Articles to be enquired of in the generall vi­sitation of Edmonde Bisshoppe of London, exercised by him the peare of oure Lorde. 1. 5. 5. 4. in the citie and Diocese of Lon­don, and set forthe by the same for his owne dis­charge towardes God and the worlde, to the ho­nour of God, and his catholike churche, and to the commoditie and profite of all those, that eyther are good, (whiche he woulde were all), or deliteth in goodnesse, (which he wissheth to be many), with­out anye particular grudge or displeasure, to anye one good or badde within this Realme, whi­che articles he desyreth all men of their charitie, especiallye those that are of his Diocese, to take wyth as good intente and minde, as he the sayde Bysshoppe wyssheth and desyreth, whyche is to the beste. And the sayde Bysshoppe wythall desy­reth all people to vnderstande, that whatsoeuer opinion, good or badde, haue conceyued of him, or whatsoeuer vsage or custome hath bene heretofore hys onelye intente and purpose is to doe his duetie charitablye, and wyth that loue, fauoure, and respecte, both towardes God, and euerye Chri­sten person, whyche anye Bysshoppe shoulde shewe to hys flocke in any wise.

The firste Articles are concernyng the Clergie, because they shuld of duetie giue good example, and that their faulte is more in dede, and more worthye punishmente, then the faultes of the laytie.

1 FIrste whether the Clergie, to gyue ex­ample to the laytie, haue in their liuing, in their teaching, and in their doinge so behaued them selfes, that they (in the iudgemente of indifferent personnes) haue declared thē selfes, to searche prin cipally the honour of God, & his churche, the helth of the soules of such, as are committed to their cure and charge, the quietnesse of their parishioners, and the welthe and honoure of the Kyng and Queene of this Realme.

2 ITem whether your person, vicare, or anye other ministryng as prieste within youre parishe, haue bene, or is married, or taken for married, not yet separated from his concubine or woman, taken for wife, or whether the same woman be deade or yet ly­uyng, and being lyuyng, whether the one resorteth to the other openly, secretly, or sclaunderouslye, mayn­teynyng, supportyng, or findyng the same in any wise to the offense of the people.

3 ITem whether there be anye personne, of what estate, condition, or degree he be, that dothe in o­pen talke, or priuelye defende, maynteyne, or vp­holde [Page] the marriage of priestes, encouraginge or bol­dyng any person to the defense thereof.

4 ITem whether ye haue your person or vicare re­sident continuallye with you vpon hys benefice, doyng hys duetie in the seruyng of the cure, and whether beinge able he do kepe hospitalitie vpon the same, feadyng hys ūocke with his good lyuyng with his teaching, and his releauing of them to his power.

5 ITem whether your person or vicare, beyng ab­sente, haue a sufficiente dispensation and licence therein, & whether in his absence he do appoynte an honest, able, and sufficient learned curate to supplie his rowme and absence to serue his cure.

6 ITem whether your person or vicare, by him selfe or his good and sufficient deputie, for him do re­leaue hys poore parishioners, repayre, & mayn­teyne his house or mansion, and thinges therevnto apperteynyng, and otherwyse doo hys duetie, as by the order of the lawe, and custome of this realme he ought to doe.

7 ITem whether the sayd curate so appoynted in y e absence of your person or vicare do in al pointes the best he can to minister the sacramentes & sa cramētals, & other his duetie in seruyng y e same cure, specially in celebrating diuine seruice at conueniente houres chiefly vpon sondayes and holye dayes, and procession dayes, & ministring the sayd sacramentes and sacramētalles, as of duetie and reason he ought, mouinge and exhorting earnestly his patishioners to [Page] come vnto, and deuoutlye to heare the same. And whether he him selfe do reuerently celebrate, practise minister, and vse the same as apperteyneth.

8 ITem whether he the sayd curate, personne, or vi care, haue bene, or is of suspecte doctrine, erroni­ouse opinion, misbelefe, or euill iudgemente, or do set forth, preache, fauoure, ayde, or maynteyne the same contrarye to the catholike fayth, and order of this realme.

9 ITem whether they or any of them doth haunte, or resorte to ale houses or tauernes, otherwyse then for his or their honeste necessitie and reliefe, or repayre to anye disinge houses, common bo wlinge alies, suspecte houses or places, or doe haunte and vse common games or playes, or behaue thē selfes other­wyse vnpriestly and vnsemely.

10 ITem whether they or anye of them be familiar, or kepe companye, and be conuersaunt with any suspect person of euill conuersation and lyuyng, or erronious opinion or doctrine, or be noted, to ayde, fauoure, and assiste the same in any wyse, contrary to the good order of this realme, and the vsage of the ca­tholike churche.

11 ITem whether there be dwellynge within anye your paryshes any prieste, forrener, straunger, or other, who not presented to the Bisshop of this diocese, or his officers, examined & admitted by some one of them, doth take vpon him to serue anye cute, or to minister any sacramentes or sacrameutalles with­in [Page] the sayd paryshe.

12 ITem whether there be dwellinge wythin anye your paryshes, or repayryng thyther any priest, or other namyng hym selfe minister, which doth not come diligently to the churche to heare the diuine seruice or sermons there, but absenteth hym selfe, or discourageth other by his example or wordes to come vnto the same, expressinge their name and surename with sufficient knowledge of them.

13 ITem whether there be anye married priestes, or namyng them selfes ministers, that do kepe anye assembles or conuenticles wyth such like, as they are in office or secte to set forth anye doctrine or vsage not allowed by the lawes & laudable customes of this realme, or whether there be any resort of any of them to any place for any priuie lectures, sermons, playes, games, or other deuises not expressely in this realme by lawes allowable.

14 ITem whether there be anye of them, whiche is a common brawler, scoulder, a sower of discorde a­mong his parishioners, a hawker, a hunter, or spēding his time ydely and vnthriftely, or being afornicatoure, an aduouterer, a dronkard, a common swearer, or blasphemer of God or his sayntes, or an vnruly or euill disposed person, or that bath come to his benefice or promotion by simonie, vnlawfull suite, or vngodly meanes in any wyse.

15 ITem whether they and eueryche of them to the best of their powers at al tymes haue exhorted & [Page] stirred the people to quietnes and concord, and to the obedience of the Kinge and Queenes maiesties and theyr officers, rebukyng all sedition & tumulte wyth all vnlawful assembles, mouing the people to charitie and good order, and charginge the fathers and mo­thers, maysters & gouernours of youth to kepe good rule, & to instruct them in vertue and goodnes, to the honoure of God, and of this realme, and to haue them occupied in some honeste arte and occupation to gette theyr lyuyng therby.

16 ITem whether they or any of them do admit any person to receaue the blessed sacrament of the aul tare, who are openly knowen, or suspected to be aduersaries and speakers agaynst the sayd sacramēt, or any other article of the catholike fayth, or to be a no torious euil person in his conuersation or doctrine, an open oppresser, or euil doer to his neyghbour, or being in hatred and malice with his sayd neyghbor, not be­ing cōfessed, reconciled, and hauing made satisfaction in that behalfe.

17 ITem whether they or any of them haue of their owne aucthoritie admitted and licenced anye to preache in their cure, not being aucthorized & ad­mitted therevnto, or haue denied or refused suche to preache, as haue bene lawfully licensed. And whether they or any of thē hauing aucthoritie to preache with in their cures, doth vse to preache, or at the least doth procure other lawfull and sufficient persons to do the same, accordyng to the order of this realme.

[Page]18 ITem whether they or any of thē since the quenes maiesties proclamation hath or doth vse, to say or singe diuine seruice, minister the sacramentes or sacramentalles, or other thinges in English contrary to the order of this realme.

19 ITem whether they and euerye of them in theyr suffrages, collectes, and prayers doth vse to pray for the Kyng and Queenes maiesties, by the na­mes of King Philippe and Quene Marye, according to a letter and commaundement therin lawfully gy­uen now of late vnto them by theyr ordinarye.

20 ITem whether they and eueryche of them haue diligently moued & exhorted their parishioners, howe and in what maner children should be bap­tyzed in tyme of necessitie, and they the sayd parishio­ners reuerently and denoutly to prepare them selfes to receaue and vse the sacramentes, especiallye of the sacramente of the aultare. And whether any person haue refused or contempned to receaue the sayd Sa­crament of the aultare, or to be confessed, and receaue at the priestes hande the benefite of absolution, accor­dyng to the laudable custome of this realme.

21 ITem whether they and eueryche of them hathe diligently visited his and their parishioners in the tyme of sycknes and nede, and ministred sa­cramentes and sacramentalles to them accordingly, and whether they haue exhorted & monished them to haue due respecte to their soule helthe, and also to sette an order in their temporall landes and goodes, declaryng their debtes perfitely, and what is owing [Page] bnto them and they so to make theyr Testamentes and laste willes, that as muche as maye bee, all trou­ble and busynes may be excluded, theyr wyues and childerne wyth theyr frendes maye be holpen and succoured, and them selfes decentlye buryed and prayed for, and to haue an honest memorye and com­mendations for theyr so doyng.

22 ITem whether they and eueryche of thē haue so­lempnised matrymony betwene any his parishi­oners, or anye other personnes, (the banes not before asked, iii. seuerall sondayes or holye dayes) or withoute certificate of the sayde banes, from the cu­rate of any other parishe, yf any of them be of another paryshe, and whether (touchinge the solempnization and vse of this Sacrament of matrimony, and also of all other the sacramentes of the Churche) they haue kepte and obserued the olde and laudable custome of the Churche without anye innouation or alteration in any of the same.

23 ITem whether they and eueryche of them vpon the sondaye at the seruice time doth vse to sette forth and declare vnto the people all suche holye dayes and fastinge dayes, as of godlye vsage and cu­stome hath heretofore laudablye bene accustomed to be kept and obserued in the weke folowynge and en­suing, and whether they and eueryche of them dothe obserue and kepe them selues the sayde holye dayes and fasting dayes.

24 ITem whether the person or vicare doth repayre and maynteyne his chauncel and mansion house [Page] in sufficient reparation, and (the same being in decay) whether he dothe bestowe yearelye the syfte parte of his benefice, till suche tyme, the same bee sufficientlye repayred, doinge also further his duetie therein, and otherwyse, as by the lawe he is charged and bounde in that behalfe, distrybutinge and doinge, as he is bounde by the lawe.

25 ITem whether there be any personne, that doth serue any Cure, or mynyster any Sacramentes, not being prieste, or yf anye doo take vpon them to vse the rowme and office of the personne, or vi­care, or Curate, of anye benefice, or spirituall promo­tion, receauing the fructes thereof, not being admit­ted therevnto by the ordynary.

26 ITem whether they and eueryche of them doth goo in priestly apparell and habite, hauing theyr berdes and Crownes shauen, or whether any of thē doth go in laye mens habites & apparel, or other­wyse disguyse them selfes, that they can not easelys be discerned or knowen from laye men.

27 ITem whether they or any of them haue manye promotions, and benefices ecclesiasticall, Cures, secular seruyces, yearely pensions, Annuyties, fermes, or other reuenues, nowe in title or possession, and what the names of them bee, and where they lye, gyuing al good instruction, and perfect Information therein.

28 ITem whether suche as haue churches or Chap­pels appropried, and mansions, or houses therto [Page] apperteynynge, doo kepe theyr Chauncelles and houses in good and sufficient reparations, and whe­ther they doo all thinges in distributions and almose or otherwise, as by lawe and good order they ought to doo.

29 ITem whether any such, as were ordered scisma­tically and contrary to the olde order & custome of the catholike churche, or being vnlawfully and scismaticallye married after the late innouation and maner, beyng not yet reconciled nor admitted by the ordinarye, haue celebrated or sayde eyther Masse or other diuine seruice within any cure or place of this citie or diocese.

30 ITem whether any person or vicare, or other ha uyng ecclesiasticall promotion, do lette oute the same to ferme without consent, knowledge, & ls­cence of his ordinary, especiallye for an vnreasonable number of yeares, or wyth suche conditions, qualiti­es, or maners, that the same is to the great preiudice of the churche, and the incumbente of the same, and especially of him, that shall succede therein.

31 ITem whether there be any personne, vicare, cu­rate, or priest, that occupieth buying and selling as a marchaunt, or occupieth vsurye, or layeth out his moneye for fylthye lucres sake, and gayne, to the sclaunder of priesthode.

32 ITem whether they or anye of them doe weare swordes, daggers, or other weapon in tymes and places not conuenient or semely.

[Page]33 ITem whether any priest or ecclesiasticall person haue reiterated or renewed baptisme, whyche was lawfullye done before, or inuented and fo­lowed any newe fashion or forme, coutrary to the or­der of the catholike churche.

34 ITem whether the person, vicare, or curate do (ac cordyng to the lawe) euery quarter in the yeare, vpon one solempne daye or moo, it is to wyte, vpon the sondaye or solempne feast (when the pari­shioners by the order of the Churche do come toge­ther) expoūde and declare by him selfe, or some other sufficient person vnto the people in the vulgare or cōmon tongue, playnlye, truely, and fruitefully the ar­ticles of the catholike fayth, the tenne commaunde­mentes, expressed in the olde lawe, the two commaun dementes of the Gospell or newe lawe, that is, of ear­neste loue to God, and to oure neyghboure, the seuen workes of mercy, the seuen deadly synnes with their ofsprynge, progenye, and yssue, the seuen principall vertues, and the seuen sacramentes of the churche.

35 ITem whether that euery priest hauyng cure, do admonyshe the women (that are wyth childe) wythin his cure to come to confession, and to re­ceaue the sacremēt (especially when their time draw­eth nye) and to haue water in readines to christen the chylde wyth, yf necessitie so require it.

36 ITem whether stipendarye priestes doe behaue them selfes discretelye and honestly in all poyn­tes to war destheir person or vicare, gyuyng an othe, and doynge accordyng to the lawe and ecclesia­sticall [Page] constitutions, ordinaunces, and laudable custo­mes in that behalfe.

37 ITem whether anye person, vicare, or other ha­uyng any ecclesiasticall promotion, haue made any alienation of any thing, perteyning to their churche, benefice, or promotion, what it is, and what warraunt they had so to do.

¶Articles concernyng Archedeacons their officialles and mini­sters.

1 FIrst whether they and eueryche of them hathe executed and done his office in all poyntes, accordynge to the order of the lawe, and the ecclesiasticall constitutions and laudable customes of the churche.

2 ITem whether the sayde Archedeacons haue faythfully and profitably visited al the churches within their Archedeaconries, inquiring diligēt­lye, howe diuine seruice in all poyntes hath bene cele­brated and sayd, the sacramentes and sacramentalles ministred, and howe the ornamentes of the churche haue bene kept, and what lacke hath bene there of thē or what saulte hath bene in them, and generallye of all thynges spirituall and temporall, apperteynynge to the good ordre of their Archedeaconries and the said churches, correctinge and punyshyngdiligent­ly and faythfully all suche offences, transgressions, & crymes, as apperteyneth to the worthye punishment and reformation.

[Page]10 ITem whether the sayd Archedeacons do sorsee and prouide, that the blessed Sacrament of the aultare be reuerently reserued & kepte in a pixe, and hanged vpon the aultare, or otherwyse decently and safely kept and placed. And that the hoste so re­serued in the pixe, be ones in the weke taken and re­ceaued of the prieste, or sycke personne, for whome the same is reserued, and another consecrate hoste to be put in the place thereof, and the same not to be suffe­red there longe to continue, but chaunged & renewed accordynge to the olde custome, and vsage of the Churche.

11 ITem whether they and euery of them haue ad­monished the persons, vicares, curates, and all other priestes, being called, or comming to anye sicke person, making his Testament and laste will to putte the sicke person in remembraunce of the greate spoyle and robberye, that of late hath bene made of the goodes, ornamentes, and thinges of the churche, exhorting charitably the same, not only to relieue and helpe the nedy persons being abroade, but also accor­ding to the olde and laudable custome vsed in tymes past, effectually to remember both his parishe church, and the nede thereof, and also the cathedrall and mo­ther church of this citie and diocese of London, relie­nyng the same with some what, accordyng to his de­uotion and power, and whether the sayd persons, vi­cares, curates, and other the sayd priestes haue done accordingly.

¶Articles concernynge the thynge of the Churche, and ornamentes of the same.

1 FIrst whether there be at the entree of y e churche or within the dore of the same an holy water stocke or potte, hauinge in it holye water to sprinckle vpon y e enterer to putte hym in remembraunce both of his promisse made at the tyme of his baptisme, and of the shedding & sprynckeling of Christes bloude vp­on the Crosse for his redemption, and also to put hym in remembraunce, that as he wassheth his body, so he shulde not forgette to washe and clense his soule, and make it fayre wyth vertuouse and godlye good ly­uinge, and fynally to put hym in remembraunce, that as water passeth and slydeth awaye, so he shall not tarye and abyde in this worlde, but passe and slyde awaye, as the water dothe.

2 ITem whether there be euery sōday holy water and holy breade made, and distributed among­est the paryshioners, thone done for considerati­ons, afore rehearsed, thother practized aswell to put men in remembraunce of vnitie & concorde, expressed by the seuerall graynes, whiche beinge manye, are grounde and brought to one lofe made of them al, as also to bringe to memory the usage of the primatiue Churche, which was to haue often, and especiallye on the Sondaye a Communyon betwene the multi­tude, for lacke of whiche Communion this holye breade is nowe gyuen men to vnderstand, that they shulde haue done the other, and for lacke of the same [Page] doo nowe receaue this for a memory thereof.

3 ITem whether there be a paxe in the churche, not onely to put people in remembraunce of the peace that Christe bequeathed to his disciples, but of that peace that Christe by his death purchased for the people, and also of that peace, whyche Christe wold haue betwene god and man, man and man, and man to hym selfe. And the sayd paxe in the Churche to be kist of the priest, and to be caried to the parishio­ners at Masse time in especiall remembraunce of the premisses.

4 ITem whether there be any, that refuseth to re­ceaue the sayd holy water or holy breade, or refu seth to take the paxe, or to kysse the prieste at the solempnisation of matrimony, or vse any such lyke ce­remonies, heretofore vsed & obserued in the churche.

5 ITem whether there be in the churche a hye aul­tare of stone, consecrated & dedicated specially to saye or singe Masse vpon, and it is not ment any graue stone taken from the buriall, or other vuseme­ly place, and put vp for an aultare, but a meete and cō ­uentent stone, as hath bene accustomed in tymes pas­sed in the Churche for Masse decentlye and comlye to be sayd or songe there vpon.

6 ITem whether the thynges vnderwritten (whi­che are to be founde on the coste of the parishio­ners) be in the churche, it is to wyte, a legende, an Antiphonar, a Grayle, a Psalter, a Drdi­nall to saye or solempnise diuine office, a Missale, a [Page] Manuale, a Processional, a Chalice, two Cruettes, a principal vestiment, with Chisable, a vestiment for the Deacon and Subdeacon, a Cope with the apperte­naunces, it is to wyte, an Amisse, Albe, Girdle, Stole and Fannon, the hye aultare with apparell in the fronte, and other partes thereof, three Towels, thre Surplices, a Rochette, a Crosse for Procession wyth Candelstyckes, a Crosse for the deade, an Jucenser, a Shyppe or vessell for frankensence, a lytle sauctes bell, a Pyxe wyth an honest and decent couer, and a vayle for the lente, Banners for the rogation weeke, Bels and Coopes, a Bere for the deade, a nessel to ca­ry holy water about, a Candelstycke for the Paschall taper, a fonte to Christen chyldren wyth couerynge and locke, and keye, and generally all other thynges whyche after the custome of the countrye or place, the parishioners are bounde to fynde, maynteyne, and kepe.

7 ITem in case suche thynges be in the Churche, when they were prouyded and vsed, yf they be not, by whose faulte and negligence the same procedeth.

8 ITem whether there be a Churcheyarde, and yf it be, whether the same be well and honestly re­payred and kept, so that no cattell, specially hog­ges and filthye beastes be suffered to come in, and de­fyle it.

9 ITem whether there be a Crucisixe, a roode loste as in tymes past hath bene accustomed, and yf not, where the crucisixe or roode loste is become, [Page] and by whose negligence the thyng doth wante.

10 ITem whether the water consecrated, beyng in the fonte, be ones in a moneth at the least duelye chaunged and renewed, accordyng to the olde custome of the Churche.

11 ITem whether in the sayd Churche there be a Chrysmatorye for holye oyle and Chrysme, de­cently and well kepte after the olde custome, and whether the sayd oyle and Chrisme be also therein, & frequented and vsed, as they ought to be.

12 ITem whether in the sayd Churche there be see­tes and pewes for the parishioners to sytte in, honestly prepared, and kept after the olde vsage and custome, and the doores, windowes, and al other places of the Churche duely repayred and kept.

13 ITem whether there hath bene, or be anye plate, ornamentes, or Jewels, belles, Candelstyckes, orleade, or other goodes, of, and in the sayde Churche, what they were or be, and in whose handes they were or are, or whether thei be alienated or pled ged, declaryng the value thereof.

14 ITem whether there hath bene made any inuen­tary or inuentaries of the same church goodes, and where the sayd inuentaries are, and whe­ther there be wantyng the sayd plate, Jewels, or or­namentes specified in the sayd inuentaries, and be­ing suche wante, by what occasion & meane the same is, and by whose commaundement and doyng.

[Page]15 ITem whether there be Churche wardeynes in the sayd Churche choosen euery yeare, & whe­ther the same do yearely make a faythfull & true accompte to the parishioners accordingly, bryngyng in wyth them the sayd inuentaries, and doynge all suche thynges, as on their behalfe are to be done.

16 ITem whether the sayd Albes, vestimentes, and all other ornamentes be kepte cleane and well, and sufficiently repayred and maynteyned.

¶Articles concernynge the Laytye.

1 Fyrste whether there be any laye person, man or woman, that is a notable and open trans­gressor and breaker of any of the tenne com­maundementes of god, or an open offendor in any of the. vij. deadly sinnes, or of the lau­dable customes and ordynaunces of the catholyke churche.

2 ITem whether there be any laye person, man or woman, that hath layed violēt handes vpon any Ecclesiasticall person, especyally beyng in holye orders.

3 ITem whether there be any lay person, man, wo mā, or chyld, beyng of sufficient age and discreti­on, that can not say the Pater noster, the Aue Maria, and the Crede.


[Page]4 ITem whether there be any of them that bathe contracted matrymonye with any one, beyng of Consanguynytie or affinitie prohybyted, or hath pryuely contracted and made any matrymony wyth any person.

5 ITem whether there be any mā, that besydes his wyfe hathe kept, or dothe kepe a Concubyne, or carnally hath had to doo with anye other mans wyfe or other person.

6 ITem whether there be any woman, that besides her husbande hath taken any other manue, and carnally hath had to do wyth hym.

7 ITem whether any man hath had, or nowe hath nowe ij. wyues lyuyng at ones, or any woman ij. hus­bandes lyuyng at one tyuie especyally no iawe­full dyuorse beyng made betwene them.

8 ITem whether there hath bene or bee any, that doth not faythfully, duely, and truelye paye hys tythes, oblations, Crysomes, Clerckes, wages, the holy loofe, and all other ecclesiastical dueties, as of reason and laudable custome they ought to doo.

9 ITem whether in the cytie of London or diocesse of the same there be any person, that is an noto­riouse or commen vserer, which lendeth his mo­ney for vnlawfull and excessyue gayne and lucre, con­trary to the manyfest woordes of the scripture, to the euyll example of other chrysten people, to the daūger ofhys owne soule, and to the vtter vndoyng and hyn­deraunce [Page] of many, especially of poore and yonge be­gynners, borowyng for their necessytye.

10 ITem whether there be any bawdes, men or wo­men, that doth kepe within hys or their houses, or elles where any strompettes or harlottes, to haue the more resorte to their houses, and vtter ther by their chaffer and wares, to their moore wordelye aduauntage, and whether there be any vehemently suspected therof, or of conueyng or keping yonge wē ­ches for suche vnlawfull and vngodly purposes.

11 ITem whether there haue bene any men, women or chyldren of the age of. xiiij. yeares and aboue. who vpon sondayes and holye dayes haue gone a huntynge or hawkyng, beare baytyng, games, and other playes, dysporte, and passetymes, or who hath vpon the sayd sondayes or holy dayes w yllyngly ab­sented them selfes from their paryshe churche in the tyme of deuyne seruyce, and who vppon fayned occa­sions, eyther vpon the euen before, or the same daye in the mornyng doth vse to go for the abroade oute of their paryshes into the fieldes or countreye, or other where, or doth secretly kepe them selfes in their hou­ses, and doo not come to their seruice, as they ought to doo.

12 ITem whether there hath bene anye, that hath murmured, grudged, or spoken agaynst dyrect­ly or indyrectly the masse, or other deupne ser­uyce, admynystratyon of sacramentes and sacramen­talles, as holy breade, holy water, Palmes, Ashes, Creping of the Crosse, holy oyle and Chrysine, bea­ryng [Page] of Palmes and Candels, burying of the deade, praying for them, specially in sayinge of Diriges and commendations, or in vsyng any laudable or godly ce remony of the Churche, heretofore vsed and accusto­med, or y t hath made noyse, iangled, talked, or played the foole in the Churche in the tyme of diuine seruice or preaching, to lette or disturbe the same in any wise.

13 ITem whether there be any, that hath mayntey­ned and holden the opinion or beliefe, that a man hath no free wyll, and that all thynges do come and chaunce by a precyse and absolute necessitie, so that whatsoeuer any one doth, he doth it not of free wyll, but of mere necessitie, and can not choose, but so to do, and that therfore whosoeuer is dampned, is dampned through Gods defaulte. & not of his owne free wyll and choyse. And whether any hath mayn­teyned or holden opinion, that fayth alone wythout charitie, hope, and good workes in time doth iustifie. or thinke the same a holsome and profytable doctrine to be taught and preached abroade.

14 ITem whether there be any, that is a Sacra­mentary, an Anabaptiste, or Lybertyne, eyther in reiteratyng baptisme agayne, or in holdynge any of the opinions of the Anabaptistes, especiallye that a Christen man or woman oughte not to sweare before aiudge, nor one to sue another in the lawe for hys ryght, and that all thynges would be common.

15 ITem whether there hath bene anye, that hath holden, maynteyned, or defended any opinion or doctrine, contrary to the catholike fayth & vnitie [Page] of the catholike Churche, & hath fauored and mayn­teyned suche, as hath holden the same, or lyke erroni­sufe opinion or doctrine, or hath kept or vsed any boo kes or wrytynges, conteynynge the same euyll doc­trine, or hathe vsed to reade, or resort to any pri­uate or secrete lectures.

16 ITem whether there hath bene any, that hath not in Lent last passed bene cōfessed of his owne curate, or by hys licence of some other honeste priest, and receaued the blessed Sacrament of the aul tare, accordyng to the order of the catholike churche.

17 ITem whether there hath bene any, that hath, or doth wylfully interrupte, lette, or disturbe anye preacher in the tyme of his sermon, or disturbe, discourage, or let any curate or prieste to singe or saye Masse, Euensonge, or other diuine seruice, or to mi­nister the Sacramentes or Sacramentalles in La­tyne, accordynge to the olde laudable custome of the Churche, or that doeth mocke, Jeste at, threaten, or beate any priest for saying Masse, or suche diuine ser­uice, or so ministryng, and who they be.

18 ITem whether there be any, that wyll not haue hys chylde Christened, but in the Englyshe ton­gue, nor haue any seruice in the Churche, except it be done in the sayd Englyshe tongue.

19 ITem whether there be any, that wyll not suffer the priest to dyppe the chylde three tymes in the fonte, beynge yet stronge, and able to abyde and suffer it in the iudgement and opinion of discrete and txperte persons, but wyll nedes haue the chylde in [Page] the clothes, and onlye to be sprynckled wyth a fewe droppes of water.

20 ITem whether there hath bene any of the laytye, that hath wyllyngly and wilfully doubted in any article of the catholike fayth, or that hath openly disputed, or vnreuerently talked in anye open places of the same, not submittyng hym selfe in all poyntes to the catholike Churche, but wylfully defendyng his owne erronious opinion and belefe, contrary to scrip ture, encouragynge other to the maynteynaunce of their foly, and to induce other to the same.

21 ITem whether there hath bene, or nowe is anye no table euyll rule, and manifest disorder in brea­kyng the lawes of GOD, and the ordinaunces and laudable customes of the catholike Churche, and many thynges worthye reformation and correction in the late Minores, or at Bedlem, or at saynct Mar­tensle graunde, the late blacke fryars, the white fri­ars, the graye fryars, Augustyne fryars, cruched fri­ars, sayncte Katherines, or other places in, or aboute the citie of London.

22 ITem whether there hath bene any, that denieth or refuseth to go in procession vpon sondayes or other dayes, when it is vsed, or that depar­teth out of the Churche, before that seruyce be done, wythout a iust and reasonable cause so to do.

23 ITem whether there hath bene anye, that vpon the sondayes or holye dayes hath worked or la­bored seruyle worke, or hath kepte open theyr shoppes, or otherwyse occupyed and exercysed theyr [Page] handy craftes and occupations on the same dayes, to the sclaunder of other, and contrary to the laudable custome and vsage of the catholike Churche.

24 ITem whether there hath bene any vytlers, ta­uerners, or ale house kepers, that on the sonday­es and holy dayes haue cōmonly vsed to sell and vtter their vittals, meate, and drynke, and chaffer, & to kepe their doores open in the tyme of diuine ser­uice agaynst the godly order & vsage of the churche.

25 ITem whether there hath bene any, that beynge able to synge at the least hys playne songe (and who in the tyme of the Englyshe seruyce dyd cō ­monly vse to synge in the quere) doth nowe synce the settyng forth, and renewyng of the olde seruice in the Latyne tongue, absent and wythdrawe hym selfe frō the quere, declaryng and expressing the names, sure­names, and dwellyng places of all suche persons.

26 ITem whether there hath bene anye contention, discorde, debate, or stryfe betwene any paryshio­ners of any paryshe, especially in the tyme of di­uine seruice, for syttynge in pewes or seates in the Churche, or for anye other cause or matter, to the sclaunder of the rest of the people, declarynge what it is, and betwene whome.

27 ITem whether there hath bene any, that by open facte, dede, or threatenyng hath compelled, cau­sed, or otherwyse procured, or induced anye cu­rate or priest to synge or saye anye common prayer or seruyre, or to minister any sacrament priuely or open­lye [Page] contrary to the order of the catholike churche.

28 ITem whether there hath bene, or is anye regi­stre booke in the churche, safely kept vnder locke and keye, in the whych there are wrytten euery sondaye the weddynges, christenynges, and buryin­ges, that were had the weke before, and whether the same haue bene accordingly done.

29 ITem whether there hath bene anye person, man or woman, lawfully before precontracted, or mar ried to other, whych afterward hath broken the contracte, and married to another person, especiallye the banes not lawfully asked.

30 ITem whether euery parishioner vpon the son­daye, as it cometh to his course and turne, hath payed and gyuen the holye loofe wyth other ac­customed dueties and offerynges, as of olde custome it hath bene laudably vsed.

31 ITem whether there be any, that hath eatē fleshe vpon anye fishe daye, and hath broken the fasting dayes, (suche as of olde aunciente custome hath bene laudably kepte and obserued) gyuynge offense and sclaunder to other in their doynges.

32 ITem whether there be any, that at the sacrynge tyme, which do hange downe their heades, hyde them selfes behynde pyllers, turne awaye their faces, or do depart out of the churche at that tyme.

[Page]33 ITem whether parishe clerkes or sextens be obe­dient to their persons, vicares, and curates in thynges that be lawfull and honest.

34 ITem whether there be any, that do vse charmes wytchecraft, sorcery, inchauntementes, false southsayinges, or any such like thing, inuēted by the crafte of the deuill.

35 ITem whether suche legacies (as were bequea­thed for the repayryng of high wayes, fyndyng of poore scholers, marrying of poore maydens, & other suche lyke dedes of charytie) be faythfully and truely payde and performed.

36 ITem whether there be any Printer or seller of Bookes, that hath synce the begynnyng of the Quenes Maiestes Raygne Printed or solde the bookes of the schismaticall and slaunderous commu­nyon, the lyke homelies, and such other bookes, ha­uing in the hereticall and dampnable opynions, de­claryng and specifying their name, sir name, & dwel­lyng place.

37 ITem whether there be any, that hath prynted or solde slaunderous Bookes, Ballades, or playes, contrary to christen religion, declaring and spe­cyfying their names, surenames, & dwellyng places.

38 ITem whether any laye person of hys owne auc­thoritye haue expounded and declared any por­tyon or parte of scripture in any churche, or els where, or put the same to prynting or wrytyng, affir­ming and maynteyning, that euery pryuate and laye person may so doo withoute approbatyon of anye or­dynarye,

[Page]39 ITem whether there hath bene any laye person, that hath refused, contempned, or denyed to bringe his childe, being christened, vnto the bisshoppe to be confyrmed, or that hath disswaded or discouraged any other so to doo.

40 ITem whether the churchewardeynes & other beyng monyshed in the archedeacons visitation to prouyde for necesiarye thynges, that dyd wante in the churche, haue (accordyng to the mo­nition and commaundemente to them gyuen) suffi­ciently and well prouided for the same.

41 ITem whether there be any scriptures or pictu­res paynted or set forth vpon the walles of the churche, or otherwise within the churche, & yet remayning, which chiefly and principally do tende to the maynteynaunce of carnall libertie, especiallye in eating and drinking vpon all dayes, fasting, or other all maner meates & drynkes, or for the defense of the marryage of priestes, and incontinente lyfe with de­facynge of vertuouse and godly lyuyng, or to the ex­presse derogation and slaunder of the blessed Sa­cramente of the aultare.

¶Articles concernynge schole­maysters, and teachers of chyl­dren, men or women.

[Page]1 FIrst whether they, that take vpon them to teache chyldreu, whether it be Eng­lishe, or Latyne, to singe, or playe, or suche lyke, bee them selfes sober, and discrete, of honest and vertuous lyuing, conuersatiō, and behaufour, with other good & commendable qua­lities, so that they may edifye and profyte the scho­lers, as well by their lyuing, conuersation, and good maners, as by their teachyng.

2 ITem whether the same scholemaysters & tea­chers doo well and diligently applye their scho­lers, teaching and hearyng them often, and dys­cretly vsing them.

3 ITem whether the sayd scholemaysters and tea­chers do cause their scholers to faste, to pray, to ferue god, and to feare hym, to come often to the churche, to heare masse, and all other deuyne seruice, and to honor and reuerence euery person, accordyng to hys vocation and degree.

4 ITem whether there be anye other grammer taught and learned within the citye and diocesse of London, then that grammer, whiche was set forthe in the tyme of our late Soueraigne Lorde, Kinge Henry the Eyghte.

5 ITem whether that anye printer dwellynge in Paules Churcheyarde, within the paryshe of sayncte faythes in London, in the tyme of King Edwarde the sixte, and the yeare of our lord M. D. Lij. heretycally, maliciously, & naughtly did imprinte [Page] a grammer in Englshe and Latyne, puttyng in the Latyne, grammer but only two sacramentes, it is to wite, baptisme and the supper of our lorde, infectyng thereby the youth, and other, to thinke & beleue, that there be no moore sacramentes in chrystes churche, but those two.

6 ITem whether any teachers or scholemaysters do teache and instructe any hys scholers in any poynte of heresye, eyther in the Articles of our fayth, or the tenne commaundementes, eyther in the sacramentes of the churche, or other thynges, recea­ued and beleued in the catholike churche.

7 ITem whether anye teacher or scholemayster doo teache or reade to any hys scholers any euyl or noughty corrupte boke, ballade, or wrytyng, or do interpretate and sette for the vnto any of them the newe testamente in Englishe or Latyne, or anye other bokes Englishe or Latyne, concernyng scryp­ture, not expedient for yonge children to medie with all.

8 ITem whether any teacher or scholemayster do teache any hys scholers to holde, mayntayne, de send, or beleue any heresy, error, false doctrine, or opynyons, contrary to the catholike fayth, and deter mynatyon of the same.

¶Articles concerning middewiues and such, as come to the trauayle of women beyng wyth chylde.

[Page]1 FIrst whether there be any woman, y e doeth occupie or exercise the office and rowme of a middewife, before she be examined and admitted by y e bisshop, or ordinary of this dio­cesse, or his chauncelor, or comissary, hauing sufficient aucthoritie (except in time of extreame ne­cessitie) where the presence of the middewife can not be had.

2 ITem whether such as heretofore hath bene al­lowed & admitted to the sayd rowme & office of a middewife, be catholike & faithful, discrete and sober, diligent, and ready to helpe euery woman tra­uayling of chylde, as well the poore as the riche.

3 ITem whether any middewife, or other woman cōming to y e trauayle of any woman with child, do vse or exercise any witchecraft, charmes, sor­cery, inuocations or prayers, other then suche, as be alowable, and may stande with the lawes and ordi­naunces of the catholike churche.

4 ITem whether any middewife, or any other wo­man denieth or letteth, so muche as lyeth in her, that the childe beinge newe borne, shall not be brought to the Churche there to be decentlye, reue­rently and orderly baptised, & the mother thereof af­ter a conuenient time likewise purified, according to the olde auncient & godly ceremonies, & custome of y e catholike churche, heretofore vsed in that behalfe, & whether the sayd middewife, or any other suche wo­man do attempte, vse, or do any thinge in thys mat­ter, contrary to the sayd custome, or otherwyse inde­cently [Page] and vnsemely.

5 ITem whether any woman within this citie or diocesse by them selfes, or by sinister counsayle haue purified them selfes after their owne deui ses, and fantasies, not comming to the churche, accor­ding to the laudable custome heretofore vsed in the same, where the priest wold haue bene ready to do it, and some of the multitude to haue bene witnesses ac­cordingly.

6 ITem whether there be any other disorder or e­uyll behauiour, concernyng the sayd middewy­ues, or the woman brought a bedde, or lyinge in chyldebedde, or any other woman, coming to the la­bor, or visitynge the woman, that so lieth in childe­bedde, and whether the nourse attempte, or do anye thyng vnlawfully.

¶Articles concerning the original patrones of benefices, and other, that haue aduousons of the sayd benefices.

1 FIrst whether the sayd patrones & other hauing aduousons of the same, doo dily­gently and faythfully present a sufficiēt & able clercke to be admytted to the be­nefice vacante within dewe tyme, or els doo suffre the benefyce to remayne and abyde longe vacant, or do present an vnmeete and vnable person to the same, offendyng god and hys owne conscience in soo doing.

[Page]2 ITem whether the sayde Patrons, or other ha­uynge such Aduousons, doo practyse or coue­naunt in any maner of wise with any prieste di­rectly or indirectly, (before, or after he hath promy­sed or geuen hys presentatyon) to haue the benefice in farme him selfe or his frendes, or to haue the man­sion house, the glebe landes, y e fruites & commodities therof, or some good fleese or part therof, paying litle or nothyng for the same, or to haue his owne tithes free, being & remayning within the sayde benefice, or some yearely pension, portion, or annuitie, or some cō moditie to him, his child, kinsman, seruaūt, or frende, or vse any other colour, deceyte; or falsehead, and the priest presented to serue for a yearely stipende, farre vnder the value of the benefice.

3 ITem whether the sayde patrones, or other, ha­uing such aduousons of any churche or chappell with cure or withoute cure, haue pulled downe the sayd churche or chappel, or taken away the leade, the belles, the ornamētes, or other goodes of y e same, or in any wise spoyled it, conuertinge the tithes, pro­fites, commodities, reuenues, & possessions therof to his owne vse & cōmoditie, & putting the same church or chappell to prophane and vngodly vses, declaring who, and howe many there be, that so doth.

4 ITem howe manye benefices be nowe vacaunte within this citie of Londō, or in other places of the diocesse of London, who be the patrones thereof, howe longe they haue bene vacaunt, & who doth receaue the tithes, oblations, profites, and com­modities of the same, duryng the tyme of the vacati­on [Page] thereof.

5 ITem whether in such patronages or aduousons therebe any other disorder, or vnlawful doing, & fynally to inquyre & searche faythfully, truely, and diligently, whether in this Cytye or Dyocesse of London there be any other thinges amysse, worthy correctyon and reformatyon.

¶The tenour, forme, and effect of the othe, gi­uen by the sayd bisshop of London, to y e inquisitors & searchers for knowledge of thinges amisse, especially concerning the articles before rehearsed.

YE shall set asyde all worldly loue and fauor, all hatred and displeasure, all hoope of re­ward & meede, al carnall affection & corrup­tyon, all worldely respectes & cōsideratiōs, that myght stirre and moue you to declyne from the trueth, or to adde vnto the trueth, or to pul any thing away from it, ye shal haue the feare of god before your face, the terrible Judgemente of god at the daye of dome, the daunger and peryll of your conscyence in hidyng or alteryng the trueth, ye shall consider the honestye of your selues and your good name, the ho­nestie and profyte of your paryshe, that you come for, and finally the honour of the Kynge and Queene of thys Realme, and the Realme it selfe, wyth all other honest consideratyons and motyues, that may stirre and moue you godly, & these thinges conside­red, ye shall faythfully, truely, playnly, vprightly, charitably, discretly and indifferently searche & inquyre for all thinges, which in your conscience, and in the [Page] opinion and Judgemente of good men, are to be sear­ched and inquired for, especially suche thinges, as are mentioned in certayne Articles, deliuered vnto you by your ordinary, and you shall bryng in your certifi­cate and report fully & perfectly in wryting, sealed w t your seales, or subscribed with your handes to youre sayd ordinarie, or his officer, hauing sufficient aucto­ritie therein on this side the next cōming without fayling in any thing hereof, as God shal helpe you, & the holi­dome, and the contentes of this booke.



Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiae Maiestatis. Anno. M. D. L 1111.

Mense Septembri.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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