SOLENNE DECRETVM, A nationali Ecclesiarum Gallicarum Sy­nodo (celebrata GAPINCI apud Delphinates) proclamatum, & publicae Confessioni earumdem adscriptum.

CVM Vero Episcopus Romanus, erecta sibi in orbe Christiano Monarchia, sibi arroget Principatum in omnes Ecclesi­as & Pastores: vsque adeo inflatus, 1 Vt Deum ipse se appellet. Concil. Lateran. vlt. Sess. 1. 3. 9, & 10. Velit adora­ri: Ipse sibi tribuat omnem potestatem in coelo & in terra: Res Ecclesiasticas ad libitum compo­nat: Cōdat articulos fidei: Authoritatem Scripturae velit pendere a sua, eamque ad libitum interpretetur: Anima­rum mercaturam exerceat: Liberet adstrictos votis & iu­ramentis: Nouos Dei cultus instituat: Et (quod ad Ciuilia attinet) legitimam Magistratuum auctoritatem concul­cet; dans, adimens, & transferens Regna: Credimus & as­serimus, eum esse verum illum & germanum ANTI­CHRISTVM, Filium perditionis, praedictum in Ver­bo Dei: Meretricem purpuratam, insidentem septem montibus in magna Ciuitate; Obtinentem Regnum in Reges terrae: Et expectamus donec Deus (prout promisit, & iam coepit) eum fractum & victum Spiritu oris sui, tandem deleat fulgore aduentus sui.

Ʋisum & approbatum.


A SOLEMNE DECREE OF the Nationall Synod of GAP, in the pro­uince of Delphine in France, publikely proclaimed, and ascribed to the publique Confession of the Church.

WHereas the Bishop of Rome, hauing erected a Monarchie in the Christi­an world, doth chalenge and arro­gate vnto himselfe, the Principalli­tie ouer al Churches and Pastors, being so extreamely proud & puffed vp, 1 That he calleth himselfe God. Concil. Lateran. vlt. Sess. 1. 3. 9, & 10. That he will be worshiped: And also at­tributeth vnto himselfe all power in Heauen and in Earth: ordereth Ecclesiasticall matters at his owne pleasure: frameth new Articles of Faith: will haue the Anthoritie of the Scriptures to de­pend of his own Authority, & interpreteth them as he listeth: exerciseth the marchandizing of soules, absolues men from their vowes and oathes; In­stituteth new worship of God. And in like manner (as cōcerning Ciuil affayres) treadeth vnder foote the lawfull authoritie of Magistrates, giuing, ta­king away, and translating Kingdomes: We doe stedfastly beleeue, and constantly affirme, that Hee (the Pope of Rome) is that GREATE AND PROPER ANTICHRIST, that Sonne of Per­dition, foretolde in the word of God, that purple Harlot sitting vpon seauen Hilles in the greate Cittie, hauing obtained the kingdome ouer Kings of the earth. And we wait and expect, whilst that God according to his promise, and as hee hath be­gunne alreadie, to weaken and ouercome him by the Spirit of his mouth, doth at last vtterlye confound and destroy him, by the brightnesse of his comming.


Londini per Edwardum Allde & A. J. 1604.

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