A CONFIRMATION of the Medicinall Vertues of the Antimoniall Cup Collected out of the most famous, learned, and best approved Philosophers and Physicians, that have written thereof.
OF all the Minerals contained within the bowels of the Earth, Antimonium deserveth the greatest praise, for the most excellent medicinall vertues, it containeth for the health and benefit of mankinde.
It is a Minerall of a darke colour, interveined with glistering streakes, consisting according to Paracelsus, of Mercurie, Sulphur, and Salt. Antimonium corpus suum ex Mercurio assumit, est que natura Mercurii crassissima, postquam expurgatur, vir [...]s & virtutes Mercurii omnes retinet, nihilque est aliud▪ quam coagulatus Mercurius per spiritum Salis & Sulphur. And therefore it is generally by all the Spagiricks called the Balsame, Restorer, and Preserver of Nature.
It was first discovered by Geber King of Arab [...], and by him called Magnesia, for as the Magnes draweth iron unto it with the one point, and expelleth it with the other; so this magnetically extracteth to, and expelleth from the Stomack whatsoever within the whole body of man, i [...] found to be offensive to Nature, or contrarie to the health and good constitution of the body.
It is also called Lupus, for that it devoureth and destroyeth all metal-except the Lion, which is gold: and that it refineth and purifieth above all other things, so doth it also destroy all the corrupt humour, that are within the body of man, leaving no impuritie to remaine in the same.
Basilius Valentinus Monachus, compareth it to a Ring without beginning, without ending, for that his medicinall and naturall vertues are inscrutable and past finding out.
Many are the Medicines that are prepared of this Minerall, both against inward and outward infirmities, but I freely and willingly disclaime from them all, (especially for Inward causes) saving onely the Regulus, and what may be conveniently prepared out of the same, saying with learned and conscionable Duncanus, Caetera sciens omitto, tanquam pernitiosa medicamenta, Iatroch. Born. pag. 91. contenting my selfe with that, which by the authoritie and testimony of the learned, and the experiments of my worthy friends, and by common practice and experience shall be (by Gods grace) invincibly confirmed. The first cornerstone of my building shall be that of Duncanus, confirmed also by laborious and learned Milius, Hic Regulus est summum au [...]i examen, ac vera omnium florum, & tincturarum medicinalium, in Antimonio existentium materia, that is, this Regulus is the chiefest examination of gold▪ and the true subject and matter of all medicinall vertues, contained within the body of Antimony. To this agreeth the testimony of Basilius Valentinus Monachus, calling it Regulus, sive Dominus medicinae.
Divine Authoritie, Nature, and Experience confirmeth this truth, for as life is hid in man, so in all things whether Animal, Vegitable, or Minerall, it is invisibly incentred, and so punctually indiscernable, that according to the learned Philosopher Mich. Sengivodius Polonus, the living spark is only the 8200. part of any subject, admire then the effectuall power of that sparke of life mentioned in the resembled mustard-seed, and this to the understanding Reader, may give some touch, both for the universalitie, penetration, and perpetuation of this divine medicine.
And now having discovered my Materia prima, I will produce such workmen for the erection of this little Fabrick, so well experienced in their profound knowledge, that though by malice and ignorance, they have beene often blamed, they could never bee shamed, nor justly reproved, and the first shall be that Orientall Star of Naturall, Spagiricall, and Magnetica [...]l light and knowledge, Theophrastus Paracelsus. Hee in the sixth Booke, tit. De vita longa, pag. 167. saith as followeth. Quemadmodum Antimonium purgat Aurum, ita purgat etiam corpus, continet enim essentiam eam▪ quae nihilimpuri, relinquit in puro, nec ullus est usque adeò, in scriptis Archidoxeos peritus, aut tam insignis Spagyrus, qui vires & facultates Antimonii, plenè indagare queat. In prima enim Yle, Antimonium adeo exaltatum, & inter Miner as Elementi Aquae praedestinatum est, ut facultas, & virtus ejus nullo disuvio, instar caeterorum aquaeorum crescentium imminuta, aut absorpta sit, adeòque his omnibus Antimonium longè praestat. In praede stinatione illud ita se habet, ut se influentiae accommodet, nulla facultate, aut dote ejus diminuta, aut infirmata, itaque ex omnibus mineralibus summi Arcani laudem optinet, hoc seipsum purgat, & unà secum etiam alia, quod si nihil boni in subjecto reperitur, impurum corpus [Page]transmutat in purum, sicut de Lepra notum est, &c. Paracels. lib. 6. De vitae [...]onga, pag. 167. Like as Antimony purifieth Gold, so doth it also cleanse [...]r purifie the body of man, it containeth that essence which will permit [...]o uncleannesse to remaine in that which is pure: neither is there any [...]ne found so skilfull in the chiefe secrets of Nature, or so excellent a Spagyrick, that can finde out fully the vertues and medicinall properties of Antimony; It is so much exalted in his first Being, and appointed from the beginning to excell all other Minerals that are of the element of water, that his vertues should be and remaine without waste, or dimunition for ever: and that it should sympathize and apply to the celestiall influence, so to be perpetually sustained in full efficacie, vertue, and effect. Therefore of all Minerals it obtaineth the praise of the greatest secret, It purgeth it selfe, and together with him all other bodies, and although it findeth but little which is cleane or pure: it purifieth, cleanseth, and changeth that uncleane body to be most pure and cleane, as it is well knowne by practice and experience made upon leprous persons.
And againe, in the sixth booke, pag. 22. Quinta essentia Antimonii venenum adimit, pulmonem enim & cor & membra laeprae subjecta mundat, cutem & corpus totum purificat, & renovat mirum in modum: The essence of Antimony expelleth poyson, comforteth the heart, and wonderfully restoreth and purifieth the lights, and other parts of the body apt to bee infected therewith. Moreover in the 7. booke, pag. 73.
Tanta vis & virtus est in Antimonio, ut restaurat enim & renovat universas in corpore vires, ac facultates mirifice: Such and so great is the vertue of Antimony, that it wonderfully restoreth and reneweth all the strength and vigour of the whole body.
And in the eighth booke hee declareth at large the severall vertues and medicinall operations of many other excellent Vegitables and Minerals, and in the end concludeth, Haec junctim uno in Antimonio latent; These that we have severally spoken of are all inclusively contained in Antimony alone.
In the sixth Booke: pag. 22. He teacheth how by their excellencie in vertue and operation, to distinguish of the preheminence, and degrees of dignities of simples, the one above the other, saying that those that performe the more difficult and desperate cures, ought to beare away the glorie of their excelling vertue, concluding thus: Hoc videmus accidere Antimonio, curat Leprosos, Morpheam, Alopeciam & similia, Scabies omnes, & cicatrices, Leoninam, Elephantiam, Tiriam, &c. Et iterum, Antimonium lepram expectit, magis quam de i [...]so credibile sit, non secus etiam de aliis intelligendum. This we see to happen in Antimony, it cureth leprosie, cleereth the complexion, stayeth the falling of the haire, [Page]cureth ring-wormes, tetters, and scurvinesse of the skin, all scabs and spreading sores, and all contagious and infectious diseases. And againe afterwards, Antimony expelleth the leprosie more effectually than would bee beleeved, the like operation it hath against other desperate diseases.
And in the third Boake, pag. 343. Antimonium nihil finit putrescere: Antimony suffereth nothing to corrupt or putrifie within the body of man. And in the fourth Booke, pag. 265. Ita Antimonium per transmutationes rerum preparatum est, eoque reductum ut in dulcedinem abierit, haec ab infantibus lincta, Caducum sanavit, in Antimonio vis ac tam potens Arcanumlatet, ut paroxysmum etiam vehementissimum tollit: Antimony is so to be prepared, and brought to that sweetnesse that it may bee taken of infants, and have beene thereby cured of the falling sicknesse, there is so great vertue and power in Antimony, that it taketh away and preventeth the most extremest fits of the falling sicknesse, Paracels. lib. 4. pag. 265.
Furthermore, he in the sixth Booke, pag. 146. saith; Sicut Antimonium finit Aurum, sie eadem ratione ac forma finit corpus: In illo enim est essentia, quae nihil impuri cum puro confundi sinit, atque adeò virtus permanserit, ita ut sese ex influentia semper dirigat, neque aliud de vi; ac virtute nativa unquam decesserit. Meritò igitur omnia, quae mineralium sunt, quorum summum, ac potissimum Arcanum in se claudit Antimonium, huic uni tribuimus, mundat feipfum unà cum reliquis quae immunda sunt, porrò si nihil omninò sani adest, immundum corpus in mundum transformat: Lib. 6. De vitalonga, pag. 146.
Like as Antimony refineth Gold, so also by the same reason and manner it purifieth the body of man: In it there is that essence that suffereth no impuritie nor uncleannesse to remaine confusedly intermingled amongst the pure and good, and his vertues so constantly remaineth, directing himselfe alwayes according to the heavenly influence, that of his naturall vertue and power, he shall at no time suffer losse or diminution thereof. Worthily therefore doe wee attribute to this alone, the power and vertue of all Minerals, whose chiefe and most powerfull secret effect, Antimony comprehendeth in it selfe alone, hee refineth himselfe, and purifieth together with it selfe, what hee findeth uncleane: moreover, though hee finde little or nothing sound, hee altereth and changeth that impure body to a cleane and sound constitution: Lib. 6. And to conclude, Essentia Antimonii est purgatio vera, quae purgat hominem excellentissimè superalia quaevis Arcana, radicitus evellit auferendum, ac omne quod immundum est: huma num corpus in supremum usque sanationis gradum purum efficit, ac ab omnibus aegritudinibus mundat, etiam illis ex quibus oriuntur ulcera; quicquid penes hominem fuerit impuri delet.
The essence of Antimony is a true and naturall purge, which purgeth man most excellently above all other secrets, it utterly taketh away by [...]e root whatsoever is foule, unwholsome, and ought to be removed, and [...]duceth the body of man to the highest degree of perfect health, and [...]eanseth from all manner infirmities and diseases, even from those that [...]e the originall and fountaine of ulcerous and dangerous diseases, it [...]lly and freely removeth all corrupt and impure humours, that might [...]e lurking within any part of the body of man. Thus farre Paracelsus [...] his lesser Chyrurgerie, pag. 323.
My second testimony shall bee Martinus Rulandus, a man of sound [...]dgement, great practice and experience, he called the infusion of this Cup his Aqua Benedicta, In the 5. Cent. and the 95. Cure he saith thus. Communi opinione Hermeticorum receptum est, Magnesiam Saturni, quam [...]iunt esse Antimonium, existere Ens, & raedicem omnium metallorum, ex Regulo hujus Antimonii vasculum formetur ad usum medicinale satis aptum, mirabile & idoncum semper permanens citra ponderis sui viriumque amissionem.
It is received by the consent and common opinion of all Hermeticall Philosophers, that the Magnesia of Saturne, which they call Antimony, [...]s the originall and beginning of all metals. Of the Regulus of this Antimony there is made a little vessell or cup verie admirable, fit and effectuall for his medicinall vertues, alwayes remaining in force without losse of waight and vertue: the Infusion of this Cup he calleth his Aqua benedicta, which he alwayes, (cum maxima aegrotorum salute, in omnibus morbis vulgo etiam incurabilibus,) used with good successe, and the restitution of the health of his patients, yea also in such diseases as were commonly reputed to bee incurable. And in another place hee saith; Mirisicas possidet virtutes in tota bene medendi ratione, &c. It containeth admirable vertues fit to be used in all sound and perfect medicinall cures, 1. It cleanseth the stomack: 2. Purgeth the head: 3. Preventeth the Lethargie, Swimming, and Vertigo: 4. Cureth frensie and madnesse: 5. Preventeth, and many times cureth the falling sicknesse. 6. It cureth an inveterated cough and hoarsnesse, although it bee of long continuance: 7. Cleareth the winde-pipe and passage from the lungs and so helpeth such as are short-winded: 8. It cureth the Squinancie or stopping in the throat: 9. It openeth, purgeth, and healeth all Impostumes in the lungs: 10. Restoreth the stomack, and expelleth all evill affects of the same: 11. Preventeth and cureth the Pleurisie: 12. Cureth deepe melancholy and madnesse, cheeres up the heart and vitall spirits: 13. Cureth the Hypochondriaca or windy melancholy: 14. And is of excelling vertue against all manner of Fevers and Agues: 15. It prevents the infection of the plague, or other contagious diseases: 16. It preserveth [Page]from the Gout, and everie kinde and species thereof: 17. It purifie [...] the bloud, cleanseth the whole body: 18. Dissipateth and bringeth [...] way tongealed or clotted bloud, or any other corrupt matter: 19. D [...] stroyeth and expelleth all manner of wormes: 20. Cureth Morbus Ga [...]licus, and Lues venerea: 21. It prevaileth against the yellow Jaundis [...] and all overflowings of the gall: 22. It openeth and cleanseth all manner of obstructions, it is saith Rulandus, Medicina medicinarum, the Medicine of Medicines, good, healthfull, and profitable to be used again [...] all manner of diseases and infirmities whatsoever, this much and much more Mar. Rulandus affirmeth upon his experience and knowledge whereof read more, Ruland. Cent. 5. Cur. 95. and Cent 9. cap. 51. Qu [...] citan confirmeth everie particular hereof, and reciteth many other ex [...]periments of his owne practice. See Pharm. restitutae Quercitani, pag [...] ▪ 345. and againe pag. 238.
Martinus Rulandus affirmavit se, sua aqua benedicta. i. Infusione Regul [...] Antimonii, centies saelicissimo successu, luem veneream curasse: that is, Rulandus affirmeth, that he (with his blessed water which is the infused liquor in the Antimoniall Cup) hath perfectly cured the French Pox▪ and running of the reines an hundred times, with happie and good successe. This reciteth Quercitan, out of Martinus Rulandus.
In the third place I will produce Quercitan himselfe, Aqua benedicta [...] Antimonii, Insigues enim, & mirandas edit effectus, blande provocat vomi [...]tum, & quatuor vel quinque sedes, evacuando persuperiora & inferiora s [...] mul, quod vix praestabit alind remedium, usurpatur etiam foelicissime, ad [...]omnis generis febres, etiam pestiferas: pleuritides item, aliosque de ploratissimos affectus, qui ob radices profundius, validiusque infixas, vix subigi [...] & edom [...]ripossunt: Vid. Quer. Pharm. rest. 238.
The blessed water or infusion of the Antimoniall Cup, performeth most excellent and wonderfull effects, it gently procureth vomit, and foure or five stooles, purging both upwards and downewards together, which hardly any other medicine will doe: it is administred verie successefully against all kinde of Fevers, although they be pestilent and infectious, also against the Pleurisie, and against all other deplored and desperate diseases, which are so strongly confirmed, and deeply rooted, that they cannot be over-mastered any other way, or by any other medicines. Thus far Quercitan in his Pharmacop. rest. pag. 238.
Fourthly, this truth shall be further confirmed by the testimonies of that excellent and learned Doctor of Physick and Philosophie, that wrote out of his owne experience and manuall practice, Basilica Antimonii, in the 22. and 23. page he saith.
Antimonium est laudabile, & singulare Pestis preservativum, in Hydrope, Lue pestifera, & gallica, in Obstructionibus hepatis, & Lyenis, Ictero, Lepra [Page] [...]que speciebus omnibus, medicamen est speciale, & admirabile, ad arti [...]rum gravitatem à Podagra vel Lue venerea relictam commendatur, in [...]psa sanguificatione in Cache [...]ia, & Lepralaudatur, Catarybos cor, & [...]ones ferientes, cum summo successu exhaurit, & ex hoc celeberrima aqu [...] [...]almica paratur, ad nubeculas & suffusiones commendatur, & ad pur [...]tia Enemeta cum bono, & foelici successu recipitur, curat omnes obstru [...]nes viscerum, à quartana & tertiana liberat, in Anasarca commendabi [...]xistit, sanguinis est depurativum, Leproe, Epilepsiae, & Podagrae unicum [...]servativum That is,
Antimony is a laudable and singular preservative against the plague, [...] a speciall and an admirable medicine against the Dropsie, the run [...]ng of the Reines, and the French Pox, against all obstructions of the [...]ver or the Spleene, against the intollerable paine of the Arteries and [...] Joynts, proceeding from the infection of the Pox, it is much com [...]nded and praised to purifie and cleanse the bloud against the Lepro [...]and the evill estate of the body: It dryeth up all rheumes and distilla [...]ns that offend the heart or corrupt the lungs: and of this infusion is [...]de a most excellent medicine for the eyes: it is also administred with [...]od and happie successe for purging Clisters, it cureth all obstructions [...] the inward parts; it delivereth from the tertian and quartan fevers, it [...] commended against the Dropsie Anasarca, it is the best purifier of the [...]oud, and is the chiefest, and only preservative against the Leprosie, the [...]ilepsie, and the Gout. Pag. 22, 23. usque ad 30.
And againe, the same Author in his Basilica Antimonii, pag. 39, 40, &c. [...]th thus; Antimonium, Naturam confortando, sudores movendo, sangui [...]mque depurando, tantum inimicissimis humanae vitae hostibus bellum in [...]xit, ut neque Hydrops, neque Podagra, Arthritis, Gallica Lues. Lepra, & [...]sce affines morbi, contra talem medicinam quicquid moliri ausint: Anti [...]ony by comforting Nature, by procuring sweat, and by purifying of [...]he bloud, wageth such warre against the most cruell enemies of mans [...]fe, that neither the Dropsie, nor the Gout, nor the Morbus, nor the [...]eprosie, can any thing at all withstand the effectuall vertue of his me [...]icine, pag. 39. And againe, Antimonium, diaphoreticum est utilissimum, [...]od vires conservando sudores movet, in peste & febribus sursum & deorsum [...]ovendo purgat, in Hydrope maxime Arcanum: Antimony is a most pro [...]table sweat-procuring medicine, which by preserving the naturall [...]rength procureth sweat, and purgeth away the infection of the plague [...]nd pestilentiall fever by purging the body both upwards and downewards. Ad capit is affectus singulare remedium: It is a singular remedy against all evill affects of the head Moreover, in the 43. page hee saith, Antimonium per vomitum, ven [...]num recenter assumptum, citissime ejicitur, [...]n febribus, & capitis doloribus utiliter exhibitur, omnem Epileps [...]ae fomitem [Page]externit, & horribilem istum affectum, & hostem vitaeque humanae tortor [...] omninò expellit, & eradicat, omnem vitiosam colluviem per vomitum, [...] alvum expellit: pag. 43.
Antimony by vomit expelleth poyson speedily, if lately taken, it [...] given verie profitably against all fevers and infirmities of the head, [...] sifteth out the unwholsome matter of the falling-sicknesse; and utter [...] expelleth this cruell torture, and adverse enemy to the life and heal [...] of mankinde, also it driveth out by vomit and siedge all filthy corrup [...]tion and impuritie out of the body of man.
Furthermore in the 46. page, he saith, Antimonium febres curat, à p [...]tredine praeservat, ciborum appetentiam excitat, ventriculum constringe [...] confortat, omnemque calorem praeter Naturam, in corpore humano ortum [...]tinguit, epilepsiam curat, calculum frangit, lumbricos enecat, menses & u [...]nam nam movet, dolores etiam podagricos exerinsecus adhibita mulcet, & mul [...] alia in medicina praestat, dentium dolorem sistit, Balsamum vitae instaura [...] sanguinem purificat, obstructiones reserat, nunquam anbelosos & asthmatic [...] deserit, summum sanguinis mun dificativum, calculum renum & vesicae fra [...]git & expellit, urinam & sudores movet, ulcera, fistulas, & vulnera à pu [...]tredine conservat & sanat.
Antimony cureth fevers, preserveth from putrefaction, procureth ap [...]petite, comforteth the stomack, allayeth all immoderate, & unnatural heat, cureth the falling sicknesse, breaketh the stone, killeth worme [...] procureth urine, and the monthly flowers, asswageth the paines of th [...] Gout by bathing with the infusion and externall application, and hath many other medicinall vertues, stayeth the paine of the teeth, restoreth the Balsame and strength of Nature, purifieth the bloud, openeth ob [...]structions, forsaketh not to comfort and help the Asthmaticall, and such as are short-winded, is the chiefe cleanser & purifier of the bloud, it breaketh & expelleth the stone, whether it be of the Reines or of the Bladder, it procureth urine and sweat, cureth perfectly ulcers, fistula's; and wounds, and preserveth them from corruption and putrefaction. Basilic [...] Antimonii, pag. 47, 48, 49.
I may not omit the testimony of that excellent Physitian Oswaldu [...] Cr [...]llius Physitian to the Prince of Anhalt, who in his Basilica Chimica [...] pag. 214. saith thus: Antimonium operatur mirabilia in peste, in febribut [...] acutis, in Mania, in desirio, in dementiis, fascinationibus, morbis omnibu [...] in univers [...]m opit ulatur, epilepsiis & aliis quamplurimis morbit adjuvat per alvum, per superiora, per poros, per insensibilem transpirationem, noxi [...] c [...]piose expurgat. Antimony doth wonderfull things in the preservation from the plague, in sharp fevers, against madnesse, forgetfulnesse, distractions, witchcrafts, it helpeth in generall against all diseases, comforteth against the falling evill, and many other desperate diseases.
And againe in the 216. page he saith; Mirabilia operatur in Peste, quar [...]na, hydrope, longis obsir matis morbis, diuturnis putridis febribus, cache [...]a, melancholia, insania, delirio venenorum haustorum symptomatibus; It [...]orketh wonderfull effects against the Plague, the Quartan Ague, the [...]ropsie, and against inveterate and confirmed diseases, and against con [...]nuall, rotten, and corrupt fevers, against the leprosie, and foule spots [...]f the skin, against melancholy, madnesse, dotage, forgetfulnesse, and [...]ll evill qualities of poysons and venomous things: And concludeth in [...]e 219. page, Non datur melius catharticum: A better purging medi [...]ine cannot be given.
I will conclude this Discourse with the authoritie and testimony of Mylius, and Duncanus Bornetus Iatrochimia, Dun. p. 93.
Antimonium est praestantissimum, & nunquam satis laudatum medice [...]entum, ad restaurationem & renovationem corporis humani, tinctur [...] enim [...]la expurgat atrum sanguinem, & vitiosos quosque humores, idque cum eva [...]uatione manifesta, & pravorum humorum correctione, hepatis obstructio [...]ibus opitulatur, hydropem discutit, icteritiam curat, laeticiam generat, le [...]r [...]sis sanitatem restituit, & est praestantissimus adpulmones Balsamus: est [...]ue efficax ad Luem veneream curandam, medicamentum. Maximum enim [...]rolepra Arcanum est, quo nibil fere in hoc morbo praestantius inveniri po [...]est: Lieuem rectificat, matricis dolorem sedat, menses movet, ejusque vigo [...]em conservat, Mo [...]phaeam curat, Scorbuto medetur, bilem utramque ex [...]ellit ex toto corpore, calculos frangit, caput & cerebrum expurgat, epilepsiae & convulsionibus omnibus medetur: & ut brevibus dicam in deploratissi [...]is morbis fere omnibus summum est remedium: That is,
Antimony is a most excellent and never-sufficiently praised medicine: for the restauration and renovation of the body of man, the infusion or tincture thereof purgeth blacke bloud and choller, and everie corrupt humour, and that both by manifest evacuation and correction of evill humours: it helpeth against all obstructions of the Liver, and of the Spleene, disperseth the Dropsie, cureth the Jaundise, procureth cheerefulnesse and gladnesse of the heart, restoreth the Leprous to perfect health, and is the best preservative of the lungs: it is a perfect & an effectuall cure for Morbus Gallicus, and the chiefest secret against Leprosie, for that no thing is found to be more excellent against that soule disease, it rectifieth the Spleene, asswageth the griefes of the Mother, procureth the monethly tearmes, preserveth and encreaseth Nature in strength, cureth the Morphew, healeth the Scurvie, expelleth both black and yellow choller out of the body, breaketh and expelleth the stone: purgeth the head and braine, helpeth against the falling sicknesse and all convulsions: and to conclude, it is a chiefe and an excellent medicine against all desperate and dangerous diseases. Thus farre Duncanus.
To the end that it may apparantly, and without contradiction be [...] nifest to all, that these collections and testimonies grounded upon knowledge, practice and experience, and all the afore-mentioned Medicina [...] vertues, are truly and really appropriate to the use and vertue of th [...] Antimoniall Cup, being rightly prepared and made of the pure Essen [...] and Regulus of Antimony, I will conclude with the testimony of Mili [...] and Duncanus in these words: Regulus Antimonii, est summum Auri ex [...] [...]enae vera omnium florum, & tincturarum medicinalium, in Antimonie e [...] stentium materia Iatrochim. Dunc. pag. 91. The Regulus of Antimony [...] the best and chiefest examination of gold, it is the true matter and subject of all medicinall vertues, properties, and qualities contained within the body of Antimony.