THE Forme and maner of examination befoir the admission to ye tabill of ye Lord, vsit be ye Ministerie of Edinburgh, And geuin to ye Maisteris of euerie familie, yat be ye oft reiding yairof yai may be ye better instructit in ye groundis & principall heidis of Religion.
¶ Imprentit at Edinburgh, be Henrie Charteris.
Anno, M. D. LXXXI.
Cum Priuilegio Regali.
To ye Maisteris and houshalderis in Edinburgh grace and peice be multiplyit.
THe cair of the kirk, & Ministerie hes bene and is sic towardis ȝow (deir brether in ye Lord) yat for ȝour caus ordour hes bene tane to teiche the principall heidis of religioun in four seuerall placis ilk sonday, for ye instruction of all in general, & to teiche ȝour ȝouth in ye scule in ye same heidis, as in a maist necessar doctrine. And now besydes all yis, we offer vnto ȝow yis schort treatise, contening in effect ye groundis of ane christiane religion. Ernistlie desyring ȝow in ye Name of Christ Iesus to reid, or caus ye same be red diligentlie in ȝour houses, for ye instructiō of ȝour sel uis, ȝour childrē & seruandis, yat thay may be ye mair abil to answer quhen yai sall be examinat. In sa doing (deir brether) ȝe sal follow ye guid exapill of Abrahā, quha is commēdit of ye Lord, in yat he instructit his houshald. Ȝour consciencis also heirby sal be ye better dischargit, & ȝe sall heip vp blissingis in ȝour houses, to ȝour comfort, & ye glorie of ȝour God, quha mot incres ȝow in trew godlines, & roul ȝour hartis euer in his trew feir.
QVESTIOVN. BEleuis thow thair is ane God?
ANSWER. That surelie I beleue, and yair of I was assurit from my ȝoutheid.
Qu. How knawis thow that it is swa?
An. Parthe be ye warkis of God, partlie becaus I find ye knawlege heir of Iugraft into my hart, bot especiallie that the word of God, & spreit of God hes sateichit me.
Q. Quhat ar ye warkis of God / quhilk thow esteuns to be maist cheif and principall?
A. The wark of the creatioun / and the wark of our redemptioun.
Q. Quhat ar ya [...] thingis quhilkis God hes creatit?
A. The heuin and eirth / and all thingis thairm.
Qu. Quhow mony kyndes of creaturis ar thai?
A. Sum creaturis ar visibill / and sum inuisibill. sum corporall, & sum spirituall.
Qu. And to quhat end war thingis visibill and inuisibill creatit be God?
A. All thingis war creatit for ye glorie of God / sum also for ye seruice of man.
Qu. Quhat thinkis thow of man / quha creatit him?
A. God eternall of his singular mercie & gudnes / quha creatit all the rest of the creatures:
Qu. Quhairof hes God institute and maid man?
A. Of ane bodie quhilk is eirthlie / and of ane sauil quhilk is ane heuinlie substance.
Qu. Quhat was ye stait of man and woman quhen ya [...] war maid be God at pe beginning?
A. It was surelie ane happie and blissit stait?
Qu. How sa?
A. Becaus man was maid be God in [Page] perfyt vprichtnes in bodie and saull.
Qu. Quhat callis yow that perfyt vprichtnes quhairin man was creatit?
A. The trew knawledge of God ye Creator / faith, obedience, lufe to God and to thy nichtbour / and all that quhilk is called originall richteousnes.
Qu. Quhairfoir did God creat man and woman / and bestow sa greit gracis vpon thame?
A. That thay micht serue him / and glorifie perpetuallie the Creator.
Qu. Had thai fre will to serue him gif thai wald?
A. Yea verraly in ye beginning.
¶ Of the fall.
Qu. Bot did thai continew in this happ [...]e and blissit stait?
A. Na surelie / bot ya [...] fell thairfra be disobedience.
Qu. Quhat lost thai be that fall?
A. Al that vprichtnes quhairin yai was creatit.
Qu. Quhat become now of that fre will [Page] of man quhair of thow spak befoir?
A. He lost him self, and it alswa.
Qu. Quhat come in the place of that vprichtnes?
A. The corruptioun of the haill nature of man, quhilk is callit syn originall, & ye wraith of God, quhilk is ane Iust punischement of the samin.
Qu. Quhat did follow vpon that Iust wraith of God?
A. The deith baith of bodie, & alswa of the saull.
Qu. Quhat estait is yis quhair into man now hes cast him self?
A. It is maist vnhappie and miserabill.
¶ Of the restitutioun.
Q. Quhat hes ye gudnes of God wrocht out of this miserabill fall of man?
A. He hes conuertit and turnit this to ye wonderfull glorie & prais of his awin Name.
Qu. How sa?
A. He of his gudenes did find out ye way to deliuer vs from this miserie.
Qu. Quhat is the way that he hes fund for our deliuerance.
A. Thair is onlie ane way: yt misterie of the Incarnatioun of the Sone of God Iesus Christ, quha be his deith tred doun the heid of the serpent, and deliuerit vs from that miserie.
Qu. Ar all deliuerit, or ane certane onlie.
A. Onlie yai quha embracis christ trewly.
¶ The Office and dewtie of thame that are restorit.
Qu. To quhat end ar thai delyuerit?
A. To serue thair Redemer and thair delyuerer.
Q. Quhat is ye way to serue him richtly?
A. Then is God richtlie seruit, quhen he is seruit according to his word.
Qu. Quhat callis thou ye word of God?
A. That quhilk the Prophetis & Apostillis hes writtin be ye Instinction̄ of ye spirit of god, to wit, ye auld & new testamēt.
Q. Then God is ye Author of yat buke. & ye writaris thairof ar the Propheitis & the Apostillis.
A. It is euin sa.
Q. Ar not al thīgis necessar for our saluation contenit in thai writingis & in that buke?
A. Ȝes verrilie.
Qu. May we then serue God vyerwys [...] then according to his wr [...] in word?
A. No surelie: bot he wilbe [...]a seruit as he him selfe preseryms, and li [...]t as it appeiris gude in our eyis.
Qu. Quhat is the maner of seruice that preisis him quhilk he hes [...] in his word?
A. His [...]rew seruice standis in four principal partis. The fi [...]st is: we aucht to put our trust and confidence in him.
Secundlie: we aucht to obey his cōman dementis. Thridlie: we suid be ernest in praying vnto him: and in calling vpon his Name. Fourthlie: we man baith acknawlege in our hart, & confes in our mouth yat we ressaue all gude thingis at his hādis, praysing & thanking him alwayis for the same.
Qu. Quhilk is ye first part of the trew seruice and worschipping of God?
A. To put our trust & cōfidence in him.
Qu. And how put we our trust & confidence in him?
An. Quhen that we knaw he is ane almichtie God, be quhais michtie powe we ar preseruit and defendit, and ane all sufficient and perfytelie gude God, from quhome we ressaue our sufficience and all gude thingis / necessarie for our saull and bodie.
Qu. Bot how can we be assurit that he will schaw his michtie power to defend vs / and mercifullie gif vnto vs sic thingis as ar necessar, and sufficient for vs: seing we ar miserabill sinneris and vnworthie to ressaue sic graces at his handis.
A. We ar participant of thir his gracis for Christis sake / quha is ye ground and fundation of our Faith.
Qu. [...]uhat is Faith than / quhilk thow sayis is ground it vpon Christ?
A. Faith is ane sure trust / & ane certane knawlege of Goddis tender lufe and mercie towardis vs, that he wilbe ane potent God to defend vs / and ane gude God to saue vs throuch Iesus Christ [Page] our Lord / according to his promis.
Qu. Rehers the confession of thy Faith, quhilk commonlie is callit the Creid or belief of the Christianes.
I Beleue in God the Father Almichtie maker of Heuin and Eirth. And in IESVS CHRIST his onlie Sone our LORD. Quha was consauit of the halie Gaist, borne of the Virgin Marie. Sufferit vnder Ponce Pilate. was crucifeit, deid and buryit, he discendit into hell. The thrid day he rais againe fra the deith. He ascendit into Heuin, and sitris at the richt hand of God the Father Almichtie. Fra that place sall he cum to Iudge the quick and the deid.
I Beleue in the halie Gaist, the halie Catholike Kirk, the Communioun of Sanctis, the forgiuenes of sinnis, the resurrectioun of the bodie, and the lyfe Euerlasting. So be it.
Qu. Quhat teichis this confession the to beleif of God in him self.
A. That he is ane essence, substance, and nature: and thairfoir we say, we beleue [...] God, to wit that he is ane God according [Page] to the Scriptures, and that in this ane essence, & godheid thair be thre persones: the Father, the Sone, and the halie Gaist.
Qu. Thow menis not then that thir thre personis are thre goddis.
A. Na verelie.
Qu. How can that be, seing yat euerie ane of thir thre personis is verelie God?
A. Becaus the essence and diuine nature is infinit, maist simple, and can nocht be deuidit: thairfoir thir thre personis thay ar nocht separat ane from ane vther, boc thay ar distinct onlie.
Qu. This is ane greit mysterie, and how can thow be assurit of it?
A. The word of God sa teichis me, and thairfoir albeit I can not apprehend be my vnderstanding this greit mysterie, I beleif it, becaus God hes spoken it.
Then sall I vnderstand mair fullie quhen I sall se face to face, & knaw him as he is.
Qu. Quhat properteis ar attributit vnto God in the beleue.
A. In the beleue first I call him Father / nixt I call him almichtie or omnipotent thridlie I call him maker of heuin and eirth.
Qu. Quhy callis thow him Father?
A. First in respect of Iesus Christ / quha is his euerlasting wisdome and declarit to the warld that he is his sone: nixt in respect of vs, vnto quhome he is be [...]um ane Father for Christis saik / quha is his naturall sone.
Qu. Quhy callis thou him omnipotent?
A. Becaus he hes a power aboue al poweris / according to the quhilk he reullis all as lykis and pleisis him best.
Qu. Quhat dois thou vnderstand quhen thou callis him creator of heuin & eirth?
A. That he hes maid the heuin & eirth, and all creatures than in contemt, and that he conseruis / susten [...]s and gouern [...]s the creatures maid be him, without quhome thay all in ane moment sould perische.
Qu. Quhat is contenit in the secund part of the beleue?
A. The secund part of the beleue contenis the Sone, quhair also schortlie is contenit the history of our redemptioun.
Qu. Is not the Sone verie God?
A. Ȝes verrilie.
Qu. Is he not also man?
A. He is also and thairfoir consauit be the halie gaist / borne of ye Virgin Marie, in his manheid also he sufferit passioun rais agane, sittis at ye richt hand of the Father / and sall come agane to Iuge the warld in Iustice and Equitie.
Q. Quhairfoir behuisit him to be man?
A. That in our nature he micht wirk ye wark of our redemptioun.
Qu. And quhairfoir behuisit him to be God?
A. Becaus vtherwyse he could not haue triumphit aboue syn / deith / & hell / and to be schort, he could not haue bene ane meit Saluiour vnto vs.
Q. Quhat is then ye cheif office of Iesus Christ quha is verie God & verie man?
A. To saif the pepill from thair sinnis, and thairfoir he wes callit Iesus.
Qu. Quhairfoir is he callit Christ?
A. Becaus he is anoynt it be the halp spirit King, Preist, and Propheit.
Qu. Quhat is his kingdome?
A. It is spirituall and consistis in rewling of our saullis be his word & spirit to lyfe euerlasting.
Qu. Quhat is his Preistheid?
A. That office quhairwith be his sacrifice and prayer he reconcylis God the Father with vs.
Qu. Quhat menis thow in calling him ane Propheit?
A. That he is the onlie Doctor and teichar of his kirk.
Qu. How callis thow Christ in the beleif Goddis onlie sone, seing we also ar callit in the Scripturis the sones of God?
A. Christ is his onlie sone be nature, and we his sones be grace throuch Christ.
Qu. How callis thow him our Lord?
A. All power in heuin and eirth is geuin vnto him.
Q. Quhat sayis thow of his cōception?
A. He wes consauit be the halie Gaist.
Qu. Quhy wes he consauit sa?
A. That he micht be without syn.
Qu. Wes that necessar?
A. Ȝis: vtherwayis he could not haif saifit vs from syn.
Qu. Quhat sayis thow of his birth?
A. He wes borne of Marie, abyding ane virgin.
Q. Quhy is it said he wes borne of Marie.
A. That we may knaw he come of the Tribe of Iuda according to ye prophecies, quhairof Marie wes.
Qu. Tuke he then verie substance and manheid of hir?
A. Ȝis.
Qu. To quhat end and purpose?
A. That in our nature he micht wirk ye wark of our redemptioun.
Qu. Quhairby cheifly wrocht he that greit wark?
A. Be his deith and passioun.
Qu. Quhat maner of deith did he suffer?
A. The deith of the croce, quhilk was comptit accursit in the Law.
Qu. Quhy chusit he yis deith of the accursit croce.
A. To delyuer vs from the curs of God.
Qu. Did he suffer onlie in the bodie or in the saull also?
A. He did suffer baith in saull and bodie,
Qu. Quhat sufferit he in his saull?
A. The feirfull anger of God for our sinnis, quhilk is his descending to ye hell.
Qu. Quhat sufferit he in his bodie?
A. Cruell panis in the bodie, and in end deith.
Qu. Quhat comfort haue we of baith thay sufferinges?
A. We ar fred from the Iust wraith of God and terror of deith.
Qu. Quhat then is our deith to vs?
A Bot aue [...]trie & port to euerlasting lyfe.
Qu. Quhow knawis thow that?
A. He hes rissin for vs to mak vs haif assurance that we throuch him sall get the victorie ouer deith.
Qu. Quhat comfort haue we of his ascensioun?
A. He ascendit to prepair placis for vs, & tuke possessioun of the heum in our nature and name.
Qu. Quhat dois he now for vs efter his ascensioun?
A. He makis intercessioun for vs.
Qu. Then is he the onlie intercessour and Mediatour betuixt God and Man.
A. Ȝes onlie.
Qu. Quhat vnderstandis thow in that thou sayis, He sittis at the richt hand of the Father?
A. He hes all power in heuin and eirth grātit vnto him, quhilk seruis gretumlie to our comfort.
Qu. Lukis thou for that he sal cum anis agane?
A. He sall cum agane to Iuge the quik & deid.
Qu. Quhat sall the Ischew of that Iugement be?
A. Then salbe randerit to the godlie euerlesting lyfe, and to the wickit euerlesting schame and confusioun.
Qu. Quhat is contenit in the thrid part of the beleif?
A. The thrid part contenis our beleif in the halie Gaist.
Q. Is not the halie Gaist also verie God?
A. Ȝes: and the thrid persone of the godheid.
Q. Quhat is the office of the spreit or halie Gaist?
A. As God the Father be his sone Iesus Christ hes redemit & sauit vs, so be the halie Gaist he makis vs participant of this redemptioun and saluatioun.
Qu. And how dois God the Father mak vs participant heirof be his spreit.
A. Be his spreit he [...]aith formis, conserwis & augmentis Faith in vs, quhairbo we apprehend the mercie of God in Christ: Be ye same he applyis ye vertew [Page] of the blude of Iesus Christ, purging our saullis & consciēce. Be this spreit ar seillit vp in our hartis the promysis of grace: be it ar we mair and mair regeneratit and maid new creaturis, And finallie, it makis vs luke vpon the present grace & glorie to cum: to haue peice and quyetnes in our consciences, quhilkis vtherwayis outher suld be in ane perpetuall feir and dredour, or ellis wrappit vp in horribill securitie to our destructioun.
Qu. Let vs now cum to the fourt part of our beleif.
A. The fourt part contenis the kirk of God and the benefytis of God appertening thairto.
Qu. Quhat callis thow the kirk?
A. That com [...]anie of the faithfull, vnto quhome in Christ appertenis euerlesting lyfe.
Qu. Quhat properteis ar attributit to this kirk.
A. It is callit halie and Catholik or vniuersall.
Qu. Quhy is it callit halie?
A. Becaus Christ purgis, and makis it participant of his sanctificatioun & halones quha perfytelie fulfillit the Law.
Qu. In quhat sence is it callit vniuersall?
A. Becaus it is not alway bound to ane place or tyme, bot it is alwayis, and is diffundit & scatterit vniuersallie throch out the warld.
Qu. Quhat menis thow be the communioun of Sanctis?
A. This signifyis the vnitie of all the members in the kirk, making ane bodie. Sa that vnitie may be the thrid note attributit to the kirk.
Qu. Quhilk ar thai giftis and benefitis that God promises to his kirk as thou confessis in the beleue?
A. First remissioun and forgiuenes of sinnis: secundlie rysing agane of ye bodies: and thridlie euerlesting & eternall lyfe.
Qu. Then thai that ar not of this kirk ar not participant of thir benefptis?
A. Na surelie: bot be the contrair thai abyde into th [...]r [...]innis, and albeit th [...]ir bodies rysis, it is to schame and euerlasting deith and destructioun.
Qu. Thou hes now rehersit the Articlis of the Faith, and answerit to pe mening of the heidis thairof. Is it an [...]u [...]h to beleue all thir thingis to be trew, or is pair farder cranit of all Christianis.
A. Faith is of that nature that it applyis all thir thingis to the speciall comfort of thame in quhome it is.
Qu. Then thow menis that Faith is ane assurit knawlege of the fauour and gude will of God towardis vs throuch Christ, quhairof euerilk ane of vs is assurit in conscience be Goddis promises and be his Spreit.
A. I ment eui [...]sa.
Qu. Quhat profeit cummis vnto vs be this Faith?
A. Be faith we ar maid an [...] with Christ our heid, & wear Iustifpit also be Faith befoir God.
Q. Quhairinto stādis our Iustificatioū?
A. In remission of our sinnis and Imputatioun of Christis Iustice.
Q. Can Faith be without gude warkis?
A. Gude warkis ar the fruitis and effectis of Faith.
Q. Can then our meritis & gude warkis Iustifie vs?
A. Na surelie, seing we man be Iustifyit or that ony wark quhilk we do be gude and acceptabill in Goddis sicht.
¶ The 2. part of the Catechisme.
Qu. Quhat is the secund part of the trew seruice of God?
A. we aucht to gif dew obediēce vnto him.
Qu. How knawis thou quhen thow genis vnto him his dew obediēce, or quhen thow disobeyis him?
A. I knaw that be his Law.
Qu. Quhat thing dois the Law of God teiche the?
A. M [...] dewtie towardis God and my Nichtbour.
Qu. How mony preceptis teichis the thy [Page] dewtie towardis God?
A. The first four contenit in the first Tabill.
Qu. How mony teichis the thy dewtie towardis thy N [...]chtbour?
A. The vther sex contenit in the secund Tabill.
Qu. Rehers the commandementis.
A. Harken and tak heid O Israel: I am the Lord thy God that hes brocht the furth of the land of Egypt and out of the hous of bondage. Thow sall haue nane vther Goddis bot me.
2. Thow sall not mak to thy self ony grauin Image not the likenes of ony thing yat is in heuin abone, not in the eirth beneth, nor in the water vnder the eirth, thow sall not bow doun to thame nor worschip thame. For I the Lord thy God, am a Ielous God, and visitis the sinnis of the Fatheris vpon ye Children vnto the thrid and fourt generatioun of thame that hait me, and schawis mercie vuto thousandis of thame that lufe me and keip my commandementis.
3. Thow sal not tak the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine, for the Lord wil not hald him giltles that takis his Name in vaine.
4. Remember that thow keip halie the Sabboth day, sex day is sall thow laubour, and do all that thow hes to do, bot the seuint day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God. In it thow sall do na maner of wark, thow and thy sone and thy douchter thy manseruand, and thy mayd seruand, thy cattel and the stranger that is within thy ȝettis. For in sex dayis the Lord maid heuin and eirth. the sey and all that in thame is, and restit the seuint day. Quhairfoir the Lord blissit the seuint day and hallowit it.
5. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy dayis may be lang in the land, quhilk ye Lord thy God hes geuin the.
6. Thow sall do na Murther.
7. Thow sall not commit Adulterie.
8. Thow sall not steill.
9. Thow sall not beir fals witnes aganis thy Nichtbour.
10. Thow sall not couet thy Nichtbouris hous, thow sall not couet thy Nichtbouris wife, nor his seruand, nor his mayd, nor his Ox, nor his Asse, nor ony thing that is his.
Qu. Quhilk is the first commandement?
A. Thow sall haif na vther Goddis befoir my face.
Q. Quhat is this to haue vther goddis?
A. It is in yt place of the onlie trew God, to set our hartis vpon ony thing quhat euer it be.
Qu. Quhat is it then that the Lord commandit vs in thir wordis?
A. That we acknawledge our onlie trew God, and gif vnto him his awin honor.
Qu. And quhat is forbiddin in the same wordis?
A. We ar forbiddin to set our hartis vpon ony vther thing, or to transfer ony part of his honor from him to vtheris.
Qu. Quhat vnderstandis he in that he sayis, in my sicht?
A. That we can not sa mekill as anis think in our hart to settill our selfis [Page] vpon ane vther, or transfer his honour from him, bot God knawis it, and is witnes of it, for the leist thocht of our hart is alwayis present befoir his face.
Qu. Rehers the secund commandement?
A. Thow sal not mak to thy self ony grauin Imagis. &c.
Qu. Quhat is the mening of this commandement?
Qu. That we mak na Imagis, that we bow not our kne befoir thame, & that we giue na kynd of reuerence vnto thame.
Qu. Is thair na mair forbiddin in this commandement?
A. Ȝes, For be this commandement we ar forbiddin to corrupt the seruice of god not onlie be making & geuing of reuerence to Imagis, bot also be ony vther Imaginationis and inuentionis of our awin hart.
Qu. How may we be sure that we corrupt not the seruice of God?
A. Gif we sal follow onlie ye word of god.
Qu. Rehers the thrid commandement?
Qu. Thow sal not tak the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine. &c.
Qu. Quhat is it to tak the Name of God in vaine?
A. To abuse it outher be periurie or man [...] sweiring, outher be rasche & vnaduisit sweiring, outher be anis naming it vnreuerentlie.
Qu. Quhat then is forbiddin in this precept?
A. All manesweiring, rasche & vnaduisit sweiring, and all vnreuerent naming of Goddis blissit Name.
Q. Quhat on the vther is heir cōmandit?
A. All kynd of reuerence to his Name.
Qu. Quhat thinkis thow then of thame that blasphemis God, and of Witches and sorceraris quhilkis abusis his Name in con [...]urationis & thair Deuilische artis.
An. I think that thay quha vsis the Name of God onlie of ane euill custume without dew reuerence, thay do greit dishonour and iniurie to God.
And mekill mair pai ar gyltie and dois greitter dishonour and iniurie to God quha abusis his Name in banningis, in cursingis, in forespekingis in the Name of God, in Inchantmentis, or in ony vther maner of superstitioun.
Qu. May we vse the Name of God ony way is lauchfullie in swering?
A. Ȝea: quhen ane aith is takin outher to affirme the treuth befoir ane Iuge or for ony vther mater of greit Importance, quhairby outher Goddis honor or mutuall agrement & cheritie amangis men is mantenit.
Qu. Let vs cum to the fourt commandement, quhilk is ye last of the first tabill.
A. Remember that thow keip halie the Sabboth day. &c.
Qu. Quhat vnderstandis thow be the Sabboth day?
A. The Sabboth day is the day of rest, quhilk is appointit onlie for the worschipping of God.
Qu Thinkis thow that thair is greitter [Page] halines in that day then in ony vther.
A. No surelie for the halines is not in the day bot the halie and godlie exercyse vsit that day.
Q [...]. Quhat is yat godlie exercyse, quhilk Christianis aucht til vse then?
A. To incall vpon Goddis Name feruētlie, to reid and heir the word of God diligentlie, to meditat vpon the warkis of God and gudenes of God thankfullie. And to be schort, to be occuppit haillie & ernistlie in all kynd of godlines.
Qu. Bot aucht we to cast away this cair on the vtherdayis?
A. Not sa, bot this day cheiflie and fullie suld be consecrat to sit godlie exercyse.
Qu. Now let vs cum to the secund tabill, quhat is the first commandement thairof, quhilk is the fift commandement in number?
A. Honor thy Father and thy Mother, that thy dayis may be lang. &c.
Qu. Quhat vnderstandis thow be this commandement?
A. That we honour all thame yat ar placit abone vs quhasaeuer thai be, Parentis, Magistratis, Preicheris, Husbandis or Maisteris.
Qu. Quhat kynd of honor aucht we vn [...]o thame.
A Loue, feir and reuerence, help, and obedience.
Ou. Quhat gif thai command ony thing against God and his word.
A. Then we aucht to obey God and not tha [...]e.
Qu. Rehers ye sert cōmandement, quhilk is the secund in the secund Tabill.
A. Thow sall not sla.
Qu. Do we sufficientlie keip this Law, gif we keip our hādis clein frō slauchter.
A. Na, for m [...]ye hatred, and euerie desyre to hurt our nychtbour, is manslauchter befoir God.
Qu. Quhat is commandit heir?
A Loue and Amitie.
Q Schaw me quhat is the seuint cōman [...]ement.
A. Thow sall not commit Adulterie.
Qu. Quhat is forbiddin heir?
A. Al Incest, Adulteryis, Fornicationis, All fylthie & wandring lustis, all vnchastnes of speiche, all vnclene wantones in countenance & gest [...]s, and all outward schaw of vnchastitie quhatsoeuer it be, and be the contrair all kynd of honestie in all thir thingis is commandit.
Qu. Rehers the aucht commandement.
A. Thow sall not steill.
Q. Quhat kynd of thift is heir forbiddin?
A. Not onlie all thiftis punischit be law bot alswa all fraud and desait, and all wrang quhilk is vsit to be done to our Nychtbour in his geir.
Qu. Quhat is commandit heir?
A. Equitie, Iustice, plaine and trew dealing with all men, & ane desyre and trauelling, yat euerie man cum to his awin and keip peiceablie the thing yat iustlie he dois posses.
Q. Let vs speik of the ix. cōmandement?
A. Thou sall beir na fals witnes against thy Nychtbour.
Qu. Quhat is forbiddin in this cōmand?
A. All kynd of leing, sclandering, bakbyting all thir thingis ar comprehendit vnder fals witnes bering, & the heiring of sik thingis alswa.
Q. And quhat thing is heir commandit?
A. All vpright spe [...]king and hering of thingis concerning our Nichtbour.
Qu. Quhat is the last commandement?
A. Thow sall not court thy Nychtbouris hous. &c.
Qu. Quhat thingis ar heir condemnit?
A. All wickii despris, and euill licht motions of the mynd.
Qu. Seing that God hes forbiddin the corrupt affectionis of the mynd be the preceptis aboue specifyit quhairfoir seruis this commandement qui [...]ilk thow makis the tent in number?
A. [...]n the former commandementis ar forbiddin the corrupt affectionis of the mynd quhairunto we begin to consent. Bot heir ar forbiddin all licht euill motionis, quhilk ar sun in Goddis sicht, [Page] albeit we neuer consent vnto thame: ȝea albeit we stryue against the same.
Qu. Sen thow hes declarit the mening of the law, now I speir: Is thair ouy yat may fulfill and keip it perfytelie in this eirth?
A. Name at all, except Iesus Christ.
Q. Thinkis thou then that ony man can be Iustifyit be the law?
A. Gif man micht keip the law, be it he suld leif and be Iustifyit. Thairfoir seing nane keipis it, be the law na mortall man is Iustifyit.
Qu. Quhairfoir then is the law geuin?
A. To be ane rewll to leid our lyfe be, to let vs se our sinnis, & to leid vs to Christ.
¶ The thrid part of the Catechisme.
Qu. Quhat is the third part of the trew honoring of God?
A. Prayer and incalling vpon the Name of God.
Qu. To quhome aucht our prayeris be maid.
A. Vnto God Eternall onlie.
Qu. Quhyswa?
A. Becaus this is ane part of his honour, & in his handis onlie is onr saluationn: he also onlie is alwayis present, a bill for to heir, and of omnipotent power to grāt vs our desyre.
Qu. May we not then pray to sanctis departit or Angellis.
A. We may not, for then we spulze God of his dew honor, and makis goddis of thame.
Qu. In quhais name aucht we to pray?
A. In the name of Iesus Christ, quha is onlie Mediatour.
Qu. Is it aneuch to pray with our toung and voce onlie?
A. Na, bot we man pray with our haill hart and mynd.
Qu. Quhat thinkis thou of prayer in ane strange langage?
A. That is ane mokrie of God, & ane abuse of the toung.
Qu. Quhen is the prayer of Man feruent and zelous?
A. Quhen ye spirit of God steiris vs vp thairto.
Qu. Quhat in cais we be slaw, & findis not Goddis spirit stering vs vp to pray as we suld?
An. Then we aucht to craif the help of God, in steiring vp our myndis vnto prayer.
Qu. Quhat may we ask of God in our prayer?
An. All thingis that ar lesum, seruing to Goddis glorie and our awin weill, and our Nychthouris.
Q. Quhat rewll and forme of prayer hes thow?
A. That nuhilk the Lord Iesus Christ hes leirnit me.
Qu. Rehers then the Lordis prayer.
A. OVR Father quhilk art in Heuin. Hallowit be thy Name. Thy kingdome cum. Thy will be done in Eirth as it is Heuin. Giue vs this day our daylie breid. And forgiue vs our trespassis, as we forgiue thame that trespas aganis vs.
And leid vs not into temptatioun. Bot delyuer vs from euil. For thyne is the Kingdome, the power, and the gloir for [...]uer and euer. So be it.
Qu. How mony petitionis ar contenit in this prayer?
A. Sex, quhair of the first thre belangis onlie to the glorie of God. the vther thre belongis properlie to our commoditie, and is concerning thingis profitabyll and necessar for vs.
Q. Vnto quhome is this prayer directit?
A. Vnto God, quhome we call our Father quhilk is in heuin.
Qu. Quhairfoir callis thow him Father.
A. It is Goddis will to be callit be the sweitest Name in [...]rth to assure vs of his fauour.
Q. Quhy sayis thow our Father in common, and not my Father in speciall?
A. Becaus the prayeris of the Faithfull ar commonlie maid in the name of the haill bodie of the kirk.
Qu. Quhy callis thou him our Father in heuin?
A. To mak ane distinction betuix him & [...]irthlie Fatheris, and to signifye his glorie, maiestie, and power.
Qu. Quhat is the first petition▪
A. Hallow it be thy Name.
Qu. Quhat is to be vnderstand be the Name of God?
A. The name of God is that quhairby he is knawin, for namis seruis to discerne & knaw ane thing fra ane vther.
Qu. Schaw me thai thingis quhairby he is knawin.
A. He is knawin be the greit namis & titillis geuin vnto him, be his word be his sacramentis & be his warkis of al sortis.
Q. How ar thir names of God sanctifyit and hall▪ wit?
A. Quhen as we think and we speik reu [...] [...]entlie of thame.
Qu. Quhat then is the sence of this petition?
A. I desyre yat we all may think & speik reuerentlie of God and all thai thingis, quhairby he is knawin and his glori [...] aduancit.
Qu Quhat is the secund petition?
A. Thy kingdome cum.
Qu. Quhat is the mening of that request?
A. I desyre that God may reigne mair & mair in his kirk, and in y [...] hartis of all Faithfull: And also in suppressing of Sathan, and all his enemeis.
Qu. Say on the thrid petitioun?
A. Thy will be done in eirth as it is in heuin.
Q. Quhat desyris thow in that petition?
A. I pray that God wald change and faschion our will, quhilk naturallie is euill, to his gude will, and that we will and desyre nathing, that his godlie will mislykis.
Qu. Ar all thingis concerning Goddis glorie contenit in thir petitionis?
A. Ȝis certanely.
Qu. Quhy desyris thow thirthre petitionis befoir ony vthairis.
A. Becaus Goddis glorie aboue all thingis suld be maist deir vnto vs.
Q. Go fordwart, quhat is ye fourt petition?
A. Gif vs this day our daylie breid.
Q. Quhat vnderstandis thou be [...]rauing at Goddis handis thy daylie breid?
A. I pray for all thingis quhilkis ar necessar to me in this present lyfe, as fude, rayment, housis, Magistratis, & siclyk.
Qu. Quhy e [...]kis thow this day & daylie?
A. We suld be content with that quhilk God geuis presentlie, & daylie seik thir thingis at his mercifull handis.
Qu. Rehers the fyft petition.
A. Forgiue vs our sinnis, as we forgiue thame that sinnis against vs.
Qu. Is it necessar that we all pray for forgeuenes of sinnis.
A. Ȝis, becaus all ar sinnaris.
Qu. Quhy ar thir wordis addit, as we forgiue thame that sinnis against vs?
A. To put vs in mynd to forgiue ane another, gif we wald haif god forgiuand vs.
Qu. Will not God forgiue vs, except we forgiue▪
A Na surelie.
Qu. Quhat is the sext and last petition?
A. Leid vs not into temptatioun, bot delyuer vs from euill.
Qu. Quhat temptatioun menis thow of, & quhat dois thou vnderstand heirby?
A. I vnderstand the craft of the deuill, the snairis of the Warld and the wickit intysementis of our aw [...] f [...]esche.
Qu. Quhat menis thou then q [...]en thou prayis yat God leid the n [...]t in this tentatioun?
A. I pray that God gif me not ouer to the cra [...]t of the Deuill, to the snairis of the warld or to my awin lustis and wickit concupiscencis, bot that he wil [...] [...]narme me against thir enemeis and in his mertyis mak me to ouircum thame.
Qu. Quhat is the conclusioun of the haill prayer?
A. For thyne is the kingdome, the power and glorie for euer.
Qu. Quhairfoir is this conclusion put in the end?
A. First to lat vs vnderstand, he is baith a [...]ill & will alswa grant the thingis we de [...]re, seing he hes ane kingdome aboue al kingdomes and power aboue all pouweris, & ane glorie that is infinit. And n [...]xt this seruis for ane solemne thankisgeuing [Page] to him, befoir quhome we hai [...] powrit out our prayer.
¶ The four [...] part of the Catechisme.
Qu. Now let vs cum to the fourt part o [...] Goddis trew honour?
A. Y [...]t stādis in praysing & thāking him.
Qu. How aucht we to prais him?
An. We aucht to prais him in our hart, with our mouth, in our lyfe & conuersation & in that lauchfull calling, quhairunto he callis vs.
Q. For quhat thingis suld we prais him?
A. For all his benefytis spirituall & temporall.
Q. Quhat in cais he straik vs with pouertie, seiknes, tentations of the [...]nd, deith and [...]thair crocis.
A. Ȝit we aucht to prais him.
Q. How sa: seing yat yir ar not benefytis bot rather cursis and maledictionis?
A. The Lord makis thir thīgis to be blissingis & benefytis to his awin seruādis.
Qu Now we haif spokin of the four partis of the richt seruice of God, quhairof Faith is the ground. Now I speir how [Page] is this Faith nurischit in our hartis, & we teichit Goddis trew seruice.
A. Be the word of God and his Sacramētis.
Q. Quhat is ane Sacrament?
A. It is ane halie takin institute be God, [...] & left to the comfort of the kirk, quhairin the Lord be sum outward and externall signes representis vnto vs speciall thingis, and seillis vp the same in our hartis.
Qu. Of how mony partis consistis ane Sacrament?
A. Of twa, to wit, of ane outward and visibill signe, and the inuisibill grace.
Q. Ar all thai quha ressauis ye outward signes, participant alswa of the inuisibill grace.
A. Na, bot the Faithfull onlie as thai ressaif the outward signe, sa [...] Lord bestowis vpon thame the grace, As concerning the wickit and vnfaithfull, albeit thai ressaif the signes, thai ar not participant of the grace.
Qu. How mony Sacramentis hes Christ left to be vsit in his kirk.
A. Onlie twa, to wit, baptisme, and the halie supper.
Q. Quhat is baptisme?
A. Ane certane entrie as it war, quhairb [...] we [...]r r [...]ssauit in the kirk and houshold of God.
Qu. Quhat is the outward signe in Baptisme?
A. Water, quhair with the persone is baptizit or sprinkillit.
Q. Quhat is the grace signifyit thairby?
An. First that our si [...]nis ar purgit and [...]lengit: nixt that we begin to be new born againe, quhilk new birth of ouris standis in deing to syn, & rysing to richteousnes.
Qu. Quhow dois the outward signes resembill this?
A. Water clengis and so resembillis the purging & clenging of our sinnis. 2. The dipping in the Water or sprinkilling with the Water representis our mortification or deing to syn. 3. Our taking or rysing out of the water, signifyis our rysing to newnes of lyfe.
Qu. Quhilk is the vther Sacrament?
A. The halie Supper of the Lord.
Qu. Quhat is the definition of this halie Supper?
An. It is ane halie Action, institutit be Christ, quhairinto ar twa Elementis, breid and Wyne representit vnto vs, in the memorie of the deith of Christ, And our coniunction with him and incorporation in him is seillit vp spirituallie be Faith. And mairouer, our coniunction one with ane vther heirby is expressit.
And last solemne thankis ar geuin to ye Lord for thir his benefytis.
Q. Quhat then ar the outward signes in this Sacrament?
A. That breid and that Wyne.
Qu. Quhairfoir ar thai twa signis i [...] the supper, and ane onlie in baptisme?
A. The Water it allane in baptisme sufficis to represent remission of sinnis & our regeneration: and thairfoir Water onlie is the element in that Sacrament. Bot breid onlie or Wyne onlie sufficis not to represent the spirituall gracis signifyit in this Sacrament, bot baith sufficis, [Page] and thairfoir thair ar twa signes.
Q. Quhat then is signifyit be thir twa signes?
A. That Christ is as it war the haill mei [...] and brink▪ that is the haill and sufficient fude of [...]ur saullis, nurisching thame to lyfe euer [...]sting.
Qu. Quhat [...]s signifyit be the breid?
A. The bodie [...] Christ.
Qu. Quhat is signifyie be the wyne.
A. The bl [...]de of Christ.
Qu. Quhat is signifyit be the breid and the wyne.
A. Haill Christ.
Qu. Is Christis bodie in the breid, or his blude in the wyne?
A. Na, Bot Christis bodie is in heuin, quhair we aucht to lift vp our hartis, that we may apprehend him.
Qu. Quhairfoir then is the breid callit his body, and the wyne his blude.
A. Becaus the breid is the Sacrament of his body, and the wyne the Sacramēt of his blude.
Qu. Quhat is signify [...]t be the breking o [...] the breid?
An. The passion of Christ, that he was brokin for our sinnis.
Qu. Quhat is signifyit be the powring out of the Wyne?
An. The schedding of his blude vpon the croce.
Qu. Quhat menit the distributioun?
A. That Christ with all his Spirituall gracis is distributit amangis vs.
Qu. Quhat menis the receauing with the hand of the breid and Wyne.
A. That we ressaif be Faith the body and blude of Christ.
Qu. Quhat is signifyit be the eiting of ye breid, and drinking of the Wyne.
A. That Christis body and blude is our meit and drink that is the perfyt nurisment of the saull.
Qu Is thair na mair signifyit thairby?
A. Heirby is farder signifyit that Christ becummis ane with vs, & we ar [...]o [...]o [...] nit with him with ane straiter cō [...]unction then meit and drink with our bodelie substance.
Qu. Is it lesum to ony mortall man t [...] change ony thing in this institution▪
A. Na surelie.
Qu. Then quhat thinkis thow of thame quha substractis the vse of the cowp frō the common pepill?
A. Thai brek the ordinance of the Lord.
Q. Quhat is our dewtie yat we may cum richtlie to the supper of the Lord.
A. We aucht to try and examyn our selfis.
Q. Quhairof aucht we to try & examyne our self?
A. Of our Faith and repentance.
Qu. Quhat thinkis thou of thame quha cumis to the tabill without Fayth and repentance.
A. Thai eit and drink thair awin damnation, not regarding the bodie of the Lord.
Q. Quhat is the end of thame that seruis God, as hes bene spokin befoir.
A. Euerl [...]sting and eternall lyfe.
Qu, Then all attenis not to this glorie▪
An. Onlie thai quha seruis the Lord, ar participant of that lyfe eternall.
[...] the end of Infidelis, and sit [...] [...]ot serue God?
[...] end is euerlesting deith and con [...] [...]ioun.
[...] Then the stait of the Godlie is onlie happie in this eirth, and the stait of the wickit maist miserabill.
An. Ȝis trewlie: And thairfoir we, quhome God hes mercifullie callit in Christ ar happie heir, and our full happines sall appeir, quhen all teiris sall be wepit away from our eyis, and we sall reigne in glorie: Quhairunto the Lord our God, throu [...]h Iesus Christ mot bring vs all.