A Spectaclc fo [...] Pe [...]iu [...]e [...]s▪

Deus Videt

27. Die Nouemb. 1589.

IOhn Iones of the Parrish of S. Sepulchres in Lon­don Gentleman, aged fortie yeeres and aboue, made oath that he was present about two yeeres past, at the signe of the George in Yorke, when M. Christopher Crosbitt Gentleman, did lend vnto M. Rochard Swale Doctor of the Ciuill Law, the Sum of two hundreth pounds in Angels▪ with which money the saide M. Swale did then say he would buy certain Lands in Yorkshire, of the value of twenty pounds. And he then heard M. Swale promise the said M. Crosbitt, that the same land should be assured to him and his Heires, vntill the said money repaid him. And where in ef­fect this deponent now remembreth not touching that matter, [...]a­uing that he thinketh in his conscience, that the said M. Crosbitt had neither the said land assured him, nor the said moneye paide him back again.

Th'originall herof remaineth with M. Doctor Swale: being wilfully f [...]lse in all points.
Thus subscribed. I. I.

NOte, that (through the like wilfull periury of this Iones and Bolton the Cut­purse) Eulwood and Doughtie were before that time condemned in the Star-Chamber (as it strangely happened) of conspiracie, at the sute of Brok [...]smoth, other­wise called Rougecrosse Painter, onelye for that they (amongst others) were the meanes that the same Broksmoth was iustly condemde, and burnde in the hand at Newgate for two notable fellonies. By which like periuries, any man may be con­demned in any cause whatsoeuer.

God amend that's amisse,
Better make a new world, then amend this.
Flye Falshood.
ꝙ. Fulwood.

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