A Learned Astronomi­cal discourse, of the iudge­ment of Natiuities. Deuided into three Bookes, and dedicated first to Katherin the French Queene, by Oger Ferrier her Physition.

¶ Translated by Thomas Kelway Gentleman.

Published by Authoritie.

Psalm. 147. 4. He counteth the number of the starres, & calleth them all by their names.’

AT LONDON, Printed at the widdow Charle­woods house, for Richard Watkins. Anno. 1593.

TO THE RIGHT HO­NOVRABLE, VERTVOVS, AND LEARNED LORD HENRY, Earle of Northumberland: (*) Lorde Percie, Lucie, Brian, Fitzpaine and Poynings: Lord of the Honors of Cockermouth and Petworth &c. Knight of the most honorable order of the GARTER. All true felicitie both in thys life and in the worlde to come most hartily wished.

IF that saying of Plato (right noble Lorde) be true, that our Countrey challengeth an especiall interest in our very vttermost abi­litie, which any way may tend to profit & be­nefite the same: then will it sufficiently coun­tenaunce the poore receiued Talent of myne, in that being so strictly charged by so great and graue a Phylosopher, I ought not to burie in obliuion my knowledge whatsoeuer, but rather as freely bestow mine endeuour on her, as shee did franckly impart the light thereof to me.

For though it be a common phrase in the mouthes of men altoge­ther ignorant in the precious value and profite of Sciences: That the studie of Letters is a bottomlesse Gulfe, and so long and so vneasie a iourney, that they which rashly thinke to finish it, oftentimes are drowned in the mid­way, and so vnder this pretence, account it better not to know much, yea, no­thing at all: Against such slothful suggesters of men in a deadly obscu­ritie while they lyue, let mee auouch that saying of Aristotle, Man (sayth he) was created to vnderstande and to doe, for knowledge begetteth iudgement, and by iudgement men execute all good and vertuous actions.

O Science (sayth Plato) howe would men loue thee, if they did but knowe thee? for euen as health is the conseruation of the body, so is knowledge the sure and onely safe-garder of the soule. And Cicero beeing of the same o­pinion, sayth: O knowledge, the guide of our life, the onely cause of vertue, and enemie to vice: What is the life of man without thee?

If then (right learned Lord) such a maine & current streame of vn­conquerable reason, washeth to nothing the emptie and confused wits, of such as are enemies to the excellencie of Arte, and maketh most fertile (like the ouer-flowings of Nylus) the iudgements of thē that are gouerned thereby: (though farre from me be the thought of arrogating the very least tytle of Arte to my selfe, yet as one that de­sires [Page] to receiue the breath of life from her sacred dwelling, and holdes with the learned in all ages, that man is as a bruite beast without her:) then let me thus farre presume vnder your noble fauour, to shewe that I haue not altogether trewanted in my life time, but howe I haue be­stowed those permitted howers of exercise, that more waighty affaires in the world affoorded me, both to declare my reuerende zeale to so high a misterie, and vnfeyned affection. I beare to your honor.

The worke was first written in French, by an excellent Scholler, Oger Ferrier, a Physition, borne in Tolouze, & dedicated to Queene Katherine of Fraunce, mother to the King that last deceassed. And bee­ing now by me changed into an English habite, that it might receiue no indignitie by dedication, I haue stampt your noble name in the fore-head thereof, that it may bee sayde (in despight of the proudest carper or controller,) Thys is the God-chylde of a peerelesse God-father.

And as I doubt not of your honourable acceptauce, so I am like­wise perswaded, that what hath wanted on my behalfe in translation, or any other imperfection beside, shall be as nobly censured: in which resolution I humbly kisse your hand, and continue as forward in affection, as any to your Honours welfare.

Thomas Kelway. One of her Highnesse Trum­pets in ordinarie.


I Am to request (gentle Reader) one fauour at thy hande, that if this worke of the iudgement of Natiuities seeme harsh and vnpleasant to thee, thou wouldest not therefore wound the same with iniurious words, to charge thy selfe with more follie then needes: but if thou finde it aboue thy knowledge or capacitie, saie as honest minded Chion said: Let my betters iudge of these matters. For I must and do con­fesse, that it is not a Booke for euerie mans reading, and hee that reades with derision, because he vnderstands not, must blame his owne insufficiencie, and not the booke: for if hee could learne as much in an hower, as cost a learned man many yeeres to compasse, then would his humor be pleased, and the worke not reproched. But let such loyterers vnderstand, that knowledge requires the whole circuit of a mans life, and liue he neuer so long, yet may he learne: but if it might be attained in a Sommers daie, a number would be excellent, that through default thereof remaineth vtterly ignorant.

To vse many words, I account needlesse, knowing that the reproofe of the vnlearned, is rather the badge of their owne weake braine, then any blemish to a worke of worth: There­fore let them censure as they please, the learned (I know) will iudge like themselues, of whom I had rather be deseruedly con­trolled, then by the other be ignorantly commended.

Thomas Kelway.

❧ The Table of the matters in this present Treatise.

The first Booke.
  • OF the Celestiall figure of a Natiuitie. Fol. 1.
  • Of the verification of the houre of the Na­tiuitie. fol. 1.
  • The manner to sette downe the saide figure veri­fied. fol. 3.
  • Of the parts of Natiuities. fol. 3.
  • Of the latitudes and aspects of the Planets. 6.
  • Of the fortunes and infortunes of Plannets, and parts of heauen. fol. 6.
  • If the Child shall lyue or no. fol. 8.
  • Of the gyuer of life, called of the Arabians Hy­leg. fol. 9.
  • Of the gyuer of yeeres, called of the Arabians Alcocoden. fol, 10.
  • Of them that augment and diminish the number of the sayd yeeres. fol. 11.
  • Of the Lord of the natiuity. fol. 12.
  • Of the vnderstanding and maners of the man. 13.
  • Of riches and pouerty. fol, 15.
  • By what meanes riches and pouerty come. fol, 16.
  • Of the time that the riches & damages shall come. folio. 17.
  • Of Bretheren. fol, 18
  • Of Father and Mother. fol, 18
  • Of heritages and goods of the earth. fol, 19.
  • Of Chyldren. fol, 19.
  • Of Seruaunts. fol, 20.
  • Of Diseases. fol, 21.
  • [Page] Of marriage. fol. 22.
  • Of Dowery and other goods by the meanes of marriage. fol. 23.
  • Of the death. fol. 23.
  • Of voyages by Land and by Sea. fol, 25
  • Of the constancie in his religion. fol. 25
  • Of the action and profession. fol, 26.
  • Of dignities, offices and honours. fol. 26.
  • Of companions and friends. fol, 27.
  • Of sutes and enemies. fol, 28.
  • Of imprisonments and captiuities. fol, 28.
  • Of Horses, Muttons and other beastes. 29
The second Booke.
  • Of the significations of the Planets. fol. 29.
  • Of the significations of the twelue signes. fol. 32.
  • Of that which the Plannets signifie in the sayde signes. fol. 34
  • Of the aspects of the Planets between them. 36.
  • Of the significations of the twelue houses. fol. 40.
  • Of the Lords of the Tryplicities of the saide hou­ses. fol. 41
  • VVhat the Plannets signifie in the twelue houses. folio. 42.
  • The significations of the Lords of the houses, by all the places of the figure. fol. 48.
The third Booke.
  • Of Directions. fol. 52.
  • Of the Seperator or Burner, called of the Arabi­ans Algebuthar. fol. 53.
  • [Page] Of the Lords of the Tryplicities. fol. 54.
  • Of Reuolutions. fol, 54.
  • Of the iudgements vpon the Reuolutions. fol. 54
  • Of the yeeres gouerned by the Planets, called of the Arabians Fridarie. fol. 55.
  • Of Profections. fol. 57
  • The Lord of the circulation, from the Lorde of the hower of the natiuity. fol. 58
  • Of the circulation of the Lorde of the ascendant, and of the Planets which be in the ascendant. fol. 58.
  • Of the Eclipses and great coniunctions appertay­ning to the Reuolutions of natiuities. fol. 58.
  • Of the particuler meetings of all the yeere. fol. 58.


CHAP. I. Of the Celestiall figure of a Natiuitie.

FOR to iudge of Ascendants and Natiuities, after the traditions of the auncient and learned Astrologians, it is conuenient first to explaine the Celesti­all figure, and in the same, to applie the seauen Planets, with the head and tayle of the Dragon Lunaire, together with the part of For­tune, and the part of the spirite and others, more apper­taining to the high & notable significations of the starres; Then, to sette downe plainly the Celestiall figure, you must in the first place, note the yere, the day, & the houre, with the most neerest minute of time of the natiuitie that you haue vndertaken. The number of the howers and mynutes, you must sette them downe after the manner of the numbring of the Astrologians, within theyr tables: alwaies sette downe the hower's after-noone, as well by day as by night, and neuer say, one hower, two howers, three howers after midnight, but number xiij. hovvers, xiiij. howers, xv. after noone. This done, search in the Ephemerides in the table of the yeere of your natiuitie, in the right month & day proposed, the degree of the signe [Page] wherein the Sunne is: looke afterwarde in the Table of houses, which serue for the latitude of your Country, and search there the said degree of the Sunne vnder the lyne of the tenth house. And hauing founde in the same place the same degree of the Sunne, you shall find directly vp­pon the left hand of the same Table, a number of howers and minutes, the which write apart. To which number, you must adde the howers and mynutes that hath beene giuen you of the same natiuity, and that which resteth by your addition, you must seeke in the table of houses: and there where you find the same number of howers & my­nutes comming of the same addition, you must take to a right lyne the poynts and beginnings of the sixe houses, which you shall finde marked: the which you shall direct vpon your figure, beginning at the poynt of the tenth, and continuing towards the left hand.

The beginning of the other sixe houses, you must take the opposite signes; and if it happen that the num­ber of houses and mynutes, come to more then twentie­foure howers, it is then conuenient to substract twentie­foure howers of the same tyme, and the residue seeke out as we haue aforesaid. If the hower of the same natiuitie, be vpon the poynt of twelue howers of noone, you must take the houses in a right line of the degree of the sunne, in the table of your latitude, without making any other addition, or substraction, and that when in the figure esti­matiue: within the which, it is needfull by all meanes to apply the moouing of the Moone exactly calculated, ac­cording to the vulgare cannons of the Ephemerides, for to verifie afterwarde your natiuitie by the hower of the conception. As followeth.

CHAP. II. Of the verification of the bower of the natiuity.

LEauing the Animodar of Ptolome and the meetings of Schoner, and all other vncertaine waies (although they haue theyr Authors) to verifie the howers of [Page 2] natiuities, I will presently follow the method of Hermes, approoued by long experience, and confirmed by Ptolo­me in his Centiloque, and by Abraham Auenesrus, by Alphonce Leopolde, Haly, and other most expert Astro­logians. Hermes saith, that the ascendant of a natiuitie, hath beene the place of the Moone at the tyme of the cō ­ception; and that the ascendant of the conception, is the place of the Moone at the hower of the natiuitie. Who would be moore neere certified of the hower & mynute of a natiuitie, and of the true ascendant, it is conuenient that you follow the doctrine of Hermes by the method fo­lowing. First of all that you looke into the figure estima­tiue, whether the Moone be aboue the Horrizon or be­neath. If she be aboue the Horrizon, count the distance that is betweene the poynt of the seauenth house and the Moone: if she be beneath the Horrizon, count the di­stance which is from the first house vnto the Moone, which distance of signes and degrees, you must search in the table that followeth, vnder the title of the Moone, a­boue the Horrizon or beneath, as truely you haue found in the said figure. In a right lyne of the said distance, you shall find the time that the infant hath remained within the wombe of his Mother, in a certaine number of dayes, the which you must reckon from the day of your natiui­tie backward; and there where the number endeth, you must marke the day of the conception, if the Moone be found in the signe of the ascendant estimatiue. If you find her not in the same place, goe backwarde or forward cer­taine dayes of your account, vntill you haue founde the Moone within the said signe, not farre from the degree a­scendant in the said figure. The day considered, and in what hower, goe forwarde to the East poynt, the place where you haue sounde the Moone in the figure estima­tiue, and at that hower you must calculate the moouing of the Moone. For this degree and mynute in the which you found her, you must place it in the ascendant of your natiuitie.

[Page] And to know the hower in the which the place of the Moone of the natiuity, rose to the East poynt at the time of the conception, take first the ouerthwart ascention of the said place of the Moone, within the table of the direc­tions of your country, in the booke of Iohn de Regiomonte, of the same ascention take away 90. degrees, (& ad to the whole circle which is of 360. degrees, when the substrac­tion cannot be otherwise made) the residue shall be the right ascention of the height of the poynt of the Mery­dian circle: take afterward the right ascention of the Sun, and take out by the substraction of the right ascention of the sayd poynt of the Merydian, and adde 360. degrees if it be necessary, & turne that which is left into howers and minutes, in gyuing to 30. degrees two howers, to fifteene degrees one hower, to one degree 4. minutes of an houre, to fifteene minutes one minute of an hower; by thys meanes you shall exactly come to the hower of the con­ception, to the which you must calculate the place of the Moone, and the same well calculated, put it to the poynt of the first house, in the figure of the natiuitie.

Diuers for this verefication doe dresse and garnish the motions of the Planets foure figures. One of that hower estimatiue of the natiuitie, the other, of the precedent con­iunction or opposition of the brightnes: the third, of the verification by the Animodar: the fourth, of the concep­tion. The which besides the vnprofitable and superflu­ous labour, erre greatly, thinking to find out the tyme of the conception by the Animodar of Ptolome, the which experience from day to day sheweth to be false, and that it hath no auncient Author to maintaine it, or hath made mention of thys newe doctrine, being full of contention and disproued veritie.

[Page 3]

¶ The Table of the time that the Childe dooth remaine within the wombe of his Mother.
The Moone beeing vnder the Horrizon, rec­kon from the Ascen­daunt. The Moone being aboue the Horrizon, reckon from the seauenth.  
sig degr dayes      
0 0 273 Indifferent abiding. 258 Little abiding.
0 12 274   259  
0 24 275   260  
1 6 276   261  
1 18 277   262  
2 0 278   263  
2 12 279   264  
2 24 280   265  
3 6 281   266  
3 18 282   267  
4 0 283   268  
4 12 284   269  
4 24 285   270  
5 6 286   271  
5 18 287   272  
5 29 288 Long abiding. 273  

CHAP. III. The manner to sette downe perfectlie the said figure verified.

HAuing put to the poynt of the first house, the de­gree & minutes of the Moone of the time of the conception, take the ouerthwart ascentions of the said degrees and minutes: take out afterward 90. degrees of the sayd ascentions, and adde thereto 360. de­grees, if otherwise the substraction cannot be made: that which remaineth, shalbe the right ascentions of the high­est poynt of the circle Meridian, the which search in the [Page] table of the right ascentions, in the booke of Alphonce, or of Iohn de Regiomonte, &c. and put to the poynt of the tenth house, the degrees & minutes of the signe you find, aunswering to the right number of the said right ascenti­ons. The poynt of the fourth is alwaies against the signe and degree of the tenth: likewise the poynt of the sea­uenth, to the poynt of the first. The other houses sufficed, take the Ephemerides, because they doe not desire exact calculation, seeing that the most part of the Astrologi­ans, desire more to take of the equall portion of the E­clipse then of the horizontall sect.

For to know the exact hower of the said figure, verifie first the sayd right ascentions of the Meridian, and take from them the right ascentions of the Sunne, that which remaineth turne into howers and minutes, gyuing to xv. degrees one hower, to euery degree foure minutes of an hower. &c. as we haue sayde before. At thys hower you must newly count the moouing of the Moone, and of the Sunne, & of the other Planets: and vpon thys figure you must ground the parts and iudgements Astronomicall.

CHAP. IIII. Of the partes of Natiuities.

AFter you haue well sought the Planets in the sayd figure verified, you must consider their aboue cer­taine proportions of the Planets and partes of the heauen, taken of theyr distances, as followeth.

The parts concerning the significations of the first House.

The part of the qualitie of the lyfe, is taken by the di­stance of Iupiter from Saturne, counting as much space from the ascendant, as when the natiuity is by day: for when it is by night, they take it to the cōtrary, the distance of Saturne vnto Iupiter, folowing the natural order of the signes, counting likewise as much space since the ascen­dant.

[Page 4] The part of lyfe by day and by night, is taken of the de­gree of the precedent coniunction, or opposition of the lights vnto the Moone, counting from the ascendant.

The part of the Spirite (many do call the part of earth­ly things and secrets, the other, the part of things to come, the others, the part of the Sun) in the day frō the Mooue vnto the Sunne, from the ascendant, in the night to the contrary.

The part of the vnderstanding, by the day, is frō Mer­curie vnto Mars, from the ascendant, at night to the con­trarie.

Of the second House.

The part of Fortune by the day, is from the Sunne vn­to the Moone, from the ascendant, at night to the contra­rie. Ptolome doth take it as much by day as by night, from the Sunne vnto the Moone.

The part of the goods aswell by day as by night, is from the Lord of the second house, vnto the said second house, taken vpon the quality of the Eclipse, frō the ascendant.

Of the third.

The part of brothers, by the day, is from Saturne vnto Iupiter, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary.

The part of the loue of bretheren, by the day, is from the Sunne vnto Saturne, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary. If Saturne bee vnder the beames of the Sunne, take Iupiter in his place.

Of the fourth.

The part of father, by the day, is from the Sun vnto Sa­turne, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary. Thys same is like the loue of bretheren: then if Saturne be vn­derneath the beames of the Sun, in his place take Iupiter.

The part of inheritances and possessions, by day and by night, is from Saturne to the Moone, from the ascendant.

The part of fortune in tillage and sowing, by day and by night, is from Venus vnto Saturne, from the ascendant.

Of the fift.

The part of Infants, is as the part of the qualitie of the lyfe.

The part of male chyldren by day and by night, is from the Moone vnto Iupiter, and is numbred from the ascen­dant.

The part of daughters, by day and by night, is from the Moone vnto Venus, and is taken from the ascendant.

Of the sixt.

The part of diseases inseperable, in the day, is the di­staunce of Saturne vnto Mars, and it is cast from the de­gree ascendant, and in the night from Mars, which is contrary.

The part of seruaunts, by day and by night, from Mer­curie vnto the Moone, is from the ascendant.

The part of pryson and captiuity by day, from the lord of the place of the Sunne, vnto the Sunne, and is recko­ned from the ascendant. By night, from the Lorde of the place of the Moone, vnto the Moone.

If the Sunne by day, or the Moone by night, be in theyr proper houses or exaltations, they shall be signifiers of thys part.

Of the seauenth.

The part of the marriage of men, by day and by night, from the Sunne vnto Venus, is from the ascendant.

The part of the marriage of women, by day & by night, from Venus to Saturne, is from the ascendant.

The part of marriage common to men & to women, by day and by night, is from Venus vnto the poynt of the seauenth house, accounting from the ascendant.

The part of kindred, by day and by night, from Saturne vnto Venus, is from the ascendant.

The part of discord & agreement, by day, is from Mars to Iupiter from the ascendant: by night to the contrary.

Of the eight.

The part of death, by day and by night, from the Moone vnto the degree of the eyght house, taken vpon the equalitie of the Eclipse accounting from the place o [...] Saturne.

The part of the mortall Planet by day is from the Lord of the ascendant, vnto the Moone, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the perrillous yeere of death, or pouerty, or of any other mis-fortune by day, and by night, is from Sa­turne vnto the Lord of the fore-said coniunction or op­position of the light, from the ascendant.

The part of all enuies, by day, is from Saturne vnto Mars, by night to the contrary, accounting frō the place of Mercurie.

Of the ninth.

The part of fayth and of religion by day, is from the Moone vnto Mercurie, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of waies by land by day and by night, is from the Lord of the ninth vnto the ninth, taken vpon the e­qualitie of the Eclipse, from the ascendant.

The part of trauaile by water by day, is from Saturne vnto the fifteenth degree of Cancer, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary.

If Saturne doe meete in the sayde fifteenth degree of Cancer, he shall be signifier of this part, with the ascen­dant.

Of the tenth.

The part of nobilitie by day, is from the Sunne vnto the nineteenth degree of Aries, accounting from the ascen­dant, by night, from the Moone vnto the third degree of Taurus. If the Moone by night be in the said degree of Taurus, or the Sunne by day, in the said degree of Aries, [Page] they shall be signifiers of the said part.

The part of gouernment by day, is from Mars vnto the Moone from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of Magistrates, as the part of the vnderstan­ding, written vpon the first house.

The part of conquest & victorie, as the parte of father.

The part of suddaine aduauncement, by day, is from Saturne vnto the part of Fortune, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary; If Saturne be burned, take in hys place Iupiter.

The part of estimation, by day and by night; is from Mercurie vnto the Sunne, accounting from the ascendant.

The part of gouernments and seates of warre, by day, is from Mars vnto Saturne; from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the profession and action, by day and by night, is from Saturne vnto the Moone frō the ascendant.

The part of honour proceeding of the profession, by day and by night, is from the degree of the Sunne, vnto the degree of the tenth house, from the ascendant.

The part of the industry of the hands, by day, is from Mercurie to Venus, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the feare of Merchandize, by day, is from the part of the spirite, vnto the part of Fortune, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of felicitie, and profit, by day, is from the part of Fortune vnto Iupiter, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the mother, by day, is from Venus vnto the Moone, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

Of the eleuenth.

The part of friendes, by day and by night, is from Mer­curie to the Moone, from the ascendant.

The part of praise, by day, is from Iupiter vnto Venus from the ascendant, by night to the contrarie.

[Page 6] The part of honourable companies, by day, is from the part of Fortune vnto the Sunne, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

Of the twelfth.

The part of enemies, by day & by night, is from the lord of the xij. house vnto the said xij. taken vpon the equali­tie of the Eclipse, from the ascendant.

The second part of enemies, as the part of diseases in­seperable, written in the sixt house.

The part of paine, trauaile and affliction, by day and by night, is frō the part of the spirite, vnto the part of fortune.

CHAP. V. Of the latitudes and aspects of the Planets.

HAuing applyed the Planets in the saide figure, and ordained as we haue said in the former chap­ter, the parts proceeding of the proportions of the said Planets, you must consequently draw out of the Ephemerides theyr latitudes, & put apart all the a­spects which is among them, and towardes the said parts and xij. houses; also the radiations, after the last propo­sition of the booke of Directions of Iohn de Regiomonte: vpon the which note, that the aspects opposites, haue al­waies diuers latitudes to them of their Planets, although they keepe the same number. As if Saturne had two de­grees of latitude septentrionall, his opposition hath two degrees of latitudes meridionall. The quadrant aspect hath no latitude, for it falleth alwaies vpon the Eclipse.

The Trine aspect, retaineth the halfe of the number of the latitude, in contrary part: for if a Planet haue one degree of latitude meridionall, his trine shall haue thirtie minutes of latitude septentrionall. The Sextile retaineth the same side, with the halfe of the number. You must al­so note, that these aspects of Saturne and of Iupiter, doe not extend but vnto nine degrees, or for the most longest [Page] vnto twelue; those of Mars vnto eyght, or for the most part to tenne. The Sunne extendeth his beames to xv. degrees, Venus and Mercurie almost to eyght. The Moone vnto twelue, the head & taile of the Dragon, like­wise extend their forces vnto twelue degrees.

Moreouer, it is to be noted, that the opposition is a plaine aspect and perfect enmity: the Quadrate of lesse enmity: the Trine of perfect loue: the Sextile of imper­fect loue. That which alwaies receiueth exception in Iu­piter and Venus, (of the which opposites and quadrate a­spects) profit the Sunne & the Moone with reception, or without reception, and to others also with reception.

CHAP. VI. Of the fortunes and infortunes of the Planets, and parts of Heauen.

AFter this, you must consider the forces & weake­nesse of the Planets, parts and Houses, and con­ferring the ones significations with the other, you must collect the fortunes and infortunes of euerie place, as followeth.

Heere followeth the infortunes.

The Planets and other places of the Heauen, be called vnfortunate, when they be burned vnder the beames of the Sunne. Burnings are called Saturne and Iupiter, when betweene them & the Sunne they haue lesse then twelue degrees. Mars when he is burned of the Sunne, hath at the least xj. degrees and a halfe. Venus and Mercurie, when they be neere the Sunne, xj. degrees. The Moone when she is not burned, by xiij. And yet you find other termes, when you will take a Planet for to giue the yeeres. Then the three superiours are esteemed burnt, because they are neere the Sunne by xv. degrees, and if they be occidental. For when they be orientall vnto tenne degrees, they are burnt from the tenne vnto xv. vnder the beames. Venus [Page 7] and Mercurie occidentall neere to the Sunne by seauen degrees, or orientall by fiue, be burned, from thence vnto twelue vnder the beames. The Moone neere by twelue degrees is burnt, from thence vnto xv. vnder the beames. And you must note, that the saide accidents are not hurt­full when they fall in the signes of Aries, and of the Lyon.

Vnfortunate also are the Planets, when they goe back­warde, and when they bee ioyned with Saturne or with Mars: or when they receiue euill aspects of them.

When they are ioyned with any fixed starre of violent nature.

When they are in their detriments or fallings, (that is to say) in places opposite to their houses or exaltations.

When they are in their declining houses.

When they are first standers, (that is to say) when they be in the degree and minute wherein incontinently they beginne to goe backward.

When they are in the way of burning, which beginne at the 19. degree of Libra, and end in the third degree of Scorpio.

When they be with the tayle of the Dragon.

When they are ioyned with a backward Planet, or o­therwise vnfortunate.

When they are Peregrines, without beeing receiued. They are called Peregrins, when they haue no dignitie or place where they be. Of the reception we will speake af­terwards.

When they be meridionall descendents.

When any of the three superiours are occidentall, or Venus & Mercurie orientall, when they be in euil aspects of the Sunne.

When they doe not regard any other Planet.

When they be opposits to the Lord of the signe where they be.

When they be sette, (that is to say) betweene two euill Planets, although they haue 30. degrees of distance.

When they be in euill houses or termes.

[Page] When they be in the twelfth signe of theyr principall houses.

When they be vnder the Horrizon in the day, or a­boue the Horrizon in the night: if they be Diurnes, as Saturne, Iupiter, and the Sunne.

When they be aboue the Horrizon in the day, and be­neath at night. If they be Nocturnes, as Mars, Venus, Mercurie, and the Moone.

When they be in signes and degrees feminine, they be masculines, or in signes and degrees masculine, they bee feminines. Feminines are Venus and the Moone, Mer­curie and Androgine, the others are masculines.

When they be in degrees which are called Azemenae, or in degrees stincking, darke, or smokie. That which is marked in the Ephemerides, in the table of the dignities of the Planets.

Infortunes particuler to the Moone.

When she decreaseth.

When she is within the eyght House, out of her prin­cipall dignities.

When she is within the seauenth, and that as to the life. And as for any other significations she is not infortunate in the seauenth.

When she is in the xix. degree of a signe.

When she is slack in her course, (that is to vnderstand) when shee goes in twenty-foure howers, lesse then thyr­teene degrees and xi. minutes.

The fortunes of the Planets.

Fortunate be the Planets, and other places of Heauen, when they be in angles, or at the least in houses succee­ding.

When they be in a good aspect of Iupiter, or of Venus, or at the least in euill, with reception.

[Page 8] When they bee ioyned to the Sunne within sixteene mynutes.

When they be in a good aspect of the Sunne, of the Moone, or of Mercurie fortunate.

When they be ioyned with any fixed starre of a louing nature.

When they be directs, or at the least, in the second sta­tion, (that is to vnderstand) when they be in degree and minute, in the which beginneth incontinently the direc­tion.

When they be within theyr proper houses or exaltati­ons.

When they be in theyr triplicities and termes together, or triplicity and face together.

When they be in houses, wherein they naturally take pleasure, as Mercurie in the ascendant, the Moone in the third, Venus in the fift, Mars in the sixt, the Sunne in the ninth, Iupiter in the eleuenth, and Saturne in the twelfth.

When they be in any of theyr dignities, or if they be peregrines, when they be receiued. Receiued; that is, the Planets, which receiue aspect of him, which in their place hath at the least foure dignities, the which reception is fortunate, when shee is made of a good aspect.

At all times the receptions of Iupiter and Venus be alwaies fauourable, although they be not made of good aspects.

When they mount to the highest part of their Circles.

When they be septentrionals, principally ascendants.

When any of the three Superiours is orientall, or Ve­nus and Mercurie occidentall.

When they beginne to goe from the beames of the Sunne.

When they be in Houses or termes of fauourable Pla­nets.

When they be aboue the Horrizon in the day, or vn­der the Horrizon in the night, if they be Diurnes.

[Page] When they be vnder the Horrizon in the day, or a­boue the Horrizon in the night. If they be nocturnes.

When they are in signes and degrees masculine, they be masculine, or in signes and degrees feminines, they be feminines.

When they be in degrees fortunate & cleere degrees, which are called Lucides.

Particuler fortunes of the Moone.

When shee increaseth.

When she is within the house or exaltation of the Sun.

When she is very swift in her course, (that is to vnder­stand) when shee goes more then thirteene degrees & 11. minutes in 24. howers.

CHAP. VII. If the child shall lyue or no.

ALL thys aboue considered, you must first looke, whether he that is borne, is for life in this worlde or no. That which principally will shewe vs the light of the time, (that is to say, the Sun by day, and the Moone by night) are the Lords of the triplicity of him, and the ascendant with his Dominator.

When the Dominator of the ascendant, shal be vnfor­tunate by the Lord of the eyght house, the Childe cannot liue: and lesse, if the Lordes of the triplicitie of the tem­porall light be vnfortunate.

When within the first house shall be any fixed starre of violent nature, or any ill fortune, (that is to say, Saturne or Mars) without hauing at the least foure dignities, and the temporall light shall be vnfortunate, the childe shall die quicklie. If you find not any fixed starre of amiable nature, or if Iupiter and Venus, or the Sunne or the Moone, doe not communicate vnto him their beames. For and if the aspect be of loue, or of enmitie with recep­tion, the chyld shall liue.

[Page 9] If the Dominator of the ascendant be burnde, the child shall dye before 9. daies be acomplished, and more sooner if he be burned within the eight house, or in this estate, if he be ioyned with the Lorde of the eygth. Except when he is burned in his owne house or exaltation, or within the house or exaltation of the Sunne.

When the Moone, being the temporall light, shall bee vnfortunate within the first house, without any aspect of the fortunes, & without the coniunction of any fixed stars of amiable nature, the hope of lyfe shall not be great.

When the Moone shal be vnfortunat within the fourth house, and he that hath the misfortune shall be also vn­fortunate, & out of his principall dignities, the Infant can­not liue, & the mother shall be in great daunger of death at her deliuerance, and principally if the ascendant be the house or exaltation of the Moone.

When the infortunes are conioyned within the eighth house, it signifieth very short life: except when Mars and Saturne be in Capricorne.

Many ioynt Plannets within the first house, bring not good testimonie of life, although they be all fortunate.

When the Domynator of the ascendant, and the tem­porall light, and the Lords of their triplicities be not alto­gether vnfortunate, the childe may easily liue.

CHAP. VIII. Of the Giuer of life, named of the Arabians Hyleg.

THe giuer of life is taken out of the principal places of the Figure (that is to say) of the Sunne, of the Moone, and of the Ascendant, of the part of For­tune, & of the degree of the last coniunction or op­position of lights; the which hauing wel noted, we cōsider first, if the natiuitie be diurnal or nocturnal? For if she be diurne wee beginne at the Sunne, the which within the first, tenth, or eleuenth house, in a masculine or femi­nine signe, shall be fitte to giue life, if it haue any giuer [Page] of tyme that doth regard it: If it be in the nynth, eygth, or seuenth house, it may also be the giuer of life, if it be in a Masculine signe, and not in a Feminine: in other places it cannot be the giuer of life, but by constraint. It is alwaies necessarie for such an acte, that the giuer of time regard the giuer of life, otherwise, the sayd giuer of life shall be as person that hath good will to doo his friend good & hath not wherewithall; And so when the Sunne shall be with­out aspect of any giuer of time, you must leaue it there, & goe to the Moone, which may giue the life within the first house, in the signe Masculine or Feminine, and with­in the tenth, eleuenth, seuenth, fourth, fifth, second and third house, in signes Feminines and not Masculines, re­ceiuing aspect of any giuer of time. If the Moone haue not all the sayde conditions, you must come to the degree ascendant, if the natiuitie be coniunctionall (Coniunctio­nall is sayed the natiuitie, before the which lastly the lights haue beene conioyned) and if the sayde degree re­ceiue aspect of his gyuer of time, he shall be gyuer of life: otherwise not. Wherefore you must examine the part of Fortune, the which shall giue life in the Angles and houses succeeding, with the aspect of the giuer of time, o­therwise you must come to the degree, to the which lastly the lights haue beene conioyned: the which within the Angles or houses succeeding shall be giuer of life, if hee receiue aspect of his giuer of tyme.

It is heere necessary that the giuer of time haue digni­tie of house, or of exaltation in places of the part of For­tune, and of the sayd degree coniunctionall. By this order you must seeke the gyuer of life, when the natiuitie is coniunctionall. When she is preuentionall, (Preuentio­nall is sayed, afore the which lastly the lights haue beene opposites) after you haue considered the Sunne and the Moone, you must consequentlie contemplate the place of Fortune, more than the degree ascendant, and lastly the degree of the oppositions of the lights, & see that it haue 2. degrees in the opposition, one of them of the Sunne, and [Page 10] the other of the Moone. The Astrologians commaund to consider it, that at the time of the opposition it hath beene in the first house, or elswhere aboue the Horizon.

When the Natiuitie is nocturniall, we followe the same order, (except that first we consider the Moone, secondly the Sunne, &c.) This gyuer of life, when either by directi­on, or by profection, or by other way, meete any euill a­spect of the infortunes, or of the starres fixed of vyolent nature, or any of the notable coniunctions, or Eclipses of the lightes, it causeth then some sicknesse, and very sud­daynly bringeth death, when the Fortunes doo not inter­mingle the fauourable beames.

CHAP. IX. Of the giuer of yeeres, called of the Arabians Alcocoden.

THE gyuer of time or giuer of yeeres, is the same that hath dignitie of house, exaltation, triplicitie, or tearme in the place where is the giuer of life. As if the Sunne were in the xj. in the signe of Sagitarius, (there where he may be gyuer of life,) and Iupiter were in the signe of Aquarius, he shall regarde the Sunne of the Sextile aspect, and looke that he haue dignitie of the house in the signe of the Sunne, he shalbe giuer of yeeres. It is then necessary, that these two thinges concurre toge­ther, to the end that one Plannet be giuer of yeeres, that is to say, that he hath dignitie neuertheles of tearme (for the dignitie of face is not sufficient enough for one so great effect) in signe and degree, in the which shall be the giuer of life, and that he regarde the sayd giuer of life, of one a­spect or other.

This gyuer of time, well lodged vpon the point of An­gles, gyueth him olde yeeres, in points of the houses suc­ceeding: is meanes, is Cadants, is smalnesse, and for as much as he shall be long from the beginnings of the said houses, so much the more or lesse hee must diminish the number of his olde yeeres, meanes, and smalnes, after [Page] the difference taken of the next houses with the diffe­rence of yeeres. And first of all if it be within any angle of heauen, not alwayes to the first poynt, you must proceede also, and take in the first place the distance of the sayd an­gle, and of the next house succeeding. Note afterwarde, how many degrees the said giuer of yeeres is frō the point of the angle. Then take the difference of his olde yeeres and meanes, multiply this difference by the number of the sayd elongment, and part it by the distance of the sayd angle, & of the house succeeding: that which resteth, take for the exact number of the yeres of life, promised by the saide giuer of yeeres. If hee be within any house, succee­ding out of the points and beginnings of the same, you must first take the distance of the house succeeding, and of the next Cadant: then note how many degrees the said giuer of yeeres shall be elonged from the point of the said house succeeding; afterward take the difference of yeres, meanes and smalnes, the which multiply by the second number, and part it by the first: the residue shall be the time of life which was promised by the said giuer of yeres. If it bee in Cadant houses it shall be vppon the points of them, or after, he giueth but onely small yeeres: Except when he is within 5. degrees neere to the point of the said angles, & then you must reckon as it followeth. Take the difference of the olde yeeres, and smalnes of the Plannets that giueth the yeres, and deuide them into 5. parts; after­ward looke in which of the said 5. degrees shal be the said Plannet. For if it be in the first and most neere the poynt of the angle, (that is to say) if he be elonged from the said angle one degree onely, then is it conuenient to take out of his old yeeres, one of the sayd 5. parts: if he be elonged by 2. degrees, you must take out 2. parts: if he be elonged 3. degrees, you must substract 3. parts, &c. You must note that the Moone in the viij. giues but small yeeres. And that the Sunne within the 9. and Iupiter in the 11. and Ve­nus in the 5. and Mercury by the whole ascendant, and the Moone in the 3. giue their olde yeeres as perfectly, as [Page 11] if they were vpon the points of the angles: For they be places wherein principally they doo reioyce. Iupiter, Venus, and Mercury within the 9. giue theyr yeeres in­different: and the Moone in the 11. giues them old. Mars in the 6. and Saturne in the 12. they are indifferent, be­cause in the saide places they greatly delight themselues: wherefore if they were not euill, they woulde there giue olde yeeres.

Vppon this propose it is conuenient also to note, that one burnt Plannet cannot bee a giuer of yeeres: and the Moone in the prime of the beames of the Sunne, cannot giue life nor time. If a Plannet, which otherwise may be a giuer yeeres, bee burnt in his proper house or exaltation, receiuing there the Sunne, causeth the Sunne to take the charge to be the giuer of yeeres. If it come to passe that the Sunne or the Moone be in their proper houses or ex­altations, they may be giuers of life & time together, with out neede to desire aspect of any other Plannet. If one place being significator of life, haue many giuers of yeres, wee will take him that hath most dignities in the same place, and if they be equall in dignities wee will take hym that hath his aspect most whole, and his beames most neerest the sayd giuer of life. If they finde two or three or many giuers of life, that haue their giuers of yeres, they must alwayes consider and direct, as the first and princi­pall, following the yeeres of the Plannets.

Olde yeeres. Meane yeeres. Small yeeres. Of
57 43 30 Saturne.
79 45 12 Iupiter.
66 40 15 Mars.
120 69 19 Sol
82 45 8 Ʋenus.
76 48 20 Mercury.
108 66 25 Luna.

CHAP. X. Of them that augment and diminish the number of the sayd yeeres.

THey which augment the number of the sayd yeres, are Iupiter, Venus, the Sunne, the Moone, & Mer­curie fortified; the which fortunatly regarding the gyuer of yeeres, with an amiable aspect adding to their small yeeres, (that is to vnderstand) the Sunne x. and ix. Venus viij. the Moone xxv. &c. Likewise If the gy­uer of time be conioyned with any fixed starre of amiable nature, it taketh of the said starre the number of the small yeeres of the Plannet, of the which the said starre holdeth his nature. If the said Plannets regard the giuer of time with an euill aspect with reception, they adde as before, which they doo not when they haue no reception: Ex­cept Iupiter and Venus, that in euery sort of aspects, with reception or without reception, alwayes adding to theyr small yeeres, for to see that the gyuer of tyme be not Sa­turne or Mars, towards the which the reception is neces­sary, if the aspect be of enmitie.

The sayd Plannets euill placed and infortunate, in the place of the whole small yeeres, in adding the halfe, or the third, or fourth part, or certaine number of monethes, of weekes, or of dayes, according to the greatnesse or smal­nesse of theyr infelicitie. The amiable aspects of ill for­tunes, with reception, giue theyr yeeres small: without reception, they doo neither good nor euill. If the giuer of yeeres be retrogarde or meridionall descending, or in hys fall or detryment, or in the way burned, that taketh from it the fift part of that which hee had giuen beeing other­wise disposed. That which happened also to the 3. supe­riour Planets, when they be occidentall, & to the Moone when she decreaseth, and when shee is in the xx. and ix. degree of a signe, and when she is slack in her course. The Sunne regarding the Moone with the aspects of enmitie without reception diminished. Saturne, Mars, or Mer­curie [Page 12] depriued, looking to the euill aspect of the giuer of light they take away the number of their small yeeres: Ex­cept they recouer; For then by opposition they doe but halfe the euill: By quadrate aspect, they diminish but the fourth part. The tayle of the Dragon taken from the Moone xij. yeeres, I haue found it often by experience, that the fortunes (that is to vnderstand, Iupiter & Venus) or the Sunne and the Moone, and Mercurie fortunate in the first house, or neere to the giuer of life, adding to their small yeeres, although they doe not regarde the giuer of time: and to the contrarie, that the infortunes in the sayd places, take away the small yeeres, without regarding the saide giuer of time. Except when they were well honou­red in the sayd places, or when they were Lordes of the Natiuities.

CHAP. XI. Of the Lordes of the Natiuitie.

YOu must take the Lord of the Natiuitie, out of the places of the which we haue taken the giuer of life, (that is to vnderstand) of the place of the Sunne and of the Moone, of the degree ascendant of the part of Fortune, and of the degrees of the precedent coniunction or opposition of lightes. Of all these places likewise it is to be considered, what Plannet hath most dignities, for he shall be Lord of the Natiuitie, that which the giuer of yeeres shall signifie the tyme of our life, according to the scituation & felicitie or infelicitie, as we haue before sayd of the giuer of yeeres. And if the one giue more than the other, you must take the difference of both, and the halfe ad or diminish: according as shall be necessarie.


The Signes. 5 The house of the Planettes. Exaltation. 3 The tripli­citie of the Planettes. 2 The termes of the Planettes. 1 The faces of the Planettes. Perigren. The hurtes. The falls.
S       D N P   G   G   G   G   G   G   G   G      
D 6 [...] 12 10 25 30 10 20 30 When the Planettes naue no dignities.
N [...] 14 22 2 [...] 30 0 20 30  
D   [...]2 17 24 30 10 20 [...]0  
DN   7 13 [...]9 26 30 10 20 30
DN   6 11 18 24 30 10 20 30  
N 7 17 21 28 30 10 20 30
  [...] 14 2 [...] 28 30 [...]0 20 30
N   7 11 [...]9 24 [...]0 10 20 30
D   12 [...]7 21 26 30 [...]0 [...]0 30
N 7 14 22 26 30 10 20 30  
D   7 13 20 25 30 10 20 30  
N 12 16 19 28 30 10 20 30

CHAP. XII. Of the vnderstanding and manners of a Man.

HOW to knowe the felicitie or infelicitie of the Spirite, & the nature of the same, you must looke in the place of Mercurie and of the Moone, the Planet that in these two places hath most digni­ties, shall be signifier of the spirite. The which if it be Sa­turne well disposed, shall signifie the man of a great and profound knowledge, of good counsell, and of good gra­uitie or a strong opinion: close, secrete, solitarie, dissem­bling his good and euill, a louer of iust men, and of good age: reioycing vpon the treasures, heritages and labou­rings; holding discourse of antiquities and of great af­fayres, admirator of buildings. Sometimes a little merrie, incontinent sadde: sometymes laughing or murmuring by himselfe alone, a lyttle slothfull, a little enuious, and not alwaies keeping hys promise. If he be vnfortunate, he shall be noted enuious, sadde, solitarie, fearefull, mel­lancholie, faint-harted, a raylor, iealous, a malefactor, e­uill, a blasphemer, a lyer & deceiuer, a Vsurer, & holder of opinions: reiecting the counsell of others: fearing that all the world doth deceiue hym: vnciuill, a villaine, a slo­uine, dishonest, flying the company of men vnlesse it be to deceiue them, and to draw any profite, hauing no other friend but his villainous gayne, vsing somtimes sorcery.

Iupiter signifier of the spirite, well disposed, shewes the man sweete, curteous, honest, gracious, amiable, faithfull, pittifull, liberall, of good behauior, of good hart & good loue: following noblenesse and all honesty: louing God, abounding in friendes, dreaming alwaies vpon some ver­tuous thing, and withdrawes himselfe sometimes solitary, to thinke vpon some goodnes: vsing in all and by all hys affayres, a great equitie, prudence and modestie, hauing great courage to accomplish. If hee be vnfortunate of himselfe, and not to meete with other starres, in the place [Page] of good loue, hee will giue sometimes foolishnes in the place of honesty, pryde in the place of liberalitie, prodi­galitie in the place of louing good will, doth yeeld hym an hypocrite, seeming to follow noblenesse, when indeed he will dispraise all the world: in the place of honestie, it wyll make hym dreame of tyranny.

If the said Iupiter be vnfortunate of other Planets and not of hymselfe, he taketh all theyr vices, and couereth them with his sayde vertues in manner of an euill hypo­crite. If Mars well fortunate be the said significator, hee shall cause the man to be of a high courage, hardy, irefull, furious, a hazarder, a conducter of warres, & the first in businesse, and onely in deedes and cogitations gyuen to armes: strong, stubberne and mightie, trusting too much to his owne puissaunce, not fearing any perrill, and bles­sed in all hys deedes. If he be vnfortunate, it maketh the man tymerous, a theefe, a lyer, blasphemer, mutenous, cruell, a murtherer, hardy, proude, arrogant, not to be borne withall, despysing hys owne proper goods, and the goods of other, vsing force and violence against hys Pa­rents, and against all the worlde: a diuilish man, without shame, without counsell, without vertue, without loue, without any feare or reuerence of God, furious, seditious, gyuen and prompt to all mischiefe.

If the Sunne be significator in his good disposition, it makes the man mannerly, wise, prudent, of good counsell, a louer of noblenes, following glory and honour, gyuen to iustice and gouernments of Townes and Citties, louing hunting, worthy, and of great estimation. If it be vnfor­tunate, it sheweth great pride, excessiue ambition, and ty­rannie, and doth nourish the thought.

If Venus signifie the qualitie of the spirite in good dis­position, it maketh the man pleasant, merry, dauncing, laughing, content, amiable, gracious, of good conuersa­tion, and a little ielous. If vnfortunate, it maketh the man frowning, and too merry, of euill maintenaunce, vsing dishonest words, giuen to voluptuousnes, and ielous of [Page 14] that which belongeth not vnto him.

If Mercurie bee fortunate, it gyues good vnderstan­ding, good memorie, great perseuerance, great subtiltie of spyrite, good discourse of reason, full of wit, very apt to know the Mathematicals, and the secretes of nature; it makes the man a Poet, an Orator, well spoken, writing well, and a great trader. If it be euill disposed, it makes him presumpteous, of little knowledge, with great estima­tion of his person, inconstant, a lyer, a mocker, a decei­uer ordinarily, fine, fantasticall, and vicious.

If it be the Moone that is fortunate, shee maketh him that is borne, pacified, modest, of good hart, or good will, and easie to endure any thing that one will doe. Vnfortu­nate doth shew inconstancie, lightnes of spyrite, faint-har­ted, prodigall, faythlesse. If the sayde signifiers, are not greatly fortunate or vnfortunate, it is conuenient to re­bate the sayde significations good and vicious, after the qualitie of theyr good and euill dispositions.

If any Planet be participant in the signification of the manners, or if it haue great communication of aspect with the principall significator, then considering the vices and vertues of him, that (according to his good or euill dis­position) wee doe ioyne them to him which gyueth the principall. As if Saturne well disposed, be principal sig­nificator, and Mars infortunate be participant, or regarde Saturne of one whole aspect with reception, then it is con­uenient to mingle some little of the nature of Mars vnfor­tunate, with the significations of Saturue fortunate.

The Astrologians doe aduertise vs, that if the Lord of the ascendant be well placed, and the saide significator of manners euill disposed, you must more consider vppon that which the Lord of the ascendant signifieth, then vp­pon that which the said significator doth promise. More­ouer, they consider more particulerly, the place of Mer­curie and of the Moone, and the aspect which they re­ceiue. If Mercurie be in the ascendant, it maketh the Man ingenious, and of great and profounde knowledge, [Page] a great Phylosopher, a Mathematician, an Orator, a Poet, a Diuine; principally whē he is in the place in the which Saturne hath at the least 4. dignities, or when he receiues aspect of Saturne.

Mercury in the twelfth, receiuing aspect of the Moone, hath very neere as great force for to giue wit and know­ledge, as if he were in the first. And where that Mercurie is, if he regard the Moone, and both two, or the one or the other, regard the ascendant or the Lord of the ascen­dant, thys is signe of a good and subtile spyrite. And if Saturne, Iupiter and Mars, or other Planets, do commu­nicate to him theyr fauorable beames, if they mingle theyr good vertues, if they regarde the euill aspect, they inter­mingle theyr vices: except Iupiter and Venus, which of euill aspect doe neuer anoy them, and lesse when he hath reception.

If the Sunne be temporall light, it may signifie the qua­lity of the spyrite with the Moone and Mercurie in the forme aboue sayd. If Mercurie be occidentall within the house or exaltation of the Sunne, hauing aspect of the Moone, or of the ascendant, or of his Lord, it is the soue­raigne signe of good and high spirits, of men of al know­ledge, gyuen to great enterprises and vertues, as Poets, Orators, Mathematicians, Counsellers, Administrators of Common-weales, and Gouernours of Realmes: prin­cipally when hee is fortunate in euery angle of Heauen.

Mercurie within the seauenth house fortunate, giueth good vnderstanding, and ripe iudgement: it maketh the man subtile, watchfull, and of good counsell, with great craft to gouerne his affayres. Mercurie in the ninth or third house, giueth knowledge and contemplation. The part of the vnderstanding of the spyrite with theyr Lords fortunate, signifieth good spirits and good manners.

Mercurie in the signe of Pisces, doth not any way loue learning: the contrary happeneth, when he is in the signe of Virgo and of Gemini, by all the places of the figure of Heauen. Saturne within the houses of Mercurie, is al­waies [Page 15] contemplatiue: Mars, a lyttle deceiuer. Mercurie within the houses of Saturne fortunate, is alwaies studi­ous, within those of Mars, he is full of euill words, and of­ten false.

When the lyghts and significators of manners shall be oppressed with ill fortune, the chylde shall be of a verie strange and peruerse nature. The Moone opposite to the Sunne, makes hym hate all men. If the Sunne and the Moone with the ascendant and his Lorde, be all in femi­nine signes, the manners of hym shall be feminine, and he shal be a man of little hart. If they be in signes masculine at the natiuitie of a woman, her deedes shal be manly, and she shall be a woman of great enterprise.

If Venus be in the signe of the Lyon, or vnder the beames of the Sunne, or in coniunction or other aspect of Mars, she maketh that the man shal be suddainly stri­ken in loue. And if in that estate shee be within the first or tenth house, without any aspect of Iupiter, hee shall be voluptuous without hauing shame; and when she shalbe in the signe of Scorpio, the aspect of Iupiter towards Ve­nus, gyueth alwaies chastitie, and loue of vertue.

CHAP. XIII. Of riches and pouertie.

FOR the riches and pouertie, it is conuenient first that you looke to the seconde house, for if shee and her Lord be fortunate, we say that the chyld shall be rich, and if they be vnfortunate, he shall be poore on that side. Then afterward you must consider the part of Fortune, the which with hys Lorde well disposed, promi­seth great store of goods, without other witnes. If they be euill disposed, you must come to the parte of goods the which with his Lord fortunate enricheth, vnfortunate gyueth nothing. Likewise you must iudge of the part of felicity and of his Lord. And that thing which the other places signifie, you must alwaies haue recourse to the na­turall [Page] significator of riches, which is Iupiter, the which well placed and fortunate, gyueth goods in aboundance: principally if he be Lord of the natiuity, or Lorde of the hower, or of the ascendant, or of the seconde house, or of the part of Fortune, or of the part of goods, or of the part of felicitie, or of temporall light, or of the tenth house, o­therwise he gyueth nothing.

When the aboue-sayde Significators shall be vnfortu­nate, the chylde cannot be rich, if the tenth house (of the which wee will speake heereafter) doe not promise hym some good lucke. Men finde also often by experience, that when a Planet is within his own house or exaltation, or in hys ioy, (without beeing vnfortunate, or els where enuironed with the fortunes or theyr beames) that hee gyueth goods, although he be not Significator of riches. If in the fourth house be hys lord or other fortunate Pla­net, he promiseth inheritaunces. If any fixed starre of the first or second greatnes be ioyned to the temporall lyght, or to the degree ascendant, or to the poynts of the other angles, or to other Planets in the sayd places placed, she dooth rayse the man of base estate, to great authority and honour: and if he be of the race of Princes, it will make hym a puissant Lord and King.

When a lyke Planet shall be Lord of the ascendant, & of the second house, the chylde shall be couetous of mo­ney & gayne, as that which happeneth when Capricorne is ascendant. When the Lord of the second house shal be within the first, the goods come without laboure. Like­wise when the Lord of the second house giueth strength to the Lord of the ascendant. When the Lorde of the as­cendant shall be in the second, the goods shall not come without trauayle: nor whē the lord of the ascendant shall gyue strength to the Lord of the second. Saturne, Mars, Mercurie depraued, the Sunne and the tayle of the Dra­gon lunarie, within the second, destroy the man, and di­sperse his goods; except when they haue at the least foure dignities, or when they be receiued. When the [Page 16] Lord of the ascendant shall regarde with euill aspect the second house, or the part of goods and of fortune, or their Lords, the chyld of hys owne proper will shall disperse his goods. If the Lord of the ascendant be vnfortunate in the second house, the chyld shall be too large a giuer, and prodigall. If any mis-fortune haue domination vpon the ascendant, and in the second, the chylde shall be destroyed by others, which shall destroy hys goods and robbe hym. When the sayde Significators of goods shall be vnfortu­nate, the chyld shall be all hys lyfe in payne and trauaile, without any aduauncement or profite.

Abraham Auenesre saith, that if the Lord of the second be burnt, and Iupiter euill disposed, that the chyld shalbe Foure Pla­nets in their fals or de­trymēts, do shewe great miseries, as it was in the natiuite of Iohn Duke of Saxony, who was ta­kē prisoner of Charles the 5. Thys good Duke had 3. Pla­nets in their detryments, and one Pe­rigren. alwayes poore. And Hermes sayth: when the Lord of the profession (of the which we shall speak in the 27. chap.) shall be burnt, or retrogard, or in the sixt or xij. house, and not any Planet regarding the Moone, the chyld shall seeke hys lyuing from doore to doore like a begger. Iupi­ter, Venus, and the head of the Dragon in the second, al­waies enrich. Venus in the fift promiseth some good. The Sunne in the nynth fortunate, gyueth benefices, or other goods of the side of the men of the Church. Mars in the sixt well disposed, gyueth good or nourishment to Beastes, and exercise of Phisicke. The Sunne in the signe of Leo, will neuer suffer the child to be poore.

CHAP. XIIII. By what meanes riches and pouerty commeth.

HAuing well noted the places which promise and bring riches, in regarding the situation of the said significators, we wyll know by what means ought to come the good and the euill. For if the signifi­cator be in the first house receiued and fortunate, it easily inricheth the person by hys industry and proper labour: and if he be in the sayd place vnfortunate, it is that his in­dustry and labour doth profit hym nothing; and the soo­ner from thence to losse and damage.

[Page] If he be in the second house well disposed, it profiteth to talke with Merchants, and lend merchandize & mo­ney, and of them make gaine. And if he be there euil di­sposed, the sayd busines bringeth great damages. If he be within the thirde house fortunate, it bringeth the goods from the side of Brothers and Sisters, and Cosins & alyes, or frō the side of the men of the Church in taking charge of theyr affayres: or to traffique heere and there about his Country. If he be in the 4. wel placed, he is inriched of in­heritances & goods of our fathers & predecessors, of la­borings & tilling of ground, of houses, & oftentimes doth meete with treasure. If it be within the fift, it profits to be a good Dauncer, a good Player, to bee braue, gracious, pleasant and delightfull, and sometimes to be voluptu­ous: alwayes well, because of God-fathers and God-mo­thers, and of theyr proper chyldren; or because of gyfts, or to make some voyage and doe some embassage. Those things that come appertaining to brauery and volupte­ousnesse, and making ready delicates, odours & perfumes, of thys house they very suddainly draw theyr profite. If the sayd significator be in the sixt well placed, hee shall make his profite in nourishing, and buying and selling of Sheepe, muttons, and other small beastes, or shall become rich by the diligence and faithfulnesse of his seruaunts, or shall gaine by the exercise of Phisicke. The Gaylors and others which haue the charge of prysons, drawe often­times theyr profit from thys house.

If the significator be in the seauenth fortunate, it pro­miseth great good of the side of women, by marriages or like agreements: and oftentimes to haue pleaded & gay­ned his sute in the law, or hauing beene in the warres and pilled the enemies. If it be in the eyght well disposed, it gyueth great dowrie and great good, because of women, and sometimes heritages, of the which he shall not great­lie thinke of. If it be in the ninth fortunate, hee shalbe en­riched of the goods of the church, or by traffique & tra­ueling in strange Countries.

[Page 17] If it be well in the tenth, he shall haue his profit of the side of Kings, Princes, and Lordes, and be made of them Gouernours of Townes, and honourable Officers; or be enriched by their owne vocation and profession.

If it be within the eleuenth in good disposition, he pro­fiteth by reason of friendes, and by fauour of men in au­thoritie.

If it be in the twelueth, fortunate, it giueth gayne by nourishing and selling of Horses, Mares, Oxen, Kyne, Cammells, and other great beastes: or to haue charge of prysonners: or of the persecution of enemies, with profi­table victorie in the end; As oftentimes it happeneth to some, which accusing others, and cannot prooue the crymes intended be condemned to make a good amendes to the partie: after all which persecution, the partie doth finde himselfe content.

Saturne by himselfe, enricheth by heritages & labours, nourishing of all Cattell, and with trading with aunci­ent men, or with Countrey-men, Marriners, & other vilde men: in Corne, Wines, Oyles, Fysh, Oade, Rosen, Allum, Leather, Tyles, Stones, Plaister, Chalke, Lyme, and such merchandize.

Iupiter, by Offices, benefices, and busines of men of the Church, and all gaynes that are made without deceit. Ex­cept when he is infortunate, for then vnder the shaddow of vertue, he dooth his affaires craftilie.

Mars, by warres, sutes, or thefts, or by slaughter, and selling of Cattell: or if it be in aspect of Venus, by phy­sicke.

The Sunne, by honourable offices, dignities & Lord­ships, by great credit, by charges to keepe and gather the money of Princes and Common-weales.

Venus, by musique, pleasure, grace and vertue, by bra­uery, by play, and sometimes by voluptuousnes, and som­time to serue some great Ladie.

Mercury, to speake well and write well, and to be very skilfull, to be a Secretarie, a Register, a Poet, an Oratour, [Page] and a good aduocate, to be a Geometrician, Arethmetrici­an, Astrologian, and a good trader. The moone for voy­ages, nauigation, wandring, and trading in far Countries, to haue the chardge of small affaieres of the common wealth.

If the said Significator be vnfortunat in the same places, they bring dammage and interestes, and if they be within the houses of Saturne, Iupiter or other planets, wee iudge the profit & interest after the nature of Saturne, Iupiter, and other planets which shalbe lords of the same places.

CHAP. XV. Of the time when the riches and dam­mages shall come.

THe sayde riches shall come, when the Significators of goodes shall meete by direction, in body or in aspects of amitie. As if Venus in some natiuitie promise goodes, they shall come when Venus by direction shall touche the place of Iupiter, or the degree of the second house, or the part of fortune, or their good aspects: Likewise you must iudge of dama­ges in goodes. For when a significator of damages and interestes doth meete by directiō a significator of goods, or his aspects of enmitie, then certainly comes the losse and damage. As when Saturne or Mars meete Iupiter in the parte of fortune, the parte of goodes and other places which signifie riches, the which also you must di­rect to the sayd ill fortunes, or to their euill aspect sygnify­ing alwayes some losse.

By the reuolutions also you may know the time of good and euill fortune. For when Iupiter in the natiui­tie shalbe in the signe Libra well disposed, alwayes and as many times, as you shall find him in the reuolution in the signe, in the same fortune certainlie he shall then bring the goodes that he promised, at the houre of the Nati­uitie.

To the contrarie, if hee be vnfortunate by Saturne or [Page 18] Mars in the Natiuitie, alwayes and as many times as he shall be in the reuolution ouer against the sayd vnfor­tunators, then the sayd damage shall come in the sort and manner as was signified in the natiuitie.

If the Significator of goodes be Orientall, the goodes come in youth, if it be Occidentall, in age. If it be in the first house hee shall be rich in his first age, if it be be­tweene the first and the tenth, vppon the time of twenty and seuen yeares. If it be in the tenth, betweene thirtye and fiue and thirtie. If it be betweene the tenth and seuenth, about fortie and fortie eight. If it be in the se­uenth he shalbe rich in his old age. You must also looke to the three Lords of the triplicitie, and to euery Signi­ficator of goodes. For the first lord signifieth the first age, the second of the time of thirtie or fortie yeares, the third the last age. Wherefore if the first lord of the tri­plicitie of one significator of riches be fortunate, the sayd goodes signified shall come at the first time: or if hee be vnfortunate, the damage then shall sticke, by this meanes you may applie the other lordes, to the ages follow­ing, and according to the good or euill disposition you must iudge of the fortune of euery one.

CHAP. XVI. Of Bretheren.

MArs and Saturne within the thirde house out of their principall dignities and not receiued, signi­fieth that the childe shall haue no brother nor Sister. And if they be in their principall digni­ties, or if they be fortunatly receiued, they may then giue some bretheren, but by reason of the which hee shall al­wayes be in sorrowe, strife, and contentions. The taile of the Dragon or lunaris, maketh him see the death of his bretheren, when shee is in the thirde house. That doth the Lord of the sayde house also, when hee is in the tenth or eight, and when he is burned or otherwise euilly disposed.

[Page] If in the ix. be any Plannet well dignified, and the Lord of the third house be vnfortunate, his bretheren shall dye before him, if he doo not finde in the same house some fa­uourable Plannet, or if the Lord of the saide house be not amiably regarded of fortunes.

Iupiter, the Sunne, Venus, the head of the Dragon, the Moone, and Mercury, fortunate in the thirde house, doo giue many bretheren, happy, pacified and fortu­nate. Mars, regarding the said house, or his Lord of euill aspect, signifieth strife and debate among the bretheren. That which signifieth also the Lord of the said house, in the vij. and xij. And Mars opposite to the ascendant, or to the Lord of the ascendant, and to the temporall light, and when a like Plannet is Lord of the iij. and vij. or xij. house. The part of the amitie of bretheren with his Lord fortu­nate, signifieth concorde: vnfortunate, discorde among bretheren. The part of bretheren, and the third house, with their Lords in watry signes, denoteth many brethren and sisters: and if they be fortunate, they signifie concorde and good loue together: vnfortunate, denoteth the con­trarie.

CHAP. XVII. Of the Father and the Mother.

THe Lords of the fourth, and of the part of the Fa­ther, burnt out of their proper houses and exaltati­ons, signifie that the Father cannot long liue; The ill fortunes within the 4. signifie that the father shall dye presently after, if within the said house they bee not dignified, or if the fortunes doo not enterlace their fa­uourable beames: Likewise you must iudge of the mo­ther, when the sayd Constellations shall be in the 10. The fortunes in the 4. signifie long life to the Father, and hap­pie fortune: & likewise of the mother, when they be with­in the x. The Sunne vnfortunate within the iiij. or viii. house, testifieth that the Father shall not liue long: like­wise you must iudge of the mother when the Moone shal [Page 19] bee so disposed. If the Lord of the 4. be in the 11. the childe shall see the death of his Father. If the Lord of the x. be in the 5. he shall see the death of his mother. Venus or the Moone in the 4. vnfortunate, giueth perrill to the mother at her deliuerance. The Lord of the 4. in the 7. or 12. house, or in euill aspects of ill fortunes, signifieth strife and quarrells betweene the Father and the Sonne. Likewise you must iudge of the mother, when the Lord of the 10. shall be in the same disposition. The part of the Father fortunate, denoteth long and happy life to the Father: vnfortunate, he shall dye very quickly. The part of the mother, signifieth as much of the mother, after her good or euill disposition.

Commonly the Astrologians haue regard to the Sunne and to Saturne for the Father, and to Venus and the Moone for the mother; If the natiuitie bee by day, they take the Sun for significator of the father: if it by be night they take Saturne, if the Sunne be not in any angle of hea­uen: For if it be in the 1. or 4. they preferre him alwayes to Saturne. If the Sunne be in the 1. in the natiuitie of the 1. childe, the figure of the natiuitie of the Father and of the Sonne shall be both one. The significator of the Fa­ther, ioyned to the Fortunes, or receiuing their amiable a­spects, denote good fortune and long life to the Father: the contrary you must vnderstand when they be vnfor­tunate.

If the Lorde of the ascendant, and the Lorde of the 4. doo looke with an euill aspect; the Sonne and the Fa­ther shall be in discorde, principally if Mars intermeddle with his pernicious beames. For the mother you must looke principally to Venus, if the natiuitie be by day: or to the Moone if it be by night; And after their good and euill dispositions, you must iudge the good or contrary fortune of the mother.

CHAP. XVIII. Of inheritances and earthly goods.

THE Fortunes, or other Plannets fortunate, within the fourth or eight house, denoteth inheritances and possessions: the ill fortunes doe deny or dispise them. Saturne, naturall significator of heritages, landes and possessions, well disposed, dooth giue great goods and landes, and maketh the man happie in labou­ring and tyllage; That also signifieth the significators of ryches, when they bee well disposed within the houses of Saturne. And the part of heritages, and the part of for­tune in sowers & tyllers whē they be fortunate, with their Lords. If the sayde significator be vnfortunate, you must iudge the contrary.

When one selfe Plannet is lorde of the first and fourth house, the childe shall haue inheritances which shall en­rich him, if the sayd lorde be fortunate: and if he sell and dispearse them, he is vnfortunate. The lorde of the as­cendant, or the Moone within the fourth fortunate, and a­miably by Iupiter or Venus regarded, denote that he shal finde some great summe of money vnder the earth, prin­cipally, if Saturne cast his Trynes or Sextil beames: or that of Mines of golde and siluer he shall be made rich.

The tayle of the Dragon in the south, maketh him to sell & dispearse his goods. That doth also the head of the Dragon, when she is in a signe earthly or watrish: In ayrie signes or fiery, she giueth great goods and landes.

CHAP. XIX. Of Infantes.

THe Fortunes in the fift, giue the children: the vn­fortunes denyes them. Except when they be in their proper house or exaltations, for then they giue euill children; that which they doo also, when regarding the saide house, or the lord of the same, with e­euill [Page 20] aspects. If the Lord of the first be burned, he gi­ueth the children abortiues, or which presently after their birth, dye. If the sayde lorde be in the xij he shall see the death of his children. If he bee in the vij. or xii. or if a like Plannet bee Lorde of the v. vij. or xij. hee shall haue sutes and questions with his children. The lorde of the ascendant, in euill aspect of the lorde of the v. deno­teth as much. Before you giue iudgement of the Chil­dren, you must consider the x. and the vii. house, and the parts of children with their lordes. The significators of the children in Masculine signes, signifieth Male children. in feminines, denote daughters: Likewise you must iudge when they bee coupled with plannets, masculines, or fe­minines.

CHAP. XX. Of Seruaunts.

THe significations of seruaunts must be taken of the place of Mars & Mercurie, of the sixt house of the part of seruaunts, and of their lordes. The which fortunate giueth faythfull seruauntes, vnfortunate giue them euill. When the lord of the ascendant & the lord of the syxt shalbe in good aspect together to the syg­nificators of riches, the child shalbe come rich by the in­dustrie and faythfulnesse of his seruants. Likewise when the fortunes be within the syxt house: to the contrarie, when the Significator of riches shalbe vnfortunate in the syxt house, he shall be vndone by his seruants. Likewise when the ill fortunes shalbe in the said house. If the lord of the vi. be in the x. he shall yeelde his seruaunts more greater maisters then himselfe. If the lord of the vi. house be in the signe of a humane figure, his seruauntes shall beare him reuerence and be at his commaundement.

What kind of conditions euerie Planet dooth yeelde.

♄ Fortunate.

Sadde & of a deepe cogitation. Secrete. Solitarie. La­boursome. Painful. A heaper of goods. Patient. Sparing. Carefull of hys owne preferment.

♄ Vnfortunate.

An abiect. A fugitiue. Base minded. A vile man. Negli­gent. Fearefull. Sadde or pensiue. Couetous. Enuious. A Witch. Stubberne. A Roge. Suspicious. Superstitious. A Deceiuer.

♃ Fortunate.

A louer of GOD. Religious. Honest and vertuous. Stoute. Couragious. Iust. Vpright. Authoritie. Mode­stie. Bountifull.

♃ Unfortunate.

A louer of hymselfe. High-minded. Proude. Super­stitious. feareful. faint-harted. Careles or negligent. Pro­digall. Nothing so good as when he is fortunate.

♂ Fortunate.

Gentle. Manly-minded. Full of courage, Stoute. Ire­full. Earnest. Fearing no danger. Patient. Delighting in warres and manly exercises.

♂ Vnfortunate.

Quarrelsome. Cruell. Angry. Tyranical. Vniust. Vn­faithfull. A blood-shedder. Theeuish. A make-bate. Ha­stie, or rashe. A boaster. Very proude.

♀ Fortunate.

Pleasant Merry. Fayre. Gentle of speech. Of comlie iesture. Good. Mercifull. Gyuen to pleasure both of bo­die and minde. A louer of dianty and delicate thinges.

♀ Unfortunate.

Womanish. Fearefull. Weake of nature. Slothful. Le­cherus. A slaunderer. Not caring for his good name, Gi­uen to filthy lust. Sodomiticall.

☿ Fortunate.

Of an excellent wit, Studious. Of a quicke capasitie. Of a good and sounde iudgement in euery thing. Poeti­call. Gramatical. Mathematical. Finding out many things vntaught.

☿ Unfortunate.

Vnstable. Malicious. A lyer, chiefely if he be with the Dragons tayle. Priuily sowing deceite. A slaunderer. For­getful. Foolish. Full of wicked counsell and malice.

Thus may you gather the naturall disposition of anie man, eyther present or absent: according to the nature of the Planets as is aboue specified. As for the lyghtes, the ☽ from her ☌ to her ☍ dooth make theyr manners most apparant, from her ☍ to her ☌ more obscure.

CHAP. XXI. Of Diseases.

YOV must first of all consider the places of Saturne and of Mars, and of the Lord of the sixt house. And according to the signe in the which they bee, you must iudge the sicknesse to bee in the place mar­ked by the sayd signe. As if Saturne were in the signe of Libra, it denoteth that the sicknes is in the reynes of the nature of Saturne: because that Libra is the signe that hath gouernment ouer the reynes, as shall be declared in the seconde Booke. Likewise you must iudge of other Significators, after the gouernment of the signe in the which they be.

The sicknes and accidents comming by Saturne, Mars and other Planets, shalbe explaned in the second booke. Mars in the ascendant, gyueth alwaies some notable hurt vpon the face, or vpon the head, and often neere the eyes, when hee is neere the lights. Saturne in the first house, yeeldeth the man to be very sadde, and melancholie, and vexeth the minde, causing horrible ill and fearefull ima­ginations. [Page] The tayle of the Dragon in the first, darkeneth much the sight and often yeeldes the men blind, when the Luminaries or the fortunes, doe not intermingle their fa­uourable beames. Saturne and Mars in the tenth, signifie sicknes in the necke, in the seauenth, in the buttockes: as Fistuloes, Emrods, Vlcers, and hurts &c. In the sixt, dis­eases in the feete: in the twelfith, hurts and grieses in the legges, as I haue often tryed. Saturne infortunate, signifi­eth diseases in the parts appertaining to Saturne. Iupiter and the other, signifie as much when they be euill dispo­sed. Of the partes which belong to the Planets wee will speake of in the second Booke.

They which haue the Lumynaries, or any of the princi­pall places in the figure vnfortunate in the figne of Scor­pio, are subject to the French-pocks. The ill fortunes in the signe of Gemini, gyue alwaies some great and violent blowes vpon the shoulders, legges & armes. The Moone vnfortunate in the signe of Aries, signifieth great paine in the head. Saturne and Mars ioyned to the Lumynaries, or to the Lord of the ascendant, trouble the sight, and spoyle the eyes with some blowe. The Sunne in the natiuities Diurnes, signifyeth the right eye, the Moone the left: in the Nocturnes, to the contrary. If the degrees of the first house, or the Lumynaries be ioyned with any trou­blesome starre, the eyes shall be darke, and the sight trou­bled; lykewise if they be in the signes which the Astrolo­gers call Azemena and filthy dregges. &c.

Saturne in the sixt house burned in a warry signe, de­noteth some forme of leprosie. Saturne in the ascendant, maketh some notable deformitie in the face, when hee is neere the Moone. The ill fortunes, and the Moone and Venus in warry signes, signifie leprosie, vlcers & cankers on the body, and villainous spots in the face. Saturne in the ninth, and the Moone in the eyght vnfortunate, de­note trouble of minde and solly. Venus ioyned to Mer­curie vnfortunate by Saturne or Mars, without aspect of Iupiter or of the Sun, signifie notable griefe in the partes [Page 22] of generation. If Venus & Mercury be vnder the beames of the Sunne, they signifie as much. Saturne wyth the Moone burned, causeth Palsies and Impostumes. Mer­curie vnfortunate, gyueth alwaies some impediment in the tongue: and so doth Saturne also when he is vnfortu­nate in the temporall lights. The Sunne vnfortunate, de­noteth weakenes of the hart: principally when he is lord of the sixt house, or Lord of the part of sicknesles. The ill fortunes with the tayle of the Dragon, cause loosenesse and the flixe of the bellie. They that haue the Sunne or Mars in the signes of Aries or Gemini, be subiect to the Stone. The retrogradation and burning of Saturne and Iupiter, spoyle the hearing, and the teeth.

When the Moone & Mercury doe not looke between them, and doe not regard the ascendant, nor the Lord of the ascendant, the chylde shall be troubled in his vnder­standing. The retrogradation of all the fiue Planets, sig­nifyeth the falling sicknes. The ill fortunes ioyned in the ascendant in euill aspects of the Moone or the Lorde of the ascendant, denote entire folly. The part of sicknesses with hys Lord fortunate, preserueth from sicknes, vnfor­tunate, gyue many euils.

CHAP. XXII. Of Marriage.

FOR the marriage, you must looke the vij. house and hys Lord, the places of Venus and the Moone in the natiuities of men, and in the places of the Sunne and of Mars in natiuities of women: and the parts of marriage, and the place of Iupiter. If the sayde Significators be fortunate, the marriage shall be happie, if they be vnfortunate, it shall be full of enuies, reproches and euils. If some be fortunate, and some vnfortunate by certaine tymes, now happy, and then vnhappy, it shall be manifest. Many Planets in the seauenth house, giue ma­ny women: likewise when many Planets regard the sayd [Page] house or his Lord. If Venus, & the Lord of the seauenth house be burned, or otherwise of Saturne oppressed, the chylde shall neuer marry. Iupiter and Venus within the 6. or 8. signifyeth that he shall marry a widdow. Iupiter burned, signifieth as much. Otherwise, if Iupiter behold Venus, and the other significators of marriage, it pro­miseth maydes and virgins. If Venus or Iupiter, or the Lord of the seauenth house be ioyned to Saturne, or if Saturne be within the seauenth house, the woman shall haue some note of infamie; (that is to vnderstande) shee shall be of a strange religion, or shall be a bastard, or shall be of the race of Lepors, or of some other, by whom the Parents haue receiued some shame, or she shal be defor­med, and her Parents shall be of a very weake condition. Mars in the sayd house, or beholding with euil aspect the Significators of marriage, intermingle strife and conten­tions betweene the man and the wife: the same doth also Venus in the seauenth or twelfth house.

Mars in the ninth, asmuch in the natiuities of women as of men, denoteth some manner of separation of marri­age. And Venus in the ninth, signifieth that the man shal hate his wife, not so much for the vice which he shal find in her, but of a desire to be solitary. The Significators of marriage vnfortunate, or within the houses Cadents, sig­nifieth the woman to be of a simple race, or the husbande in the natiuities of women.

If Venus and the Lorde of the seauenth house, ioyne with the Significators of riches, beholding the Lord of the ascendant with an amiable aspect, she giues much goods by reason of women. The Significators of mariage with­in the thyrd or ninth, or else where Peregrines, signifie that he shall marry out of hys Country. The fortunes within the seauenth house, denoteth happy marriage, the ill fortunes vnhappy. The Lorde of the seauenth within the seconde, denoteth that hee shall see the death of hys wife. The Significators of marriage occidentall, witnesse that he shall marry late, or in his youth take a wife older [Page 23] then himselfe. Orientall, denoteth that he shall marrie in hys youth, or in hys age marry a young wife. Likewise you must iudge of husbands in the natiuities of women.

CHAP. XXIII. Of a dowery and other goods by the meanes of marriage.

BEcause the eyght house is succeeding to the sea­uenth, by good reason it signifieth the profit of the significations of the seauenth, (that is to say) of mar­riage. If then in the eyght there bee any fortunate Planet, or any part fortunate, the chyld shall haue great dowrie by his wife, and of that side shall meet with great inheritaunces & great goods. To the contrary, if Saturne and Mars be vnfortunate in the said house, hee shall haue small dowery, and the same shall neuer be fully payd.

When the fortunes be in the sayd house vnfortunate, he hath hope of great goods the which in the end he shal not enioy. The Lord of the said place vnfortunate, deno­teth as much: and if hee be fortunate and coupled with the Significators of riches, it denoteth great goods and great profite on that side. It happeneth well sometimes when the seauenth house is fortunate, and the eyght vn­fortunate. As that which signifieth a little dowery & des­peration of other goods towards his wife, & that alwaies he shall be inriched by the diligence, industry, and faith­fulnesse of his wife.

CHAP. XXIIII. Of the Death.

YOV must first consider if there bee any Planet in the eyght house, for it is conuenient to take it for Significator of the death. If within the sayde house there be neuer a Planet, take them for Significators that be in the seauenth, preferring him alwaies that is best dignifyed. If within the seauenth you finde none, drawe [Page] the Sgnifycator of the death from these places which fol­lowe.

Of the ascendant and of his Lord.

Of the eyght house and of his Lord.

Of the part of Death and of his Lord.

Of the eyght Signe, from the place of the Sunne & of hys Lorde.

Of the eyght Signe, from the Moone and of his Lord.

Of the place of the first Lorde of the triplicitie of the fourth angle.

Of the place of the Planet which hath dignity of terme, to the degree of the seauenth house.

The Planet which in all these places shall be most dig­nifyed, shall be principall Sgnificator of death.

If Saturne beeing in the eyght or seauenth house, or o­therwise more dignified in the aboue saide poynts of the figure, he is principall significator of the death. If hee be well disposed, it witnesseth, that the same partie shall dye of the Dropsy, of some great stopping of the lyuer, and of the Spleene, or of a quarterne Feuer, of the flixe of the belly, of Pthisick, or of some burning Feuer, and of Im­postumations of the eares. &c. If it be greatly vnfortunate, and together with the Lord of the ascendant, and the lu­minaries temporally be euill disposed, it denoteth violent death by Impostumes, Palsies, falling downe of humors, suffocations, ouer-flowen with water. When it is in wa­try Signes, by some fall or ruine: when it is in earthlie Signes, by great blowes: for to be hanged when it is in ayerie Signes.

If Iupiter be Significator of the death, it denoteth that he shall die of a Pluresie, of a Squinance, or of some hote appostumations of the lyuer, or of the lunges, or of other sicknesses comming of wind or of blood; and that if he be fortunate. For when he is euill disposed and vnfortunate, it maketh hym die by the hand of iustice, by the comman­dement of the Prince, by sentence of the Iudge or of the Marshall, by ouer-flowing in waters, to be whypped and [Page 24] scourged, by long imprisonment.

If it be Mars well disposed, by continuall tertian Fe­uers, by flixe of blood, by Carbuncles and pestilences, by Impostumes comming of chollerick matters, burnings by too much vsing of women. If he be very euil disposed, it maketh him to be hanged and strangled, or smothered, or otherwise killed in his bedde, or on hys horse. When he is an ayrie signe or partaker within the water, when he is a watry signe or fallen frō on high, or of some ruinous murtherer. When he is a terrestiall, or burned: when he is a fierie Signe: principally if the Lord of the ascendant and the luminaries temporally be vnfortunate by Mars. If it be the Sunne well disposed, hee shall die of some hote disease. If it be vnfortunate, by the commaundement of the Prince, or by sentence of the Iudge, or hee shall dye among a great company of men, subiect to death, or in prison, or in a Dungeon, or in some other stincking and filthy place. If it be Venus wel disposed, he shal die of too much eating fruites, or with too much continuing his voluptuousnes, or of some Fistula or Impostume. If she be vnfortunate, it denoteth death by venim, principallie when she is burned, or ioyned to Saturne, or of too much burning affection of loue, or of great griefes of the French pockes. If it be Mercurie fortunate, it maketh him dye by sadnesse, by great apprehensions, by the Yellowe iaun­ders, by pthisickes, by the burning Feuer, or by too much watching. If he be greatly vnfortunate, it signifieth that he shall die by madnesse, the Falling-sicknes, by violent Coughes, with breaking in sunder the veynes, by foolish mellancholie, by Ielousie.

If it be the Moone well disposed, with too much eating moyst meates, by drinking water, by too much continuing his pleasure; If she be vnfortunate, you must consider the nature of him which is vnfortunate. For if it be Mars hee shall dye by fire, or by hurt: or by abortisment if it be a woman. If it bee Saturne, by ruines, falles, pestilences, and like accidents.

[Page] Before concluding of what death the partie shall dye, you must consider the disposition of the Lorde of the ascendant, and of the luminaries temporall: For if they be well disposed, the death shal not be vyolent, although the principall significator bee greatly vnfortu­nate. If the sayd significator be vnfortunate, together with the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant e­uill disposed, we esteeme certainly that the death shall be vyolent, if Iupiter or Venus doo not intermingle theyr fauourable beames, and then the sayd person shall fall in great daunger of the said violent death, & from the which he shall alwayes escape myraculously.

If one of the ill fortunes be in the signe of Cancer, and the other in the signe of the Lyon, the death shall be vyo­lent; Likewise, if any of the sayde ill fortunes be in the signe of the Lyon, and the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant be vnfortunate, and one of the ill fortunes be in the first house, and the other in the seuenth or fourth, or one of them in the tenth and the other in the fourth.

The Sunne, or the Moone, or the Lord of the ascen­dant, ioyned with Mars, haue right in one fixed starre, which the Astrologers cal the head of Meduse, or other­wise the head of the diuel, maketh him by the hand of the Executioner to leese his head.

When the Sunne, and the Moone, and Saturne, and Mars, occupie the 4. angles of heauen, or at the least 3. the personne shall dye a horrible death: for he shall leese his head, or be cut in foure quarters, or be drawen with foure horses: principally, if in the sayde angles be the signes of Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius. Mars in the ninth or eyght in the signe of Aquarius or of Gemini, opposite to the Moone, or the Lorde of the ascendant, without good aspect of fortunes, maketh hym perrish by Sulpher or fire from heauen. Saturne in the twelfth, sixt, eyght, or fourth house vnfortunate, the lord of the sayde houses maketh hym dye in pryson, or els where in great payne [Page 25] and trauaile: principally when the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant be vnfortunate in any of the sayd houses.

The tayle of the Dragon beeing ioyned to the Signi­ficators of death, denote poysons, venims, and violent me­dicines, or ill applyed, and flixe of the belly. Mars within the fourth, eyght, twelfth, or sixt vnfortunate, theyr lords and the luminaries temporall, or the Lorde of the ascen­dant, witnesse violent death, by the shedding of blood or otherwise.

The Significators of death within the ninth or thyrd house, signifie that the person shall die by the way, or in a strange Country: except they be in theyr owne proper houses or exaltations, for then he shall die in his house, & bring his euill from the high waies. The said Significators in their proper houses or exaltations, make him die in his house, if they be Peregrines, they make him dye out of his house.

The Moone ioyned to a fixed starre, named the Claire of the ballance meridionall, denoteth violent death. That dooth she also when she is ioyned with other starres that haue the nature of the luminaries. Mars in the viij. house with the head of the Dragon, maketh him to bee hanged and strangled. Many Planets within the seauenth house, make him dye of some strange and terrible kind of death. Saturne, Mars, and the heade of the Dragon in the first, Venus and Mercurie with the taile in the seauenth, make the body in a thousand peeces.

If the principall Significator bee burned in his owne proper house or exaltation, without being otherwise vn­fortunate, it maketh him dye suddainly of some feeblenes, or other suddaine and secrete accident, without other vi­olence. The fortunes well disposed in the eyght house, preserue him alwaies from violent death.

CHAP. XXV. Of voyages by Land and by Sea.

IVpiter, Venus, the Sunne and Mercurie fortunate in the ninth house, denote that he shall be happy in via­ges by Land and by Sea. Saturne and Mars signifie to the contrary; and principally Saturne doth hinder the viages by water, and Mars the waies by Lande. If within the ninth house there be neuer a Planet, you must consi­der the Moone, and the Lord of the ninth, and the parts of the waies and viages by land and by water, with their Lordes, the which fortunate, giueth profitable nauigati­ons: vnfortunate, denote the contrary. Likewise you must iudge of the third house and of his lord, when they be well or euill disposed. The head of the Dragon in the ninth, fauoureth greatlie to the fortune of viages, and the tayle to the contrary.

CHAP. XXVI. Of the constancie in his Religion.

ALso as the head of the Dragon, the luminaries, and Mercurie in the ninth house well disposed, denote entire fayth and constancie in hys Religion, Sa­turne, Mars, and the tayle of the Dragon do hyn­der it. Saturne of his nature is most enclined to the Law of the Iewes: and Mars to the law of the Turkes & Ma­hometists; the tayle of the Dragon, causeth him alwaies to erre from the truth of the law. The lord of the nynth, and the part of the fayth, with hys Dominator fortunate, yeeldeth a man constant in his faith: vnfortunate maketh him variable.

If the part of the spirite be in the signe of the Lyon at the byrth of a Christian, hee shall be very constant in hys religion, if the Sunne be fortunate: if he be vnfortunate by Saturne, to goe from his fayth, and to addresse it to that of the Iewes. If he be vnfortunate by Mars, it ma­keth [Page 26] him more to encline to the lawe of the Turkes and Mahometists. If the said part be in the houses of Saturne at the natiuitie of a Iewe, or in the houses of Mars at the natiuitie of a Turke, they shall denie theyr lawe: if the sayd lords of the sayd part be retrogrades, or otherwise ill disposed. Saturne in the nynth at the natiuitie of a Iewe, doth nothing diminish his faith. Saturne in the said house when he is fortunate, signifieth Dreames to be true. Mars and the tayle of the Dragon signifie them vaine and false. The other significators doe aslure them to be true.

CHAP. XXVII. Of the action and profession.

HOW to knowe of what profession the childe shall be, you must chiefely consider if any Planet be in the tenth house, for he shal be Significator of the profession: otherwise, you must come to the part of Fortune, and to his lord, to the part of the profession, and to his lord, to the tenth house, and to his lord, and to the places of Mars, Mercurie and Venus.

The Planet that vpon these places shal haue the most dignities, shalbe Significator of the profession. The which if it be Saturne, it shall signifie a Husbandman, a good house-keeper, a Receiuer of rents, and many times a Go­uernour of Townes, when he is in angles fortunate. Iupi­ter denoteth the officers, Iudges, Benefices, Prelates, By­shops, Gouernours of the goods of the Church. Mars sig­nifieth Captaines, men of warre, Coyners, Forgeours, and other that vse to worke with fire and yron: and Phi­sitions when he is in the aspect of Venus.

Sol representeth Princes, Lords, Magistrates, Hun­ters, Treasurers and Archers. Venus Players, Dauncers, Perfumers, Appothecaries, and in aspect of Mars, Phisi­tions. Mercurie, Aduocates, Notaries, Registers, Poets, Rymers, Phylosophers, Mathematicians, Diuiners, wry­ters, Messengers and traders.

[Page] The Moone, Embassadors, Counsellers, Consuls, Ru­lers of Common wealth, Trauailers, Hunters. If there be many Significators, or if the principall bee coupled with many Planets, you must mingle the significations of the one and of the other, and of the said mixture, gather to­gether the profession comming of the concurrence of the starres. You must also consider in what house the sayde Significators be, if they be within the second, the profes­sion shall be of feates of merchandize and traffiques: if within the third or ninth, of feates of religion, or gathering the goods of the Church. If in angles, of Dominations & gouernments. If in the fift of Embassages, legations, and other things of pleasure. If in the sixt, of feates of diseases, of seruaunts and of Cattell. &c. If the part of the honour comming of the profession, be with his Lord fortunate, the Infant shall obtayne great credite and honour because of his profession. If they be vnfortunate, if hee doe neuer so well, he shall neuer gayne to himselfe honor in the feates of his profession.

CHAP. XXVIII. Of dignities, offices, and honours.

FOR the dignities, offices, charges and honors, you must haue respect to the tenth house, to the lumi­naries temporall, to the part of noblenes, to the part of gouernment, to the part of Magistrates, & others appertaining to the tenth house, with theyr Lordes. The Planet that in the sayde places shall haue most dignities, shall be Significator of the sayd considerations in good or euill, according to his good or euill disposition: particu­lerly also you must follow the sayde places one after ano­ther to know of what side principally the sayde dignities, offices and honours ought to come.

Saturne in the tenth house, or in the ascendant in nati­uities by day, signifieth great aduauncement and honour after thirty yeeres, when he is not euill disposed: in nati­uities [Page 27] by night, it denoteth continuall feare, to receiue da­mage of Princes and Kings. Mars in the sayde places in natiuities by night, signifieth also great aduauncement, & by day more then Saturne.

The part of gouernment and his Lorde within any of the angles, witnes great fauour of Kings. Likewise you must iudge of the other part that we haue deducted vpon the tenth house. Mercurie in the tenth well disposed and fortunate, promiseth dignities, offices and honours, by reason of knowledge. Venus and the Moone because of women. Iupiter for hys vertue. The Sunne and the head of the Dragon in the same house, denoteth as much. The two luminaries in theyr houses or exaltations placed in the figure of Heauen, doe denote great aduauncement & honour.

That which Iupiter dooth also when hee receiueth the vertue of all the other Planets, & communicateth hys owne to Saturne and the Sunne; and the fortunes and the luminaries when they be in the angles of Heauen. Manie Planets in the fourth house, denoteth great honour after death. If in the poynts of the angles be any fixed starre of the first or second greatnes, or other hauing the nature of lumynaries, it is a great signe of incredible aduancement. That which happeneth also when the sayd starres be ioy­ned to the lumynaries temporall, or to the parte of For­tune, or to his Lord, or to the Planets and parts that bee in the angles.

They which haue Saturne in the tenth burnt, or the Lord of the tenth burnt, or be by Saturne oppressed, or that haue the tayle of the Dragon in the tenth, receiue commonly some forme of dishonour, and often be depri­ued of theyr estate, vvhen the Fortunes doe not inter­mingle theyr fauourable beames: except when they be also vnfortunate in theyr proper houses or exaltations, or in the signes of Aries and the Lyon.

You must note that Saturne & Mars, hinder greatly the good fortunes, vntil that the man hath passed the number [Page] of yeres corrispondent to the number of the smal yeres of the said Planets: and if they hinder any more time, it shal bee vntill that the man shall accomplish the number of yeeres aunswering to the number of degrees, of the ouer­thwart ascentions of the Signe, in the which they shall be at the natiuity.

CHAP. XXIX. Of companions and Friendes.

YOV must for the Companions and Friendes, haue respect to Iupiter, the eleuenth house, the parte of friendes, the part of honourable companions. The Planet hauing most dignities in the said places, shal be principall Significator of friends: the which after hys good or euill disposition, shall denote honourable, fayth­full, and profitable friendes: or vnprofitable, disloyal, and of base condition. Iupiter and the Sunne in the said house, signifie honourable companies and profitable: so dooth Venus, the Moone and Mercurie also in the saide place. Saturne in the eleuenth fortunat, witnesseth graue friends, auncient and honourable. Mars, men of warre, Captaines and Lords.

Saturne or Mars in the eleuenth out of their principal dignities, depriued of the beames of the fauourable Pla­nets, signifie some great sute against hys friendes, or some great euill by reason of them: as it happeneth commonly to the Aunswerers and Suerties. The parts of honorable companions and of praise, with theyr Lords fortunate, sig­nifyeth profite and honour on the side of friendes: vnfor­tunate denoteth the contrary. The part of friendes deno­teth as much.

The heade of the Dragon in the eleuenth house, gy­ueth fauour of friendes: the tayle denoteth a thousande mischiefes by reason of them.

CHAP. XXX. Of sutes and Enemies.

THE fortunes in the seauenth and twelfth house, gyue victories against enemies, when they bee in good aspect to the lord of the ascendant. And cō ­monly those which haue these 2. houses with theyr Lordes fortunate, be happy in theyr sutes: the contrarie you must iudge, when they with theyr Lordes be vnfor­tunate. The ill fortunes in the sayde places, signifie much strifes and enemies. That doth also the parts of enemies, and of discord and accord, when they and theyr Lords be euill disposed.

The Lord of the twelfth house fortunate, it denoteth little puissaunce of enemies: vnfortunate denoteth the contrary. If one of the two ill fortunes be in the twelfe, and the other in the sixt, in euill aspect of the lumyna­ries temporall, or of the Lord of the ascendant, the chylde shall be killed by his enemies. They which haue Saturne, or Mars, or the Moone opposite to the Sun in the Signe of Cancer, be commonly contrary to all the world. Mars in any of the foure angles, ingendereth naturally stryfe, sutes, debates, and enmities against all the world: except when he is in a good aspect of Iupiter and Venus. For then he doth expell hys ire and anger against the vices, & of great zeale maintaineth the right of euery one.

The Lorde of the ascendant, or the Moone, or the Sunne vnfortunate in the twelfe house, denoteth great persecutions and calamities of the enemies. The Lord of the ascendant by the lord of the twelfe oppressed, testifi­eth that he shall die by the hand of his enemies.

The Lord of the twelfe, and the Planets that be in the seauenth & twelfe house, signifie the qualitie of enimies, (that is to vnderstand) the Sunne signifieth the Princes & great Lords, the Moone all the world, and Mars the men of warre. &c.

CHAP. XXXI. Of imprisonments and c [...]ptiuities.

THE Lord of the ascendant, or the Moone or the Sunne greatlie vnfortunate in the 12. 6. 8. and 4. house, doe signifie imprisonments, and death with­in the prysons, or in captiuitie: principally when they be burned out of theyr principall dignities, and out of the signes of Aries and the Lyon, and when they bee oppressed by Saturne lorde of one of the sayd houses. Sa­turne and Mars in the angles of Heauen, signifie alwaies some imprisonment: and principally Saturne. Mercurie in the angles vnder the beames of the Sunne, receiuing an euill aspect of ill fortunes, signifieth as much. If Mercu­rie or the lorde of the ascendant gyue his vertue to Sa­turne, beeing in the eyght house, it signifieth that the chylde shall dwell long in prison and captiuity.

If the lord of the ascendant bee in the twelfe in a signe of a humane figure, without aspects of fortunes or of lu­minaries, hee shall be captiue and a slaue in his youth. If the lorde of the nynth be burned in any of the angles of Heauen, he shall be taken by the high-waies, and put in pryson.

The parts of prison, and of paine, trauayle and afflic­tion with theyr lords burnt, or otherwise vnfortunate, sig­nifieth imprisonment and captiuitie. That dooth also the vnfortunes when they bee well dignified in the sayde places.

The partes of all enuies, and of the perrillous yeere doth signifie as much, when they with theyr Lordes bee greatly vnfortunate.

The sayde parts with theyr Lords fortunate, preser­ueth from prison, and from captiuitie.

CHAP. XXXII. Of Horses, Sheepe, and other beastes.

THE fortunes and Planets fortunate within the 6. and twelfe house, yeelde the men happy in horses and nourishing of beastes. The lords of the sayde houses fortunate, and coupled with the Significa­tors of riches, signifie as much. Naturally the sixt house denoteth Sheepe, and Goates, and other small beastes, the 12. Horses, Oxen, Kine, Camels, & other great beastes. The ill fortunes within the sayd houses, or the lordes of the sayd houses vnfortunate, signifie losse and damage of the said beastes.

Saturne and Mars in the twelfe, maketh the horses to fall with notable losse. The which they doe also whē they be elswhere in the Signe of Sagitarius. The lorde of the natiuitie in the twelfe house in euill aspect of the Lord of the twelfe, maketh hym fall from his horse in great per­rill of death, when the fortunes & luminaries do not yeeld theyr amiable aspects.

If the twelfe be of Sagittarius or the Lyon, & the lord of the ascendant, or the Sunne, or the Moone be vnfor­tunate, hee shall fall from hys horse and dye, if the for­tunes within the eyght house doe not hinder the euill.

The end of the first Booke.

Of the Astronomical iudgements vpon the Natiuities, contayning parti­culer considerations. The second Booke.

CHAP. I. Of the significations of the Planets.

SAturne, hauing regard ouer the right part of Sep­tentrion, ouer the earth and the water, ouer the me­lancholie, and sometimes ouer the phlegme, grosse humors, ouer the eares, the spleene, the bladder, the mawe, the sinowes, and the bones. And signifieth pale men, or black, leane, pensiue, solitarie, fearefull, raylers, graue, contemplators, labourers, Masons, buyers of rents, Vsurers, Carpenters, Fishers, Merchants of oyles, Lea­ther, Fish, tyles, stone, allome. &c. Of diseases it signifieth leperousnes, cankers, rottennes, quarterne-feuers, opilati­ons, dropsies, flixe of the belly, collicke, burstnesse in the coddes, misconception of women, the gowte in the legs, gowte in the wristes, Sciatiqua, deafenes, the falling sick­nes, foolish melancholy, very difficult in fetching breath, & others, ingendered of grosse humors or of wind, which endure long. Of ages, oldnes: of partes of the yeere Au­tumne: of colours the black, cleer, tawny, dark: of sauors, the sharpe and abstringent, pricking with sharpnes: of dayes, the Saturday: of Regions, Bauieres, Saxony, Ro­manie, Constance, and the first Clymate. Of particuler places, Caues, Lakes, Pondes, close places, olde & ruinous houses, solitary places, obscure deserts & stinking places.

[Page 30] Iupiter regarding the occident, the ayre, the blood with the vitall spyrits, the lunges, the sides, the lyuer and the veynes: and signifieth men of good stature, and ful faced, bald, curled, white with a pleasant rednesse intermingled, hauing the eyes indifferent great, the nostrils reasonable short, the fore-teeth reasonable great, honest men, grati­ous, blessed, religious, Abbots, Byshops, Prelates, Offi­cers, Iudges, Magistrates. With copulation of Saturne, it signifieth Nigromancers, Enchaunters, Sorcerers. With Mars, Phisitions. With the Sunne, appeasors of quarrels, controuersies and disputations. With Venus, Musitions. With Mercurie, Mathematicians. With the Moone, Ge­ometricians, Geographers, & Hidrografers. Of Diseases, it signifieth burning Feuers, Quincies, Plurifies, swellings, Impostumes, phlegmes, and other, comming of bloode. Of ages, betweene age and youth. Of the partes of the yeere, the Spring-time.

Of colours, as cleere as a Saphire, as yellowe as a Cit­terne, greene, and a lyttle drawing vpon the redde. Of sa­uours sweete and amiable. Of dayes, the Thursday. Of Countries, Babylon, Persia, Hungarie, Spayne, and the se­cond Clymate. Of particuler places, churches, pallaces, priuiledged places, cleane, honest, and religious.

Mars looking towards the South, the fire, chollericke humors, the reynes, the payne in the nostrils, the gaule, the genitories. He denoteth men with red faces, and the skinne redde, the face round, the eyes yellow, horrible to behold, furious men, cruell, desperate, proude, sedicious, souldiers, Captaines, Smythes, Colliers, Bakers, Alcu­mistes, Armourers, Furnishers, Butchers, Chirurgions, Barbers, Sargiants and Hangmen, according as they shal be well or euill disposed.

With Saturne, commonly it signifieth Chirurgions. With Iupiter, Naturall Philosophers & Physitions. With the Sunne, healers of eyes. VVith Venus, Barbers and Sheremen. With Mercury, men of skil to let blood. With the Moone, Tooth-drawers, and clensers of the eares. Of [Page] diseases, it denoteth tertian Feuers, and continuall impe­diments, pestilences, megrams of the head, carbunckles, ring-wormes, blisters, chollericks and burnings, madnes, phrensies, issues of blood, vomiting of blood, chollericke passions, the yellow Iaunders, the bloody-flixe, & others, comming of chollericke humors and burnings. Of ages, the flower of youth. Of the parts of the yeere, the Som­mer.

Of colours, red, flame-colour, sanguine, and drawing to an yron colour. Of sauours, the bitter and sharpe. Of Of the dayes, Tuesday. Of Regions, Getulie, Lombar­die, and the third Clymate. Of places particuler, houses of Smythes, Coyners of money, slaughters, furnices, all places dedicated to fyer, yron and blood.

The Sunne hauing domination ouer the East & South, ouer the fire, ouer the pure blood, and ouer the vital spy­rites, ouer the eyes, ouer the brayne, ouer the hart. And it signifieth wisemen, prudent, dyscreete, couetous of glo­rie and of honour: of an indifferent stature, browne of colour, great bearded, yellow eyed, the face marked, a great voyce, and very ill fauoured. Honourable men, Officers, Magistrates, Lords, Princes, Kings and Gouernours of Countries and great hunters. And with Saturne, denoteth principall Meaters, Renters, and labourers honourable. With Iupiter, Beneficed men, Pryors, Abbots, and Pre­lates, or Iudges and Officers of iustice. With Mars, Cap­taines and Conductors of warres. With Venus, Gouer­nours of the goods of Princes, and officers of the same. With Mercurie, Counsellers, Secretaries, Chauncellors. With the Moone, Legates, Embassadours, and honoura­ble messengers.

Of diseases, hote rumes vpon the face, and vppon the eyes, rednes of the face, tympanies, palpitation of the hart, dolor of the heade comming of too much bloode, or with tarrying long in the beames of the Sunne. Of ages, youth. The parts of the yeere, the beginning of Sommer. Of colours the yellow, the cleere redde, colour of golde.

[Page 31] Of sauours, sowernes and sweetnesse agreeably inter­mingled. Of dayes, Sunday. Of Countries, Italy, Cicillia, Bohemia, and the fourth Clymate. Of particuler places, houses of Princes, Pallaces, Theaters, and other large places, excellent and cleere.

Venus Dominatrix ouer the right parte of the East, vpon the ayre and water, vppon the mixtion of phlegme, blood and spyrits, and seede of generation. Vppon the reynes, belly, nauill, lyuer, backe, and other partes dedi­cated to generation. And signifieth white men or browne, with some rednesse intermingled: fayre faced, pleasant lookes, hawke-nosed, full of hayre, ioyfull, laughter, libe­rall, pleasers, dauncers, entertayners of women, players, perfumers, musitions, messengers of loue. With Saturne, it signifieth Preachers, and others that sing and ioyfullie assist at deceases and burials. With Iupiter, musitians and others, which sing the prayse of God in solemne hymnes. With Mars, trumpeters and dromslades in warre. Wyth Mercurie, singers of rymes & poetry. With the Moone, singers of common songs. Of diseases, impostumes, and of moyst matters, fystuloes, imbecility of the stomach, of the reynes, and of the part of generation, folly comming by too much loue, the French-pockes with his suppor­ters, and other, comming of cold and moyst matter, and of venims.

Of ages, young yeeres: of parts of the yeere, the be­ginning of the Spring-time: of colours, the white, greene, redde, and a little yellow; of sauours, the sweete, delecta­ble, and sauourliest. Of dayes, Friday: of Regions, Ara­bia, Austria, Sweecherland, and the fift Clymate. Of par­ticuler places, neere gardens, fountaynes, Chambers well decked, halles hanged with Tapestry, beds wel adorned, and others, dedicated to playes, dauncies, songs and al vo­luptuousnesse.

Mercurie beeing chiefe ouer the Septentrion ouer the water and earth, and of the spyrits of beastes, and ouer the confusion of humors. Ouer the hands, feete, armes, shoul­ders, [Page] tongue, mouth and teeth. And signifieth men ney­ther white nor blacke: leane: of smal stature: long finge­red: long faced: high fore-headed: the nose straight and long: little beard: full of hayre: the eyes little & quicke: subtile men: ingenious: vnconstant: Rymers: Poets: Aduocates: Orators: Phylosophers: Sooth-sayers: A­rithmeticians: Merchants: and busie fellowes.

With Saturne, Geomitricians: Architects: With Iu­piter, Lawyers: Cannons: and those that keepe the Re­gisters of the benefits of Churches and sutes. With Mars, Sargiants of the bande, Archers of the Garde. &c. With the Sunne, Maisters of the houses of Princes and great Lords: and theyr Secretaries & Stewards. With Venus, Musitions: Apothicaries and Perfumers. The Moone, trauailers, messengers & traffiquers. Of diseases, vertigo or turning of the head: lightnes of the braine: like to fol­lie: foolish imaginations: lets of the tongue: pthisickes: issues in the legges, feete and hands: and other, that haue causes hydden, and that come by certaine times. Of ages, the time betweene seauen and fourteene yeeres: Of the parts of the yeere, Autumne. Of colours, the strangest, di­uerst and mixtious. Of sauours, the strangest & of newe tast. Of dayes, Wednesday. Of Countries, Egipt, Greece, England, Flaunders: Paris: and the 6. Clymate. Of par­ticuler places, shops: fayers: cōmon-markets: schooles: halles of Lawyers.

The Moone doth gouerne ouer the right part of the West: ouer the water: ouer the phlegme: sweatinges: monthly flowers: and like superfluities. Ouer the sto­macke: the belly: the brayne: the lunges: the brest and the eyes. And signifieth men of fayre stature, white, and the face round and spotted: the eyes a little blacke, and a little lowring: long bearded: hys eye-browes knit toge­ther: amiable men, peaceable: Trauailers: Pilgrims: Hunters: Embassadors: Legates: Consuls: Atturneyes: Benchers: Gouernours of Townes: principall in deedes of pollicie.

[Page 32] With Saturne, it signifieth Carters and vile Workers. With Iupiter, Geomitricians and Geographers. Wyth Mars, Drawers of teeth: Alcumists and Blowers. With the Sunne, honourable messengers. With Venus, carriers of packs. With Mercury, Poets, Rymers, messengers, tra­uailers and traffiquers. Of diseases, gowtes of the feete & wristes: sciatiqua: dropsies: lyttargy: palsies: rumes: shaking of the members: drowsie sicknesses: flixe of the bellie: vomitings: fistuloes: wormes: and other causes of cold and moystnes. Of ages, the infancie: of the partes of the yeere, Winter: of colours, white: yellow: greene: of sauours, the saltish: fresh: or without fauour: of daies, Monday. Of Countries, Flaunders: Affrick: and the sea­uenth Clymate. Of particuler places, fieldes: fountaines: mountaines: Hauens of the Sea: woods: high-waies and desert places.

CHAP. II. ¶ Of the significations of the twelue Signes.

ARies doth gouerne ouer the hart of the Orient, o­uer the fire, ouer the chollerique humors & hote: ouer the beginning of the Spring: ouer the head: the nose, the face, the eares and the eyes. And sig­nifieth leane men, redde coloured, flat nosed, chollericke, strong, and right men of warre: Captaines: souldiours: Alcumistes, and other martialists. Of diseases, it denoteth lytargy: madnesse: issues of bloode: rednes of the face: filthinesse: falles: hurts: and all sicknesses violent and continuall.

Of colours, redde: yellowe: and sanguine colour: Of sauours, the sweete. Of Countries, Brittany: Alma­nie: Inde: Iuda: England: Naples: Florence: Fauence: Imole: Capne: Ferrara: Venice: Verone: Pauie: Cra­conie: Marselle: Saragosse: and the third Clymate.

[Page] Of particular places, feildes, pastures, houses of Forgi­ours of money, and places of blood, and iustice.

Taurus gouerneth ouer the left parte of the meridies, ouer the earth, ouer the melancholy humours, ouer the middle of the springe, ouer the necke, and throate. And signifieth little men, well fleshed with great shoulders, great eyes, large bellyed, paynefull men, liberall, trustie, voluptuous, messengers of loue, dauncers, players. Of sicknesses, the kings euill, Caterches, Squinacies, and o­ther sicknesses of the necke. Of Coloure, the greene and white. Of sauours, the sweete with adstriction. Of Coun­treys the Sea coastes of Asia the lesser, Cyprus, Media, Persia, Campanie, Rhetia, Sweathland, Lorraine, Bolong­ne, Sene, Montorie, Tarrante, Parme, Panorme, Capne, Salerne, Verone, and the vi. Climate. Of particuler places, Feildes, Tillages, Vines very neere greene, Gar­dens, and other pleasant and odoriferous places.

Gemini gouerneth ouer the right parte of Occident, ouer the ayre, ouer the blood, and other end of the spring time, ouer the shoulders, armes, and handes. And sig­nifieth men of middle stature, fayre faced, and bodyed, store of haire, little eyes, labouring men, subtile, ingeni­ous, prudent teachers, fraudulent, Arethmetricians, Geo­metricians, Astrologians, Orators, Poets, Aduocates, Wit­ches, Southsayers, Busie fellowes, Weauers. Of sick­nesses, Phleames, Foroncles, and others comming of blood in the sayd parte. Of Colours, the mixtures. Of Sauors, the sweete. Of Countreyes, Hircanye, Arme­nie, Montiane, Syrenian (que), Marmari (que), Lowe Egipte, England, Sordigne, Brabant, Flaunders, Lombardie, Vi­terbie, Vercel, Norremberge, Louayne, Magonce, Brudges, London, Paris, Cordube. Of particular places, Fayres, Schooles, Shoppes, places of high moun­taines, places of hunting of birdes, places garnished with­in with instruments of musique.

Cancer gouerneth the heart of the Septentrion, ouer the water, ouer the hollow humours, and Phlegmatiques, [Page 33] ouer the brest, sides, and lunges, and ouer the dugges and stomacke. And signifieth amiable men, peaceable, mo­dest, white, full faced, the nose indifferent long, lardge shoulders, little bearded, slowthfull, vnconstant, and effeminate, Nauigators, Strangers, Consulls, Attournies, &c. Of diseases, Litargy, Leprousie, darkenesse of the sight, galling of the skinne, and euill sicknesses, of the face and bodie. Of Colours, the white and yellow. Of sauours, the salt, and his contrary freshnes. Of Countries, Bythinie, Phrigia, Affrica, Carthage, Scotland, the king­dome of Grenade, the Countie of Burgony, Prusie, Hol­land, Zelande, Constantinople, Thunis, Venis, Millayne, Genes, Luques, Pise, Treues, Madebourge, Berne: Of particular places: pondes, lakes, riuers, the sea, and portes of the sea.

Leo, gouerneth the left parte of Orient, ouer the fire, ouer the choller, ouer the heart, stomacke, liuer and backe. And signifieth fayre men, straight, the nose broade and little, great eares, with a little strong looke, the face browne, the body reddish, hairy, couragious and of great heart, Princes, Officers, Magistrates, Gouernours Kings. Of diseases, shaking of the heart, swoundings. Of Colours the yellow and redde as golde. Of sauors, the bitter, and the strong. Of Countries, Italie, Fraunce, Apulie, Sicil­lia, Chaldea, Bohemia, Rome, Rauenna, Prage, Vlme, Mantoue, Cremone, Syracusa: Of particular places, no­ble landes, Lordships, Castels Townes, Pallaces, and Roy­all buildings.

Virgo gouerneth ouer the right part of the Meridies, ouer the earth, ouer the malancholly, ouer the gutts, bel­ly and diaphragme: And signifieth men of indifferent greatnes, the bodie straight, the face sayre, good voyce, shining haire, little eyes, prudent, learned, ingenious, co­uetous of glorie and honour, Scriueners, Arithmeticians, Geometricians, Boate men. Of diseases, the collique, (the disease which causeth the patient to vomit his excremēts at his mouth called Iliaque) &c. Of Colours, the white [Page] & purple: of sauours, the astringēt: of Countries, Greece, Achaia, Creet, Mesopotania, Assiria, Cicilia, Athēs, Rodes, Alexandria, Hierusalē, Corinth, Tarrante, Beneuent, Far­rare, Pauia, Basle, Paris, Lyons, Tholose. Of particular places, faires: shops: schooles: and arrable grounds.

Libra gouerneth ouer the hart of the Occident, ouer the aire, ouer the blood, ouer the beginning of Autume, & o­uer the reynes: and denoteth simple mē, honorable, faire faced with whitnes ouer al the body, the eyes a little trou­bled or spoyled, plaiers, dauncers, musitiās, hunters, iudges. Of diseases, suppressiō of the vrine, issue of blood in the lo­wer parts, stones in the reynes, & darknes of the eyes. Of colours, the greene: of sauours, sweete: of Regions Bac­triane, Caspie, Thebes, Trogloditi (que), Ethiopia, Tuscia, Austria, Sauoy, Danphina, Gaiete, Plaisance, Argenton, Vienna in Austria, Franckford, Spire, Auguste, Arles, Lis­bone. Of particular places, where suites be iudged vppon, all high places and mountaynes bearing corne, grapes, or other fruites.

Scorpio gouerneth ouer the left part of the Septentri­on: ouer the water: ouer the phlegmati (que) humours and aquosits, ouer the parts dedicated to generation. And sig­nifieth men very deformed: broad brested: the head de­formed: great speakers: bablers: mockers: lyers: glut­tons: voluptuous: traytors: spyes: poysonnours. Of dis­eases, darknesse of the eyes: scabbes: scurffes: kanckers: leoprousnesse: falling off the hayre: and deformed dis­eases in the face: and all the bodie impoysoned by vio­lence of medicines, &c. Of colours, the redde and taw­nie. Of sauours, salt and fresh. Of Regions, Syria, Cappa­docia: the lande of the Moores: Catalongne: Bauaires: Trapezonce: Saxonie: Padua: Vrbin: Brixie: Va­lence in Spaine: Vienna in Danphinna. Of particu­lar places, vineyardes: and gardens euill trimmed, de­sert places: stincking: infected: abounding in woormes: snakes: and scorpions, &c.

Sagitarius gouerneth ouer the right parte of the O­rient: [Page 34] ouer the fire: ouer choller: ouer the end of Au­tumme: ouer the thighes: and all superfluous partes: as a sixth part of the finger &c. And representeth men of right and high stature: the face yellowe or reddish, the brest large: Cattes eyes: iust men and pittifull: & ce­remonious: iudges: magistrates: prelats: beneficed men marchants, hunters. Of diseases, darknes of the eyes, falles from high places: hurts by horses: Agues & woundes. Of colours: cleere: yellow. Of sauours: strong & sharp with some sweetnes intermingled: of Countries, Tuscan, Spayne: Arabia the happye: Portugale: Hungarie: Slauonia: Volterre: Mutine: Bude: Caschonia: Nar­bona: Auignon: Tolete. Of particular places, Gar­dens: Wayes: Mountaynes: or where menne keepe horses.

Capricorne gouerneth ouer the heart of the meridies, ouer the earth: melanchollie: the knees: ouer the be­ginning of the Winter. And signifieth little stature, a little rounde head: the face browne: faire nose: fayre eyes: chollerique and sadde: subtle: secrete: prudent: paynefull: sheepheards: fishers: marryners: carpenters: buyers of Rentes. Of diseases, scabbes: gaules: infir­myties of the skinne: hinderaunces of the hearing: of the voyce: of the eyes: issues of blood in the lower parts. Of colours blacke and earthly. Of sauours, the bitter and astringent. Of Regions, Macedonia, Thracia, Indea, Brandebourge: Anchone: Fauence: Tortonne: Aus­burge, Constans, Gand, Malnies. Of particular places, Gardens, Fountaynes, Riuers, Fields tilled, Land plowed, Prisoners, Caues, Obscure places, deepes; and full of fewmes and vapours.

Aquarius gouerneth ouer the left parte of the Occi­dent, ouer the ayre, ouer the blood, ouer the legges, o­uer the middle of Winter. And signifieth fayre men, fayer & somwhat long faced, & the face somwhat red, the brest or the elbowes marked, and men Curteous, Scotia­ble, Couetous, Prudent, giuen to the actes of Saturnins. [Page] Of diseases, quarterne feuers, the blacke iaunders, &c. Of Colours, the greene and darke yellow. Sauours, sweete. Of Countries, Arabia, Ethiopia, Sarinatia, Oxione, Tarta­ria, Denmarke, Picmount, Mountferrat, Pisaure. Of par­ticular places, Lakes, Pondes, Close places, Caues, Sepul­chers and infamous houses.

Pisces gouerneth ouer the right part of the Septentri­on ouer the water, phlegme, aquisits, and ouer the feete, and ouer the end of winter. And signifieth men of whitish colour, delicate, faire foreheaded, fayre breasted, faire bearded, the eyes open and indifferent great, and indiffe­rent sickly: Fishers, and Nauigators. Of diseases, gaules vppon the skinne, vlcers and deformed spottes vppon the skinne payne in the feete. Of Colours, the greene, white & mixtures. Of sauors salt and fresh Of Regions, Lydia, Lycia, Cicilia, Pamphilia, Calabria, Normandie: Rattisbo­ne: Roane: Compostella, Of particular places: port of the Sea: heades of Riuers, Pondes and watrish places.

CHAP. III. Of that which the Plannets signifie in the sayde Signes.

SAturne in his signes of Capricorne and Aquarius in Natiuities by day giueth knowledge and loue of no­ble men: and of credit and great riches principally in the Ascendant: with the part of Fortune: and ma­keth the man graue, prudent: proude and mellanchollie: and first of all his bretheren, or most aduaunced. In Na­tiuities by night giueth great payne and trauayle and ma­ny diseases. Iupiter in the sayd signe, maketh the man of little courage, vnfortunate in the goodes of the Church, otherwise of small riches, or alwayes poore.

Mars maketh him bolde, a great enterpriser of mat­ters, and not in vayne, and maketh him see the death of his bretheren.

The Sunne in the natiuities by day signifieth that hee shall be perfect and happie in all his enterprises. In na­tiuities [Page 35] by night that he shall haue vnconstant fortune.

Venus maketh him an Adulterer and effeminate, and denoteth that his wiues shall not liue long.

Mercurie causeth him to haue impeachment in his tongue, and maketh the man euill spoken otherwise, and which haunteth the companie of men of knowledge and of Religion.

The Moone maketh the man too slowthfull, and one of euill estimation: and his mother also, and signifieth im­bicillitie of the eyes and great coughes.

In the houses of Iupiter. ♐ ♓

Saturne in the houses of Iupiter, which bee Sagitarius & Pisces maketh the man fayer, rich, mighty and faithfull in natiuities by day: In natiuities by night, strife against men of authoritie, and neere the death of his Father.

Iupiter signifieth riches, honour, great creditte and offices.

Mars yeeldeth the men noble, gouernours in warres & friendes of Princes.

The Sunne maketh them beneficed men, prelats, offi­cers and more aduaunced then any of their familie, they shalbe alwayes greatly couetous.

Venus giueth them goodes of the Church, or of the side of women; and maketh them discreet, honest, among the which they shall haue great strife against theyr pa­rents, famylies and friendes.

Mercurie maketh them iust, men of good estimation, which by their proper vertue shall come to the know­ledge & loue of great Lordes and Kings.

The Moone yeeldeth them chiefe and most honored among their friendes: maketh them also couetous, sound and of long life.

In the house of Mars. ♈ ♏

Saturne giueth great anger and cruell malice.

Iupiter maketh the man happie, and afriende of great [Page] Lordes, and a Conductor of warres, principall in the signe of Aries.

Mars within his houses signifieth Captaines, Gouer­nours in warres, and great Lordes.

The Sunne, hote diseases, in the signe of Scorpio: in the signe of Aries great aduauncement.

Venus denoteth luxurie and all voluptuous villanie, but against nature, and euill dealing to women. Alwayes in the signe of Aries she maketh him hate women, prin­cipally if the moone be in the same signe, and if the sunne be in a masculine signe.

Mercurie, maketh the man a lyer, an euill person, a de­ceiuer, a babler and a demaunder of vniust thinges: o­therwise eloquent, subtle in his affayres, diligent, suspici­ous, a nigromancer, a little false or a theefe.

The moone denoteth euill companions, in perill of be­ing drowned: and short end by the sea.

In the houses of the Sunne. ♌

Saturne in the signe of Leo: being a house of the Sunne: sygnifieth good Fortune and long life to the father.

Iupiter maketh the man wise: of good spirite: of good nature: amiable: which by vertue shall come to the knoweledge and loue of great Kinges and princes.

Mars denoteth violent death, great sicknesses, losse of goodes, infirmyties of the eyes. and of the Sto­macke.

The Sunne in his sayde house signifieth great and incredible aduauncement, in Angles or Houses succe­dant, when the Natiuitie is by daye: VVhen it is by night sygnifieth Sadnesse, Enuies, and a short ende of the Father.

Venus, great loue, great couetousnes, and impudent life, when Iupiter dooth not regard her.

Mercurie: good writers, men of knowledge, good me­morie, and of great councell.

[Page 36] The moone, honourable companions, and viuacitie of the spirite.

In the houses of Venus. ♉ ♎

Saturne denoteth impudent life, loue of maydes & wo­men of small discretion, diseases by reason of leacherie.

Iupiter honourable companions, loue of great lordes, profit by the side of women, or Ecclesiasticall goodes, or comming by the men of the Church.

Mars, furious men, raueshers of women, shamelesse in their leacherie, vnto the constraynings of their parents & friendes.

In the signe of Taurus, maketh the man, false and tray­terous.

In the signe of Libra denoteth some hurt by irō or fire.

The Sunne maketh him contēplatiue, iust, interperter of dreames, curious in the secreets of nature, and a louer of pilgrimages.

Venus signifieth ioyfulnes, great prosperity, happy in effecting his enteprises, but he shal loue womē reprehended Mercurie giueth many good & profitable friendes: and yeeldeth the man pleasant, ioyfull, and a musitian.

The moone giueth profit by women.

In the houses of Mercurie. ♊ ♍

Saturne, maketh the man verye skilfull, wise, and of great iudgement: which hath enuious menne pursuing him, an impediment in his speach, his anger violent.

Iupiter maketh him also skilfull, or a marchant, a man of good fayth, and more rich then his parents.

Mars, slowthfull, prudent, subtile, men of warre.

Sagitarius busie fellowes, counterfeytors of letters and forgers.

The sunne giueth aboundance of knowledge aswell in matters of iudgements as in mathematickes.

Venus companies & loue of men of the Church, other­wise she doth yeelde them very leacherous.

[Page] Mercurie in his proper houses signifieth men of all knowledge, philosophers, mathematicians: Orators, Ad­uocates, Poets, Rimers Southsayers, & skilfull in knauery.

The Moone good life and long, great vnderstanding in the affayers which he taketh in hande good fortune in merchandizes and in loue of young maydens.

In the house of the Moone. ♋

Saturne greate sicknesse losse of goodes: hurt in the eyes, voyages from the which hee shall neuer returne, or very late with great payne.

Iupiter: loue of honourable men good renowne and good fortune.

Mars: swiftnesse of spirit, rash, bold enterprisers, blind­nes of the eyes, losse of goodes by his mother.

The Sunne, good renowne, and if he be ioyned to the tayle of the Dragon, or to Saturne or Mars, blindnesse of eyes, perill of drowning, frequenting voiages.

Venus signifieth, inconstancy, & shamlesse lecherie.

Mercurie good will, chastitie, fidelitie, and happie for­tune in deedes of marchandise.

The Moone, hooly, and profitable in voiagaes, Traf­fiques and marchandize when she is fortunate: or when she is vnfortunate, continuall sicknesses, hurts in the eyes, perill of death by land and water.

CHAP. IIII. Of the aspects of the Plannets betweene them.

THE Coniunctiō of Saturne & Iupiter giueth faire possessions, farmes rents, houses, & charges of the affaires of the king, profitable if Mars do not be­hold them.

The coniunction of Saturne & Mars, signifieth that the child shalbe trusted: but he shal not accomplish his enter­prises without great difficulty, & shall die sooner then his father & mother, & yet his brethren shall die before him.

[Page 37] The coniunction of Saturne and of the Sunne, losse of patrimony, great trauaile to gette goods, and most in the natiuities by night.

The coniunction of Saturne and Venus, denote that the man shal haue no male chyldren, that he shal espouse some old woman, or some widdowe, or some of euil con­dition, or a bastard: or other staine of hys honour, or by the which his parents haue had some discredite.

The coniunction of Saturne and Mercury, doth yeelde him a poore vagabonde, needy, of no mistery, the which hath an impediment in hys speech.

The coniunction of Saturne and Luna, weakenes of bo­die, losse by the side of his Parents.

The coniunction of Iupiter & Mars, signifieth, riches, rule and gouernment of warres, and of good renowne.

The coniunction of Iupiter and the Sunne, pouerty & neede if it be not Orientall, for then it promiseth good fortune to the father, to hym, and to his children.

The coniunction of Iupiter and Venus, good instituti­on, amity of honourable men, and profit of them, and of the wife and chyldren.

The coniunction of Iupiter and Mercury, signifieth Lawyers, Secretaries and Chauncellers.

The coniunction of Iupiter & the Moone, great riches.

The coniunction of Mars and the Sunne, losse of pa­trimony, damage of goods, and short lyfe to the father, and great perrill of the child to be burnt.

The coniunction of Mars and Venus, sutes, strifes, de­bates by reason of women, adulterers with women of in­famous condition.

The coniunction of Mars & Mercury, lyers, deceiuers, eloquent, dilligent, and bablers.

The coniunction of Mars and the Moone, shorte lyfe, woundes, blowes, danger of violent death by yron or by fier, or by falles and ruines.

The coniunction of Sol & Venus, praise, good renown, fauour of the common people, especially of women.

[Page] The coniunction of Sol & Mercurie, wisdom, science, great aduauncement, and estimation to be very skilfull.

The coniunction of the Sunne & of the Moone, short lyfe, gouernment, and honourable company.

The coniunction of Venus and Mercury, maketh the man pleasant, ioyfull, a player, a dauncer, musitian, well furnished, and bringeth hym damage by the side of wo­men. If they be conioyned vnder the beames of the Sun, they make great hinderance in the parts of generation.

The comunction of Venus & the Moone, maketh the man fayre, pleasant, proude, an adulterer: and of whom his wife is an adultresse, if Mars do cast his beames with­out aspect of Iupiter.

The coniunction of Mercury & Luna, denoteeh good renowne, science, & vnconstancy of maners & of fortune.

The tryne aspect of Saturne and Iupiter, signifieth in­heritaunces, possessions, faire houses, riches, meetings with treasures, great gaynes: whē they be infortuate places of the figure.

The tryne of Saturne and Mars, great aduauncement, dignities, great credite, rule and gouernment of townes & Countries, and death of brethren.

The tryne of Saturne and the Sunne, rule, offices, digni­ties, great renowne, in natiuities by day: in the night it maketh the dispersing of patrimony goods, & afterwards by his deedes and vertue shall recouer and obtaine more greater.

The tryne of Saturne & Venus, maketh the man tru­stie, milde, honest, shame-faced, of good conuersation, of good renowne, the which by men of base condition shall be pursued with enuie, and shall marry late.

The tryne of Saturne and Mercurie, maketh the man prudent, subtile in all his affayres, a man of good & great knowledge, ingenious, industrious, an Arithmetrician, Geomitrician, Astrologian, and a Geographer, President in matters of accounts and calculations: Chauncellors, Secretaries and Registers.

[Page 38] The tryne of Saturne & of the Moone, fauour of great Lords and Kings, glory, honour and gouernment.

The tryne of Iupiter and Mars, signifieth audacity, ho­nour, victory, fauour of Kings, gouernment of townes & great credite.

The tryne of Iupiter and Sol being greatly fauourable, to glory, honour, gouernment, credite, and giueth great riches, fayre possessions, and fayre chyldren.

The tryne of Iupiter & Venus, denoteth beauty, grace, faithfulnes, honesty, and profit of wiues and friends, dig­nities and inheritaunces by theyr meanes.

The tryne of Iupiter and Mercurie, maketh the man ingenious, subtile, forward, of good iudgement & aduise, happy in his enterprises, a Iudge, Officer, great Lord, Se­cretary, well vnderstanding the secretes of nature and A­strologie.

The tryne of Iupiter with the Moone, signifieth no­blenesse, honour, glory, good renowne, loue of vertue, fi­delity, principality and gouernment.

The tryne of Mars with the Sunne, great aduancement, great credite, dignities, gouernments administrations of Common-wealthes, and Conductors of warres.

The tryne of Mars with Venus, gayne, riches, goods of women, proude, arrogant, braue and lecherous.

The tryne of Mars and Mercurie, prudent, crafty, sub­tile of spyrite, and maketh the man to studie secretly: a good Aduocate, President in matters of account, & rich.

The tryne of Mars with Luna, maketh him happy in all his affaires: President in matters of account, an hono­rable officer, & a great Lord, with great renowne.

The trine of the Sunne with Venus, signifieth the same that the tryne of Mars and Venus signifieth, with great honour of the said significations.

The tryne of the Sun with Mercury and Luna, likewise as of Mars, with great honour and profit.

The tryne of Venus with Mercurie, braue, pleasant, graue, beauty, and happy enterprises with profit.

[Page] The tryne of Venus & the Moone, beauty, grace, bra­uerie, pride, and adultery.

The tryne of Mercury with the Moone, maketh the man greatly esteemed in hys profession: be it in musicke, paynting, or other pleasant industry: or in al knowledge, or in merchandise or office.

The Sextiles aspects, make the same effects which the trynes make; except that the Sextiles bee not of so per­fect vertue.

The Quadrate aspect of Saturne and Iupiter, signifieth losse of patrimoniall goods, great aduersities, hinderaun­ces in all enterprises: vaine cogitations, principally when Saturne is eleuated ouer Iupiter, without receiuing hym.

The quadrate of Saturne and Mars, signifieth asmuch, and further maketh knowne the death of brethren.

The quadrate of Saturne and the Sunne out of the sayd significations, bringeth great damage to the honour, and spoyleth the body with cold diseases and contractions of the sinowes; and maketh the father die before the mo­ther, and yeeldeth the chyld not agreeable to his father.

The quadrate of Saturne with Venus, denoteth losse of goods, pouertie, myserable fortune to women, vnciui­lity, when Saturne holdeth the right part of the aspect. For when Venus holdeth it, the chyld shall be shame fa­ced and of good manners, and hys wiues shall loue hym effectually, although they dissemble theyr loue and wyll gouerne in the house.

The quadrate of Saturne & Mercury, maketh the man laborous, a seruaunt, of poore councell, deafe or of ill hea­ring, stutting or euill spoken, pursued of enuie.

The quadrate of Saturne and of the Moone, maketh the man slothfull, sickly, euill graced, full of care, without friendes, a disperser of the goods of hys mother and of his wiues.

The quadrate of Iupiter and Mars, if Iupiter be migh­tiest, it signifieth that the chyld shall be esteemed, praised and honoured of Princes & Kings, and that he shall haue [Page 39] perseueraunce in all hys enterprises with profit; alwayes he shal lose and dysperse his inheritances and possessions, and shall see the death or destruction of his children. If Mars be most eleuate, he signifieth sutes, debates and los­ses, by meanes of great Lords, and a troublesome lyfe.

The quadrate of Iupiter with the Sunne, if Iupiter bee the Superior, honour, profit, and good fortune to the Fa­ther. If the Sunne be Superior, the child shal disperse his goods, and shall not be beloued of hys neighbours; and shall goe out of his Country.

The quadrate of Iupiter and Venus, profit by women, faithfulnes, honesty, ciuility, when Iupiter is most highest. When he is inferiour, lust, deceite by women, inconstan­cie, ioy incontinently turned into sadnes, when Venus is not receiued by Iupiter.

The quadrate of Iupiter and Mercury, signifieth the man skilfull, a Mathematician, a Sorcerer, Sooth-sayer, a­bounding in seruaunts, very faythfull and very rich, prin­cipally when Mercurie is receyued by Iupiter.

The quadrate of Iupiter and the Moone, of good re­nowne, great honours, in knowledge and loue of great Lords, with a little vnconstant of Fortune and of maners.

The quadrate of Mars with the Sunne, signifieth ma­ny euils, losse of goods, darknes of the eyes, and in great daunger of violent death, or publique.

The quadrate of Mars with Venus, great troubles & tribulations by reason of women of base condition, or im­pudent, & somewaies defamed, when Mars is in a moue­ble signe.

The quadrate of Mars with Mercurie, weakenes of all the body, prysons, pursutes, accusations, false nature of the chyld, wyth malice and iniquitie.

The quadrate of Mars and the Moone, signifieth the mother to be weake, and of a very short lyfe, and the child an euill boy, prodigall, vnconstant, poore, and which shal die myserably: and of the which, the wiues shalbe proud, arrogant, and terrible.

[Page] The quadrate of the Sunne and Venus, signifieth that which the quadrate of Iupiter and Venus signifieth.

The quadrate of Sol & Mercury, signifieth that which the quadrate of Iupiter and Mercury signifieth.

The quadrate of the Sunne with the Moone, augmen­teth the dignities and the honors, & giueth enuiousnes.

The quadrate of Venus and Mercury, maketh the man diligent & industrious in his office, & well renowned, but he shal receiue some infamy by reason of women.

The quadrate of Venus and Luna maketh him verie rich, and happy in his profession, eloquent, gracious, very happy in wiues & chyldren: but hee shal haue some losse of good and honour by reason of women.

The quadrate of Mercury with Luna, maketh him skil­full, ingenious, vnconstant of manners and of fortunes, which in a common sedition shall be taken, or shal be ac­cused by many of his conspirators.

The Opposition of Saturne & Iupiter, signifieth great troubles, a thousande mischiefes and tribulations, depri­ued of chyldren. If Saturne be in the ascendant, and Iupi­ter in the seauenth house, the beginning of hys life shall bee with paynes, trybulations and torments, and the ende with repose, profite and honour.

The opposition of Saturne and Mars without aspect of Iupiter and Venus, denote great troubles, common sedi­tions and conspyrations against the sayd man: many dys­eases intollerable, ruines, falles, perrils by water, violent death, or pestilence, and a miserable father.

The opposition of Saturne and Sol without aspect of Iupiter, maketh the man sickly, sad, full of thoughts, full of tribulations, with great losse of goods, and daunger of violent death.

The opposition of Saturne and Venus, maketh hym euill disposed, depriued of beauty and of vertue, leche­rous, infamous by reason of women.

The opposition of Saturne and Mercury, an imperfect speech, seperation of brethren, knowledge and science.

[Page 40] The opposition of Saturne and Luna, dispertion of hys mothers goods, gryefes happening to the mother, trou­bles and tribulations, with great danger of violent death, according to the nature of the signe wherein Luna is.

The opposition of Iupiter and Mars, rashnes, disperti­on of goods, enemy to them which haue beene friendes, vnconstant fortune.

The opposition of Iupiter & Sol, maketh him disperse his fathers goods, & sell his offices and his honor.

The opposition of Iupiter and Venus, signifieth vn­constant friendes, vngratitude of them where hee hath doone good: otherwise sufficient fortune.

The opposition of Iupiter and Mercurie, common se­ditions, enuies, conspirations, strifes, sutes, enmitie of bre­thren, of the which he shall see the death.

The opposition of Iupiter with Luna, sufficient for­tune after long trauaile.

The opposition of Mars and of the Sunne, spoyle of the eyes, maketh him to be killed, or fal from on high, ma­keth him disperse his patrimony, & his father die quickly.

The opposition of Mars and Venus, yeeldeth the man voluptuous, an a little vicious, weak, vnconstant, and ma­keth his wife and children to die in signes tropiques, ma­keth him marry wiues of base condition, or otherwise de­famed.

The opposition of Mars and Mercury, without aspect of Iupiter, maketh the man a falsefyer, of euill conscience, accompanied with euil chyldren, accused of many crimes, for the which hee shall be a fugitiue or banished: princi­pally if Mercury be in the houses of Saturne.

The opposition of Mars and the Moone, signifi­eth spoyle of the eyes and the body, by blowes and hurts and other sicknesses, and gyueth great aduersities, maketh him hate marriage, and causeth violent death, and often Canon: principally when the Moone increaseth in the angles; wyth sufficient aspect of fortunes.

The opposition of the Sun, of Venus and of Mercurie, [Page] signifie that which we haue sayd of Iupiter.

The opposition of the Sunne and of the Moone, chan­geth the fortunes of goods and honour, pouertie after ri­ches, dishonour after honour, weakenes of bodie after health; mutation of good to euill, and great vnconstancie of manners.

The opposition of Venus and Mercury, enuies, quar­rels, enmities by reason of women; otherwise graue elo­quence, beauty and brauery.

The opposition of Venus with the Moone, vnfortunate marriage, iniuries by women, depryuation of chyldren.

The opposition of Mercury and of the Moone, con­spyrations against hym, enuies, treasons, feare and le­cherous.

Likewise you must regarde the parte of Fortune, the part of the Spyrite, and of theyr aspects with the sayde Planets; you must iudge as of the aspects of the Planets with the Sunne and the Moone. For if the parte of for­tune be part of the Moone, and part of the Spirit & part of the Sunne, which would consider the aspects towards the other parts and houses of heauen, he may iudge as of the Planets of the which the proiections of the sayd parts shall be made. &c.

CHAP. V. Of the significations of the twelue houses.

THE first house signifieth the life, nourishment, and disposition of the body of the spirit, and complex­ion, and representeth the head, face, brayne, eares, and nose, and is called, Horyscope angle, adorning and ascending.

The second house signifieth goods, traffique, ryches, gayne, companies to gette profite & gayne men that help to gayne. It signifyeth also gold and siluer, and al mouea­ble goods, and is called, The house succedant to the ascen­dant, and beneath the earth; & raigneth ouer the neck.

[Page 41] The thyrd house denoteth the brethren, sisters, Cosins and allies, and little voyages, and the lyuer, and diuinati­ons of dreames, and is called, The house cadant of the a­scendant, otherwise goodnes: and hath gouernment o­uer the shoulders, legges and armes.

The fourth house signifieth the Fathers and Parents possessions, inheritaunces, houses, fieldes, Orchards, vine­yardes labouring, woode, and other goods & moueables, treasures and goods hydden, and mynerall matters, pry­sons and obscure places, and in the end all things; & that which commeth after death, as the graue and good re­porte. &c. and is called, The angle of the earth, and the depth thereof: and raigneth ouer the brest and lunges.

The fift house signifieth infancie and Daughters, Ne­pheues, gyfts, presents, pleasures, voluptuousnes, orna­naments, brauerie, dauncing, playes, banquetting, messa­ges, gold and siluer, and the riches of the Father, the pro­fite of inheritaunces, possessions, tyllage, and is called, The house succedant to the fourth, and otherwise good for­tune: and raigneth ouer the hart and stomack.

The sixt house denoteth seruaunts, sicknes, wild beasts, ryding, hunting of and by dogges: sheepe and muttons, Goates and Pulleine, and hath some signification ouer prysons, vniustice, and false accusations, and is called, The house cadant of the fourth, and otherwise euil fortune, and hath gouernment ouer the belly and bowels.

The seauenth house, denoteth marriage, wiues, sutes, quarrels, stryfe, debate, knowne enmity, and men apper­tayning to gayne and profite, and signifieth agednesse, and strange places, & is called, The angle of the occident, and raigneth ouer the reynes.

The eyght house signifieth sadnes, enuie, long tor­ments, the quality of death: dowery with wiues, inheri­tance and other benefit, prouided by Parents, and those that belong to gayne, riches of the which one hath not greatly thought, and is called, The house succedant, to the angle occidentall, and otherwise is entred on high, and [Page] gouerneth the parts of generation.

The nynth, long viages: long pilgrimages and nauiga­tions: fayth: religion: sacrifices: cerimonies: science: wisedome: diuination of dreames: prodigious interpre­tations: new sects: paradoxes: signes of heauen: diuine punishment: and is called, The house Cadant of the an­gle occidentall, and otherwise the house of God, and go­uerneth the buttocks.

The tenth, signifieth honour: dignities: offices: Ma­gistrates: administrations: gouernment: Rulers: Con­ductors: good renowne: estimation: profession: action: and the mother: and is called, The middle and heart of heauen: the Merydian poynt and angle Merydian. It gardeth and gouerneth the knees.

The eleuenth house, signifieth friendes: companions: hope: confidence: fauour: helpe: succour: prayse: esti­mation and renowne: counsell of friends: and is called, The house succedant to the angle Meridional, and other­wise called the good angle: and gouerneth the legges.

The twelfe house signifieth hidden enemies: pryson: captiuitie: bondage: sadnes: torment: complaynt: la­mentation: teares and hate; treasons: villanies: horses and great beastes of lyke and iust proportion: and is cal­led, The house cadant of the angle Meridional, & other­wise an euill spyrite: and gouerneth the feete.

CHAP. VI. Of the Lords of the Triplicities of the said Houses.

THE first Lorde of the tryplicitie of the first angle, denoteth the nature and life of the chylde, and hys cogitations and will: that which he loueth and ha­teth, and that which is to come, health or sicknesse: good or euill entertainment, perrill of his life in the first age. The second, Lord of the tryplicitie of the saide an­gle, signifieth force and strength of the body, & the midst of the lyfe.

[Page 42] The thyrd, the end of the lyfe.

The first Lord of the tryplicitie of the seconde house, betokeneth riches, the second the manner of the same ri­ches, the third the intent and confidence in getting.

The first Lord of the tryplicitie of the thyrd house, de­noteth the most auncient and fyrst brethren, the seconde the middle, the third the least.

The first Lord of the fourth, denoteth the Parents, the second lands possessions and houses, the thyrd impri­sonment and end of things.

The first Lord of the fyft, denoteth chyldren, the se­cond loue, pleasure, grace and brauery, the third, messa­ges and embassages.

The first Lorde of the sixt house, denoteth sicknesse, trouble, the second, seruaunts, the thyrd, Cattell, pryson, and the profite of the significations of the said house.

The fyrst of the seauenth house, women, the seconde strife and sute, the thyrd diuision.

The fyrst Lord of the eyght house, death, the seconde, antiquity, the thyrd, inheritaunce.

The fyrst Lord of the ninth house, denoteth pilgrima­ges, long viages, nauigations: the second, fayth, religion, and deuotion: the thyrd, science, deuination, dreames, prophecies, sortes of crosse and prodigall sects.

The fyrst of the tenth, denoteth profession, honor, dig­nitie and aduauncements: the second, audacitie, and the meanes to work in his profession: & the third, preseruati­on in such fortune.

The fyrst of the eleuenth house, denoteth constancie, hope, the second, friendes: the thyrde, the profite of the eleuenth house.

The fyrst of the twelfe house, denoteth enemies: the second, payne and trauaile: the thyrd, beastes of like pro­portion: and other that be appoynted to charge and la­bour.

CHAP. VII. What the Plannets signifie in the twelue Houses.

IN the first house, Saturne out of his principall digni­ties, signifieth that the chyld shall haue short life, vn­fortunate, deformed, euill-fauoured: and shall dye be­cause of other lands and possessions: neuerthelesse, he shall be first of his bretheren.

Iupiter in the sayd house signifieth long life, good for­tune, beauty, honesty, loue of vertue, feare of God, ho­nour, and fauour, and makes hym the first of hys Bre­theren.

Mars in the sayde place, signifieth hurt alwaies in the heade or face, and maketh hym dispende a parte of hys goods, and maketh him intermeddle in many dyscordes and contentions: if he be in his house or exaltation, it ma­keth him a mighty and valiant man, hardy, fortunate in armes. out of his principall dignities, it dooth yeelde hym euill, mischieuous, furious, seditious, mutinous and quar­relsome: principally when the fortunes do not intermin­gle theyr beames.

The Sunne gyueth honour and prayse, and estimation, credite and great aduauncement: fauour of great Lords, riches by the meanes of Princes, and maketh the chylde first borne, or most aduaunced of all his bretheren.

Venus gyueth hym grace, beauty, brauery, ciuility, loue of women, healthfull and prosperous: and yeeldeth the man lecherous, ioyous, louing musick, dauncing, & some­thing vnconstant.

Mercurie, maketh hym ingenious, skilfull, dilligent, Apprentice, of good iudgement, of good memory, a good Reader a good Wryter, a great Mathematician; and apt to all knowledge.

The Moone yeeldeth [...] constant, vagabond, which taketh diuers affayres, and [...] to many viages, a man healthfull, fortunate, fayre, [...] [...]mething spotted in the [Page 43] face, and shall be numbred among great Lords.

The head of the Dragon lunarie, honour, dignity and fauour of great Lords & Prelates. The tayle of the Dra­gon, losse of goods and honour, deformity, obscurenes of eyes, and great danger of the losse of lyfe.

In the second house Saturne out of his principall dig­nities, destroyeth the man, and maketh him spende and scatter his goods, and yeeldeth him poore and vnproui­ded of succour. And in his house or exaltation, maketh him rich, proude, and with all his goods miserable.

Iupiter gyueth great riches by honest meanes.

Mars maketh hym spend his goods, & in the end doth yeeld him poore many waies.

Sol maketh hym honourable, a great man, liberal, braue, which in his magnificence shall spend his goods.

Venus giueth ayde and succour, and greatly enricheth by women and men of the Church.

Mercurie, profit in merchandize, and in Scripture, and very industrious in the Mathematiques, and a thousande meanes to become rich.

Luna, riches, aduauncement by embassages, messages, and imployments when she is fortunate; vnfortunate, sig­nifyeth paines and trauailes for the goods of the worlde, without going forward, and hynderaunce in whatsoeuer he doth.

The head of the Dragon, riches, great gaines, profit, in­heritaunce, or goods of the Church.

The tayle of the Dragon, destruction, prodigalitie, fol­lie, dispence in playing, and falling from on high, with­out expectation.

In the third house, Saturne destroyeth bretheren, and maketh them see theyr death, and intermedleth stryfes & sutes among bretheren. Yeeldeth a man vnfortunate in small viages, an hypocrite, supersticious, rash, fearefull a­stonied at prodigious dreames.

Iupiter signifieth peace & concord amongst bretheren, not without profite, maketh a man prudent, happy in [Page] viages neere hand, and that his dreames shall be true.

Mars signifieth great iniuries, strifes, and sutes among bretheren, and causeth the bretheren to die quickly: and yeeldeth the man a terrible blasphemer, forsworne, a de­ceiuer, not fearing GOD, which shall be vnfortunate in all his waies, and after in danger of Theeues and Rob­bers, and shall be tormented in many terrible and vaine dreames.

Sol, honour, dignities, offices, out of his Country, long pilgrimages, honourable bretheren, and true dreames.

Venus, loue among bretheren, happy viages, feare of God, and true dreames.

Mercurie, profite in traffique and viages, in fayre mar­kets, and giueth good fortune at all times and places, con­cerning the good of the Church.

In the signe of Gemini or Libra, it maketh the man a good Musitian, and a sounder of musicall Instruments, principally in coniunction or good aspect of Venus.

The Moone maketh hym giuen to goe heere and there on pylgrimages, so that hee resteth not long in a place: neuerthelesse, in his deedes hee shall be honoured and praysed, and meete with good fortune, and friendes, and great Lords, that shall employ him in embassages, in messages and other voyages: and hee shall be loued and praysed of his bretheren.

The head of the Dragon signifieth, that his bretheren shall be of greater estate and authority then hee: neuer­thelesse, it denoteth some Ecclesiasticall goods.

The tayle of the Dragon destroyeth the bretheren, & maketh them die quickly.

In the fourth house, Saturne out of his principall dig­nities, maketh him scatter his patrimony, and yeeldeth the man poore and vnfortunate in vnmooueable goods, as in houses, lands and possessions, plowing and sowing: and signifieth that the mother shalbe of an infamous con­dition, and shall not lyue long.

If hee be within his house or exaltation, hee gyueth in­heritaunce, [Page 44] houses, lands, possessions, and signifieth the mo­ther honorable, & of long life.

Iupiter, yeeldeth him happy in vnmooueable goods, & gyueth him great store of inheritaunce, & sometime cau­seth him meere with treasure and goods, of the which he neuer greatly thought. And signifieth the Father of long life and happy: and signifieth hys chylde shall be estee­med after hys death: and hee shall be honourably layd in his graue.

Mars, losse of goods by fier and wind, and houses, lands and possessions, destruction of trees, dispending of hys goods, euill end by wounds: effusion of bloode, euill re­nowne after death, and short life of the Father.

The Sunne denoteth faire possessions, lordships, go­uernment, inheritaunce and fayre houses, prayse, honor and good fortune in hys olde yeeres, and good renowne after death, an honorable sepulchre, and maketh him gy­uen to diuination, and to preuent things to come.

Venus denoteth the same that Iupiter doth.

Mercury fortunate, yeeldeth the man industrious, pro­uiding and foreseeing things to come: a buyer of rentes, houses, and possessions, a planter of trees, and curious in Husbandry assayres: inclined to gather golde and siluer.

If it be vnfortunate, it yeeldeth hym quarrelsome, stry­uing, and hated of his neighbors, alwaies angry and ful of dispites, and little esteemed.

Luna signifieth that which is said of Mercurie, except that shee is gyuen to Mylles, Pondes and watry places, and yeeldeth the man in the beginning vnfortunate, and in the ende happie, principallie when the natiuitie is by day.

And when the heade of the Dragon is in ayrie and fyerie Signes, it signifyeth that which Iupiter dooth, and in earthly and watrie, that which the tayle of the Dra­gon dooth.

The tayle of the Dragon maketh the Father die quick­lie, and scatter his goods vnmoueable.

[Page] In the fift house, Saturne signifyeth sadnesse, necessitie, rudenes, vnciuill, euill-faced, euill entertainement, depri­uation of death of chyldren vnnaturally, going in euil and filthy clothing.

Iupiter, gyueth grace, honesty, prudence, ciuility, bra­uerie, riches, profite in messages and embassages, aboun­dance of fayre chyldren, well nurtured, & well instructed and beloued, good fortune by Churchmen, gyfts, and a dealer for gold, iewels, precious stones, sweet and preci­ous sauours.

Mars destroyeth and maketh the chyldren die, or who­lie depriueth them of chyldren: maketh a man happie in all significations of the fift house, when hee is out of hys principall dignities; Within his house or exaltation, he yeeldeth hym very lecherous and impudent, timerous, a scoffer, abounding in bastards and euill chyldren.

The Sunne, denoteth fayre chyldren, honorable com­panies, good renowne, messages, gyftes of great Lordes, and a dealer with Iewels and precious stones, and sweete perfumes and sauours.

Venus maketh a man pleasant, delectable, ioyful, daun­cing, vaunting, playing and laughing, Gentleman-like, a Musitian, happy in children, lecherous and iealous.

Mercury maketh hym a merry iester, a mocker, braue, to write well, a good Painter, industrious with his handes, ingenious, a Musitian, voluptuous, not caring greatly for his affayres or tribulations, indifferent happy in chyl­dren, and giuen to embassages and messages, and to goe on viages.

Luna maketh him an Atturney and of Councel, a Ben­cher, a Legate, an Embassador by election of the people, and had in great account with the people, abounding in banquetting, and happy in chyldren.

The head of the Dragon signifieth as Iupiter doth.

The tayle signifieth what Mars and Saturne signifie for chyldren.

In the sixt house, Saturne signifieth payne of the belly [Page 45] and teeth, much sicknes, an ill seruaunt, vnlucky to sheep and like beastes.

Iupiter, good seruaunts, health of the body, good For­tune in bringing vp beastes.

Mars within his house or exaltation, good seruitours in warres, profession of phisicke. Out of the same places, hote sicknesses, pestilence, euill impediments, and euill seruaunts to be rebells, and theeues.

Sol, sicknesse of the heart, imbecillytie of the bodye, hurtes by his seruants.

Venus, imbicillytie of the Reynes and partes of genera­tion, otherwise soundnes of body, good and faythfull ser­uaunts, good fortune in nourishing beastes, & common­lye impudent loue of maydes, and in natiuities of wo­men maketh him loue seruaunts, and signifieth perill of death in childe bearing.

Mercurie signifieth him to be a deceiuer of women, & to be deceyued by them and his seruauutes, and yeeldeth him a deceyuer, a dissembler, a detester, of euill memorye. If hee be with Saturne or Mars, hee threatneth death by pryson, a conspiracie of seruants or in pryson.

Luna denoteth weaknes in the eyes and brayne, great and feruent, sicknes, strife against parents, enmytie of wo­men, a company of men il condicioned, when she is infor­tunate. When she is fortunate, giueth health and profit in nourishing young beastes and good seruants.

The head of the Dragon preserueth from sicknes, gi­ueth good seruants, and good lucke in keeping beastes.

The tayle vnfaythfull seruauntes, losse of cattell.

The seauenth, Saturne out of his principall dignities signifieth marriage of an euill wife, blotted with some in­famie, proper to himselfe or parents, ruine of enemyes, & perill of euill death. In watrie signes it denoteth Emrods, Phistyloes, Constitution of the sinewes, and diseases of the backe.

In his house or exaltation, hee signifieth the woman to be rich, and enemies mightie.

[Page] Iupiter, happy marriage, the woman honest, shamfaste, vertuous, fayre, rich, victorie against enemies, & fortunate in age.

Mars in his house or exaltation, or out of his digni­ties alwayes signifieth myghty and terrible Aduersaries, bruite of women, or husbandes in Natiuities of women, impudencye of the man, timerous, leacherous, in danger to be killed, to haue blowes on the feete & handes.

Sol, mighty enemie, rich, wise, well brought vp, and ho­nourable age.

Mercurie, leachearous, strife & debate betweene man and wife, euill by reason of impudent desire, crafty know­ledge in numbring, loue of vertue. If he be with Saturne or Mars hee shall kill his wife, and shall bee killed or put in pryson, and put in exile, or condemned to dye by sen­tence of a Iudge.

Luna, profit of wines, thousand strifes and suites, desire of change of Countryes. If shee be fortunate, she signifi­eth all well in all significations of the sayd house, and vn­fortunate the contrary.

The head of the Dragon signifieth as Iupiter.

The tayle maketh the woman dye quickly & destroy­eth the enemies.

In the eyght, Saturne out of his principall digni­ties, sygnifieth straunge Death, Sorrowes, Complaints, Lamentations, long Torments, Sadnesse, Anguish & Po­uertie in his house or exaltation, inheritaunce & goodes vnlooked for, death by flyxe or plague, or of some colde or long sicknes.

Iupiter, long life to 72. yeares, inheritaunce, goodes by women, happy death.

Mars, out of his principall dignine, signifieth hastye death, pestilence, impediment, slaughter, and other sorts of violent death.

If he be with the head of the Dragō, he shalbe hanged, if in his house or exaltation he giueth goods not without great striefes and suites.

[Page 46] Sol, causeth death presently after honor, short life to the father, inheritaunce to the childe, losse of goodes by vyo­lence of great men, except when he is oppressed with e­uill fortune, for then in an ayrie signe it signifieth strang­ling by force, burned in fire, & kild, & buried in the earth, death by a fall, ruyne, drowning in water. Except in Scor­pio, where it often causeth death by poyson, mad doggs, or of venimous beastes.

Venus, good death, inheritaunce, riches, long life, shorte life of mother and Nurse, and his wife more ancient then himselfe.

Mercurie, enmytie of neighbours, vaine hope of inheri­taunce, death by ouer study of his affaires & businesse.

Luna, inheritaunce, riches by women, long life if she be fortunate, short life, imprysonment, slaunder by false wit­nes, strife, suites, quarrells, & vexation of spirit, as madde or distraught of wittes.

The head of the Dragon, inheritaunce, riches, honor li­berallitie, prodigallitie, and good death.

The tayle, horrible death, small indeuour, no goodnes in the signification of this house.

In the ninth, Saturne betokeneth horrible dreames, ter­rible visions, hypocrisie and superstition, ceremonies, prea­chers, Fryers, men of Religion, and a thousande troubles, by the way and perturbation of spirit.

Iupiter, giueth faith, constancy in his religion, profitable iorneys, feare & loue of God, and knowledge of diuine misteries, interpretations of dreames, reuelation and pro­fit in the state Ecclesiasticall.

Mars, out of his princypall dignitie, daunger by the waye, vnfaythfulnesse, shaking of the Fayth, and terri­ble Opinions and more then an Herytique, Timerous, Violent, Impudent: horrible Dreames, and false dexteri­tie in Armes and Valyantnesse, when he is otherwise for­tunate in his house or exaltation, it maketh the man very terrible, a Nigromancer, happy in his iorney or pilgrima­ges, hardy, ventrous, and of great courage.

[Page] Sol, Benefices, Abbeyes, Bishoprickes, Ecclesiasticall dignities, Cardinalls, Popes, Legates, principaly in a mas­culine signe, good fayth, constant, religious, a reuerencer of holy things, a louer of God and vertue, true dreames, profitable iorneys, and honor in his profession.

Venus, true dreames, except in the imagination of wo­men, ecclesiasticall dignities, constant Religion, loue and reuerence of God, long pilgrimage by the Worlde, profi­table iorneys, honor in profession which taketh awaye the desire of marriage.

Mercurie, goodes Ecclesiasticall, high knowledge, di­uine mysteries, admyration of iustice and prouidence of God, cogitation of God & Angells, and of Spirits, profi­table iorneys, great knowledge in diuinitie, Astrologie, & in all other philosophie, interpretation of Dreames, Ora­cles, and straunge things, profit in trafique, in farre Coun­tryes good renowne.

Luna, long pilgrimage, peruerse cogitations, vncon­stant in manners, and fortune, true dreames, knowledg of starres: When the ix house is the house of Mercurie, or of other things answerable to the nature of the Lord of the ix. house.

The head of the Dragon, variable dreames, honour and profit in trauayle, Ecclesiasticall goods.

The tayle, lacke of Fayth, terrible Dreames, perillous iorneys, and full of enuie, and little honour in his pro­fession.

In the tenth house, Saturne out of his principall digni­ties signifieth short life of the mother, manye ill fortunes, Sighes, Playnts, & imprysonments. If the tenth house be in the signe of Leo, and any of the Lumynaries bee with Saturne, hee shall die in pryson. If Saturne be with Iupi­ter in the houses of Iupiter, hee shall be condempned of wronge: If hee be with Mars in the houses of Mars, hee shalbe condemned according to his crime. If hee be with Mercurie hee shall dye a verye shamefull death by false witnesses: If with Venus and Mars he shalbe whipped & [Page 47] racked, & condemned to dye. Saturne in his house or exaltation in the tenth house, dooth licence dignities, pre­heminence, and gouernment.

Iupiter great honor in his profession, ecclesiasticall dig­nities, and great renowne.

Mars out of his principall dignities, maketh a man ter­rible, cruell, seditious, quarelsome, arrogant, a despiser of his goodes, vsurper of the goodes of other, hated of Fa­ther, mother, bretheren, and other, and many tymes to be imprysoned and punished by iustice. In his house or ex­altation it maketh him valyant, hardie, couragious in feats of armes. In the houses of Iupiter well disposed, and re­gard of Fortunes, maketh him a Presedent, Councellor, or soueraigne Iudge.

Sol giueth honour, offices, dignities, preheminences, rules, gouernments, great credit and fauour of many great Lords, in estimation of the common people, honour in profession, with riches and great goodes, principally if he be in fierie Signes, and if the child be poore and of base condicion, hee lifteth him vp to honour and great dig­nities.

Venus honour in his profession, goodes of Princes, and great Lordes, great credit, & long life of the mother, with prosperitie and honour.

Mercurie maketh him a Chauncellor, Secretary, Councellor, President put in great dignities, skilfull in A­rithmaticke, Geometrie, and, Astrologie well renowned, rich and abounding in goodes. If hee be vnfortunate by Mars, hee shall come to an euill ende, for hauing taken too much vppon him, or for taking quarrells against his betters.

Luna signifieth prayse and honor of great Lordes, & shall be happy in all enterprises, and esteemed in all the Worlde.

The head of the Dragon signifieth as Iupiter.

The tayle maketh him receiue dishonour and losse of his calling, and falling from an highe, and denoteth the [Page] shorte life of the Mother.

In the eleauenth house, Saturne out of his principall dignities betokneth acquaintance, and to be a companion with men defamed and of base condicion, mischieuous: sadnesse of friendes: vaine hope to come to things vnder­taken: difficultie in affayres: losse of frindes, if hee bee in his house or exaltation, he giueth loue of Saturnityes as by great & ancient Lords.

Iupiter maketh him happy in all his deuoyres: giueth fauour of great Lordes: great creditte: aboundaunce of friendes: aduancement by friendes: riches & fayre chil­dren: of the which the first shalbe a Maior.

Mars in his house or exaltation, loue by men of warre & fortunate in feats of armes, & out of those places signi­fieth dispayre, vnhappy enterprises, losse of friendes, & en­mitie with his friends, he shall not be loyall to his lords & friendes: by which shall ensue great damage.

Sol, happy enterprises, goods, honor, dignities by meanes of friends which shalbe men of authority & great lordes.

Venus giueth good friends which shall bee honorable men: and of good authoritie: & of good will signifying good fortune: happy enterprises: & many children.

Mercurie knowledge: and company: & loue of men of knowledge and vertue: and good renowne amonge friends: happy enterprises.

Luna giueth good riches, honor, good renowne: good friends which shalbe great lordes: & happy enterprises.

The head of the Dragon, that which Iupiter signifieth.

The tayle, that which Saturne & Mars signifieth.

In the twelfth Saturne out of his principall dignities maketh vnhappye in Horses and other great Beastes, from the which hee shall fall and receaue hurte and sig­nifieth feare of iustice, imprysonment or exile. In his House or Exaltation, victorye agaynst his enemies, good Fortune in Horses and other Beastes, fitte for burthen and labour.

Iupiter out of his principall dignities, mighty enemies [Page 48] and Aduersaries of men in authoritie, imprysonment, ex­ile, condemnation, pouertie, well dignified hee signifieth the contrary.

Mars the fall from Horses, hurte or other damage by beastes, aboundance of enemies, imprisonment, slaunders, & a thousand persecutions, great euill in leggs & feete.

Sol, good fortune in Horses and other great Beastes, great persecution by enemyes, greate Lordes, & mighty confiscation and losse of goodes, imprysonment, exile, slaunder, false witnes, euill reporte, condemned to a great fine, depriuation of his estate, by peruerted trayterous and how should seruants.

Venus, giueth good Fortune to Horse, strife and enmytie to Women, disprayse in marriage, mischieuous and euill renowne because of Women: principallye if they bee euill condicioned and defamed, an impudent Louer of Women defamed, for the which he shalbe im­prysoned: and suffer great dishonour. If shee be in the signe of Virgo or Capricorne, or of Aquarius, ioyned with the Sunne and Saturne, or to Mars signifieth great perill of death by loue.

Mercurie giueth great knowledge, principally in scien­ces that shall bring small profit, maketh a man a philoso­pher, mathematician, & ready in al knowledge, a litle foo­lish by reason of the lightnes of the spirite, hauing manie enemies, giuen to voluptuousnesse, euill fortune: hated by men of knowledge, likely to be slaundered and impriso­ned. If Saturne be well disposed he giueth good fortune in horses and other beastes.

Luna giueth many enemies which dayly shall grow & increase, if she be vnfortunate signifieth imprisonment & exile, if she be burnt & ioyned with Saturne or Mars, the child shalbe euer miserable and of a short life, which shall receiue hurt by beastes of like proportion: and dyeth by plague, to be killed or drowned: If shee be fortunate it betokeneth escape from all these euills.

The head of the Dragō betokeneth that which Iupiter.

[Page] The tayle, damage by beastes of like proportion and ruine by enemies.

And generally when a Planet is well dignified or other­wise well disposed and regarded of fortunes within the sayd houses, it signifieth good lucke in all significations of the sayd houses, but when it is vnfortunate, it yeeldeth mischiefe in all the sayde significations.

CHAP. VIII. The significations of the Lordes of the houses by the places of the figure.

THE Lord of the first house within the first For­tune, betokneth long life, health of bodye, goodes, and riches by his owne proper meanes, honour of his parents. In the second, riches: In the third, of­ten voiages, agreement and concorde with his bretheren. In the iiij. inheritaunces houses and goodes vnmouable. And it noteth that he shalbe a great builder, a planter of vines and trees, a medler with mines of golde and siluer, and other thinges according to the nature of the sayde planet: In the v. betokeneth many children which hee shall loue greatly, to be giuen to banquets, playes; daun­cing, brauerie and to all voluptuousnes and pleasure, and shall haue many friendes to enrich him. In the vi. a buyer of small cattell, abounding in seruaunts the which he shall teach and make dilligent, hee shalbe sickly: In the sea­uenth, quarrelsome, giuen to strife and suites in matters of marriage, vnfortunate in all his actes. In the viij. sadde, fearefull and of shorte life. In the ix. an interpreter of Dreames, of Oracles, secreate things and visions, giuen to knowe diuine mysteries, to trauayle, and to abide in straunge Countreys. In the x. goodes, riches, digni­ties, and honor by the meanes of Princes and great Lords, good fortune in his profession. In the xi. happie enter­prises, good friendes, honourable companies, prosperitie, fewe children. In the xii. euill manners, peruerse nature; great enmitie, good fortune in cattell. If hee bee vnfortu­nate [Page 49] in the first, the childe shall not liue long, if in the se­conde, hee shall be destroyed and poore. If in the third, he shall receiue great euill by his bretheren. If in the fourth, he shalbe vnhappy in landes, inheritaunces, labor, and possessions, and die in prison. In the fifth, it denoteth sadnesse and tribulation, be cause of children, & of messa­ges and gifts, & shall many times die by too much drinke, or by too much pleasure. In the sixth, signifieth great sicknes and piteous death. In the seauenth, by meanes of the wife by poyson, if he be in the signe of Capricorne, by fire, if he be in a fierie signe, by fall from on high, if in an earthly. In the eyght, shorte life, daunger of death in trauayle. In the ninth, in perill to be slayne by theeues. In the tenth, imprisonment, wracke, condemnation, & death by meanes of princes. In the eleuenth, a thousande euills, and mischiefes for friendes. In the twelfth, death in pry­son. The lord of the seconde in the first house signifieth much gaine and to be rich; In the second, that hee shall haue much goodes and bee verye rich and auaricious. In the third, losse by bretheren, & profit in small voiages. In the fourth, innumerable inheritaunces, augmentation of patrimonie. In the fifth, profit in all things of pleasure and magnificence, children to come to honour, and shalbe rich giuers. In the sixth, profit by meanes of seruauntes, and of keeping beastes. In the seauenth, goodes of wo­men; and by suites. In the eight, great dowries: some in­heritaunces, otherwise scattering of goodes. In the ninth, goodes of the Church, fortunate in long pilgrimage. In the tenth profit, profit in his profession, goodes by greate Lordes, and offices, and dignities. In the eleuenth, goods, riches and honour by friendes. In the twelfth, profitte in horses and beastes, otherwise losse and iniustice by the meanes of gayning. The lorde of the thirde house in the first signifieth greater riches and prayse then his brethe­ren, that he shall make many voyages. In the seconde, hee shall haue suit with his bretheren for goodes. In third, he shall often goe abroad for pleasure, and his bretheren and [Page] friends accompany him. In the iiii. he shall goe ofte to vi­site his lands and possessions, and his bretheren shall leaue him, and with-holde parte of his right. In the v. his bre­theren shall bee braue, pleasant, and gracious, and giuen to voluptuousnesse, and make agreement with his Chil­dren. In the vi. that hee shall holde question of iniuries with his bretheren and that they shall not answer him. In the vii. suite against bretheren and friends, a voyage to be married. In the viii. shorte life to bretheren flying for feare of plague or murther. In the ix. pilgrimage of friends, and voyages to obteyne pardons. In the x. voy­ages by reason of profession, and for dignities & death of brethren and friendes. In the xi. good friendship among brethren, voyages to meete with good fortune. In the xii. enmities of bretheren, & voyages because of enemies.

The Lorde of the fourth in the first house, signifieth good disposition and honour, richer then other of his kyndred, a great man in buylding & possessions, and shall builde houses, plante vines, trees, and a diligent husband in his grounds. In the second a good Traffiquer-in corne Oyle, Wine, and Fruits, a deare seller and a good cheape buyer, and a buyer and seller of Landes and Houses. In the thirde, hee shall haue the goodes and inheritaunce of his Bretheren: in the fourth, hee shall haue greate Fortune in goodes, Landes, Houses and laboures, and happen vppon Treasure. In the fifte, the riches of the Father, Children happie in theyr inheritaunce. In the sixt, signifieth no great estimation of the Father, but phi­sicke, Surgerie and gouernment of sicke Folkes, and a Nourisher of Beastes: in the seauenth, inheritaunce by Women, enmitie betweene the Father and Children, a good huswife of his wife: in the eight, the father of shorte life, inheritaunce, death out of his Countrie: in the ninth, lands, & possessions ioyned to the Church or in subiectiō to the Church-men, and the father a straunger: in tenth, the father to be knowne of great Lords, by the which shall come greate profitte to the Childe, and shall haue lord­ships, [Page 50] Landes, and possessions by meanes of great Lords. In the eleuenth, shorte life to the Father, inheritaunce by friends: in the 12. the father a stranger & of base condiciō, & shall hate his sonne, & shall haue some mouable goods of his enemies, not without long suite & great difficultie.

The Lorde of the fift, in the first house signifieth feasting, bankquetting, dauncing, voluptuousnes, & faire children. In the second rich children & ioy of their gay­ning. In the third, voyages for pleasure: in the iiii. goodes of parents and alies: in the v. feastes, bankets, playes, bra­uerie, daunces, pleasure and faire children: in the vi. wit­nes that he shalbe a peace-maker and not greatly giuen to pleasure: but in seruants & keeping cattell: in the vii. the children shall hate the father, & shall haue suites one against the other, yet alwayes contentment by his wife & reioyce in her. In the viii ioyfull, because of vnlooked for inheritaunce, and short life to children. In the ix. ioy in pilgrimages, vowes, holy religion, good children that feare and loue God. In the x. pleasure in honour. In the xi. pleasure in freinds and many children. In the xii. shorte life of children, enmitie betweene the father and the chil­dren, pleasure in horses.

The Lord of the sixt in the first signifieth many sicknes­ses of the sayd Lorde, and that his seruantes, and beastes shall dye quickly. In the second that he shall be rich by keepinge of cattell. In the thirde, sicknesse and going heere and there from home, a poore kindred. In the iiii. that his Father shall bee of verye base condicion. In the fith, Sicknesse by ouer much pleasure, Children of more base condicion then their father In the vi. health if the Lorde of the Ascendant doe not regarde him, o­therwise sicknesse by ouer-labour. In the seauenth, sick­nesse by Women, of strifes, and suites and strife betweene his seruauntes and him. In the eight, death by reason of seruauntes. In the ninth, sicke out of his Countrey by trauayle. In the tenth, sicknesse by ouer-trauayle in his Profession, or by ouer-labouringe for honour.

[Page] In the xi. acquayntaunce of men vnknown; and sicknes by meanes of friends. In the xii. sicknesse by meanes of enemies and of imprisonment, and enemies of his owne Seruaunts.

The lorde of the vii. in the first signifieth gavne by traffique, peace and agreement, by exercise of phisicke & Astrologie, and that he shalbe well loued of his wife, and haue goodes with her: but hee shalbe quarrelsome and haue suites. In the ii. short life of his wife, suites for her goodes & riches: in the iij. strife & suites against friends, kinsfolkes: and they shall loue his wife impudently. In the iiij. inheritaunce by women, suites against parents. In the v. a young Wife, honest and vertuous, beloued of her husband, and suite against his children. In the vi. strife for cattell and seruaunts, marriage with some woman of base condition, or noted of some infamy proper to him­selfe and parents. In the vij. suits for women, housholde­strife, profit, and to agree and communicate his goodes. In the viij, strife for inheritaunce, great goodes by women. In the ix. strife and accusations for matters of fayth, mar­riage with a straunge woman: In the x. trouble for offi­ces and honour, an honourable wife, and dignitie by the wiues frindes. In the xi. suites against friends, or by their meanes, and shalbe married by his friends. In the xii. con­trouersie against enemies, marriage with women of base condicion, and not long loue together.

The Lord of the eight in the first signifieth ire, sadnes, angrie for that he cannot bring to passe, and shall not bee of long life. In the ii inheritaunce: in the iij. death of bretheren: in the iiij. death in his house, and shall see the death of his parents, and shall haue inheritaunces: in the v. death of children: in the vi. death of his familie before him, and shall be vnfortunate in cattell: in the vij. death of wife by whome he shall haue iuheritaunce, and thereby become rich: in the viij. that hee shall thinke sodenly to die, and yet sounde of bodie, trouble in spirite, and shall haue dower by his wife & inheritaunce, and other goods. [Page 51] In the ix. that hee shall haue euill courage, and shall dye out of his Countrie: in the x. honorable death, or other­therwise by the meanes of great Lordes, and of iudges, or because of his honour: in the xi. death amongest his friends: in the xii. death amongst his enemies, or by rea­son of themselues.

The Lord of the ninth in the first signifieth prudence, religious, vertuous, deuine, a louer of Church-men, and shall make many voyages: in the ii. that hee shall make many voyages, by the which he shall become rich: in the iij. marriage out of his Countrie, or take a straunger, and shall make iourneys because of his bretheren: in the iiii. death from home, pilgrimage by perswasion of parents. In the v. haue childrē from home out of his Countrie & shall make iourneys for them: in the vi. marriage of a mayde or woman of base condicion, sicknesse from home, and shall trauell for his seruauntes & cattell: In the vii. voyages and suites by reason of women and their goodes, and signifieth the woman to be deuout, moderate, & well mānered: In the viii. desire of riches, trauell for his wiues goodes: In the ix. good vnderstanding, a louer of vertue, fearing God, knowledge in deuine mysteries, oracles, se­crete thinges, and true dreames, trauell for deuotion: In the x. trauell for profession & honour: In the xi. good friendes from home: In the xii. euill courage, & enemies out of his Countrie, trauell by reason of enemies.

The Lord of the tenth in the first signifieth that by his industrie hee shall come to great honor, and shall haue dignitie, offices, and gouernments. In the second honour for his wealth: In the iii. honour by his bretheren, or by trauell: In the iiii. vnmouable goods, sumptuous houses. In the v. honour by his children: In the vi. little honour, except of his houshould and seruants, or in gouerning of the sicke. In the vii. honourable marriage: In the eight goodes by marriage, inheritaunce, and perill of death to the mother at the time of her trauell and delyuetie. In the ix. Ecclesiasticall dignitie, honour in straunge Countries, [Page] and estimation by his trauell. In the x. dignities, offices, and great honour by his owne meanes, and fauour of Princes. In the xi. prosperitie, honour, and fauour of friendes. In the xii. honour by his enemies, honour and estimation of men of euill condicion.

The Lord of the eleauenth, in the first signifieth good fortune, happy enterprises, good friendes, and many chil­dren. In the second, goodes, and riches by friends. In the third, amitie of bretheren, iorneys & trauayles for friends. In the fourth, good fortune in vnmouable goods. In the fift, aboundance of children, bankquets, ioy and good for­tune. In the sixte, fortune in good husbandrie. In the seauenth, rich and fortunate marriage, and good friendes, strifes and debates against friendes, and that he shall bee poore in his youth, and rich in his age. In the eight, in­heritaunce, death of friendes. In the ninth, profitable ior­neyes, friendes out of his Countrye, and good fortune in straunge places. In the tenth, goodes and honour by meanes of men of authoritie, and dignitie in youth. In the eleauenth, aboundance of friends, & children, great goods and honour, & fauour of men in authoritie, good renown and prosperitie. In the twelfth, small friendes, few goods, and debate with his friends.

The Lord of the twelfth, in the first signifieth pouertie in youth, sadnesse, long trauell, enmytie and conspiration against him. In the seconde euill manners, quarrells for goodes. In the third, quarrells with friendes and kynd­red. In the fourth, strife and suites for inheritaunce and mouable goodes, and discorde with the father. In the fift, rebellious children to the father, and strife amonge themselues. In the sixt, strife and anger amonge the fa­milie. In the seauenth, that hee shall take wiues of base condicion, and not loue them long, and by theyr meanes shall haue great paine and trauell, and shall bee in griefe for them, and his friendes shall conspire against him, and his enemies shall take away part of his goodes, and in the ende of his dayes bee poore and miserable. In the eight, [Page 52] hatred and treason for lyuelyhood and goodes of women, death of enemies. In the ninth, quarrell with Church-men and mischiefes by the way. In the tenth, quarrell with great Lordes, persecution by reason of his professi­on, of his offices and honour. The eleauenth, signifieth that his friendes shalbe his enemies, and shall haue great mischiefe for his friendes. In the twelfth, many enuies and enemies that shall imagine many mischiefes against him.

Likewise, you must iudge of all the partes of the xii. houses, as the part of fortune in the first signifieth: that he shalbe rich and fortunate by his industrie. In the second, that he shalbe come rich in all that is signified by the se­cond house, &c.

All these bee the foundations and rootes of the iudge­ments Astronomical, from the which you may not swarue or depart: Except in asmuch as be mittigated, prohiby­ted, or augmented by the Concurrences and aspects of the Planets, and coniunction of the fixed starres.

The end of the second booke.

Of Iudgementes Astronomycall vppon Natiuities, contayning the di­rections and reuolutions. The third Booke.

CHAP. I. Of Directions.

THE art of Directions so dilygently entreated vp­on by John de Regiomount, that their is no more place fitly to speake of the same. Except that with the ayde of God we haue purposed to translate in­to French his problemes and documents appertayning to the sayde matter. Neuerthelesse we will here touch the the principall poynte. To direct (which tearme I vse be­ing being most commonly vsed and of long time recey­ued, although it bee not proper) it is no other thing then to stay the meeting of one place of the heauens with ano­ther consequently following, acording to the naturall or­der of the signes, & that the mouing of the first mobile. The first place is named the significator, the seconde the promittor: as if the ascendant were in the xx. degree of Sagittarius & Saturne in thex of Capricorne, one might direct the ascendant to Saturne & the ascendant shall bee significator of life, & Saturne promittor of death or sick­nes, & thē the iudgement shalbe danger of death, there is another form of directiō attributed to the parts & planets retrogrades, which do make following the naturall course of thei [...] mobile, to the contrary of the consequence of the signes, of the which the craft is like to the 1. & there is no [Page 53] difference but that wee haue called Significator, which is here promittor, and the Promittor is heere Significator.

The poynt meridionall of the tenth house, you must di­rect by the right ascentions. The poynt of the ascendant, by the ascentions obliques, founde in the Table of the la­titude of your Region. The poynts and starres that shall be betweene the Merydian and the Horrizon, by the ob­lique ascentions vnder the circle in the which they be, the which you call, The cyrcle of Position, the which for to finde, and likewise to haue the ascentions of euery place hauing latitude or no, you must follow the methode fol­lowing.

First, you must take the longitudes of Plannets, fixed starres, and other places that you would direct (that is to say) the signe, degree, and mynute that they [...]olde in the Zodiack and in the Ephemerides, or other tables Astro­nomicall. &c.

Secondly, you must calculate their latitudes, in degrees and mynutes placed in the Ephemerides.

Thirdly, theyr declination by the first probleame of the booke of directions of Regiomont.

Then, theyr right ascentions by the third probleame of the sayde house.

Then againe, the distances of the circle Meridional by the nineteenth probleame.

Incontinent, the circles of their positions, by the twen­tith probleame, consequently the dyfferences ascentional by the Table expressed.

And finally the oblique ascentions by the tenth Canon, if the sayd starres be betweene the poynt meridionall of the tenth house, and the poynt of the fourth, or the dis­centions of obliques by the eleuenth probleame, if they be betweene the poynt of the fourth and the tenth.

Thys done, take out the number of the oblique ascen­tions of the Significator, of the number of the oblique as­centions of the Promittor, take to the Table of the posi­tion of the Significator, or the contrary, if you direct the [Page] parts and Planets retrogrades; that which resteth of de­grees & minutes, turne into yeres, monthes & dayes: and by this meanes, you shall haue exactly the time of good or euill that shall happen vnto you by direction, inten­ding that one degree is heere signified a yeere, fiue my­nutes a month, one minute 6. dayes & some od howers, he that would helpe the seconds hee shall touch the ende more perfectly.

For to know the sicknesses and daunger of death, you must direct the fiue vital places that we haue considered, searching the gyuer of lyfe, in fixed starres of violent na­ture in the poynt of the fourth, sixt, seauenth and eyght, and the tayle of the Dragon, to the ill fortunes and theyr euill aspects in the partes of death, and by and by to the Sunne, and to the head of the Dragon. Likewise for the same consideration, you must direct the saide pernicious places to the fiue vitall places. And they meeting, they iudge that the man is in great danger of death, when the Fortunes doe not shewe foorth theyr fauourable beames.

For the goods, honour, dignities, friendships, and other considerations, you must direct the one significator of goods with the other, and the one significator of honour with the others, of the which wee haue made mention in the first Booke, following the particuler iudgements of the natiuities.

CHAP. II Of the Seperator or Burner, called of the Arabians, Algebuthar.

THE Seperator or Burner, is the Planet which hath dignitie of tearme & degree, to the which the yeere is aunswerable, mutiplied with the ascentions of one Significator.

For to finde the Seperator of the like, you must take the Oblique ascentions of the ascendant, and adde vnto the same the yeeres of your age, and search it all in the [Page 54] Table of the latitude of your Region, to looke to which signe and degree the saide number aunswereth, for vnto that poynt shall come the perfection of your life. Looke afterwarde which is the Plannet which hath dignitie of tearme in the said degree, for of the selfe same shall be the Seperator of the life.

By the same meanes you may seeke the Seperators of the honour, goods, gaynes, friendes, and of other lyke, vpon the circles of theyr positions. The which is conue­nient to seeke following the afore-said methode of direc­tions.

CHAP. III. Of the Lords of the Triplicities.

YOV must also note all the Lordes of the Triplici­ties, in places which signifie good and euill, as well in significations of lyfe, as of goods, friendes, honor, marriages, pylgrimages &c. If they be wel disposed in the reuolution, they shall signifie well, touching the signification of the place of the which they be Lordes. If they be vnfortunate, they signifie euill. That is to vnder­stand, the Lords of the tryplicities of vitall places, wil sig­nifie of the life: of the places of fortune, riches & profit: of places of honour, of the honour, good or euill, accor­ding as they be fortunate or vnfortunate at the hower, of the reuolution.

CHAP. IIII. Of Reuolutions.

THE Sunne returning to the same poynt in the which he was at the hower of the natiuity, maketh the reuolution euery yeere. He therfore that wold know the hower and mynute of the reuolution, he must looke in the Ephemerides, at what hower and my­nute the Sunne beganne to enter into the degree minute and second, in which he was at the hower of the natiuity.

[Page] If the Ephemerides doe not suffise you for thys mat­ter, goe to a Table made for the same purpose, by Peter Pitat, in the beginning of the same Ephemerides, by him corrected and augmented. Jerom Cardin vseth another, which I finde very exact: the which hee hath written in his booke. Of the restitution of times and celestiall mo­tions, in the fyft Chapter.

CHAP. V. Of the iudgements vpon the reuolutions.

FIrst looke howe the Seperator of lyfe is disposed in the figure of the reuolution: for if hee be vnfortu­nate, he denoteth sicknes and other daungerous ac­cidents; If he be fortunate, he holdeth him health­full and glad all the yeere. So likewise you must iudge of the Seperator of goods, friends, dignities & other effects. It is to vnderstand, that they giue good fortune in the said significations, if they be well disposed: or els losse & euill fortune if they be vnfortunate.

In the second place, looke if the Lords of the Trypli­cities of the vitall places be well disposed: and of places which signifie riches, honour, trauailes, bretheren, Pa­rents, wiues and children, doe so much. For in the same significations the man shall be happy or vnhappy, accor­ding as the sayd Lords shall be wel or euil disposed. And principally you must consider the Lord that shall raigne ouer your age: for the first Lord of one tryplicity gouer­neth the first age; the second, the middest of the life; the third, the latter yeere.

Thirdly, you must consider which is the Planet which gouerneth ouer the yeere of your age, that which the A­rabians call Fridate.

Fourthly, the Lorde of the Signe in which shall come the same yeere of perfection.

In the fift place, the Lord of the circulation, accoun­ting by the Lord of the houre of the natiuity.

Then the Lord of the circulation, accounting by the [Page 55] Lord of the ascendant of the natiuitie.

And if in the ascendant of the natiuitie there be anie Planet, you must likewise make circulation.

Furthermore, you must looke if any Planet returne to the same signe and house, in the which it was at the na­tiuitie; for then it intendeth the same effect which it hath signifyed in the natiuity, principally when it returneth to the same signe. You must also haue regard to the aspects which are made in the reuolution, if they be like to them of the natiuity: for that shal be a renuing of the effects of the said aspects.

And you must not forget the chaunging of the places. For if a happy Plannet bee in the reuolution in the place where an euill Planet was in the natiuity, the euill signifi­ed by the sayd euill Planet in the natiuitie, shall be defer­red that yeere by the presence of the happy Planet. To the contrary, if a Planet promise any good fortune in the natiuitie, and in hys place in the reuolution be any vnfor­tunate Planet, the same good signifyed in the natiuitie, shalbe diminished in the reuolutiō, or lost by reason of the said ill fortune. The mis-fortune in the places of mis-for­tune augmenteth the euill, the good fortunes in the pla­ces of good fortune, augmenteth the good fortune.

For to iudge of the said considerations, you must haue recourse to that which we haue sayde in the two former Bookes of generall and particuler significations of the Houses, Signes, Planets, aspects, & particuler situations of the Planets in signes and houses: hauing alwaies be­fore your eyes, the disposition of starres in the figure of the natiuitie. For if a Planet be in the natiuity greatly vn­fortunate, and in the reuolution well disposed, it cannot much profite because of the first infelicity.

Likewise you must iudge of those which bee fortunate in natiuities, which being vnfortunate in reuolucions, do no great damage. There be some that contemplate here­vpon, many other things, the which by experience I haue often found vnprofitable, false, and superfluous.

CHAP. VI. Of the yeeres gouerned by the Planets, called of the Arabians Fridarie.

IF the natiuite be by day, then the Sunne gouerneth the fyrst tenne yeeres, Venus eyght yeres following, Mer­curie thirteene yeeres after that: then the Moone, the nine following. Saturne eleuen yeeres, Iupiter twelue, Mars seauen, the head of the Dragon three, the tayle of the Dragon two. When it is by night, you must beginne at the Moone, the which gouerneth the first nine yeeres, then Saturne, Iupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercurie, the head of the Dragon, and the tayle, the numbers by order as we haue sayd before.

Many by great curiositie, haue added to this companie other Planets to euery gouernment, the which I finde by good reason to be reprehended by the Chaldeans. For experience hath often taught mee and other very expert in this Science, that this subtiltie is too curious, vaine and superfluous.

[Page 56]

The Table of the Fridaries by Daie.
    Yeeres. Monthes. Dayes.
  1 5 5
2 10 9
4 3 13
5 8 17
7 2 22
8 6 26
10 0 0
  11 1 22
12 3 13
13 5 4
14 6 26
15 8 17
16 10 9
18 0 0
  19 10 9
21 8 17
23 6 2
25 5 14
27 3 13
29 1 22
30 0 0
  32 3 13
33 6 26
34 10 9
36 1 22
37 5 5
38 8 17
40 0 0
  41 6 26
43 1 22
44 8 18
46 3 14
47 10 16
49 5 6
50 0 0
  52 8 17
54 5 4
56 1 21
57 10 8
59 6 26
61 1 22
63 0 0
  64 0 0
65 0 0
66 0 0
67 0 0
68 0 0
69 0 0
70 0 0
  73 0 0
  75 0 0


The Table of the Fridaries by Night.
    Yeeres. Monthes. Dayes.
  1 3 13
2 6 26
3 10 9
5 1 22
6 5 5
7 8 18
9 0 0
  10 6 26
12 1 22
13 8 18
15 3 14
16 10 9
18 5 6
20 0 0
  21 8 17
23 5 4
25 1 21
26 10 8
28 6 25
30 3 13
32 0 0
  33 0 0
34 0 0
35 0 0
36 0 0
37 0 0
38 0 0
39 0 0
  40 5 50
42 10 10
43 3 15
44 8 20
46 1 25
47 7 0
49 0 0
  50 1 2
51 3 13
52 5 6
53 6 26
54 8 20
55 10 8
57 0 0
  58 10 9
60 8 17
62 6 26
64 5 4
66 3 13
68 1 21
70 0 0
  73 0 0
  75 0 0
  76 3 13
77 6 26
78 10 9
80 1 22
81 5 5

CHAP. VII. Of profections.

FOR the profections you must resolue the twelue houses of your natiuity in equall partes vppon the Eclipse, so farre as the ascendant is in the first degree of any Signe: the seconde house shall be in the fyrst degree of a signe following, and the thirde, in the first de­gree of a thirde signe: and to conclude, that euery house beginne by the fyrst degree, as the first house.

Also, euery house will containe thirtie degrees, & the first thirty degrees of the first house, shall appertaine to the fyrst yeere wherein the infant is borne; the thirtie of the second, to the second yeere: the thirty of the thirde to the third yeere, & so consequently vntill twelue. Twelue yeeres passed, you must begin againe at the first, and then come to the second, third, fourth &c. and so from twelue to twelue you must renue the same circuite.

If you finde the reuolution within the thirtie degrees seruing to your yeere, it signifieth some good or euil, ac­cording to his nature or good or euill disposition, & sig­nification of the place, of which shall be the sayd profec­tion; that is to say, of the places of lyfe, sicknes, death, or good health; of the places of goods, riches, losse, or po­uertie. &c. Commonly they seeke the profection of fyue places of one natiuitie, that is to say, of the place of the Sunne for honour; of the place of the Moone for the qualities of the spyrit, towardes the body and externall goods; of the place of the parte of Fortune, for gaine and profite; of the tenth house for the actions; of the ascen­dant for the lyfe.

If the Sunne be gyuer of lyfe, it must be considered as gyuer of lyfe and giuer of honor likewise, the which you must doe also in other places, when they import manie significations. If then you finde any Plannet within the thirtie degrees of your profection, and would know what [Page] moneth or day the accident by him signifyed shal happen.

Looke what distance you haue betweene the first point of your profection, and the said Plannet, if there be xv. degrees betweene them, the saide accident shall happen out in the ende of sixe moneths: if there be twentie-fiue degrees, at the end of tenne monethes, for heere two de­grees and a halfe, value one moneth, one degree valueth twelue dayes and foure houers, thirty min [...]es value sixe daies, fiue minutes one day.

Of this there is a verie exact table among the docu­ments of Peter Pytat vpon the Ephemerides. Example of the profections. Suppose that the ascendant of a natiuitie was the fifteene degree of Scorpius, I would know where the profection shall light of the ascendant at the ende of tenne yeeres after the childborne. I account tenne signes from the ascendant, after that, I finde the fifteene degree of Virgo seruing after tenne yeeres, accomplished to xj. current. I say then that in the said time, the profection of the ascendant is come in the fifteene degree of Virgo; & shall end that yeere in the fifteene degree of Libra: and also shal containe thirty whole degrees, within the which if any Planet be founde, it shall signifie good or euill of the life, according to the nature & disposition as if in the said time.

Mars beeing to the fift degree of Libra, I woulde say that the infant should be troubled that yeere at the end of eyght moneths, because that Mars was in the place pro­fectionall of life, distant from the first poynt twentie de­drees. We haue shewed before that two degrees and a halfe value one month, fiue degrees two monthes, and fifteene degrees sixe monthes, and by course twenty de­grees eyght monethes. You must note, that the profecti­ons ought to fitte to the yeeres currant or complete. It is to be vnderstoode the tenth signe, as for incontinent after nine yeeres complete, which is tenne yeeres currant, &c.

CHAP. VIII. The Lords of the circulations from the howers of the Natiuities.

THE Babilonians hold for a great secrete, the Circu­lation of the Lord of the hower of the natiuitie? It is to be vnderstood, that the Lord of the said houre signifieth of the life as the ascendant, and the Lord of the hower following, of goods as of the second house: and the Lord of the third hower of bretheren as the third house, and so consequently of others.

In Reuolutions, they giue the Lorde of the hower of the natiuitie to the first yeere, the Plannet following to the second, and so consequently following the natural or­der of the Planets. As if one were borne in the hower of Venus, that Planet should raigne the first yeere, the se­cond yeere, Mercurie, the third, the Moone, the fourth, Saturne, the fift, Iupiter, the sixt, Mars, the seauenth Sol, the eyght, Venus, the ninth, Mercurie, and so by order. And you must note, that wee take heere the yeeres cur­rant, and not complete, for to fit the sayde circulation of the Planets.

CHAP. IX. Of the circulation of the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Planets which are in the Ascendant.

THE circulation of the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Planets and parts which be in the Ascendant, they be euen as we haue saide of the Lorde of the houre of the natiuitie, and by the same order you must place them. The yeeres of the age of the Chyld, by iudgement, we haue made mention and proofe of Re­uolutions.

CHAP. X. Of Eclipses and great coniunctions appertaining to Reuolutions of Natiuities.

THE Eclipse of the Sunne, and the coniunctions of the Superiour Planets, causeth commonly many e­uils, after the congruence of the starres, and nature of the signes and Plannets raigning in the saide pla­ces, to men causeth sicknesses, when they be within the fiue next degrees of the Ascendant, or to the gyuer of lyfe: if they touch the other parts, Plannets or houses, they pronounce euill fortune, appertaining to the signifi­cations of the same places; principally, if in the same time of the natiuitie, any such constellations were in force. If they touch the places perfectionals, they doe almost the same effect as in natiuities.

CHAP. XI. Of the particuler meetings of the whole yeere.

COncerning the particuler meetings of all the yere, Ptolomeus, Iohn de Regiomonte, Ganrique, and ma­nie others, doe rest harde vppon the Profections, Mensturnes and Diurnes, of the which you haue a perfect Table in the Booke of Directions of John de Re­giomonte, hauing more subtiltie & curiousnes then trueth, as I haue often found by experience. It aunswereth bet­ter my opinion Schonor, which euerie day considered, if any Planet touch the places of the Planets, parts & hou­ses, of the natiuitie or their good or euill aspect, that I doe apply to the places profectionall. As for example, let the ascendant of a natiuitie, or the place of his profection bee the twelfe degree of Libra, the Sunne in the fifteenth of Gemini, Mars in the fifteenth of Leo: alwaies, and as of­ten as the Sunne or the Moone doe passe ouer the xv. degree of Leo, the man shall bee mooued by angry acci­dents, as of displeasure, of some alteration, payne of the [Page 59] head, Feauer, hote Impostumes, Tetters. &c. Likewise when it toucheth the fyft degree of Scorpius, or of Tau­rus, there where the quadrate aspects be within the place of Mars, or the fift of Aquarius, which is the place oppo­site to Mars. If any Planet touch the fift degree of Libra, or of Gemini (there where the Sextile aspects be) or the fift of Sagitarius and of Aries, (which make the Tryne aspects of the saide Mars) it shall signifie some fauoura­ble meetings of Captaines and men of warre.

If the ill fortunes touch not the saide twelfe degree of Libra, as we haue said in the Ascendant, that shalbe signe of some euill meeting, as well to life as to the body. Like­wise you must iudge of other attouchments, according to the nature of the aspects, by vs explained in the seconde Booke. You must contemplate the places profectionals. For I doe apply euerie degree and minute to the dayes in the which their signification fall, and regard the good & euill aspects of the Planets euery day, if they touch the degree profectionall. As for example, of the said natiui­tie in the which was the Ascendant Libra, suppose that the profection was come to the twelfe degree of Cancer, in the ninth yeere complete and the tenth currant. The thirteenth degree of Cancer, serueth to the twelfe day af­ter the proper day of the reuolution.

Wherefore I consider then the aspects of the Planets towards the saide thirteenth degree. Likewise so I do of other degrees and minutes, fitted to those daies in the which they gouerne. And so much for Reuolutions.


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