With a Declaration of the violence and iniuries offered vnto the same, by the Spirituall and Romish Babylon; as well in her publique Missals, Breuiaries, Portuses, R [...]saries, Liturgies, Psalters, Primers, Manuels of prayers and Suffrages, as in their best and most approued priuate Writings.
Reuealing many blasphemous Mysteries vnknowne to the Vulgar.
By RICHARD FOVVNS, Doctor of Diuinitie, and Chaplaine Domesticall to the late illustrious Prince HENRY.
LONDON, Printed by HVMFREY LOVVNES for MATHEVV LOVVNES: and are to bee sold at his Shop in Pauls Church yard, at the signe of the Bishops head. 1618.
TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE CHARLES; PRINCE OF GREAT BRITAINE, DVKE of Cornewall, Earle of Chester, Sonne and Heire apparant to the most Excellent and Illustrious Monarch, IAMES, by Gods great mercy, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
IESVS Christ, the supreme King of Kings, and of all Lords transcendent Lord and Soueraigne Ruler, crowne your Highnesse with all blessings from the heauens aboue, and from the earth beneath; that after a long and glorious life in this world, you may for euer and euer put on the Stole of immortall felicity in the world to come.
The honour and dignity of Potentates and [Page] great Gouernours (most gratious Prince) consisteth neither in the largenesse of their Empire, the riches of their Treasure, the abundance of Reuenew, the multitude of Subiects, the prosperity of Armies, the strength of Cities, Castles, Palaces or Guards: but in this is euery Prince renowned, if they which delight in Thrones and Scepters, embrace wisedome, that heauenly and diuine wisedome, which was the light vnto the feete,Psal. 119. and the Lanthorne vnto the pathes of Dauid; euen true Religion, the sincere seruice of God.
The sweete and Evangelicall Prophet Esay therefore declareth, that to vphold Religion, and to defend the Gospell, is the principall end for which all Gouernours and Magistrates were ordained. Kings (saith he) shall bee thy nursing Fathers, Esay 49.23. and Queenes shall be thy nursing Mothers.
And this indeed is the chiefest reason why vnto Kings, Princes, and great Rulers commonly the trauailes and labours of the pen, vndertaken in defence of Religion, are commended; not, that by their power men do expect to be defended from slanderous and poysoned tongues (which Kings and Princes themselues cannot auoid) but that vnto them which sit at the Sterne of gouernement, the knowledge of controuersies [Page] in Religion should bee brought, to the end, that false worship being extirped, true Religion may be vpheld, and the right feare of God established vpon the earth.
Hauing finished therefore this poore Orphan labour of mine, begunne not without the knowledge and approbation of that thrice-noble Prince, Henry, your Hignesse late dearest and most worthy brother; I thought it my duty to present it vnto your Grace, both in respect of that excellent knowledge of heauenly things, to which, euen in this your tender age you haue attained: as also for that vnder his hopefull aspect, it first tooke life and began to grow.
Surely, I cannot tell to whom rather the knowledge of this cause should appertaine, then to your most excellent Highnesse: whom God (I hope) hath ordained, after a long period of the glorious and happy raigne of your august and gratious father, to sway the Scepter of the Brittish Kingdom, which therefore the hellish brood of Locusts, Iesuites, and Seminaries do so much labour to bring backe againe vnto the Romish seruitude; not, that either they care for our saluation, or that they dislike the doctrine of our Church, but for that this fertile Iland hath yeelded such large reuenew, and copious prouent [Page] vnto the vnsatiable vultures of that Court.
And it is worthy obseruation, that as neither Religion, nor zeale of the truth hath set these brands on fire to the deuastation & combustion of Christendome; so no lenity nor mercy preuaileth to appease their gall: for otherwise, how could they breake out into such treasons and slanders against the most sacred person of our Tres-noble King? then whom, the Sunne neuer saw a Prince more mercifull, nor more clement; in so much that I should presume to haue said, that his pittie and compassion had beene more then the safety of his State could well endure: sauing that my Lord the King is euen an Angell of God discerning both good and bad.2. S [...]m. 14 17.
I speak not this to exasperate your Highnesse more then is conuenient: neither do I with Eckius declaime how lawfull it is to put Heretickes to death,Eck trac. de Cōburend. Haret. nor vrge the Sentence of diuine Command by which Idolaters must die. God forbid, that where the Master is a Lambe, the Minister should be a Lyon:Iosh. 9.23. Numb. 5.2. onely, I wish that Gibeonites should not be Lords; nor Lepers liue as they which are clean in the Land. And I must be humbly bold to say vnto your Highnesse after the maner as Amphilochius that worthy Bishop once spake vnto Theodosius the Emperour; A Prince [Page] may iusty feare how God will prosper him in his succession,Zozom. lib. 7. c. [...]. if he suffer them which are open enemies to the Kingdome and office of his Son Christ Iesus, to flourish without controule in his Dominions. With vs (God be blessed) it is not so: for his most excellent Maiestie hath prouided Christian and wholesome Lawes to suppresse this heresie and superstition; and as well by his peerelesse Labours and exquisite Writings, as by godly Edicts & Proclamations, aduanceth pure Religion vnto the vttermost.Zenoph. de dictis & factis Socr. But as it is in the roofe of an house, if the tyles from the vppermost crest depend in due and fit subordination, all tempest and iniurie of weather fals to the ground, and is shaken off; But when they lye athwart and crosse vnto the head, euery little showre will breake in and annoy the Edifice: So, if inferiour Magistrates, who liue in the places where Popish infection is, do not duely execute the Regall Religious Lawes ordained for this purpose, but rather helpe to shuffle delinquents out of the power of the Law, and blinde the eyes of the State; What policie of a Prince can serue turne, or what authority preuaile, Cum bonus, Diocl. Flav. Vopisium. cautus, optimus, venditur Jmperator.
I know, it ill befits Phormio to read a lecture of Chiualrie to Hanniball, or mee to discourse of [Page] policy in the eares of your excellent Highnesse; whose vnderstanding and knowledge in matters of religion, both by your supernaturall endowment and grace, as by the succesfull labours of your worthy Chiron, Mr Thomas Murrey, euen in your childehood was aboue the power of your age. Yet, giue mee leaue, (most illustrious Prince) since the desolation and destruction of the great Whore must be wrought by Kings and Princes,Apoc. 17.16, who shall eate her flesh, and burne her with fire; to inuite your Highnesse also vnto the banquet, and to declare vnto your Princely Celsitude what God requireth at your hands, and the hands of all Kings and Princes, euen to stand on the watch-tower in the day time, and to set your selfe in the watch euery night,Esay 21.8 to put your selfe into the number of those fanners that shall fanne Babylon, [...]ct. 7.2 and empty her land, that is, shall examine her errours, and make desolate her kingdome, and in the day of her trouble bee against her on euery side.
Surely, Dauid and Salomon are no more praised in the Scripture, for preparing the substance, and building of the house of God in Ierusalem,2 Chron. 3 Chron. 31.2 then was Iosaphat for taking away the high places and groues out of Iudah; Joash for repairing the temple; Hezekia and Josiah for reuiuing the [Page] worship of God almost vtterly decaied in the land.2 Chron. 35 These are glorious examples for your Highnesse imitation, shining starres of direction in your course, bright mirrours by which you may compose your actions; assuring your royall breast, that if you seeke the glory of GOD, promoting of truth, aduancement of religion with an vpright and perfect heart, no poyson, no gun-powder, no knife of barbarous Iesuits, nor conspiring Seminaries shall hurt you. Hee shall couer you vnder his wings, and you shall be safe vnder his feathers, his truth shall be your shield and buckler.Ps [...]l. 9 [...]. Psal. 2 You shall not feare the pestilence that walketh in the darkenesse, nor the plague that destroieth at noone day: but you shall flourish like a Palme-tree, and grow vp like a Cedar in Lebanon, the louing kindnesse of the Lord shall endure for euer and euer vpon you, and his righteousnes vpon your childrens children. Which the Lord of his mercy, through his deare Sonne Iesus Christ, grant vnto your most excellent Highnesse, O Lemuel, O Jonathan, O breath of our nostrils!
TO THE BELOVED JSRAEL, WHICH SITTETH BY the waters of Babylon in spirituall captiuitie, hungring and thirsting after the righteousnes of GOD: that is to say, to all simple seduced Papists, who haue not drunke so deepe of the Cup of the great Whore, but that they willingly hearken to the will of the true Shepheard; Grace, peace and trueth, from God the Father, through IESVS CHRIST our Lord, by the renuing of the Spirit of God.
GReat is the difference (welbeloued in Christ Iesus) betwixt want of knowledge, and wilfull errour; ignorance of simplicitie, and ignorance of peruerse disposition. For although a small errour in the beginning may growe great in the end,Arist. l. de coelo & Mund. as Aristotle; Yea all deep-rooted errors are hardly by words extirped, as Petrarch witnesseth:Petraro de vit. so [...]t. lib. 1. cap. 2. yet as to bee deceiued in opinion is infirmitie of nature; So with an high hand euen against the face of Trueth to defend falsehood, is Serpentine and Satanicall maliciousnesse.
Wherefore auoiding to sing vnto these deafe Adders which haue stopt their eares, charme the charmer neuer so wisely; I addresse my speech vnto you, poorer in spirit, yonger in [Page] malice, who although you sit in darknes, yet hate not the light; though you know not truth, yet loue not lies.
All meanes I am sure to detaine you in errour are by your pretended spirituall Fathers of Rome daily practised; force, torture, persecution, forbidding of you to read the labours of all them in whose forehead the Character of the Beast is not. A practice so much the more abominable, because the proofes and arguments which are produced by the professors of the reformed religion against the vse of Rome, are chiefely taken out of the word of God, the Scriptures of our saluation; which to deny vnto the world, what is it but to take the Sunne out of the firmament? and to forbid men to read, What is it but with Nahas to pull out the right eyes of Israel, euen the cleere eye of true faith, that they may be led by blinde guides headlong into all perdition?
Dum enim grauia scripture dicta non perquire [...]ur vt mandantur, paulatim a s [...]entia decidet mens, vt aliquādo nec leuia intellectu cap [...]antur. Greg. super Cant. Gregory well obserueth; while the weightie sentences of Scripture are not sought for as it is commanded, by little and little the minde falleth from knowledge, so that many times the easie things are not vnderstood. You see then the purpose for which the perusing of Scriptures is interdicted vnto you, that being spoiled of her armour, the soule may bee made captiue vnto the will and pleasure of Idol and brutish Shepheards, whose onely study is so to beare rule ouer you, that you may heare by their eares,Eck de M [...]ss Lat. non Germ [...]nice dicend. and see by their eyes; as Eckius for defence of his Masse in the Latine tongue shameth not to affirme, that All the hearers thereof must trust in the faith of the Church.
Cyp. in tract. 3. de Simp prael.From this supine negligence and slumber in the cause of Religion let Cyprian awake vs; who saith, the Diuell is changed into an Angell of light, and subornes his Mininisters, as the Ministers of righteousnesse, who put the night for the day, destruction for saluation, desperation vnder the [Page] pretext of hope, perfidiousnesse for faith, Antichrist for Christ; and while they feigne things probable, they ouerthrow the truth with their subtilty. This is brought to passe (deare brethren) because the Spring of truth is not sought vnto, neither haue men recourse vnto the head, neither is the doctrine of the heauenly Master obserued.Act. 17.11. Let the B [...]reans teach vs also who searched the Scriptures daily concerning the truth of the things which Paul had preached. Finally, hearken I beseech you to the high Priest and Bishop of your soules Iesus Christ, who exhorteth not his Apostles, and the Rulers of the Church onely, to awake from sleepe, and to flee the darkenes; But, What I say vnto you, I say vnto all men, Watch. Mark. 13.37. When ambitious Manasses, brother to the good Priest Iadus, Iadus high priest of Ierusalem, Manasses of Samaria. by the meanes of Shanabalat the Horonite had built a Temple on Mount Gerizim in Samaria, wherein the holy Law of Moses was daily prophaned, so that who in Ierusalem had eaten vncleane meates, or defiled the Sa [...]bath, fled vnto this Temple as a sanctuarie, wherein Idolatry, strange worship, and all prophanenesse was to be found: Yet such was their impudence, that they feared not to contend with the Temple which Salomon built at Ierusalem, for antiquity, dignity, and place. Here was now Mountain against Mountain, Temple against Temple, Altar against Altar, Law against Law, Priest against Priest, while the Iewes auouched the Temple of Ierusalem to be built according to the prescription of Moses; Schisme betweene the Iewes and Samar [...]tanes, which should be [...]he true Temple. and the Samaritanes earnestly stroue that on their Mount of Gerizim, Moses intended that the house of God should stand Into such violence burst out, at last, the flame of this contention, that it came vnto the eares of King Ptolomeu [...] Philometer: and vnto his iudgement on both sides was the cause referred: Before whom they bound themselues with a solemne oath, swearing by God and the King, that they would bring their [Page] proofes out of the Law of God. Which when they had on either part done, the Iewes for their Temple brought better testimonies then the Samaritanes could, and had the victorie. The same kinde of triall betwixt the Christian Church,Co [...]trouersies tryed by the Scriptur [...]s. and the Romish Church, we still desire; that by the authority of the pure word of God it may be decided, where the true Temple is: with them, or vs.
Iu [...]g. 9.When the Gibeonites saw themselues vnable to stand against Israel, they sent Messengers to Iosua in old and ouerworne garments, rent and torne shooes, hauing sowre drinke in their bottles, dryed and moulded bread in their bagges, pretending that they came from far, & dwelt a great way off frō Israel. To which, while the people gaue ouer-light credence, counselling not as they were wont at the mouth of the Lord; they made with them an vnaduised league, and sware a peace to be repented. With the like fraud, vnder false pretence, and borrowed ragges of antiquity and succession, doe the Romish Masters, at this day, insinuate themselues into the hearts and fauour of such who giue no eare vnto the Word and Oracles of God. And not so onely: but as Iezabel to auoide the iust punishment due vnto her whorish and Idolatricall beastlinesse, entertained Iehu with a painted face,2. Reg. 9.30. and tyred her head; So they also colour their impiety, hide from your eyes their blasphemies, and cast painted glosses ouer their grosse superstition; that they may blinde your iudgement, and abuse your zeale with maskes and shadowes.
I haue therefore, according vnto the measure of grace giuen me, in these my labours, vnscarfed the Papall policie, and laid open the mysterie of Babylon, shewing you her filthy parts, the very dregs of her cup: that seeing there lyeth much Adders poyson vnder her tongue, which you perceiue not; much gaule, much bitternesse, which by the lying glosse of false hypocrisie is hidden from your eyes, you may at the last finde [Page] whither they haue led you; and to what place, all this while, blind fold yee haue trauelled, and that your feet stand not in the gates of Sion, nor yet in the Prophets house at Dothan; 2. Reg. 6. but that you are in the middes of Samaria, the implacable enemy of the true Ierusalem. Which, that it may be the better brought to passe, I will pray also with the Prophet,2. Reg. 6.20. Lord open the eyes of these men, that they may see.
Your Missals, the solemne formes of publique Seruice, I haue vndertaken to examine, prouing out of them the Limitations of Bellarmine, and such other Sophisters (by which they go about to maintain the grosseness of errours) to be meere mockeries not obserued in the Liturgies of the Romish Church. I haue also studied to shew vnto you the abhominable falsehood, superstition, and Idolatry, in the Breuiaries, and Masse-bookes contained; that when you see how the open religious seruice of God, is prophaned and falsified, you may iudge what faith or sincerity they keep in their priuate writings; and say with that great Physition, Si aqua praesocat, quid insuper sorbebimus; If we be strangled with the purest water what then shall we drink?
One thing let me especially commend to your considerations. Whereas it is a common opinion that your Missals & Legends, of late time set forth, are more reformed then the old and obsolete; It is farre otherwise: for there is no blasphemy so great, nor superstition so absurd, to be found in the one, which is not as palpably deprehended in the other. For as of Masse-bookes the Romane Breuiarie, set forth by the authority of the Councell of Trent, and ratified by Pius Quintus, is held the tersest and most reformed: So the Legend published by Aloysius Lypomanus, is accounted the flower of Legends: But to speake the truth, these aboue the rest, by many degrees, surmount in all spirituall wickednesse, in all falshood and blasphemy.
I haue not onely therfore vsed the testimony of the later Legends and Missals, but of the former also; for that in many things the Romane Breuiarie not onely taketh hands with the most barbarous Legends of Lombardy and England, but it seeemeth for the most part, either taken out of the Missals of Sarisbury and Hereford, or at the least to imitate them in their Rites and Ceremonies.
Neither can any man iustly blame me in this proceeding; seeing the vse of Sarum is neither disanulled, nor exauctorated, but that it may be still sung, and vsed by the Priests in their celebration: as it may appeare by the Bull of Pius Quintus, dated in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred and seuenty the day before the Ides of Iuly, and in the first yeare of his Popedome: in which, though all other Missals be recalled,Nisi ab ipsa prima institutione a sede Apostolita approbata vel consuitudine quaevil ipsam stituto super du [...]ētes annos Missarum celebrand [...]rum in er [...]dum Ecclesijs assidue obs [...]ruata sit: à quibus vt Praesatam celebrands co [...]stitutionem vel consu [...] tudinem nequaquā auferimus. yet such are permitted vnto any Church, as haue beene vsed aboue the space of two hundred yea [...]es. Now theEx Baleo. cont. 13. cap. 14. Missall of Sarisbury was first deuised by Osmundus Neustrius Earle of Dorset, a great Souldier, and Captaine, vnder William the Conquerour, Chancellour also of England, and second Bishop of Sarisbury, after the translations of the same Episcopall Sea from Shi [...]borne to Sa [...]um. But this warlike BishopEx fl [...]rint. W [...] gorne. Ex com. laudatissum & doctisiti [...]s praesul [...]. F [...]. Godwi [...]t Ep [...]. Landineu. de praesulious A [...]gl. died the twenty fourth yeare of his Prelacie, 3. nonas Decembris, anno Domini 1099: and being Sainted, vnto him the third day of December is consecrate. Wherefore seeing the Custome of Sarisbury cannot bee lesse then of fiue hundred and eightie yeares continuance, t [...] remaineth as yet in force, and may by the testimony of the Pope himselfe be still celebrated.
As for my sincerity and faithfulness in producing testimonies, and witnesses in the cause I handle; as vnto the conscience of euery man that surueyeth these Labours, and compareth my Quotations with the Originall, I doubt not, but to approue [Page] my selfe: So I call that great and glorious God, whose vnworthy Minister I am, to witnesse, that I haue not willingly, wittingly, or malitiously falsified, wrested, peruerted, or misconstrued any places by me alleaged; knowing that one day I shall stand before the great Tribunall, where the secrets of all hearts shall be opened, and I my selfe shall giue account of all that I haue said or written. I thanke God I feare the Lord, and tremble at his iudgements; before my eyes are all the rabble of false accusers, Doeg the Edomite, Haman the Agagite, the wicked Iewes that slandered Christ, whose shamefull seed is a pillar of Salt to all posterity. I remember also the three accusers of Narcissus, to whom the seuerall vengeance, fire, languishing, and blindnesse sorted, as euery one imprecated to himselfe, if he accused falsly. Wherefore let there be no preiudice, I beseech you, either of the cause it selfe, or of my person but as you are zealous of your owne saluation, so peruse the high and heynous crimes, blasphemy, idolatry, superstition, falshood, Antichristianisme, which I obiect against the publique forme of your worship, and the daily practice of your policie. Wherein, if you finde me truely and duely to charge them, Go forth out of Babylon, flee from the Chaldeans, flee I say out of the middest of Babylon, and deliuer euery man his soule: be not cut off in her iniquitie. Now this the Lord God grant vnto you that we may be all gathered into the Sheep fold of the great and true Sheep-heard, who hath giuen his life for you, and hath shed his bloud to wash you, and present you faultlesse without spot vnto God. To him, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, bee all Praise, Power, Might, and Maiesty ascribed, in the Congregation of all Saints, world without end, Amen.
TO THE CHRISTIAN AND GODLY READER, GRACE, AND TRVTH, AND PEACE, BE MVLTIPLIED from God the Father, and IESVS CHRIST his Sonne, by the powerfull operation of the holy Spirit.
TWo Cities the Spirit of God by the pen of all the Prophets setteth out vnto vs: Ierusalem the vision of peace, or the perfect peace; and Babylon the confusion of this peace. Wherefore Ierusalem and Babylon are the arguments of all the Prophets from Esay to Malachy, while some describe the honour, the excellence, the prosperitie, the vnitie of Ierusalem; others the crueltie, the couetousnesse, the contention, the idolatry [Page] of Babylon; together with the longing desire of Israel to bee deliuered out of the Hell of their captiuitie.
All this is but a very figure, and mysticall type of two greater Cities, striuing vnder the name of the Church, like the twinnes in Rebeccaes wombe.Gen. 25 22. Wherefore the New Testament containeth the building vp of the spirituall Ierusalem, the true Church of God, seated vpon the faithfull Rocke of all stabilitie, Iesus Christ; and sheweth the malignitie, and the conspiracie of the Antichristian Synagogue, the Mysticall Babylon, against the poore flocke, the Turtle, the spouse of Christ, together with the captiuitie of the holy Citie for a time: and withall teacheth the Zion of God to striue and labour to bee deliuered from this more then seruile slauery.
The captiuitie of the terrestriall Ierusalem was corporall, carnall, and worldly. In which their bodies and goods were carried away, according to the disposition of the Conquerour: Their political estate was ouerthrown: their countrey wasted, and giuen vp into the hands of strangers.
The captiuitie of the Mysticall Ierusalem, the militant Church of Christ, is chiefely spirituall, while the Princes of Babylon raigne not onely in their Palaces, but in the Soules of men, deforming the religion, changing the worship, altering the lawes, prophaning the Couenant, poisoning the faith, blinding the knowledge, terrifying the consciences, and lading them with traditions, ceremonies, and constitutions, heauier then any clay of Egypt, more burdenous then any iron, any fetters of Babylon. For this cause, the raigne of Antichrist, and his Lordship ouer the Church of Christ, the Spirit of God calleth great Babylon, Apoc. 17 5. the mother of whoredomes, and [Page] abominations of the earth.
Some perhaps will maruell,Ob. how wee can giue vnto any Sect the Title and Appellation of Babylon, which doth professe it selfe Christian; and hath for sundry yeares borne the name of the Catholique Church.Sol. To these I answere, that the second Babylon doth in this differ from the first, that the first was a stranger, an open enemie, a professed aduersarie to Israel; but the second Babylon is a lurking, a secret enemie, who is couered with the cloathing of the Sheepe, chalengeth to haue the hornes of the Lambe, will seeme to bee the onely Temple, and the onely Church of Christ, vnder colour whereof she perturbeth, peruerteth, ouerthroweth, destroyeth all things. But it is true, as the Chaldean Babylon is the head of all those which maligned, vexed, hated, and persecuted the naturall Israel: so Rome is the head of them which depopulate, waste, and destroy the Church. Wherefore Ambrose (if he were author of that exposition vpon the Apocalypse which goeth vnder his name) saith, The great Whore sometime signifieth Rome. Babylon apud [...]onostrum Ro. vrbis figu [...]a est. Tert. l. 3. adu. Marcion. And Tertullian saith, that Babylon in Saint Iohn is a figure of the Citie of Rome. Rhem. in 1. Pet. 5. annot 4. Peter writeth from [...]aby [...]on, that is Rome. And the Romanists themselues say, that by the Church at Babylon, Pet [...]r the Apostle did vnderstand the Church at Rome: & to this opinion,Euseb. l 2. c. 14. hist. vt cita [...] Rh [...]m. ib. Eusebius, Ieronian Cata de terti illuss. vt affirmant R [...]em. St. Ierome, Oecumen [...] vt ipsi citāt Rh [...] [...] Oecumenius doe subscribe. This the Disciples of the Romish Church say is to bee vnderstood onely of Ethnicke Rome vnder the gouernment of Heathen Emperours. But to this their euasion the spirit of God it selfe hath framed a sufficient reply in the Reuelation, where the mysterie of the Woman sitting on the Beast is described. Wee finde that this Beast was twofould; the first, and the second; Heathen Rome the professed [Page] enemie: and the Pseudochristian Rome a secret aduersarie, who hath the hornes of the Lambe, and vnder the name of Christ, and of the Church, doth all mischiefe both to Christ and to the Church. And surely of this second Beast the Scripture witnesseth, that he shall preuaile, and deceiue them that dwell on the earth, working signes, and making all captiue to the first Beast, and to receiue his Marke. So that Heathenish Rome, which before was wounded, is now healed and magnified by the second Beast; which indeed is not diuers from the first in person, but in respect: not in substance, but in qualitie of time and gouernement.
Now, as the children of Israel from the first Babylon were by the mercy of God after long affliction deliuered (God mollifying the hearts of Kings and Princes to set them free, and to permit them to reedifie the decayed walles of Ierusalem) and Babylon it selfe also brought to extreame ruine and destruction: so the spirituall Babylon is comn into remembrance also before God, and the Lord hath turned the hearts of them who formerly gaue their Kingdome to the Beast; so that now they hate the Whore and make her desolate, and by the mercie of God in sundry Kingdomes and Nations religion is purged from superstition, the Gospell truely preached, Sacraments sincerely administred, our soule is escaped, as a Bird out of the hand of the Fowler, and there is sprung vp light for the righteous, and ioifull gladnesse among such as are true-hearted.
This notwithstanding, as among the Israelites there were euer many found that would rather turne back vnto Egypt, and be content to dwell in the house of their captiuitie, then in the good land which flowed vvith [Page] Milke and Honey: So in the Church of Christ there are found also Owles that delight in darknes; to whom the light, the libertie, the grace of the Gospell is burdensome: which had rather be fed with Egypts flesh-pots, with Leekes and Cucumbers, then all the Manna that comes from Heauen; and the captiuitie of Babylon is farre sweeter vnto them, then the freedome of Ierusalem.
To recall these from their myre and their vomite, to which they are running againe, much labour by many learned men hath beene bestowed; and of late time, from the Confession of Schoolemen, Iesuites, and other Popish writers in their Bookes and Commentaries, testimonies haue beene taken, as it were out of their owne bowels, to conuince Popery. Some also haue gone about to mitigate the opinions on both sides, and to draw them as neare together as they could. But alas, who can make peace betwixt light and darkenesse, day and night, truth and falshood, God and Belial, Christ and Antichrist? Such contraries brooke no pacification.
Seeing therefore for these late yeares, in this Kingdome, and especially in my countrey of Worcester-shire diuers dayly fall from the truth, bewitched with the Cup of the glorious Strumpet, who sitteth vpon the Beast, and who are daily led captiue into Babylon, by the Emissaries of that chaire of pestilence (Seminaries and Iesuits euery where lurking amongst vs) I thought it my duety also amongst the rest, to stand in the gappe for the house of Israel, and to cast my poore myte into the treasurie, if so be by my simple labours any weake might bee strengthened, and any doubtfull resolued.
Now because the abominable desolation is a subtill [Page] Mysterie, and the Purple Strumpet hath much more gaule and venime in her Cup, then shee openly sheweth to the world (to speake plainely) for that they ouercast their false doctrine, with faire glosses, to the intent they may conceale the dregges thereof from the eyes of men, and by all meanes couer and hide the depth of their impietie, lest the common sort should espy the same, and euery dogge barke at it; I haue endeauoured in this Treatise to strip the Harlot out of the raggs of her excuse, and to shew her naked vnto the world; that beholding her filthinesse, and her botches, the godly reader may hasten out of Babylon, seeing it is become the habitation of Diuels, the hold of all fowle spirits, a Cage of euery vncleane and hatefull bird, that all her Restrictions, Limitations, distinctions, cautions, are but the guilt of her Hypocrisie cast ouer to deceiue.
But so great is the lubricitie and subtiltie of this Mother of Whoredome and of Witchcraft, that it seemes as easie to fit a garment vnto the Moone, onely immutable in her mutabilitie: or (as the prouerbe is) to hold an Eeele by the tayle, as to force them to stand vnto any kinde of testimonie in matter of Religion. For if you vrge them with Fathers, they receiue the Fathers so farre as they agree with the Romish Church: If you alledge Councels, they except against them, as not assembled by the Romish authoritie: if with Schoolemen you presse them, what is more common then, Hic Magister non tenetur? Yea, if they bee charged with the authoritie of the Pope himselfe, they say, he taught not Papally out of the Chaire, but spake after his priuate opinion. I haue therefore (not omitting their priuate writings) produced the most part of [Page] my proofes out of the Missalls and Breuiaries, the formes of their publique worship. Which, though she haue an Harlots forehead, yet any reasonable man will thinke, the Babylonish Strumpet cannot for shame deny.
The priuate authors alledged are old and new, obselete and flourishing; which I of purpose haue done, that I might shew, that their new writers, and of best esteeme, are nothing lesse superstitious, and lesse erronious then the Vetus Comoedia, the barbarous age of doting Monkerie.
To their new and reformed Missalls and Legends I haue also adioined the more ancient, euen for the same purpose. For in them all it will appeare, that, as the Cnidian Mason making a watch-tower in Egypt for the conduction of trauellers by the Sea in the night, being commanded to set the name of the King, at vvhose charge it was built, in the wall, did so indeed, but hee set it vp deceitfully, in plaister and parget onely; vnderneath the which curiously in free-stone hee graued his owne name,Sostratus Dexiphanis Cuidius Dijs salutaribu [...] ob nauigantes, Politianu [...] in Suctoniu [...]s. Sostratus Dexiphanis the Cnidian to the sauing Gods; that when the Morter was fallen off and decayed, all the praise might redound vnto himselfe, as though he had beene the founder of that worthy worke: So the Romanists deceitfully and colourably call their Masse the seruice of God, and pretend his worship in the superficiall appearance thereof; but in deed and in veritie all the honour is giuen to men, vnto Saints, vnto Images, and senselesse blockes; and this is the onely purpose of their Legends and Missalls.
It may perhaps be thought in me, an ignorant man, and of very meane gifts, an audacious and presumptuous [Page] part, to deale in a matter of this high nature, and weightie argument. But to this I reply, that I haue read of Cities throwne downe in Spaine by Connies, in Thessalia by Moles, in France by Frogges, in Africa by Locusts; and there is no instrument so exile and contemptible, by which that great power cannot worke, who calleth light out of darknes, and in the mouth of Babes and sucklings hath ordained praise.
Hereto I must also adde, that these my weake labours were in a manner extorted and wrested from mee by diuers of them, who in these parts are blinded with Popish errour and superstition. For while I bended my selfe chiefely to this purpose in my ministerie, to beat downe the walles of the spirituall Iericho, which I saw goe vp so fast, and to bee fauoured by many of great authoritie with vs, they there vpon tooke occasion to slander my doctrine, and to report of mee, that I denied Iesus Christ to be crucified, and that I preached, how men ought not to come vnto God through Iesus Christ; and sundry other slanders both towards my labours, and my selfe. Wherefore I thought it meet, by this my trauaile, to make profession of my faith publiquely, and also to lay open vnto them that shall vouchsafe to peruse these ensuing obseruations, the blasphemie and Antichristian opposition, wherewith the Man of Rome impugneth Iesus Christ, the glorious Sonne of the liuing God.
To conclude, if by these my simple trauels GOD may bee glorified, the truth defended, fals-hood discouered, Hypocrisie vnmasked, the ignorant informed, the wauering and doubtfull confirmed, Litatum est, I haue my desire; if not, I haue done my indeauour, and [Page] discharged my owne soule, referring the successe vnto him, who is onely able to giue strength and power to the weake things of the world to ouerthrowe the mighty, and to perfect his owne power, in our weakenesse: To whom, the Father of all that is called Father both in Heauen and in earth, the blessed and eternall Sonne, with the sweet and sanctifying Spirit, three persons and one glorious God, be all power, might, Maiestie and dominion, vpon the knees of all hearts ascribed for euer and euer, Amen, Amen.
- [Page]Chap. 1. TRISAGION, or the three offices of Iesus Christ, the Sonne of God, Priestly, Propheticall, & Regall, how they ought of all his Church to be receiued.
- Chap. 2 Of the Priesthood of Christ, and that it is vnto all others vncommunicable.
- Chap. 3 Of the Propheticall office of Christ, and how it is vncommunicable.
- Chap. 4 Of the Kingly office of Christ, that it is also vncommunicable.
- Chap. 5 Of the names, appellations and titles in the holy Scriptures ascribed to our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 6 Canons and rules of faith, concer [...]ing the Person of our great high Priest, Iesus Christ, taken out of the Scriptures and Fathers.
- Chap. 7 Of the workes and benefits of Christs Priesthood, and of a double kinde of denying and ouerthrowing them.
- Chap. 8 Of Redemption, the first worke of the holy Priesthood of Christ, and the definition thereof.
- Chap. 9 Of the sundry considerations of sinne.
- Chap. 10 Of the sundry kinds of redemption from sin.
- Chap. 11 That none could redeeme vs but Christ, neither immediately nor mediately.
- Chap. 12 That Christ hath the most proper right to redeeme vs.
- Chap. 13 That Christ hath fully and absolutely redeemed vs from sin, and from the punishment due thereto.
- Chap. 14 That Redemption and Saluation are words of one signification.
- Chap. 15 That the Romish Church maketh many Redeemers and many Sauiours.
- Chap. 16 Of the Limitations which they prescribe vnto themselues, when they say, Saints are Sauiours and Redeemers.
- Chap. 17 That in the Romish Church [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Saints are made Redeemers according to the proper vnderstanding of the word, because the phrases of Scripture, wherin Saluation and Redemption are giuen properly to God, bee ascribed to Saints, contrary to the first Limitation.
- Chap. 18 The Romish church maketh Saints Sauiours & Redeemers from all sinnes, great & small, and from the generall captiuitie thereof; therefore the distinction of Bellarmine touching the deliuery from great and small debts is but friuolous.
- Chap. 19 That the Romish church maketh Christ vnsufficient to Saluation, contrary to the second Limitation of Bellarmine.
- Chap. 20 That in the Romish church Saints are made Redeemers of themselues.
- Chap. 21 That the Roman Church maketh the workes and merites of Saints not onely profitable, but absolutely necessary also to Saluation.
- Chap. 22 That according to the doctrine of the church of Rome Christ is not the first & original cause of Saluation, but the Ʋirgin Mother.
- Chap. 23 That Christ is excluded, and Saints made onely Sauiours in the Romish church.
- Chap. 24 That the Romish church maketh the Ʋirgin Mary the saluation of women, as Christ is the Saluation of men.
- Chap. 25 That the Romish Church maketh the Ʋirgin mercifull to Christ, God & man, & Christ beholding to the Ʋirgin: which importeth her to be the author and first cause of our Saluation, contrary to the third Limitation.
- Chap. 26 That the Romish Church maketh the Virgin more mercifull then Christ, and so they take from the Sonne of God the chiefest property of his Priesthood.
- Chap. 27 That the church of Rome maketh the merits of Saints as efficacious and powerfull as the merits of Christ.
- Chap. 28 That sometime in the Romish church Christ redeemeth thorough Saints, and sometimes Saints redeem through Christ, and sometimes the merites of Christ and Saints are ioyned together to redeeme.
- Chap. 29 That the church of Rome attributeth vnto the Saints the two proprieties of Christ, power and Right to saue.
- Antichristus.
- Chap. 30 OF the second worke of the glorious Priesthood of [Page] Christ, which is Mediation.
- Chap. 31 Of the two extreames, God, and man, and whence the great difference betweene them proceedeth.
- Chap. 32 The things which are requisite to be in a Mediatour that shall ioyne God and man, the two extream [...]s together, are found in CHRIST only, and no other.
- Chap. 33 The second point necessary in a Mediatour, is to remoue the obstacles & impediments which hinder this coniunction.
- Chap. 34 The manner how Christ our Mediatour doth ioyne vs vnto God.
- Chap. 35 That a Mediatour must be one onely.
- Chap. 36 Whether Christ bee our Mediatour in both natures.
- Chap. 37 That Saints are made Mediatours in the Romish church.
- Chap. 38 That Saints haue the two attributes of a proper Mediatour ascribed vnto them, which is, to participate of the two extreames, and to remoue the obstacles of coniunction.
- Chap. 39 Of the Limitations which the church of Rome prescribes vnto it self in making Saints Mediatours.
- Chap. 40 That Saints are Mediatours of Redemption, contrary to the first Limitation.
- Chap. 41 That Saints doe mediate perfectly and properly in the Romish church, contrary to the second Limitation.
- Chap. 42 That Saints in the Romish church are made immediate Mediatours vnto GOD, and that by them they aske grace in this life, and glory in the life to come, contrary to the third Limitation.
- Chap. 43 Of the vanity of the fourth Limitation, wherein they pretend that Christ is a Mediatour onely by giuing, & not by praying, but Saints contrariwise are Mediatours onely by praying for men.
- Chap. 44 Of the last Limitation, which they prescribe vnto themselues in the worship of Saints, that Christ is such a Mediatour, as prayeth for all, and none pray for him; but that Saints are not so; and of fiue kindes of Saints Mediation.
- Chap. 45 Of the first kinde of Mediation of Saints, vvhich is vnto Christ.
- Chap. 46 Of the second kinde of Mediation of Saints being ioyned with Christ.
- Chap. 47 Of the third kinde of Mediation of Saints in the Romish church, vvhich is vvithout Christ.
- Chap. 48 That the Saints are Mediatours [Page] for Christ.
- Chap. 49 That Saints are Mediatours vnto Saints; the fift and last kinde of Mediation.
- Antichristus.
- Chap. 50 OF the third worke of the glorious Priesthood of Christ, which is Aduocation.
- Chap. 51 That there can be but one Aduocate, which is Christ.
- Chap. 52 The reasons which the Romish church hath for the Aduocation of Saints.
- Chap. 53 Of the first argument taken from mans reason, which is our want and imperfection.
- Chap. 54 Of the first part of the first reason, want of righteousnesse and of worthinesse.
- Chap. 55 Answer vnto the second part of the first carnall reason, which is our want and defect in knowledge of contemplation.
- Chap. 56 The third part of the first reason, our great want of loue, which is the strength of prayer, insomuch that vnperfect man doth feele himselfe to bee more stirred vp in deuotion towards Saints, then towards God.
- Chap. 57 Of the second argument, by which they would proue; that Saints must bee praied vnto as our Aduocates, because they must be honoured.
- Chap. 58 Answer to the arguments of Eckius and Bellarmine, taken out of Scripture, to proue the inuocation of Saints.
- Chap. 59 Concerning the arguments for the inuocation of Saints, taken from the fathers of the church.
- Chap. 60 That the Romish vvorship of Saints is an imitation of the old Heathens.
- Antichristus.
- Chap. 61 OF Iustification, the fourth effect of Christs great Pri [...]sthood.
- Chap. 62 What the state of the question of Iustificati [...]n is.
- Chap. 63 Wherein the Scripture will not haue vs to place our righteousnes.
- Chap. 64 Whether a regenerate man doth m [...]rit.
- Chap. 65 Wherein the Scripture of God hath placed our righteousnesse, and what it is that sinneful man may oppose against Gods wrath and iust displeasure.
- Chap. 66 The Popish Tenet and opinion concerning Iustification, containing their errours, their defence, and the answer thereto.
- Chap. 67 Of the Limitations, vvith which the Romish church doth place Iustification in their owne workes.
- [Page]Chap. 68 Of the first Limitation, and that the Romish church placeth Iustification in the works of vnregenerate man, and taketh away the honour from Christ, of being our first Iustification.
- Chap. 69 That the Romish church placeth [...]rit of eternall life in open and knowne sinnes, contrary to the first Limitation.
- Chap. 70 That the Romish church maketh the passion and merits of Christ vnsufficient to saluation, contrary to the second Limitation.
- Chap. 71 That the Romish church placeth merit of eternall life in the smallest and most trifling works they doe, in which there is little or no charity expressed, contrary to the third Limitation.
- Chap. 72 That with the Romanists good workes are meritorious which bee not done in charity, contrary also to the third Limitation.
- Chap. 73 Of the friuolous distinction betwixt the two propositions, PER and PROPTER, BY and FOW; & of that false pretence, that they make Iesus Christ the meritori [...]us c [...]u [...]e of [...]ur Iustification, though they grant not his merits and sufferings to bee the f [...]rmall cause thereof.
- Antichristus.
- Chap. 74 OF the sundry significations of the word Sanctification.
- Chap. 75 That Sanctification of life is necess [...]ry to a christian man.
- Chap. 76 What it is that doth sanctifie.
- Chap. 77 That man cannot sanctifi [...] himselfe, but is sanc [...]ified by God.
- Chap. 78 By what meanes GOD doth sanctifie vs.
- Chap. 79 Of the word of God, and what pow [...]r it hath to sanctifie.
- Chap. 80 How the Papists peruert the doctrine concerning the author of Sanctification.
- Chap. 81 How the church of Rome hath abused the doctrine of Sanctification by the word of God.
- Chap. 82 Of the Sanctification which we haue by the Sacraments of Christ: and first of the authority by which they are instituted.
- Chap. 83 Of the cause and end for which Sacraments were ordained.
- Chap. 84 The vse of Sacraments.
- Chap. 85 What the worthinesse of Sacraments is, and wherein it consisteth.
- Chap. 86 Of the difference betwixt the Sacr [...]ments of the Law & the Go [...]pell.
- Chap. 87 How the church of Rome hath abused the doctrine of Sanctification by Sacraments: and first of the mangling of thē.
- Chap. 88 Additions vnto Christs Institution [Page] of Sacraments.
- Chap. 89 That the Romish church doth ordaine other vessels of grace, and maketh other outward consecrated instruments of Sanctification, beside the word & the Sacraments.
- Chap. 90 How the Romish church corrupteth and peruerteth the vse of Sacraments.
- Chap. 91 Errour of the Romish church concerning the manner of Sanctification of Sacraments: which they say is chiefly done by the Ministers intention.
- Chap. 92 Of Opus operans, and Opus operatum: the act acting, and the act acted about Sacramēts.
- Chap. 93 That the Romish church peruerteth the vse of the holy Eucharist, by turning the Sacrament into a Sacrifice.
- Chap. 94 Of the figment of transubstantiation, with the reasons against it.
- Chap. 95 That the Authours of the Masse themselues did neuer beleeue transubstantiation.
- Chap. 96 That the Romish church offereth vp other sacrifices and oblations to God for the taking away of sinne, besides the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 97 Of the figment of Purgatorie, another meanes of cleansing sin amongst Papists, besides the bloud of Christ.
- Chap. 98 The obiections of the Romish church for the establishing of their Purgatory.
- Chap. 99 Answer to the reasons for purgatory, taken out of the new testament.
- Antichristus.
- [Page]Chap. 1. OF the necessity and manner of Christs Propheticall office.
- Chap. 2 That none but Iesus Christ can bee the great Prophet, or the fountaine of Prophecie in the Church.
- Chap. 3 That our great Prophet Iesus Christ hath deliuered al things needfull to eternall life in the booke of his Prophecie, the Canonicall Scripture.
- Chap. 4 Canons and obseruations concerning the Propheticall office of Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 5 Antichrist opposeth himselfe against Christ, by making himselfe a Magistrate ouer the word of God; so that without him the holy word hath neither life, power, nor authoritie.
- Chap. 6 The Romish church chalengeth vnto the Pope sole power to interpret the holy word.
- Chap. 7 That the Romish church offereth wrong to the Propheticall office of Iesus Christ, by obtruding and inforcing a translation of the Scriptures, called the vulgar translation, necessarily to be receiued of all the church, which is in many places improper and faulty.
- Chap. 8 The violence which the Romish church offereth to our great Prophet, by denying his word vnto the people.
- Chap. 9 The blasphemy of the Romane church, making their Decrees equall to the word of our great Prophet Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 10 Priuiledges ond graces giuen to Popish prayers & Traditions.
- Chap. 11 The church of Rome doth violate the office of our great Prophet Iesus Christ, by ordaining other Prophets which illuminate the church, and poure light into the hearts of men, by inward and secret inspiration.
- [Page]Chap. 12 That the Romish church offereth wrong to the Propheticall office of Iesus Christ, by wresting the Scripture vnto a strange and forraine sense, contrary to the minde of the holy Ghost.
- Chap. 13 Of the addit [...]ons which the Missalls and Legends put vnto the word of God, out of m [...]re imagination and supposition.
- Chap. 14 Of malitious falsifications and additions vnto Scripture, by which the Romish Antichrist wrongeth the Propheticall office of Christ Iesus, to maintaine his owne errours.
- Chap. 15 Of plaine vntruthes and falsehoods in the Missals of the church of Rome, deliuered to the people insteed of the true doctrine of our great Prophet Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 16 Of the vncertaine and doubtfull stories which the Romish chu [...]ch insteed of the true and infallible word of God doth thrust vpon the people in their diuine worship, contrarie to the rule of our great Prophet; Search the Scriptures, for in them you thinke you haue eternall life.
- Chap. 17 Of the superstitious imaginations, beside all ground of Scripture, which the Romish church vseth in her publique worship, as though there were not sufficient motiues in the word of truth to stirre vp our deuotion.
- Chap. 18 Of Poeticall, Heathenish, and Idolatrous fictions, wherewith the Romish church worshippeth God in their Missalls; contrary to the rule of our great Prophet, who teacheth that God is to bee worshipped in spirit and truth.
- Chap. 19 Sundry ridiculous toyes of the Masse, wherewith the eares and eyes of the people are possessed, the truth of Christs Gospell, our great Prophet the while being neglected.
- Chap. 20 Of the superstition of the Romish church in their diuine worship.
- Chap. 21 Of mocking and deluding the people with vaine words to no purpose in their Missalls.
- Chap. 22 The blasphemous violence which the Romish Church offereth to our great Prophet Iesus Christ, by forbidding what he commandeth, and commanding what hee forbiddeth, and dispensing with his precepts.
- Antichristus.
- Chap. 23 OF the Idolatry of the Romish church. What an Image is? Whether there bee any difference betwixt an Image and an Idol? What the [Page] worship and adoration of an Image is?
- Chap. 24 All worship of Images is vnlawfull.
- Chap. 25 The bringing in and increase of Idolatry or Image-worship is much alike with the Gentiles and the Romanists.
- Chap. 26 Of the Limitations with which the Romi [...]h church maketh it lawfull to worship Images of God, and of Saints & other dead and senselesse stocks and stones.
- Chap. 27 Of the first Limitation, in which they pretend that an Image may be worshipped, so that no trust nor confidence bee placed in the Image, and that the Romish church putteth full trust in Images.
- Chap. 28 Of the second Limitation, that the Romish church doth aske of Images, and pray vnto them.
- Chap. 29 That the Romish church attributeth diuinity vnto Images, contrary to the third Limitation.
- Chap. 30 Of the fourth Limitation, that the Romish Church worshippeth Images with diuine worship.
- Chap. 31 Of the worship of the Crosse, the Nailes, the Ʋirgins Sepulchre, the Lords Swathband, the Ladies Girdle, and such like reliques.
- Chap. 32 Vertue and diuine pow [...]r ascrib [...]d to senselesse things.
- Chap. 33 Of hope, trust and confidence reposed in senselesse stocks, & dead reliques by the Romish church, and of prayers to the same directed.
- Chap. 34 Of the forme and figure of the Crosse, and that the Romish Church doth not certainly know the true fashion thereof, but doth worship a doubtfull figure to which they haue put additions of their owne. Wherefore they are very Idolaters, because their figure of the Crosse is a false figment of mans inuention.
- Antichristus.
- [Page]Chap. 1. OF the Kingly office of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 2 Canons and rules concerning the glorious Kingdome of the Lord Iesus, the Christ of God.
- Chap. 3 That the Romish church giueth the power of distributing the degrees of glory, and seates of the eternall Kingdome vnto Saints.
- Chap. 4 That the Saints are made defenders and gouernours of the Militant church, and doe distribute the diuersitie of graces vnto the same.
- Chap. 5 That Saints are made gods in the Romish church.
- Chap. 6 That the Bishop of Rome maketh himselfe the sole Monarch and supreame Magistrate ouer the church of Christ, without calling, warrant, or any authoritie from Christ.
- Chap. 7 Of Ecclesiasticall offices ordained in the church, by the authoritie of Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 8 Of Ecclesiasticall offices ordained in the church, without the authoritie of Iesus Christ, and iniurious to his Regall power; and first of Subdeacons.
- Chap. 9 Of Doore-keepers and Acolytes.
- Chap. 10 Of Exercists another Popish order, & the wrong therby is offred to the Regall dignity of Christ.
- Chap. 11 Of diuers other officers ordained in the church, besides the Institution & Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 12 The Monks of these later times are not the children of the ancient Monks, neither agree with them in manners and conuersation.
- Chap. 13 How opposite the Mōkish order is vnto the kingdom of Iesus Christ.
- Chap. 14 Of Priesthood, or the Ministry of the Gospel it selfe, the holy institution of Iesus Christ, how it is by the Romish church prophaned, contrary to the Maiestie of the Institutor.
- Chap. 15 Apotheosis, or the exalting of the Romish Bishop, aboue all that is called God.
- Chap. 16 Of the Titles of Pride taken by the Romish Bishop.
- Chap. 17 Of the Popes spirituall power in decreeing & promulging lawes, by which he bindeth and reigneth in the consciences of men.
- Chap. 18 Of the power of binding, iudging, and condemning, which the Pope taketh to himselfe: and of the Excommunication practised in the Romish church.
- Chap. 19 Of Confession.
- [Page]Chap. 20 Of the manner of forgiuenesse of sinne; whether God hauing pardoned the fault, doth neuerth [...]lesse retaine the punishment.
- Chap. 21 Of satisfactions by euer [...] man in this life to bee perform for his owne sinnes.
- Chap. 22 Of the last part of the Popes spiritual power, which doth consist in Indulgences & grāting Pardons.
- Chap. 23 The beginning & increase of Popish Indulgences.
- Chap. 24 The wrong done to the Kingdom of Christ by Popish Pardons.
- Chap. 25 Of the Iubilees and Indulgences granted from the Pope himselfe.
- Chap. 26 Of the yoake of Traditions imposed by the church of Rome, without the authoritie of Christ.
- Chap. 27 Of the vowes of chastity inforced vpon all Ecclesiasticall persons in the Romish church, contrarie to the liberty of honest Matrimony, which Christ the King hath left free vnto bis whole church: and first of Vowes in generall.
- Chap. 28 Of the Popish vowes of continencie.
- Chap. 29 Answere to the Popish arguments which are brought for vowed chastitie.
- Chap. 30 Of the set fasts and difference of meates imposed vpon the church by the Romish Prelate, contrarie to the liberty which Christ the [...]oueraigne King hath left vnto all beleeuers.
- Chap. 31 Of the Arguments which are brought in defence of their superstitious fasts and difference of meates.
- Chap. 32 Of the bondage of Romish Feasts and Holy daies.
- Chap. 33 Of the institution of the Regall and Priestly office: and that the Priestly function is in order inferiour to the Kingly power, and ought to be subiect thereunto.
- Chap. 34 Of the Secular Principalitie of the Pope, & whether it be agreeable to the word of God.
- Chap. 35 Of the rebellion of the Romish Prelacie against Iesus Christ the supreame King, by lifting vp themselues aboue all Kings and Princes which are the immediate Lieutenants of God vpon the earth.
- Chap. 36 Of the person of Antichrist.
- Chap. 37 Of the seate of Antichrist.
- Chap. 38 Of the birth, growing vp, and dominion of Antichrist.
- Chap. 39 Of the Markes and tokens of Antichrist.
- Chap. 40 Of the certainty of the destruction and abolishing of Antichrist.
- Chap. 41 Of the manner and time of the destruction of Antichrist.
- Antichristus.
The Authors Intimation to the Reader.
WHereas diuers quotations attributed to the Romanists, are alledged in this Booke out of Protestant writers; knowne be it vnto the Christian Reader, that I haue searched the Originals of all of them, and haue found the same agreeable thereto.
Cathechismus Tridentinus, impres. Colon. 1572.
Bi. l. Can. Miss. impres. Lugd. Anno 1500.
Bern. Mariale, Argent. imp. 1502.
Antidotarium imp. In aelma Louan. per Io. de Westphalia.
Tollet de Instruct. Sacerd. edit. Colon. anno 16.10.
Berengosius, imp. Paris 1589. wherein he saith also in the same eleuenth Chapter, Maioris meriti matrem credimus, quâm filium.
Censura Colon. imp. Coloniae per haeredes Arnoldi Brickmanni. And diuers other too long to rehearse.
To conclude: If any man shall except against any quotations in this Booke, the Author is ready to make good and iustifie his true allegation of euery of the same, either by priuate conference, or by publike declaration in print. This was intended to be done in the beginning of the Book: but by the haste of the Printer, the Author was preuented.
Faults (somewhat materiall) escaped, partly by the Author; partly by the Printer.
Pag. 6. lin. 4. the superlatiue, read these superlatiue. pag. 6. l. 1 [...]. which euery Bishop, read of euery p. [...]1. l. 32. weeks threesc [...]re, read & th [...]escore. p. 87. l. 17. read giuen to men. p. 93. l. 33. put out be. p. 104. in tit. cap. for with, read which is. [...]. 114. l. 1. hes, read be. p 126. in the marge [...]t for abbey, read albe. p. 136. l. 5. as, read for. p. 142. l. 1. for hare, read bare. p. 178. l. 20. these words, who assembled long before in the councell of Nice, are [...]y words for explanation, not of Socrates. p 184. l. 5. reade to be worshipped as God. p. 186. l. 19 for Gerrudis, reade Gertrudes. p. 189. l. vlt. reade his sisters the geese p 197. l. 5 for meritori [...]us, reade intended. p. 204 l. 12. for continue reade conniue ib. l 27. reade can be iustified. p. 218. l. 3 [...]. to God, reade of God p. 220. l. 11. for reward reade word. p. 226. l. 7. for any read an. p. 228. l. 20 read d [...]fference. p 277. cap. 84. l. 7 for intend, read inu [...]nt, p. 285. l. 3. for in read of. p. 298. l. 15. reade to be of the necessitie. p. 375. l. 21. for teach, reade teacheth. p. 385. l. 30. reade d [...]stinguishing p. 387. l. 7. for aesseuen, reade Assauen. p. 455. l. 22 put out not p. 424. l. 6. for Mercury, reade memory. p. 531. l. 32 read compresbiter. p. 589. l. 11. for any, read [...] an. p. 593. l. 20. reade, thou shalt be excommunicate. p. 596. l. 10 for scarifying, reade scarfing. p. 50 [...]. l 4. reade, and why not then for the murther of Princes. p. 293. in marg. k is left out. Namely, Reuera ibi sunt plura sacramenta: n [...]us accidentia panis sunt tantuus sacramentum corporis Christi &c. de consecrat. dist. 2. in gloss. p. 497. l. 35. read for the letter R was curiously &c. p. 583. l. 10. reade Apostolicall.
TRISAGION: OR THE THREE HOLY Offi [...]es of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God; PRIESTLY, PROPHETICALL, and REGALL: how they ought of all his Church to be receiued. THE FIRST BOOKE.
THE glorious and incomprehensible TRINITY in vnitie,The steps of the Triniti [...] in [...]ll the creatures of God. hath so created all things in the spacious Theater of this round world, that although nothing can perfectly comprehend or expresse his cause; yet in euery thing there is a certaine image and resemblance of the great Creator. Cast your eyes vpward; you haue the heauenly bodies endued with light, with motion, and heare. Looke vpon the Sunne; you see the body, the beames, and the brightnesse, one from the [Page 2] other differing, but not diuided: sundry, and yet the same. Consider the things below; you discerne in Riuers the fountaine, the breaking forth, the streame: in Trees, the body, the sap, the fruit. In euery thing, which Arte, or Nature doth bring forth, the matter, the forme, the inclination: so each with other, and euery one it selfe, that we may well in them perceiue and deprehend the footesteps of their great Architect, Rom. 1.20. being considered in his workes.
Now if this bee true, in the basest and most contemptible of all his workmanship, how much moreHeb. 1.3. The brightnesse of the glory, the engraued forme of his Person? The eternall Son of the eternall God, beareth not a darke and obscure shadow (as other things) but a liuely and resplendent expression of the same.The image of the Trinitie in Christ above all other in respect of his person and offices. In his person, the Godhead, the Soule, the flesh, with ineffable connexion so together knit, that neither one is by the other swallowed, nor that by this abased: very flesh, very spirit, very God, and yet one Christ. After the same manner three great and holy offices in his function are in one conioyned. The PRIESTLY, by which he hath redeemed: the PROPHETICALL, by which hee sanctifieth (with the truth) all those that come to him: the KINGLY, by which he gouerneth not only the vniuersall Globe of the world generally, but his owne Church specially, and sitteth in the very indiuiduall Soule and Conscience of euery one of his chosen; yet in all these but one Messias.
The threefold office of Christ.These three great offices whoso denieth vnto Christ, or communicateth vnto any other, as they are in Christ, ouerthroweth the eternall Counsell of God in ordaining, the righteous truth of God in promising, the infinite loue of God in giuing his Sonne vnto the world, as the fulfilling of the Law, sufficient to saluation, and the reparation of our nature.The name of Christ more proper to our Sa [...]ior thē to any other. It is then duely to be considered, that the name of Christ is proper to our Sauiour aboue all other that haue beene anointed. For amongst men, some were by anointing ordained Priests, some by anointing were consecrated Kings, and some by anointing receiued the Propheticall Office: but in all these seuerall respects, our Sauiour is the Christ of God. [Page 3] Wherefore betwixt the vnction of Iesus the true and naturall Sonne of God, and other Christs the seruants of God, there is a threefold difference.
First, Christ was not anointed with material oyle as others were, but with the Spirit of God himselfe.Esay 42.1. I haue put my Spirit vpon him (saith the Lord by the Prophet Esay:) And againe,Esay 61.1. The Spirit of the Lord is vpon me, therefore hath the Lord anointed me. Secondly, when after the externall and materiall vnction, the seruants of God did receiue the Spirit, it was in them by turnes and pauses; now more powerfull, then lesse powerfull in operation: but the Spirit on the Sonne of God, was an enduring vnction.Ioh. 1.33. For the Spirit (as Iohn witnesseth) did abide and tarry on him. Thirdly, Christ did not worke by the Spirit as a meere man, but with the Spirit, as one God coessentiall with himselfe: wherefore hee is Emphatically tearmed [...], the Christ of God.
In the thirteenth of the Acts, Saint Paul by conferring Scripture with Scripture proueth, that this is very Christ: And Iohn saith,Ioh. 2.22. Who is a lyer, but hee that denyeth that Iesus is the CHRIST? The Psal. 2.2. Kings of the earth (saith the Prophet Dauid) stand vp, and the Rulers take counsell together, against the Lord, and against his Christ. The Title of Christ giuen to our Sauiour so amply and Energetically, proueth his extraordinary dignity. The title in this ample maner giuen vnto Christ, doth euidently shew the preheminence of the anointing of Christ aboue all other the children of men: and yet to make it more euident, Dauid witnesseth;Psal. 45.8. God, euen thy God, hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes. The same the Church in the Canticles doth acknowledge also:Cant. 1.2. Thy name is as an ointment powred out, therefore the Ʋirgins loue thee.
Now in that Iesus is absolutely called Christ, it is for that hee is anointed to all those holy offices, which I haue spoken of: which if any man desire to haue made more manifest, let him hearken to the Psalmist,Psal. 110.4. The Lord sware and wil not repent, Christ a Priest. thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchizedech: but this Melchizedech (saith the Apostle) was King of Salem, Heb. 7.1. & Priest of the high God. Christ therfore must needs be a King and a Priest,Christ a King. or else hee cannot be of Melchizedechs [Page 4] order. The Wisemen in the Gospell acknowledge this, offering vnto him gold, as to a King; and Frankincense, as vnto their eternall Priest. Of this Kingdome Zechary doth witnesse;Z [...]ch. 9.9. Behold thy King commeth vnto thee, the righteous and Sauiour. And the Psalmist hereto agreeth, saying,Psal 45.12. So shall the King haue pleasure in thy beauty; for he is thy Lord God, and worship thou him.
Christ a Prophet.L [...]kewise, his Propheticall function is no lesse clearely set out in the Scripture:D [...]ut. 16.15. The Lord thy God (saith Moses) will raise vp vnto thee a Prophet like vnto me from among you, euen of thy brethren, vnto him shall you hearken.
The similitude betwixt Christ and Moses, as it doth in many things appeare: so in this coniunction of offices also it is very euident. For Moses was both a Prince, & a Prophe [...]: therefore, as Melchizedech did resemble Christ by ioyning in one the Priest [...]y and the Kingly office: so Moses was a type of Christ, by ioyning together the Princely and Propheticall parts. To conclude: in the Gospell, the Iewes themselues did confesse;Luke 7 16. a great Prophet is raised vp amongst vs: and the two Disciples, which went with him to Emaus from Hierusalem the day of his resurrection call him a Luke 24 19. The re [...]son why Christ hath these three offices. Prophet, mighty in deede and word before God and all the people. Thus in our Christ doth all fulnesse dwell: and in his holy person is the Priestly, Propheticall, & Kingly office conioyned, that he might be1. Cor. 1.30. our wisedome, and our righteousnes, and sanctification, and redemption; Heb. 7 25. that he might be able perfectly to saue them, that come vnto God through him: and that we also might receiue a Kingdom, which cānot be shaken; according to the doctrine of the Preacher:Eccles. 4.12 Christs Priesthood vnimitable and vncommuni [...]able A threefold cord is not easily b [...]oken.
As all these offices are giuen to Christ, so are they vncommunicably giuen vnto him: neith [...]r may they bee imparted to any other, as they are in him. Of the holy oyle, in Exodus, the Lord saith:Exod. 30.32. None shall anoint mans flesh therewith, neither shall make any composition like vnto it, for it is holy, and shall bee holy vnto you. VVhich is spoken by a mysterie; and signifieth, that the dignitie of our high & heauenly Priest Iesus Christ, must neither be imitated, nor applied to any other.
Some perhaps will obiect,Ob. that not onely Peter (speaking of the whole Church) saith,1 Pet. 2.9. It is a royall Priesthood: but in the Reuelation also, Saint Iohn witnesseth,Apoc. 1.6. Hee hath made vs Kings and Priests vnto God, euen his Father.
But to answere this doubt,Sol. it is euident that meere men are called Kings and Priests in another sense, and after another meaning then Iesus is. For these offices are inherent in our Sauiour, truely, substantially, and indeede. He is such as he is called: but they are in vs, the members of his Church, by imputation and figuratiuely, for that in some sort and after a manner we are so called. Learned Beda therefore doth thus expound the place of the first of the Reuelation: Apoc. 1.6. Hee hath made vs Kings and Priests vnto God his Father, because being King of Kings, and the heauenly Priest, offering vp himselfe for vs, hee hath vnited vs vnto his owne body, so that none of the Saints now doe spiritually want the office of Priesthood, being members of the euerlasting Priest. This is confirmed by the ancient Father Augustine, where he saith,Aug. de ciuit dei. l. 20. cap. 10. As we call all men Christians for the mystical anointing: so al are Priests, because they are members of one Priest. And Lyra saith,Lyra in hunc locum. They are Kings, by subduing affections, and Priests by the sacrifice of deuout Prayer. But because the whole discourse, which I haue intended, doth depend specially vpon these vnseparable and vncommunicable offices of Christ, I desire the Christian Reader, not to thinke it lost labour to consider euery one of these functions by themselues, and to see how they differ in Christ, from that which they are in other men
CHAP. II. Of the Priesthood of Christ, and that it is vnto all others vncommunicable.
THe Apostle extolling the Priesthood of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, alleageth the saying of the Psalmist;Psal 110.4. No such Priest as Iesus Christ. Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech. Now if euery member of the Church, nay, if euery Massing Priest were such, what were the preheminence and dignitie [Page 6] of that vnspeakeable order, or what super-excellence did Christ thereby attaine aboue others? But Paul Emphatically calleth himHeb. 4.14. a great High Priest: Heb. 9.11. an High Priest of good things to come: Heb. 10.21. an High Priest ouer the house of God. All the Superlatiue honours are to him onely due, neither can they bee attributed to any other of the sons of men. Wherefore many and sundry differences the Epistle to the Hebrewes teacheth, wherein the Priesthood of Christ doth surmount all other Priesthoods.
First,Heb. 4 15. Christ was holy and without sinne; so is not any of the sonnes of men: Secondly,Heb. 5.9. Christ was the author of saluation in his Priesthood; so are not other Priests: Thirdly,Heb. 5.6. Christ is an euerlasting Priest; of which honour no other Priest is capable: Fourthly,Heb. 7.4. vnto Christ in the type Melchizedech, Abraham; and in the loynes of Abraham, Leui, and all other Priests payed tithes. By which all Priests acknowledged the perfection of Christ, and that they are inferiour vnto him: Fiftly,Heb. 7.16. Christ was not made Priest after the carnall commandement, but after the power of endlesse life: Sixtly,Heb. 8.1. Christ sitteth at the right hand of God the Father; so doth no other Priest: Seuenthly,Heb. 8.2. Christ is the Minister of the true Tabernacle, which God pight, and not Man; herein no Priest to Christ is equall: Eightly,Heb. 9.12. Christ by his owne bloud purged the people; other Priests are not like him herein: Ninthly,Heb. 7 27. Christ offered not for his owne sinnes, but for the sinnes of the people: Tenthly,Heb. 9.25. Christ made but one offering, other Priests did offer often: Eleuenthly,Heb. 7.28. Christ was made Priest by the oath of God, other Priests without oath. Wherefore most abominable is that of the Romish Missall, which euery Bishop and Confessor doth chant out:Non est inuentus [...]mili [...] illi qui conserua [...]et [...]egem excelsi, &c. Rom Bre. com. Conf. Pont. ad Vesp. Ant. ibid R. post lect. 2. There was not the like of him found, which kept the Law of the highest; wherefore with an oath the Lord made him to grow vp in the people: yea, they are not ashamed to apply vnto them that, which was spoken of Christ:Ibid. post. lect 3. No Pri [...]st cons [...] crated wi h the oath [...]f God, but [...]hrist on [...]ly. The Lord sware and will not repent, thou art a Priest for euer, &c. But if all the schoole and Colledge of Rome were summoned together to tell vs, when, where, and how, God hath couenanted, [Page 7] or hath sworne vnto any one of the Saints, that hee should bee an euerlasting Priest for vs, they would lay their hand vpon their mouth, I trowe, and be as speechlesse as the Images they worship. For of this kinde of confirmation in his office, neuer any Priest but Christ could boast.
What doe I speake of the oath of God,No man hath the calling of Prie thood to cleanse sin, but Christ. the speciall forme of Christs owne consecration? Come wee to the ordinary calling. Saint Paul saith,Heb. 5.4. No man taketh this honour vnto himselfe, but he that is called of God, as Aaron was. Here therefore I chalenge all the whole Hierarchy of Rome. Let them proue that euer any man but Christ, was called to bee a Priest, to cleanse and to take away sinnes, and to make men righteous before the tribunall of GOD: let them shew in what booke, in what chapter, with what words God euer conferred this honour to any other then his only Sonne, and I wil subscribe vnto them. Let vs proceed yet one degree further; and sithence,Gal 3. [...] though it be but a mans couenant, yet when it is confirmed, no man abrogateth, or doth adde any thing thereto, I require of them by what authoritie or priuiledge, with what warrant or colour, they haue ordained Mediatours to the Mediatour Christ,None can ordaine Mediators to Christ the Mediator, without a due c [...]lling thereunto. and Priests vnto the High Priest Iesus Christ, to obtaine pardon for sinners by their merits, and to appeare before God, for men. I conclude therefore, sithence God hath ordained no Priest but Christ onely with an oath, there is no such Priest as Christ: and since God hath not called any to this honour but Christ himselfe, there are no other Priests at all but Christ himselfe. Lastly,The meaning is, that in the New Testament God hath ordai [...]ed properly no sacrifici [...]g Priests but Christ. because Christ hath subordained by his Testament no Mediators to himselfe, but himselfe, there are no other Mediators to him, but himselfe, who is both Priest and sacrifice, Angell and Altar, from whence the odours of the Saints prayers goe vp vnto God.
It may bee perhaps obiected, that as in the Law,Ob. though the high Priest was endued with sundry honours, whereof the inferiour Priests were not partakers, yet the inferiour Priests did also sacrifice, burne incense, and cleanse the people: So in the Gospell, though Christ be the sole foundation, [Page 8] the principall expiation of our soules and bodies, yet other Priests inferiour to him doe cleanse, sanctifie, iustifie, & make intercession.
Sol.If there were no difference betwixt the first and the second Couenant, the Law and the Gospell, this argument would strongly enforce: but we must vnderstand; first, the Priests of the Law did not verely, but sacramentally: not truely and indeede, but significatiuely and typically (as shadowes of the true expiation to come) take away sinne. Neither was the High Priest onely a type of Christ, and inferiour Priests vnder the Law, types of subordinate Priests to Christ vnder the Gospell: But both the high Priest, and the inferiour Priests vnder the Law (though the high Priest more eminently) were types of that one onely eternall Euangelicall High Priest Iesus Christ the Sauiour of the world. Secondly, in the first Couenant were many Sacrifices, and often iterated; many Priests, and often changed: but in the Gospell, as there is but one Priest, so there is but one Sacrifice, and that but once offered for sinne, which may not be reiterated. And this is the doctrine, which the Apostle Paul doth so often, and so earnestly perswade;Heb. 10.10. We are sanctified euen by the offering of the body of Christ once for all. Heb. 10.12. This man after he had offered one Sacrifice for sinnes, sitteth for euer at the right hand of God. Heb. 10.14. With one offering hath hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified. This singularitie therefore, both of Priest and Sacrifice, not to be renewed, Peter alludeth vnto. Christ 1. Pet. 3.18. hath once suffered for sinnes. The word ONCE is here an exclusiue particle, denying any other repetition of the Sacrifice. Wherefore it is called iuge Saecrificium. For it is alwaies before God, and the vertue thereof hath no end. It is (saith Leo)Potens ad priuil [...]g [...]um, diues ad pret [...]um. ser. de pas. domini. potent in the priuiledge, rich in the price. Lyra saith;Lyra in 10 ad Heb. quia hostia Christi habet virtutē aeternam sanctificandi, & propter hoc, illa peracta, non habuit ampliùs necessitatem ministrandi, sicut habebat. Sacerdos veteris legis: The sacrifice of Christ hath euerlasting power to sanctifie: and therefore that being ended, hee had no more neede to offer, as the Priests of the Law. Theophilact agreeth with the [Page 9] rest, and teacheth, thatFuit illa rei ingentes effectrix, vt vel temporis momento per se terrarum orbem purgauerit. Theo. in p. ad Heb. The sacrifice of Christ was so effectiue of the great Worke, that in a very moment of time by it selfe it purged the whole World. Thus we see, as to say one God, is to say, one onely God; so to call Christ our Priest, is to call him our onely Priest.
CHAP. III. Of the Propheticall office of Christ, and how it is in him vncommunica [...]le.
THe Priestly office, I trust, I haue sufficiently proued to be proper vnto Christ, and not communicable to any other.
Let vs now shew his Propheticall function also to differ from the Ministerie of all other Prophets: which many arguments doe plainely confirme vnto vs.
The first is, because we are commanded to heare him absolutely without exception, without triall or examination of his Doctrine, being himselfe,Ioh. 1.1. The Word with God, and God that Word: but this honour is giuen to none other Prophet;1. Ioh. 4.1. For it is lawfull to try the doctrine of all other spirits, whether they bee of God, or not. But concerning his Sonne, the Father commandeth an absolute hearing in all things:Mat. 17.5. This is my beloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased, heare him. Wherefore of this Prerogatiue Moses speaketh Emphatically, Deut. 18.15. Vnto him shall you hearken.
Secondly, all other Prophets were sent by the Spirit; but hee together with the Father sendeth the Spirit, for that the Spirit proceedeth from him, as from the Father: yea,Lyra. he sendeth all the Prophets themselues, beeing the Lord of Prophets, who filleth and sanctifieth them. Behold (saith he) I Mat. 23.34. send vnto you Prophets, and Wisemen, and Scribes.
Thirdly, the Prophets had the spirit in measure, and did speake as the spirit gaue them vtterance. Wherefore Thomas Aquinas saith,Vt aer indi [...]es noua il [...]uminat on [...] sic mens Prophetae noua reuelatione, secunda secundae. q. 171. vt col [...]ig. à Bern. [...]on Ioan. That as the aire needeth new light and illumination: so the minde of the Prophet needeth new reuelation; But the spirit neuer departed from Christ, who thought it no robbery [Page 10] to call himselfe,Luke 11.49. The wisdome of God. For (as the Apostle teacheth)Col. 2.3. In him are hidde all the treasures of Wisedome and Knowledge. Wherefore I cannot acquit Bernard of blasphemy, if he were authour of the Sermons, super Salue Regina; where it is said, thatSola totam spiritas sancti grat [...]am possedist [...], quam al [...] ba [...]uere per partes. Ser qui incipit Ante pererratis. Mary the mother of God had alone the whole grace of the holy Ghost, which other had by parts.
Fourthly, all other Prophets, though their motions were not priuate, nor their owne, yet they were Prophets by obseruation of the Godhead: yea, they did receiue their Prophecy by the mediation of Angells; But Christ speaketh not onely immediatly from the Father, as hee hath commanded him, but he speaketh with the Father in the vnity of the Godhead,Heb. 1.3 beeing the brightnes of the glory, the engrauen image of his person, bearing vp all things by his mighty power. So Christ is not a Prophet by obseruation onely, as his trauelling seruants in this world are, but by way of full and perfect comprehension of all things, in the vniō of his humanity to his diuinity. And that knowledge is most excellent, which is merely intellectuall, by simple contemplation, & doth not consist in the signes and similitudes of corporall things.
Fiftly, Christ is the end, to which all other Prophets aime;Apoc. 19.10. The testimony of Iesus is the spirit of Prophecy; Act. 10.43 To him (saith Peter) giue all the Prophets witnesse.
Lastly, Christ is a Prophet sitting at the right hand of the Maiesty, in the highest place. Thus (saith Lyra)In offic. b [...]at. Ma. vir. He is commended in hoth natures, as greater than the Prophets.
All these things being considered, I must once againe prouoke the whole fraternity of the Romish Church, to shew if they can, where, and when God did ordaine any other eternall absolute Prophet, who was able to giue illumination, & grace, and spirituall knowledge vnto his Church, of himself: or that beeing gone out of the world, should yet bee still present with the world by his spirit: or that doth from age to age sanctifie the vnderstanding of men with the truth; and then we shall grant their blasphemies to haue place still in the Church. Wherein they attribute vnto one, to be theIn offic. b [...]at. Ma. vir. window of Heauen, the shining gate of light: to another to beDe Barth. dixit [...]um esse d uinae lucu splendorem, solē arbu cuncta [...] nantem. leg. Lomb. in San. Barth fol. 106. pag 1. col. 1 the [Page 11] brightnes of diuine light, the Sunne of the world lightning al things, and of euery virgin,Mis Sar. Con. Vrg et Mart. Sequent exulte [...] in hac d [...] festiua. that shee is like Lucifer among the lesser starres.
CHAP. IIII. Of the Kingly office of Christ, that it is also vncommunicable.
AS our Priesthood is not the same with Christs Priesthood, nor our Prophecy with Christs Prophecy: no more are we Kings as Christ is a King. For he is a King in respect of the vniuersall dominion ouer the whole world, and all that are therein: but we are called Kings by ruling our affections, and taming the lusts of concupiscence,Gal. 5.17. which rebel in our flesh against the law of the spirit. Si ergo regnet in te animus, et corpus obtemperet: fi concupiscentias carn [...] sub ingum imperil tui mitias &c. Orig. sup. Iud. Hom. 6 If the mind (saith Origen) raigne in thee, and the body obey: if thou bring the lustes of the flesh vnder the obedience of the mind: if thou restraine the nation of vices with a seuere bridle of sobriety, thou art then worthily called a King, who knowest well how to gouerne thy self. Lyra doth expound the place of the Apocalips,Fecit nos regnum. [...] ascribi c ues c [...] testis regni. Lyra in Apoc. 1. Ver 6. He hath made vs kings, that is, to be written among the Citizens of the heauenly kingdome. Neither can the Romish Church dislike this interpretation, for they read the place,Com. trans. et Rhem. trans. huius loci Apoc. 1. The difference betwixit Christ the King, and other Kings. fecit nos regnum, hee made vs a kingdome vnto God, and not Reges Kings.
To come nearer to the question, there are diuers vncommunicable attributes giuen by the spirit of God to Christ the King, whereof no other King is capable. First, hee is a King of ineffable generation;Heb. 7.3 without father, without mother, without kinred, and hath neither beginning of his dayes, nor end of life.
Secondly, he is a King absolutely righteous;Psal. 45.6.7 The scepter of thy Kingdome (saith the Psalmist) is a Scepter of righteousnes: thou louest righteousnes and hatest iniquity. Wherefore God euen thy God, hath anointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes. The Apostle shewing him to be a King after the order of Melchizedech King of Salem, argueth hee is a King of righteousnesse and peace: Vpon which words Athanasius saieth,Null [...] itaque hobominum compent iust t [...]ae et pacu &c. Athan. in ep. ad Heb. Ʋnto no man it doth belong to obtain the Kingdom of righteousnes [Page 12] and peace, but vnto Christ onely, according to that of S. Iohn, Apoc. 15.4. Thou onely art holy.
Thirdly, Christ is an eternall King;Psal. 45.7. Thy seat, O God, endureth for euer. And Daniel saith,Dan. 2.44. His dominion is an euerlasting dominion, which shall neuer bee destroyed: Luke 1.33. Hee shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer (saith the Angell) and of his Kingdome shall be no end.
Fourthly, he is not onely a King, but a Sauiour of his people:Psal. 72.12, 13, 14. He shall deliuer the poore when he cryeth, the needy also, and him that hath no helper: he shall bee fauourable to the simpl [...] and needy, and shall preserue the soules of the poore: he shall deliuer their soules from falshood and wrong, and deare shall their bloud be in his sight.
Fiftly, hee is an vniuersall Monarch;Ephes. 1.21. farre aboue all power and Principalitie. Apoc. 19.12. On his head were many Crownes, Psal. 72.11. all Kings shall worship him, all nations shall serue him. Apoc. 19.16. For he hath vpon his garment, and vpon his thigh, a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Daniel therefore prophecieth of the Kingdome of Christ, thatDan. 2.44. it shall breake and destroy all other Kingdomes, and it shall stand for euer. 1. Cor. 15.25. He must reigne (saith the Apostle) till hee haue put all his enemies vnder his feete.
Lastly, he doth not onely ouercome our enemies in this life, but also in the life to come. For of Sinne, Death, and the Law,1. Cor. 15.57. God hath giuen vs victory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ.
Now therefore, if of their Saints the Romish Church can shew, that they are Kings and Priests together, praying for vs to God, and themselues giuing vs the things they pray for, we will confesse in this sense the verse true, which is so miserably, and blasphemously wrested contrary to the minde of the Holy Ghost,Constitues eo [...] Principes super omnem terram. Rom. Breui. An [...]ph post [...]ructauit in Com. Apost. Thou shalt make them Princes in all lands. But another King hath Esay foreshewed,Esay 9.6.7. Ʋnto vs a Child is borne, and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen: and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder, and hee shall call his name Wonderfull, Counseller, the mighty God, the euerlasting Father, the Prince of Peace: the increase of his gouernment and peace shall haue no end, hee shall [Page 13] sit vpon the Throne of Dauid, and vpon his Kingdome, to order it, and to establish it with iudgement, and with iustice from henceforth euen for euer. I will conclude this point, with the saying of Ecclesiasticus, Ecclus. 24.28, 29, 30. Out of Dauid his seruant hee ordained to raise vp a most mighty King, that should sit in the Throne of honour for euermore: hee filleth all things with his wisedome, as Physon, and as Tigris in the time of new fruits: hee maketh the vnderstanding to abound like Euphrates, and as Iordan in the time of haruest.
Proceede we now to speake of the Priestly office of Iesus Christ. Which that I may the better doe, I will entreat first of the Titles and Appellations giuen vnto him: and then of the attributes of his glorious person, together with the Canons and rules to be obserued touching the same.
CHAP. V. Of the Names, Appellations and Titles, in the holy Scriptures ascribed to our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
EVen by the light of Nature, and the purer reason of vnderstanding, diuers of the very Heathens saw, that sinne could not bee taken away without a Redeemer. Wherefore though either they wanted true Faith to lay hold on Iesus Christ, the onely Anchor of Hope, and Raine-bow of our Peace; and therefore by such glimmering light of sense, may not be said to be in the number of true beleeuers; or else readingVid. Genebrar. in l. 1. Chro. fol. 18. perhaps some of the ancient Prophets, frō them they collected darke apprehensions of the truth, which for their sinne God did not fully reueale vnto them: yet it is certaine, that of a Redeemer to come they dreamed, and sundry speculations concerning this argument they left behinde them. Zoroastes the most ancient Writer affirmeth, that God the Father made and perfected all things, and gaue them to the second minde. Pletho Gemistes, speaking improperly and obscurely, calleth this second minde, the second God. TheMerc. Tris [...]. in pae. cap. 2. ex domino Pless. ancient Chaldean Mages said, there were three beginnings; God, the Minde, and the Spirit.
Mercurius Trismegistus saith, God, who is both Male and [Page 14] Female, the life, the minde, and the light, begate his word, another minde; and with this word there is another word, which is, the fiery God, or the Spirit of God.
Orpheus Iustin. Mart. in ser. exhort. ad gentes adiuro te, O culum, prudens opus dei; adiuro te sermo, quem deus primus mundum creans emisit. ex eod. also out of Mercurius Trismegistus calleth vpon the word, which God first spake when he created all things.
Plato Pl [...]. in Epi. ex [...]od. compareth the Father to the Sun, that shineth in the firmament; and the begotten Son, to the power of that Sun.
Proclus saith, Numenius worshipped three Gods, and that these three were one, the Father, the Creator, and the worke proceeding from both.
Plotinus saith, there is a threefold Essence; the Goodnes, the Wisedome, and the spirit of the World.
Now as the Heathens haue thus diuined of the appellation of the Redeemer of the world: So the ancient Iewes also haue much enquired after the name of him, who should be the restauration of all things; and that so much the more▪ because they esteemed this Sauiour, most especially to belong vnto themselues.
Rabbi Hadarsan vpon the second of Genesis saith, God created all things by his word.
Rabbi Isaach in his booke of creation, maketh three numbers (as hee calleth them)Ibid. the height in Infinitie, the Crowne, and the Vnderstanding.
Philo Iudaeus calleth the worldPhi. in allegor. leg. & in l. de instit. ibid. the yonger Son of God; but his elder son cannot be comprehended, except onely by vnderstanding.
The later Rabbines did euery one giue a name vnto Messias Vid. collect. Rab. Iacob. Salomonis filij de Christ. è Thalmud apud Genebrard. according to their owne fantasies, and such as came neerest to their owne appellations.
Rabbi Sila said, his name should be Silo, according to the Prophecie ofGen. 49.10. Iacob.
The Family of Rab. Ianai said, his name should bee Innon, because he should be for euerlasting.
Rabbi Hanina, would haue him called Hanina, or Mercy. Somesaid, hisLamen. 1.16. name should be Menahem; because of that in the Lamentations of Ieremy: The comforter which should refresh my soule, is farre from me. Other called himEsay 53.4. The [Page 15] White one: out of the Prophet Esay, Wee did iudge him as plagued, or leprous, and smitten of God. Thus euery one had his imagination, while euery one with full consent assure themselues, that this World of Sinne must haue some bath to purge it; and our corrupt kinde, some iustification, by which it may bee made innocent: for that the eyes of God cannot behold vnrighteousnesse, nor shall any polluted dwell before him. But leauing all these, which through the slender creuisse of Naturall wisedome, or the Legall veyle of Iudaicall darknesse, did rather prye at the light, then behold it; Let vs search what Titles of honour, what Appellations, what soueraigne names full of mysterie & excellence, the Spirit of God in the Scriptures of truth, haue giuen to our Redeemer.
Of the names of God there are sundry. Some are Appellations, which substantially expresse what he is; as when he is called God: some by relation expresse the persons; as when we say, God the Father, God the Sonne, and God the Holy Ghost: some by way of Similitude expresse him; as when Christ is calledCol. 1.15. Heb. 1.3. Ioh. 14.17. & 1. Ioh. 2.27. the image, the brightnesse: and the holy Ghost is called the Spirit, the Vnction.
Some names are the names of the Essence, some of the persō, and office. Whatsoeuer Appellations declare the substance of the Godhead, are common to the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost: but the names which expresse the proprietie of the person, are not communicable to any, but the person of whom they are spoken.
Some things are spoken specially of the God-head of Christ, which yet by communication of properties, are attributed to the Manhood: as the onely begotten Sonne,Ioh. 1.18. which is in the bosome of the Father: some things are spoken of the Manhood, which yet are by communication of the properties, applied to the God-head; as when it is said,Act. 20.28. God hath purchased to himselfe a Church in his owne bloud. And Iohn saith,1. Ioh. 3.16. He laid downe his life for vs. God neither died, nor shed bloud substantially or properly: but because the person which died, is God and Man,Vid. Pet. Lomb. 3. sent. dist 21. therefore it is called the bloud-shedding of God, by communication of properties: [Page 16] by which, what is absolutely true in the humanitie, is also spoken of the diuinitie.
Some Titles and Attributes are giuen to the Sonne, which alike concerne both natures, the diuine, and the humane; as [...]. Tim. 1 15. Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners: Act. 10.42. Iesus Christ is made iudge of the quicke, and of the dead.
Some things are spoken of the Godhead, which cannot be true in the Manhood alone; asPh [...]l 2 6. hee thought it no robbery to be equall with God. Io. 8.58. Before Abraham was, I am. Some things are spoken of the Manhood alone, which cannot be verified of the Godhead alone: asPsal 8.5. Thou madest him lower then the Angels. And againe, Hee Esay. 41.1. is called the seruant of God. The obseruation of this distinction, is most necessarie to them, that will rightly vnderstand the Scriptures, speaking of Christ.
The Name of God, and Sonne of God, is substantially and eternally, before all time and ages, giuen vnto the Sonne: but this appellation was manifested to the world in due time, appointed by the eternall Counsell of God.
The name of the sonne of Man, Christ when hee tooke flesh in the wombe of the Virgin, tooke also vnto himselfe: and as in his eternall Natiuitie, the Name of God is his beyond all eternitie: so in his temporall Natiuitie, which hee hath in the flesh, hee hath also a temporall appellation, taken in time, but shall endure beyond all time, euen for euer and euer. And here obserue the vnspeakeable humilitie of Iesus Christ, who much more often calleth himselfeMat. 8.20. Mark. 2.10. Luke 5.14. Iohn 3.13. the Sonne of Man, then the Sonne of God.
Christ is called theIoh. 1.1. Word: not the Word created, but the Word begotten: not such a word as from God was giuen to Moses by the Angels, which was not begotten, but deliuered: nor such a word as is speld by letters, or pronounced by syllables, the word created, and not begotten;Theod. but Christ is called, the Word vncreated, in his Diuinitie, but not vnbegotten. Formed and begotten in his Humanitie: begotten in his Diuinitie without time; in his Humanitie in time, but without passion. Whose generation was neither the violation, [Page 17] the diminution, the separation, or the taking away of any thing from the Father. Christ then is not the word which beates the ayre, which begins from silence,Tho. Aqui. and ends in silence; but the word neuer ceasing, and euer speaking.
Wherefore as euery man declareth himselfe to another by his word: so God manifesteth himselfe to the world by his Sonne, who interpreteth the will of God to vs, and is the substance, very God of God his Father.
The Wisedome of God 1. Cor. 1.14. the Father hee is called: not that created wisedome, which is deliuered in the word, or appeareth in the creatures, or is shed into the soule of Man, by the operation of the Spirit; but the substantiall wisedome, the Essentiall wisedome of God. Wherein wee see Gods infinite loue towards vs. For as the Mother by the milke conueyeth the meat vnto the Child, which of it selfe the Infant hath no power to receiue: so God hath sent his wisedome vnto vs, cloathed in our flesh, whose excellency and infinitie, our infirmitie cannot receiue simply, and in the fulnesse of his glorie. And here note, that Christ is not called wise onely, but wisedome it selfe. This wisedome in his Deity is not a quality, but the substance of the Father; though wisedome in the Manhood of Christ, is a qualitie, superexcellently giuen vnto it by the Godhead.Col. 2.9. Christ then is the substantial wisedome of God, eternall, vncreated; and hath also as Man, the created wisedome, a qualitie infused by grace. By this he encreased in grace and fauour: but the Eternall wisedome encreased not, being the fulnesse, to which there could be no addition; euer infinite. The Father is Wisedome, the Sonne is Wisedome, the Holy Ghost Wisedome: yet but one Wisedome, one Power, one Eternitie, one Essence, one Goodnes.
Christ is calledHeb. 1.3. Vid. Sedul. in cap. 1. ad Heb. The brightnesse of the glory; because, as the brightnesse is vnseparable, coexistent, the same with the light: so Christ is vnseparable, coeternall, the same with the Father.
CHRIST is calledIo. 1.9. The true light; because, as the light maketh all things manifest: so CHRIST declareth to vs the Father, and vnfouldeth the deepe [Page 18] abysse, and secret bosome of his eternall counsailes.
Christ is calledMath. 17.5. The Sonne of God: and men are called the sonnes of God; but Christ is the naturall Sonne, men are adopted sonnes: Christ is properly called the Sonne, Men vnproperly so called, and by fauour onely.
Christ is called theIoh. 1.14. onely begotten; because God the Father hath no other Son by nature: He is called theRom. 8.29. First begotten, by taking flesh vnto him, by which hee hath many brethren, sonnes by adoption. The appellation of onely begotten, and first begotten, is to bee giuen to no other but Christ, neither properly, nor improperly.
Christ is called aAct. 4.12. & 5.31. Sauiour. This name is common to Christ with the other blessed persons in the Trinitie: yet so, as euery person is called a Sauiour in a diuers consideration. God the Father is called a Sauiour, for that he sent his onely begotten Sonne to dye for our sinnes.
Heb. 5.7 8 9. Phil. 2.8. Iesus Christ is called a Sauiour, for that in his holy humanitie, hee was obedient to the Father, and sustained the punishment of sinne. God the Holy Ghost is called a Sauiour, for that by his power, the Sonne of God was conceiued in the wombe of the Virgin;2. Cor. 1.22. Ephes. 1.13, 14. & 4.30. Rō. and all that beleeue are taught, and sealed vnto Saluation, by the earnest of the Spirit, who witnesseth in vs, that we are the sonnes of God. So euery person is a Sauiour, by the vse of power, and operation of loue; for that euery person wrought in the work, that which was proper vnto it to doe. Common to all three persons vvas the Worke, the Loue, the Power, the Purpose.
Euery Person hath also his proper work in our Saluation, which to the other Persons is vncommunicable. The Father gaue, and sent his Sonne, by priuiledge of the authoritie: the Sonne also tooke flesh, and satisfied for sinne, by the humiliation of his Person: the Holy Ghost onely was the worker of the Words conception,Aug. de incar. dom. cont. Iudaeos. in the wombe of the Virgin. We see in Musike, the Art, the hand, the instrument. The Art directeth onely: the hand moueth onely: the instrument only soundeth.Peter Lomb. 3. sent. dist. 3. Euen so (if any thing may expresse this glorious worke of our redemption) the Father begetteth onely: [Page 19] the Sonne onely is begotten: the Spirit proceedeth from both, the loue and communitie of them both. The Father a Sauiour; for he sendeth: the Sonne a Sauiour; for hee suffereth: the Holy Ghost a Sauiour; for by the Holy Ghost Christ was conceiued in the Virgins wombe, and the holy Ghost, calleth, reproueth, sanctifieth, sealeth, assureth the Elect of God. As the Trinitie is vnseparable and vndiuided: so yet the Trinitie was not incarnate, but the person of the Sonne. The Trinitie did not say, This is my beloued Sonne,Pet. Lomb. 3. sent. dist. 1. cap. 3. but the Father: the Trinitie did not descend in the likenesse of a Doue, but the Holy Ghost.
He is calledPsal. 2.2. Christ, in respect of his anointing by the Spirit of God, to be our Priest, our Prophet, our King; wherof I haue already spoken. He isMath. 1.21. called Iesus, in respect of the Saluation of the world.
Christ is called theIoh. 10.11. 1. Pet. 5.4. Shepheard; for that he hath brought home Man wandring in the Labyrinth of sinne, vnto God againe. He is called aEsay 53.7. Sheepe; for that hee was made a sacrifice for vs: and with such patience, humilitie and mildnesse, he suffered all afflictions for vs, that he did not so much as open his mouth before the Shearer. The Word was silent and without speech: the Fire without heate: the mouing and working power, quiet and sleeping, as it were, for our sakes.
Hee is called aIoh. 1.36. Lambe, for his innocencie, purity, vnspotted righteousnesse, meeknesse, and holinesse.
Christ isEsay 40.10, 11. called the power of God; which sheweth, that he was euer with God by eternitie, euer equall to God by consubstantialitie: and that he is no weake meanes, or vnperfect inchoation and beginning onely of our saluation; but as absolute, as full, as sufficient a Redeemer, as a Creator: a Deliuerer, as a Maker.
Christ is calledMat. [...].22. Immanuel; that is, God with vs.Aug. de Ʋer. Apost. This name expresseth his wonderfull loue. For if hee bee counted full of humanitie, that taketh Man into his house, what is he that taketh Man into himselfe? Cyprian well saith,C [...]p de vanit. Idolorum. Christ would be what Man is, that Man might be what [Page 20] Christ is. This name also declareth the coniunction of the two natures in one person.
In the second of Mathew Mat. 2.2. the Wise men call him the King of the Iewes; but in the Reuelation he is calledApoc. 19.16. King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. The first place proueth, that hee is descended from the loines of Dauid, according to the Prophets. The second declareth,1. Cor. 10.26. that hee is a Monarch, to whom all creatures bow and obey.
In sundry places of the Gospell, hee is called Rabbi, or Master, theMat. 8.2. Apoc. 15. Mat. 2.6. Gouernour, the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah, the King of Saints. All which shew his power, both ouer all creatures, and much more ouer his owne fould, which is his Church.
Christ is calledEsay 52.10. The holy arme of the Lord; because all things were made by it, and without it was made nothing that was made.
He is called ALPHA,Apoc. 1.8. and the BEGINNINGApoc. 3.14. and the FIRST; for that, both creation, and reparation are of him.
He is called OMEGA,Apoc. 1.8. or the last end: either because in the end of the world, he came in humilitie, and shall her [...] after come in glory: or else because all our thoughts, words and works ought to tend vnto him, and his honour, as to the appointed end:Rom. 10.4. Mat. 5.17. Esay 25. or because hee was the end of the Mosaicall Law: or because he is the end of the wrath of God, the Sabbath and the Mountaine, in which the hand of the Lord ceaseth. And lastly, hee is called the last, or the end; because hee shall put an end to the whole world, and all that is therein.
Christ is called theRom. 1.17. 1. Cor. 1.20. [...]er. 23.56. Righteousnesse of God, and our righteousnesse: not onely because hee is righteousnesse himselfe, butPet. Lomb. sent. 3. dist. 35. because he giueth righteousnesse to his elect.
Christ is calledLuke 2.30. The saluation of God, the sanctification, the redemption, the doore, the way, the life, the holy of holies; that we should know, that he alone is all vnto vs, that is required vnto eternall life.
Christ is calledApoc. 2.17. Manna, bread, water, the garment: that [Page 21] as food and clothing are sufficient to the maintaining of the naturall life: so we should beleeue, that Christ is alone sufficient to our spirituall and euerlasting life; and hauing him, we neede no more.
Christ is called the first borne of the dead, and 1. Cor. 15.20. the first fruits of them that slept, and Apoc. 1.5. the first begotten of the dead; for that by his power, all the dead are raised vp.
Christ is called theHos. 1.11. Ephes. 4.15. head of the Church, the roote of the Vine, the Bridegroome. All these appellations signifie the communitie of loue, the vnseparable coniunction, the indissoluble vnity, that is betwixt Iesus Christ, and his Church.
Christ is called a1. Cor. 10.4. Rocke, for his soliditie, eternitie, constancie; for that euery one, which is built on him, shall not perish euerlastingly.
Christ is called theApoc. 1.5. Faithfull and true witnesse; because in his mouth there was found no deceit. All the promises of God in him are, Amen, truely, verely, perfectly fulfilled.
Christ is calledApoc. 2. [...]. Hee, that holdeth the seuen Starres in his right hand, and walketh in the middest of the seuen golden Candlestickes; for because hee is alwaies in the middest of his Church, by gouerning, and hath it in his hand, by defending.
Christ is called aEsay Branch, a Flower, a Child, a Seruant, a Calfe, a Worme, in respect of his humanitie and appearing in the flesh; as also in respect of his great humiliation, which he vndertooke, for the redemption of his Church.
Christ is calledEsay 9.6. the Wonderfull, Counsellor, the mighty God, the euerlasting Father, the Prince of Peace; in respect of his diuinity: and that wee should to him ascribe all our beeing, both that of Nature, and this of Grace, the first and the Second birth.
These, and diuers other Titles of Honour, the Scripture giueth vnto the Sonne of God. All which may be reduced into two kindes. For they either declare the Essence of his Deity, which properly can neither be conceiued nor named;Damasce [...]. [...] 1 d [...] fide Orthod. ca. 13. [Page 22] or else they concerne his Office and Mediation; and then they declare either the Priestly, or the Propheticall, or else the Kingly office of Iesus Christ.Phil. 2. To whom let euery mouth confesse, and euery knee bow,Psal. 150. and euery thing that hath breath, giue praise and honour; neither let wretched Man enuy him the absolute appellation of a sole and sufficient Sauiour, Redeemer, and Deliuerer, which the Scripture so copiously doth ascribe vnto him. Thus much of the Titles. Let vs proceede to the Canons.
CHAP. VI. Canons or Rules of Faith, concerning the person of our great High Priest Iesus Christ, taken out of the Scriptures and Fathers.
Canon 1 THough the vnderstanding of Man is in nature after a sort infinite and wondrously capacious: yet it is not proportionable to the infinite and incomprehensible Essence and Attributes of God. Wherefore of the supreme beeing of the most glorious God, nothing can be spoken directly, but vnproperly, by equiuocation, and by way of similitude, according to that wee see in his workes: insomuch that the name IEHOVAH, Exod. 6. which God gaue vnto himselfe, we cannot directly conceiue, nor apprehend, beeing altogether vnintelligible vnto vs. But the attributes of Iustice, Loue, Mercy, which are qualities of men, areIoh. 36.26. & vid. Iob. 38. per [...]ot. indirectly and vnproperly ascribed vnto God, and cannot sufficiently expresse the excellencie that is in him. Cyrill very well saith, It is great learning for a man to confesse his owne ignorance: and Augustine saith,Esay 45.15. God is great without quantitie, good vvithout qualitie. Iulius Scaliger truely deemeth, with no words can a man so fully signifie God, as with those which confesse his owne ignorance.Vid. Barth. Kecker. syst. lag. lib. in trac. de voc. ambig. The first Rule then as an introduction of all the rest is, that all words and attributes common to God and his creatures, are Analogically and improperly giuen to God.
Canon 2 Iesus ChristMat. 15.22. God and Man, the sonne of God, and the [Page 23] sonne of Man, hath both natures in one person, really,Heb. 1.3. & 2.7 Iohn 1.14. aqualin patri, non crescendo, sed nascendo. truely, substantially;Phil. 2.6 equall in the Godhead with the Father, and with the holy Ghost equall, not by increasing, but by essence and natiuity:Io. 14.28.3 [...] inferiour to the Father, and the holy Ghost in his humanity. If he had beeneEsa. 40.28 God onely, hee could not haue died: if he had bene Man onely, heSam. 2.14.14 Iob 21.23 could not haue ouercome death. Wherefore hee is both God and Man, that he mightHeb. 10.5. submit the imbecillity of the one nature to suffering; and by the power of the1. Cor. 15.54.57. other, destroie death for euer. Who could destroy death, but he that is very life? Who could satisfie for sinne, but hee that is very righteousnes?
In the holy wombe of the blessed virgin,Luke 1.31 Iesus Christ Canon 3 was conceiued, and of her seed tooke substance of flesh. Shee did not conceiue by the eare, neither did the Godhead enter into her byIntroiuit per aur [...]m virginis. in di. Nat. domini. the eare, (as the Missall of Sarisbury most blasphemously saith) Hee entred in at the Virgins eare: but his generation and conception was in the wombe. It is hereticall, and sauoureth of the heresie of Marcion, to say with the Missall,Conc [...]pist [...] per aurem dominum nostrum. Thou didst conceiue our Lord by the eare.
Iesus Christ hath two natiuities: one in his diuinity, in Canon 4 which hee is Coeternall, Coequall, Consubstantiall with his Father. Of this natiuity the Psalmist saith,Psal. 27. Act. 13.33 Ioh. 1 1.2 This day haue I begotten thee; intimating the certainty of generation, not the measure or point of time when he was begotten; for this begetting was before all time, and from all eternity. Of this generation we may not say, Christ is still a begetting, although he be still begotten. For he saith not, I do beget thee; but,Nou dicit hodie [...]egi [...]no, sed hod [...]e te genus. psal. 2. To day haue I begotten thee: and this begetting giues him not being of time, or of life, who had liued beyond all time, the beginning of life. The second natiuity is of the Manhood in certaine timeLuke 3.26 and place; of which may be truely verefied the saying of the Canticles,Cant 8.5 There thy mother conceiued thee, there shee conceiued that bare thee. For his humane conception and natiuity had both determinate time and place.
The generationEsa. 53.28 Luke 1.34 of the Godhead, & the Manhood are both ineffable. In the Deity;Ioh. 23.18 God begat him of himselfe: [Page 24] in the Manhood hee was begotten, and borne of a pure virgin, the power of the highest ouershadowing her, & the holy Ghost comming vpon her. Here thinke not, that the holy Ghost was seed, nor that the holy Ghost did beget him, nor that the holy Ghost was his Father, nor that there was in his generationEsa. 53.2. either lust or passion: no, but as his diuineCol. 1.17 generation is without beginning: so his humane generation is withoutEsa. 53.1 example. His diuine generation was vnto God: his humane generation is for men. In the diuine generation, he is the beginning of life: in the humane generation,Tim. 2.1.10 by suffering death, he ouercame death for vs.
Canon 6 If this generation could be conceiued by Man, what great thing were in it aboue other generations?Esa. 53.8 Greg. Nazian. But his generation who shall declare? Thou vnderstandest not how thy selfe wast created, and wilt thou enquire how Christ was begotten? It is enough to know that he was begotten, how he was begotten, the Angels themselues comprehend not:Esa. 40.13. Rom. 11.34 Ezek. 10. Who hath knowen the mind of the Lord, or who was his counseller? Canst thou describe the nature of Cherubins, the substance of Seraphins? both which stand before him, & cast their eies to the ground, couering their faces with their wings, not presuming to looke vpon that vnaccessible light: and yet Man, who is but dust and ashes,Gen. 3. Ecclu 17 who knowes not himselfe, nor how soon he shal be dissolv'd; who vnderstands not how his own soule begetteth the word his mouth bringeth forth, dares pry into the secrets of the generation of the Sonne of God. Assure thy selfe, the truth hereof is nothing lesse, because thou canst not comprehend it; wherefore lay holde on him by faith, whom with words thou canst not express, & bring not that into disputatiō, which cānot be answerd: delight not in the torments of questions. If hisPhil. 4.7 peace be aboue al vnderstanding, his natiuity is aboue al vnderstāding. It is enough for thee to know thatIoh. 10.11 he is the good shepherd, who gaue his life for his sheep.
Canon 7 ChristIo. 1.14 the Sonne of God, was made the Sonne of man; notHeb. 1. et 2 per [...]etum. Esa. 7.14 by conuersion of one nature into another, but by taking the Manhood vnto the Godhead: so the word and the Manhood are one Christ, verely & truely, in person, by coniunction, [Page 25] not by confusion of natures; not, that either nature doth suffer abolition,Vid. 1. ad Heb. but that both the natures are vnited in one person. Christ being Man on earth, was yet at the same time, & for euer God in Heauen, God in the earth, God in the wombe, God in the Manger, God on the Crosse. For the Godhead was neuer diuided, changed, separated or diminished, but was in ChristCol. 2.9 fully, wholly, simply: and he was at the same time very Man, naturall Man, like vnto vs in all thingsHeb. 7.26 1. Pet. 2.22 (except sin) that the one nature might dy, & the other might raise it vp againe.
The GodheadEph. 4.9.10 Erat quidem in mundo: et mundus per ipsum factus est: sed mundus cum nō cognouit, non ergo venit qui aberat: sed apparuit qui latebat. Vnde et humanam in qua agnosceretur induit formam: Ber. ser. 3 de trip. domini aduentu. is said to descend and come downe: not, Canon 8 that it was subiect to mutation, or change of place; but the God of heauen tooke flesh on earth; which to expresse, the Scripture is compelled to speake according to the manner of men. God is said vnproperly, and by a borrowed speech, to come downe and to bee changed: for the Deity cannot bee changed. TheExod. 4.6.7. hand of Moses taken out of his bosome was leprous, & returned into the bosome cleane againe. Here was a true change and alteration indeed. The Godhead from the bosome of the Father comming downe, and taking flesh vpon itEsa. 53.23. Ioh. 16. & 17 seemed vnto men as debased, infirmed, weake, which indeed was not so. For hauing taken away our sinne, our death, our infirmity, and returning againe (as it were) into the bosom of the Father, he is, & was euer glorious, powerfull and almighty. This is but a seeming change, a seeming alteration in God (who indeed is euer the sameHeb. 13.8 without variablenesse, or shadow of change) quoad nos, in our respect, in our vnderstanding; not in nature, not in substance:1. Sam. 1 [...].19 God is in himselfe euer the same without variablenes or shadow of change in nature and substance.
The Godhead it selfe, in the passion of Christ did not suffer, Canon 9 it had no passion, though the humanityMat. 27 did suffer, and were tormented. This cannot be expressed by any similitude, yet we see in Man the soule so knit vnto the body,Calu [...]n in Inst. cap. 7. de side num. 1.3. that either nature keepes his owne property. The body hath actions, wherof the soule is not capable: the soul hath actions, which of the body cannot be verefied. And some things are cōmon [Page 26] to the whole man, which are neither true in the body alone, nor in the soule alone.Damasc. li. 3. c. 26. Damascen compareth the suffering of Christ to the cutting of wood, on which the Sunne shineth: though the wood bee strooken, the Sunne beame is neither cut, nor strooken. He compareth it also to water poured vpon burning yron: though the fire be quenched, the iron is not consumed.
August. Austine compareth the Godhead to the light diffused into the ayre, which is alwayes vncorrupt, though the ayre bee corrupted. But fully and perfectly no earthly similitude can expresse, how Christ God and Man, in one person, suffered onely in the humanitie. Faith must beleeue, what sense cannot conceiue.Pet. Lomb. 3. sent. d [...]st. 22. If you speake of the distinct natures; God suffered not, God died not: If you speake of the vnity of the person; wee may say, God did dye, and God did suffer, that is, the person which is God and Man, did dye and suffer.
Canon 10 Christ is true and veryMat. 1.21. Man, the onely begotten of his Mother in his humanitie, as hee is the onelyIoh. 1.14. begotten of the Father in his Diuinity. The two natutes are not confounded (as the Timotheans did dreame) but consociated: so that God and Man, is one Christ, as the body and the soule is one Man; not by versabilitie of the substances, as Apolinarius thought: nor by the copulation of man with woman, as Ebion blasphemed. For his Mother was a Virgin before and after his birth, contrary to the opinion of Heluidius. His flesh was begotten in the wombe of the Virgin, not brought from Heauen, according to the dotage of Marcion; Not a phantasticall body, as Ʋalentinus taught; not onely flesh of flesh, as Martianus opinated: but true God of the Diuinity, true Man of the humanitie, hauing a body & a soule naturall, not a body without a Soule (as Eunomius beleeued) but a Soule endued Canon 11 with reason, and with sense.
All that Christ tooke ofPsal. 124 7. 1. Cor. 15.42, 43, 44, 45. man hee redeemed in Man; what he did notHeb. 2.14, [...]6 take, hee did not redeeme. Though his generation were aboue nature, yet the naturall Manhood of Christ tooke all ourEsay 53.3, 4. Heb. 2.17, 18. infirmities, affections, passions, without sinne. The very natureHeb. 2.14. must of necessitie bee taken, [Page 27] which should be deliuered, together with all naturall defects, and infirmities thereof.
Infirmities in him were not infirmities of fault,Esay 27.4. but of Canon 12 kinde. Wherefore they are not from the same cause, that they are in vs: we vndergoe them for necessitie, hee did vndergoe them forIo. 15.13. loue: they are the punishments of our owne sinnes in vs: they are the punishment not of his own sinnes, but ours in him;Esay 53.8. For the transgression of my people was hee plagued.
All the lawes of Ceremonies which Christ performed, he Canon 13 did obserue; not that hee had neede in respect of his owne person to bee clensed, or purged, or initiated with any solemnitie of rites, but onely to fulfill theIo. 3 21. whole law for vs, and therefore he wasLuk. 2.2 [...] circumcised: hee ate theMat. 26.1 [...]. Passeouer: hee kept the Sabbaths, that he might bee a perfectMat. 3.15. obseruer of the Law, before God and Man. So likewise he paid tribute, and offered himselfe to be baptised; not that hee had any neede of regeneration, but to giue dignitie to the institution, and to sanctifie it, and by his owne example to commend it vnto vs. Therefore the Missall of Sarum doth plainely blaspheme, where it saith,Concede propitius, vt fructus ancillarum [...]uarum in orbem terrarum sanos & incolumes taliter disponas peruenire, quòd ad sontem baptismatis vna tecum regenerari mercantur. Miss. Sar in Miss. pro Mulieribus pragnant. in secret. pijssime Christe Iesu. So dispose the fruit of thy Hand-maidens to come sound and safe into the world, that they may together with thee deserue to bee regenerate at the font of Baptisme.
Can. 14. GodCol. 2 9. Io. 14.11. Vid. Theod. Beza [...] aduersus conu. Guil. Hold. dwelt in Iesus Christ fully and perfectly; not as he dwelleth in Peter, or in the rest of the Apostles, by presence of the Essence of Diuinitie, or by habituall grace onely. For the holy Saints are not personally and Hypostatically knit together vnto God, as the Manhood and the Godhead are knit together in the person of Iesus Christ. Wherefore theAct. 3.12 & Mat. 16.20. miracles of Saints were not so wrought, as Christs Miracles are.
Can. 15. Christ in his GodheadIer. 23.23, 24 &c. E [...]ay 48 13. Iob. 37 25. is infinite, incircumscriptible, incomprehensible: but the manhood is finite, circumscriptible, comprehensible, and inAct. 1.11▪ Act. 3.21. place contained. Wherefore Eustathius speaking of the Diuinitie well saith, God containeth all things, and is contained of none. And Seuerianus [Page 28] speaking of both natures saith,Continebatur qu [...]ad corpun quantum ad verbum attiret, contineri non poterat. v d. Theod. Bezam. ad Ho [...]d. Conu. he was contained touching his body, but as touching the word he cannot be contained. The body hath not the equipatence, or the vbiquitie of the Godhead, but is contained in his place as other bodies are; which if it were not so, the Angels could not haue proued his resurrection from the dead, because hisMar. 16.6. body was not in the graue. And Pauls desire were absurd,Ph [...]l. 1.23. wishing himselfe to bee dissolued,Sicut à coelis aberat, quando in terra fuit, ita runc, quia in coel [...] est, non est in terra. Vigil. aduer. E [...]h. that hee might bee with Christ. The truth then is, Christ as God filleth earth and heauen at once: but Christs Manhood was not in heauen, when it was in earth; and is not in earth, now it is in Heauen.
Canon 16 We must take heede, that we giue not vnto Christ one will onely, with the Monophysicall, and Monothelitan Hereticks. For as Christ hath two natures, so also two wils, and two powers, and two operations. The humane nature, which is taken, doth serue the diuine nature, euen as the body of Man doth serue the Soule: yet either nature doth worke according to his propriety. At the resurrectionIo. 11. of Lazarus the soule groned, sorrowed: the body wept, and said, Lazarus come forth; but the Godhead gaue life vnto him, and raised him vp, who is the beginning and the life of all. Wee diuide not herein the person, with Nestorius; but wee say, the Man Christ wrought Miracles: yet not as mere Man, but by the Godhead. For though the Manhood of Christ bee adorned with all graces, yet it hath not the Essentiall proprieties of the Godhead,Mat. 21.18, 19. Ioh. 6 9, 10.11, 12. neither doe those properties goe out of their owne subiect. It was not the Godhead, which hungred at the Figge-tree: it was not the Manhood, that fed fiue thousand with a few Barly loaues, and two Fishes. Amphilochius well saith;Deu [...] sum & homo, haeretice: deus, vt s [...]ondent miracula; homo vt testātur affictiones. O Heretike, I am God and Man: my miracles shew I am God, my affections witnesse I am Man.
Canon 17 Christ in his Manhood (though beautified with the most excellent graces) is yet to himselfe inferiour, considering his Godhead.Apoc. 8.3. The Angell standing before the Altar, is well expounded of the humanitie of Christ worshipping the Diuinitie. For the humane nature is subiect and doth serue the diuine nature, euen in himself, that is, in one & the same person. [Page 29] But to thinke that in Christ there is one person seruing, another commanding, is the Heresie of Nestorius condemned in the Councell of Ephesus.
Christ was (as is formerly said) both Priest, Sacrifice, and Canon 18 Altar; for he offered as Priest, hee was offered as Sacrifice, and his owne worthinesse was theHeb. 13.10 Esa. 56.7 Col. 1.21.22 acceptable Altar. He is the SacrificeHeb. 5.10. which reconciled vs vnto God, when wee were enemies, and preserues vs still in his fauour being reconciled. This Sacrifice therefore tooke away bothHe. 10.14.18 fault, andHeb. 13.12 punishment; and therefore the punishment, because the fault.Ezech. 18 For God is righteous, and his iustice requireth to punish where is fault. And againe, the same iustice of God permitteth him not to poure downeGen. 18.25 vengeance, where hee seeth no fault, no blemish, no transgression.
Euery first, orRo. 11.34.35. mouing cause is mooued of no other, Canon 19 neither receiueth helpe from any other. The Sunne which giueth light vnto all receiueth not light from any. The fire heats, and is not heated. Euery first working cause is perfect in his kinde. So Christ in the worke of our Saluation isEsay 63.3 assisted by none, he receiueth help from none, being the fountaine of all grace and goodnes. Euen as theIob showres and dew which falleth vpon vs, falles not by our helpe: or as the light shineth vpon vs, without vs, or any of our labour: so is the saluation from Christ free, vndeserued, wrought onlyRom. 11.36 by himselfe, and of himselfe, and for himselfe. Wherefore the Psalmist saith,Psal. 72.6 Hee shall come downe like the raine into a fleece of wooll, euen as the drops that water the earth. And the Prophet Esay saith,Esay 62.1 I will not rest, vntill the righteousnes therof breake forth as the light, and saluation thereof as a burning lampe. And againe,Esay 66.12 I will extend peace ouer her like a floud, and the glorie of the Gentiles like a flowing streame. And of the free mercie of God the Prophet Ieremy speaketh,Ier. 32.41 I will delight in them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart, & with al my soule. Ioel saith,Ioel 3.18 In that day shall the mountaines drop downe new wine, and the hils shall flow with milke. Raining, dropping, breaking forth, flowing, planting, are all Symbols of vndeserued grace, and vnmerited fauour.
Canon 20 Christ hadAct. 2.23.24 power to lay downe his life, and not to lay it downe. Wherefore in that he died, hee died to satisfie theHeb. 2.14.15 wrath of God; not for any necessity in his owne person. For hee was such, yea, a thousand times more1 Cor. 15.47 excellent then Adam in his creation. For this cause, his1 Cor. 15 56 Manhood beeing without sinne, was by4 Esd. 7.48 nature also without death. InIoh. 15.12.13. that hee died, it was the dispensation of loue and grace, not the exaction of necessity, (as himself witnesseth);Ioh. 10.18 No man taketh my life from me, but I lay it downe of my selfe.
Canon 21 All theCant. 5 10. ad finem. works of Christ were fully and sufficiently meritorious of eternall life for vs, in respect of the worthinesse of them. For euen in his baptisme the Father witnesseth of him;Mat. 3.17 that in him he was well pleased, but he died to testifie the greatnesse of1 Io. 4.9.10. the loue, and to obserue the order of GodsIo. 15.13 counsailes, with whom withoutHeb. 9.22 effusion of bloud there is no remission of sinnes. Wherefore Iesus ChristIo. 10.11 gaue also his life for his sheep, and by his punishment satisfied the iustice and wrath of God; as it is written,Esay 53.10 It pleased the Lord to smite him with infirmity.
Canon 22 ChristEsay 63.3 suffered himselfe, and no other for him. Christ suffered in hisMa. 26.38.39. Mar. 15.34.37 whole humanitie, because whole man was to be redeemed, Wherefore he suffered both in body & soule; as it is written,Esay 53.11. My soule is heauy vnto the death: And Esay saith,Ibid. Of the trauell and labour of his soule shall he see the fruit. And againe, He poured out his soule to death. Hee suffered himselfe alone, no other with him, for the taking away of sins; so witnesseth Esay, Esay 63.3 I haue troden the wine-presse my selfe alone, of all people there was none with me.
Canon 23 Adam, when he sinned, was aRom. 5 publique person, and in him all did sinne originally: so Christ when he suffered, was a publique person, and the benefit of his suffering redoundeth to all; not that all mankinde is saued by his passion, but that Christs passion was a sufficient sacrifice,3. sent. dist. 20. & powerfull enough in respect of the price, for the saluation of all, though it were efficacious onely for the elect, who were giuen to him of the Father. This is proued out of the words of our Sauiour himself,Io. 17.9 I pray not for the world, but for them, which thou hast giuen me.
The whole life of Christ was nothing else but suffering & Canon 24 affliction, according to that of Ieremy, Lam. 3.5 Luke 2.7 He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and labour. The birth of the King of glory was in a stable, his cradle a Manger among brute beasts, no sooner borne, but presently persecuted and sought for by Herod. Mat. 2 Wherefore they flee with him into Egypt, from whence returned, all his life long hee spent in temptations, hunger, labour, trauaile, infirmity, affliction, snares, dangers; till at last our glorious Sunne by little & little was wholly ouercome, & the most dreadfull Eclipse, ouercast the same, that euer was.Mat. 27 At which the naturall Sunne it self abashed, hid his face in darkenes; the earth quaked, and the very stones did rent asunder: all creatures are astonied, Man, onely Man, for whom all this he suffered, harder then stone, more vncompassionate then the very rockes,Ma [...]. 14.29.30 31.32. hath no sense of his Sauiours torments, no feeling, no commiseration.
The Natiuity of Christ, his death, resurrection and ascension, Canon 25 were certainely foreshewed by the Prophets, at what time they should come to passe. Of his natiuity the Apostle witnesseth;Eph. 1.10 that God sent his Sonne in the dispensation of the fulnes of the times. And Iacob prophecied,Gen. 49.10 The Scepter shall not depart from Iudah, nor a Lawgiuer from betweene his feet, vntill Shiloh come. Esay foreshewed the same; namely,Esay 11. & 35 & 53. that he should rise out of the stocke or trunke of Iesse, out of the waste and dry ground: by which was shewed, that vpon the destruction of the Israelitish royalty, in the ouerthrowe of their state, in their confusion, their Anarchy, Others do otherwise account, but all comes in a maner to one end. their miserable oppression, Christ should come. Daniel therefore setteth downe the precise time, how many yeares it should be from the going forth of the commandement, to bring againe the people, till the comming of Messiah; to witte,Dan. 9 seauen weekes, threescore and two weekes: which weekes being taken euery one for a Sabbath of yeares (as Moses teacheth vs to account)Leuit. 25 arise iust vnto 490 yeares; the full number of yeares from Darius Neh. 2. Longhand (whom the Scripture calls Artahshashte) who sent forth the cōmand vnto the time [Page 32] of Christs appearing. Of his death, Daniel prophecieth, it should be after threescore and two weekes: now the moneth, the day, the houre, was typically foreshewed in the eating of the Paschall Lambe, which was on the fourteenth day of the first moneth at Euen. [...]ccording to the Iewish account, who began their day about three of the clock in the afternoone. On which day, being Friday, Christ according to the Law did eate the Passeouer with his Disciples, and was betrayed in the night following, receiued the sentence of death about twelue of the clocke the same day, and during the said houre of twelue was led to Golgotha and crucified, and at three of the clocke in the afternoone yeelded vp the ghost. Neither doth Marke the Euangelist varie from this account where hee saith,Mar. 15.25. that Christ was crucified about the third houre.Marke [...]aith hee gaue vp the ghost at the ninth houre. Verse 37. A day naturall comprehending the night, consisteth of foure and twenty houres; but the Iewes had a two-fold diuision of their day, not reckoning the night. The first was into foure quarters, which vvere called the foure great houres, for in euery one of them, three houres were contained:Ioh. 11.9. The second diuision of the day, excluding the night, was into twelue houres. Now Mathew, Luke, Luk. 23.44.46 and Iohn say, that the iudgement was pronounced, and Christ nayled on the Crosse about the sixt houre: that is, in the tract, or by the finishing of the houre, which vvee call noone, or twelue of the clocke, which was part of Markes third great houre; and so, at the ninth houre, or three of the clocke, he gaue vp the ghost. Some doubt of the time when Christ ate the Passeouer, because Saint Luke, and Iohn say, he was crucified on the day of the preparing: but the truth is, Christ ate the Passeouer on the fourteenth day of the moneth, according to the Law of God. But the Iewes had a tradition, that if the fourteenth day fell vpon the sixt day of the weeke, then they deferred their Passeouer to the Sabbath day following: wherefore Christ was crucified on the day of their preparation for the Feast. The resurrection the third day was typified in Ionas, and prophecied by Osee Osee. 6.2. andIoh. 2.19. his owne prediction also.
The kinde of death which our Sauiour Iesus Christ did suffer, was most shameful and ignominious, vpon a woodden [Page 33] Crosse: which manner of punishment was vsed among the Romans, and it was most odious aboue all other sorts of death. Cicero saith,Cic. act. 5. in ver ex Barth. Kecker [...], Syst. Theol. the punishment of the Crosse was the worst, and most cruell torture: wherefore the enemies of Christian Religion did vse tauntingly to call Christ, the hanged and the crucified God.
Christs death was the separation of body and soule, as all other Canon 27 dye: and when hee was dead, his side beeing pearced, bloud and water issued forth: the bloud was a Symboll of perfect expiation by him made; the water, of the cleansing and purifying of all them for whom hee died. So his bloud preached satisfaction, and the water the washing away of sinne.
Christ although he verely died, yet hee had alwaies life in Canon 28 himselfe. I Ioh. 10.18. 1. Ioh. 1.2. Symb. Atha. 34. haue power ((saith he) to lay it downe, and haue power to take it againe. Though in his death the Soule were separated from the body, yet the diuinitie was neuer separated from the humanitie; but as the two ends of a broken boaw, are yet knit still vnto the same string: so the body and Soule of Iesus Christ were euer ioyned to the diuinity, though they were one from the other disioyned.Esay 63.5. Therefore my own arme (saith hee) helped mee, and my wrath it selfe sustained mee. Here then behold a wondrous strong connexion of the two natures of Christ, which death it selfe could not dissolue; and thence take comfort (Christian) vnto thy selfe, seeing the Manhood so knit vnto the Godhead, that nothing could make separation thereof: and what doth hee desire else but that all his may be one, as the Father is in him,Ioh. 17. and he in the Father?
Some say, Was there no other way that wee might be saued Canon 29 from eternall damnation, but by the miserable torture, and bloudy death of the Sonne of God? yes surely, the power of God might haue saued vs other waies: but God, who had condemned Man iustly for the sinne of one, would haue Man to be deliuered also iustly, by the obedience of one. So that the Diuell is not now cast by force onely, but by equitie, out of his possession, according to that of Esay, Esay 1.27. Sion shal [Page 34] be redeemed with equitie, and her conuerts with righteousnesse. Austine of this point speaketh well; There are some that say; Why? could not the wisedom of God otherwise deliuer Man? Surely it could: But if he had done it otherwise, it would haue as much displeased thy foolishnesse. The couetous dislike that Christ was not made of gold: the vnchaste dislike that he was borne of a woman: the proud dislike that hee suffered contumelies and shame: the delicate dislike that hee suffered torments: the fearefull dislike that he suffered death. But let vs with thankefulnesse receiue and imbrace what hee did, who did all for our loue, whose wisedome the lists of our slender sense cannot containe.
Canon 30 The Godhead in Christ, being one person with the humanitie, did as it were (for who can truely expresse the maner?) delitescere, or cease his operation, and withdraw it selfe, that Christ might suffer. Insomuch that hee cried out vpon the Crosse;Mar. 15.34. My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken mee? This was done; not that there was any passion or alteration in God: nor that the Godhead was separated from the Manhood by diuision of the person: nor that the Father forsooke the Sonne with a finall dereliction: nor as though Christ did desperately cast off all hope of the fauour of God. But yet after an ineffable manner, the Godhead permitted the Manhood, to which it was in person ioined, to suffer, to dye, to sustaine and vndergoe the sinnes of the world, the wrath and iustice of God, as much as the seueritie of Gods righteousnes required, for the redemption of all sinners: yea, I doubt not to say, as much as all sinnes deserued. For though Christ suffered not the very same kinde of paine (the wages of sinne) which the Diuels and reprobate sustained in Hell: yet the torments, the extreme humiliation, the shamefull death of the Sonne of God, was an equiualent satisfaction, and as great a punishment, as all our offences did deserue. When thou thinkest on the horror of thy sinne, thinke also on the excellency of the sacrifice, and the extremitie of the humiliation, and thou shalt confesse the prophecy to be most true which saith,Esay 43.24. Thou hast made me to serue with thy sinnes, and wearied me [Page 35] with thine iniquities. Let vs then acknowledge;Esay 53.6. Surely hee hath borne our infirmities, and carried our sorrowes; the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquities of vs all.
The giuing vp of the Sonne of God to death was from the Canon 31 Father, from the Sonne himselfe,Vid. Pet. Lomb. 3. sent. dist. 10. cap 1. from Iudas and the wicked Iewes. The Father gaue him according to his eternall counsell: the Sonne gaue himselfe in obedience to his Father, and in loue to mankinde: the Iewes and Iudas deliuered him vp to be crucified, out of their malice and enuy. Wherefore the worke of the Father was good, and the worke of the Sonne was good; For Charitie was the cause, equitie was ths meanes,1. Tim. 1.15. and Saluation of Mankinde was the end thereof: But the worke of the Iewes and Iudas was euill, as their will was euill, and their intention euill. God and the Iewes did one worke, but not with one purpose. Wherefore when it is said,Acts 2.23. Ye tooke him by the hands of the wicked, beeing deliuered by the determinate counsell, and foreknowledge of God; this is not to bee vnderstood, as though God were in the obliquity of the worke, or partaker of the Iewish impietie, or as though Christ had kild himselfe, or desperately beene the instrument of his own destruction: But the meaning of the place is, that the euill will of the Iewes was the instrument to bring the good will of God to passe; and that, as the Father in wisedome, in iudgement, in loue gaue his Sonne, and the Sonne in humilitie and obedience to God, and in exceeding charitie to Man gaue himselfe: so the Iewes gaue him and betraied him, sinfully, maliciously, treacherously. Wherefore to God the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost all honour and praise: to the Iewes and Iudas all punishment, shame and confusion is due.
The resurrection of Christ is our hope, and his ascension Canon 32 our glorification. Christ in that he rose,1. Pet. 1.3. Ioh 17.24. Heb. 10.12, 13, 14. did rise neuer to die againe, neuer to bee againe corruptible, passible or infirme: but his humanity hath put on glory & eternity, and remaines now and for euer in the glory of the Father.Iohn 14.2. Hee is gone vp to prepare a place for vs, to make intercession for vs, to be the first fruits of the dead. Hee hath taken vp our flesh into [Page 36] the heauens, that the head being glorified, the whole body might also arise vnto glory. So vnto the nature of which it was said,Gen. 3.19. Thou art dust, and shalt returne to dust; it is now saidHieron. super illua Psal 24. Attollite portas Principes vestr. Be yee lift vp yee euerlasting doores, and the King of glory shall come in. To him be honour, and praise, and dominion, and might, and maiestie vpon the knees of all hearts ascribed for euer and euer, Amen.
I will presume no further to set downe Rules concerning the Attributes of this vnspeakeable transcendent, whose praises in number surmount the drops and sands of the sea, in glory the brightnesse of the clearest Sunne:Ioh. 21.25. the world cannot containe the things which might of him be written: the Heauen is his seat,Mat. 5.34, 35. Psal. 99.5. the earth is but his footstoole. O vaine were he would goe about with the dropping of a quill for to expresse him.
CHAP. VII. Of the workes and benefites of Christs Priesthood, and of a double kinde of denying and ouerthrowing them.
OF the three Offices of Christ so excellent, although it cannot be said, which is the most profitable and beneficiall vnto mankinde: yet I will begin with his Priesthood; because his Priesthood goeth before his Propheticall and Kingly Offices in order of the worke. For, first hee doth redeeme, and iustifie vs as our Priest, then instructeth vs as our Prophet, and lastly glorifieth vs as our King. Now as in the Law there were sundry duties belonging to the Priests office: namely, to ouersee the lights of the Tabernacle, to make Shew-bread, to offer Incense, Sacrifices, burnt offerings, sinne-offerings, and such like: so, many, infinite and vnspeakeable benefites doe flowe vnto vs from the Priesthood of Christ, whereof the Leuiticall was but a shadow, or a type onely.
Redemption, the worke of Christ [...] Priesthood.Redemption from the slauery of Sinne, of Sathan, and of Hell, by the offering of his most holy body as a full satisfaction, wherein himselfe was both Priest and Sacrifice, the gift [Page 37] and the giuer, the incense and the Altar, is the first worke of this glorious Priesthood.
The second worke is Mediation,Mediation, the worke of Christ [...] Priesthood. or ioyning vs vnto God by vnseparable connexion. So that we, who before were enemies vnto him through the lust of our vncleannesse, are now one with him through his Sonne, whom hee hath made our peace, and our reconciliation.
The third worke is continuall Aduocation,Aduocation, the worke of Christs Priesthood. and Intercession vnto God for those, who are his by Redemption, that they may so continue, and be still one with him, & with the Father.
The fourth worke is Iustification of those,Iustification, the worke of Christs Priesthood. whom he hath redeemed; whereby in our elder brothers garments, like Iacob, we receiue the blessing of our Father, being clothed with pure reines, the long white vesture of Christs holy merits. And indeed, hauing put on Christ himselfe as our righteousnesse, we are reputed and taken holy, blamelesse, vndefiled, without spot or wrinkle in the vncorrupt iudgement, and cleare seeing eyes of God. For Christ the true Elizeus, 2. King. 4.34. comming downe from the Mount, hath applied his liuing body to our dead bodies, his members to our members, his merits, and his workes to cure our sinnes, and our vncleannesse. By application then, and imputation of his righteousnesse, wee are all righteous.
The fift worke is Sanctification of those,Sanctification, the worke of Christs Priesthood. whom hee hath redeemed and iustified. Which sanctification is by the communication of his spirit, giuing vs grace to hate and abhorre the sinnes, which were so hainous, that with no other expiation they could be clensed, but the onely immaculate bloud of the Sonne of God; and to walke henceforth as children of the light, in all the good and holy workes, which God hath prepared for vs to walke in.
These, and infinite other benefites there are of Christs Priesthood. Which if we either deny to come vnto vs from Christ, or say, that wee receiue them from any other as authors and fountaines thereof (cauill and sophisticate vvith what curious quirks, and nice distinctions we will) we euacuate [Page 38] and frustrate the high and excellent office of Christs eternall Priesthood.
There are indeed many, which deny not Christ in words, but doe confesse him; yea, pretending that they are his Vicars, they say they cannot bee his enemies: but though they confesse him with their mouthes, yet if they deny the power, the vertue, the efficacie of his office, they are Antichrists. The Apostle warneth Titus of those that professe they knowe God, but by their workes deny him. Augustine also of such aduiseth vs;Inuenimus multos Antichristos, qui ore conficentur Christum, & moribus dissentiunt in 1 Ep. Io. tract. 3. We finde (saith he) many Antichrists, which with their mouthes confesse, and in their manners dissent from Christ. Ierome saith, there are many enemies vnto Christ, which are thought to bee of his house, that is, in his Church; they doe not depart from the head, but they hold against the head. Bernard saith,Heu, heu domine, ipsi sunt in persecutione tua primi, qui in Ecclesia tua videntur primatum diligere, & gerere principatum: arcem Sion occupauerunt, apprehenderunt munitiones, & vniuersam deinceps libere & potestatiuè tradu [...]t ince [...]dio ciuita [...]em. Bern in ser. de Con. Paul. Alas, alas Lord, they are first in persecuting thee, that loue the Primacie, and hold the principalitie in the Church: they possesse the tower of Sion, and haue gotten into their hands the munitions thereof, and now freely and powerfully they deliuer vp the whole Citie to be burnt. Albert saith, Antichrist shall pretend a counterfeit shew of holinesse. And Hillary saith,Quisquis enim Christum negat, qualis ab Apostolis est praedicatus, Antichristus est. Hill. Gon. Auxen. vel Arrian. that Iesus Christ, while he is thought to be preached, is denied: and against Auxentius he saith, Whosoeuer denyeth Christ to be such, as he is by his Apostles deliuered, he is Antichrist.
CHAP. VIII. Of Redemption:Of Redemption. the first worke of the holy Priesthood of Christ, and the definition thereof.
COme we now to the most excellent worke of Redemption, the first benefite vvhich vvee receiue from the great and glorious Priesthood of our Sauiour Christ. Of which, first it must be considered, what it is, and then how many kindes are therof.Difference betwixt Emption and Redemption. Betwixt Emption and Redemption the difference is, that Emption is the attaining by price of that which vvas neuer ours: but Redemption is to buy againe that which [Page 39] was once our owne, and now lost, alienated, and in possession of others.
Thus is Christ called a Redeemer; for that vs, who sold our selues by sinne vnto Sathan, and were now fallen from the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God, to be the bondslaues of sinne, death, and Hell, hee hath with the price of his holy and precious bloud bought againe vnto himselfe, and paid our ransome: not to the Diuell,Christ brought vnto vs Redemption. vvho had no right to hold vs (being poore seduced wretches, trained by him into his owne damnation) but vnto God was this satisfaction made, vvho held vs first as his Children, and now gaue vs ouer for our transgressions to the Diuel, the executioner of his wrath. Of these two diuers parts of our Redemption, namely, Satisfaction vnto Gods iustice by his humiliation and suffering, and conquering of the Diuell by power and victorie, the Scriptures giue plentifull record. Of Satisfaction to God the Apostle saith,Tit. 2.14. He gaue himselfe for vs, that he might redeeme vs from all iniquities. And Esay foreshewethEsay 53.10. He shall make his soule an offering for sinne. Now of the conquest ouer the Diuell, Death, and Hell, the same Prophet doth plainely witnesse;Esa. 27.2. In that day the Lord with his sore, and great, and mighty sworde shall visit Leuiathan that piercing Serpent, euen Leuiathan that crooked Serpent, and shall slay the Dragon that is in the Sea. And the Psalmist saith,Psal. 45.5. Thine arrowes are sharpe to pearce the heart of the Kings enemies. Wherefore Esay againe teacheth,Esay 9.4. The yoake of their burden, and the Staffe of their shoulder, and the Rod of their oppressor hast thou broken, as in the day of Midian. O Sampson of our strength, slaughtered,Iudg. 16.28.29, 30. and slaughtering at once, the onely Phoenix, who dying doth beget againe. The Pelicane, which feedeth his yong ones with his bloud.Iud. 14.14. Math. 17.5. The eater, out of which commeth meat. The strong, out of which commeth sweetnesse; sweetnesse towards God, For I am well pleased: strength against the enemyEphes. 4 8. Psal. 68.18.; for he hath led captiuitie captiue and giuen gifts vnto men.
Man could not haue beene separated from God,Bernard. but by sin; nor the soule from the body, but by death. Now Christ, to bring both these together againe, hath redeemed the [Page 40] Soule from sinne, and the body from death, satisfying God as a Priest, and conquering the Diuel, Death and Hell as a King.
Christs double redemption, as a King, and as a Priest.Redemption then, as we see, is the giuing of a sufficient ransome for vs; wherby we that are captiues, are now bought againe, to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe: by it wee that were farre of, are now brought neare,Heb. 12.22.23 to mount Sion, and to the Cisie of innumerable Angels, and to the congregation of the first borne, which are written in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spirits of iust and perfect men: The fruits of our Redemption. by it we are called out of darknesse into this maruellous light, and we2. Pet. 2.10. which in times past were not vnder mercy, now haue obtained mercy.
CHAP. IX. Of the sundry considerations of sinne.
TWo things there are in sinne: the corruption of sinne, and the punishment of sinne. The corruption of sinne is seene in that continuall peruerse will and desire of ours, by vvhich wee striue to doe the things, that are displeasing to God, and to transgresse his lawes, & breake them daily. This corruption and deformitie doth ouergoe the body and soule of Man; so that hee, vvho in the beginning vvas created to the image and likenesse of God, hauing the innocence, the holinesse, the wisedome, and the eternitie of God shining in him, is now become like the Diuell, blacke, spotted, vncleane, leprous, foolish, mortall. For though the act of sinne when it is begunne, is also quickly ended: yet the corruption of sinne in vs, is euer in the sight of God, and for it to him wee are still abominable. Abominable was sinne in Adam, abominable it is in vs: in him as the spring, in vs as the streame. Let vs speake of the deformitie of Adams sinne first, and then of our owne.
The vilenesse of Adams sinne in himselfe, three manner of wayes is declared. First the obiect, against whom it vvas committed. Secondly the person, vvho did commit it. Thirdly, the whole nature of Man, which he did deordinate [Page 41] and infect, doth shew the greatnesse of his fault. In that he sinned against God, infinite was the sinne; for hee sinned against the infinite power which had made him; the infinite wisedome which made him to his owne likenesse, the purest metall to beare the image of the King himselfe. He sinned against the power, the wisedome, the loue, the Father, the Sonne, the Holy Ghost. Wherefore from the whole Trinitie came that Sarcasm of indignation;Gen. 3.22. The Man is become as one of vs: Thus Man, vvho in all things else was finite and had limits, in sinne is infinite, and beyond all limits. Secondly, the person who did commit the sinne, doth aggrauate the same: the power, the wisedome, the loue incomprehensible created him in the body from the earth, in the Soule from the heauen, that heauen and earth conioyned, he might be another world in himselfe. Wherefore he deckt his earth vvith the fayrest feature aboue all other creatures; so farre, that there was nothing vvhereof he might be ashamed: and adorned his Heauen (the Soule I meane) vvith light more excellent, then of the Sun, or of the Moone; Ʋnderstanding, memory, Will; a Trinitie after his owne example, full of perfection, goodnesse and excellence. But Man, wretched Man, wilfully cast away his Trinitie of grace, giuen by the Trinitie of the supreme Essence, and gaue it vp to the Trinitie of vile and base suggestion, delectation, consent; by which all the power, the wisedome, the loue, which from the supreme power, vvisedome, loue, he had receiued, vvas turned into weaknesse, foolishnesse, vncleannesse; weaknesse of memory, foolishnesse of vnderstanding, vncleannesse and vvickednesse of will: and this he did, no necessitie compelling him, beleeuing the Diuell, louing his wife, preferring his desire aboue God the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost. His sinne vvas spirituall, hearkening to an Apostata spirit: his sinne was corporall, pleasing himselfe in the taste of an Apple. The commandement easie to be obeyed: his vvill, iudgement, knowledge, loue, all perfect, and therefore hee might haue stood: his temptation onely outward, and therefore hee needed not to fall. All things neglected, for a trifle [Page 42] he prouoked the highest God, vvittingly, vvillingly, maliciously, rebelliously; therefore his sinne vvas infinite, vnspeakeable, vvithout defence vvorthy of the deepest damnation.
Thirdly, Adam in his sinne did deordinate, or turne from the due end, himselfe and all his progeny that came from him: a murtherer before a parent, vvhose offence imposed a double necessitie vpon vs; necessitie of death, the corruption and the destruction of our nature. A little drop of Wine poured into vvater doth diffuse it selfe through the whole vessell. Euery little graine is infinitely diuisible (as Philosophers imagine) and so vvas Adams sinne transfused from him into all his posteritie: so that from the sowre and filthy fountaine proceed not but sowre and filthy vvaters. The end for vvhich Man was created,1. Cor. 2.9. Esay 35.10. Esay 43.7. vvas infinite good, which eye hath not seene, eare hath not heard, nor euer entred into the thought of Man. From this hath Adam turned all his posteritie. O infinite transgression! all eyes may deplore it, all eares glowe to heare it, and euery heart rent in pieces to thinke on it: which is to beare intolerable; to auoid, vnpossible; to answere, vnexcusable.
As our originall sinne is an vniuersall botch, a generall leprosie ouer all mankinde: so of our own actuall sinnes none can describe the filthinesse; more innumerable then the haires of the head, more importable then the sands of the Sea. Adams act corrupted his nature, our nature corrupts our acts:Psal. 14.3. There is none that doth good, no not one. And as the purest, gold hath his drosse if it be fined: so the holiest action of ours is sinne if it be examined. Wherefore all is concluded vnder damnation. For he that committeth sinne is of the Diuell,1. Iohn 3.8. farre from God: farre from light: farre from life: farre from hope;Esay 57.19, 20. There is no peace vnto the sinner, saith my God.
Lastly, there is the punishment of sinne, whereof the Psalmist speaketh,Psal. 11.7. Ʋpon the vngodly he shall raine snares, fire and brimstone, storme and tempest: this shall be their portion to drinke. And our Sauiour saithMat. 13.41, 42. The Sonne of Man shall send forth his [Page 43] Angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend, and them which commit iniquity: and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Ecclus. 41 9. If ye be borne, ye are borne to cursing: if ye dy, cursing shall be your portion. Rom. 8.24 Deut. 27 O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death? Let vs hasten from this cursing Eball, to the Gerizzim of blessing: from the view of this lamentable captiuity, to the means of deliuerance; from the fierie, to the brazen serpent.
CHAP. X. Of the sundry kindes of redemption from sinne.
ANswerable to the two considerations of sinne, namely,Two kindes of redemption. the corruption and punishment, there are also 2 kindes of redemption from sinne. The first is the taking away of the 1 corruption of our sinnes: from which Christ hath so perfectly purged his elect, that it shall neuer bee laid to their charge: yea, God when he looketh vpon vs, shall beholde no sinne in vs, according as it is written,Eph. 5.8 Yee were sometimes darkenes, but are now light in the Lord. And againe hee saith,Eph. Christ loued the Church, and gaue himselfe for it, that he might sanctifie it, and cleanse it, by the washing of water through the word, that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church, not hauing spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should bee holy and without blame. Hereto may be applied that of Malachy, Mal. 3.2.3 He is like a purging fire, and likefullers sope: hee shall euen sine the sonnes of Leui, and purifie them as gold and siluer, that they may bring offerings vnto the Lord in righteousnes. To this no doubt Ezechiel also aimeth, where vnto Israel he pronounceth,Eze. 36.25 Then will I poure cleane water vpon you, and you shall be cleane; yea, from all your filthinesse, and from all your Idols will I cleanse you. And Esay saith,Esa. 25 7 Hee will destroy in this mountaine the couering that couereth all people, and the veile that is spread vpon all nations. Ieremy prophecieth,Ier. 50.20 In those daies, and at that time (saith the Lord) the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall bee none: and the sinnes of Iudah, and they shall not be found. Thus [Page 42] [...] [Page 43] [...] [Page 45] shall bee fulfilled the prophecy of Balaam, Num. 23.21. Hee seeth none iniquity in Iacob, nor transgression in Israel. The meaning whereof is, that the corruption and the punishment of our sinnes is so taken away in the bloud of Christ, that they shall neuer appeare against vs to eternall damnation.
I cannot here sufficiently maruel at the audacious impiety of one Kellison, a Doctour of Diuinity (as he tearmeth himselfe) who feareth not to inferre,Kellison in suruey of the new religion. lib. 3. pag. 260. lin. 9. that if Christ hath freed vs from hell, and hath paid the punishment of sinne, and requireth no other satisfaction at our hands, so Christs passion, which was a sacrifice to abolish sinne, is a cause of all sinne; and Christ, who came to redeeme the world from sinne, filleth the world with sinne: and so is an absurd Redeemer, so to redeeme vs from sinne, that he inuiteth vs, & eggeth vs forward to sin. This is strange stupidity in a man of his degree: of whom I would gladly aske this question; Whether the Pope in his pardons forgiuing sinnes, and commanding the Angells to carry the soules immediately into heauen, of all those which dy in his warres, or conferre any thing vnto the same, doth egge then on to sinne? or doth the mercifull father, which payeth the debt of his imprisoned sonne, and deliuers him out of fetters, egge or prouoke his sonne to runne into debt againe? Such thoughts can neuer enter into the heart of him that is truely redeemed, as to say, I will sinne, because my sin is forgiuen me. But on the contrary, he loues much to whom much is forgiuen:Kell. in suruey of the new religion. lib. 3. pag. 259. lin. 24. Who will care for sinne (saith Kellison) that is perswaded, that Christs passion is so imputed to him, that no sinne can hurt him? Surely many hurts there are in sinne, though it doth not vnto the elect bring the hurt of eternall damnation. There are in sinne the offence of our God, the offence of our brother, the offence of our conscience: there is euill of example, euill of act, hurt of our neighbour, discredit of the Gospell. These things the redeemed are affraide of, though there were no stripes, no rods, no hell. It is true, thatIoh. 4.18 perfect loue casteth out feare, yet it doth not cast out obedience: and though the redeemed doe not abstaine from sinne, out of the affection of seruile dread; yet whosoeuer are redeemed [Page 45] by the bloud of CHRIST, willPsal. 2.12. Kisse the Sonne, least hee be angry, and with the louing chaste wife, abhorre to prouoke so deare a husband. They vvhich care not for sinne,Christs free grace must not bee smothered, b [...]cause the wicked abuse it. haue not Christs passion imputed vnto them: they are Reprobates and aliants from the commonwealth of Israel. And vvhat their care is, belongeth not to the Elect of God: neither must the free redemption by CHRIST be concealed because euill men and Reprobates growe worse and worse.
Kellison proceedeth saying:Kel. lib. 3. ca. 2. pag. 260 lin. [...]0. So Christs Passion which was a sacrifice to abolish sinne, is cause of all sinne: and Christ, who came to redeeme the world from sinne, filleth the world with sinne. Who can bee patient to heare,We may not blaspheme with enforced inferences. by such enforced conclusions, vvithout ground or cause, the holy vvorke of our Redemption blasphemed?Socra. Eccl. hist. cap. 10. Seuerianus of Constantinople, because Serapion passing by did not giue him reuerence, burst out and said, If Serapion die a Christian, Christ vvas neuer made man. The Witnesses that heard this, enforced against him, that hee said, Christ was not made man: and so he vvas worthily excommunicated. For indeede, it is the vvorst of all blasphemies, vpon idle suppositions, mis-reported and enforced assertions, to inferre reproches, and to call into question the glory of God, and the grace of his Christ. And therefore it was a good and religious regard of the Emperour Immanuel Comnenus. For vvhen the Church of Constantinople ordained a forme of detestation of the Mahometicall impietie: Cursed be Mahomets God; the Emperour forced them to change the phrase, and made it, Cursed be Mahomet.
To stop the mouth of Master Kellisons cauill, the truth is, Christ hath abolished the guilt of sinne, so that it shall not appeare in the sight of God, but is cast behinde his backe. He hath sanctified vs also and deliuered from the Lordship of sinne which raigned in vs. So that now sinne shall not haue dominion ouer vs: which deliuerance though it is not in this life absolute, and perfect in vs,Ro. 6.14. & 18. as it shall bee in the life to come; yet is it daily made manifest in all the childrē of grace, being stirred vp by the spirit of Christ vnto newnesse of life,Vid Ro 7.5, 6. and assisted also thereunto. Of this freedome, if hypocrites [Page 46] and reprobates be not partakers, nor are renued in the spirit of their mindes, nor stirred vp by forgiuenesse and Redemption, to flye from sinne: yet the sonnes of grace and adoption, endeauour to tread vpon the traine of the Serpent, whose head is crusht, and abhorre the diuelish syllables, which doe pronounce; that Kellis. lib. 3. c. 2. pag. [...]60. lin. 14. Christ came to fill the world with sin: or that Christ is an absurd redeemer, because hee is a full and absolute redeemer. O wretched Man, Didst thou neuer yet taste of the spirit of liberty?Gal. 5.6. Or doest thou not know how faith worketh by Loue? Is there no meane, but either good workes must iustifie, or else they must not be done? Either we must be saued by our workes, or else Christ fils the world with sinne? Is this Romish Logicke? are these conclusions?
The second Redemption from sinne, is from the punishment of sinne,Ephes. 1.14. Rom. 8.23. the first and second death; which is called Redemption of Possession, and Redemption of the body, by the Apostle Paul. By this wee are brought out of death vnto life, out of earth and dust, vnto honour and eternitie: out of the darke deuouring graue, to the Crowne of vnmarcessible glorie;Rom. 8.21. vvhen wee shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God; and shall haue the fruition of all those ioyes,1. Cor. 2.9. which eare hath not heard, eye hath not seene,Vid. 2. Sam. 7.14.15. neither can enter into the heart of man. For though the sinne of the Elect hath in this life many transitorie punishments,Vid. Heb. 12.6.10. or rather admonitory and fatherly corrections: yet the staine and horrible corruption of sinne which crieth for eternall vengeance against vs, together with the euerlasting punishment, is vtterly taken away, according to that of the Prophet;Osee 13.14. I will redeeme them from the power of the graue: I will deliuer them from death: O death, I will bee thy death: O Hell, I will be thy destruction.
CHAP. XI. That none could redeeme vs but Christ, neither immediately nor mediately.
THere are in Christ two things, by which he is able (and none but hee) to redeeme mankinde from the fearefull [Page 47] thraldome and miserable seruitude of our spirituall enemies. The first is his mighty power: the second is his proper right. Let vs first intreat of his power.
The strength of sinne, and the Kingdome of Sathan, together with the cruell hand of death, are so forcible and mighty, that no power of Men nor Angels, but onely the victorious Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah, Apoc. 5.5, 7.8, 9 is able to subdue and ouercome them. This we shall plainely perceiue, if we consider, first what sin is: and then what the Diuell is; and lastly, what death it selfe is.
Augustine defineth sinne to be,De libr art [...]. The despising, The first reason, taken from the definition of sin. or turning away from the incommutable good, to mutable and transitorie good, which indeed is euill. Ambrose saith,Ex Tho. Aq. 1. secunde q. 109. art. 4. Sinne is the transgression of the Law of God, & the not obedience of the heauenly precepts. Thomas Aquinas defineth sinneTho. Aq. 1. part. q. 63. art. 1. to be, An act turning away from the order of our appointed end, against the rule of nature, reason, and the eternall law. Out of these definitions it appeareth, that Man by sinne doth turne away from God, from Nature, from order, from the end for which hee was created. Wherefore it is by the Latines called Peccatum, quasi pellicatus, an whoredome diuorcing vs from God; euen as an vnchaste wife from her husband: and the marke and scope, against which all sinne doth striue, is God. For the sinnes of the first Table immediately, and the sinnes of the second Table, though mediately, yet principally are committed against the diuine Maiestie, and tend to the dishonour of God. Therfore Dauid hauing committed adultery, and murder together in deflouring Bethsabe, and killing Vriah, complaineth,Psal. 51.4. Against thee onely haue I sinned, that is, against thee principally haue I sinned: as though he should say; against Ʋriah, Vid. Muscul. in hunc locum. crying is the sinne and bloudy: against Bethsabe, foule is the sinne and infectious: against my people, against my selfe, bloud and filthinesse attaint me, examplelesse example of euill haue I giuen, yet against thee onely haue I sinned. Against Ʋriah, Bethsabe, Israel, my selfe; all is nothing in respect of that I haue against thee done; a God, so gracious and mercifull vnto me. Moses also diuideth all sinnes into two rankes:Leuit. 5. Leuit. 6. sinnes [Page 48] of Ignorance, and sinnes of Presumption; and for both, the offering must bee brought vnto God: therefore in both against God is the sinne committed. Out of these premises two conclusions doe arise. First, that all sinne is committed against God; therefore to God it is onely proper to forgiue sinne (as Alexander and Thomas Aquinas both confesse;In Comp. Theol. & ita citat. à Cent. 13. cap. 4. The fault which is committed against any, he alone can remit, against whom it is committed. Secondly,Alex part. 3. q. 1. memb. 6. art. 2. ex Cent. [...]3. God is infinite; therfore sinne in some sort is infinite. And for this cause, neither men, nor Angels, whose nature is not infinite, but finite, can redeeme from sinne, being an infinite transgression, beyond nature,Alex. ibid. measure, words, thoughts, and all that can bee imagined. Adde we hereto, that sinne being the deordination, or turning away from the appointed end, which is infinite and vnspeakeable blessednesse, is also in this consideration an infinite and vnspeakeable euill. It followeth therefore that if God require punishment answerable to the fault, none can beare it that is Man onely, or of a limited nature. If God require satisfaction,Innocentius. it must be done by such a one, as is infinite in righteousnesse, as Man is infinite in vnrighteousnesse.
The second reason, taken from the comparison betwixt Man in his innocence, & Man in his fall.Secondly, Man against God offended, in giuing vp the seruant of God, to the seruice of Sathan: but if man should seeke to make recompense to God for this theft and reuolt, he cannot doe it; for innocent Man reuolted, but now there is no Man innocent. Wherefore God gaue his Sonne, Man in substance, innocent in qualitie, to satisfie for sinne.
The third reason, taken from the captiuity of sinne.The third argument. The captiuitie of sinne is a generall captiuitie, extending it selfe to all Mankinde, and is a couering, wherein all flesh is wrapped, as the Prophet saith:Psal. 14.3. All are corrupt and become abominable, all are turned out of the way: there is none that doth good, no not one. And if perhaps in actuall sinnes one doth lesse offend then another, yet the originall guilt alike hath corrupted all, and cast the same fetters vpon the whole posteritie of Adam; for [...]. Ioh. 3.6. That which is borne of the flesh, is flesh. Why then, of Prisoners in the same dungeon, laden with the same fetters, oppressed with the [Page 49] same calamity, bound with the same necessity, obliged in the same debt, and all of one condition, how can one bee anothers redeemer?Rom. 7 The whole nature of Man was by sin corrupted; therefore the righteousnes of a priuate person or two could not bee an equiualent recompense for the sinnes of all other. Wherefore Christ was made of God a publike person, and of infinite goodnes, which might counterpoize all our euill. The Prophet, of Mans righteousnes saith, The Esay 28.20 bed is narrowe and not large, and the couering so small, that a Man cannot winde himselfe vnder it,
Fourthly, the Angels, those glorious spirits,The Fourth reasō taken from the nature of Angels. which stand before God, could not redeeme vs. For though they bee not partakers of this wretched captiuity and thraldome with vs, yet they haue not impossibility of sin by nature, but by grace. Wherefore hauing nothing of their owne to offer vnto God for sin, but onely that which they haue receiued, they could not be redeemers from sin. But such a redeemer was needfull vnto vs, who was in himselfe vncaptiueable,Vid. Pet. Lamb. lib. [...]. sent. dist. 12. cap. 3 in whom was no possibility to sinne by nature, the humanity to the diuinity being in one person conioyned; and therefore when he offereth righteousnes vnto God, hee offereth his owne to God. The Angels also, though in their nature absolutely considered, they are more excellent then Man: yet they haue a finite nature, contained though not by circumscription of place, yet in the limits of their essence. But hee that was offended, is infinite, and the offence also infinite. Wherefore the finite and limited nature of Angels could not be sufficient to so great a worke.
Fiftly, the Scripture maketh the cleansing of sinne,The fift reason, taken from the power which forgiueth sin. part of Gods omnipotency. For so the Lord himselfe reasoneth with Iob, Iob 7.8 9 Hast thou an arme like God? or doest thou thunder with a voice like him? decke thy selfe now with maiesty and excellency, and array thy selfe with beauty and glory: cast abroad the indignation of thy wrath, behould euery one that is proud, and abase him: looke on euery one that is arrogant, and bring him lowe, and destroy the wicked in their place: hide them in the dust together, and binde their faces in a secret place: then will I confesse vnto thee also, that thy [Page 50] right hand can saue thee. This is plaine also in Exod.Exod. 34.7 where God maketh the taking away of sinnes, one of the attributes of his diuine nature, and part of that description, which hee gaue of himselfe.
The sixt reason, take [...] from the dignity of the worke of Iustification.Sixtly, the schoolemen confesse,Ex. Th. Aq. prima secunda et sic col. per Bo [...]. that the iustification of the wicked is the greatest worke of God; because the end of iustification is, to bring that which is transitorily euill & corruptible, to the eternall participation of infinite good, which is God himselfe. And Idiota saith,Cap. 5. de const. anim. et Car. ex C [...]n 9. cap. 4 that Man in his creation was made like to God: but in the redemption, the Sonne of God is made to the similitude of Man; therefore the work of Redemption is greater then the work of Creation. Wherfore Augustine saith, It is a greater thing to make a righteous man of a sinner, then to make heauen and earth: for they shall perish, but the saluation of the predestinate doth remaine. I will conclude this point with the words of the Psalmist,Psal. 3.8 Saluatio belongs vnto the Lord. And againe,Psal. 37.40 The saluation of the righteous Men is of the Lord, he shall be their strength in the time of trouble.
Seauenthly,Ecclus. 15.15.16 17. sinne proceedeth from the will of Man:Lam. 5 21. [...]z [...]. 36.26, Ioh. 6.44. Ier. 31.18 but the will of Man none can turne but God; therefore God onely can deliuer from sinne.
Eightly, originall righteousnesse was the gift of GOD, though it was made naturall in our first father Adam; Gen. 1.27 Eccles. 7.27 therfore the returne to this righteousnesse againe, must bee the grace of God onely in all Adams posterity.
Gen. 2. & 3Ninthly, sin entred, and through sinne, death into Man, by another, euen the tempter, the worst of all. Wherefore it was most conuenient, the reparation should be after the maner of the transgression, from another, the best of all. But herein the redemption farre surmounteth the offence. The diuell to bring Man to destruction,Heb. 2.14 entred into the Serpent, and did it by the body of an vnreasonable creature: but God, that Man might bee repaired, tooke vpon him the flesh of Man, and in our nature wrought the deliuerance of our nature.
The diuell Mans second great [...]ny.The second enemy that tyrannizeth ouer vs, is the diuell; and he also impossible by any but by God to be subdued. The [Page 51] great force and power of this destroier is most fearefully described in the holy word, where sometimes hee is tearmedApoc. 12.15 a Dragon casting water out at his mouth like a sloud: sometimes, a roaring Lyon, the Prince that ruleth in the aire, the Prince of the darkenesse of this world: Nay, in respect of his greatnesse, and his might, he is calledEph. 6.12 Principality and power it self: whom God vnder the name of Leuiathan, witnessethIob. 41.1 to be so strong, that no man dare stirre him vp, nor can stand before him. Man in his kinde is weaker concerning power, blinder concerning knowledge, younger in experience, shorter in continuance: Therefore Man cannot be equall to him. The Angels are of the same nature and substance; and therefore nothing more powerfull in themselues, then the diuell is in himselfe. I conclude then, since no nature is superiour to him but God, it remaineth that none can ouercome him but God himselfe.
The third captiuity wee are in, is that of punishment, by si [...]knes, infirmity, and death it selfe.Rom. 6.23 [...]he third captiuity of mankinde, death. For the wages of sinne is death; both temporall in this world, and eternall in the world to come. From this cannot any deliuer, but hee that hath life in himselfe, absolutely, originally, causatiuely. And therefore neither Angells, nor Men can deliuer from death, but the Sonne of God only. In whose death though the soule were separated from the body, yet the Godhead was neuer separated from the Manhood, neither aliue nor dead. Therefore hee had alwaies life in himselfe: and euen as the Father raiseth vp the the dead, so doth he. This, Alexander of Hales acknowledges;Alex. Hall. That which is not the beginning of mans being, cannot be the beginning of his reparation. But as the same imagination and conceit of the Carpenter, which made the house at the first, doth best repaire the same beeing in ruine: so the same word, the begotten word, the image, the wisdome of the Father, is the restauration of Man-kinde, which was the creation and first maker.
It appeareth then, concerning our deliuery from the spirituall Egypt and the Pharaoh thereof,Ioh. 8.32 if the Sonne make vs free, then are wee free indeed: all other that promise to set vs at liberty, are deceiuers and impostours, likeAct. 5 Iudas Gaulonites [Page 52] and Theudas, which led away indeed much people after them, but to destruction.
CHAP. XII. That Christ hath the most proper right to redeeme vs.
AS it is most manifest, that Iesus Christ only hath power and might to subdue our spirituall enemies: so he onely hath proprietie of right, to redeeme vs from our captiuitie. The Law giuen to Moses concerning ciuill redemption ordaineth,Leuit. 25. that the Father shall redeeme the Sonne, the brother the brother, and the kinsman the kinsman, and so the next of kinde is alwaies the redeemer. Now what is the Law, but the couering, the shadow, the veile of the Gospell? As one well saith; the Law is the Gospell hidden, the Gospell is the Law reuealed. Therefore as in the shadow, so in the substance; as in the resemblance, so in the nature of the things themselues, the nearest of bloud must bee the Redeemer. Now who is there, O who is there, in the vvhole vniuersitie of things, in heauen, in earth, or vnder the earth, so nearely ioyned vnto vs, as our Christ?
Our parents are not so neare; for of them wee haue receiued flesh indeed, yet we haue receiued nothing but flesh, the worst, and beastly part: but of Christ we haue receiued the spirit, yea, his owne spirit, as saith the Apostle;Gal. [...].6. God hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne into your hearts. Who then but a mad Man vvill more esteeme of the carnall coniunction, then of the spirituall?
Secondly, though the generation euen of the body it selfe be from our parents, yet the creation at the first, and the formation now is of God. So saith the Psalmist,Psal. 139.12. My reynes are thine, thou hast couered me in my Mothers Wombe. Wee haue receiued of our Parents dead earth; and that, which either by misordered natures errour, might haue beene a Monster, or by casualtie of euill fortune, haue proued abortiue. But hee hath breathed into vs the breath of life;Psal. 139.4. Thou hast fashioned me behinde and before, and laid thy hand vpon me, Psal. 71.6. thou [Page 53] art hee that tooke mee out of my Mothers bowels. Our parents are the instrumentall causes, God is the most noble cause, the efficient cause of our being.
Thirdly, wee are in Christ, and Christ in vs: but our being is onely from our Parents, and not in them. Who can say, I am in my Father? butAct. 17.18. in him we liue, and moue, and haue our being. For this cause Aratus calleth vs the diuine Progeny. And Porphiry saith, that men by nature are Gods, sauing that mortalitie is cast vpon them.
If we be nearer to Christ then our parents, wee are much nearer to Christ, then to our brethren; for from them wee haue receiued nothing: but Christ calleth vs his sonnes; nay, vnto vs is giuen a Esay 56.5. name better then of the sonnes and of the daughters, euenIoh. 15.5. to bee his Members, his Branches; as Adam said of his Euah, Gen. 2.23. Bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh.
Lastly, Christ is not onely nearer to vs then our parents, our brethren, and our kinsfolke: but he is nearer to vs then we are to our selues. For in respect of the continuall vvarre betweene the sensuall part of the Soule, and the reasonable, and of the horrible corruption and deprauation of sinne, we are strangers to ourselues, vnlike to our selues. But Christ in the spotlesse purity of his innocent manhood (such as Man was in his creation) is nearer to vs in our nature,I doe not herein compare our perfection in nature with the perfection of the nature of Christ, but only that we were by nature perfect in creatiō, though he [...]ore excellently. then wee to our selues can be. In him we may behold what wee vvere created: in him we may behold what we were, vvhile wee were our selues: In him wee may behold what Man was, when he was one, and not diuided in his affections. Finally, Christ onely is God in Man, and Man in himselfe: wee are Diuels in Man, and Man without Man.
CHAP. XIII. That Christ hath fully and absolutely redeemed vs from sinne, and from the punishment due thereto.
FOr the better vnderstanding and clearing of this Axiom, Can. 1 that Christ is a full and absolute Redeemer, from the steine [Page 54] and from the punishment of sinne, there are certaine vndoubted verities, and assured conclusions to be laid downe, before we come vnto the proofe of the doctrine.
The chastisement of the [...]lect is the blessing of God.First, there is a great diuersitie and disparitie, betwixt the punishments of the Reprobate, and the louing castigations of God, toward his owne elect children of grace. For though the whirlewinde of reuenging ire lighteth vpon the vngodly, to the rooting out and vtter confusion of them; snares, fire and brimstone,Psal. 11.7. storme and tempest, being the portion and cup, whose dregs the children of Satan must drinke vp: yet all the rods and stripes, wherewith God at any time smiteth his owne children, are rather to be held admonishments, then punishments; preuentions then plagues of sinne; bridles to keepe them in awe, conseruations and instigations to righteousnesse, then the iron Scepter of his seuere iustice. As is plainely proued in Salomon the sonne of Dauid; of whose posteritie the Lord saith,2. Sam. 7.14. Psal. 89.32, 33. I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the plagues of the children of men: but my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I tooke it from Saul, whom I haue put away before thee. Osee therefore saith,Osee 5.15. I will go and returne to my place, till that they knowledge that they haue sinned. Here wee see, that the end why God withdraweth his presence, is onely, that his people might see their offences, and acknowledge them. The same is taught also in Esay; where the Prophet makes a great difference betwixt the death of the godly, and the death of the wicked. Of the one he pronounceth,Esay 26.14. The dead shall not liue, neither shall the dead arise: but of the Elect he saith,Ibid. ver. 19. Thy dead men shall liue; euen with my body shall they rise. Though the one and the other taste of the same death, yet diuersly, and with sundry effects. Yea, of excommunication, the great iudgement and curse of the Church, the Apostle Paul sheweth, that though it were inflicted vpon a most exorbitant and facinorous offender, the end was, that beeing admonished of his sinne, and forsaking the same,1. Cor. 5.5. The spirit might be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus.
Can. 2 Secondly, the members of the Church, the mysticall body of Christ, suffer therefore many afflictions and tribulations [Page 55] in this world,The chasti e [...] en of the Elect is to make them conformable to the sufferings of Christ. that they may bee made conformable to the head, which is Christ.Gen. 1.26. In the first creation Man was made according to the likenes of God: and in his second creation why should not he be made also like vnto Christ?Iohn 3.2. Wee shall be like him when he appeareth: we must be like him also in our pilgrimage, as the Apostle witnessethRom. 8.29.; Those which he knew before, he did also predestinate, that they should bee like fashioned to the shape of his Sonne. And Peter saith,1 Pet. 4.13. Yee are partakers of Christs sufferings: and Paul againe,Rom. 8.17. So that we suffer together, that we may be glorified together with him.
Thirdly, the chastisements of the Elect are the seales of the Can. 3 loue and fauour of God towards them;The chastisements of the Elect are Seales of Gods mercy towards them. and therefore are neither punishments nor destructions. This is proued by sundry Testimonies of Scripture;Apoc. 3.19. As many as I loue, I rebuke and chasten. And the Apostle to the Hebrewes saith,Heb. 12.6. Whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth, and hee scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth. It being thus euident, that all the afflictions of the children of grace, are rather medicines then punishments, conformities with Christ, and witnesses of his fauour and loue to vs, then rods and scourges; Wee ought therefore to ranke them amongst benefits and blessings, and not to account them torments of anger, and instruments of wrath.
Fourthly, the Redemption which Christ hath wrought for Can. 4 vs, doth not ouerthrow the lawes of nature, by which man in this life hath his infirmities, and at last is by death dissolued: but he maketh death which was before a bitter poison, now to be a sweet and precious potion, since thorow it, as the gate of the Citie, we passe into eternall ioyes. Wherefore it is called sleepe, and it is called rest; to shew that to the godly it is a benefite. Christ hath not forbidden it to bee present with vs, but to be hurtfull to vs.Minimè quidem abesse cogitur, sed co [...]itur non obesse: Ber [...] Ser. 52. sup. [...]a [...]t. Death is not a destruction, but a translation: it doth not take away, but change into a better: To conclude, death as it is the worke of the Diuell, the punishment of sinne, is perfectly ouercome to the elect; but yet it is left as a passage vnto life, vnto glory and eternitie.
These Canons thus premised; To proue the absolute Redemption Ratio 1 [Page 56] wrought by Christ, the first argument I will take from the person of the High Priest of the Iewes, in his compleat attire and holy vestures, standing before the Altar of God, the resplendent image of Iesus Christ, the great Priest of the second Couenant. In the Booke of Exodus, Exod. 28. the Iewish High Priest entring the sanctuary, to appeare before the Lord for the people, in his brest-plate, Ephod, Robe, broidered coate, Miter, and girdle of gold, blue silke, scarlet, and fine linnen; figuring thereby the glorious merits, and vnspeakeable graces of Christ, in which he standeth before God for his Elect, hath also in the choisest and most precious Onix stones embost with gold, the names of the children of Israel grauen vpon his shoulders. For this purpose (saith the Lord) ThatExod. 28.12. Aaron shall beare the names of the children of Israel, before the Lord vpon his two shoulders, for a remembrance. Secondly, Aaron in the brest-plate of iudgement beareth also the names of the children of Israel, cut in precious stones; to this end, thatExod. 28 30. Aaron when he goeth in before the Lord, shall beare the iudgement of the children of Israel vpon his heart,Christ bare our names, our sinne, our iudgement on the Altar of the Crosse. before the Lord continually. Thirdly, Aaron had a plate of pure gold, wherein was grauen (as Signets are grauen)Exod. 28.36. Holinesse to the Lord: and this was put on, thatExod. 28.38. Aaron might beare the iniquitie of the offerings, which the children of Israel should offer. Thus wee see, that Aaron ba [...]e the names, the iudgement, and the sinne of the house of Israel. Which, what doth it else preach vnto vs, but that Christ hath in our names borne our sinnes, and susteined the iudgement due vnto them? This is a place of vnspeakeable comfort, worthy euer to be in our minds; which doth so fully expresse the redemption wrought by our great High Priest, who scorned not to appeare before God in our names, and to take our sinnes vnto himselfe as his owne, and to vndergoe that dreadfull doome, and fearefull curse, which our hainous transgressions deserued.Esay 63.3, Wherefore, Their bloud (saith he) shall be sprinkled vpon my garments, Thou art my seruant Israel, for I will be glorious in thee. and I will steine all my raiment. Signifying hereby the imputation of our horrible and filthy abomination vnto him: Nay, to shew that all he suffered, [Page 57] he suffered for his Church, Esay calleth himEsay 49 3. Israel; intimating thereby, that hee was a publique person, in whom all ISRAEL satisfied GOD, was punished, and blessed, and iustified. Peter saith, that1. Pet. 2 24. his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the Tree. Of this we haue also a plaine figure in the Law of Moses. For at the consecration of the Priest, the Lord enioyned, that on theExod. 29, [...]0 Ramme to be sacrificed the Priests should put their hands: & of the bloud thereof some must be put on the right eare of the Priest, on the right thumbe, and on the great toe of his right foote. Of all which Ceremony there was no other signification, but that the great and excellent Priest to come (Iesus Christ) should haue our bloud-guiltinesse, and our offences ascribed and imputed to him, and that euery part of his body should be afflicted, and he should wholly beare the wrath and vengeance of God for our sinnes.
My second proofe is, the excellency of the Sacrifice, Ratio 2 which was offered for our offences.Christ more excellent then all the sonnes of Adam, because he is the Son of God. The bloud of Christ is so much more sufficient for the sinnes of the whole world, by how much one sonne of God is much more precious, then all the sonnes of men.
Some perhaps wil obiect, that the Godhead did not suffer; and ther [...]fore, that Christ was God, it conferreth nothing to the excellence of the Sacrifice. But although the Godhead did not suffer, yet the Manhood being the instrument of the Godhead, and in one person knit vnto the same, did suffer. Wherefore the Godhead working by the Manhood,The excellence of Christs Sacrifice by the vnion of the two natures. and with the Manhood, made the satisfaction infinite, as the debt was infinite. Hee doth satisfie fully for any trespasse or offence, who doth yeeld vnto him that is offended, the thing which he loueth more, then hee doth hate the offence: but Christ hath giuen for our trespasse himselfe to God his Father, whom God more loueth, then he hateth all our sins; therefore Christ hath fully satisfied for all our sinnes. This is it, which the Apostle Paul meaneth, saying;1. Cor. 7.23. Ye are bought with a price: which he speaketh Emphaticè, intending an vnspeakeable, infinite, incomparable price, aboue all the worth [Page 58] of gold and siluer;1. Pet. 1.18. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as siluer and gold: Aboue all the worth of beasts and cattell;Psal 51 16. For sacrifice and burnt offerings thou wouldest not haue: aboue all the worth of Angels;Heb. 1.13. For, To which of the Angels said he at any time, sit at my right hand, till I make thine enimies thy footstoole? Aboue all the worth of men: forSap. 13.1. Surely all men are vaine by nature: aboue all the value of the offence;Ro. 5.15.16. for, The gift is not so, as is the offence, the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation, but the gift is of many offences to Iustification.
Ratio. 3 My third proofe is, the comparison betweene the Legall and the true Sacrifice, the shadow and the substance. For if the bloud of Oxen and Goates, and Calues, did perfectly clense, as concerning the purity of the flesh: and the bloud of Christ, which by the eternall spirit, offered vp himselfe an immaculate Hoste,Christ sacrifice [...] in his kinde cannot be inferiour to the Leuiticall sacrifices in their kinde. a Sacrifice of all Sacrifices vnto God, doth not purge our conscience fully from the dead workes of sin: then the Sacrifice of Christ in his kinde is inferiour, and not of such perfection as the Leuiticall sacrifices were in their kinde; which is most blasphemous to say. For Moses witnesseth,Deut. 32.4. The workes of the mighty God are perfect. Perfect (saith Albert) in redemption, as they are perfect in creation. Wherefore of the perfection of Christs sacrifice Zecharie speaketh,Zech. 3.9. I will take away the iniquitie of the land in one day. And againe,Zech. 9.11. Thou shalt be saued by the bloud of thy couenant. And the Apostle teacheth, that the offerersHeb. 10.2. once purged, haue no more conscience of sinnes.
Ratio 4 My fourth proofe is, the infinite & vnspeakeable torment, which our Sauiour Christ did endure.The vnspeakeable suffering of Christ Why was Christ ouerflowed with such a world of plagues? such a sea of sorrowes? such a hell of miserable afflictions, if he did not fully suffer, that he might fully redeeme? Hereof we haue a liuely image in the Law;Numb. 19.5. For the Red Cow burnt, flesh and skinne, bloud and doung together, what doth it else foreshew, but Iesus Christ in all parts and powers of body and soule most extremely afflicted? The Prophet Esay shewing the wonderfull humiliation of Christ saith,Esay 52.14. men were astonied at him, his visage [Page 59] was so deformed of men,Christ most lowl aba [...]ed himselfe. and his forme of the sonnes of men. Yea, what else is preached vnto vs in the Law,Dion Carth. ex Rab Mos. when for great and facinorous sinnes, not the most precious and excellent things, as gold, siluer, precious stones or Pearles,Gal. 4 9. Heb. 9.19. but base and beggerly rudiments, the bloud of Calues and Goates is offered; but that Christ became most vile, most base, euen the scorne of men, a worme of the earth, working our saluation, in the greatest humiliation of his nature? In the person of Christ Dauid complaineth;Psal. 69. [...]0 Rebuke hath broken my heart, I am full of heauinesse, I looked for some to haue pitie on me, but found none. And Ieremy, though literally he bewaileth the captiuitie of Israel, yet figuring thereby the infinite suffering of Christ, saith,Lam. 3.1. I am the man, that through the rod of his indignation haue experience of misery. And againe,Lam. 1.12. Behold and see, if there be any sorrow like my sorrow, which is done vnto me.
Though Christ did not suffer euery speciall affliction,Christ suffered all kindes of affliction. yet he did suffer in generall all kinde of affliction, and that three manner of waies. First, in respect of all sorts of men that conspired against him; Iewes, Gentiles, bond, free, men, women, Princes, priuate persons, Priests, Lay-men, strangers, and familiars: all encouraged one another,Mat. 21.38. This is the Heyre, come let vs kill him, and let vs seize vpon his inheritance.
Secondly, as he suffered by his enemies afflicting, so did he by his friends forsaking him.Psal. 38 11. My louers (saith the Psalmist) and my neighbours did stand looking vpon my trouble, and my Kinsmen stood a farre off.
Thirdly, Christ suffered in all his humanitie,The horrible affliction of Christ. and in all the naturalities that belong thereto. In his holy name he suffered by blasphemies, in his honour by reproches, in his goods by stripping and spoiling: hee suffered in his Soule, by extreme heauinesse; yea, such a cloud of sorrow did ouercast his spirit, as neuer any heart was couered with: hee suffered in his body not onely by stripes and wounds, nippings and spittings, as though contempt, and smart did striue which should haue the mastery ouer him: but by pearcing also his hands and feete, the most sinowie parts of his body; and therefore [Page 60] most sensible of paine.Christs bloud shed six times for vs. Sixe times, it is euident hee shed his bloud for vs; in his circumcision, in his prayer, in his crowning, in his whipping, in his crucifying, in the pearcing of his side. Thus you see, hee suffered in euery member, and in euery sense of his humane nature: inwardly bearing the heauiest burthens, that euer were borne of any man; the sinne of the whole world, the curse of God, which euen rent his soule in peeces. The contemplation whereof caused the Prophet to cry out,Ier. 30.6 Demand now and behould, if a man trauaile with childe.
And he himselfe braieth forth,Mat. 27.46 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Outwardly he suffered the most shamefull and execrable death that euer was susteined:Christ suffered the most grieuous affliction. hee suffered by passion, enduring affliction: hee suffered by compassion, bewailing our offences.
Finally, three reasons there are alleaged, why Christs suffering was more grieuous then any other.Albert. in Mat. 26 First, because hee was more innocent then any other. And therefore (asHen de Vrim. [...] 3 distin. In Christ there was no cause nor desert, why hee should suffer. The more excellent the person, the greater the suffering. Christs sense the purest sense. Henricus de Vrimaria well collecteth) Christ suffered more then any Sainct; for that there was no cause, why he should suffer at all: but there are many causes, why Saincts should suffer. Secondly, the excellency of his great honour made his suffering the greater; for greater is the affliction, when the honourable are abased, then when the vile and base are wronged. Thirdly, the most pure vnderstāding is most sensible of pain. Wherfore Christs spirit most deeply aboue all other, had the sense & feeling of sorrowe, because it was most pure, intellectuall, and sensitiue.
To conclude, the Prophet Esay witnesseth, thatEsa. 40.2 Ierusalem hath receiued double at the hand of the Lord for all her sinne. Which cannot be otherwise vnderstood, but of the superabundant satisfaction of Christ, sufficient vnto all them that lay hold thereon; euen as in Ieremy also the Lord vnto Israel the type of his Church, promiseth deliuerance;Ier. 16 but first hee will sufficiently reward their shamefull blasphemy. O what reward is sufficient, but the punishment of Christ!
Ratio 5 Lastly, the Scripture doth euery where testifie of the fulnes [Page 61] of his satisfaction.Ose 13.14 I will redeeme them (saith he) from the power of the graue, and deliuer them from death: O death, I wil be thy death: O graue, I will be thy destruction. And Ieremy of this absolute redemption saith,Ier. 33.6 I will giue health & amendment; for I will cure them, and reueale vnto them the abundance of peace and truth. Yea, God himself giueth vs an acquittance, and witnesseth that he is in Christ satisfied;Esay 25 10 In this mountaine shall the hand of the Lord cease, saith Esay. And with his owne voice the Father proclaimeth,Mat. 3.17 This is my well beloued Sonne, In whom I am well pleased: Therefore,1 Cor. 15.55 O death, where is thy sting? O hell, where is thy victory? when God himselfe of himselfe acknowledgeth, I am well pleased: and that sinne hath receiued sufficient punishment;Lam. 4 22 Thy sinnes are fully punished, O thou daughter of Sion.
CHAP. XIIII. That Redemption and Saluation are words of one signification.
SAluation properly vnderstood is more generall then Redemption; for that Saluation is any kinde of deliuerie from our captiuitie, either by force, policie, price, or perswasion:Redempth proprie d [...]citur liberatio, quae fit dato pretio. Inno. in Psal. 6. poenit. ex Cent. 13 but Redemption (as Innocentius saith) is that deliuerie, which is by paying a price. And Albert saith,Albert. in pr [...]um Hier. [...]n Math. Christ came for two causes. First, to cure the nature of Man, and helpe it, by taking it on himselfe, and suffering in it: Secondly, to bring vs into the Kingdome of God, by his resurrection and ascension. Neuerthelesse, because the Saluation, which Christ hath wrought for vs towards God, was altogether by satisfaction through his precious merits, and offering of the infinite, inualuable, pricelesse sacrifice of his bloud for vs; therefore Saluation and Redemption in Christ are all one, and words of the same vnderstanding. Wherefore Esay comprehendeth all the worke of our Saluation vnder this one part of deliuerie from sin;Esay 27 9. This (saith he) is all the fruit, the taking away of sinne. And againe,Esay 45.8. Let saluation and iustice growe forth, let it bring them forth together. And Zechary the Holy Priest ioineth them both together also saying,Luke 1.68. Hee [Page 62] hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised vp an horne of saluation to vs, in the house of his seruant Dauid. Bellarmine himselfe acknowledgeth,Non enim est nunus proprium Christo n [...]men S [...]lne toris, qu [...]m Red [...]mptoris Bell. de indulg. lib. 1. cap 4. that the name of Sauiour is as proper to Christ, as the name of Redeemer. Alexander saith,Alex. Hall. q. 17. memb. 3. art. 1. that Redemption could not be, but by satisfaction: nor satisfaction, but by his passion. And Thomas Aquinas, that the death of Christ did truely worke the destruction of our double death: that which is of the soule, and that which is of the body. Wherefore wee may well say, that Redemption and Saluation are all one in Christ, who by redeeming saueth vs.
CHAP. XV. That the Romish Church maketh many Redeemers, and many Sauiours.
THe true Church of God hath alwaies acknowledged a relation and reciprocall reference betwixt Christ and her selfe; as, in the Canticles,Cant. 2.16 My welbeloued is mine, and I am his. The Church vnto Christ alone, & Christ vnto the church alone. But contrarily, the false and the Antichristian Church, although she pretend her selfe to be the spouse, the Turtle, the onely darling,Ier. 3.1 Yet she hath plai [...]d the harlot with many louers. Ier. 2.13 My people (saith he) haue committed two euills: they haue forsaken me the fountaine of liuing waters, to dig them pits; euen broken pits, that can holde no water.
Although when they meet with a tender conscience, and such as (reuerently considering the office of the Son of God) doth abhorre, that the title of Redeemer should bee ascribed to any other,Thre [...] manner of waies, by which the Ro [...]ish church ouerthrowes the priesthood of Christ. but to Christ, they mildely temper and moderate the matter with quirks and friuolous distinctions: yet the truth is, that the Church of Rome maketh Saints, as full & absolute redeemers, as Christ himselfe: and this by three maner of waies is brought to passe. Friers and schoolemen teach the doctrine: Monkes and Priests chant it out in Masses; & the Legend writers confirme it by miracles; euen as we read in the Prophet,Ier. 7.18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle [Page 63] the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make Cakes for the Queene of heauen.
How oft doth Lypomanus, one of the Presidents of their great Councell of Trent, so hee testifieth of himselfe in his Epistle to Pope Iulius the third (glorying & triumphing) proclaime that the Saints are called Sauiours,Author Indieu scholierū in Sanct vit. Aloy Lyp. cont haereticos pro Cath. dogmat, veritate. and no wrong done vnto Christ. And speaking of the miracles of the Saints Cosmus and Damianus, he both saith in the text, Nullus erat, qui eos non vocaret Seruatores; there was none but called them Sauiours: and in the Margent it is noted,Vides Sanctos d [...]ed Seruatores, et tamen nullā Dom. Iesu Christ. fieri in [...]uriā part. 2. fol. 14 8. in impress an. 1568. per Mart. Verhess. Thou seest Saints are called Sauiours, and no wrong done vnto Iesus Christ our Lord. And he bringeth in an oration of Simeon Metaphrastes (as idolatrous a wretch as himselfe) who of Sebastian and his fellowes saith,Erunt Seruat [...]re [...] et Custod [...]s. They shall be Sauiours and keepers. And least this should passe without obseruation, it is noted as a matter specially remarkeable in the Margent, The Saints are our Sauiours and keepers.
Discipulus de Tempore saith,Ser. 5. de Sancta in conc [...]. virg. idem Mich de Hungan s [...]r. de Ras. Mari [...]. We may truely say of the Mother, as well as of the Sonne, of her fulnes wee haue all receiued; the captiue, redemption: the sicke, consolation: the sinner, pardon: the righteous, grace: the Angels, gladnes: &c.
After the same manner she is worshipped by Bonauenture in his Psalter; Be mindefull of vs that are lost, O Sauiouresse. In one of the Rosaries she is called,Salus an [...]iorum, saluatrix langurdorum, reparatrix desperantu animae. The health of the doubtfull, the Sauiour of the weake, the reparation and saluation of the despairing soule. Bernardine in his Mariall set out by publike authority, saith of her,dedi re [...]ut sis salus mea dextre [...]um t [...]rr [...] Bern [...]. Marial I gaue thee to bee my saluation vnto the end of the world.
If these things had dropt onely from a priuate pen, then should they haue had some excuse;Ezech. 24.7 But her abomination she hath set on a high Rock, and poured it not on the ground to couer it with dust. For in their Missalls, in their publique Lythurges, with full mouthes they proclaime the Idolatry. Vnto euery Byshop and Confessor Saint, the Roman Breuiarie applieth that of the twenty fourth of Ecclesiasticus, Ecce Sacerdos magnus, qui [...]n diobus sius placul [...] De [...] [...]t imuntus est [...]us [...]us et in tempore iracundiae factus est reconciliatio. Ro [...]r [...] in Com Cons [...]t Pontrif. Beholde the great high Priest, which in his daies pleased GOD, and was found righteous, & in the time of wrath was made a reconciliatiō. And as [Page 64] Christ is truely said to haue died for his enemies: so of Thomas Becket the vse of Hereford saith,Hestil [...] hosti [...] fut [...]ra [...]. Bren Heref. That he was to be a sacrifice for his enimies.
The Roman Breniary of the Apostles acknowledgethIst [...] s [...]t, qui plaiauerūt ecclesia s [...]nguine su [...]. that liuing in the flesh they planted the church in their bloud. Wherefore they pray,Bap [...]sa Chr sti preuius, et Clau [...]ger aetherius, cū caeteris Apostolis, no soluat n [...]x [...] crimint [...], is Hym. Iesu Saluat. The Baptist, messenger of Christ, the heauenly key bearer, with all Apostles, loose vs from the bonds of sin. And in the Hymne, Lux mundi beatissima, they acknowledge to the virgin Mary, Per te mundus siluatus est, per te sursum, eu itus est, per tei [...]m mors dinata est, per te vita don ita est. vid. Cl [...]lh [...] in Is [...]n. Ecclesiasticis. By thee is the world saued: by thee is it lifted vp on high: by thee is death condemned: and by thee is life restored. The Missalls say, The Vitam datam per Vi [...]g [...]nem gentes redemptae pl [...]ndit [...]. B [...]e. Sar. [...]t Bre. Ró. in hym. O gloriosa Domina. life giuen by the Virgin applaud O yee redeemed nations. And they of Sarisbury, Tustes certa miserorum, verè mater orphanorum: tu leuamen oppressorū, medicami infirmorum Mis. Sar. in Conc. virg. Mar. in hym. Dies isle celebratur. Thou art the certaine hope of the miserable: the very mother of Orphanes: the reliefe of the oppressed: the physicke of the weake. And againe to the virgin they sing,Tu culpas nostras ablus, vt perennes sed [...]m gloria per te redempti valeamus scandere. in lect. sancta Dei genetrix. in seruit. beat. Mar. Virg. Wash away our offences; that wee being redeemed by thee, may bee able to obtaine the seat of euerlasting glory. Nay, they are not ashamed to say, that the nature of Man in the blessed virgin is exalted aboue all the immortall spirits. If you demand how, let the Ladies Psalter tell you;Perillam fit vera satisfactio de peccatis. Psal. 136. By her is made the very satisfaction for sinne. But why doe I labour in a thing so manifest? since the Rhemists in their marginall notes vpon the first Epistle of Paul to Timothy plainely acknowledge,1. Tim. 2. gloss. in 4. anno [...]. that there may bee many Mediatours, as there bee many Sauiours and Redeemers euen in the Scriptures.
CHAP. XVI. Of the Limitations which they prescribe vnto themselues, when they say Saints are Sauiours and Redeemers.
Vid. Rhem s [...]. in 1. Tim. 2. annot. 4.CErtaine pretensed and fained Limitations and Modifications of their doctrine, they make in this behalfe. For simply & absolutely to call any other Sauiour or Redeemer but Christ, they themselues confesse to be Idolatry. Wherefore Bellarmine maketh a double vnderstanding of the word [Page 65] Redeemer, & diuideth the debt also into two kinds. There is a Redeemer (saith he) properly & vnproperly called.Is proprie et absote dicitur Redēptor. qui redimi [...] [...] c [...]ptiuit. [...]ō qui soluit pro alio debitū a [...] quod parus momēti, Bell. de Indul. li. [...]. cap 4 He is a redeemer properly called & absolutely, who redeemeth from Limit. 1 captiuity, and not who paieth some debt of small moment. By this it is euident, that he makes Christ our Redeemer absolutely and properly, because he redeemeth from the infinite captiuity, and Saints the lesser redeemers of lesser sinnes.
Another modification there is,Bell. de Indul. li. 1 cap. 4 ad 3 obiect. that Saincts are not so Redeemers, as though Christs passon were insufficient; but because it is meet, that the passions of Saints should not be in vaine before God. The obedience of the Law (saith Bellarmine) isIpsa obediēt [...]a legis est meritoria, et s [...]tisf ctoria▪ et potest fier [...] vt [...]a satis, actione pro suis del ctis nō egeat, qui legis obediē. tā prasta [...]ac propterea cū alijs eā cōmunicar [...] possit. Bell. de indul lib 1 cap. 4 both meritorious, and satisfactorious: and it may be, that he which obserueth the law, hath no neede of satisfaction for his owne sinnes; and therefore he may communicate his satisfaction to others. Yea,Multi labores sāctorū mane [...] esset & sine fructu [...] nisi pro reatibus aliorū cōsum rētur; cū [...]psi Sāctiau [...] nullis, aut certe minoribis laboribus pro sut delēdi [...] reatibus indig rēt. Bell. ibid. many labours of the Saints (saith he) vvould bee in vaine and without fruit, except they were spent for the sinnes of other men; for the Saints themselues haue neede of no labours, or at least very fewe, to purge their owne offences. Out of this, his mynd appeareth to bee, that Christs passion is all-sufficient to our redemption: yet the passion of Saints, as a superabundant price, is thereto added. In which passion of Saints there are two things: the Merite, and the Satisfaction. The merite of the Saints is sufficiently rewarded in themselues: but the satisfaction of the Saints passion, is applied to the Church.
A third mitigation also Bellarmine seemeth to make; thatNō l [...]cet a sāctipet re, vt nobi [...] tanquā [...]uthores diuinorū beneficiorum gl [...]riā, v [...]l [...]rat [...] al aequ [...] ad bea [...] d [...]nē mediac [...]ce l [...]t. Bell lib. 1. de Sanct. beat. cap. 17. [...]t habetur in Tho. Aq. 2a. 2ae. art. 4. we must not desire grace, or glory, or any other meanes, which Limit. 3 bringeth vs vnto beatitude, from the Saints as from the authors of such gifts. And these are the qualifications, the distinctions, the nyce reseruations, vpon which they thinke it lawfull, to call Saints Redeemers.
But such is the disordered and headstrong violence of blasphemy in the Romish Church, that like a furious and vnruly floud, whome no bankes, no walls can conteine, they exceed al measure, transcend al bounds, & ouerflow al limits, which they propose vnto themselues; neyther can they command themselues to obserue their owne lawes & Canons. [Page 66] At the first it was thought to be a sufficient answer to all our arguments, brought out of the treasurie of Gods booke; that they made Saints Mediatours of Intercession, not of Redemption: but now they must bee the meanes of our Redemption also, with a fewe rules & obseruations set downe. All which obseruations they keep as well, as Remus did the Sanction, that none should leap ouer the beginning walles of Rome: or as1 Reg. [...].37 cursing Semey the couenant, that hee should not passe ouer the brooke Cedron.
CHAP. XVII. That in the Romish Church Saints are made Redeemers, according to the proper vnderstanding of the word; because the phrases of Scripture, wherein Saluation and Redemption are properly giuen to God, be ascribed to Saints, contrary to the first Limitation.
[...]xamination of the first LimitatiōTHere are diuers select significant phrases in the scripture vsed by the Spirite of truth, wherby God himselfe, and his sonne Christ, is declared to be properly and perfectly, the only Sauiour and redeemer: as when the Psalmist sayth,Psal. 138.7 Thy right hand shall saue me. The hand of God is the power of God: as it is in the Gospell;Luke 1.66 The hand of God was with him. And in the Actes of the Apostles,Act. 11.21. The hand of the Lord vvas vvith them.
To saue by the hand, is to saue by that vnresistable power proper vnto God, which no creature can withstand. After the same maner the defensiue power of God is often called the shadow of his wings, as Dauid acknowledgeth;Psal. 57.1. & Psal. 63.7 In the shadow of thy vvings vvill I put my trust.
Another phrase there is which expresseth the free grace and bounty of God, redeeming and sauing: as when it is said;Psal. 106.8 He saued them for his names sake. And the Church saith,Cant. 1.2 Thy name is anoyntment powred out.
Some places do testifie the facility, wherwith God saueth and deliuereth, as;Mat. 3 8 Speake the word onely, and my seruant shall be whole. And Dauid saith,Psal. 147.15 He sendeth forth his commandement vpon the earth, and his word runneth very swiftly.
Other phrases there are, which intimate a ready presence of God euery where, in all our necessities to behould vs, and in behoulding to defend vs: as that blessing which the Priests vsed to the people;Num. 6.25, 26 The Lord make his face to shine vpon thee, and the Lord lift vp his countenance vpon thee. And the Psalmist saith,Psal. 67.1 God be mercifull vnto vs, and blesse vs, and shewe vs the light of his countenance.
Many times, to teach vs,Deut. 33.26. Ps. 146. & 74.13 that the help that is done vpon earth, God doth it alone, the Scriptures doe not onely speake of God in the Concrete, as the author of all goodnes; calling him our Sauiour, our Redeemer, our deliuerer: but in the Abstract he is enstiled our goodnes, our Saluation, our resurrection, our righteousnes, our life it self; as though one should say, he is properly your Sauiour & Redeemer, who is the thing it selfe that you desire, & all you want;Wis. 16.20.2 [...] Like the Manna, which applied it selfe to the taste of euery one, as he himselfe wished to eate: a Sauiour all sufficient; or, as the Heathens imagined of their Saturne; a storehowse, in whome all the vnexhausted treasures of plenty and bounty are to be found.
With these, & diuers other such figures of speach, the Scriptures teach, that God is properly our Sauiour, who deliuereth by power, giueth freely and with facility, is present in our necessities, the very thing it selfe which we desire. But there is no honour nor attribute so proper and essentiall to God, which, doting in her blind superstition, the Church of Rome thinketh too great for her Saints.
Concerning the vnresistable power:In manu tua Domin [...] salus [...]sep. terna est. Ps. 71. In thy handes (saith Bonauenture) is euerlasting life, O Lady. And againe,Liberes nos d [...] tra tua. psal. 73. Let thy right hand deliuer vs. Hugo Cardinalis saithVid. [...]ugo. in Psa. 88. sup. verba, Testis in c [...]elo fide [...]ia. the virgin hath Brachia longa ad desendendum, et ad dandum longè positis; long armes to defend, and to giue to those that are farre off. Wherefore Bernard flieth to her protection;Ber. in ser. saper Salut regum. Couer me (saith he) vnder the shadow of thy wings.
The free and bountious grace of Saluation, to Saints they bequeath also. For euen as the Scripture speaketh of God, so they speake of the virgin.Domina in n [...]mi [...]e tuo sa [...]uū me sac. ps. 13. e [...] in aurea lit [...]n. Saue me, O Lady, in thy name. Germanus saith, she Germ. [...]pud Sim. [...]etapaex Al [...]. I [...]phist. Sāct. par. 1 fol. [...]83. edit. Verhes. defendeth her seruants from the inuasions [Page 68] of the wicked enimy, by the only calling vpon her name, by which the Prince of the vvorld is cast out. And againe he praieth, That lying lippes may be put to silence, that they may know, that thy name is, our Lady. The name of the virgine is of so great power with them, that it both woundeth and cureth, killeth, and maketh aliue againe. Wherefore this name they will haue in their mouthes, not as a signe of Saluation, but as the thing it self;Ita etiā sāctissimū nomē tun. quod in o [...]e seruorū tuorum assiduè versatur, in [...]ani tēpore, loco, & modo, vitae, letit ae, [...]t auxelis nō solū [...]st signū. sed ea e [...]am procurat et cōciliat. apud Aloy. Lyp. sol. 23 [...]. part. 1. Thy name vvhich is continually in the mouthes of thy seruants, in all places, by all meanes, is not onely a signe of life, ioy, and help, but doth procure and effect the same. Albertus saith,Circūditus et ten [...]b [...]is? et abscōdita tibi via? respice illuminatricē, inuoca Des genitricē, & nom [...]na Na [...]ā. in Cap 1. super Luc. ex Cēt. 13. ca. 4. so. 498 Art thou compassed about with darknes? or is the way hidde from thee? looke vpon the illuminatrix, inuocate the Mother of God, and call her Mary. The Roman Breuiary saith,In octau. assūp. lect. Ecce quibus. In this day of solemnity and gladnes we call on the sweet name of Mary. In a praier vpon the names of our Lord, which beginneth, Omnipotens dominus, hauing a Crosse at the end of euery name, they adde, istanomina Regum, Iasper, Melchior, and Baltazar, with the twelue Apostles, whose names are Peter, Paul, Andrew &c. assist me in all my necessities.
As the facility of God in making or sauing, is expressed, in that he doth it by his word: so of al the Apostles they confess; O yee to whose command the health and infirmity of all is subiect, heale all those that be sick in manners, Quorū praecepto su [...]ditur salus et lāguor omniū, sanate agros maribus, n [...]s reddē [...]es vi [...]tutibus. Ro Bre. in hym. Exu [...]t et coelū laudibu [...]. restoring vs to vertues. Bellarmine saith, they stand not on the words, but on the sense,De Sanct. b [...]at. lib. 1. cap 17. col. 2. Est tamē notandū. And it is lawefull to say, Saint Peter haue mercy on mee, and Saint Peter saue me, so we vnderstand it thus, Haue mercy vpon mee, by praying for mee. So like, a Mountebank eating poyson, to shew the power of his Tryacle, the Cardinall cares not to blaspheame, and to committe Idolatry, that he may declare what vertue is in his mentall reseruations. But this abomination no Tryacle of Gilead, no balme, no playster can heal. For first they confess, without mention of the prayer of the Apostles, that to their cōmand all saluation & infirmity is subiect: then they desire them not to entreat for health, but to heale: not to obtaine vertues, but to restore to vertues. Iustin Martyr saith,Que Deu facit per se, ea iussu facit. in lust Respons de [...]surrect. 4. fi sit ille liber Iustin. the things that God doth of himselfe, he doth it by his command: as though to do by commandement [Page 69] were the proper and peculiar manner of Gods owne working. VVhat should we doubt, that to the command & power of Saints they make all things subiect, when of the virgin they say,Offic. Ʋirg. anglolat. ad Mat. Grace is powred out of thy lips. AndDe haec, et [...]b liāc. et propt. hāc omnit scriptura facta est, et propt. hāc mūdus factus est, et haec gra [...]i [...] Deipl [...]na est, et per hāc homo redēptus est Ber. super Salu [...] reg. ser. of her, and for her, and because of her, all scripture was made: and for her the world was made: this is shee, that is full of grace: this is shee, by whome Man was redeemed. And againe,Ipsa enim regem portauit gloria, illū omni potenti de tura [...]n tract. de lam. virg, Mar. she did beare the king of glory, whom shee doth giue to euery one that asketh. Wherefore the English Latine Primer calls her,in orat. Obs [...]ero t [...]. The fountaine of mercy, the fountayne of consolation and pardon, the fountaine of life and forgiueness, the fountaine of piety and gladness. Of Thomas Becket they sing;Thaecedūt et parē [...] omnia. in Miss. Tho. Beck. Vnto Thomas all things yield and obey. To Thomas Dydimus they simply and absolutely pray for deliuerance;O Th. Dyd per Christ. que meruist [...] tāgere &c. portif. Sar. in Th. Dyd. O Thomas Dydimus, by Christ, whom thou deseruedst to touch, wee beseech thee with our loud-sounding prayers, to succour vs wretches, that we be not damned weth the wicked, in the comming of the great Iudge.
The phrases, which shew the ready presence of God among all his creatures, to saue, to deliuer, to gouerne, are in like sorte giuen to Saints;Emitte luc [...]̄ tuā, et gratiā tuā, et repara denu [...] vitā et cōscitētiā meā. Ps. 142 Send out thy light, and thy grace (saith their psalter to the blessed virgin) and repaire againe my life and conscience. Hence it is, that the Saints are called,Beat. virg. Epitheta in Missal. the light of the firmament, the port of light, the starres of the sea; because as the light filleth all things, and is euery where diffused: So the prouidence and power of the Sants filleth euery corner of the world. This presence the Roman Missall confesseth, calling her,In assūp. lect. 5 quae est ista. The dropping hony combe of Charity, the bowels of mercy &c. And applieth vnto her that of Ecclesiasticus, Ab inito et [...]nt [...] secula creata sum, et vs{que} [...]d futurū seculū nō disinā, eo in habitatione sacta corā ipso ministrain. br [...]. Ro. in [...]ffic. beat. Ma. vir. in S [...] From the beginning and before the vvorld vvas I created, vntill the world to come I shall not cease, and in his holy habitation I ministred vnto him. Nō enim vos omni [...] relinquēt, [...]tiāsi hoc videatur, sed erūt Sergatores & Custod [...]s, [...]ūc quidē ita aduētātes, vt nō cadāt sub aspectū [...] post vitae antē exi [...]ū in ae [...]ern [...]s suscipiē [...]es Māsiones part. 2. pag. 150. What is this but a plaine acknowledgement of the virgins presence in all ages, and to the end of the world, before God for sinners? Wherefore they say of her also,Ex offic. anglolat. My abiding is in the fulness of Saints. Of the Saints Sebastian, Zoes, and their fellowes Simeon, Metaphrastes in Lypomanus saith, they shall not forsake you, though they seeme so to doe, but they shall bee Sauiours and [Page 68] [...] [Page 69] [...] [Page 70] Keepers; now so comming to vs, that our sense cannot behould them: but after the end they shall receiue you into eternall Mansions. How oft doth Bonauenture call vpon the virgin, Splend [...]r sac [...]es tuae e [...] serenitas gratie [...] resulgeat [...] itimeae. ps 26 Let the brightnes of thy face, and the sweetnes of thy grace shine vpon my soule. And againe,In luce ver tatis tuae liberam: Ps. 27 Deliuer me in the light of thy truth. Finally in this sense the Roman Breuiarie termeth the virgin,3. d e [...]f. octau. ass [...]mp lect. Tu ver [...] Pelagus curationum, the Sea of healing.
Likewise, they so speake of Saints, as that they make them, not only instruments & intercessors for saluation vnto God, but saluation and all good things themselues, which wee of God desire. Vnto Saint Claudius they come with such powerfull and omnipotent attributes, that you would beleeue it were a God at least, whome with such ambition of titles they so Pathetically adore;In Antiph. et orat. impres. per Iac. K [...]uer anno 1570 Moy [...]de Iune. 6. die. O comforter of the desolate, deliuerer of Captiues, resurrection of the dead, light of the blind, hearing of the deafe, speach of the dumbe, defender of those that suffer shipwracke, the healer of the weake and infirme, the health of all that beleeue in thee, Saint Claud the benigne Confessor of Christ, pray for vs. In the howres printed at Paris the virgin is called,An Do. 1570 in [...]ra. ād bea. Ma. vir. Vid. offici anglolat. in orat. Obsecrote. The praise of holy soules, and the true Sauiour of them. In the Office of the blessed virgin, set foorth by the cōmandement of Pius quintus, printed ann. Dom. 1598 in orat: Obscero te, she is called the health of all that hope in her. In the English Latine Primer, the consolation of the desolate, the way of them that goe astray, the safety of all that trust in thee. In the Roman Breuiarie, Ro. Bre. 3. die inf. octa. a [...]sump. virg. Ma. le [...] 4. lubilimus in arca Domini. All hayle holy virgin, the medicine of all our sorrowes, by whome death was expelled, and life brought in. And the Anthem saith,Salue regina, mater misiricordiae, vita, dulce lo, et spes nostra salue. ad laud [...]s a cōplet Sabb. post pent. vs{que} ad ad [...]ti. All hail Queene, Mother of mercy, life, sweetnes, and hope. And of Martin they say,Ant [...]ph. ad magn. O beat pontificem. O Martin, sweetnes, Pyhsicke and Physition. Germanus the Patriarch, in Simeon Metaphrastes faineth, thatAde [...]dum reparatio eorum, quae erant inueterata &c. ap. Lyp. part. 1. fol. 225 liu 2 et. 5. ed. l. Ʋerhessalt. Zechary the Priest called the holy virgin, The end of Gods counsells, the renouation of the things which were ould. So Michael Singelus confesseth of Dionisius Areopagita, Ei (id est Ciuit. Parisiensi) vt sanctido coel. tus datus estus, qui &c. Aloy. Lyp [...] vita Dionis. Areop. par. 1 fol. 484. ad sinē. that He was holines sent downe from Heauen, to make holy the Company of Citizens, and strangers in Paris, that worship Christ. Germanus the Patriarch againe calleth the virgin,A [...]oy prim part. hist. Sanct. in [...]cō. San. De [...]par. part. 1 [...]ol. 215. edit. Verb. the lampe of his Soule, the [Page 71] leader of his doubtfulnes, the strength of his weaknes, the clothing of his nakednes, the riches of his pouerty, the healing of his vncurable wounds, the taking away of his teares, the rest of his groanings, the ease of his sorrow, the change of his calamity, the loosing of his bonds, the hope of his saluation, and the reward of all good things. Innocent the Pope saith,In his praier [...] Clement. mi [...]ericordi [...]e et ventae s [...]s ine [...]acuabi [...]s apud Chemnic. She is Misericordiarum et veniae fons incuacuabilis; The inexhausted fountayne of mercy and forgiuenes. The Roman Breuiarie calleth her,Oct. u. assump. lect. ecce quibus. The fulnes of grace. In a praier of one of the Rosaries, she is called,Which begins, O virtutum va [...]culum. peccatorum ven. a, vinculum amoris, medela vitiorum, vas clementia, piscina gratiae, fons indulge [...]tiae. ex Ros. beat. vir. ap. Chemn. the forgiuenesse of sinnes, the bond of loue, the medicine of vices, the vessell of mercy, the fishpoole of grace, and the well of pardon. Adde heereunto that, which Germanus speaketh, calling her,In Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. fol 225 The honour of those that be honoured, the reward of all rewards, the height of all highnes. And that of the Missall enstiling her,Ro. Bre. in offic. beat. Ʋirg. mense Aug. lect. 2. Fuit vnus ad finem. The Mountaine vpon the toppe of Mountains. And of Innocent, I [...]no ipsa misericordia et venia. apud Chemnic. she is not only the veyne and fountains of mercy, but mercy it selfe, and pardon it selfe; and then tell me, whether this be to make Saints Redeemers, in the very propriety of the word? For what greater titles can wit inuent? or what words more powerfull and efficacious can any tongue deliuer, to expresse the glory of Christ himselfe? I hope, D. Kellison canot deny, he doth not attribute so much to the Redemption wrought by Christ, as these do to the Saints, and the blessed virgin.
CHAP. XVIII. That the Romish Church maketh Saints Sauiours and Redeemers from all sinnes, great and small, and from the generall captiuitie thereof. Therefore the distinction of Bellarmine touching the deliuerie from great and small debts, is but friuolous.
HOwsoeuer Bellarmine, Answere to the se [...]ond part of Bellar. first Limitation. or any other seeme to giue limits and rules to their inuocation of Saints: yet such is the vnbridled rage of furious and headstrong blasphemie, that it regardeth no lawes, respecteth no bonds, but ouerfloweth all bankes, all measure, all orders which it prescribeth vnto it selfe. For in the Portuse of Sarum they acknowledge, that [Page 72] the holy Virgin taketh away both great and small offences.Dele peccata, re l [...]xa facinora: Misi Sir in Sera. Beat. Mar. 2. Lect. In facinus iurasse putes, saith Ou [...]d: nothing an heinous offence. Blot out our sinnes, release our heinous crimes; for so the word Facinus importeth. Discipulus de Tempore saith,D [...]s [...]. de Sanctu ser. 34. Col. 2. There are not so many necessities in our mortall nature, as there are effectuall helpes in the holy Ʋirgin. Wherefore the Romane Missall prayeth to her,Ro. Breu. in versu ora pro populo. Let euery one feele thy helpe. Yea, the Legend of Lombardy bringeth-in the Virgin her selfe, assuring one Reginaldus of her absolute power in all occasions,Pete à me quid vis & d [...]bo tibi. Leg. Lamb. in Domimes. Aske of me what thou wilt, and I will giue it thee. The same is acknowledged in the Missall;Quicquid bo [...] reu [...]dus habet. ab illa habet. Portif. Sar. in ser beat. Virg. [...]ec. 3. Hac [...]inta. Whatsoeuer good the world hath, it hath from her. Neither is the Prerogatiue of the Virgine any greater, then any other of the Saints in this behalfe. For the Romane Breuiarie teacheth vs to pray,Ro Breu i [...] Abdo 1. & Senon. Iulij [...]0. deus qui vt Sanctorum tuorum intercedentibus m [...] r [...]tis &c. That the merits of the Saints Abdon and Senon interceding, we may deserue to be deliuered from all our necessities. And of Leo, his merits interceding Ro. Miss. in L [...]one. absolue vs from all sinnes. To intercede by merite, is to redeeme; for therein the merits of him that worketh, are offered vp as the price and satisfaction for transgressions: and to deliuer from all our necessities, is absolute Redemption. After the same manner they confesse of Saint Nicholas, thatCu [...]us meritis ab ab omni cl [...]d [...] l [...]berantur, qui quaerant illu [...] ex toto corde. Port. Sara [...] Sanc. Nich. in land. Ant. 5. by his merits they that seeke him with their whole heart, are deliuered from all destruction.
Finally, great or small Saint, hee is of the same honour partaker;
And the Missall of Sarum saith,Angelorum concio sacra, &c. in hym. Christo in [...]to. The holy company of Angels, the excellent troupe of Archangels blot out our sinnes. The History of Lombardy doth report of a Penitent,Lege [...]d. L [...]mb. in Sanct. Iacob. that he reueiled to a certaine Bishop a stupendious sinne, from which the Bishop durst not absolue him, but sent him to the image of Saint Iames, with the sinne written in paper: which being laid vpon the Altar before Saint Iames, the sinner shortly after, comming to know the doome of the Saint, they found the sinne taken cleane away, and abolished out of the paper: and thus by a dead Saint he was absolued from his great sin, [Page 73] vnto whom out of the liuing word, and the promises of Christ, the Bishop durst not pronounce forgiuenesse. By these proofes I doubt not, but euen with halfe an eye the equall Reader may see, how from all sinnes both great and small they make the Saints Redeemers and Sauiours; and so (by Bellarmine his owne conclusion) Redeemers properly vnderstood; for to deliuer from the captiuitie of sinne he maketh Redemption in the proper sense.
CHAP. XIX. That the Romish Church maketh Christ insufficient to saluation, contrary to the second Limitation of Bellarmine.
ALthough to blinde the eyes of the ignorant,Examin. of thē second Limitation. and to carrie captiue simple soules with false pretenses, they cast smooth and faire glosses, vpon their venemous and diuelish blasphemies: yet there are diuers strong and demonstratiue arguments, by which the Synagogue of Rome is euidently conuinced, that it esteemeth Christ as an insufficient Redeemer. I will reduce all of them vnto fiue heads. First, because they make the Saints Redeemers of themselues: the second, because they make the helpe of Saints not onely profitable, but absolutely necessary to our Redemption: the third, because they make the blessed Ʋirgin Saint Mary the first mouing cause, or spring of Saluation: the fourth, because they make the Saints our sole and absolute Redeemers: the fift, because they make the Virgin the Sauiour of Women, as Christ is of Men. Strange assertions you will say: but I trust, by that time you haue well weighed and considered the proofes and Testimonies I shall produce, the cleare eye of an vnpartiall iudgement will easily discerne betwixt the Sheepes clothing, and the rauening Wolfe: betwixt the bitter pill they prepare for the stomacke, and the gold, which is cast vpon it, to deceiue the sight.
CHAP. XX. That the Romish Church-Saints are made Redeemers of themselues.
THis blasphemie is so intolerable, that the Synagogue of Rome it selfe (I doubt not) will bee ashamed thereof: yet by diuers reasons it is euident as the light, that they make the Saints redeemers of themselues. For proofe whereof let vs first consider, how they extenuate all the corruptions and sinnes of the Saints, and will haue them to be very easily purged: and then in the second place I will shew, that they acknowledge the Saints, by their owne workes to be deliuered. Bellarmine saith of the Saints,Fuerunt omnes vire sanctis [...]imi; [...]a vt mod. ca omnino pro suis culpis sat [...]sfactio [...]e opu [...] habuerint, & tamen tot angustijs & afflictionibus oppressi fuerunt, vt plurum: & m [...]xima peccata exp [...]are potuerint. Bellar. de indulg. lib. 1. cap. 2. They were all most holy men; so that they needed but a little satisfaction for their owne faults, and yet they were oppressed with so many miseries and afflictions, that they might expiate or cleanse their most and greatest sinnes. And to this purpose the Frier wresteth the words of Saint Paul. How little (saith hee) the Apostle ought to satisfie for his owne offenses, in his Epistle to the Corinthians it is euident; 1 Cor. 4.4. I know nothing by my selfe. But vnderstand, Christian Reader, in these words the Apostle to those that reproched and abased his Ministerie,Vid. Theoph. in hunc locum. The crafty Cardin [...]ll suppresseth the words that ser [...]e not his turne. modestly answered, that hee knew not of any exorbitant flagitious scandal he had giuen to the church. Now from hence the Cardinall enforceth, that Paul had but little to answere for, and a small debt to satisfie; and so vvill haue the clearenesse of his conscience a step to his Iustification, contrarie to the words of the Apostle following in the Text, (d) Yet I am not hereby iustified.
Of the Virgin Mary, Bellarmine also saith, thatNon igitur eguit V [...]o Mar vll [...] satisfactione pro se. de indulg. l. 1 cap. 2. she needed no satisfaction for her selfe; and therefore applyeth vnto her that which is spoken of the Church in the Canticles, Thou art wholly faire my beloued. To others (saith Discipulus de Tempore) was giuen in their Mothers wombe, Al [...] in vtero sanctifie. collarum est, quod nunquam pec [...]r ut mortaliter. Mariae autem, quod nunquam pec [...]au t venial [...]ter ser 5 de Sanctu. that they neuer sinned mortally: but to her, that she neuer sinned venially. And in another place he saith of her,In Ser purif. Virg. In this present life shee neuer sinned. The Methode to meditate on the Rosary, in the fift dolorous mysterie saith,
Bernard also saith,Proprium Maria delictum no habuit. Ser. 2. de assump. Mary had no sinne of her owne. The Missall of Sarum saith,Ex r [...]d ce vitrata si [...]e vitio prodijs virga, quae intelligitur b [...]atissima virgo. in [...]er. beat virg. lect. 2. auth. mortis. Shee proceeded from a faulty stocke without fault. Gratian the compiler of Decrees saith,De consec. dist. 4. per baptism. in gloss. That neither Mary, nor Iohn could sinne. Durand saith,Durand. l. 3. c. 18. ex Tho. Bell. suruey of Pop cap. 11. Iohn Baptist was borne cleare, that is, without originall sinne. Then if they were free from the act and power of sinning, it is euident, they had no neede to be redeemed by Christ, but did iustifie themselues. To these let mee adde the testimonie of Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester, who saith,Io. Rof. in p [...]nit ps. Some there bee which through grace in this life haue so purged themselues by penance for their offences, Sanguine fuso meru [...]t sacra [...]um scandere coelum. Ro. Bren. in Com. Virg. ad magnif. Aue. in Hym. Virg. prole [...]. that they haue made a sufficient recompence for them. And to euery Virgin Martyr the Romane Breuiarie doth attribute;
So also the same Missall commendeth Lucia; Sanguine propri [...] inimicum vicist [...]. By thine owne bloud thou hast ouercome the enimie. Of all the Virgins generally they sing,Specie tua, & pulchritudine tua intende, prosperè procede & regna. Ro. Breu. in Com. pluri. Virg Antiph. By thy comelinesse, and by thy beauty, set forward, proceede and raigne. And as Christ appeareth before God in his owne righteousnesse: so of euery Virgin they say,Dilexist [...] institiam, & edicti iniquitatem; propterea vnxit te Deus. Ro. Breu In com Virg. post. lect. 5. Haec nubes acrea. Thou hast loued righteousnesse and hated iniquitie; wherefore God, euen thy God, hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes. Surely, whereas our Redemption hath two principall parts: the first, to deliuer from captiuitie: the second, to bring into glory: you see that both these the Saints by their owne sufferings vnto themselues procure, as the Catholick Missals affirme. Wherefore Lindanus blusheth not to auouch,Apud. Chemnic. That good workes are the cleansing and expiation of sins formerly cōmitted. And Soto, Ibid apud Chemnic. That the mind of the Church is, that we must so put trust in good workes, that they be auail [...]le to cleanse sinne, to pacifie Gods wrath, and to attaine euerlasting life. If this bee true in all men, much more in Saints then, whose sinnes Bellarmine will haue to bee few and easie.
Canisius out of a saying imputed to Ambrose proueth, that Saints Possunt [...]ro p [...]ecatu nostr r [...]gar [...], qui pro [...] in Manne. [...] 10. may entreat for our sinnes, who [...]y their owne bloud [Page 76] [...] [Page 77] [...] [Page 76] washed away their owne sinnes, if they had any. Egidius saith,Egyp. l. 6. c. 21. The Reader may easily collect, that there are many men without sinne. All with one voice say, the Virgin is absolutely holy and free from any sinne. Bonauenture saith, shee made her selfe holy:Sanctuarium quod firm [...]erunt manus tue, est sanctum templam corporis tui gloriosi. Psal. 27. The Sanctuarie which thy owne hands haue made, is the Temple of thy glorious body. Now of late our Iesuites haue taken authoritie for this Doctrine, out of the mouth of the Diuell himselfe. For they say, that oneAct. Decemb. 15. pag. 69. Verrine a Diuell proclaimed, that Iohn Baptist tooke vpon him repentance, to shew sinners the way vnto repentance, when hee had not sinned, and that some goe to heauen by repentance, other through innocence. Wherefor I trust, no man can doubt of the Doctrine, that it is true, since the Diuell preacheth it.
The Historie of Lombardy witnesseth of Francis, Legend. Lomb. in vitae Fran. that he neuer remembred any offence by him committed, which (through the mercy of God) he had not washed away by satisfaction. Nay, they not onely make Saints such, as haue little or no neede to be purified and cleansed themselues: but such, as in this life feele power and might in themselues to redeeme others. Wherefore Discipulus de Tempore saith,Imò si silij passio non sufficiens esset, ipsa cum filio pro nobis crucem ascendisset: Disp. de Tem. ser. 163. lit. R. That if the Virgin had not seene, that the suffering of Christ had beene sufficient, her selfe would haue gone vp to the Crosse together with her sonne.
CHAP. XXI. The Romane Church maketh the workes and merits of Saints, not onely profitable, but absolutely necessary also vnto Saluation.
IT is a true position of the great Canonist Iohannes Andreas; Andr. in 1 Cle. de summa trinit. cap. fides Cathol. Of two things tending to one end, if the one bee sufficient, the other is superfluous. Hence then is it an euident argument, that they esteeme not Christs merits sufficient to saluation, because the merits of Saints are not onely profitable, but absolutely necessarie thereto.
Necessitie doth alwaies presuppose, that there is not perfect and sufficient fulnesse in one: for which cause wee flee to another meane. Iacobus Spigelius in his Lexicon of the [Page 77] tearmes of the Ciuill Law saith,Neces [...]e est, quod v [...] aliqua cog [...]nte fi [...]r [...] opus est Spig. in L [...]x. A thing necessarie is that, which by some force compelling must needs bee done. It is euident therefore, that whoso saith the merits of Saints are necessarie to our saluation, doth thereby make them such, as without which we cānot be saued; & so by consequence they make the merits of Iesus Christ our High Priest insufficient.
To proue their opinion concerning the necessitie of the helpe of Saints, there needeth no more but that, which the Missall of Hereff. speaketh of the Virgin,Non auertas oculos a ful, ore huius Syderis, si non vit obru [...] procellu [...] &c. Breu. H [...]re [...] in ser. beat v [...]rg. [...]ect. 3. & nomen inquit. If thou wilt not bee ouerwhelmed with the storme, then let thy sight neuer be from the brightnesse of this Starre. She holding thee vp, thou canst not fall: she being thy protector, thou canst not be afraid: Psal. 126. shee being thy leader, thou shalt not be weary. Likewise in one of the Rosaries, greatest Sūma necessitas nos cogit te rogar [...]. In Ros. apud Chemnic. necessitie compels vs to call vpon thee. And in their Ladies Psalter, Except the Lady build the house of the heart, the building shall not endure. Againe,Quem vi [...] ipsa, sa [...] erit: à quo auertis vultū, vadit in interit. In pre. ad virg apud Chemnic. whom thou thy selfe wilt, he is saued: from whom thou turnest thy face, he goeth into destruction. Qui in hac vita te non inuocat, non perueniet ad regnū dei. Psal. 86. He that in this life doth not call vpon thee, shall neuer come into the Kingdome of God. Another saithSi hanc demitta [...] non es amicus Caesaris. If thou let her goe, thou art not Caesars friend; for without her he shall not saue thee. There wanteth not also one that affirmeth,Audite Coeli apud Chemn. in precibus virg. As the infant cannot liue without the nurse: so without our Lady hee cannot haue saluation. Yea, Costerus a late Iesuite is not ashamed to say,C [...]sterus in lib. 5. instit. in explicat. Aue. Mar. that the King of Heauen doth nothing with vs, but according to the will of his Mother the Queene of Heauen. Thus you see by sundry their testimonies, how necessary they make the workes of Saints to our deliuerance. Wherefore the Missall of Sarum vrgeth, that the Virgin should be daily call'd vpon, and incessantly adored,Istam colas, ipsam ora, omni die, omni hora: sit meus supplex, vox canora in Hym. dies ista celeb. in Missa quotidiana de beat. Mar. virg: Sequen. Hodur lux dies.
And the Breuiary of Hereff. yeeldeth reason hereof;Quia sine intermis [...]ione [...]nd g [...]t auxilio eius salutari. Breu Herif. in seris. pleno beat. Ʋ rg. l [...]ct. 1. sacro, sanctam. Because that continually the Church doth want her sauing helpe. In the second Councell of Nice they made a Law, that Whosoeuer Synod. septima ex nono Ca [...]one. Qui venerant. Can. 7. did consecrate a Temple without the reliques of Saints, should bee deposed. By which a necessitie is imported, that [Page 78] Saints should bee implored as well as God, to helpe and deliuer vs.
The Romane Breuiarie to the blessed Virgin confesseth,In te beatiss est expectatio nostr [...]rū praemiorum. lect. 6. sit pet te excusabilē. In thee, O thou most blessed, is the expectation of our rewards. What can be more forcibly spoken, or more effectually vttered, to proue the Virgins helpe to bee necessary to our saluation, in whom is the expectation of our reward? Since the Missall maketh the Virgin necessarie to saluation, the Rosary must needs acknowledge the same. Wherefore therein they pray,Summa necessitas cogit nos in fluctis positi [...] te rogare, &c. Ros. beat. virg. Extreme necessitie enforceth vs, whom placed in the flouds the Sea doth beat vpon, to call vpon thee.
If the merites of Christ be, before the Tribunall of God the Father, sufficient; let them now shew why the merites of Saints are so necessarie, and what extremitie driueth them in the cruell Sea-beating floode, to flie vnto the virgin. Indeed the Tridentine Fathers, to colour the matter in their Canons, make it only Bonum et vtile, Synod. Trid. sess. 9. de inuocat. et venerat, et reliquits sanctorum. good and profitable, that Saints should offer their praiers for vs; not speaking a word of their merits or satisfactions: but in the Catechisme of the same Councell, they plainly professe a Necessity, Eā obcausā inno [...]ādi sūt, quòd pro salute hominū preces assidue faciunt, multaque eorum merito et gratis in no Deus cō [...]ert benefici [...]. [...]x Mart. Chemnic. that not only for their Intercession, but for their Merits, God powreth many blessings vpon vs; therefore the Saints must be called on, because they daily pray for the health of men, and God conferreth many benefits vpon vs for their merites and grace. And that they doe indeed (notwithstanding their smooth mitigation of Good and Profitable) make Saints to our saluation necessarie, it is to the eyes of the blindest vnderstanding perspicuous, since they condemne them as Hereticks thatAt{que} eorū opis impetrādae causa sanctorū memorias frustra frequētari om [...]o d [...]mnādos esse &c. Sess. 9. concil. Trid. vt re [...]ertur a B [...]rth. Carranz. hould it a matter needless to frequent for help the memorie of Saints. If the help of Saints be not of necessitie, why doe they not leaue it at liberty to euery mans conscience? It is euident then, they still retaine that opinion of Gabriel Biel Gabr. Biel. super [...]ano [...]ē Misse & Bern. in Mar. al. [...]x Chemnic. that God hath diuided his Kingdome with the blessed Ʋirgin; Id [...]m et Hugo Card in postil. super Gen 1. in verba. F [...]cit Deus duo lunt. [...]. and retayning iustice to himself, hath assigned her to execute mercy. VVhich if it be true, it would follow that the virgin were more necessarie to our Saluation then God himselfe.
CHAP. XXII. That according to the doctrine of the Church of Rome, Christ is not the first and originall cause of Saluation, but the virgin Mother.
MOst earnestly doth the Lord blame the Colonies, which the King of Assur placed in the Cities of Israel, for thatReg. 17.33. Ezech. 20.39. They feared God, and serued their Idols also. It is no excuse vnto Idolatry at all, that God and his Christ haue a part or a portion in our worship, or that they are principally adored.Deut 6.13. Math. 4.10. For thou (saith he) shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue. And yet had the Church of Rome rested in this, there might haue been more hope; as of such as had not knowneApoc. 2.24. the deepenesse of Sathan. But as hisIud. 16.17.19 Philistim wife thought her selfe neuer satisfied with trecherie, nor full of vnfaithfulnesse, till shee was gotten vnto the Crowne of Sampsons strength:The Papists will haue the Virgin Mary to be the beginning of Saluation. So the Romish fraternitie neuer giue ouer, till they haue made a spoile of the highest excellencie of the great Priesthood of our Redeemer; taking from him that, which by their owne confession, is the greatest honour of Christ, to bee our first iustification, and the originall spring thereof.
The Missall of Sarum, in the Tract before the Office of our Lady, reasoning why Saturday aboue all other daies is holy to the blessed Virgin, saith,Dies Sabbati est ianua & introitus ad diem Dominicū; vnde cum in gratia sumus dominae nostrae, sumus quasi in ianuae paradisi. Igitur quia ipsa est nobis porta ad regnum coelorum &c. in ratione tertia. It is the gate and entrance vnto the Lords day. Therefore when wee are in the fauour of our Lady, wee are (as it were) in the gate of Paradise; Ex Chenin. & ex Leg Lomb. in assump. virg pag. 103 col. 1. because she is vnto vs the entrance into the Kingdome of Heauen. Of all good things (saith Damascen to the child-bearing Virgin) Thou art the beginning, the middle, and the end. Hence come the attributes of infinite honour, all importing the Virgin to be the beginning of our saluation. As, vvhen shee is calledEx varijs locis in Missalibus. the first blessing of women, the window of heauen, the morning of our sunne, the gate of Paradise, the holy roote, the fountaine of loue, the Mother of grace and mercy; nay, praeuia porta, M [...]ss. Sar. haec clara die. Foelix co [...]l po [...]ta, Ro. Bre. in Hym. Ave Mari [...] stella. the gate before the way; Offic. beat. V [...]rg. ad primam. as though they [Page 80] should say, the beginning of the beginning of saluation. Canisius in his Letany calleth herIn [...]tani [...] Ca isij exer. 11. 15. The causer of our gladnesse. Neither is this spoken onely in respect, that our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST tooke the beginning of his mortall nature, in the holy closet of her vnpolluted wombe; but it is spoken in respect of the inherent vertues of the holy Virgin,Vid. Chemn. de Sanc [...]nu [...]. part 3 and for that saluation and life flowe from her manifold graces,Beata Virgo Maria quia fecit voluntatem Pa [...]r [...]: h [...]c in e [...] magnifica [...]u [...] deu, quia fec t [...] lūt [...]tem patris, non quae caro genuit carnem Ro. Bren. in as [...]ump Virg. to the whole Church of God. Because (say they)Iud [...] [...]lix. quia verbā dei custodit, non qu [...]a in illa verbum caro factū est. in [...]est assump. she did the will of the Father, that was it which God did magnifie in her, because she did the will of the Father: not because flesh begate flesh. And againe,Iud [...] [...]lix. quia verbā dei custodit, non qu [...]a in illa verbum caro factū est. insest assump. Therefore she is happy, because she kept the Law of God, not because the Word in her was made flesh. In another place,Hinc promeruit gloriam, quam ipse post modum auxit. [...]nat. Virg. lect. 4. exult. Marax August. Thence she deserued the glory, which Christ afterward encreased. Albert saith, Shee Ex Chemnic. de S [...]nct. inuoc. par. 3. it called full of grace, because she is the meane and the cause of grace. And in the Romane Breuiarie she is tearmed the In Assump. lect quae est ist [...]. fulnesse of grace. The blasphemous Psalter, thrice imprinted, (at Paris, at Ʋenice, at Lypsia) thus confesseth,Psal 102. By her grace sinnes are released, and by her mercy sicknesse is r [...]paired. But to returne to our purpose: in the Legend of Lombardy they wrest the Scripture to the Virgin;Leg. Lomb. in assump. Virg. Behold I come, in the beginning of the booke it is written of me, that I should doe thy will, O God. As though in the beginning of Gods counsell, for the redemption of Mankinde, the Virgin had been ordained to satisfie by perfect obedience the iustice of God. To shew that the Virgin is the very spring of our saluation, they compare her with our first parent Eua, as the Apostle Paul compareth Christ with Adam. Eua Miss. Saris. [...]n seru. V [...]rg. Alt [...]or coelo & Ro. Bren. in lect. 5. Eu [...]niu [...] luxit. did by killing, hurt; Mary did by quickning profit vs: that did wound, this did cure vs. Fisher Bishop of Rochester saith,Roff. on the word, quae est ista, qua progreditur? By her humilitie she hath broken the Diuels head. Paradisi portae per te nobis aperte sunt quae hodie gloriosa cum A [...]gilis triumpha [...]. Ro. Bre. in assump. Virg. in prim. nocturn. Ant. The gates of Paradise (saith the Roman Missal) were by thee opened to vs, which triumphest most gloriously with the Angels. Another saith,Di [...]cip. de Temp. ser. 133 As death entred by the pride of Eua, so by the humility of Mary life is restored to vs againe. In the preface of one of their Rosaries they blush not to say,Iupr [...]s. Ros [...]r. beat. Virg. Mar. That God had not sent his Sonne into the world, except the deserts of the Virgin had beene so great. And in the Roman Breuiarie againe, [Page 81] Ro. Bre. 1. die insr. octau. nat. bea. Mar. O beatae Mar. et in Miss. Sar O beata Mar. quis tibi digna. By thy singular assent (say they) thou diddest succour the lost world. As God saued the world in giuing the Sonne, so with them the Virgin saueth the world by yeelding her consent; Nay, as God gaue, so the Virgin also gaue her Sonne for our Redemption. For in the Missall printed at Colen by Martin Werdena we are taught, thatDedit enigen tū suū Maria pro nostro scelere, et sructū vētru sui pro peccato nostro Missi merātiū. Colon. impres. per Mart. de Werd. an Dom. 1505. in Mis. Compas. virg. The Virgin Mary gaue her onely begotten Sonne for our wickednesse, and the fruit of her wombe for our offenses. The Masse of Sarisbury corrupting the Text, IT shall bruise the head of the Serpent, and turning IT into SHE, doth afterwards shew how the Virgin doth breake the Serpents head;Si interrogetur in quo serpētu caput haec beata virgo cōtriuerit? nim [...]rum quod virginitatem simul cū humilitate sacrificauit Deo. Miss. Sar. in cōcep. virg. lect. 6. si vero i [...]terrogetur. namely, In that she sacrificed together Virginitie and humilitie vnto God. And in another place, By thee the occasion of sinne is taken away, the curse of our first Parent is turned into blessing. Wherefore in the same Missall they adore her as Christ is adored: By thy holy conception, by thy holy Natiuity deliuer vs.
It is by this which hath been spoken euident, that not only in respect of the fruite of her wombe Iesus Christ, but also in respect of her owne humility, preuention of sinne, merits, consent, and such like, she is made the originall spring of saluation; according as Discip. de Temp. insinuateth, where hee saith,Iustū est iudicio ciuili et ecclesiastico vt, qui rē alterius reperit, restituat. at Maria inuenit gratiā à nobis perditā &c ser. 161. de beat Mar. virgine. It is iust, both by ecclesiasticall and ciuill iudgement, that he which findeth the lost substance of another, should restore it: But Mary found grace, which was lost by vs. Wherefore he will haue Mary to restore grace vnto vs. God grant the veile may be taken from their eyes, that they may see and bee ashamed.
CHAP. XXIII. That Christ is excluded, and Saints made onely Sauiours in the Romish Church.
IN the restauration of the Church by Christ, the Prophet Esay saith,Esay 2.17 The Lord onely shall be exalted in that day, and the Idols he will vtterly destroy. Yea, the Lord denounceth vnto Israell, Zech. 14.9 In that day shall there be one Lord, and his name shall be one. But the contrarie heereof, hardening her heart [Page 80] [...] [Page 81] [...] [Page 82] like Adamant, the Romish Church doth dayly practise: so that the worship of God reiected, Saints are made our only Sauiours. What eare doth not glowe? what heart is not astonied, to heare the Roman Breuiarie call vpon the blessed virgin,Tu spes vnica p [...]cc [...]torū Ro. Bre. in [...]at. [...]eat. virg Sit ge [...]t [...] exc [...]sib. lect. 6 Thou art the onely hope of sinners. And in the praier Memento obsecro, O vnica spes miserorum, O only hope of the miserable: and againe,A [...]e vnicū molesti [...]ris le [...]nē, aue [...] [...]m [...]ū cerdu dolorū medicamētū Ro Bre. 3 die ans. assū. in lubi [...]mus. All hayle the only ease of troubles, the Medicine of all diseases. The onely hope, the only comfort, are exclusiue particles, restrayning to one alone, and reiecting any other. Iohannes Andreas their famous Lawyer doth teach them;Tūc quu habet vnū q [...]ad [...] habet [...]li [...]d. ed tūc d citur habere t [...]u ū, quado no h [...]e [...]t aliud, nec sperat [...]bere aliud. Io. An. r [...]n c [...]p. de m [...]or. et obed. ex tran. cō. lib 1 Then a man is said to haue one, when hee hath another: but then hee is sayde to haue one onely when he hath none other, nor hope to haue any other at all. So also Saint Gregorie vnderstandeth the word only: for vpon the seauenth of Luke he saith,Ecce de [...]ūctu [...] ef [...]r [...]tur filiu vnicus m [...]ris et [...]s, quia mater [...]t [...]s [...]u [...]e v di [...], et nō sperab. filio [...] viterius: recreare. Greg. ibid. ex Io. Andr. The dead which was caried forth, whome Christ did rayse, was the onely son of his mother, which was a widow, and hoped not to haue any more children. And thus the prince of Orators Cicero vnderstandeth the word only; In orat pro Sex. R [...]s. Amar. Q [...] ramu q [...]ae vitia suerūt in filio vnico Let vs see what faults were in his ONELY Son. All interpreters thereforeVid. Amb. Calepin de vno et vnico. make the Latine word vnicus answerable to the Greeke word [...], which doth exclusiuely signifie one only, as the Phoenix is one only bird. To encourage vs then vnto this blasphemy, Pope Innocent hath granted three hundred daies of Pardon, to whosoeuer shall say that praier (by himselfe deuised)O clemētissi. Dom. O clementissima. In which, after many titles, the virgin is tearmed, The only hope of men in despaire. But grant that the word only were somtimes vsed not exclusiuely, but coparatiuely; yet because they will be sure to exclude Christ, with all words of exception and singularity which may be, the Missall of Sarum vse the word Solam, Alone: Christi v [...]rgine [...] solā virginē matrē la [...]nū subsequātur. Portif. Sar. in Sāc. Agneta secūd. lect. 1 Let the virgins of Christ follow the virgin Mother of lights, Alone. And the sequens Salue sancta parens, Quod Eua tristis abstuat, tu sola mater tribuis. what sorrowfull Eue depriued vs of, thou only giuest vnto vs: and in the feast of the Annunciation,Sub [...]ni Domina cla [...]rā [...] [...]s ad te [...]ug ter, quo [...]ā peccato [...] i [...]o [...]premi [...]tur, et nō est qui ad [...]uet. Mis Sar. in armun. virg. v r [...]s pest lect. 9. Per te Dei. Help lady those that daily crie to thee, because we are burdened with our sins, and there is none to help. Is there no God in Israel? is there no Citty of refuge, but the holy virgin only? The Missall of Hereford is not behind the rest in this robbing of Iesus Christ. [Page 83] For whereas other Breuiaries falslie reade,Ipsa cōteret caput eiu [...], cui reseruata est haec victoriae nisi virgi [...]i. in ser. beat. virg. she shall bruise the Serpents head, this restrains it only to the Virgin, saying, To whome is this victorie reserued, but to the virgin? And Pope Innocent also saith,Cū nō sit spes altera nisi tu, virgo puerpera. in orat. O clem. Seeing there is no other hope besides thee, O thou Child-bearing virgin.
After the same manner speaketh Germanus the Patriarch of Constantinople, Psal. 11. Fonauē. If thou forsake vs, whither shall wee flee? Si tu nos deserueris, quonā cōfugi [...]emus? apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. fo. 283. impres. Verhef. vin [...] 1568. what shall become of vs, O thou most holy Mother of God? And in the Psalter of the virgin,Psal. 11. Fonauē. Thou Alone, Sola, dost compasse the round earth, to saue them that call on thee. Anselm saith,Ʋt oculos cordis et corporis leuemus ad te Maria. Ans. apud Michael. de Hūg. ser. de Rosar. when wee haue offended the high King by sinning: when we haue offended all Saints and Angells: when we know our selues to be miserably burdened, & cannot tell what to doe; this only remaineth to vs wreches, to lift vp the eyes of our hearts and bodyes to thee, O Lady. The Orison saith,O regina poli, mater gratissima proli, spernere me noli, cōmēdo me tibi soli. in erat. ad virg. apud Mart. Chemn. A [...]e sāctissima mater. O queene of the heauenly pole, to thy son most acceptable, despise me not, I commend me vnto thee Alone.
Not onely to the virgin, but to Saint Sebastian they come also after the same manner, reposing all their confidence in him:In Miss. de Sāct. Sebast. tēp. pestis. in hym. Omnes vnae decātemus ad finem fere. since all our hope is placed in thee O Martyr, now let this deadly plague be remoued. If all their hope be in Saint Sebastian, where is God? where is Christ? Leo in the Legend of Lombardy tur [...]eth him selfe vnto the holy virgine,Leo ad beatā virginē [...]e cōuert [...]t, et prouidētiae eius se total [...]ter cōmittit. leg. Lomb. in Sāct. Leon. in princip. and doth wholy committe himselfe vnto her, Totaliter, wholly. The praier Sancta Maria virgo virginum saith,Ign [...]r [...] ad qui [...] fugiā nisi [...]d te Domina meā, dulc [...]ssi [...]ā virginē Mariā. in erat. sācta Mar. p [...]rsec [...] virg. in Chemn. I know not to to whome to flee, but to thee my most sweet Lady, virgin Mary. And this praier hath a promise that who sayth it deuoutly, shall obtaine whatsoeuer lawfull thing he asketh. VVhat flattery? what intollerable hypocrisie is this? to deceiue God & his S [...]ints, pretēding now to one, now to another that they cōmitt themselues whollie to their protection. He that made the table before the Historie of Lypomanus doth plainlie auouch,Nō inferre Dom. Iesu in [...]riā, s [...] ad sācto [...] quis prius cōfugiat. in indice S [...]holiar. 15. That they doe not sinne, which flee first vnto the Saints: and referreth the reader to diuers places of the booke to proue the same. And in the Marginall note hee bitterly taxeth those which affirme,Huc adeste, quo [...] sāctorū aduersarus [...]gitis, qui dicitis—peccare, qui, Christo omisso ad eos cōfugiūt. Aloy. Lyp part. 1. fol. 431. scholiar in. Huc adest [...]. That it is a sinne to leaue Christ, and to flee vnto Saints. Now this to proue and make [Page 84] manifest by liuely example, in come our Legendaries, the last Act of their Enterlude: and they haue Historie vpon Historie, to proue the saluation of them, who worshipping no other did serue the holy virgin only. In the Promptuarie of examples,Clericus quidam qui nihil boni faciebat. in Mirac, virg. exemplo. 71 The priest that neuer did good, but only sayd the howres of the virgin, going ouer a Riuer to committ wickednes, falling into the water, and there perishing, yet remembred his accustomed deuotions, & died with the salutations of the virgin in his mouth. He is brought before Christ, he is accused by the diuells, hee is defended by the virgin, the matter is brought to this period; The virgin challengeth a promise of Christ, that where he findeth, there hee iudgeth. Wherefore this man howsoeuer vngratious his life were, hee ended it in my praises. If the diuells will not beleeue, let them looke into his mouth. They did so, and there found written in letters of gold; Haile Mary full of grace: and so the dead Man was set free from Sathans tyranny. The like story Iacobus de Ʋoragine in the Legend of Lombardy telleth of an English priest, who was suspended by the Archbishop of Cāterbury, In Tho. Cantuaer. because hee neuer said any Masse, but of the virgin onely. Wherefore she appeared to her deuout suspended priest, and sent him to the Archbishop, requiring that hee should absolue her chaplaine by the same token, that she the blessed virgin had secretly sowed the shirt of haire, which the Archbishop made vnto himselfe to do penance in, and had left the needle hanging at a red thred. Of another Bishop the same authour reporteth,Idē videre est in Prompt exēp. de mirac. virg. that when hee had suspended a priest from his function, that could onely say the office of our Lady, & none other, the virgin appeared to the Bishop and threatned him, that he shold dye within thirty daies, if he did not restore the said priest againe vnto his office. And if you wil haue it yet more plaine, the same Author is witnes, thatIn Prom [...]. exēp. de mirac. virg. 42 One Theophilus hauing by his bond or hand-writing giuen himselfe to the diuell, afterward comming to repentance, doth prostrate himselfe before the Image of the virgin hauing her sonne in her armes: but her sonne turned away his face, as much offended at the presence of such a flagitious [Page 85] offender. Which the Virgin perceiuing, laid her Christ down vpon the Altar, and tooke Theophilus with her to the Diuell, and commanded him to giue vp the handwriting; which the Diuell did, and Theophilus was restored to grace. This perhaps they will say, is the tale of some superstitious Monke, whose grosse inuentions they neither beleeue, nor approue: but let them know, that euen in their publique worship the Missall of Sarum it selfe pointeth vnto this narration, and reckoneth it as one of the Virgins praises,Per octau. assūp. hym. Aue Maria Theophilum re [...]orman gratiae. In Hym. Aue Maria. Thou which to grace didst bring Theophilus.
CHAP. XXIIII. That the Romish Church maketh the Virgin Mary the saluation of women, as Christ is the saluation of men.
I Doubt not but that I shall be pursued, in respect of this assertion, with all the venimous exclamations, that the infernall brood of Locusts, Iesuites, Friers, Monkes and Seminaries can spue out against me. But blessed be the Lambe of Mount Sion, whose seale shall defend mee against all their assaults:Vid. 1. Ap [...]c. Esd. cap. 1. Truth is greatest and strongest, it ouercommeth all things.
I must confesse, this may seeme a very strange Paradox, especially to those, who examine not diligently, the dregges of the Cup, wherwith the Babylonish dame hath made all nations drunken: & yet considering, that vnto the blessed Virgin they ascribe the generall saluation of all; as George Nicen speaketh in Simeon Metaephrastes, Tu casum veteris nostrae nobilitatis erexisti, tu primae imaginis speciem rest [...]tuisti in suam pulchr. iudinem: e [...] Aloy. Lyp. par. 1. fol. 230. Thou hast restored the obscured forme of the first image vnto beauty againe. And Guilielmas Tornacensis saith,Ipsa est Mare & Christianis hospitiū aquarū omnium in periculis. Guil. Ternac. in sac. confirm. ad Princip. fere. She is the sea vnto Christians, the entertainment of all waters in peril: Missal. Saris. in praef. ad Offic. Mar. Virg. When the Virgin hath her cōpassion ioyned with Christs passion: when shee hath her Masse, as Christ hath his Masse, her Saturday holy vnto her, as vnto Christ his Sabbath, her temples, Altars, offerings, prayers, Letanies, as Christ hath: when she hath her Ladiship in heauen, as Christ hath his Lordship: when shee is worshipped with vowes, oathes, confessions, as Christ is worshipped; [Page 86] why should it seeme strange, that they make her the Sauiour of her owne Sexe also, as Christ is of his? Of her Spouse Christ Iesus, the Church in the Canticle confesseth,C [...]nt. 1.2. Thy name is as an ointment powred out, therefore do the virgins loue thee. The same the Roman Breuiarie not without the spirit of blasphemie teacheth all women most falsely to acknowledge of the Virgin Mary, and to adde; Therefore Ro. Breu. in assump. virg Autiph. in odorem. ad laud. & per horas Antiph. the maidens haue loued thee much. What is this but to appropriate the deuotion of women to the Virgin, because her name is their sweet sauing ointment? In the Houres of the conception of the Virgine, set forth in Greeke and Latine, they pray,In orat. Deus ineffabilu misericord [...]ae. O God, which didst ordaine the first offence of the woman to be purged by the Ʋirgin Mary.
The Breuiarie secundum vsum Hereff. doth teach no better Doctrine; for thus it singeth,Maledicta enim Eua [...]uerat, qu [...]m nunc cred [...]mus per M [...]riam ad benedictionem gloriae remeasse: Bre. Her. lect. Mar. è cōtrario. Eue was cursed, whom wee now beleeue by Mary to haue returned vnto blessednesse of glory. And againe, Come Venite Virgines ad virginem; ve [...]ite concipientes ad concipientem; venite parientes ad parieatem; venite Matres ad Matrē: venite iuuencule, ad iuuenculam. Ideo omn [...]s cursus naturae virg. Mar. in domino nostro Iesu Christo suscepit, vt omnibus ad se co [...]fugientibus foeminis subueniret, & sic rest aurauit omne genus ad se venientium foeminarum noua Eua, seruand [...] integritatem, sicut omni genus vir [...]rū nouus Adem recuperat domi [...]us Iesus Christus. M [...]ss. Heref. in seru. pleno de beat. Virg. Mar. lect 3. venite virgines. Idem Bern. in tract. de Lam. virg. Virgins vnto the Ʋirgin, come you that conceiue to her that conceiued, come you that bring forth children, to her that brought forth: Come Mothers to the Mother, come you that gaue sucke, to her that gaue sucke: Come yong women, to the yong woman. Therefore the Virgin tooke all the courses of nature in bringing forth Christ Iesu, that shee might helpe all women that flee vnto her: and so the new Eue restored all the kinde of women sleeing vnto her, by keeping innocence, as the new Adam our Lord Iesus Christ hath recouered all mankinde. To the same, Radford in his Directory consenteth saying,Cap. 54. impress. anno 1605. that the Virgin repaired by her vertue, that which Eue lost by her vice. Blush drunken Babylon, blush for shame; thus hast thou taught the people: this is the cup, these the dregs of thy fornication. For this they pretend the authority of Fulgentius; who teacheth, thatVt sic restauraret omne genus f [...]minarum ad se venientium. Ful. ser de laud. Mar. ex Chemnic. she receiued all the courses of womanhood, that so she might repaire all the kinde of women comming to her. The Missall of Sarum agreeth with the rest, and saith;Haec est sola cunctorum hera, [...]aterna obs [...]u [...]an [...] piacula. This is the onely Mistresse of all, hiding the Mothers offence; meaning the offence of Eue. So in the Masse of pregnant women,Ad quem confugient desolata pregnantes, nisi ad te cunctarum consolatri [...] cum lachry [...]i? Portif. Sar. in Miss. prag. To [Page 87] whom shall the desolate Child-bearing women flee, Suasa est obedire Deo, vti virginis Euae v [...]rg. Mar. fieret aduocata, Ro. Bre. in offic. beat. Mar. virg lect. in sua propria. Ex Ireneo l. 5. post mediū. Iraeneus only compareth the transgression of Eue, with the grace of Christ born of the virgin Mary, they referre it to the praise of Mary her selfe. but to thee the comfortresse of all women, with teares? The Romane Breuiarie also to the Virgins praise readeth; She was perswaded to bee obedient to God, that the Ʋirgin Mary might be the Aduocate of the Ʋirgin Eue, and virginall disobedience equalized by virginall obedience. He saith also, that asVehementer quidem.) new Adam was formed of the old; so Eue was transfused into Mary. Againe,Ro. Bre. in Nat. virg. plaudāt nunc organis Mar. ad finē. The sorrow of Eue, the song of Mary hath excluded. In the Letany of the Virgin they pray,In Litania virg. apud Chemnic. O virgin of virgins, the new exaltation, and the first blessing of women. Discip. de Temp. must not be forgotten; who according to the publique acknowledgement, frames his priuate censure and saith,Discip. de Temp. ser. 32. de assump. Virg. verbo vnde sicut conuenien [...] fuit, &c. The taking vp of the Virgin Mary in body and soule, gaue great hope to women of their ascension and resurrection, as Christ gaue great hope to men by his resurrection. Wherefore as it was conuenient, that the resurrection of Christ should be hastened, that thereby hope might be giuen: so it was necessary, that the resurrection of the Virgin Mary should be hastened, that hope might bee giuen vnto the Sexe of women. Out of this same forge no doubt comes that blasphemie of the late Swite Gasper Loart; Gasper. Loart in in 5. glorioso Myst. Come out ye daughters of Sion, and see your Queene, whom the morning starres giue laud vnto. And that of the English festiuall, Right The English festiuall in the Virgins N [...]tiuity. as our Lord followed the old Law and the new, and all that fell to Man of right: so our Lady fulfilled both lawes, and all that fell to woman.
CHAP. XXV. That the Romish Church maketh the Virgin mercifull to Christ God and Man, and Christ beholding to the Ʋirgin: which importeth her to be the Author and first cause of our Saluation, contrary to the third Limitation.
THe Apostle Paul, Examin. of the third Limitation. speaking of the free vndeserued grace of God, proclaimeth vnto all the sonnes of Adam; Rom: 11.35. Who hath giuen vnto him first, and he shall be recompensed? And the blessed Virgin her selfe, that the holy one of God should of her take flesh, doth acknowledge it as the meere mercy of [Page 88] God.Luk. 1.49. He that is mighty hath done for me great things, and holy is his name. Yet, notwithstanding the Apostles acknowledgement generally for all, and the Virgins confession in her own particular for her selfe, they are so darkened in their vnderstanding, that they spare not to auouch, that it was mercy and fauour in the Virgin toward Christ, which shee her selfe taketh to be dutie and obedience;Luke 1 38. Behold the seruant of the Lord, be it vnto me according to thy word. Compare wee now with this obsequious modesty of the Virgin, the Doctrine of the Romish Church.
The Romane Breuiarie out of Bernard saith,Coronauit eum, & vicissim ab eo meru [...]t coronari 3. di [...] infra octan nat. beat Mar. lect 4. Nouum fecit. The Ʋirgin crowned Christ, and she deserued to bee crowned of him againe. Now what is this, but to giue vnto Christ first, and then to receiue of him? Discip. de Temp. affirmeth, that there is a threefold reason, why the blessed Virgin is so potent in the high Court of Heauen.Discip. de Temp. in ser. 161. in verba beatam [...]ue dicent. First, because shee is Mother of the eternall King. Secondly, because of the grace she found. Coronauit eum, & vicissim ab eo meru [...]t coronari 3. di [...] infra octan nat. beat Mar. lect 4. Nouum fecit. Thirdly, because of the mercy shewed immediately, vpon God himselfe, clothing his flesh, feeding him with milke, receiuing him to harbour in her wombe, and visiting him when hee did hang vpon the Tree. Anselme therefore saith,Auxiliatrix Dei et hominum. de vulneribus. erat. 2. apud Chemnic. Shee is the helpe both of God and men. The Romane Breuiary consenteth thereunto and saith, thatIn offic. paruo. [...]eat. v [...]rg. R. post lect 3. [...]oelix nam{que}. the holy Virgin was worthy of all praise, because the Son of righteousnesse did arise from her. Surely in this respectLuke 1.48. she calls her selfe Blessed, but praiseth not her selfe. For blessing is of Grace, but Praise proceedeth of desert. Neither are they content with this, that the Virgin hath extended mercy vnto GOD, and giuen vnto God (as Discip, de Temp. speaketh)Discip de Temp. in ser. de Sanct. ser. 5 in verbū sanctificauit tabernaculum. Of her fulnesse the Sonne of God receiued substance of flesh, and the whole Trinitie euerlasting glory: But they call vpon the Virgin to insist and stand vpon these her great deserts with Christ for vs;Ostende pectus & vie [...]ae filio. Antoninu [...] apud Chemn. Shew thy Paps and thy Brest to thy Sonne; and againe,Ro Bre. Monstraete esse matrem. in hym. Aue Maris stella & Miss Heref. in seru. beat. Mar. Virg hym. Aue Mari. stel. Shew thy selfe to be his Mother.
Hence come these manifold enforcings of her merits;Que d [...]gnè m [...] [...]uisti concipere, quē totus orbis nequiuit comprehender [...]. Miss. Sar. in sern. beat. Virg. Mar. Sanct. dei gen. Thou didst worthily deserue to beare, whom the world could not comprehend. And againe,Meruisti benedicta profe [...]re mundi pretium in seru. [...]eat Virg. in Sanct. Mar. succurre mis [...]ris. Thou didst deserue (O thou blessed) to bring forth the price of the world. This is she, In seru blat. Mar. Virg. Alti [...]r [...] g [...]l [...]. who onely [Page 89] deserued to bee called the Spouse and Mother of CHRIST:An nō Mon [...] sublim [...]s Mariae, que vt conceptionem [...]terni verbi pertingeret meretorū verticem supra omnes Chor [...] Angelorum vsqu [...] ad [...]olium de tatis trexit? Ro. Breu. in offic. beat. Mar. virg ex Greg. Is not Mary an exceeding high hill, which (that shee might conceiue the eternall Word) hath lifted vp the height of her merits aboue all the Quires of Angels, euen vnto the Throne of God?
But to returne againe vnto Discip. de Temp. who maketh the Virgin an helper immediately to the Godhead: Perhaps they will excuse this blasphemie, in respect of the vnion of the two natures, the Godhead and the Manhood in Christ Iesus. Now the Catholique Religion doth grant, that the things which are spoken of Christ, may bee spoken of both his natures, the Godhead and the Manhood: for otherwise God and Man should be two persons in Christ.
But to this I answere, thatVid. Bez. cont. Hold. p. 761. whensoeuer we communicate the properties of the seueral natures to the whole person, we do it in the Concret, not in the Abstract. Wherfore though we say,Vid. Th. Aqu. 3. part. quest. 16. God tooke flesh, and God was borne, yet we doe not say, God was passible, or God was mortall, or God was fed (as that blasphemous Psalter speaketh)Lacte Deifico saluatorem Iefu [...] c [...]utristi Psal. 15. with God-making milke thou hast nourished Iesus the Sauiour. Though we say, God is Man, or Man is God, supposing the vnion of Natures in one person: yet when wee speake in the Abstract discretiuely and disiunctiuely, the properties of the one nature, cannot bee giuen to the other. Wherefore when Discip. de Temp. doth say,Discip. de Temp. in ser. 161. in verba beatam me dicent. that the Virgin doth exercise mercy immediately vpon God, it is not to be allowed. For God is not immediately fed, or clothed, or harboured: neither can that of the Missall of Sarum well be maintained:Regn [...]i Deus d [...]i caro. [...]n vgilia ascensionis, hym. aeterne Rex altissim [...]. The flesh of God reigneth God.
This was the cause why Petrus Gnapheus was condemned as an Heretike, because he taught that God died, and God was crucified. Which though it might be defended in respect of the communication of the Idioms or natures: yet because he added to the Hymne, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts, this sequence (which was crucified for vs) as though the Godhead it selfe had beene crucified, he was banished by the Fathers of that time, who desired to take away all scrupulositie from religion. Euen so, when wee speake of the commiseration [Page 90] extended to the Manhood of Christ in an Abstract consideration of the feeding and clothing of his humanitie, the same cannot bee properly, nor truely auouched of the Godhead, that mercy was immediately extended to God. Thus much for the Limitations: proceede wee now to other their errours.
CHAP. XXVI. That the Romish Church maketh the Ʋirgin more mercifull then Christ; and so they take from the Sonne of God the chiefest propertie of his high Priesthood.
AMongst the rest of the excellent graces in the eternall Priesthood of Christ, the Apostle Paul reckoneth, that he wasHeb. 2.17. made like vnto his brethren, that he might be a mercifull, and a faithfull High Priest in things concerning God. Esay therefore doth prophecie of him, that his mildnesse shall bee such, that a Esay 42.3. bruised reede he shall not breake, and the smoking slaxe he shall not quench. And for this cause Iohn Baptist calleth himIoh. 1.29. a Lambe: and the Law maketh the harmelesseLeuit. 1.14. Doue to bee his type, that wee might know, that his peace passeth all vnderstanding, and that his mercy is as great as himselfe. Yet notwithstanding Man hath found one more mercifull then God, and more gracious then his Christ, contrarie to that rule of Philosophie; NoNull u effectus excedit. virtutem suae causae. effect is more powerfull then his cause.Deus vltienum dominus, sed tu mater misericordiae God (saith Bonauenture) is the God of vengeance, but thou art the Mother of mercy. Christ (saith another)Anton. vt recitatur à Mar. Chemn. is not onely an Aduocate, but a iudge, who shall iustly discusse all things; so that nothing shall remaine vnpunished. If the righteous then be scarce saued, how shall the sinner come vnto him as to an Aduocate? Wherefore God hath prouided an Aduocate milde and sweet, in whom is no sharpenesse at all.
The Romane Breuiarie applieth to the Virgin that of Ecclesiasticus, which is spoken of Gods diuine wisedome;In me gratia omnis viae & viritati [...]: in me om [...]u spes vitae & virtutu. Ex eccl. 24. in Concep. Virg. in me is all hope of life and vertue: in me is all grace of the way and truth. What now remaineth vnto Christ? Where is [Page 91] his grace? and to whome is hee life, if the virgin bee all the hope of life?
Germanus the Patriarch in Simeon Metaphrastes tearmeth her without exception,Paratissimū resugiū peccatorū. apud Lyp. part. 1. [...]ol. 283. The readiest help of sinners. For full proofe hereof, you haue the Legend Historie rehearsed by the Iesuite Costerus, which witnesseth,Fra. Costerus [...]n epist. dedic. lib. 5 institut. that by the virgin, Christ was reconciled vnto the world, when being anry with the Albigenses, hee threatned an vniuersall destruction: but by his Mothers intercession, the two orders of Friers, Dominicks and Franciscans, were raysed vp to turne the mynds of men to God.
Reuolue diligently (saith Bernard) the Euangelicall writings,Reu [...]lue diligētius, et si quod sorte incre patoriū, durū vel asperū inueniru in Maria, ipsā de caetero suspecta habe [...]s, et ad eā accedere verearu: sed filius eius nō solū miseric [...]rs. sed etiā iustus in omnibus operibus eius. Ber. ap. Discip. de Temp. serm. 161. and if there be any sharp or hard reproofe in the virgin, then hereafter hould her suspected, and be feareful to come vnto her, but her son is not only mercifull, but iust also in all his wayes. And yet we know, that of the peaceable mediation of Christ, the prophet foreshe wed,Esa 17.4 Anger is not in me.
Discipulus de Tempore is bould to propose a quodlibet, whether seeing the virgin Marie is called the Mother of mercy, she or her sonne be more mercifull.Resp. Quod filius eius in infi [...]itū plus habet de misericor. quia, vt est infinita potētiae, sic est infinitae misericordia. Vnde Psalmista; miserationes [...]iui supra omnia opera eius: sed ipsa beata virgo, mater misericordiae dicitur quiae sēmp. misericorditer agit, et ideo quātū ad hoc peccatores fiducialius ad matrem misericordiae cōfugiūt. Discip. de tēp. ser. 161. His answer is, that her sonne hath infinitely more mercie, according to the psalmist; His mercy is aboue all his works: but she the blessed virgin Mary is called the Mother of mercy, because she doth alwaies mercifully, & in respect hereof sinners may more boldly come vnto the mother of mercy. Thus you see, Christ hath more mercy, but the virgin doth exercise more mercy; according to that of their Psalter,Bonauē. Ps. 71 O Lord giue thy iudgements vnto the King, and thy mercyes vnto the Queene his Mother. To this also let me adde that, which Michael de Hungaria alleageth out of Orosius; Quos nō saluat Dei iustitia, salua [...] M [...]riae misericordia infinita. in ser. de Rosaer Mar. Whome the iustice of God doth not saue, Maries infinit mercy saueth.
CHAP. XXVII. That the Church of Rome maketh the merits of Saints, as efficacious and powerfull as the merits of Christ.
THe Church of the excellency of her redeemer Christ cōfesseth;Cant. 2.3 As the apple tree amongst the trees of the forest, [Page 92] so is my wel-beloued among the sonnes of men. And the Apostle Paul comparing all other things with Christ Iesus doth esteem themPhil. 3.8 as doung in respect of him. But such is the miserable blindnes of her, who yet saith, she is the fountaine of the Gardens and the well of liuing waters, that shee shameth not to make the bloud of Saints equall to the bloud of Christ. For proofe whereof, consider (Christian reader) that they call much more, and oftener vpon Saints, then vpon Christ the Lord.
The Rosarie is diuided into Mentall and Ʋocall praiers. Of Ʋocall praiers there are two hundred and Fiftie Aue-Maries, and but fifteene Pater nosters. The same in their Litanies is also manifested;Litania de Mar. quae incipit, Kiri [...] elyson, Christe elyson, apud Canisium. as in that of the blessed virgin mentioned by Canisius. Where hauing fiue or six times only led vpon the name of GOD and his Christ, they inuocate the Virgin at the least fowrescore times. The like you haue in the Lauritane Letany, set forth in the end of Gasper Loarts meditation; wherin a fewe times serue to cal vpon God & his Christ: but the virgins inuocation is manifould, and hath no measure. Yea, in some of the Letanies by him rehearsed, there is no praier to God at all.In litania quae incipit, Ancillae & mater Dei, et litaeni [...] quae incipit, Altare Dei, and sepulchrū nouū Christi, and virgo Maria sēper glorios. and maeter et virgo perpetua; and Alleluia regis aeterni, and cōtritio prauitatis haeretica: In all these Letanies there is no praier at all to the Father, Sonne or holy Ghost. vid. Ga. Loar. Let this then be my first argument; for, whome in troubles wee most flie vnto, him we acknowledge to be most powerfull for our deliuerance. My second argument is taken from the confession of diuers particular members of the Romish church, whose authoritie is of singular estimation with them. Their Ladies Psalter sayth,Bonau. Psal. 12 The blessed virgin is the best help in troubles. Simeon Metaphrastes compareth the passion of the virgin, with Christs passion, and sayth, thatQuae qu [...]dē omnia trāsuerberaebāt eā profū [...]ius, quā vlli Claui, ex Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pa. 238 edit. Ʋerhessal [...]. an. 1568. Louan. the Heauiness of her contemplations did pierce her deeper then any nailes. Gasper Loart the Iesuite maketh her sufferings the greatest sufferings;Gasp. Loart. in the praier after the 3. dolorous Mystery. What griefe was euer like thy griefe, O virgin, and most woefull Mother, when thou sawest thy sonne exalted vpon the Crosse? And hee beseecheth her,Ib in 3. d [...]l. Myst. To offer vp these bitter griefes to her sonne, as he offred his bloud to the father. Innocent proclaymeth three hundred daies of pardon to him, that sayth the praier, wherein she is tearmedMiserorū patrona. reorū aduocata doctissima. in erat. O clementiss. The most sweet Patroness of [Page 93] miserable men, and the most learned aduocate of the guilty. In the very same words almost Anselm saith,Medicina efficacissima. Ansel. de 5 doloribus vir erat. 3 The virgin Mary is the most efficacious medicine: and in the Compassions also of the virgin,Te hodie et sēper in matrē et patronā prae cūctis elig [...] & praeopt [...]. Thee this day and euer I chuse before all other, to be my Mother and Patronesse. Germanus the Patriarch calleth her,In Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 283 The most powerfull recreation of those that are afflicted. Herto helpeth not a little their ould friend Discip. de Temp. who telleth a long tale of one thatDisc. de Tēp. in exēp. de vir. ser. 164 came to the diuell to obtaine riches, and being by the diuell required to renounce God, he did so: but thou hast not yet performed all (sayth the diuell) the worke is yet vnperfect: thou must renounce his Mother also, for she it is that doth vs the greatest hurte; for whom her sonne would condemne by iustice, she doth by mercy saue.
The third reason is, the opinion that the merits of Saints are not a iust recompence to God for our sinnes, is condemned by Pius quintus, & Gregory the thirteenth (as Bellarmine Bell. de Indul. li. 1 ca. 4 in resp. ad ob. 6 Nor our satisfaction. himselfe doth witnesse) and yet Kellison saith of Christs merits,Kellis. lib. 3. fol. 261. lin. 12 that they are not our satisfaction. Wherfore if the merits of Saints are a iust recompence to God, and the merits of of Christ do not satisfie his iustice; it is euident that the merits of Saints are more powerfull then the merits of Christ.
My fourth proofe is, their publique worship, wherein when they offer those preheminences to Saints, which the word of God giueth only vnto Christ, what other construction can be made, but that they esteeme of Saints as of Christ? The Roman Breuiarie of euery Confessor singeth,Ro. Bre. in com. cōfat port if. Sar. post lect. quicquid igitur. I haue put saluation on the mighty: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people, my hand shall helpe him: I haue found Dauid my seruant, with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him. Who knoweth not, that this was a mystical & Propheticall speech poynting to the excellency of Christ only? Now if this bee be applied vnto Saints, what do they else, but thereby make them capable of the praise, of the honour, of the office, and of the excellencie of Christ?
But to make this poynte more euident, celebrating the memories of Peter and Paul, the same Roman Breuiary saith, [Page 94] Cū Dominus Orientu regionē propria illus [...]rauit p [...]ssione, occidītu [...]lagā, nequid minus esset vice suae, Apostolorū ságuine illuminare dignatus est. Ro. Bre. sexta die infra octau. Pet. & Pau. lect 5. Cuiu [...] autem. when the Lord had illustrated the Estern part with his owne passion, the westerne world, lest it should be any thing lesse or inferiour, in his owne stead he did illuminate with the blood of the Apostles. If there be not an equality betwixt the bloud of the Apostles, and the bloud of Christ, let them tell mee how the bloud of the Apostles can make Rome, where they suffered, equall to Ierusalem, where the bloud of Christ was shed. I doe not find that the Citty where Christ suffered, had euer greater title then the holie Citty. But Iohn Andreas saith, Rome was called the most holie Citty, for the death of the Apostles. Of the Euangelist Iohn the Masse of Sarum witnesseth,Par post Christū alter quidāmodo relictus est filius. in die Ioh. apo. et Euāg. lect. 1 Quicunque in loco. that He was left after Christ, as his fellow or peere, being after a manner onother son. And the Hym. de patre verbum prodiens saithEx Clicthou. et Par post Christum filius; he was an equall son after Christ. Of Saint Francis, Turseline, the Iesuite is not ashamed to say,Ex diuersis locis in Missal.
Hereto agreeth Bensius, who calleth Francis the image of Christ. To conclude,Veni mater gratic, sons misericordiae, miseris remediū ven [...], lux ecclesiae: In solamē oppressorū, medicamē infirmorū, omnibus es omnia. Miss. Sar. in visit. et [...]ōcep. virg. Mar. vid. de hac materia et Ro. Bre. God is the Father of mercy, the Virgin the Mother of mercy: Christ is the fountaine of mercy, the virgin the fountaine of mercy: Christ the light of the Church, the virgin the light of the Church: Christ the gate, the virgin the gate: Christ al things to all men, the virgin all things to all men. What difference then is now betwixt the merite of Christ, & the virgin, the equall & vnpartiall reader may easily iudge. If this be done in the publique worship, it is no maruell that Euthimius the Monke was so lauish in her praises, as to sayIn te omnē spem nostrā collocanim [...] et in te viuimus et gloriamur et sumus. Euthi. Monac. that we are her inheritance, and all put trust in her, and liue, and glory, & are in her. Vpon which words the marginall note in Aloy. Lypom. triumpheth alowd,Vid. Mira. quae de matre Dei dicit, et eadē fere, quae de ipso Dom. Deo dicutur. Aloy part. 1 pag. 286 See (saith he) the wondrous things that are spoken of the Mother of God, almost the same which are spoken of God himselfe. Almost the same; how doth this agree with the doctrine of the Apostle, who teacheth his Ephesians, Eph. 1.21 that Christ is exalted farre aboue all principalities & powers, and might and dominion, and euery name that is named, not in this [Page 95] world onely, but also in that which is to come. This notwithstanding, in our Babylon, Ziim to Iim and one Legendary to another answerethFere quot ipsi Christo, tot fiū [...] laudes ipsi virgins Mariae. ser. 161 ap. Discip. de Temp. Almost as many praises are giuen to the virgin as vnto Christ.
XXVIII. That somtyme in the Romish Church Christ redeemeth through Saints, and somtymes Saints redeeme through Christ, and somtymes the merits of Christ and of the Saints are ioyned together to redeeme.
NOthing is so importunate, nor so pertinacious as Heresie; which like the Poets Hydra riseth vp still with excuse after excuse, and defence after defence: neither wil it giue ouer, though it haue neyther hand to defend, nor ground to stand vpon. Hereof in this question of the inuocation of Saints we haue sufficient proofe. For albeit they are euery way beaten from their houlds, nor can find any footing for this impiety in the holy Canon; yet shift after shift, and wrangle after wrangle they inuent, to prop vp this ruinous tower of their spirituall Babylon. And now forsooth, they haue an armour of proofe sufficient to receiue, and break the force of all obiections, that they doe not make the Saints helpers to saluation, through themselues, but through Christ only. Most true is that of Augustine, as God the father begate his sonne the truth, so did the Diuell begett falshood his Sonne.Aug. It is then no marueile if Antichrist his first begotten, build his Synagogue with lyeing & deceitfull vanities, as in this businesse clearly appeareth; wherin their superstition is intricate, implicite, perplexed, and after sundry fashions, and diuers maneris doth vtter it selfe. Somtyme they faigne, that Christ doth saue vs through Saints: somtymes Saints do saue vs through Christ:Christ redeemeth through Saints. and somtymes the merits of Saints and of Christ are ioyned together, lik Spices in the perfume of the Apothecary.
Of the first; that Christ redeemeth thorough Saints, sundrie are the proofes, both of priuate iudgements, and their publique worship. Discip. de Temp. saith,Iesus Christus filius venit nos per eā ad statū immortalitatis perducere. 16 3. The sonne of [Page 96] God came to bring vs to the state of immortality by the Ʋirgin. And againe, He Ibid. sar. 32 would exalt the humane nature in a woman. In the Goulden Letany, they sayIn the golden Let any ioyned to the Iesus psalter in English, et Bre. diuersa. By the holy name of Mary haue mercy on vs; by the conception of the virgin thy Mother, which was sanctified in her Mothers wombe, haue mercy vpon vs. So the office of the virgin set out in English & Latin inuocateth also;Per Virginē Matrē cōcedat nobu Dominus salutē et pacē. in adu. ad Matit. By the virgin Mother, the Lord graunt vs peace and health.
Anselm a saint of their Church (and therefore his authority may not bee reiected) in his praiers vpon the fiue sorrowes of the virgin,Ansel. orat. de 5 dol. erat. 2. Au [...] atrix Dei et hom. beseecheth that Christ for those her sorrowes will giue him pardon. And Bonauenture saith,Bonauē Ps. 66 The Lord be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs, by her that begate him. And in another place;Per te, regina clemēs gratia sua munira largitur Iesus Christus. Ro. Bre in assup. virg. lect Ecce quibus. O mercifull Queene, let thy sonne Iesus Christ grant vs the gifts of grace by thee.
The same is the manner of their publique adoration also. The Roman Breuiarie saithPrecibus et meritis Maria siper virginis et omnium sāctorū, [...]erducat nos Deus ad regnū c [...]lorū. Ro. Bre in offic. Mar. virg. in absol. by the merits and prayers of the blessed virgin, and all the saints, God bring vs to the Kingdome of Heauen. The goulden Letany saith,Aurea litania. by the oblation of the three Kings, haue mercy vpon vs. So the Missall of Sarisburie,Tuper Tho. sāguinē, quē pro te impēdit, fac nos Christe, scādere, quo Thomas ascēdit. in festo Tho. Cant. Thou by the bloud of Thomas, which hee for thee did spend, make vs, O Christ, to clyme, whither Thomas did ascend. And againe,In aurea Lita. they intreate Christ, by the sword of sorrowe, which went through the virgins heart, and the compassion of teares, which she shedde vnder the Crosse, to haue mercy on them. To conclude; the Missall of Sarum shameth not to say,Ad. Mar. gloriā qui sedet ad dextrā patru, miserere nobis an prap. āte Mis. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God haue mercy on vs, to the honour of the virgin Mary. As they will haue Christ deliuer them thorough Saints, so the Saints also are imagined to deliuer through Christ. Hereof you haue sundry manifest and cleare examples, both priuate and publique. Ouer passing the rest, I will content my selfe with a few. In the Letany of the virgin;Per augustiā & dolorē passion [...] er [...]s libera nos Domina. in litur beat. Mar. virg. apud Chemnic. By the anguish and sorrow of his suffering deliuer vs, O Lady. And againe,Ex Chimn. in Cant. Prophet. Thou to deliuer banisht men didst take the sonne of God into thy wombe. So the Missall also,
And in another place,Hac est virgo, quae antiquū d [...]ab [...] licae seditionis Chirographū aboleu [...], tot [...]{que} seculo subuenit &c. Bre. Sar. in lect sa [...]ro sanct. This is the virgin which blotted out the hand-writing of diuelish sedition, and did helpe the whole world, opened the kingdome of heauen, when by the spirit of God she conceiued the Sonne.
Of the third kinde of superstition, ioyning the merits of Christ and Saints together, infinite are the records. Bernardine in his Mariall saith,Apud Chemnic. Mary was an helper in our redemption. And by Anthony shee is brought in thus speaking of herselfe; when the Seraphins at her assumption would haue staied her in their station, shee would goe on to her Sonne; saying;Nō est bo [...]ū hominē esse solū, data sū in adiutorū in sredē [...]tionē per cōpasionē: ad glorificationē per intercessionem. apud Chemnic. It is not good, that man should bee alone, I was giuen an helper to redemption, by compassion: and to glorification, by intercession. Soto saith,In Cōfess Catho. The saints are coadiutors and fellow workers in our saluation. In the commendation of a Soule departed out of this life they say,Ro. Bre. in cōmē. anima prof [...]ciscere Goe foorth Christian Soule out of this world, in the name of the Father, of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost: in the name of the thrones, the powers, the Archangells, and Angells: in the name of principalities, in the name of Cherubins and Seraphins: in the name of all holy Apostles: in the name of all holy Suppose frie r Tecell, Garnet, and the Monke that poisoned King Ioh [...], or the I [...]c [...]b [...]n that kild Henry 3. Ki g of France. Monkes and Hermites. So likewise vpon the feast of all Saints in the Hymne, Iesu saluator seculi, Patriarcharū cunes et Prophetarū mer [...]ta nobis precētur ven [...]ā. cōfessio sacerdotū. v [...]r inalit castitas nos à peccatis abluāt ex. Ro. Bre. they ioyne together the praiers and merits of Saints. For hauing begunne with the help of Christ, and the intercession of the virgin, they desire, that the merits of prophets may pray pardon vnto them; that the confession of Priests, the chastity of virgins may wash them from their sins. What should I speake of that blasphemie in the office of the virgin?Ro. Bre. in offic. beat Mar Mis. I [...]. lec. 3. vehemēter quidem. By one man and one woman all things are restored.
Thus you see, the merits of Christ and Saints are ioined together. But whether one part of satisfaction bee made out of Christs passion for vs, and another out of the passion of Saints: or whether the satisfaction bee wholly and alwaies from the sufferings of Christ, and the Saints sufferings added to the heape, because he cannot tell (and yet ignorance must haue some excuse) Bellarmine saith,An explicetur part vna ex pass [...] nibus Christi, pa [...] a [...]ia ex passionibus sāctorū an vero integra satisfactio accip atur sēper ex passion [...]bu [...] Christi, et superaddātur ad cumu [...]ū sa [...]isfactionis passiones sactorū, [...]o videtur [...] curiosè inuestigandū. Bell. lib. 1. dindul Ca. 4 in resp. ad 1 arg. nō est quidem opus. It ought not to be ouer curiously enquired. I blame him not; falshood cannot endure to be sifted: and to seeke after that which is not, were an vnprofitable [Page 98] labour. Better it is to hearken to the counsell, which Iob gaue to his friends;Iob 13.5. O that you would hold your tongue, that it might be imputed vnto you for wisedome.
CHAP. XXIX. That the Church of Rome attributeth vnto the Saints, the two proprieties of Christ; Power, and Right to saue.
ALthough in our whole discourse vpon this subiect, it is already made sufficiently euident, that both Power, and right to saue vs, is giuen vnto Saints: yet because in the eleuenth and twelfth Chapters of this booke I shewed, that Christ ONLY hath power and right to be our Redeemer, I hope the godly Reader will not thinke it lost labour for me to destinate a peculiar tract to this purpose; namely, to shew the violence, which vnto the holy Priesthood of Christ is offered, in giuing to Saints power and right to saue vs; properties onely to the great office of the Sonne of God peculiar. As in the former Chapters, the methode hath beene to bring in their priuate iudgements and publique seruice for witnesse, the like order I will also now obserue. Of the Virgin Discip. de Temp. teacheth,Ser. 34. de Nat. virg in verb. sapientia adificanit. That she doth effectually helpe, because she hath Power and Will; She hath power (saith he) for she is Mother of omnipotencie. Wherefore, Bernard saith,Ibid. To thee is giuen all power in heauen and earth, that whatsoeuer thou wilt, thou maist obtaine. Power Ibid. is not wanting in her; for she is the Mother of omnipotence: will is not wanting; for shee is Mother of Mercy: neither is industry wanting; for shee is the Mother of wisedome. That she hath Power, it is proued; for she hath Power ouer her Sonne IESVS CHRIST, by command of motherly authoritie. Georgius Nicomediensis thus doth worship her;Nihil tuae resistit potētiae, nihil repugnat tuis viribus in orat. d [...] exitu Sanct. donu [...]ū nost. des para ex Sym. Metaph. Aloy. Lyp. in part. 1. pap. 230. edit. Verbessale. Nothing resisteth thy power, nothing can stand against thy force: all things yeeld to thy command, all things serue thy power: he that is borne of thee, hath set thee high aboue all things. So in their publique worship,Teneanu [...] eam, [...]ec d [...]mittamus donec benedixerit nobis, potens est enim. Ro Bre. in lect. A [...] plectamur. Let vs hold her, and not let her goe; for she is of Power. And thereforeDa mihi virtutem aduersus hostes tues Ro. [...]re. in effic. [...]at. virg. giue me power against thy enimies, saith that Respond in the lauds [Page 99] of the Virgin. What should I stand to recite the acknowledgement of the power of all Apostles?
Who seeth not this blasphemie? The power which by the preaching of the word, was giuen to the Apostles and Ministers of Christ in this life, is by the Missall giuen vnto them also after this life by absolute command; so that they are made eternall Priests. It is giuen to them, I say, not by ministration of the word, as here on earth: but by commandement and power, by their word and authoritie; and so they are made omnipotent and almighty Priests. It is giuen vnto them being absent from vs, and departed out of this life, to heare euery prayer, to see euery necessitie, to be present in euery place; and so they are made incomprehensible Priests, and of an infinite wisedome. Descend wee from their Power to the proper right they haue to saue vs.
The right of giuing Saluation vnto vs, is made the propertie of Saints also in the Romish Church: and Discip. de Temp. doth affirme,Ser. 161. de virg. b [...]t. Seeing her sonne is our brother, by that reason she is compelled to be our Mother. Nicetas ex Metaphr. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 2. in fine [...]r [...]t. O oculi purs & luminosi, &c. fol. 146. Nicetas of Cosmus and Damianus in Aloy. Lyp. saith, They are the pure bright eyes of the Church, the Knees of the Paralyticke, the feete of the lame, to all men they are all things. After the same manner vnto Saint Etheldred speakes the Orison, In Miss. Eth. lect. 2. succurre Dom. O Mother defend thy children: O Lady defend thy seruants. The Missall of Sarum calleth Cedda, In Miss. Cedd. pie Pastor, & Pater Ouium Merc [...]orū. Father, holy Father, and Shepheard of the flocke of the Mercians. Which if perhappes in respect of the teaching and doctrine of Cedda it might bee tolerable: yet why doe they inuocate Etheldred as their Mother? who neither carnally, nor spiritually either fed them, or begot them. Euery where the Virgin is not onely called our Lady; wherin her power: but our Mother; wherein her right to saue vs doth appeare. The Missall both of Sarum and of Rome consenting in the same impietie say,Omniū nostrorū habitatio est in te, Sancta dei genetrix. in Antiph. sicut habitantium. The habitation of all vs is in thee, O holy [Page 100] Mother of God. What nearer right can be conceiued, then to dwell in the Virgin,Ro: Bre. ad Mat. lect. 1. in omnibus. as we dwell in God, and God in vs? The Office of the Virgin applyeth to her that of Ecclesiasticus, Inhabite in Iacob, and inherite in Israel, and take roote in my Elect. As though, as Christ by his inward and working grace doth growe into his Elect and becomes one with them through the communication of his spirit; so the Virgin did also.
Hence now it is euident, how well they obserue the commandement of Christ,Math. 23.9. Call no man your father vpon the earth, for there is but one your Father, which is in Heauen. And Moses cryeth vnto them,Deut. 32.6. Doe ye so reward the Lord, O foolish people and vnwise? Is not he thy Father that hath bought thee? He hath made thee and proportioned thee.
Hauing now discoursed of the blasphemies and iniuries, which by the Church of Rome are offered vnto our great High Priest, the Bishop of our soules Iesus Christ, in the principall point of his Office, which is our Redemption; I wil only compare the doctrine of the Gospel, with the doctrine of the Church of Rome in this behalfe; that contraries being set one against the other may the better shew themselues, and according to that of the Prophet,Ier. 2.19. Her owne wickednesse may conuert her, and her turnings back may reproue her.
EVerlastinga Saluation is in thy hand, O Lady. | 1 | I Euen I am the Lord, and besides mee there is no Sauiour. Esay 43.11. |
Theyb shall be Sauiour [...] and Keepers. | 2 | Neither is there saluation in any other. Act. 4.12. |
O Lady,c saue me in thy name. | 3 | There is giuen no other name vnder Heauen, whereby wee must be saued. Ibid. |
Deliuerd vs euer from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. | 4 | No man can deliuer his brother. Psal. 49.7. |
Gode vnto man, the low things vnto the heauenly thou ioynest, O child-bearing Virgin. | 5 | Nor make agreement for him. Psal. 49.7. |
There be manyf Sauiours, and many Redeemers. | 6 | It cost more to redeeme their soules: so that hee must let that alone for euer. Ibid. |
Euery good mang addeth some thing to accomplish the measure thereof. | 7 | I haue troden the wine presse alone, and of all other there was none with mee. Esay 63.3. |
Rhem. nos. marg. in 1. ad Coloss. One may beare the burthen and discharge the debt of another. |
8 | I looked, and there was none to helpe, and I wondred, that there was none to vphold. Ibid. |
Rhem. annot. Marg. in 1. ad Coloss. The passions of Saints are suffered for the common good of the whole body. |
9 | One died for all: 2. Cor. 5.15. And againe, was Paul cru [...]ified for you? 1. Cor. 1.13. |
In Cant. proph. ad virg. detert. apud. Chem [...]ic. Without her he shall not saue thee. |
10 | Hee saith not; to the Seeds, as of many, but to thy Seede; as of one, which is CHRIST. Gal. 3.16. |
Discip. de Concep. Ʋirg. ser 5. Truely may wee say as well of the Mother as the Sonne: of her fulnesse wee haue all
receiued grace. |
11 | Of his fulnesse haue all wee receiued, and grace for grace. Ioh. 1.16. |
Tu sola, dei genetri [...] excellentissima super omnē terrā. Ger. apud Sim. Metaph. Thou onely, O Mother of God, art most excellent aboue all the earth. |
12 | I am the Lord, and there is no other. Esay 45.18. |
Ibid. ex e [...]dem. The Lady Mother of God, my refuge, life, and defence, my armour and my glory. |
13 | The true God and Sauiour, and there is else none but I. Esay 45.21. |
Que et in augustijs & in rebus dubijs sa [...]us & sol [...]ti [...] in [...]m. Cone. Constanti [...]ns. Thou, O Lady, art in all dangers saluation & solace. |
14 | Neither is there any Sauiour besides me. Ose 13.4. |
O Lady,a deliuer me from all my euill, and all my sins. | 15 | By himselfe he hath purged our sinnes. Heb. 1.3. |
Sheb is the comforter of sinners, the Physition of the weake, the hope of the desolate. | 16 | He shall saue his people from their sinnes. Math. 1.21. |
Shec is the reparation of the weake, and the most powerfull medicine of the wounded soule. | 17 | We haue Redemption thorow his bloud, euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes, according to his rich grace. Ephes. 1.7. |
As mankindd was bound to death by a Maid, so by a Maid it was loosed. | 18 | As in Adam all die: euen so, in Christ shall all be made aliue. 1. Cor. 15.22. |
Mary e is the comfort of the miserable, the renuing of sinners. | 19 | The saluation of the righteous men shall bee of the Lord: he shall be their strength in the time of trouble. Psal. 37. ver. 39. |
This is thef Woman of power, which hath broken the Serpents head. | 20 | Hee hath giuen vs victory through our Lord IESVS CHRIST. 1. Cor. 15.57. |
Beholdg how powerfull the most holy Mother of God is, and how none can be saued but thorow her. | 21 | The Lord is my light and my saluation, whom shall I feare? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I bee afraid? Psal. 27.1. |
CHAP. XXX. Of the second worke of the glorious Priesthood of Christ,Of Mediation. vvith his Mediation.
NOtwithstanding that the effect & fruit of Mediation & Aduocation in Christ bee all one and the same; euen to make vs neare, which were farre off, by his bloud: yet Mediation, and Aduocation in themselues differ not a little.
An Aduocate is hee, who either pleads the cause before the iudge, or arbitrates the businesse in priuate colloquie. Of the first the Canonist speaketh,Sext. decret. de poenis t [...]t 9. soelicis recordationis in gloss. Aduocatus non potest esse infamis; an Aduocate ought not to bee an infamous person. Of the second we haue example in the Comedy;Teren. in Phorm. Act. 2 scin. 1 I will aduocate my friends vnto this businesse for me.
Mediation is, when two things (formerly diuided and seuered) are made one; as the poynt maketh two lines one, and the line maketh two extensions one. So the necke maketh the members and head one body: the body maketh the roots and the branches one tree: the glue maketh two peeces one arrowe. And thus Christ is called a Mediatour, because he hath made many coniunctions in himselfe.
First, he hath conioyned the manhood vnto the Godhead in one person, which is of all coniunctions the greatest. It is great power to ioyne contrarie elements together in one body: it is greater power to ioyne them to a spirit heauenly created: but to ioyne them to an vncreated, immortall, infinite, glorious spirit, the God of Spirits, notwithstanding the infinite disparitie betwixt them; this is the greatest coniunction that may be. Yet, Leo well sayth, [...] vtra{que} natura idē est Dei filius, nostra suscipiens, in homine hominē renouā, et in se incōmutabilis perseuerā. Leo. [...]. insolem [...]at Dem fere in pr [...]icipio. in both natures he is but one son of God, taking vpon him that which was ours, not leauing off that which was his owne; redeeming Man in Man, and in himselfe remayning still immutable. This (Theodoret saith) was signified byLeu. 14.4 the two Sparrowes bound together in on Crimson lace; which are not to be vnderstoode to be two persons, but two natures in one person, which saued vs.
Secondly, a Mother & a Virgin, two vnreconcileable conditions are vnited in one woman by Iesus Christ. For like theNum. 17.8 Exod. 32 Rodde of Aaron, which budded & blossomed, when it grew not on the tree: and like the tables of Moses, which were engrauen without a penne: so the blessed virgin became a Mother without the knowledge of any man, to make vp the fourefould creation of Man, witnessed in the Scripture. The first, neither from Man nor woman,Gen. 1 Gen. 2 Gen. 4. Mat. 1 Luk. 1 as that of Adam: the Second, of woman from a Man only, as that of Eua: the third, from Man and Woman, as Cayn and Abell: the last, this of our Sauiour Christ, from a woman only without a Man.
The third coniunction is of the Lawe and the Gospell in Iesus Christ; according as the Christian Poet well obserueth,Sic vetus at{que} nouū coniungit gratia Christi. The ould and new testaments are by the grace of Christ conioyned.
The Fourth Coniunction in Christ, is of the sheep and the Goates in one fould: the Oxe and the Asse at one Crib: the two walls of the building, Iewes and Gentiles, vnder one head corner stone. This Mediation the Apostle Paul witnesseth,Eph. He is our peace that hath made of both one, and hath broken the stop of the partition wall, in abrogating through his flesh the hatred, that is, the law of commandements, which standeth in ordinances; for to make of twaine one new man in himselfe, so making peace, that hee might reconcile both vnto God in one body by his Crosse, and slay hatred thereby.
Fiftlie, in Christ the righteousnes and the mercy, the loue and the iustice of God are reconciled together, according to that of the psalmist, Mercy and truth are mett together, righteousnes & peace haue kissed each other. Psal. 85.10 The righteousnes of God required satisfaction, the peace and loue of God promised mercy: Then Heb. 10.7. (said he) Loe I come, in the beginning of the booke it is written of me, that I should doe thy will, O God. For in that god gaue him to satisfy: in that he sent his son into the world, therin the loue and peace of God appeared: and in that Christ made a sufficient recompence, a ful & perfect satisfaction, the iustice of God & his righteousnes is abundantly contented.
Sixtly, in Christ the fayth of Man is conioyned vnto all these things, effecting in vs vndoubted assent vnto these wondrous workes of God, euen beyond sense the light of nature: beyond reason, the perfection of sense: beyond faith, the puritie of reason: beyond hope, the life-bloud of faith: beyond conceit, the farre stretching hand of hope: yea, beyond the thought of Man, the quickest and the nimblest operation of the Soule. And therefore this reconciliation of the faith of Man, to so many impossibilities of nature, is a worke of our Mediatour, no lesse admirable then the rest. For,Dan. 2.43. as iron and clay cannot cleaue together, no more can the hart of Man be assured of such supernaturall difficu [...]ties, except the spirit of Christ be shed into our mindes, to teach vs to beleeue it. And yet now we see, faith doth so effectually feele and apprehend the same, that no torments of persecution, no tyrants, no swords, no Gybbets, no fire, no racking, no mangling, no death, how painefull soeuer, can driue fraile flesh to deny this truth.
Col. 1.Seauenthly, Christ by his comming, and in his Mediation, hath reconciled, vnited, and conioyned vs miserable wretches, vnto our God and father againe. Wee were cast out of his sight by our sinnes, wee are brought home againe by his sonne.
By communication of proprieties this must be vnderstood.There are many other strange Coniunctions in Christ; as that by incarnation the Maister became a seruant: the euerlasting, temporall: the immense, little: the highest, lowest: God, an intercessor: the incomprehensible, comprehended: the simple, compound: and as Augustine saith, the inuisible is handled: the immortall is slaine: the bearer of the world, is borne in the armes of a Woman:Vid. Aug. lib. de Catechizand. r [...]dibus. Vid. etiā Aug in ser de nat. Dom. et de 8. v [...]rtut. charitat [...]. the foode of Angells is fed: the power of Heauen is made weake, and the life of all is dead.
Lastly, as in the Godhead there is Trinity of persons, So in Iesus Christ there is Trinity of offices, the Priestly, Propheticall and Regall, though there bee but two natures; humanity, and Diuinity. In whose conception there mett together, innated, infused, increated vertue. The innated virtue [Page 107] of the Mother gaue him substance: the infused grace purified the substance: the increated power by vniting it to the Word made it one person, which nature could not doe.
Hauing spoken of the sundry Coniunctions in this Rainbowe of our peace, this head corner Stone, the Center of Gods iustice, and Mans hope, Iesus Christ; Let vs now consider the extremes which he came to reconcile.
CHAP XXXI. Of the two extremes, God and man, and whence the great difference betweene them proceedeth.
ALbeit man in his creation was made vnto the similitude of God himselfe, wise, righteous, immortall blessed; insomuch that not only ouer all the creatures of God he had dominion, but had a higher title then the rest, to participate of God himselfe (as Aratus saith, we are the progeny of God: and Synesius, Synesius ep. 101. [...]n Cent. 5. cap. 4. the soule of man is the seede of God) yet Man from God was afterward diuided and dis-seuered, as farre as Heauen from Hell, the East from the West, the North f [...]om the South, light from darknesse, good from euill: Nay (which I tremble to recount) that which is, from that which is not. So that fire with water, height with depth, life vvith death, might sooner looke to be reconciled, then Man, miserable Man. O looke then wretch vpon thy selfe and the huge gulfe betweene God and thee, and confesse thy selfe (as thou art indeede) worse, then the worst of euils: Farther off from the light, then the very darknesse it selfe: more abominable to God then all the rest of the creatures which for thy seruice were created and in thy curse are cursed.
The cause of this great diuorce from God is nothing else but sinne, nothing but transgression.Esay 59.25. Your iniquities haue separated you from God, saith Esay. This is it which hath cut off the branch from the tree, and hath diuided the beame from the Sunne, the streame from the fountaine? Miserable Man, from his only Good, his only God. So that for disobedience the angry Father hath cast his onely Sonne out of the house: [Page 108] and Man from the greatest, the most excellent, the most glorious of all his creatures, is become the basest, the vilest, the worst of all; impure, vniust, foolish, corrupt, darknesse, cursing, death, a very Hell of euils.
Looke vpon his birth; he is therein most infirme. The tree doth come vp with his barke, the Fish is naturally armed with scales,Eccl. 5.14. Iob. 1.2 [...]. the Serpent with his sting, the Dogge with his tooth: but Man is borne naked, without armour, and without defence.
If you looke vpon the life of Man, as it is most sinfull of all others, so it is most mortall and corruptible aboue all other.Rom. 5. Leuit [...]6. Psal. 78. & 106. The multitude of sinnes open a multitude of passages to death and to destruction. Euery creature hath the diseases of his proper kinde; Man onely hath all diseases, and of all sorts. Insomuch as the wise Physition saith, In the eye of Man onely are an hundred maladies.
Rom 7.Looke vpon his parts; the Soule is diuided, and at warre within it selfe: yea, such a confusion and ataxy is therein, that the sensuall and beastly parts beare rule ouer the reasonable and principall power, and the seruants dominiere ouer their Lord. As for the body; the Head is a forge of vaine imaginations, the eyes full of adulterie, the lips hote burning coales, the teeth are sharpe speares, the tongue a two edged sword, the throate an open sepulchre, the eares the wanton daughters of Musicke, the hands stuft full of bribery, the feete swift to shed bloud: yea, the very heart of Man (his purest and most excellent part) is euill (saith Ieremie) aboue all things.H [...]e [...]. 17.9. Simile Bern. lib. Med. cap. 3. Iob 14. Iob 7. Iob 13. Iob 20.8. Iob 25.6 Eccle [...]. 12. Psal. 39. Hence is it, that the Philosopher defining Man saith, he is a bagge of doung, the foode of wormes, the Theater of inconstancy, the spoile of time, the sport of fortune. Iob calleth him a floure, a shadow, a winde, a leafe, a vapour, a dreame, a tale, a worme. And Salomon, Vanitie of vanities, nothing but vanitie. And this is the one extreme.
Looke on the other extreme; alas poore pore-blinde eye! how canst thou looke vpon that vnaccessible light, which powreth light into the Sunne? the Sun (I say) which thou canst not (no not couered with a cloud) behold. Nature [Page 109] hath not worlds: the world hath not men: men haue not tongues: tongues haue not words: words haue not force: force is of no force to expresse him. Good, iust, holy, light, truth, life, blessing, righteousnesse, wisedome, and all that he is, he is infinitely, and he is eternally. Daniel saith,Dan. 7.10. A fiery streame issued and came forth from before him, thousand thousands minister vnto him, and ten thousand thousands stand before him. Michea saith, The Mountaines shall melt vnder him, Miche. [...].4. so shall the valleyes cleaue as waxe before the fire. Nahum saith,Nah. 1.5. The Hils melt, and the earth is burnt at his sight. When God appeared therefore to giue his Law to Israel on Mount Sinai, Exod. 19.12. the people, when they saw the thundring, the lightning, the smoking mountaine, and heard the trumpet, though they had sanctified themselues, yet they fled and stood a farre of, and durst not talke with God, lest they should dye, but besought Moses as a Mediator, to goe vp for them vnto God. After the same manner in Deuteronomy they plainely confesse the contrarietie betwixt God and mankinde, and how vnable Man is to stand before him.Deut. 5.25, 26. If we heare the voice of the Lord our God any more, we shall dye, for what flesh euer was there, that heard the voice of the liuing God out of the middest of the fire, as we haue, and liued? Nay, they not onely could not abide the presence of God, nor the deliuerie of the Law: but the face of Moses their Mediator himselfe,Exod. 34. was too glorious to looke vpon. So that hee was constrained to couer his face with a veile, that they might behold their mediator by another mediation. And thus it fared with the Prophet Esay. For though the glory of God appeared to instruct him, yet presently the contrarietie betwixt God and Man strake into his minde;Esay 6. [...]. Woe is mee, I am vndone, because I am a man of polluted lips, and I dwell in the middest of a people of polluted lips; for mine eyes haue seene the King, the Lord of Hosts. Hence comes the consternation, the feare, the amazement, euen of the holiest men, at the least visible signification, or smallest disclosing and discouerie of Gods Maiestie vpon them; As in Adam, Abraham, Iacob, Daniel, Paul and diuers others, you may see. And this shall suffice to be spoken of the vnspeakeable [Page 110] diuision and separation betwixt the two extremes, God and Man: and how hard a thing it is to reconcile and vnite them together, thus differing in will, in nature, in continuance.
CHAP. XXXII. The things which are requisite to be in a Mediator, that shall ioine God and Man the two extremes together, are found in Christ onely, and in no other.
THe first thing that is requisite in a Mediator is, that hee participate of both the natures of the two extremes. Euen as the Rainbowe hath the bright lustre of the Sunne, and the grosse darke vapours and clouds of the earth in one body: or as the euening hath part of the light of the day, and part of the darknesse of the night: or as the middest of a place conteineth both parts of the same in it selfe: So must the Mediator conioine both the natures of the two extremes together. Irenaeus therefore saith,Ireneu [...] aduers. Hareses lib. 3. c. 20. fere ad finem. If Man had not ouercome the Diuell, he had not beene iustly ouercome: if God had not giuen saluation, we could not haue had it firme and assured: except the Manhood had beene ioined to the Godhead, it could neuer haue beene partaker of incorruption. Wherefore it behooued that the Mediator should be domesticall and concording with both, to bring both together, and to procure that God should accept Man, & Man should giue himselfe to GOD. Augustine saith,Aug. confess. l. 10. cap 42. ex cent. 5. cap. 1.4. the Mediator betweene GOD and Man, must haue something like God, something like Man. Chrysostome saith,In 1. Tim. 2. hom. 7. ex Cent. 5. cap. 4. that meere Man cannot bee Mediator, because hee cannot speake vnto GOD, nor stand before him: Meere GOD could not be Mediator,Exod. 19.25, 26. because Man could not receiue him, nor bee spoken to by him. ForD ut. 5.25. the Maiestie of God is incomprehensible, and his glory vnconceiueable. Haymo saith,Haym. super 1. Tim. cap. 2. If he were onely God, he could not bee Mediator to the Father, being altogether one with the Father: and if hee were onely Man, he could not be Mediator, for that he could not be free from sinne. The truth is, None could make satisfaction [Page 111] but God: none ought to make satisfaction but Man. Therefore then, it was needfull, that the Mediator should be both God & man. Wherefore) as Lyra well saith)Lyra in 1. ad Tim. 2.5 Christ hath appeared; the meane betweene the immortall good, and the mortall euill, being mortall as Man, iust as God. And thus he is called a Mediator betwixt God and Man, because he is God and Man, reconciling both.
Plato and his followers did beleeue, that betwixt mankind and the supreme God, there were two kindes of Mediators; Daemones, and Heroes; Diuels, and soules of excellent men. And Philo Iudaeus saith, the Iewes had three Mediators to God; the Fathers goodnesse: the great founders of Kingdomes: and the workes of the penitent. But these are the dreames and fictions of such as meane to deceiue, and to be deceiued. For Angels are of two sorts; either Good, or Euill. The good are they which are blessed within the vnaccessible light, and are holy Ministers in the sight of God: the euill are wicked and vngodly spirits: but neither of them can be Mediators for vs. For the first kinde, they cannot bee Mediators for vs; because though they bee glorious and eternall vvith God, yet of his nature they are not. Now with the other extreme they haue no manner of agreement. For they are neither of our substance and nature, neither are they infirme and corruptible as Man is. The euill Angels haue many impediments also, why they cānot be mediators. For though they be corrupt and sinfull, as Man; eternall and immortall, as God: yet they participate of the nature of neither of the extremes: and if they did, yet can they not be mediators for vs to God, that are seducers and tempters to euill, which is most contrarie to God.
For the second kinde of Mediators, the soules of illustrious and excellent men, the reasons before touched in the Chapter of the Redemption of Man doe sufficiently proue, that they cannot mediate. But thereto let mee adde another reason from P. Lombard; MenVid. Pet. Lomb. l. 3. dist. 19. cap. 2. and Angels cannot bee mediators, for they haue natures mutable and variable: but our Mediator is without variablenes and shadow of change. [Page 112] Perhaps some will say,Though Christ tooke flesh of the Virgin, and so was of the [...] nature in his humanit [...]e, yet the Virgin was not of Christs diuinity; Wherefore she did not participate of his whole nature. the Virgin Mother, and the soules of holy men may be Mediators to Christ God & Man, though not to the substance of the diuine Maiestie for vs. To this I reply, that if it be of necessitie that the Mediator must participate of both natures, then the Virgin, nor Saints cannot be mediators to Christ; for that they doe not participate of the whole nature of Christ. Hereunto I must also adde, that as Christ tooke not this office of a Mediatour, but was called of God vnto it: so the Romish Church must proue that the blessed Virgin Mother, or the Saints haue such a calling from CHRIST, as to bee Mediators betwixt his Church and him. And it were a strange thing, if the mediation of the departed godly soules were ordained by God, but that in all the whole course of the Gospell, one sentence, word, or syllable, should haue commended a matter of such great consequence vnto vs.
CHAP. XXXIII. The second point necessarie in a Mediator, is to remoue the obstacles and impediments which hinder this coniunction.
AS it is needfull that a Mediator bee such, as hath abilitie in himselfe to conioyne the things that are separated: so he must also haue power to remoue all the obstacles, and impediments, which may hinder this connexion. The principall impediments and lets vnto our ioining with God are sinne, infirmitie, death, Hell, the Diuell; the whole force of strong armed Philistims, standing betwixt Dauid and the well of Bethelem: a wall of partition, forbidding our prayers to goe vp vnto God, and his mercies to come downe to vs. These like the Angell with the blade of a shaken sword, keepe vs from the Paradise of eternall felicitie. Now all those mists, and clouds, and vapours hath the bright Sunne of righteousnesse Iesus Christ dispersed. Wherefore Behold, (saith Iohn) the Ioh. 1.29. Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinnes of the world. Bernard saith,Bern. ser. 4. an vigil. Nat. domini. Who can better take away sinne, then he that hath no sinne? He can surely wash mee cleane, that [Page 113] was neuer defiled himselfe. Let that hand wipe mine eie couered ouer with dirt, which is it selfe faire, and hath not a dust vpon it: let him plucke the mote out of mine eie, that hath not a beame in his owne: nay, let him pluck the beam out of mine, that hath not the least mote in his owne eie.
Christ then is he, that hath broken the stop and the partition wall: which hath abrogatedEph. 2.15 through his flesh the hatred; yea, slaine hatred, that he might reconcile vs vnto God. We see the cunning Fletcher in peecing the arrow which he maketh, taketh from the one, and from the other part, till he hath made both peeces fit, and then with his strong-knitting glue compacteth them together: so, from Man, Iesus Christ tooke away sinne, and from his Father he tooke away wrath: vs he purged; and God he satisfied: and by himselfe hath knit vs vnto God for euer; so may we now go boldely vnto the throne of grace, and cry, Abba Father. Euen as a pure riuer into his siluer streame sweepeth away the dirt and chanels, the silth and ordure of the city: so (O fountaine of the gardens! O wel of liuing waters! O spring of Lebanō!I do not meare, that Christ tooke into him our corruption: but our punishment, and chastisement due to vs for our sins are in Christ by imputation, not by inhasion. Culpā tuā suscesit delendam no faciendā Aug. ser. 37. de v [...]rb. Domini.) our Christ hath into his owne person taken, and with the streame of his inestimable prize-less bloud clensed the soules and bodies of sinfull men. This is the spotless crystall glasse, in whom all our sinnes appeared plaine to God, and receiued punishment. This is the faithfull pledge, who, though guiltless, hath in our stend pleaded guilty at the bar of Iustice, and hath vndergone condemnation and death in our name and place, and made his owne sacred person the sinke, (O sinke more sweet then any fountaine!) the graue wherein our sinnes are buried. Finally,Esay 25.6 this is the Mountaine, in whom the LORD hath made a feast of all fine and delicate things; who isLuke 15.23 himself the fat calfe slaine, to entertaine the prodigall son. What can bee more said? or what should not bee said in the praise of him, that hath made himself sin it selfe (though hee neuer committed sinne) for our sakes?Es [...]y 53.9 By the Psalmists pen hee prophecieth of himselfe,Psal. 40.12 My sinnes haue taken such holde vpon me, that I am not able to looke vp. The sinnes of vs men (vnthankefull men) became his,Vid. Musc. inhun [...] [...]ecton. [Page 114] that we might bee the righteousnesse of God through him. O strange exchange! What thanks can we yeeld vnto him, that is content to be our sinnes vnto God, that we might be his righteousnes vnto God?
As he remoueth sinne, so he taketh away all the Satellitium, the armour, and the retinue thereof; mortality, infirmity, death, and the diuell; as it is written,Ose 13.14 O death, I will be thy death, O hell, I will be thy destruction. The same sacrifice on the crosse was the satisfaction to God, by humiliation: and the destruction of the diuell and all his kingdom, by power and victory. For euen in death hee triumphed ouer death: and being crucified, the Law it selfe, and sinne, and Sathan were crucified with him. Our victorious Samson hath together in his own death destroied all the Esay 41.2 power of the Philistim: they are all as dust vnto his sworde, and scattered stubble vnto his bowe.
CHAP. XXXIIII. The manner how Christ our Mediatour doth ioyne vs vnto God.
I Am now come vnto the burning Mountain, the mystery of all mysteries, which the tongues of Men and Angelles cannot sufficiently expresse: yet I trust, God will giue mee grace to shadow out vnto you some smal obscure Idea therof; such as my dimme eies can comprehend, and my vncircumcised lips with harsh and vnproper words, concerning this high and incomprehensible argument, expresse. It is a very perfect incorporation, when of two things which must bee made one, each groweth into the other, and assumeth what is anothers, communicating also their natures together. So the graffe groweth into the tree, and the tree groweth into the graffe: so wine and water are together blended; wine taking of the taste of water, and water sauouring of the sweetnes of the wine, so that both in substance and qualitie they are vnseparably vnited. After the same manner (sauing that earthly similitudes fully expresse not spiritual things) Iesus [Page 115] Christ and his Church are together vnited; God, an vncreated, an infinite, a powerfull spirit knitteth himselfe vnto Man, fleshly, mortall, finite, weak: and inspireth into man a certaine liuely and powerfull vigour,Faith, hope, and loue. by which he againe is knit also vnto God.
There are wise and learned Philosophers,Vid. Io. Picum Mirandul. in 1. cap. lib. 4. Heptap. who of the coniunction of the humane soule vnto the body, teach, that it is done by mediation of the vitall spirits, more grosse and carnall then the Soule, and somewhat more spirituall and ghostly then the body. How true this is, I wil not contēd: but sure I am, that by Iesus Christ inferior to God in his holy humanity, superiour to Man in the dignity of his person, this vnion and coniunction is made. But this is a generall coniunctiō, in which not only the true members of Christ, but all mankinde seemeth to be knit vnto God. Wherefore this is not the effectuall and entire vnion which wee haue with CHRIST. For though in this, God seemeth to come neare vnto Man, yet there are many impediments, which suffer vs not hereby to be vnseparably ioyned vnto God. Christ indeed hath taken flesh and was made Man, yet betwixt his manhood and ours there is great difference; his body and soule holy, ours corrupt: his humanity pure, ours impure: he Man without sinne, we men, but sinners. Christ died not of necessity, for hee is omnipotent: hee died not as owing death a debt, for hee was without sinne. Wherefore his humanity was of it self immortal, (but that by dispensation he made it mortal and gaue it to dy) we are mortal and of necessity must die.
Christ therefore after a double manner hath vnited himselfe vnto vs. First, in nature,Christ vnited vnto m [...]n two manner of waies. which is a generall coniunction, by which hee is in some sort ioyned to all Man-kinde: without this, his elect could not be ioined to God; yet more then this is also required. Wherefore secondly, hee vniteth himselfe to his Church, and to euery member thereof, and to none other by communication of his spirit. For as a member of the naturall Man, though it growe into the same body, and be couered with the same skinne, yet liueth not, and [Page 116] is not to be reckoned as a part, except it be quickened by the same soule which animateth all the rest: so the effectuall vnion with Christ is wrought by the spirit of Christ, and the grace thereof communicated vnto vs. Mariage is the communication not onely of bodies, but of loue and affection; and they are verely one, which haue not onely one matter, but also one forme, one efficient, one end, & one effect. Such is our copulation with CHRIST.The materiall Coniunction. Hee hath taken our flesh, he hath giuen vs his Spirit, working in our hearts and quickning vs together in God, and to the glory of his name. The Apostle Paul therefore saith,1. Cor. 2.16. Wee haue the minde of of Christ. And in his Epistle to the Ephesians hee compareth the ChurchEphes. 4.16. to a naturall body,The formall Coniunction whereof the members being knit and coupled together by euery ioint for the furniture thereof; according to the effectuall power which is in the measure of euery part, receiueth the increase of the body, to the edifying of it selfe in loue. What can bee more plaine? We see, as Christ doth participate with vs in the flesh, that thereby he might satisfie in our owne nature for sinne: so all that are Christs haue also the Spirit of Christ, and doe participate of the effectual inward power of his grace, which doth enlighten our vnderstanding, and raiseth vp our saith, to lay hold vpon him, and to cleaue vnto him. For as the head is the principall seate of the Soule: so is Christ of the Spirit of God, from whom it is dispersed into the whole Church, Anselme well saith, all that beleeue in Christ, by secret inspiration and communication of ghostly grace, are iustified; because they all are one spirit with him. Wherefore,Ioh. 14.20. I am in my Father (saith he) and you in me. And this is the cause why hee is called Immanuell, Esay 7.14. God with vs. For hee is in vs, and his Spirit is in vs also, as hee himselfe witnesseth;Ioh. 17.23. I in them, and thou in me, that they may bee made perfect in one.
This coniunction Christ by many excellent Parables hath set out vnto vs. For he calleth himselfeIoh. [...]. the bread of life, his flesh meate, and his bloud drinke indeed. As then our naturall foode is incorporate into vs, and groweth into our [Page 117] substance, and wee into it: so spiritually receiued by a liuely faith, Christ becomes one with vs, and we one with him.
In the Gospell he intituleth himselfeIoh. 15.5. a Ʋine, and his Disciples branches. For because the branches and the Vine are one, nourished with the same sap, couered with the same barke: so Christ and his chosen are one; because they haue the same spirit, being clothed with the same nature.
The Apostle Paul in the same manner declareth this vnion vnto vs, when he saith,1. Cor. 11.3. God is the head of Christ, & Christ is the head of Man. So that by a due and seemely subordination, wee are one with Christ, and Christ is one with God. And againe, he calleth our1. Cor. 6 15. bodies the members of Christ, and the Church the body of Christ. Why then here, O taste and see how sweet the Lord is: behold (I say) Mercy beyond mercy, and grace beyond grace, which hath made vs himselfe; and our members, members of his owne body. Wherein we are told, that as our soule animateth euery part, and euery member: yea, and is in euery part, and euery member whole and the same, although in greater excellencie in some of the more principall parts, then in the inferiour: so God and the same spirit of God is in vs, which is in Christ, by our beeing in Christ; although in a more glorious and perspicuous manner God bee in Christ the head, then in vs the members. Wherefore it is well distinguished of one,Vid. Theod. Be [...]. co [...]tr. Conu Guil. Hold. pro corp. Christi ver. edit. 1581. pag. 76. God is in Christ after three manner of waies; by filling; and so hee is in all his creatures, euen the wicked and vngodly: by peculiar Sanctification; and so, as he is in Christ, he is in the Elect after their measure: by fulnesse of the Godhead vnited personally to the Manhood; and so he is onely in Christ. And thus the Deitie hath mingled it selfe, as it were, with the humanitie, that taking vnto him that which is ours, he might giue vnto vs that which is his:Leo d [...] pass. Christ [...] Vid. s [...]r. 3. in se [...] N [...]s. and Christ was made like vnto Man in his conception, that wee might be made againe like vnto God in our Redemption.
CHAP. XXXV. That a Mediator must be one onely.
THe first proofe, to teach vs that the Mediatour betwixt God and Man can be but one, I will take out of the witnesse and authority of the holy Word it selfe. Of which what other scope is there, but to proue that Christ is the sole Mediator? in whom weEphes. 2.22. are knit together to bee the habitation of God by the spirit:Leuit. 1.3. Exod. 29 11. The onely doore of the Tabernacle, to which euery offering must be brought.
Reason 1 The Iewish High Priest there is none but doth acknowledge, to be the figure and foreshewing type of Christ: but this Priest was but one, and when hee entred into the most holy Sanctuary, he went in alone to make expiation, as you may see it ordained inLeuit. 16.17. Leuiticus. By which what is intimated but this? That Iesus Christ is our alone and onely Mediator before the Throne of God. The same is signified, in that for all the Tribes there was but one Tabernacle: for all the people there was but one Temple. Wherefore Paul the Apostle maketh it euident by a comparison;1. Cor. 15.21. By man came death, by Man came also the resurrection of the dead. This is a plaine resemblance betwixt Adam and Christ; that as the first Man alone was our mediator to damnation: so the second Man was our Mediator to saluation. The same in an other place hee teacheth,Rom. 5.15. If through the offence of one, many bee dead: much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one Man Iesus Christ, hath abounded vnto many.
Reason 2 My second reason to proue that there can be but one Mediator is; Without satisfaction Man could not bee fully repaired. There Esay 48.22. is no peace (saith the Lord) vnto the wicked. Now this reparation required as great humiliation for the purging of sinne, as was presumption in the transgression by sinne. But the presumption proceeded from the lowest of all creatures endued with reason, which is Man, against the highest rationall or reasonable Essence, which is God. Therfore [Page 119] it was necessarie, that from the equalititie of the Godhead, the Mediator should abase himselfe to the lowest estate of man. For which cause he saith,Zach. 13.7. Arise, O sword, vpon my Shepheard, & vpon the man that is my fellow. And the Apostle saith,Heb. 5.8. Though hee were the Sonne, yet learned hee obedience. Wherefore it is euident, that none but God can be Mediator vnto God; and God is one.
Thirdly, if a meere creature could be a Mediator, then Reason 3 wee should bee more beholding to a creature, then to our Creator: and in vs a creature should doe a more excellent worke, then the Creator; because it is more excellent to bee made a righteous Man, then to be made a Man.
Fourthly, hee is a perfect Mediator, who prayeth and Reason 4 intercedeth for all other, and none for him: But Christ onely hath this prerogatiue; therefore Christ onely is our Mediator.
Fiftly, Bernard defineth a true Mediator, to bee such as Reason 5 steeketh not lightly, but efficaciously, all things that belong vnto peace. This could none performe but Christ; therefore there is no true Mediator but Christ.
Sixtly, it is against the dignitie of Iesus Christ to make any Reason 6 other mediator vnto God. For thereby we acknowledge that God is well pleased in others, satisfied in others, and communicateth himselfe to vs in others, as he doth in Christ. Wherfore, as he dishonoureth God, who maketh many Creators: so he doth more dis-honour God, who maketh many waies of new being, and of new creation, which is the greatest of all the workes of God. Sedulius saith, that if the Soule yeeld any thing at all of that which it oweth to God, vnto any other, it commits adulterie. As it is then Heresie to say, God made the world by Angels, or by any other but by himselfe: so to say, that Christ procureth the Saluation of the world by any, or with any but himselfe, is Hereticall doctrine. Yea, to make others mediators to Christ himselfe, is derogation from his infinite & vnspeakeable loue: as though any other could be nearer to vs in loue and charitie then our Christ; or that we might more boldly call vpon any other then him.
Reason 7 Seuenthly, it is a derogation from the dignitie of the humane soule it selfe, to prostrate it selfe vnto his owne kinde. For the soules of holy men deliuered from the burthen of the flesh are not superiour in nature,Ex Musculi. but equall to ours. And if there be any inequalitie, it is by our fault, not by our substance, or creation. Whatsoeuer (saith Augustine) the soule doth serue as God, it must of necessitie thinke it better then it selfe. Wherefore the Apostle requireth his Colossians, Colos. 2.18. That no man beare rule ouer them by humblenesse of minde, and worshipping of Angels: and yet who knoweth not that the Angell in his creation is more excellent then Man?
Reason 8 Lastly, we are forbidden to trust in men, to put confidence in men, or in our religion to haue manyMath. 23.9. Fathers and many Masters: but to haue one Lord,Ephes. 4.5. one Faith, one Baptisme. All which commandements wee breake, when wee make Saints our Mediators vnto Christ. For, to maintaine the mediation of Saints, they confesse that we ought to beleeue and trust in Saints; as in the Missall of Saint Nicholas, Credo piè Sancte Nich. tu [...] me precibus esse saluandū Io orat. ad Nico. ex Mart. Chemnic. I verely beleeue, holy Nicholas, that I shall bee saued b [...] thy prayers. And in the Legend of Lombardy, Saint Peter is brought inLeg. Lomb. in assump. v [...]r [...]. c. 114. sol. 10 c. Col. 2. Rhem. 2. in verse 5. counselling the High Priest of the Iewes to beleeue in Christ and his Mother. The Rhemists vpon the Epistle to Philemon doe plainely confesse, that wee may beleeue and trust in Saints. As in men they put trust, so vnto men they acknowledge themselues children and seruants, in their glorious and holy worship; which in due place, I trust, I shall aboundantly declare.
Ob.Here perhaps some will obiect, that as our owne euill merits helpe to encrease our damnation which we haue from Adam: so our good workes helpe to encrease our Saluation which we haue from Christ.Sol. The answere is easie; there is not the same reason of our good and euil workes. Our sinnes are infinite, and deserue the deepest condemnation: but our good workes are full of spots, staines, and imperfections: therefore they cannot merite at Gods hand the temporall good of this present life, much lesse the eternall glorie and vnmarcessible crowne, which we shall receiue in heauen.
The Scripture euery where is full of Testimonies in this behalfe. For to this end tendeth that of the Apostle,1. Cor. 8.6. There is but one God, which is the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him: and one Lord Iesus Christ, by whom all things are, and we by him. And againe,1. Tim. 2.5. There is one God, and one Mediator betwixt God and Man, which is the Man Christ Iesus. The same Apostle witnesseth in another place,1. Cor. 1.30. Yee are of him in Christ Iesus, who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse, and sanctification, and redemption; according as it is written,2 Cor. 10.17. Ier. 9.24. Hee that reioiceth, let him reioice in the Lord. Ephes. 4.4. There is one body, and one spirit, euen as yee are called in one hope of your vocation: But Popery hath many hopes. This trusteth chiefely in the Virgin, he in Saint Peter: another in Saint Iohn, that in Saint Iames: Some hope more in one Saint, then in another: nay, in one Saint in one place, more then in the same Saint in another.
CHAP. XXXVI. Whether Christ be our Mediator in both natures.
IT is a question much controuersed betwixt the two Churches (the Romish, and the Reformed) in which nature Christ is our Mediator. For, because the Apostle saith,1. Tim. 2.5. There is one God, and one Mediator betwixt God and Man, which is the Man Christ Iesus; Therefore many doe conceiue, that the Apostle Paul hath restrained the Office of Mediation vnto the humane nature of Christ onely. Thomas Aquinas saith,Tho. Aq. [...]. part. q. [...]6. art. [...] & [...] collig à B [...]r. Bon. Iohn cap. 26, that two things requisite in a Mediator are wanting in the Godhead of Christ. First, the nature of mediation. Secondly, the Office and meanes of coniunction. The nature of a Mediator is wanting (saith he) in the Godhead of Christ; because Christ as God doth not differ from the Father. But the mouth of this Cauill is easily stopt, for it is a meere fallacie, which the Logicians call à malè diuisis, ad bene coniuncta. For when we say, Christ is a Mediator in both natures, wee speake of Christ God and Man, one person: neither nature in it selfe meerely and alone considered can be Mediator betwixt [Page 122] God and Man as Haymo well saith);Christus Iesus per hoc quod homo pariter et Deus est, Mediater noster est, verba patris referē ad nos, et modo nostra ad illū Isay. in Heb 12. Iesus Christ, by that he is God and Man together, is our Mediatour, bringing the words of the Father vnto vs, and reporting ours vnto God.
Secondly, Christ Iesus though hee differ not in the substance of the diuinity from God; yet he differeth in the person of the Sonne from the Father. And therefore when we say, Christ is a Mediatour in both natures, we say as much, as that Christ the sonne of God doth mediate vnto his Father for vs.
To the purging of the filthy leperLeu. 14.6. in the law, the priest must take two sparrowes, and one of them hee must kill ouer pure water in an earthen vessell: after, hee must take the liue Sparrow with Cedar wood, and a scarlet lace, and hysop, and with these, and the liuing Sparrow dipt in the bloud of the dead sparrow, he must sprinkle the leper seauen times & clense him, and let goe the liuing Sparrow into the broad field. This is a mysticall allegorie, telling vs that in Christ there are two natures; the manhood, which was offered and became a dead sacrifice for sinne; the Godhead, which presents the sacrifice, makes it acceptable, and offers it to the Father. Eusebius Emissenus well saith,Euseb. Emiss [...]le nostro obtulit sacrificiū, de suo contulit pretium. He offered the sacrifice of that which was ours: but of his owne hee made it pretious, and gaue honour to the gift. And so farre is this honour giuen, that the liuing sparrow is dipt in the bloud of the slaine: and God is sayd, to haue died for the sinnes of the world, not in his Godhead, but in the nature of Man assumed into the vnity of the second person the son of god who is God & Man. Iustine Martyr therfore sayth,Filius Dei vt Deus et homo lapsū Adams i [...]tegrum restituit. Iust. Mart. lib. de trin [...]t. The son of God as god & man restored againe perfectly the fal of Adam. One also wel saith,Diuinitas suit in lo [...]ēte, n [...]̄ in dolore. the Godhead was in the sufferer, not in the suffering. Arnobius maketh a liuely comparison to teach vs the truth of doctrine in this behalfe, though the similitude be not each way correspondent. The Godhead (sayth he) could no more suffer with the Manhood, then the Sunne beame which shineth on the wood, is cut, when the wood is cut. And Ʋigilantius excellentlie saith, Christs passion did [Page 123] pertaine to the flesh, in respect of the nature suffering; and vnto the word, in respect of the person. Irenaeus saith,In lib. 3 cap. 2 [...] that if Man had not ouercome the diuell, the diuell had not been iustly ouercome: but if God had not giuen saluation, the manhood had not sufficiently attayned it. I wil conclude with that of Albert; That Christ touched the leper (saith he) it was the act of his humanity: that by touching he cured, it was the act of his diuinity. So did the coniunction of the diuine nature to the humane make the satisfaction infinite; and for whome his Manhood did suffer to the vttermost, them his Godhead doth iustifie to the vttermost. Thus Christ both God and Man in both natures doth mediate.
The second obstacle that Aquinas obserueth in the deity of Christ, for which he cannot mediate betwixt God and vs is, because the office of a Mediatour is to ioyne two extreames, by giuing that to one, which is the others. Now that (sayth hee) cannot bee done of the diuine nature, but only in the humane nature, which differeth from God in nature, and from Man in dignity. But it must bee still remembred which I spake of heretofore, that Christ is not diuided from himself to become our mediatour, but in his owne person of two natures is theGen. 28.12.13. ladder of Iabob, by whome our praiers ascend to God, and Gods blessings descend vpon vs.
The Apost. doth plainely shew, that Christ is our mediator according to the forme of mediation in his diuine nature. For he sayth,Heb. 9.14. By the eternall spirit he offered himselfe without spotte to God. And againe, in these last dayes God hath spoken to vs by his sonne, whome he made heyre of all things. Who Heb. 1.2. et ver. 3. being the brightnes of the glory and the engraued form of his person, both by himselfe purged our sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of the Maiesty in the highest places. Here you see, first, that God spake vnto vs by his sonne, and this sonne is God. For so Iohn witnesseth,Io. 1.1. That word was God. Therefore if God speake vnto vs by God, God is a mediatour vnto vs from God. Secondly the same that hee spake to vs by, hee purged vs by: but hee spake vnto vs by the brightnes of the glory; therfore he purged vs by the brightnes of the glorie. Thirdly: that [Page 124] which redeemeth vs, sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie of God. Now though the right hand of God be taken for the excellencie of reward, yet the right hand of the Maiestie of God, is taken for the vnity of the godhead;De Christ. lib. 1. cap. 16. verb. Respond. illud. As Bellarmin himselfe truly collecteth out of those wordes of the Apostle, Then shall the sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him; that is, in his glorie Christ as Man shall be subiect vnto God. Wherfore the sitting at the right hand of the Maiestie of God, must needs be vnderstood of the Godhead of Christ. And then I may well conclude; God spake vnto vs by the brightnes, & purged vs by the brightnes, that sitteth at the right hand of his Maiestie; therefore the brightnes is the Mediatour, euen God himselfe.
The work of Mediation was wrought in the humanity, as far as cōcerneth sorrowing, suffering, & dying: It was wroght also by the Godhead, as concerning making of the sacrifice infinite in price, efficacious of so great a worke, and in raysing his owne body againe for our iustification, which hee gaue for our redemption. Neither doth it hence follow (as Bellarmin and Kellison doe foolishlie inforce) that there bee then three Mediatours, or that there is a confusion of Natures in Christ, or that Christ in his Godhead is inferiour to the Father.Let no papist here accuse me, that I make the Godhead of the Sō vnequal to the Godhead of the Father, which I do not: but I only speake of the officiall respect of the Father and the Son. For though the Father and the sonne be equall in essence, yet the sonne in office is inferiour to the Father.
Bellarmin imagineth,Lib. 5 de Christ. mediat. cap. 5. ad finē Igitur vide. that as the same worke of a priuate person, & of a King, differeth much in respect of the dignitie that the person of a King bringeth with it: yet the Regality of a king doth not send forth any substantial influence into the work: so the sacrifice of Christ had exceeding dignity from the Godhead, though it were wrought by the humane nature, and no waie by the diuine.
This similitude agreeth not with the purpose. For regality is an accidentall thing in Man: but the Godhead is substantiall in Christ. And though there are two operations; the one of the Godhead, the other of the Manhoode; yet (as Leo teacheth in his epistle to Flauian)Agit enim v [...]raque forma cū cōmunione alteri [...] quod est propriū. Leo ad Flau. cap. 4 et in ser. 3. de pass. Dom. vid. Tho. Aq. 3 a. part. q. 19. art. 1 & sic coll. Bo [...] Io. either forme, or eyther nature doth worke with the communion of the other, that which is proper to bee wrought. The word worketh [Page 125] that which to the word belongeth, and the flesh performeth that, which is to the flesh pertaining; the Manhood being as the instrument to the Godhead, and the Godhead as the principall mouer or worker of the Manhood.
CHAP. XXXVII. That Saints are made Mediatours in the Romish Church.
THe Church of Rome is so farre from denying the mediation of Saints deceased, that both in their publique & priuate writings they euery where profess the same. Wherfore the Councel of TrentSess. 9. d [...] [...]. s [...]ct verb. mand [...] sanct, Synodu [...]. commandeth al Bishops & others to teach diligently the faithfull, touching the intercession of Saints the inuocatiō of them, & the honour of their reliques. Thomas Aquinas saithTh. Aq. 2.1.2 a. q. 83. that Saints must be praid vnto, because they are already in the promised glorie, and more full of charitie then before. The reason hereof he bringeth out of Ierome: If they then praied for vs, when they were yet carefull for themselues, now after the crowne and victorie obtained, they much more praie for vs. The Missalls of Sarum and Rome call to the virgin: Coeli fenestra facta es, In hym. O gloriosa Dom. in Ro. Bre. et Sar. Bre. quasi aurora rutilam. tu regis alti ianua, et porta lucis fulgida; the windowe of heauen, the shining port of light, the morning of the Sunne. And Discipulus de Temp. expounding this, saith:Disc. de Tēp. ser. 162. therefore the virgin is assimiled to the morning; because as the morning is the middest betweene the night and the daie: so the virgin is the mediator betwixt God and Man. And the same Author saith againe,Ser. 163. that the virgin is compared to the Necke; For that, as the necke ioyneth together the body and the head, so doth the virgin vs vnto God. Anselme also enstileth herMediatrix Dei et hom. et f [...]ns misericordiae, indesinēter effūdēs riues copiosae gratiae. in orat. 1. de 3. dol. ver. The mediatrix of God & Man, the spring of mercy, powring out the vndeficient Riuers of her plentifull grace. The Legend of Lombardy faineth Saint Paul to take his leaue of Saint Peter in these wordes:Pax tecū fūdamētū ecclesiae, pastor ouiū et agrorū Chr [...]sti, mediator, et [...]ux salutis [...]ustorū de sact. Pet. fol. [...]3 edit. His [...]et. Peace be with thee, O thou foundation of the Church, the shepheard of the sheep and lambes of Christ, the mediatour and leader of the saluation of the righteous. Yea, in that forged donation of Constantine hee is feined to ordaineEligēte. nobis ipsū princ [...]pē Apost. vel eus vicarios sirm [...] apud Deum esse patron [...] ex d [...]a [...] Constā. apud C [...]nt 4 cap. 7 [...]. all the Vicares and Successors of Peter, his mediatours. [Page 126] Neither is this the prerogatiue of the greater Saints onely, but of euery one.
Antonius Florentinus saith:Ant. 3. part. sum. tit. 3. ex Chemnic. as concerning the gift of grace the Saints are the middest betwixt God & Man. Thus all Saints are Mediatours; and all the Pope doth Canonize are Saints. Therefore what mediatours the Pope pleaseth, he may thrust vpon vs; As Saint Becket, a traytor to his King; of whom it was questioned by the Masters of Paris whether he were saued or damned.Ex Caes. Monath. lib. 8. de ilo. cap. 69 Saint Thais the whore, famous for her name, and nothing else; Saint Sophronia, and Saint Pelagia, who slew themselues; Saint Hermannus an Heretick, who was twentie yeares worshipt as a Saint in Ʋerona; Platin. in Bonif [...] Eusib. lib. 8 hist. ecclesiae cap 17. verbo sunt quidem. Amb. lib. 3. de virginibus. Saint Cuthlake, Saint Cuthbert, Saint Wolstane, miserable wretches: in whome all the merite was, that they promoted Monkerie. Austen of Canterbury, Anselme and Lanfranke proude contentious wranglers for worldly preheminence. Dunstane suspected of Necromancie; Dominicus, Lubinus, Medardus, Franciscus, Didacus, Hiacinthus; som vnlearned, some superstitious and barbarous. Yea, the Pope in Canonizing Saints maketh a protestation,Fulk. in 2. Mat. ex Pōtef. Marel. Archiep. Corciri. Vid Melch Canū. li. 5. loc. ca. 5 pa. 174 Litanen [...]c in lib. 2. q. 16. Sāct [...]rū igitur canonismi authores ac m [...]gistri fu [...]re [...]lim suis in Diocesibu [...] episcopi ac primates quilibet. litanen. lib. 2. ca. 10 Leo the 3 was the first pope that euer solemnly did canonize any Saint. He at the req [...]est of Charles the great put Suibertus into the Albe of Saints Vid. Sur. [...]m 2 et Bel. lib. 1. de [...]ā beat cap 8 v [...]rbo, dices plurimi. If hee should happen to be deceiued in the party, and hath ere now canonized one against his opinion. Finallie, who knoweth not the ould saying? Many bodies are worshipped in earth, whose Soules are burning in Hell. Therefore Cardinall Bessarion might as well doubt of the honestie and vertue of some Saints, as of the truth of their histories (howsoeuer Serarius the Iesuite sayth, that thereof Bessarion neuer doubted). For who knoweth not that in ancient time, before the Pope made a Monopoly of Canonizing Saints, and tooke that power to himselfe, euery Bishop in euery diocess made Saints, as Cyprian and Austin witnesse. Wherefore when there were so many Saint-makers as were Bishops, can any man bee assured of the holinesse of all the Saints? May not Bishops as well make vnworthie Saints, as worthlesse Ministers? And may not the succeeding age looke one day to see Iames Clement, and Francis Rouiliac of France: Parry, Lopez; yea Garnet, Faux, Gunpowder traitors of England, graced with redde letters in an Almanacke?
We know how ready the Romish Church is to aduance, & encrease the dignity of her Saints, & how euery order striues for their Patrone.Alex. 4. in literis Anag [...]. dat 5. anno pōt ficatus, ex spectus. Ex Dec. Sexti 41. d [...]t. Rō ap. Sāct. [...] et oc [...] [...]us Sept. pō [...] an. 2. in speculo Minerum. When Francis was admitted by the Papall Bull to bee painted with the wounds of Christ in his hands, feet, and side, and all men enioyned by remission of sinnes to beleeue the same, and none to contradict it: what swelling? what enuy? what emulation was in the other orders? insomuch that the Sisters of the order of Saint Katherine of Sene, and the seruants of other Saints said, That their Patrons also had the same markes conformable to the fiue wounds of Christ. They caused this to be preached in pulpits, to be deliuered to the people: they painted, graued, and formed the Images of them with wounded feet and hands, and with the pearced side: Nothing was omitted that might make them equall to Saint Francis. So that Sixtus the fourth had much adooe by his letters to suppresse the same; forbidding, enioyning, inhibiting, that no man should presume to preach or teach that the said woundes are found in any Saint but Francis: commanding also that all Images so painted be amended, vntill the Apostolicall Sea shall grant speciall priuiledge to Saint Katherine, so to be painted and preached. Wherein you see the cunning of this ould Synon, who after the thunder bolte of his blustring inhibition, that such honour to Saint Katherin should not be giuen, being false and not pertaining to her, yet hee giueth hope, that in time Saint Katherin from the purple strumpet may receiue fauour to decke her self with her owne lies, and to be boared thorow hand and foot. Quid non speramus, si nummos possideamus? Christ and Saints are to bee sould for money.
CHAP. XXXVIII. That Saints as the Papists affirme haue the two attributes of a proper Mediatour ascribed vnto them; which is, to participate of the two extreames, and to remoue the obstacles of coniunction.
IN the former Chapter I declared, that the virgin is compared to the Necke, ioyning both the head and the body [Page 128] together. Now all men know, that the Necke ioyneth the head and the body together by matter of the same substance with both. Of the virgin the Missall thus singeth:Quae Deū hominibis, et im [...] coelesti [...]us [...]ūg [...]. O puerperae. in v s [...]. Mari [...] seq [...] Ve [...]i mater grat [...]. in Miss. Sar. which God vnto Man, the lowest vnto the highest hast ioyned, O child-bearing virgin. This cannot bee, except the virgin participate of both natures.Ser. 161. Wherefore of her coniunction to our nature, Discip. de Temp. saith; Shee is compelled to be our Mother, because her sonne is our brother: and of her coniunction to the Godhead the same author telleth;Pater elegit in s [...] l [...]a, silius in matrē, Spiritu [...] sāctus in [...] ser. [...]ocādū q [...]d sic [...] d [...], in princip [...] ap. the Father did chuse her for his daughter, the sonne for his Mother, and the holy ghost, [...] Deu para [...] cū [...] pater est et D [...]ū omniū ita [...] genetrix [...]l [...]ria meritis suis [...]cta [...]arādom [...] [...]r est A s l. in lib. de exc [...]l v [...]rg cap. 11. ex Cēt. 11. cap. 4 tit. de Maria. for his wife. Anselme of her coniunction to mankind saith; as God by his power ordayning al things is our Father: so the Mother of God by her merits repairing all things is our Mother. And of her diuine nature another saith; [...]x cū silio sedes in gloria patris. apud Chem [...]. in tibi omnes chori. thou with thy Sonne sittest at the glory of the Father. Likewise of her coniunction to the Godhead, the Masse of Sarisburie saith, Concathedrat, She sittes together in the same throne. Nay Antonius Florentinus saith, she is the Throne of God it selfe, wherein God doth rest. But I will deferre the further tractation hereof vnto the place wherein I shall shew the Apotheosis, Maria est thronus Chr [...]sti, in quo qui [...]uit, ex Chemn. de Sāc. [...]moc. part. 3 or God-making of Saints. The Roman Breuiary saith, (shee is the sleece betwixt the earth and the deaw, the woman betweene the Sunne and the Moone, in lect. amplectemu [...]. euen Mary betwixt Christ and the Church. Let vs now descend to the second propertie of a Mediatour, which is, to remoue all obstacles which may hinder the coniunction.
I sayd before, that the impediments betwixt God and vs were sinne, death, hell, and the diuell: but the strength of these did cheeflie consist in sinne. The taking away of which principall impediment, the Romish Church doth attribute vnto Saints. For so they praie vnto Martin;Mūdās immūda, qui sugas daemonia, nos hic libera. in transl. Mar. Thou which clensing the vncleane dost driue out Diuells, deliuer vs. Likewise vnto Bartholomew; I Te precor vt metuis pretiosis meritis liberes ab omnibus persi [...] diaboli, & insidu [...], et terroribu [...], et im [...]ugnationibus, et dānatione, et illusione hosti [...]: et in dic suroris Dom. et i [...] si [...]e vitae m [...]ae cōtra aduersarios m [...]o in adiutorium m [...]ū ven [...] [...]et br [...]i [...] lumin bus suff [...]to agni ves [...] osten [...]. apud C [...]emnic. in orat Sanct. filled with all filthinesse beseech thee, that thou wilt deliuer me by thy precious merits, from all deceits of the diuell, ambushes, terrours, assalts, and damnation, and illusion of the enimy: and that in the day of the wrath of the Lord, and in the end of my life, against my enemies thou wilt be my defence [...] and [Page 129] being vphelde by two lights, thou wouldst shew mee the steps of the Lambe.
Discip. de Temp. to the virgin praieth;Copiosa charitas tua nostrū cooperia [...] mu [...]t [...]no [...]ē peccatorū, D [...]mina nostra, aduocata nostra. Disc. de Temp. ser. 162. ex Bern. Let thy plentious charity couer the multitude of our sinnes, O Lady, our Mediatrix, and our Aduocate. And in the Missall;Mala nostra pella bona cūcta posc [...]. Bre. Sar. et Ro. in hym. Au [...]. ma. stella Driue away all our euills, procure for vs all good.
Thus I haue made it cleare, neither can it be denied, but that both the proprieties of a Mediatour are by the Church of Rome ascribed vnto Saints. God grant, that they may be taken in their owne heart, (as the Prophet saith) that seeing their owne errour, they may forsake it, and turne againe vnto the Lord.
CHAP. XXXIX. Of the Limitations, which the Church of Rome prescribeth vnto it selfe in making Saints Mediatours.
THe first & principall distinction, wherewith the Church of Rome (attributing the office of mediation to Saints) goeth about to colour her impiety, is,Vid. Bull [...]g. de orig. cultus diuorū, et simulacrorū. cap. 13. ex Musc. in loc. cō. tit. de Sac. nou. test. that they make Saints mediatours of intercession ONELY, and not of redemption. A second shift Aquinas bringeth in,Esse mediatorem simpliciter et perfectiue est proprium Christo [...]al [...] ūt mediatores dispositiue et ministraliter, pr [...] v [...] cooperātur ad vnionē cū Deo. Aq. vt coll. per Bo [...] Io. part. 3. cap. 26. et sic in tex q. [...]6. ar. 1 that betwixt God and Man simply and perfectly to mediate, is proper only vnto Christ: dispositiuely, and by way of ministration, the Saints worke together with Christ. Thirdly, they deny,Kellis. lib. 3. cap. 12 fol. 3 [...]4. that they make Saints immediate mediatours vnto the essence of God and the glorious Trinity. And they say, that [...]he āno [...]. in [...]. ad T [...]m. [...].5. they aske not grace in this life, nor glory in the next but by Christ: and that they acknowledge, that all secondary Aduocats haue access to God, only throgh him. Fourthly, they make Christ a mediator by giuing, not by praier. For no man amongst them (as the Rhemists teach) saith,Vid. Bel. de Sanct. beat. lib. 1 cap. 17. Christ pray for vs, but Christ haue mercy on vs. They esteeme not so basely of Christ, as to invocate him to pray, & to beseech, as they do Saints. Fiftly, the Rhemists haue found out a spiders webbe of no small strength to couer their nakednes: namely,Rhem annot [...]n 1. Tim. 2. sect. 5. that Christ is such a Mediatour as praieth for all, [Page 130] and hath none to pray for him: but such (they say) Saints are not.
These are the armours of proofe, wherewith they suppose that all obiections may be repelled. But in all these, Mentita est iniquitas sibi; iniquitie lieth vnto it selfe. If it lied to it selfe onely, the fault were the lesse: but it lieth vnto men, it lieth vnto the holy Ghost; as I doubt not in the ensuing discourse, it shall to all those that will vnpartially deeme, euidently appeare. So that laying aside all these cloakes and visors of deceit, you shall see them nakedly, simply, plainely, make Saints Mediatours as Christ is a Mediatour.
CHAP. XL. That Saints are Mediatours of Redemption, contrary to the first Limitation.
ALthough of this argument it is sufficiently discoursed in the former treatise of Redemption:Answer to the [...]ast Limitation. yet in this place also (that it may more fully appeare with what falshoodes they excuse their blasphemies, and with what vntrue glosses and deceits they bewitch the vnderstanding of the simple) I will bee bould to deteine the reader with a suruey of this their Limitation againe. First, it is needfull to define the mediation of Redemption, and to know what is meant thereby; and then it will easily appeare, how well this Canon is obserued.
Mediation of Redemption is the offering of the full price and sufficient satisfaction for offences, and so to procure absolution of the same. But all this they confess that the Saints performe for vs; therefore they make Saints Mediatours of Redemption.
I need not to seeke farre for arguments to make the matter plaine: they are euery where offered vnto vs in their priuate and publike writings. The Rhemists say,Rhemist. in 2. C [...]r. [...] annot. 5. that the satisfactorie and penall workes of Saints are communicable and applied to the vse of other. Antonius Bishop of Florence saith,Vid Chemnic. in Sāct. inuoc part 3. That Mary is the gate of heauen; because what grace [Page 131] soeuer came from heauen, it came through Mary: & whatsoeuer cōmeth vp vnto heauen, entreth by Mary. Bernardine saith, thatVid Chemn. in exam. con. [...]id. d [...] cultu Sanct. ex Bre. in suo Mar [...]al. the virginis Mediatrix of saluation, of coniunction, of iustification, of reconciliation, of intercession, of communication. If there could haue bin more waies of Mediation found out, surely more hee would haue repeated. The Missall of Sarisbury in like manner offers the merits of Peter vnto God as the price of their sinne;Huius amore deus seruorū terge rea [...] vt tibi qui placu [...] placido [...] nos r [...]dd [...]ra pos [...]t. Bre. Sar. in Cath. Petri. in sec. noctur. For his loue, O God, cleanse the guilt of thy seruants, that hee which pleased thee, may make vs please thee also. What can be more plaine? Gods loue to Peter, and Peters acceptable pleasing of God, is alledged as the cause, for which he should haue mercy on vs.
So in the Primer printed by Arnold Connings, set forth by authoritie, confirmed with the same graces and priuiledges that the Latine Office it selfe is, thus they pray;Sit tibi domine merit [...] beatae virginis genetricis tua Maria & emmum Sanctorum gr [...]t. & accept morat post Confess. sit tibi domine The like the Romane Breuiary also hath in the absolution precibus & meritis. Let this confession, O Lord, bee acceptable vnto thee through the merits of the blessed Virgin Mary thy Mother, and all Saints. But because there hath beene so much of this argument before deliuered, I will no longer hold thee (gentle Reader) with a tedious Discourse, to proue that which none can deny that hath a forehead to blush.
CHAP XLI. That the Saints doe mediate perfectly and properly in the Romish Church, contrarie to the second Limitation.
THe vanity of this euasion doth at the first blush bewray it selfe.Answere to the secōd Limitation. For the ministeriall mediation to saluation is onely in this life,Bellar. de iustif. l. 1. c. 2. Vbi exemplificātur causa iustificationis, in causa instrumentari [...] separata. and that by preaching the Word, administring the Sacraments, and exercising the keyes of the Church. And in this sense Moses is called the Mediator of the Old Testament.
The truth is, that in the Law there were diuers Mediators betwixt God and Man. For Moses was not an immediate mediator betwixt God and the people. But when it is said, God appeared, or God spake vnto Moses, it is alwaies meant, that an Angell appeared, or an Angell the substitute of God spake [Page 132] vnto Moses. Vid. Luther. in 3. ad Galatas. Angels therefore were mediators betwixt God and Moses, to bring the Law vnto him. And of this mediation Saint Paul speaketh;Gal. 3.19. It was ordained by Angels in the hand of a Mediator. So Stephen telleth the Iewes,Act. 7.35. that God sent Moses by the hand, that is, by the dispensation or ministerie of an Angell.
The Angels were subordinate vnto God, becauseExod. 33.20. Moses (though with extraordinarie sanctification adorned) could not stand before the presence of God. And Moses was subordinate vnto the Angels, because the people (though they also were sanctified) could not sustaine,Exod. 20. nor abide the glorie of Angels deliuering the Law in fire, in lightning, in thundring, in tempest and in earthquake. Nay, thisExod. 34.33. glorious apparition made the face of Moses so resplendent, that hee was also compelled to couer his face with a veile, that it might bee a Mediator betwixt him and the people. For on his face it selfe (so brightly shining) they could not looke.
Now these sundry Mediatours in the first Couenant were necessarie; for that the first couenant deliuered the glory of God, and the power of God to iudgement and to vengeance: It set forth the puritie, and the spotlesse rigour of his vnflexible righteousnesse: It thundred out the Law, the curse, the death which was due to all mankinde. So that the deliuerers thereof were as intolerable to the people, as the things themselues were. Neither were they properly Mediators as Christ is; but messengers to denounce, and declare vnto the people the righteousnesse of God, and his wrath against sinne. But the Gospell is a couenant of sweetnesse and peace, wherein God weakeneth and humbleth himselfe (as it were) and hath sent his owne Sonne in the cloud of flesh, by which God is communicable and familiar with vs; that thereby we might behold and draw neere vnto himselfe. And this is the difference betwixt the first, and the second Couenant, and the mediations of them both.
Now therefore it is to be considered, that in the New Testament, though there be diuers Ministers, yet none is called a Mediator but Christ onely; for that in none wee can behold [Page 133] God, or come neare vnto him, but in CHRIST. As it is absurd and traiterous ambition in an Earle or a Duke, to bee called a King, because hee is a subordinate power to the King: so it is blasphemous and sacrilegious in our religion, to call any other but CHRIST, by the glorious and soueraigne title of a Mediator. Augustine very soundly teacheth,In 8. cap. contra Epist. Parmen. it is an intolerable blasphemy to say, Bishops are mediators betwixt God and the people.
Let vs now proceede further vnto other Reasons, which proue Saints deceased not to bee ministeriall Mediators for vs vnto GOD. The Office of ministration ceaseth in men, when men cease to be among the liuing. And hereof are many probations. First, the soules of the Saints,Apoc. 14.13. after they bee dis-burdened of the flesh, enioy an euerlasting Sabbath and rest from their labours. Ministration then ceaseth with them, which belongeth to trauellers in the way: glory and thanksgiuing remaineth to them, as vnto Citizens of the new Ierusalem in the Paradise of happinesse.
Secondly, the Apostle Paul maketh this difference betwixt Christ and all other Priests;Heb. 7.23.24. for that other Priests were forbidden by death to endure, but this Man, because hee endureth for euer, hath an euerlasting Priesthood. Now if the Saints being dis-burdened of the flesh, and dead, doe yet still make intercession for vs, their Priesthood endureth still, as Christs Priesthood endureth still; and there is no difference betwixt our High Priest Christ and other Priests, in respect of continuance and indurance. Which if it were granted, the Apostle should bee found a false witnesse concerning Christ. An impietie that no Christian eare can endure.
Thirdly, no place of Scripture teacheth, that the departed Saints are ministeriall Mediators in Heauen, or that they pray for vs there as Mediators. Neither haue wee example of any, that euer in the Gospell of IESVS CHRIST was taught to call, or did attempt to call on Saints to be his ministeriall Mediatours. Augustine acknowledgeth;August. whom should I finde that might reconcile me to thee? Shall I goe to the Angels? With what prayer? with what Sacraments? [Page 134] as though hee should say, in all the holy volume there is no Ordinance, there is no Rite, there is no Ceremonie nor fashion, according to which any should bee worshipped but God alone.
But what goe I about to beate the ayre? Or why doe I sight with this Chymera and phantasticall imagination of ministeriall Mediatorship? whereas indeede they make Saints full, perfect, absolute, and proper Mediators in all their worship. And this is euidently proued by all the Attributes, which can be giuen to a perfect Mediator.
It is the Office of a perfect and absolute Mediator, to vnite by his merits and prayer sinners to God; But this they acknowledge Saints to doe. For proofe whereof looke into the Masse of Saint Anthony, where you shall finde,Tua pr [...]ce, laudi & gloria nos copulat sanctorū coetui. Miss. Sar. [...]n Sanct. Anth. foelix corpus & foelix anima. By thy Prayer, thy praise, and thy glory, God ioineth vs to the fellowship of the Saints. And vnto the Virgin they pray;Nos in pertu salutari tua s [...]at gratia. in concep. virg. Miss. Sar. Let thy grace make vs stand in the Heauen of health. To this purpose Bellarmine vrgeth a saying of Chrysostome; Bellar. de Sanc. beat. lib. 1. cap. 18. As souldiers shewing their wounds to the King doe boldly speake: so the Martyrs bringing in their heads cut off, may obtaine what they will, of the King of Heauen.
A perfect Mediator is such,In omnibus, que ad pacem siuit, non perfunctorie, sed efficaciter quaerens. Bern. as doth not lightly, but efficaciously, seeke those things which belong to peace. But this, they say, is by the Saints performed. ForPortis. Sar. in sert [...]. b [...]at. virg. lect. 1. sacrosanctā. leg. 4. the Virgin hath abolished the handwriting of diuelish sedition; as it pleaseth the Missall of Sarum to say. Anselme calleth herAnsel. i [...] 2. [...]rat. de 5. dol. virg. auxiliatrix dei. the composition of eternall peace. Of Saint Claudius they say;Fere totus orbis Christianorū pro suis neces [...]itatibus ad ipsum affinit, & quicunque eum p [...]è & deuotè quaesierit, desolatus nō remanebis in Suffr. Sanc. impr. Paris. per Iacob Ker [...]er. anno 1570. Moys de la [...] in orat. deus qui per haec tāta tāque. almost the whole world of Christians flyeth vnto him for their necessities: and whosoeuer doth deuoutly and godly seeke him, shall neuer remaine desolate. The Romane Missall prayeth, that the merits of Leo interceding, they may bee absolued from all their faults: so for all men and all causes Saints are Mediatours: orat. Exaud. quaesumus. He is a perfect Mediator, who is an vniuersall Mediator, sauing all. Such the Virgin is; for the Missall saith,Sācta v [...]rg. digno exigit venerari prec [...]to ca [...] constat m [...]ndus saluitus suffragio Bre. Sar. in ser [...]. beat. virg. O beat Mar. & Ro. Bre. in assūp. virg. This great and so holy Ʋirgin requireth with worthy praise to bee worshipped, by whose suffrage it is manifest the world is saued. Another saith,Ex quo è terra tra [...]sl [...] [...]es, te vniuersus mund [...]s conti [...]et co [...]. propitiatorium. Aloy. Lyp. hist. per. 1. fol. 270. ex Andr. Crete [...]si. Since thou wast translated [Page 135] from the earth, the whole world holdeth thee a common propitiation. And of Nicholas; Credo, [...]iè Sanct Nico. tuis me preci cibus esse sal [...]m cū. apud Chemn. in orat Sanct. I deuoutly beleeue, O holy Nicholas, that I shall be saued by thy prayers.
He is a perfect Mediator, in whom all the treasures of Gods mercy are exposed vnto vs: But such the Romanists acknowledge the Saints to be. For the second counsell of Nice calleth Saints,In act. 3 apud Barth Caranz. Promptuaria dei, Gods Butteries or his Spence, wherein belike all his riches are comprehended. Vnto Saint Erasmus they pray;In orat. modo Sanct. Eras. apud Chemnic. O blessed Erasmus, I commend all my counsels, all my actions, and all things, that are subiect vnto mee, to thee & thy holy faith: deliuer me from all my aduersities, and all my enimies bodily and ghostly, for the promise which God to thee hath made. So to the Virgin they call,Bre. Sar. in a [...] nūciat. beat. Mar. virg. & Ro Bre in aue Maris Stella. Bona cuncta posce, procure for vs all good things. Pardon to the guilty: medicine to the sicke: strength to the faint-hearted: comfort to the afflicted: Ro. Bre. in assūp. virg lect. ecce quibus. helpe to them that are in danger, saith the Romane Breuiarie. She is the true Arke of Mercy, the Lady of Kings, the glory of women, the congratulation of Saints, Vera Arca prop [...]tatorij: Haec est ergo domina Regū, decus mul [...]erum, &c. port. Sar. in seru. beat. Maria. virg. hac ta [...]. the consolation of the miserable, the refuge of sinners, the reparation of all beleeuers. What can be more accumulated to the perfection of a Mediatour? And yet the History of Lombardy doth attribute as much vnto Saint George. For when he was beheaded,Et d [...]ana vox ver [...]t quod sic es [...]t. in Leg. Georg. He prayed vnto God, that whosoeuer did call vpon his aide, should obtaine his Petition, and the diuine voice came vnto him, that it should be so. Thus God makes a couenant with George, an vniuersall couenant, that all things should be giuen for his sake: a couenant of Salt, or an euerlasting couenant, to endure for ages; that Whosoeuer calleth for his helpe, should obtaine his petition.
He is a perfect Mediatour, in whose intercession God and Man resteth. In whom God resteth himselfe as in the Sabbath of his iudgement, Man resteth as in the Sabbath of his conscience: God resteth from punishment, Man resteth from feare: God resteth, as pleased and satisfied: Man resteth, as hopefull and assured. But both these rests are in the Saints. For first, a sinner may confidently (say they) repose and rest himselfe in Saints, and be secure in Saints, although by a liuely faith out of the Word of God he cannot be secure in the [Page 136] mediation of Christ. Of the Virgin in the assumption they sing,Quam id circo de praesenti seculo trāstulisti, vt pro peccacatis nostris fiducialiter crare [...]. Miss. Sar. in vigil. assūp. virg. secret. mun [...]ra nostra. Thou didst translate her from this present world, that she might confidently intercede for our sinnes. Now they cannot here by any distinction auoid iust reprehension, or say, that Fiducialiter, may be taken for light hope, as not onely Tho. Secunda secundae q. 129. Aquinas teacheth,Lib. 5. cap. 7. and Bellarmine de iustific. But Seneca also to Lucilius saith;De te spem babeo, nondum fiduci [...]m. I trust thee, but yet haue no confidence in thee. But let vs returne to our Romanists, who pray;In orat protege diem ex Mart. Chemnic. Defend, O Lord, thy seruants being confident in the patronage of Peter and Paul, and other Apostles. And the Romane Breuiarie prayeth,Itaque eius precibus glorialis deuota permaneat, & secura consistat. Ro. Bre. infest. Agap. orat. laetetur Ecclesia. That the Church may remaine deuout, and secure by the glorious prayers of Saint Agapet. The Schooleman also saith, that the Saints must be called vpon with great boldnesse, because they haue deserued that they may helpe vs in our necessities. And therefore one Orison prayeth;Ecce domi [...]a salvatrixmea, fiducialiter agam in te, & non timebo. apud Mart. Chemn. in exam. Co [...]c. Trid. de cultu Sarc. Behold, O Lady my Sauioresse, I will bee bold in thee, and will not feare. And the Antidotarium calleth her Spem tutissimam, the safest hope of a sinfull soule. Bernard saith;Vt fiducialiter sequuntur dominā. ser. de assump. 1. Our Queene is gone before vs, and so gloriously receiued, that her seruants might confidently follow her: as a sinner may quiet his conscience in the mediation of Saints, so God is also at rest and p [...]cified in them. Anto. Arch Flor. Mary is the throne of Christ, in which He rested, saith Anthony. Among the seuen ioyes of the Virgin this is not the least, That the highest Trinitie, and the Ʋirgin haue but one will: and that as the day is made ioifull by the Sunne: Discip de Temp. [...] exemp. 11. so the whole Court of Heauen is cleared by her presence.
Anselme saith, It is impossible he should perish, that turnes to our Lady. Michael of Hungaria saith;In ser. de Rosario. I speake it confidently, hee that offers himselfe faithfully to serue our Lady in the fraternitie of the Rosary, shalt not perish for euer. Bernard saith;Ex Mich. de Hūg. serm. de Rosar in c [...]nfirm. frat. Ros. If thou be deuout to Mary, Velis nolis, whether thou wilt or not, thou shalt be relieued with her grace.
Lastly, to conclude concerning this friuolous distinction of Perfect and Vnperfect Mediation; what should they cloke the matter in saying, that Saints are not perfect Mediatours? since they make not the Mediation of Christ himselfe perfect without Saints. For that cannot bee perfect, vnto [Page 137] which of necessitie another must bee ioyned. But Eckius plainely saith,Quemadmodum deus est qui vot [...]. nostra exaudire, qui orationes implere potest, dominus est qui gratiā & gloriā dabit▪ ita quoqu [...] dominus deus inter [...]m neque votis an [...]uit ne{que} exorabilem se praestat, nisi intercedētibus diui [...] Eckius de Vener. Sanct. part. 2. fol. 216. iuxta impress. Paris. anno 1572. As it is God, which can heare and fulfill our Petitions, and the Lord which shall giue vs grace and glory: so the Lord in the meane while, neither granteth our Petitions, nor is exorable to bee entreated, except the Saints intercede for vs. And Bonauenture saith of the blessed Virgin;Psal. 86. He that calleth not on thee in this life, shall not come into the Kingdome of God. And againe,,Psal. 136. propitiation shall not be found without her. And Michael de Hungaria in his Sermon on the Rosary out of Anselme saith;Mich. de Hung. ex Anselmo. Who euer obtained pardon of his sinnes, except Mary did mediate for him? I might here inferre diuers Histories reported by Iacobus de Ʋoragine, which import a necessitie of worshipping Saints. As, that when all Apulia was like to perish by reason of dearth, there was a reuelation giuen, that it was, because they did not celebrate the festiuall of Saint Mary. And the plague raging in Italy, to another it was reuealed, that it should not cease, till an Altar vvere at Papia erected to Saint Sebastian. But what neede I busie my my selfe in proofes hereof? sithence the shamelesse Suites haue brought the testimonie of the Diuell himselfe in this behalfe.Sebastian Michael. in act. 19. Decemb. 1610. Ʋerrein forsooth (for so they call him) pronounceth, That who denieth intercession of Saints, denieth an Article of his Creede.
CHAP. XLII. That Saints in the Romish Church are made immediate Mediatours vnto God, and that by them they aske grace in this life, and glory in the life to come; contrarie to the third Limitation.
THis Limitation is much enforced by the teachers of the Romish Church,Answere to the third Limitation. as though thereby the staine and imputation of blasphemie were altogether taken away. Wherefore Doctor Kellison affirmeth,Kellison in his Suruey of the new religion. lib. 3. cap. 12. that they (a) pray otherwise to Saints; and otherwise to Christ. To him they pray, as to their supreme Aduocate: to them as secondary Aduocates, who haue no accesse to God but through him. Now although it bee presumption [Page 138] enough to ordaine officers vnto Christ without his warrant, yet either Master Kellison is very ignorant in the businesse, wherein he would be thought most exercitat: or else he cannot but know, that the Church whereof he is a member, maketh Saints mediatours vnto the Essence of the Trinitie and Vnity it selfe; to the Father, to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghost. Examples heereof are too too plentifull.Sācte Paule Apo. pradicator veritatis, et doctor gētiū, int ercede ad Deum pro nobis, qui te elegit. Ro. Bre. in sest. Apo. Pet. et Paul. Holy Paul teacher of the truth, and Doctour of the Gentiles, intercede for vs vnto God, who hath chosen thee. Soe in the Hymne common to euery virgin; By huius ob [...]ētis, Deus alme, nostris parce tā culpis, vitia remittē [...]. Ro. Bre. in hym. virg. proles. her obtaining, O gratious God, spare our offences, and forgiue our sinnes. This is immediate mediation vnto God, without once naming Christ. Againe in the Missall vnto the blessed virgin Mary they pray;Sic per te excusabile, quod ter te ingerimus▪ in Ro. Bre. Let it bee by thee excusable, that by thee wee offer. In another place also the same Missall feareth not to make Saints to help vs for Christ his sake, as well as Christ helpeth for the Saints. For it sayth,No [...] solise vinculis seculi amore filij Dei. in com. vnius Mart. in hym. martyr. De [...]. Loose vs from the bands of the world, for the loue of the sonne of God. Sundry praiers they haue wherein they desire Saints to bee mediatours for them vnto God, without any mention of Christ, or the ordinarie conclusion, FOR, or THROVGH Iesus Christ our Lord; as in the seruice of our Lady, where theEx Fulk. in annot. in no [...]. testament. three Orisons; Holy Mary Virgin of virgins, and Mary the holiest of holies, and holy Mother of GOD, are not concluded with the clause, By, or Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Wherefore all these are wicked and vnlawfull praiers, as by the testimony of Saint Augustine in his treatise on the hundred & eight psalme it is euident: who saith,Nō est iusta oratio nisi per Christū; oratio autē, quae nō sit per Christū, non solū nō potest delere peccatū, sed etiā ipsa sit in peccatū. ex Hen. B [...]ll. de orig. cult. diuorū. cap. 23 it is no iust praier, which is not made by Christ: it cannot only not take away sinne, but it is sinne also it selfe. The Missall of Sarum, of Saint Anne sayth; Let Nostra suit aduocata in Des praesētia. in Sequent. test [...]ment vet. her be our aduocate in the presence of God. In the Antidotary they pray to the virgin;Tu ergo, O virginea mater, accedēs ad illud super coeleste sacrariū sēper venerādae trinitatis offer pro me. ex Chemn. Thou therefore, O Virgin, Mother of Ʋirgins, hauing accesse to that supercelestiall holy place of the euer venerable Trinity, offer for me. To Bernwardus the Bishop they thus praie;O gēma Saxoniae, norma pretatis. pie praesul Bernwarde, tuorū memer operū, sta corā sumin [...] iudice, pro tuorum coetu pauperum. ex Chemnic. O gemme of Saxony, the rule of piety, O godly prelate Bernward, being myndfull of thy worke, stand before the high iudge, for the company of thy poore suppliants.
Chrysostom in Aloysius Lypomanus out of Simeon Metaphrastes is forged thus to praie to the Apostles Peter and Paul; Trinitati principio carēti, nullo inter medio, assistētes. ex orat apud Aloy▪ Lyp part. 1. pa. 318. Doe not forget, but standing before the holy Trinity, which hath no beginning, without any meane betwixt, desire of GOD those things which you know to be fit for vs. So vnto Saint Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen doth pray;Sācta trinit. cui nūc astas splēdorem nobis perfectiorem gratific [...]re. Gratifie vnto vs the light of the holy Trinity, before whome thou standest, more perfectly and more cleare. And to Saint Anne; Offer ante thro [...]ū trinitatis, miseror. miseratrix An [...]a, stumē pi [...]tatis, si [...] pro nobis aduocatrix. in Miss. Colon. impr. per Mart. Werd. an. Dō. 150 [...] O Anne, riuer of pittie, and pittier of the miserable, be thou our aduocate before the Throane of the Trinity.
As they make Saints Mediatours to the Essence, so also vnto euery person of the Trinity. For thus Nicetus praieth in Simeon Metaphrastes; Domine pater, Dom. fili, Domin [...] paraclete, tri [...]itas sācta et cōsubstātialis et supersubstāt. intercessionibus chastiss. Dei matris, et omnū sāctorū, e [...] ipsius quoque nostri post te seruatoris, patron [...] et defēsoris Steph. ad gloriā & honorē et laudē &c. Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. fol. 446. iuxta editionē an. 1 [...]68. Lo [...]. per Mart. Verhess. O GOD the Father, O GOD the sonne, O God the comforter, thou holy and supersubstantiall Trinity, by the intercession of Mary, the most chast Mother of God, and of Stephen our Sauiour, our Patron and defender after thee, vnto the glory and honour and praise of thy adored name, now and euer through all ages &c. A Primer printed in queene Maries dayes saith of the virgin;In the 7 spiritual ioyes of our Lady. ver. Reioyce O flower of virgin [...] all., By liege of dignity thou art coupled with God so neare, that thou mayest at thy desire obtaine whatsoeuer thou wilt require. Canisius out of Augustine saith;Sācti [...]hori, Arch. ī angelorum, patriarchar. atque propheta [...]. euāgelista [...]. et martyrū, cōfessor. sacerdot. leuitar. monachor. v [...]rginū, omniū{que} iustorū, per illū, qui vos elegit, et de cuius cōtēpl [...]tione gaudetis, vos rogare praesumo vt pro me culpabili peccatore. ipsi Deo supplicare dignem [...]ni. ye holy Quiers of Archangels, Angels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Euangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Priests and Leuites, Monks, Ʋirgins, and all righteous, by him that hath chosen you, and for whose contemplation you reioyce, I presume to desire you to pray for mee culpable offender, vnto God himselfe. The praier,Orat. O intem. in Chemnec. O intemerata, which was ordained by Edmond Archbishop of Canterbury, a Canonized Saint, approued with a speciall myracle (for Saint Iohn clapt him gently on the hand with a Ferula, because Edmund had one day neglected this his owne praier, and commanded him to doe so no more, and therefore must not bee doubted of) set forth also in the Primer or office of our Lady, with many graces from the Apostolicall Sea adorned (And therefore the authority thereof may not be called in question) after it hath instiled the virgin Mary and Iohn to bee celestiall iewells, and lights shining diuinelie before [Page 140] GOD (so that thereby they are constituted Mediatours in the presence of the eternall Maiestie it selfe) sendeth them vnto the Holy Ghost to bee Mediatours for vs also vnto that blessed third person of Trinitie;Ex primario vel offic. virg. Mar. Anglolat. impress. anno 1599. per Arnold. Coning. Procure, I beseech thee, procure by thy glorious prayers, that the pure spirit, the best giuer of graces, may vouchsafe to visite my heart and dwell therein, which may througly purge me from all filth of vice: lighten and adorne me with sacred vertues: cause me perfectly to stand and perseuere in the loue of God, and my neighbour: and after the course of this life, the most benigne comforter may bring mee to the ioyes of his Elect, who with God the Father, and the Sonne liueth and raigneth world without end. So doth Bonauenture also make the Virgin his Mediatrix to the holy Ghost;Pac domina, vt viuamus in gratia spiritus sancti. Psal. 86. Procure Lady, that we may liue in the fauour of the Holy Ghost. Many other prayers I might recount, wherein the Saints are made Aduocates to the substance of the Godhead, to the Essence of the Trinitie, & to the seuerall persons thereof.
CHAP. XLIII. Of the vanity of the fourth Limitation, wherein they pretend that Christ is a Mediatour onely by giuing, and not by praying; but Saints contrariwise are Mediatours onely by praying for men.
Answere to the fourth Limitation.AN ancient Father truely & wisely saith, there is a double kinde of blindnes, when men see not the things that are, & yet would seeme to see the things that are not. And surely this miserable darknesse is fallen vpon the Romish fraternity, who cannot behold the great High Priest and Bishop of our soules at the right hand of God, making intercession for his Church continually, and yet can see swarmes and armies of other Mediatours commending their cause to God. It is no iust defence or Apologie to say, they doe not esteeme so basely of the Mediation of Christ, as to beseech him to pray for them; seeing that Christ doth both pray for vs as a Mediator: [Page 141] and giueth to vs as our God. Hee prayeth in his humanitie, wherein he is stil inferiour to God: he giueth in his diuinity, wherein he is equall to God: his prayer hath relation to his person: his giuing hath reference to the substance of his Deity. Wherefore the Apostle saith,Heb 7.25. Hee is able perfectly to saue those, that come vnto God by him, seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them. And in another place;Rom 8.34. Christ is at the right hand of God, and maketh request also for vs. Vpon which words Ambrose saith, the Apostle makes vs secure both of the Father, and the Sonne. For before he said, that God doth iustifie: and now, that the Sonne doth intercede.
Two parts there are of Christs eternall Priesthood. The first to Sacrifice: the second to pray. The Act of sacrificing was but once done, and neuer to bee renued; hee himselfe thereof hauing witnessed,Io. 19.30. It is finished. And the Father also doth acknowledge the same. For the sweetExod. 29.38. and fragrant odor of the Holocaust is euer before GOD; whereof the daily SacrificeExod. 12.11. was a type and figure. And hee in this respect is tearmedApoc. 13.8. a Lambe, which was slaine from the beginning of the world. But the second part of Christs Priestly Office, which is prayer, is now in doing, and shall euer continue till the accomplishment of our redemption, and that his whole body be glorified with him their head. Wherefore Saint Iohn saith,1. Ioh. 1.1. Wee haue an Aduocate with the Father, Iesus Christ the righteous. Now then the Romanists, if they please, neede not feare to come to this open fountaine and professed Aduocate: and they may bee bold to beseech him to pray for them; which if they doe not, it is their owne fault. And whereas they account it a debasing, or the disgrace of our Redeemer, in his holy humanitie to pray for vs, there is no such cause. For his prayer is infinitely excellent aboue all the prayers, that we, or any other Priests can send vp vnto God; and that for many considerations.
First, Christs prayer hath satisfaction ioined with it, it isGen. 8 2 [...]. odor requiescentiae, the sauour of rest, which was figured in the Sacrifice of Noah, wherein God is fully contented. But our prayer is the prayer of a loathsome and corrupt Leper, [Page 142] Leu. 13. who must haue his clothes rent, the head hare a couering before his lips, and cry; I am vncleane, I am vncleane. Neither may we offer it vp, but with the acknowledgement of our corruption.
Secondly, as wee our selues are vnworthy, so our prayers are vnperfect: but the prayer of Christ is absolute, and perfect. ForCol. 2.3. Iob. 16.30. he knoweth all our necessities, nothing is hid from him.
Thirdly, Christs prayer maketh all our prayers acceptable; as you reade in the Reuelation, that vnto theApoc. 8.3. Angell standing before the Altar, hauing a golden Censer, was much more odours giuen, that he should offer with the prayers of all Saints vpon the golden Altar, which is before the Throne. Which place Lyra their owne Glossator expoundeth of IESVS CHRIST, which came, that is (saith he) vnited flesh vnto himselfe, and stood before the Altar: that is, before himselfe, and representeth the prayers of the Saints vnto the Father. By this it appeareth sufficiently, how vaine their excuse is, who feare to make Christ their Oratour to the Father, according to the Gospell; and yet feare not to make men their aduocates, contrarie to the Gospell.
The Law ordaineth,Leuit. 21.18. that the Priest may not be lame of any of his members. But they haue shamelessely dismembred and dissolued Iesus, taking from him one of the most excellent parts of his Priesthood, which is Intercession at the right hand of GOD by prayer for vs; the most sweet and soueraigne salue of all wounded consciences: and in place thereof haue put those to pleade our cause, and to pray as our Aduocates for vs, who haue no warrant for such an office.
Concerning the second part of this Limitation, wherein they pretend, that they come not to Saints, as vnto such as haue power to giue, but onely to pray; Let vs now examine it. And not to goe farther for examples, beeing compassed with such a cloud of witnesses, the matter in controuersie is made manifest in their publique Orison; Omnes{que} ciue [...] coelici annuant votis supplicum. Ro. B [...]e. [...] Hym. Iesu salu [...]tor seculi. Let all the heauenly Citizens grant the prayer of the suppliant. Bonauenture to [Page 143] the blessed virgine saith;Cō [...]de [...] locū inter [...]ctos [...]e. [...]sa. 19. Or P [...]t Eremica. Graunt my Soule place amongst the elect of God. After the same manner speaketh the praier recorded by Martin Chemnicius vnto Nicholas; Post hāc tuā nos m [...]u [...]as ad aterna g [...]udi [...] ex Chemu. After this life bring thou vs into eternall ioyes. And vnto Saint George; Hic nos saluet à peccatu, vt in [...]oelo cum beatis possimus quiescere. Let this man saue vs from sins, that in heauen with the happy wee may rest. The Roman Breuiarie sayth of Iohn and Paul, Habent potestatē claudere coelū nubibus, et aperire portas eius, quia lingu [...] esrū claues coeli. That they haue power to shut vp Heauen with the clowdes, and open the gates thereof: their tongues are the Keyes of heauen. Bernard saith,Ser. 15. in Cant. iuxta medium. If Philip and Andrew bee our Porters, wee shall take no repulse. Thus now is Peter put out of his office, who elsewhere is saluted with the title ofClauiger a [...]hereus. ad manis Antig. in Rom. Bre. Heauenly Keybearer. Yea, the Lion of the Tribe of Iudah doth hereby lose his place also; euen he, that hath the key of Dauid, and shutteth, and no man openeth, and openeth, and no man shutteth: except (perhaps) Heauen haue many doores, and many waies into it.
Michael de Hungaria in his sermon on the Rosarie of the virgin saith;In confirm. Rosarij. ad finem. Michael the captaine and prince of the heauenly host, together with all ministring spirits obey thy cōmandements, O virgin, in defending the bodies, and receiuing the Soules of them that commit themselues vnto thee day and night. So Bernard saieth,Ascēdēs ergo i [...] altū virgo be ta, d [...]b [...]t ipsa dona hominibus apud Lyp. part. 1. fol. 22 [...]. vul. ser apsiu de assum. virg. ser. 1. The holy virgin ascending on high shall her selfe giue gifts vnto men: Dabit ipsa, shall her selfe giue. Where is now the Limitation of Tho. Aquinas, thatSoli Deo pore [...]gitur oritio [...]uasi per ipsū m [...]lēda. [...] 2ae q 83. vnto God onely praier is directed, as by him to be fulfilled? where is now Bellarmins reseruation?Nō licet à sanctis petere &c Bell, de Sanct. lib 1. cap. 17. protos. prima It is not lawfull to require of Saints, that they should as authours of diuine blessings, giue glory or grace, or any of the meanes, by which wee come vnto the same.
Learned Chemnicius recordeth a praier vsed to Martin after this manner;In orat. quae inci [...]it, Martinus quiniam. For Martin doth attend the praiers of the faithfull, giuing all wholesome things vnto his seruants which doe rightly sing. And againe to the Angels;Tu nostros Gabriel prosterne hostestu Raphael a [...]ri [...] affer mede am. ibid. Gabriel, destroy thou our enemies: Raphael, bring thou medicine to the diseased. Nay, as the true Ortohd [...]x faith teacheth, that Christ is such a Mediatour, as both praieth to the Father, and also giues with the Father: so they also call vpon the Saints in one praier, [Page 144] both to pray for them, and to giue vnto them. As, in that Orison of the blessed virgin;Accipe quod offerimus, redena quod regamus, excusa quod timimus. Miss. Sar. in ser. beat. Mar. Accept that we offer, giue that we pray for, excuse that we feare. Heere three things they require of the virgin; To accept, to giue, to excuse. In the first they acknowledge her dignity: in the second her power: in the third her office. Yea, vnto euery Martyr they make their petition, as well to forgiue, as to pray for forgiuenesse; Now Miss. Sar. de vn [...] Mart. nō de collato. are the bonds of thy holy body loosed, loose vs also frō the bonds of the world, for the loue of the Sonne of God.
This is cleane contrary to their foresaid Limitation. For heere they desire not Christ for the Saints sakes to forgiue; but the Saints to forgiue for Christs sake. Aloysius Lypom. recordeth a praier vnto Cyprian; Tu vero nos ab alto propitius respice, nostrū{que} sermonē, ac vitā dirige. et sāctū ouile hoc pasce, aut vna rege, Lyp part. 2 pag 57. Behould thou vs mercifully from aboue, direct our words and life, feed this sheepfolde, and gouerne it withall. The like they haue of Saint Nicholas; Blessed In portif. Sarisb. festo. Nicho. Nicholas enioying now his triumph, knoweth how to giue vnto his seruants, which with all their harts desire his bounty. Here is neither intercession, nor mediation, nor aduocation, but triumph and bounty. Now if they replie, as Bellarmine doth, that it is no matter for the words, so the meaning bee, that Saints should saue by praier. I reioyne thereto, that in our religious worship our words must be perspicuous & plaine, to edifie the ignorant, not to ensnare them. Wee must not vse (f) cadauera verborum, Vid. Barth. Keyker. dead words, which are not such as they seeme. Austin saith, It is a token of a good disposition, in verbis verum amare, non verba; to loue the trueth in wordes, not the wordes themselues, or the sound of them. Our religion doth not seeke after dark & difficult speeches; but plaine, and such as may edifie. Ornari res ipsa negat, contenta doceri. And Augustine saith, that the diligent desire of plainnesse doth somtimes neglect fine wordes, Nec curat quid bene sonat, sed quid bene indicet at{que} intimet; it careth not for the fine sound of the word, so it bee manifest, and doth intimate and declare well. We ought not so to put one word for another, as God may be thereby dishonored, and his power giuen vnto others: We ought not to put stumbling blockes before the blynd. But happy is that religion, wherin speake what you [Page 145] will, it is no blasphemy; for mentall reseruation helpeth all. If the Iewes had been allowed such interpretation of wordes, I thinke none should haue beene stoned to death by the LaweLeu. 24.15. against cursing of God. But the truth is, they plainly desire, and will obtaine health and blessings from the Saints themselues. Wherfore Clichtoueus, who expoundeth all their Hymns and busines of the Masse, vpon the Hymne of one Martyr, Spe mercedis, and the sixt verse of the same;Nō est morbus, quē nō curet, dum morborū nō obduret plagā disfidētia. There is no euill which hee doth not cure, so that distrust do not encrease the plague of the disease, expoundeth it thus: The Omnē morborum molestiā curat hic sāctus martyr, si modo diffidētia de curatione morbi cōsequēda nō reddat plagā morbi obduratiorē et deteriorē. paine of all diseases this holy Martyr cureth, so that distrust do not make the plague of the sicknes the worse and harder to bee healed. Now let them pretend what excuses and reseruations they will, their exposition, and their text are the same: their wordes and meaning all one. After the like manner they pray vnto Saint Stephen, both to giue and to forgiue, in that Hymne, Sancte Prastās gēti persequēti preces pro lapidibus, ne repēdas te petē [...] lapides pro precibus, sed indulge pia mēti, plusqua audet vocibus. Vid Cl [...]cth [...]. dei pretiose; vnto the nation persecuting, for stones thou yieldest praier, then paie them not that praye to thee, with stones insteed of prayers, but graunt thou to the mind deuout more then it doth desire. And to Saint Iohn;Absolue nostra crimina. in hym. [...] Patre verb. prodiēs. Forgiue to vs our faultes.
CHAP. XLIIII. Of the last Limitation, which they prescribe vnto themselues in the worship of Saints, That Christ is such a Mediatour as praieth for all, and none pray for him; but that Saints are not so.
TƲlly saith,Answer to the last Limitation. in Philosophie there should bee no place for fables. Much more in the profession of our religion truth and sincertiy is required. I cannot therefore but maruel at the shamless falshood of the Rhemists, who in their notes vpon the first Epistle to Timothy haue set downe this Limitation; 1 Tim. cap. 2. in annot. that none make intercessiō for Christ, nor giue grace to his praiers; but hee to all. For the better vnfoulding of this cauill, you shall vnderstand, that herein the glorified Saints differ not from Christ. For Bellarmine out of Augustine doth [Page 146] acknowledge, that the suffrages of the Church do not profite those that are Valde mali, that is, reprobates, swallowed vp of the second death: Nor those that are Valde boni; which are the Saints dwelling in the glorie of the Father. Now therefore (saith Bellarmine)Sacrificatur enim pro sāctes; nō vt ijs aliquid petamus, sed vt pro [...]loria illu [...]o lat [...] Deo gratias 4 amus. Bel. de purgat. lib. 2. cap. 18. We sacrifice for Saints; not that wee doe aske any thing for them: but that wee may giue thankes vnto G [...]d for their glory. And in this sense they sacrifice for Christ himselfe. For in the Canon of the Masse they say;Vnde et m [...]mores Domine, no seruitur [...] sed & plebi tua sācta eiusdem Christi filii tui Domini Dei nostri tam beatae passionis: nec nō et ab inferi [...] resurrectionis sed et in coelo gloriosae ascēsioni [...], offerimus praclara mitestati tuae de tuu donis ac datu. in Can. Miss. wee thy seruants, O Lord, and thy people, being myndfull of the blessed passion of the same Christ thy sonne, and of his resurrection also from the dead, and his glorious ascension, offer vnto the excellent Maiesty, of thy owne gifts and largess, a pure Host, an holy Host, an immaculate Host.
In these words it is euident, that the sacrifice of thanksgiuing is offred for Christ: and otherwise then this to sacrifice for a Saint, they acknowledge it to bee vnlawfull.Iniuriā facit martyri, qu. orat pro martyre. Aug. ser. 17. de verb. apo. ex Bell. de purgat. lib. 2. cap. 1 [...]. Hee offereth wrong to a Martyr, that prayeth for a Martyr. But to stop the mouth altogether of this false suggestion, only vsed to be a cloake of errour & Idolatry, the gentle reader shal vnderstand, that the Romish Church maketh Saints mediatours fiue manner of waies. First, vnto Christ: Secondly with Christ: Thirdly without Christ: Fourthly, for Christ; Fiftly, one Saint is made mediatour to another Saint. And these be the sundry sortes of mediation, which wee finde them to attribute vnto Saints: whereof we will intreate in order as they lye.
CHAP. XLV. Of the first kinde of Mediation of Saints, which is vnto Christ.
THe Mediation of Saints vnto Christ they do not deny, but acknowledge it as a positiō of their Church: which howsoeuer it carry a plausible shew of outward and worldly holines,Ignorance of Christs office the first cause of the inuocation of Saints. as acknowledging their vnworthines, and therfore sending Saints as their Oratours to Christ: yet the truth is, it doth proceed, first, out of ignorance of the office of Christ. [Page 147] For they looke on him, not as on an Aduocate, or a Redeemer, or a Mediatour, or our reconciliation, our peace, our righteousnes: but as a truculent iudge, a seuere Censor, or a wrathfull executioner.
Secondly, it proceedeth out of an opinion,Desperation in the forgiuenes of sin, th [...] second cause of the inuocation of Saints. that they themselues are not so throughly cleansed by the bloud of Christ from the guilt of sinne, that they should bee able to haue accesse to him, to stand before him, or to be accepted of him: which by this ensuing of Discip. de Temp. plainely appeareth; for thus the virgin Mary he saluteth:Ser. 162. By thee wee haue accesse vnto the sonne: O blessed finder out of grace, parent of life, Mother of Saluation, let thy plentifull charitie couer the multitude of our sinnes; our Lady, our aduocatrix, present thou vs vnto the Sonne. They teach also, that as the wounds of our Sauiour Christ by dispensation are yet fresh appearing in the body of Iesus Christ: so the Virgin sheweth vnto Christ, Pectus & vbera, her breasts and her teates. Yea, as Christ sheweth his wounds vnto God: So Frier Francis sheweth his wounds to CHRIST; as wee reade in the blasphemous Hymne,O Francisce Iux solaris, crucifixe s [...]ngularis, tam cum Christo gloriari, in Ch [...]ro coelestiū, in si [...] nobi [...]s v [...]tae v. 1, in pro nobis semper p [...]a, prode Christo stigmata. O Francis, the light of the Sunne, thou onely crucified, which now triumphest with CHRIST in the heauenly societie, shew for vs thy euer holy wounds to Christ. In the methode to meditate on the Rosary it is said,
So in the Missal,M ss Sar. in bene d ct A [...]m [...] virg. The Virgin of Virgins intercede for vs: and againe,In Iesu s [...]luator seculi. the Quires of holy Virgins, and of all Monkes, together with all Saints make vs partakers of Christ. Wherefore Germanus the Patriarch prayeth;Apud [...]l [...]y. Lyp. par. 1 fol. 225. ad Vithessals. Deliuer vs in all our necessities, in all our dangers, in all great sicknesses, from all kinde of calamity, and from the iust threatnings of thy Sonne. In the Hymne, Te matrem laudamus, they sing; Intreat him for vs, O Virgin Mary, whom wee beleeue shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead. The Romane Breuiarie to the Virgin saith; Intercede for [Page 148] the people, Ro. Breu. pray for the Clergy, beseech for the deuout womankinde.
It is to bee obserued, that whereas the Scripture, and the Fathers speake many times of Christ comming to iudgement at the later day, as thereby importing matter of great comfort and consolation vnto his Elect, for that the same shall be both our iudge and our Aduocate, the Church of Rome turneth the same into matter of feare and terrour, onely to driue vs thereby from Christ to other Mediatours. To proue this by example,Disc de Temp. ser. 161. ad finem. Discip. de Temp. hath an History ready coined. For a grieuous sinner standing on a time before the Image of the Virgin Mary with her Sonne in her armes, and seeing the bloud drop downe from the little childe into her lappe, as it did flowe from Christ vpon the Crosse, being amazed said, Who hath done this? The Virgin answered, thou and other sinners, which crucifie my sonne more then the Iewes, are the cause of this. The sinner replyed, O Mother of mercy, intercede for mee. Shee answered, you sinners call me Mother of mercy, but you doe not cease to make me Mother of sorrow and misery. Then turning her to her Sonne (the stonie mother to her stonie sonne) prayeth, but shee is not heard. She prayeth againe, and is answered; Cease Mother, for I prayed vnto my Father, if it were possible, that the cup might passe from me, but he would not heare. The Virgin prayeth againe, and is againe reiected. I (saith he) prayed vnto my Father the second time, that the cup might passe frō me, and was not heard. Well, the Virgin moueth the third time, and Christ the third time replyeth, I prayed vnto my Father the third time, that the cup might passe from me, and could not preuaile. Then, when no prayer would serue turne (for belike the Christ of stone cannot bee so mercifull as hee that is partaker of the flesh of his children) shee went vnto the Altar, and laid downe her sonne vpon the same, and fell downe at his feete. This the childe beholding said, Mother what wilt thou haue me doe? She said, I will with this sinner so long lye at thy feete, till thou grant pardon: to this the Sonne replyed, Not so Mother, it is ordained by the Law of [Page 149] God, that the Sonne should honour the Mother. Thus you see, first, that they come to the Mother, as more pittifull then the Sonne. Secondly, how hard Christ is become, and how inexorable vnto sinners: And lastly, the Virgin hath still her motherly commaund ouer him as a little childe.Deut. 32.34. Is not this laid vp in store with God, and sealed vp among his treasures? Psal. 74.23. Arise O Lord, maintaine thine owne cause, remember how the foolish man blasphemeth thee daily.
CHAP. XLVI. Of the second kinde of Mediation of Saints, being ioined with Christ.
AS I haue formerly shewed, that the merits of Saints are ioined together with the merits of Christ in the redemption of Man: so now must I in this Chapter proue, that Christ and the Saints are ioined together in Mediation. To bring this to passe I must needs open to the Reader a most detestable fraud, vsed by the Architects of the spirituall Babylon, both in their publike and priuate writings. Which when hee shall deprehend, I doubt not, but hee will acknowledge,Psal. 36.3. that the words of their mouthes are iniquitie and Deceit: or, as Amos saith,Amos 2.4. Their lies haue caused them to erre after the which their fathers walked. For whereas the common translation, which only is authorized by the Tridentine councell, readeth the words of the ninth verse in the fortie fift Psalme, Astitit regina à dexteris tuis, the Queene stood on thy right hand; by which is literally meant the Daughter of Pharaoh standing on the right hand of Salomon; and mystically, the Church his Spouse on the right hand of Christ: Now the Missall, not content, against the minde of the Holy Ghost, to apply this vnto the Virgin Mary, turneth also Astitit, Ro. Bre. in assūp. b [...]t. virg. Maria lect 4. hodi [...] Regina as [...]isteus. into Assistit. Standeth, into Helpeth; for so the word, Assistit, is commonly vsed. And to shew that this did not by chance drop from them, Gasper Loart, and his interpreter follow the same errour. Insomuch that hee rendreth this in English, The Gasp. Loart Iesutta in [...]. glor. myst. [...]ag. 110, lin. 2. Queene hath assisted at thy right hand [Page 150] in a garment of gold inuironed with varietie. After the same manner Ambrose Catherinus in the Councel of Trent blusheth not to call herEx Chemn. in exam. Conc. Trid. part 1. fol. 4. Sociam eius, the fellow of Christ. All these things necessarily import, that the mediation of Christ and the Virgin are together ioined, as the one to the other helping. Wherefore the Iesuite againe prayeth;Gasp. Loart in orat post. 2. dol. mist. I beseech thee, holding vp my hands to thee in most humble wise, O Mother of mercy, by the most vehement anguish of thine, and his afflictions, that sithence he hath beene tyed for my trespasses, I may bee loosed by meanes of thy sacred intercessions: and that I may for the merit of so many his blowes escape the punishment due vnto my most grieuous sinnes. Hereunto I may adde that blessing recorded by Martin Chemnicius; Chemnic. The peace of our Lord Iesus Christ, the vertue of his Passion, the signe of his Crosse, the integritie of the blessed Virgin, the blessing of all Saints, the custodie of Angels, be betweene mee and all my enimies, visible and inuisible, now and euer, and in the houre of death. And Soto in plaine tearmes saith,Soto in conf [...]si. Cathol. [...]x Chemn. The Saints are coadiutors and Cooperators in heauen, in the worke of Saluation. Bonauenture therefore ioineth them together in his thankes;Ibid. Psal. 77. Thankes bee to God and thee, holy Mother, for all that I haue obtained by thy pitty and mercy. Gasper Loart pronounceth;Gasp. Loart. in 5. glor. myst. Let vs beleeue that as God gaue to the first Adam, a companion like vnto him, to the end he might not be alone in terrestriall Paradise: So was it conuenient that such a like companion should be giuen to the second Adam, who beeing risen vp and glorious, might raigne with him risen vp and glorious in the coelestiall Paradise.
CHAP. XLVII. Of the third kinde of Mediation of Saints in the Romish Church, which is without Christ.
ALthough then they may bee rightly said to make Saints Mediatours without Christ, when their prayers to Saints, or to God, that the Saints may be their Mediatours, doe not end with the clause, Through Iesus Christ, or for Iesus Christ: yet this is not inough vnto her that hath a whoorish [Page 151] forehead, and cannot blush, but that she must proceede vnto the height of all iniquitie; according to that of the Prophet, The Osce 4.12. spirit of fornications hath caused them to erre, and they haue gone a whoring from vnder their God. In the seruice of our Lady, this is most manifest;In an [...]n. beat. virg. [...]ar. post. lect. per te dei [...]ertitudinem. Miss. Sar. Haue mercy on those that cry vnto thee continually, because we are oppressed with the burthen of our sinnes, and there is none to helpe. If there be none to helpe, surely Christ hath made a vaine expense of the inestimable treasure of his sacred bloud: If there be none to helpe, Christ hath lost his Office of Mediatourship, and they haue laid his greatest honour in the dust. Likewise againe of the Virgin they say,Isac sola coelum ac terram amplitudine [...]uperauit. Ro. Bre in dic infra octau. Nat. virg. lect. magnū reuera miraculum. Shee alone hath wonne Heauen and earth with her greatnesse. In the same sort Bonauenture brayeth out also vnto the Virgin;Bonau. Psal. 7 [...] The enimie hath bent his boaw against vs, and there is none to comfort. The Missall of Sarum saith,Que tuo solo commercio recuperandi vitam aditum inuen. t. in [...]er. beat. virg. lect. O beat. Maria. that mankinde hath found entrance to eternall life by her onely commerce or entercourse. The same is proued out of all the prayersVid orat. obsecro te, domin [...]: & orat. Missus est Gabriel. i [...] horu impr. per Iacebum Keruer. anno 1570. wherein she is called our health, our life. Surely, health is but one, and life but one. Wherefore in giuing these titles to the Virgin, they make her our onely Mediatour.
But aboue all abominations is that of Berengosius most impious: who doth discharge vs flatly, that wee come not at Iesus Christ the Sonne of God in this matter of Mediation any more (as by these his words doth appeare) to reconcile God the Father vnto vs;Bereng. apud cent. 12. c. 4. de inclinatione doct. de inuocatione. Wee ought not now to pray vnto him the Sonne, but vnto the Mother, that by the aide of her most holy intercession, she may suffrage for vs before God and her Sonne.
I know thy eares tingle, and thine eyes are much displeased (Christian Reader) in beholding and considering such and so stupendious blasphemie: and thou wilt say, Vox non hominem sonat; It is not the voice of a Man, but the very mouth of Sathan: yet maruell not, hee is not alone in his sinne. The English Latine Primer allowed by Pius Quintus, and with the like priuiledges adorned as their Latine Office is, setteth downe a prayer, wherein wee are taught, Ʋnto In commend. ad virg. Mar O domina Mar. Sancta. the singular custodie of the Virgin, and into the bosome of her [Page 152] mercy, to commend our selues. Which words are plaine restraints of the Office of Sauing vnto the Virgin; That as the bosome of the Mother is the infants only safety: so the Ʋirgin, the singular or onely refuge of sinners. Germanus the Patriarch in Lypomanus out of Simeon Metaphrastes (three theeues concurring in one robbery) saith;Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. fol. 183. Thy aide, O Mother of God, is powerfull for vs vnto saluation: There is no neede of any other intercessour vnto God. The Missall of Hereford saith;Vbi mater m [...]s [...]ricordiae, impe [...]ratrix vent. mediatrix ad Deū pro crimine, nisi Maria? Br. Heref. in lect 3. in v [...]sit. Mar [...]ae. Gaudet axtem Deus. Where is the Mother of mercy, obtainer of pardon, the Mediatrix vnto God for sinne, but Mary? And againe,Ibid. in lect beatis. mater Dei. All that are in necessitie flee vnto her as their singular refuge, when mans helpe sufficeth not. To these let mee ioyne the Legend of Lombardy, which feineth, that all the Apostles thus saluted the virgin;Hoc solū refrigeriū habemu [...], qu [...]d [...]e mediatricē apud Deū nos habere speram [...]s. Leg Lomb. in assump. virg. Wee haue this only comforte, that we hope to haue thee our Mediatrix to God. I will conclude with the blasphemy of the Romish Missall, to which nothing can bee added more abhominable; for to eueryStatuit es Dominus testamētū paci [...], et principē fecit [...]ū, vt sit illi sacerdotij dignitas in aternum, Martyr Bishop they plainly ascribe the eternall priesthoode due only vnto Christ.
CHAP. XLVIII. That the Saints are Mediatours for Christ.
I Very well know how strange a Paradoxe this assertion will seeme vnto many; and what exclamations against mee for this, the virulent tongues and venimous pennes of the fauourits of the Babylonish strumpet will cast out. I beseech thee therefore (godlie reader) not onely to weigh my reasons with an equall balance, which I shall alledge for the probation of this strange position: but also to consider their Apologies and defences in this behalfe; and then according to the vprightnes of thy Christian heart iudge of the matter, and giue glorie vnto God.
My first proofe that they make Saints mediatours and intercessours for Christ, is that, which Martin Luther, Georgius Maior, Martin Chemnicius, and diuers other haue obserued; that in the Secrets of the Masse they euer commend the Sacrifice, which is Christ, vnto God the father, through the [Page 153] merits and intercession of Saints. As in that of Saint Ʋalentine, Sacrificiū, queso D [...]mine, quod offerimus, gratis tibi beatu [...] mar [...]yr Valēt [...]n suffragator e [...]ficiat. Secreta in Miss Sar. Let the sacrifice, O Lord, which wee offer vnto thee, be made acceptable to thee by the blessed Martyr Val [...]ntine the intercessour. The like the Roman Missall hath also in sundrie places. I will alledge one for all;S [...]ipe quaesumus Domine, munera dignater oblata, & beati Marcelli suffragātibus meritis ad nostra salutis aux l [...]ū pret [...]enire cōcidas. Ro. Mis [...] in Sanct. Marcell. Papa. Receiue wee beseech thee, Lord, the gifts worthily offred, and by the suffrage of the merits of blessed Marcellus cause them to proceed to the help of our saluation. But they answer perhaps, that in these and the like secrets their intent is not to commend the body of Christ, or his bloude to the Father: but the bread and wine, which is the matter to be transubstantiate. For so Bellarmin seemeth to say, when he teacheth, that Bell. de Miss. li. 1. ca. 27. postremo l [...]c. of the Masse there are fiue partes; of which the first part is the offering of the bread and wine. To this I must replie, it is a needless thing to commend vnto God, that which they meane not to offer vnto God: that which they know of force by the power of the wordes must perish and vanish away. And in the whole Gospell and Canonicall volume of the new Testament, there is no commandement, no example, to offer bread vnto God; it is a mere Iudaicall tradition without any warrant of the word of God. Againe, the bread is not the Hoste to bee consecrate, but the body and bloud of Christ is the Host, except they will make two Hosts; one of the Bread, another of the Body.
But the secret in the feaste of Primus and Foelicianus doth make the matter most plaine; for therein thus they praie,Piat tibi, domine, quesum [...], hostia sacrāda, placabilis pretiosorū celebritate martyrū tuorum Primat Foeli, quod per corū merita gloriosa, et peccata nostra purific [...], & tuorū tibi vo [...]a conciliat, alia secreta in Miss. Sar. in mem. Primi et Foeli. in sect. Iunij. Let the Hoste to be consecrate be pleasing vnto thee, by the celebrity of the Martyres Primus and Foelicianus, that by their glorious merits and prayers, it may purge our sinnes, and reconcile to thee the praiers of thy seruants. Many things there are in this praier, which make it clearely euident, that by the word, Hoste, neither bread nor wine can be vnderstoode, nor any thing els but the body of Christ. For first, to call bread and wine in their owne natures a sacrifice, is merely Iudaicall, and may not be granted. Origen truly saith,Ipse solu [...] est hostia peccatis et ips [...] est hestia sancta sanctorum, hee is the only Hoste, or sacrifice for sinnes: hee is the Hoste, the holy of holyes. Neither can the Hoste bee tearmed the thanksgiuing of the Church. For Harding himselfe, the greatest Oedipus of the [Page 154] intricate riddle of Transubstantiation saith,Has. ling. artic. 17. sect. [...] verbo per hanc autem. The oblation of the New testament is not the sacrifice of our deuotion, but the body of Christ it selfe.
Secondly, the secret of Primus and Foelicianus doth expound and vnfould it selfe. For they desire the Hoste to bee accepted by the merits of Primus and Foelicianus, that it may purge their sinnes, and reconcile their praiers vnto GOD. Now they cannot say of the substance of bread and wine, that it purgeth the sinnes, or reconcileth the praiers: nor of any thing else but the body and bloud of Christ. Therefore it is manifest, that the body and bloude of Christ is comended vnto God the Father by the merits of Primus and Foelicianus.
The Roman Breuiarie in the secret of Saint Ierome praiethMunera que deferrimus, intercedēte beato Hieronimo cōfessore tu [...], et medelā nobis operētur et gloriā. Ro. Bre. in secret. sāct. Hierom. donu coelestibus. that the gifts which they offer, by the intercession of Saint Ierome the Confessor, may bring vnto them medicine and glory. I know there is none so impudent to deny, that this gift which bringeth medicine and glorie, is Christ alone. Wherfore they must of necessity confesse that they praie, that Christ in his office may bee commended to God by Ierome the Confessor.
The Secret of the fourteenth sunday after Trinity, in the Missall of Sarum thus saith;Propitiare, Dom. populo tuo, propitiare muneribus, vt hac oblatione placeturet indulgētiā nobis tribuas, et postulatae cōcedes. secret. Forgiue thy people, O Lord, and be thou propitious to thy guifts, that being pacified by this oblation thou mayst grant vs pardon, and what else wee desire of thee. The Roman Missall in the Secret of Saint Peter saith;Oblatū tibi Dom. sacrificiū intercedēte beat. Pet. apost. tuo vinificet nos sēper et ma [...]at per Dominum nostrum. Let the sacrifice offered by thee, O Lord, by the intercession of the Apostle Peter, quicken vs alwayes and defend vs. If they say, the oblation which God is pleased with, which quickneth and defendeth, is the bread and wine, it is Iudaisme; and superstition more then Pharisaicall: If the oblation be Christ, then they praie for Christ it is most manifest.
My second proofe is taken from the praier in the Canon of the Masse, which beginneth,Supplicet te rogamus omnipoteus. in Ro et Saris. et [...]m [...]tb [...] Breuiarus. Supplices te rogamus; supplyant, we beseech thee, O holy Father, command these things to bee caried by the hands of Angells into the high Altar, in the sight of thy diuine maiesty. Now in these wordes either the bread & [Page 155] wine, or the body and bloud of Christ, or else the praiers of Saints must needs be vnderstood. Bellarmin himselfe, because he thinketh itBel li. [...]. de Missae. [...]4 ver [...]. fatemur absindissime. were very grosse to grant the first, and to make Heauen like a bakers Bynne, will haue this to bee vnderstood of the seruice of the Church: But how vntruly, the circumstance will declare. For the speech of the Priest is applied to the Host, which is the body and bloude of Christ; wherfore in speaking hee kisseth the Altar, crosseth the Host, In Cā. Miss. Sar. euen as he doth, when hee maketh the body and bloude of Christ: hee pronounceth the demonstratiue pronoune, Haec, These: which in all construction pointeth to that, which is before vs, and which is next in hand: But that is the very body and bloud of Christ in their Hosts, whereof in the words also going before immediatly he spake. It is euident therefore, that they meane by the Host the body of Christ it selfe; Euen as in the Legend it is storied of Hugo de Sancto Victore, Leg. Lōb. in pelag that calling for the Host, when he was sicke, they brought him one, that was not consecrate. Which Hugo perceiuing sayd, god be mercifull to you my brethren, this is not my Lord, which you haue broght me. Wherat the company amazed fetcht another Host that was consecrated indeed: but Hugo not able to receiue it sayd; Let the Sonne ascend vnto the Father, and the Soule to God that gaue it, and presently the body of Christ vanished. Hugo, you see, is a Mediatour by his praier for the taking vp of the body of Christ into Heauen. Why should they then denie, that they make Angells mediatours to carrie him vp in their hands, which the Canon it selfe professeth? Much more sincerely dealeth Odo in his exposition; who interpreteth the words as the truth is indeed, after this manner;hostia perferri in cōspectū Dei, quid est, nisi oblatonem nostrā cō ūg [...] verbo. fieri Deū, per eā nos in Deū assumi, et nostra vota ac [...] p [...]ari? Odo Camer. [...] [...]enpos Cā. M ss dist. 3 Our sacrifice to be carried into the sight of God, indeed what is it but to bee ioyned to the word, to be vnited to the word: to bee made God, and by it vs to be receiued to God, and our vowes to bee accepted? This is plaine dealing. For herein hee teacheth the Orison to bee twofould. First, that the oblation (which you know after the words of consecration is the very body and bloude of Christ should bee ioyned and vnited to the Godhead. Secondly, that our [Page 156] praiers should be thereby accepted. The Master of the Sentences saith,Missa autē dicitur, vel qua Missa est hostia cuius cō [...] Immoratio fit in ill [...] officio: vnde dic [...]tar [...]te Missa est. 1. sequemi [...] hostiā, quae miss [...] est ad coelest [...]a [...]̄dētes post eā: vel quia Missus coelestu ve [...]it ad cōsacrādū corpus Dominicū, per quē ad altare coeleste desertur hostia &c. Pet. Lomb. in lib. 4. dist. 14. in finē. et sic coll. Henr. Vrimar. It is called Missa, or the Masse, either because the Host is sent vp to Heauen, whose commemoration is in that office. Wherefore it is said; Goe yee, it is sent, that is, follow the Host, which is sent vp to Heauen: or els it is so called, because an Heauenly one comes to consecrate the Lords body, by whom the Host is brought vnto the Heauenly Altar.
Clichtouius likewise agreeth herein with Odo, and the Master, expounding those words, First, of the praiers of the congregation: Secondly, of the verie body and blood of Christ. For so his words witnesse;Potest et altera huic loco ad [...]ptari expositio: secūdum quā Sacerdos hic r [...]gat, quod Deus iubeat haec, corpus scilicet et sāguinem filis sui in altari oblata et praesētia, perferri per ministeriū angelorū Sāctorū in sublime altare suū, scilicet in coelū, vbi sedes eius est et thronu [...]: perferri (inquā) nō secundū ipsā loc [...] trāslationē, quādoqu [...]dem ibi nūc residet ad dextrā patris gloria et honore coronatus, sed secūdū gratā acceptationē. Cū enim princep admittit munera sibi dono data in suū offerri cō [...]pectū, id argumētū est, quod ea nō auersatur, s d cū beneuolētia amplectitur. siqua nāque alominatur et execretur dona [...]ia, non ea finit suo cōspectur praesentari: ita quatenu [...] accepta finit haec munera quae offeruntur, petuntur ea perferri in conspectu diuinae maiestatis summaeque d [...]uinitatis, Angelico m nesterio. Nam si non patiantur ex indignitate offerentis repulsam, sed admittantur d [...]uino conspectu [...], omnino grata erunt. Clichtou. in Can. Missa. There may bee another interpretation (saith he) fitted vnto this place, according to which the priest doth pray, that God would command these things, that is the body and bloud of his Sonne offered on the Altar, and there present, to bee brought vp by the ministerie of his holy Angells into his high Altar, which is heauen, where his seate and Throne is; to bee carried, I say, not by locall translation (for hee is there now sitting at the right hand of his Father crowned in glory and honour) but according to the gratious acceptance thereof. For when a Prince doth admitte gifts into his presence, it is a token that he reiects them not, but doth gratiouslie accept the same: & the gifts, which hee abhorreth, he suffereth not to come into his presence. So then in that respect that they should bee accepted, the petition is, that they should be brought into the sight of the diuine Maiesty, and of the high deity, by the ministery of Angells. For if they bee not repulsed by the indignity of him that offereth, but bee admitted into the diuine presence, they must bee altogether accepted. This opinion is receiued of all them, which thinke the Etimologie of the word, Missa, to come from the sending vp of the Sonne vnto the Father in the Masse.
Much wresting thou seest (Christian reader) there is to make an honest vnderstanding of this petition: and all that the best excuser Clichtouius can say, is this in effect; that for the very body of Christ the Angells must mediate: euenVid. Henr. Bullinger. de erroribus circa Missom. [Page 157] the body that is on the Altar, that it may bee brought into Gods presence, not locally, but acceptably, lest in respect of the indignitie of the offerer, it should be repulsed from the diuine presence. For if it once gette into the presence of God, there is no doubt, but it will bee accepted.
By this which hath beene spoken it appeareth, that Bellarmins euasion is a false and impudent figment of his owne, and that the carrying of these things into the high Altar, is either the vniting of his Manhood to the Godhead, as Odo: or the procuring of acceptance for it, and admission into the presence of God, as Clichtouius expoundeth. Yea, vnconstant Bellarmine himselfe forgetfull of his owne position, after the same manner doth salue the sore. For hee saith,Ex parte ministri, vel populi astātis, qui simul etiam offerūt. p [...]test nō placere. Bel [...]. de Missa. lib 2 cap. 24. verb [...] sed facilis. that although the oblation in respect of the principall offerer, and in respect of the thing it selfe do alwayes please GOD: Yet in respect of the Minister, and of the people it doth not alwayes please God. Into what impietie? into what blasphemie doth not obstinate heresie bring him whosoeuer hath sould himselfe to iniquity and to resist the truth? Who would haue thought that the penne of a Christian man could leaue such blottes of blasphemie behind him? as to say, that Christ in respect of the offerer doth not please God. Incidit in Scyllam; to auoide one blasphemie, the Iesuite is carried into another: to excuse the imputation that Angels with them bee Mediatours for the Reall carrying of Christs body into Heauen, hee is driuen to saie, that they are Mediatours for the acceptance of Christs body: which because simply vnderstood, is as blasphemous as the other, now he mends it by saying, that Christs body may be vnaccepted in respect of the offerer; an hellish and diuelish speech, fitter for the barbarous mouth of an infidell Mahometane, then the penne of a Christian. Though wee and our seruice bee often tymes hatefull vnto God in respect of our manifould abominations: yet that our corruption should make Christ to the Father vnacceptable, is no lesse a sacrilegious speech, then false and vnproper. If he had said that the priest or the people had not pleased God in that sinfull Masse and oblation of theirs, I would [Page 158] easily haue beleeued him: but that the consecrated Host, which is according to the Romish Church very Christ, God and Man, should in any respect be said to be brought out of the fauour of God, or vnacceptable by any fault of ours, is an intollerable position, and full of heinouss iniurie to God and his sonne Christ. But there is good hope notwithstanding. For though they bring Christ out of his Fathers fauour, they will by praiers bring him in againe. And this is the cause, perhaps, why guilty vnto themselues of the wrong they haue done him, euery priest is his mediatour, praying and wishing saluation vnto Christ, and vnto euery member of his; asSalue tremēdum iūctis potestatibus [...]put, salue speciosissima saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi facies, salue me [...]listuū [...]s, guteurque suauisumum. He that saith this praier, hath 3 [...]0 daies of pardon for euery salue. Saued bee thou, O head, dreadfull to all powers, most bewtifull face of our Sauiour, saued bee thou: saued bee you most benigne eyes of our Lord Iesu Christ: saued bee thou, hony flowing and most sweet throat of our Lord Iesus. And at the last, hauing runne ouer all the parts and members of the body, they adde, Saued bee thou, O most holy soule of our Lord Iesus Christ.
To mollifie this by a gentle exposition, their english-latin primer translateth it,In salue. ad omne membrū Christi In the primer or office of the blessed virgin printed by Arno Conings an. 1599. and priuiledged with the like graces as the Latin. All haile dreadfull head, all hayle beautifull face &c. But they are neuer a whit heereby holpen. For the authour of the Compendium of theologicall veritie saith,Io. de Combis in Cōpēd. Theol. verit. lib. 4 cap. 2. Aue, or, All haile is a word importing Health or Saluation. So that their praier is, that Christ should bee saued.
My third proofe I take from their post-communion prayers. In that of Saint Barnabe thus they pray;S. cramēta coelestia quae per [...]ati [...]arn. Miss. Sar. The heauenly sacraments, which for the passion of the blessed Apostle Barnabe we haue offered to thy diuine Maiesty, let them bee healthfull to vs by his intercession, in whose birth day they are receiued. I hope, they cannot deny this to bee spoken of the very body of Christ, because it is called an heauenly Sacrament; and for that after consecration (as they say) no substance of bread and wine remaineth. Yet they pray that Barnabees intercession may make it healthfull: which is all one, as to pray that power may bee giuen to Christ in his office and mediation for Barnabees sake. So in the post-communion, on the natiuity [Page 159] of many Confessours;Praesta, quaesumus omnip [...]tēs [...]u [...], vt cuius [...]estiuitate [...]oti [...]a sūt s [...]ramēta, eius salutaria [...]obis intercessi [...]ne reddātur. Grant we beseech thee, O Lord, that for whose festiuity these Sacraments are desired, by his intercession they may be vnto vs healthfull. After the same manner they desire, that by the praiers of Saint Bertine and Saint Nicomedes, the holy things, which is Christ, may defend them. The same is common in the Roman Missall. I wil content my self with one example amongst many;In post cō. sanct. Steph Haec nos communi [...] &c. Let this communion, O Lord, purge vs from sinne, and by the intercession of Stephen thy Martyr and Bishop, let it make vs companions of the heauenly medicine. Sundrie such other there are; in all which they desire, that the Host for the praiers and merits of Saints may haue power to sanctifie, or to defend, or to saue them. And thus are men made Mediatours for Christ, that hee may become an effectuall Mediatour vnto God for vs.
Of this argument I will entreat no further, since not only with praier for the eternall acceptance of Christ they come vnto GOD, but they haue an Orison also which wisheth vnto him temporarie and limited health.
How manyQuo [...] marū sunc guttae et arena, terra grana et gram [...] na, arborū fructus et folia, stella coeli, et angelus spiritu, tottes cū filio [...]uo. Aue castissima mater Dei, foecūdissima{que} virg. Maria. droppes and Sands the Sea, how many graines and grasses the earth, how many leaues and fruits the trees, how many starrs and Angells the heauens do containe: so many times, Hayle Ʋirgin with thy Sonne.
CHAP. XLIX. That Saints are Mediatours vnto Saints: the fift and last kinde of Mediat [...]on.
THe Missall of Sarum with plentifull record shall free me of my promise in this behalfe. Vnto the Angell Gabriel they praie;Nūc igitur prae [...] accelera p [...]e matris &c. in Miss. archāg. Gabe. A te precor virge amabili [...]. Now, O thou Herauld, make haste, I thee beseech, pray thou the bowells of the holy Mother to shew vnto her son her breasts and her teats. Here you see is mediation vpon mediation. Gabriel to the virgin, the virgin to Christ: all this is done to set the Lord Iesus farre out of the sight of a wounded conscience, that neither the eye of an oppressed mind, nor the feeble hand of a distressed heart should laie hould on him: and therefore Christ is made a Tetrick iudge, to whom [Page 160] Mediatours themselues cannot come but by a Mediatour.
After the like sort they pray vnto Anna the Mother of the Virgin;Tua prole [...] est Regina in coelesti patria, ipsa cūctis iam pralata per te sumens hec precata. I [...] sequent. testamento veteri. Thy childe is Queene of Heauen, shee before all is now preferred: by thee receiuing our prayers, be she our Aduocate in the presence of God. And the Missall Itinerantium, printed by Martin de Werdena in Colen, prayeth to the same Saint Anna; Tu nos matriat{que} proli, regi ac reginae p [...]li, cōmendare non def [...]ne. in Sequent. Anna pia Mater aue. Thou to the Mother and the Sonne, vnto the King and Queene of Heauen cease not to commend vs. Neither is this doctrine without example. For Iacobus de Ʋoragine in his Legend of Saints witnesseth of Saint Martha, That shee built a Chappell to the Ʋirgin Mary: And Albert maketh the Virgin a Mediatour betwixt Christ and the Saints in heauen. For hee saith,Maria illuminat Sa [...]cto [...] in gloria. Albert. Mary doth illuminate the Saints in glory; which cannot bee verefied but by mediation, because the Lambe is the light thereof (saith Iohn) and not the Virgin. To conclude, the Virgin her selfe is said to pray vnto an Angell at the time of her dissolution,Legend Lomb. in assump. virg. that her soule might not seee any euill spirit, and that no noisome power of Sathan might meete with her. To whom the Angell answered, What needest thou to feare the malignant spirit? who hast crushed his head, and spoiled him of all his power: yet thy will be done, thou shalt not see them.
NO mercy
Bern. in Marial. cōmeth from the heauen to the earth, but it must passe by the hands of Mary. |
1 | NO man commeth vnto the Father but by mee. Ioh. 14.6. |
Not onely
Rhem. in annot. in 1. ad Tim. cap. 2.5. Saints, but good men liuing, that pray for vs and helpe vs in the way of Saluation,
may bee and are rightly called Mediatours. |
2 | There is one God, and one Mediatour betwixt God and Man, which is the Man Christ Iesus. 1. Tim. 2.5. |
Bern. ser. 4. de assump. hath obtained the reparation of the whole world, and hath begged the saluation of
all. |
3 | They which receiue the aboundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousnesse, raigne in life through one, which is Iesus Christ. Rom. 5.17. |
Bern. in su [...] Mariali. was an helper of our Redemption. |
4 | In mee onely is thy helpe. Osee 13.9. |
Bonauen. Psal. 136. propitiation shall be found without her. |
5 | He shall saue his people from their sinnes. Math. 1.21. |
Who euer asked
Michael de Hungaria in ser. de Rosario. pardon of his sinne, but by the mediation of Mary? |
6 | At that day shall yee aske in my Name. Ioh. 16.26. |
[...]. The fulnesse of all grace he hath placed in Mary. |
7 | It pleased the Father, that in him should all fulnesse dwell. Col. 1.19. |
Ibid. in adopt. Mor. Ros. Mar [...]ae. All remission, liberty and grace come from the Virgin Mary. |
8 | Grace and truth came by Iesus Christ. Ioh. 1.17. |
Anselm. ibid. If thou burne, Mary is the cooling. |
9 | Will a man forsake the snow of Libanon which commeth from the Rocke of the field? Ier. 18.14. |
Recōciliatio corum quae male dissentiunt Ger. Patriar. apud Sym. Meta. Mary is the reconciliation of the things vvhich euilly disagree. |
10 | He is our peace, which hath made of both one. Ephes. 2.14. |
Ansel. apud Michael de Hung. in ser. de Rosar. When wee know not what to doe, this onely remaineth to vs wretches, to lift vp our
eyes vnto thee, O Mary. |
11 | O our God, we wot not what to doe, but our eyes bee vnto thee. 2. Chron. 20.12. |
Tu porta lucis fulgida. Ro. Bran hym. O glorios. domina. Mary is the bright gate of life. |
12 | I am the doore of the sheepe. Ioh. 10.7. |
Intrent vt astra flebil [...]s, tu coeli fenectr [...] sacta [...]. Ibid. Ro. Bre. the sorrowfull may enter, thou art the window of Heauen. |
13 | Hee that entreth not in by the doore into the sheepefold, but climeth vp another way, hee is a thiefe and a robber. Ioh. 10.1. |
He that
Bonan. Psal. 86. trusteth in thee, Lady, shall finde the treasures of peace. |
14 | Cursed bee the man that putteth his trust in Man. Ier. 17.5. |
CHAP. L. Of the third worke of the glorious Priesthood of Christ, which is Aduocation.Aduocation.
I Haue said before in the Tract of Mediation, that the effect and fruit of Mediation and Aduocation are all one, although the things themselues are sundry in their own kinde. What therefore hath beene spoken of Mediation may suffice for the matter of Aduocation. Yet notwithstanding because to expresse fully that Iesus Christ is all things to all men, and that of himselfe alone without any other hee is sufficient to our Saluation, the Scriptures, and (following the Scriptures) the ancient Church hath giuen vnto him all Titles of Office; as Redeemer, Mediatour, Aduocate, Intercessour, and such other: I will also of the Title of Aduocation speake briefely.
In the great high Priesthood of the eternall Son of God there is nothing more comfortable, then that hee hauing vnited vs vnto God generally by the coniunction of our nature to the diuine nature: specially and effectually by giuing vs his Spirit to knit vs also vnto God; and hauing sacrificed himselfe on the Altar of the Crosse, in which wee finde full and perfect Redemption: yet moreouer hee now also euer liueth to make intercession for vs. The worke of Redemption hath graffed vs into his body: but this restlesse and vncessant Aduocation doth continue vs in his body; who daily of our selues start out, and hourely fall away from grace, but he still helpeth our infirmities; being our spirituall Moses, holding vp Exod 17.11. vnwearied hands to the father for vs: Dan. 12.1. The onely Michael, the great Prince, who standeth for the children of the people. He standeth (I say) like Aaron betwixt Numb. 16.48 the liuing and the dead, that the plague may stay: He standeth like Iosuah, Zech. 3.1, 2. before the Angell of the Lord, whom though Sathan would resist, yet he is not able.
Now in the handling of this excellent Office, because the effects thereof are all one with the fruits of his Mediation, as [Page 165] I haue shewed; therfore I will touch only three points of obseruation. First, that his Office of Aduocation is proper vnto Christ, and can by none but by him be performed. Secondly, I will answere the Arguments vpon which they ground the intercession and Aduocation of Saints. Thirdly, I will shew, that the Romish Aduocation of Saints is inuented to the imitation of the old Heathen.
CHAP. LI. That there can be but one Aduocate, which is Christ.
THe Scripture calling Christ an Aduocate, taketh the Metaphor from worldly tribunals, & seates Iudiciall: where in respect of the ignorance and vnabilitie of the common sort, learned and well experienced men are appointed to defend and pleade their causes. Into this temporall function of an Aduocate, as none can intrude themselues, but such as by the iudge (who hath power) are thereto ordained: so none may take vpon him to exercise this spirituall Aduocation, but such as are by sufficient authoritie appointed. But to ordaine an Aduocate in heauenly things, none hath power but God: and hee hath constituted his Sonne onely. Therefore there can be no other Aduocate but Christ.
It is worthy due and serious consideration, that the Scripture so often and almost euery where setteth out vnto vs the Commission and authoritie, by which Christ vndertooke his office.Heb. 5.5. Christ tooke not vnto himselfe this honour, to bee made the High Priest (saith Saint Paul) but hee that said vnto him, Thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee, gaue it him. And vnto the Corinthians hee saith, that1. Cor. 1.30. Christ is of God made vnto vs Wisedome, and Righteousnesse, and Sanctification, and Redemption. And in Iohn, 1. Io. 4 10. God hath sent his Sonne to bee a reconciliation for our sinnes. And Christ himselfe saith,Ioh. 5 30. I can of my selfe doe nothing. And againe the Apostle witnesseth,Rom 3.25. God hath sent him out to be a reconciliation. Christ therefore calleth himselfeIoh. 5.30. Him whom God hath sent. And the Apostle saith, that1. Cor. 11.3. God is the head of Christ. These and sundry [Page 166] other places proue, that Iesus Christ was by the Father ordained, appointed, and called to this Office of Aduocation; without which calling he could not haue had the same. All then, that chalenge this office, must shew their lawfull calling and constitution: Or if the Pope will set vp Aduocates, he must shew his Commission, and what right he hath so to doe. Wherefore I cannot sufficiently maruell, that Pope Innocent the fourth, commending Saint Edmund of Canterbury in his authenticke instrument of Canonization, bids all the world reioice,Quod nouellus [...] [...]i apud [...] [...]atron [...] ac [...]. M [...]th W [...]stm [...]aste [...]ien. [...]. Hen 3. That there is a new Patron growne vp for them to God, but telleth not who called him, who admitted him, or with what authoritie hee was ordained Patron. The Apostle Saint Iohn intreating hereof saith,1 [...]a. 2.1, 2. We haue an Aduocate with God, Iesus Christ the iust, hee is the reconciliation for our sinnes. And Saint Paul saith, thatHeb 9 24. Christ is entred into the very heauen, to appeare now in the sight of God for vs. Surely, if there had beene any other aduocates, or any other reconciliation, or any other that appeared in the sight of God for vs, the Apostles would not haue spoken of Christs intercession in such singularitie. Yea, vnto the Ephesians the Apostle saith, thatEphes. 2.14. He is our peace, which hath made of both one, and hath broken the stop of the partition wall. Now lest perhaps we should thinke, that after this obstacle is remoued, and this partition taken away, we should haue accesse by any others vnto God, the Apostle in the next verses addeth,Eph [...]. 2.15 16 To make of twaine one new man in himselfe, and that he might reconcile both vnto God: as though he should say, Christ hath taken away the partitition wall; not that now by other subordinate waies you should come to God, or be knit together in one body, or be reconciled in any other, but in him that hath made an entrance vnto grace, and remoued all that kept vs from God, that we might enter by him, and that hee might reconcile vs. So that as our Redeemer is one, our Aduocate is also one; euen as he witnesseth,Ephes. 2.18. Through him we both (that is, Iew and Gentile) haue an entrance vnto the Father by one spirit; not by many spirits, but by one spirit, euen the spirit of Christ.
As it was then with Israel the figure, so it is with the Church the very spirituall body of Christ, and all the members thereof.Numb. 35. No Cities were allowed for refuge vnto the defiled with bloud, but such onely as were appointed. So no Aduocate for sinne, nor refuge, nor deliuerance can bee, but such as is ordained by authoritie. Wherefore, except the Romanists can proue their Saints to be appointed for Cities of refuge, and that the Lord spake to them, as he spake to Iosuah and to Moses, to ordaine such Sanctuaries and Asyles for offend [...] In vaine they flee vnto them, in vaine they call vpon them. Let vs now descend vnto their arguments.
CHAP. LII. The reasons which the Romish Church hath for the Aduocation of Saints.
SOme few vnnecessarie and vnconcluding reasons for the defence of this Aduocation and Inuocation of Saints, the Romish Church hath inuented vnto it selfe, wherewith shee could neuer haue beene perswaded, except shee had sold her selfe to commit Idolatry, and had beene willing to be deceiued, and had said vnto her selfe, as her rebellious sister the Iewish Synagogue speaketh in the Prophet;Amau [...] alieno [...] & illos amabo. Ier. 2.25. I haue loued strangers, and them I will loue. The weake, vniointed, and vnsinewed shadowes of argument, which they haue in this behalfe, are deriued from two especiall heads.
The first is the wisedome of flesh, and reason of the carnall man, so often condemned by the Holy Ghost in the sacred volume.
The second is the authoritie of Scriptures, miserably wrested from the true and naturall sense, which is enforced contrarie to the minde of the holy Ghost, to speake what it speaketh not, and to proue what it doth not intend.
Of the first kinde, their Rabbi Alexander of Hales bringeth three Reasons.Alex. Alens. ex Chemnic. de inuoc. Sanct. First, our owne want, imperfection and weakenesse in our selues. Secondly, the glorifying and praising of Saints, whose honour is thereby exalted, in that wee [Page 168] confesse them able to commend our prayers to God, and to obtaine graces for vs. Thirdly, the reuerence wee owe vnto God, being of our selues wretched sinners, and therefore cannot be bold to thrust our selues into the presence of our glorious God; And for this cause wee must make the Saints our Aduocates. To these three heads may bee well reduced all the Reasons taken from humane vnderstanding, which the Romane Church can alledge for their defence in this controuersie. Of the second sort of arguments taken from the Scripture, I will speake in their place. Now le [...] consider the first.
CHAP. LIII. Of the first argument taken from Mans reason, which is our want and imperfection.
THe want and imperfection of our nature doth in three things especially vtter and declare it selfe. The first defect is of our righteousnesse in deseruing. Wherefore wee haue neede (say they) to borrow of the merits of Saints to supply our pouerty in desert.
The second is our want and defect of knowledge in contemplation. For our eyes are as the eyes of an owle vnto the bright sunne beames, neither can we behold the vnaccessible light. Wherefore wee must commit our cause to the Saints, who doe behold him.
Thirdly, our want and imperfection in loue and deuotion, which should be the strength of our prayers. Therefore (they say) That Man being full of imperfection doth feele himselfe oftentimes to be more stirred vp in deuotion towards Saints, then towards God himselfe.
Alex Halens.Now although these reasons be so friuolous, that there is no great neede to ouercome them, which fall to the ground of themselues;Ezek. 13. like the vntempred morter, that the Prophet speaketh of, which cannot cleaue together, neither endure: yet because foolishnesse must bee answered, lest it seeme wise vnto it selfe, I will briefely shew the weakenesse and idlenesse of these Sophistications (wherewith none can be entangled [Page 169] but those, whose mindes are blinded, and iudgements led astray by the wilinesse of Sathan; So that, as Cyprian saith,Cypr. they will not easily yeeld beeing ouercome, although they know it is not lawfull what they doe.) Beseeching thee Christian Reader, duely to consider, what Austine well saith,August. concerning the nature of Man, There is nothing in it better then the minde and reason; yet who desireth to liue blessedly must not liue thereafter, but must liue according vnto God, that he may attaine vnto blessednes: for the obtaining wherof it ought not to be content with it selfe, but our mind must be subiect vnto God.
CHAP. LIIII. Of the first part of the first reason, want of righteousnesse and of worthinesse.
TO the vnderstanding of the weakenesse of this shadow of reason, it is necessarie to discerne betwixt Man in himselfe, in his corruption, as hee is meerely naturall, full of sinnefull abominations, from the sole of the foote vnto the crowne of the head, nothing but boiles and botches; And Man in his Christ, in his regeneration and new birth, being washed and sanctified in the bloud of Christ. When we come then to God in our inuocation and prayer, though wee be in nature sinners and loathsome Lepers, both to our selues, and to all that looke on vs: yet we pray in the Name of Christ, the true salt of euery sacrifice, and wee put on,Gen. 27.15. like Iacob, our elder brothers garments, to obtaine the blessing, wherein wee are cleane and holy, and for such are accepted in the sight of God.Ioh. 9.31. We know (saith the blind man in the Gospell) that God heareth not sinners. Wherefore that God should heare our prayers, it is necessary that wee be not sinners but righteous: and such wee are onely in the bloudshedding of Iesus Christ, and by his sanctification. Indeede I must confesse, it is Pharisaicall pride, to say,Luke 18. we are holy in our selues, or righteous in our selues: and so it is also desperation to deny our selues to be holy in Christ; and that in [Page 170] Christ we are not worthy to haue any accesse vnto God. We haue in Christ a treasure of merits, a full satisfaction to offer vnto the Father. His deseruings are a superabundant recompence for all our transgressions and debts: a superabundant paiment for all our purchase. God doth require nothing at Mans hand, which Christ is not vnto God for Man. Wherefore there can be no want of merit in them, who, when they come vnto God, come in CHRIST IESVS, and offer vp their prayers seasoned in the bloud, and sweetened with the perfume of the Tabernacle, which maketh the flesh, euen of beasts and of birds, acceptable sacrifices, and the prayers of sinners welcome oblations vnto God; especially, seeing Iesus Christ prayeth for vs, as our Priest, and our Sacrifice: prayeth in vs, as our head: and is prayed vnto of vs as our Aduocate.
CHAP. LV. Answere vnto the second part of the first carnall reason, which is our want and defect in knowledge of contemplation.
THe second cause which the first reason pretendeth, why we should seeke helpe of Saints, is the defect of contemplation. Wee are so ignorant, that Man knoweth not himselfe, nor his owne soule within him: how should hee then know the things that are without him, the diuers wants both for this and the better life? It may therefore seeme, that these blinde eyes haue neede of better directours then themselues, euen the Saints, who in the face of him that vpholdeth all things, doe all things know, say they.
To this Sophistication wee may truely answere; that, as Christ is our righteousnesse, so he is also our wisedome, by whom we know so much of God, as is sufficient to be known to eternall life. For he hath taught vs, who it is, that must be prayed vnto: by whom he must bee prayed vnto: for what we must pray vnto him: and after what sort we must pray vn- him. And these are the foure parts necessarie vnto prayer; which being obserued, euery prayer is acceptable. For this [Page 171] cause no doubt Iohn calleth ChristI [...]h. 1.9. The light that lighteth euery one, that commeth into the world: And againe,1. Ioh 4 7. Euery one that loueth, is borne of God [...]nd knoweth God; as though he should say, as we haue the beginning of loue, or inchoate loue: so we haue in this our pilgrimage, the beginning of knowledge, or inchoate knowledge of God, such as sufficeth here to inuocate him, and to pray vnto him withall.
Thomas Aquinas well teacheth,Tho. Aq. secunda secundae. q. 82. art. 4 & sic. eo. Bon Iohn. c. 82 c [...]mp. that there be two contemplations in a Man, which stirre vp deuotion. The first is, the beholding of Gods great blessings & graces: the next is, the beholding of our infirmities and offences, which maketh a man to cleaue vnto the Lord, which hath made heauen and earth.
For the further clearing of this point, the Apostle witnesseth, that the Spirit of God it selfe helpeth our infirmities, and teacheth vs how to pray vnto God. Wee know not what to pray as we ought,Rom. 8. [...]6. But the Spirit it selfe maketh request vnto God for vs with sighes, which cannot be expressed.
Lastly, whereas they presuppose, That to call perfectly on God, requireth perfection of knowledge: It is euident, that the departed Soules neither know God nor Man perfectly. That they know not God perfectly and fully, who can doubt, since God is infinite and incomprehensible, whom the heauen of heauens containeth not? That they doe not know man and his necessities, Esay witnesseth;Esay 63.16. Though Abraham be ignorant of vs, and Israel know vs not, yet thou, O Lord, art our Father and our Redeemer, thy name is for euer. And in the second of the Kings, the Lord saith of Iosiah; 2. Reg. 22.20. I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be put in the graue in peace, and thine eyes shall not see all the euill, which I will bring vpon this place. But if the holy departed did knowe what necessities the liuing want, then how should they bee hidden from the eyes of Iosiah? Wherefore it is manifest which Ecclesiastes speaketh;Eccles. 9. The dead know nothing at all: nothing of this worlds businesse: nothing of the necessities of their militant brethren.
CHAP LVI. The third part of the first reason; Our great want of loue, which is the strength of prayer: insomuch that vnperfest Man doth feele himselfe to bee more stirred vp in deuotion towards Saints, then towards God.
TO speake of the third reason of the first argument, which is, the want of loue in vs, and that vnperfect Man is often more moued in deuotion towards Saints then toward God, there is no neede. For it is of all fantasticall conceits the most idle. Who knoweth not that wee are boundDeut. 6.5. to loue God with all our heart, with all our soule, with all our strength? This loue if at any time we finde to waxe cold in our selues, wee must not therefore runne to Saints, and to departed soules of holy men with our deuotion; but, by all the meanes we can, stirre vp our loue, towards God, and strengthen the weake things, that are ready to die. Origen well obserueth, that there are two sweet and gratefull names in Christ, which doe allure men vnto him; God calleth him his Welbeloued Sonne. These appellations (saith hee) are so printed in our senses, that euen the communitie of the names ioineth vs to the societie of the gifts. Appellations of such sweetnesse mollifie our hearts, and kindle in vs the affection of deuotion. And Augustine saith; Tutius & iucundius loquar cum meo Iesu, quàm cúm aliquo Sanctorum spirituum dei; I speake more safely and sweetly with my Iesus, then with any of the holy spirits of God. The proposition therefore it selfe, That infirme Man is more affected in religion toward Saints, then toward God, is very vntrue. We are most affected vnto that, which the Law of nature leadeth vs vnto; but the Law of nature moueth vs rather to the loue and worship of God, who is our Creator and preseruer, then of Saints from whom wee haue receiued nothing at all. Aquinas saith, GodD [...]u [...] est m [...]ximè d [...]ligib [...]li, quia est suinus [...] bonus. secūd [...] secu [...]dae. q. 24. art. 2. ob secunda. is most easily loued, because he is supremely good.
Secondly, euery thing we loue, wee therefore loue, because it is good: but euery one knowethLuke 18.19. Psal. 118. God is most good. Therefore by nature we loue him most of all. Hereto may [Page 173] wee adde, that wee loue GOD for himselfe; but wee loue Saints for God. Therefore our loue is naturally more toward God, then toward Saints.
Lastly, what man is so infirme, but that he knoweth that1. Ioh. 4.19. God loued him first,Rom. 5.8. and that he loued him more, then Man doth loue himselfe? Therefore the most infirme doth know,Math. 22.37. that God is to bee loued with all the heart as the Creator: with all the soule as the Redeemer: with all the minde, as the reward. Which if we doe not, but wanting loue towards God call vpon men to be our helpe, we shall one day feele the fearefull curse, which it allotted vnto them thatIer. 17.5. make flesh their arme.
CHAP. LVII. Of the second argument, by which they would proue, that Saints must be prayed vnto as our Aduocates; Because they must be honoured.
THis argument, if it bee duely considered, doth aboue all other wound their owne position concerning the inuocation of Saints. For if prayer be a religious worship (as Aquinas saith)Secunda secundae 83. coll. à Berard. Bon Ioan. Patet orationem esse actum religionis; it appeareth that prayer is an act of religion, vnto which it belongeth to yeeld reuerence and honour vnto God, then it cannot be due or appertaining vnto Saints, for that in religious worship God requireth,Deut. 6.13. Math. 4.20. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him ONELY thou shalt serue. Alexander of Hales saith, that Idolatry is the giuing of the honour due vnto God to the creature. Out of these Antecedents it is euident, that since religious honour is due onely to God, and prayer is a religious honour; who so giueth prayer vnto Saints, committeth Idolatry with Saints. Neither can the distinction betwixt [...] and [...], that is, Saintly and Diuine worship, help them any iote. For prayer is an act of religious worship, wherein we confesse and presuppose a power in him that we pray vnto, to helpe vs, and euery where to be present, and at all times, and to bee as the soule in the body, whole in the [Page 174] whole, & whole in euery part. Wherfore Master Kellison doth vainlie inferre,Kellis. in the sur [...]ey. lib. 3. c. 12 pag. [...]48. d [...]t duac. a [...]no 1603. That if we must honour none but God, wee may not honour our parents. For wee acknowledge two kinds of honour; Ciuile honour due to men, to Saints, to priests, to princes: but we denie vnto thē that honour, which is Religious worship; whereof praier, by Aquinas confession is part. For so the Apostle teacheth;1. Tim. 1. iuxta cōmunē versionem. To God only glory; therefore to God only praier.
Eckius and Bellarmine vrge,Bell. ib. de Sanct. beas. cap. 19. prate [...]ea viro{que} testamē. that if the Saints may not be prayd vnto, then much lesse might the Apostle desire his Colossians, his Ephesians, and the Hebrews to pray for him, First then to stoppe the mouth of these Cauills, wee must consider, it is one thing to desire our liuing brethren to pray for vs as fellow members: another thing to make dead Saints Aduocates and Mediatours, offring vp both their praiers and their merits, as a satisfaction to God for our sinne. When Paul requesteth the Ephesians and Colossians to praie for him, hee doth seeke only a charitable consociation of fellow members in earnest inuocation of God. But the Church of Rome praieth vnto Saints as vnto superiour powers; vnto such, Quos veneramur officio (as the Missall saith)Miss. Sar. in Sāct. Agrete. orat. Deus qui nos. et Ro. Br. ib. whome wee worship by duty. The Apostle Paul desireth the praiers of his Col [...]ssians and Ephesians vnto God; but the Romish Church desireth the Saints themselues to grant vs forgiuenes of sinnes, and all other graces. For so they sing vnto Thomas Becket; Tho. cedūt et parēt omnia, pestes, mor. [...], damonia igitu, aer, cel [...]u [...], [...]t maria. Tho. mūaū replenit gloria. Tho. mūdus pra stat obsequia. in Bre Sar. To Thomas all things giue place and obey; plagues, diseases, maners and diuels, fire, earth and Sea: Thomas hath filled the world with glory, let the world to Thomas yield obedience.
Secondly, the Apostle desireth the Colossians & theEph. 6.19. Ephesians to pray for him, and for other disposers of the word and Mysteries of God; to the end that the door of vtterance might be giuen him, to speake the Mysteries of Christ: that hee might open his mouth bouldlie, to publish the secrets of the Gospell. This is but a praier of the congregation, that God would blesse the Minister with gifts fitt for edification of the body of Christ, and of themselues. What is this to [Page 175] the calling vpon Saints to bee our Aduocates with God?
Thirdly, to request our liuing brethren to praie for vs, we haue warrant and example in the worde of God: but to beseech the glorified Soules of Saints so to do, we haue neither precept nor example. But I will goe forward to answer their other arguments. For answer vnto the third argument touching our reuerence due to God, that which hath been spoken in the 53. Chapter in answer to the first part of the first reason, may suffice.
CHAP. LVIII. Answer to the arguments of Eckius and Bellarmine, taken out of Scripture to proue the inuocation of Saints.
BEllarmine, and his Master Eckius before him will needs proue the inuocation of Saints out of Scripture. To which purpose they alledge the fortie eight of Genesis; Gen. 48.16 The Angell which hath deliuered mee from all euill, blesse the children, and let my name bee named vpon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaack.
To the answering hereof wee must vnderstand, that the word Angell hath a double signification; somtime it is taken for aPsa 103.20. & Heb. 1.7 Ministring spirit; somtime for Iesus Christ himselfe: and so Christ is calledEsay 63.9. the Angell, that went foorth from his presence. Now Iacob here praieth not to the other common Angells, but to the great Angell of office, Iesus Christ.
Three places they bring out of Iob. The first, out of the fift Chapter;Iob 5.2 Call now, if any will answer, and to which of the Saints will thou turne? Ergo, there is inuocation of Saints. The very words, which went before, shew the meaning of Elyphas to bee, That God is onely righteous, and all men sinners: God only et [...]rnall: Man, yea the Saints themselues, transitorie; which hauing finished their course, rest with God and cease from humane things, neither can giue helpe to any. Wherefore call (saith hee) If any will heare thee, and to which of the Saints wilt thou turne? Surely Elyphas yieldeth as litle [Page 176] helpe to the Church of Rome in the questiō, as he did cōfort to Iob in his miserie. But admit these words of Elyphas were to their aduantage; yet what foundation can bee layd vpon the speeches of such an one, of whome the Lord himselfe hath pronounced,Iob 42.7 My wrath is kindled against thee, and thy two friends: For yee haue not spoken of mee the thing which is right, like my seruant Iob. Againe, the verie contexture of the place alleadged doth altogether proue the contrarie.Iob. 4 For Elyphas was striken into terrour: his bones trembled in him: his hayre also stood vpright: and a winde passed by, and one stoode before him like an Image, whome hee knew not. All which circumstances teach, that this was a vision, and the doctrine thereof was this; that God found sinne in his Angells, much more in men, which dwell in houses of clay, who perish for euer without returne: so that if you call to them, they will not answer. Wherefore wee must enquire of God, and turne our talke vnto him.
The other place in the ninth of Iob, where the patient man saith,Iob 19.22 (Miseremini mei, amici; haue mercy on me my friends: the common latine translation, which they so much approue, sheweth that Iob in the complaints of that Chapter was a type of Christ, and his great afflictions. Which if it bee so, I hope, they will not say, that Iob being typicall Christ did praie for the help of Angells: but if the words bee literally taken, they euidently require the true and faithfull compassion of his friends, that stoode by; who in stead of a louing visitation did vnkindly vpbraid him, and vex him with taunts and bitter reproofes. As for that place in the thirty thirde of Iob; Iob 33.23 si fuerit pro eo Angelus loquens, if an Angell shall speake for him; the text is corrupted. For the Hebrew soundeth thus; if an Angell or Messenger speake to him: and not for him.
Lastlie they vrge the place of the thirtie two of Exodus, where Moses saith,Exod. 32.13 Remember Abraham, Isaack & Israel thy seruants, to whome thou swarest by thy owne selfe. But (as I before sayd) this place is no proofe of praier vnto Saints; for that, by Bellarmins owne confession, before the comming [Page 177] of Christ the Soules of holy men departed were not in heauen. Therefore they could not bee prayed vnto, because they could not praie for vs, who did not thē in the face of Chr. (as they say) behould our wants. This place then doth set Gods owne Couenant, which was his mere mercy, before the eyes of God, as a motiue sufficient to implore forgiueness of sins and continuation of his grace. The same is to bee vnderstood of that place,Psa. 132.10 For thy seruant Dauids sake turne not away the presence of thine anointed. Dauid was the type of Christ: and many times by the name of Dauid, Christ is vnderstood. As for Aaron standing betwixt the liuing and the dead with his censer, it was a figure of Christ also, and praieth him to bee our only Aduocate.
Of all vanities, that of Eckius doth excell, who saith, Because God doth honour his,Ioh. 13 and Christ did minister to his Disciples, therefore wee muct pray vnto Saints, and honour them in our religious worship: as though Christ washing his Apostles feet did adore his Apostles: or the honour of reward, which god giueth to his chosen, were a sufficient argument, that the honour of adoration & inuocation may bee giuen to them.
CHAP. LIX. Concerning the arguments for the inuocation of Saints, taken from the Fathers of the Church.
HOw venerable the consent of the ancient Doctors of the Church is in matters of religion, where they agree vnto the Scriptures of god, ther is, I think, no man but wil confess.
Ieremie commandeth toIer. 6.16 inquire for the ould way, which is the good way, and walke therein. And Moses exhorteth Israel to Deut. 32.7 remember the dayes of ould, and to consider the yeares of so many generations: aske thy father, and hee will shew thee; thine elders, and they will tell thee. Iob 3. Bildad therefore calleth vpon Iob to inquire of the former age, and to prepare himself to search of his Fathers. Tully well saith in Philosophie, that men the nearer they were to the beginning, and to the diuine progenie, so much better did they discerne the truth. Yet notwithstanding there are diuers cautions and rules to [Page 178] bee obserued in alledging the sentences of ancient Doctors, without the which the authority euen of the best Fathers is but a Spiders web instead of clothing, & grauell instead of bread. Wherefore the Papists themselues admitt not absosutely of the authority of the Fathers, but only where they serue their turnes; As you may see in Bellarmine. Who in the controuersie,Bell. de Sāc. beat l [...]. 1 cap. 5. ad finem. whether Saints are fully blessed, reiecteth the authoritie of Tertullian, as an Hereticke: and of Lactantius, as one better read in Cicero, then in Scriptures: and of Ʋictorius, as one altogether vnlearned.
Can. 1 That authority is alwaies fit for our example, which doth not swarue from the rule & Canon of al truth, theDan. 7.9 word of the ancient of daies, who is before all tyme;Ioh. 1.9. the light of lights, & the Father of all that is called Father in Heauen & Earth. By his spirite, the Prophets, Apostles and Euangelists in deliuering of scriptures were directed. Which scriptures being neglected, wee may answer, as Socrates did to Eleusius; Quomodo, Eleusi, to [...] qui Antiochiae cōuenerūt patres nominas: illorū autē maiores patres esse insiciaru? Socr. lib. 2. cap [...]1. How commeth it to passe, that you call them Fathers, which mett in the assembly at Antioch, & deny their elders to be Fathers who assembled long before in the Councell of Nice? Why doe they accept of some of later daies as Fathers, & doe not receiue the Apostles & Prophets in their Canonicall writings as Fathers? Wee must then so alledge Fathers, as that wee acknowledge them to bee all seruants, and in subiection to the word of God. A Doctor (saith Chrysostome) may adde nothing besides the lawe, out of his owne sense: nor take away any thing from it after his owne vnderstanding; But must preach that only which is conteined in the lawe. So doth Cyprian also teach, that the opinion of Fathers must bee no further receiued, then they agree with the scriptures.Quare si solus Christus audiēdus est, nō debemus at tēdere quid aliquis ante no [...] faciēdū putauerit; sed quid, qui ante omnes est, Christus prior secerit: neque en [...]m hominis cōsuetudinē sequi op [...]rtet, sed De [...] veritatē. Cyp. l. b. 2. ep. 3. ad C [...]cilium. Wherefore, if Christ alone must be hearkned vnto, wee ought not to attend what any one before vs doth thinke meet to bee done; but what Christ, that is before all, hath done. For wee must not follow the custome of men, but the truth of God &c.Tert. de praescrip. aduersu [...] Heret in pri [...] fere. Do wee trie the faith by the persons, or the persons by the faith? saith Tertullian. Ambrose saith,N hil i [...]itur, vel quod bonum [...]de [...], addēdū est Nothing may bee added to the [Page 179] commandement; no, though it seeme to bee good. Augustine saith;Aug. sup. Io tract 46. ca. 10. circa medi [...]. Sitting vpon the chaire of Moses they teach the lawe of God; therefore God teacheth by them. But if they will teach their owne things, heare them not, doe not after them; for such seeke their owne things, and not the things of Christ. And this is the first caution to bee obserued in the reading of the Fathers, To try them by scriptures, and to acknowledge their writings to bee but seruants and handmaydes to the word of God.
Secondly, it must bee considered, whether the Father, Can. 2 whose authority is alledged, were not misled with any phantasticall opinion of Heretikes, or superstition of false teachers in his time. VVherefore wee may iustly except againstVid. C [...]nt. 3 a. c. 10 Tertullian in the controuersie of Mariage, and of fasting, and of difference of Meats, who fauoured the dotage of the Heretick Montanus concerning Mariage, and choice of meates; which little differeth from the opinion of the church of Rome.Grat. dist. 15. The workes of Tertullian by Gratian himselfe are counted Apocryph. So the bokes of Origen in the matter of free will, orignall sinne, Purgatorie, and such like cannot be alledged; in which points hee is notoriously knowne to haue dispersed many venimous opinions. As, that in this life the Saints haue the same perfection, that Adam had before he fell: that euery Man may exterminate from himselfe the Seede or inclination to sinne, which is called Fomes peccati. Yea, the Romish Church it selfe reiecteth Origen and all his works; which Ierome approueth not.
Thirdly, wee must consider, whether the books of the Can. 3 Fathers become to our hands vncorrupted or not. Of Origen Ruffinus saith,Ea C [...]nt 3 [...]. that many things which are reprehensible in his bookes, were foysted in by his enemies: and he bringeth foorth an Epistle of Origen to his friends in Alexandria, in which Origen himself doth therof complaine. Hierome saith,Vid. Hieron. in ep. [...]d Pam et Oceani [...] de erroribus Orig ser [...] ad finem that Origen confest his errours to Fabian the Roman Bishop, and blamed Ambrosius his friend, who did immaturely diuulge the writings, which Origen for his owne priuate vse secretly composed. The same my bee said of the [Page 180] rest of ther Fathers, and of Augustine himselfe. Of this sort are the Apostolicall Canons: whereof the most part are plaine forgeries, and the rest doubtfull. For touching them there hath neuer been any certainty in the Church. Diuers condemned them all as Apocrife and false.E [...] Pet. Soto [...]or ad sine. [...]st. ded. in Can. Apost. a [...]ud [...]th. Carranz & ex Grat. [...]an. 14. Some allow only 60; and of that opinion is Pope Zepherim: some approue but 50; & of this opinion is Pope Leo in his Epistle against Abbot Nicetas: the 6. Councell approueth 85. Canons. Now then what sound authority can be taken frō such doubtfull & ambiguous surmifes, whereof euen Rome it selfe is not resolued?
The same estimation is to be made of the decretal Epistles, which they pretend to haue beene written by the Primitiue Bishoppes of Rome. But Esops Asse is easily bewraied by his eares. For the argument of them agreeth not with the time of those Fathers, nor the phrase with the stile of those times: besides sundry other euident reasons, by which they are deprehended to bee false and forged deceipts. They haue not the testimonie of any Fathers: they are not alledged by any ancient Councells: no approued Histories record them. And it is manifest that the Popish Iugglers haue thrust diuers things into them, which they neuer wrote; as not only those famous learned men; Erasmus, and Philip Melancthon abundantly declare: but the sundrie editions of the Fathers at Rome, at Paris, and at Lyons, within these forty yeares printed, euidently witnesse. To this let vs adde those Indices expurgatorii, perfidious falseries, worthie to bee condemned by the Cornelian law;Posse [...]. in select. bib. li. 1. ca. 19. especially that Spanish Index, mentioned by Posseuinus. But of the falsification of Fathers I shal no more need to speake, being so notably detected by Andreas Crastonius; Mr. Iohn Fox in his Historie, the Magdeburgenses, and by that Star of Oxforde Doctor Reynolds; and lastly, by the excellent learned man Doctor Iames, to whose fidelitie the famous librarie of Oxforde is cōmitted.
Can. 4 Fourthlie, we must diligently regard in what time or age of the Church, the Father, whose authouritie is pressed against vs, did liue. For euery authour must not be reckoned among the Fathers; but such only as liued neare the time of the [Page 181] Apostles, or in the Primitiue Curch. For then the Church (as Eusebius well obserueth) was a virgin. Wherefore, as onePlut. in vita eius. said of Philopemen, that he was the last of all the Grecians: so may wee say, that the age of the Fathers ended almost with Saint Austin; as that learned man Bartholomeus Keckermannus truly obserueth.
By this rule then, the testimonies of Bernard, Gregorie Beda, Damascen, Theophylact, Anselme, and diuers others, whome the Romish Church hath put into the Albe of the Fathers, is to bee iudged and examined by the reasons and arguments they bring, not by the authoritie and celebrity of their names; since they liued long after the tyme of the Churches puritie, in corrupt and superstitious ages.
Lastly, it is specially to bee obserued, that wee iudge not Can. 5 any of the Fathers by one or two singular or speciall sentences, nor yet the whole colledge of Fathers by one or two that are called Fathers: but (asOportet secūdum plura intelligi pauciora. aduersus Praxiam. Tertullian saith) the fewest must be vnderstood by the greater number: the Tree must bee iudged by the woode: the branch by the Tree: the dropp by the Riuer: the sparke by the fire; That is, one particular saying by the whole Tenet and doctrine of a Father in the rest of his works, and one particular Father by the generall concent of all the whole quire of the Fathers. For it were most absurd to iudge the generall by the speciall, all the doctrine of a man by one sentence, or all the Fathers by one Father. These rules and Canons being obserued, the Church of Rome shall haue no cause to boast of the Fathers in the matter of Inuocation and adoration of Saints, or any other question. Now to the third point.
CHAP. LX. That the Romish worship of Saints is an imitation of the old Heathens.
MVch labour the Romish church doth take, to proue the worshipping of Saints to be receiued from the venerable antiquity of the church, the gray-headed truth. But if they would duely and sincerely indeedEsay 51.1. looke backe vnto [Page 182] the hole, out of which they were digged, and the pit, from whence they were taken, then they shall finde, that in this and sundry other their abominations,Ezek. 16 3 their Father was an Ammorite, and their mother an Hittite, & thatEzek. 11.12 they haue done after the maner of the nations, that were round about them. To begin therefore with their strongest defence, wherein they most of all triumph; that though they worship diuers subordinate meanes and mediatours to saluation, yet they acknowledge but one God and one Lord: Wherefore the blacke reproach and foule spot of Idolatry cannot be imputed vnto them. You shall vnderstand, that neuer any wise or ingenious Heathen did allow, or acknowledge any more but one God of Nature, though they had diuers subordinate and mediate Gods of office.Ex et Bulling. de orig. cultu diuorū c [...] 8. Orpheu [...] apud Iustin. ibid. Orpheus vnto Musaeus (as Io. Franc. Pico interpreteth) thus doth sing;
And againe also;
And Iustinus Martyr in his admonition to the Gentiles bringeth in Sybilla thus diuining;
Sophocles saith, indeed there is one God, which hath framed the earth, the heauens, and the shining water, & the threatning windes. But we mortall men deceiued in our mindes to the destruction of our soules haue made Images of wood, or of stone, couering them with gold or Iuory: to whom we haue ordained holy Rites and Festiuals, thinking hereby to worship holily. Pythagoras also taught, that Vnitie was the beginning and cause of all good things. Which what is it else, but as though hee should say, that God is one and alone? Aristotle in his booke of the world saith,Vnu [...] porro cū D [...] sit, pluribus nomin bus appella [...] tu [...] est à suu, [...]s{que} v [...]i{que} affect [...]bus omnibus denominatus quorū specimen edere ipse solet. Although there be but one God, yet hee is called by sundry names, according [Page 183] to his effects which he sheweth of himselfe.
The fame, Seneca teacheth;Sen. lib. 5. de beneficij [...]. Whether thou call him Nature, Destinie, or Fortune, they bee all the names of the same God, vsing his power diuersly on them.Ibid. The same God is called Iupiter; as much as to say, helping Father. Mercury, because he is alwaies running amongst vs, and present vvith vs. Neptune, for that he succours trauellers by Sea. Pluto, for his riches. Mauors, for his ruling of great things. Saturne, because he satisfieth all. Lyber, because he deliuereth. Apollo, for destroying. Osyris, because he hath many eies. Pan, because hee is preseruer of all things. Iuno, of helping. Venus, because by that vigour all things are produced. Minerua, for threatning. Isis, for antiquitie. And so all the rest are but the seuerall powers of one and the same God. Heerein the Romish Church doth nothing differ from the Idolatours. For as they acknowledge one onely true and immortall God, so did the Heathens also confesse the same.
The beginning of the Heathenish, and the Popish Idolatry was much after the same fashion. For the Heathens put their excellent Kings, and the inuentours of workes beneficiall to mankinde, yea, sometimes their Friends and their parents into the Albe of their Gods; as Ninus did Belus, and Aeneas Anchises; as Tully in the second booke de natura Deorum, and Pliny in the worlds historie, and Ʋirgil in his Aeneidos teach. Yet these they neuer held equall to the God of Nature, but put alwaies a difference betwixt their mortall & immorral powers; the Gods that were made, & the glorious maiesty of the eternal vncreated Deity. Wherfore they are tearmed Heroes & Semi-dei, half Gods, & worthies, whose vertues and noble acts men sung at great feasts and solemnities, to honour their memories with Hymnes of praise, and to stir vp others to follow their example.
The same is the progresse of the Christian Idolatry. At the first the memories of Saints were solemnized onely to excite men to follow their vertues; as the Epistle of the Church of Smyrna to the Philomelians touching the buriall of Polycarpus doth witnesse. Wherein they plainely professe the honour [Page 184] of Martyrs to be no other, but that the minds of Men should bee prouoked by notable examples, vnto the waies of their predecessours. This also the second Nicen councell in the fift sanction declareth, saying;Etsi [...]acimus hominū piorū similitudines nō tamē ea fūt vt adorētur vt Dei, sed vt eas vidē [...]s [...]d [...]mitationē s [...]cinerū illorū irritentur. 2. Con. Nice. act 5. Although wee make the similitude of holy men, yet they are not made to bee worshipped, but that behoulding them we may bee stirred vp to the imitation of their noble acts.
Natalis Comes, a man very exercitate in the study of these things, doth acknowledge, that the Images of Saints were at first set vp, to be Monumenta amicorum Dei, the remembrances or Monuments of the friends of God.
After this the Heathens proceeded farther, from superstition in remembring, to Idolatry in seruing and praying to their Heroes, Bulling. de orig. cult. dus et Su [...]. [...]rr. cap. 9. lib. 1. who were intituled Medioxumi Dij, as Mediators and intercessours betwixt God and Men: yea, they fained (as many now also dreame) that euery one had two particular Angels, a good and a bad, by whose administration from the supreme Deity all things were ordered vnto a Man. So in the Church, from celebrating the memories of Martyrs they proceeded to build Altars ouer their Tombes, to honour them with Temples, with praiers, with gifts, vvith oblations, running to them as Mediatours betwixt Christ and his Church in all dangers and all diseases.Ro. Bre post. com. pro pluribus pōtif. Quaesumus Domine solu [...]aribus. Yea, they shame not to worship saints with the same sacraments wherwith they worship God: and with the very same praier which Iesus Chr. taught his disciples to come to the Father with; as not onely the Scottish Frier openly taught in the pulpit: but Costerus the Iesuite also in his Institutions ordainethOratio dominica ad angelū custodē. Costanstit lib 1. ca. [...]5. ad ipsum finem. euery one to come vnto the Angell Gardyan with the Lords praier. Neither can they say this is a priuate opinion, seeing that whole booke of Costerus is approoued by all the faculty of diuines in the Vniuersity of Mentz, and of the Vniuersity of Collen, of Treuers, & of Louaine; together with the censure of H. Cuykius an Apostolicall Censor of books to bee printed.
The Heathens gaue vnto their Saints seasons, & months, and daies, & houres, & times, ouer which they made them [Page 185] Presidents. But the Christians haue gone beyond all Heathens, and haue multiplied their Saints; not according to the number of their cities, but according to the number of the months, and weeks, and daies; insomuch that one day is consecrated to eleuen thousand virgins.
The Heathens haue ascribed to their Saints particular places, which they defend, and where their Deity especially would shew it selfe. Babylon hath Belus, Egypt Osyris, Aphrica Neptune, Mauritania Iuba, the Massagets Phoebus, Athens Minerua, Rome Quirinus: Iuno hath Samos, Venus Paphos, Vulcan Lemnos, Iupiter Crete, and beastly Priapus his Lampsacum. Thus euery countrey, and Citie, and field, and Riuer, and Wood, and house, and place had Deos tutelares, singular Gods of defence; Insomuch that Oenomaus Vid. H. Bullinger de orig. error. circa deos Gentiū. cap. 9. and Hesiod speake of 30000. Gods Christians also haue learned this kinde of superstition of the Heathens. For the Saints haue their speciall places, wherein they delight to bee adored, and make their power knowne. England had Saint George, Spaine Saint Iames, France, because they would be the more sure, Saint Michael and Saint Denis, Panonia Ludouicus, Colen the three wise Kings, to the protection of Saint Ambrose Millaine, and vnto Huldericus Augusta was committed, the Virgin is most famous at Loretta, and Saint Marke at Venice; Nay, euery particular Church in Townes and Cities glorieth with his singular Patron, euen as Virgil speaketh of Troy. Excessere omnes, odites [...]risque relictes, Dij, quibus imperium hoc steterat. Enead. 2. lib.
Yea, as among the Gentiles one Heros was surnamed of sundry places (As Diana, Agietora, Coryphaea, Laphyra, Corythalia, Ephesia, Eremitana, Aquensis, Campensis) So one Saint hath also the Sirname of diuers places; as our Lady Lorettanae, our Lady of Worcester and of Walsingham, the faire Lady, the Rosie Lady,Nostra domina candida C [...]st. in prae. 9. lib instit. the Lilly Lady, the Lady of power at Paris, the Lady of ioy in Pycardie, the LadyNostra d [...]mm [...] de Pul [...]. of the fountaine in Auernoys; as Costerus the Iesuite in his Epistle Dedicatorie to his fiue bookes of Institutions vvitnesseth. [Page 186] Did euer any Euangelist or Apostle giue her such titles? Is there more zeale in Friers, or more humilitie then in the holy Writers?
The Heathens ascribed particular offices to their Gods: some of Warre, some of Peace, some of Sea, some of Land were soueraignes. M [...]ia and Flora of the Spring. Ceres of Autumne: of Sheepe and Cattle Pan: Mercury of Messages: Apollo of wisedome: of the Sea Neptune: Eolus of the windes had care. Hereunto they adde diuers others; some obscene, and some sicke, and miserable Gods; as Stercutius, Cloacinus, Feare, Palenesse, Rust, the Feuer, the God of the Furnace, Mutinus, Virginius, Subigus, Prema, Iugatinus, Domiducus, Maturna, Partund [...], Priapus, whom for modestie I may not English. So in the Romish Church; of Painters, Luke; Nicholas, of Shipmen: the Virgin and Christopher, of the Sea: Vrban of Vines: Iodocus of Corne: Guendolin, of Sheepe: Pellagius, of Oxen: Eulogius, of Horses: and miserable Anthony hath the charge of Swine: Ʋalesian, or (as some say) Gallus keepes the Geese: Gerrudis rules Battes and Mice: Theodulus, is the Saint of Windes: Agatha of fire: Sebastian helpes the plague: Saint Rocke the Poxe: Ʋalentine, the Falling sicknesse: Petro iella, Feuers: Wolfgang, Conuulsions: Romanus, the Lunaticke: Marke, sodaine death: Margaret, though she be a Virgin, doth stand in stead of Iuno Lucina vnto childbearing women, and hath her Niobe Saint Notpurgis to assist her: Saint Ita, though she be an obscure Saint, is gouernesse of the head: Otylia, is Saint of the eyes: Saint Kath [...]rine rules the tongue: Apollonius, the teeth: Saint Blase, gouernes the Necke: Saint Lawrence the backe and sides: Erasmus the guts and bowels: Saint Bughart the legs and feete: Apollinaris lastly comes into Priapus place, and is made Patrone of the members of shame. I will stirre this sinke no longer, least they should take me for some Atheist Lucian, making warres against the holy Saints, whom, God knoweth and my conscience beareth witnesse, I honour as much as themselues, with all the reuerence, which the word of truth hath taught mee to giue vnto the glorified [Page 187] members of IESVS CHRIST.
Consider againe, I pray you, that as the Heathens of their Heroes erected Images, before which they worshipped: so the Romanists haue of their Saints made the pictures, to whom they also doe seruice.
The Heathens kept the Reliques of their Gods, and gaue great worship vnto them; and the head of Orpheus in Lesbos, the Cradle of Iupiter in Crete, the Image of Diana at Ephesus, which was sent down from heauen, and a thousand such. But herein Gentilitie cannot compare with the Romish Church, who haue their Ladies Milke, her Girdle, with our Sauiours Swathe-band, the bones of Saint Bartholomew, Iosephus shooe, Saint Thomas shooe, Saint Martins bootes, Saint George his sword and arme, Saint Peters chaire, Saint Denis hand, Saint Adelberts arme sent by Boleslaus King of Polon to Otho the Emperor: the coales of the burning bush,Exod. 3. the coales that broiled Saint Lawrence, the part of the Gridiron whereon he was laid, a feather of Saint Michaels wing, the flagge that Christ did harrow hell with, the foote and the taile of the Asse, the bloud of Christ in Mantua: And in Hales, peeces of his Crosse so many, that twenty Carts cannot carry, what poore Simon of Cyrene bare on his shoulders,Mar. 15. Math. 3. the three Nailes multiplied to threescore at least, the water of Iordan where Christ was baptized,Mar. 15. Math. 27. the Spunge that was offered him with Vineger, the Thornes of his Crowne at Malmsbury, the Oile of the Candle which burnt on his Sepulchre,Ioh. 19. sent by Pope Benedict to the Abbey of Cassinum, anno dom. 1203. the speare that pearced his side, extorted by Henry the Emperour from Rodulph Duke of Burgundy, for which he gaue him the Dukedome of Sweuia; and thousand thousands more, which in sundry Abbeyes and Churches are proposed to be seene.
Another agreement there is betwixt the Heathen and the Christian Saints in miracles. For the Pagans pleaded for their Gods, that they were workers of great wonders. Castor and Pollux in the Latine warre were seene washing their horses at the Lake Iuturna. And in the Macedonian warre, [Page 188] vpon white horses they offered themselues to P. Ʋalerius going towards Rome, and declared, that the very same day King Perses was ouercome. So the Idean Mother, when the Ship, wherein she was brought toward Rome stucke fast in Tybur, to shew the chastitie of Claudia, whom for her ouermuch nicenesse in attiring her selfe the people tooke to be a strumpet, was content that the Ship should follow Claudia vp the Riuer towed by her Girdle onely. A myracle also they report of Esculapius, deliuering Rome from the pestilence: and how Appius Claudius was strooken blinde, when contrarie to the Oracle he had translated the holy Ceremonies of Hercules to the seruants in Rome: and how Fuluius the Censor was stroken with madnesse, because hee tooke the marble tables out of the Temple of Iuno, to couer the house of Fortune which he built: Much they speake of Turulius ouerthrowne in battaile, after hee had cut downe in Coos the wood of Esculapius to make Ships therewith. And what should I speake of Milesian Ceres? who strucke blinde with lightening the souldiers, which brake into her City to spoile the same.
Now, as GOD gaue vp the Heathen to be seduced with strong illusions: so the comming of Antichrist also is by the working of Sathan,Math. 24.24. with all power of lying signes and wonders, to deceiue, if it were possible, the very Elect of God. Let them heare (saith Austine) what wonders the Pagans tell of their Temples and their Gods, which haue beene heard and done, and yet their Gods are but Diuels. The same may we answere also to those that boast so much of their Romish myracles. We may say with Lyra, Et s [...]m [...]liter aliquando lit [...]n Ecclesia maxima dec [...]pti [...] populi mirac [...] filli [...]a [...]acerdotibus, & e [...] adharenti [...]us propter lucrū tempora [...]e. l. [...]r in 14. Dan. verbo & colebant enim B [...]bylonij. In the Church of God the people are often deceiued of the Priests and their adherents, with feined miracles for lucres sake. Wee may againe say with Austine, Brethren let vs keepe the vnitie of the Church. For he that being out of the vnity doth worke myracles, is nothing. The people of Israel were in this vnitie, and did no miracles. TheExod. 7. & 8. Soothsayers of Pharaoh were out of this vnitie, and did the miracles of Moses; yea, the Lord himselfe doth teach vs, that if the miracles bee agreeable [Page 189] to the word, then they ought to bee regarded: but if they tend to draw men from the truth of the Law of God,Deut. 13 5. That Prophet, or that dreamer of dreames shall bee s [...]ine, because he hath spoken, to turne you away frō the Lord your God, &c.
Compare we now the miracles of the Romish Church, with those of the ancient Heathens. For they tell vs,Ex R [...]. l [...]ct. 3. Io. E [...]ri [...]sius. how the Horse, which a Lady lent to Pope Iohn, would neuer againe beare his Mistris, after he had once carried that holy burden, the vniuersall Bishop, vpon his backe. They preach how Saint Blase made the Wolfe bring home the poore womans Pigge againe:Ex Le [...]endi [...]. and how Saint Iulian bound the Diuell hand and foote, and whipt him about the streets with a chaine: How Saint Lawrence turned him on the other side, to make roome for Saint Stephen beeing laid in the graue with him: that Saint Dunstane held the Diuell by the nose with a paire of tongs: that the Diuel was swallowed downe by a Monke that dranke wine without a crosse: That aIn Miss. Heref. in Com. Sanc. Tho. con [...]ess. put [...] m [...]r [...]us morte datus. drowned boy at Oxford, raised from death to life by the power of Saint Thomas the Confessor, cried, Let vs goe to Hereford: that a Nunne being ouerhastie and too greedy for meate, swallowed vp the Diuell sitting vpon a Lattis: thatEx Ro. Br [...] in lect. 4 Ambr. Epist. ā swarme of of Bees sate in Saint Ambrose mouth: and Acladius was taken at Iustins window in the shape of a Sparrow: that Saint Francis turned a Capons legge into a dish of Fish, because it was fasting day: that Saint Cuthbert commanded Elfledus to take away the Mouse and her yonglings, that troubled him in his graue; whereat Elsted beeing angry would haue kill'd them all, had not the Saint forbidden: that Saint Denis, Saint Clare, Saint Iustinian, Saint Iuthwar carried their heads in their armes after they were cut off: and that another, whose head was cut off, brought it in his armes to Saint Cadocke, and prayed him to put it on his shoulders againe: that Saint Bartholom [...]w made the Sparrow hawke fast three daies to purge his fault, because he had eaten his little Bird: that the Shipmen could haue no faire windes, till they had eaten the Goose Saint Cuthbert commanded them: that Francis made his sisters Geese leaue their gaggling, while he [Page 190] sang his Canonicall houres: that three Angels did geld Elias the Monke: that the Orowe did penance for pulling the strawes off the roof of Saint Cuthberts house: that theIn Bre. Ser. aquae mix [...]. puluere &c. lect. 3. sed autem [...]t. ashes of Saint Cedda mixt with water cured all diseases: that Saint Sebastian commanded Lucina to take his body out of the priuie, and burie it by the Apostles: that Saint Benet made whole his nurses broken halter: that the Sunne beame held vp Saint Aldems Chesuble from the ground:Ro. Bre. that a Crow fedde Paul the Hermite for the space of sixtie yeares: that Garnets face was pictured with his bloud on a straw at his execution: worthie we are to perish, if these fooleries could turn vs from our faith. Auentinus speaketh truly of such Prophets; False Apostles and false Priests haue sprung vp, who by feined religion haue deceiued the people: great signes and wonders they haue done, and they haue begune to sit in the Temple, and to bee extolled aboue all that is worshipped as God. Saint Hierome saith,Sicut in Christo plenundo diuinitatis su [...]t corporaliter: ita es in antichristo omnes erūt fortitudines, es signa et prodigia, sed vniuers. mēdacia. Hier. ad Alga [...]. q. 11. ad finem fere. As the fulnes of the Diuinity was in Christ bodily: so all power and signes and wonders shall bee in Antichrist, but they shall bee all lyes. And here the Christian reader is to be admonished, that the myracles of Antichrist, are called lying myracles for fowre considerations.
First, because they were neuer done at all; as, that at Saint Thomas Beckets shrine in Canterburie.Testatur hāc hist. Io. Foxu [...] ex Tho. Mors et Tindallo. VVhere, when they sang and rang a woonder; namely, that a borne blind man had receiued his sight, presently the Duke of Glocester came vpon them, and demanding of the new cured blind what colour his gowne was? the Hypocrite said, blew; by which the duke presentlie discerned the imposture. For though he were cured of his blindnes, yet on such a sodeine he could not distinguish colours by their appellation, and call euery colour by his owne name.
The second respect is, because though they seeme to bee done, yet they are done by iugling and by legier du maine, or false deceiuing of the sense. Like to that which wee reade of Menippus, Vid. Ph [...]lip. Canter in op. suc. cap. 70. ex Phi [...]ost de v. 1. Apolat Budeum. who was deceiued with lying dishes, and plate, and hangings, which vvere all but shadowes & deceits by beguiling the eyes.
The third reason is, because they are vvrought by the power of the diuell, the Father of lyes. And such may wee, not vvithout good reason, iudge the myracle of Saint Du [...] stane to bee,Leg nou. Aug. in Dunst. vvhen at Winchester the Crucifix concerning priests Mariages openly spake (as they said) Absit hoc vt fiat, Absit hoc vt fiat: let it not bee done, let it not bee done.
Lastly, the miracles of Antichrist are therfore called false,Vid. Theoph. in. 2 Thes. 2. omne virtute et signis et prodigijs mendacibus. because, though they are truly done, yet they are not done for the truth; but they tend, and are alleadged to sett vp false vvorship and Idolatrie, against the trueth of God manifested in his vvord. For all true myracles haue this only end; To serue the vvord of God, and to vvitnes the verity thereof.Act. 3 As, vvhen Peter and Iohn cured the lame man in Salomons porch, it tended to shew how God had glorified his sonne Iesus: so the miracles of Elias 1 King 17.18 tended to beat downe falsse worship contrary to Gods vvord. The same doth Augustine testifieCui nisi isti fidei attestātur ista miracula in qua praedicatur Christus resurrexisset Aug. de Ciu. Dei. lib. 21. cap. 9. in princ. cap. of the myracles done at the memorie of Saint Stephen; To what faith (saith hee) doe these miracles beare vvitnes, but vnto that vvherein it is preached, that Christ rose from the dead? &c.
The Gods of the Gentiles had their Poets, vvhich deuised vvanton tales and idle fables of the theft, deceit, lust, drunkennes and shamless ribauldry of their Gods. And the Legendaries and Missalls are not herein behind the Gentiles, who commend their Saints for heinous sinnes.Ex variis Legend. horum Sanctorum. Lucia is magnified, because she forsooke her husband: Saint Blase, because hee fled and hid himselfe in a caue, from the Bishoprick to which he was lawfullie elected: Saint Agatha, for that she refused the ordinarie help of surgerie to her breasts, that were cut off: Saint Dunstane for being a non resident, and houlding the two Bishopricks of London and Worcester together: Saint Thomas, for distributing the Indian Kings money to the poore, which he deliuered into his hands to build a Palace. Of Thomas Becket they faigne, (z) that the blessed Virgin was his Semster. And (which the tongues of diuells would abhorre to vtter) that the Mother of Christ serued fifteene yeeres in a Nunnery, in the habite of one Beatryce, while the sayd Beatryce [Page 192] playd the harlot abroade: Ex promp. exēp. Disc. de [...]ēp. exēplo 25. in Mo [...]asterio. and that of another encloistred, which had lost her honestie, the holy Mother of God carried secretly the child to nurse; as their famousexem [...]lo 2 [...]. quod. ī Abbatissa. Promptuary of examples teacheth.
The Heathens had their vnknowne Gods, Imaginarie deities, of whom they had no certaine
knowledge, but some opinion or surmise. Such wasAct. 17.23. the vnknowne God, to whome the Altar was erected at Athens: such were those, whome Halicarnassaeus calleth secret Gods. Ʋirgil saith of Aeneas; ‘In manta script. quodā libello seu Bre. intitulate ad vsū curiae R [...] hac figura infignito.
The Church of Rome also hath her Altars of St. George, Saint Catherine, Saint Christopher; whome no antiquity doth approue, no true history recordeth, no ancient Father makes mention of, no good record enrowleth, which neuer liued, neuer were, neuer drew breath at their nostrells; as Paulus Ʋergerius that worthy Bishop openly protested of St. George in the Councell of Trent: insomuch that for very shame hee besought the Synode to blot him out of the Calendar, being a mere figment, and Chimaera, worse then an ould wiues tale, or Poets bug-beare. The like if it were well examined, might be sayd of the three Saints, Faith, Hope and Charity. Whereof if one or two perhaps were liuing creatures, yet Saint Hope, I perswade me, was put into the Calendar, that the Theologicall vertues might bee Sainted amongst Christians, as the Morall were Deified among the Romans. Surely Albysius Lypomanus confesseth Saint Hope to be in the number of obscure Saints: neither hath he any authour to testifie of such an one, but only Gregorie in his supposed Dialogues, vvhose vvord is scant a sufficient warrant for our vvorship, seeing the Dialogues abound with many incredible and superstitious stories: neither is the stile,V [...]d catal S [...]nct. minus. notor. apud Aloy. Ly [...]. nor the matter thereof agreeable to the other writings of Gr [...]gory. Wherfore the learned haue doubted, whether these Dialogues were the true works of Gregory.
Lastly, as diuers wiser and more learned Heathens misliked this multitude of Gods amongst the Pagans; as Socrates, Plato, Zenophanes and such other: so there haue not wanted [Page 193] euen in the bowels of the Church of Rome, whom the holy Ghost hath raised vp to cry out against this Idolatrie: as of ancient times Claudius Taurmensis a Bishop and Counseller to Charles the great: and of later time Ludouicus Ʋiues; Lud [...]u Viues de corruptis artib. 2. who plainely saith, that the compiler of the golden Legend was a man of a leaden heart, and a brazen face. To these may I adde Erasmus in his Colloquies, Io. Ferus, In exam. ordinidā. and Io. [...]lthusius, Catholicke Catechists; who exhort all Priests not to bee too bold in publishing the Legends of Saints. If the storie seeme scarce credible, to touch it but lightly: If incredible, not to meddle with it at all.
Thou hast seene, gentle Reader, a true comparison betwixt the Heathenish and the popish worship: wherein it appeareth, that the same was the beginning, progresse, and increase of the one and the other. Wherefore I wish that they would set that saying of the ancient Father before their eyes; He that will vsurpe any thing in his Religion, out of the custome of Pagans, it is to bee feared l [...]st the name of a Christian cannot profit him.
Concerning the Limitations, with which they make Saints their Aduocates, that which I haue spoken formerly, may suffice.
Rhem. in Luc. 15. sect 2 Bellar de Sāc b [...]at. l. 1. c. 2 ver o de [...] de nō est verum. OVr hearts and inward repentance are open to the Angels and other celestiall spirits:
it is certaine they know them. |
1 | GOD onely knoweth the hearts of all the children of men. 1. Reg. 8.39. |
Io. Monach. apud Damasc. ex. Aloy. Lyp. par. 1. fol. 275. Wee haue thee, onely, O Virgin, left in the earth our comforter. |
2 | I am with you alwaies, euen to the end of the world. Math. 28.20. |
Ephrē. diacon. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag 288. I haue no other trust but in thee, O sincere Virgin. |
3 | In thee, O Lord, haue I put my trust. Psal. 31.1. Psal. 71.1. |
G [...]r. Patriarch. [...]pud Sym. Metaph. in encō. Zonae virg & sic cita ab Aloy. Lyp. p. 1. pag. 283. Thou, O Lady, art the spirit of Christians. |
4 | The Lord is the Spirit. 2. Cor. 3.17. |
Spiritus & vitae Christianorū. Ibid Thou, O Lady, art the life of Christians. |
5 | Christ is to mee life. Phil. 1.21. |
Aduocat. praemisit peregrinario nostrae Bern ex Aloy. Lyp. In our Pilgrimage wee haue sent an Aduocatrix before vs. |
6 | We haue an Aduocate with the Father, Iesus Christ the righteous. 1. Ioh, 2.1. |
Andr. Archiep. Cret. apud. S [...]v. Metaph et Lyp. p. 1. pag. 270. Since thou wast translated from the earth, the whole world hath thee a common propitiation. |
7 | Hee is the attonement for our sinnes: and not for our sins onely, but al o for the sinnes of all the world. 1. Ioh. 2.2. |
By her,a our reconciliation vnto him was begunne with great applause. | 8 | It pleased the Father by him to reconcile all things vnto himselfe. Col. 1.19, 20. |
I am thineb wholly, O Lady, thou art my strength, O Lady, my refuge, my comfort, my protection. | 9 | Ye are Christs. 1. Cor. 3.23. |
He thatc thirsteth for the medicine of his infirmities, deliuerance from all perturbations of his soule, and the washing away of his sinne, come vnto me, saith Io. Monachus of the Virgins Sepulchre. | 10 | Come vnto me all yee that are weary, and are laden, and I will refresh you. Math. 11.28. |
CHAP. LXI. Of Iustification, the fourth effect of Christs great Priesthood.
IT is most true, that the marrow, or rather the spirit and life of Christian Religion is Iustification from sinne. And therfore, as there is no point, wherin the Euangelists & Apostles, and all carefull Teachers haue more laboured then in this: so there is no worke of the High Priest and Bishop of our soules more impugned by the Synagogue of Antichrist, then the pure reines and spotlesse righteousnesse of Christ, wherewith he hath clothed the nakednesse of his members, presenting them blamelesse and without spot to GOD. Wherefore here it is wonderfull to consider, what tempests and stormes: what clouds and darknesse: what mists of errours they interpose betwixt the bright Sunne of righteousnesse, and the poore distressed conscience or Man.
The Doctrine of the Scripture is plaine and simple, thatIoh. 1.29. Christ is the Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinnes of the world, and that1. C [...]r. 1 30. he is made vnto vs of God Wisedome, and Righteousnesse, and Sanctification, and Redemption, our Rom. 3.15. reconciliation, Ephes. 2.14. our peace, our life. By all which Emphaticall and powerful words, the Spirit of God denounceth vnto vs, that hee is all we want, and all wee neede vnto the purchase of the eternall inheritance. But the Romish Church hath so ouerwhelmed the whole work with questions and perplexities, that they haue hidden Christ from the wounded conscience, & with their intricate disputations robbed the soule of her peace, her Sabbath, her consolation.
To this purpose haue they hedged vp our way vvith thornes; multitudes (I meane) of distinctions, modifications, restrictions, reseruations, quirks and quiddities; The merite of congruitie, the merite of dignitie and condignitie: the first iustification, the second iustification, the grace of iustification, and iustification it selfe: the merite of the worke, and the satisfaction of the worke: grace freely giuen, and grace making gracious: things in Scripture commanded, [Page 197] and things counselled: the merite of the worke, and the merite of the person: the cause, by which, and the cause, for which: simple debt, and the debt by Gods owne disposition: merite properly taken, and improperly taken: occasionall righteousnesse, and meritorious righteousnesse: righteousnesse commutatiue, and righteousnesse distributiue: workes of necessitie, and workes of supererogation; and sundry more, which I might repeate. Of all which the onely end and purpose is, to take away from Christ the honour of our Iustification: to entangle the simple and ignorant heart with nets, brakes Labyrinths of perplexitie, boiling, yea, drowning our Passeouer in water,Exod. 12. which should be roast with fire; that is, obscuring, through the multiplicitie of their difficult and intricate Riddles, the Doctrine of Saluation, which should be receiued onely with simplicitie of faith. But because diuers excellent and famous witnesses of the trueth, haue of this argument most learnedly and copiously disputed, I will onely set before thy eyes, Christian R [...]ader, these foure points. First, the true Tenet of the Orthodox and Christian Church concerning Iustification. Secondly, the Romish corruption, wherewith they haue leauened this doctrine. Thirdly, the Limitations, with which they thinke it lawfull to deny the merits of CHRIST to be our full and sufficient iustification. Fourthly, I shall shew thee, that these their rules and Limitations are not obserued by themselues, neither in their priuate opinions, nor publique worship. Which I will doe by the helpe of God, in the tractations of the seuerall Limitations.
CHAP. LXII. What the state of the question of Iustification is.
MVch adoe there is made by many, concerning the diuers vnderstanding of the word Iustification; beeing taken sometime for the Law, which commandeth righteousnesse: sometime for the obtaining of righteousnesse: sometime for the increase of righteousnesse: and sometime for the [Page 198] iudiciall declaration of righteousnesse; as when the iudge pronounceth a man innocent, or not guiltie of the crime intended against him. The Latine phrase, Iustificare, indeede is as much, as to make righteous: but the Hebrew phrase doth import so much, as to pronounce one righteous. So it is taken in Deuterenomie; Deut. 25.1. The righteous shall be iustified, and the wicked condemned. In the same sense Iob vseth the word;Iob 27.5. God forbid that I should iustifie you. And Dauid saith;Psal. 143.2. In thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified. Esay saith;Esay 53 11. By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many. The same is also the most common vnderstanding of the word in the New Testament.Math. 11.19. Wisedome, saith our Sauiour) is iustified of her children. And in the seuenth of Luke; Luke 7.29. All the people that heard him and the Publicanes, being baptized with the baptisme of Iohn, iustified God. In the same sense also it is taken in the eighteenth of Luke, where of the humble Publicane he saith;Luke 18.14. I tell you this man went home to his house iustified rather then the other. So that it is cleare, that in the Scripture the most vsuall and frequent vnderstanding of the word Iustifie, is to absolue, acquite, or pronounce righteous.
Indeede, this of all matters that fall into consideration, is the most weighty; namely, to vnderstand what hauen of rest the poore distressed soule of man wearied with the burden, and affrighted with the tempests of sinne, and of desperation the companion of sinne, may haue to harbour it selfe quietly and securely in: what it shall lay hold on to defend it selfe, from the iust wrath and righteous displeasure of the most high:Deut. 4. Exod. 22. where the Citie of our refuge, and the Altar of our impunitie is, vnto which from the reuenging hand of the great iudge wee may safely and assuredly flye.Bucer cont. Rob. Episc. Arērincensē. For man can neuer haue peace nor quietnesse in himselfe, till he finde the true meanes how to be reconciled vnto God; and till his conscience be assured, that he doth stand in the fauour of God: so that the chiefest good of man is, to know that God is pleased with him.
The Synagogue of Rome hath for many yeares, like an vnskilfull Surgion, omitted the onely true and soueraigne [Page 199] balme of a wounded conscience, Iesus Christ; and with vnmercifull cruelty terrified, and tortured the consciences of men, by obtruding vnto them worthlesse and vneffectuall salues of their owne proper satisfactions, of will worship, of supererogations, of the merits of Frierly orders, of the patronage of Saints, of Pilgrimage, of Pardons, and sundry such other. In which, a conscience loaden with sin, and beaten downe with the anger and wrath of God, can yet neuer get ease, nor comfort. And on the other side, they haue slandered the doctrine, which teacheth the conscience of man to rest and repose it selfe on the merits only of Christ, with many impious and blasphemous reproches; as though the reformed Churches did teach, that man obtained forgiuenesse of sinne by Christ, but no kinde of Sanctification, or renuing of the inward man, or grace of repentance by him; as though wee taught that Charitie, and newnesse of life did not follow remission of sinnes. Yea, they shame not to say, that we cast off all care of obedience to the Law of God, and all good workes; and thatKellison l. 3 c. 2 in teaching free iustification by Christ, wee open the wide gappe to all vice, and loose the bridle to all iniquitie: that wee giue good leaue to all faithfull men to commit all sinne and wickednesse. But vnto all the world be it knowne, that the reformed Churches doe vehemently abhorre that heresie of Simon Magus, which fained, that men freely by grace saued may doe what they list, as beeing not tied to the obseruation of the holy lawes of God. And we condemne no lesse the abomination of Basilides, who taught, that vnto those that are saued by grace, all actions good or euill, cleane or vncleane, are indifferent. The reformed religion condemneth also the opinion of the Gnosticks, who say, that they are saued by knowledge onely: and that they are so spirituall by the excellencie of their faith, that they can not fall from grace, doe what they will. Neither are wee enemies vnto good manners and puritie of conuersation with Aetius and Eumonius: but we professe, that true faith is, and must bee, accompanied with good workes; which workesVn [...] regni. n [...]n caus [...] regn [...]ndi [...] de [...]rat. & [...] rhet. in ipso fi [...] tract. are the way to his kingdome, [Page 200] not the cause of the Kingdome. Wherefore the state of the question is not, whether the man, to whom sinne is forgiuen, bee renued in the spirit of his minde? Neither is it questioned, whether good workes bee requisite in all true beleeuers; or whether repentance, contrition, a purpose to amend, charitie, almes, fasting and prayer ought to bee earnestly ensued by a Christian man? But the question is, what it is for which our GOD doth absolue and account innocent him that is nocent; and righteous, him that is sinfull? What it is that wicked man must oppose to Gods wrath, and wherewith hee must defend himselfe from the same? what faith must trust vnto: what it must insist vpon, when it will entreat with God concerning forgiuenesse of sinne and eternall life? what the meane i [...], by which, he that hath offended God, and infinitely prouoked the iudge, may be brought into fauour and grace with him againe? Whether it be the satisfaction, the obedience and deseruing of Christ in his owne person? Or whether it be the actuall righteousnesse, which wee our selues standing in true faith, and being regenerate, doe bring forth by the grace of the spirit of Christ? Now, to the discussing of this question, there is no better way, then leauing the quirks and subtilties of scholasticall Writers, to inquire first in what things the Scripture forbiddeth vs to place our righteousnesse; and then, whereon the Scripture will haue vs relye, and settle our selues in this behalfe.
CHAP. LXIII. Wherein the Scripture will not haue vs to place our righteousnes.
Sinne cannot iustifie,FIrst of all, there is none so stupid and so blockish, to suppose that our sinnes, or our offences, which are the onely causes of our separation from God, can be the meanes to vnite vs to him, or bring vs into his fauour againe.Prou. 12.3. A man cannot be established by wickednes: our sinnes do alwaies striue against the iustice of God; therefore they can bee no meane [Page 201] to iustifie vs in the sight of God. For euen men that iustifie the wicked, are an abomination to the Lord.Mich. 6.11 Shall I (saieth hee) iustifie the wicked balances, and the bagge of deceitfull weights?
Secondly,Naturall vertue cannot iustifie. by the naturall vertues of the vnregenerate man no man can be iustified in the sight of God. For he himself proclaimeth;Esay 43.26 Put me now in remembrance, for we will reason together, and shew what thou hast for thee to make thee righteous. Of these the Apostle saith;1 Cor. 15.50. Flesh and bloud cannot inherite the Kingdome of God. Io. 3.5 Except a man (saith our Sauiour) be borne of water and of the holy spirit, hee cannot enter into the Kingdome of God. The wisedome of the vnregenerate man is in the Scripture called flesh, and is condemned euery where in the holy Canon.Gal. 5.19. H b. 9.10. Phil. 3.4 Eph. 2 3 Rom. 8.7. So that the worke of the flesh, the iustifying of the flesh, the confidence of the flesh, the will of the flesh, the minde of the flesh, are still disproued, and disallowed, as such as cannot iustifie. Wherefore,Eccles. 7.27. as the first Man Adam had not originall righteousnes by merit, but by gift:Eph 2.7.8 9 so all his successours haue actuall righteousnes, not by desert, but by grace.
Thirdly, politicall iustice and integritie,Politicall iustice cannot iustifie. when wee are in Mans tribunall and iudgement seat pronounced innocent, and our actions doe answer the prescript rule of humane lawes, cannot yet make vs righteous in the sight of God. Of men-pleasers it is spoken in the sixt of Mathew; Mat. 6.2 Ʋerely they haue their reward. And in the sixteenth of Luke; [...] 16.15. That which is highly esteemed among men, is abomination in the sight of God. Wherefore the keepingMich. 6.16 of the statutes of Omry, and the manner of the house of Ahab, the Lord in the Prophet Miche expresly sheweth, shall be no excuse to the people of Israel. All such may say before God, as the sons of Iacob did to their brother Ioseph; Gen. 44.16 What shall wee say vnto my Lord? what shall we speake, and how can we iustifie our selues?
Fourthly,Will worship cannot iustifie. the diuers worships which the Gentiles did ordain without the true knowledge of God, and their sundry cleansings, which out of the blind iudgement of carnall reason they haue inuented, can in no wise make vs righteous in [Page 202] the sight of the highest.Ex P [...]ill. Meruey. [...]om de Pest. Some made their children goe through the fire: some vsed Lustration and a kinde of baptisme, or cleansing by water. The Persians gathered great multitudes of venemous beasts, wormes and serpents, which in a solemne feast they burnt, and called it the death of sins. The Lacedamonians had a certaine religious kinde of whipping and scourging of fiue noble yong men, for the expiation of the rest. The Romans offred vp a Bull with gilt horns, as a iustification and satisfaction for sinne. It were a needless labour to recken vp the sundry kindes of the heathnish expiations and iustifications. Of all which, the Scripture pronounceth;Deut. 12.31. Thou shalt not do so vnto the Lord thy God. And the Apostle saith,Eph. 2.1 that they were dead in their sinnes. And againe,Rom 3.17. The way of peace they haue not knowne. Of all vnregenerate men, though their iustifications and cleansings seeme neuer so probable, we may truely pronounce,Mat. 7.17. that an euill tree bringeth forth euill fruit, andRom. 14 23 whatsoeuer is without faith is sinne, andHeb. 11.6 without faith we cannot please God.
The Mosaical law cannot iustifie.Fiftly, concerning the institutions, ceremonies and ordinances of the lawe of God himself, the question is somwhat more difficult. For it should seeme that the workes of the lawe which God himselfe appointed, may iustifie vs in his sight; seeing to the Scribe which demanded,Luke 10.25 Maister, what shall I do to inherit eternall life? Christ answered, Do this and liue. But we must consider, that our Sauiour Christ answered a Lawyer in his question, who was iuuenis insolens, a proud young man, and gloried in his righteousnesse: who was subtile and came to tempt. Wherefore Christ sends him to the lawe, of which he so much boasted, that he should by due estimation of the vnspotted innocence, & perfect righteousnes required therein, weigh his owne vnability to performe the same. But in the end of the communication with this Lawyer Christ sheweth plainely, that by the law none can be iustified; and that saluation is meere mercy: bringing-in the Parable of the wounded traueller, who neither could helpe himselfe, nor was cured by any other helper, but by [Page 203] the mercifull Samaritan only. Therefore Dauid disclaimes all that righteousnes, which commeth of the lawe, & saith,Psa. 143.2 Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant. And yet in the 119. Psalme he saith;P [...]. 119 memor esto. ver. 7. I haue kept thy lawe. Againe,Ps. 110. desc cit anima. ver 7 I forsooke not thy commandements: AndP [...]. 1 [...]9 for mea ver. 5 I haue not forgotten thy Law; and yet, Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant, for none is righteous in thy sight. Out of which it is plaine, that such righteousnesse, as a man can acquire by the Law, is not sufficient to iustifie in the sight of God. For Man, though in his owne and other mens iudgements he be a streight obseruer of the Law, yet in the diuine balance hee is too light. Wherefore the Apostle saith,Rom. 3 20 By the workes of the Law no flesh can be iustified. And to the Galathians Gal. 3.10 As many, as are of the workes of the Law, are vnder the curse. For it is written, Ibid. Cursed is euery man, that continueth not in all things which are written in the booke of the law, to do them. Ezechiel therefore foresheweth;Ezec. 16.61. I will giue them vnto thee for daughters, but not by thy couenant; that is, not by the first couenant of the lawe. Finally, Christ doth pronounce;Mat. 5.20. Except your righteousnes shall exceed the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdome of heauen. Yea, Peter Lombard himselfe assigneth this reason, why a man cannot be iustified by the works of the lawe, although they be done in faith, hope, and charitie;In onus positae. lib. 3. dist. 36. cap 3. because God hath imposed them to seruitude, not vnto iustification. And this is answerable to the doctrine of the Apostle;Gal. 4.30. Put away the seruant and her sonne, for the sonne of the seruant shall not be heire with the son of the free woman.
But hath not the lawe then promises of eternal life? Surely it hath. For our Sauiour doth acknowledge in the Colloquie with the Scribe;Luk [...] 10. [...]8 Do this and liue. Doth God mocke vs then in his Legall precepts? God forbid.Rom 3.4 He is a God of truth, T [...] 1 2 a God which cannot lie. Why is not an vnregenerate man then iustified by the law?Rom. 4 15 Because the law causeth wrath. How doth the lawe cause wrath, if the lawe bee good?M [...]. 5 17 18 & Rom. 5 12 Because no man can keep the lawe. Is the law then impossible, and such as may not be kept? The lawe is possible [Page 204] in it self, and in the nature thereof, as it is from God: but it is the corruption of mans nature proceeding from himself, which makes it impossible to man to be kept. Wherefore the lawe sheweth, what kinde of righteousnes God requireth at the hands of man, that he might be iustified. But might not God haue giuen such a lawe, as imperfect man should haue power to keep? God could not giue a lawe attempered and correspondent to our imbecillity. For his owne doome is;Esay 10.1. Woe be vnto them that decree wicked decrees. Wherefore it must needs bee far from God (giuing a lawe for the reparation of man fallen from righteousnes) to giue such a lawe, as should continue or dispence with sin: or should not at full declare all that God requireth in him, that will be iustified.
Inherent righteousnes of a christian man cannot iustifie.There remaineth now the last excellent kind of inherent righteousnes (as they cal it) which is far beyond all the power of the naturall man: farre beyonde all ciuill righteousnes in obseruation of humane constitutions: nay, it exceedeth farre the streight rule of Pharisaicall and Legall iustice. And this is the righteousnes, or holy works of a man regenerate, wrought through the motion of the spirit of God, being the fruits of a liuely faith working by charity. Now the question is, whether these works do iustifie a Christian man in the sight of God? For of all the other kind of works, the Councell of Tren [...] it selfe pronounceth (though deceitfully,)Siquis dixerit, hominē suis operibus, quae vel per humanae naturae vire, vel [...]er le [...]u dicternī siāt [...] d [...]uina per Christū Iesū gratia posit iust ficari corā Deo, Anathema sit C [...]one 1. de iustificatione. If any shall say, that a man by his owne works, which by the powers of his humane nature, or by the doctrine of the lawe are done, can iustifie without the diuine grace of Christ, let him be accursed.
CHAP. LXIIII. Whether a regenerate man doth merit?
LEt vs at last come vnto the question betwixt vs and the Romish Church; which is, whether a regenerate man doth merit? Now wheras ther are many states & seasons of a regenerate mans life, it is needfull to inquire in which of them, it is most like he should merit and iustifie himselfe.
The first is the state of a regenerate man before his conception: [Page 205] and therein it is questionless hee cannot merit at all. Wherefore the Apostle bringeth in the Scripture witnessing of the children of Rebecca; Ro. [...]0, 11 1 [...] vid. Aug. de verb. Apo. ser. 11. Yer they were borne, and when they had done neither good nor euill (that the purpose of God might remayne according to the election, not by works, but by him that calleth) it was said, the elder shall serue the younger.
The second estate of a regenerate man is to bee considered in his conception, and before his birth. Now in this state that wee cannot merite, it is euident. For Dauid, although hee were descended of good and godly parents, complaineth;Psa. 51.5. I was shapen in wickednes, and in sinne hath my Mother conceiued me. And Iob saith;Iob. 14 4. Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthiness? Out of doubt, as the wheate, though neuer so diligently fanned & purged from the chaffe, yet when it is sowed, bringeth forth fruite loaden with the naturall imperfections, which it selfe was incombred with before the sowing: so a regenerate man begetteth children according to his owne naturall birth from Adam, not according to his new birth in Christ: by which, though sinne bee abolished (saith Augustin),Nūquid, quia de leta est iniquitas, siuina est infirmitas▪ Aug. de verb. Apo. ser. 2. iuxta medūt. yet the infirmitie is not taken away. Wherfore sinceIoh 3.6 al that is borne of flesh is flesh, the children of regenerate men merite not in the tyme of that life, which they haue in the Mothers vvombe; wherin they only growe, and are increased like plants, without either reason or vnderstanding.
The third consideration of the state of Man is in his infancie and childhoode. And certaine it is, the works of a regenerate man in those his tender yeares cannot iustifie him;Eccles. 11.10 for childhood and youth are vanity. And they, whose manhood is an example of seueritie and grauity, yet vvhen they vvere children, vnderstood 1. Cor. 13.11. as children, they spake as children. There can bee no merite then in them, whose life is in truth but the life of a beast, led with sense and appetite only, hauing in their vvorks no election, in their election no iudgement, in their iudgement no stabilitie; but are carried by vncertaine passions without mature discretion or reason. Wherefore, that such cannot merit at the hands of God by [Page 206] their vvorks, I think euery man acknowledgeth.
As before hee is conceiued, before hee is borne, before he is come to perfect iudgement, a regenerate man cannot merite: so after this life it is manifest, hee cannot deserue at Gods hand. For Ecclesiastes saith,Eccles. 9.5 The dead know nothing at all, neither haue they any more a r [...]ward, for their remembrance is forgotten. Yea Dauid saith;Psal 6.5 In death no man remembreth thee, and who will giue thee thanks in the pit? But vvhen vvee remember not, vve praise not, vve merite not. If any works vvere meritorious, it vvere those questionlesse, vvherein God is glorified, and his name honoured and remembred by vs.
It remaineth lastlie to consider; whether the works of a regenerate man hauing all aduantagees that may bee (as being done out of iudgement, and by the aduice of reason, by a man of mature yeares, through a liuely faith) can iustifie the doers? And surely,Aug. ser. 11. de verb. Apost. if Man could not keep himselfe good, when hee vvas good, it is not likely hee maketh himselfe good vvhen hee is euill.
The first reason therefore that Man cannot iustifie himselfe, is taken from our condition, who are not our owne men; but all that we are, we are the Lords: hee hath a threefould iurisdiction, ouer vs. The First, as a Father ouer his children; because he is our Creator, vve are in his hand as clay in the hand of the Potter:Psa. 100.2 Hee hath created vs, and not we our selues.
Secondly, hee hath ouer vs the right of a king, or a Lord and a Master. For both these he challengeth vnto himselfe in the Prophet;Malac. 1.6 If I bee a father, where is my honour? If I bee a Master, where is my feare? Lastly, he hath ouer vs the power of aMat. 20.28 Redeemer, being bought vvith the precious expence of his inestimable and incomparable bloud. Now then when vvee obey the commandement of a Father, a Lord, a Redeemer, it is no more then vvee are bound vnto by duty, and then is commanded vs. Therefore by all these works wee deserue nothing at all: Nay, they are not one for a thousand to the temporall blessings wee haue receiued; no, though [Page 207] wee gaue him againe in recompence our bodyes, and soules, and all the powers thereof, which hee hath giuen vs. Aristotle vvell saith,Mag [...]stri [...], Dijs, et parētibus [...]ō pot [...]st reddi quiua. 1. ē [...]. Ar [...]st lib. 9. E [...]h. To God, the Parent, the Maister, there can be no recōpence equiualent. Vnto the children of Israell therefore the Lord denounceth,Vid Ezechae. 16. & cap. 20. that the bringing of them into the temporall land of promise was not for their desert, but for his owne mercies sake, and for his names sake only. Wherefore, if the elect cannot deserue transitorie and earthlie things at the hand of God, much lesse can they deserue an euerlasting and heauenlie inheritance.
The second proofe that by his owne works a regenerate man cannot merit at Gods hand is, for that our works profit not God, nor are beneficiall vnto him.Esay 40 13. Who hath instructed the spirit of the Lord, or who was his counseller or taught him? And Dauid saith;Psal. 16 2. my well doing extendeth not to thee. Zechary also witnesseth to the Iewes;Zech. 7.5, 6. When ye fasted and mourned in the fifty and seauenth Moneth, did ye fast vnto mee? do I approue it? and when ye did eate, and when ye did drinke, did ye not eate for your selues, and drink for your selues? This is much contrarie to the popish doctrine in the Masse; which teacheth,Ro. Br [...] in offic. beat. Mar. virg. mēs. Aug. lect. 3 fuit vir vnus. that the blessed virgin did lift vp the head of her merits aboue all the Quiers of Angells, euen vnto the Throne of the Godhead. It being then euident, that our good works profit not God, it is plaine that at Gods hand they cannot deserue. Euen so the Apostle Paul concludeth out of the Prophet;Rom. 11.35. who hath giuen vnto him first, and hee shall bee recompensed? It is no profit vnto the Physitian that the patient doth keep good diet; nor to the teacher, that the schollers bee diligent: much lesse to God, that man doth good works.
Thirdly, our righteousnes whatsoeuer it is, it is the gift of God. Therefore by it wee cannot merite, which is not ours.1 Cor. cap. 4 7 What hast thou, that thou hast not receiued? and if thou hast receiued it, why boastest thou, as though thou hadst not receiued? Austin trulie saith,I [...]sa quātulacū{que} vertu [...], quae dicitur nostra, illius est, nobis bo [...]itate cōcessa. Aug. de ciuit Dei. l. 10. c. 12. circa finē. Whatsoeuer vertue is called ours, it is giuen vnto vs by Gods goodnes.
The fourth proofe, that the good works of a regenerate [Page 208] man doe not iustifie, is taken from the comparison betwixt the vnperfect, corrupt, and blotted righteousnes of the best men, with gods holy, streight, spotless, & seuere righteousnes; which so much daunted the patient man Iob, that, although when hee speakes of his righteousnes according to the balance of humane iudgements, standing vpon his innocency, hee saith,Iob 29.14 I put on iustice, and it couered me, my iudgement was a robe and a crowne: yet when he commeth to reason with God, and to talke of his righteousnes in the sight of the highest, hee is in another tune cleane contrarie to the first. For then he crieth out;Iob 42.6. I abhorre my selfe, and repent in dust and ashes. And therefore, as for sinne hee dothIob. 10.15. acknowledge himselfe cursed: Iob. 10.15 so, if I haue done righteously (saith he) I will not lifte vp my head, being full of confusion. Againe,Ioh. 9.15. Though I were iust, yet could I not answer. Wherefore Dauid saith;Psal. 143.2 In thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified. AndPsal. 143.11 for thy righteousnes (saith hee) bring my soule out of trouble. And if somtimes hee say; The Psal. 18.20. Lord rewarded mee according to my righteou [...]nes, hee meaneth the righteousnes giuen vnto him, not done by him: Euen as wee also praie,Quomodo nostrū. quomodo da? Aug. ser. de temp. 49 dominicae. post Octaeu. epiph diuinae lectiones ixx [...]a medium. Giue vs this day our dayly bread. Now in that hee saith, In thy sight none that liueth, shall bee iustified, hee preuenteth the obiection, which might arise, that Dauid himselfe, because of murder and adulterie, could not appeare before GOD as righteous: but others, who haue not defiled themselues with such heynous crymes, perhaps may stand before God bould and confident as a Lyon. To this the Psalmist answereth; None that liueth shall bee iustified in thy sight. Wherefore considering what Gods righteousnes requireth, and mans righteousnes can performe, of the Father of all beleeuers the Apostle saith;Rom. 4.2. If Abraham were iustified by works, he hath wherein to reioyce, but not before God. For the righteousnes of God is not contented vvith vnperfect obedience or defectiue holinesse in the regenerate, but he requireth in them pure, absolute, and constant sincerity. If they will bee iustified by their works (as Iames doth witnesse)Ia. 2.10.11. whosoeuer shall keepe the whole lawe, and yet faile in one point, hee is guilty of [Page 209] all. For hee that said, thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, thou shalt not kill. And Saint Paul to his Galathians; Cursed Gal. 3.10. Deut. 37.26. is euery man that continueth not in all things, which are written in the booke of the law, to doe them. And this doctrine Saint Iames and Paul learned of Christ himselfe, who saith;Math. 5.19. He that shall breake the least of these commandements, and teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdome of heauen. Wee see that God requireth absolute obedience in his elect to iustification: but this is found in none of the elect children of God; for Iames saith,Iam. 3.2. In many things we sinne all. And Iohn saith generally of all,1. Ioh. 1 8. If we say that we haue no sinne, wee deceiue our selues, and there is no truth in vs. Yea, the Apostle Paul (though regenerate) complaineth of himselfe;Rom 7.14. Ibid. ver. 18. Ibid. ver. 21. Ibid. ver. 23. Ibid. ver. 18. I am carnall, sold vnder sinne. And againe, I finde no meanes to performe that which is good: when I would doe good, euill is present with me; I see another law in my members, rebelling against the law of my spirit, and leading me captiue into the law of sinne. Therefore hee concludeth; I know in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing. Wherefore, though touchingPhil. 3.6. Ibid. ver. 9. the righteousnes required by the Law he saith, he was blamelesse: yet he desireth to be found in Christ not hauing his owne righteousnesse, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousnesse which commeth of God through faith. Who can compare his righteousnesse, his labour, his zeale, his sufferings, his fasting, his taming of the body,1. Cor. 11. with this blessed Apostle Paul? Yet when this vessell of election, this Trumpet of God, an Apostle, more then an Apostle, looketh on his own righteousnesse, as a man affrighted hee starteth, as it were affraid of himselfe; and crieth out;Rom. 7.24. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from the body of this death? In this horrible conflict, in this astonishment he findeth this only comfort, I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Ibid. ver. 25.
CHAP. LXV. Wherein the Scripture of God hath placed our righteousnesse, and what it is that sinfull Man may oppose against Gods wrath and iust displeasure.
SVssiciently I haue discoursed, I trust, in what things our iustification is not placed. By which the Pharisaicall pride of workes is altogether beaten downe. Our next disquisition must be, wherein the Scripture of God hath placed our righteousnesse, and what it is, that sinfull Man may oppose against Gods wrath and iust displeasure. And surely nothing can be more reasonable, then to beleeue, that the bloud and merits of Christ (in which wee are washed from sinne: by which we haue performed the Law) are the meanes also, by which in the sight of God we are accounted innocent. For what is innocencie, but cleanenesse from sinne? And what hath made vs cleane from sinne, but the bloud of Christ? What can purchase the infinite inheritance of glorie, but infinite righteousnesse proportionable thereto? And what obedience, or righteousnesse is infinite according to the infinitie of the glorie, and proportionable to the greatnesse of the reward, but onely that which Christ hath done for vs?
Here appeareth the diuersitie betwixt the Law and the Gospell. For in the Law one cannot satisfie for another, neither is one man innocent for another mans righteousnesse; euen as the Psalmist saith;Psal. 49 7. The brother cannot deliuer his brother. And Ezechiel saith,Ezec. 18 4. The soule that sinneth shall die it selfe. And againe, Mans righteousnesse is compared to a couering that is short, which cannot couer one. And Esay saith;Esay 59 6. Their webbe maketh no cloth, they may not couer them with their labours. What can another mans righteousnesse doe vnto me? since the Law saith;Exod. 20. Thou s [...]alt not commit adulterie, Thou shalt not steale. But in the Gospell the hidden mysterie of God is reuealed, that since his righteousnes requires obedience to the Law, which Law cannot bee absolutely obeyed [Page 211] and fulfilled by vs; therefore it was translated and put vpon Christ to be fulfilled by him. As the Apostle saith;Rom. 10.4. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousnesse to eu [...]ry one that beleeueth. Necessary was it, that the beleeuers should haue perfect righteousnesse in the sight of God: but this righteousnes is no where else but in Christ; therefore it must needs be, that Christ is our righteousnesse. The Apostle saith,Gal, 4.4, 5. God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman, and ma [...]e vnder the Law, that he might redeeme them which were vnder the Law, that we might receiue the adoption of the Sonnes. And againe,2. Cor. 5.21. he hath made him to be sinne for vs, which knew no sinne, that wee should be made the righteousnesse of God in him. And vnto the Romanes,Rom. 8.3, 4. That which was impossible to the Law, in as much as it was weake because of the flesh, God sending his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh, and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh, that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in vs. So in the fift chapter to the Romanes he saith,Rom. 5.9. Ibid. ver. 19. We are iustified by the bloud of Christ. Againe, By the obedience of one many sh ll bee made righteous. And in the third to the Romanes;Rom. 3.14. We are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption, which is in Christ Iesus. Wherefore the Scripture in sundry places calleth him our Righteousnesse; as in Ieremy, Ier. 23.6. This is the name whereby they shall call him, the Lord our righteousnes. 1. Cor. 1.30. And he was made righteousnesse vnto vs of God. Wherefore the Apostle concludeth, thatCol. 1.27. Christ is in vs the hope of glory. Here it appeareth how wee are saued by righteousnesse, and how we are saued by mercy. For it is euident, that in respect of our selues, and any of our deseruings,Rom. 6.23. Saluation is the free gift of God, it is his goodnes, his grace, his mercy, his loue onely: but in respect of Christs satisfying for vs, fulfilling and paying for vs, Saluation is deserued, it is merited, it is wages, it is due, and God is become Debitor nulli debens, a debtor that oweth nothing to any man. This was foreshewed by the Psalmist;Psal. 85.10. Mercy and trueth are m [...]t together, righteousnesse and peace haue kissed each other. That hee gaue his Sonne, it was his loue: that for his Sonne hee giues vs life, it is his righteousnesse: that for our sinnes hee scourged [Page 212] his owne Sonne, it is the infinite vnsearchable Abysse of his endlesse mercie: that hauing punished him, h [...]e is satisfied towards vs, it is correspondent to his holy righteousnesse; so the loue and iustice of God concurre in Christ to our saluation. This made Basil say;Hac enim est perfecta ac integragloriatio quàdo neq, ob iustitia suà quis se ta [...]las, sed nona quidem seipsū verae iustitiae indignū esse, sola autem fide in Christū iustificatū. Basilan Con. de humi [...]tate. Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord; because Christ is made vnto vs of God Righteousnesse, Wisedome, Iustification and Redemption. This is perfect and sound boasting, when we boast not of our owne righteousnesse, but know our selues to be vnworthy of true righteousnesse, and to be iustified by faith alone in Christ. And Origen vpon the third Chapter to the Romanes (expounding the words of the Apostle,Rom. 3.27. Where is then the reioycing? It is excluded. By what Law? Of workes? Nay, but by the Law of faith) alledgeth the example of the Apostle in the sixt to the Galathians; Gal. 6.14. God forbid that I should reioice but in the Crosse of Christ. Behold (saith he) Paul doth not glory in his righteousnesse, in his chastitie, in his wisedome, nor in his vertues and actions. When (say I)? euen then, when he wrote to his Galathians.
Gregory saith,Iustu [...] Igitur aduocatus noster iustos nos defen [...]s in iuditio, quia & no [...] ipsos [...] g [...]os [...]imus, et a [...]cusa [...]ius intusto [...]. Nos ergo in fletibus, non in acti [...]us n [...]stris, sed in aduoc. nostri allegatione confidamus. our iust aduocate shall defend vs as righteous in iudgement, because we know our selues, and accuse our selues as vniust. Therefore let vs trust in our teares, not in our workes, but in the allegation of our aduocate.
Augustine saith, the Prophet saw almost the whole life of Man to be euery way barked at by sinne: all consciences to be accused of their owne thoughts, that a pure heart presuming on his owne righteousnesse could not bee found. Which because it is not,Aug. super Psal. 129. ex Chemnic. Let euery heart bee bold in the mercy of God, and let him say to God;Psal. 130.3. If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to marke what is done amisse, O Lord, who may abide it? What is the hope then?Ibid. ver. 4. Because there is propitiation with thee. What is the propitiation but the Sacrifice? What is the Sacrifice but that which was offered for vs? The innocent bloud shed hath done away all the sinnes of offenders; therfore there is propitiation with thee. If there were no propitiation with thee, if thou wouldest only be a iudge, and wouldest not be mercifull, thou shouldest marke all our sinnes, and [Page 213] seeke after them, and then who could endure? Who could stand before thee, and say, I am innocent? Who should then stand in thy iudgement? Therefore all the hope is, because there is propitiation in thee.
Bernard saith;Ber. ser. 61. verbo ego vero fiditer. That which is wanting vnto me, I vsurpe vnto my selfe out of the bowels of the Lord; for they flowe with mercy, neither are there holes wanting, thorow which they flowe out to me. And againe, I will speake of thy righteousnesse onely because it is mine: thou art made righteousnesse vnto me from the Lord. Shall I feare lest that one righteousnesse should not suffice vs both? It is not the short couering, whereof the Prophet speaketh, which cannot couer two. Thy righteousnesse is euerlasting righteousnesse, it shall cloath thee and mee with large and eternall righteousnesse. In the life also of Bernard it is storied, thatIn vita. Beru. c. 12. in princ. cap. vvhen he was now euen in the last act of his life, hee seemed vnto himselfe to bee presented before the Tribunall seate of GOD, where Sathan stood against him, heaping vp many dreadfull accusations: and when hee had said all hee could, the holy man answered him confidently; I confesse, I am not worthy, neither by mine owne merits may I possesse the Kingdome of Heauen: but my Lord IESVS by a double right possessing it, that is, by the inheritance of his Father, and by the merite of his passion, being himselfe content with the one, hath giuen the other to me; by whose gift claiming it as of right vnto my selfe, I am not confounded. Herevnto I will adde the counsell of Anselme; Anselme. who ordained, that Ministers and Curates should thus Catechise their Parishioners being sicke. Minister. Brother doest thou reioice that thou diest in the faith? Parishioner. I doe. M. Doest thou acknowledge, that thou hast not liued so well as thou oughtest, and art thou therefore heartily sorie? P. Yes verely. M. Hast thou a will to amend, if God giue thee space? P. I haue, surely. M. Doest thou beleeue that Iesus Christ the Sonne of God died for thee? P. I doe beleeue. M. Doest thou beleeue thou canst not be saued but by his death? P. I doe beleeue. M. Doest thou thanke God the Sonne? P. I [Page 214] I doe so. Goe to then, while life is in thee be alwaies thankefull vnto him: put thy whole trust in this death of Christ alone: to his death commit thy selfe: couer thy selfe wholly with his death: wrap thy selfe in it: and if the Lord will enter into iudgement with thee, say; O Lord, I set the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ betwixt thee and mee, and betwixt mee and thy iudgement: otherwise I contend not with thee. If the Lord say, thou hast deserued damnation, say; I set the death and passion of Iesus Christ betwixt mee, and my euill doings, and I bring his most worthy merite for my merite, which I should haue had, but alas, I haue none. Let him say againe. I set the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betwixt me, and thy wrath; O Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit: And let the standers by say; O Lord into thy hands wee commend his spirit, and hee shall die securely, and shall not see death eternally.
This is not like the Popish absolution now adaies, in which they say;Portif Sar. in indulgent. in praeparat. ad Missam meritū passioni &c. The merite of the passion of Christ Iesus our Lord: the prayers of our holy Mother the Church, and thy owne good workes, which thou hast done, and shalt hereafter doe by the grace of God, bee vnto thee the remission of thy sinnes. Nor is it like the commendation, which they vse vnto a departing soule, when they giue pas-port vnto it to go forth, not onely in the name of Christ the Sonne of God, who suffered for it: butRo. Bre in com. animar. proficiscere anima. Christi. Of good Monkes and Friers the number is small. in the name of Angels, Thrones, Dominions; and at the last, in the name of all good Monkes and Friers, Hee and Shee Saints.
CHAP. LXVI. The Popish Tenet and opinion concerning Iustification, conteining their errours, their defence, and the answer thereto.
THe Councell of Trent Quamquam enim nemo posus esse iustus nisi cui merita passionis domini nostri Iesu Christi communicantur, id tamen in hac impij iustificatione fit, dum eiusdem sanctissimae passionis merito per spiritum sanctū charitas dei diffunditur in cordibus. Sess. 6. Can. 7. maketh the iustification of a sinner to be certaine inherent vertues, of Faith, Hope, and Charitie: which together with remission of sinnes wee [Page 215] receiue through Iesus [...]hrist. This, Bellarmine expoundethSiquis probet partē a sumāté, e [...]dē tēpore res [...]es omnes cōtrarios errores, nam si formalis causa iust [...]ficationis est iustitia inharē [...], nō igitur iustitia Dei in hab [...] tā, vel iustitia Christi [...]niputata, vel sola remiss [...] peccati sine renou [...]tione hominis inter [...]oru: [...]t [...] iustitia inharē est formalis causa absolutae iustificationis, nō igitur requiritur imputatio iustiti [...] Christi, quae iustificatio ē alioqui inc [...]oatā, et imperfectā abso uat. Bell. li. de iustif. 2. cap. 2. verbo porro status. so to bee vnderstood; that if inherent righteousnes, that is, our owne good workes, be our iustification, then neither the righteousnes of God dwelling in vs, nor the righteousnesse of Christ imputed, nor the remission of sinnes onely, can iustifie vs without this inherent holinesse. And if inherent righteousnes be the formall cause of absolute iustification, then the imputation of Christs righteousnesse is not requisite, which should make perfect our iustification.
You see what dangerous inferences and conclusions Bellarmine draweth from the definition of the Councell; calling into question, Whether God can iustifie a sinner without his owne good workes? and whether the imputation of Christs righteousnesse be needfull? The first of which is sufficient to driue the whole world into despaire: the second destroies wholly the office of faith, which is to apprehend and lay hould on the righteousnesse and merits of Christ, and to applie them to our selues.
Euery Heresie hath words of oile to mitigate and smooth their pernicious falshood. The Church of Rome, lest their treacherie should bee of euery eie discerned, doth the same. For this inherent righteousnes of ours they callConcil. Trid. Sess. 6 c [...]p. 7. the charity of God: B [...]ll. lib 1 cap. 2 the righteousnes of God infused into vs: the Vid Comp. Io. de Con b lib. 5. cap. [...] grace of God, making vs gratious. Glorious and specious titles. But all this is done, that they may place Saluation and Iustification, partly in God, partly in our selues. For de Combis saieth, that this grace is not had without our owne free wil consenting. For it is from God, it is from grace freely giuen, it is from free will. Now then, though they call it Gods righteousnes, Gods charity, Gods grace, yet it is mans righteousnes, and mans grace also, for that it is from man consenting, by an actiue qualitie in himselfe, which is free will;Vt neque Deu [...] determinet [...]ue necessitet volūtate, [...] volū [...]as D [...]ū Bell. de grat et [...]art l [...]b. 4 cap. 15 [...]. pri [...]c not necessitated nor compelled by God, but freely electing: SoSi a t [...]r nolit [...]ōcurrere opus non fiet ib d that if Man will not consent, the work cannot be done. As whenIamē Deus opere [...] vo [...]untas opera [...]ur: non co [...]tra. ibid. two carry a great stone (saith Bellarmin) neither giueth force to other, or forceth the other, and it is free to either to leaue the worke. Yea, God worketh (saith he) because [Page 216] the will worketh, and not contrarily. These things shew, that although God worketh with the will, yet it is also of our selues: and so it is not onely Gods grace, and Gods iustice, but our owne also.
Gabriel Biel saith,Ex [...]onsapsius Bel. A meritorious act, concerning the substance thereof, is from mans will, as from the first & principall cause: and from Grace, as the second, & not the principall cause. You see then it is but a vaine pretence, that they say, our good workes are Gods grace, and Gods righteousnes: for their doctrine it selfe is otherwise; namely, that it is partly from God, and partly from our selues: yea, there haue not wanted Schoole-men, which haue taught, that aVid. Bell. in iudi [...]io de 1. Cōc. ca. 48. man may loue God aboue all things without the spirit of God: and that [...]el. free-will of it selfe without the gift of grace, can eschew mortall sinne.
Merit they make of three sorts: merit of congruity, dignity, and condignity. Merit of congruity or fitnesse, is it, by which a man is disposed, and prepared to receiue grace according to Gods righteousnes. And thus euen vnregenerate men merit the first grace. For, Man doing what he can, it is meet, reasonable, and fit, that God should remunerate and reward him: but this merit of congruitie doth not attaine vnto eternall life, it deserueth not saluation, they say. The second degree of merit, is merit of dignity: which is the fitnesse of him that worketh, to attaine that which hee doth deserue: that is, when a man doth deserue being regenerate, and standing in the state of grace; Here is a fitnesse to bee rewarded in the person of the worker, by reason of the Holie Ghost, which moueth him. The third is the merit of condignity: which presupposeth an equalityVid. Comp. Theo. verit. lib. 5 cap. 11. of proportion betwixt the worke, and the reward: and by this a man doth merit increase of grace, and glorie. Now by merit of dignity, or condignity, no man meriteth the first grace: no man meriteth reparation after his fall, nor perseuerance: these are onely merited by congruity;I [...]. de Comb. ibid as for temporall things, euill men may merit them at Gods hand. This distinction obserued, they hould that good workes merit eternall life, [Page 217] encrease of grace, and remission of sinnes.
Notwithstanding the merit of works, much adooe there is amongst them, how our works do iustifie vs.Tho. Waldēs. T [...]m. 3 de Sacram. cap 7. Paulus [...]urgēsan Ad. ad Com. Nic. Lyrae. in Ps. 35 Some say, the words, Condignitie and Congruitie in the matter of our merite ought not once to be named, but that good works are meritorious by Gods grace.
Others sayDurād. in 2. sem. dis. 17. q. 1. art. 2 Good works are meritorious by condignitie in a large signification; so that condignitie bee no more then congruitie (as it were) or fitnesse. Suarez saith,Suarez. Tom. 1. in Tho. 3. d. 41. Sect. 3. verbo ser [...] do et oportet. Reward of Heauen is not giuen for Christs merit, but for our owne merite.
The most say, that the merite of works is absolutely the merit of Condignitie; and that they are such, that vnto them by iustice reward is due, according to the Couenant of God. Nay, many of them proceed further, and say,Caietan in 1. 2. q. 114. art. 3. that good workes are worthie of euerlasting life, in the nature of the worke it selfe, vvithout the diuine promise at all. The truth is, their tearmes of congruitie, dignity, and Condignitie, are insolent, prowde, Pharisaicall phrases of speech, which the Scripture vseth not in the matter of our Saluation. Now to establish these errors, diuers false,Dom. a Soto lib. 3. de nat. et gra. cap. 7. and wicked conclusions they are faine to propose vnto them selues.
The first,Ex Bell. de iust. lib. 3. cap. 17. that it is possible for a man to keepe the lawe of God fully, and absolutely. And surely this pride, and opinion of mans power to keep the lawe, hath euermore troubled the Church. In the very promulgation of the lawe the people promised vnto Moses; Deut. 5.27 All that the Lord our God saith vnto thee, we wil heare it & doe it. But the Lord, knowing the weaknes of their power & their strength, replieth;Deut. 5.29. Oh that there were such an heart in them to feare me, and to keep all my Commandements alway. Much adooe had Christ with the Phariseys about this perswasion. In the 19. of Math. All Mat. 19.20 Luke 18.11.12 these things (said the yong man) haue I obserued from my youth. Such was the Pharisey in the parable; * I am not as other men, extortioners, vniust, adulterers: I fast twice in the weeke, I giue tythe of all that I possesse. Euagrius an ancient Monke did [Page 218] beleeue, that man might so order his conuersation, that he might growe vp to the equality and perfection of the puritie of God himselfe, and neuer to sinne, no not in thought. But the impossibility of our infirme nature to keep the lawe, the Apostle Paul notably confesseth, arguing that iustificationRom 8.3. was impossible by the lawe, insomuch as it was weake because of the flesh. And againe,Rom. 3.9. All both Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sinne: Yea, he concludeth, that by the law All the world is culpable before God; and saith directly, thatRom. 8.7. the flesh is not subiect to the law of God, nor yet can bee. O that flesh would then know it selfe to bee but flesh, and would bee taught by the Apostle;1 Ioh. 1 If wee say that wee haue no sinne, we deceiue our selues, and truth is not in vs.
The second absurditie is, that of Veniall sinnes they make so light reckoning, that their guilt doth not pollute and contaminate, but a little obscure the life of a Christian man: they are so small, that they hinderBell de iust lib 4. cap. 17. not the perfection of Charitie, nor yet the absolute performance of the Law: they are not against charity (saith Bellarmin) nor properly against the lawe. Wherefore these, euery trifling expiation can purge;Ʋid. Chem. in exam. concil. Trid. de b n. op part. 1. And in a Sūmary of christian religion in forme of a dialogue [...]etwixt a Doctour and a Nouice. Andrad. vt idem refert. Holy water, a Bishops blessing, and the oyle of extreame vnction, saying of a pater noster, entring into a Church consecrated: & a Christian man that doth committ these, doth nathlesse merite, and iustifie him selfe by his works. This is a most vnreasonable and false position. For though there be degrees in sinne, yet euery sinne is abominable to God: for whoso breaketh the least commandement is guilty of all. Iames saith;Iac. 2.10. Whosoeuer kepeeth the whole lawe, and faileth in one point, is guilty of all: and (o) we know God heareth not sinners.
Thirdly they teach,Ioh. 9.31 that the infinit and inflexible righteousnes so God is satisfied, Cōmut [...]tiue and arithmeticall iustice is, when you haue the val [...]w of a penny for a penny. and that his fauour is merited by such righteousnes of works as is not perfect, nor is absolutely full: and by Commutatiue or Arithmetiall iustice proportionable to the fauour of God, and eternall Saluation. By vvhich they ouerthrow all the iustice and righteousnes of God; who professeth of himselfe,Mat. 16.27 that hee giueth vnto euery man according to his works: and when hee iudgeth according to his exact [Page 219] righteousnes, hee iudgeth in measure and weighte:Vid Cōp. Io. de Comb. lib. 5. cap. 1 [...]. verbo a [...]o aut [...]m. Da [...]. 5.27. neither doth hee conniue, or winke at any mans imperfection; Thou art weighed in the Balance, and art found too light, saith Daniel to Baltazar. If God enter into iudgement, theApoc. 2.4 somwhat against Ephesus: Ibid. ver. 14 the fewe things against Perg [...]mus: theApoc 3.10 Luke-warmeness of Laodicea, that is, the imperfection of her religion shall not bee forgotten. To conclude, the Lord himselfe doth best decide this controuersie; who, proclaiming his owne name & excellence in the Mountaine vnto Moses, saith,Exod. 34.7 for giuing iniquity and tran [...]gression, and sin, & not making the wicked innocent. What is this but a declaration of Gods mercy, and of his iustice, and what hee doth in both? Though he forgiue & pardon sinne, yet he calleth not sinne righteousnes, darknesse light, imperfection perfection. Wherefore I [...]b saith;Iob. 9.10 If I would bee perfect, hee shall iudge me wicked. Deut. 10.17. God accepteth no mans person; Weake loue, vnfruitfull faith, cold deuotion, are vveake, vnfruitfull, cold in the sight of God, neither doe they merit of him. I confesse, God forgiueth the imperfection of our deuotion, for Christ; but imperfect deuotion meriteth not of God because we are Christians: imperfect works are accepted of God, not as our merites, but as our seruice: God forgiueth imperfect works; but God iustifieth vs not for imperfect works.
Fourthlie, they haue another proposition cleane contrarie to this precedent. So of the Romish Chaos is verefied that of the Poet; ‘Frigida pugnabant calidis, humentia siccis.’
In the former proposition they teach, that good works are remunerated aboue their desert: but in this they stand vpon the dignity, the excellence, the nobility of Christian works; which they so much aduance, that Petrus a Soto, saith,Pet a Soto vt testatus Chemn in e [...]am de bonap. [...]art 1 If any thing lesse then expiation of sinne, appeasing of Gods wrath, and eternall life should be retributed vnto them, it were not the proper and true reward of good works. Suarez also saith,To [...]. 1. in 3. d [...] [...]ect [...]. verbo secūdo et oportet. that a vvorke aboue nature, that is, a work vvrought by grace, hath a proportion to the reward, and a sufficient value to bee worth the same; the [Page 220] reward therefore is not giuen for Christs merit. And the Rhemists say,Rhē. in Heb. 6.10. Good works are the very cause of Saluation; so farre, that God should bee vniust, if hee rendred not heauen for the same. And Lindanus is much offended with certaine modest Catholicks, who affirmed, that God doth reward good vvorks out of the free vouchsafing of his mercy: And he teacheth, that the kingdome of heauen is no lesse due to good works, then eternall paine to euill works. Bayus saith,Bayus de indulg. cap. vlt. that our good works in the rigour of Gods iustice do satisfie and merite. Hosius callethHos. de expresso Dei verbo. the charitie of our works, the reward of Saluation. Andradius saith,Necesse est vt reuatorū o [...]era diuinitatē quàdā in se habeāt. in Chemn. It is necessary that the works of the regenerate haue a certaine diuinity in them. Peter Lombard proceedeth further; and saith, that our charity and loue towards GOD and Men, is the very Essence and the substance of the holy Ghost the third person of the Trinity. Which opinion, Scotus also saith,Scotus in 1. sent. dist. 17. q. 1. art. 3. may bee very vvell defended. And Pigghius confesseth,In scholis—fere imaginātur grat. iā Dei qualitatē aliquā increatā anime nostra à Deo, vel eādē cū charitatis habitu, vel distinctā ab eodē. Pig. lib. 5. de liber. arb. ex Bell. that the Schooles did imagine the grace of GOD to bee an vncreated quality of our Soule from GOD. Now therefore I blame them not to say, Charity in vs is meritorious, since they say, our charity is the glorious Person, Essence, and substance of the holy Ghost. Bellarmin is ashamed of this Tenet of the Master, and saith, hee neuer held any such position. But vvith vvhat face can the Frier cloke this monstrous blasphemy, confessed and disclaymedTho. Aq. 2 a. 2 ae q. 23. art. 2 by Thomas Aquinas, and also by Henricus ab Ʋrimaria? vvho collecteth the doctrine of Peter Lombard, and saith,Pr [...]dicta opinio magistri nō tenetur This opinion of the Master is not held. The words of Peter Lombard himselfe make the matter most cleare. For hee saith;Ipse idē spiritus sāctus est amor, siue charitas, quan [...]s diligimus Deū & proximū. lib. 1. dist. 16. cap. 1. He the same holy spirite is the loue, with vvhich wee loue God and our neighbour. And againe,Charitas ergo spiritus sāctus est, qui Deus est, et donum Dei. ibid. cap. 6. ad finem. Charity is the very holy spirit, which is God, & the gift of God. And in the same place, Est ergo charitas verè spiritus sanctus, Charity is verely the Spirit of God. And this hee goeth about to proue out of Austin, vvho saith, nothing can bee better then charitie; signifying thereby Et per hoc ip [...]ā esse Deum signific [...]. ibid. (saith Lombard) that it is God. In the fift [Page 221] chapter hee maketh a difference betwixt Faith and Charitie, and saith, that charitie is from God in vs, and yet it is the very spirit of GOD: Now faith is from the spirit, but is not the spirit. Againe; the spirit (saith hee) worketh other vertues in vs; as Faith, and Hope, by habits of them infused: but hee worketh charity in vs thorow himselfe, not by any habite infused. Hee answereth also all arguments to the contrary; affirming thatCharitas ab ipso est in no [...]i [...], & tamē ipsa spiritus sanctus est. cap. 5. Charitie is from the spirite, and is the spirit. Is there any Cardinall now hath such a brazen face, as to deny so plaine, so open, so manifest truth? Therefore maruel no longer, Christian reader, that the schollers of Peter Lombard, whome euery Vniuersitie receiued, read, disputed, alledged, allowed, attribute iustification to the works of Charity, which their Master teacheth them to bee God himselfe, the Holie Ghost, third person of the blessed Trinity.
The fift blasphemous position concerning the merite of workes, is the matter of Supererogation; of which they hold, that a man may not onely by his good workes merite saluation, himselfe; but hee may also dispose of the superfluitie of his workes, to satisfie for other: yea, that Priests,Rhemistae in Colos. 1. annos. [...]. verbo and sometimes with all. and Bishops, and their great Lord the Pope may dispose of the good workes of the Church, and make them satisfactions for other mens faults vnto God. Wherein first, they exceede all Pharises in spirituall pride: Secondly, they entise men from Christ our onely satisfaction, vnto a vaine confidence in humane righteousnesse: Thirdly, this doctrine denieth Christ to be the sole head of the Church, from whom,Psal. 13 3.2. like the oile of consecration, from the head of Aaron to the skirt of his clothing, grace is deriued into his whole body, which is the Church, and euery member thereof. But hereof in the third booke I shall speake. Let vs now consider the strength of the arguments; which are brought for Iustification by the workes of the regenerate.
First, whereas in many places of Scripture the Kingdome of heauen is called a 1. Cor. 9.17. reward, a recompense, the price of victory; from thence they conclude, that it is merited, and by vs deserued.
Sol.The kingdome of heauen is indeede1. Cor. 9.24. a price, a reward, a recompence of good workes, but it is not the merite of workes. For this Saint Paul giues vs a full and proper distinction. There is [...], as wel as [...]. Rom. 4.4. That is, there is a reward or wages by fauour, as well as by debt. And a distinction, totidem verbis expressed in Scriptures, I hope will not bee refused. Wherefore though the kingdom of heauen be a reward, yet God giueth it not to any man by the due of Iustice, but by the grace of mery. Our Sauiour in the 17. of Luke teacheth vs, to esteeme of our selues asLuk. 17.9, 10. seruants vnprofitabl [...]; when we haue done all is commanded, we haue done but our duty.
Ob.The Apostle Saint Iames is brought-in for iustification by workes; who saith, thatIac. 2.21. Abraham our Father was iustified by workes.
Sol.The Apostle Paul witnesseth,Rom. 4.2. Abr [...]ham beleeued God, and it was counted to him for righteou [...]nesse. And againe, To him that work [...]th not, but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly, his faith is counted for righteousnes. Are the two Apostles contrary one to the other? God forbid. For neither doth Paul vnderstand the same faith with Iames, nor the same Iustification. Paul requireth such a faith as is seated in the heart. Iames reiecteth such a faith as onely soundeth in the tongue. Paul requireth a liuely faith. Iames reproueth a dead faith. Paul requireth a diuine faith apprehending the promise with comfort. Iames reiecteth the faith of Diuels, which knoweth onely the History of Christ without all application. Paul commends a fruitfull faith working through loue. Iames condemnes (and that iustly) a barren and naked faith void of all fruits of piety. Againe Paul describes our Iustification before God; Iames our Iustification before men. Paul shewes how Abrahams person was iustified by faith. Iames shewes how Abrahams faith was iustified by his workes. Iustified, I say, that is, declared to be a true faith by his workes. For this Iustification of Abraham by workes was onely Secundum quod Iustificatio dicitur Iustitiae exercitatio vel ostensio, as Iustification is taken for the exercise or declaration of righteousnesse, as Aquinas [Page 223] himselfe writeth vpon those words of Iames, Aquin. in Iac. 2. 1 [...] Ostende mihi. Shew me thy faith by thy workes, and I will shew thee my faith by my workes. And now what opposition is there betweene the two Apostles?
The Apostle saith, Seeing we haue these promises, Ob. dearely beloued, let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh, 2. Cor. 7.1. and spirit; and grow vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of God: Ergo, we are iustified by workes.
The Apostle in these words doth onely exhort his Corinthians, to endeauour to all perfection in holinesse:Sol. he doth not say, they can attaine such perfection; nor that they should thereby be iustified: for who euer was so sanctified by his owne workes, that he might presume to expect reward at the hands of God?
The Apostle Paul saith,2. Cor. 9.10. God shall multiply your seede, Ob. and encrease the fruits of your righteousnesse: Ergo, vvorkes Iustifie.
The Apostle here speaketh how God shall encrease his blessings vpon them that are mercifull to the poore.Sol. So that they shall not want, who are liberall in giuing: hee speaketh no word of Iustification by workes. Otherwise wee may answere; God shall encrease the fruits of your righteousnesse, that is, the righteousnes you haue in Christ, shall be fruitfull, and appeare in you by good vvorkes: he doth not say, their almes vvas their righteousnesse.
The Spirit saith, (d) Let him that is righteous, Ob. be righteous still, or more righteous yet; Ergo, Ex vlt. Apoc our owne righteousnes doth iustifie.
Man by Gods grace doing good workes doth more and more iustifie himselfe before men,Sol. though thereby he be not iustified before God. This encrease is of the fruit of Iustification, which men may see: not of Iustification it selfe, which God freely giueth. And this shall suffice to be spoken of their obiections. Many more idle cauils there are, either not worthy of answere, or else so already by sundry learned confuted, as I neede not to vveary my pen in them. I will therefore now repaire to the examination of their Limitations.
CHAP. LXVII. Of the Limitations with which the Romish Church doth place Iustification in their owne workes.
BEcause simply to place Iustification in humane workes is spirituall pride, and the intolerable tumor of Pharisaicall arrogancy; therefore the Babylonish strumpet hath mixt her cup of Venome vvith a little Wine to colour it, and hath put Tryacle in the poison, thinking with a few distinctions and Limitations, to make her false coyne currant, and her diuelish Positions, true Diuinitie. The first is, They doe not attribute this power of Iustification to the vvorkes of vnregenerate men, but to such workes as are done by the faithfull, through the mouing of the Spirit of Christ. Therefore seeing the works vvhich iustifie, are done by the grace of Christ, it is still Christ that iustifieth, and Christ that meriteth in vs. For this cause the Councell of Trent saith,Nisi in Christo renascerentur nunquā iustificarentur, cum ea renascentia, per meritū passion [...] eius gratia qua iusti fiunt illis tribuitur. Con. Trid. Sess. 6. Can. 3. verum etsi. Except they were borne againe in Christ, they could neuer be iustified: For in the new b [...]th by the merit of his Passion, the grace by which they are iust, is giuen them. And Bellarmine saith,Bellar. l. de Iust. 5. c. 10. verbo quinta vt. Ʋnto merite is required, that one be the friend of God, and acceptable to him. Now that the first Iustification is no way from our selues, nor our owne vvorkes, he confesseth,Hominem vere operibus iustis iustificari, non prima, sed secundo iustificatione, qua non [...]acis iustos ex impijs sed iustiores ex iustis. Bellar. l. 4. de Iustif. cap. 10. ad finem. A man is truely iustified by righteous workes, not in the first iustification, but in the second iustification, which doth not make vs righteous of sinners, but of righteous more righteous. Merita hominum requiruntur, non propter insufficientiam mer [...]torum Christi sed propter maximam eorum efficaciam. Bellar. l. 5. de Iust. cap. 5. verbo at inquiunt. So that all the places of Scripture, which speake of free iustification, they restraine vnto the first iustification onely.
The second Limitation is, that the merits of the Regenerate are not required for any insufficiencie in the merits of Christ, but onely in respect of the great efficacie that is in them.
Thirdly, thatBonum opus non esse meritoriū vitae aeterna nisi ex charitate procedat. Bellar de Iustif. l. 3 ae. 15 per tot [...]m cap. Good works are not meritorious to eternall life, except they be done in charitie. But these their restrictions and rules how well and faithfully they obserue, the Chapters following shall make manifest: so that euery eye may see, that [Page 225] these are but false Stales set vp to deceiue, and vaine illusions contrarie to the publique vvorship, & daily practice of their Church.
CHAP. LXVIII. Of the first Limitation, and that the Romish Church placeth Iustification in the workes of vnregenerate men, and taketh away the honour from CHRIST of beeing our first Iustification.
THe vnconstancie of the Romish Synagogue, concerning the merite of the vvorkes of vnregenerate men, is so great, both in their publique and priuate writings, that whoso goeth forth to see it, shall see but a Reede shaken with the winde; and whoso shall hearken thereunto, shall hearken to a Trumpet of most vncertaine sound. To blinde the eyes of the vvorld, the Fathers of Trent cast a faire glosse vpon their false pretence. For they pronounceSess. 6. can. 3. de operibus infidelium. accursed vvhosoeuer shall say, that a man vvithout the preuenting grace of the holy Spirit, and the help therof can beleeue, or hop [...], or loue, or repent, so that the grace of Iustification may bee giuen him. But the Soule, shall I say? or the tongue of the Tridentine assembly, Andradius (as Martinus Chemnici [...]s affirmeth) expoundeth the Canon thus;Ex Chemn. Free will without the grace of the Spirit of God cannot bring forth good workes. Which is not, because free wil in man hath no power before conuersion to bring forth good and spirituall workes; but because the naturall powers are so vvrapped and bound with the chaines of sinne, that a man by his owne power cannot deliuer himselfe. As a man chained therefore in fetters wanteth no faculty or power to goe, but is onely hindred by the impediment vpon him: so (saith he) is the will of an vnregenerate man.
You see in what sense the Councell of Trent pronounceth them accursed, which say, that a man vvithout preuenting grace cannot beleeue, nor repent: that is, he can beleeue and repent by the force of the naturall powers: but hee cannot [Page 226] beleeue nor repent, by reason of the impediment hanging on him. And that Andradius doth truly expound their meaning, they themselues giue apparant testimonie in the seuenth Canon of the sixt Session: in which they accurse him, who shall say, that all workes before iustification, what way soeuer wrought, are sinne. Doth not the taile now bewray the Fox, and his eares the Woolfe? For, if any vnregenerate man cannot prepare himselfe to grace (as they teach in the second Canon) vvhy is hee excommunicate in the seuenth Canon, vvho doth say; that the workes of the vnregenerate are sinne? The whole streame of Scholasticall doctrine is carried to this point, that a man vnregenerate by his pure naturalitie may eschew and auoid all sinne: and so, doing what in him is, out of Congruitie may deserue the grace of God. Iohn de Combis, in the Compendium of Theological verity saith,Comp. Theol verit. l. 5 c. de orig. v rtutū & gra [...]i c. cap. 2. that though free-will of it selfe cannot effect grace in Man, yet it can prepare a man, and make him able to haue grace; As a man cannot enlighten the house, but can open the vvindow to let in light. Wherefore not onely Andradius in the open Councell defended an Axiom of Clement, Ex Chemn. that Philosophy is a Schoole-master to Christ: that it doth illustrate the mindes vvith knowledge, and enformes it vvith godlinesse, beautifying it with loue and repentance preparing to the Gospell: but hee did plainely also in the same Councell auouch, that Philosophers, vvhich had not Scripture, which had not the Oracles of God, had yet true faith;Slodan [...]j iustification of faith, and euerlasting life. Yea, Slodan doth record, that in the yeare of our Lord 1552. a Franciscan Frier in the Councell of Trent expounding the third Chapter of Saint Paul to the Romans did openly professe, that those vvhich had not the knowledge of Christ; if they liued honestly, were notwithstanding saued. The same is the opinion of Baius, B [...]iu [...] de mer. op. l. 2. c. 1 & 4. & 7. [...]x Io. White. that the dignitie of the person addeth nothing to the reason of meriting; and that they may merite heauen, that are not yet adopted to be the sonnes of God. Suarez teacheth, our vvorkes before wee haue attained grace, prepare vs to grace. The Rhemists say,In Marg. in Mat. 12. Man [Page 227] hath free-will to beleeue, or not to beleeue: to make himselfe a vessell of saluation, or damnation. In other places they teach,In Ro. 10. marg. no [...]. [...]. in 2. Tim. 2. annot. 5 it is a mans owne free-will and election to bee a good tree, or bad tree, to bring forth good fruit or bad. Againe they say,Io. 1. annot. sect. 5 Man hath free-will to receiue and acknowledge Christ. They acknowledgeIn 1. Cor. 6. ānot. 1 it lyeth in mans free-will to frustrate, or to follow the motions of God. ManIn Iac. 4. annot. 4. maketh himselfe cleane, and purgeth his owne heart. This is more then for an vnregenerate man to doe good workes: for it maketh free-will, of power to elect and chuse: to take hold and beleeue in Christ, which is the first steppe to iustification.
The like vncertainty of doctrine is amongst the rest concerning this point. Bellarmine deniethLib. 6. de li. arbit. c. 4. in princip. cap. that the Schoole-men did euer hold, that certaine weake good desires in a man vniustified do go before grace; but this was the opinion of certaine false Catholicks, Faustus and Cassianus, and their adherents. Yet, I hope, Bellarmine, nor the Schoole-men will euer forsake the Helena of all distinctions, with which they are so much enamoured; the merite of Congruity, merit of dignitie, and merit of condignity. Wherin they teach,Potasi homo nōdū recōciliatu [...] per opera poe [...]itē [...] impetrar [...] et nurer [...] cō ruo gratiā iustifi [...] menis. Bel. l. 5 c. [...]2. (w) that though the substance of the worke of an vnregenerate man deserueth not worthilie eternall life, because of the great vnequality betwixt the worke and the reward: yet there is congruity by a certaine equality of proportion. For it is meete, that man working according to his power, God should giue recompence according to his goodnes. And thus Bellarmin confesseth, a man by congruity may deserue grace of iustification: nay, hee proceedeth a great deale further; and saith,Nō [...]dē quod sin [...] pacto, [...] acceptatione nō habeat [...] opus bonū p [...]oportionē ad vitá [...]ternā. de Iustif [...]. 5 c. 17. that good works of themselues without any couenant or acceptation of God haue a proportion to eternall life. The Compendium of the Theologicall veritie teacheth,Io. de Cōl. Comp. Theol. ver. l. 5 c. 12. potest peccator habi [...]are se ad gratiam. A sinner may prepare himselfe vnto grace. Gratian saith,Per l [...]be [...]ū arbitr [...]ū h [...]mo li. b [...] ē se potest reddere, vt ei D [...]mi [...]u [...] gratia in [...]ūta Grat. de cōs. 3 [...]. 5 c plac [...]t vt quicunque d [...]xerit. by free wi [...]l a man may make himselfe fit for God to powre grace into him. Henricus ab Vrimaria collecteth the same out of Peter Lombard, distinguishing betwixt Operation and Cooperation, and saith; a [Page 228] man doth not worke with God before infusion of grace, butNon autem fine nobis operātibus insū [...]dit Deus virtutes, operamur enim, quia praeparamus nos ad susceptionem virtutū P. Lomb. in 2. sent. d st. 27. c. 1. et H. ab Vtim. [...]bid. God doth powre into vs working, his vertues. For wee worke, when vvee prepare our selues to the receiuing of vertues.
The summe is, the vnregenerate though hee worke not with God, yet hee worketh towards the attaining of grace. Bellarmine therefore himselfe forgetfull of his owne position, that Christ is our first iustification, saith,Nos existimamus vitā aeternā reddi bonis meritis filiorū Dei, cū quoad primū gradū, tū quoad raetero [...]. l. 5 de iustif cap. 20. per totū cap. we thinke that eternall life is yielded to the good works of the children of God, both concerning the first degree thereof, and the rest also. It is most true, that Augustine saith; Sub lau libus naturae latent inimici gratiae, vnder the praising of nature, the emnity of grace is hidden. For out of this which hath beene spoken, it is cleare, that the Romish Church beleeueth, that there is some kind of goodnes, which God doth respect and reward, going before grace in the vnregenerate. And their plaine Assertion is, thatH. ab Vrim. in 2. sēt dist. 27. cap. 1 God neuer giueth grace, but vnto these that worke. And Iohn de Combis; Comp. theol. l. 5. c. 2 Grace is not giuen to those that do not endeuour themselues thereto.
The differences betwixt the Pelagians and Papists,The difference betwixt Pelagians & Papists. is: Pelagius teacheth, that by the generall or naturall indowments, a man may conuert and turne to God, and repent, and merit: The Romish Church teacheth, that this generall or naturall indowment of grace is euer ready to moue, and stirre vp the free will, whose part it is to consent vnto such motions: and this is to doe what a man can of himselfe, by which deed a man may prepare himselfe to grace. To conclude; Three maner of waies (they say) a man is prepared to grace. Efficiently, from God: Formally, from graces freely giuen:Cōp. Theol. ver. in fine cap. 11. et cap. 12. lib. 5. Materially, from our selues. They say, (u) works done by the vnregenerate, though they bee not directly good, yet they haue some good in them, and God doth interpret them as good, and vnto none such is grace denied. And this is the little difference betwixt the Pelagian, and the Romanist. But since their opinions concerning the works of the vnregenerate are so doubtfull, perplexed, and vncertaine, [Page 229] let vs descend vnto the next chapter, wherein the Scarlet strumpet shall be vnmasked, which openly maintaineth, that sinne is meritorious at the hand of God.
CHAP. LXIX. That the Romish Church placeth merit of eternall life in open and knowne sinnes; contrary to the first Limitation.
I Did not a little maruell, when I read in the Missall,Per peccatrici [...] meritum peccati solue debitū in Ro. Bre. fest Magd. hym. aeterni pat. vnice. By the merit of a sinner take away the debt of sinne: And as vnproper seemed their gratulation vnto Mary Magdalen, O foelix peccatrix, O happie sinner. Certainly Magdalen was no happy sinner, but an happy conuert: neither doth God reward the vvorks of sinners. First, he did looke onGen. 4.4 Habell, then on the Gift. Neuer was any worke to God acceptable, which proceeded from sinne, or from Man as hee is sinfull. Wherefore howsoeuer they may excuse the matter, in respect of that Mary Magdalen formerly had beene, and her repentance afterward; it is a doubtfull speech, and most improper, to beseech God for a sinners merite to bee mercifull vnto vs.Ioh. 9.31. Wee know, God heareth not sinners. And as improper it is, to call any a happy sinner. For all sinne is most vnhappie, and all men vnhappy in that they are sinners. Neither was Magdalen an happy sinner, but all her happinesse was in her conuersion from sin. But since it is familiar to this generation to blaspheme by mentall reseruation, and vvith the nimblenesse of their wiits to put to and take away scandalls at their pleasure, Let vs proceed further vvith them and demand why they pray vnto Thomas the Apostle,O Tho. Did. per Christū quē meruisti tāgere. Portif. Sar. in Sanct. Tho. Decemb. 21. O Thomas Didymus by Christ whome thou didest deserue to touch? Thomas vvas in infidelity, he beleeued not the resurrection of Iesus Christ: and to this infidelity he added obstinacy, protesting that hee vvould not beleeue except hee both sawe and felt the print of the Nayles in his hands,Ioh. 20.25. and the vvound in his side. The Apostle saith,Rom. 14.23. Whatsoeuer is without faith is sinne. Our sauiour acknowledgeth, that Thomas was vvithout faith, vvhere he saith;Ioh. 20.2 [...] be not faithless, but [Page 230] beleeue. The conclusion then is, if Thomas merited, he merited by sinne: and indeed what was in Thomas at the time of his fall, but incredulity? want of faith to beleeue the Scriptures? obstinacie and stubbornnesse to reiect the testimony of his fellow Apostles? temptation of the spirit of God, by hardning his owne heart? wilfull resistance of the grace and trueth of God? Except I see and feele, I will not beleeue. Infidelity and perseuerance therein, obstinacy, temptation, wilfulnes, these were his works, and no other to merit vvith, vntill Christ himselfe by his miraculous and glorious presence lightened his darke heart, and opened his vnderstanding to receiue the trueth. They will say perhaps, the former actions of Thomas before his fall, did deserue to touch Christ: I answer vvith the prophet;Ezech. 18.24. If the righteous turne from his righteousnes and commit iniquity, all his righteousnes that hee hath done shall not bee mentioned, but in the sinne that he hath sinned hee shall dye. If they say of Thomas, as they doe of his fellow Apostle,Petrus salua fide, Christum negauit. Peter denyed Christ, yet saued his faith: I answer, the fall of Thomas vvas infidelity in the highest measure; for hee denied the resurrection of the head of the Church (Iesus Christ) the sonne of the euer-liuing God; who,1. Cor 15.14 If hee rose not from the dead, preaching is vaine, and faith is vaine also. So that to deny the resurection of Christ, vvas to ouerthrow all hope, all faith, all trueth, all religion: and yet in this act Thomas did merit and deserue.
At the consecration of their Taper;O certe necess [...]r [...]is Adamae peccatum et nostrū Miss Sar in Sab Sāct pasc. hym. exuliet et Miss. Ro. ex decret. Cō [...]il. [...]rid. edis. [...]sa Pij 5. O necessary sinne of Adam, and of vs, which is taken away by the death of Christ. If our sins are necessarie, they must needs be also good: and if good, then meritorious. Surely it cannot bee said, that Adam did offend, or that wee doe offend, if either his or our faulte be necessarie: nay, we are commendable in that wee doe, and worthy of great praise for performing so great a benefite to our selues. Wherefore, This is a clause (saith Clichtouius) conteyning Nō solū falsā cōtinēt sentētiam, sed [...]piā, et blasphemiae proximā, ne{que} Deo rebus{que} sacris dignā. in hym. bened. [...]eres Paschalis. ex Clicth. not only a false, but an impious sentence, next vnto blasphemy, vnworthy of God and our diuine seruice. Blush not Rome, for thou hast children of thine owne spirit, who dare auouch,Zanch. lib 9 de debito coning. disp. 46. num. 15. vid. Tollit. b. 5. c. 10. nū. 3 that The handling [Page 231] of the vncleane parts of Beasts is but veniall sinne. Others haue affirmed, thatEx Hoss. co [...]. [...]ront. lib. 2. the sentence of the Scribes and Priests pronounced against Christ was iust: that the Priests condemning Christ erred not in their publique iudgement, but in their owne mindes, because Christ tooke vpon him to beare our sinnes. Some, that the errour of the Iewes vvas onely in the manner of proceeding, being tumultuous and by subornation: OthersDist 12. itam in marg. & in Gloss. that the Iewes had sinned mortally, if they had not put Christ to death. The contrarie whereof the Schooles will tell you is,Vid. Bell. l. 2. de concil. author c. [...]. they merited highly in that vvicked conspiracie against the Lord of life. And why should they doubt to allow the vvicked act of the Iewes against Christ our Sauiour, vvho of late haue foundVid. Sebast. Michael. in poss. Madg. de Cr. — out holy Diuels preachers of righteousnesse, which came to saue soules? Magdalen is an happy sinner, and Adams fault was necessary: the Iewes did well in betraying Christ, and Diuels are become Preachers. Is it any maruell then, if sinne bee meritorious? Wherefore,O foelix culpa quae ta [...]em ac tantū in ruit habere redemptorem! Ro. Miss in hym ex [...]ltit tam. & Miss. Sar. O happy fault, which did deserue to haue such, and so great a Redeemer.
I will presse them no further then with their own Doctors iudgements. The author of the Theologicall Compendium saith,L [...]b. 5. cap. 11 ad finem. It is an improper speech, and that, Deserue standeth here for to require. But Clichtouius, who examineth the words more exactly saith,Clich. in hym. exult iam a gelica. it is a false and vnreasonable speech, to call the fault of Adam, which was most balefull to himselfe and his posteritie, an happy fault. Neither is it to be suffered (saith he) that to the fault it is attributed, that it deserued such and so great a Redeemer. Wherefore both clauses are to be blotted, and abolished out of all the Ecclesiasticall bookes: neither ought they euer to be sung againe in the Church, lest being moued with a foolish holinesse, and not knowing how to sing wisely vnto God, wee ascribe that to the fault (the diuels worke) which was the onely mercy of God. Thus farre Clichtouius.
Here now, I trust, I haue deliuered my selfe of my promise, both by plaine text, and by the confession of their own Comment. Surely wee ought to beleeue as wee worship.I [...]h 4.22, [...]3 24. If [Page 232] they beleeue not that sinne doth merit, why is it professed in their publique adoration? If they doe beleeue it, was it not high time that England should come out of Babylon, and forsake a Religion so impious and so prophane? wherein if their faith be according to their profession, sinne is meritorious: if they thinke not as they speake, their seruice is Hypocrisie. They will reply perhaps, that Clichtouius afterward recanted this opinion: but a recantation without reason must not disable the censure grounded vpon strong arguments, and assured demonstrations.
Such Doctrine as their Schoolemen teach, and their Masse celebrateth, their Legends also by sundry examples doe illustrate. For, of Petrus Telonarius they record, that hauing one day throwne a loafe of bread angerly at a poore mans head, and strooken him with the same, the next night he saw himselfe brought before the Tribunall seate of God: where on the one side did certaine blacke Bugs stand, who in their end of the Scales did heape all his euill deedes, and at the other end stood some all in white, very sad and sorrowfull, that they had no good works, which on their side they might cast into the balance: till at the last one answered, wee haue indeede nothing but one Pulson loafe, which two daies agoe he gaue vnto Christ against his will: this loafe therefore they put into the Scale, and it did equalize all the rest. Thus, as sinne did merite damnation, sinne did merite saluation also. Doth this seeme strange vnto thee, O Reader, that any man should be so shamelesse as to place desert in wickednesse, and merite in vngodlinesse?Io. [...]e Comb. in Comp. Theol. verit. l. 5. c. 1 tātem peccator quando{que} meretur occasionaliter. Knowne be it vnto thee, that the Legend exemplifieth no other doctrine, but that which their Schoolemen teach. For Io. de Combis saith, that a sinner may occasionally merite by giuing vnto the poore an Almes, by which they are moued vnto prayer, whereof the Almes was the cause. He saith, that workes done in mortall sin, though they be not directly good, yet a sinner may merite by them occasionally. By this rule there is no abomination so monstrous which may not be meritorious: For it may be the occasion of some good or other more or lesse. The Acts of Sophronia [Page 233] and Pellagia, who muthered themselues because Tyrants should not defloure them, are openly made meritorious by their Canonization.
Hieronimus Mutius and Iohannes Casa an Archbishop of Beneuent haue written bookes, defending, praising, commending the sinne of Buggery; and the later of them cals it,Ex [...]gedi [...]o. A Diuine worke. O Sodome, O Hell, O bloudy Babylon, where are now thy inquisitors, thy whips, thy Rackes, thy Tortures, thy Strappadoes? Salua res est, shall not men praise in Paper,Sub Iulio terti [...] Sixtus 4. what the holy Father approues in Lead? Is it any more to teach by writing, then to confirme by dispensing? the one saith, Fiat quod petitur: the other Laudatur quod fit. To sweare by Saints and inuocate them as witnesses, is contrarie to the expresse letter of the Scripture: they approue, they teach, they defend it.
We see daily, to adorne, to decke, to kneele, to worship images, is an act meritorious.
Hath not Clement the 8. in his Papall chaire, in the full Court of Cardinals, out of Peters Consistorie commended, approoued, extolled vvith a curious Oration, the Frier vvho killed his lawfull Prince, the King of France; comparing his act with that of Iudith in slaying Holofernes.
No man can now any longer maruell, that so oft both in their Missals and Legends their Saints are solemnized and adored for open impiety. Saint Christopher, Leg. [...]ōb. in Christoph. fol. 8 c. for that hee bade the Diuell farewell. Mary Magdalen, Ibid in Mary Magd. for that shee set at liberty a prisoner that was bound for debt, vvithout paiment of the same. Alexander, Rom. Bre. for mingling water with the wine in the communion. The Virgin Mary, In Nat. virg. Leg. Lomb. for parting man and wife. Agatha, whoRo. Bre. in Agap. gaue reuiling speeches to the Magistrate, by whom shee was condemned, calling him cruell, hard-hearted Tyrant. Gregory, Ro Bre. for that hee hid himselfe in a Caue from the charge, to which hee was elected. Benedict, Ro. Bre. in Ben [...] d [...]ct lect. 4. for that he shut himselfe into a close den three yeares, where no man knew of him but Romanus the Monke, neither did he good to any man. But of this argument hauing spoken before, I now supercede; onely let mee [Page 234] aduertise them, that they must not thinke to obtrude the faults of Saints instead of vertues vpon the Church. But, as Ezechiel said of the waters which came out of the Temple: so must wee deeme of the imperfections of holy men;Ez [...]ch. 47.11. The myrie places thereof, and the Marises thereof shall not bee wholesome, they shall bee made salt pits. Their owne rule is, Non verbis, sed Io de Comb. de grat Sanct. l. 5. c. 1 [...] aduerbijs meremur; meaning that no worke is good, or meritorious but that which is well done and lawfully, and according to the rule of Christian charitie: but such are none of these which I haue before rehearsed; therefore I may iustly reckon them in the number of sinnes.
CHAP. LXX. That the Romish Church maketh the Passion and merits of CHRIST vnsufficient to saluation; contrarie to the second Limitation.
Answere to the second Limitation.TRue it is that Fauorinus obserueth;Turpius est exiguè & frigide laudari, quā infectante [...] vtinperari. Au [...]us Gell. l. 19. c. 3. noct. Au [...]c. It is more shame to be coldly and lightly praised, then to be eagerly pursued with dispraise. If then we consider how sparingly, how niggardly, how basely the Romish fraternitie speaketh of that ineffable Redemption wrought by Christ, their light commendation will easily bewray their light estimation therof. Demand of Panigarola what trust we shall place in Christ he will say,Quoticscun{que} videus aliquē in sermone vel cōcione nihil vnquā aliud laudantē quam haec quinq [...]nē [...]e, Christi sāguinē, dei misericordiā, dei gratiam, dei fidē & scripturat, cauete ab eo discep. Calu. 18. pag. 43. vid edit Mediolan. 1 [...]94. As often as yee see any man in his preaching or Sermon praise nothing else but these fiue things: the bloud of Christ, the mercy of God, the grace of God, faith in God, and the Scriptures; take heede of him. Demand of Peter Lombard, whether Christ be our Redeemer? he will answere, and the whole quire of Schoolemen vvith him, that3 Sēt. d [...]st. 19. c. 2 Christ hath redeemed the soule in part, but not in whole: from the fault, not the punishment. Demand of Thomas Aquinas, and hee will come wi [...]h an enuious aliqualiter, and say,Pro corū peccatis aliqualites satisfecit. ex 3. part. q. 2. 2. art 4. & sic c [...]l Bi. Iohn c. 12. Hee hath after a sort satisfied for their sinnes. But if you put the question to Master Kellison (a beast that lately barked against the Moone) he (for ignorance is euermore audacious) will answere;Kell. l. 3. c. 2. ib [...]d. Christs [Page 235] Passion was not our formall iustification, nor satisfaction: and againe he saith, Christ hath satisfied for sinne: not because his Passion without cooperation of ours doth suffice. Demand of Aloysius Lypomanus, he will answere;Vide [...], quod ad salutem peccatoris requiritur etiam operis satisfactio, ne [...] prodest sola Christi passio, &c. part. 1. in vit. Sanc. Io. Baptist. pag 107. Thou seest that vnto the [...]al [...]ation of a Sinner the satisfaction of workes is required, neither doth the Passion of Christ alone suffice. Demand of Bellarmine himselfe, who hath assigned this Limitation, whether Christ hath iustified vs or not? You shall heare him say,Sacrificiū autem crucis non efficienter & immediatè iustificauit. l. 2. de Miss c. 4. verbo secando prob [...]tur. Christ hath not iustified vs efficiently. Demand of the Councell of Trent; and the Beast with all her mouthes of blasphemie will vomit out, thatCan. 10. & sic Bellar. citat l 2 de iustif. cap. 7 respende [...] conci [...]ium. Christs Passion was not the formall cause of our iustification. What is it then? Is it the matter of our iustification? (as Ieremy speaketh)Ier. 23.6. The Lord our righteousnesse? or (as Paul teacheth)1 Cor. 1.30. Christ was made vnto vs wisedome, and righteousnesse? No, saith the Tridentine, Soss. 6. Can. 16. Anath. 11. Cursed is he, whosoeuer shall say, that a man is iustified by the imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ onely. Though Christ be neither the sufficient, the effectiue, the formall, nor the materiall cause, yet he is some cause (I am sure) of Saluation. Liberall Master Kellison will grant him so much,Kellis. l. 3. c. 2. that He is the meritorious cause of our Redemption and Saluation, by which hee deserued for vs at Gods hand grace: by which together with our owne cooperation we may be saued and redeemed. O enuie! O detraction! O ballast of winde and feathers! Is this the praise his bloudy sweat, his mangled flesh, his gaping wounds, his groning soule deserued;Ibid. that we may redeeme our selues, and winde our selues out of the seruitude of sinne, and the tyrannie of the Diuell?
Thus you see, CHRIST is made the most causelesse cause, the lightest, the least enforcing cause of all causes: that vvhich they call, Causa sine qua non, the cause, without vvhich wee cannot bee saued; euen as Ʋlysses speaketh of himselfe in the Poet, Posse capi [...]aciendo Pergama cepi. Mat. l. 1 [...]. I then conquered Troy, when I made it conquerable.
If this bee all is giuen to Christ, the Saints haue as much attributed to them;Ro. Bre. in [...]ui. virg. lect. 4. beat. Mater. Mary is the mother of life. And againe;Ibid. in lect. [...]ua dalum est. Mary is the cause of life, by whom our life was begotten. [Page 236] And another saith of her;Nullus, est qui saluus siat nisi per te, O sācti sima: nemo est qui [...]beretur à m [...]le nisi per te, O Purissima: nemo [...]s cui donū cōcedatur nisi per e [...], O chastis [...] m [...]: nemo est, cuius gratiams, creatur nisi per te, O honestisssma. Germ. pat. 11 Aloy. Lyp. par. 1. pag 283. edit. Ʋerhes. There is none that is saued but by thee, O thou most holy: non [...] that is d [...]liuered from euils but by thee, O thou most pure: none, vpon whom grace hath mercy but by thee, O thou most hon [...]st. Thus, godly Reader, thou seest how slenderly they praise, how forcibly they extenuate all that Christ Iesus vvith the expence of his sacred bloud hath done for vs: Thou seest how they strip the great High Priest out of his glorious garments, making him a poore and naked Leuite.
The very Canon of the Masse it selfe is guilty of this impietie: where, at the offering vp of their Host they continually acknowledge, that they offer for the redemption ofQuoris tibi fides cognita est et deuotio. ix Can. Miss. their soules, whose faith and deuotion is knowne to God. Now if those faithfull and deuout are already redeemed, then they neede not offer for their redemption: if they be not redeemed, they ought (by Christs example)Ioh. 17.9. not to pray for the world. Bellarmine to salue this sore saith,B ll de Miss. lib. 2. ca. 21 verbo. respēdeo, quod attiuet the Catholikes account those whose deuotion is vnperfect, nor yet iustified, nor yet redeemed. But this maketh the rent worse. For they offer not for such, who haue no faith nor deuotion, but for their redēption, whose faith and deuotion God seeth, that is, which are truely deuout and faithfull. Now if they that be truely faithfull and truely deuout, bee not fully redeemed, then Christ hath redeemed none, and we are still of all men most miserable.
CHAP. LXXI. That the Romish Church placeth merit of eternal life in the smallest and most trifling workes they do, in which there is little or no charity expressed; contrary to the third Limitation.
Answer to the third Limitation.OF the false Prophets in his time Ose complaines;Ose 9.8 The prophet is the future of a fowler in all his waies. But of whom may this be better verefied then of the Babylonish strumpet? whoPro 7.16, 17 decketh her bed with ornaments, and perfumeth it with spices, sweetning with all the art shee can, the stinking breath of her inchanting lips. This in the examination of this Limitation of theirs, which we haue now in hand (godly [Page 237] reader) thou shalt euidently deprehend. For as they stretch their merits so farre, as that all things are obtained thereby: so they are in such sort, like Narcissus, enamored with themselues, that whatsoeuer they do, is merit. It isD sc. de Temp. possible (saieth one) for vs to merit in euery thing that we doe being in the grace of God. If thou eat to comfort nature with thanksgiuing, thy meat praiseth God, & thou deseruest the crowne of eternall life: if thou sleepe with an intention to rise the stronger to serue God, by sleeping thou dost merit. Therefore Gregory saith,Somnas sāctorum nō vacat merito. Disc. de tēp. s r. [...]61 The sleepe of the Saints is not without merit. Likewise, if thou labour with thy hands to nourish thy family, that thou haue no need to steale: or if thou labour to relieue the poore that cannot relieue themselues. Lastly, if thou endeauour in thy selfe to make vp the penance enioyned Adam, and all mankinde: whosoeuer thou art that labourest for any of these three intensions, standing in grace, thou dost alwaies merit in euery worke the crowne of eternall life.Ergo [...]istor nō potest p [...]n, [...]re panem, quin mercaetur coronā vitae atern [...]simil ter, ab [...]r, [...]artor, sutor, rasticu &c. Disc dr Tēp. ser. 16 [...] Therefore the Baker cannot bake bread but he deserueth the crowne of eternall life: so the Smith, the Tailour, the Shoo-maker, the Husbandman. This also the Comp. of Theol. veritie teacheth, where hee giueth this rule; Finem sub fine quis potest ponere? For example;Verbi gratiae; aliqum omēdit vt ernat medicinas, et ad hoc emit eas, vt curetur ab infirmitate, et ad hoc curari desiderat, vt melius Deo seruiat. In esto vltimo praecedētes volūtates omnes sunt meritoria propter vltimū. Io. de Cōb. Cōp. Theol verit. lib 5. cap. 14. Some man intends to buy medicines, and to this end he buyeth them, that hee may be cured of his infirmity; and to this end hee desireth to be cured, that he may serue God the better. Here all the first intentions are meritorious for the last. You see how easie a thing it is in the Church of Rome to merit eternall saluation; where if either the beginning, or the end bee for God, all the rest of the action is meritorious. Wherefore there is no work so small, wherewith they will not merit. ifSūm tangel. tit. de Sacr. Miss. they sprinkle holy water, sinnes are thereby forgiuen, per modum meriti, by way of merit: If they fast;Vt tetuniorū nobis sancta deuotio et purificationē tribuat, et maiestats tuae nos reddat a ceptos. fer. 5. et Sab. heb. 3. in quadrag. ex Bre. Sar. sim le et Ro. Missan Sab post [...] neres orat. ad esto Domine. Grant, we beseech thee, that the holy deuotion of our fasts may both purifie vs, and make vs acceptable to thy maiesty. If they keepe an holy day;Vt per tēporalia sesta qua agimas, peruenire a laeterno gaud a mereamur. in erat 4 Hebd. pasc. Deus quinos resurrectionis &c. Grant, we beseech thee; that by the temporall feasts which we keepe, we may deserue to come to eternall ioyes: If they mingle the bread & wine together;Haec sacrosācta c [...] mixtio corpori & sāguinis Dom [...] nostri Ies Christi fiat mihi omnibu [...]{que} sumētibus salus metis et corporu: ad vitā [...]ternā promerēdū, et cap [...]scēdā praeparatic salutaritan Can M [...]ss. Let the commixtion of the body and bloud of our [Page] Lord Iesus Christ bee made vnto mee, and to all that receiue it, health of minde and body: a healthfull preparation to deserue to receiue eternall life: If they light an holy candle, it is,Vt igne tua cl [...]ritat [...] s [...]ccl [...]n tēplo sacto, [...]riaetua rec prae [...]entari mereamar Miss. [...]ar in purij be [...]t. vn. Mar. orat Omn potēs semper aeterne Deus That we being inlightned with the fire of thy brightnes in thy holy temple, may deserue to be represented to thy glory: If they take a Pilgrims scrippe, it is, that they may deserueIn Miss Sar. in offic. peregrinorum. to goe safe to the temple of the Saints, and returne againe: If they take a staffe, it is, thatVt pera [...]ure mereantur ad gandia aeterna aeternae visio. nis. ibid. they may deserue to come to the eternall ioyes of eternall vision: If they sprinkle ashes vpon their head, it is,Praeserēdae humilitatis et promerēdae veniae causa. in Mis. Sar. et Romano. in cap. ieiunij. orat. Deus qui nō mortem. for the cause of shewing humility, and deseruing of pardon, and to bee an wholesome remedy to all that call on his holy Name. Insomuch that Dominick the Frier, when his legs were scratcht with thorns, said to his fellowes, Now,Ex Prōpt. exēp. quod exemplū bonū prouocat malos ad poenitētiam. our sinnes bee cleansed vvith bloud.
O happy people, who haue so easie meanes to attaine such vnspeakeable glory! Our Sauiour, of our best endeuors saith,Luke 17.10 When ye haue done all ye can, thinke your selues vnprofitable seruants. They will be profitable in euery trifle they take in hand. The Apostle Paul Rom. 8.18 accounteth not the afflictions of this present time worthy of the glory, that shall be shewed vnto vs: With the Romish Church the least affliction is the merit of eternall inheritance. To buy that precious Mat. 13.45. & 46. pearle the rich Merchant sold al he had: they buy it with the paring of their nailes.
They haue ready distinctions to auoide both Christ and his Apostles. For there isEx Cōp. Theol. merit. lib. 5. cap. 11. equality Arithmeticall, and equality Geometricall: equality of quantity, and equality of proportion. Equality of quantity is, when in Commutatiue iustice for a penny we buy a penny-loafe. So no work of our owne can merit at Gods hand: for hee euer giueth more than wee can deserue. But our workes (say they) doe merit of Gods distributiue iustice, by way of proportion. O miserable shifts! First, Christ is not our formall righteousnes, but our owne workes are our formall righteousnes: then our works are not our righteousnes fully and perfectly, according to the exact rule of God righteousnesse, or the full value of the reward, meriting but in a certaine manner, and after a proportion. O weake [Page 239] hope! O slender consolation! how shall Gods iustice be satisfied, and his righteousnes contented? Returne to thy rest,Psal. 116. O my soule, and put thy trust in him, who hath redeemed thee with a price: such a price as is answerable, yea, aboue the commutatiue iustice of God. For Christ hath fully paide my debt, and with a sufficient valuable summe made me the heire of his kingdome. And of this doctrine the Lord hath commanded all his Ministers to be the preachers;Esay 40. [...]. Speake comfortably to Ierusalem, and cry vnto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath receiued of the Lords hand double for all her sinnes. The least droppe of his innocent bloud is a sufficient satisfaction for the sins of a thousand vvorlds. And here by the way let me tell them, that the distinction of merite, of dignity, of condignity, and congruity, is an idle distinction. For if the workes of the regenerate doe not fully deserue at Gods hand in the balance of his strict iustice, then the works of the vnregenerate doe as much as they: for by congruity the works of the vnregenerate doe merit also.
CHAP. LXXII. That with the Romanists good works are meritorious which bee not done in charity; contrary also to the third Limitation.
IN the former chapter I haue shewed vvith what trifles, with what toyes, the Romanists perswade themselues the heauenly kingdome may be merited. Now let vs come nearer the Limitation it selfe, and consider vvhether they doe in deed obserue their owne rule, and verely perswade themselues that works are not meritorious except they bee done in charitie: and surely sundry reasons there are which doe plainly teach the contrarie.
First, their publique worship, which is the rule of religion, maketh the vvorks of such, meritorious towards God, in whome there is no capacity of actuall charitie: for they make men to merite before they are borne, and after they are dead. Of the Prophet Ieremie, in the Masse on Passion [Page 234] Sunday they sing;Magnū (inquam) Ieremiae meritū, qui ante promeretur, quā nascitur. por. Sar. in dom in pass. lect 4. Great was the merite of Ieremie, which did deserue before hee was borne. And of the holy Innocents, whome Herod put to death, they doe acknowledge, thatPro Christo merētur occidi. Bre. Sar. lect 4. b [...]ats qui labores. they merited to die for Christ. And amongst the praises of Nicholas, the Romane Breuiarie recordeth,Vid. lect. 4. in sest. Nic. illustri loco. That hee would neuer sucke being an infant on Wenesdaies and Fridaies, but once in the day, and that towards euening. Of euery Confessor they say,Isle homo ab adolescētia meruit cura [...]e infirmo [...]. Ro. Bre. in c [...]m confess. non Pont. This man from his youth vp deserued to cure the infirme. Now I would know of them, what charitie is without Free will: and in Infants or boyes what free wil is there, where nature it selfe is captiue?
That the dead do merite with them, contrarie to the rule of the Canonist,Nullus meretur nisi in corpore. de cōs. dist. 4. nec quēquam in Gloss. None deserueth but in the body; their praiers in the memories of them that are departed, giue sufficient testimony;Vt mertis vinculu ansolutis, trāsire mereatur ad vitā. in die Tricinali ad placebo. Deus cui propriū est. et Ro. Miss. in secret. pro animabus famulorū famulorū{que} tuarū. Grant that being absolued from the bands of death, he may deserue to passe into life. So in the Vigil of the dead, thatVt, qui in te sperauit et credidit, sanctorū tuorū mereatur cōsortio laetari. Miss. Sar. in offic. Mort. Deus cui proprium. he which did trust in thee, may deserue to reioyce in the fellowship of thy Saints.
What complaine I hereof? seeing they make senseles stocks, and things without any life at all, to merite at the hand of God. Of the Wodden Crosse they sing;Sola digna tu fuisti ferresecul. pretiū. Ro. Bre, in inuent. crucis R. post Nicode. ex ei [...] orat. Thou only wast worthy to beare the price of the world. In what charity, I pray you was the Crosse of wood? And of the night, wherein Christ rose from the dead, they saye;O certè beata nox quae sola scire merint tēpus et horam in qua Christus resurrerit a mortuis. Mis Sar. in sab. āct. pasc. et Ro. Miss. O happy night, which only didst deserue to know the tyme and the howre, in which Christ arose from the death! Was there any charity in the night? Either to the words Merit & Worthines they must seeke new significations, or else things senselesse and without life are meritorious, and haue worthines in them, by which they are commended vnto God,
Paulus Burgens [...]s saith,Totū corpus S. Christi, mysticū & cōpactū per virtutē fidei, qua in quātū fides est vna, omnes fideles efficiūtur vnū corpus, etiā per fidē informē, sicut corpus humanū, etiā sine anima, est vnū, corporis organus integritate &c. Vid Gloss. ord. Ni. de Lyra in 4. ad Eph. that the whole body of the Church is compacted by the vertue of faith: which because it is one, maketh all the faithfull one body, euen by an vnformed faith, that is, faith not formed by charity, as the body of Man is one, without the Soule.
Thomas Aquinas saith,Super priamiū de Apoc. ex Cē [...]. 23. c. 4 that a man that is not in charity, but suffers for Gods sake in a certaine vnformed deuotion, though hee doe not deserue, yet hee is disposed thereby to the state of grace. Tollet saith,Impletur praeceptū extra charitatē. l. 4. de instr. Sacerd. c. 12. pag. 489. ed [...]. Cosē. anno 1610. The precept is fulfilled without charity.
Iohn de Combis, Opus fiat in charitate, et ex charitate. l. 5 c. 13. though hee teach, That good works without Charity are dead, euen like coales of fire put out, and that wee must worke both in Charity and from Charity; yet as a man cleane forgegetting himselfe, entreating on the rule that one intention doth forme many actions, he teacheth thus: If a man propose to himselfe to giue twelue pence to the poore for Gods sake, euery day one penny, and so doth giue for diuers daies, but forgetteth in some one day to giue in respect of God, & to distribute the penny for Gods sake, yet (saith hee) The Dati [...] est meritoria propter prom [...] intentionem. gift is meritorious in respect of the first intention. By this wee see that for the first intention, in which was charity, the second gift is meritorious, in which was no charitie. Yea, the same author doth witnes, that a very sinner doth merite somtimes, Occasionaliter, occasionally; because hee giues an almes, which moueth the poore to praier. As of Almesse the Compendium: so of praier and all other works speaketh Thomas Aquinas, Primae vt intēt [...] onis, qua aliquis ad orādū accedit, reddit totā orationem meritoriā, ficut in alijs meritorus acti [...] bus accidit. 2 a. 1. c. q. 83. et fic etiā collig. a Bon Iohn. c. 83. That it is not necessary that a man bee intentue to his whole prayer, for that the force of the first intention maketh the whole prayer meritorious, as in other meritorious actes. And I pray you, why doth the Missall of Sarisburie solemnize Saint Blase, for that, being chosen to bee a Bishop, hee fledde into the Argean mountaines, contrarie to the rule of Saint Peter in his Canonical Epistle. And therfore cōtrarie to the rule of Charity, which saith;1. Pet. 5.2 Take the ouersight of them, not as compelled thereunto, but willingly. And why doth the Roman Breuiarie magnifieRo. Bre. in Ruff. [...] Secunda. 1 Cor. 7.3 Ruffina and Secunda, because they forsooke the mariage of Armentarius and Verinus, vnto whome they were by their parents honestly espoused; contrary to the Apostles rule? Or why doth the historie of Lombardy commend Alexius, Leg. Lomb. [...] v ta. Al [...]x [...]i. Works plainely commended as meritorious in the Missals, which were not wrought in charity. who did for sake his wife, to whome hee was lawfully ioyned? And Migdona, which forsooke Carisius? And the Indian Kings wife, who forsooke her husband also? With [Page 234] [...] [Page 243] [...] [Page 234] [...] [Page 243] [...] [Page 242] Anastasia, who shunned the companie of her husband Publius? or why is Ʋitalis the Abbot cōmended, who went into brothell howses to conuert soules? and being therefor suspected of his Monks, and desired to refraine, and not to be a scandall vnto others, hee refused their counsell and answered them churlishlie;Legend. Lomb. in Io. Elemos sol. 25. Haue not I a body as other men, or is God angry with Monkes onely? Are you made Iudges ouer me? Or why is Ambrose commended,Ex Leg. Lomb. u [...] vita. Ambr. who because he would auoid a Bishoprick, sent publiquely for infamous women to come vnto him? Since all these actions are against the rule of Charitie, neither can they bee said to bee according to knowledge, or faith, without the which there is no Christian loue; I conclude therefore, if all good workes doe merite, and these works I haue rehearsed, be accounted for good workes, surely workes done of a man contrary to the rules of charitie are meritorious.
CHAP. LXXIII. Of the friuolous distinction betwixt the two Propositions, PER and Propter, BY and FOR: and of that false pretense, that they make Iesus Christ the meritorious cause of our Iustification, though they grant not his merits and sufferings to be the formall cause thereof.
LOng since, the Prophet Nahum complained of Niniueth; SheNahum. 3.4. is a Mistris of witchcraft, and selleth the people through her whooredome, and the Nations through her Witchcrafts: but let Niniueh giue place to Babylon, and all other strumpets to the Romish chaire; of whom we may truely say, that she is indeede a cunning Mistris of Witchcraft. ForEsay 47.10. her wisedome and her knowledge haue caused her to rebell: her Sophistications, her distinctions, her Riddles and subtilties haue inchanted her selfe, and all nations with her.
When wee require of them why they pray vnto Saints, since Iesus Christ is an open dore,Io. 10.9. & 14. through whom euery one may come vnto the Father; then they haue Mercuries Caduceum, with which they lull euery eye asleepe, and appease euery [Page 243] one that complaineth.Concede nobis, deni, intercessione huius Sancti tale benefictum Per Christū dominū nostrum. Bellar. de Sanct. b at. lib. 1. c. 17. For they (forsooth) desire not saluation, or iustification, or any other thing from the Saints as from immediate Mediators: but they desire it, Per Christum Dominum nostrum, By Christ our Lord. But now demand of them, by whom they will be iustified? By whom they will be saued? By whom they will merite? By no meanes Per Christum, By Christ, but By their owne workes. Is not this Babels cup? Is not this Witchcraft? Is not this Whooredome? Is not this the kingdome of lies, where you can beleeue no word they speake? The tearme Per or By (saith Bellarmine) doth signifieBellar. de iustif. l. 2. c. 2. The formall cause of our saluation. But such cause they vtterly deny the merits of Christ to bee vnto men: but vvee are iustified (saith hee) Propter Christum, For Christ.
If thou desire, Christian Reader, to know what the formall cause is, it is that which giueth the name and being, which causeth euery matter to be such, or such, and without which it cannot be; as the motion of the heauens causeth the diuision of times; as the shining of the Sunne causeth the ayre to be light: the Soule, the body to be liuing, and the Sap of this, or that kinde, causeth the Tree to bring forth fruit thereafter. So that the formall cause is the noblest cause, constituting, ordaining, making euery thing to bee that it is. And such cause of Saluation they can in no wise indure the merits of Christ to be vnto vs.
From hence spring all these barbarous and hellish blasphemies, vvith which the Beast hath braued Heauen, vomiting out her poisoned venim, euen in the face of our Redeemer.Concil. Tr d S [...]ss. 6. Can. 13. If any man shall say, that one is iustified either by the onely imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ, or by the onely remission of sinnes, excluding the grace and Charitie, which is shed into our hearts by the Spirit of God: or that the grace by which we are iustified, is the onely fauour of God, Cursed be he.
If any man shall say,Can. 12. that iustifying faith is nothing else but trust in the mercy of God, forgiuing our sinnes for Christ: or that such trust is that onely, by which wee are iustified, Cursed be he. If any man sayIbid. Can. 10. that wee are iustified by the righteousnesse [Page 244] of Christ formally, Cursed bee hee.
And this the last Canon Bellarmine expounding saith, the meaning of the Councell is,Ex soutentia eiusdem concilij non iustificari hominem formaliter iustitia Christis vllo modo habetur. express. in Can. 10 Bell. lib. 2. de iustif. c. 7. verbo respondea conciliū. that a man is not iustified formally by the righteousnesse of Christ by any meanes. You now see the cause, why the holy Frier can by no meanes endure any man to bee iustified Per Christum, By Christ: but onely Propter Christum, For Christ. And lest hee should bee deceiued in his own word Propter, For; the tearme Propter, or For, (saith he) must signifie onely the meritorious cause of our saluation. For,Bellar. l. 2. de iustif c. 2. verbo respōdemus si illud propter. if Propter should by chance signifie the formall cause of iustification, then we are not iustified Propter Christi meritum, For the merite of Christ neither. The conclusion is, Per Christum, By Christ, we are not iustified vllo modo, by any meanes, nor Propter Christum, for Christ, if the word Propter, bee not properly vnderstood. And thus great paines the good Cardinall taketh to exclude Christ from his saluation. He straines at euery Gnat, and searcheth euery wrinkle, lest Christ should haue too much ascribed to him in the matter of iustification. And yet here he hold (I beseech you) they which cannot endure, that Christs righteousnesse should be imputed vnto them for iustification; neither will allow, that his elect doe merite in Christs merits: yet they can be content, that the merits of the Virgin shall be imputed vnto them for righteousnesse: in whose seruice they euery day sing;Vt coelestis regni per te mertamur habere proennum in lect. Sanct. Mar. virgo virginum. in S [...]r. Bre. Let vs merite by thee to haue the reward of the heauenly Kingdome. They can call herRo. Bre. in Nat. virz. their life, their sweetnes, their dwelling. They which suffer not, that the couering of their sins by the righteousnes of Christ should be their Saluation, yet can confesse of the Virgin,Sicut spina rosā genuis: Iudaea Mariam, vti vitium v [...]rtu operiret, gratia culpā. Bren. Sar. in cōcep. virg. as the thorne, the Rose: So Iudea brought forth Mary, that vertue might couer vice; and grace, the offence. Her they can bee content to callGerm. P [...]tr. arch. apud Aloy Lyp. prim. in encom. beat. virg. the clothing of their nakednesse, the riches of their beggery: and to say vnto her;In manuel Canisij in 11. exercitio. Let thy copious charitie couer the multitude of our sinnes.
Come we now to the oyle that must mollifie all this vineger, and the Sugar that must sweeten this leauen vnto vs. Christ (say they) is the full and absolute meriting cause of our Saluation. O Pro. 26.23. siluer drops ouerlaid vpon a Potsheard! [Page 245] Pro. 26.25 Though he speake fauourably (saith Salomon) beleeue him not, for there are seauen abhominations in his heart. What is there belonging or appertaining to Saluation, which they doe not desire to attaine by their owne merits at the hands of God? Forgiuenesse of sinne, renuing of the minde, purging of the heart, holinesse, righteousnes, life, glorie, eternitie: All these they still praie to haue by their owne merite. Neither let them say they desire to merite by Christ, since (as I haue before shewed) By Christ, is not by Christ with them.
First, the very giuing of Christ, and his appearing in the flesh, they merit. For so they say;Per quā merit mu [...] authorem vitae suscipere Dominū nostrū Iesū Christum. Bre. Sar. in offic. beavirg. orat. Deus. qui salutis aeternae. et in Ro. Bre. And in the Primer printed by Arnold Conings an. 1399. in orat. O God which by the fruitfull virginity. By whome we deserued to receiue Iesus Christ the author of life.
Secondly, if forgiuenes of sinne be the first iustification, to the Virgins they praie;Virgines Dei beatae orate pro nobis, vt seclerū veniā per vos accipere mereamur. in Com virg. in laudibus Bre. Sar. O ye Ʋirgins of God pray for vs, that wee may deserue to receiue pardon by you. And in their Indulgence after confession;Bona, qua fecisti, at quae per Dei gratiā facies, sins tibi in remissionē peccatorū. absolutio in praeparatione ante Missā. Bre Sar. The good works which thou hast done, and which by the grace of God thou shalt doe, bee vnto thee the remission of thy sinnes.
Thirdly, if to be graffed into the body of Christ be the first step to iustification, of this they desire their owne works may bee the meritorious cause. For so Aquinas Orat. Tho. Aq praieth, and by his example they teach all other to praie; Grant mee so to take the body of thy only begotten sonne Iesus Christ which hee tooke of the Virgin Mary, that I may deserue to bee incorporated into his mysticall body.
Fowrthlie, if they desire to bee Sanctified, they desire their works may bee the deseruing cause;Aus [...]r à nobis Domine quaesumus, omnes iniquitates nostras, ut sācta sāctorū puris mētibus mereamur intr [...]ire. Portis. Sar in praeparaet. ante Miss. idē et Ro. Bre. in die Palmar. in orat. Deus qui filiū. it orat. Omnipotēs sempiterne, et passim. Take away from vs, O Lord wee beseech thee, all our iniquites, that wee may deserue with pure minds to enter into the holy of holi [...]s. And in the feast of Saint Cuthbert; Mereamur ad culmē peruenite virtutū. Bre. Sar. in Cuth [...]ert. Grant we beseech thee, that Cuthbert thy Bishop and Confessor interceding, wee may deserue to come vnto the height of Vertue. Againe (they say)In the praier: Let our fasts: within the weeke after pa [...]sion Sunday. in offic. Anglo lat. per Ar. Conings. their fasts make them worthy to receiue grace.
Fiftly, if they desire resurrection from the dead, they desire it for the merit of their works, and their works they praie may bee the meritorious cause of the same;In Bre. Sar. Dom. in Ramis palm. idem et Rom. Bre. in Dominica palmarum. orat. Omnipotens sempiterne. Grant [Page 246] mercifully that wee may deserue, both to haue the lessons of his patience, as also fellowship of his resurrection.
Sixtly, if they desire Saluation it selfe, they desire their owne works may be the meritorious cause thereof;Bre. Sar. in precibus ad trimā orat. dirigere et sāct suare. that wee may deserue to bee whole and saued.
Lastly, if they desire Glorification, they desire it may bee the merit of their workes;Vt in die iudicit ad dextrā tuā statuti à te audire mereamur, Venite bened [...]cti. port. Sar. Miss. 5. vulnerū in erat. Domine Iesu Christe, fils Dei vi [...] ni. idē et Ro. Bre. in anniuers. dedic. ecclesiae. orat. Annuc quaesumus. Grant that in the day of iudgement being set at thy right hand, wee may deserue to heare from thee, Come ye blessed &c. And in the Masse of euery Confessor; Pray for vs, that wee may together deserue to possesse the holy kingdome of heauen. Omnes electi Dei nostri memoramini [...]te Deū, vt vestru precibus adiuti mereamur vobis adiungi. Br. Sar. in memor. seriae. tert ad Mat. All ye elect of God bee mindfull of vs before God, that being helped by your praiers, wee may deserue to bee ioyned vnto you. After the same maner againe;Sācta Maria & omnes sancti iutercedāt pro nobis ad Deū, vt nos mereamur ab eo adiunari, et saluari; qui viuit e [...] regnat in secula seculorū, amen. Ro Br. in aestiu. par. Dominic. ad primā. Holy Mary and all Saints, pray for vs to God, that we may deserue of him to be helped and to bee saued. Now, beloued Christian, I appeale to thy conscience, whosoeuer thou art that hast an vpright heart, whether they make Christ the only meritorious cause of our Saluation, when by their owne works they desire to merit all, whatsoeuer belongeth to eternall life: that is, the comming of Christ in the flesh, forgiuenesse of sinnes, graffing into the body of Christ, (which is the first iustification) sanctification, resurrection, glorification. Of all these euery day they pray, that their works may be the meritorious cause. Let them now tell mee, what remaineth more to a Christian man for his Soules health to desire? Wherefore since in euery Orison they contend to haue their works the meritorious cause of all that they pray for, of them and their distinctions wee may conclude, as Iob doth of his sower conditioned friends;Iob 13.4 Ye forge lies, and are all Physitians of no value.
BYa the vertue of merit hee is brought in thither, whosoeuer in this world suffereth for the name of Christ. | 1 | I Am certainely perswaded, that the afflictions of this time are not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed vpon vs. Rom. 8.18. |
Weeb acknowledge vertues to bee the true keyes of heauen. | 2 | Not of your selues, it is the gift of God: not of workes, lest any man should boast himselfe. Ephes. 2.8, 9. |
Withoutc merits there is no hope. | 3 | Abraham considered not his owne body, which was now dead, being almost an hundred yeares old, neither the deadnesse of Saraes wombe. Rom. 4.19. |
Hoped and confidence come not onely from the grace of God promising, but from our merits and workes. | 4 | Come to the waters all yee that that be thirstie; Come I say, but wine and milke without money. Esay 55.1. |
Ibid verb his tot ac tantis. doth appeare that in our good deserts some trust is to be put. |
5 | Because thou hast trusted in thine owne works and treasure, thou shalt be taken. Ier. 48.7. |
Concil Trid. Sess. [...]. de iustif Can. 11. any say, that a man is iustified by the imputation of Christs righteousnes, and
the remission of sinnes onely, Cursed be he. |
6 | As by one mans disobedience many became sinners: so by the obedience of one shall many bee made righteous. Rom. 5.19. |
Si quis in quolibet bono opere iustum saltē ventaliter peccare dixerit, aut (quod
intolerabi lius est) mortaliter, atque ideo poenat aeternas m [...]r [...]ri, tantumque ob id non damnats quia deus ea opera nō imputes ad damnationem, Anath.
sit ibid. Can. 25. any man say, that the righteous sinneth, at least venially, in euery good worke,
or mortally, and to deserue therein eternall death, and to be saued onely because
such sinnes are not imputed to him, let him be accursed. |
7 | There is none that doth good, no not one. Ro. 3.12. All our righteousnes is as filthy clouts. Esay 64.6. |
Conc. Trid. Sess. 4. de operibus satisfa [...]terijs. C. [...]. 9. temporall scourges inflicted of God, and patiently suffered by vs, vvee may satisfie
before GOD the Father through Iesus Christ. |
8 | His owne selfe bare our sins in his body on the Tree, that we being deliuered from sinne, should liue in righteousnesse: by whose stripes ye were healed. 1. Pet. 2. ver. 24. |
Whosoeueri shall say, all the workes done before Iustification, howsoeuer done, to be sinne, let him be accursed. | 9 | Whatsoeuer is without faith is sinne. Ro. 14.23. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. 11.6. |
Mank that doth iustice, is thereby iust, and iustified. | 10 | Hee saw also that there was no man righteous. Esay 59.16. There is none righteous, no not one. Rom. 3.10. |
Thatl which wee giue of our owne, is satisfaction for sinne. | 11 | Not according to our works, but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Iesus Christ before the world was. 2. Tim. cap. 1.9. |
Rhem. in 1. ad Cor. 11. annot. 20. may escape, by punishing our selues, fasting, and other penance. |
12 | Did ye fast vnto mee? Doe I approue it? Zech. 7.5. |
Rhem. in 16. Luc. annot. 3. might gaine Saluation by their money. |
13 | Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold. 2. Pet. 1. [...]8. |
Grat. de consec. dist. 4. per baptism. in glos Verrin. Diab. apud Sebast. Mich. in poss. de Cr. and Iohn could not sinne. Some goe to heauen by repentance: others by innocencie. |
14 | All haue sinned, and are depriued of the glory of God. Rom. 3.23. |
Rhem. in Ro. 11. sect. 4. workes are ioined with Gods grace, as the causes of our saluation. |
15 | To him that worketh not, but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly, his faith is counted for righteousnesse. Rom. 4.5. |
Rhem. in Mat. 5. Annot. 5. iustice of workes no man of age can be saued. |
16 | The Gentiles which followed not righteousnes, haue attained vnto righteousnes, euen the righteousnesse, which is of faith. Rom. 9.30. |
Aloy. Lyp. par. 2. in vita Anton. pag. 195. & iui [...]dice. taking of Monkerie forgiueth all sinnes past. |
17 | Behold the Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinne of the world. Ioh. 1.29. |
CHAP. LXXIV. Of the sundry significations of the word Sanctification.
THat it may bee the better vnderstood,Sanctification the fift worke of Christs priestly office. what kinde of Sanctification it is which we are now to entreat of, it is fit to consider the sundry significations of the word, which are found in the holy Scripture.
To sanctifie therefore, is as much as to dedicate, or to separate vnto holy vses, or to esteeme religious vnto God; & this vnderstanding the word hath in diuers places. Moses saith;Deut 5.12. Keepe the Sabbath day, to sanctifie it. And the Lord commandeth;Exod. 13.2 Sanctifie vnto me all the first borne. After this senseExod. 40.9.10 the tabernacle and all the instruments are sanctified, that is, by solemne rites and due ceremons dedicated vnto God.
To sanctifie, is otherwhile taken for to bee stirred vp to execute the wrath of God. In this sense Moses biddeth the Leuites; Exod. 32.29▪ Consecrate your hands, when of the Idolatrous people they slew three thousand. Yea, the Lord himselfe saieth of the wicked Medes and Persians, that he had sanctified them to the destruction of Babylon: Esay 13.3. I haue commanded them, that I haue sanctified: and I haue called the mighty to my wrath.
To sanctifie, is also as much as to praise God, and to honour him, either in priuate or in publike worship. And thus the word is taken in that holy praier which Christ commended to his Church, in which we are taught to say,Mat. 6.9 Hallowed be thy name. Heereof Saint Peter speaketh;1 Pet. 3, 15 Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts. And in this sense God reproueth Moses and Aaron; Deut. 32.51. Ye sanctified not mee among the children of Israel.
To sanctifie, doth also signifie as much as to make a thing seeme holy. So it is to bee taken in that saying of our Sauiour;Mat. 23.17 Ibid. ver. 19. Yee fooles and blinde, whether is greater the golde, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? yee fooles and blinde, whether is greater the offering, or the altar which sanctifieth the offering?
Lastly, to Sanctifie, is to cleanse the conscience from the dead workes of sinne,Luke 1.75. 1. Pet. 1.15. to serue the Lord in righteousnesse and holinesse. And this is the Sanctification we are to speak of now. This consisteth in two things: First, in abstaining from all corruption of sinne and wickednesse, whereof Ieremie speaketh;Ier. 4.4. Breake vp your fallow ground, and sow not among the thornes.
The second part of Sanctification consisteth in beautifying our conuersation with vertues and holy workes, which God hath ordained vs to walke in. This, Iob as a figure of Christ attributeth to himselfe;Iob 19.14. I put on iustice, and it couered me: my iudgement was as a robe, and a crowne. Thus the Apostle would haue his Ephesians to be adorned;Ephes. 6.14.15 Stand therefore hauing your loynes girt about with verity, and hauing on the brest-plate of righteousnesse, and your feete shod in the preparation of the Gospell of Peace.
CHAP. LXXV. That Sanctification of life is necessarie to a Christian man.
ALthough the Christian faith doth not admit of Iustification before God by our owne merits, and our owne holinesse, euen where such workes and holinesse doe proceede from the grace of Christ in vs: yet, that vnto euery member of Christ holinesse and good workes are requisite, the true Religion doth vndoubtedly affirme and teach; and thereof are many Reasons.
First, because it is one of the ends, for which he hath redeemed vs: For so the Apostle witnesseth;Ephes. 1.4. He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in loue. And to the Colossians; Col. 1.21.22. You which were in times past strangers and enimies, because your mindes were set in euill workes, hath hee now also reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to make you holy and vnblameable, and without fault in his sight.
Secondly, because we are commanded by God to walke before him in1. P [...]t. 1.15.16 Luke 1.75. righteousnesse and holinesse. Wherefore vnto the Thessalonians the Apostle witnesseth;1. Thes 4.3. This is the [Page 253] will of God, euen your Sanctification. And the Lord himselfe requireth of the children of Israel; Leuit. 19.2. Yee shall bee holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.
The third cause, why sanctitie and holinesse is necessarie to a Christian man, is, that God may bee glorified. So our Sauiour himselfe doth teach;Math. 5.16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good workes, and glorifie your Father, which is in heauen. This, Saint Peter also sheweth1. Pet. 2.12. Haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles, that they which speake euill of you as euill doers, may by your good workes which they shall see, glorifie God in the day of the visitation. A Christian man therefore, if he neglect this dutie, may dread to haue the vvrath of GOD laid vpon him, as it vvas vpon Moses and Aaron; whom God punished vvith temporall death, because theyDeut. 32.51. did not sanctifie the Lord among the children of Israel.
Fourthly, holinesse of life is necessarie to a Christian man, that by our example the weake Brethren may be confirmed. Hereof Peter speaketh in his exhortation to married women;1. Pet. 3.1. Let the wiues be subiect to their husbands, that euen they which obey not the word, may without the word bee wonne by the conuersation of the wiues. This is it, which the Apostle Paul meaneth, when he exhorteth Titus Tit. 2.7. to shew himselfe an example of good workes.
Fiftly, holinesse of life is needfull vnto the seruants of God, that the mouthes of the obstinate may bee stopt. So the Apostle counselleth his Thessalonians, to 1. Thes. 4.12. behaue themselues honestly towards them which are without. Thus Peter also exhorteth the elect, to1. Pet. 3.13.16. Sanctifie the Lord in their hearts, and to bee ready alwaies to giue an answere to euery man, that asketh a reason of the hope that is in them: and that with meekenes and reuerence, hauing a good conscience, that when they speake euill of you as euill doers, they may be ashamed, which blame your good conuersation in Christ.
Sixtly, to all the members of the church of Christ holines is needfull, that one may helpe another, & one by another may be relieued. For God hath so compacted the mysticall bodie [Page 254] of his Sonne, [...] Cor 12. that the more excellent members thereof cannot say of the inferiour, I haue no neede of thee: but euery one in his place and calling must serue another. So the Apostle Paul witnesseth, [...] Cor. 8. that the abundance of the Corinthians supplied the lacke of others: and in the ninth of the second to the Corinthians, 1. Cor. 9 12. The ministration of this seruice not onely supplieth the necessities of the Saints; but also is aboundant by the thanksgiuing of many vnto God. To this then wee are euery where exhorted in Scripture;Psal 41.1. Blessed is he that iudgeth wisely of the cause of the poore, the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble. And our Sauiour saith;Luke 11.41. Giue almes of those things, which are within, and behold all things shall be cleane vnto you: as though our corne, our cattle, our money, our goods were not sanctified vnto vs, except we giue almes thereof.
Lastly, the Apostle Paul plainely denounceth vnto vs, thatHeb. 12.14. without holinesse no man shall see God. And Dauid teacheth, thatPsal. 15.1.2. hee that walketh vprightly, shall dwell in the Tabernacle, and rest in the holy Mountaine. In respect then both of the punishment, and the blessing, holinesse and sanctification is necessarie to all that professe the faith of Christ. And this the Church doth assuredly beleeue, and earnestly perswade. And yet when all is done, it affirmeth with the author of the Morals;S [...]ncti viri quo altius apud deu virtutum dignitate profictuns, eo subtili [...] [...]i [...]ig [...]os esse deprehen luns: qu [...]a dum luc [...] proximi fiunt quicquid eos in seipsis l [...]tebat, [...]u [...]eniu [...]t. Mer. Greg. Holy men the higher they proceede in worthines of vertues before God, so much the more sharply they see themselues to be vnworthy: for when these come neare the light, whatsoeuer was hidden in themselues, they finde out.
CHAP. LXXVI. What it is that doth Sanctifie?
IT is most manifest, that Iustification and Sanctification are vndiuided companions, growing vp together, and knit as it were, in one infallible and vndisseuered bond. Wherefore it may reasonably seeme, that they spring vp out of one roote, who growe alwaies in one Modell, and dwell continually in one house. The contemplation whereof, no [Page 255] doubt, caused the Author of the Theological veritie (though many times a plaine Aduersarie to the grace of Christ) in his fift booke and second Chapter to confesse,Ad bonum gratiae non potest quis per se vinire: cum hoc non fit secundum limites naturae, sed secundum influentiam l [...]rgitatis diuinae Io. de Comb. l. 5. c. 2. comp. Theol. verit. vnto the good of grace none can attaine of himselfe: for this is not after the limits of Nature, but the influence of the diuine bounty. For, as the naturall thing needeth his beginning to be in the Essence of nature: so the same beginning according to his goodnesse doth not cease to powre into the reasonable soule the spirituall life, that it may be well with him in the essence of Grace, which hee cannot haue without God the giuer; thus farre this Author. And indeede this Doctrine is euery where taught vs in the Scripture: First, that we cannot sanctifie our selues: Secondly, that it is God, which doth sanctifie vs. Let vs consider the proofes of the first Position, and then of the second.
CHAP. LXXVII. That man cannot sanctifie himselfe, but is sanctified by God.
IF there were nothing else, the sundry Titles of reproach and shame, which the Spirit of God hath branded our infirme nature withall, may shew how vnapt and vnable we are of our selues to sanctifie and cleanse our selues. For what other appellations to man, considered in himselfe, doth the Scripture giue, but
- Briars. Mich. 7.4.
- Thornes. 2. Sam. 23.6.
- Darknesse. Ephes. 5.8.
- Foolishnesse. Ier. 4.22.
- Wickednesse. Psal. 55.15.
- Ʋanitie. Eccles. 1.2.
- Lyers. Psal. 116.11.
- Dust. Gen. 3.19.
- Earth. 1. Cor. 15.47.
- Flesh. Ioh. 3.6.
- Captiuitie. 2. Tim. 2.26.
- [Page 256]Miserable. Apoc. 3.17.
- Wretched. Apoc. 3.17.
- Blindnesse. Apoc. 3.17.
- Nakednesse. Apoc. 3.17.
- The old man. Col. 3.9.
- Matter for fire. Mat. 25.41.
- Children of wrath. Ephes. 2.3.
- Dead dogges. 1. Sam. 24.15.
- Sinne. Gal. 3.22.
- Debtors. Luke 7.41.
- Bondage. Esay 14.3. and Heb. 2.15.
- Cursed. Deut. 27. vlt.
- Death. Rom. 7.24.
- Damned. Rom. [...]5.
Adorned with these accoutrements, goe to now whoso will, and make himselfe holy. Moses will tell thee,Gen. 8.21. The imagination of Mans heart is euill, euen from his youth. Iob will tell thee,Iob 9.30.31. If I wash my selfe with snow water, and purge my hands most cl [...]ane, yet shalt thou plunge me into the pit, and my owne cloathes shall make me filthy. Which is as much as to say, If man be not purified with a more effectuall purification, then he can procure to himselfe, hee shall neuer be cleansed. Wherefore the Apostle counselleth vs to cast off all such conceit.2. Cor. 3.5. Wee are not sufficient (saith he) of our selues to thinke any thing, as of our selues, but our sufficiencie is of God. And againe,1. Cor. 12.3. No man can say, that Iesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Yea, of himselfe a vessell of election, the Teacher of the Gentiles, more then an Apostle, he doth ingenuously confesse, thatRom. 7.23. hee found a law in his flesh rebelling against the law of his minde; that hee was led captiue to the law of sinne in his members: that the good hee would doe, hee did not: that in his flesh dwelt no good thing: that when he would doe good, euill was present with him. Wherefore to the Galathians he saith,Gal. 2.20. I liue; yet now not I, but CHRIST liueth in me.
As it was with with Aaron the Iewish priest, when he was [Page 257] consecrated, and separated to minister before the Lord; hee was adorned indeed with rich aray, hee was blessed thorow hisEcclus. 45 7 comly Ornaments, and clothed with the garment of honour; the Robe, the Bells, the Tunicle, the Ephod, the Ʋrim, the Thummim, all of blew silke, scarlet, fine linnen, gold and precious stones, which shined vpon him, but when all was done, it was none of his owne; and therefore vpon the plate of gold, which hee wore on his forehead, there was this inscription,Exod. 28 36. Holiness vnto the Lord: Euen so, when wee are with all graces inuested, yet wee must remember it is giuen still, nay, It is grace for grace: Grace not by our selues deserued, but Eph. 4.7. Grace giuen vnto vs, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. This, our Sauiour Christ taught his disciples to bee assured of;Io. 25.4. As the branch cannot beare fruite of it selfe, except it abyde in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in mee. And againe,Ibid ver. 5 Without m [...]e can yee doe nothing. And therefore wee may wonder with the Poet, if such a man could be found;
Where then is thatMal. 3.2. fullers sope, which purgeth & maketh white? where is that2 Kin. 5.14 Iordan, in which Naaman may lay downe his leprosie? Where is that spirit of fire, which burneth away all the rust of sinne?Psal. 51.7 Thou shalt purge me, and I shall be clean [...], thou shalt wash me, and I shall bee whiter then snowe. And in another place;Psal. 94.18 when I said, my foote slipped, thy mercy, O Lord, h [...]ld me vp. Ezechiel therefore proclaymeth;Exec. 37 [...]8 The heathen shall knowe, that I the Lord doe sanctifie Israel. The same is the doctrine of the Apostle Paul; 1 Cor. 6.11 Ye are sanctified, Ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, & by the spirit of our God. Col. 1.22 He hath reconcil [...]d you in the body of his flesh th [...]row death, to make you holy, and vnblam [...]able, and without f [...]ult in his sight. And to the Hebrewes hee saith;Heb. 10 10 wee are sanctified by his will, euen by the offring of the bloud of Iesus Christ once made. Now here wee must consider, that Sanctification is twofould. The first, when the holinesse of Christ is made [Page 258] our holiness by imputation, as we are taught by the Apostle;1. Cor. 1.30 Christ is made vnto vs of God wisdome, and righteousnes, and Sanctification, and redemption. Heereof Austin excellently speaketh, beating downe both the Pharisey, that with his owne Sanctification will bee holy: the desperate, which denieth the bloud of Christ to be a sufficient bath to cleanse and Sanctifie him.Nō est ist [...] supe [...] b [...]a etati, [...]ed co [...]ssinō ingrat [...]. Si enim dixeris sāctū ex te, superbus [...]s [...]rursu [...] fidelis in Christo & [...]ēbrū Christi si te nō dixeris esse sanctū, inge [...]tu [...]es die, deo t [...]o, sāctus sum quia sāctificasts me: quia accepi. nō quia habui. Si enim Christiani, et b [...]ptisati omnes Christū induerūt, si mēbra ficti sūt Christi, & d [...]cūt se sāctos non esse, capiti suo faciūt iniarī Iam vide vbi sit, et de capite cuo. cape dignitatē. It is not the pride of one puffed vp, but the confession of one not vnthankfull. For if thou say, thou art holy of thy selfe, thou art proud. Againe, if being one of the faithful & the member of Christ, thou say, thou art not holy, thou art vnthankfull. Say then vnto God, I am holy, for thou hast made me holie: not because I had holiness, but because I haue receiued holinesse. For if all Christians, and all that are baptized, haue put on Christ, and are made the members of Christ, and yet say, they bee not holy, they doe wrong vnto their head. Now see then where thou art, and receiue dignitie from thine head.
The second kind of Sanctification is the renuing of our hearts by repentance, which is the argument wee now entreat of: and that this is from Christ, it is also euident in the Acts of the Apostles, where it is witnessed;Act. 15.9 hee purified their hearts by faith. And againe,2 Cor. 1 21 It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ, and hath anointed vs. Wherefore the Apostle Peter sheweth, that there is a cooperation of the whole Trinity in our sanctification:1 Pet. 1.2 elect (saith hee) according to the foreknovvledge of God the father, vnto sanctification of the spirit, thorow obedience, and sprinkling of the bloude of Iesus. And the Apostle Paul saith,Eph. 1.4 hee hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world, that wee should bee holy, and without blame before him in loue. To the Philippians hee saith;Phil. 1.11 The fruits of righteousnes are by Iesus Christ. And to the Thessalonians; 1 Thes. 5.23. the very God of peace sanctifie you thorowout. And to the Hebrews: Heb. 13.10 the God of peace make you perfect in all good works. So that it is euident, our Sanctification is from God, not from our selues:Ioh. 1.16. it is grace for grace, that is, who are first cleansed by the bloud of Christ redeeming, now are sanctified by the spirit of Christ working in them.
It must bee vnderstoode, that Sanctification is not absolute and perfect in this life: and the words of the Apostle, (Eph. 5.27. Vid. Mu [...]c. in Io. 15 that hee might make it vnto himself a glorious Church, not hauing spot or wrinkle, or any such thing) shall not bee fullfilled in this life, but in the life, which is to come. We haue here therefore grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ: but1. Cor. 15.53 when our mortall shall put on immortality,Ibid. ver. 49 and when wee shall beare the Image of the heauenly, then wee shall bee fully and perfectly renued in the spirit of our mind; and our righteousnes shall breake foorth as the light, cleare, vnspotted, absolute, without cloudes of sinne, or mists of errour.
CHAP. LXXVIII. By what meanes God doth Sanctifie vs.
THe meanes, by which God doth Sanctifie his elect, are of two sorts. The First, outward and instrumentall: the Second, inward and effectiue; namely the sweet influence and gratious working of the spirit of God in our hearts. Of the first sort there are two kinds; Common, and Consecrated. Common meanes of Sanctification are all Gods blessings, and all his punishments, his benefits, and his chastisements, by which God deterreth from sinne, and allureth to holiness. For although the wicked by these growe daily worse and worse: yet the elect, and the children of light are by these Sanctified, that is, stirred vp to holiness. For when they contemplate the blessings of God poured vpon them, they say with Dauid; Ps. 116.12.13 What reward shall I giue vnto the Lord for all the benefits hee hath done vnto me? I will receiue the cup of Saluation, and call vpon the name of the Lord. If they taste of aduersitie, they will say with Israel in the Prophet; Ose 6.1. Come let vs turne againe vnto the Lord, for hee hath smitten vs, and hee will heale vs: hee hath wounded vs, and hee will binde vs vp againe. Of these meanes and wayes of Sanctification, euery age, and tyme, and place is full: forOmnia Del oper [...]es creature merè vitae sūi sigra, et verbade [...] [...]ssicaciter loquētu. Aug. apu [...] Verba. Rheg de sensis script. all things admonish vs to serue the Lord. In his kind euery smallest creature is a Schoolemaster, teaching & giuing Man occasion to put on holiness. Instruments of Sanctification of this kind, is euery good [Page 260] Father to his children, euery good Master to his family, euery husband to his wife, and the wife to the husband. For of these the Apostle saith;1 Cor. 7.14 The one is sanctified by the other. But of these ordinarie and common instruments of Sanctification wee entreat not now.
In the second ranke are placed the meanes of Sanctification, which are instituted, separated, and ordained of God for that only purpose.Excommunication and absolutiō I reckon to belōg vnto the preaching of the word. For excommunication is the pronouncing of the iudgements of God cont [...]ined in his word against impenitent sinners: and absolution the application of the promises to the penitent. These are of two sorts. The first, the word, and the ministerie therof: both in the Sabbath appointed by God, and all other times, when it is deliuered vnto vs in season (as the Apostle speaketh) and out of season. The second is the Sacraments: and those also are twofould. The first is, the instrument of Admission into the church, wch wee call Baptisme. The second is, the instrument to continue vs in the church, & it is the Lords supper. Other ordinary Rites or Ceremonies, as outward instruments to sanctifie vs and to bring vs to holiness, Christ hath not ordained in his church.
The Iewes had indeed sundrie ordinances and institutions;Heb. 9.1 Heb. 9.13. Heb. 9 9. a worldly Sanctuary, Sacrifices, washings, shauing, anointing and such like, which Sanctified as touching the purifying of the flesh: but these were but similitudes, shadowes and figures of good things to come, & did point vnto Christ, who now hath abolished them, by the offring vp of the eternal Sacrifice of his owne body & bloude once for all. And in the Gospell he hath consecrated & ordained the instruments only, which I haue spoken of, to Sanctifie his Church; Namely, the administration of the word, and the Sacraments.
Some will perhaps obiect,1 Sam. 9.13 that as Samuel blessed the Sacrifice, before the people did eate which were bidden to the feast:Synagog. Iudaeor. pag 50. And as the Iewes were wont to blesse and to praie ouer their meate, fruite, butter, cheese, flesh, fish, milke and honey; insomuch that whosoeuer tasted of any of these without praise and praier, was accounted a verie theefe: so the Apostle doth also say, that amongst Christians [...]. Tim. 4.5. meate is sanctified by the word of God and praier. To this I answer, the word Sanctifie is here taken improperly. For the Apostles meaning is not, that by pronouncing of words ouer [Page 261] meate it is made holy with that holiness, which the Sacraments, or word of God are beawtified withall, or with that holiness, which doth Sanctifie men;Vid. Hen. Bullinga [...] ep. 1. ad Tim. c. 4 et glossam ord. in hūc locum. but that it is separated from prophane and vngodly abuse, because it is receiued with thanksgiuing and praier. And so it is neither hurtfull to body nor soule, but that wee may holilie and soberly vse the same. And after this manner also are the words of our Sauiour Christ to be vnderstoode;Luke 11.41 Giue almes of those things, which are within, and behold all things shall bee cleane vnto you.
LXXIX. Of the word of God, and what power it hath to Sanctifie.
THe law which God giueth vnto Man, is of two sorts;Vid. Ambr. in ep. ad Ro. cap. 5. the lawe of Nature, and the lawe Written. The law of nature hath three parts. The first is, to acknowledge God, and to honour him only with that honour, which is due to him: The second is,Vid. Sedulan 5. ad Ro. to order our selues according to the true light of reason, the rule of Nature in vs; which is to doe vnto euery man, as wee our selues would bee done vnto: The third is, to instruct others to know the same God, and to imbrace the same vertue, which wee embrace. But the naturall corruption, which wee haue drawne from Adam, hath so preuailed against this naturall instinct, which is shed into our hearts by God, that both reason is mis-led with errour, and our will by concupiscence; so that this lawe is in a maner defaced, and blotted out of our hearts. It was necessarie therefore, that God should, instead of this secret inspiration into our nature, promulge a more forcible instruction, and deliuer more powerfull commands in written tables; to take away all excuse, that the soule might be subiected wholly vnto God, the vnderstanding of Man being reformed by true beliefe, and the will of Man by true loue and charitie. This hath our mercifull God twice done vnto the sonnes of Adam, whose voice first shooke the earth, andHag 27. Heb. 12.26 then; I shake (saith hee) not onely the [Page 262] earth, but also the heauen. The first voice was the Law giuen vnto Israel: The second, the Gospel preached vnto the Church.
1 The Law written consisted of three parts. The Ceremoniall law, for outward comelinesse, by which also the people 2 of God were discerned from other Nations: The second was, the Iudiciall part, in which were statutes for Ciuill gouernement, whereby God taught his people how one should bee conformable to another, that there might be an harmomonie 3 of all parts of their Politicall state: The third part of the Law doth consist in Morall precepts, to Sanctifie euery mans heart in himselfe preparing it to God.
The Law declared fully, what the inflexible and spotlesse righteousnesse of God required in vs, as necessarie vnto true holinesse. It was giuenExod. 19.16 in lightning, in thunder, in a cloud, in fire, in smoke, the Mountaine trembling, and the trumpet sounding dreadfully: yea, the People were commanded to Sanctifie themselues, and to wash their cloathes before they did receiue the Law: yet being Sanctified, and being cleansed,Exod. 19.12. not to goe vp into the Mountaine, nor to touch it, least they died. All these circumstances of glory and Maiestie were vsed, to driue on the people to the keeping of the Law by feare and terrour, seeing God shewed himselfe a consuming fire, a iealous God, and of vnspeakeable power: yea, theDeut. 28. law it selfe was crowned with many Blessings, to reward the good; and armed with many terrible Curses and execrations against those which should violate the same.
Here yet we must learne first, that becauseDeut 4 8. the law was giuen onely to one Nation, and not to all people: Secondly, becauseGal. 3. the Law onely shewed what was requisite to be done, but did not shew how that, which was wanting, should be supplied: Thirdly, because in the strict commandement of the Law there was no place for reparation by repentance, butEzek. 18.24. in the sinne he committed euery one must die: Fourthly, because the Law did conniue and winke at some things, which were not good, forMath. 19.8. Marke 10.5. the hardnes of the hearts of men: Fiftly, for that it did obscurely and darkely rather intimate, then open the things of saluation, soHeb. 9.9. that by the law no man [Page 263] stood assured of Gods fauour: Lastly, because theHeb. 10 1. Ex Pet. Mart. de vsu & alregat. Law was an instrument onely of bondage and of seruitude, and made no man perfect before the highest: Therefore GOD hath yet a second voice, by which he speaketh vnto men; euen hisIo. 1.1. word, which was in the beginning, his owne Sonne, Heb. 1.2. the brighnesse of his glory, and engraued forme of his person, dwelling in our flesh, by which he hath spoken to vs all,Gal. 3.28. Iewes and Gentiles, humbly, sweetly, peaceably, gently; a word of comfort, a word of life, a word of libertie, that the saying of the Prophet might be verefied;Esay 5.4. What could I haue more done to my Vineyard, that I haue not done? Here are two Mountaines: Eball, Deut. 28. from whence with cursing: Gerasim from whence vvith blessing; the Law threatning, the Gospell promising, commandeth, and entreateth vs to be holy. Howbeit these are not the onely meanes, by which the Word of God doth sanctifie vs; namely Threatning, and Promising: But seeing the word is the word of God, therefore there is strength and a power in it, if it be duely receiued, to conuert from sinne, and to bring vs to a new conuersation. For let no man think, that there is no more force, nor life in the Law of God, then in the words of men. Origen truely saith,Nullum est verb [...] ita mundum apud Grac. & Barb. qua le est verbum legis. Orig. Tom. 2. in Esay. hom. 7. There is no word so cleane either among the Greekes, or Barbarians, as the word of the Law. ThereforeIer. 23 28. What is the chaffe to the wheat? saith the Lord in Ieremiah. Many notable praises the Prophet Dauid giueth vnto the Scriptures of God, in which it appeareth what power of Sanctification is therein.
First, it is a word of trueth;Psal. 119.160 Psal. [...]9.9. The beginning of thy word is truth, the iudgements of the Lord are true. Agreeable to this is the saying of our Sauiour;Ioh. 17.1 [...]. Sanctifie them thorow thy trueth, thy word is the trueth.
Secondly, it is a word of righteousnesse;Psal. 119. [...]72. The commandements of the Lord are righteous. And againe,Psal. 119.128 I esteeme all thy precepts most iust.
Thirdly, it is a word of life;Psal. 1 [...]9.50. Thy word hath quickened me. Agreeable hereto is the confession of Peter vnto Christ; Thou hast the words of eternall life. And Moses saith;Ioh. 6.68. Deut. 32.47. It is no vaine word concerning you, it is your life.
Fourthly, it is a word of eternitie;Psal. 119.89. Thy word, O Lord, endureth for euer in heauen.
Fiftly, it is a word of perfection;Ibid. 96. I haue seene an end of all perfection, but thy commandement is exceeding large.
Sixtly, it is a word of power;Psal. 19.7. The Law of the Lord is perfect, conuerting the soule: it is sharper then any two edged sword.Ier. 23.29. And Ieremie compares the word of the Lord to fire, and to an hammer breaking the stones. Wherefore the Lord himselfe doth chalenge the power of conuerting the heart, as proper onely to his word;Ier. 23.22. If they had stood in my counsell, and had declared my words vnto my people, then they should haue turned them from their euill waies, and from the wickednesse of their inuentions. And Esay comparethEsay 55.10.11. the word of God to raine or snowe, which doth not returne vnprofitable vnto him, but doth encrease and fructifie in all hee hath commanded it to do. Moses speaketh also of the vertue & power of the Law;Deut. 32.2. My doctrine shall drop as the raine: my speech shall distil as the deaw, as the showers vpon the hearbs, and the great raine vpon the grasse. By this it appeareth, as in the raine to make the earth fruitfull, so in the word to make the heart holy, there is an efficacie and a power, if there bee not indisposition, or want in the hearer.
Seuenthly, the word of God is a word of light;Psal. 119.130 The entrance of thy words sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple. It is a Lanthorne (saith Dauid) to my feete, and a light vnto my paths. The Lord also in Esay challengeth this attribute as proper to the Scriptures;Esay 8.20. Get thee to the Law and to the Testimonie: if they speake not according to this word, there is no light in them. And Ieremie saith;Ier. 8.9. They haue reiected the word of the Lord, and what wisedome is in them?
Eightly, it is a word of ioy;Psal. 19.8. The statutes of the Lord are right, and doe reioice the heart. Ieremie saith;Ier. 15.16. Thy words were sound of me, and I did eate them, and thy word was vnto me the ioy and reioicing of the heart. Wherefore the Gospel is calledLuke 7.22. Rom. 10.15. The glad tidings of saluation.
Ninthly, it is a word of purity;Psal. 119.140. Thy word (saith the Psalmist) is proued most pure. And againe,Psal. 19.8. The commandement [Page 265] of the Lord is pure, and giueth light vnto the eyes.
Lastly, it is a word easie and perspicuous;Ibid. 7. For the Testimonie of the Lord is sure, and giueth light vnto the simple. Moses therefore saith;Deut. 30.1. The commandement, which I giue thee this day, is not hid from thee, neither is it farre off thee, neither is it too high in heauen, nor too farre beyond the Sea, that is, it is not difficult, it is not ambiguous:Ibid. ver. 14. but the word is very neere to thee, in thy month and in thy heart to doe it. All these excellent Attributes, of truth, righteousnesse, life, eternitie, perfection, power, light, ioy, puritie, facilitie, shew that there is no word like this word, nor by which we may bee sanctified, as by the holy Oracles of our God.
Two Cautions there are in this matter to bee obserued. First, when wee say the Scripture doth sanctifie, it is not meant, that the Scripture is a satisfaction for sinne, or that it doth blot out our sinnes from the sight of God, as the bloud of Christ doth: but wee are sanctified by the word, that is, such as are redeemed by the bloud of Christ from sinne and wickednesse, haue the word of God a powerfull instrument to teach them true holinesse, and to beget in them hatred of sinne. Wherfore it is called theMath. 13. Luke 8. 1. Pet. 1.23. Seed of God. And Peter saith, that we are borne anew not of mortall seede, but of immortall by the word of God.
Secondly, the force of Scripture doth not consist in the written letters and syllables, or in the verball pronunciation onely: but (as Peter saith,1. Pet. 1.22. Your soules are purified in obeying the truth through the Spirit.
Now to make the word powerfull to saluation, it is not enough, that it be written in bookes, or pronounced vvith tongues:Ier. 31.33. Rom. 11.27. Heb. 10.16. but this shall be the Couenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those daies (saith the Lord, I wil plant my lawes in the inward parts of them, and write it in their hearts. Wherefore the Gospell is called the ministration of the spirit, because by it being rightly preached, humbly heard, inwardly digested, truely beleeued, the Spirit of God speaketh to the heart of Man: but to tye it about the head, and the noseEx Sy [...]ag [...]adae [...]r. as the Iewes doe in their Tephilim: or to carry it [Page 266] about in their Phylacteries, is of no force, nor power at all to sanctifie;Chrys st. as Chrysostome of some in his time reporteth, who for a great preseruation hung the Gospels about their neckes.
CHAP. LXXX. How the Papists peruert the doctrine concerning the authour of Sanctification.
CYrill doth excellently teach what difference there is betweene the power of Sanctification, which is in the head of the Church, Iesus Christ, and the members that depend on him.In Thessau. l 4. c [...] For the members (saith he) which are sanctified by the participation of the holiness of God, preserue the gift that is in them, and keepe the commandements, but they cannot sanctifie other. For no man that is holy by the participation of the holy spirit, can by his owne power and will giue the same vnto other: the fountaine of Sanctification only can out of himselfe giue Sanctification to all the rest. Wee see that the Angells are holy by participation of grace: and therefore they are neuer foūd to haue themselues giuē sanctification to any.Num. 11.25, Blessed Moses did not himselfe giue the spirit vnto the seuenty Elders: But God tooke of the Spirit that was in Moses, and gaue vnto them. Wherefore the Saints obtaine the gift themselues by grace and sanctification, but they cannot after their owne wills giue it vnto other. The Sonne is not so. For as the fountaine of holinesse, by his own power he doth sanctifie the Disciples, saying; Receiue you the holy Ghost. Thus farre Cyrill. But let the Scriptures, or Fathers teach what they will, the Romish Synagogue will bee as the Heathen, and as the Families of the Countries: and to their Saints will they attribute the power of all Sanctificatiō. Wherfore vnto the Apostles they pray;Quorū praeiepto s [...]ditur salus & lāguer omniū, sanat [...] agro [...] moribus, [...]s reddētes virtutib [...]s. Ro Bre. in exult. c [...]lum laudib [...]. O you to whose command health and sickenes is subiect, heale the sicke in manners, restore vs to vertue. To the Baptist they come;Nūc potēs, nostri m [...]it [...] o [...] im [...]p [...]e Horis dur [...] [...]u [...]i [...]es [...]epelle, asperū [...] [...]o [...]a [...] e [...]reste [...] d [...]ge calies. Ro Brein Hym. O nun [...]s [...]oelix. Now, O thou powerfull, by thy r [...]ch m [...]rites, throwe downe the hard stones of our heart, make plaine the rough way, and direct our crooked steps. Vnto Saint [Page 267] Ioseph; Ex beris virg. impr. per Iacobum Keruer. an. 1570. Paris. Moy [...]. de Mars se [...]ū, lū vsum Rom. With thy Axe, O holy carpenter, cut downe sinne in me, that I may be a tree adopted vnto the palace of heauen. Vnto Mathias; Matauste, duo deno folio residens sorte, nos a cūctis nexibu [...] solue peccanan [...]re. S [...]r. Iust Mathias, who by lotte in the twelfth seat residest, from all the bonds of sinne discharge vs. Dost thou maruell religious Reader? Proceed a little further, and thou shalt see Babylons cup full of blasphemy. For the Masse of Hereford sends Iesus Christ vnto the virgine to obtaine Sanctification for vs;Bre. Heref. in vssit. Mar. [...]. Antiph. Iesu redēptor optime, ad Maria [...] nos imprime &c. Iesu the redeemer of all, bring vs vnto Mary, that the aduoca [...]rix of the world may after such sort visit vs, as she did visit Elizabeth, that by her highest goodnes shee may direct our manners, and our actions, and allure vs to heauen by grace conferred on vs. The like you haue in the praier which beginneth Sancta Maria, regina coeli et terrae; Custode nos Domine semper et vbique, et defende me ab ira tua, et ab ira sāctissimae genetricis tua Mariae et omnium sāctorū in crat. speciali ad beatissimā v [...]rginē pro vit [...]e incolumitate in suffr. Keepe vs O Lord at all times, & in all places defend me from thy wrath, and from the wrath of thy mother the blessed virgin, and of all Saints. What can bee more monstrous in religion? Christ bringeth vs to the virgin, the virgin sanctifieth, and directeth with her highest goodnes, and giueth grace. Proceed yet further, if blasphemy may further swell: yes surely. For Aloy. Lypom. out of Theodorus Studetes saith;Tāquā qui simus sanctificādi e [...] sola praecursoris cōmemoratione. par. 1. pag. 90. Let vs shew our bouldnes in praising the Baptist, as who must be sanctified by the onely commemoration of this forerunner. And the Roman Office teachethTibi cōmitto omnē spē meā et cōsolationē, omnes angust [...]s et miserias, vilā et finē vitae tibi cōmitto. In the english-latin Prin [...]er printed at Antwerp by Ar. Conings. an. 1599. i [...] orat Odomina mea Sancta Maria. to commit our selues wholly to the virgin, to be directed in the waies of holiness and sactification. May wee not now see Babylon in her chaire of pestilence? doth shee not sit aloft vpon the backe of the Beast? can there be more added to her idolatry, with whom Saints do sanctifie, and Christ bringeth vs to Saints to be sanctified, and Saints doe sanctifie alone? Mollifie, O Lord, her heart, and open her eies, lest, as she hath drunke of the cup of abomination to the bottome, so shee drinke also of thy bloudy cup, the cup of thy wrath, euen the dregs thereof.
CHAP. LXXXI. How the Church of Rome hath abused the doctrine of Sanctification by the word of God.
WHereas all that rightly beleeue, doe acknowledge the holy Scripture of God to cleanse and sanctifie the soule by the operation of the Spirit, preparing our minds to receiue and obey the same in sincerity and singlenesse of heart; the Romish Church putteth the force of Scriptures in the outward letter, and the bare sound of words. Wherefore they not onely read the Scripture in an vnknowne tongue, which many times the Priests themselues doe not vnderstand: but also they sometime enioyne for penance, sometime reward with blessings, the often saying ouer of the Aue Mari, and Pater noster, in the Latine tongue by ignorant people; as though the often repeating of the words, which they vnderstand not, did sanctifie them, or were acceptable in the sight of God.
In the preface before the Psalter of Iesus, much doth the author thereof attribute vnto it, for that the name of Iesus is repeated, and called on foure hundred and fiftie times: And the Psalter it selfe must be sayd ouer tenne times togegether. I confesse, they trouble not the people with much Scripture in their Missalls, but spend the time in exhortations out of Fathers, or narrations of some Legend Histories, whose credite is vncertaine: But touching those short sentences of Scripture, which in an vnknowne language are propounded, they say;Per tuangelica dicta, delcantur nostra delicta. Ro. Breu. in Benedict. d cendis ante lectiones. &c. Vid. Pet. Viretum. By the Euangelicall words let our sinnes bee abolished. Of which words I would willingly require a true and simple interpretation of any ingenuous Romanist, in whom there is some sparke of pudency left. If they say, sinne is blotted out, that is, cleansed and washed away, and hidden from the sight of God by the words of the Scripture; then they robbe the bloud of Christ of the office which is assigned vnto it. For the Scripture is not the cleansing of our sinnes, but the witnes and ioyfull tydings vnto vs [Page 269] from God, that our sinnes are cleansed: Secondly, if they say, that the Scripture cleanseth sinne, because it is an instrument to sanctifie the heart, and to arme and strengthen it against sinne: then I reply, why doe you read it in an vnknowne tongue, which the people vnderstand not? Either therefore the sound of the words, and the pronouncing of the Syllables doth sanctifie; or els your labour is in vaine and friuolous, since the people vnderstand not the sense, neither are partakers of the vertue and power of the word.
The truth is, that in the outward letter, the number of syllables, and in the verball repetition, they place the power of the word; as it may appeare in their doctrine, touching the administration of their Sacrament of Confession, which if it bee by writing, and not by speaking: or if a man send his confession by another to the Priest, who cannot come himselfe, this is no confession; insomuch, that (if a Catholick Historian truly relate) when a Iesuite published at Rome, that confession by Letters, was Sacramentall: Clement the 8.Ex Pseudo mart. cap. 4. by a direct decree condemned that doctrine as false, rash, and scandalous at least. At the consecration of the Hoste (as they tearme it) their doctrine is, that if euery tittle and letter of the words, Hoc est corpus meum, bee not pronounced, there is no due consecration, neither yet is there transubstantiation.Cuius tota virtus de [...]endet ab vltimo verbo, scilicet Meum. Miss. Sar. in Can. Miss. verbo, sic non immiscet sc. Dicu [...]s quidam quod non si [...] transubstantiatio, nisi in vltima syllaba totiu [...] formae prelata. Gratian. de consecrat. dist. 2 cum emne in gloss. For the whole vertue standeth in the last word, MEVM, as the Missall it selfe doth witnesse.Corpus Christi nō incipit ibi esse, nisi pos [...] prolatiorem vlt [...]mae syllabae, scilicet v [...]. In this last syllable, vm, as Manipulus Curatorum teacheth. But If the words bee fully pronounced, though the Priest haue no heed to them at all, yet they haue power to transubstantiate: for intention Comp. Theol. verit. ib. 6 cap. [...]. de Sāc. l [...]ber verb. attentio autem non est de substantia. (say they) is one thing, and attention another thing. Intention generall, or speciall, is necessary in the consecrating of the sacrament: but Attention, that the Priest should mark what he sayth, and to haue his cogitations thereon fixed, is not of the substance of the Sacrament.
I speake not this, that I thinke the vnattention or negligence of the Minister to the word hee readeth, doth take away from the power, which it hath in the attentiue and zealous hearer: but I doe onely shew how much they attribute [Page 270] vnto the forme of words, and how little to the spirituall power. To baptize in the Name, is indeed, to baptize in the power, and by the authority, and to the profession of God the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost: But of the bare pronuntiation of the words they say, thatMa [...]ip. Curat. cap. 4. fol. 10. If a child in spor [...] or play entend to doe what the Church doth, and speake the words, I baptize thee, casting on water withall, this is very baptisme. And yet,Loco v [...]rbi baptizo non debet dici [...]imer [...]o. Comp. Theol. vertt. lib. 6. cap. 9. de Bapt. If a lawfull Minister, instead of, I baptize thee, say, I wash thee, or I dippe thee, the baptisme is not lawfull; for the letter is not kept: If Innoc. in D cap. 1. Ex Sum. Angel. the Copulatiue, And, be wholly omitted, there is no baptisme. Such power they giue to the forme of the words, that if perhaps the Minister should say,Manip. Curat. cap. 3. verbo vno m [...]de t [...]taliter. Et in comp. Theol. verit. de virt. Sacr. 6. cap. 9. In the Name of the euerlasting begetter, the only begotten, and the proceeder from them both, the baptisme is not effectuall, though the Minister intend to doe as the Church doth. If a Minister perchance omit one of the first letters of any of the necessary words in baptisme, and by lisping, or lapse of the tongue say,Sidemin [...]tio talis sit in principio dictionis &c. talis diminutio imped [...]t baptisinum. Manip. Cur. cap. 3. de scima verb. Ather for Father, or Vn for Sonne, or Hoste for Ghost, he doth not baptize at all, though his intent be to baptize: it is but lost labour, for the letter is not kept. If a Minister say,Comp. Theol. ver. de Sacr. virt. lib. 6. cap. 9. I wash, I sprinkle, or I dippe thee, for I baptize thee: by this meanes the forme of the words is violated, and to keepe the forme of words, is of the substance of baptisme. For (as Odo Episcopus Parisiensis in his Synodicall statutes witnesseth)In d stinctione verborum, & in prolatione, in quibus totae virtus consisti [...] sacramenti, & s [...]lus piurotū. in the distinction of words, and the pronouncing of them, consisteth the whole power of Sacraments, and saluation of Children.
Here obserue (religious Reader) these profound Diuines: for though they straine so quickly at the losse of a letter in the beginning of a word; yet when either a letter, or a syllable is wanting, changed, or transposed at the end of a word to consecration necessary, they swallow it with great facility: and good reason. For the Priest that baptized,Manip. Cur. cap. [...]. fol. 9. ex decret. tract. Consec. d. 4. retulernus nuncij. In the name of the Father a, the Son a, and the holy Ghost a, is iustified by the Popes owne mouth. Many of them are of opinion, that if you adde to the words of Consecration, either in the beginning, or in the end any vaine, or wicked speeches, yet the baptisme is good. As if you should say, Of Armes and men [Page 271] I sing; Ea Mam [...] C [...]ras I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Sonne, the holy Ghost, and the blessed Virgine, and Saint Iohn Baptist. Nay, if he say,Colligitur, quod non vitiatur serma baptis. si quid apponatur in ca superstuum, quod admittunt quidam. vt si dicatur, baptizo te, in nomine Patris, & Filij, & Spiritus sancti, & d [...]ab, vel arma v [...]rum{que} cano. Et quicquid sequatur, baptisast. Gratian. de consec. dist. 4. cap. Sinon sanctificatus. I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Sonne, the holy Ghost, and the Diuell, the baptisme is good. The rule, vpon which this goodly doctrine is grounded, is;Ʋtilia non viti [...]tur per inuitilia ibid. That which is profitable, is not hurt by that which is vnprofitable. Lastly, such power they giue to the literall pronuntiation, that If two Ministers meet at once, they may not baptize together one infant, because the forme is, Immersio ista stat ab vno. Io. de Comb. in Comp. Theol. veris. lib. 6. cap. 9. I baptize thee: which words cānot be true, when many ioine together to performe it. From hence comes that learned Quod-libet of Guido de Monte Rocherij: Manip. Curat. cap. 4. sere ad finem, verbo solet autem ponitasu casus. If there be two Priests, one without hands, another without a tongue, whether can these two ioine together and baptize; the one speaking the words, the other laying on the water? Many Doctors thinke, that according to the Latine forme, the child is not baptized. But Scotus and his followers are out of doubt, that according to the forme of the Gr [...]cians, which sayth; Let this child be baptized, &c. the child is baptized sufficiently. Dominicus à Soto thinkes, that the Greekish forme of baptizing is good, because the Romish Church doth tolerate it. But Bellarmine sayth;Bellarm. de Sacra. in genere. cap. 21. verb. quod vero dominu. Baptisme no baptisme, if the Romish Church so decree. If the Romish Church detest the Rite of the Grecians, as offending against the accidents of the forme, then the Greekish Rite is baptisme, though they offend in vsing it. But if the Romish Church should decree, that the Greekish Rite is against the substance of the form [...], then the Greekish Rite were no baptisme. They require the word, Ego, and the word, Te; yet in India the Iesuites sprinkle water at once vpon whole multitudes.Dancus. cap. 7. de bap. Switae isle. This is the Logomachia, the strife of words, the warres of ignorance,August. which the Romish fraternitie stirre vp vnto themselues, little regarding that one thing is the sound which passeth, another the vertue which abideth: and that the words which Christ hath spoken, are spirit and life: or the saying of Hillary Non sunt in legendo, sed intell [...] gendo, ex Chem. Scriptures consist not in the reading, but in the vnderstanding.
CHAP. LXXXII. Of the sanctification which wee haue by the Sacraments of Christ:Of the Sacraments. and first of the authoritie, by which they are instituted.
MAny things concerning the Rites and Sacraments of the Church are to be considered, that we may come orderly to our purpose, which is to shew the prophanation of the Sacraments in the Romish Church. We must therefore wel vnderstand in whome is the power and authority to institute Sacraments: Secondly, what was the cause, and the end, for which they were ordained: Thirdly, what the vse of them is: Fourthly, what their worthinesse is, and wherin it consisteth: Fiftly, the difference betwixt the Sacraments of the old Couenant, and of the new must be considered.
The authority, by which Sacraments are ordained, is only in God himselfe, and in none other. Christ hath giuen power to his Ministers to distribute and dispense them vnto his Church; but not to ordaine new Sacraments, or other Sacraments, then such as he himselfe hath left vnto vs. Hereof are sundry reasons. The first shall be taken from the word it selfe.
The children of Israell were commandedDeut. 4.2. not to adde vnto the precept which the Lord spake, nor to take from it, but to keepe the Commandements of the Lord their God, which he commanded them: Neither were they only commanded to keepe the doctrine, which he gaue them, inuiolably, without addition or diminution, but the Rites also and Ceremonies. For so hee enioyneth in another place;Deut. 7.11. Keepe thou therefore the Commandements, and the ordinances, and the lawes, which I command thee this day to do [...] them. That which wee translate Ordinances,Custodi ergo pr [...] cepta, & Ceremoa [...], at{que} iudicia quae ego mando tibi. Impr Colon. per Pet Qu niel. An. Dom. 1527. the vulgar rendreth, Ceremonies, and the Greeke, [...]. Carolus Sigonius, well obserueth,Car [...]l Sigon. l [...]b. 1. de Rep [...]b Heb. cap. 4. that the lawe of God giuen to the Iewes, was diuided into foure kinds; [...], that is, Commandements, Ordinances, Iustifications and Iudgements. The first taught what God required, [Page 273] or what he forbade touching the worship of his owne Maiestie: The second set downe the outward order and fashion, how this duty should be performed: The third ordained after what sort they should iustifie, or acquite their innocent brethren in iudgement: and the fourth how to condemne the nocent. But concerning all these he enioyneth them:Deut. 4 2. Ye shall put nothing to the word which I command you, nor take ought therefrom; no not as touching Ceremonies. Ex Pet. Mart. in 1. Cor. 10. For so signifieth the Hebrew word Chukim, in the fourth of Deuteronomy: And the whole Lawe in Latine is called Lex Ex Muscul. in loc. com. de lege. a Ligando, because we are thereto bound. As in the Law, so in the Gospell, God cannot endure that we should worship him according to our owne wills, and phantasies: butMat. 17.5. This (sayth hee) is my beloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased, heare him. Our Sauiour Iesus Christ, though his humane nature were most holy and most innocent, yet made not the excellent vnderstanding, and pure wisedome of his naturalitie the rule of doctrine and instruction. For hee sayth;Io. 7.16. My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. And in another place;Io. 12.49. I haue not spoken of my selfe, but the Father which sent me, he gaue me a commandement what I should say, and what I should speake. If that blessed manhood, which was knit in one person vnto the Godhead, did not intromit it selfe into the authority of God, or presume to teach of it selfe: what temerity, Nay, what arrogancy is it in others, to make Articles of faith? To bring new doctrines and Sacraments into the Church, besides those which the Spirit of God in the word of life hath left vnto vs? The Apostle Paul therefore is very wary in this behalfe, and sayth:1 Cor. 11.23. I haue receiued of the Lord that which I also haue deliuered vnto you. And of other doctrines, which are not receiued of the Lord, hee sayth:Gal. 1.8. Though wee, or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise then that which we haue preached vnto you, let him be accursed.
This agreeth with the position of our Sauiour himselfe.Math. 15.13. Euery plant, which my heauenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted out. Let vs conclude then, that neither in [Page 274] the Lawe, nor in the Gospell there may bee any addition, or diminution from the institution and ordinance of the holie word.
My second reason is taken from the testimonies of the ancient Fathers of the Church. Ambrose saith;Amb. lib. de Parad, s. c. 1 2. If thou adde any thing, if thou take away any thing, it seemeth to bee a transgression of the commandement. For the pure and simple forme of the commandement must bee kept, & the forme of the testimony must be obserued. Often times, when a witnesse doth adde something of his owne to the narration of things done, hee doth blemish the whole credit of his testimony, with that part which is false. Wherefore nothing must be added, though it seeme to be very good.
Cyprian saith;Quae est ista obstinatio? quaeue praesūptio, humanā tradit [...]onē anteponere, nec animaduertere indignari et irasci deū, quotie [...] diuina praeceptae soluit et praeterit humana traditio? C [...]p. ad Pomp. cont. Epis. Steph. fe [...]e ad prin [...]p. What obstinacie is this? and what presumption, to preferre mans tradition before the disposition of God, and not to consider that the Lord is offended and angrie, as oft as humane tradition breaketh and neglecteth his diuine precepts?
Chrysostome saith;Chrysost. in op. imperfect. super Mat. cap. 7. Euery doctour is a seruant of the law: for he may not adde any thing more vnto the laws out of his owne, nor take away any thing according to his owne vnderstanding, but he preacheth that onely, which is in the lawe. And in his booke de Sacerdotio, he sheweth,Reliqua omnia euanid [...] pereāt oportet. l de Sacerdot. 4. cap 4 fere ad mediū. that to the curing of the body there are many medicines: but to the curing of the soule there is but one way, euen the vvord of God.
Augustine saith;Aug tra. 46. in 10 Ioh. circa m [...]dium. Sitting vpon the chaire of Moses they teach the lawe of God, therefore God teacheth by them: but if they will teach their owne things, heare them not, do not after them; for such seeke the things which are their owne, not the things of Christ.
Tertullian saith;Nobit vero nihil ex nostro arbitrio [...]dulgere licet, sed nec eligere, quod aliqus de arbitrio suo indu [...] erit [...]apostelo [...] domini habemas authoret. Terede pr [...]scrip. aduers. incres pag. 16 [...]. edit. A [...]ul [...]nit [...]an. [...]566. Par [...]s. It is not lawfull for vs to flatter our selues with any thing of our owne iudgement or discretion, nor to chuse that which any man hath brought-in of his owne head: we haue the paterne of the Apostles for vs, which brought-in nothing after their owne pleasure, but faithfully deliuered to the nations the doctrin they receiued from Christ.
Whosoeuer (saith Ignatius) speaketh any thing more then is written, although he be credit-worthy: although he keepe virginity: although hee worke wonders: although hee prophecie: account him as a wolfe in the flocke of Christ. Let me adde, that by Tho. Aquinas owne confession,Deus. qui est selus institutor sacramētorū vt coll g [...]a Bon Ion. cap. 6 [...]. 3 [...] part. God is the onely institutour of Sacraments. Many others I might alleage in this behalfe, but I auoid prolixity.
The third argument against those, that take authority vnto themselues to ordaine Sacraments in the Church, is taken from common reason. The Sacraments are seales and witnesses of the grace and loue of God towards vs, assuring and certifying our consciences of our saluation from God: but1. Cor. 2.16. Rom. 11.34 no man hath knowne the minde of the Lord, neither can any man assure vs of his loue, but himself; therefore none can ordaine Sacraments but God onely.
Fourthly,Gal. 3.15. Though it were but a mans testament, when it is confirmed, no man doth abrogate it, or addeth thereto: but Sacraments are couenants of God himselfe, that is, seales and euidences of his couenant; therefore Sacraments may not be instituted, altered, or abrogated by any but by God himselfe.
By this which hath beene deliuered, the christian Reader may clearely see, that they obliterate, obscure and diminish the seale of God, whosoeuer take away from the institution of of his Sacraments: and they are traitours, counterfeiting the great Seale of our Redeemer, whosoeuer make any other expressions of grace, or Symboles of his promise, but such as God himselfe hath instituted.
CHAP. LXXXIII. Of the cause and end, for which Sacraments vvere ordained.
OF the end and purpose,Chrysost. for which Sacraments were ordained, Chrysostome doth well and learnedly teach; If men were Angels, there were no neede of signes: if wee were without bodies, God had deliuered to vs incorporeall gifts: but since the soule of man is ioyned to the body, they are now set forth in sensible things to bee vnderstood:Vid. Tho. Aq. q. 60 vt col à B [...] Ion. 3 [...] part cap. 60. art 4. It is [Page 276] naturall to a man to come to the knowledge of insensible things by sensible. Wherefore, as long as the soule dwelleth in the flesh, it seeth by the eie, heares by the eare, and by fleshly organes or instruments attaineth to all knowledge which it hath. To this end God hath humbled and meeked himself, to expresse his vnsearchable and infinite wisedome in words and letters, that we may heare: and to propose the riches of his mercy to our eies, in poore signes and simple elements, that we may see: because our grosse vnderstanding is not immediately capable of heauenly things, neither can our mortall infirmity sustaine the presence of God speaking in his glory.
The light of naturall reason toward heauenly things Aristotle compareth to the eyes of an Owle vpon the bright Sunbeames: wee cannot behould them in themselues; wee cannot looke vpon them in their excellency, no more then the Israelites vpon the face of Moses, Exod. 34.30. when hee came downe from talking with God in the mountaine: butExod. 33.23. to behould his hinder parts, that is, to contemplate, and looke vpon him in sensible things, and to pry vpon his glory through spectacles and glasses, is as much as our fraile nature can endure.
Heere then let vs acknowledge the vnspeakeable loue of God passing all vnderstanding, who hath as it were debased himselfe, and laid his brightnesse from him for a time, to attemper himselfe to our infirmity, and to speake vnto vs according to our capacity, (as Origen Origen. well noteth) Maruell not that the word of God is called flesh: for it is called bread, and milke, and hearbs, and it is named diuersly, according to the measure of beleeuers, and the ability of the receiuers.
Let vs here also confesse the Wisdome of God, which hath chosen out such elements & matter of his Sacraments, wherin all things belonging to our Saluation are liuely, effectually, and plainely set forth vnto vs: insomuch that the Apostle Paul feareth not to tell his Galathians, Gal. 3.1 that Iesus Christ was described in their eies, and among them crucified: that is to say, his life, his death by the word and Sacraments were so [Page 277] fully presented to their vnderstanding, as though Christ had beene crucified in Galatia.
Austine speaking of the Sacraments saith, they are the visible words of God: for indeed in them God speaketh to the soule by the eie, as he doth in his word by the eare, as Iob saith;Iob 42.5. I haue heard of thee by the hearing of the eare, but now my eie seeth thee. And with Saint Iohn; 1. Ioh. 1.1 Wee haue looked vpon, and our hands haue handled of the word of life: Or with the Psalmist;Psal. 48.8. As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the City of our God. So clearely are all the benefites of Christs appearing and suffering in the flesh, exhibited to vs in his most honourable Sacraments.
CHAP. LXXXIIII. The vse of Sacraments.
AMongst the vses for which Sacraments were ordained, the Schoolmen haue taught this to be one; thatPet. Lomb. lib. 4. dist. [...] cap. 2. in princip. cap. wee should in the celebration of them exercise humilitie, by subiecting our selues to sensible things farre inferiour to our selues, and seeke saluation from them. But wee haue many true and excellent vses of the holy Sacraments of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, though wee intend not false and superstitious ends; nor subiect our selues to earthly elements, in seeking saluation from them.
If earthly things consecrated and separated to holy vse, could haue yielded such benefite to mankinde, Christ needed not with the lamentable profusion, and deare expence of his sacred bloud to haue redeemed vs. The Ceremonies of the Law vvere instituted by GOD himselfe, and deliuered with great glory, confirmed by many miracles, inioined vvith threatnings, commended with promises: yet for all this, none of them were sufficient to sanctifie, or make holy the people vvith that holinesse, which is requisite to him that desireth to appeare innocent in the light of God, or to dwell in his Tabernacle. Therefore wee must seeke some other vses and ends, for which the Sacraments vvere ordained.
Generally, the vse and purpose of the Sacraments is, that by these outward signes vvee should be stirred vp to apprehend thorow faith the promises of God, and bee enflamed with desire to pursue the same. If we wish to haue the matter made more plaine, there are fiue principall ends and scopes, for which Sacraments were ordained.
The first end is, that by them wee may be both generally and particularly instructed, how great the loue of Christ is vnto vs. Wherefore they are Gods Messengers vnto vs, reporting the reconciliation betwixt God and vs in IESVS CHRIST: they are Rings of our spirituall marriage: they are Seales of our promised inheritance: they are Images and representations of the manifold blessings, which are proposed vnto vs in the Sonne of God: they are Glasses, in which wee may behold what Christ hath done and suffered for vs. And this vse Christ himselfe speaketh of;Luke 22.19. Doe this in the remembrance of me. Austine saith, that in the celebration thereof wee are so moued, as though we saw Christ present vpon the Crosse before vs. Chrysostome saith;Chrysost. in 1. Cor. c. 2. hom. 7. ex Io Iuello in art c. [...]. &c. the vnbeleeuer, when hee heareth of the Lauacre of baptisme, doth perswade himselfe, that there is simply water: but I doe not onely see that I see, but the purging of my soule by the spirit: the buriall, the Resurrection, Sanctification, Righteousnesse, Redemption, Adoption, the inheritance of the heauenly Kingdome, and the filling of the soule. For I doe not esteeme the things, which are seene by the sight, but I behold them with the eye of the minde. Ambrose saith; that is most seene, which is not seene. Finally, Austine teacheth, that in the Sacraments we must consider, not what they are, but what they signifie.
The Sacraments doe not onely testifie the generall loue of GOD to his whole Church: but they are also speciall Seales of the fauour of God to the particular conscience of euery man. Faith in a man, vvhen it meditateth on the promises of God, doth easily acknowledge the stabilitie, the trueth and the sweetnes of them, because God is euerlasting, iust, and good: but it wauereth many times, and doubteth [Page 279] concerning the application of these promises, whether they appertaine to himselfe as well as to other. For this cause our God,1. Tim. 2.4. who will haue all men to be saued, hath annexed to his word his Sacramēts, that we may in the receiuing of them be assured of Saluation in our particular. For in the Sacraments the spirit speaketh comfortably vnto vs, and saith; As our bodies are cleansed with the same materiall water, and fedde with the same materiall bread and wine with others: so the bloud of Christ doth cleanse our conscience, and his bodie doth feede our soules vnto eternall life, as well as others.Ambr in Luc. l. 5. c. 7. ex Iuello. Ambrose well saith of the word; wee haue seene, and our eyes haue beheld, and wee haue thrust our fingers into the print of the nailes: For we seeme to our selues to haue seene whom we reade of, and to haue beheld him hanging on the Crosse, and to haue felt his wounds, by the searching of the spirit of the Church. Cyprian saith of the receiuing, of the Sacrament;Cypr. de Coena domini paulo post medium tractatus. We sticke vnto his Crosse, wee sucke his bloud, we thrust our tongues into the wounds of our Redeemer. And this is the first vse of Sacraments; To assure our conscience of the infinite loue of God towards vs.
The second vse of Sacraments is, to stirre vp in vs an earnest desire and longing to attaine the promises of GOD, which by these outward elements are declared to bee so necessarie, so profitable, so sweete and comfortable vnto vs. These teach vs with Dauid, Psal. 42 1. to thirst after the Lord, as the Hart brayeth after the water brooke: they call vpon vs;Psa [...]. [...]4.8. O taste and see how sweet the Lord is: they proclaime with the Prophet;Esay 55.1. He, euery one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and yee that haue no siluer, come buy and eate: Come I say, buy Wine and Milke without siluer, and without money: they enflame our hearts with a burning desire,Phil. [...]23. to be dissolued, and to be with Christ: they make vsCant. 3.1. in our bed to seeke him by night, and to set him as a Seale vpon our hearts, Cant. 8.6. and a Signet vpon our arme.
The third vse is, that Christians by the contemplation and communicating of the Sacraments, should be together knit in a firme and assured bond of loue and charitie, hauing [Page 280] one heart and one minde. This vse the Apostle commendeth vnto vs;1. Cor. 10.17 We that are many, are one bread and one body, because we are all partakers of one bread. Wherefore (as it may be gathered out of Iohn) immediately after his last Supper, of which the last action was the institution of the Sacraments of his body and bloud, he addedIoh. 13.34. a new commandement, that they should loue one another, as hee had loued them. Anselme saith; wee breake and diuide the bread into many parts, to signifie the charitable vnion of the receiuers. Paulinus vnto Austine saith; It is no maruell, if absent wee be present amongst our selues, and vnknowne we know our selues, since we are members of one body, and haue one head, and are washed with one grace, and doe liue by one bread, walke in one way, and dwell in one house. Cyprian Cyprian. saith; vvith what loue and concord all faithfull Christians are ioined together,Chrysost. the Lords Sacrifice doth declare. Chrysostom saith; we do embrace one another in the mysteries, that many may become one.Hierom. Hierome saith; wee are all one bread and one body, as many as communicate of one bread.
The fourth vse is, to discerne vs from all other Sects and Religions by our publique Rites: for it is the couenant betweene God and vs. Wherefore, asGen. 17.14. they which were not circumcised, were not counted any of Gods people: so they which partake not of the Sacraments, are not reckoned in the fellowship of the members of Christ. The Militarie honour is conferred by girding with a sword: The Ciuil honor is signified by the Robe: the Nuptiall bond by the Ring: so are the Sacraments the markes and cognisances of Christians. Therefore of circumcision Chrysostome saith, that it was the bridle and fetters vvhich vvithheld the Iewes, that they should not be mingled with other nations.
The fift vse is, to stirre vs vp to holinesse of life, and cleannesse of conuersation. This vse the Apostle noteth in the first to the Corinthians, 1. Cor. 10.2. where hee sheweth, that many of the Iewes after they were in the Red Sea baptised vnto Moses, and had eaten the same spirituall meate, and drunke the same spirituall drinke: yet God was displeased with them, and [Page 281] ouerthrew them in the wildernesse, that they might bee ensamples vnto vs, that we lust not after euill things: that wee bee not idolaters, nor fornicators, nor tempters of Christ, nor murmurers against God. For, as it vvas vvith the Iewes in the celebrating of their Sacraments, so it is vvith Christians. The Apostle Paul saith;1. Cor. 10.21. Yee cannot bee partakers of the Lords Table, and of the table of Diuels. In the next Chapter he denounceth, that1. Cor. 11.27. Whosoeuer shall eate this bread, and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily, shall be guilty of the body and bloud of the Lord, Ibid. ver. 29. and in the 29. verse eateth and drinketh his own damnation, because he discerneth not the Lords body; that is, because hee counteth this bread prophane, and this cup common, and doth not receiue it with reuerence as the Sacracramentall body of Iesus Christ. Wherefore the Apostle exhorteth euery man to examine himselfe, and so to eate of the bread, and drinke of the Cup.
CHAP. LXXXV. What the worthinesse of Sacraments is, and wherein it consisteth.
THat which hath beene spoken touching the cause of the institution, and the vse of the Sacraments, doth aboundantly declare the worthinesse of them. For how can it bee but an excellent ordinance which is instituted of God himselfe? And how can it be without profit, vvhich is a sensible and visible instrument, conueying thorow our outward and sensitiue parts, the vnderstanding of insensible, and iniuisible graces to the inward man? They testifie of Gods generall loue to his whole Church, of his particular loue to euery speciall member: they stirre vp in vs a desire of heauenly things: they call vs vnto vnity and concord; not such as is betweene Man and Man, or Friend and Friend, or Brother and Brother; but the strongest and the streightest vnity, such as is betwixt member and member in one body: they are badges, by which we are discerned from all Sects and false religions [Page 282] [...] [Page 283] [...] [Page 282] they stirre vs vp to holinesse and newnes of life. What greater thing can we expect?
The Aduersarie blameth vs, as such who doe esteeme of the Sacraments as naked and bare signes.Apoc. 12.9.10. But Sathan hath beene alwaies an accuser of his Brethren, and Antichrist his first begotten is of his Father the Diuell ordained the Prince of falshood. All the reformed Churches, doe earnestly teach and assuredly beleeue, that the Sacraments are not bare and naked tokens, but honourable institutions, which haue the promises and threats annexed vnto them: that is, God hath promised to all, that worthily and rightly participating of of them professe the faith of Iesus Christ, the vnspeakeable blessing of eternall life. On the other side, the threatnings and dreadfulnesse of the curse doth accompany those, that vnreuerently and prophanely receiue the Sacraments. Wherfore the Psalmist saith of the eating of Manna;Psal. 106.15. He gaue them their desire, and sent leanenesse withall into their Soule. And in Esay the Lord pronounceth;Esay 1.13.14. Incense is an abomination vnto mee, my soule hateth your New Moones, and your appointed Feasts, they are a burden vnto mee, I am weary to beare them: And the Apostle Paul saith;1. Cor. 11.29. Hee that eateth and drinketh vnworthily, eateth and drinketh his owne damnation.
On the contrarie side, hee that communicateth rightly of the Sacraments, communicateth with the whole Church. For Christ is verely, truely, and effectually receiued in the Sacrament, vvith all his benefites, blessings, and graces; though not naturally, carnally, or really. We dye vvith him, we are washed by him, we are graffed into him, wee put him on, as many as are baptised: vve seede on him, wee are nourished with him, vve growe into him, and he into vs: vve are made one vvith him, and vnseparably one, as many as truely participate the holy Eucharist. So that Sathan can no more diuide vs from our CHRIST, then one graine can be parted from another in the bread, or then one Grape can bee discerned from another in the wine. Christ is powerfully, gloriously, graciously present in the hearts of all, vvho duely vse the holy mysteries. Therefore Sacraments are no more the things [Page 283] they were, but the bread is the bread of the Lord, and the cup the cup of the Lord:P [...]. M [...]. and as the Iewes called their offerings, Sancta Sanctorum, holy of holies, or most holy: so ought we to esteeme of our Sacraments as most holy Seales, and representations of the benefites of Christ.
Sundry praises therefore are giuen to the Sacraments, and they are called by the name of the things they signifie, and which in the right exercise of them we be partakers of. As, Circumcision is calledGen. 17.2. his Couenant: the1. Cor. 10.4. Rocke in the wildernesse is called Christ: Psal. 60.24. the Arke is called God: Baptisme is called the Lauer of regeneration: the bread is called the Body of Christ, the Wine the bloud of Christ. After the same figure of speech the Fathers also magnifie the Sacrament of baptisme. Paulinus saith, the vvater conceiueth God. Chrysostome saith, it is no more vvater to drinke as it vvas afore, but water to sanctifie vs as it was not afore. Tertullian saith, the most holy spirit descendeth from the Father, and resteth vpon the vvater of baptisme. Austine saith, it toucheth the body, and cleanseth the heart. Cyprian saith, the diuine essence doth vnspeakeably poure it selfe into the visible Sacrament. Hierome saith, the Priest doth pray, that the Font may bee sanctified, and the vvhole Trinity bee present in it. Cyprian also saith, the truth is ioined vvith the signe, and the spirit vvith the Sacrament. And againe, to those that are to be baptised, we publiquely deliuer the holy adored Trinity. So likewise of the Eucharist Gregory saith, Christ dieth againe in this Mysterie. Chrysostome saith, the Priest holdeth Christ betwixt his hands; and we fasten our teeth in the flesh of Christ. Irenaeus saith, the bread, ouer which thankes is giuen, is the body of the Lord. Paulinus in an Epistle to Austine saith, the soliditie of the Trinitie is contained in the bread. All these are figuratiue speeches; and in them the things signified, and the things signifying, are called by the same names: yet the elements are not changed in substance, but in dignitie, and of common creatures they are become holy. Now this holinesse is not in the matter of them, but in the vse, by vvhich vse the receiuers also are changed, and renued in the spirit [Page 284] of their mindes, through the operation of the Spirit of God. The ancient Fathers vse this amplification of vvords, and powerfull tearmes to stirre vp deuotion in the receiuers: But these praises tend not to the magnifying of the signe, but of the thing signified.
It remaineth now to search in what sense all these honourable Attributes, both by the Scripture and the Fathers haue beene giuen to the Sacraments. This we shall the better doe, if we set before our eyes the definition, or nature of a Sacrament. Austine defining a Sacrament saith, it is the visible signe of inuisible grace. Hugo de Sancto Ʋictore saith, it is a mateririall element outwardly proposed to the eye, presenting a similitude according to the institution, and by sanctification conferring inuisible grace. The Schoolemen generally speaking of Baptisme say,Baptismus est ablutio corporis excerior facta sub praescripta forma verborum. Tho. Aquin. q. 66. & sic Coll a Bon ion. cap. 66. & com. lib. 4. dist. 3. cap. 1. Lauacrum illud obsignatio de est fidei. Tert. in l. de poenit. circa medium. it is the outward washing of the body, vnder a prescript forme of vvords. Tertullian saith, (i) Baptisme is the Seale of faith; according to that of the Apostle, where he callethRom. 4 11. Circumcision, the Seale of the righteousnesse of faith. Austine in another definition teacheth;Ex Comp. Theol. veri [...]. l. 6. c. 2. A Sacrament is that, in which vnder the couering of visible things the diuine vertue doth secretly worke.In [...]. ad Rom. Peter Martyr defineth a Sacrament to be, the visible word of God. And againe,In loc com. class. 3. loco. 8. the visible instrument, which God vseth, to stir vp faith withall. Againe,Ibid. a Sacrament is the promise of God concerning forgiuenesse of sins by Christ, sealed and signed by an outward and visible signe of Gods institution. If we conferre all these assertions together, we shall perceiue, that some make a Sacrament to consist of two parts: the Element, and the Word; and some of three: the element, the word, and the inuisible grace. And according to this last opinion, if any of these be vvanting, the Sacrament is not compleate. If there be no materiall signe, there can bee no Sacrament at all: If you take the word from the Element, whatAug tract. 80. super Io. paulo post medium. doth remaine but water (saith Austin:) And the spirituall grace is so necessarie, that Austine againe saith, the visible Sacrament vvithout the inuisible sanctification, though it be present, it doth not profit. Wherefore vvhen [Page 285] the Scriptures and Fathers attribute such great power vnto Sacraments; to purge, to cleanse, to sanctifie, this must not bee vnderstood in one part or two parts of the Sacrament: Of the Elements onely, or the vvords onely: but of a compleate Sacrament, vvhich doth consist of the signe, the word, and the inuisible grace.
A Sacrament thus vnderstood doth sanctifie: but euery part thereof must haue that vertue onely attributed vnto it, which it properly hath. The signe and the words are instruments to moue our vnderstanding and will, to imbrace the grace which is offered: but inward grace is the thing, which doth sanctifie, and it proceedeth neither from the water, nor the word, but from the Spirit of God onely, as from the efficient cause.
The signe conferreth not grace, the word conferreth not grace: but he which hath instituted them giueth grace, not to them, but to vs in the godly vse of them.
When we say, that grace of sanctification is tied vnto a Sacrament, we vnderstand it of a Sacrament, which hath all three parts thereto belonging; according to the common definition; A Sacrament is the visible signe of inuisible grace. If there be no inuisible grace, there is then no Sacrament: yet this visible grace is not conferred by the signe, but expressed: it is not contained in the element, but declared.
When we say, the Sacrament doth sanctifie, we doe not meane, that the signe onely is the Sacrament, or that the signe ioined to the word is the Sacrament; but wee call the signe, the word, and the grace, all three ioined together, a Sacrament: for inward grace is as the soule and life of the Sacraments. Wherefore the Romish Church it selfe calleth grace the matter of the Sacrament.
When wee say, that Sacraments doe worke in vs eternall life, we meane not, that God hath ordained Sacraments to effect and giue vs his promises, but to seale them and witnes them vnto vs.
When we say, Sacraments are instruments to eternall life, it must not be vnderstood, that they are such instruments of [Page 286] Saluation, as the common materiall bread is of naturall nourishment: for spirituall things cannot be giuen by corporall causes; nor eternall things, by temporall causes. Therefore when we say, that grace is ioined and annexed to the visible Sacrament, wee doe not meane, that it is by naturall coniunction, as bread and drinke haue the nutritiue power in them: nor by locall coniunction, as the bread and wine are mingled together in the cup: nor by corporall coniunction, as the members are knit together in one body: nor by the cōiunction of ineuitable necessitie, as though God had simply granted life eternall to euery one, that participateth of the outward element: nor yet by effectuall coniunction, as the power of the fire is in the Iron, both vvhen wee vse it, and when we vse it not: But we account the outward Symboles instruments of grace, Non Physica sed Moralia, not instruments or vessels inherently containing grace in themselues or effectually infusing it into vs. For as the power to create, So to infuse grace is onely in GOD, not communicable to any creature. But the outward Symboles, are sacred meanes and instruments, In the due and deuout vse whereof according to Christs institution, God doth immediately and inuisibly infuse grace into our hearts, and doth it, Ex pacto & foedere, hauing tied himselfe by his promise to conuey and exhibite vnto vs his inuisible grace when we duely and deuoutly receiue visible and holy Sacraments.
When the Fathers say the Eucharist is a sacrifice, they doe not meane, that it is a sacrifice of reconciliation, as the body of Christ was: but of thanksgiuing, as the Scripture calleth the inuocation and celebration of the Name of GOD,Ose 14.3. The Calues of our lips: yea, properly they vnderstand our thanksgiuing to be the sacrifice, not the Sacrament, which is so called figuratiuely; because when wee doe celebrate the holy Eucharist, wee doe it vvith the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing, setting out the death of the Lord till his comming againe.
We doe not thinke, that these mysteries are made holy by mans consecration, or by any power or efficacie inherent in [Page 287] the words and syllables pronounced: but that the Sacraments are holy by reason of the Lords institution it selfe. Gregory and Platina witnesse, that Peter the Apostle did vse onely the Lords Prayer at the celebration of the Eucharist: And the Grecians vse not the Latine forme in Baptisme: And yet, I trust, the Romish Church will not deny, but that Peter ministred the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and the Grecians of Baptisme.
There is another rule also, which out of this doctrine doth arise, that Sacraments are no longer such, then while they are in vse: When they are not in vse, they lose the name, and the dignitie of Sacraments.
To conclude, the Sonne of God doth merite all blessings for vs: the Father, for his Sonne and vvith his Sonne, by the operation of the Spirit giueth them vnto vs. Thus God and the Sacraments haue the honour due vnto them, when wee seeke forgiuenesse and grace onely from God, and doe place the merite and cause onely in Christ, the efficacie of the worke onely in the holy Ghost, and esteeme the Sacraments as externall signes, obsignations, Seales and images; to vvitnesse, confirme, exhibite, and present these benefites vnto vs.
CHAP. LXXXVI. Of the difference betwixt the Sacraments of the Law, and the Gospell.
IT is an olde and a true prouerbe, one absurditie granted, a thousand follow. This is plainely seene in the Popish opinion concerning Sacraments. For, when they place power of Sanctification in the Sacraments Ex opere. operato, and make them Ʋessels containing, or Causes effecting grace through pronunciation of Words, and Distribution of the matter by the Priest; then it must needs follow, that there is great difference of power in the Sacraments of the Law, and of the Gospell, since the Leuiticall Priests chalenge no such efficacie and force in their Legall Rites, beingHeb. 10.1. shadowes [Page 288] onely of good things to come, and figures for the present time.
The Schoolemen make two differences betwixt the Sacraments of the Law, and the Gospell. The first,Vid. Pet. Lomb l. 4. dist. 1. c. 3 & additione Henric. de Vrima [...] ibid. That the Sacraments of the Gospell are holy signes of holy things: but the Legall Sacraments were not holy, but onely signes of holy things: Secondly, That the Sacraments of the Law did onely signifie: but the Sacraments of the Gospell doe conferre and effect what they signifie. But if, leauing the inuentions of men, vvee will hearken to the trueth of God, many reasons there are which shew, that the efficacie of the Legall Sacraments, and the Euangelicall is all one.
1 First, no man can doubt, but that the loue of GOD towards the Fathers and vs is both one. They vvere as deare and precious vnto him,Hos. 11. Deut. 7. as weare. Then there is no reason, but the signes of his loue should be as efficacious to them, as vnto vs.
2 Christ Apoc. 13.8. is a Lambe slaine from the beginning, not only in respect of Gods prescience and eternall counsell, but in respect of their Saluation, who liued in the beginning of the world:Eph. 2.20.21. Christ is the chiefe corner stone, in whom both the buildings are coupled: theIoh. 10.14. Shepheard which hath brought both flockes into one fould. Why then should wee deny them to haue the like instrument, who haue the like operation? Or why should not the Sacraments be equall, when the grace is equall?
3 Christ vvas preached to the Iewes in the doctrine of the Law: why was he not then exhibited to the Iewes in the Ceremonies of the Law? If there were the same Christ in both Sacraments, there was the same grace in both Sacraments. Wherefore there is no cause, why wee should extenuate the Iewish Sacraments so much, as to thinke they were common signes, barely foreshewing grace.
4 Fourthly, although there is difference in circumstance, yet in respect of the substance of the things, or the effect of the vvorke, the spirit of God in the holy Scripture doth make equall the Iewish Sacraments with the Sacraments of the Church. For the Apostle Paul doth call CircumcisionRom. 4.1 [...]. the Seale of the righteousnes of faith; by which it appeareth [Page 289] to be more then a naked signe. Moses calleth it the Couenant; and to shew that there was inuisible grace giuen to those that rightly vsed Circumcision, he sayth;Deut. 30.6 The Lord will circumcise thy heart, that Thou mayst loue the Lord. The Apostle Paul likewise plainly declareth, that the same was the effect and fruit of the Sacraments in the Lawe, and in the Gospell: for that1 Cor. 10. ver. 2.3.4 The Fathers were baptized vnto Moses, and did all eate the same spirituall meate, and did all drinke the same spirituall drinke; for they dranke of the spiritual Rocke, which followed them, and the Rocke was Christ. Nay, he calleth also the Sacraments of the Gospell by the appellation of the Sacraments of the Lawe. For he sayth,Col. 2.11. that We are circumcised by circumcision made without hands. Wherfore none can doubt, but hee esteemed the effect of Iewish Sacraments, and Christian to be all one, since he communicateth the names of the one to the other. Yet notwithstanding wee deny not, that there is some difference betwixt the Iewish Sacraments, and the Christian. Therefore I will set downe, wherein they agree, and wherein they differ, plainly, and in a word.
- The Agreements betwixt the Sacraments of the Lawe, and the Sacraments of the Gospell.
- One God, and one Lord was Author of both Sacraments.
- Both Sacraments were giuen to be signes, and seales of grace.
- In both Sacraments there is one thing that doth signifie, and another that is signified.
- The matter of both Sacraments is Christ.
- Both Sacraments haue one and the same effect: for in their Ceremonies the Fathers
were assured of Christ, and so are we. Wherfore Austine sayth,
In signis [...]d uersa sū [...], sed in re [...]quae significatur, paria sūt. Aug. tract. 26. in Io. circa medium.The Sacraments though they differ in signe, yet they agree in the thing signified.
- Both Sacraments require faith in the receiuer.
- [Page 290]The Differences betwixt the Sacraments of the Lawe, and the Sacraments of the Gospell.
- In the old Testament there were many Sacraments; in the new Testament there are two
only: according to that of Austine
Sacramentis numero paucissimis, obseruatione sacillimis, significatione praestantissimis societatem noui populi eo ligat it. Aug. ad Ian. Ep. 110.; With Sacraments fewer in number, easiest in obseruation, most excellent in signification, he hath knit together the society of his new people.
- The Sacraments of the Lawe were prenuntiations of Christ to come: the Sacraments of the Gospel are annuntiations that he is come; and in this sense are Austines words to bee vnderstood, when he sayth: the old Sacraments do promise saluation; the new doe giue saluation: that is, the old speake of a benefite to come; the new, of a benefite performed.
- The Sacraments of the Lawe were subiect to change and mutation. For after one fashion ought things to be signified, which shall be fulfilled: and after another fashion, which are fulfilled. But the Sacraments of the Gospell cannot be changed, they must endure as long as the Church is militant.
- The old and new Sacraments differ in the variety of the signe. The Iewes had Circumcision, sacrifices, feasts: we haue water, bread and wine. In the Iewish Sacraments there was often effusion of bloud: of mans bloud in circumcision; of beasts bloud in sacrificing: But in the Sacraments of the Gospell there is no effusion of bloud: but they witnesse the bloud of Christ to be shed once for all.
- The auncient Sacraments were more obscure and dark then the new. They drew the picture in the first lines, in darke clowdes and shadowes: but the Sacraments of the Gospell are most perspicuous, and with liuely flourishing colours depaint the benefites of Gods grace vnto vs. The Church was neuer without [Page 291] Christ, but to some hee giueth harder lessons, to some more easie: to some he was more obscurely declared, to others more plainly. In the lawe of Nature, hee was as the wheate in the grasse: In the Lawe of Moses, as wheate in the stalke: In the Gospell, as wheate in the eare, fully, plainly, openly.
- The Sacraments of the Lawe, for the most part, signified future things: The Sacraments of the Gospell present vnto vs things past, things present, and things to come.
- And thus much shall suffice to be spoken of the difference betwixt the Sacraments of the Lawe, and of the Gospell.
- In the old Testament there were many Sacraments; in the new Testament there are two
only: according to that of Austine
CHAP. LXXXVII. How the Church of Rome hath abused the doctrine of Sanctification by Sacraments; and first of the mangling of them.
IF it be a true position of Basil; Saint Basil. Hee that forbiddeth what the Lord commandeth, and commandeth what the Lord forbiddeth; let him be held accursed of all men that loue the Lord: I doubt much how the Romish Church can quit her selfe from most extreame malediction; who not onely mangleth & maymeth the Sacraments, which the Lord hath ordained, contrary to the institution: but also addeth vnto the number, falsifieth the vse, darkneth the brightnesse of the Sacraments: and lastly, placeth power of sanctification in such things, as themselues acknowledge to be no Sacraments.
Austine truly sayth;Tract. 80. su [...]. Ioh. paululū post med ū [...] Accedit verbum ad elementum, & fit Sacramentum. the word comming to the element makes it a Sacrament. Wherefore the Schooleman will haue the word to goe with the Sacrament, when he defineth baptisme to be the outward washing of the body vnder a prescript forme of words.Pet Lomb lib. 4. dist. 3 cap. [...]. & Th Aqu n par. 3 q [...]6. art. 10. This whether it be vnderstood of the words of Consecration (as they call it) only: or [Page 292] whether it be vnderstood of the word of Gods promise, it appeareth that the word, and the signe ought to be ioyned together. But they are not so in the Roman Church: for it denieth the word vnto the people, both learned and vnlearned.
In the hearing of the ignorant people, the Word, which is the spirit and life of the Sacrament, is neuer ioyned to the signe. For though the one bee presented vnto their vnderstanding, the other is not: but they are alients from him that readeth, and he that readeth from them.
The learned are robbed also of the helpe of the word, which should stirre them vp to faith and deuotion in receiuing, when instead of audible and intelligible speech, the Priest is commanded to mussitat, and whisper the secrets of their Masse in a lowe and submisse murmure, which none can heare. And it is euident, that the words, which are most full of comfort and sweetnesse; VVHICH IS GIVEN FOR YOV, are cleane left out in the Masse, and instead of them they adde words of their owne deuising; as thatPatet in Canone. Miss. Sar. eleuatis in c [...]li [...]n manibus. Christ lifted vp his eyes to heauen, and such like. As they take the word frō the signe, so they take away also in the Eucharist, part of the signe it selfe, the Cup, from the Lay people. Eckius confesseth, thatEckius de Euchar. sub vtra{que} specie. verbo pat t quod vbi{que} Solum idē & in Con. Tr d. sometime they take it also from the Priests themselues: And that the Sacerdotall order communicateth with one kind at certaine seasons. And hee contendeth impudently, thatEckins b [...]d. not only Ambrose, Ierome, Eusebius, and Benedict did receiue the Sacrament in the forme of bread onely: but that Christ himselfe did so administer it to his Disciples at Emmaus. Yet this is contrary to their owne Canon;Aut integra sacramēta percipiant, cat ab integris arce [...]eur. de Cosic. dist. 2. cap. comperimus. Eyther let them take the whole Sacraments, or be prohibited from the whole. Beda sayth,Bed [...] in Lucam. c. 22. l. 6. The bread is mystically referred to the body of Christ, and the wine to the bloud. And the Apostle sayth, that1. Cor. 10 The Bread is the communion of the body, and the Cup the communion of the bloud of Christ. Alexander sayth, Whole Christ is not contained in one kind Sacramentally, but the body in the forme of bread, and the bloud in the forme of wine. And their Canon sayth,De Consec. dist. 2. [...] [...]um omne. The bread is [Page 293] commended by it selfe, and the cup is commended by it selfe. Gratian saith, that (k) in very deed there are two Sacraments. The accidents of the bread are the Sacraments only of the body of Christ, and the accidents of the wine are the onely Sacrament of the bloud.
Lorichius saith, the institution of the Sacrament requireth vs all to eate together, and drinke together. To conclude, they mangle the Sacrament, taking the word from the elemēt: they mangle the word, now chanting aloud, then muttering in secret: they mangle Christ himselfe, giuing the body without the bloud: they mangle the Church, making difference betwixt Priest and people, where no difference is: they mangle the precept; Drinke ye all of this, when none drinketh but the Priest: they mangle the sense; Drinke ye all, that is, Priests by themselues, and Eckius de Euchar. sub vtraque specie. the people by the Priest. For the Priest (saieth one) is the mouth of the people: yea, many times they mangle the Masse it selfe, when neither the bread, nor wine, the body nor bloud, is giuen to the people, but onely certaine Reliques instead thereof are shewed them;Manip. Cur. c. 7. quoties in die Missa debet c [...]lebrari. and this is called Missa sicca, or the dry Masse.
CHAP. LXXXVIII. Additions vnto Christs Institution of Sacraments.
IT is true, that the word Sacrament is scarce found in Scripture. Therefore in plaine speech the holy word doth not determine the number of them: yet, if wee harken vnto the will and testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, we shall finde, that indeed hee ordained but two visible seales of his mercy towards vs, that is to say, BAPTISME, and the LORDS SVPPER. Of Baptisme wee finde the institution;Mat. 28.19 Goe and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the holy Ghost: Of the Eucharist wee haue also the institution;Luke 22.19 Doe this in the remembrance of me. Baptisme hath the promise annexed;Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue, and be baptised, shall be saued. The Eucharist is not without the promise;Luke 22.20. For, This Cup is the new testament in my bloud (saith he) which is shed for you, that is, it witnesseth, that [Page 294] my bloud was shed for your cleansing, and that whosoeuer eateth mee, shall liue by mee. But the Romish Prelates haue thrust into the Church diuers other sacraments, which Christ neuer ordained to be placed in that ranke.
1. Cor. 7.2 Gen. 2.18First, Matrimony, which was ordained to be a remedy against sinne, a mutuall comfort and an helpe to mankinde, they say, is a Sacrament. But against this there are many reasons.
1 First, there is no iniunction that euery one should be married, as it is that euery one should be baptized, and communicate of the table of the Lord: But if Christ had ordained it as a Seale and Badge of Saluation, and a necessarie rite testifying his grace, it should be enioyned to all, as well as to some.
2 Secondly, there is no externall signe & symboll therein. In some places they vse the Ring, in some they ioyne hands: but these are not commanded by God; therefore they be not Sacramentall signes, according to the rule of Pighius himselfe, who saith;Sacramentum est signum efficax diuinuus institutū. &c. A Sacrament is an efficacious signe ordained by God.
3 Thirdly, there is no promise annexed to Matrimony concerning forgiuenesse of sinne.Ob. They obiect, that Matrimony doth signifie the coniunction, which is betwixt Christ & his Church; therefore it is a Sacrament. The answer is easie; euery thing that resembleth the benefits of Christ to his Church,Sol. is not a Sacrament: then were leauen, mustard-seed, the way, the dore, the key, Sacraments.
Ob. Sol.It is by the Apostle Paul calledRom. 11.25 a Mystery; therefore it is a Sacrament. Euery thing that is called a Mystery, is not a Sacrament. The Apostle calleth the obstinacy of the Iews, till the fulnes of the Gentiles be come, a Mystery: the doctrine of resurrection, the vocation of the Gentiles, the incarnation of Christ, Mysteries: yet these are not Sacraments, as all men knowe.
Order, they say, is a Sacrament, and Imposition of hands the visible signe of the same: For the Apostle exhorteth Timothy 1 Tim. 5.22 to lay hands on no man suddenly. And againe,2. Tim. 1.6 Stirre vp the grace which is in thee, by the laying on of hands: Notwithstanding [Page 295] all this, Order is no Sacrament. For there is no promise of forgiuenes of sinne annexed vnto it, as is properly vnto Sacraments. Ministers haue onely power to preach the word, & distribute the Sacraments by this Ceremony of laying on hands. Imposition of hands in the Apostles time was a miraculous action, by which the holy Ghost was giuen, and diseases cured: but imposition of hands now hath no such force, it is onely a kinde of praier, or gesture in praier, by which we doe testifie, that we commend the person ordered to the grace of GOD. Now, all signifying Ceremonies are not Sacraments.
Penance also is a Sacrament in the Romish account: but it hath no visible signe; therefore it is not a Sacrament. Some say, Imposition of hands is the signe: but God hath ordained no such rite; therefore it cannot bee a sacramentall rite. Some say, The sighs and groanes of the conscience vnder the burthen of sinne, is the materiall signe in penance: but such groanes and sighs are not visible; therefore they be not sacramentall. And the Tridentine Councell therefore saith,Quasi materiam sacramenti poenitētiae. sess. 4 Can. 4 Si quis negauerit ad integram &c. that Contrition, Confession and Satisfaction are, as it were, the matter of the Sacrament of Penance; not the true matter, but as it vvere the matter.
Moreouer, they witnesse vnto vs Mans compunction: but they are not seales of Gods promise. Of the Couenant of saluation there are two parts; one from God: another from vs. Sorrowe for sinne is our part of the Couenant:2. Cor. 7.10 Luke 5.21 forgiuenesse of sinne is Gods part. Now sighing and lamentation is the witnes on our p, rt, that we gladly desire to imbrace the forgiuenesse of our sinnes: but where is the materiall witnes on Gods behalfe: as the water, bread, and wine doe witnes both in Baptisme, and the Eucharist, that hee freely forgiueth vs? To conclude, what better witnes can bee brought to proue that Penance is no sacrament, then Alexander and Bonauenture? who both confesse that Christ was not the authour therof.
Confirmation had this beginning: It was thought a godly policie, that Infants, which at baptisme were not able to make confession of their faith; when they came to lawfull [Page 296] yeares, should before the Bishop make publique protestation thereof; which being done, the Bishop laid his hands vpon them, beeing the gesture which was vsed in his prayer, desiring God to strengthen their faith, and to poure his blessings vpon them. Christ himselfe indeede laid his hands vpon children, but he did not require of them profession of faith; Wherefore they cannot say, that Christ was the author of this Rite of Confirmation: and we may iustly deny it to be a Sacrament, because it is not instituted by God.
Many toyes Popery hath added to Confirmation, neither haue they retained the Primitiue guise thereof. For they anoint the confirmed with oile, they crosse him, they giue him a blowe, in token that hee must bee prepared to battell. All which are neither the ordinances of Christ nor his Apostles: and yet such is their blindnesse, that Confirmation, which is no institution of Christ, nor is retained according to the Primitiue vse, is preferred with them before all other Sacraments, and can bee administred by none but by a Bishop onely.
Extreame vnction hath no commandement nor promise of forgiuenesse of sinne in the holy Scripture. Christ sent his Apostles forth, and they anointed the sicke with oyle, and they did recouer. This is nothing to the forgiuenes of sins: It was a miracle,Ioh. 9.6. Act. 5.15. but not a Sacrament; Euen as the Spettle and the earth, which Christ anointed the eies of the blinde withall: The shadow of Peter, the beds and the couches brought forth into the streets: Kerchefs from the body of Paul sent vnto the sick. These all are wondrous vvorkes, by which God glorified his Sonne, and promoted the Gospell: but they are not in the number of Sacraments sealing to vs forgiuenesse of sinnes. In our daies such Ceremonies haue not the same power that they had in the Primitiue Church, because the truth is sufficiently confirmed vvith miracles already. Therefore, vvhat should they vse the oile without the vertue?
Iam. 5.14.In the time of Saint Iames they prayed, and anointed with oile in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith saued [Page 297] the sicke. The oile was onely to heale infirmities, not to forgiue sinnes; but now the miraculous working by oile, and the vertue ceasing, they make a spirituall vse thereof for the helpe of soules; wherefore it is superstition to vse it; euen as when the Israelites fell downe before the brazen Serpent, at what time the force and power thereof was gone.2. King. 18.
As they make the number of Christs Sacraments defectiue,The Rhemists confesse that anointing with oile in the Gospell was but a preparatiue to the Sacrament of extreme vnction. Ergo extreme vnction was not instituted in the Gospel. Marg. Note 1. chap. 6. Mar. till fiue more of their owne coining bee thereto added: so they esteeme not the Sacraments of Christ honourable enough of themselues, without the accoutrements of their inuention; euen as the Pharises before them made their [...], or vaine traditions of more esteeme then the Oracles of God. First of all therefore,In vno omnia cō [...]eniūt, quod in signo crucis omnia Sacra sunt danda. Summa Aug. in verb. Sacrament. quo modo sūt dāda. All Sacraments (say they) agree in this, that all must bee administred with the signe of the Crosse. Are not all Chrismes De Consec. dist. 5. cap. nun quid in textu & in Gloss. of the Priests office (saith the Canon) perfected with the figure of the Crosse? Doth the water of Baptisme release sinnes, except it be sanctified by the Crosse? Why then? Which now is greater, Baptisme or the Crosse which sanctifieth the baptisme? Wherefore of this doctrine the very Glosse it selfe is so much ashamed that it mollifyeth the matter, and saith,Ibid. in Gloss. Baptisme is made solemne by the Crosse; and not otherwise. Yet then, the Crosse still addeth to the dignitie of the Sacraments, and Christs institution is not sufficiently honourable without your tradition: yea, Christ himselfe with them hath not dignity enough in himselfe without the signe of the Crosse: or else why doe they make so often Crosse after Crosse, euen vpon the holy Eucharist, before and after the consecration? Before, belike, to prepare it to Transubstantiation: in the act, to performe the Transubstantiation: and after consecration, to blesse the body it selfe.Ex Innoc. Papa apud Manip. Curat. cap. 10. de ritu, quo debet Missa celebrari iuxta medium. For in the Canon of the Masse, there are twenty fiue Crosses, which are finished in seuen superstitious courses.
Chrisme also of one yeares age may not bee omitted in baptisme, except in case of necessitie, lest the Minister be punished.Io. de Comb. c. 11. l. 6 Ad finem fere per istud Sacramentum fiunt fidele pleni Christiani. For it is to be vsed, that we may bee full Christians: Yea, (p) no man can be a Christian, except in Episcopall confirmation he be anointed: and it is of greater honour then baptisme, [Page 298] because Oile is made by none but Bishops. Hallowing the baptismall water, Summa Angel. q. de bap. 5.11. vtrum non. although it bee not of the necessitie of baptisme, yet it is of congruitie: and the Minister doth mortally sinne, who doth baptize in water which is not hallowed. This Ceremonie they take from Moses stretching his hand ouer the Red Sea; as the holy Candle, from the Pillar of fire, which went before the Israelites. Exorcisme, to adiure the Diuell to depart from the Font; without which, Baptisme hath no due solemnitie: Exorcised oile on the breast and shoulders of the baptised: a Crosse of Spettle vpon the eares and nose: the Priest to spet into the mouth of the baptized. For,Manip. Curat. de annexis bap. cap. 8. as Spettle commeth from the inward parts: so Christ came from the substance of the Father. All these, and sundry other, which for prolixitie I omit, are by them accounted, not onely to adorne the institution, but to be the necessitie of the precept, though not of the necessitie of the Sacrament. Demand of them who gaue the precept? Peter gaue it. In what booke? In what Epistle? The Church hath obserued it euen since Peters time: and the Church cannot erre. Auditum admissi, risum teneatis?
The dipping of the bread into the WineDe conse. dist. 2. cap. cum omne. Is a Ceremonie, by Iulius the Pope himselfe pronounced to bee contrary to Christs institution: and yet the Canon of the Masse enioineth it, and prayeth, that the commixtion may bee health of body and soule to all receiuers. So the Canon is neither agreeable to Scriptures, Fathers, nor their owne Constitutions.
They adde water to the Wine in the Eucharist, and whosoeuer shall withstand that Ceremonie as contrary to Christs institution, with extreme malediction they hold accursed. I confesse, the Easterne Churches, because in those Regions Wine was of so great strength, did commonly mingle water therewith for sobrietie. So that both among the Iewes and Grecians to powre out Wine, and to mingle Wine is all one. And of the Latines euery Butler is called, Pincerna, of mingling that which is to be drunke. And because in the Primitiue Church they vsed to haue certaine Feasts of loue called Agapae, after the Communion; therfore the wine was mingled [Page 299] to auoid drunkenness. But neither are our wines of such force in these Westerne parts of the world: nor yet doe we vse any such repletion and filling our selues with Wine,1. Cor. 11.21. as the Apostle taxeth in his Corinthians. Wherfore since our Sauiour Christ speaketh plainely of the fruite of the Vine, but not of the water in the Sacramentall Cup, there is no cause why such dreadfull curses should be thundred out against them, that leauing vncertainties follow the certaine forme of the word. Durand confesseth, that the Greekish Church did not vniuersally receiue this tradition. Wherefore the Canon is blame-worthy, which maketh the additition of water so necessarie, that,Si vinum tantum quis offerat, sanguis Christi incipit esse sine Christo. dist. 2. sicut in sanctificando. If one offer the Wine onely, the bloud of Christ begins then to be without Christ. And the Decree of Alexander is too too rigid, whichAlex. in decret. ep. ad omnes orthod. ex Barth. Caranza. enioineth euery one to offer water with the wine: And that of Iulius is blasphemous, who saith;De Consec. dist. 2. cum omne, ad finē. verbo, non enim potest. Except water be mixed with wine, it cannot be the Cup of the Lord: And so the Tridentine Councell also, which most impiouslyDe Sacrif. Miss [...]. Can. 9. Curseth all them that say, water is not to be mingled with wine in offering vp the Chalice.
CHAP. LXXXIX. That the Romish Church doth ordaine other vessels of Grace, and maketh other outward consecrated instruments of Sanctification beside the word, and the Sacraments.
THere is no mediocritie in impietie; but who haue once forsaken righteousnesse, runne forward still into sinne, and the end of one errour is the beginning of another: So dangerous a thing it is to forsake God, and to be forsaken of God; whereof this present discourse giueth vs euident declaration.
Hauing cōmunicated the name, they now also cōmunicate the vertue and power of Sacraments (which is, to be instruments of Sanctification) vnto other things, not of Christs institution. The name they communicate (as hath beene shewed) to Matrimonie, Order, Confirmation, Penance, extreme vnction. Whereof some were instituted of God: [Page 300] some ordained by the Church: some carry shew of good purpose and vse, and some none at all. But they are further carried in their blinde deuotion, to make euery senselesse Ceremonie (whereof some are taken from the Iewes, some from the Heathens, and some are their owne inuentions) to bee sanctified meanes and instruments of Christian holinesse.
Of their Ashes thus they speake;Mis [...] Sar. in cap. [...]i [...]j. orat. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, que mis [...]rerit omnium. Vid. Bell. l. 3. de cultu sanctorū. c. 7. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to blesse and sanctifie these Ashes, which for humilitie and holy religions sake, for the purging of our soules, according to the manner of the Niniuites, thou hast ordained vs to beare. See how many plaine vntruths one short Orison, as full of lies as words, containeth. First, God neuer commanded them to carry Ashes: Secondly, the Niniuites did not after that manner carry them as the Papists doe: Thirdly, in Ashes there is no power to take away sinne, neither was that the purpose of the Niniuites, but onely to humble themselues before the Lord. Yet notwithstanding, Costerus agreeth with the Missal, and saith, thatFr. Costerus in l. 4. institut. cap. 10. The Ashes are an wholesome remedy to obtaine remission of sinnes and eternall life.
For their Candles they also pray,T [...] humiliter de [...] precamur, vt has Candelas ad vsus hominum, & sanitatem corporum & animarum praeparatas, siue in terra, siue in aquis, per inuocationem sancti tui nominis &c. Miss. Sar. in Purific. virg. Mar. in Orat. domine sancte Pater omnipotens. Ro. Missan Fest. Purif. virg. orat. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui hodierna. That being prepared for the vse of men, and health both of body and soule, whether in the land, or in the water, God would blesse and sanctifie them by the inuocation of his name, and by the intercession of the holy Ʋirgin Mary, and the prayers of all Saints. Franciscus Costerus the Iudaizing Iesuite, perhaps, hence pickt out those foure graces, which to consecrated Candles he ascribeth. First,Coster. lib: 4. instit cap. 9. Vid. & Ro Miss. in Sab. Sancto. There you haue the like of the holy fire: Orat. deus qui per filiū tuum. & orat. domine deus Pater Omnipotens. That they to health of body and soule by land and Sea auaile: Secondly, The Diuell is chased from the place, where they doe burne: Thirdly, They procure that the hearts and soules of men be illustrated by the inuisible fire of the holy Spirit: And lastly, That the fire of Charitie, together with the light of Faith may bee in men kindled. Is there any greater gift in the Sacraments of Christs owne institution? doe they worke any greater things in vs? Nay, Christ neuer attributed such vertue to his Sacraments. Christs baptisme doth not driue away Diuels, but their exorcisme doth. Neither doth the Eucharist cure the diseases [Page 301] of the body, but the holy Candles driue away Diuels, and cure both soule and body; their owne traditions are aboue the institution of Christ. For the wedding Ring likewise they pray,Vt profici [...]t illi ad aeternam sal [...] tī. Miss. Sar. in [...]rdo Sponsalium. That it may profit her that weareth it, to eternall Saluation.
The same effect they assigne to holy bread. Blesse, O Lord, this thy creature of bread, as thou diddest blesse the fiue loaues in the wildernesse, that all which taste thereof, may receiue health of body and soule.
Of holy water vnspeakeable are the benefites;In decr. Alex. Papae apud Bar. Curan [...]. It is blessed, that all which are sprinkled therewith may be purified and sanctified: By it the minde is disposed to prayer: the grace, the fauour, the presence of Gods Spirit is obtained: it helpeth against those things that hinder the power of the Sacraments: it multiplyeth, it increaseth good things: it cureth the infirmities of the body: it driueth away pestilent ayre, with the plague and all contagion. Wherefore in their Suffrages they pray;Aqua benedicta fit mihi salus & vita. in suffrag. Let holy water be my health and life.
What should I speake of their Hallowed graines and Medals, their Agnus dei, their Pilgrimes Miss. Sar. in offic. Peregrinarum. Scrip, Coate, and Staffe, Sanctified to beate away all the power of the enemie? Or of the signe of the Crosse, to which they attribute as much power, as to the Passion and death of him who suffered thereon. For, of the Crosse they pray;Miss. Sar. in offic. peregri. in orat. deus inuicte. Let it be the most inuincible strength of Gods seruants against the temptations of the ancient enimie. The signe of the Crosse, the Rhemists say,In 1. Tim. 4. annot. 11. doth specially sanctifie vs.
Costerus and Bellarmine say,Bell. l. 2. de effect. Sac. c. 31. de [...]de vim habet hoc signum. It is the holy prayer of a Christian man to God: It is an offring, by which we offer our selues to his diuine Maiestie: it is a coniuration to driue away the Diuell. By this signing of our selues with the forme of the Crosse, hope, and faith, and charitie are stirred vp in vs, and wee are moued to imitate the crucified. O holy nation, where blockes and stockes haue such great power!
I ouerpasse the hallowed Chrysme, which some call theHen. de Vrim. in Pet. Lomb. l. 4 dist. 7. c. 1. & Gabr. Biel apud [...]ell. de Sac. Cons. l. 2. c. 10. ad sinem. anointment of health: some of Sanctification. I omit also theirEx Miss. Sar in [...]ered Flor & Frōd ū & Ro. Mis [...]al. Grapes, Altar, Cloathes, Vestments, Garments, Boughs, [Page 302] Flowers, Salt, Fire, Frankincense, Smoke: for which they pray, That they may be indued with spirituall power to cleanse, to sanctifie, to illuminate, to defend, to driue away Diuels; workes greater then in any Scripture the spirit of God doth assigne to the Sacraments. But of all these things I shall more speake, when I come vnto their Sacrifices.
CHAP. XC. How the Romish Church corrupteth and peruerteth the vse of Sacraments.
AMongst all the dregs of the Babylonish cup, wherewith the scarlet strumpet doth make the Nations of the world drunken, & infatuateth the people, I think there is none more venemous, nor full of perill, then that the holy Sacraments of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, contrarie to his eternall counsaile and appointed end, are sundry waies turned vnto strange and superstitious vses.
The first abuse is; where CHRIST ordained them to bee Seales of grace onely, they make them vessels containing grace. Christ appointed, that they should signifie our iustification and saluation in his bloud: they say, they are Saluation and iustification through Christ. Christ ordained them to be Testimonies of good things: they say, they are the good things themselues. So the shadow is turned into the substance, and the wedding Ring is made the husband selfe.
Secondly, they peruert the vse of Sacraments, aswell those which are ordained by Christ, as those which thēselues haue deuised. Baptisme they make of no vertue, but keepe onely the outward Ceremonie for fashions sake: but they attribute and communicate the power thereof to all the superstitions which themselues haue added. [...]ell de Sac. con [...]m. l. 1. c. 11. in princip. For when (a) Exorcisme doth driue away the Diuell and all his power: when Chrisme doth admit vs into the number of the Souldiers of CHRIST: when it giueth grace; euen more then Baptisme, concerning the strengthning of the soule against the Diuell: vvhen the Crosse doth [Page 303] doth sanctifie, what office is now lest to Baptisme? Wherefore the holy Sacrament of Iesus Christ is exauctorated and put from the dignitie whereto it was ordained. The baptismall water must be carried Rhem. an. 5. Iac. annot. 5. home to cure diseases: and by the author of the Legend of Lombardy, Baptisme is tearmedIn vita Ama [...]di a Secular businesse; it must now serue for prophane and base vses: it is become the sanctifying and solemnization of Bels (forsooth) wherewith Christ ordained men to bee admitted into his church.
Hossius is hereof ashamed, and saith;Vid. Pet Mart. loco 9. de temp. dedicatione. The Romish Church doth not baptize Bells, but consecrate them. The reply is easie; holy and ceremonious washing is Baptisme: and that they intend to baptize Bells, the ceremony it selfe doth shew. They wash, they pray, they anoint, they exorcise, they giue names vnto them, with as great solemnity as vnto men baptized. Hereunto let me adde, that they giue power vnto them, in some sort greater then in baptisme is giuen to any man; that byEx veteri agēda. apud Cēt. 10. cap. 6. In casibus circa Baptism. their sound they shall driue away the power of the diuell: that they shall calme the fury of the tempests, and the calamity of windes, and asswage the violence of lightning. Wherefore of all sacraments generally Summa Angelica pronounceth,Possūt recipi pro sanitate, vel alio fine, quā eo, propter quē sūt instituta. Sūm. Angel de Sac. That they may bee vsed for other endes, then for that to which they were ordained.
As they haue turned Baptisme to a prophane vse: so doe they also the sacrament of the holy Eucharist. They celebrate it for the Murren and pestilence of their flock, and pray,Vt et animalia, quae vsibus nostru seruiūt, tua potētia liberētur. Miss. Sar. in Miss. pro post. animaliū, secret. subueniat nobis, domine sacrificij huius oblatio. idē Ro. Br [...]. in pro pest. animalium. that it may be the preseruation of their cattell. One puts it into the mouth of the hiue, that her Bees may Lucas Pinell [...] ex Prōp. exē [...]. exēp. 3 [...] prosper: Another takes it for a notable remedy against Purgatory: some offer itRo. Misi. n postcō. preces nostras. to deliuer prisoners out of their fetters: They hang it vp in Pixes and in Boxes: they worship it, they sweare by it: theySic cōtinuator reg [...]no [...]s, res [...]rt, vt citat. a Cet. 10 ca. 6. in casibus c [...]ca [...] n [...]m. purge themselues with it from criminall accusation. TheyI [...]g. Lō: in Sācto Benedicto. et [...]n Alo [...]. I [...]p. bury it with the dead: they exercise it in vnnatural and bloudy conspiracies. For vpon his vow to kill our late incomparable Queene Elizabeth,Ex cō [...]s. Parre [...] Parry the traitour receiued the Sacrament betweene the two Cardinalls of Vandosme and Narbon.
In the same sort as they peruert the vse of the Sacraments: [Page 304] so they do also them of their owne inuention.
Saint Blase is celebrated, becauseIn Br [...]. Sar. fest. Sāct. Blus [...]. in lect. 2. et si forte. hee vsed imposition of hands vpon Beasts. Chrisme they vse to the anointing of Altars. Penance and satisfaction are sported with, and enioyned to vnreasonable creatures. For so the new Legend of England witnesseth,In n [...]na leg. Aug. in vita Cuthberti. That the Crowe did penance, which vncouered the roofe of Saint Cuthberts house. And, BartholomewIbid. in vit. Bart. Monach. the Monke enioyned the Sparrow-hauke to fast two daies, which had eaten his little bird. Absolution is giuen to the dead. The binding knotGreg. pap. appellat Hildebrād. in excō. et depos. Hen. Imp. apud Platinam. of Excommunication is not promulged in the name of God alone, but of the Virgin, and the Apostles, and it is vsed for the Popes priuate temporall gaine. BernardIn vit. Ber. l. 1. c. 11 did excommunicate flies. And another PriestIn Disc. de Temp. enem. de E. 41. a Garden; and that by the authoritie of the words of Christ; What yee binde in earth shall be bound in heauen. It were an Herculean labour to rake vp the dung of this Augean stable, this Romish sink, to the bottome;Ex non. Leg. Ang. who euen with the very resurrection of the dead, the highest mystery of our religion, make their sport: for Saint German raised vp an Asse from the the dead. Adelm a Camell. Bernacus a Cow. Bridget a Calfe. Gundwell a Sheepe. Cuthbert his Blacke-bird. Kentigerne the little Robin redocke.
CHAP. XCI. Errour of the Romish Church concerning the manner of Sanctification of Sacraments, which (they say) is chiefly done by the Ministers intention.
MAnifolde are the Romish corruptions in this respect. First, how the Sacraments are holy: then, how Sacraments make others holy. Two things there are, which (they say) giue life vnto the Sacraments: the words of the Consecration, and the intention of the Minister. Of the Consecratory words it hath beene formerly spoken: now let vs examine their doctrine touching the intention of the Minister.
The Cautell of the Missall saith;Qu [...]niā magn [...] latēt in signis, mai [...] ra in verbis, maxima in intētione. in prima Cautela. Miss. Sar. Great things are hidden in the signes, greater in the words, greatest of all in the Ministers intention. Bellarmine saith, that after a certaine manner the Sacraments [Page 305] Aliquo modo [...]̄. dē [...] verba sacramē talia a minisiri potestate, et [...] [...] B [...]ll de Sacr [...] nere. l. 1. c. 27. idem Ro. Br [...]. in defect [...]us in celeb. Miss. verb. celebranius. depend of the power and will of the Minister: and he calls it by the name of a new haeresie, to holde, that the intention of the Minister of the Sacram [...]nts is not requisite: but that the Sacrament is compleate, if the matter & the words be present, or ioyned together. He saith,The same is the opinion of Tho. Aq. par. 3 q. 64. art. 8. et decimo. The Ministers of Christs Sacraments are m [...]n indued with reason, therefore they ought to haue a certaine purpose and intention to performe the Institution of Christ. Wee confesse indeed, that it is required in respect of his owne duetie, that the Minister intend vnto the Institution which he doth celebrate: but his negligence, or his wickednes doth not hinder in others the efficacie of the Sacrament ordained by Iesus Christ, and receiued with a liuely faith.
To confirme his errour Bellarmine againe coineth a friuolous distinction, and saith, thatIbid. ad vert. tertia ratio sum [...]ur. the words of God are either speculatiue, or practicke and working words: speculatiue words are significatiue, howsoeuer pronounced: but practicke or working words are not powerfull, except they be spoken both by him that hath power, and will, and intention to effect that which the vvords doe signifie. Thus doth the Frier turne the Gospell of Christ into magicall spells, and maketh it an enchantment, by which the elements are conuerted into Sacraments. Manipulus Curatorum teacheth,In illo qui baptisaet requiritur sē [...]er intētio baptisādi: scilicet illud saciēdi, quod intēdit, seu facit ecclesia: al ter nō est baptismus, quā [...]u alia necessaria ad baptismū sint ibi. Manip. Cur. c. 4 That in him which baptizeth it is requisite, hee haue an intention to baptise, that is, to doe that which the Church in that ceremony doth: otherwise it is no baptisme, although all other things necessary to baptisme be there present. And yet it is not necessary (saieth hee) that the Minister baptizing should intend, that this baptisme be auaileable to the receiuer vnto eternall life. Thus far Manip. Curatorum: with whom Bellarmin agreeing saith,Bell. de Sacr in genere. l. 1. c. 27 porr [...] quod ecclesiae. that the intention of the action is requisite in the Minister, but not of the end.
And Iohn de Lapide teacheth,Cū ad perfectionē cuiuslibet s [...]cramēti requiratur intentio ministri: eo qu [...]d perfectio illa sit per actū humanū à volūtate procedētem, quae per intētionem determinatur et specificatur, cōst [...]t quod maxime ad cōficiēdū hoc excellētissimū sacrific [...]ū eligitur intētio ministri: vnde et qua dā glossa super Mat. d. cit, quātu [...] intēdis, tātū facis. Io de L [...]p. in Resolutorio dub. circa [...]elib Mis [...] c. 2. art. 3. To the perfection of euery Sacrament the intention of the Minister is required: because the perfection thereof is made by the act of a man proceeding from his will, which is determined by his intention, &c.
Thomas Aquinas sayth,Ad perfectionem Sacramenti [...] nostri intēt [...]o requi [...]itur. The. Aq. q. 64. vt collig. à Bōn Iehu. 3. part. c. 64. To the perfection of the Sacrament the intention of the Minister is necessary.
The absurdity of this doctrine bewrayeth it selfe. For if on the intention of the Minister the Sacrament depends, then the negligence, the ignorance, the malice of the Minister, makes the signe no Sacrament; neither can any man be assured that he is baptized, or that he hath receiued the Eucharist. For he knoweth not, whether the Minister did intend to consecrate the elements, that they might bee made Sacraments. Againe, Manipulus Curatorum sayth,Q [...]ātū ūque intēderet cōsecrare: tamē nō cōsecraret. Manip. Curat. c. 4. de forma Euch. that though he intend to consecrate neuer so much, if any one of the foure words, which are of the necessity of the Sacrament (namely these, Hoc est Corpus meum) be not pronounced, there is no consecration.
Now, no maruell if they teach, that no man hath assured certaintie of saluation: for without baptisme (they say) is no saluation; and without the Ministers intention there is no baptisme: why then, in a massing Priests thought stands our saluation, or damnation. After the like manner in the Eucharist, The words of Christs institution are working words, Nī in verbis sacramētalibus est virtus operatiua, sed depēdīter à ministro. Bell. de Sacr. in genere. l. 1 c. 27. But dependently vpon the minister: For they then only haue power, when they are ioyned with the vertue of the Minister. They transubstantiate the bread and wine into the very body and bloud of Christ, and by the power of the Priests office he makes it God and man, and as God and man it must bee adored:Jdē in Ro. Miss. in defectibas in celebratione Missae. Verbo sacerdos celebraturus. But if the Ministers intention faile, if he mind not, if he purpose not, if hee will not, if hee speake not that the element should be transubstantiate, it remaineth bread still; and hee that adoreth, adoreth bread, and worshippeth bread, and is now an idolater. Wherefore a certaine Inquisitor was very wary and cautious, who sayd;Cypr. Ʋal. in his treatise of the masse. Lord, if thou be there, I adore thee. And the Missall of Sarum, when the Priest is to receiue many Hosts at once, because some perhaps are inclining to corruption, counselleth the Priest to receiue the Host of his owne consecration first, and then those which remaine. ForDe suis cred [...], & scit: de aliu credit, et n [...]scit. in Cautelis circa Mis Cau. 5. Touching his owne, hee beleeueth and knoweth: concerning the other, hee beleeueth, but doth not know, whether it be the body of Christ or not. Manipulus Curatorum sayth,Cap 2. de minist. [...]thar. The Host presented to a man by an Angell must be adored, conditionally, that it bee the true body of Christ. Thus doth the Romish Prelacie [Page 307] reigne ouer the soules of simple men, and with these perplexities, they robbe the consciences of the sweete comfort and consolation, which Sacraments duly esteemed administer vnto vs.
From hence, and other grosse conceits as touching Sacraments, spring manifold questions, thornes and bryers, to entangle and snare the Soule.
Whether it be bap [...]sme, if one in sport or play cast on water, and say, I baptise thee?
Whether it be necessary, that the Minister be free from mortall sinne when he doth baptise?
Whether the Minister, who being in mortal sinne, baptiseth, doth therein sinne?
Whether hee that thinkes himselfe a Priest and is not, doth consecrate?
Whether a child may be baptised in the wombe?
Whether, if any member but the head, come forth of the wombe, Vid. Sum. Angel. Manip. Curat. Io de Lap. Durād. et similes. it may be baptised on that member?
Whether, if you cannot come at water, you may cast the child into a deepe well, and say, I baptise thee?
Whether one may baptise a Child in Ʋrine?
Whether you may baptise in Ale?
Whether you may baptise in spettle, in lye, in Rose water, in dirt?
Whether you may baptise a child in Pottage? of which Manipulus Curatorum distinguishing sayth;Si autē nō sit tāta spissitudo brodij, sed brodiū sit pingue, credo quod tū [...] in illo brodio possit baptisari. Manip. Cur. c. 2. de materia baptism. If the Pottage be not ouer thicke, but good and fatte, you may baptise therein.
Whether a man may buy water to baptise with?
Whether, Sum. Angelic. in quast. bap. If the Priest will not baptise a woman, except hee may deflowre her, she may consent?
Whether the Priest may consecrate any bread but of wheate?
Whether he may consecrate any wine but of Grapes?
Whether he may consecrate Ʋineger?
Whether he may consecrate wine made of wild grapes?
How much bread and wine in quantity a Priest may consecrate?
Whether he may consecrate all the bread and wine in the towne?
If the Minister intend to consecrate twelue Hosts, thirteene being on the Altar, whether all be consecrate?
Whether hee may consecrate bread, that is in the way of putrefaction?
Whether he may consecrate bread of mingled corne?
Whether hee may consecrate bread that is mingled with Rose-water?
Whether he may consecrate paste made with wheate?
Whether hee may consecrate washings, that is, The water which is cast vpon the Grapes after the wine is crushed out?
Whether the pronouncing of the word, Enim, bee of the necessity of consecration?
Whether consecration may be, when there are no other words, but, This is my body?
Whether a Priest may consecrate one peece of the Host, and not the other?
Whether when the Host is moued, Christs body doth moue?
Whether when the Host is broken, Christs body is broken?
Whether he that worshippeth an Host, which hee thinketh to bee consecrate, and is not, be an Idolatour?
Whether hee that doth swallow downe the reliques of his supper may celebrate?
Whether, if a Priest Io. de Lapid. eate or drinke late, hee may receiue on the morrow?
Whether hee may receiue the Sacrament before his meate bee digested?
Whether the Priest Io. de Lapid. that gargarizing his mouth, lets some of the spettle or liquor downe, may communicate?
Whether the actuall intention of the Minister bee required to transubstantiation, or the habituall sufficeth?
Whether a Priest may consecrate in the Sea, lest the bloud in the tottring of the ship be spilt?
Whether a Priest may consecrate in the night?
Whether a Priest that thinks himselfe baptised, and is not, doth consecrate?
To these yee may adde that iolly question,Grat. de Consec. dist. 2. cap. cum omne in Gloss. Whether Christ betrayed Iudas? To conclude,Op [...] aureum erra [...]um omni lapide [...]re [...] so. the answere of the eight thousand doubts reckoneth vp two hundred fortie fiue questions concerning the Sacrament of the Altar onely. [Page 309] All these spinosities and Labyrinths of doubt, for the most part, doe spring from these false grounds, that the intention of the Minister is necessary to the constitution of the Sacrament: that the words or the Priest pronounced, are working and practicke words, like those of the Poet,
CHAP. XCII. Of Opus operans, and Opus operatum; the act acting, and the act acted, about Sacraments.
COme we now to their opinion of Opus operatum, or the acting of the Act, as they call it. The Compendium of the Theologicall veritie sayth, and with it all the rest agree, thatItē Sacramēta noua legis iustificāt, et quātū ad opus operatū, et quātū ad opus operā [...]. lo. de Cōb. in Cōp. Theol. verit. l. 6. c 8. ad sinem fere. The Sacraments of the new Lawe doe iustifie, both in respect of the act acted, and the act acting. The Tridentine Fathers hereto accord, and pronounce Accursed, whosoeuer shall say, Si quis diverit, Sacr [...]mēta norae legis opere operato nō cōferre gratiā &c. Anathema sit. Sess. 7. Can. 8. The Sacraments doe not conferre grace, by the very acting of the act. But here worthy of obseruation it is, how the tongues of the Babylonish builders are diuided.
Manipulus Curatorum sayth, thatManip. Curat. de efficacia et virtute Sacram. cap. 2. fere in pri [...] c [...]p. The act acted, is the dooing of the deede, or the action which is vsed about the Sacraments; as in Baptisme the aspersion, or dipping into the water. Scotus and Biel say, The consecration, oblation, and receiuing of the venerable Sacrament is the act acted. Harding Hard. art 2 sect 1 will haue the act acted, not to bee the worke of the Minister, but the worke which God himselfe worketh by the Minister. Others say, that The conferring of grace by the Act acted is not by the desert of him that conferreth the Sacrament, or of him that receiueth it, but from the force of the externall action of the Sacrament, that is, by the due application of the matter and forme of the Sacrament by the Minister. Bellarmine sometime saith,Itē id; quod actinè et proximè, at{que} instrumētaliter essicit gra [...]ā iustification [...], est sola actio illa externa, quae Sacramētū dic tur; et hoc vocatur opus op [...]ū. Bell. l. [...]. de eff [...]c Sac. c. 1. verlo igitur vt intelligamu [...]. The signe conferreth grace: sometime, That God alone conferreth grace. Gerson saith,Vid. Lā [...] Da [...]īs cent Bell. ad. 9. Cont. cap 1. The word of the Creator, and the vertue of the spirit [Page 310] is the act acted. Gropperus saith, It is the body of Christ. The like controuersies are amongst them, whether the outward acting of the act onely conferreth grace in the Sacraments? Cardinall Caietan in his conference with Luther at Augusta said,In Paral. vnsp [...]r anno 1518. Faith is not necessarie to him that receiueth the Eucharist, Biel saith,Bul lect. 81 an P [...]ralip. vasperg. anno 1518. The Sacrifice doth not require spirituall life actually, but potentially in them, for whom it is offered. And againe, The Biel l. 4. s [...]. [...]. d. 1. q. 2. special motion of faith is not required in him that receiueth the Sacrament. Peter Lombard saith, Baptisme is the externall washing of a man vnder a prescript forme of words. So that it is euident, he doth not require any internall motion in the receiuer. Bonauenture holdeth, That it is not needfull the words bee pronounced with faith. Bellarmine saith,Bell. de Sac. l, 1. c. 2. Speciall faith is not required in the Sacraments. Iohn de Palude, Marsilius, Mensiugerus, Thomas Io. de Palud. in l. 4. sent. q. 1. conclus. 2. Mar [...]ilius in 4. quast. art 2. Me [...] s [...]gerus in c. 6. Io. teach, that Sacraments haue their efficacie, and conferre grace to the good and the euill, neither do [...] they require internall motion to the receiuing of them.
The booke entituled, Opus aureum ornatum omni lapide pr [...] tioso, saith,In d [...]m. Palm [...]r. dub. 195. tract. 4. sent. dist. 3. That in the receiuing of the Eucharisticall Sacrament all punishment of sinne is not remitted, but according to the measure and quantitie of the deuotion and zeale of the offerer, or of him for whom it is offered. The same, Bon Ioan collecteth out of Aquinas; Comp. 3. part. cap. 79. This sacrifice (saith he) is satisfactorious for the offerers, according to the quantitie of the deuotion, and not for all the punishment. Pomerius saith, thatCher [...]. in exam. de Fest. [...]orp. Chri. when a man beeing contrite, on the day of the Feast of Christs body, is present at the Masse and Procession, and giueth solemne reuerence to the Sacrament then borne about; by that worship, and that worke hee doth merite, and obtaine many good things; as, the acceptance of God, blessing, conuersion from sinne, &c.
The Tridentine Councell is more subtill. For in words it doth not shut out faith,Concil. Trid. Sess. q. Can. 8. But accurseth him who saith, the Sacraments doe not conferre grace by the very doing of the deede, but that faith onely sufficeth to obtaine grace.
The difference betwixt them is this. The Schoolemen [...]aught, that the externall action conferred grace without faith: The Councell of Trent teacheth, that faith in the exercise [Page 311] of Sacraments doth not attaine grace alone, but the acting of the act conferreth it.
In these windie conflicts and strifes of vaine imaginations, what way shall the simple, and ignorant man take? vvhom shall he follow? Surely there is no course, but to shun these brakes of errours, and to flye out of these Labyrinths of disputation, vnto him that without perplexitie of vvords, or difficulty of tearmes proclaimeth plainely;Math. 11.28. Come vnto mee all you that trauell, and are heauy loaden, and I shall refresh you.
CHAP. XCIII. That the Romish Church peruerteth the vse of the holy Eucharist, by turning the Sacrament into a Sacrifice.
THat the holy Eucharist is sometime called a sacrifice by the ancient Fathers, for that we in the receiuing thereof giue thankes to God for his incomparable benefits in Iesus Christ, there is no man can deny; and surely the ground hereof is very good. For the onely Sacrifice, which is now left vnto the church, is that of prayer and thanksgiuing,Osee 14.3. The Calues of our lips; as the Scripture calleth it.
Now, because at the celebration of the holy Eucharist chiefely and with greatest magnificence, we giue praises and thankes to God for the death of his Sonne, therefore many times the Sacrament it selfe is called the Sacrifice, though vnproperly, because in receiuing thereof we alwaies offer vp the sacrifice of thanksgiuing.
In place of this holy and vnbloudy Sacrifice, the Romish priest contendeth, that he euery day offereth vp the very natural flesh and bloud of Christ vnto God the Father for the forgiuenes of the sins of the quicke and the dead. But this is a figment iniurious to Christ, monstrous in his Church, abominable to God, and to men offensiue. Against which, sundry reasons may be produced; I will content my selfe with a few.
My first Reason I take out of the word of our Sauiour Iesus Christ; who, ordaining this holy Ceremonie, doth not [Page 312] onely command what shall bee done, but also sheweth to what end and purpose it should be done,Luke 22.19. Doe this (saith he) in remembrance of me. Wherefore the end of this institution is a remembrance of Christ. And this is the exposition of the Apostle Paul; which hee most exactly instructing his Corinthians in the Doctrine of the Sacrament, maketh of Christs words.1. Cor. 11.16. For as often as ye shal eate (saith he) this bread, and drink this Cup, ye shew the Lords death till he come. It is therfore euident, that the end of Christs institution was, that we should continue in the church alwaies to the end of the world an honourable remembrance of his death & Passion.
The second argument I take out of the Apostle to the Hebrewes: who shewing that vnto the Priests office it is incident to offer for sinne, addeth;Heb 5 4. No man taketh this honour vpon him, but he which is called of God, as Aaron was: but the Romish Priests haue no calling in the old or new Testament to offer vp Christs flesh vnto God in sacrifice; therefore it may not be granted vnto them.
If they say they haue any such authoritie, let them shew vs their commission, and their calling with the ceremonies belonging thereto. Christ said;Mar. 16.15 Goe and preach: Christ said;Math 28.19. Baptize in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost: and of the Eucharist he said, Doe this in remembrance of me: but he neuer said; Doe this to take away your sinnes: he neuer said; sacrifice me, offer me vp to God.
Thirdly, this figment of the offering vp of Christ for sinne by the Priest, doth plainely crosse the whole drift of the scripture. For of the Scripture the scope is, to shew that ChristHeb. 10.14. with one offering hath consecrated for euer them that are sanctified. And the Apostle, lest wee should thinke that this one offering might yet be often renued, saith,Heb. 10.10. Wee are sanctified euen by the offering vp of the body of Christ once for all. Therfore where Christ once sanctifieth and taketh away sin, there needs no further sanctification, nor taking away of sinne. Esay saith,Esay 53.5. We are healed with his stripes: beeing healed, what more can be done. Wherefore Esay againe calleth himEsay 25.10. The mountaine, wherein the hand of God ceaseth: and he saith, that [Page 313] E ay [...]. [...]7. The worke of iustice shal be peace: and againe he prophecieth, thatEsay 45 8. S [...]luation and iustice should bee brought forth together: meaning that Iesus Christ should at once saue, and iustifie them, whom God hath giuen vnto him. Wherefore the Apostle Paul in the tenth to the Hebrewes plainely affirmeth,He [...]. 10.2. that when the offerer is once purged, he hath no more conscience of sinne. It is euident then, since the bloud of Iesus Christ is thatMalac. [...]. [...] fullers Sope, that Spirit of fire, which hath at once taken away all sinne, and that in the Sacrifice of the Crosse God resteth as in his Sabbath: Man also ought to make it the rest and Sabbath of his conscience, and to offer no more sacrifice for sinne.
Fourthly, this figment of offering vp of Christ by the priest for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead is ouerthrowne by themselues. For they prohibite any man to receiue the Sacrament, except hee bee first confessed to the Priest: But in Confession, by the penance enioined sinne is taken presently away; therefore the Priest heede not to offer for it.
Lastly, the Romish Church teacheth, that the offering Sacramentall doth not take away all sinnes, but the lesser, and the smaller sinnes: which the Tridentine Councel insinuateth, saying,Con [...]il. Trid [...] rat. instit. hi [...]s Sa [...] c [...]p. [...]. That the holy Eucharist doth deliuer from our quotidian or daily sinnes, and it preserueth against mortall sinnes: and the Iesuites of Colen teach,Ex Mar [...]. Che [...] that the Sacrament hath many notable effects, to them that are cleane from all great sinnes, that is, who in confession are cleared from great sins: the small which were forgotten in Confession, are taken away by the Sacrifice of the Eucharist, but not the mortall. Thomas Aquinas saith, that the cause of the institution is against the rapine of certaine quotidian sinnes, that as the body of Christ was once offered vpon the Crosse for originall sinne: so there should be a continuall offering vpon the Altar for our daily offences: Or (as Bon Iohannes doth collect)Cum ita{que} pe [...]us v [...] hoc Sacramentū s [...] ablutio [...]c [...]u [...]a, i [...]telligitur [...]orum, quorū [...]oti [...] ā no [...] halemu [...]; vel vt [...]ōtr [...]tio p [...]r s [...]c [...]atur: seu vt robu [...] d [...]r a [...] si [...]era vitā [...]a. Com tertia part [...] c. 9. & sic ips [...] author suppl [...]i. q. [...] 9. ar [...] 4. When we desire that this Sacrament may bee the washing away of sinnes, it is to be vnderstood of those sinnes, which wee are ignorant of: or that contrition may bee giuen or perfected in vs: or that strength to auoid sinnes may be giuen vs: and againeEt virtute [...]uius Sacramenti pe [...]cata ventalia re [...]ttuntur Ibid. By the vertue [Page 314] of this Sacrament veniall sinnes are forgiuen: and againe,Ideo cōpeti [...] huic Sa ramento, vt i [...]sa venialia remutat. ibid. it belongeth to this sacrifice to forgiue veniall sinnes. The summe is: Christ neither on the Crosse, nor in the Sacrament doth take sinne fully away; it must bee done by Penance, Satisfaction and indulgence, to fill the purses of Prelates. O spirituall wickednesse in heauenly things!
CHAP. XCIV. Of the figment of Transubstantiation, with the reasons against it.
AS the Oratour said of the Romane Augurs, that he maruelled a Southsayer did not laugh, when he saw a Southsayer, knowing in their owne conscience with what falshoods they abused the people: the same may I truely say of this Chymana, this Monster, this idoll of Transubstantiation. Against which the reasons are so plaine, the arguments so many, the proofe so euident, that no man, except hee be forsaken of all iudgement in spirituall things, nay, of common sense, can beleeue it. As compendiously as I can, omitting the numerositie of conclusions against this figment, which in sundry good authors may bee found, I will onely set before thee (discreet Reader) a few demonstrations, which I doubt not, will sufficiently confute the vanity of this imagination.
The first argument shall be from the words of the institution themselues. They complaine they cannot, nor dare not deny the truth of Christs saying; This is my body: neither doe we. But of the vnderstanding, and the construction or meaning of the words is the controuersie.
Obserue.It is a certaine and true Canon in expounding Scriptures, that one place must not be opposed against many, but the fewer must bee expounded by the more in number, and the doubtfull by those that are plaine: Neither doe we euer make a true exposition of any one text of Scripture, but vvhen the dignitie, the authoritie, and the veritie of all other sentences of the Scripture, are equally and inuiolably preserued. Wherefore the Romish Prelates vniustly enforce one short [Page 315] sentence against many, and foure words against such a cloud of witnesses, as the Scripture on the contrary side administreth: yea, they are most faulty, who allow of no other interpretation of the words, This is my body, but such as is plainely repugnant to the whole course of Scriptures: and yet let vs examine the words themselues, and no such portent can be gathered out of them, as the Archimago of Rome maintaineth.
Iesus tooke bread, and when he had giuen thankes, hee brake it, and gaue it to them, saying, Take, eate, this is my body. Luke addeth,Luke 22.19. which is giuen for you, this doe in the remembrance of me. Notwithstanding the diuers opinions, and disputation of Sophisters touching the word, This, it must needs in simplicitie of vnderstanding be referred to that which Christ had in his hands: but that by the consent of all the Euangelists was Bread; therefore, This, that is, the Bread, must bee his body. The Bread may not vanish, the Bread may not be taken away, but Bread still remaineth: else our Sauiours proposition cannot be true, This, (meaning the Bread) is my body. Such interpretation must bee made of the words, as the tearmes of the proposition may stand still: which cannot be, except it be Bread and Body. Wherefore, if wee follow the Grammaticall sense, that opinion which taketh away bread in the Sacrament, falsifieth the words of Christ: but the opinion which saith the Sacrament is both Bread and Body (the bread naturally, the body figuratiuely) agreeeth with the very forme of Christs words.
When Luke 22.19. he had giuen thankes, hee brake it, and gaue to them. This connexion sheweth, that it was the very same he gaue, which hee brake: but it was Bread, which hee brake: therefore it was Bread, which hee gaue. No man can say, that he brake one thing, and gaue another, since the Euangelists vse one and the same tearme; He brake it, and gaue. Which is giuen for you: these words are not referred to the signe which he brake and distributed, but to his owne naturall body, of which hee spake in the Present tense; It is giuen for you, because it was speedily to be giuen. For if that which he held in [Page 316] his hands, were the thing which was giuen for them, then doubtlesse he was broken, and bruised, and suffered before he was betraied: for, that which hee held in his hands, hee brake, and bade them, Take, and eate.
In that he saith, Doe this in remembrance of me: it is plaine, that he did not meane, that his naturall body and bloud should be carnally and really vnder the formes of bread and wine. For he saith, Doe this, that is, take and eate: but no sober man will thinke, that Christ would haue his impassible, glorious, immortall body, after his resurrection broken or eaten: surely he did not say; Consecrate as I consecrate, or speake as I speake: but he commandeth vs to do as he did: he brake that he gaue, shall we breake his body?
No man can say, that the bread is any otherwaies the body of Christ, then the wine is his bloud: now hee calleth not the wine his bloud simply, or the bloud of his body, but respectiuely, and in lome sort.Math. 26.28. This is my bloud of the New Testament, that is (as Luke expoundeth) the New Testament in his bloud: and Luke nameth not the wine, but,Luke 22.20. This Cup is the New Testament in my bloud. So that, if wee cleaue to the very letter, it is not the wine, but the cup it selfe, which is changed; not into bloud, but into The New Testament of his bloud. Wherefore as the Romanists themselues cannot deny that the words of Saint Luke are figuratiue; This cup is the New Testament in my bloud: so are the other also, This is my body.
My second argument against Transubstantiation, is the manifold authorities of the Scripture which plainely impugne the same. The Apostle Paul calleth that which is eaten and drunke,1. Cor. 11.26.27, [...]8. Or bread and the Cap. Bread and Wine three times together, in the eleuenth chapter of the first to the Corinthians. And againe,1. Cor. 10.21. Yee cannot partake of the Table of the Lord, and the table of Diuels. Our Sauiour Christ both in Saint Mathew, and Saint Markes Gospell doth plainely call itMa [...]h. 26.19. M [...]ke 14 25. The fruit of the Ʋine after consecration.
To this let me adde the Doctrine of Saint Paul, 1. Cor. 10.17. We are all one bread and one body, because wee all are partakers of one [Page 317] bread: But the Popish Transubstantiation doth altogether ouerthrow this inference and conclusion; for it taketh away the bread in the Sacrament, and it denieth that we partake of any bread therein.
Christ telleth his Disciples, thatIoh. 16.28.29. He leaueth the world and goeth vnto the Father: the Disciples answered; Now thou speakest plainely, and without Parables. Wherefore it is manifest, that Christs words are to be vnderstood literally, and not figuratiuely. For hee speaketh plainely, that his naturall body must forsake the world, and bee taken vp to heauen: neither can it returne againe till his great and second appearing, when we shall behold him. For so the Scriptures doe witnesse;Act. 3.21. The heauens must containe him vntill the time that all things be restored: Neither is hee so contained in heauen, that he is contained in the earth also. For he saith;Math. 26.11. Mee you shall not haue alwaies with you. Which words must be vnderstood of his bodily presence. I will conclude these testimonies, out of the words of the Apostle to the Hebrewes, who saith;Heb. 10▪ 12. This man, After he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes, fitteth for euer at the right hand of God, nothing can bee more plaine: the meaning of the words is, that Christ hath finished all his businesse of sacrificing and cleansing sinne, and now enioyeth a glorious Sabbath of rest, sitting at the right hand of God for euer: not for a time, not for some season with discontinuation from thence, and negotiation other where, but at the right hand of God for euer.
The third argument against Transubstantiation is taken from the comparison with all other Sacraments. The Rock, the Apostle saith, was Christ: yet no man will say, that the Rocke was Transubstantiate into Christ. 1. Cor. 10.4. Gal. 3.27. Baptisme is the putting on of Christ: yet no man will say, that the flesh and bloud of Christ is naturally vpon vs.
Fourthly, experience teacheth, that the substance of the bread and wine is not changed: for it hath the same properties that other naturall bread hath; colour, taste, nutriment, putrefaction, corruption.Marti Polon [...]os [...]lateranus▪ Math. Palmarin. Texter. [...]aralip vrspurge [...]. Anno 1313 baptista Ignatius Auentinus. Carton. in supplementū Chron. Te [...]ter in O ff [...]n [...] vene [...]o exti [...]. Victor the Pope vvas poisoned in the Chalice: Henry the Emperour, vvith the [Page 318] bread. If it were Christs body and bloud, it could not produce these effects.
Fiftly, many absurdities follow this figment of Transubstantiation. Christs body must be in many places at one time: Christs body is often sacrificed: Christ giueth no more in two parts of the Sacrament then in one: the wicked receiue Christ: the Mice eate Christ, the Flye drinkes his bloud: all the holy soules by Concomitance are on the Altar; and in a thousand places, on a thousand Altars at one time, forReuel. 14. They waite on the Lambe, whither soeuer he goeth. And this, Odo Paris. in his Synod: Stat, confesseth; for hee saith,Odo in stat. Synod. c. de Sacr. Alta. The whole court of Heauen is present, when the Masse is celebrated, Christ hath many bodies: God is made by man: Christs body is phantasticall:Corpus de paue, corpus de virgine, primū est cōuersū, sed materiale secūdam Henr. de Vrim. in Pet. Lomb. 4. l. dist. 11. cap. 3. Christs body is made of that which was neither the flesh, the bloud, nor the seede of the Virgin; which is a most blasphemous absurdity. These and many other blasphemies, and absurdities doe necessarily come from this position of Transubstantiation; as, that of Aquinas, Th. Aq. ter. part. q. 64. art. 10. If a Priest entend to make the body of Christ, that he may vse it to Sorcerie, yet it is the body of Christ still.
Sixtly, there are so many conditions required in Transubstantiation, that no man can certainely knowe, whether Christs body bee in the Host or not. The intention of the Minister, the forme of words, the due matter, the due commixtion of wine and water. For,Si vinū sit factū de vuis acerbis seu nō maturis expressum, nō conficitur Sacrament in Ro. Br [...]. in desec. Vini. Item cauendum est. ne apponatur. In Cant. Miss Sar. If the wine bee made of sowre Grapes, or of Grapes not ripe: if there bee too much water therein. Non conficeretur; the bloud of Christ should no [...] be made.
Seuenthly, the Doctrine of the Fathers is against it. Tertullian against Marcion saith;Tertul. cont. Mar. lib. 4. This is my body, that is to say, a figure of my body. Origen saith; if you follow the letter, or words of this that Christ said;Orig. hom. 7. in Leuit. Except you eate my flesh and drinke my bloud; This letter killeth. Ierome saith, Christ tooke bread, which comforteth mens hearts, that hee might represent thereby his very body and bloud. Augustine saith; our Lord doubted not to say, This is my body: when he gaue the signe of his body: And vpon the third Psalme; [Page 319] Corpo [...]is su [...] [...]gurā di [...]cipul [...] suis cōmendauit & tradid [...] Aug. in Psal. 3. he gaue the figure of his body to his Disciples: and of all Sacraments he saith, they be signes of the things: they doe one thing, and signifie another.
The eighth argument against Transubstantiation, is the disagreement of the Romish Synagogue it selfe concerning the doctrine. For such contentions, strifes, warres, disputations, braules, as are amongst them concerning this matter, are in no other Art or Science, learning or profession to be found. Themistius vnto Ʋalens the Emperour witnessed,Socrates eccles. hist. l. 3. c. 27. that there were three hundred seuerall opinions in the religion of the Gentiles: and I am surely perswaded, that if we did diligently peruse them, there would be found many more questions and disagreements in the bowels of the Romish Church concerning this one point of their faith: [...]d in this behalfe the author of the answere to the eight thousand doubts, of vvhom I spake before, shall vvitnes with me.The booke called the answere to the eight thousand doubts; or [...]pus aureum [...]rnatum, &c.
Some teach Transubstantiation, some Consubstantiation, some circumstantiation or commixtion of the signe with the thing signified, some substitution of the substance of the thing signified, into the place of the substance of the signe: others hold transelementation of the first matter, of which the signe and the substance of Christs body doth consist: there are who teach, that there is no change nor conuersion of the signe into the thing signified, but a generation of a new substance, by the pronouncing of the words of Christ: some say, The consecration is by the last letter or syllable of the words: some by the first words, Hoc est corpus: some say, the accidents of the signes doe vtterly perish and come to nothing: other say, they hang in the aire: the rest say, they are resolued into their elements: Some say, the bread alone is the signe of Christs body without the bloud: other say, the bloud is a signe also: Some say, the consecration of the bread into the body of Christ is done in heauen: some say, it is done on the earth: some say, it is done by an Angel: some by a Priest: some say, the wicked are partakers of Christs body: others say, they are not: some say, it is the very bodie of Christ which was crucified for vs, that is receiued in [Page 320] the Sacrament: other say, it is his spirituall body: some say, the Article, This, is referred to the body: some to the bread: some vnto both: some to neither: some thinke the body of Christ is made of the forme: some of the matter of the bread: some say Christ is sensibly: some insensibly in the Sacrament: some say, there is discretion of parts: other say, all the parts are confusedly in one: some say, hee is there in his naturall quantitie: others deny. Let them first compose these contentions, and agree amongst themselues, and then vvee shall giue them answere. In the meane time wee must needs esteeme it as the IdollEzech. 8 3. of indignation mentioned in Ezechiel: And Moses saith;Deut. 32.21. They haue moued mee to ielousie with that, which is not God.
CHAP. XCV. That the authors of the Masse themselues did neuer beleeue Transubstantiation.
I Know there are many that wil deem me very opinionatiue and phantasticall, to diuine so Paradoxically of their faith who were the principal authors of the Masse; since for so many yeares and ages the Church hath alwaies beleeued, that the office of the Masse doth most plainely teach Transubstantiation: for the Priest doth openly and boldly professe, thatQu [...]m ego ind [...]gnus hic in manibus teneo In Can. Miss. secūdum vsū Sarū. He holdeth the flesh of Christ in his hands. But retaine patience a while (impartiall Reader) and thou shalt with me vndoubtedly resolue, that the Missificatours themselues neuer beleeued Transubstantiation.
First, let it not be past ouer, that they so often call the holyEx Miss. Sar. & Ro. Eucharist a Mysterie, an Image, a Pledge: but how can it be a Mysterie, or an image, if it be the thing it selfe?
Secondly, when they speake of the oblation receiued, or laid on the Altar after consecration, they speake commonly in the plurall number;Prasta quasu [...]us omnipotens deus, vt de percep [...] muneribus &c. Ro. Miss. in post com. Sācti Paulini Sumptis, domine, muneribus sacris. in dom. 7. post Trinit. Post. com. Mis. Saris. Hos [...]ias quaesumus domine, pius intende domire in 13. post [...]n. in secreti Tribuant nobis quasumus domine, continuum tua sancta pr [...] sid ū. Ro. M [...]ss Post com. [...]E [...]l. Sāc. Maria. Holy gifts, Hosts, or Sacrifices: but CHRIST is not many gifts, nor many Hosts, nor many Sacrifices: he is one gift, one sacrifice, and one Hoste: therefore it cannot bee, that what the Masse-maker speaketh in [Page 321] the plurall number, should be meant of Christs body which is singular.
Thirdly, on the foure Ferie quatuor temporum, they of Sarum confesse, that God would haue his Sacraments to consist of the fruits of the earth: but if there bee Transubstantiation, there is no fruit of the earth, of which the Sacrament doth consist: the fruit of the earth is vanished, it is not there. They plainely professe of the Sacrament;Ex h [...]ris de 5. Sacramento impr. per Iac. Keruer: Parisi anno 1570. Et in Ro. Miss. in S [...] len. sacratis. corpor. Chri. in princip. Cibauit eos ex adipe frumenti, hee hath fedde them with the flower of wheate. Wherefore, by their owne confession, the Sacrament which is eaten, is the fruit of the earth, and the fat of the wheate.
In the Post-communion after euery Bishop Confessor the Romane Missall; and the Missall of Sarisbury in the Post Communion prayerIn post. com: quasumus omnipotens deus feria. 6. 4. tēp. in aduent. Feria sexta say, Wee beseech thee O Lord, that giuing thankes vnto thee for these gifts we haue receiued, we may receiue better gifts. ButNihil in sacrificijs maius esse potest, quā corpus & sanguis Christi. Alex. 5. Papa. Gratian de consecrat. 3. part. d ct. 2. there is no better gift then Iesus Christ the Sonne of the liuing God, in whom wee receiue life, and all that belongs thereto: therefore they thinke not that they receiue very Christ in the Sacrament.
In another place;Quodor [...] sūpsimus domine, pu [...]a mente capiamus, & de munere tē [...]orali siat nobis remedium sempiternum. In Can. Mis. et. Ro. Br. Fer. 5. post. dō. pas [...] oni [...]. Post. com. quod ore sumpsimus. That which we haue receiued with our mouthes, O Lord, grant, that with pure mindes wee may also take, that of a temporall gift, it may be made an eternall remedy. This cannot be spoken of the very body of Christ; which is not a temporall, but an euerlasting gift and remedy.
So likewise;Quod imagine cōtigimus Sacramēti, manifesta participatione sumamus. in Fest. Sancti Swythen. in Post. com. pignus vita aternae in Mis. Sar. That which wee haue receiued in the Image of the Sacrament, grant that we may receiue by manifest participation. After the same manner they pray againe; Let thy holy Sacraments perfect, O Lord, that which they containe, that what wee now doe in shewe, we may receiue in the certaine truth of things themselues. What can bee more plaine? They confesse they receiue Christ in shew, they desire hereafter to receiue the things themselues in veritie and deede.
Fourthly, in the Feast of Saint Potentiara the Virgin they pray,Ita tuis nos sa [...]a vti Sacramenti [...], vt aeternis mer [...]am [...] interesse conui [...]. Miss. Sar. in Post. com. That they may so vse his Sacraments, that they may be present at the eternall feast: but if CHRIST very God and Man bee the thing receiued in the Sacrament, they haue [Page 322] alreadie tasted of the eternall banquet.
Fiftly, in the Post-cōmunion of the Virgin Maries Masse, they call the SacramentsMis. Sar. in Post-com. in Mis Bea. Ʋirg. Mar. Salutis nostrae subsidia, the helps of our saluation: But if it be the very body of Christ it is horrible and blasphemous detraction from our great high Priest, to call him the helpe to saluation, who is saluation it selfe, and all we neede thereto.
Sixtly, in the secret of the Office of the dead they say;Miss. Sar. in offic. mor [...]. Receiue O Lord, for the soule of thy seruant, the host which thou didst offer to God the Father for vs bountifully. If the Host bee the very body of Christ, then their prayer is most absurd, to desire Christ to receiue Christ.
Annus nobis quasumus domine, vt intercessione beati Leonis haec nobis profit oblatio.Seuenthly, in the feast of Leo they pray, That the oblation may be profitable to them by the intercession of Leo: And in the feast of Saint Osmund they pray,Munera nostra, domine quasumus, meritis & intercessionibus munifici Confessoris tui Osmunds sanctifica, vt in filij tui domini nostri Iesu Christi corpus & sanguinē conuertantur. Ex Mis. Sar. Sanctifie we beseech thee, O Lord, our gifts, and by the merits and intercession of bountifull Osmund thy Confessor, let them be turned into the body and bloud of Christ, and be profitable to the health of our soules. How many impieties are here, wherein they bewray themselues? If the words of Christs institution be working words, and beeing spoken intentiuely by the Priest doe transubstantiate, then what need Saint Osmunds merits and his prayers? And I pray you, what deserts of Osmund were so great, that for them Christ should be new-created? Now we see they pray both in this, and sundry other, that Christ should be auaileable to vs for the merits of Saints, and his sacrifice be effectual by mens commendations; as they are not ashamed to say;Sumpsimus, domine, pignus redēptionis aeternae, quod fi [...] nobis (quaesumus) interuententibus Martyribus tuis vita praesentis auxilium pariter & futura. Ro. Miss. in post. Tiburt. & Susannae. Wee haue, O Lord, receiued the pledge of eternall Redemption, which we beseech thee let be the helpe of this present and future life by the interuention of thy holy Martyrs.
Eightly, in the Canon they pray,In Can. Miss. That God would accept the things offered, as he accepteth the sacrifice of his holy childe Abell, the sacrifice of Abraham, and that which Melchizedech did offer. But it is intolerable blasphemie to compare Christs bloud with these: therefore of Christs body and bloud this may not be verefied.
If it be the very body of Christ, why doe they offer it vp [Page 323] to the honour of Saints? As in the feast of Ʋedastus and Amandus and sundry other;In quorum veneratione pietati tuae haec Sacrificia offer rimus. Mis. Sar. in S. Vedast. & Amand. & plurimis alijs. Et Ro. B [...]eu. Post-cō. pro Sancto Paulo quc pro illorum celebrata sunt gloria. 1. Cor. cap. 10.31. Ʋnto whose honour we offer these sacrifices to thy holinesse. Surely, to offer vp Christ to the honour of man, is to make Christ the seruant of men: and it is against the rule of the Apostle; Whatso euer yee doe, doe all to the glory of God.
Aboue the rest it may not bee forgotten, that in their secrets before the bread and wine be transubstantiated, they attribute as much vnto it, and desire to receiue as much grace, and as many blessings by it and for it, as they doe in their Post-communions after it is consecrated and changed. Wherefore it is euident they esteem it to be still the same. The Romane Breuiarie in the eight Sunday after Pentecost saith;Suscip [...], quasumus domine, munera, quae tibi de tua largitate deferimus, vt haec sacrosancta mysteria, gratiae tua operante virtute, & praesentis vita no [...] conuersatione sanct [...]ficent, & ad gaudia sempitern [...] perducant. Ro. Mis. dom. 8. post. pent. in Secret. Receiue, O Lord, these gifts which of thy owne bounty we bring vnto thee, that these holy mysteries, the power of thy grace working with them, may sanctifie vs in the conuersation of this present life, and bring vs to eternall saluation. Consider now, and iudge vprightly; by the mysteries they bring, which can be nothing but bread and wine, they desire to be sanctified and brought vnto the life to come: and more then this the Sacrament after it is transubstantiated cannot procure vnto them. What neede then such Tragedies? and why contend they so bitterly for their miraculous bread-turning, when the naturall and plaine elements before consecration, may yeeld as much vnto them as they can desire? The same is made plain also in the secret of the third Ferie after the fourth sunday in Lent, wherein they pray;Haec H [...]stia. quaesumus, emundet nostra delicta, & ad sacrificiū celebrādū subditorum tibi corpora et mentes sanctificet. Let this Host, O Lord, cleanse our sinnes, and let it sanctifie the bodies and soules of thy subiects to the celebrating of thy sacrifice. Which way can they here escape, or what euasion may be found? The words, This Host, witnesseth, that it is the bread and wine, of which they speake, and not the body of Christ: for, the Host they desire may by sanctifying prepare them to the Sacrifice of Christs body: and by the same Host they desire also cleansing from sinne. If then From and By the outward Symbols they desire to receiue the same blessings as after transubstantiation, Their Reall presence is an idle and fruitlesse figment.
On the sixt day of the preparance at night,Repon [...] crucē in sepulch [...]ū pariter cū corpore dominic [...]. Miss. Sar. seria 6. in die Parasceues. Two Priests in surplices, bare-footed carry the Crosse, and the body of Christ, & put it into the Sepulchre, humbly bowing downe their knees. This is a plaine argument, that they thinke it not to be the glorious immortall body of Christ. For then they surely would not doe so much wrong vnto it, as to bury the liuing, on vvhom death hath no more power. Nay, as the Poet reporteth of Mezentius, that he was vsed to ioyne the liuing and the dead bodies together: so the history of Lombardy doth witnes,L [...]g. Lō [...] in vita Bened. that they buried the Host, that is, Christ, with the body of a dead man in the same graue.
After consecrationAbluit digitos, extergit, et sumis ablutionē, extergit calicē. vid. ord. Miss. they wash their fingers ouer the Chalice with wine and water, in which it must needes bee, that some of the bloud is still left, at least vpon the sides of the Chalice: But if they thought as they speake, who would doubt it to be horrible impiety, to wash filthy fingers ouer the bloud of Christ?
No lesse in humanity is it to mingle, with Pilate, the Sacrifice of Christ with his owne bloud in their commixtion, of which there can bee no sufficient reason yielded. For if the body be naturall, it is not without his bloud already: and if in the Chalice be both the body and bloud, what folly and abomination is it to lay Christ vpon Christ? what should I speake of the drenching of him in water? I doubt not, but if they beleeued it to bee the very body of Christ, they would more reuerently, and with greater honour esteeme it; as Nicholas de Ploue doth, who forbiddeth Priests to blowe, & breath, and belch ouer the Sacrament.
Lastly, the Romish Church it selfe teacheth vs to doubt, whether Christ bee alwaies really present in the Sacrament. For the Canonist saith,Quid si ex m [...]lle, vel al [...]o liquere fuerit farina aspersa, nū quid trāsubstātiatur ill [...] panu [...] corpus Christis non. Gratiā de consec 3. part. dist. 2. in Glos. sicut in sanctificādo ad finem. that If the flower be tempered with honey, or any other liquor but water; such bread is not transubstantiate into the body of Christ. And againe,Nota, quod de a [...]o pane nô potest cōfici corpu [...] Christi, [...]si de frumēto. ibid. If the Host bee made of any bread but of wheat, it cannot be made the body of Christ: nay,Nūqu d, si addatur p [...]per frumento, [...]ōuertitur in corpus Christi? non. Grat. de Consecr. 3. part. in Gloss. in Sacram. if any other seeds or spice bee added to the wheat, the wheat is changed, the other is not changed. In these doubts who can bee assured, that the body of Christ is alwaies present in the Host? [Page 325] Especially, seeing (as I haue formerly shewed) that on the intention of the Minister hangs the force of Consecration. Insomuch that of the Hostes of another Priests making, euery Priest hath cause to be doubtfull. The Roman Missall saith;Quic cu [...]a eni [...] h [...]u def [...]t, sci [...] et materia d [...]a, [...]orm [...] cū intēt [...]ne, et [...]do Sacerdo [...]a [...]is in cōfi [...]ēti, nō co [...]icitur Sacrametis de desictibus. in c [...]lebr. Miss. If there want due matter, forme, intention, or Sacerdotall order, the Sacrament is not made: If Si [...]tōs [...]ctus de aqua rosartae, [...]el alter [...]s distillationis, dubtū est, an confic. atur. M ss ib d. the bread be made of Rose-water, or any other distilled water, it is doubtfull whether the Sacrament be made: Againe,Si aliquid disit ex ii [...] quae ad integritatē verborū u [...] ipsa cōsecratione requir [...]̄tur, nō cōficer [...]tur sacramētū▪ Ro. Mis. iuxt. approb. cō. Tri. If any thing bee wanting, which doth appertaine to the fulnesse of the words, which are in the consecration required, the Sacrament is not made.
To conclude; concerning the doubts of these Sceptike Diuines, in this the highest Hieroglyph of their darke Sphing [...]an faith they say,Si quis h [...]bet corā se vndeci [...] hossias, & intendat consecrare solūdicē, non determinans quas decem intendis, non cons [...]crat; quia requ [...]i [...]rentētio: Secus si p [...]tans quidem esse dec [...]m▪ tamen oranis v [...]lu [...]t consecrate, quas coram se habebat, tunc omnes erunt consecratae: at{que} ideo qu [...]i [...]e [...] Sacerdos tatē semper intentionem habere deber [...]t, s [...]ilicet, consecrandi [...]as omnes, quas ante se ad consecrandū positas hab [...]t. ibid. in Ro. Miss [...]li. If a Priest haue before him eleuen Hosts, and int [...]nd to cons [...]crat: onely ten of them, not appointing in his intention, which ten shall be consecrate, hee doth then consecrate none at all, because the intention is requisite: otherwise, if thinking there are but ten Hosts, he doth intend to consecrate all that are before him, in such case all are consecrated: wherefore euery Priest ought to intend to consecrate all that are set before him to be consecrated.
Is there any Daedalus, any Oedipus, any Delphos so darke? so intricate? so vnextricable, as the definitions of our seauen-headed Beast, and the A [...]nigmaticall strumpet, which sitteth on his back, whose onely sport is, to hould in suspense the hungry soule with doubts and ambiguities: to keepe euery conscience in vncertainty, to dazell, to delude the vnderstanding of men, that the poore soule may be robbed of all peace and quietnesse: of all comfort and assurance of Saluation in this earthly Pilgrimage. O Rome! O Babell! O chaire of pestilence!
CHAP. XCVI. That the Romish Church offereth vp other Sacrifices and oblations to God for the taking away of sinne, besides the body & bloud of Iesus Christ.
TWo kindes of oblation the Mosaicall lawe ordained vnto to the children of Israell;Vid Carolū Sig [...] n [...]ū. l. 4. c. [...]. de Rep. Hebrae [...]r. Gifts, and Sacrifices. Gifts [Page 326] were of three kindes; commanded by the lawe, promised by vow, and free-will offerings. The Sacrifices were of sixe sorts; burnt offe ings, meat offerings, peace offerings, sinne offerings, trespasse offerings, and the sacrifice of Consecration.
Of Sacrifices there were three causes;Philo Iudaeus in lib. de Sa rif. first, the honor of God, to which the burnt offering was wholly ordained: for it was altogether consumed with fire, neither did any thing thereof remaine to the vse of the Priest, or the offerer. Origen therefore calleth itOrig h [...]m. 5. Holocarpoma, because all the fruit was to offer it vnto God.
The second end of Sacrifices was, to obtaine good things at the hand of God: and those were they which were calledEx Carol. Sig. l. 4. c. 2. 3 4. 5. de rep. Heb. Salutares Hostiae, or Pacificae; peace offerings, or health offerings: for they were offred, when either they would obtaine any good at the hand of GOD, or did giue thankes for that which they had obtained. Origen makes two kindes of them;Orig. h [...]m. 5. one of Vowes, another of Thanksgiuing.
The third end or cause, for which Sacrifices were ordained, wasIbid. for the turning away of euills: and those were called Sinne offerings, and Trespasse offerings.
The first fiue kindes of SacrificesIn lib de sacrif. Philo Iudaeus reduceth vnto three heads; burnt offerings, sinne offerings, and peace offerings. And it is euident, that all these serued but for a time. For the Psalmist saith;Psal 51.16 Thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I giue it thee, but thou delightest not in burnt offerings. And in Esay; Esay 1.11 I desired not the bloud of Bullocks, nor of Lambes, nor of Goats. The Apostle therefore saith;Heb. 7 18. The commandement that went afore, is disannulled, because of the weaknes thereof, and vnprofitablenesse. These things were but figures of Iesus Christ to come, the true Sacrifice, and oblation expiating and abolishing the sinnes of the world. For he gaueEph 5 [...]. himselfe to be an offring, and a sacrifice of sweet smelling sauour vnto God, saieth the Apostle. And if the Legall Sacrifices at any time be called Sauours of rest, or sacrifices of sweet sauour vnto God, it is not in respect of the things themselues, but for that they were Images and representations of the great Sacrifice of Christ, [Page 327] who is come in their place, and is now a generall offering, an euerlasting offering, a sufficient offering for all that beleeue in him.
Hee is a generall offering; for that, whatsoeuer the sixe sundry kindes of Iewish offerings did signifie, Christ is vnto vs.
Secondly, hee is an eternall offering:Heb. 10.10. for though he offred vp his body actually but once, yet the vertue of this Sacrifice was from the beginning, and indures to the end: his wounds were open before he had them, and his bloud neuer dry, but alwaies God beheld it, and was pacified in it towards Mankinde, both before hee suffered, and after. In this sense hee is calledApoc. 13.8 the Lambe, which was slaine from the beginning of the world.
Thirdly, he is a sufficient sacrifice, a superabundant price for all offences: in respect of whose worthinesse, all the transgress [...]ons and debts, wherewith wee are charged, are lighter then winde, lesser then nothing. Wherefore Iob as the type and figure of Christ, maketh his punishment as great as his sinne, and his correction answereable to his offences;Iob 6.2.3. O that my griefe were well weighed, and my miseries were laide together in the balance: for it would bee now heauier then the sand of the sea.
The Sacrifice of Christ being then generall, eternall, sufficient, it taketh away all other Sacrifices whatsoeuer: neyther can they be offered any more without vnspeakeable iniury & reproach vnto the Sonne of God.
This notwithstanding, hee that opposeth himselfe against all that is called God, will haue his offerings, his gifts, his Sacrifices, his altars: the superstitious smoake whereof obscureth the benefits, and hides from mens eies the glorious oblation of our great high Priest. For although Popish offerings differ, partly in the matter, partly in the maner, from the Iewish oblations: yet they agree with them in the name, in the kindes, in the end, and in the fruit.
In the name they agree; for they call them oblations, gifts, Sacrifices, incense, sweet sauours; as in the consecration of [Page 328] Bread,Passim in Mis [...]al. wine, salt, tapers, candles, incense, boughs, palmes, flowers, the Missalls yeeld plentifull record. So in the fourth false Apostolicall Canon they are also called oblations. For there it is decreed,Offerr [...] non [...]cat a [...]quid ad Al are praeter nouas spicas, & vnas, & [...]uns ad lumi [...]ria & Thymiam [...], id est, incensum, tempore qui [...] s ncta ceaebratur [...]l [...] c. [...]. Can. [...]. qu [...] liceant [...]sse [...]i ad Altare. apud [...]a th. Caranz. that it may not bee lawfull to offer at the Al [...]ar any thing but new eares of corne, new grapes, and oyle for the lamps, and sweet spices, that is, incense at such time as the holy offering is presented. And, who knoweth not, the Canon commandeth;Om [...] C [...]ristianus procure. ad M [...]ss s [...] len a [...]liquid Deo offerre. Can. Greg. ap. Gr. [...]. de conse [...]r. [...]i [...]t. 1. c. omnis Christia [...]. Let euery Christian procure something, to offer vnto God at the solemnity of the Masse.
The kindes also are the same. For they are somtimes burnt offrings, wholly ordained to the worship of God: as, where they say of the Candle;vt Cereus iste in honorē tui cōsecraetus ad noctu [...]uius caligmē destruēdá indefictès perseueret in be [...]ed Caer. Let it continue to the honour of thy Maiesty: And of the Incense;Ab ipso benedicatur hoc incesū, [...] cu [...] honore cretuabitur. in ordin. Miss. Let this incense bee blessed of him to whose honour it shall be burnt.
Somtimes they are peace offrings, to obtaine good things of God. So they pray;Can Miss. quam oblatio ent. that the bread and wine before consecration may be in all things blessed, approued, ratified, reasonable, an accepted offring vnto God, that it may be turned into the very body of Christ. Of their incense in their exorcisation thereof they pray;Vt omn [...]s gustant [...] tāgēte siu [...] odorāt [...]s [...]ā &c. in exercisa. Thymiam. That the creature may bee sanctified in the name of the Lord Iesus, that all which taste, touch, and smell the same, may receiue the power of the holy spirit. Surely, this is a sacrifice then of greater efficacie, then the Iewish euer were; for, the touching, tasting, smelling of the Legall Sacrifices did neuer conferre the grace of Gods Spirit. The same they attribute also vnto the hallowed fire; thatQu [...]. ū{que} lumē ex coportaueru, sit [...]l luminatus lumine gratia [...]n Bened. ig [...] in Miss Sar. whosoeuer shall take light from it, may be illuminated with the light of grace: And of the incense they say;Pra [...]sa hoc pussi m [...] pate [...], boni [...]d [...] ru [...]c [...]̄ um al opus ecclesia tua ob causa reli [...]utugiter per nauere in orat. Descēdat be [...]edictio [...]. Miss. Sar in Sa [...]. [...]nc [...]as. Make, wee beseech thee, most holy Father, this incense of sweet sauour to remaine continually to the vse of thy Church for the cause of religion. Thus they make incense an offertory to attaine good things, and to further the cause of Religion for euer.
Likewise, that they offer them to take away sins, it is most euident in the xiiij. Sunday after Trinity; Propitiar [...] Domine populo tu [...], propit [...]are muneri [...] vt hac oblat. [...]t placatus et indulgē [...]ā nobis [...]ribuas, et postula [...] cōcod [...]. dō. 4. post. Trin. Be mercifull, O Lord, to thy people: bee mercifull to these thy gifts, that thou mayst giue vs pardon and grant our requests. Iulius the Pope [Page 329] therefore makes it an assured Axiom, thatDe cōs [...]. dist. 2. [...] [...]ū. mu [...] cr [...]mē a [...] [...]pect [...] o [...]tu d [...]o sacrificijs del [...] aetur. all sinnes and trespasses are taken away by the offering vp of Sacrifices to God. The sprinkling of ashes Costerus callethLib. 4. instit. cap. 10. an wholsome remedy to take away sinnes. The Missall also, of the same ashes sayth;Miss Sar. in cap. [...]nt. erat. omipotens sempeterne De [...]s. It is done, ad emundanda delicta, to cleanse sinne.
Lastly, as they are oblations, so they are oblations also vnto God himselfe. Of their waxen Tapers they say;Quatenus Domino Deo nostro offerre dig [...]s. in purif. Virg. Mar. & bened ct Candel orat. omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui h [...] di [...]na. that we may be worthy to offer them vnto the Lord our God: so of their incense; Let this incense be a sauour of sweetnesse acceptable to thy diuine Maiesty. Of their Flowers they say;In conspectum glorie tu [...] offerim [...]. In bened. Frond orat. Omnipotens s [...]piterne Deus qui in. we offer them vp before the sight of [...]hy glory.
Philip [...]onicerius witnesseth, that to St. Leonard they offered horse-shooes: and sayth, that himselfe sawe offered vnto Saint Liborius for the curing of the stone, in the Church of Saint Peter, the priuy members of a man made of pure siluer. And to Saint Symphonia diuers Ramices of siluer.
What can bee more done or sayd, to euacuate the sufferings of Iesus Christ? to dishonour his great sacrifice? to extenuate the price of his bloud, then to offer vp these Iewish Rites, and beggerly elements,Gal. 4. to be the honour of God and of his Saints, the obtaining of good things, the remedy of sinnes?
Arise, O bright Sunne of righteousnesse, arise in thy glorie, dispell the mists of darknesse, the night of errour, the clouds of ignorance; that we may behold thee in thy truth, worship thee according to thy word,Heb. 9.26. and acknowledge thee to be our only Priest, and our onely Sacrifice, once offered for the taking away of all our sinnes.
CHAP. XCVII. Of the figment of Purgatorie, another meanes of cleansing sinne amongst Papists, beside the bloud of Christ.
WHo once are past the bonds of shamefastnesse, neuer care into what outrage they fall. Hereof the Romish Church yeeldeth vs abundant proofe. For when shamelesly they make other meanes to purge sinne then the bloud of Christ, any inuention of their owne, any tradition, any friuolous [Page 330] Ceremony, they are content rather shall bee the instrument of cleansing our offences; then hee whom the Father hath sent into the world to bee the saluation thereof. Wherefore not only holy-water, candles, palmes, confession, penance, iubilyes, popish pardons, and such like trash, are ordained to be the sanctification of the bodies and soules of men: but they haue also a fiery purgatory after this life, wherein euery soule doth suffer for it selfe, and payeth the price of his owne redemption.
Concerning the persons in Purgatorie to be punished; it must be vnderstood they make three sorts of men: The one perfect, whose soules goe presently to heauen after their dissolution, as being free from all sinnes: the second sort are those, that are altogether euill; with out faith, without loue, without hope, without repentance: these are throwne immediately into the hell, from whence there is no redemption:The persons in purgatory to be tormented. Vid. Bel. l. 2. de purg. [...]. [...]. verbo his ergo. thirdly, a middle sort of people there are, which haue faith and charity, but imperfect, and not answerable to Gods seuerity of iustice; these are in Purgatory, to satisfie for their owne sinnes, because Christ (as they say) hath only satisfied God for the guilt of mortall sinne, if we repent, but the blemishes and spots of veniall sinnes, and the paine of those sinnes whose guilt is forgiuen, must be taken away by our owne satisfaction, which if in this life we do not sufficiently performe, it must needes be done after this life in Purgatory.
The doctrine of purgatory.They say, that the eternall paines, due to mortall sinnes by the power of the keyes of the Church, which are in the hand of the Pope, are changed into temporall paines, which euery man must performe, either in this life, or after this life by himselfe or by another. Albert sayth,Vid. Iacob. Herbrand. in disp. cont. pu [...]gat. There may bee so many prayers sayd for one man, that in a moment he may be deliuered from all paine of Purgatory. And therefore in this case onely the condition of the rich is better then the poore: for the rich haue meanes and substance, by which they may procure many prayers: according to that of the Scripture;Relēptio anima [...]i [...]id [...] eius. A mans riches are the redemption of his Soule. So plainly they make cleansing of sin, [Page 331] and eternall glory to be gotten by money.
The punishment of Purgatorie (they say) is not alike to all, but greater or lesser: according to the proportion of the fault is the punishment, which the Soule must so long suffer, till either it be purged by long indurance of torture, or some other meanes be vsed for deliuerance.
Vnto offenders this Purgatory is so vneuitable, that Gratian sayth,Nō antē ita est in cordu cōtritione, vel poenitēt [...]a nā por eā nō potest purgatoriū euit [...]ri dist. 32 c. praeter hoc in Gloss. ad finem. by repentance and contrition Purgatory cannot bee auoided. Summa Angelica saith, they which dye in charity, are yet for their offences punished in Purgatorie, if they haue not made sufficient satisfaction.
In Purgatory (they say)Ʋid Comp. Theol. ver. in purg. there is a twofold punishment: one of paine, another of losse: losse of the happy vision and presence of God: paine in fire, or otherwise greater then the greatest affliction in the world: not any thing lesse then the paines of hell, but that these are temporary, and the hellish tortures eternall.
Concerning the place of Purgatory they haue not yet fully agreed; so that the whole Church can deeme nothing thereof.Vid. Bell. l. 2. de. purg. c. 6 Some say, it is aboue vs towards Heauen, yet vnder heauen: some say,Philo. Greg. l. 4. dialog 4. it is only the conscience of euery man: some say,Vid. Pet. Damia. de mirac. sui temp.— Vid. Bell. de purg l. 2. c. 6. per totū. it is in the valley of Iosaphat: some say, the place in earth, where euerie man hath committed his greatest sinne, is the place of his Purgatory. After all this, at last byVid. Comp. Theol. ver. 7. c. 3 reuelation it was giuen to them to know, that the place of Purgatory is twofold: one common, to which they vsually goe all: the other priuate, as in sundrie Bathes vnder the shadow of trees, and in the houses wherein they haue offended. But to returne againe to the common place of Purgatorie;Vid Ia. Herbrand. de purg. ex Mart. Chem [...]. some will haue it aboue Hell, some about Hell: some say, that the fire of HellVid. Bell. l. c. de purg c. 6. v [...]rb. detude quod purgatoriū sit etiā sub terta et inferno damnat [...] rum probat [...]r. within the heart of the earth tortureth the damned, and thence breaking out afflicteth the soules of the faithfull in Purgatorie, and so forth proceeding, falleth short of the infants in the third Circle, and the Fathers in the fourth station or Limbus Patrum.
Some say the diuels doe not torment the Soules in Purgatorie, but only conduct and bring them thither to be tormented: [Page 332] but Bellarmine sayth,Lib. 2. cap. 13. this is to be doubted; for many Reuelations are to the contrary.
The fire of Purgatorie (they say)Ex Comp. Theo. ver. lib. 7. cap. 3. is both elementary or true, and also Metaphoricall, and in shew and likenesse; as a painted Lyon is a Lyon. The naturall or materiall fire, though as it is corporall, it cannot worke vpon the soule: yet, as it is the instrument of Gods iustice, it may and doth make impression vpon the Soule. For as the Soule by order of nature is vnited to the body, that it may giue life: so by order of iustice it is vnited to the fire in Purgatorie, that it may suffer punishment: but how this should be,Bellar. de Purg. lib. 2. cap. 12. Bellarmine acknowledgeth that no man can conceiue.
The meanes how a Soule from hence is to be deliuered, is fourefold. Oblations of the Pri st, prayers of the Saints, the almes of friends, the fasting and pious offices of the Kinne; amongst which, one of the chiefest is, to procure the Indulgences and Pardons of the Man of Rome, many Masses to be sayd, and such like. Wherefore;Summa Aug. in Suffrag. much auail [...]able also to the redemption out of Purgatory it is, to be buryed in a Churchyard, and to haue a Monument to moue mens minds to remember him in prayer, or to be buried in an holy place: yea the candles; the clothes, the incense, helpe accidentally to the deliuerance of Soules from Purgatorie.
Hence now springeth a world of questions, to perplexe the dismayed conscience: as, where is the place? what is the fire of Purgatorie? How long Purgatorie shall indure, whether to the time of the resurrection only, or afterward?
Whether in Purgatorie Soules bee tormented by the diuels?
Whether they bee tormented by Angels, or of the fire it selfe?
What it is that can helpe the Soules in Purgatorie?
Whether the Pope may at once deliuer all Soules out of Purgatorie?
Whether the suffrage of one may helpe another?
Whether,Wheth [...]r suffrages of sinners auaile for the soules in Purgatory. if the suffrages of another doe helpe, it be done by way of merit, or by way of prayer?
* Whether when a man maketh many partakers of his [Page 333] good works, they be the lesse auaile able to himselfe?
Whether if the Executor of the dead bee slacke in performing his good beheasts, the Testators soule shall be the longer deteined in Purgatorie?
Whether, if the Executor make stay to performe the Testators will, vpon a good intent that he may sell the goods the better for to giue greater almes, this stay be preiudiciall to the Testators soule in Purgatorie?
Whether the suffrages which be made for many, bee as auaileable vnto them, as when they are made for one?
Whether vpon an Indulgence granted to those that visite such, or such a Church, hee merite as much that is dwelling neere the Church, as he that is farre off?
Whether hee that is enioyned to doe penance a whole yeere, may diuide the time, and doe now one Moneth, then another, till he haue done penance so many Monthes as be in the yeere?
Whether any but the Pope can grant plenary indulgence?
What if he that giueth the penance, be not a Priest?
What if the Priest enioining penance, be in deadly sinne?
Whether he to whom a plenarie indulgence is granted at the houre of death, hath need of any other helpes; as almes and suffrages, and sundry other which I passe ouer? The end of all which vaine and friuolous contention is, to take from the merits of Christ: to tyrannize vpon the conscience of men; and to fill vp the insatiable purse of the Nimrod of Rome.
Let vs now shew the reasons, which plainly ouerthrow this Poeticall Chimaera of the Romish Church.
First, our Sauiour Christ, nor his Apostles make no threefold deuision of men: Good, Euill, Indifferent, as the Papists do. But our Sauiour diuideth all men intoIo. 3.6. Spirit and Flesh, Wheate and Tares, Beleeuers and Ʋnbeleeuers: and he assigneth only two places vnto the Soules out of this world departing.Io. 5.24. Hee that heareth my word, and beleeueth in him that sent mee, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but passeth from death vnto life. And againe,Io. 3.18. Hee that beleeueth in [Page 334] him, shall not be condemned, but hee that beleeueth not, is condemned already.
The Apostle Paul most carefully instructing his1. Cor. 15. Corinthians, and his Thessalonians of the state of the dead, speaketh not any word of Purgatory: and yet else where hee witnesseth, that he Acts 20.20. had kept backe nothing that was profitable, but vttered vnto his auditors all the counsell of God. And who knoweth not, that2. Cor. 12.2. he was taken vp into the third heauen, where he saw vneffable things? If he sawe this, why did hee not reueale it, that Masses and Dirges, and Trentalls, and such other offices might bee done for the dead? Saint Iohn also had diuers Reuelations,Apoc. 20. whereof some were concerning the dead, and their resurrection, but not a word in any of them touching Purgatorie.1. Pet. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Saint Peter in his Epistles reasoneth much of the punishment of them that walke inordinately, and after their owne Lusts. He speaketh also of the day of the Lord,2. Pet. 3. and of his comming, but of Purgatorie not a syllable.
To conclude this argument, in the whole volume there is not one word Cathegorically, plainly and distinctly set downe, by which Purgatorie, an Article of the Romish faith, a matter of such vnspeakable weight, a generall Necessity lying vpon men, is taught or deliuered.
Secondly, the figment of Purgatorie is plainly against the Catholicke and Apostolicall faith contained in the Common Creed, wherein it is confessed; I beleeue the remission of sinnes. Where remission is, what punishment can there be? If sinnes be punished according to the offence, they are not remitted; if they be remitted, they are not punished.
Though the body in hell suffer materiall fire, the soule doth not so.Thirdly, the dreame of Purgatorie is against naturall reason. For how can the Soule, that is an vncorporall substance, suffer in corporall fire? The worme, the fire, the brimstone in Scripture, wherewith the Soules are tormented, are Metaphorically to be vnderstood.
Fourthly, this dotage of Purgatorie doth contradict the whole scope of Scriptures; whereof the end is to shew, that Iesus Christ is a full, absolute, and compleate Redeemer: not [Page 335] a parcell Sauiour, nor halfe a Sauiour, but such a one, as hath himselfe borne our sinnes, and was wounded, that wee might be cured: Hee hath not satisfied for the fault onely, and left vs to satisfie for the punishment, but hath exactly satisfied the lawe, and susteined our paines; as Esay witnesseth,Esay 53.5. He was wounded for our transgressions, hee was broken for our iniquities.
Fiftly, this phantasticall mockerie of Purgatorie denyeth that sweete rest to the Soules of Christian men, which God in his holy, word abundantly promiseth, saying;Apo. 14.13. Blessed are the dead, which hereafter dye in the Lord; euen so saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labours, and their workes follow them. What blessing, what rest, is to them that in mercilesse flames of hellish fire are so long and lamentably tormented?
The Scripture calleth the death of the godly, Sleepe. Deut. 31.16. 1. Thes. 4.13. 1. King. 2.10. Math. 27.52. Surely it might better bee called rosting or broyling, horror and slaughter, if the Soules departed go hence into such fearefull paines aboue all that euer was in the world indured.
The Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 15.55, 56, 57. glorieth ouer death, and the graue, and the Lawe, by that victory which we haue thorow our Lord Iesus Christ. But there is no iust cause of such boasting, if wee be still held vnder the Law, to satisfie in our owne persons, induring the vnspeakable torment and tortures of Hell, no man knoweth how long.
Sixtly, and lastly, in Leuiticus and other bookes of the Law, all maner of Sacrifices are described both generally and specially: but amongst all those sundrie kinds of gifts, oblations, sacrifices, burnt-offerings, peace-offerings, sinne-offerings, there is not any oblation, gift, or sacrifice for the dead.
Knowing therefore that the proofes, which out of Scripture he pretendeth, are not sufficient for his defence,Bellar. de Purgat. lib. 1. cap. 11. verb. tertia ratio sum: tu [...] a communi opinione omnium; ergo exercentur poenis veterum{que} malorum supplicia expendunt. Bellarmine the voluminous Cardinall, who careth not with what chaffe hee stuffe his papers, flyeth to the testimonie of Philosophers, Poets, Heathens, and the Turkish Alcaron it selfe, and shameth not to cite the fabulous Aen [...]iads of Virgil for his witnesse.
CHAP. XCVIII. The obiections of the Romish Church for the establishing of their Purgatorie.
IT is now time to speake of their vniointed sinewlesse arguments, with which this Bugbeare, and Phlegeton of their folly they doe maintaine.
Ob.First they say, that Purgatorie is proued out of the Historie of the Machabees, where it is written, thatMach. 12.45. Iudas made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might bee deliuered from sinne.
Sol.To this I answere: the booke of Machabees hath not Canonicall authoritie: euery man knoweth how the ancient Fathers did esteeme of these volumes. Cyprian saith,Cyp. in Symbol. Apol. post. medium so fit ille tractatus Cypriani. that we may not take authoritie of faith out of them. Hierome saith,Legit quidem ecclesia, sed eos inter Canonicas scripturas non re [...]pit. Hier. in prologo. in Prou. August. the Church readeth the bookes of Machabees, but counteth them not among Canonicall scriptures.
Austen also witnesseth, that the booke of Machabees is not in the Hebrew Canon, or in the number of those bookes, of which Christ saith, that they beare witnesse of him as the bookes of Moses, and the Prophets: yet are they not vnvnprofitably receiued of the Church, if they be soberly read and heard. This sheweth that from the bookes of Machabees, no proofe, nor rule of faith can bee taken; Wherefore wee must not insist vpon the fact of Iudas; but consider, whether he did it lawfully, duely, and according to the word of God.
Ob. Toby saith, Poure out thy bread on the buriall of the iust, but giue nothing to the wicked; ergo, there is Purgatorie.
Sol.The booke of Toby is not authenticke, it is not Canonicall; therefore it presseth not, it proueth not. But were it neuer so assured and certaine in authoritie, what conclusion can arise from hence? Toby himselfe did bestowe his substance vpon the buriall of the godly, and exhorteth his sonne to doe the same; Ergo it was done to deliuer Soules out of Purgatorie. If Toby did meane, that his sonne should make [Page 337] expence for the Redemption of soules out of Purgatory, the more wicked, the more was there neede of helpe: as for the iust they passe not into Purgatorie, but into heauen;Ioh. 5 24. Luke 16.20, 21, 22. wherefore there was no cause to lay out money for the ransome of the iust.
The Citizens of Iabesh Gilead mourned for Saul seuen daies: Ob. and Dauid mourned for Saul and Ionathan,1. Sam. 31. 2. Sam. 1 and other that were slaine: ergo, there is Purgatorie.
The men of Iabesh lamented for their King,Sol. as it was their duty: all Israel Gen. 50.10. made a great and exceeding sore lamentation for Iacob, Deut. 34.8. and for Moses also they wept in the plaine of Moab thirtie daies: They lamented for Samuel: 2. Chro. 35.24 all Iudah and Ierusalem mourned for Iosiah. I trust there is no Iesuite so shamelesse as to say, that Iacob, Moses, Samuel, and Iosiah were plunged in Purgatory.2. Sam. 1.12. As for Dauids lamentation the text sheweth plainely, it was not, because Dauid feared that Saul and Ionathan were in Purgatorie, but because they were slaine with the sword of the vncircumcised.
The fourth argument taken out of the Old Testament is grounded vpon the eight and thirtith Psalme;Ob. where Dauid saith, O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten mee in thy heauy displeasure: out of this the Alogicall Frier Bellarmine concludeth Purgatory.
The meaning of the Psalmist is literall and mysticall.Sol. Literally, Dauid being striken with some great sicknesse for his sinnes, desireth forgiuenes thereof, and mitigation of Gods wrath towards himselfe: the mysticall meaning of the Psalme is, to point vnto the great and extreme humiliation of Iesus Christ, bearing the sinnes of the whole world in his owne body vpon the Crosse, and being striken and wounded for them.
Thou Psal 66.11.12. hast caused men to ride ouer our heads: Ob. wee went through fire and waters, but thou broughtest vs out into a wealthy place.
The Psalmist speaketh of the calamitie of Israel, Sol. being giuen vp into the hands of proud & insulting enemies, which did as it were, ride and trample ouer their head. What is this [Page 338] to Purgatorie? Fire and water are here taken for the afflictions of Israel in this life, not in the life to come.
Ob. Esay saith;Esay 4.4. The Lord shall wash the filthinesse of the daughters of Zion, and purge the bloud of Ierusalem out of the middest thereof, by the spirit of iudgement, and by the spirit of burning; Ergo there is a Purgatorie.
Sol.This is nothing to the matter of Purgatorie: it is a prophesie of the cleansing of sinne by Iesus Christ: and so is also the place of Malachy, Mal. 3.3. wherein he speaketh of the spirit of fire and fullers Sope: the bloud of Christ is therfore called Fullers Sope, and the spirit of fire, because it is a perfect and full cleansing of sinne, which doth absolutely performe the same.
Ob.The ninth of Esay, the eighteenth verse, is brought to establish Purgatorie; Wickednesse burneth as a fire, it deuoureth the Bryars and the Thornes, and will kindle in the thicke places of the forrest.
Sol.I maruell, any man hath so much leisure, as to spend time in heaping together such vaine interpretations. The Prophet saith not, Purgatorie burneth, but Iniquitie burneth: not very fire, but as fire: VVhat is this to the purpose?
Ob.I will beare the wrath of the Lord,Mich. 7 9. because I haue sinned against him; vntill he plead my cause, and execute iudgement for mee.
Sol.In this whole chapter the Prophet speaketh of the church afflicted by her enemies in this life, and of the iniquitie of the times; not a syllable of Purgatory after this life.
Ob. Thou Z [...]ch 9.11. also shalt be saued by the bloud of the Couenant: I haue loosed the prisoners out of the pit, wherein is no water.
Sol.Purgatorie cannot hence bee proued: the Prophet speaketh of the deliuerie of the Church of Israel from the captiuitie of Babylon: Vid. Lamb. Dan. Resp ad Bell. con [...]n. 6. ad cap. 3. and mystically from the prison of sinne, the pit without water.
Thomas in 3. secundae vnderstandeth this place, of Hell it selfe: some Schoolemen, of Limbus Patrum.
CHAP. XCIX. Answere to the reasons for Purgatorie taken out of the New Testament.
FIrst,Ob. they vrge the words of the good thiefe vpon the crosse to proue Purgatorie, and that there is forgiuenesse of sinnes after this life. For, he saith, (a) Lord remember me, Luke 13 42. when thou commest into thy kingdome.
If all the Iesuites in the world were in one hiue buzzing together,Sol. they could neuer conclude Purgatorie out of this premisse, but much sooner the contrarie. The Thiefe desireth not Christ when he commeth into his Kingdome, to forgiue his sinnes, but to remember him, that is, to make him partaker of his glory, by receiuing him into the number of his elect: which is the fruit, and manifestation of the forgiuenesse of sinne, which on the Crosse he had in this life. Surely, if any man had neede to be drencht in Purgatorie, the Thiefe had most neede of all other, whose short repentance was accompanied with the fewest workes; and whose flagitious life deserued much correction: but GOD hath mercy freely on whom he will haue mercy. The SchoolemenLarga deipieta [...] veniam non dimidiabit. Aut nihil, aut totum, te lachrimante, dabit. and Sententiaries themselues haue a position;
It is said;Act. 2.24. Whom God hath raised vp, Ob. loosing the sorrowes of hell, because it was impossible that hee should bee holden of it. Hence they conclude Purgatorie.
This of all other is the most a syllogisticall or vnconcluding argument. For here it appeareth,Sol. that Christ suffered his Purgatorie in this life: for after this life ended, hee saith to the Thiefe, this day thou shalt bee with mee in Paradise. But what an Hereticke is Bellarmine, who seemeth by this reason to enforce, that Christ after this life suffered the paines of Purgatorie?
In the second to the Philippians the Apostle saith,Ob. Phil. 2. That at the name of Iesus euery knee should bow, both of things in heauen, [Page 340] and things in earth, and things vnder the earth; Ergo, there is a Purgatory.
I answere; This place deliuereth not a word concerning Purgatorie, but onely proueth the greatEphes. 1.21. Mat. 28.18. Dominion and infinite soueraignty of Christ ouer all creatures, whom Men, Beasts, Birds, Fish, Fowles, the very Diuels themselues doe serue and obey.
Ob.Christ commandeth vs,Luke 16 9. To make vs friends of our vnrighteous Mammon; Ergo, there is Purgatorie.
Sol. Pope Ioane was deliuered of a childe; Ergo Paul the fift is not lawfully elected. This conclusion is as necessarie as the other. Christ speaketh of Almes, which in this life we ought to giue. How doth hee here establish Purgatorie? O magnificke Logicke of a Frier Cardinall!
Ob.Out of 1. Cor. 3.Bell. de purg. l. 1. c. 4. they labour to confirme Purgatorie. For the Apostle saith;1. Cor. 3.15. If any mans worke burne, he shall lose, but he shall bee saued himselfe, neuerthelesse yet as it were by the fire.
Sol.This place is not literally to be vnderstood. For how can the worke it selfe, or the labour of the Minister burne? It is therefore a Metaphor: which the Apostle vseth, to shew that if the hearers of any Minister shrinke from the faith, and fall from religion, though there be losse of his trauaile, yet hee himselfe after the enduring of many tribulations (as all the other members of Christ doe) shall be saued. To this I may adde, that the Apostle doth not say, that he shall be saued by fire; but as it were by fire: so that it is euident, that the Apostle doth not speake of true and naturall fire, but of Metaphoricall fire; for affliction is in sundry places of the Scripture called fire. Peter 1. Pet. 1.7. compareth the faith of the church to gold tried in the fire. The Psalmist also of the affliction of Israel saith;Psal. 66.12. thou sufferedst men to ride ouer our heads: wee went through fire and water, and thou broughtest vs into a wealthy place. I conclude therefore, since the words of the Apostle Paul speake of Metaphoricall fire, this place cannot bee vnderstood of the fire of Purgatorie, which the common consent of the Romish schoole affirmeth,Bell. de Purg. l. 1. c. 11. in ipso prime cap. to be true, proper, elementarie [Page 341] fire, of the same kinde which we haue on earth.
Austen, though he is no where so much inconstant in his opinion, as concerning this matter of Purgatorie: yet hee plainely expoundeth this place of Saint Paul, not of the fire of Purgatorie, but of sorrow and anguish which ariseth from the losse of temporall substance.
Hierome Vid. Iac. Herb. in disp. de Purg. expoundeth this place, of the teachers in the Church and their auditors; for by the good auditors which remaine constant in triall, they shall receiue reward: but by the euill, which like stubble or drosse are burnt vp in the fire, which should try them, the Ministers receiue losse; for they haue laboured in vaine.
Out of Mathew they maintaine their Purgatorie;Ob. Mat. 12.32. Whosoeuer shall speake against the holy Ghost it shall not be forgiuen him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.
I answere;Sol. The meaning of the Euangelist Saint Mathew is explained by the other Euangelists. Marke saith; He Mar. 3.19. that blasphemeth against the holy Ghost, shall neuer haue forgiuenesse. Luke rendreth it after the same manner;Luke 12.10. It shall not bee forgiuen. Iohn therefore calleth it1. Ioh. 5.16. Sinne vnto death: But their Purgatorie (say they) is cleansing vnto life. To conclude, Austen interpreteth the words of Mathew, to the same purpose;Non habet remissionem in aeternum:—de verb. domini. ser. 11. he hath not remission for euer.
Thou shalt not come out thence till thou haue payed the vtmost farthing. Ob. From hence they conclude there is Purgatorie, in which a man may discharge the full summe of his debt.
Here the word Donec, vntill, is of the same power,Sol. that it is in the first of Mathew; Mat. 1.25. Hee knew her not till shee had brought forth her first borne Sonne, that is, he neuer knew her. And so Augustine also expoundeth the place;Aug de ser. domini in Mont. l. 1. c. 2. Miror si non [...]am significat poenam, quae est aelterna. I maruell if he vnderstand not that punishment, which is eternall.
Other places there are, which without iudgement they heape together, to proue their Purgatory. As though, wheresoeuer the wrath of God, the tempest of his indignation, the lake of fire, prison, fetters, darknesse is spoken of, there by and by Purgatorie were taught. But as the better learned of the Aduersaries themselues in such places put no great trust: [Page 342] so I will passe them ouer as vnworthy to bee answered: and such, whereof the true meaning the reader himselfe out of the proportion of Scriptures, and circumstance of the Text, may easily finde.
Being destitute of all good authoritie out of the Scriptures, they flye to the helpe of Fathers, Councels, Decrees of Popes, and such like. Of all which we may deeme, as Austen doth of the workes of Cyprian: Cont. Faust. Man [...]ch. l. 1. c. 1 4. & co [...]t. Cre. grammat. l. 2. c. 32. where they agree with Scriptures, he receiueth them, where they dissent from Scriptures, with Cyprians fauour, hee refuseth them. In this case then with Panormitan we more esteeme the saying of a simple priuate person, hauing better authoritie out of the Old and New Testament, then the saying of the Pope without authoritie. They themselues stand not to the iudgement of the Fathers, when it maketh against their Idolatry and Traditions: why enforce they then the saying of a Father or two, spoken most commonly by way of Rhetoricall amplification, against vs as a binding Law?
Ob.They obiect, that the communion of the body and bloud of Christ is in many writers called an offering, an oblation, a sacrifice for the quicke and the dead; and this proueth Purgatorie.
Sol.Vnderstand (discreet Reader) that the Eucharist is called a Sacrifice: not, that it is offered for the quicke and the dead, but because it is the memoriall of the Sacrifice of the body & bloud of Christ, which he offered vpon the Crosse for vs.
Secondly, it hath the name of oblation or offering, because at the celebration thereof the faithfull were wont to offer bread, wine, and other almes for the vse of the poore.
Lastly, it is called an offering or sacrifice, because it is the solemne thanksgiuing of the Church for the death and passion of Iesus Christ.
The second argument taken from the Fathers is, because they pray for the dead: but this argument proueth not Purgatorie. For it is euident, that many Fathers did hold, that the soules of the elect did encrease in glory and ioy more and more, till the consummation of all happinesse at the resurrection; wherefore they prayed for this increase of honour [Page 343] to the Saints:Hom. 69. ad. & Dion. c. 7 Hierarch. & Ambr. l. 2. c. 8. & Hier [...]n ad Delphi [...]. but yet this was without warrant of Scripture,Vid. Aug. tract. 84. an Io. and therefore of no authoritie.
The Lyturge of Saint Iames is produced for the kindling of this fire of Purgatorie: but it is a doubtfull vncertaine writing, without any assured proofe, that it was the doing of Saint Iames.
Origen and Tertullian the Papists themselues reiect, as stained with many blots of erroneous opinion: yea, Bellarmine alloweth not the Purgatorie of Origen, who teacheth, that in time the very Diuels shall in Purgatory be so cleansed, that they shall be saued.
The Lyturge ofEx Lamb. Da [...]e [...]. Basil, Dionysius, Damascene, Gregory, are not of such truth, authoritie, or integritie, as their words should be lawes to binde the conscience of men.Arg hypog. l 5. Augustine is doubtfull and inconstant in this businesse. lib. 5. Hypognosticon (if that booke be Austens) hee manifestly taketh away Purgatorie: and so in the Enchiridion cap. 69. hee is doubtfull, whether the soules after this life be tormented;Aug. l. peccat. mer [...]. c. 28 in Enchir. c. [...]9 wherefore the authoritie of Augustine cannot be produced on the Romish behalfe.
Let vs now see how by this false coined figment of their Purgatorie, the high and honourable office of Iesus Christs Priesthood is wronged.
First, it maketh Christ an vnsufficient redeemer, who hath not cleansed vs fully from our sinnes: but hath onely prepared the way, that we may satisfie for our owne sinnes in our owne persons. This doctrine is contrarie to the teaching of Iohn; 1. Ioh. 1.7. The bloud of Iesus Christ his Sonne purgeth vs from all vnrighteousnesse.
Secondly, it taketh away from the dignitie of Christs Sacrifice, which (they say) doth onely satisfie for the guilt of sinne, but not for the whole punishment.
Thirdly, by this figment of Purgatorie, an idle distinction is brought in concerning sinnes veniall, and mortall, by which the Maiestie of God is wronged; as though there were any thing committed against God by man, which is not mortall in man. The Scripture maketh all sinne deadly. [Page 344] For the Apostle saith;Rom. 5.14. Death raigned from Adam to Moses, euen ou [...]r them also, that sinned, not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam: And againe, of all sinnes generally he saith;Rom. 6 23. The wages of sinne is death. Iohn indeede saith,1. Ioh. 5.17. There is a sinne not vnto death. But his meaning is not, that any sinne is of it selfe veniall; but that some sinnes God forgiueth,Mat. 12.31.32. and some he neuer forgiueth: namely, The sin against the holy Ghost.
Fourthly, by this figment of Purgatorie they make Merchandise of Christs Priesthood, while they sell Pardons and Masses for the redemption of soules, out of the imaginary Cocytus of their owne inuention: and grant full, fuller, and most full pardons, euen as your money will stretch vnto.
Fiftly, they lift vp themselues herein aboue all the power of Christ. For they say, Christ onely hath remitted the guilt: but the Pope in his Pardons doth remit guilt and punishment: yea, that he hath power to remit the paines of Hell also.
To conclude, if we shall answere a foole according to his foolishnesse, it is euident, that if there be any Purgatorie, yet there is none therein tormented. For Euery Masse (say they) deliuereth a soule from Purgatorie: but there are many more Masses sung, then there are Catholike soules departed.
Againe, if Almes, if Pardons can deliuer soules from Purgatorie, why doe not the Monkes and Friers sell their fat Abbeyes, and Lordly Priories to procure Pardons from the Romish Sea, vnto all those poore imprisoned soules, which cannot helpe themselues?
Lastly, what a toy is it, to see the purple Fathers, and Mytred Bishops of the Latine Church, from their great Lord the Pope promulge pardons of Three thousand yeares, fiue thousand yeares, thirtie thousand yeares, 100000. yeares, to the soules in Purgatorie, and yet the best of them agree, that after the resurrection there is no Purgatorie?1. Cor. 10.11. And now the later ends of the world are fallen vpon vs, who can beleeue then that the resurrection is so farre off? Thus much of their fabulous Phleg [...]ton, the Popes Mint or Treasurie, which nourisheth his Kitchin, and feedeth fat the Kine of Basan.
BYa the reliques of Saints people are sanctified & lightened. | 1 | I The Lord doe sanctifie Israel. Ezech 37.28. |
Citiesb receiue blessing from the reliques of holy Martyrs. | 2 | Ye are sanctified, yee are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus. 1. Cor. 6.11. |
Thec Priests of the new Law haue power to purge the filth of the soule. | 3 | The Lord sanctifieth you. Leuit. 22.32. |
A Bishopsd blessing taketh away veniall sinnes. | 4 | Christ gaue himselfe for vs, that he might redeeme vs from all iniquities. Tit. 2.14. |
Gode by the vertue of this oile forgiue thee thy sinnes. | 5 | Christ loued the Church, and gaue himselfe for it, that he might sanctifie it, & cleanse it by the washing of water thorow the word. Ephes. 5. ver. 25.26. |
Forf new sinnes other remedies be daily requisite. | 6 | The bloud of Iesus Christ purgeth vs from all sinnes. 1. Ioh. 1. |
Kellison l. 4. ca. 2. pag. 380. presentation of the sacrifice of the Crosse, because it is in heauen, is not sufficient
to vphold religion in earth. |
7 | With one offering hath hee made perfect for euer, them that are sanctified. Heb. 10.14. |
Eui [...]imius M [...] na [...]. apud Aley. Lyp. part. 1. This is spoken of our Ladies girdle. vs magnifie the girdle, by which the ayre is sanctified, the heauens are most bright:
by which the Sunne and Moone shine aboue nature: by which the whole world of foure
corners consisting is renued. |
8 | They shall not sanctifie the people with their garments. Ezech. 44.19. |
Rhe in Mat. 23. annot. 7. Donaries and gifts bestowed vpon Churches and Altars, be sanctified by dedication
to God, and by touching the Altar. |
9 | It was necessarie, that the similitudes of heauenly things should bee purified with such things: but the heauenly things themselues are purified with better sacrifices then are these. Heb. 9.23. |
Rhem. in Ro. 4. marg. not. 2. in ver. 11. Sacraments of the new law giue by the doing of the deede, that grace and iustice
of faith. |
10 | Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but in that a good conscience maketh request to God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. 1. Pet. 3.21. |
Rhem. in 1. epist. Ioh. 3. sanctifieth himselfe by his free-will vvorking together vvith Gods grace. |
11 | We are sanctified by his will, euen by the offering of the body of Iesus Christ once made. Heb. 10.10. |
AT LONDON, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1618.
TO THE MOST REVEREND FATHER in God, George, by the grace of God Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolicane of England, and one of his Maiesties most Honourab [...]e Priuy Councell, encrease of honour and all felicitie both in this life, and the life to come.
WHen it first came into my thoughts to offer vnto your Grace, most Reuerend Father, the second part of these my labours, I found not a little consternation of minde, and conflict of opinion in my selfe, considering your exquisite learning, and the grauity of your iudgement: it caused me oftentimes to take my hand from the paper, as abashed to offer these rude and vnpolisht lines vnto your patronage. But on the other side, when I remembred the singular clemency and gracious disposition which in the whole course of your gouernement hath so abundantly declared it selfe, I was animated and encouraged to present the poore fruits of an vnlearned pen vnto you, not without assured hope to [Page] finde fauour in your sight, since true honour is alwaies gracious, and the greatest learning hath most facilitie.
I know not what conceit sowre and suspicious hearts will haue of my trauailes, neither after what manner the sharpe swords which are in the mouthes of the popish Emissaries will entertaine me: but surely neither hatred of the persons of them of the Romish Church, nor any other sinister motion of minde (I trust) but onely the desire of the saluation of their soules whose simplicitie is led astray by the deceits of Antichrist, hath stirred me vnto the performance of this duty. For when should dogs awake the houshould, but at what time it is compassed about with theeues? Or when is it so fit to lift vp our voices in the Church, as when the Hereticks and false teachers labour most earnestly to set vp the abominable desolation? which certainly in these our daies they more busily and earnestly practise to effect, then euer they did since reformation of religion in the Church was first begunne.
And here, if I might be bold humbly and reuerently to shew vnto a great part of the Ministers of our Church their blemish, as Dauid shewed vnto Saul the cruse of water, and the Speare that stood at his head, I would presume to say, that euen by the fault of the Candles themselues the Watchmen and Shepheards of the flocke, the darknesse spreadeth it selfe euery day more and more ouer the whole house of God, and the Wolues haue free accesse vnto the fouldes of Christ: For surely vnto two sorts of Clergy men may this euill be chiefely imputed.
The first are they who neglecting to stand vp in the breach for the house of Israel, and to make warre against the Beast, spend all their ministerie in digladiation de lana Caprina, fighting about the shining of the Moone in the water: all their labour and endeauour is nothing else but to declaime against the gouernement and the discipline of the Church. With their owne hands they bulge the ship that beareth them, and breake downe the walles of the [Page] house wherein they dwell, and become spiculatores pro speculatoribus, and pro dispensatoribus dissipatores. Author. Ser. ad frat. in eremo. A miserable thing it is that by their contentions and Schisme, Heresie should take oportunitie, and the kingdome of darknesse encrease amongst vs: in this vnhappy ataxy what remaineth? but with the Patriarch to pray,Gen. 9.27. God perswade Iaphet that hee may dwell in the Tents of Sem, and that Canaan may bee his seruant. The Lord of his mercy grant a Christian syncretisme vnto his Church,Esay 11.13. that Iudah and Ephraim may ioine together and flee vpon the shoulders of the Philistines, till they bee rooted out. To speake no more concerning them that busie themselues so much in tything of Mynt and Rue, but leaue the greatest and the chiefest office of their Ministery alone, I would wish them to remember often and aduisedly, that if wee shall all giue account what we haue doue in our owne bodies, much more shall wee bee called to a strict and seuere reckoning of that which wee haue done in the body of Christ, which is his Church.
The second sort is of them who though they approue the gouernement and consent vnto the discipline of our Church; yet whether they feare to displease the few of Babylons great Merchants which are left amongst vs; or whether they mis-doubt the stabilitie of times, I know not: but howsoeuer in all Morall arguments they lift vp their voices like Trumpets, yet in the cause and controuersies of Religion they are mute;Iud. 5.23. like the inhabitants of Meros they come not forth to help the Lord, against the mighty.
In those great and grieuous warres of Arians against the Son of God, the Orthodox professors, to set forth the Consubstantiality and Coeternitie of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, vsed in the publique worship to sing Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghost; but the Hereticks to separate themselues from the Church, sung after another manner; [Page] Glory be to the Father, Theod. l. 2. c. 24. by the Sonne, in the holy Ghost. Leontius Bishop of Antioch, that he might offend neither part, would chaunt out the later verse of the Hymne, As it was in the beginning, is now and euer shall be, like a morning Larke: but the first part, Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the holy Ghost, he did with a lowe and submisse murmure whisper forth like the secrets of a Masse.M [...]t 12.30 He that is not with him is against him, and he that gathereth not with him scattereth.Cic. [...]e na. d [...]or. l. 1 If the Athenians could not endure Protagoras, who of their Gods would neither define whether they were or were not; is it not to bee feared lest our God, a iealous God, and a consuming fire will spue such lukewarme Laodiceans out of his mouth, as are neither hote nor cold?
Euill must be alwaies resisted, and false doctrine as carefully quenched, as fire when it burneth houses, or the pestilence which infecteth the Citie. Wherefore not onely the Prophets, and Apostles, and all holy men which spake by the Spirit of God, were directed to cry out against the wickednesse of their time, but in all ages the Fathers of the Church haue applied themselues to withstand the Heresies which sprung vp in their daies. Iraeneus laboured against Valentine and Marcion, Athanasius against Arians, Augustine against Donatists, Pelagians, Priscillianists, and Manichees, Leo against Eutiches, Eusebius Doroleus against Nestorius, Iohn Bishop of Constantinople against Nouatus, Theodorus Bishop of Antioch against the Apolinarists, Rutherius Veronensis against the Anthropomorphits. The time would faile mee to rehearse all that haue opposed themselues against spirituall wickednes in heauenly things; in euery age the worthy Fathers of the Church thought it their duty to root out of the field of Christ the seed of Satanicall and peruerse doctrine dispersed.
I trust therefore no man will maruell that I, a very worme [Page] of the earth, a man of obscure place, and meane gifts, haue put my selfe into the battaile against this huge and pestilent mountaine, the Whoore that sitteth vpon many waters: For though I consesse this argument requireth the pen of a ready writer, and skilfull artist to handle it; yet who is so ignorant but can demonstrate that the Sunne shineth when the day is bright, that the water is moist, the fire hote, the earth by nature heauy? There are some things so manifest that a very child may proue them; and of such sort I haue alwaies esteemed the Idolatrie, Superstition, Heresie, falshood of the Romish Missals to bee. Wherefore since to the opening of their impietie, there rather needed faithfulnesse, then learning, and much labour then great knowledge, I presumed to take the worke in hand: like the poore and simple Christian,Zozom. l. 1. c. 17. of whom Zozomen witnesseth that he stood vp against the curious and subtill Philosopher in a great Councell, and euen with simplicitie of Christian faith beat down the Goliah of heathenish and prophane Idolatry. Neither doe I feare to maintaine my propositions, and to proue these blasphemies by me alledged, against any of the Romish brood, bee they neuer so fallacious and full of Sophistications, being prepared if God permit to yeeld a ready account of any thing that in this poore volume I charge them with.
To conclude, I am with all humilitie bold to present this poore Worke vnto your Grace, hoping assuredly that it shall find an honourable and faire acceptance with you, for that the cause is the Lords; and the dignity it is of our great Prophet Iesus Christ, which I desire to vindicate from the barbarous violence, and treacherous hands of the Romish Antichrist. The Lord of his mercy giue successe thereto.
Now the Go [...] of all glory and mercy long and long continue your Lordship in that honourable gouernment of the Church, vnto which the diuine prouidence hath chosen you: that after many [Page] happy daies of labour in his Vineyard here on earth, you may be translated into the glory of his eternall Kingdome, and heare that sweet and comfortable blessing pronounced ouer you, Good seruant and faithfull thou hast beene faithfull in little, I will make thee ruler ouer much, enter thou into thy Masters ioy. This, God grant vnto you, through Iesus Christ, our onely Lord and Sauiour.
CHAP. I. Of the necessitie, and manner of Christs Propheticall Office.
OF the bright Sunne, whose glorious beames chase away the darknesse of the pitchie night, and replenish all things with ioifull light, who can speake the praise sufficiently? But, of a more excellent lustre, of light more diuine, which poureth light into the Starres: at whose presence the Sunne and Moone are darke, and without glorie, I am to speake; the light of lights, the true light,Ioh. 1. which lighteth all that come into the world: which is both the light and the life of all [Page 348] that receiue the same. Vouchsafe O fire diuine, O fountaine of clearest brightnesse, O fairest Starre of righteousnesse, to arise in my blinde and ignorant heart, that my darknesse may comprehend some little sparke of thine inestimable clearenesse, whereby I may intreate of this thy high office to the honour and praise of thy Name, and to the instruction and comfort of them who shall peruse these Meditations.
After GOD had created the Heauen and the earth, the masse and matter of the whole world, it was set in discomfortable and heauy darknesse: so that, though it had being, it had not beauty, but was without forme and void. For what is beautifull, which cannot be seene? But God, who alwaies is glorious in accomplishing and perfecting his own worke, said,Gen. 1. Let there be light; and this light being created, he saw that it was good. After the same fashion, when in the death of Christ all things were made new againe, and the lost world was with another creation the second time formed, the same Word, which made the creature anew (that the beauty of his worke might appeare) hath also adorned the same with comelinesse, and shed of his owne light into our hearts by the spirit of his prophesie, according to that which was long agoe forespoken;Esay 60.1. Arise O Ierusalem, be bright, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen vpon thee: behold, darknesse shall couer the earth, and grosse darknesse the people, but the Lord shall arise vpon thee, and his glory shall be seene vpon thee, and the Gentiles shall walke in thy light, and Kings at the brightnesse of thy rising vp.
His death is our life, and his suffering our new birth: But to be borne blinde, alas, it were to little purpose. For to none is Christs death auaileable, but to them who looke vpon it with the eye of faith, and haue knowledge to apply this all-healing medicine to their wounds. Wherefore after he had finished all things which belonged to their Redemption, he telleth them, there yet remained another thing behinde;Luke 14 49. Act. 1.4. The promise of the Father, the spirit of truth, which should lead them into all truth.
As Redemption then is the worke of his Priesthood: so is the illumination of his Church, and the Sanctification of it by the word of truth, the fruit of his Propheticall function. Neither are wee without the testimonie of the Scripture in this behalfe.
Esay saith,Esay 9.2. The people that walked in darknesse, haue seene a great light: they that dwelled in the land of the shadow of death, vpon them hath the light shined.
Ieremy witnesseth;Ier. 31.33, 34, 35. After those daies (saith the Lord) I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people: and they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour, and euery man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know mee from the least of them vnto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgiue their iniquitie, and will remember their sinnes no more. Thus saith the Lord, which giueth the Sunne for a light to the day, and the courses of the Moone, and of the Stars for a light to the night. To this the Prophet Dauid aimed, when he said;Psal. 36.9. In thy light shall wee see light: Simeon calleth himLuke 2.32. a light to lighten the Gentiles. Ezechiel saith,Ezech. 43.2. The earth was made light with his glory. Daniel foresheweth, that in his timeDan. 12.4. knowledge should be increased. And Saint Iohn calleth himIoh. 1.9. the true light, which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world: Ibid. ver. 4. and the life was the light of men. Of this the Iewish high Priest was a manifest figure, in whose brest theExod. 28.30. Ʋrim and Thummim, light and perfectnesse, were placed.
I may then, by so many Testimonies of Scripture vvarranted, inferre this vndoubted conclusion; That as Christ is our Priest by redeeming his Church: so it was necessarie that hee should bee our Prophet, to lead vs into the trueth: whose light directeth in the darknes, comforteth in the troubles of this our Pilgrimage, till we come to the new Ierusalem,Apoc. 22.5. where is no night, neither neede of Candle, nor of Sunne, for the Lord God giueth them light.
Whoso now acknowledgeth that Christ is their Priest and hath redeemed them, must also confesse, that he is their [Page 350] Prophet and instructeth them. For the Apostle saith,1. Cor. 1.30. not onely that hee is made our Redemption, and Iustification, and our Sanctification of God, but our wisedome also: so that, if thou acknowledge Christ to be thy Saluation, thou must also take him to be thy wisedome: thou must follow him as thy guide: thou must hearken to him as thy teacher: learne him as the onely knowledge, by which we approche vnto God. Christ the Priest died for them onely, who embrace Christ the Prophet, as their truth, their wisedome, their light. Doe not thinke, Christ the Priest wil confesse thy name before his Father, if Christ the Prophet deny thee to bee one of them who would be learned by him.
Now whereas of Prophets there be diuers kindes:Vid. Haym. l. 2. c. 5. in Apoc. the first by Extasie;Act. 10.11. as when Peter had the sheete let down to him from heauen: the second by vision;Ezek. 1. as when Ezekiel saw the glory of God sitting vpon the Throne: the third by dreames;Gen. 28.12. as when Iacob saw the Ladder reaching vp to heauen: the fourth in clouds;Exod. 19.9. as God spake vnto Moses: the fift by voice from heauen;Gen. 22.11, 12 as vnto Abraham, Lay not thy hand vpon the childe: the sixt by Parable; as Balaam and Salomon: the seuenth by repletion of the spirit; as generally all the Prophets: (Wherfore Theophylact saith, euery prophesie may be called Lemma, because it is taken or receiued by the Prophet.) Christ though he needed not any externall motions, and second subordinate meanes of prophesie, yet hee vsed them sometimes, being a Prophet ministeriall in his humanitie, as in his diuine nature hee is the fountaine of Prophesie.
To conclude, Christ being God and Man, the engraued forme of his person, the very word of the Father, hath deliuered his prophesie immediately from God, as hee heard of the Father, and wrought with the Father: Angels, Cherubs, Visions, Dreames, Voices, Clouds, hee needed not to bee his Mediatours. For as he is called the Christ Emphatically: so he is also calledLuke 24.19. the Prophet, or that Prophet, the wisedome and word of God Emphatically.
CHAP. II. That none but Iesus Christ can be the great Prophet, or the fountaine of Prophesie.
AS of the polluted waies of Man the very Heathen and vncircumcised Gentiles, by the light of nature, did conclude, that they must needs haue some higher, and more supernaturall meanes of purging, then foule flesh to it selfe could yeeld: So of the illumination and splendour of the foule they also taught, that of it selfe it could no better speculateArist. and behold the heauenly things, then the Bat, or the nightly owle the beames of the glistering Sunne. Mercurius Trismegistus therefore calleth the Sonne of God, thatMer. Trison. shining and luminous word, which commeth from the minde: Plato, Plato. that power and vertue of the Sunne, by which we see all things. Proclus saith,Proclus. this mind receiuing the power of vnderstanding from the Father, doth possesse knowledge and power, and doth distribute the minde and vnderstanding of the Father, to all beginnings and springs. Zoroastes calleth himZoroast. the second minde. Philo Iudaeus saith,Philo. in alleg. Leg. The Sonne of GOD is the booke, wherein the Essence of all things that are in the world is written, the illumination also, the light, the wisedome, and image of the highest God. The Greekes and Arabians generally,Ex Io. Pic. Mira [...]d. Hopt. l. 4. c. 2. as also Abunasar Alpharabius, did beleeue, that our vnderstanding was lightened by a greater and higher vnderstanding, whether it bee GOD, as some, or a minde nearer vnto men, as others thought. TheAug. l 8. de ciui [...]. dei. c. 7. ad finem. Platonists generally beleeued, that GOD was the light of mindes, to discerne all things.
Among the Iewes, Rabbi Samlay calleth Messiah, Ex Genebr. the light which the Cocke looketh for, not the Bat; Meaning (though vntruely) that Christ was for the Iewes, not for the Gentiles: The Chalde Paraphrast vnderstandeth the Starre, which Balaam prophesied should rise out of Iacob, to be the Christ of God. Rabbi Biba calleth Messiah, Nehira, light. Rabbi Aba, and Rabbi Ionathan, vpon the words of the Psalmist; [Page 352] In thy light we shall see light, teach, that the light of Israell hath beene often kindled, and often quenched: but at the last wee must not looke, that the light thereof should come from man, but that God in his owne substance should illumine vs. Thus Gentile and Iew, euery one who apprehended any thing of the soules purging, vnderstood that our redemption, & illumination must be neither from ourselues, nor from any other, but from one and the same heauenly power and beginning.
Saint Iohn calleth himIo. 1.1.49 the word and the light, which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world. These Epithets of vnspeakeable honour shew, that as the word of a man communicates his minde vnto another, and as the light proceedeth from the glistering Sunne into the world, to make it bright: so Christ lighteneth the Church from the Father, bringing his hidden wisdome into the same.
If any man doubt, why the Sonne of God should rather haue this office then the Father or the holy Ghost, let him know, that it was meeter the Son should be called the word, then that the Father should be called the word, for the word is from God:Vid. Ric. l. de Trin. c. 22. but the Father is from none; therefore maie not the Father be called the word. The holy spirit also cannot well be called the word; for the word is from one: but the spirit proceedes from two. Thus among the diuine persons the Sonne onely is fitly tearmed the word, and the wisdome; but yet by community of operation, and act of loue, the Father and the spirit also illuminateth the world; as together with the Sonne, the Father & the holy spirit by community of will redeemed the world.
It may perhaps bee obiected, that the holy spirit may bee more fitly called the Prophet, because both our Sauior tearmeth himIo. 15. ver. 16 Io. 14.16. 1 Io. 4. ver. 27 the spirit of truth, and saith, he shall teach you all things: And Saint Iohn also witnesseth; The anointing teacheth you all things.
To this may be truely answered, that Christ illuminateth the Church, and the holy spirit also illuminateth the Church. For, as Christ is the Fathers word; so the spirit is the Fathers [Page 353] loue. The spirit therefore proceeding from the Father & the Sonne teacheth, while he moueth the heart to consent to the word, by the word deliuered. And we rightly also affirme, that from the Sonne is the illumination of the Church. For the spirit proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne: the Sonne worketh with the spirit, and by the spirit;Io. 16 15. He shall receiue of mine, and shewe it vnto you. Wherefore, hee is calledRo. 8.9 the Spirit of Christ, andGal. 4.6 the Spirit of the Sonne: not a created qualitie, but connaturall, consubstantiall, coessentiall, coeternall with him.
From this light-spersing Sunne,Christ illuminates the reprobates & the diuells. the shining raies refuse not also the very dungeons, and vaults of darkenesse & horrour to illuminate, while euen diuells, and reprobates from the same fountaine receiue all knowledge and vnderstanding they haue: not for their owne sakes, but either for his glory, and the execution of his will, or else for the good of his elect, that his Israell may borrowe the Iewells of the Egyptians, for the furtherance of truth and religion.
How much more then doth our Sunne poure himself into the starres of glory, that shines euen vpon the dung-hils?Christ illuminates the Angels and heauenly spirits. and with what sweetnesse doth hee fill the angelicall nature, confirming them with all knowledge and grace, whom for his owne selfe he hath created,Sic Picus Mirand. [...]eptapl. l. c. 2.— thousand thousands to minister vnto him: he created them light, and into the light hee poureth light vncessantly. But I will wade no further in this argument, since of the illumination of mankinde, the yonger Childe of grace, I am to speake. Of which Esay yet foresheweth;Esay 30.26 Esay 9.2 The light of the Moone shall bee as the light of the Sunne: the people that w [...]lked in darkenesse, h [...]ue se [...]ne a great light.
Let vs now see for what reasons we beleeue, that Christ is the onely morning starre, arising vnto the Church: the morning starre (I say) not as though any greater light were to come after; but because, as he is the consummation,V [...]d Mu [...] in Ps. 22 so he is the beginning of our knowledge also.
As, for the redeeming of man, it was necessary that the Ratio 1 Son of God should descend from the bosome of the Father, [Page 354] and take our nature vpon him: so for the illumination of man it was as necessary, that wisdome should proceed out of the Throne of God;Sap. 9.9 (s) the wisdome which knoweth the workes of God. Because, as man was infinitely euill, so man was infinitely blinde. From the same fountaine, then ought to be his illumination, from whence was his redemption. That man was infinitely blind, I hope none is so blinde, that will not confesse. Esay euen of the holiest men saithEsa. 42.19.20. Who is blinde as the perfect, and blinde as the Lords seruant? seeing many things, but thou keepest them not: opening the eares, but hee heareth not. And in another place he saith; We grope for the wall like blinde men: wee grope as one without eyes: wee stumble at the noone day as at the twi-light. It is then necessary, that as infinite sinne was taken away with supernaturall righteousnes: so infinite blindenesse should be remoued, and cleared by supernaturall illumination.
Ratio 2 The second reason which proueth, that Christ Iesus is the onely fountaine of Prophesie vnto the Church, is taken frō the similitude of the naturall and spirituall man. Christ is calledEph. 1.22.23. the head of the Church, and the Church is called the body of Christ. In the head three things are considered; Order, Perfection, Power: in Order the head is the first, the highest, the supreme member: in Perfection, it is the seat of all senses, except touching onely, which is throughout the whole body diffused: In Power, all motion, all vertue is from the head. Therefore it must needs be, that from Christ, the whole Church, and euery member of it, hath all influence of grace and knowledge; who is the first, the highest, the nearest vnto God in excellency and order: who is fullest of grace and truth; for in him all fulnesse dwelleth as concerning perfection: as for power, he hath also to disperse into euery member, his vitall and intellectuall mouing, as it is written;Io. 1.26. & Col. 1.19 Of his fulnesse haue we all receiued. Except then it can be shewed, that the Church by ioynts is coupled vnto any other but CHRIST, in vaine it is to thinke, that from any other it receiueth the increase of the body, to the edifying of it selfe.
Thirdly, all true Prophesie and knowledge is from God, Ratio 3 the Father of lights:Mat. 11, 27 but no man hath knowne God the Father but the Sonne Iesus Christ, and they to whom the Son doth reueale him; Wherefore there is no such Prophet as Christ, If you consider the Godhead of Christ, it is the vneuacuable fountaine of light and truth: if you consider his Manhood, it is nearer vnto the cause of grace & knowledge, then any man, or Angell; being vnited personally vnto the Godhead. But what is nearest to the spring, is alwaies fullest; therefore with all knowledge, truth, grace, Prophesie, Christ is most replenished, being in one nature the foūtaine: in the other, vnited to the fountaine a thousand times more indiuisibly, because more substantially, then either the light to the Sun, the heat to the fire, or to the water moisture;Io. 3.31 He that is come from on high is aboue all.
Fourthly, the first mouing cause in euery kinde is moued Ratio 4 by no other, or helped by no other: but Christ is the first mouer vnto life, and light; therefore vnto Christ in this his Propheticall office nothing can helpe, nothing can assist: neither Angells, nor men, nor any creature can adde, according to that of the Apostle;Ro. 11.34.35 Who was his counsell [...]r? or who hath giuen vnto him first? Surely, if to the Sunne, the starre: if to the Spring, the streame: if to the Carpenter, the house: if to the Potter, the clay: if to the first cause, no effect can bring any thing in his operation: no more can man vnto Christ, in his wisdome, his truth, his Prophesie.
Fiftly, in Prophesie there are two parts; Prediction and Ratio 5 Preaching. Concerning Prediction, true it is,Vid. Alex part. 3 q. 77. memb. 3 The Aquin. the Prophets themselues knew not the very things they forespake, but by a liuely faith onely beleeued them. For in humane apprehension, Ens et Ʋerum conuertuntur: all knowledge is of things being or in the present: but Christ comprehendeth things that are, and things that are not, with the same knowledge. In place of faith there is a more excellent vnderstanding in him, by which he sees al things as in the present; knowing all things, not in their generall, but in their speciall and indiuiduall cause, and in themselues also. Therefore none [Page 356] so able to teach his Church as himselfe.
As concerning the denunciatiue part of Prophecy or Preaching, he not onely deliuereth the doctrine, but by his spirit can prepare the heart to receiue it.Rupertus.— Wherefore one well saieth, it was necessary to our Saluation, that God should not send an Angell, or a Messenger into the world, but his owne Sonne, who raineth downe knowledge and wisdome, nimbler then all nimble things: which goeth through, and attaineth vnto all things;Wisd. manifolde, subtile, moueable, cleare, passing through all intellectuall, and pure spirits: the breath of the power of God, a pure influence, that floweth from the glory of the Almighty. Therefore hee is able not onely to teach the truth, but to prepare the heart, to moue it, to turne it. For this cause then we may not grant, that there is any Prophet like vnto him.
As the Sunne is not only the cause of light by his naturall brightnesse, but doth by his beames disperse the same into the world: so the Sonne of God is the true light, and his Spirit the instrument, which conuaieth this light into our hearts. Hee both shineth into the house, and openeth the window, that the light may enter in: he teacheth the truth and prepareth the vnderstanding to receiue it: as it is in Luke; Luc. 24.45. Then opened hee their wits, that they might vnderstand the Scriptures.
Of the eye Philosophers dispute, whether it be illuminated by some vertue of the light entring into it: or by some vertue proceeding out of the eye to apprehend the light. But of the illumination, which our glorious morning Starre CHRIST IESVS, worketh in the heart of man, there can be no such question. Hee is the light, he is the vertue, which worketh in vs to behold this light: He shineth vpon vs, he moueth in vs, he declareth what is truth: He sanctifieth the heart, to consent vnto the truth: Hee bestoweth the gift, and he openeth our vnwilling hand to receiue it; the beginning, the middle, the end, the workeman, the worke, the instrument. O light of lights! O grace most gratious, which fillest all things with thy glory!
Lastly, the Scripture euidently sheweth, that we haue no Ratio 6 Prophet but Christ our Priest, and our Redeemer. For in him only is all the treasure of wisedome and knowledge, other whereIob 28.13 14 Iob 28.11 it is not found in the land of the liuing. The deepe sayth, it is not in me: The sea also sayth, it is not with me; it is hid from the eyes of all the liuing.
Wherefore, Salomon himselfe the wisest that euer was, yet of this wisedome was too short;Pro 30.3 I haue not learned wisedome, nor attayned to the knowledge of holy things. And as of himselfe, so of all other he pronounceth, that of the mortall race none hath brought light from heauen to earth; for (saith he)Ibid. 4. Who hath ascended vp to heauen and descended? Who hath gathered the wind into his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment, and established all the ends of the world? Moses complayneth, thatExod 4.10 he was not eloquent, that he was slow of speech. Esay complayneth;Esay 6.5 I am a man of polluted lips. Ieremy saith;Ier. 1.6. I cannot speake, for I am a child. Finally, of all the sonnes of men, the Apostle Paul confesseth2 Cor. 3.5. that we are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing, as of our selues. And againe,1 Cor. 2.11 The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God: but the doctrine of Saluation, is the things of God. Peter, to shew that in no other the truth of prophecie is to be found, but in Iesus Christ, sayth;Io. 6.68 Lord, whither shall we go? thou hast the words of eternall life. I conclude then, though the Stewards of the mysteries of God labour in the Gospell, and preach, and minister Sacraments: yet all of them must acknowledge him the Lucifer of their day, the fountaine of their chanell, the roote of their sappe. Ministeriall Prophets there are many in the Church, but these are taught by him only. If they moue themselues: if they deliuer their owne; if they speake their owne: if they hearken not vnto the voice of the Shepheard, they are neither his Ministers, nor his members, who is the husband of the Church, the head of the house of God; To whom bee all prayse for euer and euer.
CHAP. III. That our great Prophet, IESVS CHRIST, hath deliuered all things needfull to eternall life, in the booke of his Prophesy, the Canonicall Scripture.
HAuing proued that Christ is the ONLY Lampe and brightnesse, which can enlighten the Church: the ONLY Shepheard and Prophet, which can instruct the people; it remaineth now to consider, whether hee hath left in his sacred Oracles so much knowledge, as may suffice to the full illumination, and perfect erudition of his flocke. And surely sundry arguments, and plentifull proofes there are, by which it may be cleerely manifest, that the Cononical Scriptures are an infallible path, a perfect rule, an vndoubted guide, a Lantherne most cleare, a full definition of all things requisite to bee beleeued or done, of them that desire to become Citizens of the glorious Ierusalem which is aboue.
Argum. 1 The first argument is taken from the excellency of the Author: for of the Scripture there is no other cause nor spring but the highest God. Hee that made all things of nothing, who in the wondrous volume, and spacious booke of the vniuersall world, hath in such faire letters of glorie exprest his power, his wisedome, and his goodnesse, is the only Dictator of the Scriptures: the written word is from the begotten word,Iob. 28.28.29 Who is the Father of the rayne: who hath begotten the drops of the deaw; cut of whose wombe comes the yce: who hath engendered the frost of the heauen; out of this mind is this word proceeded. I confesse, mortall men were the pennes of this ready writer; but the water of the fountaine taketh nothing from the Conduit, thorow which it runneth; nor the light from the ayre thorow which it shineth: Neither did any of the Scribes of the holy Ghost intermingle ought of their owne.1. Cor. 11.23. They deliuered what they receiued, neither was it2. Pet. 1.20, 21 & 2. Pet. 1.16. of any priuate motion what they did set downe: they followed not deceiueable fables, when they opened to vs the comming of our Lord Iesus. The Apostle therefore calleth [Page 359] the word of God1. Pet. 1.23. Immortall Seede. Now then, if from a perfect cause there cannot be an vnperfect effect (but how much euery cause is more excellent, so much more is his worke excellent) they vniustly blaspheme the Scripture, that deny it to bee the abundant treasure of all heauenly knowledge needfull vnto the Church. Moses shall reproue them; for hee sayth,Deut. 32.4. Perfect is the worke of the mighty God. The Psalmist shall reproue them; for he sayth, that the perfection of the word of God is aboue all perfection;Psal. 119 96. I haue seene the end of all perfection, but thy Commandement is exceeding large. Yea, the Lord himselfe reprooueth them;Iob 40.3. Wilt thou disannull my iudgement? or wilt thou condemne me, that thou mayest be iustified? Well fayth the Schooleman therfore,Alexand. Halins. Scripture is from God, and of God, that it might bring vs vnto God.
The second argument let vs take from the end and purpose, Argum. 2 for which the word was ordained. Iohn sayth,Io. 20.31. The Gospell is written, that wee might beleeue, and in beleeuing haue euerlasting life. So, two ends he maketh thereof: Faith the subordinate: Eternall life the finall end of Scriptures. It is also calledEph. 1.13. The word of truth, the word Act. 5.20. of life, the word 2. Cor. 5.19. of reconciliation; for that thereby we be taught, what is truth, where is life, how we are reconciled vnto God. The Psalmist saith;Psal. 119.2. Blessed are they that keepe his Testimonies. So that of the Scriptures, blessednesse is the scope with Dauid. The Apostle Paul sheweth, that the end of Scriptures is;2. Tim. 3.16.17. Pro. 3.4. That the Man of God may bee absolute, being made perfect vnto all good workes. Salomon sayth, the fruit of the word is, to finde fauour and good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man. Peter saith,1. Pet. 4.6. The purpose of the preaching of the Gospell is, that we might be condemned, according to men in the flesh, and we might liue according to God in the spirit. God himselfe calleth it, The word of his Couenant: then must it needes containe all that his Couenant doth require; Euangelists, Apostles, Prophets, Wisemen, Angells, yea, God himselfe vvitnessing, that the end and purpose for which the vvord was deliuered, is truth, faith, life, reconciliation, perfection vnto all good vvorkes. Barke now vvhoso [Page 360] will against this glorious light of the Sunne of righteousnesse: let them reproach it with all the venim of their Diabolicall slanders, of imperfection, insufficiency, obscurity, inconstancy: Euery good Christian vvill assure himselfe, that the God of povver fayleth not in his purpose: the God of Wisedome fayleth not in his knowledge: the God of Mercie fayleth not in his promise; his word is perfect, full, sufficient vnto the vvorke, for vvhich he hath ordained it.
Argum. 3 A third reason ariseth from a sufficient distribution, or diuision of the things that to saluation are needfull. And surely, to instruct vs herein, foure things are necessary to bee knowne from vvhom we are; vvhat we are; to what end we are: and how this end must bee obtained: but all these things the Scripture doth fully comprehend; therefore it hath in it all that is to be knowne vnto Saluation. Others otherwise distribute, & say, the things necessary to be known, are either concerning the essence & the persons of the Trine Vnity, the supreme Maiesty of God; and those the Scripture, either explicitly in open words, or implicitly by necessity of conclusion, doth sufficiently deliuer: or else they concerne the creation of all things, and their preseruation, the corruption of sinne, the remedy against sinne, the inward grace, the outward instruments, the finall iudgement. In these things consisteth all that concerning saluation may be knowne: but all these are set out in the Scriptures; therefore Scriptures containe Omne scibile, all that can be knowne vnto saluation.
If there were nothing else, the very Gospell it selfe by the iudgement of Aquinas, containes wisedome enough to instruct vs vnto Saluation. For the new Testament is diuided into the Euangelicall, and Apostolicall writings. The Euangelicall describe the head, and the offices thereof, which is Christ:Vid. Tho. Aq. in Pro [...]m. Apoc. the Apostolicall writings describe the body, which is the Church; and that after three manner of waies. In the Primitiue state, as the Acts of the Apostles: the middle state, as the Canonicall Epistles: the finall state, as the Reuelation. But more cannot bee deliuered concerning the Spirituall [Page 361] man, then the head and the body: the beginning, the middle, and the end: therefore all that is needefull to saluation, is contained in the Gospell; and the Apostle might iustly say, thatRom. 1.16. it is the power of God vnto saluation, to euery one that beleeueth.
There are that distinguish, and say, the holy Scripture concerning God sheweth vs the Sonne in the Father, and the Father in the Sonne, and the holy Ghost from them both: and this is as much as can bee knowne concerning God: it teacheth man what helpeth, and what saueth:Quod inuat, & quod saluat. Isichtus. in 6. Leuit. what is comely, and what is necessarie; therefore it deliuereth vs as much as is needfull to be knowne vnto saluation concerning Man.
Another diuideth the Scripture into the Historie, the Prophesie, and holy writings. The History declareth things past: the Prophesie things to come: the Hagiographa, or holy writings, doe order the present conuersation,Simile habet Honorius in Prolog. Psa. and magnifie the ioies to come.
Some say, that according to the three Theologicall vertues, the Scripture is ordained and disposed; Faith, Hope, and Charitie: But in these consisteth all the completure of a Christian man;Rupertus de process. spir. Sanc. c. 13. therfore in the Scripture al to a Christian man required is deliuered.
All Meditations are of three sorts; one consisteth in consideration of our owne manners:Potho. l. 2. de stat. domini dei. ex Cōt. 1 [...]. a second in contemplation of Gods law ordained: the third in contemplation of the workes of God. Our manners are either good or euill: his lawes either commanding, promising, or threatning: His workes threefold; what he hath made by his power: how he gouerneth by his wisedome: how he saueth by his grace. These are all the things mans soule can meditate vpon: But all these are handled in the Scripture; therefore all is in Scripture deliuered that the thoughts of Man can worke vpon.
All that wee ought to doe, is comprehended in the ten Commandements: all that we ought to beleeue, is contained in the Creede: all that we ought to pray for, is contained in the Lords Prayer: But all these are found in the Scripture, [Page 362] taken out of the Scripture, taught in the Scripture; therefore all that we ought to doe, to beleeue, to desire, is comprehended in the Scripture.
Lastly, we may not omit the Apostle Pauls distribution, who vnto Timothy saith, that2. Tim. 3.16. All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God: and is profitable to teach, to improue, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse. And surely, nothing more can be required in any teacher, vnto the perfection of doctrine.
Argum. 4 The fourth argument to proue the sufficiencie of Scriptures is taken from the diuine prohibition, forbidding vs to seeke any other learning but the Scriptures. The prohibition appeareth in sundry places. Salomon saith;Prou. 30.6. Put nothing vnto his words, lest he reproue thee. This the Lord denunciatiuely, and peremptorily commandeth in his Law;Deut. 4.2 You shall put nothing vnto the word, which I command you, neither shall you take ought there-from. Mat. 15.9. Our Sauiour out of the Prophet saith;Esay 29.13. In vaine they worship me, teaching for doctrine precepts of men. God the Father himselfe recalleth vs from all other teachers, vnto the Gospell of his Sonne onely;Math. 17.5. This is my bsloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased, heare him. Our Sauiour also giuing his Apostles commission to goe forth and preach, teacheth them how farre they shall therein proceede, bidding them obserue and keepe all that I haue commanded you. Math. 28.20. Now might it not seeme cruelty to confine them onely to his word: to forbid all other doctrine and learning concerning heauenly things, if his owne sacred Oracles were not sufficient?
Argum. 5 The fift argument I take from the witnesse of God himselfe. In Deuteronomie it is said;Deut. 28.1. If thou shalt obey diligently the voice of the Lord thy God, and obserue, and doe his commandements, which I command thee this day, then the Lord thy God will set thee on high, aboue all the nations of the world. Our Sauiour saith;Ioh. 8.31.32. If you continue in my word, ye are verely my Disciples, and shall know the truth, and the trueth shall make you free. Again, of his Fathers commandement hee saith,Ioh. 12.50. It is euerlasting life. The Apostle Paul witnesseth to Timothy, that the sacred1. Tim. 3. Scriptures are able to instruct him vnto eternall saluation. And Saint Iohn saith,1. Ioh. [...], 5. He that keepeth his word, in him is the [Page 363] loue of God perfect. All these places directly proue, that the word of God is sufficient to eternall saluation.
The last argument I take from the witnesse of the Fathers Argum. 6 and Doctors themselues, whose authoritie the Romish church imbraceth. Augustine saith,Hic prius per Prophetas, deinde per s [...]ipsū, pestea per Apo [...]t. quā tū satis esse indicauit, locutus &c. de ciu. dei. l. 1 [...]. c. 3. in ipso princip. First by the Prophets, then by himselfe, after by the Apostles, hee hath spoken so much as he thought to be sufficient, and hee ordained the Scriptures, which are called Canonicall, of most eminent authoritie. Tertullian saith;Adoro scriptura plenitudinē, qua mil [...] & factorē manifestat & facta Ter. aduer. Hermog. circa med. I reuerence of the fulnesse of the Scripture, by which to me the maker and the workes are declared. Cyprian saith,Cyp. libell. ad F [...]rtunas. in Proem. verb. praecep. ipsa. the diuine precepts are as armour to them that fight: they are the exhortation of the militarie trumpe, the onset vnto, Souldiers: by them the eares are raised vp, the mindes are instructed, &c. Leo Leo ser. 11. de quadrag. verbo Artifex en [...]m. calleth the Scripture the most bright glasse of his Commandements, in which man may behold the face of his soule, how like it is to the image of God, or how vnlike. Ierome to Paulinus Or [...] te frater charissime, inter haec viuere, ista medicaeri, nihil aliud nesc [...] re, nihil quaerere. Hiiron. ad Paulinū fere ad finem. hauing reckoned vp the seuerall praises of the bookes of Scripture, beseecheth him to liue among the Scriptures, to meditate on them, to know nothing else, to seeke nothing else. Chrysostome Chrysost. in hom. 10. ad pop. Beruacces fere in princip. verbo hic vero contra. sheweth the excellencie of the Scripture by the manifold argument thereof: it intreateth (saith hee) of the things in heauen: of the soule, of our life of the end for which wee are made: of the cause why wee stay in this world so long: whither we shall goe from hence: what shall entertaine vs: whereof this body doth consist: what is the nature of death: what this present life is, and what is hereafter to come. Irenaeus saith;Lib. 5. aduer. Hareses Valentins fer [...] ad finem. to him that putteth to, or taketh ought from the Scripture, remaineth no small punishment. Iustine in his Colloquie with Tryphon the Iew bringeth him in thus speaking;Ac ne te quidemtulissemus, nisi ad scripturas rese [...]res omnia. Iustin. in C [...]lloq cū Tryph. Iudae [...] in medi [...] fere. We would neuer haue indured to conferre with thee, except thou hadst, referred all to the Scripture.
Athanasius saith;Nisi sacra litterae opitulētur, integre [...] nos & persectos reddi nōpossean 2. Tim. Except the Sacred Scriptures helpe vs, wee cannot bee entire and perfect. Basil saith;Audianius agitur verba veritatis, non in humana sapiēt [...]a persuas [...]ilus, sed in doctr [...]nis spiritus pr [...]lata [...] quorū finis non est audientium colla [...]dati [...], sed eorum, qui d [...]cētur, salut. Basil. He [...] am [...]rō nō. 1. in princip. fere. Let vs heare the words of truth, not deliuered in the perswasion of [Page 364] humane wisedome, but in the doctrines of the Spirit of God: whose end is not the applause of the auditorie, but the saluation of them that are taught. Thus you see the honour, the excellence, the learning, the perfection, these worthy Organs of Gods praise, and ancient Fathers, ascribe to his holy Word. Yet he that doth euill hates the light. The Owles of the Romish Church indure not the bright beames thereof to shine vnto the people. Ignorance, blacknesse, obscuritie, darknesse, night, clouds and mists: in these they raigne, in these they triumph;Ecclus. 11.16 for errour and darknesse (saith Syrach) are appointed for sinners.
CHAP. IIII. Canons and obseruations concerning the Propheticall Office of Iesus Christ.
Can. 1 THe first Canon is concerning the measure of knowledge. We must not dreame with the Gnosticks, that our perfection by the excellency of knowledge, is equall to that of Christ himselfe or his Apostles: neither may we thinke any Father or Teacher to be sanctified with the trueth, that he cannot erre: or that any earthly man hath all lawes humane and diuine in the treasure of his brest. This is the priuiledge of the great Prophet only,Ioh. 14.6. who is the way, the truth, the life; the way without wandring: the truth without erring: the life without ending. The Apostle Paule teacheth, that as yet,1. Cor. 13. our knowledge and vnderstanding is vnperfect, we see as in a glasse, we vnderstand as children: Christ yet reuealeth vnto vs according to our capacitie. Hereafter when our bodies are glorified, our knowledge shall be perfected: wee shall see face to face, and know as we are knowne.
Can. 2 The second, that whatsoeuer in the word of Christs Prophesie is necessary for our saluation, it is plaine and open to the ignorant and very Idiot;Deut. 30.11. It is not hidden from thee, saith Moses. And againe,Deut. 29.29. The secrets of the Lord our God are opened vnto vs and to our children for euer, that wee may doe all the words of his law. So that euery one may by reading therin, [Page 365] learne all the principall points, the purpose and the substance of Scripture, although they see not perhaps the Art, and the Grammaticall power of the words, the Dialecticall inferences, the Rhetoricall illustrations therein vsed. The things which are darke and intricate, they are rather to declare the glory of God, and to shew his wisedome to be infinite aboue our comprehension; then for edification, and furtherance to saluation. Wherefore it is a true obseruation, that in the Scripture there are Res dei, and Res hominum: something that serues for mans instruction, some for Gods glory. In the hard places the Scripture is bread, it must haue chewing: in the easie it is water doe but taste and it will nourish. The Scripture is a Riuer; here are pleasant foords and shelues, the simple Lamb may wade ouer it: there are whirlepooles and bottomlesse pits, the Elephant cannot swimme ouer:Deut. 29.29. the plaine and open things are for vs, the hidden and secret for our God.Ecclus. 3. Curiously to search the glory of the heauenly things is not commendable: search not into the secret, lest thou bee confounded of the Maiestie: Let God alone withActs 1.7. the things that hee hath put in his owne power. Yet those darke and hard places are profitable also two manner of waies;Ʋt exercitatus cap [...]at, quod capere non potest [...]ciosus [...] ut sacra scriptura sensus vilescat. Greg. Ezech. l. 1. Hom. 6. that a diligent Reader may vnderstand, what being negligent he cannot: that the vnderstanding of the Scripture should not be basely esteemed of vs.
The third Canon; Wheresoeuer the Scripture seemeth to Can. 3 command a thing wicked or vnlawfull, and to forbid that which is good and holy: those places are not literally to bee vnderstood, but figuratiuely. Wherfore they must be expounded by other sentences of the holy word.Iacob. 1.13. For God tempteth no man, neither is iniquitie with him: hee is right in all his waies, and holy in all his workes.
The fourth Canon; One place of Scripture must not be Can. 4 enforced against the whole scope and current of the word: but one place must bee so vnderstood, that all the rest may haue their due estimation and authoritie. Scripture is neuer well expounded, nor according to the minde of the holy Ghost, when we make one place to contradict an other, or [Page 366] when one place is so expounded, that it taketh away the veritie of another. Wherefore,Math. 4.7. when the Diuell tempted Christ with Scripture, Christ stopt his mouth also with Scripture. It is written, &c.
Can. 5 The fift Canon; In the vnderstanding of the word or Prophesie of Iesus Christ we must consider, what is figuratiuely, and what is literally spoken. That which is spoken plainely, must not be turned into Allegories, but with great caution and good warrant of the word it selfe: and that which is spoken Allegorically, must not be vnderstood literally, except it bee, when the History is both literall and mysticall. Now what is Allegoricall,Vid. A [...]lom. in pref. super l. Reg. ex Cent. 9. cap 4. de sac. scrip. and what is plaine, the comparing of Scripture with Scripture will best declare. Some make seuen waies to interpret the Scripture,Historicall. Tropicall, Allegericall, Anagogicall, Figuratiue, Absolute. Dignitius. some foure. But let them follow subtilties, that are delighted in them: it is vnto a soule that hungereth and thirsteth after righteousnesse, sufficient to know what is literally to be vnderstood, and what Allegorically in Scripture.
Can. 6 The sixt Canon; Against the voice of Christ wee may not hearken to any teacher: None hath power to dispense with his precepts but himselfe. For this is to deny Christ to be the wisedome of God, and to make Prophets superiour to our great Prophet;Gal. 1.8. Though wee, or an Angel [...] from heauen preach any other Gospell vnto you, then that which wee haue preached vnto you, let him be accursed.
Can. 7 The seuenth; there is a difference betwixt the words of other teachers, and the word of Christ, though in substance they teach the same thing: neither is the doctrine of euery Minister, which is in the vnity of the Church, very Scripture. Wee must reserue that honour and appellation to the Canonicall volumes onely. The workes of the Fathers are but handmaids to the Scripture: Neither is any Decree of Man equiualent to the booke of the Prophesie of Iesus Christ. Multa sunt verba, sed non sicut verbum istud, there are many words, but none like this word. The very Iewes did witnesse of him;Ioh 7 46. Neuer man spake as this man doth.
Can. 8 The eight Canon; Iesus Christ must not be measured by [Page 367] the estimation of flesh and bloud. To examine the doctrine of the spirit by the reason of Man, Theophylact saith, is very blasphemie. The mysteries of our faith are aboue the reach of Logicke or Philosophy:Rom. 8.7. The wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against God. Iob. 38.2. Who is this (saith the Lord) that darkneth the counsaile by words without knowledge.
The ninth Canon; Euery Parable by a darke similitude Can. 9 doth represent the truth vnto vs: but the Parable is not in euery point correspondent vnto the thing which it signifyeth; wherefore euery particle in a Parable must not bee applied to the thing in the parable signified, but so much as is to the end and purpose, for which the Parable was vttered; as, in that of theLuke. 16. Vniust St [...]ward, if we enquire why one owed oile, another wheate: why one owed fourescore, an other an hundred measures, we shall be no lesse tedious then ridiculous.
The tenth Canon; Except the spirit of God open the vnderstanding, Can. 10 and moue the heart of man to consent vnto the truth of the holy word, we shall neuer take fruit thereby. When God prepareth not the heart, the teacher fisheth in the night, and catcheth nothing. Chrysostome well saith,Se [...]entia. que ex solis lect [...]nibus est, ex ore procedit: que a [...]em de spiritu Sancto est, ex cerde profertur, et ideo spiritualis sei [...]ntia non solum d [...]e [...]ur, sed sentitur: non tantum in scripturis legitur, sed ex c [...]rde suggeritur. Chrysost. in. p. in [...] pers. cap. 7. the knowledge which proceedeth from reading only, commeth from the mouth: but that knowledge which is from the holy Ghost, proceedeth fro the heart, & therfore it is not only spoken, but felt: it is not onely taken from the word, but it is inspired into the heart. This sheweth, that Chrysostome maketh two kindes of knowledge; Naturall and Spirituall. The knowledge which is mere Historicall and Naturall moueth not, worketh not in vs to saluation; but that which out of the Scriptures is suggested to the heart by the spirit of God.
The eleuenth Canon; In reading of the Scriptures and Can. 11 words of our great Prophet, all preiudice and affection must be set aside. It is the milke of the spirit,1. Pet. 2.2. it must be receiued with simplicitie. Sophistications, cauillations, wrestings of Scripture to make i [...] serue our turne, to enforce it to speake what it intendeth not, is the greatest blasphemie that can [Page 368] bee committed.Deut. 16.19. Moses therefore commandeth; (a) Wrest not the Law.
Can. 12 The twelfth Canon; It is diligently to be obserued in our reading of the word of God, that it must bee serious: wee must not come vnto it as to a prophane Historie, or a Poets Elegie. The Scripture requireth to bee read with the same spirit, wherewith it was written. Bernard well saith,Fortuita enim & varia lectio, & quasi casu reperta, non adificat, sed reddit [...]nimum in [...]tabilē, & leuiter admissa, lenit [...]r recedit à memoria. Ber. ad fratres de mentedei. Casuall reading of the word, and that which is by chance, doth nor edifie, but makes the minde vnconstant: lightly receiued, it lightly fals from vs againe. Wherefore to the reading of the word wee must come preparedly, aduisedly, seriously.
Can. 13 The thirteenth Canon; Wee must vse the sentences of Scripture reuerently and soberly. Many make Stage-playes of the holy Histories: some ferch iests and merriments out of them, and apply the wisedome of GOD to their foolish sports. But of all these the spirit hath pronounced,Psal. 14.6. You haue made a mocke at the counsell of the poore: and in Ezechiel; Ezech. 3 [...].31. with their mouthes they make iests.
Can. 14 The fourteenth Canon; the simplicitie of the Phrase of Scripture must not be changed. After one manner speaketh the Lord, after another manner the seruant: in one fashion a priuate man, in another a publique person: an Oratour after one sort, after an other sort a Iudge. God speaketh not as Man speaketh, neither must his words bee iudged by the rules of Donacus, or the Oratory of Quintilian. It was an obseruation long agoe deliuered by Theopompus to Demetrius Phalerius, that certaine which went about to turne the natiue simplicitie of Scriptures into the eloquence of Greece, fell besides themselues, and were by the seuere castigation of God taught to know, how displeasing vnto him is all such wantonnnesse.Z [...]zom. l. 1. cap. 11. It was a graue reprehension, which Spiridion that worthy Confessor vsed towards Tr [...]philus Bishop of Ledranum: who preaching before a Synode in Cyprus, and taking the words of Christ for his Theame;Ioh. 5.8. Tolle Grabatum tuum & ambuli, take vp thy Couch and walke, refused the word Grabatum, which signified a Couch, and chose a finer [Page 369] and more eloquent tearme: which, when Spiridion heard, Art thou (saith he) better then Christ, which vsed the word Grabatum, or Couch? This Canon then must in handling the word of GOD bee duely obserued, that we content our selues with the simplicitie of trueth, and2. Tim. 1.13. keepe the true paterne of the wholesome words which thou hast heard of mee; as Paul counselleth Timothy.
The fifteenth Canon; When we come to the hearing, or Can. 15 reading of the word of this Prophet, wee must not trust to our owne wisedome, but cast our selues downe in heartie prayer vnto God, that he will vouchsafe,Apoc. 3.7. who hath the Key of Dauid, and openeth, and no man shutteth, and no man openeth: whoApoc. 5.5. onely looseth the closed booke, and openeth the seales thereof, to enlighten the darknes of our mindes, that we may vnderstand the wondrous things of his Law. Let him then that will take profit by this learning,Mat. 7.7. Knocke, that it may bee opened, aske that hee may obtaine: for God vvill bee called vpon for his graces, And will be sought after of all that feare him.
The sixteenth Canon; That is true doctrine and agreeable Can. 16 to the word of the great Prophet Christ, which seeketh the glory of God onely, and ascribeth onely vnto him all the worke of our Saluation, Iustification, Sanctification and glorification: It is mans doctrine, which seeketh mans glorie. This is the touchstone of all holy learning. For if in magnifie God onely, if it acknowledge him onely, if it teach him only, if it worship him onely, without ioining any other vnto him, this is true doctrine, and none but this. Wherefore the Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 2.2. esteemed not to haue knowne any thing, but Iesus Christ, and him crucified.
The seuenteenth Canon; The scripture is the best iudge Can. 17 of the Scripture. WhereforeAct. 17.11. the Boroeans examined the doctrine of Paul, comparing it with the Scriptures. No Synodes nor Councels haue power to iudge the Word of God giuen to them. In ciuill gouernments the greater part of voices iudge their constitutions: but in the church of Christ, if millions and Myriads of Prelates interpret the word contrarie [Page 370] to the word, wee must not cast in our lot with the multitude.
Can. 18 The eighteenth Canon; We may not pretend a priuate spirit in our selues in expounding the Scripture: but the spirit which doth truely expound the Scripture, is it vvhich doth animate and quicken the whole Church of God vniuersally, and euery member thereof particularly: and this spirit doth not teach vs to expound the word, but according to the word. For the spirit of God and the word of God are not diuided.Io. 16.13. He shall not speake of himselfe (saith our Sauiour) but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall hee speake. And againe,Ibid. ver. 14. He shall glorifie mee, for hee shall receiue of mine, and shew it vnto you. Wee must flee then the priuate spirit, the spirit of Sectaries, which interpret the word against the word. Ezekiel sheweth, that it is one spirit, that speaketh in all Scripture;Ezech. 1.20. For the spirit of the Beasts (saith he) was in the wheeles. If the true spirit of God then teach vs to interpret, we shall obserue the golden concord of Scriptures, and interpret the word according to the word. For the Spirit doth not teach by internall motion. onely, but coniunctiuely, by the inward working, and the outward rule of the word.
CHAP. V. Antichrist opposeth himselfe against Christ, by making himselfe a Magistrate ouer the word of God: so that without him the holy vvord hath neither life, povver, nor authority.
THe Apostle Paul teacheth,2. Thes. 2 4. that it is the euident mark of Antichrist, To exalt himselfe against all that is called God, and that is worshipped, & to sit in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God. Augustine interpreteth this Prophesie, of Antichrist sittingAug. de ciuit. dei lib. 20 cap. 19. in Templum, not in Templo, that is, ouer the Temple, or ouer the whole house of God, which is his Church. Hierom vnderstands this of AntichristVid. Hier. in Mithean. tom. 6. c. 7. altering the lawes and ceremonies of Christ, and casting [Page 371] all religion vnder his owne power. Origen saith,Orig. hom. 29. in Mat. the holy volumes of the olde and new Testament are the Temple, wherein Antichrist shall sit, and extoll himselfe aboue euery word that is called the word of God. According to these expositions, to none the title of Antichrist doth so well agree, as vnto the Ro. Bishop, who takes vnto himself to be the only iudge of Scriptures, and Censour of the holy Volumes, both to decree which are Canonicall, and to decide concerning the interpretation of them.
Eckius saith,Eck. Enchir. loc. c [...]m de ecclesia & eius author. impres. Paris. p. Huillier. an 1572. The Scripture is not authenticke but by the authority of the Church: And for so saying the Printer in the margent claps him on the backe, and calls him, The Achilles of Catholikes. Hosius saith, thatHoss. de e [...]p. Dei verb. edit. Io. Stalsii Antwerp. an 1561 Scripture against the Tenet of the Church, is the expresse word of the diuell. Bellarmine dares not in words iustifie these blasphemies:Nā, etiā si scriptura dicat, l bros Prophetarū, et Apostol [...]rū esse diuin [...]s, tamē nō certo id credā nisi prius credidero scripturā, quā hoc dicit, esse diuinam: nam etiā in Alcorano Mahumeti, passim legimus ipsum Alcoranum de c [...]l [...] a Deo m ssū. de verb. Dei no [...] script. lib. 4. verbo quarto necesse est. cap. 4. but that which hee teacheth, is in sense and force of reason all one. For first, he doth not admit, that in the word of God there is any such splendour or excellence, by which it may declare it self to be the word of God: Nay, the diabolicall Frier shameth not to compare it with the Turkish Alcoran. For, although (saith he) the Scripture call the bookes of Prophets and Apostles diuine, yet I should not beleeue it to bee so, except I first beleeue the Scripture, which so saith, to be diuine: For in Mahomets Alcoran we read, that the same Alcoran was from heauen and from God. In the colloquie at Ratisbone a Iesuit said, The Scripture was the fountaine of alhaeresie. Tannerus a Iesuit said,Nulli, nulla, nulle vnquā haeresis fuit quae ex sola scriptura sufficiēter refutari potuit. Hūnius in tract col. Ratis. pag. 28. There was neuer, neuer, neuer any haeresie, which could sufficiently out of the Scripture alone be refuted. Gretserus proceedeth further, and in the Colloquy of Ratis. openly said,Dauid Rūgius scrip. col. Ratis. that neither the Scripture alone as it is the word of the spirit of God: nor the holy spirit it selfe as it speakes by the Scripture, is the supreme and infallible iudge of controuersies of religion. Syluester Prierias saith,Cont. Luth. Indulgences were not made knowne vnto vs by the authority of Scripture, but by the a [...]thoritie of the Romish Church, and the Roman Bishops, vvhich is greater.
Secondly, Bellarmine saith, thatBell de verbo dei l. 1. c. 10 The Pope hath povver to declare, which are Canonicall bookes, out of the testimony of the [Page 372] ancients, out of the conformity of the bookes, out of the common sense and minde of the Church: but this is a mere collusion. For the Pope is neither bound to hearken vnto the ancient Fathers: nor to the conformity of the writings: nor to the sense and minde of the Church: nor to the opinion of other Bishops, or to the determination of generall councells. They saie indeed, that the Councels or Bishops are the representatiue Church: but yet, that all Bishops and Councells are in the Pope by fulnesse of knowledge, it is amongst them an infallible conclusion. The Canonist saith;Authoritatius pse solus est ille spiritualis homo, qui iudicat omnia. By authority the Pope is the onely spirituall man, which iudgeth all things. And againe,Nō est, qui ei dicat, cur ita facis? extrau. Io. tit. 4. c. 2 ad apostolatus nostri in Glossa. There is none that may say to him, Why dost thou thus? Ipse enim potest supraius dispēsare, et de iniustitia facere iustitiā, corrigēdo i [...]ra et mutādo; nā plenitudinē obtinet potestatis. in c. 4. de trās ep. tit. 7. in gloss. vid. He. Bull. in com. in 1. Thess. He hath power to dispence with the lawe, and of vnrighteousnes to make righteousnes, by correcting the lawes and changing them; for he hath fulnesse of power. And againe,Si totus mudus sētētiare [...] in alique negotio cōtra Paepa, videtur quod sētētia Papae stādū esset. Extr [...]u de elec significasti. ex Hen. Bulling. in 2. Thess. 2. If the whole world should iudge against the Pope, it seemeth wee must yet stand to the Popes opinion. With one voice they teach, that Christ therefore gaue one groat for himselfe, another for Peter, because as in Christ, so in Peter all are contained: that Christ gaue his name and his office vnto Peter, and made him companion of his death: that Christ said to Peter; I go againe to bee crucified at Rome, when Peter should be crucified, meaning that himselfe and his Vicar were one. Wherefore, what is done to Peter (saith he) is done to Christ, whom God hath made Lord of his house, and Prince of all his possessions: And whatsoeuer is spoken of Peter, is spoken of the Pope; For Peter liueth and ruleth in his owne seat, and doth yeeld to euery one the truth of faith. InEx Barth. Carāz. in conc. Chalced. ex noua trās. act. 2. the Councell therefore of Chalcedon, when the suggestions of Leo the Pope of Rome were read, they all cried out; Peter hath spoken to vs by Leo: and therefore they subscribed thereto, as vnto Apostolicall doctrine.Cōcil. Chalc. apud Bart. Carāz. act. 2. Iulius himselfe doth witnes, that Peter dwelles in the Pope. To conclude, the Pope hath no need to expect the iudgement of Fathers, the coherence of Scriptures, nor the opinion of the Church; who is a Lord and Maister like Christ: so that none dare say vnto him, Why saiest thou or doest thou thus? The Roman seat is the firmament of all [Page 373] Councells. All other seats were founded by man, but the Papall by God himselfe; euen by that word, which in the beginning made heauen and earth. Wherefore when Eckius had taught, that the Scripture is not authenticall without the authority of the Church, he sheweth whom he meant by the Church, euen the Pope himselfe. For he alleageth the commandement of God, in difficult questions to repaire vnto the high Priest: and he concludeth; See the power of the Priest of the Lawe. How great then, thinke you, is the power of the Priest of the Gospell? Christ (saith he)Christus dedit c [...]aues non vu [...], sed vnitati. gaue the keies not to one, but to the Vnity: so,Ita Petrus gessit personā ecclesia, v [...] Imperator Germ. Eck. de primatu sedis apost. et Petrò. Peter beares the person of the Church, as the Emperour beares the person of all Germany.
Bellarmine therefore concludes,Bell. l. 4. de Ponc. R [...]. [...].1. verbo in euangelio nihil. that to Peter onely it was said, Feed my sheepe, yea, all his sheepe: so that the Apostles themselues were not excluded. Now it cannot bee doubted (saith hee) but that amongst the dueties of a Sheepheard this is one, to discerne the good pastures from the euill.
There is none, I thinke, now so blinde, but doth see, that all the authority of the Church is in the Bishops and Councells by representation, and all the authority of Bishops and Councells is in the Pope by fulnesse of power. Thus doth he exaltEsay 14.13. & Ezec. 28.2 his Throne beside the starres of God: he sitteth in the seat of God in the midst of the Sea. Th. Aq. 2 [...]. 2 [...]. q. 1. art. 10. [...] sic cell. a Ben Iohn. cap. de fide. To whose authority (Thomas Aquinas saith) onely pertaineth the setting forth of a Creed, and to determine finally of the matters of faith. And the Canon witnesseth, that the Roman Bishop hath all lawes humane and diuine in the closet of his breast. And againe, The Pope can doe all that Christ can doe.
CHAP. VI. The Romish Church chalengeth vnto the pop [...] sole power to interpret the holy word.
OF the illumination of his whole Church & al the members thereof, the Lord witnesseth by the Prophet Ieremy; Ier. 31.33. I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And of [Page 374] this perspicuity of the word Moses himselfe beares witnes;Deut. 30.11. This commandement, which I haue commanded thee this day, is not hid from thee, neither is it farre off. Yet notwithstanding, as though all other men were blocks and stockes in respect of their Capitoline Iupiter; to the Roman Bishop, all his vassals reserue the interpretation of Scriptures, and construction of difficult places vnto him alone, as vnto the minde of the Holy Ghost, the Lambe of the Mount Sion, which hath the key of Dauid, to shut and open, without all others. A Canonist therefore saith;Nō videretur dominus discretus, nisi talē vnū post se in terris reliquisset. Pet. Ber. in Gloss. The Lord should seeme to haue wante [...] discretion, except hee had left some such behinde him. And Eckius saith, thatEckius de primat. Pet. verbo ratio suadet. Christ had not prouided for his Church, except there were such a supreme Moderatour. Bellarmine therefore referres vnto the Idoll of Rome all the authority in expounding of Scriptures. For out of the second of Aggee, and the second of Malachy he concludeth, thatBel. l. 3. de verb [...] Dei. c. 4. it belongeth not to priuate men to iudge of the vnderstanding of the lawe of the LORD, but to the Priest, who is the Angell of God, & is his messenger, to whom by his office it doth appertaine to expound the minde of God. And in the fift chapter of the same booke he saith, thatBell. l. 3. de verbo dei. c. 5. in ipso prin. to Peter & his successours are giuen the keyes, that is, not onely power to binde & loose sinnes, but all other impediments which hinder the entrance into the heauenly kingdome. For Christ doth not say, What man soeuer, but what thing soeuer thou dost loose, shall bee loosed: so that thereby we may vnderstand the loosing of all bonds of laws by dispensation: and of all sinnes by relaxation: and of all doctrines and controuersies by explication. And againe, God was not ignorant (saieth he) that in his Church should arise many difficulties touching faith, wherefore he ought to appoint some ecclesiasticall iudge to prouide for the Church: Bel. l. 3. de verbo dei. c. 9. in prin. cap. but this iudge cannot be the Scripture it selfe, nor any priuate spirit of Reuelation, nor any Secular Prince; therefore it must needs be some ecclesiasticall Prince, either alone, or with the consent of Bishops. As for the euasion which they pretend, that the Pope with the Councell expounds Scriptures, or with the opinion of Bishops; it is an idle sophistication. For they account Bishops and Councells but second iudges, who without the Popes consent can do nothing. Gelasius the [Page 375] first pronounceth,Quacū{que} cuiuscūq synodi acta, nisi per R [...]. Pōtif. cōfirmētur, nullū habeāt robur, totū (tuquit) in sidis apostolica, positū est potestare▪ ex Bart. Cara [...]z. in sum. decret. G [...]las. That all acts of any Synod, except they be confirmed by the Roman Bishop, haue no force at all; for all consists in the power of the Apostolicall Sea. Innocent saith,Ex Gratian [...] cau. 14. q. 1. cap. quotiēs ratio fidei. All questions must be referred to Peter, that is, to the heire of his name & his honour. The Bishops and Prelates interpret the Scriptures, as Doctours and Preachers:Aliud est quaestionē de fide motā terminari quod nulli praeterquam Rō. sedi permittitur Grat caus. 24. q. 1. quotiēs fides. in Glos The Pope onely doth define & pronounce as iudge. Bell. l. 3. de verb [...] dei. c. 10. verb. respond aliud est. Other teachers do not propose their opinion necessarily to be followed, as the iudge doth. Againe,Bell. ibid. Between the Pope and all other men, in all Councells gathered without the Popes authority, there is great oddes, say they: for Sūmus Pōtisex cū totā ecclesiā docet, in his que ad fidē pertinēt nullo casu errare potest. Bel. de Ro. Pōtif. l. 4. c. 3 in titulo et per totum caput. the Pope teaching out of the chaire cannot erre: all other may erre. So irrefragably and without contradiction the doctrine and iudgement of the Pope must be receiu'd, that no man may say, why dost thou so? his doctrine must be entertained without examination. Nay, if the Pope should erre, Si Papa erraret, praecipiēdo vinae, vel prohibēdo virtutes, teneretur ecclesia credere vitia esse bona, et virtutes malas, nisi vellet cōtra cōsciētiam peccare. Bell. l. 4. de Ro. Pontif. c. 5. verbo secundo quia tunc necessar. in commanding vice, and forbidding vertue, the Church were bound to beleeue vertue to be euill, and vice to be good, except it would sinne against the conscience; for the Church must rest vpon the iudgement of the chiefe Bishop. This is the Hierarchy, which the Romish Nimrod exerciseth ouer the word of God. First, none can iudge what is Canonicall but he: then, none can interpret but he: whom, whatsoeuer he teach and pronounceth, we must obediently receiue, and humbly obey without examination, and without contradiction. And yet in this chaire some haue beene, that sacrificed to Idols: maintained the heresie of Arrius: counted lawfull marriage pollution: denied two natures in Christ: taught, that Christ deliuered vs from actuall sinne onely: maintained the Monothelitan heresie: professed, that baptisme in the name of Christ onely, without the name of the Father and the holy Ghost, is sufficient: published, that the lawe of Moses is not abrogated: taught, that Heresie dissolued Matrimony: that the soules of men sleepe and behould not God, till the resurrection: came in by Simony, practised Nicromancy, liued in Adultery. If you obiect any of these Monsters vnto them, either impudently they denie the histories of the times, or else (forsooth) they erred as writers, not as Popes: it was their opinion, not their doctrines [Page 376] they spake as priuate men, not as the heads of the Church. O tortuose Serpens!
CHAP. VII. That the Romish Church offereth wrong to the Propheticall Office of Iesus Christ, by obtruding and inforcing the translation of the Scriptures, called the vulgar translation, necessarily to be receiued of all the Church, which is in many places improper and faulty.
ALthough there were many versions of the Scripture among the Iewes; as, that of the Septuagint, the Chalde, & the Greeke: it appeareth yet, that euery godly Teacher had power to vse what translation to him seemed to come nearest to the truth of the Originall. Wherefore our Sauiour Christ sometimes spake after one, sometimes after another translation. Vpon the crosse he alledged the words after the Syriack or Chalde interpretation. The Apostles for the most part vsed the Greeke interpretation: and so the Eunuch of Queene Candace did read the prophesie of Esay in the Greeke. Saint Luke (as Genebrard doth witnesse) rehearseth the Genealogie of Christ according to the seuenty interpreters.
Hierome witnesseth,Tot enim sunt exemp [...]aria pene, quot [...]. Hi [...]rom. in pro [...]mie in 4. Euang. ad Damasc. that there were almost as many sundry Latine versions, as there were bookes of the New Testament. Therefore he wisheth euery man to returneSin antē veritas est quaerenda de pluribus, cur non ad. Gracā or [...]ginem reuertentes ea qua v [...]l à vitiosis interpretibu [...] male edita [...]vel à presūptoribus imperitis emendatu peruersio: vel à Librarijs dormitantibus aut addita sunt, aut mutata, corrigimus? Ibid. to the originall Greeke; and by it to amend, what euill interpreters had corrupted. But such is the Lordlinesse of the Romish chaire, that it commandeth and enioineth all men to receiue the old vulgar LatineSess. 2. in decret [...] de nu [...]ratione sacrorum. l. Sacrosā [...]. [...]cume [...]ica & generalis Tridentina. translation as authenticke, in publique Lectures, Disputations, Sermons, and Expositions: and that no man bee bold vpon any pretext to reiect the same. And yet the same translation since this Tridentine Decree hath beene oftentimes reuiewed and corrected by the Popes themselues, as by Sixtus Quintus Anno 1519. and by Clement the eight Anno 1592. and sundry others. They call it the old version: but Augustine saith, thatAug. de d [...]ct. Christ. l. 2. c. 11. Sic c [...]tat [...]r à Mart. C [...]ni [...]. the Latine [Page 377] versions cannot be numbred. Who can then tell that this is the old? TheyIbid. attribute this version which is called the vulgar, to Saint Ierome: but it doth not agree with Ieromes versions in his Hebrew questions, neither doth Ieromes translation of the Psalmes and Ecclesiastes agree vvith this. Hereto adde wee the negligence and errour of the Scribes, by which it may bee, that some things therein are absolutely changed from the true sense: so that to be bound to euery sentence, that the vulgar Latine doth render, were an vnreasonable yoake.
It may not be forgotten also that diuers Fathers alledging sundry places of Scriptures doe not follow the vulgar Latine; as it appeareth by Tertullian, Cyprian, Arnobius, Hillarie, Ambrose, and others.
Lastly, no man can deny, that the vulgar Latine text is in many places corrupted. I will onely shew thee, good Reader, what errours that famous learned man Martin Chemnicius recordeth, with some few other by diuers learned obserued.
The vulgar Latine makethQuibus tertius Machaba [...]ū liber paucissimis cognitur iam recens accesiit. edit. Collo. anno domini 1527. per Petr. Quentell. three bookes of Machabees: but in the ancient copies of the Scripture there are but two: And hee confesseth, this booke is knowne but to few, being newly added.
In the booke of the sonne of Syrach there are many whole sentences in the vulgar Latine translation, which are not to be found in the Greeke copies: And there are diuers places falsely rendred;Dedit praecepta ad cor. for, dedit illi coram praecepta. ex Bell. confessione de verb. dei. l. 2. c. 11 verb. primo quād [...]. as, that Hee gaue his precepts to his heart: for, Hee gaue him the commandements, before his face.
In the ninth of Genesis the Text is,Fatetur Bell in l. 2. de verb. dei. c. 12. He that sheddeth the bloud of Man, his bloud by Man shall be shed: the vulgar leaueth out, by Man.
In Mathew the ninth an excellent sentence is maimed; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance: The vulgar Latine leaueth out, Repentance.
Romanes the first; the later end of the Chapter is changed in the vulgar Latine, which readeth, Non cognouerunt, they had [Page 378] not knowne: the Rhemists read quite contrary, They knew the iustice of God.
In the booke of Wisedome they horribly corrupt the Scripture, which saith; Thinking it vnseemely for thy power to condemne him, that hath not deserued to be punished: they read;Ipsum quoque qui nō debet puniri, condemnat. in edit. Coloniensi. 1. Ioh. 5.13. Thou condemnest him, which ought not to be punished.
I haue written vnto you, which beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God, that you may know, that you haue eternall life, and that you may beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God: The Latine rendreth it thus;Bellarmine confesseth it to bee otherwise in the Greeke Copies, then in their cōmon translation: de verb. dei. l. 2. c. 14 That you may know, that you haue life eternall, which doe beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God.
Where the Apostle saith, that Abraham was not iustified by workes: the Latine translation addeth, By workes of the Law; as though the Apostle did speake onely of Ceremoniall workes.
In the eleuenth to the Romanes, the saying, If it bee of workes, then it is now no grace, &c. the vulgar Latine leaueth out: yet it is in the Greeke Copies.
In the place likewise in the sixt to the Ephesians; Take vnto you the whole armour of God, that yee may bee able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, to stand fast: hauing finished all things, is left out in the vulgar.
In the eleuenth to the Hebrewes, the verse twenty one is corrupted most shamefully: where the vulgar readeth, Adored the top of his Rod: for worshipped toward the top of his Scepter; asq. 162. in Gen. Augustine witnesseth,Vid. Will. Fulk. in Heb. 11. sect. 9. ad Rhemist. and the Syriack interpreter also.
Bellarmine saith, that the words of the seuenteenth of Deuteronomie, verse the tenth, According to all that they informe thee, are in no other Copies but the common: and therefore doth except against the same.
I omit the sundry false translations of the Psalmes, obserued by Caluin: and the errours noted by Ʋall [...], Stapulensis, and Erasmus. Yet such is the imperiositie of the Romish Church, that no man may read, expound, interpret, but after the rule of this vulgar Latine.
I doubt not but the vulgar Latine, whosoeuer did it, doth [Page 379] in many things translate very sincerely and truely: and I assure my selfe, if there were no other translation, yet Popery should fall downe before it,1. Sam. 5. as Dagon at the presence of the Arke of God. But to restraine the gift of God to that interpreter only: or in the excellent knowledge of tongues, which in this age aboundeth by the singular gift of God, to take all power from the seruants of Christ, to read any other waies then their Latine Text affoordeth, is to tyrannize ouer the Church of God: and to raigne ouer the consciences of men: and to force it to swallow all errours they thrust vpon it. It is also a great wrong to the Propheticall office of Christ; as though neither in the Originall H [...]brew, nor in the Greeke, God had preserued the truth of Doctrine, till their Latine translation came vp; as the author of the Complutense edition is not ashamed most blasphemously to say, thatEx Do. Fulk [...] in Apoc. 13. hee placed the Latine version betwixt the Gr [...]eke and the Hebrew, as Christ vpon the Crosse betweene two Theeues.
CHAP. VIII. The violence which the Romish Church offereth to our great Prophet, ly denying his word vnto the people.
ALthough no translation may be vsed but such as themselues doe approue, yet that also is denied vnto the people: neither may any read it but by permission: nor may it be rendred in any other tongue, but Latine, Greeke,Vid. Bell. l. 2. de verb. dei. cap. 2. or Hebrew. Now the Greeke and the Hebrew copies (say they) are all vitious and full of errours. Therefore it remaineth, that God must speake onely in the Latine tongue: his spirit must bee confined, so that it may neither come, nor speake vnto simple soules hungring and thirsting after righteousnesse, in any other language. As a sauage and raging Lyon is shut vp in grates, lest wheresoeuer hee commeth death and destruction should ensue: so the sweet and sacred mouth of Christ is stopt, and his grace in an vnknowne Idiom, imprisoned, lest his words should kill, and his voice impoison euery eare it enters into. Wherefore the ma [...]ters of [Page 380] the assembly of Trent tooke order,Index l. prohib. regula. 4.— that the holy scripture (though truely and Catholiquely translated) yet may not be indifferently read of all men, nor of any other then such, as haue expresse licence thereto. And to this purpose the Rhemists apply the doctrine of our Sauiour touching theRhe [...]. in prafat. sect. 13. casting of Pearles and holy things to dogges; as though there were any dogs worse then the swinish sect of the Iesuites.
To colour their treachery in this behalfe; First they say,Bell. de Miss. l. 2. c. 1 [...]. et de verb. des nō scrip. l. 4. c. 8. verbo acceda [...] pastrem [...]. The dignitie of the Mysteries is so great, that it is not comely, that they should come to the eares of all men. And as for prayers, it is no matter (saith Bellarmine)Lib. 2. c. 11. de Miss. verbo quarto sacrificium. whether man vnderstand them or not, since God vnderstands them. The deuotion of him that prayeth Eck. de Miss. Latine non Germanic [...] dic [...]ndi [...]. is kindred by the many words of the Minister, saith Eckius.
Secondly, they accuse the Scripture of hardnesse and difficultie of sense; as though he that made the tongue, could not speake: and he that ordained his word to teach, and indued the soule with vnderstanding that it might learne, fashioned not his word vnto the end, for which it was ordained; but ouerthrew his purpose in his spinositie. But aboue all, Bellarmine in this point exceedes in blasphemie; Who denieth Bell. de verbo dei nō script. c. 12. verbo responde [...] ad maiorem. that the proper and chiefe end of Scriptures is, to bee the rule of faith. It is (saith he) a certaine profitable instruction, to increase and nourish faith receiued by preaching. Againe, if the Euangelists had meant to deliuer doctrine in their bookes (saith he)Bell. l. 4. de verb. dei non scrip. c. 4. verbo ex quo manifeste colligitur. They would rather haue written Catechismes, and not Histories, or Epistles. He saith, thatBell ibid. verb. primū verbo ex varijs. There was no necessitie, that the Scripture should be written in bookes: contrary to that of our Sauiour,Apoc. 1.11. Write in a booke, that thou seest, and send it to the seuen Churches: contrarie to that of the Lord vnto Ieremie [...] Ier. 36.2. Take thee a roule or booke, and write therein all the words that I haue spoken to thee: contrary to the commandement of Daniel; Dan. 12.4. Seale the Booke: Yea, contrarie to the example of God himselfe, whoseExod. 31.18. lawes in the table of stone were written with the finger of God.
Thirdly he saith,De verbo dei non script. l. 4. c. 4. verb. primū pr [...]b [...] ex va [...]ijs atatibus. The Scripture is not necessarie. For as the world stood two thousand yeeres without Scripture: so the [Page 381] doctrine of Christ also might haue beene conserued for a thousand fiue hundred yeares. O Frier! O Swite! I maruell thou didst misse the Popedome, that canst so belch out blasphemie. Is there no oddes betweene the infancy, and the perfection of the Church? Is God so present with the Church now in dreames and visions, in reuelations, in signes and wonders, as he was then? Doth God speake now vnto vs mouth to mouth? and shall not the want of his visible presence bee supplied with his written word? And yet great ignorance it is in Bellarmine, if hee did not know, that euen before the time of Moses diuers holy Patriarches left precepts of faith and godlinesse in writing, which serued till the comming of the Law. There was the booke of Henoch, whereof Saint Iude makes mention: the booke of the Iust and other,Iude 14. as it is very likely. But the Romish Church hateth the written word. Wherefore Eckius saith;Eckius▪ de authoritate ecclesiae. pag. 9. edit. Paris apud P. Huillier. Christ writ no bookes, nor commanded his Disciples, or Apostles to write any. And Guilbertus Tornacensis saith;Guilb. Torn. in serm. de sacr. in general [...]. Ignorant Laicks are saued by their simplicitie and the faith of others.
Lastly, the more to increase the clouds of their darknes, and the night of their ignorance wherein they raigne, they withdraw the affection of men from the holy Word of God, by reproaching it with all the spots of infamy they can deuise. The Censure of Colen calleth it anCens. Col. fol. 200 ex Charc [...]. cont. Camp.— Ʋnperfect doctrine, maymed, lame, not conteining all things necessarie to faith and saluation: and againe,Cens. Col. 11. ibid.— Cens. Col fol. 117. The reading of the holy Scripture is not onely not profitable, but many waies very hurtfull to the Church. Bellarmine lib. 4. de verb. dei non script. cap. 4. saith, that neither the whole Scripture generally, nor any one booke particularly, is sufficient for our instruction. Some call itHarding de scrip. ver leg. sect. 5. an occasion of ill thoughts, Ibid dangerous and hurtfull: others call itEx varijs blasphemat. vid I [...]. Iu [...]l. contr. Hard. a dead and dumbe thing, mute Iudges, dead Inke, a blacke Gospell, Inke diuinitie, a nose of Waxe, Hos [...]ius de expresso dei verbo. ed [...]r. [...]ntwerp. in adibus lo. Stelsij anno 1561. the couering of Sathan, hard precepts, obscure: in which there is no diuinitie to binde vs by any religion to beleeue it. Thus haue they cast darknesse vpon the Sunne it selfe, and reproched Heauen with their contumelies. Light they haue called darknesse, and [Page 382] good euill. Arise O powerfull Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah, set vp thy selfe aboue the Heauens, and thy glory aboue all the world: let lying lips be put to silence, and take the protection of thine owne cause vnto thy selfe.
CHAP. IX. The blasphemie of the Romane Church, making their Decrees equall to the word of our great Prophet Iesus Christ.
CHrist the begotten word is the vncreated image and wisedome of the Father. The Scripture and the written word of God is a created image, wherein the wisedome of God doth shine. Now to compare our lawes vvith Gods Law, and our wisedome with his wisedome, vvhat is it else but the intolerable tumor of Antichrist, Esay 14.13. Abdias 1.4. placing his Throne aboue beside the Starres, and2. Thes. 2 4. lifting himselfe aboue all that is called or worshipped as God.
Austen long agoe complained,Ad inquisitiones Ianuarij. l. 2. c. 19. that the condition of the Iewish Synagogue was much more tolerable, then of the Church of Christ. For the Iewes, though they knew not the time of libertie, yet they were onely subiect to the burden of Legall constitutions imposed by God himselfe; and not to the presumptions of men. Now had this godly ancient liued in these daies, and beheld the infinite number of Decrees and Decretalls, Canons and Constitutions, Traditions, Rules, Ceremonies, wherein the Church laboureth with more then Egyptiacall seruitude; what would he haue said? And how would hee haue bewailed the time, in which they that sit in the chaire, teach not out of the chaire? but in steede of the sweet and easie yoake of Christ, loade the people with a world of superstitions, vncertaine and senselesse traditions.
Vid. Es [...]y c. 3.Euery proud strumpet hath her ornaments, slippers, cauls, round tyres, sweet balls, bracelets, bonnets, tyres of the head, slops, head-bands, tablets, eare-rings, mufflers, costly apparel, vayles, wymples, crisping pins, fine linnen, glasses, whoods and lawnes. Spiritual Babylon also hath her holy-water, oyle, [Page 383] salt, creame, spettle, dayes, yeares, ashes, meats, confessions, penance, satisfactions, pardons, pilgrimage, purgatorie, exorcismes, images, bells, altars, incense, candles, graines, medalls, supererogations, oblations, dirges, trentalls, and a thousand toyes more, which I haue now no leasure to recount, for which there is no Scripture, nor warrant; but they are the deuices of their owne braines, and figments for their owne lucres sake. Now these to obtrude vnto the Church, they vse foure wicked and false pretences, the foure wheeles of the Chariot of Antichrist, or the foure elements of his Constitution.
The first pretence is, that the word of God doth not containe all things necessary vnto saluation, as the Censure of Colen plainly speaketh;Cens. Col fol. 120 ex Charco cont. Camp. The want of the holy Scriptures must bee supplyed, by peecing it out with traditions. This is the most execrable and diuelish blasphemy of all that euer was inuented. For it prepareth the way to all their superstitious will-worship: and it seemeth a reasonable colour to digge vnto themselues other pits, since the fountaine of the Gardens is drie, and the spring of Lebanon hath not water enough to eternall life. Bellarmine vrgeth this Aphorisme to the full, and sayth,In Scripturis non contineri expresse necessariam totam doctrinam, siue de fide, siue de moribus. Bellarm. de verb. Dei non script. l. 4. cap. 3. in princep. In the Scriptures, all the doctrine is not expresly contained, which is necessarie, either concerning faith or manners; wherefore besides the word written, the word vnwritten is required. And againe,Scripturae sine traditionibus nec sunt simpliciter necessariae, nec sufficiente [...]. ibid. cap. 4. in princip. The Scriptures without traditions are neither simply necessary, nor sufficient. And the Censure of Colen sayth,Censura Colon. sol. 230. ex Char. cont. Camp. Traditions are of equal authority with the word of God: we must beleeue them, though they bee manifestly against the Scripture. Lyra sayth,Lyra contra perfidiam Iudaorum. It cannot be proued by reasons infallible, and efficacious arguments out of the Scripture which cannot be contradicted, that Christ is God or man, or come in the flesh. Eckius sayth,Eckius Euchi. cap. 4. — all things are not manifestly deliuered in the holy Scriptures. The Rhemists say,In Heb. 6. annot. 2. The Scriptures could not treat so particularly of things, as was requisite. And againe,Rhem. heb. 9. marg. not. 2. They containe not all necessary rites or truthes. Carolus Sigonius sayth,Ieruno adeo scriptus sit. Car. Seg. de Rep. [...]eb. lib. 7. c. 2. The booke of Iudges was so hungerly written, that it scarce setteth downe their succession and their warres. Thus [Page 384] [...] [Page 385] [...] [Page 384] they openly confront the Apostle Paul, 2. Tim. 3. who sayth, That all Scripture is profitable to teach, to improue, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse, that the man of God may be absolute, beeing made perfect vnto all good workes. 1. Pet. 1. They despise Peter, who teacheth, that by the Word of God we are borne anew. They openly contradict our great Prophet IESVS CHRIST himselfe, who to his Apostles denounced: Behold, I haue told you all things,; and vnto the Iewes, that the commandement of the Father is life. But with the Romish generation the wisedome of God is not perfect to instruct; the light of the Sun is not cleare: the wombe of the Sea is without water: the bread of heauen is insufficient to feed those that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse.M [...]t. 5.6.
Secondly, in the place of the Scripture of God, and to supply the defects thereof, they enforce the Church to receiue vncertaine superstitions, and vaine friuolous traditions, vvhich they also call The vnwritten word of God. So speaketh the assembly of Trent; With the same reuerence and equall deuotion of holinesse, the sacred Synod receiueth the same traditions touching faith and manners, as deliuered by the mouth of Christ, and pronounced by the holy Spirit, and consecrated by the continuall succession of the Catholicke Church. And Bellarmine sayth,Verbum ecclesiae, vel Pontificis docentis in Cat [...]edra non esse omnino verbum hominis, id est, verbum errore obnoxium, sed aliquo modo verbum Dei. Bellar. lib. 3. de verb. Dei. cap. 10. verbo respondeo verb. Ecclesiae. The word of the Church, or the pope teaching out of his chayre, is not altogether the word of man: that is, a word subiect to error; but after a manner, it is the word of God. And againe, reckoning vp the sundrie manners, by which God speaketh to his Church, by Scripture and by inward motion, he sayth, thatBellar. ibid. verbo respondeo loquitur. He speaketh most plainly by the mouth of his Ʋicars. The Canon Lawe sayth, of the Pope and Christ there is one tribunall. Bellarmine sayth,Eadem tribuitur author [...]tas legi scriptae, & censuetudini non scriptae. lib 4. de verb. Dei non script cap. 8. verbo nobiliss [...]mi Philosophorum. The same authoritie is attributed to the written lawe, and to the vnwritten custome. Ʋerectus sayth, The determination of the Church is Gospell. The Rhemists Rhem. 2. Cor 3. Sect. 1. comparing the vnwritten word of God with the written, call Traditions the speciall and proper booke of Christ, for that it is written in the heart: but the Gospell is the booke of inke and paper. And againe,In Ep. Iac. cap. 5. a [...]not. 11. Many things vnwritten bee of equall truth with the things written: [Page 385] Mat. 25. sect. 3 nor any precepts of the holy Church are to be counted doctrines of men; because they are not made by humane power, but by Christs warrant and authority, and by such as he hath placed in the Church to rule the same: they are made by the holy Ghost ioyning with our Pastors in th [...] regiment of the faithfull. Eckius sayth,Eckeus de orat. & hor. ca [...]de. 7. They which reiect the Canonicall houres, are like Naaman the Syrian, who refused to wash in Iordan, thinking the Riuers of Damascus better then Iordan: so (sayth he) if the reading of the two Testaments be better, yet we must wash in the water, where the Masters of the Church appoint, that is, the seauen Canonicall houres. Let them flatter themselues what they will,Mat. 15.9. They worship him in vaine, that teach for doctrine the precepts of men. Salomon saith;Pro. 30.6. Put nothing vnto his words, lest hee reproue thee, and thou be found a lyer. God saith in Moses; Deut. 12.32. Thou shalt put nothing thereto, nor take ought therefrom. Saint Iohn sayth;Apoc. 12.18. If any man shall adde to these things, God shall adde vnto him the plagues, that are written in his booke. But curse or blessing they regard not, who oppose the power of Christ in his Vicar, against the wisedome of Christ in his word.
Thirdly, all their Traditions which are not found in Scripture, they command all men to thinke, that they are yet from the mouth of Christ himselfe, and from the holy Ghost, o [...] the Apostles in the first plantation of the Church. This A [...] dradius sayth,Andrad apud Ch [...]m [...] de [...]radit. part. 1. d [...] decree. qu [...]ri soss. syn. Trid. is a principle, beyond which there is none ought by inquisition to proceede.
Tertullian sayth,Lex, qua probare se nō vult, suspecta est. Tert apologes. aduersus gentes. The Lawe that will not suffer it selfe to be examined, is iustly suspected. Like Mathematicians, their Traditions to proue, they will not be enforced, they must be confest and granted vnto them. And here behold their impudence; Bellarmine distinguisheth betwixt the Apostolicall precept, and the diuine precept: * he can say,Quod apostolus praecipet nō diuinum sed apostolicum. That which the Apostle commandeth, is not a diuine, but an Apostolicall precept. And yet they feare not to say, that their owne Traditions are of the diuine learning and the word of God. Leo saith,Leo in ser. [...]. de uiun Pentecost. in princip. ser. it may not be doubted that all Christian obseruance is of the diuine learning; and whatsoeuer is receiued into the custome of deuotion, doth proceed from the Apostolicall [Page 386] Tradition, and doctrine of the holy Ghost. Yea, the Rhemists in their annotations vpon the twelfth to the Romans shame not to affirme, that The holy Scriptures were written after the measure of vnwritten traditions.
Fourthly, they ascribe vnto the Pope sole authoritie to iudge, which are Apostolical Traditions, and which are not [...] to ordaine also Traditions by his owne power. And vnto this decision euery one is bound to obey, if he will be saued. Bellarmine sayth,Bellar. lib. 4. de Pontif. Rom cap. 3. [...] p [...]incip. cap. The chiefe Bishop when hee teacheth the whole Church, in things which belong to faith, cannot in any case erre. And these are the foure wheeles, (as I haue sayd) of the Chariot of Antichrist, vpon which are brought in all abominations into the Church. The first, that Gods word containeth not all things sufficient to saluation; Secondly, the want which is in the Scripture, is supplyed by traditions, which are of equall power with the Scriptures: Thirdly, it must be beleeued, that all the Romish Traditions are Apostolicall, from the mouth of Christ, from the Spirit of God, from the infancy of the Church: Lastly, if any man doubt hereof, the Pope is sole Iudge, and hath power to declare Traditions to be Apostolicall: and if they are not, by his absolute power to make them such. And now (christian Reader) I appeale to thy conscience, what may they not say? what may they not do? what may they not bring in, whose authoritie is so large, and whose power is so indefinite?
CHAP. X. Priuiledges and graces giuen to popish prayers and Traditions.
THat I may shew thee how their publike worship agreeeth vvith their priuate iudgement, and that in their solemne seruice of God they rather insist vpon their owne deuices, then any forme of prayer deliuered in the holy Scriptures or agreeable thereto: vouchsafe (godly Reader) to spend a little time in surueying this Tract ensuing; wherein it appeareth, that although vnto the holy prayer which the Lord himselfe ordained, and to the repeating thereof they giue no [Page 387] blessing at all, except it be conioined with Aue Maries, and such like, after their owne inuention: yet on the prayers by themselues inuented, who can recount the graces, the priuiledges, the blessings, the pardons that are bestowed?
To all them which say to the worship of our blessed Lady,Eu. Lib. Suffra. the prayer, Gaude virgo Mater Christi, the reuerend Father, Laurence; Bishop of Aessauen hath granted fortie dayes of pardon.
Celestinus the Pope granted to all that deuoutly say in honour and worship of our Lady the praier, Aue mundi spes Maria, Aue mitis, Aue pia, 300. daies of pardon.
The praier, Aue Rosa sine spinis, tu quam Pater in diuinis, &c. our Lady her selfe appearing to a deuout person said, was most acceptable vnto her; and in her appearing shee had this salutation and praier written in letters of gold vpon her breast.
Whoso sayth the praier, Aue Maria, Ancilla Sanctae Trinitatis, shall not depart out of this world without penance, and the holy Sacraments; which was shewed to Bernard by an Angell.
To them that deuoutly say the prayer, Aue Maria, alta stirps Lilij castitatis, Boniface the Pope of Rome hath granted one hundred dayes of pardon.
Sixtus the Pope, at the request of Elizabeth, Queene of England, wife to King Henry the seauenth, vnto euery one which daily after three towlings of the Aue bell, shall say the whole salutation of our Lady (that is to say, at sixe of the clocke in the morning; at twelue of the clocke at noone; at sixe of the clocke in the euening) for euery time 30. daies of pardon out of the treasure of the Church, Toties, quoties.
Of the praier, Aue Maria, Ancilla Trinitatis humillima, it was shewed to Bernard, that as gold excelleth all other metall: so this prayer exceedeth all other prayers.
Pope Boniface hath granted to all them, that say the Contemplation of our Lady, Stabat Mater dolorosa, iuxta crucem lachrimosa, seauen yeares of pardon, and fortie Lents: And Pope Iohn also the 22. 300. daies of pardon.
To all them, that being in the state of grace deuoutly daily say the prayer, Obsecro te, Domina Sancta Mater Maria, our blessed Ladie of Pitie, will shewe her gracious visage, and warne them the day and houre of their death; and in their last end the Angels of God shall yeeld their soules to heauen: and he shall obtaine fiue hundred yeeres, and so many Lents of pardon, granted by fiue holy Fathers Popes of Rome.
The epistle is nothing but a recitall of the praise of the Crosse, with this figure at euery word, Crux. ✚The Epistle of our Sauiour, Crux ✚ Christi sit mecum, Crux ✚ est, quam semper adoro, &c. Pope Leo sent to Carolus Magnus the Emperour; which blessing whoso beareth vpon him, and saith it once a day, shall obtaine fortie yeares of pardon, and 80. Lentings, and shall not perish with sodaine death.
Innocentius granted seauen yeares of pardon, to all them that deuoutly say the Orison, Salue lux mundi, at the Eleuation.
Iohn the third, Pope of Rome, to all them that before the Image of our Lord crucified, sayth the praiers, Pater noster, Aue Maria, precor te amantissime Domine Iesu Christe, as many daies of pardon, as there were wounds in the body of our Lord in the time of his passion, which were 5465.
The praier, Deus propitius esto mihi, was shewed vnto Saint Austin, by reuelation of the holy Ghost: and whoso saith it deuoutly, or heareth it, or beareth the same about him, shall not perish in fire, nor water, nor in iudgement, nor in battaile, nor shall dye of sodaine death, and no venim shall poison him that day.
Beda made the prayer, Domine Iesu Christe, qui septem verba: and who saith it kneeling deuoutly, neither the diuell, nor wicked men shall hurt him, neither shall he dye without confession.
Gregory made fiue praiers. The first, beginning, Aue manus dextra Christi: The second, Aue plaga Iesu leua: The third, Aue latus lanceatum: The fourth, Aue vulnus dextri pedis: The fift, Aue plaga laeua planta: and whoso deuoutly say them with fiue Pater nosters, fiue Auemaries, and a Credo in Deum, shall haue 500. yeares of pardon.
The praier, Salue sancta facies nostri Redemptoris, in qua nitet, &c. Pope Iohn the 22. made, and hath granted to all them that say the same, beholding the glorious visage or vernacle of our Lord 10000. daies of pardon: and they that cannot say it, let them say fiue Pater nosters, fiue Aue Maries, and fiue Credo in Deum.
Pope Innocentius hath granted to him that deuoutly saith the praier, Aue facies praeclara, to the blessed Vernacle of our Lord, three yeares of pardon.
Boniface the 8. hath granted to all thē that deuoutly say the praier, Deus, qui voluisti pro redemptione, 30. daies continually once a day, remission of all their sinnes, beeing contrite, and hauing good mind to be truely confessed.
Innocentius the 2. to him that saith the praier, Aue vulnus lateris, to the worship of the wound in Christs side, hath granted 4000. daies of pardon.
Whoso saith the praier of Bern. O bone Iesu, if hee be in the stare of eternall damnation, his paine shall bee changed into the temporall paine of Purgatorie: and if hee hath deserued the paine of Purgatorie, it shall bee forgotten and forgiuen.
To him that deuoutly saith the three praiers, Domine Iesu Christe, fili Dei viui, and Auxilientur nobis pie, Ex Miss. Sar. de Cant. Kyrielis. and Domine Deus de Deo, lumen de lumine, many pardons are granted.
To all them that say the praier, Anima Christi sanctifica me, after eleuation, 3000. daies of pardon for deadly sinnes are granted by Pope Iohn 22.
Who deuoutly beholdeth the armes of our Lord & Sauiour IESVS CHRIST, shall obtaine 6000. yeares of pardon of our holy father, Saint Peter, first Pope of Rome, and of 30. other Popes his successors.
And Pope Iohn the 22. hath granted to all that say the deuout prayers following, in commemoration of the bitter passion of Christ, being contrite and truely confest, 3000. yeares of pardon for deadly sinnes, and 3000. for veniall sinnes, and say first a Pater noster, an Aue Maria, dirupisti domine &c.
Iohn the 12. Pope of Rome granted to all, that going thorough the Churchyard say the prayer, Auete omnes animae, so many yeares of pardon, as be bodies buried in the same.
Sixtus the fourth, to him that deuoutly sayth before the Image of our Lady, the praier, Aue sanctissima Maria, mater Dei, hath granted 11000. yeares of pardon.
Euerie one that sayth deuoutly the praier, Aue Domina Sancta Maria, mater Dei, deserueth 11000. yeares of pardon, and shall so many daies see the blessed Virgine before he dye, as he hath said this praier yeeres.
Bonifacius sextus to euery one that betweene the eleuation of our Lord, and the three Agnus Dei, sayth the prayer, Domine Iesu Christe, qui hanc &c. tenne thousand yeares of pardon.
To all that deuoutly say fiue Pater nosters, fiue Aues, and a Credo before the Image of Pittie, pitteously beholding the armes of Christs passion, are granted 32755. yeares of pardon: And Sixtus againe hath added thereto certaine praie [...] and doubled his foresaid pardon.
Three prayers, whereof the first beginneth, Domine Iesu Christe, ego miser peccator, are written in the Chappell of the Crosse in Rome, called Sacellum Sanctae Crucis septem Romanorum: who deuoutly say them, shall obtaine tenne hundred thousand yeeres of pardon for deadly sinnes, by the grant of Pope Iohn 22.
The 15. Oes of Saint Bridget, which she euery day said before the Roode in the Church of Saint Paul at Rome, whoso shall say a whole yeare, shall deliuer 15. soules out of Purgatory of his next kinred, & conuert 15. sinners to good life: and other 15. righteous persons of his kinde shall perseuere in good life: and what he desires of God to the Saluation of his soule, he shall haue it.
Which of them euer gaue to the Lords praier: to the praier and thanksgiuing of Moses: to the Psalmes of Dauid: to the song and the praiers of Salomon, of Ionas, of Abacuc, Manasses, or any other contained in the Scriptures, the least priuiledge, preheminence, or pardon? but their ovvne deuices [Page 391] want neither Bulles, nor Diplomes, indulgences, nor grants.
Amongst the rest of them that equalize their owne deuices with the word of God, there is one Alanus de Rupe, whose tract is annexed to the Epitome of Dionise Carthus. vpon the bookes of the first and second Testament printed at Colen, an. 1532. with grace and priuiledge: who shameth not to teach, that whosouer will say for 15. yeares together in the honour of the bloud of Christ, euery day 15. Pater-nosters, and 15. Auces, shall in the space of the said 15. yeares salute euery drop of the bloud of Christ with a seuerall Pater-noster, and Aue Maria: and he that shall doe so, obtaineth 5. graces. The first, that 3. soules of his nearest kinne, who were appointed to the damnation of hell, shall be made partakers of eternall saluation: The second, he that thus doth say,Dominus noster Iesus Christus euidā sibi deuoto reuelauit, ficut legi, et por [...]a [...] plurima operatus est miracula in diuersis Anglia partibus, prout in dom [...] Carthusia prope Lōdinū plenius habetur. Beatissimus vero Iohannes Euāgelista custos virginis Maria dignissimus nocte vna ista reuelauit praedicta tribus personis, affirmādo ista esse vera, sicut illud Euangeliū quod scripsit: In principio erat verbū shall bee made as cleane from all sinne, as he was in baptisme, & cleaner also, because more full of grace: The third, hee shall haue so much reward in heauen, as though himself had poured out all his bloud for the catholike faith: The fourth, this praier may be said with so great deuotion and feruentnes for the soules in Purgatory, that the Lord will release all soules from thence for the same, as it once happened to Saint Dominicke: The fift grace is, if one begin these praiers, and die in the first yeare or month, yet he shall bee partaker of all the former graces, as though he had finished the whole 15. yeares in this seruice. These foresaid graces Iesus Christ himselfe reuealed to a certaine deuout person, as I haue read (saieth the authour) who wrought thereby many miracles; as you may see more at large in the house of the Carthusians by London: and the blessed Euangelist Saint Iohn, the most worthy keeper of the holy virgin, reuealed in a night these things to three persons; affirming that this was as true, as the Gospell he wrote: In the beginning was the word.
CHAP. XI. The Church of Rome doth violate the office of our great Prophet Iesus Christ, by ordaining other Prophets, which illuminate the Church, and poure light into the hearts of men by inward and secret inspiration.
OF our high and great Prophet Iesus Christ it is (as wee haue said) a speciall prerogatiue, that hee shineth into our hearts by the light of his spirit, and doth illuminate our vnderstanding, and inwardly moue vs to consent vnto the truth. Wherefore Bernard saith,Sermo 3. in vigil. natiu. ad finēfere. verb [...], [...]t atten, God hath made three mixtures, or coniunctions most wonderfull; such as haue not beene made before, nor shall be againe. God and Man: a Mother and a Ʋirgin: faith and the heart of man together ioyned. And in respect of this sanctifying of our hearts by faith, he is calledNum. 24.17. the starre of Iacob,Luc. 2.32 a light, Zech. 13.1. a fountaine, 1 Cor. 10.3.4 spirituall meat and drinke; for that he doth inuisibly and inwardly communicate himself, by the infusion of grace into the Soule of man, through the operation of the Holy Ghost. And surely this is the greatest honour of Christs propheticall office. Yet the same manner of working and inspiration the Romish Church blusheth not to attribute vnto her Saints. Vnto the virgin they say;Aue Maria, magistra euāgelistarū: aue Maria, doctrix. Apostol [...]rū, in orat. Ber. ab angelu reuelat. quā qui dicit singulare obtinebit proemium. All haile Mary, mistris of Euangelists: all haile Mary, teacher of the Apostles: And in the Masse of Sarisbury, all the works of the spirit of God concerning illumination, and instruction are plainely ascribed to her. She is calledSedēs in dextra virtus, lāpas, et Sophia in nat. virg. hym. Aue coeleste. the starre of the sea, the lanthorne of heauen, the power, the lampe, the wisdome. Wherefore the Missall of Hereford calleth herA fulgore huius Sydirisn [...] auertu oculo [...], si nō vis obtui procellis, in lec. 3. in seru. v [...]rg. the starre of Iacob, whose beame doth illuminate the whole world, shineth in heauen, pearceth the hell, lighteneth the earth, warming rather the minde then the body, cherishing vertue, purging offences: turne not then thy eies from the brightnes of this Star.
Another confesseth to the virgin;Nā vt clara lux dici solis datur lumine: sic tu facis orbē verae tuc pacis resplēdere plenitudine in orat. Gaude flor [...] virginal. As the cleare light of the day is giuen by the brightnes of the Sunne: so the virgin maketh the whole world shine by the fulnes of her light.
Bonauenture saith;Accedite ad eā in tētationibus ve [...]s s [...]ris, et stabilie [...] v [...] serenitas vultus illius. Ps. 2. Come vnto her in your tentations, and the brightnes of her countenance shall establish you: And in the fift Psalme;So [...]ritus enim tuus super mel dulcu, et haereditas tua supra mel et fauum. Thy spirit is sweeter then honny, and thine heritage aboue the honny and the hony combe. Which is spoken, as though the holy Ghost proceeded from the virgin, and that the virgin could communicate her spirit, and giue the taste thereof vnto vs, and that eternall life were an heritage by the virgin bestowed on mankinde.
Finally, of the inspiration of the virgins grace hee saith;Tuo tactu leuissim [...] sanātur infirmi: tu [...] odore rosea mortus reuiuiscunt. Ps. 13. et 18. By thy gentle touching, the sicke are cured: by thy rosie smell, the dead liue againe. And in the 18. Psalme; Stillabit vobis gratiam suam, our Lady shall instill her grace into you. And in the 26. Psalme; Domina illuminatio mea sit, The Lady is my light.
The Legend of Lombardy saith of her;Sic et tufōs veri luminis, i [...]cōsūptus vita thesaurus: licet quodā breui tēporis interualle corporaliter morti sit addita, tamē copiosè nobis infūdi [...] indeficiētis luminis claritatē Leg. Lōb. in assūp. Ma. virg. fol. 10 [...]. par. 1. col. 1. ex Io. Damas. Thou art the fountaine of tru [...] light, the vnconsumed treasury of life: Although for a litle season thou didst endure corporall death, yet thou dost most plentifully poure into vs the brightnes of vncessant light.
The same praise the Rosary giueth vnto her also, and saith; Lighten my heart, O bright Starre. Neither is this vertue attributed only vnto the blessed virgin, but the Legend calleth Bartholomew the Sunne of the world, which enlightneth all things.
The Roman Breuiarie doth attribute to Iohn the Baptist, that he is able to open our lippes, and giue vs power to praise him;
That Iohn Baptist did communicate his spirit to Elizabeth his Mother, as Christ did his spirit to the Virgin Mary, in plaine tearmes they confesse. Wherefore it is said,Duplici{que} miraculo prophetarint matres spiritu paruulorū. R [...]. Br [...]. in fest. visit. Mariae. lect. 6. voce prior. With a double miracle the mothers did prophecie, by the spirit of the children.
Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury in his Orison, O intemerata, praieth to Mary and Iohn; Od [...]ae coelestes gēm [...], Mar. et Io. O duo l [...]minaria diuin [...]tus ante Deū. in orat. O intemerat. O two heauenly gemmes, Mary and Iohn: O tvvo lights of Diuinity standing before God.
To Saint Thomas of Hereford they pray;Bre. Heref. in fest. S. Tho. Heres. atque mētibus deuotis cōfer lumen grati [...]e. O father of holinesse, O iewell of Prelates, O candle of brightnesse lightening the world: And againe to the same Saint; On our deuout mindes confer the light of grace.
But aboue all blasphemies is that praier that beginneth;Certus enim sum, quia sicut per filij gratiam ea potui accipere: sic eadē per matris merita possim reciper [...]. ex Ch [...]̄. Te mater illuminationis: wherein they pray; Heare O Lady, heare O most powerfull, that the corruption of my minde may be changed, which as by thy Sonnes grace I may receiue: so, I am sure, I may also do by the merits of the mother.
Awake at last, awake out of the slumber of thy senselesse superstition, O shamelesse Babylon. For if thou canst by the power of the virgin bee illuminated, as by the grace of the Sonne of God, is not now the virgin thy Prophet, as the Son is thy Prophet?
Sundry other such testimonies I could lay open to your view: but I auoid prolixity. For it can bee now to no man, that readeth these their blasphemies, vnknowne, that the greatest excellence of our high Prophet Iesus Christ, which is to inspire life and light into his members, is ascribed vnto the Saints. As for vs let vs acknowledge (Christian Reader) that there is but one Sunne or soule of the Church, which poureth grace and vnderstanding into it, according to the saying of the Prophet Ieremy; Ier. 3.23 In vaine is health hoped for from the hils, be they neuer so many: but the health of Israell stands onely vpon God our Lord.
CHAP. XII. That the Romish Church offereth wrong to the Propheticall office of Iesus Christ, by wresting the Scripture vnto a strange & forraine sense, contrary to the minde of the Holie Ghost.
IT is most true, that the Sonne of Sirach teacheth;Ecclus. 19.14 There is a certaine subtilty that is fine, but it is vnrighteous. This is it which the Romanists doe glory in: to turne the Scripture like an Image of wax to what purpose it pleaseth them. By which it commeth to passe, that they causeMalac. 2.8 many to fall [Page 395] by the Law, and blinde the eyes of the ignorant with authoritie of the Scripture, altogether abusiuely interpreting it from the ttue intent thereof. This was the manner of Sathans alledging Scripture,Mat. 4.1. when hee tempted our Sauiour: And the same rule his Emissaries still retaine. So that though the Tabernacle of that wickedDan. 11.45. bee placed in the holy mountaine, and they say,Ier. 8 8. The Law of the Lord is with vs: yet certainely it is most true of them, what the Prophet Ezechiel foresheweth;Ezech. 13.6. They haue seene vanity and lying diuination, saying: the Lord saith it, and the Lord hath not sent them.
Of all Impostors in this kinde I know none, that with the Romish Bethauen can compare. Who to set vp Idolatry, and to maintaine false worship, haue wrested, peruerted, forced the Scripture to speake what it speaketh not, and to teach what it intendeth not. I will set a few amongst many examples before thine eyes (Christian Reader) that thou maist consider this generation, and see how deceitfull they are vpon the Balance, and how guilefully they vse the Word of God, the Scriptures of our Saluation.
Let vs begin with the publique seruice and worship in the church.Ex Chema. qui citat specul. Rosar. Alani. Dominicke inuented for the celebritie of the Virgin the first vse of Rosaries, that, As God hath his prescript forme of adoration, so the Virgin might haue a speciall forme of seruice also.
A Rosary consisteth of fifty Aue Maries, and fiue Pater nosters: so that to ten Salutations of the Virgin, one Lords prayer must be alwaies added. For this purpose, and that the number might bee duely obserued, hee ordained fifty fiue Beads, after such sort, as betwixt euery ten smaller, one great stone should be placed.
Out of the Rosaries afterward they beganne to frame the Ladies Psalter. For, repeating three Rosaries at a time, they heape vp a hundred and fifty salutations, which is the iust number of the Psalmes in the Canonicall volume. Then was added to euery Salutation a prayer. And the Carthusians brought the Salutation into verse, to be sung after euery one [Page 396] of Dauids Psalmes; as we vse to say, Glory bee to the Father, &c. After this, to the repetition of the Ladies Psalter, sundry Pardons, by sundry Popes were added. And to fill vp the cup of abomination to the brim, the Seraphicall Doctor Cardinall Bonauenture turned all the Psalmes of Dauid, with the Praises, Confessions and Prophesies, which therein expresse the honour of God, and his Sonne Christ Iesus, vnto the Virgin Mother; as in the sixt Psalme, O Lady, suffer mee not to be rebuked in his anger. The seuenth Psalme; Lady, in thee haue I trusted. The twelfth Psalme, How long, O Lady, wilt thou forget me. The twenty eight Psalm, Ascribe vnto our Lady, ascribe vnto our Lady, worship and praise. The Psalme forty fift, Thou, O Lady, art our refuge. The sixtie fourth Psalme, O Lady, thou art to be praised in Sion. The nineteenth Psalm, The heauens declare thy glory, O Lady.
Others also corrupted the Hymns & prayers of the church: Wee praise thee O God: blessed bee the Lord God of Israel: and turned them into We praise thee Lady, and blessed be the Lady: yea, the Creede of Athanasius they peruerted; Whosoeuer will be saued, it is necessary that hee hold the faith concerning our Lady.
From these precedents euery one tooke courage to apply the Scriptures, euen such places, as were peculiar praises of Christ himselfe, vnto Saints, vnto Martyrs, vnto Confessors. Insomuch that there is nothing in them left proper and singular vnto God, but is wrested and appropriated vnto Saints.
Ex Aloy. Lyp. p. [...]. fol. 222. Bernard saith; Thou shalt ascend vp [...]n high (O Virgin) and she shall giue gifts vnto men.
The Legend of Iacob de Ʋoragine, Legend. aurea. Lomb. in assump. virg. ser. 114. applyeth to the Virgin, that which is plainely spoken of Christ Iesus; Behold I come: In the beginning of the booke it is written of mee, Psal. 40.7. that I should doe thy will, O God: Seeke ye Psal. 27.8. ex Ber. super Salue Regina. my face. Thy face Lady (saith Bernard) will I seeke.
Germanus in Metaphrastes to the Virgin prayeth;Ex Aloy. Lyp. Let deceitfull lips be put to silence, which against thee the righteous speake iniquitie in their pride and contempt: The 19. verse of the 73. Psalme peruerted. Let their image [Page 397] bee banished out of the Citie, that they may bee ashamed, and perish, and know, that thy The 33. verse of the 6. chapter of the second of Chronicles peruerted. name is the Lady. And in the same author we readAloy Lyp p. 1. fol. 263. Let vs blow the Trumpets in Sion: TakeIoel 2. [...]. peruerted. the Psalterie, Psal. 81.2. verse peruerted. and the Lute, and sing vnto the Mother of God, all the kinreds of the earth.
Of the Sepulchre of the Virgin Io. Monach. Damasc. saith;Vid. Aloy Lyp. p. [...]. fol. 278. Come you that are thirsty to the water. Esay biddeth The [...]. verse of the 55. of Esay peruerted. mak [...] hast which haue no money, buy without price, I proclaime it Euangelically. Againe Bernard saith;73. Psal. verse 1. peruerted. Ber. super Salus regina. How good is the Lady vnto Israel, euen vnto such as are of a cleane heart. Quid Domini facient, ausint cum talia fures? If the taile of Antichrist, Monkes, Friers, Legendaries, dare thus presume, what shall the platformers of their publique worship doe in their holy Missals? What can be looked for from them, but wrestings, corruptions, peruersions, wrong applications of Scriptures? All therefore, all that the spirit of God in the Canticles of Salomon speaketh of the church, they construe of the Virgin Mother, and the rest of the Virgins: that thereby they may raise admiration, and draw men to Idolatry and superstition.Cant. 1.4. I am blacke, O yee daughters of Ierusalem, but yet faire: The Cant. 1.3. King brought mee into his Chamber: As the Cant. 2.2. Lilly among the Thornes, so is my loue among the daughters: Thou Cant. 1.14. Diuers places of the Canticles peruerted in Ro. Br [...]. art faire, my loue, thou art faire, thy eyes be as Doues eyes, thy lips, my spouse, drop as honey combes: the smell of thy garments is, as the smel of Frankincense▪ with sundry other. All which they misconstrue, and turne to the Virgine, and other Saints.
To euery Martyr the Romane BreuiarieRo. Bre. in Com. v [...]ius Martyr. Resp. post lect. 5. coronata. attributeth that which is spoken of the glorious Regalitie and Kingdome of Christ;The 2. verse of the 2 [...]. Psalme peruerted. Thou hast giuen him his hearts desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips: Thou hast put a crowne of very precious stone vpon his head: And againe,The 21. Psalme verse 4.5. peruerted. Glory and great worship shalt thou lay vpon him: And likewise, Hee asked life of thee, and thou gauest him a long life, euen for euer and euer.
Againe,The 11. verse of the third of the Canticles peruerted. The shamelesse Missall peruerteth that which is spoken of Christ. Come forth ye daughters of Ierusalem, and see the Martyr with the crowne, wherewith God crowned him in the day of his solemnitie and gladnesse. So they corrupt also the words [Page 398] of the Psalmist;Psalm 89. verse 20. peruerted. I haue laid help vpon one that is mighty: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people; attributing this to Saints, which was spoken onely of Christ, and Dauid his type.
That which is spoken of Christs Priesthood, is ascribed to euery Confessor;Psalm 110. verse 4. peruerted. Ro. Breuiarie in Com. Confes. The Lord sware and will not repent, thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchizedech.
Of Christ the spirit witnesseth;The 25. verse of the 89 Psalme peruerted. Miss. Sar. in Miss. Sanc. Rochi. My truth and mercy shall be with him: in my name shall his horne be exalted. This they giue vnto Saint Rocke.
The Psalmist, of the superabundant vnction of Christ, of his holinesse, of his wisedome and his grace, foresheweth;The 8. verse of the 45. Psalme peruerted. Thou hast loued righteousnesse, and hated iniquity: wherefore God, euen thy God, hath anointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes: And again,The 21. verse of the 89. Psalme peruerted. I haue found Dauid my seruant, with my holy oile haue I anointed him: And againe; full of grace are thy lips: and110. Psalme verse 1. Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thy enimies thy footestoole. These places they attributeƲid. Ro. Bre. passim in confess. & Pont. to the Virgin, to the Saints and Martyrs.
Of the saluation by Christ, freely, generally, and fully granted to all beleeuers, the Scripture speaketh;Cant. 1.2. Thy name is an ointment poured out, Com. vnius virg. Mart. therefore doe the maidens loue thee: They giue it to eueryRo. Bre. in assūp. virg. lect. 1. Osculetur me. Virgin Martyr, and to the Virgin Mary.
Of the prosperitie of the kingdome of CHRIST the Psalmist saithThe 5. verse of the 45. Psalme peruerted.; Good lucke haue thou with thine honour: they read it in the VirginsIn com. Virg. An. Worship, as of her to bee vnderstood.
The soueraigntie and superioritie, which God hath giuen vnto mankinde ouer all his creatures, the Missall applyeth to their Saints, corrupting the words of the Text; How admirable is thy name O Lord, in all the earth: with glory and honour hast thou The 6. verse of the 8. Psalme peruerted. In Rom. Bre. in cō. conf. Pont. crowned thy Saint, and set him ouer the workes of thy hands.
To their holy water most impudently they apply the prophesie of Ezekiel; Ezek. 47. verse 9. peruerted. in the Miss. of Sarum. Euery thing shall liue, whither the Riuer commeth: And againe, to it they apply most peruersly that of the Psalme;In quot exer. impr. per Arnold. Conings anno 1599 Thou shalt sprinkle mee with Hyssop, and I [Page 399] shall bee cleane: thou shalt wash mee, and I shall bee whiter then snow.
Of euery Confessor Bishop;Benedictione omnium gentiū ded [...]t illi, & testamentum suum confirmanit super caput eius. The 22. verse of the 44 chapter of Ecclus. peruerted. Ro. Bre. in cō. confess pont. post lect. 2. oportet An. The blessing of all Nations he gaue vnto him, and continued his testament vpon his head. Which words are spoken of Isaack, but typically doe set forth Christ.
I will no longer be vnto thee tedious, good Reader: thou seest what integritie, what faith they vse. Nay, what falshood (I should say) what treacherie toward the holy Oracles of God almightie. What truth canst thou expect from them, who dare lye vnto the holy Ghost? and euen in the sight of God: in the great congregation before men and Angels: before the Altars and Sacraments: in their publique worship, in their holy vestures, in their priestly office (contrary to the knowne truth) corrupt, peruert, bely the Scriptures of God himselfe?
CHAP. XIII. Of the additions, which the Missals and Legends put vnto the word of God, out of mere imagination and supposition.
THe holy word of God is deliuered to vs by the spirit of wisedome, as it were in weight and measure: not one iot is therin redundant or superfluous: not a word wanting, nor a clause defectiue, which any man neede by his wisedome to adde vnto. Yet such is, the the temeritie, shall I say? or the impudencie of spirituall Babylon, that shee must needs mixe the pure wine with her dregges, and impe her Owles feathers into the Eagles wings?Iob 13.7. Hath God any need of your lyes? or will yee speake vnrighteously for him? Surely Salomon saith,Prou. 12.22. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deale truely, are his delight.
Let vs come then to their additions vnto the Scriptures out of meere imagination and supposition?Osee 11.1. Ex Egypto vocaui filium meū, veniet, vt saluet populum suum. infra hebd. 1. Adu [...]n. ad An. of which the New and old Missals, the grosse, and the reformed, are all alike guilty.
The Prophet Osee saith; Out of Egypt haue I called my [Page 400] sonne: They adde, He shall come, that he may saue my people.
To the second verse of the forty fourth Chapter of Ezekiel, where it is said, The Lord God of Israel hath entred by it, and it shall be shut: they adde of their owne inuention;Resp. post lect. 2 & irruet, infra hebd. 1. Aduent. Hath [...]ntred by it for the saluation of the world.
The Euangelist Saint Iohn in the two and twentith of the Reuelation saith; the Angell shewed me a well of the water of life: the Romane Missall addeth,Ostendit mihi Angelus fontem aqua viuae, & dixit ad [...]ne, hic deū adora 3. hebd. post [...]ctau. edict. and said vnto mee, Alleluiah, worship God here.
The Missall of Sarisbury repeateth the saying of Ezechiel; euery thing shall liue, whither the Riuer commeth: but out of his owne forge he coineth an addition,Et dicent [...]nes All [...]luia, Alleluia, Mis. Sar. in aspers. aqua benedict. They shall all say, Petrus beatus Cat [...]narum laqueos, Christo iubente, rupit mirabiliter. Ro. Br [...]. infest. Sanc. Pet. ad vincula in hym. Alleluiah, Alleluiah. No lesse shamefully deale they with the History of Peter; Blessed Peter at Christs command, brake the chaines of his fetters wondrously.
The Scripture witnesseth, The chaines fell from his hands: they imagine Peter did breake the chaines wondrously. The Scripture saith,Act 12.7 & verse 9. Luke 1.13. It was done by the Angell: they attribute it to Peter.
The like falsification is in the Festiuall of the Baptist; Ro. Breu in fest. Io. Baptist. Baptist added. The Angell descended vnto Zacharie, saying: Receiue a childe in thy old age, and his name shall be Iohn Baptist.
In the Hymne, Ʋexilla Regis prodeunt, they say,Psal. 95. Ro Bre. that God should on a tree possesse his raigne. But Clicthouius Clicht. in hym. togegether with Iacobus Stapulensis confesseth, that this is a plaine corruption and addition to the Text. I know, some ancient Fathers read, Regnauit è ligno Deus: but in the publique worship they should be more carefull not to vary from the truth of the Scriptures. Wherefore let them excuse mee, if out of their owne authors I tell them of their errours.
The additions to the words of the Euangelist in the Canon of the Masse are no lesse euident then abominable; where they read,H [...]c est enim Calix sangu [...]nis mei nous & aeterni testamenti, mysteriū fidei. in Can Miss. This is the cup of my bloud of the New and eternall Testament, the mysterie of faith, which is shed for you and for many &c. Neither let them blame me for noting this corruption since Manipulus Curatorum is witnesse, thatManip. Curat. de for. Cōs. sang. c. 4. edit. per Iaques Forrestier. The Pope seeth the s [...]ule, but [...]endeth it not. long since a Bishop of their owne obserued the fault, and maruelling [Page 401] who was so audacious to adde vnto the Euangelicall Text, complained thereof vnto the Pope: who reproued it not, but commended his iust exception.
To the tenth verse of the first of the Acts of the Apostles they falsely adde of their owne inuention,Cum{que} intuerētu [...] in coeluus euntē illum, dixerunt Alleluia. Bre. Sar. in Ascen. domini. While they looked toward Heauen, as he went, they said Alleluiah.
In the Canon of the Masse they read;Et eleuatu oculis in coelum ad te deū patrē suūm omnipotentem, tibi gratias agēs benedixit, fregis. in Cā. Miss. Sar. Lifting vp his eyes into heauen to thee, O God, his euerlasting Father. That Christ at the benediction of the Sacramentall bread lift vp his eyes to heauen, no Euangelist declareth: it is onely their owne supposition.
To the words, This is my body, This is my bloud, they adde the particle,Enim addit. in Can. M ss. Enim, For. Hoc est enim: for this is my body.
The Legend of Lombardy addeth to the Euangelists, and saith;Et dedit mihi istud signū cruci [...] dicens hoc portans ambula in Paradisum, & si non dimiserit te angelus ingredi custos Paradisi, estende illi sign [...]on crucis, & dices ad illum quod Christus, qui nunc cruc [...]fixas est, transmisit me &c. in resurrec. domini ad finē. cap. 52. Christ gaue vnto the Thiefe on the Crosse the signe of the same, saying, Beare this and walke into Paradise, and if the Angell keeper of Paradise refuse to let thee enter, shew him this signe, and say vnto him, that Christ which now is crucified, sent me hither: Thus doing, presently he was let in.
Of the Epiphanie they faigne;Ro. Bre. intra octa Epiph. An. interrogabat. Herod asked the Wise men, What signe haue you seene concerning the King that is borne? They answered; Wee haue seene his Starre shining, whose brightnesse doth lighten the world.
Of Iacobs lamentation for his sonnes they say,In dom. 3. quadrag. et post lect. 9. ipse autem. Iacob lamented for his two sonnes, wailing; Woe is me I am heauy for Ioseph that is lost, and v [...]ry sorrowfull for Beniamin led away for foode: I beseech the heauenly King, that hee will grant mee the most sorrowfull, that I may see them. Againe, Iacob prostrating himselfe vpon the earth, vehemently with teares worshipped, saying: I beseech the heauenly King &c.
The Portuis of Sarisbury, In 1. dom. ad [...]en [...]. Resp. post lect. 3. et Ro Bre. dom. 1. aduent. post. lect. 3. and the Romane Breuiarie, both say, The Angell was sent to Mary the Ʋirgin espoused to Ioseph, deliuering to her the word, and the Ʋirgin was afraid of the light. Saint Luke indeede saith, that she was troubled at the Angels saying: but that with the light she was terrified, it is their forgerie.
To the narration of the Baptists reuerence in refusing to [Page 402] baptize Christ, they adde, The Baptist trembled, Baptista cōtremit, & nō audet tāgere sanctū dei verticē, sed clamat cū tremore, sāctificae me, saluator. Bre. Sar. in Hillar. ep. & Cōfess. in laudibus An. verb. veterē hominē. and durst not touch the holy head of God, but crieth out with feare, sanctifie me, O Sauiour.
With the same strong power of conceit they corrupt the words of Christ in the Garden;Tristis est anima mea vs{que} ad mortē, sustinete hic, et vigilate mecū, nūc videbitis turbam, quae circumdabit me, vos fugam caepietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis. Ro. Bre. feria 5. in coenae domini Resp. tristis, &c. My soule is heauy vnto the death, abide you heere a little, and watch with mee, you shall now see the multitude compasse me about, but you shall flee, and I will goe to be crucified for you.
Could Vna hora nō potuistis vigilare mecum, qui exhortabami [...]i meri pro me? vel Iudā non videtis, quomodo nō dormis, sed festinat tradere me Iudeis [...] Ro. Bre. in coena dō. portif. Sar. in dies Pass. you not watch one houre with me, which are exhorted to dye for me? You see Iudas how he sleepeth not, but hasteneth to deliuer me to the Iewes. Of the same kinde are these also that follow.
I prayed my Father, Alleluia, and hee gaue mee the nations, Alleluia, to my inheritance. Alleluia.
The Angell said to them; Doe not feare; Et vita hominum resurrexit cum eo, Alleluia. Br. Sar. in feria 3: hebd. Pasc. for I say vnto you, the dead man, whom you seeke, is risen, and the life of men is risen with him.
Goe Ite in orbē vniuersum, & praedicate, dicētes Alleluia. Pertif. Sar. in Crast. Ascen. domini. into all the world, and preach, saying, Alleluia.
When the Lord was borne, the Quiers of Angels sung, saying; Saluation be vnto our God, which sitteth vpon the Throne, and to the Lambe.
With his hands lift vp hee was carried into Heauen, and he blessed them, Alleluia.
I haue Portif. Sar. in Andr. Apos, Resp post. lect. 7. [...]ndist. Fratres. stretched out my hands all the day long vpon the Crosse, vnto a people that beleeueth not, but speaketh against me.
All Nam ad illam sunt nuncia olim facta Angelica; Aue Maria gratia dei plena per s [...]cula. in hy [...]o, hac clara die turma. Haile Mary, full of the grace of God throughout all ages.
Portif. Sar. in virg. Circumc. ad Compl. Looking Aspiciens à lōge, ecce video dei potentiam venientem, & nebulam totam terram tegen [...] eus; ite obuiam ei, & dicite, nuncia n [...]bis, si tu es ipse qui regnaturus es in popul [...] Israel. Dom. 1. aduent. in Resp. aspiciens. a farre off, Behold, I see the power of God comming, and a cloud couering the whole earth, goe to meete it, and say, tell vs whether thou bee hee indeede, Eleuatis manibus [...]erebatur in coelū, et benedixit eis, Alleluia. in die Asc. domini in laudibus. An. that is to raigne ouer the people Israel.
Thus doth adulterous IsraellEzek. 43.8. set their Thresholds by his Thresholds, and their posts by his posts: they ioyne their wisedome [Page 403] vnto Gods wisdome, and their words vnto his words, peecing the skin of the Lyon with the skin of the Foxe; and by this meanes they set stumbling blockes before the feete of the weake. For what can more deterre the Iewes and Turks, and all Infidels from the Gospell of Christ, then when they see it corrupted with false and perfidious additions?
The Lord giue them the light of his Spirit, that they may see and be ashamed, and turne from their errors: And the Lord blesse vs, that professe the Gospell, that we may handle the word with all sinceritie:Hos. 11.12. though Ephraim compasse him about with lyes, and the house of Israell with deceit, yet let Iudah rule with God, and be faithfull with his Saints.
CHAP. XIIII. Of malitious falsifications and additions vnto Scripture, by which the Romish Antichrist wrongeth the Propheticall Office of Christ Iesus, to maintaine their owne errors.
MAlitious falsifications I call them, which are of purpose done, to maintaine some points of their erronious doctrine, whereof in Scriptures truly and rightly alledged there is no ground. Of this kind, there are examples not a few amongst them. We will begin with that, which in the conception of the Virgine is sung.
Dixit aeternus ad vetere [...], Deus ad serpentem, inimicitias ponam inter te & mulierem, & semen tuum, & semen eius, ipsa contere [...] caput tuum. Portif. Sar. in concep. virg. lect. 4. propositionem itaque. The Euerlasting sayd to the old, God to the Serpent; I will put enmity betwixt thee and the woman: thy seed and her seed, and she shall bruise the head of the Serpent. Heerein the honour due vnto Christ, is most deceitfully to the Virgine giuen, that they may haue some colour for the blasphemous doctrine of the Virgins power to take away sinne, by her intercession vnto God for vs.
After the like manner the Roman Breuiary maketh Christ thus to salute Saint Peter; Simon Petre, antequam de naui vocarem te, nous te, & super plebem meam principeus te constitui, & claues regni coelorum tradidi tibi. Ro. Breu. in fest. S. Pet. Resp. lect. 1. Petrus autem & Iohannes. Simon Peter, before I called thee out of the ship, I knew thee; I constituted thee a Prince ouer my people, and haue giuen thee the keyes of the kingdom of God. What is Scripture, but the word of God? And what is this but a malitious fiction, deprauing the word, and belying IESVS [Page 404] CHRIST, that they may magnifie the Idoll of Rome aboue all the house of God?
The like addition there is to the words of the Angell. Acts 12. For thus they sing:Surge Petre, & iudu [...] te vestimentis [...]uis, accipe fort [...]tudinem ad saluandas gentes, quia cec darunt catenae de m [...] nibus tuis. Ro. Breu. in sest Pet. & Pauli Resp. post. lect. [...]asti sunt. Arise Peter, put on thy garments, receiue strength to saue the nations, for the chaines are fallen from thy hands.
The Missall of Sarum vseth the same falshood to exalt the power of the VirgineCels [...] nunciat Gabriel noua gaudia, aeterni regis exortum in terra: Mitrem que eius ita salutat, Aue Maria, Domini mei Mater alma, coelica plena gratia, tu benedicta regem in secula paries, effecta orbis Regina. Miss. Sar. in assump. virg. Sequen. aurea virga prima Matris Euae..
Is it not enough (O first begotten of Sathan) to commit Idolatrie with the Virgine, to make her Queene of Heauen, as God is the King thereof: but thou must also so shamelesly corrupt the words of the Angell in his salutation? What truth can you keepe with men, that thus bely both God and Angels?
Here you haue wresting, addition, falsification of Scripture together, a Chaos of blasphemie. But what is it which shall not bee defended by them, who cannot blush? Of the Philosophers some sayd, the snowe was black: some imagined, that there were Cities in the moone: some, that the earth doth moue, and not the Heauen. There is nothing so absurd, but some will dote in the defence thereof.
TheLuk. 1. Salutation of the Virgine they chop and change into as many forms, as there are colours in the Rain-bowe, adding to it what words and clauses they please.
Vnto the Baptist they sing, falsifying the Angels message;Apparens{que} Zacharia Gabriel ripr [...]misit, quod tuam celebrarēs obsequijs natiuitatem. Miss. Sar. in die Sanct. Io. Bap. sequen [...]. Gabriel appearing vnto Zacharie did promise, that men should celebrate thy natiuitie with obsequies.
Of Saint Michael the Archangell a most malitious addition they haue, which is solemnely chanted in his annuall festiuity;Dum sacrū mysterium cerneret Iohannes Archang. Michael tuba cecinet, ignosce Domine Deus noster, qui aperis librum, & seluis signacula [...], Alleluia. Ro. Brou. in fest. dedic. Sancti Mich. ad mag. An. While Iohn sawe his mystery, Michael sounded the [Page 405] Trumpet, pardon vs, O Lord our God, which doest open the booke, and loose the seales thereof, Alleluia.
Another figment the same Missall hath of the Archangell Michael; Rom. Bre. pos [...] lec. 5. O Archangell Michael, I haue made thee prince ouer all soules to be receiued.
The two and twentith of the Reuelation is with the same Craft corrupted. For they adde vnto the text;Et super muros eius angelorū custodi [...] Portif. Sar. ser. 3. et 4. post octau. 2 pasc. Resp. vid. portā Ʋpon the wals a guard of Angels.
I will no longer detaine thee (Christian Reader) in this argument. Thou hast seene plentifull testimony of their malitious falshood, who sticke not to adde vnto Gods word for their aduantage, euen as in their Calendars of expurgation they blot out of the works of Fathers & holy writers, whatsoeuer doth make against them: so that in them is verefied the saying of Ieremy; Ier. 6.13. From the Prophet euen vnto the Priest they all deale falsly. Blessed Spirit of GOD take the couering from their eies, and grant them to bee ashamed of the lies of their owne ignorance.
CHAP. XV. Of the plaine vntruths and falshoods in the Missals of the Church of Rome, deliuered to the people insteed of the true doctrine of our great Prophet Iesus Christ.
OF the ProphetsIer. 23.30. which haue stolne the word, euery man frō his neighbour, and applied it to a strange sense contrarie to the minde of the Spirit of God: and of those,Apoc. vlt. 18 which adde vnto the sayings of the Prophesie of this booke; partlyIob. 38.2 to darken his Counsels by words without knowledge: and partly toRo. 18 with-hould the truth in vnrighteousnes, and with their malitious falshoods to blemish the light of the Gospell of Iesus Christ, we haue spoken already.
Now we are to intreat of manifest falshoods, which without any colour or authority of Scriptures they chant in their Missalls, and publique worship; the visions of their ovvne heart, not out of the mouth of the Lord.
I will begin with that blasphemous Ceremony solemnized [Page 406] in the Missall of Sarum, touching the annuall sepulture of Christ. In the acting whereof putting the body of Christ & the Crosse together into the sepulchre;Ip [...]e tibi, que ismus domine sancta pateram, i [...]otens Deus, sacrificium nostrum reddat acceptum, quo disc [...]pulis suis in sui commemorat [...]onem hoc fieri hodierna traditione monstrauit, Christu d [...]minus, in ser [...]. in coe [...]dons. pest offic. lex. r [...] Domini. Ʋid. simile in Rom. Bec. Dom. 1. quadrag orat. Deus, qui ecclesiam. Let him (say they) O holy Father and omnipotent God, make our sacrifice to bee accepted, who shewed vnto his disciples in this daies tradition, this to doe. A most stupendious lie; it is their owne fabulous inuention, Christ neuer commanded the obseruance of any such tradition.
Of the Crowne of thornes they say;H [...]c pugnantis galea, triumphantu laurea, tiara p [...]ntificis, primum. n [...]t spinea, postmodum. fit aurea. tactu sancti verucis, spina [...]ū aculeos virtus fecit aureos. in Miss Sar. This Helmet of the souldi [...]r, Garland of the triumphant, and Miter of the Priest, was at the first of thorne, afterward it was gould, the touching of the holy head made the prickes of the thornes golden. This is most false whether it be vnderstood of the matter of the Crowne, or of the power.Cum sisteres humani generis, loqui prace dignior cateris, Val [...]d. cit regina atheris, cuius sedes manet in superis, Vale sancta sanct [...] rum omnium; laus et ho [...]or, decus fidelium, aula Christi, domus, palatium, deitatis redinatorium. M [...]ss. Sar. in Mis. Arch [...]ng. Gab. prosa, proloquium alium. No lesse fabulous is this fained Farewell to the virgin;
The Roman Breuiarie abuseth you with the like falsification.Ma [...]iad xi [...], quali [...] est ista salutatio? quia conturbata est a [...] mamea, et qua paritura sunt regem, qui claustrum virginitatis m [...] non violabis in aduen. Ana. Mary said; what kinde of salutation, thinke you, is this? because my soule is troubled within mee, and because I am to bring forth the King, which shall not violate the Cloister of my virginity.
If in this there be any truth, iudge your selues, ye Papists, that haue any feare of God.
Of the virgin Mary they say; thatMiss. Heros. infr. octau. [...]eat virg. lect. 4. prima [...]ius virius. she gloried in her humility in the Gospells.
In the Homily of the 2. Ferie in the first week of Lent they say, thatIn terreus cogitatione in tiatum, sed c [...]lesti male [...]ati praceptum. Port. Sar. Ier. 2. hebd. 1. quadrag. It was commanded of the heauenly Maiestie, that Lent should be kept.
Againe,Haec nō eā praecepta Sacerdotum quā des sunt. ibid. These things (meaning the Lent fast) is not so much the precept of men, as of God.
They say also;Et quos ab escis carnalib [...], pracipi [...] abstinere, a noxij [...] quo{que} vitiis cessar [...] cōcede. in f [...]r. 4. hebd. 2. quā et Ro. Br [...]. whom thou dost command to abstaine from meats of flesh, make them to abstaine from faults and offences.
In another place; Iesu the commander of Lenten abstinence, which for the health of Soules ordainedst this fast.
I proclaime vnto you, all the generation of Romish falsaries; Priests, Monkes, Friers, and the fire-brands of all states and policies, Iudaising Iesuits, if you can proue out of the Scriptures, that Christ our Lord and Sauiour did euer command, ordaine, institute, or teach to keepe this fast of Lent, I will giue you the bucklers, and say your night is daie, and your blacke is white.
With the same falshood the Roman Breuiarie in the feast of Peter and Paul commeth vnto the euerliuing God, and saith;In [...]rat. Deus qui hod [...]erna. O God, which hast consecrated this day vnto the Martyrdome of the apostles Peter and Paul. Let them now shewe where God euer consecrated day to man, or gaue vs authority any such to consecrate.
The Portuis of Sarum saith;Audiui vocē de coelo veniētē, venite omnes sapiētissime virgines, ol [...]um recōdire in vasis vestris, dū spōsus adueneris. Miss. Sar. in com. plu. virg. Resp. post lect. 1. interrogatus dominus I h [...]ard a voice from heauen saying; Come all ye wisest virgins; put oile into your vess [...]ls, till the Bride-groome come. Who euer heard this voice? where was it proclaimed?
Vnto the virgin they sing;Gaude Maria virgo, cūctas hareses sola inter [...]misti t [...] vniuerso mūdo. in offic beat. virg. Ang [...]o [...] at et passim in Ro. Bre. Reioyce virgin Mary, thou alone hast ouerthrowne all heresies in the vniuersall world. If the diuell himselfe the Father of lies, Beelzebub, Verrin, Asmond, the Iesuits companions, with all the rabble of diuelles were brought together, I thinke none so shamelesse, that durst maintaine this falshood.
Of the wodden Crosse they say;Ro Miss. in se [...]t. inuēs. Sar [...]cu. et in Miss. Sar. quae sola fuestiduna f [...]stinere regē ec [...]lorū. Thou onely wast worthy to beare the King of heauen. This is false two maner of waies. For first, the Crosse was not worthy to beare Christ, of whom the holy Baptist more excellent then the Crosse, doth confesse;Luke 3.16 that he was not worthy to loose the latchet of his shoe. Secondly, the tree of the Crosse onely was not worthy to beare Christ. For Christ was borne of Mary, after a more excellent manner, and entred into sundry shippes, and was borne [Page 408] in them with greater ease and more facility, then on the Crosse.
The Roman Breuiary saith;Vide speciosam sicu [...] co [...]uba ascē [...]ētē [...]supe [...] riu [...]s, cuu [...] incitemabilis odor erat ninos [...] in vestimētis eiu [...]. Ro. Bre. Resp. post [...]sculetur me. I saw the beautifull ascending vpon the riuers like a doue, the inestimal Iesmel of her garments was exceeding sweet. But vvhere is this in Scripture to be found?
Of the inuocation of Saints they say;In Miss. Sāc. Rech. cūctis ad eorū patrocinia cōfugiētibu [...]sue petitionis salutarem pra [...]ta [...] eff [...]ctum. Vnto all that flee to their defence, thou giuest healthfull effect of their petitions. I will once againe be bould to prouoke all the Iefuiticall brood, to tell, if they can, where God euer promised to grant all their requests, which flie to the succour of Saints: where hee euer commanded vs so to doe: where euer he threatneth vs, if we doe it not. Thus the waightiest point of their religion hath neither commandement, nor promise, nor threatning in all the holy Canon of Scriptures to confirme it.
Another falshood the Breuiary of Sarum proclaimeth;Vidi angelū Dei volātē per medium coeli voce magn [...] clamātē, et dicētē; [...]te sunt sācti viri, facti amic [...] dei B [...]e. Sar. in Com. apost. extra tēpus pasc. post. vid. coniunctos viros. I saw an Angel of God flying through the middest of heauen, crying with a great voice, and saying; These are holy men, made the friends of God.
Of the Crosse they faine;Deparētis pretoplasti fraude facta c [...]ndolens, quādo pomin [...]xialis morts morsu corruit, ipse lignū tūc notauit, dāna signi vt solueret. Ro. Br. in Dom. in pass in hym. Pange lingua.
Heerein the Missall seemeth to allude to the Legend history, in which it is falsly imagined that an angell tooke a sprigge of the wood of Paradise, and planted it in Libanon, of which sprong the tree whereof the Crosse was made. As this is a meere fained vntruth: so also, that God euer appointed the wood of the Crosse to discharge the detriment, which came by tasting of the fruit of the forbidden tree, is a false and vngodly figment. Yet the Roman Breuiary it selfe, as refined as it is, cannot leaue it out, but saith,Miss. inuen. Sanct. crucis. Maij. 3. Resp. 3. haec est arbor dignissime in Paradisi medio situata. &c. Ex Pet. Lomb. This is the most worthy tree placed in the midst of Paradise. It is true, that the ancient Father teacheth, that God would not haue man put his hand to the tree of life and death, from thence to get remedy vnto his euill; Ne per arborem, sed hominem vitae, lest man should be saued by the tree of life, and not by the man of life.
The Roman Breuiarie, of the blessed virgin saith;Et vidētes eā filiae S [...]on beatissimam pradicantrūt, d [...]cētes, vnguētū effusū nomē tuū. in fest. S. Mar. ad nines. Resp. post lect. 6. qui [...] solenn. The daughters of Sion seeing her, declared her blessed, saying; thy name is an ointment poured out. Speake shamelesse Iesuits, and bring forth if you can, what daughters of Sion, where and when, euer did so worship and magnifie the blessed virgin. But you care not with what falshoods ye delude the people.
With the like vntruths the Missall of Sarum saith, thatIn sest. S. Aug. Augustine of Rome was the first teacher of true religion in England: And the Roman Breuiarie,Cuius cerebre respersū est totius tēpli pau [...]mētū. Rom. Bre. in Tho. Cant. lect. 6. ex qua regis. ad finem. that the pauement of the whole Church was sprinkled ouer with the braines of Becket. Thus you see, Babylon hath an harlots brow, lie she can, she cannot blush.
O mercifull God, clense the Church from these Impostors, and giue them grace (if it be thy will) to see their sinne, and to eschue it. But what hope is there, when they professe, thatMihi certe videtur ecclesiae errorem (si t [...]mē [...]rra [...]illa) [...]erēdū esse potius, et quasi iniuriā accipiēdā, quā ab institutis illius recedēdū. Barth. Lato. in ep. adu. Bucerum. The errours of the Church are rather to bee borne with then amended?
CHAP. XVI. Of the vncertaine and doubtfull stories, which the Romish Church insteed of the true and infallible word of God, doth thrust vpon the people in their diuine worshippe, contrary to the rule of our great Prophet; Search the Scriptures, for in them you thinke to haue eternall life.
IT is the most miserable seruitude of the soule, insteed of the Oracles and vndoubted statutes and promises of God the true bread of life, to bee fed with winde, to bee carried with clouds, mists and dreames of vncertaine opinions. This is the punishment, which God long agoe threatned to backsliding Israel the type of the Church;Esay 3.1 The Lord God of Hosts will take from Ierusalem and Iudah the stay and the strength, euen all the stay of bread, and the stay of water. Surely the stay of bread, and the stay of water by a fit allegory may be interpreted the stabilitie of Gods word, which for our sinnes hee suffereth vs to bee depriued of: so that the Masters of the Church in place thereof haue put vncertaine stories, doubtfull [Page 410] narrations, speaking the things they haue not seene.
Let vs begin with the feast of Saint Andrew. Much talke the Missall of Sarum bringeth in betwixt Egeas the Proconsull and Andrew; but the Romane Breuiarie omitteth the greatest part thereof. They of Sarisbury say,Bre. Sar. in Sanc. Andr 3. noct. An. occedētes e [...]fices. Andrew was bound with cords to the Crosse: the Romane Breuiarie makes it doubtfull, and saith,Cruci affixus est Ro. Bre. in Sanc. Andr lect. 6. igitur paulo post. He was fastened to the Crosse: Which may bee vnderstood either of binding or nailing. But Bellarmine in plaine tearmes saith,Bell. de imag. Sanc. l. 2. c. 27. verbo, iam vero modus. Andrew was not bound, but nailed to the Crosse. So their worship, which the Church for many yeeres serued God with, was a plaine lye and vntruth.
Of Peter they of Sarisbury read, how hePortif. Sar. in Cath. Sanc. Pet. lect. 3. & lect. 6. tūc infra septem. prepared himselfe a seat in the highest part of the Citie of Antioch: and that Theophilus the chiefe man of the Citie turned his house into a Church, wherein he placed the chaire of Peter. This the Romane Breuiarie omitteth, and speaketh no word thereof.
As vncertaine is that of Gregory, Ro. Bre. infest. Greg. lect. 5. Romā rediens. who beeing ordained Bishop fled, and hid himselfe three daies, and was discouered by a great beame of light shining ouer him.
That the Cobler who Bre. Sar. in Sanc. Marc lect. [...]. beatus Marcus. mended Saint Markes shooe at Alexandria, hauing thrust his Awle thorow his hand, after hee had confessed there is one God, was healed by the Euangelist with earth and spettle laid thereon: And that this Cobler was afterward Bishop of Alexandria, is no lesse doubtfull.
The like is to be thought of these that follow.Bre. Sar. in Phil. lect. 3. post passionē domini. A great Dragon crept out from vnder an image, when Philip was led into the Templ [...] to offer sacrifice, which Dragon slew the Priests sonne, and two Tribunes with him.
That the Angels sung;Bre. Sar. in Dunstan. lect. 2. bea [...]us vero. Peace bee to the English Church in the birth of this child (meaning Edgar) and of our Dunstane.
Of Hillary, In mem. Hilla. ep. & confess. lect. [...]. beatus autem Hillarius. in Bre. Sar. that in the Iland of Hens he set bounds with his staffe in the earth, how farre the Serpents should haue power to goe.
That whosoeuer hadBre. Sar. in Sanct. Blasio. lect. 3. praesentat [...]q, d [...]xit. a bone in his throate, and called vpon God, thinking on Saint Blase, should be del [...]uered from his griefe. That a voice came vnto Thomas Aquinas praying before the crucifixe [Page 411] at Naples, saying;Bre Ro. in fest. Th. Aqu n. l [...]c. 5. emissus è c [...]stro. Thou hast well written of mee Thomas.
ThatBre. R [...]. in fest. Matth. lect. 5. eo miraculo Mary Magdalene went into a vast Caue of an high hill, and there liued thirty yeares vvithout company of man, and was euery day taken vp by Angels to heare the lauds of the heauens.
That SaintFrom Cod [...]us the last Atheman King, who liued in the yeare of the world 3106. to Gyles, who liued anno Mundi 4829 was the space of seuenteene hundred yeeres, a long time to deduct a Pedigree, in so many mutations of Athens. vid. Genebr. Cron. Giles, descended from the Kings of Athens, was fed in France by the milke of an Hynd that came vnto him to his Caue at set houres. Romane Breuiarie.
What should I speake of the destructionPortif. Sar in Ioh. Apost. lect. 3. interfecto antē. & in feruentis. & lect. 4. viduā qu [...]{que} [...] of the Temple of Diana at Ephesus by Saint Iohn? or that hee was cast into boiling oile? which neither Eusebius, nor Ierome doth speake of: or that he turned branches of trees into gold, or stones into Pearles? Or thatIdem in Syluest. papa lect. 8. dixerū [...] ei pagani. Euery degree is twenty leagues, and euery league three miles. Syluester with his fellowes went into a Caue of the earth three hundred sixty fiue degrees toward Hell, and killed a Dragon? OrRo. Bre. in fest. Pes. ad vincula lec. 5 cū igitur Pōtifex. the comparing of the two chaines one with another, vvherewith Peter was bound at Ierusalem and at Rome, which knit so one to another, as though they had beene but one chaine? Of Paul Ro. Bre. in Paulo Heremi [...]. lect. [...] post coru [...]. the Hermite, that hee was fedde three score yeares by a Crowe, with halfe a loafe of bread, but when Anthony came to visite him, the Crow brought an whole loafe.
Of the inuention of the Crosse the Lomb. Legend saith, that the narrationLegend. L [...]mb. in inuenti [...] Crucis c. 64. verbo, hac igitur historia de inuent. vvhich is found in the Ecclesiasticall Histories, to whom the Chronicles doe agree, is more authenticall, then that which is recited in Churches. For it is plaine (saith hee) that many things are in the Historie read in the Church, which haue no consonance with the truth. Yea, the authors of the Masse of Sarisbury themselues confesse, how willing they are to deliuer Apocrifé fables to the people: where they say in the conception of the Virgin; This day peculiarly it doth seeme, that the booke which is of her conception and life should be read, if the ancient Fathers had not iudged it to be Apocrife.
The Legend of Lombardie hauing rehearsed a storie of Thomas saith;Ʋtrum illa vera an ficta narratio, nihil me nunc interest. de Sanct. Tho. Apost Legend. Lombard. Whether this historie be true or not, it makes no matter. Wherefore the Romane Breuiarie for the most part citeth also vncertaine, obscure, superstitious, creditlesse authors: as
- [Page 412]Aloysius Lypomanus.
- Clychtouius.
- The History of the exaltation of the Crosse.
- Ado in his Martyrologe.
- Hincmarus.
- Bonauenture.
- Damas. Pontificall.
- Hildwinus.
- Gesta Patrum condemned as Apocrife by Gelasius the Pope himselfe.
- The Decretalls.
- Seuerus.
- Liber Pontificalis.
- Simeon Metaphrastes.
- Surius.
- Iohn Garson.
- Iohn Diaconus.
- Platina.
These, and diuers other such Lyers, and Friers, Monkes, and superstitious wretches, are the authors of the greatest part of their Histories and Lectures read in their diuine seruice. Thus of them is verefied what the spirit of God foresheweth,1. Tim. 4.1. That in the later times some shall depart from the faith, and shall giue heed vnto spirits of errour, and doctrine of Diuels, waues of the sea carried about with euery blast of vaine doctrine,Iam. 1. who insteede of the body of truth, imbrace the phantasticke shadowes of vaine illusion. But hereof more in the following Chapter let vs speake.
CHAP. XVII. Of the superstitious imaginations beside all ground of Scripture, which the Romish Church vseth in her publique worship; as though there were not sufficient motiues in the word of truth to stirre vp our deuotion.
DIscoursing of the strong imaginations, wherewith dreaming they delight themselues, as men in Platoes Caue, or some Trophonian den, possessed with a strong apprehension of phantasticke idols, and creations of their owne conceit, I will begin with the friuolous Dialogues, Prosopopoeiaes, confabulations and suppositions, which without any ground of Scripture they faigne, concerning the person of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
First, touching the conception of Iesus Christ, with a foolish Dialogue they come to the Virgin; as though Christ were anew to be conceiued;Suscipe verbum virgo Maria, quod tibi à domino per angelum transmissum est; concipies per aurem, deum paries & hominem. Bre. Sar. in Annun. virg. Resp. post. lect. [...]. vere etenim. Receiue, O Virgin Mary, the message sent vnto thee from the Lord by the Angell: thou shalt conceiue by the eare. This is an impious fiction, which openeth the passage to sundry Heresies. I know, the manner how the Virgin conceiued is ineffable, neither can they vtter it, which the very Angels haue not wisedome to expresse. But certaine it is, Christ was there conceiued, where he tooke his flesh, euen in the wombe of the holy Virgin: and of her sanctified and purified seede, the purer part of her bloud, did Christ take flesh by the wondrous operation of the Holy Ghost. The Romane Breuiarie is ashamed of these absurdities, and leaueth out in this Responsory the words, Per aurem, by the eare. And this not without good cause haue they done, lest there should bee warres of ignorance, and fiction against fiction. For in another place they bring in the Virgin saying;Congratulemius mihi omnes qui diligitis dominū, quiae cum essem paruula placu [...] altissimo, & de meis [...]sceribus genui deum & hominem Ro. Bre. post lect. 4. in Circumcis. domini. Reioice with me all which loue the Lord, because when I was little, I pleased the highest, and of my bowels I begate God and Man.
They imagine, thatNec erat ille dei filius in vtere suo incarnatus sibi on [...] ros [...]s et grauit, sed om [...]ino agilis & leuit, Breu Heref. in visit. Beat. Maria virg. lect. 5. nec erat illo dei filius Dominica infra octau. visit. beat. Mar. virg. Christ, being in the wombe of the Virgin, was no burden vnto her at all, but he was light and nimble within her.
Of the scourging of Iesus Christ they suppose, thatIn the method to meditate on the Rosary printed at Antwerpe anno 1598. Med. 1. after being whipped he had with great difficultie clothed himselfe againe, they pluckt off his garments, (which had clouen fast to the wounds of the stripes,) and the very skin withall.
And againe;
They say5. Dolor. Med. 1. At Caluary they tooke his Crowne of thornes from his head, which placing on againe, made as many new wounds as he had before. Wherefore one is bold to tell vsAuthor cui [...] s [...]ā libri anonymi de suffragijs in praef. ante erat precor te amantissime. the iust and precise number of these wounds, and prickings of our Sauiour Iesus Christ: they were (saith he) fiue thousand foure hundred sixty fiue.
Another takes vpon him to define, how many drops of bloud trickled from Christ vpon the Crosse: And the summe is by computation about sixty fiue thousand.
Of these things what authoritie, what warrant haue they? Surely that which Horace speaketh of;Pictoribus atqu [...] Poetis quidlibet audendi semper fuit aequa potestas. Poets and Painters haue authoritie to inuent and imagine what they please.
Of the manner of his leading to death they faigne, thatMiss. Sar. in Miss. de 5. vulneribus sequent. coenam cū discip. when Christ went through the midst of the citie bearing the Crosse vpon his shoulders, all the people ranne to the doores and porches of their houses.
They also say,4. Dol. Myst. printed at Antw. 1598. how the Iewes not moued with any compassion towards Christ, tyed a rope about his middle, and drew him like a dogge, and when they saw he fainted, they hired Simon Cyren to carry the hinder part of his Crosse; not for any desire they had to ease him, but of malice to hasten his death. Another faineth how being all faint and feeble and ouerladen Methode to meditate on the Rosary in 4. Myst. dolor. B [...]r [...] Who knoweth this to be true. with the huge burden of so weightie Crosse laid vpon his tender skinlesse backe, and shoulders, he vndertooke the toyle most willingly, though his backe bended and plyed, his knees doubled, and feete stumbled therewith: so as he had many a grieuous fall, and left bloud so plentifully on the ground, as he might haue beene traced by it. Of all this there is no word out [Page 415] of the soliditie of truth the Scriptures of God to be proued.
Of his crucifying they dreame,Ibid. in 5. dol. Myst. Med. 1. that they nailed first his l [...]ft hand, being next to the heart, to satisfie for Euas hand stretched out to take of the forbidden fruit, and then racked out the other hand.
Of the manner of his nailing they say;Ibid. forget not how the strokes of the hammer missing sometimes, lighted on his tender hands and fingers.
They likewise say,In the 15.00 [...]. of Saint Bridget an Suffrag. that Christ on the Crosse was all to torne and broken in all his limmes, so that there was no limme abiding in his right ioint: and that his body was so pearced with a Knights speare, that therein was not left one drop of bloud nor of water.
Of his Mothers sorrow when hee hanged on the Crosse, they opinionate, that,Quotie [...] Maria oculos ad crucem leuabat, totios, non dico lachrymas, sed aquarum inundātium fluuies emittebat. Bre. Her. ser. pleno de beat. Mar. virg. lect. 2. vbi ergo. as oft as she looked on the Crosse, shee did not shed teares, but Riuers of flowing waters.
That when she Et quia hoc diu prae angustia simul aspicere nō posset ad terram oculos interdā deflectebat. ibid. ad finem lect. saw his head bloudy with the crowne of of thornes, and his face besprinkled with the same, she could not endure to looke vpon it long, but somewhiles was compelled by griefe to cast downe her eyes to the ground.
After he was taken downe from the Crosse they imagine, with what action his mother entertained his dead body.
Againe,Nati quōdā speciosae mēbra, modo liuida tractas mater, inter manu [...] teneras amplexatur, osculaetur ora facta pallida propter poenas at{que} plagas asperas, m [...] nu [...] extorquen [...] exclamauis, ste [...]u{que} cor [...]us irrigauit. Miss. Sar. in Copass. virg Mariae. The Mother handleth the late beautifull members of her Sonne now pale with death, and betwixt her tender hands she imbraceth and kisseth his face become pale with punishment and cruell stripes, and wringing her hands she crieth out, and washeth all the body with teares.
They imagine that the Virgin said to the Crosse;
Mater cernent ta [...]ta suppl [...]cia, flet discerpens pectas et vbera [...] heu me clamat, heu me congeminat, plorant trictis quā saepe replicat, fili dulciss [...]me, eur ista pateris? eur confixus incruce mortris, ac sirens fuisses sceleris, cum nihil vnquā mali commiseris? heu me clamās dat alta suspiri [...], dicens, eur vita sic durat anxia? cur non moriar, mor [...] aut cur mihi parci [...]? que mater vnquā, quaeue puerpera nati dilecti cāta supplicia videre simul, & vltra viu [...]re possit? est istan [...] gratia, quā sic mihi retulisti. Gabriel, dicens, Aue Maria, gratia pl [...]na? sunt mihi contraria, qua prius promisisti, cū mihi nunc pro gratia sūt dolor & poena. i [...] Miss. cōp. beat. virg. Sequēt. Moesta parinus.Another like fiction of the same argument there is, but much more full of impatience and infidelitie, which they deliuer, as though it had proceeded from the Virgin.
Either the Missall is false, or the Virgin is not free from infirmitie, contrary to the Romish Tenet: for, to wish for death out of womanly passion is no vertue:Lewis de Granada in his memoriall of sins at confession, placeth the desire of ones owne death in a rage, among the number of sinnes. and to distrust the Angels message confirmed with so many myracles is no worke of faith.
The Houres of the Virgin printed by Iohn Wayland anno 1557. at London say,Heu dolore fleruitur lut [...] platearum, in hora [...]. illa sicum centies reddit [...]ulatum. hora 6. Cadit tunc in extasin, dolor sternit stātem. in hora 9. The Lady fell downe in the dirt, when shee saw Christ carrying his Crosse, and when hee was vpon the Crosse nailed thereon: she cried out an hundred times, and that shee fell into a swound, or a trance, when shee saw him in the ninth houre giue vp the Ghost.
Of the resurrection of Christ a foolish dialogue they make with an Angell;Die nobis quibus è terris noua cuncta mūdo nuncians gaudiā nostrā rursus visitas patriā▪ respōdent placito vulen cl [...] voce dixit Allelu [...], Angelus nubi de Christo &c. mox ergo p [...]nnas volueris vacuas dirigen [...] la [...]a per auras redijs fa [...] lis. &c. Miss. Sar. in feria 5. post. pass. Sequen. dic nobis.
All these are idle webs of their owne weauing, of their owne inuention; so that leauing the certaintie of Narrations in holy Scriptures taught, they build the house of faith vpon the vncertaine and slipperie sands of vaine supposals.
Of the Assumption of the Virgin their opinionatiue portents are no lesse monstrous. The thing it selfe is not certain, that her body was incorruptible: that she was assumpted into heauen, or thatIesus & ipse festivus tibi matri cū Angelis occurrem side paterna secum locauit in secula. in assump. Miss. Sar. Christ went to meete her with his Angels, and placed her with himselfe in his fathers Throne. Yet therto Gasper Loart hath added,Myst. glor. 4. Her most sweet Sonne descended from Heauen associated with the celestiall powers, and entred into that blessed house where shee lay, and beholding her with those his amiable eyes, spake that with a most sweet voice to her, which the husband saith to the spouse in the Canticles; Thou art all faire my friend, and there is no blemish in thee at all: Come from Libanon, my Spouse, come from Libanon, and crowned shalt thou be. And in another place;Myst. glor [...] 5. when she with her most beautifull & glittering body ascended into heauen in so great a Maiestie, what store of Musicall instruments yeelded forth a most melodious harmony. And againe,Much Musicke and many instruments at the Virgins assumption. Myst. gloss. 4. these and like words maiest thou according to thy deuotion meditate, to haue beene spoken vnto her, sithence there is no Gospell, nor other sacred writ, whereout we may gather the certaine story of her departure. The Romane Breuiarie saith,3. Diei infra octau nat. Ʋirg. lect. dignū plan [...]. Who can esteeme the Iewels: who can name the starres which in the kingly Diademe of Mary are compacted? Thus you see, they not only without all authoritie coine leasings and fictions themselues, but inuite all others thereunto, as though the scripture did not comprehend matter inough for our consolation.
The same Breuiarie also buildeth the like Castles in the ayre, and in a friuolous dialogue is bold to examine the virgin of the matter;Virgo prudētissima, quo progrederis, quasi aurora valde rutilans. infest. assump. beat. virg. ad magnificat. An. whither goest thou (O thou most wise) like the bright shining morning?
So likewise in her Natiuitie they make a Minstrell of the holy Virgin;
Of holy Innocents with a flourish of lustie Rhetoricke the Masse of Sarisbury saith;
No lesse friuolous is that which followeth;
And againe;
In the Hymne, Saluete flores Martyrum, they haue a fine conceit, wherewith Clichtouius is not a little delighted;
As though they were children still, being now glorified Saints in Heauen. Such wanton conceits become not the grauity of Christian worship: they are fitter for Poets, and for Stage-players.
Againe, of the same they say; The yonglings played with the sword. Whence learned they this? or what Euangelist doth write any such matter?
In the memory of the Baptist; Intuere Rex acerbissime tuo spectacula digna conuiuto: porrige dexteram, nequid s [...]curtiae tuae d [...]sit, vt i [...]ter digitor tu [...]s [...] destuāt sacri cruoris: & quoniā non exaturar [...] epulis fames, nō restingui poculis petu [...]t inaudita sauitia sitis, bi [...] sanguinem, scaturientique adhuc venis, execti capitis profluentem. Ro. Bro. lect. 6. in decol. Sanc. Io. Bap. int [...]ere, Behold cruell King (say [Page 419] they) sights fit for thy banquet: stretch out thy right hand, that to thy cruelty nothing be wanting, and let the streames of the holy bloud runne through thy fingers: and because thy hunger cannot be satisfied with banquets, nor thy vnheard-of thirsting cruelty with cups, drinke now the bloud flowing from the veines of the head cut off: Flourishing Rhetorique borrowed from Tomyris the Messaget Queene, when shee threw the head of that great conquerour Cyrus into a vessell of bloud. But what vse is there of such inuentions in the seruice of God, to call vpon a Tyrant that is dead so many hundred yeares since, to wash his hands in bloud, and to drinke thereof? Canina facundia, currish Rhetoricke, and barbarous exclamations are these, vnworthy of the seruice of God, and of his Saints.
On the feast of Saint Michael in the person of Christ they sing;Archangele Michael, constitus te principem super omnes animas suscipieudas. Ro. Bre. in fest. Sanc. Mich. ad laudes Ana, O Archangell Michael, I haue made thee prince ouer all Soules to be receiued into Heauen.
Of Martin they feigne (n);
I could rehearse Centuries of this kinde out of their Missals and Legends. The end of all vvhich is, to put their fancies in the place of Gods Scriptures, their vncertainties in the place of his truth, their Traditions in the place of his precepts, and to sell vs vvinde: fables, shadowes, insteede of the Milke of the word, the true foode of the soule, the heauenly Manna. God be blessed, who hath called vs out of this fearefull darknesse vnto the happie light of the Sunne of righteousnesse.
CHAP. XVIII. Of Poeticall, Heathenish, and Idolatrous fictions, wherewith the Romish Church worshippeth God in their Missals, contrarie to the rule of our great Prophet, who teacheth, that God is to be worshipped in spirit and truth.
NOthing is more vehemently vrged in Scriptures then toIosua 24.14. feare the Lord, and to serue him in vprightenesse and in truth. Therefore the Apostle counselleth his Ephesians to stand, hauing their loines Ephes. 6.14. girt about with veritie. And the same is it that God required at the hands of the children of Dauid; 1. Reg. 2.4. to walke before him in truth. But our Romish SouthsayersZech. 10.2. loue to see lyes, and their dreamers to tell a vaine thing; as of the Iewish Idolatry in his time the Prophet Zecharie witnesseth. Wherefore, after they haue wearied themselues with wresting and peruerting of the Scripture with Theatricall and imaginarie dotage of their owne braines, they fall at last to Poets fictions, and worship God with the fables of Idolatry, the ragges of Paganisme, the superstition of Diuels: that it may be verefied in them, what of backsliding Israel Ezekiel forespake;Ezech. 11.12. Ye haue done after the manners of the Heathen, which were round about you.
When they are occasioned to speake of Hell, what words vse they rather, then the Poeticall figments of Tartarus, Phlegeton, Styx, Orcus, & such like; shunning the words which in the Scripture are to be found?Benedicta sit celso Regina illa, generās Regem spoliantem Tartar [...]. Mess. Sar. in ille Sanc. P [...]sc. sequē. sulgens praeel [...]a. As, blessed be the high Queen, which bare the King that hath spoiled Tartara: In Mis. [...]ro desm [...] ctis l [...]bera eas de ore lemū. ne absorbeat eas Tartarus. in Bre. Sar. Deliuer them from the mouth of the Lyons, lest Tartarus deuoure them.
Tartarus is a Poeticall fiction: and although it be taken for the place of the damned, yet it is by Hesiod reckoned among the diuine powers; For he saith,Hesiod in Theog. Tartarus came from the confused Chaos, and that it was compassed about with a wall of Brasse. Homer saith,Homer. Iliad. the floore thereof was Brasse.
So in the Hymne, Dedit Ecclesiae Ierusalem & Sion;
And in the Masse of Sarum;
And Clichtouius saith;Clich, in hym. [...]t redemisti Phlegetentis amne hym. nunc pias aures. Thou hast deliuered vs from the Riuer of Phlegeton.
Styx and Phlegeton are two Poeticall Idols, and are said to be the Riuers which compasse hell. Styx was married to Pallans Arpinas, and brought forth to him Hydra, and had a child by Acheron called Ʋictory. This was the Riuer, by vvhich all the false Gods did sweare. Phlegeton was also an Idoll, an Heathen fiction, and from it they will haue CHRIST to redeeme vs.
Of Cocytus the Poets faine, that it is a Riuer also compassing hell, and that it had a daughter, which Proserpina Queene of Hell taking with her husband Pluto, turned into an hearbe called Mynt. Now they faigne, that about these Riuers, Styx, Acheron, Phlegeton and Cocytus, the departed ghosts weeping and vvailing doe walke, till Charon in his boate fetch them ouer the Riuers, either in hell to bee tormented, or in the Elysian fields to liue in ioy. With this fiction the Missall of Sarum is not ashamed to come vnto God, and saith;
In the Purification of the blessed Virgin they say;
Nectar the Idolatrous Heathens beleeued to be the drinke which their Gods did swil. But why should this seeme much? [Page 422] when Simeon Metaphrastes, and Aloysius Lypomanus teach,Vid. [...]oy. hyp. 1. part pag. 225. that the blessed Virgin was fed with Ambrosia in the Temple by an Angell, in her childhood. I know that Ambrosia is the name of an Hearbe called Caper Syluaticus, brotis, or apis Rusticus: but that the Virgin was fedde therewith, I thinke none is so grosse to imagine. Wherefore it must needs bee, that Aloysius and his Master meant the Poeticall and Idolatrous figment of Ambrosia, which in Greeke signifieth immortalitie, and was said to be the foode of Gods: whereof Martial speaketh; ‘Iupiter Ambrosia satur est & Nectare viuit. Ioue with Ambrosia is full, and doth by Nectar liue.’
In the prose which beginneth, Peter the chiefe Shepheard of Christ, the two Apostles Peter and Paul are said,Victis [...]mnibus Barbaris, ad arcem summi pergitis cul [...]lnis, G [...]rmanos discordes sub iugo Christi coacturi. in prosa Petr. summe Christi pastor. apud Clichteuiū. Hauing ouercome all Barbarians, to goe to the tower of highest dignitie, to bring together the disagreeing brethren vnder the yoke of Christ. The tower of highest dignitie is Rome: the disagreeing brethren by Clichtouius are expounded to bee Romulus and Remus, of whom many fabulous things the Poets did inuent; That they were the sonnes of Mars, the God of warre, and Ilia the Vestall Virgin: that they were nursed by a Whoore, or by a Woolfe: that Romulus after his death was adored as a God. But any thing will serue to shuffle vp a Masse withall; truth or falshood: verity or fables: vncertainties or certainties, all is one. Wherefore one Hymn saith; ‘Nuncius celso veniens Olymp [...]. Ro. Bre. in fest. Io. Bap. in Hym. vt queant laxis.A messenger from high Olympus comes.’
And another; ‘Tu Christe, nostrū gaudium mane [...]. Olympo praditum. Br. Sarandie Ascē. in hym. tu Christe.Thou Christ our ioy, which doest remaine in Olympus.’
I know, Olympus was an high hill in Thessalia, and is by Poets taken for Heauen. But it was so called by an Idolatrous and fabulous inuention, in the memory of Olympus the Schoolemaster of Iupiter the great God of Paganisme. And why Christ should rather in our diuine worship bee said to dwell in Olympus, then to fit at the right hand of his Father in Heauen, all the shauen crownes in Rome can yeeld no reason.
Iury Stupent Iudea [...] haec, inquit, execrāt da cōcte: ista v [...]oq repleta, Musti{que} crapula, Bacebo plenes d [...]putat repletos gratia, feria. 2. post pent. in Miss. Sar. saith this cursed company is full of wine and gluttony, and of sweet drinke: they thinke them full of Bacchus, that were replenished with the Spirit.
The Iewes dreamt not of Bacchus, as bad as they were: they hated Idols, which our Massing Poet must needes grace.
So of the Heauenly Saints they say;Potentes excelsa poli sydera, alacres decantant noua Cantica in Cithara Threicia. Portif. Sa [...] in nat. vnius Mart. sequē. Organich. Going to the Starres of the Pole, merrily they sing New songs vpon the Thracian Harpe.
They haue forgotten Dauids Harpe, and thereof they make no mention: And yet were it much fitter to bee remembred in the worship of God, then the Thracian Harpe, which was the Harpe of Orpheus, of whom the old Idolaters did faine, that he was so cunning on his Harpe, that the Riuers, Woods, and Birds did hearken vnto him. Therefore his Harp was placed after his death amongst the Starres, and euery one of the nine Muses put a starre vnto it, in thankfull remembrance of the praises, which thereon were so often sounded vnto them. And this is the iolly Harpe, whereon they will haue the Saints of God to giue praise vnto him. Was this the same, do you thinke, that the sweet singer of Israel mentioned;Psal. 108.2. Awake Lute and Harpe, I my selfe will awake right early? No surely, he would haue said,Psal. 71.16. I will make mention of thy righteousnesse onely: or (as it is in another place)Ps. 119.113. I hate them that imagine euill things, but thy Law do I loue. Of another kind is the Romish zeale; the fat. Buls of Basan make sport and play of all Religion. Wherefore,Ante Thronum huius Virginis, frequentare nobis ductia Cantica dramatis in Com. vn [...]s virg. & Mart. in primo noct. An. Before the Throane of this Ʋirgine, frequent to vs the pleasant verses of a Stage play. For Drama is an Act, or representation of a fable, in which the Poet speaketh not in his own person.
Againe,Organa subnectens Hypod [...]rica Regi claustra Deo Tartarea rumpenti. in feria 3. post. pas [...] in sequen. promo casta. Hypodoricall organs must sound to the King, which breaketh the Tartarian Cell. In steed of Psalmes they come withOdas in hac die latas christe cauit omnis aetas. Odes to Christ: Their vowes are performed on theM [...]ss. S [...]r. in Fest. Micha. sequen. ad Celebres. Imperlyricall Harpe; with plenty of such other toyes, fit for the Theater, vnworthy of the Church, or the grauity of Christian worship. But why should they hereof be ashamed, who call vpon the Muses, and inuocate the help of the nine fabulous Sisters in the worship of their Christ.
Eia Musa, die, (queso) praclira Chorea sequen. in seria. 3. post Pentecosten. O my Muse, speake, I beseech thee, gallant quire. In another place;Christi hod [...]erna celebramus natali tia, coelica resone [...]t clare camoenas agmina, in hy [...]. Christi hodierna. infra octau. nat. Christi [...] Miss. Saris. Let the heauenly Armyes resound the Muses aloud, celebrating to day the birth of Christ. If Musa may be taken for a song, as well as for an Idoll, yet Camoenae were neuer taken but for false Gods, the daughters of Iupiter and Mercury.
They answer perhaps, that the Scripture it selfe alledgeth the sayings of Poets; Aratus, Epimenides and Maenander. I reply; It is one thing by way of teaching, or reprehension, to repeate the sentence of a Poet to reproue and testifie against themselues, that they may be with their owne weapons beaten down: and another thing to worship God with their Idolatry and Poeticall figments.
The spirit of God by the mouth of the Apostle hath forbidden all such impious vsage;1 Ephes. 4.29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouthes, but that [...]hich is good to edifie withall. And he exhorteth Timothy to1. Tim. 4.7. Cast away prophane and old wiues fables. And againe,2. Tim. 1.13. Keep the true patterne of wholesome words, which thou hast heard of me. And to the Romanes he saith;Rom. 12.6. Let vs prophesie according to the proportion of faith. 1. Pet. 4.11. If any speake (saith Peter) let him talke as the words of God.
What though the word Musa, or Camoena, should, in a wrested improper construction signifie a song? Is it not as great an offence to vse words separate vnto Idols in our Diuine worship, as to eate meat sacrificed vnto Idols out of Diuine worship, when we are bidden to a feast?1. Cor. 8.4. ibid. vers. 6.7. I know, an Idoll is nothing, and that there is none other God but one, to vs there is but one God: but euery man hath not knowledge, and some haue conscience of the Idols, euen to this day.
Nadab and Abihu Leu. 10.1. might not offer strange fire: May Christians offer strange fictions to God in his holy worship? May not a Priest shaue himselfe, or powle himselfe after the manner of the Heathens? and may he pray to his God, and worship him after the manner of the Heathen? May a man say, O Baal, heare vs, because Baal signifieth a Lord? Or may he say; Come Iupiter help vs, because Iupiter is an helping father? No surely. The Prophet foresheweth;Osee 2.16.17 Thou shalt [Page 425] call me no more Baal: for I will take the names of Baalim out of thy mouth. Gods seruice must be free from all shew of Idolatry:Gloss. ordin. i [...] 1. Ioh. vltin [...]. which their owne ordinary glosse expoundeth of the Reliques of superstition.
Great cause then had the English Church to come out of Babylon, and to flye from this execrable Idolatry: and great cause there is, that all Ministers of the Gospell should lift vp their voyces like Trumpets against this spirituall Iericho, and these spirituall Achans, with their Babylonish garments; lest our Israel turne againe into Egypt, and reuolt to the former errours: that it be not one day laid to their charge; Yee haue not stood in the gap for the house of Israel.
CHAP. XIX. Sundry ridiculous toyes of the Masse, wherewith the eares and eyes of the people are possessed; the truth of Christs Gospell our great Prophet the while being neglected.
AMongst the Grecians, the Ionians; and amongst the Barbarians, the Sibarites were infamous for their laughter, their wantonesse and mimicall apishnesse: the Megareans are reproued for mirth out of season. The Poet saith; Laughter out of time is a great euill.
But aboue all mirth, that of the Sardonians was most intollerable; who would euen then laugh, when they should haue wept, and made sport at their parents death.
I know not to whom the Romish Church may better be compared then to those, who in their Diuine worship, when they should bring broken hearts and sorrowfull spirits as sacrifices vnto God, make sport of their religious worship: offer vp mowes and mockes vpon the Altar of the highest; with ridiculous songs, and comicall gesticulations.
Is it not a sweet fiction, and a iolly seruice of God (Christian Reader) when a Quire of Shauelings, in all their accoutrements make a long Hymne in the praise of a Cock?
Is this humiliation for sinnes? Is this a morning sacrifice, to pray to God, that the Cock may crowe? and with a foolish poeticall conceit, to imagine that the Cock doth awake the starres? It is a pleasant poesie surely, when they should confesse vnto God, then to acknowledge to a Cock.
And a little after;
But of all Ridicles there can be none more ridiculous (at which Heraclitus himselfe could not chuse but laugh, if he were aliue) then to see a Mitred Quire of Monkes fall down before a block of wood and say;
Is Christ now to be borne on the Crosse? Doth the block heare their prayers? Are not theseAmos 8.3. the songs of the Temple, which shall be houlings in the day to come?
To the Nayles they say; ‘Beati claui, qui sancta illo membra penetratum.Blest be the Nayles, that those blessed members did pearce.’
I verely assure my selfe that Christ did not reioyce in them; neither did he giue any blessing to the engines of his torment.
The like foolishnesse is in the Salutation of the crosse.
It is holy worship to praise a tree, to speake to a tree: what could the Poet more do to his woodden Hercules?
I may not forget with what zeale of prayer:Suscipe sancte pater, incensi huius sacrificium vesperitrum, quod tibi in hac cerei oblatione solemni per Ministrorum manus de operibus Apum sacro sancta reddit ecclesia. Miss. Sar. in Sab. sanct. Pasc. in Hym. with what flourishing and flaunting Rhetoricke they commend vnto God the waxen taper, and the incense; Receiue, O Lord, the euening sacrifice of this incense, which in the holy offering of the Taper, the holy Church by the hands of the Ministers, of the work of the Bees doth yeeld an holy of holyes vnto thee.
And againe, Now of this pillar we know the praise, which in honour of God Sed lam columnae huius praeconia nouimus, quam in honorem Dei rutilans ignis accendit; qui licit diuisus in partes mutuati luminu detrimenta nō nouit, alitur liquētibus ceris, quas in substantiam preciosa huius lampadis mater Apis eduxit. Miss. Sar. in Hym. sab. sanc. pascha. the sparkling fire doth kindle; which though it be diuided into parts, it knoweth not the hurt of borrowed light: it is fed with melting wax, which the Mother Bee brought forth, for the substance of this precious Lampe.
What shall I say of the Hymne, Inuentor rutili? of which the cheifestend is, to tell God how they make Candles.
No lesse ridiculous is it, that they prayAd noctis huius caliginem destruendam indeficiens perseueret, flāmas eius Lucifer ma [...]utinus inuenias: Ibid. The Candle may neuer go out, but burne all night long, to driue away the darknesse thereof; Let the day starre find him burning.
Weighty points I assure you, and such as make much to the glory of God, to the comfort of a weak conscience, and to the edification of the ignorant, to heare Waspes and Hornets chant the praise of the mother Bee, and disclose the secrets of the Chandry.
Another idle and ridiculous labour there is in the Masse, of the Lords crowne, touching the kingdome of France and Paris; where they say the Crowne of Thornes is kept. Thesauro tā nobili, tam desider [...] bili, diues es eff [...]ct [...], terra carens simili, carem comparabili, Deo predilecta tria priuilegia regna tibi alta subdūt in honore; fides & militia, vnctio{que} regia, quarum stores store, tibi O vrbi inclyta omni laude prae [...]lla, mater studorum, est corona tradita, & in terepofite, &c. Miss. Ser. in fest. Coren. Domini. sequent si vis vere gloriari. With such a noble treasure, and so expetible enriched thou art, O Land, which hast no Peere: O Land, which art incomparable, of God beloued before all other. In three priuileges all other Lands to thee [Page 428] yeeld honour: that is, Faith, War, and the Kings anointing: In the flower whereof thou flourishest, O noble Citie, with all praise indued, Mother of studies: to thee is the Crowne deliuered, and in thee layd vp, O Citie of Paris.
Haue you leasure then, when the soule should powre out it selfe in throbs and sighs to God, to sport your selues with the priuiledge of Countries, with their Armes and Ensignes, with their Kings ceremonies, their warres, the smoaky vanities of mens inuentions?
For the honour of the noble kingdome of France, I will not dispute how true this is: but sure I am, it is a vaine excursion, and a meere mockery, to runne from the praise of God into the admiration of Countries and Cities, to sheare an Asse for woll, and insteed of wholesome doctrine, to propose such fruitlesse dreames vnto the people.
The like you haue in the Feast of S. Thomas of Canterburie, where they sing that the Bishopricke thereof is the seate of Saints, and that it either receiues the Bishops holy, or it makes them holy, or else it quickly spues them out.
Heere I might speake of their corporall gesticulations in the office of the Masse, their crossing, crouching, kissing, lifting, turning, putting out, and pulling in of fingers: their masking vestments, copes, albes, corporals, chesubles, holy water, suppings, washings, and such like: fitter for a Theater then a Church: for a Iewish Synagogue, then a Christian Congregation. But I would be loath to spend good houres in foolish things, and to detaine the godly Reader from better studies, with a tedious discourse of their idle traditions.
CHAP. XX. Of the superstition of the Romish Church in their Diuine worship.
SVperstition is an opposite vnto true Religion, either giuing diuine worship vnto things, to which it is not due; and then it is called Idolatry: or else worshipping God after such manner as he hath not ordained; and then it is called [Page 429] will-worship, putting Religion in such things, wherein it should not be put. And of this kind I am now to entreate.
Of all the particular examples, which the Romish Church doth administer vnto vs in this kind, I purpose not to discourse;Ex noua Leg. Ang. how Wolstane would not haue his gowne furd with Cat skin, but with a Lamb skin, because he neuer heard sung, Cat of God, but Lambe of God: Or ofLog. Lomb. Macarius, who because he had killed a flye, did penance sixe Moneths naked in the wildernesse, tearing wilfully his whole body with thornes:Ibid. in vita Fran. * or how Saint Francis would not touch the Candle, lest his fingers should infect it: or how he did alwaies tread with reuerence vpon the Rocke,Pet. the Apostle. in remembrance of him who was surnamed the Rocke: Or how he would gather wormes out of the high way, and gently lay them aside, lest trauellers should tread on them.
Infinite are the examples, which Monkery of this kind affordeth. My purpose is onely to shew, that their Missals and publique worship is a shop of superstition, and insteed of the true and holy worship of God, teacheth men to place religion, in vaine, and superstitious obseruations, Of this kind is that cautell touching the saying of Collects,In caut. Miss. S [...] ris. that the vneuen numbers must be alwaies obserued: Either it must be one Collect for the vnitie of the Godhead, or else three Collects for the Trinity of persons: or fiue Collects in respect of the fiue-fold passion: or seuen, in respect of the seuen-fold grace of the holy Ghost. But aboue seuen Collects may not be said. Is this to worship in the Spirit? To pray in the Spirit? Or is it not rather with Heathen superstition, like the Poet, to imagineNumere Deus impare gaudes. God is delighted with an vneuen number? Such were the spels of Medea the sorceresse;
Amongst the excellencies of the Masse, the Compendium of Theologicall Verity recounteth;Lib. 6. cap. 18. that it must be celebrated with candle light; yea, if a thousand Sunnes did shine. This indeed with [Page 430] many other Ceremonies was the fashion of the Pagans, when they thought their Gods were offended, to light a candle in the midst of the day,In lib. de beata vita. as Seneca doth witnes: And yet to the wiser Heathen themselues it seemed a senselesse superstition. Wherefore into a prouerbe it grew,Vid. Eras. adag, Chiliad. 2. Cēnt. 4. to light a candle before the Sunne, when they would note an idle and vnnecessary labour.
Quintilian saith, to proue by arguments things openly euident, is as foolish, as to set the mortall light of a candle before the cleare Sun.
Such is their superstition on the Feast of the virgins purification, putting their trust in Tapers, as though no fiend nor diuell the light of an hallowed candle could endure. The consecration whereof must bee either by the Bishop, or the Priest solemnly in a silken cap with other priestly ornaments, standing on the highest step of the Altar, turning himself into the East, and saying;Miss. Sar. in purif. beat. Mar. virg. Blesse we beseech thee ✚ O Christ, this waxen creature at our supplication, and poure into it by vertue of the holy Crosse, thy heauenly blessing.
No Pharisaicall superstition doth exceed this Romish dotage. For that God should blesse candles with heauenly vertue, and that he should blesse them by the signe of the Crosse, is is more then Gentile Magicke.
The DeaconDeinde Diaconus iudutus dalmatica albi coloris accipit arūdinē cū tribus cādelisin summitate illius, triāgulo distinctis, procedit th [...]rif [...]rarius cū Acolythe deferēte in vase, 5. grana incēsi. Ro. Mess in sib sāct. after this in a white surplice, forsooth, must take a Reed, or a shaft, with three candles burning on the top thereof, in forme Triangular; and with the Acolyte, who carrieth fiue graines of incense in a vessell, goes forth to cense.
Neuer did Pilate, nor the Pharises, from whom Pilat learned it, more superstitiously wash their hands, then the Massing Priest doth in preparing himselfe to celebrate. Whom the Missall requireth not onelyMiss. Sar. in ordinat. Missa. that he wash his hands, but in washing to say; Cleanse me, O Lord, from all iniquity both of body and soule, that being cleane I may performe the holy vvorke of God; as though the washing of his hands were a cleansing in the sight of God: or that washing ioined with praier were a seruice to the Lord acceptable.
The like superstition there is in their kissing;Ibid. Receiue [Page 431] the kisse of peace and loue, that yee may bee sit for the holy Altar to performe the diuine offices; as though a Priests kisse were of power to sanctifie the receiuer.
At the solemnization of Matrimony;In ordine spons. If it bee a maide, she must put forth her bare hand to the husband: if a widow, her hand must be couered: gold and siluer must be laid on the booke; for the tinkling thereof doth signifie inward loue: Ibid. so likewise the woman must be set on the left hand of the man in the Church, because Eua was taken out of the left side of Adam: The ring, if it were not blest before, must be blest with a Crosse: it must be sprinkled with holy water: the husband must receiue it with the third singer of his right hand: he must offer it first to the wiues thumb, saying; In the name of the Father: then to the second finger, saying; And of the Sonne: thirdly, to the next; In the name of the holy Ghost: lastly, vpon the fourth finger it must be put, and left, saying; Amen: because from that finger there is a veine, which goeth to the heart. Odor thuris benedicti nūquā datur in ecclesia spōso & spōsa: inde est, quod oblato thure benedicto super altare si descēdat thuribulū ad clericos vel ad laicos, aliud thus est opponēdū, it clericis vel laici [...] offerēdū. Misi. Sar. in Miss. spensa. The smell of holy frankincense is neuer giuen in the Church to the Bride and Bridegroome: lest if the Censar should come downe to the Priests, or Laity, new frankincense must be put in; as though the frankincense were polluted by touching the new married couple.
After the Masse is ended, Bread and Wine, or some good drink must be blessed, and drunk in the Name of the Lord, saying; Ibid. Dominus &c.
The Roman Missall ordaineth, that after the Priest hath finished the benediction of the Incense, both the Incense and the holy fire must bee sprinkled with holy water:Interim omnia luminaria ecclesia extinguūtur, vt de igne benedicto postmodū accēdātur. Ro Miss. in bened. incens. cer. ignis sa [...]. And while the Incense is burning, all the candles must bee put out in the Church, that they may be againe kindled at the blessed fire.
Of the same superstition it is, thatBenedict [...]o mulierū post partū, ante estium ecclesia. in M [...]ss. Sar. The woman must bee sprinkled with holy water, and blessed with certaine praiers before shee enter into the Church to bee purified; as though Christian women were now to be esteemed vncleane, as heretofore the Iewish were till their purification.
In the Masse for those that are in prison, with most preposterous superstition, because Peter hath the power of binding and loosing offenses, they suppose, that hee can also deliuer poore prisoners from the fetters.
What should I speake of cleansing the dead corps at burialls? or of the Masse against mortality, deuised by Pope Clement with the Colledge of Cardinalls? To all the confest and penitent hearers whereof for fiue daies together houlding a burningIn Miss. contra mortalitatem. candle in their hands, and kneeling all the while, 260. daies of pardon are granted, and that suddaine death shall not hurt them: and this, they say, is certaine and proued.
As the Missalls are nothing else but vaine & empty clouds, insteed of religion stuft with superstition: so the examples also and histories of the liues of Saints, which they read in the church, are almost nothing else but encouragements, and prouocations vnto the same.
Cedda they praise,Bre. Sar. in Cedda. An. pugnāt contra vitia. because he ware armour of iron vpon his naked body: and for that, when he would pray, he did go into a bath of colde water.
Hillarion they commend, for thatRo. Bre. in sanct. Hilar. in lect. Hilar. ortus Tabathae. hee neuer washt, nor changed his shirt.
Nicholas is praised, for thatIn Bre. Sar. lect. 9. cū igitur hi [...]. when he died, he signed himself with the signe of the Crosse.
Wolstane, for thatBre. Sar. in Welstano. lect. 3 super gradus. hee slept before the Altar with his booke vnder his head.
Francis, for thatRo. Bre. in sancto Francisc [...]. he went barefoote without shooes, and with one coat, and for that he fasted fourtie daies to the honor of St. Michael: and sundry other of this kinde, wherewith their Missals are stuft full.
Blessed Lord open the eies of the people of this kingdom, lest, neglecting the precious Manna of thy Gospell, they turne againe to the flesh-pots of Egypt, the heathnish superstition of the Romish Synagogue; euen for thy Christ our Sauiour. Amen.
CHAP. XXI. Of mocking and deluding the people with vaine words to no purpose in the Missalls.
THe Apostle of himselfe and his fellow workmen witnesseth to the2. Cor. 4.2 Corinthians, that they walked not in craftiness, neither handled the word of God deceitfully: but in declaration of the truth they approue themselues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God. And indeed of the Ministers of Iesus Christ it is the greatest praise, in simplicity of al truth and holinesse to seeke the edification of the flocke committed to them. But to mocke, when they should feed, and to play the iuglers, setting Tantalian feasts before the people, which none can touch, none can tast, nor put into his mouth: and yet to bid them go to, and eat, and drinke, is Satanicall and diuelish imposture. Yet this is the guise of the Romish Sheepheards, who call vpon the people to heare, to hearken, to consider, to remember, to lay vp in their hearts, when all the while their doctrine is like the feast, which the Crane made vnto the Fox in a pot of a narrow mouth, whereof, be he neuer so crafty, he cannot tast.
In reading the passion of Christ they distinguishMiss. sec. vsum Sar. dominic. in ramis. Palm. the Gospell into the words of the Iewes, noted with the letter A. and into the words of Christ, noted with the letter B. lastly, the words of the Euangelists, noted with the letter M. The Iewes words must be pronounced with a loud voice: the words of Christ with a base voice: but the words of the Euangelists must be pronounced with a meane voice. O notable mockery! What needs this distinction of voices? this notation of words? these sundry tunes to make an idle noise, which no man vnderstandeth?
In the feast of the dedication of the ChurchPortif Sar. et Ro. Bre. in lect. 4. quot [...] es [...]ū [...], fratres. es sic d [...]mcep [...]. they make a long narration of the forme thereof, and how it is performed: whereof the people vnderstand not a word.
In Dominic. Septuages. lect. 7.Portif. Sar. in dom. septuag. lect. 7 in explanatione. This lecture (say they requireth many things to bee spoken for the explanation thereof: [Page 434] which I will briefely runne ouer, if I can; lest a long exposition, and a prolixe proceeding should be burdensome vnto you.
In the feast of the Epiphany (say they)Bre. Sar. in octau. Epiph. lect. 1. festiuitatis. That we may probably solemnize the celebritie of this festiuitie, wee ought to know the reason thereof. The Epiphany which wee obserue, according to the Greeke appellation, doth in our language signifie manifestation, or declaration. But is not this ignotum per ignotius? For what doth the ignorant hearer more vnderstand in Latine, then in Greeke?
O that they had a forehead which could blush, and hee ashamed of this hypocrisie, this falshood, and this impudencie! For how can they call it Exposition and Explanation, when the Comment is as hard as the Text, and both are vnaccessible to the hearers?
So in the same feast;Lect. audistis in portif. Sar. You haue heard deare brethren, the lecture of this daies Gospell [...]: you haue heard how Christ came secretly into the world. O shamelesse impostours! how dare you thus delude both God and Man?
How often doe they proclaime?Alta cōfideratione pertim [...]s [...]a hoc quod ex ore veritatis sonat. d [...]m. in pas. lect. 9. Hearken, O my people, to my Law: And againe;Audi Israel pracepta domini, & ea in corde tuo quasi in libro scrib [...]. portif. Sar. dom. 4. Q [...]a. drag. in Resp. Heare, O Israel, the precepts of the Lord thy God, and write them in thy heart, as in a booke, encline your eares; when all the while they themselues forbid the heart and the minde of man to taste the sweetnesse of the Lord in his holy word: and yet are not ashamed to say;Quicquid in nobis imperitia nocentis: inesse deprehēdimus, crebra illius verbi auditione tergaemus. Bre. Sar. in dom. 4. quad. lect. 9. h [...]t ergo omnes. whatsoeuer hurtfull ignorance we finde in our selues, we must cleanse by the often hearing of the word.
In the 5. Fer. of the Supper of the Lord thus they read;Bre. Sar. in fer. 5. in Coena domini [...] e [...]aud. d [...]us. Your Holinesse must know, that our Lord Iesus Christ is your head, and that al which cleaue vnto him are the members of that body. Now you haue his voice most plainly knowne vnto you, for because he speaketh vnto you, not onely from his head, but from his body. How long will the scorners delight in scorning, and the vnwise bee enemies to knowledge? Doe you not seale vp the booke? doe you not take away the key of knowledge? Doth any man vnderstand? And yet yee shame not in the sight of God and Angels to tell the people, whom you haue blinded: to whom you deny the Scriptures, [Page 435] and the vnderstanding thereof, that they receiue knowledge both from the head, and from the body of Christ.
In the Romane Tridentine Breuiarie set out by Pius Quintus; Audistis, fratres charissimi, quod ad vnius iusit [...]u [...] v [...]cē, Petrus & Andr. relectis retibus secuti sunt redēptorem. hom. 5. post lect. 7. in fest. Andr. You haue heard most welbeloued brethren, that at the voice of one command, Peter and Andrew forsaking their nets, followed the Redeemer.
And in the feast of Saint Thomas; Quid fratres charist. quid inter hac ammaduertitis. in Ro. Bre. What thinke you, dearely beloued, was it by chance that the elect Disciple was away?
So in the feast of the conuersion of Paul; Hod [...]e dil [...]ctistim [...], nobis lectio de Actib [...] Apostol [...]rum haec pronunciata est. in Rom. Bre. lect. 4. This day, beloued, we haue this lesson pronounced out of the Acts of the Apostles. What shall I say? or what hope can we haue in them? since in their most reformed worship, set forth by authoritie of so many Mytered Fathers, in such a Councell as they reckon Trent to be, priuiledged by Pius Quintus, a Pope of so great renowne, yet such mockeries deluding and deceiuing of the people are found.
Their excuse is, that in all these exhortatory sentences they speake to the learned, and such as vnderstand the Mysteries of religion. But they might answer themselues, if they would put their hearts into their waies, that of sundry their Hymns, Responds, and Lectures, the intricate obscuritie and difficultie is such, that of no man which is not more then ordinarily learned, they can be vnderstood. For proofe whereof I referre the Reader to the Hymne;
A Dictionary is added at the end of the great Misfall of Sarum, to teach Priests to pronounce.And diuers such other Hymns, which would, I thinke, pose a priest himselfe vpon a sodaine to interpret vvithout a Lexicon; especially if he be no better scholler, then that he must haue a Dictionary at the end of the Missall, to teach the pronunciation of hard words.
CHAP. XXII. The blasphemous violence, which the Romish Church offereth to our great Prophet Iesus Christ, by forbidding what hee commandeth, and commanding what hee forbiddeth, and dispensing with his precepts.
OF the great Aduersary of Iesus Christ, the Prophet Daniel doth foreshew, thatDan. 9 26.27. The abomination of desolation shall destroy the Citie and the Sanctuary: And our Sauiour saith,Math. 24.15. It shall stand in the holy place. And the Apostle Paul, 2. Thes. 2.4. He is an aduersarie, and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God.
Now this cannot be better vnderstood then of the changing of the lawes and ordinances of God, exauctorating of his precepts, repealing of his iudgements, and placing their owne decrees insteede thereof. This is to shew himselfe a God, though he call not himselfe a God. Wherfore the temple vvherein Antichrist shall sit, some not vnaptly haue said to be the holy Scriptures: for that Antichrist taketh authoritie ouer them, and raigneth as it vvere in them, taking to himselfe power to change, and leaue out: to adde vnto it what pleaseth him. Hereof in the Romish Church wee haue examples ouer plentifull. In all their Catechismes, and editions of the ten Commandements, because they see the second commandement is a strong witnesse out of the mouth of God himselfe against idolatry, therefore they vtterly leaue it out: and to fill vp the number of the words of God, they diuide one Commandement into two. But hereof God vvilling in the Chapters following I vvill more fully discourse.
The same violence they offer the law in Deut; Mat 4.10. Deut 6.13. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, & him only shalt thou serue, when they decree;Veneramur etiā & aderamus imaginem despare, & d [...]m [...]nae nostra irreprehensibilu, immaculat [...], & inexplicitae casistatis Matri [...] quae illum peperit: quitati [...]m Sanctorum Apostolorum, [...]opbetarū, et ViHorū Martyrū, Sanctorum{que} & b [...]otorū veluti amicerum de [...] imagines col [...]mus gener [...]l. Conci Nic 2 act. 3 ex summa Cōcil. per. Barth. Carāzā. We worship also & adore the Image of the god-bearer our irreprehensible Lady, of vnblemished & vnexplicable chastitie, who brought him forth: & also the images of all holy Apostles, Prophets, conquering Martyrs, blessed Saints and the friends of God.
The impieticTrid. Concil. Sess. 6. & super petitione concesionis calicis. concerning that holy institution of CHRIST, The cup of the New Testament in his bloud, of which the Lord ordained; Drinke ye all of this, may not be past ouer. For what abominatiō can be greater, then with so many contradictory Decrees & constitutions to oppresse the holy ordinance of the Son of God? This, the Councell of Constance first began,Itē praecip [...]mus sub poena excō. quod nulius prae [...]biter cōmunicet populū siob vera{que} specit pa [...] & v [...]ni. Sess. 13. which commandeth vnder paine of excommunication, that no Priest giue the Communion to the people in both kindes.
The Councell of Trent confirmeth this, and saith,Si quis d [...]xerit, ex dei praecepto, vel necess [...]tate saluti [...] omnes & singules Christi fidele. vtrum{que} speciem sanctis [...]mi Eucharisti [...]e Sacraments sum [...]re del [...] re, Arathemo sit. Sess. 5. die. 16. I [...]l. 1562. Can. 1. Whosoeuer shall affirme, that by Gods commandement it is of the necessitie of saluation for all and singular the faithfull of Christ, to receiue the Sacrament of the Eucharist in both kinds, cursed be he.
Againe,Si qu [...] d [...]xerit, sāctā ecclesiā Catholicā non iustis causis & rationibus adductā fuisse, & Laico [...] atque etiā cl [...]ricos nō [...]oficiēie [...] sub pan [...] tātūmodo specit cōmunicaret, aut meo errasse, [...] na [...]th. sit abid. Can. 2. If any man shal say, that the holy Catholicke Church was not moued with iust causes and reasons, to communicate lay-men, and Priests also which themselues doe not make (you must vnderstand the body of Christ) vnder the kinde of bread onely, or that it erred therein, Cursed be he.
Luke hauing deliuered the institution of Christ touching the first part of the Sacrament, viz. the bread, saith;Luke 12.20. Similiter, Likewise he took the Cup: noting therby, that wth the same authoritie, the same commandement, the same power, Christ ordain'd the receiuing of the Cup, as of the bread. S. Mathew proceeds further, & shews an absolute iniunction to all, to receiue the cup. For though whē he deliuered the bread, he said; Take, eate, this is my body: yet when he came to the Cup, foreknowing, no doubt, the violence & iniurious abuse, wch the Synagogue of Satan should offer vnto this blessed Sacramēt, that he might establish his Church for euer in the right obseruation of his institution, and arme them before against this incursion, he saith not simply, as before; Take Mat. 26, 27. eate: but drinke ye all of it. So that, if wee should insist vpon the [Page 438] outward letter, wee may reasonably say, that all are more precisely and literally bound to the receiuing of the Cup, then of the Bread. For of the Cup hee said; Drinke all of it: of the Bread he onely said, Take and eate. But the truth is, that the receiuing both of the bread and wine are by Christs institution necessarie. The Apostle confirmeth the same. For first, speaking of the institution he saith;1. Cor. 11.25 After the same manner also when hee had supped, hee tooke the Cup, and commending the reuerent receiuing of the Cup to the people, hee saith; Let a man therefore examine himselfe, and so let him eate of this bread, and drinke of this cup. And in the six and twentith verse hee sheweth,Ibid. that this institution of receiuing the wine must continue in the Church till the appearing of Christ. For he saith; As often as yee shall eate this bread, and drinke this cup, ye shew the Lords death till he come. Now these words (Till he come) what do they teach, but that the vse of the Bread, and of the Cup ought still to continue in the Eucharist, till IESVS CHRIST appeare againe in his glory? euen as hee himselfe hath commanded, Doe this in remembrance of me.
In all these things appeareth the impudencie of the Scarlet strumpet, vvho curseth bitterly, and sheddeth the bloud of the sheepefold of Christ vnmercifully, for receiuing and beleeuing the very voice of the true Shepheard himselfe: which the Euangelists most carefully, and with words exacting obedience haue set downe. Insomuch that her contumacie can neuer be excused, though the old Serpent himselfe vse all his wiles, and summon all his Arts together to extenuate the same.
Hereto let vs adde the Vow of Chastitie, imposed vpon vveake men and vvomen, contrarie to the doctrine of the Apostle: the cause of many temptations: the occasion of many filthy and forbidden lusts. The prohibiting of marriage in the degreees of consanguinitie, vvhich in Scripture are not forbidden; As betwixt the God-father and God-mother, or those, betwixt whom the Font-stone (as [Page 439] they say) hath made spirituall kinred, which yet indeede is none at all.
Let vs adde also the dispensations of the Pope to marry in degrees prohibited; such as hee granted to Henry the eight, to marry with his owne brothers wife: And to Philip the second, King of Spaine, to marry with his owne sisters daughter, expressely against the word of God and the Scriptures of saluation. But aboue all, most horrible was the impietie of Pope Sixtus Sixtus 4.,Wesselus Croningens. in tract. de indul. Papalibus ex Szeiedino. who dispensed vvith the Cardinall of the title of Saint Lucy, and his whole family, to commit the horrible sinne of Sodome in the hot monethes of Iune, Iuly, and August: yea, and himselfe erected both Male and Female stewes in Rome.
The Apostle Paul precisely ordaineth,1. Cor. 14.14.16. that prayer and thanksgiuing be in a knowne tongue: but they as precisely forbid it, and with horrible curses and execrations (the ordinarie vomit of the Romish strumpet) they deturpate all, that in a known tongue edifie the congregation with Hymns and Prayers.
The impudent separation of Man and Wife, vvhen out of blinded deuotion they agree to enter into religious orders, as also vpon other causes besides Adulterie and Fornication, none can defend, beeing against the expresse commandement of God, and the institution of Matrimonie.
Against the institution it is, to diuorce for any other cause then for wedlocke-breaking. For GOD himselfe saith;Gen. 2.18. It is not good for Man to bee alone: And Adam acknowledgethGen. 2.23. This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, that is, the woman and I are one: from her I cannot be separated, she is my bone, and my flesh. And our Sauiour saith,Math. 19.6. They are no more twaine but one flesh. Against the commandement it is also. For our Sauiour saith, thatIbid. ver. 5. Man shall cleaue vnto his wife: AndVid. Gen. 2. verse 20.21. Marke 10. Let no man put asunder, that which God hath coupled together. And surely the first and principall cause of Marriage exprest in Genesis, is not carnall copulation, but help and societie.
Our Sauiour CHRIST in his GospellM [...]t. 5.34 35.36. forbiddeth swearing by creatures: and so doth Saint Iames * the Apostle.Iac. 5.12. Tbe Romish Church allowethCausa 22 cap. & iuralūt. in gloss. to sweare by the Euangelicall bookes, as Gratian witnesseth. And Peter Lombard saith;Dist. 39. cap. 2. The weake may not sweare by creatures: but the godly that worship the Creator in the creature may sweare by the creature. So dothSecundi secunda q. 90. art. 3, Aquinas also teach: likewiseCarth. in 5. Mat. Carthusianus saith; that as it is lawfull to sweare by the Creatour, so it is by the creature.
To these I might adde the forbidding of meates, the forbidding of lawfull Marriage: but I deferre the further handling of this argument vnto the third booke, wherein I shall intreat of the Regall office of Christ our Sauiour. Now I will haste to their Image worshipping.
ECclesiasticalla Ceremonies, Customes and Rites must be equally obserued, as the lawes of God. | 1 | IN vaine they worship mee, teaching for doctrine mens precepts. Math. 15.9. |
Scripturesb could not treat of things so particularly as was requisite for the teaching of all necessarie grounds. | 2 | All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to doctrine, to reproue, to correction, to instruction which is in righteousnesse, that the man of God may bee perfect, instructed vnto all good workes. 2. Tim. 3. ver. 16. & 17. |
Thoughc the reading of the two Testaments be better, yet we must wash in the water, wherein the Masters of the Church command vs; euen the seuen Canonicall houres. | 3 | Stand in the waies and behold, and aske for the old way, which is the good way, and walke therein, and yee shall find rest for your soules. Ier. 6.16. |
It seemeth
Concil. Trid. Sess. sexta. cap. 8. expedient to the Fathers, that the Masse should not be celebrated in a vulgar tongue. |
4 | If the Trumpet giue an vncertaine sound, who shall prepare himselfe to battaile? 1. Cor. 14.8. |
Concil. Trid Sess. 6. Can. 9. de Sacr. Miss. be he that saith, the Masse must bee celebrated in a vulgar tongue. |
5 | I had rather in the Church to speake fiue words with mine vnderstanding, that I might also instruct others, then ten thousand words in a strange tongue. 1. Cor. 14.19. |
Eckius de Miss. [...]ō germanice decend. holy spirit speaketh & inspireth the heart, whatsoeuer the tongue be. |
6 | If I pray in a strange tongue, my spirit prayeth, but mine vnderstanding is without fruit. 1. Cor. 14.14. |
Eckins ibid. 3. hearing of the Mass is not vnprofitable, althogh the words thereof bee not vnderstood. |
7 | Thou verely giuest thanks well, but the other is not edified. 1. Cor. 14.17. |
If the
Eckius ibid. 4. etiamsi mysteria. Mysteries of the most holy Masse be not in a knowne tongue vnderstood, it is inough
that in preaching they bee explained to the people. |
8 | I will pray with the spirit, and will pray with the vnderstanding. 1. Cor. 14.15. |
Iti is manifest, the deuotion of him that prayeth is many times hindred by much attention to the word. | 9 |
I will sing with the spirit, and sing with the vnderstanding also. 1. Cor. 14.15. Faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Rom. 10.17. |
I thinkek the errour of the Church (if it doe erre) is to be borne with, and the iniuries to bee indured, rather then that wee should depart from her ordinance. | 10 | Will yee speake wickedly for Gods defence, and talke deceitfully for his cause? Iob 13. verse 7. will you make a lye for him, as one lyeth for a Man? verse 9. |
Thel expresse word of God may bee the expresse word of the Diuell in a diuers sense. | 11 | These are not the words of him that hath a Diuell: can the Diuell open the eyes of the blinde? Ioh. 10.21. |
Inm those bookes, wherein the holy Mysteries are written, there is no diuinitie, which by any religion can binde vs to beleeue. | 12 | The words that I speake vnto you, I speake not of my selfe, but the Father that dwelleth in mee, he doth the workes. Ioh. 14.10. |
Then Scripture seemed not vnto God sufficient. | 13 | The holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise vnto Saluation. 2. Tim. 3.15. |
CHAP. XXIII. Of the Idolatry of the Romish Church: what an Image is? whethere be any difference betwixt an Image, and an Idoll? what the worship and adoration of an Image is?
THe makers of Images had sundry ends for which they formed the same. Some ordained Images to be memorials and representations of such as they loued and honoured: others for lucre and gaine became makers of Images and Pictures: some made them for ornament, and to decke their houses: some also set them vp for oblectation and delight, being pleased with the finenesse of the skill, and the liuelinesse of the Art. Yea, the making of Images seemeth to be an imitation of God himselfe: For whereas God hath created all things of nothing, Man though he could not so do, thought yet to imitate his Creator, as farre as he might, and by production to resemble creation, making the likenesse, when he could not make the substance, and forming or fashioning one matter out of another: for out of nothing he could not do it.
An Image then is the forming or fashioning of any likenesse, either for imitation, loue, reuerence, ornament, delight, or what cause else soeuer the maker thereof proposeth to himselfe. And it is in Hebrew called Temuna, Tselim, and some say, Teraphim: Which words signifie formes or Images.Ʋid. Pet. Mart. de 2. praecept. in princip. tract. Now the Greeke word [...] (as Tertullian well obserueth) comes [...], which is as much as Species in Latine, or a fashion or resemblance in English. In Latine the word is Simulachrum, a similitude or likenesse: And it is deriued of the Latine word Simulo, which is as much as to faigne, to lye, or to counterfeit. And surely theVid. Lact. lib. instit. 2. cap. 19. & Plin. lib. 34. cap. 4. ex H. Bulling. de orig. error. circa simulachra cap. 29. Images of God the Father, God the Sonne, and God the Holy Ghost, of the blessed Trinity, and glorious Vnity, are of all figments and lyes the most fallacious. Wherefore they are sinnes and euils against nature: they witnesse God to be finite, who is infinite: corporall, who is most spirituall, and [Page 445] of all other farthest remoued from a body: and that God doth consist of parts, who is the most simple Essence vndiuided.
Therefore when they forme an image vnto God, they should say, such he is not, contrary to this, and not the like. God hath neither sex nor age; body nor parts; affections within, nor colours without: He is that he is: and what he is, eye hath not seene, eare hath not heard, neither can the heart of man conceiue.
The matter of euery Image is earth, stone, wood, siluer, gold, metall, or the composition of these. The forme of an Image is a likenesse of that which the maker doth either see, heare, or imagine, and nothing else. He neither giues it life that formeth it, nor sense, nor motion, nor vnderstanding, nor holinesse, nor power: but dead and dumb things are all Portraits whatsoeuer; as the Psalmist witnesseth;Psal. 115.5. Mouthes haue they and speake not, eyes haue they, and see not, they haue eares and heare not, neither is there any breath in their nostrels. Wherefore Lactantius concludeth well, thatLact. lib. 2. iusti. cap. 19. an Image cannot be a thing religious, because it is altogether earthly.Vid. H. Bullinger de orig. error. c. 29. The matter thereof is earthly, and the forme earthly, and he that made it, earth it selfe.Sap. 15.16. Man made them (saith Wisedome,) and he that hath but a borrowed spirit, fashioned them.
Let vs now come to the question, whether an Idoll and an Image be all one? For the better discussing of which question, let vs first consider the beginning of Images. Much adoe there is, and great variety of opinions amongst ancient Writers, who was the first author of Images. Some referre the inuention thereof vnto Prometheus the sonne of Iapetus: others to Hercules: some beleeue the Athenians first erected Statues to Harmodius, and Aristogoton, by whose meanes they were deliuered from the cruelty of Tyrants.Pl [...] lib. 35. cap. 12. Pliny is doubtfull: but of Images in plaister (he saith) Dibutades the Si [...]yonian by the meanes of his daughter was the authour: for she tooke the proportion of a yong man, whom she loued, shining by candle light vpon a wall: which her father afterward [Page 446] tempering clay and other things together, did expresse more liuely, hardning it with fire for endurance.
Berosus saith, that Ninus first built Temples, and erected Images to his father Belus, to his mother Iuno, to his grandmother Rhea in Babylon. Cyrillus in his third booke against Iuli [...]n saith, there was no Idolatry before the floud of Noah, but that afterward it began in Babylon: yet Tertullian is of contrary opinion. Epiphanius fetcheth the beginning of Images from the time of the Patriarch Saruch, which name signifieth imitation.Heb. in Bereschit. Rabba. Suides Genebrard. And certaine it is, that Saruch was the father of Nachor, the father of Thare, the father of Abraham: and this Thare was a maker of Images. Now Belus raigned much about the time of Saruch, and Ninus about the time of Thare.
The booke of Wisedome, of the beginning of Images saith;Sap. 14. ver. 14.15. When a father mourned grieuously for his sonne that was taken away suddainely, he made an Image for him that was once dead, whom now he worshipped as a god; and ordained to his seruants ceremonies and sacrifices. Thus by processe of time this wicked custome preuailed, and was kept as a Law, and Idols were worshipped by the commandement of Tyrants.
The same Cyprian also sheweth, that Idols are not Gods, Quod Idola d [...]j non sunt, & quod vnus deut sis, & quod credētibus datum s [...]t Deu non asse quos colit vulgus. Hinc notum est, Reges o [...]im fuerunt, qui ob regalem memoriam cols apud suo [...], post modum etiam in morte c [...] peru [...]t. Inde illis institu [...]a Templ [...] inde ad defunctorum videns per imaginem detinendos expressa s [...]mulachra: Cyp. Tract. 4. de vani [...]. idolerum. in ini [...]lo. and that there is but one God, and that to the faithfull it is giuen to know, that they are not Gods which the people worship. It is manifest they were once Kings, which after death for their Regall memory were worshipped of their vassals. For which cause Temples were raised vp; and to keepe the image of the countenance of the dead, similitudes were made.
It appeareth now most plainely, that if there be any difference betwixt Images and Idols, Images were the more ancient. And by the testimony of Siracides and Cyprian, Sap. c. 14.15. an Image being worshipped becomes an Idoll. Wherefore it is an idle distinction of the Romish Church, that an Image is the representation of a true and reall substance: an Idoll but of an imaginary conception, which was neuer in being, like the Poets Cerberus and Chimara. For the ancient Fathers [Page 447] haue indifferently vsed the words Image and Idoll, for one and the same thing. The Idols whichHieron. in heb. trad [...]t. Rabel stole from her father, Aquila calleth [...], Images or Similitudes. The words, [...], Hierom and Athanasius thus render; the Images of the Nations are siluer. And Ierome in his fift Tome vpon Daniel, vpon the words;Cap. 3. s [...]ne statuam, vt Symachus sine imaginem aurea [...]s, vt cater [...] transtulerunt, volucrimus legere, cuhoret Dei [...]am adorar [...] non debeut. Known be it to thee, ô King, that we worship not thy God, &c. Thus saith; whether we reade the Statue with Symachus, or the golden Image (as others haue translated) the worshippers of God may not adore it. Athanasius doth plainely confirme the same also. For he saith,Athan. in lib. cont. gentes in princip ser. they faigned Images, thinking the things to be, that are not.
Againe, Ierome in his Comment vpon the 11. of Esay, doth witnesse Idols are the Images of dead men.
Tertullian in his booke of the Souldiers crowne, saith,Iohannis, f [...]lio li [...] inquit, custodite vo [...] ab idolis, id est, ab effigie deorum. Tert. de Corona militis. paulo post medium. Iohn commandeth; Babes, keepe your selues from Idols: not from Idolatry as from the office: but from Idols, that is, from the Image of the Gods.
Ierome translateth the same place; Babes keep your selues from Images.
Nicholas de Lyra confoundeth the words also, and expoundeth the place thus;Filioli. custodies vos a simulachr [...], id est, a cu [...]in idololatriae. loca in gloss. in 1. ep. Ioh. cap. 5. Babes keepe your selues from Images, that is, from the worship of Idolatry.
The ordinary Glosse saith;Custodite vos a doctrinis Hereticorū, qui speciem sanctitatis fili assumm [...] qui praui [...] dogmatibus. gloriam. D [...] incorruptibilis in similitudinē corruptibili [...]m rerū [...] aut. Keepe your selues from doctrines of hereticks, which haue a shew of godlines, which with false doctrine changeth the glory of the incorruptible God into the similitude of corruptible things. Lastly, the Lord our God himselfe forbidding this sinne, vseth the word Similitudinem, Exod. 10. Vid. v [...]r [...] lib. impr. Colon. per Petrum Quantel. an. Do [...]. 25 27. likenesse or image. Wherefore howsoeuerSumma. 7. gen. Concil. Nic. act. 7. the second Nicen Assembly most blasphemously thunder out their curses against them that apply the places, which are against Idols in the Scripture, to the beating downe of Images also: yet it is most certaine, that an Idol and an Image are all one in Scripture: And God, when he forbiddeth the worshipping of Idols, forbiddeth the worshippe of Images also.
In the last place we must now consider, what Adoration [Page 448] and Worship is. And surely these words haue a very large signification: for they signifie both Ciuill and Diuine Honour.
In the 23. of Genesis, Abraham bowed to the people of the Land, Vid. Trem. tum assurgens Abraham incurnauit se coram p [...]pulo eius regionis. and this bowing was in Honorem, to the worship of the people of the Land, as in Tremelius translation you may see. And the impression of Colen, Anno Dom. 1527. readethSurrexis Abrah. & adorauis populū terrae. Abraham arose and worshipped the people of the Land. So Iacob, whenAdoranit pronus in terram septies. Gen. 33.3. he bowed himselfe seuen times to the ground before his brother Esau, is said, To worship him towards the earth seuen times: And this worship we are forbidden to giue vnto any Image;Non adorabis ea, ne{que} colos. Exod, 20. for the words are; Thou shalt not bowe down to them, nor worship them.
Religious and Diuine worship is, to bring into the Temple the most reuerent house of deuotion, and there to place it: to set it before or on the Altar; as Ieroboam did his golden Calues in Bethel and Dan. Where the Scripture insisteth vpon the word;1. Reg. 12.28.29. Set the one in Bethel, and set the other in Dan: As though to set vp in a Temple, vpon an Altar, in a place of publique adoration, were worship of Idols.
Religious worship is; to paint, to gild, to trim, to adorne with iewels, with gold, with siluer, the Images which we ordaine to be set vp in Churches: and for this the Lord reproueth Israel in the Prophet Ezechiel; Ezech. 16.17. Thou hast also taken the faire iewels made of my gold and of my siluer which I had giuen thee, and madest to thy selfe Images of men, and diddest commit whoredome with them. The same we may say of lighting Candles, burning Incense, bringing gifts, falling downe and praying, and whipping themselues before Images; for all these are Religious worships, and not Ciuill.
Babes (saith Iohn) beware of Idols: he saith not, beware of worshipping Idols. For thou canst not set vp an Image in the Temple, but thou dost worship it. Therefore Ierome in his 5. Tome vpon Daniel, Cap. 3. saith,Notanta proprietas: Deos col [...], imaginem aedorari dicunt: quod vtrū{que} seruis Dei non conuenit. ex vni [...]. diss. The propriety of the word is to be marked: they say, Gods are worshipped, Images adored; but neither of these are agreeable to the seruants of God. And it is specially to be obserued, that forbidding [Page 449] the worship of images, God doth vse two words: the one expressing outward and ciuile honour; Thou shalt not bovv downe to them: the other prohibiting diuine seruice; nor worship them.
The latine word, Adoro, is sometimes taken for to speake afore.Ex Amb. Caelep. Wherefore Apuleius lib. 2.Infusa aquae populum sic adorat. pouring water thus hee spake afore the people. Priscian will haue the word to come from ador, which was the wheat that they vsed in sacrifices. The signification of the word will tell vs then, what is forbidden, namely, to bring any ceremony or gift before an image: to speake or pray before it. To conclude, Hugo Cardinalis making a distinction betwixt the two words, WORSHIP and ADORE, saith; toHug. Card. in 20. Exod. in verb. Non adorabu nec cole [...]. worship, is with all study and affection to serue: and to adore, is to crouch & to flatter, as men doe vnto Kings and Princes: but he saith, the Lord cutteth off both, that thou neither worship them in thine affection, nor adore them in outward shew.
CHAP. XXIIII. All worship of Images is vnlawfull.
THat in our holy exercises & religious worship there may be no vse of images, diuers reasons make it most plaine and euident vnto vs.
The first argument is the voice and lawe of God himselfe, who hath to all his people proclaimed;Exod. 20.4.5. Thou shalt make thee no grauen image, neither any similitude of things that are in heauen aboue, neither that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the water vnder the earth: thou shalt not bow downe to them, neither serue them.
Concerning this law it is to be considered: first, that it is no ceremoniall or iudiciall law, and therefore it is not abrogated by the comming of Iesus Christ. This is proued many waies.
First, by the testimony of the Propheticall, Euangelicall, & Apostolicall writings it is proued. Esay speaking of the kingdome of Christ saith;Esay 2.18 The Idols will he vtterly destroy. Againe, [Page 450] Ibid. ver. 20 At that day shall man cast away his siluer idols, & hi [...] golden idols, which they had made themselues to worship them, to the moules and to the battes. And Zechary also prophesying of the kingdome of Christ doth witnesse;Z [...]ch. 13.2. In that day (saith the Lord of Hostes) I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembred. The Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 10.20.22. forbiddeth all communication with idols, euen to eate of the meats vnto them sacrificed: and in the same chapter;1. Cor. 10.14. My brethren flee from idolatry: And againe;Ibid. ver. 28. If any man say vnto you, this is sacrificed vnto idols, eat it not &c. And Iohn in his Canonicall Epistle saith;1 Io. 5.21. Babes keepe your selues from idols. In the ReuelationAp [...]c. 21.15. idolaters are reckoned amongst the reprobats. To the GalathiansGal. 5.20. Idolatry is rank'd amog the works of the flesh. And Saint Iames ordaineth, that the Church should abstaineAct. 15.20. from the filthinesse of Idols: And this tearm the Apostle learned out of the mouth of God himselfe;D [...]ut. 7.16 Bring not therefore abomination into thy house, lest thou be accursed like it, but vtterly abhorre it, and count it most abominable, for it is accursed.
A second reason to proue that this precept is not a Ceremoniall statute to endure for a season, I take from the ancient Fathers of the Church. Augustine saith,Aug. ad Ian de ritibu [...] ecclesiae. ep. [...]. Pet. Mart. in 8. praecept. Among all the precepts of the Lawe, that, touching the Sabbath, ONELY is Ceremoniall.
Origen against Celsus saith;Nos simul [...]crorū fund [...]t [...]ones igitur des [...]iniu [...], qui [...], vbi per I [...]su doctrinam cōper [...]mus quo modo colēdus sit deus, ea n [...] euitamus, que sub [...] pr [...]textu et opinione quadā im [...]ios redda [...] l. 8 cri C [...]lsum. We therefore flee the making of images, because, when wee found by the doctrine of Iesus how God is to be worshipped, we do flee from those things, which vnder the pretext and opinion of piety make vs impious.
Lactantius also saith;Lect l. 2. instit. c. 19. ad initium cap. fere nō est di [...]ium quin religio nulla sit, vbi est simul [...]iū It is certaine there is no religion, where is an image.
Cyprian repeateth the lawe against image worshippers, as yet in force;Nō f [...]cie [...] tibi idolis, nec ex [...]usqu [...]m sim [...]itudinē. Cyp l. 3 ad Q [...]r [...]. c. 59. ad finem. Thou shalt make to thy selfe neither idoll, nor similitude of any thing. And Clemens Alexandrinus in Paraeneti [...]o saith;Nobis apertè vetitu est artē falle [...]ē exercere. ex Chem. It is openly forbidden vnto vs to exercise a false art: for it is written; Thou shalt not make to thy selfe the likenesse of any thing.
It being then euident,Papists blot the 2 commandement out of all their catechismes and decalogues. that the law against images is not Ceremoniall, but a morall, an eternall, an inuiolable law, to continue to the dissolution of the world: What furie? what madnes? what impiety hath moued the masters of the Romish Church to take away, and blot the voice of God himself out of the Decalogue, which he hath with hisExod. 31.18 own finger vvritten in tables of stone, to be a law vnto all generations to come? For whether it bee a precept of it selfe, or an explication of the first precept, the lawe it is, & Gods it is: man then hath no authority to repeale or cancell it.
Austine indeed is alleaged in the 71. question vpon Exodus. And Clemens Alexandrinus Strom. libro 6. that they make but three commandements of the first table, and vnderstand this second to bee the exposition of the first. But yet in the questions of the olde and new testament, Austen remembreth foure words of the first table, and six of the second table: and Origen in the eight Homily vpon Exod. saith;Simul nōnulli putāt primū et secūdū mādatū, quod s [...] ita putetur, nō cōplebitur numerus 10. mādatorū, et vbi iam erit veritas decalogi? many count the first and second commandement together.. Which if they should bee so accounted, the number of the ten commandements will not be compleat, and where is then the verity of the Decalogue?
Athanasius in Synopsi saith;Hen. Bull. de orig. cult. c. 29. The second commandemēt is that which forbids images.
Ierome is of the same minde vpon the sixt to the Ephesians: and Ambrose also. But (as I haue said) whether it be part of the first commandement, or else the second precept it selfe, it is from God our maker: it is to vs his creatures: it is an euerlasting couenant of Salt, which he hath made with his church for euer. And that wicked one is he, whosoeuer taketh vpon him to exauctorate and change this law of God.
In the second place let vs consider the words of the lawe, and the things which are prohibited therein. Thou shalt make thee no grauen image, neither any similitude of things that are in heauen, neither that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the waters vnder the earth: thou shalt not bow downe to them, neither serue them.
The first place named in this precept forbiddes the making [Page 452] of the image of God, of Angels, of heauenly powers, of those holy soules that are now with God: as also of the Sunne, the Moone, the Stars, the firmament, and all that is in the glorious circle of heauen.
The second place named in the precept doth prohibite the likenesse of Man, Beasts, Birdes, Wormes and Serpents, Plants, Trees, Hearbes: and generally all that is in, or vpon the earth, to bee made, and to bee worshipped, or set vp in our Temples, or in our houses to bee feared, and religiously serued.
The third place in the precept doth forbidde the making & worshipping of the similitude of any of the creatures, whether liuing or dead, within the vast womb of the sea, or which in any other water aboue, or vnder the earth are contained: it forbiddeth also the image of diuels and wicked spirits, and of all kind of infernall ghosts and satanicall powers to be formed and reuerenced. But since it seemeth a question of great difficulty, whether that the image of the holy, diuine, incomprehensible essence it selfe may be made, or worshipped, wee will especially examine that point.
There is no doubt, but of all other things the likenesse may bee made, so it bee not worshipped: but of GOD the likenesse or image may not be made, though we do not worship it.
The first reason against the images of the essence of God is this. No man knoweth what the likenesse of God is; therefore no man can make a likenesse vnto him. The proposition is sufficiently proued. For Esay saith;Esay 40.18 To whom will ye liken God? or what similitude will ye set vp vnto him? Iesus Christ himselfe teacheth vs,Io. 4.24. that God is a spirit. Now of a spirit who can make any likenes? For it hath neither parts, nor shape. Iohn teacheth vs;1. Io. 4.12 No Man hath seene God at any time. Paul saith;1 Tim. 6.16. He dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto: whom neuer man sawe, neither can see: But whereof wee cannot see the substance, the picture wee cannot make. God then can by no similitudes bee expressed. This hath made the Papists after sundry manners in images to expresse the Trinity, whereof [Page 453] if one bee a true likenesse, the other must needs be false.
The second reason against the image of Gods essence is this; God is not onely inuisible, but also incomprehensible: the tongue cannot speake of him, the eare cannot heare of him, the heart cannot vnderstand of him as he is; Therefore of his incomprehensible essence there can be no image made. For the image doth import a determination, and description of the thing whose image it is: But God cannot be determined, or described;Eph. 4.6. 1 Cor 8.6 He is aboue all and in all: Ier. 23.24. hee filleth heauen and earth. Heauen is his seat, the earth is his footstoole. Nay, the heauen of heauens cannot containe him, yet they vvill measure him with an Idoll of an inch.
The third reason against the images of the Trinity, & the essence of God, is the perill of idolatry. And this, Moses sheweth to be the cause why theDeut. 4.15 Israelites saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto them in Horeb out of the midst of the fire. The wise man is a cleare witnes in this point, who saith, thatSap. 15.5 the sight of images stirres vp the desire of the ignorant, so that he coueteth the forme of the dead image that hath in life. The Scripture calls images stumbling blocks, offenses and prouocations. And indeed the Perioch, or dictichon of the second Councell of Nice sheweth plainely, that in making of the images of God, all Romanists are Idolatours: who thus doe versifie;
If they worship that which is in the image to be seene, they worship an idoll. For there is no such God, no such diuine power: for God is not circumscribed in one place as the image is. Againe, the image declareth a thing absent: but God is each where present: the image sheweth a thing finite, comprehensible, consisting of parts, hauing a body without life, without vnderstanding, without motion, without power, setting candles before him as though hee wanted light: but God is infinite, incomprehensible, filling all things, simple, [Page 454] spirituall, liuing, and of life and light the fountaine: who seeth and vnderstandeth all things: vvho euer moueth and vvorketh in all things. Ambrose therefore saith;Gentiles lignū adorant, qui [...] des imaginem putant: sed inuisi [...]i [...] dei image non in eo est quod videtur, sed in eo vti{que} quod non videtur. Tom. 4. in Psal. 118. in vndone Diss. The Gentiles vvorship the tree, because they thinke it to be the image of God; but the image of the inuisible God is not in that vvhich is seene, but in that which is not seene.
The fourth reason against the making of the images of God, is the continuall iudgement of the Church from the beginning, euen vnto this day. For it beeing an assured ground in religion that God is a spirit, all holy men haue euermore worshipped God, not in corporall figure, but with inward and spirituall acknowledgement. At the first indeede the Diuell had his Church, and as Abel did truely and religiously worship God: so Cain did the same hypocritically and falsly. And after the death of Abel, it seemeth, the Caynites peruerted all true worship, till the daies of Enos the sonne of Sheth. Gen. 4.26. For then (as Moses witnesseth) Men began to call vpon the Name of the Lord. And in this family of Sheth and Enos the true worship of the Lord continued without any images till the floud of Noah, when all the Caynits that generation of the wicked murtherer were destroyed in the floud. After the floud, religion was preserued in the family of Noah, and the true worship was still, of God alone in Spirit, without any image or similitude, vntill the daies of Thare the father of Abraham, when about three hundred yeares after the floud, Idols found meanes againe to creepe into the place of worship. And this, Iosua noteth as a blemish in the Fathers of the house of Israel; Iosua 24.2. Your fathers dwelt beyond the floud in old time, euen Terah the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor, and serued other gods. But Abraham, Isaac, Iacob, and the Patriarchs reformed religion againe: amongst whom there was not an image. Nay, when as through his idolatrous wiues children and their attendants, the worship of God began in Iacobs house to be corrupted, he commandeth presently vnto his houshold, and all that were with him, to put away the strange Gods. Now if you desire to know what the strange Gods were, the thirty one chapter of Genesis sheweth, [Page 455] thatGen. 31.30 & 34. Rachel had taken her fathers Idols, and Laban calleth them his Gods. After this, God raised vp Moses and Aaron to lead the people out of Egypt, and by the Ministerie of Moses the Law was giuen vnto them. This law prohibited all kinde of images for worship, and was so strictly and seuerely obserued, that all Idolaters and enticers to Idolatry were censured with death.
Iosuah, when he perceiued the abomination of Idols to be crept in amongst them, indured it not, but like a godly Magistrate calleth vpon them, and sheweth that the worship of God and Idols could not stand together;Ios. vlt. verse 22. & 23. Yee are witnesses against your selues, that you haue chosen the Lord to serue him: then put away now the strange gods that are amōgst you. The like example we haue in Ezechiah, 2. Reg. 18.4. who brake the Image of the brazen Serpent, a precious remembrance of Gods great worke, and the figure of Christ to come, when hee saw the people peruert the vse to which it was ordained, and fall down and worship it. And indeede, whensoeuer the people fell to the worship of Idols, the Prophets alwaies cried out, and lifted vp their voices against it: and their continuall preaching so preuailed at last, that Origen Origen. against Celsus doth vvitnesse; in the commonwealth of the Iewes there was no caruer, nor maker of Images or Statues, whom the law did not driue away, lest there should bee any occasion of making Images. And thus also continued religion without images during the gouernement of the Machabees, till the comming of Iesus Christ himselfe and his Apostles: of whom we doe not finde one that euer worshipped, or prayed before an image. But the Apostle Paul of all image worshippers saith,Ro. 1.22.23. When they professed themselues to be wise, they became fooles. For they turned the glory of the incorruptible God, to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man, and of Birds, and foure-footed beasts, and of creeping things. And in the Acts;Act. 17.25. God is not worshipped with mens hands, that is, with those things which the hands of men doe forme.
Thus vvas the vvorship of God continued in the church without the images of God,Quasi s [...]cientiū [...]ū, saith the glosse inter-linea [...]. or any other in all the Apostles [Page 456] time, and for many yeares after, till the Christians borrowed this abomination from the Gentiles; as Eusebius plainely witnesseth,Euseb. Eccles. hist. l. 7. c. 17. ad finē ca. speaking of the Images of Christ, the Apostles, Paul and Peter, that it seemed vnto him to be vsurped out of the custome of the Heathen.
Let vs examine what the Romish church can say for her selfe in defence of the images, either of the diuine Essence, or any other.
Ob.First, they contend that God himselfe is the author of Images.Bell. l 2. de imag. c. 7. verb. secund. probatur. Similiter. Andrad. For he appeared in the similitude of a Man. Gen. 22. Esay 6. Dan. 7.
Now these similitudes were the Image of the incarnation of Christ. So likewise God appeared in the fire, Exod. 3. in the forme of a cloud, and a piller of fire, Exod. 13. in the figure of a Doue, Math. 3. And in diuers other formes. So that God (say they) shewed first to man the vse and worship of Images.
Sol.To this the Church of Christ doth answere; The end why God appeared in these formes, vvas not for that he would be worshipped in these formes: but because man was not able to behold God in the glory of his Essence, therefore in great humilitie God vouchsafed after a manner, to exhibite himselfe in these formes to the Fathers, and so to reueale the incarnation, and the benefites of Christs appearing in the world. But yet he neuer allowed, Nay, he most seuerely forbade any to worship him in these formes.
The strange Gods which Thare the Father of Abraham did worship, questionlesse vvas that Ʋr, or fire of the Chaldeans: for so the word Vr doth signifie. And it is very likely, that the place vvherein God was worshipped in the forme of fire, thereof tooke his appellation. But to our purpose; Thare is reckoned for an Idolater: for that in fire he presented to himselfe the diuine Essence to be worshipped.
The children of Israel vvorshipped the true God, presented to them in the forme of a Calfe. For Aaron saith. To m [...]rrow shall be the holy day Le Iehouah, of the Lord God. The vvord Iehouah is still the proper name, by which the true God [Page 457] and the onely God is knowne. In the second of Iudges; Iudg. 2.11.13 Israel serueth Baal. But in the second of Osee the Prophet sheweth, that in the image of Baal they did worship the true God;Osee 2 16. And shall call me no more Baali. So the Lord God reproued the Israelites, for that they worshipped him their true God in these deuices. In the seuenteenth of the Iudges Iudg. 17.3. the mother of Micha doth not dedicate her siluer to a false God, but Lo Iehouah, to the only & true God, to the Lord. And Micha made it a Teraphim, that is, the image of a Man, in which God hath appeared. Gen. 32. Yea, and Micha further procuredIudg. 17.13. a Leuite to be his Priest, according to Gods owne ordinance, to serue before the image in an holy Ephod. And therefore said; Now I know that the Lord will be good vnto me, seeing I haue a Leuite vnto my Priest. Here were all the aduantages that might be: an Image made to the true God, as he had reuealed himselfe: a Priest according to the Law to serue: and Micha putteth his trust in the true God: and the Priest asketh counsell of God in an holy Ephod. Yet for all this, the Tribe of Dan, who afterward tooke this image, set it vp, and made Priests vnto it, were counted Idolators: and the vulgar Latine translates it,Lib. impr. Colen. apud Pet. Que [...]t [...]l. anno 15 27. Idolum Michae, the Idoll of Micha. You see, the Idolatry vvas not any whit the lesse, because they vvorshipped the true God in an image. But all these images are called Idols and false gods: neither can they proue, that God did allow himselfe to bee worshipped in any of the formes he appeared in.
They obiect the making of the image of the Brazen Serpent, Numb. 21. the golden Cherubins, Exod. 25.Ob. En Eck. And Iosua set vp a great stone vnder an Oake. So did Salomon make the Images of Cherubins of Oxen, of Lyons, Lillies and Pomgranats.
These were all made for ornament, or for remembrance,Sol. not for worship. Ciuill vse of images the Church denieth not. Christ himselfe reproued not the printing of Caesars image in coine: but to place images in Temples vpon Alt [...]r [...], to light Candles, to burne Incense, to fall downe before them, is plaine Idolatry: which God hath in sundry places expressely forbidden.
Ob. Ex Bellar.The Image of a King or an Emperour is to be honoured; therefore the image of God and Saints.
This is a mere fallacy, and ignorance of the state of the question.
Sol. Ex Bellar.For if Ciuill honour may be giuen to the image of a King, it is no argument, that therefore Images may be worshipped with religious worship. No man honoureth a Kings image with religious worship, except flatterers and Parasites, such as those vvretches vvere in the third of Daniel, vvho adored the golden Image that Nabuchadnezzar set vp: And in the sixt they establish a Decree, that no man should aske a Petition of any God or Man for thirty daies, but of King Darius alone.
Ob. Ex Bellar.We worship a man, because he is the image of God; therfore we may worship images set vp in Churches also.
The same is the fallacy in this, and in the precedent reasons.
Sol.Though Man be the liuing image of God, yet Man is not honoured vvith diuine or religious vvorship, but only vvith Ciuil honour. No man setteth vp a man vpon the Altar in the Temple, offereth incense or prayer to him there: no more may it be done to an image.
Ob. Ex Bellar.An image (they say) is capable of the iniury of the Saint it representeth; therefore of the honour.
Sol.It is onely Ciuill iniury that an image may be said to bee capable of, as it is also of Ciuill honour. And indeed, when vvee say an image is capable of the iniury or honour of him, vvho is in it represented, we speake vnproperly. For properly there is no iniury done to an vnsensible image.
Ob.They obiect; That many miracles are done to confirme the religious worship of images. Ex Bellar.
Sol.Those miracles for the most part are false, beeing fabulous inuentions of Monkes and Friers for filthy lucres sake: Secondly, admit they are true, yet miracles onely, are not a sufficient vvarrant vnto any kinde of doctrine, except the Word of GOD teach the same. Miracles are many times rought by the power of Sathan, vvho is permitted to blind [Page 459] the reprobate; as appeareth. 2. Thes. 2. verse 9. Apoc. 16. verse 14.
They obiect the opinion of diuers Fathers,Ob. Ex Belar. which maintaine the vvorshipping of images.
We may not hearken to any men,Sol. bee they of neuer so great antiquity, against the commandement of the Ancient of daies: And yet there is not any Father before the yeere seuen hundreth and eightie,Secundū F. Barth▪ Caranz. in summa 7. gen. concil. when the second Nicene Synode vvas solemnized, which did hold or teach, that Images ought to be placed in the Church to be vvorshipped.
They obiect against vs diuers Idolatricall Councels;Ob. Ex Bellar. the second Councell of Nice: the sixt Councell: a Synode vnder Gregory the third: and another vnder Stephen the third. All which were blinde idolaters, and Antichristian Synagogues.
Against all these Councels vve oppose that first Catholicke and honourable Councell,Sol. held by the Apostles and Disciples themselues in Ierusalem, vvhich vvas celebrated in the true feare of God, and confirmed by his holy Spirit. In which the blessed Councell commandeth vsActs 15.29. to abstaine from meate sacrificed to Idols: much more (then) from idols themselues: And Saint Iames perswading this law, calleth it the filthinesse of idols, as is aforesaid. We oppose also the Eliberin Councell celebrated by many reuerend Prelates, in the thirty sixt Canon. Whereof thus we read;Placuit in Ecclesijs imagines esse non debere, ne quod colitur et adoratur, in parietibus depingatur. Con. Elib. Can. 36. vt coll. à Bar. Caranz. It pleaseth vs, that there be no images in Churches, lest that vvhich is worshipped, be painted on the walles. We oppose also the Counsels vnder the Emperours Leo 3. and Constantine, vvith that vnder Charles the great, at Frankeford; All decreeing against the placing of images in Churches, and the honour of them.
To conclude, the saying of Abacuc the Prophet is most true; both in the similitudes of God, and of the SaintsAbac. 2.18. The image is a teacher of lies: No man hath seene God at any time: What likenesse can be then made of him? The soules of the Saints cannot be expressed by corporall similitude, the bodies are earth and rottennesse, neither doth the Caruer know what vvas their proportion.
CHAP. XXV. The bringing in, and increase of Idolatry, or Image worship, is much alike with the Gentiles and the Romanists.
THere is a certaine natural shamefastnesse against the spirituall vvhoredome of Idols in the hearts of all men, both Gentiles, and those vvho vvould be counted Christians; Insomuch that Idolatry hath rather crept into the world, then inuaded it: craftily stole, then violently broken into the Temples and Churches. Long time it was ere any man vvas so senselesse, and so base, as to fall downe before a blocke, and to vvorship the figment of his owne hands. Cornelius Tacitus is witnesse,Cor. Tac. in lib. de moribus Germ. verbo caeterum nec cohibere. that the ancient Germanes vvere wont not to shut vp their Gods within walles, or to paint them like to any similitude of our humane proportion.
Plutarch saith,Plut. i [...] vita Nume Pompil. vul. Bulling. de orig. e [...]. cap. 10. that the ordinance of Numa Pompilius concerning the images of the Gods, vvas altogether like the doctrine of Pythaegoras. For, the first beginning hee thought to be a minde inuisible and vncreate, subiect neither to sense nor perturbation: hee did therefore prohibite the Romanes to thinke, that the likenesse of God might be resembled, either by the fashion of a Man, or by the forme of any thing liuing. Wherefore there vvas neither counterfeited, nor painted likenesse of God amongst them: but in the first hundred and seuentie yeares they built temples and holy Chappels vnto them, but made no bodily image of them.
Ʋarro (as Austen vvitnesseth) doth write,Quod si adhuc (inquis) mansisset, castius d [...]j obserua rentur. Au [...]. decitur. dei. l. 4. c. 31. That the Romanes did vvorship Gods a hundred and seuenty yeares vvithout images: which (saith he) if it had continued still, the Gods should haue beene more purely serued. Eusebius is witnesse,Vid. Bull. de orig. er [...]or. circ. [...]mulach. cap. 10. that the people called Seres by an established law prouided that none should worship Images,
The ancient Persians (as Herodotus and Strabo vvitnesse) were enemies not onely to images, but to Temples and Altars: thinking (as Xerxes also did)Cic. l. 2. de leg. that it was not lawfull to [Page 461] immure the Gods, and imprison them in houses. Wherefore Natales Comes, a man most exercised in these studies, calleth the worship of Gods without images,Nat Com. Myth. lib. 1. c. 7. Priscā Theologiam, old Theologie.
After this there were Images made of gods,Plin. l. 34. c. 4. & ibid. c. 7. fer. ad princip. first either in wood or clay (for gods of siluer and gold came not into Rome before the ouercomming of Asia) and then were only the ancient authors of some publique benefites set vpon rude vnpolisht stones, Pillers & stocks, for the signe of their Gods.
The same beginning, the same progresse, had the images of the Christians. For, at the first in Christian Churches vvere neither images, nor pictures of God, or of his Saints. And if out of the custome of Gentiles such were made, the impietie by wholesome lawes and industry of godly Doctors was presently opposed; as wee see in the constitution of Valence and Theodosius, vvho prohibited all men to paint, or carue in colours, in stone, or in any other matter, the image of our Sauiour Christ: and wheresoeuer pictures should bee found, they commanded them to bee taken away, chastising vvith most grieuous punishment, those that should resist their decrees and commandements herein.
Epiphanius vvitnesseth of himselfe in his Epistle to Io. Hirosol. by Saint Ierome translated, that he cut in pieces a certain vaile or curtaine hanging before the doore of the Chappell at Anablatha, wherein vvas the picture of Christ,Contr authoritat. script. or of some Saint: which (he saith) he did, because it did hang there against the authoritie of Scripture. Many things in this historie are worthy noting. Epiphanius remembred not certainly, vvhether it were the picture of Christ, or of a Saint; therfore little reuerence it is like he gaue thereto, & no difference did he make, whether it were the picture of Christ, or Saints: against Religion it was, and against Scripture it was: Hee found it hanging but before the doore, and in a Curtaine. What would he haue said, if it had beene placed vpon the Altar, Tapers and lights before it, adorned with Iewels, perfumed with incense, sprinkled vvith holy water?
But, as amongst Pagans, so amongst Christians, in tract of time Images crept into the Church, not to be kneeled vnto, or to pray before them, or to be sought to in Pilgrimage: but to expresse the noble acts of famous Martyrs, and worthy teachers in the Church. Such was the Picture of Cassianus that famous Schoole-master, and Martyr, in the Temple of Forum Sempronij, full of wounds, with a thousand stripes ouer all his body, which were giuen vnto him by his owne Schollers, who were pictured cutting, launcing, and stabbing the members of their Christian Maister with Penkniues and gaddes, by the permission of the persecuting Tyrant. Which picture Prudentius recordeth himselfe to haue beheld.
Such was the picture of Christ, which Tertullian Tert. lib. de pudicetia verbo procedant ipsae picturae. speaketh of in his time to be grauen about the cups, in the habite of a Shepheard bringing home the wandring sheepe vpon his shoulders. Cyprian saith;Ad de functorum vultus per imaginē detinendos expressa sunt simulacra: inde posteris facta sunt sacra, qua primitus fuerant assumpta solatia, de Idol. vanit. tract. 4. in ipso princip. Images were made to keepe the countenance of the dead in a picture: afterward those became holy things, which at the first onely were consolations.
Paulinus saith,Paulinus Bishop of Nola. pictures were placed in the Church of Nola, that when the people came to celebrate the natiuity of S. Foelix, and did banquet in the Church, being occupied in the contemplation of the pictures, they might eate more temperately, and feed more soberly.
Gregory set vp Images in Churches, not to be worshipped, but to be Lay-mens bookes: yet Serenus Bishop of Marsillia brake the Images set vp in his Citie, because he saw the people did worship them.Et quidem quia eas ad [...]rari vetuisset, omnino laudamas: fregisse vero reprehendimut. Greg. in Regist. part. 10. epist. 4. Gregory reproued him for breaking the Images: but allowed him, in that he forbad them to be worshipped.
The Heathens from making of Images, and curious trimming of them fell to worship them. Tully witnesseth,Cic. lib. 3. offic. that to Caius Marius in all High-waies Statues were set vp, and frankincense and lights burnt before them. So the image of Iuno was set vp with a Scepter, and a Diadem vpon her head, as the Queene of the heauenly powers. And Adrian Ex Nat. Come. Myth lib. 2. cap. 4. the [Page 463] Emperour to her image in Euboea, did dedicate a golden Pecock whose traine was full of precious stones, with a Crown and a Pall of gold, in which was grauen the marriage of Hercules and Hebe.
Apelles Ibid. lib. Myth. 7 cap. 16. made the picture of Venus out of the Sea, whose proportion he took out of his Paramour Phrynes face, and set it vp in the great feast of Ceres, for all the Grecians to gaze vpon, with her garments loose, and hayre dissheueled. Many thousands may be recited of this kinde;Hab. 2.19. for then the Heathens said vnto the wood, Awake: and to the dumbe stone, Rise vp.
The like progresse was in the Idolatry of the Romish Church: for Images became necessary in the Church. Insomuch that one Isidorus, a Bishop, in the second Councell of Nice, saith,Ergo Templum nihili valet, quod non sit imaginibus infertum. Con. Nice. 2. a [...]t. 1. eu Incl. That he held the Church nothing worth without Images. The Councel of Senon saith; A man may learne more out of an Image in a little time, then out of the Scriptures in a long season. From hence then receiued Bellarmine the poyson which he vomiteth:Vbi melius ponētur imagines sanctorum quam in domibus ipsorum. Bellar. de imag. sanc. lib. 2. cap. 9. verbo qu [...]rto probatur ratione. Where (saith he) shall the Images of Saints better be placed, then in their houses, that is, their Oratories, where their Reliques do rest? So likewise he saith, The Temple is the Image of heauen; wherefore their Images ought there to be placed whose soules are aboue in heauen. And againe,Nusquam melus asser [...] quam in templis, imagines sanctorum cell-cari. ibid. We auouch that the images of Saints are no where better placed, then in the Temples.
Now hence springeth the beautifying of Christian Images with the most curious cunning, and all the wit of man. Whatsoeuer Art, hand or colour, gold or siluer, could bring to their adoration, it was performed: Their garments most costly, the Rings, the Spangs, the Aiglets, the Brooches, the Pearles, the precious Stones vpon them, were of the greatest price.
Thomas Arundel Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the examination of William Thorpe, Ex Io. Foxi. all. & M [...]nn. in reg. He [...]. 4. commendeth the manner of Image-makers; who, when they shall carue, cast in mould, or paint any Images, go first vnto a Priest, and shrieue then, as cleane as if they should then die: and take penance, and [Page 462] [...] [Page 463] [...] [Page 464] make some certaine vow of fasting, or of praying, or pilgrimage doing: praying the Priest specially to pray for him, that he may haue grace to make a faire and deuout image.
The Heathens at the first formed their Images grauely, couered them with pitch: or (as Pliny witnesseth) in long gownes they were honestly attired: but afterward they were made wanton, obscene, naked. The same progresse hath Idolatry in the Church also. For at the first they were onely painted (as is said) modestly, to bee representations of the history of Saints: but now they are made so, that they can bowe, and becke, and roule the eyes, and salute, and bid welcome vnto those that visite the Church; as sundry examples testifie.
The ImageLegend. Lomb. in hist. de inuent. san. Crucis. of the Crucifixe in a Church of Saint Sophia, when a certaine Notary together with his Master entred into the Church and prayed, seemed to fixe his eyes vpon the Notary: which his Master obseruing, caused the Notary to stand at his right hand: but the Image rouled the eye to the right hand. Wherefore he commanded the Notary to go on the left hand, and the Image turned the eye and beheld him then on the left hand. Whereat the Master maruaiuelling, and enquiring the cause, the Notary answered, that he knew no merit in himselfe, but that being once tempted by the diuell to renounce God, he would not do it.
Luitiprandus witnesseth the like of the bones of Formesus; Luitipr. lib. 1 [...] c 8. de rebus Europae. that when they were brought into the Church of S. Peter, all the Images did bow.
The Heathens had some ImagesEx Cent. 9. cap. 13. de miraculis. of their owne making, and some that came downe from heauen, and were sent vnto them (as they say) by their gods themselues. Such they esteemed the Image of Diana at Ephesus; as we reade inAct. 19.35. the Acts.
The Romish Church doth equalize the Heathens in this deuice also. For they speak of the Image of Iesus most liuely impressed into a handkerchiefe by the Lord himselfe, and sent to Agbarus: and they tell vs of a picture of Christ, made by the Euangelist Luke, and sent vnto Veronica: and of another, [Page 465] made by Nicodemus; and of the picture of S. Stephen, Vid. Bellar. lib. 2. de imag. cap. 10. made by an Angell.
And Surius in his Comment witnesseth,Comment. rer. in [...]rbe gest. in fol. 537. impr. Col. au. 1374. that in the daies of Queene Elizabeth, a woman of good account in Kent found a crosse, not formed in colours by any man, nor made by needle;E coelesti quodā influxu nata cernaebatur. but it appeared to be made by an heauenly influence. But all these are fables, destitute of any true authority or credible witnesse, whose testimonies might moue vs to beleeue such fooleries.
The ancient Heathens for the authority of their ImagesVid Lact. lib. iustit 2. cap. 8. & 9. pleaded the miracles, that were wrought by them. And the same argument the Romish Church vseth for her Images also. But it is the punishment of God both vpon the one, and vpon the other: who suffereth men for their superstition, to be led away by the illusions of Sathan; according to that in the Thessalonians, where the Apostle witnesseth, that2. Thess. 2.9. the comming of the wicked man, is by the working of Sathan, with all power and signes, and lying wonders.
In the Images of the Heathen sometimes Sathan wrought to blinde the Priests, asLact. lib. instit. 2. cap. 8. when the ship stucke fast, which carried the Idean mother, and could by no force of men be remoued: yet by the girdle of Clnudia it was towed out: Sometimes the Priests wrought to blind the people; as in the History of Bell and the Dragon, we finde.
So in Popery also, some miracles are wrought at the Images of Saints by the diuell, to infatuate both Priest & people; as when the Crucifix spake to Thomas Aquinas; Bene scripsisti de me Tho in Breu. Ro. Thou hast written well of me Thomas: And the Image, of which in the life of Dunstane, the English Legend speaketh: who concerning the restoring of married Priests into their places, openly and audibly pronounced;Absit hoc vt siat, absit hoc vt siat. Let it not be so, let it not be so.
Some Images wrought miracles by the falshood of Priests, and Monks, and Friers. And so Bernard esteemed of that voice which the Image of the virgin vttered, saluting him, and welcoming him into the Church; your Ladiship (saith he) is to blame, the Apostle Paul permitteth not a woman to speake in the Church.
Out of that which hath been spoken it is now plaine, that Ierusalem and Samaria, Aholiah and Aholibah, the Spirituall and the Worldly Babylon, are sisters: The beginning, the progresse, the continuance, the height of their Idolatry alike.
CHAP. XXVI. Of the Limitations, with which the Romish, Church maketh it lawfull to worship Images of God, and of Saints, and other dead and senselesse stocks and stones.
MAlachy of the Iewish Priests bitterly complaineth;Malach. 2.8. Yee haue caused many to fall by the Law: ye haue corrupted the couenant of Leui. To cause men by the Law to fall, is when they wrest the Law by sophistication, and subtill distinctions, so that the true intent and purpose thereof cannot take place. This in the question of Images the Romish Church daily practiseth, inforcing, that The Lawe forbiddeth not Images of Saints, but Idols of Heathens; not the pictures of true things, but of Poeticall fictions.
Some pretend, They worship not an Image, but before an image, by whose contemplation their zeale is kindled within them: Others excuse the matter, that though Images were not commanded by God, yet they are ordained by the Church, the piller of truth, to whose voyce euery man must hearken. ButAbak. 2.19. Woe vnto him that sayth to the wood, Awake: and to the dumbe stone, Rise vp.
Bellarmine, their Atlas, assigneth three limitations, with which it is lawfull to worship Images and Crosses, the works of the hands of men.
The first limitation is,Bellar. de imag. Sanct. lib. 2. cap. 1 [...]. ex Sest. 25. Con. Trid. That no man put trust in any senselesse thing.
The second, That no man aske any thing of any dead Stocke.
The third, That no man thinke that there is any diuinitie in an Image.
Thomas Harding concerning the adoration of Images, against the reuerend Iewel of Sarisbury, assigneth this limitation;De adorat. im [...]g. ar [...]ic. [...]4. sect. 22. that latriae, or diuine worship is proper vnto God: But that the Images haue a certaine inferior kind of worship [Page 467] due vnto them: and this limitationBellar. de imag. sanct. lib. 2. cap. 22. Bellarmine also agrees vnto. Which though it be contained in the other three, yet for perspicuities sake wee will handle it seuerally. For the truth is, the Romish Church doth not obserue any of these limitations; they are onely nets of Sophistication: they are false and deceitfull bayts, painted Sepulchres, pits couered with rushes, in whom there is no truth nor integritie at all.
When Ezechiel complained of his misery,Ezech. 4.15. that he was compelled to eate mans dung instead of food; to change his condition, a little Bullocks dung was giuen him in place of Mans dung: So in the Church, for Idoles of Heathen men, are set vp Idoles of Christian men. Small is the difference betwixt the dung of men, and the dung of Oxen: betwixt Heathen, and Christian Images; both are dung, both are vanitie.
CHAP. XXVII. Of the first limitation, in which they pretend, that an Image may be worshipped, so that no trust nor confidence be placed in the Image: and that the Romish Church putteth full trust in Images.
NOthing at all doth the Romish Church heerein differ from the Heathens. How many Gentiles are there, which vtterly disclaimed to put trust in the Images they worshipped.
Diagoras threatned the Image of Hercules, that if he must euery day prouide meat for himselfe, the Image should be hewen in pieces to roast the same.
Dionysius cut off Esculapius golden beard, because his Father Apollo was without a beard, saying; It was not meet that the sonne should haue a beard before the father: Hee tooke off Iupiters golden coate also, saying; it was too heauie for Summer, too cold for Winter. Did he (thinke you) put any confidence in the Images whom he thus scoffed?
Plautus in his Prooeme of the comedy of Amphitrio saith; Iupiter Iupiter non minus quam nostrum quiuis sormidat malū, humana matre natus humano patre. Nat. Com. Myth. l [...]b. 1. cap. 9. feares euill no lesse then any of vs, being borne of [Page 468] a humane father, and of an humane mother. This sheweth what trust Plautus reposed in Iupiters Image, who put so little trust in Iupiter himselfe.
Lactantius witnesseth, that it was wont to be the Apologie of Heathens for their Image-worshipping;Non ipsa (inquiūt O [...]ntes) timemus, sed eos, ad quorum imaginē facta sunt, & quorum nominibus cōsecrata. Lact. de instit. lib. 2. c. 2. in princip. we feare not them, but those to whose image they are formed, and to whose names they are consecrate.
Wherefore not without contempt Pompey in Lucan speaketh of the Image of Osyris: ‘Et tectum ligno spargam per vulgus Osyrim. ex Lact. lib. 1. cap. 21. Osyris cloth'd in wood, Ile peece-meale throw among the multitude.—’
Another saythNec pietas vlla est velatum saepe videri vertere se ad lapidem. It is no holinesse at all to see a man couered with a veyle, to turne himselfe often towards a stone.
Horace scoffeth at the Image of Priapus, and sayth;
And Persius derideth both the Luxury of Heathen Priests in their diuine seruice, and their Images also, comparing them together.
Lactantius in his institutions reproueth Tully; Video te terrena, & manu facta venerari: vana esse intelligis, & tamen eadem facis, quae faciuut ipsi quos ipse stultissimos confiteris. Lact. instit. lib. 2. cap. 3. for that he did worship earthly things made with hands, which yet he himselfe vnderstood to be vaine. And Tully himselfe witnesseth,Lib. 1. de diuinat. that Caius Flaminius, when his horse and himselfe stumbling fell downe before the Image of Iupiter stator, he despised yet the portent, and proceeded to the battell.
Demonax beeing aduised by his friend to goe into the Church of Esculapius, and pray for the health of his sonne, answered: Do you think the gods so deafe, that they cannot heare but in a Temple?
Diogenes being demanded why hee did pray so often vnto Images? answered: that I may accustome my selfe not to be offended, when I doe not obtaine of men. What was this [Page 469] but a plaine confession, that he had no confidence to obtaine any thing from an Image?
All these examples do plainly shew, that the wiser Heathen did neuer place any trust in the Image it selfe, which they thus contemned and despised. But all their honour of Images, was either for fashions sake, to keepe the publique Ceremonies, or else because the Images did represent vnto them the formes, in which their gods had appeared, or the benefits they brought vnto mankind.
Wee haue spoken of the confidence, which Heathens in their Idols, or Images reposed: let vs now compare the Romish worship therewith.
It is manifest, that the Romish Church putteth trust and confidence in the very Image. This to proue, let it not bee omitted, that they make the worshipping of Images an Article of their faith; as in the Nicen Councell;Haec est fides Apostolorum: haec est fides patrum: haec est fides Orthodoxorū: haec fides orbem terrarum confirmauit: credentes in vnum Deum in Trinitate laudatum, venerādas Imagines amplexantur. Qui secus agunt, Anathemate percelluntur: qui sic non sentiunt, ab Ecclesia depellūtur. ex Summa. 2. Concil. Nicen. in definit Sancta imagines, & vniversalis in Nicen. Synod. 2a. This is the Apostolike faith of Fathers: this is the Orthodox faith: this faith hath confirmed the whole world: beleeuing in one God in Trinitie wee imbrace worshipfull images; who doe not so, are accursed; who thinke not so, are driuen from the Church.
And in the confession of Trent; Firmissimè assero, imagines Christi & semper deifera virginis, nec non aeliorum sanctorum habendas, & retinendas esse, atque eis debitū bonorem ac venerationē esse impertiendā. Symb. Trid. apud Fr. Cost. lib. 5. instit. in professio. fidei I do (say they) firmly auouch, that the Images of Christ, and the God-bearing alwaies Virgin, and also of other Saints are to be had & retained, and due honor and worship to them to be giuen. Although this directly proue not, that they put confidence in Images; yet since they make it part of their faith to worship Images, it seems to be a most Essentiall part of their religion.
Bellarmine their great Rabbi witnessethImagines Christi & Sanctorum venerandae sunt non solum per accident, vel improprè, sed etiam per se & propriè: ita vt ipsae terminent venerationem, vt in se considerantur, & non solum vt vicem gerunt eximplaris. Bellar. cap. 21. de imag. The images of Christ and of Saints are not to be worshipped accidentally, but properly and by themselues: so that they terminate the worship as they are in themselues considered. Let me crie out with the Prophet; Hearken O heauens, heare O earth, a shamelesse Frier to blind the eyes of the simple sayth; No confidence must bee put in an Image: yet he himselfe pronounceth; An Image must not be worshipped accidentally, that is, for any thing but for it selfe: it must bee worshipped properly; Nay, the worship must bee ended in the Image it selfe, as it is considered in it selfe, not as it stands in place of [Page 470] the thing, which is pictured. The meaning hereof is, that the worship must not be referred to any thing beyond the image, whether it be to God, or to the Saints. Wherefore heere behould their falshood. For when a man doth properly worship an image, and cries to it, and referres the worship to nothing but to the image, doth hee not now put trust in the image?Rom. 10 14. How shall they call vpon him, on whom they haue not beleeued? saith the Apostle Paul.
One Bishop therefore in the second Councell of Nice openly professed;Imagines persecte adoro. Cōcil. Nic. 2. act. 2. I do perfectly worship an image. Another saith;Vicarii Adriani Papae. in Syn. Nic. 2 I do openly worship an image. Surely it cannot be called perfect, and open, or plaine worship, which is without confidence and trust.
Summa Angelica saith, thatCōsiderādo prout est imago Christi tūc quia idē metus est in imagine et in imaginato. in tit. de ador. When wee consider whose the image is, there is the same motion toward the image, and the thing presented: but in all motion towards God, or towards Christ, hope and trust is required; wherfore by this rule of the Sum. wee must haue motion of confidence towards the image also.
Costerus saith; thatInstit. l. 4. c. 3 the signe of the crosse is a certaine coniuration, to driue away diuells; and that by the making of the crosse, faith and confidence are stirred vp.
Let vs in few words make the matter manifest out of their Missals and publike worship, which they cannot deny. Vnto the picture of the crosse do they not euery day sing?
They call the Crosse,In orat. Deus qui in praecla. vitale lignum, liuing wood. And againe;Satā vnico sanctissime crucis signo debilitatus, ausugit. Ro. Br. in Antonia. lect. 6. ita{que} cōtulit. Satan by the onely signe of the most holy Crosse beeing weakened doth flee away.
The Portiffe of Sarum againe witnesseth;Horrificū tu et sēper signū inimici [...], crux sancta, quam mors panet, infernus{que} timet. Pore. Sar. in Miss. de sacr. erus. in sequent. Saluc crux. Thou art a dreadfull signe, O Crosse, vnto the cruell enimies, whom death feareth, and hell doth dread. Hence come all their Crosses & signes, made on the forehead, breast, and body: whereof there is none other end, but by that signe to defend themselues from the inuasion of the enimy. For so their owne words are;Per signū crucis de inimicis nostris libera no [...], deus noster. Ro. Br. in offic. sanc. crucis. ad lau. et per horas Ana. By the signe of the Crosse deliuer vs from our enimies, O God.
Damascen saith;Adorādū est igitur signū Christ [...] [...] vbi enim fuerit signū eius, illic et ipse eris. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1 an laud. sanc. et v [...]nif. crucu. The signe of the Crosse is to be worshipped: for where the signe of Christ is, there is Christ himselfe: and againe of the Crosse;Ipsa est scutū, & armae, et trophaeū aduers. diabolū. ibid. This is the shield, the armour, and the Trophe against the diuell.
And Bellarmine saith, thatEst autē obseruādū, tribus modis operari crucis signum in demonibus terrōdis: 1. ex appprehēsione ipsorū demonū 2. ex deuotione hominū 3. et posissimū, ex institutione dei; at{que} ideo ex opere operato. l. 2. c. 30. de imag. diuers maner of waies the signe of the Crosse doth worke, to terrifie the diuells: first, by the apprehension of the diuels themselues: secondly, by a mans deuotion: thirdly, and chiefly, by Gods institution.
Againe;Deinde vim habet Crux ex opere operātu. Ibid. By the working of him that maketh the Crosse, and by the worke it selfe when it is done. Also hee saith; that the Heathens many times were deliuered by the signe of the Crosse, when they had neither faith nor deuotion. Wherefore Costerus bringeth in one Andreas Furscius thus versifying;
To proue the matter by history, Symeon Metaphrastes saith, thatDeinde ingressi ciuitatem cū Psalmo [...]i [...]s et hymnis sublimibus, et cāticis spiritualibus, et infin [...]te lumine lāpadū publicā celebrātes deductionem iter sac ebāt per mediā ciuitatem, credites illaesam{que} & in expugnabilem esse in aternū cōseruandāax Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 93. edit. Ʋerhessalt. the image of Christ sent to Agbarus, was carried through the city of Constantinople, with psalmes and hymnes, and spirituall songs, and infinite store of torches, beleeuing that by it their citie was partaker of sanctification, and strength, and that it should be kept safe and vnexpugnable for euer.
Who knoweth not how some haue committed the keeping of their gods to images? Som haue carried images about the streets in time of pestilence to purge the aire. How they carry them about in iourneis and peregrinations: yea, they carry the image of the Crucifix alwaies about them. They are taught euery morningCū mane surgis muniēs te signo sancto cru [...]es. dic. in exercitio quo ad. impr. per Arn Coning. to arme themselues with the signe of the Crosse.
Finally, the practice of their Church maketh the matter euident. For in the Pontificall the peculiar forme of consecration of Images and Crosses doth shew the same;Digneres benedicere hoc lignū crucis, vt sit remedium salutare generi humano, sit soliditas fidei, bonorum operum prosectus, et redemptio animarum, tu [...]ela contra saua iacula inimicorum. Port. vt testatur Chem. in Pontif. praxi de ador. imag. Vouchsafe to blesse this wood of the Crosse, that it may bee an wholesome remedy to mankinde, the soundnes of faith, the increase of good works, the redemption of soules, the defence against the cruell darts of the enimy.
The forme of the blessing of the image of the virgin is;Sāctifica, deus hānsormulā beatae virginis, vt tuis fidelibus salutaris cuxilij opēserat, to [...]itru [...] aut sulmina, si inualuerins nocētia, celereus expellātur: pluutarū qui{que} inūdatio, at{que} ciuiliū bellorū cōmotio, seu Pagano [...]ū denasta ti [...], ad praesētiā eius comprimatur. ibid. ex codem. Blesse O Lord, this image of the blessed virgin, that it may bring help and aid to thy faithfull: if hurtfull lightening and thunder increase: if there be inundations of raine, or ciuil commotions of war, or deuastation by Pagans, at the presence hereof let them all be suppressed.
The blessing of Saint Iohns image saith;Sit haec imago damonū sancta expulsio, angelorū aduocatio, fideliū protectio, eius{que} in hoc loco potēter vigeat intercessio. ib. in cod. Let this image be the holy expulsion of diuels, the aduocation of Angells, the protection of the faithfull, and in this place let the intercession therof mightily flourish.
The praier vnto the Veronicall image of Christ is;Salus sancta facies impressa pann [...]culo, nos ab omni macula purga vitiorū, a [...] nos cōsortio tūge beatorū, nos perduc ad patriā, O foelix figura, ad videndū faciē, que est Christi, pura, esto nobis (quaesumus) tutū adiu [...]amē, dulce refrigeriū at{que} cōsolame, vt noldis non noceat hostile grauamē, sid fruamur requis, omnes dicant Amen. ibid. Chemn. All haile, holy face printed in a cloth, cleanse vs from all the spots of vices, ioyne vs to the company, and bring vs to the country of the blessed: O happy figure, to see the face of Christ, bee thou, wee beseech thee, vnto vs a safe aid, a sweet refreshing and comfort, that the vexation of the enimy hurt vs not, but that we may enioy our rest, let all men say, Amen.
And vnto the same Veronicall image, the Papall praier of Pope Iohn the two and twentith, (beginning,Salue rebur fidei nostra Christiana, destruēs haretico [...], qu [...] sūt mētis vana illius offigie, qui rex fit eu pane in suffra. Salue Sancta facies nostri redemptoris) saith, All haile, strength of our christian faith, destroying the hereticks, which are of a vaine minde, increase their merit which trust in thee soundly, beeing his picture, which is, a king made of bread.
After all these things, is there now any Iesuit so senselesse or so gracelesse, which will impudently contend, that they place not confidence in images and in stocks? perhaps there is. For God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber, eies that they shall not see, eares that they shall not heare. Lord for thy infinite goodnes sake, take away the veile of their vnderstanding, and giue them grace to feare the Lord, and to serue him in vprightnesse and truth.
CHAP. XXVIII. Of the second Limitation, that the Romish Church doth aske of images and pray vnto them.
VVHen the Princes of Babylon, to flatter their new king Darius, and to picke matter against the good Prophet Daniel, would insteed of regall worship ascribe diuine honour vnto the king, they desired that it might be enacted, thatDan. 6.7 Whosoeuer should aske a petition of any god or man for thirtie daies saue of the king, should be cast into the lyons Den. Surely, whom with religious praier wee worship, him vvee make a god; for vnto him we attribute power, & goodnes; power that he is able: and goodnes that he is willing to giue vnto vs. Bellarmine therefore not without good cause addes this limitation. For if praier be acknowledged to be due vnto images, diuinity also cannot bee denied vnto them. The Panther couers his grisly face which would terrifie the beasts, and allureth them into his pawes by the sweetnesse of his smell: so our Sinon discouereth not plainely the hell of his abominable idolatry, but with a milde and faire mitigation would faine draw the world into his perdition.
Constantius Bishop of Constantia (as that worthy Iewel of Sarisbury truely recordeth) in the second Councell of Nice doth plainely professe;Ex lib. Carol. Mag. apud Iewel. de adorat. imag. ad sect. 12. Hard. I doe giue the same worship of honour to the images, which is due vnto the holy Trinity, and if there be any which refuseth so to doe, I doe excommunicate him as a Marcionist, or a Manichee. Now to the holy Trinity, I trust, no man denies that praier and supplication is due. By this rule then it is due to images also, or else why go they to pray to the virgin mother, rather at Loretto, at Walsingham, or at Worcester, then in another Church? why to Saint Iames at Compostella? to St. Marke at Venice, since the Saints are present euery where by their prouidence, if it be not to pray to their images?
Bellarmine acknowledgeth, thatAliquādo image accipatur pro ipso exēplari, et ea, qua fierēt circa ipsum exēplar, si adeffet praesent, fiūt circa imeginē, mēte tamō defixa in exēplari. c. 23. de imag. an image may be taken for the exemplar, and for the thing it selfe which it doth present, and then the same which should be done to the exemplar, if it were present, [Page 474] may be done to the image, the minde being fastened to the exemplar. WhereforeSic cōcionatores alloquūtur imaginē crucifixi ei{que} dicūt, tunos redemists, tu nos patri recōciliasti de imag. sanc. c. 23. verb. ad pri. quod. the preachers many times speake vnto the image of the Crucifix, and say; Thou hast redeemed vs, thou hast reconciled vs to the father. These things (saith he) are not spokē to the image as it is wood, or as it is a picture, but as it is taken in the place of the exemplar.
Neuer did any Heathen more idolatrize then this brazen faced Frier. For, to take an image in the place of God, and in the place of the exemplar, what is it but to make a god of an image? and to say with the Israelites, These are thy gods, O Israel. Exod. 32.4.
Arnobius is witnes thatArnob. l. 6. contr. Gentes. the Gentiles said, they neither worshipped stones nor wood, but the presence of the Gods exhibited by the images vnto men. Austine of the Gentiles saith,Vidētur purgatioris esse religionis, qui d [...]cunt, simulacrū nō celo. sed per offigiē corporalē eius rei signū intucor, quā colere debeo. Aug. Ps. [...] 13. ex H. Bull. de orig. c. 29 they would seeme to be of the more pure religion, which say, they doe not worship images, but by the corporall statue, I do behould the image of the thing which I ought to worship.
You see how superstition daily increaseth in the Romish Church. At the first it was like to the idolatry of the Nations.
But now saith Bellarmine, the image stands in the place of God: and as it so stands, it is lawfull by the friers owne confession, To pray vnto it.
Bellarmine againe teacheth, that images are no where better placed then in the Temples: and all men knowe, that no meaner place in the Temple doth serue their turne, but the very altar, whither all the vowes, praiers, lauds, offerings and gifts are brought. But why do I not grapple with them hand to hand, and bring their owne Missalls to witnesse against them? For no where else doth their idolatry more plainely, or more openly display it selfe. Doe they not pray vnto the woodden Crosse?
Ro. Bre. in Hym. vexilla Regis. All haile holy crosse, our onely hope in this time of passion, increase righteousnes to the godly, to the sinners giue release.
Is not this the same Arnobius did, when he was an idolater? whereof himselfe makes report;Tanquam mosses vis praesens adulabar, affabar, & beneficia poscebā. Arnob. l. 1. cont. Gent. ex Bell. c. 1. de imag. sanc. as though there were present power in them, I did flatter, I did speake vnto them, I required benefits of them.
Of the image of the Crucifix they againe say;Salue lignū vite, dignū ferre mundi pretiū confer [...]i plebi Christ [...] Crucis beneficiū Bre. Sar. in inuent. Cruc. God saue the tree, worthy to beare the price of the world, giue vnto this people the benefite of the passion.
Here I am sure, it is no small matter which they aske of an image, but the greatest blisse that may bee, euen that it giue Christ vnto them: and yet the shamelesse brow of our Babylonish harlot dares deny her whooredome, so often, so openly committed in the sight of all the world, although euery day she sing;Dulce lignum, dulces clauos, dulcia ferens pōdera, salua praesentem catiruā, in tuis hodie laudibus congregatam. Bre. Ro. in fest. inuent. Crucis ad magnif. Antiph. Sweet wood, bearing the sweet nailes, and the sweet burden, saue this present company gathered in thy praise.
And in another place;
O crucis victoria, & admirabile signū, in coelesti curia fac n [...]s captare triumphum. Ro. Bre. in 2. noct. Antip. exal. cru. O victory of the Crosse, thou admirable signe, make vs to triumph in the heauenly Court.
They cannot here say, that there is the same motion to the signe, and to the thing signified; for, here are two distinct motions. First to the thing it selfe, the victory of Christ vpon the Crosse: and then secondly, to the signe or image of the Crosse, and to both they pray; Make vs to triumph in the Court of Heauen.
In the Hymne Laudes Crucis, to the very image of the Crosse they pray;O Crux, signum triumphale. ex Mis. Sar. in exalt. Cruc. O Crosse, triumphant signe, that which humane force cannot doe, is done in thy name.
Vnto the Veronicall Image Iohn the 22. that could not erre (for hee vvas Pope) nor would not erre (for it was his forme of papall prayer) thus speaketh and prayeth;
And in the same prayer againe;esto nobis (quesumus) scutum, et iuu [...]men, dulce refrigeriū, at{que} consolamē, vt nobis nō noceat host [...]ū grauamē, sed fruamur requiē coeli [...]ecū in orat. Papae Io. 22. salue sanc. facies. in Suffrag. Bee thou to vs, wee pray, our shield, and our help, our sweet refreshing and comfort, that no enemies hurt vs, but that wee may attaine the rest of Heauen with thee.
Therefore Summa Angelica doth truely confesse, as the matter is indeede;Crucē alloquimur, & deprecamur tanquā ipsū Christū. Sūma Angel. in tit Adorationis. We speake and pray vnto the Crosse as to Christ himselfe.
CHAP. XXIX. That the Romish Church attributeth diuinitie vnto Images; contrarie to the third Limitation.
A Great difference the Romish Synagogue maketh betwixt her idols, & the idols of the Heathē. For out of the Scripture they proue, that the Gentiles did verely worship & esteeme their images as Gods, hauing diuinitie in themselues. This is proued euery where in the scripture, say they: In Exod. Exod. 32.1. the people spake to Aaron, Vp make vs Gods to goe before vs, when they meant Images: and when they were made, they worshipped them, saying;Ibid. ver. 4. These are thy gods, O Israel. So of his golden Calues Ieroboam also said;1. Reg. 12.28. Behold O Israel, these are the gods which brought thee vp out of the land of Egypt. The Psalmist witnesseth the same;Psal. 106.20. They turned their glory into the similitude of a Bullocke that eateth grasse.
These places vvith diuers others are so demonstratiue, that they irrefragably euince, the Heathen images to haue beene esteemed of them as gods and diuine powers.
Against the light of truth none may contend. The Gentiles did take their images to bee Gods, but it vvas onely, [...], equiuocally. They called them Gods, because they represented their gods vnto them: because their Gods by them, or through them, did giue Oracles and answeres, did grant their petitions, did vvorke wonders. Euen as a painted man, is called a man, though he is not beleeued to bee such: So an image is called God, though it bee knowne to bee a stocke: the Rites, the representation, the adoration giue name vnto it: not a proper name, but a borrowed name: not that the Heathens did verely account them such as they called them, but called them such as they esteemed those, to whom they vvere dedicate. I need not labour to proue this which the Scripture it selfe doth witnesse. The Herauld who [Page 477] proclaimed vnto the people, that they should adore Nabuchadnezzers figment, plainely calleth itDan. 3.5. The image: but the accusers of Daniel call itDan. 3.12. the Kings gods, and the Kings image also. By vvhich it doth appeare, that though they gaue the appellation of God vnto it, calling the signe by the appellation of the thing signified: yet in substance they esteemed it an image.
Tully, in his second booke de legibus, sheweth the cause of erecting images, and bringing Gods into the Cities to bee,Et quod Thalos, qui sapientissimus inter septem fuit homines existimare op [...]rtere, Deos omnia ceruere, deorum omnia esse plena, sore enim omnes castiores, veluti quo infans esset maxime religiosus; est enim quadam opinione species deorum in oculis, non solum in mentibus. de leg. l. 2. that men should thinke the Gods see all things, and that all places are full of Gods, and so all men should be the more holy, and, as an infant, most religious. For by a certaine opinion there is a resemblance of God to the eyes, and not onely in the minde. Out of this appeareth how Tully esteemed of images, and what vse the Heathens made of them in that time.
I haue recited Arnobius in the former Chapters, and here also his testimonie commeth in good season. For hee saith, the Gentiles adored Images; not that the gold, the brasse, the siluer, or any other matter, or substance of Images, are Gods: but because the presence of the gods (which otherwise is inuisible) is exhibited by an Image, and for that in them the Gods, or the power of the Gods doth dwell.
Cicero confesseth, that Iupiter the stone is not Iupiter. What child (saith Austen)Aug. in Psa. 115. beeing asked doth not answere? The Images haue mouthes, and speake not, eyes and see not.
The summe of these things is, that the Romanists do not esteeme their Images as Gods: The Heathens did no otherwise. Therefore the Papists vvorship Images as the Heathen did. The Heathens vnproperly called their Images Gods: so doth the Church of Rome also. For Bellarmine saith,Image est ipsum exemplar Analogice, et secundū quid. Bell. de Imag. Sanc. lib. 2. cap. 25. The Image is the very exemplar Analogically, in some sort and respect. Nay, vvhich neuer any Heathens presumed to doe, by a solemne sanction and law the second Councell of Nice Si quu has non saelutauerit in nomine domini, & sanctorū eius, Anathema sit. ex Summa Gen. 2. conc. Nice Col per Barth. Carant. doth excommunicate, and curse all them which doe not salute the Images in the name of God and of Saints: And in the fourth action they approue the title of an Image, [Page 478] Hoc est Christus, this is Christ.
Thus by Tertullians doome they are plaine Idolaters: for he saith,Cecidit igitur in Idolatriā, qui Idolum nomine dei honorauerit. Ter. lib. de Idol. He is fallen into Idolatry whosoeuer doth worship an Idol by the name of God.
The common inscription of Images falsely fatheredIerome recording Lactantius workes speaketh nothing of that Poeme. vpon Lactantius cleareth this point; wherin the Image takes vpon it the name, the office, and the benefits of CHRIST, and saith;Quisquis ades medij subu in limina Templi, siste parum, ins [...]ntimq. tuo pro crimine passum respice ad me, conde animo. Stay awhile, looke on mee that did innocently suffer for thy fault, haue me in thy minde.
Aloysius Lypomanus out of Gregory Turonensis telleth,Aloy. Lyp. ver. Sanc. Hist. part. 1. ex vitae domini nostri Iesu Christi per beat. Greg. Archiepisc. Turō scriptam. that there was an Image of Christ in the old church at Narbon all naked, sauing that it was girt about, as it were, vvith a linnen cloth: which picture the people daily beholding and worshipping, a terrible person appeared to one Basil a Priest, and said; all you are attired with change of garments, but you looke on me naked: goe thy way quickely and couer me with a vestment. Basil not vnderstanding the vision did nothing therein at all; wherefore the vision offered it selfe the second time,Me uudū aspiciti [...] Vade, & cooperi me vestim [...]to. and the second time Basil despised it also. But after the third day he was well beaten vvith stripes, and it vvas said vnto him; Did I not bid thee goe and couer me with a vestment,Vt cooperires me vestimento. Ne cernerer nudus. that I might not be seene naked, and thou hast done nothing therein? Go, I say, and couer that picture with a linnen cloth, in which I appeare crucified, lest suddain destruction come vpon thee.
Hearken O shamelesse Babylon, hearken, I say, vnto the blasphemie of thy gracelesse Prelates, who so plainely, so often in one short speech, call the Image Christ, and contrarie to their owne rule, make a god of the worke of their hands.
The Lombard History in the life of Francis saith,Imago Christi cum miraculose alloquitur; vade, repara domum meam. Leg. Lomb. in Franc. vit. that the Image of Christ miraculously spake vnto Francis, and said; Goe and repaire my house, which as thou seest is destroyed.
The same author tels vs of a IewPlaga ingutture C [...]risti, i [...] fertur, adhuc ternitur. ibid. exal Cruc. that wounded the Image of Christ in the throate, and the image hee also calleth Christ. The wound is yet seene in the throate of Christ.
The second Councell of Nice saith, the bloud of Christ, [Page 479] which is found among many men, is that which flowed out of the Image of Christ crucified at Berytus, and no other.
Let me not passe ouer the old wife and her tale, so much in the Lombard Historie magnified, who prayed to the Virgin before her Image, that the blessed Mother of Christ would vouchsafe to deliuer her sonne out of prison wherein he lay fettered: But being in this her prayer vnregarded, the miserable woman thus spake vnto the Saint; blessed Virgin, I haue often importuned thee for my sonnes deliuerance, and thou hast not heard his miserable Mother, neither haue I found any helpe from thee. Wherefore as myIgitur sicut filius meus ablatus est mihi, sic ego filium tuū tibi auferam. sonne is taken from mee, so I will take thy sonne from thee, and I will keepe him in hostage for my sonne. This said, she went and tooke the Image of the child which the Virgin had in her lap, and carried it home, laying vp the same in a very cleane cloath, and lockt it safe in a Chest. The next night the blessed Virgin appeared to the poore womans sonne in prison, and opening the gates thereof, bade him goe forth, and pray thy Mother (saith she) to bring home vnto mee my sonne againe. The yong man obeyed,Matri tuae fili, dices vt meū mihi reddat filium ex quo reddidi sibi suum. Nunc veb [...] vestrā filium reddo. [...]eg. Lomb. in Nat. beat. Virg. and his Mother filled with ioy carried backe the Image of the child to the church, and said; I thanke thee Lady, that thou hast restored to mee my onely sonne againe, and now I restore to you your sonne also.
Tell mee now ingenuously, if any sparke of shamefastnes bee left in you yee Romanists, whether this History doth not giue the name of Christ vnto a stocke, and his person also?
The Heathens did thinke that some diuine power was in their Images. Arnobius witnesseth, how they taught that Images are purged by consecration and dedication, and so the vertue of God is adioined to them. The same the Romish Church beleeueth concerning the Images also. For Bellarmine saith, thatImago Christi ipsum Christum hypostasin diuinam carne vestitam reprasentat. de imag. Sanc. cap. 21. The image doth represent vnto vs the very substance of the godhead of Christ, clothed with humane flesh. Againe he saith,In ipsa imagine vere in est aliquid sacrū, si [...]ilitude ad rem sacrā, & ipsa dedicat o siue cōsecratio d [...]uino cultuis ergo ipsa in se, & nō solum vt protetyp [...] vicem gerunt, honore dignae sunt▪ ibid. In the image it selfe there is verely some holy thing, that is, the likenesse vnto the holy thing it represents, [Page 480] and the dedication or consecration to the diuine worship. Wherefore they are worthy of honour in themselues, and not onely as they stand in the place of the exemplar: He saith, thatCap. 18. verb. tertia causa est. some images are more holy then others, and more religious: And in another place he saith, thatAliquando Imago accipitur pro ipso exemplari. ibid c. 23 An image sometime is taken for the exemplar it selfe.
Did euer Heathen more praise his Idols? how can it stand for God, except the name and power of the diuinitie be attributed to it? Wherefore the impudent Frier is at last driuen to say, thatTunc idem motus est in imaginem & in exemplar, quādo exemplar consideratur vt obiectiue relucet in Imagine. cap. 23. verbo quod autem, quasi vestitum imagine veneramu [...]. Ibid. There is one motion in the worshipper towards the Image and the exemplar, when the exemplar is considered obiectiuely, to shine in the Image, and to be clothed with the image.
Let vs leaue further to crush the egge of this Coccatrice; for the Serpent already shewes it selfe. God shineth in the image, the image is clothed with the brightnesse of God. Now the shining of God is his glory and his mercy, wherewith he communicates himselfe to men; therfore these dwell in the image.
The Legend writers by thousands of examples make this most plaine, namely, that the diuine power of Gods and Saints dwelleth in Images.
The New English Legend witnesseth of Godrick the Hermite, Noua Leg. Ang. in Sane. Godrico seruo dei & Here [...]a. that hee saw the Crucifix come downe from the stocke wherein it stood, and descend vpon the Altar, and afterward to lay it selfe downe vpon the pauement of stone, and so at the last to the lowest greeces, where it lay downe, and moued as hauing life: at the last it returned againe, and placed it selfe in the mortesse of the stocke as before.
Another time hee saw a yong Child come out of the side of the Crucifix, putting forth first his head, then the shoulders, and so all the parts after other in order. Which child being very beautifull and faire clothed with white garments, first sate vpon the Altar, and then walked about the Chappell. At the last he came to Godrick and blessed him with the signe of the Crosse: which being done he retyred himselfe into the Image againe, in the same order hee came forth. Thus all sense of vnderstanding, of reason, of life, of [Page 481] motion they attribute to their Images as fully as euer any Heathen did.
What should I speake of the oyle that hath flowed from Images? Of the bloud which Images haue shed being wounded by enimies? How ChristNunc autem in sancta tua imagin, crucifigeris, domine iterum fictus. Athan. in Psal. domini Iesu Christi. was crucified in his Image at Berythus, water and bloud flowing out of the side, which the Iewes pearced with a speare, the heauen also was abashed, and the powers thereof moued.
The imageLeg. Lomb. in vitae Nich. cap. 3. lit. of Saint Nicholas being beaten by a Iew, for that he suffered the goods committed to his custodie to bee taken away by theeues. To whom Nicholas afterwards appeared with wounds and bloud pitifully couered, threatning them to restore the goods, or the heauy wrath of God shall fall vpon them.
I omit also the talke betwixt the Image of Christ, and Henry the Hermite: and how the Crucifixe resaluted Saint Bartholomew the Monke, and did imbrace him: vvith sundry others.
I will conclude with the sentence of two Iesuites in this businesse, Andreas Frusius, and Fran. Costerus, who repeateth this verse of the Image, or Agnus dei of Christ in the forme of a Lambe.
Two things I haue in this tract, I trust, plainely proued. The first, that as equiuocally the Heathens gaue the title, and name, and appellation of their Gods to their idols: So the Romish Church doth also to her Images of God and the Saints.
Secondly, as the Heathens: so the Romanists to Images attribute an holy power and working, with a miraculous presence of God in them. What is this Limitation then, but [Page 482] a mere imposture and false pretence? For the defence whereof,Zech. 7.12. They haue made their hearts as an Adamant, lest they should heare the law, and the words which the Lord of Hosts sent in his spirit.
CHAP. XXX. Of the fourth Limitation, that the Romish Church worshippeth Images with diuine worship.
AFter the most learned labours of that thrice famous and renowned Bishop and Gem of Sarisbury Iohn Iewell, it is a needlesse trauell for my harsh vnpolisht pen to labour it selfe in this argument. Wherefore though in respect of the Methode of my treatise I may not wholly passe it ouer: yet I will bee very short, knowing how vnfit it is to set vp my poore scarce twinkling Candle in the presence of his glorious Torch, and farre-light casting beames.
Of the idle distinction betwixt [...] and [...], I haue formerly discoursed and shewed, that both kindes of honour are forbidden to Images: and I haue declared what diuine and religious worship is; namely, to set vp in churches or Altars, to paint, to adorne them with iewels, with gold and siluer, to burne incense before them, to bow the knee, to fall downe and worship before them. All these things are signes of diuine honour: but all these the Romanists doe vno their Images. Therefore if the Babylonish strumpet had the face of a woman, or forehead that could blush, she vvould not deny that diuine honour is by her vassals yeelded vnto Images. For Augustine saithNam et illi quod numen haebeant, & pro numine accipiāt illam statuam, Ara testatur. Quid i [...]lie faciat Ara, si illud non habetur pro numine [...] Aug. du. verb. domini secūdū Math. Ser. 6. paulo post med. The Altar doth witnesse, that they esteeme it a God, and haue it in place of a God. What doth the Altar there, if it bee not esteemed as God? Thus speaketh Austen of the Gentile Images.
Hereto let me adde, that their doctrine is, that vnto the humanitie of CHRIST as it is considered by it selfe, LATRIA, that is, diuine worship is not, (nor ought to be) giuen: and yet vntoTh. 3. sent. dist. 9. q. 1. art. 2. & sic [...]llig. Ber. B [...]n Ioā. t [...]r. par. cap. 25. Opus aureū, ornat. omni lapide, in ser. s [...]p. dam. 3. quadrag. the Crosse, farre inferiour to the humanitie of Christ, LATRIA, or diuine worship is giuen. [Page 483] What madnes is this, worthy to be purged with the strongest Helleborus? If iust scandall and causes of offence ought of all Christians to bee auoided, lest the Heathens should reply; (c) why ought we to leaue our gods,Quare nos relinqu [...]mu [...] deos, quos Christiani ipsi nobiscum colunt. Aug. in Ser. 6. in Euang. secundū. Math [...]ū. which Christians doe vvorship with vs? Then surely this abomination of Images, the Romish church, euen in tender compassion of the weake members of IESVS CHRIST, should vtterly abandon, since the greatest and most learned Fathers and leaders of their Church, haue openly professed, that they giue the same worship to the Image, which is due to the exemplar. In this ranke formost is the Father of SchoolemenAlex. 3. part q. 30. artic. vlt. Alexander. And his eminent Parallel Th. Th. Aq. 3. part. q. 25. art. 3. Aquinas, and Caietane, and Bonauenture, Marsilius, Almain, Carthusianus, Capreolus, Henry quod. lib. 10. q. 6. Who also saith, thatEx ipso. Bell. etiā de Imag l. 2. c. 20. verbo secunda opinio est. the picture must be honoured with the same worship that the exemplar is reuerenced with. But herein he dissents from the rest, for that hee saith, the Image represents ONLY the humanitie of Christ, and not the diuinitie. Wherefore, it is to be worshipped with that ciuill seruice which hee tearmes, [...], and not with diuine worship.
How easie then is it for the ignorant to be deceiued, and in the simplicitie of their iudgement to be carried away vnto euill, when the masters in Israel, the Rabbines be thus besotted? We see, that though in the second Nicene Councell the Canons vtterly prohibite diuine seruice to be giuen vnto Images,Et si facimus hominum priorum similitudines, non tamen ea siunt, vt adorenrur vt dei. act. 5. apud Bar. Carāz. saying; Images are not to be worshipped as gods: And againe,Non idem deum et Imaginem dicimus. ibid. Wee doe not say the image and God are one: yet the Bishops and Doctors, though they were learned and pretended great zeale, could not be restrained, but with open mouth they gaue immoderate worship to images; euen in the very presence and face of the Councell. Yea, the vvhole body of that Synode acknowledgeth,Non sunt duae aedorationes, sed vna adoratio imaginis et primi exemplaris, cuius est imago. Con. Nice. 2. act. 4. that there are not two adorations, but one adoration of the Image & the first exemplar. Which to say, what is it else, but to worship the similitude with the same worship which is due to the Prototypon?
Come wee now to the later age. Iohannes de Payua saith;Non tamen inficiamur hac nos Latriae adoratione Christi praclarissimam crucem colere et vene [...]ari. Iac. Payu. lib. 9. Wee deny not, that wee worship the most excellent [Page 484] Crosse of CHRIST with LATRIA or diuine worship.
So saith Nauclatus Pro [...]ter quod, si illud haebet adorari Latria, illa habet adorari Latria. in ep. Ro. cap. 1. Not onely before an image (as some cautiously speake) but the image it selfe without all doubt. So that, if the exemplar be to bee worshipped with diuine worship, the image hath the same.
Summa Angelica saithConsiderando eā pro vt est quadāres, se nullus honor [...]i debetur, sicut nec alicui lapidi vel lign [...]: sed considerando pro vt est imago Christi, tunc quia idē motus est [...] imagine & in imaginato, et proptere▪ cum Christus Latria adoretur, sic et eius imago. in tit. de adoratione. that an image considered as it is a substance, or a thing, no honour is due vnto it: but being considered as it is the image of Christ, the same motion is towards the image, and that which is in the image set forth; and therefore if he ought to be worshipped with diuine worship, so must his image also.
Of the Image of the Crosse hee saith,Adoratione eadē cum Christo. scilicet, Latrie ibid. that it must bee worshipped with the same Adoration as Christ, that is, diuine worship.
Bellarmine, although for fashions sake he saith, thatNō est dicendum imagines vllas adorari debere Latria. l. 2. de sanc. Imag. cap. 12. animage is not to bee worshipped with diuine worship, yet the vnconstant Man by and by falleth from his Tenet, and by false distinctions hee makes God of his Idols. One distinction is, that there are two kinds of worship. The first by it selfe, the other by accident.Imagines Christi et sancto [...]ū venerā da sunt non solum per accidens vel improprie, sed etiā per se & proprie: ita vt ipsae terminent venerationem, vt in se considerantur. l. 1. de Sanc. imag. c. 11. The Images of Christ and Saints (saith hee) are to be worshipped, not onely by accident or improperly, but properly and by themselues: so as they end the worship as they are considered in themselues, and not onely as they stand in steed of the exemplar.
A second distinction he hath, that there is Proper, and Improper worship. That is proper worship, which is yeelded to one in respect of himselfe, as the King is honoured for himselfe: but Improper worship is, when any one thing is worshipped insteed of another, as a Kings Legate is many times worshipped for the King. Now he saith, thatAdmitti potest imagines posse col [...] improprie vel per accidens. de Sāc. Imag. l. 2. c. 23. eodem genere cultus quo exemplarit sum colitur. de imag. sāc. l. 2. c. 23. in princip. The image may be worshipped with the very honour of the exemplar, improperly and by accident: by and by, that,Quod autē [...]ossit imago adorari adoratione ipsius exemplaris. proprie quidem, sed per accidēs probatur. an Image may bee worshipped properly also, although by accident, with the honour due to the exemplar. And this he proueth,Consideramus exemplar vt obiectiu [...] relucet in imagine, & ipsum sic repraesentatum & quasi vestitū imagine veneramur, tunc autem necessario adoramus imaginem eodem cultu, quo ipsum exemplar, sed per acciden [...]. ibid. for that many times we consider the exemplar as it obiectiuely shineth in the image: so [Page 485] we worship him represented and clothed with the Image: and then of necessitie wee adore the Image with the same honour as the exemplar, but by accident. This agreeth with that of Simeon Metaphrastes, recorded in Aloysius Lypomanus, who saith, thatTanquam non satis esse existimans, nisi etiam per imaginem & typū versaretar cum his, quos desiderabat. part. 1. in vit. Sanc. Lucae. God conuerseth with men by his Image.
You see how well these Impostours obserue the Limitations, which they prescribe vnto themselues, and with what false pretences they lead captiue simple soules. The greatest part say, an Image is to be worshipped with diuine worship. They which would seeme most free from Idolatry, worship an image in it selfe properly, but yet accidentally, with the very worship of the exemplar. May I not well apply vnto them the saying of the Prophet;Ier. 2, 22. Though thou wash thy selfe with Nitrus, and make thy selfe to sauour with that sweet smelling Hearbe of Borith, yet in my sight thou art stained with thy wickednesse.
CHAP. XXXI. Of the worship of the Crosse, the Nailes, the Virgins Sepulchre, the Lords swathband, the Ladies Girdle, and such like reliques.
IT hath beene euer the cunning of that old crooked Serpent, to draw away the seruants of the Lord from the surer worship of God in spirit and truth, to corporall and outward exercise which nothing profiteth. So vnto the children of Israel the instruments of the grace and power of God were alwaies more precious then the grace and power it selfe; the Brazen Serpent, the Material Temple, their Father Abraham. Such things were still more religious vnto them, then the mercy and goodnesse of their God, which wrought by these Organes, and vsed them as instruments of his loue. Like to the preposterous loue of these carnall Israelites is the grosse hearted zeale of our Romish generation, with whom the Garment, the Swathband, the Girdle, the Cradle, the woodden Crosse, the Nailes of Iron, are more esteemed then the infinite merits, the precious innocence, the satisfying righteousnesse, [Page 486] the meeke humiliation of our Sauiour Christ.
Gal. 6.14.True it is, the Apostle Paul (a) reioyced in nothing but in the Crosse of Christ. But this Crosse was passiuely vnderstood, for the agony, the affliction, the death hee sustained: but popery reioiceth in the Crosse materially, and actiuely vnderstood, that is, in the instrument that tormented him; in the Nailes that pierced him, in the Speare that wounded him: the things that were his great sorrow, are their ioy; As though whatsoeuer touched Christ, were sanctified by him. Let vs consider, to these vnsensible things what honour and worship they attribute.
The first is in gesture, the second in words, as Psalmes and Hymns, and spirituall songs,Deinde deponit calceamenta, et accedit ad adorandū Crucem ter genua flecten [...], ante de [...]sculationē crucis. Ro. Mis. fer. 6. in Parasceue. In their gesture the shooes must bee put off, and the Priest must thrice bow the knees, before hee come to the worship and kissing of the Crosse.
The Missall of Sarum teachethFeria 6. die Parasce. Mis. Sar. no lesse solemnitie in the carrying of the Crosse, when as though Christ himselfe were present in the flesh, there is such curchie, kneeling, kissing, attendance of Priests, bowing of the whole Quire, vntill the chiefest Clerkes first proceede barefooted to the adoration of the Crosse. Then it is carried through the midst of the Quire, where the people may worship it before an Altar.His finitis, d [...]portetur Crux per medium Chori à praedictis duobus Sacerdotibus, vbi à populo adoretur ante aliquod Altare. ibid. Afterward it must bee carried with the same reuerence to the high Altar, where all the Priests assembling, and the Minister putting on his ornament, after confession and Hymns, and prayers, they must lay the sacrifice vpon the Altar, being first with incense perfumed.
To conclude,Ro. Bre. in part. astiua in Sancto Dida [...] lec. 6. cum autem. Didacus in the Romane Breuiarie is set out for an example, to teach vvith what solemnitie the signe of the Crosse is to bee worshipped. For beeing ready to die, hee tooke the Crosse vvhich was at his head, vvith singular ioy and deuotion, fastened his eyes vpon it, and vvith deepe affection saying the Hymne, O sweet wood, bearing the sweet nailes, and the sweet burthen, he gaue vp the Ghost.
You see their dotage, who insteede of recommending [Page 487] themselues to God, spend the last act of their life, and the extreame breath, in worshipping and adoring senselesse blocks, the figment of the hands of men.
Next to the honour in gesture, is the honour of praise, which in Hymns and Anthems they giue to stocks & stones, clothes and garments. The Missall of Sarum saith of that bitter crowne of thorns, which scornefully was set vpon the glorious head of the Sonne of GOD to grieue and dishonour him;
They proceed further also and say; (If thou wilt glory indeed, and be crowned of God with honour and glory, endeuour to worship this crowne. Si vis vere gl [...]riari, & à deo Coronari honore &c. ibid. in Miss.
The Romane Breuiarie in the praise of the Crosse saith;Ro. Bre. Antiph. O crux benedicta. O blessed Crosse, thou wast worthy ONLY to beare the King of glory. Euery man knoweth this is no lesse false, then blasphemous. For the Sea, the Ships, the Asse, the earth, bare Christ, and bare him with more ease, then euer the Crosse, that spightfull Engin of Romish tyranny, and Iewish hatred did sustaine him. Why then doe they not kisse the earth, the Sea, the Ships, and all the Asses that they see?
In the praises of the Virgins girdle Aloysius Lypomanus saith; to day is the girdle honoured, wherewith the most praise-worthy god-bearing Virgin was compassed: And in the same oration he calleth the girdle a Mysterie which cannot be expressed.
Of the feast of Peters chaine Simeon Metaphrastes in Lypomanus saith;Haec dies venerandas eius Catenas ostendit & [...]arum adorationē proponit. Aloy. Lyp. in part. 1. pag. 324. edit. Ʋerhessalt. This day sheweth openly the venerable fetters, and proposeth the worship of them.
And the Romane Breuiarie calleth it,In vrbe sanctorū vinculorum religio est propogata. in Sanc. Pet. ad vinc. lec. 6. quo ex tempore. The religion of Peters fetters: the religion of the chaines is propagated in the Citie.
Wherefore in Lypomanus againe;Benedictū est lignum, per quod benedict [...]e sunt Gente [...]. Andr. Archi [...]p. Cretens. apud Sym. Metaph. pag. 197. p. 1. Blessed is the wood by which the Nations are blessed. And againe,Omnia igitur, deo quae adi acu [...]run [...], adoramu [...] pag. 210. ex Io. Damasc. Wee worship all things which were about Christ.
CHAP. XXXII. Ʋertue and diuine power ascribed to senselesse things.
IT is vaine and idle labour to worship the thing, whereof wee are perswaded that there is no force nor vertue in it worthy of respect and reuerence. Wherefore to magnifie the worship of stocks and stones, it must necessarily be, that they should first attribute great and wondrous vertue, yea, very diuine operation vnto them.
Of the Crosse the Roman Breuiarie saith;O Crux venerabil [...]s, quae salutem attulisti miseris, quibus te efferam praconijs, quo [...]tam vitā nobis coelitem praeparasti. in eualt. Cruc. Ant. in primo nocturno. & in Per. Sar. O worshipfull Crosse, which hast brought saluation vnto men, with what praises shall I extoll thee, for thou hast prepared for vs eternall life?
And againe,O Crux benedicta, que sola suist [...] digna portare regem coel [...]rū. in inuent. Cruc. ex Bre. Sar. et in Por. Heres et in Ro. Bre. in exalt. Cruc. O blessed Crosse, which wast worthy alone to beare the King of Heauen. A paire of monstrous blasphemies. The first attributeth the praise of sauing mercy, and of prouidence, in preparing eternall life, to a piece of wood: the last giues worthinesse vnto it, to beare the Sonne of God. The word Sola, Alone, doth import a superexcellence in this tree aboue all other trees: The word Digna, Worthy, reporteth in the subiect an equalitie with the predicate. So that thereby they place an excellence in the Crosse, by which it was fit and equiualent in proportion of worthinesse to beare the King of heauen. Wherefore in the inuention of the Crosse on the third day of May, they call it the health bringing Crosse: And in another place;O Crux splendidi [...]r cunctis as [...]ris, mūdo celebris, hominibus multum amabil [...], sanctior vniuersis: qua sola fi [...]sti digna portare talentum mundi Ro. Br. in sest. [...]nuen Cruc. ad magnif. Ant. O Crosse more beautifull then all the Starres, famous in the world, amiable to men, more holy then all things: which onely wast worthy to beare the Talent of the world: And,Bre. Sar in inuen. Cruc. Resp. O Crux viride lignum. O precious Gem which didst deserue to sustaine Christ.
The Missall of Sarisbury singeth in honour of the Crosse;
To excuse their Idolatry, one pretendeth,Non quod cruce, quantum ad crucē pertinet, aliud quā cruciatum inesse intelligam [...] sed quia cruciatu crucis mihi salutem, et ignom [...]nia gloriam, & morte gloriam, & morte crucis vitam mihi datā intelligā. that this honour and power is not ascribed to the timber and substance [Page 489] of the Engine, nor to the Crosse, as it is a Crosse in vvhich is vnderstood nothing but affliction and torment: but because that by his passion on the Crosse, Saluation to men was giuen, &c.
Another saith;Non materiam (absis enim) sed figurā. Aloy. Lys. par. 1. fol. 210. ad finem pag. ex Io. Damasc. not the matter (God forbid) but the figure we worship. But this is as deceitfull as all the rest. For both vnto the figure, and the matter of their Crosses they attribute honour and vertue.
Of the figure, Bellarmine out of Minutius Foelix and Ambrose contendeth thatBell. l. 2 de imag. sanc. c. 27. verbo addunt M [...]nutius. Excellent arguments. The figure of the Crosse is naturally heal [...]hfull. For the Bird cannot fly, if the wings, and the body resemble not the signe of the Crosse: The Ships moue not in the water, except the Mast and the yard whereon the Sailes doe hang expresse the figure of the Crosse.
Yea, the very heauen it selfe, if you imagine two lines from the East to the West, from the North to the South to bee drawne, is a very Crosse.
Lastly, the Husbandman cannot till the land, except informe of the Crosse the Plowe be framed.
Others say, the very substance of the wood is full of vertue and honour: and to this opinion the Missals and Legends doe incline.
The Masse of Sarisbury saith;
Aloysius Lypomanus, out of an History fathered on Paulinus saith,Crux in materia insensata vim viuā tenens. part. 2 pag. [...] 27. ad finem. the Crosse in the vnsensible matter holdeth liuing power.
The Roman Missall saith,Ro Bre. in Fest. exalt. Cruc. in prin [...]. noct. Antiph. nobise l [...]gnū exaltatur. The noble wood is exalted.
Aloy. Lyp. cals itIn la dem Sanc. & vi [...] fica [...]rucis. pa [...]t. 1 fol. 210. The holy and the liuely or quickning wood.
The Portuis of Sarum, Dulce Lignum, In inuent. C [...]uc. sweet wood and precious wood. Nay, the dotage thereof is such that it attributeth in plaine tearmes diuine power to the vvoodden blocke.
And of the excellent vertue thereof in another place;
This alludeth no doubt to the Legend History, which deriueth with a long Pedigree the descent of the Crosse, euen from the tree that grew in the midst of Paradise, and saieth, that Michael the Archangell caused Sheth the Sonne of Adam to plant the same on his fathers graue: which grew vp there to a goodly tree, and was afterward by Salomon throwne downe, to serue in his building: but the artificers found it either too long, or too short for euery purpose; therefore they laid it as a bridge ouer a brook, vpon which when the queen of Saba passed, shee prophesied that on it should bee hanged the Sauiour of the world. Wherefore Salomon tooke it vp, and buried it very deep in the ground;Nō solū ex descesu angeli, sed etiā ex virtute ipsius ligni traditur ibi fieri &c. Leg. Lōb. ex euāg. Nich. et Io. Beleth. et scholast. hist. inuent. crucis. so that ouer it was made the poole of Siloe, which not onely by the descending of an angell, but also by the vertue of the wood did great cures.
Let vs now proceed, and consider what diuinity and supreme power they attribute to other reliques. Of the nailes which pearced the body of Peter they sing;Beat, claui, qui sancta illa mēbra penetrarūt. Ro. Br. in 6. die infr. octau. Apost. Pet. et Paul. lec. 5. gaudeas Petre. Blessed bee the nailes which pearced those holy members.
Of the girdle of the blessed virgin Andreas Cret. Archiep. in Lypomanus saith;O zona, quae eis qui ad te cōsugiūt dat lūborū quidē mortificationē ad vitiae, animi autē fortitudinē ad virtutū operationē part. 1. fol. 182. It giueth mortification of the loynes towards sinne, vnto all those that flee to it for succour, and strength of minde to follow the workes of vertue. And the Glossator in the margent addeth;Vult peti posse a sacrae zona purgationē anima et corporis. ibid. His meaning is, that from the holy girdle may be d [...]sired the cleansing both of body and soule. To the same girdle he againe confesseth;O zona, que nostra naturae imbecillitatē astringes & r [...]boras, et inim: cos nostros, tā qui sub aspectū cadūt, quā qui non cadunt, impedit. ibid. O girdle, which bindest and strengthenest the imbecillity of our nature, and dost stop the violence of our visible and inuisible enimies.
Of the swathband of the Lord, wherewith the flesh of his tender infancie was wrapped, they say;O sascia, que liberatorē dominum inuoluistis, et nostrorū peccatorū ca [...]enas dissolustis. ib. O yee swathebands which wrapt the Lord our deliuerer about, and dissolued the bands of our sinnes.
Gregory Archbishop of Turon of the Crosse, Nailes, Speare, Coat and images of Christ saith;Fides retineat omne quod sacrosanctū corpus attigit, esse sacratū. a [...]. Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 158. Faith doth hould, all that touched the holy body to be holy.
Euthymius the Monke of the virgins girdle saith; thatFraudulētissimū draconē per eā suffocauit, primi des ministri licet nō videātur, eā adorāt. Euth. Monach. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 285. edit, Verhes. with it she strangled the ould crafty serpent: that the angells, though they cannot be seene, doe honour it: that the aire thereby is sanctified, the heauens made most respendent, the Sun & Moone illustrated beyond their nature, and the whole world, which consisteth in foure parts, is renued and made bright: that it (x) surmounteth the heauens in diuine vertue.
To Saint Peters chaines no lesse vertue is ascribed. Simeon Metaphrastes teacheth;Quae diuina virtute coelos superat. ibid. fol. 286. These chaines of power the prince of darkenesse doth tremble at: the multitude of airie spirites doe flie from.Nō enim serre potest spiritus sancti gratiā has ipsas caetenas obūbrast, ne{que} scintillas ex diuino illarū igne exiliētis sustinet. part. 1. pag. 329. For they cannot abide the grace of the spirit of God, which ouershadoweth these chaines, nor yet the sparkes of diuine fire, which leape out of them: Lastly, these chaines binde captiue the wicked spirits, and the very prince of this world himselfe.
The virgins garment Metaphrastes callethVestē plane diuinā et sūme venerādā, ad eā quidē vere laudādā nulla sufficie oratio. Aloy. Lyp. part. 1 pag. [...]45 a diuine vesture, to the praise whereof no speech sufficeth.
Of the virgins Tombe the Roman Missall out of the same authour pronounceth;Ego cuafi officina medicinae aegrotātibus: ego sū sōs perennis curationū: ego remediū aduersus daemones: ego ciuitas resugij omnibus ad me cōfugiētibus. tertia die [...]fr. assūp. vir. lec. 6. quid quaeritis? I am become the shop of medicine to the sicke: I am the fountaine of continual cure: I the remedy against diuells: I the citie of refuge vnto all that flee vnto me.
The Legend of Lombardy is authour, that vnto those that esteemed the garments of Saint Iohn the Euangelist vile and base reliques, to shew the dignity of them,Leg. Lōb. in sanct. Greg. fol. 39. pag. 2. col. 1. ste{que} quod pretiosa essent reliquiae, diuinitus est estēsum. Gregory hauing praied tooke a knife, and did pricke in diuers places the vestment, out of which presently bloud did issue. Thus was it shewed from heauen that reliques were precious.
I need no longer weary my pen in this businesse; it is to euery one by that which hath beene spoken, apparent, that to dead and senselesse blocks and stocks, the miraculous and diuine power of sauing, preseruing, and sanctifying mankinde, is attributed.
The LORD grant themPro. 3.7 not to bee vvise in their ovvne conceits: nor to learne after the wisedome of the earth, but to [Page 492] flee vnto the Lord Iesus to sanctifie them with the Spirit of his grace.
CHAP. XXXIII. Of hope, trust and confidence reposed in senselesse stockes and dead Reliques by the Romish Church, and of prayers to the same directed.
IErusalem that wicked and vngracious Citie, the Lord compareth to a boyling pot,Ezech. 24.6. & ver. 12. whose filthinesse is molten in it: she hath wearied her selfe with lyes, but her great skumme went not cut of her. Nothing is more odious vnto God, then when being deprehended in our sinne, in stead of repentance and casting out of the skumme of wickednesse, wee seeke euasions and subtilties, whereby to animate and incourage our hearts in our vngodlinesse. Let vs now examine the skum of the Romane furnace, whose obstinate heate burneth to maintaine, not to cast out her filthinesse.
Of Reliques, Bellarmine sayth;Nos enim Reliquias honoranius & osculamur, vt sacra pignora patro [...]orū nostrorū. lib. 2. cap. 2. de Reliquiis. verbo at quis. We worship them, and honour, and kisse them as the pledges of our holy patrones. The false Serpent lurketh commonly in the fairest flowers: and Heresie hath euermore words of oyle and smooth pretences to beguile; for the truth is, in stocks and Relicks, graues and garments, they place their hope and their confidence, which ought only through Iesus Christ to be fastned on the God of their saluation.
Of Peters bonds Sym: Metaphrastes sayth,Hae diuina haereditatis terminos ciugeu [...]es, & vndique [...]ientes faciunt ut ab hostibus▪ expugnari possint. Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 329. ad finem. that They compassing about the limits of the diuine heritage, and euery where strengthning them, make that men cannot be ouercome of the enimy: And of the same Apostles sword hee sayth,Coelestem enim gratiam confert, variarum curationum copiam suppeditat, sui cultores salutariter custodit, seque amplectentes erigit, animas ipsorum eletians. ibid. 231. it conferreth heauenly grace, it yieldeth variety of cures, it keepes them healthfull that worship it, and lifteth vp those who imbrace it, raysing vp their soules within them.
The Missall of Sarum sayth,Nulla salus est in dome, nisi cruce manit homo, hym. laud. cruc. quod non valet vti humana, fit in tuo no [...]in [...]. Miss. Sar. in exalt. Cruc. There is no health in the house, except a man defend it with the Crosse. Who can now blame them to put confidence, and repose trust in the things, which are so full of that power which is proper only vnto God?
Lanbertus Daxaeus that excellent learned man reporteth, [Page 493] that in the Procession of the Abbey of Fountaine, they were vsed to pray;Lamb. Dan. in resp. ad cap. 29. con. ob. 7. Bellarmins. O holy handkerchiefe of God pray for vs: And againe, Sancte Sudari ora pro nobis; O holy napkin pray for vs: And Sudarium Christi liberet nos à peste; let the Napkin of Christ deliuer vs from the plague. I know the religious learned man, if hee were liuing, could render a iust account of this report. Howbeit since hee is now with his God in rest and happinesse; with their owne daily seruice enioined by authority, set downe in their Missalls (such as I hope, they haue no faces to deny) I will presse them.
O Crux, signum triumphale, mundi vera salus, vale: inter ligna nullum tale, fronde, flore, germino; medicina Christiana, salua sanos, egros sana, in exalt crucis. [...]n sequen. laud Crucis. in Miss. Sar. O Crosse, the triumphant signe, the very saluation of the world farewell: amongst all trees there is none such as thou, in the branch, in the blossome, and in the fruit: O medicine of Christians, saue them that are sound, heale them that are sicke.
Now to stirre vs vp by example to this Idolatrie (for much doe the works of worthy men excite) they feigne, that this superstition hath warrant from Andrew the Apostle, who going on to be crucified, thus prayed to the woodden Engine;O bona Crux, quae decorem & pulchritudinem de membris Domini suscepists, accipe [...]o ab hominibus, & tedda me Magistro m [...]. Ro. Bre. in fest. Audr. O good Crosse, which didst take bewtie and comelinesse from the members of our Lord, receiue me from men, and giue mee to my Master: Nay, blessed Andrew (say they)Beat. Andr. expansis manibus ad coe [...]ū erabat, sal [...]a me bona crux. ibid. stretching abroad his hands, prayed: Saue me, O holy Crosse. But the futility of this figment many things bewray.
First, Andrew was not crucified on the same Crosse wheron Christ was crucified; therefore to the Crosse that Andrew was crucified on, Christs members gaue no comelinesse: Secondly, [Page 494] Andrew was not crucified on a Crosse of the same fashion which Christs Crosse was of: the one was like the letter T, the other like the letter X, if their owne pictures haue any credit; wherefore they were not Engins of one fashion.Bellar. cap. 27. lib. de imag. sanc. 2. verbo illud autem non est ignoran. Christ was nayled:Extendentes sunibus totum corpus [...]ius, sicut eu iussum fuerat, suspenderūt. portif. Sar. in Beat. Andrew. Andrew (the Missall sayth) was bound on the Crosse; wherefore Andrew had no cause to pray to the Crosse, which was neither the same substance, nor the same signe, that is, of the same fashion with the Crosse of Christ. Againe, the History is destitute of all good authority.Hier. in Catalog. script. Ierome writing the life of Andrew speaks not a word hereof: nor Dorotheus Bishop of Tyre. The booke attributed to Cyprian de duplici Martyrio, of Andrew witnesseth, that hee went reioycing to the Crosse, but of this prayer he makes no mention.
Bellarmine hath another shift to creepe out of the curse, which is poured vpon the head of Idolaters; that in all these prayers the figure Prosopopoeia is vsed, by which we speake to one thing in another, as Moses dothDeut. 32.1. Hearken ye heauens, and I will speake, and let the earth heare the words of my mouth. And the Psalmist;Psal. 98, 8. Let the flouds clap their hands, and let the hills be ioyfull together before the Lord.
To this there is no neede to labour for an answere, it is plaine and at hand. Bellarmine cannot forget, that in another place he saith,Per si & proprie. Bellar. de Imag. sanct. lib. 2. cap. 21. in ipso pri [...]. cap. Images are to be worshipped properly, and in themselues; and not onely as they haue the place of the exemplar. Wherefore, he cannot now claime the benefit of this idle distinction, since he teacheth, that Images are to bee worshipped in themselues.
Secondly, though Moses naming the heauens, and Dauid the Hills and the Seas, spake by the figure Prosopopoeia, to the powers in Heauen, and the inhabitants of the earth and Sea: yet the popish Orison doth not so; for it sayth; ‘Dulce liguū, dulcos clanos, dulcia ferone p [...]nd [...]ra, salua praesunt [...] cat [...]rnam. Ro. Bre. in inuent. Cruc. ad Magnif. [...].Sweet wood, bearing the sweet nayles, and the sweet burthen, saue this present companie.’
This is a discretiue speech, and a plaine distinction of [Page 495] things, naming the burthen and the wood, but directing the prayer to the wood, as where also they say;
This is no Prosopopoeia: but plainely, simply, distinctly they beseech the wood, to mediate to the Sonne of God whom it did beare.
Thirdly, Moses and Dauid did neither pray to the Heauens nor to the Hills. Do you think it lawfull to blaspheme God by figures, and to commit Idolatrie by figures? It is cursed Rhetoricke, which robbeth God of his honour.
After all this open Idolatrie of the Missalls, Bellarmine spareth not yet to auouch;Quis vnquam auditus est in precibus, aut litanijs daeisse, Sanctae reliquiae orate pro me? de Reliq. sanc cap. 2. lib. 2. ad finem. Who was euer heard in prayer or Letanies to say; Holy reliques pray for vs?
Against this I opppose Germanus the Patriarch of Constantinople, who of the Virgins girdle saith;Nec existimet aeliquis hoc esse absurdum ex ijs qui lubenter reprehendunt, si ea tanquā animata alloquamur, & ea bonis verbu, & laudibus prosequamur. Aloy. Lyp part. 1. fol. 282. edit. verbo haec autem omnia. Let no man of those which loue to reprehend, thinke it absurd, that we speake vnto it, as a liuing thing, and that wee present it with good words and prayers.
What shall wee say of the girdle; Quae propinqua fuit animato Dei verbi habitaculo. ibid. Non occurrimus? non supplices humipr [...]cidemus? non purgationem anime & corporis ab ea postulabinu [...]? omnino. ibid. which was neare vnto the liuing habitation of the word of God? Shall we not meete it? Shall we not fall suppliant on the ground? Shall wee not desire the purging of body and soule from it? Yes altogether. VVherefore hee prayeth;
O swath-band of Christ, and blessed girdle of the Ʋirgine, giue sanctification, and strength, and expiation, to those which with faith come to your holy Temple, and earnestly desire your worship, and adore you. Ibidem.
O veneranda zona summe venerande Dei Matris, accing [...] lūbos nostres veritate, iustitia, & mansuetudine: fac nos haredes aeterna & beatae vitae. ib. pag. 282. O venerable girdle of the most venerable Mother of God, compasse about our loynes with truth, righteousnesse and meekenesse, and make vs partakers of the eternall and blessed life.
O thou vndefiled girdle of the vndefiled Virgine, Tuam hareditatem, tuum populū, O iutimtratae zona, conserua, ibid. preserue thy heritage and thy people.
And Iohannes Monachus Damascenus thus maketh the [Page 496] Sepulchre of the blessed virgin it selfe to speak,Fide populi accòdite, & tanquam en flunio haurite charismata, fidem habentes nō haefitātem. ex Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 278. Come hither ye people with faith, and sucke graces as from a Riuer, hauing faith without wauering. And a little after;Qui sitit m [...]rborū medicinariā à perturbationibus animi liberationem, peccatorum abstersionem &c. ad me fide veniat. Lyp. ibid. Whosoeuer thirsteth the curing of his sicknesse, the deliuering of his soule from perturbations, the washing away of his sins, freedome from all kind of assaults, the rest of the heauenly Kingdome, let him come to mee with faith, and drinke of the Riuer of grace.
By all these proofes I haue now made, it is plaine and clearely euident, that they put their trust and confidence; they offer their prayers and petitions to dead Reliques: And their lyes haue caused them to erre after that their fathers haue walked. Amos 2.4. Blessed Lord, if it bee thy pleasure, haue mercy vpon them: bring them home, and giue them grace to come out of their owne Babylon: and in the Sion of the holy Church to worship thee in spirit and truth. Amen, Amen, Lord Iesus.
CHAP. XXXIIII. Of the forme and figure of the Crosse, and that the Romish Church doth not certainely know the true fashion thereof, but doth worship a doubtfull figure, to which they haue put additions of their owne; wherefore they are very Idolaters, because their figure of the Crosse is a false figment of mans inuention.
AS the body of Moses Deut. 34.6. was therefore taken away, and buried in the Mountaine, that no man knoweth of his Sepulchre vnto this day, lest perhaps the Israelites should haue committed Idolatry therewith: And as the tonguesGen. 11.7. of the builders of Babylon were confounded, lest the Citie of pride should rise vp to the very Heauens: So it seemeth not without the speciall prouidence and wisedome of God, to be brought to passe, that the Church should haue no certaine knowledge of the true forme of the Crosse; thereby to giue checke-mate to Idolatry, and to take from men superstitious and vaine worship of an vnprofitable thing.
Beda is author, that the Crosse was made of foure kinds of wood.Beda in suis collectancis. Cedar, Pyne, Cypresse, and Boxe: But this saith Bellarmine is not probable,
The Legend of Lombardy saith,Ligna crucis Palma, Cedrus, Cypressus, Ol [...]ua. in inuert. Crucit. fol. 60. col. 1. circa medium. it was made of Palme, Cypresse, Oliue, and Cedar: and for his authoritie hee alledgeth an old verse.
Bellarmine saith,Se [...]endū igitur, crucē ex tribus signis factū esse, quorū vnū erat longū, cui corpus adhaerebat, alterūtransu [...]rsum, superpositum longo, quibus affigebantur manus &c. l. de imag. Sanc. c. 27. in princip. cap. it was made of three pieces of wood, whereof one was long, to which the body did adhere: the second transuerse or a crosse piece, put vpon the long shaft, to which the
hands were fastened with Nailes: the third wood was fastned in the long shaft, that vpon it the feet of the crucified might stand. So that according to Bellarmines description, the Crosse bare the figure here noted.
Iacobus de Ʋoragine in the Legend of Lombardie saith with no lesse confidence, that there vvas in the Crosse a
fourefold difference of timber; that is to say, a long or erect peece, a crosse peece; a table set vnder the feete, and a stocke into which the Crosse was put. Wherefore by this description, the forme of the Crosse should be like the adioined patterne. This writer for his authoritie referreth himselfe vnto the Apostle Paul, Ephesians 3.18. and to Saint Austen.
Neither of these descriptions agree with the forme of the Crosse which Constantine saw in the Heauen, for ought can be gathered out of Eusebius and Socrates. For Socrates mentioneth onely a Pillar of bright shining light in the Heauen after the forme of a Crosse, in which was written in letters OVERCOME in THIS. And Eusebius, to whom Constantine himselfe did relate the vision, neither speaketh of the table for the feete, nor the stocke wherein the shaft was placed; but saith, the figure which Constantine made,Erat autē tali figura fabricatae; hastile oblōgū erectū{que} auro vndi{que} obductū fuit, quod cornu habuit transuersū ad formā crucis cōstructum supra in fastigio ipsius operis Corona affixa, lapidibus preciosis, & auro politè circumtexta, in ea salutaris appellationis seruatoris nota inscripta, du [...] bus solū expressa elementis; id est, duaebus primis literis nominis Christi (erat enim. R. litera in ipso medio litera X. curiose et subtiliter inserta) quae totum Christi nomen perspicue significarunt. Quas quidē literas deinceps semper Imperator in galea gestare consueuit. ad eorum illius particulae, quae ex transuerso erat per hastin le traiecta, velam [...] quod dāpertenus appensum adhaesit, Regalis (viz.) et magnifica textura, mirabili varietate lapidū preciosorū artificio se cōiu [...]ctorū, lucis{que} sua claritate pulchre resplēdescētiū depicta, et multo auro iutertexta: et paulo pos;t. istud igitur vt lamen ad cornis affixū, longitudinis laetitudinis{que} cruci [...] mensurā p [...]itus exaequ [...]uit. Euseb. de vita Cōstāt. l. 1. c. 25. was a long speare vpright, couered with gold, which had a transuerse horne, after the maner of a Crosse: on the top whereof was a Crowne of precious stones most curiously wrought, and in it the healthfull note of the name of our Sauiour, expressed onely in the two first letters. For the letter P. was curiously and subtilly placed in the midst of the letter X. [Page 498] which letters the Emperour did euer after beare in his Helmet. At the end of that part which was transuerse, ouer the Speare hung a thin veile, very royall and magnificent in the workemanship, with wondrous varietie of precious stones artificially ioined together, fairely shining in their light, painted and wouen-in with much gold. And hee saith after, that this veile fastned to the end or horne of the transuerse, did altogether equalize the length and breadth of the
Crosse, according to the portraite here set downe.
Eusebius in the beginning of these vvords (as you perceiue) calleth the whole transuerse an horn, and takes his Metaphor from the yard of a Ship, on which the Saile depends. Now, that in Latine is called Antenna, and the ends of the same are called Cornua Antennae, the Horns of the yard.
Irenaeus saith,Ipsi habitus crucis finet et sūmitares habuit [...]. duos in lōgitudinē, duos in latitudinē, et vnū in medio, vbi requiescit qui clauis affigitur. Iren. cō. haeres. Val [...]nt. l. 2. c. 42. in princ. sere. the Crosse had fiue ends and summities:
two endes in length: and two in breadth: and one in the middle, on which hee rested that was to bee nailed. To this, Austine Aug. epist. 120. ex Bell. lib. de Imag. [...]. 27. agrees, who saith, that the long erected piece did appeare aboue the transuerse.
By this testimony, the fashion of the Cross differs frō al the figures we haue formerly spoken of, and seemeth to be like to this which is here set downe.
Iustinus Martyr a very ancient and worthy Doctour saith,
that the Vnicornes horne doth resemble the fashion of the Crosse. His words are these;Vnus stipes in rectū surgit, in quo summo ceu cornis prominet, quando trāsut [...]sum lignum additur, vni cornui ad [...]ūctu vtrin{que} cornibus medius quo{que} stipes refert cornu prominuli speciē quo sustinenatur crucifixt, et ipse cū reliquis duobu [...] cornibus coaptatus, paeriter{que} rigidus. Iustin. One stocke riseth vp straight, in the top whereof appeareth as an horne, when the transuerse peece is thereto added: vnto which horne on both sides other horns are ioyned. The middle of the stocke resembleth an horne standing out, vpon which the crucified are sustained: and the same is fitted to the two hornes beeing of like strength. If Iustine bee true, then here behould the figure of the Crosse.
Ambrosius Calepin, a man skilful in the propriety of speech, rendreth the word, Crux, by the word, Furca, and makes them of one signification, and saith, it is called, Crux, of the greeke word, [...], which is to breake or bruise; according to that of the Euangelist: then came the souldiers and brake the legs of the first and the second.
Carolus Sigonius a Bishop of the Popish Church calleth the gallowes, on which Iosuah hanged the kings of Aye, a Cross: and saith, the greeke interpreter renders it, geminum lignum, a double wood. But whether this double wood were a Crosse, as Papists picture it, or a Forke, they declare not at all. In this digladiatiō & doubtfulnes of opinions, wherein writers agree not what was the figure of the Crosse, how can any Romanist tell, whether they worship the right signe, or not? And surely to worship that which is not the true signe of the Crosse of Christ, is plaine idolatry; because his body touched no such, nor died on no such, but on one perhaps of a far differēt kind.
The Romish Synagogue frameth Crosses differing from all these in proportion, making the shaft like a Sheepheards [Page 500] crooke in the toppe, to expresse the letter P. but so was not Christs Crosse, nor any other that we read of. Then they put two little peeces to the fashion of Saint Andrews Crosse. X. so that by abbreuiation the two letters signifie the whole name of Christ. They put then a transuerse piece, vpon which doth hang ouer the whole breadth a flagge or a veile. The shaft of their Crosse hath for the fitnes of carriage, an handstall to beare the same withall, according to this figure.
But the Crosse which Christ died on was not so. Wherefore the Crosse after the Romish edition, & with the accoutremēt they therto adde, is an idoll: a thing which neuer was; like the poets Centaurs, or the Egyptians Serapis: and when they worship it thus, they are vnexcusable idolaters. For they worship the plain imagination of their own braines. But if any shall reply that they worship not the shepherds crooke, the letters, the veile, the hand-stall: I then reioyn, they are yet wicked Balamites, which set snares and stumbling blockes before their brethren, and doe not withall teach, what is to bee worshipped, and what is not to be worshipped in their Hieroglyphical figment.
Hauing discoursed of the idolatry which the Romish church vseth toward the signe of the Crosse, yet one thing remaines wherein to satisfie the doubtfull reader. The fathers are found in many places to speake reuerently of this badge of christianity, and report many miracles thereby wrought. Athanasius saith,Sign [...] crucis magica [...]mnis pellitur art. in lib. de incarnatione verbi. By the signe of the Crosse all magicall works are abolished.Euseb. de vita Cōstant. l. 1. c. 33. Constantine calls it, salutare signum, a wholesome signe. And it cannot be denied, but that at euery going forth and comming in:Tertull. lib. de Coron. Mili [...]. when they clothed or shooed themselues: [Page 501] when they washed: when they ate: when they lighted candles, christians in old time, did make the signe of the Crosse.
To all this I reply, first, that in the Primitiue infancy of the Church, God to magnifie his Sonne Iesus Christ, did worke great wonders and maruels, by the figure of the Crosse: but now because there is no need of miracles, (the whole world almost being brought vnto Christ) there is no such power in the signe of the Crosse, and where the vertue of the ceremony doth cease, the ceremony should also cease; as Ezechia brake in peeces the brazen Serpent, when hee saw it was honoured without vse.
Secondly, great was the reproche of the Crosse in the beginning of the Church. And vvhat greater contumely did the Heathens cast out against Christ, but that he vvas an hanged God, a crucified Sauiour?
Novv to shevv openly vnto the vvorld, that this extreme humiliation of our Sauiour, his shamefull death, his lamentable bloudshedding, was the satisfaction vnto God for our sins, our victory ouer sin, death & hell; therfore the old christians euery where triumphed in the signe of the Crosse, protesting that they were not ashamed of Christ crucified, who is the power of God vnto saluation. But now that this reproach of the Crosse is ceased, and the whole world almost glorieth in the comfortable name of Iesus, there is no need nor vse of the signe of the Crosse, to distinguish vs from Heathens, not to expresse the profit of the death of Christ. Euery tongue confesseth that Christ is the Lord to the glory of God.
Thirdly, although in respect of the Heathen the ancient christians did esteeme reuerently of the signe of the Cross: yet no man did giue diuine honour vnto it: no man did pray vnto it: no man did burne incense before it, nor offer Sacrifice vnto it. Wherefore the reuerence which the ancient Fathers of the Primitiue Church gaue to the signe of the Cross, was not such, as the Romish Synagogue superstitiously & wickedly ascribeth thereunto.
Mercifull God, the Father of our onely great and glorious [Page 502] euerlasting Prophet Iesus Christ, magnifie the name, and the office of thine only begotten Sonne: Let all harts know and feele, that he is the onely truth, the only way, the only light of all that come into this world, vnto eternal saluation. Grant vs grace therefore to follow him as our guide: to giue heed vnto him as our teacher: to abide in him as our life; that he may also confesse our names before thee, and acknowledge vs to be the plants of his garden, still nourished by his spirit, the sheep of his fould, which haue not hearkened to a strangers call. This grant, O Father of lights, through the mediation of thy deare Son our holy Prophet Iesus Christ, by the inspiration and operation of the blessed spirit. To thee one God, and three persons, bee all praise and glory world without end. Amen.
THea images of holy Apostles, Prophets, and conquering Martyrs, and Saints, and blessed, as the friends of God we worship. | 1 | THou shalt make thee no grauen image, nor any similitude of things, that are in heauen aboue, nor that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the water vnder the earth: thou shalt not bovv downe to them, neither serue them. Exo. 20.4. & 5. ver. |
Theb images of Christ also, and the blessed God-bearing virgin, and of other Saints we allow to bee had, and retained in Churches, and due honour and worship to be giuen vnto them. | 2 | Ye shall make you none idols, nor grauen image, neither reare ye vp any piller, neither shall ye set any image of stone in your land, to bow downe to it: for I am the Lord your God. Leuit. 26.1. |
Cursedc be he that shall teach or beleeue the contrary. | 3 | Confounded be all they that serue grauen images, and that glory in idols. Psal. 97.7. |
Id do openly worship the histories of images, & adore them. | 4 | Babes keepe your selues from idols. 1. Io. 5. ver. vlt. |
Muche fruit comes from all holy images. | 5 | What profiteth the image? Abac. 2.18. |
Si [...]. Metap. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. in ad [...]rat. vin. Cater. Pet. holy celebrity of the day of St. Peters chaines conferreth the grace of the holy ghost, and light vnto the soules. |
6 | If yee bee dead with Christ from the rudimēts of the world, vvhy as though liuing in the world are yee led with traditions? Col. 2.20. |
Sācti Leon [...]s Cōf. tui at{que} Pōtif. quaesumus domin [...], [...]ttiua s [...]lennit at pietati tua nos reddat acceptos. Ro. Miss. the annuall solemnity of Leo thy Confessour make vs acceptable to thee. |
7 | My soule hateth your new Moones, and your appointed feasts: they are a burden vnto me, I am weary to beare them. Esay 1.14. |
Ro. Bre. in nat. virg. in sest. sept. [...] [...]t a [...] fa [...]. tuis. the solemnity of her holy day giue vs the increase of peace. |
8 | I cannot suffer your nevv Moones, nor Sabbaths, nor solemne daies, it is iniquity. Esa. ibid. ver. 13. |
Ro. Bre. in vigil. Mat. sept. 10. erat. de qua sumus omnipote [...]t. the worshipfull solemnity of St. Mathew increase our deuotion, & our saluation. |
9 | Ye obserue daies and months, and times, and yeares: I am in feare of you, lest I haue bestowed on you labour in vaine. Gal. 4. ver. 10. & 11. |
Aloy. Lyp. in scholi [...] 7. in S [...]m. Metaph. [...]uc [...]m. m [...]es dexora Sāc. [...]y▪ pr [...]s. grace of the Spirit of God dwelles in Reliques. |
10 | Let none bee found among you that asketh counsell at the dead. Deut. 18.10.11. The grace of God is giuen you in Iesus Christ. 1. Cor. 1. ver. 4. |
THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE KINGLY Office of our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christ.
AT LONDON, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1618.
TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE Francis Lord Ʋerulam, Lord High Chancellor of England, and one of his Maiesties most Honorable Priuy Counsell, grace, peace, and mercy from GOD the Father, and his Sonne IESVS CHRIST our Lord, by the operation of the holy Ghost.
YOur Honour may perhaps demand of me, as once Antigonus the great Prince did of Bias a poore philosopher, Whence and Who? since vncouth and vnknowne I presume to present the harsh and vnpleasing lines of my rude labor vnto your patronage. To this, my Apologie is, If your Lordships facilitie had beene lesse, my presumption would not haue been so great: But now as the long wandring Pinnasse desireth to put into the fairest Hauen, and Souldiers euermore choose the most defensible shield: so I am bold with all humility to dedicate vnto your Honour these poore endeuours of mine against the common enemy; both in regard of your gracious disposition, as also your great autho itie: of which the one doth promise mee good acceptance, and the other assured protection.
Surely if the blasphemie of the Romish Antichristian Synagogue were like vnto other Hereticks, whereof, one denieth the Manhood, as Ebion: another the Godhead as Arius: some the distinction of his Person from the Father, as Sabellius: others his humane soule, as Apolinaris, or the truth of his Passion, as Manicheus; The confutation of their impietie would be more easie: but confessing the natures, Papistry ouerthroweth the offices, not openly & plainly as other Hereticks but craftily and secretly. So that vnder the name of Christ, as Cyprian saith, they confound the Religion of Christ; and as Tully reporteth of Epicurus that he left gods vnto the people in words, but tooke them away in deeds: So the Romish schoole hath the forme of godlinesse, but denyeth the power therof. And though they outwardly confesse Christ, yet they spoile him of all the offices to which by the eternall counsell of God, for the reparation of mankinde he is ordained. To this end therefore should all Ministers imploy their Studies, all States their Policy, all Magistrates their Power, all common-weales their Wisedome, that these Wolues disguised in Lambe-skins, these Messengers of Satan in the habite of Angels of light might bee vnmasked, and the mystery of iniquitie which walketh in the darknesse discouered to euery eye, and so all Israel should flee from Babylon, and euery simple Sheepe vnderstand the collusion of the Foxes.
Of the Priestly and Propheticall parts in the former bookes I haue entreated; in this I shew what violence, what treachery they vse toward the supreme King of Kings and Lord of Lords; and withall against worldly Potentates and Princes, whom God hath ordained to be his Vice-gerents, and vnder him to exercise power in the earth.
Vnto your worthinesse therefore I offer this last Booke, wherein according to the talent giuen vnto me, I defend the [Page] dignitie and maiestie of the Regall power against the wicked vsurpation of the Romish Bishop. First, because I know how deere and precious vnto you the honour and dignity of our most Royall Soueraigne is: and secondly, if from your great wisedome and learned censure these simple leaues shall receiue any approbation, I shall little regard the venimous aspersions of detracting tongues, or the poysoned teeth of any Zoylus whatsoeuer.
The Lord God of all power and might blesse your Honour in your high place of Iustice and of Gouernement so happily begunne, that your brightnesse and your light may encrease more and more vntill the day be full; And at last as full of honours as of dayes you may be gathered to your Fathers in peace, and to the bosome of Abraham replenished with euerlasting ioy and glory: Which the Lord grant vnto you, thorow Iesus Christ our onely Mediatour and Aduocate.
OF THE KINGLY Office of our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christ.
IN the third place we are now to speake of the great and glorious Kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. And seeing of his Priestly and Propheticall functions, which are but Offices of seruice and Ministration, wee found our selues too weake and vnworthy to discourse: How shall wee dare to speake of the King of kings, the Lord of lords, being but dust and ashes? Who shall open my infant tongue, and giue power to my vnpolisht pen, to speake of himPsal. 18.10. that sitteth aboue the Cherubins, and rideth vpon the wings of the wind? Of him,Apo [...]. 19.12. whose eyes are as a flame of fire; and on his head are many crownes? O be thou the argument and the Author (King no lesse of Mercy then of Maiestie) [Page] [...] [Page 503] [...] [Page 504] shed of thy sweet Spirit the smallest spark into my heart: open thou my mouth, and I shall speake: direct my quill, and I shall write: Lead me, O lead me in thy truth, lest IIob. 38.2. darken thy counsell by words without knowledge; so shall thy weakest creature glorifie thy name, and thy power shall be perfected in my infirmitie. Grant this, O supreame King of eternall glorie Iesus Christ, Sonne of the euerliuing God, to whom with his blessed Father, and the holy Spirit bee ascribed all power, might and maiesty for euer and euer.
It was agreeable to the proportion of the loue which God did beare vnto the world, that he should not send a messenger, nor a ministring spirit, nor a meere creature for our deliuerance: but his owne onely begotten Sonne, who by his diuine power might performe what Angells and Archangels could not doe; namely, ouercome all force of our spiritual Egypt, and by the omnipotence of his diuinityHeb. 4.12 pearce into the Spirits and Soules of men, and dwell therein.
Many irrefragable and demonstratiue arguments there are, which witnesse vnto vs the incomparable Regalitie, and super-excellent dominion of IESVS CHRIST ouer all things, in Heauen aboue, in the earth beneath, and things vnder the earth.
Arg. 1 The first reason is taken from the necessitie of the generation: for it is impossible that the euerlasting, infinite, perfect Father, should beget a Sonne not in all things like himselfe, since among the wormes of the earth, Man and Beast, euery thing that begetteth, doth beget his like. Wherefore, God being the Father, must needs haue God to be the Sonne: The Euerlasting beeing Father, the Euerlasting must bee the Sonne: The Father being King, the Sonne must be King also. And this necessity of generation Iohn pointeth vnto in the beginning of his Gospell; for hee sayth,Io. 1.1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was that Word. And the Apostle Paul pointeth to it, in calling himCol. 1.15 The Image of the inuisible God, andHeb. 1.3. the brightnesse of the glory, and the engraued forme of his person. Then if the person of the Father bePsa. 24.10. & 1. Cor. 2.8. the King of glory, the person of the Son, [Page 505] and1. Io. 5.7 of the holy Ghost also, who proceedeth from both, is King of glorie. For whatsoeuer is substantially of God, is God.
The second reason to proue the Kingdome of our Christ, Arg. 2 is the plentifull record which God himselfe in the Scripture giueth of his Sonne. In the 2. Psalme it is witnessed;Ps. Thou art my Sonne, this day haue I begotten thee: Desire of mee, and I shall giue thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the vttermost parts of the earth for thy possession: Thou shalt crush them with a Scepter of Iron, and breake them in peeces like a Potters vessell. And in another Psalme;Psa. 110.1.2 The Lord sayd vnto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, vntill I make thine enemies thy footstoole: The Lord shall send the rodde of thy power out of Sion: be thou Ruler in the midst of thine enemies.
Esay prophecieth also of his dominion;Esa. 32.1, 2 Behold a King shall reigne in iustice, and the Princes shall rule in iudgement: And that man shall he as an hiding place from the winde, and as a refuge from the tempest, as riuers of water in a drie place, and as the shadow of a great Rocke in a weary land.
Of this dominion Ieremy also foresheweth; for hauing spoken of the deliuery of Israel from captiuity, from the yoke and from bonds, he addeth;Ier 30.8.9. They shall serue the Lord their God, and Dauid their King, whom I will rayse vp vnto them. And in another place;23.5, 6 Behold, I will rayse vnto Dauid a righteous branch, and a King shall reigne and prosper, and shal execute iudgement and iustice in the earth: In his dayes shall Iudah be saued, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is the name whereby they shall call him, The Lord our righteousnesse.
Ezechiel sayth;Eze. 34.23.24 I will set vp a Shepheard ouer them, and he shall feed them, euen my seruant Dauid; he shall feed them, and he shall be their Shepheard, and I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shall be the Prince among them.
Hosea prophecieth, thatHos. 3.4. This cannot be vnderstood of the naturall man Dauid, for he was dead long before any of these prophecies. Israel shall remaine many dayes without a King, and without a Prince, without an offring, and without an image, without an Ephod, and without Teraphim: afterward shall the children of Israel conuert, and seeke the Lord their God, and Dauid their King.
Micha calleth him,Mich. 5.2. the ruler in Israel, whose goings forth haue beene from the beginning, and from euerlasting.
Zechary sayth,Zech. 14.9. The Lord shall be King ouer all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name shall be one.
Such as the Prophets in the old time foreshewed him, the holy men in the new Testament receiued him. Nathanael confesseth;Io. 1.49. Rabbi thou art the Sonne of God, thou art the King of Israel.
The Apostle Paul sayth, thatHeb. 1.2.3. God hath made him heyre of all things, and that he sitteth at the right hand of the Maiesty in the highest places. Thomas the Apostle after no little obstinacie and stubbornesse, yet at last confessed;Io. 20.28. Thou art my Lord, and my God.
Finally, the Angell; Luke 2. Zachary the father of the Baptist; Luke 1. The wisemen out of the East; Math. 2. and sundrie others, which for breuitie I passe ouer, acknowledge Christ to be a Lord and a King: yea, such a Lord (sayth the Apostle)Phil. 2.9. To whom God hdth giuen a name aboue euery name, that at the name of Iesus euery knee should bow. Wherefore let all the world confesse vnto him;Apoc. 5.12. Worthy is the Lambe that was killed, to receiue power, and riches, and wisedome, strength, and honour, and glory, and prayse.
Arg. 3 The third proofe of the imperiall and kingly power of the Christ of God, is his wondrous workes and miracles; as, curing of all diseases, healing of all maladies, raising of the dead to life, commanding both the windes and the seas, casting out of diuels,Luke 7.22. and mastering all power of elements; all these things wroght only by his word, what doth it teach else, but that hee is the King of Kings, to whome all creatures bow and obey.
Hereunto let me adde that notable token of his omnipotent power which himselfe speaketh of,Io. 10.18. that he had power to lay downe his owne life, and power to take it againe: so in that he preuented the crueltie of the tormentors,Vid. Cyp. in tract. de vani [...]. idol. ad finem verb. nam & cruci six [...]. and gaue vp the Ghost when he would, it sheweth him to bee of infinite and vnlimited command.
Arg. 4 Fourthly, if there were no other testimony of his dominion, [Page 507] his very humiliation and death declares it. For what meaneth it, that the Sunne is darkened, the powers of the heauen moued, the stones do rend into pieces, the earth doth quake and tremble,Math. 27. the dead bodies rise out of the graues againe at his departure, but that all the houshold of the world is abashed to see the Maister thereof dye? the Lord of the family to suffer destruction?
Fiftly, all his enemies are cast vnder his feete, & acknowledge Arg. 5 his supereminent authoritie. The Diuell saith;Luke 4.34. Art thou come to destroy vs? I know who thou art, euen the holy One of God. Pilate writeth, and from what he writeth hee cannot be remoued;Ioh. 19.19. Mat. 27.37. This is Iesus, the King of the Iewes. Lastly, death and the graue confesse their weakenesse, and his dominion, they cannot keepe him in: they haue deuoured, but they must spue him out againe: darknes cannot suffer light,Luke 24.5. death cannot beare life, the graue cannot brooke his new come guest. They all confesse; we are weary of our prey: They all hasten with the Whale to cast vp Ionas. Ionah. 2. Such an intolerable burthen, such a bitter morsell, such an vncaptiuable captiuitie they haue gotten as they would faine be rid of. They trauell like a woman with child: they vrge and hasten his departure, asExod. 12.33. the Egyptians forced Israel, to send them out of the land in hast; for they said, we bee all but dead men.
Wherefore let this seeme no light argument to thee of Christs dominion (godly Reader) since euen by death hee hath spoiled death,Col. 2.15. and all principalities and powers by his suffering. What is his power, whose infirmitie is so potent? What a Lord in life is he, that in death is such a conquerour? And here is now the greatest miracle and wonder that euer God hath wrought; namely, to beget a Son equall to himselfe, that infinitie of power, might, Maiestie and dominion should be conioined vnto extreame humility, lowlinesse, infirmitie and miserie in one person. For hee that in his diuine nature is Lord of Angels, inHeb. 2.9. his humane nature is not onely made inferiour to Angels for a while, but to the basest man vpon the earth,Gal. 3.13. when he was cursed and stricken of God for sinne, and had all sinnes appearing and punished in [Page 508] his body vpon the Crosse.Exod. 28. At which time hee not onely bare our sinnes, but our names before God; so that now hee is made the Ocean of sinnes,Christ who neuer sinned beareth all the sinnes of his elect. or the body of all sinners. O loue passing all vnderstanding! Let euery one lay his hand vpon his mouth, for no tongue can vtter it: Let euery knee bow, and euery heart confesse: Let euery Mountaine fall downe, and euery high Hill humble it selfe at the feete of this immensitie so small; this greatnesse so little; this power so weake,A sinner by imputation onely, not by committing sinne. this life so mortall, this King a seruant, this God a Man, this righteous a sinner, this beloued accursed,Apoc. 13.8. this Lambe, this Lyon which was slaine from the beginning of the world,Apoc. 11.17. which was, which is, and which is to come;Apoc. 3.7. Esay 22.22. who hath the keyes of Dauid, and shutteth, and no man openeth, and openeth and no man shutteth: Who hathApoc. 1.18. the keyes likewise of death, and of Hell: our God, our King, and our Redeemer; whose incomparable power is such,1. Cor. 15. that hee not onely gouerneth all things, but is all in all.
CHAP. II. Canons and Rules concerning the glorious Kingdome of the Lord Iesus, the Christ of God.
THe diuersitie of natures in the person of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ while some haue not rightly vnderstood, they haue erred in their opinion concerning the Kingdome of the Sonne of God. The Arrians feigned, that euen in his Godhead he was inferiour vnto the Father.
Can. 1 Samosatenus beleeued, that Christ was onely a mere naturall man. Berillus taught, that Christ before he was man had no proper diuinitie of his owne, but such as hee had in his Father. Sundry such there were, who either denied Christ to be God, or else his diuinitie to be equall to the Father. But all his members and his elect, must firmely beleeue, that Christ because he is the brightnesse of the eternall light, is also eternall brightnesse; for since the light is eternall, the brightnesse is also eternall.
Christ as hee is the Sonne of God the Father, hath a name Can. 2 aboue all names, from euerlasting and before all time:Heb. 1. Phil. 2. but vnto the manhood this power was giuen and manifested in time.
The will and power of Christ (considering his diuinitie)Can. 3 is the will and power of God: Neither hath the Sonne any thing lesse then the Father. For hee is the inuisible Image of the Father, hauing the same power, the same knowledge, the same will, and worketh with the Father: yet ChristIoh. 5.30. in his humane nature can doe nothing of himselfe, but as hee heareth from the Father, to whom he is ioined in the vnitie of the person of the Sonne; according to that of Cyril, Nunquā suscipiet creatura ea, qua su [...]s infinitae potetestatu. Cyril. The creature can neuer receiue the attributes of infinite power.
Vnto others it is giuen to bee the children of God, and heires of the kingdome by participation and influence of Can. 4 grace:Rom. 8. but Christ in his diuinitie is the Sonne and heyre of God by nature, and not by participation: in his humanitie by coniunction of kindes, not by influence of grace onely: by grace of vnion, and not of adoption.
Christ is said, when he tooke flesh, to haue descended from Can. 5 the equalitie of the Godhead: not that Christ was then in the Godhead vnequall to the Father; but that his manhood, vnto which the Godhead did knit it selfe, was inferiour to the Father. Secondly also hee is said to haue descended; because Christ (who was before the incarnation the inuisible image of God hidden from all eyes) by assuming flesh appeared manifestly and visibly amongst men.
Christ is called a Lord,Pet. Lomb. 1. sent dist. 30. for his eternall power before all Can. 6 time, but the Lord and God of the world and of his church, after the creation and redemption therof: there is no change or new thing in God; but as the coine of siluer without any change in substance beginneth to bee the price of that is bought: So Christ is Lord of his creatures; not by any change in the Deity, but the newnesse, the change, is in the creature: his humanitie is Lord of all creatures by the personall vnion to the Godhead, and the right of his merit.
As the Godhead is omnipotent: so the manhood is called Can. 7 [Page 510] omnipotent; not as though there were one omnipotencie of the Godhead, another of the manhood; but because the Manhood and the Godhead are one person. For whatsoeuer the Sonne of God by nature can doe, the sonne of Man can doe by the vnion of person, vnto whom all power is giuen; as he saith,Mat. 26.64. Yee shall see the Sonne of Man sitting at the right hand of the power of God.
Can. 8 When we say God the Sonne hath receiued from God the Father, we doe not thereby imply any defect, want, or imperfection, in the diuinitie of the Sonne; the begetting is the imparting. And therefore whose generation is euerlasting and infinite, his perfection is euerlasting and infinite. When Christ saith,Math. 10.23. To sit at my right hand, and at my left, is not mine to giue, but it shall bee giuen vnto them, for whom it is prepared of my Father, Vid. The. lib. 14. cont. gent. cap. 8. Lyrae in hunc locū. he intendeth not, that the Sonne hath not power to distribute the sundry seates and degrees of glory, but that the Disciples in that ambition of theirs were vncapable of such glory: therefore it should bee giuen of his Father to such as were truely humbled and prepared by God thereto through due sanctification. Some vnderstand the words, it is not mine to giue, as an absolute negatiue;Vid. Theoph. in hūc locū verb. ait illis. that none sitteth at the right hand of God, which is the glory of his Maiestie, but the Sonne onely. For vnto which of the Angels said hee at any time, Sit thou at my right hand?
Can. 9 Christs kingdome shall neuer cease nor bee taken away, but it shall endure for euer and euer. The Apostle Paul saith,1. Cor. 15.24. hee shall deliuer vp the Kingdome to God the Father: but this place intendeth not, that Christ shall be without dominion and kingly power. For (as Ambrose Ambrose. well obserueth) the name of God is common to the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost. Hillarius Hillar. excellently teacheth, that the yeelding vp of the Kingdome to God the Father, is not the losse of the Kingdome vnto Christ the Sonne. For Christ himselfe saith;Mat. 28.18. All power is giuen vnto me. As God the Father did neuer vvant, nor was neuer without power, when he gaue it to God the Sonne: So when the Sonne yeeldeth [Page 511] vp all power to the Father, yet he shall still haue all power in himselfe.
Where it is said, that the Sonne himselfe shall be subiect,1. Cor. 15. it is to be vnderstood of the humanitie onely; which though in respect of the vnion to the Godhead, it shall raigne for euer ouer the house of Iacob: yet in that it is a creature, it is subiect to God. The subiection argueth not infirmitie, but sheweth the diuersitie of two natures in Christ, which yet being knit together in one person, he is King of Kings, and Lotd of Lords, and of his Kingdome shall bee none end:Luke 1.33. the Manhood by communication of properties, by the grace of vnion hath dominion; not by reall effusion of the essentiall omnipotence of the Godhead into the Manhood.
The Kingdome of the Sonne is common with the Father Can. 10 and the Holy Ghost: one and the same. Wherefore (as Athanasius well confesseth)Symbol. Athan. though euery person bee God and Lord, wee doe not yet say, there be three Gods, or three Lords.
The forme of a seruant, if it be taken for the substance of Can. 11 the nature, ceaseth not to be in Christ after his resurrection: but the forme of a seruant, as it is taken for misery and affliction which our sins brought him to, is ceased in Christ after his resurrection.
The Kingdome of CHRIST, the naturall Sonne of Can. 12 God, is not communicated to any of the Sonnes by adoption and grace, as though they should sit vpon twelue seates, iudicially and imperiously to conferre the degrees of glory in the heauenly Kingdome: but by sitting on the twelue seates, is vnderstood the fulnesse of glory: and to iudge the Tribes, is to bee witnesses against them in iudgement; as for the kingdome of dominion, God will giue it to none other. The Crowne and Kingdome of the elect, is the glory wherewith Christ their head filleth them: the pure reines of righteousnesse, wherewith he clotheth them: the heauenly Manna of all ioy, vvherewith he euerlastingly feedeth them: the knitting of his whole body and all the members [Page 512] thereof to himselfe, in bonds of eternall and vnspeakeable loue.
Can. 13 Christ though hee bee the high and supreame King of Kings,1. Tim. 6.15. and Lord of Lords, God equall with his Father: yet he can doe nothing contrary to his owne power, will, word, nature, glory, goodnes, truth. He cannot lye, hee cannot be vnrighteous,Tit. 1.2. Heb. 6.18. Deut. 32.4. he cannot dye, hee cannot be vvithout wisedome, goodnes, mercy, power, truth. He is Almightie, yet opposites and contradictories to himselfe are not done by him, neither is this any impotency of his power, but stabilitie of his counsels: it intimateth not defect or weaknesse, but declareth the will and power of God to be one and the same.
Can. 14 To Christs Kingly office it doth singularly belong to forgiue sinnes. Wherefore the power and keyes of the Church are no otherwise committed to any Minister or Vicar of Christ, but according to the prescript rule of the Gospell to pronounce forgiuenes to the penitent, to pronounce iudgement to the obstinate in the name of Iesus Christ: but to dispose of the merits of Christ, to giue, translate and apply them to men by a lordly power and So [...]eraigne imperiositie, is no where giuen to any of his Apostles, hee chalengeth it as Peculiar to himselfe.Ioh. 10.28. I giue vnto them eternall life. Wherefore it is euident, there are three manners of forgiuing of sinnes.Vid. Musc. in locis cō. de remiss. peccat. The first is, to forgiue by power and authoritie. Of this the Iewes witnessed;Luke 5.21. Who can forgiue sinnes but God onely? The second is the ministeriall forgiuenes, which is by preaching forgiuenes according to the words and promises of Christ; whereof he said,Ioh. 20.23. Whosoeuers sinnes yee doe remit, they are remitted vnto them: and whosoeuers sinnes ye doe retaine, they are retained. The third is brotherly forgiuenes of debts and transgressions against vs, so farre as it concerneth our owne right.
Can. 15 Of the fulnesse of the Regalitie of Christ, we must assure our selues that it is absolutely sufficient for the glorifying of all his members fully: of power to beate downe, and to take vengeance of all his enemies. His power is vncreated, [Page 513] vnlimited, incorruptible, infinite, incomprehensible,Symb. Athan. Rom. 1.23. Psal. 145. [...]. vnspeakeable.
To the Regalitie of Christ it doth belong and to none but Can. 16 him, to giue lawes to his church, to raigne in the conscience,Mat. 28.19.20. to appoint subordinate offices in his church, to distribute the gifts of grace and of glory,Act. 10.42. to iudge the quicke and the dead. To him therefore be praise for euer and euer.
To conclude, some things in Christ we must imitate, and Can. 17 some things we must worship. The workes of vertue and holinesse which Christ did; as his Humilitie, Charitie, Almes deeds, Iustice, Patience; all his Morall workes we must follow: but the Authoritie, the Power, the Omnipotencie, the Regalitie of Christ, no man may arrogate vnto himselfe.Esay 42.8. For my glory (saith he) will I giue vnto none other.
CHAP. III. That the Romish Church giueth the power of distributing the degrees of glory, and seates of the eternall Kingdome, vnto Saints.
OF Redemption, Iustification, Sanctification and Illumination that the power is placed in Saints by the Romish church, we haue sufficiently before proued: but lest any angle of Christs preheminence should be vnransackt, or any office remaine inuiolably proper to himselfe, the power of glorifying his elect, which is the most excellent attribute of his supreame Regalitie, is transferred, communicated and ascribed to the Saints. The Romane Breuiarie of Peter saith;
Vnto Andrew the Portuis of Sarum confesseth;
Maximus Episcopus Taurinensis in Aloysius Lypomanus saith,Clauis enim coeli lingua est Pety [...], quia singulorū merita censendo Apostolus vnicui{que} regnum coelorum aut claudit, aut aperit. fol. 290. 1. par. et in gloss. vnicui{que} Apostolus Petrus secūdū merita claudit, aut aperit regnum coelorum. The tongue of Peter is the Key of Heauen, because by [Page 514] reckoning vp euery mans merits the Apostle doth either open, or shut the Kingdome of Heauen to euery one. And this doctrine the marginall note applauding saith; To euery one according to his merite the Apostle Peter doth open and shut the Kingdome of Heauen.
Vnto the Virgin they sing;
Of Martin they say,In orat. quae incipit, Martinus quo [...]jam; apud Chemn. Hee giueth golden garlands powdred with shining starres: but because that which is spoken in the forty third Chapter of the first booke may cleere this point vnto the full, I referre the Christian Reader to the same, and proceed now vnto the next.
CHAP. IIII. That the Saints are made defenders and Gouernours of the Militant Church, and doe distribute the diuersitie of graces vnto the same.
THe truth of Christian Religion teacheth, that IESVS CHRIST doth rule and gouerne his Church, pouring the influence of grace into all the body, as the head is the ruler of the naturall man, and doth direct and order the parts. But Antichrist maketh the Church of Christ a Monster, not hauing a double head like Ianus, nor a triple head like Gerion or Cerberus, but thousands of heads like Hydra. So many Saints, so many heads; euen as of adulterous Israel the Prophet speaketh;Ier. 3.6. Hast thou seene what this rebell Israel hath done? For shee hath gone vp vpon euery high Mountaine, and vnder euery greene tree, and there playd the Harlot.
Bonauenture calleth on the Virgin;Iudica, domina, [...]ecētes me, et cōtra eos exurge, defende, et vindica causam meam. Psal. 34. Iudge (O Lady) them that hurt me, defend and reuenge my cause. Ostende potentiā tuam cōtra inimicos nostros, vt sanctificeris in nationibus. procul, in irae flāmae tu [...] mergantur in infernum, et qui cōturbāt sernos tuos, inueniant perditionem: miserere sernorum tuorū, super quos inuocatū est nomen tuum, et ne sinat august [...]i eos in tentationibus suu. Psal. 69. Shew thy power against our enemies, that thou maist bee sanctified in the Nations farre off, in the anger of thy flame let them bee drowned in Hell, and who afflict thy seruants, let them finde destruction: haue mercy on thy seruants, ouer whom thy name is called, and suffer not them to be pressed downe in their tentations.
In the Breuiarie of Sarum they say,Beatus Nicholaus iam triumph [...] poittus, nouit suis famulus praebere coelestia commodae. Blessed Nicholas now enioying his triumph, knoweth how to yeeld heauenly things to his seruants.
Vnto Saint Cedda; Pie pastor, et pater ouium Mercierum, gregis solatiū, contra mundū, carnem, et Damonium, assit nobis per te remedium. in Fest. Sanc. Cedda. Holy Pastor, and father of the sheepe of Mercia, the comfort of the flocke, against the world, the flesh, and the Diuell, let there be present remedy to vs from thee.
Of the Virgin the Missall of Sarum saith,Terrae tuā sāctificationē habebūt. in Mis. recol. fest. B. Mar. that the earth shall haue her sanctification. Wherefore they pray to her;
Of Saint Rocke they sing;
I will detaine thee no longer (Christian Reader) in an argument so manifest, but will conclude with the Idolatry of the Romane Breuiarie, which doth ascribe to all Confessors and Bishops the praise due vnto the Sonne of God onely;Ro. Bre. in com. Confess. With glory and honour hast thou crowned him, and set him ouer the workes of thy hands. As though now the Confessors had the gouernance, disposition, moderation and rule ouer the house of the faithfull, the flocke which Iesus Christ hath bought vnto himselfe with the bitter effusion of his incomparably holy, and innocent bloud.
CHAP. V. That Saints are made Gods in the Romish Church.
THe high and supreame title of God is after sundry waies attributed. First, substantially; and so the three persons, that is, the Trinity in Vnity is onely capable of this name: Secondly, by Nuncupation, appellation, or abusiue vsurpat [...] so sometime wicked men, and Diuels haue taken vnto [...] [...]he soueraigne title: Thirdly, by way of adoption, and participation of blessednesse; as Saints: Lastly, by participation [Page 516] of authoritie; as Princes, Iudges, Magistrates are entitled Gods. For so we reade in the Psalmist;Psal. 82.6. I haue said, ye are Gods, and ye all are Children of the most highest. WherevponIunil. vid. Cent. 5. cap. 4. Iunilius saith, the Scripture vseth eight names to expresse the diuine Essence: the first, God: the second, the Lord: the third, the Lord God, conioining both names together: the fourth, Adonay: the fift, Sabbaoth: the sixt, Heli: the seuenth. Heloi: the eight, I am. Of these names (saith he) two onely are communicated vnto men, the other sixe are neuer giuen but to God himselfe. By this, I thinke, hee meaneth, that those names of God onely, which impart authoritie and gouernment, are communicable to men: but the names which import the infinitie and omnipotence of God, cannot bee communicated vnto men, vnto Saints, nor Magistrates. For, the Essentiall attributes, the indiuiduall properties of the God of nature, must be singular to himselfe for euer. Wherefore to make the Saints of vnlimited power, euery where present, attending the infinite requests of thousand thousand petitioners, so farre and wide distant and dispersed thorow euery clyme and region of the world: to make the Saints full of all things in themselues, and wanting nothing: to esteeme them to be such as sustaine all things without labour, intend to all things without wearinesse, as fill all things without inclusion, as know all things without searching, as are called vpon by all without oppressing, as search all things without appearing; What is it but to ascribe vnto them the very naturall, essentiall, and singular properties of the great, infinite, incomprehensible and eternall GOD? Wherefore let vs now examine vvhether the Romish Church may bee iustly charged with this impietie, and whether there bee an Apotheosis, or Deification of Saints amongst them.
The first cause, for which wee auouch that the Romish church maketh Gods of her Saints, is the ambition of Titles, the Supremacie of Appellations which they giue vnto them; euen as great as vnto God himselfe.
Agnes is calledRo. Bre. in Agu [...] te Fest. Resp. The most holy Virgin: Euery Confessor [Page 517] Obtentu huius optimi. Ro. Bre. in Iesu Corona celsur. is tearmed by the name of the best Confessor: and of euery Confessor they say;Ro. Bre. in confess. Pontif. Antiph. non est in [...]entus similis ille. The like to him is not to be found.
Now either these superlatiue Titles are giuen them in respect of the fulnesse of absolute excellence in them, and then they are Gods: or in way of comparison with other Saints, and then here appeareth the intolerable hypocrisie and falshood of the Romish church, who flatter euery Saint, and call him the most holy, the most glorious, the best, vvho hath none like vnto him; which they know, if it be true in one of them, it is false in another; For a Superlatiue title is alwaies singular and indiuiduall.
And thus thou seest (Christian Reader) what Sinons, what Gnatoes, what Parasites, what open lyers they are euen in their publique worship. Simple seduced Papist, whosoeuer thou art, so simple thou canst not be, but that thou knowest our worship and adoration must be in truth, not in flatterie:Ioh. 4.24. in veritie, not in adulation: in sinceritie, not in imposture, not in guile, craft, fraude, or lying. O then dwell no longer in Babylon, separate thy selfe from this Adulterous generation.
Of Michael in Simeon Metaphrastes and Aloysius Lyp. Pantaleon the Deacon saith,Michael, omnium suprema, ignem{que} fere [...]s Lampas diuinita [...]. Lyp. part. 1. Michael is the highest of all, and the fire-bearing Lampe of diuinitie.
Vnto Bartholomew they attribute, thatL [...] [...]omb. in Barth. Hee is the blessed of blesseds, thrice blessed, the splendour of the diuine light, the Sunne of the world enlightening all things, the fierie tongue of God.
To Peter they ascribe, thatPetrus suprema et antiquissima Theologorum summitas. Ro. Bre. 4. di [...] infra octau. assump. virg. Hee is the supreame and most ancient height of diuines.
And Leo the Pope saith,Hunc enim in cons [...]rtium indiuidua vnitatis assūp. &c. Peter was assumed into the fellowship of the vndiuided vnitie. This, Bellarmine much commendeth: and the Glosse of the Chapter Fundamenta, commenting thereof, saith,Vid. Bell. de Ro. Pont. l. 1 c. 17. ipse erat Sanc. Pet. iuxta id, Petra erat Christus Christ was Saint Peter; according to the saying, The Rocke was Christ.
The Legend of Lombardie calleth the Apostle Paul, In Leg. Lomb. hist. diui Pauli cap. 85. the Image and similitude of the Deitie.
The Virgin Mary is called theGas Loart. in 4. glori [...]. Myst. holy of holies, more holy and worthy then all.
A Manuell of prayers calleth herThe manuel of Praiers to the blessed mother of God: the praier begins, Haile Mary full of grace. fol. 47. The orient white Lilly of the Trinitie. In the same Manuell shee is called The keeper of Gods priuities in Heauen.
In Aloy. Lyp. She is calledAloy. Lyp. hist. part. 1. pag. 268. the Queene of nature, and the Queene of all humane nature.
She is enstiled alsoEx A [...]d. Archie. Cret. et Sim. Metap. Lady of Lords. Francis Costerus calleth herCost. in epist ded. l. 5. instit. The common Queene and Lady of the world.
The office of the Virgin calleth herO gl [...]riosa domina, excelsa super sydera. Ro. Br. in Mis. v [...]rg. the glorious Queene of the world: the glorious Lady Queene of Heauen, high aboue the Stars, Lady of Angels: Vos secli iusti iudices. And all the Apostles are called the iust iudges of the world.
The Legend of Lombardie calleth Iohn the Baptist, Leg. Lōb. in decol. Io. bap fol. 112. Medius Trinitatis. The middest of the Trinitie.
Let vs now know what can bee more done or said by audacious blasphemy, to introduce the heathenish multiplicity of gods into the world againe. Wherefore no meruaile that they call their Saints diuos & diuas, gods and goddesses; a name whereofEgo nūquā probaui vocē dinu [...] vel diua, cū de Sāctu agitur. ex Lita [...]. Nic. Serar. Iesuita. l. [...]. q. 6. paragr. 3. verb. [...]euerend. Bellarmine himselfe is ashamed, and thinks that it cannot be giuen to any Saint; both because the ancient Latine Fathers neuer vsed it, and for that the Heathens attributed that name onely to their gods. Yet heerein Serarius the Iesuit alloweth not the opinion of Bellarmine; D [...]us nomē Sāctis si rectè intelligitur nō m [...]lè tributtur. ib. ad finem qu [...]st. for he saith it is lawfull to transferre the word diuus from a profane to an holy vse: and he further teacheth, if the name diuus, or god, bee well vnderstood, it may bee attributed to Saints. Wherefore hee confesseth, that many Catholiques haue called the virgin, goddesse; and the Saints, deos tutelares, defensiue gods, either for the verse sake, or for to obserue the purity of the latine tongue. No meruaile then if Papists so commonly, and amongst them,Paulus Iouius in hist. sui tēp. l. 2 [...]. & in vita Leonis 10. et [...]. 27. in orat. C [...]po [...] et passim. Paulus Iouius speaking of Saints, vse the phrase, dij immortales, immortal gods: And Puteolanus in his epistle to Iacobus Antiquarius before Cornelius Tacitus vseth the same: and Iacobus de Bruxellis in his preface in secundam secundae Thomae Aquinat. saith, the 2. of Thomas Aquinas In deorū car [...] rij [...] opu [...] consumit. is spent in discoursing on the ceremonies of the gods. To these let mee adde the Missall, which calleth the virgin, goddesse;Diuae mis [...]u [...] ita reddit effa [...]a. Bre. Sar. in hym. hac clara die turma. Miss. qu [...]t d [...]a bea. vir. Thus to the goddesse he speaks: [Page 519] and the Iesuit Costerus saith,In quibus deipara virgo vim numēqua suū multis miraculis magno gētis illius cōmodo et vtilitate declarauit. Cost. in ep. d [...]d. edit. 5. l. iust. The virgine shewed her diuine power by many miracles.
I know the Name of God is in some sort communicated to Saints, but it must be warily done; for it is in respect only of the participation of the ioyes and felicity of God. But thereupon to inuocate them as gods: to adore and honour them as gods, or communicating the name, to communicate also the infinite power, the incomprehensible wisdome, the mercy, the praise of God vnto them, is intolerable idolatry. Whereof let vs now intreat.
The second proofe which conuinceth that the Romish Church maketh gods of her Saints, is the attributing the omnipotent power, which is onely essentiall and proper vnto God, to the Saints. Infinite are the examples of this kinde.
Of Thomas Becket they say;Thomae cedūt & parēt omnia; pestes, morbi, mores, dae m [...] nia, ignu, [...]er, tellus et Maria, port. Sar. in Th. Cant. Resp. [...] All things bow and obey to Thomas; plagues, sickenesse, manners, diuells, fire, aire, earth & the seas.
Of the virgin they say;Nihil tua resistit potētia: nihil repugnat tuis viribus: omnia cedūt tu [...] inffui: [...]mnia tu [...] obediūt imperio: omnia tuae potestati s [...]ruiūt. in Aloy Lyp. part. 1. fol. 230. Nothing resisteth thy power: nothing can stand against thy strength: all things yield to thy commandement: all things serue thy power. Wherefore shee is called also in plaine tearmes domina omnipotens, the omnipotent lady. For concerning the omnipotency of her power Biel saith;Gabr. Biel. super [...]an. Miss. ex Mart. Chem. God hath giuen to the virgin the one halfe of his kingdome: and that (saith hee) was typified, when Ahasuerus promised the one halfe of his kingdome to the Queene Hester.
Wilt thou heare yet farther (Christian Reader) of this blasphemy, at which euery eare should tingle, and euery heart rend in peeces? they not onely lift vp the virgin to the equality of the Godhead, but aboue Christ, aboue the Lord, aboue all that is called God. The Compendium of the Theologicall verity saith;Filius specialiter obsequatur n [...]tri. Cō. Theol l. 4 c. 23. The Sonne doth specially obey the Mother. And for this cause it is, that they so often call vpon her, Monstra te esse Matrem, shew thy selfe to bee the Mother. And the Missall saith;Bre. Sar. in Au [...] maris stella. Heare vs, for thy Sonne heareth thee, denying nothing vnto thee. Discipulus de Tempore saith, that Mary is most powerfull, becauseHabet potestatē super filiū suū Iesū Christū propter materna authoritatis imp [...]riū. ser. de Sāc. 34. in verba sapientia ad [...]ficauit. she hath power ouer her Sonne [Page 520] Iesus Christ himselfe by the command of Motherly authority: and that vpon a time, when the virgin kneeled before him to pray for a sinner, Christ tooke her vp, and said: It is ordained by the diuine law, that the Son should honour the Mother.
The same authour to proue this more fully saith;Ipsa enim habet ad [...]uandi posse, quia est Mater omnipotentiae. Vnde Bernardus; data est tibi omnis potesta [...] in coelo & terra, & omnia quaecunque volueru valeas impetrare. ser. 161. She hath the power of helping, for shee is Mother of omnipotency; according to that of Bernard; To thee is giuen all power in heauen and in earth, and all things thou wilt thou maiest obtaine.
Since the Sonne of God himselfe is subiect to the virgine, I maruaile the lesse that omnipotent power is giuen to the rest of the Saints. For vnto Saint Rocke they say;Qui pote [...]s es, deificè, à cunctis pestem pe [...]tere. in horis impr. per. Iac. Kerner an. 1570. vvhich art able, vvorking like GOD, to driue away the plague from euery one.
And of Cyprian; Omnia potest Cyprianus, & puluis cum fide. Aloy. Lyp. part. 2. fol. 56. Cyprian being now dust can do all things to those that come with faith.
Of Cosmus and Damianus another saith;Omnibus facti estis omnia ad Dei imitationem: sustentatis quidem eos qui c [...]el [...]t: erigti [...] eos qui sunt confracti. ibid. in Cos. & Damian [...]. pag. 146. edit. Verhessals. Yee are made all things to all men after the manner of God: yee sustaine them that fall: ye raise vp them that are broken.
To this let me adde that which Bonauenture writeth of the virgin;Psal. 118. By thy disposition the world doth continue, which thou together with God didst found in the beginning,
And to this the Missall giueth aide, who applieth to the virgin that of Ecclus. 24.Ro. Bre. in Miss. Beat. Mar. Virg. in ipso initi [...]. He created mee from the beginning, and before the world, and I shall neuer faile.
My third reason is the identity and vnion of will, which the Romanists say is betwixt the Saints and God. I knowe that in the kingdome of glory all his Saints shall bee so knit vnto him, that Gods will shall be their will: they shall seeke nothing, intend nothing, desire nothing but Gods will to be done. Yet heerehence wee must not inferre, that the will of the Saints, or of any of them, is a law vnto Gods will, or the rule of Gods will, or that there is any disposition of things in heauen or earth caused by the will of Saints. For when such identity of will is said to be in God and Saints, it is to make Saints gods, as one saith of the virgin;In C [...]tie. proph. & apud Che [...]ie. qu [...]m vis ipsa. s [...]l [...] erit: à quo auert [...] vultum, perib [...]. Whom thou wilt, shall be saued: from whom thou turnest thy face, he goes into destruction.
Bonauenture saith also of the virgin;Psal. 99 From whom thou turnest thy face, there is no hope for him. The like blasphemy is in the Missall;Cū nato omnia decernes Mis. Sar. in hym. alle [...] [...]lest. Thou with thy Sonne shalt decree all things. Wherefore the whole office and dignity of the holy Ghost is also translated vnto the virgin in this vnion of her vnto the Son of God.
By Iuxta filiū pos [...] sodes de [...]ita; virtus, lā [...]a [...], et soph. [...]. ibid. thy Son placed thou sittest on the right hand; the vertue, the lampe, the wisdome.
Francis Costerus saith;Nihil enim rex coeli nisi de volūtate [...]enetricis sua r [...] gina mūdi nebes [...]ū agit. instit. l. 5. in expos. Au [...] Mar. The king of heauen doth nothing with vs but according to the will of his Mother the Queene of Heauen. Nay, he shameth not to say, thatCaeterae virgineti [...] coelis sequūtur agnū: tibi autē adest agnus ille sil [...] tuu [...], nihil alienum sactēs a tuae volūtate. ib. in verb. dominus [...]ecū. the other virgins in heauen follow the Lambe whither soeuer he goeth: but vnto thee the Lamb is alwaies present, doing nothing against thy will.
My fourth reason is, because they make the Saints infinite, incomprehensible, aboue nature, who cannot be sufficiently praised. One saith of the virgin;Alti [...]r [...] coelo, terra latior, stellis purior est hec dominae: ex Chem. This Lady is higher then the heauens, broader then the earth, purer then the starres. The Missall saith;Laus sūma non habēs terminū hym. prolequ [...]ū altū. The virgin is the highest praise, not hauing end. Bonauenture saith;Clemētia illius nullam habebit. finē. Ps. 146. Great is her power, and her grace: her mercy hath no end.
Boniface the Pope gaue an hundred daies of pardon to him that saith the praier, in which to the virgin it is said; Aue abyssalis fons omnis gratiae & misericordiae; All haile bottomlesse fountaine of all grace and mercy.
Anselme saith;Omnia tibi sicum possibili. esse il [...]nauit. Ansel apud B [...]l. l. 1 de Sāc. b [...]. c. 19 Hee hath giuen to thee, that all things are vnto thee possible with himselfe. Wherefore in her owne Letany the virgin is enstiled Queene of the powers of Heauen. And in the Letany in Canisius Manuell; In litan. Ma. virg. quae incipit kiriel [...]s Queene of Angels, queene of Patriarchs, queene of Prophets, queene of Apostles, queene of Martyrs, queene of Virgins, queene of Saints.
And againe;Port. Sar in s [...]rube [...] virg. lec. 2. opere prenū. Tāta est, vt quāta sit, nō possit enarrari. si omnia nostra mēbra verterētur in lingua [...], eā laudaret suffic [...] ret nullus. She is so great, shee cannot bee expressed. If Ibid. all our members were turned into tongues, none can sufficiently praise her.
What should I longer stay on this point, since it is giuen to euery virgin Martyr? of whō the Missall saith;Quis enim possit eā human [...] ingeni [...] comprehendere, quā nec natura s [...] inclusit legibus? Miss. Sar. in Com▪ v [...]ius virg. & Mart. lect. 2. Quis enim. Who can by mans wit comprehend her, whō nature hath not included in her laws.
The Romish Missall saith of the virgin;In octau. nat. lect. te adiutrice. Who can declare thy praises? Now, if the Saints bee infinite, vnspeakeable, such as mans wit cannot comprehend, it must needs be, that they are gods.
The fift reason is, for that they giue the same degrees of honour to the Saints, as vnto God himselfe. Of the virgin Mary they say;Ex Chem. in orat. Tibi omnes Chor [...]. Thou with thy Sonne sittest in the glory of the father. So in the Houres of the Lady according to the vse of Sarum; Sācta et indiuiduae Trinitati, Iesu Christi crucifixe▪ humanitati, gloriosa Mari [...] vngini, sit sempiterna gloria ab omni creatura per infinita saeculorum saecula amen. in horis beat. Mar. virg. in vsum insig eccles. Sir. impr. cū. priuel. per Io Wayland. an. Dom. 1557. To the holy and vndiuided Trinity, to the humanity of Christ crucified, to the glorious virgin Mary, be euerlasting glory from euery creature in infinite age of ages, or for euer and euer. And againe,Benedictū sit nomē Domini nostri Iesu Christi, et gloriosae Maria virg. Matris eius in auū et vltra. Blessed be the name of our Lord Iesus Christ, and of his glorious Mother Mary, for euer and beyond all eternity.
The Roman Breuiary saith;Ro. Bre. in assūp. vir. lec. dignā plan [...]. Who can estimate the gems, or name the starres, of which the princely diademe of Mary is compacted?
Blessed Lord, for thy deare Sonnes sake, who died for his Church, and sitteth at thy right hand to make intercession for the same, giue them new hearts, and poure thy grace into them, that they may bee ashamed of their errours, and seeke thy face in truth and righteousnesse: that they may knowe, that thou onely art the Lord: thou only art God, the father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost. Amen.
THea Virgin our Lady and Goddesse. | 1 | THou shalt haue none other Gods in my presence. Deut. 5.7. |
Thoub art the Queene of Heauen. | 2 | Heare, O Israel, the Lord our God is Lord onely. Deut. 6.4. |
Thec Virgin is Gods most faithfull fellow. | 3 | See now how that I am God, and there is none but I. I kill, and will make aliue, I wound and will heale. Deut. 32.39. |
Thed Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen is the tongue of Peter; who reckoning vp euery mans workes doth either open or shut it to euery one. | 4 | God shall iudge the secrets of men according to my Gospell by Iesus Christ. Rom. 2.16. |
Whoe doth not know that the Mother of the King is Queene of the vniuersall world? | 5 | I am the Lord, and this is my name, and my glory will I giue to none other. Esay 42.8. |
Gerin. Episcopas Constant. Aloy Lyp. p. 1. fol. 230. things obey Maries power. |
6 | All power is giuen vnto mee in Heauen and in Earth. Math. 28.18. |
Cum [...]at [...] omnia decernis. Miss. Sar. in Nat. virg. Alle c [...]leste. with thy Sonne decreest all things. |
7 | The Father hath committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne. Ioh. 5.22. |
To Peter. InR [...]. Bre. in Hym. quod cun{que} vincu [...]. the end of the world thou shalt be Iudge thereof. |
8 | He (meaning God) hath appointed a day in which hee will iudge the world by that man whom he hath appointed. Acts 17.31. |
Thomas mundum repleuit gloria: mūd [...]s Thoma praestet obsequia. Bre. Sar. world Thomas hath filled with glory: let the world to Thomas yeeld obedience. |
9 | Thine is the Kingdome and the power and the glory for euer, Amen. Math. 6.13. |
Ro. Miss. orat. in Sancta Ag [...]a sicund [...]. worship Saint Agnes by duty. |
10 | Bee not yee the seruants of men. 1. Cor. 7.23. |
CHAP. VI. That the Bishop of Rome maketh himselfe the sole Monarch, and supreame Magistrate ouer the Church of Christ, without calling, warrant, or any authoritie from Christ.
THeEcclus 10.13. beginning of mans pride (saith Siracides) is, to fall from God, and to turne away his heart from his Maker. Wee neede then to seeke no further, from what fountaine this Luciferian elation of the Romish Prelate proceedeth, since the Wise man telleth vs, that Apostasie from God and from our Maker is the spring and beginning of all ambition. Let vs first consider, what kinde of Primacy it is the Romish 1 Bishop arrogateth to himselfe.
Secondly, what reasons the Church of God hath, vvhy 2 they deny such principalitie and soueraigntie as the Romish Prelate doth chalenge.
Thirdly, let vs shew the vanity of the Sophisticall arguments, 3 whereby they would perswade the world to submit it selfe vnto the power of their vsurper.
Lastly, what perdition this Romish Primacie bringeth to 4 the Church, and how iniurious it is to the kingdome of Iesus Christ.
TheEx Iac. Herbrād in disp. de Primat. Ro. Vid [...]llar. lib. 5. c. 4. de Pontif. Ro. supremacie of the Pope they make two-fold; one ordinarie and direct, which he hath only in spirituall things: the other indirect and Casuall, which he hath ouer temporall matters, as they must bee ordered towards the attaining of things spirituall; Euen as an Horse-rider and a Sadler are two sundry professions, for they haue sundry actions, and sundry subiects: yet because the end of the one is subordained to the end of the other;Excellent diuinitie. the Horse-rider is the Sadlers commander, and doth prescribe rules vnto him: Or, since this similitudeEx Bell. ibid c. 6, is not altogether current by their owne confession,Ex Bell. ibid. as the spirit is the ruler of the flesh, so the Pope is ouer all temporall Kingdomes and Dominions the chiefe spirituall Prince.
HisIo. Andr. authoritie is greater (they say) then that of Moses, [Page 526] and of all the Saints,Sigism. Leofridus apud Iac. H [...]br. and God ratifyeth all that hee decreeth.
To appeale from his iudgement to any Synode or generall Councell, it is not lawfull. For all such assemblies haue authoritie from the Pope, to whom God hath subiected all lawes.
TheSymachus. seate of Saint Peter hath such power, that it makes all them holy that are thereto elected duely. Wherefore the Popes direction is such, to which men may safely subiect themselues; for he cannot erre. Though hee walke not after the manners and conuersation of Peter, Concil Constan. cōt. Io, Hus ex Iac. Hereb. de prim. Ro. dist. 40. si Papa in texin. yet hee is his true successor, and a Bishop. Though he neither be mindfull of his owne saluation, nor of the saluation of his brethren, so that hee daily by his example carrieth innumerable soules to hell and to destruction, yet no man may say vnto him, Why doest thou thus? This is the vnlimited and vnbridled soueraigntie of the Romish Nebuchadnezzar which he exerciseth; the landsIob 40. Iob 41. Ibid. ver. vlt. Behemoth, and the seas Leuiathan, Tyrant both of the Church and common-wealth, King ouer all the children of pride.
Arguments and reasons against his vsurpation are plentifull euery where. I will onely take a few out of many, from the whole Forrest a branch, or from the full Sea a drop.
We dispute not now whether there ought to bee degrees of honour and superioritie in the orders of the Church. For we know, and doe confesse, that the Church is a politique body, which hath both head and feete, memb [...]rs of greater and of lesser dignitie, both of vse and of honour: the church may not be orderlesse, it must haue gouernours and degrees. Neither doe we striue concerning words or appellations, so that they agree with the truth of Scripture: although the title Pope, be not found in the holy Canon, yet if the office be there, let them take what name they will.
Wee contend not, whether the Pope ought by his owne Dioces to be obeyed in spirituall things, so long as he teacheth true doctrine, and doth administer the Sacraments sincerely, and according to the institution thereof. But the [Page 527] question is, whether that fulnesse of power, which his Canonists giue vnto him ouer the whole church of God, be agreeable to the Scriptures, and ordained in the Testament of Iesus Christ. Secondly, if hee haue such authoritie in Scriptures, whether he haue any authoritie ouer Scriptures, to teach and command that which is in the word forbidden: And whether in such things the church is bound to follow their blinde leader, euen into the Pit.
Amongst the Reasons against the Supremacie of the Romish Ratio 1 Bishop, it may worthily bee esteemed as the principall, that a matter of such weight, which euery one is bound to beleeue that will be saued, hath no ground, no proofe, no authoritie in the Scripture; Neither by plaine words, as all the Articles of the faith in the common Creed contained: nor by necessitie of consequence, as the word Trinitie, the Baptisme of Infants, the word Sacrament, and such like. Would God (thinke you) haue hidden from his Church a matter so important, of so high nature? VVhich whoso knoweth not, beleeueth not, is out of the faith, out of the church, and must needs perish with perdition euerlasting.Ioh. 15.15. Our God is no such, he hath reuealed all his counsels concerning our Saluation by his Sonne Iesus Christ. How should he in this one point conceale himselfe from vs? Christ indeedEphes. 4.11. gaue Apostles, Prophets, Euangelists, Pastors and teachers, for the gathering together of the Saints: for the worke of the Ministerie; but Pope he gaue none, vniuersall Bishop he gaue none. VVherefore such orders as Christ and his Apostles left vnto the church, such wee retaine in the church, other wee know not, we receiue not.
The second proofe. Iesus Christ in his last Will and Testament Ratio 2 the holy Gospell of truth, hath not onely not giuen, but denied all such supremacie to his Disciples;Mat. 20.26. Whosoeuer will be chiefe among you, let him be your seruant. Which words take not from the Apostles the degree and dignity Apostolicall, but from any one superioritie ouer all the rest. For so he saith; He that will be great among you, that is, hee that will dominiere and rule ouer his brethren, making himselfe the [Page 526] [...] [Page 527] [...] [Page 528] Apostle of Apostles, and the Bishop of Bishops, let him bee your seruant. Yea, herein our Sauiour plainely testifyeth, that the gouernment of the Church is altogether diuers from the Ciuill and Politicall gouernment.Mat. 10 42, 43. For in the common wealth they that be great among them, exercise authoritie ouer them, but it shall not be so among you. No mans greatnes, no mans gifts, must make him the Lord of the flock, the Prince of Priests, the Monarch ouer the house of God. The words doe not onely forbid ambition, but they ordaine equalitie among the Apostles. For Luke saith;Luk. 22.24.26 There arose a strife among them, which should bee the greatest. This strife Christ doth moderate and decide; Kings of the earth reigne ouer them, but yee shall not be so. In which words hee maketh, first, all his Apostles and their successors subiect to Princes: and secondly, themselues equall among themselues.
Ratio 3 Thirdly, it is very vncertaine, neither can it be well and vndoubtedly proued, that Peter the Apostle vvas euer at Rome: as for the time how long he sate there, themselues are doubtfull. Genebrard saith,Geneb secul [...]. l. 3. verb. Martyr Petr. He sate foure & twenty yeeres, fiue monethes and twelue daies. Bellarmine saith,Bell. de Ro Pontif. l. 2. c. 6. verbo non tamen. Luke being at Rome speakes not of Peters being there. He sate fiue and twenty yeeres.
For the first point, the Acts of the Apostles speaketh much of the labours, preaching, miracles, imprisonment of Peter, and of his being at Ioppa, at Cesarea, at Ierusalem, and Samaria: but of his being at Rome no word speakes Saint Luke, who yet was there himselfe.
From Rome the Apostle Paul writeth sundry Epistles, wherein he rehearseth his fellow prisoners, and his fellow labourers in the Gospell. Had Peter beene there, would he haue neglected such and so great an Apostle? To the Colossians he reciteth a few also, and saith,Col. 4.10.11. that they onely were his worke-fellowes vnto the Kingdome of God: all the rest belike did forsake him, or else were not there. Now it is more charitie (the matter being doubtfull) to thinke that Peter was not at Rome, then that he assisted not the Apostle Paul. Nay, vnto Timothy he sheweth, that of the chief labourers som [Page 529] forsooke him, as1. Tim. 4.10, 11. Demas: some went into other countreys to preach, as Crescens to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia, so that Luke onely was with him. If Luke onely were with him, Peter was not with him. But if at the time of writing the Epistle, Peter (as Bellarmine feigneth) were gone from Rome to Ierusalem, why doth not Paul mention his departure, as well as the departure of others? Hereto may be added, that the Apostle Paul writingRom. 16. per totum. from Corinth to Rome, saluted many priuate and common persons that had receiued the faith: But Peter the Prince of all the Church hee saluteth not. HeActs vlt. disputeth also before the Iewes, as soone as hee came to Rome, concerning Iesus Christ, & saluation through him: But of any preceding trauailes of Saint Peter at Rome, or any foundation of a Church there by him begun, Paul doth not make any mention.
Fourthly, the Apostle Paul witnesseth, thatGal. 1.9. the charge Ratio 4 of preaching the Gospell to the Gentiles, was by agreement committed to himselfe and Barnabas: but vnto the Iewes Peter, Iames and Iohn did preach. Wherefore he saith,Ibid. ver. 7. The Gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me, as the Gospell ouer the circumcision was vnto Peter. By this it seemeth, that Peter and the other Apostles laboured chiefely among the Iewes, and Paul among the Gentiles. And if Peter had any speciall charge, he had it doubtlesse ouer the Iewes.1. Pet. 1.1. Therfore to the dispersed Iewes throughout Pontus, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia, and Bithinia, he sendeth his Epistle.
Betwixt BishopsVid. Act. 11.12 & cap. 15.16 & 9.6. & 18.9. Gal. 2.2 and Apostles this was a speciall difference, that Bishops, as Timothy, Titus, and such other, were bound to residence in their charges, from which they vvent not but at the calling of the Apostle, whom they followed. But the Apostles were not bound to any certaine place; they went whither the spirit sent them, and there they laboured. Wherefore the Apostle Paul saith,2. Cor. 11.28. that hee had the care of all the Churches. It followes then: if Peter were a Bishop, he lost the office of an Apostle, which is most absurd to imagine.
A fift reason against Peters being at Rome, ariseth from the Ratio 5 [Page 530] vncertaintie of the authors touching his thither comming. Orosius saith, he came in the beginning of the Emperour Claudius daies.Hieron. in [...]at. script. eccles. Hierome saith, in the 2. of Claudius. Fasciculus Temporum, in the 4. Marianus Scotus with passionale de vitis Sanctorum saith, he came in the 13. yeare of Claudius.
To salue this sore, Bellarmine saith, The Scriptures witnes the death of Christ: yet the Fathers differ concerning the age of Christ, and the time of his suffering. I reply to Bellarmine; We beleeue that Christ suffred, because the Scriptures, the very Oracles of God, doe teach the same, neither doth mans scrupulosity detract from Gods verity. But of Peters being at Rome men only are the witnesses; who, if they agree not with themselues, we may well condemn them, as Daniel did the Elders which accused Susanna.
Bellarmine Bell. d [...] Ro. Pōt. l. 2 c. 6. verb. nō t [...]men. taketh vpon him peremptorily to define, that Peter sate at Rome fiue and twenty yeares. But Eusebius Circa finē vita Roma cōstitutus, capite demiss [...] cruci est affixus. eccle. hist. l. 3. c. 1 saith, that placed at Rome in the end of his daies, hee was crucified with his head downeward. Whom shal we beleeue? for if he were placed at Rome in the end of his daies, how did he sit fiue and twenty yeares?
Ratio 6 They agree not touching the successour of Peter. Some say it was Clement: some Linus: and then Cletus with Anacletus. Such a sure foundation hath this prime article of their faith.
Neither let it moue any man, that theHier. cōt. Vigilāt. sepulchre of Peter is shewed at Rome. So are the sepulchres of Andrew the Apostle and Iohn the Baptist to be seene at Constantinople, where they themselues neuer were. Many of the Romish Church affirme, that the bodies of Peter and Paul were cast into a pit in the City called Centum Cellae. Therefore it should seem racher, that he liued there, then at Rome.
Durandus confesseth, that it is vncertaine,Durād. l. 7. Enchirid. c. 15. whether the bones and the bodies which are seene at Rome, are the Apostles or no.Vid. Lāb. Dan [...]̄ ad 3. cont. c. 3 And in the life of Cornelius the Pope it is recorded, that those bones were from another place brought to Rome. The Roman Breuiarie out of Maximus saith,Sexta die insr. [...]ctau. apost. Pet. & Paul. [...]ect. 4 Peter and Paul suffered in one day at one place: but Gregory the [Page 531] great faith, they died in sundry daies. And their owne fabulous Abdias saith,Abd. apud. Aloy. Lyp. Metap. ex Euseb. Pamph. Paul suffered two yeares after the death of Peter in the third Cal. Iuly. Metaphrastes saith, Paul laboured in preaching of the Gospell fiue and thirty yeares. Then he could not dy the same time with Peter, who began to preach one yeare after Peter, for Peter himselfe preached but thirty fiue yeares.
Howsoeuer it be, and whether Peter were at Rome or not, Ratio 7 the Apostle Paul witnesseth, that at Antioch Gal. 2.11. he resisted Peter to the face. Which sheweth, that Paul did not esteeme of Peter as his superiour, or as his gouernor which could not erre, and whose voice he was bound to obey, being the Vicar of Christ on earth. Wherefore oftentimes also doth the Apostle1 Cor. 1.12. & 3.22. & 9.1. 2 Co. 11.22.23 Paul make himselfe equall to Peter, and compareth with him.
The Apostle Peter neuer exercised such authority as the Romish Prelat now vsurpeth. He neither called, nor moderated Ratio 8 Councell: hee gaue not his Robe vnto Bishops for a Pall: he granted neither pardon, nor dispensation: hee had neither Crowne nor Miter, Cope nor Crosier: hee sealed not with Buls of lead: hee confirmed not Bishops. Paul biddeth not Timothy, or Titus, to send the Bishops they ordered to be consecrated, or allowed by Peter. No, hee cited not other bishops to appeare before him: he did neither suspend, nor degrade, neither made Decretalls, nor Decrees, Extrauagants, nor Papall Constitutions: hee knew not the Maranna, nor heard of cases reserued: he neuer dreamed of Auditour nor Chancelour, Cardinall nor Inquisitour, Notary nor Protonotary. No man kissed his feet: no man did him fealty, nor sware to him Canonicall obedience: he was without lands or Segniories, and acknowledgeth himselfe1 Pet. vlt. 1 Combresbiter, a fellow elder.
The supremacy neither of order, nor of power was giuen Ratio 9 vnto Peter. In the first Christian Councell at Ierusalem diuers spake and disputed before him, and Iames last concluded after all the rest.
The office of an Apostle or a Bishop is not hereditary, but [Page 532] personall. Wherefore, if Peter had this supremacy, who gaue it to the Bishop of Rome that followed him, with what words did our Sauiour consecrate them to this high Priesthood? It was wittily answered by Thomas Aquinas to the Pope bringing him into his treasure-house, and boasting of his heapes of money,Ex Iac. Her [...]rād. in disp de prim. Ro. Pont. Behould Thomas (saith he) I cannot say as Peter did; Gold and siluer haue I none. No Sir (saith Aquinas) neither can you say to the lame, Arise and walke. God neuer promised that the spirit of Peter, the power of his working, his zeale, his holinesse, should rest on the Romish Bishops. Degenerate wretches will they haue his honours, whose vertues they haue not?
Ob.Let vs in a word speake of the arguments they bring for their Papall supremacy. The first of which is taken out of Mathew; Mat. 16.18.19. Thou art Peter, and vpon this rocke will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it: and I will giue vnto thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen, and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde in earth, shall be bound in heauen, and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose in earth, shall be loosed in heauen.
Sol.I answer; Glossa super cap. Considerandum, and Abbas super cap. Significasti are cleare, that in this place the keyes are not giuen, but promised to Peter. But the truth is, they were not herein promised alone to him, but to him and the other Apostles. The confession which Peter made, was the confession of all the Apostles. For he demandeth;Mat. 16.15 Whom say ye that I am? Peter in the name of the rest answered; Thou art Christ the Son of the liuing God. And this confession of Peter was that rock wheron Christ promised to build his Church. And that this interpretation agreeth with his intent, our Sauiour himselfe maketh it euident in Mathew, where he giues to all the Apostles, what he gaue to Peter; Mat. 18.18. Whatsoeuer yee binde on earth, shall bee bound in heauen, and whatsoeuer yee loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen. So in the twentith of Iohn Io. 20.22. & 23. he breathed alike on them all: he gaue the holy Ghost alike to all: the same gift, the same commission, the same authority; Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit, they are remitted vnto them: and whosoeuers sinnes ye retaine, they are retained.
The like you haue also in the last of Marke; where the efficacy of power is giuen to all the Apostles generally. Wherfore, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Apostle Paul commāding themHeb. 13.7 to remember those that had the ouersight of thē, shews therby, that the gouernment of the Church vvas Aristocraticall, and not Monarchicall: the gouernment of many, not of one. To this let me adde, that the words,Mat. 16.19 To thee will I giue the keies of the kingdome of heauen, were spoken long before the decision of the question ofMat. 20 Mar. 10 Luke 22 superiority. The Apostles therefore would neuer haue made question which should be the greatest, if Christ had before giuen that regality to Peter. Nay, Christ would not haue said, It shall not be so among you: he would rather haue replied; I haue giuen you a Maister, him you shall obey. But admit in these words Peter were instituted head of the Church; what is that to the Pope? how can he hence deriue a title to himselfe, who hath nothing of Peter in him, but that hee denied his Maister.
ChristObiectio ex I [...]. 21 15, 16. 17. three times demandeth of Peter, whether hee loued him, and commandeth him to feed his sheep: but this commandement was giuen onely to Peter, and by his sheep is meant the whole Church: therefore Peter is head of the Church.
When Peter by denying Christ was fallen from the Apostolicall dignity, our Sauiour heere receiueth him to mercy:Sol. and to giue him comfort & assurance that he was no reprobate, hauing declared towards him sundry tokens of loue, in these words he restoreth him to the office of Apostleship. Secondly, I answer; If by these words the primacy of the whole Church were giuen vnto Peter, why did he afterward become Bishop of a particular ChurchRo. Br. in cathed. Sāc. Pet. sic et Hier. tes [...]atur in vit. Pet. apud Aloy. Lyp. part. 1. pag. 320. at Antioch? why did he not begin his Prelacy at Rome, if there were the place, where the head of the Church was to reside?
Thirdly, that Christ three times asked Peter, whether hee loued him, and three times bade him feed his sheepe, it was done, that vnto Peters three-folde deniall his three-fold confession should be answerable; and thereupon him he restored [Page 534] to the office of an Apostle by a commission thrice repeated, that hee might bee perfectly certified of forgiuenesse.
The word Feed doth not signifie any Primacy of gouernment, but power of teaching; to which though the gouernment of them we teach be annexed, yet there is no lordly or imperious soueraignty ouer the flocke of Christ. But by the word Feed, the Scripture commonly vnderstandeth the preaching of the word, and instruction of doctrine; as yee haue2 Cor. 1.24 in the second epistle to the Corinths. So Peter himselfe wisheth1 Pet. 5.2.3 the Elders to feed the flocke. But lest that by feeding they should thinke he meant domineering, and lording, he addeth; Not as though ye were lords ouer Gods heritage. Lastly, if by the word Feeding be vnderstood supremacy of rule, then the Apostle Peter in the alleaged text maketh all Elders supreme Primates; for to all Elders he commandeth; Feed the flocke.
Bellarmine laboureth to proue the supremacy of Peter by eight and twenty prerogatiues, which Peter aboue all other Apostles had. But a thousand such will not serue to place the Pope, his Capitoline Ioue, in the seat of supremacy; such is his ignorance of the question, the non-consequence of his arguments. I will onely reply to the Prerogatiues which he taketh out of the Scripture, since the Scripture onely is the foundation of our religion.
Prerog. 1 The first Prerogatiue of Peter is the changing of his name. Simon by the Lord is called Peter; therefore he is head of the Church.
Resp.Bardicuculated Frier, where was thy vnderstanding? where thy sense in the spinning of such a ridiculous webbe? asyllogisticall vnconcluding mockery. Doth not Marke shewe, that Christ changed the names of Iames and Iohn aswell as of Peter, Mar. 3.17. and called them Boanarges, sonnes of thunder, and that at the same time, and in the same manner? For so it is written, he named Simon, Peter: and Iames and Iohn he called Boanarges. What hath Peter heere more then Iames and Iohn?
Prerog. 2 Peter in the rehearsing of the Catalogue of the Apostles [Page 535] is named first; Ergo Peter is head of the Church.Mar. 3. And Marke insisteth in the word, The first Simon; Ergo, Peter is the head of the Church.
There is no child so ignorant,Resp. if he haue but once read the rules of Logick, who knoweth not the fallacie of this argument, which doth conclude à non causa from no enforcing Antecedent. One must of necessitie be numbred first, all cannot be together. In the first of Exodus, Ruben, Simeon, Leui, Exod. 1.2. Gen. 49.8. are reckoned before Iudas. Yet in 49. of Genesis the excellencie ouer all his brethren is giuen vnto Iudas. The Apostle Paul Gal. 2.9. nameth Iames before Peter: and in another place he putteth1. Cor. 1.12. himselfe and Apollos before Peter; Nay, in the first Epistle to the Corinthians hee is bold to place Peter after1. Cor. 9.5. all the Apostles. To conclude, lest Iesuits should thinke wee swallow this equiuocation, and feele it not, Let them know, that there is precedence of order, or of number, and there is precedence of dignity. If Peter be first in number, it followeth not therefore, he was first and aboue all in power and in gouernement. To this may bee added, that Peter is sometimes namedEx W. Fulke in Marc. 16. nota. Marg. 1. for his very infirmitie; as in the sixteenth of Marke, lest after his deniall hee should haue despaired.
The third Prerogatiue; Peter walkt on the Sea, which no Prerog. 3 other Apostle did; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.
This was Peters temeritie, not his vertue,Resp. who did striue to walke on the Sea like Christ, and had perished in the weaknesse of his faith, if Christ had not sustained him: this is no proofe of his supremacie.
The fourth Prerogatiue is, that hee confessed CHRIST Prerog. 4. & 5. to be the Sonne of GOD.
The fift, that the gates of hell shall not preuaile against his faith herein; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.
These gifts of God were common vnto Peter with all the rest of the Apostles: the question was proposed to them all;Resp. Whom doe you say that I am? Peter in the name of the rest confessed; thou art Christ the Sonne of the euerliuing God: the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile against this faith: but this is [Page 536] nothing to Peters supremacie.
Prerog. 6 Christ paid tribute for himselfe and Peter; therefore Peter is head of the Church.
Resp.The paiment of Tribute is not a signe of Primacie,Rom. 13.7. but of subiection. Christ himselfe extorteth confession hereof out of Peters owne mouth, Mathew 17.25. And he sheweth the cause (why hee payed his Tribute for himselfe and Peter, to be) not that he therby made him head of the church, butIbid. ver. 27. least Caesars officers should take offence against them.
Againe, by this example he taught Peter and all his successors to bee subiect to ciuill Magistrates, as to Gods ordinance.
Prerog. 7 The seuenth Prerogatiue is the miracle recorded vvhich Christ wrought in Peters fishing.Luke 5.6. Ioh. 21.6. For hauing fished all night and taken nothing, at Christs commandement hee launched into the deepe, and let downe his net, and inclosed a great multitude of fishes. The like was done in the one and twentith of Iohn; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.
Resp.Hee hath neither head nor heart, reason nor sense, that maketh such conclusion. These miracles proue Onely the omnipotencie of Christ: they help nothing towards Peters supremacie.
Prerog. 8 Christ saith vnto Peter; Luk. 22.31.32. Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to winnow you as wheat, But I haue prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not: therefore, when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren.
Resp.These words point onely vnto Peters fall and his deniall, they intimate not principalitie, nor soueraigntie at all: onely he is admonished after his conuersion to labour in his Apostleship, being mindfull of the mercy extended to him.
Prerog. 9 Christ first shewed himselfe to Peter after his resurrection, before he did appeare to any other man; Ergo, Peter is the head of the church.
Resp.It cannot be proued out of the Scripture, that Christ first appeared to Peter. The contrary is apparant in Luke; Luke 24.13. who very carefully setteth down the manner of Christs appearing, but he speaketh first of his shewing himselfe to his Disciples [Page 537] going to Emmaus: theMarc. 16.12. same is the maner of Marks narration also. But howsoeuer, this is a fallacy, Ab ignoratione Elenchi, & à non consequenti.
Christ first washed Peters feet, and to him onely foreshewed Prerog. 10 his death: Ergo, Peter is the head of the church.
The Consequence of both propositions is false:Resp. it is a shame for Bellarmine that he spent good houres in such foolish toyes.
Peter was baptized by Christ himselfe, so no other Apostle; Prerog. 11 Ergo, Peter is head of the church.
The Antecedent is false; no scripture,Resp. no Canonicall volume teacheth vs so.
The twelfth Prerogatiue is, that Peter as the Father of the Prerog. 12 flocke, doth congregate and gather them together, and doth propose vnto them, that one must bee chosen into the place of Iudas, which vvas fallen from the dignitie of an Apostle.
Peter did not collect together the houshould of the faithfull.Act. 1. Luke in the first of the Acts speaketh no such thing:Resp. but the Brethren comming together into the Chamber vvhere the Apostles were, Peter according to the Scripture moued them to choose an Apostle into the place of Iudas. This proueth no supremacie. For, if Peter had been indued with such vnlimited power as the Man of Rome chalengeth to himself, hee might by his authoritie haue nominated and appointed an Apostle in Iudas roome.
Peter first of after the comming of the holy Ghost did Prerog. 13. & 14. preach the Gospell, and did the first miracle; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.
I am ashamed to spend time in answering of these fooleries. The argument is nothing to the purpose.Resp. This shewes the diligence and power of faith: It shewes not the Primacie of Peter. GOD bee praised, that their arguments are no stronger, wherevpon the Tower of their Babel standeth.
Peter pronounced sentence of death vpon Ananias and Prerog. 15 Saphyra; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.Act [...] 5.
They might better reason; Peter raised vp the dead to life;Resp. Act. 9.40. [Page 538] therefore he is the head of the Church. Surely the worthines of the Gospell is seene in the Saluation, not in the destruction of men.Act. 59. What Peter did to Ananias, hee did by the suggestion of the Spirit of God: neither did he condemne Ananias and Saphira to death, but God strucke Ananias, so that at the reproofe of Peter hee fell downe and gaue vp the Ghost: as for Saphira also, Peter did not pronounce a iudiciall sentence to condemne her, but did prophesie of her neare destruction.
Prerog. 16 Peter walked throughout all quarters, and hee first preached to the Gentiles; Ergo, Peter is the head of the Church.
Resp.By this rule Paul and Barnabas were heads of the Church. For they went throughActs 14. Iconium, Lystra, Pisidia, Pamphilia, Perga, Attalia, and so to Antiochia, preaching to the Gentiles. Paul Acts 9.29. preached to the Grecians, and Philip Act. 8.35.40. to the Eunuch a Gentile, before Peter preached to them. And he also walked to and fro, preaching in all the Cities, till hee came to Cesarea; but what is this to the primacie?
Prerog. 17 The spirit said to Peter; vp Peter, kill and eate, but it is the office of the head to eate;Acts 10. Ergo, Peter is the head of the Church.
Resp. Spectatum admissi, O Frier, O Cardinall!
Prerog. 18 Many prayers were made for Peter being in prison, but were not for Stephen or Iames; Ergo, Peter is the head of the Church.
Resp.If to bee prayed for by the Church make a Primate, the Church often prayed for the Apostle Paul in his imprisonment;2. Cor. 1.11. Rom. 15.30. therefore Paul was Primate.
Prerog. 19, & 20. Peter spake first in the assembly. Acts 15. Paul went vp to Ierusalem to see Peter; Ergo, Peter is head of the Church.
Resp.Mere Sophistications vnworthy of an answere. Yet lest he should be wise in his owne conceit, I say to the first, That in Councels cōmonly the greatest person speaketh last: and it seemeth, Iames was chiefe in the Councell (if any were) for he concludeth and determineth the businesse, whose decision all the Councell followed. As for Pauls visiting of Peter, it was Christian charitie, loue and brotherly kindnes, it was [Page 539] neither obedience, nor subiection.
It remaineth now to shew how this Popish Empire is opposite vnto the Kingly office of Iesus Christ.
First, it is the Symbol and very badge of Antichrist, to call himselfe vniuersall Bishop, by the testimony of ancient Popes themselues.
Pelagius the second, who was chosen Pope anno 580. saith;Quia si sūmus Patriarcha vniuersalis dicitur, Patriarcharum nomen caeteris derogant. dist. 99. cap. nullus Nec etiam Ro. Pontifix vniuersalis est appellandus. Let none of the Patriarches vse the word vniuersall. For if the chiefest Patriarch be called vniuersall, The name of Patriarch is taken from the rest: but farre bee it from any man, that he should desire to arrogate vnto himselfe the honour of others. The Title of this Chapter in Gracian is; The Romane Bishop may not be called vniuersall.
Gregorius Sirnamed the Great, Bishop of Rome saith,Ego autem fidenter d [...]co, quia si quisqui se vniuersalem sacerdot [...]m vocar, vel vocari desiderat in elatione sua, Antichristum praeuenit. &c. lib. 4 epist. 34. that to agree vnto this wicked appellation (vniuersall Bishop) is nothing else but to lose our faith. Againe hee saith; I speake it boldly, Whosoeuer calleth himselfe vniuersall Bishop, or doth so desire to be called in his pride, doth forerunne Antichrist, because by pride he setteth himselfe before others.
The fulnesse therefore of this great power in the Pope, the Apostle maketh to bee a marke and signe of Antichrist. 2. Thess. 2. namely, that he shall sit in the Temple of God, that is, rule and gouerne in the Church of Christ, shewing himselfe as though he were God, dispensing, derogating, abrogating, reseruing, releasing, absoluing, declaring, constituting, prouiding, adnihilating, adnullating, reuersing, approuing, confirming, and all at his pleasure, without rule, without law, without Canon, without controll.
Secondly, it is a great wrong vnto the Spirit of God to binde it to one Seate and one Person, as the Diuell was wont to be vnto the Tripodes of his Pythonesses: Whereas we know thatIoh 3.8. the spirit breatheth where it listeth. Christ sent the promise of his Father vpon all Apostles, and concerning their true successors he saith;Math. 28.20. I am with you alwaies to the end of the world.
Thirdly, it is vnto the Kingly Office of Iesus Christ a [Page 540] great dishonour, to thinke, that except one visible head of the flocke be constituted on the earth, Christ cannot gouerne his Church by his word, and by his spirit.Ephes. 4.7, 8. Christ ascending vpon high, and now sitting at the right hand of the Father, hath giuen from time to time gifts vnto his owne body, which is the church: He stirreth vp Prophets, and Pastors, teachers and expounders of the word; so that we need not runne to Rome, or any other place for explication and construction of scriptures; since in euery place, and in euery Region our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ hath multiplied his gifts vpon many excellent Teachers, to the edifying of his church.
Fourthly, to say that the Romish Bishop hath all lawes diuine and humane in the chest or closet of his brest, is blasphemous violation of Christs Kingly Office, who hath only that power:Apoc. 3.7. to whom is committed the Key of Dauid, who shutteth and no man openeth: who onely is the wisedome of the Father: the word which giueth lawes out of the bosome of the Father:Esay 9.7. The Law-giuer which sitteth vpon Throne of Dauid to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice. As for his subordinate officers, God hath not made any one the treasure house of all lawes, knowledge, and graces.1. Cor. 12.8. But to one is giuen the word of wisedome, to another of knowledge, to another of faith, to another of healing, to another operation of great workes, to another of Prophesie, to another the discerning of spirits, to another the diuersitie of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues: The body is not one member, neither hath one member all offices.
Fiftly, this Lordship of the Romish Bishop is altogether contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles. In the Primitiue Church Peter commandeth the Elders to feed the flock;1. Pet. 5.3. Not as though yee were Lords ouer Gods heritage. Paul of himselfe and all the rest of Apostles saith;2. Cor. 1.24. Ibid. cap. 10.4. Not that wee haue dominion ouer your faith, but are helpers of your ioy. And againe, the weapons of our warfare are not carnalls but mighty thorow God. Whereupon Isidore saith; Let a Bishop know, that hee is the [Page 541] the fellow seruant, not the Lord of the people.
Sixtly, it is derogatorie to the dignity of Christ, to make Peter, or any successor of his, the foundation of the Church. For the Apostle Paul doth witnesse;1. Co [...]. 3.11. Other foundation can no man lay, then that which is laid, which is Iesus Christ.
Thus haue you seene, that the Romish elation is after sundry waies derogation, detraction, and iniury to the supremacie of Christs soueraigne dominion. For thy sonnes sake (O blessed God) teach them to know themselues, that they are but men, and that the smoky glory of the world is but a flower of the field; so that euery knee may to thee bow, and euery tongue to thee confesse; Not vnto vs O Lord, Psal. 115. not vnto vs, but vnto thy name giue the glory.
CHAP. VII. Of Ecclesiasticall offices ordained in the Church by the authoritie of Iesus Christ.
THat there were sundry kindes of officers in the Church appointed by the Spirit of God and the Apostles of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, according to the necessitie and occasion of the Church, there is no man so impudent as to deny. The Apostles when the multitude of beleeuers encreased euery day, so that themselues sufficed not to dispense the word and the Sacraments, and to distribute also the almes of the Church, did therefore chuseAct. 6.2, 3, 4, 5. seuen Deacons to minister to serue the tables, that they themselues might the better indure the worke of preaching, prayer, and gouernement of the flocke, vvithout let or disturbance. Of these Deacons, those which were approued in their calling, were taken to the office of teaching and preaching, as it is in Stephen and Philip to be seene. Wherefore in this inferiour order of Ministers, it seemeth they were tried and proued who were fit to be admitted to the higher offices in the Church, according to that of the Apostle;1. Tim. 3.10. Let them first be proued, and then let them minister, if they be found blamelesse. And againe,1. Tim 3.13. Th [...]y that haue ministred well, get themselues [Page 542] a good degree, and great libertie in the faith, which is in Christ Iesus.
Other gifts and ministrations were also in the Church, asAct. 13.1. Prophets and Teachers. Of Prophets some foreshewed things to come, as Agabus, & 11.28. & 21.9. and the daughters of Philip, and diuers other: Some did1 Cor. 14.27. expound the hard and difficult places of Scripture. TheHeb. 5.12. teachers did instruct the people in the rudiments and principles of Religion:Ex Theod. Bez. in 4. Ephes. they gouerned also the schooles. So Paul and Barnabas tooke Marke vvith them, not onely to minister in bodily seruice vnto them. But to help also, no doubt, in the ministration of the Gospell.
In the Church of Ephesus Ephes. 4.11. there were Apostles, Prophets, Euangelists, Pastors, Doctors or Teachers, for the gathering together of the Saints: for the worke of the Ministerie: and for the edification of the body of Christ.
The difference betwixt the ministrations is easily seene.
What the Apostles were. Act. 1.Apostles were they properly, which ministred vnto our Sauiour Christ, when he conuersed on the earth: and Mathias taken by lot into the place of the Traytor Iudas. Others alsoVid. Euseb. hist. ocel. l. 1. c. 13. ad finem. for their excellent gifts and labours were honoured with that title; asAct. 14.14. Paul and Barnabas. Such vvere also Epaphroditus, Andronicus and Iunius. Vnto Apostles was giuen not a particular charge, but generall ouer the vniuersall Church: they were indued with a greater measure of Gods spirit then the others; therefore to their rule and iudgements all the rest were subiect.
Euangelists and their office.Of the Euangelists there were two kindes; Some that by writing deliuered the Acts and Historie of Iesus Christ, as Mathew, Marke, Luke, and Iohn: Another kinde of Euangelists was sent from place to place for the preaching of the Gospell, and to lay the foundation of doctrine and religion. Such wereAct. 21. Ephes. 6, 21. 2. Thes. 1.1. Pastors and their office. Philip, Tichicus, Siluanus, and others. These were not Apostles, yet had they no particular charge, but went from church to church as necessitie required.
Pastors were set ouer particular churches, euery one in his charge: these were also called Elders, to whom Peter enioineth, [Page 543] that they feed1. Pet. 5.2. the flocke committed to their charge. Of this kinde are all Rectors of seuerall parishes in our Church of England. We finde that these Pastors had superiours or Bishops ouer them; such as Titus Tit. 1.5. was ouer them of Creet, and Timothy 1. Tim. 1.2.3. of Ephesus.
Vnto Doctors the chiefe charge and superintendency ouer Churches was not committed:Doctors and their office. but yet they taught the people, and laboured to instruct in their place. Into their roome the Catechists succeeded afterward; and these are in some sort resembled to the preachers in our daies, which assist the Pastors or Parsons of parishes in their charges. Of these also the Apostle seemeth to speake in his Epistle to the Hebrews;Heb. 5.12. When as concerning the time ye ought to be teachers, yet haue ye need againe that we teach you.
In the Church of Corinth the Apostle saith there were diuersitie of administrations, and diuersitie of operations.1. Cor. 12.5, 6. It is very likely, that, by administrations, he meaneth degrees and offices in the Church: and by operations, the gifts and graces giuen vnto those officers. Wherefore he saith,1. Cor. 12.28. there were Apostles, Prophets, Teachers: workers of miracles, they that had the gift of healing, helpers, gouernours, diuersitie of tongues. All these serued to the ministration of the word and of the Sacraments. But either all these churches had not the same number, nor kindes of offices, or else the gift of healing, helpers, gouernours, diuersitie of tongues, were not seuerall offices in the Church, but gifts and graces bestowed vpon the offices and orders of the Church by the spirit of God. Surely, of healers, helpers, Gouernours, and diuersitie of tongues, in his Epistle to the Ephesians hee speaketh not a word.
All the degrees then and orders of the Church in the New Testament, the Canonicall writings comprehend somtime generally vnder one name of the Ministers of the Gospell: or else vnder three titles, Apostles, Bishops, and Deacons. Bishops and Priests are but one degree, although of them some were set ouer the rest, as Bishops and chiefe gouernours in the church; as we read of Titus, that the Apostle [Page 544] [...] [Page 545] [...] [Page 538] [...] [Page 539] [...] [Page 540] [...] [Page 541] [...] [Page 542] [...] [Page 543] [...] [Page 544] Paul Tit. 1.5. gaue him authoritie to redresse the things that remaine, and ordaine Elders in euery Citie. The wordVid Gratiā dist. 21. cap. [...]leros. [...] is as much to say, as an Elder. From whence the word, Priest, is deriued: but the word, Sacerdos, which is a sacrificing Priest, is no where in the Scripture giuen to the Ministers of the Gospell.
The office of Apostleship, together with the gifts and operations, were to endure but for a time in the church, as the gift of healing, speaking with diuers tongues, and working of wonders, euen vntill the church was established and confirmed. From which time forward the church is instructed and edified by those degrees of Elders and Deacons onely. ThereforePhil. 1.1. in the Church of Philippians the Apostle mentioneth no degrees but Bishops, and Deacons. And Io. de Comb. reciting the orders of the church,Io. de Comb. l 6. de sac. virt. cap. 36. makes no mention of Bishops, as being comprehended vnder the degree of Priesthood. P. Lombard likewise saith,Apud veteres ijdē Episcopi et Pre [...]b. fuerunt. sent. l. 4. dist. 24. Among the ancients, Priests and Bishops were all one. And further he saith,Diaconatus et presbyteratus, quia hos solos primitiua Ecclesia logitur habuisse, et de his solis praeceptum Apostoli habemu [...]. ibid ad finem cap. 8. that the Primitiue Church had onely Priests and Deacons. Wherefore concerning them onely the Apostle giueth precept, in the third chapter of his first Epistle to Timothy.
Bishops, and Priests or Elders differ not in order, but in the office of gouernement: yet the words, Bishops, Elders, Pastors, Ministers, are vsed sometime in the Scripture promiscuously, for one and the same thing. All degrees in the Church were by diuine authoritie Onely, and from no other. The Apostle therefore reckoning vp the orders of the Church of Ephesus faith,Ephe. 4 8.11. He ascended vp on high, and gaue gifts vnto men; as though of his Regall power it came that he assigned offices to his Church. He gaue some to be Apostles, and some Prophets: And in the Church of Corinth he saith,1. Cor. 12.5. There are diuersities of administrations, but the same Lord; as though hee should say, there is one supreame power, by which all degrees are ordained in the church. In the first of Titus he saith;Tit. 1.7. A Bishop is as Gods Steward: and he calleth himselfe1. Tim. 1.1. an Apostle, by the commandement of God our Sauiour. [Page 545] Againe,1. Cor. 4.1. Let a man so esteeme of vs as the Ministers of Christ, and disposers of the secrets of God.
Out of all these places it appeareth, that the degrees and orders constituted in the Church were ordained by GOD himselfe, and by no other. If any man obiect, that the office of Deacons vvas ordained byAct. 6.2. a Synode of the Church: I answere; this Synode had the direction of the spirit of God for their vvarrant, vvhich in a more extraordinarie manner vvrought in the Apostles then it doth in these daies. For of them wee may truely say (as Eusebius speaketh of Attalus and Alciabiades)Euseb. eccles. hist. lib. [...]. cap. 3. iuxta med [...]um. they were not destitute of the grace of God: they had the holy spirit their Counsellor. To conclude, the Papists say, Order is a Sacrament: but all Sacraments are of Christs owne institution; therefore orders are by the authoritie of Christ instituted in the Church.
Hauing shewed all the degrees vvhich in the Primitiue Church serued for the edification of the body of CHRIST, and that they were reduced vnto two perpetuall orders of Deacons and Priests, or Elders, which were not ordained without the speciall appointment of God himselfe; Let vs now examine the sundry orders of the Romish church, besides all authoritie of Christ, without warrant, without commission, brought into the Church of CHRIST: of whom, together with the Sultan of Rome, I feare, he will one day say;Osee 8.4. They haue set vp a King, but not by me: they haue made Princes, and I knew it not.
CHAP. 8. Of Ecclesiasticall offices ordained in the Church without the authority of Iesus Christ, and iniurious to his Regall power: and first of Subdeacons.
SO doubtfull they are how many orders should bee in the Church, that some,Vid. Grat. dist. 21. cap. Cleros in Glos. vid. etiam addit. Hen. de Vrimar. in 4. Scot. dist. 24. cap. 1. according to the nine orders of Angells, will haue as many also of their Prelates:Pet. Lomb. 4. Sent. dist. 24. cap. 1. others [Page 546] are contented with seauen orders, according to the seauenfold gifts of the holy Ghost: and they also, which will haue nine orders, contend not a little among themselues, what those orders are. Some say,Vid. Grat. dist. 21. cap. cleros. in gloss. Clerkely censure is the first order, and the Episcopal degree the last: diuers shutting out clerical shauing, make vp the nūber with the dignity Archiepiscopal, Isidore makes 2 orders; of Lectors, & Psalmists:Vid Conc. Cart [...]a. 4 Can. 8. & 10. the fourth Councel of Carthage seemes also to do the same. For they say, the Lector, or Reader, is ordaind by the Bishop: the singer, or psalmist, by a priest; yet, vnder a certain prescript forme of words. Wherefore they seeme to be sundry orders.
Here, while they constitute seauen orders in the Church, they doe plainely multiply the number of Sacraments, from seauen vnto thirteene. For if according to their owne definition, that be properly a Sacrament,Sacramēta propriè dicūtur illa quae [...]dh [...]bibantur a dei cultoribus ad quādā consecrationē, per quā deputabātur qu [...]dā modo ad cultū dei. Tho. Aq. q 102. et sic collig. a Bōlon. cōp. 1. par. 2. c. 102. which is vsed of the seruants of God, for consecration, or sanctifying of the receiuer, by which he is designed to the seruice of God: or if a Sacrament be4. sent. c. 1. Belan li. de sacr. ord. the visible forme of inuisible grace; then why should not euery seuerall order be a seuerall Sacrament, since they haue seuerall forms, seuerall matters, seueral signes, seuerall graces, seuerall characters, seueral functions, offices, and ends in euery order?
Bellar. saith, Bishoprick is a Sacrament, Deconry a Sacrament, Subdeaconry a Sacramēt, the lesser orders Sacraments. All these differ from other, yet he wil haue but 7 sacraments.
Let vs first intreat of their Subdeacons, an office, of which Gratian plainely pronounceth, in the Apostles time, it seemeth,Dist. 21. cap. Decret [...]s in glossa. there were no Subdeacons: if they were, yet Subdeaconry then was no holy order. Dionysius Dionys. c. 5. Hi [...]rer. ex Ch [...]m. in his Hierarchy expresly maketh mention onely of three orders. Ambrose, Ambr. in [...]. ad Eph. ex Chem. reckoning vp the orders of the Church in his time, speaketh not of Subdeacons. To these testimonies Bellarmine answereth,Bel. l. de cleric. c. 11. verbo ad locum Dionysit. that Dionysius did not describe the number of orders, but of Hierarchies, which are onely three; Bishops, Priests, and Deacons: these (saith he) are as Princes and Prelates ouer the people, the other orders be but Ministers vnto the three Hierarchies. O Frier, forsaken of all truth and [Page 547] shamefastnes! doth not1 Pet. 5.2.3 Peter expresly charge the Elders, that they feed the flocke, not as though they were lords ouer Gods heritage? Doth not the Apostle Paul to his Corinthians witnes;1 Cor. 3.5 Who is Paul? who is Apollos, but the Ministers by whom ye beleeued? Doth hee not euery where call his office,2 Cor. 3, 6.8.9. ministration and seruice? and himselfe1 Cor. 9.19 a seruant to al men for Christ his sake? And is any man so shamelesse, as to turne Ministry into Principality? VVee knowe, that of Leuiticall Priests the Lord himselfe pronounceth;Numb. 18. [...] I haue made your priests office an office of seruice. And all degrees of holy offices the ApostleCol. 1 1 Thes. 3. 2 Cor. 3. Eph. 3. comprehends vnder the name of seruants. But by a false distinction to cast a mist before our eies, the Cardinal dreameth of orders of principality, and orders of ministration. So he plaies also with the authority of Ambr. & saith, that he spake onely of fiue degrees in the Church, because the Apostle mentioneth but fiue degrees amongst the Ephesians. But for this you must take his owne word only, proofe he hath none at all. To conclude, howsoeuer in processe of time Subdeacons haue bin ordained in the Church, certaine it is, that from the beginning it was not so, neither haue they any warrant in the Canonicall scripture.
The Romish Church maintaineth yet this order, & with much solemnity createth subdeacons,Ex Pet. Lōb. l. 4. dist. 24. c. 6. de Subdiaconis. to receiue the offering at the hands of the people: and to bring the Patten and Chalice to the Altar: to wait vpon the Deacons: to holde the Ewre and the Towell to the Bishop, and priests, & Deacons, whē they wash at the Altar: to make clean the altar cloths & the vestments. VVherfore, when they are ordained, the Byshop deliuers them the Patten, and the Chalice: the Archdeacon the water pot, and Towell: all this is done to imitate the Iewish Leuiticall Ceremonies, and theVid. Car. Sigon. de Rep. Heb. l. 5. c. 7 in prin. fere. Nathynayens of the Temple: and to magnifie the sacrificing priests, that with greater pompe they may offer Christ vpon the Altar, being attended by such sacred persons, and so many officers of sundry degrees in their prelacy.
Subdeaconry then is an office in the Church, without the ordinance of Christ, presumptuously set vp to maintaine Idolatry [Page 548] and superstition, to reuiue the Iewish Ceremonies, to maintaine the pride and vain glory of men, to dishonour IESVS CHRIST; as though he were euery day to be offered on Altars, and had not with one sufficient perfect oblation vpon the Crosse reconciled vs vnto God: It detracteth from Christs power, as though any had authoritie to ordaine and constitute orders in his Church without his rule and direction: It detracteth from the wisedome of our great King, as though in his holy word he had not left a a sufficient discipline and forme of gouernement, with fit offices and degrees for the edifying of his Church: It detracteth from the goodnes and bounty of our great King, who hath kept from vs an office of such necessitie and importance, concealing it from the Apostles and Disciples, vntill such time as our Romish Prometheus stole this fire from heauen, and found out an office fit and comely in the Church, which Christ neuer found.
CHAP. IX. Of Doore-keepers, and Acolytes.
DOore-keepers are instituted to the1 Chron. 26. imitation of the Iewish ceremonie, which ordained Porters for the Gates of the Temple. And if these bee holy orders, the Parish Clarke and Sexton are holy orders, to whom the keyes of their Cathedrall and Parish churches are committed: neither is there any vse of this order in their church in these daies, but onely that it may make vp the superstitious number. For this office is executed by boyes and mere babes. Of this office the ground is taken from the words of our Sauiour;Ioh. 10.9. Pet. Lomb. seut. l. 4. dist. [...]4. c. 2. I am the doore, by me if any man enter, he shall be saued. From hence they conclude, that the Doore-keeper is an holy office; as though the woodden church doore were Christ, or entring through the materiall gates were entring through Christ. I know, in the ancient church of GOD there were Doore-keepers, who kept the house of prayer, and did put out the excommunicate persons, Heathenish, Idolatrous, [Page 549] Hereticks, and such as were not perfectly instructed in reliligion, when the holy mysteries were to be solemnized; but these were neuer accounted holy officers: neither vvere they reckoned amongst the orders and degrees of the church: they were mere humane ordinances, disciplinary seruices: corporall, not spirituall, nor religious, nor for the edification of the body of Christ.
Acolytes the Scripture makes no mention of,Ex Amb. Calep. by any such name. Indeede amongst the Philosophers the Stoicks vvere called Acolyts, because they alwaies followed their opinion, and did with obstinate pertinacitie cleaue to their doctrine, and counted it a shame to forsake the same. The Apostles had Ministers, who gaue attendance on them; as Onesimus, Philemon 10. 1. Pet. 5.13. Act. 19.22. Col. 4. 1. Cor. 16. Marcus, Timotheus, and Erastus, vnto Paul. These beeing trained vp by the Apostle became at last fellow-labourers, and fellow workemen with him in the Ministery of the Gospell: but these followers, or Acolytes, the Romish church hath turned into Torch-bearers. Wherefore from the Archdeacon at their consecration they receiue a Taper, with a candlesticke and an empty pot: and because, when in time of persecution Christians for feare of their enemies met secretly in the night, and therefore had some whose duty it was to light Candles, both for necessitie and comelinesse, therefore now also we must haue Acolytes, at noone daies to carry Tapers; for it is so,Quia c [...]l [...]bratur accenso lumine, etiamsi mille soles lucerent super terrā. Comp. Theol. verit. lib. 6. cap. 18. That if a thousand sunnes did shine vpon the earth, yet there must be Candle light, when the Masse is celebrated.
The cause of the institution of this order Peter Lombard confesseth to be, not for the illuminating of the ayre vvith Cressets and Candles: but vnder the type of this bodily light, to shew that light of which it is written;Ioh. 1.9. That was the true light, which lightneth euery man that commeth into the world. Now herein how absurd are they, that suppose a tallow Candle, or perhaps one made of Wax, doth better resemble Iesus Christ, then the glorious Orbe of the bright shining Sun, wch powreth light into euery Star, & by them together with his faire beams, yieldeth ioifull light vnto euery corner of the world?
The authoritie of this order is taken chiefely from Christ, who of himselfe doth witnesse;Io. 8.12. I am the light of the world; he that followeth mee, shall not walke in darknesse. Therefore there must needs be Acolytes in the Church, to beare Tapers about at noone daies. I appeale euen to euery child that hath in an Vniuersitie talked of the rudiments of Logicke, whether this be a good and Dialecticall conclusion?
The second cause of the institution of this orderEx Pet. Lomb. l. 4. dist. 24 c 5. Exod 27.20. Leuit. 6.13 Exod. vlt. 25. is borrowed from the Iewes. For this office (saith Peter Lombard) they did sustaine, which made the lights for the Candlesticke, and did kindle them with the heauenly fire, to 'llluminate the darknesse in the Temple: But from the Iewish right this order can take no authoritie. For first, theNumb. 8.2. Exod. 25.37. Iewes had the commandement of GOD for this office of theirs: Secondly,Leuit. 6.12. & 9.24. the lights of the Temple and the Altar continued the memory of the heauenly fire, vvhich God sent from aboue: Thirdly,Lib. 4. dist. 24. c. 5 by Lombards owne confession, the torches and lights of the Temple were ordained, to bee a remedy against darknesse by night in the Temple; But the Popish Acolytes, like mad men, burne Candles at noone daies.
Thou seest Christian reader, how iniurious these ridiculous orders are vnto the Soueraigne dominion of IESVS CHRIST; which, as they are set vp without his authority, so they are Scenicall and Heathenish mockeries: they reuiue Iudaisme, and legall ceremonies, abolished by the comming of Christ: they are made Sacraments & seales of grace without his appointment, who is the onely author of grace. All these things are treacheries intolerable against the Crowne and dignity of the Sonne of God.
CHAP. X. Of Exorcists, another Popish Order, and the wrong that is offered thereby to the Regall dignity of Christ.
I Doe not place the Popish orders after the same manner as they are conferred in their church. For Exorcists vvith [Page 551] them is the third Order; I haue here placed it last, as the most iniurious, and traiterous abomination against the supreame Regalitie of our Sauiour Christ.Ex Pet. Lomb. l. 4. dist. 24 c 4. These take their name and appellation from adiuring and rebuking: whose office it is, to command the vncleane spirits, and Diuels to depart out of the bodies and soules of them which are to bee baptitized, and also out of the water of Baptisme: to appease tempests: to quiet the fury of windes, of thunder, and lightening. These are ordained by receiuing a booke of Coniurations or exorcismes at the hand of the Bishop, who saith; Receiue power to lay your hands vpon the possessed, and vpon new conuerts. The beginning of their office (some say) was from Salomon, of whom they falsely say, that he was the first Author of Exorcisme.
ExorcistsAct. 8.9. & 13.8. & 19.13. there were among the Iewes; but they were Witches, Coniurers, Vagabonds, such as Simon Magus, Elymas, and the sonnes of Sceua: they were not instituted by the Law, nor by the Gospell: they were very enemies vnto Iesus Christ, and his Kingdome; and such are they also, vvhom the Romish church hath ordained to bee their successors.
No man can deny, but that our Sauiour Christ, sending forth his Apostles, gaue them powerMath. 10.8. to cast out Diuels; and of the miraculous faith of some he saith,Mar. vlt. 17. that in his name they shall cast out Diuels: but this was a gift, not an order in the church. And that doth euidently appeare, because he saith not, that the Apostles, or Deacons, or they that are constituted in the holy orders of the church, shall be Exorcists; but these tokens shall follow them that beleeue. Wherefore, thoughBellar. lib de cleric. c. 13. Bellarmine doth miserrably vexe and labour himselfe, to proue that Exorcists are an holy order; yet out of the booke of God, and the canonicall Scriptures, hee cannot bring one syllable or letter, to proue the same.
The gift of casting out of Diuels was for a time, to shew the glory and godhead of Iesus Christ, in whose name Diuels and vncleane spirits were subdued and ouercome. Now, that power is either ceased, or else is not commonly conferred, either [Page 552] by imposition of hands, or any other ceremonie: therefore to retaine an idle & vselesse imagination in the church: to pretend that they giue power ouer Apostata spirits vnto men, by deliuering a booke full of Spels and Crosses into their hands; What is it else but to tempt the Lord? to lye vnto the holy Ghost? to mocke and delude the ignorant? to scandalize them that are within? and to set stumbling blocks before them that are without? Yea, by certaine Rites and solemn ceremonies with blowing, Crosses, Characters, Words, to turne bread into flesh: to bring downe the body of Christ from heauen: to sanctifie and giue diuine vertue vnto salt, oyle, water, hearbs, clothes, Candles, and such like; what is it else but very Magick, such as the Poet speaketh of?
There is no doubt, but the creatures which they consecrate, in their owne nature are good for the vses to which they were ordained: but to turne them from their appointed end vnto superstitious purposes, is Heathenish impiety. And since these things haue no such power as they attribute vnto them, neither by their owne nature, nor by Gods ordinance, or any witnesse of his word, therefore it is very diuelish and impious Magicke, and blasphemy, by words and crosses to seeke to giue such power vnto them.
Wee are no where in Scripture taught to vse the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, to transubstantiate his creatures: to consecrate hearbs, salt, water, candles vnto holy and religious vses. Wherefore so to doe, is merely vnlawfull and abominable.
Lastly, for all their orders they fetch example from Iesus Christ, saying;Io. de Comb. in comp. Theol. verit. l. 6. c. 36. ad finem. He was a doore-keeper, when he cast the buyers and sellers out of the Temple: A Reader, when in the middest of the Elders he opened the booke of Esay, and read therein: An Exorcist, when he cast out Diuels. An Acolyte, when he said, I am the light of the world: A Subdeacon, when girding himselfe with a Towell [Page 553] he washed his Apostles feete: A Deacon, when in his last Supper he distributed his body and bloud vnto his Disciples: A Priest, when on the Altar of the Crosse he offered himselfe vp for the sins of the world, vnto God the Father. Thus with impudent faces they contend for their superstition, and feare not to sport and play with the sacred person of the Sonne of God;Psal. 30.11. Thou thoughtest wickedly (saith he) that I am euen such a one as thy selfe, but I will reproue thee, and set before thee the things that thou hast done.
CHAP. XI. Of diuers other officers ordained in the Church, besides the institution and Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
TWo notes of distinction Ecclesiasticall persons haue in the Romish church. The outward, is tonsure or shauing of the hayre: The inward, is the Character or calling, and seale of God: but howsoeuer their Doore-keepers, Readers, Exorcists, Acolytes, Subdeacons, Monkes, Friers, Heremites, Nunnes, may be partakers of the externall Ceremonie: yet Character they haue none, nor inward calling from GOD; who of them all, I doubt not, pronounceth;Hosea 8.4. They haue made Princes, and I knew it not.
Hugo de Sancto Ʋictore defineth Order, to be a certain sealing, in which spirituall power and office is conferred vpon them that are ordered: this definition is too short. For hee should haue said rather, that it is a calling or office ordained by Christ in his Church for the edification thereof. But against all these offices of the Romish Synagogue diuers reasons may be brought.
First,Ex doct. ssimo & ornatissimo Mattheo Sutliueo. in lib. de vera Christi Ecclesia: & Lamb. Daneo ad 5. cōtrou. partis prima alt. they haue no authoritie in the Scripture; no constitution, no warrant, neither by expresse commandement, nor yet by example: Neuer any man found Monke or Frier, Iesuite or Cardinall, Hermite or Nunne, in the Scripture: Christ and his Apostles neuer ordained any such: they neuer knew them: they neuer heard of them.Ephes. 4.11. God gaue some Apostles, [Page 554] some Prophets, some Euangelists, some Pastors, and Teachers: but hee neuer gaue these Popish Orders for the worke of the Ministery, and for the edification of the body of Christ. So likewise in1. Cor. 12. the first to the Corinthians the twelfth chapter, sundry gifts and states of men in the church are rehearsed: But of these Papisticall orders and diuisions not one word is found.
Secondly, our Sauiour, nor his Apostles neuer did ordaine that men should wholly flye from their lawfull possessions, or that they should forsweare lawfull marriage, or hide themselues in Cloysters, or make Vowes, or ordaine new Euangelicall rules and lawes; Nay, CHRIST telleth vs,Math. 15.13. that euery plant his heauenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted out. These are none of his Plants, none of his Orders: their ceremonies their traditions he neuer approued.
Thirdly, allGal. 6 6. 1. Cor. 9.7. Heb. 13.7. Christs Disciples are either teachers, or hearers, as it appeareth in sundry places of Scripture: but Monkes, Friers, and Heremites are neither preachers nor hearers; Preachers they are not, for they succeed not the Apostles: Hearers they are not, for they dwell either in Cloysters, or Deserts, where there is no preaching. And though of late times some Frierly orders haue taken vpon them to preach, yet it is altogether against their Monasticall Order? For (as Ierome saith)Monachus enim non d [...]centis, sed plāgentis habet officiū. Ep. ad Rep.. & Desiderium. a Monke hath not the office of a teacher, but of a mourner. It were the Apostles onely and their successors, to whom the Lord said;Mar. 18.18. Whatsoeuer yee binde on earth, shall be bound in Heauen: and whatsoeuer yee loose on earth, shall be loosed in Heauen. Gregory Nemo & interdicimus 16. q. 1. therefore and other Popes haue forbidden Monks to be preachers: and the chap. iuxta Chalcedonensis saith;A praedicatione populorum omnino cessare censiumus. Wee adiudge that they altogether cease from preaching to the people.
Fourthly, the Apostle forbiddeth all men to liue idlely, and commandeth2. Thes. 3.10. That hee which will not labour, should not eate. But the Monkish orders liue of the sweat of other mens browes, without order, without calling, without labour.
Fiftly, if they haue their institution from Christ and his Apostles, why from Benedict are they called Benedictines? [Page 555] From Francis Franciscans? From Dominick Dominicans? And why haue they from these their Fathers receiued such rules, formes, and institutions as Christ did neuer command?
Sixtly, no fraternitie may be allowed, but such as haue authority from the Pope: such as the ruler of the Romish church approueth; but if they had their institution from Christ, they needed no more to bee confirmed by the Pope, then Priesthood, and Deaconry are.
Seuenthly, if Monkes and Friers with such like, vvere ordained by Christ, the Pope could not at his pleasure dissolue their order; as Gregory the tenth destroyed diuers sorts of them in Concilio Lugdun: And Clement the fift, the order of Templaries; and Pius Quintus, the order of the Humiliat [...]rs.
Eightly, Paul the Thebane and Anthony were the first parents of Monkish Orders. Ruffinus Lib. 1. hist. cap. 8 calleth Anthony the first inhabitour of the wildernesse: And Ierome to Eustochium saith, of this life Paul was the authour, and Anthony the illustrator. He addeth also, that Iohn the Baptist was the Prince of them, because he shewed example of austeritie; not for that he gaue precepts of Monkish life. For certaine it is, there were no Monkes before Paul, and Anthony, in the church of Christ, as by sundry reasons it may be shewed. First, because in the old or new Testament there is no mention of Monks, before this Paul the Thebane and Anthony.
Corn lius Agrippa saith,Quibus vetus lex omnino caruit, caruit etiam Ecclesiae eo tempore, quo fuit optima, nec tot Ce [...]emoniarum Ritibu [...] implicita de va [...]it. scient. c. 62. the old law altogether vvas without them, and the church also at that time, when it was best, and not encombred with such abundance of Ceremonies. Ierome saith, thatIerom. in vitae Pauli Eremitae. Amathas and Macarius the Disciples of Anthony affirme, that Paul the Thebane was the Prince of Monkery. The Romane Breuiarie it selfe calleth Paul In lect 4. in fest. Pauli Erem. the first Eremite, the authour and Maister of Eremites. To this Ʋincentius in spec. lib. 17. cap. 54. Sabellicus, Polidorus Virgil. lib. de inuent. rer. giue their testimonie also.
Ninthly, Hierome Ad Mo [...]t [...]um desertae confugiens, cū persecutionis finem praest [...]taretur, necessitatem vertit in vol [...]ntatem. in the life of Paul doth witnesse, that the cause of his solitarie life was persecution. The cause of our Monasticall orders is no such; they liue at ease and in [Page 556] wantonnesse; not in a Caue, as Paul did: not fedde with bread and water, as he was; but with delicates, with wine, and dainties Implentur veteris Bacchi pinguis{que} ferina.
The Monkery then of these later times began neither from Moses, nor Christ; No, nor from Paul, nor Anthony; butPolid. Virgil l 7. de inuen. rerum. from Benedict, who first brought the solitary Monks that liued alone in Caues and Rocks, into Cloisters and Abbeyes. The Monkes of our time are not the schollers of these reuerend abstainers, but of Epicurus, and Philoxenes: of Sardanapalus, and Heliogabalus: luxurious, abdominous, gluttons, and graues of meate.
Hauing shewed that these orders of the Romish church are not from God the Father, nor his Sonne Christ: from Prophets, or Apostles; No, nor yet from Paulus, and Antonius the first Heremites, Let vs examine the arguments, which they vse in defence of this serpentine broode, this generation of Vipers, these crauling Locusts, the burthen of Church and Commonwealth.
Bellarmine saith, that in the law of nature there was a shadow of Monkish orders: in the law of Moses a greater shew of them; but that their perfection was declared in the time of the Apostles. The truth of this bragge the ensuing discourse will examine.
Ob.Of Enos it is said in the fourth of Genesis; This man began to call on the name of the Lord; therefore Enos vvas a Monke.
Sol.Euery one that calleth on the name of God, is not a Monk; but the Hebrew text is;Gen. 4 26. Sic Rabin. Then men began to call on the Name of the Lord. And some interpret; Then men began to blaspheame the name of the Lord. But admit that Enos alone did call on the name of the Lord; Enos was no Votary, hee was not shaued: he was a married man, hee possessed his owne proper substance, wife, and children: Is this any signe of Monkerie?
Ob.The institution of Nazarites, Numb. 6. is brought as a proofe for Monasticall orders. For they did separate themselues vnto the Lord: and by their example Origen saith, many [Page 557] did consecrate, or vow themselues wholly vnto the seruice of God.
The Nazarites did not abstaine from lawfull marriage:Sol. Numb. 6.5. they were not shauen, but did nourish their hayre all the time of their abstinence: They did not forsake their possessions: They liued not in Cloisters, neither did they binde themselues to perpetuall vowes. What agreement is betwixt Monkes and Nazarites?
Hierome Ex ep. Hier. ad Paulinum & Rusticum. calleth Elias and Elizeus with the children of the Prophets, Monkes and Captaines of Monkes.Ob. They liued in the wildernesse: they built them Cottages by the bankes of Iordan: they liued on wilde hearbs and pottage.
Ierome speaketh this by way of amplification:Sol. for properly he maketh Paul and Anthony the first of this Order. Genebrard saith, Paul first began to dwell in the wildernes:Geneb. l. 3. a [...]ns 267. hence was the beginning of Eremites. But to speake the truth; Elias, Elizeus, and the children of Prophets, haue no conformitie with our Romish Monkes. ForHeb. 11.37, 38. the Prophets fled into the desarts because of persecution, beeing destitute, afflicted, and tormented. This later brood of Monkes are not so; Helias, Elizeus, and the children of the Prophets, dwelt in the society of men in Rama, Hierico, Ramoth Gilead, Gilgal, Bethel, and such other great Cities: and if they dwelt by the bankes of Iordan, 2. Reg. 6.1.2. it was because the place wherein they liued together was too narrow and too little for them, as they themselues said vnto Elizeus. The Prophets and their children were married, our Monkes are not: the Prophets and their children fedde on pottage and hearbs, our Monks feed on flesh, and some on dainty fish: The children of the ProProphets dranke water, the Monks drinke wine at the full. They are not of the Prophets children, nor like them in life and conuersation.
The Rechabites built not houses, dranke no wine,Ob. sowed no fields, planted no vineyards, liued austerely; therfore they were Monkes.
The Rechabites descended from Iethro the father in law of Moses: Sol. they were Shepheards and feeders of Cattell by profession; [Page 558] wherefore they had no certaine habitation, nor built any houses: but they were married, they had lawfull children, they had proper goods; therefore the Rechabites vvere no Monkes. Againe, the Monkes drinke wine, build houses, plant vineyards and orchards, liue merily and at ease; therefore the Monkes are no Rechabites.
Ob. Iohn the Baptist is made the Father of Monkes by many of the ancient Doctors of the church. For hee dwelt in the wildernesse, and was clothed in vile apparell.
Sol.The Monkes haue nothing like vnto Iohn the Baptist: He was in the wildernesse by the appointment of God. For of him Esay foresheweth,Esay 40.3. A voice crieth in the wildernesse: And Luke saith, thatLuke 1.80. hee was in the wildernesse, till the day came that he should shew himselfe vnto Israel. But the Monks can shew no such calling, no such warrant, for their solitariness. Again, Iohn preached and baptized in the wildernes, Monks doe not so: Iohn left the wildernesse when his time came of preaching, Monkes may not leaue their Cloisters: Iohn had neither Cloister, nor Abbey: Iohn gaue no speciall rule, or distinction of meates, or apparell, to his Disciples more then he did to all other: Iohn made no vow of Virginitie, nor renunciation of his Fathers possessions:Math. 3.4. Iohn did eate Locusts and wild Hony, Monkes are fed with better dishes: Iohn was clothed with Camels haire, Monkes for the most part haue softer raiment.
Bellarmine bringeth many reasons, to enforce that Monks were in the Church of God before the yeare 300. but they are rather weake and wauering shadowes of opinion, then solide arguments of a good disputer.
Ob.First, out of Athanasius in the life of Anthony he saith, that Anthony found many Monkes in the wildernesse.
Sol.The treatise which is now extant vnder the name of Athanasius, is a doubtfull suspected story, lately added to his bookes, full of many childish toyes, not fitting the grauitie of so reuerend a Father. It is thought indeed that Athanasius vvrote the life of Anthony, but this foolish Pamphlet is suborned, no doubt, and thrust vpon vs insteed [Page 559] of the true worke of that godly ancient.
Dama [...]us saith,Ob. that Dionysius of a Monke was made Bishop of Rome.
This cannot be true;Sol. for by the opinion of the most and best writers, Monkery came not into Italy before the yeare three hundreth and fifty. Againe, this writing which goeth vnder the name of Damasus, hath neither credit amongst vs, nor our aduersaries. Damasus himselfe was a man very superstitious; but howsoeuer, if Damasus were a Monke, his order had no ground in Scripture. We are not to follow the superstition of men, but the truth of God.
Tertullian and Cyprian are brought by Bellarmine, Ob. as strong witnesses on his behalfe; of whom the one speaketh of the couering of Virgins: the other of the habite of Virgins; Ergo, these were Nunnes.
He might as well conclude,Sol. Eua the wife of Adam made a couering to hide her nakednesse; Ergo, Eua was a Nunne. The Virgins which Cyprian and Tertullian speake of, were neither shut vp in Cells, nor Nunneries, but liued in their owne houses: not bound by a perpetuall vow, but vvere virgins so long as it seemed good vnto them not to marry: they had not all things in common: they had no peculiar rule, nor order.
Dionysius called Areopagita, Ob. is produced in witnesse for Monasticall orders.
This Dionysius was not the Areopagite, Sol. but a false and fabulous Impostor, reprouedBasil. ep. 41. ad Max. Phil qua incip [...]t Imagines animarum. by Ʋalla and Erasmus: not allowed by Basil the great. Hee liued three hundreth yeares after Christ.
Philo Iudeus commendeth Monkes, and reporteth,Ob. that he saw them.
Philo speaketh of the Essees;Sol. Ios [...]ph. de Bel Iud. l. 2. c. 12. H [...]er [...]m epit. ad Eustochiū. as it is manifest both out of Iosephus and out of Ierome also. Now Eusebius and Epiphanius affirme, that the Essees were Hereticks: and Philo Iudeus himselfe saith, they were Hemerobaptists, that is, such as baptized themselues euery day a new.
Bellarmine is not ashamed to bring in the example of theOb. [Page 560] Apostles, and to say that they were the first Monks; for they had all things in common: to which purpose hee alledgeth Austen, Euseb. eccl hist. lib. 2 Hieron de viris illust. in Philone. Aug. de vit. Cler. communi. ser. 2. who saith, they bound themselues in vowes: And diuers Fathers, who witnesse, that religious orders came from the Apostles; as Eusebius, Ierome and Augustine.
Sol.The Apostles followed no rule but that of the Gospell: they neuer forsware the lawfull vse of Marriage: they did neuer vow to haue no goods of their own:Vid. Io. 21. When they followed Christ, they kept their ships, their nets, their houses, though they kept not their affection towards them, but did forsake them in preferring Christ before them. So in Acts the fourth the brethren were not bound by vow to giue away their goods, but of all the multitude there wasActs 4.32. one heart, and one minde. The cause of the communitie of goods amongst them was charitie onely, and not any vow. For charitie it was that none of them said,Ibid. any thing of that which hee possessed was his owne: For charitie it was, that they sold their houses and lands, and brought the price to the Apostles feete. It is plaine, that when they entred into the profession of Christs religion, they made no vow to forsake their goods. For to Ananias Peter saith;Acts 5.4. whiles it remained, appertained it not to thee? and after it was sold, was it not in thine owne power? But if Ananias had beene a Votary at his entrance into religion, his possession had not appertained vnto him, neither had it beene in his owne power. Wherefore Ananias was punished as an Hypocrite, who pretended to bring all the price, and brought but a part: this was falsehood and lying, euen against the holy Ghost.
The brethren, of whom Luke speaketh in the Acts, had no name called ouer them, but that blessed name of Christ only. The later Monkes of Dominicus are called Dominicans: of Francis Franciscans: of Austen Augustines: of Benet Benedictines: rather Schismaticks then Christians. Againe, Luke witnesseth,Acts 4.32. That all the company of the beleeuers made their goods common. If this were Monkery, all the Church were Monkes.
Furthermore, all men know, this community of goods [Page 561] lasted but a while in the Church: neither did the bretheren giue their goods to Monasteries: neither had they an Abbot or Prior ouer them: neither did they call their followers by their names: neither did any of them vow to feed on fish onely, or to liue in desart, or cloister: but they went abroad preaching the Gospell throughout the world. As for the Fathers which thinke the Apostles to bee the first Fathers of Monkish orders, it is a plaine errour in those Fathers, while too much enamoured with that kinde of life, they wrest all that may be, to the honour thereof.
Hierome plainely saith,Nec quisquā monachū ante S. Hilarionē in Syria nouerat. Hier. in vita Hilarion. There was no Monke in Palestine before Hilarion. Ex doctiss Mat. Sutliuio. Cassianus saith; The first Monkes were Paul and Anthony: And the same The Romish Missall it self doth witnesse, as I haue already shewed.
CHAP. XII. The Monkes of these later times are not the children of the ancient Monkes,Ex doctis. et clariss. Mat. Sutli. de insti. monach. et Lāb. Danco. ad 5. contr. Bell. neither agree with them in manners and conuersation.
THe degenerate brood of base and fleshlie Israelites the Prophet reproueth, saying;Ose 9.10. I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the figge-tree at her first time, but they went away to Baal Peor, and separated themselues vnto that shame: Of our late droanes in Abbeies and Cloisters we may say the same. For of ancient MonkesAug. de mor. [...]cel. cath. c. 31. Augustine witnesseth, that they were modest, shamefast, peaceable, burdensome to no man: but these of later times are shamelesse, immodest, fire-brands of dissension, importable to christian common wealths.
The first Monkes (Zozo. lib. hist. 1. c. 13. as Zozomen and Nicephorus doe witnesse) by the tempest of persecutions were compelled to this kinde of life.
Otho Frisingensis is witnes,Lib. 8. cap. 39. that Paul Thebeus flying the persecution of Decius, hid himselfe in the caues. Cassiodorus agreeth with him.
Wherefore the first parent of Monkes is not like vnto the Epicures of our time, whom ease, pleasure and banquetting [Page 562] maketh shauelings; which order when they haue once taken vpon them,
Secondly, the ancient Monks did labor with their hands. Epiphanius saith,Artis tenuet sibi ips [...] excogitau [...]rūt, ne otiosa vnā degāt, [...]ut panē grauitū edāt. in comd [...]c cath They found out slender arts, lest they should liue idlely, or eat bread at other mens charge.
Hierom in his epistle to Eustochium saith, They did worke their daily taske, which being shewed to the Deane, was deliuered to the Steward.
Augustine witnesseth theD. mor. eccl eath. c. 33. ex Mat. Suiliui [...]. same; They labour vvith their hands, the things wherewith their bodies may bee susteined.
And in his booke of theDe ep, monac. c. 17 labour of Monkes, he denies it to bee lawfull vnto a Monke to liue vpon another mans goods, though he doth giue himselfe to praier and contemplation.Chrys. hom. 37. in Mat. 23. Heereof Chrysostome is witnesse, and Theod. in Lausiaca hist. But of the Monks in these daies Bellarmine blussheth not to say;De mon c. 42. Nos numerus sumus, fruges cōsumere nati. Hor. ep. 2. Monkes are no more bound to labour with their hands, then secular Priests. Wherefore these are swine of Epicurus pigs-coate: a multitude borne to eat and drinke: locusts and caterpillers, whom other mens labours must sustaine.
Thirdly, the first Monkes distributed their goods to the poore, as Anthony and all other his followers. Therefore Hierom Ep ad Heliod. to Heliodorus the Monke saith; It is not lawfull for thee to haue any thing of thine owne, or proper vnto thee. Cassianus teacheth,Ne vsibus quidē coe [...]eb [...]j profitur is suscipere ab eo pecunias acquiescunt. insta. mon. l. 4. c. 4. that anciently they brought nothing into the Monasteries, nor tooke any thing for the vse of their Couent. But Monkes in these daies are hardly admitted except they bring with them: and if they haue nothing of their owne,Mon [...]chu habe [...]s obolū, no [...] valet ob [...]lum. Greg. they become beggers; with shamelesse and impudent petacity, wresting from widowes, and by fraud getting from poore men that which should sustaine their families, their wiues, and children; pretending to make them partakers of the priuiledges of their brotherhoods, and of their praiers. Of whom I would gladly learne, what that praier is vvorth [Page 563] which is made for temporall meed, and reward of men.
Fourthly, the ancient Monkes were lay-men, inferiour to the Deacons of the Church: neither might they take vpon them the degrees of Priest or Deacon. WhereforeDionys. in epist. ad Demo [...]h. Dionysius commonly called Arcopagita accounteth Bishops superiours to Priests, and Priests to Deacons, and Deacons to Monkes: and a Monke that presumeth to meddle with the holy Ministration, hee calleth a crafty enimy, a wolfe clothed in a sheepes skinne, and not a Priest. Gratian saith, It was ordaindPlacu [...]t omnibus [...] Nic. Synod. in the Nicen Councel, that a Monk should not enioine penance to any man. Nay,Abbas abbi [...]i monachus in omni lo. [...] repraesentet obsequium dist. 93. ca. subdi [...]co [...] vsque. hee maketh Abbots inferiour to the doore keeper. Leo also decreeth [...]x Mat. Sut [...]. that a Monke should not preach.Cap d. [...]onach. quam i [...]. But Gregory saith, they cannot deuoutly continue in the Monasticall rule, and serue also in the Church offices. And Austine saith,Aug ep. 27. ad Aurel [...]num. cap. iuxta Ch [...]lcedonēs. that it is a great wrong vnto the clergie, when they that forsake their cloisters, are admitted to the clergie. Hierom In ep [...]t Heliodorum et R [...]. of himselfe being a Monke saith; One is the cause of the Monke, another of the Clerke; The Clerke feedeth the flocke, I am fed. And the Councell of Chalcedon decreed, that Monks should not meddle with the Ecclesiasticall office.
Fiftly, the first Monkes dwelt in the wildernes, in woods, in caues, in rockes: they withdrew themselues from the frequency of men, and therefore they were called Monachi, or liuing alone. Hierome Hier. ep. ad Paulinum. to Paulinus saith; If thou desire to be that which thou art called, a Monk, that is, one liuing alone, what dost thou in the cities which are not the habitation of solitary men, but of many? Now the Monkes of later yeares liue not onely in villages, but in the most frequent and pleasant cities.
Sixtly, Monkes in ancient time were not wanderers abroad, they contained themselues in their cells.Caus. 16. q. 1. cap. placu [...]t commu. And Eugenius saith; Let a Monke be contented with his cloister. For as a fish without water wanteth life: so a Monk without the Monastery. Let him therefore sit solitary and silent, for he is dead to the world. But the Monkes in our daies like the Egyptian Frogs, creepe euen into the Kings chambers: [Page 564] they runne through the world like Knights errant, seeking where they may doe mischiefe.
Seauenthly, the ancient Monkes meddled not with secular businesse, but gaue ouer the world, that they might yield themselues wholly to the seruice of God. Wherefore the Synod of Chalcedon forbad all Monkes to meddle with ecclesiasticall or secular businesse. Pelagius saith,Caus. 16.7. 1. cap. de prasētiū portitere. To a Monk belongeth rest, and praier, and labour of hands. The Moguntine Can. 12. Synod inhibiteth them from handling secular iudgements.Hier. ad Rustic. vidi ego quosdam. Hierom is so farre from permitting Monks to haue to doe in politicall affaires, that hee thinketh they ought not to take care for their owne houses. But now Monkes and Friers are principall workemen in the gouernment of Kingdomes, Cities and Nations: they intromitte themselues into all businesse: they haunt the Courts of Princes; nay, they become Counsellers vnto Kings, Captaines of Armies, troubling all the world with their ambition. What dangers haue they bred in England, Ireland, France, Spaine, Peter Heremita et alij. Muscouy, of late yeares, by their state-shaking plots: by their pragmaticall studies: by the officiosity of their vnquiet spirits? Finally, what discord betweene Princes? what wars and effusion of bloud in Christendome haue they not beene authours of?
Eightly, the ancient Monkes were truely poore indeed; both poore in spirit, and poore in worldly substance; their houses, garments, food, all was poore: but these later Monks dwell in gorgeous Palaces, they are ambitious of honours and preferments, making vowes of pouerty: they couet Bishopricks, striue to bee Cardinalls; euen in England heere they got almost theVid. Io. Fox in Acts et Monum. third part of the land in their possession.
Ninthly, the ancient Monkes had no other rule but the Gospell of Christ. It is said of Anthony, that when his disciples came to him, praying him to giue them a rule and directory of conuersation, he offered them the Gospell of Christ. The Romanists can produce no Monasticall rule more ancient then that of Basil; which yet seemeth not to bee Basils. [Page 565] For neither is the phrase of speech like vnto that of Basil in his other workes, neither doth Nazianzen speake thereof, who yet diligently registred all the bookes and writings of Basil. Zozomen ascribeth this rule to Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia.
Tenthly, the ancient Monkes had no certaine forme of garments: they vsed much abstinence: they bound not themselues by oath to the obedience of any superiour: they were not consecrated: they were not of sundry orders or rules: All which in these new Monkes is to bee found; of whom Paling [...]nius himselfe saith,Duntaxat vētri, veneri. sōno{que} vacātes Pali [...]g. l 9. sab finem. That they are seruants onely to their belly, lust, and sleepe.
The ancient Monkes praied for Kings and Princes: they were obedient vnto them whensoeuer occasion was of their seruice; but these Monkes are not onely exempted from the obedience of ciuil Magistrates, but of Bishops also: They are vnto Princes, mortall enimies: They are murtherers, poisoners, authours of conspiracy: so that it is hard to find a treason in all Christendome, whereof Monkes and Friers haue not beene contriuers.Mat. Paru. in Hen. 3. pag. 5 [...]5. Franciscans sent from the Romish Bishop stirred vp all Germany against the Emperour: Monkes of Saint Ʋaleri conspired with the enimies of King Richard in Normandy: Monkes they were specially, that troubled the Realme of England in the raigne of King Iohn: Monkes they were, that stirred vp the people against Henry the eighth in Yo [...]k-shire and Lincoln-shire: against the King and his laws opposed themselues the Monkes of Durham, Winc [...]ester, and Ca [...]terbury, in the time of Henry the third.
A Dominicke Frier poisoned Henry Luciaburg the Emperor in the Sacrament: A Monk of Swynste [...]d poisoned King Iohn of England: A Dominicke Monke stabbed Henry the 3. King of France with a knife: Monkes were the Counsellers, by whose instigation the Prince of Aurenge was slaine: by Iesuits, Parry, Williams, Yorke, Patri [...]k, C [...]llens, sundrie persons at sundrie times were suborned to murder the late incomparable Queene Elizabeth: by Varalius the Iesuit Barrier was moued to slay Henry the fourth, King of France: by the Iesuits [Page 564] [...] [Page 565] [...] [Page 566] was Castell also taught to haue done the same: Of that horrible examplelesse Gunpowder treason in England, who were the approuers and abettors but Iesuits? Amongst whom what is more familiar, then to teach that a King by the Pope excommunicate may be of his subiects forsaken lawfully, deposed, and murthered? Nay, they haue not spared the Popes themselues. Victor by a Monke was poisoned in the Chalice: Hild [...]brand the Monke poisoned diuers Popes, and gat at last into the chaire himselfe.
Ruffinus l. 1. c. 25.Lastly, they are no lesse intolerable vnto the Church, then vnto the Commonwealth. Monks were the chiefest Promoters of the Macedonian heresie:Niceph. l. 13. c. 10. The Monks attempted to poison Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria, a good and godly man, because he opposed himselfe against the Audean heresie:Secrat. l. 1. hist. c. 9. Monks in Egypt addicted themselues to the Meletian and Samaritan madnes: Monks were the first parents of the Pelagian, Eutichean, Messalian, Euthusian, Timothean heresies. Yea, by the Counsell of a Monke the Alcoran vvas framed: and now Angels they worship with the Angelicans: Images with the Simoneans: they raile against marriage with the Tatians.
Timotheus Arturus the Monke slew Proterius Bis [...]op of Alexandria in the very Baptisterie.Or place of Baptisme. Brasimas the Monk in that theeuish Councell of Ephesus was the chiefe Promoter of the heresie of Eutiches, openly crying out; teare him in pieces, Whosoeuer saith there are two natures in Christ:Diog. Cyzic. in Act. 4. concil. Chalced. and by his speciall procurement Flauian was slaine.
Of the bloudy murther of that army of godly Monkes at Banchor, Augustine the Romish Monke, whom they falsely call the Apostle of England, was the workeman.
Vid. God. de Font.What troubles did they raise in Paris about the yeare 1352. and 1353? How was the Ecclesiasticall state pestered with them in France? I passe ouer the vexation which they procured to Baldwinus, Richard the great, Iohn Peccam, and Iohn Stratford, as also to Edmund Archbishops of Canterbury. Nay, Monks with Monks could neuer agree; such a viperous generation they are, troublesome to others & to themselues. [Page 567] The contentions betwixt the Monks of Rochester & Canterbury, for the election of the Archbishop of Canterbury: betwixt the old and yong Monks there, for the election of Reignold: The warres betwixt Dominicans and Franciscans, Scotists & Thomists, vvhole volumes cannot containe.
CHAP. XIII. How opposite the Monkish order is vnto the Kingdome of Iesus Christ.
THe Kingdome of Christ and his supreame Regalitie by this brood of Traiterous Hypocrites, is violated, wronged, impugned, and opposed; so that of them it may be truely verefied what is prophesied by Paul; 2. Tim. 3.4. In the later times shall be traitors, heady, high minded, louers of pleasure more then louers of God.
First, they are blindly superstitious, maintainers of Traditions, and idle Ceremonies, by which the grace and Gospell of Christ is obscured. Nay, they are plaine enemies to the word of life, while they chiefely teach and perswade against the publishing of the mysteries of Saluation in a knowne tongue, by which the ignorant might bee edified, and weake consciences quieted.Ex Math. Paris. They so much maligne the Gospell of Christ, that about the yeare 1254 they made a new Gospell, the figment of their owne heads, which they called the Eternall Gospell, or the Gospell of the spirit of God, stuffed full of abominable errours and lies, by which the Gospell of Iesus Christ was vtterly defaced. For they openly professed therin, that the Canonicall Gospels, in respect of their Gospell, were no more then the Shell to the Kernell, or darknesse to light. They affirmed also, that the Gospell of Christ should be preached but fifty yeares more: But their Gospell was eternall, and should endure for euer to rule the Church. Lastly, they boasted, that whatsoeuer the Bible contained, was in their Gospell to bee found. Knowledge hereof came vnto the eares of the Pope, who committed this Monkish Gospell to the examination of sixe learned men [...]; Guil. de Sanct. amore, Christianus Canonicus Beluac. Odo de Doace, Nicholaus de Bano, [Page 568] Iohannes de sicca Villa, Iohannes Belin. These after much paines taken found out the falshoods, and refuted the heresies of this diuelish Gospell; so that though in fauour of his Friers hee would not publiquely,The Magitian or the booke of the dispossessing of Ma [...]dalen de Palud. yet priuately the Pope himselfe condemned it. We may adioine vnto this the late deuice of the Friers of France, of whom it may bee truely said; Flectere si nequeant superos, Acheronta mouebunt: If the Heauens will not bend, The Hell they'l make to bow.
For, finding that they haue no sufficient ground or foundation in the booke of God for their superstition, they haue composed a booke of Diuels, taking proofe out of Hell to maintaine their Popery. Which, if the Diuell himselfe author of lies had not beene their Father, and Antichrist his first begotten sonne their Master, in whose kingdome of darknesse lies are in place of light, and strong illusions their best conclusions, they neuer durst to haue attempted.
Secondly, the very foundations of their Abbeyes and Cloisters were erected vpon flagitious and heinous murthers, bloudsheds, and other horrible crimes; so that their erecting, for the most part, was not from good, but from euil.
Thirdly, the victory and conquest of our great King of Kings, Iesus Christ, who by his death hath destroyed death, and triumphed ouer all the power of hell, is most shamefully in the erection of Abbeyes dishonoured.Pro remedio anim [...], pro remissione peccatorum, pro redemptione peccatorum, pro salute Regnorum, qui{que} mio subiacent regimini populorum: in honorem gloriosae Virginis. For they were built for the remedy of soules, for the remission of sinnes, for the redemption of sinnes, for the health of Kingdomes, and to the honour of the blessed Virgin and Saints, as intercessours. All which detract from the glorious crowne and soueraigne Scepter of our eternall King.
Fourthly, against the dignity of our heauenly King and Captaine it is, to take any names vpon vs, but his only. Esay speaking of the prosperitie of Christs Church saith;Esay 52.6. My people shall know my name: they shall know in that day, that I am he that doth speake. Daniel saith;Dan. 9 19. Thy name is called vpon thy Citie, and vpon thy people. But in this generation, as though they had better Patrons to trust in then God, some are called Augustinians, Ambrosians, Ieremites, Gregorians, Gulihelmits, [Page 569] and such like. The Apostle Paul reproueth his Corinthians, because some said, I am of Paul; others, I am of Apollo, 1. Cor. 1.11. I am of Cephas: but the Frierly orders glory, of Benedict to be called Benedictins: of Dominick Dominicans: of Francis Franciscans. The Father hath set the name of CHRISTEphes. 1.11. farre aboue euery name that is named, not onely in this world, but also in the world to come: But Monkes preferre other names before the name of Christ; wherefore to him they are enemies and traitors.
Fiftly, whereas CHRISTEsay. 49.23. the glorious head of his Church hath subordained vnder himselfe Kings, to bee the nursing Fathers, and Queenes, to be the nursing Mothers of the church, and by his owne example hath ordained that all should pay tribute vnto them,Rom. 13.1. and that euery soule should be subiect vnto the higher powers; which in Titus 3.1. the Apost [...] [...]imselfe sheweth to be meant of Kings and Princes, as Peter also teacheth1. Pet. 2.13.14. Submit your selues vnto all manner ordinance of man for the Lords sake; whether it bee vnto the King as vnto the superiour: or vnto the gouernours; These Wasps will sucke the honey, and not obey the order of the hiue: they plead exemption from Kings, priuiledge against the command of Caesar: neither will they be obedient to Prince, nor Potentate: They acknowledge not with the Wiseman, thatWisd. 6.3. Rule is giuen of the Lord, and power by the most High. Gen. 23.7. Abraham honoured the Magistrates of the Hittites: these honour no man, nor bow to any ruler; Therefore they are not the sonnes of Abraham. The children of Israel bowed vnto Pharaoh, and called themselues his seruants: These neither bow, nor serue King, nor Kesar, therefore they are not Israelites.
Saint Augustine teacheth;Nolite dicer [...], quid mihi et Regi? quid tibi & possession [...]? Aug. super Io. Doe not say, what haue I to doe with the King? For then what hast thou to doe vvith possessions? but these will bee protected by him in their riches, whom they despise in his commandements.
Sixtly, Iesus Christ the soueraigne of his flocke, hath ordained Apostles in his church: and their successours, Ministers of the Gospell, to the gathering together of the Saints, [Page 570] and for the edification of his church. But by falshood of these Wolues it is come to passe, that the Ministers whom Christ ordained, are called secular Priests: The Monkish and Frierly orders only will be called religious; as though Christs institution were worldly, they onely spirituall: Christs order were prophane, Theirs onely holy: Christs officers vvere base, weake, fleshly, in respect of their Seraphicall, perfect, intellectuall fraternities. Wherefore, what troubles were raised both in this Realme of England, and other places also, while superstitious Bishops, to the dishonour of Christ and his institution, laboured to thrust Priests or Ministers out of the Cathedrall and Collegiat Churches,Popes & Bishops that expulsed Priests to bring in Monks. and to bring in Monks and Friers; You may see in the Histories of Honorius 3. Gregory 9. Alexander 4. Clement 4. Boniface 8. Clem. 5. Dunstan, Oswald, Ethelwold, and Edgar the King, who by the instigation of Pope Iohn the 13. voided clearely the Priests out of all Cathedrall Churches, and placed Monks therein. Thus are their chambersEsay 13.21, 22. full of Ohim, Zijm lodge there, and Iim cry in their palaces: Dragons, Ostriches and Satyres do there dance.Psal. 137.8, 9. O daughter of Babylon wasted with misery! happy shall hee be, that rewardeth thee, as thou hast serued vs: Blessed shall hee be, that taketh thy children, and dasheth them against the stones.
Lastly, in euery age wise and godly men haue obserued this serpentine brood to be the enemies of CHRIST, the plague of his Church, the confusion of States, the ruine of Religion.
De relig. domibus. Innocentius the third Pope of Rome of them saith; The diuersitie of religions bringeth confusion into the Church. Petrus de Aliaco saith, That it were necessarie that religious orders of Mendicants should bee diminished.De Reform. Ecclesiae verb. primo videtur For they are so many, that they are burdens to men, hurtfull to poore Lazers and Hospitals, and other that are truely and miserably poore: And if the matter be well weighed, they are preiudiciall to all Ecclesiasticall States.Polid. Vir [...]il. lib. 7. de inuen. rerum. Polidorus Ʋirgilius of them saith; It were very fit to beate downe, to cut off, to burne these dregges of men, vnprofitable members of Christs body, [Page 571] that they may no longer blemish the beauty of our diuine seruice with their filthinesse. The Poet well saith;Prob pudor! ho [...] tolerare potest Ecclesia po [...]cos, Du [...]t xas ventri ve [...]eri, som [...]o{que} vacantes? Paling.
Egbert himselfe an Abbot saith,In Ep. ad Colon. Episcopum. * I saw the Cloisters of virgins, which might better be called the Bird-lime, or fowling of Satan.
Behold, strange fire deuoured all: the Lillies of chastitie were dried vp, and lamentable destructions of soules euery where appeared.
Petrus Blesensis saith;In ep ad [...]fficial. cuiusdam. Ep. Gifts peruert all things at Rome, and therby all things to the Monks are lawfull: yea, all fleshly lusts, which they redeeme with pensions: Their filthinesse is declared in the Tents of Gath, and in the Cellars of Ascalon.
Honorius Augustadunensis saith;In dial. de pred. et lib. Behold the habitation of Nunnes, and thou shalt see in them the chamber of the beast prepared; for from their yong yeares they learne vncleannesse, &c.
Arnoldus de Villa noua saith,In Colloq. Am [...]ried. Reg. Sicil. that Monks burst out into such libidinous madnesse, that they feared not to teach, That when man with man (Pudet loqui) yet the sinne of the flesh is not committed.
To these witnesses let vs adde Palingenius once more;
I might here record the testimonie of Mantuan, Agricola, Ariosto, Vspergensis, Bernard, and others in this behalfe. For euen the holiest Fathers of their sort haue beene Buggerers, whoremongers, effeminate, wanton.
Dunstan loued Alfgina, and in the Masse wept to thinke vpon her, which the people imagined had beene for zeale. S. Bertelline the Heremite stole away the Kings daughter of [Page 572] Ireland, got her with child: which mother and child vvere afterward deuoured of Wolues. Some say, Oswald was taken in this sinne and duckt well in water. Therefore Petrus Palmerius & Volateranus. Lombardus, Comestor, and Gratian, the famous lights of the Romish church, were the bastards of a Nunne; which was so proud of them, that she said, Shee could not repent her of bearing them. Beuerus the Monke was Father vnto a Bastard called Leporius. Pros. agri. & flores hist. Saint Patrick, whom the Irish men so much boast of, begot Benignus of Modwen a Nunne. Of Nunnes (as Capgraue witnesseth) were borne Bubrucius, Ranulph in Polichron. l. 4. c. 29. & Capgrau. in Patric. Chentigernus, Dauid Meneuensis, Maglocuntes, who of a Monke was made King of Britaine. I will conclude vvith that of the Poet;
CHAP. XIIII. Of Priesthood, or the ministerie of the Gospell it selfe, the holy Institution of IESVS CHRIST, how it is by the Romish Church prophaned, contrary to the Maiestie of the Institutor.
MAnifold are the iniuries, wherewith the Man of sinne hath disgraced, corrupted, and violated the holy office of the ministerie of the Gospell by IESVS CHRIST ordained. They affirme, that in Priesthood an indeleble Character, and such as can neuer bee abolished nor taken away, is imprinted. So that, bee a Priest neuer so much suspended, excommunicated, degraded, yet he hath still power to make the body of Christ, to binde and to loose. Notwithstanding, what is more common with the Pope, then both by his Censures to suspend, and by his dispensation to take away this inextinguishable Character, and to make a lay-man of a Priest, and a common person of an holy.
The office of the Priest they somewhiles so extoll, that [Page 573] the Angels in heauen dare not aspire vnto that function: That the Virgin Mary her selfe could not take it vpon her: That she with eight words conceiued Christ once: These with fiue words euery day doe make him:Dist. 96. that Cherubs and Seraphins dare not execute the ministry. Wherefore they say, that Priests are Fathers and masters of Kings and Princes; yet at other times they preferre Monks before Priests. Insomuch, that their Frierly orders onely areVid. Sūma Angel. in tit. religiosus. accounted properly religious. The Ministerie that Christ ordained, is properly Secular, but in a large signification may be tearmed religious.
The Ministers in their owne Cures must giue place to Friers, and permit them to heareƲid. etiam Bell c. 1. de Monach. verb [...] ex quo sequitur. confessions: or enioine penance, and absolue from sinnes. (c) Bellarmine calleth the Monasticall life the streightest and highest kinde of life.In praefat. ad libros de Monach. Ibid. So that their Cloisters are preferred before Kingdomes, and Empires, Paradise, and Heauen it selfe.
The name and title of a Priest they altogether abuse. For, whereas the name doth signifie an Elder,Priest in English is but the contract of Presby [...]er in Latine. Vid Summa Angel. tit. Sacerdos. from the Greeke word [...], they confound it with the word [...], and the Latine Sacerdos. Yea, from them also by common vse of speech we haue learned to translate the word Sacerdos, Priest: wheras indeed it is rather a word that signifieth a Maker, and giuer of the holy ceremonies, then a Priest. For the word Priest in his proper signification, is as much to say as an Elder, who ministreth in the Gospell; not Sacrificulus, not, [...], neither a confectionary of holy things, nor a Master of Enchantments and Mysteries, but a Preacher of the Gospell, an Embassadour of Christ.
The office of the Ministers of the Gospel they most shamelessely turne from the first institution, which was to preach the Gospell, into power of consecrating, and offering vp the body and bloud of Christ. The Apostle saith,1 Tim. 3.2.6. A Bishop or Elder must be apt to teach; not a yong Scholler, but such a one as holdeth fast the faithfull word:Titus 1.9. able to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and to improue them that say against it. Peter also exhorteth the Elders to feed the flock of [Page 574] God.Vid. vlt. cap. Mat. & Marke. Wherefore it is manifest, that the office of a Minister of the Gospell consisteth chiefely in preaching, teaching, instructing the inheritance purchased by the bloud of Christ. But the onely and the chiefest end of the Priesthood in the Romish Church, isVid Concil. Trid. de sac. ord. to make the body and bloud of Christ, and to sacrifice it vnto God the Father. For Summa Angelica definethCuius officium est sacramentū corpoporis & sanguinis domini conficere, orationes dicere, & benedicere don [...] des, in verb. sacerdos. Lomb. dist. 24 l. 4. cap. de Presb. the office, that it is to mak [...] the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ, to say prayers, to blesse the gifts of God. Likewise Iohn de Combis Lib. 6. cap. 36. makes the principall act of a Priest to stand in consecrating Christs body: and the second in binding and loosing. Here is no mention of preaching the word, and feeding of the flocke of Christ. Wherfore no maruell if by their law,Praesbytero sufficit, q [...]od sciat Canones poenitentiales. Summa Ang. in [...]it. Clericus. Vid dist. 38. cap. nulli Sacerdotum. vnto a Priest it sufficeth to know the penitentiall Canons, though he know no more. For in the thirtie eight distinctionDist. 38. cap. qu [...] ipsis in textu & in Gl [...]ssa. cap. qu [...]e ipsis, Wee finde, that to a Priest the knowledge of the Masse Booke, The booke of Lectures, The booke of Antiphons, of Baptisme, The Almanack, The Penitentiall Canons, The Psalter, and the Homilies of the yeare, is sufficient.
Wherevpon these old verses were long since framed;
Hee that can construe well, sing well, read well, may bee a Priest.
And Iohn de Combis saith,Competenter quāuis non eminenter literatus. l. 6. c. 37. de qualitate ordinandorum. A Priest must bee competently, though not eminently, learned. Wherefore Manipulus Cutatorum, recounting all the ends for which the seauen orders Clericall are ordained, speaketh not one word of preaching the Gospell; onely of Lecturers (saith he)Manip. Curat in tract. 5. c. 2. quot sunt ordines ad finem cap. It is the office, to read the Prophecies concerning Christ, which are contained in the Old Testament. Innocent saith,Cum in cunctis de elect. apud Summa Angel. that one of little learning may be admitted, if there bee hope of his further increase in knowledge. Yea, the impudency of the Romane Church hath herein so farre proceeded, that they haue not beene ashamed toVid. Manip. curat. ibid. c. 5. quae req [...]iruntur in suscipiente ordines. admit boyes and children to the order of Priesthood, vnto Bishopricks, and to the proud [Page 575] honour of the Purple Hat. For vvhat cannot the vnbrideled power of the Romish Prelate dispense withall? seeingImperfectum scientiae supple [...] perfectum charitat. de renunc. cap nisicum pridem pro de [...]ectu Summa Angel. The imperfection of Knowledge is supplied by the perfection of Charitie.
To the ordering of a Priest many things are required; ShauingEzech. 44.20. of the Crowne, forbidden of GOD vnto his Priests: anointing vvith Chrysme, saying of a Masse, receiuing of those instruments, in whose deliuering the Character consisteth;Vid. Pet Lomb. dist. 24 cap. 8. de Pres [...]yteris. as the stole, the Chalice, vvith the Wine, the Patten, the Hosts: They must professe chastitie by solemne vow; and diuers other. For all vvhich there is neither example, nor commandement in the vvord of Saluation and Gospell of IESVS CHRIST.The Popish Priesthood non [...] of Christs ordinance. Wherefore this office of their Priesthood is no institution of Iesus Christ, Neither a plant which his heauenly Father hath planted. It remaineth therefore, that it bee rooted out.
I speake not, as though I disallowed with Anapaptists all Sacraments or orders of the Church, that I would bring Ataxie and confusion into the Church of Christ: or that I would haue euery man thrust himselfe into the ministeriall function. I know, God is the God of order, according to whose word I would haue Ministers in the church ordained, and their office to be vnto such end as Christ hath appointed. But this corrupting and peruerting of the Lords institution, is a capitall and heinous treacherie against the great King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
CHAP. XV. Apotheosis, or the exalting of the Romish Bishop aboue all that is called God.
HAuing spoken of the iniuries offered vnto the Sonne of GOD by the Romish Synagogue, who permitting him not to bee Lord ouer his owne house, thrust officers into his Church, such as hee neuer ordained nor knew: [Page 576] Now let vs examine whether the Lucifer of Rome lift not vp himselfe aboue all that is called God.
And surely two things there are which make this our assertion euident to euery one that will considerately looke into the businesse.
The first is the ambitious Titles of insolent and intolerable arrogancie vvhich hee taketh to himselfe: The second is the absolute, vnlimited, and lawlesse power which he vsurpeth.
This power and soueraigne Maiestie which he doth exercise, is twofold. The one Spirituall: The other Temporall. The spirituall power hee claimeth is fourefold: The power of expounding and discerning Scriptures: Power of decreeing: Power of Iudging: and power of Pardoning.
The Temporall power which he exerciseth, standeth in direction, and in destruction. The first is to prescribe and teach Kings and Princes, States and People what they shall doe, and how they shall gouerne: The second consisteth in the power destructiue of their authoritie, and in the power destructiue of their persons, by excommunicating and deposing: by murthering and slaying of Princes: by discharging subiects from their oath and obedience to them.
To these ends and purposes tendeth all the power of our Nebuchadnezar: all the thundring Decrees and Decretals, Buls and Constitutions which hee sendeth forth. To this end onely are all his Friers and Iesuites imployed in euery Kingdome and prouince, in euery part and angle of Christendome,Iudg. 9.15. That the Bramble may bee made King, and that all the trees may put their trust vnder his shadow: and if not, the fire shall come out of the Bramble, and consume the Cedars of Libanus.
CHAP. XVI. Of the titles of Pride taken by the Romish Bishop.
THe windy titles of ridiculous and vaine ambition, euen among the Heathen and prophanest Gentiles, they which had any spark of iudgement, or any feeling of humane infirmitie, haue alwaies blamed. Wherefore Domitian, who gaue vnto himselfe the title of Lord and God: and Caius, who would bee saluted by the name of Iupiter the great: And Sapores the Persian, who enstiled himselfe King of Kings, partaker with the Starres, brother of the Sunne and of the Moone: Hanno of Carthage, who by the tongues of Birds proclaimed himselfe a God: Alexander the great, who would bee called the sonne of Iupiter Hammon, all sober men haue esteemed as Monsters and intolerable burdens of the earth.
How much more abominable is it, that in the Church of Christ the milde and humble Shepheard, the gentle and lowly Sauiour,Esay 42.3. who breaketh not a bruised reede, and quencheth not the smoking flax:Phil. 2.7. who made himselfe of no reputation, and tooke on him the forme of a seruant, there should arise an Idol, puft vp with vanity and ventosity,Ezech. 28.13. in whose garment is euery precious stone; the Ruby, the Topaze, the Diamond, the Chrysolite, the Onyx, the Iasper and the Saphyr? To the making vp of whose ambitious stile, all tearmes of honour, all appellations of dignity, all words of soueraigntie must be sought for.
Bellarmine hathBell. de Ro. Pont. lib. 2. cap. 31. fifteene names to expresse the greatnes of this Roman Iupiter; The Pope, the Father of Fathers, the Priest of Christians, the high Priest, the Prince of Priests, the Vicar of Christ, the head of the body of the Church, the foundation of the building of the Church, the Shepheard of the Lords flocke, the Father and Doctour of all the faithfull, the Gouernour of the house of God, the Keeper of the vineyard of God, the Husband of the Church, the Prelate of the Apostolicall Sea, the vniuersall Bishop: Et quae per plurima [Page 578] graias nomina liber habes. With all these may he bee clad, or with any of them at his pleasure, Seu tu Iuno mauis, seu tu Lucina.
Some of these names import most audacious blasphemie against the Sonne of God; as when hee is called the high Priest, the prince of Priests, the bridegroome of the Church, the head of the body, the foundation. These high and holy titles are due vnto none but Christ. The Apostle Paul saith;1 Cor. 3, 11. Other foundation can no man lay, then that which is laid, which is Iesus Christ. How came the Pope then to bee the foundation? Againe he saith;Eph. 1.22. God appointed Christ ouer all things to be the head of the Church. Who gaue any such power to the Pope? Peter calleth Christ1 Pet. 5.4. the chiefe Sheepheard. And Christ himselfe plainely distinguisheth between the bridegroome and the bridegroomes friend;Ioh. 3. The bridegroome is hee that hath the bride. Hath any man the Church but Christ? then none can be the husband of the Church but hee onely. Greg. l. 4 ep 34. The name, vniuersall Bishop, Gregory himselfe, who sate in the Chaire of Rome, saith, is agreeable onely to the forerunner of Antichrist. Yea,Pr [...]ma sedis episcopus nō appelletur princeps sacerdotū, vel summus sacerdot, vel al [...]qu [...]d huiusmod. dist. 99. the Affrican Councell plainly forbiddeth, that the Romish Bishop should be called Prince of Priests, or high Priest, or such like.
The rest of the names, as the Vicar of Christ, Father of Fathers, keeper of the vineyard, gouernour of the house of GOD, doe no more belong to the Pope, then to any other Bishop. Wherefore it is robbery, falshood, ambition, couetousnes, to ingrosse vnto himselfe only, the titles which Iesus Christ hath giuen vnto all his Ministers.
Let vs in a word consider the sundry plumes of Pride, wherewith his Canonists and Schoolemen haue adornd the Romish Crowe, the ornaments which they haue stolne euen from Heauen it selfe to deck this Idol with.
Of eueryExtrais Io cap. sanc Rō. in di [...]. 40. cap. nō nos. in gloss. one, he must be called and accounted holy: and howsoeuer he behaue himselfe, hee is alwaies presumed to be Apostolicall.Q [...]. dā Papa ex actionibu [...] improbis, simo [...]ijs, et turpiloqu [...]js ex tran com. l. [...]. cap. dudū in glos [...]. Nay, though all his deeds bee detestable, his entrance Simoniacal, his gouernment exaction & rapine, his words filthie, and such as defile the Church: yet [Page 579] for all these, he must not be said to bee of euill memorie; for you must not regard what hee did, but what he should haue done.
An euill PrelateMalus prael [...]tu [...], etsi nō habet diadema sāctitatis, tamē habet diadema dignitatis, quāobrē ex se, nec de se peccauit licet suppos tū, cui dignitas in [...]rat, male egerit extrau. cō. de schism. dudū. bonae memoriae. in gloss. though he haue not the crowne of holinesse, he hath the crowne of dignity. Wherefore hee sinneth not of himselfe, nor from himselfe, although the person in whom the dignity is, doe euill. As in Arithmetique a small penny stands for a thousand pounds: so an euill man in gouernment of the whole world stands for a very good man.De maioris. & obed. cap. vnam sanct [...]m. in gloss. Wherefore, though many be more spirituall, and mo [...]e holy then the Pope, yet none can be called so holy in his slate.
The word Papa hath many significations, it is as much to say as Father. For which not only many Christian Bishops haue beene called Popes: but the Bithinians named their god Iupiter. It is also as much to say as wonderfull, of the interiection pape: wherefore he is called stupor mundi, the admiration of the world, the greatest of all things, neither God nor man,Prolog. C [...]ē in glos but a Neuter betweene both:Sex. Dec l 5. c. 5. foeli [...]is. in gloss. The Bishop of the whole world:Dec. l. 5. c. authoritate. in gloss. The Diocesan of all exempt places:Dec. 1. cap. fundame [...]ta. in gloss. no man, but the vicar of Christ;Cū enim prius esset purus homo, rūc vicē vers dei geri [...] in terris. in prolog. Bonif. in gloss. who, though before his election he were a mere man, yet now hee stands in the place of the true God vpon the earth: who,Ibid. although he somtime call himselfe seruant of the seruants of God, it is out of his too too great humility.Papa summus est inter omnes. Sum. Angel. in ver. Papa. But he is the highest of all:Ibid. the generall Commissary of God, taken vp into the fulnesse of power:Pet. Cluniaecens. apud Cent. 12. c. 7. fol. 1085. the Apostolicall Maiesty: most holie: most blessed: the lord of Gods house: the PrinceRebuffus in prax. Benif. in cap. de ferma signaturae. simpprouis. of all his possessions:Cōc. vasens. can. 6 the lord Pope:Barth. carāz. in Cōc. chalc. non. trāsl. the immediate iudge after God. Others intitle himSext. decre [...]. l. 3. cap. periculoso. the Prince of the world: the successour of Peter: Prince of the Apostles: Father and Doctour of all christians: Rectour of the vniuersall church: Directour of the vniuersall flocke:Bonif. 8. in pro [...]m sext. 6. chiefe magistrate of the world:Sext. decret. l. 1. cap. arbitris. in glos. a liuing law in the earth: the steward, ouerseer, chiefe seruant and ruler of Christs householde;Taperus in orat. 3 contr. Melanct, of whom is spoken whatsoeuer is spoken of Peter.
Intolerable is this arrogancey, vnspeakeable the pride: [Page 580] but yet impleri iuuat maiore monstro. This is not enough vnto him,Dan. 11.37. which magnifieth himselfe aboue all, but hee must say also;Ezec [...]8.2. I am God, I sit in the seat of God. Wherefore that of the psalmist;Psa. 82.6 I haue said, yee are gods: and that ofExod. 22.28. Exodus; Thou shalt not raile vpon the gods, neither blaspheme the ruler of the people, they chalenge to themselues, as proper to their glorious Cardinals and Bishops. And as the vassalls of the Pope, affirme, that he is in primacy, Abel; in gouernment of the Arke, Noah; in patriarchdome, Abraham; &c. So, they say, in his vnction hee is Christ. The Glosse vpon the Extrau. Cum inter, feareth not to say;Credere autē deū nostrū Papā nō potuisse statuere pro vt statuit, haereticū cēseretur. extrau. lo. 22. cap. cum inter in gloss. To beleeue that our Lord God the Pope cānot decree as he doth decree, is hereticall.
Thus Cornelius a Bishop in the Councell of Trent said;Cornel episcopus Bitont. in orat. ad Synod. Trid. The Pope the light was come into the world. And Pope Nicholas out of the mouth of Constantine in plaine words callesSatis euidēter ostēditur, a seculari potestate nec solui prorsus, nec ligari pōtificē, quē cōstat a pio principe Cōstātino, quē lōge superius memirauinius, deū appellatū, cum noc posse deū ab hominibus iudicari manifestū sit. dist. 96 c satis euidēter. the Pope (that is, himselfe) God. And thereupon concludeth, That he can of no man be iudged, because God can be iudged of none. So in the Decretall de trans. Ep. Cap. 4. it is said, that no man but God dissolueth or separateth, where the Popes dissolue or separate; wherefore he is called all, and aboue al,In Cōc. Lateran. sub Iul. ex Io. Iuel. another God in the earth.
Simon Begnius Cōc. Later. sess. 6. pag 601. saluteth Pope Leo, calling him the lion of the Tribe of Iuda, the root of Dauid: VVee looke for thee the Sauiour, O blessed Leo. Innocent the third calls the Pope, the Christ of God, the Lord of Pharao, the Mediatour betwixt God and man.
Hugo Card. applies the words;Hug. Card. in ep. ad Gal. ex Io. Iuel. a [...]t 4 Thou shalt not appeare empty before the Lord, to bishops visiting the pope. Of Peter they say, thatE [...]irau. de elect. et elect. potest cap. fundamenta. he was taken into the fellowship of the vndiuided Trinity: butEp. Sixti 2. Peter dwelleth in euery Pope. So by this is euery Pope of the fellowship of the vndiuided Trinity. Wherefore treading vpon the necke of the Emperour, Pope Alexander the third pronounceth of himselfe, that which the Scripture giueth vnto Christ only;Psal. 91.1 [...]. Thou shalt walke vpon the Adder and Basiliske: the yong Lion, and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder thy feet. Paulus Emilius in Phil 3. Reg. edit. Basihsens. per Sixtū Henrici Petri. And Martin the Pope [Page 581] suffered himselfe, by the Panormitan Legates out of Sicily to be with these words adored; Thou which takest away the sinnes of the world, haue mercy on vs: thou which takest away the sinnes of the world, giue peace vnto vs. Panorm. extra. de trans. prae. cap. quāt. And to declare the identity of the Pope with Christ, they affirme, that CHRIST and the Pope haue but one Consistorie, or one iudgement seat.
Dost thou not now (Christian Reader) beholde plainely the abomination of desolation mentioned by the Prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place? Is not this2 Thes. 2.4. hee that exalteth himselfe against all that is called God? doth hee notIbid. now sit in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God? doth heDan 11.36 not speake maruelous things against the God of gods? doth hee regard the God of his Fathers? This is the onely comfort that remaineth vnto the Church,Ibid. He shall prosper till the wrath be accomplished, for the determination is made. God hath appointed him his time, and how long his wickednesse shall endure: the day is at hand when the sins of the great whore shall come vp vnto heauen, and God will remember her iniquities: For strong is the Lord Apoc. 18.8 God, that will condemne her.
CHAP. XVII. Of the Popes spirituall power in decreeing and promulging Lawes, by which he bindeth and raigneth in the consciences of men.
THe spirituall power of the Pope I haue formerly said to consist in foure things; namely, discerning and iudging of Scriptures: decreeing and promulging lawes: power of binding, iudging and condemning: power of loosing and pardoning. Of the first of these foure powers I haue intreated in the Propheticall office. Now therefore let vs beginne with the second, which is the Lordlinesse and soueraignty hee chalengeth to himselfe, in thundering out Decrees and Constitutions, in giuing laws and commandements, which binde euery conscience, and constraine euery soule that will not runne into open heresie; the disobeying whereof is followed with temporall and eternall death: with the wrath of [Page 582] God, with the high displeasure of the Apostles Peter & Paul. Thus is our Domitian with fire both from hell and purgatory, with curses also from earth and heauen, armed.
That the Papall decrees doe binde euery conscience to obedience, it is an assured Axiome amongst them. Wherefore Gregory saith,Nulli f [...]t est vel velle vel posse trāsgredi apostolicae sed [...]s praecipta, n [...]c nostre dispositionis ministerium. dist 19 c [...]p. nulli fas It is not lawfull for any either to haue wil, or power to transgresse the precepts of the Apostolicall Sea, nor the ministration of our disposition. Agatho decreeth,Sic omnes sancti [...]nes apostolicae sedis accip ēdae sunt tanquā ipsius diuina voce Petri firmatae dist. 19. c. sic omnes.. that all sanctions of the Apostolicall seat are to bee receiued, as though they were confirm'd by the very diuine voice of Peter. This is the Seat,Ibid. cap. in memoriam. which is the mother both of dignity and magistracy: wherefore humility must bee kept with meeknesse: And although the yoke which that Seat imposeth be scarce to be indured, yet wee must beare it, and with holy deuotion suffer it. Whatsoeuer the PopeDist. 19. si Romanorum. alloweth or reproues, we must allow and reproue. The LordDist. 19. cap. ita Dominus. hath principally placed the Sacrament of Apostolicall dignity in Peter, that from him as from the head, the gifts should be diuided into all the body; that hee might knowe himselfe to be without the diuine Ministry, who presumeth to depart from the solidity of Peter.
This high and imperiall power the Pope neuer learned out of the lawe of God, nor yet out of the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Peter writeth epistles vnto the Church: but in them is not found,Statuimu [...], ordinamus, decernimus, m [...]damu, pr [...]cipimu, intuug [...]aus, determinamus. wee appoint, ordaine, decree, command, enioyne, determine. But insteed of these proud thunders of speech he mildly saith;2 Pet. 1.12. I will not be negligent to put you alwaies in remembrance; 1 Pet. 2.11. Dearely beloued, I beseech you: 1 Pet. 5.1. The Elders which are among you I beseech which am also an Elder: 2 Pet. 3.1 This second Epistle I write to you, beloued, vvherewith I stirre vp, and warne your pure mindes: Ibid. ver 8. Dearely beloued, bee not ignorant of this one thing. 1 Cor. vlt. 1. Paul indeed saith, he ordained concerning the gathering for the Saints in the Church of Galatia: but what that ordinance was in Acts 11. it appeareth. For at the prophecy of Agabus, the brethren sent succour to the Elders in Iudaea by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. But the Apostle Paul was farre from this domination of the Romish [Page 583] Chaire. For vnto his Corinthians hee saith;2. Cor. 10.1. I beseech you by the meekenesse and gentlenesse of Christ: And to his Philippians; Phil. 1.9. This I pray you. The truth is, Peter plainely chargeth his successours,1. Pet. 5.3. not to behaue themselues as though they were Lords ouer Gods heritage: And Paul requireth Timothy, 2. Tim. 4.2. to improu [...], rebuke, and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine: And Titus, to put them in remembrance that they be subiect to principalities. This manner of teaching and gouerning much differeth from that Pompous stile of the Romish Court.Vniuorsitati igitur vestrae per Apostolica scripta mandamus. in proe [...]m. Sex. decr. Bon [...]f. ad dect. & scola [...] Bononiens in proem. Sexti. By our Aposticall writing we command your Vniuersitie. BySext. Decret. l. 1. cap. Statutum. this present constitution which we command without contradiction to be obserued. It shallNulli ergo hominū liceat hanc paginā nostrae declarationis. &c. Sext. Decret. l. 5. de Signif. vos. cap. exist. not be lawfull to any man to infringe, or by rash and audacious boldnesse to goe against this Page of our declaration, ordinance, graunt, disposition, supply, approbation, confirmation; which whosoeuer shal presume to attempt, let him know that he incurreth the displeasure of God omnipotent, and the Apostles Peter and Paul.
Yet if the Romish ambition had with this imperiositie beene contented, we might with more patience haue suffered their yoake, and submitted our selues vnto the bondage. But like Arachne with her Diana, and Midas with his Apollo, our great Prelate will striue for Mastery, euen with God himselfe, and contend that his lawes are nothing inferiour to the voice and lawes of the GOD of Gods; who with lightening, thunder, and earthquake, in Mount Sinai gaue statutes vnto Moses. Wherefore his sentence not onely is to bee preferred to the sentence of all other Bishops,Nam etiam erro [...] Principi [...] facit. Dist. 4. cap. in istis, in gloss. whose very errour is a law; Nay, who is so directed by the spirit of God, that teaching Papally, out of the Chaire, hee cannot erre. They say also, the Pope and Christ haue one Tribunall: And wheras the sentences of Councels and all other Doctrines may be examined,Ex diuersis Cananistu. yet the sentence and iudgement of the Pope must stand, and not bee examined: No man may say vnto him, Why doest thou so? Now sin [...]e these are the Prerogatiues of the Sonne of God, onely proper vnto himselfe; First, that hee cannot erre: Secondly, that his doctrine must bee [Page 584] receiued without examination; it is euident, that giuing these two properties to the Pope, they make his Sanctions equall to the lawes and commandements of Iesus Christ.
Another proofe, that the lawes of the Pope are equiualent with the lawes of Christ in the Romish church, is taken from the power of dispensing, which they arrogate to themselues. For, if they haue power to annihilate, and make void the commandements of God by their Dispensations, then their Decrees are equall; Nay, they are superiour to the lawes of God.
That they dispense with all the words and Commandements of God, it is euident. First, against the Law they dispense. For, whereas Christ the faithfull expounder of the Law alloweth not any diuorce,Math. 5.32. but onely for adultery, The Papall decrees allow diuers causes of diuorce, infirmitie of body, Frigiditie, Religion, and others: Hee giueth also dispensation to marry within degrees prohibited. And although he cannot dispense with the whole law of the second Table, absolutely to take it away;Si occurreret casus particularis in quo deficeret ratio legis propter causas speciales impedientes, obseruationem praeceptorum legis ex applicatione ipsorum ad diuersas materias tum Papa posset dispensare. Summa Ang. in ver. Papa. yet he can in any particular case dispense: And what he may doe in the precepts of the second Table, the same hee may doe also in all the law of the New and Old Testament. Wherefore Pope Martin 5. dispensed with one to marryIbid. his owne Sister. With Henry the eight King of England it was dispensed to marry his brothers wife; a thing forbidden both in the Law, and the Gospell: and such dispensations many there haue beene. For it is a Maxime amongst the Canonists,Papa potest declarare, interpretare, limitare, & distinguere ius diuinum. ibid. that the Pope may declare, interpret, limit, and diuide the Scriptures. Martin therefore dispensed and gaue leaue to commit Vsury.Sext. decret. cap. dilecto. lib. 5. Innocentius gaue liberty to expell force with force: Alexander the sixtVid. Szegidine in spec. P [...]nti [...]. dispensed with Petrus Mendoza, when an Armie of Concubines with a Queene her selfe could not content him, to vse his owne base sonne, the Marquesse of Zaneth, as his wife:Ibid. ex Wesclo Kr. ningensi. Sixtus 4. gaue licence to the whole family of the Cardinall of Saint Lucy, in the three hote moneths, of Iune, Iuly, August, to commit the sinne of Sodomy. Some Popes haue dissolued marriages; and some haue licensed to [Page 585] marry within degrees prohibited:Ruard. Tapp. orat. 10. con. cap. cons. to conclude; in Rome they dispense with such things for which Christ himselfe neuer dispensed, as Tapperus doth confesse.
Lastly, their Canonists are full of these Positions, That the Pope can doe almost all that God can doe:Ex Sum. Cas. frat. Bapt. Fox. Bul. Iac. Andr. That he is able to change the nature of things:Dist. 34. cap. lector. in gloss. That he is of power to dispense against the Apostle,Baptist de salis. and to dispense against the whole state of the church: That he can dispense against the commandement of God,Caus. 16. q. 1. ca. quicun{que} in gloss. against the law of nature: thatCaus. 15. q 6. cap. authoritatem in gloss. he may take from one, and giue to another:De renunciatione c quontā in gloss. That he hath the office of God so cleauing to his bones, that hee cannot lay it aside: That where he doth confirme, no man may reuerse.Ibid. in gloss. That he hath all lawes in his brest: That all things are put vnder his feet: (l) That hee hath fulnesse of power: That he is subiect to no man; No, not vnto himselfe, except he please: That otherwise God hadRich. 1. dist. 38 ibid. not beene a good Gouernour of his houshould, except hee had ordained one such Pastor, that might take order concerning all occurrents: Neither could the Pope bee otherwise called the generall Commissary of God taken vp into the fulnesse of power. What is this, but to say,Ezech. 28.29. I am God? and I sit in the seat of God? But thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hands of him that slayeth thee.
CHAP. XVIII. Of the power of binding, iudging, and condemning, which the Pope taketh to himselfe: and of the excommunication practised in the Romish Church.
THe Apostle Paul speaking of the vertue and authoritie of his office saith;2. Cor. 13.10. The power which the Lord gaue him was to edification, and not to destruction.Smaraeg. in Epis. Euang. Luk. 5. in Dom. 6. post Pentecost. Smaragdus the Abbot therfore obserueth, that Christ our Sauiour though hee said of Peter, that he should catch men, yet hee did not say, thou shalt kill men.1. King. 3. For the iudgement of Salomon giueth vnto her the child, as the true Mother, which spareth the life thereof. And our Sauiour saith,Io. 10.10. The thiefe commeth not [Page 584] [...] [Page 585] [...] [Page 586] but for to steale, and to kill, and to destroy.
The Apostles indeed confesse they hadLuke 22.38. two swords amongst them; and these two were enow, they had no more. The one doth signifie the sword of the spirit, the word of God, which beateth downe all high things exalted against the truth: The other the sword of Mortification, with which euery man laboureth to roote sinne and wickednesse out of himselfe: but the materiall swordM [...]th. 26.52. whosoeuer striketh withall, and hath no power thereto, shall surely perish with the same. Yet notwithstanding euery eye may see him that calleth himselfe the Vicar of the peaceable Lambe of God, stand ouer the church like the2. S [...]m. vlt. 16. Angell ouer Ierusalem with a drawne sword in his hand: or indeed, like the CherubinGen. 3. vlt. with the blade of a sword shaken, to keep the way, lest any man should approach vnto the tree of life Iesus Christ.
The spirituall destructiue sword of the Pope is exercised in interdictions, excommunications, suspensions, and such like; Of all which in the Romish church the abuse is intolerable.
I know there is in the church a very necessarie vse of excommunication. First, when admonition taketh no place, it may be vsed towards offenders, euen in very small sinnes.
Secondly, against great and flagitious offences there is iust vse of excommunication; As Paul 1. Cor. 5.5. the Apostle vsed it against the incestuous person of Corinth. This iudgement of the church, soberly and holily exercised, our Sauiour Iesus Christ himselfe doth approue;Math. 18.17. Tell it vnto the Church, And if he refuse to heare the Church also, let him be vnto thee as an Heathen man, and a Publican.
And lest any man should contemne this censure of the church, our Sauiour witnesseth, that what is here in such case done by the faithfull vpon the earth, hee himselfe vvill ratifie in Heauen;Ibid. ver. 18. Whatsoeuer you binde on earth, shall be bound in heauen. It may not therefore bee thought, that such an Institution as the Lord himselfe hath left necessary to the gouernement of his Church, should be neglected, or despised.
Of Excommunication there are three ends; First, the glory of God, lest Christians leading loose, and vngodly liues, the Gospell should bee euill spoken of: and the Church of Christ, which is his owne body, should seeme to bee but a rabble of prophane, dissolute, gracelesse, and disordered persons. Wherefore such are cut off as rotten members, and cast out as vnprofitable branches, that the body of Christ and his Vineyard may bee faire and beautifull;Cant. 6.9. Faire as the Moone, pure as the Sunne, terri [...]le as an Armie with Banners: and this is the cause, why Ministers ought also carefully to reiect them from the Communion, whom they know to walke inordinately, and to bee an open scandall to the Church.
The second vse or end of Excommunication is, lest by the continuall company and conuersation of the wicked the godly should be peruerted: and this end of Excommunication the Apostle speaketh of where he saith;1. Cor. 5.6. Know yee not that a little leauen leaueneth the whole lumpe? And vnto Timothy; 1. Tim. 5.20. Them that sinne rebuke openly, that the rest may feare.
The third end of Excommunication is, that the offender himselfe may be ashamed of his sinne, and flee from the same. Hereof the Apostle speaketh to the Thessalonians; 2. Thes. 3.14. If any man obey not our sayings, note him by a letter, and haue no company with him, that he may be ashamed. And this was the end of the excommunication of the incestuous Corinthian also, that1. Cor. 5.5. such one by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ be deliuered to Sathan for the destruction of the flesh, That the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus. And therefore hee is said to be deliuered to Sathan, Because all that is out of the church, is vnder the tyranny of the Diuell. Of Hymenaeus and Alexander the Apostle witnesseth;1. Tim. 1.20. I deliuered them to Sathan, that they should learne not to blaspheme: And to his Thessalonians hee writeth,2. Thes. 3.14. that they should haue no company with disobedient persons, that they may be ashamed.
The rules and Canons which in the Primitiue church they Can. 1 obserued in Excommunication were sundry, and all good [Page 588] and holy orders. First, they neuer vsed this binding Key of the church, but against themMath. 18.17. that were open sinners, or such with whom admonishment could not preuaile. For God is ready to receiue sinners that repent. The Church therefore must not cast away such, but embrace them.
Can. 2 All the Apostles and Ministers had the same power and authoritie of binding and losing: Neither did any one herein lift vp himselfe aboue other. Christ said alike vnto all;Ioh. 20.23. Whosoeuers sinnes yee remit, they are remitted vnto them, and whosoeuers sinnes yee retaine, they are retained. Wherefore the Apostle Paul speaking of himselfe and all other Apostles, and Ministers of of the Gospell saith,1. Cor. 10.6. that they haue ready vengeance against all disobedience. This appeareth by the doctrine of our Sauiour, who to all of them giueth the same Commission;Math. 18.18. Whatsoeuer yee binde on earth, shall be bound in Heauen.
Can. 3 Although this power were giuen to all Apostles and Ministers, yet they did not execute the same but with the assistance of the church, according to our Sauiours rule;Math. 18.17. Tell it to the Church. Wherefore the Apostle concerning the incestuous Corinthian saith;1. Cor. 5.4.5. When ye are gathered together, and my spirit in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that such a one, I say, by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ be deliuered vnto Sathan. So Timothy is enioined1. Tim. 5.20. to rebuke them openly that sinne. As inTit. 1.5. ordaining Ministers the power was chiefely in the Apostles and principall Bishops, yet they thereto called the assembly: So the Keyes of the church were in the chiefe Elders; yet I doe not finde that they did exercise them tyrannically and alone, but together vvith the church, that is, in an open assembly of the brethren, with whose approbation they did bind and loose; as appeareth by that which the Apostle Paul writeth to the church of Corinth, 2. Cor. desiring their fauour towards the incestuous person being now penitent.
Can. 4 The seueritie of punishment was exercised with the spirit of meekenesse, lest the offender should be swallowed vp of despaire, and so the remedy should become the destruction [Page 589] of sinners. Ambrose saith,Ambr. the part which is putrefied hath long labour bestowed vpon it, that it may be cured: which if it succeed not, it is cut off with sorrow. Proudly, imperiously, tyrannically, this Key of the Church may not bee vsed. Brethren (saith the Apostle)Gal. 6.1. If any man be fallen by occasion into any fault, yee which are spirituall, restore such a one with the spirit of meekenesse, considering thy selfe, lest thou also be tempted.
Tiberius Caesar, when he proscribed any man to death, or banishment, was wont to say; I would I knew not how to write. If any Heathen Prince was so loth to punish, and did it with such vnwillingnesse; Shall not the church of Christ imitate their God,Ioel 2.13. Ezech. 18. who is slowe to wrath, long suffering, and desireth not the death of him that dieth? Excommunication herein differeth from Cursing; Cursing condemnes the person: Excommunication, the fault.Chrys. Chrysostome saith, Cursing should not be vsed towards liuing or dead. Of the liuing we must hope well: the dead haue receiued their iudgement: I thinke in these words Chrysostome did not contend that Arathem [...]tisation should neuer bee vsed; but very sparingly, and with great long suffering. Mildnesse then must bee shewed in the punishment of sinners. For which cause the church had a lesser Excommunication, vvhich forbade the participation of Sacra [...]ents onely: And a greater Excommunication, in which from all religious exercise of the faithfull they were suspended. There are that make fiue kinds of Excommunication; Some might not so much as heare: Some might not see the religious Acts: Some might not pray with the Church: Some might not offer: Some might not communicate of the Sacraments.
The Ministers of the Gospell must not vse Excommunication Can. 5 against innocents for their priuate gaine, or in their owne quarrell, or for their owne particular ends. Ʋrbanus Vrba. saith, The Excommunication of a Prelate is greatly to bee feared, whether it be iustly, or vniustly inflicted. But I assure my selfe, the Minister aboue all other may feare the Excommunication which hee pronounceth vniustly, Lest God not [Page 590] onely blesse when hee curseth: but poure downe also the viole of his wrath vpon such as throw out their curses like Domitians thunder, euery where, and against euery man; hauing no other cause but their owne lucre and ambition. Of Theodosius the Emperour wee read, that hee was so much troubled with an Excommunication, vvhich a saucy Monk pronounced against him, because hee had reiected a malapert petition of his, that he would neither eate nor drinke till by the same Monke he were absolued againe, although the chiefe Pastor of the Church sent him word, that the Excommunication of the Monke was vaine and friuolous. This was a needlesse feare, vnworthy so great a Prince. For euery vniust, rash and vain curse causelessely by malicious or braine-sicke Priests cast out, is not to bee esteemed as the weighty censure of the Church established by Christ.
Can. 6 Whosoeuer were desirous to returne to the Church, and gaue testimonie of their true repentance, were alwaies receiued againe.Euscb. Ec. hist. lib. 3. cap. 20. So Saint Iohn (as Eusebius out of Clement Alexand. witnesseth) brought home the yong man that vvas fallen into the company of theeues.Iren l. 1. cont. Haer. Valen. cap. 9. Irenaeus witnesseth, that a woman whom Marcus the Heretick had corrupted both in body and soule, was receiued into the Church vpon her confession.Sozom Ec. hist. lib. 7. cap. 24. Theodosius also after his pittilesse destruction of the Antiochians, (when hee had prostrated himselfe in the Church, and laying away his princely ornaments and ensignes, humbled himselfe with that saying of Dauid; Psal. 119.24. My soule cleaueth to the dust, O quicken thou mee according to thy word) was receiued into the church.
Sweno King of Denmarke, comming barefoote and penitently into the Church, was embraced of the Bishop. This is according to the Apostles rule;Gal. 6.1. Restore such a one, in the spirit of meeknesse.
Here I must protest, submitting my selfe to better opinions, that I thinke it not lawfull for any Ecclesiasticall subiect to excommunicate his Prince, beeing a power superiour vnto him, and ordained by God; to whom only he is accountant, and by him to be iudged.
Without humiliation, and repentance no man ought of Can. 7 the Church to be receiued, who hath been for his notorious publique offences, and contumacie excommunicated. Eusebius Euseb l. 3. de v [...]ē. Const. c. 64. ad fin is witnesse, that Hereticks returning to the church were proued for some space by the gouernours of the church, and then receiued.
Cyprian doth bitterly inueigh against those,Lib 3. Epist. 15. & 16. & Epist. 14. that to please the vulgar people, receiued such as had not finished their repentance, nor were sufficiently catechized and admonished. For this cause it seemeth, that they were not at once after great offences receiued into the Church, but by steppes and and degrees. This out of the Nicene councell may bee collected, wherein mention is madeEx Pet. Mart. in de Excom. of some, that were admitted to heare the vvord onely: Some, that had leaue onely to prostrate themselues vpon the pauement of the Church: Others vvere allowed to heare the prayers of the congregation, and so by degrees to communicate also.
Excommunication and Absolution was pronounced in Can. 8 the Name of GOD onely, not in the name of any of the Saints. Hereof the Apostle Paul shall bee witnesse, who to the excommunication of the incestuous person inuocateth neither the blessed Virgin, nor the Apostle Peter, nor any other:1. Cor. 5.4 5. But in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ (saith hee) and by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ, deliuer such a one vnto Satan.
It is sinne and vvickednesse in the gouernours of the Can. 9 Church, if they conniue at prophane and vngodly persons which will not be reformed, and refuse to excommunicate them. Wherefore Saint Paul as well chargeth Timothy before God2. Tim. 4.1.2 to improue and rebuke, as to exhort: And to his Romanes; R [...]m. 16.17. Marke them diligently that cause diuision, and offences, contrarie to the doctrine which yee haue learned, and auoid them. And Iohn saith;2. Ioh. 10, 11. If there come any vnto you, and bring not this doctrine, receiue him not to house, wither bid him God speed; For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his euill deeds.
When they had excommunicate any man in one Church, Can. 10 [Page 592] they did certifie the same to other Churches, that hee which was here reiected, might not be there receiued.
Can. 11 Notwithstanding that the company of the excommunicate, men were forbidden to vse, yet there are certaine duties which may not be denied to the excommunicate; as to giue him meat, drinke, and raiment. Yea, there are some degrees also, which may not deny their seruice, aide, and obedience, to the excommunicate: and the debtour must not pretend his creditour to bee excommunicated, and therefore refuse to pay him his due. Finally, the Romanists themselues set downe fiue occasions,Veile lex, humile, res ignorata, necesse. for which a man may without danger conuerse with the excommunicate.
1 Profit; as when we hope to conuert him: or vse his company for the publique good of the Church: or to our owne priuate spirituall good, which elsewhere wee cannot haue.
2 The law; for such persons may not refuse the societie of the excommunicate, whose duty stands in seruing them; as subiects to their Prince, wiues to their husbands, husbands likewise to their wiues.
3 Ignorance; when we do not know that such a one is excommunicate.
4 Humility; when our condition of subiection bindeth vs to conuerse with the excommunicate; as seruants with the maister, children with parents.
5 Necessity; when it cannot otherwise be but we must conuerse with the excommunicate.
Hauing shewed the right vse of excommunication, and the order which the Primitiue Church according to the Scriptures vsed therein, let vs now see, how this holy institution, which the soueraigne of the Church Iesus Christ hath ordained to be the bridle and the scourge of inordinate and profane persons in his house, hath beene abused, violated, and corrupted by our Romanists, and their Antichristian Prelate.
Violation of the first Canon,The Romish tyranny hath exercised this key of excommunication against such as were no notorious offenders, but [Page 593] merely innocent.Vid Cent. 11. So Hildebrand the Pope excommunicated the Emperour Henry: Innocentius the third did excommunicate the Emperour, for going aboutEx flal [...]o de act. Rom. Pontif. l 5. to recouer his owne right, and ancient patrimony. The Popes Legate did excommunicateNaueler. vol. 2. Andrew King of Hungary, for that hee forsooke the war in Palestina, without the consent of the other Princes his confederates.
Ex Cent. 13 Paschalis the second did excommunicate Henricus the 5. Emperour.
Fredericke the Emperour was excommunicated by Hadrian the fourth. Philip the sonne of Fredericke, by Innocent the third. Fredericke the second, by Gregory the ninth. Conradus the fourth, by Innocent the fourth. To these wee may adde Iohn King of England, excommunicated by the Pope also. These Princes, because they defended their owne rights, and chalenged vnto Caesar that which was due vnto Caesar, were most vniustly by the Pope excommunicated.
All is one to them whether innocent, or nocent if against the tyranny & ambitious Empiredome of the man of Rome, thou stand to be excomunicated. For proof hereof, let Henry the fourth Emperour, Henry the fift, Fredericke, and Philip his sonne, of whom I haue spoken, be witnesses: to whom I may well adioyne our late renowned Queene Elizabeth, whose publique forme of religion and seruice in the church, Sacraments and Bible, Pius 5.By the relation of diuers honourable Iudges of this kingdome on the bench, and out of the treatise of Doctour Carier to the most excellent Maiesty of King Iames. pag. 45. l. antepenuli. edit. 1613. the Pope offered to approue as good: and would allow it without changing any part thereof, so that her Maiesty would receiue it from him as the Pope and Vicar of Christ: and take it by his allowance; which because shee refused to doe, hee presently excommunicated her.
Clement the sixt openly protested that he would neuer pardon Lewes the Emperour, except abandoning his Empire, he would commit himselfe and his children, his goods and all, into his Papall hands.
Against the second Canon,Violat. Can. 2. the Pope vniustly vsurpeth vnto himselfe the supreame power of excommunicating, and saith, that God gaue this key vnto Peter: and from Peter & [Page 594] his successours (in whom it still is by fulnes of power) it is deriued to other Bishops (as Alexander saith)Alexand. opinio ex Cent 13. c. 14. extrau. cō l 5 le poenit. et remiss. cap. etsi dominici. The power of loosing, and key of binding is first in Peter, afterwards in other Apostles, and that is the reason why in diuers cases he reserueth to himselfe; only the relaxation of this binding knot, miserably tormenting thereby the penitent sinner, who many times must despaire of pardon, which is no where gotten but from Rome.
Violat. Can. 3. Caus. 2. quaest. 1 Neme in gloss.The Pope neglecteth any consent of the Church in excommunicating, hee doth it of himselfe, whether by word or by writing; yea, euery simple priest (they say) may excommunicate.
Violat. Can. 4.All tyranny they vse in their excommunications: no man must conuerse with him, whom the Romish thunderbolte doth light vpon.
Vid Cent. 11. c 6 Hildebrand the pope therefore thrusteth all Bishops which did adhere to Henry the Emperour, into sundry cells, where they might speake with no man, but were fed with course and hard diet, vnfit for their dignities and persons.
Violat. Can. 6.Whereas the Church like a mercifull mother, is ready alwaies to receiue them that returne with teares into her lap; imitating the good father of the prodigall childe;Luke 15.20. who, when he was yet a great way off, saw him, and had compassion, and fell on his necke, and kissed him: The Romish generation enioineth many daies, and months, and yeares of punishment, before a sinner wearied with his burden, affrighted in his conscience, may come home againe. They enioyne penance sometimes for seauen yeares: sometimes for ten or twenty: or during the whole course of a mans life. This they doe, that they may insult vpon the miseries of poore sinners, and dismay the weake conscience of their wounded bretheren; Farre vnlike vnto him that saith;Mat. 11.28. Come vnto mee all ye that labour sore, and are heauy loaden, and I will ease you.
Violat. Can. 7.As their ordinary consistoriall excommunications they flash out like brutish lightning, vpon euery trifle, and for euery toy: so they neither staie, nor expect mature and solemne repentance; but rashly, and for money, absolutions [Page 595] are sould as common as any other marchandise. And for this purpose they haue knowne rates for all kindes of dispensations;Musculus of Pope Marchādise for wilfull murther, for necessary murther, for murther by chance, for paricide, for the murther of a prince, for murther of a mans wife, for murther of an infant, for witchcraft, heresie, theft, sacrilege, simony, periury, fornication, incest, Sodomie, and diuers other.
Aboue all other abominations and abuses touching the binding key of the Church, it may not be forgotten,Violat. Can 8. that in excommunication they vse the names and authority of the blessed virgin: of Peter and Paul, and the Apostles, aswell as of Iesus Christ.Platina O sanctae Petre prin [...]eps Apostolorum. So Pope Hildebrand beginneth and endeth his excommunication against Henricus the Emperour:Extrau. com. l. 5. de sent. excom. after the same manner by the authority of Peter and Paul Boniface the eight doth excommunicate.
Contraie to the ninth Canon and rule which the ancient Fathers obserued, the Papall transgresse,Violat. Can 9. when they not only conniue and winke at the adulteries, and fleshlinesse of their Cardinalls, Bishops, Priests: but also giue dispensations, and leaue vnto them to commit horrible, impious, vnnaturall beastlinesse, as hath beene formerly shewed.
Hauing intreated of the Papall power in binding & iudging, wee must now descend to his power in absoluing and pardoning by his lordly Indulgences: which before I handle, it is meet first to consider the whole Tenet of the Romish church concerning penance, and all the parts thereof. And first of confession.
CHAP. XIX. Of Confession.
ABsolution of offenders necessarily requireth repentance: of repentance the Romish Church maketh three parts; Contrition of the heart b [...]fore God; Confession of sinnes vnto a Priest; and Satisfaction.
Contrition differeth from attrition; For attrition is but [Page 596] a light distaste and mislike of sinne: but Contrition doth rent the heart,Gemitus dicitur quasi gemi [...]atus luctus. it is a double affliction of a man in his owne conscience. Therefore it is the arraigning of our selues in our selues before God: It is no partiall, nor light glancing ouer our thoughts; but a serious inquisition, a seuere condemning of our wickednesse, with an earnest detestation of the same.
Confession is also an internall part of repentance, without which repentance is no repentance; For God abhorreth the scarifying & couering of sinne. The Physitian requireth his Patient to lay the Malady open. The Counsellor will haue his Clyent to manifest the truth of his cause. And God, though to his pearcing eyes the day and night are both alike: though he search the heart and the reines:Psal. 139. though nothing be hid from his presence, who knoweth our thoughts long before; yet such humiliation he expecteth from sinners, that we should lay open our wounds, and our filthinesse, as the sonne of Syrach teacheth;Ecclus. 4.26. Bee not ashamed to confesse thy sinnes, and resist not the course of the Riuer. As though it were as naturall to the poore burdened soule to haste vnto God with acknowledgement of sinne, as for the Riuer to runne downe in discharging and paying his swelling waters vnto the Sea. Wherefore the law requireth both men and womenLeuit. 5.5. to confesse their sinne. And the Gospell promiseth;1. Ioh. 1 9. If wee knowledge our sinnes, hee is faith [...]ull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse.
Wee finde in the Scripture Three kindes of Confession: The one Iudiciall,Three kinds of Confession. such as Iosuah required of Achan; Ios. 7.19. My sonne, I beseech thee giue glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession vnto him, and shew me now what thou hast done, hide it nrt from me.
This kinde of Confession belongeth to all offenders who are brought before any Magistrate in causes criminall, and to all them which haue matters of Controuersie depending before any humane tribunall, to confesse sincerely the truth of the businesse, euen as in the sight of GOD; For [Page 597] hereto are they bound in Conscience.
A second kinde of Confession there is in Scripture, which is called brotherly Confession. And hereof two kindes are found; the one for our own sakes, and the other for our brethren. Of the first Saint Iames speaketh;Iam. 5.16. Acknowledge your faults one to another, and pray one for another. Surely, of this kinde of Confession there is great and good vse in the Church. For when the conscience is affrighted with the horrour of offences, and feeleth a wauering distrust and doubtfulnesse in it selfe, what can be better done then to choose some godly and wise brother either of the Ministers of Christ, or of the Laicks, to whom wee may vnfould our dangers, and of whom we may desire aduice and comfort according to the word of God. Seneca Seneca. doth well obserue, that all offences are the lighter, when they are imparted to others. In truth (saith he) as to tell the dreame, is a token that wee are awake: So to acknowledge our sinnes, is a signe that wee desire to amend.
A second kinde of priuate and brotherly Confession there is, when vnto our brother whom wee haue offended, wee acknowledge the offence, seeking to reconcile our selues vnto him. This our Sauiour commandeth,Math. 5.24. Go thy way; first, be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
The third kinde of confession is vnto God, and this is of two kindes also.
The first confession is of praise, either priuately in the closet of our owne heart, or openly in the Congregation. Hereof the Psalmist speaketh;Consitebimur tibi deus. Psal. 75.1. Vnto thee, O God, euen vnto thee, doe wee giue thanks. Ioel saith,Ioel [...].3. Tell your children of it, and let your children shew it to their children, and their children to another generation. And the Prophet Dauid againe saith;Psal. 149.1. Let his praise be heard in the congregation of the Saints.
The second is the Confession of sinnes vnto God, when a wounded conscience layeth open it selfe vnto him willingly, from whom it cannot be hid, and casteth downe his burden at the footstoole of his mercy. This the Prophet Esay perswadeth; Count, that thou maist be iustified. Osee saith, [Page 598] O [...]ee 14.3. Take vnto you words, and turne vnto the Lord, In the Prophet Ieremy the Lord saith;Ier. 2.35. I will enter with thee into iudgement, because thou saist, I haue not sinned. Thus did all holy men, when they had prouoked the dreadfull Maiestie of God, humble themselues in confessing their offences, and their transgressions; as in Iob, Dauid, Manasses, Daniel, Esay, Peter, and sundry others, we haue example.
This Confession of sinnes vnto God is three-fold; Priuate in our secret meditations, whereof Dauid speaketh;Psal. 6.6. Euery night wash I my bed, and water my couch with my teares: Publique of the whole congregation, to which Ioel exhorteth;Ioel 2.17. Let the Priests the Ministers of the Lord weepe betweene the Porch and the Altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and giue not thine heritage into reproch.
To this purpose were many excellent Psalmes of Dauid compiled, euen to acknowledge in the Temple publiquely, the transgression of the people. As the twelfth, the seuentie ninth, the hundreth fortie & third Psalm, and sundry other.
The third kinde of Confession is of priuate persons in the publique congregation. Hereof also wee haue example in the children of Israel, N [...]hem. 9.2. who confessed their sinnes in the open congregation. For vvhen they brought their Sacrifices to the Altar, and laid their hands on the head therof, they did acknowledge their faults, though they did not make a speciall recitall of euery offence.Ps [...]l. 51. A Psalme of Confession. The Psalmist Dauid confesseth his transgressions to the Prophet Nathan: but hee did not deliuer euery circumstance thereof; and for this purpose he made the fifty one Psalme a publique acknowledgement of his sinne, and committed it to the excellent Musicians.
Thus theLuke 18.13. Publican also stood a farre off in the Temple and confessed his sinne. And to the imitation hereof the Church hath alwaies vsed disciplinarie confession of sinnes, to bee done by flagitious and scandalous persons openly in the Church, to humble them before GOD; to make them the more to abhorre their sinne: to satisfie the congregation and to deterre others from the like wickednesse. But in all these kinds of Confession, the Popish Auricular [Page 599] shriuing of a man to the Priest is not found.
We must vnderstand, that when Confession is either priuately, or publiquely made vnto God, by an heart which hath a true and earnest feeling of the intolerable burden of his offences, in a liuely faith, laying hold on the promises of God through IESVS CHRIST, God is faithfull 1. Ioh. 1.9. and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes, as Iohn witnesseth: And hereof as Trophees of his glorious mercy, The Lord hath set vp diuers testimonies vnto himselfe. What promises? What consolations hadGen. 16.10, 11. Hagar after she had confessed her fault?
Dauid saith;Psal. 32.5 I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee, neither hid I my iniquitie, for I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord, and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne. The Niniuites Ionas 3. wailing and lamenting before him, though the sentence were come forth, and the iudgement pronounced against them: yet the Lord repented of his wrath, and turned from his fierce displeasure. In the New Testament,Mat. 3.6. confessing their sinnes the people were baptized of Iohn; which was the Symboll of saluation. The same in the parable of the Prodigall sonne is demonstrated also; who had no sooner confessed;Luke 15.21, 22, 23. Father I haue sinned against Heauen, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne; but presently his Father said, Bring forth the best Robe, and put it on him, and put a Ring on his hand, and shooes on his feet, and bring the fat Calfe, and kill him, and let vs eate, and be merry. Neither did the Lord require, in any of these, enumeration of their sinnes. We see in Luke the seuenth, The woman which was a sinner, confessed onely by her teares, washing, kissing, anointing his feete, without speech or any words at all: yet the Lord washeth the washer, and powreth the deaw of his mercy vpon the showre of her teares: Her sweet oyle with farre sweeter balsame was repayed;Luke 7.48. Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee. So also hee dealt with him that was sicke of the Palsey; For knowing his faith, his desire, his earnestnesse, he saith;Math. 9.2. Sonne bee of good comfort, thy sinnes are forgiuen thee. As our Sauiour Christ gaue example; so also his Apostles practised: For Paul speaking of Iohns baptisme [Page 600] saith,Act. 19.4. that Iohn baptized with the baptisme of Repentance, saying vnto the people, that they should beleeue in him which should come after him, that is, in Christ Iesus. In these words the Apostle doth intimate, that the Baptist required only repentance and faith. So in the Acts, Act. 2.41. They that gladly receiued the word, were baptized.
In place of godly and Christian Confession taught in the Scripture, and practised by holy men, both in the law, and the Gospell, the Romish Church, to raigne ouer the Consciences of men: to lay the tyrannicall yoake of slauish seruitude vpon the necke of the children of grace, haue brought in their auricular confession; wherin all and euery sinne with the Circumstance and the manner thereof, must particularly vnder paine of damnation, as farre as they can bee called to remembrance, be confessed to the Priest, taking vpon him a Censorious power to remit, or to retaine: to forgiue, or to chastice, according to his discretion.
If you desire to know what insolent commander first prepared this torturing Rack for the poore conscience: What Cham first exacted, that men should lay open their priuities, and their shame vnto the eyes of other; It was Pope Innocent the third, by a Decree in the Lateran Ex Barth. Carā [...]. in summa Coue. Laeteran. Cōcil. Can, 21 Councell, about the yeare of our Lord 1215. In which it is ordained, that the Priest shall enquire after all sinnes with their circumstances.
I am not ignorant, the Tridentine Councell affirmeth, thatConcil. Trid. de confess. Can. 5. verbo ex institutione Sacram poenitentiae. in ipso princip. Can. the Church alwaies did vnderstand, how full Confession of sinnes was instituted of the Lord himselfe: and after baptisme to be by the Law of God necessarie. But surely against their own conscience, and learning, they haue thus pronounced. For they could not bee ignorant that Zozomen sheweth the beginning of Auricular confession in the Greek church: and how,Zozo. l. 7. c. 16. because a Matron was defloured in the Temple, therefore Nectarius did abrogate the necessitie of confession, and made it free to euery one, whether hee vvould confesse or not, before the receiuing of the Communion.
Now, if Auricular Confession had beene the institution [Page 601] of the Lord, Nectarius with the rest of the Bishops of the Easterne Church, would neuer haue presumed to exauctorate the same. As for Confession in the Westerne, and especially the Romane church, rehearsing the Rite and Order, he speaketh no word of any necessarie Auricular confession: but only that the Penitents did prostrate themselues in an appointed place in the Church, with teares and lamentation; whom the Bishop himselfe first rising vp lifteth from the ground, praying for them, and then doth dismisse them: but they after did priuily afflict themselues with such fasting and washing as were enioyned them; And at the last hee addeth,Haec Romani sacerdotes ab ipso inde exordio etiā ad nostrā vs{que} memoriā custodi [...]̄t. Zozo. ib that the Romane Priests haue obserued these things from the beginning, euen till our memory. So that of the forme of Confession then vsed hee maketh not the word of God, but custome, to be the authour. Gratian the compiler of the Decrees saith, There are sundry opinions concerning Confession by the mouth, whether it be necessarie or no, or how it first came vp? Some say it began in Paradise, when God enquired of Adam, Where art thou? Others say it began in the Law, and others in the Gospell. But Gratian thinketh it better to say,Sed melius dicitur, eā institutā fuisse à quadā vniversali ecclesiae traditione. de poen. dict. 5. cap. in poen. in gloss. that it began from an vniuersall tradition of the Church.
The author of the supplement saith,Suppl. 3. part. q. 6 artic. 6. that the institution of Confession was from God, although the expresse ordinance thereof bee not read. Thus it is true that Tertullian speaketh;Sed credūt sine scripturis, vt credāt aduersus scripturas. Tert. de praescrip. aduers. haeres. fer [...] in medio. They beleeue without Scripture, that they may beleeue against scripture. Howsoeuer vncertaine the authoritie bee, yet it is of such vrgent necessitie,Supp. 3. part. c. 6. art. 6. that the Pope can no more dispense that a man may be saued without Confession, then that hee may bee saued without Baptisme. And Peter Lombard saith,Indubitāter ostc̄aditur, op [...]rtere deo primū, et deinde sacerdoti offerri cōsessionē: nec aliter posse perueniri ad ingressum paradis, fi assit facultas. 4. sent. dist. 17. art 2. It is vndoubtedly declared, that Confession ought to be made first vnto God, then vnto the Priest if we may; for otherwise there is no entring into Paradise.Tāta ita{que} vis cōfessionis est, vt si deest sacerdos, cōfiteatur proxime, de poen. dist. 1. cap. quem poenitet. Yea, such necessitie there is of Confession, that if he cannot haue a Priest, he must confesse to his neighbour: and the more Priests hee confesseth to, the greater is the hope of Pardon, becauseIbid. his shame is the greater, and he [Page 602] obligeth the more Priests to pray for him. Yet a man may not diuide his Confession, laying open som sins vnto one, & some to another; For one sinne with another compared may aggrauate the penance. Here is yet to be noted, that though a man wanting a Priest may confesse to his neighbour: yet Sacramentall Confession is onely to a Priest, because he only hath power ouer the body of Christ:3 part. Summe q. 3. art. 1. &. art. 5. & 6. And it must be done once a yeare at least, by the order of the Church, and instantly also without delay; if he communicate, if he bee in danger of death, if his conscience moue him thereto, or if he haue any doubt in his minde as some thinke.
Euery Priest hath power indifferent by the keies of the Church ouer all men, and ouer all sinnes:Ibid. q 8. but that euery Priest cannot absolue euery one, and from all sinnes, it is because by the ordinance of the Church hee hath a limited iurisdiction.
The PriestVid. Pet. Lomb. 4. S [...]nc. dist. 19. cap. 3. must be discreet and iust, otherwise hee killeth the soules which hee should quicken, and giueth life to them which should die.
The force3. part. S [...]. art. 6. cap. ad. 3. of Sanctification of the Sacrament of penance, consisteth in the Sanctification of the Priest.
ToLigare et soluere non significant denunciare, vel declarare, sed reipsa vincula inijcere, aut demere. Bel. l. 3. de poen. cap. 2. binde and loose, doth not signifie the denunciation and declaration of forgiuenesse of sinne: but verely to hamper in bonds, or to release, saith Bellarmine.
RemissionNegatur remissio illis, quibus noluerint Sacerdotes remittere. ibid. is denied vnto them to whom the priests will not remit; for to what purpose were it, to haue the keies of the house, if a man might goe into the house without the keies? Without the iudgement of the Priest none can bee reconciled to God. If men could be absolued from sin without the sentence of the Priest, then the promise of Christ were not true; Whose sinnes you binde in earth, shall bee bound in heauen.Ibid. verb. quarto colligitur ex illa vice. God hath not giuen eternall life to all, but to certaine, whom the Priests shall thinke worthy to be absolued.
ConcerningSupplem. 3. par. q. 11. artic. 1. ad primum. the seale of the priests secrecy, when hee knoweth thy offences, that which in Confession is known, is not knowne; For the Priest doth not know it as a man, [Page 603] but as God. Wherefore no power can compell, or license the Priest, to reueale the secrets in the Sacrament reuealed.
The fruit of ConfessionVid. Syn. Trid. Can. 5. is so great, that it deliuers both from fault, and punishment.
Veniall sinnes,Ibid. (because by them wee are not excluded from the grace of GOD, and may bee by many waies cleansed,) may in confession be concealed without fault.
ConfessionEx Comp. Theol. veri [...]. l. 6, c. 25. ad finem. must be made by a mans owne mouth,3. part q. 9. art. 3. verb. confessio vt est. as Baptisme may not be but with water. So Sacramentall confession hath a determinate act, euen the proper words of the penitent: neither is it lawfull by signes, or writing, or any other way, to manifest the sinne, except a man be dumbe, or of a strange language, which the Priest vnderstandeth not.Comp. Theol. ver. ihid. The notable circumstances also which aggrauate the offence, must be vttered. Confession must be made to a Priest,Cōp. Theol. ver. ib qaniuis peccata. though he know thy fault already; for it must be known to the Priest, not as a priuate person, but as a iudge, that hath power to censure, and to binde or loose.
Confession as it is a part of the Sacrament,Sup. 3. part. q. 9 art. 1. may bee in him that is not contrite, nor hath any charity, neither intendeth to amend his life: but as it is an act of vertue, it cannot be without charity.
Moreouer, in their confession they make the virgin Mary, and all other Saints eternall Priests; For thus they say;Conf [...]theo [...] deo, beatae Mariae, omnibu [...] sanctis. Bre. Sar. in praep. ante Miss. I confesse vnto God, the virgin Mary, and all Saints.
Confession must be of the same sinne againe reiterated, if the Priest haue not the key of power to absolue from the sin confessed: or if he haue not the key of wisdome to discerne.Comp. Theol, Likewise, when a man hath confessed part of his sinne to one Priest, and part to another, hee must in such case confesse anew. Lastly, when a man hath wilfully neglected to satisfie and performe his penance; in all these cases he must confesse the same sinnes againe.
You haue seene with what small authority is brought into the Church this Bull of Perillus, and what blasphemies to maintain it they fal into; that without it is no saluation. And yet euery Priest cannot administer it, but according to his [Page 604] rules, and in such measure as the Church (that is, the Popish Canons) hath giuen vnto him: that the holinesse thereof standeth in the cleannesse of the Priest: that the very power of binding and loosing is in the Priest: that without the pleasure of Priests none can be saued. To all this what shall we reply? but with that of the Prophet;Ier. 3 23 The hope of the hils is but vaine, nor the multitude of mountaines, but in the Lord our God is the health of Israel.
The reasons they bring out of Scripture for all this businesse, are few and miserable. Wherefore I blame not the Tridentine Fathers to put their chiefest defence in malediction;Siquis dixerit in catholica ecclesi [...] poenitentiam nō esse verè et propriè sacramētū, pro fidelibus, quoties post baptismū in peccaca labūtur ipsi, deo reconciliādis, a Christo domino nostro institutū, anathema sit. de poen. can. 1 Cursed bee hee that saith, the Sacrament of penance was not ordayned of CHRIST, to reconcile the faithfull vnto God after Baptisme.
Bellarmine saith,Bell. l. 3. de poen. c. 3. verb. prima agitur, confession is figured in the beginning of the old Testament, when the Lord enquired of the transgressions of Adam and Cain, Genesis the third and fourth. And he saith, that in these two examples the special acknowledgement both of the fault, and circumstance was required.
To this I answer, that Panormitan himself acknowledgeth, that confession is not of Gods lawe, but of mans lawe. And Gratian saith,Traditione potius, quā ex nouo vel ve; teri testamento. de poen dist. 5. in poen. autem in gloss. It is rather from Tradition, then either frō the olde or new Testament. The truth is, God with Adam and Cain doth seuerally expostulate concerning their sinne: but Adam and Cain did not Sacramentally confesse: neither was it a Priest, but the Lord God that spake vnto Adam and Cain. Bellarmine might better haue concluded; Adam and Cain confessed to the Lord; therefore to the Lord should we confesse.
It is apparant also, that the confession of Adam and Cain was not Sacramentall.Cōfessio sacramētalis est, per quam morbus latēs spe veniae aperitur. vid. Cōp. Theol. ver. l. 6. c. 25. in principio. For by Austen confession Sacramentall is described to be that, when the hidden offence is reuealed in hope of pardon; but here was no such matter. For Adam ranne away from God: andGen. 4 13.14 Cain plainely cast off all hope of remission. Io. de Combis therefore truely and ingenuously doth witnesse, thatNō est de iure naturali, sed euāgelico. l. 6. c. 25. vocall confession of a man [Page 605] to a man, is not from the law of nature, but from the Gospell. And the Councell of Trent plainely saith,Can. 1. de poenit. necessit. et instit. The Sacrament of Penance was not before Christ.
Christ hath ordained the Priests to be iudgesEx Synod. Trid. Can 5. de confess. & Bellar. vpon the earth: But Priests cannot iudge, except they know the faults; therefore Confession is necessary.
I answere to this sophistication; that where the premisses are false, the inference, or illation is not necessarily true. Now the Proposition is most vntrue, for Christ neuer ordained his Ministers to be Iudges, but Preachers. The Soule of man knoweth no iudge but the Lord, to whose eyes onely it is open: as for your Lordly Prelacy, it raigneth, but not by him: it hath from God neither precept, nor priuiledge, to tyrannize ouer the soules and spirits of men.
Christ in the sixteenth of Mathew gaue the Keyes to Peter, and in the eighteenth of Mathew, and the twentith of Iohn to all the Disciples he imparteth authoritie for binding and loosing;Math. 18.18. Ioh. 20.23. Whosoeuers sinnes yee remit, they are remitted, and whosoeuers sinnes ye doe retaine, they are retained: Therefore Auricular confession is necessary.
The Councell of Trent De necessitate & institutione Sac. Poenit. Can. 1. to proue confession maketh no mention out of Mathew the eighteenth, and confesseth, that Christ didIoh. 20. then chiefely institute this Sacrament, when he rose from the dead, and breathed on his Disciples, saying; Receiue ye the holy Ghost, &c. Thom. Aquinas saith, that surely the Sacrament of Penance was instituted of God,False: for the scripture saith their sinnes, but doth not say they confessed to Ihon. although the institution therof be not expressely found. There is a certaine prefiguration thereof (saith he) in that they confessed their sinnes to Iohn, and in that Christ sent their Lepers to the Priest. Scotus teacheth, That if any place in Scripture auaile to proue confession, it is the twentith of Iohn. To it therefore I answere; The Ministers haue facultie to remit sinnes, not iudiciall and Potestatiue: but Ministeriall by preaching the Gospell, which requireth not numbring of sinnes, and declaration of them to the Priest, but to God. The Apostle Paul sheweth how he forgaue sinnes to his Corinthians; 1 Cor. 4.15. In Christ Iesus I haue begotten you through the [Page 606] Gospell: And speaking of his authoritie, hee testifieth, ThatTit. 1.3. the preaching of the word was committed vnto him, according to the commandement of God our Sauiour: As for iudgement, hee saith, That wee shall appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ: And of Confession;Ro. 14.11.12 I liue (saith the Lord) and euery knee shall bowe to mee, and all tongues shall confesse vnto God; So then euery one of vs shall giue accounts of himselfe to God.
Iames commandeth; Confesse your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed; Ergo, there is Auricular confession instituted.
Iohn de Combis saith,Io de Comb. in Comp. T [...]eol. l. 6. de sac. virtute. c. 25. Christ instituted the Sacrament of Confession secretly: but the Apostles did openly Promulge the same, and expressely, as in the fift of Iames. It seemeth therefore, that there is in their owne opinion no other direct and plaine sentence of Scripture to proue Sacramentall Confession, but this onely out of the Epistle of Saint Iames. To answere the which, I say, that Iames speaketh not a word of Auricular Confession in secret, Nor of Sacramentall Confession to a Priest: But onely of confession one to another, which is brotherly confession.
Many Acts 19.18 that beleeued came, and confessed, and shewed their workes; Ergo, Auricular confession hath ground in Scripture.
All the Iesuits in the world cannot out of this proposition Syllogistically conclude, That Auricular confession hath ground in Scripture. For it is not said, that they confessed to a Priest, or that they confessed euery particular sinne: But onely that they acknowledged their former waies to be wicked; and therefore they confessed their works and brought the bookes of curious Arts, and burned them before all men. This is rather open, then Auricular confession.
Hauing answered their arguments which haue any marrow in them, Let vs now at last see how this yoake of Babylonish bondage is iniurious to the freedom of our Ierusalem, and King thereof Iesus Christ.
First, it is imposed vpon the church vnder paine of damnation; [Page 607] which is directly no where deliuered, or commanded in the Scripture. For in the holy word auricular confession hath no promise if we doe it, nor threatening at all if we do it not. Wherefore in such cases, wherein the Scripture hath not decreed, there to vrge with such violence their owne traditions, is most iniurious to Christs supreame Regalitie.
Secondly, in steed of free Iustification in the bloud of Christ, The ceremonie of confession maketh the enumeration of our sinnes to deserue remission of sinnes, diminution of punishment, opening the gates of Paradise, hope of saluation, and such like. Wherefore it turneth the Gospell into the law, making grace no grace, and forgiuenesse no forgiuenesse.
Thirdly, it bringeth the conscience into doubt, and doth depriue the soule of all hope and comfort. For who can tell, whether whom he chuseth to confesse vnto, bee a Priest? Whether hee hath the Key of Power? Whether hee hath the Key of knowledge? or, since the sanctification of the Sacrament consisteth in the sanctification of the Priest, Whether the Sacrament be auaileable or not? Whether wee haue duely numbred all our offences? Whether he enioyne sufficient penance?
Fourthly, it wresteth the power of remission and saluation out of the hand of Christ, and giueth it vnto men, while they teach, that forgiuenesse is denied vnto them, whom the Priest will not forgiue. What is this but to bind Iesus Christ the Sonne of God, the King of glory, to the pleasure of a Priest? They shame not to professe, that Priests haue power ouer the body of Christ in the Sacrament: but herein they giue powerBell. l. 3. de poenit. c 2 verbo tertio colligitur. to an ignorant Priest ouer the soule and the will of Iesus Christ.
Fiftly, they giue a tyrannicall power vnto Priests ouer the spirits and consciences of men in their confession; Insomuch that the old prouerbe witnesseth; to meete a Priest in the Lent is no lesse valour, then to encounter a Wolfe,Aeneas Syluius i [...] quibusdam poeniatibu [...] suis. when she engendreth. This Chrysostome perceiued, and giueth [Page 608] counsell;Chrysost. Let God alone heare thee confessing, who casteth not in the teeth, but saueth him that doth confesse.
Sixtly, their confession is full of superstition. For it must not bee done but by the mouth: Hee that confesseth by writing or otherwise, doth nothing Sacramentally; as though God more accepted the confession which is by word, then that which is by writing.
Seuenthly, their Confession is the encreasing of Hypocrisie also, in that they teach, the sacramentall act thereof may be without loue, then it is also without God; and an euill act may be part of a Sacrament.
Lastly, infinite are the questions which out of this their feigned Sacrament doe arise.
- Whether Confession deliuer from the guilt of sinne?
- Whether confession deliuer from the punishment of sinne?
- Whether the Seale of confession be an essentiall part of the Sacrament?
- Whether the Seale of confession bee of the law of nature?
- Whether a Priest may reueale confession, if the Confitent giue him leaue?
- Whether, if the Priest in confession know a man to be Excommunicate, he is bound to auoid him?
- If the Priest in confession know that a man hath defloured a woman in the Church, whether may he reueale it to the Bishop?
- Whether an Abbot or such Prelate may remoue a man from his office for the fault hee knoweth in confession?
- Whether a Priest that in confession knoweth a lawfull impediment of Matrimonie, may reueale it?
These with diuers other snares and wrangling contentions follow their Sacramentall whispering, the onely end whereof is to magnifie themselues, to increase the honour of their Prelacie, and to make their power dreadfull to all [Page 609] menEccles. 8.9.. But is there not a time when man ruleth ouer man to his owne hurt? Thus much be of their confession spoken.
CHAP. XX. Of the manner of forgiuenesse of sinne, whether God hauing pardodoned the fault, doth neuerthelesse retaine the punishment.
INconstancy of doctrine which hath not one color sheweth the leprosie and vncleannesse of the mind, saythAug. de verb. Apost. ser. 10. ad finē. Augustine. But surely there can be no leprosie comparable vnto theirs, who giue, and take away: attribute, and againe denie mercie to be in God. And hereof the Romish Church is of all other most guilty: who lest they should altogether deny godlinesse it selfe, acknowledge that Christ is mercifull, a Sauiour: But the power of this godlinesse they wholly impugne, when they haue so many exceptions, and restrictions, against the free forgiuenesse of sinnes vnto all beleeuers by the bloud of IESVS CHRIST. Let vs therfore in a word or two defend the truth of our religion, against the impious slander wherewith the Romanists blaspheme the free Iubiley of that gracious pardon, which God hath giuen vs in his onely Sonne.
Our arguments shall begin from the end and purpose of Reason 1 the incarnation of our Sauiour Christ, and of his comming;Taken from the causes of Christs comming. The finall cause whereof was the saluation of mankinde. For so the Apostle witnesseth;1. Tim. 1.15. This is a faithfull saying, and by all meanes to be receiued, that IESVS CHRIST came into the world to saue sinners. Math. 1.21. The Angell also saith, hee shall saue his people from their sinnes. Wherefore hee is called Iesus, a Sauiour. Now to this saluation there are many things needfull; First, Man had a law giuen vnto him; this law must of necessitie bee fulfilled; else,Psal. 95. Heb. 4.3. hee hath sworne in his wrath, they shall not enter into my rest: and this law being fulfilled by Man, God hath not for what to condemn Man.Rom. 10.5. For Moses witnesseth; The man which doth these things shall liue by them. But Iesus Christ for all his members hath absolutely and perfectly fulfilled the law, as the Apostle euery [Page 610] where testifieth; Christ is the end of the law for righteousnes to all that beleeue. And againe,Rom. 6.15. We are not vnder the law: And to his Galathians; Gal 3.13. Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law, being made a curse for vs. To the Ephesians also hee saith;Eph. 2.15. That Christ hath taken away the law of commandements contained in ordinances: And in the eighth to the Romanes; Rom. 8.2. The law of the spirit of life which is in Christ Iesus, hath freed mee from the law of sinne and death: And to conclude, vnto the Colossians he saith, thatCol. 2.14. Christ hath blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against vs. Vpon these testimonies I inferre, that since the law is perfectly fulfilled, and wee from it deliuered,The law f [...]lfilled by Christ. the strength of our sinne is taken away, the instrument of our condemnation cancelled, all is done by vs that God requireth, all performed by vs in Iesus Christ: who much more communicateth his obedience of the law vnto vs, then Adam did his disobedience. Therefore the law being performed, fulfilled, obserued, cancelled, abrogated, the punishment thereof God cannot inflict vpon vs;Gen. 18.25 Shall not the iudge of all the world doe according to right?
Secondly, as God doth require full obedience to his law, which we haue performed thorow Christ: So since the naturall man many waies hath broken the holy lawes of the highest,The second cause of Christs comming. God requireth also satisfaction for such transgression, and this satisfaction Christ hath fully made vnto GOD. This is proued (as I haue else where made manifest) because the satisfaction is infinitely infinit aboue the offence: because the person that satisfieth,Satisfaction for all sin by Christ. is more acceptable to God, then all the fault is vnto him odious. And if the satisfaction which Christ hath made, be not sufficient to pacifie God, both concerning the guilt of sinne, and the punishment, then let man neuer thinke that he can satisfie for that wch Christ hath not satisfied. To saie that either Saints, or our selues do satisfie for sinne, is to tread vnder foot the bloud of the Sonne of God, and to debase that vnspeakeable grace in which Christ appeareth before the Father for vs. Lastly, it taketh the honour frō Christ, to giue it vnto men.
After the fulfilling of the Law, and perfect satisfaction made by Christ, followeth, of necessitie. Emundation and cleansing from sinne;Col. 2.10. For we are complete in him. This Christ also hath done for vs, not onely1. Pet. 1.19. washing vs cleane from all spots (as Peter and Iohn 1. Ioh. 2.2 beare witnesse) but lest any thing should be wanting to perfect cleanenesse,Apoc. 3.5. Ibid. 18. hee clotheth vs with his owne righteousnesse, and decketh vs with the Iewels of his owne excellencie, by imputing all the merits of his holy humanitie vnto vs. Thus washed,Cleansing of sin by Christ. thus beautified, what is the deformitie in vs which God with satisfactory punishment should scourge?
Lastly, there remaineth reconciliation to God;The third cause of Christs comming. and that also wee haue found in Iesus Christ. For the Apostle Paul saith,Col. 1.20. Reconciliation by Christ. That by him God reconciled all things vnto himselfe, since hee hath set at peace thorow the bloud of his Crosse, by him both the things in earth, and the things in Heauen. And againe:Ibid. ver. 21. you which were sometime strangers and enemies by cogitation, in euill works, hath he now yet reconciled. Vnto the Ephesians he saith;Ephes. 2.13. & 14. ye which sometime were afarre off, are made nigh by the bloud of Christ; For hee is our peace which hath made both one, and hath broken downe the middle wall that was a stop betweene vs. To this the Apostle addeth, thatVerse 16. Christ hath reconciled both, that is, Iew & Gentile, in one body thorow his Crosse, and slew hatred thereby. By this it is manifest, that Christ hath not so reconciled vs to God, as Hypocrites are one reconciled to another, retaining still a minde to punish and reuenge when oportunitie serueth: But hee hath sincerely and truely reconciled vs to God, taking our sinnes from vs, and Gods wrath and punishment from him. O peace passing all vnderstanding! O Doue without any gaule! why should wretched man, to his owne wrong, clip thy Pardons, and abbreuiate the amplitude of thy great loue?
The second argument I take from the ordinary phrases Reason 2 of the Scripture. Which when it speaketh of forgiuenesse of sinnes, vseth most ample and liberall tearmesIoh. 1.29. of taking away,Luke 3.17. throughly purging,Tit. 2.14. redemption from all [Page 612] vnrighteousnesse,1. Cor. 6.11. Washings,Col. 2.14. blottings out,Col. 1.13. deliuerance, taking out of the way, breaking the yoake of the burden,Col. 2.14. Pacification. All these formes of speech declare, that God so putteth out our sinnes,Esay 9.3. that he remembreth them no more:Esay 42.1. but that he casteth them behinde his backe. They are so slaine in the death, buried in the buriall, and abolished in the bloud-shedding of Christ, that as a Mil-stone throwne into the bottome of the Sea, they shal neuer arise in iudgement before God against vs hereafter.
Reason 3 The third argument I take from the sundry perswasions of the Apostle concerning charitie, deriued euen from the example of Iesus Christ. Wherein hee exhorteth euery priuateEphes. 5.25. person to loue his wife, as Christ loued his Church, and gaue himselfe for it, to sanctifie it, when hee had cleansed it in the fountaine of water in the word, that he might present it to himselfe a glorious Church, not hauing spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Againe he saith,Col. 3.13. forgiuing one another, if any haue a quarrell against any; Euen as Christ forgaue you, euen so also doe ye. But there is no sober man wil thinke the Apostle Paul would haue a man forgiue his brother the fault, and heape on the punishment. No, but as Christ forgiueth, and casteth no man in the teeth: Forgiueth and presents vs faultlesse to himselfe, that is, esteemeth vs as innocent, and therefore not to bee punished: So also must euery man forgiue his brother.
Reason 4 Fourthly, the Apostle Peter of the cleansing of sins through Iesus Christ saith;Act. 10.43.44. To him giue all the Prophets witnes, that through his name whosoeuer beleeueth in him, shall receiue remission of sinnes: and while Peter spake these words, the holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word.
Here are many things to be considered. First, the vniuersalitie and the antiquitie of this doctrine of free forgiueness which we finde in these words, All the Prophets: Then the person of him that preacheth, Peter; whom the Romish church chalengeth for the first founder of their Chaire. So that this doctrine is vniuersall, ancient, Propheticall, and Apostolicall. Next, you see the substance of the doctrine to be, that remission of sinnes is through the mercy of CHRIST. [Page 613] Lastly, this doctrine is confirmed and sealed from heauen, out of the bosome of the glorious Trinity it self; for the holy Ghost fell on them that heard the word. Let all Iesuites and Friers, Monkes and Masse Priests, shew such vniuersality, antiquity, Prophets and Apostles to preach, and the holy Ghost to confirme satisfaction by humane workes, Et Phyllida solus habeto; the Church is theirs for euer, and their successours.
To conclude, the last argument I take from the testimonie of diuers excellent Fathers and Teachers of the Church.
Of Satisfactions by mans works.
Augustine, if the Sermons ad fratres in eremo bee truely ascribed to him, saith of the punishments in this life,Aug. ad fra. in eremo. ser. 6. O Monke, if thou wouldest consider thy misery, and the works of God towards thee, thou shouldst finde nothing but mercy; For it is mercy, if he scourge thee, that hee may amend thee: It is mercy, if by tribulation hee deliuer from sinne: if he permit tyrants and hypocrites to raigne; all these things he doth desiring to giue vs eternall life.
Basil saith,Bas. in psa. 33. Not in humane power, nor wisdome, but in the grace of God, is our saluation.
Bernard saith,Ber. ser. 38. in Cā [...] in ipso principio. Thy sinnes are very great and very manie: such and so great they are, that if thou strippe thy selfe out of thy skin, thou canst not suffice to satisfie.
Of Christs Satisfaction.
There is no doubt but the death of Christ is more powerfull to good, then our sinnes to euillBer. ser. 1. de annunciat.. Thou perhappes dost feare, lest the purging of sinne, which he came to make, shall be done with burning, cutting, and dashing the bones and the marrow of the bones together: lest he should inflict sorrowes vpon them heauier then death.Ber. ser. nat. Io. Bap. ad finem. Hearken then; He is a Lambe in mildnesse, he comes with wooll, and with milke, iustifying the vnrighteous with his word; Speake the word, and my seruant shall be whole.
Ber. in ser. 11. in Cant.Remember man, though thou wert made of nothing, [Page 614] thou wast not redeemed with nothing.
Ambr. l 9. ep. 71. ex Cent. [...]. c. 4.Christ Iesus comming hath forgiuen sinnes to all men, which they could not auoid: and hath blotted out our hand writing with his bloud.
Pet. Cluniacen. in l. 1. Cent. I [...].There is no detraction from iustice, when for the eternall punishment of man, the temporall punishment of God and Man: and for the eternall death of man, the death of God and Man is offered.
Hildebereus ep 3. Cent. 12.I am once redeemed by the death of Christ, I seek not to be againe redeemed: that bloud is my redemption, that bloud is my price. It were an vnworthy thing, if I should be redeemed by a price, whose redemption is beyond all price. Besides, it is shamefull redemption, by which the libertie of the Church is lost, and seruitude doth fall vpon vs.
TheRic. de Emanuele in c. 11. supreme Trinity, one God, hath so diuided the worke of mans saluation, that one and the same offence of man, the Father hath punished: the Son hath expiated: and the holy Ghost hath forgiuen.
Lastly,Alb. in praef. super Lucam. Cent. 12. Albert saith, Christ hath perfected our saluation.
Answer to the obiections of the Romish Church.
Let vs now in a word consider the arguments, which they bring for the maintenance of this blasphemy.
Ob. Dauid, after hee had obtained pardon for the murther of Ʋrias, and adultery with Bethsabe, was notwithstanding punished with the losse of the childe.
Sol.I answer; Nathan threatned Dauid with temporal punishment for his sinne:2, Sam. 12. and vpon Dauids repentance this punishment is not altogether remitted, but qualified; for so the text beareth witnesse; The Lord hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not die: howbeit, the childe that is borne vnto thee, shall surely die. Nathan sheweth, that as concerning Dauid himselfe, the sin is taken away, that is, the punishment is forgiuen: but not wholly, for the childe shall die. Bellarmine is deceiued by the ignorance of the Elench; Thy sinne is taken away, that is, (saith he) the guilt of thy sinne is taken away. But the meaning [Page 615] of the Prophet is not so; but thy sinne is taken awaie, that is, God will not punish thy sinne in such seuerity as I threatned thee. Lastly, I say as before, the punishment and reuenge is euer forgiuen, when the guilt is forgiuen: that which is after inflicted, is but fatherly discipline, and correction of God in loue, not in anger; to teach vs to weigh the foulenesse of our sinnes, and that wee may bee admonished thereby, to fly from such offences as prouoke the wrath of God.
Ob. Dauid after the numbring of the people repented, and was receiued into the fauour of God: yet the forgiuenesse of the fault did not take away the punishment, but hee hath choise giuen him of Warre, Hunger, or Pestilence, which he would sustaine.
There was no reconciliation,Sol. nor peace from God vvith Dauid before the punishment. God said not;2. Sam. 24. Thy sinne is done away, as Nathan of the former offence spake: he beginneth his speech with punishment, he sheweth that some discipline and admonishment God would lay vpon Dauid and the people. Bellarmine doth not see, that the wrath of the Lord towards the people for their sinne, was the cause why God suffered Dauid their King to fall into this offence, and to number the people. The punishment therefore was chiefly inflicted vpon the people themselues, who did not repent as Dauid did: and though this pestilence were a punishment to the impenitent people, it was a warning and admonition to Dauid.
The aduersaries (saith Bellarmine) doe not deny,Ob. but that death is the wages of originall sin, which yet (they say) is forgiuen in Baptisme.
Wee know that originall and actuall sinnes are taken away in Baptisme by the bloudshedding of Iesus Christ,Sol. neither shall they be punished eternally in the elect: but the merits and death of Iesus Christ taketh not away the temporall affliction, with which in this life he fatherly and mercifully chastiseth sin: nor yet makes vaine the eternall Counsell of God, who hath ordained by the law of nature, that the naturall [Page 616] man must taste of naturall death the wages of his sinne, and through it passe vnto life. Albeit the guilt of sinne God now looketh not on in his elect, to punish it euerlastingly: yet he looketh vpon it as concerning temporal chastisement for amendment: neither is it so taken away, but that in this life with temporall affliction it shall be scourged. But yet be the afflictions neuer so great which are laid vpon vs, we cannot satisfie God sufficiently thereby, either concerning the temporall, or eternall punishment.
Ob.God himselfe doth witnes, that hee was reconciled vnto his people Israell,Exod. 32. and forgaue them the offence of the goulden calues, at the intercession of Moses: yet many thousands of men were destroied for the same.
Sol.When the children of Israel had prouoked the Lord with their goulden calfe,Exod. 32.10. his wrath was so hot against them, that he would haue consumed them: Moses praieth for them, but it doth not appeare that God at Moses intercession did forgiue the fault, as Bellarmine falsly saith. The LORD indeed changed his minde from the euill which he threatned to doe vnto his people, that is, from the vniuersall destruction of the whole people: but that the fault was wholly remitted, the text doth no where shew. It appeares by Moses own words, that he did not intend, that the whole people should be pardoned,Ibid. 28. but that the whole should not be destroied. Where-himselfe appointed the Leuites to doe execution vpon their brethren; so that there fell of the people three thousand. Lastly,Ibid. 30. I say, that the Lords wrath was not yet at that time pacified, nor he then reconciled to the people; for Moses, after all this punishment vpon them laid, saith, I will go vp vnto the Lord, if I may pacifie him. I am ashamed that any which professeth the Name of Christ, should so impudently falsifie the Scripture.
Ob.All the Israelites murmured, and at Moses intercession were absolued;Num. 14. yet for this fault and punishment thereof, all the Israelites died, except Caleb and Iosuah, in the desert, before they came to the promised land.
The Lord in this place also threatened an vniuersall generall [Page 617] destruction of the whole people as of one man. This Moses prayed against, that their sinne might not be punished with a general ouerthrowe, by wch the name of Israel should be altogether blotted out; But as thou hast forgiuen the people since their going out of Egypt vntill now:Numb. 14. So now also be mercifull, saith hee. The history will shew, that God was euer before content with the destruction of some for the whole. The same mercy Moses now prayeth for, and the Lord answered him;Numb. 14.20. I haue forgiuen it according to thy request: that is, thou hast requested I should not vtterly destroy the name and posteritie of Israel, that they should be no more a people; this I haue granted: But of all these that haue thus tempted me, not one shall see the land whereof I sware vnto their fathers.
For the same fault Aaron and Moses died also:Ob. yet they were reconciled to God.Numb. 20.
Moses and Aaron died for their murmuring before they entred into the land of promise,Sol. though they were reconciled as touching the eternall death due to sinne. The temporall death as it was of naturall necessitie: So it was the chastisement of themselues, and the admonishment of others also, and the passage to a better life. God chastiseth all his elect, though his couenant he will not vtterly take away. This is nothing to the purpose. For you must still remember, That the afflictions of the godly are the Seales of the loue, not of the wrath of God: They are instructions, not destructions: They are passages to saluation and eternall life. Bellarmine himselfe saith, by their Papall Indulgences we are not deliuered from naturall euils & punishments. So may I say, Christs suffering was to deliuer vs from eternal, not temporal, death.
The Apostle saith,Ob. Many of the Corinthians for vnworthy receiuing the Sacrament of the Lords body were weake,1. Cor. 11. and many slept: yet these no doubt were reconciled vnto God before their death. Wherefore after reconciliation remaineth punishment.
Many of the Corinthians were weake, and some slept,Sol. because they abused the holy Communion in not discerning [Page 618] the Lords body: God preuenting their further sinne sent vpon them weakenesse and death. For true it is that Peter saith; Hee that is afflicted ceaseth from sinne.1 Pet. 4.1. And Wisedome saithWisd. 4. Hee was taken away lest maliciousnesse should change his vnderstanding. This was mercy in God towards them, not wrath or anger; though the Corinthians perhaps were loth to suffer, loth to be visited.Heb. 12.11. For no affliction to a man seemeth sweet for the present: Yet it doth indeed bring afterward the quiet fruit of righteousnes.
Ob.The old Prophet, which for his sinne was slaine of the Lyon in the way,3. Reg. 13. no doubt repented him, being forewarned of that punishment: and yet he suffered death by the Lyon, being reconciled to God.
Sol.The old Prophet broke the Commandement of God, was punished for the same with death: We hope well of his reconciliation vnto God through Christ, though of his repentance the Scripture speaketh not a word. Wherefore, whether he stand or fall, we leaue it to God, who with his clay may do as pleaseth him. This is an idle argument, standing vpon coniectures and supposals.
CHAP. XXI. Of Satisfactions by euery man in this life to be performed for his owne sinnes.
THere is nothing can more impugne the supreame Maiestie of our eternall & most glorious King Iesus Christ, then when in his priestly office hee himselfe hauing satisfied for our sinnes, yet our Romish Pretors Censor-like enioine their Penitentiall Canons, lawes of satisfaction, by which euery man must beleeue, thatVid. Pet. Lomb. l. [...]. Sen [...]. dist. 16. c. 4. he satisfieth God for his own offences committed, both veniall, and mortall.
In the Primitiue church, I confesse, there were Penitentiall Canons or rules how to receiue those that were for their heinous enormities cast out of the same: but these were not esteemed as satisfactions vnto God, but vnto men: Not vnto the heauenly eyes of the Lord of all spirits and powers, [Page 619] but they were onely satisfactions to the offended brethren, and did testifie the repentance of him that was to bee absolued. This discipline in it selfe was good and godly, and I could wish it might be restored againe.
These satisfactions vsed in the ancient church were yet but humane constitutions; and therefore they could not satisfie God, nor sanctifie sinners in his sight, Much lesse the foolish and superstitious whippings, Hayre-cloth, Fastings, numbring of Prayers, enioyned by the Romish Prelacie.
Nothing can satisfie for the breach of the law, but the penalty the lawgiuer appointeth. Euen amongst men, temporall Princes would thinke themselues mocked, if a man should commit murther, and then choose vnto himselfe a penance of barefoote wandring, or by the fauour of an inferiour iudge vndergoe some lighter paine, then that vvhich against murther is by the law inflicted.
Against all these Romish satisfactions wee may iustly obiect, they haue no authoritie nor example for any such in the holy word. Christ neuer gaue power to his Ministers to enioine men to say prayers by number: to fast two or three daies a weeke with bread and water. He neuer ordained any man to whip himselfe: to weare a shirt of hayre-cloth: to goe barefoote on Pilgrimage: to visite the dead bones and reliques of Saints. Wherefore it is without authoritie, whatsoeuer is done in this manner; yea, against the royalty of the Sonne of God they most traiterously offend, vvho torture his people, burden his church, afflict his members with this tyranny, hauing receiued no such power, no such commandement.
My methode in intreating on this point shall be, first, to shew the Popish position touching their Plenary Satisfactions: Secondly, to answere the arguments they bring in defence of them: Lastly, I will shew, how iniurious they are to the Regall power of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
Summa Angelica▪ saith,In tit satan ipso princip. Satisfaction is sometimes taken for reconciliation, and so it conteineth in it selfe all the parts of Penance: but it is otherwise taken for the paiment of the [Page 620] due paine, and fulfilling of the punishment deserued. And he saith,Ibid. That with the help of God, that is, the merit and passion of Christ conioined, a man may satisfie for his sinnes vnto God, that is (saith Granatensis)Granat. in memoria de satisfactione. for veniall sinnes, and the guilt of temporall paine, and not for the guilt of euerlasting paine.
Iohn de Combis saith,Io de Comb. de sac. virt. l. 6. c. 29. that as in warres and other controuersies; when peace and friendship is made, yet recompence of the wrong is not presently had: So after the forgiueness of the fault, whether in contrition, or confession, the debt of satisfaction of punishment doth still remaine. Now the Priest that giueth penance (hee saith) enioineth some things as the foundation of Sanctification;Io. de Comb. ibid. Namely, to restore that which is vniustly taken away, to abstaine from sinne hereafter: Some things are enioined for the better expedition of Satisfaction; as to auoide the company of the euill: Some things hee enioineth as the substance of Satisfaction; as to fast, to watch, to giue almes, to goe on Pilgrimáge, and such like: Some things hee enioineth as the perfection of Satisfaction; as the workes of supererogation. Now he saith, satisfaction must be answerable to the fault in three things; in Number, in Weight, in Measure: but these three are not necessarily required, but by way of conuenience.
Of SatisfactionEx eodem cap. 30 there are three principall parts; Prayer, Fasting, and Almes. The other are secondary meanes; as Watching, Pilgrimage, and Disciplining. To Fasting belong all works of afflicting the flesh: To Prayer all spirituall workes: To Almes all workes of mercy.
The sufficiency of these satisfactions is diuers waies perceiued. First, by the points from whence, and whither they moue. In fasting, we remoue from the Concupiscence of the flesh to good ordering of our selues: In Prayer, from Pride of life to the seruice of God: In Almes, from the concupiscence of the eyes to the reliefe of our neighbour; Secondly, by the matter it selfe. Almes satisfieth by our externall goods: Prayer satisfyeth by the powers of the minde: Fasting by the [Page 621] powers of the body: Thirdly, Satisfaction is made three manner of waies; by Punishment, by Redemption, by Supplication. The first is done in Fasting: The second in Almes: The third in Prayer.
Three effects also de Combis maketh of Satisfaction; obtaining grace: Remission of the fault: taking away of the Reliques of sinne. Bellarmine defineth Satisfaction to be,Satisfaction [...]m nih l aliud esse nisi actiorem, qua is qu [...] alterum lesit, tantū facit quantum satis est ad iniuriā compensandam. siue qu [...]tum i [...] qui las [...]s est, iuste exigit. Bell. de poenit. l. 4. de satisfac. cap. 1. in ipso limine verbo vt igitur. When one that hath done iniury, againe worketh so much as sufficeth to recompence for the wrong done: or so much as he which is wronged, doth iustly require. Satisfaction (he saith) is of two kindes, according as Iustice is also; One, that absolutely and perfectly performeth what is due:Ibid. verb. iam igitur. An other, that consisteth in imperfect equalitie; as when he that is wronged to the summe of ten thousand Talents, is satisfied with all the substance a man hath, though it amount not to any such valew. Now God (hee saith) cannot bee satisfied according to perfect and equall satisfaction, but vnperfect and vnequall, by his owne acceptation.
The reasons which Bellarmine bringeth to proue that Man may satisfie God for sinne, are few, and wretched.Ob. The first is;Ex 2. Chro. 7.13. If I shut the Heauen, that there be no raine: or if I command the Grassehopper to deuoure the land: or if I send a pestilence among my people; If my people, among whom my name is called vpon, doe humble themselues, and pray, and seeke my presence, and turne from their wicked waies; Then will I heare in Heauen, and be mercifull to their sinne, and heale their land.
Here is no mention of Satisfaction; if his people repent,Sol. God promiseth mercy. Now where full Satisfaction is made, there iustice healeth the land, not mercy: But God here promiseth to bee mercifull to them, if they turne vnto him. Which sufficiently sheweth, that our turning to GOD is no sufficient recompence vnto him, or satisfaction. Where vvas the Friers Logicke, when hee imagined this to be an argument? All the Iesuits in Christendome cannot make a concluding Syllogisme of this proposition in moode and forme.
I will Ier. 18.7, 8. speake suddenly against a nation, Ob. or against a Kingdome, [Page 622] to plucke it vp, and to roote it out, and to destroy it. But if this nation against whom I haue pronounced, turne from their wickednesse, I will repent of the plague that I thought to bring vpon them. For example hereof Niniueh is set out.
Sol.Heere still is mercy from God, no merit, nor Satisfaction from men. He doth not say, men satisfie in repenting, or men merite fauour: but as man repents of sinne, so God will repent of his wrath; What is this to merits or satisfaction? The prodigall time-spender may bee ashamed thus to abuse the eyes and eares of men.
Ob. Let my Ex Dan. 4.24 counsell bee acceptable vnto thee, and redeeme thy sinnes by righteousnes, and thine iniquities by mercy towards the poore; saith Daniel to the King. Ergo, our workes satisfie God.
Sol. Daniel here counselleth Nabuchadnezzar to redeeme his sinnes, whether towards GOD, or Man, with repentance. Wherefore it is plaine, that the words of the Prophet are not to be construed as they literally sound. The best interpreters, according to the propriety of the Hebrew word, rather render this place; breake off thy sinnes, then redeeme thy sinnes. Howsoeuer, Daniel herein doth not seeke to breath Pharisaicall pride into the Kings heart, as though with all his wealth (which what is it, but dust and ashes?) God could be satisfied:Vid Theod. in hunc locū orat. 4. in Dan. But the Prophet meaneth, that Nabuchadnezzar should shew true fruits of repentance by almes and deeds of Charitie, humbling himselfe vnder the hand of God, if so be that God, seeing his new obedience and contrition, will forgiue the punishment of his sin, out of his mere mercy. Iob wel sheweth, that for all our sins we are not able to yeeld any thing to God. Wherefore hee saith; I Iob 7.20. & 9.20. haue sinned, what shall I doe vnto thee, O thou preseruer of men? And againe, If I should iustifie my selfe, my owne mouth shall condemne me.
Ob, Toby saith,Toby 4.10. Almes deliuereth from all sinne, and from death.
Sol.The booke of Tobit is not Canonicall: therefore no argument can be taken out of it concerning controuersies of faith. Yet I answere; almes deliuer from sinne and death, not [Page 623] efficiently, but declaringly; they are witnesses and signes that God is satisfied for our sinnes by Iesus Christ, they are not the satisfaction it selfe.
The Councell of Trent bringeth two arguments to proue satisfaction by our owne workes. The first;Ob. wee are made conformable to the passions of Christ; Ergo, our works doe satisfie as Christs did.
The Apostle Peter 1. Pet. 2.21. sheweth wherein this conformity doth consist; He suffered, leauing vs an ensample; Sol, Not to satisfie for sinne as hee satisfied: but to follow his innocency and his patience, as much as we can. Wherefore Paul saith not, that our workes made vs like: but that hee foresaw, and predestinated vs to bee made like to the image of his Sonne; But Predestination is of free grace, not of workes.
The Apostle Paul saith; I can doe all things in him that comforteth me; therefore our workes in Christ may satisfie.Ob.
By this reason Paul might redeeme the world,Sol. destroy death, bring vs to life. If this be granted, there shall bee no difference in power betweene the head and the members of the Church. The meaning of the place is, that Paul by the grace of God was made able to endure afflictions. What is this to satisfaction?
You haue heard what weake shadowes of arguments are brought by the Aduersary for these satisfactions of mens workes. Now let vs consider, whether they derogate from our King of Kings Iesus Christ.
First, note, good reader, the wicked fallacitie and falsification practised by the Romish church. The ancient Fathers indeed had a certaine brotherly satisfaction, by which notorious offenders did satisfie with certaine disciplinary humiliation the scandalized congregation. This they haue turned into satisfaction before God himselfe for sinne: They haue also peruerted the order of the Primitiue Church. For the ancient Church, vpon publique satisfaction, absolued the offender: The Popish church absolueth first, and then enioineth penance and satisfaction after.
Secondly, Popish satisfactions detract from the conquest [Page 624] of our triumphant King Iesus Christ, as though Christ were not a sufficient Sauiour: as though hee had not sufficiently cleansed: as though he were a Redeemer in part onely. But he pronounceth of the taking away of the punishment, as well as of the guilt;Ose 13.14. O death, I will bee thy death. And Paul saith;1. Cor. 15.57. We haue victory ouer death by Iesus Christ. Hee Ioh. 11.26. that liueth and beleeueth in mee shall neuer die. Therefore Bellarmine most impiously saith,Bell. l. 2. de Indul. ca [...]. 1. verb. merita Christi partim. That after reconciliation obtained a man doth not necessarily need Christs merits, that his guilt should be forgiuen: he perhaps requireth not so great libersalitie, being content with his own labours and punishment, in this life, or in Purgatory: Satisfactio per [...]fficientiam tantū non meretur nomen [...]tisfactionis, nec redempt o, nec recōcil [...]atio persufficientia [...]n merentur [...] nomina. Ruard. Tap. Sic cōcludi [...] artic. 6. and Ruardus Tapperus saith, the satisfaction redemption and reconciliation of Christ in the sufficiencie thereof deserueth not the name of satisfaction, redemption or reconciliation.
Thirdly, these satisfactions are iniurious vnto the infinite, supreame, and dreadfull Maiestie of God, when wee suppose that our beggerly base rags, our weaknes, our pouertie, can bring forth any worke worthy of his fauour, condigne to his loue, answerable to his righteousnes, satisfactory to his Maiestie: or that is able to stand, or to appeare before God to answere him.
Fourthly, Iesus Christ hath no where in his Gospell left any authority to his Ministers, to enioine vnto men any kind of punishment, by which they should satisfie for sinne. Wherefore it is perfidious treacherie against the Sonne of GOD, thus to belye him, and to beare men in hand, that they haue receiued power from CHRIST to enioine such penance.
Fiftly, it is Luciferian pride to say,I [...]wes of Granada in his memo [...]iall of satisfaction. that by our merits, and the passion and satisfaction of Christ conioined and vnited (as Granatensis speaketh) wee may satisfie God; as though any man might dare to make mention of his owne righteousnes with the righteousnes of CHRIST: or that any soule should be so forsaken of shamefastnes, as to say; I come to thee, O Lord, in the righteousnes of Christ, and of my selfe.
Sixtly, most derogatorie it is vnto CHRIST, to deuise workes, such as God hath not commanded; as the wearing of iron and of haire-cloth vpon the naked flesh: building of Abbeyes: going on Pilgrimage to satisfie for sinne, seeing the workes that Christ himselfe commandeth, haue no such power; When ye haue done all these things say,Luke 17. We are vnprofitable seruants.
How knoweth a Priest what will satisfie God for sinne? How knoweth hee, whether God require so much fasting, beating, and punishing of a contrite heart, as hee enioineth? What examples hath he in the Scriptures of truth, to sit like Rhadamanthus, and weigh mens offences in a balance, and here and there dispose plagues of his owne deuice, according to that he thinketh and conceiueth.
Seuenthly, by this opinion of satisfaction through our own workes, they haue taught men to exercise cruelty on their owne bodies; as Olaus King of Sueuia, who on a Sunday cutting sticks off a Rod that he held in his hand, being admonished it was the Sabbath day, gathered vp the chips, & burned them in his own hand to ashes. Bernard In vita Ber. ca. 8. verb. quid autem. ad finem fere. complaineth of himselfe, that with extreame fasting, and such like austeritie, he had destroyed his own body, and made it notable to serue God in his vocation.Esay 59.5, 6. Thus they hatch Cockatrices eggs, and weaue the Spiders webbe, but their webbs shall bee no garment, neither shall they couer themselues with their labours.
Eightly, they are wicked iudges, and falsely wrest the Law contrarie to the minde of the giuer thereof, when the words of our Sauiour; Whatsoeuer yee binde on earth, shall bee bound in heauen, they for lucres sake interpret, not onely of Excommunication, whereof Christ indeed spake, but of the intolerable burthens, the tortures of penance which themselues excarnificate the flocke of Christ withall; as though, to binde on earth, were to whip, to burne, to famish. If this were true, they might enioyne a man to kill himselfe: to cut off his hands or legges; For in the Priests discretion is the Penance, and as much authoritie haue they in the Scripture for the one, as for the other.
Ninthly, herein vnspeakeably doe they wrong the dignitie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, to faine, that he hath not cleansed sufficiently from the punishment of sinne, and yet we our selues haue such store of satisfactory workes, that they suffice to content God for other mens sinnes together with the merits of Christ; as though Christs workes alone doe not cleanse, but Christs and ours together doe cleanse, not onely our selues, but our brethren also: as though for vs Christs workes in his owne person were not sufficient, but the workes which are partly his by infusion of grace, and partly our owne by the motion of Freewill, were a superabundant satisfaction.
The tenth dishonour to Christ in this assertion of satisfaction by our owne workes, is, that they say,Concil. Trid. Can. 8. de satisfac. necessitate. Wee by satisfying suffer for our owne sinnes, as Christ by suffering satisfied for sinne. This is altogether contrary to the doctrine of the Prophet;Esay 53.5. He was wounded for our transgressions, and broken for our iniquities. It is against the Apostles doctrine also, who saith,1. Pet. 2 21. Christ suffered for vs: And againe,Verse 24. His owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree.
The eleuenth, vnder pretence of these satisfactions they exercise intolerable cruelty vpon the poore members of Iesus Christ. Petrus Damianus is witnesse,Pet. Dam. in Ep. ad Parelium. Cer [...]bros. that some Bishops caused them to be whipped in their sight: some were compelled to beare twenty, some thirty, some fifty, some a hundred, some two hundred, three hundred stripes; beyond the extremity of the Mosaical law it selfe.Ranulph. l. 5. c. 30. ex cent. cap. 6. For their offence some did weare Iron on their bodies, some fetters, some beat their hands against the earth, some their head. Gerard BishopVid. cent. 11. c. 6. of Flanders for playing at Chesse was enioined by Petrus Damianus, not onely to say the Psalter thrice ouer, but to wash the feet of twelue poore people, giuing also to euery one a piece of money. Is this the easie yoake of Christ? Did Christ euer enioine any penance, butIoh. 8.11. Goe and sinne no more? Math. 23.4. but these lay heauy burdens on men, which themselues touch not with the lest finger.
Twelfthly, things vtterly vnlawfull are enioined for satisfaction [Page 627] of sinnes; AsEx de [...] Innocen. 3. ap [...]d Ce [...]t. 13. c. 6. Innocentius amongst other satisfactions enioined those that killed Conradus Bishop of Herbipolis, after the death of their wiues neuer to marry againe, and that they should neuer receiue the Communion til their death.
Lastly, this false opinion, that the Priest may enioine penance satisfactory to God, hath filled the Church with friuolous and vngodly questions, which obscure the benefite of Christs passion: torment the poore soule of man vvith diuers doubts and vncertainties: and blemish the Article of our Christian faith concerning forgiuenes of sinne; such are these vnderneath mentioned.
- Whether one man may satisfie for another?
- Whether he,
Ex Summa Ange [...]ca, & a [...]js.for whom another hath vndertaken to satisfie, shall presently vpon death goe to Heauen?
- Whether in satisfying for another, a man doth also satisfie for himselfe?
- Whether satisfaction made in mortall sinne auaileth?
- Whether stripes from GOD and Man are satisfactions?
- Which of the three; Prayer, Almes, or Fasting, are most satisfactorious?
- Whether to restore things wrongfully taken away be part of satisfaction?
- What sinne it is which is forgiuen in contrition and Confession?
- What is taken away by Satisfaction?
- Whether a man may be enioined to giue Almes?
Ex Man. Curat.
- Whether a mans wife may bee enioined to giue Almes?
- Whether the intention suffice for the worke?
- Whether the same worke may be meritorious, and satisfactorious?
This is the Birdlime of our Romish auarice, with which poore soules are ensnared: The more they striue, the more [Page 626] [...] [Page 627] [...] [Page 628] they are wrapt and entangled. O blessed,Apoc. 5.5. for euer blessed be the Lambe, which hath opened the Sealed booke without danger and difficulty, and hath loosed the Seales thereof: giuing saluation without demurrers: pardoning our offences without Sophistry or disputation. To him bee praise for euer and euer.
CHAP. XXII. Of the last part of the Popes spirituall power, which doth consist in Indulgences, and granting Pardons.
OF Pardons though the absolute power be in the Pope, yet from him it is deriued vnto all other Priests and Pardoners in the Romish church. Wherefore I will first intreat of the ordinary absolutions and remissions giuen by Priests: And then of the power aboue all power, which the Pope in his owne person exerciseth touching remission of sinnes, in cases to him onely reserued: In his Iubilees, and other Indulgences.
The methode in handling the Pardons and absolutions of euery Priest and Confessor shall be; first to set down the true doctrine of the Gospell of Iesus Christ touching forgiuenes of sinne: And then I will shew, what the Popish Tenet is concerning their absolutions, with the answere to their arguments: Lastly, I will make knowne, how iniurious to our great King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Romanists are in the false affectation of the soueraigne power of the glorious Lyon of the Tribe of Iuda. But because it is the Nugatorious guise of the Romish church, to enforce many things beside the question, and to bring the cause of religion into hatred by scandalous imputations wch the reformed church is no way iustly to be charged with; certaine rules therefore and Canons, in this question of Indulgences, seeme necessary to be premitted, that wee may thereby take away matter of cauill and vniust taxation.
Can. 1 First, it is plaine, if after Baptisme wee commit offences against our conscience, against Gods Law, and the Apostolical [Page 629] doctrine, we therein fall from faith: we quench in our selues the spirit of Christ: wee make shipwracke of our iustification and saluation, as much as in vs is, so farre as concerneth our owne workes, and our selues. And this is proued out of that of Saint Iohn; 1 Ioh. 3.8 Hee that committeth sinne, is of the Diuell: And Paul saith;Gal. 5.21 They that commit such things, shall not inherit the Kingdome of God.
Repentance is not to bee denied, nor yet absolution, to Can. 2 sinners that are contrite and heauie loaden: which hate their sinne earnestly, and earnestly turne to God with teares and sorrow. We vtterly therefore condemne the vnnaturall and Stoicall rigidity of the Nouatians. For the Lord himself doth witnes;Ezec. 18.23 Haue I any desire that the wicked should die, or shall he not liue, if he returne from his waies?
No man can bee reconciled vnto God, and obtaine forgiuenesse Can. 3 of sinne, except he repent of his sinnes. ForRom. 2.5 a heart which is hard, and cannot repent, heapeth vnto it self wrath against the day of wrath: and our Sauiour saith;Luke 13 3 Except ye amend your liues, ye shall all likewise perish.
No man must frame vnto himselfe a peculiar plot forme Can. 4 of repentance according to his owne fancy, thinking vvith his will-worship to reconcile himselfe to God, or to satisfie for his sinne.Ier. 2.13 My people (saith Ieremy) haue committed two euills; they haue forsaken me the fountaine of liuing waters, to digge themselues pits, euen broken pits, that can hold no water: and in another place;Ier. 10.23 The way of man is not in himselfe, neither is it in man to walke and direct his steps.
God hath ordained certaine meanes and waies, by which Can. 5 after repentance sinners receiue pardon. Most damnable are those Epicures and Enthusiasts, which doe imagine, that God giueth remission of sinnes without vse of his word: or his Ministers, without repentance, without faith. Wee say, the lawe must bee laid before sinners, to teach them rightly to waigh their offences: and then the promises out of the Gospell must bee applied to such as truely repent. ToHist. Tripart. l. 1 c. 13. Acesius reiecting the Ministry of the Gospell, as of no vse in remission of sinnes, Constantine well said; Make then a ladder Acesius, [Page 630] and clime vp thy selfe to heauen.
Can. 6 All Satisfaction for sinne is made vnto God by the merits of Iesus Christ in his owne person; which being by him performed, he hath obtained ful pardon from God both of fault and punishment. And of this pardon the Word and Sacraments are outward seales: and the spirit of God is the inward seale of assurance; who like theGen. 8. Doue bringeth the oliue branch of peace in his mouth, vnto the Arke, the Church of God, and all that are therein. For proofe hereof we haue the testimony of the Baptist;Io. 1.29 Behold the Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinne of the world: And Iohn saith;1 Io. 1.7. The bloud of Iesus Christ his Sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne. Neither let any man say, Christ tooke away onely the guilt: for he bare the punishment also of our sinne, and tooke it away; as the Prophet Esay plainly witnesseth;Esay 53.5 He was wounded for our transgressions, he was broken for our iniquities. The Scripture euery where witnesseth,Luke 24.26.46 that Christ suffered for vs. To suffer for vs, is to endure our paines, and our stripes, as Paul witnesseth,Rom. 10.4. Christ is the end of the law.
Can. 7 The power of remitting sinnes is not so in the Ministers of the Gospell, or Priests, as though GOD had wholly renounced to haue to doe therewith, or that he now meddled not therein, but did altogether leaue and permitte it to his Ministers: The efficacy and power of forgiueness is in God alone, the Ministry is in men: we must seeke for it altogether from God by the merits of Christ: men testifie and witnesse the same vnto vs out of the word and promises of God. This is easily proued out of Scripture;1 Cor. 3.5.7. Who is Paul? who is Apollos, but the Ministers by whom ye beleeued? neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giueth the increase. Wherefore in the second to the Corinthians hee saith;2 Cor. 5.18 God hath reconciled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ: Ibid. 20 as for men, they are but Embassadours for Christ, as though God did beseech through them: They pray in Christs steed, that ye be reconciled vnto God.Aug. Austen well distinguished betwixt the power, and the Ministery of Baptisme; whosoeuer is the instrument, the power is in CHRIST: and so [Page 631] may wee say of the forgiuenesse of sinne.
We must not onely historically repeat or heare the word Can. 8 and promises of God, when wee handle the businesse of Absolution: but the word must bee deliuered and receiued in faith, and applied to the conscience:Luke 10.34. The wine and oile must be poured into our wounds: his word must bee hid within our hearts, and of his promises we must lay vp a spirituall treasure to our selues.
Bodily chastising, and afflicting of our selues, may helpe Can. 9 forward to repentance: but it auaileth not to satisfaction for sin;Iob. 9 3. for who can answer one of a thousand?
These things being thus before vnderstood, let vs come vnto the authority which Christ gaue vnto all his Apostles and their successours, to forgiue sinnes.
Such is our corruption and infirmity, and wee are so constrained byRom. 7. the law of sinne which dwelleth in vs, thatPro. 24 the iust man falleth seauen times. In this our horrible deprauation, man that is ouer-loaden with feare and sorrow, cannot but fall downe vnder the burden of his sinnes, and be swallowed vp of despaire, except our mercifull GOD had prouided a remedy, a precious balme, against these wounds of conscience.
We see the tender loue of God toward mankinde at the fall of Adam; where the promise of recouery, namely,Gen. 3.15. The seed of the woman shall breake the head of the Serpent, is giuen vpon the very expostulation with Adam, euen before his curse and punishment was pronounced: and this tendernesse of God towards all repentant sinners wee may euery where obserue in the Scriptures. No sooner had Dauid confessed his wickednes, but Nathan the Prophet answers him with comfort,2 Sam. 12.13 The Lord hath put away thy sin, thou shalt not die. The like you may see in Ahab; though a most wicked abominable person, yet as soone as he rent his clothes, and fasted, and lay in sackecloth, the word of the Lord came vnto Elias; 1 Reg. 21.29. Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before mee? because hee submitteth himselfe before me, I will not bring euill in his daies. Wherefore this loue & compassion of God towards miserable man [Page 632] hath caused him both in the time of the Law, and in the Gospell, to giue power to his Ministers to pronounce out of his word forgiuenesse of all sinnes, vnto those that doe repent.
In the time of the law sundry testimonies we haue to this purpose. Esay saith;Esay 40.2. Speake comfortably vnto Ierusalem, and cry vnto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquitie is pardoned. Yea, Peter witnesseth, that the end and scope of all Prophets is to giue witnesse vnto CHRIST;Act. 10.43 That through his name, all that beleeue in him, shall receiue remission of sinnes.
In the Gospell our Sauiour Christ gaue vnto his Apostles and their successours the same authority;Ioh. 20. Whose sinnes yee doe remit, they are remitted, and whose sinnes ye do retaine, they are retained. And to bring the greater comfort vnto the conscience loaden and terrified with the contemplation of sinne, he himselfe remitteth sinne, not in the future, but in the present tense;Mat. 9.2 Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee: And vnto his Ministers he also saith; Whose sinnes ye remit, they are remitted vnto them. Vpon which Gerson Gerson. noteth that all absolutions ought to be pronounced in the Indicatiue mood, not in the Optatiue.
This commission yet of forgiuing sinnes, which is giuen to the Apostles, our Sauiour himselfe declareth how he would haue to be vnderstood; namely,Luke 24.47. That repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name. By which it is cleare, that Christ gaue not a iudiciall, but a ministeriall power of forgiuing sinnes vnto his Apostles, not by giuing, but by preaching: not by despotike authority, but by dispensation of the word;Io. 20.21.22. For as my Father sent me, (saith he) so send I you; and when hee said that, hee breathed on them, and said vnto them; Receiue the holy Ghost; whosoeuers sins ye remit, they are remitted vnto them, and whosoeuers sinnes ye retaine, they are retained.
Christ, as God, forgiueth sinnes by power: and as Man, Christ himselfe forgiueth by preaching. By the coniunction of natures indeed in one person, effectually, and powerfully [Page 633] the manhood forgiueth sinnes: but of his humane nature, considered by it selfe, his owne testimony beareth witnesse;Esay. 61.1.2 He hath sent mee to preach good tidings to the poore: to binde vp the broken harted: to preach libertie to the captiues: and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison: to preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord. As Christ in his mere manhood: so all his Ministers may be content to forgiue by preaching, that is, to preach forgiuenesse.
Concerning the applying, and dispensing of the merits of Christ and of Saints, by his Apostles to the Church, the scripture speaketh not. Ministers truely are required to be good and faithfull stewards, to diuide the word aright, pronouncing the iudgements of God to the impenitent, and the mercies to penitent sinners: but to apply these things to the conscience of man, it is the office of our faith, directed by the spirit of God. If by applying the treasure of merits in the Church, bee vnderstood giuing of such, or such measure, or number of supererrogatory workes vnto this, or that man, it is so farre from the truth, that there is no mention hereof in the holy word. Therefore the Tridentine Councell is compelled to confesse,Conc. Trid. de instit. sac. poen. that the sacrament of Penance was not in the old law; nay, it was not in the Gospell neither, till after the resurrection; as the same Councell of Trent confesseth, where it saith, that it was instituted at the time, when Christ breathing vpon his Apostles, said, Receiue ye the holy Ghost. But howsoeuer; the distributing of the treasure of the Church by a Priest, is no where found in Scripture: neither can any Prelate by the word of Christ, chalenge power to take frō one, that wch is more then enough, and giue to another to satisfie withall.
Peter concerning merit and satisfaction, maketh the greatest Apostles equall to the whole multitude of the Church. For he saith;Act. 15.11 We beleeue, through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ to be saued, euen as they doe. Mat. 25. Eph. 2. The wise virgins haue no oile to spare: the Apostles looke for saluation by grace and mercy, as others do. How came the Popish Prelacy then to this power of distributing merits, which the ancient Church had not?
Wherefore, let vs now come to the arguments which they bring for this authoritatiue remission of sinnes, and for this treasure of merits, whereof they make themselues Stewards.
Ob.First they obiect, Christ said,Ioh 20. Whose sinnes yee doe remit, they are remitted, and whose sinnes yee doe retaine, they are retained. Therefore his Ministers haue power to remit sinnes.
Sol.I haue shewed before, it is not iudiciall, but ministeriall power, which is in these words committed to his Apostles; Namely, to declare forgiuenes of sinnes by preaching, not to giue & grant at their pleasure. Ministers grant not Indulgences, as men giue other gifts: heere the chiefest effect of the gift standeth rather in the receiuer, then the disposer. For (as Austin said of Baptisme) non quia dicitur, Aug. sed quia creditur: So may wee esteeme of remission of sinnes; it is effectuall, not because the Priest pronounceth, but for that the penitent beleeueth. In God then is the power of forgiuing: in the Minister, of pronouncing: in the receiuer is power by the grace of the spirit to apply it to himselfe through faith.
Ob,The Apostle Paul saith;2. Cor. 12.15. I will most gladly bestow, and bee bestowed for your soules; Ergo, the workes of one may bee applied to another for his satisfaction.
Sol.The Apostle herein setteth out only his loue vnto the Corinthians, and his diligence, who desired to spend himselfe in teaching and edifying them: His meaning is not to giue of the superfluitie of his merits vnto them. For in the verse before goingVerse 7.8.9. hee findeth infirmitie and want of righteousnes in himselfe, and is agonized, as it were, therefore: And in this conflict, his only comfort and hope is the grace of Christ.
Ob.The Apostle againe saith;Col. 1.14. I fulfill the afflictions (or that which wanteth) of Christ in my flesh, for his bodies sake, which is the Church; Ergo, the workes of Saints may be applyed to the whole Church for their Saluation.
Sol.I answere; The Romanists most maliciously peruert the true meaning of this place. The Apostle intendeth not, that [Page 635] there was any want or defect in the afflictions of Christ as concerning redemption. For he testified before, thatCol. 1.14. wee haue redemption through his bloud, that is, the remission of sinnes. The meaning of the Apostle is, that hee supplied in his flesh, that which wanted of the afflictions of Christ. For Christ suffereth also in his members. And as the naturall body of Christ suffered for the expiation of sinne: So the spirituall body, which is the Church, suffereth for sundry causes: to glorifie God, to witnesse his truth, to animate and encourage the weake, to winne the Aduersaries. For the bloud of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church: and all these afflictions of his members Christ accounteth his owne afflictions. Now where Paul saith, that He doth this for the Church, he meaneth not to redeeme, or to satisfie for the Church: but to edifie the Church, to giue example, to confirme their faith by all the meanes he could; as he himselfe expoundeth himselfe in the verses following,Col. 1.28. admonishing euery man, and teaching euery man in all wisedome, that wee may present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus.
Paul saith;2. Tim. 2.10. I suffer all things for the Elects sake; Ergo, Ob. the passions of holy men are suffered, to satisfie for the whole Church.
Answere vt priùs; Sol. Paul suffered not for the Redemption of the Church, but to glorifie God in the Church, and to confirme the weake brethren by his example.
Vnto2 Cor. 2.10. whom you forgiue any thing (saith the Apostle) I forgiue also. Ob. Therefore the Minister hath power to forgiue by application of the treasure of the Church.
It is the ordinance of Christ,Sol. that publique heinous sinners be excommunicate, and cast out of the Church, till they repent them of their sinnes; and then he wil haue the church, and the Ministers thereof, to receiue such againe into the societie of the whole body, after they haue giuen publique testimonie of their contrition and sorrow. This when the incestuous Corinthian had performed, the Apostle beseecheth the Corinthians euery man to forgiue and receiue him, as much as was in them. For as God remitteth the sinne and [Page 636] the punishment: So there is a certaine interest, which euery member of the Church hath, that is scandalized by an open stubborne offender. And this in brotherly charitie the Apostle himselfe is ready, and perswadeth the Corinthians also to forgiue, and receiue the penitent offender into the church againe. This is nothing to the forgiueness of punishment in foro Dei, in Gods tribunall: It is nothing also to the relaxation out of Purgatory, or such like paine.
Ob.Our Sauiour saith,Luke 10.7. The workeman is worthy of his reward; Ergo, wee may claime the Kingdome of God by our satisfactory workes.
Sol.A most vaine collection. Our Sauiour speaketh of the reward, which out of their temporall possessions men ought to giue, vnto those wch sowe spiritual things vnto them: He speaketh not of any merit, by which we deserue reward from God, much lesse eternall life.
Ob. There 2. Tim. 4.8. is laid vp for mee a crowne of righteousnesse, which the Lord the righteous iudge shall giue mee at that day; not to mee onely, but to them also that haue loued his appearing; Ergo, our works merit forgiueness at the hands of God.
Sol.This place proueth not the merit of our workes. For God layeth vp the crowne of righteousnesse, not to works, but to faith; whose property it is to acknowledge, that we are saued freely, by the grace and goodnes of God through Christ. The Apostle doth not say, that God oweth him a Crowne of righteousnes: but that God shall giue him a Crowne of righteousnes. Gift is of free grace, debt is of desert. The Greeke word is, [...], Retribuet, shall giue or assigne.
Ob.Euery man1. Cor. 3.8. shall receiue his wages according to his labour; Ergo, our workes merit at Gods hands.
Sol.The Apostle Paul in the fourth to the Romanes teacheth, that To him that worketh, Rom. 4.4. the wages is not counted by fauour, but by debt: But to him that worketh not, but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly, his faith is counted for righteousnes. Behold here is Scripture against Scripture. Is Paul contrary to himselfe? God forbid. Wherefore you must vnderstand, as the [Page 637] words meriting and deseruing the reward at Gods hand, are no where found in Scripture: So the word wages or reward hath relation to Gods promise, not to the worthinesse of the worke. The reward is due to our workes, not in respect of any worthinesse in them, but in respect of Gods owne free and vndeserued promise. The word, [...], signifieth a reward of mere grace; as well as hire, of wages; For so the Apostle Paul vseth the same word; In him that worketh, the wages is not counted by fauour, but by debt. There is then Reward and Wages of loue and fauour, as well as of desert; and so it is alwaies to vnderstood, when the ioyes of Heauen are called a reward. As for the slauish name of merit, it is not any where so tearmed. Herein the Legall couenant differeth from the Gospell; In the Law, life is promised to workes: In the Gospell, the reward is not to the worke, but to the worker; not in respect of his owne personall merit or worthinesse, but for the person and merits of Christ.
Hauing answered the principall Arguments of the Romish church for their treasure of Saints merits, the satisfaction of their workes; leauing thee, deare Christian, to seeke the answere to their other obiections in the workes of these excellent learned men, Ioh. Caluin, Peter Martyr, Bullinger, Musculus, Lambert Danaeus, Fulke, Perkins, Willet, and such other, I will now set before thine eyes, First, the beginning of Popish Indulgences, and then, how blasphemous and derogatorie they bee to the supreame dominion of Christ.
CHAP. XXIII. The beginning and increase of Popish Indulgences.
TOuching the Originall and increase of Indulgences in the Church, by the ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories it is manifest, that at the first, Indulgences were onely relaxations of those Mulcts and punishments, which by the penitentiall Canons were inflicted vpon publique offenders. And yet in the ancient writers the word Indulgence is but very rare, and [Page 638] hardly found, though Moderation, Relaxation, Mitigation, and Remission of the asperitie of Penitentiall Canons, be often vsed.
The eleuenth Canon ofNicē. Cō. Can 11. the Nicene Councell saith, that they vvhich without cause denied the faith, were accounted worthy of no mercy: yet the Councell shewing humanitie and compassion towards them, enioineth ten yeares of penance.
The Ancyran Councell,Can. 21. de Aucyr [...]. dealing more mercifully with women, who murthered their children, and were by the order of former times to doe penance during their liues, was contented, that the penance of ten yeares should suffice them. To themCan. 22. ibid. that killed a man vnwillingly, the former rule appointed seuen yeares of penance: But the Ancyran Councell more mildly censuring, saith fiue yeares shall suffice.
ThemConc. Agathen. Can. 37. et sic col. à Barth Caranz. that from the true faith fell into Heresie, the ancient time hardly receiued againe into the Church: But we (saith the Agathens Councell) abbreuiating the number of yeares, impose onely two yeares of penance.
After the inflicting then of the penitentiall Satisfactions of the Church, yet many times, either by the intercession of godly persons, or of the people, such penance wasVid Euseb. l. 6. cap. 42. Vid. etiam. Cyp. l. 3. Ep. 15.16.18. sometime mitigated, and sometimes wholly forgiuen: yea, the Bishops themselues often seeing signes of true and vnfained repentance, did either moderate, or remit the Penance. And this authoritie both the fift Canon of the Nicen Councell, and the first Canon of the Ancyran giueth vnto Bishops and Priests.
Tract of time corrupted at last this godly order of the ancient Church, and inclined by little and little to superstition. For after the false opinion, that Penance did satisfie Gods iustice, began to spring vp in the church, the burdens of satisfactions grew to be heauy and intolerable. Whereupon Redemptions and Commutations of those Satisfactorie punishments began to be in vse.
Burchardus out of the Roman Penitentiall rehearseth many [Page 639] things touching the redemption of Satisfactions; as, for one day fasting with bread and water, to say fifty Psalmes kneeling, or seuenty Psalmes standing, and to relieue one poore man. A rich man that cannot say Psalmes,Ex Chemnic. may redeeme his Penance with three pence giuen in Almes. The poore with a penny, or the feeding of three poore people. A weekes Penance is redeemed with three hundred Psalmes: one moneth, with a thousand & two hundred; and diuers such other in Burchardus you may see.
Out of these Commutations grew sundry euils, but this especially: men beeing perswaded, that through them God was satisfied as concerning sinne, they began to despise earnest repentance; yea, and to sinne of purpose, that they might obtaine remission. Burchardus reciteth a Canon of the Cabilonen Councell against them that sinned wilfully, for that by their Almes deeds they promised themselues impunitie: And of Priests (hee saith) that they were negligent in good workes, for that they tooke themselues to bee purged from sinne, if they trauelled to Rome, or Turon, or such like places. To all such Ierome Ierom. well saith; Not to haue seene Ierusalem, but to haue liued godly at Ierusalem, is praise-worthy.
Another inclination and decay of Penitentiall discipline ensued also. For, whereas at the first all penance was not commuted, but only part, it came to passe, that a man for money might redeeme the whole Penitentiall Satisfaction: And of the solemne publique repentance the Romish church now hath scarce the shadow left; for it is all turned into playes and toyes. In the beginning of Lent they sprinkle as well one as other with ashes: Some are hired to whip thēselues. In Halberstat at the beginning of Lent, they hyre one that must be cast out of the Church: and being clad in beggerly garments, shall walke about the towne, and lye in the streets all night, being fed at mens doores as long as Lent endured; and this man they call Adam: he must wait daily before the doores of the Church, vntill the day of the Lords supper come; when the Archdeacon crauing absolution for him of [Page 640] the Bishop, bringeth him into the church; where Indulgengence is granted to him. Thus the ancient discipline of the church is turned into Maskes and Enterludes.
At last came vp Pardons for sinne, by authoritie of the Pope, about the yeeare 1100. And of the Scholasticall writers some feined, that by them, and the satisfactions enioined, the paine due vnto sinne was taken away: Other said, they tooke away both fault and punishment,Ru [...]rd. Tap. art. 6. Lon iu. è The. in 4. dist. 15. q. 1. Art. 1. et sic testatur Bell. l. 4. de poenit. cap. 1. verb. docet quidem. temporall and eternall; of Purgatory and of Hell. Antoninus taught, that the fault of sinne was taken away by contrition and confession, and the punishment by Pardons.
Some taught, that by them the eternall paine after due contrition was turned into temporall paine, and that the temporall paine also was in part by absolution remitted; and for that which remained, Satisfactions must be enioined, and these Satisfactions by Indulgences remitted.
To make the better Mart of their Pardons, they feined, that the Satisfactions enioined by a Priest, were not sufficient to take away the punishment of sinne, without Purgatory. Wherefore Scotus saith, After the Priests absolution a man must flye either to Purgatorie, or to Pardons: and these Pardons (they say) doe remit all Satisfactions enioined as punishments for sinne, or which might haue beene enioined, either by the Priest, or by the Penitentiall Canons, or by the iustice of God: yet so, as the iustice of God must haue an equiualent satisfaction out of the treasure of the Church, which the Pope may dispose.
Iohannes Angelus.Then began some to teach, That the soules in Purgatory were of the Popes Iurisdiction, and that hee might empty Purgatorie at once, if hee pleased: That the soules to whom Indulgences were granted, went presently to Heauen: That the Pope had power to command the Angels of God to receiue them.Bull. Clem. 6.
Finding the sweetnesse of gaine, and as their vvealth increased, their couetousnesse increasing, they inuented Iubilees also.
Boniface ordained, that in euery hundreth yeare the Iubilee [Page 641] should be celebrated at Rome, and Pardons granted to all that repaired thither.
Clement the sixt ordained, that because the time of mans life is short, therfore the Iubilee should be kept euery fiftieth yeere.
Gregory the eleuenth brought it to the thirtieth yeere. At last, Paul the second, with Sixtus the fourth, appointed the Iubilee on euery fiue and twentieth yeare. Because many impotent persons could nor trauaile to Rome (yet they which were weake in body, had perhaps strength in purse) of later yeares the Romish Prelates haue sent their Legats through sundry Prouinces, with power to grant as plenary Indulgences, as if they had repaired themselues to Rome; yea, vnto diuers Monasteries, Conuents, Colledges, Chapters, Hospitals, vvith certaine Limitations the like power hath been granted; for, dulcis odor lucri. Dulcis odor lucri.
Many times Indulgences granted by preceding Popes, were reuoked by their successours, that they might be brought anew, and with great summes obtained; yea, and the Monasteries, or Prelates, to whom power is granted of conferring Indulgences, are suspended often from this their power, either during the Iubilee, or during the Popes pleasure, that the Monopoly of Rome may the better prosper.
Confessionaries were also ordained, that if a man should hereafter commit any sinne, hee might haue power to chuse his Confessor; who by the Bull had authoritie to absolue him once, or twice, or oftner in a yeare; yea, how oft soeuer, from his sinne.
The most cunning cosonage, and artificiall tricke is, in granting Indulgences to men in their death beds. For, if a man in his life time bought many Pardons, yet if he died not presently (they say) by new offences new guilt is contracted. Wherefore, that men might bee free from Purgatory, it was deuised, that Pardons should bee granted on the death-bed; and these were so much the dearer, because they gaue a ready & speedy passage into heauen. Of this kind Eugenius the fourth granted many about the yeere 1440; as Antony doth witnes: and Gerson also before this time speaketh [Page 642] of the like: And because a Priest could not bee alwaies had vpon the sodaine, power was giuen vpon necessitie that a lay-man might pronounce the absolution.
Let mee not ouerpasse the Pardons in the Stations of the Churches in Rome. Stations were at the first the solemne festiuall daies of euery Church; in which the people assembled to heare the word preached, and to communicate of the holy Eucharist; And of such Stations Gregory speaketh in his Homilies. But afterward it was turned into the visitation of certaine Churches in Rome, which whoso did performe, of many pardons was partaker. Boniface the eighth gaue this priuiledge to the Church of Saint Peter and Paul onely. Clement thereto added the Lateran Church. Sixtus the fourth the great Church of Saint Mary. But in tract of time the Merchandize prospered so vvell, that the rest of the Churches of the Citie of Rome obtained this honour and priuiledge also.
In the Lateran church is euery day Indulgence for fortie eight yeares, and so many Lents: and remission of the third part of a mans sinnes.
Pope Syluester and Gregory, who consecrated it, gaue so many Indulgences to it, as no man can reckon but God only. And Boniface saith; If any come to our seat of Lateran for deuotion and prayers sake, hee shall be absolued from all his sinnes.
In the Chappell which is called Sanctum Sanctorum, into which no woman may come, there are the staires wch stood before Pilats doore in Ierusalem, which consist of eight and and twenty steps. Whosoeuer vpon deuotion goeth vp these steps, hath nine yeares of Pardon for euery step, vvith so many Lents, and remission of the third part of his sinnes: And hee that kneeling goeth vp the said steps, deliuereth a soule out of Purgatory, for which he prayeth. And in the day of the dedication of this Church, there is full remission of all sinnes, both from fault, and punishment; at the first granting of which Indulgence, the Angels in the presence of all the people said, Amen.
When Gregory did dedicate this Church, he gaue as many daies of pardon, as there be drops of raine, when it raineth three daies and nights together: And when Gregory himselfe feared, lest he had been too prodigall of grace, and had exhausted the treasure of the Church too much, Christ appearing to him gaue him leaue to grant more Pardons yet, for the people had need of them.
I will not trouble thee, Christian reader, with the daies and yeares of Pardon, by hundreds and thousands granted to them that repaire to the other churches in Rome. The vnsatiable auarice of the Romish strumpet no pen can sufficiently set out, no tongue expresse; to whose greedinesse the world sufficeth not.
CHAP. XXIIII. The wrong done to the Kingdome of CHRIST by Popish Pardons.
LEt vs now at last consider, how this Mart of Indulgences is iniurious to the Kingdome of Iesus Christ, and what wrong their Simoniacall Merchandize of grace offereth to his Regall power.
First, it is horrible treason against the Maiesty of Christ, that they teach, Priests to be indued with power to enioine workes of Penance, which may take away sinne. For it giueth such authoritie vnto his Ministers, as Christ neuer gaue them. Certaine it is, to enioyne Fastings, Pilgrimage, Almes, for satisfaction, Christ neuer commanded. Almes is to be done cheerefully, and in obedience to God;2. Cor. 9.7. not coactedly, not as by compulsion, and by way of punishment.
Secondly, it is a wicked derogation from the fulnesse of the satisfaction made by Christ, that the Priest should dispose the superfluitie of the merits of Saints, to bee our Satisfaction; As though the temporall chastisement, vvhich Christs merits could not satisfie for, the merits of Saints could take away: As though, what all the power and merits [Page 644] of Christ could not doe, the very superfluitie of Saints merits could doe.
Thirdly, they most shamefully peruert and misconstrue the institution of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST; Whosoeuers sinnes you remit, they are remitted. For herein (they say) Ministers haue power onely to take away the punishment, but not the fault. But the words of Christ are generall; Whose sinnes soeuer, not whose punishment soeuer. As in Excommunication, sinne is retained both as concerning the fault, and the punishment: So in Absolution, the fault and punishment is forgiuen, that is, by the warrant of the word the forgiuenes is pronounced.
Fourthly, if this authoritie of remitting the punishment of sinne in Priests, be from God and by his law, Most impious are the Popes which abridge the same; as Innocentius the third, who in the Lateran Councell limited and restrained other Bishops, that they should not grant Indulgences but for one yeare. But if these Indulgences be not from Christ, they are false traitors that vsurpe the Regal power of Christ in pardoning sinne, hauing therto no Commission, but what they haue from the Man of Rome, to whom Christ no where giueth Commission from himselfe to poure authoritie into others of forgiuing sinnes.
Fiftly, this doctrine is a most dangerous doctrine, and breedeth despaire. For,Io de Comb. Cōp. l. 6. c. 29 they teach, that Satisfaction in punishment must be agreeable to the fault, in weight, in number, in measure. And Bellarmine saith,Bell. de Indulg. l. 1. c. 12. It is the Position of all their Diuines, that an Indulgence is not firme and certaine for the taking away of punishment, either in this world, or the world to come before God, except it bee giuen vpon a iust cause. Now can any man tell, what is the due weight, number, and measure of sinne, but he onely,Iob 28.25. (who weigheth the winde, and measureth the waters? Or can any man declare, what cause God approueth as iust and sufficient? Themselues doe not agree, what is a iust cause of Indulgence, For Tho. Aquinas, Durandus, Paludanus, Antoninus, Iohannis de Turre Gremata, Glossis in extran. Bonifac [...]. 8. Antiquorum. Sylvester [Page 645] in Summa, verbo Indulgentia, Iohannes Tabiensis, Gregorius de Ʋalentia, are of opinion, that proportion of Satisfaction is not required to make the cause of the Indulgence good: Others say,Ex Bell. ibid. that, to make the cause of the Indulgence sufficient, is required, not onely to enioyne a good and a wholesome worke of Penance, but a worke proportionable to the Pardon; so that a great and ample Pardon for a small cause is nothing worth. Of this minde are, Bonauenture, Richardus, Augustinus de Anconae, Gerson, Gabriel. Pope Hadrian, Cardinall Caietan, Iohannes Maior, Martinus Ledismius, Dominicus à Soto, Petrus à Soto, Nauarrus, and diuers others, the best and most famous Schoolemen. Bellarmine saith,Ibid. verb. [...]rim [...] ad causam iustam. To make the cause of an Indulgence iust is required, that the end thereof bee such as is more pleasing to God, then the penall Satisfaction is: secondly, that such the cause or the work be, for which the Indulgence is granted, as may attaine vnto the end that pleaseth God. Wherefore, to grant an Indulgence for the giuing of one penny towards the recouery of Ierusalem: or for the saying of one Pater-noster for the conuersion of all the Heretickes, are not (saith hee) sufficient causes for the granting of a great Pardon; for that by one short prayer it is not likely all Heretickes can bee conuerted: nor by one small penny Ierusalem recouered. O wretched and miserable Pardons, which giue not rest, nor peace vnto the soule, nor assurance to the poore conscience affrighted with sin, and laboring vnder the bondage thereof!
Sixtly, they say,Vid Guil. Torn. ser. de sac. poenit. Indulgences deliuer not but from the paine due vnto sinne, not from the guilt; yet an Indulgence is by their owne confession of larger ambit, then an absolution.Vid. Bell. lib. de Indulg c. 5 verbo. prima propositio. For an Indulgence is a iudiciary absolution, together with a solution of the debt, out of the treasure of the Church: nowDimissa culpa per cō [...]ritionē et absolutio [...]ē. de sa [...]is. in ipso principio. a simple absolution taketh away the guilt of sinne: for so Eckius confesseth in his tract of satisfaction, and the forme of absolution sheweth the same. Wherefore they confound & contradict themselues in their own imaginations & assertions. The Schooleman saith, thatConfessio ex vi absolutionis coniunct [...]e remittit cul [...]. [...]̄. suppl. 3. par. q. 10. a [...]t. 1. confession by the power of absolution adioyned, forgiues the fault.
Seauenthly, to say,Vid. Manip. Curat. qui sic collegit. c. 10. de potestate clauium. that God forgiueth not the punishment, when hee forgiueth the fault, is an absurd and blinde proposition, which striueth with it selfe; for the punishment is due vnto the fault. But CHRIST hath taken awaie the fault; what is there then remaining to be punished? the fault being clensed, it is not any more: if the fault be not, for what do they satisfie?
Eighthly, they enioyne not for penance and satisfactions, any worke required by God in his holy word, but such wil-worships as themselues deuise; as, numbring of Praiers, Pilgrimage, Lawes of fasting, Haire-clothes, and such like.
Ninthly, if Indulgence bee granted vpon condition to satisfie, it is no longer Indulgence, but Commutation, and Grace is no more grace. Rom. 11.6 But the truth is, their Indulgences are very Marchandise, buying and selling the sinnes of the people for money and rewards, giuen for the most part to their idle Abbeies, and wanton Nunneries. Herein they haue such confidence, that some haue not spared to say; No sooner doth the money gingle in the chest, but presently the Soule flieth out of Purgatory to Heauen.
The tenth dishonour vnto Christ is, that, whereas Christ to all his Ministers, without mention of Dioces or Iurisdiction, hath giuen authority to absolue from sinne, yet they so dispose the businesse, thatCō. Trid. Can. 7. de casuū reseruatione. a Minister, or a Bishop must not absolue a poore penitent soule groaning vnder the burden of sinne, except he be of his owne Dioces, ouer whom hee hath iudiciary power deriued from the Pope: all other remission is of no valew. So that the saying of CHRIST, Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit, is to bee vnderstood, Whosoeuers sinnes of your owne Diocess you remit, they are remited. The truth is, their Lordlinesse turneth the Ministeriall worke by Christ instituted, into a consistoriall and iudiciall power: It is not by warrant of preaching the word, but of their Character, they forgiue sinnes. Wherefore nothing can be more odious vnto them, then when the Minister forgiueth sinnes by way of praier;Vid Tho. Aq. part. 3. q. 84. art. [...]. as, The Lord absolue thee: or, The Lord forgiue thee. These words are not glorious enough, except they [Page 647] say, I forgiue thee: nay, it is left to the pleasure of the Priest, whether he will say, By the passion of Christ, and in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost: or,Ibid. ad. 5. by the authoritie from God I forgiue thy sinnes: but it is sufficient to say; I forgiue thee.
Lastly, multitudes of intricate questions arise also from this iudiciary power of the Priest, to forgiue sinnes.
- What penance is remitted by Indulgences?
- Whether any Priest may grant Indulgences besides Bishops?
- Whether a pardon be beneficial to himself that granteth it?
- For what time a Bishop may grant a pardon?
- Whether a pardon bee good after the death of the granter?
- Whether a Bishop beeing in deadly sin may grant a pardon?
- Whether they may grant pardons to them that are not of their Diocesse?
These, and an hundred such like snares from hence are framed, to hould poore soules in suspense, and to darken the benefit of the passion of Iesus Christ, and the glorie of his victory. O blessed Sauiour, deliuer thy Church from these Marchants of grace, Caupones of mercy; who buy and sell to thirstie soules theEsay 55.1 wine and the milke, which thou hast ordained to be giuen freely without siluer, and without money: the oyle, which thou hast poured out plentifully in the Gospell, into their owne hands they engrosse, and hauing engrossed, their Monopoly is solde without shame and measure.
CHAP. XXV. Of the Iubilees and Indulgences granted from the Pope himselfe.
AS the Sea, though it communicate of his flowings to the lesser riuers, yet hath the kingdome of waters still in it selfe: or, as the fulnesse of light is in the Sunne, although [Page 648] into the lesser starres it also poureth the same: so, though he giue of his abundance a limited and determined faculty vnto Bishops and Legats,Vid. author. suppl. [...].13. Th. Aq. yet in the Pope himself they faine there is all vnmeasurable, transcending, and infinite power of pardoning.
In the beginning, Indulgences were nothing else but the relaxation of penitentiall Canons, or the remitting of publique penance: but of later yeares Papall Indulgences haue gotten such power, and are esteemed of such force, As if a man (I tremble to report it) had defloured the Mother of God her self, Fri [...]r Tesell apud Sl [...]d. l. 13. by these yet he might be set free.
They haue taught, that theIta Bell. in lib. de Indul l. 9 verbo, D [...]ni [...]ue Indulgētia Indulgences Papall are the plenary remission of all the paines due to sinnes; full, fuller, and most full. The full pardon taketh away the enioined penance: the fuller takes away all penance, which might by the Canons be inflicted: and the most full deliuereth from all that punishment, which GOD in his owne iudgement can exact. For God hath (say they) subdued all things vnder the feet of the Pope;Psal. 8. sheepe and oxen, and all cattell of the field, the birds of the heauen, and the fish of the sea,Anton. sum. maio. 3 part. dist. 22. that is, Heretickes, Iewes, Pagans, Christians, Princes, Prelates, and all others: the Angels and Powers of Heauen, the Soules in Purgatory; from whence all soules he may set free at once by his absolute iurisdiction,Aug. de Ancho. except onely infants vnbaptised, and men that haue onely the baptisme of the spirit, and such as haue no friends to doe for them, that wherefore Pardons be giuen. Yea, so lordly are their Indulgences, and so imperiall,Bulla Clementis. that they command the Angels to conuay presently the soules to heauen, to whom these Indulgences are granted. The Angelicall Summe saith,Sum. Angel. in tit. Indulg. The soule which hath obtained such pardon, and doth die immediately without committing any more sin, fleeth presently into glory.
And that hee may shew himselfe to haue not onely all the power of the Gospell, but of the Law also, hee grants yeares of Iubilee, in which, Pardons flee our so liberally, and so ful,Bell. de Indulg. l. 1. c. 10. verbo. prima, fiquis tempore. that if a man doe not performe the things which are requisite to the obtaining of Pardon, yet the Indulgence is [Page 649] good; for it hangeth not on any future condition:Bellar. ibid. verbo altera dubitatis. & Nauarius tract. de Iubile. notab. 34. num 4 & 6. Cor. dubensis. q. 37. de Indulg. yea, and if any man hoping or presuming on the Iubilee to come, do wilfully runne into any sin reserued vnto the Popes dispensation, yet from the same by the Indulgence hee may receiue remission.
Of all these Indulgences, Graces, and Pardons, the Monopoly is in the Pope: he onely hath the oile to sell: hee onely granteth full, fuller, and most full Pardons: hee onely proclaimeth the acceptable yeare of Iubilee.Bel. lib. 1. indul. cap. 11. verbo primum igitur de concilio. Insomuch that the whole Councell, though it bee the representatiue bodie of Christ, cannot grant pardons vnto any.
This power the Pope hath, because hee is the steward of the house of GOD, and in him it is to dispose the treasure of the Church, by applying the satisfactions of one to another: and he hath it so amply, that he can command the paines of hell not to touch them, which repaire to Rome in that blessed Iubilee to seeke for Pardon.Clement. in Bulla Vien. inscri. priuileg. And this great authority which is in himselfe he can so communicate vnto others, that they which take the holy Crosse vpon them, shall not onely deliuer themselues, but 3 or 4 soules also, whensoeuer they will, out of Purgatory.
Full pardonsSumma Angel. in tit. Indulg. (saith Summa Angelica) through the whole world the Pope onely can grant, who is assumed into the fulnesse of power. Thus to make good his pardons, they giue vnto the Pope that high and glorious attribute belonging vnto CHRIST alone;Col. 1.19. that in him doth all fulnesse dwell.
Their rule is,Indulgentia tantum dimittit quantum sonat. Aug. in tit. Indul [...]. Pardons auaile as they sound, and therefore euery one should performe his penance, that will take benefit of Pardons; yet they haue an euasion, by which from all penance they may be discharged. For if theyCauitan. in tract. 10. de susc. Indul. q. 1. be pressed, that they are vnworthie of Pardon, which obserue not the condition thereof, they answer, that there is difference betwixt vnworthie, and not worthie.Bellar. de Indulg. lib. 1. c. 13. verbo respondemus. The Pope manie times giueth Pardons to men not worthie, but neuer to the vnworthie; And as in the common wealth, sometimes their debts vpon iust cause are paid out of the common treasurie [Page 650] that are able to pay it themselues: so in the Church, the Pope may apply the satisfaction of other mens works to him that is able to satisfie for himselfe. Thus they play fast and loose, iuggling with their religion; so that a man is bound, and is not bound, to satisfie the condition of the Pardon. VVhat knot will holde Proteus, or what bonds Ʋertumnus?
The PopeƲid. Bell. l. 1 de Indul. c. 14. verb. vita igitur sententia est. (they saie) deliuereth soules out of Purgatory, by offering for them vnto God, out of the treasure of Satisfactions, so much as is necessary to their deliuerance. But is there any Scripture that calleth the Pope to this office, to offer for one man anothers satisfactions to God? whence taketh he this authority? The Parable plainely sheweth, thatMat. 25.9. the wise virgins had not oile for themselues and their fellowes. But admitte that they had; let all the Romish Court shew one place out of Scripture, that the Pope hath power to take the wise virgins oile, and to offer to God for the foolish: let them shew with what ceremonie and solemne right he can so doe. And if it were granted that the Pope may offer vp other mens Satisfactions to God, doth hee know how much is necessary, and what will serue for their expiation? O confused impietie, which hath neither authoritie nor reason, example nor rule for it selfe!
God (they say)Ʋid Bell. l. 1. Indul. c. 14. in resp. ad 3. ques. verb. vita igitur sententia. accepting the satisfactions of one for another, of the liuing for the dead, communicated by the Pope vnto the soules departed, doth deliuer them from punishment. Now of this the word of God doth giue no testimonie: neither doe wee finde, that euer God was saitisfied towards sinners with anie mans merits, but onely with the merits of Iesus Christ.Ioh. 10.9. I am the doore, (saith he) by mee if any man enter in, he shall be safe. Apoc. 5.3. No man in heauen nor in earth is able to open the booke, neitther to looke thereon, saith Iohn in the Reuelation.
As for the Iubilees, which to the imitation of the Mosaicall law they haue instituted, all men knowe, the Mosaicall Iubilee was a silent prophesie or figure of Christ to come. Wherefore CHRIST hauing alreadie appeared in the flesh, there is no vse of that Type any longer.
The Popish Iubilee much differeth from the Mosaicall. For that in the legall Iubilee there was plentifull, free, easie, and open remission giuen: But in the Popish Iubilee remission is sold, and is burdened with conditions of Penance, Satisfactions, and such like. The Legall Iubilee required not,Leu. 25.8. that men should trauell to Ierusalem, it was but once in fifty yeares, it was Gods owne decree: The Romish Iubilee requireth comming, sending, or contributing; it is euery fiue and twenty yeare; it is not ordained by God, but a mere tradition of men, full of superstition, drawing vs to seeke forgiueness in one place, more then in another, and to repaire to the bones of dead men, for that, which in Iesus Christ onely is to be sought.
Popish Iubilees spring out of the vnsatiable auarice of the Romish Prelates, to fill their purses by selling the treasure of the church, as they call it. Christs Pardons disburden the conscience: The Popish Pardons disburden the chest. And this filthy corruption the Councell of Trent it selfe complaineth of, and saith,Vnde plurima in Christiano populo abusuū causa fluxit. in decr. de Indulg. that from hence hath sprung the cause of many great abuses to Christian people.
Hereto let me adde, that Popish Iubilees and Pardons, when they enioine satisfactions which may bee by money recouered, they make men sluggish towards good workes, lyther in religious offices, and carelesse of all true and Christian seruice to God.
They make formall instruments of Pardons in writing; sealed and confirmed with Buls in lead, as though a sinner should deale with God by the Popes letters Patents. Did Peter or Paul forgiue sinnes vnder Seale? or is there any vvarrant for this in the holy Scripture.
You see,2. Sam. 16. how this Absolom of Rome is gotten into his fathers throne, into his house, into his bed; so that nothing is left to Dauid which is not Absaloms. To speak more plainly, you see,2. Thes. 2.4. how Antichrist lifteth vp himselfe in the Temple & house of God: You see the Beast which speakethApoc. 13.11 like the Dragon, yet boasteth that his hornes are the Lambs, and that to him as his successor and Vicar, the power of Christ concerning remission [Page 652] of sinnes is giuen; Not such poore and beggerly authoritie as is by the preaching of the Gospell: but a supreame Consistoriall, Pretorian, Iurisdictiarie forgiuing, and disposing the treasure of the workes of Christ and Saints at his pleasure. To this I will onely oppose the satisfactions of Christ, and so goe to the temporall Maiestie of their Papall Iupiter.
The Apostle Paul teacheth, that1. Cor. 1. Christ onely was crucified for vs. Iohn saith,1. Ioh. 1. The bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne. And in the seuenth of the Reuelation; Apoc. 7.14. all the Saints wash & make white their long Robes in the bloud of the Lambe. Neither let Bellarmine thinke to elude these so plaine, so euident, so perspicuous places, with an idle distinction, That Christ satisfyeth only for the fault; seeing Paul vnto the Hebrews witnesseth, thatHeb. 10.14. Christ by one oblation hath consecrated for euer them that are sanctified: And that in such sort, As their sinnes and iniquities God will no more remember, that is, hee will no more punish. And the whole drift of the seuenth to the Hebrewes is, to shew, thatHeb. 7.11.18, 19.27. perfection was not by the Priesthood of the Law, but by the Priesthood of CHRIST. Now therefore, if Christs offering and suffering made vs perfect, it hath deliuered vs as well from the punishment, as from the fault.
Our Sauiour Christ himselfe doth witnesse, thatMath. 26.28. his bloud is shed for the remission of sinnes. And Iohn saith;1. Ioh. 2.2. He is the reconciliation for our sinnes; but without satisfaction there can be no reconciliation. Therefore, if Christ hath reconciled vs to God, he hath also giuen for vs satisfaction to God.
And thus much of the Indulgences of the Man of Rome, who through couetousnes and feined words2. Pet. 2. maketh merchandize of the bodies and soules of men, promising liberty vnto others, and is himselfe the seruant of corruption. Good Lord purge thy Church from this deceitfulnesse of Satan, and make vs know and feele, that the Key of power is in God, the Key of satisfaction is in Christ, the Key of ministration is in the Pastors of the church by true preaching of the holy word.Simile Gēma p [...]ed. in reparat. tract. 4. de Indulg. punct. pri.
CHrista hath ordained the Priests iudges vpon the earth, with such power that without their sentence no man can be reconciled after baptisme. | 1 | VVIll ye hunt the soules of my people, and giue life to the soules that come vnto you? And will yee pollute mee to my people, for handfuls of Barley, and pi [...]ces of bread, to kill the soules of them that die not, and promise life to them that liue not? Ezek. 13.18. & 19. |
Sinnesb are causes which we haue with God —: they that are in the church hauing such causes, vvithout the Priests iudgement cannot bee reconciled vnto God. | 2 | I, euen I am hee, that comfort you. Who art thou, that thou shouldest feare a mortall man, and the sonne of man, which shall be made as grasse? Isaiah cap. 51. verse 12. |
Itc is well knowne, that the Pope of the godly Prince Constantine is called God. | 3 | Thou hast a proud heart, and hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the Sea; whereas thou art but a man. Ezech. 28.2. |
Cardillus pro Cōc. Trid. ex Iuello. Pope is an earthly God. |
4 | Wheras thou art but a Man, and not God, in the hands of them that slay thee, dye shalt thou the death of the vncircumcised. Ezek. 28.9.10. |
Extrau conct. de Status Canōselinus. Pope hath Christ his Lieutenantship, not only ouer things in Heauen, ouer things
in earth, and ouer things in Hell, but also ouer the Angels both good and bad. |
5 | For so much as thou hast set thy heart as the heart of God, Behold, I wil bring strangers vpon thee, euen the terrible nations; they shall draw out their swords vpon the beauty of thy wisedome, and shall defile thy glory. Ezek. 28.6, 7. |
Steph. Patriar. in Concil Later. sub Leo. 10. ca Io. Iuell [...] the Pope is all manner of power aboue all power, as well of Heauen, as of earth. |
6 | Who is like vnto the Beast? who is able to warre with him? there was giuen vnto him a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies. Apoc. 13.4.5. |
Francis Z [...]barella ex [...]od. Pope doth whatsoeuer hee listeth, yea, although it be vnlawfull; and is more then
God. |
7 | Which is an aduersarie, and is exalted aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped. 2. Thes. 2.4. |
Christh made one chiefe, placing Peter in the supremacie. | 8 | Ye shall not be so, but he that is greatest among you, shall be as the yonger: and hee that is chiefe, shall be as he that doth minister. Luke 22.26, 27. |
Thei Pope is Pastor ouer all Pastors. | 9 | Nothing was I inferiour to the chiefe Apostles: when Peter came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face. 2. Cor. 12.11. Gal. 2.11. |
Thek Pope and Christ haue only one Consistory. | 10 | The Lord is our iudge, the Lord is our Lawgiuer, the Lord is our King, and he himselfe shall be our Sauiour. Esay 33.22. |
Tol no other Apostle was so great power giuen as to Peter, and in him to all his successors. | 11 | The Gospell of vncircumcision was committed vnto mee, as the Gospell of circumcision to Peter. Gal. 2.7. |
Them Priest hath power ouer the true bodie of Christ. | 12 | Hee shall speake maruellous things against the God of Gods. Dan. 11.36. |
Then Priest is higher then Kings, happier then Angels, the Creator of his Creator. | 13 | Shall the Axe boast it selfe against him that heaweth therwith? or shall the Sawe make any bragging against him that ruleth it? Esay 10.15. |
CHAP. XXVI. Of the yoake of Traditions imposed by the Church of Rome, without the authoritie of Christ.
I Haue heretofore spoken of Traditions wronging the Propheticall office of Iesus Christ, whilst they are made equall to the doctrine of him our supreame Prophet. Now I must shew, how they are opposite also to his soueraigne Kingly dignitie. For to impose taxes, and burdens, and lawes, vpon the subiects of any Prince without his licence and without commission: and to require the same obedience to such vsurpations, as vnto the true and established lawes of the Kingdome, must needs be traiterous presumption.
Many times the Scripture it selfe, and the doctrine of Sacraments therein contained, is called a Tradition. So, Basill saith,Baptismus verò noster est iuxta ipsā domini traditionem. Basil. Cont. Apol. erro. l. 3. post med ū. verbo qui verò hoc. Our Baptisme is according to the Lords own Tradition. And Cyprian saith, that if we doubt in any thing, we must haue recourse vnto the Dominicall and Euangelicall spring, and vnto the Apostolicall Tradition; which by the words following we may perceiue he vnderstood to bee the Canonicall Scripture.
The testimonie also of the Church touching the receiuing and faithfull preseruation of Scriptures from time to time, is a necessary Tradition. Yet thereby wee make not the Church of greater authoritie then the Scripture. But, although in the Scripture there is dignitie and power inough to witnesse it to bee the word of God: Yet wee allow the testimonie of the church from age to age, as a notable witnes in this behalfe.
Traditions also may these points of doctrine bee called, which, although verbatim, and in very words, they are not found in Scriptures: yet by necessitie of consequence they are vndoubtedly approued; as the word Trinitie, when wee speake of the three persons: the Baptisme of Infants: the Sacraments: the Apostolicall Creed, and such like. These we [Page 658] also receiue as the very Tradition of the spirit of God deliuered in the Scripture.
There is a fourth kinde of Tradition touching the gouernment of the church. For as [...]e Apostles deliuered according to the state and occasion of euery particular church a forme of discipline: So afterwards other teachers that were the instruments of God for the planting of churches throughout the world, gaue also seuerall formes of discipline which seemed most conuenient for the seuerall nations conuerted. But in all such rules and plotformes of gouernement it must bee diligently obserued, that they be not repugnant to the Gospell of IESVS CHRIST, and that they obscure not the benefits of the passion of Christ, either by their needless multitude, or blinde superstition. It must also before all things be auoided, that these Traditions be not made equall to the sacred word and Scriptures of God.
The fift kinde of Traditions are those, which beside and against the Scriptures the Romish church doth not onely maintaine, but contendeth to be Apostolicall, and to bee equall with the written Canon of the Sacred Scriptures. Of these Traditions wee must needs deeme, that vnto the glorious Regalitie of Christ they are plainely opposite, since hee himselfe hath so often complained of them, and reproued them in the Pharisies, his professed enemies. Wherefore it is a meditation very profitable, to consider how the Popish and Pharisaicall Traditions agree, and proceed both out of one Mynt as it were. So that Hippocrates twinnes vvere neuer each to other more agreeable, then these among themselues.
The purity of true Religion no man can deny to haue beene most wickedly corrupted among the Iewes, although they had the word read and expounded euery day amongst them. But theMar. 7. Luke 11. & 18. Math. 23. cause of all corruption was, for that they magnified their owne traditions, which were beside & without the word of Gnd, aboue all Scriptures, as in the vvhole course of the Gospell we may see. In the first of the Machabees it appeareth manifestly, that there were three waies, by [Page 659] which all true religion was defaced among the Iewes. The first was the1 Mach. 1.14 15.16. prophane & heathenish learning openly taught and preferred before the word of God. The second was the contempt of theVerse 55.60. holy ceremo [...]es, especially Circumcision, by which th [...] Iewes were discerned from other Nations.
The third passage to their confusion, was,Ibid. that the Scriptutes and true religion grew odious vnto them; yea, vvhosoeuer had a booke of the Testament of the Lord found by him, was put to death. After the same manner vnder the tyrannous rule of Antichrist, first, their Schoolemen ioyned Aristotle with scriptures, patching together a kinde of Theologie out of the Scriptures and Philosophers, and made traditions equall to scriptures, getting them holy learning besides the word. Then they fell to hate the Scriptures; insomuch, that whosoeuer had but a new Testament found with him in the English tongue, he was put to death without compassion. We reade, that for the defence of the doctrine, that the Scriptures and seruice of GOD ought to bee in a knowne tongue,Vid Io. Fox in hist horum Martyrum. Ardley, Simson and Hallingdale were put to death. WhereforeFox. pag. 804. to certaine Christians brought before D. Bennet Chancelor to Fitziames B. of London it was obiected, that vpon a night they read certaine Chapters of the Euangelists in English, containing in them diuers erronious and damnable opinions and conclusions of Heresie.
In their Thalmud the Pharisies fained, that Moses in the Mount of Sinai receiued from God, not onely the things which were written, but some things by word of mouth, to be commended vnto posterity, and to bee obserued with the same reuerence that the scriptures were obserued; yea, they pretended also a glorious succession, by which these vnwritten verities were continued, and deliuered from hand to hand in their church. Moses (they say) gaue them to Ely the Priest: Ely to Samuel the Prophet: Samuel to Dauid: Dauid to Ahias the Prophet: Ahias to Elias: Elias to Elizeus: and so from man to man, till the time of Esdras: and from Esdras also by iust succession to Hillel, Simeon, and Gamali [...]l.
Dost thou not now (Christian Reader) see the Romish Church in these Pharisees, as in a resplendent Glasse? doest thou not perceiue who are the fathers of their Traditions, and from whom they borrowed their vnwritten verities, left to the Church by the Apostles (as they say) and from one Pope to another, preserued still by the authoritie of the Apostolicall chaire? Iewes and Papists both say, the Scripture is of it selfe vnsufficient: both say, the vnwritten verities are necessarie: both say, they must be receiued with equall reuerence as the holy Word: both plead Succession, and both authoritie of Elders.
The Iewes were so obstinate, that whatsoeuer their Traditions taught, true or false, they bound themselues to the receiuing thereof.Rab. Abraham rather will haue men by the Rabbies [...]pinions and Cabala to instruct themselues, then by the Scripture. Rab. Abraham Hispanus speaking of the opinions of the Rabbines saith, Men ought to subscribe vnto them, because they bee all the words of the Cabala. And we (saith he) like blinde men grope for the wall to sustaine our selues by it. Lyra also is witnesse, that they receiued in all things the Hebrew glosse, whether it were true or false, right or wrong.
The occasion of the Iewish Talmud was, for that they saw many of their Nation conuerted vnto Christ by the reading of the Scriptures, and that by the Scriptures it was euidently conuinced, that Iesus was Christ; so that by the holy Word they could no longer maintaine their wilfull and obstinate errour. Now therefore about the yeare of our Lord 150. they beganne their Talmud; that by Tradition, Iudaisme might be maintained, which the Scriptures maintained not.
In the Primitiue Church the Scriptures were amongst Christians, the Rule of faith, the Iudge of controuersies, the Direction of doctrine, the Law of all mens beliefe. Wherefore they were publique in knowne tongues, such as the people vnderstood. But when Religion beganne to bee corrupted, and Poperie had turned all Religion into superstition, which out of the Word could not be proued, then they preached Traditions, detracted from the Scriptures, and denied [Page 661] them vnto the people,Ezech. 16.45 Thou art thy Mothers owne daughter, that hath cast off her husband and her children; yea, thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsooke their husbands and their children.
If the Pharises with their Traditions were enemies to the Kingdome of Christ, the Papists also with their burthens laid vpon the conscience of men are aduersaries. For whatsoeuer ouerthroweth or obscureth the doctrine of Redemption in the bloud of Christ: onely iustification by his merites: saluation by grace, are all enemies vnto him: euen as farre forth as Iudaisme, or Heathenish Infidelitie, which altogether denyeth him. And this the learned manGualt. in Matth. 16. hom. 203. Rodolpus Gualterus well obserueth vpon the 16. of Mathew, where Christ commandeth his Disciples to beware of the leauen of the Pharises and Sadduces; as well of Pharisees, that in their Traditions placed saluation and iustification: as of the Sadduces, who altogether, by denying the Resurrection, tooke away Religion.
Cyprian well saith,Cauenda sunt autem non solū qua sunt aperte manifesta, sed & astuta fraudis subtilitate fallentia. Cyp. de simpl. praela [...]orum tract. 3. [...]ere in prin. The things must be taken heed of, not onely which are openly repugnant, but these things also, which by the subtilty of cunning deceit beguile vs.
Chrysostome saith,Qui autem hoc ausus est facere, se sapten [...] to [...]em putat quam Deum, Chrys. in op. impers. super Math cap. 7. He that addeth or taketh away from the word of God, thinketh himselfe wiser then God.
Austen saith,Sedendo enim super Cathedram Moysis legē Dei docent, ergo per illos Deus deceti sua vero t [...]li si docere veliut, nolite audire, nolite facere; certe enim sales sua qu [...] runt, non quae I [...]sus Christi. Aug. 46. tract. in Io. in medio fere. If sitting vpon the chaire of Moses they teach the Lawe of God, God then teacheth by them: But if they will teach their owne precepts, heare them not, doe not after them; surely such seeke their owne, not the things of Christ.
And againe, vnto theQuamuis enim ne{que} h [...]ec inueniri posunt, quomodo cōtra fidem sunt, ipsam tamen religionem quam paucissimis & manifestissimis celebrationum Sacramentis, misericordia Des esse liberam voluit. lib. 2. cap. 19. ad inquis. Ian. Inquisitions of Ianuarius, hee wisheth the multitudes of Institutions to bee taken away, if conueniently it may be done. For if it cannot bee found, that they are against the faith; yet the mercy of God would haue Religion to be free, with the fewest and plainest Sacraments of solemnity. The Apostle Paul for these Traditions therefore blameth his Colossians; Col. If you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though liuing in the world, are yee led with Traditions; Touch not, taste not, handle not, all [Page 662] which be in corruption, in abusing after the commandements and doctrines of men?
In the Scripture many times, the word Tradition is taken for deliuering of doctrine, and it is construed both in the good, and euill part. But wheresoeuer Tradition in the Scripture speaketh of humane constitutions, it is taken in the worst sense.
In all the whole Scripture the holy Spirit neuer sendeth vs vnto the Traditions of the Elders, which are beside the authority of the Word. There were indeed Apostolicall Traditions in the Church, but those were contained in the written Word. As for doctrines besides Scripture, the Apostle Paul 2 Thes. 2.2 beseecheth his Thessalonians, that they bee not moued from their mind, nor troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from vs. By which we see, that vnder pretence of Traditions, euen in the time of the Apostles, Seducers went about to poyson the true doctrine of Religion with humane obseruations. Much more then may we now iustly suspect, that the Traditions, which vnder the Apostles name are vsed in the Church, are not Apostolicall, nor truely fathered vpon them, seeing they are so much differing from the doctrine deliuered in the Euangelicall and Apostolicall writings.
I haue already spoken of some of their Traditions; as worshipping of Saints, Images, Purgatory, the seruice of God in an vnknowne tongue, Confirmation, Confession, Penance, and diuers other. I will now intreat of Tyrannicall burdens, vniustly and cruelly laid vpon men without all consent of Scriptures, by the Romish Vsurper; namely, the vow of Chastity, and the difference of meats, with their Festiuals and Holy-daies.
CHAP. XXVII. Of the Vowes of Chastitie enforced vpon all Ecclesiasticall persons in the Romish Church, contrarie to the libertie of honest Matrimonie, which Christ the King left free vnto his whole Church; and firct of Ʋowes in generall.
CHastitie, shamefastnesse, purity of conuersation, cleanenesse, and holinesse, no man is so forsaken of the grace of God amongst them which are called Christians, as to doubt whether they are vertues fit for the professours of the honorable name of the Lord Iesus. The Apostle Paul saith;1 Thes. 4.3.4 This is the will of God, euen your holinesse, that yee should abstaine from fornication, that euery one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour: And his Ephesians hee doth exhortEph. 5.3. that fornication and all vncleanenesse bee not once named among them, as becommeth Saints: So likewise among the Hebrewes, he will haue no fornicator, or vncleane person. God is an holy, pure, and innocent Spirit; wherefore his seruants must be holy, pure, and innocent. The very Heathens consented hereunto; amongst whose Lawes Tully witnesseth, this was placed as the chiefe;Ad diuos ad [...]ūt [...] castè, pretatē adhibēto. Cic. de leg. l. 2 that men should goe chastely vnto God, and adde pietie to their deuotion. Plato saith, that a good man will not receiue a gift from him that is euill, much lesse God from the polluted. And to this Pliny pointeth, where he saith;Manibus bonestis omnia laetius proueniunt. Plin. l. 18. c. 3 To honest Ghosts all things succeed happily.
Aboue all things then it is a necessarie disquisition, to search out what be the things wch corrupt our purity, and cleane chastitie, wherein we ought to appeare before God in our seruice, and inuocation of his Name. Which while some haue rashly enquired after, not giuing heed to the vnfallible cynosure of Gods holy word, they haue contradiuided or opposed the coniugall custome, made lawfull by the Lords own institution, against cleanenesse, and against chastitie, notwithstanding the proclamation of the Apostle;Heb. 13.4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed vndefiled.
Marcion said, the very commixtion of Man and VVoman in lawfull Matrimonie is sinne; and therefore hee admitted none to Baptisme, but those which renounced Marriage.
There was also one Secundus, which said, the woman was wholly the worke of the diuell.
Some affirmed, that there was no oddes betwixt the custome with a wife, and vvith a whore; but that the diuell deuised a difference, couering filthinesse vnder a faire and honest name of Matrimonie.
Tatianus said, that married folkes serued two Masters; God, and the diuell. VVherefore the strict professors of his doctrine he vvould haue to refraine from Marriage.
Montanus said, In the vveaker, marriage may be endured, though it could not be vvithout fault: But the perfect must either not contract Matrimonie, or else forsake it being contracted, but second Marriage he held to be plain fornication.
The Manichees, though they did not absolutely condemne marriage, yet they permitted not their elect or perfect to haue any wiues. This they did out of an imitation of the old Philosophers, of whom many iudged marriage vncleane, and many ttoublesome. Vncleane they deemed it; vvherefore the Cybils Priests cut off their genitals with a sharp stone. And amongst the Philosophers of Athens, it was the fashion to take certaine potions for the destroying the power of generation; yea the women also laid certaine Hearbs in their beds to restraine lust. VVherefore Demosthenes Vid. Phil. Camerar. opere succiss. cap. 1. in his oration against Timocrates saith, that hee that serued the Gods in their holy Mysteries, ought to be chaste, not a day or two, but all his life long.Nat. Comes mythel. in Diana. It vvas also the manner among the Platonists, before they married to sacrifice vnto Diana, for that they perswaded themselues, that the Goddesse of Chastitie vvas enemy to marriage. As of the Philosophers some tooke marriage to bee of it selfe vncleane: so others deemed it to be so troublesome, that none could giue himselfe to the care of a family, and to the studie of good Arts together.
From Philosophers and Heretickes, too too many, euen of the honourable Fathers of the Church, were poysoned vvith this errour.Bellarm. de sacr. Matrimon. cap. 1. verb. candē haeresim. Bernard vvitnesseth of diuers Apostolicall men, vvhich did thinke that Marriage vvas vnlawfull; yea, it seemeth, that among the Corinthians there vvere some,In detestationem fornicationis etiam Matrimontum cōtemnebant. Lyra in [...]. Cor. 7. vid. Haymon. in 1. Cor. 7. vvho did reiect Marriage as infamous and vnprofitable, and demanded of the Apostle, whether they might conuerse with their wiues, and fulfill the desire of women? Tertullian thus speaketh;Ergo inquu, tam & primat, id est. vn [...]s Nuptias dest [...]uis; nec immeritò, quoniam & ips [...]e ex eo c [...]nstant, quod est stuprum: & ideo optimum est homini multerē non tāgere, qu [...]a [...]hara est stupri ad finitate. in exhor. ad castitatem edit. Andoent paris. Thou saist the first Marriage is not vvithout cause ouerthrowne, for it consisteth of that vvhich is vvhoredome; and therefore it is best for a man not to touch a woman, because she is beloued vvith that vvhich hath affinity vvith vvhoredome. Ierome saith,H [...]ron. vt citatur a Ch [...]mnie. this is the difference betvvixt a vvhore and a vvife; because it is more tollerable to be vnto one, then vnto many. Am [...]rose saith;In offensum exhibendū, & immaculatum Ministerium, nec vllo coniugali co [...]tu violandū. You knovv, the Ministerie must be vvithout offence, and immaculate, and with no Matrimoniall act defiled. By this it is euident, that hee esteemed the coniugall act to bee vncleane, and such as by no meanes could stand with the Ministeriall office.
The Canon of the Neocaesarian Councell saith,Praesbyterum cōuiuio secūndarum nuptiarum interesse non debere, maximè cum praeciptatur secundunuptijs poenitentiā tribuere: quis ergo erit praesbyter, qui propter conuinium illis consentias nuptijs? Conc. Neoces. can. 7. that a Priest may not be present at the feast of a second Marriage, because it is commanded, that penance should be enioyned vpon the second Marriage. What Priest therefore for a Banquet will consent to such a Marriage? Much doth Bellarmine wrest himselfeBellar. lib. 1. de Matrim. cap. 9. de vnitate coniug [...]j. about this authority: for he saith the Canon was made concerning those which bestowed as great cost vpon the feast of the second Marriage, as of the first. What will not a shamelesse Frier do and say to suppresse the truth? But truth he cannot suppresse. For the Synode blameth not the Feast, but the Marriage, saying, that the second Marriage should haue penance enioyned, and that a Priest for a dinner should not consent vnto such: And the Canons of this Councell were approued in the sixt Synode of Constantinople in Trullo. ex Barthol. Caranza. TheEx ipso Bellar li. 1. de matrim cap. 9 Authour of the imperfect worke, called Chrysostomes vpon Matthew, affirmeth second Marriage to bee commanded by the Apostles, [Page 666] because of incontinencie, but indeed they are very vvhoredome. Yea Bellarmine himselfe, who seemes strongly to maintaine that Marriage in it selfe is not vnlawfull, saith,Actus coniugalis hominem totū reddit carnalem, & ineptum ad diuina Bellar. de clericis li. 1. cap. 11. verbo probatur primo. yet the coniugall act doth make a man altogether carnall, and vnfit for diuine offices. Alphonsus Ex Mart. Chem. the Spaniard saith, that married persons may haue the purity of the soule, but not of the bodie and soule.
Here now it is most necessarie to shew, that chastitie is not opposite vnto honest Marriage, but vnto forbidden, wandring, and vnlawfull lusts. And this by sundry Arguments is manifest.
My first Reason I take from the Institution it selfe, which was from God, and blessed by him, euen as concerning the coniugall copulation. For he saith;Gen. 1.28. Be fruitfull and multiply. This Institution our Sauiour himselfe commendeth, saying;Math. 19.3.4. Hee which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, and said; for this cause shall a man leaue his father and his mother, and shall bee knit to his wife, and they two shall bee one flesh. From hence I conclude, since the Institution is from God, and to the purpose of copulation, neither the institution, nor the end, can be of themselues vncleane, and opposite vnto chastitie. For the pure, holy, immaculate Spirit of God is author thereof.
My second reason I take from the dignitie of the thing, whereof it is a mysterie.Psal. 45. Salom. Song per totum. For Matrimonie is a signe, and a resemblance of the spirituall coniunction, and happy vnion betwixt Christ & his Church; as in sundry places of Scripture it appeareth. A cleane state of life therefore it is, vnder which Iesus Christ would figure his sweet and vnseparable Marriage vnto his Church; yea, this his loue vnto his Church, and his vnity with her,Ezech. 16.8. 1. Ioh. 3.9. 1. Pet. 1.3. hee compareth many times to the very coniugall act it selfe. This then shall be our second Argument; God neuer likeneth his grace, nor typifieth his fauour vnder absolute sinne, which is no way cleane, no way holy: but vnder the Matrimoniall contract and worke, God figureth his loue to the Church; therefore the Matrimoniall contract and worke are not altogether vncleane, nor simply euill.
The third proofe I take from the witnesse of the Scripture; In which Marriage is accounted a chaste, cleane, and pure estate of life. The Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians saith; (x) This is the will of God, euen your holinesse, 1. Thess. 4.3. that yee should abstaine from fornication, that euery one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour, not in the lust of concupiscence, as the Gentiles which know not God. By this it is manifest, that whosoeuer abstaineth from fornication, and Heathenish lusts, keepeth his vessell in honour and holinesse; wherefore in honest Matrimonie the vessell is holy and honourable.
The Apostle againe commandeth;1. Cor. 7.3.5. Let the husband giue vnto the wife due beneuolence: likewise also the wife vnto the husband, and defraud not the one the other, except it bee with your consents for a time, that yee may giue your selues to fasting and prayer: But to that which is simply vncleane the Apostle would neuer haue exhorted; therefore the coniugall state is not vncleanenesse.
The Ibid. ver. 14. vnheleeuing husband is sanctifyed by the wife, and the vnbeleeuing wife is sanctifyed by the husband, else were your children vncleane, but now are they holy. This sheweth certainely, that the Matrimony of Christians is holy and pure, and the procreation of children cleane, if it be not disordered by our owne fault and filthinesse.
The Apostle Paul commandeth Titus Tit. 2.4. & s [...]a reddunt Rhemistae to exhort the yonger women to loue their husbands, to loue their children, to bee discreet, chaste, house-keepers. Therefore in Marriage, euen though they be bearers of children, there is chastitie. In the 13. to the Hebrewes,Heb. 13.4. Marriage and the vndefiled bed are ioyned together, to shew, that purity and cleanenesse may be in lawfull Matrimonie. These, and diuers other places, with inuincible demonstration, teach vs, that in holy Matrimony there is pietie, chastitie, and cleanenesse pleasing God.
I must confesse, that as all the other states, offices, and actions of our life are corrupted, and by the frowardnesse of euill desires, and our sinfull will, stained (insomuch, that [Page 668] our very prayer, worship of God, receiuing of Sacraments, and such like, haue their corruption) so the honest and pure institution of Matrimony, and procreation of children, is full of foule lusts, and abhominable filthinesse many times: But it is no new thing with God, to approue the vse, and pardon the abuse of things. If none but the cleane may minister vnto God. wee may well say with the Apostle, Who is fit for these things? For man hath sundry corruptions in all the course of his life, by which hee is polluted before God. And the same God, which in Iesus Christ forgiueth our other enormities, and looketh on them no more, washeth away also the Nuptiall faults, if we call vpon him, and offer vp our repenting prayer vpon the Altar of reconciliation, his onely sonne.
CHAP. XXVIII. Of the Popish vowes of Continencie.
OVt of two perswasions; First, that there is vncleanness in the Matrimoniall state, more then in the single life: Secondly, that the coniugall order is troubled, and drawne away from the seruice of GOD to worldly cares; the Romish Church hath taken occasion to prohibite wiues vnto all Ecclesiasticall persons of higher orders. We haue answered the first position touching the surmised vncleanness in wedlock: and of the second hinderance we shall hereafter intreat. But now, whereas in matter of religion the seeming shew of carnall sense must not define, neither must wee bee caried awaie by the wisedome of flesh and bloud;Rom. 8. let vs see, what authority the Church of Rome can pretend for this burden imposed vpon the clergie.
Clicth [...]. Clicthouius handling this businesse, and enquiring of the authority of the ordinance, is verie inconstant in his opinion. For he both saith, that it is from the law of God, that Priests should not marrie: and also that Syricius ordained, he should be continent, who was a Priest.
Thomas Aquinas saith,Tho. Aquin. 2. secunda q. 88. art. 11 The vow of Continence was annexed vnto holie orders by the onely decree of the Church; and therefore it is dispensable.
Gratian is confident, thatDict. 84. cum i [...] praterito. in Glossa. Syricius ordained that Priests and Deacons should lead a single life.
Bellarmine saith,Bell. declericis lib. 1. cap. 18. It cannot bee proued out of Scripture, that Priests should not be married. For in the old Testament they had wiues, and in the new testament the Lord hath spoken nothing thereof. But he saith, it is a humane decree, and Apostolicall, and that in the whole Church it hath bin long obserued.
If the question bee proposed vnto Bellarmine, how this vowed chastitie is Apostolicall doctrine; he cannot saie, it is found in the canonicall Epistles. Why then it must needs be a Tradition: and of it we may truely say with Tertullian, Scriptura negat, quod non notat. Tertul. lib. de Monogam. The Scripture denieth what it doth not confirme. The conclusion then is; if the vow of chastity bee a mere Tradition, it must be examined whether it bee agreable to the holy volume of God, or not. For it is euident, that when a Tradition is repugnant to the word, we ought rather to follow the written word, then the receiued custome. For the more orderly and better discussing of this point, let vs speake a word or two of vowes in generall, and then of the particular vow of Chastity.
Vowes in the olde Testament were of two sorts; Morall, and Ceremoniall. A Morall vow was, when a man either in contemplation of Gods mercy, or punishment towards him, or otherwise moued with any zeale, did vow to walke in the statutes of the Lord, to worship and serue the Lord God of Israell: this by the law euery man was bound to doe. But to binde themselues with the strictest obligation, to stir vp their owne zeale in themselues, and to make them the more earnest and diligent in performance of that with a good vvill, to which they were tied of necessitie, they vowed either the performance of the whole lawe generally, or of some one point especially. Heereof you haue sundry examples. Such was Iacobs vow;Gen. 28.21 The Lord shall bee my God. And, I haue [Page 670] sworne (saith Dauid)Psal. 119. I am stedfastly purposed to keepe thy commandements. In the booke of Nehemiah, Neh. 9.38. the people make a couenant to serue the Lord; and to binde themselues the more closely vnto the same, they write it, and seale it wth the seales of the principall Fathers of Israell. In the last of Esdras also,Ezra 10.19 The Leuites which had married strange wiues, gaue their hands to put them away; and this was a kinde of vow. Now all these morall vowes were made, the better to keepe the law of God; therefore in them it was principally required, that they should bee made according to the law.
The second kinde of vowes was ceremoniall; to fast, to confesse, to offer sacrifice, and such like. Whereof also the Psalmist speaketh;Ps. 116.16.14 I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord in the sight of all his people, in the courts of the Lords house, euen in the midst of thee, O Ierusalem. The ceremonial vows were but the Paedagogie and Schoole of the Law: they were significations of CHRIST to come:Esay 1.15.16. & they were contestations of faith: they were excitations to the performance of the morall law: without which all the ceremoniall vows were of no account with God.
Concerning these vowes many rules there were to be obserued. First, they had certaine Canons in the lawe of the Lord, what they should offer, and what they should not offer. Hereof you may finde an absolute discourse inLeuit. 27 per totum. Leuiticus, concerning a mans owne person, his cattell, or his field. The first borne of the beasts might not be vowed to the Lord, because it was his by his owne ordinance:Deut. 23.18 The hire of a whoore, the price of a dog, might not bee brought into the house of the Lord in any manner of vow; yea,Mal. 1.14 Cursed is hee (saith Malachy) that voweth a corrupt thing vnto the Lord. Ecclesiastes witnesseth, thatEccles. 5.3 in foolish vowes the LORD hath no pleasure; and such were all vowes against, or beside the law of God. Wee see, that2 Sam. 7 Dauid, though out of a good minde, and a godly zeale, he vowed to build an house to the Lord, yet he was not permitted so to doe.
Secondly, we may obserue, that vowes were not necessarily enioyned, but vncoacted; at euery mans choise and election. [Page 671] Moses saith;Deut. 23.22 If thou leaue vowing, it shall bee no sin. Wherefore in Leuiticus,Leuit. 7.16 a vow is called the offring of a mans owne free-will.
Thirdly, the vow when it was made, must of necessitie be performed one way or other.Deu. 23.21.23 Num 30.3. When thou hast vowed a vow vnto the Lord, thou shalt not slacke to pay it: for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee, and it shall be sin in thee: And againe, That which is gone out of thy lips, thou must keepe.
Fourthly, if the vow were impossible, no man was bound to the performance thereof. Wherefore Abraham requiring his seruant by oath, to take a wife vnto his sonne Isaac out of his owne kinred, addeth yet,Gen. 24.8. If the woman will not follow thee, then shalt thou be cleare from this my oath.
Fiftly, if the vow were vnconuenient, and could not bee fitly performed,Leuit. 27.8. a man might redeeme his vow, and by a iust commutation or price buy out the same, according to the law: and if the man were poore that vowed, the Priest had power to dispense with him, according as he was able to get; but where the vow was lawful, honest, possible, by all meanes men were bound to performe the same.
Sixtly, no vowes contrary to the law, or beside it, might be performed: what could not be done but with sinne, must not be done at all.Iud. 11. Therefore as the vow of Iepthah was rash in the making: so it was wicked in the performing, and not rehearsed in the Scripture as approued. Such also wasIud. 17.3 the vow of the mother of Michah, who dedicated her siluer to the Lord, with a purpose of setting vp Idolatry.
Lastly, all this ceremoniall worshipping of God by vowes ordained in the lawe, is now altogether abrogate in the time of the Gospell: it is taken away by the death and passion of Iesus Christ.
Come we to vowes in the New Testament; and surely of them wee cannot speake much, seeing through the vvhole course thereof, there is neither commandement, nor promise, nor example of them: neither can there be any addition to matters of faith beside Scripture in the Church of CHRIST, except vve vvill runne vvilfully into that reprehension [Page 672] of our Sauiour;Math. 15.9. Ex Esay 29. In vaine doe they worship mee, teaching for doctrines precepts of men. Yet notwithstanding, Morall vowes in the New Testament may haue place, so they be not done in opinion of meriting, satisfaction and Iustification, but onely by a strait bond to tye our selues vnto the performance of any part of our Christian duety, in humble obedience to the commandement of God; Neither doth this vow require any pompe, or solemnitie of ceremonies, in the professing thereof: Nor yet are wee bound to circumstance of Time, Place, Person, or Quantitie, but so farre as we can, and to the vttermost of our power, to liue vnblameable in our religion.
As a Morall vow in the New Testament is not cōmanded: So if it be by vs voluntarily vndertaken, aboue all things we must obserue, that it bee not against, nor repugnant to the word of God, but agreeable and conformable thereto.
Returne we now againe to the vow of Chastitie, which we haue formerly proued, neither to be found in the law, nor in the Gospell: And let vs see, whether it ought to be professed, in the Christian Church; The contrary whereof by diuers reasons is manifest.
First, it is besides the Law and the Gospell, as it is said already; Therefore the vow is vnlawfull, neither ought such a burdensome Tradition to be laid vpon the church beeing a free woman,Gal. 4. as was not imposed vpon the bond woman her selfe, I meane the Iewish Synagogue.
Secondly, the vow of Chastity is not possible to euery one that taketh vpon him holy orders; Therefore it ought not to be imposed. The proposition is proued, first, by the testimonie of our Sauiour himselfe, who saith,Mat. 19.11. All men cannot receiue this: Secondly, by the testimonie of the Apostle, who in the first to Timothy 5.1. Tim. 5.11. commandeth to refuse the yonger Widdowes, for when they haue begunne to waxe wanton against Christ, they will marry: Lastly, it is proued by daily experience, that Priests and Monkes haue not the gift of chastitie; no not the Pope himselfe; as without extreame impudencie the Romish Church cannot deny.
Thirdly, the Papall vow of chastitie doth not obserue the Law of vowes set downe by Moses. It is not arbitrary, and of election, but of exaction and necessitie:Leuit. 27. it is not to bee bought out, or redeemed, as the vowes in the Iewish state were; Therefore it is vnlawfull, and ought not to bee enforced.
Fourthly, it is a snare wherein the conscience of the votary is intangled, and they carried headlong into innumerable lusts of concupiscence, to beastly filthinesse, to vnnaturall abominations, in which they burne and defile themselues, as euery man may see.
Fiftly, it is euident in the Gospell, that the Apostles themselues had wiues, and dwelt with them after their ministerie vndertaken; as Peter, and other Disciples. Wherefore the Apostle Paul saith,1. Cor. 9.5. Haue we not power to lead about a Sister a wife, as well as other Apostles, and as the brethren of our Lord, and Cephas?
Sixtly, the Apostle alloweth, that1. Tim. 3.2.12 a Bishop and Deacon be the husband of one wife, such as gouerneth well his owne house and children; yea, he deliuers this doctrine in maner of a commandement; A Bishop must be blamelesse, the husband of one wife. For though it be indifferent to him that can containe, whether he marry or not, or if it be better not to marry at all, vnto those that are Eunuches themselues by nature: yet if a Bishop or Deacon cannot containe, it is necessarie that such a one marry. Therefore vnto the Hebrewes he saith,Heb. 13. Marriage is honourable among all men, and the bed vndefiled. Surely, if it had beene dishonourable for Ministers to marry, the Apostle would not haue set forth the praise of marriage in such a Categoricall, or generall proposition.
Seuenthly, forbidding of marriage the Apostle sheweth,1. Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. to be the doctrine of them which depart from the faith, and of them which giue heed to the spirits of errour. The doctrine, I say, of Diuels, of false Hypocrites, and such as haue their conscience seared with a hote iron. Neither let the Romanists say, the Apostle speaketh of the Marcionists, the Tatians, the Montanists, and the Manichees; and not of them: for [Page 674] the Montanists, and the Manichees did not forbid all to marry absolutely, but onely the perfect, or their chosen men; as the Papists doe now their religious persons, and their Priests. The Apostle speaking indifferently saith,1. Tim. 4. To forbid marriage is the doctrine of Diuels. Wherefore he as well reproueth one Sect as other, of all them who restraine Christians from lawfull wedlocke.
Lastly, marriage. (they say▪) is a Sacrament, and doth conferre grace: but no men haue more neede of grace then the Ministers themselues, who are alwaies exercised about holy things; therefore to them of all men it should seeme marriage doth chiefely belong.
CHAP. XXIX. Answere to the Popish arguments, which are brought for vowed Chastitie.
BEcause many faire pretences and plausible arguments are by the Romanists alledged in defence of their vowed chastitie, It shall not be vnconuenient now to examine their conclusions, and to discusse the reasons, which seeme to make for them in this controuersie.
Ob. 1 The first argument is, that Chastitie may bee obtained, and is possible vnto all them which will call vpon God for it; Therefore it may be vowed.
Sol.I answere to this Sophisme; That there are in the church generall gifts, which are necessary vnto the whole church; as forgiuenesse of sinne, the grace of God, Faith, Hope, Charitie, Perseuerance, and such like. Of these Christ saith;Ioh. 16.23. Whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name, hae will giue it you: There are also speciall gifts, such as are not needfull to all the members of the Church; as the gift of healing, the gift of tongues, the gift of prophesie, the gift of the interpretation of tongues, the gift also of Virginitie. These hee hath not promised to giue vnto euery one that asketh, but the spirit of GodRom. 12. 1. Cor. 12. distributeth them according to his own good pleasure. The gifts without which a man cannot bee [Page 675] saued, God giueth to euery one that asketh by a liuely faith through Christ Iesus: But those gifts which tend onely to the glory of God, and haue particular vse in the Church, are not bestowed vpon euery one that seeketh for them.
The Priests in the old law might not keep company with Ob. 2 their wiues, when they ministred before the Lord; Therefore the Priests of the new Couenant may not haue wiues, who daily sacrifice vnto God.
This argument is a weake and friuolous cauillation.Sol. The Priests in the Law were bound to many Ceremonies, which pointed vnto Christ; amongst which this is one; For it foreshewed the virginitie of Christ in all the course of his life. But Christ being now come in the flesh, there is no vse of these Ceremonies, except wee shall still retaine the Iudaicall Priesthood: Neither yet doth it appeare out of 1. Chron. 24. Nor out of Luke the first. Much lesse out of Exodus 19. that Priests abstained from their wiues in the time of their ministration, as Bellarmine enforceth. Concerning the daily offering of the Popish Priests, it is a thing no lesse in question then their vowed Chastitie. Neither let Bellarmine thinke to begge the question of vs. For wee deny that the Priests of the new Couenant doe sacrifice euery day: And wee say, hee offereth not at all any other oblation then euery Christian doth, which is of prayer and thanksgiuing.
Abimelech the Priest demandeth of Dauid, whether the yong Ob. 3 men haue kept themselues from women, that they might eate of the hallowed bread. But it is not to be thought, that Abimelech would so basely deeme of Dauid, and his followers, as that they were keepers of whoores. Therefore euen the carnall knowledge of a wife maketh vncleane.
I must answere as before; This argument presseth not.Sol. For we liue not vnder the Law,Rom. 6.14. as Dauid and his followers did, but vnder the Gospell: Againe, there were many pollutions in the Law, which might make them vncleane by commixture with women; as their naturall issue, Flux of bloud, Child-bed, and such like.Leuit. 12. These did contaminate in the Mosaicall law, and not the lawfull coniugall vse. Lastly, though [Page 676] Dauid himselfe were an holy man, yet he had his faults; and it was no blasphemie, to doubt whether hee, or his followers were not polluted with strange women.
Ob. 4 The Apostle saith, a Bishop must be irreprehensible, the husband of one wife, Iuxta trāslat. Rhē. Tit. 1. sober, wise, chaste, &c. but the word Chaste signifieth vnmarried; therefore a Priest must not be married.
Sol.I maruell what came into Bellarmines heart to bring this place in defence of his votiue chastitie, then which nothing can be more opposite to his Axiom. For the Apostle in distinct and plaine words saith, a Bishop must be the husband of one wife, that is, of one wife at one time. Hence Bellarmine concludeth, he must haue no wife at all. But perhaps he standeth vpon the word Chaste. Vnderstand therefore, Christian Reader, that the Greeke word [...], signifieth chaste, or sober, or sage. Bellarmine might hence well conclude; The Apostle requireth a Bishop to bee the husband of one wife, and chaste; Therefore Chastitie and Matrimonie may dwell both together in one subiect.
Ob. 5 The Apostle Paul commandeth, To abstaine with consent for a time; Ex Bellar. l. 1. de cler. c. 9. verb. cont. hos errores ad finem Paragr. therefore Priests ought to abstaine altogether.
Who would haue thought such an impudent cauill could haue proceeded from a Mitred Prelate? First, he openly belyeth the Text.Sol. Paul doth not command, but rather permit; for he absolutely in the verse following saith, I speake of fauour, and not of commandement. Secondly; he permitteth for a time, not for euer: Not by vow of continuall single life. Therefore this is nothing to the Votaries. Thirdly, hee ordaineth, that they shall come together againe, lest Satan tempt them. In which words it is euident, that the Apostle vnderstandeth wilfull abstinence from Marriage, which is the lawfull remedy against sinne, to be a meanes by which the Tempter preuaileth against vs.
Ob. 6 Another obiection Bellarmine hath; No man that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life. Bellarmine fleeth to the second argument of Philosophers, which they vsed against wedlocke. Out of this hee concludeth, that wedlocke is fetters, wherein a man cannot follow Christ; wherefore it must be eschued by them that are in holy orders.
I answere;Sol. By Marriage men are not carried wholly from Religion and the seruice of God, although the vnmarried (perhaps) hath fewer impediments, and is lesse troubled with worldly auocations. Abraham and Sarah, Gen. 18.19. Luke 1. Zecharie and Elizabeth, were holy persons, and serued God in the married life. But be it that in single life wee may better serue God; yet wee must consider our owne strength, whether wee be able to liue vnmarried without the burning lusts of Concupiscence, which fight against the soule. ForRom. 3.8. Euill must not be done, that good may come thereby: Neither must they refuse lawfull wedlocke who cannot containe, vpon pretence of the seruing of God.
In the nineteenth of Exodus Moses commandeth; Be you Ob. 7 prepared against the third day, Exod. 19.15. and come not neere vnto your wiues; Therefore in the church the Priests ought not to haue wiues.
First, this is a Legall Ceremonie,Sol. it bindeth not vs in the Gospell: diuers things did pollute in the Law, which do not pollute in the Church of Christ. Secondly, this doth not proue, that Priests should abstaine, more then lay-men. For the commandement in the nineteenth of Exodus was generall vnto all, that they should not touch their wiues. Thirdly, this commandement did not binde with a constant vow for euer, but for a time; Therefore it is nothing to the Romish vowes.
In the twelfth of Exodus, The Israelites are enioined to gird Ob. 8 vp their loines, when they eate the Passeouer: Exod. 12.11. Exod. 28.42. And in the twenty eight of Exodus, Aaron and his children are commanded to enter the Sanctuary with linnen couerings on their thighes; And this signifieth Chastitie. Therefore euery Priest ought to abstaine from Marriage.
No man doubteth but in wedlocke all persons must restraine their vnorderly lusts,Sol. vsing Marriage soberly and temperatly, as it becommeth the children of grace; yet these ceremonies did not binde the Iewish Priests from Marriage, but taught them to haue wiues, as though they had them not, in all sobrietie: Much lesse can they binde the Ministers of [Page 678] Christ, on whom those Legall Constitutions haue no power at all.
Thus much shall suffice to be spoken of this yoake of seruitude, vniustly, & tyrannously imposed vpon the Ministers of the Gospel of Iesus Christ by the Roman Prelate, without the Commission of our great King, without his approbation; Nay, contrary to his word and will. Blessed Lord, giue them eyes to see, and eares to heare, and vnderstanding hearts, that they may bee ashamed of the errours of their owne inuention, and turne to thee in truth and righteousnes, euen for thy deare Sonnes sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the righteous. Amen.
CHAP. XXX. Of the set Fasts, and difference of meates imposed vpon the Church by the Romish Prelate, contrary to the liberty, which Christ the soueraigne King hath left vnto all beleeuers.
VVE haue to deale with subtill and Sophisticating calumniators; who contend, that of good things we absolutely take away the vse, when we onely reforme the abuse, and seeke to amend what is amisse, according to the Primitiue institution. Therefore it is meet that it should to all the world be published and knowne, that the professours of the Gospell deny not godly humiliation and mortification of the flesh in fasting and abstinence; But they commend, and approue, and exhort all men with fasting to tame the body: to bridle the lusts of the flesh: to subdue the concupiscence thereof: and to humble themselues before the Lord; yet so, that they superstitiously abuse not the same, nor vsurp it contrarie to the rules of Scripture, or constitute any false ends thereof, by which the crosse of IESVS CHRIST should be made of none effect, or the vertue of his passion obscured. Three things therefore in this ensuing Tract shall be the subiect of our discourse. First, I will shew the Orthodoxe and Christian doctrine concerning fasting: Secondly, I will lay open the errours of the Romish Church touching [Page 679] the same: And lastly, their chiefest arguments by Gods assistance shall be duly answered.
The true and sober vse of fasting hath foundation in the holy Scriptures of God, and may be easily proued out of the same. But you must vnderstand that there are sundry kinds of Fasts.
1. The naturall fast, which is for health.
2. The Ciuill fast, ordained for Politicall considerations.
3. The fast of Sobrietie, familiar to all good Christians.
4. The Miraculous fast.
5. The Coacted or constrained fast.
6. The Religious fast; which is vsed for the humiliation of our selues, and the taming of the lusts of the flesh. And of this last kinde wee now onely intreat; the which is diuided into two kindes.
The first priuate; whereof Dauid witnesseth, thatPsal. 69.10. hee wept and chastened himselfe with fasting: And hereof also our Sauiour speaketh;Math. 6.16. When ye fast, be not of an heauy countenance, as the hypocrites are.
The second kinde is of publique Fasts; vvhereof one wasLeuit. 23.27. commanded by God himselfe vnto the Iewes yearely vpon the day of reconciliation, the tenth day of the seuenth moneth: and whatsoeuer soule humbled not, or afflicted not himselfe the same day, the Lord protesteth that he should dye the death.
A publique FastIoel 1.14. Ioel also counselleth the Elders of Iudah to proclaime:Ionah. 3.7. and the King of Niniueh commandeth his people to performe; crying mightily vnto God, turning also from their euill waies, and the wickednes that was in their hands.
Many there are, which for the superstition and abuses of fasting in the Romish church, start back, and are offended at the very name of fasting; as if you talked to them of robbery, or murther. But there is no such cause; the vse is laudable, though the abuse be shamefull.Iud. 20.26. We finde fasting vsed by the Israelites, after their lamentable ouerthrow by the Beniamites: 1. Sam. 31.13. So likewise after the death of Saul and Ionathan [Page 680] seuen dayes they fasted. [...] Chro. 20.3. And Iehoshaphat proclaimed a fa [...]t th [...]oughout all Iudah, when hee heard that the Syrians came out against him; So did [...]est. 4. Mordecai and Hester. Esdras also saith; [...]d 8.21. I proclaimed a fast, that wee might humble our selues before God, and seeke of him a right way for vs. As in the Law: so in the GospellLuke 2.37. Anna serued God with fastings and prayers night and day.Acts 13.3. The Church also fasted and prayed, when they laid their hands on Barnabas and Saul. The same they vsed also at Lystra and Iconium, about the ordering of Elders by election in euery church.2. Cor. 6.6. 1. Cor. 7.5. The Apostle Paul did not onely vse fasting often himselfe, but doth also commend it vnto others. Abenezra a learned Rabby saith; Wheresoeuer you finde the word affliction in Scripture, you must thereby vnderstand Fasting. Hauing shewed that fasting hath commendation both in the first, and second Testament, Let vs now inquire what fasting it is, which is in the holy volume approued.
Fasting is called of the Greekes, [...], or, [...], without foode: and of the Latines, inedia: but the Hebrews sometime call it, Zom, ab emulgendo, vel exugendo, of emptying, and sucking out; perhaps, because the inward parts are made void and empty: or (as some will haue it) of thirsting and drynesse. They render it also by the word, Anah, which signifyeth affliction; as in Deuteronomy, Moses witnesseth;Deut. 8.3. He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger. And Esay speakethEsay 58.7. of dealing bread vnto the hungry. Our Sauiour saithMath. 15.32. of the people who waited vpon him in the Mountaine, that hauing nothing to eate, he would not send them away fasting. Now this emptinesse, or not hauing foode, is in a generall tearme called Fasting: but thereof vvee doe not inquire.
Secondly, Fasting is taken sometime for abstinence from sinne and committing iniquitie; as when the Prophet Esay saith;Esay 58 6, 7. Doth not this fast rather please mee; that thou loose the wicked bonds: that thou take off the ouer heauy burdens: that thou let the oppressed go free, & breake all maner of yoake? And this is worthily called the great and perfect fast. Now this is not a [Page 681] proper, but a figuratiue vnderstanding of the word.
Lastly, according to the proper signification, fasting is voluntary abstinence from meat and drinke; And this is exercised two manner of waies.
First, when we vse our meates soberly and abstemiously, that our soules and bodies be not surcharged with drunkennes and gluttony. And this vertue is properly called sobrietie, frugalitie, or Temperance. And surely, a good conscience will abstaine from venerious meats, which prouoke lust and wantonness; such as many licentious Epicures procure to be made for themselues.
Secondly, we abstaine for a space altogether from foode. This is properly called fasting. For abstinence ought to bee continuall with vs: but fasting is onely Christian Physicke, for a time.
They vsed not in the holy fasts mentioned in the Scripture any choise, or difference of meates. There is a law indeed that from vncleane things the Iewes should alwaies abstaine. But what meates they should vse in their Fasts, the diuine Canon doth not determine.
When in fasting they did sustaine themselues with any foode, it was of the coursest kinde;Esay 30.10. bread of trouble, and water of aduersitie, as Esay speaketh: or (as Dauid)Psal. 42.3. My teares haue beene my meat day and night: And in another place;Psal. 80.5. Thou feedest them with the bread of teares, and giuest them plentiousnesse of teares to drinke. Againe he saith;Psal. 102.9. I haue eaten ashes as it were bread, and mingled my drinke with weeping. Of this kinde of foode Achab spake, when hee ordained, that1. Reg. 22.27. Michea the Prophet should be fed with the bread of affliction, and the waters of trouble. Such a kinde of fast also is described vnto the Prophet Ezekiel Ezech. 4. per totum. in that his mysticall vision, wherein the misery of the Israelites, and their hunger, and scarsitie of course bread is described. In all these examples there is no fast from flesh, and filling of themselues with delicate and luxurious fish; such as the Romane Apicij vsed for wantonness, & to increase lust in themselues: Neither doth this fast cōsist of Preserues, Conserues, Suckets, Marmelads, Gellies, Confects, spiced and sugred Banquets; [Page 682] such as a sober man ought to eschew, especially when hee fasteth.
The Ancients then in their fasts many times ate nothing at all during the time of their fast. Such was that ofHest. 4.16. Hester; in which they abstained from all food, meat, & drink, for three daies and nights: and thereto they adde an humble abstinence from all other pleasures also, either of fine rayment, or women, or musicke, or any thing that might breed delight.
Dauid 2 Sam. 12.16.17. when he fasted, lay all night vpon the earth, and did eat no meat.
Daniel Dan. 9.3 ioyned sacke-cloth and ashes to his fasting:Dan. 10 3. and of his fast of three weekes of daies he witnesseth; I ate no pleasant bread: as for flesh and wine, there came none within my mouth; no, I did not once anoint my selfe, till the whole three weeks of daies were fulfilled. So the ninth of Nehemiah sheweth,Nehem. 9.1 that when the children of Israel fasted, they did weare sacke-cloth, and put ashes vpon them. Such was Ahabs 1 Kin. 21.27. fast; hee rent his clothes, hee put sacke-cloth about his flesh, and fasted, and lay in sacke-cloth, and went bare-footed. Thus (you see) the true fasting was abstinence from all pleasing meats: from all delights of the flesh: from all that was delectable to the sense.
Out of this which hath beene spoken, diuers Corollaries and conclusions doe arise. First, that the Christian Magistrates haue power and authority to ordaine and proclaime publique fasts, when there is iust occasion; it being alwaies seene vnto, that they be not repugnant to the word of God: and they may also ordaine politicall lawes, forbidding meats and drinks, according as the necessity of the common wealth requireth. But in taxing the difference of meats brought into the Church by Heretickes, we haue not any thing to doe with the lawes which are established by godly Kings & Princes, prohibiting their subiects from any kind of meats vpon ciuill respect;Rom. 13.2. which whoso disobeieth, resisteth the ordinance of God: neither is abstinence in such a case a thing indifferent, since to resist the power that is from God, and the [Page 683] lawfull ordinance thereof, is against religion, and against the law of God.
Secondly, the ends, and right vse of fasting doe appeare to be three fould.
The first vse is, that it should be a signe of our humiliation in any imminent danger or calamity.
The second end of fasting is, to bridle the lusts of the flesh, and to tame the concupiscence thereof.
The third vse or end of fasting is, to make our selues the fitter for praier and adoration of God. To which in the Prophet Ieremy, it seemeth, fasting is an excellent preparation;Ier. 36.6 for the Lord commands him to read the words of this Prophecy in the Temple vpon the fasting day. The first end, namely, the signe of humiliation, hath more frequent vse in publique, then in priuate fasts: but the other two ends ought to be obserued, both in priuate, and publique abstinence.
Thirdly, it appeareth, that in our fasts wee haue three circumstances to obserue; the time, the quality of the meate, and the quantity. The time must bee, during such space as the actions are in hand, to which our fasting is referred; as till we haue ended our deuotions of praier, or thanksgiuing; or till we feele the flesh humbled and chastised.
The quality of the fast consisteth in this; that, when in our fast the body becomes weake, and must of necessity be susteined with food, it be the bread of sorrow, not of wantonness: the coursest diet and the vilest, but without superstition.
Thirdly, concerning the quantity, euen with the coursest meats we must not fill our selues vnto satiety, but onely take a little to sustaine nature, not to pamper it.
These things beeing thus handled, let vs consider, vvhat are those spots in our fasts, which corrupt and leauen a matter in nature it selfe good and commendable; and surely, this we shall best finde out, if we seek what it is, that God blameth and reproueth in the vse and custome of fasting.
First, the Scriptures manifestly reproue them, who in their fast put difference betweene meats, accounting one cleane, another vncleane: one holy, another vnholy. Our Sauiour [Page 684] CHRIST of all kind of meats alike pronounceth;Mat. 15.11 (f) That which goeth into the mouth, defileth not a man. This was shewed vnto Peter by a vision from heauen, when of all manner of foure footed beasts, and creeping things, and foules of the aire, the voice from heauen witnessed;Act. 10.15 What God hath clensed, that call not thou common. The Apostle Paul saith;1. Cor. 10.25 Whatsoeuer is sould in the Market, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake: And to his Colossians; Col. 2.16. Let no man iudge you in meat or in drinke: Vnto Timothy he witnesseth;1 Tim 4.4 Euery creature of God is good, and nothing to bee refused, if it bee receiued vvith thanksgiuing: Ibid. ver. 1.2.3 Io Ferus postil. ser. in Dom. quadra. And hee calleth it a doctrine of diuells, to command to abstaine from meat. Wherefore Io. Ferus maketh three kindes of wicked fasts; the Ethnicke or Heathenish; which abstaineth for the health, or pleasure of his body: the Hereticall; which abstaineth from one kind of meat as euill in nature, and not from another: the Hypocriticall; which fasteth for vaine glory;Mat. 6.16. disfiguring their faces, that it may appeare vnto men, how that they fast.
Secondly, they are reproued in Scripture, which make the fasts of their owne constitutions workes of necessity, and impose them as a law to be obserued, so as without them there is no saluation.1 Sam. 14 Much like vnto the fast of Saul in the first booke of Samuel. The Iewes, who demanded, whether returned frō exile, they should fast as they did when they were banished, the Lord reproueth, and saith;Zech. When yee fasted and mourned the fift and the seauenth Moneth, now this threescore and ten yeares, did ye fast vnto me: when ye did also eat and drinke, did yee not eat and drinke for your owne selues? And hee addeth; Execute true iudgement, shew mercy and louing kindenesse euerie man to his brother &c. Vnto the disciples of Iohn, which enquired of CHRIST, Why doe wee and the Pharisees fast oft,Mat. 9.14.15. but thy disciples fast not? our Sauiour answereth; Can the children of the Bride-chamber mourne, as long as the Bride-groome is with them? but the daies will come, vvhen the Bride-groome shall bee taken from them, then shall they fast. Heerein our Sauiour plainely declareth, fasting ought not to bee imposed as a necessity, but vsed as a remedy, when iust occasion is administred.
Thirdly, all those fasts are reproued in Scripture, which are done in opinion of merit, as though we were thereby sanctified, or iustified in the sight of God. The Iewes stood vpon the merit of their fast;Esay. 58.3. Wherefore fast wee, and thou seest it not? And this trust in their fasts ex opere operato the Lord reproueth by the ProphetZech. 7. Zechary in the place formerly alleaged. The same our Sauiour also in theMat. 6.16. sixt of Mathew reprehendeth: And the Apostle Paul warneth his Colossians of Traditions;Col. 2.20.21. Touch not, taste not, handle not; which all bee in corruption, in abusing, after the commandements and doctrines of men. Of this it is, that Ieremy speaketh;Ier. 14.12. Though they fast, yet I will not heare their praiers.
Fourthly, Hypocriticall fasts are reproued in Scripture; such as was that of Iesabel, 1. Reg. 21.9. proclaiming a fast to murther Naboth. Such were the fasts of Pharisees;Esay 58.4. this is the fast vnto strife and contention, a fast altogether displeasing to God.
Fiftly, all the fasts which are without praier, without purpose of amendment of life, without good workes, are abominable to God. The LORD therefore reproueth Israel;Esay 58.4. When you fast, your lust remaineth still, for ye doe no lesse violence to your detters. Thinke Verse 5. you (saith the Lord) this fast pleaseth me, that a man should chasten himselfe for a day, and hang downe his head like a bulrush, or to ly vpon the earth in an hairie cloth? should that be called fasting, or a day that pleaseth the Lord? Doth Verse 6. not this fast rather please mee, that thou loose the wicked bonds, that thou take off the ouer-heauy burdens, that thou let the oppressed goe free, and breake all manner of yoake?
Hauing spoken of the right vse of fasting, and the corruption thereof in the Iewish, and Primitiue Church, let vs now see, what abuses the Romish Church hath committed and exercised concerning the same.
The first abuse is, that theDeus qui ecclesiā tuam annua quadragesimali obseruatione purificas &c. Ro. Mis. in orat. quadragesimi. Dom. 2. Romish Church imposeth necessity of fasting, anniuersarie, and of course; not for politicall and ciuill consideration: but for religion, as a vvorke commanded by God, and an obseruation, by which he doth purifie the Church.
Ecki. in locis Com.I cannot here passe ouer Eckius blasphemy; who to the Protestants obiection, that our Sauiour Christ hath left no lawes of necessarie fasting, replyeth; Non refert, It is no matter, whether Christ forbade it or no; Hee was busied in matters more necessary to saluation.
The second corruption in the Romish fast is; that they make it the expiation and cleansing of sinne. But expiation of sinne is the proper and peculiar worke of the bloud shedding of Iesus Christ. Their errour the Missall it selfe proclaimeth. For in the Orison before mentioned, they are bold to tell God himselfe, thatAn [...]u [...] quadragasim [...] obseruatione purificas. hee purifieth the Church by the yearely obseruation of Lent: And in the Secret of the Station of S. Vitalis they pray;Da quaesumus omnipotent, vt, sacro nos purificante le [...]unio, sinceris mentibus, &c. feria 6. post Dom. 2. quadrag. in Rom. Miss. Grant omnipotent God, that the holy fast purifying vs, thou mayst make vs attaine with sincere minds vnto the holy things to come.
Thirdly, they make their Fasts meritorious of eternall saluation. Wherefore,Nostra tibi (quesumus) sint acceptae itiunia, que nos & expiando gratia tuae digno [...] efficiant, & ad remedia perducant aeterna. Statio ad Cirac. feria post Dom. pass. in Miss. Rom. Let our Fasts (say they) O Lord, bee accepted vnto thee, so that by expiating vs, they may make vs worthy of thy grace, and may bring vs to the eternall Medicine.
Fourthly, they make their fasts satisfactorious to God, as it appeareth inBellar. de poenit. lib. 4. cap. 6. Bellarmine: For the title of that Chapter is, that Prayer, Fasting and Almes, are workes to satisfie God.
Fiftly,Bellar. de effectu Sacramentorum. li. 2. cap. 31. verbo aliae fuerunt postea. they obserue difference of meates, and that so strictly, that whosoeuer do not the same, are adiudged Heretickes, as Bellarmine himselfe confesseth.
The Cannon LawConsec. dist. 5. cap. carnem. forbiddeth all Monkes to taste flesh, or to eate it, and Nunnes35. dist. in Palea vi [...]lentum. to flee wine as poyson. And these Lawes are so strict, that it is doubted, whether a Monk deliuered from his order, and made a Bishop, may eate flesh. They forbid flesh to some men at all times, and to all men at sometimes: And howsoeuer they pretend, that they beleeue all creatures in their nature to be good, and therefore exempt themselues from the heresie of Manichees, Tatians, Aerians, and such like: yet the reasons they alleage plainely shew, that they esteeme fish in the substance thereof more cleane then flesh. For Durand saith;Durand. lib. 6. cap. de allj [...] se [...]. ex F [...]lk in Math. c. 15. Annot. 5. The element of water is most worthy, which washeth away all filthinesse, and vpon which the Spirit [Page 687] of the Lord was carried before the making of the world: but he cursed the earth in the worke of man. Hereof it is, that it is not lawfull in fasting to eate any kinde of flesh which liueth on the earth; as foure footed Beasts and Birds. In Iuo Iuo part. 15. cap. 97 [...] & 100. & 118 ex doctiss. Fulk. in 1. Tim. 4. Annot. 6. you may see penance enioyned on such as did eate vncleane Beasts; as, such as dyed alone, or were torne in peeces with wilde Beasts, or strangled, or touched by vncleane Beasts: And for eating that, wherein a Dog or a Cat hath lapped, or wherein a Mouse, or a Weesell hath been drowned. Many pretend, that Christ ate no flesh, but onely fish. But Chemnicius telleth a pretty tale to answer this foolery. For on a time (saith hee) when a Priest had preached, that Christ fed on fish, but vsed not to eate any flesh, one of his auditours said, not so sir; for Christ ate also the Paschall Lambe. The Priest replied; truth neigbour, but he had ill lucke after it: for hee was cruelly buffeted, and put to death; wherefore I would counsell thee to abstaine. And thus much shall suffice of the Popish abuse of fasting to be spoken.
CHAP. XXXI. Of the Arguments which are brought in defence of their superstitious Fasts and difference of meates.
THeir first Argument for their set Fasts is taken from the Iudaicall fast yearely obserued.Ob.
To this the answer is easie;Sol. The Legall Ceremonies of the Iewes do not bind the church of Christ, which is freed from them, hauing now a New Couenant, new Lawes, and new Ordinances, the old being abrogated in the crosse and passion of Iesus Christ.
They obiect, that Moses and Elias fasted 40. daies; Ergo, Ob. the Lenton fast must be vsed.
Many things shew the weakenesse of this Sophistication.Sol. First, this fast was miraculous, to approue and confirme the calling of Moses and Elias: Secondly, to assure themselues of the power of God in preseruing them, walking holily in their Offices: Thirdly, Moses and Elias did not make an [Page 688] anniuersary custome of this fast, neither did they enioyne the people to obserue the same: Fourthly, the fast of Moses and Elias was from all kinde of food; they did not chuse fish, and reiect flesh: Lastly, it was done in the time of the Law, and vvas a typicall Prophecy, and a Paedagogie pointing vnto Christ: wherefore the 40. daies fast of Moses and Elias helpeth nothing to proue the Popish Lenton fast.
Ob.They obiect, that Christ by his fast of 40. daies did dedicate,Vid. Rhem. in Math. 4. institute, and gaue example of the Lenton fast.
Sol.Iesus Christ fasted, that he might beare the punishment of our Epicurisme, and swinish Gluttony: His fasting was the expiation of our fulnesse and wantonnesse; as all his other vertues satisfied, and were done for our sakes, that in them vvee might appeare before God. To this I adde; Christ fasted 40. dayes, to fulfill the types which vvent before him in Moses and Elias, and that he might declare himselfe by this miraculous fast, to be the Minister of the New Couenant, as Moses by his fasting vvas approued and declared to bee the Mediator of the Old: Christ fasted, that the manner of the Redemption might be after the manner of the transgression: Sinne began in eating, and the Reparation began in fasting: Christ in fasting shewed himselfe to bee the Sonne of God, who so miraculously, and aboue the limits and strength of nature fasted; But yet Christ ordained not, that his Disciples should imitate him therein: Hee did it but once: Hee did not abstaine from some kind of meats, and eat of other. Wherefore the fast of Christ is no patronage for the Popish Lent. Chrysostome therefore saith,Chrisost. Hom. 47. in Math. verb. non enim dicit. our Sauiour did not command vs to fast 40. daies, though he might haue so commanded. What then did he command? Learne of mee, for I am humble and meeke: They will follow that which they are not commanded: but what they are commanded, they will not follow. Our Sauiour Christ sent forth his Disciples vnto the Nations,Math. 28.20. not saying, teach them to obserue that I doe, but that I command. The Fast of Lent some referre to Telesphorus: some to a more ancient time. But certaine it is, the obseruation thereof hath not beene alwaies, and after an vniforme [Page 689] manner in the Church: neither is there any mention of it in Scriptures.
Eleasarus; and the Machabees chose rather to die,Ob, then to eate Swynes flesh contrary to the Law.Ex Eckio.
It hath beene often answered,Sol. that Christians are not bound to Iudaicall and Legall obseruations. They cannot shew, that in the Morall Law, or in the Gospell difference of meates was enioyned, it was a meere Ceremoniall Statute.
The example of Iohn Baptist is vrged,Ob. who fed on Locusts and wilde hony.
Iohn the Baptist led an austere and sober life,Sol. and with these course cates which in that countrey abounded, hee did content himselfe: but hee neither commanded others to do the like, neither did he vse this kind of fasting as to merit thereby, or to satisfie vnto God.
Thus much shall suffice to be spoken of the Iudaicall seruitude, which in their superstitious fasts they impose vpon the Church onely for their filthy lucre;Denarium potest dare, vt se r [...]d [...]mat a itiuni [...]. Gr [...]t dist. 82. cap. praesbyter. in Glossa. that fasts and abstinence immoderatly imposed or vowed, might be redeemed with money; according to the rule of the Canonist: A man may giue mony to redeeme his fast.
CHAP. XXXII. Of the bondage of Romish Feasts and Holy-daies.
FOr diuers and sundry causes in the time of the Law, the infinite wisedome of the eternall God thought it fit, to establish Sabaoths and Holy-daies amongst the people of Israel his owne inheritance.
The first cause was, to keep in memory the sundry benefites bestowed vpon them;Exod. 20. Deut. 5.15. Leuit. 23. as, of their deliuerie from the bondage of Egypt: The preseruing of the first borne of the house of Israel: the fruits of the earth receiued: the reconciliation to God: and such like.
The second cause was, to admonish them of the inward holinesse which they ought to exercise, by abstaining from the workes of their owne wicked will, and lusts of vncleanenesse; [Page 690] wherein the soule is no lesse wearied and burthened, then the bodie with all labours that can be imposed vpon it.
Thirdly,Ezech. 20.12. that they should know, that it was God himselfe that sanctifieth them.
Fourthly, to adumbrate and foreshew vnto them the rest and quiet peace of conscience, which euery labouring and burthened soule findeth in Iesus Christ.
Fiftly, after any great deliuerance, or other singular benefites obtained of the Lord, wee finde also, that the godly Iewes themselues did many times ordaine Festiuall memorials. But the Legall ceremonies (as we haue often said) haue receiued an end, and are all now abolished by the comming of the body and substance of felicity, Iesus Christ the righteous. VVherefore let vs consider how and after what manner these Festiuities either stand, or are taken away.
As in1 Chron. 23.31, the old Testament, the people vpon Sabaoths and Festiuall daies did assemble to heare the Law and the Prophets read and expounded,1. Chro. 25.1 and to serue the Lord with Hymnes and Thankes-giuing, and did spend the same in holy exercises, setting aside the care of worldly things, except in cases of necessity: So in the Primitiue Church, ChristLuk. 4.15.16. obserued the Sabaoths and other Festiuities, to fulfill the Law, that no lot thereof should passe vnperformed. And after him,Act. 13.14. & 20.7. the Disciples for the Morall end of Prayer,Act. 16. Preaching,1. Cor. 11. & cap. 14. 1. Tim. 2. Apoc. 1.10. Ioh. 20.19. administring of Sacraments, and publique Liturgie, did also assemble vpon Sabaoths and Festiuall daies, especially the Lords day; which for the memory of the resurrection they did solemnize in steed of the Sabaoth. But all these holy-daies were obserued with freedome from Iewish seruitude: neither did they place Iustification, or Sanctification in them. And of this the Apostle Paul warneth his Colossians, Col. 2.16. Gal. 4.9. that no man iudge them in part of an holy-day: And the Galathians also, that they be not againe intangled in the yoke of bondage. For holy-daies, as they are Ceremoniall, were neuer obserued in the Church of Christ.
With the like godly liberty, free from superstition, did the [Page 691] purer age also which succeeded the Apostles, obserue the Lords day, and other speciall Feasts, and did spend them, not in doing their owne wils: but in reading and preaching of the VVord, administration of Sacraments, Almes deeds, and other holy exercises.
Dionysius Bishop of Corinth, yeeldeth testimony for the celebrating of the day of the Lords resurrection, and saith;Apud Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 22. This day we haue celebrated the holy Lords day.
Tertullian Tertul. lib. de Idolat. among the Christian Festiuities, doth principally remember the Lords day; and in his Apologue of the Christians, he describeth the manner of exercise vsed on that day, and other times of solemne assembly: VVe come together to the commemoration of the sacred Scriptures with holy words: we feed our faith: wee raise vp our hope:Tertul. in Apol. adu. Gentes. wee establish our confidence: Neuerthelesse, wee often commend discipline, by the inculcating of the Precept; There also we vse exhortations and castigations, and separate by the diuine Censure them from the society, who do offend, &c.
Iustinus Martyr witnesseth also,Iustin. Apol. 2. ad finem. that on the Lords day were the assemblies of the Church, for that as on that day the world was created, and Iesus Christ rose againe from the dead; And hee sheweth the manner of their seruice of God in the Assembly. First, the Propheticall and Apostolicall writings were read: Then the Gouernour of the Assembly made a Monitory and Exhortatory Sermon, perswading them to follow the good thhgs which they had heard: Thirdly, the whole Assembly rose vp to prayer: Fourthly, the communion of the holy Eucharist was celebrated: Lastly, Almes were conferred for the reliefe of the poore, the Orphans, the sicke, the banished.
Ignatius reprouing them which being Christians yet followed the Iewish Ceremonies, saith;Ex Chim. in di th [...] [...]st. [...]. Let euery one that loueth Christ, celebrate the day which is notable for the Lords resurrection. This is the highest day [...] the Queene of daies, in which death was ouercome, and life rose vp in Christ.
Austen saith,Aug. [...] [...]9 The Lords day was declared vnto the [Page 692] Christians, and began from thence to haue his festiuitie, because therein the Lord arose from the dead. And in another place;Aug. de Ciuit. dei lib. 22. c. 30. The Lords day made holy by the resurrection of Christ, doth prefigure the eternall rest, not onely of the spirit, but of the body. They celebrated other Feasts,Euseb. lib 4. c. 22. as Easter, Aug. ep. 118. the Ascension, Tertul. de Idolo. Whitsontide, the Natiuity of Christ, which Basil callethIndamus nomen nostro Theophania. Baesil. in sanc. Chri. Nat. the Theophany. And the truth is, in tract of time, superstition ioyning it selfe vnto true Religion, hath brought in an Haruest of solemnities, festiuall daies, commemorations, halfe double, and double Feasts, with their Vigils and Octaues; and at last, the Church of Rome hath poysoned the whole Institution with her leauen of superstition and Idolatry. I will briefly rehearse some examples thereof.
First, they teach, that there is a certaine peculiar inherent holinesse in festiuall daies, more then other; as the Rhemists plainely auouch,Rheman Apoc. 1. Annot. 6. That God reuealeth vnto his Prophets rather vpon holy-daies, when men are exercised in contemplation and sacrifice, then on other prophane daies. So you may see, that euen in the very substance thereof, they esteeme some daies holy, some prophane.
Secondly, they think the holy day to be profitable Ex opere operato, by the very celebrating thereof; therefore they pray,Sancti pracursorit Io. Baptista & Mart. tui, quasumus domine, veneranda festiuitat salutaris auxilij nobis praestet effectū, &c. orat Sancti Praecursoris in Ro. Miss. Let the venerable Festiuity of thy holy Praecursor Baptist and Martyr, yeeld vnto vs the effect of sauing help: And of the Natiuity of the Virgin they pray;Rom. Miss. in nat. virg. Let the votiue solemnity of her Natiuity giue vs increase of peace.
Thirdly, they seek by keeping an holy-day to obtaine sanctification, which is the gift of God, through Iesus Christ. The prayer on S. Matthewes day is a perfect witnesse hereof; for therein they desire,Ʋeneranda solēnitas & deuotionē nobis augeat, & salutem. Rom. Bre. in vig. Math. orat. Da, quaesumus, & simile in fest. Remigij & Comom. Sanctorum. That the worshipfull solemnity which they haue performed, may increase vnto them deuotion and health.
Fourthly, by their Feasts also they thinke to obtaine eternall life it selfe; for they pray,Rom. Breu. in Hebd. 3. aduent. orat. prasta quaesumus omnipotens Deus, vt redempti. We beseech thee, O Lord, that the solemnity to come of our Redemption, may conferre vpon vs the helps of this present life, and the rewards of eternall blessednesse. Wherefore the Prose Sancti Baptistae pronounceth;Apud Clycthou. Per [Page 693] hec Festa aeterna gaudia adipiscamur, Grant that wee may obtaine eternall ioyes by these Feasts.
Fiftly, their Legends and Missals do testifie of much superstition, which was vsed with Lights, Candles, Hearbes, Stations, and diuers other beggerly rudiments, vpon their daies of holinesse and Festiuitie.
Sixtly, they haue sundry solemnities vpon darke and Apocriphe authority, without any substantial ground. Such are the Feasts of the Conception, Presentation, and Assumption of the Virgin, of Christopher, Katherine, George, and others.
Lastly, whereas by the witnesse of Dionysius, Tertullian, Iustine, and the most ancient VVriters, it doth appeare, that the Assemblies in the Festiuities of the Primitiue Church, were for the praysing of God, for prayer and preaching of the VVord to the edifying of men, the Papists haue turned all this into the shuffling vp of an Idolatrous Masse in an vnknowne tongue; wherein like Parats, Crowes, and Cranes, they chatter vnto the Auditorie for an houre, or thereabouts, the Mysteries of darkenesse, which none doth vnderstand, and all the day after is spent in lewd Bacchanalls, lasciuious, and wanton dalliance. These are the spots in their feasts: these the corruptions of their solemne daies: with this Leauen haue they infected the godly vse of festiuall celebrities.
God of his mercy, for his deare Sons sake, giue them a true sense and vnderstanding of their superstition, that they may eschew these Ethnick impieties, and seeke vnto the Lord with right and holy worship, according to his Word. Amen.
Bell de Monaeth. l. 2. c. 16. in princ. verbo vt igitur. is done by vow, although it bee not commanded of God, yet it is properly the worship
of God. |
1 | WHatsoeuer I command you, take heed yee doe it: and put thou nought thereto, nor take ought therefrom. Deut. 12.32. |
A Priest
Pigghius & Campeius. keeping a Concubine liueth more holily and more chastely, then a-Priest that hath
a wife, and liueth in Matrimonie. |
2 | Marriage is honourable among all men, and the bed vndefiled; but whoore-mongers and adulterers God will iudge. Heb. 13.4. |
Huldericus episc. Augustanus did write thereof to Pope Nicholas almost 80 [...]. yeres pall: the same Epistle is found in ancient record vnder the name of Volusianus Episc. Carthag. is an honester thing for a Priest to be entangled with many Concubines in secret,
then openly and in the sight of the world to be ioined in marriage vvith one wife. |
3 | Fornication and all vncleanenesse let it not bee once named among you. Ephes. 5.3. |
Siric. Ep. 1. cap. 6. ex Bell l. 2. de Monach. cap. 26. publique lawes, the Ecclesiastical lawes, doe not permit by any meanes Monks or Nunnes
to marry after their vow. |
4 | If they cannot abstaine, let them marry, for it is better to marry then to burne. 1. Cor. 7.9. |
Ex Bell. l. 2 de Monach. c. 16. verb. respondemus continentiam. is in the will and power of man. |
5 | All men cannot receiue this thing, saue they to whom it is giuen. Math. 19.11. |
Secondf marriage not only after admission to the almes and seruice of the Church: but before also is disagreeable, and a signe of incontinency. | 6 | I will therefore that the yonger women doe marry to beare children, to guide the house. 1. Tim. 5.14. |
Ifg any haue not a wife but a Concubine insteed of a wife, let him not bee repelled from the Communion. | 7 | Now this I write vnto you not to company together; if any that is called a brother be a fornicator &c. with him. that is such, not to eate. 1. Cor. 5.11. |
Theyh appointed Lent and Ember fasts, and other, as well to chastice the concupiscence of man, as to serue and please GOD thereby. | 8 | Meate doth not commend vs to God: neither if wee eate haue wee the more, neither if we eate not haue wee the lesse. 1. Cor. 8.8. |
Fleshi is forbidden and Fish allowed because God did curse the earth, but not the Sea. | 9 | Whatsoeuer is sold in the market that eate, asking no question for conscience sake. 1. Cor. 10.25. |
Onek day is holier then another. | 10 | But now after that yee haue knowne God, yea rather are knowne of God; how turne ye againe vnto the weake and beggerly rudiments, wherevnto againe ye desire afresh to bee in bondage. Gal. 4.9. |
Fruitsl of penance be workes satisfactory. | 11 | If thou be righteous what giuest thou him? or what will he receiue of thine hand? Behold I am vile, what shall I answere thee? Iob 35.7. & 39.37. |
Them grace of him that chuseth, is not sufficient, exc [...]pt the industry of him that laboureth with him be vigilant. | 12 | My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness, our sufficiencie is of God. 2. Cor. 12.9. & 3.5. |
Then merits of Christ are partly necessary to all; and partly not necessarie, but profitable. | 13 | Kill & destroy both old men and yong, maidens, children and women: but as for those that haue the mark on them, see that yee touch them not. Ezek. 9.6. |
CHAP. XXXIII. Of the institution of the Regall and Priestly office: and that the Priestly function is in order inferiour to the Kingly power, and ought to be subiect thereunto.
TO speake of the soueraigntie of Kings, and their supreame power, after the matchlesse pen of our thrice renowned Monarch and religious King Iames, may iustly seeme a presumptuous and needlesse labour.The Popes power ouer Kings is double; Directiue to teach them what to doe; Destructiue, of their gouernment, and of their persons. Who can so learnedly defend, and so wisely plead the Prerogatiue of Kings, as the Philosopher of Kings, and the King of Philosophers? whom long and long, greater then the greatest, God grant to sway the Scepter of our great Britaine. I will therefore, humbly gleaning after his aboundant haruest, onely in a word or two point at the malice of the Behemoth of Rome against the lawfull rule of Kings & Princes, the true & immediate Ʋicegerents of the Lord of Lords.
Fiue things there are, which aboundantly declare the dignity and soueraigntie of the Regall function. The antiquity, and the authoritie of the institutor; The titles and appellations; The tribunall to which they are accountant; and the amplitude of their Commission. Of these let vs first intreat, and so shall wee the better refell the vsurped vniust ambition of the Chaire of Rome.
The antiquitie of the Kingly office is of so many yeares, Argum. 1 and long descent, that I know not, whether any Institution, ordinance, and inuention, bee more ancient. Let vs begin from the very beginning of all. No sooner had God created the whole world, and disposed all things with vnspeakeable glorious order and comelinesse; but seeing how dangerous, Anarchy, and want of gouernement is, hee immediately pronounced;Gen. 1.26. Let vs make man in our owne Image, and after our owne likenesse, and let them haue rule. Stat [...]m vt conditut [...], etiam princeps conditus et. Basil. hom. 10. Hexam. de hominis constructione. So was Adam created a man and a King together; and that domination, or gouernement continued both among the godly and the vngodly posteritie of Adam, for that Moses hauing in the fift Chapter [Page 998] reckoned vp the excellent men of the first age, which flourished in the church,Gen. 6.4. speaketh also of mighty men, and men of renowne among the Caynits, and calleth them Gyants, or (as some read) Tyrants. And it is a matter very worthy obseruation,Vid. D [...]. Pless. de ver [...]t Christ. relig. c. [...]6, that Eupolemon witnesseth, Enoch of the Gentill Greekes to bee called Atlas. Now ancient writers speake of three Kings so named; one in Italy, the second in Armenia: the third of Mauritania. But, as it is vncertaine, whether any of these were the ancient Henoch, vvhom the Greekes called Atlas, or whether this were he,Vid. Geneb Cronol. l. 1. ae [...]ate prima. that fought the Atlantike warre, of vvhich Plato speaketh in his Critias: So it is certaine out of the diuine volume,Gen. 4.17. that Cain built a Citie, and called it Henoch after his sonnes name. But where is a Citie, there must also bee a ruler and gouernour: and where there is a common mind and purpose, there must of necessitie be a director and moderatour;Reason in the soule moderateth all the faculties: The head in the body, all the parts [...] Vid Coeliam. l. antiq. lect. 24. c. 29. vvhich euen the very gouernement of the naturall man may declare vnto vs, in vvhom both the soule hath a superiour power, directing all the faculties thereof, and the body hath a principall member, which ordereth all the rest. So in a Citie it cannot be, but that as euery indiuiduall hath care of his own particular and for himselfe: So there must be one to ouersee, order, and distribute the common good which belongeth to all.
Let vs proceed on; Concerning the antiquitie of the office and rule of Kings Tully saith,Cic. in offic. & si [...] citatu [...] ab Eneae Silu. in Com. de gestis Concil. Bas. l. 1. c. in [...] vt video. there was some time, wherein men liued vvithout Kings: but after possessions began to be diuided, then for executing of Iustice Kings were ordained.Gen. 4. But surely it appeareth in the book of Genesis, that in the very infancie of the world men had diuision of goods, since Cain by tillage, and Abel liued by keeping sheepe. Some made Tents: some inuented instruments: and others formed Metalls. Therefore it must needs be, if Kings came in with propriety and distinction of possessions, the office of a King was euen from the beginning. Wherefore Iustine saith,Principio rerum, genteum, nationumque imperium penes Reges erat. Iust. hist. l. 1. c. 1. in ipso limine. In the very beginning of things the rule of people and nations was by Kings.
As before the floud of Noah, it is euident that there was a [Page 699] kinde of gouernement and rule: So after the deluge, Noah was no sooner out of the Arke, but vponGen. 9. Chams impudent contempt toward him, hee pronounced a propheticall curse, that he should be a seruant of seruants, that is, Hee and his posteritie should be in subiection to the rule of his brethren.
We see, that as soone as mankinde was a little multiplied, they did disperse themselues into sundry Prouinces and Territories, where they liued vnder Kings and Princes. ForGen, 10. Moses reckoneth vp diuers Cities built, and ascribeth still the founding of them to some one principall man, who no doubt gouerned the rest; as vnto Assur the building of Niniueh, and Rehoboth, and Calah, and Resen: and of the strong hunter, or tyrant Nymrod hee saith,Gen, 10.10. The beginning of his Kingdome was Babel, and Erech, and Calneh, in the land of Sinar. All this while wee finde no mention of any Priest in the Scriptures, during the first two ages of the world, but euery man was Priest vnto God for himselfe, and offered their own sacrifices; asGen. 4. & 8. Cain, Abel, Noah, and the rest. Yea, though in the dayes of Enos Gen. 4.26. the sonne of Seth, the sonne of Adam, men began to call vpon the Name of Lord, yet of an established Priesthood in these daies we doe not read.Sand. de visib. Monarch. l. 2. c. 4. We see also the position of Sanders to be most false, who saith, that for three thousand yeares the world had no earthly King till the daies of Saul. Hierome out of the Hebrew Tradition writeth, that from the time of Noah vnto the daies of Aaron, all the first-borne of the stocke of Noah were Priests. But I see no cause, why Hebrew Traditions so earnestly by the m [...]h of Iesus Christ himselfe condemned, should preuaile with vs, especially, seeing the Scripture, of many of the Patriarches descending from Noah, describeth not onely their Pedigree, the mutations, and memorable things falling out in their times, but their sciences and professions also; asGeneb. l. 1. 2. Act. & Epiph. in. op con. haer. vid. Bull. de orig. cult. S [...]m. c. 10. of Thare the father of Ahraham, that he was a maker of Images: would it then, (thinke you) haue past ouer in silence the holy office of Priesthood exercised by them? No surely.
Of Abraham it euidently appeareth in Scripture,Gen. 14. that hee [Page 700] was a Prince, or a Duke; vvho armed his exercised seruants, and made warre in the behalfe of the King of Sodome, for the recouery of Lot his brothers sonne; and before this time we finde not mention made in the Scripture of any solemne publique Priest of the Lord. But now Melchizedech King of Salom, Priest of the most high God, the type and figure of Iesus Christ,Ibid. verse 18. brought forth bread and wine vnto Abraham, and blessed him. This Melchizedech, I know, the idle Iewes dreame to be Sem, the sonne of Noah. But the Scripture of God teacheth no such thing; and the Iewish Traditions are inuentions and lies of their owne deuising, pits of vanitie, which will hold no water. Melchizedech was a Priest of speciall forme and consecration: a Priest and a King together; the singular type of Iesus Christ; whose birth▪ whose death, whose parentage, is not mentioned in Scripture. Therefore no man can shew, that in his function he had either predecessour, or successour. Surely the Scripture speaketh not of any Priest, who by solemne profession did exercise among the people of God that holy office, from the Creation of the world vntill the anointing of Aaron, but him onely. This, Genebrard, who striueth and wrestleth himselfe to proue a succession of Priesthood in the world from the beginning, yet granteth plainely, where he saith, thatLeui, Caaeth, etrum proninquis speciem quand [...]m futu [...]a Sacerdotij exhibentibus vs{que} ad Aaronem e [...] benedictione, & Testamento Iacob l. 1. Chron. aetat. 3. Leui, Caath and their successours, did exercise a certaine shew of the future Priesthood vntill Aaron, according to the Testament of Iacob: But where, when, or how this was performed it cannot be declared: it was but his conceit, an imagination beside all authoritie. To conclude this point; The dignitie and excellence of the Kingly office, by the honourable testimony of all antiquity▪ is commended, established, & ratified vnto vs.
Argum. 2 Secondly, the soueraigne rule of Kings and Princes is proued by the greatnes of him, the Almightie and eternall God; from whom their institution is, and by whose authothoritie they are established in the throne of Maiesty and gouernement. ForDe verbo dei, l. 3. c. 9. verbo, [...]{que} [...] [...]at. although Bellarmine impudently contendeth, that the ordinance of Kings is not immediately from God:Ibid verbo, quod a [...]tem. and that a Prince hath no authoritie, but [Page 701] such as the people can giue:Domintum non descendit ex iure deuino, sed ex iur [...] Gentium. Bell. l. 5. de Rom. Pont. c. 2. verb. quod ad primū. that Lordship proceedeth not from the diuine, but the humane law.De claue Dauid. l. 5. c. 2. And Saunders saith, we doe constantly affirme, that all Secular power, whether Regall, or any other, is of Man: yet the diuine oracles witnesse vnto vs, that the dignity and Scepters of Kings and Princes are from the Lord of Hosts, according to that worthy confession of Tertullian; Tertul. in. Apol. aduer. Gentes. verb. si quid ego. who vnto the Heathens obiecting, that the Christians did despise the Emperour, answereth, that it was a false calumniation: For the Emperour (saith he) is chiefely our Emperour, because hee is ordained and constituted by our God. And this is diuers waies proued. First, by the testimony of the Scriptures.Sap. 6.3. Salomon of all Kings and Emperours saith; The rule is giuen you of the Lord, and power of the most high. The same teacheth Moses; Deut. 1.17. The iudgement is Gods. And the Apostle Paul saith; (x) There is no power but of God, and the powers that bee, are ordained of God. Wherefore he calleth the King the Minister of God, and saith, He that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. PeterRom. 13.1.4. 1. Pet. 2.13. also exhorting to submit themselues to all manner of ordinance of men for the Lords sake, What else doth he meane, but that their authoritie is from God, and therefore for Gods sake they should be obeyed? Neither may it be said, that good and godly Kings are from the Lord; but Tyrants and euill rulers are from themselues, as from the fury of the headstrong multitude, thrusting them into the Throne of dignitie. For vnto Nabuchodonozer a wicked King, and an Idolater, Daniel yet saith;Dan. 2.37. Thou art a King of Kings, because the God of Heauen hath giuen vnto thee a Kingdome, power, strength, and glory. To Baltasar also he saith;Dan. 5.28. Thy Kingdome is diuided, and giuen to the Medes and Persians. If it bee demanded, who gaue away his Kingdome? What can else be answered, but the same God which numbred it, and brought it to an end? So, to giue and take away Kingdomes is the Lords. Our Sauiour Christ himselfe vnto the most abominable of all Magistrates, Pilate, saith;Ioh. 19.11. Thou couldest haue no power at all against mee, except it were giuen thee from aboue. This plainely declareth out of the mouth of Iesus [Page 702] Christ himselfe, that all power of Princes ouer Subiects, and Iudges, and Rulers ouer men, is from the Lord, who sitteth aboue in the highest heauens.
Argum. 3 The third Argument is taken from the Titles and Appellations of honour giuen vnto Princes in Scripture. For not onely doth God callIer. 25.9. Esay 44.28. Nabuchadnezar his seruant, and Cyrus his Heardman: But Kings generally are called the children of the highest; Nay, to witnesse vnto the world, and to assure vs, that their authoritie is from himselfe and no other, the Lord imparteth his owne name and Appellation vnto them, and calleth themExod. 22.28. Gods.
The word Prince doth signifie as much as Primum caput, The highest or chiefest head. As Dauid of himselfe saith;2. Sam. 22.44. Thou hast made me the head of the Nations. The word Rex commeth a Regendo; For that in the King the rule and direction of all is placed: and the word Emperour, of commanding; because to their command all the armie was subiect. These titles of rule, Gouernment, Headship, Command, shew that there is no power to Kings, Princes, and Emperours, superiour, except perhaps the Romish Prelacy vvill haue them called Reges, à non regendo, as a wood is called Lucus, à non Iucendo.
Argum. 4 The fourth proofe of their authoritie is taken from the Maiestie and highest domination or Tribunall, to whom onely they are accountable, and to no other. Wherefore when Dauid saith,Psal. 51.4. Against thee onely haue I sinned; some interpret his meaning to bee, that none can controule the sinne of a King, but God alone. The Prophet describing the greatnesse of the Dominion of Christ saith,Psal. 72.10. The Kings of Tharsis, and the Isles, shall bring gifts: The Kings of Arabia and Saba shall bring presents, yea, all Kings shall worship him. Which is as much as though hee should say, They whose neckes are vnder no yoake, Kings and Princes, who acknowledge no superiour, shall yet vnto him submit themselues.
Samuel speaking of the oppressions and violence, which their Kings should vse towards the people, saith;1. Sam. 8.18. Yee [Page 703] shall cry at that day, because of your King whom you haue chosen, and the Lord will not heare you. This place sheweth, that there is none to iudge of the King: none to punish him: none to depriue him, but God. For if either by force, or by consent the people might depose their lawfully constituted King, then they had not beene remedilesse, neither needed they to haue cryed to the Lord, when the power was in themselues. Ecclesiastes witnesseth;Eccles. 8.4. Where the word of the King is, there is power, and who shall say vnto him, What doest thou? Can there bee any more euident argument? For in these words the Scripture plainely witnesseth, that the power and authoritie of the King is not to be controuled. WhereforePro. 19.12. The Kings wrath is like the roaring of a Lyon, but the Kings fauour is like the deaw vpon the grasse; Most fearefull, most sweet, most powerfull, most necessarie, to them that will liue a godly and peaceable life. Elihu, though an Ethnick, perceiueth this, and expostulateth with Iob; Iob 34.18.19 Wilt thou say vnto a King, Thou art wicked; or to Princes yee are vngodly: how much lesse vnto him that accepteth not the person of Princes? His meaning is, If thou maist not presume to reproue a King, or a Prince, how darest thou contest with God? Therefore Peter Siue Regi quasi praecellenis. Cō. vers. 2. Pet. 13.17. calleth the King the superiour, or most excellent, and placeth him next vnto God, saying, Feare God, Honour the King.
Lastly, the amplitude of the vnlimited, vnbounded, absolute Argum. 5 authority of Kings and Princes ouer their subiects, sheweth the greatnesse of their dignitie, and their Maiesty. I confesse, in respect of the account and reckoning they shal yeeld vnto God, they ought to vse their authoritie with greatest modesty. ForId facere laus est, quod decet, nō quod licet. Senec. in Octauia. it becommeth him that hath the highest power, to haue the most moderate affections. Salemon saith,Sap. 6.6. The mighty shall be mightily tormented, and for the mighty abideth the sorer triall. But as touching the power they haue ouer subiects, it is such, as by Gods Law vvee may not dispute of their Prerogatiues: Wee may not call their Iurisdiction into question: But concerning Temporall things, what they will they may.1. Esd. 4.3. The King (saith the [Page 704] Sage Esdras) ruleth all things, and is Lord ouer them, so that they doe all things which he commandeth them. If he bid them make warre one against another, they doe it: If he send them out against the enemies, they goe, and breake downe the mountaines, and walles, and townes: They kill, and are killed, and doe not passe the commandement of the King: If they ouercome, they bring all to the King, as well the spoiles, as all other things: and those also which go not to warre and battaile, but till the earth, when they haue sowne it, againe they reape it, and bring to the King, and compell one another to pay tribute to the King, yet he is but one man: If hee bid them kill, they kill: if he say spare, they spare: if hee bid smite, they smite: If he bid make desolate, they make desolate: if hee bid build, they build: if hee bid cut off, they cut off: if hee bid plant, they plant. So all his people, and all his armies obey one man. Nehem. cap. 9.37. The Kings (saith Nehemiah)n whom thou hast set ouer vs because of our sinnes, haue dominion ouer our bodies and cattell, euen as they will themselues. The same authoritie ouer the bodies and goods of subiects Samuel speaketh of in his Oration to the Israelites desiring a King.1 Sam. 8.11. ad 17. This shall bee the manner, or Ius Regis, the right of your King that shall raigne ouer you. Hee will take your Sonnes, and appoint them to his Chariots, and to be his horsemen, and some shall runne before his Chariot, and hee will make them his Captaines ouer Thousands, and Captaines ouer Fifties, and to care his ground, and to reape his haruest, and to make instruments of warre, and the things that belong vnto his Chariots▪ Hee will also take your daughters, and make them Apothecaries, Cookes, and Barbers: and hee will take your Fields, and your Ʋineyards, and best Oliue trees, and giue them to his seruants; and hee will take the tenth of your seed, and of your Ʋineyards, and giue it to his. Eunuches, and his seruants: and hee will take your men seruants, and your maid seruants, and the chiefe of your yong men, and your Asset, and put them to his worke: He will take the tenth of your Sheepe, and you shall be his seruants.
Let it not be thought, that my purpose is to flatten Kings or Princes in oppressing and grinding the faces of their subiects. No, tribute [...] and subsidies a [...]e the bloud of the people, [Page 705] which they must not sucke with greedinesse like the horseleach: but take away like Physicians, for the maintenance and health of the whole body. They1 Sam. 29.9 2 Sam. 14.17. are as the Angelles of God; the fathers of the country. Therfore to them belongeth to execute iudgement, and righteousnes, and not to deuoure and eat vp, whom they should order and gouerne. I speake not therefore of the law of charity: but of the Ambit of authority. When I say, that all temporall possessions are in the power of the King; the prodigall hath right and povver to spend his substance, yet vnnecessary feasting is a fault. Many things are lawfull by priuiledge, which are not expedient in practise.
I know diuers expound this, not of lawfull, but vsurped right; and I confesse, the moderate and godly Kings in Israel did neuer practise such immoderate power. And in the seuenteenth of Deuteronomie Deut 17.16.17. the Kings and Princes of Israel are commanded, not to multiply horses, nor wiues, nor gold, nor siluer to themselues. But I here speak of that, wch the Kings might do by the largenesse of their power, not of that which they ought to due. As Nehemias might haue taken the liuing of a Captain, or theNeh. 5.18. bread of a Gouernour, but in respect of the peoples necessity he refused it,
Carolus Sigonius Caral. Sig. l. 7. de Repub. Heb. c. 2. well obserueth, there was great difference betwixt the gouernment of Iudges in the Israelitish common wealth, and their Kings, which did not so much depend vpon the law, as vpon their owne will and pleasure. For they vnderstood the power of the king, as Aristotle doth, to be free from laws: a regiment of absolute authority. Wherfore, when1 Sam 5.8 the Children of Israell desired a King to iudge them as well as other Nations, their meaning was, toCarol. Sig. ibid. ad medium fore. haue a King aboue lawes, and one free from lawes; not from the lawes of God, but from all politicall constitutions of their owne. So that themselues, their liues, their goods; should be in the power of the King: neither should it bee lawfull to resist him, or to offer violence toward his person; for such were the Kings of the Nations.
Our Sauiour Iesus Christ himselfe paid tribute to Cesar. [Page 706] And although the Empiredome of a Roman Prince ouer Israel, being not of their brethren, were against the lawe, and plaine tyranny:Mat. 22.21 yet Christ saith; Giue vnto Cesar, the things which are Cesars; intimating our earthly possessions and riches to be in the power of the King, after hee hath once attained the Kingdome, and is seated in it, though neuer so vniustly.
To returne to the Kings Prerogatiue and Iurisdiction, which may not bee questioned;1 King. 47. & 12.4.14 Salomon imposed Tributes and Taxes vpon the people, and so did his sonne Roboam after him. But in the law of God we do not finde, that any Taxation should, or ought be imposed vpon the people of Israell, but onely towards the vse of the Temple.
The amplitude of Regall authority is both ouer all persons, and in all causes.Lib de Cler. c. 28. verb. sit igitur prima propositio. For, though Bellarmine, and the rest of Libertines of the Romish Church teach, that in Ecclesiasticall causes the clergy is free from the power of Secular Princes by the law of God: And thatIbid. verbo, tertia propositio. of Secular Princes they cannot be iudged, though they keepe not their lawes:Ibid. verbo, quar. propositio. and that the goods as well Ecclesiasticall as Secular are, and ought to bee free from the Tribute of Secular Princes; yet it is most certaine, both by the Institution of the order of Priesthood, as also by example of the Scriptures, that Clergie men are subiect to Kings and Princes no lesse then other.
This is proued, first, by the order of the Institution. When Moses and Aaron were called vnto their offices, the Lord saith, that Aaron Exod. 4.16. should be insteed of a mouth vnto Moses: but thou (saith the Lord to Moses) shalt bee to him insteed of God: what can better be gathered from hence, then that the Minister of the word is as the Kings tongue, to enforme the people: and the King ouer the Minister is as God, to rule and gouerne. ThereforeLe [...]it 9.1.2. & 8.2. & 10.19 Aaron euermore is directed, ordered, gouerned, and reproued by Moses. Now Moses the Scripture witnesseth directly, to haue beeneDeut. 33.5 King in Israel; not a Priest, as Bellarmine vntruely faineth.
Secondly, this is proued by the continuall course of the Israelites gouernment.2 Chr. Ioas reformed the abuse of the [Page 707] Priests, concerning the money offered for the repairing of the Temple: Dauid 1 Chr 23. & 24. and Salomon distinguished the Leuits in their courses: Hezechia 2 Chron. also compelleth the Leuites of his time to the seruice of God: Salomon 1 King. 2.27. depriued Abiathar the Priest of his office, with this Item; Thou art worthy of death, but I will not at this time kill thee, because thou barest the Arke of the Lord before Dauid my father. So in the hand of the King there was power to put the highest Priest to death, if hee capitally offended.
As Kings are rulers ouer all persons: so ouer all causes also. For this was the speciall duty of KingsEsay 49.13 and Princes, to be the nursing Fathers, and the nursing Mothers of the Church. Dauid according to the word of the Lord, ordained some of the LeuitesChr. 23.30.31 to stand euery day in the morning, to thanke and praise the Lord, and at euen also, and to offer all the whole burnt sacrifices vnto the Lord, in the Sabbaths, in the new Moones, and on the festiuall daies. Salomon in building the Temple, preparing the vessels, assembling and exhorting the people, sheweth, that it is the Kings office to aduance & further religion, and to procure, that the people walke in the waies of God.2 Chr. 14.3.4 Asa tooke away strange Altars, and the high places, brake the images, cut downe the groues, & commanded Iuda to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers, and to doe according to the Law and the commandement.2 Chron. 17 Iehosaphat abolished Idolatry, and caused the people to bee instructed in the Iawes of God. Ioas and Iotham, Hezekiah and Iosias, suppressed idols, established religion, purged the temple, propagated the law, as offices chiefly belonging to their Regall dignity.
Here also it must be vnderstood, that Kings haue not any vnbridled or vnlimited authority to change the lavves of God, or to forbid what the word commandeth, or yet to command what the word forbiddeth: but (as Siracides saith of Aaron)Ecclus. 45.17 that God gaue him authority in his commandements, and in the couenant; not aboue the commandement, nor ouer the couenant: So I say, that all Kings and Princes haue authority in religion, to ordaine, authorise, [Page 708] and command, that the word bee truely preached, and Sacraments sincerely ministered: that Clergie and Laickes walke ordinately in their vocations. They haue power also to appoint Ceremonies, and orders of decency and comelinesse in the Church: but to ouerthrow religion, to alter, to change, to make a new faith, new Scriptures, new Sacraments, they haue no power at all. They haue authoritie to edification and building vp, none to destruction and deuastation of religion. Wherefore no man approueth that vsurped and wilfull domination of Princes ouer the Church, whichCent. 12. cap. 9. pag. 1297. Nicetas blameth in Manuel Comnenus the Greekish Emperour.
Most impudent is that slander of shamelesse Sanders, who saith, that Elizabeth Queene of England did exercise the PriestlySand. de visib. Monarch. l. 6. c. 4. act of preaching the Gospell in England, with no lesse authoritie then CHRIST himselfe or Moses euer did.
I haue shewed by the antiquity, by the authoritie of the Institutor, by the appellations, by the Tribunall, to which onely they are accountant, and by the amplitude of their power, that Kings and Princes be the immediate vicegerents of God, aboue all other powers, estates and offices: And that of all their subiects, Ecclesiasticall and Temporall, they ought truely and faithfully to be obeied and serued.
Let vs now proue, that they ought to be resisted by none, nor rebelled against. This appeareth plaine, in that the scripture forbiddeth all kinde of iniury and contempt, which may be offered to Kings, and commandeth all kind of obedience both inward and outward. First, as concerning the very thought, Ecclesiasticus saith;Ecclus. 10.21 He that is a ruler among bretheren, is holden in honor among them: And Salomon saith;Eccles. 10.20 Wish the King no euill in thy thought: And Dauid rankethPsal. 18.45 those that dissemble with Kings, among the reprobates and aliens; for (he saith) Strange children shall dissemble with me.
This is proued expresly out of the very words of the law. The first cōmandement of the second table saith; Honour thy Father and thy Mother. Now, though I dare not stretch this [Page 709] commandement so farre as Hugo Cardinalis doth, who saith;Hugo in Exod. 20. By the name of Father and Mother is vnderstood euerie neighbour: yet by good reason wee may extend it to Kings and Princes, who in the Scripture are often called Fathers; as in the fourtie ninth of Esay, Kings shall bee thy nursing Fathers: Gen. 10. And all the Kings of Gerar were called Abimilech, that is, my Father the King,
Secondly, wee are taught not to speake dishonourably of the King. Moses saith;Exod. 22.28 Thou shalt not raile vpon the Gods, neither blaspheme the ruler of the people. And Salomon [...];Pro. 20.20 Whoso curseth his Father, or his Mother, his light shall be put out in the depth of darkenesse. And Iude, Iude 8 amongst the rabble of wicked persons accounteth those, which despise rulers, & speake euill of them that are in authority.
Thirdly, wee are taught in Scriptures to1 Tim. 2.2 pray for Kings:Ios. 1.16.17. to be subiect vnto them:Mat. 17.16.17 to pay them tribute:Rom. 13.5 to obey thē for cōscience sake. Neither is it here meant, that if a Prince will set vp Idolatry, a christian ought to follow his Prince in Idolatry, no, but that we should yield our bodies to his will in such a case, and with all submission permit our selues to punishment and persecution. For we haue no armour against Kings and Princes, but praiers and supplications; and those not against them neither, but for them; thatPro. 21. [...] God in whose hand are all their hearts, would be pleased to turne them to his glory, and to the increase and furtherance, of the Gospell.
After all these so many and so open proofes of Scripture, shall the vncleane spirits crauling like:Apoc. 16 frogs out of the mouth of the dragon, of the Beast, of the false Prophet, the very spirits of diuels, the poison of all Christian states and Kingdomes, lurking Iesuites, by intoxicating charmes bewitching vs to despise our King, the happy vnion of long diuided Britanne, to set-light by the authority and power of God which shineth in him, to aduance forraine iurisdiction aboue his glorious head, to poison, to stab, to blowe him vp.Psal. 2.2 The anointed, Esay 44.28 the heard man, 2 Sam. 14.17 the Angell of the LORD, Lam. 5.16 the garland of our head, the breath of our mouth. [Page 710] Zech. 3.2. The Lord reproue thee Sathan: yea, the Lord, that hath chosen Ierusalem, reproue thee. Is not this a brand taken out of the fire?
CHAP. XXXIIII. Of the Secular Principality of the Pope; and whether hee bee a King, a Prince, a Secular Potentate, or not.
ESdras Esd. 4.14.15. excellently painteth out vaine and successelesse ambition vnder the parable of the Forrest and the Sea. The t [...] deuised, let vs fight against the Sea, that it may depart away before vs: The floud said, come let vs fight against the trees, that we may make vs another Country. O miserable greedinesse! when one member will be all members, not contenting it selfe within assigned limits. Our Babylon if it be theApoc. 17. Sea, is a restlesse and rowling Ocean, an vnsatiable graue, which will deuoure the Forrest: If it be the Wood, it is neither Lebanon nor Carmel, but either the thorny Sittim, or theDeut. 32.50. roaring Wildernesse, peopled neither with Oliues nor Figtrees, which abhor to leaue their fatnesse, their sweetnesse, and their wine, wherewith God and man is serued, to make themselues Kings of the trees; but thatIudg. 9.14.15. Briar, that insulting, vsurping Bryar, which will haue all put trust vnder his shadow, if not, then fire commeth out from the Bryar, to consume euen the Cedars of Lebanon.
Let vs now briefly contemplate and scan the elation of this high mounting Lucifer, this golden Idoll, this bloudy Angell, more terrible to looke on, then hee which at2. Sam. 24.16 Araunaes barne was seene: for with one sword was that contented, but this is armed with two. VVould he were satisfied with two: but euerie Princes sword in euery Nation he extorteth to himselfe, vnto whom if the matter were well weighed, there is none due at all.
Austen Ipsum quippe annuncians Dominus gloriam suam quaesiturum, non gloriā patris. trac. 29. in Io. ad fin. very truely obserueth, that our Sauiour giueth this notable marke of Antichrist, that he shall seeke his own glory, and not the glory of the Father.
God surely ordained the Priests office to be an office of seruice and ministration: but the Romish Prelate must bee [Page 711] Ʋirg. lib. 3. Aenead. Rex Annius Rex idem hominum Phoebi{que} sacerdos.
Bellarmine therefore to curry fauour with his great Master, moueth euery stone, wresteth, and straineth euery string to proue that the Pope is both an Ecclesiasticall and Politicall Prince together: which while he laboureth to shew, what plaine falshoods, what crafty sophistications, what vnnecessary reasons, what toyes, what vanities doth he heape together!
I write not this, as though I did deny that a Prelate of the Church may exercise temporall Magistracie, or that I thinke they should altogether bee excluded from gouerning in temporall causes. Neither dare I go so farre as Bernard doth with Eugenius the Pope: Reade these things, and then challenge if thou dare, being a Bishop, Lordship; or being a Lord, the Bishopricke. But herein doth Bellarmine mistake the question, for that it is not controuerted, whetherBellar. lib. 5. de Rom. pont. cap. 9. it be against the word of God, that one man should be a Prince Ecclesiasticall and Temporall: But it is in question whether any man may bee an Ecclesiasticall Prince, that is, a Prince ouer the whole Church. Secondly, whether, if it be granted that there be an Ecclesiasticall Prince, this Prince haue a supreme power also in temporall causes, because he is the supreme Ecclesiasticall Prince. Thirdly, it is controuerted whether the donations of the Secular power and Principalities of the Pope in Italy, were good and lawfull, or not: and of this last point we are now to speake.
Surely, if the Pope haue any Secular Principality, he must either haue it by the Lawe of God, or by the Lawes of men: But Kingdomes and Territories are neither giuen him by the Lawes of God, nor yet by the Lawes of men. Therefore the Popes Kingdome which he exerciseth ouer diuers parts of Italy, and else where, is meere tyrannie and wrongfull vsurpation.
That the Pope hath not Signiories, nor Principality giuen him by Scripture it is euident: For first Iesus Christ himselfe had not where to rest his head; much lesse had he worldly Principality, or Secular Signiorie. I conclude therefore, [Page 712] since the seruant cannot be greater then the Master, nor the Vicegerent then the Head, the Pope can haue no worldly, no terrestriall Kingdome from Christ, which Christ had not himselfe.
Secondly, Christ doth put from himselfe all Iudiciarie power in worldly tribunals, all Secular pompe and earthly Domination:Luk. 12.1 [...]. Man, who made me a Iudge, or a diuider ouer you? And againe,Ioh. 18. My Kingdome is not of this world: And hee forbiddeth all his Apostles and Disciples the ambitious desire of rule:Mark. 10.44. Ʋos autem non sic: You shall not be so, Whosoeuer of you will be chiefest he shall be the seruant of all. VVherefore Peter was no Prince, Paul was no Prince: From whom then is this King-Pope descended? Surely Bellarmine himselfe confesseth out of the Scriptures wee haue nothing giuen to the Pope, but the Keyes of the Kingdome of heauen,Ex Scripturis nihil habemus nisi datos Pontisici claeues regni coelorū: de clauibus regni terrarum nulla mentis sit. Bell. de Rom. Pont. lib. 5. c. 3. of the Keyes of an earthly Kingdome there is no mention.
Thirdly, it cannot be proued, that for the first 500. yeares of the Church, while it had any shew of the ancient forme, any sparke of the Primitiue puritie, the Bishop of Rome had Iurisdiction, Patrimonie, or Lordship Temporall: They laboured in the Word, they sought not after the smoakie titles of vaine ambition, nor yet were couetous of worldly Principalitie.
Now it remaineth to be discussed, whether Iure humano, by mans Law, by any iust title deriued and taken from men, the Pope haue attained to the Patrimonie, Territories, and Principality he challengeth.
Rom. 13.First, it is questionlesse that euery King receiueth his power from God, and is ordained of God to be the Vice-gerent and Lieutenant of the Highest, to rule the people of the Lord with iustice and equity, to be the Noursing-Fathers of his Church,Psal. 78.72. to feed his people. No King, nor Prince therefore may decline this duty, or put it ouer and assigne it to any other, except infirmity of bodie or minde make him vnable to gouerne. But those Princes which gaue their Dominions to the Pope, and endued the Papacie with their Principalities in Italy, by Bellarmines owne confession were godly [Page 713] men, and excellent Princes;P [...] viri optimi Princ. lib 5. de Rom. Pont. cap. 9. therefore they could not forsake their charge, nor deliuer it ouer to any other, which themselues receiued from God, and were endued with worthy gifts to discharge.
Secondly, no King may put his Land vnder tribute, nor make his Nobilitie and people captiue seruants to a foraigne power. VVherefore when King Iohn had yeelded this Realme of England tributarie to the Pope, all the Nobilitie of France in the presence of their King, protested that they would maintaine to the vttermost effusion of their bloud, that no Prince could giue ouer his subiects to a foraigne Gouernour: For a most vnreasonable thing it were, that men and people, Nobilitie and Gentrie, Laitie and Clergie, should be bought and sold, like beasts in a Market.
Thirdly, the donation which is pretended to be giuen to the Papall Chaire, from Constantine the first Christian Emperour, through which many great Territories, Dominions, Signiories and Principalites, are challenged by the Romish Prelate, is an impudent figment, a lying fable, a shamelesse falshood; as in due place shall be declared.
Fourthly, the Princes who did indeed giue these Patrimonies and Principalities vnto the Pope which he now enioyeth, had no right so to do, they were themselues vniust intruders into other mens possessions, and what they gaue was not their owne. To make this point cleare: There is no Romanist so impudent that can deny but that the great Lands and Territories the Pope holdeth in Italy, were since the time of Constantine the Great, belonging to, and in the possession of the Emperour: For Placidia, the Mother of Valentinian the third, gouerning the Empire in her sonnes minoritie, made R [...]uenna the seate or chaire of the Empire: So Constance the Emperour, in the yeare 343. retired himselfe after he had quieted France, into Bononia; where, of the Bononians, all honours fit for an Emperour were done vnto him. Charles the great was saluted Emperour in Rome of all the people together, with Leo the Pope himselfe,Carol. Sigon. de occid. imp. lib. 12. in princ. and so entred into the Citie as his owne, and was there crowned.
The truth is, while the Emperours were busied in Greece, and employed in the warres of the East, the Romane State was inuaded by diuers enemies, as Aistulphus and Desiderius, Kings of Lombardie; whom when the Romanes could not suppresse, nor yet from the Emperour in Greece haue sufficient helpe, they were compelled to obtaine aide of Pipinus and his son Carolus, then vsurpers of the Crowne in France, for Martellus the father of Pipinus, most treacherously depriued Childerick his Master, the right King of France of his Dominion, by the meanes of Zacharie the Pope. Now Pipinus hauing ouercome Aistulphus in Italy, gaue the Exarchy of Rauenna to the Romish Bishop Stephen, and withall, the Cities of Rauenna, Fauentia, Caesena, Forum liuij, Forum populi, Bononia, Rhegium, Parma, Placentia, although the Emperour did earnestly require to haue all these Cities and Territories, violently taken, to be restored to the Emperiall obedience againe, according vnto iustice.
After this, Eudouicus Pius sonne vnto Charles the Great, in recompence of the friendship of Leo tertius the Pope, who had receiued his father Charles into Rome and honoured him with the title of Emperour, gaue vnto that Sea the Citie of Rome, with the Principality, Suburbes, Villages, Territories, by Land and by Sea, Coasts, Harboroughs, Cities, Castles, Townes in Tuscia thereto belonging: All which of right belonged to the Empire, and not vnto Lodowick.
Thus you see, that neither from God nor men, this Patrimonie and Lordship of the Pope in Italy is iustly taken: nor he himselfe a King, but a Tyrant; no Prince duely and orderly inuested into his Dominions; but what he hath gotten by falshood, he holds by force.
CHAP. XXXV. Of the rebellion of the Romish Prelacie against Iesus Christ the supreme King, by lifting vp themselues aboue all Kings and Princes which are the immediate Ʋicegerents of God vpon the earth.
THat of this teacherous vsurpation wee may draw the more liuely Anatomy; a methode very conuenient it seemeth to mee, First, to shew, what Tyrannie it is they affect ouer all powers and Principalities: Secondly, from whence they would perswade the world this authority to bee deriued: And lastly, how they exercise the same, and with what moderation they driue on the glistering Chariot of Preheminence. Out of a false perswasion that the power of all Kings and Princes, is meerely earthly, and by humane constitution onely:Petro a Domino concessum est. Dist. 22. Sacrosancta. but that the power of the Pope is from the bosome of the supreme Deitie; They lift vp the one aboue the Starres of Heauen: but the other they depresse and abase euen vnto the ground, Of their PapallEx ser. Bern ser. alterius in Synod. Rhemensi. Domination they boast, that it is greater then that of Moses, who had one people onely in subiection; whereas of the Pope the whole world is the Diocesse: That he is in dignitie aboue Angels: For to which of them was it said, What thou dost binde in earth, is bound in heauen.
After these great prerogatiues and priuiledges of Priests Supremacie, and Domination of the Pope, such base account of the Secular Prince is made, that they are ratherBellar. de Clericis cap. 7. Sheep and Subiects, then Lords;Bellar. lib. 5. de Pont. Rom. cap. 7. super aspidē & Basiliscum ambulabis. Dist. 96. ques dubitet. furious Rammes, Adders, and Lyons, vpon whom the Pope must walke; Subiects and Vassals, children and seruants vnto him: and not vnto him onely be they in seruitude, but euen toBellar. lib. 1. de Pontif. Ro. cap. 7. Bishops and Deacons.Si in pluribus Episcopatibus Imperaetor habet domicil [...]um, quilibet potest excommunicare. causa 11. q. 3 cap si autem, in Glossi. If the Emperour haue an house in any Bishops Diocesse, the same Bishop may excommunicate him. Nay surely,Nota, [...]rincipem posse excommunicati etiam a quiuis Episcopo. dist 96. cap. duo sunt. in Gloss. euery Bishop whosoeuer he be, may excommunicate a Prince. Thus you see Secular Potentates not onely inferiour to the Pope, or to his Cardinals, but to euery Bishop, in [Page 716] whose Diocesse whether they are, or not, yet the Bishops may excommunicate them.
The whole Clergie are euery one shaued on the head in the forme of a Crowne, for that euery one of them is as a King; Neither may they sweare fidelityClerici nō debent fidelitatem turare Laico dist. 63. porro scias. in Gloss. to any Lay-man, norAlex. decret. quia non nulli. pay them any tribute; neither may Kings presume to exact any such:Qua [...]quam p [...] dig o [...]am. in gloss. l 3. decret. de sen [...]bus exact. & dist. 96. si Imp rator. For by the diuine Law the priuiledge of immunitie is granted to the Clergie, neitherBellar. de Clericis cap [...]8. verb. secun. pro [...]ositio. are they subiect to the Kings Lawes coactiue, but directiue: wherefore they are free from the cense and exactions of Princes. And this the Tridentine Fathers pronounce to bee giuen to the Ecclesiasticks, both by diuine Ordinance, and the Sanctions of the Church; so farre forth, thatBellar. de Cler [...]cis cap. 2 [...]. verbo tertia propositio. a Secular [...]udge cannot censure them, if they violate and transgresse the Ciuill Law of the Kingdome;Sequitur, vt respectu Clericorū non sunt principes. Bell. de Clericis cap. 28. For Princes are not superiour Powers in respect of Clergie-men. Though Christ himselfe paid Tribute, and his Apostles also: Though he proclaime, Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars: Math. 22.21 And though Peter himselfe1. Pet. 2.13. exhort to submit our selues vnto all manner Ordinance of Man for the Lords sake: yet Priests, who should to all others giue example, may submit to no man, giue tribute to no man. Neither can they be content that Priests onely enioy a priuiledge no where giuen to them in Scripture: But euery lazie and loytering Monke, euerie Hypocriticall and begging Frier, must also carry his head so high, that all yoke of seruitude he must refuse.
By this it followeth, that no kinde of men constitute in holy Orders, nor yet Monkes, nor Fryers, nor their pompous Cardinals can by any meanes commit treason, do what they will: Though they stab, poyson, murther the sacred person of a King; forCrimen Iesae Maiestatis non committitur per non sub ditum. Clem. lib. 2. cap. pastoralu. verb. non subsuit, in gloss. treason is not committed by him that is no subiect.Exceptio Clericorū in rebus politicis, tū quoad personas, tum quoad bonae, introducta est iure humano, pariter & diuino, But Bellarmine, though for fashions sake, in one place he say Clerks are subiect to the Lawes of Secular Princes, which are not repugnant to the holy Canons and Priestly office: yet presently he teacheth, that all Eccclesiasticall persons are free both in body and goods from secular Princes, both by the Law of God and Man. It remaineth [Page 717] then, that Traytors they are none, for Subiects they are none. But returne we againe to the excommunicating of Kings and Princes. Perhaps you will say; For some dangerous and deep heresie: for stupendious blasphemy, a King or a Prince may with much circumstance and vnwillingnesse be excommunicated. No, no: euery contumacie is worthy of excommunication. And so much greater is the contumacie, by how much the mattter it selfe, or the cause thereof is the smaller. For defending their Regall right: for inuestiture of a Bishopricke they may be excommunicated.Statutis Papae nō obedien; Haereticus est. dist. 22. cap. omne. All is heresie which standeth against the power of the Pope.
Being excommunicate, the state of all Kings and Princes is most miserable: for their Subiects, ipso facto, are discharged from their obedience: absolued from their fidelity, and from the oath of obedience; so that they must refuse longer to do them seruice. And if perhaps any well affected towards his Prince, moued either by the commandement of God, or in contemplation of the excellence and vertues of a King, in whom the Image of God so brightly shineth, shall in this time of excommunication perseuer to do him seruice,Et, ne sibi fidelitatem obserue: omnib [...] modis. prohibemus▪ causa 15. nos sanctorum. the Pope by solemne constitution terrifieth all such, and forbiddeth euery man to obserue fidelity towards a Prince excommunicated.
Hence now from the seuenheaded beast of Rome comes it, that the many headed beast, the vnconstant people murmureth, rebelleth, conspireth, tumultuateth against religious and godly Princes. Iesuiticall Foxes run not onely into our corne fields and houses, but into the very hearts of men, carrying firebrands with them: All things are brought into combustion and bloud: Religion and Treason are mingled together: Pellitur è medio sapientia: vi geritur res; whom the pope excommunicateth, all men must hold as an Hereticke, and an Infidell:Non tenentur Christiani, nec debent cū euidente periculo relig [...]onis tolerare Regem [...]nfidelem Bellar in lib. 5. de Pont c. 7. Christians are bound not to tolerate an Infidell King, to the euident perill of religion. And againe,Bellar. in eodē ca. If any Prince, of a Sheepe or a Ramme become a VVolfe, that is, become an Hereticke, the Shepheard of the Church [Page 718] may expell him by excommunication, and together command the people not to follow him; and therefore to depriue him from dominion ouer his Subiects. VVhere is now the obedience of Paul, Act. 25.10. that appealed vnto Caesar, a Tyrant, a Monster, as vnto the Minister of God for iustice, saying, By him I ought to bee iudged? VVhere is now that obedience vnto Kings and Princes professed enemies to the Church of God, whereof Ieremy speaketh?Ier. 27.8. That people and Kingdome which will not serue Nabuchadnezer, and that people that will not put their necks vnder the yoake of the King of Babylon, the same people will I visite with the sword, and hunger, and pestilence, till I haue consumed them. Rom. 13.7. VVhere is that feare, to whom feare? That honour, to whom honour belongeth?1. Tim. 2.1.2. VVhere are the prayers and supplications for all men, especially for Kings, and those that are in authority? In steed heereof you haue barbarous Axiomes;Bellar. de Pont. Rom. lib. 5. cap. 7. verb. alterū vero sit. The Shepheard may separate, and shut vp Rammes that are mad, and destroy the Sheepfold: He may shut them vp, or put them downe into the number of common sheep.
The KingSaud. de visib. Monarch. le. 2. c. 4. per totum caput. that will not enthrall himselfe to the popes authority, ought not to bee tolerated: but his subiects ought to giue all diligence, that another may be chosen in his place as soone as may be. Neither is it to vrge them with the example of Prophets or Apostles.Bellar. de Rom. Pont. lib. 5. cap. 7. For, that the Christians did not depose Nero and Dioclesian, it was onely because they had no power. But in the first epistle of the Corinthians, and the sixt chapter, the Apostle commandeth them to set vp new Iudges amongst themselues. O false Frier!1. Cor. 6. The Apostle to auoide contentious wrangling of Christians before Heathen Iudges to the discredite and scandall of the Gospell, wisheth them by wise and discrete Arbitrators among themselues, to compose their iarres. Now our Cardinall impudently saith, he commandeth them to set vp new Iudges, and new Magistrates.
Amongst the rest of rebellious practices I may not omit, that, because subiects in many places and Countries by solemne oath, haue bound themselues to the faithfull seruice of [Page 719] their Princes, Three notable false shifts our Romanists haue found out to frustrate all fidelitie, and so to loose the collar of Kings, which is the true and faithfull obedience of subiects. The first is, that the Pope may absolue men from their oathes, and make the bond void, which before God and men with the greatest protestation is vowed. The second, that a man may with mentall reseruation, and by equiuocation sweare one thing, and intend another thing; and so falsely lye vnto the holy Ghost, and deceiue both God and Man. The third, that the Pope is the head of the King, and hath theExtran Io 22. si fratrum in Gloss. Empire ouer all Kings and Princes committed vnto him (as some say) both Infidell and Christian. Of these let vs speake in order.
Concerning the discharging of Subiects from their oathes; it is common with them, as you may see in their Canons; Alius item, Nos Sanctorum, Iuratos Milites, and sundry other.
Of this impiety is there any example in the Scripture? are these the keyes of the Church? Did Iesus Christ, did his Apostles euer teach such doctrine?
Was not2. Sam. 21. King Saul with all his children plagued, for that he brake the oath which the children of the Israelites sware vnto the Gibeonites? Did not1. Reg. 2. the breaking of his oath bring deserued confusion vpon the head of Shimey? Surely,Exod. 20. God holdeth them not guiltlesse that take his Name in vaine. For he commandethLeuit. 19.12. Yee shall not sweare by my name falsely. Wherefore amongst the rest of the vertues of a good man the Psalmist reckoneth this,Psal. 15.4. That swearing to his neighbour he disappointeth him not, though it were to his owne hinderance. If this duty of keeping an oath ought to be so religious towards euery priuate person: how much more towards the anointed of the LORD, and the ruler of the people?
Wee see how reuerentlyGen. 14.22. & 21.31. Ios. 6. the ancient holy men tooke oathes, and how religiously they were performed; as that of Abraham to Abimelech: his seruant vnto Abraham: The Israelites to the Harlot Rachab: Ioseph vnto his Father Iacob: [Page 720] The* oath of the Princes to saue the liues of the Gibeonites. Ios. 9. Yea, the Lord God himselfe, to teach vs what reuerence, what religion an oath requireth, sweareth himselfe, and by himselfe. And yet the man of sinne boasteth, that he hath power to discharge subiects from their oath, their faith, their protestations, and all religious bonds of truth.
The second way of destroying Kings and Princes, is their Mental reseruation, and equiuocation; the most abominable poison that euer Sathan shed into the Church. This taketh all truth, all sinceritie, all honesty, all vprightnes, from amongst the children of men; a most barbarous Axiom, which the very Lapithes, and Centaures, the Cyclops, the sauage Nomads, the Getes, Man-eating monstrous Cannibals, would I think be ashamed to admit; to deceiue in swearing: in swearing, to lye and to dissemble; yea, to make the seale of truth, the couering of all vntruth. What Atheisme so impious? What Heresie so dangerous? TheHeb. 6.16. oath should bee the end of all strife; This maketh it the forge, and the beginning of Contention: The oath is the Glasse, wherein one man should see the heart of another; But with their equiuocation it is clouded, and couered in darknes, that none can know anothers meaning. This was the poison of the Manichees; Iura, periura, Secretum prodere noli. ex ep. cuiusdam Anonym. ad Phil. Cam. Sweare, and forsweare, but secrets neuer bewray.
These be the daies the Psalmist did prophesie of;P [...]al. 12.2. They doe but flatter with their lips, and dissemble with their double heart: These areIude ver. 12.13. the clouds without water, the raging waues of the sea foreprophesied by Iude: This is thatIam. tongue, a world of wickednes, of which Saint Iames doth speake: This the mouth, out of which commeth blessing and cursing: The fountaine, that sendeth forth sowre and sweet water at once. A more hellish plot could neuer be contriued, then to sweare and not to sweare: to promise, with a minde neuer to performe: to make a faire shew, when our heart is fowle and full of bitternesse. But yet this hath Sathan alwaies practised by his instruments.Mat. 26 49. Iudas kisseth, and betrayeth: with, All Hayle Master, he deliuereth him to death. But see his end; he afterward hanged himselfe, and his bowels gushed out. Arrius [Page 721] that blasphemous Heretick,The g [...]shing out of the bowels, twice hath beene the reward of mentall Reseruation who denied the Coequality and Coeternitie of the Godhead of Christ, beeing brought to recant his errour before the Emperour Constantine, and the whole Nicene Councell, did so indeede, and made a solemne speech, in which he renounced all his false opinions: but secretly he had into a written booke digested his blasphemies; which he bare in his bosome closely couered vnder his garment. Now when hee had finished his Oration, laying his hand vpon his brest, and the booke there hidden, Hee did openly sweare; This is my faith. The Emperour dismissed him with the Synode; for they thought that he had sworne that his faith was according to his speech. But hee falsely vnderstood that to be his faith, which was hidden in his bosome; not that, which was vttered with his tongue. But let them which follow his falshood behold his punishment also; Who shortly going to discharge his body, poured out his bowels withall. WhenCent. 10. cap. [...]. fol. 305. Henricus Auceps the Emperour had taken vpon him a solemne oath neuer to weare the Crowne vpon his head againe; meaning thereby, that hee would neuer more exercise the Emperiall power; The holy Father the Pope perswaded him not to giue ouer, but to take vpon him the gouernement againe. To which when the Prince replied, how shall my oath bee then obserued? The Pope answered; you shall not weare the Crowne vpon your head any more, but haue it borne before you on a staffe. The same perfidiousnes and double dealing, which is practised among them, is publiquely taught also by them. For if any desperate Catilin, or Rustianly Clodius, in his confession to a Priest disclose a purpose hee hath to murther a priuate man or a Magistrate, The Priest may not reueale his confession: but admitSummo Angel. in vlt. Confess. verb. qu [...]d si interrogatur that it be suspected, that hee hath deliuered an heinous and bloudy purpose to the Confessor, and there bee an oath tendred vnto the Priest what was the tenour of the Confession, He must sweare hee neither heard, nor knoweth any thing to reueale: hee must not be silent nor mute, but boldly auouch, he knoweth nothing, and heard nothing, meaning, nothing that may be vttered. Of the same minde is Manipulus [Page 722] Curatorum, a booke written for the direction of all Priests in the executing of their office. For he saith;Man. Curat. If the Confessor be brought as witnesse, and compelled to sweare, Hee ought to sweare, that he knoweth nothing of the matter, neither doth he forsweare. For though the confitent haue reuealed such matter, yet the Confessor doth not know whether it be true or not. Therefore he may truely say, he knoweth nothing: And if the Iudge presse him earnestly, yet hee must still deny; For an oath was not ordaine [...] to bee the bond of impietie. Another saith,Extreu de Iurā. Calum. ex Manip. Curat. Ibid. the Priest may safely sweare hee knoweth nothing of the matter reuealed in Confession. For he knoweth it not as Man, but as the lieutenant of GOD. Thus, vvhile all treasons begin with Confession, and Confession must neuer be reuealed, like innocent Sheepe, Kings and Princes are carried to the slaughter, and made the markes of euery Traitourly and desperate Zimry.
The third meanes and passage to the destruction of Kings and Princes, is; They perswade,Extrau. l [...]. 22. si fratrū in gloss. both the Spirituall and Secular sword to be in the hand of the Pope;Gerson de p [...]testat. Ecclesie Consi. 12. part. 3. In whose thigh Christ himselfe hath written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. By this it then followeth, that if Iohn King of England be murthered by a Monke, or Henry the Emperour bee forsaken by his subiects: yet the Emperiall, or Kingly Maiestie is not violated, nor diminished;Vid. Bonif. 8 Constit. vnam sanctam. For it dwelleth in the Pope, as in the fulnesse of power.
Out of this also it comes to passe, that theDe Pont. Ro. l. 5 c. 7. Pope may depose the Emperour; not onely if he be a vvicked and vngodly Prince: a Woolfe, and a madde Ramme (as Bellarmine speaketh.) ButZacharias Regem Francorum non tam pro suis iniquitatibus, quam pro eo quod tanta potestati erat mutilis, à Regne deposuit. Caus. 15. q. 7. cap. alius. though he be not euill, yet if hee be vnfit and vnprofitable in so great a gouernement, the Pope may depriue him, and discharge the subiects from his obedience. The vpshot is;Cum totius Ecclesiae vniuersalis, que est vnica, et bonorū eiusdem pl [...]naria dispositio [...] Papa esse noscatur. Extran. de off c. de leg. c. sedes Apostolica. that of the vniuersall Church, and all the goods thereof, the plenary disposition is in the Pope. Wherfore he may translate Empires, put downe one, and set vp another: yea, the liues of Kings and Potentates are in his hand also. For, Bellarmine not onely saith, thatPer excom. alias{que} cōmodas sationes. l. 5. de Ro. Po [...]t. c. 7. verbo tertium argumentum. a disordered King must be compelled by the Pope by Excommunication [Page 723] and other fit means:In rebus quae obsunt fiut s [...]ituali, aut sunt ad eum consequendum necessar [...]a, spiritualis potestas potest et debet c [...]er [...]ere temporalem omni ratione & vta quae ad id nicessaria esse videbitur. Bell. de Ro. Pon. l. 5. c. 6. verb. ita prorsus. But in those things which hinder the spirituall purpose or end; or in such cases, wherein the spirituall purpose may be furthered, the spirituall power may, and ought to bridle the temporall, by all meanes and waies which therto shall be thought necessarie. If then it be thought necessarie to depriue him,Et simul Iubere populo, ne sequātur. [...]ell. l. 5. de Ro Pōt. c. 7. verb. ergo triā. The Pope may command the people not to follow him: if to kill him, why omni ratione et via, by all waies and meanes, he may be restrained. And thus vnto the throat of all Kings and Princes whom the Pope reiecteth, way is made for euery Sicarious Ruffian and Traitor;At non tenentur Christiani, imo nec debent, cum euidēt [...] periculo religionis tolerare Regem infidelem. de Ro. Pont. l. 5 c. 7. verb. at non. for Christians are not bound, Nay, they may not suffer an Infidell King with the danger of religion, as is afore said. Let vs now cast the reckoning of all, and summe it vp together. Not the Pope onely, but euery Bishop may excommunicate an Emperour, a King, a Prince, for contumacie in the smallest businesse; A King Excommunicate must not bee obeyed: Priests are not subiect to Magistrates; therefore, if they kill them, they are not Traitors. The Pope may discharge subiects from their oath: The subiect himselfe may equiuocate, and lye vnto the King in his oath: The Pope is the King of Kings: He may depriue any Prince: Hee may restraine him by all meanes and wayes; therefore, by conspiracie, by treachery, by murther, by bloud: the gentle Cardinall makes neither Limitation, nor exception.
Let vs descend vnto the second point; which is, to consider from whence this their transcendent power, this imperiositie ouer all Kings and Princes is taken. In the former Chapter, I trust, it was sufficiently declared, that by the law of God the Kings power hath no superiour vpon earth: therfore from the Scriptures the Pope can neuer proue this his Lordship ouer them.
Io. de Turrecremata saith,Papa non sic est dicēdus habere iurisdictionem in temporalibus iure Papatus, vt dicendus sit sotit [...]s orbu Dominus. lo. de Turrec l. 2. Suum. de Eccles cap. 113. The Pope is not to be said, so to haue Iurisdiction in Temporalities by the right of his [Page 724] Popedome, that he may be called Lord of the world.
Hugo de Sanc. Ʋictore saith,Terrena potestas caput habet Regem. l. 2. de sac. par. 2. c. 4 The head of the earthly power is the King.
Driedo saith,Non simul illi dedit imperium tēporale super vniuersam Ecclesiam: ne{que} enim abstulit imperatoribus & Regibus sua Reg [...]a▪ ne{que} item v [...]luit, vt omnes potestas Regalis, [...]r [...]nde ac Ecclesiastica debeat deriuari & descendere ex potestate Petri. Dried. lib. 2. de lib. Christ. cap. 2. Christ did not giue vnto the Pope temporall dominion ouer the Church: Neither did hee take away their Kingdomes from Princes: Neither would he, that all Kingly power should be deriued and descend from Peter, as the Ecclesiasticall doth. Yea, Bellarmine himselfe confesseth;Ex scripturit nihil habemus, nisi datas Pontifici [...]laues regni coelorum: de clauibus regni terrarum nulla mē [...]io fit. Bell. l. 5. de Pont. Ro. c. 5. verbo, tam vero. Wee haue nothing from the Scriptures but the Keyes of the Kingdome of heauen giuen vnto Peter: Of the Keyes of earthly Kingdomes there is no mention.
It is a thing worthy obseruation, that Bellarmine going about to proue the authoritie of the Pope ouer Kings, is compelled first to confesseDe Ro. Pont. l. 5. cap. 4. That he hath no direct power by the diuine Law; But the temporall power hee hath, is indirect, as it is ordinate to the good of the Church. And for this indirect temporal authoritie he alledgeth no other place of Scripture but that one onely,Io. 21.15.16. Pasce oues, Feed my Sheepe. And surely, this place is vnto them Pandorae Pyxis; it proueth euery thing: it confirmeth euery thing: it is ad omnia. But who is so simple which doth not know, that our Sauiour in these words, Feed my Sheepe, restoreth Peter to the office of Apostleship, from whence by his periury he was fallen? Neither doth the word Feede, extend so farre, as to rule and gouerne ouer all persons in all things. It is a fallacie, and a mere Sophisme,Fallacia à non consequenti, ab ignorantia Elenchi. to make such conclusion; Christ bade Peter feede his Sheepe; Ergo, hee may depose Kings and Princes. Better is that Collection which Abbat Smaragdus maketh;In Vigil. Sanc. Petri super Eu [...]ng. lo. cap. vlt. verb. Cōtristatus est Petrus. Christ said to Peter, Feede my Sheepe; not thine, but mine: seeke my glory in them, my dominion, mine increase; not thy owne gaine.
Bellarmine in this great want then, and penury of arguguments out of Scripture to be taken, is forced to repaire vnto other reasons.
First hee saith, that the Ciuill power is subiect to the Ecclesiasticall.
Sol.But by that reason euery Bishop hath as much authoritie [Page 725] ouer Princes, as the Pope; for they all chalenge spirituall power.
Againe hee obiecteth,Ob. that euery temporall Magistrate ought to change the forme of gouernment, which hindereth the spirituall good; Therefore the Temporall state is subiect to the spirituall.
I answere;Sol. All the Friers in the world cannot draw from hence a good conclusion, that the Pope may depose Princes. Euill lawes must be changed, and euill gouernment reformed by the Kings themselues, by their Parliaments and Counsels of state; There is no cause to send for the Pope vnto the businesse.
Hee obiecteth,Ob. that one Kingdome may compell another to depose their Prince, when they cannot otherwise defend themselues from his wrong doing. Therefore much more may the spirituall commonwealth command and compell the temporall, and depose their Kings.
I maruell hee is not ashamed to abuse the time,Sol. the eyes and eares of men with such cauilling vntruths. Though warres be lawfull by a Christian Prince to be taken in hand for his owne defence,Gen. 14. 2. Sam. 21. and to calme the tyranny of an euill neighbour, doth it therefore follow, that a Priest hath power, by Censor-like authoritie to excommunicate and depriue Kings and Princes? The one hath warrant in Scripture: the other hath none at all.
His fourth argument is;Ob. The people may not tolerate an Infidell King, or an Hereticke which draweth the people to his Heresie: But to the Pope it belongs to declare and determine who is an Hereticke, and whether a King draw men to Heresie; Therefore to the Pope it pertaines to iudge Kings, and to depose, or not depose.
From false grounds there can be no good conclusion.Sol. An Hereticall Prince cannot be deposed by the people; We haue neither commandement nor example for it in Scripture. Israel indured Ieroboam, Ahab, Ahaz, Hosea, and others.1. Kin. 12. & 16. 2. King. 16. Secondly, the Pope hath no more authoritie to declare vvhat Prince is an Hereticke, or a perswader to Heresie, then other [Page 726] men. Thirdly, he hath power to declare who is an Heretick: it is common to him with all other Bishops; Neither doth it hence follow, that he may depose a King.
Ob.An husband is at liberty to dwell, or not to dwell vvith: to keep,1. Cor. 7.15. or to forsake an vnbeleeuing wife; Therfore the people may put away an vnbeleeuing King.
Sol.I answere; the Apostle speaketh not of the duty of subiects towards Princes, but of Husbands and wiues betwixt themselues; from vvhich no Consequence can be taken, to proue that a Subiect may reuolt from his Prince. Secondly, it is euident by the vvords of Saint Paul, that his meaning is not, that in such case of infidelitie a man may choose a new wife, or a wife a new husband: Neither doth he allow a full separation, but onely as concerning the point of Idolatry; A brother or a sister is not in subiection in such things.Liberā habeat potestatem discedendi, tamen fideles non proijerat illam à s [...]. Haym [...]. in 1. Cor. 7. Thirdly, the Apostle doth not counsell the beleeuing brother or Sister to expulse the vnbeleeuing yoakfellow: But if the vnbeleeuing will depart, let them depart. Hoc nihil ad Rhombum; What is this to the Popes supremacie?
Ob.Lastly, Bellarmine endeuoureth by examples to illustrate the Monarchy of his Papall Caesar and priestly Prince aboue all secular power. The Priests (he saith) did resist Ʋzziah attempting to burne incense to the Lord; beeing striken with Leprosie they cast him out of the Temple; And the same Vzziah was compelled to depart the Citie, and to leaue his Kingdome to his sonne.
Sol.Although we might iustly answere him, that we liue not by examples,Legibus viuitur, non exemplis. but by lawes: yet I further say, Vzziah was prohibited to offer Incense, and remoued by the Priests out of the Temple; For which act the word of God was their warrant. But the Romanists haue no authoritie from the word to depose Kings or Princes: Neither doth it follow; the Priests had such authority in the Law; therefore they haue also the same in the Gospell. Lastly, Vzziah was not deposed from his Kingdome by the High Priest; For hee was King vnto his death. But his son did administer the same vnder him being a Leper,1. Chro. 26.21. because he could not come into any congregation of the people.
Athalia the Queene was put out of authoritie by Iehoiada the High Priest.Ob. 2. Chro. 23.14.
The Ministers of the Gospell haue not the same iudiciall power in Ciuill affaires, as the Priests in the Law had.Sol. The Priests and Leuites bare we [...]pons, sounded Trumpets, were the ordinary guard of the Temple: the Ministers of the Gospell haue no such office. Hereto adde, that Iehoiada the Priest alone did not depose Athalia: but all the Princes of Israel, and the King himselfe was present at the doing thereof. Lastly, Athalia vvas no lawfull Queene; Shee was a murtherer, and a vsurper against Ioash the true and lawfull King, vvho was present in person when Athalia was ordered to be slaine.
Of Ambrose he saith, that by him Theodosius the Emperour was excommunicated for the rash putting to death of so many Antiochians, and compelled to make a law against the hasty execution of any capitall sentence, that none should be put to death till thirty daies after the iudgement pronounced.
Ambrose Vid Zez [...]m l. 7. cap. 24. did not exercise any Temporall authority ouer the Emperour Theodosius, but onely Ecclesiasticall, by the censures of the Church: Neither did he command the Emperour to make the aboue rehearsed law: but did perhaps aduise and counsell him so to doe.
Ruffinus saith,Ruf. quibus omnibus istud quo{que} inrabiliter a [...]biecit, lege sanx [...]t in posterū &c. Ruffinus l. 2. cap. 18. Qui & legem quo que illis irrogauit &c. Zozom. l. 7. cap. 24. Apostoli de mortuis viuos faciebant, hi mortuos ex viuos Tert. in. l. Praescrip. it was the Emperours owne doing, and so doth Zozomen also. The rest of his examples are of the proud attempts of the vultures of that Church, after all corruption was crept into it; wherefore they proue nothing at all.
Our last consideration is, How orderly, and with vvhat moderation they vse this soueraigntie arrogated vnto themselues ouer Kings and Princes. And surely, it is most true, that the Tumults, Warres, Treasons, Murthers, Destructions; by them in euery nation and countrey practised, volumes of bookes cannot containe.
Let Histories witnes vnto you the vexations offred to the
- Emperour Otho the fourth, by Innocent the third.
- Henry the fourth, by Gregory the seuenth.
- [Page 728]Henry the fift, by Paschal the second.
- Frederick the first, by Hadrian the fourth.
- Philip the sonne of Frederick, by Innoeent the third.
- Philip the second, by Gregory the ninth.
- Conradus the fourth, by Innocent the fourth.
- Iohn King of England, and sundry others.
How many Emperours and Princes haue been brought, either out of blinde deuotion, or by insulting tyranny, to kisse their feete?
- Iustinian, the feete of Constantine.
- Crescentius Consul, the feete of Iohn the seuenteenth.
- Frederick the first, the feet of Alexander the third.
- Otho the first, the feet of Iohn the seuenteenth.
- Charles the Great, the feete of Pope Leo.
- Henricus the fift, the feet of Gelasius the second.
- Sigismund, the feete of Martin the fift, and of Eugenius.
- Carolus the fift, the feet of Clement the eight.
- Iohn King of England kneeled at the feete of the Popes Legate, and kissed the feet of Stephen Langton Bishop of Canterbury.
Of Emperours also and Princes deposed the number is not small.
- Zacharias the Pope depriued Childerick King of France.
- Leo the third translated the Empire from Greece to Germany.
- Innocent the third deposed Otho the fourth.
- Hugo Earle of Italy by Ʋrbanus was depriued.
- Clement the sixt deposed Lodowick the fourth:
Other Potentates also haue beene brought to the lowest deiection, and basest slauery that might be.
- Frederick Barbarossa was faine to submit his neck vnder the yoake of Alexander.
- Henry the fift was crowned vvith the Popes foot, and vvith his foote the Crowne spurned off againe.
- King Iohn was constrained to yeeld vp his crowne to Pandulph the Popes Legate, and fiue daies to continue as a priuate person.
- Henry the fourth to wait three daies and three nights at the gate of Pope Gregory, together with his wife and child in the deepe of Winter.
- Franciscus Dandalus to lye like a dogge vnder the Popes table being Clement the fift, and there to gnaw bones to satisfie the Papall fury.
- Henry the second King of England was constrained to goe barefooted on Pilgrimage with bleeding feet to the Tombe of Thomas of Canterbury, by Alexander the Pope.
- Frederick the Emperour to hold Pope Hadrians stirrop: and afterward was the same Emperour Excommunicate for putting his name before the Popes name.
- Paschalis the second caused Henry the Emperour to be taken out of his graue againe.
As they haue excommunicated, vexed, and depriued Emperours and Princes: many also they haue brought to death.
- Conradus, descended of the Royall race of many Emperours, with the Duke of Austria, were both by the procurement of the Pope put to death.
- Alexander the third would haue betrayed Frederick the Emperour to the Soldan, and writ letters to this purpose to that infidell Prince, who sent them againe to the Emperour; by whose [Page 730] commandement the said Letters vvere openly read before the state of the Empire at Noremburge.
- Innocent the fourth, caused Frederick the second to be poisoned first, and then strangled by one Mansfredus.
- Innocent also excited Philip King of France, promising remission of all his sinnes if he would either kill or expell King Iohn out of his Kingdome.
Many other Princes and Kings I might place in the same Catalogue, deposed, depriued, excommunicated, persecuted and vexed. O blessed Lord be mercifull to thy Church, put thy hooke into his nostrills, and thy bridle into his iawes, that the power of this destroyer preuaile not against thine anointed: that thine owne institution of Kings and Princes by thee also may be defended, and vnder the shadow of thy wings protected from the power of the dogge, and the fury of the Lyon: that to thy name in all congregations, and to the King of Kings thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ, with the holy Ghost, all power and glory may bee ascribed vvorld without end. Amen.
THea Pope is both Christ, and Christs Vicar; Peter, and Peters successor. | 1 | MAny shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceiue many. Math. 24.5. |
Theb Pope is Lord of all temporall Kingdomes. | 2 | Foxes haue holes, and the birds of the ayre haue nests, but the Sonne of Man hath not where to rest his head. Math. 8.20. |
Thec Pope is Prince of the whole world. | 3 | Behold, wee haue forsaken all and followed thee. Math. 19.27. |
Thed Pope is God. | 4 | See now how that I, I am God, and there is none but I. Deut. 32.39. |
Thee Lordship of Princes doth not descend from Gods Law, but from the Law of nations. | 5 | I haue laid help vpon one that is mighty, I haue exalted one chosen out of the people, I haue found Dauid my seruant, with my holy oyle haue I anointed him. Psal. 89. verse 20, 21. |
Rhem. in. 1. Pet. 2. annot. 5. all power bee of God, and Kings rule by him, that is no otherwise but by his ordinary
concurrence and prouidence. |
6 | Samuel looked on Eliab and said, Surely the Lords anointed is before him; but the Lord said, Looke not on his fashion or on the height of his stature, because I haue refused him (but of Dauid the Lord said) Arise, and anoint him, for this is he. 1. Sam. 16. verse 6.7. & 12. |
Rhem. in 1. Pet. 2. annot. 6. and Emperours could not bee heads of the Church beeing Heathen men. |
7 | Thou art sent of the King and of his seuen counsellers to visit Iuda and Hierusalem, according to the Law of God which is in thy hand. 1. Esd. 7.14. |
Rhem. in. 1. Pet. 2. [...]not. 6. Kings excellency of power is in respect of the Nobilitie, and Lay-Magistrates vnder
him. |
8 | Dauid made the ordinances of the children of Leui. 1. Chron. 23.6. |
Rhem. ibidem. honour God, then the Bishop, then the King. |
9 | Submit your selues vnto all manner ordinance of man for the Lords sake; whether it be vnto the King, as excelling. 1. Pet. 2. verse 13. Iuxta Rhem. Transla. |
Apostles,k Bishops, Prelates, are onely set by the holy Ghost to gouerne the Church: neither must temporall Princes exact, nor their subiects giue to them Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction. | 10 | Kings shall bee thy nursing Fathers, and Queenes shall be thy nursing Mothers. Esay 49.23. |
Godl instituted the spirituall gouernment in more excellent manner then the temporall. | 11 | Salomon set the sorts of Priests to their offices, as Dauid his father had ordered them: and they omitted not the commandement of the King. 2. Chron. 8. verse 14.15. |
A tract concerning Antichrist.
I Assure my selfe, that euery one who readeth my former labours in this TRISAGION contained, will easily perceiue my purpose to be, by the comparing of the doctrine of the gospell with the Popish blasphemies, to shewe, that the Romish Church is the Synagogue of Antichrist, the Tabernacle of that wicked one planted in the holy Mountaine. Now for that, to diuert from themselues this imputation, and to cast mists of darkenes before the eies of men, they imagine that Antichrist shall be a Iew of the Tribe of Dan, raigne in the Temple, and perish in Mount Oliuet, I haue beene bold to offer vnto thee, zealous reader, these few tracts ensuing, concerning the PERSON, the SEAT, the BIRTH, GROVVING VP, and DOMINION: the MARKES, the CERTAINTY, the MANNER, and TIME of the destruction of Antichrist.
CHAP. XXXVI. Of the Person of Antichrist.
THat Antichrist the begotten of Satan, the opposite enemy of the Gospell of Christ, is a body politicke, a state, a Kingdome of false teachers, obscuring the benefits of the passion of CHRIST, detracting from his offices, corrupting and peruerting his word and Sacraments, persecuting his true Church; if with a serious consideration, and diligent eie, we search and perpend the Scriptures of God, it will bee plainely deprehended.
First, the Apostle Paul calleth it a Mystery of iniquitie:2 Thes. 2.7 Mat. 24.15 and our Sauiour, abomination of desolation. Which forme of speech rather importeth a Kingdome, and a society of euill persons, then one particular person.
Secondly, of this Mysterie of iniquity the Apostle Paul witnesseth,2 Thes. 2.7.8 that it did worke in that time, wherein hee wrote his Epistle to the Thessalonians, and that it should bee destroied by the brightnes of the appearing of the Lord: but no one singular person can so long endure; therefore Antichrist is not one indiuiduall, or naturall man.
Thirdly, Daniel describing the foure Monarchies, compareth them to beasts: and by the little horne rising among the ten hornes Antichrist is prefigured; so that, as the other ten hornes were states and Kingdomes: so this was also a state and a Kingdome. Wherefore, speaking of his eies he saith; He had eyes like a man. Dan. 7.8. Which speech plainely doth distinguish him from a man; for that which is like, is not the same. Neither doth the reply of Bellarmine ouerthrow this argument, who saith, that in diuers places Daniel by one beast doth vnderstand one particular King; as Alexander by the Goat, Darius by the Ramme. For in this place Daniel Dan. 8. calleth theDan. 7.17 foure beasts foure Kings. By which hee maketh it euident, that vnder the name of a King hee doth vnderstand a state, or Monarchie.
The fourth proofe I take out of the words of the Apostle, [Page 736] in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians and the second chapter, who saith; He that now letteth, will let, till he be taken out of the way, and then shall that wicked one be reuealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall abolish with the brightnes of his comming. From hence I reason; that by him which letteth, and must be taken away, sundry interpreters, as Tertullian, Tertul. lib. de resur. carait. Hier. ad Algasiam. q. 11. Hierom, Chrysostome, Ambrose, Austen, and the Rhemists in their Marginall notes, vnderstand the Romane Empire. After the destruction whereof, immediately Antichrist must bee discouered, as the Apostles words import. Then I thus conclude: Antichrist appeareth after the dissolution of the Roman Empire, and endureth till he be abolished by the second coming of Christ: but this space of time containeth many ages, and hundreths of yeares; Therefore Antichrist cannot be a singular person, but must needs be a state, and a politicall body, which for the space of so many ages is to continue. For if we take the shortest account, and reckon the Roman Empire to haue ceased but at that time, when Lodowick the Emperour, sonne of Charles the great, yielded vp Rome with all the Iurisdiction thereof and the Territories about it, vnto the Pope, it was about the yeare 817. almost 800 yeares since.
Fiftly, Saint Iohn acknowledgeth, that Antichrist is a body politique. For he saith,1 Ioh. 4.1.3 There are many deceiuers entered into the world, and euery spirit which confesseth not Iesus Christ, that he is come in the flesh, is not of God, and the same is [...], the Antichrist. In these words, first hee speaketh of many, and at the last concludeth all of them in one person, [...], this is Antichrist.
Sixtly, all Heretickes deny Iesus, when they teach falshods concerning him, and affirme him to be such as he is not. But aboue all other the Romish Church denies Iesus to be Christ; for they haue taken from him all the offices; of Priesthood, of Prophesie, of Kingly power, to which hee was anointed.
Seauenthly, Iohn saith;1 Ioh. 4.3 Euery spirit which confesseth not [Page 737] that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; but this is the spirit of Antichrist, of whom you haue heard that hee should come, and now already hee is in the world. I shall need no further, I trust, to seeke arguments in this question, since Saint Iohn, who among all the holy writers is onely found to vse the very word, Antichrist, doth plainely witnes, that his spirit is in all them that deny Iesus Christ to bee comne in the flesh, and that he himselfe, whose coming they heard of and expected, was then in the world.
The fauourers of the Romish Church stand much vpon the Article ὁ, That Antichrist, or The Antichrist; as though thereby it were proued, that Antichrist should bee one naturall man. But alas! this is a miserable shift. For as this Article is much vsed in the Greeke tongue: so it doth not alwaies determine a singularitie of number; as you may see in the fourth of Luke; Where the Greek readeth [...],Luc 4 4 Man or the Man shall not liue by bread only.Mat. 2.27. Mat. 5.25. Mat. 12.35 So in the second of Mark, and Mathew the twelfth, and Mathew the fift, and sundry other places. In which though the Article ὁ bee vsed, yet it is no signe of singularity, nor of restriction to one particular person.
They obiect also, that Christ opposeth the person of Antichrist against his owne person;Ob. Bell. ex Io. 5.43 I am comne in my Fathers name, and ye receiue me not: if another shall come in his owne name, him will ye receiue; therefore Antichrist shall bee a priuate person.
It is plaine enough,Sol. that Christ speaketh this of euery aduersary, which without authority sparseth abroad impious and vngodly errours. All which false teachers and false Prophets, as Theudas, Iudas, Galilaeus, Barcocabas, were better entertained among the Iewes, then Christ himselfe. Wee may as well argue;Mat. 24.11 Many false Prophets shall arise, and seduce many; Therefore Antichrist shall bee a politique body of Heretickes, seducing, deceiuing, and leading into errour. As for that which Bellarmine inferreth, how Antichrist shall bee receiued of the Iewes insteed of Messias, this place proues no such thing. The Iewes receiued many false teachers, whom [Page 738] yet they beleeue not to be the Messias.
Ob. Daniel (they say) calleth Antichrist a King, not a Kingdome; Therefore Antichrist shall be a singular man, not a State or Kingdome.
Sol.I answer, Daniel calleth the foure Monarchies Beasts; and describeth euery one, as one seuerall beast: yet the Monarchies consisted of sundry Kings, and sundry Princes. And Daniel in his second chapter, speaking of the Romane Monarchie, calleth it a Kingdome: yet presently he saith,Dan. 2.44 In the daies of these Kings shall the God of heauen set vp a Kingdome. So that the Prophet sometime vnder the name of Kings, signifieth whole States and Kingdomes. As by the ten Hornes many Kingdomes are signified: So, vnder the figure of one Ram,Dan. 8.20. all the Kings of the Medes and Persians are typified.
Thus much may suffice to be spoken of the Person of Antichrist, to shew that it is no new opinion, that this mysterie of iniquity, and abomination of desolation, is a Kingdom, not a King: a Politicall, not a priuate person: not contained in one place, but a Citie dispersed throughout the whole world.
CHAP. XXXVII. Of the Seate of Antichrist.
AS when Saul 1. Sam. 19.11. sent Messengers to slay Dauid, his wife Michol tooke an Image and laid it in the bed, with a pillow of Goats haire vnder the head thereof, shewing it vnto the Messengers in steed of Dauid: So the Masters of the Romish Church, following not the pietie, but the fraud of Michol, when we enquire after Antichrist, and seeke for him, offer vnto vs an Idoll of their owne conceit, and an Image of phantasticall opinion, in place of the substantiall body of the man of sinne: Or as the Lapwing, that she may deceiue the pursuer, houereth alwaies ouer the place where her yong ones are not: So our Romanists leade vs from the true seate of Antichrist, vnto such places where they know well enough we shall neuer finde him. But if we compare together [Page 739] the two Prophets, Daniel, and S. Iohn in his Reuelation, it will very probably appeare, that the little horne mentioned in Daniel, Dan. 7.8. which came vp hauing eyes like a man, and a mouth speaking presumptuous things; who had a grimmer visage then his fellowes, and made battell with the Saints of God, and preuailed against them, And was of such presumption, that he did thinke that he might change times and Lawes; is all one with the second BeastReu. 13.11. rising out of the earth in the Reuelation, which wrought such wonders, deceiued them that dwell on the earth, compelling them all to receiue the marke of the beast; And surely both these are the Images and Types of Antichrist. To proue that at Rome they must arise, and there sit, we shall need no other Arguments, then to attend vnto the words of the two Prophets, Daniel and Iohn.
First,Dan. 7.8. for the little horne, it rose vp (saith Daniel) among the ten hornes of the fourth beast, that is, amongst the multitude of Kingdomes belonging to the Romane Monarch; for that is the fourth Beast. Yea, the standing vp of the little horne after the fall of the ten Kings or hornes, agreeth rightly with the Papall domination, who after suppression and destruction of all the Hornes, Kings and Kingdomes belonging to the Romane State, doth now sit there as the sole Monarch, and Ruler of the world, according as his Canonist saith,Papa totius mundi obtiuet prine patum. De statu regulariam periculoso. in Gloss. Apoc 13. The Pope hath the Principalitie of the whole world.
Let vs speak now of the beasts mentioned in the thirteenth of the Reuelation, whom Iohn so describeth to sit in the chaire of Rome, that more plainly he cannot speak, except he should name the place.
In the Image and similitude of the first beast hee painteth out the greatnesse and power of the Ethnicke Rome, hauing the likenesse of the Leopard, the feet of the Beare, the mouth of the Lyon, that is, all the power of the Three Beasts, or Kingdomes, mentioned in the seuenth of Daniel, swallowed vp by him, who was vnlike, and farre surpassed all the other Kingdomes. For the very Dragon or Diuell himselfe gaue [Page 740] his power vnto this Beast, that all the earth should worship him: Which cannot be verefied, at the time wherein Iohn did write, of any State but of the Romane Empire; for that onely then swayed the rule of the world, hauing euery knowne Kingdome and Nation; yea, the Iewes themselues in subiection.
For the further explaning of the matter, least any man should doubt who this Beast should be, he describeth him doubly;Vid. Napier super Apoc. by his Heads, and by his Hornes. His Hornes were ten, that is, many Kingdomes and Principalities to him subiect. For the number of ten often in the Scripture signifieth a great multitude,Palatinus, Coelius, Tarpeius, otherwise Capitolinus, Aueutinus, Quirinales, Ʋeminalti, Esquilinus, are the 7. Hilles on which Rome standeth. the definite number being taken for an vndefinite. His Heads seuen; for that the Citie it selfe was then seated on seuen Hils, as in the seuenteenth chapter, the Spirit maketh it most manifest, saying, the seuen Heads are seuen Hils, on which the woman sitteth. Secondly, the seuen Heads are seuen Kings, in respect of the seuen-fold manner of gouernment, which successiuely hath flourished in Rome; that is to say, Kings, Consuls, Dictators, Decemuirs, Tribunes, Emperours, Popes. Of these (saith the Spirit) fiue are fallen. For the first fiue kinds of rule were decayed: one is, that is, the Emperiall; and one is not yet come, that is, the Papall.
Returne we againe to the Beasts; for in the end, the first beast, the Ethnick Rome, receiueth a wound by the losse of her great power, though it liued still, that is, was not vtterly destroyed.
Apoc. 13.11.After this, a second Beast is described by Iohn to come vp out of the earth, because all his Religion consisteth in humane and earthly Traditions; And this Beast hath the two Hornes of a Lambe, that is, both Secular and Spirituall power challenged from Christ. He doth also shew great wonders; for the strongest pillar of the Popish gouernement is lying and false miracles, wrought by the power of the diuell, but receiued of them as though it were fire from Heauen. This second Beast, by meanes of these signes which he doth in the sight of the first Beast, that is, openly in the Cities and Countries subiect to the Romane Monarch, deceiueth them [Page 741] that dwell on the earth: for by his meanes a generall defection from the truth hath beene seene euery where.
Now whereas the first Beast receiued a wound, and by the setting vp of an Emperiall seate in Constantinople, was in her power diuided and weakened, and left also to the oppression of her enemies; This second Beast causeth the Image of the wounded and miserable wretch to be made, who now onely retained life in herselfe without her antique honour: And to this Image he giueth spirit, that is, he continueth the life, and reuiueth the power of Rome being almost dead, and without breath, and speechlesse. Insomuch, that for a while it began to be called Odoacria of Odoacer King of the Herulians, who conquered and ouercame it. But the Image of the first Beast gat life by the benefite of the second Beast againe, the Caesarian Maiesty being turned into the Papall Maiesty, an Image of their ancient soueraginety. For the Romish Church, in the place of the Romane Empire, commandeth all: And the Pope standeth in the place of Caesar, and is worshipped of all, small and great, bond and free: they must all receiue the Marke, the Name, the number of the Beast, that is, the Primacie, the Religion,Euery creature must be subiect to the Pope vpon losse of saluation. Bo. 8. de maior & obedientia. cap. vnā sanctam. the power of the Romish Church: which, whosoeuer acknowledgeth not, is excommunicated and cut off from the society of men, worse then an Infidell, and a Publican, He may neither buy nor sell.
Last of all, to make that which is plaine, more plaine, Saint Iohn addeth;Reu. 13. vlt. The number of the Beast is the number of a man, and his number is 666. And surely this number sundry waies belongeth to the Romish Chaire. First, it is found in the wordIrenaus l. 5. cont. Valent. cap. venit. verbum. [...], as Irenaeus acknowledgeth.
Bellarmine striueth and wrastleth by all the meanes he can, to auoid the mark wherwith the Romish Church is so plainly branded; and therefore not onely the word Teitan, whereof of Irenaens maketh mention, bur sundry other, as [...], and diuers others he heapeth vp. But what is this, but to cast dust into the eyes of the Reader, that he may not discerne the cleerenesse of the light? Wherefore [Page 742] consider I pray you, that Saint Iohn saith, Count the number of the Beast. Now the Beast was not a particular person, but a Kingdome, a State, a Gouernement. Wherefore it must also be the name of a State, and a Kingdome, not the name of a particular person, not of the Sunne, not of a Conquerour or wicked CaptaineBellar. de Rom. Pont. l. 3. c. 10. VICARIVS GENERALIS DEI IN TERRIS (as Bellarmine rehearseth;) Nor a fiction or wrested name, (as to disgrace Martin Luther, Genebrard inuenteth Lulterus or Ludderus) but the name of a State or a Gouernment; which he also calleth, The number of a man, that we should not thinke he spake of vnreasonable beasts, but of a multitude of men.
To these testimonies I may iustly adioyne the figure of Antichrist set forth in the seuenteenth of the Reuelation; where in expresse words the holy Spirit vnfoldeth himselfe, and saith; The woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the Kings of the earth: But no Citie at the time of the Reuelation made, vnto Iohn, nor yet since, reigned ouer the Kings of the earth, but onely Rome; therefore Rome onely is the seate of that woman Babylon, drunken with the bloud of the Saints.
That this place also is vnderstood of Rome, Tertullian is witnesse, who saith,Babylon apud Iohannem nostrū vrbis Roma figura est. lib. 3. cont. Marcionem. Babylon in our Iohn is a figure of the Citie of Rome; neither can the Romanists auoide vs, by saying that Ethnicke Rome is vnderstood by the woman Babylon, and not Christian Rome. For, as Daniel speaketh of a little horne rising vp amongst the ten Hornes, by which he distinguisheth the two-fold gouernement of the fourth Monarchie, vnder Heathen Princes, and vnder Antichrist; and as Saint Iohn in the thirteenth of the Reuelation maketh the same Rome to be two Beasts, in respect of the two-fold state vnder Emperours, and Popes: so in this seuenteenth chapter hee distinguisheth betwixt the Whore, and the Mother of whoredome: betwixt Heathenish Rome, when she was gouerned by Emperours, and Pseudochristian Rome, now that she is ruled by the Pope.
The same Citie then is called an VVhore, with whom the Kings of the earth committed fornication: and the woman [Page 743] sitting on a scarlet coloured beast. This is nothing else but a distinction betwixt Rome and Rome, vnder Heathen Princes, and vnder the Popish Soueraignety. Before, in the time of the Heathens she was a VVhore, and made Kings and Nations drunken, with whom she committed her fornications: But now the drunken VVhore is on the backe of the Beast, neuer so drunken, neuer so proud, as in the time of the Papall Regiment. And if before time she were an Whore, now she is the very Mother of whoredome; but still the same Whore, the same Citie.
Lastly,Math. 24.15. the abomination of desolation, the Man of sin, the aduersary exalted aboue all that is called God, both by the testimony of our Sauiour, and the prophecie of Saint Paul, must stand in the holy place, or in the Temple of God: but the Temple of God is the Church, which the Papists say, is the Catholique Romane Society; for they haue restrained that name onely to the Romane gouernement, calling it the Catholique Romane Church; therefore therein must the Mysterie of iniquitie sit. This interpretation, Austen witnesseth, in his time was of many receiued. For hee saith,Rectins{que} putant Latine dici, sicut in Graeco est, non in Templo Dei, sed in Templū Dei sedeat, tanquam ipsi fit Templū Dei. Aug. lib. 20. de Ciùit. Dei. cap. 19. Quod dicitur de Romana Ecclesia, intelligitur de summo Pontifico, [...]d. Schol. Aloys. Lyp. Papatus. 12. they will, and do thinke, that it is better rendred in Latine, as it is in the Greeke, that Antichrist shall sit ouer the Temple, then in the Temple of God, as though himselfe were the Temple of God. And surely, the Romanists so restraine all power, all knowledge vnto the Pope, that in fine they make him onely the Church; For, to stand to the determination of the Church, to be in the Church, what is it but to stand to the Popes iudgement, and to obey the Pope?
Here they will say, that by this we make the Romish Church the true Church, when we affirme that Antichrist sitteth in the Church; and this Church is one, namely, the Roman. Not so; forRom. 9.6. as they were not all Israelites, which were of Israel: Osee 2. 23. and as Ierusalem was called his people, when they were not his people: So likewise the Romish Church is called the holy place, and the Temple, because it was so esteemed; and for that Baptisme, the Eucharist, and some outward Ceremonies of the Church are there still vsed, [Page 744] it is therefore called Christs Church, Analogicè, not Vniuocè, as Logicians distinguish.
Thy name (saithNomen tuū Christianum sonat, sed facta Antichristū monstrant: sub nomine nomen impugnas, sub lege legem debellas, persequeris fidem, quam te profiteri simulis. Chrysost Hom. in Math. [...]. ex cent. 5. cap. 4 Vid. Targum Hieros apud Genebrard. an ancient Father) soundeth Christian, but thy deeds shew thou art Antichristian; vnder the Name thou dost ouerthrow the Name, and by the Law thou ouerthrowest the Law; thou persecutest the faith, which thou dissemblingly professest. To conclude, the learned Iewes also did hold the same position with vs concerning the seat of Antichrist: For the Targhum saith, Moses deliuered the people out of Egypt, and CHRIST the King shall deliuer them out of Rome.
It is obiected, that the Beast which commeth out of the bottomlesse pit, shall murther the two Witnesses in the streets of the great Citie, which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypt; where also the Lord was crucified. Therefore it should seeme, that in Ierusalem Antichrist shall rather raigne then in Rome.
To this I answer; that Ierusalem in the Scripture is neuer called Sodome and Egypt; Heb. 12.22. Esay. 1.16. Gal. 4.26. Math. 5.35. but the Citie of the great King, the Citie of the liuing God, the righteous Citie, the faithfull Citie, the Mother of vs all: It is neuer the type of the malignant, but of the true Church: And the Lord also may be truely said to haue suffered in Rome, where his members are daily put to death, and by the authority of which Citie or Empire, Christ himselfe was also crucified. The Papists themselues write, that when Peter was fleeing from the persecution at Rome, Christ met him, and Peter demanding, Lord whether goest thou p Christ answered, I go to suffer at Rome; by which Peter being admonished went back,Ex Bren. Rom. in fest. S. Pet. & was crucified. So, by their owne confession, where his members suffered, Christ suffered.Gen. 49.17.27. As for the opinion that Antichrist should be of the Tribe of Dan; it is a very idle dreame, and hath no authority in Scripture: For as of that Tribe Iacob prophesied, that He should be a serpent in the way and an Adder in the path: So (he saith) Beniamin shall rauine as a Wolfe. The cruelty of the VVolfe doth no lesse belong to Antichrist, then the subtilty and malice of the Serpent: VVherefore they [Page 745] might as well say, Antichrist should spring out of the Tribe of Beniamin, as of Dan. Neither is it likely, that one person in so short a raigne of three common yeares and an halfe, should atchieue and attaine so many and so great conquests ouer the whole earth, and the Inhabitants thereof; asHentenius in prolog. translat. Arethe ex Fulk. in Apoc. 11. Marg. nota 1. Hentenius a Papist himselfe doth confesse.
Lastly, that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God at Ierusalem, no sober man can affirme, seeing our Sauiour himselfe prophesieth of the Temple in Ierusalem, Luke 21. that one stone shall not be there left vpon another. And to admit that Antichrist shall slay the two VVitnesses in the streets of the holy Citie, it proueth not therefore,Cum tunc Antichris. vniu [...]rsa vbique contineat, & intu [...], & foris, & in ciuitate, & in des [...]rto. Chrysost. Hom. 49. ex cap. 24. Math. that Antichrist shall dwell in Ierusalem, or haue his seate there; as Chrisostome well obserueth; Not in one place, but in all the parts of the world, the persecution of Antichrist shall rage against the Church.
CHAP. XXXVIII. Of the birth, growing vp, and Dominion of Antichrist.
OF the springing vp of Antichrist in the Church sundry differing opinions there are. One saith, he shall bee borne of Ecclesiasticall parents: Another saith, his Mother shall be of the children of Israel, and and his Father an Egyptian. Some (as I haue formerly said) dreame that he shall descend from the Tribe of Dan. And there are who thinke, that Antichrist shall be the very sonne of the diuell himselfe, begotten vpon a woman.
The time of his comming also they will haue to be in the end of the world; thatGen. 15.12. as in the euening, at the going downe of the Sunne the horrour of sleep and fearefull darknesse fell vpon Abraham: So in the later age of the Church, the grieuous fury of Antichrist, and terrible tempest of his tyrannie, shall afflict the Sheepfold of Christ.
The truth is; As the reuealing and manifestation of Antichrist God in wisedome reserued to the later ends of the world: So euer since the very infancie of the Church, Antichrist hath beene a working mysterie, and a (b) secret euill [Page 746] walking in the night; according to the saying of that ancient Christian Sage;Tert. Apol. adu. gent. Truth began together with the hatred of it selfe. VVherefore the Apostle Paul saith, in his time2. Thess. 2.7. the mysterie of iniquitie did already worke: and Iohn, speaking of the great Antichrist, saith;1. Ioh. 4.3. Now already he is in the world.
The chiefest purpose of Antichrist is, to ouerthrowe the Offices of Christ, to which by God the Father, with the holy Ghost hee hath beene anointed. Now euer since the first time that our Sauiour made himselfe known vnto the world, this hath beene in doing. VVherefore, that from the beginning of his Church the mysterie of Antichristian abomination hath wrought, it is no errour to affirme.
Let vs look vpon the Pharises in the daies that Christ conuersed bodily vpon the earth: Let vs looke vpon the Roman, the Corinthian, Laodicean, the Colossian, the Galathian Churches, with them at Philippos also; the Epistles written by Saint Paul vnto all those Churches, do manifestly declare, that by the false Apostles, and Iudaizing hypocrites, the Articles of full Redemption through Christ: of free Iustification by his merites: of Sanctification: of Resurrection, were with all might and maine impugned: The Ceremonies of the Law, worldly and fleshly holinesse, together with Traditions, were vehemently vrged, magnified, and extolled, by all the meanes that Sathan could deuise. This, when we see before our eyes, can wee deny, but that in those daiesGen. 49.17. Ex Centuria. 2. & 3. Clement. the Serpent was by the way, and the Adder in the path?
Descend we a little lower to that age which succeeded the Apostles: Do we not finde the workes of the vnregenerate magnified aboue measure? and vnto the naturall man a great deale more then is fit, ascribed? TheIustinus si author fuit Respons. q. 103. righteousnesse of works highly extolled?Ex eisd. Cent. The perfection of humane iustice made equall with the Angelicall perfection?
The next age added diuers corruptions of doctrine also.Orig. 2 lib. in Ioh & lib. 3. One saith, that, The holy Prophets and Saints were without sinne: And againe,Orig. 11. hom. in Numer. That Christ came to deliuer from the Law of ceremonies, but not from the curse of the commandements, the [Page 747] testimonie, and the iudgement: Me [...]hod. apud Epiphan. l. 2. Tom 1 Another, that wee are iustified by keeping the Lawe of Nature, by the helpe of Christ.
VVill-worship then also crept into the Church, Adoration of Saints,Orig. sub finem l. 2. in Iob. reprouing of lawfull Marriage,Cypr. Tertul. lib. de ie [...]unio cont. psych. choice of meates, and satisfaction by abstinence. Some man perhaps will say, that by this meanes I make all the ancient Fathers members of Antichrist, reprobates, and wicked. Not so; for I acknowledge them the vvorthy instruments of God in his Church: Yet, as Aaron, whom God vsed as the Priest of holy things, theExod. 32. diuell also made his instrument to set vp Idolatry; Or, as by the Serpent, which was an excellent creature of God, wiser then all other beasts, Satan spake vnto Eue, and brought destruction vpon her: So the diuell taught these ancientEzech. 18.2. Fathers to eate sowre grapes, that the childrens teeth might be set on edge.
None is free from errour, but Christ onely. The Fathers were but men, and as men they vvere in many things deceiued: yet,Apoc. 2.24. they knew not the deepenesse of Satan, nor vvere altogether drunken with the Babylonish cup, as they vvere vvhich followed them. VVe know, S. Peter Gal. himselfe, the blessed Apostle, and Barnabas, yeelded too much to the Iewes in matter of Legall ceremonies, and vvent not the right vvay in the truth of the Gospell. And it seemeth, that this their dissimulation tended to the blemishing of the doctrine ofVer. 16. Iustification: yet is there any so impious, as to say, that Peter and Barnabas vvere members of the Antichristian and malignant church? God forbid▪ Satan doth many times take occasion to vvork by the vveakenesse & imperfection of good and holy men. Euery one that hath been deceiued vvith an Antichristian errour, is not Antichristian. God giueth repentance to his seruants.2. Reg. 14. Amazia, Ioas, Azaria, Iotham, vvere good and godly Kings, & yet somethings vvere amisse in their gouernment.Apoc. 2. Ephesus, Pergamus, Thyatira, vvere excellent Churches: yet not in all things perfect. So the vvorthy Fathers of the Church, though it cannot be denyed but that they tasted somewhat of Babylons golden [Page 748] cup, yet they held, no doubt, the foundation sure; and therefore are members of Christ and not of Antichrist.
To say the truth, many things are by the Antichristian Prelates thrust into the books of the Fathers, which they neuer writ, spake, nor thought; Superstitions, Idolatry, Traditions; which if the Fathers vvere liuing, they vvould vtterly disclaime, and deny to be theirs. And these subornations and falsifications are so many, that it is hard to say, what Father is come vncorrupted to our hands. Wherefore not now the Fathers themselues, but falsaries of the Roman Synagogue they are, that haue shed their poyson into the wholesome waters, their vials of bloud into the Riuers of the Church.
After the two first ages of the Church, as euery age succeeded other, so it brought more and more corruption with it: So that, euen like the hayres of the head, which one after another turne, till at last all be as white as the Almond tree: or as the Leauen in the lump is so long hidden, til all become sowre: or as darkenesse groweth ouer the body of the faire Moone, till scarce any light be left; So the corruption of the Church by degrees and pawses increased, till at last all was confounded. And sauing1. King. 19.18 that the Lord left vs a remnant which bowed not the knee to Baal, all feare of God, all truth and righteousnesse had perished out of the earth.
Now may be verefied that ofMich. 2.8. Micah; Hee that was yesterday my people, is risen vp on the other side. And as Osee saith;Osee 4.7. As they increased, so they sinned against me. Ioel 1.4. That which the Palmer worme left, the Grashopper did eate vp; the residue of the Grashopper, the Canker worme consumed; and the residue of the Canker worme, the Caterpiller. Schoole-men; and after Schoole-men, Canonists; & after them, the Legendaries; and lastly, the infinite swarmes of Monks, Friers, Iesuits, haue prophaned all Religion, and corrupted euery Article of the faith, turning all into Ceremonies, Traditions, and fleshly rudiments.
Come we from the deprauation of doctrine to the ambition of the chaire of Pestilence it selfe, the seat of the Roman [Page 749] Bishop. The Prophet Daniel foresheweth,Dan. 7. that the little Horne grew vp at last to such height, that his mouth of blasphemy was opened wide against the God of Heauen: and such power he tooke vnto him, that he thought he could change both Lawes and Times, and that he sate in the Temple of God as God. For all this his Canonists professe of him;Lib. 1. decret. Greg 5. tit. 7. The Pope hath an heauenly iudgement:Ibid. The Pope of nothing can make something: The Pope can dispense with the Law:Dist. 40. cap. non nos. in Gloss. The Pope is alwaies presumed to be good though he be euill: HisIbid. doings must be excused as Sampsons murthers, the Iewes robberies, and Iacobs adulteries.Dist. 34. cap. lector. in Gloss. He can dispense against the Apostle. There is as much difference betweene the Pope and the Emperour, as betwixt the Sunne and the Moone. The Pope can be iudged by no mortall man.Sext decr. de elect. & elect. potest. cap. fundamēta. in Gloss. The Pope is no man.Dist. 96. cap. satis euidenter. ex Szeged no. Hareditatem innocentiae reciptūs. The Pope is God. He hath the heritage of innocencie.
As Religion was corrupted by degrees: So the Popish Regality from smal beginnings, is risen also vp vnto the crowne of all excellence, and mounted aboue the Starres. Let vs in a word then, consider the steps and staires, by which they haue climed vp, and ascended out of the very earth, to the highest Pinacle of all dignitie and honour.
Though it appeareth,The first step of ambitious Roman Bishops. Victor was Pope, anno 196. or as others say, an. 198. the Roman Bishop did very earely and betimes meditate a Monarchie, euen in the daies of Ʋictor the Pope, who thundred out his curses against the Easterne Churches, because they kept not the Easter after his manner:Pius 2. Ep. 301. yet it is euident, that before the Nicene Councell, there was no more respect had vnto the Bishop of Rome, then to other Prelates.
Before the Nicen Councell the name of Pope was cōmon to him with other Bishops.Ex Fox. pag. 11 Eusebius Caesariensis doth witnes, that the Roman Emperours did aduance the Romish Bishop aboue other Bishops, and that the Nicen Councell gaue this priuiledge to the Romish Bishop; that as aboue all other Kings the Roman is called Augustus: so the Romish Bishop aboue all other Bishops should be called Pope. The Councell of Chalcedon cap. 28. doth plainely shew, that the first seat was [Page 750] granted to the Roman Bishop, because that City was the seat of the Roman Empire. Yet wee finde after this the name of Pope attributed to sundry other Bishops; forEx cap. 4.6. conc. Carthag. Aurelius the President in the sixt Councell of Carthage was called Pope. Ierome Hier ad Chromat. idē ad Eustac. et Fabiolam. calleth Ʋalerianus Pope, and so he calleth also Epiphanius blessed Pope; and (as Rhenanus witnesseth) Clodoueus Caesar, or Lodouicus, tearmeth a simple Bishop, Pope.
The same title was also giuen to Austen in the African Councell, and so is Ierome enstiled by Boniface.
Concerning the title ofDist. 99 prim [...] edis. Vniuersall Bishop, or Prince of Priests, their owne Canon forbiddeth that such titles bee giuen to any, euen to the Bishop of Rome. And Gregory himselfe doth witnes, that no man ought to be called Vniuersall Bishop. And Pelagius Dist. 99. c. nullus the Roman Bishop doth decree, that no Patriarch should take the name of vniuersality at any time.
The Councell of Carthage Can 39. also ordaineth, that the Bishop of the first Sea shall not be called Prince of Priests, or the high Priest, or any such thing. And if it bee proued that any ancient Romish Bishops did take the same appellatiō to them,Haec ex Io. Foxo. fol. 12. 13. 14. 15 yet they alone had it not. For Iohn Bishop of Constantinople arrogated the same to himselfe; and in the fift Councell of Constantinople, Menna is called Oecumenicus Patriarcharum; and in the same Councell Iohannes is called Oecumenicus Patriarcha; the one, the chiefe of Patriarches: the other, the chiefe Patriarch. In thePōtifices, quibus in summe sacerdotio cōstitutis. can. 5. et sic colligit Caran. in sum. concil. Councel Agathense of all Bishops it is said, that they are constituted in the high Priesthood. So doth Ʋrban Dist. 59. c. si officia. the Pope himselfe giue the title Summus Pontifex to euery Bishop; And so doth the seauenth generall Councell call the Bishops officeDist. 38. c. omnes the high Priesthood. Anaclet also in his second Decretall Epistle calleth all BishopsCū eiectione summorū sacerdotū sibi dominus reseruarit. Vid. Cara [...]z. in Anacleto. high Priests.
I might alleage Innocent the first, and Zosimus, to the same purpose. When the foure chiefe seats and Patriarchees were in the first Synod of Nice established, their authority vvas so distinguished, that euery one should gouerne in the Church [Page 751] of his limit: and the Canon saith,Mos antequus. Episcopo Romano partal [...]s mos est. Can. 6. the old custome indureth in Egypt, in Lybia, and Pentapolis, that the Bishop of Alexandria hath power ouer them all, and the Bishop of Rome also hath the like custome.
Although in reckoning, the Roman Bishop was first named, because Rome was the seat of the Empire: and (as Eusebius Caesariensis witnesseth) the excellence of the Roman Empire exalted the Popedome of the Roman church ouer other Bishops; yet within his owne Iurisdiction euery Metrapolitan had power, neither might one inuade the Diocesse of another Patriarch. So wee see, though for the honour of the Roman Empire, that Bishopricke had the first seat, yet neither in title, nor authority,Ʋid. Cōc. Cōst. c. 36 was there betwixt him and other any oddes.
Let vs now proceed on,The second step of the Roman ambition. and consider the next occasion which the Roman Bishops tooke, to aduance themselues so high ouer other Bishops. In the East Church sundry Heresies, Contentions, and Schismes arising, the Bishops thereof were glad many times to call for forraine helpe, and to adioyne vnto their party what friends they could; strange, or domesticall. Amongst the rest they sought vnto the Romish Bishop also especially. One of the first of these was Achatius Bishop of Constantinople, and Timotheus, both Grecians, who desired Simplicius Bishop of Rome to condemne Peter Gnaphaeus Bishop of Antioch, and Peter Bishop of Alexandria, as Eutichian Heretiques. This thing of the Roman Prelates, willing to stretch their authority as farre as might bee, was easily obtained,Vid. Euagrium liberatum. 2. Marianum Scotum, & Platinam. and Achatius himselfe became the executour of the Romish Bishops iudgement and sentence. Long after liued Achatius as it were deuout vnto that seat, and vnder their wing: but afterward growing more cold toward them, and receiuing againe into his familiarity, and to their Ministry, the two Peters whom before hee had so often complained against to the Roman Bishops, he was first by Simplicius the Pope reproued, and after by Felix the third, and Gelasius the first, his successour, excommunicated; The Popes pretending, that without the approbation of the Roman Sea [Page 752] Achatius ought not to haue receiued the two Peters, & that neither Achatius, nor the said Peter, could be absolued by any but by the Apostolicall chaire.
Note, that this was doing betwixt the yeares of our Lord 470. and 498. when in the yeare of the Lord 475. in Augustulus, the last of the Roman Caesars that Empire ceased: and so, according to the Apostle Paul in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians and the second chapter, The abomination of desolation began to appeare vpon the taking away of that which hindered,Dan. 7 namely, the Roman Monarchie. And this was the second steppe by which the little horne grewe vp.
The third step.The third step to their Hierarchy was occasioned to the Romish Bishops by Iohn Patriarch of Constantinople, who intituled himselfe Oecumenicall or Vniuersall Bishop, and therein was countenanced by Mauritius the Emperour, vvho wrote vnto Gregory the first, Bishop of Rome, that hee should subiect himselfe to the Patriarch of Constantinople. With this so nettled was the Romish Prelate (who scarce endured any equall, much lesse a superiour) that first he protested against all such smokie titles of vaine glory,Circa annum 590. either in other, or in himselfe. Yet notwithstanding hee putteth the Greekish Patriarch in minde, that vnto Peter, the power of binding and loosing was giuen by Iesus Christ, not vnto the Constantinopolitan Bishops, by which hee both arrogated to himselfe, and also put spirit into his successours, to claime soueraignty ouer all others.
The fourth step.The fourth step vnto Romish vsurpation was by the murder of Mauritius the Emperour and his children, most treacherously slaine by his subiect and seruant Phooas. After wch bloody fact,Vid. Platinā & Paulū diaconū in gestis Lōgobarder. that he might find fauor with the Romish Prelate, being then of great estimation, & by him be receiued as Emperour, Phocas gaue vnto the Pope Bonifacius the third this preheminence, that the seat of Peter should be esteemed and honoured as the head of all Churches. Now was the window opened to all their glory, and the Papall Monarchy prospered apace.
The fift scale or round of their ladder,The fift step. by which they ascended,About the yeare 620. was the abiding all this time of the Roman Emperours in Greece, where they made Constantinople the chamber of the Empire. For while Mahomet the first Turkish Emperour against the Persians, Egyptians, and Greekes made warre, and fought two and twenty battailes, Italy was neglected, and the Kings of France and Lombardie tooke oportunity to vexe the Roman state, and so grew vp to bee a terrour to the Greekish Emperours.About the yeare 653. Then into the fauour of the French and Lombards the Romish Bishops did creepe by insinuation, and so began more and more to despise the Emperors. Insomuch that Eugenius the first tooke the secular sword into his hand.Geneb. Chron. l. 3. About the yeare 711. And Constantinus, the first Pope of that name, not long after presumed to giue his feet to be kissed vnto Iustinian the Emperour; his maister. He also commanded the people not to receiue Phillipicus the Emperour,Diac. l. 18. because he was an Heretique.
The sixt scale was the fauour of the Emperour Constantinus, the sonne of Constance the Emperour, who,The sixt step. This Constan. began to raigne about the yeare 670. moued with the holinesse of Pope Benedict the second, ordained, that whom the clergy, the people, and the Army elected Pope, him all men should receiue as the Vicar of Christ,Sleid. l. 2. de quat. sum. imp. not expecting the confirmation either of Emperor, or Exarch of Italy. This being obtained, now the Pope boldly pulled his neck out of the obedience of the Emperour.
The seauenth stepThe seuenth step. of Romish arrogance was occasioned by the good Emperour Leo, who,Gregory was Pope an. 714. and sat 16. yeare & 9 months. Geneb. l. 3. in Chron. for that he abolished images out of Churches, and brake the same, was eagerly persecuted by Gregory the second, Bishop of Rome: and for this cause, the man of Rome and of sinne, discharged his subiects from paying him tribute, and tooke from him all Hesperia, Ex Szeged. Aemilia, Liguria, and Italy; and brought to ruine the Empire of the Greeks. Platina ex Sigib. This example Gregory the third also followed, and did excommunicate the Emperour Leo, and deposed him.
The eighth meanes of the growing vp of the little Horne the Romish Babel,The eighth step. was the ambition of Luithprandus King [Page 754] of Lombardie. Who affecting to bee Emperour besieged Rome, Vid. Bull. in 2. Thes. 2. Rome refuseth the help of the Emperour. and raised much trouble in Italy. Which to resist, the Romane Bishop Gregory refusing to seeke help from the Emperour of Greece, sent vnto Carolus Martellus a potent subiect of France, and of great name, to aide and assist him against the rage of Luithprandus, which Martellus vndertooke, and by gentle perswasions withdrew Luithprandus from the walls of Rome. Thus the Pope was beholding now to Carolus Martellus, and endeauoured by all meanes to requite so great a benefite. Wherefore Pipinus the sonne of Carolus, a man full of ambition, and greedy of a Kingdome, obtained of Zachary the Pope successour of Gregory, to depose his Master Chilpericus the lawfull King of France from his royall seat, and to constitute him in his place. This the wicked Pope to bring to passe, pretended that it was meeter, that Pipine should enioy the Crowne, who cared for the gouernement, then Chilperick, who onely was King in name, neglecting the gouernement.Vid Bullinger. in 2. Thes 2. Pipine thus now by treason and falshood seated in his Maisters throne, and therein by the Pope approued, gratifieth the Romane Bishop Stephen the second then sitting in that Chaire, by aiding him against Aystulphus the King of Lombardy; forcing the said King to yeeld vp vnto the Pope the Exarchy of Rauenna, with all that lyeth between Padus and the Appennine: from Placentia also to the Venetian lake, together with that which lieth within the Riuer Isaurus, Testis huius historiae Platina et Caus. 15. cap. allus. and all that lyeth betweene the Appennine, and the Hadriatik Sea, and whatsoeuer Aystulphus had amongst the Sabines and Hetrurians.
Charles the great, sonne of Pipine, following his Fathers example, at the request of Adrian the Pope goeth into Italy with a great armie against Desiderius the last King of Lombardie, ouerthroweth him, and casteth him out of his Kingdome. And, as he gratified Adrian, so also hee assisted Pope Leo his successour, who was cast into prison, and accused of diuers crimes. But Charles the French King deliuereth him from captiuitie: restoreth him to his dignitie: banisheth Campulus and Paschalis his accusers:Circa annum 803. confirmeth his Fathers [Page 755] gift: honoureth the Popes Chaire. Now then to requite this great fauour of Corolus Magnus, Leo assembling the people into the Church of Saint Peter, after much solemnitie declareth him Emperour. Euer after this the Romane Bishops chalenged, vnto themselues, the sole power to consecrate the Emperour, to anoint, and enthronize him.
This enterchange of fauours betwixt the house of Pipine, and the Bishops of Rome, continued in the time of Paschalis the Pope, and Lodowick the sonne of Charles. For, as formerly the Papall Sea gaue the title of most Christian Kings to Pipine: So Lodowick was by them entitled godly.Pipinus Christianissimus: Lodouicus Pius. Dist. 63. ego Lodouicus. Wherefore he also, to remunerate the Romane Bishops, goeth beyond all Emperours, and indueth the Chaire of Pestilence, First, with power to choose and elect the Emperour: then with so many Segniories, Prouinces, and Countreys, that now his temporall state is growne vp vnto a great and mighty Kingdome. For from this Lodouicus Pius they receiue the Citie of Rome with all her Iurisdictions, Lands, Cities, Ports, Hauens, all the Sea coasts of Hetruriae, the old towne Balneum Regium, Ʋiterbium, Senna, Populania, Rosellae, Perusium, Maturanum, Sutrium. Towards Campania, Arania, Signia, Serentinum, Alatrum, Patricum, Fensinonum, Ex Ra [...]hael. Volaterano in gest. Pipi [...] et Caroli l. 3. Geograph. with al the towns and villages about them: the Exarchate also of Rauenna; viz: Bouium Amiliani, Forum populi, Forum Liuij, Imola, Bononia, Ferraria, Comaclum, Adria, Ceruia. To these adde Pisaurum, Fanum, Senogallia, Ancona, Anxinum, Numana, Esum, Forum Sempronij, Feretrum, Vrbinum, Territorium, Valmense, Callium, Luceoli, Egubium. In Campania, Sora, Arquireum, Arpinum, Vid Bulling. in 2. Thes. 2. et Sz [...]gedi. in spec. Pontif. Theonum, Capua. Likewise Primmonia, Beneuent, Salernitanum, Calabria, Naples, the Spoletan Dukedome, Tuderotriculum, Neruia, and the Cities thereof: the Ilands of the lower Sea; Corsica, Sardinia, Sicilia.
In all this grant of Lodouicus Pius there is no mention of the donation of Constantine, Dist. 96. Constantinus. nor of any Lands or Territories by him giuen vnto the Romish Church, howsoeuer the Romanists boast thereof. And surely, that Donation, whereof in his distinctions Gratian doth make mention, is a [Page 756] most false and impudent fiction. Wherfore vnto the Pope enquiring of their Embassadour, how it came to passe that the Ʋenetians got into their hands the tollage and custom of the Adriatick Sea: The Embassadour answered; they maruelled that the Pope required them to shew their priuiledges, wherof he himselfe had the keeping. For if it would please his holinesse to looke on the backside of the instrument of the Donation of Constantine, there he should finde this their dominion written in faire letters. Pius secundus was wont to say, he maruelled the miserable Canonists did so vexe themselues in disputation concerning a thing that neuer was. To conclude therefore; so many haue by euident arguments ouerthrowne this fiction, that Philippus Morneus saith, it is now onely beleeued of them that haue no learning. I remit the reader concerning this suborned and lying fiction, to the learned disputations of Laurentius Valla, Raphael, Volateranus, Andreas Alceatus, Huldericus Huttenus, Iohn Fox, Philippus Camerarius.
The last step which brought the Romish church to this Gigantean greatnes,Iohn the twelfth was made Pope anno 955. ex Geneb. lib. 4. sed alij 958. is the translation of the Empire from France to Almain by Pope Iohn the twelfth. Who after many succesfull battailes fought by Otho the German King, and the ouerthrowing of Berengarius in Italy, and diuers other vvorthy acts, crowned, anointed, and entitled him Emperour of Germany. For which the Emperour againe sware fealty to the Pope after this manner; To the Lord Iohn Pope I King Otto doe promise and sweare by the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, by the wood of the quickening Crosse, and by these reliques of Saints, That if by the Lords permission I shall come to Rome,First Popes sware fidelitie to Emperours and were chosen by them: now Emperours sweare fidelitie to Popes and are confirmed by them. Vide Sleid. lib. 3. de 4. Sim. imp. Dist. 63. tibi domino I will exalt the holy Romane Church and the gouernour thereof: Neither shalt thou euer loose any member, life, or honour thou hast, by my counsell, procuring, or consent; and I will ordaine nothing that belongeth vnto thee, and the Romanes, vvithout thy consent. All the lands of Saint Peter that I haue, I will restore, and to whomsoeuer I commit the gouernment of Italy, I wil make him sweare, that he shall be an helper vnto thee in defending [Page 757] the lands belonging to Saint Peter.
Thus you see, by what degrees the Romane Prelates haue mounted vp vnto the top of the Tower of Babel, and haue set their throne beside the Starres of God.Es [...]y 14.13. So that now they presume to lift vp, to throw downe, to kill, to make aliue, to binde, to loose, to excommunicate, release, and depose; yea, to murther both King and Emperour, whosoeuer standeth in their way, and is any hinderance to their ambition. Finally, they haue so brought it to passe, that there is no church but the Romane:Papae est Episcopus totius orbu. l. 5. Sexti soelicis, in Gloss. no Bishop, noLib. 3. Sext. tit. 16.1. cap. periculos [...] in Gless. King, no Caesar, but the Pope; The Pope hath the principalitie of the whole world. WherforeNapier. 20. Apoc. vid. etiam. Sleid. de 4. Sim. imp. l. 3. ann. 1300 Boniface the eighth, who first after the rite of the old Iudaisme ordained the first Iubilee, was clothed one day in his Pope-like Pontifical, and the next day in the royall Robe of an Emperour, hauing two swords carried before him.
Here we see the Prophecie of the binding vp and loosing of Sathan for a thousand yeares plainely fulfilled. For afterApoc. 13.5. the two and forty moneths, wherein power was giuen to the Heathen Tyrants of old Rome to shed the bloud of Saints, were come to an end; which moneths being counted by Sabbaths of yeares, after the example of the sixty nine weekes in Daniel, and euery moneth standing for seauen yeares, amount to two hundreth ninety foure yeares, being the time betweene the eighteenth yeere of Tiberius, vnder whom Christ suffered, and the later end of Maxentius, subdued by Constantine the Great, with whom Heathen persecution ended. To this if you adde the thousand yeares, wherein Satan was bound vp, the full number of one thousand two hundred ninety foure yeares ariseth; at what time Satan began againe to bee loosed;Ottoman began his raigne anno 1300 ex Genebr. but others say He began his raigne anno 1296 vid. Napier. in Apoc. This account doth little differ from Master Io. Fox l. 5. act. constit. super Cathedram. Ottoman the Turke beginginning his raigne much about this time. When also Boniface the eight (of whom wee haue spoken) playing Rex at Rome, made the sixt booke of Decretalls, and gaue vnreasonable Priuiledges to Friers, both against Bishops and Ministers.
CHAP. XXXIX. Of the markes and tokens of Antichrist.
THe corruption of the true doctrine of Iesus Christ, the most internall and essentiall marke of Antichrist, I haue in the former bookes already discoursed of. Now let vs behold the outward and externall tokens, whereby the Man of sinne, the abominable desolation and mysterie of iniquitie, may be knowne. In which Suruey, omitting the hidden and darker signes of Prophecie, I will onely gather together some of the plainest, readiest, and most open tokens of Antichrist which in the holy Scripture are deliuered.
Pride & ambition the first Marke of Antichrist.First, that sinne which was the beginning of sinnes both in Angels and proud men; proud and ambitious elation, is also the most eminent, and essentiall note of the first begotten of Satan, the Antichristian church. For of all pride what can be greater, then to chalenge vnto himselfe, that hee hath the fulnesse of power, infallibilitie of vnderstanding, and that he hath allPapa caeleste habet iudicium l. 1. decr. tit. 7 Can. qu [...] niam de renunctatione. heauenly iudgements in himselfe; So that if the whole world iudge against him, yetCans. 9. q. 3. cap. nemo. to his sentence we must stand? as also to suffer himselfe to bee calledPontifex Ro. deus est. dist. 96. cap. satis euidenter. God and Christ? This marke our Sauiour Christ gaue of his great enemie;Aug. tract. 29. in Ioh. versus finem. He that speaketh of himselfe, seeketh his owne glory. Such doth Abacuck describe the Chaldeans or Babylonians to be,Abac. 1.7. a nation terrible and fearefull; their iudgement and their dignitie shall proceed of themselues: Such doth Zephany describe Niniueh, Zeph. 2.15. a reioycing Citie, that dwelleth carelessely, and saith in her heart; I am, and there is none beside me: Such is Pharaoh the proud Egyptian portrayed in Ezechiel; Ezech. 29.3. The great Dragon that lieth in the midst of his riuers, Esay. 23.7. Ezech. 26.12. which hath said; The Riuer is mine, and I haue made it for my selfe: Such doth Esay also and Ezechiel describe Tyre to be, a glorious Citie, and rich. As the types which went before: so is the spirituall Babylon her selfe. The Romane Church, by the Lords disposition (saith one) is the Mother of all Churches: Another saith, What the branches are to [Page 759] the stocke, what the members to the head, what the beames to the Sunne, the same all other Churches ought to yeeld to the preheminence of the Romish. Let me then conclude with Hierome, Hier. in. q. 11. ad Algasiam. In the forehead of the purple whore there is written a name of blasphemy, Eternall Rome.
The second outward Marke of Antichrist is his Couetousnes:Couetousnes the second Marke of Antichrist. for such is the King of Assur described in the Prophet Esay; Esay 10.13. I haue remoued the borders of the people, and haue spoiled their treasures. Abacuck saith;Aba [...]. 1.9. They come all to spoile. In the Reuelation also, of the maruellous riches of the great whore the spirituall Babylon, the holy Ghost witnesseth, reckoning vpApoc. 18.12, 13. the ware of gold, of siluer, of precious stones, of pearle, and of fine linnen: of purple, and of silke, and of scarlet; and of all manner of Thyne wood, and vessels of Iuory, and all vessels of most precious wood, and of Brasse, and of Marble; and of Cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and Frankincense, and Wine, and oyle, and fine flower, and wheate, and beasts, and sheepe, and horses, and Chariots, and soules of men. Whom doth hee point at, thinke you? Whom doth hee describe, but the Romish church, which hath spoiled all other churches, to decke her selfe with their feathers?
Of Iue an English King they obtained, that euery fierie house in his dominion should pay a penny. Which custome long time indured, and was called by name of Romescot, or Peterpence. This Tribute was after by Ethelwolph a Monarch of England giuen a new vnto Rome, and the whole nation made tributarie. And although a reasonable man would thinke this were a sufficient pension out of one Prouince: yet the vnsatiable couetousnes of the Romish Sea could not so giue ouer, but they must haue Tenths, Taxes, Collations, Reseruations, Relaxations, Procurations, first fruits,Math. Paris. in Io. Foxe. from the Clergie also. Insomuch that Gregory the Pope in the time of Henry the third King of England, required at one time the fift part of the goods of all the English Clergy. Not long after the third part of the goods of all Ecclesiasticall persons, vnder paine of his curse: And another time, the Tenth of all moueable goods, of Ecclesiasticall, and Lay [Page 760] persons, in England and Wales, the vnsatiable Sea required.
In the time of Simon Sudbury Archbishop of Canterbury, he gate in one yeare sixty thousand Florens from the Clergy in England.
Math. Paris fol. 23. ex Io. Foxe.What should I speake of his barnes of Corne? his Vsurers and banks of money, the yearely fruit of vacant benefices demanded in England? What should I rehearse the miserable spoiling of France and Germany by his intolerable exactions, Rents, Reuenewes, Pardons, Palls?
In the yeare 1246. the Pope decreed, that the goods and money of all Bishops and Priests deceased in England vntestate should be taken to his vse.
It is impossible to expresse the infinite increase which doth arise to them. In the yeere one thousand fiue hundred thirtie eight, the Popes first fruits out of Europe came to the summe of 2468043. Florens,A Floren is an Italian Crowne, foure shilling [...] sixe pence English. Ex Theatro Monarchia Papales Anglice scripto. & 900000. Florens, which he made of Elections, Dispēsations, Pluralities, Tolerations, Bulls, & such like. In the daies of Martin the fift, 9000000. of gold (vvhich amounteth to the summe of nine times a thousand thousand crownes) came to his Coffers out of France. Of Pope Iohn the two and twentith it is storied, that he left behinde him fiue and twenty millions of crownes. One of their owne Church, of them hath testified;
Va [...]alia n [...]bis templa, Sacerdotes, Altaria, sacra, coroner Ignes, Thura▪ pr [...]ces c [...]li [...]m est vanal [...], Deus{que}.And Baptista Mantuanus himselfe a Monke, saith; With vs the Temples, Priests, Altars, holy things, Crownes, Fire, Frankincense, Prayers, Heauen, and God himselfe, are to bee sold for money.
Cruelty the third Marke of Antichrist.The third Marke of Antichrist is Cruelty. Ieremy calleth Babylon a destroying Mountaine. In the seuenth of Daniel, The little Horne that grew vp, shall destroy the Saints: And in the eighth, he shall tread the Host of Heauen, and the Starres vnder foote. And in the Reuelation; Apoc. 17.6. Iohn saw the woman drunken [Page 761] with the bloud of the Saints, and with the bloud of the Martyrs of Iesus. Of the second Beast also it is witnessed by theApoc. 13.15. spirit, That he should cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast, to be killed. And Daniel foresheweth, that after the setting vp of the abominable desolation,Dan. 11.33. They that vnderstand among the people, shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by Captiuitie, and by spoile. Wherfore one well obserueth; Christ came into the world to shed his owne bloud: Antichrist to shed the bloud of others. Now this marke, aboue all, the Citie of bloud, the Romish Babel, hath openly in her forehead. For what more cruell destruction of men? What greater hauocke? What murthers more mercilesse haue euer any Heathen Tyrants wrought against the poore flocke of Christ, then Barbarous Papists haue done? Witnesse the cruell persecutions in Italy, Spaine, France, England, Scotland, the exquisite tortures by their inquisitours inuented; Noble persons, and meane, high and low, men, women, children, none hath their mercilesse fury spared. So that, if by killing any may goe to Heauen, The Romanists are sure, that wide open to them stand the gates thereof.
Hadrian himselfe the Pope acknowledgeth, that there was no state worse then the Papall, which was commonly gotten by bloud. So that they seemed rather successours of Romulus, then Peter. As Mithridates King of Pontus was vsed to say of the old Romans:Ex Trego Pompeio. Iustinus. So wee may as truely speake of their successors; They may well bragge, the founders of their Kingdome to haue beene nursed by a Wolfe. For they haue all stil the minds of bloudy and vnsatiable deuouring Wolues. If there were no other testimonie hereof, let the Barbarous and examplelesse gunpowder Conspiracy, to destroy our noble King▪ and Queene, the Princely Issue, our Peeres, our Bishops, our chiefest Knights, and worthiest Gentlemen, and Burgesses, our whole Kingdome with one blow, be a perpetuall mirrour of their Nero-like bloudiness, to all true English men in all ages and posteritie.
The fourth token of Antichrist is their shamelesse fornication,Whoredome the fourth Marke of Antichrist. Adultery, Sodomitry, and filthy lusts▪ not to be named [Page 762] amongst men. Babylon in the scripture is tearmed an whore, both for her spirituall and ca [...]nall fornication. Iude Iude verse 8. of the enemies of Christ noteth, that amongst the rest of their iniquitie, they are defilers of the flesh, and fleshly. And the Apostle Paul amongst the perilous manners of them in the last time recounteth,2. Tim. 3.4.6. that they shall be louers of themselues, and louers of pleasure more then louers of God: And that they shall enter into houses, and lead captiue simple women loden with sinne. Saint Peter also plainely describing the Kingdome of Antichrist saith,2. Pet. 2. that they haue eyes full of adultery, and that they walke after the flesh in the lusts of vncleannesse. Now if euer any church had this brand vpon it, the Romish may before all other bee knowne thereby. Who after with false and abominable Hypocrisie they pretend aboue all men to bee so chaste, as that they will not so much as in lawfull Matrimonie touch a woman: yet the signes of their vnsatiable lust they haue left euery where behind them. Io. Cremensis Cardinall being sent into England by the Pope to assemble a Synod,Math. Paris. et Ranulph. in Polichron. and in it to condemne all married Priests, was himselfe at night taken with a whore. Generally who were so lasciuious as their Votaries, Priests, and Monks? Robert Bloet Monke of Euesham, and Bishop of Lincolne had a sonne in Monkish chastitie called Simon, who was after Deane of the same Church; Robert Peach, Bishop of Chichester begate Richard Peach Archdeacon of Couentrie; Easten a Monke of Worcester of Wolgen a Nunne begate Saint Wolstan Bishop of the same church; Oswald one of the greatest setters vp of Monkery begate Oswald the Monke; Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester begate Wolstan a Monke; Thomas Archbishop of Yorke, begate Thomas the yonger Archbishop there also. And of Popes themselues Martin the second was sonne of Palumbus a sorcering Priest; Iohn the eleuenth was sonne of Laudo the Pope; Iohn the fourteenth was sonne of Pope Iohn the twelfth; Iohn the sixteenth, was sonne of one Leo a Priest; Benedict the eight, was sonne of Gregory a Bishop; Iohn the twelfth Pope of that name was sonne of the same Gregory; Syluester the third was sonne of Lawrence an Archpriest; Hadrian the fourth, sonne [Page 763] of Robert a Monke; Eugenius the fourth, sonne of Pope Gregory the twelfth;Vid. Szeged. in spec. Pont. Pope Clement the eight was sonne of Pope Leo the tenth; Pope Gregory the ninth, sonne of Pope Innocent the third; Pope Hadrian the fift, sonne of Innocent the fourth; Pope Gregorie the first, sonne of Pope Cl [...]ment the sixt. For shame I will not speake of their more heinous lusts▪ but stop my mouth with Mantuan; ‘Roma Mares — Noli dicere plura: scio.’
Vniuersalitie or the largenesse of dominion is the fift plaine signe of Antichrist. Sion is but a Cittadel, Large dominion the fift Marke of Antichrist. compared vvith the great Citie of Ierusalem: and the true Church but a garden to the field, a Riuer to the Sea, a Kernell to the Apple, in respect of the outward and visible Church. In the thirteenth of the Reuelation, Apoc. 13.17. None might buy nor sell, saue hee that had the marke, or the name of the B [...]ast: And in the seuenteenth of the Reuelation, Apoc. The great whore sitteth vpon many waters. Ten hornes also she had, that is, many Kingdomes subiect vnto her. As for the waters, the Angell himselfe describeth them to bee people, and folke, and nations, and tongues. Thus then you see, that the thing of which the Romish Church most braggeth; Vniuersalitie and greatnesse of Dominion, is an ineuitable Marke of Antichrist.
There is a sixt signe also, which may not be omitted,Deceitfull doctrin the sixt Marke of Antichrist. wherwith Christ himselfe hath branded the great deceiuerMath. 24.5. Many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ. I confesse there haue beene deceiuers, who haue chalenged this appellation vnto themselues besides the Pope: But neuer any in chalenging it did so preuaile, as to haue both the name and the office attributed to him by lawes and decrees, by Constitutions,Dist. 96. satis enid nter. Dist. de peniten. cap. Serpens Vid. Iunoc. 3. de consec. pontif. max. Man 7 Christs the seuenth signe of Antichrist. and the generall opinion of the Church. For according to the testimony of his own vassals, The Pope is God: He exerciseth the place of the liuing God on earth: all Princes of the Christian people must be subiect vnto him, as vnto Iesus Christ; For he is the Christ of God, the Lord of Pharao.
The seuenth signe is also set down by our Sauiour himselfe;M [...]th. 24.23. Marke 13.21. If any man shall say vnto you, here is Christ, or there, beleeue it [Page 764] not. Wherein our eternall Prophet presupposeth, that there shall come in the later daies diuers, who shall say; Heere is Christ, and there is Christ. But neuer any sort or kinde of men haue in this behalfe so mocked the world, as the Romish Church haue done. They haue him naturally and really in the Sacrament, locally and truely on the Altar, and in the Pix betwixt the hands of the Priest also, as an offering to God; Here is CHRIST, and there is Christ. They haue his bloud in this or that Abbey, and himselfe also in the cels of many a Monke; See heere, see there. Hee was at dinner with SaintRo. Bre. in fest. Greg. lect. 5. Romā rediens. Gregory the Pope. Martin Ro. Bre. in fest. Mart. lec. 4. Martin Sabarte. gaue him a peece of a cloake to couer his nakednesse. Hee appeared toRo. Bre. in fest. Sanc. Pet Alex. Peter Bishop of Alexandria in a torne coat: and beeing asked why he did so, the answer was, because the Arrians had torne the Church in peeces.Leg L [...]mb. in nat. Christi. fol. 9 pag. 2. ex Pet. Clun. The virgin mother shewed him to Hugh the Abbot in her armes, and he plaid with him. A woman, that laught when S. Gregorie preached Christ to be really present in the Sacramēt, saw a portion of the Hoast turned into flesh about the bignesse of a finger. To anotherPromp. exēp. 27. womā that earnestly desired to receiue the sacramēt, Christ himself did minister it. ToLeg. Lomb. in vita Bern. Bernard also Christ appeared like a new borne babe. He appearedIn vita Aug. to Austen the Monk in Dorcetshire. To St. Edmund Ex Leg non. Ang. in Edin. in a meadowe by Oxford. In the wilderness of Chersen Ro Bre. in Clem. lect. 5. in the likenesse of a Lamb. ToLucas Pin [...]lla Iesu [...]t. mirac. de Sacramento. a Iew in the likenes of a little childe at the eleuation of the Hoste; The same sight another godly & deuout Priest obtained also. St. Christoph. bare him on his shoulders. Sūdry more I could nominate: but let these shameless exāples be thoght sufficiēt.
Opposi ion to Christ the eighth marke of Antichrist.Let vs proceed vnto the eighth token and brand of Antichrist, which is aduersation and enmity against Iesus Christ. Which marke we finde deliuered by Saint Paul, calling Antichrist aduersary.2 Thes. 2.4 Now that the Romanists are aduersaries, the detractions from Christ in all his offices, both in their Missalls and Legends,Nou. L [...]g. Aug. fol. 3 [...]2. in v. 1 [...] Wolstan. do euidently declare. The Legend of England telleth a tale of an Archdeacon and an Abbot, who praying together, the Archdeacon suddainly reproued the Abbot, saying; If thou loue me, vse not the matter so againe. [Page 765] For thou hast praied so earnestly, that Iesus Christ,Detractions from Christs omnipotency and the vbiquity of his Godhead. whom I visibly saw present at our praiers, by the violence of thy petitions forsooke me, and turned vnto thee. What blasphemy can be greater? as though Christ sufficed not vnto the prayers of all, but were so intentiue to one, that hee forsooke another. The like tale they haue of Dunstan; Ibid. in S. Dunst. that vvhen hee should die, Christ sent vnto him to come vnto him,Detraction from Christs wisdome. if hee were ready: but he answered; this day the people are assembled to heare a Sermon, whom I may not defraud; therefore I cannot come to day.
To conclude, so basely they esteeme of Christ,Ille est proprius et ordinarius minister Sacramenti, qui habet potestatem super corpus Christi verum. Man. Curat. c. 4. fol. 10. that they teach, euery Masse-priest hath power ouer his body. So speaketh Manipulus Curatorum; He is the proper Minister of Sacraments, who hath power ouer the true body of Christ.Auth. suppl. 3. part. q. 17. art. 3. And another saith, that the power the Priest hath ouer the mysticall body of Christ, proceeds from the power hee hath ouer the very body of Christ. Wherefore, in this behalf the Legend of Lombardy aduanceth not onely the Pope, but euery Priest, aboue Christ Iesus. For he saith,Detraction from Christs manhood It is great power to make one thing of another, as to make man of the earth: it is greater to make something of nothing, as the Lord made heauen and earth: but to make the Creatour of the creature, is of all powers the greatest. This God hath not giuen to any Angell, but to the Priests, who by the diuine vertue, turne the kindes of bread and wine into his body & bloud. Cyprian, if hee were authour of that Sermon,Cyp. in ser. d [...] nat. which vnder his name is read touching the natiuitie of Christ, saith, that the Prophet Ieremy calleth Christ a man,Ier. 31.22 Mulier circundabit virum. when hee was but an infant, because of his great power: but these make a childe of Christ euen to this day. Wherefore the Legend of Lombardy telleth a tale of a woman, who, for the pardon of her sinnes hauing long pleaded, and found no fauour,Leg. Lomb. in nat. Christi. fol. 9. considered that children were easily pleased. She praied therefore vnto Christ by his holy infancy, and a voice presently came vnto her, which did assure her of forgiuenesse.Qui rex fit ex pan [...]. Io 22. in orat. ad faciem Domini. Salue sancta facies. Many other disgraces they offer vnto Christ. As, when they call him a King made of bread, when they make him still to bee vnder [Page 766] the power and gouernment of his mother; as the Missall saith, Make thy sonne propitious. And Bonauenture; Iure Matris impera, Command by the right of a Mother. Michael de Hungaria saith, As other come to Christ by supplication: so Anne his grandmother hath right both to require & command Christ himselfe. Costerus therefore vrgeth, that the King of heauen doth nothing to vs, but by the vvill of his Mother.Detraction from Christs diuinity. From his diuine Maiestie also they detract, when they offer him vp to God for the honour of Saints: vvhen they desire,Miss. Sar. in dic S. Andr. praeceptis salutaribus. that for the merit of Saints he may bee effectuall in his office vnto them. Whereof in the Missalls there are sundry testimonies.
Dissolutenesse of conuersation in the heads & members, the ninth marke of Antichrist. Zeph. 3.3.4Lastly, the prophane and dissolute life of the heads and members of the Antichristian body in all kinde of abominations, is an outward mark which doth plainly bewray them.
Of the corrupted state of the Iewes, the liuely image of Antichrist, the Prophet Zephany saith; Her rulers within her are as roaring Lions: her iudges are as Wolues in the euening, which leaue nothing behinde them to the morning: her Prophets are light persons, and vnfaithfull men: her priests haue polluted the sanctuary, and wrested the lawe.
Ier. 2.21Of backesliding Israell the Prophet Ieremy complaineth; I planted thee a noble vine, and wholly a right seed: How art thou then turned into a bitter, vnfruitfull, and strange grape?
As the wicked Israelites, who, being a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a royall Priesthood, turned from the Lord, and in all kinde of filthinesse corrupted their waies, doe expresse the defection of the Church from all righteousnes and integrity, to all filthinesse & corruption which is in the Antichristian state to be seen: so the great Whore, the great Babylon in the Reuelation is described,Apoc. 17.3.5 to be a multitude of wicked and abominable persons, full of names of blasphemie, the mother of whoredomes and abominations of the earth,Cap. drunken with the bloud of Saints, abounding in fornications, full of pleasure, glorious, wanton; whose sinnes go vp vnto heauen. For what else did the confusion of tongues in the first Babylon foreshew, but the confusion of manners in [Page 767] the second Babylon? And this perhaps the Prophet also meaneth by the Owles, Ostriches, Cats, Apes, Dragons, that in the pleasant palaces thereof shall dwell.
Surely, besides the swarmes of idle, swinish and seditious Iesuites, Seminaries, Monkes, Friers: and besides the multitude of vncleane Beasts, Adders Vultures, Cardinals, Inquisitors, Protonotaries, Notaries, Dataries, Treasurers, Clarks of the Chamber, Penitentiaries, and such like, whose good conuersation to the whole world is knowne; I thinke, that all the Bishopricks in England, France, and Spaine, cannot shew so many prophane persons, vngodly Beasts, and Idoll Shepheards, as in that one chaire of Rome haue sate. I will Marshall them into their orders, as I haue gathered them out of their owne authors. Math. Paris. Sigebert, Platina, Onuphrius, Genebrard.
- Sergius 3. with Marozia.
- Lando. 1.
- Iohn 2. with Theodora.
- Iohn 12.
- Ioh. 13. who defloured Virgins and pilgrims, & made the Lateran palace a Stewes.
- Alexander 6.
- Iohn 14.
- Iohn 19.
- Iohn 21.
- Iohn 24.
- Benedict 6.
- Benedict 9.
- Stephen 8.
- Christopher, who by Whores got his Popedome.
- Clement 6.
- Alexander 3.
- Alex. 6.
- Gregory 9.
- Iulius 2.
- Iulius 3.
- Leo 10.
- Sixtus 4.
- Alexander 6.
- Iohn 24.
- Clemens 8.
- Benedict 1.
- Iohn 13.
- Iohn 14.
- Paul 3.
- Leo 10.
- Iulius 3.
- Paulus 3.
- Alexander 6.
- Innocent 4.
- Gregory 7.
- Paul 3.
- [Page 768]Alexander 6.
- Iohn 13.
- Ʋictor. 3.
- Vrban. 2.
- Iohn 11.
- Paul 3.
- Sixtus 4.
- Lucius 3.
- Iohn 13.
- Iohn 8.
- Leo 10.
- Nicholas 5.
- Gregory 9.
- Benedic. 9.
- Greg. 6.
- Leo 10.
- Innocent 8.
- Syluest. 3.
- Gregory 6.
- Gregory 12.
- Iohn 18.
- Iohn 13. cut off the hands, fingers, noses, stones, plucked out the eyes, cut out the tongues of Cardinals.
- Bonif. 7. put out the eyes of Iohn 15.
- Paschal 2. a persecutor of the Emperour Henry 4.
- Iohn 14. hung vp Peter, gouernour of the City, by the hayre.
- Greg. 9. author of many troubles.
- Ʋrbanus 6. a vexer of his Cardinals.
- Bonif. 8. persecuter of the Gibilines.
- Innocent 7.
- Innocent 4.
- Clemens 6.
- Stephen 6.
- Sergius 3. firebrands of their time, cruel and tumultuous spirits.
- Marcellus.
- Alexander 6.
- Paul 3.
- Syluest. 2.
- Benedict 9.
- Iohn 13.
- Clement 8.
- Gregory 7.
- Iohn 19.
- Iohn 20.
- Iohn 21.
- Sergius 4.
- Benedict 8.
- Syluester 3.
- Gregory 6.
- Clement 2.
- Damas. 2.
- Leo 9.
- Victor. 2.
- Steph. 9.
- Benedict 10.
- Nichol. 2.
- Alex. 2.
- All the Popes from Syluester 2. to Gregory 7. were famous Sorcerers.
- Iohn 24.
- Martin 4.
- Iohn 22.
- Bonif. 3.
- Martin 5.
- Bonif. 8.
- Hadrian 4.
- Alexander 3.
- Stephen 2.
- Damas. 2.
- Constantinus 1.
- Benedict. 3.
- Iohn 17.
- [Page 769]Leo 4.
- Bonif. 1.
- Symachus
- Bonif. 2.
- Syluerius.
- Martin 2.
- Formosus 1.
- Theodorus 2.
- Benedict 4.
- Sergius 3.
- Iohn 10.
- Gregory 6. Of these some came in by their ambition, others proudly ruled, contemned Princes and Magistrates.
- Leo 10. who called the Gospell of Christ a fable.
- Alexander 6.
- Syluester 2.
- Paul 3.
- Benedict 9.
- Iohn 13.
- Clement 8.
- Greg. 7. who threw the Sacrament into the fire.
- Iulius 3.
- Bened. 7.
- Bened. 9.
- Serg. 3.
- Eugen. 4.
- Iohn 9.
- Iohn 21.
- Anastasius 2.
- Liberius.
- Felix 2.
- Honorius.
- Leo.
- Iohn 22.
- Celestinus.
- Innocent 2.
- Iulius 2.
- Gregory 9.
- Clement 4.
- Innocent 3.
- Paul 3.
- Alexander 6.
- Alexander 3.
- Gregory 2.
- Zachary.
- Gregory 7.
- Bened. 12.
- Paschal. 2.
- Hadrian. 4.
- Gregory 9.
- Iulius 2.
- Gregory 3.
- Martin 2.
- Iohn 2.
- Iohn 12.
- Iohn 14.
- Iohn 16.
- Bened. 8.
- Syluester 3.
- Hadr. 4.
- Eugen. 4.
- Clement. 8.
- Greg. 9.
- Hadrian. 5.
- Greg. 11.
These are the Shepheards, to whose voyce euery one is bound to hearken: these are the watch-men of the Romish Tower, whose liues so beastly, whose conuersation so scandalous hath beene; that, not as the people so the Priest: But worse then the tayle, is the head become. Wherefore I cannot blame that learned man who said; Since Gregorie the great, there hath beene no Pope at all. Neither can they dislike with their owne Poet, which at the promotion of such vile persons to the highest dignity, saith;
Other outward tokens of Antichrist there are; Idolatry, false and lying wonders, and such like: Of which in the former Tracts I haue discoursed. Let vs now go to the certainty of the destruction and ruin of Antichrist.
CHAP. XL. Of the certainety of the destruction and abolishing of Antichrist.
MAny yeares haue the soules vnder the Altar, who were killed for the word of God, with loud voyces cryed;Apoc. 6.10. How long tarryest thou, O Lord, holy and true? Exod. 2.23.24 For many yeares did the children of Israel sigh by reason of their bondage, and cryed out of the Egypt of their captiuity before they were deliuered: Many a bitter grone they gaue, and for long time they also shed many a bitter teare, before they were deliuered from the yoke of the King of Assur, and the thraldome of the earthly Babylon. And are there not many now,Lam. 5.17.18 whose heart is full of heauinesse, because of the Hill of Sion? Math. 5.6. who hunger and thirst after righteousnesse, and long to see the iudgement of the great spirituall Whore,Apoc. 19.1. and to sing the Alleluia of their deliuerance? Wherefore, for the consolation of all such, let vs speake a word or two touching the breaking of the rod of the oppressor, and the time which is determined ouer the Beast. And that we may [Page 771] the more orderly proceed herein, we will first shew, that Babylon must be and shall be destroyed: Secondly, wee will describe the manner of the destruction, how fearefull and terrible it shall be, and how her friends and enemies shall behaue themselues therein: Thirdly, we will, as farre as the Scriptures of truth giue vs warrant, point at the very time of her desolation.
That Antichrist shall bee destroyed, and the shamelesse Strumpet receiue the meed and due reward of her deserts, The Prophecies both in the old and new Testament doe so assuredly declare, that, as he speaketh in the Poet,
So the Prophets make such certaine account of Babels confusion, that they haste it euen with words of the present tense, as though it were now in hand, and now a doing.
Esay saith,Esay 21.9. Babylon is fallen, it is fallen, and all the Images of her Gods hath hee smitten downe to the ground.
Ieremy saith,Ier. 51.8. Suddenly is Babylon fallen and destroyed.
Of the destruction of Gog and Magog, by which many vnderstand the Pope and the Turke, the two great enemies of Christ, and the deliuery of Israel from their tyrannie, the Prophet Ezechiel with the same confidence speaketh;Ezech. 39.8. Behold it is come, and it is done (saith the Lord God) This is the day whereof I haue spoken.
Esay therefore againe of the ruine of Babylon proclaimeth;Esay 14. Her destruction shall grow into a prourebe, and a mockery: how happeneth it, that the oppressor leaueth off? is the golden tribute come to an end? yea, euen the firre trees, and Cedars of Libanus, reioyce at thy fall: Hell also beneath trembleth to meet thee at thy comming, and for thy sake hath raysed his dead. All mighty men and Princes of the earth: All Kings of the earth stand vp from their seats, that they may all answer and speake vnto thee; Art thou become weake also as we? Art thou become like vnto vs? In the seuen and fortieth chapter also;Esay Sit in the dust O daughter Babylon, sit vpon the ground: There is no Throne, O thou daughter of Chaldea, for thou shalt bee no more called tender and [Page 772] pleasant. Bring forth the Querne, and grinde meale: Vntrusse thy broydered haire, put off thy shooes, make bare thy knees, and wade through the water Riuers: Thy filthinesse shall be discouered, and thy priuities shall be seens; for I will auenge me of thee, and will shew no mercy to thee, as I do to other men.
In the thirteenth chapter, he foresheweth also the vtter desolation of Babylon; so that there shall be no more dwelling there from generation to generation:Esay 13.21.22 But fearefull wilde beasts shall lye there: the houses shall bee full of greas Owles: Ostriches shall dwell there: and the Apes shall dance there: wilde Cats shall cry in the Palaces, and Dragons shall bee in the pleasant Palaces.
As of the Typicall and earthly Babylon the Prophets: so of spirituall Babylon, the Holy Ghost in the new Testament also by the pen of Apostles and Euangelists prophesieth an heauy and finall destruction.
The Apostle Paul 2. Thess. 2.8.12. sheweth, that the end of the abominable desolation is, to be reuealed, consumed, destroyed.
And Iude graphically describing the man of sinne, and the whole body of that abomination, saith, out of Enoch: Iude v. 14.15 Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of Saints, to giue iudgement against all men, and to rebuke all that are vngodly among them, of their vngodly deeds which they haue vngodlily committed, and of all their cruell speakings, which vngodly sinners haue spoken against him.
Aboue all other testimonies, in the Reuelation Saint Iohn doth most plainely witnesse the ruin of Babell. For, euen as the former Prophets: so he also speaketh of her destruction in the present tense, as a thing decreed with the Lord, and in hand to be executed: For so the Angell pronounceth;Apoc. 14.8. It is fallen, it is fallen, Babylon that great Citie; for shee made all Nations drinke of the wine of her fornication. The ten hornes of the beast also (he saith) shall fight against the Lamb, but hee shall ouercome them; Apoc. 17.14. Ibid. 8. And againe, the Beast shall ascend out of the bottomelesse pit, and goeth into perdition: So likewise in the eighteenth chapter,Apoc. 18. [...]. The Angell cryed mightily, and with a strong voyce; great Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the [Page 773] habitation of diuels, and the Hold of all foule spirits, and a Cage of all vncleane and hatefull birdes; And another Angell saith,Ibid. ver. 8.9.10. Her plagues shall come in one day; death, and sorrow, and hunger, and she shall be vtterly brent with fire; for strong is the Lord which iudgeth her. The Kings of the earth which haue committed fornication, and liu [...]d wantonly with her, when they shall see the smoake of her burring, standing a farre off for feare of the punishment, shall say; Alas, Alas, that great Citie Babylon, that mighty Citie! for at one houre is thy iudgement come. In the same chapter also,Ver. 21. A mighty Angell▪ tooke vp a stone like a great Milstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying, with such violence shall the great Citie Babylon bee cast, and shall bee found no more. Hereto agreeth the Prophecie of Sibylla, who foresheweth,Lib. 8. par. tibi de coele sublimi vertitur. Roma. &c. that before the end of the world, the wrath of God, and woefull vengeance, with fire, and bloud, and desolation, shall fall vpon Rome.
To this I might adde the Prophecie of Methodius, which saith, that among the rest of Nations, Persia, Armenia, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Syria, Egypt, the East part of Asia, Spaine, Graecia, France, Germany, Agathonia, Sicilia, the Romanes also, shall be slaine and put to flight. But I relye vpon the holy Prophecies of the Spirit of Truth himselfe in the volumes of Canonicall Scriptures.
CHAP. XLI. Of the manner and time of the destruction of Antichrist.
COncerning the dominion and destruction of Antichrist sundry vaine & friuolous conceits men haue had, while not attending, nor diligently searching the Scriptures of saluation, they content themselues with the common opinion and errour of the multitude; which is,Rhemist. in 11. Apoc. Sic Haym. in 13. Apoc. that Antichrist shall raigne 3. yeares and an halfe, and then be iudged. Many thinkTho. Aquin. that Enoch and Elias before his destruction (the one being a witnes concerning the time before the Law: the other of the time in the Lawe) shall appeare againe in the world, and that [Page 774] after this, Antichrist shall be slaine in his Tabernacle on the Mount Oliuet.
The ProphetMal. 4.5. Malachy indeed witnesseth, that Elias shall come before the great day of the Lord. But our Sauiour, the best Interpreter, saith;Mark. 9.13. Elias is come, and they haue done to him whatsoeuer they would: Wherefore he callethMat. 11.14. Iohn Baptist, Elias.
The eleuenth of the Reuelation also speaketh ofApoc. 11.3.5. two Witnesses: which place some expound of the two Testaments; the Law, and the Gospell.
Some, by the number of two Witnesses vnderstand, that Christ shall during the whole time of the rage of the Beast, raise vp a few VVitnesses, which shall not giue their name to the Beast, nor receiue his marke; but shall make war against him. Out of whose mouthes fire shall come to deuoure their enemies, that is, the word of God, and the preaching of the Gospell by them shall confound the aduersaries thereof.
To thinke as Papists do, that these two VVitnesses shall be Henoch and Elias in their own persons, is a grosse and foolish dotage. For the spirit of God doth not call the two VVitnesses that shall be raised vp, Henoch and Elias: but two Ibid. ver. 4. Oliue Trees, and two Candlestickes. If this place should be interpreted according to the letter, the VVitnesses must carry fire in their mouthes, and they must haue power to shut Heauen during the time of their Prophecie; which being one thousand two hundred and sixty daies Propheticall, then it followeth of necessitie, that all planting and sowing, buying and selling, must be giuen ouer, contrary to the doctrine of Iesus Christ himselfe, who saith; ThatLuk. 17.29.30. As in the daies of Lot they did eat, they draenke, they bought, they sould, they planted, they builded, the same day that Lot went out of Sodome: euen thus shall it be in the day when the Sonne of Man is reueiled. Yea, this also is contrary to the promise of the Lord, thatGen. 8.22. Soweing tim [...] and Haru [...]st, cold and heate, Winter and Summer, day and night, shall not cease all the dayes of the earth.
But to know the manner of Antichrists destruction, there is no better way then to hearken to the Apostle Paul, who [Page 775] vnto his Thessalonians maketh three degrees of the destruction of the abominable desolation. For he saith,2. Thess. 2.8. Then that wick [...]d man shall be reuealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming.
The first step of the ruin of Babylon, The beginni [...]g of the ruin of Antichrist. is the reuealing and searching of her thorough with Lanthornes and Torches; the discouering of her filthinesse.
Of Edom, a notable Type of Antichrist Abdias prophesieth;Obediah v. 6. How are the things of Esau sought vp, and his treasures searched? So also before Iosuah went to besiege Iericho, the very glasse of the Antichristian Babylon, Ios. 2.1. Hee first sent Spies to view the Land and the Citie also. The Prophet Daniel saith,Dan. 7.26. The iudgement shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion. By which, may be very well vnderstood the excommunication of the Antichristian doctrine according to the rule of Scriptures; as in that ancient prophecie of Sibylla Erithraea is found; The destruction of Antichrist shall be by Lynnen. By which, no doubt, she meant,Out of the book of the second coming of Christ. that bookes of Paper made of Lynnen, should examine Antichrist, and confute him.
The second meanes of the destroying of Antichrist,The progresse to the destruction of Antichrist. the Apostle saith shall bee by the preaching of the Gospell, in these words:2. Thess. 2.8. Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth. This S. Iohn also alludeth to, when he teacheth,Apoc. 19.13.15. that out of the mouth of him that is called the Word of God, goeth a sharp sword. By which, the preaching and doctrine of the Gospell is vnderstood.
At the destructionIosu. 6. of Iericho the Priests blew with Trumpets; by which the preaching of the Gospell was signified: And the people shouted; which may well fore-shew the embracing of the VVord, and the entertainement thereof with much ioy: and vpon this the walles of Iericho fell downe, so that the people went vp into the Citie euery man straight before him.
Let vs returne againe to the Reuelation of Saint Iohn, who fore-sheweth plainely the consuming of Antichrist by the [Page 776] preaching of the Gospell. For in the eleuenth chapter twoApoc. 11. VVitnesses are raised vp to prophecie.
In the foureteenth chapter also, before the fall of Babylon was pronounced,Apoc. 14.6. there was another Angell, Which did flie in the midst of heauen, hauing the euerlasting Gospell to preach vnto them that dwell vpon the earth, and to all Nations, and klured [...], and tongues, and people. This place manifestly declareth, that before the finall fall and ouerthrow of Babylon, there shall bee an age, wherein the Gospell ouer the whole earth shall bee truely and sincerely preached.
These Prophecies wee see before our eyes manifestly performed. For, as the Lord from time to time had alwaies some faithfull teachers, signified by the two VVitnesses in the Reuelation, which much bewailed the captiuity of Gods Church vnder the spirituall Babylon; and haue searched and sought out her hidden Idolatry, and mysticall wickednesse; As Guil. de sancto amore, Marsilius, Patauinus, Ockam, Robertus Gallus, Robert Grosthead, Petrus Cuquerius, Io. Rupesciscanus, Conrad [...] Hagar, Iohn de Poliaco, Celena, Roger Bacon, Chau [...]er, Iohn Hus, Wicklif, Ierome of Prage, Petrus Iohannes, Laurence an Englishman, William Swiderby, Walter Brute, and many others▪ So of later times God hath raysed Luther, Melancthon, Zwinglius, Bullingerus, Musculus, Peter Martyr, Caluin, Beza, Zanchius, Tindal, Frith, Iewel, Fox, and thousand [...] more, instruments of his prouidence, by the preaching of the Gospell to ouerthrow the Towers of Babylon, and to consume her.
Here note, that as before his reuelation, Antichrist wrought in great darkenesse, seene and perceiued of few, vnderstood of few, (wherefore in the Scripture he is called2. Thess. 2.7. Mysteri [...]̄ mulieris. Apoc. 17. a Mysterie, or a Secret) so since his reuealing he is now open to all mens eyes.Bernar. super Qui habitat in. Ver. 6. Idem in ser. de conuers. Pauli ver. Hen Heu Domini. Aug. in Psal. 9. ex de [...]t. 4. cap. 4. Not a Diuell of the day (saith Bernard) but of the very Noone. Yet notwithstanding, he so bewitcheth his owne members, and all those that haue receiued his marke, that in their eyes he is exalted still, not as the day, but as the Sunne, which powreth light into the day: And in the opinion of them, Antichrist is so blessed, that he seemeth some God. VVherefore, though his kingdom be now shaken and [Page 777] consumed by the breath of the Lords mouth: yet many shall still adhere vnto him till the end; according to the Prophecie of Daniel; Dan. 12.10. None of the wicked shall haue vnderstanding: but the wise shall vnderstand.
The Scripture and infallible Oracles of God teach vs foure principall things, which shall fall out in this consuming of Antichrist by the breath of the Lords mouth, which is the preaching of the Gospell.
First, the members of Antichrist shall by all meanes seeke to proppe vp the ruinous towers of their falling Babylon, and to make a reconciliation betwixt the Lambe and the Beast, Christ and Antichrist. For so the Prophet witnesseth;Ier. 51.9. We would haue made Babylon whole, say they. In the eighteenth of the Reuelation the Spirit witnesseth, thatApoc. 18.9.1 [...] The Kings of the earth shall bewaile her, and lament her: And the Marchants of the earth do weep and waile ouer her. To speake the truth, this Prophecie we see apparantly performed. For what could bee done by the Louers of the Romish Prelacie, that hath not beene done to haue cured Babylon? Psal. 1. The Kings and Princes haue gathered themselues together against the Lord, and against his anointed: Councels and Synods, by Lawes: Inquis [...]ors and Bishops, by cruell tortures: Priests and Friers, by writing: Iesuites and Seminaries, by seditious plots and conspiracies, haue done their vttermost to vphold the Beast, and to keep the drunken Whore from falling.
To helpe forward, there are Achans in Israel, Iohn. 5. Papizing Diuines and Preachers, to whom the quirke of a Schooleman, and the quiddity of a Popish Postill, any Babylonish ragge, is more pleasing, then all the doctrine of the Apostles. And surely, these are no little hinderance to the going vp of the walles of the Gospell. For they would faine heale the Beast, and make an hotch potch of Religion; that they may Creti [...]e and curry fauour with these that are the louers of Babylon.
Secondly, labour they neuer so much, yet the Antichristian state must daily more and more consume, till the finall abolition. For so witnesseth the Prophet;Ier. 51.9. Wee would haue [Page 778] healed Babylon, but she is not recouered. Esay 47.11. Mischiefe (saith Esay) shall fall vpon thee, which thou shalt not bee able to put off. VVherefore he telleth plainely vnto Babylon, that herIbid. ver. 13.15 Heauen gazers, beholders of Starres, and Moone Prophete, none of them shall defend her. And in another place,Esay 14.23. I will sweet them out with the beesome of destruction. Ieremy saith,Ier. 51.14. The Lord of Hostes hath sworne by himselfe, that he will ouerwhelme thee with men like Grashoppers. And Esay concerning Babel witnesseth;Esay 14.24. The Lord of Hosts hath sworne an oath, saying, It shall come to passe, as I haue determined, and shall be fulfilled, as I haue deuised. To all you therefore be it spoken, that h [...]lt between two opinions, and would faine see a toleration of Religion, or a peace made betweene light and darkenesse;Ibid. ver. 27. If the Lord of Hosts determine a thing, who is able to disannull it?
Thirdly, the Spirit of God hath excommunicated Antichrist, and all them that take part with him, and calleth vpon all his seruants to come out of Babell. For in the foureteenth of the Reuelation the third Angell pronounceth;Apoc. 14.9, 10 If any man worship the beast and his Image, and receiue his marke in his fore-head, or in his hand, the same shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God; yea, of the pure wine, which is poured in the cup of his wrath: and hee shall be punished in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels, and before the Lambe. And in the sixteenth chapter;Apoc. 16.2. (i) There fell a noysome and sore botch vpon the men which had the Marke of the Beast, and vpon them which worshipped his Image. Ieremy saith;Ier. 51.6. Flee away from Babylon, euery man saue his life, that yee bee not rooted out with her wickednesse. And Zacharie saith;Zach. 2.6. & 7 O get you forth, flee from the Land of the North (saith the Lord) for I haue scattered you in the foure winds of the heauen (saith the Lord) saue thy selfe, O Syon, thou that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.
Fourthly, euen by those her owne ten hornes, the Kingdomes which formerly committed fornication with her, the Purple Strumpet shall come to confusion. For so the Spirit witnesseth;Apoc. 17.16 1 [...]▪ The ten hornes which thou sawest vpon the Beast, are they that shall hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate and [Page 779] naked, and shall eate her flesh, and burne her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to do with one consent, for to giue their Kingdome vnto the Beast, vntill the words of God shall be fulfilled. The Prophecie is plaine:Ibid. For as in the thirteenth and foureteenth verses of this chapter the Spirit foreshewed, that the ten hornes or Kingdomes had one minde, to giue their power and authority to the Beast by aduancing the Antichristian Chaire aboue all measure; and also to get fauour therewith, haue persecuted the Lambe of God, and his chosen▪ So now here in the seuenteenth verse, the Spirit declareth how long they shall this do; Euen till the words of God shall be fulfilled: But then they shall hate the VVhore, and shall make her desolate, by forbidding their Subiects any more to runne to Rome for dispensations, absolutions, pardons, and such like: yea, some of them shall eate her flesh, and burne her vp with fire.
Wee see the Lord maketh haste to fulfill his promise. For England, Scotland, Denmarke, and diuers Prouinces in Germany, with the Low-countreys, haue now a good space abhorred the strumpet, and procure her desolation by all the meanes they can: We see also the Gospell increaseth earnestly in France: Many, that groane vnder the bondage of the Beast in Spaine: We see the heart-burnings of the Venetians against the Pope and his auaritious Sea. All which giueth apparant testimonie vnto vs, the Lord is euen now bringing this great worke to passe.Psal. 45.5. Good lucke haue thou with thine honour, ride on because of the word of truth, of meeknes, and righteousnes, and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. The Apostle Paul after the Reuelation and consumption of Antichrist, sheweth the time of his taking away also, saying,2. Thess. 2.8. The third, or finall destruction of Antichrist, according to the doctrine of the Apostle Paul. That the Lord shall destroy him with the brightnesse of his comming. This is that eternall and finall damnation of Babel, and the Beast, for all is one. Esay saith,Esay 13.19. Babylon, that glory of the Kingdomes, and beauty of the Chaldees honour, shall be destroyed, euen as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. To the same doth Ieremy consent also;Ier. 50.40. Like as God destroyed Sodome and Gomorrah with the Cities that lay thereabout, saith the Lord: So [Page 780] shall no man dwell there also, neither shall any man bene his habitation there for euermore. In the 7. of Daniel. Dan 7.21.22. The little Horne made battaile against the Saints, and preuailed til the Ancient of daies came, and that the iudgement was giuen to the high Saints, and till the time came, that the Saints had the Kingdome in possession. Yea, Daniel sheweth,Dan. 11.45. that the wicked one shall plant the Tabernacles of his Palace betweene the Seas, in the glorious and holy mountaine. E [...] cap. 12.1. And at that time shall Michael stand vp, that great Prince. Which sheweth, that Antichrist shal not finally be destroyed, before the glorious appearing of IESVS CHRIST. Of the finall destruction of Antichrist Iohn saith;Apoc. 28.21. The Angell tooke vp a stone like a Milstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying, with such violence shall that great Citie Babylon bee cast, and shall bee found no more at all. Wherefore the Kings of the earth shall bewaile the suddennesse of her destruction;Verse 17. for in one houre so great riches are come to naught. And in the twentith Chapter he witnesseth, that at the second comming of Christ shall be the finall abolishing of the Man of sinne. For he prophesieth, that whenTurke & Pope. Apoc. 20.8, 9, 10. Gog and Magog compasse the Tents of the Saints about, fire commeth downe from God out of heauen, and deuoureth them, and the Diuell that deceiued them, is cast into a lake of fire and brimstone; where the Beast, Rome Antichrist. and the false Prophet shall be tormented day and night. Presently herevpon he addeth;Apoc. 20.11.12. I saw a great whit [...] Throne, and Christ in iudgement. him that sate on it; from whose face fled away both the earth and the heauen, and their place was no more found. And I saw the dead both small and great stand before God.
And here it is most worthy of obseruation, that the seuen Trumpets of the eighth, ninth, and eleuenth chapters of the Reuelation, and the seuen Vialls of the sixteenth Chapter, euidently enforce, that the destruction of Antichrist and the comming of CHRIST shall be at one time. ForApoc. 10.5. The Angell, who stood vpon the Sea, and vpon the earth, lift vp his hand to heauen, and sware by him that liueth for euermore, which created heauen, and the things that therein are, and the Sea, and the things that therein are, Verse 6. & 7. that there should be no longer time, but in the dayes of the voice of the seuenth Angel, &c. Now in the voice [Page 781] of the seuenth Angell, and the powring out of the seuenth Viall, great Babylon came in remembrance before God, and her destruction followed. By which it appeareth manifestly, that the end of the world is the determinate time for the finall ruine and destruction of Antichrist. Some insist vpon the Prophecie of Elias concerning two thousand yearesOr vnder the law of nature. vaine: two thousand yeares vnder the Law: two thousand yeares vnder Christ. And thence would enforce, that the end of the world ought to bee expected in the sixe thousand yeare.
Others (because Henoch the seuenth from Adam, Gen. 5. walked with God, and was seene no more, the sixt Patriarch before him dying naturally) doe imagine, that euen so ouer the sixe thousand yeares death shall haue power, but in the seuenth we shall be receiued to eternall life.
There are, who out of the words of the Psalmist, and the Apostle Peter, Psal. 90.4. 2. Pet. 3.8. A thousand yeeres with the Lord are but as one day; contend, that as God in sixe daies created the world, but rested the seuenth: So in six thousand yeres it shall be gouerned by his prouidence, and in the seuen thousand yeare shall hee begin to celebrate the eternall Sabbath with his elect.
Diuers doe thinke, that as the Sabbath by the Law of God beginneth vpon the sixt day of the weeke at euening: So the eternall rest shall come in the end of the sixe thousand yeares.
There are that thinke, the marke of the Beast sixe hundred sixty sixe pointeth to the time of the destruction of the same, and therefore they expect the abolishing of Antichrist by the Lords comming about the yeare 1666.
There are also, that from Astronomicall coniectures, Arithmeticall numbers, and Geometricall proportions, drawe arguments, to proue the destruction of Antichrist, and the dissolution of the world. But where the Scripture defineth not, there dare not I define. TheAct. 1.7. times and seasons the Father hath kept in his owne power. Wherefore, Non est vestrum scir [...]; it is not ours to know. I will not search into [Page 782] the Maiesty, nor presume to pry into the Secrets, but referre all vnto him,Iob 38.32. & 33. who bringeth forth the morning Starre in his time, and guideth the euening Starre with his sonnes: who knoweth the course of the Heauens, and hath set vp the ordinance thereof vpon the earth.
This I will onely adde; The Reuelation and consumption of Antichrist mentioned2. Thes. 2. by the Apostle Paul: the increase and multiplying of knowledge, prophesiedDan. 12. & Esay 11. by Esay and Daniel: The coldnes of Charitie foreshewed byMath. 24.12. our Sauiour: and the whole haruest of sinne, white and fully ripe; assuredly witnesse vnto vs, that it will not belong ereApoc. 14.19. the Angel thrust in his sharpe sickle, and cut down the Vineyard of the earth, and cast it into the Wine presse of the wrath of God. He hath promised toApoc. 22.20. come quickly; Euen so Amen, Come Lord Iesu.