THE HONEST MAN: OR, The Art to please in Court.

Written in French by Sieur Faret.

Translated into English by E. G.

LONDON: [...]ted by THOMAS HARPER, [...] for Edward Blount. 1632.

TO THE RIGHT Noble, Honor'd, and learned Gentle­man, Richard Hubert, Esquire, Groom Por­ter to his Maiesty.


ALL Seamen in their cour­ses must ne­ [...]ssarily saile by [Page] their Cards; But in this Art and Sea of the Court, and Honest Man, there prescribed; I neuer so much as dreamt to present them as binding rules, to your truly liberall and knowing Ʋirtues; Your owne honor'd bosome being died in graine of that gene­rous honesty that [Page] comprehēds all rules and lawes in it selfe that direct and ma­nage you, and shew you running, like an unbyast Boule, tho­row all fashions and factions; to make way only for the best, and example them: To make gamefull recreation, only help spirit, and continue health; clearing it [Page] of all the auarice and gall in Game­sters. To make hu­mane and discreet bounty helpe com­fort virtue, not ren­dring her the drudg, and slaue of Policy▪ Those Natures be­ing the banes and monsters among hu­manes, the Hydraes that poison and drowne humane [Page] goodnesse; whose contraries made a shame with your [...]eet disposition; may be hoped in time to [...] dishabited and [...]andoned. And t [...]en will the Court [...]uance virtue by [...]ample; and her [...]uthority inflict pu­ [...]shment only vpon [...]ce; no good seeing done by power; but [Page] what by hearty and knowing will, is first naturally suggested and taught. A Cour [...] so humane, would make a whole king­dome such a Court▪ agreeing like a Cen­ter, and his Cir­cle. Ambitious lines drawn there by grea [...] men, would bee as righteous as round and all earthly hap­pinesse [Page] accounted to consist in quiet; euen the quiet of free and equally plente­ [...]s peace. Till which come, like the Rain­ [...]ow, bee all your Court-actions still [...]ee as the Sun, and [...]em quiet with their [...]rcularly swift free­ [...]es. Cōmanding euer

Your poore and lo­uing Obseruant, Edw. Grimeston.

The Contents of this Booke.

  • A description of the Court pag. 1
    • THe King, Princes, and great men pag. 3
    • [...]eane men 4
    • [...]ortune and the vices which follow her 5
    • [...]ecessity of Counsell 7
    • [...]he subiect of this Discourse 9
    • [...]f precepts, their profit & weaknes 10
  • Of the Birth 11
    • [...]f the aduantages of Nobility 13
    • [...]f the happinesse of the Birth 18
    • [...]f the profession of a Gentleman 23
    • [...]e ought to be an honest man 25
    • [...]e must be curious of his honor 27
    • [Page]Of quarrels 29
    • Against quarrellers ib.
    • Of the knowledge of quarrels 30
    • Against vanity 33
  • Of the disposition of the body 38
    • Of exercises 39
    • Of games of Hazard 44
    • Against gamesters ibid.
    • Couetous men 46
    • Idle persons ibid.
    • Desperate men 47
    • Of the naturall grace 49
    • Of affectation and negligence 52
    • Of affected negligence 56
    • Against the affectation of beauty 58
  • Of the qualities of the minde 62
    • That virtue is more louely, and vi [...] more odious in great men then i [...] others 6 [...]
    • Of the aduantages of virtue 6 [...]
    • [Page]Of the meanes in generall to attaine to virtue 67
    • [...]f learning and the contempt which Gentlemen make of it 68
    • [...]f the excellency of Learning, & how [...] fitting it is chiefly for Gentlemen 71
    • [...]hat opinion we haue of learning 74
    • [...]f the Sciences which an honest man should learne 75
    • [...]f the questions of Philosophy 76
    • [...]f the Mathematiques 77
    • [...]f house Gouernment 79
    • [...]f the choice of Histories 80
    • [...]f the Politiques and History ibid.
    • [...]udgment of the best Historians 81
    • [...]f other Historians in generall 90
    • [...]f experience and iudgment 91
    • [...]f writing well in prose 97
    • [...]f Poesie 98
    • [...]f Painting and Musique 100
  • Of the Ornaments of the soule 102
    • [...]f religion and faith ibid.
    • [Page]Against Atheists. 104
    • Of other virtues in generall 106
    • Of the feare of God ibid.
  • Of a Courtiers life 109
    • Of seruitude 110
    • Of Toiles 111
    • Of disquietnesse 112
    • Of ambition ibid.
    • Of feare and hope 113
    • Of the cares of ambitious men 114
    • Of the tranquillity of wise men 115
    • A good man may liue in the corrup­tion of the Court without blemish 116
    • Of the end a good man should pro­pound to himselfe in Court 118
    • Of action and idlenesse 128
    • That euery good man is bound to fol­low the Court. 133
    • Of the entry into the Court 135
    • Of the choice of a friend 136
    • [Page]Of estimation, & how it is gotten 138
    • [...]f the means to purchase friends 141
    • Against dissembling 143
  • A diuision of life into actions and words 145
    • [...]f actions of valour and the conduct of courage 148
    • [...]f modesty in speaking of himselfe, freedome in cōmending others 150
    • Of good offices 152
    • [...]f liberality 155
    • [...]he couetous man 157
    • The Prodigall 158
    • Of Presents 160
    • Of other actions in generall 164
    • Of words which make the second part of the diuision of life 166
    • That iudgment serues for a guide 168
  • Of the entertainment of the Prince 169
    • [Page]Of the first entrance of an honest man to the King, and how it should be made 170
    • Of silence and words neare the King 175
    • He must obserue the Princes inclina­tion 176
    • The Prince a warrier 177
    • A peacefull Prince 178
    • The Prince that loues learning and exercises 179
    • That hee must bee carefull not to dis­please the Prince 180
    • Of respects and impudency 183
    • Important precepts for the entertain­ment of Princes 184
    • Of the submission that must bee vsed in councelling great Princes 186
    • Of obsequiousnesse to Princes 189
    • Against flatterers 190
    • The misfortunes which grow by flat­tery ibid.
    • [Page]What is to bee obserued in begging from his Master 193
    • [...]ee must not bee importune at his Princes pleasures 195
  • [...]f the conuersation of equals 197
    • [...]f errors committed in the conuersa­tion of friends. 199
    • [...]isfortunes that follow counterfeit friends 203
    • [...]f estimation, and the meanes to get it 206
    • [...]dicious spirits haue lesse lustre then they which abound in imaginati­on and memory 208
    • [...]he difference which they conceiue of intellectuall things, & those which fall vnder the exteriall senses 210
    • [...]f opinion, her blindnesse and tyran­ny 213
    • [...]n example to proue the force of o­pinion 215
    • [Page]Another example vpon the same sub­iect 22 [...]
    • The third example vpon the same subiect 22 [...]
    • The Authors excuse vpon the [...] last examples 23 [...]
  • Of the conuersation of great men 23 [...]
    • Of the courtesie of great men in [...] Court, and what esteem they make of good men 23 [...]
    • Of honest respects, and those which are importune 237
    • Against the obstinate makers of com­plements 239
    • Of the equality of humours 243
    • Of the knowledg of honest and sham [...] ­full customes 24 [...]
    • Of the aduantages to bee knowne o [...] great men 249
  • [Page] Generall maximes of con­uersation 251
    • [...] must vanquish his passions and [...]bdue his humors 252
    • [...]he obstinacy of the minde 256
    • [...]pleasing 259
    • [...]n honest man knowes how to liue with fantastique and violent hu­mours 260
    • [...]th mild and cold humours 262
    • [...]th amorous humours 263
    • [...] principall precept of pleasing 267
    • [...] the liberty which is found among honest men. 268
    • [...]gainst great talkers 270
    • [...] the difficulty of keeping silence 271
    • [...] the discommodity of great talkers 274
    • [...]dinary impertinences of great tal­kers 276
    • [Page]Ordinary vices of great talkers 28 [...]
    • Of the difficulty which men haue [...] keepe the secrets which are com­mitted vnto them. 28 [...]
    • An example vpon this subiect 283
  • Of commendation of ho­nest men. 289
    • Of their wisdome 291
    • Of the gouernment of their tongues 292
    • Of their facility to doe good 293
    • Of the mildnesse of their spirits 296
    • Of their manner of exposing what they know. 298
    • Of their modesty to iudge and speak of themselues 299
    • Of their integrity 302
    • Against lyars & periured persōs 303
  • Of Iesting 308
    • That honest iesting giues life to con­uersation 309
    • [Page]That wilfull iesting is dangerous 312
  • Of pleasant words 315
    • [...] the excellency of pleasāt words 316
    • [...] those things which he must obserue 319
    • That he must auoid iesting 320
    • That he must neuer iest vpon miserable men, nor wicked persons 322
    • Nor honest men 324
    • Nor Officers ibid.
    • Nor great men 325
    • Nor himselfe 326
    • Nor his friends 327
    • Nor honest women ibid.
    • [...]incipall rules of pleasant speeches 328
  • [...] the difference of ages, manners, and conditions which must be obserued 330
    • [...]w an honest man should carry [Page] himselfe amidst these different conditions 33 [...]
    • The last precept in the conuersatio [...] of equals 33 [...]
  • Of conuersation with women 338
    • Description of a Circle 340
    • The Queene and Princesses 341
    • The Ladyes 343
    • Maids of honour 344
    • Of the conuersation of the Louver, and of its discommodity 345
    • Of the choice must bee made in the City 347
    • Of small precepts 348
    • Of the exteriour presence 349
    • Of apparrell 351
    • Of the manner of the fashion of apparrell, and of the suting of it 353
    • Of the apparrelling of men 357
  • [Page] Of action which is the soule of words 360
    • [...] the accent of the voyce 361
    • [...]hat they must respect women 364
    • [...] pleasing among women 365
    • [...]easons why they should honour wo­men. 368
    • [...]hat the virtue of women is equall to that of men. 370
    • [...]ow necessary women are in Court 375
    • [...]f the seruices that are to be done to women 377
    • [...]hat the most chaste are many times most subiect to slanders 379
    • [...]ice is odious in the conuersation of women 383
    • [...]f slanderers ibid.
    • [...]f blasphemers 384
    • [...]he obstinate and dull 385
    • [...]he proud ibid.
    • [Page]That iudgment giues order to [...] conduct of life 39 [...]
    • Diuers aduertisements vpon the de­signe of this Treaty 39 [...]
Errata. Emendata.
Page 82 line 13 no not
P. 104 l. 7 it it it is
P. 125 l. 5 belly belye
P. 141 l. 11 sitting fitting
P. 143 marg. quality equality
P. 247 l. 13 he same the same

THE HONEST MAN: OR, The Art to please in Court.

A Table of the Court.

IF Ambiti­on doeth not rayse the whole [...]ame of Princes Courts, [Page 2] yet at the least wee may say that she puffes them vp to that boundlesse growth, as many times it makes euen Soue­raignes to hate their owne glory, and the pompe which doth en­uiron them, proues in­supportable vnto them. The naturall desire which all men haue to attaine vnto honor and riches, ingageth them insensibly in this good­ly confusion, and there are few found which [Page 3] [...] wise enough to auoid [...] surprizall of this [...]asing disease, amidst many obiects which [...] procure it. The King, Princes and great men. Princes [...] great men are about [...]ing like goodly stars, [...]ich receiue all their [...]t from him, but it is [...] confounded in this [...]at light; and al­ [...]ough their brightnes [...]th not appeare but [...]hen they are remote [...]m him, yet it is neuer [...]rious, nor full of [...]tre, but when as this [Page 4] first fountaine of glo [...] poures forth it selfe vpon them and distribute [...] vnto them certain beams of his magnif [...]cence. The greatest pa [...] of the meaner sort consume themselues nea [...] this fire, Meane men. before they ca [...] be warme, and fortune who takes delight to dis­play vpon this Theater the most remarkable tricks of her malice and lightnesse, makes a sport at the ruine of a thou­sand ambitious men, to [Page 5] raise one to the top of [...] precipice, Fortune and the vices which follow her which she [...]pares in a manner [...] all those which suf­ [...] themselues to bee [...]nded with her fauors. [...]uy, Auarice, and Am­ [...]ion, which alwayes [...]end her, raigne par­ [...]ularly with her about [...]ngs, whither they [...]aw an infinite number [...] mercenary spirits, [...]hom the disorder of [...]satiable couetousnes, [...]ill not suffer to con­ [...]in themselues in a life [Page 6] full of sweetnesse an [...] tranquillity, to ca [...] themselues into the t [...]mults wherewith gre [...] Courts (like vnto gre [...] Seas) are continual tossed. There these fur [...] sow hatred and disco [...] amongst those that a [...] nearest allied; they practice treason of all side [...] and make the seeds [...] basenes and cowardiz [...] to spring vp, euen i [...] those soules which naturally haue impression of generosity. They in [Page 7] [...]re so many ruinous [...]signes which arme [...]en one against ano­ [...]er, and make most [...]rishing Monarchies [...]esolate, and in the end [...]ouble the whole frame [...]f humane societie, and [...]iolate the most sacred [...]awes which are obser­ved in the world. A­midst these pernicious dangers which they pro­cure, in my opinion, such as follow them, cannot bee too well ad­uised, Necessi [...] of couns [...] to preserue him­selfe [Page 8] from the misfor­tunes which do accom­pany them: and there is not any man setled in so firme a station, whom the authority of those that are more power­full, or the enuy of his equals, or the malice of those which are vnder him, may not pull down from the top of his greatest prosperi­ties.

The Subiect of this Discourse.

IT is my designe to represent in this Dis­course, as in a little table, the most necessary qua­lities, bee it of minde or body, which hee ought to haue, that desires to make himselfe pleasing in Court. But to imagine that my advice can raise him aboue Fortunes wheele, so as others which haue the like pro­iects [Page 10] may not stay him in climing, Of Pre­ [...]eps, their [...]rofit and [...]eaknesse or pull him down when he shall be mounted; it is a proposi­tion too ridiculous to fall into my resonable sense. Precepts serue but as a guide, and execute nothing of themselues, they facilitate the begin­ning and progresse of those things which you vndertake, but they haue not the power to finish any thing; and there is nothing but the happy birth, which with [Page] these forreine aides, raise a man vnto the height of that perfection, whereof we haue but a grosse Idea.

Of the Birth.

IN the mean time, not to trouble the order which I haue propoun­ded vnto my selfe, to a­bridge as much as possi­bly I may, the infinite number of things which may bee written vpon this subiect; I will first [Page 12] of all say, that I hold it most necessary, that he which will enter into this great commerce of the world, should bee borne a Gentleman, and of a house of some good note. Yet I will not ba­nish all those to whom Nature hath denied this priuiledge. Vertue hath no affected condition, and the examples are frequent enough, of those which from a base birth, haue raised them­selues to heroique acti­ons, [Page 13] and to eminent greatnesse. Of the aduan­tage of Nobility. Yet we must confes, that they which are well borne, haue most commonly, good inclinations, which the others haue but rarely, and it seemes they come vnto these men natural­ly, but are encountred in the others but by chance. There flowes with the blood, certaine seeds of good and euill, which spring vp with time in our soules, and produce in vs good or [Page 14] bad qualities, which cause vs to be beloued, or make vs odious vnto the whole world. They whose Ancestors haue made themselues fa­mous by their memora­ble exploits, finde them­selues in some sort inga­ged to follow the course which is laid open vnto them: And Nobility, which; as a goodly lamp, giues light to all their actions, excites them to vertue by these domestique examples [Page 15] or retires them from vice by the feare of in­famy. And, doubtlesse, as they which are borne among the multitude, do not think themselues bound to exceed those from whom they are ex­tracted; In like sort a man of a good family will hold himselfe wor­thy of blame, if at the least hee should not at­taine vnto the same de­gree of estimation wher­unto his predecessors had mounted. I adde [Page 16] hereunto the opinion of an excellent Master in this Science, who saies that a good birth is a most powerfull charme to gaine the good con­ceit of those whom we desire to please: And there is no doubt, but of two men equally well constituted, which shold present themselues in a­ny assembly, hauing gi­uen no former impressi­on of them, which might make their worths knowne; when as they [Page 17] should come to vnder­stand, that the one is a Gentleman, and the o­ther not, this last must imploy much time, be­fore hee shall purchase that good opinion which the Gentleman hath gotten in a mo­ment by the only know­ [...]edge which they haue [...]ad of his extraction. Besides these reasons, I [...]ay moreouer, that the [...]reheminencies which [...]re tied to Nobility, are [...]o great, as a man of [Page 18] iudgment and courage, which should find him­selfe imbarqued with a fauorable wind in Court, without this aduantage, might fall daily into a thousand occasions, which might cause him to blush, and to hold downe his head.

Of the happinesse of the birth.It is true that in all sorts of conditions, there are found some, who by a secret fauour of hea­uen haue the happinesse to be borne accompani­ed with so many gifts o [...] [Page 19] the minde and body, as it seemes that Nature her selfe hath taken a delight to frame them with her owne hands, and to inrich them with all the charming graces, & most capable to gain mens affections. In like sort there are some found so vnfortunate, as a man may say they are cast into the world by force, or that they are not made but to serue for obiects of sport and scorne to other men. As [Page 20] these with all their care and diligence shal hard­ly make themselues suf­ferable: so the others haue so great a facilitie to doe well, as with lit­tle labour, and in a ma­ner without thinking of it, they become excel­lent in any thing they vndertake, and make themselues pleasing to any one that hath eyes to looke on them. Be­twixt these two ex­treames, there is found a meane of those which [Page 21] haue not receiued such [...]xtraordinary fauors of Nature, neither haue [...]hey any remarkable [...]mperfections; & these [...]ay, with the helpe of [...]recepts, and their con­ [...]inuall care, correct their [...]efects; and in the end [...]eserue the esteeme of [...]hose which giue it. Frō [...]his esteeme, doeth pre­ [...]ently grow that good [...]pinion, which wee would haue our honest Man should learne to [...]et, wheresoeuer hee [Page 22] comes: But to attaynê to this point, I find that the most assured means is, to preoccupate the o­pinions of such, by whom we desire to bee beloued. This is one of the highest mysteries of our Art, which shall be discouered in its place when as I haue repre­sented the principall qualities, which hee should haue that pre­tends to passe for an ho­nest man, before so ma­ny eyes which behold [Page 23] him in Court, and a­midst so great a number of refined wits, from whom the most secret defects cannot bee long concealed.

Of the profession of a Gentleman.

IT seemes then, that as the good birth is not sufficient, if it be not fortunate, so neither of them wil profit much, if they bee not carefully manured. As there is [Page 24] not any man which doth not make choice of some profession to employ himselfe: so in my opinion there is not any more fitting nor more essentiall for a Gentleman; then that of Armes. Hee must bee actiue and earnest, and tie himselfe vnto it as to a thing whereof hee ought to make his ordi­nary practice. The greatest part of other things which are requi­red in him are not held [Page 25] necessary, but so farre forth as they may serue as an ornament to this, & may giue him some lustre, to make him shine with the more grace. Nobility is chief­ly gotten by Armes, and must bee preserued by Armes, and opens a way to great reputa­tion, and so to great honors. It seemes then, He ought to bee an honest man. that the strongest am­bition which hee can haue that weares a sword, is, to bee estee­med [Page 26] a man of courage and hardy, and conse­quently to bee held a man of gouernment, and good. They which ioyne malice to valour are most commonly feared and hated, like sauage beasts, for that hauing the power to do euill, they haue also a will: But they whose good courage is ac­companied with good intentions, are beloued of all the world, and respected as tutelary [Page 27] Angels, whom God entertains amongst vs, to oppose them against the oppression of the wicked.

In the meane time, He must bee curi­ous of his honour. as there is not any man which is not iealous of his reputation, especi­ally in matters of his profession, how much more ought a Gentle­man to bee moued, for that which concernes his Armes, which are the true markes of his Nobility? Herein hee [Page 28] ought to bee exact without curiosity: for, as the honesty of a wo­man hauing been once polluted with some ble­mish, can neuer bee re­stored to its first purity, so it is impossible that the reputation of a Souldier hauing beene once blemished with some base action, can neuer bee well repaird, but there will remaine something to reproach him: Likewise in oc­casions of honor, as in [Page 29] great commands at warre, it is not lawfull to erre twice.

But this point is so nice, Of quar­rels. as most young men, either for want of experience, or by too much heat; and o­thers either for want of iudgment, or some capritious humor, lose themselues by this wretched course. Against quarrels. Here­by wee see daily, that diuine lawes are pro­phaned, that the au­thority of ordinances [Page 30] is violated, and that the clemency of our victorious Monarch is sometimes forced to yeeld vnto his Iustice. The most healthfull remedy that I can finde for this mischiefe, Of the knowledg of quar­rels. which may bee termed incurable hereafter (if this cure bee not put in the number of the Kings miracles) is in my opinion to learne the knowledge of quarrels in time, wher­of they haue made a [Page 31] kind of Science by their much refining them. Most part of those which precipi­ [...]te themselues into [...]his brutish fury, doe it most commonly for [...]eare they should not [...]oe enough, in the ig­norance & vncertain­ [...]y wherein they finde themselues, whether they be obliged to come to this extremity or [...]ot: So being ignorant of the degrees of offen­ [...]es which deserue these [Page 32] bloody satisfactions, we see nothing but ex­amples of extrauagan­cy & humors in these quarrels, and not one beame of true honour which is the most pre­tious treasure of Nobi­lity. It is one of the most insupportable a­buses which hath crept into our age, to ima­gine, as they doe, that true and heroique va­lour doth only consist in fighting; as if this vertue had no exercise, [Page 33] but in the destruction of mankind: It hath more eminent effects, and wee may say that extends it selfe, in a manner, vpon all the most glorious actions of life. I could willing­ly speake more vpon this matter, but my [...]biect cals me back.

I will then say that [...]eare vnto this excel­lent part, Against vanity. there is most commonly found a [...]ice which may bee [...]eld inseparable from [Page 34] those eminent Quali­ties, and which doe in a maner spoile the good fruit which they pro­duce. It is that foolish vanity wherewith most men suffer themselues to be abused, losing the vse of reason. This de­fect is odious, & makes them worthy of con­tempt, which other­wise might deserue great commendations, if they had the patience to attend vntill they were voluntarily gi­uen [Page 35] them, and not pull them away, or seeke to obtaine them by force, as they do in a manner daily. Many of our Valiants would ima­gine that they were not so, if they did not make a thousand sower faces, and as many sauage and ridiculous counte­n [...]nces, to terrifie all the world, by whom these silly men imagin, that they are looked o [...] with feare and ad­ [...]ration. All their dis­courses [Page 36] are vpon the proceedings of En­counters, and combats, and he that should cut off in their entertain­ment, the termes of as­saults & fightings, I be­leeue they would be re­duced for their greatest knowledge, to the com­plements of the French tongue. Their brag­ging is growne to that height of brutishnesse, as they contemne the company of women, which is one of the [Page 37] sweetest and most ho­nest recreations of mans life. Dancing, Musique, and other exercises of a Gentle­man, seem vnto them a kinde of effeminacy, and vnlesse it be to fa­sten a Petard, or to blow vp a Mine, they do not hold themselues worthily employed. This humour, with all words which haue any [...]ncture of pride and sufficiency, ought to be [...]uoided, as most dan­gerous [Page 38] rocks, whereas the good esteeme of a man may suffer ship­wrack.

Of the disposition of the body.

WIth all these ad­uantages of a good birth, and of cou­rage, which are requi­red in any man that will cast himself into the Court; I finde that an able body is most necessary, that hee bee [Page 39] of a goodly stature, ra­ther mean, then to tall, rather slender then too far, his limbs well fashi­oned, strong, supple, actiue, and easie to ac­commodate himselfe to all sorts of exercises, either of war or plea­sure. Hauing all these gifts of nature, it doth import to imploy them, and not only to learne all that is taught in the Academies and Schooles, Of exer­cises. but also all the actions of dexterity [Page 40] which are in vse, and fitting for a Gentle­man. Not to bee a good horsman, nor to know how to manage Armes, it were not on­ly a great disaduan­tage, but also a shame­full ignorance, not to know the essentiall principles of his profes­sion. Other exercises, although lesse necessa­ry, are vsefull in a thou­sand occasions, to gain the esteeme and affecti­on of those by whom [Page 41] wee desire to bee belo­ued. I doe not only ex­act, that hee bee expert in all sorts of mana­ging, as to vault, break a Launce, runne at the Ring, and all the com­bats at Barriers, Tilt and Turney: These actions are too appa­rent, and are too com­mendable in the world, to bee vnknowne by him, that will make himselfe to bee looked on with approbation, and deserue glory and [Page 42] praise. I will also (i [...] it may be) that he lear [...] to play of the Lute, an [...] Gitterne, and Viall, see­ing that our Master and Mistresses are plea­sed there with; that he be skilfull in Hunting that hee bee actiue to Dance, play at Tennice, to Wrastle, to Leap, to Swim, to Shoot and in all other sports which are not so sim­ply honest, but they many times proue pro­fitable. The greatest [Page 43] part of these things [...]ing diuided, are in [...]eth of small mo­ment, but being all v­ni [...]ed together, they make a perfect man, who is not look't on, but with some kind of admiration, especially when they are beauti­f [...]d with the qualities of the minde, which giues them the last li­neaments of perfecti­on. I could desire al­s [...], that hee should not bee ignorant of any [Page 44] games at Hazard which haue course a­mongst great men, Of games of Ha­zard. for that thereby hee may sometimes grow fami­liar in their companies prouided notwithstan­ding, that hee bee no gamester.

Against GamstersVVe must confesse, that of all the vices which are pardoned in honest men, I see none more pernicious, then this vnrestrained heat of Play. They which are onely rich, [Page 45] are not wise if the suf­fer themselues to bee transported with this passion: There are none but great Princes (whose condition can [...]uer bee miserable) which may abandon themselues boldly vn­to it; yet most com­monly with losse, al­though they bee the Masters of Fortune. Amongst the rest wee see few but couetous men, idle persons, and such as are desperate, [Page 46] that dare ingage them­selues in this folly. They Which burnt with a desire of mony, Couetous men. and care not how to imploy all meanes to get it, imagine that there is not any one more easie then this. Those voluptuous and effeminate souls which know not how to im­ploy themselues, Idle persons con­ceiue that there is no any thing more diuer­ting, then to spend their time in this base exer­cise. [Page 47] And they whom Fo [...]une hath reduced [...] [...]hat extremity, Desperat men. as to [...] to day, as if they should die to morrow, [...]ke with reason, to [...]ch that in hazard, [...]ich they durst not [...]pe for by their indu­ [...]. But not to extend [...] selfe farther then [...] proiect will allow [...], it shall suffice to [...], that this frenzy [...]th not only draw an [...]fallible ruine of the [...]ods of Fortune, but [Page 48] it tends to the ruine of the mind. The disqui­etnes & perpetual way­wardnesse which ac­company those which fall into this precipice, are they not strong rea­sons to retire any man that hath any remain­der of iudgment? And all the time and care which a man must im­ploy in this miserable trade, may they not be numbred amongst the greatest losses, which they can make, which [Page 49] are borne to gaine the [...]earts of Kings and Princes?

All the good parts which wee haue pro­duced, Of the naturall grace. are most consi­derable in a Gentle­man, but the fulnesse of these things consists in [...] certaine Naturall Grace, which in all his exercises, yea, and in his least actions, must shine like a little Beam of Diuinity, which is seen in all those which are borne to please the [Page 50] world. This point is so high, as it is aboue the precepts of Art, and cannot be well taught: All the counsell which may be giuen therein, is, that they which haue a good iudgment, for the conduct of their carriage, if they finde not themselues indued with this great gift of Nature, seek to repaire this defect by the imi­tation of the most per­fect examples, and of those which haue a [Page 51] generall approbation. [...]ood education is also [...] great force: for as wee haue often seene young Lyons, to leaue their sauage instinct, and to become famili­ar among men; euen [...] it oftentimes fals [...]ut, that men borne of sowre disposition, haue so vanquished their defects with ex­traordinary care, as they haue done all things by the force of [...]eason, as pleasingly as [Page 52] others by the sole bounty of their naturall dispositions. But how happy are they which need not any instructi­ons to please; and which haue beene, as it were, watred from hea­uen with this grace, which doth rauish the eyes and hearts of all the world. Of affe­ctation and neg­ligence In the meane time, to make this thing of so great importance a little more plaine, I conceiue that we may say, that [Page 53] as this grace whereof we speake, extends ge­ [...]erally to all his acti­ons, and hath an inte­ [...]est in his least discour­ [...]es; there is in like sort [...] generall rule, which serues, if not to get it, yet neuer to stray from [...]. That is, to fly, as [...]rom a mortall preci­ [...]ice, that wretched and [...]mportune affectation, which doth blemish [...]nd defile the goodliest [...]hings, and to vse a [...]ertaine negligence, [Page 54] which doth hide all Art, and doth witnesse that hee doth not any thing but as it were without thought, and without any kind of constraint. This, in my opinion, is the pure spring of a good grace: for euery man know­ing the difficulty they finde in doing excel­lent things well, they admire those with whom they succeed easily; As on the o­ther side the greatest [Page 55] and most rare, lose their [...]ice, when as there ap­ [...]eares any constraint. [...] effect, the blackest malice whereof enuy [...]akes vse to ruine the [...]putation of those which are in good e­ [...]eeme, is to say, that all their actions are made with a designe, [...]nd that all their dis­ [...]ourses are premedita­ [...]d. And therefore Orators haue no grea­ter Art, then to couer it [...] their Orations, the [Page 56] which being on [...] knowne they lose thei [...] credit, and are not able by their eloquence to perswade euen the most simple and ridi­culous.

Of affe­cted neg­ligence.We must also consider vpon this subiect, that affected negli­gence, that apparent contempt, which they vse in their least ge­stures and lookes, a [...] greater vices then too much care, whereof a [...] the fault is to doe wel [...] [Page 57] beyond measure, and [...]ceed the ordinary li­ [...]its. And in truth as [...]ey haue sometimes b [...]amed certaine Pain­t [...]rs, that their works were too perfect, and that they would shew [...]emselues more lear­ned then Nature: The [...]e we may say of ma­ [...]y, who striuing to [...]cell, cast themselues [...]eyond perfection, and [...]atch but the shadow [...]f the good which [...]ey pursue with too [Page 58] much heat. Euen wo­men; Against the affe­ctation of beauty. do they not dai­ly lose that which they seeke with so great pas­sion? There are few seene which desire not to bee faire, or at the least to seeme so. And therefore when nature failes them in this point, they flye vnto Art to succour them: Hence growes so ma­ny ridiculous cares to make their complecti­on smooth, that they may seeme yong; to [Page 59] settle their lookes, to make their eyes plea­ [...]ng, to set their haire [...] order, to make the [...]orhead smooth, to pull [...]way the eye-browes, [...]o make their counte­ [...]ance more pleasing; [...]nd finally to repaire, if [...]hey could, the very li­ [...]eaments, which are [...]mprinted vpon them [...]y the hand of God, as caracters which they cannot deface. Thus wee see that this too visible affectation, and [Page 60] this irregular desire which they haue to seeme faire, is the cause why our eyes suffer in looking on them, and shew plainly, that this grace which they stu­dy, is a lesson which cannot bee learned but by those which seeme they would bee igno­rant of it. Wee cannot deny, that a Lady which after shee hath adorned her self, could doe it so artificially, as they which haue be­held [Page 61] her, were in doubt, [...]ether she had only [...]eam't to adde some­ [...]ng, bee not more p [...]easing then another, [...]ho not content to [...]ele her selfe ouer­ [...]rthened vnder the [...]mp of her apparell, [...]re shew her selfe so [...]aistered, as it seemes [...]ee weares a Maske [...]stead of her counte­ [...]ance, and dares not [...]ugh for feare shee [...]hould shew two fa­ [...]es. These are the de­fects [Page 62] of affectation whereby we may easily iudge, how contra­ry it is to that pleasing simplicity, which shol [...] shine in all the actions both of body and minde.

Of the qualities of the minde.

AS for those of the minde, they are in a manner infinite, and are alwayes excel­lent, when as they haue [Page 63] virtue for their guide, [...]hich as the light of [...] Sunne doth make [...] the obiects to which [...] doth communicate [...] selfe, more beauti­ [...]ll and glorious. Cer­t [...]inly virtue hath more [...]eet and powerfull [...]durements, That virtue is more louely, and vice more odi­ous in great men then in others. when as [...] meets with a man of [...] good fashion and [...]uality, then in ano­ [...]er that is counterfeit, [...]nd of a base conditi­ [...]n. But we must al­ [...]o confesse, that if hee [Page 64] were the most illustr [...]ous & goodliest Princ [...] in the world, if he were found to be vicious, and of a bad constitution, the greatnesse of his birth could no priuiledge him, bu [...] make him to bee ge­nerally hated. They Which will aspire to the conquest of hearts and gaine the loue of the best, and soundest part of men, must first get this inestimable treasure, which hath [Page 65] alwayes been held the [...]eraigne good of [...]se men. Of the aduanta­ges of virtue. Wee may [...] say with truth, that a [...]ong all the things [...]hich wee possesse, [...]rtue onely is not sub­ [...]ct to the Empire of [...]ortune: All the rest [...]pend vpon her ty­ [...]nny: Sometimes she [...]kes delight to ouer­ [...]row Thrones, and [...] trample vpon Scep­ [...]ers and Crownes: [...]ometimes shee makes [...] sport to blemish the [Page 66] lustre of the most flou­rishing beauties, to ru­ine riches, and to de­ceiue the best aduised by vnexpected acci­dents. Only virtue is aboue all her outrages, and the fulnesse of her excellency is, that shee giues admiration to vice it selfe, and doth imprint a respect in the hearts of the wicked. In all sorts of conditi­ons of mans life which we can imagine, virtue ought to bee the first [Page 67] obiect which hee can propound: But shee is so essentially the end of all those which de­sire to bee respected in Court, that although shee bee not seene but with disguises and ble­mishes, yet euery man will make the world beleeue that he inioyes it purely and without Art. The principall meanes which serue to attaine vnto it, are, Of the meanes in gene­rall to at­taine to virtue. in my opinion, good education, diligence &, [Page 68] labour, good custome [...] the conuersation [...] good men, a desire [...] glory, the example [...] his predecessors, an [...] learning.

Of Learning, and the contempt which Gentle­men make of it.

TO speake with truth, Learning is a great ornament & of inestimable price whosoeuer knowe well how to vse it. In [Page 69] the meane time, I know [...]ot by what misfor­ [...]une, it seemes that our Nobility can neuer free [...]hemselues from the [...]lame which forreine Nations haue giuen [...]hem for many ages, to contemne so rare a thing and so befitting their profession. It is certaine that the num­ber is not small in Court, of these ill bred spirits, who by a feeling of brutish stupidity, cannot imagine that a [Page 70] Gentleman can bee learned and a Souldier together. Yet I will not deny, but that lear­ning doth many times encounter with sottish­nesse and extrauagan­cy. There are but too many of those, to whom the Greeke and the Latine haue serued to no other vse, but to make them more im­pertinent and obstinate, and who, instead of bringing from their stu­dies a soule full of wis­dome [Page 71] and mildnesse, [...]ue beene puft vp [...]th Chimeraes and [...]ide.

Yet wee must con­ [...]sse, Of the excellen­cy of lear­ning, and how fit­ting it is chiefly for Gentle­men. that when this [...]nowledge fals into an exquisite spirit, it [...]oth produce such [...]onderfull effects, as wee may say that such [...] doe professe it, haue [...]me things aboue a [...]an, and are eleuated [...] a condition approa­ [...]ing to diuinity. A­ [...]oue all it is gracefull [Page 72] and most necessary for those which ar [...] borne to great for­tunes, and it seeme its proper vse is to be [...] imployed in the go­uernment of people, to lead Armies, to pra­ctice the friendship of a Prince or forreine Nation, to negotiate treaties betwixt Kings, and in all other emi­nent actions which as­sure the authority of Soueraignes, & makes estates to florish. Who [Page 73] doth not see on the o­ [...]her side, that shee lo­ [...]eth her estimation and grace, in common hands, and that being [...]as it is) of a noble es­sence, it is a shamefull exercise to see it crawle and languish as it doth at this day in the Schooles of the Vni­uersity; among the suits and tumults of the Palace, and amidst the contestations, whereas Physitians exercise thē ­selues vpon the liues of [Page 74] men. What opinion we ought to haue of learning. But do I not exact a perfect knowledge of the Sciences, which the Ancients called En­cyclopaedia, and which certaine spirits, sicke with too much curiosi­ty, haue foolishly ad­mired, as the Soue­raigne good of life. I esteeme Bookes in re­gard of tne profit which men may draw from them, and I loue them as one of the sweetest and most in­nocent pleasures that [Page 75] a virtuous man can choose: But I doe not referre so much vnto them, as to beleeue that their instructions can make vs happy or vn­fortunate, nor that our contentment depends upon the opinion of those men, which did not alwayes discourse with more reason then they doe at this day. Whatsoeuer they be­ [...]eue, Of the Sciences which an honest man shold learne. I do not hold it necessary, that he shold [...]ouble himselfe with [Page 76] all the quarrels of Phi­losophy, which it may bee would consume▪ mans whole age vn­profitably. And hee might reap more bene­fit in studying in the great Booke of the world, then in Aristo­tle; Of questi­ons of Philoso­phy. it is sufficient if hee haue a resonable tas [...] of the most pleasing questions, which are sometimes propoun­ded in good company. I desire rather that hee should bee passably in­structed [Page 77] in many Sci­ences, then solidly pro­found in one alone; seeing that our life is too short to attaine vn­ [...] the perfection of the [...]ast of those which [...]ey propound vnto [...]s: And that he which [...]n speake but of one [...]ing, is bound many [...]mes to hold his peace: [...]et him bee skilfull in [...]e Mathematiques, Of the Mathe­matiques [...]e which is vsefull [...]or a Captaine, to for­ [...]fie regularly, and to [Page 78] draw plots; to adde substract, multiply, and diuide, to make the practice easie, to frame Batalions; let them learne the vpper and lower Spheare, and make his eare capable to iudge of the delicacy of the tunes of Mu­sique: It doth not much import, that hee should pierce into the secrets of Geometry, and the subtilties of Algebre, nor suffer himselfe to be rauished [Page 79] with the wonders of Astrologie. As for the gouernment of a fa­mily, Of house gouern­ment. it is sooner lear­ned by vse then by rea­ [...]g, and if the Court [...]th furnish a thou­ [...]nd examples of pro­ [...]sion, it hath also ma­ [...] others of good hus­ [...]ndry. Of the Politiques and Hi­story. The Politicks a [...]d Morals are his true [...]iences, and History (which hath beene al­waies termed the stu­ [...] of Kings) is not [...]uch lesse necessary [Page 80] for those which follow them. It is, doubtlesse the pure fountaine o [...] ciuill wisdome. All the difficulty is to make choise of good Au­thors, Of the choice of Histories. wherof the number is not infinite: I wi [...] make no difficulty to extend my selfe some­what freely in naming the best, for that I know most of our Gentlemen apply not themselues vnto it, for want of knowledge of those whose reading [Page 81] may profit them. Be­ [...]ld the iudgment [...]hich an able Critique giues of some of them, [...] the which he ads no­ [...]ing, but that, which [...] my opinion, he shold [...]ot haue forgot. A­ [...]ong the Grecians, Iudgment of the best Histori­ans. [...]erodotus, Thucidides, [...]enophon, and Polibius, [...]re the most esteemed. Herodo­tus. The first hath such [...]harming graces in his [...]anguage, as hee giues [...]o Fables the authority [...]f a History. The se­cond [Page 82] is graue, aboun­ding in sentences, Thucidi­des. suc­cinct in his stile; elo­quent in his Orations, and sound in his iudg­ments. The third is pleasing and faithfull and in his workes, Xenophon sub­iects may learne to o­bey, and Princes to reigne. And for the last, good Iudges hold, that hee is not so exact as Thucidides, but he is no lesse profitable. His Maximes agree better with ours, Polibius. hee is very [Page 83] sufficient, & when as he [...]mes to stray, it is but to instruct and to make them that reade him more capable. Plutarch [...]th not properly writ­t [...] a History, Plutarch. but parts of a History; yet hee is worthy to bee an or­dinary companion to [...]ose which desire to [...]ntertaine great men. His iudgment is so [...]eat, as hee casts forth [...]ames able to enligh­ [...]en the grossest vnder­ [...]tandings, and doth o­pen [Page 84] an easie way [...] guide a man to wi [...]dome and virtue. Among the Latines, Tacitus. Tac [...]tus (according to th [...] opinion of all politicians) holds the firs [...] ranck, and one of hi [...] admirers preferres his before Titus Liuius, i [...] not for eloquence, ye [...] at the least for instructi­ons, which is the pa [...] which wee now consi­der. Who can better comprehend so many things in so few words, [Page 85] then he hath done, and [...]midst the thornes of his narration, cause so much grace and ma­iesty to flourish? what [...]ror is there in man­ [...]ers which hee doth not reprehend? in [...]ounsels, which hee [...]oth not reueale; and [...] causes, which hee [...]oth not teach? Cer­ [...]ainly hee is admirable [...] one thing, whereof [...] man would say hee [...]euer thought, and [...]oth that excellently, [Page 86] which it seemes he had no will to doe; for without troubling the order and course of those truths which hee relates, hee doth not forbeare to adde pre­cepts, with a dexterity like vnto those, which know how to worke Pearles and Diamonds with gold and silke ar­tificially, so as this Book is not only a Hi­story, but a fertile field of councell, and a per­fect lesson of wisdome. [Page 87] It is true, that as hee is sharp, piercing, and suc­cinct, so they which read him, must haue a quicke and apprehen­siue vnderstanding, lest they finde that obscu­rity wherewith some haue taxed them. Sa­lust, without doubt, Salust. would depriue him of this eminent glory, if we had all that he hath written, but by the lit­tle which wee haue re­mayning, all that wee can say, is to iudge that [Page 88] hee had a genius like vnto Thucidides. Titus Livius for the greatnes and maiesty of the Hi­story, Titus Liuius. for the purenesse and copiousnesse of discourses, and for the full eloquence of Ora­tions, is the first of all. But hee is more barren in sentences, and in­structs rather by the multitude of examples, then by the abundance of iudgments. It suf­ficeth to say of Caesar, and of Quintus Curtius, Caesar. [Page 89] that they ought to bee familiar companions to a good Captaine. The one hath words worthy of his memo­rable exploits, which haue made the whole earth to tremble, and brought vnder the yoake the most proud, and indomable liber­ty that euer raigned in Commonwealths. And the other might in some sort comfort A­lexander, Quintus Curtius. for that hee liued not in the time of [Page 90] Homer; seeing hee hath by his writing reuiued his glory with so great aduantage. After these there are many others which haue appeared from age to age, Of other Historians in ge­nerall. and the which wee may hold to be very good: But wee may likewise say, that they serue ra­ther to content the cu­riosity of such as loue the diuersity of Histo­ries, then to teach wis­dome. Aboue all things I hold it profitable and [Page 91] gracefull, not to be ig­norant of the princi­pall things which haue past with vs and with our neighbours in our times, and if it may be, to know the beginning and continuance of so many Realmes estates, and different gouern­ments which are raised vpon the ruines of one Empire.

Yet I do not beleeue that the knowledge of all these things, Of expe­rience & iudgment is an assured meanes to at­taine [Page 92] vnto wisdome they serue but as a ligh [...] to those which seeke it▪ Her seat is in the vn­derstanding, and no [...] in the memory, and exprience it selfe (o [...] whom they say shee is the daughter) proues sometimes a stepmo­ther, and doth precipi­tate rather then guide her. Shee brings a fa­cility to execute speedi­ly, but in doubtfull e­uents, whereas exam­ples faile, she remaines [Page 93] confounded without the support of this pre­dominant power of the soule, to whom a­lone is reserued the glo­ry of resoluing. The number of occurents which may happen in the life of man is in­finite; euery day doth produce a multitude, and in the continuance of so many ages past, you shall finde few e­uents so conformable one vnto the other, but you may obserue [Page 94] some notable difference.

Moreouer you shal hardly finde, that ma­ny persons which haue attained to the same end, haue gone one and the same way: as likewise they which haue vsed the same meanes haue not al­wayes attained to the same end. Delaies haue sometimes beene the cause of great victories, so haue they beene the losse of famous battels. [Page 95] Whosoeuer is not na­turally capable to dis­cerne the times, and to consider of the variety of circumstances in all occasions which are offered, shall neuer reap much fruit by his experience, nor by Hi­story: And the Lawes themselues teach vs, that to iudge soundly of occurrents, the ex­ample doth not suffice without the rule. I con­fes, that it is most pro­fitable to haue seene [Page 96] and practised many things, and to know many accidents which are past: not that they serue to dispose well of the present, but for that in the different succes­ses, the vnderstanding is quickned, which doth excite and pro­duce in subtile and pier­cing spirits, certaine seeds of wisdom, which nature had concealed: so as by the multitude of these examples, wee see in the end that this [Page 97] rule followes, by the meanes whereof the vnderstanding is made capable to iudge.

Besides the Sciences and History, Of wri­ting well in Prose. it is so ne­cessary to frame him­selfe to a good stile of writing, bee it for seri­ous matters, or for complements; bee it for loue, or for so ma­ny other subiects, wher­of the occasions grow daily in Court, that they which haue not this facility, can neuer [Page 98] expect any great im­ployments, or hauing them, they must attend an vnfortune successe. To make verses is an exercise more pleasing then necessary, Of Poêsie and which by the malice of ignorant men is fal­len into contempt, the which should couer the confusion of our age. In effect, it is a shame­full thing to see that this admirable language, whereof the wise men of antiquity did be­leeue, [Page 99] that their gods [...]ade vse in heauen, [...]ould without reason [...]ee so disesteemed, as their Altars are not re­ [...]erenced. The chiefe beginning of this abuse [...]rodeeds from so ma­ [...]y wretched Poets which prophane Poë­ [...]ry, in whose hands it [...]oseth its estimation and glory. The num­ber is so small of those which may worthily attaine to such high mysteries, as the best [Page 100] ages could hardly pro­duce two or three that were excellent in this diuine perfectiō, which admits no meane. Of Pain­ting and Musique. Pain­ting and Musicque are so inseparably tied vn­to it, as the one passeth for a silent Poeme, and the other for the soule of Poetry. To finish this long repetition of Arts and Sciences, I say that one of the most particular studies of a Courtier ought to bee the knowledge of Lan­guages: [Page 101] And if hee [...]ndes the dead too dif­ficult, and those which are liuing and in vse too many in number, [...]et at the least, let him vnderstand and speake French, Italian, & Spa­nish, for that they doe concurre better with ours, and haue more course then any other, both in Europe, and a­mong Infidels.

Of the ornaments of the soule.

WIth these aduan­tages of the bo­dy and minde, wherof wee haue hitherto dis­coursed, I desire hee should be indued with the true ornaments of the soule, that is to say, with christian virtue, which comprehend all the morall. The foun­dation of all is religi­on, Of Reli­gion and faith. which, in my opi­nion, is no other thing, [Page 103] but a true feeling wee haue of God, and a firme beleefe of the mysteries of our fayth. Without this principall there is no integrity, and without integrity no man can bee plea­sing, no, not to the wic­ked: let vs then beleeue that God is, and that hee is an eternall wis­dome, an infinite boun­ty, and an incompre­hensible virtue, whose definition is not to haue any; who hath [Page 104] neither beginning no [...] ending, and of whom the most perfect know­ledge that we can haue is to confesse that wee cannot know enough. It is true, that it it a dan­gerous presumption to speake the truth. But how abhominable is the weaknesse of that new and proud sect of frantique spirits, Against Atheists. who hauing not submission nor reuerence enough to humble their weak and blinde vnderstan­dings, [Page 105] before this grea [...] and immortall Light and finding no pro­portion betwixt their grosse and ignorant discourses & the won­ders of this holy and first essence, dare ex­ceed so farre in their impiety, as to deny [...]thing which the Birds [...]ublish, brute Beasts [...]cknowledge, the most [...]nsēsible things proue, [...]ll nature doth con­fesse, & before whom the Angels tremble, [Page 106] and the Deuils ben [...] their knees.

Of the o­ther vir­tues in generall.Vpon this great an [...] firme support of Religion all the other virtues must be grounded which after they hau [...] made vs agreeable vnto God, they make vs pleasing vnto men, and giue vs a certaine se­cret satisfaction to our selues, Of the feare of God. which makes vs to enioy a solid peace in the midst of the di­stractions of the Court It is the feare of God [Page 107] which is the beginning of this true wisdome, which comprehends all the precepts which Philosophy hath giuen us to liue well: It is this feare which makes vs hardy in dangers, which fortifies our [...]ope, which guides our [...]esignes, which orders our maners, and makes vs to bee cherished by good men, and feared by the wicked. By her we appeare good with­out hypocrisie, deuout [Page 108] without superstition discreet without malice, modest and humble without basenesse and generous withou [...] arrogancy. Whosoeue [...] feeles himselfe furnish­ed with this treasure and with the qualities which wee haue represented, and moreouer supported by a good naturall vnderstāding, to assure his carriage, may boldly expose him­selfe in Court, and pre­tend to bee respected [Page 109] with esteeme and ap­probation.

Of a Courtiers life.

[...]T is true, that there [...]are an infinite nūber of reasōs which might diuert any man that knowes the miseries; and it had beene better for many to haue had but one vnknown vir­tue, then a life so full of lustre and danger. Euery man sees, that the corruption is in a [Page 110] manner generall, and that the good which is done, is without any designe, and the euill as it were by professi­on. Of serui­tude. Seruitude is so ne­cessary, as it seemes that the liberty which a man reserues to him­selfe, is an usurpation which he makes vpon the Soueraignes autho­rity, who hath for his noblest obiect the glo­ry to extend his Em­pire vpon the wils as well as ouer the liues [Page 111] and fortunes of his subiects. And what can be more vnworthy of the condition of a wise man, then to sub­iect his reason to that of another, whose (it may be) is dazled with the splendor of his glo­ry and pompe? Of toiles. To this troublesome condition are tied a thousand paines & toiles, which spring from this furi­ous heat, which they haue to testifie their af­fection to great men, [Page 112] & to giue them proofe of their perfect serui­tude: Of dis­quietnesse so as they hold themselues the most vnfortunate, whose sweatings they spare, and whose quiet they do not disquiet. If to the toyle of the body they did not adde that of the minde, the best part would faile to ac­complish his misery, that is engaged in this kinde of life. Of ambi­tion. Ambiti­on which consumes him, and the insatiable [Page 113] desire of wealth and honour which torture him, make him to con­ceiue a thousand pro­iects aboue his strength. The body in the end vanquished by weak­nesse and wearinesse, yeelds, the spirit only (to its losse) is infatiga­ble, and whilest the members rest, it afflicts it selfe with a thousand cares which deuoure it. Feare assaults it, and makes it to sinke, Of feare and hope. and hope supports it and [Page 114] releeues it, to giue it in prey to this first feare; and in this intestine warre, are stirred vp all the other passions, which nourish a secret hell in our souls, whose torments cannot be ex­pressed. Of the cares of ambiti­ous men. In an instant wee must thinke of the means to preserue that which wee enioy, to attaine to that which wee want, to frustrate the attempts of those which crosse vs, to sur­mount hatred and en­ [...]y, [Page 115] to keepe back such [...]s will goe before vs, [...] hinder those which [...]ollow vs, and it seemes [...]hat euery mans health [...]oth not so much con­ [...]st in his owne preser­ [...]ation, as in the ruine of others. Of the tranquil­lity of wise men. How much more sweet and calme is the life of wise men, who haue peace with themselues, and know how to entertaine it with all the world? These, saith Aristotle, are gods among men; [Page 116] and if it bee lawfull to speak boldly in words, we may say, that God is an Eternall VVise­man, and that a wiseman is a god for a time. A good man may liue in the corrupti­on of the Court without blemish. In the meane time, mauger all these reasons and difficulties, a wise man may in the middest of vices and corruptions, preserue his virtue pure and without blemish. There is nothing required but good designes, and al­though the hell of the [Page 117] damned bee not full but of good intenti­ons, yet that of the Court being accompa­nied with lawfull and resonable thoughts, it will haue no troubles but they will be easie to support. Of all the er­rors of the minde, there is none so dangerous as not to see the end that is propounded vnto vs; and commonly they see, that of the true knowledge, and wise election of a good end, [Page 118] depends the conduct and successe of those things wee vndertake. Wherefore their most profitable knowledge that will liue in Court, is to vnderstand what may be the most wor­thiest subiect of so dan­gerous a commerce.

Of the end a good man should propound to him­selfe in Court.VVhen as men v­nite their desires and willes in any one thing, there is great likelihood that they hope for support and aduantage, and those [Page 119] things w ch they desire by a common consent are most comōnly such as they beleeue to bee most noble, most per­fect, and most profi­table. The consent they bring to obey one alone, is a signe that they hold this kinde of gouernment more ex­cellent then all others: As in effect the true and lawfull power of Soueraignes is nothing but the tying and vni­ting of Authority and [Page 120] Iustice for the preser­uation of the publique good. And consequent­ly all they which haue subiected themselues to this power, aspire to approach neare vnto it, and seek to maintain it with the hazard of their liues & fortunes. And therfore the good of the Prince is not se­parated from that of the State, whereof hee is the soule and heart aswell as the head: and the good of priuate [Page 121] men is not considera­ble in the generall, but so farre forth as it is profitable to the Prin­ces person, from whom alone they expect all the good and euill which is dispersed in the body of the Mo­narchy. This being true, and it being like­wise true, that euery thing tends to an end, as to the fulnesse of its perfection; what more worthy obiect can a wise Courtier haue, [Page 122] then the honor to serue his Prince well, and to loue his interests more then his owne. It is the onely marke hee should propound vnto himselfe: All the rest are false and deceitfull: and degenerate either into basenesse or ma­lice: and what end so­euer they shall make choice of, it will not only be vncertaine, but also full of disquietnes and discontents, wher­of the occasions grow [Page 123] hourely by multitudes, [...]n this great confusion of men, which aspire all to one end, which [...]s the fauour of their Master. The course of nature and Iustice is easie, safe, and inno­ [...]ent, and euery proiect which strayes from the [...]ules of Reason, hath error for its guide, and punishment doth fol­ [...]ow it. Whosoeuer seeks a good thing contrary [...]o his duty, deserues to encounter a certaine e­uill, [Page 124] or a dangerous good: But the fault is only in him which in­dures the paine, and it is not so much the condition and nature of the Court, which drawes these misfor­tunes after it, as it is a iust punishment to doe euill in Court. I know well that the couetous and ambitious will finde this maxime ve­ry rigorous, but what law can bee both iust and pleasing vnto [Page 125] them? Let them only consider (if they haue any remainder of vir­tue and iudgment) that they bely their profes­sions, and betray the Princes desire, who re­spects no other thing of them, but that they should loue the good of the estate, more then theire owne priuate ad­uantages; and that in doing the contrary, they ouerthrow the or­der of reason, which requires that the in­terest [Page 126] of priuate men, should yeild to that of the publique. Let them also consider, that Iu­stice and nature, pre­ferre the preseruation of the head and heart, before all the other members, and that the Prince himselfe is obli­ged to this law which they finde so hard, see­ing that the health, of his people, ought to be as deare vnto him as that of his person. When as honours and [Page 127] fauors are offred them [...] this kinde, they will [...]nde them so much [...]he more sweete and [...]leasing, for that they [...]aue sought them and [...]otten them by lawfull [...]eanes: and if they [...]nfortunately faile of [...]em, they will beare [...] without murmuring, & comfort themselues, [...]nowing that they had [...]eserued them, and [...]at it was onely For­ [...]nes fault that they [...]id not enioy them.

[Page 128] Of action and idle­nesse.All these great aduantages both of min [...] and body, which h [...]therto I haue represen­ted, are in trueth of [...] difficult acquisition, & of a painefull practice▪ But in the course of mans life, the know­ledge of things, how perfect soeuer it bee, i [...] but a fruitlesse treasure▪ if it be not accompani­ed with action and practice. A Gentlema [...] which shall be endue [...] with all the gifts ca [...]pable [Page 129] to please, and to [...]urchase estimation, [...]hould make himselfe [...]nworthy to enioy [...]hem, if instead of ex­ [...]osing them to this [...]reat light of the Court, [...]e should go and hide [...]hem in his village, & communicate them [...]nly to rude and igno­ [...]ant people. Action a­ [...]one doth distinguish [...]ower and weaknesse, [...]nd we cannot obserue [...]he difference that is [...]ound betwixt a great [Page 130] Minister of State, and a poore wretched Arti­ficer, whilest they are both asleepe. Rest in great men is a crime, and Idlenes doth make equall the valour of good Captaines, and the wisdome of Philo­sophers, to the basenes of Cowards, and to the folly of ignorant men. If virtue were a barren good, and without fruit, she had reason to seeke darknesse and so­litarinesse; but seeing [Page 131] shee is naturally incli­ [...]ed to ingender in o­ [...]er minds a dispositi­ [...]n like vnto her owne, [...]nd that her most wor­ [...]y exercise is to com­municate her selfe, who [...]an without iniustice mother the seeds in fa­ [...]age places, remote [...]rom the commerce of men? To make this [...]ruth more apparent, doe wee not see that those bodies which ap­proch nerest to the seat of diuinity, haue the [Page 132] least rest? The heauens, as the nearest to the fountaine of all perfe­ction, moue with an infatigable swiftnesse; the earth on the other side, as a dull and hea­uy masse, and which doth participate lesse of that celestiall vigor, remaines immoueable, and in a manner with­out action. Whatsoe­uer any thing hath good, it is discerned by action, and this fain [...] and effeminate idlenes, [Page 133] which is obserued, is [...]o other thing but the [...]ecessity of a defectiue [...]ature. That eue­ry good man is bound to follow the Court. This being [...]ue, euery man whose [...]ondition seemes to in­ [...]ite him to follow great men, and who feeles [...]is soule full of good [...]ntentions, is hee not [...]ound to goe and sup­ply a place, which, it may be, a wicked man will get, whose coun­sell, without doubt, would proue pernici­ous to the whole estate, [Page 134] if he had meanes to ge [...] the Princes eare open vnto him? Here an honest man (whom I do not distinguish from a good man) must en­deuour to be profitable to his country, and ma­king himselfe pleasing to all the world, hee is bound not to benefit himselfe onely, but the publique in like man­ner, and particularly his friends, which shall be all virtuous.

By the purchase of [Page 135] [...]ch friends, Of the entry into Court. I desire [...]at they which will [...]e pleasing, should [...]ake their first entry [...]to the Court. When [...] any one comes new [...]nd vnknowne, I hold [...] most necessary, that [...]ee stay some time to [...]onsider the estate of [...]o tempestuous a sea, [...]efore hee imbarque [...]imselfe, to the end hee may haue leasure to [...]ake his distances, and [...]o make his proiects with discretion and [Page 136] dexterity. Of the choice of a friend. The most intricate difficulty which is found at this entry is to know how to make choice of a friend which is faithfull, iudi­cious, and of experi­ence, who may giue vs good directions, and let vs see, as in a table, the customes which are obserued, the pow­ers which reigne, the factions and parties which are in credit, the men which are estee­med, the women which [Page 137] are honored, the man­ [...]ers & fashions which [...]re in course, and ge­ [...]erally all the things which cannot be lear­ [...]ed but vpon the place. These instructions are [...]o much the more ne­cessary, for that the er­ [...]ours which are com­mitted in the begin­ning, are in a manner irreparable, and leaue an opinion of vs, which many times is not for­gotten vntill wee bee ready to retire both [Page 138] from the Court an [...] world. Of esti­mation, and how it is got­ten. The first an [...] most profitable lesso [...] which they can pra­ctice, is, at their en­trance, to gaine the o­pinion of great men, and honest men, and to striue to deserue the fa­uour of those women which haue the repu­tation to giue estimati­on vnto men, and to make them passe for such as they please, as there are some found, that haue gotten this [Page 139] prerogatiue, the solid [...]ndation of this opi­ [...]n is virtue and me­ [...] but if it bee not a [...]pinesse neare ap­ [...]aching vnto a mi­ [...]le, we should many [...]es haue leasure to [...]w old before wee [...]uld make our worth [...]own, if we were not [...]sted by the esteeme [...] those that loue vs, [...]o are likewise them­ [...]ues esteemed. Wher­ [...]re the assistants of [...]s first and faithfull [Page 140] friend, whereof we haue spoken, may eas [...]ly purchase vs the fa­uour of many other [...] friendship being as it [...] a good which take delight to communi­cate it selfe among vir­tuous persons, and which like to a bur­ning torch, kindles as many as they please▪ So as in this multitude of different iudgments and of spirits busied with such variety of obiects, who doe not [Page 141] trouble thēselues much [...] examine strictly the [...]erit of those which [...]esent themselues, we [...]ay say, that they are [...]hers which giue vs [...]his esteeme, and that [...]e only are to preserue [...]. Of the meanes to pur­chase friends: But seeing that these friends are so necessary [...] good, it is fitting they should know by what meanes they may bee gotten. And not to [...]nsist vpon the infinite number of Elogies and Phrases, which all wise [Page 142] men haue giuen to the noble passion, by t [...] which our wils and in­terests are vnited, [...] not busying my [...] with so many pleas [...] questions which [...] made vpon this subiect [...] I will say in a wor [...] that to make himself worthy of loue, he must know how [...] loue. This is the [...] and abridgment of [...] the precepts; and [...] this Science doth no [...] fall into vulgar spirits [Page 143] so it belongs onely to those which are full of [...] noble generosity, to produce the effects, and to frame a perfect Idaea. The extreme liberty, [...]he iust pleasing, the [...]ound fidelity, the true confidence, the facility to oblige, and the feare to displease, are appa­rent tokens: But the motion of the heart is the true Iudge, and the soueraigne Arbitrator. They which deceiue vnder these shewes; Again dissem­bling. [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 144] and haue nothing but their vanity, for the ob­iect of the good office which they doe, and who dazle the eye of the credulous wit [...] these illusiōs, of friend­ship and counterfei [...] imbracings, they do [...] soone or late disgrace themselues, and draw vpon them a publique hatred. Contrariwise, they which loue with­out art, are most com­monly beloued in the like manner, and as i [...] [Page 145] is an effect of virtue to produce her selfe, so this treasure of friend­ship multiplies infinite­ly when it is in its pu­rity.

A diuision of life into actions and words.

OVR whole life is imployed and consumed in a­ctions and words, let our friends haue al­wayes the best; and those which are indif­ferent [Page 146] will suffice for the common sort. But vpon this diuision, it is necessary to ground the discourse of that which remaines for him to doe, who wee conceiue hath not any other need, but to pre­serue the estimation which they haue gotten him, which haue com­mended him in Court. Wee will come to words, when we haue discoursed of effects. Among the greatest actions, which make [Page 147] [...]e life of a Gentleman [...]orious, those of va­ [...]r are, without doubt, [...]e most eminent and [...]ommendable. This [...]irtue holds the first [...]nck in the opinion of [...]ur Nobility, and as [...]hey are naturally war­ [...]ke, and the exercise [...]f Armes being their [...]ue and essentiall pro­ [...]ession, so they haue [...]mposed vpon it so e­minent a name, as it [...]omprehends all the [...]ther virtues. He must, [Page 148] without doubt, Of actions of valour and the conduct of courage. haue resolute courage, and firme resolution to dy [...] a thousand times rathe [...] then to yeeld to an [...] basenesse. But if thi [...] foundation by not sup­ported by conduct an [...] dexterity, he wil hardly purchase that esteeme by the meanes whereo [...] he may winne the in­clinatiō of those which know how to value merit. He which find himselfe in occasions either of a battell, or o [...] [Page 149] an assault, or in a skir­mish, or in any other [...]ke encounters, must [...]unningly seeke to se­ [...]arate himselfe from [...]he multitude, and per­ [...]orme his great and [...]ard exploits in the [...]east company that may be, wherewith he [...]esires to make his [...]ourage famous. Let [...]im endeauour aboue [...]ll things, to doe well [...]n the view of the chief [...]f the Army, and if it [...]ay bee, in the Kings [Page 150] eye. How many he­roique actions, and worthy of memory haue beene smothered in the presse and mul­titude of simple souldi­ers, and how vnfortu­nate is their valor who haue none but merce­nary men for specta­tours, who fight lesse for honour then for booty. Of mode­sty in speaking of himself and free­dome in The fulnesse of this virtue is his mo­desty, to speak discreet­ly of his owne actions, and his freedome in [Page 151] highly commending [...]hose which haue made [...]hemselues worthy. commen­ding o­thers. Hereby wee suppresse [...]heir enuy which op­pose themselues against our glory: And as this manner of proceeding as generous, so the commendations which we giue vnto another haue this aduantage, as they procure vs the acclamations and prai­ses of those whom our deeds haue obliged. Let vs then bind vnto vs [Page 152] as many as we may by good words, and by solid effects. Of good offices. This is the second part of acti­ons which makes vs to bee esteemed and che­rished by all the world. They which are offi­cious can neuer wan [...] friends, & they which want no friends can neuer faile of good for­tune. They are not regarded but as men borne for good, and they finde something defectiue in their con­dition [Page 153] which haue not [...]he happinesse to bee [...]nowne. It is a sweet [...]atisfaction to a minde well bred, neuer to bee wanting to doe seruice where it is needfull, and they are happy which hauing a will haue also the power: To succour the miserable, to beare a part with the sor­rowes of an afflicted man, to assist the weak­nesse of those which are opprest by an vn­iust power, to preuent [Page 154] by our seruices the prai­ers of such as haue need of our assistance, to protect the innocent, to second the designes of good men, to recon­cile quarrels, to pacifie differences, to smother the bad affaires of the obstinate and weake, and finally, wholly to imploy his minde, au­thority, and industry, not to doe any thing but what is good: Are not these actions, if not diuine, yet at the least [Page 155] more then humane, especially in an age wheras humanity seems to bee banished out of the world? Whosoeuer hath an inclination to these things, is, with­out doubt, affected to liberality. Of Libe­rality. This virtue holds a great ranck a­mong the principall actions of life, and they which can, and haue a will to practice it, can­not faile to please: See­ing there are few men [...], but it doth [Page 156] tame and winne. It must haue discretion for a guide, for other­wise it would degene­rate into profusion, and so ruine it selfe, and consume the matter which should entertain it. It must be without art or vanity, but with­out good gouernment it cannot long subsist. Shee must know her owne forces, and con­tain her selfe in so pure a mediocrity, as neither avarice nor prodigali­ty [Page 157] may euer blemish [...]r: for as Valor tem­ [...]rs that heat of cou­rage which makes dan­ [...]rs seeme lesse then [...]ey are, and disperseth [...]are, which makes them to seeme greater; [...]o Liberality brings a moderation betwixt the insatiable desire of [...]etting, and the blinde contentment of giuing. The couetous man is pleased to bury his gold [...]n his coffers, The coue­tous man. and to hide it from the Sunne, [Page 158] which doth produce it his vnmeasured heat to gather riches cannot be satisfied, and it is like vnto fire, which the more matter it encoun­ters, the more it de­uoures. The prodigal man on the other side poures forth his good [...] vnprofitably in idle ex­pences, The Pro­digall. and doth not impart it to any, but to vicious persons, and such as are most rio­tous: So as the subtile Stoicks had reason to [Page 159] compare his riches to [...]ose fruits which grow on precipices, and [...]me to bee onely for [...] vse of rauening [...]ds, and wild beasts. [...]t he that is truely li­ [...]rall, knowes how to [...]ue without losing [...]at which he giues, & [...]e vnto those goodly [...]rings, which neuer [...]ying vp, furnish the [...]owers & herbes with much water as shall [...]ee needfull to keepe [...]em fresh and in vi­gour, [Page 160] so hee knowes how to imploy his bounty vpon honest men, and not to draw the bottome of his li­berality dry. Hee will learne the art to make his presents in good sort, Of pre­sents. and to accompany them with iudgment, so as nothing shall seem [...] little that hee giues. And doubtlesse, the rarenesse is many times more cōsiderable then the magnificence: In winter a Nosegay of [Page 161] Roses well preserued, of inestimable price [...]o a curious Lady; and [...]n the spring, a ripe A­ [...]ricock is worthy to be serued to a Queenes [...]able. Wherefore wee must obserue the things which may please him whom we desire to ob­ [...]ige; and seeing it is in our choice to giue what we please, let vs haue a care that the thing which wee desire they should receiue from vs may last long, to the [Page 162] end that our present may bee in some so [...] immortall. In this so ingratefull persons an [...] forced not to forget them, for that their me­mory is often refreshe [...] by the obiects which their eyes represent vn­to them. But aboue all things, he must haue a speciall care, not to present any thing that may be vnprofitable or vnseemely: as to pre­sent monsters to a wo­man great with child, [Page 163] Looking-glasses to a [...]ule creature, Gloues a religious person, [...]ooks to an ignorant [...]an, and Armes to a [...]hilosopher, who loues [...]othing but his books, [...]ally not to faile in [...]is practice, it doth [...]waies import to con­ [...]der the rancke, the [...]ge, the reputation, the [...]eanes, and the birth [...]f those to whom wee will shew our libera­ [...]ty.

But not to insist [Page 164] longer to examine al [...] the kinds of actions, Of other actions in generall. i [...] shall suffice to say vpon this subiect, that it is most necessary, that he which aspires to make himselfe pleasing in the Cabinets of the Court, and in all other good assemblies, must ac­company all his acti­ons with great discre­tion. He must be ad­uised and actiue in all his doings, and he must not only be carefull to attaine vnto all the [Page 165] good conditions which haue propounded vn­ [...]o him, but the course [...]nd order of his life must be regulated with [...]uch a disposition as [...]he whole may be an­swerable to euery part. Let them bee equall in all things, and neuer contradicting himselfe; [...]et him frame a perfect and solid body of these goodly qualities, so as [...]his least actions, may seeme to bee quick­ned with a spirit of [Page 166] wisdome and virtue. Let him be ready with­out rashnesse, vigilant without disquietnesse, hardy without insolen­cy; let him bee modest without melancholly; respectiue without fear, let him bee pleasing without flattery, let him be sufficient with­out intricatenes, and a­boue all let him be iust without dissembling. Of words, which make the second part of the diuision of life.

After actions come words, which makes the second part of our [Page 167] diuision, and are the greatest and most ordi­nary cōmerce of mans life. Here memory doth reigne particularly, for that besides, that this pleasing facility, to ex­presse, depends of her, the which wee obserue in many persons, and admire in women, in whom it doth chiefly abound; she doth also furnish suddainly an infinite number of things, which serue as a nourishment to en­tertainment. [Page 168] It is im­possible to prescribe certaine rules how a man should vse his words, That iudgment serues for a guide. by reason of the infinite diuersity of en­counters which are in the world, where wee shall hardly finde two spirits that are altoge­ther like. Wherefore he that will accommo­date himselfe to the conuersation of many, must make vse of his owne iudgment for a guide, to the end that [Page 169] knowing the difference of one another, he may at euery instant change his language and his maxime, according to the humour of those with whom chance or his designes haue inga­ged him.

Of the Entertainment of the Prince.

THE most glori­ous and most pro­fitable obiect that he can make choice of [Page 170] to employ his enter­tainment worthily, is, without doubt, to­wards his Soueraigne. The first thing that is necessary for him to at­taine vnto this honour, is to bee well knowne; but I would haue it in the best manner. Of the first en­trance of an honest man to the King, and how it should be made. I find nothing so flat nor cold, as those dry reue­rences which so many impudent persons pre­sume to make vnto the King, when as they haue nothing to say [Page 171] vnto him, nor any man hath any cause to speak of them. A gal­lant man will neuer be infected with this va­nity, if his reputation hath not past before him, to make his ac­cesse the more easie: or if he which presents him hath not a long subiect to entertain the Prince, with the fa­mous seruices which this new man hath done him, or may doe him hereafter, of the [Page 172] occasions of honour where he hath been an actor, of the good qua­lities which hee doth possesse; and finally, if hee hath not in him wherewith to giue a pleasing subiect, to court him, who in bringing him in shall be bound vnto him, for that hee had made choice of him to doe this office. Being set­led in this manner, in his Masters conceipt, I would haue him im­ploy [Page 173] all his thoughts, and all the forces of his soule to make him to know his worth: let him at the least loue his person aswell as his dignity, and that all his actiōs, desires, & words, may tend to please him without flattery. Hereby in profiting one alone, hee makes himselfe profitable at the same instant to the whole Monarchy, and his knowledge and wis­dome, like noble and [Page 174] vigorous seeds, pro­duce in the soule of Princes, flowers, whose fruits are imparted to all their subiects. So as hee which shall loue his Country, will bee prest with a desire to bee beloued of great powers, and will loue those which are sea­ted in the Throne, to watch ouer the pub­lique good. He will striue to plant in their mindes the liuely seeds of virtue: hee will bee [Page 175] ready to obey them, & wisely obserue time, place, and other cir­cumstances. Of silence & words neare the King. His silence likewise aswell as his discourses will depend vpon the motion and will of his master, and hee will bee alwaies so circumspect in speak­ing vnto him, as he will neuer bee held impor­tune, nor indiscreet. That which is spoken to purpose is alwayes good, as likwise those things which are out [Page 176] of season, are neuer pleasing. The cause of this vice, to desire to seeme eloquent vpon all occasions, proceeds from a foolish and ridi­culous vanity, to be e­steemed sufficiēt, which most commonly hath nothing but shame, not to be hearkened vnto, besides, the blame of lightnesse, and extra­uagancy, which doth accompany it. Hee must obserue the Pri­nces incli­nation. They which haue the happi­nesse to haue an easie [Page 177] accesse to Kings, and which may present their words with con­fidence vnto their eares, will first of all, obserue his humour whom they serue, and seek to conforme them­selues to the best and strongest of his inclina­tions. If he loues war, The Prince a warrier. they must entertaine him with hardy de­signes, with the means to make great Armies subsist, of the good or­der and discipline that [Page 178] must bee obserued, of the knowledg he ought to haue of his troopes, of his sufficiency to command them, of the marks of a good soul­dier, of the qualities of an excellent Captaine, and generally of all the secrets of military wis­dome. If contrariwise he bee peaceable, A peace­full Prince they shall not propound vn­to him but the meanes to make iustice reigne, and to maintaine the publique tranquillity, [Page 179] to settle his authority, to ease his subiects, to husband his treasure; to make trade to flou­rish, to preserue friend­ship with his neigh­bours, to purchase the loue of his owne sub­iects, and to be feared of strangers, and final­ly to make himselfe Ar­bitrator of the differen­ces of all the Princes of the earth. The Prince that loue learning and exer­cises. If hee take delight in learning, let him that will please him, obserue to what [Page 180] Science hee is most ad­dicted, and apply him­self particularly to that study. If he loues ho­nest recreations, let him be diligent to serue him, and to follow him in all his exercises. That he must be carefull not to dis­please the Prince. But let him haue a speciall care neuer to make any shew of way wardnesse, or that hee doth any thing by constraint, in doing that wherevnto hee thinks hee is not bound, but by his own free will. There is no­thing [Page 181] that doth more [...]rosse the spirits of great men, then this forced obedience, which [...]hey obserue somtimes [...]n the seruice of those which do besiege them rather then follow them. There are some so ill aduised, as they neuer present them­selues before them, but with so sad and discon­tented a countenāce, as they alwayes seeme to make them some re­proch. Others to play [Page 182] the good souldiers, are alwayes in a posture of ostentation and brag­ing, and make their looks and gesture so sa­uage, as a man would say, they came to quar­rell with their Master, There are others so fa­miliar, from their first entry into the Court, as they approach vnto the King with a smiling and familiar countenance, as if they would im­brace their equall, or doe some fauour vnto [Page 183] [...]n inferiour person. These men should doe more wisely, to go and [...]ide their impertinen­ [...]ies in the village, Of re­spects and impuden­cy. then [...]o come and consume [...]heir estates in Court, [...]nd to serue tor obiects [...]f scorne and con­ [...]mpt. It is therefore [...]ost important in all [...]he parts of entertain­ [...]ent, to bee alwayes [...]odest and respectiue, [...]e it in exteriall gestures [...] in words; and they [...]nnot long subsist, [Page 184] which thinke to pur­chase credit with great men by impudency. This course may well succeed with some, but it ruines more then it doth aduance. Impor­tant pre­cepts for the enter­tainment of Princes Certain­ly wee must confesse, that this familiar haun­ting with the Soue­raigne, is one of the most dangerous ho­nours, wherewith they are intoxicated in Court: And if hee bee not of an excellent dis­position, it is a difficult [Page 185] [...]hing to attempt to en­ [...]ertaine him often, but [...]here will escape some­ [...]hing that will displease him. For if hee once perswades himself that [...]hee is more sufficient [...]hen he that giues him counsell, or that enter­ [...]aines him, he will pre­sently contemne him, and if he finds himselfe lesse able, he wil hardly endure him. Natural­ly all men are vexed to bee of lesse worth then they that obey them, [Page 186] but especially they that are bound vnto them by the greatnesse of their condition, seeing there is nothing wher­in they yeeld more vn­willingly, then to ac­knowledge themselues to be of lesse iudgment then another. Where­fore the most subtile Politicians aduise all men, Of the submissi­on that must bee vsed in councel­ling great Princes. neuer to seeme too wise with their Masters, and teach ne­uer to giue him coun­sell, but such as are ti­morous [Page 187] and doubtfull; [...]hat is to say, to speake [...]nto him in an accent [...]ull of submission, and which seemes rather to [...]ropound his aduice [...]hen to approue it, to [...]he end that hee may now thereby that hee [...]hakes his opinion to [...]eeld vnto his iudge­ment. Whosoeuer shall [...]o in this manner, shall [...]iuert from him the [...]atred and complaints which follow sinister e­ [...]ents, which are so [Page 188] hard for great Princes to endure, for that they imagine that Fortune should obey them as well as men. Wee ob­serue in effect, that they haue in a manner all this weaknesse, to im­pute the misfortunes which befall them, to the bad conduct of those which are about them. And hence growes that common precept amongst refi­ned Courtiers, that the counsell which they [Page 189] [...]iue vnto Kings, must [...]ee slow and conside­ [...]ate, and the seruice they [...]eeld them quick and [...]ctiue. Aboue all, they [...]old it for a maxime, Of obse­quiousnes to Princes [...]euer to contradict [...]hem: for his extreme [...]ower is most com­monly accompanied with so sensible an ap­prehension, as the least word that doth contra­dict him, wounds him, and it seemes he would make his opinions a part of his authority, [Page 190] yet for all this hee must not proue a flatterer. Against flatterers. This vice is too base to fall into the thoughts of an honest man, be­sides, hee is no sooner discouered, but it ruines his credit and reputa­tion, which thinkes to raise his fortune vpon so bad a foundation. O how vnfortunate is a Prince, The mis­fortunes which grow by flattery. who instead of faithfull seruants, findes himselfe enuiro­ned with these pub­lique plagues, who in­fect [Page 191] their mindes with a thousand vaine and foolish imaginations, whereof the subiects do afterwards feele the fatall effects. This mi­sery is the more to bee feared for them, being in a manner ineuitable to their condition; for that being forced, as they are, to heare all the world, and to make vse of many persons; and flattery couering her selfe with a maske of fidelity and true loue [Page 192] to them as she doth, i [...] is in a manner impossi­ble for him to auoid the deceipt. Let a good man flye the reproach of such pernicious ma­lice, being notoriously infamous, and let him not speake any thing that may breed the least iealousie. I will admit that he be cunning and witty, but I cannot en­dure a seruile obse­quiousnesse, and vn­worthy of a man of honour. Let him ne­uer [Page 193] disallow of his Ma­ [...]ters opinion with pre­ [...]umption, but with a constant modesty, and let him propound his [...]pprehensions as desi­ [...]ing to seeke the best, [...]nd not as beleeuing he had found it. What is to be ob­serued in begging from his Master. If hee would demand any be­nefit or fauour from him, for himselfe or for any other, let him re­present it so full of iu­stice, as hee may not seeme to haue obtained [...]t by force and vnwil­lingly; [Page 194] for that such a grace is worse then an absolute deniall. Let him neuer presse it in such sort, as if hee hap­pen to be refused, they may not thinke that they had disobliged him: for that wee of­ten see, that when as Princes haue not gran­ted some fauor to a sui­tor, they iudge that hee which demanded it, with much instance, hath desired it with great heat; so as hauing [Page 195] no meanes to obtaine it; it seemes hee should conceiue some secret ha­tred against him from whom hee had expe­ [...]ed it. Then the Prince upon this imagination begins to hate them, so as many times hee can­not endure their pre­sence. He must not be im­portune at his Prin­ces plea­sures. Hee must also carefully auoid to bee present at his Soue­raignes priuate plea­sures, vnlesse hee haue [...]he honor to be called: [...]or that there are times [Page 196] and places where they are glad to bee at liber­ty, to say and do what­soeuer shall please their fancies, and there wil [...] not bee seene nor hear [...] of any man that ma [...] censure them and kee [...] them in awe. If b [...] chance hee findes him selfe surprized and ingaged, let him seeke t [...] free himselfe as wittily and as speedily as h [...] can. And thereby w [...] may conceiue, that th [...] time and the place [...] [Page 197] no lesse considerable, then the person in this painfull kinde of con­uersation.

Of the conuersation of equals.

THat of inferiors and equals, or of those that have no other thing a­boue vs, but some title depending of that su­preme power, is not so strict, nor so difficult as that of the Master. [Page 198] But it is more dange­rous to commit errors then in the other, wher­as his spirit is alwayes attentiue to those thing [...] whereof he vndertake [...] the discourse. This i [...] especially obserued a­mong priuate friends whereas our mindes finding themselus freed from that constraint, which holds them in suspence in other com­panies, then giue way to all their naturall motions, with such [Page 199] negligence as it many times makes vs vnlike that which we seeme in publique, Yet this liberty must neuer bee so neglected, but it must bee restrained within the rules of a sweet and honest respect, Of errors commit­ted in the conuersa­tion of friends. with­out offering violence to the minde, which suf­fers him to reape the contents of this plea­sing kind of entertain­ment in their purity, and without any mix­ture or bitternesse. But [Page 200] this temper is more dif­ficult then it seemes and many cause the [...] to bee admired i [...] Court, and in famou [...] assemblies, which cannot learne the art t [...] liue as they ought with those which are mo [...] confident and familiar with them. The rea­son here of is, that they doe not loue those we [...] by whom they are be­loued, and from the vanity they haue to thinke, that being ho­nest [Page 201] enough, not to lose any of those which they haue once gotten, they doe not labor but faintly to preserue thē. They doe not expose their good humours, but where they hope [...]o extend their con­quests, and they reserue [...]hemselues to act the best parts which they haue learned vpon great Theaters. In the meane time, what in­ [...]ustice doe wee vnto those which loue vs, [Page 202] to afford them onely the defects of our spi­rits, and to giue vnto those vnto whom we are scarce knowne, whatsoeuer wee haue excellent to please them? This shewes our ignorance of that pre­cept of wisdome which teacheth vs, that the estimation of the mind doth not consist in ad­uancing it selfe, but to march regularly and e­qually. And, doubtlesse, her true greatnesse is [Page 203] not so much obserued in great and extraordi­nary things, as in those which bee meane and common. Let them which desire to attaine to a solid esteeme, seek to auoid this humour, which is properly that of dissembling, which is so generally disgra­ced in Court. Misfor­tunes tha [...] follow cou [...]t [...]ng [...] Hereby many haue lost them­selues, who after they had liued long disgui­sed, haue in the end found (being discoue­red) [Page 204] that what they ad­uanced on the one side, they spoyled on the o­ther, and that the ru­ines of their first friend­ships drew after them the fall of all the rest, which they had built vpon such bad founda­tions. And in truth a small matter is able to disgrace a man in the like things, & cause him to be held treacherous & a bad friend, or any thing else that is worse, for that these vices be­ing [Page 205] tied vnto the soule, which is hidden from vs, we are glad (amidst so great a multitude of persons which carry a good shew in Court) that they teach vs which are good, and which are bad: And when as our imagina­tion is once wonne, we must haue very appa­rent proofes to the con­trary, and many to call it back againe: besides, it doth seldome hap­pen, that wee take any [Page 206] paines to disabuse our selues. In the meane time, the report of these things multiply­ing infinitely, as it is v­suall in those which are not good, these politick and refined Courtiers find, that by little and little euery man retires from their conuersati­on, Of esti­mation, and of the meanes to get it. and that they are vtterly ruined in their esteeme, for that they sought rather to bee great then good. Wher­fore all our cares ought [Page 207] to be imployed to win speedily and by good courses the opinion of honest men, seeing that all the world knowes how much it doth im­port to shorten the way which may guide vs to an eminent esteeme. One man alone in a great Court like vnto ours, cannot doe all himselfe, and if he bee not assisted by many, hee will many times find himselfe opprest with age before hee [Page 208] shall bee well knowne by his equals: Judicious spirits haue lesse lustre then they which a­bound in imagina­tion and memory. It is not sufficient to haue merit, he must know how to expose it to view. In­dustry helps much to make virtue glorious, and it is a strange thing, that they which are most iudicious, haue most commonly need of this assistance: for that the effects of iudg­ment are so slow in re­gard of those which spring from the viua­city of imagination, [Page 209] and from the qiuck­nesse of memory, that if good Iudges did not take the paines to plead the cause of these iudi­cious spirits, aswell as to iudge it, they should be many times in dan­ger to lose it. I would therefore for this rea­son especially, that whensoeuer our honest man shall make his first entry into any great mans house, or meet in any assembly, whereas all their countenances [Page 210] shall be vnknowne vn­to him, as well as the humors of the persons which are present, he should cause a good o­pinion to be conceiued of his spirit, before hee doth produce his per­son. The difference of opinion which they con­ceiue of intellectu­all things, and those which fall under the exteriall senses. And wee may not feare in this point that which is seene in many others, where it many times fals out, that by hearing the ex­cellency of some thing to bee much commen­ded, they frame so per­fect [Page 211] an Idea in the ima­gination, and conceiue it to bee so admirable, that when they come to measure it with the originall, how great and rare souer they find it, yet in comparison of [...]hat which they had [...]onceiued, it seemes lit­ [...]le and defectiue. We must consider here, that those things which are thus ruined by their owne reputation, are such as the eye can [...]udge of at the first [Page 212] sight: As they which haue neuer been at Pa­ris, and heare so many wonders spoken of it, may well imagine that it is greater and better peopled, then they will finde it when they see it. But in the good quality which men pos­sesse, it is not so, for they see the least part of them outwardly: so a [...] the first day wee begin to conuerse with any man, although we find nothing appaching [Page 213] vnto that which wee had expected, yet for all that wee doe not a­bandon the good opi­nion which wee had conceiued: But attend to discouer daily some hidden virtues; retay­ning constantly that first impression which was framed in his mind by the testimony of many sufficient men. These first impressions are so powerfull, Of opini­on, her blindnesse and ty­ranny. or rather so tyrannous, as although they [...] no [Page 214] solid foundation, bu [...] common reports, ye [...] they vsurpe vpon rea­son the authority of a Iudge, and doth so blinde the vnderstan­ding, as it cannot di­scerne truth from fals­hood, nor good from bad. The Italians haue a certaine tale which doth not vnfitly proue [...] the force of opinion But for that of late yeeres it hath beene re­newed in France, with the same circumstan­ces, [Page 215] it were better to deliuer it as wee know it happened, then to [...]ly vnto strange names. [...]t is of a Gentleman ve­ry well bred, An ex­ample to proue the force of opinion. & of excel­lent merit, who being happily borne to Poe [...]ry, shewd good proofs of his genius, and of the force of his iudg­ment, to make him hope for the approba­tion of those which do not looke so narrowly [...]nto it, and to make him merit a good reputati­on. [Page 216] Yet as fortune bu­sies her selfe in the di­stribution, as well as of riches and dignities. This man was so vn­fortunate, as nothing that hee did could giue any taste to those men whom he desired prin­cipally to please. Hee saw well that this di­stast, grew from a pre­iudicate opinion, and iudging soundly of his works, as he did, they might find that if they deserued not extreme [Page 217] praises, yet they did not merit any contempt; he makes vse of a pleasant policy, to shew them the iniustice which they did him. He had first of all a care to recouer a peece of Malherbes works, which the cu­rious had long expe­cted, and whereof hee had the first copy, the which hee had promi­sed to shew vnto them whom hee would sur­prise. Going vnto them to keepe his word, and [Page 218] to deceiue them with all, as he did, instead of the verses which they expected, he presented them with others, which hee himselfe had composed vpon the same subiect. He had of purpose, caused them to be Printed with the name of Malherbe in the beginning, to the end hee might giue the more authority to his inuention. These men whom the reuerence of that Name had already [Page 219] disposed to the admi­ration of his verses, in the end of euery Stanze these began to make exclamation, and to te­stifie such extraordina­ry rauishments, as it seemed to bee some worke that had fallen from heauen, they held it so diuine. Hauing giuen them leasure to returne from this pro­found extasie into the which it seemes admi­ration had plunged them, he intreted them [Page 220] to peruse certain others that were written, which he said were his owne, and were in truth those of Malhrbe, & besought them to iudge, that as the subiect was the same, so the manner of disposing it would bee found diuers. What an effect of imaginati­on? In a manner all of them by a common consent, staied to crosse the first verse, with a thousand impertinent and ridiculous repre­hensions: [Page 221] euery word made three or foure faults, not any one was French, nor lodged in its place, there was no­thing but roughnesse and transpositions, nei­ther were the commaes well placed, and to see them make the anato­my of these verses, you would haue said, that they were come from [...]uisserland, and not from France. The se­cond nor the third were no better intrea­ted [Page 222] then the first; and if night had not surpr [...] ­sed them vpon the fourth, without think­ing of it they would haue concluded at the end of the Stanze, that Malherbe wanted com­mon sense: I leaue yo [...] to think what the con [...]fusion might be of the good Iudges, when a [...] they knew the true au­thors of both peeces I will onely insist to consider, the strange effects of Opinion, the [Page 223] which although it bee [...]considerate & blind, makes the minde of man to yeeld at her pleasure, and gouernes he will with such an absolute command, as [...]f shee had reason for her guide. If it be law­full for me to speake of mine owne interest without any imperti­nency, you shall see, that it is not without cause, that I terme her power tyrannous, see­ing she is able to make [Page 224] men to bee esteemed in the world for what she pleaseth: an able man for a Sot, a wise man for an extrauagant, a stayed man for one that is deboist, and general­ly ouerthrow all the order, which reason and nature haue setled in the world. Another example vpon the same sub­iect. I haue no great humor to sell my selfe for other then I am; neither haue I any desire to make my selfe to passe for a man that is very regular in his [Page 225] life: And certainly the toiles and disorders, in the which all they are ingaged which follow the Court, will not suf­fer them to practice these goodly virtues which require that sweet and peaceable e­state of life, after which I sigh so heartily. Yet I may say with truth, and of this truth all they can be witnesses, which haue conuersed familiarly with mee, that I haue neuer ex­posed. [Page 226] my reason to ha­zard, to bee surprized with any excesse: If the loue of honest men, and of their conuersa­tion hath made mee to passe, with them which I haue knowne, a part of my life in honest re­creations, and amidst innocent pleasures, I haue cause to cōmend my good fortune, to haue liued in that sort, rather then to be sorry, to haue beene in such companies. In the [Page 227] meane time, I know not how it happens, that my name by mis­fortune rimes so fitly to Cabaret, as both good and bad Poets, my friends and stran­gers confusedly, and with the same liberty, haue made vse of this rime, which they foūd so fitting, and haue made it so publique, as most part ot those which know mee not well, imagine I am some Tauerne Bush, [Page 228] or a perpetuall drunk­ard. In like manner, The third example vpon the same sub­iect. in one of the assem­blies of France, where­as they gaue to euery man an Epithet, which did expresse some de­fect or some virtue that was in them, I had that of Old giuen me, for that by my looks I see­med to haue ten yeeres more then I had in ef­fect: Since that time my friends, and many men of quality haue accustomed themselues [Page 229] to call mee so, so as it hath befallen me more then once, that I haue had some difficulty to make my selfe passe for my selfe, with some men that had neuer seen me, for that I had not a long white beard, nor any other mark of an old man. As for this point of age, it is indif­ferent to me what they say or think; I doe on­ly alledge this to ap­prooue what opinion might doe. But as for [Page 230] the other example which concernes good manners, The Au­thors ex­cuse vpon the two last ex­amples. wherein eue­ry man is bound to pre­serue his reputation, I confesse, that I should be glad that they would take me for what I am, and that they would rather know mee by my actions, then by their iests which they sing in the streets. But seeing that my actions are too common to haue any lustre, I assure my selfe, that they will not hold it strange if I [Page 231] [...]ew my selfe what I am, and if I make vse of the occasion of this discourse, to make this declaration.

Of the conuersation of great men.

IT is most necessary then to auoid bad reports, and to pur­chase a good opinion in the imagination of euery man, if it may be. But particularly it doth import, as I haue often said, to preuent that of [Page 232] great men: for that the esteem which they make of any one giues a certaine authority to his reputation, which doth dispose the spirits of all the world to be­leeue great things of him so powerfully, as in a moment he findes himselfe on the top of this esteeme; whereas I would haue an honest man to place himselfe and to maintaine it by the excellency of his actions and conduct [Page 233] He that can come vnto his degree, to deserue that men of eminent condition shall make [...]ccompt of his virtue, it is easie for him to at­taine vnto that fauour, to be receiued into their familiar acquaintance. I would hee should be­gin thereby to display the good qualities of his minde, to conuerse well & pleasingly with them; for that it alone, to bee familiar with such men, may rayse [Page 234] him higher, and make him pretend to great matters. Of the courtesie of great men in our Court, and what esteeme they make of good men. I may boldly say, that our Courts haue this aduantage a­boue all others in the world, that an honest man, although he were but meanly borne, and durst not approach neere vnto great men but with seruile sub­mission, so as if he can once make his worth to be knowne, he shall see them striue, and take delight to admit him [Page 235] to their familiar confe­ [...]ence. In effect, there are few of our Princes which stand so strictly vpon the high points of their rancks, that if man haue made him­selfe remarkable by some excellent part, they will not hold it a glory to cherish him. Their receptions are at the least binding with the virtuous, and in a manner all men testifie, that they are more glad [...]o be visited and enter­tayned [Page 236] by them, then by many persons of great condition, who being admitted into good houses, but only in regard of their quali­ties, they neuer enter, but they are troubled to finde out some honest excuse not to see them. When as hee which hath nothing but his virtue for a guide and support, hath attained to this high degree of glory to see himselfe as it were a companion to [Page 237] those whom he might with honour terme his Masters; he must learn to vse so notable an ad­vantage so discreetly, as hee may neuer faile in any of the respects which they are accusto­med to yeeld to such e­minent persons:

Of honest respects, and those which are importuneHe must also be care­full not to fall into the other extremity of those which continu­ally seeke occasions to practice their ciuility; for in the end by their [Page 238] ouer much honesty, they might grow im­portune. Great me [...] in truth looke for that which is due vnto their condition, but they feare nothing so much as to meet with those troublesome person [...] which are alwayes in ambush to draw from them some bad com­plements, or to accom­modate them with some vnprofitable ser­uice. And to speak [...] plainly, I do not won­der [Page 239] if those persons for whom alone it seemes that pleasing things [...]aue beene made, find [...]ese honors rude and troublesome, seeing there is not any one of those which are vnder [...]em, but doth finde them insupportable. This defect is one of the greatest in conuer­ [...]tion, Against the obsti­nate ma­kers of comple­ments. and there are [...]ew seene, which doe not abandon themselus other to entertaine an extrauagant man or a [Page 240] quarreller, then one of these wilfull makers of complements. Abou [...] all to a free minde [...] which beleeues that e­uery word hee speakes in his discourse binde his faith: It is a tyran­nous torment to en­counter with the kinds of troublesome spirits. There are i [...] truth occasions wher [...] it is impossible to auoid these thornes, but ho­nest men know how [...] passe them ouer, an [...] [Page 241] not be moued. So there are none but new com­mers, and such as are naturally inclined to swaggering, that will take offence. So as it seems this odious kind of entertaynment is now left for a porti­on to some wretched hang-bies, who would not imagine they were of the Court, if in their common entertayn­ments they should not finde something fit to bee infected with their [Page 242] impertinent ceremo­nies. If that bee true which is said, that there are some spirits so sick, as to make a priuate study of this ridiculous science, I wonder truly that they do not chase them out of all com­mon-wealths, and pu­nish him with the same penalties which the lawes did ordaine a­gainst the troublers of the peace of the state: seeing there is not any which so much trouble [Page 243] humane societie as this importune kinde of [...]en. An honest man will neuer abuse him­ [...]fe, neither in his words nor in his acti­ons, especially in the [...]mpany of great per­sons, who would bee [...]sently distasted with [...] superfluous cere­monies wherewith he [...]ould thinke to oblige [...]m.

But hee must consi­ [...], Of the quality of humours. when he returnes [...]m this great world, [Page 244] hee must haue a strong iudgment to carry him­selfe among his equals and inferiours without making any shew that his head were surpri­zed with these fumes: for if he were so weak, as to suffer himselfe to bee intoxicated, hee would soone become the contempt & scorne of all men. This equa­lity liuing in the same course with his friends and priuate persons, comming from the [Page 245] cloth of estate and greatnesse, is a wonder­full charme to rauish generous hearts: for that as there is no­thing more insupporta­ble, then the insolency of those whose iudg­ment the fauor of great men doth ouerthrow: In like sort, there is no­thing so pleasing vnto them, nor which is a more true presage of a solid virtue, then not to bee dazled with the lustre of such great [Page 246] magnificence. Of the knowledg of honest & shame­full cu­stomes. Yet hee which inioyes this ho­nour must obserue, not to make his conuersati­on & friendship com­mon to all sorts of per­sons, lest in the end it grow in bad repute with those which will thinke theirs is much imbased in being fami­liar with him. An able and sufficient man may not, for many resons, mingle himself among the base multitude, nor haue any conuersation [Page 247] with infamous persons. It will require much time to accommodate a familiar salutation which some famous Bawd or a lewd wo­man, or some other in­famous person hath gi­uen him in the presence of many men of qua­lity. And if some one of the company, or he himselfe doth not put off this acquaintance with a iest, it is to bee feared, there will re­maine some bad im­pression [Page 248] in their minds, which haue made a particular reflection. It doth therefore import to haue none but good customs, for the which hee may not blush be­fore such persons, whose iealousies are so much the more to bee feared, for that they sel­dome take any paines to search out the truth. Whosoeuer can part with a good grace from these great assemblies, may easily hope to find [Page 249] entry in all others, and to be desired and recei­ued with ioy and ap­plause. Of the aduan­tages to be known of great men. One of the greatest benefits which can come vnto him to bee thus knowne, is, that the wicked feare to assault him, and the enuious dare not but with trembling pra­ctice their malice a­gainst him. They know not how with safety to poure foorth their poyson against his life; for that as they [Page 250] see, hee hath many which approue his a­ctions, they imagine they are so many pro­tectors of his virtue. So as euen they that hate his glory, are for­ced to publish it with others, to the end that in commending one, they may reserue a power the better to ble­mish some other ouer whom they haue grea­ter aduantage.

Generall maximes of Conuersation.

IN the meane time, be it with great men or with meane, bee it with familiars or with strangers and vn­knowne, and general­ly with all sorts of dif­ferent conditions, there are principall maximes to bee obserued, faults to be auoided, and cer­taine directions to bee practised, whereof if a [Page 252] man which thinkes to saile with a prosperous wind, takes not heed, hee will hardly auoid shipwracke. He must vanquish his passi­ons, and subdue his hu­mours. One of most important & ge­nerall maximes which he ought to follow in this commerce, is to moderate his passions, especially those which do most commonly in­flame in conuersation, as choler, emulation, intemperance in dis­course, the vanity in striuing to carry him­selfe [Page 253] aboue other men: And after these, indi­scretion, wilfulnesse, bitternes, despight, im­patience, rashnesse, and a thousand other de­fects, which, like filthy streames, flow from these villanous springs. And, doubtlesse, when as a spirit is infected with these venemous seedes, what hope is there it should produce any other then bitter fruits, and that they which haue knowne [Page 254] him, will fly from him, as from a man surpri­zed with some conta­gious disease. Let vs then be Masters of our selues, and know how to command our owne affections, if we desire to gaine those of ano­ther man: for it were not iust to pretend the conquest of the wils of so many honest men which are in Court, if wee haue not first lear­ned to surmount our owne will, and to pre­scribe [Page 255] it lawes able to restraine it within the center of reason.

A moderate spirit, Note. which will not suffer it selfe to bee easily transported in all its designes, bee it for af­faires or for pleasure, will know how to take his time, to presse and deferre to purpose, to yeeld and accommo­date himselfe to occa­sions, so as nothing that doth crosse him shall be able to wound him. [Page 256] If he will, and if his re­putation be not wron­ged, hee knowes how to dissemble, and when one expedient shall fail him, hee will alwayes finde his spirit settled and quiet, to inuent a thousand others able to furnish that which hee pursues. Of the obstinacy of the minde.A turbu­lent spirit on the other side, which suffers it selfe to bee vanquished by the first motion which assailes him confounds his carriage [Page 257] in such sort, as hee be­comes a burthen to all the world, and makes himselfe insupportable vnto himselfe. He doth nothing but by vio­lence, and as there is neither order nor rule which serue him for a guide, so all his coun­sels, and all his enter­prizes sauour of the confusion which reigns in his soule. He neuer knowes how to yeeld to purpose, and hee is so subiect to his hu­mours [Page 258] and obstinacy, as hee imagines that whatsoeuer doth crosse them, cannot bee con­formable to sense. These poore people haue much to suffer. So a sufficient man car­ries himselfe in another kind, and will be care­full not to make him­selfe such a slaue to his inclinations, as he can­not at all times make them to yeeld vnto that mans, to whom hee hath a desire to make [Page 259] himselfe pleasing. Of plea­sing. This suplenesse is one of the soueraigne precepts of our Art; whosoeuer knowes how to ob­serue, may boldly hope to please: and truly one of the most infalli­ble marks of a minde well bred, is to be thus vniuersall, and suscepti­ble of many formes, so as it bee with reason, and not through light­nesse nor weaknesse. There is a rusticity and stupidity, to be so tied [Page 260] to his owne complexi­ons, as hee can neuer yeeld in any point. A spirit well made, addes to all that hee encoun­ters, and as it was said of Alcibiades, he was so apt, & did all things in such sort, as it seemed he had a particular incli­natiō to al those things which he vndertooke. An ho­nest man knowes how to liue with fantastick & violent humors. There are no humours so extrauagant, with whom hee cannot liue without contention, nor so fantastique, with [Page 261] whom hee findes not some meanes to agree. If hee encounters any man that is transported with choler, he knows cunningly how to yeeld to the first violence of this passion, which draws all after it which makes resistance, and will insensibly coole this blinde heat of re­uenge, and by little and little, cause the Armes to fall out of his hands, who not long before, had no other thoughts [Page 262] but of blood and fury. When on the other side, With milde & cold hu­mours. he findes himselfe with those milde and cold humours which neuer abandon one station, and whom no iniury is able to moue, or rather which dare not put themselues in choler, lest they should ingage themselues in some boūd of reuenge; he will neuer produce any but examples of wisdome and modera­tion of the minde, and [Page 263] not playing the coward in his discourses, hee will learne to carry himselfe so discreetly, as he will neuer crosse his [...]pprehensions, whose affection hee desires to gaine. With a­morous humours. With an amo­rous man he shall haue good sport, for there being few Gallants in Court which haue not beene troubled with his sweete folly, hee shall learne by his own experience, all those things which please [Page 264] them that are sick. He will daily discouer new graces and beauties in the party beloued which it may be the lo­uer himselfe had neuer perceiued. There shall be no allurement in the minde which hee shall not commend, nor any lineaments in the coun­tenance, which he shall not examine with ad­miration. And to make his pleasing perfect; h [...] may, in this point on­ly, incline a little to [Page 265] flattery, with some kind of lawfull excuse, and especially if the end be good. She shall haue no defect, but hee shall disguise it with some terme of sweetning. If her complexion bee blacke, hee shall say it is browne, and that such was the greatest part of the beauties which antiquity did admire. If she had red hayre, hee will allow of the iudgment of the Italians and other Na­tions [Page 266] which loue them so, and that of the most dainty and amorous Poets, who neuer brag of any hayre but of this colour. If shee be too leane or too little, she will be so much the more actiue and nim­ble; if too fat, it will be gracefull: the excesse in height will passe for the stature of a Queen or Amazon; and in the end hee will couer euery imperfectiō with the perfection that is [Page 267] nearest vnto it. The prin­cipall pre­cept of pleasing. The principall thing wher­of he must bee carefull, is, that hee shew no dis­sembling in his dis­course, and that his countenance doe not bely his tongue, nor ruine that in a mo­ment which his spirit had some difficulty to inuent. Without doubt [...]t is a troublesome con­straint for a free minde to be often among such different humours, and so contrary to his own, [Page 266] [...] [Page 267] [...] [Page 268] and how sufficient and pleasing soeuer he be, it is a difficult thing, but in the end it will ingen­der way wardnesse, to counterfeit himselfe in this manner, and to torture himselfe so of­ten. Of the liberty which is found a­mong ho­nest men. But when he finds himselfe in the com­pany of honest men, who, like himselfe, shal haue all the parts of generosity, he may ful­ly recompence his bad houres. He may there with all liberty suffer [Page 269] his inclinatiō to work, and open his minde vnto the bottome, with­out any feare that his apprehensions should be crossed: for that vir­tue being generally e­quall, it makes the o­pinions of those which follow it conformable. O what a pleasure doth a good minde feele, when he encounters o­thers of the same tem­per; and how imper­fect are all other ioyes in regard of his, which [Page 270] is so much the more pure and sweet, for that he knowes better then any man, that the con­tentment which he in­ioyes, is the soueraigne good of life. Against great tal­kers. But wee must leaue this humour of pleasing, to contra­dict those which talke too much. Truly this defect is one of the greatest in conuersati­on, and one of the most pernicious in mans life; as likewise the power to hold his [Page 271] peace, is one of the most profitable Scien­ces. Whosoeuer hath not this command ouer himselfe, must be very circumspect not to ha­zard his fortune in Court. It seemes there is no virtue so easie to attaine vnto as this; Of the difficulty of keeping silence. and yet wee may say, there is not any more difficult nor more rare. There are found more valiant persons, more liberall, more chaste, and more moderate, in [Page 272] their most violent pas­sions, then wee see o [...] those, which know how to obserue silene as they ought. I doe not know any proof more euident of ou [...] weaknesse and indis­cretion then this; to say that all wise men and in all ages, haue proclaimed that the tongue was the mos [...] profitable, and the mos [...] pernicious part tha [...] was in man, according to the good or bad v­sage: [Page 273] They haue all [...]ught vs, that it was [...]ot so tied with so ma­ [...]y naturall chains, nor [...]uironed with so ma­ [...]y obstacles and ram­ [...]iers, but to aduertise [...]s, that the speech, like pretious treasure, [...]s contained therein, wherof the conduct is so delicate, as it cannot [...]ow out abundantly without some notable danger. And yet wee see in a manner all the world to abuse it in [Page 274] such sort, as wee say, that whosoeuer hath a tongue in his mouth, carries with him his most cruell and fearfull enemy. Of the discom­modity of great tal­kers. Wee may well say with truth, that they which at no time, nor for any consideration, cannot stay this ex­cesse of words, are e­nemies to the sweetnes of conuersation. What an insupportable paine is it for any man, espe­cially if he be alone, and and prest with some [Page 275] designe, to encounter with such men who will neuer leaue him vntill they haue mur­thered him with the report of all their af­faires, and with all the suits of their kinsfolkes & neighbours? In com­panies where they meet there is scarce any man speaks but they, or if any person of authori­ty and iudgment begins a serious discourse, they are so impudent as to interupt him to deliuer [Page 276] their owne fooleries: for their spirits hauing not the force to argue iudiciously, haue pre­sently recourse vnto their babling, and doe like those lame men, who being forced to take their horses, dare glory to gallop before those who being a foot, they could not follow with a simple pace They haue alwaies the most pleasant, Ordinary imperti­nences of great tal­kers. or th [...] most strange, or the most admirable thing [Page 277] in the world to tell, and yet they haue neuer but the same part to play, and they are so flat and stale, that at the first word, they be­gin to wound the at­tention of the most patient: Their most pleasing discourses, & most ordinary, are of the goodly exploits of the deceased Monsier Biron, or of some other Captaine of another age: And when as they will vndertake to re­late [Page 278] newes, they haue so little iudgment to choose those which be good, whereof men are curious, as they busie themselues rather to expose some gazette of things which haue past at Mexico, or at Goa, for that it is farre from vs, and they haue no care to informe them­selues of the siege of Cazal, or of the pro­gresse which the Hol­landers make in the Low-Countryes, for [Page 279] that it is at our doore. Finally, all their dis­courses are so out of season, as good things become bad in their mouthes, and those which are pleasing lose their grace. They only which can bee silent with iudgment, know how to speake in the like manner. Thersites whom Homer had a de­signe to represent, as the most impertinent and vitious man which was in all the Grecians [Page 280] Army at the siege of Troy, doth not describe any of his defects with greater care, then that hee had beene a great and insupportable tal­ker; and in one place he makes King Aga­memnon to strike him on the head with his Scepter, to teach those to hold their peace, which haue not lear­ned to speake. Ordinary vices of great tal­kers. They which are possest with this talking spirit, are not onely importune, [Page 281] and tire the eares of all the world with their ridiculous fables, but they also obserue, that they are most com­monly vaine, blasphe­mers, detracters, nota­ble lyars, and vnreaso­nably curious of ano­ther mans secrets, Of the difficulty which men haue to keepe the se­crets which are commit­ted vnto them. that they may haue the con­tent to entertaine the first commer, that will giue them the hearing. This last vice, is one of the most malicious and the blackest, which [Page 282] defiles the soule of the wicked. I will speake of the rest which l haue mentioned, when it shall be time: Now I cannot in a manner but grow into choler, generally against all men who are so little faithfull, as you shall hardly find any one, that is able to conceale another mans secrets, but he will suffer him. selfe to bee carried a­way by this pressing temptation, to impart [Page 283] it at the last, to his confident and discreet friend. An ex­ample vpon this sub­iect. The example a of Midas, although it be fabulous, doth plea­santly proue this veri­ty. This poore King desiring to hide his As­ses eares which Apollo had in despight caused to grow instead of his own, had an vnspeak­able care to hide them with the great Orna­ments of purple which he did vsually weare; but hee could not pre­uent [Page 284] it, but in the end his Barber discouered them. This man not daring to reueale this secret to any man, lest hee should ruine him­selfe, and not able to conceale it any longer, by this shamefull light­nesse, which is in a manner naturall to all the world: In the end finding himselfe vio­lently prest, and ha­uing no power to re­taine his tongue, which was stopt with a thing [Page 285] [...]hich hee might not [...]eak vnlesse he would [...]aw his life into appa­ [...]nt danger, hee resol­ [...]ed to go and discharg [...]mselfe a farre off in [...]e fields, of this im­ [...]ortune burthen, which [...]id so much disquiet [...]im. Hauing looked [...]ound about him, and [...]nding himselfe alone, [...]ee began to make a [...]eep hole in the earth; [...]fter hee had cast him­ [...]elfe into it, and bent himselfe down against [Page 286] the bottome of t [...] hole, he began to sa [...] with as low a voy [...] as possibly hee coul [...] King Midas hath Ass [...] eares. Being thus i [...] some sort eased, he co­uered the place again with earth, left the se­cret, it may be, should escape. Yet hauing no filled it well, there re­mained a little ris [...] whereas the raine wa­ter hauing fallen lon [...] into it, in the end i [...] made a small marish, i [...] [Page 287] the which by successi­on of time there grew many Reeds: These Reeds with their nou­rishment, drew vnto them by degrees (saith the fable) the words which the Barber had deliuered in that place, so as vpon the least wind which did blow, they did whistle out he same words: King Midas hath Asses eares. How many doe wee finde at this day like vnto this Barber, to [Page 288] whom they haue no sooner let fall a secret in their eare, but as if it were some violent poyson, their hearts worke vntill they haue cast it vp? It seemes (said an Ancient) they they haue their tongns pierced, and cannot re­taine any thing: what­soeuer their thoughts conceiue flowes out, and their indiscreet and rash words (like an ar­row shot right vp) fals as soone vpon them­selues [Page 289] as vpon others. It is one of the greatest misfortunes of this vice of speaking much, that it is not only ridi­culous, but most com­monly fatall to all those which haue their soules and tongues sicke of that disease.

Of commendation of honest men.

TRuly I doe not wonder, if they which are able to discerne and iudge [Page 290] of this kinde of men, which by a word of excellency, they vsual­ly terme honest men, countenance, cherish, and imbrace them as they doe; seeing that they alone (amidst the corruptions of the vi­ces which I haue bla­med in this discourse, and an infinite number of others; whereon I dare not insist, either for their beastlinesse or their basenes) preserue as an image amongst [Page 291] them those pure & in­ [...]ocent maners, wherof, [...]hey say, the delights of [...]he paradise of our first [...]athers were compo­ [...]ed. But there are so [...]ew found, as we need not to multiply the number of the Phenix much to make it equall [...]o that of these admira­ble persons. Of their wisdome. How won­derfull is it to see them amidst so many rocks whereof the Court is [...]ull, somtimes to auoid one, somtimes to resist [Page 292] the force of some con­trary wind, sometimes to yeeld to the violence of the waues, and in those places where as others dare not ap­proach for feare of pe­rishing, to passe freely without any shew to haue beene in the least danger? Of the gouern­ment of their tongues. Their conduct is accompanied with so much iudgment, as there is not any dark­nesse so obscure, that can make them to stay; and particularly, that o [...] [Page 293] their tongue is so cer­taine, as it neuer preci­pitates it selfe. Their iudgment keepes it al­wayes within the bounds of reason, and retaines the rashnesse of its motion with more force then a well fortified Banck can stay the violence of a riuer, or the ouerflow­ing of a torrent. They haue so well applied their soules to good, Of their facility t [...] do good and haue so accusto­med them to fly from [Page 294] vices which corrupt conuersatiō, as it seems they naturally practice all the virtues, which euen the wise themselus by the force of their discourses, had some difficulty to put in pra­ctice. Of their courtesie. They are ciuill and courteous without study, not only to serue & respect those which are aboue their condi­tion, and to honour their equals, but also to deferre many things to those which are their [Page 295] inferiours: And these things succeed with the greater approbati­on, for that they doe them without any art [...]or constraint. Their ac­cesse of their fa­miliar commu­nication. Their accesse is so easie and pleasing, as there is not any man but desires their company, and when as they haue conuersed with them, finde so much sweet­nesse in their spirits, so much integrity in their soules, and so much iudgment in their dis­courses, [Page 296] as they hold themselus happy which may spend their whole liues in their company. If any one speaks vnto them, Of the mildnesse of their spirits. they are atten­tiue without interrup­tion, and when it is time to answere, they doe it with order and iudgment. If the pro­positions which are made before them are so absurd, as they can­not endure them, they shew them the absurdi­ties with so much [Page 297] [...]weetnesse and mode­ [...]y, as they hold them­ [...]lues more bound that [...]re reprehended, then [...]f they had the appro­ [...]ation of many others. They are seldome seen [...]ngry, or moued with [...]ny foolery or lightnes [...]hat is done in their presence: for they haue accustomed their tast, not to reiect euery [...]hing that is not plea­ [...]ing vnto them. Being [...]hus iudicious, the infi­nite diuersity of formes [Page 298] whereof the minde of man is capable, there is not any opinion so ridiculous, nor so con­trary to their sense, that doth wound them; nei­ther are there any that seeme so resonable vn­to them to deserue wel, as they grow amorous and obstinate to main­tain them. Of their manner of expo­sing what they know That which they know, they doe not poure it forth indif­ferently vpon all occa­sions. And if they haue not place to speake to [Page 299] purpose in company, they had rather stay a whole day without speaking, then to deli­uer the goodliest things [...]n the world out of season; Of their modesty to iudge and speak of them­selues. yet in those things which they de­liuer, how sound soe­uer they seeme to bee, they neuer pronounce them with authority, nor in an accent which may testify any satisfa­ction of their mindes: But withall the tem­pers that may sweeten [Page 300] this imperious time, and free them from all suspition of their owne sufficiency. They are neuer heard speake o [...] their predecessors, no [...] of themselues; they know well that such discourses are nor plea­sing, but to such as vse them, and that there are few men so modest, but they seeme to haue some touch of vanity. And who will beleeue a man speaking of him­selfe in so corrupted a [Page 301] season, saith an excel­ [...]ent Philosopher of our [...]atter ages, seeing there are so few to whom we [...]an giue credit, speak­ [...]ng of another man, wherein he hath much lesse interest. In their sports and entertain­ments, which are lesse serious, they doe al­wayes obserue the ef­fects of their excellent iudgment. When they will busie themselues to tell any tales, they make none but such as [Page 302] are pleasant: they are neuer troubled to seeke any occasion of laugh­ter, and they are so new and so familiar vnto them, as they which heare them are neuer troubled to see the end, for that they haue formerly heard them. Of their integrity. One of their virtues, which I loue and esteeme most, is that they are alwaies iust in their words, as they are religious to hold that which they [Page 303] promise. Against lyars and periured persons. Lying seems [...]o them a crime as [...]lack as murther, and [...]hey hold none more [...]eruile nor vnworthy of a man of honour: vnlesse it may bee that [...]inde of periury which [...]fter they haue enga­ged their faith to keepe [...]he secret of a friend, or of some other person, (not considering that [...]hey violate all diuine [...]nd humane lawes) [...]are reueale it, and somtimes sell it to the [Page 304] totall ruine of him from whom they haue receiued it. A man of a bold spirit saith, that this kinde of treachery is in some sense more odious and more exe­crable then Atheisme: for the Atheists who beleeue not in God, doe him not so much iniury, conceiuing that there is not any, as hee which knowes it, be­leeues it, and forswear [...] his holy name in moc­kery. It is a lesse harm [Page 305] [...]o misbeleeue in God, [...]hen to mock him, and [...]hey mock him eui­ [...]ently, which doe not [...]weare by him but to [...]eceiue. But the hor­ [...]or of this vice cannot [...]ee more shamfully de­ [...]cribed, then it hath [...]eene by an Ancient, who saith, that to vio­ [...]te his faith, is a testi­mony that he contemns [...]od, and stands in fear [...]f men: And can there [...]e any thing imagined [...]ore odious, then to [Page 306] seeme a coward to­wards men, & to shew himselfe hardy against God. The great incon­uenience which grows by this first disorder, is that our vnderstanding guiding it selfe by our words, hee that doth falsify, it betrayes pub­lique society. It is the onely meanes by the which wee communi­cate our thoughts an [...] wils, if it failes vs, w [...] are no more vnited one vnto another, neither [Page 307] doe wee know one a­nother: If any one de­ [...]eiue vs, it troubles [...]ur conuersation, and [...]issolues all the bonds [...]f our commerce: and [...]nally, this conuersa­ [...]on whereof wee now [...]eat, is but an infa­mous and sordid traf­ [...]que of malice. But to [...]ontinue our discourse, [...] is time to proceed to [...]at part of entertain­ [...]ent which concernes [...]sting and pleasant [...]eeches.

Of Iesting.

IEsting is a kind of discourse, a little more free then the ordinary, and which hath something bitter mixt with it, the vse whereof is common among the most gal­lant, and it is banished at this day amongst the most inward friends of the Court. If the vse thereof be reasona­ble or not, it is a doubt­full [Page 309] question in my o­ [...]inion, and imports [...]ur subiect, and re­ [...]uires to be examined. [...] it true that Iesting when as it can be con­ [...]ained in an honest moderation, That ho­nest ie­sting giues life to conuer­sation. is a sweet [...]ourishment of con­ [...]ersation, the which would grow cold and [...]edious without these [...]leasing mixtures of [...]ontrarieties, where­with it is diuersified, the which it seems do quic­ [...]en it, to giue it new [Page 310] vigour & grace. Mos [...] part of men doe rathe [...] seek that which doth diuert them with some kind of ioy, then that which entertains them seriously: And as na­turally that which pro­uokes mirth pleaseth, so they are easily dista­sted with those com­panies which haue al­wayes one equall en­tertainment, to follow those where they find these recreations. This is particularly obserued [Page 311] [...]mong a certain num­ [...]er of persons which [...]all asleepe in the idle­ [...]esse of Paris, amidst [...]he vse of the Court: [...]or if this exercise did [...]ot keepe their spirits [...]n breath, and quicken [...]hem from time to [...]me, it were to be fea­ [...]ed they would in the [...]nd fall into a sense­ [...]esse lethargy. This [...]ind of entertainment [...]ignes properly in [...]ch companies: so as [...] seemes that honest [Page 312] men falling by chance amongst them, they should discharge their duties ill, and should faile in the viuacity of their spirits, if they did not imploy themselues to returne iests, which are neuer so milde in the beginning, but they leaue some bitternesse in the minde, which is not easily pulled out. Of all the Iests which I haue heard, That wil­ful iesting is dange­rous. I did ne­uer obserue any so mo­dest, but if they came [Page 313] to a second reply, there escapes some word of the one or the other side which had some tincture of choler, or at least of despight. And although they dissemble their appre­hension, it is the grea­ter, and there is no­thing but vanity that doth suppresse it: for it seemes that it is a law in this sport, to the end that the liberty of bi­ting to the quick may be more insolent, that [Page 314] the first which is dis­contented to loose the party. Whatsoeuer it be, he which made the coldest reply, hath not onely the shame to see himselfe vanquished in a thing wherein they seldome yeeld, which is the spirit: But more­ouer, there doth in a manner alwaies remain in his minde the bitter­nesse of those iests wherewith his aduer­sary hath prest him. I therefore leaue you to [Page 315] iudge which is most [...]itting and most safe, for any one that desires to please, either not to vse any at all, or if hee will break iests with the hazard of the losse of a friend, or to make himselfe an enemy.

Of pleasant words.

PLeasant words are not so dange­rous, so as the I­magination that con­ceiues them, consult [Page 316] first with iudgement before hee deliuers them: and they haue this eminence in parti­cular, that they not on­ly please such as hear [...] them, as al good things doe, but they make him that speakes them to bee regarded with extraordinary admira­tion. Of the excellen­cy of plea­sant words. It seemes that they which haue thi [...] gift, to encounter thu [...] vpon many subiects haue something diuin [...] in them, or some parti­cular [Page 317] Genius, which doth often raise vp their spirits aboue the matter. And doubtlesse, although there be som­times a happinesse, and that fortune hath a hand in this kinde of sport, which a man would say, is wholly exempt from her iuris­diction: yet wee doe vsually see, that they which haue the ability to make vse of it, are adorned likewise with the most rare qualities [Page 318] of the minde. There are few great persona­ges of antiquity which haue not left vs some Apothegmes to this day, and our age may produce some, who besides this faculty of the imagination, they haue also the other parts of the mind of so perfect a temper, as they haue beene held capable of all sorts of difficult imployments: some in Armies, others in forreigne negotiati­ons, [Page 319] and generally in the most important af­faires of the State. Of these things whish h [...] must ob­serue. But to make a pleasing vse of so rare a thing, as pleasant words are, he must obserue certaine rules, and contain him­selfe within diuers con­siderations, without the which they many times lose their grace. Wee must consider what we are, and what ranck he holds vpon whom hee will breake a iest, of what nature the thing [Page 320] is whereon wee will exercise our wits, vpon what occasion, in what company, and finally, what the thing is which we will speake, and whether it be like­ly it will passe for cur­rant. That he must a­uoid ie­sting. What excellency and beauty soeuer wee admire in this kinde of speeches, yet it is not fit for an honest man, any time to tell any tale, or to make and encounter vpon any subiect, how pleasing [Page 321] soeuer, whose grace cannot be exprest with­out ill lookes or ridicu­lous iestures. The least action wherein there is any shew of Buffone­ [...]y, is vnworthy of the person which he ought to play, and as he must haue a care to vary his entertainment by these pleasing deuices; so he must bee curious, they may not haue a con­ceit that he doth affect them: wherfore when­soeuer hee shall feele [Page 322] these sharp speeches a [...] his tongues end, he shall not alwayes ven [...] them and giue them scope; but rather los [...] them, then to diminish any thing of his esti­mation, or of that which is seemely. Hee must neuer iest vpon mi­serable men nor wicked persons. He must particularly ob­serue, neuer to break his iests vpon misera­ble persons nor wicked men: for that the na­tural inclination which in a manner all me [...] haue to bee affecte [...] [Page 323] with pitty at the pres­ [...]ing calamities where­with they see miserable when afflicted, will not suffer them to laugh at them, and wicked men reserue a more seuere punishment then that of bare words. There are none but glorious persons, whom they doe not spare, in the most wretched estate that they can fall into, [...]o odious presumption [...]s, vnder what habite soeuer it bee hidden. [Page 324] Nor ho­nest men.The persons which he must carefully spare are those which haue a publique estimation and are generally belo­ued of all the world for that it may some­times happen, that in thinking to crosse them in some word of iest hee shall find lesse ap­probation then the who by a secret indig­nation shall take par [...] in the apprehension o [...] this iest. Hee must al­so consider, Nor offi­cers. neuer to [Page 325] wound great powers with the like iests, who giue order and motion to the state; nor persons of an eminent conditi­on, Nor great men. for the one is capi­tall, and the other is not much lesse dange­rous. There is nothing that doth so outragi­ously offend the fee­ling of this kinde of men, who haue their soules tender and ap­prehensiue of the least iniuries, then doth con­tempt, wherof it seems [Page 326] the most modest iests haue some mixture. Neither may yee in their presence, make a scoffe at a third mans vices, whereunto they themselues are subiect, for that they presently imagine that they are silent reproches, which are not cast forth a­gainst another, but to strike them. [...]or him­selfe. I need not aduertise any one what­soeuer, neuer to make a iest of his owne de­fects. As for our [Page 327] friends, Nor his friends. they ought to be so sacred vnto vs, as wee should not dare to violate them by any biting words: And he must be very rude, Nor ho­nest wo­men.and more brutish then Beares, not to intreat honest woemen with the like reuerence and respect, and to forbeare (not only against them but also before them) to let slip any word, or any thought whose sense may bee wrested to some filthy interpre­tation. [Page 328] The excellency of pleasant speeches consists principally in being short, Principal rules of pleasant [...]heeches. quick, plain, deliuered with a good grace, and so fit­ly, as they may not sa­uour of study, nor that hee hath brought them from home: And this is the cause why they which reply, are more esteemed then they which assaile, for they are lesse suspected to haue premeditated. As for the diuers kinds, i [...] [Page 329] [...] a subiect something intricate, whereof, it may be, I will one day treat at large, as well as of the places from whence they may bee drawne. But at this present it is too long for the little liberty which I haue taken in his Discourse. I will produce no examples, for that the Ancients are common, and those of our time (not to lose any thing of their grace) it would require [Page 330] wee should daily na [...] persons whom w [...] must respect.

Of the difference of age [...] manners, and conditi­ons which must be obserued.

IT remaines now to consider of the dif­ference of ages manners, and conditi­ons which are found amongst so great [...] number of men, int [...] whose conuersation [Page 331] [...]uers encounters may [...]aw vs: We entertain our selues otherwise with yong men, then with old persons, and the discourses which are pleasing to the one and the other, doe not agree well with those, in whom age [...]ath tempered the vi­ [...]es, of these two ex­ [...]reames: Neither doe we liue in like manner with the good as with [...]he bad, if by chance wee are forced to bee [Page 332] amongst them: n [...] with such as are our fa­miliars, as with other that are scarce know [...] vnto vs: nor with per­sons that loue ioy and mirth, as with those that are melancholy and seuere: nor yet with the glorious, a [...] with those that are ci­uill and honest. Amidst this confusion of hu­mours, so contrary one to another, hee must haue a sound iudg­ment, to free himselfe [Page 333] in good sort; but hee [...]ust bee very circum­ [...]ect to distinguish those that are interessed from others which are not, lest hee deceiue himselfe. They which are borne gentile, and with all the qualities which should accom­pany Nobility, doe principally affect mat­ters of honour. And they which haue no­thing more commen­dable then their riches, are glad that men [Page 334] should admire the wealth. Persons con­stituted in great place will haue extraordina­ry submissions, and ge­nerally all they which are happy, are willing­ly imperious, and desi [...] that men should bow to their great fortune▪ An honestman, How an honest should carry himselfe amidst these dif­ferent conditions amidst all these conditions doth iudge of that which his owne ma [...] with honesty permit him, and knowes how to yeeld or retaine so [Page 335] much of his courtesie is necessary, not to be anything vnwor­thy of the person which [...]e represents. His iudg­ment is so fit to finde [...]mpers in all things, [...]hat without flattery [...] obsequiousnesse, hee will obserue that rule of Epictetus, who doth [...]duise vs to yeeld with­ [...]ut resistance, to the opinions and wils of [...]reat men, to consent as much as may bee to those of our equals, and [Page 336] to perswade those wit [...] mildnesse that are ou [...] inferiours. The last precept in the con­uersation of equals. To thes [...] three maximes I will adde for the last gene­rall precept, that he must neuer attempt to entertaine any man to please him, vnlesse hee hath first duly conside­red of his humour, his inclinations, & of wha [...] temper his spirit is; to the end he goe not low­er nor higher then he ought, but to accom­pany him so neare, a [...] [Page 337] all his discourses may be fitted to his carriage. If hee encounter with as able men as I pre­suppose hee is, I onely recommend vnto him a firme attention to that which is spoken before him, and to that which he speakes him­selfe, to the end that he may not only make his answeres to the pur­pose, but also pleasing, and may tie his imagi­nation to adorne them with all the graces [Page 338] of speech and exteriour action.

Of conuersation with women.

HAuing now tre­ted of the enter­tainment of the Prince, and of the con­uersation with equals, it remaines to speak of that of women, where­of we may say, that as it is the sweetest and most pleasing, so it is the most difficult and [Page 339] nice of all others. That of men is more vigo­rous and free, and ther­fore for that it is com­monly fild with more [...]lid and serious mat­ters, they doe lesse ob­ [...]erue the faults which are committid, then women, who hauing more actiue spirits, and not charged with so many things, do pre­ [...]ently discouer the least [...]rrours, and are more ready to lay hold of [...]hem. There is no [Page 340] place where as this kind of conuersation is seene with more shew and lustre, Descrip­tion of a Circle. then in the Court; when as the Queenes hold the Cir­cle, or rather when they display, as an abridg­ment of all that which hath been glorious and perfect in the world▪ Whosoeuer hath read in Poets the magnifi­cence of these famous assemblies which were made in heauen, whe [...] as Iuno sent to call a [...] [Page 341] the Goddesses to assist at the pomp of some extraordinary reioy­cing: Or whosoeuer hath taken delight in a cleare night to con­template the Moone a­mong a million of Starres, to glister with such brightnesse, and to poure forth so cleare a light, that it seemes that all those Starres which accompany her are so many beames which shee casts forth, or rather so many spar­cles [Page 342] of her fire, which shee lets fall in heauen. The Queenes and prin­cesses. Hee that can represent vnto himselfe, at least imperfectly, the accesse of so many illustrious and beautifull Ladies before these Queenes, to whom they come, as it were to yeeld the homage of all that which they haue most charming and admira­ble. Not to lye, when as a man findes him­selfe before these great lights, there is not any [Page 343] heart of so little cou­rage, which doth not feele it selfe secretly tempted with a desire to bee an honest man, to merit the honour to approach, and to bee regarded, as of fauou­rable Planets, which make our inclinations and our fortunes hap­py, by the sole bounty of their aspects. About this diuine Circle, The La­dyes in the which we may say is found the true center of all the perfections of [Page 344] the minde and body we see the other Ladies as lesse lights, shining in a spheare inferious to the first, which giues soule and motion to all the rest. Not far from thence, as in a heauen a part, The maids of honour. appeares a troop of young Nymphes which, like vnto wan­dring fires, take such places as they please in this stately Circuit: And whilst the Queens display their glory vp­on their Thrones, to [Page 345] the eyes of all the Court, these faire Vir­gins, or rather these yong Starres on the o­ther side, cause their beauties to be admired, and subiect vnto their Empire the highest and most indomptible li­berties of the earth. This, without doubt, Of the conuersa­tion of the Louver and of i [...] discom­modity. is the great Theater of the conuersation of women; but the con­fusion which is found there is strange, especi­ally at these stately [Page 346] houres at night, the which is so importune, as the best entertain­ments are tired. A good company is no sooner drawne together, but it is presently disturbed by the accesse of some troublesome person, o [...] its sweetnesse is inte­rupted by the presence of some person of great quality, or is altogether disquieted by the near­nesse of some spies o [...] the Court, who haue mercenary eares, and [Page 347] are imployed as Physi­ [...]ians do their Horse- [...]eeches, so as in this place it is rather by ha­ [...]ard or by force, then by election, that they are ingaged in conuer­sation; and many times wee are forced to fixe vpon such a person whose encounter out of that place we would fly, as from a pestife­rous person. Of the choice must be made in the Go [...] We must then descend vnto the City, and obserue who are those amongst the [Page 348] women of quality which are esteemed the most honest women and where are the best assemblies, and if i [...] may be, draw himself into their companies to the end they may haue an interest to do vs good offices, with all those that come to visite them. Of small precepts. Heere haue reserued my self to speak of some sma [...] precepts which in she [...] seeme more fit to be practised among the [...] [Page 349] then with men: As al­so most part of those which wee haue for­merly examined, fall [...]nto practice daily a­mongst women. And wee must confesse that [...]hey hold so neare one vnto another, as they goe in a manner daily [...]ogether, & they make a perfect vnion and knitting as of Sciences and virtues.

Of the exterior presence The first care that [...]e must haue that will [...]requent the Cabinets [Page 350] and companies, and accustome himselfe to the entertainment of women, is to make his presence pleasing. For the first thing which they consider in a man, is his coun­tenance and outward gesture, which Cicero cals the eloquence of the body. He hath di­uided it but into two parts, the gesture and the voyce: But in the subiect whereof wee treat, we must adde the [Page 351] habit, and the compo­sition of the body it selfe, which must bee of a structure well fa­shioned and proporti­onable, or at the least that hee may haue no­thing that at his first entrance might distast the eyes of those which looke on him. Of appar­rell.. As for his apparrell, it is bet­ter to bee neat and handsome, then gor­gious, and all they which haue any good relish, had rather see [Page 352] those which are neatly attyred, then other which are richly coue­red. Yet the more man can bestow with­out imparing his estate is the better, and it [...] one of the most prof [...] ­table expences that ca [...] bee made in Court. [...] is in a manner the only thing which followe those which know ho [...] to make vse of it, an [...] it opens them tho [...] doores which are ma­ny times shut to me [...] [Page 353] of great quality, and more often to virtue. To be well apparelled, [...]e must carry nothing [...]hat is particular nor [...]xtrauagant, and the [...]abites must bee well [...]orted, and with iudg­ment. Of the manner of the fashi­on of ap­parrell, & of the su­ting of it. Many women [...]udge of the spirits of men by the fashion of [...]heir apparrell, and they cannot imagine, but if [...]hey bee fantastique in [...]he forme of their hats or doublets, they are likewise so in their hu­mours. [Page 354] The age is als [...] to be considered in tha [...] point: for an old ma [...] will bee ridiculous in carnation or green vel­uet cloak, and a youn [...] man will haue no goo [...] grace to bee alwaye [...] attired in black, or i [...] some other obscure co­lours. Aboue all thing he must bee curious o [...] the fashion; I doe no [...] mean that of some hu­morous people, among the young men of the Court, who, to seem [...] [Page 355] resolute, drowne halfe [...]heir stature in great [...]ots, sometimes they [...]unge themselus from [...]e armepits to the [...]celes in their breeches, [...]nd sometimes they [...]rowne all the fashion [...]f their faces in the [...]immes of their hats, [...]eing as broad as the arasolo of Italy. But meane that fashion, [...]hich being allowed [...]y the most sufficient [...]mongst great and ho­ [...]est men, serues as a [Page 356] law to all others. I hol [...] them fantastick, which grow obstinate to con­tradict those thing which are in vse, what [...]soeuer it be, but princi­pally in a thing so in different as apparrel Let an honest man be carefull not to fall int [...] such capritious hu­mours; as likewise no [...] to bee the originall in­uenter of new fashion [...] vnlesse hee findes him­selfe very capable to make them succed [Page 357] [...]owsoeuer, Of the apparrel­ling of men. hee must [...]eware, lest they ob­ [...]rue in him too much are in his attire, and [...] effect, a man that is [...]oo curious, is worse [...]en he that is too care­lesse. This kind of care is not seemely but a­mong women, and a man is neuer comely, [...]ut when hee beleeues [...]t not. So as a man bee neatly attired, it doth not import to bee gor­gious. Small precept. It is sufficient if he haue alwayes clean [Page 358] linnen and white, th [...] he be well shod: as fo [...] his apparrell, if it be not rich, yet, at the lea [...] it must not bee old no [...] filthy, let his hat be new, and of the new­est fashion; let him al­wayes haue his hea [...] dried, and his hayre i [...] order as they wea [...] them; let him keep his beard carefully i [...] order, by reason of the discommodity he shold otherwise receiue in speaking and eating, [Page 359] and particularly let him alwayes haue his [...]eeth and mouth so [...]leane, as they whom he shall entertain, may neuer receiue any an­noyance by his breath. An art more studied serues lesse, then it doth hurt: and ye shall ma­ny times see one that seemes more pleasing to the eyes of a troope of Ladyes, all Sun­burnt, and couered with sweat and dust, that is returned from the war, [Page 360] or from hunting, the [...] these men of wax which dare neuer shew themselues in the Sun nor approch neare the fire for feare they should melt.

Of Action, which is the soule of words.

ACtion which is a part of the diuisi­on of this elo­quence of the body, whereof we haue spo­ken, must also bee duly [Page 361] [...]onsidered of, being as [...]t is the soule of all the discourses which wee make. In effect, our words languish if they be not supported, and wee see many men, in whose mouthes the goodliest things seeme dead, or at the least, so cold as they moue not; and others know how [...]o giue life vnto the [...]east, with such grace, as they delight all those [...]hat heare them. Of the accent [...] the voyc [...] But to vanquish two senses [Page 362] at one instant, and e­qually to besiege mens spirits, by their eyes & eares, hee must haue an exact care, that the ac­cent of his voyce may haue nothing in it that is rough, nor sharp, nor confused, nor too re­gular. The other parts assist those much that speake; but wee may say in some sort of the hands that they speake themselus. For by them in a manner as often as with the tongue, we [Page 363] demand, wee promise, wee call vnto vs, wee send away, we questi­on, and we deny: and finally wee expresse in [...]o great a number of different things, that in his strange diuersity of Languages of so many Nations where with the [...]arth is inhabited, it [...]eemes that nature hath [...]eserued that of the [...]ands alone, to make [...]t common among all men.

And of all these [Page 364] cares which man hath to make the outward action pleasing, That they must re­spect wo­men. the first and principall pre­cept which hee must obserue that will please women, is to honour them with all the re­spects and submissions that are possible and fitting. It is an effect of their weaknesse to be of an imperious hu­mour as they are, and it seemes to them that in vsurping this autho­rity ouer men, which [Page 365] they arrogate vnto themselus, they repaire in some sort the natu­rall defect of their little force. Wherefore we see, that all the actions which shew obedience and respect, are plea­sing vnto them, and they are most com­monly in their greatest fauour, which know best how to bend, and submit themselues be­fore them. Of plea­sing am [...] women. Hee that hath the ability, should neuer bring into this [Page 364] [...] [Page 365] [...] [Page 366] commerce, any but smooth and silken words wherewith they entertaine Kings. And all they which (as they say) can neuer speake but on horse-backe, should proceed on their way, to goe vnto the warre, and not stay a­mong women. This sex is too mild & quiet to endure any harsh­nes or quarrels. What­souer is any thing rough amazeth them, and the least thing that [Page 367] doth crosse them, dis­contents them. The most sufficient among them, haue such tender spirits, as they are mo­ued with the least con­testations which op­pose their apprehensi­ons, and crosse their mindes: so as they which are not forced to yeeld easily vnto their wils and opinions, can neuer bee in bad termes with them, nor want estimation. Fi­nally, in this point all [Page 368] the rules of pleasing should bee put in prac­tice, and the most humble submissiōs are gracefull to any what­soeuer. Reasons why they should hu­mour wo­men. And doubtlesse it is not onely for the reasons which are or­dinarily alleaged, that women are so honou­red by honest men▪ for if that were not, but for the pleasure which they receiue in their companies, to whom they ascribe so much, the most bru­tish [Page 369] would bee the per­ [...]ons that would make most account of them. [...]f it were not also but [...] consideration that [...]hey preserue our kind, [...]here would bee few [...]ut Philosophers, and [...]uch as meditate vpon [...]he principles, and vni­ [...]ersall causes of things, [...]hat would esteeme [...]hem. Or else if it were [...]ot, that to acknow­ [...]edge the paines which [...]hey endure in carrying vs nine moneths in [Page 370] their wombs, in bring [...]ing vs into the light, in nourishing vs and in assisting the de­fects of our infancy and sometimes of our whole ages. It seeme that we should not ow [...] these homages which we yeeld vnto all the sex, but to our mother in particular. That the virtue of women is equall to that of men. But it i [...] their own virtue which we respect, the which hath the greater charm to make it selfe to be admired, for that it i [...] [Page 371] accompanied with gra­ces, and as it were in­lightned with the beames of beauty. In effect, it differs nothing from that of men: And Plutarch had reason obstinately to maintain that it is the same; and to proue it, as hee doth, by a great number of examples, where it seemes he would draw into comparison the most eminent actions of men, with those of women, and conferre [Page 372] their liues, as of tables drawne with the same hand vpon the same o­riginall. And after all, if the magnificence (saith hee) of Queene Semiramis bee as glori­ous as that of King Se­sostris; if the wisdom of Tanaquill bee no lesse then that of King Servius; if Porcia e­quals the force of Bru­tus courage; or if that of Tymoclea yeelds no­thing to the magnani­mity of Pelopidas, why [Page 373] should wee not reue­ [...]ence them in the like [...]ort, and recompence [...]hem with the same honours? If there bee [...]ound any difference, [...]t is not in the nature of the virtue, but in that of the persons which doe exercise it, who be­ [...]ng not of the same hu­mour, practice it after a different manner. A­chilles was valiant in one sort, and Aiax after another: the wisdome of Vlysses was not like [Page 374] to that of Nestor, an [...] Cato was not iust lik [...] vnto Agesilaus. Iren [...] did not loue her hus­band in the same sor [...] as Alcestis loued hers neither was Corneli [...] generous in the sam [...] manner like to Olympi [...] yet this doth not con­clude, that there ar [...] many valours, nor ma­ny wisdomes, nor ma­ny iustices, nor that e­uery one of these vir­tues can bee multiplied into different kindes▪ [Page 375] But wee may draw from all this wee haue deliuered, that the gene­rosity of women is the same with that of men, and that the difference of their sexes makes not any of their vir­tues. How necessary women are in Court. To this we must ad, that without them the goodliest Courts in the world would bee mournfull & languish­ing, without splendor, without ioy, and with­out any kinde of gal­lantnesse; and we must [Page 376] confesse, that their pre­sence alone quicken [...] mens mindes, and in­cites the generosity o [...] all those which haue a­ny feelings and appre­hensions. This being true, as vndoubtedly [...] is, what men can be so stupid and dull, as to refuse respects and ho­nours to those which giue them glory, or a [...] the least, inspire them with a desire to get it▪ These respects consis [...] in a certaine expression [Page 377] of humility and reue­ [...]nce by gestures or by [...]ords, which testifie [...] extraordinary e­ [...]eem which we make [...] those persons to [...]hom wee vse them. [...]hey are also exprest [...]y actions; Of serui­ces that are to bee done to women. and by a [...]ousand obseruations [...] petty seruices which [...]e to bee done to wo­men, which being per­ [...]ormed in time, and of­ [...]n reiterated, work in [...]e end stronger im­ [...]ressions, then those [Page 378] which are more im­portant, whereof th [...] occasions fall out se [...] ­dome. They which a [...] amorous haue no nee [...] of my precepts, seein [...] they haue so many pe [...] ­nicious Masters in th [...] art, & are themselus b [...] too inuētiue to impro [...] their folly. But ho [...] much is an honest wo­mā to be pittied, who [...] beauty hath been sov [...] fortunate, as to stirv [...] this passion in an i [...] composed soule, full o [...] [Page 379] indiscretion and vani­ [...], which are at this [...]y the two greatest [...]agues, wherwith the [...]e of the Court is in­ [...]cted. The eyes of [...]e Basiliske are lesse [...]ngerous, and lesse [...] be feared, for the life [...] men, then the looks [...] vaine and indiscreet [...]en are to bee appre­ [...]nded for the honour [...] honest women. That the most chast are many times most sub­iect to slanders. That [...]hich I find most per­ [...]cious, is, that the most [...]aste, are sometimes [Page 380] soonest lost by this l [...]mentable course, f [...] reputation consisting as it doth, but in opin [...]on, which doth eas [...] turne good into ba [...] and being the prope [...]ty of vaine spirits a [...] wayes to attempt th [...] things that are most [...]minent: when as [...] faire woman who ha [...] the repute to bee virt [...]ous, hath let fall (and may be by chance) h [...] eyes vpon them, th [...] conceiue that it shou [...] [Page 381] touch their reputation, if they should not make all the world be­leeue that they haue receiued some particu­lar fauours from her: so making a kind of re­ioycing of their idle i­maginations, to per­swade that which is not, they imploy so much art, as they which are least credulous and least susceptible of scan­dalous impressions, are many times forced to conceiue bad suspiti­ons. [Page 382] They which are of this humour, thus to defame women, are themselues disgraced with them, and they must neuer expect any thing but contempt, al­though they had all the louely qualities that can be imagined. There are many other defects whereof some in truth are lesse malicious, and of lesse consequence then those wherof we haue spoken, but they keepe them no lesse [Page 383] from the fauours of [...]is pleasing sex. Ʋice is o­dious in the con­uersation of women. Ge­ [...]rally all vices dis­ [...]ease those that loue [...]rtue, but particularly [...]ey cannot indure [...]nderers nor blasphe­ [...]ers, nor those which [...]e obstinate, nor fan­ [...]stick, nor humorous; [...] any other of those [...]perfections, which [...]ew a rudenesse of the [...]ind. Of slan­derers. And to speake [...]ē truth, what can they [...]xpect from ill tongu'd [...]en but slanders, and [Page 382] [...] [Page 383] [...] [Page 384] an vsage so much th [...] more rigorous, as the virtue shall bee em [...]nēt? Of blas­phemers. And what respect can they hope fo [...] from such, who co [...]temning heauen it sel [...] dare vpon all occasion by execrable oathes violate the honour o [...] the sacred name o [...] God, and prophane th [...] glory of that holy, pur [...] and admirable essence▪ If they loue the sweet­nesse of entertainment and pleasant diuerting [Page 385] humours, as vndoub­ [...]edly they doe, The ob­stinate & dull. what [...]an they finde in obsti­ [...]ate and dull spirits, [...]ut contrarieties and [...]elancholy, which are [...]dious and difficult to [...]o them to endure? The proud. They doe as willingly [...]uffer the pride of those [...]pirits which are puft vp with presumption [...]nd false glory, whose [...]outhes are neuer o­ [...]en but for their owne praises, and to publish [...]heir goodly actions. [Page 386] A Gentleman is ver [...] ridiculous that hath n [...] other thing to speake and they are to be pitti­ed, which are force [...] to heare him often. wil allow that he mak [...] good vse of that whic [...] he knowes, and whe [...]in he is excellent; b [...] it must be by effects ra­ther then by word and by hazard (if it may be) rather then of pur­pose. Although hee b [...] an excellent good dan­cer, yet he shall not al­wayes [Page 387] send for the Musicque, nor draw the company together: But without pressing forward, or making himselfe to bee entrea­ted, he shall goe with the rest, as to a sport wherein hee shall not i­magine to haue more aduantage then in any other whereunto they would draw him. If thre bee a party made to fight at Barriers, or to runne at the Ring, or if any other occasion [Page 388] be offered, to shew how excellent he is in all ex­ercises; how good a horsman soeuer he bee, and how actiue soeuer hee finds himselfe, hee will be alwayes of that pleasing temper, and will content himselfe to do well without ma­king any shew to haue satisfied himselfe. The most sufficient man in in the world, if hee brags of it, is but a sot. All that hee saith or doth, doe not please, [Page 389] and the greater care he hath to giue a lustre to his good qualities, and to make them seeme pleasing, doth not on­ly obscure them, but al­so make them impor­tune. Vanity hath this common with rashnes, that as it is foolish and blinde, so it is vnfortu­nate. Modesty, in my opinion, is the most necessary of all the vir­tues which are in vse with the conuersation of women: most of [Page 390] the others get but their esteeme, but this gaines the heart, and doth fi­nish that which so ma­ny subtill directions haue only begun.

That [...]gment [...]es or­ [...] to the [...]duct [...]ife.After so many diffe­rent obseruations, for the last and most cer­taine of all other, wee must say that iudgment is the master of this art; and from its good or bad conduct, depends chiefly the successe of that which wee haue [...]ropoūded. All the best [Page 391] maximes fall into con­fusion, if they receiue not order from it, and in those things which are most euident, wee must not leaue to con­sult with it, as well as in those which are diffi­cult. But especially a­mong women, it is in a manner impossible, without the helpe of Iudgment, that our e­steeme should gaine a­ny aduantage; for be­ing of a spirit somwhat vnequall vnto them, [Page 390] [...] [Page 391] [...] [Page 392] if Iudgment goes not before to distinguish them, or if we doe not learne from themselus the things which dis­like them, and those which content them, it is a difficult thing euer to finde the secret of their pleasure. So as wee cannnot giue any certain rules vpon this subiect, by reason of the great difference of en­counters, and of the in­finite diuersity of spi­rits. It sufficeth to say, [Page 393] [...]hat the precepts which goe to the structure of [...]his Art, are common [...]o all the world, like vnto publique places and fountaines: But [...]he wise know how [...]o make vse of them, and to imploy them to their owne particular, euery man according to his capacity, and the profession wherein he imployes himselfe. And finally, to end this Dis­course, I conclude, that to make a perfect ho­nest [Page 394] man, he must haue so many eminent per­fections, as those things which are most diffi­cult, may be easie vnto him, and that making him in some sort admi­rable to all the world he may haue no cau [...] to admire any man.

Diuers Aduertisement vpon the designe of this Treaty.

BEhold the feeling and sense of the [Page 395] worst Courtier in the world vpon this subtill and nice subiect. And when I consider who I am, what my humour is, my carriage, my profession, and the con­tempt I make of the Court, I can hardly conceiue how it could fall into my imaginati­on to write vpon this subiect. If I were of some illustrious birth, and greedy to produce my selfe, to purchase some esteeme: If I suf­fered [Page 396] my selfe to bee tempted with this foo­lish vanity, to enter of­ten into great mens houses, where they do me the honour to open their doores: If I were delighted to entangle my selfe in their intri­cate businesse, and fi­nally, If I did loue the tumult of this great world, and that I had wherewithall to make my selfe pleasing by some of those virtues, whereof I would haue [Page 397] others to haue the full possession, my designe, it may be, might finde some approbation. But seeing mine owne de­fects, and knowing that I haue but the least of those qualities which I haue described, I know not with what apparent reason I can colour my attempt, to make it appeare reso­nable. I had rather confesse freely, that the fault which I haue committed in taking [Page 398] this paines, is worse then to haue remained idle. But after all that which pleaseth mee most, and which makes mee thus bold to pub­lish my conceptions in this manner, is, that wee haue not yet, any lawes against bad Au­thors, and that the crime of writing ill hath remained hither­to among vs without any example of punish­ment. My designe is onely to represent a [Page 399] good man, more brief­ [...]y then others haue done, rather then one of these nimble Cour­ [...]iers of this age, whose most virtuous maximes are not alwayes inno­cent. If he be insuffici­ent, it is as I am: and if they finde I haue not giuen him good coun­cell enough, I doe not see that I am bound to teach them more then I haue learned. Yet I propound vnto him sufficient imployment [Page 400] for a part of his life and I assure my selfe, that hee shall not im­ploy many of his houres vnprofitably, [...] he will addict himselfe to all the exercises which I haue shewe [...] him to bee fitting to hi [...] profession. This is ra [...]ther an Idaea of tha [...] which is possible, the [...] an example of a thin [...] which is commonl [...] seene. Hee that hat [...] not sufficiency to attain to all these good quali­ties, [Page 401] let him hold him­selfe to that which hee may, and endeauour, at the least, to haue a part of the most neces­sary, and not giue them ouer. They which would haue mee giue full and particular pre­cepts of euery thing which I haue onely mentioned in passing, make a proposition which shewes a weak­nesse of iudgment wor­thy of comparison. When I say that a Gen­tleman [Page 402] should bee a good horseman, and that hee should know how to handle his weapon; is it not to aduertise him to go vn­to the Academy, and to frequent the Schooles, or to haue good Ma­sters in his house, to learne from them that which hee should not bee ignorant of? So when I aduise him to study the Politiques▪ or the Morals, or the Mathematiques; is i [...] [Page 403] not to tell him, that he should carefully reade the best Authors which haue written of these goodly Sciences, or that hee should confer with learned men? Would they haue me stuffe my Booke with the royall Mannage, and of the noble Art of Defence; and that I should set down common places of all the History, and the figures of al the in­struments of Geome­try? In like manner, [Page 404] when I bring them i [...] vnto the King, and great men, must I mak [...] these Orations and di [...]courses for euery day in the weeke, with a little treaty of childish ciuility; to the end they may bee furnished wherewith to cour [...] them? Is it not suffici [...]ent that I haue enga [...]ged my selfe to shew them the way, but the will binde mee to go [...] it? Howsoeuer, I haue [...]nserted in this little [Page 405] booke what I thought most necessary, and haue cut off what I held superfluous. I haue mingled my opinions with those of the anci­ent and moderne, and indeauored to fixe my selfe vpon the soundest and most conformable to reason. If I were now to restore that which I haue taken from them, I confesse, that I haue so con­founded them with mine owne, as I could [Page 406] not know them to make a separation. Bu [...] this paines would be so vnprofitable, and i [...] imports mee so little, whether they beleeue that I haue inuented, or that I imitate, that ra­ther then I will endure the question, I am rea­dy to confesse, that the good things which they shall obserue in this Discourse, are (if they please) mere thefts; that the indifferent [...]aue beene ill coppied [Page 407] but of good originals; and that the bad; (if they shall finde a grea­ter number then of good) are all of mine owne groweth, and of my inuention. Let cen­sors teare it in peeces, if they be not sufficient to blame it, I promise them I will be no more moued, then when I see my cloathes beaten to get out the dust.


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