Gaude MARIA Virgo, cunctas haereses sola interemisti in vniuerso mundo.
THE PREFACE to the Reader.
AFTER the generall deluge and innudation of the wholle worlde in the time of Noë, Gen. 6. Almightie GOD placed in the cloudes his Rainbow, as a token and obligation that he would no more destroy the world with water. How generall a deluge of heresie and of all maner of iniquitie our miserable countrey hath these late yeeres susteined we yet feele by the experience of the calamitie therof: and it is to pitifull to remember how many soules haue already perished therby. Neither doe we see any other reliefe in so [Page]great distresses: than to make our humble recourse vnto our mercifull Lord, and earnestly to desire of his soueraigne greatnesse: that shutting vp the deapth of hellish lakes, Gen. 8. and the mighty cataracks of his heauie displeasure; these deadly fluddes may cease from the earth, and all creatures be restored to their former saftie. One singuler occasion of hope wee might haue of so greate a benefit: if it would please him but once to shew this signe of his Testamēt with mankind, his gloriouse rainbow, which discouering vnto the worlde most bewtifull coulers might signifie the caulme & faire weather, which were at hand: This rainbow I meane to be the glorious Virgin, a most beutifull signe of Gods frenship with men, and such a token of his singuler [Page]mercie, that when he hath often times loaded the skies with the heauie cloudes of his iminentiven gence, he neuerthelesse looking vpon so glorious & beloued a creature, not appointed by him for wrath and anger, but chosen for a figure of mercy and peace, and therfore most worthely called the mother of mercy: forgerting our iniquities, and as it were in a maner his owne Iustice; with-holdeth his seuere punishments, and in steede of brimstone and fire, which those cloudes should send vpon vs, leadeth vs In nube diei, Psal. 77 & tota nocte in illuminatione ignis by the cloudes of his mercie in the day; and all the night by the comforte of his heauenly lights. I could here discourse at large how worthely this B. Virgin may be called a rainbow, & how many [Page]excelent comparisons may be made therof vnto her: of the variety of her vertues, of the perfection of her greate excelencies figured in roūdnes, Apoc. 4. of the statelines of that seate which God did choose in her for his owne person But sufficient it is for our purpose, that she is in speciall maner a rainbow against Heretickes: wher-as the Church generally singeth, she hath destroied all heresies in the wholle world, and therfore is a perticuler signe and aboade of the ceassing thereof: From this bow there goeth none but chosē arrowes taken forth of the quiuer of God him selfe, yea arrowes of the saluatiō of our Lord, arrowes of saluation against Siria; that is, arrowes of saluation both in tranquillity of the Church; and also against all the enimies of Israel, & [Page]the Church of God in the time of tentation and disturbance. Neither wanteth it a misterie, that this bow is bēt vpwards towards heauen: Cant. 4 for it not only recerueth the strength from God, to whom it looketh: but wounding first the hart of God him-selfe, from thēce receiueth all comfort for his seruantes and confusion at the last for his wicked enimies.
This whē I consider, & waighing also with my selfe, how trew it is of her which is spoken of the wisdome of God, with which she was so aboundantlye endowed; that she preuenteth those which desire her for to shewe her selfe first vnto them: that she seeketh with great diligēce for those that are worthy of her, Sap. 6 and sheweth her selfe in the waies pleasantly vnto them: and with all prouidēt [Page]care runneth to meete thē. I fully perswade my selfe, that it is in our owne power to winne her, and to obtaine frō heauen a new rainbow: which being a signe of god, cannot signifie falsely, but most certainely fore-tell our comforte and reliefe. It is in our power. I say: yet not except we desire her: she seeketh for vs but so, if we be worthy of her: she sheweth her selfe pleasant, but vnto those that she meeteth in the waies to seeke her: for whom she boūtifully prouideth all maner of good.
I present therefore vnto my most deare coūtry with the same loue and affection with which I would if so it pleased God presēt it my blood, a singuler meane of winning this Virgins fauour, and such a meane as by her selfe hath here tofore bene presented vnto [Page]the worlde, and now vndoubtedly by her self also not vnmind full of her aunciēt Dowry, is offered vnto our country the Society of the holy Rosary: an auncient meanes euen from S. Domincks time of rooting out of heresie. Which albeit both in time past, and now of late yeres it hath ben embraced in our countrey, with great deuotion: yet neither hath it hitherto bene so generally vsed neither the nature and profit ther of so perfitly knowne, as for so greate a good were required. for (as the scripture saith) A hidden wisdome, & an vnseene treasure, Eccl. 20 what profite is there in thē both? Wherfore I thought it my parte, knowing what opportunitie our countrey men may haue to be admitted vnto the participation of this treasure, diligently to search [Page]out & breifly to set down what so euer either necessarily doth belōg or any waie might be profitable to the enioying of the same: fully perswading my selfe that as spirituall men in these Catholicke countreies are wont to say of thē selues; so the beades must be to our afflicted brethren, in steed of all maner of armour or weapons: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnall, but mighty to God, 2. Cor. 1 vnto the distruction of munitions, distroying Councelles, and all loftines extolling it selfe a gainst the knowledge of God. Which perswasion of mine vnto those which shall duely weigh the perfection and excelencies of this most glorious Virgin, cannot any way be iudged false: for therfore is she called a well setled array of a pitched armie, because [Page]she mightily ouercometh, Cant. 6. not only her owne, but also her deuout clients aduersaries. Which singuler protection we can no waie deserue more cōueniently: then by such seruice as her selfe hath elected and cōmended vnto vs, and of it selfe doth yeeld vs such commodities as in the treatise shall appeare. Yet this must I cōfesse, that I haue for the most part framed my selfe, vnto the simpler sorte: for such are they which most please our Lady, & in which she-most delighteth: my intent hauing bene in this litle treatise, that as the beades are the vnlearned mans booke; so also such persons might here find whatsoeuer is necessary for their deuotion. And yet doubt I not, but any Catholicke minde will iudge the same worke not to be vnprofitable [Page]vnto whosoeuer of neuer so greate knowledge with a certain spice of hereticall pride, will not contemne ordinarye Catholicke helpes of deuotion. Accept therfore (gentle Reader) this my present: & with conuenient diligēce and study vse the same. Which if thou doest: I doubt not, but howsoeuer it may displease curiouse eies, it will not be displeasing to our B. Lady, not without vnspeakable profite to our wholle countrey, thē the which two things next vnto Gods glory I desire nothing more. Fare-well.
A BRIEFE DIScourse of the Deuotion of our B. LADY.
EVEN as with all manner of deceitful subtelties and blasphemous vntruthes, heresie doth euer go about to derogate vnto the glory of the most soueraigne Queene of heauen and earth: so is it the part of euery zealous Catholicke with as much care and diligence, to procure to set forth, amplifie, and increase, her wonderfull praises, and most deserued honour. Wheras therfore in this litle treatise we are to set downe one of the most speciall deuotions and seruices that the holye Church vseth vnto the glorie of this B. Virgin: I thinke it necessarie that before we enter into the principall discourse it selfe, wee briefly for the behoofe of the vnlearned [Page]set downe, wherein the deuotion, and seruice of so high a creature doth consist.
Two thinges therfore are required, for the wholle perfection of that which we call the deuotiō of our Lady. First, for to haue a deepe and setled conceit of her worthines and greatnes, next vnto Almightie God him selfe, aboue all spirituall and corporall creatures. Secondly to deriue frō such due estimation, an earnest study, and endeuour for her honour & the glorie of God, & our owne profite, of doing and performing whatsoeuer may becom vs. Concerning the first therfore, I will here only touch amongest her infinite priuileges only a few, and such as either without heresie cannot be doubted of: or are by the firme consent of the wholle [Page]Church, most constantly beleeued: or may with godly deuotion be gathered out of the holy scriptures and auncient Fathers: leauing the large proofes therof vnto many learned books which of this point are euery where extant.
25 singular priuiledges of our Blessed Lady.
1 That as she is in all maner of vertues and dignities, farre exceeding all other creatures; so was she before all worlds appointed and chosen to so great highnes; in so much, that ab eterno, Almightie God considering and beholding so singular a worke of his hand, next vnto him selfe and the humanitie of our Sauiour, had a speciall delight and repose in her.
2 When the time came that so [Page]excellent a creature shoulde bee brought into the world, she was foretold by Angelicall reuelation vnto both her barren parents, euē as before euen from the begining of the world, she had in sundrie waies bene both prefigured and promised.
3 Her Body, although it were conceiued according to the naturall order of mans generation, yet was both the matter ministered therunto with such deuotion as became so holye parents: and there wanted not the speciall cooperation of the holy Ghost, preparing (as the Church singeth) the habitation of the sonne of God. Whence it did proceed, that in perfection of bewtie and complection, she was such, as is credibly to be thought neuer to haue bene subiect to such particular defects [Page]of body, as are either caused by the euilnes of complection or inflicted for punishment of sinne, or procured by disordered life: and that in her person she did cary such a shew of heauenly comelines and maiestie, that a greate Saint beholding her, said, Dion. Areop. that if he had not other wise ben taught by his faith: he would haue deemed her to haue some Godhead within her.
4 When the time came that her Body should be quickned with a reasonable soule, (which in all others in the very creating within a body by carnall generation, descending from ADAM cōtracteth originall sinne, and geueth life, and beeing to a child of wrath:) shee only was exempted frō such deformitie, and presently made the child of God, and euer from [Page]that time full of grace and of all vertue: although in the processe of her most holy life, she continually increased the same, especially at the conceauing of the sonne of God, and the comming of the holy Ghost vnto all the Apostles.
5 She had then such abundāce of grace bestowed on her from God, D. Tho 5. Par. q 27. ar. 5 Psa. 86. that she farre exceeded the grace of all Angels & holy soules: so that she laying her foundatiōs aboue so many high hills, we may not any way conceiue vnto what a hight so perfite a sāctuarie grew before her death. Neither wanted shee any grace or gifte of the HOLY GHOST, as of Prophesie, working miracles, and such like, although whilest she liued in this world, it was conuenient for the confirmation of the doctrine of Christ, that he only and his Apostles [Page]shold worke miracles. But she hath aboue all other Saintes since her assumption into heauen: receiued that power of her sonne and daily in all countreies practised the same.
6 As diuers holy Fathers do testifie, Amb. & Beda in Luc. vide Aug. ep. 57 that S. IHON Baptist when he was sanctified in his mothers wombe, had the vse of his freewill: voluntarily cōcurring to the acceptation of that grace which hee then receaued; which is not obscurely signified vnto vs in the Gospell it selfe: where we read that the Infant exulted in ioye, which argueth knowledge of the cause of so great ioy: so is it also most worthely to be thought of this Virgin: for that generall rule of all Diuines and holy Fathers, that whatsoeuer priuiledge hath bene granted vnto any pure creature, [Page]is to be in a higher degree attributed vnto her. And it were very agreable vnto her other priuileges, to thinke the same vse of reason to haue still continued in her: especially wheras the wholle Church attributeth such discretion vnto her, as well the space of her infancie being with her Parents: as also when beeing three yeere olde she went of her owne accord to present her selfe with great deuotion to the seruice of God, in the Tēple: And the giftes of God, Rom. 11. (as S. PAVL teacheth vs) being alwaies without repentāce: it was not conuenient that she aboue all other should euer loose that which she once receiued.
7 Her holy natiuitie and presentation were vnto the holy persōs which were by the inspiration of God made priuie vnto her greatnes, [Page]and to the hope of the redēption of Israel now at hand; a cause of such ioy as neuer before had bene in the world: all being full of Gods miracles and heauenly comfortes.
8 The bolines of her life euen from the beginning vnto the end therof was such that it was voide from all sinne, not onely mortall but also venial. Aug. lib. de nat. & grat. c. 36. Yea she was wholy deliuered from that inclinatiō vnto euill, and difficultie in that which is good which we all receiued from ADAM; not only in her conceiuing of CHRIST, but also from her first immaculate conception; when beeing free from Originall sinne, shee was also exempted from the sequell therof, which the Diuines call fomes peccati: so that in all her life the inferior powers of her soule, coulde [Page]neuer be moued without the direction of reason.
9 As her life was more holy thē euer of any other creature: so did she abound with more heauenly visitations, then euer was graunted vnto any being cōtinually garded & waited vpon with Angells: yea, Exe. 33. 2. Cor. 12 if vnto S.PAVL & MOISES was shewed in this life the very essence and glory of God, as the Diuines after S. AVGVSTINE & other holy Fathers doe more probably iudge then must we also for the rule aforesaid not doubt, but vnto this Virgin the same priuiledge at some time or other was graunted: which so great gifts of God she alwaies concealed with vnspeakeable humilitie, preferring her selfe to no creature, but alwaies ready to become the seruant of all.
10 She was the first which vowed vnto God her virginity & that without any insttuctions of any as well as without example.
11 She had by the special work of God ioined with her vnspeakable virginitie the fecunditie of a mother; and whatsoeuer is perfit in mariage; vnto which she yeelded her selfe not purposing to diminish her sacred puritie, but by most certaine reulation assuringe her selfe of the perpetuety therof: that so the sonne of God might be borne in wedlocke, shee preserued from infamie, and so great a misterie of the incarnatiō of our Sauiour Christ, concealed from the Deuill, and there should not wāt vnto her selfe and her sonne in this miserable life the necessarie comfort of a fosterer Saint IOSEPH her spouse: whō presently [Page]after the mariage shee caused to vow also virginitie, making them selues a perfect paterne of so many couples as by theire example haue in the Church of Christ vndertaken the same.
12 She by her holines and singuler perfectiō deserued that the sonne of God should be incarnat and take flesh in her immaculate wombe, for this word of deseruing or meriting doth S.AVGVSTINE vse when he yeeldeth the reasons why shee was euery way free from sinne: Lib. de nat. & grat. 1. 36. Quia concipere ac parere meruit eum quem constat nullum habuisse peccatū: Because she deserued to conceiue & bring forth him, whom it is manifest to haue had no sinne: yet this merite do we not so vnderstād, as thogh the worke of the incarnation it selfe could be deserued: but that [Page]supposing that God of his meere liberallitie and goodnes determined the same, she might deserue of God with an imperfite kind of merite, (which the Diuines call de congruo) that what he was determined to do, he shold do, both the sooner, and take her as an instrument of his goodnes, & gratiousnes in the same. And yet such was her base conceit of her selfe, that so farre she was from the expectation or imagination of soe great a benefite, that she desired to be the handmaid and slaue of whatsoeuer woman were to bee the Mother of the MESSIAS of the worlde, whom shee knew by the profoundest intelligēce of the holye Scriptures which euer any creature had, of which she was a continuall student, to be borne of a woman a Virgin. Esa. 5 For as she had [Page]learned most highly to conceiue of God, and his appointed Mother: so had she also vsed her selfe with sinceritie to humble her self in the fight of God, that he might exalte her, & therfore dare I boldly say, that if this most absolute Virgin, Iac. 4 1. Pet. 5 had not bene so worthely disposed, as in deed shee was, for so great a sacrament: Almightie God would not haue sent his Sonne. For as he had ordained before all the world the most holy incarnation of his only sonne: so had he also ordaind togither with the priuiledges of the humane nature of his sonne: the dignitie of her from whō he was to take the same. Yet do I not say that Gods prouidence coulde be deceaued herin: but that he would with the same foresight prouide both the end and the means of so great an [Page]end. And as our sauiour him selfe whatsoeuer he did for our saluation, although he did it with order and commaundmēt from his Father, yet he did it voluntarily and freelye: Euen so shee which was thought fitte of God him selfe for so greate a worke, although Almightie God him selfe was the chiefe author of her worthinesse: yet did she freely and voluntarily concurre vnto our redēption: by making her selfe with Gods especiall grace a fitte mother for our Redeemer. Whereby we learne what deuotion, reuerence, and gratfulnes we shoulde carry to so great a benefactrice.
13 The plenitude of time which God in his eternall wisdome had ordained beeing now come: the Angell GABRIEL commeth to bring her these ioifull tidings, & [Page]with great reuerence, as not presuming to call her by her proper name, saith vnto her, Haile full of grace: when she nothing frighted with the sight of a yong man (for such figure the Angell bore) as one much accustomed to the conuersation of Angells: was only amazed with such honorable speaches: yet beeing certified by the Angell of what God had determined of her, & of the saftie and securitie of her vowed Virginitie, she freely gaue her consent. But what consent? Such a consent as brought the Sonne of God into the world. He. 4. super Missus est. For as S. BERNARD saith, shee spake a word, which was, Behold the handmaid of our Lord, be it vnto me according vnto thy word, and presently she receaued in her most chast wombe the eternall word of God; equall [Page]vnto the Father; & the holy Ghost When as shee had alwaies bene the Temple of the holy Ghost, so now she was first made the workhouse of the same eternall spirite, framinge within her an eternall house for the wisdome of GOD, Prou. 9 which was Christ our Lord: and secondly the Mother & Temple of the sonne of God, who corporally dwelled within her for the space of nine monthes. A moste happy consent: and most glorious sonne, wherein Almightie God him selfe made his Tabernacle, for the redemption of the wholle world. Psa. 18 And ô base and vngratefull hart, who wilt not acknowledge and reuerence so greate a benefite.
14 Presently after the conceiuing of Christ, as though neither she her selfe nor Christ our Sauiour [Page]newly come into the worlde could be idle, & not attend to the worke of our redemptiō: she wēt to her cosen Elizabeth: although in shew to visite her beeing great with child: yet also to sanctify her burden which she had within her For he which now dwelled within MARY, by her sacred voice, as by an instrument, sanctified him which was to be the Precursor of the true Messias: & endewed him with those vertuous habits, which brought forth afterward such holy actions, as the scripture yeldeth testimonie of.
15 Without all sorrow, paine, indecencie, preiudice to her Virginall integritie, she alone, as only worthy to be priuie to such a mysterie (when all things were at quiet silence, and the night in her course was at the middest of her [Page]iorney) receiued in her Angelical handes from the Kingly seate of her sacred wombe, the omnipotent word of God, & laying him in a manger, nourished him with her most pure breastes; and was present at the homage and fealty which by the holy Angels with heauenly melody was yelded vnto him.
16 She was the principall imposer of that most comfortable name of Iesus, cōfirmed with the first effusion of that sacred Blood, which was to take away the sinns of the world.
17 She had not only an intrincicall familiaritie with the sonne of God, and was a principall scholar of his; but he vouchsafed also to be subiect vnto her, she hauing a motherly right and auctoritie ouer him, and he with his labour [Page]and toile gaining greate part of her liuelehode, for the space of thirtie yeeres, especially after S. Iosephs death.
18 All the Apostles and Disciples hauing abandoned her holy sonne, she forsooke him not, but accōpaning him vnto the Crosse, and contemplating him theron, suffered in her aflicted mind (yet without any excesse or disorder of passion) whatsoeuer he suffred in his diuine Body: was commended most carefully by him to his most tenderly beloued Disciple: receiued his naked body with motherlye familiaritie in her sacred lap: & with most certaine expectation of his Resurrection, after she had buried him returning home, all the Disciples although not hauinge lost the faith of that point which they had not as yet perfectly [Page]receiued yet not sufficiētly perswaded of the same Resurrection.
19 She was the first vnto whom he appeared after his glorious resurrection. For although of such apparition there be no mētion in the Gospell: yet of this affection to his louing Mother we need not doubt, but that as the Church singeth: Prima meretur gaudia, quae plus ardebat caeteris: She deserued the first ioy, which did loue more then the rest; And the delay betweene his resurrection and the apparition vnto Mary Magdalene; is an argument that first he appeared vnto his Mother. And he had so determined, that for the saluation of mankind, two such notable personages liuing necessarily together, as was him selfe and his glorious Mother; his only greatnes should be shewed first: [Page]which beeing fully commended vnto men, he would afterwarde make knowen the excelencies of his Mother, euen vnto the worlds end. With whom before he had shewed any only priuate fauours, and therfore in the Gospel there is not mention made of her many priuileges, but only of such things as belong to the necessary confirmation of the faith.
20 After the Ascention of our Sauiour, she was the mistres of the Apostles, Luc. 2. when they went to preach in the world, and to the Euā gelists going about to write the Gospell. For shee had diligently laid vp in her hart, such things as her sonne, for our saluation had done, and such as none but her selfe could be witnes of.
21 At the coming of the holy Ghost, shee receaued alone, as [Page]much grace, as all the other Apostles and Disciples, S. Bona. in specu. such beeing the loue of her deare sonne vnto her, and so great her capacitie, accordinge vnto which Almightie God not permitting his vessels to remaine emptie, doth alwaies infund his holy giftes & graces.
22 Hauing for the space of fifteene yeeres after her sonnes Ascention, both bene a great comfort to the millitant Church, and hauing also receiued as much ioy of the conuersion of soules, and the name of her sonne spreade about the world, and continually visited with singuler deuotiō, the places where she remembred the fruitfull stepps of our Sauiour for our redemptiō: Being warned by an Angell of her death, & all the Apostles miraculously presēt, she yeelded her soule, with vnspeakable [Page]comfort & quietnes, amōgst so holy a company, and with heauenly melody of Angels, into her sonnes owne bosome, who most louingly had inuited her, & most ioifully receiued her into his heauenly Tabernacle in recompence of the harbour receiued by her.
23 Her body hauing bene with great solemnitie and many sacred hymnes, both of the holy Apostles, and also of Angels committed vnto the sepulcher, the Angels continued also for the space of three daies in the same place with their heauenly melody.
24 The third day her sacred body with farre greater solemnitie and ioies of Angels, being againe restored vnto the glorious soule, was in the bosome of her deare sonne, whom she had so ofte entertained in her blessed lappe, assumpted [Page]vp into heauen being more reuerent & holy, then heauen itselfe hauing contained that which heauen could not containe.
25 She was exalted to such dignity, as she had bene before the beginning of the world chosen vnto: that is, to be Queene of Angells, and of all Saints; and of all the world, an especiall aduocate vnto her Sonne for all mortall creaturs Other Saints are in deed made by God Kinges ouer the world, Apoc. 5. as the scripture teacheth vs: but although they haue a subordination of degrees of glory in those diuerse mansions; Io. 14. yet are they not Kings one ouer another, but partners and fellowes of so great a felicity. This is the priuiledge of our B. Lady, that she only is exalted aboue all Angells & [Page]Saintes, being made so much the more better thē they all, by how much the more perfit a name she hath receiued, then they. For vnto whom at any time of his Angells or Saintes hath he said, Heb. 1 Ber. ser. 2. de aduen. Do. Cant. 4. & 7. thou art my mother? and hauing this very conuenient priuiledge vnto her wholle life, and former dignities, that as we receiued Christ by her, so by her, Christ doth at our death especially receiue vs. Finally by her as the Necke of the Church frō Christ her sonne, the head therof, we receaue all maner of spirituall & heauenly good I will therfore conclude with the saying of S. Bernard wonderfully discoursing of this Virgins name Mary: which signifieth starre of the Sea. O thou whosoeuer doest perceiue thy selfe in the fluxe of this world rather to be tossed in [Page]the middest of stormes and tempestes, than to walke vpon the earth: turne not away thy eies from the brightnes of this starre, if thou wilt not be ouerwhelmed with stormes: if windes of tentations do arise, if thou doest incurr the rockes of tribulations, looke vpon the starre call vpon Mary. If thou beest tossed with the waters of pride, Ambition, Detraction, Emulatiō: looke vpon the starre, call vpon Mary. If Sloth, Anger, or Couetousnes, or alurement of the flesh doe shake the ship of thy mind: looke vpon Mary. If thou beest troubled with the enormity of crimes, confounded with the vncleanes of conscience, frighted with the horrour of iudgement, & beginnest to be swalowed into the gulfe of sadnesse, or into the deapth of [Page]despaire: thinke vpon Mary. In dangers, in distresses, in doubtful cases, thinke vpon Mary, call vpon Mary. Lett her not departe from thy mouth, let her not departe from thy hart. And that thou maiest obtaine the releife of her praier, doe thou not swarue from the example of her conuersation. Following her, thou straiest not: calling vpon her, thou despairest not: thinking vpon her, thou errest not: she holding thee thou fallest not: shee protecting thee, thou fearest not: she being thy guide, thou faintest not: she being mercifull, thou shalt ariue, and so in thy selfe thou shalt feele by experience, howe worthely it is said. And the name of the Virgin was Mary.
Now for the second part, thus it behoueth euery true Christian to be deuout of our B. Lady.
1 To be stirred vp to the admiration of God himselfe, who hath shewed his power in so gloriouse a creature of his handes.
2 To Imitate her perticuler vertues.
3 To conforme our selues to her diuerse affections which shee had in her wholle life, to reioice with her ioifullnes, to haue compassion of her sorowes, to congratulate with her glory.
4 To yeeld her such honor and reuerence as she deserueth: to admire her, to loue her, to praise her to acknowledge her as our speciall patrone, to dilate her praises vnto the worlde, to salute her with diuerse deuoute praiers, specially with the Aue Maria, to acknowledge with thākfull mind the benefites receiued from her, and by her meanes to commend [Page]our owne necessities and of our frends and of the wholle Church vnto her, to offer all our actions yea and our selues vnto God by her, to exhibite vnto her, that exterior reuerēce & honour, which is agreable vnto the practise of the holy Church & of all deuoute persons: finally to acknowledge her as our mother in all thinges hauing recource vnto her as her tender children, preparinge our selues for her feastes & expecting them as in the which we may hope to receiue singulercomforts and at our death reposing a speciall hope in her protectiō. These thinges, deare Brother if thou wilt practise: I doubt not but thou shalt not only highly please this most B. Virgin, but thy selfe shalte reape such benefites as she vseth liberally to bestowe on her deuoute Fauorites.
THE TABLE OF THE Chapters conteined in this Treatise.
- Of the beginning, largenes, and profite of this Society. Cap. 1
- The ordinances or decrees of the Society of the Rosary, with an explication therof. Cap. 2
- A breife summary of the Graces or indulgences, of this Society of the Rosary with the names of the Popes which granted thē. Cap. 3
- Of the Stations of Rome. Cap, 4
- The 15 misteries of the holy Rosary. Cap. 5
- Of other maner of saing of beades. Cap. 6
- The maner of distributiō of the life of our Sauiour & of our Lady for the Corone of 63. Aues for those which shall desire to vse the same although the Corone may be saide without such particuler memory. Cap. 7
- [Page]An other Rosary of the B. Virgin Mary much like vnto the former but deuided according to the actes of our Sauiour Christ for the Rosary of 5. Paters and 50. Aues out of Ludouicus Blosius. Cap. 8.
- An other like exercise of the life and Passion of Christ, consisting of 5. Paters & 50 Aues. Ca. 9
- Another maner of deuiding the Rosary of 150 Aue Maries, accorto the misteries of the life of our Sauiour taken out of the Italian booke of the Rosary. Cap. 10
- Twenty Propositiōs to proue the Catholike custome of saying the Rosary out of Franciscus Costerus. Cap. 11.
- An explication of our Lords praier
- An exposition of the Angelicall salutation. Cap. 13.
- Diuerse other deuotions. Cap. 14.
- Our Ladies Litanies
OF THE BEGINNING, LARGENES & PROfitte of this Societie. Cap. 1.
AMONGST diuerse companies or Societies, religiously instituted and moste deuoutlye folowed and reuerenced in the Church of God, one of the most auncient, generall, and profitable is, that which being instituted in the honour of the most blessed and immaculate Virgin MARY mother of God, and patronesse of all distressed mortalls, is cōmonly called [Page 2]the Society of the holy Rosary
The first Founder and beginner therof was the glorious light of Gods Church S. DOMINICK who about 400. yeeres ago not being contented to haue instituted a noble order of religious persons, The Antiquitie. as well Freers as Nunnes, which in their seuerall houses & with moste perfect rules seruing Almightie GOD, haue spreade their zeale and deuotion, ouer all the worlde: did also extend his charitable care and prouidēce euen to all sortes of people, and with his singuler wisdome and in flamed loue of soules, by the inspiration no doubt of the holye Ghost, and speciall reuelation of the same glorious Virgin, knit togither in one band of a mutuall Societie, all kind of deuout Christians.
For this deuout Saint, The generality. Rom. 1. considering with S. PAVL, that he was debtour to the simple as-well as vnto the wise, and waying with himselfe that there were many seculer persons, whom either want of wil might withdraw, or necessitie of their estate and condicion might hinder from the strait path of Euangelicall perfection: found notwithstanding a means for thē to kindle and nourish deuotion, and with great facilitie to pray & obtaine by the most effectuall intercession of so great an aduocate all manner of good and perfecte giftes, from the only geuer and bestower therof the FATHER of lightes. From which so fruitefull meanes, should be excluded neither the husbādman in the fields, nor the trauailer in his iorney, nor the labourer with his toiling, nor [Page 4]the simple by his vnskilfulnes nor the woman by her sex, nor the maried by their estate, nor the yong by their ignorance, nor the aged by their impotencie, nor the sicke by their infirmitie, nor the poore for want of abilitie, nor the blind for want of sight, yea the Religious them selues of both sexes, at all times and in all places, when they may want either bookes or other ordinary helpes of spirite, (although this be not one of the least among many others wherewith they abound) might hereby finde no smale increase of cōfort, feruour, and deuotion, in so much that wee see by experience, that there is not any deuout Christian, and which hath care of his soule, but in what estate soeuer he liue, if he haue conuenient opportunitie, he seeketh by giuing his name [Page 5]vnto this holy cōfraternity, to become a cliēt or pupill of the most glorious Virgin.
Wherin we may see the singuler profite and commoditie which redoūdeth vnto vs by the same. The profitte & commodity. For if it be so generall a deuotion, in the wholle Church of God, as we haue said: then vndoubtedly we may say that one profitte which hereby we may reape, is the facilitie of an acceptable seruice of God, for that deuotion which repugneth to no estate or conditiō, but may so easely be performed, not requiring more knowledge, then to say the Pater noster, and Aue Maria, nor any more charge thē the price of a paire of Beades, nor any choice of place or situation of body, but as it shall like the partie, either to stand, site, lye walke or kneele: especially hauing [Page 6]no burden of conscience or charge of sinne if it be omitted: who seeth not thē how easie it is, and with what facilitie it may be obserued? yea who seeth not how great and carelesse a negligence, and how contemptuous a singularitie it were, to omit so generall a profession? This facilitie is also the greater for that there beeing diuers Societies of our LADY, Diuers Societies of our Lady. euery one of which doth laudably endeuour to aduaunce the honor of so holye a creature, to theire owne singuler great gaine of deuotion, vertue and merite: in euery one are diuerse bondes either of rehearsing some certaine praiers euery day, or of ofte Confessing and Receiuing, or of some more stricte obseruance then is necessarie or easie and expedient for euery Christian: But in this of [Page 7]the Rosary, that it may the rather be imbraced of all: though there be spirituall rewardes almost for euery godly action, in which euery man according to his deuotiō may exercise him self: yet is there no generall bond, but only to the rehearsing of the Beades thrice a weeke, as shall be shewed hereafter, One only necessarie bond in this Society. and that without the incurring of any sinne by the omission therof, as hath bene saide before, yea and that also may be supplied by an other, who performeth the due exercise for his brother, being either sicke or otherwise hindered: as afterward shall appeare But besides the facilitie there are other more singuler commodities herein. For secondly there is the speciall patronage and protectiō of the same most blessed and glorious Virgin. The patronage of our Lady. For although she be [Page 8]worthely called a most louing aduocate of all faithfull Christians, yet there no doubt doth her care more aboūd, where she hath most mercifully chosen & gathered, & knit togither such as she meaneth singulerly to tender, she hauing declared by sundry miracles, the familiar rpouidēce which she carieth ouer this her familie. Godly meditation. Thirdly in this deuotion of the Rosary is daily with great fruit remembred the principall pointes of the life of our Sauiour, and of his holy Mother, in so much that the daunger, of which the Prophet complaineth, when he saith that the wholle earth was brought to desolation, Hier. 12 because there was not who did meditate or ponder in his hart: by this deuout exercise of Christian duety, is by all estates of men vtterly auoided: whilest [Page 9]euery deuout Catholicke, dailye when he saieth his beades, doth as it were in a booke read and reuerentlye laieth before his eies, Christ our Sauiour incarnat in his Mother, The 15. misteries of the Rosary. sanctifying IOHN Baptist his holy Precursor, lying in a manager, offered vp to his Father in the Temple, teaching the Doctors, praying in the Garden, cruelly whipped crowned with thornes, carying his Crosse and exalted theron for our redemption, rising againe, ascending into heauen, sending his holy Spirite and gratious giftes vnto men, taking vp with childly affection his most holy Mother, euen corporally vnto heauen and exalting and crowning her ouer all his holy Saintes and Angells. Wherof what gratitude, what humilitie, what charitie, what spurres vnto all vertue [Page 10]may be ingendered in Christian mindes, let euery one consider: it is not our purpose now to expoūd And although this manner of remembring the life of Christ, may be practised by any one which is not of this Society: yet both this maner of deuiding & religiously honouringe these holy misteries, was first commended of S. DOMINICKE to this holy confraternitie, not without a speciall reuelation (as it is credibly thought) of the B. Virgin, and such vertuous practise will then be more acceptable, when it is performed with a relation, and respect, as of one of this so fauored a Societie.
4 Fourthlye this holy Societie hath many Indulgences or Pardons annexed vnto the saying of the Rosary: Indulgences. as shall hereafter appeare. Of the profit wherof as it is [Page 11]not lawfull for any Catholicke to doubt, so were it to long here to intreate. Only this will I say: that although there be perhapps many greater Indulgences graunted vnto diuerse Graines, then these of this confraternity, yet are not these to be neglected, but rather greatly to be esteemed for to causes. First for so many other commodities as are in this Societye: which cannot be obtained without saying once a weeke the Rosary, for respecte of this Society. Wherfore although one would for desire of greater Indulgence applye the saying of his Beades vnto other graines, yet is it verye expediēt thrise a weeke to apply his intention vnto the Society of the Rosary, saying his beades as a member therof, for than is he sufficiently disposed to receaue the [Page 12]fruites of the same Societie, although he should neuer so often besides by saying the same seeke the INDVLGENCES of halowed graines. Secondly for that a sufficient cause beeing required for the valew of an Indulgēce as the Diuines do teach, these Indulgē ces being confirmed by so diuers Popes, and hauing the valew of a cause from the influence of so diuers members, which in this Society euery where tend vnto one end of the seruice and honour of God and his blessed Mother, must of necessitie haue an vndoubted and more aboundant effect.
5 Fifthly, there is in this confraternitie an inestimable treasure of the mutuall participation of all the good works done by the persons of the same, The participation of spirituall good. & of the wholle order of S. Dominick as wel Freers [Page 13]as Nunnes. So that besids the generall influence which for the cō muniō of Saints in the Church of God, is from one mēber of Christ his misticall body vnto another, by which one member reioiceth with another, suffereth with and for an other, and the aboundāce of one supplieth the want and pouertie of an other, so that both be in gods grace (without the which neither Indulgences may be obtained, nor the participation of good workes either giuen or receiued.) There is a more speciall benefite and participation in this Society by the particuler application of those which may by authoritie distribute so great a treasure of all that Fasting, Praying, Watching, Almes, & other works of Christian pietie, as are by so many so godly so farre dispersed [Page 14]persons euery day and moment performed.
6 Last of all, the benefitte of this Society lasteth after death also as shall be shewed also hereafter. The benefite after death. For when the Soules departed, in the flames of Purgatorie yeldeth satisfaction for sinnes not perfectly remitted in this world, it may by the ordinary suffrages of Gods Church, be releeued, as vnto all Christians departed in Gods grace is common. But hee which for a soule departed of this SOCIETY offereth the vsuall deuotions of the same, besides the valew which such deuotions may haue of them selues commeth loden with the treasures and merittes of diuers other members of the Church to be applied for the releefe of the distressed soule. All which so great commodities shal [Page 15]more plainly appeare in the summary following of the ordinances or statutes and graces of this Society. Which hath bene faithfully drawen forth of an Italian boke of the Rosary sette forth at Rome about 8. or 9. yeres sithēce by the Reuerend Generall of S. DOMINICKS order vnto whom especially the admission into this Society doth belong, although I vnderstand to my great comforte that there be diuerse within our Realme which haue either immediatelye from the same Generall or by some other lawfull meanes the like auctoritie.
THE ORDINANCES or decrees of the Society of the Rosary, with an explicatiō therof. Cap. 2.
AS by the gloriouse Father, & Founder of the order of Preachers, S. DOMINICKE, this holy Rosary was planted, and this diuine maner of praier instituted: so vnto the Reu. Fa. Generall of the same Order as his successor & heire doth it only belong to giue auctoritie and licence to institute and ordaine the said Societies: to substitute & giue leaue to inrole and receiue in them; and to do euery other necessarye acte as by [Page 17]many Popes hath bene graunted and confirmed; And more-ouer by Iulius 3. and Pius 5. expresly declared, that the confraternities without his leaue and auctoritie instituted, be anulled and do not enioy any Indulgēce or priuilege.
2 In euery Couent and Church of the order of Preachers ought this holy company be and not in other; this being a proper inheritance and institution of that order. In Cities, Townes, or Villages, where there is no Couent or Church of the order of Preachers it may be placed in other Churches with leaue of the said Reuerend Father Generall, yet so that one companye onely there be in each Towne or place for to auoid confusion: & if afterward the Freers of the order come to the saide places to dwell, and build there a [Page 18]Couent or Church, vnto them as vnto true and lawfull heires the said company, Altar and all kind of commoditie, and appertenances is vnderstood to be brought and transferred.
This is vnderstoode of Legacies or Rents left to the maintenance of the Altar or Chappel of the Society
3 In euery Church where the said Company is, there ought to be their particuler Altar, or Chap pell, called of the holy ROSARIE with some deuoute figure or Image of the most holy Virgin, & of the mysteries of the holy Rosary; there must be also the Rectors & heades of the said company, to auoide all confusion: There must be a perticuler booke, where the names & surnames of all the perons of the cōpany must be writē.
Note that here is not signified any [Page 19]bond or necessitye of frequenting this Church or Chappell, for those which cannot conueniently come so farre: but they may at theire pleasure vpon holy daies go vnto theire owne parish Church or other which they shall like. But it is very conuenient, that then euery one go to the proper Church of this Society, when ther is any proper exercise of the same or any spirituall gaine to be reped as shall be seen hereafter. Yet so long as our Countrey remaineth in the present estate, it is good and sufficient that euery houshold procure their ordinary Altar stone to be deputed vnto this SOCIETY by those which may admitt therein, because of the speciall Indulgences to be receiued, at the first entry as shall appeare.
4 Those who haue auctority & leaue as is aforesaid, to inrol and [Page 20]receiue into the saide company, ought to receiue and inroule all such as deuoutly demaūd it, with out any reward or paiment at all, both because it is a spirituall & holy thing, and all so to the end that as well the rich as the poore may enioy this treasure, as also for that the holy company hath bene instituted and ordained not for the benefit of him which receiueth, but of him which is receiued, and it is sufficient to be in one place and once inrouled.
This maner of inrouling being not conuenient in our country for respects too well knowne: it sufficeth that after the names be once taken of such as enter, they be torne. Yet is it expediēt, that when oportunity shall be offered, euery one cause himselfe autētically to be inrouled, that so both God may be in the number [Page 21]of his deuout seruantes more highly glorified and they may also be as it were solēnly accepted, & confirmed in that which first they receiued.
5 Neither those which are aliue onely, but also those which are dead those poore soules which are in purgatory may be inrolled and made partakers of so great a good, if any one for godly affection will make them to be inroled and will say for them the holy Rosary.
6 In the like maner if any person shall cause to be said for him selfe the Rosaty, he also obtaineth and enioieth so great a benefitte.
7 All those which are inrolled in this holy cōpany of the Rosary, are bound to say the Rosary at the least once a weeke. And for their better commoditie it is graunted them that they may deuide it and [Page 22]say fiue Tennes at a time: which make fiftie Aues and fiue Paternosters: notwithstanding by omitting either by forgetfulnes, or occupation, there is no sinne incurred, but the fruite is lost, which should haue bene gotten by saying: and also the participation of the good workes of the other brethren.
By the name of Rosary, The diuision of the Rosary. is heare alwaies vnderstood the Psalter of our LADY, which cōteineth fifteene misteries, to euery one of which, are applied one Pater noster and tenne Aues, so that in the wholle there are fifteene Pater nosters & a hundred and fiftie Aues, which in imitation of the Psalter of Dauid of so many Psalmes, made imediatelye vnto God, maketh a kinde of Psalter vnto our LADY. This Psalter or Rosary is deuided into three parts, euery [Page 23]one of which is called the thirde parte of the Rosary or one parte of the Rosarye verye fitly containing fiue of the aforesaid mysteries, therby represēting vnto vs the memory of the woundes of our Sauiour, in the seuerall parts of the ioifull, dolorouse and gloriouse mysterries of the ROSARY. Although in diuerse other Indulgences of hallowed Graines this word Rosary signifieth the third part only, when it is ioined with this word Corone, as when it is said, whosoeuer shall say the Rosary or Corone. For then certaine it is, that the third part is only signified, and the meaning of the word Coron is that paire of beades which in the remembrance of the life of our Lady containeth 63. Aues and 6. The Corone of our Lady. Pater nosters, some also vse very well at the end of euery third part of the Rosary to say the Creed although [Page 24]it be no necessary part therof.
Note also that when in the Indulgences following there is required in any day that the wholle Rosary be said, then you may not diuide it into seuerall daies, & it is also more secure to say all at once.
Finally if one be once admitted and for negligence omit to say the Rosary, he ceaseth not for all this to be of the Society, and may returning to his wonted deuotion without any new admission obtaine the accustomed graces and benefittes.
8 There are celebrated fower anniuersaries in the yeere, for the soules of the brethren departed in the Churches of the Society, after the 4 principall festiuities of our blessed LADY, the Natiuitie, Purification, Annunciation, and Assumption, at which euery one ought to be present, praying for [Page 25]those soules, that the same piety may be vsed toward them.
9 Euery first Sonday in the moneth, there is made a solemne and deuout procession of the holy Rosary after Euēsong, to the which they should in any wise come together, as-well for the Indulgences & treasures which they may gaine, as that they may be present to honor the most sacred Virgin their aduocate & Lady, and all deuoutly vnited to aske her helpe.
These two last articles cannot) as it is manifest (be preformed in our Countrey
10 After that the Priest hath writen them which deuoutly demaund to enter into this company, the Corone or Rosary being laide vpon the Altar, with a stole about his necke, he blesseth the beads, saying the praier folowing.
This benediction if one can not conueniētly come to him, which receiueth him, but only sendeth his name to be inrolled, is not necessary neither if the beades were euer blessed before.
Hence also doth it appeare that there is no other thing necessary, What is necessarie in this Society. for the obtaining of the benefites of this Society, but to say once aweeke the Psalter of our LADY, & whosoeuer thincketh otherwise, requiring either other ordinary praiers, or frequenting of Sacramentes, or any solēne profession at the first entrāce: doth confound this Society, beeing a generall corporation ouer all the world, with other particuler Societies of our Lady in seueral places binding thēselues to more strict obseruances, thē were easie to be vndertakē of all that variety of persones, which is by this Society embraced. [Page 27]Although who-soeuer is of any other particuler Society of our LADY receiuig therin a particuler fellowshipe, and incorporation in that place where such a Society is instituted, will withall for the generall deuotion vnto this, as insttuted by the expresse reuelatiō of our Blessed LADY (as it is credibly and deuoutlye thought) seeke to be here inrolled if he were not before, which I thought good to note least any shold either be cōfounded with variety of opinions, or deterred with more heauy burdens, from so profitable a deuotion.
THE PRAIER FOR the blessing of the Beades.
Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
Qui secit coelum & terram.
Domine exaudi orationem meā.
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
Dominus vohiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
OMNIPOTENS & misericors Deus, qui propter nimiam charitatem tuam qua dilexisti nos, filium tuum vnigenitum Dominū nostrum Iesum Christum pro Redemptione nostra, de coelis in terram descendere & de Beatissimae Virginis Mariae vtero Angelo nunciante carnem suscipere voluisti, vt nos eriperes de potestate Diaboli: Obsecramus immensem clementiam tuam, vt haec signa Rosarij in honorem & laudem eiusdem genetricis filij tui, ab Ecclesia tua fideli dicata, Bene ✚ dicas & San ✚ ctifices eisque [Page 29]tantam infundas virtutem Spiritus Sancti, vt quicunque horum quodlibet secum portauerit, at (que) in domo sua reuerenter tenuerit, ab omni hoste visibili & inuisibili semper et vbique in hoc seculo liberetur, & in exitu suo a Beatissima Virgine Maria Dei genetrice tibi plenus bonis operibus presentari me reatur. Per eundem Dominum nostiū Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecū viuit & regnat per omnia secula seculorum. Amen,
Aspergat ea. Sacerdos aqua benedicta: In nomine Patris, & Filij, & Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
A BRIEFE SVMMArie of the Graces, or Indulgences of this Society of the Rosary, with the names of the Popes which graunted them. Cap. 3
WHo faieth the Aue Maria or reuerently nameth the holy name of IESVS gaineth 60. daies. Vrbanus. 4 & Ioan. 22
By saying the wholle Rosary 15. yeeres, Sixtus 4. and 15. quarantenes.
A quarātene is an Indulgence, or releasing of 40. daies penāce. Inno. 8
A pleanary Indulgēce once in life & again in the houre of death
The Indulgēces of the stations of Rome, Leo. 10 by visiting that day fiue Altars, or one fiue times deuoutly saying, fiue Paters and Aues for euery one.
What the Stations are, it shall appeare in the Chapter following.
For saying the wholle Rosary 10. yeeres, and 10. quarantenes, Idem A certaine Legate. Idem.
Also for the whole Rosary 120 daies.
For being present euery Saturday in the Church of this Society at the Salue Regina, 40 daies.
For saying fiue Paters & Aues in the Feastes of the Anunciation, Idem. Natiuitie, Visitation, Purification, and Assumption of our Lady: 100 daies.
For saying the whole Rosary 120
For visiting the Altar of the Ro sary at Rome, A Patri arch. Pius. 4 euery feast of our Lady a plenary.
The same by accompaning the procession which is made euery first Sonday in the moneth. Idem.
Hauing Receaued the day of the Annunciation of our LADY: Pius 5. granted those which follow and confirmed all thos which are before. by saying the Rosary, a Plenary.
By saying the ROSARY in the daies of the Natiuitie, Purification, Visitation, & Assumption, of our Lady, 10. yeeres and 10 quarantenes.
By saying the Rosary any day whatsoeuet, 40. daies.
By naming deuoutly Iesus Maria, euery time 7 daies.
At the first entering, by Confessing and Receauing at the Altar or Church of this Society, and saying at the least one part of the ROSARY for the peace of the Church: a Plenary.
The same is graunted vnto thē which in the end of their life haue [Page 33]Confessed and Receaued.
By saying one part at the least of the Rosary, (hauing first Receiued the daies of Easter, the Annū ciation, and Assumption of our Lady: 10. yeeres and 10. quarantenes.
By saying at the least one part of the Rosary in the festiuall daies of the misteries of the Rosary, 7. yeeres and 7 quarantenes of enioined penances.
The same for saying at the least once a weeke the wholle Rosary.
To all Christiās (although not of the Society) for accompaning the Procession of euery first Sonday in the moneth, are graunted 7 yeeres & 7 quarantenes of enioined penances.
Those which are of this confraternitie, are partakers of all the good workes, which are done by [Page 34]other petsons of the same, as also by the wholle order of S. Dominicke as well of Freers as of Nūnes
Here is diligently to be cosidered that we may so both stoppe the blasphemous and venemous mouthes of Herticks, Of the nature of Indulgences. and by Catholickes make the fruite of these Indulgences to be enioied, that no Indulgence can be obtained out of the state of Gods grace. Therefore whosoeuer feeleth his mind wounded with any mortall sinne, or purpose, or desire, or deliberate affection & liking of the same: let him before he seeke Indulgence reconcile him selfe vnto God, either by the Sacrament of penance, or if he can not conueniently, at the least by perfect sorrow and repentance, and stedfast purpose of amendment, and [Page 35]of Receauing the Sacramēt of penance at conuenient time, without which disposition of minde none can euer obtain Gods grace and by which disposition he may at any moment accordinge vnto Gods most gratious promise and mercy. For an Indulgence is a remission of temporall punishment due vnto sinnes already forgiuen and not possible therfore to be applied but to him which hauing forsaken sinne is in Gods holy fauour. And hereby maist thou cō found the gracelesse ignorant hereticke.
Also for the better vnderstanding of the nature of Pardons: the meaning of so many daies or yeeres of Pardon is, that looke how much pain of PVRGATORY we could redeem with so many daies or yeres of such penance as might [Page 36]by reason be imposed vpon vs for to match our faultes (our deuotion, earnest sorow and purpose of satisfaction considered) so much by the Indulgence of soe many daies or yeeres is taken away. Neither is it necessary that we might liue so many yeeres whereas perhapps the worlde shall not last so long as the yeeres of some Indulgences, for sufficient it is, that we may deserue so many yeeres of punishmēt, which the iustice of God may by the seuerity of the painefully inflict in one houre of the fire of Purgatory: And to grosse is the ignorance of our heretickes, who thinke that he that hath a hudred yeres of pardō may by the Popes leaue sinne with-out remorse all his life as by this which we haue said is most euident.
It is also to be vnderstood that [Page 37]one may apply the saying of his beades for whatsoeuer necessitie of his owne or of others excepte where in the Indulgēce it is other wise required: To what intētion the beades are to bee imploied. neither is he boūd to say the Rosary once a weeke, for the Society, so that saying it for what purpose he will, he intend to say it as a member of the Society, & for to obtaine the gtaces of the same.
OF THE STATIons of Rome. Cap. 4
THERE hath bene at Rome a continuall holye custome of the people for thes 1000 yeres at the least at diuers times solēnly to visite certaine principall Churches, therin to offer vp their deuotions iointly with one mind for [Page 38]their owne necessities and of the wholle Church of God. These solemne, religious & deuoute meetings are commonly called Sations. And by diuers Popes there hath bene graunted vnto the foresaid Churches either specially in those daies in which the Stations are there kept, or generally all the wholle yeere very great and large Indulgences. I will here therfore note the daies and places of the same Stations, as for the Indulgences it is sufficient here to aduertise, that in euery one of these Churches they are very great and neuer lesse then of tenne thousād yeeres. Yet because often times there is a Plenary Indulgence and the deliuery of a soule out of Purgatory, I will expresly sett downe when either of these so great graand fauours may bee obtained, [Page 39]which thing will be also profitable for those which by hallowed Graines will gaine the Stations.
- 1 The first Sonday in Auent at Sancta Maria Maior.
- 2 The 2. Sonday at S. Crosse in Hierusalem a Plenary.
- The 3 Sonday at S. Peter.
- 4 Wednesday in the Imber weeke at S. Maria Maior.
- 5 Friday in the Imber weeke at SS. Apostoli. a Plenary.
- 6 Saturday at S. Peter.
- 7 The 4. Sonday at SS. Apostoli. a Plenary.
- 8 Christmas Eue at S. Maria Maior.
- 9 In the night following at the Chappell of the Cribbe in the same Church. a plenary
- 10 Christmas day in the morning at S. Anastasia a Plenary.
- [Page 40]11 At the third MASSE on Christmas day at S. Maria Maior.
- 12 On S. Steuens day at Saint Steuens a Plenary.
- 13 Saint IOHNS day at Sancta Maria Maior.
- 14 Innocents day at S. PAVLE a plenary.
- 15 Newyeeres day at S. Mariatrans Tiberim. a Plenary.
- 16 Twelfe day at S. Peter. a plenary.
- 17 The Sonday of Septuagesima at S. Laurēce extra muros. a soule out of Purgatory
- 18 The Sonday of Sexagesima at S. PAVL.
- 19 The Sonday of Quinquagesima at S. Peter.
- 20 Ashwednesday at S. Sabina a plenary.
- 21 Thursday ar S. George.
- [Page 41]22 Friday at SS. IOHN & PAVL
- 23 Saturday at S. Triphon. a Plenary.
- 24 The first Sonday in Lent at S. IOHN Laterane. a Plenary & infinite Indulgēces.
- 25 Monday at S. Peter in vinculis. a Plenary.
- 26 Twesday at S. Anastasia a Plenary and a soule out of Purgatory.
- 27 Wednesday at Sāsta Maria Maior.
- 28 Thursday at S. Laurence in Palisperna. a Plenary.
- 29 Friday at SS. Apostoli. a Plenary.
- 30 Saturday at S. Peter a plena.
- 31 The 2 Sonday in Lent at S. Maria in Nauicella.
- 32 Monday at S. Clement.
- 33 Twesday at S. Balbina
- 34 Wednesday at S. Cecely.
- [Page 42]35 Thursday at Sancta Mariatrans Tiberim.
- 36 Friday at S. Vitalis.
- 37 Saturday at S. Peter & Marcelline a plenary.
- 38 The 3 Sonday in Lent at S. Laurence extra muros a soul out of Purgatory.
- 39 Monday at S. Marke.
- 40 Twesday at S. Potentiana.
- 41 Wednesday at S. Sixtus.
- 42 Thursday at SS. Cosma & Damianus.
- 43 Friday at S. Laurence in Lucina.
- 44 Saturday at S. Susan. a Plenary.
- 45 The 4 Sonday in Lent at S. Crosse. a Plenary & a soule out of Purgatory.
- 46 Monday at SS. qnatuor Coronati.
- 47 Twesday at S. Laurence in Damaso.
- [Page 43]48 Wednesday at S. Paule.
- 49 Thursday at S. Siluester.
- 50 Friday at S. Eusebius.
- 51 Saturday at S. Nicholas in carcere. a Plenary.
- 52 The 5 Sonday in Lent at S. Peter.
- 53 Monday at S. Chrisogon.
- 54 Twesday at S. Cyriacus.
- 55 Wednesday at S. Marcellus
- 56 Thursday at S. Apollinaris.
- 57 Friday at S. Steuens. a soule out of Purgatory.
- 58 Saturday at S. Iohn ante portam latinam: a soule out of Purgatory.
- 59 Palme Sonday at S. IOHN Lateran: a Plenary twise.
- 60 Monday at S. Praxedes a plenary.
- 61 Twesday at S. Prisca: a Plenary.
- 62 Wednesday at Sansta Maria [Page 44]Maior: a Plenary.
- 63 Thursday at S. Iohn Lateran a Plenary twise.
- 64 Friday at S. Crosse: a Plenary & many other Indulgēces
- 65 Saturday at S. Iohn Lateran a Plenary.
- 66 Easter day at Sancta Maria Maior: a Plenary.
- 67 Monday at S. Peter: a Plenary.
- 68 Tuesday at at S. Paule: a plenary.
- 69 Wednesday at S. Laurence extra muros: a soule out of Purgatory.
- 70 Thursday at SS. Apostoli. a plenary.
- 71 Friday at Sancta Maria Rotunda.
- 72 Saturday at S. Iohn Lateran a Plenary twise.
- 73 Low Sonday at S. Pācratius [Page 45]a plenary twise.
- 74 On S. Marks day at S. Peter.
- 75 Monday in Rogation weeke at Sancta Maria Maior.
- 76 Twesday at S. Iohn Lateran.
- 77 Wednesday at S. Peter.
- 78 Ascention day at S. Peter.
- 79 Whitson Eue at S. Iohn Lateran: a Plenary.
- 80 Whitsonday at S. Peter: infinite Indulgences & a Plenary.
- 81 Monday at S. Peter in vinculis a plenary.
- 82 Twesday at S. Anastasia.
- 83 Wednesday at Sāsta Maria Maior.
- 84 Thursday at S. Laurence extra muros a soule out of Purgatory.
- 85 Friday at SS. Apostoli: a plenary.
- 86 Saturday at S. Peter a soule [Page 46]out of Purgatory.
- 87 Wednesdaye of the Imber weeke in September at Sancta Maria Maior.
- 88 Friday of the same weeke at SS. Apostoli. a Plenary.
- 89 Saturday following at Saint Peter.
THE FIFTEEN MISteries of the holy Rosary. Cap. 5.
THIS deuout kind of Psalter or Rosary of our B. Lady cō taine 15. principall mysteries of the life of Christ & our Lady: for euery parte of the life of our Sauiour did very specially appertaine vnto his holy mother, Luc. 2. as who did ponder in her hart and diligently weigh whatsoeuer her most beloued sonne wrought in the worlde [Page 47]and whose soule was perced with euery dent of that most sharppe sword which caused greife and so row to him, whō she had lodged in her affection for euer; no lesse thē harboured for some monthes in her sacred wombe, Rom. 12 and who finally had learned that lesson of S. PAVL to morne with the morners & to reioice with the ioifull.
This Psalter I saye of 15 Pater nosters and 150 Aues is first deuided into three partes, euery one of which may be recited a part by it selfe, as we haue said aboue, & representeth vnto vs, as well one of the most holy persons of the B. Trinitie, as one of the three kindes of misteries of Christ and our Ladies life, that is either ioifull, or dolorous, or glorious. Euery one of these partes first, very fitly represēteth vnto vs both the [Page 48]woundes of our Sauiour and the spirituall libertie which we obtained therby, the number of fiftie signifying a perfect Iubiley & release of all bondage as we will shew hereafter: Leuit. 25 then doth it also containe fiue mysteries, which whilest we are saying euery tenne Aues with the Pater noster belōging therunto, going before; are deuoutly to be laid before the eies of our mind: affectuously imagining that we are kneeling in the closet of our Blessed Lady, before her sacred person, where she talketh with the Angell, or in Zacharies house where Iohn Baptist by her voice is sāctified in his mothers wombe, and leapeth for ioy or in the Cribbe where the sonne of God in a new shape manifesteth him selfe vnto the world, and is honoured of the wholle multitude [Page 49]of Angells, shepheardes, and Sages. And the like of other so holy & deuout misteries although they which haue more leasure & fealing of so heauēly matters, may with more fruit spend some litle time in meditating of euery mistery, not saying any thing, & then afterward saye the Pater & Aues thereunto belonging: or hauing first rehearsed them, afterwarde meditate, which beeing doone they may go forward to an other mistery. Neither yet doe I thinke that the simpler sort whose capacity cannot reach to the remembrance of so many seuerall misteries is bound for the obtaining of the graces appertaining to this Society to thinke actually of euery mistery: although it be the more sure way and more profitable and not very difficult to remember if [Page 50]they first cause euery misterve to be expoūded vnto them by some more skilfull then them selues. Which now although I woulde willingly do, yet am I not by my other busines permitted. Wherfore for the larger explication of these misteries I refer euery one to a very profitable booke extant in our tong and with great frut practised by diuerse in our countrey, of the misteries of the Rosary: yet will I not euery place where in the holy scripture each misterye may be reade at large. These are therfore the misteries of the holy Rosary.
- 1 The Annunciatiō of our Lady.
Luc. 1
- 2 The visitation of
S. Elizabeth.
Luc. 1
- 3 The natiuitie of Christ.
Luc. 2
- 4 The purification.
Luc. 2
- 5 The inuention or findinge of
[Page 51]Christ among the Doctors in the Temple.
Luc. 2
- 1 The praier in the Garden.
Luc. 22
- 2 The whipping.
Ioan. 19.
- 3 The crowning with Thorne.
Mat. 27.
- 4 The carying of the Crosse.
Ioan. 19.
- 5 The Crucifying and death of Christ.
Mat. 27.
- 1 The Resurrection of Christ.
Mat. 1 [...]
- 2 The Ascention.
Act. 1.
- 3 The sending of the holy Ghost
- 4 The Assumption of our Lady into heauen.
Act. 2.Cant. 8
- 5 The Coronation and exaltatiō of our Lady aboue all Angels and Saintes.
Thus much haue I thought necessary to be heere declared, for the perfect information of whosoeuer [Page 52]desireth to knowe what belongeth vnto this deuout Society, and to be pertaker of the benefite therof.
Now before I proceed any farther, I haue iudged it very cōuenient to ad here, two briefe admonitions of two things, which may greatly appertaine vnto the knowledge and vse of this so greate a treasure.
First that albeit, as we saide aboue in the first chapter, What benefite one which is in deadly sinne may reape hereby. no maner of persō being out of the blessed fauour of Almightie God, and in the miserable estate of mortall sinne, can either enioy these Indulgences or any other; or be partaker of the good workes and satisfactiō of others: yet ought not any man which for human frailty, may perhaps either sometime fall into deadly sinne, or remain most [Page 53]lamētably in the same; be therby terrified from this most holesome medicine & cōfortable sanctuary of the Blessed Virgins protection. For first cōcerning the entry into this Confraternity: although it be desired that euery one at that time dispose him selfe to Gods grace by receauing the holy Sacramēts, and there is, as hath bene said, aspeciall Indulgence graunted to that end: yet that this is not altogither necessary, the very practise of this Society doth shew, which receiueth those which are absent, and not in case or possibility to receaue holy Sacramentes, neither euer exacteth the same as necessary of such, when they are admitted. As for the being afterward in estate of sinne, true it is that it hindereth those benefittes, as we said before: yet doth it not hinder [Page 54]but that so long as one remaineth in the vnitie of holy Church, and saieth his Rosarye or our Ladies Psalter euery weeke; the commō praiers & suffrages of this wholle Society are applied vnto him also as a member therof. Wherfore although he haue not that infallible measure of fruit of their satisfactiōs, which if he were in grace he should receaue: yett is this no smalle helpe besides the generall communion of the praiers of the wholle CHVRCH, to haue such particuler reliefe, whereby Gods wrath may be the easier appeased and he the more euery day disposed vnto repentance and perfecte conuersion.
The Feast of the Rosary. Secōdly it is to be vnderstood, that GREGORY the 13. in the yeere of our Lord 1573. the first day of Aprill, for a perpetuall memory [Page 55]& thankesgiuing vnto God and our Blessed Lady for the triū phant victory receaued the yeere before ouer the Turkes, See the booke of the Rosary in Italiā instituted a solemne feast, vnder the title of the feast of the Rosary, euery yere to be cellebrated, on the first Sunday of october. whereas the yeere before on the like Sunday, being than the 7 of the same moneth, so gloriouse a victory was obtained, not without the speciall intercession (as he saieth) of the Mother of God, whose deuoute Clients through the wholle worlde, the same day, as being the first Sūday of the moneth, religiously according to theire laudable custome made their ordinary processions: wheras also this deuoute maner of praier, was by holy Saint Dominicke first instituted, for the appeasing of Gods wrath, & the obtaining [Page 56]of our Ladies intercession against most perniciouse heresies with which Frāce and Italy in his time was sore vexed. as also more largely is to be seene in the letters of Pius 5. in the 17. of sept. 1569. where he after diuerse of his Predecessours confirmeth the same Society, and seriously cōmendeth it vnto all deuout Christians, as a soueraigne and necessary remedy for all the common euells of our age.
This feast of the Rosary is only to be obserued such first Sunday of October (vnderstanding that Sonday) which is in deed the first within the month, not that which is neerest vnto the beginning of the moneth) where there is any Chap pell or Altar of this Society, after the maner of a high dubble feast, with the office of our Lady, according [Page 57]to the manner of her other feastes.
Thus much I thought woulde be as well for thy comfort (gentle Reader) to knowe, as for the generall benefite of CHRIST his Church in this miserable time to obserue.
OF OTHER MANner of saying the Beades. Cap. 6.
NOw that I haue briefly set downe what necessarily belongeth to this deuoute Society: I will for the farther comfort of the persons of the same, shewe also vnto thē how they may in their beades finde [Page 58]variety of other repast, & greater store of dainty dishes thereby to prouoke their appetite, which in this kind of food cā neuer exceed in gluttony. Yet will I first admonish thē (as I haue also touched before) that in no case they omit for any other kind of deuotion in the beades, to say the wholle Rosary in euery weeke, but that beeing done, they may satisfie their deuotions according as they shall find most comforte and delight.
There is therfore an other kind of saying the beades which is called the Corone of our B. LADY, very much frequented of deuout people, The corone of our Lady. which consisteth of 6. Pater nosters and 63. Aues in remē brāce of her most holy life which abounded with so many vertues that it may be as ( S. Lib. 2. de virg. Ambrose saieth) a patterne of all goodnes to [Page 59]all sorts of mē. And though there be no necessary cause therof: yet haue some so deuided these Aue Maries that in euery one is recorded some seuerall mysterie of the life of Christ & our Lady, so that no principall point of either is omitted as we will afterward sette downe. This is of great fruite and comforte, but not for the simple although such also may very well and do euery where rehearse this Corone without speciall remembrāce of so many diuers misteries.
A third kind of beades or at the least of saying of the beades there is, The corone of our Lord. in which to the honour of our Sauiour Christ are rehearsed 33 Pater nosters and as many Aue Maries This is called the Corone of our Lord in worshippe of his holy life which in this world continued 33 yeeres.
Some also vse a Corone of the fiue wounds of our Lord at euery wound saying one Pater noster & fiue or tenne Aue Maries. Of the 5 woūdes
There is also an other kind of deuotion which may bee vsed either with the beades or without of saying 15 Pater nosters & Aues which deuotion perhaps might grow of the imitation of those 15 Psalmes, Of the 15. Paters and Aues. which are cōmonly called graduall, which as some say were wont to bee song on high daies by the Leuites on the fiftene staires goeing vp to the Temple, by which with singuler deuotion and more thē ordinary grace and alacritie our Lady being 3 yeere olde and caried to be presented in the Temple her selfe, ascended to offer her selfe to Almightie God not without great admiration of her deuout Parents; or as some other [Page 61]say were made to signifie certaine degrees or stepps of perfection in Gods seruice, which did singulerly shine in this Virgin. or els this custome of saying 15 Paters and Aues might be first commēded, for that according to the opiniō of some deuout Doctours, by reuelatiō made vnto some contēplatiue holy person, who saieth euery day 15 Paters and Aues in one yeere shall make vp the number of all the woundes which our Sauiour receiued of his barbarous tormentors, counting with euery stripe of his whipping, the cruel prickings of the sharpe thornes wherwith he was crouned: so that one day in a yeere which is not leape yere, Ludolphus de vita Christi. Par. 2. c. 52. the said number of 15 Paters and Aues bee dubled. Or finally the cause of this deuotion might be for the respecte of those [Page 62]15 yeeres which our Ladye liued after her sonnes afcentiō in most speciall quiett and hope and continuall visitatiō of Angels & comfort of the dilating the glorious name of her sonne by his Apostles and other Disciples, a thing no doubt worthy of no small consideration, when she did euidently see euē in this life; fulfilled the Prophesie long before made by her selfe, that all generations should call her blessed. This do I the rather set downe in this place because set downe in this place because that all my Countrei-men should knowe, An Indulgēe for any Christian what soeuer. that what-soeuer faithful of Christ (yea although he be not of this Society of which in this place we intreate shall say fifteene Paters and Aues for all those which are in mortall sinne, shall for euery time that they doe so charitable a deed, obtaine the [Page 63]remission of the third part of their sinnes. Which Indulgence hath bene of long time graunted and is so authenticall that I will be a warrant to all my countrei-men that it is no way coūterfeited as it may be some Indulgences haue bene in time past.
Finally euery deuout Christian may after these formes aboue mē tioned, Other formes of saying the beades. religiously honour either the niue orders of holy Angells, by whome our life vnder God is protected in this world. Or the 12 glorious Apostles of our Sauiour the first Pastors & founders of Christian faith. or the seuen effusions of blood of our Lord. or the seuen ioyes, or the seuen sorrowes which our B. Lady had in this life. Or offer vp a proportionable deuotion for whatsoeuer thing according to the custome of holy [Page 64]Church is obserued in any misticall number.
But because I haue heere made mentiō of the ioyes and sorrowes of our B. Lady which are not altogether the same with those ioifull & sorrowfull misteries of the holy Rosary: I will here briefly for euery ones comfort set thē downe.
- 1 The Annunciation.
- 2 The visitation of S. Elizabeth.
- 3 The natiuity of Christ.
- 4 The cōming of the three Kings.
- 5 The Resurrectiō of our Sauiour
- 6 The Ascension.
- 7 The cōming of the holy Ghost
- 1 The circumcisiō, which in that our Sauiours blood was with such pain shed forth: was most [Page 65]sorowfull but in the impositiō of his glorious name most comfortable.
- 2 The flying into Egipt.
- 3 The losse of our Sauiour for three daies.
- 4 The departure of our Sauiour to his bitter Passion.
- 5 The meetinge of our Sauiour carying his Crosse.
- 6 His Crucifying and that which passed vpon the Crosse.
- 7 The beholding him dead vpon the Crosse, in her sacred lappe, and at the Sepulcher.
- 1 The Circumcision.
- 2 The Praier in the garden.
Luc. 2 Luc. 22
- 3 The pulling of his beard when [Page 66]they mocked him in Caiphas house according to that of Esay the Prophet. c. 50. I gaue my body to those which did strike, and my cheekes to those which pulled them.
- 4 The Whipping.
Ioan. 19. Mar. 27. Mat. 27. Ioan. 19.
- 5 The Crowning with thornes.
- 6 The Nailing to the Crosse.
- 7 The peacing of his Side.
THE MANER OF DIstribution of the life of our Sauiour and of our Lady for the Corone of 63. Aues for those which shall desire to vse the same, although the Corone may be saide without such particuler memory Cap. 7.
1. Aue.
Of the Conception of our Lady.
- 2 Of her Natiuitie.
- 3 Of her Presentation.
- 4 Of her life in the Temple.
- 5 Of her Despousation and the vow that both she and S. Ioseph made of Virginitie.
- 6 Of the Annunciatiō of the Angell.
- 7 Of the Conception and Incarnation of Christ.
- 8 Of the Visitatiō of S. Elizabeth
- 9 Of the suspition of S. Ioseph.
- 10 Of our Ladies voiage to Bethlem.
2. Pater.
To aske humilitie and true pouertie of spirite.
1 Aue.
Of the Natiuitie of Christ.
- 2 Of the Shepheardes comming vnto him by the warning of the Angell.
- 3 Of the Circumcision.
- 4 Of the three Kings comming.
- 5 Of the Purification.
- 9 Of the flight into Egipt.
- 7 Of the finding of our Lorde in the Temple.
- 8 Of our Sauiours Obedience & subiection frō 12 yeres to 30.
- 9 Of his going forward in age, wisdome, and grace, before God and man.
- 10 Of his departure frō his Mother to go to preach.
3. Pater.
To aske the inspiration and light of the holy GHOST, for to know & follow the doctrine of Christ.
1 Aue.
Of the Baptisme of Christ.
- 2 Of his Fasting and tēntation in the wildernes.
- 3 Of S. IOHNS shewing of him saying Ecce agnus Dei that is beholde the Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinne of the world, wherby Christ did begin to gather Disciples
- 4 Of the turning water into wine and other miracles.
- 5 Of the Preaching of Christ.
- 6 Of the reproches and iniuries offered of the Iewes.
- 7 Of his Trauailes, iorneis, and viages.
- 8 Of his often watching & praying.
- 9 Of the washinge of the Disciples feet.
- 10 Of the last Supper and institution of the B. Sacrament.
1 Aue.
Of the Praier and sweat of Blood in the garden.
- 2 Of his taking by Iudas and the rest.
- 3 Of his carying to Annas house where he had a blow on the eare.
- 4 Of Caiphas house and the trou
- 5 Of his bringing to Pilate and wrongfull accusations.
- 6 Of the mockery done vnto him with a white garment in Herodes house.
- 7 Of his Scourging.
- 8 Of the Coronatiō with thornes
- 9 Of his shewing to the multitude Ecce homo & their cries Crucifige.
- 10 His Condemnation and Barabas [Page 71]his liberation.
5 Pater.
To aske true sorow of our sinnes and compassion with Christ.
1 Aue.
Of the carying of the Crosse.
- 2 Of our Ladies meeting of him.
- 3 Of the deliuering of the Crosse to Simon Cyrineus.
- 4 Of his Nailing to the Crosse.
- 5 Of the lifting vp of the Crosse.
- 6 Of the gaule and viniger giuē him to drinke.
- 7 Of his seuen wordes and togither of his death, crying Pater in manus tuas cōmendo Spiritum meum.
- 8 Of the pearcing of his Side.
- 9 Of the laying him down from the Crosse into his sorowfull Mothers lappe.
- 10 Of his deuout buriall.
6. Pater.
To aske of Christ a spiritual ioy & peace together with him rising from the dead.
1. Aue.
Of the Resurrection of Christ,
- 2 Of his Ascention.
- 3 Of the expectation of the holy ghost of all the Disciples with our Lady.
- 4 Of the comming of the holy ghost.
- 5 Of the diuiding of the Apostles through the world.
- 6 Of the ioy which our Lady had hearing the great workes done by them.
- 7 Of her often visiting the holy places which our Sauoiour had bene in.
- 8 With what diligent deuotion shee prepared her selfe to her death drawing neare.
- [Page 73]9 Of her most holy death in the presence of all the Apostles than aliue.
- 10 Of her solemne buriall.
7. Pater.
To aske a trew despising of the world, and desire of heauen.
1. Aue.
Of the raising againe of her most pure body.
- 2 Of her assumption into Heauen in the armes of her deare Sonne.
- 3 Of her Exaltation and Coronation aboue all Angells and pure creatures.
Last of all Pater noster to the B. Trinitie geuing thankes for our Lady such a notable gifte bestowed on the world.
There is no neede for to spend any more time in these pointes than whilest at other times the Beades [Page 74]are saide. But it is sufficient deuoutly to remember at euery Aue Mary such mistery as is here sette downe: which also may be obserued in the two Chapters following although for the better conceiuing of the seuerall pointes I thought good to set them downe at large: or if at any time any wold spend more time therin.
ANOTHER ROSARY of the B. Virgin Mary much like vnto the former but deuided according to the actes of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, for the Rosary of 5. Paters and 50 Aues, out of Ludouicus Bolsius. Cap. 8.
The first parte.
PATER noster &c. Aue Maria &c. O benigne & sweete Mary, The begining and ending of this petition is to be added in euery one pacifie our most clement Redemer Iesus, whō thou a most pure Virgin, vpon the Angells annunciation didest conceiue by the holy Ghost in the citie of Nazareth [Page 76]and beare 9. monthes in thy most chast wombe. Cause that we may please thy most sweete sonne Iesus Christ, and destrue to see him and thee in heauen. Amen.
2 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. who being cōceiued within thee thou, full of God, didest go with speed vnto thy cousen Elizabeth, and salute her, & humbly exhibit thy seruice vnto her. Cause that we &c.
3 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom thou a most pure Virgin didest bring forth in Bethlem, in a most vile stable, not only without all paine, but also with vnspeakable ioy, and being borne didest presently adore him as true & very God with a deuout mind. Cause that we &c.
4 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom thou diddest foster with [Page 77]thy virginall milke being as yet a litle crying child, & swathed in cloutes didest lay him in the man ger vpon hay & straw. Cause &c.
5 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom yet new borne the Angells in most ioifull maner shewed to the Shepheardes: and with cheerfull voices geuing laudes & praises vnto him, song peace to men of good will. Cause. &c.
6 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom the Shepheardes speedely repairing to Bethlē found laide in a Maunger, and adored with great ioy & admiratiō. Cause &c.
7 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who the 8. day after his Natiuity voutsafedto shed his most pure blood for vs, and to be circumcised, and to be named Iesus for our comforte. Cause &c.
8 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. [Page 78]Whom the Sages coming from the East, deuoutly sought, & being replenished with great ioy, came by the direction of a Satrre into Bethlem: and there humbly adoring him, they deuoutly offered vnto him, Gould, Frankencense, and Mirrhe. Cause &c.
9 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom, when the 40. day was come thou didest according to the lawe present in the Temple, and beeing redeemed with the hoast of those which were of the poorer sort, didest offer vnto god the Father with a most gratefull harte. Cause &c.
10 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c, Whom thou like a most faithfull mother, by the admonition of an Angell didest carry into Egipte for feare of Herod, and at the last broughtest him backe againe into [Page 79]the citie of Nazareth. Cause.
The second parte.
1 PATER noster &c. Aue Maria &c. O benigne & sweet Mary &c. Whom thou a Virgin mother didest loose in Hierusalē when he was 12. yeeres olde, and seeking, and inquiringe for him with an heauy harte, didest finde him with ioy, three daies after in the Temple. Cause &c.
2 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who beeing subiecte vnto thee, thou diddest diligently nourishe with a motherly care, and neuerthelesse diddest alwaies exhibite an holy reuerence vnto him, as to the most high and mightie God. Cause that we &c.
3 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who, in the 30. yeere of his age, would humblye be Beptized by [Page 80]his seruant IHON in the Riuer of Iordan, wheras notwithstanding he being the most innocēt Lamb of GOD, neuer contracted anie spot of sinne. Cause &c.
4 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who in the Desert 40. daies and 40. nightes, fasted without eating any thing, and so being the Lord of heauen and earth made his abode among the wilde beastes. Cause that we &c.
5 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who for our saluatiō refused not to be tempted of the Deuill, and shewed vs the way to ouercome Satan. Cause &c.
6 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who trauailing by cities, castells and villages, preached diligently the Gospell of the Kingdome of Heauen, and willingly sustained for our sakes all toiles and wearinesse [Page 81]of body. Cause &c.
7 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who oftē watched whole nights in praier: & fuffered for our sakes hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and diuerse persecutions, with a most milde harte. Cause &c.
8 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who conuersing amongst men, did mercifullye succour all afflicted persons, and wrought very many miracles, and readily gaue pardon vnto Mary Magdalene, and other sinners that were truely penitent, and cōuersed familiarly with them. Cause &c.
Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who beeing transfigured vppon the Mount before three Disciples shined in fact like the Sunne and maiestically shewed the excelencie of his glorious body. Cause. 10 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. [Page 82]Who coming to Hierusalem to suffer for vs, as a meeke and humble King satte vpon an Asse, and in the middest of those praises which the people song vnto him, looking vpon the citie, wept.
The third parte.
PATER noster &c. Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who, at his last supper humbly vpon his knees washed the feet of his Disciples: and with vnspeakable charitie instituted the most excelent Sacramēt of the Eucharist. Cause that we may please. &c.
2 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who going with his Disciples in to the gardē of the Mount Oliuet was striken with a greate sadnes for our sakes, and praying a long space togither, through the vehemencie of th anguishes and distresses [Page 83]that he was in, fell into a bloodie sweate, that issued from all partes of his body. Cause &c.
3 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who went out to meet his enimies, and voluntarily offered him selfe vnto them and refused not to take a kisse of Iudas that betraied him. Cause &c.
4 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom, those wicked men apprehended vnreuerently, and as a male factour and a theefe, moste shamefully bound with hard and cruell bandes. Cause &c.
5 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who being bound, was brought oprobriously vnto the high Preist and at the hands of one of his seruantes receiued a most cruell and violent blow. Cause &c.
6 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who in the house of Caiphas was [Page 84]accused by false witnesses, and defiled with stinking spittle, and scornfully hoodwinked, and barbarously beaten with strokes and buffettes, and most vnworthelye blasphemed. Cause &c.
7 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who being brought to Pylate incōtemptible maner, stood before him with a lowly and cheerfull countenance, and humbly passed ouer with silence the false accusations of the Iewes. Cause.
8 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom, Herod despised beeing sent vnto him, and wisely vsing silence before him: and put vpon him as vpon a foole a white and ridiculous garment. Cause.
9 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who in the iudgement Hall was vnseemly stripped of his clothes, & barbarously bound vnto a Pillar, [Page 85]and rent and cut most cruelly with whips, & miserably begoared with his owne blood. Cause.
10 Aue Maria &c. O benigne. Whō vniust persons for more reproch, clothed with a purple robe and crowned with sharp thorne, & adored in scornfull maner grinning with their teeth and strooke with a reed, and filthely spit vpon & beat with cruel strokes. Cause.
The fourth parte.
PATER noster &c. Aue Maria &c. O benigne. &c. Who bearing a crowne of thorne and a purple garment, was brought by Pilate out of the Iudgement Hall and shewed to the Iewes, and by them with a great & tumultuous cry, required to the death of the Crosse. Cause &c.
2 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. [Page 86]Whom Pilate vniustly adiudged to death & deliuered ouer to the Iewes pleasure: and he then being by them presently loadē with the huge beame of the Crosse did patiently beare with great paine and torment thisignominiouse Tree vpon his torne shoulders, & being made the scorne of men, & the outcast of the people, meekly went forwarde to the Mount Caluary. Cause &c.
3 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who at the place of Caluary was made to drinke of wine mingled with mirrh and bitter gaule, and shamfully stripped of his clothes and cruelly bored through both handes & feet with nailes, and so fastened vpon the Crosse. Cause.
4 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who being naked, wounded and had in contempt, did hang for vs [Page 87]vpon the tree of the Crosse, and suffered most bitter paines, and shead his moste pretious blood. Cause that we &c.
5 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who, whē he did hang vpon the Crosse betweene two theeues, & was scorned and blasphemed of the Iewes; meekly shewed patience, and more then that, praied vnto his Father for his blasphemous crucifiers. Cause &c.
6 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. who mercifully forgaue the these all his sinnes being truely penitēt, and most liberally promised him the ioies of Paradise. Cause &c.
7 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who tenderly tooke compassion of thee, his most dearely beloued mother standing vnder the crosse in bitter greefe & sorow, and cō mended thee to his Disciple S. [Page 88]Iohn, and gaue thee as a mother vnto him and vs all. Cause &c.
8 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who suffered his Passion without reliefe of any sensible consolatiō: in so much as to shew the greeuousnes of his torments, he cried out with a loud voice that he was forsaken. Cause.
9 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who hanging vpon the Crosse al pale without blood, said that he was vehemently athirst, but they gaue him to drinke nought else but gaule and viniger in that extreame calamitie. Cause &c.
10 Aue Matia &c. O benigne. Who being neere death cōmended his spirit into the handes of his Father: and hauing now ended the worke of our redemption like a good Shepheard of meere loue gaue his life for his sheepe. Cause &c.
The fifth part.
PATER noster &c. Aue Maria. O benigne. &c. Who hauing tasted death for our sakes vpō the Crosse did presently of his great charitie descend into Hell according to the soule, and mightely deliuered from thence his elect. Cause that we &c.
2 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whose most holy Side was in thy presence opened with a speare, and louing Harte wounded from whence issued for our behoofes pretious blood and the water of saluation. Cause &c.
3 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whom being taken downe from the Crosse thou didest receiue (as we deuoutly beleeue) into thy bosome and lappe, and didest plentifully bathe with teares and louingly imbrace and kisse. Cause.
4 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Whose most holy Body Ioseph & Nichodemus with godly deuotiō, imbalmed with spices and wrapped in a Syndon and laid in the Sepulcher. Cause &c.
5 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who the third day coming forth like a conqueror out of the shutt and sealed Sepulcher, with his owne force rose from the dead, replenished with most desired ioy of thee his beloued mother & the rest of his frendes. Cause &c.
6 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who the fourtie day after his refurrectin ascended gloriously in to Heauen, and sitteth as a noble triumphāt conqueror at the right hand of his Father. Cause &c.
7 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who sent the holy Ghost vpon the Apostles & other of the faithfull, [Page 91]and by him did marueilously comfort strēgthen, lighten and in struct them. Cause. &c.
8 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who exalted thee his most deare mother being assumpted into heauen aboue the quires of Angells and placed thee there as the most Soueraigne Queene and Emperesse. Cause &c.
9 Aue Maria &c. O benigne &c. Who in the end of the world is to com as Iudge in great Maiesty, to render horrible punishmentes to the reprobate and eternall ioyes to the iust. Cause &c.
10 Aue Maria &c. o benigne &c. Who is the most amiable & desired glory of the Saintes and with the Father and the holy ghost liueth and raigneth God worlde without end. Cause &c.
AN OTHER LIKE EXercise of the life & Passion of Christ, cōsisting of 5. Paters and 50. Aues Cap. 9.
A Praier to the wound of the right foote.
O Most louing & sweet Iesus Christ, Pharetra diuini amoris. vnto thee be praise, honour, and glory, for the woūd and griefe of thy right foote. In this most holy wound, I doe lay downe and commend vnto thee all may of ingratitude, infirmitie, basenes, and want of mine: [Page 93]beseeching thee through thy infinite goodnesse, to destroy all these thinges in me & to clense & heale me: Also to take away from me, whatsoeuer is in me that displeaseth thee: and to powre into me all things that do please thee: & that thou garde, direct, & keep me in thy grace, free frō all sinne to my liues end. Amen.
Pater noster. 1.
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thanks, that hast created me, and doest hitherto conserue and keep me, sinning daily against thee, & although most vnworthy, doest cherish me with benefites. Grant me I besech the, that I may know thee my Creator, & with feare & reuerēce faithfully serue thee, perfectly obey the, & with my wholl hart alwaies study to please thee.
Aue Maria. 1
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that hast fore-chosen a most noble Virgin to be thy mother, which beeing prefigurated before, and of holy parents conceiued and borne without sinne, thou hast replenished with vertues and all good things. Graunt me grace I beseech thee, that I may perfectly knowe my sinnes, and mine owne base condicion, and with trew contrition and an holy hatred to bewaile them, and to detest and eschew whatsoeuer is displeasant in thy sight.
Aue Maria 2
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thanks, which hast inspired, that most amiable maide, the most honest and beautifull Virgin Mary, [Page 95]which was to be thy mother, to offer and dedicate her selfe vnto thee to be thy temple, and to vow perpetuall virginitie. O Blessed Iesu, graunt me most perfite chastitie both of mind and body, and most feruēt deuotion, simplicity, puritie, and stablenes of hart.
Aue Maria. 3
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that wouldest haue that most chast Virgin Mary, to be espoused to IOSEPH a virgin, and both to be preserued immaculate in puritie. O that I could obtaine that grace & fauour at thy hands, that I might ouercome and contemne the world, with all the vices and concupiscences thereof, and alwaies adhere & cleaue vnto thee, with a most burning and sincere loue.
Aue Maria. 4
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee and geue thee thankes, that hast voutsafed to salute the most holy Virgin by an Angell, and to make her fruitfull by the holy Ghost, and to be incarnate in her wombe. O most sweet Iesu, I hūblie beseech thee to make my harte so free from all sinne and vice, that it may be vnto thee a perpetuall habitation.
Aue Maria. 5.
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that hast vouchsafed to be carried nine monethes in the wombe of a Virgine, and to be knowne and foretold by thy precursor not yet borne. I humblie beseech thee, so to wounde my harte with thy most chaste loue, that it may loathe all worldlye [Page 97]thinges, and without intermission feele and perceaue thee the inhabit our, and Possessour therof.
Aue Maria. 6
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, whom the immaculate Virgin brought forth whth-out paine, destitute of lodging in a strange place. O most sweet Iesu, I humbly beseech thee alwaies to replenish my hart with the grace of true and perfitt contrition, that I may deserue to be vnto thee a childe of eternall adoption.
Aue Maria. 7
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, who in pouerty & colde being laide in a manger, art praised by Angells, and adored by Shepherdes. Grant that in thy seruice I neuer wexe colde, or faint [Page 98]and relent in thy laude & praise.
Aue Maria. 8
O my Lord Iesus Christ I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that hast voutsafed to be circumcised and wounded, and for our cōfort to be named Iesus. I humbly beseech thee by the she ding of thy pretious blood, that I may deserue throughly to be clē sed, and alwaies to be preserued from all fault and offence.
Aue Maria. 9
O my Lord Iesus Christ, I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that wert sought, adored and honoured with giftes by the three Sages. O most sweete Iesu, giue me grace alwaies to resigne and offer my selfe wholie vnto thee, and that I may spend and employ all my strength, and [Page 99]all that whasoeuer I am or can be at any time, in thy loue, honour and pleasure.
Aue Maria. 10
A Praier to the wound of the leafte foote.
O MOST louing and sweete Iesus, vnto thee be praise, honour, and glory, for the woūd and greife of thy leafte foote. In this woūde I doe bide all my negligences, trespasses and debtes, beseeching thee to supply them, & to iustifie me, and to replenish and confirme me with thy eternall grace, in which I may growe and increase, and which I may neuer haue the power to lose.
Pater noster. 1.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that thou wouldest bee [Page 100]offered in the Temple, and with the most pure Virgin thy mother be subiecte to the lawe. O most sweet Iesus, giue vnto me most perfect humilitie, wherby I may detest all the glory of the world, forsake all honour, and deuoutly submit my selfe, & become obedient to euery man for thy sake.
Aue Maria. 1.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that in thy infancie with thy blessed mother diddest suffer the persecution of Herod, togither with the flight and banishment into Egipt. Graunt that I may willingly and patiētly beare all aduersitie, & faithfully cleaue vnto thee in all tribulation.
Aue Maria. 2.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee [Page 101]thankes, that remaininge in the Temple, being sought for by thy mother, after three daies werte found againe. O most sweet Iesu I humbly beseech thee, that with my wholle hart & with a zealous desire I may feruently thirst after thee, incessantly seeke thee, and so happely finde thee, that I may neuer loose thee againe.
Aue Maria. 3
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that didest liue secretly with thy mother thirtie yeeres vnknowne, & wouldest be thought the sonne of a Carpenter. I humbly beseech thee, that thy grace may roote out all arrogancie in me, and extinguish all pride, that I may not loue to be seene, or to set forth my selfe, but to be vnknowne, & to be accounted base and vile.
Aue Maria. 4.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that for our sakes didest voutsafe to be baptised in Iordan and by thy Father to be declared from Heauen. Graunt that I, by continuall teares may be clensed from all sinnes and vices, that I may deserue alwaies wholly to be dronke with the loue of thee and desire of the life to come.
Aue Maria. 5
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that fasting in the Desert, diddest voutsafe to be tempted by the Deuill. O most sweet Iesu protect me with thy grace, and make me to escape all the deceites of the Deuill, and in thy power to ouercome all temptations.
Aue Maria. 6
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that for the health of foules, weart wearied out with praiers and continuall preaching. Grant me feruently to thirst thy honour and the health of soules, & for the same zealously to spend my body and all that I haue.
Aue Maria. 7
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, which hast so honoured mariage with thy presence, and with thy first miracle, and didest bountifullye heale all those that were needy and infirme: Graunt me an hart full of pittie, compassion, and all kind of mercie, wher by, I may afford the benefite and affect of a most perfit loue & charity vnto all men, and that especially vnto my enemies.
Aue Maria. 8.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes for thy benigne familiarity, which thou full of pitty and mercy didest exhibite vnto Mary Magdalen, Zacheus, Mathew, & the womā taken in aduoutry, and other Penitents more. Grant me the grace of most profound humility, perfit meeknes benignity and charity.
Aue Maria. 9.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that in the middest of many praises and much honour, diddest weepe vpon Hierusalem. O most swet Iesu, power into me the zeale of perfitte charity, that in all places I may detest and abhorre, from all contempt of thee, and irreuerence towardes thee; [Page 105]and for euery sinne whatsoeuer, I may be sory from the very bottome of my harte, and that I may haue a very sensible feeling of the euells that happen vnto any of my neighboures, as if they were my owne.
Aue Maria. 10.
A Praier to the wound of the right hand.
O MOST louing & sweet Iesus, vnto thee be praise, honour, and glory, for the wound and greife of thy right hand. In this wounde I doe hide and commend vnto thee, all my actions & endeuours. And whatsoeuer by thy grace is wrought in me or by me, that thou maiest preserue, sanctifie, & make perfit the same, to the honor & glory of thy holy name.
Pater noster. 3
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that weart solde by one of thy owne Disciples, vnto the Iewes that did persecute thee & conspire thy death. O sweet Iesu, grant me grace to take as well euell as good at thy hand: amiddest them all to be thankfull: for euery of thē in particuler to loue thee more and more: and to retaine peace, tranquillity of hart, and charity with all men.
Aue Maria. 1.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that leauing thy mother at Hierusalem, didest eate the Paschall with thy Disciples, & with exceeding humility washe theire feet. I most humbly beseech thee that for thy loue, I may willingly [Page 107]forsake all thinges, preferre thee before all thinges, in all thinges and aboue all thinges loue thee, and gladly submit my selfe to euery mans seruice for thy sake.
Aue Maria. 2.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that instituting the B. Sacrament of the Aultar, diddest deliuer it vnto thy Disciples, and leaue it vnto vs. O most sweet Iesu inflame my hart to the hungar of this venerable Sacrament, that with a most burning desire, and chast affectiō, humility, reuerēce, and most sinceare deuotiō, I may frequent it, when and so often as it shall stand with thy gratious fauour.
Aue Maria. 3.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee [Page 108]thankes, that being most desirous to suffer, and with all sad and fearfull, didest thrise in praier resigne thy selfe vnto thy Father, and falling into a great agony, diddest sweat bloode. I humbly beseech thee, that in all aduersity and tentation, I may alwaies flye to thee for refuge, and put my trust and confidence in thee only: and forsaking my selfe, commit, offer, and resigne me vnto thee only.
Aue Maria. 4.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, who being taken by thy enimies, wert boūd, blasphemed and wickedly abused. I humblye beseech thee make me free from all vices, and captiue in thy loue: that I may exceedingly wish and desire to be despised, and to suffer iniuries and contumelies.
Aue Maria. 5.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that being brought to Annas, diddest patiently beare the blowe that his seruant gaue vnto thee. Grant that I may loue them thathate me, render good for euell, and plentifully afforde vnto all, the affecte of sweetnes and charity.
Aue Maria. 6.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that in the house of Caiphas didest beare the false witnes of those that did accuse thee, and mercifully respecting Peter whē he denied thee thrise, didist recal him to the teares of Penance. O most mercifull IESV, graunt me grace perfectlye to bewaile my sinnes, ingratitude and negligences, [Page 110]and with all my hart study & endeuour to please thee.
Aue Maria. 7.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that being condemned, spitted vpon, beaten, and blindfolded, diddest also suffer very many other vnworthy abuses. I humbly beseech thee that thy loue may be so feruent in me, that I may hate to be had in estimatiō and desire, and be glad with all my harte, to be vnknowne, to be despised, and to suffer.
Aue Maria. 8.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thanks, that being vniustly accused before Pilate, with greate humility didest hould thy peace. O good Iesu, bridle my toung with a greate and mighty feare of thee [Page 111]that I may abstaine euen from all idle speech, and that I may willingly & desirously offer my selfe to all maner of humble offices.
Aue Maria. 9
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that being dispised by Herod wert also mocked by a ridiculouse garment, and scorned amongst many reproches and so brought backe againe vnto Pilate O most sweete Iesu, graunt mee grace to thinke well of all men, to iudge or despise none to preferre all men before my selfe, and allwaies to thincke of my selfe more basely.
Aue Maria. 10.
A Praier to the wound of the leafte hande.
O MOST louing and sweete IESVS, for the wound and [Page 112]griefe of thy left hand, I geue the humble and hartie thankes: into this wound I do offer vnto thee, and eftsons cōmend, all the gifts, benefites, and graces, and whatsoeuer thou hast bestowed vpon me, most miserable and vngratefull wretch: and I humbly besech thy mercy by euery of thos drops of blood that issued from thence: that thou wilt preserue, confirme make perfit, and increase them all in me to the glory of thy name: that humilitie and charitie may day by day increase in me according to thy will and pleasure.
Pater noster. 4
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that for my sake didest vouchsafe to be stripped of thy cloathes, to be bound vnto a Pillar, to be scourged all thy body [Page 113]ouer, to be wounded and begoared with blood: graunt me now so patiently to suffer thy scourges and to beare them with such will and affection, that by thy paines and meritts being fully purged, I may presently after my departure out of this life, deserue to be with thee in ioy, where I may please thee, praise thee, and loue thee for euer more.
Aue Maria. 1.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, which diddest suffer a crowne of thorne to be pressed vpon thy head, and withall many scornes and mockes, and buffets, and spittings for my sake: sweet Iesu imprint in my hart a continuall memory of thy Passion, that may incessantly moue my minde to cōpunction, wound & wholly [Page 114]swallow vp my mind melting & cōsuming it in thy loue.
Aue Maria. 2
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that not-withstandinge thou wert from toppe to toe, full of miseries, wounds, and griefes, and so brought out and presented to the people, yet notwithstanding such was the enuie of the Iewes, that they demaunded to haue thee crucified & Barrabas to be kept aliue: O most sweet Iesu, mortifie and extinguish in me all pride and desire of glory, all enuy and all maner of vices: and make me trulie humble & meeke of hart. O Passion most noble, of my Lord and Sauiour, wound my soule, O pretious woundes of my true louer rauish & make dronke my mind.
Aue Maria. 3.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that standing innocently for my sake before the tribunal seate, wert content to be condē ned to death: and to be made a stale to thy enimies, by this charity of thine, I beseech thee O my God to grant me grace, neuer to backbite, neuer to iudge, condemne or dispise my neighbour or euer to giue eare or consent to others herin.
Aue Maria. 4.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, for all and singuler thy greifes and sighes, when amongst many reproches and stripes, bearing thy Crosse, thou didest in the presence of thy mother, fall vnder thy burthen: grant vnto me [Page 116]most meek Iesu, to imbrace with most feruent deuotion, the Crosse of perfitt deniall, and mortification of my selfe, and to imitate the steppes of thy vertues with most perfit charity.
Aue Maria. 5.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, whose members were al discouered, & greifes & wounds renued by the strippinge of thy clothes, I hūbly besech thee, that thou wilt cause my harte perfitly to bee purged from all vnprofitable thoughts: that with the cōtinuall presence of thy visitation, I may deserue euery day to be renued, & wholly to be absorpe with the most feruent loue of thee.
Aue Maria. 6.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee [Page 117]thanks, that wert cruelly stretched vpon the Crosse, and fastened with nailes, not hauing any comlynes or beauty, but being as a leaper, and one striken by God. grant me that I may be nothing in my owne sight, but that I may dispise my selfe, and endeuour to greater and better thinges & employ all the forces of my soule & body, in thy loue and pleasure.
Aue Maria. 7.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee, thankes, that beeing placed betweene two theeues, didest patiently beare the blasphemies of those that did vpbraid thee: and praying for thine enimies didest promise Paradise to the penitent theefe. Graunte me grace most perfitly to mortifie al vices in my selfe, & with a most burning desire [Page 118]continually to aspire vnto thee the true Paradise.
Aue Maria. 8.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, for the greife where with thy harte was clouen, when thou didest commend vnto thy Disciple S. IOHN thy most faithfull & compassionate mother: O most sweete Iesu graunt me, so to bee affected and occupied in the reuerence & loue of her that I may deserue alwaies to be protected cherished and gouerned by her, as by a most louing mother.
Aue Maria. 9.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that amiddest the bitter torments of thy paines, didest cry out that thou werte forsaken: at what time also, thou being then [Page 119]tormented with a most burning thirst, haddest not one droppe of water giuen vnto thee, but gaule and viniger. O most sweet Iesu, cause that in all tentatiō & pressure, I may flye vnto thee, thirst and hungar after thee, and loath all worldly thinges.
Aue Maria. 10.
A Praier to the hart of Iesus.
O MOST louing and sweete Iesus: vnto thee be praise, honour, and glory for the wound of thy hart: into this wound I do offer, commit, and resigne vnto thee my hart, all my powers, forces, ntents, and affections, beseeching thee by the effusion of the blood & water that ran from the, that thou thy selfe alone wilt possesse & gouerne me, and with [Page 120]the most feruent fire of thy loue, consume deuour & vnite me vnto thee. Amen.
Pater noster. 5.
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thanks, for thy most innocent & most painfull death, that is, for the dolorous separation of thy most holy soule from thy most noble body; O my God, my Sauiour, my hope and my crowne, graunt me perfectly to dye to all vices & concupiscences, and to all inordinate loue of my selfe, and that I may liue to thee only, and vnmoueably cleaue to thee.
Aue Maria. 1.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse theè, and giue thee thankes, for that louing wounde wherewith thy harte being pearced did yeeld vnto vs blood and [Page 121]water. wound I beseech thee my harte with the speare of thy loue that I may neither thinke nor desire any other thing then thee my Lord God crucified for me, nothing may please me, nothinge may affecte me, but thou only my God, my ioy and my life.
Aue Maria. 2.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, for the pittifull taking downe of thy bodye from the Crosse, and for the mornefull lamentation of thy mother & thy frendes. I humbly beseech thee that the memory of thy Passion may fill all my senses, and may so wholly rauishe and possesse me, that I may see no other thing, tast no other thing, knowe no other thing, then thee my Lorde crucified and dead for my sake.
Aue Maria. 3
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that wouldest be wrapped in a Syndon and be buried in an other mans Sepulcher. I humbly beseech thee to bury my hart, sences, and all my forces in thee, and by thy loue venite them vnto thee, and make me as it were insensible and without feeling in all thinges, which stand not with thy liking.
Aue Maria. 4.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that didest voutsafe to descend into hell and to deliuer the Fathers that were there in captiuity. O most sweet Iesu let the vertue and force of thy Passiō and blood now also descend into Purgatorye and yeeld refreshing [Page 123]vnto all the soules.
Aue Maria. 5.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that rising from death didest appeare gloriouse first vnto thy mother, & then vnto Mary Magdalene and the Apostles. O most sweet Iesu graunt me perfectly to die to all vices, passions, and disordered manners, to liue vnto thee, to please thee, and to taste and desire heauenly thinges only.
Aue Maria. 6
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thankes, that didest ascend into heauen with the triumphe of Angells & the cōpany of the Fathers I humblye beseech thee that my minde may alaies languishe in thy loue, loath all worldly things [Page 124]and feruently hunger and thirst thee alone, and that nothing may delighte me, nothing make me glad but thou ô my Lord Cod.
Aue Maria. 7.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that hast geuen the holy ghost, & sent thy Disciples to cō uert the worlde: geue mee most pure simplicity of harte and perpetuall stablenes of minde: geue me most feruent most faithfull & constant charitie that the holye ghost may fill gouerne & posesse me to the end that he may make me worthy to be more and more replenished with the giftes of his grace.
Aue Maria. 8.
O my Lorde Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and giue thee thankes, that hast glorified thy [Page 125]Mother assumpted in bodie and soule and hast geuen her vnto vs most mightie and mercifull: By her merittes graunt me thy grace and perseuerance in all goodnes that I may neuer relent in thy seruice, nor by indiscretion euer exceed.
Aue Maria. 9
O my Lord Iesus Christ; I adore thee, blesse thee, and geue thee thanks, that art to come as Iudge and to giue either punishment or reward. O most mercifull Iesus, graunt me so to finish my wholle life accordinge to thy pleasure, that my soule departing out of the bodie may goe immediately vnto thee her Creator with great loue towardes thee where shee may praise & blesse thee for euer in thy glory with all thy Saintes. Amen.
Aue Maria. 10.
ANOTHER MANER OF deuiding the Rosary of 150. Aue Maries, according to the misteries of the life of our Sauiour taken out of the Italian booke of the Rosary. Cap. 10.
Contemplations vpon the first ioifull Misteries Of the Annunciation. Pater noster
MISSVS est Angelus Gabriel a Deo in ciuitatem Galileae cui nomen Nazareth. Luc. 1.
The Angell Gabriell was sent of God into a citie of Galilee, called Nazareth.
Aue Maria.
Ad virginem desponsatam viro cui nomen erat Ioseph, Luc. 1. de domo Dauid et nomen Virginis Maria.
To a Virgin dispoused to a man whose name was Ioseph, of the house of Dauid: and the Virgins name was MARIE
Aue Maria.
Et ingressus Angelus ad eam dixit Aue gratia plena, dominus teeum, benedicta tu in mulieribus. Luc. 1.
And the Angell being entred in, saide vnto her, Haile full of grace, our Lord is with thee: bles sed art thou among women.
Aue Maria.
Quae cum audisset turbata est in Sermone eius et cogitabat qualis esset ista Salutatio. Luc. 1.
Who hauing heard, was troubled at his saying & thought what maner of Salutatiō this should be.
Aue Maria.
Et ait Angelus ei ne time as Maria inuenisti enim gratiam apud Deum.
And the Angell said to her, Luc. 1 feare not Mary, for thou hast foūd grace with God.
Aue Maria.
Ecce concipies in vtero et paries filiū, et vocabis nomen eius Iesum
Behold thou shalt conceiue in thy womb, Luc. 1 & shalt beare a sonne & thou shalt call his name Iesus.
Aue Maria.
Hic erit magnus & filius Altissimi vocabitur.
He shall be greate, Luc. 1 & shall be called the Son of the most High.
Aue Maria.
Dabit illi Dominus Deus Sedem Dauid patris eius & regnabit in domo Iacob in aeternum et regni eius non erit finis. Luc. 1
Our Lord God shall giue him the Seate of Dauid his father: & he shall reigne in the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Aue Maria.
Dixit autem Maria ad Angelum, quomodo fiet istud quoniam virum non cognosco. Luc. 1
And Mary said to the Angell, How shall this be done because I know not man?
Aue Maria.
Et respondens Angelus dixit ei, Spiritus Sanctus superueniet in te, et virtus Altissimi obumbrabit tibi, ideoque quod nascetur ex te Sanctum, vocabitur filius Dei. Luc. 1
And the Angell answering, saide to her, The holy ghost shall come vpon thee, and the power of the most high shall ouershadow thee. And therfore also that [Page 130]which of thee shalbe borne holy, shall be called the sonne of God.
Aue Maria.
Dixit autem Maria ad Angelum, ecce ancilla Domini fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Luc. 1.
And Mary said to the Angell, Behold the hādmaid of our Lord be it done to me according to thy word.
Contemplations vppon the Second ioyfull mistery. Pater noster.
EXVRGENS Maria in diebus illis abijt in montana cum festi natione in ciuitatem Iuda. Luc. 1.
And Mary rising vp in those daies, went vnto the hill countrie with speed, into a citie of Iuda.
Aue Maria. Luc. 1.
Et intrauit in domū Zachariae et salutauit Elizabeth.
And she entred into the house of Zacharie, & saluted Elisabeth.
Aue Maria.
Et factum est vt audiuit salutationem Mariae Elizabeth. Luc. 1.
And it came to passe: as Elisabeth heard the salutatiō of Mary.
Aue Maria.
Exultauit infans in vtero eius. Luc. 1 The infant did leape in her wōbe.
Aue Maria.
Et repleta est Spiritu Sancto Elizabeth et exclamauit voce magna et dixit. Luc. 1.
And Elisabeth was replenished with the holy Ghost: and she cried out with a loude voice, & said.
Aue Maria.
Benedicta tu inter mulieres et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Blessed art thou among womē and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe. Luc. 1. [Page 132]Aue Maria.
Et vnde hoc mihi vt veniat mater Domini mei ad me? Luc. 1
And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lorde doth come to me.
Aue Maria.
Ecce enim vt facta est vox salutationis tuae in auribus meis, exultauit in gaudio infans in vtero meo.
For behold as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine eares, Luc. 1 the infant in my womb did leape for ioy.
Aue Maria.
Et beata quae credidisti quoniā perficientur ea quae dicta sunt tibi a Domino.
And blessed art thou that beleeued, Luc. 1 because those things shal be accomplished that were spokē to thee by our Lord.
Aue Maria.
Et ait Maria: Magnisicat anima mea Dominum & exultauit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo. Luc. 1
And Mary said, my soule doth magnifie our Lord, And my spirite hath reioiced in God my Sauiour.
Aue Maria.
Mansit autem Maria cum illa quasi mensibus tribus, & reuersa est in domum suam. Luc. 1
And MARIE taried with her about three monethes: and shee returned into her house.
Aue Maria.
Contēplations vpon the third ioyfull misterie. Pater noster.
EXIIT edictum a Caesare Augusto, Luc. 2 vt describeretur vniuer sus orbis.
There came forth an edict frō Cesar Augustus that the wholle world should be enrolled.
Aue Maria.
Ascendit autē & Ioseph a Galileae de ciuitate Nazareth in Bethlem. Luc. 2
And Ioseph also went vp from Galilee out of the citie of Nazareth into Bethlem.
Aue Maria.
Vt profiteretur cum Maria desponsata sibi vxore pregnante. Luc. 2
To be enrolled with MARIE his despoused wife that was with childe.
Aue Maria.
Factum est autē cum essent ibi, impleti sunt dies vt pareret, & peperit filium suum primogenitum. Luc. 2
And it came to passe, whē they were there, her daies were fully come that she should be deliuered. And she brought forth her [Page 135]first begotten sonne.
Aue Maria. Luc. 2
Et pannis eum inuoluit & reclinauit eum in presepio quia non erat eis locus in diuersorio.
And swadled him in clothes, and laid him downe in a manger: because there was not place for them in the Inne.
Aue Maria.
Et Pastores erant in regione eadem vigilantes & custodientes vigilias noctis super gregem suum. Luc. 2
And there were in the same countrie sheapherdes watching, and keeping the night watches ouer their flocke.
Aue Maria. Luc. 2
ET Angelus Domini dixit illis, Ecce euangelizo vobis gaudium magnum, quia natus est vobis hodie Saluator, qui est Christus Dominus in ciuitate Dauid.
And the Angell of our Lorde said to them. Behold I Euan gelize to you great ioy. Because this day is borne to you a SAVIOVR, which is Christ our Lord, in the citie of Dauid.
Aue Maria.
Et subito factus est cum Angelo multitudo militiae coelestis laudantium Deum, Luc. 2. & dicentium.
And sodainly there was with the Angell a multitude of the heauenly armie, praising God, and saying.
Aue Maria.
Gloria in altissimis Deo, Luc. 2. et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Glorie in the highest to God: & in earth peace to men of good will.
Aue Maria. Luc. 2.
Et venerūt festinantes Pastores [Page 137]& inuenerunt Mariam & Ioseph, et infantem positum in praesepio. Luc. 2.
And the Sheapherds came with speed: And they found MARIE and Ioseph, and the Infant laide in the manger.
Aue Maria.
Et reuersi sunt Pastores glorificantes & laudantes Deum in omnibus quae audierant & viderant sicut dictum est ad illos. Luc. 2
And the Shepheards returned glorifying & praising God in all thinges that they had heard and seene, as it was said to them.
Contemplations vpon the fourth ioifull mistery. Pater noster.
POSTQVAM impleti sunt dies purgationis Mariae. Luc. 2
After the daies were fully ended [Page 138]of the purification of MARY
Aue Maria.
Tulerunt Iesum in Hierusalem vt sisterent eum Domino.
They caried Iesus into Hierusalē, Luc. 2. to present him to our Lord.
Aue Maria.
Et ecce homo erat in Hierusalē cui nomen Simeon, iustus & timoratus expectans consolationē Israel.
And behold there was a man in Hierusalem, Luc. 2. named Simeon, & this man was iust and religious, expecting the cōsolatiō of Israel.
Aue Maria.
Et responsum acceperat a Spiritu Sancto non visurum se mortem nisi prius videret Christū Domini.
And hee had receiued an answere of the Holy Ghost, Luc. 2. that he shoulde not see death vnlesse he saw first the Christ of our Lord.
Aue Maria.
Et venit in spiritu in templum Simeon. Luc. 2.
And Simeon came in spirit into the temple.
Aue Maria.
Et cum inducerent puerum Iesum parentes eius accepit eum Simeon in vlnas suas & benedixit De um & dixit. Luc. 2.
And when his parents brought in the child Iesus, Simeon tooke him into his armes, and blessed God, and said.
Aue Maria.
Nune dimittis Domine seruum tuum in pace. Luc. 2.
Now thou doest dismisse thy seruant O Lord, in peace.
Aue Maria.
Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare tuum quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum. Luc. 2.
Because mine eies haue seene, [Page 140]thy Saluation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples.
Aue Maria.
Et erant pater eius & mater mirantes super his quae dicebant ur de illo. Luc. 2.
And his father & mother were marueiling vppon these thinges, which were spoken concerning him.
Aue Maria.
Et erat Anna Prophetissa, & loquaebatur de illo omnibus qui expectabant redemptionem Israel. Luc. 2.
And there was Anne a Prophe tisse, and she spake of him to all that expected the redemption of Israell.
Aue Maria.
Et vt perfecerunt omnia reuersi sunt in ciuitatem suam Nazareth. Luc. 2.
And after they had whollye [Page 141]done all things, they returned into their citie Nazareth.
Contemplations vpon the fift ioifull mistery. Pater noster.
CVM Factus esset Iesus annorum duodecē ascenderunt parentes eius Hierosolimam secundum consuetudinem diei festi. Luc. 2
When Iesus was twelue yeres old, his parents went vp into Hie rusalē according to the custome of the festiuall day.
Aue Maria.
Consummatisque diebus cum redirent remansit puer Iesus in Hierusalem, & non cognouerunt parentes eius. Luc. 2.
And hauing ended the daies, when they returned, the childe IESVS remained in Hierusalem, and his parents knew it not.
Aue Maria.
Existimantes autem illum esse in comitatu venerunt iter diei, & requirebant euminter cognotos & notos. Luc. 2.
And thinking that he was in the company, they came a daies iorney, and sought him among their kinsefolke and acquaintāce.
Aue Maria.
Et non inuententes regressi sunt in Hierusalem requirentes cum. Luc. 2.
And not finding him, they returned into Hierusalem, seeking him.
Aue Maria.
Et post triduum inuenerūt illum in templo sedent em in medio Doctorum audientem illos & interrogantem. Luc. 2.
And after three daies they found him in the temple sitting in the middes of the Doctors, hearing [Page 143]them, and asking them.
Aue Maria.
Stupebāt autem omnes qui eum audiebant super Prudentia et responsis eius. Luc. 2
And all were astonied that heard him, vpon his wisdome and answers.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit Mater Iesu ad illum, fili quid fecistinohis sic? Luc. 2
And the mother of Iesus saide to him, Sonne why hast thou so done to vs?
Aue Maria. Luc. 2.
Ecce pater tuus & ego dolentes quaerebamus te.
Behold thy father and I sorowing did seeke thee.
Aue Maria.
Et ait ad illos, Luc. 2 quid est quod me quaerebatis? nesciebatis quia in his quae patris mei sunt oportet me esse.
And he said to them, what is it that you sought me? did you not know, that I must be about those thinges, which are my fathers?
Aue Maria.
Et ipsi non intellexerunt verbū quod loquutus est ad illos, Luc. 2 & descen dit cum illis & venit Nazareth, & erat subditus illis.
And they vnderstood not the word that he spake vnto them. And he went downe with them and came to Nazareth: and was subiect to them.
Aue Maria.
Et Iesus proficiebat sapientia aetate & gratia apud Deum & homines. Luc. 2
And Iesus proceeded in wisdome and age, and grace with God and men.
Contemplations vpon the first Sorowfull Misterie. Pater noster. Ioan. 18.
EGRESSVS est Iesus cum Discipulis suis trans torrentē Cedron, vbi erat hortus in quem introiuit.
Iesus went forth with his Disciples, beyond the torrēt Cedron where was a Garden, into the which he entred.
Aue Maria.
Et cum peruenisset ad locū dixit illis, orate ne intretis in tentationē. Luc. 22.
And when he was come to the place, he saide to them, pray, lest ye enter into tentation.
Aue Maria.
Spiritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infirma. Mat. 26.
The spirite indeed is prompt, [Page 146]but the flesh weake.
Aue Maria.
Et ipse auulsus est ab eis quantum iactus est lapidis & positis genibus orabat dicens: Luc. 22 Pater, si vis, transfer a me calicemistum.
And he was pulled away from them a stones cast: and kneeling he praied, saying, Father if thou wilt, transferre this chalice from me.
Aue Maria.
Veruntamen non mea, sed tua vo luntas fiat.
But yet not my will, Luc. 22. but thine be done.
Aue Maria.
Iterum abijt & eundem sermonem dicens, Mat 2.6. fiat voluntas tua.
He went againe, and praied, saying the selfe same word, thy will be done.
Aue Maria.
Ft cum surrexisset ab oratione inuenit Discipulos suos dormientes praetristitia. Luc. 22
And when he was risen vp frō praier, he found his Disciples slee ping for pensifenes.
Aue Maria.
Et ait Petro, Simon dormis? non potuisti vna hora vigilare mecum. Mar. 14.
And he saith to Peter, Simon sleepest thou? couldest thou not watch one houre with me?
Aue Maria.
Et factus in agonia prolixius orabat. Luc. 22.
And beeing in an agonie, he praied the longer.
Aue Maria.
Et factus est sudor eius sicut gut tae sanguinis decurrentis in terram. Luc. 22.
And his sweat became as drop pes of blood trickling downve p-on the earth.
Aue Maria.
Apparuit autem illi Angelus Domini de caelo confortans eum. Luc. 22.
And there appeared to him an Angel frō heauen, strengthening him.
Contemplations vpon the Second Sorowfull misterye. Pater noster.
MINISTRI Iudeorum compraehenderunt Iesum et liga uerunt eum. Ioan. 18.
The ministers of the Iewes apprehended Iesus, & bound him.
Aue Maria.
Et viri, Luc. 22 qui tenebant illum illudebant ei caedentes.
And the men that held him, mocked him, beating him.
Aue Maria.
Obtulistis mihi hunc hominem quasi auertentem populum. Luc. 22.
You haue presented vnto me this man, as auerting the people.
Aue Maria.
Et ecce ego coram vobis interogans nullam causam inuenio in homine isto, ex his in quibus eum accusatis. Luc. 23.
And beholde I examining him before you, haue founde no cause in this man of those things wherin you accuse him.
Aue Maria.
Sed neque herodes, nam remisi vos ad illum et ecce nihil dignum morte actum est ei. Luc. 23.
No, nor Herod neither. for I sent you to him, and behold, nothing worthie of death is done to him.
Aue Maria.
Emendatum ergo illum dimittam. Luc. 23.
I will chasten him therfore & dimisse him.
Aue Maria.
Tunc ergo appraehendet Pilatus Iesum & flagellauit. Ioan. 19.
Then therefore Pilate tooke Iesus and scourged him.
Aue Maria.
Videns Pilatus quia nihil profici ret, accepta aqua lauit manus coram populo. Mat. 27.
Pilate seeing that he nothing preuailed, taking water he washed his handes before the people.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit innocens ego sum a sanguine iusti huius. Mat. 27.
And saide I am innocent of the bloud of this iust man.
Aue Maria.
Tunc dimisit illis Barrabam, Mat. 27 Ie sum autem flagellatum tradidit eis vt crucifigeretur.
Then he released to them Barrabas, and hauing scourged Iesus [Page 151]deliuered him vnto them for to be crucified.
Contemplations vppon the thirde sorowfull misterye. Pater noster.
MILITES Praesidis susceperunt Iesum in praetorium. Mat. 27.
The Presidēts souldiars tooke Iesus into the Palace.
Aue Maria.
Et congregauerunt ad eum vniuersam cohortem. Mat. 27.
And gathered togither vnto him the wholle band.
Aue Maria.
Et exeuntes eum chlamydē coccineam circundederunt ei. Mat. 17.
And stripping him, put a scarlate cloke about him.
Aue Maria. Mat. 27.
Et plectentes coronam de spinis [Page 152]imposuerunt super caput eius.
And platting a crown of thornes, put it vpon his head.
Aue Maria.
Et posuerunt arundinem in dextra eius. Mat. 27.
And put a reed in his right hand.
Aue Maria.
Et expuentes in eum, Mat. 27. acceperūt arundinem & percutiebant caput eius.
And spitting vpon him, they tooke the reed, & smote his head
Aue Maria.
Et genuflexo ante eum, Mat. 27. illudebant ei dicentes, Aue Rex Iudeorum.
And bowing the knee before him, they mocked him, saying, Haile King of the Iewes.
Aue Maria.
Et caeperunt quidam conspuere eum, Mat. 27. & velare faciem eius, & colaphis [Page 153]eum caedere & dicere eí: Prophetiza. Mar. 14.
And certaine beganne to spit vpon him, and to couer his face, and to beate him with buffetes, and to say vnto him, Prophecie.
Aue Maria.
Et ministri alapis eum caedebant
And the seruantes gaue him blowes. Mar. 14.
Aue Maria.
Exiuit ergo Iesus foras, portans coronam spineam, & purpureū vestimentum. Ioan. 19.
Iesus therfore went forth carrying the crowne of thornes, and the purple vestiment.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit eis Pilatus: Ioan. 19. Ecce homo
And Pilate saith to them, Loe the man.
Contemplations vpon the fourth Sorowfull mistery. Pater noster.
TVNC ergo Pilatus tradidit eis Iesum vt crucifigeretur. Ioan. 19.
Then therefore Pilate deliuered Iesus vnto them for to be crucified.
Aue Maria.
Susceperūt autem Iesum, Ioan. 19. & eduxerunt eum.
And they tooke Iesus and led him forth.
Aue Maria.
Et baiulans Iesus sibi Crucem exiuit. Ioan. 19.
And Iesus bearing his owne Crosse he went forth.
Aue Maria.
Exeuntes autem inuenerūt hominem Cyrenaeum nomine Simonē, Mat. 27. hunc angariauerunt vt tolleret cru cem eius.
And going they found a man of Cyrene named SIMON: him they forced to take vp his Crosse.
Aue Maria.
Sequebatur autem illum multa turba populi & mulierū, quae plangebant & lamentabantur eum. Luc. 23
And there folowed him a great multitude of people, and of women which bewailed and lamented him.
Aue Maria.
Conuersus autem ad illos Iesus, dixit: Filiae Hierusalē, nolite flere super me. Luc. 23.
But Iesus turning to them, said Daughters of Hierusalem, weepe not vpon me.
Aue Maria.
Sed super vos ipsas flete, et super filios vestros. Luc. 23.
But weepe vpon your selues & vpon your children.
Aue Maria.
Quoniam ecce venient dies, in quibus dicēt: Luc. 23 Beatae steriles et ventres qui non genuerunt & vbera, quae non lactauerunt.
For behold the daies shall come wherin they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the wombes that haue not borne, and the pappes that haue not giuen sucke.
Aue Maria.
Si in viridi ligno hoc faciunt, Luc. 23 in arido quid fiet?
If in the greene wood they do these thinges, in the drie what shall be done?
Aue Maria.
Ducebantur autem & alij duo nequam cum eo vt interficerentur. Luc. 23
And there were led also other two malefactours with him to be executed.
Aue Maria.
Et venerunt in locum qui dicitur Golgotha quod est Caluariae locus. Mat. 27.
And they came into the place that is called Golgotha, which is the place of Caluarie.
Contēplations vpon the sift Sorowfull misterie. Pater noster.
POSTOVAM venerunt in locū qui vocatur Caluariae, ibi crucifixerunt eum. Luc. 23.
And after they came to the place which is called Caluarie: there they crucified him.
Aue Maria.
Tunc crucifixi sunt cum eo duo latrones, vnus a dextres & vnus a sinistris. Mat. 27.
Then were crucified with him [Page 158]two theeues: one on the right hand, and one on the left.
Aue Maria.
Iesus autem dicebat, Pater dimitte illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt. Luc. 23
And Iesus said, Father forgiue them, for they knowe not what they do.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit latroni Iesus, Amen dico tibi, Luc. 23. hodie mecum eris in Paradiso.
And Iesus said to the theefe, Amen I say to thee: this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit matri suae Mulier ecce filius tuus. Ioan. 19.
And he said to his mother: woman behold thy sonne.
Aue Maria.
Deinde dicit diseipulo: Ecce mater tua. Ioan. 23.
After that, he saith to the Disciple, Behold thy mother.
Aue Maria.
Clamauit Iesus voce magna, dicens: Deus meus, Deus meus vt quid dereliquisti me? Mat. 27.
IESVS cried with a mightie voice, saying, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Aue Maria.
Vt cōsummaretur scriptura dixit: Sitio. Ioan. 9.
That the scripture might be fulfilled, he saith, I thirst.
Aue Maria.
Cum ergo accepisset Iesus acetum dixit: Cōsummatum est.
IESVS therfore when he had taken the viniger, said, Ioan. 19. It is consummate.
Aue Maria. Luc. 23
Et clamans voce magna Iesus ait. Pater in manus tuas commendo [Page 160]spiritum meum.
And Iesus crying with a loude voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirite.
Aue Maria.
Iesus autem iterum clamans voce magna emisit spiritum.
And Iesus againe crying with a mightie voice, Mat. 27. yeelded vp the ghost.
Contemplations vpon the first Glorious Mistery. Pater noster.
MARIA Magdalena, Mar. 16. et Maria Iocobi, & Salome emerunt aromata vt venientes vngerunt Iesum.
Marie Magdalene and Marie of Iames, and Salome bought spices, that coming they might annoint Iesus.
Aue Maria.
Et ecce terrae motus factus est magnus & prae timore exteriti sunt custodes & facti sunt velut mortui. Mat. 28.
And behold there was made a great earthquake: And for feare, the watchmē were frighted, and became as dead.
Aue Maria.
Angelus autem Domini descendit de coelo, Mat. 28. & reuoluit lapidem & sedebat super eum.
An Angell of our Lord descē ded frō heauen: and rolled backe the stone and sate vpon it.
Aue Maria.
Et Angelus dixit mulieribus: no lite timere vos: Iesum qui crucifix us est, quaeritis: non est hic: Mat. 28. surrexit enim, sicut dixit.
And the Angell said to the women, feare not you, you seeke Iesus that was crucified: he is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Aue Maria.
Venite & videte locū vbi positus erat Dominus. Mat. 28.
Come and see the place where our Lord was laide.
Aue Maria.
Sed, ite, dicite discipulis eius, & Petro quia surrexit.
But go, Mar. 16. tell his Disciples and Peter that he is risen.
Aue Maria.
Ecce praecedet vos in Galileam, ibi eum videbitis sicut dixit vobis. Mar. 16.
Behold he goeth before you in to Galilee: there you shal see him as he told you.
Aue Maria.
Et exierunt cito de monumento cum timore & gaudio magno, Mat. 28. currentes nunciare Discipulis eius.
And they went forth quickly out of the monument with feare and great ioy running to tell his Disciples.
Aue Maria.
Et ecce Iesus occurrit illis, dicēs Auete. Mat. 28.
And behold Iesus mette them, saying, Al baile.
Aue Maria.
Illae autem accesserunt, & tenuerunt pedes eius & adorauerunt eū
But they came neere & tooke hold of his feet, and adored him. Mat. 28
Aue Maria.
Tunc ait illis Iesus. Mat. 28. Nolite timere. Ite nunciate fratribus meis, vt eant in Galileam, ibi me videbunt.
Then Iesus said to them, feare not, go tell my brethrē that they go into Galilee, there they shall see me.
Contemplations vpon the second Glorious Misterie. Pater noster
PREBVIT seipsum viuum post Passionem suam in multis argumentis. Act. 1
He shewed him selfe aliue after his passion in many argumēts.
Aue Maria.
Per dies quadraginta apparens Apostolis & loquens de regno Dei. Act. 1
For fortie daies appearing to his Apostles, and speaking of the kingdome of God.
Aue Maria.
Igitur, qui conuenerant interrogabant eum dicentes, Act. 1 Domine si in tempore hoc restitues regnū Israel?
They therfore that were assembled, asked him, saying, Lorde, whether at this time wilt thou restore the kingdome to Israëll.
Aue Maria.
Dixit autem eis. Non est vestrū nosce tempora vel momenta, Act. 1 quae Pater posuit in sua potestate.
But he said to them: It is not for you to knowe times or moments, which the Father hath put in his owne power.
Aue Maria. Act. 1
Sed erit is mihi testes in Hierusalem, & omni Iudaea, & Samaria, & vsque ad vltimum terrae.
But you shall be witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem, and in all Iewrie, and Samaria, and euen to the vtmost of the earth.
Aue Maria.
Et cum haec dixisset videntibus illis, Act. 1 eleuatus est & nubes suscepit eum ab oculis eorum.
And when he had said these thinges, in their sight he was eleuated: and a cloud receiued him [Page 166]out of their sight.
Aue Maria. Psa. 46
Ascendit Deus in iubilo, et Do minus in voce tubae.
GOD ascended in exceeding ioy, & our Lord in sound of trum pet.
Aue Maria. Act. 1.
Cumque intuerentur in coelum euntem illum ecce duo viri astiterunt iuxta illos in vestibus albis.
And whē they beheld him going into heauē, behold two men stood beside them in white garmentes.
Aue Maria.
Et dixerunt Viri Galelaei quid statis aspicientes in coelum? Act. 1.
And said, ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking into heauen?
Aue Maria.
Hic Iesus qui assumpt us est a vo [Page 167]bis in coelum, sic veniet quemadmodum vidistis eum euntem in coelum. Act. 1.
This Iesus which is assumpted frō you into heauen, shal so come as you haue seene him going into heauen.
Aue Maria. Luc. 24.
Et factum est dum benediceret illis, recessit ab eis & ferebatur in coelum.
And it came to passe whiles he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried into heauē.
Contemplations vpon the third Glorious Mistery. Peter noster.
TVNC reuersi sunt Hierosolimam, Act. 1. a monte qui vocatur Oliueti, qui est iuxta Hierusalem Sahbathi habens iter.
Then they returned to Hierusalem from the mount that is called Oliuet, which is by Hierusalem, distant a Saboths iorney.
Aue Maria. Act. 1.
Et cum introissent in caenaculū ascenderunt vbi manebant Petrus & Ioannes, Iacobus & Andreas, Philippus & Thomas, Bartholomeus et Mathaeus, Iacobus Alphaei & Simon Zelotes & Iudas Iacobi.
And when they were entred in, they went vp into an vpper chamber, where abode Peter & Iohn, Iames and Andrew, Phillippe & Thomas, Bartholomew and Mathew, Iames of Alphaeus and Simon Zelotes, and Iude of Iames.
Aue Maria.
Hi omnes erant perseuerantes vnamiter in oratione cum mulieribus & Maria matre Iesu. Act. 1.
Al these were perseuering with one minde in praier with the women & Mary the mother of Iesus.
Aue Maria.
Et cum complerent ur dies Pentecostes, Act. 2. erant omnes pariter in eodem loco.
And when the daies of Pentecost were accōplished, they were all togither in one place.
Aue Maria.
Act. 2. Et factus est repente de caelo sonus tanquam aduenientis spiritus vehementis.
And sodenly there was made a sound from heauen, as of a vehement winde comming.
Aue Maria. Act. 2.
Et repleuit totā domum vbi er̄at sedentes Apostoli.
And it filled the wholle house where the Apostles were sitting.
Aue Maria.
Et apparuerunt illis dispertitae linguae, Act. 2. tanquam ignis.
And there appeared to them parted tonges as it were of fire.
Aue Maria.
Sedit que supra singulos eorum. Act. 2.
And it sate vpon euery one of them.
Aue Maria.
Et repleti sunt omnes Spiritu Sancto.
And they were all replenished with the holy Ghost. Act. 2.
Aue Maria.
Et caeperunt loqui varijs linguis prout Spiritus sanctus dabat eloqui illis. Act. 2.
And they beganne to speake with diuerse tongs, according as the holy ghost gaue thē to speke.
Aue Maria. Mar. 16.
Illi autem profecti praedicauerunt vbique Domino cooperante & [Page]sermonē confirmante, sequentibus signis
But they going forth preached euery where: our Lord working withall, & confirming the word with signes that folowed.
Contemplations vppon the fourth Glorious misterye. Pater noster. Cant. 2.
SVRGE propera amica mea, columba mea, formosa mea, & veni.
Arise, make haste my loue my doue, my beautifull and come.
Aue Maria. Cant. 2.
I am enim hiems transijt, Imber abijt & recessit.
For now the winter is past, the showre is gone, and ceassed.
Aue Maria.
Ostende mihi faciem tuam, sonet vox tua in auribus meis. Cant. 2.
Shew me thy face let thy voice sound in my eares.
Aue Maria.
vox enim tua dulcis, & facies tua decora. Cant. 2.
For thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.
Aue Maria.
Quae est ista, quae ascendit per desertum sicut virgula fumi ex aromatibus myrrhae, Cant. 3. & thuris, & vniuersi pulueris pigmentarij?
What is shee, that ascended thorow the desert like to a streāe of perfumed smoke, arising from odoriferous gummes of Myrrhe, and incense, & all maner of sweet powder of the perfumer.
Aue Maria.
Quae est ista, Cant. 6. quae progreditur quasi aurora consurgens?
King Salomon arose to meete with Bethsabe his mother, & he adored her, and did fitt vpon his Throne.
Aue Maria.
Positusque est Thronus matri Regis quae sedit ad dexteram eius. 3. Reg. 2
And a Throne was placed for the mother of the King, who did sitt at his right hand.
Aue Maria.
Et dixit ei Rex: 3. Reg. 2 pete mater mea neque enim fas est vt auertā faciem tuam.
And the King saide to her: Demaund O mother: for it is not law full that I disdaine thy face.
Aue Maria.
Tu gloria Hierusalem, Iudi 15. Tu laeti tia Israel, Tu honorificentia populi nostri.
Thou art the glorie of Hierusalem, thou art the ioy of Israel, [Page]thou art the honor of our people.
Aue Maria. Esther. 2
Adamauit illam Rex plusquam omnes mulieres & posuit diademae regni in capite eius.
The King loued her a boue all women, and put the diademe of his kingdome vpon her head.
Aue Maria. Psal. 44.
Astitit Regina a dextris eius in vestitu deaurato: circundata varietate.
The Queene stood at his right hand in a Clothing of gold, embrodered with varietie.
Aue Maria.
Posuit in capite eius coronam de lapide precioso. Psa. 20.
He put one her head a crowne of pretious stone,
Aue Maria.
Corona aurea super mitram eius expressa signo Sanctitatis. Eccl. 45.
What is shee, that increasseth as the breake or drawning of the day?
Aue Maria.
Pulchra vt luna, electa vt Sol, Cant. 6 terribils vt castrorū acies ordinata
Faire as the moone, pure as the soone, terrible as an armic sett in battell aray.
Aue Maria.
Tota pulchra es amica mea, Cant. 4. & macula non est in te veni de libano sponsa mea, veni de libano, veni: coronaberis.
My loue thou art altogither beautifull, and no spot is in thee, come from Libanus my spouse, come from Libanus, come thou shalt be crowned.
Aue Maria.
Ascendam in palmam, Cant. 7. et appreda [...] [...]ructus eius.
I will goe vp into the date tree [Page]and I will take the fruites therof.
Aue Maria. Psa. 72
Tenuisti manum dexteram meam: & in voluntate tua deduxistime, & cum gloria suscepistime.
Thou hast sustained my right hand, and thou hast lead me according to thy will, and thou hast receiued me with glorie.
Aue Maria.
Assumpta est Maria in caelum gaudent Angeli laudantes benedicunt Dominum.
Marie is assumpted into Heauen, the Angels reioyce, & praising they blesse our Lord.
Contemplations vpon the fifte Gloriouse Misterye Pater noster.
SVRREXIT Rex Salomon in occursum Bethsabe matris, 3. Reg. 2 ado rauit que eam, & sedit super Thronum suum.
A crowne of gold vpon her mitre, in which was engraued Sanctitie to our Lord.
Aue Maria.
Et gaudebit sponsus super sponsam & gaudebit super te deus tuus. Isa. 62.
And the bridegroome shall reioyce at his spouse, and thy God shall reioyce at thee.
Aue Maria.
Ornaui te ornamento, Eze. 16. & dedi armillas in manibus tuis & torquē circa collum tuum, & dedi inaurē super os tuum & circulos auribus tuis & coronā decoris in capite tuo.
I haue araied thee with an ornament, and I haue put bracelets on the wrestes of thy handes, and a chaine about thy necke. And I haue put a iewel on thy forehead, and earings in thy eares, and a most comely croune on thy head.
Aue Maria.
Signum magnum apparuit in caelo: Mulier amictasole, Apo. 12 & luna sub pedibus eius & in capite eius corona stellarum duodecem.
A great signe appeared in heauen: a woman clothed with the sunne, and the moone vnder her feete, and on her head a crowne of twelue starres
TWENTY PROPOSITIons to proue the Catholicke custome of saying the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, out of Franciscus Costerus. Cap. 11.
1 THAT the custome of saying the ROSARY of the most B. Virgin Mary, by Christiā Catholickes of auncient times receiued, is not blasphemous, Diabolicall or Superstitious as the Sectaries doe fondlye and falsely giue out, but holy, deuout and religious; we do make plaine demonstration in these breife Arguments following.
In the Rosary there be 5 things [Page 170]the Name, the praiers, the Repetition of the praiers, the number of the same, & the Beades, wherwith we pray. All which are void of all superstition therefore the custome of saying the Rosary, is not superstitious.
2 The name of the Rosary, 1. The name of the Rosary. is a most sweet name: for as much as it signifieth no other thing then a certaine spirituall garland made of certaine misticall wordes, as it were Roses taken out of the Gospell, which we offer vnto the Virgin of all virgins the mother of God. For garlandes are ordinarily vsed for to adorne the heades of virgins.
And as for Praiers, 2. The praiers of the Rosary. they are with out all cōtrouersie most holy. For of our Lords praier Christ him selfe is the author. And of the Angelicall salutation the Angell [Page 171]Gabriell & Saint Elizabeth. Which the Catholicke Church, to the intent that it might haue a forme of Praier, also hath concluded, with this short petition vsed by auncient Fathers. Holy Mary mother of God, pray for vs Sinners, now & in the houre of our death. Amen.
4 The repetitiō also of the Praiers, 3 The repetition of the same praiers. because it is much auaileable to the stirring vpp and inflaming of the affecte of him that praieth, it cannot but bee most religious. we reade that the three children in the fornace, in lauding & praising almightie God, did in euery verse repeat a certaine halfe verse And that most religious Orator king Dauid, in his psalmes doth oftē repeate now one word now more wordes sometime a wholl verse & surely in the psalme 118 [Page 172]which hath 176 verses & is daily read in the Church, he repeteth in a maner the same thing some what varying the wordes only.
5 Our Lorde him selfe also in some places hath not obscurely required this repetition in him that praieth. For the 11 of Saint Luke, when he taught his Disciples the maner how to praye hee annexed forth-with a Parable of him that could by no meanes get three loaues of his frend but by often knocking at his gates. And in the 18 chapter when hee had taught that his Seruantes ought alwaies to pray, and not to cease he added an other parable of a widow, which because with ofte asking she was tedious in the end made the Iudge to condiscend to her request.
6 But thou wilte say perhapes [Page 173]that these parables do proue that perseuerance in praier is speceally necessary. I do not doubt of that But they proue also thus much, that by repetition it commeth to passe that we perseuer and doe not cease. For if when we must pray, our Lordes praier is to bee said. Luc. 11. When ye pray (saieth Christ) saye Father hallowed be thy name, how cā we perseuer in such short forme of praying, excepte that wee often repeate our Lordes praier.
7 Againe thou wilt say that our Lord in that very institutiō Mat. 6 did admonishe that Those which did pray should not speake much where the greeke worde is Battologin proper vnto those, that do vainely repeate one thing often. I answere, that Christ doth there reprehēd only the vaine babling [Page 174]of the heathens, that did thinke God as well as men, woulde be delighted with eloquēce and affected speaches.
8 A notable place for to cleare this kinde of repetition from all superstition, L. 4. diuin. instit. c. 28 we find in Luctātius where the differēce betwene superstitious persons and those that are religious or deuout alleaged by Tully: L. 2. de nat. deorum. (For that saieth he, those pray to their Gods whole daies togither, these do it with moderation) he disproueth in these words. What reason is ther (saith he) that to pray for the health of his children once, should be the part of a religious or deuout man, and to do the same ten times should be an acte of superstition? for if it be very good to doe it once, how much more to do it oftner? If the first houre be good, therfore the wholle day also. If one host [Page 175]or Sacrifice be well pleasing, more pleasing doubtlesse are more Sacrifices, because dewties and seruices being multiplied, do rather meritte then offend. For those seruantes do not seeme vnto vs worthy of hatred that haue bene daily and howerly diligent in their seruice, but rather to be beloued. And againe saith he This argument holdeth in the contrary. For if to pray and offer Sacrifice wholle daies be a fault: therfore to doe it once, is also a faulte. And why shold the name of a fault be attributed vnto that, which is as honest and iust a thing as can be wished? For as Cicero saith, Religious men haue their name a relegendo, that is because they often handle with diligence & as it were read againe those thinges which do appertaine to the worshippe of God: why therfore should they that doe [Page 176]the same often in one day, loose the name of religious men? for as much as by the daily vse and custome it selfe, they do more diligently read againe those thinges wherwith God is honored. Thus farre Lactantius
9 By which speach it is euidētly proued, that they are not onely not superstitious, that do often repeat the same kind of praiers in the Rosary, but that it is better & more acceptable to God, rather often, then once to repeate the same: And besides, that there can be nothing more iust and honest, then this kinde of repetition. Finally, that those that pray in this maner of the Rosary, are properly Religious: as who do diligently by daiely vse & custome read ouer and ruminate those thinges that appertaine to the worship of God.
10 There followeth the number of the praiers of the Rosary free also from the same touch of superstition. 4 The nū ber of praiers. Esa. 6. Apoc. 4. For the Angels in Esay the Prophet and the Beasts in the Apocalips, which neuer rested neither day nor night doe thrise repeat one word to the honor of God: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Saboth. Psa. 118. The Prophet Dauid 7 times in the day pronoūced praise vnto Almighty God, whose example the Church following, hath distributed the diume office into 7 diurnall & nocturnal hours Christ praying in the garden repeated one and the same speach, Luc. 22 thrise. Thrise also did S. Paule request our Lord that the Angell of Sathā might depart frō him. 2. Cor. 12 And that S. Bartholemew did pray vppon his knees an hundred times day & night Abbias his own scollar [Page 178]witnesseth. we read in Palladius and Socrates that S. Macarius one of the most auncient An chorits recited euery day an hundred praiers vnto almighty God: Paulus Aegiptius three hundred, and a certaine virgin seuen hundred.
11 Now if number be not void of a godly and misticall signification, as in deed it is not, neither in the number of the Rosary nor in the exāples alleaged: Esa. 11 See Hie rom. S. Amb. l. de spir. san. c. 20 Aug. l. 1 de ser. domi. in mōt. c. 3. & l. 2 de doct. Chri. c. 7 (for the number of three signifieth the B. Trinity, and the number of seuen betokeneth the giftes* of the holy ghost) then is there nothing in the number but that which may easily be proued. For we doe repeate our Lords praier fiue times to putt vs in minde of the fiue woundes of Christ. And to euery such praier we do adioine 10 Aue [Page 179]Maries that we may remember the 10 commandements of God And those Aue Maries we doe repeat 50 times in the whole Rosary, Greg. ho 19. in Eze. & l. 1 mor. c 28 that by the intercession of the B. Virgin through the merittes of our Lords Passiō we may attaine full remission of sinnes which is signified in holy Scripture by the number of fifty being a number of Iubiley as appeareth. Leuit. 25.
12 Now there remaineth the Beades wher-with we pray, 5. The Beades. in which the simple may perhapps thincke that there is some kinde of superstitiō, but in deed there is none at all. For although Christs faithfull people do vse them now cōmendably, as a manifest badge or tokē of the Romane Religion: yet the vse of them was for no other cause at the first brought into [Page 180]the Church (as holy Fathers make mention) then to the intēt that by sensible touching, & vew of the beades we should not easily be deceaued in the finishing of the number of praiers.
13 It is recorded by auncient Historiographers. Palladius, Sozomenus, Cassiodorus, that the famous Anchorite Paulus of Libia the father of fine hūdred Moncks had wont to pay euery day fiue hundred praiers as a tribute vnto almighty God: And to the intent that he might not be deceaued in the number, he cast a little stone into his bosome at the end of euery praier: Also that Saint Clare a most holy woman, did repeate certaine Pater nosters vnto our Lord and kept account of them by a heape of little stones, her actes recorded do testify. In sūme [Page 181]of what ātiquity the vse of beads is, the auncient stones of Sepulchers do well declare vnto vs.
14 Therfore to no other end, were beades (as it semeth) vsed at the first then as Places and Images were by Oratours of old, for to keepe the remembrance of words & matter. Or as counters by Marchants for to count great summes of mony or as by the Catholicke Church the Crosses, and Images of Christ, and his Saintes which serue to this end for to preserue the memorie of the life of Christ and his Saintes.
15 And that they haue bene reduced afterward to a certain nū ber so to put folkes in mind; and that the Popes benediction is annexed with most ample Indulgences, and that sometime they are set out with medalls or Crosses [Page 182]of siluer, brasse, or wood: these thinges haue not as some doe cauell, increased superstition, but Religion,
16 For as Iosue the Captaine of the holy hoast, Ios. 4 at what time the children of Israell passed ouer Iordane dry footed, commanded that twelue great stones should be deuoutly and religiously caried out of the chanel of the Riuer into the Tents to this end, that if any should aske of the posterity what mean these stones? the perpetuall tumemory of there wonderfull passage might be recorded: So haue our auncestors deuoutly & religiously annexed fiue beads in euery Rosary that are greater then the rest, that the Heretickes laughing therat and asking what meane these fiue beades? what meaneth the wholle Rosary? Answere [Page 183]may be made: that they are significatiōs of the fiue wounds which Christ suffered for them and vs. And that the Rosary is a certaine summe or abridgmēt of the new Testament & Christian doctrine.
17 For they that haue knowne the manifolde vse of the Rosary are not ignorant, that the number of beads therin contained do serue to renue the memorie of all the misteries of the life of Christ and of the blessed Virgin, and of the principall pointes of the Catholicke religion, as of the B. Trinitie, the Incarnation and Passiō of Christ, the worship of God & his Saintes, the ten Commandementes, Iustificatiō and life euerlasting. Which briefe summe or abridgmēt is doubtlesse so much the more profitable amongst the common people: by how much [Page 184]farther the vse therof is extended then the vse of books. For it may be read euen of the vnlearned, of the blind, of those that trauaile on horse backe or in wagons or such like: finally in most darke & obscure places.
18 And the benediction of the POPE doth nothing els but with solemne wordes consecrate the beades, The benedictiō of the Pope. otherwise prophane of them selues, to the deuoute and holsome vse of the faithfull, as by auncient custome of the Church, Water, Salte, Chalices, Candles, Herbes, and the Churches them selues are by the benediction of a Preist consecrated to an holy vse. For sanctified (saith the Apostle) is euery creature by the word of god and praier. 1. Tim. 4 The Indulgences anexed.
19 And that the Indulgences annexed to the benediction, are [Page 185]very profitable there is no doubt. for by these the faithfull people being incouraged doe in greater number, and with greater zeale and feruencie pray vnto Almightie God, for most waightie causes: For the increase of the Catho licke Church, for the concord of Christian Princes, for the rooting out of heresies. For these are the points that for the most part are mentioned in the forme of all Indulgences.
20 And as for the Images of gold, siluer, Crosses, and Me dalles. or wood annexed vnto the beades; they haue neither any misticall significatiō nor vse: other then the very Images in Churches. that is, to put vs in mind of the actes of Christ & his Saints, that in, or before thē, we may reuerence and call vpon that which by them is represented vnto vs.
A BREIFE EXPLIcation of our Lordes Praier. Cap. 12
THe Preface of this Praier, Franciscus Costerus. hath fewe wordes, full of misteries. Father, is a name of loue, signifying first of all, that he which goeth about to pray, must not be the enimie, but the frend, yea the child of Almighty God, hauing laid aside all will to sinne hereafter, and being sorowfull, & penitent for his sinnes past.
Secondly, that he must come to Almighty God, with great cō fidence, because that of a Father all thinges are to be expected.
Our. thou dost not say mine, but our. which is a name cōmon to all. for God is the Father of all, as wel one as an other respecting [Page 187]all indifferently, as well poore as riche: Therfore with this Praier must cōcur first charity towards neighbours, wherby thou maiest loue all the children of God and wish well vnto them. then Humility: that thou preferrest not thy selfe, before any other.
which arte in heauen. Here first is signified, that vnto this praier must be brought a mind lifte vp to heauenly thinges, & excluding earthly cogitations. Secondly, a greate reuerence of the wholle man as well externall as internall, because he is an heauenly not an earthly Father. Thirdly, that nothing is to be demāded of an heauenly Father, but heauēly things.
Here after do folow the 7 petitions wherof the 4 first, do pray for good thinges to be graunted, the 3 later for euels to be remoued.
Hallowed be thy name. that is to say: I giue thee thanks for thy benefits and I desire, that thy name, goodnes & Maiesty may be well knowen vnto all men, praised of all men, and published in all places, and especially I beseech thee that I in all my actions & wordes may seeke thy glory, & referre all that I haue to thy honour, & the profite of my neighbours.
2 Thy Kingdome come. That is, I wishe that thou O Lord, maiest raigne all the world ouer, & that all dominion of the Deuell being abandoned, thou maiest possesse all the Kingdomes of the world: and especially that sinne may not raigne in my mortall body; but that thou maiest rule & gouerne all my powers and forces, & directe and bring me to the kingdome of heauen.
3 Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heauē. that is: Grant I besech thee grace vnto thy people, that they may obey thy commaundements: Furthermore in euery of our acttiōs do thou make known vnto vs thy will. Finally my selfe, O Lord, I do resigne wholly to thy will, so that thy name may be praised, and sanctified by me, & thou hauing excluded the kingdome of sinne, maiest only and wholly raigne in me: thou maiest do with me, and dispose of me, as it shall stand best with thy most holy will and pleasure.
4 Giue vs this day our daiely bread. that is, nourish and feede my soule, and my body with conuenient food: my soule with thy word: that I may alwaies haue a tast and feeling therof, when it is by preaching, or praier, or by any [Page 190]other meanes proposed vnto me. Moreouer with thy most sacred body also: vnto the oftē and deuoutreceauing wherof, I doe desire to be moued, & stirred vp and my body, with daily food & sustinance, and with thinges not superfluous, but necessary, not wrōgfully gotten, but with dew labour iustice and equity.
Here foloweth the three euels which we desire to be remoued.
5 And forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. that is, the euells past: to witt, the sines wherby we haue offended thee, by the Passion of thy Sonne do thou gratis & frely forgiue: the veniall & quotidian sinnes: by sorow and the vertue of this Praier, instituted by thy selfe: and the more greeuous or mortall sinnes, by the Sacrament [Page 191]of penance: to which Sacrament that wee may come deuoutly, graunt I beseech thee conuenient time, grace, & deuotion. And although I may seeme to forgiue my neighboures all offences frō the very bottome of my harte: yet do thou also afford me thy special helpe, and assistance, that I may neuer beare in mind any offence whatsoeuer.
6 And lead vs not into tētation. that is, driue away from vs future euels, not suffering vs at any time to consent vnto sinne, nor to giue occasion, that we be forsaken by thee: And if by our default wee chance at any time to fall, that our harts be not hardened, but that they may presently rise from sinne and be conuerted.
7 But deliuer vs frō euel. Amen Turne away O Lord presēt euells [Page 192]from vs, famine, warre, pestilēce, and other corporall calamities, as also prosperities, that are not behoofefull for the helth of the soule. Also all spirituall euells, vnto which our cōcupiscēce, which alwaies maketh warre against the spirite, is inclined: that from it, if not wholly yet in parte we may be exempted.
AN EXPOSITION of the Angelical Salutation. Cap. 13.
NEXT after our Lords praier the Angells Salutation is vsually saide, Francisous Costerus. for two causes: First certes that we may knowe that not by our owne meritt, are the petitions aforesaid either to bee obtained, or expected, but by [Page 193]Christ Iesus incarnate: who by this Salutatiō made by the voice of an Angell, inuited the virgin his mother to giue her consent to his incarnatiō. And secondly that we may learne that wee haue in heauen, a Patronesse & aduocate of our businesse vnto the eternall King, vnto whom we committ the care of our requests, and supplications put vp vnto Almighty God, that by her petitions, we may obtaine and haue our cause solicited for vs.
Haile. that is, be thou ioifull, happy and secure. The B. Virgin being saluted, will for her meeke and benigne charity, returne Salutation backe againe.
Mary. her proper name, which signifieth Lady, and Starr of the Sea.
Full of grace. that is, adorned [Page 194]with the grace of God, & Iustice, and replenished with all maner of vertewes in her soule, & in all the powers therof.
Our Lord is with thee. thy thoughts words, and workes, are pleasing vnto God. there is nothing in thee which may displese him. and therfore was God neuer absent from thee, & thou alwaies arte vnited vnto God in heauen.
Blessed art thou a mougst all women, that is, thou aboue and beyond all other womē arte blessed first because thou art a mother & a Virgin: Then, because the mother of God: thirdly, because aduaunced to the highest dignity, that could be giuen vnto the women kind: that is to say: to bee Queene of heauen, and earth, to be the next vnto Almighty God, and aboue all creatures. There is [Page 195]one only man that excelleth the, Christ King of the worlde both God and man. For two chefe & principal offices & dignities ther were to be bestowed: one vnto a man, to be King of the worlde: an other vnto a woeman to bee the Queene of the world: that, Christ hath: this, thou hast granted vnto thee.
And Blessed is the fruite of thy wombe Iesus. that is: thy Sonne is trew and perfecte man: the same is also the Sonne of God, & God aboue all things blessed for euermore, vnto whom we owe praise thanksgiuing and benedictiō for infinite causes: And especially for this that he hath prouided vs thee his mother, as Lady Patronesse & Aduocate.
Holy Mary mother of God pray for vs sinners, now & in the houre [Page 196]of our death. Amen. worthely maiest thou aske: because as our Lady and maistresse thou hast care of vs: and it is not hard for thee to obtaine: because he is thy sōne whome thou doest aske. And to thee we make our praier, that by thee we may obtaine all good thinges, by whom we haue receiued the Auctor of all goodnesse.
DIVERSE OTHER deuotions necessary or conuenient for euery Christian to vse. Cap. 14.
The maner of examining a mans cōscience to be vsed euery night least God perhaps calling vs out of this life, do find vs vnprepared
1 THE first is to geue thākes to our Lord God, for the [Page 197]fits which he hath bestowed vpon vs, both generally, and especially of that day.
2 The second, to aske grace for to know our sinnes and to auoide them.
3 The third to take account of our soule orderly, by euery houre since we rose, first of our thoughts, then of our wordes, with the same order, and also of our deeds.
4 The fourth, to demaund pardō of our sinnes.
5 The fifth to purpose amendment with Gods grace. and so to say a Pater noster. Aue Credo Confiteor. Salue Regina & a Pater noster also to our guardian Angell: and especiall Patrons with other praiers, according to euery ones deuotion.
The Himne of our Lady called (Salue Regina) which for the deuoute, & generall vse therof in the wholle Church is worthely to bee learned euen of the simpler sort.
SAlue Regina, Mater miserecordiae: Vita, dulcedo, & spes nostra salue. Ad te clamamus, exules filii Euae. Ad te suspiramus gementes, & flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo aduocata nostra, illos tuos miserecordes oculos ad nos conuerte; Et Iesum benedictum, fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoe exilium ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis virgo Maria.
Vers. Ora pro nobis sancta Dei genetrix.
Res. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
CONFITEOR Deo omnipotenti, Beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Ioanni Baptistae, Sanctis Apostolis Petro & Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, & tibi Pater: quia peccaui nimis cogitatione, verbo, & opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginē, beatum Michaelem Archangelū, beatum Ioannem Baptistam, Sanctos Apostolos Petrum & Paulum, omnes Sanctos, & te Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
The same in Englishe.
I Confesse vnto almighty God to Blessed Mary, alwaies a virgin, to Blessed Michaiell Archangell, to Blessed Ihon Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter & paul & to all the Saintes This is to be said onely at Confession, and Masse. (And to you [Page 200]my ghostly Father) that I haue greuously sinned in thought word, & deed. my faulte, my fault my most great faulte. Here you must leaue vntill you haue don your Cō fession. as aboue Therfore I pray blessed Mary alwaies a virgin, blessed Michaiel Archangell, blessed IOHN Baptist the holy Apostles Peter and Paule & all the Saints, (And you my ghostly Father) to pray for me vnto out Lord God.
The maner of commending our selues to God in the morning.
1 FIrst making the signe of the Crosse: to geue thākes vnto God for all his benefittes, & particulerly that he hath preserued vs that night.
2 Secondly. To offer him our body and soule.
3 Thirdly. To demaund of his [Page 201]diuine maiesty, that whatsoeuer we do that day following may be to his honour and glory.
4 Fourthly: to make a stedfast purpose to auoid that day all affection or occasion of that sinne which we are most inclined vnto.
5 Fifthly: to say our deuotions, as before, adioining some deuout exercise or meditation if our state and leasure will permitte.
The maner of preparing our selues vnto Confession.
1 FIrst: to examine diligently our conscience as aboue, from the last Confession which we made. remembring the kinds & nūber of euery sinne, as much as we are able.
2 Secōdly: to haue an expresse actuall and deepe sorow for all which is past.
3 Thirdly: to make an expresse and resolute purpose of amendment, & of auoiding at the least all mortall sinnes.
4 Fourthly: to confesse all our sinnes wholly and sincerely, hiding nothing which is with in.
5 Fifthly: to fullfill the penāce inioined so soone as we conueniently may, if the ghostly Father haue not appointed a certaine time for the fulfilling thereof.
The conuenient disposition for receiuing.
1 FIrst, to haue made a sufficient Confession: and to go to the blessed Sacrament, without any cōscience of mortal sinne not confessed.
2 Secondly: to go with humble preparation, not only of deuout praiers the same day, but of many [Page 203]other deuotions and preparations the daies before.
3 Thirdly: to come fasting at the least from the midnight before: and chast euen from lawfull actes.
4 Fourthly: hauing with great attention and deuotion once receiued: with deuout meditations and praiers to accōpany so great a gheste, at the least for the space of a quarter of an hower before, any other neuer so necessary busines, & after with conuenient leasure to spend the day in deuotiōs auoiding all maner of vanities & worldly behauiour.
5 Fifthly, to vse the conuenient composition of body as followeth.
The composition of body in receiuing.
1 Lett the hands be held before the breast, not lifted so high that they may hinder the Preist.
2 Let the head be conueniētly lifted vp, and inclined vnto neither side, that with-out difficulty the mouth may be reached.
3 Lett the eies be shutt or bent downward: for it is vnseemely at that time, either to looke vpon the Preist, or to turne the eies other where.
4 Lett the mouth be altogither quiett, with-out any reading or mouing of lippes, reasonably open, and not gaping.
5 Lett the tongue touch the side of the lippe (not to much put forth) that it may receaue the hoast, & bring it into the mouth [Page 205]and that being reuerently held so long that it be moistened, it may be let downe into the body. For it is not to bee chewed with the teeth, nor to be brought to the roofe of the mouth, but to bee swallowed (if it may be) before the ablution.
6 Lett the wholle body bee erected and quiet without any motion. Sighines, blowings, grownings, knocking of the brest, exclamatiōs, vocall praiers, and other like thinges, which often times bring daunger either of the fall of the hoste, or of the touching of the teeth, or lippes in the time of receauing are to be omitted.
7 After the receauing of the holy hoast, lett the head not indecently be cast downe, but remain erected with the handes ioined [Page 206]before the breast vntill the ablution, which euery one ought to take.
8 Finally for the space of a quarter of an houre after receiuing let spitting be auoided. which if it can not be: at the least it is decent to spitte where it may not be trodden on.
AN ADDITION OF DIuerse Indulgences graunted to the Society of the Rosary
Since the time of Pius. V. whose Indulgences were last of all rehearsed in the first editiō of this booke: there haue bene by Greg.
13. and Sixtus. V. diuerse other Indulgences graunted to this deuout Confraternitie, which are hereafter sett downe for euery ones comfort, out of the booke of the
ROSARY printed at Venice Anno.
1577 Gregory the 13. hath graunted to euery one of this Confraternitie, which being contrite & confessed, and hauing receiued shall visit euery first Sonday in the moneth, [Page 208]and euery festiuitie of our B. Lady the Aultar of the Rosary in the Church of S. Dominicke at Cremona, there praying for the concord & vnion of Christiā Princes, extirpation of heresies, & exaltation of our holy mother the Church: a plenary indulgence.
1577 The same hath graunted to all faithfull Christians that shall visite the Church of our Lady vpon Minerua at ROME, on the first Sonday of October, praying for the intentions aforesaid: a plenary indulgence.
1578 He graūteth also to euery one of the Confraternitie which shall visite the aultar of the Rosary in Pauia, for euery day he shalll do the same praying as aboue: 100 daies. The like to those which are present at the ordinary Processions there.
The like, to such as accompany the Banner of the holy Rosary when the Brethren are caried to burying; or are present at the anniuersaries for the Brethren deceassed: or shall visite the sicke Brethren, exhorting them to the receauing of the holy Sacraments of the Church.
Also a plenary to all Christiās that shall visite the aforesaid aultar praying as aboue, on the third Sonday of Aprill and the first Son day of October.
1579 He granteth a plenary to euery Brother of the Poruince of Rome that confesseth and receiueth in their Churches or Chapels euery first Sunday in the moneth, praying as before. The same he geueth to euery sickely Brother, so that he be confessed and haue receiued, that cannot come to the [Page 210]aforesaide Churches: so that at home before some deuout image he say the Rosary or Corone. or .7. Psalmes.
1581 he graunteth a plenary to all the Brethren that shall visite the Chapell of the ROSARY, on the daies of the feaste of the misteries thereof: & be present at the Procession of the first Sonday of euery month so they haue first confessed and receaued.
Also he cōmunicateth all the Indulgences already graunted to any speciall places of this Cōfraternity, or hereafter to be graunted, to all other places whatsoeuer, where the same Cōfraternity shall be. Which is to bee noted. for this is the cause why here before were sett downe some indulgence, of speciall places.
1586 Sixtus. 5. Confirmeth and renueth [Page 211]all that was granted by his Predecessours. and moreouer he graunteth to such Brethren as are in iourney or on the sea, and shall say the wholle Rosary: to those also which are sickely, or other wise lawfully hindred so that they cānot visit the Churches or Chapells of the Rosary on those daies in which are celebrated the feasts of the misteries of the Rosary or be present at the Procession of euery first sonday in the moneth: if they say the third parte of the Rosary: so that they haue a firme purpose of confessing and receiuing whē the Church hath appointed: a plenary indulgence. or any other indulgences granted or here after to be grāted to those which personallye are present at those daies in the Churches or Chapels
Thus much of the Indulgences [Page 212]graunted to this Cōfraternity and although many vndoubtedly may be lefte out: yet besides diuerse plenary indulgences to be gotten at speciall daies as hath bene saied by iust account made many yeers a go it hath ben foūd: that euery Brother for saying the Rosary gaineth indulgē ces of seuēty seuen yeeres & 240. daies. So that it is verely thought that now it is very much incresed.
Which for their deuotion are worthy to be said euen of those which vnderstand them not: in the honour of the Blessed Virgin.
LITANIAE DE D. VIRGINE IN AEDE Loretana dici solitae.
In periculis & angustiis, in rebus dubiis Mariam cogita, Mariā inuoca, non recedat ab ore, non recedat a corde. Et vt impetres eius orationis suffragium, non deseras conuersationis exemplum.
Post partum Virgo inuiolata permansisti.
Dei genetrix intercede pro nobis.
GRatiā tuam quaesumus Domine mentibus nostris infunde, vt qui Angelo nunciante Christi Filii tui incarnationē cognouimus, per passionem cius & crucem, ad resurrectionis gloriā perducamur. Per eundē Christū Dominum nostrum. Amen.
OMnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui facis mirabilia magna solus, praetende super famulos tuos, & super congregationes illis commissas spiritum gratiae saluta [Page 218]ris, & vt in veritate tibi placeant, perpetuum rorem tuae benedictionis infunde. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum. Amen.
DEfende, quaesumus Domine, beata Maria semper Virgine intercedente, istam ab omni aduersitate familiam, & toto tibi corde prostratam, ab hostiū propitius tuere clemēter insidiis. Per Christū Dominum nostru. Amen.
Die Lunae & Iouis praeelectio. Monday & Thursday.
Praesentatio in templo, & virtutes.
Desponsatio, Annunciatio, & Visitatio.
Die Martis & veneris partus
Virginitas ante partum in partu & post partum
Conuersatio cum Filio.
Assumptio & Coronatio.
Die Mercurii & Sabathi Praeconia. Wednes day and Saturday.
PIetate tua quaesumus Domine nostrorū solue vincula peccatorum, & intercedente beata Maria, cum omnibus Sāctis tuis, nos famulos tuos, benefactores at (que) [Page]loca nostra in omni sanctitate custodi, omnes (que) consanguinitate, affinitate at (que) familiaritate nobis coniunctos, a vitiis purga, virtutibus illustra, pacem & salutē nobis tribue, hostes visibiles & inuisibiles remoue, carnalia desideria repelle, aerem salubrē & fertilitatem indulge, amicis & inimicis nostris charitatem largire, atque vrbem N. cum omnibus in ea habitantibus, ab omni peste, infideliumque feritate & potentia illaesam conserua, & omnibus fidelibus viuis & defunctis, in terra viuentium vitam & requiem aeternam concede; & Pontificem nostrū N. omnes Prelatos & cunctū populum Christianum, ab omni abuersitate custodi, & benedictio tua sit super nos semper. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen
To the Catholicks of ALBANIA sore aggreeued with the Persecution of the Heretickes of those daies.
Newly translated into English.
To OVR WELBELOued Childrē the Catholicks of Albania, which now are in the Kingdome of Albania.
WELBELOVED children, we send you greeting, & our Apostolicall Benediction: Yet be in very deed a long distance of land and sea disioined from vs: O Children of Albania: But in the vnitie of faith and in the bond of the charitie of Christ, yee be so conioined with vs, and so neere vnto vs; that we do no lesse then behold [Page 4]and alway looke vppon you, as though you were heere present with vs, and doe continually in our mindes thinke vpon you, yea we be so moued with euery euent of your affaires, that with you and in you we doe reioice, and to gither also with you, we beare your crosses. for in our harte we holde you, and in the Bowelles of Iesus Christ we be singularly reioiced & our very spirite doth take comfort in our Lord, when as we doe heare of your constācy in the Catholicke faith, of your patience, of the fortitude of your christiā courage, and of your gloriouse confession of the name of Christ. For you beeing by the singular goodnes of God, strengthned with the grace and vertue of the holy Ghost haue with most especiall dilligence and as it were a [Page 5]pretious treasure (as it is indeed) safely and inuiolably preserued, that sacred Depositum of the Catholicke faith, which youre Auncestors haue from this holy Romane Church the mother & mistres of all the faithfull, receiued, and as a matter of inheritance vnto you deliuered, & haue not suffred your selues by any incōueniences or miseries, nor yet by any of Sathan his deceiptes or intisementes, and vaine hope of worldly thinges, to be remoued aside from that rocke of faith, whereupon Christ our Lord hath found his Church, which is one, Catholicke, Apostolicke, Romane, out of which there neither is nor can bee any saluation, whose vnion you doe as members of the body of Christ conioyne vnto the head with greate praise and fruite of [Page 6]spirituall life retaine and hold in cōtinuance. These be the things that do fill our hart with ioy and gladnes: This is that which doth edifie the Church of GOD, and which doth cause all Catholickes to turne and fixe their eies vpon you: who beholding your zeale and good workes, do glorifie the Father of mercies who is in Heauen. But like as in these thinges, which yee do so godly religiously and constantly performe for the glory of God & behoofe of your owne soules: we do togither with you & with all good men reioice and cōgratulate, so do we on the contrary part suffer togither with you in your greefes, and in the tribulations which haue come too too much vpon you. For it hath bene brought vnto our vnderstā ding, that you are for the confession [Page 7]of the Catholicke faith most greeuously vexed at the hands of your owne Brethren, who haue forsake the God of their forefa-fathers, and haue betaken themselues to the following of strange Godds, that is the prophane nouelties of errors and heresies: and not considering their owne miserable estate do not only lye them selues in darkenes, & in the shadow of death, but doe also most cruelly assault and persecute such as be the children of light, their owne brethren, who do firmely retaine the aunciēt religiō, which they haue so many ages since bin taught by the holye ROMANE Church; And doe further, vppon the instigatiō and exagitation of a certaine furie neuer heard of be fore, vse crueltie towardes their owne flesh, and butcher & teare [Page 8]asonder their owne bowels. We haue compassion of your (deare children) and with all affection of charitie we do sorow togither with you for your calamities. But we: also reioice with you and for you, in that ye be now the disciples of Christ, with him fastened vpon the Crosse, neither doe we doubt, but that he who is present with his seruantes in tribulation, and descendeth with them into the vgly dongeons, and forsaketh them not in their bonds and fetters; euen he, so rich and aboundant in mercie doth visite you, doth recreate you, doth merueilously comforte you, that euen as the passions of Christ do abound in you: so also by Christ your cō fortes may abound. And we also, who though without our owne desert, and vnworthy, do holde [Page 9]the place of Christ our Lord vpō earth, when as we did heare that you were in this maner afflicted, resolued by our letters to cōfort you, as our children singulerlye well beloued, of whose welfare and glory in our Lord we be especially carefull. Be ye therfore of good courage, and as you haue hitherto done, so stand ye in our Lord my dearest: stedfast & strōg in faith, and rooted and founded in charitie, & carefull to preserue the vnitie of spirite in the bond of peace. This peace of CHRIST which surpasseth all vnderstanding keepe you (my childrē) that ye may be one hart and one spirit Your concord, your vnion, your cōiunction of mindes Sathan trē bleth at: That doth he and his ministers seeke to ouerthrow. But all the driftes of enemies will fall [Page 10]to nothing, if ye persist and remaine all of one minde with all humilitie and meeknes, with patience supporting one an other in charitie. And God is faithfull, who will not permitte you to be tempted aboue that which you are able: But will make with tēptation issue, that ye may be able to sustaine. Let your hartes therfore be comforted & be cōstant, and expect our Lord. For coming he will come, and will not linger, & his reward is with him, and he will comfort his seruants, so that what yee haue sowen in teares, the same yee shall in ioy and exultattion reape againe. Be yee not therfore wearied fainting in your hartes, but laying away all waight and sinne, that compasseth you, by patience runne to the fight proposed vnto you, looking [Page 11]on the author of faith and the consummator Iesus: who will geue you good measure, pressed downe, shaken togither, and running ouer, in the day of eternitie. He gouerne and keepe you, and replenish you with the grace of the holy Ghost, and crowne you vpon the accomplishmēt of your lawfull cōbate. Pray for vs (deere children:) for many are the pastorall cares, which by night & day do vexe & trouble vs. Do ye also pray for the Catholicke Church, that all contradictions and errors being destroied, shee may serue him with secure libertie. And we with all affection of fatherly charity do impart vnto you our Apostolicall Benediction.
Giuen at Rome at Saint [Page 12] Markes, vnder the fishers Ring, the 18. of September, the Sixt yeere of our Popedome.
DILECTIS FILIIS CAtholicis Albanensibus qui in Albaniae regno sunt
Clemens Papa.
DILECTI filij, salutē & Apostolicam benedictionē. Longo quidem terrarum maris (que) internallo a nobis disiuncti estis, O filij, Albaniae: sed in vnitate fidei, & in vinculo charitatis Christi, ita nobiscum cōiuncti estis, ita propinqui; vt vos tanquam presentes intueamur: & de vobis assidue cogitemus. quin etiam quouis rerum vestrarū euentu ita commouemur, vt vobiscum at que in vobis gaudeamus, & vobiscum etiam patiamur. Habemus [Page 14]enim vos in corde nostro, & in visceribus Iesu Christi. Gaudio autem singulari afficimur, & exult at in Domino spiritus noster, quum audimus vestram in fide Catholica constantiam, vestram patientiam, vestram Christiani pectoris fortitudinem, & gloriosam confessionem nominis Christi. Vos enim singulari Deibenignitate Spiritus sancti gratia & virtute roborati, sacrum illud fidei Catholicae depositū, quod Maiores vestri ab hac sancta Romana ECCLESIA omnium fidelium matre & magistra acceperunt, & vobis haereditarium tradiderunt, summa diligentia, & veluti pretiosum thesaurum (vt vere est) integrum & inuiolatum custodistis, ne (que) vllis incōmodis aut aerū nis, ne (que) vllis Satanae dolis aut illecebris, & vana verum terrenarum spe vos dimoueri passi estis, ab hac [Page 15]fidei petra, supra quā Christus Dominus Ecclesiam suam fundauit; quae vna est, Catholica, Apostolica, Romana; extra quam ne (que) est, neque esse potest vlla salus; cuius vnionem, vt membra corporis Christi suo capiti connexa, multa cū laude & spiritalis vitae fructu retinetis et conseruatis. Haec sunt quae cor nostrum laetitia complent, haec ecclesiam Dei edificant, & Catholicorum omnium oculos in vos conuertunt, qui videntes zelum vestrum & opera vestra bona, glorificāt patrē misericordiarū qui in coelis est. Sed quēadmodū in his quae propter Dei gloriā & animarū vestrarum salutem, pie religiose & constanter geritis; vobiscū, & cum bonis omnibus congaudemus; ita vobiscū dolori vestro cōpatimur, et tribulationibus quae inuenerunt vos nimis: Allatum enim ad nos est, vos ob fidei [Page 16]Catholicae cōfessionē grauissime vexari a fratribus vestris, qui reliquerunt Deum patrū suorum, & sequuti sunt Deos alienos, prophanas errorum at (que) heresum nouitates: & miserabilem statum suū non agnoscentes, non solum iacent in tenebris, et vmbra mortis: sed filios lucis, fratres suos, qui auitam religionem quam a Romana Ecclesia ante tot secula sunt edocti, firmiter retinent, acerbissime oppugnant & persequuntur, et inaudito quodam furore perciti at (que) agitati, in carnē suam saeuiunt, et viscera sua dilaniant at (que) discerpunt. Cōpatimur filij et tòto charitatis affectu condolemus calamitatibus vestris. Sed gratulamur etiam vobis, quia nunc Christi discipuli estis, cum eo cruci confixi: ne (que) dubitamus quin ipse, qui cum seruis suis est in tribulatione, et descendit cum illis in tetros [Page 17]carceres, et in vinculis et compedibus non derelinquit eos: ipse, diues in misericordia vos visitat, vos recreat, vos mirabiliter consolatur, vt sicut abundant passiones Christi in vobis, ita & per Christum abundat consolatio vestra. Et nos quoque, qui licet immeriti & indigni Christi Domini locum in terris tenemus, cum vos adeo affligi audiremus; vos per literas nostras consolari voluimus, vt filios nostros singulariter dilectos, de quorum salute & gloria in Domino precipue soliciti sumus. Confortamini igitur, at que, vt hactenus fecistis, sic state in Domino charissimi, firmi ac fortes in fide & in charitate radicati & fundati, & soliciti seruare vnitatē spiritus in vinculo pacis: hanc Christi pacem, quae exuperat omnem sensum custodite, filij; vt sitis cor vnum & anima vna. Vestram [Page 18]concordiam, vestram vnionem, vestram animorum coniunctionem exhorret Satanas: hanc ille oppugnat, & ministri eius; sed corruent omnes inimicorum machinationes, sivnanimes permanseritis, cum omni humilitate & mansuetudine, cū patientia, supportantes inuicem in charitate. Fidelis autem Deus qui non permittet vos tentari supra id quod potestis, sed faciet cum tentatione prouentam vt possitis sustinere. Confortetur igitur cor vestrū & viriliter agite, & sustinete Dominum, quia veniens veniet et non tardabit, & merces eius cum eo, & ipse consolabitur seruos suos vt quae in lachrimis seminastis in exultatione & gaudio metatis. Ita (que) ne fatigemini, animis vestris deficientes, sed deponentes omne pondus, & circumstans peccatum, per patientiam currite ad propositum vobis [Page 19]certamen, aspicientes in authorem fidei & consummatorem Iesum qui mensuram bonam, confertam, coagitatam, & super effluentem dabit vobis in die aeternitatis. Ipse vos regat, & custodiat, & gratia Spiritus sancti repleat, et legitime certantes coronet. Orate autem pro nobis (filij) quia multae sunt pastorales curae nostrae, quae nos dies noctesque angunt & solicitant. Orate & pro Ecclesia sancta Catholica vt destructis aduersitatibus & erroribus vniuersis secura illi seruiunt libertate; & nos Apostolicam benedictionem nostram toto paternae charitatis affectu vobis impar timur.
Datum Romae apud sanctum Marcū sub annulo Piscatoris, die 18. Septē. Pontificatus nostri: Anno. 6.
AN EXPLICATION of the Aue Mary Bell.
THE Bell is wont thrise a day to be knoled to praiers: At Morning, Noone, & Night: that Christians might remēber, if they can not oftener, at the least yet thrise a day, to serue God in praier: At morning the beginning of [Page]the day, by referring all the future actions to Gods glorie: At noone the very midde course of the day, to refresh the wearied soule with a short praier, as the bodie is relieued with meate: and at euening, by taking account of the soule of all her actions.
And at these houres is the B. virgin Mary saluted, that through the excelent benefittes at those houres bestowed, wherat she was present, she would vouchsafe to get vs mercy of her dearly beloued sonne. For at the toling in the morning, is renewed the memoriall of Christes Resurrection, who risen from death did then appeare to his most B. mother: The toling at noone, is in remēbrance of Christs passion, wherat the B. Virgin was present: And at night in remembrance of Christs incarnation [Page]in her blessed wombe.
At the first toll.
Angelus Domini nunciauit Mariae & concepit de Spiritu sancto.
Aue Maria.
At the second toll.
Ecce Ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.
Aue Maria.
At the third toll.
Et verbumcaro factum est, & habitauit in nobis.
Aue Maria.
I desire the gentle Reader to amend these faultes escaped. In the discourse of the Deuotion of our Lady Page. 5. Line. 17. read. which by carnall propagation is deriued from Adam. Pa. 8. l. 8 read: as well for the space. Pa. 11. L. 6 read: vnspotted virginitie. Pa 13. l. 13. read: was to be borne. Pa. 50. l. 22. read Presentation.