CERTAINE Articles, collected and taken (as it is thought) by the Byshops out of a title boke entituled an Admo­nition to the Parliament / wyth an Answere to the same. Containing a confirmation of the sayde Booke in shorte notes.

Esay. 5.20.

Woe be vnto them that speake good of euill / and euill of good / whych put darknesse for light / and light for darknesse / that putte bytter for sweete / and sweete for sower.

The Prynter to the Reader.

Thys worke is fynished thankes be to God /
And he only wil keepe vs from the searchers rod.
And though master Day and Toy watch & warde /
We hope the liuing God is our sauegarde.
Let them seeke / loke / and we now what they can /
It is but inuentions / and pollicies of man.
But you wil maruel where it was fynished (ended /
And you shal know (perchance) when domes day is.
Imprinted we know where / and whan /
Iudge you the place and you can.


TO THE Prelacie.

IF men be dumbe / sure stones shall speake /
God wyll hys truthe preuaile /
Let men resist / it forceth not /
It standes when they shall quaile.
When it of men is most opprest /
Then God doth set in foote /
You Prelates knowe how true thys is /
Thinke then what best may boote.
You that can councell other men /
Your selues be councelled /
God will correct you knowe it well /
where it is well deserued.
Yeelde reason why (none good you haue)
Gods churche / Gods orders lacke?
Not God the cause / he them requires /
Your Lordships keepe them backe.
Thinke on the time reformde to be /
Your selues which chiefly ought /
You may else kicke / you wot who sayth /
Its hard auayling nought.
Repent / amende / shewe forth your loue /
You which afflicte your owne /
And we your best / whole Antichriste
May quite be ouerthrowne.
By helpe of God / by helpe of Prince /
Whome God long saue and blesse /
With prosperous life / and earnest zeale /
At last heauen to possesse.

¶ A viewe of the Churche / that the Authors of the late publyshed Admonition would haue plauted wythin thys realme of Englande / containing such Positions as they hold against the state of the sayd Churche / as it is nowe.
A Reprouse of thys viewe / made as it is thought / by the Bysheps / and a Confirmation of the booke in short notes.

WE are charged by the apostle to speake truth / euery one to hys neighbor / which precepte I take to extende to the whole life of man / as well in matters concerning the worshyp of God and hys religion / an in them that cencerne the common lyfe [...] vse of man. And to be faultie in it / as it is a thyng worthy reprehension in all men / so especiallye in the ministers of God / and such as are / or ought to be by their callyng / leaders and conductors of other. I speake not thys to carpe / or maliciously to bite a­ny man / but to warne them brotherly of their faulte / that they may amend whych haue erred / and cōmit­ted a scape in thys behalfe. Some when they sawe these Articles sayde in thys wylt: As they are in all their doings shifters / so haue they in the Collection of these Articles / shewed them selues to be no lesse vntrue dealers / then their causers vaine & naught: bothe for vouching thyngs out of the Booke / which are not in the boke / and also in purtyng for the moste true propositions as paradoxes.

Fol. 3. li. 1. pa. 2. First they holde and affirme / that wein England / are not yet come to the out­ward face of a church agreeable to Gods word.

In this first Allegation there lacketh this word scarse / which is in both copptes / first and last / wher­in if they had meant plainly and truely to haue dealt wyth the world / they myght haue put it downs / as it is in y e boke. Let then thynke of them as they list / but to make a lie in y e beginning / is foule & shameful.

2. lin. vlt. They will haue the ministers to be called / allowed / and placed by the people.

This Article is vtterly falsthed. For it is in the Admonition / the election was made by the Elders with the common consent of the whole church. And so if they condempne the making of ministers / what do they else / but open their mouthe against God / and against the truthe. Act. 14.23.

3 Fol. 4. li. 7. pa. 13. They wil haue none made minister / vnt y e minister of some one certain parishe.

A perillous crroure. Loke Paul ad Tit. 1.5. I thynke we haue no Apostles made now a dayes / but pastors onely: but if you think the contrary / I pray you shew me / whether such as you make / be bounde in conscience to goe unto Turcia / Barbaria and such like places or no: or why rather they should be boūd to England / more then to those places: and take hed [...] heere o [...]a Popes reason.

4 lin. 9. They holde that a byshop at no hand / hath authoritie to ordaine ministers.

No / not alone / but as part of the consistorie / and eldership and member of the church / as Act. 1. And a byshop as ours are / that is Romish byshops / crea­tures of the Canon law by no meanes.

5. lin. 17. They say for a byshop to say to the mini­ster / Receiue the holy ghoste / is blasphemous and ridiculous.

Is this put downe as an error? in dede it is er­roneous if the holy ghost proceede from them: but y e let them consider of Caluu:. Io. 20.22.

6 lin. 28. They will haue the ministers at their owne pleasure to preach wythout lycence.

Thys is also falsifyed / the boke hath it / if any be so wel disposed to preach in their owne charges / they may not wythout my Lordes licence. A shamefull corruption. Any reasonable man would haue known by the second Article / that no man can be a preacher at hys owne pleasure / but by the admission of the cō ­gregation / but as afore / so say we againe. A Romish [Page]bishop hath nought to do / to geue licence / and hys is as good to preache by / as the Popes calfe was that Felton set vp.

7 lin. 13. Fol. 17. li. 6. pa. 1. They will haue the ministers discerned from others by no kind of ap­parell / and the apparell appoynted / they terme an­tichristian / & the apparell appoynted by y e Prince / disobedyence against the Prince.

Thys also is falsifyed / they speake of the simple kinde of setting for the the sacraments of Christe / and afterward in the purer churches / & compare it wyth the pelfe of beaurifying it (as they woulde haue it seeme) only found out and appoynted by popes from Paganes: The wordes are these / they ministred the sacramentes plainly / we pompously / wyth synging / piping / surplesse / and coape wearing / so I finde it in Fol. 4. pa. 2. lin. 15. Whether the appared be Anti­christian or no / it is no time here to debate / but lette them shew from whence they had it? and le [...] thē not be ashamed to professe hys name / whose cognisance they weare. Eyther let them speake as they are ap­parelled / or lette them apparell themselues as they speake. But I cry them mercy / they do so now / and neuer so plainly / I am sure they haue put forth here articles / whych they shall neuer be able to shewe any ground for / vnlesse they take it from the Pope. And thys I say to al good Christians / let them take hede that they haue not the supremacie of the Pope main­tayned heere / whilest a fewe white coates stande for hundred poundes / I say not thousandes. For thys viewe which they put forthe / drawing so many arti­cles out of that small boke / absurde as they seeme to put them forthe / containeth in it / so many false arti­cles cleane agaynst the truthe and the booke / as are by them put downe.

8 Fo. 4. li. 1. pa. 2. They will haue all Archby­shops / bishops / archdeacons / chaunceilors / and all other ecclesiasticall officers together with their ti­tles / iurisdictions / courtes / and lyuings cleane ta­ken [Page]away / and wyth speede remoned.

Falsifyed in part. They haue slily left out that / that they could nor / but be ashamed of / if they had a­ny shame / as Lords grace / Iustice of [...]eace & Quo­rum / whych haue no ground nor warrant in Gods boke. But I doubt not when they come to [...] the boke / or put [...]owne the confirmation of their [...] to continue these absura [...]c [...] we shall see good [...].

9 lin. 9. They will [...] haue the ministers [...] (as they terme i [...]) to any iourn [...] of [...] [...]ted by man / but as [...]he spiri [...]e moueth them / so to make their prayers / and there [...] as they [...] be un [...] [...]o n [...] pr [...]pt other of pray [...] / so [...]l they haue the boke of [...].

Vtterly [...]. There is [...] / [...]hut there s [...]ld be [...] / but that this of th [...]rs ought nor [...]. A [...] of [...] [...]hey deny not. Nay we do vse [...] [...]ure congrega [...] / and the same that all re [...]ed churches [...] but their patched Por [...] is [...] to be all [...]wed / the causes [...]an not be denyed there are [...]pan [...] vil [...] [...]h [...]ngs.

10 Fo. 4. lin. [...]. They [...] haue [...] ▪ sons / patronages / [...]pan [...] / and orda [...]ing o [...] the ministers to be r [...]ned.

A fore matter & g [...]eat error. It is to be thought that any reaso [...] m [...]n would [...] for [...]ese / as though it were a [...] absu [...]e to say they ought to be taken away / why not a Card [...]ll at [...]er [...]burye / as well as an ab [...]onage [...] place. As for the byshops makyng of ministers / other wise then re­fore / when they can [...] / we will yeede thys is absurde.

11 Fol. [...]. li. They will haue no hon [...]es red in the Churche / no [...] articles / nor in­ [...]et: o [...] set out nor vsed / [...]or in no wise Sacra­ments muustred in any house / nor in no wyse the word red / but preached only.

A ha [...]ous error. [...]te predicate. Math. 28. goe and preach. Et quo [...]que con [...]s ali [...] a­lium [Page]expeca [...]te. 1. Cor. 11. So oft as ye come toge­ther / tarye one for another. Priuate houses are not m [...]e for sacramentes to be ministred in / when there is an open cōgre [...]tion. They haue no cause to think of our most gracious Queene so wickedly / as y t they shuld be driuen to maintaine that absurb and disorde­rous order. Thankes be to God / all chu [...]ch dores are open / and god long preserue her maiestie among vs / by whose intants they are open. Why shuld that be tollerated / which is a cōfirming of their popish hoa­sling / and the priuate midwiues baptising.

12 They will not haue the Epistle and Gospell red / and whatsoeuer is sayde before / they vtterly mislike / and call it a Popes entraunce.

Where else had yet it? and such patching was ne­uer taken but fro Rome / shew authoritie if they cā.

13 pa. 2. li. 17.10. They cannot abide to haue the Crede red at the Communion.

No / not as a peece of your masse / yet we vse it in all our churches in euery sermon / it is not done for y e contempt of the Crede I would ye knew it.

14 Pa. 1. lin. 20. They wil haue the Commu­nion receiued at the table sitting / without further reuerence / kneeling they say / is vtterly vnlawful.

Christ vsed it sytting / Antychrist kneling / whe­ther is better to haue Moises or a Calfe?

15 lin. 14. They mislyke of these woordes / the bodye of our Lord Iesus Christe. &c.

Why cōtent you not your selues with Christes words and the Apostles? Eyther folysh Paule and wyse you / or folysh you and wyse the Apostles.

16 lin. 15. They mislyke of Gloria in excelsis.

Not euery thing that is good / is to be patched into the Communion / because that christians ought not to make quidlibet ex quolibet of a rede a rammes horne.

17 lin. 12. They will haue no other words / nor circumstance made / then Christe vsed.

17 lin. 12. Falsifyed / the words are / we synfully [Page]mixed wyth mannes inuentions. Speake truthe if thou can / and shame the deuill.

18 Fol. 6. pa. 1. lin. 12. They will haue no Pa­piste / neyther wyth hys will / nor constrayned to receyue the Communion.

Ah Paule what mentest thou. Probet seipsum homo. 1. Cor. 11. Let a man examine hymselfe. I tell you / the sacramentes are too muche abused by men wyllingly. Adde not more synnes to cause the Lords wrathe to be more hotte against vs.

19 line. 16. They will haue no Godfathers nor Godmothers.

Vtterly falsifyed.

20 Fol. 6. lin. 6. pag. 1. They wyll haue all mi­nisters equall.

Christe in deede erred in thys / therefore we re­cant / inter vos autem non sic. It shall not be so a­mong you. Luke. 22.

21 lin. 10. They mislike all collectors for y e pore.

And would haue Deacons placed / whose offyce it is. Act. 6. Rom. 12.

22 Fol. 8. in fine. They say that there may be yet a more perfect forme & order of a church drawne / and that thys is but an entraūce to a further mat­ter / promising that they wil yet go further therin.

Falsifyed. Sed audin? verbum vnum caue de pleniore Christo / ne ad morbum hoc etiam. Yet see howe these men are troubled / euen as legio was to heare of Christes cōming. It greueth them to heare that Christ shuld be ful amongst vs / and not by pat­ches and peeces.

Out of the seconde treatise called a viewe of po­pishe abuses remayning.

Note three Articles omitted.

And why these more then the rest? if it be for y t you are ashamed of your vngodly dealyng / with your fellow brethren / whome you and the rest of the hygh Commissioners at Lambeth put from their liuings and ministerie for refusyng to subscribe to your tra­ditions [Page]it is well: if it be for that you see them so suf­fyciently confuted / as you haue nothing to reply / you are to be borne wythall in hope of amendement.

1 Fol. 10. pag. 1. lin. 33. Reading of seruice or homelies in the Churche they say / is as euill as playing on a stage / and worse too.

Falsifyed / and yet marke I pray you their rea­son and comparison / not for the thing it selfe / but for the persons them selues. For the players can saye their partes without booke / these for the moste parte can but read theirs / and that scarse too.

2 Fol. 12. pa. 2. lin. 10. Touching mariage / they A mislike the wedding ring / they are angrye wyth B taking of it vp / and laying of it downe. They will not haue she Trinitie named therein. They say we make the man to make an idol of his wife / because he sayth / wyth this ring I the wed / with my body I thee worshyp.

A In deede they are pretie iugling castes / taken out of the Popes Masse booke / as the moste parte of all their trashe. Rub. manu trahendo. Tit. Be­nedictio sponsi & sponse.

B It is plaine abusing of the name of God bo­rowed from thence too. You myght haue foun [...] bet­ter reason to haue condempned thys for a superstiti­ous thyng / then a graye ammisse / for you haue these wycked words put to it. Et proficiat illi ad eternam salutem. And that it may profite hym to eternall sal­uation. Ca. Cretor. Thys were as good an occasion to cast it awaye / as Ezechias had to breake the ser­pent / and for your pretie vsing of it / let the Reader loke vpon the Rub. Tune aspergatur.

3 lin. 3. Confirmation they misselike / and call it superstitious / popishe / and peeuishe.

Farre ouer seene in so doing. It was a Sacra­ment / and may be still if it please you. For you [...]erte­fie the childe of Gods grace.

A 4 Fol. 13. pa. 1. lin. 1. Touching buriall of the dead / they will haue no prescript seruice for it.

B They will any man indis [...]erently to burye the dead / and not to be tyed to the minister.

C They misselike of thys prayer there vsed / that we wyth thys our brother. &c.

D They will haue no sermons at burials / because they are put in the place of Trentals / not so much E as lying of the corps in the place of buriall / the fetching to the Churche / the meeting of the mini­ster. &c. they cauill at.

A What needeth it? whye should the priest saye, meeting the corps / euen iuste at the churche stile (for so the Rubricke sayth / ) I am the resurrection and the life. &c. to whom speaketh he? to the liuing? why then at the Churche stile / rather then in anye other place? why at that time more then any other / if it be for the liuing? If it be for the dead / O vile papistes but thence it came / loke vnto that stinking portuise. All that whole tracte was spoken / and is spoken in most places in the person of the dead. See the blind­nesse and mischeefe of an adulterous nation. Thys for the church stile. See those popish apes. when he commeth to the graue / what then? forsoth this must be sayd or sung. Man that is borne of a woman. &c. O mourning ioyfull gospell spillers / when we be at the graues side / we be in the middest of life / when w [...] be put in / we be in deathe. And I beseche you / when had you the prayer that followeth: where you shewe a patching of Antichristes inuentions w t the word [...] of God. Beside the great and vile abusyng of th [...] scripture / in vsing that for a dead man / which bless [...] Iob spake in anguish of hys heart / for the affliction [...] whych he sustained / whilest he was alyue. To b [...] short / if thou dost it for a peece of Gods seruice / she [...] thy warrant / especially seeing thou abusest y e scripture to thy purpose. It is neuer red or founde eythe [...] in the olde testament or the new / that God either appoynted / or that there was vsed any scruice for / [...] at / and in the buriall of the deade.

B why? Because it is a peece of charitie / which [Page] [...]oncerneth euery man / and not any part of the mini­ [...]erie / that it should be bound & appropriate to them. Therefore we say / and that by the scripture / that it belongeth to them as to euery pryuate man / and not otherwyse. For who playde the priest / when Abra­ham buryed hys wyfe / and Iacob hys? what priest was it / that toke Steuens bodye / and Ananias and Saphira / and who preached at any of these burials?

C If you looke wel vppon your olde portuise / and conferre it wyth yours now / you can not well excuse it from being a prayer for the deade.

D we make not that a reason / but we shewe you howe they came in / and howe they came to haue that place. And if you be not minded to take away y e follye and abuse / yet I praye you take order for your Ra­uens / that will take no crackt Frenche crownes for their Trentall sermons / seeing you wyll haue it so.

E To take hys leaue of the belles w t three peales / accordyng to my Lorde of Canterburies laste per­uertisements.

5 Fol. 13. pa. 2. lin. 1. They fynde fault with say­ing the Psalme / I lifted vp mine eyes. &c.

Especially in summer for sonne burnyng / and if she come late at nyght / from being a moone calfe / for she must be whoded. And I beseche you why should the prayer y e is for the deliuery of the churche / or any member thereof from the tirannie of the ennemye of God / be vsed in a thankes geuing of a woman after childebirth. There is not one word in it for a thanks geuyng / but the whole Psalme runneth vppon the miseryes that the poore captiues are in / and yet they intitle their seruice a thankes giuing / & will needes haue thys Psalme vsed to that purpose. Nowe tell me / if thys be not abusyng of scrypture.

6 lin. 4. They misselyke that we pray in the Le­tanie / that all men may be saued.

Because we knowe that Caine / Iudas / and all the inuenters of thys geare / the Popes are the chil­dren of perdition.

7 lin. 5. They misselyke that we pray to be deliue­red from thundrings and lyghtnings / bicause whē we so pray / there is oft tymes no danger neare.

Put in too / from sparrewe blastyng.

8 Fol. 13. pa. 2. lin. 7. They fynde fault wyth syn­ging of Benedictus / Nunc dimittis / Magnifi­cat. &c. in the common prayer / callyng it / the pro­phanyng of the scryptures.

In dede we haue a new Christ in some mannes belly / and some Iohn Baptist to go before hym / and Simeons good store / that will gladly dye so sone as he is borne / but I thynke there be no pope Iones.

9 lin. 13. In all our order of seruice / they say / there is no edifying but confusion / they saye the inter­chaungeable saying of Psalmes / is tossyng of ten­nice balles.

Experience of these. 14. yeares / proueth what e­defying hath come by it / and the Psalmes would not be handled in greasie alehouse chaunters mouthes.

10 Fol. 14. pa. 11. lin. 18. The regiment of the Church / they call Antichristian and deuelish / and say they may as safely subscribe to allowe y e domi­nion of the pope ouer vs / as to subscribe to it.

No the Canon lawe is good scrypture / and the pope Antichrist / a mete man to set an order in Chri­stes house. And why not antichristian? they say truely / & they haue great reason so to say / for y e you haue no scripture to proue the contrary / for you stand only vpon the lawes of man / whome you haue caused for your behofe to cōfirme the lawes of Antichrist ther­in. But is it therfore not Antichristian / because that ciuill lawes of earthly princes / haue confirmed y e ca­non law / & take it now as their owne? As who shield say / the translating of a lawe from one realme to an other / and from one prince to another / letteth or cau­seth that the law may not / & is not rightly to be sayd to be hys / who first inuented it? Because that pryn­ces haue takē thys into their lawes / that whosoeuer committeth wilfull murther / shall die the death / is it [Page] [...]fore Gods law? Because the lawes of y e Grekes were translated into the Romaine Empire / therfore were they not the lawes of the Grecians? because y e a [...]s of Iustinian be come nowe to be practised in Fraūce / Germanie & other places / therfore are they not Iustiniās lawes? But be it y e because Papitius hath gathered all the lawes together / the whole be called Ius Papirianum / yet are the lawes theirs / & so shalbe called whose they were / if in thys it be so / why should the Canon lawe lose his name / to be cal­led the Popes law? because that princes haue confir­med it? As who should say / the chaunging of y e name [...]tereth eyther the nature of the law / or else of other thyng whatsoeuer? It is not sayd or thought / y e be­cause Adrianus or Bonif [...]cu [...]s / or whosoeuer was called Pope of Rome / therefore whatsoeuer lawe he [...]e was naught / & to be reiected? but because he / [...] apope / y t is as antichrist made it / hauing no groūd in Gods word / but rather the contrary / therfore it is sayd to be popishe / and therfore deuelish / whole name [...]o euer it put vpon it.

But there is a further matter in it. How may any [...]ce geue one man authoritie to be byshop ouer a p [...]ouince or a diocesse / more then the Emperor maye geue it to any priest / to be ouer all Chriscendome / ei­ther by hym selfe / or by the content of other princes. For so some wryte that hys supremacie came by the donation of Constantine and see then how farre this differeth from Antichrist. From Antichrist I saye / in taking that / which they know / cānot be so giuen / and they condempne the takyng of it in the byshop of Rome / for therfore they call hym Antichriste. They haue sayd and we say / that iure diuino by the lawe of God / he hathe no more authoritie and h [...]gher place / [...]en any other byshop / & they say true. And because [...]t taketh it vpon hym iure humand / they call hym [...]tichriste. It can not be then / but that they she [...]ee [...]selues herein to folowe the trace of Antichriste / [...]pecially seeing they haue it uire humano / and that [...]ure pontificio.

11 pag. 2. clin. 14. They will haue euery minys [...] to haue full iurisdiction in hys owne parishe.

It were a tyrannie if he had it alone / I say in [...] parishe / but forsoth not so in a diocesse.

12 lin. 28. They holde that the ministers at th [...] day enter not in by Christe / but by a popy she a [...] vnlawfull vocation.

Absurde / for Antichrist is Christe / and y e Canon la [...] scripture. It wil be hard for you to shew y e contrar [...]

13 lin. 28. They holde it is vnlawfull for one m [...] to preach in another mannes Church / or any m [...] to preache out of hys owne Churche.

Tanquam ex officio / vt cordigeri & Iacobita [...] It is true he oughte not as of his office and dueti [...] as the Cordigers and Iacobites / and whē it may shewed out of the scriptures / we will say as you sa [...] 14 Fol. 18. pa. 1. lin. 13. They will haue all cath [...] ­drall churches pulde downe wych Deaneries a [...] Prebendaries. &c / cleane taken away / and call t [...] dennes of leytering lubbers.

A daungerous matter if men stoode vnder t [...] walles / and seeing the statute of vagabondes why [...] is so straight. And I praye you what are they el [...] but loytering lubbers. Shewe what profyte co [...] ­meth by them to the Church of Christ / and how a [...] they occupied for the place of clearkes / whyche th [...] wrongfully keepe.

The state of the church at thys day / they call t [...] raigne of Antichrist.

It is spoken of the Romishe iurisdiction befo [...] mentioned. They haue iust cause to say so / for wh [...] is it else? No ground can be giuen out of gods wo [...] for any of those positions whyche they putte dow [...] heere / as reprehending and reprouing the booke. [...] the aduersaries of the booke thincke to stryue wy­the weapons of Antichriste agaynste them / we ha [...] to beholde the conflict wyth patience / for we shal [...] their faule to their shame and smarte. If it wer [...] [...] thyng to be tollerated in the seruice of God / and th [...] [Page] [...]re is / in the whole gouernment of hys house / to [...]rowe aduise of the ennenyes of God / whye was [...] so precyse wyth hys people of Israell by Moises [...]s seruaunt / in appoynting hys seruice / and euerye [...]e pertayning to the priesthode and temple / that he [...]ould not haue the least rag that myghte be from y e [...]aganes hys ennemies? was it not because he wold [...]t haue that to be any meanes or occasyon of fami­ [...]ritye wyth them / or any lykenesse / whereby they [...]yght be moued to folowe them? Comunitie of mā ­ [...]rs / and lykenesse of conuersation in matters of re­ [...]yō especially / is a greate cause of further acquain­ [...]nce and familiaritie. Therfore that they shuld not [...]eme to allowe / as from hym and by hys meanes [...]eyr manner of doings / and that should not be done [...] hym / that was done to straunge Gods / he inuen­ [...]d and appoynted an order aparte / wherby he word [...] worshypped. The same trace did Christ followe. [...]e neyther read nor fynde / that he borrowed ought [...] the Gentiles / and that more is / because no doubte [...] would haue vs leaue of all Iewishe ceremonies / [...] commended not hys owne / and hys fathers for­ [...]er lawes / to hys Apostles to be obserued. And [...]y then should we take ought from hys ennemye / [...]e childe of perdition and synne / the Antichriste of [...]ome / who hathe bene and is / the greatest waster of [...]s church. Nay / they should rather take that way / [...]herby it myght be hardly heard amongst oure po­ [...]erity / what manner of beast that was. They shuld [...]ake away bothe from the eyes and eares of all men (as well as from their heartes) all sygnes and to­ [...]ens / wherby that childe of synne / myghte come in­ [...] remembraunce. O that we must still holde vp the [...]ead of that beast / whych is worthely by Gods spi­ [...]ie and iudgement cast downe into hell. O that bre­ [...]ren / our brethren I say / whych haue already bene [...]ersecuted / and are lyke agayne to be persecuted (if God doe not in mercy loke vpon hys poore afflycted Church) shuld stand is stoutly with their brethren / [Page]in whome they can fynde no reproofe / but the hatre [...] of Antichriste / in thys ouerflowing of the bloude o [...] our brethren in Fraunce / whych is yet greene befo [...] our eyes / and yet lyeth vppon the face of the streate [...] and fieldes of that curssed land / should stande I sa [...] so stoutly for that / wherfore all those theyr brethren haue bene so cruelly and agaynste all godlynesse an [...] nature murthered and which al their other brethr [...] else where / haue iustly condempned and caste away and the godly here grone with the burden of it. Ma [...] it please thee O Lord / to open their eyes / that th [...] seekyng thy glory / may see to the safetye of this po [...] Churche / yet standyng as a little braunche / but loo­king daily by thy iust iudgement / for our not vprigh [...] walkyng to be spoyled of those bloud thirsty and de­ceytfull men. Geue them heartes O Lord / that the [...] may forsee the day of their destruction / nay oure de­struction / Good Lorde plucke of the vayle of they vnderstandyng / that they be not taken in their syn and we wyth them bee cutte of in thy displeasure Truthe it is Lord / that we haue wel deserued th [...] contrary / and our synnes we confesse / haue ben som [...] occasyon of y e cuttyng of of oure brethren / yet for thy name sake be mercyfull vnto vs / that the ennemy [...] and bloude thirstie man may not triumph and saye / where is nowe theyr God. Faultes escaped.

Pre. lin. 4. not / to much / pag. 63. lin. 25. or / to much / pag. 41. lin. 29. after Ashwedensday seruice should followe good Fri­dayes seruice. And in thys other Treatise (in some bookes) pa. 13. lin. 14. read it is not sayd / for it is sayd / pag. 14. lin. 4. so is / for so in / the cause of whych faultes (good Christian rea­der) and some other things not publyshed / whych we meant and minde to publyshe God wylling / is the importunate search of Day the Printer / and Toy the Bokebinder / assysted wyth a pursyuaunt / and some other offycers at the appoyntment of y e bishops / wherin they are very earnest of both sides / y e one sorte belike / hath Demetrius the siluer Smithes disease / they wold be loth to lose their owne profit / for the churches profit / and the other side would be lothe we had such a meane to publishe any thing agaist thē or their āswer. But ther is. 12. hours in y e day


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