THE COPIE OF A LET­TER SENT FROM SEA BY A GENTLEMAN, WHO WAS EMPLOYED in discouerie on the coast of Spaine by appointment of the Generals of our English Fleete, to a wor­shipfull friend of his.

Aduertising him of such things as he came to knowledge of in the same discouerie.


Imprinted at London by Richard Field dwelling in the Blacke Friers. 1589.

To the gentle Reader.

HAuing gotten a Copie of this Letter (gentle Reader) I thought good to make thee partaker of the same by publishing it in print: that ther­by thou, and as many as vvish vvell vnto the state of England, may according to our duetie thanke our God, that hath so mercifully deliuered vs from our proude enemies, and shevved his iudgement vpon them beyond our expectation, and further then vve could almost haue vvished. For of the proude Spanish Fleete appointed for our ouerthrovve, containing so many ships in number, so vvell in all respects furnished, that they could desire no­thing that seemed to be vvanting: there returned very fevve, and those so sore afflicted, that the most of their men died either before or shortly after their returne, vtterly disapppointed of their intent, and hauing lost the greatest part of their prouision. Moreouer vve may hereby perceiue vvhat great good hope vve haue to conceiue (God giuing assistance) of the intended voyage. There is great hope they vvill scarce vvell brooke the comming of the Fleete, sith they can hardly abide some one or tvvo of our English ships.

R. F.


RIGHT worshipful hauing bene emploied by my Generals Sir Iohn Norris and Sir Frauncis Drake vpō the coast of Spaine for discouerie, and now being safely arriued (thanks vnto the Almightie) I thought it my duetie to acquaint your worship with such newes as I haue learned in my voyage, hoping that as you were wont, you will excuse my presumption. I sayled the fourth of Februarie last, and coasting along by Biskay, at the Groine I tooke a ship of Biskay laden with stones, for the building of a fort at Vigo within the North Cape. In the which there came a marchant of Lisbone as passenger from Sainct Sebastians, whome I haue brought with me. And as concerning the last Fleete, he sayth, that of all the ships and caruels of the Spa­nish [Page] Fleete there are come home but nine and thirtie, whereof foure and twentie are riding in a riuer by Sainct Sebastians, foureteene in the Groine, and one in Lisbone, but most of all the men that came home died immediatly at their landing, and the two chiefe commaunders of the ships being sent for to the Court, died, as it is thought of poison before they had passed two dayes iourney from Sainct Sebastians. Also the Duke of Medina is banished the Court for euer and certaine customes of his confiscate to the holy house. Also the King doth with all speede fortifie the sea coasts, especially in Portingale, and hath erected a bulwark in the market place of Lisbone. He hath made no prouision of ship­ping, but only a Fleete of gallies which are now in the Straights, and came downe for the de­fence of his owne countrey. He doth grieuously take the death of his men, for they were the chiefe souldiers of all his forces in Italie and else where. All these I haue conferred with others that haue fallen into my hands since, and found it to be a perfect truth. From the Groine I came to the rocke at Lisbone, where I found a barke of Plymouth and two other Pinnaces chased by foure Gallies and a Frenchman of warre, who [Page] was consorted with the gallies, who as soone as they saw my ship, the barke began to fight with them, & had shot the Frenchman twise through, which at the first discharging of my broade side, sunke downe right in the sea, within one quarter of an hower. The gallies made all the hast they could to recouer Cast Cales, being a litle with­in the mouth of the harbour, but we had so fine a gale of winde, that we made two of them carie the third betweene them, and recouered againe one Argosie laden with Candie wines, which was the barks prize but the gallies had recoue­red her, but nowe she is in Plymouth and eight and fortie men in her, all Greekes, except two Portingales: she is come but to a reasonable market. And as concerning our Fleete, I hope we shall be in Portingale within this moneth at the furthest, where no doubt (God ayding vs) we shall make a wonderfull prosperous voyage, for they tremble at the sight of three English ships, and are all in a mutenie, not knowing whether it were best to receaue the King againe or to withstand our power: but I thinke they wil not honour vs so much as to let vs winne their countrey by the sword. Thus meeting at sea with the Barke Beare, bound for London, and [Page] for that I do not know how soone I shall returne, I haue thought it my duetie to aduertise your worship of these newes, to whom I send a dozen of Spanish blades to dispose at your pleasure, committing your worship to th'Almighty.

Your VVorships vvholy to commaund, T. F.

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