A new Song, called
Jacke Doues Resolution, by which he doth show, That he cares not a rush how ere the world goe.
To the tune of, To driue the cold winter away.
O all my good Friends, these presents I send,
yet neyther to beg nor to craue,
though some haue store, and I am but poore,
Ime content with that little I haue;
Ile nere for my want, turne
though many there be that doe so)
[...]t Ile honest bée, loue them that loues mée,
And care not how ere the world goe.
though fortune frowne, Ile not cast my selfe downe
But mildly beare what doth fall;
[...]re will make me but worse, and nere fill my purse,
[...]ut the day may come will mend all,
[...]en tis but a folly, for that to be sorry,
which must be whether I will or no;
[...]t impatience in rest, then Ile hope for the best
And care not how ere the world goe.
why should a man care, or drowne in despaire,
though his fortunes be nere so vnkind?
why should I be sad, for what I nere had,
[...]r foolishly trouble my mind?
[...] I doe hate, to pine at my fate,
[...]here is none but fooles will doe so,
[...] and be fatte, for care kils a Catte,
and I care not how ere the world goe.
To sigh and to waile, what will it preuaile,
or any whit better my fare,
When a little good mirth, mong'st friends, is more worth,
and better then a great deale of care;
Then Ile chéere vp my selfe, for content is great wealth
let sighing and sorrowing goe,
Ile laugh and be merry, with a cup of old Sherry,
and care not how ere the world goe.
Though many a Chuffe, hath more then enough,
why should I repine at their blisse?
If I am content with what God hath sent,
I thinke I doe not amisse:
Let others haue wealth, so I haue my health,
and money to pay what I owe,
Ile laugh and be merry, sing downe a downe derry,
and care not how ere the world goe.
Ile make much of one, for when I am gone,
then whats all the world unto mée?
Ile not be a slaue, to that which I haue,
but mong'st my friends let it flée,
And least there rise debate, about my estate,
when my heads laid full low,
Or some knaues circumuent it, to whom I nere meant it
Ile spend it, how ere the world goe.
The second part, To the same tune.
SOme Men doe suppose, to goe in braue Cloathes,
doth purchase a great deale of respect;
Though I am but poore, I run not on score,
I thinke my selfe honestly deckt:
Let others goe braue tis my owne that I haue,
and I thinke they can not say so.
And I like that I weare, though it cost not so deare,
and I care not how ere the world goe.
I'de rather goe meane, then be like to them,
which liuing in pompe and state,
Maintaine all their brauerie, with priuate knauerie,
getting gold at any rate:
Such conscience professe, but vse nothing lesse,
deceiuing the world with a show,
But the time it may com will pay such knaues home.
but I care not how ere the world goe.
Your delicate
Cates your hippocrites eates,
and Wine of the best doe drinke
Much money they spend, but to little end,
and ne're on their end they thinke.
Low Shrubbes be secure, when Cesars endure
all stormes and tempests that blow,
Let others rise high, but so will not I,
for I care not how ere the world goe.
For ambitions best sceane, is but a fine dreame,
which for a time tickles the minde,
And the hap of an houre, with such enuy may lowre,
as may turne all ones hope into winde,
Then worse then before, they may sigh and deplore
[...]e themselues cast off so low.
When I all the while, doe sit and smile,
and care not how ere the world goe.
The flattering Curres, which fawne vpon surres,
and hang on the Noble-mans becke,
That crouch at their héele, whilst their bounty they féel
professing al loue and respect,
Yet when they doe fall, they runne away all,
but I hate to dissemble so
What I doe for my part, shall come from my heart,
and I care not how ere the world goe.
Ile wrong none not I, but if some through enuy,
doe wrong me without a cause,
Or if me they disdaine, Ile slight them againe,
and reckon not of it two strawes;
Dissembling I scorne, for I am frée borne,
my happinesse lies not below,
Though my words they want art, I speake from m
[...] hear
and I care not how ere the world goe.
G. B.
Printed at London for Iohn Wright and are to be sold at his shop in Giltspur-street at the signe of the Bible