Iniunctions giuen by the most Reuerende Father in Christ, Edmonde by the prouidence of God, Archebishop of Yorke, &c.
❧ For the Clergie.
INPRIMIS, you must trauel diligently and painefully to set forth Gods true religion, and adourne the same with example of godly life, being circumspect, that you offende no man eyther by light behauiour, or by light apparell.
2 Item, vpon euery Sunday and Holyday, yee shall in your Churche or Chappell, at conuenient howers, reuerently and distinctly say, or sing the Common prayer, appointed by the lawes of this Realme, both in the forenoone and afternoone, standing in a pulpit, or seate appointed for that purpose, and so turnyng your face towards the people, as they may best heare the same, and vpon euery Wednesday and Friday in the forenoone (not beyng holy day) ye shall in like manner saie the Letanie, and other Praiers appointed for the daie, and likewise the euenyng, Praier euery Saterday & holy Euen, and shall also at all times [Page] requisite and conuenient, duely and reuerently minister the two holy Sacraments, that is to say, Baptisme and the Lordes Supper, commonly called the holy Communion, accordyng to such order, as is set forth in the booke of Common prayer, and administration of the Sacramentes.
3 Item, ye shall minister the holy Communion euery moneth ones at the least in euery of your Churches, & Chappels, where ministration of the Sacramentes is permitted: And to the intent that the people may better vnderstande theyr dueties, and come the better prepared to the holy Communion, ye shall monethly exhort your Parishioners to come to the same, and alwaies giue them warnyng therof, the next Sunday before yée ministre the same, declaring vnto them, that by the lawes of this Realme, euery person of conuenient age is bound to receiue the holy Communion, at the least thrée times in the yéere, and namely at Easter for ones.
4 Item, that at all times when yée minister the holy Sacramentes, and vpon Sundaies and other holy daies, when ye say the Common prayer and other diuine seruice in your Parishe Churches and Chappelles (and likewise at all Mariages & Burials, ye shal (when ye minister) weare a cleane and decent surples with large sléeues) and shall Minister the Holy communion in no challice, nor any prophane cup or glasse, but in a Communion cup of Siluer, and with a couer of Siluer, appointed also for the ministration of the Communion bread: ye shall not deliuer the Communion bread vnto the people into their mouthes, but into their handes, nor shall vse at the Ministration of the communion any gestures, rites or Ceremonies, not appointed by the booke of Common prayer, as crossinge or breathing ouer the Sacramentall▪ bread and Wine, nor any shewing or liftinge vp of the same to the people, to be by them worshipped and adored, nor any such like, nor shall vse any Oile or Chrisme, Tapers, Spattle, or any other Popishe ceremony in the ministration of the Sacrament of Baptisme.
5 Item, ye shall euery Sunday and Holy day openly in [Page] your Church or chappell, call for, heare, and instructe the children and seruantes, both menkinde and womenkinde, that be of conuenient age within your Parishe (at the least so many of them at once by course, as the time will serue, and as you may well heare and instruct for an hower at the least) before Euening praier in the ten commaundementes, the articles of the Beliefe, and the Lordes prayer in Englishe, and diligently examine and teache them the Catechisme set forth in the booke of Common prayer. And to thintent this thinge may be more effectually executed, ye shall take the names of all the children, yong men, maydens and seruantes in your Parishe, that be aboue six yeres of age and vnder twentie, which can not say the Cathechisme, & shall call by course certaine of them by name, eeuery Sunday and euery Holy day, to come to the Catechisme, whereby you may easily note and obserue what Parentes or Maisters be negligent in sending their children, and seruantes to be instructed and take occasion thereof, both priuately and openly to exhorte them to sende their youth, as they are appointed, and shall present the refusers to the ordinarie.
6 Item, you shall not admitte to the receiuing of the holy Communion any of your Parish, which be openly knowen to liue in any notorious sinne, as Incest, Adulterie, Fornication, Drunkennes, much Swearing, Bawderie, Usurie, or suche like, without dewe penaunce firste donne to the satisfaction of the congregation, nor any malicious person that is out of Charitie, or that hath done open wrong to his neighbour by woorde or déede, without dewe reconciliation firste made to the partie that is wronged or maliced.
7 Item, you shall not admitte to the holy Communion any of your Parishe, men or women being aboue fower and twentie yéeres of age, that can not say by heart, at the least the tenne Commaundementes, the articles of the Faith, and the Lordes praier in English, nor any being fouretene yéeres and aboue, and vnder fower and twentie yéeres of age that can not say by harte the Catechisme, that is set forth in the saide booke [Page] of common Praier.
8 Item, for that purpose ye shal before Easter and al other times of the yeare, when the holy Communion is to be by you ministred, giue warning before vnto your Parishioners to come vnto you, either in the afternoone of some Sunday or holy daie, or the daie before they purpose to receiue, or at some other times before, as necessitie shall cause you to appointe, if there be any multitude, or (if the numbre be but small) in the morning at the farthest, before they shall receiue, so that it be before the beginning of Morning prayer, so many of them, as intende to receiue, & not onely to signifie vnto you their names, to the intent ye may kéepe a Register or note of all suche persons as from time to time shall communicate, but also to be by you examined, whether they can saie by heart the tenne commaundementes, the Articles of the Faith, the Lordes prayer, and the Catechisme, according as after the diuersitie of their ages is aboue required, and such of them as either can not, or will not recite the same by harte vnto you, ye shall repell and put backe from the holy Communion, vntill they shall be able & willing to learne, and can by harte recite the same vnto you: for your better assistance wherin, ye shall call vpon and require the Churchwardens and Sworne men of your Parishe to be present (one of them at the least) at euery such examination, to thintent they may helpe to put this good order in practise, and ye shall take a note of such wilfull and negligent persons, as ye shall finde faultie in this behalfe, and so presente the same, and the Churchwardens, and Sworne men also, to the Ordinarie if they shall refuse so to assiste you.
9 Item ye shall not marry any persons, or aske the Banes of Matrimonie betwene any persons which before were single, vnlesse they can saie the Catechisme by harte, and will recite the same vnto you before the asking of the Banes. And ye shall not marry any persons without the Banes be thrise on thrée seuerall Sundaies or Holydayes first openly asked, without any impediment or forbidding. Neither shall ye marry any persons [Page] within the degrées of affinitie or consanguinitie by the Lawes of God forbidden, so set out for an admonition in a table lately appointed to be affixed in your parishe Churche. For the better knowledge of which degrées ye shall reade vnto your Parishioners the saide Table euery yéere twise at the least.
10 Item, ye shall not admitte to aunswere as Godfathers or Godmothers at the Christening of any Childe, any person or persons, except he, shée, and they, haue before receiued the holy Communion, and can saie by hearte the articles of the Christian Faith in Englishe, and will recite the same before you at the time of Ministration of Baptisme, or before the Minister, if he, she, or they be therevnto required: And being yong folkes, except he, shée, and they can say by hart the whole Catechisme, and will recite the same before you, as is aforesaide.
11 Item, ye shall not Church any vnmaried woman which hath bene gotten with childe out of lawfull Matrimonie, except it be vpon some Sunday or Holy daie, and except shée either before her childebirth haue done dewe penaunce for hir faulte, to the satisfaction of the congregation, or at hir comming to be Churched, shée doe openly acknowledge hir faulte before the congregation accordingly, and shewe hir selfe to be very penitent for the same: Leauing it frée for the Ordinary to punishe hir further at his discretion.
12 Item, ye shall euery Sunday when there is no Sermon in your Church or Chappell, distinctly and plainely reade in the pulpit, some one of the Homelies set forth by the Quéenes Maiesties authoritie, or one parte thereof at the least, in such sorte as the same are deuided and appointed to be read, by the two bookes of the Homelies. And euery Holy day when there is no Sermon, ye shall immediatly after the Gospell, plainely and distinctly recite to your Parishioners the Lordes praier, the Articles of the faith, and the tenne Commaundementes in Englishe, and being not admitted by the Ordinary or other lawful auctoritie, ye shall not expounde any Scripture or matter of doctrine, by the waie of exhortation or otherwise, and thereby [Page] omitte and leaue of the reading of the Homelies.
13 Item, you shall plainely & distinctly reade in your Church or Chappel vnto the people betwene the Letanie and the Communion, the forme of commination againste sinners, with certaine praiers following the same, set forth in the later ende of the booke of common Praier, thrée times at the least in the yéere, that is to saie for orders sake, yéerely vpon one of the twoo Sundaies next before Gaster, for the first time, vpon one of the twoo Sundaies next before the feaste of Pentecoste for the seconde time: and for the thirde time vpon one of the twoo Sundaies next before the feaste of the birthe of our Lorde, ouer and besides the accustomed reading thereof vpon the firste day of Lente.
14 Item, you shall reade openly in your Church in these of diuine seruice, twise euery yéere vpon some of the Sundaies within one Moneth, next after the feastes of Easter and sainte Michaell the Archangel, plainely, without addition or chainge: a declaration of certaine principall Articles of Religion sette foorth by both the Archebishoppes, and the reste of the Bishops of this Realme for the vnitie of Doctrine.
15 Item, ye shall not proclaime, bid or obserue, nor willingly suffer your Parishioners to obserue any Holy daies or casting daies heretofore abrogated, or not appointed by the newe Kalender of the Booke of common Praier, to be vsed or kept as Holy daies or Fasting daies, nor giue the people any knowledge thereof by any indirect meanes.
16 Item, ye shall kéepe well the Registers of al Weddings, Burials and Christeninges within your Parishe, according to thorder prescribed in the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions▪ and shall present a coppie of them euery yéere once, by Indenture to the Ordinarie or his Officers.
17 Item, you shall Preach or by suche as are lawfully licenced, shall cause to be Preached in the Churches where you are Persons or Uicars, one Sermon euery quarter of the yeare at the least.
[Page]18 Item, no Minister or Priest shal serue twoo cures at one time, nor say common seruice in any priuate mans house, without special license vnder the Ordinaries seale. Nor any Curate shall serue any one cure within this Prouince, without letters testimonial of the Ordinary of the place, from whence he came, testifiyng the cause of his departinge from thence, and of his behauiour there, nor onles he shall first obteine and haue speciall license in writing vnder the seale of the Ordinarie of the place whereunto he commeth, for his admission to such a cure, and shall shewe the same to the Churchwardens: before he enter to serue any such cure.
19 Item, ye shall reade openly in your Churches & Chappels, in time of diuine seruice the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions euery quarter of a yéere once: And these our Iniunctions concerning aswell the Clergie as the Laytie, euery halfe yéere once.
20 Item, for the putting of the Churchwardens and sworne men, better in remembrance of their dewtie, in obseruing and noting all such persons of your parishe, as doe offende in not coming to Diuine seruice, ye shall openly euery Sunday after ye haue read the second Lesson, at Morning and Euening praier, monishe and warne the Churchwardens and Sworne men of your Parishe, to looke to their Othes and charge in this behalf, and to obserue who contrary to the Lawe doe that day offende, either in absenting them selues negligently or wilfully from their parishe Church or Chappell, or vnreuerently vse them selues in the time of Diuine seruice, and so note the same to the intent they may either present such offenders to the Ordinary, when they shalbe required therevnto, or leuye and take by way of distresse to the vse of the Poore, suche forfeitures as are appointed by a Statute, made in the first yéere of the Quéenes Maiesties Reigne in that behalfe, and if the Churchwardens and Sworne men be negligent, or shall refuse to doe their dutie that way, ye shall present to the Ordinarie both them, and all such others of your Parishe as shall offende either in [Page] absenting themselfes from the Church, or by vnreuerent behauiour in the Church contrary to the same Statute.
21 Item, ye shall from time to time diligently call vpon & exhort your Parishioners to contribute and giue towardes the reliefe of the Poore, as they may well spare, and specially when ye visite them that be sicke, and make their Testamentes, and for your owne partes also, ye shall charitably relieue the Poore to your habilitie.
22 Item, ye shall daily reade at the least one chapter of the Old Testament, and an other of the Newe, with good aduisement, and such of you as be vnder the degrée of a maister of Arte shall prouide and haue of your owne, according to the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions, at the least the New Testament both in Latine and English, conferring the one with the other, euery daie one Chapter thereof at the least, so that vpon the examination of the Archedeacon, Commissary or their Officers, in Synodes and Uisitations, or at other appointed times it may appeare, how ye profite in the studie of holy Scripture.
23 Item, ye shall not kéepe or suffer to be kept in your personage or Uicaridge houses, any Alehouses, Tipling Houses, or Tauerns, nor shal sell Ale, Béere or Wine, nor any of you shal kéepe any suspected woman in your house, or be an incontinent liuer, giuen to Drunkennesse or Idlenesse, nor any of you beyng vnmaried, shall kéepe in your house any woman vnder the age of thréescore yéeres, excepte shée be your Daughter by former Mariage, or be your Mother, Aunte, Sister, or Niece, and such an one as ye shall kéepe, shalbe of good name and fame, nor any of you shalbe a haunter of Tauernes, Alehouses, or suspected places, or a Hunter, Hawker, Dicer, Carder, Tabler, Swearer, or otherwise giue any euill example of life, but contrarywise at all times when ye shall haue leysure, ye shal heare or reade some parte of holy Scripture, or some other good Authours, or shall occupie your selues with some other honest studie or exercise, & oftentimes giue your selues to earnest praier, and shalbe diligent in visiting the sicke & comforting of them.
[Page]24 Item, you shall exhorte your Parishioners to obedience towardes their Prince, and all other that be in authoritie, and to charitie and mutuall loue amongst themselues, helping to reconcile thē which shall happen to be at variance at any time, and if ye can not Preache, ye shall teache children to reade, to write, & to know their dueties towards God, their Prince, Parentes, and all others: and by all meanes ye can, ye shall endeuour your selues to profite the Common Wealth, hauing alwaies in minde that ye ought to excell all other in puritie of life, and should be examples to the people to liue well and Christianly, not giuing any way iuste cause of offence.
25 Item, all Proprietaries Parsons, Uicars, and Clerkes, hauing Churches or Chappels within this prouince, shall cause the Chauncels or Quéeres of their Churches or Chappels to be from time to time, accordinge to the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions in that behalfe, sufficiently repaired and mainteined in good estate, and all Parsons, Uicars and other Clerkes, hauing Mansion houses belonging to their promocions, shall likewise repaire and kéepe the same in good estate, and vpon the same Chauncels or Quéeres, and Mansion houses with buildinges therevnto belonging, being in decaye, shall yéerely bestowe according to the same Iniunctions the fift parte of that their benefice, till they be fully repayred, and being repaired, shall mainteine the same in good estate and order▪
¶ For the Laytie.
FIrst wée doe enioyne and straitly commaunde, that from hencefoorth no parish Clerke nor any other parson, not being ordered at the least for a Deacon, shall presume to solemnize Matrimonie, or to Minister the Sacrament of Baptisme, or to deliuer to the Communicantes the Lordes Cuppe at the celebration of the holy Communion. And that no person not being a Minister, Deacon, or at the least tollerated by the Ordinarie in writing, doe attempt to supplie thoffice of the Minister in saying of Diuine seruice openly in any Church or Chappell.
2 Item, to thintent that the people may the better heare the Morninge and Eueninge Prayer, when the same by the Minister is saide, & be the more edified thereby, we doe enioyne that the Churchwardens of euery parishe, in places aswell exempt as not exempt at the charges of the Parishe, shall procure a decent low Pulpit to be erected and made in the body of the Church out of hande, wherein the Minister shall stande with his face towardes the people, when he readeth Morninge and Euening prayer. Prouided alwaies that where the Churches are very small, it shall suffise that the Minister stande in his accustomed stall in the Quéere: So that a conuenient deske or lecterne with a rowme to turne his face towardes the people be there prouided by the saide Churchwardens at the charges of the parishe. The iudgement and order whereof and also the forme and order of the Pulpit or seate aforesaide in greater Churches, wée doe referre vnto the Archdeacon of the place or to his Officiall. Prouided also that the prayers and other seruice appointed for the Ministration of the holy Communion, be saide and done at the Commūion table, except the Epistle and Gospell, which shalbe read in the saide pulpit or stall, and also the tenne commaundementes when there is no Communion.
3 Item, that the Churchwardens according to the custome of euery parishe shalbe chosen by the consent aswell of the Parson, Uicare, or Curate, as of the Parishioners, otherwise they [Page] shall not be Churchwardens, neyther shall they continue anye lenger, than one yeare in that office, except perhappes they shal be chosen againe: They shall not sell or alienate any Belles or other church goodes, without consent of the Ordinarie, in writing first had, nor shal put the money that shall come of any such sale, to any other vse than to the reparations of their Churches or Chappelles, or for prouiding of necessaries for the same Churches or Chappels. And all Churchwardens at the ende of euery yeare shall give vp to the Parson, Uicare, or Curate, and their Parishioners a iuste accompte written in a booke to be prouided at the charges of the Parishe for that purpose, of al suche money, ornamentes, stocke, rentes, or other Churche goodes, as they haue receiued, during the time they were in office, and also shall particulerly shewe, what coste they haue bestowed in reparations & other thinges for the vse of the Church. And going out of their offices they shall truely deliuer vp in the sight of the Parishioners to the next Churchwardens, and note in the saide Churche booke, whatsoeuer money, ornamentes, stocke, or other Church goodes shall remaine and be in their handes at the time of giuing vp of their accomptes.
4 Item, that the Churchwardens in euery Parishe shall at the costes and charges of the Parishe prouide (if the same be not already prouided) all thinges necessary & requisite for common Prayer and Administration of the holy Sacramentes, on this side the .xx. day of next ensuyng, specially the booke of Common prayer, with the newe Kalender and a Psalter to the same, the English Bible in the largest volume, the two Tomes of the Homelies, with the Homelies lately written against Rebellion, the table of the tenne Commaundementes, a conuenient Pulpitte well placed, a comely and decent table, standing on a framefor the holy Communion, with a faire linnen clothe to lay vpon the same, and some couering of Silke, Buckram, or other such like, for the cleane kéeping thereof, a fayre and comely Communion cuppe of siluer, and a couer of siluer for the same, which may serue also for the ministration of [Page] the Communion bread, a decent large Surplesse with sléeues, a sure Coffer with two lockes and keyes, for kéeping of the Register booke, and a strong chest or Boxe for the almose of the paire, with thrée lockes and keyes to the same, and all other things necessarie in and to the premisses. And shall also prouide before the sayde day, the Paraphrases of Erasmus in English vpon the Gospels, and the same set vp in some conuenient place within their church or chappell, the charges whereof, the person or proprietarie and Parishioners shall by equall portions beare according to the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions, all which bookes must be whole and not torne or vnperfit in any wise. And the Churchwardens also shal from time to time, at the charges of the Parish, prouide bread and wine for the Communion. And for that purpose shal take some order among the Parishioners, that euery one may pay such a reasonable summe towards the same, as may suffice for the finding of breade and wine for the Communion throughout the whole yeare, so as no Communion at any tyme be disappoynted for want of bread and wine.
5 Item, that the Churchwardens shall sée that in theyr churches and chappels, all Aultars be vtterly taken downe and cléere remooued euen vnto the foundation, and the place where they stoode paued, and the wall wherevnto they ioyned, whited ouer, and made vniforme with the reast, so as no breach or rupture appeare. And that the Aulterstones be broken, defaced, and bestewed to some common vse. And that the Roode loftes be taken downe, and altered so, that the vpper bordes and timber thereof both behinde and aboue, where the Rood lately did hang, and also the soller or loft be quite taken downe vnto the crosse beame, wherevnto the particion betwéene the Quéere and the bodie of the church is fastened, and that the sayde beame haue some conuenient creast put vpon the same. And that all the bordes, beames, and other stuffe of the Roode loftes, be solde by the churchwardens to the vse of the church, so as no part thereof be kept and reserued.
6 Item that the churchwardens shall from time to time, sée [Page] that their churches and chappels, and the stéeples thereof be diligently and well repayred, with leade, tyle, slate, or shingle, lyme, stone, tymber, glasse, and all other necessaries, and that their churches and chappels be kept cleane and decently, that they be not lothsome to any, eyther by dust, sande, grauell, or anye filth, and that there bée no feastes, dinners, or common drinkings kept in the church, and that the churchyardes be well fenced and clenly kept, and that no folkes be suffered to daunce in the same.
7 Item, that the Churchwardens and Minister shall sée, that Antiphoners, Masse bookes, Grayles, Portesses, Processionals, Manualles, Legendaries, and all other bookes of late belonging to their church or chappell, which serued for the supersticious latine seruice, be vtterly defaced, rent, & abolished. And that all Uestments, Albes, Tunicles, Stoles, Phanons, Pixes, Paxes, Handbelles, Sacringbelles, Senscers, Crismatories, Crosses, Candlestickes, Holy water stocks or Fattes, Images, and all other reliques and monuments of superstition & ydolatrie be vtterly defaced, broken & destroyed, & if they cannot come by any of the same, they shall present to the Ordinary what they cannot come by, and in whose custodie the same is, to y e intent further order may bée taken for y e defacing therof.
8 Item, when anye man or woman dwelling néere to the church in any Citie, Borough, or great towne, is in passing out of this life, the Parishe clarke or Sextan shall knoll the bell to mooue the people to pray for the sicke person. And after the time of the departing of any christian bodie out of this life, the churchwardens shall sée, that neyther there be any more ringing, but one short peale before the buriall, and another short peale after the buriall without ringing of any handbels or other superfluous or supersticious ringing, eyther before or at the time of the buriall or at any time after the same, nor any other forme of seruicesayde or song, or other ceremonies vsed at any buriall, than are appointed by the booke of common prayer. And also that neyther on all Saints day after Euening prayer, [Page] nor the day next after, of late called all Soules day, there be any ringing at all other then to common prayer, when the same shall happen to fall vpon the Sunday. And that no Moneth myndes or yearely commemorations of the dead, nor any other supersticious ceremonies be obserued or vsed which tende to the maintenaunce eyther of prayer for the deade, or of the Popishe Purgatorie.
9 Item, that the Churchwardens shall not suffer any ringing or tolling of Belles to be on Sundayes or holydayes vsed, betwéene the morning prayer, Letanie, and Communion, nor in any other tyme of common prayer, reading of the Homelies, or of preaching, except it be one Bell in conuenient time to bée rong, or knolled before a Sermon, nor shall suffer any other ringing to be vsed vpon Saintes euens or festiuall dayes, sauing to common prayer, and that moderately and without excesse, nor the Minister shall pawse or stay betweene the morning prayer, Letanie and Communion, but shall continue and saye the morning prayer, Letanie, and communion, or the seruice appoynted to be sayde, when there is no Communion, togither without any intermission, to the intent the people may continue togither in prayer, and hearing the worde of God, and not depart out of the church, during all the time of the whole diuine seruice.
10 Item that all fathers, mothers, maysters and other gouerners of youth, shall in euery parish, cause their children and seruaunts both menkinde and womenkinde, being aboue seuen yeares of age, and vnder twentie yeares, which haue not learned the Catechisme, or at the least such and so many of them as the Minister shall appoynt, diligently to come to the church, euery Sunday, and euery holy day at the time appoynted, and there diligently & obediently to heare, learne, and be ordered by the Minister, vntill such time as they haue learned all the sayde Catechisme by heart, and shall giue to the Minister the names of all their children and seruauntes both men kinde and women kinde, being aboue seuen yeares, and vnder twentie yeares of [Page] age, to the intent he may call for them to be examined and instructed in the sayde Cathechisme. And if any of the sayde fathers, mothers, maysters, or other gouernours of youth shall refuse or neglect so to sende their children or seruauntes vnto the Minister to be examined, and instructed at the tymes appoynted, or to giue theyr names, as is aforesayd, or if any of the sayd yong folkes shall refuse to be examined and instructed, that then the Minister and Churchwardens shall present such negligent persons, and refusers, to the Ordinarie, to be by him punished accordingly.
11 Item, that all men and women of fourtene yeares of age, and vpwardes, shall (as by the lawes of this realme they are bounde) receyue in their owne parishe Churches or Chappels, the holy communion thrise at the least euery yeare, and namely at Easter, or there aboutes for once, and yearely before Easter at conuenient times (and namely on Sundaies in Lent at after noone, or in some of the workedayes next before Easter) as the person, vicare, or curate, shall appoynt, they shall, before they receyue, come to the Minister, and recite to him, such of them as be of fouretene yeares or aboue, and vnder .xxiiij. yeares of age, the whole Catechisme by heart, and such of them as be of .xxiiij. yeares of age and vpwardes, the Catechisme, or at the least, the Lordes prayer, the articles of the fayth, and the tenne commaundements, likewise by heart in Englishe, and whosoeuer eyther cannot, or wilfully and stubburnely shall refuse to recite and say the same by heart before their Minister, shall be repelled and put back from the Communion Table. And the churchwardens and Minister shall present all such refusers, and all others that shall not receyue thrise a yeare the holy Communion, vnto the Ordinarie yearely at the next visitation after Easter.
12 Item, the Churchwardens shall not suffer any Pedler or others whatsoeuer, to set out any wares so sale, eyther in the Porches of Churches, or in the Churchyardes, nor any where else on holy dayes or Sundayes, whiles any part of diuine seruice [Page] is in doyng, or whiles any sermon is in preaching.
13 Item, that no Inkéeper, Alehousekéeper, Uictualer, or Typler shall admit or suffer any person or persons in his house or backeside, to eate, drinke, or play at cardes, Tables, Bowles, or other games in tyme of common prayer, preachings, or reading of Homelyes on the Sundayes, or holy dayes, and that there be no shoppes set open on Sundayes or holydayes, nor any Butchers or others suffered to sell meate or other thinges vppon the Sundayes or holy dayes in lyke time of common prayer, preaching, or reading of the Homelyes. And that in any fayres or common Markets, falling vpon the Sunday, there be no shewing of any wares before all the Morning seruice and the Sermon (if there be any) be done. And if any shall offend in this behalfe, the Churchwardens and sworne men, after once warning giuen vnto them, shall present them by name vnto the Ordinarie.
14 Item, that the laye people of euery Parish (as they bée bounde by the lawes of this Realme) and especially housholders hauing no lawfull excuse to be absent, shall faythfully and diligently endeuour themselues, to resort with their children and seruaunts to their parishe Church or Chappell on the holye dayes, & chiefly vpon the Sundayes, both to Morning and Euening prayer, and other diuine seruice, and vpon reasonable let therof, to some other vsuall place where common praier is vsed, and then and there abide orderly and soberly during all the time of common prayer, Homelies, Sermons, and other seruice of God there vsed, reuerently and deuoutly giuing themselues to prayer, and hearing of the worde of God. And that the churchwardens and sworne men, aboue all others, shall be diligent in frequenting and resorting to their parishe churches or chappels vpon Sundayes and holy dayes, to the intent they maye note and marke all such persons as vpon any such dayes shall absent themselues from the Church, and vppon such absence shall exami ne them of the cause thereof.
15 Item, that the churchwardens and sworne men shall not [Page] suffer any persons to walke, talke or otherwise vnreuerently to behaue themselues in any church or chappell, nor to vse any gaming, or to sitt abrode in the stréetes or churchyardes, or in any Tauerne or Alehouse, vpon the Sundayes or other holy dayes, in the time of diuine seruice, or of any Sermon, whether it bée before noone or after noone, but after warning once giuen, shall punishe both them and all others that negligently, or wilfully shall absent themselues from diuine seruice, or come very late to the church vpon Sundayes or holy dayes, hauing no lawfull let or hinderaunce, and those also that without any iust cause shall depart out of the Church before the diuine seruice or sermon be done: according to a statute made in the first yeare of the Quéenes Maiesties reigne, printed and set forth in the beginning of the booke of common prayer: that is to saye, the Churchwardens shall leuie and take of euery one that wilfully or negligently so shall offend, the forteyfure of xij▪ pence for euerie such offence, and shall also present them to the Ordinarie: which forfeytures they shall leuie, according to the same statute by distrayning the goodes, landes and tenements of such offenders, and shall (as by the same statute they are appoynted) deliuer the money that commeth thereof to the Collectors, for the vse of the poore people of the same parishe.
16 Item, that no person or persons whatsoeuer, shall weare Beades, or pray eyther in Latine or in English vpon Beades or knottes, or any other like supersticious thing, nor shall pray vpon any popish Latine or English Primer, or other like booke, nor shall burne any candels in the church superstitiously vpon the feast of the purification of the virgin Marie, commonly called Candlemasse day, nor shall resort to anye popishe priest for shrift or auriculer confession in Lent, or at any other time, nor shal worship any crosse, or any Image or picture vpon the same, nor giue any reuerence therevnto, nor supersticiously shal make vpon themselues the signe of the crosse, when they first enter into any church to pray, nor shall say De profundis for the dead, or rest at any crosse in carying any corps to burying, nor shall [Page] leaue any little crosses of wood there.
17 Item that yearely at Midsommer, the person, vicar, or curate, and churchwardens, shall choose two Collectors or more for the reliefe of the poore of euery Parishe, according to a statute made in that behalfe, in the fift yeare of the Quéenes Maiesties reigne, intituled an art for the reliefe of the poore, and renewed in the last Parliament, which collectors shall wéekely gather the charitable almose of the Parishioners, and destribute the same to the poore where most néede shall be, without fraude or partialitie, and shall quarterly make vnto the person, vicar, or curate, and churchwardens, a iust account thereof in writing. And if any person of habilitie shall obstinately or frowardly refuse to giue reasonably towardes the reliefe of the poore, or shall wilfully discourage others from so charitable a déede, or shall withdrawe his accustomed almose without iust cause, the churchwardens and sworne men shall present to the Ordinarie euery such person so refusing to giue, discouraging others, or withdrawing his accustomed almose, that reformation may be had therein.
18 Item, that for the retayning of the Perambulation of the circuite of euerie Parishe yearely, the person, vicar, or curate, and churchwardens, with certaine of the substanciall men of euerie Parishe, such as the Minister and Churchwardens shall thinke méete to require, shall in the dayes of the Rogations commonly called the crosse wéeke, or gang dayes, walke the accustomed boundes of euerie Parishe, and in the same perambulation, or going aboute, the Minister shall vse none other ceremonie, than to say in Englishe the two Psalmes beginning Benedic anima mea domine: that is to say, the Ciij. Psalme, and the .Ciiij. Psalme, and such sentences of scripture as be appoynted by the Quéenes Maiesties Iniunctions, with the Letanie and Suffrages following the same, and reading one Homelie alreadie deuised & set forth for that purpose, without wearing anye Surplesses, carying of Banners, or Handbels, or staying at Crosses, or such like popish ceremonies.
[Page]19 Item, that the Minister & churchwardens shall not suffer any Lordes of misrule, or Sommer Lordes, or Ladies, or any disguised persons, or othexs in Christmasse, or at May games, or any Minstrels, Morice dauncers, or others, at Rishbearings or at any other times, to come vnreuerently into any Church, or Chappell, or Churchyarde, and there daunce, or play anye vnseemely partes, with scoffes, ieastes, wanton iestures, or rybaulde talke, namely, in the time of diuine seruice, or of anye sermon.
20 Item that no schoolmayster shall teach either openly or priuately in any Gentlemans house, or in any other place, vnlesse he be of good and sincere Religion and conuersation, and be first examined, allowed, and licenced by the Ordinarie in wryting vnder his seale: he shall not teach any thing contrarie to the order of Religion nowe set forth by publike authoritie, hée shall teach his schollers the Catechisme in Latine lately sette forth, and such sentences of scripture (besides prophane chaste Authours) as shall be most méete to mooue them to the loue and due reuerence of Gods true Religion nowe truely set forth by the Quéenes Maiestie, and to induce them to all godlinesse and honest conuersation.
21 Item, that no parishe Clarke be appoynted agaynst the good will, or without the consent of the person, vicar, or curate, in any Parishe, and that he be obedient to the person, vicar, and curate, especially in the time of celebration of diuine seruice, or of the Sacraments, or in any preparation therevnto. And that he be able also to reade the first Lesson, the Epistle, and the Psalmes, with aunsweares to the Suffrages as is vsed, and that he kéepe the bookes and ornaments of the church fayre and cleane, and cause the Church and Quiere, the Communion table, the Pulpet, and the Font, to be kept decent, and made cleane agaynst seruice time, the Communion, Sermon, and Baptisme, and also that he endeuour himselfe to teache yong children to reade, if he be able so to doe.
22 Item, that the Churchwardens and sworne men of euerie [Page] Parishe shall halfeyearely from time to time present to the Ordinarie the names of all such persons of their Parishe, as be eyther blasphemers of the name of God, great or often swearers, adulterers, fornicators, incestuous persons, bawdes, or receyuers of naughtie and incontinent persons, or harbourers of women with childe, which be vnmaryed, conueying or suffering them to go away before they do any penaunce, or make satisfaction to the Congregation, or that be vehemently suspected of such faultes, or that be not of good name and fame, touching such faultes and crimes, or that be drunkardes, or rybauldes, or that be malicious, contentious, or vncharitable persons, common slaunderers of their neighbours, raylers, scolders, or sowers of discorde betwéene neighbours. And also all such as be Usurers, that is to say, all those, that lend money, corne, ware, or other thing, and receyue gaine therfore, ouer and aboue that which they lende.
23 Item, that the Churchwardens, and sworne men of euerie Parishe, shall likewise halfeyearly present to the Ordinarie all such persons as eyther heretofore haue maryed, and bée not diuorced, or hereafter shall marie within the degrées of affinitie, or consanguinitie, by the lawes of God forbidden, so set out for an admonition in a Table lately appointed to be affixed in euerie Parishe church of this prouince, or that being diuorced or seperated for the same, do yet notwithstanding cohabite, and kéepe companie still togither. And also all persons being maryed without those degrées, that haue vnlawfully forsaken theyr wiues, or husbands, and maryed others, and if any man haue two wiues at once, or any woman two husbands at once, or if any being diuorced or seperated asunder, have maried againe: If any be maried that haue made a precontract. If any haue maryed without banes thrise solemnely asked in the Church. If any cooples be maryed that liue not togither, but slaunderously liue apart, or if any haue maryed out of the parish church where they ought to haue solemnised mariage, the churchwardens and sworne men shall likewise present the same halfeyearely to [Page] the Ordinarie.
24 Item, the Churchwardens and sworne men of euerie parish shall likewise halfeyearely present to the Ordinarie the names of all such persons whatsoeuer, eyther of the Clergie or Laytie, that be fauourers of the Romishe and forreyne power, letters of true Religion; hearers or sayers of Masse, or of any Latine seruice, Preachers or setters forth of corrupt and popish doctrine, mainteyners of sectaryes, disturbers of diuine seruice, kéepers of any secrete conuenticles, preachings or lectures, receyuers of any vacabonde popishe priestes, or other notorious mislikers of true Religion, or mainteyners of the vnlearned people in ignorance and error, encouraging and moouing them rather to pray in an vnknowne tongue than in English, or that stubburnely refuse to conforme themselues to vnitie and godly Religion nowe established by publike authoritie.
25 And finally, the Churchwardens and sworne men of euery Parish shall likewise halfeyearely present to the Ordinarie, whether all these Iniunctions giuen as is aboue, aswell to the Clergie, as to the Laytie, be duely obserued and kept, and if they be not, then which and howe many of the sayd Iniunctions be not kept, and by whom, and in what poynt any person or persons doe violate and breake the same.
All which Iniunctions we doe charge and commaund to be inuiolably performed and obserued of all persons whome they shall concerne within our prouince of Yorke, vpon paine of contempt, and of excomunication, and other censures of the church by the ecclesiasticall lawes of this Realme in such like cases limitted and appoynted.
God saue the Queene.