[Page] THE SACRIFICE OF A CONTRITE HEART: In Teares, Meditations, and Prayers.

Penned by IOHN EVANS Mi­nister of Gods Word.


If any be afflicted, let him pray: If any be merry, let him sing Psalmes.

LONDON: Printed by A. M. for Richard Ha­mond, and are to be sold at his Shop at the vpper end of Fleete lane. 1630.

The Contents.

  • A Consideration of mans miseries, and Gods goodnesse. pag. 1
  • A Meditation for the morning. p. 10
  • A morning Prayer for one alone. 14
  • The confession of a sorrowfull sinner. 23
  • A Prayer vnto Almighty God. 28
  • A Prayer for Christian vertues. 30
  • A generall confession of our sinnes. 34
  • Another morning Meditation. 35
  • A prayer for the morning with company. 40
  • Precepts of Christian duties. 48
  • Another morning prayer. 53
  • A Meditation for the Euening. 56
  • An Euening prayer for a priuate person. 60
  • Another for the Euening. 64
  • An Euening prayer for a whole Family. 74
  • [Page] Another for the Euening. pag. 81
  • The repentant sheweth his vnfained griefe for offending so mercifull a God. 85
  • An Euening meditation. 90
  • A prayer for the encrease of Faith. 93
  • A prayer for the remission of sinnes. 96
  • A meditation vpon the miseries of man. 101
  • A prayer for the forgiuenesse of sinnes. 103
  • The Repentants complaint against sin. 108
  • A prayer for sanctificatiō of the Sabbath. 110
  • A prayer for godly zeale. 116
  • A meditation to gaine fauour from God. 119
  • A prayer for Faith, Hope, and Charity. 122
  • The sighes and complaint of an afflicted con­science. 124
  • A prayer for sanctification. 128
  • A prayer in aduersity or affiiction. 131
  • Meditations vpon the passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. 133
  • What to be learned by the passion. 150
  • A prayer for patience vnder the Crosse. 164
  • A thanks giuing for Gods blessings. 172
  • A meditation inciting vs to seeke God. 180
  • [Page] A prayer before the Communion. 187
  • A meditation before the Communion. 192
  • Meditations vpon Gods mercies. 197
  • Lachrim. 1. Wherein the distressed prayeth for constancy and patience in his time of af­flictions. 205
  • A thanks giuing after the Communion. 213
  • Another prayer after Communion. 214
  • A prayer for the Catholicke Church of God. 218
  • A prayer for the Kings Maiestie. 221
  • Lachrim. 2. Wherein the distressed expres­seth his confidence in God. 224
  • A prayer for the encrease of Christ his King­dome. 230
  • A prayer against Antichrist. 238
  • Lachrim. 3. Wherein the distressed prayeth that his faith and zeale may be encreased. 246
  • The complaint of an afflicted minde. 254
  • Lach. 4. Wherein the distressed prayeth a­gainst the dangereus sin of dispaire. 264
  • The Merchant aduenturer his prayer. 269
  • [Page] A prayer for the fruits of the earth. 274
  • A thanksgiuing for benefits and Benefactors. 276
  • Lach. 5. Wherein the distressed sheweth his desire to hold fast the promises of God. 279
  • A generall thanksgiuing. 283
  • Lach. 6. The distressed craueth pardon for his sinnes. 295
  • A prayer to be vsed in the time of any con­tagious sicknesse. 302
  • The prayer called, O bountifull Iesu. 305
  • The sicke mans prayer. 308
  • A prayer for the sicke. 311
  • Lach. 7. The distressed detesteth the world, and all worldly things. 316
  • The young mans prayer for a vertuous wife. 321
  • The mayds prayer for a godly husband. 326
  • The prayer of a woman with childe. 332
  • The 8. Lachrimae. 337
  • A prayer for loue and charity. 346
  • The 9. Lachrimae. 351
  • Te Deum laudamus. 352

TO AL THAT desire with faith and reuerence to call vpon the name of the Lord, by the me­diation of Iesus Christ: Gods most holy Spirit be giuen for their inward consolation in this life, and their eternall peace and glory in the life to come.

THe holy Prophet Da­uid, in a thankfull com­memoration of the in▪ numerable blessings, hee had receiued from the hands of God, said, Quid retribuam do­mino? what reward shall I giue vnto the Lord, for all the [Page] benefits hee hath done vnto me, and apprehending that God was not so well pleased with ceremoniall sacrifices, as thousands of oblations, or whole streames of the blood of young bullockes or goates, or with riuers of oyle; as with Psal. 51. a troubled Spirit, and a con­trite and a broken heart; resol­ueth therefore to humble his soule with fasting, with wee­ping, and with mourning, to seeke the face and fauour of the Lord, to pay his vowes, to pray vnto the Lord, to cal vp­on his holy name, & to praise him for euermore, assuring himselfe that the Lord would neither reiect nor despise such a sacrifice.

Good Christian Reader doe thou the like, which art [Page] as farre indebted as euer Da­uid was. And seeing that Iesus Christ himselfe calleth vnto thee, saying. Come vnto mee all you that labour and are hea­uy laden with the burden of your sinnes, and I will refresh you: Oh [...]et thy resolution be as ready as Dauids was when the Lord called, seeke my face, hee an­swered, thy face O Lord will I seeke, euen with my whole heart: so let thy answere bee to the Sonne of God, I come Lord Iesus, I come, I will pay my vowes promised to thee in the presence of thy people, and confirmed vnder the Sa­cramentall Seale of Baptisme, thy couenant of grace and mercy; I will come and offer vnto thee my heart, I will come and praise thee for all [Page] thy benefits, I will come and hearken to thy voyce in thy most holy and blessed word, I will abandon all secure, li­centious, and voluptuous li­uing, and wholly delight in thy Testimonies and in thy Commandements which are not grieuous to thy children, but more pleasing then ho­ney, or the honey combe, and more inualuable then all earthly treasure. I will come with reuerence, repentance, Charitie and Faith to receiue the cuppe of saluation at thy holy table in remembrance of thy most precious (and for my sinnes sake ignominious) death.

And forasmuch as the Math. 26 Spirit is willing, but the flesh fraile and weake, pray [Page] therefore for mortification of the flesh, and that Sanctificati­on and strengthening of thine owne inward Spirit: oh pray for the presence and assistance of Gods most holy Spirit to 1. Cor. 14. helpe and strengthen thine in­firmities: whereby the dili­gent sighes & inward groanes of thy heart may cheerefully ascend and pierce the heauens for a blessing: oh stirre vp thy Math. 5. Acts 10. heart and soule to pray ear­nestly, offer vp thyteares with watching, with almes-deedes, with abstinence and fasting, as the repentant Niniuites: as Iona. 3. Dauid, as Daniel; oh breath out powerful sighes with Han­nah, oh streame out riuers of teares with penitent Mary Magdalen. As some kinde of deuils could not bee cast out [Page] but by prayer and fasting; so some sins are not eiected, nor pardon for them procured without prayer and fasting, and also bitter teares with re­penting Peter.

Oh pray effectually and cheerefully, and giue thy selfe 1. Thess. 5 continually to this diuine and holy exercise, (for this is the alone meanes to haue heauen­ly conference with thy graci­ous God) oh pray without ceasing as the widow, and as the importunate woman of Canaan: pray euery where, though it be in the vppenpart of thy house with Peter, or in thy chamber alone with E­liseus; whether in the Kings Actes 10. chamber, or in the Lyons den with Daniel, or with Moses in Daniel. 6. the wildernesse: the blessed [Page] children prayed in the fiery furnace, King Hezekias in his bed, Ionahs in the whales bel­ley, and our Sauiour Christ in the fields, in the gardens, on the mountaine; euen vpon the Crosse at the time of his vic­torious passion: pray with Da­uid either seauen times a day, and in the night let thine eyes (like his) gush out riuers of teares, or with Daniel thrice in the day, or with Paul con­tinually be exercised with ho­ly sighes and sacred medita­tions: let not, oh let not the dulnesse of thine heart, nor the greatnesse or grieuousnesse of thy sinnes hinder thee from this holy exercise, suffer not the Spirit of God to bee quenched in thee. To thee that art heauy laden with sin, [Page] and pressed with afflictions for sinne, doth thy sweet Saui­our call, to thee doth his pro­mise most properly apper­taine, none asketh but he that wanteth, none seeketh but he that hath lost, remember that our Sauiour came to call sin­ners to repentance, and to heale the sicke, and to cure the wounded, to ease and refresh all such as are laden with the insupportable burthen of their sinnes! oh bee of good com­fort, striue against thy dulnes, heare what is written for thy consolation; whosoeuer shall faithfully call vpon the Lord, shall be saued.

Let not thy afflictions hin­der thee, but rather follow the exhortation of the Apo­stle; if any bee afflicted let [Page] him pray, let thine afflictions encourage thee, and enflame thine heart to call vpon thy mercifull God who promi­seth by his Prophet to heare thee, and to deliuer thee. You shall seeke mee saith the Lord and finde mee, because you shall seeke mee with all your heart, and I will bee found of you & will deliuer you from captiuity; Aske therefore and you shall haue, seeke and you shall finde, knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you: oh marke & firmely beleeue the gracious promise of him that is the truth and the life, what­soeuer you shall aske the Fa­ther in my name you shall re­ceiue it: who was euer denied that faithfully called vpon the Lord? The Lord is true and [Page] faithfull of his promise, both able and willing to performe, and will regard the supplicati­ons, and accept the prayers of his children; did not the Lord heare the prayers of the Isra­elites, and did not hee with a mighty arme plague their e­nemies, and deliuer them out of captiuity and bondage: did not the red sea recoyle backe at the prayer of Moses; yea the waters saw thee ô Lord and were afraid, and at thy ap­pointment made a way for the safety and deliuerance of thy people: was not the plague in the wildernesse stay­ed at the prayer of Moses, was not Miriam by prayer clean­sed from his leprosie, was not Hanna by prayer of a barren woman made fruitfull, did not [Page] Dauid by his faithfull prayer and repentance obtaine re­mission and forgiuenesse for man-slaughter and adulterie, did not Elias by prayer open the windowes of heauen and brought downe plentie of raine, was it not by prayer that Sennacherib & his innume­rable hoast were slaine & dis­comfited, by the Angel of the Lord. By prayer Susanna was deliuered frō death, the blessed children from the scorching heat of the Ouen, Queen Hester and her people were deliuered from death, Ionas out of the belley of the Whale; by pray­er Leapers were cleansed, the blind were restored to sight, the Palsies were cured, many men & womē obtained health fortheir children & seruants.

[Page] By prayer the lame haue beene restored to their limbs, the deafe to hearing, the blind to their sight, and the dumbe to their speech, by prayer re­mission of sinnes was obtai­ned, and the holy Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apo­stles.

What should I saye more, by prayer Kingdomes haue beene subdued, miracles haue beene wrought, the pro­mises were obtained, the mouthes of Lyons were stop­ped, the violence of fire hath beene quenched, the heauens haue beene shut and opened, the dead hath beene raised to life, the Sunne and Moone haue beene commanded and stood still. O faithfull mes­senger, oh diuine prayer, thou [Page] wilt striue and preuaile euen with the Lord of heauen, and obtaine the blessing.

Wherefore good Christi­an and faithfull Reader, be fer­uent and constant in this ho­ly exercise. Remember that when Moses hands failed, the enemies of Gods children preuailed; and that Sampson lost his strength and glory, when he lost his haire by the treachery of Dalilah: so when thou sufferest Gods Spirit to be quenched, thou art depri­ued of thy spirituall strength and heauenly glory, and her soule despoiled of her beauty and comelinesse, and thou exi­led from the protection of the most glorious Angels, which are ready with all chearefull willingnesse to ad­minister [Page] their aide and com­fort vnto thee, and to beare thee safe from all thy enemies and dangers, while thou by faithfull prayer doest in the name of the Angel of the Co­uenant that doeth sweetely and acceptably incense all thy oblations, call vpon the name of the most mighty and most glorious God of all Archan­gels and men.

And for that experience of my long afflictions and sor­rowes haue made mee appre­hensiue of the hardnes of our hearts, and our dulnesse and vnaptnesse to call vpon God in the time of our troubles. I haue composed these sorrow­full sighes, prayers and medi­tations, which I may well call the exercises of my sad affecti­ons; [Page] to the end that if through Sathans buffets, the distempe­rature or weakenes of my cor­rupt nature, or the snares of e­uill men my poore heart should be ouerwhelmed; yet I might haue alwayes presen­ted to mine eye how to make my moane vnto my God.

And intending to publicke my labour herein, I haue en­deauoured by varietie of me­ditations and prayers to make it profitably vsefull for all men. Most humbly beseech­ing the God of mercy to ac­cept and blesse my endeauoure herein: and grant that some glory to his holy name, and some benefite to his ch [...]ldren, and comfort and consolation to all that groane vnder the burden of sinne, may redound [Page] hereby, and that for the alone merits and mediation of Ie­sus Christ the righteous. To whom with the father and the most holy Spirit, as by the most glorious Angels in hea­uen, so by vs men, be rendred Halleluiah: all the glory, the praise, and the honour for e­uer more. Amen. Amen.

John Euans.

THE. CONSIDE­ration of our miseries, moueth sorrowfull sighes, for our enlargement from the thraledome of our sinnes.

O Wretched man involu'd in crimson sin,
Repent with speede, thy sinfull life. Begin
Before the vials of Gods wrath, whose wine is red,
Be fiercely powred down vpon thy head.
The Lord is milde, and wils not sinners death,
Preuent his wrath while thou hast time and breath;
If hee for sinne doe strike with dreadfull hand,
[Page 2] Who can his fury stay? or wrath with­stand?
Conceiu'd, condemn'd for Adams ill,
To God arch-traitors we continue still:
Sinne lu [...]'d secure by Sathans charme and guile
Who watchfull is to kill our soules that while.
From head to foote so leprous be our staines,
That in our selues not one good thought remaines,
But if we doe or thinke ought that is good,
It is in vs the effect of Christ his blood.
Our bloody sinnes are numberlesse and daily call,
That thou in iudgement should condemne vs all.
But Lord our God be hold vs in thy Sonne;
Forgiue, forget, remit what wee haue done.
Corruption made vs sonnes of wrath and fire-brands of hell,
Thy grace in Christ made vs thy sonnes and heires to dwell.
In heauen where thy kingdome is, most glo­rious be thy name,
[Page 3] Which hast in Christ elected vs, before all worlds frame.
In glory thou in heauen art, in mercy heere with vs below,
In iudgements with the damned crew: the seas thy wonders know.
Yet sea, nor earth, nor heauens high, thy es­sence can containe:
Thou art, hast bin, and euer shalt (I AM) of might remaine:
Seeing thou art to vs a Father deare of hea­uenly might,
Giue vs obedience to thy will, and in thy lawes delight.
Humilitie, with godly feare, heauenly thoughts diuine;
And whatsoeuer graces else may signe and scale vs thine.
Most glorious, sacred, sanctified, acknow­ledg'd be thy name,
Amongst vs all thy children deare that doe professe the same:
Although none hallowing we can adde vnto thy essence pure,
Grant that our liues, our thoughts, our [Page 4] words, thy glory may procure,
E [...]due vs with such godly zeale thy honour to maintaine,
With reuerence due to vse thy name, and not in ieast or vaine;
Seeing that thy wisedome, greatnesse, cleare and piercing eye
Beholds whats done, or thought, both farre and nye,
From swearing, lying, and blaspheming thee,
Good Lord in mercy still deliuer me.
By all we thinke, shall doe, or act indeed,
Grant that some glory to thy name pro­ceede:
Let not our sinnes, nor Sathans strong temp­tation,
Nor our fraile flesh gaine sinfull approba­tion.
Come thou Lord Iesus quickly: cleanse and garnish,
Our sinfull hearts, and thine kingdome e­stablish.
O Sonne of God, ô Lambe pure vndefiled,
The ioy & solace which all Saints desired:
Inflame our hearts, let vs not quench thy Spirit,
[Page 5] Make good to vs what thy owne death did merit.
God hath ordain'd, and thou hast dearely bought,
A glorious Kingdome, by vs seldome sought,
Lest from that Kingdome we excluded be,
O work in vs such works as pleaseth thee.
Thy will is holy, perfect, right and iust;
Our wils peruerse, possest with sinfull lust.
O grant vs willing hearts for to perfome,
Whatsoeuer thy good will shal vs informe.
Our will's peruerse, corrupted, full of sin,
No good in act, or thought, we can begin.
If any thing we doe that please thee may,
It is thy grace that doth direct our way.
O Lord my God, doe thou so rule my mind,
That to thy will, my will be still inclin'd:
Let me not thinke, nor will, nor wish to doe,
But what thy wil doth wel con [...]ent th [...]rto.
Thy holy words to feed our soules, and na­tures wants supply,
For all our base vnthankefull hearts; good Lord doe not deny.
Thy blessings Lord continue still, and proui­dence diuine,
[Page 6] And when we daily call on thee, ô Lord to vs incline:
It is not wealth nor ophire gold that can en­rich our neede,
Nor pleasant dainties that wee take, that can our bodies feede:
It is thy blessing (mighty Lord) thy strong protecting arme,
That feeds, defends, thy children dears from penury and harme.
No desert wild, nor person [...] [...] famine sore,
Shall long oppress [...] thy children deare, or quite cosume thei [...] [...]re.
The Rock, the Rauen. Asses jaw, and eke the Lyon strong,
Shall comfort yeeld vnto all those that to thy grace belong.
The little birds, the dainty flowers are fed and cloth'd most gay,
And euery creature in his kind feeles thee most kind alway:
But we for whom this vniuerse, & all things in't were sign'd,
Doe take thy gracious benefits, and proue to thee vnkind.
For sinfull debts to Iustice due, no payment can we make,
Eternall death our payment is, vnlesse thou mercy take:
Compassion Lord haue thou on vs, be thou a Father kind,
And seal'd to vs in Christ his blood, let vs thy mercie find.
The blind, the lame, the dumb, and they pos­sest with deuils;
The leaprous sinfull stained soules, were cured of their euils.
They sinned had, thy counsell was, they should not sinne againe,
O soules sole cleanser, Sauiour deare, our hearts from sinne restraine.
Small is the wrong thats done to vs in body, goods or name;
By friends, or foes, we them forgiue, good Lord doe thou the same:
If comfort any we can yeeld, when they be [...] in distresse,
Grant we for thee our loue to them, may willingly expresse.
Although our many grieuous sinnes deserue thy ragefull ire,
[Page 8] Repenting hearts with mournefull soules, and mercy we desire.
O let that precious blood of thine, to vs be of such force,
That nothing from the loue of thee, may euer vs diuorce.
Withdraw not Lord thy grace from vs, when strong temptations are,
Lest grosse notorious shamelesse sinnes, how fraile we be declare:
Make vs strong pillars in thine house, thy name on vs engraue,
That neither Sathan, sinne, nor hell, of vs the conquest haue.
Though sometime Sathan suffered is to try thy children all,
Defend them Lord & succour them, when they on thee shall call.
So shall the glory be thine owne, the con­quest be their gaine,
And Sathan with his engins all, shall know he wrought in vaine.
The more assaults the Dragon makes, in con­science or in mind,
The more that man if constant bee, the [Page 9] strength of God sh [...]ll finde:
That soule that sacrificed is by sharpe af­flictions knife,
By faithfull sufferance to the end, doth gaine a Crowne of life:
Most mighty and victorious Lord, that hast the conquest gain'd,
Of all the foes of thee and thine, that in the world remaine:
Let no temptations though full strong, a cap­tiue make of me,
But by thy strength and powerfull grace, good Lord deliuer me.
O holy sacred Trinitie, that art of [...]ll might;
Instrust, direct, inspire our hearts, to pray to thee aright▪
And whatsoeuer may aduance, or glorifie thy name,
By gracious will, and powerfull might, co [...]erre on vs the same.
Eternall King, immortall God, all kingdomes are thine owne,
Thy power, wisedome, and thy might, to vs doth make thee knowne:
[Page 10] All honour, glory, praise and laude, be rende­red by all men,
Vnto thy sacred Maiestie, for euermore, Amen.

A Morning Meditation.

ALmighty God which hast me brought,
in safety to this present day;
Keepe me from sinne in heart and thought,
and teach me what to d [...] and say:
Prosper me Lord in all my workes,
helpe me with thy continuall grace:
K [...] [...] from Sathan vile, that lurkes
[...] soule in euery place,
Almighty Lord and God of loue,
dir [...]ct mine heart, and guide my wayes;
Amend my misse, my minde remooue
from all that from thy glory strayes;
Thou that of wisedome art true spring,
and fountaine of felicitie:
Let mercy meere, my prayers bring.
by Faith in Christ, to sight of thee.
Thou which art authour of all peace,
[Page 11] and the true louer of concord;
Keepe me from fees, that neuer [...],
to take my life from me ô Lord:
Thy seruice is most perfect free,
to know thee, 'tis eternall life;
Reach out thy helping hand to mee,
against my foes, that gainst me striue.
O God from whom all good desires,
from whom all iust workes doe proceed [...];
Whose wise, great actes, all men admires,
assist me in the time of neede:
O Lord whose power and qualitie,
is sinners trespasse to forget;
Being tied and bound with chaines of sinne,
for pitty loose me, I intreat.
Assist me in this mortall age,
what change or chance so ere befall;
From Sathan, sinne, and enemies rage,
Lord still defend me from them all:
Almighty God which giu'st vs grace,
now in thy name to pray to thee;
And promisest in any place,
when ioynes together two or three.
Thou wilt giue and grant what they request,
[Page 12] now Lord doe the desires fulfill;
Of vs thy ser [...]ts us seeme best,
and most expedient to thy will:
In this world knowledge vs granting,
of thy pure trueth and sanctity;
And after death, let our new being,
be life with thee eternally.
O God that no time doest despise,
the fighing of a contrite heart;
Nor the desires of sinners cries;
in troubles, anguish, griefe and smart:
Assist our prayers in distresse,
and graciously vouchsafe to heare;
When sudden euils vs oppresse,
and subtill craf [...]s of foes vs fear.
Let them, ô Lord be brought to nought,
and by thy goodnesse scattered be;
That so to vs no hurt being brought,
we may giue thankes and praise to thee:
Oh God of mercy we thee pray,
to looke on our infirmities;
And all those euils turne away,
which we deserue cont [...]llie,
Grant that in troubles, and sicknes,
[Page 13] we put our trust and hope in thee;
And serue thee in true holines,
in awefull [...]rueth and sanctitie,
Through Christ the onely aduocate,
and mighty Lord of all mankinde;
That workes Gods loue from wrath and hate,
towards his elect to be most kinde.
Oh God, to whom all hearts are seene,
and hid desires are plainely k [...]owne;
My life reforme, and minde make cleane,
my spirit inspire to be thine owne:
That I may loue thee perfectly,
and magnifie thy holy name;
Through Christ my Sauiour worthily,
and all the world confesse the same.
Lighten my darkenesse Lord I pray thee,
from daily dangers me defend;
Let not flesh, world, nor deuill dismay me,
keepe me both to, and in the end:
Thy mighty hand, and arme protect mee,
thy mercy in Christ be my saluation;
Lord euer let thy word direct mee,
and thy Spirit giue me consolation.
The peace of God which farre exceeds,
[Page 14] all vnderstanding of mans wit;
Preserue my soule from wicked deeds,
and g [...]ide my heart to doe whats fit.

A Morning Prayer for a pri­uate person.

ALmighty God and heauenly Father, I make my prayer vnto thee in an acceptable time: calling most faithfully and fer­uently vpon thee, in the name and mediation of my Lord and Saui­our Iesus Christ, thy well belo­ued Sonne, in whom thou art well pleased: trusting that for his sake, and for the multitude of thy mercies, thou wilt heare me, and grant my petitions may be accep­table in thy sight, O Lord my strength, and my saluation.

Almighty, immortall, and invi­sible God; who inhabitest eterni­tie, and dwellest in light that none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man saw, neither can see (as thou art [Page 15] in thy eternall glory with this eye of flesh and liue;) vnto thee (oh Lord God) doe I prostrate and direct my selfe, most humbly confessing that I am but dust and ashes, not worthy to open my lippes to speake vnto thee, or once with my eyes to looke vp to thy heauens, to behold thy glo­ry in thy wonderfull workes: for (oh Lord) I haue sinned against heauen, and against thee, and am not worthy to bee counted or called thy Sonne, being by nature the child of wrath, & a fire-brand of hell, altogether both in body and soule: begotten, conceiued and brought foorth in sinne, and have euer since my first originall, liued and continued therein, ad­ding sinne vnto sinne, and heaping vp transgression, vpon transgres­sion, and drinking in iniquitie as the beast doth water: so that (oh my Lord God) if thou shouldest but behold mee with thy pure eyes, that can abide no iniquite; [Page 16] thou mightest not onely punish and afflict me with diuers crosses, with sundry paines, sicknesse and diseases in this mortall life: but (O Lord) thou mightest, follow and pursue mee with thy secret hatred, with thy infinite and eter­nall displeasure: yea and for euer giue me my part & portion with the wicked reprobates, and dam­ned spirits in infernall darkenesse. But (oh Lord) though by nature and desert, hell be my portion; yet thou hast pleased for Christ his sake, in whom alone I beleeue the pardon of all my sinnes, originall and actuall; of omission, and com­mission; of ignorance, and know­ledge, and of presumption: in all which kindes I haue mightily of­fended thee, mine owne consci­ence (beside the testimony of thy word) bearing witnesse, which is greater then if ten thousands of witnesses should stand vp against me: But (ô Lord) for thy Christ his sake that immaculate and vn­spotted [Page 17] I am be that was once sa­crificed for the Redemption of the whole world▪ doe away all my sinnes and offences▪ and let them not at any time, through Sath [...]ns accusation or aggrauation, stand vp against me; neither in consci­ence in this world to accuse mee, or in the day of thy second com­ming to condemne mee; wash them away (ô Lord) in the preci­ous blood of thy Sonne, and for his sake bee at peace with mee; Seale vp vnto my soule and con­science this day, and while I am in this life, the assured pardon of all my sinnes; of thought, word and deed. Let thy Spirit dwell in me, and testifie vnto▪ and with my Spirit this day, the assurance of my Iustification and adoption.

O Lord sanctifie and regene­rate mee to thy Image, through thy holy Spirit, from whence through Adams sinne, and my owne actuall, I am fallen, & should for euer lye plunged therein, if [Page 18] thou Lord shuldest denie to reach foorth vnto mee thy mercifull hand, or thy hand full of mer­cy, and aboundant kindnesse in Christ.

O Lord, if when we were dead in sinnes and trespasses, and (inas­much as in vs lay) thy most mali­cious enemies, when wee were without God, and without hope in the world, and sought not after thee, till thou (as to Adam in the garden) didst seeke and finde vs out. How much more beeing in Christ, and in him seeking thee, wilt thou be found of vs, and nigh vnto vs, when wee call vpon thee.

O Lord thou hast promised, that if wee aske wee shall haue, if we seeke we shall finde, if wee knocke it shall bee opened vnto vs; wherefore I beseech thee par­don my weake Faith, O Lord, en­crease in me godly sorrow, for all my offences past and present, ô let mee sorrow that I cannot sor­row [Page 19] according to the heigh [...] multitude of my transgre [...] Lord make mee to know my s [...], not onely open, but secret, not [...] the highest, but euen in the lowest degree: and breed in me a perfec [...] hatred of them, not in respect of punishment temporall, or eter­nall, but in filiall feare and god­ly affection: grant for thy Christ his sake, that I may hate and de­test them, and my selfe in them and for them.

And to this end (Lord) open mine eyes, that in the hearing and reading of thy word, as the line­ly and most effectuall meanes, I may obtaine the assurance of thy loue and fauour, and let it be that to mee, which it is in it selfe, thy strong power and mighty arme to my saluation.

Let it be vnto mee the sweete sauour of life vnto life, and not at any time through my vnworthi­nesse, the sauour of death vnto death; Good Lord hereby create [Page 20] in me a cleane heart, and renew a right Spirit within mee, that I may delight in thy word, aboue gold, aboue much fine gold; yea, aboue thousands of gold and sil­uer, let thy word bee a continuall light vnto my pathe [...], and a daily lanterne vnto my feet; ôlet me not stand at a stay in grace, nor in any measure of gift of grace, much less decline or goe backe in any grace or gift of grace: but grant that I may in the vse of all holy meanes goe on in grace, till I come vn­to a perfect man in Christ [...]esus.

Lord keepe me this day, that I may not like Lots wife looke back again, or like the vnthankful Isra­elites, esteeme the homely fare of Egypt, (of this world of things of this life) aboue the heauenly Man­na (thy word the only true food of life.) But like Abraham & the rich Marchant, leaue & sell all that this world can affoord, to attaine the Kingdome of heauen, vnto which thou hast called mee, by faith in [Page 21] Christ, at this day, and for euer.

Hauing begd these graces, I returne vnto thee humble thanks for all thy benefits that I haue re­ceiued; not onely before, but since my being, as for my electi­on before time, and for my voca­tion in time, from whence haue followed my iustification, and some measure of sanctification in this life, and my assured hope of glorification in the life to come.

For these inestimable blessings, which no minde can conceiue, nor tongue expresse, I returne vn­to thee, all such possible praise and hearty thankes as my vnderstan­ding can conceiue: beseeching thee that I may this day, & all the dayes of my life, walke worthy of all these thy mercies. O Lord I thanke thee for these other infe­riour testimonies of thy loue, which thou hast made more com­mon with the vniust, then with the iust; I thanke thee ô Father that thou hast shared mee out so [Page 22] great a portion, euen beyond ma­ny of thy Saints & seruants; Lord grant that while thou continuest the trust of them in my hands (for they are thy talents and not mine) I may soberly vse them to thy glory, and to mine owne comfort, and the comfort of the Saints.

O Lord grant I may abound in charitie to all of all sorts, that I shall behold to stand in neede of my helpe: but especially to the houshold of Faith: and grant that I may giue no reliefe in worldly ostentation, or vaine glory, to bee seene or talked of, of men, but in an vpright heart & good conscience vnto thee. And all this I beseech thee to grant, for Iesus Christ his sake my onely Lord and Sa­uiour.

Last of all, I beseech thee as a see­ling member of thy holy Church militant, howsoeuer, or whereso­euer dispersed, scattered, or af­flicted; for all thine that suffer any [Page 23] kinde of sorrow, neede, sicknesse, or any other aduersitie in soule, or body, by sea or land: but espe­cially for all thine that suffer bonds, chaines or imprisonments, (with Ioseph) for righteousnesse sake, mittigate all their paines and troubles, and giue them Faith and patience in all their seueral di­stresses as may bee most for thine owne glory and their comforts; through Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. To thee ô Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost, the eter­nall and most blessed Trinitie, bee rendred all praise and glory, not onely by all men in generall, but by me in speciall, with thy holy Church, this day and for euer­more,

Amen, Amen.

A particular confession of a sor­rowfull sinner.

MOst mighty, and all-knowing Lord,
[...]true spring of cons [...]ion;
[Page 24] J doe confesse with hea [...]t and voyce,
thou art my preseruation:
I haue offended gri [...]uously,
by my transg [...]ssions don [...] against thee;
And haue drawne downe a weight on mee,
of thy great Iudgements willfully.
Vnder which burden cannot I,
but faint and fall in wofull sort;
Vnlesse thy hand and thy mercy,
through Iesus Christ doe me support:
Thou knowest good Father I am weake,
and cannot beare thy heauy Ire;
Not knowing what to doe or speake,
or how to escape my sinfull hire.
Vnlesse thou point [...] o [...]t the way,
with thy wise Spirit me directing;
Vnto my foe, I am made a pray,
were not thy power me protecting:
Not euery one that heares thy word,
can vnderstand thy wi [...]edome great;
Nor euery one that cries, Lord, Lord,
shall enter in at heauens gate.
Who is not led by better line,
then doth pro [...] from fle [...] and blood;
[Page 25] Erres from the trueth and doeth decline,
from right to wrong, to ill from good:
Whose end is death, though for a time,
seemes sweete to please the outward man;
Thats nothing else, but durt and slyme,
or like a puffe, in length a span.
As honour, riches, friends and health,
Preferment, life, and Worlds delight;
Esteeming these true happy wealth,
but the true blisse is out of sight:
They thinke that sicknes, pouerty,
imprisonment and enemies fell;
And worldly crosses verely,
are gates and entrance into hell.
So foolish and so ignorant,
are those thou guid'st not in thy way;
Mong'st whom euen I, through wisdomes want,
haue bin misled vntill this day:
But hauing found the truth by triall,
that earthly ioyes are transitory;
When they me tempt I make deniall,
and onely seeke the eternall glory.
Now I disclaime all confidence,
in honour, health, in wealth or feature;
[Page 26] In wit or worldly Sapience,
or yet in any earthly creature.
And Lord I here doe dedicate,
all thou hast giuen me to thine honour;
My selfe I wholly consecrate,
to march and fight vnder thy banner.
And now I bid these toyes adue,
that onely-please my flesh and sences:
Because they all are most vntrue,
and still doe cause so great offences:
Because their glorious bounty fades,
and leaues nought but deformities;
Because they are nought else but shades,
and bring forth grosse enormities.
Because they are most false and fickle,
because they are indeed hels fewell;
Because their rose hath many a prickle,
because their slauery is most cruell:
Because they are not firme and stable,
because they are profane, not holy;
Because they are but as a fable,
because they are but sottish folly.
Because my soule they coll and kill,
because they giue me Iudas kisse;
[Page 27] Because my good they spot and spill,
and draw me from mine heauenly wish:
Because like swords they wound my soule,
because like Serpents they doe sting mee;
Because my conscience doth controule,
and saith to hell gates they will bring mee.
Because they doe besot my senses,
because they dull my Spirits quicknes;
Because they cause so great expenses,
because they cause my sad soules sicknes:
Because all vertue hindered is,
by this vile worlds accursed pleasure;
Because it will bereaue of blisse,
and of that blessed heauenly treasure.
And therefore earth and world farewell,
adue fond fancies flattering fauours;
Your ioyes are toyes, your heauen is hell,
I hate your poyson'd tast and sauours:
And thou that art life of my life,
soule of my soule, ô Iesus Christ,
Point downe the period of worlds strife,
thou art the Prophet, Prince, and Priest,
That wentest vp to prepare that place,
aboue Sunne, Moone, and Planets seauen;
[Page 28] O saue me by thy sauing grace,
and bring me to that highest heauen:
Where are such ioyes caelestiall,
as cannot be exprest by pen;
Bring me from things terrestriall,
to raigne with thee for aye,


A Prayer vnto Almighty God to pre­pare and dispose our hearts right­ly, vnto Prayer.

O Louing God and Father deare,
I humbly thee beseech and pray;
For Iesus sake my prayers heare,
and harken what my soule shall say:
My heart, and thoughts Lord sanctifie,
thine holy Spirit inspire within me;
Me from corruptions mundifie,
and let thy louing mercies win me,
O let me aske and haue of thee,
let me by Faith my suite obtaine;
Thy louing fauour shew to me,
all other fauour is but vaine:
Restraine my vaine imaginations,
preuent by Grace Sathans intrusions;
[Page 29] Let him not taint my cogitations,
nor [...]nd mine eyes with vaine illusions.
Which are the enticements and the baites,
of that great ghostly enemy;
That still for worldlings seekes and waites,
within which rancke, poore wretch am I:
But as my mouth and lippes haue sayd,
words of a faithfull seruant true;
So let my soule of Christ craue ayd,
with inward spirit to liue anewe.
For now my poore soule is afraid,
and time mispent alas I rue;
To thee I runne imploring aid,
within me doe thy Spirit renue:
O Lord I see the bloody wounds,
of thy sweete Sonne my Sauiour;
[...] see thy mercies there abounds,
and promised by thy fauour.
And therefore I, by sinfull de [...]des,
that earst liu'd carelesse in despaire;
Doe flye vnto those wounds that bleedes,
and plucke downe grace by force of prayer:
Oh in that grace grant me to live,
and in that grace grant me to die,
And when I die, Lord grace me giue,
to raigne with thee perpetuallie.

A Prayer for Christian vertues.

OH my Lord God, grant that with a sincere heart I may desire thee, and in desyring, seeke thee, and in seeking find thee, and when I haue found thee, grant that I may constantly loue thee: and not returne to that filthinesse of sinne, for which thou hatest me, and I become odious & loath­some in thy presence, that thou art constrained to withdraw thy gracious countenance from be­holding so great impuritie. Giue me ô my Lord God a repentant heart, a contrite Spirit, eyes flow­ing with fountaines of penitent teares: quench in me all the con­cupiscense of the flesh, and kindle in me the fire of thy loue. Oh my Redeemer take from me the Spi­rit [Page] of pride, and most f [...]ourably enrich mee with the treasure o [...] thy humilitie, remooue from me [...] ô my Sauior, the fury, and distem▪ perance of choller, and graciously arme me with the shield of pati▪ ence. O my Creator roote out o [...] me all ranck or and malice, and en▪ due me with gentlenes and meek [...] nes, bestow vpon mee a perfec [...] faith, a right hope, and constan [...] loue.

Preserue me, ô Lord, from a [...] vanitie, inconstancy of minde, wa [...] uering of heart, scossing and con [...] temptuous speaking, reproches tauntes and slanders against m [...] neighbour, busie curiositie, hun [...] ger of riches, extortion, ambiti [...] on, vaine-glory, from the vice o [...] hypocrisie, the poyson of flatte▪ ry, contempt of the weake, op▪ pression of the poore, from gree▪ dy auarice, cankered enuy, deadly blasphemy.

Deliuer me, ô Lord, from ras [...] boldnesse, contumacy, froward­nesse, [Page 32] idlenesse, negligence, sloath, dulnesse of wit, blindnes of heart, obstinacy of minde, sauage condi­tions, contempt of good things, the abandoning of wholesome counsell, offence of the tongue, ra­pine of the poore, malicious and false accusation against the inno­cent, violence against the impo­tent, neglect of inferiours, cruelty towards my family, impietie and infidelitie towards them that re­pose trust in me, and from vniust and rigorous dealing with all men.

O my God, my merciful God, I beseech thee in thy beloued Sonne, blesse me with the workes of mercy and zeale of godlinesse, to suffer with the afflicted, to mi­nister to the needy, to succour the miserable, to counsell them that go astray, to comfort the sorrow­full, to releeue the oppressed, to nourish the poore, to cherish and comfort such as mourne, to for­giue my debtors, to pardon them [Page 33] that trepasse against mee, to loue them that hate mee, to render good for euill, to despise none, but to honour them, to imitate the good, to beware of euill things, and euill vngodly societie, to es­chew vice, and to embrace ver­tue; in aduersitie patience, hum­blenesse in prosperitie, to guard the doore of my mouth, to watch the enemies that compasse my lippes, to despise worldly things, and earnestly to thirst after the heauenly.

O Lord my God, blessed be thy name for euer: dispose my heart, open my lippes, and guide mee by thy holy Spirit, to a true acknow­ledgement of all my sinnes, and an eternall detestation, renouncing and forsaking of them, that my prayers may bee heard of thee, in the name, and for the name of thy Sonne Iesus Christ. To whom with thee and the most holy Spi­rit, three sacred persons, one mighty and immortall God, bee [Page 34] ascribed, attributed and giuen, all praise, all thankes, all honour and glory this day and for euermore.

Amen, Amen.

A generall confession of sinnes.

OMnipotent, and gracious Father,
I from thy wayes haue stray'd and err'd
Like a lost sheepe, and followed rather,
mine hearts deuises and prefer'd:
My foolish fancies, fond desires,
and broke the lawes set downe by thee;
I haue not done what thou requires,
but done those things that should not be.
No health in mee, but thou, ô God,
haue mercy on me sinfull wretch;
Spare me, oh spare me, hold thy rod,
that to offenders thou doest stretch:
I doe confesse my faults, restore mee,
I doe repent, (for Iesus sake;)
That promise euer is before thee,
which thou in Christ to God didst make,
And grant for his sake liue I may,
a godly, right, and sober life;
To thy names glory, still for aye,
possessing heauen where is no strife:
All laude, and praise be to thy name,
for euer and euer now and then;
To whom all nations sing with fame,
sweete Psalmes of ioy,
Amen, Amen.

A Morning Meditation.

I Laid me downe to rest and slept,
and in the moring rose againe;
God me sustain'd and safely kept,
and by his grace did me maintaine:
His Angels pitcht me round about,
sleeping and waking keeping me;
Both comming in and going out,
they guard me with securitie.
Lord heare my voyce in morning bright,
when I my prayers doe direct;
And waite till thou the God of light,
doe heare and helpe me with effect:
O Father full of power and might,
mercy and loue. How dare I cast?
[Page 36] Mine eyes vnto thy heauenly light;
if thou remember my sinnes past.
How can I thinke or hope for good,
on me below to come from highe;
Hauing so much thy lawes withstood,
and sinn'd against thy Maiestie:
Thou in thy power and knowledge deepe,
Lord sees the wicked wayes of mine;
Whether in sinne I wake or sleepe,
It is not hidden from thine eyne.
My vaine corrupt and euill deedes,
my imperfections more and more;
My daily sinnes, by which it breedes,
thine anger worse then was before:
Thy iudgements I might iustly feare,
If thou shouldest note whats done amisse;
Thou might'st in torture be seuere,
yet giu'st th ou rest, and peace, and blisse.
And hast raised me vp by thy hand,
for onely thou preseruest mee;
And me defendst by sea and land,
awake, or sleepe (I seruing thee:)
Whether I walke, worke, eate, or drinke,
or what ere else, doe what I will;
[Page 37] Thou blessest all that I can thinke,
without thy blessings all were ill.
For I a creature weake and faint,
subiect to dangers that are rise;
And closely worke my soule to taint,
in this corrupt and euill life:
I lye alas in night and blindnes,
and haue no watch me to defend;
Yet am preserued by thy kindnes,
from them that ill to me intend,
Whose owlish eyes doe shunne the light,
who lay their traps and snares in darke;
But thou defend'st me with thy might,
and with bright eyes their worke dost marke:
Thou deare kinde Father full of loue,
regard'st thy weake and little ones;
Thy many mercies doe thee mooue.
to hearken to their sighes and mones.
O gracious God I giue thee thankes,
for all thy mercies manifold;
Saue me from all the plots and prankes,
of sinne, and of that Serpent old:
Forgiue me mine offences Lord,
let true repentance make me right,
[Page 38] An humbled heart, and life reform'd,
I know are pleasing in thy sight.
I am inclin'd to vanitie,
to fall into one sinne or other;
No day nor houre from sinne scape I,
since first conceiu'd in wombe of mother:
With cruell foes I am beset,
corruptions in me daily fight;
They labour sore thy grace to let,
and make me loathsome in thy fight.
Wresting my will and setled minde,
from true sinceritie to sinne;
From good desires to be inclin'de,
to deepe despaire, and die therein:
To make me trust in blandishment,
of wicked world my soule deceiuing,
And in my soules sad languishment.
of comforts all my soule bereauing.
I flye vnto the sauctuary,
of thy deare care and prouidence;
Assured I shall not miscarry,
when I depend on thy defence:
Keepe me therefore ô King of Kings,
as precious apple of thi [...]e eye,
[Page 39] This day me shrowd vnder thy wings,
from sinne and Sathaus tirannie.
Teach me the truth, me knowledge giue,
and wisedome with all humblenesse;
Obedience, Zeale, and Faith; relieue
my soule with hope in all distresse:
Change me from sinne to sanctitie,
from the nights darkenes vnto light,
Let my cold zeale most ardent bee;
to serue the Lord both day and night.
Teach me iustly to execute,
my outward calling; giue successe,
And happy issue to my suit [...],
aud all my lawfull labours blesse:
Giue meanes with trueth and [...]quitie,
to me and mine with godly care;
In heart and minde true pietie,
and all things else that needfull are,
And let thy holy Spirit so nourish,
and gouerne me that more and more;
I may encrease beare fruite and flourish,
in godlinesse and goodnes store:
Vntill thou shalt cut off this life,
that is corrupt with deadly sinne;
[Page 40] And by Christs merits end the strife,
of mortall warres my soule liues in.
And draw me then with cordes of loue,
to thee, and to thy kingdome;
The new Ierusalem aboue,
where thou alone bear'st ruledome:
And grant that I, may reigne with thee,
with Christ and thine elect;
Sweete Father for thy mercies sake,
doe neuer me reiect.


A Morning Prayer to be said with a whole Family.

MOst Mighty God, the Creator and Father of e­uery liuing thing, both in hea­uen, and in earth, the wonder­full preseruer, and constant vp­holder of all things visible, and invisible; not onely in the dayes of our forefathers, but in these our times. Wee thy poore sinfull ser­uants, doe this morning prostrate and deiect our selues, in soule and [Page 41] body, sorrowfully confessing vn­to thee, against our selues, that wee are so loden with daily trans­gressions, that we know not, but with infinite shame, how to lift vp our heads and eyes towards thee, or once to open our mouths to speake vnto thee: for when wee remember how in the mor­ning of this world, in the first be­ginning of mankind, thou didst make him after thine own Image, a glorious creature, and planted him in the Garden of Eden, where hee wanted nothing, but was filled with ioy and happy contentment.

But he despised thy holy Com­mandement, aduenturing to doe that which thou hadst forbidden: whereby thou wast so displeased with him, that immediately didst banish him and our grandmother E [...]ah, with all vs their miserable p [...]steritie: then in their loynes, and vnto this day issuing and pro­ceeding foorth, into perpetuall [Page 42] blindnesse and ignorance of thee, and should so for euer haue re­mained from generation to gene­ration, if wee did not beleeue in thy holy word and Gospell; in which is contained the happy and ioyfull tydings of thy euerlasting loue renewed vnto vs: as that in his seede all nations should bee blessed, meaning by his seede, the promised Messiah, which our first parents then beleeued in, for themselues, and so instructed vs their following posteritie for e­uer to doe the like.

Wherefore, ô Lord, wee be­leeuing in thyword (our Messiah) who in these latter dayes, hath ta­ken our flesh, and in that nature, by which thou wast most migh­tily offended, hath againe recon­ciled vs vnto thee, and thee vnto vs, by paying that price of our Redemption, euen his most preci­ous death & blood; by vertue of which we first entreat thee, to par donour originall sins, and all other [Page 43] offences which in knowledge a­gainst the motions of thy holy Spirit, and checkes of our owne consciences, accusing vs for the least thing that wee haue at any time done amisse, or haue daily from the beginning of our man­hood, vnto this present done a­gainst thee, euen thisweeke, this last day, this night, and this mor­ning since wee arose; yea, euen now in this instant, while we are speaking vnto thee.

O Lord, for Christ his sake, pardon all our offences of disho­nesty against our neighbours with whom wee liue, and conuerse in this life. O keepe vs this day most sweete Sauiour, from that odious and common sinne of ly­ing, directly, or indirectly, from swearing, & chasing rashly, vaine­ly or irreuerently, in, or against thy most holy name. And keepe vs from all manner of dishonesty, with our bodies, with our tongues, with our eyes, with our [Page 44] hands, and with our feete, vnto which wee are so exceeding prone. And that because we are thy temples, and members one of another, and of thy Sonne Christ especially.

And for our helpe herein, giue vs grace, that we may euery one, seriously apply, and diligently minde the things thou hast this day appointed vs to doe in our seuerall rankes and callings: as we are either fathers, masters, children or seruants, that we may both gouerne and obey, as be­commeth thy children and ser­uants, which feare thy holy name; and giue vs grace that wee may this day, and all the dayes of our life, perseuere in the faith, and feare of thee, and of thy Sonne Ie­sus, our most louing and blessed Sauiour.

And grant most louing Father, that as we haue begunne in him; so wheresoeuer we are, at the last we may finish our mortall race in [Page 45] him, and change this life vnto his glory and our owne eternall com­forts.

Now hauing continued our ac­customed suites for spirituall bles­sings and graces, we returne vnto thee most humble and hearty thankes for all those fauours, which as assurances of all thy loue, thou hast giuen euery one of vs here present: as in our births into this present world, thou didst safely bring vs, through the straight gates of nature (which [...]ike Herod in the act of birth, [...]hreatneth nothing but present [...]eath; & in infancy, childhood and [...]outh, considering our weakenes [...]nd wildnes, might haue befallen [...]nto vs many mischances of de­ [...] [...] in our bodies: so since [...]e came to manhood, thou hast [...]ept vs from the same dangers, a [...]ousand manner of wayes, for [...]hich we thanke thee. O Lord [...]e thanke thee also for our daily [...]ead, and conti [...]all cloathing, [Page 46] that through thy blessing doeth daily comfort vs in this present life: for thee, and for a thousand more, of which we haue continu­all experience both in body and soule, wee are bound to continue and conclude these our prayers, thankesgiuing and morning sacri­fice vnto thee, for our selues, and thy holy Church, as thy Sonne our Sauiour hath taught vs, say­ing. Our Father which art in heauē, &c. To thee the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, bee giuen all honour and glory by vs and all thine this day, and for euermore. Amen, Amen.

Be mercifull, ô Father, of all mercies to thy Church vniuer­sall, dispersed throughout the whole world, and grant th [...] they that d [...]e confesse thy name, may agree in the truth of thy ho­ly word, & liue in godly concord and vnitie. More especially good Lord, bee mercifull to all such as bee vnder persecution, for the [Page 47] testimony of a good conscience, and the profession of the Gospell of thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ.

Defend and saue, ô Lord, those silly soules, which as sheepe are appointed to the shambles and slaughter, and represse the rage and tyranny of such as are bent to blood-shed, and minde nothing but murthering thy Saints and children: be mercifull to this sin­full kingdome wherein wee liue, and be good and gracious to thine annoynted, Charles our most gra­cious King: blesse the honoura­ble Counsell, the Reuerend [...]ler­gie, the Nobilitie, and Cominal­ [...]ie, of this Land; and also blesse [...]s a portion of thine inheritance, the which our Lord Iesus Christ was contented to redeeme with his most precious blood, the alone mediator of all mercies, to whom [...]ith thee and the holy Ghost bee [...] [...]l honour and glory for and euer. Amen.


Precepts of duty.

HIgh mighty God of righteousnes,
in wrath a dread consuming fire;
Thou didst in perfect happinesse,
make man that did 'gainst thee conspire:
And breake thy lawes with all despight,
when thou hadst made him pure and holy;
Plac'd him in garden of delight,
so great and wicked was his folly.
That hauing leaue to take or leaue,
to chuse, refuse, or vse at pleasure;
He did himselfe by sinne deceiue,
of that diuine surpassing treasure:
And by his mutabilitie,
(regardlesse of thy sacred lawes;)
He brought in instabilitie,
lost his free-will by breach of lawes.
Thou God of Iusti [...]e must doe right,
man wanting grace, with want of grace;
By grace substraction didst requite,
and banish him that blessed place:
By meanes of which we are inclin'd,
from thy behestes to run astray;
[Page 49] Our tongue, our heart, our soule, our mind,
by sinne is carried cleane away.
Thou hast vs Lord by grace elected,
and thy free mercy) to inherit
Thy blisse, (if thy blisse be respected)
and seal'd vs with thy holy spirit:
Thou madest vs free by thy Sonnes blood,
to th'end thou mayest be glorifi'd;
In soules and bodies for our good,
his passion hath vs purifi'd.
Thou freedst vs to that end we might,
serue thee in holy righteousnes;
Thou gauest thy Sonne, and he vs bought,
from thraldome of our sinfulnes:
Thou would'st he should for all men die,
to make him liue in thine elect;
And they in him to [...]ructifie,
and with his graces hast them deckt.
By grace, and holy inspiration,
rebellious nature seek'st to tame;
With precepts for instruction,
and leau'st vs lawes in thine owne name;
The ready way of seruing thee,
and profit to our neighbours bring;
[Page 50] And louing thee most zealously,
who art our Father, Lord and King.
Though by thy Gospell we be free,
from lawes their sting and punishment;
Yet rules of life and pietie,
thou hast precrib'd and to vs lent:
Thereby to manage all our deeds,
and guide vs lest we step awrie;
Obseruing carefull as we needs,
how well to liue, and well to die.
These lawes thou writ'st in Table two,
with the pure finger of thine hand;
Deliuering them Moses vnto,
that we thy will might vnderstand:
The first containeth precepts foure,
Of precepts due vnto thy feare;
The second sixe Commanrements more,
of loue we should to neighbours beare.
The summe and substance of them all,
and that fulfilleth euery part,
Is thee to loue, on thee to call,
with all our soule, might, mind, and heart:
To other men (especially,)
thine houshold that are firme in faith;
[Page 51] As to our selues to giue supply;
with all our helpe as Scripture saith.
But we are weake, the case thus stands,
In this [...]raile mortall life of ours;
No man can keepe these thy commands,
but breakes them at all times and houres:
Yet thou thy children oft doest will,
themstlues to comfort hopefully;
There is left for them some measure still,
to come to thee regardfully.
Namely when they doe bend their strength,
(daily preuented by thy Spirit)
And stand in hope to attaine at length,
(what now they want by Christ his merit:
Walking and daily going one;
by steppes thereof to Paradise;
Praising and lauding thee alone,
bewailing their infirmities.
The faithfull know all and beleeue,
with thee our father mercy is;
Thou with thy Sonne doest all things giue,
how can we then of mercy misse:
Therefore my God now giue to me,
all that thou giuest to thine elect;
[Page 52] Of thine eternall clemency,
good Lord doe not my soule reiect.
Illuminate my knowledge darke,
possesse my heart with perfect loue;
What's done amisse, Lord doe not marke,
the guilt of sinne from me remoue:
That I most constantly may walke,
the steppes and pathes of thy iust lawes;
And of thy goodnesse daily talke,
with feare end loue and all applause.
To thee I wholly owe my selfe,
for thou hast Lord created mee;
And bought me not with worldly p [...]lf [...],
but by thy Sonne hast made me free:
Whence I doe also learne to loue,
all men in thee and for thy sake;
Who beare thy Image from aboue,
and vnto thee themselues betake.
O let me thus thy fauours find,
and peace of conscience vnderstand;
Thy blessings and thy mercies kind,
protected still by thy right hand:
That fill'd my dayes, I leaue this life,
to take a life eternally;
[Page 53] Where Angels sing continually,
all glory be to God on high.

A Morning Prayer,

O Blessed Lord God, great in power, fearefull in iudge­ [...]ent, and rich in mercy: which [...]indest and no man looseth, and [...]oo [...]est & no man bindeth, I yeeld [...]hee most humble and hearty [...]hankes, for that of thy fatherly goodnesse thou hast vouchsafed [...]e this last nights sleepe in peace [...]nd rest: and againe loosing the [...]onds wherewith I was tied, hast [...]iuen me power to see this mor­ [...]ing light. Now, ô Lord, I be­ [...]ech thee, powre vpon mee this [...]y the heauenly dew of thy com­ [...]rtable blessing, that through the [...]eration of thy gracious beames [...]hat am a poore tree, weake and [...]rren in my selfe, may bud forth [...]d beare the fruits of true faith [...] my life and conu [...]rsation. Con­tinue [Page 54] this goodnesse and mercy towards mee, and by thy power raise me from the deepe sleepe of all vnrighteousnesse, discharge me from the workes of darken [...]sse, and cloath me with the armour of light, that I may walke honestly, as in the day; and liue soberly, righteously, and godly in this pre­sent world.

Grant me, ô Lord, true vnder­standing and knowledge of thy word, which is the glasse of thy will. Increase in me all godly de [...] sires, together with true contri [...] tion of heart, that I may vnfained [...] ly despise the pleasures of thi [...] world, & with hearty repentan [...] be conuerted vnto thee: send th [...] holy Angel to guide me and keep me in all my wayes, and prosp [...] the worke of my hands that I n [...] uer faile in my vocation to d [...] some good to all men, and esche [...] if it be possible all euill.

O Lord, I beseech thee, p [...] serue and keepe my senses [...]a [...] [Page 55] and soūd, that I be neither corrup ted by prosperity, nor deiected by aduersitie; nor be too fearefull of thy iudgements, or too bould on thy mercies. But grant me grace ô mercifull Lord, that I may ap­prehend all that comes from thee with a religious heart, and con­tented minde.

O blessed Lord Iesus Christ, blessed bee thy name for our re­demption, great was thy loue, sore was thy passion, print in our mindes we beseech thee the con­tinuall memory thereof, that wee may love thee which so louedst vs, and euermore praise thee that hast bought vs at so deare a price. Reiect not our prayers which we offer to bee presented to thy Fa­ [...]her, but mercifully helpe vs and heale all our infirmities, encrease our Faith and teach vs obedience, forgiue vs our offences, and hide vs in thy wounds from thy fa­ [...]hers iust wrath: make good thy [...]romises vnto vs for the world [Page 56] to come and enable vs with thy grace for the performance of all thy Commandements: prosper ô Lord, the workes of our hands, and bring vs safe to the end of this day for thy truth, and for thy names sake.

Amen, Amen.

An Euening Meditation.

I Lay me downe to sleepe in peace,
for thou Lord onely makest me dwell
In safety with great quietnes,
and doest ill dreames from me expell:
My body to enormities.
is subiect without rest and sleepe;
Because of mine infirmities,
my life and health it cannot keepe.
Good Father all sufficient,
my louing God I yeeld thee praise;
For this dayes blessings to me sent,
and guiding me in all my wayes:
In that thou hast this day now past,
me strongly guarded with thy hands;
[Page 57] With loue refresht me, first and last,
with mercies more then sea-shore sands.
That hast me brought to this dayes end,
blacke night and darkenes drawing neare,
Wherein all creatures rest attend,
and lay them downe till day appeare:
I finding my debility,
poore creature, run to the diuine;
O strength mine imbecility,
and aide this soule and body mine.
Thou hast me made of matter grosse,
and brittle substance out of clay;
Which still is subiect to the crosse,
a tennis ball for worldlings play:
He wanting comfort cannot liue,
after much sorrow and great griefe;
Therefore I doe my body giue,
and soule to thee, Lord grant reliefe.
O Lord I doe thee humbly pray,
as thou art fountaine of all rest;
Bee thou my succour, helpe and stay,
let me by thee this night be blest:
Consider me in my weakenesse,
and let my carefull eyes behold;
[Page 58] My miseries and my distresse,
to cry for mercy make me bold.
And since 'tis time that night now brings,
the bodies rest and quiet sleepe;
O shadow me vnder thy wings,
let thy protection safe me keepe:
Looke ouer me with watchfull eyes,
when this corrupted flesh of mine;
In slumbring sleepe and dulnesse lyes,
depriu'd of sense with closed eyne.
Vnable my poore selfe to saue,
from dangers of the darkesome night;
Keepe me, my bed else is my graue,
and I shall neuer see the light:
Lord thou that onely mak'st me dwell,
and in sure safety to abide;
(Thou watchest ouer Israel)
watch ouer me, be by my side.
Thou art my Castle and my Fort,
my sword, my buckler and defence;
My rocke, my refuge and comfort,
saue me from force and violence:
Alas without thee what am I?
a beast that rightly nothing knowes;
[Page 59] A senseles blocke, sillie flie,
that no good doe, nor no good showes.
Thy louing fauour Lord extend,
ouer the house wherein I rest;
My bed with Angels Lord defend,
and soule and body by thee be blest:
Oh, lay me downe in rest and peace,
in rest and peace ô let me rise;
In rest and peace, ô giue some ease,
from torments, troubles, teares und cries.
Let not the sleights of sinne deceiue,
nor wicked practise ouertake me;
Let nothing me of hope bereaue,
oh doe not thou (though all) forsake me:
Lord I am poore, oh make me rich,
with those great riches of thy blessing;
My soule, my soule is blacke as pitch,
let pardon follow my confessing.
In hope of this I lay me downe,
depending on thy prouidence;
I care not if the world doe frowne,
for I am safe by thy defence:
Lord let it be, for I am thine,
my rest make sweete and comfortable;
[Page 60] To thee I doe my selfe resigne,
Lord grant all this, for thou art a­ble.

An Euening Prayer, for a priuate person.

O Most holy Father, and my most gracious God which giuest vnto all men, the cheerefull light of the day, that in thine as­sistance they may follow their ho­nest vocations; and likewise sen­dest the silent nights, that then they my rest their wearied limbs, and busied mindes, and so returne their due thankes for thy good­nesse: I sinfull creature adore and praise thee for the totall summe of all thy mercies, whereof I haue beene this day partaker.

O Lord I am vile, looke not vpon mine vnworthinesse, folly, and wickednesse: but appease thy anger iustly conceiued against me, and forgiue what hath beene a­misse in me this day, or at any o­ther [Page 61] time, euen for his sake who is thy well beloued Sonne, and my deare Aduocate.

Roote vp ô Lord, the thornes of mine euill inclination, and af­fections, and in their places make the fruits of vertue to spring: inflame my heart with the desire of heauenly loue, that I may loue obedience to thy Gommande­ments with zeale as hot as fire, lo­uing thee aboue all things, and my neighbour as my selfe.

Giue me grace ô Lord, to serue thee in true faith, feare, and holi­nesse, all the dayes of my life, and to ouercome my mortall enemies, the desires of the world, the plea­sures of the flesh, and the sugge­stious of the wicked Spirit, re­membring my promise made to thee in Baptisme, for the perfor­mance whereof I depend onely vpon thy holy Spirit.

O God of glorious light, let thine Angels pitch their tents round about this house, for our [Page 62] defence now in the time of this darkenesse, and grant that this nights sleepe may bee quiet vnto mee without griefe or trouble, preserue me and mine both in bo­dy and soule from all dangers, and offences, which may come either by foolish dreames, noysome spi­rits, or vncleannesse of corrupt nature; waken me againe, ô Lord, in due time, and let me behold the light of the next day to my com­fort, prepare my heart and minde to thy seruice euery day in all trueth and sinceritie, that when I haue runne the race of this life, thou mayest please to call mee to be partaker of a better. Comfort mee, ô Lord, in all those things wherein I haue beene any wayes dismayed this day: take not thy holy spirit from me, but continue the motions thereof in my heart, that when as the tempter shal [...] come with his assaults, I may bee furnished with the shield o [...] faith to quench his fiery darts.

[Page 63] Confirme my weakenesse, and grant that this nights sleepe may be sweet and healthfull for my bo­dy, and a profitable memoriall of that sleepe which at my last end, in that great night, shall make a separation betweene my body and soule.

Let alwayes thine vnspeakeable mercies preserue mee, thy end­lesse sweetnesse reioyce mee, thy heauenly trueth strengthen mee, thy knowledge embolden mee, and thy goodnesse keepe me now and for euermore from mine e­nemies visible and inuisible, that I may awake in the morning in perfect sense and good health, and for the same bee thankefull vnto thee, and carefully betake mee to my vocation and calling for Iesus Christs sake, my onely Sauiour.

Amen. Amen.

Another for the Euening.

MOst glorious and sacred Tri­nitie, the most mighty God, the Father, the Sonne, and the ho­ly Spirit, which art the authour and originall of all things, both in heauen and in earth, and that hast appointed vnto euery thing his end and way in this life. The eyes of all things are towards thee to finish in their courses that obedi­ence they owe vnto thee. The Sunne, the Moone, the Starres in most constant order extend their light & heate to the comforting, not onely of fowles and beasts, but specially to the direction of man, how to know thee and walke in thy wayes, as being the bookes and characters wherein wee may reade thy power, wisedome, and incomprehensible glory, for their sound and language (as a Harold) is gone foorth to proclaime vnto the Nations, both Pagan & Chri­stian, [Page 65] that thou art the Lord God Almighty, and most worthy to be praised, as in the Morning, so in the Euening also.

Therefore knowing the great dependancy, that all things caele­stiall and terrestriall haue on thee, I doe humbly intreate thee to take mee into thy custody this night: knowing that if a Sparrow cannot with safetie fall to the ground but by thee, that without thee so great refreshing of sleepe cannot be attained vnlesse I begge it of thee, many are the visions of the night, as idle dreames and fancies, that would interrupt my sleepe, if thou Lord by thy graci­ous power and presence of thy good Spirit driue them not away. And Sathan would (like Abi [...]hai [...]nto Saul) in his sleepe, with fearefull darts of despaire, strike [...] dead at once, (as Jacl did Sise­ [...]) vnto eternall death, in soule [...] body.

Therefore vnto thee the kee­per [Page 66] of Israel, that neither slum­berest nor sleepest, by night, nor by day, doe I come beseeching thee, that laying my selfe to rest in thee, I may in the acustomed time which thou hast appointed, wake again: but if thou pleasest that this night shall bee my last, and that this mortall, shall bee swallowed vppe in immortallity. O Lord grant though I die in body, yet I may awake in soule, and liue with thee for euermore; and that my body so sleeping, yet againe may awake at the resurrection of the iust, and with those that shall not sleepe, bee caught vp, with soule vnited by the same power, by which thou (ô Sauiour) didst at once rise from death to life, euen as that life which thou hadst with the father, before the world was. And as thou art one with him, so grant that after my last sleepe, I may be one with thee in the pre­sence of the Father, and the holy Ghost for euermore.

[Page 67] But (ô Lord) if thou please to raise me vp againe, to spend more dayes in this vale of teares, grant that I may liue honestly in the workes of my vocation, which thou hast ordained me to liue in, or liue by. Grant that I may set thee before mine eyes, day and night, and behold thee alwayes in my presence; that when I am tempted to any eueill, in the work of my calling, or any other wayes: I may not bee tickled with the profit or pleasures therein ob­iected, and so prouoked to sinne against thee. Keepe my tongue from lying, lest thereby I become the child of Sathan, for hee is a lyer, and the Father of lyes from the beginning; keepe my tongue from swearing, and that I may not take thy name in vaine: emp­ty my heart of couetousnesse, of pride, of vaine-glory, and let mee not respect worldly vanitie, let me not be selfe-conceited: but, ô Lord, giue mee to bee of humble, [Page 68] gentle, harmelesse and courteous disposition and behauiour, both in my words and deeds, to my supe­riours and inferiours.

O Lord giue me to be of a cha­ritable nature, and of a pittifull af­fection, toward all men in gene­rall, but especially towards all those that are (of the houshold of Faith, of broken and contrite hearts, which thou Lord hast pro­mised, that thou wilt not despise. Grant ô heauenly Father, that Christ both sleeping and waking, in this life, and after this life may be to me aduantage. O let me not fall into a custome or habite of sin­ning, lest therewith my heart be­come hardened, that I cannot re­pent, but giue mee such a consci­ence of sinne, that I may neuer commit sin either great or small, but my heart may affright, terri­fic, and amaze m [...] (as it did Dauid) when he cut off the lap of Saule [...] garment.

And when I haue sinned, let thy [Page 69] louing countenance shine vpon me, (as it did vpon Peter, when hee had denied thee) that I may poure forth a fountaine of teares.

And in bed if I happen to a­wake at midnight, giue mee thy holy Spirit, that with sobs, sighes, and groanes, in the secret closet of my heart, I may cast vp loude cryes vnto thee, not onely for my sinnes past, in the darke night of my childhood and youth, while I knew not thee, but euen now, since I came to some groath and manhood in Christ, I haue bro­ken all thy Commandements, thy Lawes, thy Statutes, thine Ordi­nances; not in ignorance, but in knowledge: for which I haue neede againe to pray vnto thee. Wherefore Lord forgiue mee, forgiue mee for thy Christ his sake.

O my Loue, my Doue (the bles­sed and powerfull Sauiour of my soule) thou knowest that I haue sought after thee, euer since I [Page 70] knew thee, by night in my bedde haue I sought thee whom my soule loueth. O my Sauiour, since thou hast first drawne mee with the cordes of thy loue, let the strength thereof hold mee so fast, that I may for euer abide con­stant, in the like loue to thee a­gaine; Thou hast promised, that him thou once louedst, that thou wilt loue him vnto the end. Good God in thy loue keepe mee this night in soule and body: and not onely mee in mine owne person, but all that belong vnto mee, for the loue of thy onely Sonne Ie­sus, to whom with the Father, and the holy Ghost, be all honour and glory by mee and all thine, this night & for euermore, world without end.

Amen, Amen.

An Inuocation to God, humbly praying for remission of sinnes.

VVEll-spring of bounty, God of feare,
beginning that mak'st all begin;
With what oblation to appeare,
t'appease thy wrath that's due for sin:
I know the blood of bulls and beast,
or sweetest Incense that doth rise;
From earth of old they were the least,
and are not now of any prise.
O how should I be reconcil'd,
againe vnto thy louing fauour;
How long Lord, shall I be exil'd,
from my sweete Lord, and onely Sauiour:
How long, oh! haue I call'd to thee,
to thee in name of thy deare Sonne;
Yet what I ask'd, thou gau'st not mee,
and what I would is left vndone.
I long haue knocked at thy dore,
of mercy, but no [...]n rance finde;
Sorrowes and troubles more and more,
increase and vexe my soule and minde:
I daily waite most wofull motall,
[Page 72] before thy seate of clement grace;
But may not peepe within thy portall,
nor see thy glorious beauteous face.
I sighe, I mourne, my teares are seas,
I sinke vnder the burdenous load;
Of sinne and shame, and finde no ease,
prouoke me forward with thy word:
My selfe chastising I desire,
to quench thy wrath with floods of teares;
Yet still encrease thy fearefull fire,
and so eucrease my daily feares.
By prayers thee to presse who dares,
except by thy Sonnes mediation;
To seeke thy glory's all our cares,
and the end of earthly mens creation:
What course should I then poore wretch take,
to doe, or aske that's good and iust;
But vnto thee my prayers make,
and onely in thy Sonne put trust.
If that my sinnes shall thee offend,
then all thy creatures rage and storme;
And all conspire by thy command,
to punish me poore silly worme:
Where shall I be, or whether flie,
[Page 73] from sight of thine all-seeing eyne;
As Noahs Doue, on earth am I,
and cannot looke against thy shine.
But if thou show thy louing face,
all creatures on my seruice tend;
Men, beasts, and Angels, doe me grace,
to helpe me all their powers doe bend:
What should I then, say, giue or doe?
what paine can gaine thy fauour lost;
Riuers of oyle, or ought thereto,
they are thine owne, and of thy cost.
Accept yet Lord the sacrifice,
of heart, and calues of lippes vnfain'd:
This is that offering thou didst deuise,
to haue thy grace to be obtaind:
The free-will offerings of my zeale,
in sense of sighing still ascending;
They to thy mercies seate appeale,
and would make peace for mine offending.
Although mine heart and tongue doe falter
Yet through my Sauiours blest mediati [...];
Receiue this offering on thine alter,
with all my best imagination:
Heare me in him, in him relieue me,
[Page 74] for without him no helpe can bee;
None can my soules, or hearts ease giue me,
nor can I inward comforts see.
Till I know that thy wrath's appeas'd,
and haue thy Charter for my pardon;
Then shall I finde my heart so eas'd,
that I desire no further guērdon:
And now I most vnhappy man,
that did offend my God so kind;
By grace in him in all I can,
Ile seeke with heart, with soule and mind
To honour, serue, obey and please,
him that is my gracious maker;
Whom I beseech to grant me peace,
and make me of his ioyes partaker.

An Euening prayer to be said with a whole Family.

O Most blessed Sauiour, b [...] whose merits alone, the [...] is graunted vnto vs this prese [...] libertie, to approach vnto the F [...] ther, and in thy name, after th [...] [Page 75] end of our labours this day ac­complished: by which through thy goodnesse wee haue profited our selues, and furthered the con­tinuāce of humane society, which by no meanes could continue, if wee did not seriously apply our selues in the workes of our voca­tion, in which thou hast ordai­ned, that euery man should liue, not onely to his present ne­cessity, but vnto the furthering of the welfare of our children and alliance, which according­ly wee haue this day done, so farre foorth as the approaching [...]ight would suffer, and as our fraile bodies, soone spent and ti­red with the cares and labours of this world would giue vs leaue.

And seeing thou hast ordained the night for man, by sleepe to refresh himselfe; Lord we intreate thee to giue vnto our bodies, such rest and sleepe this night, that the day following, wee may be raised strong in minde, and body, to goe [Page 76] on, in our seuerall labours, honest businesse, and employments, in moderation, wisedome, and dis­cretion, as may bee most to thy glory, and to the honour of thy great name.

O Lord wee beseech thee, let not our sinnes, of which wee bee many wayes guilty: cause thee to remooue away our sleepe from vs, nor frustrate this dayes en­deauours: let no blasting or mil­dewe, or any the euill that wal­keth in the darkenesse hurt the fruite of our labours. Let no sons of Belial, when we are in our fast sleepe, come in vpon vs, to spoyle without, nor steale within, that which thou through our honest endeauours, or the gift of our parents, hast blessed vs withall for as the beastes of the forre [...] which are of sauage nature, hunt after the prey: so wicked me [...] that aske not their bread of thee, doe in the night by violent hands, robbe and spoyle thy people.

[Page 77] O Lord, we know not, but that for the wickednesse of our hearts, hands, and liues, by which wee haue this day offended thee, iniu­red and oppressed others, but that thou mightest (as on Iobs children) suffer the deuill, by his instigation of wicked men, to robbe and spoyle vs, not onely of our goods and cattell, and other our personall estates, but also of our liues. But (ô our good God) wee are confident that through thy mercy and loue in Christ, no euill shall come vnto vs, for thou hast promised, that thou wilt bee a refuge and fortresse, to keepe safe all those that trust in thee: not onely from the arrow of the day, but from the terror of the night, which thou at thy will and plea­sure sendest for the punishmēt and correction of our sinnes (as thou [...]iddest Shem [...]i with his rayling [...]ongue to a [...]ict Dauid. O Lord, for the w [...]rthinesse of thy Sonne our Sauiour, in whom onely wee [Page 78] lay down our bodies to rest, turne backe this night, and at all other times of our sleepe, all the euill and wicked purposes of those that intend vs any hurt in our bodies or goods; and send thy holy An­gels to protect vs with their hands, as they did thee our Saui­our against the prince of darke­nesse, when he had ended on thee his three temptations in the wil­dernesse. And as they fought a­gainst the Assirans hoaste, that proudely boasted themselues a­gainst thy seruant Hezekiah: (So ô Lord) let thine Angels fight a­gainst all our enemies, and the e­nemies of thy church, not of flesh, but of Spirit, which resolue our hurt, whether walking in the day, or sleeping in the night. And though our sinnes, in which wee so much abound, haue deserued that thou shouldest send those mi­nistring Spirits, as on Egypts first borne in the night, to take away this our dying life, or life full of [Page 79] death: yet for thy mercies sake let them be our gardians, not oue­ly this night, but all the dayes and nights of this life, for euer to fur­ther our soules and bodies, in thy obedience; and in, and after death to conduct them to Abra­hams bosome, to rest in ioy and blisse with thee for euermore; yea let thine Angels of light, that con­tinually behold thy face in hea­uen, bee about our bodies night and day, and with louing and kind assistance, keeping euill from vs, and vs from euill: not onely of sinne, but of temptation, with which that worldly Gouernour, and Prince of the Ayre neuer cea­ [...]eth millions of wayes to with­draw vs from thee: if he cannot through couetousnesse (as Iudas,) [...]or through the world (as De­ [...]as and Achan,) yet through pleasure, (as into our first mother, Eue, Dauid, Solomon, Sampson) hee will a thousand to one, craftely enter, and seate himselfe in our [Page 80] hearts. O Lord, if by thy holy Spirit, we happen to be so strong as by none of these baites to bee caught, then hee laboureth by temporall crosses, and afflictions of body and minde, (as on Iob) to draw vs to distrust and dispaire in thy mercie and loue, in all which assaults let thy grace, and our faith keepe vs, that we may not bee o­uercome, but as valiant souldiers in Christ, and through the Ar­mory of God, in which by our holy calling we are girt, we may leade captiuitie captiue, and bee more then Conquerours through him that loueth vs. So that nei­ther the feares of the day, nor the terrours of the night, of death, and hell, should separate vs from the assured guard of thee, and thy Angels, the conductors and fur­therers of our saluation. This thy great helpe, and especiall as­sistance, wee are continually en­forced to craue, not for our owne sakes: but for thy Sonne his sake, [Page 81] and that as hee himselfe hath taught vs in his most holy word, saving, Our Father which art in heauen, &c.

To the Lord of Hoastes and God of glory, our Creatour: to thee ô Christ Iesus our Mediator, thee most holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, and the Sonne, bee ascribed all praise and glory this night and for euermore.

A­men, Amen.

Another for the Euening.

O Eternall God, and most mer­cifull Father, wee acknow­ledge and confesse against our selues, that our hearts and hands are full of all filthinesse and sinnes whatsoeuer, and we are altogether vnworthy to speake vnto thee, or to come neere thy presence: Neuertheles being so much boūd vnto thee, as this day past and all other times of our liues doe wit­nesse: [Page 82] we most humbly offer vn­to thy holinesse (by the hands of Iesus Christ our Mediatour) our humble duties of praise & thanks­giuing for our Creation, Electi­on, Redemption, Vocation, and Sanctification, with all other good graces appertaining to this life, or that which is to come.

And namely, ô Lord, our tongues, and lippes shall glorifie thee, sitting aboue the Cheru­bims, for preseruing vs this day past, from so many miseries, and casualties whereunto wee might iustly haue fallen, if thou woul­dest haue entered into iudgement with vs: but Lord, thou art mer­cifull, and passest by our manifold offences, to winne vs by thy long sufferance: we beseech thee make vs thankefull for thy mercies and carefull to doethy will.

O Lord, pardon and forgiue v [...] all our sinnes, and grant vs euery day more and more the sight o [...] them, true, vnfained sorrow, an [...] [Page 83] repentance for the same. Giue vs faith and grace to beleeue all the sweete promises that thou hast made to vs in Christ Iesus, both for the remission of our sins, and the hope of a better life, strengthē vs from aboue with thy mighty hand to walke in euery good way; and to bring forth the fruits of a true & liuely faith in our liues and conuersation all the daies of our pilgrimage here. Arme vs, ô Lord, with thy grace and holy Spirit a­gainst all the corruptions of the world, the temptations of the de­uill, & the allurements of the flesh, and settle our mindes to the con­tinuall exercise of deuout prayer, with the hearing of thy sacred word, watching for thy comming both publicke and priuate.

Continue thy goodnes towards vs in prouiding for vs such things as are necessary for the mainte­nance of this present life, & blesse the same vnder our hands, that the little which wee haue by thy [Page 84] goodnesse may be encreased, and the encrease may serue as well to furnish our necessary vses, as to minister vnto the necessitie of o­thers, according to our abilities. Keepe vs Lord this night from all euils, which may happen either to our bodies or soules: Extend thy goodnesse towards all those that depend vpon vs, or wee on them. Giue vs quiet sleepe and rest, and when we shall awake, let all our thoughts and cogitations be holy meditations on thee and thy law. Blesse vs, ô Lord, all the nights and dayes of our liues, and at the end thereof, send vs a bles­sed departure, and afterward a ioyfull resurrection vnto life eter­nall, grant vs these good things most mercifull Father, and all o­ther needefull graces for Iesus Christ his sake, in whose name wee further call vpon thee as our Lord and Sauiour hath taught vs in his Gospell, saying. Our Father which are in heauen, &c.

A godly Meditation, wherein the distressed sheweth his vnfained griefe and sorrow, for hauing offended so powerfull a God, and so-mercifull and gracious a Father

ALas that I offended euer,
this God of gods, this Lord of powers;
That can in peeces all men shiuer,
and ouerturne the stateliest towers:
Ah, woe is me that I offended,
and iustly God stirr'd vp to ire;
Who by his Law hath sinne condemned.
vnto the pit of endlesse fire.
I daily see Gods creatures all,
iustly for sinne displeas'd with me;
Mens hearts are hardned and with gall,
feede me that haue offended thee:
My God thy blessings all on earth,
tho duoest with-hold and from me keepe,
Alas my soule sustaines a dearth
of grace, vnto thy grace I creepe.
But what to doe, or what to say,
I know not Lord, but I know this;
[Page 86] My griefes encrease more day by day,
my mirth is moane, bane is my blisse.
One euill doth another call,
like waues on waues in raging seas;
My weary burthen makes me fall,
I finde no comfort, helpe, nor ease,
I hope of helpe, but that hope quailes,
in crosses are my comforts ended;
I flie to Faith, but then Faith failes,
when I neede most to be defended,
As if I were the onely man,
prepos'd by thine intendement;
Whom heauen ond earth must curse and ban,
as subiect of all punishment:
Thy iustice damnes me, I appeale
to mercy, then appeal'd I feare
To be reiected, thus cold zeale,
and secret sinnes with griefe I beare.
Shall I thinke it a fruitlesse taske,
vnto my God for to repaire;
That sinners cals and bids them aske,
and they shall haue all things by prayer:
Can it be bootelesse downe to fall,
before his throne of Maiestie;
[Page 87] And with repentant tongue to call,
for pardon for mine iniquitie.
May not vnfaigned cries, at last
preuaile with him thats pittifull,
To pardon mine offences past,
reuiue my soule which now is dull:
Ile frame my heart to meditate,
my tongue to vtter what may please
Him, whom best knoweth my estate,
and seeke his wrath for to appease.
To him ile goe in Christ his name,
in whom I know he is well pleas'd;
And will confesse my sinne with shame,
and so mine heart shall sure be eas'd:
For Christs sake looke on me againe,
he is God all-sufficient;
He doth behold and see my paine,
my inward faithfull hearts intent.
He knoweth what I goe about,
all I thinke, speake, or doe amisse
He writes or notes without all doubt,
in his remembrance booke it is:
I know he will in worth accept,
what iustly I intend to be;
[Page 88] And cannot it performe, except
he put his helping hand thereto;
He knoweth that I am but flesh,
and what is flesh but fraile and ill:
And what is man, a lumpe of trash,
whom vaine desires doe fully fill:
And will this God Iehouah high,
so strong and powerfull set his might;
Against a worme so weake as I,
a silly man, a shade of night.
What conquest can there be in God,
to worke reuenge on me poore soule;
Who still corrects me with his rod,
whose Iustice doth my sinnes controle:
Shall I dispute with thee, nay rather,
poore wretch I should fall prostrate downe,
And humbly kneele vnto my Father,
and pray with teares when he doth frowne.
If he afflict more, be it so,
if further plague me, le't be so,
If he will kill with paines and woe,
doe what he will, let it be so:
For I am his, doe what he will,
with me and all that mine can bee;
[Page 89] It is his owne, and must be still,
there's no disputing (Lord) with thee.
There is no Art, or Eloquence,
can quench thy coales of burning ire;
It is not words can make defence,
nor friends can saue me from the fire:
Nor take me from thy powerfull hands,
so full of might, force, strength and power;
Or breake in sunder, thy strong bands,
nor ease one minute of an houre.
Ile yeeld me therefore to his will,
Lord doe what thy good pleasure is;
Turne me as may, thy minde fulfill,
ile waite the time of happy blisse:
Ile waite thy pleasure, time will come,
wherein I may the issue see
Of my afflictions all and some,
and what thy purpose is with me.
The meane time I will with thy word,
consult and vse my exercise;
And comfort take through hope ô Lord,
refresh dull spirits, and cleare dimme eyes:
With dewe of thy sweete promises,
laying aside all fleshly aide;
[Page 90] I onely rest on thy mercies,
in holy word as thou hast saide.
And in true faith will I remaine,
and seeke thee (being the true way)
Wherein who walkes, at length shall gaine,
true blisse and happinesse for aye:
Who this embraceth shall not erre,
wherein who liues, shall neuer dye;
But weare a crowne past reason farre,
and liue with God eternally.

An Euening Meditation.

O Most deare Lord Iesus, to whose euerlasting goodnes wee are daily engaged for all the good things we haue, which hast granted the cheerefull light of the day vnto all men, both good and bad, to follow their affaires and seuerall employments in: and mercifully giuest the sweete stil­nesse of the night, to refresh their wearred bodies, and to put away the cares of their mindes, and to [Page] asswage their sorrowes wee [...]seech thee that those things [...]haue done amisse this day [...]our common imbecillit [...]gence, ignorance, or [...]g [...]rash and vnaduised presumpti [...] [...]wherein we haue offended [...]cred eyes, they may be pa [...] and forgiuen for thy [...]goodnesse sake, and according [...]the innumerable multitude [...]mercies. And grant herewithall that this night may be blessed and prosperous vnto vs, safe by thy protection ouer vs, and free from the dangerous illusions of wicked spirits: so as this refreshment by quiet rest and sleepe may make both our bodies and mindes more cheerefull to morow, and we the more enabled to doe thee seruice, and faithfully to follow those em­ployments thou hast appointed for vs, blesse vs ô Lord, and water vs with the dew of thy blessings, and let the drops of thy Sonnes blood, shed for our sinnes, and yet [Page 92] crying for mercy, distill into my heart by a liuely Faith for the comfort of our soules, and the a­mendment of our sinfull liues, wee beseech thee, ô Lord, take from vs all manner of darkenesse, mis­beleefe, infidelitie, carnall lustes and affections, and so strengthen vs with thy grace, that the Barke, of our weake Faith sinke not through the stormes of Sathans temptations: nor our hopes be o­uer whelmed through the weight of our vnworthinesse, n [...]r any of thy good graces in vs extingui­shed or blemished by the waues of a wicked conuersation. Enter thy Iudgements into the tables of our hearts, that wee may bee con­tent to spare of our ordinanary sleepe, to muse of all thy Cōman­d [...]ments, and that wee may bee more earnest vpon the meditati­on of thy sacred word, then the Kings of the Nations haue beene to turne ouer their Records in the night season.

[Page 93] Be mindfull of vs when wel ap­pen to forget our selues, and think vpon vs, ô Lord, sleeping and waking. Keepe vs, O Lord, this night present, euen vs, and ours, that we bee neither disquieted by dreames, nor surprised by any sudden violence, nor affrighted by any terrour: but graunt vs this fredome & libertie, that wee may lye downe in peace and rest, and rise vp againe in due time, safely; to the honour and glory of thy name, and the managing of our worldly businesse in thy feare, through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour,


A Prayer for Faith.

O Lord our God, thou hast re­ [...]ea [...]ed in thy word, that the iust should liue by Faith, and that without [...]aith it is impossible to please thee, and although a [...] [Page 94] not faith, yet as many as are or­dained to eternall life, by thy po­wer and gift doe truely beleeue. O Lord, I doe beleeue, encrease my faith, and helpe my vnbeliefe; and grant that through hearing & reading of thy Word, I may grow stronge in this grace, and encrease from faith to faith. And open my heart, O Lord, as thou didst Ly­dias, that I may beleeue the Word to be thy Word, and thy promi­ses therein contained, to be giuen not vnto others but vnto me: And that when thy word saith, Beleeue and yee shall be saued, my heart may presently answer thee, Com­mand or say what thou wilt, I beleeue Lord, not historically, but sincerely from the bottome of my heart, Lord helpe my vnbe­ [...]eefe. And, O heauenly Father, grant for thy Sonne, my Saviours sake, that when stormes of temp­tations shall fall vpon me, as on Peter on the water, yet beyond his example, hauing thy Word [Page 95] to support me, I may beleeue in thee; and though with the eyes of my flesh, I see no hope, but that my faith may frustrate mee; yet like Peter I may not sinke, but seeke for further helpe from thee: and being assured that eue­ry word of promise is most cer­taine, let me still, aboue hope, and beyond hope, beleeue in thee: yea, and though with holy Iob thou kill my body, yet will I trust in thee, for I know thou wilt saue my spirit and vnite them againe, in the day of the Lord.

Sweet Sauiour, whensoeuer I shall bee stung with the remem­brance of my present, or passed sinnes, graunt I may like the faith­full [...]sraelites in the wildernesse, looke vnto the pillar of thy Crosse on which thou suff [...]redst death for my sinnes, and through the ver­tue thereof apprehended by faith (like the diseased Woman in her bloudy issue, and perishing griefe,) with one glance and [Page 96] touch of sincere and iustifying Faith, be suppled, comforted, and cured, of my troubled spirit and wounded conscience: O hea­uenly Father grant that the oyle of Faith in mee, may neuer tho­row temptation bee weakened, much lesse vtterly decayed; but as the oyle in the widowes Cruse, through thy blessing, bee more and more encreased: this graunt for the honour of Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour.


A Prayer for the Remission of sinnes,

O Lord God in greatnesse in­finite, in power omnipotent, in Counsell wonderfull, and in Iudgement t [...]rrible, Although [...] miserable sinner, haue by thy iu­stice truely deserued everlasting damnation for my horrible sinnes, yet I bese [...]ch thee cast mee not a­way with th [...]m that haue not [Page 97] knowne thee, or such as forget God, or such as runne on in their wickednesse and neuer say what haue I done; for I appeale from thy rightfull iustice, to thine vn­speakable mercy, and humbly cast downe my selfe, at thy feete, and confesse my sins, bese [...]ching and begging compassion and par­don: behold, O Lord, I am a piece of that purchase that cost so great a price, as the bloud of thy deare Sonne, my body and soule are the Temples of the holy Ghost, the postes where­of are sprinkled with his most precious bloud, which cryeth for mercy: And therfore en­ter not into the course of iudge­ment with me (for there I know I shall bee ouerthrowne) but for­beare mee, forgiue mee, and acquit me vpon that satisfaction which he hath made for penitent sinners. O Lord, though the sti­pend of my sinne be death, and the merit of my transgression, eternal [Page 98] perdition, yet is thy mercy aboue all thy iudgements, and thou canst forgiue more then I can offend; Wherefore I pray thee set thy deare Sonnes Crosse and Passion betwixt thy iudgements and my soule: Looke vpon me with the eye of mercy and compassion, as thou didst vpon the sinnefull Wo­man at the banquet, and the Pub­lican in the Temple, whole par­dons are registred in thy Booke for my Comfort. O Lord bow downe the height of the Deitie, to behold my vilenesse and misery (a liuely image of the prodigall Sonne) who knew no other helpe but onely thee my most loving Father, whom I haue so highly offended; powre the oyle of mer­cy into my defiled and fainting heart; search it that I may not flatter my selfe to extenuate my sinne, cleanse it, and season it with the oyle of thy grace, to receive and retaine all goodnesse heereafter. Lord, I thanke thee [Page 99] for thy patience, and long suffe­ring, that thou hast not suddenly (after my desert) taken ven­geance on mee, but giuen mee a longer time of repentance: wher­fore I beseech thee appease thine anger towards mee now, loose in me the workes of darkenesse, cre­ate in me a newe heart, and be­cause thou expectest my amende­ment, that I may haue thy fauour; I beseech thee graunt mee thy fa­uour, that I may amend: giue me grace to rep [...]nt vnfainedly with fasting, weeping, and mourning, and make my faith liuely to be­leeue that I am forgiuen in Iesus Christ.

Let not the faults of my Fore­fathers light vpon my head, who haue walked in their sinnefull steps, neither be angry with mee for their sakes; but let the wel­doing of Iesus Christ, who hath shed his bloud for me, succour me and procure my pardon, for giue all my sinnes of youth and age, [Page 100] negligences and ignorances, thoughts, words, and deedes, and keepe mee from presumptuous sinnes.

O Lord, looke not vpon the Pharisie, for he dissembleth, nor vpon the Publican first, for hee sayeth little for himselfe in out­ward shew, nor vpon Mary Mag­dalen onely, for she had but seuen deuills; but looke vpon me, that of sinners am chiefe, worse then either Pharisie, Publicane, or Marie, who haue as many sinnes as haires vpon my head, and a greater clogge vpon my Consci­ence, then any burthen that man hath to beare, and doe therefore openly, earnestly, vnfainedly and continually call vpon thee. O Lord keepe vnder Satan that hee compell not my conscience to dis­paire, quench all the euill moti­ons of my minde, striuing against thy diuine pleasure, and restore in me the Image of thy Sonne, that I may liue in thy feare, dye [Page 101] in thy fauour, rest in thy peace, rise in thy power, and remaine in thy glory, for Iesus Christ his sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour.


In this Meditation, the distressed humbly confesseth his sinnes, and the vanities of his former times, lewdly mispent; and re­solueth (and exhorteth all others) to re­turne vnto God with speedy, true and vn­fained repentance.

AN heart thats broken and contrite,
to God is a sweet sacrifice,
Repentant sinners him delight,
farre more then iust men in their eyes:
What I haue bene, my God hath knowne,
What I now am, the Lord doth see;
What I shall bee to him is showne,
from him no secret kept can be.
How I consum'd so many yeares,
mispent so many months and dayes.
Both houres and minutes all appeares,
to God who markes my life and wayes:
[Page 102] Time is the meane that all things tries,
Time worketh what mens wits deuise.
Time with his swiftnesse euer flyes,
And Time in time will make men wise.
Fly from me follies of my youth,
packe hence my sinnes that burd'ned me,
Welcome to me is Age and Truth,
now I by faith in Christ will be:
Whose sinnes doe make my heart to bleed,
let them examples take by me
Whose wickednesse all mens exceeds,
come Lord in mercy: pardon me.
Lord now let me depart in peace,
I [...]ele thy rod, I finde thy loue:
My paines doe grow, my ioyes encrease,
this mercie comes from thee aboue:
My sicknesse is a present meane,
to heale and cure my wounds of sinne:
Lord purge all my corruptions cleane,
and let my death my life beginne.

A Prayer for the forgiuenesse of Sinnes.

ETernall God and louing Saui­our, before thy Baptisme, thou didst send Iohn the Baptist to preach remission of sins, through repentance and faith in thy name: And after thou wert Baptized, and entered into thy Ministrie, thou that didst exhort all that were weary, and laden with their sinnes, to come vnto thee, saying, that thou cammest to call sinners to repentance, and that the whole had no need of the Phisitian, but the sicke. Wherefore, o Lord, being deadly sicke, with the sence of my sinnes, and with the Sa­maritane wounded vnto death: I entreate thee in the teares of a sorrowfull heart, to wash me, not onely my hands, feete, and head, but also my heart from sinne. O Lord powre into my wounds the oyle of mercy, that it may pacifie [Page 104] and quiet my minde in thee. O Lord wash me with the bloud of thy Sonne, as with Hysop, for I haue with the Prodigall sonne, and Lost sheepe erred in the vani­tie of my minde. But, ô Lord, as Philip found Nathaniel, when hee looked not for him; So by true repentance, and hearty con­fession, let me be found of thee, and in thee, now seeking after thee. O Lord I thirst after thee, and for thee, wherefore send thy holy Spirit into mee, to mollifie and comfort my hard and vnre­pentant heart.

O Lord, it cannot by nature, enter into my minde, that I am so wretched a sinner, but by thy word as vnto Nichodemus, thou hast made me to see, that except by true repentance I be regenerat, and so, as it were, borne againe, I cannot enter into the Kingdome of heauen; that is, possibly be sa­ued. But, ô Lord, thou hast made me to know sinne, and how sinne [Page 105] became sinne, by the reuerent vse of thy word, for though there be sinne in vs, before the knowledge of thy Law, yet sinne without thy Law was not imputed: but thou hast giuen vs Christians, this thy law as a touchstone, to know sin, and that sinne is the transgression of the Law, for if there were no Law, there would be no trans­gression, wherefore thy Law which was ordained vnto me vn­to life, by the search thereof, hath slaine mee vnto death, and made me immeasurably sinfull, for by the Law, thou hast made mee to know sinne, which by no other meanes I could know, or should euer haue found out, for how should I haue knowne lust to be sinne, if thou hadst not said I should not lust. Wherefore, O Lord, seeing it is so with me, that I doe the euill which I would not, and leaue vndone the good that I would, binde this strong man in mee, that though Sinne [Page 106] dwell in mee, yet hee may not raigne ouer or rule in mee, yea mortifie the wicked deeds of my flesh, by thy holy word, and mighty operation of thy spirit. O grant that by the dying of the Lord Iesus, sinne in all his kindes and force, may be subdued, and dye in me: lest that thereby I be made to come short of thy glory, which thou hast promised to all repentant sinners.

Good God grant, that I may not yeeld my members, seruants vnto sinnes, but reserue them ser­uants vnto thee, in true righte­ousnesse and holinesse, all the dayes I haue to liue in this life. O Lord, as Ammon hated his sister Tamar, after hee had abused her with himselfe, and himselfe with her, so that hee could not abide [...]ere, (nor (well might) himselfe) by reason of himselfe: giue mee grace, I may hate sinne, not onely after, but before it is committed with no lesse indignation then [Page 107] they did each other, and thou them both. O Lord let the old man that is in me, be so crucified with Christ in the power of his death, that I may henceforth be no more seruant vnto sinne, for that thou hast said, that a carnall man liuing in sinne, cannot please thee. O Lord giue me thy spirit that I may hate the things of the flesh, which are nothing but san against thee, and loue the things of thy spirit, as ioy in the holy Ghost, peace of conscience, long­suffering, patience in bearing, and forbearing wrongs, with faith and the like graces and fruits of thy most holy spirit. O Lord, see­ing I haue, to the subduing of sin, desired the gift of thy holy spirit, let mee be carefull, by the vse of all holy meanes, to walke in the spirit. And seeing thou hast con­demned sinne, in him that knew no sinne, for my sake, O Lord condemne it not in me againe; and as the first birth is nothing but [Page 108] sinfull Adam, Lord graunt that by this my second birth, I may be a continuall liuing spirituall man in Christ: thus hauing confessed my sinnes with hearty sorrow, I be­seech thee, for my Sauiour his sake, to forgiue me my sinne, and to strengthen mee all the dayes of my life to come, that with the man in the Gospell I may follow thy heauenly counsell and sinne no more, neither in action, affection, nor intention, lest this my con­fession and contrition should be in vaine, which, O Lord forbid, for thy Christ his sake.

Amen. Amen.

The Repentant complaineth of the grie­uousnesse of his sinnes, and desireth mer­cie and pardon, and to be deliuered from Sinne, and the guilt and punishment thereof.

HIdden, O Lord, are my most horrid sinnes,
vnto the world, though open plain to thee,
[Page 109] He neuer betters, that no time begins,
corruption killeth all good thoughts in me.
What sinne doth dwell in this vild flesh of ours,
but doeth encrease like monsters huge in me,
Committing them, both minuts, dayes & houres
as swift as time, so fast grow they in me.
Rent thine own flesh, & teare thy wretched haire,
scrape clean corruptions marrow frō thy bones:
Put out thine eyes, cut off thy tongue stop eares;
lame all thy senses, to kill sinne at once.
I faine would walk, that know not how to creepe,
I am opprest with such most hainous crimes:
When I should walk, sin drowneth me with sleepe,
for one good thought I sinne a thousand times.
Sigh, O my soule, weepe, sorrow, and lament,
and seeke for helpe, if any hope be left,
Pray vnto Christ for grace thou mayst repent,
before his merits from thee be bereft.
Though by his rod, afflictions humble thee,
and for thy sinnes thou suffer grieuous paine,
Yet with his flesh he still vpholdeth thee,
frō deepe despaire, in bliss with him to raigne.
All glory be to God on high,
and to his Son, our Sauiour wise and iust:
[Page 110] To whom with ioy, still pray and sing will I,
and to my Comforter the holy Ghost,
Whose being was from all eternity,
one Deitie distinct in persons three,
According to the blessed Trinity,
distinguisht to three, yet one in vnitie.
Abba, ben, Ruach, sacred trinitie,
one drop of Nectar Lord on me bestow,
That glorious blood to cure sinnes miserie,
that all mankinde thy loue to me may know.
Let not sinnes hire, nor grieuous punishment
be condemnation to my stained soule,
Be pleased with Christ his all-sufficient payment,
who ransom'd vs from sinnes eternall thralls.

A prayer to be said on a Sunday mor­ning, for the right sanctifying of the Sabbath.

O Lord of Sabbath, that in the beginning after the finish­ing of the sixe dayes workes, in which by thy most mightie word, thou didst create the hea­uen and the earth, and produce all [Page 111] this wonderfull variety of things which wee perceiue euery day most admirably to be made, not onely in the sensible, but also in all insensible liuing things: of all which workes, thou hast caused man, chiefely to excell, hauing in him most curiously epitomised all the glory of this earthly fabrick, and for all this thy great good­nesse, thou hast done vnto him, hast onely required of him, that he in the contemplation of these created things, not only without, but within himselfe, might finde out thee, a louing Father and Cre­atour; and doe vnto thee that high homage, that thou hast com­manded on this day, not as slaues, and seruants, but as sonnes filled with all duty & obedience, which that wee might doe, thou hast charged vs, on the seuenth day to remember our Creatour, not onely by refraining our seruile la­bour, which in the sixe dayes thou hast appointed vs, but by [Page 112] leauing the wicked workes of darknesse, vnto which we are by nature, and wicked desires, so much addicted. O Lord graunt that I may sequester my selfe, this day vnto thy praise, not onely in thy holy Congregation, but in the secret cogitations of my heart. And graunt that euery word, or thing that I shall this day, heare with my eares, or see with my eyes, may be so digested in my soule, as fit subiects, out of which I may bee occasioned to magnifie thy praise and glory.

O heauenly Father, graunt that all those Sabbath dayes which haue passed in my youth and man­hood, while I knew thee not, may be now recalled, by double diligence, in the deuout hearing of thy Word, receiuing of the Sacraments, and calling vpon thy name, which on this day thou hast for euer commanded to bee done vnto thee in thy Church and holy Congregation.

[Page 113] And, O Lord, let my heart de­part, edified in thy most holy feare, not for the present while I am hearing, but for euer while I shall liue, and let some part of thy holy Word, which I shall heare expounded this day, abide in me, that at all times, when I shall haue occasion, or be called thereunto, I may bee fitted and furnished, to giue a full account, and reason, of the hope I haue in thee. O Lord, thy Apostles haue called this day, not now the seuenth day from the Creation, but the first day, and the Lords day, putting vs in mind of that high and admirable bene­fit of our Redemption, as on this day accomplished by his glorious resurrection, for the which wee can neuer rēder too much thanks, neither publick nor priuate.

O Lord, make my heart like the good ground, mentioned in the Parable, that when it had re­ceiued good seede, it brought forth, thirty, sixty, and an hun­dreth [Page 114] fold: so most sweet Sauiour graunt, that I may haue thy Word so deepely rooted, by the power of thy holy spirit, this day sent downe into my heart, that I may bring it forth in an hundreth fold, thy power in my saluation. And let it abide this day and euer in my soule, the most sweet sauour of life vnto life: O Lord driue from mee all impedi­ments, arising from the thoughts of the world, the flesh and the de­uill, by which Sathan laboureth, to frustrate in me, the sauing hea­ring of thy Word: and make me to heare thy precious Word with all reuerence and humility, not as the word of man, but as it is in­deede the word of God.

And seeing thou hast said, not the hearers of the law, but the doers of the law are iustified: O Lord make me a doer of the law. And as thou hast againe said, Bles­sed are yee, if ye doe these things. Wherefore Lord that I may bee [Page 115] capable of thy blessing, graunt that this day, when I haue heard, I may doe the things, and (as thy blessed Mother) pondered all thy sayings, and layd them vp in her heart, to remember them. O sweet Sauiour, helpe me this day and other dayes and times, so of­ten as I shall heare thy word, or reade the same, that my memory may be so quicke and fresh, that I may retaine and remember all, that shal most especially concerne me: and not to be filled with idle knowledge, but with constant doing, that I may be accepted a­mong those builders, that set their house vpon the rocke, most bles­sed Lord let me not be so simple, as to thinke my selfe blessed, by bare looking into thy law, by an outward conformity, in com­ming to thy Church to heare, lest in so doing, I become as a forget­full hearer, that offers to thee a sacrifice of fooles, and so in sancti­fying this thy Sabaoth so idely, [Page 116] thou cast mee out among the hy­pocrites, the chiefe profaners of the Sabbath in the burning lake, and vnquenchable fire.

O Lord, let no wicked temp­tation of sathan, or of my flesh, enter into my minde in the hea­ring of thy Word, to make it vn­sauourie, or bitter vnto my soule, but let it be this day and euer, more sweet vnto my soule, then honey vnto my lips.

O Lord, let it be in some mea­sure, my meate and drinke to doe thy will; and graunt that I may this day, learne so much thereof, that I may become wiser then my Teachers, or those that regard not to keepe thy law, graunt all these my requests, most louing Lord, both to mee and all thine, this day and for euermore.

Amen. Amen.

A Prayer for godly zeale.

O Lord, knowing that zeale doth sauour our knowledge, [Page 117] sweeten our vnderstanding, con­firme our faith, and make accep­table all our sacrifices and seruices vnto thee; and being a most ex­cellent and perfect gift that com­meth from thee, the Father of gifts, and how all thy seruants, Moses, Iosuah, Phineas, Sampson, Dauid, S. Paul, and Stephen, and all the rest of the Prophets and holy Martyrs, both ancient and late haue abounded herein. I doe pro­strate and cast downe my selfe, be­fore thy most high Maiestie: be­seeching thee to giue mee this coale from thine Altar, that I may delight my soule to be talking, and singing thy continuall praise, and inflame my spirit, (like the men that trauailed to Emmaus) to be astonied in admiration and con­templation of thy exceeding loue. O God my Sauiour, let not my zeale be headie, preposterous, or ignorant zeale, that there with I may neither offend thee, disquiet thy Church, or afflict my selfe, as [Page 118] the Scribes and Pharisees in Ie­rusalem, and the Israelites in the absence of Moses, at mount Si­nah: or as Saul in his Pharisai­call deuotion, giue me not know­ledge without zeale, nor zeale without knowledge, and that all my vnderstanding in thy Word, may euermore bee mixed with true zeale: O let not my zeale be aboue knowledge, lest while I thinke to serue thee in the breath of charity, by the distemper thereof, I bee inforced to disho­nour and blaspheme thee, as the blinde Heathen, ignorant Papists, or vndiscreete Protestants at this day doe. Graunt this, O Lord, for the honour of my Ad­uocate and Mediatour Iesus Christ.


A feruent Prayer vnto God, that the repentant may finde fauour in Christ.

ATtend vnto my teares, O Lord,
regard my wofull moane:
And seeke to saue me by thy Word,
or I am ouerthrowne.
For sinne doth so oppresse my minde,
that I am damn'd to hell,
Vnlesse by Christ I fauour finde,
whose wounds must make me well.
Cure thou my soule so sicke with sinne,
by merits of thy Sonne:
Marke not the estate that I liue in,
but marke what he hath done.
Most perfect hee (though I be vilde)
to please when I offend:
He sits with thee, (though I exilde)
in glory to the end.
My nature is inclin'd to euill,
though his with good accord:
My sences seeke to serue the deuill,
his will to please the Lord.
[Page 120] Wherefore, O God, that art most iust,
in him my debts to pay:
In his desert my soule doth trust
thy wrath for to allay.
O Father, full of knowledge deepe,
thou searchest secrets of each heart;
Beholdst desires wee priuate keepe,
with hidden silence in the darke:
But yet thou doest thus much require,
thy children should know and confesse:
Thee for to be their lightsome fire,
that iudgest their workes in righteousnesse.
As thou hast fram'd in man a heart.
wherewith his Maker to beleeue,
A tongue, and lips, and euery part,
wherewith he glory may thee giue.
And thou doest chalenge at his hands,
free sacrifice of prayers praise:
And honours due throughout all lands,
that all men canst deiect and raise.
Thy Children must not in their minde
be dumbe, nor in their tongues be mute,
When they should seeke thy helpe to finde,
and by petition shew their suite.
[Page 121] Thy Sonne doth bid me aske and haue,
and finde to seeke, to knock to enter.
What they doe want, that they may craue,
by faith in him they may aduenture.
Thou still art ready to be found,
and helpe thine owne in their distresse,
That in their faith are constant found,
and patient in their heauinesse.
Therefore, deare Father, I beset
with many miseries distrest:
Come vnto thee thine ayde to get,
and after trouble to finde rest.
And haue thy Grace without, within:
but I that am of sinners chiefe:
Because thou hat'st in me my sinne,
they doubt thou wilt not giue reliefe:
Alas poore wretch what shall I doe?
to aske I am so farre vnfit,
Vnapt, my God, to aske vnto,
vnworthy to haue benefit.
Of what I craue, or doe desire,
and yet to cry I will not linne:
Till thou doest send refining fire
and purifie me from my sinne.

A Prayer for the obtaining of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and all Christian vertues.

O Lord, and Father of lights, from whom proceedeth euery good and perfect gift: I be­seech thee to blesse mee with all spirituall blessings in heauenly things in Christ. Increase the lit­tle graine of my weake and feeble Faith, direct it to the true obiect, the merits of Christ Iesus, and let it not be bare and bad, but ef­fectually working by loue. Make me strong therein, and constant to giue credit to thy Word with­out doubting, and protect mee among the diuers and manifold errors, sects, and heresies of this world that fight against the foun­dation. Lord let me not be disap­pointed of my hope which I haue in thee: but make good thy pro­mises vnto mee, and so worke in [Page 123] my heart, that I may haue cou­rage in conflict, patience in trou­ble, and comfort in all things. Keepe mee from insolencie and pride, and graunt mee true humi­lity, and lowlinesse of minde, that I bee not puffed vp to contemne my brethren, but giue mee that due consideration of my owne vilenesse, and infirmities, that as dust and ashes I may tremble, and stand in awe of thy Iudgements, and as a sinfull man, esteeme bet­ter of others then my selfe. O deare Father, when Sathan shall accuse mee, my owne conscience beare witnesse against mee, the whole world forsake mee, and all things set themselues against mee for my sinnes; then strengthen mee in thy Faith, that I fall not from thee: inflame my cold heart with the vnfained affection of heauenly loue, that I may loue thee (O blessed Trinity) withall that I haue, aboue all, & my neigh­bour as my selfe.

[Page 124] Graunt me a compassionate and a charitable minde, to helpe and succour others to my ability, to forbeare and forgiue them though they bee mine enemies. Inflame me with loue and charity towards all men, to forgiue and forget, to doe good, to pray for them, that I may follow the steps of my Sa­uiour: open the eyes of my vn­derstanding, and helpe me to exa­mine my selfe, concerning my knowledge, faith, and repentance: send me the hunger and thirst af­ter righteousnesse, and make mee verily and fully partaker of all the benefits of that bitter passion of my Lord & Sauiour Iesus Christ, To whom with thee and thy most holy Spirit, be all honour and glo­ry, this day and for euermore.

Amen. Amen.

The sighes and meditations of an afflicted conscience.

O Most mercifull God, which by the sending of thy Sonne [Page 125] into the world, hast brought to passe, that where sinne aboun­ded, there grace abounded much more, I forlorne wretch disquie­ted in minde and afflicted in con­science, for feare of thy Iudge­ments vpon my sinne, doe with bended knees and teares vnfai­ned, a most humble Suppliant, begge and craue of thee some suc­cour and reliefe; open, open the gates of thy mercies to the great­nesse of my miseries: my abiect countenance witnesseth my di­stressed minde. My spirit is sor­rowfull, my heart is heauie, my words are stopt with sighes, and my plants watered with teares: to thee I hold vp my hands, to thee I lift vp my heart, to thee [...] pray, requiring thee of mercie, O Lord, what shall I desire of [...]hee, that deserue nothing at thy [...]ands? What can I hope for that [...]m euen heartlesse? Lord, if thou [...]ast said, Shall not my soule be [...]uenged on such a one as this? [Page 126] remember thy promise else­where; I will haue mercy on him that could finde no mercy, and let it light vpon me: if Sathan pre­fume that GOD hath forsaken him, thinke vpon the decree for the seede of the woman, and let the power of thy sonnes passion, defeat all the deuises of the deuill against me.

O Lord heare me speedily: if thou doe not, I shall be helplesse and hopelesse, for my conscience accuseth mee, my memory giues euidence against me, and my rea­son condemneth me. My spirit is weary of this bondage, and I haue bid my life farewell. My consci­ence is clogged, when I behold the bloudy wounds of my soule the voyce of ioy and mirth [...] gone from me, I am deepely plu [...] ­ged in discomfort, I haue neithe [...] worth to appease thy wrath, no patience to endure thine indigna [...] ­tion. I pray thee therefore sen [...] the comfort of thy holy Spirit i [...] [Page 127] to my heart, and strengthen my faith, that I be not swallowed vp with ouer much heauinesse. O Lord, let thy maiestie appeare in thy mercy, forgiue my sinnes, the vnhappy ground of all this woe, and I am recouered of all mine in­firmities. Try not the law with me, lest I come to Iudgement, san­ctifie all those good meanes vnto me wherein I seeke reliefe, as prayer, reading, and hearing of thy holy Word: moderate and mittigate my vexation, encrease faith, establish hope, graunt pati­ence, and keepe me from dispaire. Take away this Cup from mee if it be thy will, if not, suffer me not to be tempted aboue my strength, I haue an humbled and contri [...]e heart (O Lord) looke vpon me: I goe mourning all the day long, & am like to him that is at the point [...]o dye. O Lord comfort me, thou [...]hat wilt not breake a bruised [...]eed, spare me, thou that deligh­ [...]est not in the death of a sinner, re­uiue [Page 128] mee, though my heart con­demne me, yet good Lord acquite mee, relieue mee, release mee, say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation. Hearken Lord vnto my Prayer, and graunt my requests, for Iesus Christs sake.


The distressed prayeth to be sanctified, and to enioy the renued graces of regeneration.

O Lord, me throughly sanctifie,
vntye my tongue, open my lips:
I cannot silence keepe, for why
my conscience euery houre me whips.
My miseries growe more and more,
within my bones I finde no rest:
Thy grace a-new to me restore,
and let me speake what likes thee best.
Let thine eares euer be enclinde,
to my extreame and dolefull cries:
Let me thy mercies ready finde,
to take my teares from weeping eyes.
[Page 129] Thou euermore do'st heare the cries,
of all that feare thy holy name;
And com [...]ortst them with thy mercies,
that trust in thee, and begge the same.
Their soules thou doest from death defend,
and cheeres their heart in time of neede:
To me therefore thy comforts send,
and giue thy helpe with louing speede:
Thy seruants cannot hold their tongue,
though oft they muse, and cannot see:
Why th [...]i [...] afflictions last so long,
and they for mercy [...]rie to thee.
Till at the length the fire of zeale,
doth kindle, then it out must breake:
Tongue cannot hold, but must reueale,
their groanes, & gri [...]fes, & needs must speake,
To shew their hope which like to fire,
none can suppresse when they beleeue.
T will pearce the cloudes, to thee aspire,
yet thou doest seeme no helpe to giue.
At last thy goodnesse doth appeare,
and thou embracest him with [...]y:
Time of del [...]uerance draweth neere,
and thou Lord freedst him from annoy:
[Page 120] Good God how commeth this to passe,
that I so long haue sought to thee:
And thou still seem'st to hide thy face,
and keep'st thy graces still from mee.
How long haue I vnto thee pray'd,
and thou seem'st not to giue me eare:
This makes mine heart and thoughts afraid,
ready to faint with deepe despaire.
I ready was for to surcease,
the suite which I so long had sought,
Made vnto thee, for to appease
thy wrath by Christ that hath me bought.
O Lord my God thy promises,
and louing kindnesse onely feede
And comfort me in heauinesse,
with neuer dying hope in neede,
I know expected time will come,
when thou for getting all my sinne,
W [...]lt see my sorrowes, all and some,
and free the bondage I am in.

A Prayer in affliction or aduersity.

MOst mercifull Redeemer, which art alwayes full of compassion, thou art alwayes our preseruer, whether thou sendest vs aduersity or prosperity, for great is thy mercy and compassi­on, in that thou healest the in­ward man by outward afflictions, as it were by bitter medicines, and preparest vs to euerlasting ioyes, by temporall troubles. And forasmuch as thou thy selfe hast traced vs out this true way to felicity by thine owne foote­steps: graunt that I may patient­ly and obediently drink this cup, which thou reachest vnto me.

Grieuous indeede are these things vnto my nature, but yet thou hast suffered grienouser things for mee: and I haue deser­ued farre grieuouser things then these, for I haue deserued hell [Page 132] fire. Notwithstanding, [...]hou knowest the frailtie of mans e­state; and therefore like the mer­cifull Samaritane, thou powrest wine into our wounds, which ma­keth our vices to smart, but yet thou alayest it with the oyle of thy comfort. If thou think meet to encrease our griefes, encrease thou also the gift of patience, and graunt that these afflictions may turne vs to the amendment of our sinfull deedes: or if thy fatherly louing kindnesse thinke this thy gentle chastisement to be suffici­ent: let this storme [...]p [...]sse, that although heauinesse endure for a night, a moment, ioy may come in the morning; graunt vnto vs in both respects a reuerent thank­fulnesse, as well for amending and reforming thy vnprofitable s [...]r­uant by gentlenesse; as also for that thou hast remooued the cup of affliction, or allayed the bitternesse of it, by the sweet­nesse of thy mercie. To thee [Page 133] therefore bee thankes and praise for euer.

Amen. Amen.

Meditations vpon the passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.

VVHat man is this, whom I behold all bloudie, bowing down his head for weak­nesse towards his shoulders, his body all tormented with s [...]our­ges, stripes, & grieous wounds, crowned with a Garland of thornes, pricking and piercing to the braine, and thus fastned to an ignominious Crosse? What hea­uie or haynous crime hath hee done, to deserue this intollerable and vnspeakeable torment? What Iudge could bee so cruell to sen­tence him to it? or what re­morcelesse or mercilesse Execu­tioners could be found to deale so outragiously with this tender and peerelesse body. Notwithstanding [Page 134] the deformity of these bloudie wounds, yet is this matchlesse body fairer then the Sonnes of men. Surely it is Iesus Christ the Sonne of the liuing God: Oh hee is my Lord and Sauiour Iesus that is thus crucified for my sin, and for my sake. Oh, art thou he that excellest all men in beauty [...] in whose lippes was neuer fou [...] guile, and from whom proceeded such gracious words as neuer man spake? where then is that beauty of thine? where is that grace of thy lippes? Oh, I see it not, I finde it not, fleshly eyes conceiue not so great a mysterie: open thou the eyes of my minde, bring thy diuine light neerer vn­to me, and bring mee powerfully and more seriously to behold thee in this thine agony and passion.

I see it is Iesus the Son of God, the vnspotted Lambe, without sinne, without fault, without of­fence, which tooke my wicked­nesse vpon him, to the intent that [Page 135] I being set free from sinne, might bee brought againe into Gods fa­uour, rise againe from my fall: re­turne home againe from banish­ment, and attaine the end for which I was created: that which I deserued, he suffered, and that which I could neuer attaine vnto, [...]e giueth.

O my Redeemer, deliuerer, and Sauiour, draw me to thee, that be­ing alwaies mindfull of thy death, trusting alwayes in thy goodnes, and being alwayes thankfull for thy vnspeakeable benefits, I may bee made partaker of so great re­ward, and not bee seperated from thee, through mine owne vn­thankfulnesse: Oh let not thy most humble inuestment of hu­manity bee in vaine in respect of me, nor thy vnspeakeable (and by thee alone endured) torments be in-effectuall, but valuable and all-sufficient for the eternall salua­tion of my soule and body: whom thou hast redeemed and sanctified [Page 136] with that thy most glorious and inestimable blood, shed at the time of Passion vpon the Crosse.

2. Oh, I behold thee, cruci­fied for my soule: Oh that thou wouldest also crucifie mee with thee, that I might vtterly die in all carnall affections, and so liue to thee, or rather my sweet Sauiour thou in me, then should I rest per­fectly assured (as by faith in thee and thy promises I doe) to liue in thee, and to arise by thee and with thee to life euerlasting: thy flesh is crucified, O Christ: crucifie thou the power of sinne that raigneth in mee: graunt I may put off the old man, and vtterly abollish the whole body of sinne, and be freed from all wickednesse, vnbeliefe, hardnesse of heart, and dominion of all manner sinne and Sathan. Let thy yoke become sweet, and thy burthen lightsome to mee, through thy most grieuous Pas­sion.

3. O most high & mighty sin­gular [Page 137] obedience, where-through thou diddest submit thy selfe to innumerable torments, yea euen to a most grieuous, most bitter and most reproachfull death, be­cause thy heauenly Father (for the Redemption of mankinde) had decreed it so. O splendour and brightnesse of thy Fathers glory, O Sun of righteousnesse, alwayes shining full of grace and glory, shew vs where thou feedest in the heat of the day, and where thou shrowdest thy Sheepe from the colde, and thy little Lambes from the stormes of thy Fathers burning wrath and fearefull in­dignation: Oh that wee might bee transformed into that liuely and sensible Image of thy Passion, that wee might alwayes dwell in thee, and thou in our hearts by faith, rooted, and grounded in charity, so as wee might with all thy holy ones, comprehend the length, bredth, height, & [...]eepnes of thine agony & bitter passion.

[Page 138] 4. I see a wonderfull kinde of loue, thy highnesse boweth down the head, that wee might be cer­tainely assured that thou wilt gra­ciously heare vs and helpe vs, thou offerest the kisse of reconci­liation and attonement, yea and that of thine owne accord, being the party grieued and wronged, vnto vs that haue done the wrong. Thou reachest out thine armes to embrace vs: thou stretchest out thy bored hands to giue vs all things abundantly without holding any thing back: thy side is open to thine heart to receiue vs in thither, if wee will enter in at the open dore, thy feete are fast nailed to the intent, that wee may know thou wilt ne­uer depart from vs, if wee depart not from thee. O Father and Lord of ours, thou seest the hard­nesse of our heart, and much ra­ther the dulnesse of it. It is not enough for vs to bee allured and called so gently, so sweetly, and [Page 139] so louingly; but thou must bee faigne euen to draw vs, pull vs, and violently hale vs vnto thee: create new and obedient hearts in vs, for this wee haue is more vngentle then the cursed Iewes, and more hard then the stones that cloue in compassion of thine innocent and yet most cruell Pas­sion.

5. O Lord Iesus Christ, the euerlasting sweetnesse, and tri­umph of them that loue thee, ex­ceeding all ioy and all longing, thou sauer and louer of repentant sinners, which doest acknow­ledge thy delight to be among the children of men, and therefore in the end of times becammest man for mans sake: Remember all the sorrowes which thou didst en­dure, euen from the instant of thy conception in thy humane na­ture, and from thy cradle to thy crosse. Remember the bitter sor­row which thou didst suffer and endure when thou saydest, My [Page 140] soule is heauy euen vnto death. And at the institution of the com­memoration of thy death, when thou didst wash thy Disciples feete, & comforting them sweet­ly, toldest them of thy Passion that was at hand: Remember the sor­row, anguish, and griefe, which thou didst suffer throughout thy whole tender body, before thy suffering vpon the Crosse, at such time as after thrice praying, thou didst sweat water like to blood, was betrayed by one of thine owne Disciples, apprehended by thine owne chosen people, accu­sed by false witnesses, condemned wrongfully by three Iudges in thy chosen Citie, at the time of the Passeouer, in the flourishing youth of thy body: and being vt­terly guiltlesse, was deliuered to the cruell Iewes, bespetted, stript out of thine owne garment, cloa­thed with another bodies appa­rell, buffeted, blinde-folded, and smitten with sinfull fists, bound, [Page 141] scourged, and crowned with thornes.

6. O most sweet Iesus, I be­seech thee make mee mindfull of these thy paines and sufferings which thou hast endured for my sinnes, that I might bee dischar­ged, and set free from them, and my reconciliation and peace bee made with thy Father through thy chastisement, by whose sor­rowfull stripes wee are healed: make mee to abhor all such hate­full sinne, and cursed disobedi­ence, which could not be put a­way, without thy so grieuous pu­nishments. Make me to be hear­tily sorrie, for my sinfulnesse, and to eschue mine offences, which draw thee to the suffering of so great torments: make mee mind­full of thy great loue to me, and to all mankinde, and let the infinite­nesse thereof kindle an vnfaigned loue in me towards thee and my neighbour. Let this thy vnmea­surable goodnesse breede in me a [Page 142] willing minde, and desire to abide all things patiently for thy sake, and for the truth of thy Gospell: And let it ingender in mee, a de­spising of all worldly and earthly things, and an earnestly longing, and endeauour to attaine to the heauenly inheritance for the pur­chasing whereof vnto me, and for the bringing of mee thereunto, thou hast indured these, & al other thy most bitter, and intollerable torments, at the time of thine a­gony and passion.

Wherefore I beseech thee grant me true repentance, amend­ment of life, perseuerance in all goodnesse, a stedfast faith, and a happy death through the merits of thy sufferings, that I may a so bee made partaker of thy blessed Resurrection. Amen.

7. O Lord Iesus, the very free­dome of the Angels, and the plea­sure of Paradise, remember the terrour and griefe which thou didst endure at the time, when as [Page 143] all thine enemies stood round a­bout thee like a sort of roaring Lyons, vexing thee with buffe­tings, spettings, scratchings, and other intollerable dealings, and martvring thee with reproachfull words, grieuous stripes, and most grieuous torments. I beseech thee, O Lord, for thine owne sake, and for thy exceeding great mercies sake, which caused thee to endure and suffer these things, for our redemption; deliuer mee from all mine enemies, visible and inuisible, and graunt that I may finde protection in this life, and endlesse felicity in the life to come. Amen. Amen.

O Lord, the Creatour and fra­mer of the world, whom no mea­sure can comprehend within bounds, and which holdest the earth in thine hand; call to minde thy most bitter paine which thou didst endure, when they nayled thy most holy hands to the Cross, and likewise pearced through thy [Page 144] most tender feete, making thy wounds still more and more pain­full, and so drawing and stretch­ing out thy body to the length and breadth of the crosse: I be­seech thee graunt that my conti­nuall minding of this thy most holy and bitter paines vpon the Crosse, may also cause me to stand in awe of thee, and also to loue thee with an vnquenchable loue.

8. O Iesus, the heauenly Phi­sitian, remember the anguish, paine, and griefe, which thou diddest suffer by the renting, cru­cifying, & tearing of all the parts of thy body, when thou wert lif­ted vp, and nayled to the Crosse: insomuch as there was not any one of them whole and vnbrui­sed, so that there was neuer any paine found like vnto thine: for there was not any place of thee left whole, from the sole of the foote, to the crowne of the head, and yet euen then (vnmindfull of all thy paines) thou prayedst ear­nestly [Page 145] and mildly for thine ene­mies, saying: Father, forgiue them, for they know not what they doe, I beseech thee by thy louing kindnes and mercie, which caused thee to suffer these paines for my sake, let thy passion be the full satisfaction, absolution, and pardon for all my sinnes. Amen.

9. O Iesus, the mirrour of e­ternall brightnesse, and fountaine of vnconsumeable goodnesse, which crucifying vpō the Cross, didst thirst for the saluation of mankinde. I beseech thee kindle in vs the desire of all good works, & quench in vs the thirst and concupiscence of all fleshly lusts, and both coole and kill in vs the loue of all worldly delight. O Princely Iesus, the strength and triumph of our minds, which for our sakes didst suffer such an­guish of heart, that the bitternesse of thy death, and the exclamation of the Iewes, vpbraiding and re­uiling thee, made thee to cry out [Page 146] with a loude voyce: O God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? I beseech thee forsake mee not in my distresse; but bee at hand to comfort mee, and deliuer me, especially at the time of death. O Iesu, the bottomlesse sea of all mercy, I beseech thee by the deepe wounds, which pearced through thy flesh, into the mar­row of thy bones, and into the very bowels of thee; pull me out of the gulph of my sinnes, and hide mee in the holes of thy wounds, from the sight of thy Fathers iust wrath, vntill his dis­pleasure be ouer-past.

10. O Lord, the mirrour of truth, the standard of vnity, and the bond of charity, remember thine innumerable wounds wher­with thou wert torne from top to toe by the wicked Iewes, so that thou wert all on a gore blood: which torment thou didst suffer in that most holy body of thine for our sakes: O most sweet and [Page 147] milde Iesus, leauing nothing vn­done on thy behalfe, that might be for our benefit. I beseech thee write the memoriall of these thy bloody wounds in my heart, with thy most pretious blood, that in them I may reade thy great loue towards mee: let the remem­brance of them be layd vp conti­nually in the closet of my heart, that the consideration of the paines and griefes which thou sufferedst for my sake in thy pas­sion, may make mee to loue thee more and more, and neuer to giue ouer, vntill I be come vnto the treasure of all goodnesse & ioyes, which I beseech thee to graunt me for thine owne sake, O most sweet Iesus. Amen.

11. O Iesu, the onely begotten Sonne of the heauenly Father, and the brightnesse and Image of his substance, remember thy heartie commending of thy spirit into thy Fathers hands, when hauing thy body all torne, and thy heart [Page 148] full of anguish, and sorrow, and the curse of our bloody sinnes pressed thee euen to the death, and to the expiration of thy hu­mane soule. I beseech thee for this thy pretious deaths sake, O King of Saints, giue mee strength to withstand the deuill, the world and the flesh, that being dead to the world, I may liue onely vnto thee: And whensoeuer this way­faring and banished poore soule of mine, shall depart hence, I be­seech thee receiue it home into the hands and protection of thy mercy, and graunt it may be deare and pretious in thy sight, and liue and remaine with thee in glory for euermore. Amen.

12. O Iesus, the true & fruit­full vine, remember the abun­dant flowing out, and shedding of thy blood, which thou didst send out of thy body most plentifully, as out of Grapes, pressed at the wine-presse, at which time as thou didst tread the wine-fatte [Page 149] alone, and begannest to vs of the cup of water and wine, which streamed forth out of thy most glorious side. I beseech thee O most sweet Iesus, by this most bitter death of thine, and by the shedding of thy most pretious blood: wound my heart with such repentance of my sinnes, and [...]oy of thy loue, as my teares may be my food, day and night. Turne [...]hou mee wholy vnto thee, that my heart may dwell with thee continually, and my conuersation be acceptable vnto thee: And let my life bee such, through thy goodnesse, as I may praise thee [...]or euer, with all thy Saints in the [...]ife to come. Amen.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Son of the liuing God, who thirsting [...]or the full accomplishment of mans redemption, didst taste of [...]he vinegar and gall despightfully offered vnto thee, and diddest dy­ [...]ng vpon the Crosse, commend [...]hy spirit into the hands of thy [Page 150] heauenly Father: So doe I be­take my soule into thy mercifull hands, beseeching thee both to preserue it here from all sinne, and in the end to receiue it in peace into the company of thy chosen that are departed, that I may with them praise thee euerlast­ingly, which liuest and raignest with the Father and the holy Spi­rit, coequall and coeternall, one glorious, wonderfull, and immor­tall God, for euer and euer.

Amen Amen.

In the pangues of death, and in all tribu­lations, the Remedies to be learned in the sufferings of Christ.

VVHat's death? a seperation
of mortall body from our breath,
What's that? but a cessation,
from cares, and from a liuing death.
What's that cessation? Why, it is a sleepe,
by which we wholly are refreshed:
[Page 151] Yea but in sleepe, who shall vs keepe?
euen he that guards his owne redeemed.
But who made death? it was made by sinne,
and what is sinne? the lawes transgression:
Of that how should I vantage winne?
all sinne is weakened by confession.
But by death's dint, 'tis ouercome,
and whence came sinne? from hell beneath?
When was't first bred? in Mothers wombe:
when will it end? not till our death.
This seemeth strange, but this is true,
by nature sinne is hatch'd in vs,
Old Adams Rules, till God renue.
Why then I see the case stands thus.
As sinne goes in, so life goes out:
as sinne goes out, so life comes in:
So by the Lord 'tis brought about,
sinne conquers life, life conquers sinne.
Though life by sinne be still annoy'd.
and sinne of death by strength and sting:
Yet viprous sinne by death's destroy'd,
life killeth death, when death kills sinne,
The death of body, or of nature,
is that where to all subiect bee:
[Page 152] Cause sinne hath taintod euery creature,
according vnto Gods decree.
When bodies life doth [...]ade away,
and we giue vp our dying ghost:
And th [...] our corpes is clad in clay,
and vnto God our soul [...]s doth post:
It is ordained and decreed,
that all men by necessity,
Through that first Adams sinfull deede,
are subiect, made the death to dye.
To dye for sinne, 'tis due for sinne,
to aye in sinne a heauie case,
To dye to sinne is to beginne,
to leaue our sinne and liue to grace;
The death in sinne without repenting,
in affect, effect, and aspecting
In thinking, doing, and frequenting,
and offered grace of God reiecting.
I wretched wofull execrable,
haue plague of God, by sinne, for sinne,
Of miseries most miserable,
to them that liue and dye therein:
But he that dies, before he dies,
when he is dead, he is not dead,
[Page 153] But old age dies, and he shall rise,
with glory from the graue his bed.
And he that's toucht with conscience pricke,
whose sence of sinne is sharpe and quicke,
That man is sicke ere he is sicke,
and when he's sicke, he is not sicke.
I looke poore wretch on mine estate,
and others monish by mine harmes:
That was neere death but now of late,
by sinne enchanted by her charmes.
Had I not dyed, sure I had dide,
O happy Phaenix liuing death,
Still let my flesh be mortifide,
O let me breath a liuing breath.
Sweet Iesus thou didst dye for me,
and in thy death with thee I dide,
O liue in me, and I in thee
shall liue, and euermore abide.
And wormes meate thou, durt, clay & slime,
kill carnall lust thy soule to saue:
Quaile vild affections, whilst hast time,
that life through death, by grace maist haue:
Shake hands with sinnes and all offences,
and learne to dye, before thou dye.
[Page 154] When bidst adiew vnto thy sences,
then shalt thou liue eternally.

The cause of death.

The cause of death is wicked sinne,
for out of sinne, our death did flowe:
From thence did all our plagues begin
out of this tree, our ills did growe.
Hunger, fire, death, and all,
created were for punishment:
And layd on man for Adams fall,
and was the cause of our torment.
God said to Adam, Scripture saith,
what houre soeuer thou shalt eate,
Thou shalt be sure to dye the death;
doe thou not taste forbidden meate:
Through enuious malice of the deuill,
into the world came this estate:
Sinnes entered with all actions euill
by Adams fault, not by our Fate.
Two sorts of death, from death by sinne,
proceedes as effects from their cause:
The death of nature, doth begin,
and death of grace next by Gods lawes.
[Page 155] By which we are made slaues for euer
in darknesse, called death eternall:
From worme of conscience freed neuer,
depriu'd of all the ioyes supernall.
As by example euident,
two sorts of death approued well:
The glutton rich to hell was sent,
his body buried quick in hell.
And Lazarus poore beggar dead,
to Abrahams bosome carried is:
With Angels wings with glory spread,
where is true ioy, and comforts blisse:
The one hath heauen, the other hell,
the one hath blisse, the other bale:
The one in heauen still must dwell,
and the other deuils pull and hale.
He died with his conscience euill,
in death he sawe his wickednesse:
And his damnations with the deuill,
as holy Scriptures doe expresse,
This is the consolation great,
of them that in their death-beds lie,
Their mindes flie vp to the mercy seate,
and there for mercy lowdly crie:
By Christ which death abollished,
[Page 156] and sinne that's cleans'd by his blood:
Whose merits, pardon purchased
for all our sinnes, and death withstood.
To vs his goodnesse is imputed,
to him the sinnes that we committed:
And we for righteous are reputed,
and all our sinnes they are remitted:
For he alone by death hath bought vs
from power and paine, of deuill, of hell:
Beat Sathan downe with iron rod,
to place where damned spirits dwell.
Eternall death could not preuaile,
'gainst him, nor ouer him haue power:
Christ strengthned those whom sinne did quaile;
his might; the mighty did deuoure.
O're death, o're sinne and hideous hell,
he gaue vs life and victory:
To all those that keepe his precepts well,
and them enstalls in endlesse glory.
For as by Adam all men dyed,
for sinne and by iniquity:
In Christ shall all men be reuiu'd,
to liue with him eternally:
The godly and iust people haue
[Page 157] most comfort, though with paine and griefe:
They suffer death, and lye in graue,
and seeme forsaken saue reliefe.
They are sheepe which men ordaine,
to death and slaughter to be put:
As silly guiltlesse Lambes are slaine,
when Butchers knifes their threats doe cut:
For we which liue shall giuen be,
to death, for Jesus Christ his sake,
If they doe not dispaire in thee,
no feare of death can cause them quake.
But rest assured they shall passe,
through death to life eternally:
Who aske for mercy and for grace,
and vnto God for Faith doe cry.
They suffer both his hand and rod,
and when he strikes, are patieut:
They put their hope, and trust in God,
who comforts them with hearts content.
Their death is good and of great price,
they also know through Christ his passion:
Death's ouercome in wonderous wise,
and so receiue they consolation.
If any touch'd in latest paines
[Page 158] of dire full death this faith holds fast,
In midst of death his li [...]t attaines,
and shall haue lasting life at last:
The Christians surely doe beleeue,
that when they seeme to be most dead,
That then they most of all doe liue,
and so with ioy lift vp their head,
Christ calls the death of godly men
a sleepe, his owne a death, and why?
The souldiers speare was made a pen,
his blood the Inke to write thereby
Quietus est, for-Christians all,
and then the same to vs was sealed:
A sleepe he iustly may it call,
cause by his stripes our wounds were healed.
His was a death, cause death was due,
in him di'd all, he died for all:
Gods Iustice vs to death doth sue,
he pay'd it, and repair'd the fall,
That we might sleepe, he suffered paines,
that we might laugh he oft did weepe:
His was the losse, ours was the gaines,
thus did he change death to a sleepe.
To Christ did Stephen yeeld vp his spirit,
for he's the way, the truth, the life:
He purchast life by death and merit:
the husband's he, the Church his wife:
He is that Noah, his Church the Doue,
that holds his hand for to receiue vs;
He bids vs come to embrace his Loue,
we flye to him when all deceiues vs.
The heauens, the earth, the Lord commands,
to him all creatures runne but wee:
None can vs take out of his hands,
in life and death to him we flee.
Pillar of faith: Basis of blisse,
of true Religion, true supporter,
The point of Resurrection is,
in death it is the chiefe Comforter,
If this doe fall, all faith may faile,
what Article doth vs refresh:
When life, and health, and strength doth quaile,
the Resurrection of the flesh.
Our bones shall blossome as the grasse,
we shall be raised out of dust:
The body that before time was,
by Christ his power arise it must:
The first fruits Christ the head is rais'd,
[Page 160] the members shall the same likewise:
The Lord God for the same be prais'd,
we know that we shall also rise.
If he ad aboue the water be,
how can the body then be drowned,
We shall arise, and Iesus see,
and with him shall be Kingly crowned.
Of life and death the true directour,
who in his life and in his dying,
Of our misdoing is Correctour,
and into all our actions prying.
Christ is afflicted for our sake,
left vs example that we should
Follow his steps, and his way take,
thy crosse to beare with courage bold.
Our Sauiour Iesus teacheth thee,
how can that be (say'st thou) behold
Example, if thou punish'd be,
with sicknesse, hunger, thirst and cold:
With thy selfe reckon and account,
how it cannot compared be
With his thornes, his nayles surmount,
the greatest paine that paineth thee.
Art thou restrain'd of thy desire,
and lusts that draw thou know'st not whither:
Thinke on Christs Crosse, his wrath and ire,
and put his tortures all together.
If pride puffe vp thy minde with motions,
looke on Christ nayl'd on the Crosse:
And thinke as bound by due deuotions,
of our great gaine, by his great losse.
If thou in filthy lust doest burne,
or any other ill desire:
Thinke but how Christ his flesh was torne,
to saue thy soule from flames of fire.
With stripes thrust through, and all to broken
his drinke was Eysell mixt with gall,
With his last gaspe, the earth was shaken,
who suffered for the sinnes of all.
If enuie, hate, reuenge thee grieue,
thinke with thy selfe how Christ did pray:
O Father, doe them all forgiue,
for them that tooke his life away.
God vs commanded to forgiue,
and sayeth then we shall be forgiuen:
Without offence no man can liue,
and God his ballance hangeth euen.
He [...]hat doth not forgiue his brother,
[Page 162] will then the Lord his faults remit:
No, as he de [...]h with another,
another shall repay, 'tis sit.
And when you kneele to God, and pray,
forgiue, if you haue any thing
Gainst any liuing man that day,
that Christ may you remission bring:
And when thy gift thou do'st present,
and on the Altar sacrifice:
First with thy brother make consent,
and him forgiue in any wise,
When thou to Christ wast enemie,
and strengthened in great extreames:
Yet then did he giue remedie,
and o're thee spread his mercy beames:
He gaue to thee his holy spirit,
to guide and leade thy soule aright:
And gaue thee heauen there to inherit,
all ioyes and blisse aye in his sight.
When thou from him was gone astray,
be sought thee out, and did thee finde,
And finding thee, brought thee away,
vnto his fold he thee resignde:
Thanke God therefore, and render praise,
[Page 163] exalt and laude his holy name:
Vnto the heauens sing alwayes:
All men on earth doe yee the same.
Henceforth my soule walke in his path,
and erre not from him any more:
Lest thou prouoke his heauy wrath,
and then art worse then wert before.
Let not Gods gifts be giuen thee,
to worke thy condemnation:
With feare and trembling walke sincere,
confirming thy Saluation.
Shunne thou all wicked Company,
with doers ill associate not:
Lest thou from faith should'st fall and [...],
and soule and body soile and spot.
But blesse his name who called thee,
vnto the state of righteousnesse,
And thy sinnes vengeance tane hath he,
to giue thee heauens happinesse.
Blesse thou his blessed Holinesse,
his praise let heart and minde record:
And let thy tongue and voyce confesse,
the gracious goodnesse of the Lord,
Prostrate thy selfe downe at his feete,
[Page 164] offer thy seruice with free heart:
O yeeld God all, for 'tis most meete,
since he made, sau'd, and blest each part.
Who spared not his onely Sonne,
but let him dye thy soule to saue:
To pay and ransome thy faults done,
and to redeeme thee from the graue:
So in the Prayer of our Lord,
we doe forgiue what's done against vs:
As God forgiuenesse shall afford,
our Sauiour Christ doth teach vs thus.

A Prayer to beare patiently the Crosse of Christ or any afflicti­on: And if God so please to call vs to that triall, euen to reioyce in Martyrdome.

O Almighty God, most mer­cifull and louing Father, that hast decrced, that through mani­fold tribulations and afflictions in this world, we that trust in thee, must enter into the Kingdome of [Page 165] heauen. And those that will fol­low thee my Sauiour, and be thy Disciples, must take vpon them by the constraint of the world, as Simon of Cyrene to beare thy Crosse, and to follow thee, and those that liue godly in thy Son, must suffer reproach and afflicti­on. And that there is neuer a Son whom thou louest, but must like Peter drinke of thy Cup, and en­dure chastening. And in so do­ing, thou offerest thy selfe an as­sured louing Father, and assurest vs that wee are thy sonnes: be­cause it is giuen vs, not onely to beleeue in thee, but also that wee should suffer for his names sake. O Lord, I am willing not onely to liue with thee, but also to dye with thee. My Spirit is willing, though my flesh bee weake. Wherefore if it bee possible, let this bitter Cup passe from me, or if thou please, and hast appointed, that I by death should glorifie thee, and with my blood seale [Page 166] and confirme thy truth: sweet Ie­sus giue mee strength, comfort, and patience, blessed be thy name, and thy most holy will be done.

O Lord manifest thy power in my weakenesse, and strengthen me, that I may by the same pow­er, whereby thou raisest thy selfe from death to life, patiently beare, and willingly suffer that for thy name sake, which otherwise for flesh and blood seemeth feare­full to be endured: O Lord, when I consider the hazards that wee runne through, for the obtaining of these present profits, and de­lights of this life, and with what vnwearied paines wee prosecute the winning of this worlds vani­ties, that in the end are nothing worth, but to pamper the body, and make it vpon euery slight oc­casion most willing to deny thee. O Lord, when I consider the plea­sure of this world, and the abun­dance of content I haue in this life, wanting nothing for my bo­die. [Page 167] Oh what a Coward doth it make mee, that with the young man, that was most ready to fol­low thee; yet when thou biddest him sell all his worldly riches, and follow thee, (O simple man) hee neuer came at thee more: So me thinkes I feele Sathan to say vnto me; What a foole art thou to leaue father, or m [...]ther, wife, and children, houses, lands, & goo [...]s, a certainty for an vncertainty to follow thee. O Lord, how am I tempted by the Papists, the Ene­mies of the Gospell, to think this way foolishnesse, a Sect and here­sie lately risen, and seperated from the Church, meaning themselues. Oh how they doe tempt mee by the examples of my [...]ore-fathers, that for many gen [...]rations, time out of minde, haue liued and died in the Romish Religion, and why should I thinke my selfe wiser then they.

O heauenly Father, see and be­hold these subtill instruments of [Page 168] Sathan, and keepe me that these crafty baytes of Sathan arising from the flesh and the world, pre­uaile not ouer me, (that like Peter in the water) or the young man I let goe my true faith, not to be­leeue in lyes and errours, and so finally forsake thee, who hath so dearely loued me, and bought me. But O God my Sauiour, streng­then my faith that I be not mo­ued, to let goe my first loue, with which I haue been so much com­forted in thee. O strengthen me, that neither Sathan by himselfe, nor by his Antichristian Instru­ments, which hee ruleth at his pleasure, preuaile against me, ei­ther to doubt of my faith, much lesse to denie thee my Lord and Sauiour, but as thou for my sake, didst not contemne nor despise the reproach of the wicked, nor yet the cursed death of the Cross: but for the ioy that was set be­fore thee, and which thou hadst with the Father before the world [Page 169] was, endured the same, and though thou wert reuiled, yet thou reuilest not againe, but with infinite patience committed thy cause to thy Father: So, O Lord, graunt that by my faith in thy power, I may bee no lesse assured of patience, in the greatest tor­ment, that shall be inflicted vpon my body. For I know that al­though they kill my body, yet they cannot touch my soule, but that it shall liue with thee for euer. And in despight of their malice, while they thinke to de­stroy my soule with death, they shall extract my spirit into glori­ous life, with God the Father, and his Christ for euermore. Sweet Sauiour, as Sampson in his death triumphed most gloriously ouer his enemies: so graunt to me that they seeing my patience, and be­holding my vnmoueable hope, may be so ashamed, and in their conscience so affrighted (that they may like Saul, at the death [Page 170] of Stephen) be conuerted, and af­ter their change of minde, mag­nifie as most pretious the death of thy Saints, and by preaching the truth, strengthen the bre­thren, and stand fast in the Faith vnto the end. O Lord strengthen mee, that I may not faint vnder the crosse, because thou hast ap­pointed vs thereunto, that in thy crosse, wee should be more then conquerours, and by his example, whose steps we should onely fol­low, account our selues most hap­py, that thou wilt call vs, and grace vs, to lay downe our liues for his name sake, as thou hast layd downe thy life for our sakes. O God, if the righteous scarcely be saued, (as it seemeth vnto the world, through these bitter tor­ments, with which wee are to be scourged, and made cleane vessels to serue thee in thy Kingdome) where shall the wicked and sin­ners, which regard not thy crosse, appeare? O Lord, being confi­dent [Page 171] of thy mercy, in the merits of thy Sonne, doe I submit my selfe in soule and body, to doe ser­uice and sacrifice vnto thee, as vn­to a faithfull Creatour, knowing that a crowne of glory remaineth for mee. Father, into thy hands doe I commend my spirit, Lord Jesus after death receiue my soule, as thou hast all those braue champions, that were slaine with the sword, that wandered about in Sheepe-skins, and Goat-skins, and thought it better to liue with beasts in woods and dennes to en­ioy thee, then to liue among men, Gentiles, and Antichristians, and denie thee, being destitute, affli­cted, and tormented, wandering in Desarts, mountaines, and dens, and holes of the earth, to auoyde the beastly and cruell enemies of thy word.

O Lord, as thou hast made thy wrath smoke against the Hea­thens, the Assirians, the Egypti­ans, the Moabites, the Ammo­nites, [Page 172] that first trampled vnder foote the blood of thy Saints, by labouring an vtter consuming of them: So, O Lord, either graunt the conuersion, or else let thine indignation appeare in these our dayes, against the Turkes, He­retikes, Athiests, and all Anti­christian enemies, that like Herod and Iulian, obstinately persecute and scorne thy name.

And this, though a most vn­worthy Suppliant, I beseech thee to graunt, and that for the ho­nour of thy great name, in which thy true Church doth onely trust.

Amen. Amen.

A thanksgiuing for Gods temporall and spirituall blessings.

O Most bountifull and kinde Creatour, vnto thee in Christ Iesus doe I come, and re­turne most humble and heartie thankes, not onely for the gene­rall [Page 173] goodnesse, which thou hast extended vnto all mankinde, but for that especiall part, which thou hadst diuided vnto mee in more speciall manner. O Lord, I giue thee most humble thankes and praise, for that portion of thy blessings, set forth vnto mee to my present vse and comfort in this life: as for thy daily preser­uations of mee, not onely in the wombe of my parents: but for my safety in my birth, that I was not mishapen in breeding, nor in comming forth into this world, and that after my birth, in the time of my swadling bands, in­fancie, childhood, and youth, no mishap, nor mishape befell me, to the defacing of that perfect shape, in which at first thou broughtest me forth. O Lord, how many children and youth, haue beene maymed at nurse, and through the carelesnesse of those vnto whom they haue beene committed vnto trust, how many haue fallen into [Page 174] the fire, and beene burned no [...] onely in some part, but in th [...] whole body vnto death, and by other chances, whereof thi [...] world is full, as drowned, bruised broken in the body, armes, backe legges, thighes, feet, in the eyes nose, and face.

O Lord, how innumerable ar [...] the perils and dangers of this life vnto which euery man is subiect and doth continually run throug [...] in euery state and degree of thi [...] present age and life, and yet re ceiue no dammage. O Lord, fo [...] these deliuerances from dangers through which I haue passed an [...] receiued no hurt, and for whic [...] I haue neuer giuen thee thanks, [...] now returne humble and hearty thanks. O Lord, diddest thou no wonderfully in this life, protec [...] vs of thy selfe, and with thy holy Angels, it were not possible, fo [...] any man to liue one day in health or life. O God, I thanke thee fo [...] the continuall blessings which [...] [Page 175] haue receiued euery day & night of this present life, and for thy li­berality in giuing me such plenty of foode and rayment, not onely for my necessity, but for my plen­teous and free liuing, not onely in health, but in sicknesse: And I thanke thee that thou hast giuen me such plenty, that I may be able to lend, and do good vnto others, and that thou hast made my Cup to ouerflowe, and hast giuen mee discretion to vse them soberly, thankfully, and honestly, and that thou hast giuen me a heart, to take my part of them, and kept mee from prodigall, vaine, and wast­full spending of them: so that my family haue not wanted in due season, that portion that hath bin fit for them to haue, and mee to giue them. O Lord I thank thee, that since I came to mans estate, thou hast kept me from vaine and idle courses of liuing, and that I haue not diminished thy bles­sings, but encreased them; for it [Page 176] is thou, O Lord, that giuest meanes and power, not onely to keepe the patrimony of our Fa­thers, but to encrease it. Yea, it is thou that giuest power vnto our hands, to get goods, thou ma­kest wise, thou makest simple, thou makest rich and poore, thou makest noble and ignoble, wee liue, moue, and haue our Being all in thee, and from thee, and what soeuer we are in this life, wee are at thy will and pleasure, and thine especiall appointment: for though we rise early, and goe to bed late, yet without thy blessing wee la­bour in vaine, and haue but paine and sorrow the reward of our de­sires. Wherefore (O Lord) I thanke thee againe and againe for thine vnspeakeable loue which thou hast manifested vnto mee, not onely in blessing mee with an honest vocation and meanes, in this world to liue, and maintaine my charge, at home and abroad, in honest profits and recreations, [Page 177] whereby thou hast made my life pleasant, and comfortable vnto me: but aboue all, I thanke thee for thy mercy in Christ Iesus, wherewith thou louest mee both before, and since my being, and that thou hast so especially cared for my soule, while I knew thee not, neither cared for to know thee; for I was so dead and hard­ned in the custome of sinning, so that I could not, nor did care to call vpon thee, but followed the concupiscence of my owne car­nall and fleshly desires, sauouring nothing, but that which did alto­gether offend and displease thee, hating thy word not onely in it selfe: but also the Ministers thereof, and professours thereof, because of it whom otherwise I should haue loued: vntill it plea­sed thee, by the power thereof, to illuminate my blinde vnder­standing, and made mee to see the wretchednesse wherein I lay, for want of thy grace. O Lord, such [Page 178] was and is thy loue, that when with the sight of my wretched­nesse, I began to dispaire, thou didst reueale thy Sonne vnto me, and promised mee, that though my sinnes were as red as scarlet, yet if I did beleeue in thy promi­ses, confesse my sinnes and for­sake them, they should bee for­giuen: which I did, and euer since through thy grace haue done, and will doe: hereby hast thou iustified mee, and sanctified me, and giuen me an assured hope of my glorification. And thus of the member of Sathan, hast thou made mee, of thine owne free a­doption, a member of Christ.

Wherefore (most louing Crea­tour) support mee, by the assi­stance of thy holy spirit, that I may stand fast, and perseuere in these Graces and gifts of grace, the seales of my adoption, vnto my liues end: And may abound in all fruits of righteousnesse, sancti­fication, and holinesse, vnto a per­fect [Page 179] man in Christ Iesus. This is that mercy of mercies, surpassing all others, which onely maketh mee happy, in whatsoeuer out­ward wants, or condition I shall be in this life, and though thou gauest mee all my desire, which this world can afford, yet with­out it I should still remaine most miserable, though in neuer so great an estate, or esteeme of the men of this world.

Therefore for this blessing, whereby thou hast pleased to saue me by faith and repentance, I doe praise and thanke thee, not with the tongue and lippes onely, but with the whole man. Let all that is within mee praise, praise thee; O Lord, while I haue breath, I will praise thee, for thou onely art worthy to bee praised: yea, my soule praise thou the Lord: To thee most glorious Trinity, be giuen all possible praise, might, and maiestie, in heauen and in earth, by thine elect Angels, and [Page 180] vs men, in our bodies and spirits for euermore,

Amen. Amen.

This Meditation inciteth vs to repaire vnto God, in Prayers, in silent sighes, and in inward desires and groanes.

O Father, full of knowledge deepe,
thou searchest secrets of the heart,
Behold'st desires wee priuate keepe,
with hidden silence in the darke.
But yet thou doest thus much require,
thy children should knowe and confesse
Thee for to be their light some fire,
that iudg'st their workes in righteousnesse.
As thou hast fram'd in man a heart,
wherewith his Maker to beleeue:
A tongue, and lips, and euery part,
wherewith he glory may thee giue,
And thou doest challenge at his hands,
free sacrifice of thankes and praise:
And honours due throughout all lands,
that all men canst deiect and raise.
Thy children must not in their minde
be dumbe, nor in their tongues be mute:
When they should seeke thine helpe to finde,
and by petition shew their suite.
Thy Sonne doth bid me aske and haue,
and finde to seeke, to knocke, to enter:
What they doe want, that they may craue,
by faith in him they may aduenture.
Thou still art ready to be found,
and helpe thine owne in their distresse:
That in their faith are constant found,
and patient in their heauinesse.
Therefore, deere Father, I beset,
with many miseries distrest:
Come vnto thee thine ayde to get,
and after trouble to finde rest,
And haue thy grace without, within:
but I that am of sinners chiefe,
Because thou hat'st in me my sinne,
may doubt thou wilt not giue reliefe.
Alas poore wretch, what shall I doe?
to aske I am so farre vnfit,
Vnapt my God to seeke vnto,
vnworthy to haue benefit.
Of what I craue or doe desire,
and yet to cry I will not linne:
Thy mercies great I will admire,
and craue to cure my wofull sinne.
O let thy spirit me sanctifie,
vntye my tongue, open my lips:
I cannot silence keepe, for why,
my conscience euery houre me whips.
My miseries growe more and more,
within my bones I finde no rest;
Thy grace anew to me restore,
and let me speake what likes thee best.
Let thine eares euer be enclinde,
to my extreame and dolefull cries;
Let me thy mercies ready finde,
to take my teares from weeping eyes.
Thou euermore doest heare the cries,
of all that feare thy holy name.
And comfort'st them with thy mercies,
that trust in thee and begge the same.
Their soules thou doest from death defend,
and chear'st their hearts in time of neede:
To me therefore thy comforts send,
and giue thy helpe with louing speede.
Thy seruants cannot hold their tongue,
[Page 183] though oft they muse and cannot see.
Why their afflictions last so long,
and they for mercy cry to thee:
Till at the length the fire of zeale,
doth kindle then, it out must breake:
Tongue cannot hold, but must reueale
their groanes, & griefes, & needs must speake.
To shew their hope which like to fire,
none can suppresse when they beleeue.
'Twill pierce the clouds, to thee aspire,
yet thou doest seeme no helpe to giue.
At last thy goodnesse doth appeare,
and thou embracest him with ioy:
Time of deliuerance draweth neere,
and thou Lord freedst vs from annoy.
Good God, how commeth this to passe,
that I so long haue sought to thee,
And thou still seem'dst to hide thy face,
and keep'st thy graces still from me.
How long haue I vnto thee pray'd,
and thou seem'st not to giue me eare.
This makes mine heart and thoughts afrai'd,
ready to faint with deepe despaire
I ready was for to surcease,
the suit which I so long haue sought:
[Page 184] Made vnto thee for to appease
thy wrath by Christ that hath me bought.
O Lord my God thy promises,
and louing kindnesse onely feede:
And comfort'st me in heauinesse,
with neuer dying hope in neede.
I know expected time will come,
when thou for getting all my sinne,
Wilt see my sorrowes all and some,
and free the bondage I am in.
Thou art my God, thy helpe is at hand,
thou art a Father, thou know'st when
To giue the State, doest vnderstand
of richest Kings, and poorest men.
The things most fit thou do'st be stowe,
and helpest when all helpe is missing.
Those could not creepe thou mak'st to goe,
and powrest downe on them thy blessing.
Therefore O God all sufficient,
repleate with merey, full of loue,
I doe not presse to know the intent,
but pray thee doe what mercy moue.
To say come now, or then, doe this,
for the time, where, when, what, and how:
[Page 185] What thou doest ayme, my marke may misse,
me to thy prouidence I bowe.
Yet be not ouer long away,
for thou doest know my feeblenesse:
Thou seest my troubles day by day,
bow'd downe to extreame wretchednesse.
Without hope of recouerie
I fall: alas what shall I doe!
There is no trust, but trust in thee,
for helpe and ayde, and succour to.
I know by proofe that thou art bent,
to heare poore sinfull wretched men
When they are truly penitent,
and when they pray deliuer'st then.
From troubles, strife, and all debate:
from sicknesse, death, and deadly paine:
From enuie, malice, sinne, and hate,
the contrite heart thou'lt not disdaine:
But who is righteous in thy sight,
or in thy Judgements cleane are seene:
Angels before thee are not bright,
much lesse we wretches righteous beene:
But all are sinners, all transgresse,
our elder Fathers were impure:
All haue offended more or lesse,
yet was thy promise firme and sure.
And did obtaine mercy and grace,
reliefe, hope, strength, saluation:
They sawe the brightnesse of thy face,
thou gauest them consolation.
Our Fathers, Lord, were comforted,
strengthened, relieu'd, and blest
Onely by grace, and iustified,
as righteous men in Iesus Christ.
Impute not sinne vnto my charge,
not for my merit and desert.
But for thy Sonne my soule enlarge,
and giue to me a spotlesse heart.
Thou Lord, full of compassion,
and in thy mercies infinite,
Beare with my imperfections,
and let me in thy lawes delight:
Couer my sinnes, as righteous take me,
and righteous shall I euer be:
That righteous am not, righteous make me,
in Christ, O Lord, consider me.
O Lord, what can it profit thee,
me to for sake or leaue in thrall,
As though thou didst disualue me,
my daily cries, and offerings all.
My troubles yet continue still,
[Page 187] I seeke thee, and am yet denied:
Of earthly blessings doe thy will,
thy name be alwayes glorified.
Wretch that I am what end shall be
I still complaine, I sigh, and crie;
I crie, and call, yet hear'st not me,
I still will seeke thee till I die.
Thou mayest be found be as thou wilt,
into thy hands I me commend:
Thou full of mercy, I of guilt,
in faith and hope doe still attend.

A Prayer for the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper.

OMost louing Sauiour, how great and wonderfull is thy loue to thy Church, that before thou didst leaue this world in thy humanity, didst not onely send vp loud cries and teares vnto thy Father (for them which did, and which after thy departure, should beleeue in thee) but didst also or­daine a perpetuall commemora­tion of thy death and passion, [Page 188] through the institution of the Sa­cramentall signes of Bread and Wine, at the last Supper of the Passeouer, in the same night thou wast betrayed, charging, in thy Apostles, thy whole Church vnto the worlds end, to doe it in re­membrance of thee, assuring vs that as often as wee did eate that bread, and drinke that wine, ac­cording to thy appointment, that thereby wee should shew thy death vntill thou didst come, and so keepe a perpetuall remem­brance of thee, not onely in our hearts, but in our eyes, as if wee sawe thee crucified vpon the Crosse.

O Lord, examining my selfe, of my faith, my repentance, and loue, I finde that my faith is weake, my repentance slacke and dull, and my loue colde, or but luke-warme; so that of my selfe (O most mercifull Lord) I durst not presume to come vnto thy table: but O Lord, for this I iudge [Page 189] my selfe, that I may not be iudged of thee, the worst and vnwor­thiest of all those that come vnto thy table: For vnto this present, through the multitude of my sinnes, with which I am laden, I haue (like Iudas) done nothing but betrayed thee, and pricke thy head, and pierced thy side more cruelly, then the thorns or speare wherewith thou wast crowned and pearced, and so in as much as in mee lieth, I am guilty of the blood shedding, and death of my Lord.

But (most heauenly Father) as the Israelites stung with the fiery Serpents, looked vnto the Ser­pent, Moses set vp: so, O Lord, smarting in soule with the an­guish of my sinnes, by which I am continually guiltie of thy death, and so againe (like Iudas) worthy of eternall death, much more violently to be inflicted af­ter the taking of the sop. Yet doe I looke vnto thy Crosse, on which [Page 190] thou sufferest for me, humbly be­seeching thee, for that obedience by which thou hast satisfied Gods wrath and iustice, to doe away my sinnes (as Dauids after his adultery and murther) that I may become a worthy partaker of the body & blood of my Lord, and the Sacramentall Bread and Wine, after which I haue so ear­nestly thirsted, may not (like the Israelites Quailes, sticking in their teeth) become neither my bodily nor spirituall death, nor (like the vnworthy Corinthians) for my carelesse and negligent re­ceiuing by the suddaine hand of sicknesse, be struck vnto death, but as the faithfull Iewes in their constant and conscionable celebra­tion of their feast of Passeouer by them kept, a perpetuall remem­brance of their Egyptian deliue­rrnce from Pharaohs bondage, were exceedingly edified, & con­firmed in the promises of thy loue, that thou wouldest be their [Page 191] God, and they should be thy peo­ple, which they sawe fulfilled in their Fathers, and still continued vnto themselues, through the hope of the Messiah, by whom they expected their greatest safe­ty and deliuerance. Graunt vnto mee, O heauenly Father, that as the Minister of thy Word and Sacraments, setteth a part the Bread and Wine, so I may re­member the eternall loue, by which in the beginning thou did­dest set a part thy Sonne, through faith in him to be my saluation, promising that whosoeuer belee­ueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. And as I see the Wine powred out, and the Bread broken: so I may re­member thy patient enduring the breaking of thy body, and shed­ding of thy blood, whereby thou hast payed the price, and satisfied the punishment that was due vn­to me, and as the Bread & Wine doe presently comfort and refresh [Page 192] my body: so most sweet Sauiour, let me feele my soule so comfor­ted and edified this day, and so of­ten as I shall thinke of thee, and thy mercies hereby promised and assured; yea, graunt that being made one with thee by spirituall vnion, I may liue in thee, and thou in me, in the encrease of a godly life, to the honour of thee my Sa­uiour. To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost, be giuen by me and all thine, both present and eternall praise.

Amen. Amen.

Another godly Meditation before the receiuing of the holy Communion.

O Almighty God and merci­full Father, I am a secret sin­ner, and my heart is a bottomlesse pit of all corruptions: wilfully and foolishly; ignorantly and ob­stinately haue I sinned against thee, vnto whose eye all the se­crets [Page 193] of my soule lye open, but now I come vnto thee as the sick man vnto the Physitian, as an vn­cleane man vnto the Well of mer­cy and grace, offered in the pre­tious blood-shedding of Iesus Christ, and represented to my soule in this blessed Sacrament. Haue mercy vpon mee (O Lord) haue mercy vpon mee, and for­giue mee all the euills that I am guilty of. Giue mee grace that I may discerne the Lords body, and so receiue it in this Sacrament, with such chastity of body, hum­blenesse of minde, thankfulnesse of soule, hearty contrition, dread and reuerence, as is meete for such a mysterie.

O Lord Iesus, it is truly said of thee, that thou didst receiue sin­ners, and eate with them, and I verily beleeue that thou art the same still, full of goodnesse and mercy: wherefore I beseech thee leaue me not to my selfe, re­iect me not from thy Table, come [Page 194] into my heart, and purge me from all filthinesse of the flesh and of the spirit. Enter into my soule, seale and sanctifie me, both with­in and without.

Inflame me with loue and cha­rity towards all men, to forgiue and forget: to doe good, to pray for them, that I may follow the steps of my blessed Sauiour. Open the eyes of my vnderstanding, and helpe mee to examine my selfe, concerning my knowledge, faith, and repentance. Send mee the hunger and thirst after this righ­teousnesse: satisfie me with this heauenly foode, make mee verily partaker of all the benefits of his Passion. Oh deare Lord Iesus, since thou hast suffered so many things for my sake, and hast com­manded mee not to dispaire, nor distrust thy goodnesse, graunt me grace to eate of this bread, and to drinke of this Cup worthily, that I may continually remaine in thy grace and fauour. O Lord God [Page 195] the Father, giue mee the full con­solation of this mysterie and com­memoration, that my faith may be encreased, my hope confirmed, my charity enflamed, my weake conscience comforted, all dangers repelled, and my soule assured of her saluation in the blood of Christ, let no profanenesse enter into my heart, so long as I am about this holy action; but giue mee grace to receiue with purity of heart, and cleanenesse of soule, with loue, dread, and stedfast faith; haue mercy vpon me good Lord, that by vnworthy recei­uing, I be not guilty of his preti­ous body and blood, who came downe from heauen, liued with men, and swamme through a red sea of blood in his agony and pas­sion to bee my Redeemer. Haue mercy vpon the whole Church, and to this purpose, haue mercy vpon this place, and this compa­nie, that they may serue and please thee in this holy seruice, [Page 196] and all other actions of their life. O Lord, be not angry with mee a barren and dry tree, a creature with a face of brasse, and heart of flint: I haue not so many teares as are sufficient to wash thy feete with Mary Magdalen: but thou hast shed as much of thine owne blood, as surficeth to wash away all the sinnes of mee, and all the world: then be not angry with mee, O Lord: but let thy grace supply my wants: let thy mercy pardon my sinnes: let thy holy spirit prepare my soule, thy me­rits enrich my pouerty, and thy most pretious blood wash away all the spots of my life, that I may worthily receiue this heauenly Sacrament: so that I may bee strengthened thereby, & through­ly filled with the heauenly foode of thy body and blood: for the mortification of the old man, the confirmation of my faith, and the finall saluation of my soule. O Lord heare my prayers, & graunt [Page 197] my requests I beseech thee.


Godly Meditations vpon the loue and mercy of God in bestowing (toge­ther with his Sonne) these holy Mysteries vpon vs: the comme­moration whereof may moue vs to an awefull reuerence in the parti­cipation of the same.

O Father of mercy, and God of all consolation, seeing all creatures doe confesse thee to bee their Gouernour and Lord, it be­commeth vs the workmanship of thine owne hands, to reuerence and magnifie thy godly Maiestie. First for that thou hast created vs to thine owne image and simili­tude: but chiefely because thou [...]ast deliuered vs from that euer­lasting death and damnation, into which Sathan drew mankinde by the meanes of sinne, from the [...]ondage whereof, neither man, [Page 198] nor Angell, was able to make vs free. But thou, O Lord, rich in mercy, and infinite in goodnesse, hast prouided our redemption to stand in thine onely and welbele­ued Sonne, whom of very loue thou didst giue to bee made man (perfect in all things, freely ex­empted and excepted from sinne) that in his body he might receiue the punishment of our transgres­sion, by his death to make satis­faction to thy Iustice, and by his resurrection, to destroy him that was the Author of death, and so bring againe life vnto the world from which the whole off-spring of Adam was most iustly exiled.

O Lord, we acknowledge that no creature was able to compre­hend the length and breadth, the deepenesse and height, of that thy most excellent loue, which mo­ued thee to shew mercy where none was deserued: to promise and giue life, where death had gotten victory: to receiue vs in­to [Page 199] thy grace when wee could doe not hing but rebell against thy ma­iestie. O Lord, the blinde dul­nesse of our corrupt nature, will not suffer vs sufficiently to weigh these thy most ample benefits: Yet neuerthelesse, at the com­mandement of Iesus Christ our Lord, wee present our selues to this his Table, which hee hath left to be vsed in remembrance of his death, vntill his comming a­gaine, to declare and witnesse be­fore the world, that by him alone we haue receiued liberty and life: [...]hat by him alone thou doest ac­knowledge vs to be thy children and heires: that by him alone we haue entrance to the Throne of thy grace; that by him alone wee are possessed in our spirituall Kingdome, to eate and drinke at his Table, with whom wee haue our conuersation presently in hea­uen, and by whom our bodies shall be raised vp ag [...]ine from the dust, and shall be placed with him [Page 200] in that endlesse ioy, which thou O Father of mercy hast prepared for thine Elect, before the foun­dation of the world was layd.

And these most inestimable be­nefits wee acknowledge and con­fesse to haue receiued of thy free mercy and grace, by thine onely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ: for th [...] which we therefore thy con­gregation, mooued by thy ho­ly Spirit, render vnto thee all thanks, praise, and glory for euer.

What tongue, or what heart, can worthily giue thee thankes, O Lord Iesu, for thine vnspeake [...] able loue towards vs? who to th [...] intent to redeeme mankinde for­l [...]rne, didst vouchsafe to become man, and to take all the miseries of our estates vpon thee, inso­much that in the end, thou being a pure and vnspotted Lambe, wast contented to bee made a sacrifice for vs vpon the Altar of the Crosse, and to abide the punish­ment due for our sinnes, that thou [Page 201] mightest reconcile vs to thy Fa­ther, yea and both in life and death thou didst spend, giue, and bestow thy selfe wholy vpon vs, and for vs. And thy gracious goodnesse was not so contented, but also lest we might at any time perchance forget so great a bene­fit, or at least our trust in thee might at any time quaile, euen now raigning in heauen, thou re­freshest our soules from time to time with the foode of thy body, and chearest them vp with the holy Cup of thy blood.

Wherefore I beseech thee, let thy spirit cleanse my heart, that I may not come vnworthily to that heauenly feast, and to the ta­ble, whereat euen the very An­gels doe tremble: but that by thy shedding thy selfe into my b [...] ­wels, I may growe manly in thee, and become the liuelier by spiri­tuall encreasements, so as I may continue vnto the end, in the bles­sed fellowship of thy mysticall [Page 202] body, whom it is thy will to haue all one with thee, in such wise as thou art all one with the Father, by the knitting of the ho­ly Ghost, to whom be praise and thanks for euermore. Amen.

I yeeld thee hearty thankes, O Lord Iesus Christ, for thine vn­utterable loue, in vouchsafing to redeeme mankinde by thine own death: And I beseech thee suffer not thy most holy blood to haue beene shed in vaine for mee, but that I growing vp in thee by continuall encrease of heauenly strength, may become a fit mem­ber of thy mysticall body, which is the Church, and neuer swarne from that most holy couenant, which thou madest with thy cho­sen Disciples in thy last Supper, by distributing the bread vnto them, and by reaching them the Cup: and by them to all those that by a liuely faith apprehend the merits of thy most pretious death and passion.

[Page 203] My Lord Iesus Christ, what am I that thou shouldest vouch­safe to come vnder my roofe? Can a sinfull man deserue such grace? O Lord my God, I am certainly altogether vnworthy. Am I better then all my Fathers were, thou wouldest not shew thy selfe to Moses one twinkling of an eye, and how happeneth it that thou humblest thy selfe so much, as to come to a man that is both a Publican and a sinner? And thou vouchsafest not onely to eate with him, but also to giue thy selfe to be eaten of him.

Haile O bread of life, which cammest downe from heauen, and which giuest life to as many as receiue thee worthily. Surely whosoeuer receiueth thee w [...]r­thily, although his soule be seue­red from his body by temporall death, yet shal he not die for euer, because that the separation is not a death, but a passing from death to life: by reason whereof, hee that [Page 204] eateth thee worthyly, beginneth to liue with thee for euer when he dieth in this world: thou art the bread of the Angels: the very sight of thee doth solace and glo­rifie the Angels: thou art the food of the soule, the glory of heauen, the solace of all Angels & Saints. (O most holy food) by the eating whereof by a liuely faith, is set free from all euill, is filled with all goodnesse, and is vndoubtedly made immortall, O sacred foode of our pilgrimage, by the strength whereof wee passe out of this naughty world, to the glorious company in heauen. Goe on ther­fore, O beleeuing and faithfull soule, be merry, and reioyce in God thy Sauiour: take thy fill of this feast wherein the body of thy Sauiour is set before thee to feede on: man fell from God by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, but by this foode hee is redeemed againe to endlesse glory.

These [...]achrymae following, containe god­ly and de [...]out Prayers for constan­c [...]e in aff [...]ictions, and to beare malicious slanders pa­ti [...]tly.

O Lord how doe my woes encrease,
how many are my miseries:
My troubles rise and neuer cease,
men iudge thou wilt not heare my cries:
They say thou wilt me quite forsake,
that there's no helpe for me in thee:
But (Lord) they are but such that make
their censure with a carnall eye.
And doe not spiritually discerne,
thy secret purpose and intents:
Correcting them whom thou wouldst learne,
to know thy Law and Commandements.
Chastising them whom thou do'st loue,
and scourging them oft with thy rod:
That thou their hearts and mindes may'st moue,
to feare and serue thee mighty God.
The wicked outward meanes preferre,
and worldly helpes at neede they muster:
[Page 206] And not to God themselues referre,
nor comfort take from heauenly lustre:
Who workes by meanes his sacred will,
and without meanes brings to effect:
And against meanes can saue or kill
for those him serue, his true Elect:
Therefore let not their malice moue,
nor yet their taunts di [...]may my minde.
I will hold fast by God aboue,
whose promise iust and true I finde:
I striue thy statutes Lord to keepe,
what thou command'st I will performe.
Direct me right to thee I creepe,
O Lord doe thou my life reforme.
Defend me Lord from their despight.
that watch to catch me in their snare:
And to entrap me day and night,
with nets and ginnes ere I beware;
And scoffe me basely with reproach,
with shamefull scandalls and disgrace.
With thy protection Lord approach,
and let thy mercy me embrace.
Let not me come within the reach,
of their inuentions and deuice,
Whose facts are foule, they faire in speech,
and by base flattery me entice.
[Page 207] Nor such as lye in wayte for me,
obtaine their wish: who doe desire
Fit time and opportunity
to worke the euill they conspire.
O let me tread in the right path,
and walke from faith to faith in loue.
Obserue thy lawes, and shunne thy wrath,
and forward to all vertue mone.
And let my conscience witnesse beare,
of my saith and integrity:
Let all men see the Christall cleare,
of my poore hearts sincerity.
Though I good Father, cannot liue
free from all sinne, and all offence:
And some take cause, though I none giue,
yet keepe thou cleare my conscience.
Shall I deserue still as I doe
mens iust reproofes, through indiscretion:
And that against my meaning too,
and suffer carnall mens oppression:
That breake forth into bitternesse,
against me that am weake and lame:
And vomite out their filthinesse.
What thou hast done, they count my shame.
And take it as an argument,
[Page 208] that I am in deiection:
And thinke it is thy full intent,
to keepe me from protection.
Indeede, O Lord, I must confesse,
my sinnes deserue sharpe punishment.
Worthy of more and not of l [...]sse,
then all the plagues on me hast sent.
I more should taste then I can beare,
or able them for to endure.
Thy mercies yet they doe me spare,
and make me cleane that am impure.
But in my weakenesse of behauiour,
I this haue done which caus'd me fall,
But yet I trust in Christ my Sauiour,
his p [...]tious blood hath payd for all.
Depending on thy mighty power,
to saue, keepe, and deliuer me,
Lest miseries doe me deuoure,
and enemies my sorrowes see.
And take o [...]casion to pursue,
pretending to my soule no good:
In [...]etered hatred they renue,
to eats my flesh, and spill my blood:
Therefore consider my great groanes,
preuent the dangers comming nigh me.
My heart is rent with sighes and moanes,
[Page 209] J flye to thee, O Lord, stand by me.
Why standest thou a loose alas,
seem'st not my troubles to regard:
Why turn'st thou Lord away thy f [...]c [...],
mine heart doth hope for some reward.
Why hidest thou thy selfe me fro,
when troubles are so much abounding:
As though thou Lord d [...]dst me not know,
thy darts are alwayes mine heart wounding.
There is no helpe for m [...] in thee,
they say, thou nothing do [...]st respect me.
I neuerthelesse will come to thee,
for Christ his sake thou wilt not reiect me.
The rather therefore me relieue,
that righteous men may well percei [...],
Thou ready art thine ayde to giue,
and their desires wilt not deceiue,
And not to fa [...]nt when they are tride,
with like afflictions any wayes.
But shall with patient minde abide
thy will, and giue thy name the praise.
The dullest hearts thou doest prepare
to call on thee, and thou againe
Doest heare their cries, and them do'st spare,
and easest them of griefe and paine.
How long, O Lord, how long wilt thou
forget me, and how long shall I
Seeke to be heard, and know not how,
to make thee listen to my crie.
How long shall I thy counsell seeke,
yet ignorant what course to take:
I pray thee O Lord most meete,
with sighes and groanes which neuer slake:
My heart with griefe and heauinesse,
powres forth complaints continually.
Before thee in my great dis [...]sse,
yet inward light obtaine not I,
That lighten should my pensiue soule,
and comfort mine afflicted heart:
Thy wrath with rigour doth controle
my forward hopes, and causeth smart.
Thou threatn'st sorrowes to encrease,
to such as seeke to other gods.
Why should not then my torments cease,
that child-like feare thy awfull rods:
Sith I in thee my faith repone,
why should I then true wisedome want.
It being sought from thee alone,
why do'st thou then refuse to graunt?
Thou didst create all men at first,
and doest preserue, and all maintaine:
[Page 211] Thy Sunne doth shine on best and worst,
the same to all thou do'st remaine.
But sith to thee alone I kneele,
and onely vnto thee doe call:
O let me Lord thy mercies feele,
and let thy drops of mercy fall,
With thee there is redemption,
and thou deliuerest all that trust
In Christ for their saluation,
by whom the sinfull are made iust:
Thou keep'st them safe vnder thy wings
of fauour, from the mercilesse.
Thy fauour giueth all good things,
to thine Elect in their distresse:
O therefore be my rocke where on
I may both safely build and rest,
Castle of refuge, Arke alone,
in which I am in safety blest:
For thou hast promis'd in thy loue,
that they that put their trust in thee:
Like Syons mount which doth not moue,
shall safely stand eternally.
Breake thou the chaines which haue me tide,
remoue the sorrowes from my heart:
Wherewith (Lord) all my vaines are dried,
[Page 212] and I am parcht in euery part.
That I walking at liberty,
with a free spir [...] may salue my sore,
My hope may liue, and crosses die,
and I sing praise to thee therefore.
And let my [...]oes no more preuaile,
that Lyon-like doe me destroy:
And like to Wolues they me [...]ss [...]ile,
that spoile the Sheepe, the Shepheards ioy.
O carry me (Lord) in thine armes,
throug [...] out these miseries cleane away,
And saf [...]ly ke [...]pe me from all harmes,
that now sticke fast in mire and clay.
Let no vntimely sudd [...]ine Fate,
cut off my dayes ere fully spent:
Or raging floods sinke mine estate,
nor swallow me incontinent.
But rather (Lord) returne them backe,
these swelling waues that reare and rage:
On euery side to worke me wra [...]ke,
their gusts and tempests Lord asswage,
Let me passe on my mortall course,
and finish these my dayes of life,
Of thy meere loue and kinde remorse,
in peace and loue, from hate and strife.

A thanksgiuing after the receiuing of the Lords Supper.

O Heauenly Father, I thanke thee that thou hast made me this day to sit downe with thee, at thy heauenly Table, and hast giuen me the bread of God, that came downe from heauen, not as▪ the Mannah, which being eaten, afterward did perish, and the eaters too, and hast made this Sa­cramentall body and bloud of thy Sonne, to be meate indeede, and drinke indeede, farre surpassing the olde carnall Mannah, which extended but vnto the body, but this spirituall foode which thou hast giuen mee with thi [...]e owne hand, hath in it a quickning life for the present, and an assurance of an eternall life, in the life to come. Wherefore hauing fed on thee this day, by faith in my heart, let the sweet comfort thereof so cheare my soule, that I may more [Page 214] and more thirst after thee, and by godly liuing expresse my dwelling in thee, and so be more and more assured that thou art that Christ, and Sonne of the liuing God, my Sauiour and Redeemer in life and death, and for euermore after death: for vnto this end O God the Father, thou hast sealed thy Sonne, to be my Sauiour, in thee will I for euer trust, in this life to be pardoned my sinne, & through thee in the life to come, eternally to be saued.

Amen. Amen.

Another Prayer after the receiuing of the holy Communion.

O Iesus, the Sonne of God, my Lord and Sauiour, with all humble and hearty thanks I praise thee, for suffering death vpon the Crosse for my sinnes, and admit­ting me a miserable sinner, to the participation of this blessed Sa­crament, the memoriall of my [Page 215] Redemption. Let mee, O Lord, finde and feele in my heart, the inuisible power of thy heauenly grace, effectually working the transformation of mee into thee, the wonderfull vnion of me with thee, and the spirituall habitation and aboade in me. Apply all thy merits and good things vnto my soule, let me neuer doubt the for­giuenesse of my sinnes: but euer open the doore of this Sanctuarie vnto me, that I may runne thither in my greatest neede, and appre­hend thy gracious pardon, ratified by this scale of thy couenant. Quicken me, O Lord, in this life, r [...]ue and renue mee, that I may disclaime my olde conuersation, and become a new man: keepe mee that I slippe not cut of this building, nor become as a branch cut off, and good for nothing, but as thou hast seuered mee from the wicked, in calling mee to the knowledge of thee, so keepe mee from all their corruptions: giue [Page 216] me a perfect loue towards thee, that I may not delight in any thing but in thee, nor seeke any other honour but thine. O Lord Iesus, I meekely beseech thee, let thy holy Spirit strengthen mee against my frailty, thy power and strength defend me against world­ly troubles and aduersities, thy merits purchase my needefull par­don, and thy blood be the medi­cine for all my sores, euen for thy truth, and for thy names sake. Amen.

O Iesus Christ, the Lambe of God, which hast so loued man­kinde, that thou hast beene con­tented, not on ly to become one with him, but also mea [...]e vnto him, and to dye for him vpon the Cr [...]sse; graunt I bese [...]ch thee, that this my receiuing of this Sa­crament, may be a true testimony vnto my conscience that I hau [...], through faith in thee receiued full remission of all that is past, and am become (as it were) a [Page 217] new creature in thy sight.

O sweet Iesus, which hast vouchsafed mee such fauour and honour, as to come to thy Table and feede vpon thee, graunt mee grace I humbly entre [...]te thee, so to performe, and fulfill my duty as this honour which thou hast done mee requireth: Linke mee vnto thee, and giue mee power and strength to beleeue thy pro­mises without distrust, and to shew my religion, by my good life and conuersation. Ass [...]st mee with thy grace, that I may walke worthy this blessed Sacrament, to loue thee and thy children vnfai­ [...]dly, and vtterly to forsake all va­ [...]ity, idolatry, carnall desires, and all the workes of the deuill.

O Lord God, so moderate and ord [...]r all my affections, that I may be ioyned with the brethren to­gether in holy loue, which is the bend of peace, and truly fastned vnto thee my Head for euer. Stirre vp my minde, that I may [Page 218] alwayes consider the bitternesse of thy death, the greatnesse of thy loue, & neuer forget to be thank­full vnto thee. O blessed Lord, preserue and maintaine this ordi­nance amongst vs, that it may be alwayes a note and a badge of our publique profession: and giue vs all one heart, and one minde in the vnity of the Spirit, for the reue­rent and worthy receiuing of the same, whensoeuer we shall come to thy holy Table againe.


A Prayer for the Catholique Church, and all the estates thereof.

O Most glorious, euer liuing, and euer louing Lord God, the iust Master of the Vineyard, and louing Head of the Church send thy holy Spirit into the hearts of all them that teach o [...] professe thy most holy truth, al [...] men, religious or secular: Yea▪ [Page 219] men and women, Princes and subiects, rich and poore, euen all the people beleeuing in thy name, and depending vpon thy grace and mercy. Giue vnto them all, O Lord, one law, one baptisme, one hope, one spirit, that there may be but one voyce among all that professe the Catholique faith: Keepe backe the famine of thy word, and send such labourers in­to thy haruest, as be sound in do­ctrine, faithfull in their worke, and godly in their conuersation, that they may be in number ma­ny, and in power wonderfull. Open, we beseech thee, the hearts and eares of the people, for the receiuing of thy Word, that it may dwell in them plentifully in all wisedome, and bring forth fruit against all the cares, crosses, and courses of this wr [...]tched world.

O Lord, thou hast found ini­quity in thy Saints, and the hea­uens are not cleare in thy sight: [Page 220] Oh then correct vs in thy iudge­ment, not in thy fury, lest wee should be consumed, and brought to nothing. Purge the garden of the Church, and let no weedes ouergrowe the flowers: suffer neither sinne nor superstition, to choake the good growth of faith or manners in thy people, bu [...] keepe them from all heresies phanaticall opinions, se [...]ucing spi­rits, & deadly contentions. Keep [...] our neckes from the grieuou [...] yoke of Antichristian bondage [...] whose Religion is rebelli [...]n [...] whose faith is faction, and whos [...] practise is the murthering o [...] soules and bodies: good Lord re▪ presse the fur [...]ousnesse of all Ty­rants, which labour nothing bu [...] the spoile of the Church, and th [...] abolishment of true doctrine prayer, and true Religion. O Lor [...] Iesus, amend all that is amisse, an [...] graunt vs thy grace all the daye [...] of our life, euen for thy truth, an [...] for thy names sake.


A Prayer for the Kings Maiestie.

O Almighty God, King of all Kings, the fountaine, rule, [...]nd stay of all soueraignty: wee most humbly thanke thee, that [...]hou hast not left vs vnto our [...]elues, to doe what seemeth best [...]nto vs in our owne eyes: but [...]ast set ouer vs a noble, wise, and [...]racious-King thy seruant Charles, [...]ame head next vnder [...]hee. Lord make all thy good to [...]oe before him day and night, [...]phold his Crowne, maintaine [...]is estate, giue him continuall [...]eace, long life, and much happi­ [...]esse. Endue him with such wis­ [...]ome and vnderstanding, to doe [...]ch things both in the Church [...]d C [...]mmon-wealth, as may be [...]ceptable in thy sight, profitable [...] his Subiects, and hurtfull to [...]one that loue thy truth: merci­ [...]ly heare him in all his petiti­ons, [Page 222] and effectually work for him in all dangers in the day of battell in his greatest consultations: in the time of his recreations, from all plots of Treason, and in phe houre of death. Make vs thank­full for all thy preseruations of him, both [...]t home and abroad in this Kingdome and else-where: Blesse, preserue, and keepe his Royall Consort Queene Mary [...] Frederick, the Prince Elector Pa­ [...]atine, the Lady Elizabeth his wife, with all their Prin [...] Let our noble King still embrace the truth, and manfully maintaine it, against all treacherous plot [...] and [...] perswasions, distasti [...] as he hath alwayes done, both al­teration of true Religion, and to▪ leration of any other. Let thy po▪ wer alwayes goe forth with hi [...] Armies, and giue them gloriou [...] victories: banish from his Cou [...] all priuie foes, forraigue and do▪ mesticall; graunt that hee ma [...] with vprightnesse and true since [Page 223] rity, both with heart and minde obserue and keepe thy lawes, and that his Highnesse and all his sub­ordinate Magistrates may indiffe­rently and faithfully minister iudgement and iustice to all his people.

Wee bese [...]ch thee (O Lord) preserue his body in health, his minde in quietnesse, and both, in [...]ll sincerity and godlinesse: that [...]y his good example, hee may both stop the mouthes of his ad­ [...]ersaries, and winne the hearts [...]f all those that beleeue. Make his [...]ayes, O Lord, as the dayes of [...]eauen, that he may raigne many [...]cares ouer vs, and wee his Sub­ [...]ts may long liue a peaceable [...]nd qui [...]t life, in all godlinesse and [...]onesty vnder his happy gouern­ [...]nt. Graunt vnto him wife, and [...]ithfull Coun [...]ellours, louing and [...]bedient Subiects, dutifull and [...]ue seruants. Deliuer him, O [...]ord, from all conspiraci [...]s, trea­ [...]s, and other dangers, & graunt [Page 224] him alwayes a glorious victory ouer all his enemies: pardon and forgiue him all his sinnes: make him walke all the dayes of his life in the way of thy commande­ments, that hee may liue in thy feare, and dye in thy fauour, and that in the resurrection of all flesh he may receiue a crowne of righ­teousnesse, through the merits and mercy of Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour.

Amen. Amen.


Herein the distressed expresseth his hope and confidence to be in God alone, and not in man, nor in any other externall meanes.

I Cannot Lord excuse my sinne,
most infinite before mine eyes.
And many more are me within,
I haue forget, which secret lyes,
[Page 227] of life, am weakened in beliefe:
Our Fathers pray'd with trust in thee
in dangers, out of troubles all
Being deliuered and set free,
and were rais'd vp when they did fall:
Thou hearest them when they thee sought,
and didst them lend thy ayding hands:
When they almost to death were brought,
and them deliuered out of bands.
Great was thy fauour, Lord, to all
them that tooke hold on thee by faith:
But what am I that am so small,
a worme, no man, as Dauid saith.
Yet I beleeue, helpe vnbeliefe;
Lord I am couered with shame.
Be thou my glory, ease my griefe,
that I may magnifie thy name.
The wicked worldlings me contemne,
because thou hid'st thy face from me
Deriding grace, and me condemne
because of imbecility.
My neighbours that should me assist
disdaine me: my familiars all
That should me comfort, doe desist
their helpe to raise me from my fall.
They say of me my hopes are vaine,
my kinsfolkes who should yeeld me ayde,
In my necessities refraine,
to come to me they are afraide:
And tauntingly they scoffe and say,
deseruedly he thus doth suffer:
Is iust, he wrought his owne decay,
none other kindnesse they me offer:
I know 'tis thou that sitt'st on hie,
doest send and suffer maladies:
And therefore I on thee relie,
to remedie my miseries.
My woes, O Lord, by such encrease,
as should in friendly wise relieue me:
They that should seeke to make my peace,
they are the men that most doe gritue me.
But I that taste the Cup, will say
'tis thou hast don't, and I will beare it:
When 'tis thy will, who can say nay:
'tis out of loue, why should I feare it:
Relieue my soule with timely dewe,
and comfort me restore.
Restore my soule vnto those ioyes,
the which I felt to fore.
Now after stormes Lord send a calme,
and graunt me peace yet now at last.
[Page 229] And I will praise thee with a Psalme,
with thankes for all thy fauour past.
Ile magnifie thy name for aye,
that bring'st such wonderous things to passe:
That worldlings neither thinke nor say
nor know why 'tis, or how it was.
The iust shall heare, and Saints be glad,
when wicked men shall faint and quaile,
To see what fauour I haue had,
and all their hope doth quench and quaile:
Whom they so long haue scorn'd and deem'd,
euen through afflictions cast away
For thy name sake, Lord me esteem'd,
their night is past, they haue their day.
Respect my meditation,
helpe me in time conuenient:
Lord graunt my supplication,
thou know'st and tri'st my hearts intent.
Let not the righteous be dismaide,
nor wicked triumph in my fall:
Nor yet let sinners be afraide,
in time of neede to thee to call.
And let me put my confidence,
direct my faith, erect my hope
Vnto thy gracious prouidence,
this of my prayers is the scope.

A Prayer for the calling of the Iewes, and the continuall encrease of Christs Kingdome among all Nations.

ALmighty & euerliuing God, who after the floud, didst preserue Noah, and our Fathers, Sem, Iapheth, Terah, Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, from the perish­ing waters, and from the conti­nued deluge of sinne, which re­mained in the families of Ham and Canan, his wicked posterity: and of thy abundant mercies, pit­tied the blind ignorance, in which they had plunged themselues through Idolatrous superstition, and didst seperate our Father A­braham, and made of him a pecu­liar people, a royall Nation, and chosen generation, that for euer­more should serue thee. And that they might neuer forget thy great goodnesse, it pleased thee to bring them into Egypt, that after [Page 231] the fauour of Pharaoh was expi­red, they should suffer hard and cruell bondage the space of foure hundred yeeres, and then in the power of God, with a mighty hand and out-stretched arme, in the sight of King Pharaoh, thou wouldest bring them to their Fathers promised inheritance, through the red Sea, and waste Wildernesse, to the mount Syon, the hill of God, where thou did­dest appeare vnto them in a glori­ous manner, to renue and conti­nue the couenant made vnto their Father Abraham, that thou wouldest be their God, and the God of their seede for euermore. Wherefore thou diddest out of the midst of the flames of fire so speake vnto them, that they might liue, and know that thou louedst them, as thou hadst done their Fathers, that first came into Egypt, that thou wert the same Lord, and that there was no other God besides thee, in heauen or in [Page 232] earth. Yet for all this great loue, of which the like was neuer heard, thou didst onely require them to keepe thy statutes, thy lawes, and thy commandements, promising it should goe well with them for euermore: but they star­ted aside like a broken bowe, and cast thy promises, and law behind their backes, and forsooke thee the guide of their youth, and in their olde age, euen when they were growne fat, and full fed, with the abundance of thy bles­sings, they still spurned & kicked against thee, and though thou didst early and late (in the time of the Iudges and Kings which they so much desired) send them Pro­phets: yet they cast thee off, and forgot the Lord that made them, and serued other gods of the Heathen, whom their Fathers neuer knew. Yet at last when they had killed thy Prophets and stoned thy seruants, thou in infi­nite loue, sent thy Sonne, saying, [Page 233] that they would honour him. But O Lord, how much more cruel­ly did they behaue themselues to­wards thee, calling thee a sinner, and friend of Publicans and sin­ners, and the Prince of the deuils, and would haue throwne thee the Lord of life (as Sathan did the Heard of Swine) from the Rock into the Sea. And at last, when nothing tooke effect, according to their malicious minds, they came out against thee, as against a ma­lefactour with clubbs, and staues, and tooke thee, and carried their expected Messiah, before Herod and Pontius Pilate, and brought false witnesse against thee, and preferred a murtherer before thee, and though indeede thou wert their King, yet in mockage they put vpon thee a purple roabe, and in thy hand a Scepter of reede, & on thy head a crowne of thornes, then buffetted they thee, and spet vpon thy face, con­temning both thy princely, priest­ly, [Page 234] and propheticall offices, in which thou wast their perfect Sauiour. Then disroabed they thee, and carried thee without the gates of the Citie, and after an ignominious manner, with two theeues, vnto Golgotha the place of common execution, and nayled thee to a woodden Crosse in the middest of them. And after they had wounded thee in sundry pla­ces, yet againe in their malicious and cowardly fury, they pierced thy side with a speare, euen when thou sighedst, groanedst, prayedst vnto thy Father to forgiue them their sinnes, and to accept thy sa­crifice. Yea, all this while they mocked thee, and bid thee come downe from the Crosse, to saue thy life as thou sauest others: and wrote a title ouer thy head vnto all Nations in contempt of thee; and when in the pangues of thy passion thou didst thirst for their pardon, then they ranne and flap­ped in thy mouth (not to com­fort [Page 235] thee, but to prolong thy sor­rowes) an hysope spunge dipt in vinegar: and after thy death (to make them sport) they cast lots for thy garments. O sweet Saui­our, being thus abused by thy once peculiar people, thou hast most righteously, according to their wish, brought vpon them and their children, the reward of thy innocent blood, and done iustly in forsaking the house of thine honour, and put it into the possession of the Gentiles, to bee battered downe, that there might not bee left one stone vpon ano­ther, and to scatter them into per­petuall captiuity, as at this day we doe behold.

But O heauenly Father, thou hast made knowne vnto vs Gen­tiles, that beleeue in thee accor­ding to thy Word, that they did no more, then what they hand and counsell had determined long before to be done. And had they knowne that they had crucified [Page 236] thy Sonne, the Lord of glory, no doubt they would not haue done it, for in ignorance (as did their Fathers, they haue done it) wher­fore, O God, for the respect thou bearest to Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, and for thy seruant Dauids sake, as thou hast promised (that a remnant should be saued) euen as many as thou wilt call, and the first fruits being holy, the bran­ches descending thereof should be holy, haue respect vnto them, that with the fulnesse of vs Gen­tiles, they may come againe into the folde of Christ. O Lord our Sauiour, open their eyes, that they may beleeue the Scriptures, and so come againe, and be grafted in­to their owne Oliue stocke, for thou, O God, art able to graffe them in againe, for thy gifts and calling are without repentance. Wherefore take from them their vnbeliefe, that wee both Iewes & Gentiles may be saued through thy mercy. O sweet Sauiour, [Page 237] haue mercy on them, & call them home againe, that wee and they may make one sheepe-fold, and like good sheep, know thy voice, and follow thee our louing Shep­heard, in the sincere obedience of thy Gospell. Heauenly Father, blesse thy Church vniuersall, that it may stand fast in the obedience and faith of Christ: giue thy Go­spell a free passage in it, & among all people, that yet know not thee.

O thou which art the Lord of the haruest, send forth diligent and painefull labourers into thy haruest. Blesse all the reformed Churches in these westerne parts, but especially this church of Eng­land, that it bee an ensample of sound doctrine, and godly life, vn­to all other Churches. And graunt that the Kings, Nobles, and Sena­tors, may remaine, and succeede nursing Fathers in it for euer­more. O Lord, let not the wilde Boares of the Forrest, the Turke, nor Antichrist, supplant the faith [Page 238] established among vs, nor roote vp the vine, that thine own right hand hath planted, but continue the light among vs which now liue, or hereafter shall liue, euen as long as the Sun or the Moone shall endure.

O God, as thou hast promised for thy Elect sake, finish these dayes of sinne, and hasten thy comming vnto glory. And as by all thy workes in generall, so by vs men in speciall, yea by me with the residue of thy holy Church be especially giuen, both now, and for euermore, all honour and glory world without end.

Amen. Amen.

A Prayer for the discouerie and de­solation of Antichrist.

O God of Hoasts, the omni­potent, inuisible, and incom­prehensible, the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, the eternall [Page 239] Creator, and most mighty vp­holder of all things in heauen, and in earth, and by whom Kings ruie, and Princes raigne, heare me a poore sinfull subiect of thy great dominions, grieued and distressed in soule, to behold how the ene­mies of thy trueth doe bandy themselues against thee, and thy Christ, the Annoynted of the Lord, and the only King of Kings, the wonderfull Counsellour, the mighty God, the euerlasting Fa­ther, the Prince of peace. Looke downe, and discouer the haters of thy Word, those that haue cast thy lawes behinde their backes, and scorne to be ruled by the sin­cere trueth of the same: yet shame not to take thy lawes in their mouthes, though they hate to be reformed thereby. O God we haue heard with our eares, and our Fathers haue tolde vs, that in the last dayes shall bee perilous times, in which men shall be lo­uers of themselues, couetous, [Page 240] proud, boasters, blasphemers, dis­obedient vnto superiours, vn­thankfull, vnholy, without natu­rall affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, de­spisers of those that are good; traytours, heady, high minded, louers of pleasure more then of thee, hauing a forme of godli­nesse (a great shew of righteous­nesse) wanting the power there­of, being in trueth, nothing but scoffers, and walkers after their lust: forbidding meates, drinkes, & marriages, which with thanks­giuing thou hast made holy and honourable, being indeede giuen to adulterie, fornication, lascini­ousnesse, Idolatry, witchcraft, ha­tred, variance, emulations, strifes, wrath, seditions, heresies, mur­thers, drunkennesse, reuilings, and infinite the like, whereby it is come to passe, that there is none righteous no not one, none that vnderstandeth, none that seeketh after GOD aright, but haue [Page 241] stumbled at noone-day, euen a­gainst that rocke of life, & there­by haue vsed their tongues to de­ceit, and opened their mouthes full of cursing and bitternesse, and haue runne as Caine with their feete to shed innocent blood, yea most watchfull to shed the blood of the righteous: destruction and misery are in their wayes, and the way of peace they doe not know. For the feare of God is not before their eyes, euery one deuiseth to worke mischiefe, putting farre away the euill day, professing themselues wise, till they became fooles. O Lord, thou hast iustly done to the men of this world, in these our dayes, as vnto the anci­ent Philosophers, who mightily boasted themselues of their wise­dome & generall knowledge, and yet were ignorant of thee, euen as the Antichristian enemies doe at this day boast themselues to be the onely true Church. Yet be­cause they knew thee in word and [Page 242] not in deede; therefore thou ga­uest them vp, vnto their owne hearts lusts, to worship and serue the creature in steed of the Crea­tor, adoring the bread in the Sa­crament for Christ himselfe, and honouring the Pope a mere man, as God himselfe, saying hee is God, euen as the heathen Gen­tiles vnto their wooden Gods sometime said: thus, O Lord, be­cause the Antichristian enemies haue agreed with the heathen to contemne thy Word; thou hast iustly done to giue them vp vnto a reprobate minde, to worke all manuer of vnrighteousnesse, as at this day wee see, the Romish Bi­shop, Prelates, Clergie, and Pro­fessours to be, the man and men of sinne that should sit in the Temple of God, and in doctrine speake blasphemies and wicked vntrueths. O God, in thy Word thou hast euidently marked him out, shewing that hee should pre­tend chastity in heart and body, [Page 243] but indeede haue nothing lesse: to claime all spirituall power, to open and shut the gates of thy Kingdome at his owne will and pleasure, and against whom hee lust, to bee vniuersall Bishop through the whole world, and supreame head of the Church, and Kings and Princes to be his vas­salls, and at his making and depo­sing. O Lord, hee thrusteth out of the Church as heretickes all that speake against his blasphe­mies, denouncing damnation to all that will not beleeue his expo­sition of thy Word, saying, that hee hath alwayes the holy Ghost in his breast, and that hee cannot erre. He hath forbidden the pub­lique reading of thy Word, as he­reticall and dangerous, especially for simple people, and ordained thy seruice in an vnknowne tongue, that the people might offer vnto thee the Sacrifice of fools: & in stead of the Sacrament, which wee should often receiue, [Page 244] he hath brought into the Church a superstitious sacrifice of the Masse, in which they pretend to offer thee (O Christ) againe for the sinnes of the people, and the Priests eating is sufficient for all the rest of the Church, be they neuer so many; or if they receiue it in one kinde, it is enough for them, saying, that the body is no [...] without the blood, quite gaine, saying thy commandements, drink yee all of this. Hee teacheth for sound Doctrine, that wee must be cleansed in Purgatory, in which he can giue indulgence to release whom he will, and that wee are saued by our good workes; that wee may keepe perfectly all the commandements, and so deserue our saluations by our owne me­rites, and that in Prayer we should call on the virgin Mary, as Queen of heauen, to command her Sonne to heare vs: teaching vs, that she is our Aduocate, that pleadeth for vs. He teacheth Pilgrimages, [Page 245] worshipping Images, keeping Reliques, and that euery man hath [...]is peculiar Saint in heauen, to whom he liketh best to commend his sutes by: saying, that it is pre­sumption to approach to thee on­ [...]y in thy Sonne, though thou hast [...]id, There is no name in heauen, [...]r in earth, whereby wee should [...]e saued but onely by the name of [...]esus, to whom thou hast ordai­ [...]ed euery knee to bow, and onely [...]or to come.

By these, and infinite of Ro­mish forgeries and blasphemies [...]ath this strumpet of Babylon, [...]de drunke the Kings and Prin­ [...]s of the earth, by those abomi­ [...]ble and lying wonders, and mi­ [...]cles, hath hee blinded the eyes [...] Christian Kingdomes and Na­ [...]ons, that they doe not know [...]w to serue thee the Lord.

Wherefore (O Christ and most [...]ly Lambe of GOD) against [...]m he hath so long time war­ [...]d, as it were drunke with the [Page 246] bloud of the Saints. Yea (O Lord with the brightnesse of thy com­ming, let the violls of thy wrat [...] be powred out vpon her, to he [...] vtter desolation: that the soule [...] of iust and righteous men, tog [...] ther with the Angels, in the vnit [...] of the spirit, may sing a song [...] Halleluiah; saying, saluation, gl [...] ry, honour, and power, be to th [...] Lord our God, to the Lambe, a [...] holy Spirit for euermore, Ame [...] Come Lord Iesus, come quickl [...]



Wherein the distressed prayeth for faith zeale, and strength, in vndergoing Gods corrections.

O Lord, I lift, my heart to thee,
my soule in thee doth euer trust:
O let me not confounded be,
but make me righteous with the iust:
[Page 247] Let men not haue their wills' gainst me,
but powre on me thy comforts sweet.
Thy sauing health Lord let me see,
who prostrate begge it at thy feete.
Let thy right hand and prouidence,
be stretched out to hold me vp.
And giue me grace and patience,
in lowlinesse to taste thy cup:
So shall I sit on surest rocke,
and strength and power to me get,
And stoutly shield mine enemies stroke,
though round about they me beset.
For why, my comfort is in thee,
and on thy prouidence I depend,
O keepe me safe in liberty,
till all my troubles come to end:
From perils sixe hast me deliuered,
I know therefore thou wilt from seauen,
From earthly thoughts let me be seuer'd,
and conuersation haue in heauen.
I know that loue a multitude
of shamefull sinnes doth closely couer:
Within the gates I me include,
thou art my soules true spouse and louer.
The faithfull thereby may take hold,
of hope to haue a prosperous end:
[Page 248] Of their desires this makes me bold,
for ayde and comfort to attend.
And with all patience to perseuer,
I know thy word it is most sure:
Poore penitent by faith, I le euer
stand firme, and to the end endure.
Alas, deere God, I nothing crane,
to haue of thee by mine owne right:
But in Christs name Ile aske and haue,
for he is most gracious in thy sight.
Yea for his merits thou do'st loue me,
in him I know thou art well pleas'd.
And hearest sinners when they moue thee:
for giu'st their sinne, and they are eas'd.
Amongst whom, Lord, I am the chiefe,
and of good things am ignorant:
Yet on the Crosse didst saue the Thiefe,
for Christ his sake me mercy graunt,
In this world vanities most vilde,
I liue and haue no taste of truth:
I knew not I was in exile,
but did in folly spend my youth.
Of thee alone I knowledge haue,
(for of my selfe I am but weake)
Thou art my God that strength me gaue,
[Page 249] to worke, to rest, to liue, to speake.
For of my selfe is miserie,
and of my selfe is all that's ill:
But from thee Lord comes all mercie,
and perfect power to worke thy will
Within, to consolation,
of my sad soule and wounded heart
Without, to preseruation
of my weake body in each part.
Therefore teach me the truth, O Lord,
(O sacred truth) teach me thy wayes
That I should walke, led by thy Word,
and to thy glory spend my dayes:
Lord keepe from wicked thoughts mine heart,
mine hands that they commit none ill:
Mine eyes, my tongue, and euery part,
Lord graunt they may performe thy will:
My feete from falling still preserue,
as of my selfe regard me not.
Deale not with me as I deserue,
as are my sinnes reward me not.
Behold not my deformities,
but looke on me in Christ by loue,
My sinnes and all enormities,
as mists and cloudes from me remoue.
Thou righteous art and gracious,
reformest sinners, sinnes forgiu'st:
O be to me propitious,
to liue in thee that euer liu'st.
Keepe thou my soule, let me not perish,
nor vtterly to be confounded
That trust in thee, but my soule cherish:
and ioy mine heart which thou hast wounded.
Thou art my strength and sure defence,
in time of dangers imminent,
Though all helpe faile, experience
hath taught me, thou art permanent.
I goe vnto thine Oracle,
and from thy word I counsaile take,
And finde a wonderous miracle,
thou neuer do'st thine owne forsake.
Thy seruants that in thee doe trust,
thy Tabernacle shall them shield:
In secret thou do'st hide the iust,
that are not with foule sinne defilde.
Hearken, O Lord, hearken and heare,
vnto my voyce that call and crie:
O let thy loue towards me appeare,
with streames and floods of thy mercie.
Thou sayest, O Lord, seeke yee my face,
what is it? but in my distresse,
[Page 251] To crie for helpe, and craue thy grace,
and ayde in time of heauinesse:
My soule by the pure priuiledge
of thy free spirit which teacheth trueth,
My heart prepared with knowledge
and faith, and hope vnto thee sueth.
My tongue doth speake, mine heart doth mutter,
and euery member in his place,
Doth striue to speake, and these words vtter,
helpe me opprest: hide not thy face.
Though father that did me beget,
my mother that from wombe me bare,
And all my friends forsake me yet,
thou Lord of me tak'st charge and care.
O Lord thou wilt me not forsake,
for so hast promis'd in thy Word:
In all distresse no feare Ile take,
but forthwith flie to thee O Lord,
Thou giu'st not like our earthly Sires,
nor wants suppliest like carnall friends.
That would but cannot our desires,
performe in deedes as heart pretends.
Hopelesse I should downe faint, and fall,
did I not in thee surely trust:
That holdeth no respect at all,
[Page 252] but vnto those whom Christ makes iust.
And thou acceptest not vaine glory
as worldlings doe, nor things externall:
Thou look'st not to things transitorie,
but to the things that are internall.
A lowly and obedient heart,
a trembling spirit thou doest elect:
Of poore opprest thou tookst the part,
and proud men downe thou doest deiect:
Frame thou therefore my inward zeale,
that outward businesse me deceiue not
Of comforts which thou doest reueale
to thine, and me of ioyes bereaue not.
When at thy mercy gate I knocke,
doe not as rich men vse the poore,
That 'gainst them faest the gates doe locke,
but quickly Lord set ope the dore:
Let not my miseries depriue
my heart of ioy, or soules comfort:
Let not vaine things ill men deuise,
draw me to be of their consort.
Make strong my faith, and hope Lord giue me,
and Ile take hold of thy protection.
Be my defence and Pa [...]oplie,
and guide me safe to thy election.
Thou hast, O Lord, my troubles scene,
[Page 253] hast knowne my soule in bitternesse.
Thou hast mine helpe and succour been,
O helpe me now in my distresse.
In mercies thou hast mightily.
sau'd me from perils infinite:
My life consumes, my heart doth die,
my yeares doe waste, my day is night:
The day tells day, the night the morrow,
the base reproach of my disaster:
Yea friends and foes adde griefe to sorrow,
and each base mate doth me o're-master.
I am now at the point to pine,
O let it be thy blessed pleasure:
To ease my griefe for I am thine,
my paines asswage Lord in some measure;
For thou my paines hast measured,
and all that's good for those that feare,
Lord thou in store hast treasured,
to me Lord, let the same appeare.
In sight of those that are my foes,
that thinke there is no period:
Of all my tortures, paine, and woes,
graunt this for Christ his sake, O God.

A Prayer of an afflicted minde.

O Lambe of GOD which ta­kest away the sinnes of the world, haue mercy vpon mee, a most vile and wretched sinner, wounded euen vnto death eter­nall; if thou Lord in whom all fulnesse of mercy and compassion doth dwell, doe not relieue and comfort mee. O Lord how am I assaulted by the crafty and subtill temptations of Sathan, that cun­ning serpent, that seeth all my weaknesses, both of soule and body, and neuer ceaseth night nor day, sleeping, waking, eating, drinking, hearing, and reading, mourning and laughing, but al­wayes followeth & doggeth me, with fearefull temptations, tel­ling mee that I am but an hypo­crite, and that all my repentance hath beene but in words, and not in heart, in outward shew, but not [Page 255] in trueth: and that my sinnes are greater then God can or will for­giue, that I am none of his Elect, that I haue no true faith, saying, That those that truely beleeue, neuer doubt, that I doe not vn­derstand Gods word aright, and that it doth nothing appertaine vnto mee, no more than vnto Iu­das (who for all hee was an Apo­stle) yet was reprobated and cast away; and how knowest thou, but that thy faith is presumption, seeing neuer any man but St. Paul, had such assurance of faith. Yea, thou doest not delight in Gods word, nor so loue his Ministers as thou shouldest, thou doest not abound in good workes, all thy righteousnes is pharisaicall, thou art a louer of the world more then of God: doest thou not see how thou art continually punish­ed, plagued, and smitten of God, neuer without one crosse or o­ther, on thy selfe, thy wife, chil­dren, and seruants: on thy cattell, [Page 256] goods, and aduentures, at home and abroad, and in other busines­ses: Yea, in euery thing thou puttest thine hand vnto, thou seest how God is against thee, and can­not abide thee: yea, euen in thy Prayers thou mayest feele how the spirit of God hath left thee: therefore deceiue not thy selfe, thou art none of his; if it were otherwise, thou shouldest not be so afflicted in euery thing as thou art. Deceiue not thy selfe, God doth not loue thee, if he did, hee would neuer haue suffered thee to commit so many sinnes, as thou hast done, by lying, by swearing, by drunkennesse, by whoring, by fornication, by adulterie, by mur­ther, and the like, and to haue li­ued so long in them as thou hast done: Yea, what a prophaner of the Sabbath day hast thou beene? what filthy & vncleane thoughts, what scurrilous Songs, and vnsa­uourie speeches haue issued out of thy heart and mouth, and how [Page 257] hast thou beene swallowed vp in pleasure and pride, all the dayes of thy youth. And how many of Gods good creatures hast thou prophaned in thy belly, on thy backe, on thy neck, to pranke thy Iezabels face, thinking nothing good enough, and fine enough to pamper thy earthly carcasse: And doest thou thinke that God will now in thine olde age, accept thy blinde seruice. Thy repentance comes too late, God will not re­gard thy sacrifice, but as thou re­gardest not him, when hee called in thy youth; so now he will not regard thee in thine olde age, though thou make many cries vn­to him; yea, there is no sacrifice can cleanse thee from thy sinnes, thou hast cast Gods law behinde thy backe, and committed the sinne against the holy Ghost, so that it is in vaine for thee to hope for mercy, thou canst not be for­giuen, though with Esau thou sh [...]d neuer so many teares. Thou [Page 258] art a reprobate by Gods decree, and what knowest thou, but that thou art in hell already, so that do what thou wilt, thou canst not be saued. And therefore drowne, or hang thy selfe, or cut thy throat: O Coward, kill thy selfe, and so shalt thou rid thy selfe out of this present paine.

O heauenly Father, look down vpon this my wounded spirit: and (O Lord) driue away Sathan, that he preuaile not in these temptati­ons against my soule. O Lord, so strong and violent are his tempta­tions, that I know not how to re­sist them, but by the strength of thy holy Spirit, which I beseech thee, O Lord, may powerfully and comfortably ayde & assist me now and for euermore. Lord for thy Christ his sake, in whom I onely trust to obtaine thy mercy, doe away my sinnes, and speake peace vnto my soule, against this lying serpent, that thou art and wilt be my saluation: O Lord. [Page 259] create in me a cleane heart, and re­nue in me a right spirit, that I may learne to feare thee according to thy word: deale bountifully with me thy seruant, that I may escape these temptations, and in spight of Sathan, liue to keepe thy word: let not such contempt & reproach come vpon me, but saue mee out of the iawes of hell, and from the power of Sathan, for thy names sake, and for thy mercy sake, and for thy Sonne his sake, O Lord I beseech thee. And though my soule through these temptations, cleaue vnto the dust, yet quicken thou mee according to thy word, and though the sorrowes of death hereby compasse mee in on euery side, and the terrours of hell haue now caught hold on mee, yet O Lord I beseech thee to deliuer my soule. And though Sathan hath compassed me with the multitude of his temptations, yet in thy Name, O Lord, I am confident, that I shall ouercome them. And [Page 260] though thou hast suffered Sathan for a time to buffet me; yet I be­seech thee as thy Sonne Iesus my Sauiour hath taught mee, in this last petition of his holy Prayer; let me be neither further led, nor come into temptation, but as in the wildernesse, after Sathans three-fold temptation of thee, thou by faith in the Word of thy Father, didst resist him, that in the end hee left thee, so that thy Angels ministred comfort to thee: so most sweet Sauiour help me, so by the same skill of thy ho­ly Word, that I may resist Sathan, and after the battell be comforted and confirmed in obedience, by the most sweet comfort of thy holy spirit.

O Lord my Sauiour, how did he tempt thee, to make away thy selfe, but could not preuaile? So (O Lord) strengthen mee by the same power of thy Godhead, and a true liuely faith, by which I am ingrafted into thee, that I may ne­uer [Page 261] by Sathans power, be forced against, nor with my will, to com­mit the wickednesses wherewith hee tempteth mee. O Lord, hee could not enter into the Heard of Swine, vntill thou gauest him leaue: wherefore by thy vnlimit­ted power, curbe and restraine him, that hee enter not into mee, much lesse worke his will of mee, as he did of them. He faine would haue killed thy seruant Iob, as hee had done his children, seruants, and cattell, but thou wouldst not giue him leaue: So (O Lord) he hath striuen to doe with me, but thou hast kept mee, and resisted, and rebuked him in my behalfe: he striueth like a roaring Lyon, to make mee his prey, and beateth hard to enter into my heart, which thou hast swept and garni­shed, to be a receptacle for thy selfe; wherefore (O Lord) let that stronger man, euen thy holy Spirit, keepe sure my soule vnto thee, that I be not ouercome with [Page 262] his furious assaults, and temptati­ons, to let goe my hope in thy mercies: thou delightest not in the death of a sinner, but rather to shew mercy, that hee may be saued: Lord for thy mercy sake, saue mee, and helpe mee, for thy Sonnes sake keepe mee, from the rage and fury of this my great op­pressour. O God, he would fame play the lying spirit vnto my soule, that he might plunge me in thy great displeasure: but (O Ie­sus I beseech thee) saue mee, and driue Sathan away from me, that hee neuer come at mee more. O God, he continually striueth with mee for my soule, as hee did with thine Angell, for the body of Mo­ses, but as then thou didst defend it, and thine Angell, and in the end rebuked Sathan; So (O Lord) de­fend me, & rebuke Sathan, that he preuaile not against me, neither in health, in sicknesse, nor yet at the point of death; but send thine E­lect Angel of the couenant (Christ [Page 263] Iesus) my annointed Sauiour, and his innumerable heauenly Souldi­ers, here to keepe me, and at my end to conduct my soule, to that place of rest, where this champi­on of hell, shall not once dare to defie it, or cast forth any wicked accusation against mee: and that for the merits of thy dearest Son, and sprinkling of his bloud, vnder which I expect my safety and saluation, both heere in the Church militant, and for euer in thy Church triumphant, there­fore to thee most holy Trinity, and Lord God of Sabbaths, be giuen by me, and all thine, both present, and eternall praise.



Wherein the distressed prayeth GOD to keepe him from despaire, howsoeuer men goe about to ruine him or his estate: not regarding (so God in his mercie and pro­tection be with him) who or how many rise vp against him.

IN thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
and yet there are which daily say,
There is no helpe for me vniust,
but Lord thy word cannot decay:
Thou art my God, how can they then,
proue that thou wilt none helpe me send:
I am brought low in sight of men,
there's none will helpe or comfort bend:
My basket and my store is spent,
they say it was by thee accurst:
Thou didst at take that h [...]dst it sent,
but they take all things at the worst:
At me they gape, at me they wonder,
as at a monster seldome seene:
On all their workes and words I ponder,
what I now am, what I haue beene.
I faint at nought, thou know'st my smart,
th'art my Father, and doest me foster:
What words or works, can daunt my heart,
I am in thee become a boaster.
These men thy might and power disable,
or else thy loue to man diminish:
Or else they thinke thou art vnstable,
and doest begin, and wilt not finish:
Or that the poore wilt not support,
nor helpe the needie in distresse:
But as thou knowest what they report,
so make them feele their wickednesse.
But I doe know thou failest neuer,
them that in thee their trust repose.
If they be constant and perseuer,
all things are for the best to those.
Thou art indeede a iealous God,
and first thy children thou doest monish:
Thou bear'st with loue, and beat'st with rod,
if they mend not, wilt further punish:
Yet call'st thy chosen children backe,
by gentle stroakes, from running ryot,
And sufferest them to suffer lacke,
and doest prescribe to them their diet:
We may condignely then deride,
the iudgement of such foolish men,
[Page 266] That vnto thee Lord will prescribe,
the measure what, and the time when.
Such fleshly men by wealth and woe,
censure thy loue, or thy displeasure:
As Natures friend, or Graces foe,
by humane reason all things measure.
They thinke thou lou'st whom thou feed'st fat,
with plenty, pleasures, worldly riches:
And that all others thou doest hate,
these world, flesh, and deuill bewitches:
And great is this temptation,
vnlesse our natures thou assist:
Infeebled with affliction,
whose helpe doth rest in Iesus Christ.
When thou therefore do'st me correct,
with one hold, hold me with the other:
Let fasth in thee make thee accept
me for thy Sonne, by Christ my brother:
Lay not vpon me greater loade,
then I poore wretch can well endure.
If I doe sinke, stay my aboade,
and if I fall, then keepe me sure.
Thou know'st Lord whereof I am made,
I am a silly simple man:
A worme, a flea, a puffe, a shade,
[Page 267] that no good doe, nor no good can.
Try by the Crosse, true to the Crowne,
that we may proue by want and losses:
But to dispaire, pull me not downe,
but vnto comforts, turne my crosses:
I am not able to beare thy yoake,
vnlesse Christ thy Sonne doe with me draw:
I am not able to fend thy stroke,
vnlesse he (O Lord) doth ward the blow.
Lord with thy mercies compasse me,
protection draw out of despaire:
O let me thy saluation see,
and all things fit obtaine by Prayer.
Thou shewest mercy to the meeke,
that trust in thee in all mens sight:
There children shall finde what they seeke,
thou shalt to Sunne-shine turne their night.
A place whence worldlings are excluded,
and all the hellish rable out.
Though here on earth they haue intruded,
to roote Gods faithfull children out:
And such as haue with hate pursu'd,
and trusted in the arme of flesh:
And haue their hands in bloud imbru'd,
shall say in iudgement they were rash.
God's on my side, who can ouerthrowe me?
[Page 268] Christ pleades my cause, can God refuse me,
As iust in Christ: the Lord doth know me,
he doth acquite, who can accuse me.
We thought that this mans life was madnesse,
then shall the wicked worldlings say:
But see his words are turn'd to gladnesse,
whom we haue deem'd a cast-away.
His hand hath wrought what he would haue,
yea I my selfe shall say I err'd:
That thought thou wouldest me not saue,
because my ioyes were then deferr'd:
I thought my cries thou would'st not heare,
when I thee sought, thy selfe did'st hide:
When I complain'd, thou cam'st not neere,
as though thou could'st me not abide:
But now I knowledge and confesse,
thy wisedome great in humbling me:
Thy loue sustain'd me in distresse,
thy prouidence releeuing me.
This pass'd all iudgement and conceit,
of learnedst, grauest, wisest men:
Therefore, deere Father, I will waite,
take thine owne time, how, where, and when
I will not with thy will indent:
nor thee direct the manner how.
[Page 269] Thou should'st me helpe, 'tis mine intent,
vnto thy will to bend and bowe.
Hereafter I will hold my peace,
though men shall say yet still of me:
And though their tongues will neuer cease,
(there is for me, no helpe from thee.)

[...] Prayer for a Merchant, that God would blesse his Sea ad­uentures.

O Almighty God, the Creator of heauen and earth, and that [...]ath made the round world, and [...] that is therein, that stretcheth [...]t the North ouer the empty [...]aces, and hangeth the earth vp­ [...] nothing, that hath set the Sea [...]s bounds, vntill night and day [...]me to an end; that diuideth [...]e Sea, and bindeth the floods [...]om ouerflowing: that looketh [...] the ends of the earth, and seeth [...]e whole fabrick of heauen, and [...]e earth, and all things therein: [...]t maketh the waight for the [Page 270] windes, and knoweth the mea­sures of the waters, that hath since the dayes of Noah, shut vp the Sea, with barres and dores, say­ing, hitherto shalt thou come, and no further, and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed; yet fo [...] the families of Jacob, at their de­parture from Egypt and Pharaoh Court; thou didst once againe in­terrupt the boundes of the Seas and made them to stand on heaps that Israel might escape from their cruell and bloody pursuer [...] The waters saw thee (O God) th [...] waters saw thee, & were afraid a [...] the presence of the Lord God A [...] mighty: vnto thee most might Jehouah doe I come, beseechin [...] thee to prosper my aduentures a [...] the Sea: thou art the same Lor [...] that didst prosper the ancient a [...] uentures that thy seruant Salomo made to Opher in the land of Hau [...] lah toward the East. O Lord, beseech thee, that when the wi [...] shall arise, the Seas roare, t [...] [Page 271] flouds raise them vp into heauen, and cast them downe againe into the bottome of the deepe, threat­ning nothing but death and de­struction: keepe them that they perish not in the proud waues thereof, by falling into sands, nor by running against the hard rock: Keepe them safe in their persons [...]nd goods, as thou didst Salomons Marriners, and the rich treasures [...] their vessels. O Lord, let no [...]obbers, nor Pirates at Sea, attach [...]heir persons or goods, but pro­ [...]ect them safe out of their hands, [...]hat I and they being made well [...] liue, may returne thankes, and [...]sse thee all our dayes, both pri­ [...]ately and publiquely in thy holy [...]ongregation; for they that goe [...]to the deepe, see the wonders [...] the Lord, & thereby are taught [...]w to praise thee.

Sweet Sauiour, as thy Disci­ [...]s with thee in the Shippe, in [...]eir extreamities called vpon [...]ee to helpe them, that they [Page 272] might not perish: So, O Lord, I [...] cail vpō thee, beseeching thee to heare me for them, and them for, themselues, and say vnto the Seas peace, and be still: for they are at thy command to obay thee, and therefore subiect at thy rebuke to be still. O Lord, as thou didst reach forth thy hand vnto thy Disciples, and to Peter at mid­night, when they were in di­stresse, in the raging waues, and by calling vnto thee were com­forted: So, O Lord, put into their hearts such a reuerend feare of thee, that in any danger or ex­treamity by sea or land, they may call vpon thee and be comforted O Lord, though they bee com­passed about with death on euery side, yet there is assured safety in thee; wherefore keepe firm [...] their tacklings, that they deceiu [...] them not in the raging windes nor mountaine billowes that bea [...] against their sides, that their Ship in which they are, be not broken [Page 273] O Lord, if thou force them to cast out their goods for safety, yet will it not auaile, vnlesse there­with they cast forth by vnfained repentance their loades of sinnes, through which bodies and goods are made to sinke. And let them be in safety, as the Marriners that were trauailing from Ioppa to Tarsus, when they had cast forth rebellious Ionas.

O Lord of hoasts, and God of heauen, send thy Angels with them, to guide them forth, and conduct them safe in their return, & be with them in their greatest necessities, as thou wast with thine Apostle S. Paul, in his dan­gerous voyage to Rome. This tem­porall blessing, and all others that are needfull, and that thou know­est better to giue, then I to aske; (though a chiefe of sinners, and therefore most vnworthy) yet I begge & aske it, if it be thy good pleasure, for thy Sonne Iesus sake, my only Lord and Sauiour.


A Prayer for the fruits of the earth, and other nourishments of this mortall life.

O Eternall God, which feedest with thy blessing euery li­uing thing: and satisfiest the de­sires of thy seruants, with thy bountifull goodnesse, wee wret­ched sinners, vnworthy of the least of thy blessings and benefits, doe most humbly beseech thee to be pleased, to blesse all the fruits of the earth, that wee and all thy seruants may be partakers of thy comforts therein, for the nou­rishment of this life. Giue vs, O Lord, this day our daily bread, prepare our ground, and prosper our corne. Blesse the seede time with the first and latter raine, and meete temperature of ayre. Keepe our fruits while they bee in the earth, from haile and thunder, from excessiue droughts, and im­moderate raines, from mildewes, [Page 275] and all noysome wormes. Send vs a ioyfull Haruest, and giue a blessing to that which wee shall reape, that for our vnthankfulnes it waste not away without our reliefe. Increase our cattell, with all other our prouision, which we shall carefully labour for. Re­plenish our basket, and blesse our store, that wee may haue where­with, as to furnish our selues, so to giue some reliefe vnto others. Protect our seruants and worke­folkes, that they may be strong to labour, wise to forecast, and faithfull in their businesse. Keepe our Garners, Barnes, and Store­houses, from fire, and boysterous windes, Theeues, and suddaine in­undations. Prosper our workes and trauels, whether by sea or land, and blesse and prosper all them that any way labour for any of those things that we shall haue occasion to vse.

Send remedy, O Lord, for all hardnesse and misery, turne our [Page 276] dearth into cheapenesse, and our scarcity into plenty. Open the hearts of rich men, to whom thou hast giuen much, that they may haue a charitable respect of the poore at all times. Helpe vs (O Lord) and giue vs such things as we stand in neede of, and make vs to desire such things onely as may bee pleasing vnto thee, to search them wisely, and to finde them easily. Oppresse vs not with too much pouerty, neither puffe vs vp with too much plenty; but giue vs a competent store of things necessary for this life, and grace to vse them soberly to thy glory, and our comfort, through Iesus Christ our Lord.


A thanksgiuing for our Benefactours.

O Lord, which hast said, that hee that giueth vnto the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord, and [Page 277] looke what he layeth out, it shall be payd him againe: wee beseech thee to be gracious and mercifull to all those, for whom wee are bound to pray by nature, by de­sert, or any other duty whatso­euer. Of thy especiall fauour re­member all our Benefactours and friends aliue, euen all those our Parents, kinsfolkes, and others, which haue brought vs vp, taught, promoted, or any way re­lieued vs. Blesse them with all blessings, that haue done good, ei­ther to our bodies with tempo­rall benefits, or our soules with profitable instructions. Bless their estates, that in their godly dispo­sitions they may haue alwayes wherewith to relieue and com­fort others in their discretion: giue them the consolation of the holy Ghost, to the keeping of faith and a good conscience: And as they haue shewed mercy vnto vs, and comforted vs: so Lord, helpe and comfort them in their [Page 278] greatest needes, that both they and their families may both haue comfort in their estate and condi­tion heere, and finde mercy with thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus at the latter day. Lord let all their almes-deedes, and prayers, be al­wayes in thy sight, as those of Cornelius; that as they haue been vnto vs an odour that smelleth sweet, whereby we haue receiued plenty, and beene filled, so they may bee as sacrifices acceptable and pleasant vnto thee. Vouch­safe vs this grace, O Lord, that wee be not guilty of any ingrati­tude towards them, but rather ready according to our abilities, to recompence them, if neede re­quire.

Let not that which they haue bestowed vpon vs bee cast away, but make it fruitfull & vs worthy of it. Graunt this, O thou God, which doest good both to the just and vniust, for Iesus Christs sake, our only Lord & Sauiour.



Wherein the distressed sheweth his desire to hold more fast the promises of God.

O Lord, thou art my hope and strength,
thou help'st in trouble, doe not hide
Thy selfe for euer, but at length
for men distrest doe thou prouide,
For I by thee will hold most fast,
Ile trust in thee while I doe liue:
And till those stormes be ouer-past,
Ile neither faint, nor feare, nor grieue.
Tremble thou earth: rage sea and land,
winde, tempest, stormes, and all about:
I see thee (Lord) hold out thy hand,
for my defence, Ile neuer doubt.
What though hills quake, & staggering stumble,
and fall into the midst of seas.
Though waters roare, rage, and tumble,
thou canst this change, and all appease,
Should I then faint at troubles small,
which like small darts thou throw'st at me
[Page 280] In loue, but not to kill at all,
but make me leaue my vanity.
Forsake my follies euery deale,
reclayming errors to the truth:
Tis thou didst hurt, and thou canst heale:
thou hast preseru'd me from mine youth.
I must confesse I merited,
the death of death, with paines of hell:
And to be disinherited
of heauens high, where iust doe dwell.
But Lord doe mittigate thine anger,
and turne thy heauie wrath to loue:
Deliuer me from all this danger,
let thy compassion mercy moue.
And with true comforts Christ all fountaine,
my dry and thirsty soule refresh:
And powre on me from holy mountaine,
sweet dewes to glad my soule and flesh.
Thy darts in me, O Lord, sticke fast,
O pull them out, cast them away,
And cure my wounds, to helpe make hast;
binde vp my sores, soules sorrowes stay.
Cleanse the corrupt affections,
of my defiled wicked heart:
Prosper and blesse mine actions,
lighten my knowledge grosse and darke.
[Page 281] O Wash me from impi [...]ti [...],
exhilerate my sicke soules sadness [...].
In darknesse let me light espie,
in midst of sorrow graunt me gladnesse,
On fruitfull ground Lord doe me plan [...]
and build me vp on surest r [...]cke.
Annoyes to ioyes, to wealth turne w [...]
from future ills me keepe and locke,
As trees that grow by waters side,
whose leaues and blossomes freshly flourish;
For euer let my state abide,
thy loue reuiue, thy grace me nourish,
Let thy spirit daily spring and bud,
with faiths pure branches from my heart:
Let dewes and drops of Christs deere blood,
feede vaines of hope from sinners dar [...]
My store is decayed, thou canst renew it:
my basket's empty, thou canst fill it:
Refresh my heart, againe reuiue it:
reuiue it Lord, for thou didst kill it.
Thou help'st the simple, poore, and needie,
thou seest my state, thou canst all m [...]nd:
I know thou know'st when to be speedie,
and knowest thy time when to defend.
Helpe, helpe, O Lord, else downe I fall,
[Page 282] hold me fast by thy strong hand,
And lift me vp against them all,
that by opposing me withstand.
Thy promise (Lord) thou [...]o st performe;
thy words are deedes, thou [...] and do'st,
A happy end thou doest returne,
and graunt to those that on thee trust:
My safety (Lord) thou hast ordain'd,
by faith my hope doth mount and [...]lie,
And by that hope I am sustain'd,
if that were lost my soule would die.
My faith hath fixt an obiect right,
my will doth farre my power exceede:
But (Lord) I know that in thy sight,
the will is taken for the deede.
Then (Lord) for deede my will doe take,
and I secured shall be then.
O graunt me this for Christ his sake,
to whom be praise for aye.


A conuenient Prayer for all times, either for a priuate person, or a whole family.

MOst mighty God, & Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, most louing Sauiour and Redee­mer, and most blessed Spirit, pro­ceeding from the Father and the Sonne, the eternall, most glorious Trinity, which in the beginning didst create the heauen and the earth, with all the hoasts of them, and from time to time, vnto this present moment of their being, vpheld and preserued them, and all creatures, that thou diddest then make, haue euer sithence obayed thy first institution, man onely (for whom thou madest all things) excepted, which when we doe consider (O Lord) we can­not, but be much deiected in our selues, to thinke that wee whom thou hast adorned with thine owne Image, should bee fallen backe in our obedience, and be­come [Page 284] worse then the worst of thy creatures: thou gauest vs disposi­tion to obay thee, but wee haue despised thee, and cast away from vs the yoke of obedience, yet so great is thy mercy, that though we haue reiected thee, yet thou hast not reiected vs, but hast con­tinued all thy couenants in full force vnto vs, as in the beginning vnto our fore-fathers.

O Lord, from the wombe of our Parents are we risen a rebelli­ous seede, and like the prodigall sonne, haue in the vaine imagina­tions of our hearts wandered from thee, so that thou canst take no pleasure nor delight in vs, or in any thing we doe: but (O Lord) wee cast downe our selues in thy sight, and presence, earnestly be­ [...]eeching thee (as on the poore Publican) to haue mercy vpon vs, and pardon all our sinnes which wee from time to time haue done against thee. O Lord pardon our sinnes of ignorance, of omission [Page 285] and commission, in the duties commanded & forbidden, which wee haue neglected and not done. O Lord pardon our sins of know­ledge, by which wee haue often grieued thy good spirit, that would haue hindered and detai­ned vs from them, if wee out of the loue to them, had not too much delighted in them, & stop­ped our eares against his holy mo­tions and directions. O Lord, pardon our sinnes of presumpti­on, by which wee haue most mightily offended thee: and so hardned our hearts, as wee could take no delight in the exercise of thy worship or seruice, as by the contempt of thy most holy Word and Sacraments, in our owne con­science, and in the sight of thy holy Church, vnto whom we are knowne, is most mani [...]est: yet (O our most good God) doe away all our transgressions, at what time or place so euer they haue beene committed or done. (O [Page 286] Lord) seperate them as farre from thee, as the East is from the West, binde them in a bundle, and drowne them from thy sight, as thou diddest the sinnes of the old world: O Lord drowne them in the huge sea of thy mercy, so as they may be cleane forgotten, for wee confesse, that if thou shouldest call vs to a reckoning and account for them, there is not the least of them, but like mill­stones tyed about our neckes, in the midst of the sea, would drown vs in eternall death, & cōdemnati­on of body & soule for euermore.

But (O Lord) we beseech thee to naile our sinnes vnto the Crosse of thy deare Sonne Iesus our Sa­uiour, and Redeemer, and for his sake, we onely entreate thee to be at peace with vs, and thy whole Church, throughout the world. Wash our sinnes away in his most holy bloud which he shed for his Churches sake, in his agony on the mount before, and in his death [Page 287] on the Crosse, for hee is the Lord our righteousnesse, who in thy secret counsell was slaine, from the beginning of the world, that wee which trust in him, by his stripes and wounds, might of our sinnes bee healed. O Lord, I be­seech thee, heare these our peti­tions; which much like forlorne beggers, wee put vp vnto thee in thy Sonnes name, being imbolde­ned, and encouraged this to dee, from that promise of thine, which in thy holy Gospell, thou hast giuen vs, saying: Aske and yee shall haue, seeke and yee shall finde, knocke and it shall be ope­ned vnto you. Yea, thou hast en­couraged vs heere vnto, saying; Can you that are euill, giue good gifts to your children, when they aske; and shall not I giue the holy Ghost to my children when they aske of me? And thou hast said, that hauing giuen thy Sonne vnto vs, that thou wilt with him giue vs all things else, and for his sake [Page 288] deny vnto vs nothing: in consci­ence of the truth of this thy holy word, wee pray thee to heare vs, and to settle our hearts & mindes in the knowledge, loue, and obe­dience of thy word and comman­dements to the end, and in the end of this our fraile and weake life. O Lord, considering our weakenesse, and how vnable wee are to stand in temptation: and considering how many and how great our temptations are, both in things spirituall, and things temporall; and how the deuill as a wandring and raging Lyon, raigneth throughout the world, and in the Church especially: seeking whom hee may deuoure, and considering how subtilly hee vseth, and offereth this world vnto vs, (as hee did vnto thee in the beginning of thy Ministerie, which thy Father had appointed thee in his Church) euen so by the profits and pleasures which he profereth vs, would hee cun­ningly [Page 289] steale our hearts from thee, and thy worship vnto him­selfe, which we abhorre as most wicked and vngodly: And consi­dering how hee stirreth our vn­cleane hearts, and wicked corrup­tions, as a stinking puddle to breath forth many noysome and loathsome cogitations, and euill actions, whereby he would brand our consciences, not only to doubt of our redemption by Christ, but also of thy mercy, which is so ex­ceeding comfortable. For all these considerations wee entreate thee to heare vs, helpe vs, and streng­then vs, in all these seuerall temp­tations; and as in these, so in all other, of what nature or kinde so euer they are, or shall be in this world: and that not onely in pro­sperity, but in aduersity, and in the strength of Sathans temptations, especially when thou shalt haue cast vs vpon the bed of sicknesse, and bring vs vnto the point of death, when we are most weake, [Page 290] and Sathan in his greatest inso­lencie. Wherefore, O Lord, giue vs grace, that in the time of this life, we may not be negligent, but most carefull in the vse of all good meanes, whereby wee may finish our saluation in feare and trem­bling, for of our selues we cannot moue one foot forward vnto thy Kingdome, without thy helpe to stirre vs, inwardly by the moti­ons of thy spirit, and outwardly by the hearing and reading of thy word, with conference, medita­tion, and prayer. Let not thy grace be absent at such times, but goe on with vs in blessing, help­ing, and guiding vs, till wee haue obtained full assurance, euen the testimony of thy holy Spirit, in our hearts witnessing vnto vs, and with vs, that thou art our God, and wee thine adopted sonnes and children (in Christ Iesus our Lord) and so may bee enabled to stand fast in loue and charity, as to all men in generall, so especially [Page 291] to thy Church, which are onely the houshold of faith: O make me mercifull to the fatherlesse, to widowes indeede, to captiues, bondslaues, and all sorts that suffer aduersity in soule or body. Hauing prayed for our selues, and such things as concerne this present life, as feeling members of the mi­sticall body of thy Church mili­tant dispersed, and scattered throughout the whole world, we entreate thee to haue mercy vp­on it, and blesse it by strengthe­ning those that thou hast called, that we may stand fast in the pro­fession of thy Name, and not bee ashamed of that inseparable yoke­fellow, thy crosse, vnder which thou hast caused vs as spirituall souldiers alwayes to warre. And graunt that by no temptations in­ward or outward, wee be forced to faint; but enable vs, that fight­ing against our most subtill aduer­saries, flesh or spirit, our corrupt nature, men, or the deuill, being [Page 292] Lords of the whole world, that i [...] wicked, carnall, and vnregenerate men, that are wholly led of Sa­than, and the power of darknesse [...] Heauenly Father, I beseech thee▪ more particularly to looke downe vpon the reformed Churches▪ and among them more especially vpon the Churches of England▪ Scotland, and Ireland, and all othe [...] our owne and neighbouring Na­tions, that we may enioy the pro­mises of the Gospell, as long as the Sunne and Moone endure [...] And graunt that out of those Churches may be spread farre and wide among the Iewes and Hea­then that are called, the amiabi [...] tidings of the Gospel, that there­by the Kingdome of thy Sonne may be more and more enlarged To this end, blesse all Christian Kings, Princes, and Potentates▪ but especially thy seruant Charle [...] our King, that by thine appoint­ment, at this present doth rule and gouerne vs; encrease in him▪ [Page 293] [...]nd them, religious, zealous, and [...]incere hearts: so as hee and they [...]ay goe before all other Kings [...]nd Princes, in m [...]st holy, wise, & Christian life, ministring iudge­ment, and iustice, without respect [...]f persons. O Lord make our King, and all other Kings strong [...]aintainers and defenders of thy [...]ue, ancient, Catholicke, and Christian faith, now established [...] these his Dominions; that no [...]olicie of man, nor subtilty of Sa­ [...]han, may preuaile against it, but [...]hat his Maiestie by the tempo­ [...]all sword, and the Ministers of [...]e Word by the spirituall sword, [...]e preaching of the Word, (as [...]ttle Dauid) may preuaile against [...]l the enemies thereof, secret or [...]pen, abroad or at home, within [...]ese his owne Dominions. Hea­ [...]enly Father, send him wee be­ [...]ech thee, (if it be thy will) No­ [...]e and Royall issue, that after him [...] euery Age, they may sit vpon [...]e Throne of this Kingdome, [Page 294] r [...]le, and gou [...]rne it vnto the com­ming of thy deare Sonne our Sa­uiour vnto iudgement. O Lord settle about him and them, i [...] euery age and generation, a god▪ ly, learned, religious, truly noble and wise Counsell: And graun [...] that both hee and they may truly loue and aduance, vnto, and in go­uenrnment, a learned and religi­ous Ministerie, and Magistrac [...] within thy Church of great Brit­taine especially. And most migh [...] ty God, I pray thee perpetually to looke downe vpon all men, bu [...] especially vpon our owne Coun­try men, that are in any aduersity by sea, or land, and in their seue­rall trialls and crosses of this life [...] giue them patience to beare, [...] deliuerance, in, or out of them, [...] may be best vnto thy godly wise dome, as may make most to th [...] glory, and their comforts. [...] these and all other blessings spiri­tuall and temporall, beyond th [...] wee are able to aske and thinke [Page] we pray thee to hear [...] vs, [...] [...] onely and alone, [...] [...] Son [...]e our Sauiours sa [...]e [...] [...]hom with thee, and thy [...]t holy Spirit, be [...] ho [...] and glory, from this [...] [...] and for euermore.



In which the distressed craueth pardon for his sinnes, the cause of all his miseries.

O Had I wings like to a Doue,
then should I from these troubles flie:
To wildernesse I would remoue,
to spend my life and there to die.
Mongst bushes thicke, and branches tall,
of mighty Cedars huge and hie:
With sauages and wilde beasts all,
for to auoyde my miserie.
But why thus wish I, Lord▪ alas,
that am vaine man of flesh and blood:
Thou God that bring'st all things to passe,
doest know, this sorts not for my good.
For were [...]in vaste wildernesse:
in furthest part of earth or ayre:
I could no whit my case redresse,
as being in thy power there.
Were I in bowells of the earth,
were I in sea, in cloudes or skie:
With sorrow, griefe, with ioy or mirth,
there Lord thou art with powerfull eye,
There canst thou also finde me out,
and visite there my foule effence:
Thou art my pathes and bed about,
tis vaine to hide or feele defence.
Then let me at thy footestoole fall,
and there acknowledge mine amisse:
For pardon begge, and mercy call,
and pray for griefe and heauenly blisse:
And that thou bridle my desires,
cleanse mine affections with thy spirit.
Inflame me with thy holy fire,
in nought but thee let me delight.
Lord can the fiercenesse of my heart,
r [...]forme my words, my mouth, my speech:
Thou fountaine of all wisedome art,
therefore true wisedome doe me teach.
In vnderstanding truth instruct me,
vouchsafe me perfect patienc [...]:
[Page 297] And to freedome Lord conduct me,
where is no loss nor paine of sence.
And from these dangers Lord me free,
which most I feare, and soon'st possesse:
The comforts most desir'd by me,
and so enioy true happinesse.
O make not Lord thy absence long,
but hasten my deliuerance.
Against my foes Lord make me strong,
which doe themselues 'gainst me adua [...]ce.
That ready are with onset new,
for to assault my silly soule:
Wearied with stormes that doe accrewe,
and plung'd with waues which o're me roule.
Wherefore hast thou left vnto vs,
by thy word a commandement,
To cast our care on thee which thus
with weighty burthens vs torment.
With promise to vs helpe and ease,
thou seest and know'st Lord our desire:
Our secret hearts, and all our wayes.
all's plaine to thee as light, as fire.
If therefore I should iustifie
my selfe, I should condemned be:
Thou find'st me out, and do'st me trie,
[Page 298] my righteousnesse is nought to thee,
Disclayming my integrity,
I cast me downe Lord at thy feete:
And pray for pure sincerity,
that I doe all in all that's meete.
Wherefore thou art most mercifull,
when wants and weakenesse we confesse:
Yea, then thy gifts are plentifull,
vs to relieue in our distresse.
On thee my burthen Lord I lay,
for well I know thou c [...]r'st for all
That thee beleeue: loue, feare, obay,
and for thy grace and mercy call.
My faith and hope is all in thee,
I am of imperfections full,
I aske why thou doest visite me?
should I that blockish am a [...] dull,
Defil'd within, and eke without,
plead duties done, [...]r else be mute:
It is in vaine to goe about,
with thee, O Lord, for to dispute.
Who euill am in my best way,
in purest thoughts yea most impure:
Pardon my weakenesse Lord I pray.
[Page 299] and giue me zeale and truth to endure:
With humblenesse and perfect loue,
which Lord thou doest of me require:
Instruct me God, with wisedome moue,
me guide and leade to thy desire.
Shew me the way that tends to blisse,
after this my long straying h [...]re,
And bring me home where all peac [...] [...]s,
let thy free fauour Lord appeare.
Wherein is life and liberty,
comfort, ioy, and societie.
With rest, peace, and tranquility,
for them that liue in piety.
O happy he whom thou protectest,
most happy he whom thou doest loue:
He is happy and sure whom thou respectest,
he is fed and clad from thee aboue.
In all good things he is rich indeede,
when he doth call, thou doest him heare:
What he doth aske, thou giu'st at neede,
he seekes and findes them euery where.
When he is sicke thou doest him [...]ure:
when poore, thou doest his wants supply:
When he is sad he shall be sure,
thy sauing helpe and health is ni [...],
[Page 300] When he is troubled doest defend him,
in danger doest securenesse giue him:
When men him hate, thy loue wilt send him,
when almost dead, life doth reuiue him.
And giu'st him then such ioyes for euer,
as no mans wit can apprehend:
Me fauour graunt, Lord bring me thither,
to these thy blessings without end.
This fauour Lord vnto me shew,
and blesse my contemplation,
Onely in heauen and hee, I know
is perfect contentation.
My sorrowes shall be turn'd to ioy,
my wants vnto sufficiencie:
My teares to gladnesse, from annoy,
mourning to mirth and melodie.
My soule keepe safe from death and hell:
my feete from sliding and from falling:
Let m [...] vprightly walke and dwell:
and on thee still O Lord be calling.
Who do'st performe thy promises,
and let'st none empty part away:
That with their hearts seeke thy mercies,
or doe for helpe or comfort pray.
[Page 301] Send helpe therefore and saue me,
from them that would me quite de [...]o [...]re:
And daily grieue me, and depraue me,
my soule's with Lyons euery houre.
I wads as through the raging sea,
I dwell amongst them set on fire:
Whose teeth are spears, whose tongue beares sway,
like two-edg'd sword with wrath and ire.
Thy mercy therefore and thy truth,
let be my bucklen and strong s [...]ld:
Hast beene mine hope euen from my youth,
let troubles cease, new ioyes me yeeld.
Set me vpon thy rocke for [...],
of perfect loue and true reliefe:
Let rest and refuge faile me n [...]uer,
and thy protection saue from griese,
Bring thou to passe what's fit for me,
what thou doest know expedient:
That righteous men th [...] [...]nd may see,
and how my hope ob [...]in'd con [...]nt.
That they may of thy glory talke,
and speake of thy eternall praise▪
All men shall say that see me walke;
doubtlesse God will the righteo [...]s raise.
There is a God th [...]'s gracious go [...]d▪
[Page 302] to them that be of perfect heart:
When he hath all their foes with stood,
heauens ioyes to them he will impart.

A Prayer in the time of plague, or other extraordinarie sicknesse.

O Lord our GOD, in whose name standeth our helpe, and who (amongst other euills) hast promised vs to deliuer thy people from the [...] of the Hunter, and the noysome Pesti­lence, wee beseech thee take this thy Plague away from vs: And as the stench of our sinnès hath ascended vp into thy nosthrills, to prouoke thy wrath against vs: so let our humble supplications come before thee, to procure our happy and speedie release from it.

Lord call backe thine Angell, and cause him to sheath the sword [Page 303] againe. We are thy children, the worke of thy hand, we are sorrie for our sinnes, which are the cause of all this: and wee purpose amendment: wee are but men, dust and ashes, not able to beare long; therefore Lord haue mercy vpon vs, and that soone, send vs comfort, and suffer vs not to pe­rish after so miserable a sort. We thanke thee, O Lord, that thou hast not left vs altogether com­fortlesse, without hope, but hast somewhat withdrawne thine hand, and spared many hundred of vs, in comparison of those whom thou slewest before: and now wee reioyce at this abate­ment, yet stand in awe, we pre­sume vpon this thy fauour, but with feare and trembling: wee trust it shall be euery day better, yet we are carefull to winne it by pleasing thee. Wherefore, O Lord, wee beseech thee blesse vs, and all those that depend vpon [Page 304] vs; set thy sauing marke vpon our houses, as thou didst for the Israelites, and giue or er to the destroyer that hee hurt vs not. Put thy strength to our medi­cines: guard our regard which wee haue of our selues: let thy good blessings make the preser­uatiues of the Physitians, and our shifting places for more security, profitable vnto vs, and let vs not trust too much to outward means, but chiesely in thy mercy, and blessing vpon them. Keepe vs downe-lying and vp-rising, and protect vs walking in our vocati­ons: haue pittie vpon our di­stressed brethren, comfort the desolate widowes, prouide for all fatherlesse children. Gather vs together againe, that by these meanes are dispersed, and conti­nue thy mercifull worke in demi­nishing our dead numbers, till wee may iustly say in confidence and thankes with the Prophet, [Page 305] we shall not die but liue, and de­clare the workes of the Lord.

The ancient Prayer, called, O bountifull Iesus.

O Bountifull Iesu, O sweet Iesu▪ O Iesu the Sonne of the Virgine Mary, which art full of mercy and truth: O sweet Ie­sus haue pittie vpon mee, accor­ding to thy great mercy. O be­nigne Iesu, by the same pretious blood which thou wast contented to shed vpon the Altar of the Crosse for vs miserable sinners: I beseech thee vouchsafe to cast all mine iniquities out of thy sight, and despise not mee that thus humbly begge of thee, cry­ing and calling▪ vpon thy holy name IESVS: This name IESVS is a sweet name, this name IESVS is a name of saluation, for what is IESVS but a Sauiour.

[Page 306] O good IESVS, which hast created mee, and redeemed mee with thine owne blood, suffer not mee whom thou hast made of nought to be damned; O good IESVS, let not my wickednesse haue power to destroy me whom thine Almighty goodnesse hath made. O good IESVS, reknow­ledge that which is thine in mee, and that which is not of thee, take that away from me, O good IE­SVS, euen now while the time of mercy is, haue mercy vpon me, and let mee not be con [...]ounded at the day of thy fearefull iudge­ment.

O good IESVS, although I vile sinner, by thy straite [...]ustice, haue deserued to bee punished euerlastingly, for my most grie­uous sinnes, yet hauing sure con­fidence in the trueth of thy righ­teousnesse, I appeale to thine vn­speakable mercy: I am sure thou wilt haue mercy vpon mee like a [Page 307] louing Father, and a mercifull Lord.

O good IESVS, what profit is there in my blood, if I descend into the pit of eternall corrupti­on? for surely they that be dead, shall not magnifie thee, or any that goe downe into the place of silence. O most mercifull IE­SVS, haue mercy vpon mee, O most sweet IESVS deliuer m [...] O most holy IESVS be mercifull to me a sinner. O IESVS accept me wretched sinner, among the number of them whom thou hast elected to saluation. O IESVS the health of all that hope in thee, the life of all that beleeue in thee, haue mercy vpon mee. O sweet IESVS, the remission of all my sinnes. O IESVS, the Sonne of the virgine Mary, powre thy grace into my heart, endue mee with wisedome, charity, chastity, and humility, and in all mine ad­versity, graunt me holy, inuiola­ble, [Page 308] and stedfast patience, that I may perfectly loue thee, and haue my onely delight and a [...]i­ance in thee, world without end,


The Sicke-mans Prayer.

O Louing Lord, and most ho­ly Father, I poore wretch thy seruant, feeling in this sick­nesse which thou hast layd vpon me, the punishment of that cor­ruption and transgression that is in me, and all flesh, doe most wil­lingly submit my selfe to thine holy ordinance, to beare this crosse, and taste of this bitter cup which I haue deserued, and much more, so that I may follow thee whither thou art gone. There­fore, O Lord, since thou hast not yet called mee to the barre of death, but sent thy Heraulds to summon me to a triall: I beseech [Page 309] thee looke on me with thine eye of mercifull pittie, and helpe me in this day of visitation: powre out thine oyle of grace into my wounded conscience, purge my defiled soule, forgiue mee all my sinnes, and giue mee competent comfort and consolation in this distresse: let me not dye ere I be­gin to liue; giue mee time to re­pent, and occasion to amend: but if thou wilt needes put any more of thy wine of correction into my festered sores; lay no more (O Lord) lay no more vpon me, then I shall bee able to beare: Make good vnto mee that goodnesse, which thou hast graunted me vn­der the great seale of thy pro­mise: Supply my want, pardon my sinnes, and ayde me against all temptations, and I am recouered of all mine infirmities: I offer here vnto thee (O Lord) a peni­tent heart for the time past, and promise through thy grace a­mendment, [Page 310] if it shall please thee to draw out the threed of my life any longer: yet I neither desire the continuance of this mortality, nor a more speedy deliuerance, otherwise then as thou wilt: Lord looke not vpon my merits, for they are either none or not good; nor vpon my life, for it hath been naught; but looke vpon Christ thy deere Sonne, who from the Altar of the crosse, cried vnto thee on my behalfe, and accept his satisfaction for my sinnes.

Arme mee with patience to take vp my crosse & follow thee, euen to beare my visitation wil­lingly; and giue mee strength by faith, to resist the Aduersary in the brunt of temptations.

With my sorrow and paine en­crease thy grace, that when I am in greatest agony, I may find com­fort, beleeuing and saying with the holy Prophet, My flesh fai­leth, and my heart also, but God [Page 311] is the strength of my heart, and my portion for euer. O Lord, if thy decree be gone forth, as it was to H [...]z [...]kiah, that I shall dye and not liue, giue me grace to put in order my things of this world, that I may depart in more peace; and when the pangues of death haue shut vp the eyes of my bo­dy, and taken away the vse of my tongue, I beseech thee let the eyes of my soule still behold and looke vpon thee, so that when I shall leaue my earth to earth, and my body to the graue, thine An­gels may carry vp my soule vnto thee, and be par [...]aker of a ioy­full resurrection, through Ies [...] Christ our Lord.

Amen. Amen.

A Prayer for the sicke.

O God most high, mighty, and i [...]uisible; I thy vnworthy seruant, not worthy for my selfe [Page 312] to be heard in any request vnto thee, for I am a sinner. Yet Lord being confident of the pardon of my sinnes in Christ, in whose po­wer is onely to forgiue sins, I am bold to come vnto thee, to begge the pardon of my sins, & as of my sinnes, so of the sinnes of this thy weake and sicke seruant, that lyes pained and diseased, not onely in the outward members, but in the inward parts of the body: And though thou hast depriued him of experience in naturall Physicke, whereby his skill to doe him­selfe good: yet good Lord be thou his Physitian, and let thy helpe and assistance neuer faile in this his weakenesse to doe him good, and strengthen him. And if it be thy will, O Lord, restore him againe vnto that health, which her [...]tofore to the comfort of him­selfe, and many others, hee hath enioyed: O Lord, thou art able not onely with meanes▪ (as vnto [Page 313] Hezekia [...]) but without meanes as vnto Malchus eare, and blinde Bartimaeus, but euen against meanes, as vnto the widdowes sonne going vnto his Graue, and the Sunamites sonne, at the Prayer of Elisha. O Lord, thou didst be­yond all hope, and expectation, raise Lazarus stinking in the graue, and Peters wiues mother of a burning beauer, and the wo­man of her bloudie issue, and the man that was irrecouerable of the dead Palsie, onely by thy vertue and power. O Lord, now when all meanes seeme to faile, that wee know not whither to goe but vn­to thee, I beseech thee if it be thy will, let thy secret and hidden po­wer, in which there is more ver­ [...]ue, then in all mineralls & plants, be extended forth to his comfort & reliefe, that he again may come into thy house, and magnifie thy mercy for his renewed strength.

O Lord, as hee hath abounded [Page 314] with charity, and compassion vn­to others, in their extreamities of sicknesse: so likewise (as thou hast promised) let this thy mer­cifull seruant, in his languishing paines, obtaine mercy from thee, that art most mercifull, and as hee hath heard the lamenting cries of others: so Lord doe thou heare his mournefull and lamenting sighes vnto thee, for thou art ve­ry pittifull, and of tender mercy. O Lord, he humbleth himselfe in thy sight, wherefore I beseech thee to raise him vp againe, if any man be sicke, thou hast willed vs that be well, to pray one for ano­ther, assuring vs that the Prayer of the righteous, if it be seruent, auaileth much; In confidence and full assurance, that thou wilt make good thy word: O Lord, I ear­nestly beseech thee, to restore my sicke and weake friend (N) vnto his perfect health (if it may bee thy good pleasure) and this I aske [Page 315] as one not without hope, for I beleeue, that as Iesus died and rose againe, euen so by his power shall this my sicke friend doe at the last day. Yet, O Lord, for the perfecting of that which is want­ing in his faith, repentance, and good works; I earnestly beseech thee to adde some more vnto the number of his dayes, haue mercy vpon him, and restore him againe to strength, & his former health.

But most mercifull Father, if thou please through this his sick­nesse, to finish his dayes: graunt that he may in quiet minde, and stedfast faith, commend to thee, the care of all his worldly charge, because thou hast promised to be a Father vnto the widdowe, and the fatherlesse. And it is thy wil, that wee should cast our care on thee, not onely in life, but in death especially. O Lord, when death that cruell tyrant, sinne, the graue, the deuill, and all the fries of [Page 316] darknesse, shall assault his body, and affright his soule with distrust in thee, and of his part in the glo­rious resurrection; then streng­then him, by the power of thy Sonne my Sauiour, that hee may no lesse triumph ouer all the ter­rours and feares of the graue, of hell, and death, as all the Saints in like case haue done, and then I my selfe may doe, in the same houre of my departure; which I be­seech thee to graunt, through him that hath loued vs, euen Iesus Christ my most absolute and per­fect Sauiour.

Amen. Amen.


Wherein the distressed detesteth the world and wouldly things, and desireth heauen and heauenly things.

MY soule doth long, and shall depend
on God for euer, euerliuing:
[Page 317] God shall begin and make an end,
that hath giuen all, yet euer giuing.
I sigh and groane for to appeare,
before his gracious mercy seate:
As thirsteth the Hart for water cleare,
so long I for thy m [...]rcy great:
I am quite tyred with my groanes,
I faint vnder mine heauie loade:
Of miseries, breaking all my bones,
layd on me iustly, by my God.
O God the rocke of my whole strength,
Lord of mercy, behold mine anguish:
O graunt me helpe and ease at length,
I faint, I fall, I figh, I languish.
Why doe I daily weepe, and mourne,
and haue no comfort, helpe, nor ease:
Why do'st not heare, but from me turne,
why doe my woes, and foes encrease?
Sith I doe seeke thee vnfainedly,
defend me, Oh defend me in
This dangerous time of misery,
layd iustly on me for my sin.
Preserue me from men mercilesse,
hard hearted, bloudy minded, cruell:
Blesse me with thine hid blessednesse,
[Page 318] giue me thy fauour my soules i [...]well:
The man of earth layes load on loade,
as on an Anuile stroke on stroke,
Within, without, at home, abroad,
mine head to the heele bowes with the yoke.
I am reproach to neighbours all,
I am ashamed men should see me,
They scorne and laugh to see my fall,
but this mine hope doth comfort me:
That thou from them wilt set me free.
And thee triumphant shall behold.
In shining Throne of Maiestie,
where's neither hunger, thirst, nor cold.
No want, nor sinne, nor ignomie,
nor sicknesse, death, nor deadly paine:
But fulnesse, mirth, ioy, victory,
with thee in glory I shall raigne:
And if it be thy will, O Lord,
now after all this sturdy storme:
To my most troubled soule afford
thy peace, and pitty mee poore worme.
Free me from death that's mors Gehennae,
giue peace, ioy, rest, not transitorie:
I take it as an earnest pennie,
[Page 319] of perfect blisse and endlesse glory.
And Ile here praise thee: men among
that they may see, marke and consider:
Tis thou canst onely right our wrong,
and from all troubles vs deliuer:
Thou canst and wilt vs saue and keepe,
though much we suffer in this life,
Thou art our Shepheard, wee thy Sheepe,
saue me from hate, enuie, and strife:
So shall I also giue thee praise,
my mouth continually thee laude:
My soule and inward part alwayes,
thy wonderous workes shall still applaude.
I will be glad and ioy in thee,
reioyce yea, and againe reioyce.
Abiect though I, yet comfort me,
Ile praise thee with minde, heart, and voyce:
Awake therefore, in time awake,
preserue me that I perish not:
I am if thou do'st me forsake,
but as a dead man cleane forgot.
And censured a cast-away,
among such as see me depriu'd:
Of present helpe, for these men say,
my soule can neuer be reuiu'd:
[Page 320] One sorrow doth encrease another,
all hope on earth turnes to distrust,
Of ayde from neighbour, friend, or brother,
hide not thy face my God most iust.
Forget not mine extreamities,
Lord free me from in fernall hells
Of torments, and of miseries,
which comes from thee, and from none else,
My soule is beaten to pits brimme,
my heart doth faint, my hands grow weeke:
My knees doe faile, mine eyes growe dimme,
my tongue is dumbe, and cannot speake.
And each part of my body vext,
I daily moane my miseries.
Looke on me Lord, I am perplext:
O ease my griefe, and heare my cries:
Though thou by Iustice made the wound,
and by correction grieu'd mine heart:
If thou wilt cure, salue soone is found,
with spirituall comfort ease my smart.
Doe not withhold such things are good,
which for thy children are ordain'd:
Turne thou thy face with Christes blood,
cleanse all the spots my sinnes hath stain'd.
[Page 321] Rise vp, O Lord, rise vp I say,
with thee doth Loue and Bounty raigne:
I am throwne downe, I thee obay,
therefore rise vp, raise me againe.
Although my sinnes like swords doe cut,
me from thy fauour and thy grace:
Let righteousnesse of Christ be put,
to hide my sinnes before thy face.
Unite me vnto thee againe,
in such sort Lord, make me so fast:
That I with thee may still remaine,
and ioy in ioyes, that aye shall last.

The young mans Prayer for a vertuous wife.

O God the euerliuing, and on­ly wise, the Author, and gi­uer of euery good and perfect gift, looke downe vpon mee, a [...] thou didst vpon Abimelech Abra­hams seruant, when he prayed vn­to thee, to guide and prosper him, in the great trust, that was committed vnto him, in the [Page 322] choise of his Masters sonnes wife: as thou wast pleased to heare him, for his Masters sonne (O Lord I beseech thee) to heare me for my selfe. Thou hast taught in thy Word, that he that cannot abstaine, let him marrie, and that he that marrieth sinneth not, that it is better to marrie then to burne (in vnchast and vnbrideled lust) and for auoyding of fornica­tion, let euery man haue his owne wife, yea and that it is not good for man to be alone; and woe to him that is alone. In the begin­ning thou madest both male and female, and didstordaine, that for this cause man and woman should leaue father and mother, and be­come one flesh: and that hee that hath not the gift to abstaine, should haue a care, that he be not vnequally yoked: but that he mar­rie in the Lord, and thus to liue is a bed vndefiled, and most honou­rable vnto all. Wherefore, O [Page 323] Lord, I beseech thee, to guide me vnto a wife, and a vertuous wo­man, for thou hast said, that a vertuous woman is a crowne vn­to her husband; And though she bee comely and beautifull, and therefore of many much desired: yet (O Lord) guide mine eyes, that I may not thus onely looke vpon a woman; for thou hast said, if shee haue not discretion, she is but like a iewell in a swines snout, not to be regarded. But a wise woman buildeth her hus­bands house, not onely with chil­dren, but with her prouident care and discretion, in the right gai­ning, and a right vsing of the things of this world. Vnto such a family (O Lord) direct my foot­steps, and keepe mee from the strange woman, a contentious and angry woman, the woman of brawling lips, with whom there is no comfort, nor content in this life to dwell, neither for ciuill [Page 324] nor religious respects. Heauenly Father, if it be thy will (for thou knowest what is better for mee then I doe my selfe) graunt that the woman that I shall chuse, and by thy prouidence thinke fit to take to wife, may bee chast not onely of body, but of spirit, and adorned with the hidden man of the heart, a meeke and quiet spi­rit, and one who trusteth in God, and delighteth in thee, well re­ported of for good workes, and loueth children, one who in her wisedome affecteth modesty in all things; as in her apparell, and be­hauiour, and is in her countenance sober and shamefast, and one who delighteth in her home, and lo­ueth the affaires of her house; and with watchfull eyes will be care­full for her children and seruants. This (O Lord) though no way worthy, I beseech thee to graunt vnto me: houses, lands, or other portions of thy blessings, thou [Page 325] hast appointed our parents to be­stowe on vs, but (this blessing) a wise, chast, sober, and religious woman, thou hast kept, as a most speciall gift, from thy selfe vnto vs, and not in our parents or friends, but thou bestowest it on him whom thou louest, as a choise and most speciall fauour. O Lord, this is she that Salomon among many women, could hard­ly finde; yet graunt that I may finde her, and being vnited in ho­ly band, may loue her both in sicknesse and in health. O Lord graunt that I may walke with her, as a man of knowledge, rea­die in all things to teach and in­struct her in thy commaunde­ments, as being heires toge­ther of the grace of life, and make mee as truely to loue her, as thou doest thy Church: this great gift and chiefe blessing of this life, I beseech thee (if it bee thy will) for the honour [Page 326] of thy Sonne to bestow vpon me.

Amen. Amen.

The Uirgine or the Widdowes Prayer for a godly Husband.

ALmighty GOD the eternall Creatour of heauen & earth, the giuer & disposer of all things, that are done heere on earth: Looke downe on mee thy sinfull Handmayd, not worthy of any fauour spirituall, or blessing tem­porall: Yet (O Lord) I beseech thee, to giue vnto mee thy ser­uant, such wisedome, that in all things I may be aduised by them whom thou hast appointed to haue care of my welfare, and in nothing to bee so headstrong and aduerse, as to follow my owne foolish and sinfull appetite: and aboue all, make me most dutifull, in referring my selfe vnto the [Page 327] louing and carefull choise, that my parents or guardians shall make, in giuing me to an husband.

Heauenly Father, graunt that they may not like of any without mee, nor that I may choose any without them. Direct them that they may chuse one in the Lord, and that I may like him that is so chosen of them: Let not my minde be so wanton, as onely to like or dislike for want of beauty or comelinesse of person: but if the feare of the Lord, the begin­ning of wisedome, appeare vnto mee, graunt that I may perswade my selfe, that hee is the man, that thou hast appointed me. O Lord, I haue neither wit nor skill how to discerne, or make an assured godly choise. And thou knowest how cunning and subtill men are, to entice and abuse my simple heart, and how easily we are ouer­come, with their vaine comple­ments, and flattering words, in [Page 328] which they promise much com­fort and contentment: but when their vnchast desires are satisfied, how doe they cast off, and scorn­fully and sinfully reiect those whom they haue abused and al­lured to folly, so they leaue them to perish, not onely in worldly misery through outward necessi­ties, but for want of teaching and instruction in the Lord, Sathan falleth vpon them, and through their weakenesse maketh them a prey vnto wickednesse. But (O Lord) though their foule hearts are so deceiptfull, that both I and my friends may be deceiued; yet thou, O Lord, canst not be decei­ued, for thou art the searcher of the hearts, and thou knowest what is in man; therefore in this weighty worke, in which con­sisteth my worldly weale or wee, I doe onely (O Lord) cast my selfe on thee: beseeching thee as thou gauest Euah vnto Adam, a man [Page 329] then of innocencie and righteous­nesse: so thou wilt giue me an ho­nest hearted man, and one that truly loueth and feareth thee: O Lord, if thou haue appointed, as is my desire, that I shall marrie, then I beseech thee send vnto mee a man of good behauiour, of good report, no extortioner, no coue­tous person, no chollericke, no quarelsome person, no drunkard, not couetous of filthy and disho­nest gaine, no prodigall or vaine person, no proud man, no adulte­rer, fornicatour, whoremaster, no swearer or blaspheamer, no kinde of inordinate liuer, no Pa­pist nor Infidell, no Hereticke, Schismaticke, no traytour vnto his Prince or Countrey, no louer of the pleasures of this world, ei­ther aboue or more than thee; no hypocrite, vnnaturall, false­hearted person vnto mee, his pa­rents, or friend: heauenly Father, for my Sauiours sake, heare me in [Page 330] these my requests, and graunt that if I shall marrie, and beare children, that my husband may be wise, graue, and sober, and one that knoweth how to gouerne, and rule his houshold, children, and seruants, in faith and good conscience.

O Lord, let him be one that is stedfast in the faith of Christ, fol­lowing righteousnesse, loue, faith, patience, and meekenesse, and one delighted in good workes and hospitality, courteous vnto all men: O Lord, make him a louer of good men, and make him iust, holy, and in all things temperate, euer walking in grace, & abound­ing in the fruits of the Spirit: O good God send mee such a yoke­fellow, that knoweth how to loue me, not onely by the guide of car­nall affection, as for beauty, come­linesse of person, money & goods which thou hast giuen me, or for that I haue good friends and kin­dred, [Page 331] whereby he hopeth of this worlds preferment and ability; for if all these faile, for the which he onely loueth, then will his pre­tended loue be gone, and I shall be exposed to the necessity of this world, and for want of meanes be tempted to dishonest courses: but most sweet Father, as thou hast promised to be a Father vn­to the fatherlesse, vnto the Wid­dowes and Orphanes: So be a Fa­ther vnto mee, thy silly Hand­mayd, whose trust is alwayes in thee. And send mee such an one, as knoweth how to loue mee in thee, and for conscience sake: yea, that will striue to loue me as Christ hath, doeth, and euer will doe his Church, to loue me as his owne body, This fie [...]h, yea, as himselfe. And keepe mee that I may doe nothing to hinder this his loue, or to make him bitter vnto mee; but that I may obay him, [...]care him, and loue him in [Page 332] all things, that are comely in the Lord, and according as thou hast commanded mee in thy holy word, and that for Christ Iesus sake, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, bee giuen by mee all praise & glory, both now and for euermore.

Amen. Amen.

The Prayer of a Woman with child, that defireth safe de­liuerance.

O Almighty God, that after the floud, didst command Noah, and his posterity, liuing in chast matrimony, to replenish and fill the earth; I thy poore and most weake seruant, haue as thou didst ordaine, by the will of my parents, embraced the holy and honourable estate of married life, and now by thy blessing, am made a mother of the liuing, through that hopefull [...]ruit, which after [Page 333] much sorrow and paine in breed­ing, thou hast caused to spring in my wombe, by which I am assu­red it is a liuing soule, for which worke of thine, I giue thee most hearty thanks, still beseeching thee, that as thou hast begun this good worke in mee, that thou wilt goe on and finish it, vnto a perfect birth, in all right shape and comelinesse, not onely in the outward feature of the body, but in the inward parts of the minde, that it may growe on vnto such a perfect man, as may occasion, ho­nour and praise vnto thy great name, so long as it shall please thee, to giue it life and being. And seeing (O Lord) thou hast for our first sinne in Paradise, so wo­fully afflicted vs with many sor­rowes in conception, and with farre greater in bringing forth of our posterity in this life: I be­seech thee for Christ his sake to pardon my sinnes, and to asswage [Page 334] those violent and raging paines, that they neither deface, de­forme, destroy mee, nor yet that which is in my wombe. O Lord, let the power of the most high, euen thy holy Spirit enter into me, to strengthen and to vphold me, that I faint not in my paines, nor in my faith, but that if I dye in this my child-bearing, yet thy goodnesse supporting me in faith, charity, and sobriety, I may as thou hast promised bee assured of my saluation. O Lord, if thou please to spare the tree, and take the fruit, which I beleeue by faith in Christ that thou hast made ho­ly: yet I will giue thee thankes, because by reason of my sinnes, thou mightest most iustly curse mee, and my fruit (as thou didst the figge tree) to perpetual death.

But most high & heauenly Fa­ther, I thanke thee that thou hast made thy promise so stable, that not onely we of ripe yeares, that [Page 335] doe beleeue, but euen our chil­dren, as they are our seede, are in­cluded in the couenant of grace; that if they dye, yet being borne of holy parents, who are ingraffed through faith into the body of Christ, they are saued, not onely as being a part of vs in Christ, but as true and reall members of Christ, vnto whō through faith, into which they are baptized with vs, & made one with Christ, that with his comming, they may bee raised at the last day. Yet (O Lord) notwithstanding this assu­rance, I entreate thee to graunt me ioy and comfort of them, that trayning them vp, in their youth in thy feare, they may bee as a staffe in olde age, in this life to comfort me, an [...] their Father, as the children of Noah and Iacob did; yea (Lord) if it be thy will, I desire to liue, to bee a fruitfull vine, on thy house side (thy Church, to breede, to beare, and [Page 336] bring forth children, to multi­ply and accomplish thy glorious Kingdome, visible and inuisible, in earth and in heauen for euer­more.

O Lord, hauing taken away from mee, the reproach of a bar­ren wombe, so much lamented by holy women: graunt that after my dissolution, my children may continue like oliue plants, and flourish a seede mighty on earth, not as the Giants in the olde world, strong in sinne, but vali­ant and bold in the profession, and confession, and practise of righte­ousnesse, and good conuersation, yea, let them be a generation of vpright men and women, and such as may remaine an heritage of the Lord, as (Isaac to Rebecka) a blessed fruit of my wombe. O Lord, thou art my God, heare the voyce of thine handmayd, in thee is my trust, heare my supplicati­ons, and let not my soule faile of [Page 337] these her desires, and that for Ie­sus Christes sake, which was borne of the virgine Mary for my saluation.

Amen. Amen.


The penitent acknowledgeth mans vildnesse, and Gods mercies; by faith and ex­ample of Gods prouidence, relieth on his goodnes.

O Lord, thy name's most excellent,
in all the world thy glory is spread;
Through heauens and the firmament,
and by all creatures vttered.
In vniuersall harmonie,
extoll'd in heauen and in earth:
Exprest in song and melodie,
with all alacritie and mirth.
What thou bestowest, what man can number
vpon vs slaues, and sonnes of men:
Who by our sinnes are put asunder
from thy deare loue, by acts vncleane,
Forgetfull, and so capeable
[Page 338] of sinne as powder is of fire.
In all our workes and words vnstable,
and know not what we should desire.
Aboue all creatures we forget,
thy grace are proue to disobay:
And if thy mercy did not let,
all Adams broode thou shouldst destroy.
And I for my part me confesse,
guilty of all sinnes, and all euills.
And that I haue deseru'd no lesse,
then to be damn'd amongst the deuills.
The world for disobedience
didst punish, and thou moughtest subuert.
But chiefely me for negligence,
mayest plague with all plagues, 'tis desert.
I am not worthy to breathe in ayre,
nor haue the vse of any creature:
Much lesse to thee to make my prayer,
cause 'gainst my God I am a traytour.
Thou worthily me do'st afflict,
at me thou takest iust offence:
All punishments thou doest inflict,
because thy wrath I did incense.
My trespasses doe more offend,
[Page 339] then I can please with my best zeale:
The worthinesse I best intend,
I not performe, my soule Lord heale.
I shame at mine vnworthinesse,
yet faine would be at one with thee:
Thou art a ioy in heauinesse,
a succour in necessity,
To them that doe their liues reforme,
and rightly frame their penitence:
Sincerely follow and performe,
thy will without all negligence.
All this to doe I doe desire,
and what thou sayest I doe beleeue:
Thy pardon graunt me I require,
release and pardon Lord me giue.
O be with them that doe thee seeke,
and yeeld them helpe that hold by thee:
Instructing humble men and meeke,
that wisedome seeke by thy mercy.
Sith I so long to thee haue cried,
so long thee sought, yet hope I will:
Though my sad soule in silence bide,
in constant Patience I wayte still.
Thou rightly hear'st my inward groanes,
[Page 340] my sorrowes, fighes, wants and desire:
And doest respect the outward moanes,
of men distrest that feare the fire.
Though in their lips they mute doe seeme,
and doe speake nothing with their tongues.
What they conspire, thou doest it deeme,
and present art to right my wrongs.
But loe the time is not expir'd,
of mine ordained punishment:
Nor of that freedome I desir'd,
Ile waite by hope in languishment.
My helpe, my comfort and my life,
saluation mine depends on thee:
Within my conscience stint the stri [...]e,
and giue me grace and liberty.
My life, my comfort, helpe, and all
saluation, on Christ dependeth:
'Tis he doth raise me when I fall,
he all begins, and he all endeth.
I will not murmure, neither grudge,
nor seare, nor faint; but alwayes waite:
He is my Sauiour, and my Judge,
his grace decreed, who can retrait.
Is there not an appointed time,
for all things that by God be wrought?
[Page 341] Iob was brought low, at last did clime,
to wealth and honour he was brought.
And Ioseph was afflicted long,
by brethren, and by false accuse:
He was shut vp in prison strong,
didst all his cause and wrongs peruse.
At length brought'st him to honour great:
and Dauid was at fi [...]st cast downe,
And then inthroan'd in Princely seate,
and long enioyed the royall Crowne.
Poore widdowe of Sarepta shee,
and hers were ready for to pine:
Her barrell and her Cruse by thee
were blest, and that Prophet thine,
Her meale and oyle did neuer faile,
thou send'st that Saint euen to that end,
That they in dearth should neuer quaile,
so didst from famine her defend.
Wherefore a little while Ile waite,
I know the appointed time will come:
I shall be freed from sinnes de [...]eite,
wilt mercies send in miseries roome.
Thou art my portion and my strength,
my defence, and saluation:
[Page 342] Thou seest my troubles, and at length
wilt giue me consolation.
Thou sena'st them not as ignorant,
of them, thou know'st thou didst me make:
Therefore what's needfull God me graunt,
good Lord d [...] neuer me forsake.
I am brought to the very pit,
of all confusion men suppose:
Thou hast decreed the time most sit,
of my deliuery from my foes.
To me vnknowne that being seene,
I may attribute to thee then,
The praise who praised ere hast beene,
without the ayde of mortall men.
Which I haue sought so long in vaine,
yea while I called thee vpon:
Let me acknowledge helpe againe,
to come from thee or else from none.
And all that the world can afford,
be but the effects of thy deare Loue:
Thy power, thy prouidence, thy word,
doe send me comfort from aboue.
O blessed man whom thou doest chuse,
and callest by crosses vnto thee,
Whom thou by death seem'st to refuse,
[Page 343] by secret sweetnesse liues by thee.
With inward consolation,
fed with the Manna of thy loue:
Who dwells in thy protection,
with liuely hope, can neuer moue.
He fainteth not at mightiest frowne,
so I (O Lord) assured rest:
Thou art my portion and my crowne,
to dignifie those loue thee best.
Thou tendrest me as a deare sonne,
though thou me visite with thy rod:
Yet suff [...]rest not me for to runne
with sinners, and to fall from God.
Although I seeme of hope depri [...]'d,
and that my wented comforts past:
Yet I (O Lord) shall be reuiu'd
by thee, and by thy grace at last,
For all my long and instant cries
I will not shrinke; though knowing this
Thy wonderous power and great mercies,
most infinite thy mercy is.
If thou mad'st the rocke a water spring,
thy thirsty people to refresh:
From mine hard hearted foes canst wring
[Page 344] some comfort, for my woes re [...]resse.
If thou rain'dst Manna from aboue,
and Rauen sent thy Saint to feede:
Thousands of men didst feede with loue,
when there was little shew of bread.
If to thy people thou sendest Quailes,
in desert where all foode was scant:
And since thy goodnesse neuer failes,
should I suppose that I should want.
Confirme my faith for euermore,
that I most constantly beleeue,
Thou canst and wilt encrease my store,
and all good things thou wilt me giue.
All power belongeth vnto thee,
who can imagine or will say:
Thou canst not in my neede helpe me,
or that thy loue is tane away.
Sith thou hast done such mighty things,
so freely for men in distresse:
Should not I flye with swiftest wings,
to thee in time of heauinesse.
But loe, O Lord, all things are thine.
the heauens are thine, the earth also:
The cattell, fowles, the shrubs, the vines,
all things in heauen and earth belowe.
[Page 345] All things aboue, all things beneath
is thine, who truly then can say?
Thou canst not giue, or them bequeath,
to whom thou wilt, who can say nay?
Thou mak'st the corne to spring and grow,
and waterst the earth with thy sweet showres:
Thou causest beasts with thanks to lowe,
with dewes thou water'st fr [...]grant flowres.
Since then thou art the Lord of all,
sith thou command'st, and doest forbid.
The rich and poore makest, proud men fall,
that downe canst throwe and raise at neede.
Sith that thou try'st and wilt reward,
sith thou doest what shall please thy will:
And in what manner wilt regard,
and whom thou wilt canst saue or spill.
No liuing man commandeth thee,
not all the world can thee controle:
O Lord I still will pray to thee,
for health of body and of soule.
Let it be thus, O Father deare,
for Christ his sake, thy dearest Sonne,
That dy'd, and rose my soule to cleare:
in all things (Lord) thy will be done.
All glory to the Trinity,
to Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost:
Combin'd in holy vnity,
of power, and might, and glory most.

A Prayer for loue and charity.

O Almighty God, the Author and giuer of all things, of grace especially, vnto thee, a most vile & wretched sinner, and chiefe of sinners, doe I prostrate my selfe, and confesse, that my heart is so hardned in euill custome of sinne, that when it commeth vp­on me, by the motion of thy spi­rit to desire to doe good, I finde no meanes in my selfe, to doe any thing that is good, neither for the vertue it selfe, nor as it is thy commandement; so that thou mightest most worthily cast mee off, as thou didst that vnmercifull seruant, into bonds of death, and imprisonment of hell for euer­more. [Page 347] But, O Lord, it is thy property alwayes to haue mercy. Wherefore I beseech thee to be­stowe this gift of loue on me, that through thy acceptation, it may couer in mee the multitude of my sinnes, for vnto whom thou for­giuest much, much is returned to thee againe: wherefore (O Lord) let this gift of loue, bee mighty and strong in me, that I may loue thee againe, as thou hast loued me, and expresse my loue, by be­ing ready to forgiue all wrongs and offences of my brother and neighbour, and not vnto seauen times, but vnto seauenty times seauen. O let mee loue thee and my neighbour out of a sincere faith, and loue vnfained, and at all times as thou hast forgiuen mee, my debts, offences, and trespasses: So (O Lord) make me ioyfull and willing to forgiue, as I desire of thee to be forgiuen. And seeing it is the end of thy Commande­ments, [Page 348] and the fulfilling of the law (O heauenly Father) let this gift of loue, through the operati­on of thy spirit, bee neuer want­ing, or absent in this life, nor in the life to come. O Lord graunt that this marke of Adoption, and stampe of Regeneration, may en­crease in mee, not onely to my friends in affinity, and consangui­nity, and acquaintance, but vnto all men in generall, as my owne flesh, and thy image, by which bonds thou hast commanded mee to doe good, vnto all of all sorts, that shall stand in neede of my helpe, saying, Be you mercifull, as your heauenly Father is merci­full, who doeth good vnto all, in outward things of this world, causing his raine to raine, and his Sunne to shine vpon the vniust as vpon the iust. And in the endea­uour of doing this generall good, (O Lord) let mee not forget, to doe most good vnto the Saints, [...] [Page 351] and dye in loue to all men in thee, and for thee: and that through the loue of thee, and my onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, and the holy Ghost for euermore.

Amen. Amen.


The poore and distressed soule being loaden with the burthen of his sinnes, [...]er­uently prayeth vnto God for his remission thereof.

O Lord come pittie my distresse,
see how I sigh and groane:
With teares and floods of heauinesse,
my heart is ouerthrowne.
No hope I finde, no helpe I feele,
no cure nor salue I see.
None can my sinnes corruptions heale,
sweet Iesus comfort me.
My wounding sorrowes neuer cease,
my griefes growe more and more:
What I should kill, doth still encrease,
[Page 352] Lord saue my soule therefore.
I liuing dye, yet dying liue:
in life, yet daily dye.
I sigh and groane, yet cannot grieue,
sinne makes this mysterie.
Lord let me liue, yet hourely dye,
in loue, yet daily hate:
Let me embrace, yet still defie,
let peace breede all debate.
O let me liue, yet neuer liue,
aliue, yet euer dead.
O let me grieue, yet neuer grieue,
fed with thy liuing bread.
Let passions passe, let groanes be gone:
let m [...]anes be turn'd to mirth:
I liue and dye to Christ alone.
Let sorrowes sinke to earth.

An exhortation to praise God, and to ac­knowledge our Thanksgiuing to him without ceasing.

VVE praise thee God, we acknowledge thee,
our onely Lord and Christ to be:
The earth and world doe worship thee
[Page 353] eternall Father, heauenly King,
To whom aloud bright Angels sing:
the Thrones and powers thee magnifie.
The Cherubins and Seraphin,
to crie to thee doe neuer linne:
Holy, holy, most holy Lord
of Sabbath, God of maiestie.
Heau'ns full of thy glory:
all Nations laude thy name and word.
The glorious 'postles companie:
the goodly Prophets vnitie:
The holy Martyrs noble Armie:
the holy Church, the world throughout,
Doth spread the Gospell all about,
the Father of true pietie.
Thy sacred, true, and onely Sonne,
the holy Ghost vs comfort wonne.
Thou art of glory King, O Christ:
thou art the euerlasting Sonne
Of God, whose blessed will was done,
by thee all people to deliuer.
Thou didst not the [...] the virgins wombe
abhorre, nor loath that sacred To [...]be
Till thou wast borne: from God sent hether.
when thou th [...] serpents head hadst broken:
The Heauens Kingdomes gate set open,
for true beleeuers to come thither.
Thou si [...]s [...] on Gods right holy hand,
thy Fathers will doest vnderstand:
Whence thou shalt come our Iudge to be:
we therefore thy poore seruants pray,
Thy succour, helpe, and ayde that day,
whose pretious blood redeem'd vs free.
Let them with Saints be numbered,
in endlesse glory comforted.
Thy people Lord keepe, saue, and stay,
blesse, saue thine owne inheritage.
Lift vp their hearts from age to age,
we magnifie thee day by day.
We worship thee world without end.
This day from sinne Lord vs defend.
Haue mercy, mercy on vs Lord.
Lord let thy mercy on vs light:
Our trust is on thee day and night.
We trust in thee with one accord:
O Lord I put my trust in thee:
Let neuer me confounded be.
All glory to the Trinity,
to God the Father and the Sonne,
And holy Ghost all praise be done,
for euer and euer eternally.

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