FRENCH COVRT-AIRES, With their Ditties Englished, Of foure and fiue Parts.
Collected, Translated, Published By ED: FILMER, Gent: Dedicated to the Queene.
LONDON, Printed by William Stansby. 1629.
Cum Priuilegio.
O Ʋt of a Ciuill regard and speciall care not to wrong Strangers, I haue attempted to furnish these Forraine Compositions with afortune equall to what they had at Home. Courtiers they were borne, (as being begot of purpose to serue in those Chambers where your Maiestie had your high Beginning) and, in that Quality, haue bee'n committed, by their first Publishers, to the Tutelarie Shadow of the most Crowned Branches of your thrice-Christian Stemme. My wishes are that they may not suffer in their Condition by meanes of my good Opinion of them, which hath made mee Studie to make them Denisons of mine owne Countrie. And therefore, to preserue them in their first Degree and Safetie, I haue thought meet to Arme them with the Maiesticke Patronage of a Queene of their former Acquaintance, and of a fortune somewhat resembling their owne; who hauing nobly Fauoured them in the time of their greatest Securitie amongst their Naturall and Potent friends at home, will, as is humbly hoped, resolutely vndertake to Protect them now, in the time of Need, from the Affronts and Dangers incident to the life of Aliens, and vouchsafe them (being now as it we Naturaliz'd for her owne Subiects, and taught the Language wherein by her nearest People shee is pray'd for) a more Princely measure of Countenance and Affection, then formerly, when shee could not call them hers by so Soueraine an interest. Heerein, Sacred Ladie, if it may please you, in their behalfe, to Seale with an indulgent Eye the Grant of this my first Court-sute, they shall bee so farre from needing to enuie the Domesticke Estate of their more incommunicable Kindred left behind them, that rather it may bee presaged that the fame of their new happinesse heere abroad, will awake and stirre vp some of the great Remnant of their Courtly Race to craue the Conduct of some second and more able Guide to put them in the way for the like Outlandish Adventure. This, and greater Miracles, your Grace may easily effect with the least Musicall Honour daigned at any time by your incomparable Voice vnto these your first-Deuoted. The most harmonious Rectour of the immortall Quire instruct and perfit your Highnesse for the bearing of a Celestiall Part in the euerlasting Hallelu- IAH. So prayeth,
THough, in the highest times of the most Imperiall Citie of the World, Literature and Musicke were counted the two Mentall Touchstones of a Gentleman (for Wrastling was held but a Corporall one, and therefore, by the Comicke reciting the parts fit for a Gentleman, put in the last place: Fac periculum in Literis, in Musicis, in Palaestra) yet sole Scholler or Musician, vnlesse eleuated by Academicall Degrees, are held now but Lowe and Illiberall Conditions. So that a Nihilegregiè, or a Nequid nimis is that which preserues such, as are hereunto addicted, in a freedome requisite to Gentilitie, which ought to bee Slaue neither to Booke nor Fiddle. Farre therefore from a desire of testifying that my endeuours in these kinds haue soared aboue the pitch of mediocritie, I here expose to the vsers of my Naturall Tongue this small Labour, as whereby may onely be discouered a Gentle tincture of my mind in either, but a Deep die in neither of the fore-named Qualities. For, touching the Musicall part of this Booke, I haue onely exercised my Iudicatiue strength in the Choice and Collection of the Aires, which is not sufficient to raise on a man the surname of Musician: and, for the Literature or Poetrie of the Ditties, I haue no more then new-colour'd their Forme, by changing their Language, I haue not inuented the subiect, or Made the matter; wherein consists the maine Essence of a Poet, as being the Worke from whence he receiues more properly his Denomination [...] τὸ Ποιεῖν, then from the Making of a Verse. In so much that hee that traceth a Chronicle sincerely, without any fabulous mixture, may rather be called a Versifying Historian, then a Poet; as not sufficiently shaping himselfe to the fashion of the great and ancient Masters of the Art, that first set-vp the name of Poet. — Pictoribus at (que) Poetis Quidlibet audendi semper fuit aequa potestas; neither of them being tied to the Patterne of Truth, but left free to the Reach of Inuention. Nor doe I here labour to shift-of, as ignominious, the gracefull Titles of Poet or Musician, which Persons farre higher then my selfe haue accepted-of as Ornaments to their other Merits; my purpose being onely to acknowledge, that my sparing diligences and few retir'd houres employ'd these Wayes haue in no wise effected, that I may, without vanitie, either sue for, or admit-of these Names, that I vnfainedly gratulate to such as haue purchased them with Surpassing Desert. — mediocribus esse Poetis Non homines, non Dij, non concessere columnae.
Now, for the Worke its selfe, whereunto the Muses haue bee'n assistant with their double Skill (which the two-topp'd Mountaine they inhabit may bee thought to point-at) I meane Musicke and Poetrie, as I confesse that I haue bee'n, generally, more taken with the Musicall part then the Poeticall; so I acknowledge to haue tied my selfe more strictly to the presentation thereof (without swaruing from the first publish'd Copie either in flourish or substance) then of the Other; wherein I haue, sometime, suffered as well my Fant'sie as Reason to thrust mee a little from a punctuall insisting in the Steps of the Originall: vpon what Motiues (or peraduenture Necessitie) I leaue to the likely coniectures of the judicious Comparer to find-out; hauing held it more workemanlike, vpon well-taken occasions, by a justifiable varying from the Phrase, without losse of the Plot and Scope of the Author, so to translate, that the Translater may be said to haue some little share in the Apparell and Dresse, though not in the Bodie, of the worke, then (with a Schoole-boyes resolution) to dare to aime no further then at such an interpretation, as may render the most exact account, that may bee, of the Syntax of the Originall. Indeed, where Poems are chosen to bee translated for no other respect then for their owne eminent and know'n worth, it can sauour of no lesse then presuming selfe-conceit to straine, with new Flashes, to out-shine the primitiue Beames of the Originall; or to intimate a waterish vnsauorinesse in the translated Matter, by sprinkling the Translation with frequent Graines of the Translaters peculiar Salt. But, where Lines are not so much turned into another Language for their owne, as for the Musickes sake that they belong-to and (in a manner) serue, I cannot absolutely conclude, but that the Translat [...] may, without the blot of insolence, carrie himselfe with a Looser regard to those Pieces of his Patterne that hee shall judge himselfe least Obliged vnto. — &, quae Desperat tractata nitescere posse, relinquit.
Now, because translated Ditties and Originals differ chiefly in this Preposterous Point, that, whereas the Musicall Notes are fitted to the Originals, the Translations are, contrarily, to be fitted to the Musicall Notes, I haue bee'n forced, by this new Taske, for the more euen Accord with the Musicke, in diuers Aires, to alter the Naturall first Cast of the Verse, and to ordaine, in the proper place of an Iambicke Foot, a dissonant Trochaicke, as more sutable to the nature of the Note. For this cause, when the most busie Examiners shall, in some of the Ditties, find heere and there Iambicke Meeters that seeme to faulter in their Pace, through the vnlawfull frequencie of Trochaicke Motions, let them forbeare Censure, till they haue tried them with the Streame [Page] of the Aire or Note; which, though it were blamelesly enough by the Composer adapted to the French Verse, yet, now and then, fals out to make a Currant English Verse of the same Numbers to runne, as it were, against the Biasse. The reason is, because the French syllables, as well in Verse as Prose, are pronounced with a more Continu'd Equalitie of sound, then ours. For that Tongue admits seldome of any Tones or Intentions of the Voice (by Grammatians called Accents) vnlesse at the End of the Clause, or in the penultims of words ending in their c foeminine. And this their Mother-pronunciation they often apply euen to the Latine, and other acquired Tongues. From whence it is not vnlikely, that some of them, hauing bee'n admonished by Strangers of this their Vnrulinesse, haue not stucke to maintaine their dysprosodia (that I may so call it) or immodulation of the seuerely gouern'd Syllables of the Latine: as may appeare by that grauely-accented or rather vnaccented and indistinguish'd Piece father'd vpon them Nòs-Gàllì-nòn-cùràmùs-quàntìtàtém-syllàbàrúm; erroneously thinking that way of Pronunciation to be Common to Other Tongues, which seemes Proper to their Owne; the Nerues of whose Syllables (in Singing)-neither Crampe of vnnaturall correption, nor Racke of vnvsuall production can much Torture. Hence therefore it proceeds, that the French, when they Compose to a Dittie in their owne Language, being led rather by their free Fant'sie of Aire (wherein many of them doe naturally excell) then by any Strict and Artificiall scanning of the Line, by which they Build, doe often, by disproportion'd Musicall Quantities, inuert the naturall Stroke of a Verse, applying to the place of an Iambicke Foot, such Modulation as Iumps rather with a Trochay. And this without much violence to their Poems, since the Disorder and Confusion of metricall Feet in their Verse is as Inoffensiue as Indiscernible, by reason, as is afore-said, of the Euen Pronunciation of Their Tongue: whereas Ours, more frequent and liuely in Accenting all polysyllables, bewrayes presently to the Eare, by Our best Measure, the Accent, the Contrarietie betweene the Trochay and the Iambicke. Now therefore, when the Note, fitted for a Trochay in French, lights vpon an Iambicke in English, it strangely Wrests the relucting Syllables from their genuine Pronunciation, and changes the Friendly and Equall Conspiring, that ought to be betweene Word and Tune, into Injurious Contradiction; which vnseemely Variance often breakes forth into so lowd a Cacophonie, that, thereby, the one seemes to doe no lesse then Reuile the other. In respect whereof, the intent of this Booke being more to please the Iudicious Hearer of the Tunes, then the Criticall Reader of the Lines, I haue chosen rather, wittingly, to tolerate a little roughnesse in the Fluencie of some of the Verses, thereby the lesse to disrellish the Musicke, then, by an ouercurious straining to please in that Part of the worke that concernes my selfe, neglect the better Part, the prayse whereof I am farre from colour of pretending the least Right vnto. Yet herein also I dare not auouch to haue bee'n so anxious an Obseruer of the Lawes of the Note in all places, as to distemper the Verse vpon euery slight Becke thereof, but, where I haue thought the Lightnesse of the dissonancie might the most easily bee Digested by Good Eares, I haue sometimes permitted the Meeters to March forward with their most decent Steps, without Respect or Obcisance to the Musicall Measure discouer'd in the Face of the Note, to the end that the Poeticall Reader might find the lesse whereat to Trip or be Offended; hauing endeauoured, in this Doubtfull and Distracting Case, to make the Worke as little Scandalous as I could, either to the Grammaticall or Musicall Pervser.
In conclusion; that I may not too much Disproportion this small Building, by making the Porch of Preface too Bigge to correspond with the Little Roomes within, my moderate desires are, that my Home hearted vnaffectating Countrie-men, Fauourers and Practizers of Musicke, would courteously entertaine this Recopilation as a Worke naturaliz'd chiefly for their sakes; and, whereas our Tailors Shops and Dancing-schooles haue bee'n so employ'd in French Imitations, that our more deseruing Masters of Musicke might sometimes, for pleasing Nouelties sake, daigne to repaire hither for Life of Aire worthy of their more noble Arts Emulation. And, as for some Rouing Spirits, whose Transitorie View of France may haue magnified them with the Scumme onely and Froathie top of the French Tongue, without diuing into the substantiall Depth by a more piercing diligence therein, I am patiently prouided to heare them Counterblast these my Endeauours with this Airie Position: That it is impossible that any Words but French should euer Become the Loouer Aires (though they themselues, besides vnderstanding them but to halues, pronounce them to a naturall French Eare as Misbecomingly as euer Crude Forrainer was heard to sing an English Ballet) such is the aptnesse of halfe-digested Noueltie to breed in the Stomackes of our yong Countrie-men a Queasie despising of the, almost-matchlesse, Abilities of their owne Language. But, because I haue learn'd among People of sound Tasts, that, Contra Gustos no ay que disputar, There is no disputing against Tasts, I will abstaine to play the ignorant Logician by attempting to raise Arguments on a Theme held Improbable; but rather, somewhat to gratifie their depraued Palates, haue [Page] annexed the French Ditties in the end of the Booke; by the same meanes testifying, to the skilfull in both Tongues, my integritie (as farre as is formerly professed) in their Translations. Hauing hazarded to breake the yce to abler pennes, whose happier facultie in this kind may hereafter incite them, with some more rich English lining of other French pieces of this Musicall stuffe, to venture-for and winne the applause of my indegenerating Countriemen. Whose present acceptance of the homely threed here prepared to measure these first withall, shall fortifie mee against the future assaults of repentance.
To the Musicall Vser of this Booke.
NOte that the vsuall English measure of Songs (which is commonly by Sembriefs or Minoms) cannot be applyed to diuerse of the French Aires. Where therefore you shall find an odde Crotchet in the Aire, measure the whole Aire by Crotchets; and, where an odde Minom, by Minoms. Note also that the Tablature to each Aire hath not bee'n set by the Author of the Aire, but some of them by Gabriel Bataille, a French-man likewise. I haue therefore put his name to those Lute-parts that were not Composed by the Authors themsealues of the Aires, to the intent that each man may bee duely reputed-of according to his Deseruing. The single Letter before the beginning of the Lute-part giues the Tune that the singing Part, which is ouer it, begins-in. In those Aires, whose straines are to be sung twice ouer, you shall find the ending Note to bee twice set downe. Obserue therefore that if, in this case, the first straine be to be repeated, you sing, the first time, the first of these Notes onely; and, the second, the second onely; but, in the repetition of the last straine, you must, contrarily, sing the last Note (that stands without the barre) first, and that, which stands within the barre with the marke of Conclusion ouer the head, last. Other things (as namely the change of Time shew'n by Arithmeticall figures, or whatsoeuer else may seeme new) I suppose that such, as haue attained but to a mediocritie of Skill in Musicke, will, of themsealues, quickly conceiue.
To my worthy Friend, Master Edward Filmer, on his Worke published.
Cantus of 4. Parts. I. A PANEGYRIC: Sung by the Sunne, in a Masque of the Prince of Condies, to the now French Queene-Mother, at that time Regent.
Adorable Princesse. [...] BRight Abstract of vs sea╌uen Wandring Torches of Hea╌uen! Earths most a╌dored Shrine! 'Tis time I leaue skie╌ run╌ning, And quit my Coach and cun╌ning, To giue thee way to shine.
Tenor of 4. Parts. II.
[...] BRight Abstract of vs seauen Wandring Torches of Heauen! Earths most adored Shrine! 'Tis time I leaue skie-running, And quit my Coach and cunning, To giue thee way to shine.
Bassus of 4. Parts. II.
[...] BRight Abstract of vs sea╌uen Wandring Torches of Heauen! Earths most adored Shrine! 'Tis time I leaue skie-run╌ning, And quit my Coach and cunning, To giue thee way to shine.
Altus of 4. Parts. II.
[...] BRight Abstact of vs seauen Wandring Torches of Heauen! Earths most adored Shrine! 'Tis time I leaue skie-running, And quit my Coach and cunning, To giue thee way to shine.
Cantus of 4. Parts. II. To Anne the French Queene, new come from Spaine, at her first meeting with the King her husband: and appliable to our Sacred MARIE, at his Maiesties first sight of her at DOVER.
[...]n fin, la [...]yci. [...] AT length, heere Shee is; wee haue got those bright Eies; More shines now our Earth then the Skies: And our Mars, happie in his high desire, Is all flame by this fire.
Tenor of 4. Parts. II.
[...] AT length, heer Shee is; Wee haue got those bright Eies; More shines now our Earth then the Skies: And our Mars, hap╌pie in his high desire, Is all flame by this fire.
Bassus of 4. Parts. II.
[...] AT length, heere Shee is; Wee haue got those bright Eies; More shines now our Earth then the Skies: And our Mars, happie in his high desire, Is all flame by this fire.
Altus of 4. Parts. II.
[...] AT length, heere Shee is; wee haue got those bright Eies; More shines now our Earth then the Sies: And our Mars, happie in his high desire, Is all flame by this fire.
Cantus of 4. Parts. III.
Que n'estes vous lassées. [...] WHy haue my Thoughts conspi╌red, Neuer to bee tired, With doing Reason wrong? Making my Soule ac╌cu╌sed. For hauing refused. Her an╌ti╌dote so long.
Tenor of 4. Parts. III.
[...] WHy haue my Thoughts conspired, Neuer to bee tired, With doing Reason wrong? Making my Soule ac╌cused, For hauing refused; Her antidote so long.
Bassus of 4. Parts. III.
[...] WHy haue my Thoughts conspired, Neuer to bee tired, With doing Reason wrong? Making my Soule accused, For hauing refused Her antidote so long,
Altus of 4. Parts: III.
[...] WHy haue my Thoughts conspired, Neuer to bee tired, With doing Reason wrong? Ma╌king my Soule accused, For hauing refused Her antidote so long.
Cantus of 4. Parts. IIII.
[...] grands [...]ieux, que [...] charmes! [...] O! What muster of glances (Cupids troope of Lances!) What fires! and what darts! darts. O! What spark╌ling dres╌ses! What catching tresses! What tempting arts!
Tenor of 4. Parts. IIII.
[...] O! What muster, &c. O! what muster of glances (Cupids troope of Lances!) What fires! and what darts! O! what sparkling dresses! What catching tresses! What tempting arts.
Bassus of 4. Parts. IIII.
[...] O! what muster of glances (Cupids troope of Lances!) What fires! and what darts! darts. O! what sparkling dresses! What catching tresses! What tempting arts!
Altus of 4. Parts. IIII.
[...] O! What muster, &c. O! what muster of glances (Cupids troope of Lances!) What fires! and what darts! O! what sparkling dresses! What catching tresses! What tempting arts!
Cantus of 4. Parts. V.
Quel espoir de guarir. [...] WIth what wings can I fly From Disease, till I dy dy Of a Loue-kind╌led fe╌uer, Which I may well endure, but but to make know'n dare ne╌uer?
Tenor of 4. Parts. V.
[...] WIth what wings can I fly From Disease, till I dy dy Of a Loue-kindled fe╌uer, Which I may well endure, but but to make know'n dare neuer?
Bassus of 4. Parts. V.
[...] WIth what wings can I fly From Disease, till I dy dy Of a Loue-kindled feuer, Which I may well endure, but but to make know'n dare neuer?
Altus of 4. Parts. V.
[...] WIth what wings can I fly From Disease, till I dy dy Of a Loue-kindled fe╌uer, Which I may well en╌dure, but but to make know'n dare neuer?
Cantus of 4. Parts. VI.
Dù luis-tu, Soleil de mon [...]me? [...] WHat Sp [...]ll holds thee, my Sunne, from rising? VVhat halfe-sphere takes-vp thy whole race? Is Thetis greene lappe the fresh place, That so long keepes thee a baptizing? Now that my Sunne daignes mee no light, To mee fairest Day is blacke Night.
Tenor of 4. Parts. VI.
[...] WHat Spell holds thee, my Sunne, from rising? VVhat halfe-sphere takes-vp thy whole race? Is Thetis greene lappe the fresh place, That so long keepes thee a baptizing? Now that my Sunne daignes mee no light, To mee fairest Day is blacke Night.
Bassus of 4. Parts. VI.
[...] WHat Spell holds thee, my Sunne, from rising? What halfe-sphere takes-vp thy whole race? Is Thetis greene lappe the fresh place, That so long keepes thee a baptizing, Now that my Sun daignes mee no light, To mee fairest Day is blacke Night.
Altus of 4. Parts. VI.
[...] WHat Spell holds thee, my Sunne, from rising? What halfe-sphere takes vp thy whole race? Is Thetis greene lappe the fresh place. That so long keepes thee a baptizing? Now that my Sunne daignes mee no light, To mee fairest Day is blacke Night.
Cantus of 4. Parts. VII.
Qu' Aminte [...]ut heureux! [...] HOw was Amyn╌tas blest, Whose death, but fained, Was meanes to cleare the brest, That Spite had stai╌ned, And winne the heart that Scorne be╌fore held gai╌ned!
Tenor of 4. Parts. VII.
[...] HOw was Amyntas blest, Whose death, but fained, Was meanes to cleare the brest, That Spite had stained; And winne the heart that Scorne be╌fore held gained!
Bassus of 4. Parts. VII.
[...] HOw was Amyntas blest, Whose death, but fained was meanes to cleare the brest, That Spite had stained; And winne the heart that Scorne be╌fore held gained!
Altus of 4. Parts. VII.
[...] HOw was Amyntas blest, Whose death, but fai╌ned, Was meanes to cleare the brest, That Spite had stained; And winne the heart that Scorne before held gained!
Cantus of 4. Parts. VIII.
Las! pourquoy ne suisje née. [...] WHy, alas! cri'd-out my Mother, To breake my peacefull sleepe of Innocence? And drew the cortin, that did smother Mine Eies from Lights of╌fence?
Tenor of 4. Parts. VIII.
[...] WHy, alas! cri'd-out my Mother, To breake my peacefull sleepe of Innocence? And drew the cortin, that did smother Mine Eies from Lights offence?
Bassus of 4. Parts. VIII.
[...] WHy, alas! cri'd-out my Mother, To breake my peacefull sleepe of Innocence? And drew the cortin, that did smother Mine Eies from Lights offence?
Altus of 4. Parts. VIII.
[...] WHy, alas! cri'd-out my Mo╌ther, To breake my peacefull sleepe of Innocence? And drew the cortin, that did smo╌ther Mine Eies from Lights of╌fence?
Cantus of 4. Parts. IX.
Vn jour l'amourense Siluie. [...] SYluia, not long since, halfe╌affrighted, Because loues theft grew vn╌benigh╌ted, Wak'd the mate where╌in shee de╌lighted, And thus did say: With a kisse let all wrongs bee righted, And get-vp quickly; for 'tis day. With a kisse let all wrongs bee righted, And get-vp quickly; for 'tis day.
Tenor of 4. Parts. IX.
[...] SYluia, not long since, halfe affrighted Because loues theft grew vn╌benighted Wak'd the mate wherein shee delighted, And thus did say: With a kisse, &c. With a kisse let all wrongs bee righted, And get-vp quickly; for 'tis day.
Bassus of 4. Parts. IX.
[...] SYluia, not long since, halfe affrighted, Because loues theft grew vn╌benigted, Wak'd the mate wherein shee delighted, And thus did say: With a kisse, With a kisse let all wrongs bee righted, And get-vp quickly; for 'tis day.
Altus of 4. Parts. IX.
[...] SYluia, not long since, halfe affrighted, Because loues theft grew vn╌benighted, Wak'd the mate wherein shee delighted, And thus did say: With a kisse, &c. With a kisse let all wrongs bee righted, And get-vp quickly; for 'tis day.
Cantus of 4. Parts. X.
Las! fuir actu tonsjours? [...] WIlt thou, vntam'd a╌las! still fly, for feare of charming, Thy breast in my teares floud? Or least, with my moanes lance, that Pittie, her selfe arming, Should let thy ri╌gour bloud? O! stay; O! stay, Amarantha, thy flight; Thy flights blacke wings shadow mee with dreadfull night.
Tenor of 4. Parts. X.
[...] WIlt thou, vntam'd a╌las! still flie, for feare of charming Thy breast in my teares floud? Or least, with my moanes lance, that Pittie, her selfe arming, Should let thy ri╌gour bloud? O! stay; O! stay, Amarantha, thy flight; Thy flights blacke wings shadow mee with dreadfull night.
Bassus of 4. Parts. X.
[...] WIlt thou, vntam'd a╌las! still flie, for feare of charming Thy breast in my teares floud? Or least, with my moanes lance, that Pittie, her selfe arming, Should let thy ri╌gour bloud? O! stay; O! stay, Amarantha, thy flight; Thy flights blacke wings shadow mee with dreadfull night.
Altus of 4. Parts. X.
[...] WIlt thou, vntam'd a╌las! still flie, for feare of charming Thy breast in my teares floud? Or least, with my moanes lance, that Pittie, her selfe ar╌ming, Should let thy ri╌gour bloud? O! stay; O! stay, Amarantha, thy flights; Thy flights blacke wings shadow mee with dreadfull night.
Cantus of 4. Parts. XI.
[...]i le parler, & le silence. [...] IF key of Speach, or locke of Silence, Strike vs with er╌rors, or with feares; Then let Eies vse their se╌cret stile, whence Hearts may bee taught, and yet not Eares. Loue, whose noiselesse wing, by stealth, caught vs, This dumbe discourse, as soft╌ly, taught vs.
Tenor of 4. Parts. XI.
[...] IF key of Speach, or locke of Silence, Strike vs with er╌rors, or with feares; Then let Eies vse their secret stile, whence Hearts may bee taught, and yet not Eares. Loue, whose noiselesse wing, by stealth, caught vs, This dumbe discourse, as softly, taught vs.
Bassus of 4. Parts. XI.
[...] IF key of Speach, or locke of Silence, Strike vs with errors, or with feares; Then let Eies vse their secret stile, whence Hearts may bee taught, and yet not Eares. Loue, whose noiselesse wing, by stealth, caught vs, This dumbe discourse, as softly, taught vs.
Altus of 4. Parts. XI.
[...] IF key of Speach, or locke of Silence, Strike vs with errors, or with feares; Then let Eies vse their secret stile, whence Hearts may bee taught, and yet not Eares. Loue, whose noiselesse wing, by stealth, caught vs, This dumbe discourse, as softly, taught vs.
Cantus of 4. Parts. XII. The Aire of the Tritonides, in a Masque before this LEWIS the thirteenth and his Mother, at Madame his Sisters taking her leaue to goe into SPAINE.
C' est trop courir les eaux. [...] TOo much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: Too much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: And hunt for Pallas heere in this more likely place, For sure in Ʋertues Court the Gods leaue still their trace.
Tenor of 4. Parts. XII.
[...] TOo much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: Too much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: And hunt for Pallas heere [in this] more likely place, For sure in Vertues Court the Gods leaue still their trace.
Bassus of 4. Parts. XII.
[...] TOo much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: Too much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: And hunt for Pallas heere [in this] more likely place, For sure in Ʋertues Court the Gods leaue still their trace.
Altus of 4. Parts. XII.
[...] TOo much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: Too much wee range the waues, Let's quit these crystall graues: And hunt for Pallas heere [in this] more likely place, For sure in Ʋertues Court the Gods leaue still their trace.
Cantus of 4. Parts. XIII.
Ce petit Monarque des coeurs. [...] THat same lit╌tle great King of harts, Ouer-swell'd with custome of ta╌ming, To the fi╌rie yoake of his darts, The supremeneckes of hu╌mane fra╌ming, Would, fur╌ther, needs at╌tempt to knowe, If Death could suf╌fer by his bowe?
Tenor of 4. Parts. XIII.
[...] THat same little great King of harts, Ouerswell'd with custome of ta╌ming, To the firie yoake of his dartes, The supreme neckes of hu╌mane fra╌ming, Would further needs attempt to knowe, If Death could suffer by his bowe?
Bassus of 4. Parts. XIII.
[...] THat same little great King of harts, Ouer-swell'd with cu╌stome of ta╌ming, To the fi╌rie yoake of his darts, The su╌preme neckes of humane fra╌ming, Would fur╌ther needs attempt to knowe, If Death could suf╌fer by his bowe?
Altus of 4. Parts. XIII.
[...] THat same little great King of harts, Ouerswell'd with custome of ta╌ming, To the firie yoake of his darts, The supreme neckes of hu╌mane fra╌ming, Would further needs attempt to knowe, If Death could suffer by his bowe?
Cantus of 4. Parts. XIIII.
Arme toy, [...]a raison! [...] REason! arme thy wrong'd hands: Into nothing make tremble The flame, that, martyr'd brands, Makes my Soule to resem╌ble. If thy diuine tar╌get do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead. If thy diuine target do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead.
Tenor of 4. Parts. XIIII.
[...] REason! arme, &c. The flame that, martyr'd brands, Makes my Soule to resemble. If thy diuine, &c. If thy diuine target do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead.
Bassus of 4. Parts. XIIII.
[...] REason! arme thy wrong'd hands: Into nothing make tremble, The flame that, martyr'd brands, Makes my Soule to resemble. If thy diuine target do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead. If thy diuine target do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead.
Triplex of 4. Parts. XIIII.
[...] REason! arme, &c. The flame that, martyr'd brands, Makes my Soule to resemble. If thy diuine, &c. If thy diuine target do not shadow my head, A bright Eie soone will shine mee dead.
Quintus of 5. Parts. XV.
[...] THou, whome Fortune, now turn'd tender, With old chaines a╌new doth greet, Ioy thy tribute Soule to render At thy Queenes deseruing feet.
Cantus of 5. Parts. XV.
[...]us, que le [...]n heur [...]ppelle. [...] THou, whome Fortune, now turn'd ten╌der, With old chaines a╌new doth greet, Ioy thy tribute Soule to ren╌der At thy Queenes deseruing feet.
Tenor of 5. Parts, XV.
[...] THou, whome Fortune, now turn'd tender, With old chaines a╌new doth greet, Ioy thy tribute Soule to render At thy Queenes deseruing feet.
Bassus of 5. Parts. XV.
[...] THou, whome Fortune, now turn'd tender, With old Chaines a╌new doth greet, Ioy thy tribute Soule to render At thy Queenes deseruing feet.
Altus of 5. Parts. XV.
[...] THou, whome Fortune, now turn'd tender, With old chaines a╌new doth greet, Ioy thy tribute Soule to render At thy Queenes deseruing feet.
Quintus of 5. Parts. XVI.
[...] SInce our round Yeare hath but one Spring, Let Loue set glosse on this gemme of the Ring: Autumne, once come, prooues our leafs vtter Fall; Haste to Loues feast, while your best Seasons call.
Cantus of 5. Parts. XVI.
Puis que les ans n'ont qu' vn printemps. [...] SInce our round Yeare hath but one Spring, Let Loue set glosse on this gemme of the Ring: Autumne, once come, prooues our leafs vtter Fall; Haste to Loues feast while your best Seasons call. Haste to Loues feast, while your best Seasons call.
Tenor of 5. Parts: XVI.
[...] SInce our round Yeare hath but one Spring, Let Loue set glosse on this gemme of the Ring: Autumne, once come, prooues our leafs vtter Fall; Haste to Loues feast, while your best Seasons call.
Bassus of 5. Parts. XVI.
[...] SInce our round Yeare hath but one Spring, Let Loue set glosse on this gemme of the Ring: Autumne, once come, prooues our leafs vtter Fall; Haste to Loues feast, while your best Seasons call.
Altus of 5. Parts. XVI.
[...] SInce our round Yeare hath but one Spring, Let Loue set glosse on this gemme of the Ring: Autumne, once come, prooues our leafs vtter Fall; Haste to Loues feast, while your best Seasons call.
Quintus of 5. Parts. XVII.
[...] SAy then! my hard Iewell, My hard Iewell; say! For thy sparkes long fuell When shall thy gold pay? Shall I, &c. Shall I languish e'remore At Despaires pale-cheek'd dore.
Cantus of 5. Parts. XVII.
He bien! ma rebelle. [...] SAy then! my hard Iewell, My hard Iewell, say! For thy sparkes long fuell When shall thy gold pay? Shall I languish e'remore, bloudlesse by so sharpe du╌ell? Shall I languish e'remore At Despaires pale-cheek'd dore?
Triplex of 5. Parts. XVII.
[...] SAy then! my hard Iewell, My hard Iewell, say! For thy sparkes, &c. Shall I languish e'remore, bloudlesse by so sharpe duell? Shall I languish e'remore At Despaires pale-cheek'd dore?
Bassus of 5. Parts. XVII.
[...] SAy then! my hard Iewell, My hard Iewell, say! For thy sparkes long fuell When shall thy gold pay? Shall I languish e'remore, bloudlesse by so sharpe duell? Shall I languish e'remore At Despaires pale-cheek'd dore?
Tenor of 5. Parts. XVII.
[...] SAy then! my hard Iewell, My hard Iewell, say! For thy sparkes long fuell When shall thy gold pay. Shall I, &c. Shall I languish e'remore At Despaires pale-cheek'd dore?
Cantus of 5. Parts. XVIII.
[...]e vouldrois [...]en, ô Cloris! [...] KNowe, my deare Idoll Cloris! that, all zea╌lous, Heere at thine altar I would prostrate stay; But common Morne, of eu'rie Louer jea╌lous, To my Disaster brings the Starre of day, Cloris! fare╌well; Oh! let mee dying va╌nish: La nuit [...]'en va, & l' [...]nnuy me de [...]eure. Day╌light is come my de╌light hence to ba╌nish.
Quintus of 5. Parts. XVIII.
[...] KNowe, &c. Cloris! fare╌well; Oh! let mee dying va╌nish: Day╌light is come my de╌light hence to banish.
Tenor of 5. Parts: XVIII.
[...] KNow, &c. But com╌mon Morne, of eu'rie Louer jealous, To my Disaster brings the Starre of day. Cloris! farewell; Oh! let mee dying va╌nish: Day╌light is come my delight hence to banish.
Bassus of 5. Parts. XVIII.
[...] KNow, my deare Idoll, Cloris! that, all zealous, Heere at thine altar I would prostrate stay: But common Morne, of eu'rie Louer jealous, To my Disaster brings the Starre of day. Cloris! farewell; Oh! let mee dying va╌nish: Day╌light is come my delight hence to ba╌nish.
Altus of 5. Parts. XVIII.
[...] KNow, &c. But common Morne, of eu'rie Lo╌uer jea╌lous, To my Disaster brings the Starre of day. Cloris! farewell; Oh! let mee dying va╌nish: Day╌light is come my delight hence to banish.
Altus of 5. Parts. XIX.
[...] TO your sports, &c. Cantus secundusCatch gray Time by the beard as hee passes. Trust not, &c. Altus of 5. Parts. Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages: Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages.
Cantus of 5. Parts, XIX.
[...] TO your sports and delights, yee blith lasses! Catch gray Time by the beard as hee passes: Catch gray Time by the beard as hee passes: Trust not his bald necke; t'will slip-of your collers; And, by his euasion, you'll seeme ill Schollers. Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages. Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages.
Tenor of 5. Parts: XIX.
[...] TO your sports, &c. To your sports and delights, yee blith lasses! Catch, &c. Trust not, &c. Spend, &c. Spend in bowres, Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages.
Bassus of 5. Parts. XIX.
[...] TO your sports, &c. Catch, &c. Catch gray Time by the beard as hee passes. Trust not his bald necke; t'will slip-of your collers, And, by his euasion, you'll seeme ill Schollers. Spend, &c. Spend in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages.
Quintus of 5. Parts. XIX.
[...] TTo your &c. To your sports and delights, yee blith lasses! Catch, &c. Trust not, &c. Spend, &c. Spend, in bowres and thicke groues (Loues darke stages) The shining forenoone of your ages.
The English Table of the Aires of this BOOKE.
- AT length, heere Shee is. II.
- Bright Abstract of vs seauen. I.
- How was Amyntas blest. VII.
- If key of Speach, or locke of Silence. XI.
- Know, my deare Idoll Cloris! XVIII.
- O! what muster of glances! IIII.
- Reason! arme thy wrong'd hands. XIIII.
- Say then! my hard Iewell. XVII.
- Since our round Yeare. XVI.
- Syluia, not long since, halfe-affrighted. IX.
- That same litle great King of harts. XIII.
- Thou, whom Fortune. XV.
- Too much wee range the waues. XII.
- To your Sports and delights. XIX.
- What spell holds thee, my Sunne, from rising? VI.
- Why, alas! cry'd out my mother. VIII.
- Why haue thy Thoughts conspired. III.
- Wilt thou, vntam'd, alas! X.
- With what wings can I flie. V.
THE FRENCH TABLE of the same.
- ADorable Princesse. I.
- Aux plaifirs, aux delices Bergeres. XIX.
- Arme toy, ma raison! XIIII.
- Ce petit Monarque des coeurs. XIII.
- C'est trop courir les eaux. XII.
- En fin, la voyci. II.
- He bien! ma rebelle. XVII.
- Ie voudrois bien, ô Cloris! XVIII.
- Las! fuiras-tu toujours. X.
- Las! pour quoy ne suis-je née. VIII.
- O! grands Dieux, que de charmes! IIII.
- Où luis-tu, Soleil de moname? VI.
- Puis que les ans. XVI.
- Qu'Aminte fut heureux! VII.
- Quel espoir de guarir. V.
- Que n'estes vous lassées. III.
- Si le parler & le silence. XI.
- Vn jour l'amoureuse Siluie. IX.
- Vous, que le bon heur r'appelle. XV.