[...] shall I wete yf he be a man
[...]o haue good daye
[...]e to the pauyl yon he rode
[...]we the mayden as she stode
[...] was her brother gaye
[...]yght she sayd here cometh one
[...]he harde hym to ouer gone
[...] now and se
[...] wyll dure in fyght
[...]unte ye sawe neuer a better knyght
[...] shall fynde hym sykerly
[...] now my brother fyr Brandles
[...]arrefull flye ywys
[...] you shall fynde
[...] pastynge lyke a knyght
[...]ede ye shall fynde hym wyght
[...]er this lynde
[...]a wayne he is full lyke
[...] and to stryke
[...] handes a man
[...]t or now this yeres thre
[...]e lyke a man to be
[...]d by saynt Iohan
[...] Brandles the knyght gay
[...] hyghe and thus gan say
[...]e thou the cheuelere
[...] hast he sayd on hyght
[...] the wyll I fyght
[...]me thou shalte lere
[...] done
[...]e dyshououre grete
[...] not now amendement gete
Let me make amendes and you maye
Or thou begyn this werke
Syr and I haue ought mysdone
Tell me and it shall he amended soone
All gentylnesse to fulfyll
I haue ben bestad today full fore
Shame it were to preue me ony more
But here I am at your wyll
I wys quod Brandles that is sothe
But I must nedes holde myne othe
Thou hast done so yll
My fader and my brederne thou hast beten bothe
To accorde I were therof full lothe
My worshyp to fulfyll
Now sayd Gawayne syth it is so
I must nedes me dryue therto
This daye god lende me grace
For my swerde shall do none aduantage
Let vs se how well we can autrage
If I may dure ought in this trace
[...]y sayd Brandles in good faye
Now shall you se me make good playe
Of knyghthode thou hast no pere
I am ryght glad that thou hast myght
But sory I am that we wante daye lyght
But amended is mychere
They fought togyder these knyghtes good
Thrugh the haburgeons ranne the reed blood
That pyte it was tose
They fought togyder with suche yre
That after fl
[...]med out the f
[...]e boughe in his hande he dyde brynge
[...]ge on a Ioly coursere
[...]se was trapped in reed veluet
[...]uches of golde theron was set
[...]ghthode he had nopere
[...]is horse was armed before
[...]ed and the brest and no more
[...]fyne stele
[...]e was armed passynge sure
[...] that wolde strokes endure
[...]e proued ryght we
[...]yght bare on his heed a pomell
[...]ge on his horse stertynge out of y
e waye
[...]s he came aboute
[...] he had that was of renowne
[...] thee in a blacke fawcowne
[...]e was of syluer without
[...] his hande a spere he bare
[...] stronge and longe I make you ware
[...] trusty tree
[...] was an heed theron of stele wrought
[...]este that myght be made or bought
[...]ell assayed had be
[...] of pleasaunce a ke
[...]che yf honge
[...] it was more than thre elles longe
[...]dred all with golde
[...] as a knyght of large and lengthe
[...]oued well of moche strengthe
[...] hym who so wolde
[...] of golde also he had on
She hath caused to daye moche shame parde
It is pyte she hath her syght
Syr knyght sayd syr Gawayne haue good daye
For on fote I haue a longe waye
[...]n horse were me wonder dere
Somtyme good horses I haue good wone
But now on fote nedes must I gone
God in hast amende my chere
Syr Gawayne was armed passynge heuy
On fote myght he not endure truely
His knyfe he toke in honde
His armoure good he cut hym fro
Elles on fore myght he not go
Thus with care was he bonde
¶ Leue we now syr Gawayne in wo
And speke we more of syr Brandles tho
Whan he with his syster met
He sayd fye on the harlot stronge
It is pyte that thou lyuest so longe
Strypes harde I wyll the set
And bete the bothe backe and syde
And than wolde he not abyde
But to his fader streyte he wente
Than he axed hym how he fared
He sayd sone for the haue I cared
I wende that thou haddest ben shente
Brandles fayd I haue bete my systere
And the knyght I made hym swere
[...] we mete agayne
[...] togyder fyght
Tyll at the laste they wanted lyght
They wyst not what to done
Than sayd syr Brandles that knyght so gaye
Syr knyght we wante lyght of the daye
Therfore I make my mone
If we fyght thus in the derke togyder
Thrugh myshap the one myght fle the other
And therfore by myne assente
Let vs swere on our swerdes bothe
Where that we mete for lefe or lothe
If that we mete in presente
And neuer leue the batayle tyll the one be slayne
I assent me therto than sayd Gawayne
And ye wyll that it so be
Thus sayd syr Brandles I maye none other do
For suche promyse I made my fader vnto
Therfore this othe make we
I wote that there is no stroke y
t thou gyuest me
But I haue quyt it sykerly
And thou arte not in my det
Full large of lyuerye thou arte syr knyght
Neuer none dyde preue so well my myght
We ben euen as we met
Let vs make an othe on our swerdes here
In what place we mete ferre or nere
Euen there as eyther other may fynde
Euen so we shall do the batayle vtterly
I holde sayd Gawayne by mylde mary
And thus we make an ende
[...]r Gamayne take
[...] his swerde than
Whan he all sawe he sayd alas
This is euyll tydyngr
Whan he sawe his fader all blody
And his .ii. bretherne hurte full sykerly
Alas sayd Brandles than
Who hath done you suche a dyspyte
Tell me in hast that I may hym quyte
For myne herte is wo begone
Then sayd the fader sone I shall the tell
All this hathe done a knyght full fell
And layne by thy syster also
He bet me fyrste and sythe them all
And made vs swere that we ne shall
This day do hym no wo
Now quod Brandles this is ylle come
I ensure you by my holy dome
I shall proue his myght
Were he as stronge as Sampson was
In faty he shall I neuer frome hympas
Tyll the one of vs to dethe be dyght
Ye loue Brendles thou shalte not so
Though he haue done wronge let hymg
The knyght is passynge sure
I wyll not for more than I wyll sayne
Se the syr Brandles there slayne
For I warrante the he wyll endure
The knyght is stronge and well fyght
And whan he hath in his hande a man
He wyll do hym no yl
[...]entyll wordes speke agayne
And eche of them helped other
As well as they myght go
Than the lady gate her awaye
They sawe her neuer after that daye
She wente wandrynge to and fro
Also syr Gawayne in his party
On fote he wente full weryly
Tyll he to the courte came home
All his aduenture he shewed the kynge
That with those .iiii. knyghtes he had fyghtyng
And eche after other alone
After that tyme they neuer met more
Full glad were these partyes therfore
So was there made the ende
I praye god gyue vs all good reste
And those that haue harde this lytell geste
And in hye heuen for to be dwellynge
And that we all vpon domes daye
Come to the blysse that lasteth a ye
Where we maye here the aungelles synge
¶ Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of saynt Iohan euaugelyst [...] by me Iohan Butler.
Of knyghthode thou haste no felowe
On my faythe I ensure the
Nowe quod Gawayne let hym be
And syr knyght make one othe to me
That this daye thou do me no greue
And thou shalte passe from me all quyte
Where as is nowe thy moost delyte
Without ony more reprefe
Syr Terry sayd therto I graunte
Fare well nowe god be thy warraunte
Full mekely he wente on fote
He lefte neuer tyll he came there
Where his fader and syr Gyamoure were
That carefull hertes had god wote
Than spake syr Gyamoure his yongest bro
Syr thou hast goten as we haue and none
That knewe I well it sholde so be
By god sayd syr Terry so nowe it is
He is a deuyll forsothe Iwys
And that is preued on me
Ye quod syr Gylberde that erle olde
He is a knyght bothe stronge and bolde
And fortune is his frende
My d
[...]ughters loue he clene wan
Therfore I dare well saye he is a man
And mykell worse than I wende
As they thre stode thus talk ynge
They herde a man full lowde synge
That all the wode ronge