THE Prayer and Confession of Mr. FELTON, word for word as hee spake it immediatly before his Execution. Novem. 29. 1628.
[Page 1] OH God, I humbly and heartily thanke thee gracious Father, that thou hast giuen me so long a time of Repentance. Lord, I humbly thanke thee, I praise my God, and blessed bee thy holy name. Oh Lord, my glorious God, that thou hast beene so good and gracious to mee, as to take away the feeling of the sence of death from mee, I thanke my God, I haue no feare of death, Iesus I thanke thee.
I thanke the noble Duchesse of Buckingham, and I wonder at her great worth being of so good a disposition, that shee should forgiue mee so foule a fact, so foule and horrid a sinne; Oh God, forgiue mee likewise; and I hope in Iesus, he hath.
Likewise, I humbly and heartily craue of the meanest of all her Seruants, from a sincere relenting heart, I [Page 2] craue forgiuenesse of them all for that horrid fact that I haue committed, Lord thou knowest it pierceth mee much, and afflicts my soule exceedingly? Oh Lord, I haue dishonoured thee, I haue brought a scandall vpon my Religion, for which fact O Lord, I haue deserued Ten thousand punishments to be inflicted vpon me.
Oh God, I doe wonder at thy mercie, that thou hast beene so good and gracious to me, seeing I haue committed so foule, and so horrible a sinne. Oh Lord, thou hast shewed mee mercie many times; Lord thou art wonderfull, I cannot expresse thy wonderfull mercies towards me. In deliuering me from many single combates and diuers other perils and dangers, for which I giue thee most humble thankes.
I beseech God to blesse my gracious King, and that hee may long liue O Lord, and that the Parliament may [Page 3] agree, and bee vnited in one for Iesus Christs sake, Lord I beseech thee.
That which drawed mee to this horrid sinfull fact, was some foule reports, which though they had beene true it was damnable in mee, in committing and acting so foule a sinne, Oh Lord forgiue me for it, though it had bin so, I haue dishonoured God, in taking the Iudgement from him.
Gentlemen, I am a Souldier, and I cannot speake, I pray God forgiue mee what is past, and receiue my soule Oh Lord I beseech thee, Lord forgiue me.
Then the Marshall asked, haue you any more to say Mr. Felton.
He answered, I know not what to say, the Lord haue mercy on my soule.
Then he spake to the People concerning the Executioner, as followeth.
I beseech you now all of you, that the poore man heere suffer no wrong I beseech you, for he doth but his office.
[Page 4] Then after they had sung the 51. Psalme, hee sayd.
God blesse the Kings Majestie, and the Queene, the King of Bohemia and the Queene, and all their Noble issue; Lord Iesus receiue my soule.
Gentlemen, to satisfie you; Know that in this Bloody and haynous fact that I haue committed, I was seduced by the Diuell, such a foule thing could not haue proceeded from mee else; Lord forgiue mee, and bee mercifull vnto mee.
Lord blesse the Noble Dutchesse of Buckingham; If I had had the disposing of mine owne life, shee should haue had it as it had pleased her selfe, and not thus fauourably.
Lord Iesus forgiue mee this horrid and vile sinne; Lord Iesus forgiue me this vile and bloodie sinne.
Lord I thanke thee, that thou hast taken away the feare of Death? Lord, the sentence was terrible.
[Page 5] The hearing of Death yesternight, affrighted me much, but I praise God I haue now no feare of Death.
I beseech you, none of you thinke that the fact was done well; it was abhorrent, I haue much dishonoured God in it, Lord forgiue me this bloudie sinne, and all my other sinnes.
I beseech you Gentlemen pray for mee.
Well, I praise my God, I haue no feare of death, Lord Iesus I thank thee I haue no feare of death I praise my God.
Lord blesse the Duchesse of Buckingham that noble Ladie, Lord bee mercifull to her.
Truely, they are wonderfull mercifull to me, I did not thinke but that I should haue come to a crueller death, as I haue deserued.
Oh Lord! I thanke thee, that thou hast taken mee away, I pray my God, that the death of his Sonne may take [Page 6] away all feare and horror▪ Lord I beleeue, I haue full assurance, receiue my soule, oh Lord.
Then he asked if any of the Duchesses Seruants were there, they said yes: and asked what hee would haue. Hee said.
I pray tell her, That I desire with all my soule to bee forgiuen, Euen of the meanest seruant, of the veriest Skullian in her Kitchin.
Lastly, he desired the people, for Gods sake that they would not misvse the poore man, The Executioner.