In the third Trienniall Visitation Of the Right Honourable, and Right Reverend Father in GOD, WILLIAM, Lord Bishop of LONDON, Lord High Treasurer of ENGLAND. Holden in the Yeare of our LORD GOD, 1640


The Oath to be administred to the Church-wardens and Sworn-men.

YOu shall sweare that you and every of you shall diligently enquire of the Articles given you in charge; and without any affection, favour, [...], hope of reward and gaine, or feare of displeasure, or malice of any person, you shall present all and every such person and persons that now is, or [...]f late was within your Parish, as hath committed any incest, adultery, fornication, or simony, and any misdemeanour or disturbances committed or made in any Church or Ch [...]ppell, in time of Common Prayer, Preaching, or Divine Service there used, to the disturbance thereof: and also that have com­mitted or done any other offence, fault or default, presentable in the E [...]clesi­asticall Court, according to the Articles now delivered to you. Wherein you shall deale uprightly and according to truth, neither of malice presenting any contrary to truth, nor of corrupt affection sparing to present any, and [...]o con­ceale the truth: having in this action God before your eyes, with an earnest zeale to maintaine the truth, and suppresse vice. So helpe you God, and the Contents of this Booke.

Articles to be enquired of within the Diocesse of LONDON, in the Visitation to be holden in the Yeare of our LORD, 1640.

Concerning Religion, and the true worship of God▪ In This Realme established.

IS there any who doth affirme & teach that the 39▪ Articles agréed upon by th [...] Archbishops and Bishops in b [...]th Provinces, Can. 5. and the whole Clergie, in the Convocation h [...]lden at London, Anno▪ 1562. are in any part superstitio [...]s or [...], or such as hée may not with a good conscience subscribe unto? Who is that so teacheth or affirmeth, and what is his name?

2 Is there any who doth affirme and [...]ea [...]h▪ that the forme of Gods worship in the Church of [...]gland, Can. 4. established by the Law, and contai [...]d in the booke of Common [...]rayer and administration of Sacraments, is a corrupt, superstitio [...]s, [...] unlawfull worship of God, or containeth any thing in it that is rep [...] [...]nt, to the Scriptures, Who is it that so teacheth, &c.?

3 Is there any who doth affirme or teach, Can. 6. that the Rites and Ceremo­ [...]ies of the Church of England by Law established, are wicked, antichristi­an, or superstitious, or such as being commanded by lawfull Authoritie, [...]ay not with good cons [...]ience [...]ee approved, used, or subscribed unto, by men who are zealously and godly affected, who is it, &c?

4 Is there any that separateth himselfe from the Communion of Saints, Can. 9. as it is approved by the Apostles Rules in the Church of England, and c [...]mbine themselves together in a new brother-hood, accounting the Christians who are conformable to the Doctrine, Governement, [...]ites, and Ceremonies of the Church of England, to be prophane or unmeet for him to ioyne within Christian profession, who are they that so separa [...]e [...]mselves, and what are their names?

Concerning the Church, the Governement, Authoritie, and Discipline thereof.

1 IS there any who doth affirme or teach, Can. 3. that the Church of England by Law established under the Kings Maiestie, is not a true and Apostolicall Church, teaching and maintaining the Doctrine of the Apostles. Who is it that doth so affirme and teach, &c?

2 Is there any who doth affirme and teach, Can. 7. that the Governement of [...]he Church of England under his Maiestie by Archbishops, Bishops, Deanes, Archdeacons, and the rest that beare office in the same, is anti­christian and repugnant to the Word of God. Who is it that doth, &c.

3 Is there any who doth affirme or teach, Can. 8. that the formes or manner of making and Consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, containeth any thing in it, that is repugnant to the Word of God: or that they who are made Bishops, Priests, and Deacons in that forme, are not lawfully made, nor ought to be accounted either by themselves or others, to be truly either Bishops, Priests, or Deacons, untill they have some other calling unto those Divine Offices. Who is it, &c.

4 Is there any who doth affirme or teach, Art. 20. 34. that the Church hath no power to decree Rites or Ceremonies, nor any authoritie in Controversies of Faith, or in the changing & abolishing of Ceremonies and R [...]tes of the Church, ordained only by mans authority, contrary to the 20. and 34. Articles of the Church of England. Who is it, &c.

5 Is there any who doth affirme or teach, Can. 2. & 1. that the Kings Maiestie hath not the same Authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall, that the godly Kings had among the Iewes, and Christian Emperours in the Primitive Church. Or that the Kings Maiestie within his Realmes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and all other his Dominions and Countries, is not the highest Power under God, to whom all men, as well Inhabitants as bor [...]e within the same, doe by Gods law owe most loyaltie and obedience. Or that impeach any part his Royall Supremacie in the said causes resto­red to the Crowne, and by the Lawes of the Realme therein established. Who is it, &c?

6 Is there any who doth affirme or teach, [...]an. [...] 4 that no manner of person eith [...]r of the Clergie or Laitie, are to be subiect to the Decrees and Con­stitutions of the Church in causes Ecclesiasticall, made and ratified by the Kings Maiesties Supreme authoritie, other then such as are particularly assembled in the sacred Synods of the Church for the making of the said Decrees, and Constitutions, and have given their voices, to the same. Who is it, &c?

[Page] 7 Is there any that doth affirme or teach, Can. 12. that it is lawfull for any sort of Ministers and lay persons, or either of them to ioyne together, and make rules, orders, and Constitutions in Causes Ecclesiasticall without the Kings Authority, or any that submit themselves to be ruled and Governed by the same. Who is it, &c?

8 Is there any who doth affirme, Can. 10. teach▪ maintaine or publish, that such Ministers who refuse to subscribe to the forme and manner of Gods worship in the Church of England, Can. 11. and their adherents may truly take unto them the name of another Church: or that there are within this Realme, other meetings, assemblies, or congregations of the Kings borne Subiects, then such as by the lawes of this Land are held and allowed, which may rightly chalenge to themselves the name of true and lawfull Churches. Who is it that doth so affirme, &c?

9 Doth any Minister or Ministers, Can. 72. without the Licence and direction of the Bishop of the Diocesse first obtained, appoint or keep any solemne Fasts publikely, or in any private houses, other then such as are or shall be appointed by lawfull authoritie, or not being Licensed as afore is said, presumes to appoint or hold any meeting for Sermons, Sermon Lectures, Prophecies, or exercises in Market Townes or other places, or doth at­tempt without such Licence upon any pretence whatsoever, either of posses­sion or obsession, to cast out any Divell or Divels. Who is it that offen­deth in the premises, &c.

10 Doe any Priests or Ministers of the Word of God, Can. 73. or any other persons meet together in any private hou [...]e or el [...]ewhere, to consult upon any matter or course to be taken by them or by any other, upon their motion and direction, which may any way tend to the impeaching or depraving of the Church of E [...]gland, or of the booke of Common Prayer, or of any part of the Government or Discipline in the Church of England now established, and who are they?

Concerning Churches, the Ornaments, Vtensils, and other necessaries to the same belonging.

1 IS your Parish Church or Chappell well and sufficiently repaired, Can. 85. and so from time to time maintained and kept? Are the win­dowes well glazed, the floare kept paved plaine and even, and all things there in such [...]n orderly [...]nd decent sort, without dust, or any thing that may bee either noysome or un [...]eemely, as best becommeth the house of God?

2 Are the ten Commandements set upon the East end of your Church or Chappell, Can. 82. where the people may best see and reade the same, and other [Page] chosen sen [...]ences written upo [...] the walls of your said Church or Chappell, in convenient places?

3 Doe the Cha [...]cels remaine as they have d [...]ne in times past, Rubr. be­fore Mor­ning Pray­er. that i [...] to say, in the convenient situation of the Seates, and in the ascent or [...] unto the place appointed anciently for the standing of the holy Tab [...]? Is the Chancell of your Church or Chappell cleane kept, Orders of Queene Elizabe [...], An. 1561. Ib. Order [...]. and repaire [...] within and without, in the windowes and otherwhere as appertaineth▪ And is there a comely partition betwixt your Chancell and the body of the Church or Chappell, as is required by the Law?

4 Is the Church-yard of your Church or Chappell well and sufficient­ly sensed, Can, 85. maintained and kept with walls, [...]ailes or poles, as hath beene heretofore accustomed: And if not, then by whose neglige [...]e or default is it, that the fenses of the same are grown into decay▪

5 Are there any Playes, Can. 88. Foasts, Banquets, Suppers, Church-Ales, Drinkings, Temporall Courts or Le [...]tes, Lay-iuries or Musters: or is there any other prophane usage, kept in your Church, Chappell, o [...] Churchyards, of what sort soever▪ By whom [...]re your said Church or Chappell, or Churchyard so prophaned as afore is said, and by whose permission.

6 Have you in the Chancell of your Church or Chappell a decent and convenient Table for the celebration of the Holy Comm [...]ion? Is i [...] so set as is directed in the Queenes Iniunctions, Injunct. of Q▪ Eliz. Orders of Q▪ Eli [...]. and appointed by the Ca­non made in the Synod held at London, Can. 82. Anno 1640. Have you a Carpet of silke or other decent stuffe, appointed by the Ordinary, to lay upon the Table in the time of Divine Service, and a faire linnen cloth to lay upon the same in time of the Communion? And is the said Carpet and linnen cloth laid constantly upon the Table, at the times aforesaid?

7 Have you a faire Communion Cup, Com. Book. or Chalice of silver, with a co­ver of the same, Can. 20. and a decent standing pot or Flagon of pewter, if not of pu­rer metall, in which the wine for the Communion is to be brought unto the holy Table? Is the said Table, Carpet, Linnen cloth▪ Cup, or Fla­gon, or either of them any wayes prophaned, or otherwise imployed, then to their owne proper and right holy uses?

8 Have you in your Church or Chappell a Font of stone, Can. 81. where Bap­tisme is to be administred, decently made, and kept as it ought to be? Is the same set in the Ancient usuall place appointed for it, and doth your Mi­nister publikely baptize, in the same Font only?

9 Have you in your Church or Chappell, Can. 82. 83. a convenient Seat made [...] the Minister to reade Service in, as also a comely and decent Pulpit set in a convenient place within the same for the preaching of Gods Word, and there seemely kept?

[Page] 10 Have you in your Church or Chappell a strong Chest with an hole in the upper part thereof, Can. 84 [...] the Almes of the poore? Hath the same chest three severall keyes, and is the one of them in the castodie of the Parson, Uicar, or Curat? Is the same so set and fastened in the most convenient [...], to the intent the parishioners may put into it their Almes, for their poore neighbours?

11 Have you a true note and Terrar, Can. [...]7 of all the Glebes, Lands, Mea­dowes, Gardens, Orchards, Houses, stockes, implements, Tenements and portions of tythes lying out of your Parish, which belong unto your Parsonage, or Uicarage? And is the same, or a true Coppie of the same layed up in the Bishops Registry for a perpetuall Memory thereof?

12 Have you a comely decent Surplisse with sleeves for the use of your Minister in saying the publike prayers, Can. 58. or ministring the Sacraments, and other rites of the Church: together with an Universitie hood, accor­ding to the degree of your said Minister? And doth the Parson, Uicar, or Cu [...]te use the same, as oft as he officiates Gods publike Service, admini­streth the Sacraments, or dischargeth any publike duty in the Con­gregation?

13 Have you a Bible of the largest volume, Can. 80. allowed by Authoritie, the booke of Common Prayer, and the booke of Homilies, all very well, and fairely bound? As also a booke of the Canons And Constitutions, made in the Synod held at London, Anno 1603. and ratified by the Kings Authority? A booke of prayers for the 5. of November, and for the 27. of March being the day of his Maiesties most happy Inauguration?

Have you a parchment Register booke wherein to keep upon record, Can. 70▪ the severall Christenings, Weddings, and Burials, which happen weekly, quarterly, Can. 52 or yearly, in your Parish? Have you also a Register booke wherein to write the names of all Preachers, which come and Preach in your Church from other places? Can. 70 And have you one sure Co [...]er with thrée lockes and keyes, for keeping of the bookes aforesaid. And doth one of your keyes remaine alwayes in the hands of your Minister?

Whether is your Parsonage-house or Vicarage-house, Barnes, Stables, and other out-houses thereto belonging, in good and sufficient repaire.

Whether hath any person in [...]roached upon the ground of your Church­yard, or other consecrated ground, if any hath, then you shall present him, and set out what quantitie of ground is so incroached upon, and whether any new doore or window hath be [...]ne lately made into your Church or Church­yard▪ and by what authority?

Concerning the Celebration of Divine Service, the Administration of the Sacraments. &c.

DOth your Minister or Curate that ministreth in your Pa­rish Church or Chappell, Rubrick after the Pre [...]ace. say daily the Morning and Evening Pray­er, in the same Parish Church or Chappell where he ministreth, unlesse he be lawfully hindered? And d [...]th he cause a Bell to be tolled thereunto, a convenient time before he begin, that such as be disposed may come to heare Gods Word, and to pray with him? Especially,

Is the Common Prayer said or sung distinctly and rev [...]rent­ly upon such dayes as are appointed to be kept holy, Can. 14▪ and upon their E [...]es? Is the same said or sung at convenient and usu [...]ll times of those dayes, and in such pl [...]ce of every Church, as the people may be most edified thereby? And doth the Pars [...]n U [...]car or Curate▪ observe the Orders Rites and Cere­monies prescribed in the booke of Common Prayer, as well in reading the holy Scripture, and saying of prayers, a [...] in administration of the Sacra­ments: without either diminishing in regard of Preaching, or in any o­ther respect, or adding any thing, in the matter and forme thereof?

2 Doth the Minister reade the Psalmes, Rub [...]i [...]k of the Com­mon P [...]ay­er booke▪ and Lessons appointed in the Kalendar for Morning and Evening Prayer? And at the end of every Psalme throughout the yeare, and likewise at the end of the Benedictus, Benedicite, Magnificat, and Nunc dimittis, doth he repeate, Glory be to the Father, &c. And at the reading of the Lessons, doth he stand and turne him so, as he may best be heard of all such as be present? And is the Creed called Athanasius Creed, beginning with ( Whosoever will be saved) said by your Minister constantly at the times appointed in the Common Pray­er booke, and doth your Minister sing or say any other Psalmes or Hymns other then aforesaid in the place of those, contrary to Law?

3 Doth your Parson, Can. 15. Uicar, or Curate, say the Letanie on every Sun­day duely throughout the yeare▪ as also upon all Wednesdayes and Fri­daies weekely, though they be not holy-dayes? In what convenient place of your Church or Chappell doth hee say the same, and by whom was that place appointed? Doth hee say the same at the accustomed houres of Ser­vice, and is there warning giuen to the people by the tolling of a Bell? And doth euery house-holder dwelling within halfe a mile of the Church, come, or send one at the least of his houshold to ioyne with the Minister?

4 Doth your Minister read the Communion Service, Rubr. f [...]r the Com­munion. or the second Service on every Sunday and Holyday throughout the yeare, though [...] there bee no Communion, according as it is appointed in the Booke of Common Prayer?

[Page] 5 Doth your Parson re [...]ide upon his Bene [...]ce or not, Can. 4 [...] If yea, then, be­ing a licensed Preacher, doth he preach one Sermon every Sunday in the yeare in his owne Cure, Can. 4 [...] 46▪ or in some Church or Chappell neare adioyning, having no lawfull impediment? And being not a licensed Preacher, doth he offer at any time to preach or expound the Scriptures, or rather doth he procure Sermons to bee Preache [...] in his Cure once every moneth at the least by Preachers which bee lawfully licensed? Can. 47 If he be licensed by the Lawes of this Realme not to reside upon his Benef [...]ce, then in that Case doth he supply his cure by one that is a sufficient and Licensed Preacher? And is your Curate allowed to serve there by the Bishop of the Diocesse, Can. 48 or by the Ordinary of the place having Episcopall iurisdiction, and by no other?

6 Doth your Parson, Rubr▪ Uicar, or Curate upon every Sunday and holy­day throughout the yeare when there is no Sermon, reade one of the Ho­milies set forth by publike Authority? Doth he use to read the same in the Pulpit only, according as he is required in the Canons of the yeare 1571. Cap. 4. And doth your Minister as well before the Homilie as before his Sermon move and exhort the people [...]o ioyne with him in Prayer according to the forme laid downe in the book of Canons, Can. 55 and doth hee use any other forme then is there prescribed?

7 Have you in your Parish, Can. 55▪ besides your Parson, Uicar, and Curate, any Lecturer or Lecturers not having cure of soules therein? Can. 56 Doth your Lecturer use before his Lectures, the forme of prayer before remembred, and no other forme? And doth he twice at the least every yeare read the Divine Service on two severall Sundaies both in the fore-noone and after­noone, publikely and at the usuall times, and doth he as oft in every yeare administer the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper, in such manner and form, and with the observation of such Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed in the book of Common Prayer?

8 Doe your Lecturer or Lecturers preach in their Gownes and not in their Cloaks, according to his Maiesties Instructions, An. 1629. Doth he professe his willingnesse to take upon him a Living with cure of soules, in that place or Parish, in the which he Lectures or elsewhere. And doth he actually take such Cure or Benef [...]ce if any hath beene offered to him?

9 Is your Lecturer licensed by the Bishop of the Diocesse? Can. 5 [...] And doth your Lecturer or any other Preacher that Lectureth or preacheth in your Church or Chappell, impugne or confute any Doctrine formerly delivered in the same, or in any Church neare adioyning, before hee hath acquainted the Bishop of the Diocesse therewith, and received order from him what to doe in that case for the avoiding of dissention?

10 Doth your Lecturer conforme himselfe to the Lawes, can. 5 [...] Ordinances, [Page] a [...]d Rites Ecclesiasticall established in the Church of England? If not, you are to certifie the same unto the Bishop of the Diocesse, or other Ordinary of the place, to the end that if the said Lecturer doe not conforme himselfe after admonition, his Licence may be voided, and himselfe removed?

11 Doth your Parson, Can. 21▪ Uicar, or Curate, administer the Communion in your Church or Chappell so often, and at such times, as every parishioner may communicate at least thrice in the yeare, whereof the Feast of Easter to be one? Can. 2 [...] And doth he give warning to his parishioners publikely in the Church at Morning prayer the Sunday before, for the better preparation of themselves? And doe such as purpose to communicat [...] signifie their minds unto the [...]urate over night or the morning early?

12 Doth your Minister admit to the receiving of the holy Communi­on, Can. 26▪ such of his Cure which be openly knowne to live in sinne notorious without repentance, or any who have openly or maliciously contended with their neighbours, and will not be induced by him to a reconcilement? Or any Church-wardens or Sidemen, who having taken oath to present to their Ordinaries every such publike offence, as they are particularly charged to enquire of in their severall parishes, shall wittingly incurre the horrible crime of periurie?

13 Doth he wittingly administer the same to any but to such as kneel, Can. 27. or to any that refuse to bee present at the publike prayers, or to any that bee common and notorious depravers of the booke of Common-prayer, or of any thing contained in the Booke of Articles agreed upon in the Convocation, Anno 1562. Or in the booke of Ordering Priests and Bishops, or to any that hath spoken against, and depraved his Maiesties Soveraigne Au­thority in causes Ecclesiasticall, except such persons doe first acknowledge to the Minister before you the Church-wardens that hee is sorry for the same, and promise either by word of mouth, or under his hand to doe so no more?

14 Is the bread provided for the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Sup­per, [...]ubr. of the best and purest white-bread that may conveniently be gotten? Doth the Minister take the same into his hands to blesse and consecrate it to that holy use as oft as he administreth the Communion? Doth he so likewise with the wine provided? And if any bread or wine bee newly brought, doth he first use the words of the Institution before it be distribu­ted to the Communicants? [...]an. [...]1.

15 Doth your Minister as oft as he celebrateth the Communion, [...]ubr. receive the Sacrament first in both kindes himselfe, [...]an. 21. and having so received the same, doth he severally deliver the bread and wine to every Commu­nicant in their ha [...]ds knéeling? And at his delivery of the same, doth hee reherse the whole forme mentioned in the Communion Booke saying ( The [Page] body of our Lord Iesus Christ, &c.) or doth he only use some part thereof, as he list himselfe?

16 Doth your Parson Uicar or Curate administer the Communion at any time publikely in the congregation except there be foure or three (at the least) to communicate with him? Rubr. & Doth he administer the same to any strangers, which come often and commonly from their owne Parish Chur­ches? And doe you the Church-wardens give notice to your Minister of such strangers, Can. 28. 57. that so hee may remit them home to their owne Parish Churches, there to Communicate with th [...]ir owne Minister and neighbours?

17 Doth your Minister, Can. 71▪ except it be in times and cases of necessity, Preach or administer the holy Communion in any private house in which there is no Chappell dedicated and allowed by the Ecclesiasticall lawes of this Kingdome? Doth any Chaplaine living within your parish, preach or administer the Communion in any other place then in the Chappell of the said houses? Doth the Lords and Masters of such Chaplaines, or hou­ses, at other times resort to their owne Parish Churches, Instructi­ons. and there receive the holy Communion, at least once in the yeare? And doe any under No­ble men, and men qualified by law keepe any private Chaplaine in their house or houses?

18 Doth your Minister refuse or delay to Christen any child that is brought to him to the Church on Sundayes or Holy-dayes, Can. 6 [...] knowledge there­of being given to him over night or in the morning before Morning prayer? Rubr▪ o [...] Bap. Doth hee proceed therein in all things according to the forme of publike Baptisme in the Common prayer Booke, Can. 30. doth he neglect, refuse, or pre­termit at any time to signe the child baptized with the signe of the crosse, or doth hee admit the parent of a childe to answer as a Godfather to his own childe, Can. 29. or any other person to be a Godfather or Godmother, before the said pers [...]n so undertaking hath received the holy Communion?

19 Doth your Minister being duly informed of the weaknesse and dan­ger of death of any infant unbaptized in his Parish, and being thereupon desired to goe unto the place and baptize the same, either wilfully refuse to d [...]e it, Can▪ 69 or negligently delay the time, so that the child departeth without Baptisme [...]hrough his def [...]ult: if the childe so baptized doe recover after­wards, is it brought into the Church by the Godfathers and Godmothers, to the intent the congregation may bee certified of the Baptizing thereof, according to the [...]orme prescribed in the Common prayer Book?

20 Doth your Minister having Cure and charge of [...]oules, Can. 61 doe his best endeavour to prepare children, Can▪ 59. and make them ready for confirmation? And to that end, Rubr. of Con [...]ir. doth hee on every Sunday and Holyday before Evening prayer for the space of halfe an houre or more instruct the youth and ignorant▪ [Page] persons of the parish, according [...] the Catechisme set forth in the Common prayer booke? And are the afternoone Sermons in your [...] parish (if you had any formerly) turned into Catechising by way of questions and an­swers according to the Kings Instructions? Inst [...]ucti­ [...]ns▪

21 Doth your Minister either bring, Rub. of Confirm. or send in writing to the Bi­shop of the Diocesse the names of all those Children of his parish which can answer to the questions contained in the Catechisme, that by the impositi­on of hands and prayer, they may receive strength and defence against tem­ptation? And doth he admit any person or persons to y holy Comm [...]nion, un­till such time as he or they can orderly say the catechisme and be confirmed?

22 Doth your Parson, Can. 62. Uicar, or Curate celebrate Matrimony be­twixt any persons, without a facultie or Licence granted by authority Law­full, or without the Banes of Matrimony first published, on three severall Sundayes or Holydayes, in the parish Church or Chappell where the said parties dwell, or at the times by Law prohibited without speciall Licence: Or doth he celebrate the same in any other place than in the Church, or in the Church at any other time than betweene the hours of eight and twelve in the forenoone, and at that time betwixt such persons as are under the age of twenty one yeares, without the consent of their parents signifie [...] unto him▪ or a Licence granted to him so to doe?

23 Doth your Minister in the solemnizing of holy Matrimony keepe himselfe to the forme and Ceremonies prescribed in the Common Prayer booke, Rubr▪ of Matrimo­ [...]ie. doth he at any time marry any without a King, or without going to the Lords Table, as it is appointed: Doth he in case there bee no Sermon read those Texts of Scripture, wherein the offices of man and wife, are de­clared, according as it is prescribed? And doe the new married persons the same day of their marriage receive the holy Communion, as by Law they ought?

24 Doth your Minister or Curate resort to such of your parish as are dangerously sick (if the disease be n [...]t probably suspected to be infectious) to instruct and comfort them in that distresse, Can. 87. doth hee exhort the sick party to be in charity with all the world, Rubr. of [...]isitation. and to dispose of his goods, and declare his debts, and doth he move him and that most earnestly to liberalitie towards the poore, and to unburden his conscience?

25 If any sick person finde his conscience troubled with anyweighty matter, Rubr. of Visitation. and doth unburden the same to his Priest or Minister, doth the said Priest or Minister give him absolution according to the forme prescri­bed: Can. 130 And have you ever heard that the said Priest or Minister hath re­vealed and made knowne at any time to any person whatsoever, any crime or [...]ffence committed to his trust and secrecy, either in case of such extremity, or any other case whatsoever (except they be such crimes as by the lawes of [Page] this Realme, the life of the sai [...] Priest or Minister ma [...] [...]e called in que­sti [...]n for concealing of it) declare the name of the offender, when and by whome you heare the [...]ame?

26 Doth the Curate that ministreth in your parish, Rubrick of Com. upon convenient notice giuen him, administer the Communion unto such as be dangerously sicke, and not able to come unto the Church, and yet are desirous to receive the same in their houses, and are unquiet for he lack thereof: Or doth hee obstinately and wilfully refuse so to doe being thereunto required, and find­ing all things necessary for the doing of it?

27 Doth your minister refuse or delay to bury any corps that is brought into the Church or Church-yard, Can. 68. convenient warning being given him before, except the partie deceased were denounced excommunicate for some grievous crime, Majori Excommunicatione, and no man able to te­stifie of his repentance: And doth he do it decently and gravely, not swerv­ing from the forme prescribed by the Church in the Common prayer booke?

28 Doth any woman in your parish after her delivery from the paines and perill of Childbirth refuse to come into the Church to render thanks to God for so great a mercy: Doth she goe thither covered with a decent veil according to the laudable and ancient custome: And being come doth she goe▪ n [...]ere unto the place where the Table standeth, Rubr. and offereth her accu­stomed offerings: And doth your Minister doe his dutie in churching the said women according to the forme prescribed: And doth the woman that commeth to give her tha [...]kes▪ receive the holy Communion if there by any?

29 Doth your Minister at and upon seasonable times, especially on the first day of Lent, cause the people, to bee called together and assembled in the Church by the ringing of a Bell: And being drawne together doth hee read unto them the commination against sinners, with the other prayers appointed?

Concerning the Clergie, their Duty, Carriage▪ &c.

DOth your Parson, Can. 1. Uicar, Curate, or Lecturer, (if you have any) purely and syncerely teach, manifest and declare foure times every yeare at the least in his Sermons and other Collations and Lectures that all usurped and forraigne power is for most iust cau [...]es taken away and abolished, and that therefore no obedience or subiection within his Maiesties Realmes and Dominions, is due unto any such forraigne power. And doth he preach the Doctrine of obedience, and the Kings authority ac­cording to the Canons published, and set out by the late holy Synod, Can. 64. Anno 1640. Rub. of Com.

2 Doth your Minister declare to the parishioners, every Sunday at [Page] the time appointed in the Communion booke whether there be any Holy­dayes or fasting-dayes in the following weeke: And doth hee call upon them to observe the same, according to the Lawes of the Land, and of ho­ly Church?

3 Doth your Minister or Curate in the Rogation dayes goe in peram­bulation about your parish saying and using the Psalmes and suffrages by Law appointed, Injuncti­ons and Adver [...]isements of Q Eliz [...]b. as viz. Psalme 103. & 104. the Letany and suffrages, toge­ther with the Homily set out for that end and purpose: Doth hee admonish the people to give thankes to God, if they see any likely hopes of plenty, and to call upon him for his mercy, if there be any feare of scarcitie: And doe you the Churchwardens assist him in it?

4 Doth your Curate serve more then one Church or Chappell upon one day, Can. 48. except the said Chappell be a member of the parish Church or united thereto: Can An. 1571. Cap. ult. How farre distant are the said Churches or Chappels which he serveth from one another? What wages hath he for his paines?

5 Doth your Minister if he be commanded by the Ordinary, Can. 65. openly on some Sunday denounce and declare for excommunicate, all those, who either for refusing to frequent the divine service of the Church, or for noto­rious contumacie, or other notable crimes stand lawfully excommunicated by the lawes of the Church, that others thereby may bee admonished to re­fraine their Companies: And doth your Minister himselfe refraine th [...] company of persons excommunicated and so denounced?

6 Doth your Parson, Can. 74. Uicar, or Curate usually weare such apparell as is prescribed by the Canon, that is to say, a gowne with standing colla [...] and wide sleeves straite at the hands, and a square cap: Or doth hee go [...] at any time abroade in his dublet and ho [...]e without coat or cassock, or doth he use to weare any light coloured stockings, d [...]th he weare any [...]oi [...]e, and wrought nightcaps, or only plaine night-caps of silke, sattin, or velvet: And in his iourneying, doth he usually weare a cloake with sleeves, com­monly called the Priests cloak, without guards, we [...]ts, long buttons or cuts?

7 Doth your Parson, Can. 75. Uicar, or Curate resort at any time, other then for his honest necessities to any Tavernes, or Ale [...]ouses, or doth your Cu­rate lodge or board, in any such places: Doe they or either of them give themselves to any base or servile labour, or to drinking or Riot, or to play­ing at di [...]e, cards or tables, or to an [...] other unlawfull game, or games: or doe they otherwise spend their time idly by day or by night?

8 Is there any in your Parish, Can. 76. who having beene a Deacon or Mini­ster hath voluntaryly relinquished his calling, and doth u [...]e himselfe in the course of his li [...]e as a lay man, what are their names that have forsaken their said callinge?

[Page] 9 Doth your Minister (if he be a Preacher, Can. 66▪ and thought fit by your Bishop) having any popish Recusant, or Recusants in his parish, labour diligently with them from time to time, Can. 66. thereby to reclaime them from their errours: And if he be n [...] Preacher, or not such a Preacher, doth hee procure some that are Preachers so qualified, to take paines with them to that purpose?

10 Doth your Parson, Can. 114 Uicar, or Curate, carefully informe himselfe every yeare, how many popish Recusants, men, woemen, and children a­bove the age of thirteene yeares, or being otherwise popishly given, are in­habitants within their parish or parishes, or make their abode there, either as soiourners or common guests?

11 Doth your Minister every Sunday weekly (if there be occasion) in the presence of you the Churchwardens, Can. 70. write and record in the▪ Register-booke the names of all persons christened, together with the names and sur­names of their parents, as also, the names and surnames of all persons married and buried in that parish the weeke before, and the day and [...]eare of every such Christening, Marriage, and Burial, and unto every page ther­of when it is fild, do you and your said Minister subscribe your names: And is a true coppie of the said Christnings, Marriages, and Burials, subscri­bed with the names of your Minister and you the Churchwardens, trans­mit [...]ed yearely within one moneth after the 25 of March, unto the Bishop of the Dio [...]esse to be preserved in his Registry?

12 Doth your Minister in the parish Church or Chappell, where [...]ee hath charge, reade the Canons, Orders, and Constitutions, (agreed on in the Synod held at London, Anno 1603.) once every yeare upon some Sundayes or Holydayes in the afternoone before Divine Ser­vice: and doth he so divide the same, as the one halfe may be read one day▪ and the other halfe the other day?

Whether hath your Minister, Churchwardens, and Sidemen, presented unto the Lord Bishop of London, or his Chancellour, within fortie dayes after [...]aster, the names of all the Parishioners, as well men as woemen, which being [...]bove 16. yeares of age, received not the Communion, at or about Easter be­ [...]ore according to the 112. Canon; If not, you shall present, whether that [...]resentment should have beene brought in by your selves or your predecessors, [...]nd specifie the names of every one that should have made such presentment at [...]aster last past?

Concerning Schoolemasters, Parish Clarkes, and Sextens.

DOth any man in your Parish [...]each either in publike Schoo [...] or [...]iva [...]e house, Can. 77. but such as [...]e allowed by the Bishop of the Diocesse or other Ordinary of the place under his hand and Seale: Can. 78. And if there [...] no publike Grammer-schoole founded in y [...]ur parish, doth any other teac [...] Schoole in your parish, than your Cura [...]e only, if he be willing so to doe?

2 Doth your Schoolemaster teach in English or Latine, Can. 79. as the chil [...]dren are able to beare, the shorter or longer Catechisme set forth by Autho [...]rity and no other: doth he on Sundayes and Holydayes when there is [...] Sermon cause his S [...]hollers to [...]ome unto the Church, and there see the [...] quietly and orderly behave themselves▪ And doth he traine them up at [...] in sentences of holy Scripture▪ And doth he teach them any o [...]ther Grammar than that which was set forth by King. Henry VIII. an [...] hath since conti [...]ued▪

3 Have you belonging to your Church or Chappell a Parish Clark [...] aged: Can. 91. 21. yeares at the least? As he of [...] convers [...]tion, sufficient [...] his reading, writing: and also for his [...] said Clarke chosen by any your Parson, Uicar, o [...] other Minister. An [...] doth your Clarke so chosen as before is said, receiv [...] his [...], without any fraud or diminution, as h [...]th beene a [...] [...] who is it that denyeth to pay that wages?

4 D [...]th your Se [...]ten or your Parish Clarke (if there be no Se [...]ton) wh [...]n, Can. 67. and as often as any person in passing out of this life, cause [...] Bell [...] be tolled, that so his neighbours may be warned to recommend his soule [...] the grace of God? And after the said parties death (if it so [...]all out) doth [...] ring or cause one short peale to be [...]orthwith run [...], that so his neighbour may have notice that he is departed:

Whether do you the Churchwardens of every Parish within the Ci [...]ie an [...] Suburbs of London (according to the Kings Majesties Letters Patents, unde [...] the great Seale of England in that behalfe granted) suffer your Parish Clar [...] to gather his wages himselfe, in as full and ample manner, as the fame ha [...] formerly beene gathered, in or by colour of his name, without dimin [...]tio [...] upon pre [...]ence of pewage, or the like, and without any manner of disturban [...] or interruption or forbidding any one so to pay the same unto him, and wh [...]ther doe you assist your Clarke in collecting his wages (if need be) accordin [...] to his Majesties said Letters Patent: and whether doe you duely present a [...] such persons of your Parish as refuse to pay the said Clarkes accustomed wage [...] as by his Majesties said grant, you are required and commanded?

Concerning Parishioners.

IS there any in your Parish either Mas [...]er or servant, Can 109 Soiour [...]er or Inhabiter, that hath offended either by Adultery, Whoredome, Incest, or drun [...]ennesse, or by swearing, ribaldry, (or filthy speaking) usury, or any other uncleannesse, or wickednesse of life? you shall faithfully present all and every the said offenders.

2 Doe you know of any in your Parish, Can. 110 or elsewhere, that is an hin­derer of the word of God to be read, or syncerely preached, or of the execu­tion of any Ecclesiasticall Canons, now by law in force? or a fa [...]our of any usurped or forraigne power, by the lawes of this Realme [...]ustly rejected and taken away, or a defendour of any popish and erronious do­ctrine? you shall de [...]ect, and faithfully present. &c.

3 Have you in your parish any popish Recusants, Can. 114. men, women▪ or children, above the age of 13. yeares, whether inhabitants, or sojour­ners, and common guests, that refuse to come to Church, or comming to the Church, refuse to receive the Communion? you shall set downe their names in writing, if you know their names, or otherwise▪ those names by which they are called, and who they are that entertaine such guests or sojourners.

4 Have you any that disswade any of his Majes [...]ies subjects, Q Eliz. [...]. [...] from com­ming to the Divine Service in this Church established, or that haue or doe practise with any of them to disswade them from taking the oath of Allegiance▪ or that have any wayes offended against the Canon lately made, for the suppressing of popish superstition:

5 Doe all and every person or persons inhabiting or so [...]ourning with­in your Parish, 1 E [...]z. c. [...] diligen [...]ly and faithfully resort unto your parish Church, or Chappell accustomed, upon euery Sunday, and other dayes appointed to be u [...]ed and kept as Holydayes, doe they then and there abide orderly and soberly, [...] the time of common prayer, preaching, or other service of God there to be used, or m [...]nistred? Or, (which is contrary thereunto) have you any that come unto the preachings only, Can. Ann [...] 157 1. c [...]. 5 and not un­to the common prayer, or comming to the common prayer, neither use to come at the beginning, Can. 111 nor [...]arry out unto the end? Or that being there doe rudely and disorderly behave themselves, or which by walking, talking, or any other noise doe hinder the Minister or Preacher?

6 Have you any that upon the Sundayes or Holydaies, imploy them­selves in their bodily and ordinary labour, or that permit their servants so to doe? Or that keepe open Shops in time of divine Service? Or any Uintners, Can: An [...] 1571. Inn-keepers, or other Uictuallers, that permit any to lie tip­ling [Page] in their houses, or that doe tipple, dice▪ or play at cards, or any o­ther game in time of divine Service on the aforesaid dayes? Or that use any plowing, carting, or workes of husbandry, on any of those Sundayes or holydayes, throughout the yeare, unlesse according to Law, or other­wise dispose themselves then according [...]o Gods holy will and pleasure, and the orders of the Church of England pres [...]ribed in that behal [...]e, and by Law in force?

7 Doth any manner of person cover his head in your Church or Chap­pell in time of divine Service or Sermon, Can. 18. or any part thereof, except he have some infirmitie, and in case of such infirmitie, doth he weare a co [...] or nightcap only, and not his hat? doe all and every person of your pa­rish reverently kneele upon their knees, when the generall Confession, the Letany, the ten Commandements and other prayers are read, and also at the receiving the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper, doe they all say the Creed, and Lords prayer, next immediately following in a loud voice together with the Minister? Can. 18. doe they stand up at the saying of the Beliefe, and such other parts of divine Service as former [...]y they have beene used to stand up at, according to the Rules and ancient custome of this Church? And when and as often as in the time of divine Seruice the Lord Iesus shall be mentioned, is due and lowly reverence done by all persons present? have you any that offend in the neglect of these parti­culars▪ and what are there names?

8 Have you any parishioner that being 16. Can. 114 yeares of age doth not re­ceive the Communion, Rubr. at the least thrice in the yeare, of which Easter to be one, or that doth not receive the Sacraments, and other rites accor­ding to the order of the common prayer booke? Can. 122 Or that doth not reckon with his Parson Uicar or Curate, or his or their deputies at Easter, yearely paying such Ecclesiasticall du [...]ies as are accustomably due then, and at that time to be paid?

9 The Minister standing as he is appointed at the North side, Rubr. or end of the Table, when hee prepares to celebrate the holy Communion, and calling on those who doe intend to communicate, to draw neare and take that holy Sacrament to their comfort, [...]nvi [...]ation as it is in the words of the common prayer booke, have you any in your parish that keepe their seats, and sit still in their places, not drawing neare as is commanded by the Church, but looking that the Minister should forsake the place of his station, by the Church appointed, to bring it to them?

10 Is there any of your parish, [...]an. 58. who doth forsake his owne Church or Chappell to receive the Communion at the hands of any other than their owne Minister, or any strangers that usually repaire to your Church or Ch [...]ell to the same intent, or any that refuse to receive the holy Com­munion [Page] at [...]e hands of their owne Minister, because hee is no Preacher or to have their children baptized by him in the same respect, or that in the same respects communicate, or cause their children to be baptized in other Parishes abroad? Or doth your Minister baptize any children presented unto him out of other Parishes? you shall present the names of all offen­ders in these particulars.

11 Have you any that procure their children to be baptized at home in their houses without great cause and necessity, Rubr of B [...] or by any other than their own lawfull Minister if he may be had? Or after any other form and man­ner than is pr [...]scribed by the Liturgie of the Church of England, or any that procure themselves to be married privately, or [...]fter any other man­ner than the Church prescribes?

12 Do all and every housholder of your Parish, Can. 59 Fathers, Mothers, Ma­sters & Mistresses, cause their children, seruants, and apprentises, which have not learned their catechisme, come unto the Church on Sundayes and Holydayes in the afternoone, obediently to heare and to be ordered by the Minister till they have learnt the same.

13 Have you any in your Parish that refuse to contribute, Can. 91 and pay the rate ass [...]ssed [...]pon him, Can. 8 for the repaire of your Church or Chapp [...]ll, or the providing of any bookes, utensils or necessary ornaments to the same be­longing? present the names of those which doe so refuse.

14 Have you any that keepe company and hold society with suc [...] as are denounced and declared Excommunicate? Can. 6 [...]

15 Have you any living in your Parish, Can. 10 which have beene legally se­parated and divorced, have afterwards beene married unto others, either men or women, during the life of each other, or that being so divorced as afore is said, keepe company with each other at bed and at board? Or a­ny that being lawfully married, doe yet live asunder, without a separation in due course of law?

16 Have you any persons in your Parish▪ Can. 9 which are and have been mar­ried within the d [...]grees prohibited by the Lawes of God, and expressed in a Table set forth by authority? And is the said Table publikely set up and fix [...]d in your Church or Chappell at the Charge of the Parish?

17 Are there in your Parish any Wills unproved, Can. [...] or any goods un­administred by lawfull Authority? Did any dying in your Parish give any legacy unto your Church or Chappell, or to the use of the▪ poore and needy? [...] how have the said legacies so given beene disposed of by whom and by whose Authority? And have they otherwise beene disposed of, then to the said pious and charitable uses?

[Page] Whether is there in your parish, a common fame and report of any which have committed Adulterie, Fornication, or Incest, or any Baudes, harbourers, or receivers of such persons, or vehemently suspected thereof, if yea, then specifie their names; Whether have you any in your Parish, which are by common fame and report and vehement suspition, reputed and taken to be common Drunkards, blasphemers of Gods holy Name, common and usu­all swearers, filthy speakers, railers, sowers of discord among their neighbours, or speakers against Ministers Marriages; or Vsurers, contrary to the Sta [...]ute made in the 37. yeare of King Henry the eighth? you shall not faile to present their names.

Whether have any in your Parish, received or harboured any women with child, suspected to be of a [...] incontinent life, or have had any such woman delivered of child in his or her house, or have suffered such women to depart without penance first inflicted upon them by the Ordinary, if yea, you shall present as well the partie harbouring, as harboured, and all that help to con­veigh them away, and the parties suspected to have committed adultery or fornication with them.

Whether doe you know, or have heard of any Patron, or any having an Advowson in your Parish, that have made gaine by any colour, deceit, or Sy­moniacall pact in bestowing his Be [...]efice and presenting to the same for gaine, for or receiving money, or promise of the Lease of the whole or part▪ or by re­serving his owne tithes, or any pension to himselfe, or any other?

What Almes-houses, Hospitals, Free-schooles have you in your Parish, that are not of t [...]e Foundation or Patronage of the King, and who was the Patron or Founder thereof, and whether the said Almes-houses, Hospitals, or Free-schooles in your Parish, being under the Rule and Government of the Lord Bishop of London, be well and godly used, according to the ancient Foundations and Ordinances of the same.

Whether any Persons within your Parish, either for the offences aforesaid, or for any other contumacy or crime, doe remaine excommunicated, what be their names, and for what cause, and how long have they stood excommu­nicated?

Concerning Church-Wardens and Sidemen.

ARe you the Churchwardens chosen by the ioynt consent of your Minister and Parishioners, [...]n. 89 or one of you by the Minister, and the other by the Parishioners: Have the last Churchwardens given up their accounts, delivering up to the Parishioners the money remaining in their hands, and other things of right belonging to your Church or Chappell, and is the same delivered to you by bill indented?

[Page] 2 Do you the Churchwardens and Sidemen diligently see that all your parishioners resort duly to your Church or Chappell, Can. 90▪ upon Sundayes and Holydayes, and there continue the whole time of Divine Service? doe you suf [...]er any to walke or stand idle or talk in the Church or in the Church-yard, Can. 19. 90 or Church [...]porch, during that time, to the disturbance of the Minister and scandall of the congregation? You must present the names of such as offend herein?

3 Do you against the time of every Communion, Can. 20. at the charge of the Parish provide a sufficient quantitie of fine white bread, and of good and wholesome wine, for the number of the Communicants? And doe you doe the same with the advice and direction of your Minister? And the wine so provided, do you bring to the Communion Table in a cleane and sweet standing pot or flaggon?

4 Doe you the Churchwardens and Sidemen see, Can. 52. that the names of all Preachers which come to your Church from other places, be noted in a booke prouided for that purpose? And doth every such Preacher subscribe his name in the said booke, the day when he preached, and the name of the Bishop of whom he had licence to preach?

5 If there be any publike dissension and contradicting in your Pul­pit, Can. 53. betweene the Minister of your Church or Chappell, and any other Preacher or Preachers, whereby disq [...]ietnesse and offence may grow a­mong the people, doe you forthwith signifie the same unto the Bishop, and not suffer the partie to enjoy the place so by him abused, untill the Bishop hath taken further order in it?

6 Doe any person or persons, Can. 115 [...] trouble or molest you the Churchwar­dens, for presenting all or any of those persons, which do off [...]nd in any of the premisses, who are they that doe so molest or trouble you, and before whom, and in what Court doe they so molest you?

7 Doe you the Churchwardens leuie by way of distresse, 1. Eliz. [...]. [...] on the goods Lands and Te [...]ements of every person in your Parish, that doth not re­ [...]ort unto your Parish Church or Chappell on every Sunday and Holy­day throughout the yeare, Ca [...]. 1571▪ (having no reasonable excuse to bee absent) the [...]umme of xii. pence, for every Sunday or Holydaie that he is so absent? And doe you dist [...]ibute the severall summes so levied as before is said, a­mong the poore of the parish, according to the Law in that case provided?

8 Have you had time sufficient for drawing up of your presentments? Can. 119 [...]ow long is it since this booke of Articles was sent unto you? have you [...]erused and considered as well the Oath you are to take, as the Articles [...]hereon to ground your presentments, and [...]very branch and clause there­of, and have you framed your presentments punctually, according to the [...]everall branches and clauses of those Articles? For know assuredly that [Page] as well the discharging of your Office, Can. [...]6. is the chie [...]e me [...]es whereby pub­like sinnes and offences may be reformed and punished, so if you wil [...]lly omit to present such crimes as either you know to be commi [...]ed, or other­wise have heard by publike fame, C [...]n. 117 that in such cases your Ord [...]naries are to proceed against you, as in causes of wilfull perjurie, in their Ecclesiasticall Courts?

Concerning Chancellors, Registers, Proctors, Apparators, and other Ecclesiasticall Officers.

IS the Chancellor, Can. Art. 1571. p. 11. Commissarie, or Officiall, that exerciseth Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction according as you know or have heard in holy Orders of the Ministerie, Can. An. 1603. c. 127. or if he be not, is he well affected and zealously bent towards Religion, and such a man touching whose life no evill ex­ample is had?

2 Doe they or any of them substitute any in their absence to keepe Court for them, Can. 178 that is not either a grave Minister, and a Graduate, o [...] a licensed publike Preacher, and a Benificed man neare the place where the Courts are kept, or a Batchellour of Law, or a Master of Ar [...]s at the least, who hath some skill in the Civill and Ecclesiasticall Lawes? Is he or they so substituted, a favourer of true Religion, and a man of modest and honest conversation? Declare the truth according to your knowledge or best information in these particulars.

3 Do they or any of them (not being themselves in holy Orders) pro­nounce the sentence of Excommunication, Can An. 1571. or leave it only to the Bishop, and is the same pronounced only by the Bishop, or by some grave man o [...] his appointment, which is in the Ministery? Or doe they or any of them absolve any that are Excommunicated at his or their owne house or hou­ses, or otherwise in private houses, or only openly and in the Consistorie [...] declare your knowledge in this point.

4 Doth your Chancellor, Can. An. 1571. & 1597. Archdeacon, Commi [...]sarie or Officiall take upon him, or them to a [...]ter any penanc [...] enjoyned without leave o [...] the Bishop? Have they or either or any of them, comm [...]ted any penan [...] with any dwelling in your Parish? What summe of monie hath beene ta­ken for the said commutation? Is the said summe made knowne unt [...] you in the congregation either by the penitent himselfe, or by the Ministe [...] of your Parish, As by the Canons of the yeare 1597. it ought to be [...] An [...] being so made knowne, hath the same summe or summes of monie, bee [...] distributed on the poore of your Parish▪ or otherwise bestowed upon pio [...] uses? And on what pious uses, as you have beene credibly informed, wa [...] the samebestowed?

[Page] 5 Doth your Chancellor, Can. 120▪ Archdeacon, Of [...]iciall, or other Ecclesi­asticall Iudge, suffer any generall Processe of Quo [...]um Nomina▪ to be sent out of the Court, except the names of all such as be cited▪ are first expres [...]e entered by the hand of the Register or his Deputie, and the said proc [...]sses and names be subscribed by the Iudge or his Deputie, and his seale of Of­fice thereto affixed?

6 Doth the Chancellor, Can. 12 [...]. or any Commissarie within your Dio­cesse, cite any of your Parish for any crime into his court, that hath beene formerly detected or presented to the Archdeacon? Or doth your Arch­deacon cite any dwelling in your Parish, to appeare before him for any [...]rime presented to the Chancellor in his Uisitation? by which of the two aforesaid Iuris [...]ictions was the partie offending cited last?

7 Doth your Chancellor, Can. 123▪ Commissarie▪ Archdeacon, Officiall, or a­ny other using Ecclesiasticall Iuris [...]iction, speede any Iudiciall▪ Act ex­cept he have the Ordinary▪ Register of the court, or his lawfull Deputy, or else such persons to write and speed the same, as are by [...]aw allowed in that behalfe? Or have they, or either, or any of them, without the Bishops consent any moe seales then one, for the sealing of all mat­ters incident to his or their Office? And doth the said Seale remaine in the custodie of the Iudge himselfe, or of the lawfull substitute by him ap­pointed? And is the same kept in the Citie or principall Towne in the [...]ountie, as the Law requireth?

8 Doth your Chancellor, Can. 125. Commissarie, Archdeacon, Officiall or others exercising any Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction, or eith [...]r or any of them, appoint such place or places for the keeping of their Courts, as are conve­nient for the entertainment of those that are to make their appearance there, and most indifferent for travell? And doe they end in their Courts in such convenient time or times, as every man may returne homewards in as due season as may be?

9 Hath any Register unto your knowledge, Ca [...]. 134 or as you have credibly beene informed, receiued wittingly any certificate without the know­ledge of the Iudge? Or willingly omitted to call any persons cited to ap­peare upon any Court day? Or that hath unduely put off, and deferred the Examination of witnesses to be examined by a day, set and assig­ned by the Iudge? Or that hath set downe or enacted any thing false, or conceited by himselfe, as decreed by the Iudge, or not as so ordered or de­creed by the Iudge? Or that hath received any reward in any Causes whatsoever in favour of any partie, or that is of counsell directly or indi­rectly with either of the parties in suit? declare your knowledge in these particulars.

10 Do [...]h any Register or any other Minister of Ecclesiastical Courts [...] [Page] or any of the Iudges of the said Courts take or receive any other or grea­ter fees, then such as were ratified and approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Anno 1597. and contained in the Tables of fees, for that purpose made: And are two Tables, containing the severall rates and summes of the said fees, Can. 136 set up according to the Law in that case provided? That is to say, one of them in the usuall place or Consistorie where the Court is kept, and the other of them in the Registry, or Registers Of­fice? And are they set up in such sort that every man whom it concerneth may without difficultie come to the view thereof and take a copie of them if they so desire? Can. 137 And doth any Register or other Ecclesiasticall Officer take more for shewing Letters of Orders▪ then is appointed in the 137. Canon?

11 Doth any Proctor take upon him to appeare in any Cause or pretend to be entertained in the same, Can. 1 [...]9 unlesse hee be constituted and ap­pointed by the party himselfe either before the Iudge and in open Court, or by sufficient Proxie con [...]rmed by some authenticall Seale, the parties ratification therewithall concurring? If you know any such present him, that so he may be punished as the law provides? Or doth any Proctor [...]ake the oath in Animam Domini, in any cause what ever, contrary to the ordinance of holy Church?

12 How many Apparatours have you in your Dioc [...]sse or Archdea­conrie, Can. 138 as you either know or doe conjecture? Doe they or any of them execute their Office by themselves or by their Deputies? And if by their Deputies, then is the cause of such their deputation and employment made knowne and approved of by the Ordinary of the place? Doe they take upon them the Offfce of Promot [...]rs or Informers for the Court, or exact more or greater fees then are prescribed in the Tables before remembred? What other abuses and aggrievances can you complaine of justly in the said Apparators?

Whether any Archdeacon or Officiall within the Diocesse of London hath or doth commute or change any p [...]nance or corporall punishment, in whole or in part, and what money such Archdeacon or Officiall hath received, what [...] offence was for which any summe of money was received, or appointed to be paid? set downe the particulars of the premisses.

Whether any Archd [...]acon or Officiall, or his Surrogate, have within thes [...] three yeares last past, granted any Licences for the Marriage of any parties in your parish Church, or elsewhere, whether hath your Minister by vertue o [...] the said Licences, so married them, and by whom the said Licences were so gran­ted, and you are likewise required by vertue of your corporall oath to make di­ligent [Page] search in the Register booke of marriages kept within your parish, what parties have beene married by the said authoritie, and if you know any such, present their names, and places where they dwell.

Whether have you in your Parish any Curats, Schoolemasters, Physitians, Ch [...]urgions, Parish Clarkes, or Midwives, licensed by any other authority than of the Lord-bishop of this Diocesse, or his Chancellor, and whether any fees have beene demanded or received by any other besides the Lord Bishop of this Diocesse, or his Chancellor, in the Lord Bishops Visitation, for exhibiting the said licences?

Whether any Commissarie, Archdeacon, or Officiall, have at any time, especially within these three yeares last past, intermedled in the placing or dis­placing of any persons in pewes, in your Parish Churches, or have granted any confirmation of seates, under his seale of office, or by his authority hath caused to be removed the Pulpit, or Font, or reading Deske f [...]om their an­cient and accustomed place, or given way to making of doores or win­dowes in Churches or Chappels, or erecting of Galleries?

Whether any Commissarie, Archdeacon or Officiall have proved the Wils, or granted Administration of the goods of any beneficed man or Curat dying within his Iurisdiction, or of any other person being in holy Orders?

The Charge of the Church-wardens and Sworn men set downe for the better performance of their duties, and discharge of their Oaths.

THey are not to bring in any Bills into the Archdeacons Court upon the Articles to be enquired of in their Visitation, by reason of my Lords Visitation, but only now during the said Visitation, to make their presentments upon these Articles. They are therefore charged, that after their Oath taken, and their returne home, they doe require their Minister to reade over both the Book of Canons or Constitutions, set forth by his Majestie, in the Convocation holden in the year of our God, 1604. and also these Articles unto them, and to consider of every particular Article, and of the offences by them to be presented, as also of such persons in their Parish as shall bee noted to offend in the same: and so the Church-wardens and Side-men assembling themselves together within some convenient time, are to make their Bill, an­swering every Article by it selfe, before the time hereafter appointed them, which Bill shall be signed with the hands of all the Church-wardens and Side [...]men, with conference had with their Minister upon the said Bill of present­ment, who, according to the 26. Canon▪ is to see that the said Church-war­dens doe their duties in presenting, upon the penaltie in the 26. Canon pre­scribed. These Bills shall be brought by both the Church-wardens

[Page] AT the delivery of your Bill of presentment, at the time and place be­fore set downe, you the Church-wardens are likewise in the said Bill, to set downe the names of all such as have died within your parish at any, time since the day of Iuly last past being Men, Maides or Widowes: and what person or persons have beene married since the said time, and by what Licence or authority: and likewise you the Mini­ster, Church-wardens and Side-men of every Parish, must in the end of the said Bill of presentment, set downe, the number of all Recusants, and non-Communicants as followeth

  • Recusants men—
  • Recusants women.—
  • Non-Communicants of both sex.—
  • Communicants of both sex in the whole Parish

So setting down the number of every one, you the Minister, Church-wardens and Side-men must put your hands to the said Note.


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