughter to the hereticks, and occasion of scandall to the Catho­licks. They take pleasure also to scatter rumors, and to suggest certaine nouelties in the eares of Catho­licks, yea to forge and inuent things that are not, in­somuch as they are commonly held now a dayes great lyars; and it is come to that passe, that though they sweare, men will not beleeue them.

All Vniuersitie men, and such as haue taken any degree in schooles (and such in our countrey are most regarded) they hate most, despise, contemne, and re­proch. It is a common report in England, that had it not bin for the pride, and ambition of the Iesuites, there had eare this bin graunted some toleration in Religion.

To conclude, omitting all other things (which are very many) I wil only rehearse one, which I haue heard of many; that it is come to this passe now, that the Catholicks stand in more feare of the Iesuites, then of the hereticks. For the hereticks (say they) can but cha­sten the bodie only; but the Iesuites wound both their bodies, and their good name. They do not indeed di­rectly cause Priests to be apprehended, but indirectly. That is, hauing spread some reports of them, whereby their good name is taken away, so as they stand suspe­cted either of heresie, or of some other heynous of­fence, no Catholick entertayneth them, and so conse­quently, they are driuen to pouertie, how can they escape the hands of the hereticks? And albeit they lye [Page 74] in prison, and bonds, and are many wayes tormented, if they be not crowned with the glory of martyrdome, they shal neuer be purged from that former suspition, but shall be accounted euery day more and more, as hereticks.

Certayne chiefe points of accusations, wherewith many English men haue iustly charged the Iesuites vnto the Pope, and diuers Cardinals: taken out of the Memo­riall and other letters: some of them dated at Rome 8. of Nouember 1597.
Touching the Iesuites in England.

THe Fathers of the Societie do dissent among them­selues, Fa. Henrie the superior, and Fa. Edmonds, in the Prison at Wisbich, and there 26. Articles of their dissension.

If any Priest haue a conuenient place of residencie, the Iesuits will not cease vntill they haue cast him out, and that by wicked meanes, by defaming him, and bringing him into suspition.

That the Iesuites are the firebrands of all soditions.

That the Iesuites by right or wrong seeke simply and absolutely the Monarchie of all England.

They are enemies to all secular Priests.

They are the causes of all the discord in the English Nation.

They are called of the schismaticks horse-leaches, or bloud-suckers.

That Fa. Parsons, and Sir Fra. Inglefeild Knight, de­uised the complot to set the Cardinals Aldobrandinus, Caietane, and the Bishop of Cassana together by the cares: and to fall foule one vpon an other.

N. wrote to Cardinall Allen, that Fa. Holt stoode guiltie, and might be accused by him of such infamous matters, as he durst not make mētion of in his letters.

[Page 75] That Fa. Holt did not only intend, but would in­deede giue wretched England in Conquest to himselfe and his fauorites.

That Fa. Holt and his companions had gathered such an infinite masse of money from the Catholicks in England, for dispensations, or vnder the colour of expending it to their vses, as many credibly affirmed it to exceede the summe of 50000. pounds english, which make two hundreth millions of Italian Scutes.

That the Iesuites haue driuen certaine excellent men to desperation, inforcing them to leaue England, and to enter into some religious order, or to take some other miserable course.

That the Iesuites in England by certayne cunning sleights, hauing gotten into their hands all authori­tie, good estimation, and all the stock or treasure of money, do what they list at home and abroade. They thrust out, and let in, hire, and buy, intercept letters, and maintayne factions as they please them selues.

That Fa. Holt in Belgia, and Parsons in Spayne, haue continued these nine whole yeres, to the great gricfe of the Nobilitie and Clergie: and haue procured themselues to be continued the Kings seruants.

That there are many things in the dealings of these Fathers which offend good men: viz. the contempt of Nobilitie: the turning away of Students from the Colledge at Doway: the attempting to bring the most flourishing kingdome of England into a Prouince: the polling and pilling of Catholicks in England, vn­der the colour of holy vses by intollerable fraude: a continuall enterdeale with hereticks, and men of suspected religion.

There must be care taken that the Priests in Eng­land may haue either equall or greater faculties then the Iesuites, seeing their pride by reason of their large faculties is fenced (as it were) with authoritie.

[Page 76] That the English Nobles which are in Belgia, won­der that his Holynes suffreth Iesuites in England, who are the firebrands of all contentions especially in any place of authoritie, and that these ten yeers and more, notwithstanding the miserable clamor and lamenta­tions of our Nobles and Gentlemen, who be oppressed vnder the yoke of slauery and their tyrannie.

The Iesuites do withstand any mans comming out of England into Belgia, vnlesse they know him prepa­red to write, to speake, to do what they will: and that he sweare to be ruled by them: and herein they ex­ercise notorious tyrannie.

Other infinite matters of this nature are omitted, which are conteyned in the letters that are kept vpon record: Taken out of letters dated at Rome, 8. No­uember 1597.

Concerning the whole Societie, and the Iesuites at Rome.

THe Iesuites are so ambitious, as not content with the bounds which their Fathers placed, in their vnsatiable desire they haue alreadie swallowed vp Kingdomes and Monarchies.

That being led by this ambition, they go about to change the forme of the Hierarchie, or supreme gouer­ment of the auncient Church by disordered packing.

That this pride and ambition of the Iesuites, is the cause of seditions not only in England, in the very prisons there, in the Low Cuntries, and in Italy, but all the world ouer.

That this their ambition hath taken footing not only in Prouinces and Cities, but also in priuate fa­milies: it separateth brethren one from an other, and the husband from the wife, inflaming them with ran­cor and enuie one against another.

That men must giue way to the time (as in the con­trouersie [Page 77] at Rome) least while they set a damme a­gainst the streame of this their pride, the raging course thereof do burst asunder all the bands of honestic and modestie, and carry away headlong many with the force thereof.

That if this ambition do remayne vnpunished, the age that is to come shall see that it will bring into bondage not only Prelates, but the very Princes and Monarches themselues, whom yet she flattereth in her infancie.

They beseech the Pope that he would lay the axe to the roote of the tree, and cut off this pride of the Societie, spreading it selfe farre and neere, least if once it arme it selfe with the authoritie of his Holynes, it powre forth a full reuenge vpon all others to their de­struction, and make an infinite slaughter and massacre of soules, which they haue already begun to attempt in wretched England, to the great decay of the com­mon cause.

That the Priests of England can finde in their ba­nishment no harbour safe enough from this their am­bition, vnlesse they haue first receiued the marke of this beast in their forehead.

That the Pope can commaund nothing in all his Mandates but the Iesuites finde meanes to frustrate it by the secular power, to the great scandall of many.

That the reuenge of these Iesuites hath neuer an end but with the death of their aduersaries, and their reproch after their death.

That the Iesuites (meaning them of Rome) do vse to intercept all manner of letters of all men whosoeuer, not forbearing the packets neither of the Cardinals nor of Princes.

N. calleth God and his Angels to witnes, that the greatest part of the Nobilitie and Clergie in England both at home and abroade do bewaile with sighes and [Page 78] teares their miserable estate, in that they suffer more grieuous things vnder these new Tyrants the Iesuites, then in their dayly persecutions.

That the persecution of the Iesuites is more grie­uous to the Catholicks then of the hereticks in Eng­land, in this respect, because they suffer vnder them for their vertue, but vnder these in the name of trea­cherie and vnfaithfulnes.

The Iesuites haue so persecuted some Priests that are now Martyrs, as that their death hath bin imputed partly to the hereticks, and partly to the Iesuites.

That it is a knowne position among the Iesuites (diuide and gouerne) and therefore those Fathers at Rome do both stirre vp, and maintayne dissensions.

That the Iesuites Confessors are wont to abuse the consciences of their penitentiaries to their owne com­moditie.

That of 300. Priests which haue entred into Eng­land, scarce sixe or seauen haue fallen away. But of twentie Iesuites eight haue reuolted: which is a no­table slaunder, seeing there can not be found one of them to haue reuolted which were sent in by the Societie.

That the Iesuits in the Low-countries are so cruell, as that they haue not only brought many excellent men to a miserable end, but haue reproched them af­ter their death.

That nothing doth so vex the English Catholicks as the contempt and hatred of the President that now is: and the slaunderous reproch falsely imputed to the renowned Cardinals, Tolet, and Alexandrinus.

That the Iesuites do eagerly wayt for the death of the Pope, and of the renowned Cardinall Tolet, that they might bring vpon all those that slaughter and bloudshed, which they long since assayed against as many as haue dared to oppose themselues against their tyranny.

[Page 79] The chiefe remedie wherein the state of all contro­uersies at Rome dependeth is, that the affaires of all the Colledges be committed to an assemblie of hono­rable Cardinals that are regular, both to looke into, and to determine of. For there is nothing that these tyrants more feare, then that they should be compel­led before the Cardinals to render an accompt of their dealings. Neither doth any thing giue them greater libertie of their insolencie, then that they are free wel­nie from being called before any iudgement seate.

See you see (quoth N) my letters secretly and ef­fectually, because the enemy, if he be not preuented, flattereth himselfe in an assured hope of a Monarchie. While the iron is hote, strike: worke out your busines while your Patrones liue. Your enemies seeke but to gayne the time; and if they once set free themselues from the streights wherein they are yet incombred, they will (belieue me) domineere most tyrannously.

The Iesuites seeke also the gouerment of the Col­ledge at Doway, neither feare they any bridle where­with they can be curbed, but only, that the Iesuite Re­ctors should be made subiect to the regular Congre­gations.

The Iesuites by their Machiuilian practises go a­bout to procure the dissolution of the Colledge at Doway.

The tyranny and insolencie of the Iesuites is hor­rible, especially of those that liuing in Belgia, do re­proch, disgrade, depriue whome they list: and I feare (quoth he) do indirectly betray some vnto the enemy.

The Censure of Paris before mentioned for our instifica­tion, in suspending our obedience to maister Blackwels authoritie, vntill we knew his Holynes further pleasure.

IN the yeare of our Lord 1600. vpon the third day of May, it was proposed to the faculty of the Di­uines [Page 80] of the Vniuersity of Paris, that by the letters of a most illustrious Cardinall, an Ecclesiasticall Supe­rior was constituted in a certaine Kingdome with the title and dignity of an Arch-priest, to haue authority and iurisdiction ouer all other Priests residing in that Kingdome. This Cardinall did also declare in those his letters, that he did it according to the wil and good liking of the Pope. Notwithstanding, many of these Priests refused to subscribe to the authority of the sayd Arch-priest, before he had obteyned letters from the Sea Apostolick, conteyning the tenor of his confirma­tion, as well because that kind of gouernment was al­together new in Gods Church, and hitherto neuer heard of, that an Arch-priest should haue charge of a whole Kingdome, and such iurisdiction ouer euery Priest in that Realme: then also, for that it seemed to them by certaine words of the Cardinals letters, that the Arch-priest and his authority was graunted by false information: then lastly, because they noted great partiality in the choyse of the Arch-priest and of his counsellors. Vpon which and some other reasons, these Priests sent messengers to the Pope, for laying open vnto him these their difficulties: and therewith­all to signifie their greatest readynes, as in this matter, so euermore in all other, to obey his Holynes.

The Arch-priest and those who are of his side accuse the other Priests of schisme, in that they deferred to obey the Cardinals letters, which moreouer he sayd were written according to his Holynes minde and pleasure.

The Question then is, whether these Priests be schisma­ticks? and if not, whether they did commit at the least some grieuous sinne?

The head and chiefe men of the faculty of Diuinity in Paris chosen out of the whole company, assembled together [Page 81] in the house of the Senior Bedle in the yeare and day aboue written, after full and maturest consideration had of the matter, gaue this censure.

First, that those Priests, who vpon the aboue-named causes deferred to obey, were no schismaticks.

Secondly, that they committed no sinne at all in that fact in it selfe considered.

By commaundement of our Deane and masters deputed and selected by the whole facultie of Diuinity in Paris De lacourt.

The rash and vnaduised aunswere of Mayster Blackwell to the Censure of Paris.

Reuerendi Patres & Fratres.

WHereas after the condemnation at Rome of the two Embassadors together with all their complices here; and also the Pope his Breue confir­ming the Cardinals letters, as validas ab initio, and vt­terly condemning and inualidating all things done to the contrary: Some vnquiet persons haue secretly sought to the Vniuersity of Paris, and thence pretend to haue or haue receiued a resolution, that they ney­ther incurred schisme, nor any sinne in their procee­dings here against mine authority. Whereas also it is manifest that after notice had from their Ambassadors of the Pope his expresse will made knowne vnto them partly by their imprisonment, partly by the testifica­tion of the two Cardinals, Caietan, and Burghesius, to whome their cause was committed: which also the aforesaid two Ambassadors did certifie hither by their letters, exhorting all heere to the quiet acceptance of their superior, as being ordayned by his Holynes spe­ciall knowledge and absolute order, without depen­dence [Page 82] of their consent: that yet notwithstanding this perfect knowledge they repugned and stood still ob­stinate in their disobedience: so that the pretence of seeking to know the Pope his will was altogether fri­uolous in those which remayned heere. And thereby it appeareth, that the information giuen of the cause to the Parisians was altogether wrong, and (as it may be thought) fraudulent. For so long as they refused not their superior appoynted by the knowne will of the Pope, they neuer were condemned as schisma­ticks: and since and whilest they acknowledged their superior they were neuer censured, but only as sedi­tious in opposing against the Pope his order, and in disturbing the wished peace and tranquility of the Cleargie and Laity of the Catholicks, and yet could neuer be freed from one of these two crimes. Propterea, In Dei nomine Amen. Nos Georgius Blackwellus Archi­presbyter Angliae, & Protonotarius Apostolicus ex autho­ritate nobis sufficienter & legitime commissa praecipimus strictè in virtute obedientia, & sub poena suspensionis à di­uinis, & amissionis omnium facultatum ipso facto incur­rendarum, omnibus ecclesiasticis personis: omnibus au­tem laicis Catholicis sub poena interdicti similiter ipso facto incurrendi, that neither directly nor indirectly they mayntayne or defend in word, or in writing the cen­sure of the Vniuersity of Paris (whether it be truly giuen or forged: whether vpon true information or otherwise) as being preiudiciall to the dignity of the See Apostolicall, and expressely contrary to his Ho­lynes Breue: and to the sentence iudicially giuen by the two Cardinals appoynted iudges in our cause: and to our common peace so much wished for by his Holynes. And this we inuiolably commaund to be obserued vnder the paines afore specified, and grea­ter also, according to his Holynes pleasure. Yet here­by we intend in no wise to disgrace the most famous [Page 83] Vniuersity of Paris. For we hope verily, that eyther there is no such censure of theirs: or else, that it was procured by wrong informations, and without ma­nifesting the sentence of the two Cardinals: and the expresse confirmation of his Holynes of those first let­ters, by which our authority was deriued vnto vs, which (God willing) we will speedily procure they shall receiue from the Court of Rome. And so nothing doubting of your duties towards your superiors, I leaue further to instruct, or exhort you, beseeching God to blesse vs all.

29. May. 1600.
Georgius Blackwellus Archipresbyter Angliae & Protonotarius Apostolicus.

Areioynder of Maister Darrell Deane of Agen, in defence of the censure of Paris, against M. Blackwell.

Reuerendi Patres & Fratres.

THere is come vnto my hands the sentence of M. George Blackwell Arch-priest, in condemnation of the censure and iudgement of the Catholique, aunci­ent, and renowned Vniuersity of Paris. Wherein was also thrust a very peremptory Prouiso, but most neces­sary to auoyd reprehension: that no man should vn­dertake eyther by word or writing to defend the sayd censure. I deemed it not impertinent in few words to runne ouer the sayd sentence, to shew in part the in­sufficiencie of it, as well for the honor of the sayd sa­cred faculty of Paris (which for the worthy schollers it hath brought forth, is highly esteemed throughout all Christendome) as for the aduertisement of the abouenamed Arch-priest, that he may hereafter be somewhat better aduised ere he thunder out his cen­sures: and do not vainely perswade himselfe, that he [Page 84] can either tye the toongs, or stay the pennes of men by any such vnreasonable writ, vnlesse he take some more sober and considerate course of proceeding. And for bresities sake to omit the friuolous preambles that are partly vntrue and wholy to small purpose: the first of importance is, where he sayth, That the infor­mation giuē vnto the Parisians, was altogether wrong, and (as it may be thought) fraudulent. His reason is: for that they, who liked not his election at the first stood still obstinate in their disobedience, after perfect notice of the Popes breue in confirmation of it, sent them by their Ambassadors (who for honors sake (you must thinke pardye) he alwayes so tearmeth) how sound and true this assertion is, all England (as I think) knoweth right well. Sure I am, the common fame spread in all countryes betwixt England and Rome, (where the English are resident) approued also by sundry letters out of England, and from other coasts, was, and is cleane contrary: viz. that they, who be­fore suspended their iudgements attending his Holy­nes resolution, as soone as they were by the Popes breue certified of his pleasure, submitted themselues to the Arch-priest, and acknowledged his authority. And that I stay not about needlesse proofes in so no­torious a matter, the very next words after in this his rescript, declare as much. Mary I must needs confesse, that they are so clarkly and clea [...]ely set downe, that they may perhaps couer some pretie equiuocation. These be his words. For so long as they refused not their superior, appoynted by the knowne will of the Pope, they were neuer condemned as schismaticks: and since, whilest they acknowledged their superior, they were neuer censured, but only as seditious, in op­posing against the Popes order &c. The sense in com­mon vnderstanding must needs be: that at first, so long as they had not certaine notice by the Popes [Page 85] breue of his will, and therefore refused to accept the new Magistrate, they were not condemned as schis­maticks. Afterward they vnderstanding of the Breue, acknowledged their superior: and therefore were not censured as schismaticks, but only as seditious. By the latter part of which sentence, it is most euident and cleare by his owne expresse declaration: that after certaine knowledge of the Popes commaundement, they acknowledged their superior; and therefore were not censured, but only as seditious. What can be more contrary to that which he sayd before? There, he auoucheth boldly, that after certaine notice giuen of the Popes will, they stood still obstinate in their for­mer disobedience here, that after intelligence had, they acknowledged their superior. I dare not aske you, whether part of this flat contradiction you will beleeue, because both cannot be true: for you must either hold (contrary to the rules of reason) both parts to be true, or else discredit him, that within the com­passe of a few lines affirmed them both. But no mar­uayle: for I am almost astonished, to see so many foule ouersights in this one poore sentence. Let that con­tradiction passe: and marke an other in the same end of the sentence. They are censured only as seditious, sayth he: in opposing against the Popes order. What order was that, I pray you? Was it any other, then that they should receiue Maister Blackwell for Arch-priest, and obey him? No surely: how then did they oppose against that order, who in that very time acknowled­ged their superior, as in the same period he hath him­selfe set downe? What a wilfull peruersenes is this, and blinde desire of slaundering others, to censure those for seditious, whom they know and do confesse to haue acknowledged their superiors. But not to stand vpon these contrary points (which giue but small grace vnto a graue sentence) I may not omit that [Page 86] strange proposition conteyned in the former part of the sentence. It is: that they who liked not of his au­thority, were not, before they receyued certaine notice thereof, by his Holynes breue, condemned as schis­maticks. This is so apparantly false, and so contrary vnto euery ones knowledge, that I much muse what he meaneth, and where the starting hole, and euasion lyeth. If he vnderstand only, that they were neuer condemned by sentence of iudge, it may then passe: for so indeed they could neuer haue bin iustly. But to say, that he and his fellowes did not so call them, so re­port of them, and so write of them, and in a rude ray­ling pamphlet in latine so denounce them to the wide world, were (as I take it) to make open profession, that he had made shipwrack of verity, modesty, and hone­stie. Hauing thus briefely examined the preamble, I come now to the sentence itselfe: wherein I will yet be more briefe. Me thinks he seemeth not a little to abuse that great authority committed to his charge: ad aedificationem non ad destructionem. For following his letters patents, and the right order of correction, he is to punish enormous faults after they be commit­ted, vsing also before brotherly admonition: to try whether in the spirit of lenity, the party may be a­mended. But he contrarywise goeth about by new decrees to make faults (which passeth his Commis­sion for ought that I euer yet could see) and to pu­nish faults without any warning most grieuously. But you will say: that it is for some heynous cryme, or else he would neuer haue bin so terrible and hasty to reuenge? well: let vs heare what enormous fault it is? Mary sir, if any maintaine in word or in writing di­rectly or indirectly, the graue, Catholicke and learned iudgement of the famous Vniuersitie of Paris, al­though it be vpon due information truly giuen (for so much his words seeme to import) when he saith: whe­ther [Page 87] it be truly giuen or forged, whether vpon true in­formation or otherwise) if he be of the Cleargie, he is presently to be suspended, and to lose all his faculties (the greatest penaltie that he could lay on him) if of the laitie: he is ipso facto, interdicted. I passe ouer, that for a light offence, or rather none at all, he hath ordai­ned a grieuous punishment, contrarie to that rule of Iustice: Proratione delicti, sit plagarum modus. But this would I faine know, for the instruction of many o­thers: how he commeth by the authoritie to interdict any of the Laitie. Sure I am, that in his letters pa­tents, and the Popes breue, he hath no authoritie gi­uen him, but ouer Priests only: whom neither can he interdict, much lesse any of the Laitie, ouer whom he hath no iurisdiction at all, for ought I haue yet heard: let him then take heede, that casting out those cen­sures which belong not to him; he doe not himselfe in­curre the true censures of his superiours: and for cen­suring others vniustly, fall into the iust indignation and displeasure of almightie God. But he taketh it o­therwise: and deemeth the Vniuersitie of Paris to haue failed much. Let that be his opinion.

But whether is likelier to faile, trow you: either one Bachelor in Diuinitie, or many Doctors: one as yet raw, and little practised in the discipline of the church: or many, of long time daily conuersant in Ecclesiasti­call affaires: one hasty man (as it seemeth) and in the heate of faction: or diuers graue aduised men, free from all passion and affection? If he thinke by the pri­uiledge of his titles, to be any whit holpen: the Vni­uersitie of Paris haue in their facultie present diuerse Protonotaries Apostolicke and Archpriests, and ma­ny greater officers of their bodie, as Archdeacons, Chancellors, or Vicar generals: that I may omit Bi­shops, who are commonly resident in their Diocesses. But perhaps some will say; albeit our Archpriest be [Page 88] surmounted in all other respects: yet in reasons and proofes, he passeth them all. Let vs therefore come vn­to his reasons which are three in number, and barely auerred; but not one of them proued. The first is, that the censure of Paris is preiudiciall to the dignitie of the Sea Apostolike. Proue that good sir. For without proofe, that assertion will be taken for fond: and I in a word, will proue it also to be false: for they say, it was neither schisme nor sinne in that doubtfull case of the Archpriests election, to seeke vnto the Popes ho­lines for certaine resolution, where they are so farre off from derogating any whit, from the dignitie of the Sea Apostolicke, that they doe highly commend it; acknowledging the right of appellation from all in­feriour courts, to appertaine vnto the Court of Rome, which is a speciall prerogatiue, whereby we proue a­gainst heretikes, the supremacie of that Sea. This first worthie argument then, is drawne perhaps a contra­rio sensu.

The second is, that their censure was contrarie to the Popes breue. As iust as Iermaines lippes. For their censure onely was: whether it were schisme or any sinne, before there was any breue, and wholy abstrac­ting from the breue: How could it then be opposite to that, with which it did nothing at all meddle, or any whit concerne? The third and last reason is: that their censures were contrary to the sentence of the two Cardinals. No such matter good sir: For the Cardi­nals sentence was onely against two by name, and for no other matter, as the sentence expresseth, then for that they had exercised controuersies with some other men of their owne order (which also how true it is, let them iudge, that know their conuersation) therefore they thought it expedient, that they should not re­turne into the Countrie for a season without leaue. Now let them consider who are of higher capacitie [Page 89] then my selfe: how this sentence is opposite vnto the censure of Paris: that in doubtfull causes to ap­peale or sue vnto Rome, is neither schisme nor sinne: for my wit is too simple to reach vnto it. Well to draw towards an end. After that this good man had in ouer great haste taxed the censure of the Vniuersitie of Pa­ris, as preiudiciall vnto the dignitie of the Sea Aposto­licke, and contrarie to the Popes breue and Cardinals sentence: he forsooth (and if you lift to beleeue him) telleth you that he meaneth not to disgrace that most famous Vniuersitie. Surely, if he thought, that he could disgrace it, he deceiued himselfe fowly. For the grace, credit, and renowne of the vniuersitie of Paris, little dependeth vpon the verdit of so base and meane a Magistrate, and contemneth the bald vnlearned re­prehensions of such simple Clarkes. If they meane in substantiall arguing, to coape with so honourable a companion: let them put downe plainely the case, as it was proposed vnto them, with their censure, and withall in Latine (as they may vnderstand it) with­out passion disproue it like Diuines: and then it may be, if they see any thing worth the answering; that they will giue sufficient satisfaction to the world of their censure. In the meane season it must needes bee small honour vnto the Archpriest and others of his band, to oppose themselues against the most learned, catholicke and famous Vniuersitie of Paris, as he him­selfe acknowledgeth it: who doe still auouch, and will vphold their censure for iust and true in any place, wheresoeuer it shall be called in question: which me thinkes should much moue all good Catholickes, not so stifly to backe that side against other innocent men, who after so long and fruitfull trauels for our Countrey, are now for nothing (as it were) mightilie wronged in their good names and credits.

I for my part, who alwaies haue most tenderly lo­ued the Catholicke cause, am most sory to see such pi­tifull [Page 90] dissension about trifles: and doe most earnestlie in visceribus Domini nostri Iesu Christi, request and re­quire the Archpriest, and those that are ouer passio­nate on that part; to content themselues with the sub­missiō of others vnto the Popes Holines Breue (which was a high poynt of perfect obedience, considering what slender audience was giuen vnto those whom they sent) and leaue off that fruitles iangling, whether they sinned before or no: or what kind of sinne it was. Who would not haue thought, but that vpon the re­ceite of the Popes Breue, and obedient acceptance thereof, all would haue been quiet and appeased: one forgiuing another, if ought before had passed amisse: and all ioyning together in defence of each others cre­dit and good name, which was and is most necessarie for the maintenance of the common cause and com­fort of all Catholicks. Well at the length yet, for Gods honour, and the holy Churches good, and your owne quietnes, returne vnto that Christianlike and bro­therly peace and charitie, so much desired of all en­tire and deuout Catholicks: which that our louing Sauiour may giue you grace to doe, my humble prayers haue alwaies been, and shall neuer, I hope, fayle. Thus in all dutie and affection, recommending my selfe to your good prayers, I desire to be partaker of your fruitfull trauailes. At Agen the 4. of August.

Your humble brother and seruant in our Lord: Iohn Dorel.

We were here constrained to breake off, for feare of some danger by an intended search: so as we haue o­mitted M. Blackwels letter, mentioned pag. 49. with an­swere vnto it: which together with some other mat­ters you shall receiue ere it bee long. In the meane while we commit our selues to your faithfull prayers: and you by ours, vnto Almightie God.

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