Fyrst here foloweth an Epistole vnto the reder by the same byshop.
My dere brother or syster in our sauiour Christe Jesu / who so euer ye be / y t shall fortune to rede this queare our lorde for his great mercy graunt you his grace / that the redyng therof some what may proffit your soule.
Fyrst I shall beseche you nat to misconstrue myn entēt / in puttyng forthe this queare to be printed / but that ye take it to the best. For verily my wyll and mynde is / that some frute myght ryse by the same vnto the christē people / whiche be the spouse of Christe. Unto whom (though vnworthy) I am ordeyned a minister for my lytell porcion. My duty is to endeuer me after my poure power / to resist these heretickes / the whiche seasse nat to subuett the churche of Christe. If we shall syt styll and let them in euery place sowe theyr vngratious heresies / and euery where distroye the soulis / whiche were so derely bought with that moste precious blode of our sauiour Christe Jesu / howe terribly shall he lay this vntyll our charge / whan we shalbe called vntyll a rekenynge for this matter? It shalbe moche rebukefull and moche worthy punishement / if we for our party shall nat gyue diligēce for the defence of the true christen people / fro these heresies / as these heretickes gyue for the corruption of the same / specially whan we be certayne / that our labour shall nat be vnrewarded / [Page] as saint Paule dothe promyse / sayeng / Vnusquis (que) propriam mercedem accipiet secūdū suum laborem: Euery 1. Cor̄. 3. man shall take his owne rewarde accordynge to his labour. And so moche the more diligence we muste gyue / bicause that the wretched nature of man is more prone to euery thynge / that nought is / than it is to that / whiche is of greatter frute. The dry tēder is nat more redy to be kendled with the leaste sparkell of fyre / than we be redy to be incensed to all euyll. Our hartes by the olde corruption of synne / be of that molde / that they withoutē any great diligence of them selfe / brynge for the all maner of vices: but nothynge that vertuous is / withouten a great labour. And assuredly these herelies be lyke the stynkynge weedes / the whiche ī euery erthe sprynge by them selfe: for as these euyll weedes nede no settynge / no sowynge / no waterynge / no wedynge / nor suche other deligence / as the good herbes require / but sprynge anone withouten all that busines: and where they haue enteres ones in any grounde / it is veray herde to delyuer that grounde from them: euen so it is of these heresies / they nede no plantynge / they nede no wateryng / they nede no lowkyng / nor wedyng / but rankly sprynge by them selfe / of a full lyght occasion. Contrary wyse it is of true doctryne of god / this is lyke vnto the good herbes / whiche wil nat euery where lightly growe / but they must be set or sowen in a chosen erthe / they must be watred / they muste be weded / and haue moche attendaunce / orels they wyll anone myscary. Ye [Page] may se this euidently by the begynnyng of Christis churche. Our sauiour whan he hym selfe dyd sowe his doctryne / he complayned of the vntowardnes of mennes hartes / and sayd: Sermo meus Jo. [...]. non capit in vobis: This sede of my worde taketh no rote in the erthe of your hartes. And vpon a tyme a great nombre of his disciples forsoke hym and cast hym vp: For theyr hartes coude nat sauour his doctrine. If this doctrine sowen by this most myghty and counnynge sower / toke none effecte in these persons hartes / ye may se / that the erth [...] of our hartes by it selfe can nat receyue this sed [...] ▪ Saint Paule / the whiche in lyke maner gaue his diligence to plante and to water this sede / yet as moche as he proffitted by his preachynge in one place / he lost by his absēce in an other place. Doth he nat crye out therfore vpon y e Galathes / bicause that this doctrine / whiche he had sowen amonge them / sone after his deperture from them / dyd wyther in theyr hartes? O insensati Galathe / quis [...]a [...]. [...]. vos fascinauit nō obedire veritati? O ye folishe people / who hath thus witched you / that ye do nat obey vnto the trouth? And euery where the same saint Paule fighteth agaynst the heretickes / and is veray solicite and carefull / lest the flocke of Christe shalbe corrupted by theyr heresies. In so moche y t he sayth vnto y e Corinthies: Timeo / ne sicut serpēs [...]. Cor̄ [...]1. Euam seduxit astucia sua / ita sensus vestri corrumpantur a simplicitate / que est in Christo: I drede me / lest as the serpent desceyued the fyrste woman Eue by his wylynes / so your sences shalbe corrupted by these [Page] heretickes / and so fall frō the symplicite of faithe / whiche ye haue in Christe. And therfore a litel after he calleth them / Pseudo apostolos / & oꝑarios subdolos [...]. Cor̄ 11. trāsfigurātes se ī apostolos Christi. that is to say / fals apostles / disceytful workers / pretēdyng to be the messangers of Christe / and be nat in veray dede. If ther were suche perill of heretickes in the tyme of saint Paule / as it dothe appere in all his epistoles: and if y e heresies thā so lightly toke roote in y e hartes of men: And if the sede of the doctryne of Christe with suche difficultie did sprynge & growe in the hartes of the people / whiche were in that maruelous & plentuous tyme of all grace: What wonder is it that lykewyse nowe / in this miserable tyme / these heretickes multiply / and theyr heresies do sprede? Whan hit was prophesied before nat onely by our sauiour Christe / but also by saynt Peter in his epistoles / and by saynt Paule in his bothe / and by saynt Jude / that suche heresyes shulde ryse / and specially towarde thende of the worlde. Nowe therfore whan so litell diligence is done about the ministryng of this true doctryne / it is necessary that all tho that haue charge of the flocke of Christe / endeuour them selfe to gaynestande these pernitious heresies. Wherin doutles the moost Reuerend father in god my lorde legate hath nowe meritoriously traueiled / and so entendeth to perseuer and to continue / to the full extirpatiō of the same. For heresy is a perillous wede / it is the sede of the deuyll / the inspiration of the wicked spirites / the corruption of oux hartes / the [Page] blyndyng of our sight / the quenching of our faith / the distruction of all good frute / and fynally the mourder of our soules. And therfore some what to resist this wicked sede / by the mocion of dyuerse persōs / I haue put forth this sermon to be redde / whiche for y e great noyse of y e people within y e churche of Paules / whan it was sayde / myght nat be herde. And if parauēture any disciple of Luthers shall thynke / that myn argumentes and reasons agaynst his maister be nat sufficient: Fyrste let hym consider / that I dyd shape them to be spoken vntyll a multitude of people / whiche were nat brought vp [...] [...]btyll disputations of the schole. Seconde. if it may lyke the same disciple to come vnto me secretely / and breake his mynde at more length / I bynde me by these presentes / bothe to kepe his secreasy / and also to spare a leysoure for hym to here the bottum of his mynde / and he shal here myne agayne / if it so please hym: and I trust in our lorde / that fynally we shall so agre / that either he shal make me a Lutherā / orels I shal enduce hym to be a catholyke / and to folowe the doctryne of Christis churche. And one thynge I do acertayne hym / that though his maister Luther dydlyue neuer so well and perfetly / yet for as moche as his doctryne is dyuerse from the doctryne of the churche he is to be fled: for so teacheth vs y e holy mertyr Ignacius in his epistole ad Hereneum / sayeng: Omnis igitur qui dixerit preter ea / que tradita sunt / tametsi fide dignus sit / tametsi ieiunet / tametsi virginitatē seruet / tametsi signa faciat / tametsi prophetet / [Page] supus tivi appareat in grege ouium / corruptionem faciens. That is to say / who so euer affermeth contrary to the traditions and doctrine of y e churche / though he for his lyfe be worthy to be beleued / though he fast neuer so moche / though he kepe his virginite / though he worke miracles though he prophecy of thynges for to come / for all this take hym but as a wolfe / intendynge corruption amonge a flocke of shepe. Wherfore whan Luther hath in hym none of these good conditions aboue rehersed / as we shall proue here after / that is to say / he neither is faith worthy / bicause of his repugnant doctryne / nor he chastiseth nat his body by fastynge / nor he kepeth nat his virginite / nor he doth no miracles / nor he is no prophet of thynges for to come / and yet neuertheles he techeth clene contrary doctrynes vnto the doctryne of the churche / he is to be reputed as a wolfe corruptyng the flocke of Christe. Thus fare ye well in our lorde Jesu.
THese wordes ben writen in y e gospel / redde in the church this quinquagesime sondaye. They may thus be englis shed. Open thyn eies / thy faith hath made the safe. In this gospell saynt Luke telleth a miracle / y e whiche our sauiour dyd shewe vpon a blynde mā. He sayth / that a blynde man syttynge nigh to the waye / herde a noyse of people passyng forby / and enquired what that was. It was tolde hym / that Jesus of Nazareth passed y t waye. He gaue faith vnto this worde / and cried for mercy / sayeng: Jesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpō me. Part of this people went before our sauiour in y e waye / and part came after hym. They that went before (as the gospel sayth) rebuked the blynde mā / and he moche rather cried for mercy / sayeng: The son of Dauid haue mercy vpon me. Our sauiour stā dyng / commaunded this man to be brought vnto hym. And whan he was brought to his presence / our sauiour asked hym what he wolde. O syr sayd this man / that I myght haue my syght agayne. Than dyd our sauiour this miracle vpō hym / and sayd these wordes aboue rehersed: Respice / fides tua te saluum fecit: Open thyn eies / thy faith hath made y e safe. And forth with this blȳde mā was restored to his sight / and folowed our sauiour in the way with the other people.
[Page]¶ By this worde and other suche / Martyn Luther hath taken occasion of many great errours: wher by he hath blynded many a christen soule / and brought them out of the way / sayeng / that onely faythe doth iustifie vs / and suffiseth to our saluation. Wherby many one litell regardeth any good workes / but onely resteth vnto fayth.
This gospell therfor may sufficiētly instructe any reasonable mā / what fayth suffiseth / and what nat: For it maruelously perteyneth to this purpose / if we with any diligence obserue and marke euery mistery therof.
Fyrste let vs considre this multitude in it selfe / where many wente before our sauiour Jesu / and many folowed after: and he in y e myddys of them all. Tho that went before hym betoken vnto vs / the fathers and the people of the olde testament / the whiche dyd passe the course of this worlde before the byrthe of our sauioure Christe: tho that folowed after / do signifye the fathers & the people of the newe testamennt / the whiche succeded the byrthe of Christ. Both these make but one people: For they be al of one faythe.
Tho that went before beleued that Christe shuld comme in to this worlde / and dye for man. Tho that folowe / beleue that Christe is comme / and hath suffered his dethe for man. Neuer the lesse in some poyntes there is difference betwene these two: For they were vnder the lawe of Moyses / whiche was a lawe of drede / and of rygour / as saynt Paule saythe vnto the Hebrewes: Irritan [...] [Page] quis faciens legem Mosy / sine vlla miseratione / duovus aut trivus testibus moriatur: who that hath broken the lawe of Moyses / if he were conuinced by two or thre wytnesses / he without any mercy shulde dye. And in token herof it is sayde of them that wente before: Et qui preibant / increpabant eum: And tho that wente before / rebuked the blynde man / that cried for mercy. But tho that folowed Christ were and be vnder the lawe of grace and marcy. For whā our sauiour was borne in to this world / all grace and mercy came with hym. And therfore to shewe a differēce of these two people / saynt Johan sayth: Lex per Moysen data est / gratia et veritas per Jesum Christum exorta est: That is to saye / the lawe was gyuen vnto that people by Moyses: but grace and trewe perfourmance of al promysses rose vnto vs by our sauiour Christe. All thynges was shewed vnto that people by figures and shadowes / as saynt Paule sayth: Omnia in figura contingebant illis. Tyll vs (that succede the commynge of our sauiour) the same thynges be disclosed and made open. And good reason why. For they that folowe a lyght se more clerely by that lyght / than they that go before. That people myght nat well and easely beare the weyght and strayte commandmentes / the whiche were leyde vpon their shoulders. And therfore saynt Peter in the Actis of the apostles: Ne (que) nos / ne (que) patres nostri portare potuimus: The burthen of the lawe of Moyses was so heuy / that neither we nor our fathers myght susteyne them.
[Page]But nowe to vs the lawes of sauiour Christe be made easy by the abundance of grace / and by the dulcenes of loue / whiche the holy gost hath put in our hartes / as saint Paule saith: Charitas dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per spiritum sanctum / qui datus est nobis: that is say / the loue of god is spredde in our hartes by the holy gost / the whiche is gyuen vnto vs. And this is a great preeminēce that we haue aboue that people. This multitude that foloweth Christ in the way / and is in passage / is the succession of Christis churche / whiche hath contynued and shall cōtinue vnto the worldes ende / euen like a floode that passeth continually / the waters go & passe / but yet the floode cōtinueth / and reteyneth styl the name of y e floode: so the succession of Christis churche euer continueth / & is called y e churche catholike / though y e people yerely renewe. Thus moche thā I haue said for this multitude / amōge whiche our sauiour Christe was. Nowe let vs also briefely consydre / what this blynde man dothe meane and signifie.
This man doth betoken vnto vs the heretickes / and that for. iiij. cōditions aboue rehersed in this gospell. And here my bretherne / ye that nowe be abiured take hede.
Fyrst here I say that this man was singular by hym selfe: and so the heretikes studie to be singular in theyr opinions. Singularite and pride is y e the groūde of al heresie. groūde of all heresie. Whan a man studieth to be singular in his opinion / an wylnat cōforme hym selfe vnto the multitude of good persones / than [Page] falleth he into heresies.
Seconde. this mā was blynde / and had lost his sight. And the heretikes / by the errour of false doctrines and of ꝑuersed heresies / be blyded in theyr hartes / and haue nat the clere light of faithe.
Thyrde. this mā sate out of the right way / and walked nat: And so lyke wise these heretikes sytte out of the right waye / and walke nat in the iourney towarde heuen.
Fourth. this mā was deuided from this people / amonge whom Christe Jesu was: And so be the heretikes like wise: they be deuided frō y e churche of Christe / with whom our sauiour Christe continueth vnto the worldes ende. Thus ye ꝑceyue I suppose / that this man (whiche was singular / [...] blynde / and sate out of y e way / deuided frō Christe for these. iiij. cōditions) representeth y e heretikes.
¶ In the thyrde place we may by this easily conceyue / what great diuersite is betwene the churche catholike and the heretikes.
Fyrste / they that be of this multitude / and of the churche catholike / they be of one mynde and opinion / cōcernyng the substāce of our faith / to agre to gether in one doctrine. The heretikes be singular / and haue opinions by them selfe: and they be repugnant nat onely with the churche / but with them selfe amonge them selfe / as we shall shewe here after. It is a very trouth that one wise man hath sayde: Omne verum omni vero consonat / falsum autem tam a se ipso quam ab ipsa veritate discrepat: Euery trouth agreeth with other: but falshod is both [Page] repugnant ageynst hym selfe & ageynst y e trouth. Secunde. The churche is in the clere brightnes of faith. The heretikes be blynded by theyr false & erronious opiniōs. For as trouthe gyueth a light and a brightnes / so falsehode blyndeth / and bryngeth in to derkenes.
Thyrde. The churche is in the right way. The heretikes be out of the right way.
Forthe. The churche walketh and profiteth in their iourney towarde the countre of heuen. The heretikes sitte in Cathedra pestisentie / in the seate of pestilence / and profete nothynge in this iourney / but rather synkethe depper and depper towarde the pytte of hell.
Fyfte. y e churche hath in it y e presence of Chrste / and shal haue cōtinually vnto the worldes ende: The heretikes be deuided frome Christe in this present tyme / and so finally shalbe excluded from the sight of his face for euer. All these fyue differēces be so manifest in this gospell / that we nede nat moche decleration for the same.
¶ Nowe in the fourth place let vs discusse / howe this blynde man was restored vnto his sight: to thentent that we maye perceyue howe an heretike Howe an hereticke may be restored to the true faythe. may be restored to the true faithe of Christis churche. This blynde man by. iiij. maner of wayes was brought vnto his sight.
Fyrst he hering and inquiryng the very trouth of that multitude / whiche passed forby: Audiuit turbam pretereuntem / et interrogauit / quid hoc esset: He herde the people whiche was in passage / and of [Page] them he lerned what Jesus of Nazareth was. So must heretikes do / if he wyll be restored vnto the true faith. For no where the true doctryne of Jesu can be lerned / but in the churche. Here must the worde of god be lerned. And this is wonderfully expressed in this gospell by mistery. It is certayne that the people of the Jewes / whan y t Manhu was sent vnto them from aboue / & they sawe it in the lykenes of the corriander sede / they made this same question / whiche this blynde mā nowe dothe aske: Quid hoc? what is that. And of this question that sede toke this name / and was called Manhu. Nowe Manhu betokeneth in figure the worde of god. Who therfore so euer wyll lerne the trewe doctryne of the worde of god / he muste enquire it of this multitude / that walketh in the right waye: that is to say / of the churche catholike. Doutles out of y e churche this trouth can nat be lerned.
Secōde. this blȳde mā cried for mercy: so muste y e heretike do: he must beseche our sauiour Christ to enlighten his harte by clere faith / & to remoue frō his hart y e blyndnes of all errours & heresye.
Thyrde. our sauiour dyd cōmande y t this blynde man shulde be brought vnto hym: And so must y e heretikes be reduced vnto y e wayes of y e churche. But by whom commaundeth our sauiour / that thus they shall be reduced? truely by them that be set in spiritual auctorite: as nowe y t most reuerēt fader i god my lorde Legate / hauȳg this most souerayne auctorite / hath endeuored hym selfe for [Page] these men here present / & other / whiche were out of the way / to reduce them in to the wayes of the churche. The heretikes contende / that it shal nat belefull thus to do: but they wold haue euery mā lefte vnto theyr libertie. But doutles it may nat be so: For the nature of man is more prone to all noughtynes / rather than to any goodnes. And therfore many muste be compelled / accordyng as the gospel sayth in an other place: Compellite eos intrare. If euery mā shuld haue libertie to say what he wolde / we shuld haue a meruelous worlde. No mā shulde stere any where for heresies. And therfore saynt Paule consideryng y e pronytie of mans harte to be infected with heresies / gyueth often warnynge / that we shall in any wyse eschewe the perillous infections of these heretikes. And the same saynt Paule often pronunceth excōmunication ageynst them y t sowe this puersed doctrines amōge the Christen people. Wherfore it is nat lefull y t any man shall haue libertie to speke in these matters concernyng our fayth / what so euer that he liste: but he must be compelled to cōforme hym vnto the holsome doctryne of the churche.
Fourth this blynde man / whan he was brought vnto our sauiour / yet had he nat his syght vnto than he dyd fully assent with his holle wyl vnto the same. And to that purpose our sauiour asked hym what he wolde: Quid vis vt faciam tibi? And so made hym to cōfesse his full assent. Thus must the heretike do that wyl haue his spirituall sight: he muste fully assent vnto the doctrine of Christis [Page] churche. He may be compelled to come bodily / but if he come nat also with the feete of his soule / and fully assent vnto the churche: he can nat haue this trewe faith. The faith of the churche is nat made our faith / but by our assent: whiche assent cometh of vs / and is the wombe of our soule. And therfore it is nat absolutely saide / fides but fides tua: That is to say / thy faith. The faith of y e churche (whiche by thyne assent is made thy faith) doth make the safe.
In the fyfte and y e last place / as touchyng Martyn Luthers opinion of faith / nowe wyll I speks some what. To reherse his reasons / and so w [...]ade in this matter with them / it were inough for all holle daye. Neither the tyme wyll serue it nowe / nor yet the people can attayne to the conceyuyng of it. But I shall breuely say. iij. thynges.
The fyrst is this. Luther sore abuseth and discey Howe Luther disceue [...]e the people by his erronious opiniō of fayth. ueth the people as concernyng faith: For doutles he maketh them in his commō sermons to thȳke it is an easy matter to beleue / and to haue fayth / and there by to besaued: and so they care for no good workes at all. But where he boulteth and discusseth this matter vnto the very triall / there he maketh it an harde matter. For in the declaration of the. vi. psalme he sayth these wordes: Hoc certū est / neminē peruenturum ad dei misericordiam / nisi eam vehemētissime esuriat / et sitiat: cum isso qui ait: Quē admodum desiderat ceruus ad fontes aquarum / it a desiderat anima mea ad te deus. Who hath this faith? Who cō meth to this hygh pricke of faythe / to desyre as [Page] ernestly the presence of god / as an harte / whan he is chased / preaseth and coueteth to come vnto the soile? Here ye maye se the commen people be disceyued / whiche be farre fro this poynt. But if only faith doth iustifie vs / we can nat be repelled from this mercy / whan we be fully iustified.
Seconde. why dothe Luther deny that the workes do nat iustify vs? His reason is this. He saith bycause they be our workes: and what so euer reyseth from vs / it is but synne. Thā let hym obserue these wordis: Fides tua. Our sauiour saith / nat only Fides / but Fides tua. Thy faith (a trouth it is) is the gyfte of god: but it is nat made my faith / nor thy faith / nor his faith / as I sayd before / but by our assent. By our assent faith (whiche cometh from aboue) is made ours. But our assent is playnly our worke. wherfore at the least one worke of ours ioyneth with faith to our iusti [...]ienge.
Thyrde. saynt Paule in the epistole this daye / playnly condemneth this opinion: for he sayth / that faith / hope / & charite be. iij. diuerse thinges: Fides / spes / et charitas / tria hec: These be. iij. diuerse thynges / faith / hope / & charite. He sayth further: Si habuero oninem fidem / ita vt montes trasferam / charitatem a [...]tē non habuero / nihil sum: If I had all and euery faith / so that I myght by my faith remoue any great mountayne: yet if I haue nat charite / I am nought. wherfore if a mā haue al maner of faith / and wanteth charite / he is neuer the more iustyfyed. Withoutten charite therfore no man [Page] can be iustified: but who that hath charite / hath also good workes: as the same saynt Paule also proueth at length in the same Epistole. Wherfore withouten good workes / either done / or in a full wyll to be done / no man can be fully iustified. And for this saint Paule in the Epistole ad Romanes expresseth / what faith doth iustifie a man. Fides (he sayth) que per dilectionē operatur: that is to say / faith whiche worketh by loue / and that is by loue pregnant with good workes.
Finally for a more clerenesse of these wordes / we shall considre. iij. maner of persones: one of them that be in the way / an other of them that be nigh vnto the way / thyrde is of them that be farre out of the way: and eche of these haue a byleue. The Turke beleueth in god / and parauenture more cō stantly than many christen men do: but he beleueth nat in Christe the sonne of god: nor vpon the doctryne of the churche: whiche doutles was inspired by the holy goste. And therfore his faith is nat sufficiēt: he is very farre out of the way. The hereticke beleueth in god and in Christe: and therfore he is one degre nerer vnto the right way / thā the turke is: he sytteth by the high way syde: but yet his faith is nat sufficient: For he doth nat assent vnto the doctryne of the churche: whiche is inspired by the holy goste. Ye herde by the gospel / that the blynde man (whan he sate out out of the high way) beleued in Christe for he sayd / Jesufi [...] Dauid miserere me [...]: Jesu the sonne of Dauid haue [Page] mercy vpō me. By these wordes it appereth that he beleued he was both god and mā. God in that that he might restore his sight: man in that / that he called hym the sonne of Dauid. But yet this faith gaue hym nat his sight: He recouered nat his sight to than he was brought vnto the way / and ioyned with this multitude / amonge whom Christe Jesus was / and gaue his full assent. So the hereticke / haue he neuer so moche faith of god and of Christe / if he be nat cōmyn in to this way / if he be nat ioyned with this multitude of christen people / if he be nat made one of this nombre / if he hath nat gyuen his ful assent vnto the doctryne of the churche catholicke / whiche is inspired of the holy goste / doutles he wanteth the sight of true faith. But whā he hath fully assented to bileue in god the father / and in Christe Jesus his sonne / and vpon and in the doctryne of the churche / whiche deuoutly was inspired by the holy goste: than this miracle is done vpon hym. He is restored to the sight of clere faith. This is the faith good bretherne that may make you safe / and restore you vnto your ꝑfet sight. And therfore if ye haue this faith / I may say nowe to eche of you: Respice / fides tua te fasuum fecit: Open thyne eies / thy faith hath made the safe. It is nat the faithe that the turke hath / nor the faith that the heretike hath / but the faith catholicke of Christis churche that shal saue the: whiche faith is made thy faith / if thou truly come vnto the right way / if thou fastly ioyne thy selfe with the churche catholicke / if thou entierly [Page] make thy selfe one of this nōbre / if thou vprightly walke by good workes doyng / if thou frely and fully assent vnto the commē doctrine of this multitude / amonge whom Christe Jesu is. And to thentent that your sightis maye be y e more clered in this faith / I shal gether. iiij. collectiōs: by the whiche to all them that be nat ouer peruersedly drowned in the heresies of Luther / it shall appere (as I verily suppose) that his doctryne is veray pestilent and pernitious.
But here fyrst I muste beseche you to helpe me with your deuoute prayers / that it may please that infinite goodnes of almighty god so to assiste me with his grace in vtteryng these collections / that it maye be vnto the true faithfull catholicke herers some frutefull comforte: and to the fauorers of these most pernitious errours and heresies a very cōfusion: and that these poure brethern̄ of ours (whiche haue ben out of y e way) may the better be confirmed and establisshed nowe in the same. To this prayer it may lyke you to haue recōmended the vnyuersall churche / y e veray spouse of Christe / with euery state and degre of persons in the same / hygh and lowe / spiritual and temporall / as well them that be nowe lyuyng as other that be departed hens / enduryng as yet the greuous payns of purgatory: where they nowe abide the great mercy of our lorde / and the releue of our prayers. And to this purpose euery parson of your charite say som what after your deuotiō.
The fyrste collection
FOr a more strengthynge of these collections / we shal adioyne vnto this miracle a parable of our sauiour Christe / which [...] the same euangelist saynt Lu [...]e telleth in this maner.
The sower (he saith) wēt forth to sowe his sede / and in the sowyng some part of his sede fell nigh vnto the high way / and so was trodden vpō: and the byrdes of the ayer dyd eate vp this sede. An other parte fell vpon the stones / whiche was couered over with a litell erthe / and so the sede dyd sprowre: but whan it was sprowted / it myght take no roote for the hardnes and drynes of y e stones / but anone withered for lacke of moysture. A thyrde part fell amonge the thornes: and this sede rooted and rose vp a littel: but the thornes ouer grewe it / and so dyd suffocate it / that it myght brynge forthe no frute. The fourth parte fell vpon the good erthe / and sprowted / and toke roote / and shote vp / and brought forth great increase of frute / an hundred folde so moche.
Whā our sauiour had spoke this parable / he cried mightily / sayeng: Om havet autes audiendi / audiat: who that hath the inwarde eares of heryng / let hym here and marke this parable. Foure thiges noted in this patable.
In this parable we shall note. iiij. thynges: and of them / by the leaue of all myghty god / we shall gether as many collections.
[Page]Of these. iiij. thynges / the fyrst is the sower / y e secōde is y e sede / y e thyrde is y e good erthe / y e fourth is y e great ēcreace of frute. All these. iiij. thynges vnder other names be cōteyned in y e gospell of the miracle. There our sauiour is redy to take away y e blyndnes of our hartes. [...]here is he called a sower of his sede. The multitude there ēstructeth y e blynde mā where Jesus of Nazareth is / & enfurmeth hym in y e doctrine of faith. He / or y e same doctrine is called the sede of the worde of god. That multitude / which ther̄ hath Christ amōge them / here is called the good erthe. There y e multitude ꝓfiteth in merite / by walkyng & nigh approching vnto our sauiour Christe: here this merite is called the plenteous encreace of good frute.
Fyrst thā as cōcernȳg y e sower / some ꝑson might Fyrste / the sower. here lightly thynke / y t our sauiour was nat fully circūspect in tellyng this parable. for here semeth to want som thyng y t is chiefly necessary for y e plē teous ēcreace of frute to be had. here is left out vnspokē of y e fauorable dispositiō & influence of y e heuens / whiche is prīcipally re (qui)red vnto y e purpose. For put that y e sede be neuer so good / and y e erthe neuer so well prepared & ordred / and that y e sower do his part neuer so moche / yet if the fauorable influence of the heuens want / al that labour is but in vayne / there shal no frute arise of that sowyng. This is a very trouth / I can nat say the cōtrary / these. iiij. thȳges must nedes be cōcurrāt to worke eche with other / & ioyne to gether in one purpose. [Page] I say / the influence of the heuyns / the diligence of the sower / the goodnes of the sede / the due preparation and tyllyng of y e erthe. And albe it that here is no speciall mention made of the influence of the heuyns / it is neuer the lesse included. For whan we knowe who is the sower / we shall well perceyue he hath all the influence of the heuyns in his owne hande: and this shall well appere / if we ioyne the parable & his declaration to gether. Joyne I say the parable with the declaration of the same / and ye shall fynde that this sower / that is ment here / is very god. And by this reason: the parable sayth: Exiit / qui seminat / seminare semē suū: He that is the very sower hath issued for to sowe his owne sede. The declaration is / Semen est verbum dei. This sede is the worde of god. Nowe thā if the sede that this sower doth sowe / be the worde of god / & this sede whiche he soweth is his veray owne: It foloweth necessarily that this sower is very god: And so must he nedes haue in his handes the holle influence of the heuyns. Whersore here nothyng lacketh in this parable. But as for the bodely heuyns lette them passe: all is spirituall that is ment here: the heuyns / the influence / the sower / the sede / the erth / the frute / all is spiritual: and we must conceyue all this spiritually. And therfore our sauiour sayd: Oui habet aures audiendi / audiat: who that hath the inwarde eares of spirituall herynge / and spirituall conceyuyng he is mete to here and to conceyue this parable.
[Page]Fyrst this sower (as I haue sayde) is the sonne of god▪ our sauiour Christe Jesu: and he is y e very spirituall sonne of this worlde / Qui illuminat omne hominem venientem in hunc mundum / That spreadeth his comfortable beames vpon the soules of men. He issued out from the bosome of his father / and came ī to this worlde purposely to sowe ī y e hartes of men the sede of trouth. He it is that soweth his owne sede. The preachers of this word be nothȳg els / but as the cophyns and the hoppers / wherin this sede is couched. Thus saint Augustine sayth of hym selfe: Ego quid sum / nisi cophinus seminatoris▪ What am I sayth he? verily nothyng els but the cophyne / or the hopper of hym that soweth. The preacher may well reherse y e wordes of scripture: but they be nat his wordes / they be the wordes of Christe. And if our sauiour Christ speke nat within the preacher / the sede shalbe but caste in vayne. Therfore saint Paule sayth vnto the Corrinthies of hym selfe: In me loquitur Christus: Christe sayth 2. Cor. 13 he / speketh within me. Christe that spake in saint Paule was the veray sower: and as he spake in saynt Paule / so spake he ī y e other blessed fathers / whiche for their tyme dyd instructe and teache the people / and minister this sede vnto them. And nat only Christ dyd sowe this sede by their mouthes: but also y e spirite of god gaue his gratious influence vnto this sede by theyr mouthes / in lyke maner. wherfore of this spirite our sauiour saythe: Nō vos estis / qui loquimini / sed spiritus partis vestri / qui Mar. 10. [Page] loquitur in vobis? Ye be nat the speakers (he sayth) but y e spirite of your father speaketh within you. Farther more / bothe this sower & this influēte cō tinueth in y e churche vnto the worldes ende: For y e sower sayth of hym selfe: Ecce / ego vobiscū sum omnibꝰ Matt. 18. diebus vs (que) ad cōsuminationē seculi: Trust assuredly that I am & shalbe with you vnto the ende of the worlde. And for y e spirite our sauiour also promest / that he shuld abyde with y e churche euerlastȳgly / Vt maneat vobiscū in eternū. This most holy spirite / whiche Jo. 14. is the bountious fontayne of influence of all graces / after the corporall ascention of our sauiour vnto the heuens / was sēte downe vpon the churche / accordyng to the promyse of our sauiour before made: to thentent that the sowyng of this sede shulde neuer want the heuenly influence of al graces.
Nowe than to my purpose / thus farre we be / ye nowe conceyue (I suppose) that this spirituall sower / all be it so [...] be corporally ascēded vnto his father / yet neu [...]thelesse he by his godhed & by the assistence of his grace / hath ben euer sens veryly presente with his churche / to sowe therein the sede of his worde. And also the heuenly influence / that is to saye / the influence of the holy gost / is fauorably spred vpō the toward & well wyllyng hartes / to thentent that this sede may brynge forthe a plentuous encrease of good frute / and in this gratious purpose they both / I say bothe the sower and this holy spirite / haue cō tinued [Page] / and wyll so cōtinue / vnto y e worldis ende. Who thā may dout / but in this lōge time / whiche is aboue fyftene hūdred yeres / the true sede of the worde of god / that is to say the scriptures of god haue bene truely taught vnto the people: and the people hath truely beleued and gyuen true faithe vnto the same doctryne of the scriptures?
Who is so deuyllysshe / that maye thynke that our sauiour Christe / the whiche so derely beloued his churche / that for the weale of hit / wolde suffre so bytter / so villaynous / so horrible a deth [...] ▪ and shede his mooste precious blode in the cross [...] ▪ to prepare the hartes of his people for the receyuyng of this sede? I saye who may thynke / that euer he / that dyd so moche for vs / wolde breake his promyse vnto vs? And if he haue nat broke his promyse: than hath he ben with his churche all this longe tyme of fyftene hūdred yeres: and hath sowen the tre [...]e sede of his worde: and his moste holy spirite also hath bene al this tyme present in the churche: and hath gyuen vnto the towarde hartes his gratious influence / both to receyue this sede / and also to brynge forthe plentuous frute.
¶ Nowe than / if this sede were thus truely sowen: than wolde I lerne / who were the mynysters of this trewe sede? Who but the preachers of this worde: I say the holy doctours / whiche taughte the people: and to whome by the holy spirite was commysedde the gouernaunce of the [Page] flocke of Christe / as saynt Paule sayth in y e Actes of the Apostles: Attendite vobis / et vniuerso gregi / in Act. 10. quo vos spiritus sanctus posuit episcopos / ad regēdam ecclesiam dei / quam acquesiuit sanguine suo: Take hede vnto your selfe / & to the holle flocke of Christe / where the spirite of god hath ordeyned you bisshoppes / to gouerne his churche: the whiche he so derely purchased by his owne moste precious bloode. Ye herde in the tellyng of the miracle / howe the fyrste meane for the blynde man to come vnto his sight was heryng. For as saynt Paule saythe: Fides e [...] Rom. 10. auditu: Faith cometh by heryng: by the preaching of the holy doctours the people herde the worde of god / & beleued it. For as saint Paule sayth: Quomodo credent ei / de quo non audierunt? Howe shall the people beleue / if they here nat? Et quomodo audient sine predicante? And howe shall they here without it be preached vnto them? This is than the ordre and the holle cheane: the blyndenes of our hertes can nat be put away / but by true faith: true faith can nat be gotten / but by herynge of this worde. The heryng of this worde shal nat be had / but by the meanes of preachynge: prechynge can nat be ministred without the preacher: the preacher can nat profitte / onles Christe Jesu (whiche is the veray sower) speke within hym: and also the spirite of Christe gyue his influence vnto y e same.
It is manifest than / that these preachers were the true ministers of this sede. It is also nat to be douted / but the true christen people alwayes hitherto [Page] hath gyuen faithe to the doctrine of the catholicke preachers: and so dyd beleue y e scriptures as they dyd expounde them / that were in tymes paste. And it is farther more certeyne / that these catholicke doctours ministred this sede / in lyke maner as they haue lefte writen vnto vs in theyr bokes. Wherfore if the preachers dyd erre in teachynge the scriptures of god: the people dyd erre in beleuyng their doctryne. And if bothe the preachers and the people dyd erre: where was y e true sowynge of this sede? Where was the doctryne of the faithe? where was bicome the promyse of our sauiour Christ? O cursed Luther / O mischeuous Apostata / O moste execrable hereticke y t denyest and dispisest all the fathers that euer were before vs: For in so denyeng / thou must nedes affirme / y t neither the doctrine of true faith / nor any trewe sowyng of this sede was in the churche of Christe by so many yeres: and that our sauiour Christe Jesu nothyng regarded his promyse all this long tyme / either as concernyng his owne presence to be continually with his churche: or as concernȳg the presence of his holy spirite / for to gyue his influence with the sowynge of this sede. It is therfore clere and euident (as I suppose) by this collection / that y e fathers / whiche vnder our sauiour Christe and this holy spirite haue hitherto gouerned the churche catholicke / haue also truely ministred this sede vnto y e people / & truely haue interpretate the scriptures of god vnto them: and y t our [Page] sauiour Christe Jesu by their mouthes dyd truly sowe this sede / and the holy spirite of god gaue his most gratious influence so plentiously / both vnto the fathers / and vnto the people that this moost gratious sede toke / effecte in bothe theyr hartes.
By this collection all the heresies of Luther at here the heresyed of Euther fasse. ones falle vnto the grounde. For if the doctryne of the fathers be true (as it must be / if our sauiour spake by their mouthes) Luthers doctryne / whiche is contrary / muste nedis be false.
Now therfore my bretherne / ye that be abiured / here take hede.
Sith it is euidēt / that our sauiour by y e mouthes of the fathers hath sowen this sede of his worde / and declared the scriptures of god by y e same: the spirite of god hath also gyueu his influence vnto this same sede: By whom suppose ye / that the doctryne of Luther (whiche is playne contrary vnto this doctryne / and vtterly cōdemned by the holy fathers) by whom (I say) suppose ye / that this mischeuous sede was sowen? By whom els / but by the deuyl / and inspired by the wicked spirites. Therfore if ye loue your owne soules / nowe flee this doctryne hens forwarde: and ioyne you vnto the doctryne of the churche / and beleue as the churche beleueth: that I may saye vnto eche of you: Rispice / fides tua te saluum fecit: Open thyne eies / for this faithe / that nowe thou haste / beleleuynge as the churche of Christe beleueth / hath sauedthe.
The seconde collection.
THe seconde thyng that I The sede. sayde was to be marked / is the sede of the worde of god: whiche here is nat called Semina / but Semē / nat many but one. This sede for. iii. considerations / is but one sede.
Fyrst for it is fortable and agreable / and lyke vnto The sede of y e word of god is but one sede for. 3 consyderations. it selfe in euery parte. As whan we se an heape of wheate / that is clene and pure wheare / without any diuerse medlyng of cockel / or of any other noughty and euyll sede / though there be many diuerse cornis / yet for as moche as they be all of one kynde / we say it is al one sede: and in lyke maner it is of the worde of god: though there be many wordes / and many trouthes in it / many specialties / many parables / many similitudes / many cōmaundemētes / many consailes / many thretes / many promises / many persuasions / yet for as moche as it hath no falsehod nor vntrouth / none errour / no wicked doctryne medled therwith / but is all (as ye wolde say) of one grayne / of one groweth / of one countre: for all cometh from aboue. Est saptentia desursunt descendens a patre luminum / as Jacobi. [...]. saint James saith. Therfore it is but one worde / one sede / one doctryne. Contrary wyse it is of the doctryne of Luther: For it is a medley made of many dyuerse colours / & of dyuerse patches / & hath a partye coote: Hit is nat one / but many [Page] doctrines adulterate / as saynt Paule saith: Adulterantes verbum dei: These heretickes adulterate [...]. Col. [...]. the worde of god / and make a shewe and a face of their heresie outward / as though it were y e worde of god / and hit is nat. It is diuerse from the doctrine & sede of this worde. I say nat / but Luther vseth full often the wordes and scriptures of god / I shulde say rather / abuseth them: But he intermedleth with them many great errours / many falsehodes / many peruerse expositions / contrary vnto the true teachyng / lefte vnto vs by the holy fathers in tymes paste: and contrary to the holle determinatiō of Christis churche. And for bycause that he thus hath intermedled moche euyll sede with the sede of god: and interlaced many great heresies: Therfore his doctryne is nat one but diuerse / and of many kyndes.
The secōde cōsideration / why y e sede of the worde The secōd consydecation. of god is one / is for bicause ther is in it no discord / no repugnancy / no contradiction / of one parte of it with another. It is lyke of it & of a songe / where be many syngers / that diuersely descant vpon the playne songe: but for as moche as they all agre withouten any gerryng / withouten any mystunynge / they make al but one sōge / & one armony. In lyke maner it is of the scriptures of god / and of the doctryne of the churche: There be many singers / & some synge the playne songe / and some synge the descant / saynt Mathewe / saint Marke / saynt Luke / saynt Johane / saynt Peter / saint [Page] Paule / saint James / saint Jude syng the playne songe. Than be there a great nombre of the doctours / whiche descante vpon this playne songe: but for bicause ther is no discorde / no repugnancy / no contradiction amonge them / at the leest in any poynt concernyng the substance of our faithe: all their boyces make but one songe / & one armony. The doctryne of Luther can nat be so: For he nat onely disagreeth with the fathers / but also with hym selfe in places innumerable: as they / whiche haue writē ageynst hym / haue euidently proued who that redeth the kynges boke / the boke of maister More / the bokes of Catharinus / the bokes of Empser / of Corleus / of Eckius / and many other / he shal clerely se / that this is a trouth / whiche I nowe saye. And nat only this / but also god therof highly be thanked / they nowe gerre and difagre The heretihes [...]isegre amōge them selfe amonge them selfe. Thre principall capitaynes of them defende. iij. playne contrary sentêces / and that in that most high worde of Christ / concernyng the sacramēt of the auter. I dare nat reherse theyr contrary expositions. For as saynt Paule saith: Sermo eorum sicut cancer serpit: Theyr [...]. Tim. 2 hersies be perillous: For they spredde lyke a canker: and as a pestilence they do infecte the herers. Neuerthelesse this is a veray trouth / that I say vnto you / twayne of them / that is to say / Luther and Oecolāpadius fully disagre / & make playne contradictorie expositions of these same wordes. And the thyrde / whiche is called Carlstadius / [Page] holdeth clene contrary to them both. Here be worthy maisters for a good christen man to put his soule in their hādes / y t so repugnantly vary in expoūdyng y e scriptures. And yet all these. iij. be mē of great name / and of high reputacion in lernyng amonge the Lutherians. This is the syngular goodnes of god / to stricke them with this contradiction & repugnancy amōge them selfe: so y t one of them shall nat here another. Euen as whā the towre of Babylon was enforsed to be buylded / all mighty god thus stroke y e builders of that towre / that one of them dyd nat vnderstād another: So nowe hath he striken these heretikes / whiche enforsed them to buylde a towre agaynst the churche / that amonge them selfe they haue clene contrary doctrynes: and one of them wyll nat here another.
The thyrde consideration / why the sede of the The thyrd consyderation. worde of god is but one / is this. Though there be many bokes of scripture / bothe in the olde testament and in the newe also / yet all these bokes be so fully agreed by the expositiōs and interpretations of the holy doctours / that they make but one boke / and one body of scripture: and haue in them all but one spirite of lyfe: that is to saye / the spirite of Christe Jesu. Euen as in the body of man there be many partes and many membres / yet for as moche as in euery of them is but one lyfe and one soule: therfore the body is but one. This thynge was figured in a vision / shewed vnto the [Page] prophet Ezechiell: he sawe one roundell and many roundels / and eche of them in the myddis of other: but in all these roundels was but one spirite of lyfe. So euery parte of scripture is lyke a roundel: For it hath no corners. Trouth is roūde and hath none angles. The psalter of Dauid is a roundell of trouthe / and eche of the gospels is a roundell of trouthe: The gospelles be in the psalter: and the psalter is in the gospelles: and the spirite of Christe maketh one roundell of them all. The newe testament is a roundell / and the olde testament is a roundell / and either of them is in the other: but there is but one spirite of lyfe in them bothe: and so in euery roundell of scripture: and this spirite maketh one roundell of all. And with these also the expositiōs of the fathers / whiche were inspired by the same spirite / make one roundell with the same.
The doctrine of Luther can nat be thus / nor yet partiner of this spirite of lyfe / bicause it is repugnant and deuyded frome the holle corps of the doctryne of the churche. Wherfore we maye necessarily The doctrine of Luther is nat one with the doctrine of Christe. conclude / that the doctryne of Luther is nat one with the doctryne of Christe / nor hath in it the spirite of lyfe: For as moche as it is repugnant and contradyctorily dyuerse from the doctryne of the churche. Whiche thynge we maye proue by. iij. reasons. The fyrst is this. The doctrine of the churche / wherin all y e fathers agree / [Page] is spoken by Christe / and inspired by the holy spirite of Christe / as it doth appere of the fyrste collection. But Christe and his holy spirite can nat teache and inspire two doctrynes / the whiche be clene contrary. Wherfore the doctryne of Luther is nat the doctrine of Christe / and of his most holy spirite.
Seconde. Christe Jesu sayth of hym selfe / that he is the veray trouth: Ego sum veritas. But one trouth can nat be deuided at ones to two contradictories. And why? If that one of them haue the trouth / that other muste nedes want it: For one trouth can nat be commune vnto them bothe.
Thyrde. the holy goste is the spirite of lyfe vnto the doctryne of the churche. But the sprite of lyfe can nat be deuided: but it must go holle: As we se that whā a mannes arme is cutte from his body / the lyfe is nat deuided / parte vnto the arme / and parte vnto the body: but the holle lyfe gothe with the body / and the arme hath no parte therof. So for bicause that Luther by his intricate expositions maketh one parte of scripture to be repugnāt agaynst an other / as he confesseth hym selfe / that he can nat frame his other expositions with the Epistole of saynt James / and with the gospell of Luke. Therfore it is manifest▪ that his doctryne is deuided from the holle corps of scripture / and is nat one with the doctryne of the churche / nor hath nat in it the spirite of lyfe.
¶ But nowe by your sufferance / I wyll speke a [Page] fewe wordes vnto these ꝑsons / which be abiured.
My bretherne / ye may perceyue by this that I haue sayd / that the sede of y e worde of god / that is to say y e doctrine of Christis churche / for these. iij. considerations afore rehersed / is one: And that the doctryne of Luther is by the same. iij. considerations nat one. Wherfore ye may sufficiently cō clude / that the doctryne of Luther is nat the gratious sede of the worde of god / nor hath in it the spirite of lyfe: but is an euyll sede / a sede of corruption / a sede of pestilent infection / a sede that bly [...] deth mēnes hertes / a sede that enueougleth their sight / a sede that extincteth in them y e true faith ▪ a sede that distroyeth their soules / finally the veray sede of the deuyll / whiche is inspired by the wicked spirites. Therfore good bretherne / I wold aduise both you & euery other true christen mā / to eschew this sede. And if it be sowen ī your hartes / to plucke it out by the routis / & to receyue the gratious sede of the worde of god / and fully to assent to the doctrine of Christis churche / that the wordes aboue rehersed may be sayde to eche of you: Respice / fides tua te safu [...]i fecit: Open thyn [...]ies / this is the faithe / that may make the safe.
The thyrde collection.
THe thyrde thynge to be marked is The good erthe. the good erthe: by the whiche our sauiour vnderstandeth in this parable one certayne maner [Page] of people: For he so declareth it hym selfe / sayeng: Quod autem in terram bonam / hi sunt qui corde honesto et bono: That is to say / this good erthe betokeneth them / whiche be of one hart honest & good. I meane the people / of whom we spake in y e gospell of the miracle before: the multitude I saye / whiche had Christe amonge them. Soone after that our sauiour had begonne together this people to giders / whiche we calle the christen people / he sayd vn them that than were present: Amen di [...]o [...]obis / non preteribit generatio [...]ec / donec [...]ec omnia fucta Mat. 24. fuerint: I tell you for a certayne / this generation shall nat passe / vnto than all these thynges that I nowe haue spoken of / shalbe perfourmed. He ment nat here any carnall generation. No. for that carnall generation / to whom he than spake / were deed many hūdred yeres ago. And also tho thynges that he than spake of / be nat yet perfurmed / but shalbe perfourmed about thende of the worlde. Wherfore doubtles he ment a spiritual generation: that is to say / the generation of christē people: whiche hitherto in dispite of all theyr ennemies / haue contynued / and shall continue vnto the worldis ende. Great malice and persecution hath ben vsed agaynst this generation / bothe by the Jewes and by the gentiles / by the tyrantes / by the philosophers / and the heretickes: but all they myght nat preuaile agaynst this generatiō / accordyng as our sauiour Christe hath promised: Et porte inferi non preuasebunt aduersue [...]am: And al the Mat. 16. [Page] malice of helle shal nat preuayle agaynst this generation / nor interrupt it.
¶ The wonderfull continuance of this generation was one thyng specially / that kepte saynt Augustyne (as he reportethe hym selfe) and helde hym in the catholicke faith. In the boke contra ij. thinges did establishe saynt Augustyne ī the catholyke faith. Manichesi he remembreth. ij. thynges concernyng this matter. That one is this. Tenet me ab ipsa sede Petri apostoli / cui pascendas oues suas post resurrectionem dominus commendauit / vsque ad presentem episcopatū successio sacerdotum: It holdeth me fyrste to be one of the churche / the continuall succession / that I se of popes one after an other / fro the fyrst sittyng of Peter in the See apostolice / to whom our sauiour commysed his flocke to be fedde / vnto this present tyme. This holy doctour saint Augustyne cōsidred what name Christe gaue vnto Peter▪callynge hym Cephas / whiche is as moche to saye as Petra / or [...]apis. And he marked also well / what promyse our sauioure dyd make vnto hym / sayenge: Et super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam m [...] am. And he obserued farther more / howe that amonge all the other apostles onely the succession of Peter doth continue / and to se the promyse of our sauiour thus truely put in effecte: This was some thynge y t made saynt Augustine to folowe constantly the doctryne of the churche. An other is this. Tenet ipsum cotholice nomen / quod nō sine causa inter tam multas hereses ista ecclesia sola obtinuit: That is to say / and this thyng also kepeth me [Page] fast in the doctrine of the churche / that this congregation / whiche is deriuied from the see of Peter / hath amonge so many heresies / and agaynst so many heretickes / only and nat withoutē cause opteyned this name Catholica / that it is called the catholicke churche. These two thynges dyd conferme and establisshe saint Augustine in the catho like faith. And truely who that depely weyeth al these thynges shall thynke the same. I say / if he cōsydre depely with hym selfe: fyrst y t suche a maner of name Pet receiued of our sauiour Christe: he was called Cephas / whiche is as moche to saye as a stone. This no man can denye.
Seconde. if he considre / howe that our sauiour sayde vnto Peter / that vpon that stone he wolde buylde his churche: agaynst the whiche the gates of helle shulde nat preuayle.
Thyrde. if he remembre besyde this / howe vnto the same Peter he seriously cōmysed his flocke to be fedde and to be gouerned.
Fourth. if he considre / that the true christen people / whiche we haue at this day / was deriuied by a continuall succession from the see of Peter. For where is nowe the christen people of the region of Scithia / whiche came of the succession of saynt Andrewe: Be they nat nowe infidels? Where is nowe the people of Ephesus / and of all Asia / whiche came of the succession of saynt John̄? Be they nat infidels? Where is nowe the people of bothe Aethiops / whiche came of the succession of saynt [Page] Mattheu & saynt Mathye? Be they nat infidels? And breuely to say / where is all the other people / whiche came of y e succession of the other apostles? either they nowe be infidels / or els schismatickes / or other wyse deuided from the churche of Christe.
Fynally / if he put vnto these / that onely the successiō of Peter in dispite of al their ēnemyes dothe yet continue / and yet beareth the name of the veray catholicke churche / and so shall do vnto the worldis ende / he shall se euidently / that this multitude and this successiou is the veray churche of Christe: agaynst the whiche the gates of hell shal neuer preuaile.
Thus than ye se whiche is the good erthe: I say the multitude of christen people / whiche hitherto by a continuall succession was deriuied from the see of Peter.
But nowe let vs here what conditions our sauiour The conditiōs of the good erth. adioyneth vnto this good erthe / he sayth: hi sunt / (qui) in corde honesto et bono. Pardō me / though I reherse y e wordes aft y e greke boke: for they make better agaynst our ēnemies / he sayth: In corde honesto / et vono. Here be. iij. conditions. Fyrst in corde / The fyrste cōdition. Act. 4. that is to saye of one harte and mynde / accordyng as it is writen / Mustitudinis credentium erat cor vnum / et anima vna: All that multitude that beleued in Christe / was of one harte and of one mynde / that is to say / they were nat deuided by contrary doctrynes. And therfore lykewise saynt Paule / writyng vnto the Corinthies / sayth: Idem loquamini 1. Cor. 1. [Page] omnes / et non sint inter vos dissidia / sed s [...]itis integrum corpus / eadem mente / et eadē sententia: That is to say / speake ye all one way / and let there be no contrary opinions amonge you / but be ye as an holle body of one mynde and of one sentence. Syth that Luther with his secte / is of an other mynde and sentence / and of a diuerse harte and opinion fro the churche / as I haue shewed before / it is manifest by this fyrst condition / that they be excluded fro this good erthe / and fro this succession of christen people / whiche we call the churche catholicke. As for vs it is certeyne / that we come derectly of this succession / and ioyne fully with the fathers in all their doctrynes. Contrariwyse Luther dispiseth them and their doctrynes / as I sayd before: and there he deuideth hym selfe frō the doctryne of the churche / and fro this good erthe. For what is the doctryne of the churche / but the doctryne of the fathers? Nat many yeres ago / as Luther cōfesseth hym selfe / he ioyned with the fathers / and with the churche / as we do: but nowe he hath cutte hym selfe fro the churche. We cam nat out of hym and of his secte / but all they cam out of vs / and so haue deuided them selfe from vs. We styl kepe and folowe the doctryne / whiche hath bene lefte vnto vs by the gratious fathers / men of singular lernynge and excellent holynes / whiche by the holy goost had the continuall gouernance of the churche vnto this day / as saint Paule doth witnesse in the Actis of y e apostles / as I sayd before. We than [Page] that folowe suche doctrynes / as haue bene lefte vnto vs / by these gouernours / which went before vs / be of one harte and mynde with them / and with the churche. And Luther with his adherentes / whiche wyll nat accepte and alowe these doctrynes / be of a dyuerse harte and mynde fro the fathers / and haue so deuided them selfe fro the churche. Wherfore it is manifest / that they wante this fyrst condition of the good erthe: they be nat of one harte and of one mynde with vs.
The seconde condition is honesto / that is honeste The sec [...] condition. and fayre: For the greke worde is indifferent to bothe. The lyght of true faith / whiche is a clere brightnes without any errours / moche doth honeste and make beautious the harte of a christen man: For withouten hit there is no honeste nor beautie in a soule. Sine fide impossibile est placere deo. This faith can nat be in the Lutherians / but remayneth only in y e succession of the churche / wherof we come. But the Lutherās (as I sayd) be deuided from the churche / and their faith is a clene contrarye doctryne from ours / and agaynst all them that were in the same succession before vs. It is also full of many great errours. One errour suffiseth to spill and to distroye any mannes faithe: but moche rather many great errours / and specially suche as here before haue bene condempned by many generall counsayles / had in the churche. At the whiche counsayles were present great noūbre of honorable fathers assembled [Page] to gether by the holy gost / men of singular lernȳg and excellent holynes / the whiche was confirmed by many great miracles. Wherfore the faithe of the Lutherans and the faith of the churche / can nat agree / but be clene repugnant one agaynst an other. And therfore if they bothe be true faithes / than shall there be two faithes: the whiche saynt Paule vtterly denyeth / sayng: Dnus dominus / vna Ephe. 4 fides. Wherfore also they want this seconde condiction / that is to say / honestie and beautie of faithe.
The thyrde condition is bono / that meaneth the The thyrd condition. towardnes of a good wyll to brynge forthe y e frute of good workes: For withouten that all fayth is nought / as sayth saint James: Fides sine operibus Jac. 2. mortua est. It suffiseth nat for a christen man to beleue the doctryne of the churche / but he muste also worke & bringe forthe some encrease of good frute. This frute they bryng nat forth / as it more playnly shall appere here after. Wherfore they want also this condition of the good erthe. But what thā be they? Surely they be the trodde erthe in the high way / and the stones / and the thornes / wherof the gospell here speketh. Saynt Peter in his seconde Epistole / where he prophiseth of suche heretickes / hath [...]. Peir [...] [...] expressedly discribed y e Lutherans / and telleth. iij. conditions of them: Wherby they Howe the Lutherās maye be knowen. may be clerery knowen.
The fyrst is this. Qui carnem sequentes in cōcupiscentia polutionis ambulant. That is to say / they folowe the wayes of theyr flesshe / & walke in the vnclene [Page] disires of the same. Thus Luther doth withoutē doubt and they all / whiche be of his secte: for he sayth it is necessary for euery man and woman to haue the carnall vse of their body / as it is to eate or to drynke. But where this carnalite reigneth / there y e wicked spirites haue full dominatiō: and there they kepe their haūte / and make that soule and herte as cōmune a trodde as is y e high way. These be the byrdes of the ayre / whiche eate vp the sede of the worde of god: they leaue nothynge but the veray hulle of that sede / the vertue o [...] it they conuey away. The fayre speche / y e eloquece / the knowlege of languages / these be but the veray hulle of the scriptures. This hulle these heretickes haue: But the veray pithe and substance of the sede is piked out of theyr hartes by these euyll spirites / that kepe them in this carnalite.
The seconde condition is. Dominationem contenmūt audaces / prefracti. That is to say / they dispise al gouernours / and them that be ī auctorite / & they be stiffe & heedy in their wayes: be nat y e Lutherans thus? who is more styffe / yea more furious than Luther is? For he dispiseth kynges / princes / popes / bisshoppes / and all auctorite both spirituall and temporall. And what is this / but a veray stonynes / indurate of pride and obstynacie?
The thyrde condition is this. Qui gloria precesientes non verentur cōuitus incessere. That is to say / they drede nat / nor be a shamed to skoffe / and checke / and to rebuke / yea to teare / scratche and rente the [Page] fames and lyues of noble men. And this the Lutherans also do / and Luther hym selfe principally: and thus they shewe them selfe to be very thornes and briers / whiche / as the gospell sayth / doth strangle the good sede.
Nowe thā to you my bretherne / whiche be abiured / I must direct my speche. For as moche as by this collectiō ye perceyue / y t the erthe ment in this parable is the true christen people / whiche haue Christe amonge them / accordyng as the gospel of the miracle telleth: and that this people hath continued their succession hitherto / fro y e see of Peter: and that also they haue in them. iij. conditions / that is to say / they be of one harte / by true doctryne: they be of one honesty / by y e brightnes of faith: And thyrde / they be of one good wyll to brynge forthe ēcrease of good frute. The Lutherans wāt these. iij. conditions: they be nat of one harte and of one doctryne with this multitude: Nor they haue nat one faithe with them: And as for any frute they care nat: as shalbe clerely shewed in the fourthe collection. Wherfore they be nat this good erthe / but they rather haue the conditions of thornes and stones / and of the clonge erthe / as it manifestly appereth by the prophecy of saynt Peter / as ye haue herde. Wherfore it shalbe expedient that ye from hensforth fle their company / & adioyne you with y e good erthe / with the catholike people / and folowe the doctryne of Christis churche: that I may repete vnto euery of you the wordis [Page] aboue rehersed: Respice / fides tua te saluum fecit / Open thyn eies / this thy faith / nowe beleuynge as the churche beleueth / hath made the safe.
The fourth collection concernynge the encreace of good frute.
THe fourthe / and the laste thyng to be marked in this parable / is the encreace of frute▪ the whiche in y e gospel of Mattheu is tolde more expressely▪ Aliud quidē centuplam / aliud sex [...] [...]agecuplum Mat. 1 [...]. / aliud trigecupsum: In some erthe this sede bryngeth forthe an hundred folde encreace / in some sixtyfolde / in some thyrtyfolde. This diuersite of encreace betokeneth vnto vs diuerse degrees of spiritualnes / whiche the sede of the worde of god workethe in our hartes / more or lesse / accordynge as our hartes better or worse be disposed. The hart that is more towardly disposed / is made more spiritual: and the hart that is lesse towarly / is lesse spirituall.
The same diuersite of frute was signified in the gospell of the myracle. For there all that multitude y t folowed Christe / was nat elyke nygh vnto Christe / euery one of them. Wherfore tho that were nexte vntyll hym / betoken the most perfect: [Page] tho that were farther of / lesse perfecte: and tho that were farthest of / the leaste perfecte. But we shall nowe speke of the diuerse degrees of encrease of frute.
Conceyue me what I meane. Ye se that though the grounde in the feeldes / by the dylygence of men / be neuer so well broken and seasoned / yet if there be no good seede sowen in it / it bryngeth nothynge forthe of it selfe but weedes / and all his naturall moysture tourneth in to weedes: But whan some good sede is caste in to hit / than that sede by his naturall vertue / and by the influence of the heuens / so myghtily draweth that erthely moysture of the grounde / and chaungeth it / and assembleth it in to his owne substaunce: in so moche that in some well prepared erthe there spryngeth nat one weede / but all the moysture of the grounde is tourned in to corne. In some other be fewer or mo weedes / accordyng to the goodnes of the erthe / or better / or lesse diligence in preparyng of the same. In lyke maner it is of the sede of the worde of god / and of the harte of man. An harte that is nat sowen with the worde of god / but lefte vntyll his owne nature / bryngeth nothyng forthe but the weedes of carnalitie / carnall thoughtes / carnall affections / and carnal workes. But whan the worde of god is sowen / and the spirite of god gyueth the influence of his grace: than that sede of the worde of god / by his supernaturall vertue / and by the gratious influence of the holy spirite [Page] of god / worketh in that harte / and chaungeth the carnalitie therof in to a spiritualnes / accordynge as the harte is better or worse disposed / by thre maners of degrees.
The lowest degree of this spiritualnes is in the state of matrimony: where though there be many weedes / yet there is moche ēcrease of frute / if this sacrament truely be kepte / there the encrease of frute is thyrtyfolde.
The myddell degree is in y e state of wydowheed / the whiche hath fewer weedes & more frute. Here the encrease of frute is thre skore folde.
The thyrd is ī the state of virginite / whiche hath The state of virginite. veray fewe weedes / or none at all / but all is frute: and this encrease is an hundred folde so moche. Fyrst than let vs begynne to speake of this high state of virginite.
The worde of god with the influence of grace so worketh in the hartes of true virgins / that in maner it leaueth no carnalitie there / but chaungeth all in to a spiritualnes / that it maketh them to dispise all thoughtes / all affections / al workes / that be carnall / saue only these / whiche be necessarily requisite vnto y e bodely lyfe: that is to say / to kepe the soule and the body together. Of this virginite our sauiour gaue example hym selfe: the same folowed his blyssed mother / and saynt Johan the Euangelist lykewyse: whiche for his clennes was singularly beloued of our sauiour: and for y e same he cōmysed the custody of his mother vntyll hym. [Page] And lykewyse to saint Paule he gaue example hȳ selfe of clennes / and continency of his body. And therfore he dothe wisshe / that other wolde do the same / and persuadeth ther vnto sayeng thus: Velim omnes homines esse / sicut et ipse sū. And a litel after: 1. Cor. 7. Bonsi eis est / si manserint / vt et ego. Of suche also our sauiour speketh in the gospell / and preyseth them sayeng: Sunt enuchi / qui se castrauerunt propter regnum Mat. 19. cesorū: There be some / whiche haue splayde them selfe spiritually / that is to saye / haue cutte from theyr hartes the carnall affections of theyr bodi es / for y e loue of the kyngdome of heuen. A trouth it is / all wyll nat do thus / and so our sauiour sayth in the same place: Non omnes capiūt ver [...] hoc: This worde worketh nat in euery harte. Yet neuerthelesse he doth exhorte ther vnto / sayenge: Qui potest capere / capiat: He that may take this worde and kepe his virginite / let hym take it. But thus dyd a great nombre of christen people in Alexandria / whiche by the preachynge of saint Marke / consecrate their virginite vnto Christe both men and women / as Philo the Hebrewe telleth. Suche were also great nombre of women / the whiche in Hierusalem lykewyse vnto Christe dyd consecrate their virginite / as telleth Euseby ī his story. And these thus dyd by the prechynge of the apostles. Innumerable suche also both men and women were in the desartes of Eyry of Egypte & Ethiop. All these by watche / fastyng / prayer contempned theyr flesshe / chastised theyr bodies / and kepte [Page] them lowe / to thentēt that they myght kepe their soules clene vnto Christe. And it is nat to be douted / but that there is in Christēdome / at this day / many thousandes of religious men and women / that full truely kepe their religion & their chastite vnto Christ. For whan Hely the prophet had supposed that so great a persecutiō was made agaȳst the true seruauntes of god / that he was lefte alone / it was answered vntyll hym by almyghty god / as saith saint Paule. Adhuc reli (qui) mihi septē milia / Ro. [...]. qui non curuauerunt genu ante Baal: I haue yet reserued vnto me seuen thousande / the whiche hath done none idolatry before Baall. And if almyghty god dyd reserue in that lytell porcion of Jury so great a multitude beyonde the estimation of this prophet Hely: what nombre suppose ye. doth yet remayne in all Christēdome of religious men and women / nat withstandynge this great persecution of religious monasteries bothe of men and of women / done by these heretickes / by this moste execrable doctryne? It is nat to be doubted / but in all Christendome be lefte many thousandes / whiche at this houre lyue chaste / and truely kepe theyr virginite vnto Christe.
Nowe let vs se / whether y e sede of god worke this The frute of Luthers doctrine. high frute amōge the Lutherans or nat. No. no. nothȳg lesse. Halas it will make a true christē mās harte to blede blody teares within his breast / for to here their lyuȳg. The prestis of his sect / which shulde kepe theyr handes and hartes clene for to [Page] mynister the blessed sacrament / folowe the luste and carnalite of their flesshe. The religious men forsake their religion / and retourne vnto y e world / and take them queanes. The virgins that were consecrate vnto god / & had promysed to kepe them selfe selfe as true spouses vnto Christ / nowe gyue their bodies tyll all wretched pleasure / and suffre them selfe to be stuprate and abhomynably defyled and soused in all carnalite O Jesus / this is the frute that commeth of the wicked sede / whiche this vngratious hereticke hath sowē amōge them. Howe far is this from the example of Christe / and from y e other blessed fathers innumerable / whiche both lyued chaste them selfe / & procured likewyse that other shulde do the same? If the deuyll haue nat excecate our eies / we may se by this euidently / y t this doctryne commeth nat from aboue: For than it shulde nat be contrary vnto the counsayles of Christe / and of saint Paule / and of the other scriptures of god: but it cometh playnly from y e deuyll. And yet he is nat ashamed to write / that al his doctryne he hath of god. Thus moche for the fyrste frute.
By this fyrst ye may iudge what his mynde and The frute of widow [...]ed. sentence is / concernyng the seconde frute / that is to say / as touchȳg wydowes. He that calleth virgins to forsake their virginite / wyll but a lytell regard the state and frute of wydwohed. And herein also he teacheth contrary vnto y e counsaile of saint Paule / whiche coūsaileth wydowes to kepe them [Page] sole and specially to thentent that they may in a more liberte serue god. For (as he saith) Innupta 1. Cor. 7. curat ea / que sunt domini / vt sit sancta quum corpore tum spiritu. Contra. q̄ nupta est / curat ea / que sūt mūdi / quomodo placitura sit viro. That is to say / she that is nat maried is myndful & studious / for tho thynges / whiche perteyne to Christe: But contrary wyse / she that is maried / is carefull of the thynges / whiche belong vnto the worlde / & studieth / howe she may please her husbande. But the carnall doctryne of Luther no more regardeth this coūsaile / nor this maner of ēcreace / thā he doth y t other of virginite.
The thyrde and the lowest degree of encreace of The fruit of mariage. frute is in y e state of mariage. The holy sacramēt of matrimony preserueth by his vertue the workes and dedes of them that be maried / so that the workes / whiche without this sacramēt shulde be dedly / be made by vertue of this sacrament either to be no synne / or at the least but veniall synne / so lōge I say as they truly kepe this sacramēt / & vse it accordyngly. In token wherof our sauiour at a mariage changed water in to wyne: therby signifienge that moche of the waterynes of carnalitie betwene the maried persons / by vertue of this sacramēt / is changed into the wyne of merite. But this encreace also is lost by the wicked doctryne of Luther: For he hath nowe maried hym selfe vnto a noūne: A frere and a nounne together / can this be any good mariage? No doubtles: whiche thȳ ges shall appere by▪ iij. reasons. Fyrst for bycause [Page] that he maketh y e sacrament of matrimony to be no sacramēt. A very mad mā / he to mary / & yet to affirme y t this sacrament hath no vertue in it / & y t directly agaynst y e scriptures of god / & so maketh as moche as lyeth in hym / y t the vertue of this sacramēt nothyng profiteth / neither tyll hym selfe / neither to other y t be maried / if they so beleue as he techeth. But their mariages as they vse them (nat beleuyng y t the sacrament hath any vertue) hath nothȳg in them that is spirituall / but be full of carnalite without any spiritualnes / ful of wateryng without any verdours of meryte / full of stȳ kyng weedes / without any good frute at all. For as saint Paule sayth / Qui seminat ꝑ carnē suā / de carne metet corruptionē: Et qui seminat per spiritū / de spiritu Gal. 6 metet vitā eternā: Who y t soweth by his flesshe carnally / shal reape of his flesshe corruptiō: And he y t soweth by the spirite / shal reape of his spirite y e reward of euerlastyng lyfe. But take away this holy sacrament / & doubtles al the vse of the bodies of them that be maried is onely carnall / whiche by this sacrament is made in some maner spirituall / and taketh by y e vertue therof a spiritualnes. For as moche thā as Luther hath destroyed this holy sacramēt / he can reape no good frute of his mariage / but only carnall corruption / and his mariage is no mariage.
The seconde reasō is this. Howe can it be a good The secōd reason. mariage / where one mā abuseth an other mānes wyfe / specially whā he medleth with her / whiche [Page] was consecrate the spouse of Christe? Amonge the Jentils it was reputed abhominable / for to abuse the virgins / whiche had cōsecrate their virginite vnto y e Idols. Moche rather it shuld so be thought amonge the christen people / to abuse the spouse of Christe / consecrate vnto hym. Saynt Mattheu whan he was desired by a certeyne prince called Hirtacus / that he shulde moue a virgine named Ephegenia / whiche had before consecrate her virginite to Christe / he made hym this answere: Siregis spōsam regis seruus vsurpare voluerit / vinus tr [...]d [...]t incendiis: That is to say / if the seruaunte of a kyng wolde abuse the kynges spouse / he were worthy to be throwen quicke in to the fyre. He ment that if Hirtacus / whiche than was christened / and shuld haue bene the seruaunt of Christe / wolde couet to mary that virgin / which was cōsecrate to Christ / as his spouse / he were worthy to be brent. What suppose ye that this blessed apostel wold say / if he nowe were present here agayne / & herde this abhominable dede / this carnally disposed mā / thus to abuse a religious virgin / whiche was cōsecrate the spouse of Christ? O Jesus. Howe moche wold he aborre this matter? And what dredfull sentēce wolde he pronounce of suche sodayne [...]uisement agaynst this hereticke? The thyrd reason is this. The thyrd reason. If we cōsidre what promise this mā had made be fore / & y e great strength of y t ꝓmise / we shall well ꝑceyue / y t this secōd ꝓmise can haue no place. And why? For y t promise / whiche he made before was [Page] to kepe his chastitie: this is clene contrary. That was a former promyse: this promyse is a later promyse / & that by many yeres latter. Thyrde. that promyse was for the weale of his soule: this promyse is made for the carnall pleasure of his body. Fourthe. that promise was made solemly & with a great deliberation: this promyse was made in a corner and of some shorte aduisemēt: For with in vi. wekes after the mariage / his woman had a childe. This was spedy worke / a woman to haue a chylde within. vi. wekes of her mariage. This must either be a great miracle / orels they had met to gether before. That promyse was made accordyng to the rules of holy religion / whiche was deuised by the holy fathers / and inspired by the spirite of god: this promise is made agaynst all good rulis / & by the carnall misordre of y e wretchednes of the flesshe. That promyse was made accordȳg to y e coūsailes of our sauiour Christ / saint Paule / and of the other apostles: this promise was made by the counsaile of Satanas / & of all y e deuylles of hell. Finally. that promise was made vnto god / & he wyll nat be mocked / as saith saint Paule: Deus non irridetur: God is nat to be mocked. But it is a Sal. 6. playne mockery / so solemly to promyse vnto god / and neuer the lasse to breake y e promyse made. An honest mā wyll loke to kepe his promise made vnto his neighbour / but moche rather / if his promise be made vnto almighty god / he so shuld kepe the same. Whan than that former promyse was [Page] made to god / and for the weale of his soule / and solemly by great deliberation / accordynge to the holy rulis of religion / and accordyng to the counsayles of the holy scripture / who seeth nat cuidētly / that this later promyse made vnto a woman / with all contrary cōditiōs to these aboue rehersed / can haue no place? For the former promyse is so stronge that it disanulleth & debarreth quite this other promyse / whiche was later made. But here one wyll say: Sir / Luther sawe that it was impossible for hym to conteyne hym selfe. But I s [...]y agayne / that Luther shulde haue loked at that poynt / before that he made this promyse to god & before he entred holy religion. And here I wolde be answered of all my maisters the Lutherans in this one poynt / what lyfe this hereticke hath lyued all these yeres before that he was maried. If Luther myght nat cōteyne hym selfe nowe in his later dayes / whan he is of more age and of elder yeres / what lyfe suppose ye that he lyued in y e feruour and heate of his youth [...] ▪ He speketh moche of hypocricy / but what hypocricy vsed he all this longe tyme that he was a frere / vnder his freers coote? If he dyd nat than conteyne: What abhominations dyd he vse in the luste of his youthe / that nowe in his later dayes may nat lyue chaste? O Jesus who may thinke that any gratious and frutfull knowlege of holy scriptures dyd entre and abpde in this mannes breast / whan it is writen: In masiuosam animam non introihit saptentia / nec habitabit Sap. 1. [Page] in corpore subdito peccatis. We rede of diuerse that for the foule vnclēnes of their bodies / lost y e singular gyfte of the holy spirite / whiche they had got before. Wherfore if this man led this abhominable lyfe before / and might nat conteyne hym selfe / it is certeyne he hath no frutfull knowlege of god / nor of his holy scriptures. And so this excuse shalbe rather his cōdempnation. But if they say that he before conteyned. Than I say that he shulde so nowe haue done / specially being nowe of elder yeres / and a religious man / and a preacher of the worde of god. He shulde haue chastised his body as saint Paule dyd / sayeng: Ego castigo corpus mefi / [...]. Cor. 9. et in seruitutē redigo / ne quum aliis predicauero / ipse reprobus inueniar: I chastise my body / & subdue it / leste that whan I shall preache to other / I be founde reprouable my selfe. Dyd nat saynt Paule suffre many temptations / and assaultes and brontes in his flesshe? yes doubtles / & so he sayth hym selfe: But by y e chastisemēt of his body / and by grace of god / he dyd ouercome them. And so this mā shuld haue done / he shulde haue chastised his body / by fastyng / by watche / by prayer / and so by the helpe of grace / haue mortified his carnall desires.
Thus thā ye perceyue (I suppose) clerely / that the doctrine of this most peruersed hereticke hath neither the encrease of the frute after the hiest degree of virginite: nor after y e meane degree of wydowhed: nor after the lowest of matrimony: but y t the couplyng of hym & of his mate to gyders is a [Page] veray brothelry / & a detestable sacrilege before the eies of god / of both these parties. So that I dare surely say / that all the stewes lesse offēdeth y e eies of god / with their abhominations / than doth Luther and his mate / with theyr double sacrilege.
Put nowe vnto this / y e blasphemes & reproches The blasphemes of Luther. agaynst almighty god / wherby he doth impute vnto god / that he shulde be the auctour of synne: And that his cōmandementes be impossible to be kepte. Agaynst our sauiour Christe / denyeng y t he by y e mouthes of the fathers hath sowen y e true [...] positiō of the holy scriptures. Nor that he so was assistent with his churche / accordynge to his promyse. Agaynst the holy goste / that he shulde [...] sufficiētly instructe by the same fathers y e christen people / in euery trouth perteynȳg vnto y e faith of Christe. Agaynst the blessed mother of Christe / y t ther shuld be no differēce betwene her & other womē / but y t she was as synful as other be. Agaynst the holy crosse / that he wolde brēne as many peates therof as he might gette. Agaȳst the blessed sayntes / y t their prayers helpe vs nat: and that they shuld nat be honored vpō vs. Agaȳst certeyn̄ bokes of scripture / namely y e gospel of Luke / and the Epistole of saint James. Agaynst y e other scriptures: who shall nombre the false cōstructiōs / y e wrōge intpretatiōs / y e mischeuous errours / wher by he hath corrupted y e holy scriptures of god? Agaynst y e sacramētes of Christis churche / all saue twayne / that is y e sacramēt of y e altar / & baptyme. [Page] And agaynst the holy canon of y e masse. Agaynst the doctryne of the holy fathers / whose holynes was cōfirmed by many miracles / he clerely dispiseth bothe them and theyr miracles. Agaynst religion: who shall reken / howe many religious ꝑsones bothe men and women / whiche before were in y e high way of saluation / that nowe by his pestilent doctryne / be become apostatas / and haue forsaken theyr ordre / and be retourned vnto y e carnall wayes of the worlde / to their perill and euerlastyng damnation? Agaynst all them that be in souerayntie / as well tēporall as spiritual / cōtrary to the playne doctrine of holy scriptures. Agaynst hym selfe and his herers and folowers / intrikȳge & snarlyng bothe hym and them in so pestilent errours and heresies / to y e high displeasure of god / that he hath suffred them to tomble in mentem improbam / that is to say / into a peruersed iudgemēt / approuyng this wretched carnalitie / wherin they nowe lyue. Agaynst his owne countrey / gyuyng occasion by his moste mischeuous doctryne to the subuersiō of that contrey (whiche was the floure of y e empire) by insurrections amonge them selfe: wherby many pyles / many castels / many great holdes / many stronge fortresses haue bene ouerthrowen and cast vnto the grounde / many tēples / many famous monasteries / many noble houses of religiō haue bene clerely destroyed / and suche a murdre of mē / as in our dayes hath nat ben herde of in so shorte a tyme: Doutles it is the hande and [Page] stroke of god vpon them / for the fauoryng & subportȳg of his most mischeuous doctrines: Suche a murdre of men / as credebly and faithfully is reported aboue an. C. thousande. This is y e frute / whiche is spronge of this moste wicked sede. The sede of god in the good hartes of true christen people worketh great encreace of gratious frute. Cō trary wyse / the sede of the deuyll in the hartes of the Lutherans / worketh all mischefe & corruptiō. I shall conclude (as I verily thynke) I beleue / y t onles Satanas were let lose out of hell / as in y e Apocalypsis it is promised / that he shulde beleued towarde y e ende of the worlde / so great a mischefe by one man / withouten his counsaile / cou [...] haue bene wrought.
¶ Nowe my bretherne / I wolde auise you so loke well vpon this matter / and nat so lightly to caste your soulis away by beleuȳg this doctrine of this most pernitious hereticke / whiche bryngeth forth none ēcrease of frute after any of these. u [...]. degrees aboue rehersed / but moche habundance of pest [...], and stynkyng weedes / of carnall corruptiō / of horrible blasphemes / of detestable murders. Folowe rather the doctrine of the churche / by the whiche / in the hartes of y e true christē people / springeth / & aryseth / and encreaseth all these. iii. degrees plē teously: so that by this doctryne ye may also be restored to the clerenes of your sight / as was y e blȳd man / vpon whom our sauiour shewed that great miracle afore tolde. And nowe hens forwarde (as [Page] that man dyd) folowe ye Christ in the right way. For it is sayd there of hym: Confestum vidit / et sequebatur eum: He forthe with had his sight / and folowed Christe. Do ye in like wyse / and beware that ye retourne nat in to your olde errours agayne / nor that ye loke nat backe vnto these heresies / nor stoppe in the way by any wauering of your faith: but go forthe right in meritorious workes / wherin the churche walketh / whiche hath with them the continuall presence of Christe / and of his most holy spirite / that one to sowe this gratious doctrine / that other to gyue his influence with the same vnto the herers. And doubt nat / but this waye shall finally brynge you vnto the glorious contrey of heuen / where ye shal haue y e presence of almighty god / with endlesse ioye and blisse: to the whiche he brynge vs all / Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viu [...] et regnat deus.
Imprinted at London / in fletestrete / in the house of Thomas Berthelet / nere to the Cundite / at y e signe of Lucrece.
¶ Cum priuilegio a rege indulto