An Anniuersarie MEMORIALL OF ENGLANDS DELIVERY FROM The Spanish Inuasion: DELIVERED IN A Sermon on Psal. 48.7.8. By THOMAS GATAKER B. of D. and Pastor of Rotherhith.

LONDON, ¶ Printed by John Haviland for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, at the Golden Lion in Pauls Churchyard. 1626.


TO THE WORSHIPFVLL HIS VERY LOVING Friend M. Thomas Chapman, Sonne and Heire to the Religious Founder of this Exercise.

Worthy Sir,

WHat your selfe, and others with your selfe haue through your means former­ly by word of mouth heard from me, you shall now vpon your second request receiue here in writing. I should not haue deemed it worthy the reseruation, but that it pleased [Page] you (who haue best right to it) to require it. In scatterd notes only (like Absyrtus his limmes) I had the summe and heads of it; which I haue againe here recollected, & cast (as neare as I could) into that mould and frame that it was deli­uered in at first. If much seeme missing of that little grace that it then had, it must be remembred, that the liuelesse letter for viuaci­tie and efficacie commeth farre short of the liuing voice. As it is, you haue it, and no more then your owne in it, from him, who for your pious building on your worthy Fathers foundation in this kinde, doth deseruedly affect you, and shall alwayes continue

Yours to be commanded in the Lord, THO. GATAKER.


BE pleased (good Reader) to vn­derstand in few words the occa­sion whereupon this Sermon was preached, and thou wilt iudge it to be a kinde of necessitie to make that publike to the common view, which was first intended for the eare onely of a priuate Auditory. There is, we see, too great and generall a want (in these our dayes) of monuments and memorials of that miraculous deliuerance which God wrought for this Land in 88. When Tongue and Pen, Pulpit and Presse are silent for that, we may expect the stones to cry out against vs, and to celebrate that praise to God whereof we are neglectiue. But mans memory being a table booke to regi­ster acts passed, and not able to comprehend all [Page] that is to be recorded therein, when new things of note come to be imprinted in it, the old are wip't out: so God affording vs a daily supplie of new preseruations, those other which we haue formerly receiued grow quite out of date, are rased out, and buried in obliuion. Therfore to reuiue this blessing (which ought neuer to be forgotten) amongst the rest in this Land, and for it to eternize Gods praise amongst vs, it hath beene religiously prouided by M r. Tho­mas Chapman (sometimes a worthy Citizen) that yeerely three Sermons shall be preached in the Church of S t. Pancrace in Soper-lane, where he lately liued a well deseruing parishi­oner: One of the Sermons to be preached No­uemb. 17. in thankfull remembrance of the coronation of that Virgin Queene ELIZA­BETH of famous and neuer-dying memory, with whose gracious gouernment accompanied much happinesse to our kingdome; but this as chiefe of all, (scil.) the establishment of that truth of the Gospell & discipline of the Church which we now enioy vnder our dread Soue­raigne Lord King CHARLES (whom God long preserue a religious Defender of this truth and peace amongst vs.) Another Ser­mon [Page] to be preached August 12. for our deliue­rance from that Spanish Armado (in which course this Sermon was preached.) A third Nouemb. 5. for the preseruation of our King and State from that damnable powder-plot as yet vnparalleld in any age since the world be­gan. In each of these we may behold Gods goodnesse: first in bringing vs to the glorious light of the Gospell by making that Queene a Mother ouer his Israel and a Nurse ouer his Church: neither was it lesse goodnesse in him to preserue vs in this happy state, then to con­ferre it vpon vs; and this he hath done maugre the malice of our enemies, who haue not wan­ted both power and policie in these their at­tempts, yet when they were strong and many, our God was mightier than they, and there were more with vs than against vs: when they had laid their plots and traines, God con­founded the wicked imaginations of those Achitophels, and let them fall into the pit they had digged for others. This good man, famous in his generation, in thankfull remem­brance to God of these three blessings, in his life time solemnly obserued three Sermons, and hath left large Legacies at his death for their [Page] continuance vnto posteritie; that in succee­ding ages fathers may declare vnto their chil­dren how great things God hath done for vs in the old times before them. By this godly care of his, he hath built himselfe a monument of fame to remaine longer than those Aegyp­tian Pyramides, or that Pillar which Abso­lom reared vp in the Kings dale for the per­petuitie of his name vpon earth. Thus they that honour God, God will honour them, in seeking the glory of Gods name, God hath made an honourable memoriall of his name to re­dound vpon his owne head. He was second to none, being the first Founder (of late) of this pious act: but I hope he shall not stand alone, but that there will be many found to se­cond him hereafter in so good a worke worthy the imitation. So now (Reader) I commit this Sermon to thy perusall: whilest in it thou seest Gods wonderfull workes which he hath done for our Nation, or what good soeuer thou shalt reape else in this Exercise, be thankfull to God and pray for the Author.

PSALME 48.7, 8.

7. As with an East wind, thou breakest the Ships of Tarshish; so were they destroyed.

8. As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the Citie of the Lord of Hoasts, in the Citie of our God: God will establish it for euer. Selah.

AS in all well-gouerned States there are publike [...] siue [...] Ezr. 6.2. Et [...] siue [...] Ester 6.1. & Ezr. 4.15. [...]. Hesych. Archiua; quae & Tabularia Ciceroni pro Arch. & Virgi­lio Georg. l. 2. vbi actus publici continentur. Seru. Registers, and Re­cords, that the memory of Iudge­ments and Acts may not perish: So hath God in mans Soule ere­cted a Register, to wit, the facultie of Memoria est vis animae accepta retinens, praeterita repetens, elapsa re colligens. Aug. nom. de sp. & an. c. 37. Omnium rerum thesaurus, & custos est memoria. Ibid. c. 34. Memory is the storehouse of the Soule, and the Regi­ster of the Minde. Morton threefold state of Man, l. 2. c. 4. §. 1. The Memoratiue fa­cultie is the Gardian and Register of all species and images apprehended by the sense, and reserued and sealed vp by the Imagination. Charron of Wisdome, l. 1. c. 12. Hoc est quod Scalig. de subtil. exerc. 307. §. 2. Imaginationis Memoria seruatrix est. Acceptas enim spe­cies ab imaginatione reponit, conditque in thesauris. Remembrance, for the preseruation of such oc­currents, as are of weight, and may be of vse for the direction of mans life.

[Page 2]But this Register is very much abused by the greatest part of those that haue the custody of it. For if the Records that the most enter therein, and keepe there, were surueyed, See Bern. serm. parv. 1. Morton ibid. §. 2. and Marbury of Repentance. there would be found filed there large rolls fraught with friuolous and froathie stuffe, of little weight, and lesse vse, yea (it may be) with much filthy, and vnsauoury matter, Ephes. 5.3, 4. not once to be mentioned, much lesse to be re­membred: scarce any script, or scroll of ought, that is ought worth, or worthy to be entred in so Archiuum planè regium, imò etiam diuinum. royall a Register.

Now if any thing deserue to be there carefully re­corded, that it may by that meanes be transmitted to posteritie, it should be Psal. 105.5. & 111.2, 3, 4. Malac. 4.4. Gods word, and his works, his extraordinary Acts especially either of Iudge­ment, or of Mercy. For the former, the Prophet Ioel willeth the people of his time, both to record them themselues, and to cause their Children to record them, and them also to relate them to their posteri­tie. Ioel 1.2. Tell it you to your Children; and let them tell it to their children; and their Children to those that rise in their roome. Of the latter saith the Psalmist, [...] Asaphi Psalmꝰ. Iun. A Psalme of A­saph. Reg. Bibl. for Asaph. Genev. Asaph, or who euer he were; Psal. 78.5, 6. He commanded our Fathers to teach it to their Children, that posteritie might know it, and the Children that are yet vnborne might declare it to their Children hereafter; that Gods works might not be forgotten.

In which kinde the pious, and religious Act of M r Thomas Chapman. the Founder of this Exercise is very much to be commended, who hauing culled out three principall Acts of Gods extraordinary Mercy exhibited to the Land wherein we liue, as great as any euer vouch­safed [Page 3] to any State whatsoeuer, hath established a [...]. solemne Anniuersarie Memoriall of them to per­petuate them to all posteritie. Occasion.

To my Lot is fallen that Octogesimꝰ octa­uus mirabilis annus Clade Papistorum; faustus vbique p [...]js. Fulk. in Rhem. admirable Deliuerance in 88. from that The inuincible Nauie. See Hack­luits relation. Inuincible Armado, as it was then stiled and termed.

For the remembrance whereof, and of Gods mer­cy in it, I haue made choice to intreat of some Psal. 48.7, 8. par­cell of this Psalme, not vnbefitting (as you may soone see) the present occasion. Text.

The Psalme, is a Psalme (not so much Piscat. [...], Summe of the Psalme. as [...], and Iunius. [...]) of Praise and of Tri­umph.

Of the praise of God, and his goodnesse to his Church. Parts 2.

Of triumph ouer Gods enemies, and the enemies of his Church. Part 1.

The Verse 1.-5. Praise of God, Praise. and his goodnesse to his Church, is laid downe from the first verse to the fift. Part 2.

The speciall ground of this praise Verse 5.-10. a victorie through his assistance atchieued against his enemies, Triumph. and the enemies of his Church is, by way of triumph, related from the fift verse to the tenth. Relation.

And in the Relation hereof there is, 1. Attempt.

First Verse 4. the enemies Attempt; and therein

1. Praeparatio; their preparation; 1. Preparatiō. Conuenerunt pariter; they met together.

2. Expeditio; their expedition; 2. Expeditiō. Progressi sunt pa­riter; they went on together.

Secondly, the issue, and euent of it: 2. Euent. not like that [Page 4] of Casar, Sueton. Caes. c. 37. Sic de Pompeio A­theniens [...]s, [...]. Veni, vidi, vici; I came, I saw, I ouercame: but, venerunt, viderunt, veriti sunt, victi sunt: they came, they saw, they were ouercome, with astonish­ment, with feare, with defeature.

1. Verse 5. Contemplati sunt; they but viewed the Land that they came to inuade. Degree 1.

Degree 2.2. Obstupuerunt, they wondred that they were able to make head against them.

3. Conturbati sunt; they were troubled, disaraied, disappointed. Degree 3.

Degree 4.4. Festinauerunt; they made all the haste they could to be gone.

Degree 5.5. Vers. 6. Timor eos apprehendit; they were full of feare, & affrightment, when they found not free passage.

Degree 6.6. Et dolor, vt dolores parturientis; they were sur­prised with paines, being thus cast into such streights and distresses; like a woman in her trauell.

Degree 7.Lastly, Verse 7. Euro conteris naues Oceani, they were discomfited, and destroyed, as the Ships of the [...] vnde Grae. [...], quasi [...], Brought. Oceanus, sed pecu­liariter Mediterra­neus, à regione Tarsis, i. Cilicia, quam alluit. Le­uant Seas are, when with a furious East-wind they are bruised, and battered, and broken to peeces a­gainst the rocks.

Application.If I should say no more, but adde only the words following: Verse 8. Prout audiuimus, & vidimus; What we haue heard with them, we haue seene done for vs; it were a very pregnant description of this our deli­uerance. But somewhat more must be said, that we may learne what vse to make of it.

Illustration.The Relation of this Victorie atchieued for them by God (for Psal. 44.2, 3. & 115.1. to him alone it is ascribed) is here Verse 8. further illustrated.

[Page 5]1. By a report of what was past: 1. Report. the words seeme to haue reference not to the Ab adiuncta prae­dictione, & promis­sione diuina. Pis­cat. Ita & R. Kim­chi. Amb. Apollin. Aug. Ruffin. Theo­doret. Euthym. Lomb. Cassiod. Hug. Lyr. Bucer. Brent. Moller. Strigel. Loss. &c. vnde Aug. O beata Ecclesia, quodam tempore audisti; quodam tempore vidisti: audiuit in promissionibus, vidit in exhibitionibus. Verum isti plaerique sensum mysticum sequuntur. Ab exemplis antegressis. Chrysost. Beza. Buchan. Hessec. Sic Psal. 44.1. vtrumque ponunt Calv. Muscul. Iun. predictions of Gods Prophets, but to former examples rather of the like done for Gods people: What we haue heard done in our fore-fathers time for them, we haue seene done in our daies for vs.

2. By a promise of further future protection. God will establish it for euer.

And their thankfulnesse followeth in Verse 9. the next Verse: 2. Promise. Thankfulnes. (that which we through Gods mercy suruiue to doe this day) We recount, or meditate on thy mer­cy, ô Lord, in the middest of thy Temple, that is, in the middest of the Congregation there gathered to­gether.

Thus you see briefly the Summe, Transition from Distribution to Instructions. Instructiō 1. and the Sub­stance, as of my Text, so of the former part of the whole Psalme.

I come now to some Instructions that out of it may be obserued.

The first of them is this. [...]. He­siod. oper. l. 1. Prou. 11.27. Quaerunt ruinam, qui ruinam cogitant.’ They bring destruction vpon themselues, that seek the ruine of Gods elect. Psal. 37.12, 13. The wicked (saith the Psal­mist) practiseth against the righteous; and seeketh oc­casion to slay him. But the Lord the whiles laugheth him to scorne: for he seeth that his day is comming. Ibid. 14, 15. The wicked haue drawne their sword and bent their bow, to ouerthrow, and destroy those, that be of an vp­right conuersation: But their sword shall be sheathed [Page 6] in their owne side; and their bow shall be knapt in two Isai. 41.11, 12. All that prouoke thee (saith God by the Prophet Esay to his people) shall be confounded, and brought to nought; all that contend with thee, shall perish. Thou shalt seeke them, and shalt not finde them. All that striue with thee shall be as nothing: all that warre vpon thee, as a thing of nought. And Zech. 12.2. I will make (saith God by the Pro­phet Zachary) Ierusalem as a cup of rancke poison to all those that besiege her; which when a thirstie man lighteth vpon, and swalloweth downe suddenly, hee findeth his bane in that, that hee hoped to quench his thirst with. Ibid. 3. I will make Ierusalem an heauie stone to all people; such a one as Matth. 21.44. shall crush to peeces all that attempt to lift it, or to remoue it: so shall she teare to peeces all that attempt to stirre her, though all the nations in the world should ioyne to­gether against her. Zech. 12.6. I will make the Princes of Iuda like coales of fire among seare-wood, and like a fire­brand in a sheafe; & they shall deuoure, & destroy all the people that beset them on the right hand, and on the left.

The Reason hereof:

Reason 1.1. Dei qui Ecclesiam impetunt, Deum petunt. They that fight against Gods Church, [...]. Act. 5.39. & Tertull. ad Sca­pul. fight against God himselfe. Non tam vos, quàm Christum in vobis persequuntur. Saluian. de prouid. lib. 8. cap. 4. Patitur enim in vobis Deus. Martial. epist. 2. c. 18. They persecute not you so much, as Christ in you, saith Saluian. Act. 9.4. Saul, Saul (saith our Saui­our) why doest thou persecute me. And in so doing, they doe but as one (saith the Comick) Verberare nol [...] lapidem n [...] laedas manum. Plaut. Curcul. 1.3. that bea­teth a stone, and spoileth his hand; or Acts 9.5. [...]. Aeschyl. Prometh. [...]. Pindar. Pyth. 2. [...]. Eurip. Bacch. Quae inscitia est, adu [...]rsum stimulum calces [...] Ter. Ph [...]rm. 1.2. as the beast that [Page 7] spurneth at the goade, that he was pricked with; [...]. Schol. Aeschyl. Si stimulos pugnis cae­dis, manibus plus dolet. Plaut. Trucul. 4.2. vide & Chry­sost. in Psal. 11. he maimeth but his foot by it, & getteth a worse wound; or [...]. Greg. Naz. ad Eunom. 5. as the Boare, that runneth fiercely vpon the Speare, and so receiueth into his body the whole weapon that the Hunts-man holdeth. Psal. 2.1, 2. Why (saith the Psalmist) doe the Nations rage, and the people keepe such a coile to no end? The Kings of the earth band themselues together, and the Princes assemble themselues together, against the Lord, and against his Anointed? Therefore against the Lord himselfe, be­cause against the Lords Anointed. And as Qui insurgit in Christum Domini, insurgit in Dominū Christi. Sic Psal. 89.51. he that riseth against the Lords Anointed, riseth against the Lord by whom hee is anointed: So they that rise a­gainst the Church of God, rise against God himselfe, whose Church it is; Esai. 37.29. Because thou ragest against mee (saith God to Senacherib) therefore I will put my ring in thy nose, and my bit in thy iawes, and bring thee backe the same way thou camest. Psal. 17.8. Keepe me (saith Da­uid) as the apple of thine eye: hide me vnder the sha­dow of thy wings. They that deale with them, deale with those that are as deare vnto God, as the very apple of his eye, that that the eye-sight consisteth in; And therefore saith God, Zach. 2.8. I will be as a wall of fire about Ierusalem (hee saith Non saxeus, non aheneus, sed igneus, qui & cominus ar­ceat, & eminus terreat. Theo. in Zach. not, saith Theodoret, a wall of stone, or of brasse, but of fire, that it may both fray afar off, and keepe off too at hand; that may not onely protect them, but destroy those that assault them) because Zach. 2.5. he that medleth with you, medleth with me, euen with Ad exprimendam teneritudinem p [...]e­tatis suae, tenerrimā (sed & charissimā) partem humani corporis nominauit, &c. Saluian. de pro­uid. l. 8. c. 4. the apple of mine eye.

2. [...]. Pythag. an Radamanth. Aristot. ethic. lib. 5. cap. 5. Lex talionis verè lex aequissima. Reason 2. The Law of [Page 6] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8] retaliation, or like-recompence, is most equall. [...]. Pindar. Nem▪ 4. Quod quisque fecit, patitur. Sen. Herc. fur. 3.2. Non est in­iuria pati, quod prior feceris. Sen. de ira, lib. 2. cap. 30. - neque enim lex iustior vlla est, quam necis artifi­ces arte perire sua. Ouid. art. l. 1. It is not euill, that they suffer euill, that haue done euill to others. Iam. 2.13. There shall be iudgement (saith S. Iames) without mercy to those that would shew no mercy. [...]. Cleon apud Thucyd. l. 3. It is no cruelty to vse them cruelly, that haue shewed cruelty to others. For Misericordiam qui non praestat al­teri, tollit sibi. Petr. Chrysol. ser. 42. he excludeth himselfe from mercy (saith Chrysologus) that denieth it to another. [...]. Pythia Glauco apud Herodot. lib. 6. But they stand guilty of destruction that haue Decreuisti facere? iam perfecisti. August. de verb. Dom. 43. a purpose to destroy. For Voluntas faciendi reputatur pro opere facti: & actionis crimine cogitatio condemnatur. Pe­l [...]g. ad Demetr. the bare will alone goeth with God for the work, and the very endeuour, desire, yea or Nam scelus intra se tacitè qui cogitat vllum, Facti crimen habet. Iuuen. sat. 13. thought, for the deed. Iosu. 24.9. Balak rose, and fought with Israel, saith Iosua. And yet the story saith no­thing so. But Fieri dicitur, quod tentatur aut intenditur. Riber. in Amos 9.5. that is said to be done, that is either intended, or attempted, saith Ribera. He did it not, only because he durst not: and the woman (saith the Heathen man) Quae quia non licuit, non facit, illa facit. Ouid. amor. lib. 3. el. 4. Non dicam pudicam, quae aut legem, aut virum timuit: non immeritò in numerum peccantium refertur, quae pudicitiam timori praestitit, non sibi. Sen. de ben. l. 4. c. 14. that doth not euill, because shee dare not, when she would do it, if she durst, though she doe it not, yet she doth it. Matth. 5.28. He that looketh but on a woman to lust after her (saith our Sauiour) [...]. Clem. Rom. constit. Apost. l. 1. c. 1. hath already in his heart committed adultery with her. And, 1 John 3.5. He that hateth but his brother, (saith S. Iohn) Quantum ad te pertinet, occidisti, quem odisti. Aug. homil. 42. hath already murthered him in his heart. Res mira: ille viuit, tu tamen homicida [...]; illa casta est, tu tamen adulter es. Aug. de verb. Dom. 46. & de 10. chord. 3. & de temp. 237. & homil. 5. & 40. & 42. sed & C [...]ncil. Tolet. 11. c. 4. A strange mat­ter (saith S. Augustine) the man is aliue still, and yet thou art a murtherer: the woman is honest, and yet art [Page 9] thou an adulterer. Latro est etiam antequam manus inqu [...]net, qui ad occidendum arma­tus est, & habet spoliandi, atque in­terficiendi volun­tatem. Sen. de be­nef. l. 5. c. 13. Illo [...]s homicida venenum quo misces die. Idem de constan. c. 7. The minding then of destructi­on, maketh a destroyer. Potest aliquis no­cens fieri, quamuis non noc [...]at. Omnia scelera ante effectū operis, quantum culpae satis est, per­fecta sunt. Sen. ibid. He is guilty of it that doth but intend, or attempt to destroy: and de­serueth himselfe to be destroyed. Deut. 19.19. If a witnesse (saith God) shall rise against a man to take his life away from him, you shall euen doe vnto him (not, as he did, but) as he would haue done vnto his neighbour.

The second point of Instruction: ‘Creaturae Deo dilectis militant.’

Gods creatures fight for those that are Gods; for those that loue him, and whom he loueth; Instructiō 2. against the enemies of his Church. Exod. 8. & 9. & 10. The Frogs, Flies, Lice, Locusts, &c. fought for Gods seruants against Pharao, and his people. Iudg. 5.20, 21. The Starres from heauen fought in their courses against Sisera: and the riuer Kishon swept his armies away, as the Red Sea had done Pharao's be­fore. Iosua 10.13. The Sunne stood still to assist Ioshua in the pursuit of the Canaanites: and Joshua 10.11. the haile-stones slew more of them than the sling or the sword did. Vers. 7. And as here with the East-wind doest thou dash to peeces the Ships of the Mediterranean Sea; Exod. 14.27, 28. & 15.4. So Milites nobis qui aderāt, retulerunt, extorta sibi esse de manibus quaecun (que) iaculabantur, cùm à Theodosit partibꝰ in aduersarios ve­hemens ventus iret; & non solum quaecun (que) in eos iaci [...]bantur concitatissimè raperet, verume [...]iam ipsorum tela in eorum corpora retorqueret. Aug. de ciuit. l. 5. c. 26. the winds fought for Theodosius in that famous battell against Maximus, carrying the darts, and arrowes of his companies full into the faces of their enemies, and returning backe those of their enemies vpon their owne bodies: That which euen A Christi nomine al [...]enus. Aug. ibid. an Heathen Poet admiring, brake out into that speech; O nimium dilecte Deo, cui militat Aether; Et coniurati veniunt ad classicaventi! Te propter gelidis Aquilo de monte procellis Obruit aduersas acies, renoluta (que) tela Vertit in autores & turbine reppulit ha­stas. Claudianus 3. Coss. Honor. O how highly art thou beloued of God, whom the heauens fight [Page 10] for; and the Winds as thy confederates come in to assist thee! To thine aid came the boisterous North-wind downe from the Hills, and bare downe before thee the troopes that came against thee, with whirling blasts re­pelling their speares, and retorting their arrowes, and darts vpon their owners.

The Reason hereof.

Reason 1.1. The Saints are in league, and confederacie with God. Psal. 50.5. Gather me my Saints (saith he) that haue made a league with me. Now as Princes that are in league of amity together, may haue the [...]. Eurip. E­lectr. & Phaeniss. & Orest. Amicorum inter se communia sunt omnia. Ter. Adelph. 5.3. free vse of either others forces at need: 1 King. 22.4. 2 Chron. 18.3. My horses (saith Iehosaphat to Ahab) are as thy horses; and my people as thy people: thou mayest vse them as thine owne. So the godly being in league with God, may haue all his forces, and armies for their helpe, and assi­stance, whensoeuer need shall be. And what are all the Creatures but Gods hoasts? He is Dominus exerci­tuum. Amos 4.13. verse 8. the Lord of Hoasts: and (as Vide Dauidem Kimchi in Radic. the Rabbines well obserue) hee hath two generall troopes, as his horse, and foot, [...] the vpper troope, and [...] the lower troope, or Copiae tam infe­riores, quam su­pernae. Mercer. the creatures aboue, and the creatures beneath, all ready prest to be employed, in warres, either defensiue, or offensiue, for the safegard of his fauourites, or the destruction of their opposites. Euen Psal. 34.7. the Angels themselues (saith the Psalmist) pitch their tents about those that feare God, &c. Piis assident; impios obsident. Ambros. in Psal. they lye in garrison, about the godly, to defend and deliuer them; they lie in campe against their enemies to offend, and to destroy them.

Reason 2.2. What are the Creatures, but Gods Sergeants at Armes to arrest, and attach Rebels? Psal. 119 91. All the crea­tures (saith the Psalmist) are at his seruice. Psal. 104.4. The [Page 11] winds are his messengers, and the fire and flame his ministers. And Psal. 148.8. the haile, and snow his officers, and the executioners of his word: they serue him all, and they do his will, though Nec operis sunt consciae. Bern. de grat. & lib. arb. they know not what they doe. But they rebell against God himselfe (as we haue heard Point 1. before) that are vp in armes a­gainst any of those that be his: Reason 1. whom he hath vn­dertaken the protection of; and concerning whom he hath giuen so expresse a charge by the Psalmist, Psal. 105.15. Touch not mine Anointed; that is, any one of mine holy ones. The place is commonly misvnderstood; not spoken of Kings directly (though 1 Sam. 24.7. & 26.9, 11. concerning them also, as being in a more speciall maner Psal. 89.20. Gods Anointed;) but to Kings ( Psal. 105.14. He rebuked euen Kings for their sakes) in the behalfe of his Saints, by him 2 Cor. 1.21. spiritually anointed to be Apoc. 1.6. & 5.10. & 20.6. 1 Pet. 2.9. Kings, and Priests to him. These being in such maner his, the Creatures are all as his Purseuants, and his Sergeants at Armes to apprehend, and attach them all that make head against them, and Insectantur vos & in vobis Deum. Saluian. de prouid. l. 8. c. 4. against himselfe in them; and either to bring them in, or to make his charge good vpon them, by destroying them, as he did Esai. 37.36. Senacheribs hoast, in the place.

The third Point of Instruction.

Est ciuitas Dei, Deus quam protegit.

It is the Citie of God, that Esai. 37.35. God thus protecteth. Instructiō 3. Verse 8. In the Citie of the Lord of Hoasts; (saith my Text) in the Citie of our God. And before, Verse 1. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the Citie of our God: Verse 3. In her Palaces it is that God is knowne for a sure re­treat. It is Zech. 2.5. Ierusalem, that God is a wall of fire a­bout. And vpon them it was that Apoc. 20.9. fire fell downe, [Page 12] and deuoured them, that beset the beloued Citie.

The Reason hereof.

Reason 1.1. It is the place of Gods residence, where hee especially resideth, Psal. 132.14. This is my rest for euer (saith he) Here will I dwell, for I take delight in it. And Princes, though they haue a generall care of their whole kingdome, yet 2 Sam. 5.9. a more speciall care of the places of their principall abode.

Reason 2.2. It is Gods inheritance. Deut. 9.29. They are thy people and thine inheritance, saith Moses. And we know how loth men are (witnesse 1 King. 21.3. Naboth the Iisrelite) to lose, or to depart with their inheritance, or any part of it.

Reason 3.3. It is Gods Vineyard. Esai. 5.7. Surely the Vineyard of the Lord of Hoasts is the house of Israel; and the men of Iuda his pleasant plantation. And his Vineyard hee saith Esai. 27.3. he will keepe, and watch continually night and day, without any moment of intermission, that no enemie assaile it, that none breake into it, to make spoile and hauocke of it.

Reason 4.4. It is Gods Garden. Cant. 4.12. My Sister, my Spouse, is as a Garden inclosed. And we know how carefull men are of any place to fence and pale in their Gardens, whatsoeuer place else, field, or Orchard, they suffer to lie open. Nor let vs thinke that God hath any whit lesse care of his, which hee delighteth so much in.

Obiection.But how commeth it to passe then (may some say) that the Psalmist complaineth in that man­ner? O Lord the Heathen are come into thine in­heritance, they haue made Ierusalem an heape of stones, &c.

[Page 13]I answer. Solution 1. 1. The house of God. Gen. 28.19, 22. Beth-el sometime becommeth The house of vanitie. Hosh. 5.8. & 10.5 Beth-auen. Esai. 1.2 [...]. The faithfull Citie sometime turneth Harlot. And it is iust with God then Esai. 50.1. Ier. 3.8. to cast her off; Heb. 8.9. Shee kept not couenants with me, and I cast her off, saith the Lord.

2. Gods children sometime grow Hosh. 4.16. Tan­quam indomita iu­uenca. Quae velut latis eq [...]a trima campis ludit exul­tim, metint (que) tangi. Horat. car. 3.11. wanton, and prouoke God to wrath. Solution 2. In which case God vseth the wicked as Vtitur Deus cre­atura rationali, sed maleuola tanquam disciplinae virga. Bern. de lib. arb. rods, and scourges to correct them with. Esai. 10.5. Ashur (saith God by the Prophet Esay) is but the rod of my wrath. Eius consiliis mi­litant, etiam qui eiꝰ consiliis repugnant. Greg. mor. l. 6. c. 14. Euen they also (saith Gregory) worke for him, yea, and for them (though Esay 10.7. they are not aware of it) that in such case fight both against him and them.

3. Euen in the deepest of their distresses God ceaseth not to regard them: Solution 3. Deus suos nō neg­ligit cum negligit. Hee neglecteth them not, when hee seemeth most of all to neglect them. Though Esai. 49.14. Sion complaine that God had forgotten her: yet God assureth her that Ibid. 15. he could no more for­get her, than any Mother could her childe. Ibid. 16. He carried her picture about him engrauen on the palmes of his hands, and her wals were euer in his eyes. And, Ezek. 11.16. Al­beit (saith God) I haue cast them far off among the Hea­then, and haue scattered them into many countries, yet will I be as a little Esai. 8.14. Sanctuary vnto them in all places, wheresoeuer they shall become.

And so passe we to the fourth, and last point of Instruction.

Ecclesia Dei, nunquam dimouebitur.

Gods Church maugre the Psal. 25.19. malice of all her Psa 3.1. & 69 4. ma­ny, and Psal. 18.17. & 69 4. mighty aduersaries, Instructiō 4. shall neuer be vtterly rooted out, or destroyed. Psal. 125.1. They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion, that standeth fast, and can [Page 14] neuer be remoued. Matth. 16.18. Vpon this Rocke (saith our Saui­our) will I build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall neuer preuaile against it. The Apoc. 2.5. Candlesticke may be remoued from place to place; but Esai. 60.19, 20. the light it selfe can neuer be put out. The Apoc. 12.14. Woman may be hunted, and chased into Heb. 11.38. the Wildernesse; but neuer dri­uen vtterly out of the World. In the very Wilder­nesse will Apoc. 12.14. God prouide a place for her, where she [...] shall be safe; and finde succour, till it please him to bring her abroad againe.

Reason 1.The Reason hereof.

1. Verse 8. God establisheth it, (saith my Text) and there­fore standeth it fast for euer. Psal. 46.5. God is in the middest of it: and therefore shall it not stir. Yea Zach. 2.5. he is not in the middest of it only, but round about it too. Psal. 125.2. As the Hilles stand about Ierusalem, so standeth God about his people from henceforth and for euermore. He is a­bout it to protect it; in the midst of it to support it. Hee that vpholdeth the Heauens, vpholdeth it: for this is indeed his Coeli sancti & iusti: sanctae animae omnes, in quibus habitat Deus, & quae factae sunt se­des eius. Aug. in Psal. 18. & [...]9. & 67. & 96. & 122. Esai. 57.15. & 66.1, 2. Coelum Ecclesia est. Tychon. in Apoc. 11.19. & 12.1. Heauen vpon earth. And as soone may men, or deuils pull downe Heauen it­selfe, as destroy it.

2. Matth. 16.18. Christ himselfe hath built it, and he hath foun­ded it vpon himselfe. Reason 2. For 1 Cor. 10.4. hee is the Psal. 18.31. only true Rocke, the Esai. 26 4. Rocke of eternity; the only Esai. 28.16. Q [...]od Bellarm. bla­sphemè Papa tribu­it in praefat. ad lib. de Pont. Rom. sure foun­dation, that his whole Church is built vpon. And what he buildeth can by no created power be pul­led downe againe; 1 Cor. 3.11. the house that is built vpon that Rocke cannot be ouerthrowne. Matth. 7.25. Though the winds rose, and the raine fell, and the flouds came, and beat all together vpon that house, yet the frame fell not, because it was founded vpon that Rocke. It is Christs Master­peece; [Page 15] that that he would shew his Deity, his diuine Power in. Would you haue me (saith Chrysostome speaking to the Iewes) proue vnto you, that Christ Iesus is God? what needs it? Luke 21. [...]4. [...]. Chry­sost. quod Christus Deus. Ejus ipsius, cuius fuerunt ne­gatores, persecuto­res, interfectores, vbique sunt testes. Aug. epist. 59 & in Psal. 39. & 56. & 58. & de temp 31. Nulla turpior ser­uitus grauiorque, quam seruitus Iu­daeorum, quam quo­cunque ierint post se trahunt, & vbi (que) Dominos offendunt suos. Bern. de consi­der. l. 1. You your selues wan­der vp and downe, the whole world ouer, preaching, and publishing his Deity to all those that consider in what sort you continue, and yet continue too, euer since that impious act of yours, in the crucifying of him. You goe branded with deepe and conspicuous markes of his wrath, and vengeance wheresoeuer you abide. But would you yet see some other pregnant proofe of his Deity? Let this one serue for all. [...]. Chrysost. quod Christus Deus. What he razeth, none can reare againe; what he reareth, none can raze againe. He pulled downe your Temple, and it could neuer be built againe. He hath built him a Church, and it could neuer be pulled downe againe. It is a me­morable story, and the more remarkable, because recorded (besides diuers others of Greg. Naz. in Iulian. orat. 2. Chrysost. contr. Iud. orat. 2. & quod Christus Deus, & in Matth. hom. 4. Ambr. ad Theodos. epist. 29. Theodoret. hist. eccles. l. 3. c. 20. Cassiod. hist. tripart. l 6. c. 43. & alij. our owne,) by Ammian. Marcellin. hist. l. 23. an Heathen man also, one no friend to Christians, a traducer of Constantine, and an admirer of Iulian. Iulian, that wretched Apostata, to spite the Christi­ans, whom he had professed himselfe formerly to be one of, but now hated most extremely, Greg. Naz. Chrysost. & Theodor. called the Iewes to him, and asked them, why they did not now sacrifice as in times past they had wont to doe. They made him answer, that by their Deut. 12.5, 6, 12, 13, 14. Law they might not sacrifice any where but in the Tem­ple [Page 16] at Ierusalem: which since therefore it was rui­ned, they had ceased to sacrifice, and must so doe till it were reedified. Hereupon Iulian told them that they should haue their Temple eft-soones built againe, if they would; and to that purpose Templum instau­rare sumptibus co­gitabat immodicis, negotium (que) matu­randum Alypio de­derat. Cùm itaque rei idem fortiter in­staret, iuuaretque prouinciae rector &c. Ammian. l. 23. hee sent one Alypius into those parts furnished with much treasure for the dispeeding of the worke, and withall caused the Gouernour of that Prouince to as­sist him all that might be therein. Nor were the Iewes therein backward, [...]. Theodor. l. 3. c. 20. [...]. Greg. Naz. stelit. 2. who flocking together out of all quarters, raised a great masse of money, and prouided abundance of materialls, for the set­ting forward of so much, and so long desired a worke. But [...]. Chrysost. contr. Iud. 2. [...]. Esai. 14.27. Ibid. no might, or industry of man is able to preuaile against God, or to effect that, that he will not haue done. When all things were prepared now, and they began to fall to their businesse; First there arose [...]. Theodor. l. 3. c. 20. Vis magna ventorum repentè spirans, tempestatesque ac procellae subitò factae, quicquid congregatum fuerat, disperserunt. Cassiod. l. 6. c. 43. strange stormes, & whirle-winds, that dissipated, and spoiled their materials. And after that, when yet they attempted to doe something, [...]. Chrysost. quod Christus Deus. [...]. Ibid. Metuendi globi flammarum propè fundamenta crebris assultibus erumpentes, fecere locum exustis aliquoties operantibus inaccessum. Ammian. l. 23. fearefull balls of fire, not falling downe from hea­uen, but bursting out of the very ground beneath, and that so oft as they assayed to go on with their work, ripped vp what they had wrought, and burnt vp the work-men, in so much that none durst any more approch the place, and so the very Ho [...] (que) modo elemento destinatius repellente cessauit inceptum. Ibid. elements (saith that Heathen man) obstinately making head [Page 17] against them, they were at length enforced wholly to giue ouer their enterprize. Thus was no power of man able to raise what he had ruined; nor shall any power euer be able to ruine what he hath rai­sed. In stead of the Temple that he ruined hath he erected his Church; which vnlesse the Rocke may be remoued that it is built vpon, shall no power of man, or deuill be able euer to ouerthrow. Though all the wicked in the world, and all the Deuils in hell to them, conspire together in one, yet as soone shal they be able to driue Christ himselfe out of heauen, as to destroy vtterly and root out his Church here vpon earth.

Thus you see then these foure Points of Instru­ction plainly, and euidently proued vnto you. Recapitulatiō. Points 4.

  • 1. That they seeke their owne ruine, that seeke the ruine of Gods children.
    Point 1.
  • 2. That Gods Creatures are ready prest to assist those that be his.
    Point 2.
  • 3. That it is the Citie of God,
    Point 3.
    that God thus prote­cteth.
  • 4. That this Citie,
    Point 4.
    or Church of God shall neuer be vtterly ouerthrowne.

Let vs now proceed to the Vses that of these Points may be made. Vses 4.

And first this Text may be to the enemies of Gods Church, Vse 1. of Point 1. as Dan. 5.5. those knuckles of a mans hand were to Baltasar, to write them their destiny; or as Ibid. 24, 25. Daniel was to him, to reade it vnto them; to informe them, what the end and issue shal be of all their plots and proiects against the Church of God. In plotting, and proiecting the ruine of it, they Suo sibi iumento arcessunt malum. Plaut. Amphitr. plot and proiect [Page 18] but their owne confusion: Nor shall their plots, and proiects take (as they hope) against it, but they shal take (which they, it may be, little deeme, or once dreame of) against themselues. Psal. 9.16. God will shew himselfe to be God indeed by executing of Iudgement, in causing them to be [...]. Apolinar. [...]. Dolscius. ensnared, and caught in the worke of their owne hands, Psal. 9.15. in a snare of their owne setting, [...]. Theodoret. dialog. 1. c. 24. in a net of their owne weauing: in cau­sing Ester 7.9, 10. Prou. Ebr. Cippum occupauit ipse, quē fecit, faber. Drus. decur. 1. adag. 4. Et Lat. Gestat fa­ber, quas fecit ipse, compedes. Auson. [...]. Theogn. Haman to be hanged on that Gibbet himselfe, that for Mordecai he had erected, & bringing him, and Ester 9.10, 13, 14. his whole House to destruction by those meanes, whereby Ester 3.6. he sought the destruction of the whole Iewish Nation. Application.

In this kinde may we well say, Verse 8. Sicut audiuimus, sic & vidimus; What wee haue heard we haue seene; both in that deliuerance that through Gods good­nesse this day we suruiue to celebrate, and in The powder-plot &c. di­uers others also. They that came to sinke vs, were sunke themselues. They that thought to blow vs vp, were some of them blowen vp themselues. They that plotted the ruine, and confusion of our estate, brought ruine and confusion vpon them­selues, and theirs. Iudg. 5.31. So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord. But let those that loue thee, and stand for thee, be as the Sunne when he shineth in his full strength.

Vse 2. of Point 2.Secondly, it may serue as to discourage the Ad­uersary, so to encourage the godly. As to discourage the wicked from attempting ought against Gods Church, ( Psal. 21.11. They intended euill against thee, saith the Psalmist; but they were not able to effect it) so to en­courage those that 1 Sam. 18.17. fight Gods battels; they cannot want helpe. Heauen and earth fighteth for them. [Page 19] Though they may seeme the weaker side, and to haue fewer assistants, yet 2 Cor. 12.9. Gods power is perfected, and appeareth most in mans weaknesse: And if wee had eyes to see it, we might see 2 King. 6.16. 2 Chron. 32.7. more with them than against them: Quocunque se verterit, ibi te vi­deat. Sen. de benef. which way soeuer they turne themselues, they might see helpes alwayes at hand; Psal. 46.1. God himselfe, and all the Job 5.23. creatures of God, ready prest at Gods becke Psal. 91.11. to attend them, Dan. 10.12, 13. to assist them, Psal. 34.7. to guard them, Iudg. 5.30. to fight for them, Exod. 23.28. to oppose those that fight against them.

And here we may againe sing, Application. Verse 8. Sicut audiui­mus, sic vidimus; What we haue heard we haue seene. Quam benè te, ambitio, mersit, va­nissima, ventus? Et tumidos tumidae vos superastis aquae? Quam benè totius raptores orbis aua­ros, Hausit inex­hausti iusta v [...]rago maris? Theod. Beza. The winds, and the Seas fought for vs, when time was; the one dissipated and scattered, the other swallowed vp, and deuoured those, that came with hope to haue dissipated, and Psal. 27.2. & 124.3. with open mouth to haue swallowed, drowne, and deuoured vs. Psal. 124.6. Blessed be God, that gaue vs not vp as a prey vnto their teeth.

Thirdly, is it the Citie of God, Vse 3. of Point 3. that God thus pro­tecteth? Then learne we the reason hence why God hath in this manner done for vs. It is for his Church among vs, his Name called vpon, his Gospell pro­fessed by vs, his worship retained with vs. And cer­tainly (obserue we, and we shall vndoubtedly find it to be so that) since Gods truth and Gospell esta­blished with vs, and that Romish Idolatrie expelled from among vs, this Iland of ours hath enioyed the quietest, the peaceablest, the most prosperous times, that euer it did, for so long time together, at any time, that any memory of man, or record of story can be produced of, notwithstanding all the power that [Page 20] that 2 Thess. 2.3. Man of sinne, and all his adherents were able to raise vp against vs. And as many strange deliue­rances hath God vouchsafed vs, as euer any Nation vnder the cope of heauen had. Oh that our thankful­nesse to God were in any good measure proportio­nable to Gods goodnesse towards vs. But it is to be feared, that that of Saluian is too too true of vs; Deus bona dat, vt boni simus. Nos vbi bona accepimus, mala cumulamus. Saluian. de prouid. l. 3. God giueth vs good things, to make vs good: but wee when we haue receiued good from God, returne euill againe to him. And that of Hosea, Hosh. 4.7. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: and I will turne their glory therefore into shame. Which if it be so; let vs remem­ber, that as the same Saluian saith, Ideò deteriores sumus, quia melio­res essè debemus. Saluian. Ibid. Therefore are we worse than others, whom God hath not done the like for, though we be no worse, if but as bad only, because we ought to be better. So, as the Centurists ob­serue, Ingentia benefi­cia, ingentia flagi­tia, ingentia suppli­cia. Magdeburg. in prafat. ad Centur. 5. great blessings, seconded with grieuous sinnes, will at length draw downe extraordinary iudgements. And it had beene better for vs neuer to haue had such deliuerances, if we be not carefull to shew our selues truly thankfull vnto him, that hath wrought so great deliuerances for vs.

Vse 4. of Point 4.Fourthly, it may teach Gods Children not to be dismaid, if the enemies of Gods Church seeme some­time Dan. 8.24, 25. Apoc. 13.6, 7. to preuaile against it. For Ier. 31.35, 36, 37. & 33.20, 21, 25, 26. they shall ne­uer be able to root it out for all that. Gods Church is as Exod. 3.2. the bush, that burnt, and consumed not, as [...] &c. Plut. sympos. l. 8. q. [...] the Palme-tree, that spreadeth, and springeth vp the more it is oppressed: as [...]. Sibyll. Mergitur interdum, sed non submergitur vnquam. Merses profundo; pul­chrior euenit. Luctere; multa proruet integrum Cum laude victorem. Horat. Carm. 4.4. the bottle, or bladder, that may [Page 21] be dipped, but cannot be drowned: as Duris vt ilex tonsa bipennibus per damna, per cae­des ab ipso ducit opes animum (que) fer­ro. Ibid. the Oke, that taketh heart to grace from the maimes and wounds giuen it, and sprouteth out thicker than be­fore. Sanguis Marty­rum semen Eccle­siae. plures efficimur, quoties metimur à vobis. Semen est sanguis Christiano­rum. Tertull. apo­log. Sparsus est san­guis iustus: & illo sanguine tamquam seminatione facta seges surrexit Ec­clesiae. August. in Psal. 39. veritas per orbem terrae pullu­lauit faecundius, cùm in Martyrum sanguine sereretur. Idē Ciuit. l. 22. c. 7. The bloud of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church; it springeth againe as V [...] est quae re­paret, seque ipsa reseminet ales. Ouid. met. l. 15. Faecunda reparat sic morte iuuentam. Claudianus in Stilic. l. 2. De Palma quadam in Chora mirum accepimus, cum Phoenice aue, quae putatur ex huius palmae argumento nomen accepisse, emori, ac renas [...]i ex seipsa. Plin. hist. nat. l. 13. c. 4. Hinc error Tertulliani enatus, qui illud Psal. 92.12. [...] Graecè, de aue (non arbore, Hebraicae linguae ignarus) intellexit, quae se funerans renouat, natali fide de­cedens atque succedens iterum. Lib. de resurr. Si tamen vt creditur de sua morte renascitur. Aug. de orig. anim. l. 4. c. 20. Vide & Clement. Apost. constit. l. 5. c. 7. Plin. hist. nat. l. 10. c. 2. Oppian. de ancup. Orum in hieroglyph. Claudian. & Lactant. nom carm. de Phoenice &c. the Phoenix doth out of her owne ashes, or as Non hydra secto corpore firmior vinci dolentem creuit in Herculem succisa serpens caede se reparans sua. Sen. Med. 4.1. the Hydra rather re­paireth her selfe out of her own losses with a much more plentifull increase. Exod. 1.12. Sic foenum graecum qu [...] peius tractatur, prouenit melius. Plin. hist. l. 18. c. 16. The more Pharao op­pressed the Ebrewes, the more they increased, and the mightier they grew. The Children of God in the Word are compared especially to two sorts of silly creatures, to Cant. 2.14. & 6.9. Matth. 10.16. Doues, and to Sheepe. Vt fugit accipitrem penna trepidante columba, Vt solet accipiter trepidas vrgere columbas. Ouid. Met. l. 1. No fowle more preyed vpon by Eagles, Haukes, Vultures, and other birds of prey, than the poore Pigeon. And yet, Quantum vult consumat edacitas vulturum, tamen maior est numerus columbarum. Optat. contr. Parmen. l. 2. let those rauenous fowles (saith Optatus) con­sume neuer so many of them, there will be a grea­ter number of Doues still, than of any kind of them. There is more Doues than Haukes, or than Kites, for all that. Againe, for the Sheepe, it is one of the sil­liest creatures that is, and most vnable to defend it selfe: neither is it vnknowne to vs (to spare to speak Ier. 50.6. Esai. 56.9. 1 Sam. 17.34. Ezek. 34.5. In praedam lupis ferisque r [...]liquis exp [...]siti sunt cum primis ouium greges. Spin. de prouid. how they are preyed vpon in those places where [Page 22] Wolues, and Beares, and Lions, & other wilde beasts are rife) how many of them are Psal. 44.11, 22. Ier. 12.3. Ouium homini cibꝰ frequentissimus, vt nullus fere alius in lauienam veniat. Spin. ibid. slaine for mans vse; no one sort of creatures commeth so frequent to the Shambles as they; they come not by one, or two, but they are driuen by troopes thither; as also how many of them die by diseases; they are subiect to Saeuissima inter eos pestis gr [...]ssatur. Ibid. rots, and murreons, that Illa cateruatim dat stragem. Afri­can. in Geopon. make hauocke of them by whole sale; nor are they naturally so fruit­full as many other beasts are, and those of prey by name, some of them, as the Fox and others, that bring diuers at a litter, whereas Vnicum dunta­xat quotannis pa­rit. Spin. the Ewe hath vsu­ally but one. And yet for all this wee see what Nullum animal frequentius in agris accurrit. Idem. plenty there is euery where of them. We may see Oues olim mite pecus, nunc tam in­domitum & edax, vt homines deuo­rent, oppida diru­ant. Th. Morus Vtop. l. 1. Sheepe eat out men in many places among vs; and whole Townes by them depopulated and tur­ned into Sheepe-walkes. Such a prouidence of God is there in the preseruation, and increase of that Crea­ture that so Psal. 23.1, 2. & 74.1. & 77.20. & 79.13. & 80.1. & 95.7. & 100.3. Esai. 40.11. & 63.11. Ier. 23.1, 3. & 31.10. & 49.20. & 50.6. oft he compareth his Church and Children vnto, whom he hath taken into his speci­all and peculiar protection; and whom therefore their cruell Aduersaries shall no more be able to root out, than the Haukes able to destroy all the Doues that are, or the Wolues to woory, and slay all the Sheepe in the World.

Question.Yea but (may some say) may we in this Land then be sure euer of such safetie, Ezek. 34.22, 23, 31. & 36.37, 38. & 37.24, 26. neuer to be ouer­runne, or rooted out?

No: It is Gods Church in generall, not this or that Church in part [...]ular, Answer. that is sure thus constantly to continue. Mica 2.12. & 7.14. Zach. 9.16. & 10.3. & 11.7, 11. & 1 [...].7. Matth. 10.16. & 9.36. & 26.31. & 25.32, 33. Iohn 10.2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28. Now Gods Church is not confined to this, [Page 23] or that place; nor is Gods protection tied vnto, or en­tailed vpon this, or that people. We haue Psal. 119.57, 94. Ier. 2.3. no pro­mise of protection longer than wee continue Gods portion. Wee haue 1 Cor. 10.1-12. no better euidence, nor assu­rance than the Iewes had: Psal. 132.14. Here (saith God) shall be my rest for euer. And, Verse 8. God will establish it for euer. And, Psal. 89.23. Esai. 41.11, 12. I will destroy all that rise against it. And yet wee know Luk. 19.44. & 21.24. what is become of them at this day, Matth. 23.38. Their habitation is left desolate. And 1 Thess. 2.16. The wrath of God (saith the Apostle) is come vpon them to the vt­most. It is true indeed, that Deus nisi dese­rentem se non dese­rit, priusquam de­seratur neminem deserit. Aug. ad im­poss. sibi art. 7. Re­cessurum non dese­rit antequam dese­rat. Ibid. 14. Non enim nos deserit fons, si nos fontem nō deseramus. Idem in Ioan. 32. God neuer leaueth any, but those that leaue him. But if 1 King. 11.7, 9. Salomon leaue God, and build Temples for Milcom, and Chamosh; God will leaue him, and raise vp aduersaries on al sides against him. If 2 Chron. 32.25. Ezekiaes heart be lift vp; Esai. 39.6, 7. 2 Chron. 32.26. God will pull him downe againe. If Esai. 1.21. Ier. 3.2. & 9.2. the holy Citie become an Harlot, or a Facta est vrbs to­ta lupanar. Iuuen. sat. 1. Vnus gurges omnium gula: vnū pene lupanar est omnium vita. Sal­uian. de prou. l. 7. Stewes (as he speaketh) no reason but that God should Ier. 7.29. & 12.7. abandon it, and giue her Ier. 3.8. a Bill of diuorce, and Ezek. 13.36, 45, 47. deale with Aholah, and Aholibah, as adulterous women are wont to be dealt with. If Gods Vine grow not Hoshea 10.1. barren only, but beare Deut. 32 32. bitter, Esai. 5.2. noysome, and Deut. 32.33. poysonfull grapes; it shall be a iust thing with God to Esai. 5.5. Psal. 80.12. plucke vp her hedge, and Esai. 5.6. Ier. 12.11. lay her waste, Ier. 9.11, 12. as a wilde wildernesse, or Matth. 3.10. & 7.19 Luk. 13.7. to cut her downe, and Ezek. 15.4, 6. cast her into the fire. If Numb. 11.5. & 14.3, 4. Israel begin to looke backe into Aegypt; it shall be iust with God Deut. 28.68. to bring backe his Israel that was, into their former Aegyptian bondage againe. If the Hebrewes liue in those abominable courses Leuit. 1.24, 25. Deut. 18.12. for which God cast out the [Page 24] Canaanites, Leuit. 18.28. the Land that spewed out the Canaanite, shall now spew them out. If Ezek. 5.6. & 16.47, 48. Gods owne people grow worse than the Heathen themselues; it shall be iust with God, to Ezek. 7.24. bring the very worst of the Hea­then in vpon them, and by them, whom they Ezek. 16.51, 52. iusti­fie in some sort, Ezek. 7.21. to destroy them. Nor may Ier. 25.28, 29. Rom. 11. [...], 21. we looke to fare better than they did, if we be faultie as they were. Gods Church may stand firme and sta­ble still, though wee fall. The Lampe may burne cleare else-where, though the Light be done out with vs. If we desire therefore to haue this Protecti­on continued vnto vs, let vs continue to be Deut. 32.9. Exod. 19.5, 6. Gods, that Deut. 26.17, 18. Ier. 7.23. & 31.33. God may continue to bee ours. Let vs bee carefull to keepe and maintaine a Church of God with vs, Semen sanctum statumen terra. Esai. 6.13. The holy seed vpholdeth the state. In a word, as Samuel to his people (whose words I will end all with) 1 Sam. 1 [...].24, 25. Feare the Lord, and serue him with all your heart in sinceritie; and consider what great things he hath hitherto done for you.


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