[Page] Speculum Aegrotorum. THE SICKE­mens Glasse: OR, A plaine Jntroduction wherby one may giue a true, and infallible iudgement, of the life or death of a sicke bodie, the originall cause of the griefe, how he is tormen­ted and afflicted, what thinges are medicinable to the dis­eased person: and the day and houre in which he shall recouer, or surrender his vitall breath.

Whereunto is annexed a treatise of the foure humors, and how they are ingendered and distributed in our humane bodies: with cer­taine and manifest signes to discerne of what complexi­on any man is: and the operation that eating, drinking rest and exercise, worketh in euery person: with certaine speciall preser­uatiues for the eye-sight.

Composed by Iohn Fage, Student in Phisicke, and practi­tioner in Astrologie.

LONDON Printed for VVilliam Lugger, and are to be solde at his Shop vpon Holborne-bridge. 1606.

To the worthy and renowned Company of Students and professors of the excellent science of Phisicke, Iohn Fage wisheth health.

IVdicious Doctors and professors of the famous and laudable science of Phisicke (in token of the inesti­mable loue & good will I beare to this worthy faculty) I haue vnto you (as the chiefe patrons thereof,) committed this little Glasse of sick men: wherein you may beholde the state and condi­tion of the diseased person (soe truely and infallibly, as the Arte of Astrologie can certifie) being aswel cor­respondent and agreeable to the sayings of auncient and approoued Authors, as by experience and dayly obseruations verified, whereof I my selfe haue made sufficient triall (as many of my familiar friendes and associates can testifie) insomuch that hee which com­pareth these documents with the iudicials of vrine, shall thereby not onely decerne and perceiue the true cause of the disease, but also the augmentation, relax­ation, continuance and alteration thereof to good or euill (both to the praise and estimation of the arte, & [Page] also the credit & profit of the expert Physition) assu­ring you that heerein is nothing written, but onely that which hath been taken out of the groundes of A­strologie, and agreeable to the sentences of the moste excellentest Physitions. And although peraduenture this methode and manner of iudgement dooth seeme hard and difficile to some men at the first aparance, yet let no mā be discouraged, for with a little reading and perusing, it wil soone appeare both plaine & ea­sie, which being once obtained, the commoditie ther­of will bee verie delectable and profitable. And so to conclude, if this my labour be acceptable to your learned eares, it will encourage me (to endeauour to the vtermost of my power) both to examplefie this in­troduction, and also to supply you with another trea­tise which shall fully and largely detect and lay open this manner of Iudicials: so in the meane time I commit you (and your industri­ous actions) to the protection of the Almightie. At Midhurst this 24. of Aprill. 1606. *⁎*

To the Reader.

LEauing thee diuers and sundrie opinions of many Authors (with their mistaken axiomes and vna­prooued sayings) as well as the rash boldenesse and presumptuous iudgements of those ignorant per­sons which eyther by the day of the month, the age of the Moone, or Plannet, then raygning, onely doe giue iudgement on the life or death of a sicke person, or of the manner of his disease: which by their erronious opinions haue brought this famous arte in­to such and so greate contempt, that of the moste part of men, it is supposed to be rather a recreatiue inuention, then any true and vn­fained asscertion. I haue (Gentle Reader) by the helpe of those two excellent Astonomers, Ptholomeus and Hermes, nourished and brought vp this prole or issue, which although it be yet young, na­ked, weake, and tender, yet I hope in consequence of time (when it is come to ripenesse of age, well cloathed and to his full strength) that it will be able to stop the mouth of this hi­dious monster ignorance, which with his violent sting and vene­mous biting, seeketh vtterly to destroy science and learning, accor­ding to the old prouerbe scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignoranciam: So committing this little one into thy fa­uorable protection, I hope thou wilt rather charita­bly, foster it in the lappe of pittie: then tyra­nically and cruelly to destroy it in his infancie.

Yours to the vttermost of his power. Iohn Fage

The Contentes of this Booke.

  • OF the significator of the sicke body.
  • A Table to finde out the Criticall, Iudiciall, and Mortall diaes.
  • Of the Aspects of the Moone with the Planets.
  • To knowe whether the sicke person shall liue or dye.
  • To knowe when and at what time the sicke person shall a­mend or recouer.
  • To knowe when and at what time the sicke person shall depart or be grieuously tormented.
  • Of the cause of the disease.
  • What opperation the Moone worketh in euery of the 12. signes, being afflicted by the ill fortunes.
  • The manner to knowe of what humor or humors the griefe proceedeth.
  • The quality of the foure humors and times appropriated vnto them.
  • How the 4. humors are distributed in our humaine bodies.
  • Infallible signes to discerne of what complection any man
  • What operation eating, drinking, rest, & exercise worketh is. in each compelexion.

The names of the Caracters which are heerin written for abridgement sake.

  • Planets
    • Saturne.
    • Iupiter.
    • Mars.
    • Sol
    • Venus.
    • Mercury.
    • Luna.
  • Aspects
    • Coniunction,
    • sextile,
    • Trine.
    • Quartile,
    • Opposition.
  • Signes
    • Aries,
    • Taurus,
    • Gemini,
    • Cancer
    • Leo,
    • Virgo,
    • Libra
    • Scorpio,
    • Sagitarius,
    • Capricornus,
    • Aquarius,
    • Pisces.

Of the significator of the sicke body.

IT hath beene an order and a custome (amongst the most excellentest and wisest Physitions) to choose the Moone for the principall significatrix of the sicke person, and according vnto her motion, scituation, and configuration (with other Plannets) haue gi­uen iudgment on the increasing, mittigation, and alteration of the disease.

For Hippocrates (in principio Prognosticorum) speaketh of the Moone, and sayth in this manner. There is a certaine Starre of heauen on which a Phisition must take heed and mark, the puruei­ance thereof is wonderfull and dreadfull. Also Galen (in commento de diebus criticis) saith: a Phisition must take heed & aduise himselfe of a certaine thing that fayleth not, neither deceiueth, (which the A­stronomers of Aegipt taught) that is to say, when the body of the Moone is ioyned with fortunate starres, dreadful and fearfull sick­nesse commeth to good end. Likewise Astronomers say, that a­mong all the other plannets the Moone (in ruling) hath most power and maistry of mens bodies: for as Ptolomeus saith (in Libro de iu­dicijs Astrorum) vnder the Moon is contained, sicknes, losse, feare, harme, and domage: therfore about the alteration of mans body, the Moone worketh most principally: and not with out good cause, for as Astronomers affirme, she hath dominion and goernment of all liquid & moist substances, as the water, oyle, & sappe of trées, &c, As the thrice learned Clark Doctor Dee, in the 103. Apkorisme of his Booke intituled Libro de quibusdā naturae virtutibus saith thus Luna potentissima est humidarum rerum moderatrix, humidatis (que) ex­cicatrix & effectrix. So we may no lesse assure our selues that she hath superiority and predomination on the fours humors, Choler, Blood, Fleame and Melancholy, which in substance are nought else but humedious and vaporatiue, although they differ in quality [Page] Then as Physitions doe hold the opinion that all the infirmities which naturally happen to any person (and not by any mischance orsodaine accident) doth proceede and come by the distemperance of those foure Humors; so we may very well conclude, that if the su­perficies or head of a Fountaine, doth alter his accustomarie course of running, then the adiacienticall or belonging streames must needs differ either in quality or in quantity. So likewise the Moone being pasiua qualitatis collecteth and retaineth the good or euill in­fluence of that plannet to whome she is adioyned or applyeth: as Hermes saith (in his Iatromethematikes) Luna vero stellae (sine beni­fica siue malifica fuerit) vtri se applicuerit, illi suffragabiter. And be­cause her orbe is nearest vnto the earth, sendeth vs the vertue and impression of the other Plannets: and so causeth the mutabillitie and alteration of mens bodies, to good or euill, according to the na­ture of that Plannet with whome she is adioyned or configurated, and the part of the Zodiake wherein she is scituated: For the ex­pert Physition must obserue and marke how she passeth through the 12. signes, and thereof shall vnderstand much of the alteration of the disease, by a certaine difference and distance of part of the Zodiake from the degree the Moone was in, at the instant when the sicke person was first bedride, or tooke his bed, and when the Moone commeth thereunto, that day they shall call critticall, iudi­ciall or mortall according to the space or distance it differeth from the degree of the Zodiake that the Moone possessed when the par­tie tooke his bed: which some men (deceiuing them-selues) haue reckoned and numbred alwaies by a certaine difference of dayes, from the time the party fell sicke, calling the second and fift, mortal dayes, the fourth a iudiciall or shewing day, and the 7. and 14. crit­ticall dayes, or such like: which is an open and manifest error, for seeing the Moon (hauing an unequall motion) commeth sometimes to the afore said parts of the Zodiake a day sooner and othertimes a day later: it is vnpossible (for he that accounteth by an euen num­ber of dayes) to finde out the true Critticall, Mortall, or Iudiciall dayes▪ therefore for the better avoyding of this apparant error, I haue heers [...] [...] annexeda very necessary Table, playnely expressing those aforesaid times, as followeth.


¶ The party falling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♈ 1 ♈ 26 ♉ 16 ♊ 11 ♋ 1 ♋ 26 ♌. 16 ♍ 11 ♎ 1
2 27 17 12. 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♉ 1 21 16 6 ♌ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♊ 1 26 16 11 ♍ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
10 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♋ 1 21 16 6 ♎ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23. 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Daie. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11. 12 13 14. 15 16
Signe S. D. S, D S. D S. D. S D. S. D.
♎ 26 ♏ 16 ♐ 11 ♑ 1 ♑. 26 ♒ 16 ♓ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♏ 1 21 16 6 ♒ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♐ 1 26 16 11 ♓ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♑ 1 21 16 6 ♈ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


¶ The party falling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♉ 1 ♉ 26 ♊ 16 ♋. 11 ♌ 1 ♌ 26 ♍. 16 ♎ 11 ♏ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♊. 1 21 16 6 ♍ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♋ 1 26 16 11 ♎ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♌ 1 21 16 6 ♏ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
Signe S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
♏ 26 ♐ 16 ♑ 11 ♒. 1 ♒. 26 ♓ 16 ♈ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♐ 1 21 16 6 ♈ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♑ 1 26 16 11 ♈ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♒ 1 21 16 6 ♉ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 1 [...] 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. S. D S. D. S D.
♊ 1 ♊. 26 ♋. 16 ♌ 11 ♍ 1 ♍ 26 ♒ 16 ♏ 11 ♐ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♋ 1 21 16 6 ♎ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♌ 1 26 16 11 ♏ 1 26 19
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♍. 1 21 16 6 ♐ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 44 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
Signe S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
♐ 26 ♑ 16 ♒ 11 ♓. 1 ♓. 26 ♈ 16 ♉ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♑ 1 21 16 6 ♈ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♒ 1 26 16 11 ♉ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♓ 1 21 16 6 ♊ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. S. D S. D. S. D.
♋ 1 ♋. 26 ♌. 16 ♍ 11 ♎ 1 ♎ 26 ♏ 16 ♐ 11 ♑ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♌ 1 21 16 6 ♏ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 [...] 26 16 11 ♐ 1 26 19
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♎. 1 21 16 6 ♑ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11. 12 13 14. 15 16
Signe S. D. S. D S. D S. D. S. D. S. D.
♑ 26 ♒ 16 ♓ 11 ♈ 1 ♈ 26 ♉ 16 ♊ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♒ 1 21 16 6 ♑ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♓ 1 26 16 11 ♊ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♈ 1 21 16 6 ♋ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
2 [...] 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ Persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. S. D S. D. S. D.
♌ 1 ♌. 26 ♍, 16 ♎ 11 ♏ 1 ♏ 26 ♐ 16 ♑ 11 ♒ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♍ 1 21 16 6 ♐ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♎ 1 26 16 11 ♑ 1 26 19
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♏. 1 21 16 6 ♒ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
Signe 11 12 13 14 15 16
10 S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♒ 26 ♓ 16 ♈ 11 ♉. 1 ♉. 26 ♊ 16 ♋ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♓ 1 21 16 6 ♊ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 2 [...]
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♈ 1 26 16 11 ♋ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♉ 1 21 16 6 ♌ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♍ 1 ♍ 26 ♎ 16 ♏. 11 ♐ 1 ♐ 26 ♑. 16 ♒ 11 ♓ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♎ 1 21 16 6 ♑ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♏ 1 26 16 11 ♒ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♐ 1 21 16 6 ♓ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11. 12 13 14. 15 16
Signe S. D S, D S. D S. D. S D. S. D.
♓, 26 ♈ 16 ♉ 11 ♊ 1 ♊. 26 ♋ 16 ♌ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♈ 1 21 16 6 ♋ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♉ 1 26 16 11 ♌ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♊ 1 21 16 6 ♍ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The party falling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♎ 1 ♎ 26 ♏ 16 ♐. 11 ♑ 1 ♑ 26 ♒. 16 ♓ 11 ♈ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 ♐ 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♏ 1 21 16 6 ♒ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♐ 1 26 16 11 ♓ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♑ 1 21 16 6 ♈ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
Sign 11. 12 13 14. 15 16
Signe S. D. S, D S. D S. D. S. D. S. D.
♈ 26 ♉ 16 ♊ 11 ♋ 1 ♋. 26 ♌ 16 ♍ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♉ 1 21 16 6 ♌ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. S. D S. D. S. D.
♏ 1 ♏▪ 26 ♐, 16 ♑ 11 ♒ 1 ♒ 26 ♓ 16 ♈ 11 ♉ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♐ 1 21 16 6 ♓ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♑ 1 26 16 11 ♈ 1 26 19
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♒. 1 21 16 6 ♉ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
Signe S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
♉ 26 ♊ 16 ♋ 11 ♌. 1 ♌. 26 ♍ 16 ♎ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♊ 1 21 16 6 ♍ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♋ 1 26 16 11 ♎. 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♌ 1 21 16 6 ♏ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D.
♐ 1 ♐, 26 ♑, 16 ♒ 11 ♓ 1 ♈ 26 16 [...]11 ♊ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♑ 1 21 16 6 ♈ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♒ 1 26 16 11 ♉ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♓. 1 21 16 6 ♊ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11. 12 13 14▪ 15 16
Signe S. D. S, D S. D S. D. S. D. S. D.
♊ 26 ♋ 16 ♌ 11 ♍ 1 ♍. 26 ♎ 16 ♏ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♋ 1 21 16 6 ♎ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♌ 1 26 16 11 ♏ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 1 21 16 6 ♐ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The partie falling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♑ 1 ♒ 26 ♒ 16 ♓. 11 ♈ 1 ♈ 26 ♉. 16 ♊ 11 ♋ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♒ 1 21 16 6 ♉ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♓ 1 26 16 11 ♊ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♈ 1 21 16 6 ♋ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11. 12 13 14. 15 16
Signe S. D. S, D S. D S. D. S. D S. D.
♋ 26 ♌ 1 [...] ♍ 11 ♎ 1 ♎. 26 ♏ 16 [...] 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♌ 1 21 16 6 ♏ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♍ 1 26 16 11 ♐ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♎ 1 21 16 6 ♑ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ The persō fal­ling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♒ 1 ♒ 26 ♓ 16 ♈. 11 ♉ 1 ♉ 26 ♊. 16 ♋ 11 ♌ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♓ 1 21 16 6 ♊ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♈ 1 26 16 11 ♋ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♉ 1 21 16 6 ♌ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Signe S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♌ 26 ♍ 16 ♎ 11 ♏. 1 ♏. 26 ♐ 16 ♑ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♍ 1 21 16 6 ♐ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♎ 1 26 16 11 ♑ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♏ 1 21 16 6 ♒ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
[...] 15 10 30 25 15 10


☽ Party falling sick. Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Criti: Daies. Mort: Dayes Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies Criti: Daies
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signe S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. S. D S. D. S. D.
♓ 1 ♓▪ 26 ♈, 16 ♉ 11 ♊ 1 ♊ 26 ♋ 16 ♌ 11 ♍ 1
2 27 17 12 2 27 17 12 2
3 28 18 13 3 28 18 13 3
4 29 19 14 4 29 19 14 4
5 30 20 15 5 30 20 15 5
6 ♈ 1 21 16 6 ♋ 1 21 16 6
7 2 22 17 7 2 22 17 7
8 3 23 18 8 3 23 18 8
9 4 24 19 9 4 24 19 9
10 5 25 20 10 5 25 20 10
11 6 26 21 11 6 26 21 11
12 7 27 22 12 7 27 22 12
13 8 28 23 13 8 28 23 13
14 9 29 24 14 9 29 24 14
15 10 30 25 15 10 30 25 15
16 11 ♉ 1 26 16 11 ♌ 1 26 16
17 12 2 27 17 12 2 27 17
18 13 3 28 18 13 3 28 18
19 14 4 29 19 14 4 29 19
20 15 5 30 20 15 5 30 20
21 16 6 ♊. 1 21 16 6 ♍ 1 21
22 17 7 2 22 17 7 2 22
23 18 8 3 23 18 8 3 23
24 19 9 4 24 19 9 4 24
25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 25
26 21 11 6 26 21 11 6 26
27 22 12 7 27 22 12 7 27
28 23 13 8 28 23 13 8 28
29 24 14 9 29 24 14 9 29
30 25 15 10 30 25 15 10 30


Mort. Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Critic: Daies. Mort: Daies. Iudic: Daies. Mort: Daies
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Signe S. D S. D, S. D S. D S. D. S. D.
♍ 26 ♎ 16 ♏ 11 ♐. 1 ♐. 26 ♑ 16 ♒ 11
27 17 12 2 27 17 12
28 18 13 3 28 18 13
29 19 14 4 29 19 14
30 20 15 5 30 20 15
♎ 1 21 16 6 ♑ 1 21 16
2 22 17 7 2 22 17
3 23 18 8 3 23 18
4 24 19 9 4 24 19
5 25 20 10 5 25 20
6 26 21 11 6 26 21
7 27 22 12 7 27 22
8 28 23 13 8 28 23
9 29 24 14 9 29 24
10 30 25 15 10 30 25
11 ♏ 1 26 16 11 ♒ 1 26
12 2 27 17 12 2 27
13 3 28 18 13 3 28
14 4 29 19 14 4 29
15 5 30 20 15 5 30
16 6 ♐ 1 21 16 6 ♓ 1
17 7 2 22 17 7 2
18 8 3 23 18 8 3
19 9 4 24 19 9 4
20 10 5 25 20 10 5
21 11 6 26 21 11 6
22 12 7 27 22 12 7
23 13 8 28 23 13 8
24 14 9 29 24 14 9
25 15 10 30 25 15 10

The vse of this Table.

FOr euerie signe and degree the Moone is in, there is 16. columbes in the table (caractered with their pro­per figures of Algorisme, with these letters S. and D. signifying signes & degrees) in which the mortall, iu­diciall and criticall daies, doth happen in: being no­ted at the head of the Table thus: Mort: Daies, Iu­dic: daies & Critic: daies. The vse of this Table is thus: The day and howre knowne in which the sicke person tooke his Bed, you must search the signe and the degrée the Moone is in (which being found) entring into the Table (in the vttermoste columbe on the left hand) intituled the partie falling sicke, (vnder the carracter of Luna) you shall finde against the signe and degree the Moone is in, all the Cri­tical, Iudiciall, and Mortall daies in their proper Columbes (noted at the head of the Table) during the space of time, the Moone passeth through the whole Zodiack or signifier, to which aforesaid places, when she cōmeth (during the continuance of y e sicknes) then shall be the true Criticall, Iudicial and Mortal daies, as you shall see them superscribed at the head of the Columbe.

An example.

The first day of May 1605. Acertaine man sickned and tooke his bed, at 6. of the clock in the afternoone, the Moone being then in the 12. degr. of Pisces, now I desire to know the Critical, Iudiciall and Mortal daies (of that person) then entring into the Table in the vt­termost columbe on the left hand, vnder the caracter of the moone in Pisces, ouer against the 12. deg. in the nextcolumbe, I find the 7. degree of Aries, to which when the Moone commeth is a mortall day: & in the third columbe, I finde the 27. degree of Aries, to which part of the Zodiacke when the Moone commeth, is a Iudiciall day In the fourth columbe, I finde the 22. degree of Taurus, which is a mortall time, and in the fift columbe, I finde the 12. of Gemini, to [Page] which place when the Moone commeth, that is a Criticall day, & so of the rest vntill the Moone hath perambulated through the whole Zodiack, & if the diseases cease not in y e meane while, after you haue gone through the 16. Columbes, you must begin againe as you did before: Note that the time the person taketh his bed, is the first cri­ticall time.

Of the Aspects of the Moone with the Planets.

IF you desire to know with what Planets the Moone is configu­rated or adioyned, you must learne what day and houre the sicke body first tooke his bed, or lay downe by meanes of the rage of the disease: except the sicknesse came to him at that time, when he was already in his bed for then you shall obserue the time in which the disease began to torment him: which being exactly knowne, you must calculate the motion of the Moone for the time the person fell sicke, considering that she is ioyned and applyeth vnto a Plannet, two manner of wayes, that is to say either corporally, or by the as­pect of the Semidiameters of their bodyes called applycation.

Corporall Coniunction is when the Moone is in the same signe and degrée another Planet is, but the Moone is said to be radiatio­nally ioyned to a Planet, when her body toucheth his Semidia­meter.

Likewise the Moone is aspected and beheld of a Plannet two manner of wayes.

The one is called a perfect aspect as when there is 60 degrées be­twéene the centure of the Moone and another Plannet, that is sayd to be a true Sextile aspect.

Or when the body of the Moone is distant from another Plan­net 90. degrées, is called a perfect Quartile aspect.

Or when the Moone is elonged iust 120 degrées from another Plannet, the Moone is said to beholde that Plannet, with a [...] Trine aspect. And if the centure of the moone be distant 180 [...] from y e body of another Plannet, y t is named a perfect Opposition.

The other is an vnperfect aspect called applycation, as when a Plannet is certeine degrées different from a true aspect, onely [...] in the Semidiameter of his body.

The Semidiameter or halfe the beames of ♄ ♃ ♂ ☉ ♀ ☿ ☽ Degrées.
9. 9 8. 15. 8. 7. 12.

[Page] So that Saturne and Iupiter extend their forces but to 9. degrées Mars vnto 8. Sol vnto 15. Venus and Mercury almoste vnto 8. Lu­na vnto 12. for if the bodie of the Moone or her aspect commeth within the Semidiameter of any Plannet, shee taketh or receiueth the influence of that Plannet (good or euill) to whome she is so ioy­ned or applyeth.


Suppose the Moone be in the fourth degree of Aquarius, and Saturne, in the 11. degree of the said signe, then should the Moone apply to Saturne, for as much as her bodie is within the Semidia­meter of his beames. Or if the moone were in the 10. degree of Taurus and Mars, in the 16. degree of Leo, then shee should behold Mars with a Quartile aspect.

But if the Moone were in the 20. degree of Capricornus and Sa­turne in the 8. degree of Libra, then should the Moone be free from the Quartile of Saturne, for because his maliciousnesse extendeth no farther then the semidiameter of his beames (which is but 9. degr.) and their distance from a true aspect is 12. degr. yet notwithstan­ding the ill fortunes doth afflict the sick person, when they adioyne or aspect the beames of the Moone, with their Semidiameter (but not intercidentically) for the farther the Moone is from their con­iunction or aspect, the lesse they torment the diseased: and contrarily the fortunes (Iupiter and Venus) the nearer their bodies or Aspect approacheth to the moone, the more they intermeddle their vertues, and the sooner mittigateth the sicke mans paines.

Note that of the Aspectes the Quartile and Opposition are haie­full and maleuolous Aspects, especially the Opposition.

And the Sextile and Trine aspects are fauourable and friendly aspects, chiefly the Trine.

The Conjunction is variable, for it is very good with good Pla­nets, and extreame euill with ill.

Also sometimes it shall be necessarie to know the latitude of the Planets.

To know whether the sicke person shall liue or die.

IF the moone (at the day and houre the sicke tooke first his bed,) bee free from the Coniunction, Quartile, or Opposition aspect of Saturne and Mars, the diseased person shal not depart by meanes of [Page] that sicknesse (especiallye if Iupiter or Venus regarde the Moone with Coniunction, Sextile, or Trine aspects) for then the sicke shall soone recouer his health, and so much the rather if the Moone be free from combustion, and augmenting in light and motion. Also the head of the Dragon is of the nature of y e fortunes (Iupiter & Ve­nus) but not so effectuall in operation.

But contrarywise, if the Moone be afflicted eyther by the Con­iunction, Quartile or Opposition of y e ill fortunes (Saturne & Mars) the sicke shal die, chiefly if Iupiter or Venus doe not assist the moone, or if she be combust and decreasing in light and motion.

Also the Dragons taile is of the nature of the ill fortunes, but of himselfe hath not the interficient force of Saturne or Mars, for as much as it is a line and not a Starre.

Likewise if the moone be in the via combusta, which is from the middest of Libra vntill the middest of Scorpio, or vnder the Sunne beames and decreasing in light or motion, and applying to Saturne and Mars, eyther by coniunction or any aspect (chiefly by Quartile or Opposition aspect, although their semidiameters onely beholde the semibeames of the moone) it threatneth death.

An example.

A certaine man fell sicke and tooke his bed, the mooone beeing three degrees in Scorpio (decreasing in light and motion) Mars 13. degrees in Libra, and Saturne 27. degrees in Sagitarius, and depar­ted when the moone came to the 13. degres of Capricornus.

To know the times in which the sicke person shall feele ease of his paine, or recouer his health.

HAuing found by the Doctrine aforesaid, that the sicke person shall not departe, then as often as the moone méeteth with [...] bodie or aspect of the fortunes, (Iupiter or Venus) during the [...] of the disease, at that instant the sicke person shall bee [...] eased of his dolorous paines: the ill fortunes the contrari [...], [...] first obuiating or meeting of Luna with Iupiter or Venus ( [...] a Criticall, Iudiciall, or Mortall day) the diseased person shall beg [...] to recouer his health.

An example.

Anno Dom. 1605. the 28. of May (about 7. of the [...] [Page] the forenoone) a certaine friend of mine fell sicke in his Bed: th [...] Moone being then in the 2. degr. of Pisc [...]s (decreasing) Mars 18. de­grees in Gemini, Saturne. 23. degrees in Sagitarius, Iupiter 26. in Capricornus, and Venus 4. degrees in Gemini: Now for as much as I finde the Moone to be free from the interficient force of the ill fortunes, I iudge the sicke shall not depart: yet he was grieuously tormented and afflicted, for because the hatefull beames of Mars his Quartile aspect, was within the semidiameter of the Moone, & none of the fortunes did intermeddle their fauorable beames. And when the Moone came to the 19. deg. of Pisces (meeting the Opposition of furious Mars) he had a great and mighty fitte of sicknesse, almost absolutely depriuing sence and motion. Also he was sorely tormen­ted when the Moone came to the 24. degree of Pisces, because she then beheld Saturne with a spitefull Quartile aspect, after that he be­gan to amend, forasmuch as that was a mortall day, and Iupiter en­uironed the Moone with a friendly Sextile aspect.

To knowe when and what time the sicke Person shall depart and be grieuously tormented.

NOW if you finde by the afliction of the Moone at the time the partie fell sicke, that he shall dye, then on the next mortall day that the Moone meeteth with eyther of the ill fortunes Saturne or Mars, by coniunctiō, Quartile, or Opposition (applying to thē either corporally or radiationally) the sick shall dye at that day & hours in which she commeth to the interficient point of the Zodiake: which agreeth to the saying of Ptholomeus in the 16. Aphorisme of his Cen­tiloquiums wherein he saith we must behold the motion of y e Moone as she passeth through the Criticall, Iudiciall, and Mortall daies, for if she be in them fortunate, it will fall out well: vnfortunate, the contrarie.

An example.

The 17. day of May (Anno Dom. 1605.) A man fell sicke about a [...]. of the clocke at night, the Moone being then in the 2. degree of Libra, Sol in the 6. degree of Gemini, Saturne in the 24. deg. of Sa­gitarius, Iupiter in the 27. degree of Capricornus, Mars in the 10. degree of Gemini, and Venus in the 22. degree of Taurus: Now I [...] the Moone aflicted by the hatefull Quartile aspect of Saturne, [Page] being scituated within the maleuolous beames of the semidiameter of froward Saturne, wherby I iudge that the sicke shall depa [...]t: then entring into the Table of Criticall. Iudiciall and Mortall dayes, I finde the first mortall day to bee when the Moone commeth to the 27. deg. of the said signe of Libra, yet for asmuch as that degree is free from the oppression of the ill fortunes, I affirme that the sicke shall not dye at that time the Moone commeth to the said signe and degree: Therfore I seeke the next dying day, which is when the moone commeth to the 12. degree of Sagitarius, which being aflicted by the Opposition of Mars, collocated in the 14. degree of Gemini, I iudge he shall dye when the Moone commeth to the 12. degrée of Sagitarius: and so he did.

Note that during the time and permanence of the sicknesse, as often as the Moone meeteth the bodies or ill aspects of the distroy­ers of nature, so often the diseased person shal feele and sustaine very sore panges.

Furthermore, some Astronomers affirme, that as long as the Moone decreaseth in motion, so long the griefe shal aggrauate, and waxe greater and greater.

But Hyppocrates (in Libro de Iudicijs infirmitat: secundum lu­nam) saith thus, when the sick person taketh his bed you must con­sider whether the moone departeth out of combustion, for then the sicknesse shall increase vntil Luna commeth to Opposition, by rea­son that humors increase in mens bodies: and if shee be then with good Plannets, it falleth out well: with euill, the contrarie.

Of the cause of the disease.

TO knowe the cause of the disease, you must looke with what Plannet the moone is configurated or adioyned eyther by con­iunction or aspect, and according to the nature and influence of that planet, iudge the disease that afflicted the moone.

The coniuction or any aspect of the ill fortunes doth afflict the Moone, and the Quartile, and Opposition of Sol and Mercury. Now if Sa [...]rne or Mercury oppresse the Moone, the disease shalbe slowe and slacke, with lassitude and heauinesse of the limbes: inso­much that the sicke shall scarce bee able to stirre his bodie, and the disease shall shew it selfe by little and little, by coldnes of the bodie, [Page] with defluction, debillitie, and obstruction: causing the sicke to a­wake out of his sleepe sodainly or by starts. &c.

The sicke person (also as Hermes saith) shall be sollitarie, silent, and fearefull, desiring heate, warme cloathes, and darknesse, with often sighing, and continual oscitation and yawning: the whole su­perficies of the body will be colde and dry, and the pulses little and slow. The cure of such, is by thinges that disolue and binde.

But if the Moone (at that time the person fell sicke) bée afflicted by Mars or the Sunne, all the superficies and vpper parts of the body shall be in extreame heat as if they were incensed and kindled with fire. The party shall bée very prone and apt to anger, crying-out with scritches and fearce lookes, sometimes inordinately with ra­uing and franticke fits: as when choller rauisheth vp into the head, perturbating the braine with violent heat &c.

Also they are very dry & thirsty, desiring colde drinke, with spit­ting and aridity & drines of the tongue, with losse of appetite, and desire of meate: continually saporing and tasting with the tongue: The visage and face as red as fire, and all the body loaden with su­perfluity; the pulses are little, pressed downe and inordinate. Blood­letting vntill the fift day, and such things as are refrigeratiue, re­percussiue, and auoid superfluity, are medicinable to the sicke persō.

Likewise Hermes saith, that they in whose decumbiture the moon was afflicted, of Sol or Mars, shall féele loathsomnesse in the mouth and stomacke, with paine in the heart, veines and artires. But con­tinuall-Feauers, Plurisies, Exulceration, and inflamation of the Lungs, take their originall of Saturne and Mercury, afflicting the Moone in fierie signes.

The fortunes (Saturne and Venus) in my opinion do neuer vexe and torment the sicke body, although they beholde the Moone with hatefull aspects, or at the least wise, neuer in such sorte that they cause the sicke to take his bed: for séeing that they are adi [...]tors and restorers of nature, it is vnlikely that they should become enemies & destroyers thereof, although sometimes by accidents (as by hate­full aspect) their friendship and familiaritie is refrained.

Of the effects that the Moone operateth and worketh in euerie signe when shee is afflicted by the ill fortunes.

☽. in ♈. of ♄. oppressed.

WHosoeuer taketh his bed, the moone being in the signe of Aries (chiefly decreasing in light and motion) and apply­ing to Saturne or Mars (especially by Coniunction, Quartile or Op­position) the disease shall take his originall and beginning of a colde cause, with heauines of the head, and debillation and weakenesse of the eyes, with distillation and falling downe of humors into the breast, by meanes of a rumeticke head, & stuffing of the throate and pipes with fleame and catarre: The vehemency & rage of the griefe shall chiefly extend it selfe by night, all the intrailes and inward parts shall be exceeding hot, but the superficies and extreame par [...]es shall shiner with colde, with languishing and sounding, and losse of appetite, and sweating in the dead of the night: the Pulses are weak and inordinate. Thinges that heate, mollifie, and lose the belly, doe cepresse the cause of the griefe, but bloud letting is vnprofitable.

And if the moone applie to none of the fortunes, but is within the Semediameter of the bodie of Saturne or Mars, or their ill aspectes, then on the next mortall day, in which the moone méeteth with Sa­turne or Mars, the sicke shall departe: but if the moone be not with­in the beames of Saturne and Mars, nor their malicious aspects (e­specially increasing in light and motion, and applying to Iupiter or Venus) then on the next time that Luna meeteth with Iupiter or Venus (vpon a criticall day, &c.) The sicknesse shall abate, or at least wise, turne out of one disease into another. But if Mars like­wise ob [...]iateth the moone in manner aforesaid, then the griefe shall be mortal and inuincible, for when the moone doth come to his dia­meter, he shall die: after the opinion of Hermes.


BUT hee that lyeth downe, the Moone being in Aries and ap­plying to Mars or Sol, the griefe shal take his originall from the head, with pricking and aking in the pellices of the braine; those per­sons shall be tormented with continuall Feauers, neither can they [Page] take any rest or sleepe, except somtimes a little flumbring: Their mouth is hot with intollerable thirst, the tongue dry and troubled with heate, with callidity and drynesse of the brest, and inflamation of the Liuer, tending to a phrensy and alienation of minde. The pulses are sublated, high & inordinate: The helping and healing of those persons, is by letting of blood, and vsing of thinge [...] that refri­gerate and mittigate.

But if the Moone (especially decreasing in light and motion) be ei­ther corporally or radiationally ioyned w t Saturne or Mars, or their enuious aspects, then the sicke shall die: contrarily if the moone be [...] free from their semidiameters both corporally & raditionally) chief­lie augmenting in light and motion) and applying to Iupiter or Venus, then the sicke man shall recouer his health as aforesaid.

Thein ♉, ofoppressed.

IF the Moon (at the encreasing of the disease) runneth through the celestiall signe of Taurus, be afflicted by the diameter, Aspect, Quartile or Opposition of Saturne (chiefly slow in motion and de­creasing) the sicknes shall proceed of much drinking, ebrosity or else repleation, with Feauers comming of obstruction, and ach of the precordiackes, and artires: with inflamation of the whole body, and exulceration of the lunges: the pulses are lofty, high and inor­dinate; Blood letting and such things as open and disolue, profiteth.

And if the Moone bee ioyned to Saturne or Mars, or afflicted by their ill aspects (especially diminishing in light and motion) then when the Moone obuiateth or meeteth with Saturne or Mars (on a mortall day) the sicke person shall perrish.

But if she be free from their bodies or ill aspects (chiefly augmen­ting in light and motion, and applying to the fortunes) then on the next criticall day &c. That the Moone concurreth with Iupiter or Venus, the sicke shall amend.

The Moone in ♉, ofafflicted.

But if the Moone be configurated to Mars either by Conjunction or aspect, the sicke shall take his bed by the meanes of a disease proceeding of blood, and be vexed with continuall Feauers and ob­struction [Page] of the whole body with inflamation of the necke and pole, ache of the bones, with inordinate watch, insomniation, and desire of drinke, and coole things. Blood letting and things that extenuat, mittigate and aswage, are good against the cause of the griefe.

And if the violence of Mars be not resisted by y e fauourable beames of the fortunes, but y e the moon must needs suffer his malicious in­fluence, then on the next meeting of her and the ill fortunes (vpon a dying day) the sicke shall depart. But if the moone be deliuered from the intercidentical force of Mars (chiefly increasing in light & motion, and adiuted by the amiable beames of Iupiter or Venus) then th [...] disease shall slake after the next Iudiciall &c. concourse with the Moone and the fortunes.

The Moone in ♊. of ♄ oppressed.

THe Moone in Gemini afflicted by the maleuolous influence of Saturne (especially deminishing in light and motion) shall cause the disease to take his beginning and original, by reason of vigilla­tion and much watch, or by lassitude and wearinesse of the bodie with trauelling or excesse of labour and violent exercise: The arti [...]s and sinewes shal (as though they were losed) scarce cleaue together, with much debillation and wearinesse of the bodye: the griefe shall soone shew it selfe (or as Hermes saith,) after three daies vntill the 30. day, the disease shall increase with small Feauers, and con­sumption, and wasting of the whole bodie: Also the disease shall be moste tormentable by night with sweating & griefe of the spleane: the pulses are low and little. Oftentimes such persons shall haue a defluxion and falling downe of humors into the armes and legges.

And if the Moone apply to Saturne (either by Coniunction, Quar­tile, or Opposition aspect) then on the next congresse of Luna, with the destroyers of nature (vpon an interficient day) the sicke person shall giue vp his Ghoast.

But if the Moone b [...] elonged aboue 9. degrees from the bodie or [...]ll aspect of Saturne, then the sicke shall not depart, especially if the moone be increasing in light and motion, and defended by the beames of the fortunes: yet the sicke shall bee feeble a long time by meanes of the congellation and toughnes of the matter dispersed through all the bodie.

The Moone in ♊. of ♂. afflicted.

WHos [...] taketh his bed, the moone being in Gemini, and ad­ioyned or enimically aspected and beheld of the furious and [...]reful Plannet Mars (especially decreasing in light & motion) that person shall be violentlie tormented with a mortall and deadly di­sease, proceeding of much ingurgitation of wine and strong drinke, and chollericke matter. The sicke person shall haue continuall and pernicious burning Feauers, with obstructions and stopping of the veines. The pulses shall be high, and inordinate.

Blood letting is conuenient to the sicke bodie. And if the Moone be configurated to none of the fortunes, but applyeth also to Saturne (eyther by Coniunction, or hatefull aspect.) the sicke person shall not escape, but at the next mortall day that Luna commeth within the dangerous confines of frowing Saturne, the sicke shall yeelde him­selfe a prisoner and captiue to pale death.

Contrarily if the moone be free from the semidiameters of the ill fortunes (especially assisted with the fortunes, and augmenting in light and motion) then on y e next meeting of the Moon with Iupiter or Venus (vpon a mortall day, &c.) the diseased body shall féele ease.

The Moone in ♋. of ♄. oppressed.

SAturne afflicting the moone in Cancer (at the lying downe of any sicke and diseased Person) denoteth the griefe to come of much bathing in colde water, or of a conceite, or vehement colde, or by late drinking, or fitting long at studdy, or such like: The sicke person shall be vexed with the Cough, Catarre and horsenes, and distillati­on and falling downe of humors into the breast: with obstructions and oppilation of the Pipes, with Feauers, strict and inordinate: the pulses are lowe and little.

And if the moone be decreasing in light and motion, and placi­cally adioyned to Saturne, the sicke shall die (chiefly if none of the fortunes assist the moone with their fauourable beames.)

But if the moone be elonged from the beames of Saturne (especi­ally increasing in light and motion) and fortunately aspected of Iu­piter or Venus, then on the next meeting of the moone with the for­tunes vpon a Iudicall day &c.) nature shall preuaile against the e­uill humors.

The Moone in ♋ of ♂ afflicted.

HE that is debride or taketh his bed, the Moone being in the signe of Cancer, malefacted by the euill influence of Mars, shall haue a disease proceeding of blood or sweet fleame, with euersion and tourning of the ventricle. Things that refrigerate and coole expelles the griefe.

And if none of the fortunes intermeddle their friendly beames, y e diseased party shall hardly escape, especially if the Moone be com­bust, or decreasing in light and motion.

But if she be adiuted and holpen by the fortunes, then at the next obuiation of Luna with the restorers of nature Iupiter or Venus (vpon any of the alteration dayes) the rage & fury of Mars shall b [...] emulgated and abated.

The Moone in ♌ of ♄ oppressed.

IN whose decumbiture & lying downe the Moone possessed the ce­lestiall signe of Leo (and therin afflicted of Saturne) the griese shall proceed of blood: the sicke person shall be grieued about all y e breast with heate and intension of the heart stringes, with augmenting Feauers: The pulses are troubled & out of course, with great heate and feruentnes both inwards and outwards. Things that heate & mittigate, are very good and commodious to the sicke body.

And if Mars also oppresse the Moone, or if she be not succored vn­der the winges of the fortunes, then (on the next mortall day, that the Moon meeteth with the venomous beames of the destroyers of nature) the sicke shall dye: chiefly if the Moone be combust, or de­minishing in light and motion.

But if Iupiter or Venus regard the Moone either corporally or raditionally, especially she being free from the Sunne beames, and augmenting in light and motion, for then nature shall get the victo­ry of the rebellous humors, & on the next ambulation of the Moone with the fortunes (on a criticall day) the sicke shall amend.

The Moone in ♌. of ♂. afflicted.

THE Moone being in Leo (oppressed by Mars) the griefe shall proceed of superaboundance of blood, causing vnstable and vn­certaine Feauers, with languishing, and sounding, and losse of appetite: heauinesse of the body, with drowsinesse and dead [Page] sleepe vnerpugnable, with extenuation and consuming of the whole bodie: weakenesse, with diuers passions and affectes of the hart. Things that are refrigeratiue & abstringent are medicinable.

And if the M [...]one applie to the fortunes (chiefly free from com­bussion, increasing in light, and swift in motion) the sicke shall not departe: yet the griefe shall bee dangerous by reason of the violent heating and adustion of the blood.

But if the Moone be past the Opposition and ioyned to the euill beames of Mars diminishing in light and motion: then (vppon the next interficient day that the Moone meeteth with the bodies or ill aspects of Saturne or Mars) the diseased person wil be forced to yéeld and surrender his spirit.

The Moone in ♍. of ♄. oppressed.

IF the Moone be in Virgo afflicted by the Coniunction or aspect of Saturne (at the time the sicke tooke his bed) the griefe shall procéed of cruditie and indigestion in the stomacke, with ache of the bowels and intrailes, proceeding of tough and viscuous fleame, sometimes with head-ache and pricking vnder the ribbes, Feauers, strict and inordinate. Things which callifie, mollifie, and dissolue, are curable to the griefe.

And if the fortunes aspect the Moone (especially she being increa­sing in light and motion, and free from the sunne beames) then the sicke person shal not depart: yet he wil be long sick, by the meanes of the crudde humors which will be long before they are fully ouer­come.

But if none of the fortunes beholde the moone, then there is no hope of life, but at the next meeting with the moone and the ill for­tunes (on a Mortall day) nature shall bee vtterly endamaged and ouercome.

The Moone in ♍. of ♂. afflicted.

THe moone in Virgo (afflicted by the malicinus beames of out­ragious Mars) the sicknesse shall proceed of sharpe and fretting humours, with fluxe of the wombe, and exulceration of the bowels, with small and vustable Feauers: The pulses are flowe and thick, with euersion of the ventricle, & the stomacke abhorring & loathing of meate. Things y t represse the disease, are such as are obstructiue, and expell sharpe fretting humors.

[Page] And if the seueritie and cruelty of Mars be not emulgated and a­bated (either by the cōiunction, application, or cōfiguratiō of Iupiter or Venus) the sicke shall not escape: chiefly the Moone being com­bust, and decreasing in light and motion.

But if the Moone apply to none of the fortunes he shall dye (on the next mortall day) to the fortunes the contrary.

The Moone in ♎ of ♄ oppressed.

AT whose decumbiture the Moone was collocated in the signe of Libra (and oppressed by the body or aspect of Saturne.) The grief shal come of the ingurgitation or inordinate swilling of wine, and strong drinke, with nocturnall and nightly assault and conflict, paine and griefe of the head and breast, distillations, cough, & hoars­nes: The breast greened of lassitude, the stomack disdaining meate, small Feauers comming by night with a double accesse. He shall be continually tormented and afflicted, with remission and slacknes of the pulses. Thinges that callifie and heate are very profitable.

And if the Moone apply to none of the fortunes neither by Con­junction nor aspect, then the sicke shall dye: especially if the Moone be combust, or decreasing in light and motion.

But if Mars also afflict the Moone, then the griefe shall not turne out of one disease into an other, but at the next congression with Sa­turne or Mars (on an intercidenticall day) the sicke person shall dy.

The Moone in ♎ of ♂ afflicted.

MARS oppressing the moone in the signe of Libra, will pro­uoke a disease proceeding of blood; whereof will growe inten­sed Feauers, with vigillation and waking, and inflamation of the whole body. The reamidy in curing of such persons, is by letting of blood, and the vsage of such thinges as are dormitable.

And if none of the fortunes regard the Moone (so afflicted) the diseased person will be constrayned to giue place to death.

But if the mallice of Mars refrayned (by the influence of Iupiter or Venus) the sicke shall not depart: but at the next congresse of the Moone with Saturne or Mars (vpon a iudiciall day &c.) the diseased person shall be restored to his pristiue strength.

The Moone in ♏ of ♄ oppressed.

FVrthermore the Moone being in Scorpio of Saturne indamaged (by the euill influence of his poysoned corps) The disease shall happen by the meanes of exulceration, or of the euil called bubo in the secrete parts, viz. in anno aut pudenda &c. And if the Moone in­crease in light and motion, (especially adiuted by Iupiter or Venus) then the sicknesse shalbe ouercome.

But if none of the fortunes beholde the Moone neither by Con­junction nor Aspect (chiefly deminishing in light and motion) then on the next mortall congression of Luna with the destroyers of nature, dryrie death shall attainte the afflicted corpes of his silly captiue.

The Moone in ♏ of ♂ afflicted.

THE Moone in Scorpio at the lying downe of the sicke person (oppressed by Mars) the disease shall proceed of some feruent or hot impostumation or exulceration, the Pockes, Measels, and He­merods, Pestilence, Illiacie, and such like.

And if the Moone apply to no fortunate plannet, (but is corpo­rally or raditionally adioyned to an ill plannet) then on the next meeting of Luna with the destroyers of nature (on a mortall day) the grieued person shall depart.

But if the moone be swift in motion and departing out of com­bustion (fortunatly affected of Iupiter or Venus) the party shall be de­liuered at the next mortall congression of the Moone & the fortunes.

The Moone in ♐ of ♄ afflicted.

SAturne afflicting the Moone in Sagitarius (especially slow in mo­tion and decreasing) will torment the sicke body with defluction, of thinne and sharpe biting humors, ach of the sinewes and artiers, refrigerations, with extream horror of a Feauer, corripienting, and afflicting the sicke with double accesse. The remedy of those is by thinges that mittigate, aswage and heate.

And if none of y e fortunes behold y e moone w t their amiable beams, but is adioyned or applyeth to Saturne or Mars, (either by Cōjuncti­on or asp [...]cte) then the sicke shall not escape: but at the next mortall [Page] configuration of the Moone with the ill fortunes, the sicke shall de­part.

But bring adiuted of y fortun's (especially increasing in light and motion) and free from combustion the sicke shall recouer after the next applycation of Luna and the fortunes on a criticall day, &c.

The Moone in ♐. of ♂. oppressed.

MOrtall and deadly diseases are bred and ingendered in their bodies, (at whose decumbiture the moone was oppressed by the influence of furious Mars,) taking originall and beginning, of much dri [...]king and repleation: as vnstable Feauers, comming of Chollericke matter, solution and loosenes of the wombe: The pul­ses are remisse and languidious, and the healing of such must bee by thinges that are refrigeratiue and obstructiue:

It the moone applie to Saturne eyther by Coniunction, Quartile, or Opposition, then the griefe shall be vncurable.

But if the Moone be elonged 10. degrees, or more from the hate­full beames of Saturne and Mars, or applying to Iupiter or Venus (especially aumenting in light and motion) the sicke shall bee disea­sed vntill the next Criticall &c. obuiation of the moone and the for­tunes, and then he shall be deliuered.

The Moone in ♑. of ♄. oppressed.

THe moone in Capricornus (afflicted of Saturne and diminishing inlight and motion) the griefe shall come of a colde cause, with thinne and subtil distillations heauines of the brest, and the lunges oppressed with difficultie of breathing, the cough shall greeuouflye torment him by night, with intensed Feauers: Thinges that mit­tig [...]te and heate, are medicinable.

And if the Moone be not succored by the congression, Coniuncti­on or aspect of the fortunes, the ficknesse shall be long, yet notwith­standing mortall.

But if the moone be seperated from the semidiameter of his body, or euill aspect (especially augmenting in light and motion) thē on the next confamiliaritie of the moone (with Iupi [...]er or Venus) natur [...] shall preuaile against the crudde humors.

The Moone in ♑. of ♂. afflicted.

BUt it Mars afflict the moone in the signe of Capricorne it w [...]l pro­uoke an infirmitie of vomitting, preceeding of cho [...]oricke mat­ter or euill digestion. This disease is dangerous and full of per [...]ill: continuall Feauers, and vnstable, losse of appetite, floxe of the wombe, with exulceration & exasperation of the fingers, by meanes of sharpe choller and inflamation of the breast: and it is painfull for the sicke person to stretch or sturre his sinnowes.

The pulses are remisse and slacke. Things constringentiue, and obstructiue, are medi [...]pnable.

And if the Moone be within the semidiameter of Mars, or mee­teth also the beames of Saturne (at that instant) then the partie shall not escape, but at the next obuiation of the Moone and the ill for­tunes (on an interficient day) the sicke shall dye.

But if she be elonged from the diameter of the distroyers of na­ture, Iupiter or Venus also assisting the Moone, the sicke shall re­couer.

The Moone in ♒. of ♄. oppressed.

WHen Saturne oppresseth the Moone in Aquary (at the ly­ing downe of any sicke person) the disease shall proceed of much watch, lassitude, wearinesse, or violent labour and exercise: The griefe shall infest him vnequally, with remission, and intenst­on, vntill the moone come to her Opposition, and then he shall re­leeue (chiefly) if the fortunes intermedle their fauourable beames.

The Moone in ♒. of ♂. afflicted.

IF Mars afflict the Moone in Aquarius (at the lying downe of the sicke person) he shall be grieued with a most acute and sharpe cause.

And if the Moone apply to any of the fortunes (chiefly increa­sing in light and motion) the diseased person shall not depart.

But if the Moone be corporally or raditionally adioyned or as­pected of the ill fortunes, then there will be smal hope of life.

The Moone in ♓. of ♄ oppressed.

THe Moone decreasing in light and motion, and afflicted of Sa­turne in Pisces, the disease shall happen of refrigerations & cold [...] [Page] bathings, with grieuous distillations, and continuall Feauers, fearcely augmenting vpon the sicke: often sighing and pricking of the breast, intention of the precordiace and heart-stringes. Things that heate and mittigate doth succor the sicke body.

And if none of the fortunes regard the moone, but she is aspected and beheld by the basilicall lookes of furious Mars, or if the Moon [...] obu [...]ateth also with frowning Saturne, or is within his diameter, then there is no hope of life (chiefly if the moone be deminished in light and motion) for then at the next congression of y e moone with the distroyers of nature (on a dying day) the sicke person shalbe for­ced to surrender his vitall breath.

But if the moone apply to the fortunes either by Conjunction or aspect, the sicke shall releeue after the next mortall concourse of Lu­na with the fortunes, chiefly if she bee free from combustion, and augmenting in light and motion.

The Moone in ♓ of ♂ afflicted.

FInally if the Moone be in Pisces afflicted of Mars, (either cor­porally, or radiationally and increasing in light and motion (at the decumbiture of any person) then shall arise a griefe proceed­ing of much ingurgitation of wine or strong drinkes, and of plen­titude and cepleasion oppressing the sicke with [...]octurnall intensi­ons, with head-ache doting and phrensie, with burning Feauers, vehement thirst, and desire of cou [...]d drinke. The healing of such is first by opening of a veine, and the vsage of those thinges that re­presse the cause.

And if the Moone be not succored by the fortunes, but is in do­maged also by lowring Saturne, then on the next interficient day that the Moone rūneth with Saturne or Mars the sicke shall depart.

But if Iupi [...]er or Venus regard the Moone (with friendly aspect) then on the next criticall, iudiciall, or mortall day, that the Moone pertranceth with the bodies or amiable beames of the fortunes, the violence of the rebellious humors shall be vtterly extinguished.

Note heere that the Moone apply to any of the distroyers of na­ture in what signe soeuer she be, either by coniunction, application, or any aspect: although it be only by the vniting and adioyning of their semidiameters, yet it will worke the like operation in dis­eased [Page] persons: but not so grieuously nor mortally, as the Coniun­ction, Quartile, or Opposition. For if the ill fortunes behold the Moone (with Sextile, or Trine aspects) the disease shall not be le­thall: neither also in vnperfect applications, Quartile, or Op­position: whereas she is elonged, and separated from their beams (especially if the moone be augmenting in light and motion) and aided by the beames of the fortunes.

Also according to some mens opinions, it profiteth much the diseased person, if the fortunes or good starres are scituated in the Meridian or Horizon (at the decombiture or lying downe of the sicke body) and so contrary wise it hindreth the grieued person, if the ill fortunes occupy the said places.

The manner how to know of what Humour or Humours the griefe proceedeth.

♄. in ♈.

IF the Moone bée oppressed of Saturne (in the signe of Aries) the griefe shall happen of choller and melancholie, with some fleg­maticke matter.

♂. in ♈.

But if Mars afflict the Moone in Aries, then the disease shall come of super aboundance of chollericke matter.

♄. and ♂. in ♈.

And if Saturne and Mars oppresse the moone (in Aries) the sicknes shall procéede of chollericke matter mixed with tough fleame.

♄. in ♉.

If Saturne afflict the Moone in Taurus, the griefe shall happen of melancholy.

♂. in ♉.

But if Mars assault the Moone in Taurus, the disease shall pro­céede of choller and swéete fleame.

♄. and [...]. in ♉.

The moone in Taurus (oppressed by Saturne and Mars) the griefe shall happen of melancholly aduste.

♄. in ♊.

The Moone in Gemini (of Saturne afflicted) the griefe shall pro­céede of choller and fleame.

♂. in ♊.

Mars oppressing the Moone in Gemini, the disease shall take ori­nal of blood or red choller.

♄. and ♂. in ♊.

The Moone in Gemini (endomaged of Saturne and Mars) will cause a disease of choller and congealed fleame.

♄. in ♋.

If Saturne oppresse the Moone in Cancer, the sicknesse shall pro­céed of tough fleame.

♂. in ♋.

Mars afflicting the Moone in Cancer, the griefe shall happen of blood or sweet fleame.

♄. and ♂. in ♋.

Also if Saturne and Mars oppresse the Moone in Cancer, the di­sease shall come of yellow choller.

♄. in ♌.

Saturne infesting the Moone in Leo, shall cause a disease pro­céeding of blood.

♂. in ♌.

The moone in Leo, (of Mars afflicted) the disease shall come of blood aduste.

♄. and ♂. in ♌.

But if Saturne and Mars oppresse the moone in the signe of Leo, then shall arise a greife of greene choller.

♄. in ♍.

If Sa [...]urne affl [...]ct the Moone in Virgo, the griefe shall procéed [...] of viscuous and tough fleame.

♂. in ♍.

Mars oppressing the Moone in Virgo, will prouake a disease of salt fleame.

♄. and ♂. in ♍.

The moone in Virgo, (afflicted of Saturne, and Mars) shall cause the griefe to procéede both of salt and sower fleame.

♄. in ♎.

If Saturne infest the moone in the signe of Libra, the griefe shall come of blood.

♂. in ♎.

The moone in Libra afflicted of Mars, the disease shall happen of choller.

♄. and ♂. in ♎.

But if Saturne and Mars oppresse the moone (in the signe of Li­bra) the griefe shall procéede of blood and choller.

♄. in ♏.

The moone in Scorpio (endomaged of Saturne) the sicknesse shall procéed of corrupt fleame.

♂. in ♏.

If the moone be in Aquarius (afflicted by Mars) the griefe shall happen of blood, or Fleame corrupt.

♄. and ♂. in ♏.

But if Iupiter and Mars oppresse the moone, then the disease shall come of some great putrifaction of humors, as in the Leprofie, Pocks, Measels, and Leprofie.

♄. in ♐.

If the Moone bée in Sagittary and oppressed of Saturne, then the sicke shall be tormented with sharpe and fretting Fleame cor­rupted with choller.

♂. in ♐.

Mars afflicting the moone in Sagitarius, will prouoke a griefe of blood and red choller.

♄. and ♂. in ♐.

But if Saurne and Mars oppresse the Moone in Sagitarius, the diseases shall come of citrine choller.

♄. in ♑.

If the Moone be in Capricorne (afflicted by Saturne) the griefe shall happen of melancholie.

♂. in ♑.

Mars afflicting the moone Capricornus, will cause a disease pro­céeding of chollericke matter.

♄. and ♂. in ♑.

But if Saturne, and Mars oppresse the moone (in the celestiall signe of Capricornus, the griefe shall come of melancholie aduste.

☽. in ♒ ♄.

The moone in Aquarius afflicted by Saturne, the griefe shall pro­céed of yeallow choller and congealed fleame.

♂. in ♒.

Mars endomaging the Moone in Aquarius, will stirre vp a disease of red choller or blood aduste.

♄. and ♂.

And if Saturne and Mars oppresse the Moone (in the signe of A­quarius) the sicknesse shall come of blood and choller.

♄. in ♓.

If Saturne infest the Moone in Pisces, the griefe shall happen of fleame congealed by melancholly.

♂. in ♓.

But if Mars oppresse the moone in Pisces, the grife shall chance of choller and swéet fleame.

♄. and ♂.

Finally, if Saturne and Mars afflict the móone in Pisces, the di­seases shall procéed yeallow choler, and tough fleame congealed.

[Page] Thus much I haue thought conuenient to write of the iudge­ment on sicke folkes, when the day and houre of the lying downe, or the descombiture (of the diseased person) can by any meanes bée serutated or néerely knowne: but if the day and houre cannot bée shewed (in which the sicke tooke his bed) then you must contem­plate the scituation and collocation of the Planets, by a Celesti­all figure erected for that time in which the question was demaun­ded, or the disease first demonstrated or shewed: which manner of iudicials I will now omit (for breuities sake) vntill my next Ad­dition: committing thee gentle Reader in the meane whiles to the documents of G. C. in his Addition to the worke of worthy Da­rius, intituled The Iudgement of the Starres: wherein he hath lear­nedly and copiously intreated thereof.


A Treatise of the foure Humours.

THE body of Man is composed of foure essentiall and hetrogeniall substances, that is to say; Fleame, Blood, Choller, and Melancholie: which Physitions call Humours or complections, and mixtures of those foure simple qualities Heate, Colde, Moysture, and Drinesse: [...]s Heate, and Moysture &c. which if they excéed or al­ter that proportion that nature ordeined them at the first (either in qualitie or quantity) then shortly happeneth sicknesse, & discrasie.

The qualitie of the foure Humours, and the times appropriated vnto them.

FLeame is the originall and primordination of the other Hu­mours, and is engendered of vnperfect digestion, and is colde and moyst in qualitie like the water; and hath most puissance in Winter, from the eight day of October vntil the ninth of March, and from the third houre of the night vntill the ninth of the saide night. This humour is bred in the Liuer, and hath his abiding in the stomacke, and is knowne to excéede by these Signes: Sléepi­nesse, Dulnesse, Slownesse, Heauinesse, Fatnesse, Cowardishnes, Forgetfulnesse, Spitting, Super fluitie in the nose, little app [...]tie, in­digestion, the skinne whiter, colder, and smoother in touching then it was woont to be: their Vrine lower coloured, and thicker, and the Pulse lower and lesser then it was accustomed to be, with drea­ming of Raine, Flouds and waters.

BLood is a Humour perfectly concoct, the chiefest nourisher and preserner of our humaine nature, and is hote and moiste like the aire, and increaseth in Spring time, from the tenth of March, to the 24. of April, and hath dominion from the ninth houre of the night, vntill [...]he third houre of the morning, and hath his abode in [Page] the veines, and is knowne to abound by these signes: the Vesne [...] great and full, carnositie, rednes of skinne, pricking of the temples, lightnesse of heart, the Pulse great and full, dreames of red and bloody things, and pleasant conceites: their Vrine will be higher coloured and thicker in substance then ordinarily.

CHoller is the clarifier of the other Humours, and is bred of the substance of the meate and drinke exceedingly digested, and of some Author is called the froth, or spume of blood, and is hote and dry in temperature like the fire; and hath power in Summer, from the 25. of April vntill the 17. of September, and hath dominion from the third houre of the day vntill the ninth houre of the same: Signes; Leannesse of body, C [...]stiuenesse, Hollownes of the eyes, Fiercenesse, Angrynes, Yellownes of the skinne, and spottell, and pricking in the right side of the heade, Hotnes, the Pulse is swift and strong, and their Vrine higher coloured and thinner & brigh­ter then vsuall with dreaming of fire, lightning, Anger, and Fight­ing, and hath his abitacle in the choffer of the Galle.

MElancholie is a Humour vnperfectly concect, and is called the dregs or sediment of the other Humours, and is cold and dry like the Earth: But my opinion is, that pure Melancholie is a grosse and thicke blood, and is blacke of colour by reason of the crassitude and thicknes, which happeneth by meanes of indigestion and want of naturall heate to extenuate it, and turne it into pure blood, so that Melancholie naturall differeth from blood, chiefly by means of colones, which congealeth and maketh it drier and thic­ker then b [...]ood neither doe I suppose, that Melancholy is altogether so dry as it is cold, for as much as wee finde fewe men in whose bo­dyes Melancholy onely hath the superioritie to excéede in leannes or slendernes, but are rather of a meane proportion, &c.

Melancholie reigneth in Haruest, from the 18. of September, vntill the eight of Oct [...]ber, and hath dominion from the ninth houre of the day, vntill the third houre of y e night, & is perceaued by these sig [...]es: Fearefulnes without cause, dreadfull unaginations, Fretfulnes, Roughnes of skinne, Leannesse, Blacknes, or wan­nesse of co [...]our, Insomniati [...]n, Dreames te [...]ible, Saltnes of the mouth, Sollitarines, the Pulse little, with Vrine more decoloured [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] and thinner then accustomed, and hath his mantion and abiding in the Spléene.

And thus much of the temperature and qualitie of the foure Hu­mours, not corrupted or altered, by the medling of one with the other.

How the foure Humours are distributed in mens bodyes.

THe foure Humours are proportioned and distributed in mens bodyes two manner of wayes: (that is to wit) totally, and particularly:

Totall or generall distribution, is when one of them on­ly hath the predomination and superioritie, as he in whose body choller soly excéedeth, is called Cholericke &c.

But particularly they are distributed after 12. sundry wayes, as followeth:

In some mens bodyes▪ Choller only excéedeth the other Hu­mors, and that man I call Chollericke.

And in some, Choller hath che principall dominion, and Me­lancholy excéedeth the other Humours, and such a person I call cholleticke Melancholy.

But in some men, Melancholy hath the soueraigntie, and Chol­ler hath some dominion, and those I call Melancholly chollericke.

In some, Melancholy soly excéeds, & such persens I terme Me­lanchollicke.

In other, Melancholy hath the superioritie, and blood-some do­minion, and they I call melanchol [...]ike Sanguine.

In other, blood surmounteth, and melancholy hath the next do­minion, and such persons I nominate sanguine Melancholike.

And in other, Blood only raigneth, and such I call Sanguine.

But in other, Blood excéedes and Fleame hath perticipation with it, and those I call Sanguine flegmaticke.

Also in some, Fleame surpasseth, and Blood hath some domini­on, such I call flegmaticke Sanguine.

In other some, Fleame onely hath the preheminence, and such I call Flegmaticke.

And in other some, Fleame hath mastery, and choller some domination: such persons I call Flegmaticke cholericke.

Also in sone mens bodyes, Choller hath the principall soueraign­tie, [Page] and Fleame somewhat excéedeth the rest, and such I call chole­ricke Flegmaticke.

Hereat the ignorant perchaunce will finde some matter to spurne, because I haue deuided the complexions of men into so ma­ny sundry proportions: yet he that is acquainted with the secret o­perations of nature & knoweth the original cause of a mans com­plections and also obserueth the diuersitie of mens colours, the sun­dry proportions of their bodies, and variety of conditions: shall plainly perceiue, that nature hath many wayes distributed them, and not onely by foure manner of proportions, as I will herefol­lowing declare at large.

Of the originall cause of mens Complexions.

THe complexion of man procéedeth not of any naturall procrea­tion receiued from his parents at the time of his conception, nor of the milke of the mother or Nurse, wherewith the Infant is nourished (as some doe imagine) But is infused and proportioned according to the Celestiall bodyes, renolting ouer our Horizon at the natiuitie of the Infant: for that Signe or Signes, which is colocated in the ascendant or Horroscope, will certeinly demon­strate and shew of what complexion the natiue is: for if you finde in the first house a fierie signe only scituated, you shall iudge that person to be chollericke of Complexion.

But if you finde in the Horroscop the most part of a fierie signe, and some of a earthy, then you shall call that person chollericke me­lancholicke, of complexion.

And if the latter or least part of a fierie signe possesse the ascen­dant, with the more part of an earthy, you may call that person melancholicke chollerick.

Also if an earthy Signe occupy the whole Horroscope, that man shall be melancholicke.

Or if you finde in the first House the most part of a earthy Signe and some of an airie, that person shall be melancholike san­guine.

But if the lesser part of an earthy Signe and the more of an ai­rie possesse the ascendant, that man shall be sanguine melancholick.

Likewise if you finde an airie signe occupying the whole ascen­dant, you shall call that man Sanguine of complexion.


[Page] ger: the vertue of digestion is méetly strong in such persons, and their pulse is lesser and slower then in chollericke persons, his vrine is yellow and thinne, their egestion is yellowish and hard, and they dreame of falling from high places, of robberies, murders, harmes procéeding of fire, fiighting and anger, and such like.

Signes of a Melancholicke chollericke man.

MElancholicke cholericke men are tall of stature, by reason that naturall heate is féeble, and thereby are many fumosities engendred, but yet they are little and slender of body, because of dri­nesse, therefore their skinne is rough and hard, and cold in toucking: they haue but very little haire on their bodies, & are long without beards, by meanes of colde which stoppe the poores, and suffereth not the matter whereof haire is engendred to come foorth: also they haue much superfluitie in the nose: their colour is pale, shadowed with a little nigritude or darknesse. As concerning their conditi­ons; they are gentle, giuen to sobrietie, solitarie, studious, doubtfull, auarous, shamefast, timerous, stubborne, fretfull, penfiue, constant, and true in action, with a déepe surmise, and wit slowe, with obli­niousnes, their haire is browne and thin, their digestion féeble and lesse then their appetite, the Pulse litle and slacke, their Vrine sub­citrine and thinne, and their egestion is fallow and something soft, with dreaming of falling downe from high places, fearefull dreams and sundry vanities.

Signes of a Melancholy person.

Melancholick men are meane of stature, and seldome very tall, for excesse colde doth binde the substance and suffereth it not to stretch in length: and although melancholly be dry in tempera­ture, yet they are not little and flender of body, the occasion is (as I imagine) of excesse cold (by meanes whereof much superfluitie is engendered) which somewhat delayeth the drines, for melancho­licke men are full of fleame, and rumaticke matter. Their colour is duskish and swarftish pale, their skinne is rough, and cold in fée­ling, they haue very little or no haire on their bodyes, and are long without beards, yea sometimes beardlesse: the colour of their [Page] haire is duskish and flaren: As thouching their conditions, they are naturally couetous, selfe-louers, cowardish, fearefull without cause, pusilanimous, solitarie, carefull, lumpish, inhumanious, sel­dome merry or laughing, stoute, stubborne, ambitious, enuious, fretfull, obstinate in opinions, o [...] a déepe cogitation, mistrustfull, suspitious, vered with dolors of the minde, and dreadfull imagi­nations (as though they were infested with euill spirits) and are very spightfull, curious, squemish, and yet Slouens, hauing small rega [...]d of hansomenes, high minded, and very maiesticall in beha­uiour, and retaine their anger long; the vertue of concoction is in them very féeble, yet they haue good appetite to their meate: their Vrine is palish and meane in substance and obtuse, their order is clayish coloured and broken, and they dreame of dreadfull things, terrible visians, and darknes.

Signes of a Melancholike sauguine man.

MElancholicke Sanguine men are higher of stature then Me­lancholicke, for in them naturall heat is temperate, where­fore fumosities and radicall moisture is meanly engendered, wher­by they are meanly bigge, fleshie, and firme of body: their colour is after a darkish red, their skinne neither hard nor rough but tempe­rate in heat and softnesse, and not very hairie, they haue beardes about 21. yéeres of their age: As touching their conditions, they are more liberall, bolder, merier, lesse slubborne, and not so coward­dish solitarie, and pensiue, as melancholike persons, neither so vex­ed with euil imaginatiōs as they are: also they are gentle, sober, pa­tient, trustie, mercifull, and affable: and to conclude, forasmuch as this complection is temperate in qualitie, so likewise it is boone in conditions; for vertue is a meane betwéene to extreames: Their vrine is light saffronish coloured, and meane in substance, their pul­ses are temperate in motion, and their order reddish and loose, with dreames pleasant, and many times respondent to trueth, their di­gestion is meanly strong.

Signes of a Sanguine Melancholicke man.

SAnguine Melancholike men are meane of stature, with bodyes well compact with veines and artires, fleshie but not fatte, they [Page] drowsie, and sluggish as they are, but merrier, and quicker witted, their face is for the most part full of yellow sreckles, and their co­lour white shadowed with yellownesse, their appetie and digesti­on is indifferent: their Pulses are moderate and full, their Vrine sub [...]itrine and meane in substance, with order yellow and thickish, dreames of swimming in water, snow and raine.

Signes of a Cholericke flegmaticke man.

CHollericke flegmaticke men are meane of stature, firme and strong of body, and neither fat nor leane, with great legges and their skinne hairie, and moderate in féeling, their haire is yel­lowish, and their colour is flane or yellowish: their conditions is not much different from Chollericke men, but they are not altoge­ther so furious and bold as they, neither so prodigall, and guilfull; for Fleame doth somewhat delay the heat of choller, their digesti­on is perfect, their Pulses swift, and their vrine light saffron and thinne, their egestion yellow and hard, with dreaming of battels, strife, lightning and hot water.

The opperation that eating, drinking, rest and exercise worketh in euery Complexion.

MVch eating & drinking in cholerick persons (if not excéeding­ly out of measure) doth no harme, but rather conserueth y e good estate of the bodie, for of much fasting & abstinēce commeth great de­triment to those persons, for it debilateth nature, cōsumeth y e body, engendreth chollericke matter, and sendeth vp sower and vnsauory vapours into the mouth, and bréedeth adustion of humors (especial­ly little eating of meates apt and easie to digest) for if a Chollericke man will preserue his body in health, let him eat a meane quantitie of meats hard to defie, and a good deale of meates that are soone di­gested. Also moderate drinking of small drinke doth much profite, for it cooleth violent heat which inflameth & burneth, & engendereth natural moisture which will humect the ayred and dryed parts by the rage of choller.

But much drinking of strong drinke, and hot wines are vtter­ly to be eschewed, for they inflame the liuer, and ingender burning [Page] Feauers, Hecticks, Exulcerations, and chollericke Pus [...]els, and the hot dropsie called Ashcites, &c.

Much exercise and labour also doth hurt the Chollericke person, for it bréedeth Inflamations, adustion of humors, y e Iaūders, ouer­flowing of the Galle, Consumptions, Hecticke Feauers, Tympa­nies, Costiuenesse, and Tercian agues.

THe Collericke melancholicke man may well obserue a meane measure in eating and drinking, eschewing meates hard to di­gest, for such engender tough fleame in their bodies.

Let him drink good drink measurably, but let him auoid excesse of small drinke because it engendreth congealed fleame and opillateth the pipes &c. And of strong drink, for it bréedeth salt fleame, Itches, and Exulcerations.

Moderate exercise is very conuenient to such persons.

BVt in Melancholicke cholerike persons, much eating, drinking, and rest, are thrée champions striuing against nature, and en­gendereth tough and congealed fleame, darkeneth the skinne and increaseth Morphew, oppillateth the pipes, corruppeth the Lungs, and bréedeth the Tysicke, and Bléedings, Ventosity, Chollicke and torments of the wombe &c.

(And if they will conserue their bodies in health) Let them eate and drinke sparingly, and vse strong drinke and hot wines in small quantitie: but let them auoid excesse (chiefly of small drinke) for that cooleth the Liuer, quencheth naturall heat, hindreth digestion, bréedeth the Dropsie, & repleateth the body with flegmaticke mat­ter, obnebulateth the memorie, and repleateth the head and pipes with superfluitie: and after euery litle cold taken in the feete, brée­deth rumes and ache of the wombe. Also the immoderate vse of strong drinke, bréedeth salt fleame corrupted with choller, causing Itches, and Prurigines.

THe Mclancholicke person must vtterly auoid excesse in eating and drinking (especially of meates hard to digest, and small drinkes) and vse abstinence, and a very slender diet, with meats apt to conc [...]ct, and hot drinkes that helpeth digestion.

Much ingurgitations of meates and drinkes engendereth [Page] trudity, and raw [...]esse of the stomacke, with corrupt and tough congealed fleame, causing the breath to stin [...]e, head-ache, tooth-ach, obliuiousnesse, shortnesse of winde, Physicke, consumption of the Lungs, quarten Feauers, Flures, the Illiacke & Choliack passion, and the Dropsie, called Yposarca and such like.

Moderate exercise is very salubrious to such persons, for it hel­peth digestion and expelleth phantasies and imaginations, and re­fresheth the spirituall members.

SAnguine melancholicke men are of a stronger constitution then Melancholicke, and may eate mesurably of meate light of di­gestion, and drinke indifferently of strong drinke: but excesse (chief­ly of meates indigestiue and small drinke) doth fill the bodie with fleame and ventositie, and engendreth thicke and blacke blood.

Moderate exercise consolidateth their bodies, putifieth their blood and clarifieth their skin: and the like is to bee vnderstood in Melancholicke Sanguine persons.

SAnguine men néed not be very scripulous in their diet, so that they excéede not two much out of measure: for in them the di­gestiue vertue is most robust and stronge, perfectly concocting the meate and drinke: such persons may eate measurably of meats hard to defie, & a good quantity of me [...]ts which are soone digested.

Also they may drinke a good quantity of smale drinke, but er­cesse engendereth clammie and swéet fleame, which oppilateth the poores and conduits of the body, and ingendeteth Feauers, the cho­licke and stone, and forments of the backe.

The inordinate vsage of strong drinkes and hot wines doth in­flame the blood, & bréedeth hot rumes, Saint Anthonies fire, squim­sies, Plurisies, Kings euill, Apostuinations in the Liuer, and red Pimples in the face.

Likewise violent exercise is to be eschewed, for it enflameth the Liuer, chafeth the blood, and engendreth the Yellow Ianders, ouer­flowings of the Galle, and Ephemer feauers.

IN Sanguine fleginaticke men, digestion is meanely strong, and they may eate and drinke well of meats and drinks of good tem­perature and apt to digestion: But much ingurgitation of meats [Page] and drinkes ingendereth thinne and watery blood, the small Poxe, Exulcerations, cholicke &c.

Let them drinke measurably of drinkes meanely strong, but excesse of small drinke, maketh the colour the whiter, and their bo­dies the grosser, and filleth the breast with superfluitie, and e [...]gen­deceth dropsies, Goutes, Ache of the ioynts, Apoplexies, Lytharge, and dulnes of memorie.

The excesse vsage of stronge drinke, doth worke the like effect as in Sanguine men but not altogether so violently: moderate exer­cise is very profitable.

THe man in whose body fleame hath the superioritie, and blood hath some dominion ouer the rest of the Humours, let him kéep a slender diet, and beware of the repleation: for much eating and drinking in such persons maketh the skin tawnie, with raw­nesse in the stomacke, and repleateth the body with citrine and yel­low choller, and sower fleame, and engendereth the Measels, dul­leth the wit, & abateth courage: let such vse hote wines and strong drinkes in small quantity, for excesse drinking is to be eschewed; for it maketh the skin greenish or tawnie, and engendreth dropsies, Goutes, Pockes, and fleame, greene choler, & vnsauonry fumes in the mouth. Let them vse exercise, for it clenseth their bodies of su­perfluities.

FLegmaticke men of all other ought to vse a very small and slen­der dyet, for the vsage of abstinence and fasting helpeth the dige­stiue vertue, and clenseth the body of grosse and vnconcocted Hu­mours:

But contrarily, much eating and drinking quencheth naturall heate, hindereth digestion, and repleateth the body wi [...] groue hu­mors and superfluitie, bredeth stitches and ventositie &c.

If they will conserue their bodies in health, let them eate and drinke very little, and vse meates that will soone be digested, and strong drinke and hot wines.

But let them avoide excesse of drinking for that engendreth Quotidians, the Dropsie called Lencoflemna, Falling sicknesse, Goutes, Greene sicknesse, Rumes, Catarres and such diseases as are bred of indigestion. Much exercise also is very salubrious to [Page] the bodyes of such persons, for it extenuateth grosse Humors and expel [...]eth them by swet and other euacuations, quickneth the me­morie, stirreth vp courage, and clarifieth the skin.

FLegmaticke cholericke men are of a stronger nature then Flegmaticke persons, (for in them the vertue of digestion is quicker) and may obserue a meane order of dyet, but excesse filleth their bodies with yellow choller, & such diseases as procéed thereof.

Also much excesse of drinking engendreth corrupt matter, Mor­bus gallicus, Fistula, &c.

Moderate exercise is commodious to this complexion.

CHollericke Flegmaticke persons are of stronge constitution, & may eat and drink a good quantitie, slender dyet & abstinence doth worke the like operation in them as in chollerick, but not so outragiously.

Much excesse of strong drinke inflameth the blood, and ingende­reth yellow Iaunders, and Plurisyes.

Let them vse one excercise moderatly: but beware of violent la­bour.

Héere is to be noted (gentile Reader) that exact iudgement can­not be giuen vpon a mans complexion by any one of the aforesaide tokens, for as much as they are all variable and changeable: yet of rest, the colour is most certaine in our Ocean climats, and in health­full persons, but forreine Climes and sicknes altereth the colour: also the Stature, Trine, Pulse, and Order of a person, changeth after the order of dyet and health of the partie: also the conditions altereth sometimes when grace worketh aboue nature, or when some fortunate Planet is Lord of the natiuity And as for dreams, they [...] [...]gether variable, one while procéeding of some inordi­nate musing and thinking of a thing, whereby the vertue cogitiue is troubled, and imprinteth the same in the braine, sometimes of the humor bred and engendred in the stomacke, euapouring into the head: & otherwhiles the illusion of euill spirits, or by the Re­uelation of good Angels. And to conclude, a mans complexion alte­reth according to age and diet of the person, as naturall heat aug­ [...]enteth or defecteth.

Approoued Remedies for sore eyes.

For dimnesse in the eyes.

TAke halfe a pint of Rennish wine, then as much hony, and boyle them both together: in the boyling scumme it well; let it boyle til halfe be consumed, take it off the fire and kéepe it: anoynt the eye with it, and put some in the eye, and in thrise vsing it will helpe.

For the Webbe in the eye.

TAke iuice of Veruine, oyle of wheat, water of Rosh, of each a like, then boyle it well in a brasen vessell, then put in the eye.

For a blowe with a stone, or a chip in the eye.

THe best Remedie, for such an accident, as by experience hath bin approued, is this, take a handfull of Cardus Benedictus, and stampe it small, & temper it well with halfe the white of an Egge, and therewith make a plaister, laying it on flaxen herdes, binding it hard to the eye, where it shall lye till it be dryed, and then apply another: and so consequently vse it til your patient be throughly whole: this is also a present remedie for the eyes that are blood­shed.

Laus sit Deo omnipotenti.

The Epilogue of the Author.

OMightie Ioue to thee be praise, that rules & raignes on hie,
Thy Majestie extolled is aboue the Starry skie.
Thou that the heauēs & earth of confusde Chaos made
The Sonne and Moone and twinckling Starres,
Bright day and nightley shade,
Who can expresse thy wonderous workes, thy wisdome, power and might:
No Saint nor Angell can doe it, much lesse a mortall Wight.
Thou that from wise and pregnant wittes, thy Arcanes doest conceale:
And vnto Babes and simple men, thy secrets doest reueale:
Let Cherubin and Seraphin, laudate thy name alwaies:
And hilles and dales, resound a voice to eccho foorth thy praise
Also let man and beast likewise, thy worthy actes admire:
And euery liuing thing on earth, thy condigne praise aspire.
Thou canst the dead to life reujue, & to the blinde giue sight:
And eke bring out of Stigian vale, so forcely is thy might.
For why the life of euery thing, is in thy hand O Lord.
And maist doe with it what thou wilt, if that thou say the word
Thou that the Sun for certaine daies, didst cause to stay & stand
Vntill thy people Israel, had got the vpper hand,
Canst bridle frowning Saturns rage, & bloody Mars withhold
and bring the Sicke to perfect health what euer Stars foreto [...]de.
For thou alone art onely he, that all things doest respect:
And rulest fate and future haps, for loue of thine elect.
Vnto the Father vncreat, and Iesus Christ his Sonne:
And vnto God the holy Ghost, all laud and praise be done.

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