PROFITABLE INSRVCTIONS FOR THE MANVRING, Sowing and Planting of Kitchin Gardens.

Very profitable for the common wealth and greatly for the helpe and com­fort of poore people.

Gathered by Richard Gardiner of Shrewsberie.

Imprinted at London by Edward Allde for Edward White dwelling at the little North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne. 1603.

The Author his Preface, to his louing neigh­bours and friends, within the towne of Shrewsburie in the Countie of Salop. R. G. wisheth all happines and felicitie in Christ Iesus.

RIght welbeloued in Christ Iesus, neighbours and friends of this my natiue soile of Shrews­burie, I wish you all felicitie and happinesse in the true knowledge of our redemption in the merrits of our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ, to whom with the Father, & the holy ghost, be all honor, praise and thankes for euermore. Beloued it is generallie knowne vnto all men in this towne, that I haue euer in good minde, desired the prosperity of the same, and in all good actions to my power and knowledge haue preferred the same, without desire of lucre or gaine thereby, and did al­wayes desire to doe the vttermost of my skill, as well to the common causes, as also to priuate mens workes, and now in my olde age, or last daies, I would willingly take my last farewell with some good instructions to pleasure the general number: as for spiritual instructions and good aduertisments therein, I leaue you to the good admonitions of the godlye Clergie, and to your good proceedings in the same, which God graunt for his mercies sake, Amen. Amongst all the practises, knowledges and experiences which euer I receiued from Gods mercies in temporal blessings, I doe vndoubtedly perswade my selfe, that my practise and experience in Gardē stuffe, or the good benefits therein, dooth best benefit, helpe and pleasure the generall number of people, better then any other practise that euer I tooke in hand in temporall causes whatsoeuer. And therefore good neighbors and friends (of this my natiue soile) accept this my short and simple pen­ning of this my practise and experience in Gardening causes heerein mentioned. And if any other man, now or heereafter finde occasion to better in writing any thing which I haue omitted for want of full perfection by experience therein, I doe most hartily desire him, (that so shal finde cause to better [Page] any thing omitted by me or amend any thing by me penned) so to doe, that God may be glorified in his good gifts, the ge­nerall number the better comforted, and the poore the better releeued with Garden stuffe: whereas yet in this Countie of Salop, Gardening stuffe: is to small purpose, but I hope in God as time shall serue, my good beginning will be an occasion of good proceedings therein, and no doubt (b [...]loued) if any man will hartily desire to doe good in these actions, then vaine, fruitlesse and superfluous things may bee taken out of good Gardens and sundry good commodities, to pleasure the poore planted therein: then no doubt the Almightie God will the better blesse your encrease, and blesse your walking in your Garden in that minde: and then no doubt but your good con­science will delight you as well as the great blessings that God will blesse the Garden withall [...] Then shall you no doubt visibly beholde in your Garden, the blessed fauour and mercy of ou [...] most mercifull God to your euerlasting comfort, not onely in the great increase there to beholde, but also other wayes to your great comfort, which I omit at this p [...]esent. And when you make sale to the poore, consider you are the Lords Stew­ards to sell with consciences [...] and to lend and giue: also doe it willingly, for we haue the vnfallable promise of God for dou­ble recompence, if we so fauourablie will performe to all, and specially to the poore and needy: which God graunt for his mercies sake, wee may haue grace to doe, and also to haue [...] speciall care to satisfie, content or pay the tithes thereof to the ministers of the holy worde, and not to suffer a bad custome to corrupt the conscience therein, which God forbid. And also I desire thee good reader to beare with my grosse and simple penning in so good a cause, and willingly to accept my good will therein. And in so dooing I shall thinke my trauail here­in to be well bestowed, and my good purpose the bet­ter performed, which God graunt for his mercies sake. Amen.

Edward Thorne Gent. in commen­dation of the worke, and the Author thereof.

HE that desires with skilfull hand,
to frame a Garden plot,
And to manure and make it apt
For Herbes that serue the pot,
Or choise to make of seeds and Plants,
and best of both to know:
And them in seasonable time,
to plant, to set, and sowe,
Let him peruse this little Booke,
which vndertakes the charge,
Of all the fore recite [...] points,
to shew the course at large,
Of Carrets first, and Cabbage close,
and how to keepe them sound:
And Pars [...]ips also to preserue,
and Turnips faire and round.
Of Lettice next, and garden Beanes,
and Onions of the best:
Of Coucombers and Artichockes,
and Radish with the rest,
These and such other hearbes and seedes,
hath Gardner, in good will:
Vnto Sallopi [...]n neighbours his,
entreate [...] of with skill.
His talent lent h [...] doth not hide,
if all were vnderstood,
But sets it foor [...]h with willing minde,
to doe his neighbours good.
[Page]The poore which late were like to pine,
and could not buy them breade:
In greatest time of penury,
were by his labours fed.
And that in reasonable rate,
when Corne and coine was scant,
With Parsnep and with Carret rootes [...]
he did supply their want.
The rich likewise and better sorte,
his labours could not misse
Which makes them many times to thinke,
that Salop London is.
Then rich and poore in friendly sorte,
giue Gardner all his due,
Who shewes himselfe in all his acts,
so kinde a friend to you.
And wish as he doth well deserue,
his welfare and his health,
That hath so greatly profited,
Salopians common wealth.

Hovv to make choyce of the best Car­rets, to plant for good seedes, and how and when to plant them.

AFter the Sun his entring into Libra about the twelfth of September, then prepare your ground readie to set your Carrets, for seede, make choice of the fairest Carrets and best, yellow colours, to the number as you will set your beds, being made ready before you take vp y Carrets, euery bed being a yard and a quar­ter broad: then set your carrets in two rowes, one rowe on either side the bed, sixe or seauen inches from the edge of the bed, and full three quarters of a yard one from another.

Then haue you nothing to doe with them vntill about the last of Aprill, at which time they will bee growne a­bout a yard in height: then you haue neede to take care of them, for the winde will easily breake them by the ground: then must you prepare some kinde of packe-threed or lynen threed to [...]et about them as a girdle, about two foote high from the earth as neede shall require by the growing of the braunches: gird some higher then other some. Then short­ly after you must haue stakes in a readines, and as the Car­rets must stand one against the other in the bed: so like­wise the stakes must stand one against the other, to euerye foure Carrets two stakes. The stakes must bee a yard and a halfe aboue the ground, and a sure holde within the earth for danger of winde: then must you prepare pack [...]-threed or other threed to goe from stake to stake all the length of the bed, one course of lynes must be about two foote high, and another course of lynes must bee n [...]ere the top of the stakes, so that there must bee two courses of lynes on the vtter side of the stakes on both sides the bed. Then must you haue crosse lynes, to euery two Carrets a crosse lyne made fast to the side lynes, the crosse lynes must be both aboue and beneath, as the side lynes doe goe, and a [Page] crosse rod to euery two stakes tyed fast with somelynnen thréed or thrumbes: then both the vpper course and nether course of the rods and the short lynes must haue a lyne go­ing amidst of the bed, so that by that meanes euery Car­rets branches will stand in a square both in the vpper and nether coarse of rods and lynes, in sure manner for the winde. If this bee not done perfectly, the losse of Carret séedes will bee more in value then the Charges of stakes, roddes and lynes. The stakes must bee set in this manner: First two stakes at the end of the bed, then ouer passe foure Carrets, and in the middest betweene two Carrets set a stake on either side the bed, and the lines & rods as aforesaid, then as the Carret branches doe grow, they must be some­what tended to keepe them in good order within the lynes: this being done about the last of August, the Carret séedes will begin to bee ripe, and as they doe change to some browne colour, so to bee cut from time to time, vntill the last bee sufficiently ripe about the first of October: Then place the Carret seedes as you doe cut them on a Chamber floore to drie, & when they be drie, beate the seedes out with small staues, or beast with the edge of a lath, and clense them from the composte or refuse (as you finde best by experiēce) with ridle and siue. There are three kindes of Carrets, two of them are profitable and the third is not: The great long yellow Carret, and the great short Carret are principall good, but the common or wilde Carret, which is pale yellow coloured and small and long, is to be refused, for they yeeld small profit, neither are they so good meate as the other two kindes by much. The séedes of the two best kindes of Carrets doe change into diuerse colours: and if you choose a roote of any colour that doth best like you, then set the same for séede, and so shall you haue store of rootes of that colour that so is set for séede when time serueth: if you doe make choyse of the best Carrets and set them for seedes as aforesaid, then your séedes are very bad and not profitable to bee vsed by any, but deceiueth the sower [Page] and yeeldeth not so good rootes as the set roote séedes doe by much.

How to haue principall good Cabadge seedes to sow, where­by you may haue good store of good Cabadges as time serueth.

WHen you haue Cabadges in your garden that bee ripe to cut, make your choice of the best and fairest Ca­badges for seede in this maner, that you may haue the be­nefit of the best Cabadges and good séed of the same stocks or rootes. Also when your Cabadges bee ripe, take a hand sawe and cut the Cabadge off, as neere to the Cabadge as you can, and haue so much of the stocke as you may: but take heede least you rent the stocke in cutting it with the sawe, you must cut those Cabadges which you would so preserue for séedes in the new of the Moone, of the first ripe Cabadges, and so let them grow to beare seedes the yeere following, and that seede will be as good as may be (what­soeuer is said to the contrary) And if you desire to haue much Cabadge seedes to sowe and to sell: then your best way is to prouide some place in the Garden where the sha­dow of them may doe least harme to other séedes or fruits. Then prepare the ground in narrow beds and take vp the Cabadge rootes with as much earth at the roote as you can in the new of the Moone in October: and place them one row in a bed almost a yard a sunder, and then another row in an other bed likewise: so that euery row or euery roote be almost a yard one from another, and then let them stand vntill they be growen almost a yard high, then beset the braunches with rises and gird the braunches & rises, with a string of packe thréed or such like, or els the weight of the braunches and the winde will breake them to the losse of the seedes: and when the seedes doe beginne to bee ripe, then take héede to them, for the birds called the Bull Finch will destroy them sodainely, vnlesse [Page] you do prouide to saue the séedes with nettes to be set ther­on sundry waies as seemeth you best to doo: and when your Cabadge Seedes bee ripe, cut them and dry them, cleanse them and keepe them vntill the best times to sowe them: of which times I will make mention at large, as he [...]eafter followeth in order. If you take heede to choose the principall Cabadges for séedes as aforesaid, you shall both the better pleasure your selfe, and do [...]e good to the common wealth: Also let not gaine nor de­ceipt alter, nor corrupt a good conscience heerein to the hurt of any.

How to make your best choyse for Parsnep seedes.

PRepare such place in your Garden as is most conueni­ent for the setting of Parsneps for séeds: first digge and make your ground ready in beds, like as you would sowe any other seedes, then make choice of the fairest Parsnep roots, and plant them in the beds a rowe of rootes on either side the bed, about sixe inches from the edge of the bed, and a rowe of rootes along the midst of the bed or beds, and set euery roote so néere as you can, to be xv. inches one from another: and when the first séedes doe begin to be ripe, then cut them daily as cause requireth: for the seedes of Pars­neps are very apt to fall when they be ripe, to the losse of the best séede (if they be not heedefully looked vnto.) Thus doone, you shall haue good Parsnep seedes to pleasure any person in that behalfe, otherwise it is not so good nor so profitable.

The best way to haue principall seedes of Turneps to sowe.

THere be sundrie kindes of Turneps, and to write ther­of particularlie would be somewhat tedious: but the [Page] best kinde for the common wealth, is the large round Tur­nep, which are but of late come to this Countie of Salop: The best way to haue excellent seedes of those Turneps, is thus: Make the beds a yard and quarter broade, then choose the onely round and faire rootes, and set them thrée quarters of a yarde one from another, two rowes in a bed.

These seedes will not abide or brooke any binding or supporting of them: but your best way is to let them growe in their owne kinde, and let them fall to the earth (as they will by nature) and when the séedes doe be­gin to be ripe, take heede, for sundrie kindes of birdes will deuoure it, kéepe it with nettes or otherwise, which I omit to your be [...]t consideration therein: and when the seedes be fully ripe, cut them and drie them to your purpose: your best time to set them for séedes, is in the new of the Moone, in October or Nouember.

The best meanes to haue principall Lettice seedes, which will be both great, hard and white Cabadge Lettice.

THere be sundrie kindes of Lettice, the one is principal, the other two are indifferent, and the fourth is the wild Lettice. The best are very white seedes: the second are russet white séedes, and are callad Lumbard Lettice: the third are black seedes, some of al these three sorts wil close, but the perfect white is the best. This sort is to bee chosen and the seedes thereof to be sowed, and when the Lettice are young and smal, then you must take the wéedes cleane from them, and also you must wéede so many of the Lettice away vntill they be two or thrée inches a sunder, and whē those remaining, do touch almost one another, then draw away more of them vntil they be 6. or viii. inches a sunder, then they must growe vntill they be closed, and if there be any which seeme that they will not close, take them away, and let those which are best closed remaine for Séedes, [Page] and so from yeare to yeare euer choose the best closed for seede: and you shal haue such Cabadge or closed Lettice, by these meanes in two or three yeares, the best that may bee had. This being mine own order for close Lettice séede, I commonly haue such Lettice, that many doe say there are not the like to be had in London, or so good. The manner of sowing or times when to sowe [...] I omitte vntill in order in this my treatise it shall more at large ap­peare.

The best way to obtaine seede Beanes for Gardens.

THere be thrée kindes of Beanes, whereof there is but one perfect good for Gardens, that is the great and large white Beane: and when your Beanes are fully ripe, choose yearely the greatest of them for séede, and you shall finde great profit in so doing, if you haue cause to sowe many of them, and your Beanes will prooue very profita­ble in the common wealth.

For to haue good Onion seedes.

ABout the first of Februarie when you perceiue the ex­tremity of wint [...]r to be past, and the weather some­what faire, then take your Onions & set them [...]or séedes in the new of the Moone, where the Sun is alwaies to shine in his course both Winter and Summer: and when they growe high, dresse them with rises or roddes [...]or breaking with winde: and when the seede is ripe, dry it well in the heate of the Sunne, then let it remaine with the pulse or refuse till after the first of Februarie: I desire that all which would sow Onion or others aforesaid in Gardens, to prouide séedes of their own growing & not to be deceiued yearely as commonly they be, to no small losse in generall to all this Land, by those which bee common sellers of [Page] Garden seedes. I cannot omitte nor spare to deliuer my minde, concerning the great and abhominable falshoode of those sortes of people which sell Garden seedes: consider thus much, admit that all those which be deceiued in thys land yéerely, in buying of olde and dead séedes for their gar­dens, had made their accompts of their losses: First their money paide for false and counterfeit seedes, their great losses in manuring and trimming their Gardens, and the rents paide for Gardens throughout this land: then con­sider how many thousands are yeerely deceiued in this manner by them, and also consider howe many thousand poundes are robbed yeerely from the common wealth by those Catterpillers: I doe vndoubtedly perswade my selfe if a true accompt might bee had thereof, those that doe willingly deceiue others by false séedes, doe robbe the common wealth of a greater summe then all other the robbing théeues of this whole land doe by much, and more worthie in conscience to be executed as the most notorious théeues in this land, (one other profession of people excep­ted.) And although the lawes of this realme as yet take no holde whereby to punish them, the almighty God doth be­holde their monstrous deceipt, and except those doe repent with speed, both God and man will abhorre them as outragious théeues: The Almightie God turne their hearts or confound such false procéedinges against the common wealth: And also I would wishe all those that are seede sellers would haue a care to sell good s [...]edes for Gardens, and would also haue a care to sell in reason [...] and conscience, for the dearth of Seedes for Gardens is a great hindrance to the profit of Gardens, and a great losse to the common wealth. Also my good wil shall not be wan­ting to do good therin, whiles it shal please God that I doe remaine heere in this life, his holy will be done at his good pleasure. There be many other séedes do belong to gardens of lesse accompt & so common in vse: that I purpose to omit leauing them to the practise of others which vse Gardens, [Page] because I desire not to bee tedious, but to procéede to my speciall purpose in those causes which best do concerne and benefit the common wealth, which God graunt for his mercie sake.

And before good seedes (prouided as aforesaid) be vsed or sowed in any garden, I wish you to prepare to mucke or make your garden sufficient rank to receiue such séedes as is conuenient, or els you make spoile of good seedes to your owne losse, and then shall you misse greatly the profit of your garden in your house keeping: you must haue a speci­all care to mucke wel your garden once in two yeares, or else you shall lose more in the profit of the Garden, then the mucke is worthe by much: if your Garden be pared, and made cleane from weedes about the first of Nouem­ber, then it is good to lay your mucke thereon all Nouem­ber, and till the midst of December, and if you can so pre­pare your garden in this time as aforesaid, then it is best for to fallow or digge it so farre as you haue so mucked, and in so doing, your Gardens will be most excellent to recei [...]e good seedes in the last end of February or in March, accor­ding to the nature of the séedes therein to be sowed: and if you omit the dunging and fallowing the Garden till after the feast of Christ Iess, I [...] take it best (as I finde by expe­rience) thus to doe. When you purpose to sowe your gar­den, some few daies before, let it bee cleane pared and the weedes carried to some conuenient place in the Garden to rotte, then mucke well if there bee cause that yeare, then digge the garden very small, and as you digge it, picke out the rootes of the weedes as cleane as you can, and rake it well, then will it be in good order to sowe: but the first manner of fallowing and dunging is best, if you doe not omit the time: and when all the parings and wéedings all the whole yeere is wel rotten, then it wil be very fine and good earth to make leuell or plaine any part of the Garden and is verie good to rancken the Garden in want of other mucke.

A declaration of diuers manners of seedes to be sowed in Gardens, and a reason by experience which is the best manner and most profitable.

THere bee two manner of sowing of Gardens heere in this Countie of Salop, and as I finde by experience those two maners vsual & common, are very vnprofitable. The one maner is to open the bed and set the earth on both sides, then to sowe the séedes on the bed, then to draw with a Rake the earth from both sides to couer the seedes, but when the seedes doe growe in sight, there is nothing grow­ing within a quarter of a yard to the edge of the bed, wher­by much ground is lost on both sides of the bed, and very vnprofitable to the owner.

The second manner of vsuall and common sowing of Gardens, is when the bed is made, the seedes are sowed thereon, and then earth is sifted thervpon, to couer y e séeds, and when the seedes be sprong and begin to growe, they be so ebbe vnder the earth, that euery small frost or colde raine which commeth dooth destroy the new spring of the séedes, and sometimes all is lost thereby.

A third way there is, but not vsuall or common, which is when the bed is ready made [...] the seeds are sowed theron, then one taketh the Rake & choppeth the teeth of the Rake very thicke ouer all the bed, then the seedes doe fal into the hoales which the teeth of the Rake did make, and thereby many seedes doe fall in one hole, and doe destroye one ano­ther, except you doe remedie that by pulling some of them away the first wéeding [...] The onely best way to sow beds in gardens, as I did euer finde by experience, is when the bed is made [...] to take a staffe of the greatnes of a mans thombe or somewhat greater, of a yarde and a halfe long, make­ing the ende thereof somewhat sharpe, and then with the sharpe ende thereof strike a small Rigall or Gutter on either side of the bed, within two or thrée Inches of the edge of the bed, and about an Inch deepe, then [Page] sowe your seedes in those two gutters somewhat thin, thē strike other two rigals or gutters in like manner, and so by two and by two till you come to the midst of the bed, & those gutters must bee made foure or fiue inches a sunder according to the nature of the séedes which you doe sowe: so that the bed ready made being a yard and quarter broad will take for Onion seedes seauen gutters or rowes, and for Carrets and Parsneps likewise seauen, and for Tur­neps fiue gutters is sufficient on either side the bed, one in the midst, and then two other, as you may well sée the pla­ces where: but for expedition in sowing time, the best way is, as one person doth strike the gutters or rowes, with the staffe, so let another follow in sowing the rowes, and you shall finde great expedition therein, for two persons in this manner will sow [...] more in two or three howres, then two persons will or can sowe otherwise, in a whole day, and this kinde of sowing dooth saue the one halfe of the séedes, and defendeth the seedes best from weather, because it is reasonable deepe in the ground: you must haue a speciall care that the rowes be striken straight, and you must take heede to sowe the rowe or gutter, first striken, before you strike another rowe or gutter, for the striking of the second rowe will fill the first with earth, that it will be too ebbe to be sowed after, then it is both comely and profitable. I doe assuredly prooue by experience there is no manner of sow­ing so perfectly good as this manner is, for all kinde of seedes, but onely Pumpions, Cucumbers, Beanes & Ra­dish seedes, they must be otherwise set further a sunder as reason and experience doe agree therein, and in manner héereafter more at large is expressed: and when your séedes be sowed in rigols or rowes in manner aforesaid, then they are to be couered thus: [...]ake the Rake and with the head thereof drawe it very light ouer the Rigols along the bed, vntill the bed be plaine and the Rigols filled, with the backe side of the head of the Rake, and if you then doe beate them plaine with the head of the shouel, the beds wil [Page] be the more comely, and breed lesse weedes by much.

The manner how and when to sowe Carret seeds, and what grownd is best to their liking, and the manner to vse them in their growing.

FIrst see that your grownd be sufficient ranke as afore­said: then sow your Carret seeds very thin in the rigols or rowes as aforesaid, the best time is about the last of Februarie, or beginning of Marche, when the weather is seasonable and faire, then you néede not to care for the age of the Moone, so that it bee not within three dayes of the change, for I doe perfectly know by experience, that any time else is not amisse, so that the weather be dry and faire. Carrets do best like in a dry ground: and if the Garden be in shadowe or somewhat wet at sowing time, then it is not perfect good for Carrets. Such ground is better to sowe Parsneps and Cabadges in, then Carrets, for the Car­rets wil mislike in the Spring time, and also be eaten with wormes that bréed in themselues, by their owne kinde and nature: and when your Carrets be faire and young aboue the ground, then you must prepare people to weede: when the weeds are able to be taken vp, then must you haue spe­ciall care to the Carrets that growe in the rowes or other wayes, for you must weede or take out of them, til there be two inches betweene euerie one of them, and throw those drawne Carrets away with the weedes, if you doe take pitty to pull them out, or detract the time too long before you do weede them as aforesaid, your Carrets will be very small, and yéeld you small profit: you must wéede them wel from weedes as néed doth require, and so soone as they be of any bignes, about Midsommer you must draw away so many of the Carrets till those that remaine bee at the least thrée or foure inches a sunder, and also if any of the Carrets do happen to shoote to beare séed, pull them vp likewise, for the best séeds of Carrets, some of them will shoote, & must [Page] be takē out least they hinder the rest that grow, throw thē away: if you misse so to doe, your Carrets will bee small to your purpose. The good Carrets which are to be drawen from the rest, will easily bee drawen into a good ground with hand, and the easier to bee drawen in the fore noone and best after a shower of raine. And you may haue good profit by those Carrets so drawen and sowed, for they are nouelties and desired of many soe timely in the yéere. Then about the twentith of Iuly, your Carrets in a good ground will be somewhat faire to sell: and if you sell them then or shortly after, so that you take them vp before the fourtéenth of August: you may as you rid the ground of Carrets, sowe Turnips séede or Radish séede in their place, so that you haue the best kinde of Turnip séede to sow, and in so dooing you may haue two croppes euery yere and both with good profit. And if it happen that the Carret seedes doe faile in the spring time by hardenes of weather, or by wormes of the earth: Then about the midst of May or the end of May you may set Cabadge plants in those places, where the Carrets doe want, and in want of Cabadge plants you may sowe good Turnips séedes, or Radish séedes thereon. And thereby haue good profit: Also the short kinde of Carrets will grow in worse and colder ground then the long Carrets will, and doe well agree with the clay Land also.

How and when is best to sowe and plant to haue good Cabadges, both timely about Midsomer and late in the yeere.

IF you will haue timely Cabadges, then sowe your Ca­badge séedes in Rigols as afore said about the last of Au­gust three or foure daies before the ful of the Moone, where they may haue the warmnes of the Sunne in winter. so neere as you can, and keepe them cleane from weeds, then let them grow, till three or foure daies befo [...]e the ful Moon [Page] in March or Aprill next after, then set your Cabadge plants a yard a sunder, and as you choose plantes to sette, choose the fairest and lykelyest of them for your purpose, for the small and refuse plantes will growe to bee small Cabadges, and as many as doe séeme eyther wilde or very small throwe them away, for the losse is not great, and in this manner you may haue timely close and hard Cabad­ges: Also it is a principall time to sowe Cabadges in Fe­bruary or March, three or foure daies before the full of the Moone as aforesaid, then sowe the seedes very thinne in rowes, and keep thē cleane from weeds, and when they be faire and large to plant, in May or about the first of Iune, is best to plant them three or foure daies before the full of the Moone, and if necessity doe compel you, it wil serue the whole quarter after the ful of the Moone: And also as they growe, from time to time take care to kill the wormes which eate the leaues: and take heede that no leaues bee broken of those which you would haue to bee Cabadges, for it is hurtfull to the closing of the Cabadges. And when the first planted Cabadges be ripe, sell or spend them short­ly, for within fourteene daies after they be hard they will grow so fast within that they wil rent and cleaue a sunder, and so perish and rot: And when your Cabadges doe ripe and bee hard sell them or spend them, for there is small pro­fit to kéepe them, because the snailes and other wormes doe pearce them dayly, but those which doe close farre in the yeare in September and October may bee better kept in Winter for your purpose: but of al wormes or caterpillers Knaues, which are the greatest deuourers of Cabadges and doe consume many of them at one time: those catter­pillers doe neuer repent, vntill they come to Tyburne or the gallowes. Therefore take good care to your enclosures for your better safetie.

For sowing of Parseneps, and best vsing of them.

SOme wil sowe Parsenep séeds at Michaels tide, to haue timely Parsneps, and doth serue their purpose, to haue them about twenty dayes sooner then those which do sowe in February or March, but it is not best to sowe many in that order, but a few for nouelties: but to sow to haue best profit, as when the weather is fayre in Februarie or in March, sowe your Parseneps, not respecting the age of the Moone, but the goodnes of the weather, and when they be ready to weede, haue care to wéede them cleane in time: if they be too thicke sowed, pull them out also with the wéeds, till euery Parsenep be two inches a sunder at the least, thē wéede them as cause is, and let them grow till they bee to serue your turne. Parseneps will growe well in worse ground then Carrets, and reasonably well in colde Gar­dens: and if you doe sowe your Parsneps in rigols as my accustomed manner is, it is best for your purpose and pro­fit: and this kinde of sowing in Rigols doth saue the bet­ter halfe of the séedes, of any kinde whatsoeuer, as by expe­rience is prooued.

For sowing of Turneps, and the best time when.

IF you desire to haue timely Turneps, you may do thus: a wéeke before the full Moone, or a wéeke after the full Moone, in the end of Aprill or in May, sowe your Turnep seeds, and when they are ready to weed, then pull out with the wéeds, so many of the Turneps, till the rest of the Tur­neps be a hand bredth a sunder: and as they doe grow ripe about Midsomer, drawe the greatest first, to make them thinner all ouer, & whē they be of any greatnes, sel or spend them away, for those timely sowed Turneps wil not tarry good but a few daies: for they will be hard roots, & be eaten [Page] with wormes, and grow to séedes, and so will many Tur­neps, which bee sowed before Midsommer. But those which are sowed in Iuly, and to the 14. of August, wil re­maine good all winter. And when they bee to serue your turne, take the greatest first, and let the rest remaine, and they will increase much, when they haue some libertie, and at all times it is to be chosen, to sowe and wéede as afore­said: & looke from what ground you take your first fruites away before the 14. day of August, you may thereon sowe good Turnep séede to good profit. But if you sowe af­ter the 14. of August, it is to no good purpose, but to haue small Turneps little worth, and empayre your ground for no profit: you may in this manner haue two croppes of Turneps in one place of land in one yeare, and both per­fect good.

The best meanes to haue principall close Lettice, and to haue them as timely as is possible.

THe first of September or within fouretéene daies then next after, is best to take your Lettice séedes and sowe them in a drie banke, or dryest place in the garden reasona­ble thinne, wéede them cleane when there is cause, and let them grow as they doe prooue, till thrée or foure daies be­fore the full of the moone in March, then take them vp and plant them in new digged ground, sixe or eight inches a­sunder, and kéepe them cleane from weedes, and you shall haue timely Lettice. And by this meanes I haue yéerely such close or cabidge Lettice, better cannot be had, and they will be ready some yéeres in Aprill, and the beginning of May: I do also sow Lettice séeds in February and March, in manner aforesaid, and plant them againe as aforesaid. And thereby I haue principall close Lettice: till Midsom­mer you may haue very good Lettice, and not remooue them: so that they be well asunder, but the other manner is best. And keepe some of the best of them for seedes: my [Page] Lettice bee yéerely solde for two a penney, for one of them is a reasonable dish for a table, and as white as is possi­ble, and many doo say, the like Lettice are not to be had in London. And I do suppose, that this kinde of Lettice is not common to be had in London as yet, or else the Gardiners there no doubt do not carefully prouide for principall Let­tice. But if any request me for principall Lettice seedes: I haue ready to performe his desire, whiles they doe endure vnsolde, yearely if it please God, whiles I remaine li­uing.

The nature and quallity of Garden beanes, and how you may haue best profit by them.

IF you desire to haue timely beans to serue your purpose, as a fewe for nouelties, set them about the middest of December, where the sunne hath some power in the Gar­den. And if you desire to haue profit by beanes, this may be your best course, in any shadow Garden, or vnder the shadow of fruite trees, where nothing will growe but nettels and other wéeds, pare cleane that ground about the middest of Ianuarie, or all Februarie, and then digge the said ground, and in digging thereof, let the rootes of wéedes or nettles be cleane picked out, then set your beans therein, and as there is cause wéed them cleane, and when the beanes be faire blowed fiue or six ioynts of them, then you were best to pinch off about a handfull, or a span of the toppes of them with your hand, or cut them away, but they will more easier and sooner be pinched then cut. Then by this means the beanes so pinched or cut, will stand stiffe of themselues, that there needeth no rises nor boughs to bee sticked amongst them, to keepe them for breaking with the winde, And they will also beare the more beanes, and the sooner will be ripe, because there be no rises or boughs to shadow them. But if it happen that great tempestes of winde or raine do throw some of them downe. Then take [Page] a fewe rises or sprigges to support them which so doo fall, and in this manner, of one pecke of beanes so set, I haue receiued sixtéene peckes of seasonable drie beanes in gaine, In shadowe ground where nothing else wil grow but net­tels, and other weedes vnder trees, those beanes so set in shadow places or vnder trees, must bee somewhat thinne, about seauen or eight inches a sunder. And in this manner they will beare beanes sufficient good store either to be ea­ten greene, or kept drie for seedes to be set againe.

Of Onion seedes to be sowen.

THe best time and season to sowe any one séedes in the marches of Wales, is about the first of March, when the weather is somewhat faire & seasonable, then prepare to sowe your Onion séeds. And if your Garden be dunged or fallowed in December as aforesaid, then is it most prin­cipal for sowing of Onion seeds. And the drier the garden is, the sooner you may sowe it. And if it be somewhat wet and cold, then the longer you can tarrie, the better it is. So that you doe sowe before the last of March, according as your garden doth prooue in drinesse, for colde and wet earth is altogether bad for Onion seede. And when your Onyon or Iubballes do beginne to waxe somewhat readie to be vsed or spent, then make them reasonable thinne, for if they grow to thicke, they will bee verie small, but if you draw them reasonably, you shall haue faire Onyons and best for your profit. The best time to sowe Onyon seede, is a weeke before the full of the moone, and the wéek after. And best when the weather is very drie and faire.

The meanes to haue faire large Cucumbers, & the best order for them within the Countie of Salop, or in the marches of Wales.

ABout the last of Aprill, or the beginning of May whē the weather prooueth to be somewhat faire & warme, then take the séedes of Cucumbers and put them in newe milke ouer night. And if the next day after prooue a faire Sunne shine day, take the seedes and put the milke and all in a pewter platter in the heate of the Sunne three or foure houres, then put thē into the earth where you would haue them to growe, and they will spring and appeare aboue the ground within foure or fiue daies. And if you do not so place them in the heate of the sunne, then the next day after their wetting in milke, set them in the earth likewise, and when they bee sprung aboue the ground, the snailes and wormes will deuoure them, except you finde meanes to preuent them. The ground vpon which you sowe cu­cumbers seede must be very ranke and faire, where the sun giueth best heate in the garden, or most principal in a faire banke, that sheweth it selfe to the noone Sunne. If your cucumber seedes do happen to grow too thicke, then take out the woorst till they be a yard a sunder, for the more roome they haue, the better they will beare the fairer fruites, you may remoue the plants of Cucumbers when they be young, and plant them in another place, conueni­ent as aforesaid: there are sundrie other means vsed with horsedung to set and plant cucumbers: which is not to my liking, and which I omit, as not so good as aforesaid. And to haue milons, gourds, or pumpions, do the like as is expressed heerein by cucumbers, if the spring season doe serue your purpose thereunto.

The meanes to haue principall faire Artichokes, and how to haue them in all Sommer time.

IF you desire to haue timely Artichokes, then take vppe your olde rootes, in the latter halfe of September, or the first halfe of October, then choose the fairest plants and pull them from the olde rootes, then plant them in a very ranke earth, trenched about three quarters of a yard déepe, with dung mixt with some earth, and set your plants therein, and you shall haue timely Artichokes in the spring next following. And al [...]o in the beginning of March take vppe the olde rootes which haue borne fruites three times, then take the greate [...] plantes and set them as aforesaid. Take also the middle [...]ort of plants, and set them by themselues, likewise as aforesai [...] well dunge [...]. So by this meanes I haue had faire and la [...]ge [...]tic [...]o [...]es all the Sommer. And many of those [...]hich be set in Se [...]tember and October, as aforesaid, will be [...]re faire Artichokes both betimes in the spring, and al [...]o in August and September the same yéere: best time o [...] the age of the moone to plant them, is thrée or foure daies before the full of the Moone. The olde rootes of Artichokes, and the small slippes growing on them, are not to bee set for Artichokes, except you plant or set the small slippes for encrease, or to sell or giue for encrease to others, for commonly they will not beare fruites the first yeare that you doe set them: there be sundrie kindes of Ar­tichokes, the largest kinde is best to bee chosen for your purpose, there bee but two kindes principall good héere in this land to my knowledge, if you desire to haue great store of Artichokes to sell, then your best way is to make (as it were a nurcerie for plants) in this manner, make certaine bankes the greatnesse of a bushell, round like a loafe of breade, so that you may goe betwixt them, and set one plant in the toppe of euerie hillocke, and from thence yearely chuse the fairest plants to set.

The meanes to prouide Radish rootes best for your profit.

IN March or Aprill where you haue sowed either Car­rets, or Parsneps, or both, when your carets or Parsneps [Page] are aboue ground, then you may perceiue wher the ground is bare, then set the seede of Radish a fewe, fiue or sixe in a bed, and so ouer all your beddes, if you so please, & when this radish rootes bee readie, then take them away, for those timely radish rootes will tarrie but a few daies good, for they will shoote for seede, and they will also hinder the growing of the other fruites, if you sowe Radish onely without mixing of any other hearbes or fruites, you may set them from March, till the first of August, at which time it is too farre in the yeare for that purpose. And if you doe sowe radish by themselues, set them sixe inches a sunder, and let them be kept cleane from weedes, and when they be readie to be spent, away with them as you may, for they will perish both by growing to seede, and also by wormes: if you do desire to prouide radish seedes for ano­ther yeare, your best way is to sowe a bedde, and when the rootes be readie to spend, leaue the best and fairest for seedes, and let them so left for seedes, be halfe a yard a sun­der, and when the seede doth begin to bee ripe, then the birdes will de [...]oure it, except you doe prouide in time for safeguard thereof: and your radish for seedes must be sow­ed in beddes in the Month of March.

The best vse for Porret and Leekes.

BEcause Porrets and Leekes is a necessarie and profi­table hearb for house-keeping, I cannot omit to write therein: if you desire to haue Porret for your purpose, then you must first haue good seedes thereof, and to obtaine good seedes: In August or about the first of September, pre­pare your ground well mucked and well digged, in place where the sun hath reasonable power in the garden. Then take vp your Porret and set them before the twelfth of September, or else the Porret will not take sufficient roote to beare fruite the Sommer following: if you faile this to do, you shall not haue profitable seedes, for they will bee light and deafe, without perfect substance to growe when you sowe them. And also you doe loose halfe the waight of seedes, which otherwise is to bee had by timely setting of Porret, and the buyers are deceiued by those seedes of por­ret [Page] which is set so late in the yeare. Porret seedes will growe in some shadowe place reasonable well and large, so that you doo not sowe them to thicke [...] And the Por­ret for Leekes to be spent, will also prooue well in a shadow place, and you may set or plant them to be eaten or spent in Leekes when you please, in August, September, or Octo­ber, do very well, for seedes as aforesaid.

How to preser [...]e and keepe Carret rootes, and to haue them readie to serue all the winter, and till the last of March next after with very small charge.

IN the two months of October and Nouember, when you haue leisure in drie weather, then prouide a vessell or wine caske, or some other: then lay one course of sand on the bottome of the vessell two inches thicke, then a course of the carret rootes, so that the rootes do not touch one an­other: then another course of sand to couer those rootes, and then another course of rootes, and in this manner vntill the vessell be [...] full to the top, and if you haue a ground sel­ler, you may packe them in some corner in this manner, you must cut away all the branches of the carrets close by the roote, and somewhat of the small endes of the Carrets, and they must be so packed in sande vnwashed and about the last of December: sometime when the [...]e is no frost, you must then vnpacke them againe, and then the carret rootes will begin to spring in the top of the roote, then if you de­sire to keepe them vntill a longer time, then you must pare off the vpper end of the roote, that they [...]annot spring any more in the top, and then packe them againe in sand as a­foresaid, so may you keepe them well till Lent or Easter. And in this manner you may preserue and keepe the rootes of Parsneps and the Turneps, for I haue prooued it to bee true and profitable. I could yet heerein take occasion to write of diuers rootes and hearbs, for sallets, to bee planted and sowed in gardens, which do not serue my purpose, for I rather desire to prouide sufficient victuals [...]or the poore and greatest number of people, to relieue their hungrie sto­mackes, then to picke dainty sallets, to prouoke appetite to those that doe liue in excesse, the which God amend.

[Page]Beloued in Christ Iesus, I desire you to accept of this my good enterprise, in respect I desire the benefit of the common wealth héerein, and is a speciall meane to helpe and relieue the poore, as by experience was manifest in the great dearth and scarsitie last past in the Countie of Salop and else where, for with lesse garden ground then foure ackers planted with Carrets, and aboue seauen hun­dreth close cabbedges, there were many hundreds of people well refreshed thereby, for the space of twenty daies, when bread was wanting amongst the poore in the pinch or fewe daies before haruest. And many of the poore said to me, they had nothing to eate but onely carrets and Cabed­ges, which they had of me for many daies, and but onelie water to drinke. They had commonly sixe waxe poundes of small close Cabedges for a penny to the poore. Aud in this manner I did serue them, and they were wonderfull glad to haue them, most humbly praising God for them. And because I did manifestly see and knew, that so littl [...] gardē ground, as lesse then foure ackers, did this great ef­fect in the common wealth, and especially in helping th [...] poore thereby: Therefore I desire all good and godly peo­ple to accept of my good will therein, and to put in practise this my experience and knowledge herein mentioned. And then I haue my wished desire. That the Almighty GOD may be glorified in his owne workes, and the poore the better relieued thereby, and thus for Gods loue and your owne profit also. And if any person desire to know of one further then I haue héerein expressed, if you come to me, I hope you shall not want your desire, for as I was willing to write, so am I willing to instruct as many as will re­quest my good will therein, most willingly while it please God I remaine in this mortall life to the end. And thus the Almighty GOD blesse your good proceedings there­in.

It is not vnknowne to the Citty of London, and many other townes and cities on the sea coast, what great aboun­dance of carrets are brought by forraine nations to this lād, whereby they haue receiued yéerely great summes of mony [Page] and commodities out of this land, and all by carelesnes of the people of this realme of England, which do not endeuor themselues for their owne profits therein, but that this last dearth and scarsitie hath somewhat vrged the people to prooue many waies for their better reliefe [...] whereby I hope the benefit of Carret rootes are profitable, I will reueale my knowledge héerein: and first the vse of them amongst the better sort by the Cookes. The Cookes will take Car­rets deuided in péeces, and boile them to season their stew­ed broth, and doth wonderfull well therein as dayly is knowne in seruice to the better sort. Also Carret rootes are boyled with powdred béefe, and eaten therewith: and as some doe report, a fewe Carrets do saue one quarter of béefe in the eating of a whole beefe: and to be boyled and eaten with Porke, and all other boyled meat of flesh amongst the common sort of people, & amongst the poorer sort also: Car­rets of red colours are desired of many to make dainty sal­lets, for roast Mutton or Lambe with Uineger and Pep­per. Also Carrets shred or cut small one or two of them, and boyled in pottage of any kinde, doth effectually make those pottage good, for the vse of the common sort. Carrets well boyled and buttred is a good dish for hungrie or good sto­mackes. Carrets in necessitie and dearth, are eaten of the poore people, after they be well boyled, instéed of bread and meate. Many people will eate Carrets raw, and doe dis­gest well in hungry stomackes: they giue good n [...]urish­ment to all people, and not hurtfull to any, whatsoeuer in­firmities they be diseased of, as by experience doth prooue by many to be true. Carrets are good to be eaten with salt fish. Therfore sowe Carrets in your Gardens, and hum­bly praise God for thē, as for a singuler and great blessing: so thus much for the vse and benefit had in the common­wealth by Carrets. Admit if it should please God, that any City or towne should be besieged with the enemy, what better prouision for the greatest number of people can bee, then euery garden to be sufficiently planted w [...]th Carrets?

I doe desire al people, which haue cause to sell Garden fruites or séedes to the vse of others, that they would sell in [Page] reason and conscience, and for thier better instr [...]ctions, I haue heerein mentioned a bréefe rate, how they may well be offorded and soulde, and how I doe make sale of fruites and seedes to others as heerein is expressed. And so long as it shall please God I doe remaine in this mortall life, I will be ready to performe the same to the vttermost of my power in good will, to the benefit of the common wealth, and especially to the poore inhabitants of t [...]is towne of Shrewesburie.

The price of Carret seedes of both the be [...]t kindes: that is to say, the large yellow Carret and the great shorte yel­low Carret, the best and fairest roots chosen to set to beare seedes as before is express [...]d: my price of those principall Carret seedes, is after the rate of two shillings the waxe pound, without deceipt.

Large yellow Carrets of those two best kindes after the rate of two pence the stone, ten waxe waights to euery stone, and also the like large Carrets which I [...] [...]epe and preserue in sande as aforesaid, til Ianuarie, Fe [...]ru [...]y, and Marche, my price is iii. pence the sto [...]e.

The small roots of yellow Carrets, of both the best kinds all the rate o [...] si [...]e waxe pounds for a penney.

Principall close Cabadge séeds, after the rate of iiii.d. the ounce, the which seedes are hardly saued in this c [...]un [...]e of Salop, for being deuoured with birds.

Faire and large close Cabadges, after the rate of two waxe pounds for a penney: and the smal close cabadges bet­ter cheape [...]o the poore, as occasion shall serue.

Turnep séedes of the best and largest kinde, after the rate of xii. pence the pound.

Faire and large Turneps, at y rate of ii. pennce the stone.

Principall garden Beanes of the best kinde, good and drye to s [...]t, after the rate of ii. pence the quart.

Like gardē beans greene to eat, at the rate of i. d. y quart.

Faire Harticho [...]ks [...] of the grea [...]est sort, at i. d. a péec [...]e, and the other, two or thrée for i, d. as they prooue in greatnes.

These aforesaid, & all other garden fruits, rootes and séeds whatsoeuer, which I haue to sell, are at a reasonable price, [Page] and perfect good without deceipt, and so many as will bee content to buy with reason, come and welcome.

And if any other person desire to buy any store of princi­pall carret seedes, as before is expressed, to sell for reason to others, to benefit the cōmon wealth, I am willing to serue his turne better cheape thē before is declared, because I am willing to procure the vse of carrets, knowne aswell to all people in this parte of England as Wales, which God graunt for the better helpe and comfort of the poore, and al­though I do not know in al this land where to buy the like [...]arret seeds for v, s. a pound, yet my price is i [...]j s the waxe pound, or lesse, as cause is to my liking, till the peole may haue store of their owne growing for their gardens, which is my desire, if it may so please God.

An exhortation to loue, wherby all good works do effectually proceed eyther to the glory of God, or benefit of the comm [...]n-wealth.

BEloued, the holy word saith: That if we haue faith to re­moue mountaines, if we haue not loue, it dooth not pre­uaile vs any thing. This loue required of vs, doth consist in few words, that is. Loue God aboue all things, & thy neigh­bour as thy selfe. To loue God aboue all thinges, is humbly to giue him most hearty thankes for our creation & our re­demption, in the merits of our onely sauiour Iesus Christ, and also to loue him in a heartie desire, to obey him in the precepts conteined in his most holy worde, and also to loue him for all his benefits both spirituall & temporall, to loue him for his wonderfull prouidence of heauen & earth, and all that is therin, for the helpe & comfort of mankinde, and to loue thy neighbor as thy selfe, is to cherish him, and cour­teously to admonish and intreate him, to auoid sinne, and to comfort him with those blessings which the Lorde hath made thee steward of for that purpose: and when the Lord calleth th [...]e to make accompt of thy Stewardship, if thou willingly doe endeuour thy selfe to performe the loue afore­said, then true faith, and true repentance, will bring thee (as it were) hand in hād, to the presence of the Lord, where thou shalt make a ioyfull accompte, onely accepted in the merrites of Christ Iesus.

[Page]This is the totall summe of thy Stewardship, whatso­euer thou bee, and if thou careleslye omit to doe thy office heerein, thou makest a hard accompt for thy selfe, which God forbid, if it bee his good pleasure therein. And there­fore loue God aboue all thinges, and thy neighbour as thy selfe. And then I shal surely and effectuallye haue my desire heerein, and greatly for the profit of the common wealt [...]. And thus I desire thee good Reader, to take in good parte this my last farewell to my nati [...]e soyle of Shrewsburie, except I be urged in conscience further to procéede, as cause and time dooth require therein, and for the better [...]xpelling of sinne, which is the onely hindrance of all good workes: let vs humbly end with hartie prayer to our heauenly Fa­ther as followeth.

O Heauenly Father, haue mercie vpon this common-wealth and con­gregation, & graunt that we doe not resist nor quench thy holy spi­rit any longer, but that we may vtterly abo [...]ish and [...]orsake cont [...]nt ō ambition, [...]aine glory, and al manner of crueltie, periuerie & sm [...]oth dis [...]ē ­bling ipocrisie, & all other greeuo [...]s sinnes daylyē committed against [...]ay deuine Maie [...]tie: Graunt al [...]o O heauenly Father, that the P [...]ea [...]er [...] & di­stributers of thy holy word & gospel, haue not cause any lōger to mourne, lament, and gree [...]e, in that they cannot preuaile against these notorious sinnes aforesaid, & many other [...] daily committed, not in the space of [...]ortie yeares past, to any good purpose, whe [...]eby sinne is growne to be rotten ripe, dayly vrging the presence of thy iudgemēts against vs [...] and graunt likewise if it be thy good pleasure [...] that our owne great number of bookes, wherin thy hol [...] word is conteined, & by thy great mercie we doe poss [...]sse th [...]m in peace many yeares past, that they be notwitnes against vs in the day of thy feareful visit [...]ion. Graunt also for thy mercies sake that all th [...]se which do seeme to professe thy holy worde and Gospel, may also truely & effectually practise t [...]e same in their liues and conuersatiō without shamele [...] ipo [...]sie or blinde selfe lou [...]. O Lord behoulde and reforme the gr [...]at m [...]ltitude of seditious persons, that haue presumed into the place of auncient pe [...]ce [...]ma­kers, whereby thy holy word and Gospell hath taken s [...]all effect in [...]his comm [...] wealth, for ma [...]y yeares past, by reason thereof O Lorde re [...]orme their abuses, & shorten thei [...] contentious proceedi [...]gs, for th [...]ne elect sake, Graunt also O heauenly fath [...]r, that v [...]fained loue & charitie, may possesse the hearts of all men: & that sedition and b [...]inde selfe loue may be v [...]terlye vanquished vnto Sathan, from whence it dooth proceede into the hearts of t [...]e vngodly, against the true peace of thy holy worde and Gospel. Grace mercy and peace from God our heauenly Father, bee with v [...] all, now and euermo [...]e. Amen.


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