ARTICLES TO BE ENQVIRED OF IN THE DIOCESSE OF CARLILE, in the Visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Francis, Lord Bishop of Carlile.

Anno Dom. & Consecra­tionis suae

❧ Imprinted at London. 1627.

The forme of the Oath to be ministred vnto the Church-wardens and Side-men.

YOu shall sweare, that you, and euery of you, shall duely consider, and diligently enquire of all and euery of these Articles giuen you in charge; and that all affe­ction, fauour, hope of reward and gaine, or feare of displea­sure, or malice set aside, you shall present all and euery such person of or within your Parish, as hath committed any of­fence, or made any default mentioned in these, or any of these Articles; or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default: Wherein you shal deale vprightly and fully; neither presenting, nor sparing to present any, con­trarie to truth: hauing in this action God before your eyes, with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and vertue, and to suppresse vice. So helpe you God, and the holy contents of this Booke.

ARTICLES TO BE EN­quired of in the Diocesse of Carlile, ANNO DOM.

Titul. 1

Articles concerning Religion and Doctrine.

1 WHether bee there any abiding in, Hereticall o­pinions. or resorting to your Parish, that haue wilfully maintained and defended any heresies, errors, or false opinions, contrary to the faith of Christ, and holy Scrip­ture?

2 Jtem, Whether doth any in your Parish, Absence from Church. be­ing 16. yeers of age or vpwards, or others lodg­ing, or commonly resorting to any house in your parish, wilfully ab­sent themselues from your parish Church, Chappell, or Oratorie, vp­on Sundayes and holidaies, and other daies appointed, at Morning and Euening prayers? Or who come late to Church and depart from Church before diuine Seruice and Sermon be ended? Or whether be there any, that perswade others to forbeare or abstaine comming to Church, to heare diuine Seruice, and receiue the holy Communion according to his Maiesties lawes in that behalfe enacted?

3 Jtem, Whether be there any in your parish, that hath beene, Vnlawfull con­uenticles. or is vehemently suspected to haue beene present at any vnlawfull assem­blies, conuenticles, or meetings, vnder colour or pretence of any ex­ercise of Religion; or doth any affirme and maintaine such meetings to be lawfull, contrarie to his Maiesties statutes in that behalfe?

4 Item, Whether be there any within your parish, that deny, Impugners of the Kings Su­premacie. or perswade any to deny, withstand and impugne the Kings Maiesties authority and Supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall within his Realme?

5 Jtem, Whether be there any abiding in, Popish Recu­sants. or resorting to your pa­rish, that be, or are commonly reputed or taken to bee Recusant Pa­pists, [Page] refusing to repaire to the Church to heare diuine Seruice, and receiue the holy Communion, and being disobedient to his Highnesse Lawes in that behalfe prouided? Or doe any publish, fell, or disperse any superstitious books or writings; or other books, libels, or wri­tings of any lectuaries, touching the Religion, State, or Ecclesiasticall gouermnent of this Kingdome of England? Present their names, qua­lities and conditions. Doth any Papist keepe a Schoolemaster in his house, which commeth not to Church, as is required? What is his name, and how long hath he taught there or else-where?

Titul. 2

Articles concerning Publique Prayer and Admini­stration of the Sacraments.

deprauing the Booke of com­mon Prayer, & Ceremonies.FIrst, Whether hath any of your parish spoken, or declared any thing in the derogation, or deprauing of the forme of Gods Wor­ship in the Church of England, & Administration of the Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies, set forth and prescribed in the Booke of Com­mon Prayer, by the Kings Maiestie authorised and confirmed? Doe a­ny preach, speake, or declare, that it containeth any thing which is not agreeable to the holy Scriptures?

Perswading a­ny Minister to alter the form of common Prayer.2 Item, Whether hath any in your parish caused, procured, or maintained any Minister to say any common or publike prayer, or to administer either of the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Sup­per, otherwise, or in any other manner and forme, then is mentioned in the said book of Common Prayer: Or whether hath any interrup­ted, hindred, let, or disturbed the Minister to reade diuine Seruice, and administer the Sacraments, in such manner and forme as is men­tioned in the said booke, or interrupted him in his preaching and Sermons?

Obseruation of the forme of Baptisme, and Crosse.3 Item, Whether is the Sacrament of Baptisme rightly and duly administred, according to the prescript Forme expressed in the booke of Common Prayer, with due obseruations of all Rites and Ceremo­nies prescribed in the administration of the same, without adding, or altering any part or parcell of any prayers, interrogatories, or not v­sing the signe of the Crosse in the administration of the same? Children refu­sed to be bap­tized, or dying without Bap­tisme. Parents of children ad­mitted God­fathers.

4 Item, Whether is the Sacrament of Baptisme refused to bee ad­ministred to any children borne in or out of wedlocke, their birth be­ing made knowne vnto the Minister of the parish, and offered to him to be baptized; or haue any such children dyed vn-baptized?

5 Jtem, Whether be the Parents of any child to bee baptized, ad­mitted to be Godfathers and Godmothers to the same?

[Page]6 Item, Priuate Ba [...] tisme. Whether haue there any children beene baptized in pri­uate houses, by any Lay person, or Midwife, or Popish Priest, or by a­ny other Minister, but vpon vrgent occasion, when the child was in danger of death?

7 Jtem, Baptizing Papists chi [...] dren. Whether haue the children which haue beene borne to a­ny Popish Recusants, or begotten by them in your parish, beene pub­likely baptized in your parish Church, by your Parson, Vicar, or Curate; or by whom were they baptized, or where to your know­ledge?

8 Jtem, Receiuing the Lords S [...] per thrice a yeere. Whether hath the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper beene duely and reuerently administred euery moneth, or thrice eue­ry yeere at least, whereof once at Easter, within your parish Church, to euery parishioner being of sixteene yeeres of age, or vpwards?

9 Item, Whether is the said holy Sacrament deliuered vnto, Kneeling a [...] the Comm [...] ­nion. or receiued by any of the Communicants within your parish, that vn­reuerently sit or stand, or doe not deuoutly and humbly kneele vpon their knees?

10 Item, Whether hath any of your parish, Notorious [...] ­fenders ad­mitted to th [...] Communio [...] which bee openly knowne to liue in notorious sinne without repentance, or excommu­nicate persons, or Schismaticks, common and notorious deprauers of the Religion and gouernment of this Realme, without vnfaigned sorrow showne for their impiety and wickednesse, beene admitted to be partaker of the said holy Communion?

11 Jtem, Debarring [...] thers with cause. Whether hath any of your parish beene debarred from the said holy Communion, without iust cause, and without intimati­on first giuen to the Ordinary or Bishop of the Diocesse: and by whose default?

Titul. 3

Articles concerning the Church, the Orna­ments thereof, and the Churches Possessions.

FIrst, Whether haue you in your Church or Chappell, Books and [...] naments in the Church the whole Bible of the largest Volumne, and of the last translation, the booke of Common Prayer, lately set forth by his Maiesties authoritie, the two bookes of Homilies, and Bishop Iewels Apologie, all well and fairely bound: a Font of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place: A conuenient and decent Communion Table, with a Carpet of silke or some other decent stuffe, continually laid vpon the Table at time of diuine Seruice, Abusing of Communio [...] Table. and a faire linnen cloath at the time of administring the Communion: And whether is the same Table placed conueni­ently [Page] as it ought: And whether is it so vsed in or out of time of diuine Seruice or Sermon, as is not agreeable to the holy vse of it; as by sit­ting on it, and by throwing hats on it, or writing on it; or is it abu­sed to other prophaner vses? Are the tenne commandements set vp­on the East end of your Church, with other sentences of Scripture a­bout?

[...]ings apper­ [...]ning to [...]urches.2 Item, Whether haue you in your said Church or Chappell, a conuenient seate for your Minister to reade diuine Seruice in, toge­ther with a comely Pulpit set vp in a conuenient place, with a decent cloth or Cushion for the same; a comely, large and fine Surplice; a faire Communion Cup, a Flagon of Siluer or Pewter, with all other things and ornaments necessary for the celebration of diuine Seruice, and administration of the Sacraments: and whether haue you a Chest for Almes, with three locks and keyes and another Chest for keeping the Bookes and Ornaments of the Church, and the Register Booke? Haue you a Register Booke in Parchment, [...]gister book. for Christenings, Wed­dings, and burials, and is the same kept in all points according to the Canons? And haue you a Table set in your Church, of the degrees wherein by law men are prohibited to marry?

[...]parations Churches, [...]d Parsonage uses.3 Item, Whether is your Church or Chappell, with the Chauncell thereof, and your Parsonage or Vicarage house, in good reparations; if any be ruinated and wasted, in whom is the default? Is your Church, Chancell and Chappell, decently and comely kept, aswell within as without; and be the seates well maintained, the Steeple and Bells preserued; the windowes well glazed; the floore kept paued, plaine and euen, [...]eping clean Churches. and all things in orderly and decent sort, without dust, or any thing that may be either noysome or vnseemely for the house of God, as is prescribed in the 85. Canon?

[...]ncing and [...]eping the [...]hurchyard.4 Item, Whether be your Churchyards well fenced, and kept with­out abuse; if not, whose default is it: hath any person encroached vpon the ground of the Churchyard: Hath any vsed a place conse­crated to holy vse prophanely or wickedly: haue any quarrelled or stricken another in Church or Churchyard: [...]ophaning [...]d annoying [...]e Church­ [...]rd. haue any annoyed your Churchyard, or the fence thereof, by putting in of Cattell, by hang­ing of clothes, or by laying there any dust, dung, or other filthinesse?

[...]hurches [...]acant.5 Item, whether is your Church full, or vacant of an incumbent; if vacant, who receiueth the fruits thereof, and who serueth the Cure, and by what authoritie? And whether is it a Parsonage, Vicaridge, or Donatiue, or Appropriation?

oncealing of [...]hurch goods.6 Item, What legacies haue beene giuen to the vse and benefit of [Page] your Church; how haue they beene bestowed; who receiued them, and detaineth them without due imployment? Doth any detaine or embezell any of the Church goods, or any other gifts giuen to chari­table vses?

7 Item, Whether hath any in your parish defaced, Defacing o [...] seemely or [...] ments. Burying of P [...] pish Recu­sants. or caused to bee defaced, any monuments or ornaments in your Church?

8 Item, Whether hath any Popish Recusant, being lawfully ex­communicated, beene enterred or buried in your Church or Church­yard, before absolution of that censure and excommunication? If yea, then by whom and when?

9 Jtem, Whether be not the profits, tithes, Alienation o [...] tithes and profits of th [...] Church. and other commodi­ties Ecclesiasticall, impiously and wickedly, to the dishonour of Al­mighty God, and preiudice of the sacred Ministerie, conuerted to the vse and benefit of couetous Patrons, and by them receiued and de­tained, and how long haue they beene so vsed to your knowledge?

10 Jtem, Whether haue you the Terrier of all the gleab-lands, A Terrier o [...] Glebe lands and other possessions the Church. mea­dows, gardens, orchyards, houses, stocks, implements, tenements, and portions of tithes (whether within your parish or without) belong­ing to your Parsonage or Vicaridge, taken by the view of honest men in your said parish; and whether the said Terrier be laid vp in the Bi­shops Registrie, and in whose hands are any of them now? And if you haue no Terrier already made in Parchment, you the Church-war­dens and Side-men, together with your Parson or Vicar, or in his absence, your Curate, are to make diligent enquiry, and presentment of the premises, and make, subscribe, and signe the said Terrier, as a­foresaid.

Titul. 4

Articles concerning Ministers, and Preachers of Gods holy Word.

FIrst, Whether is your Minister, Parson, Vicar, or Curate, Degrees of Ministers. a gradu­ate in either of the Vniuersities, or no: if yea, then of what de­gree? Is hee a publike Preacher of Gods word and by whom is hee so licensed?

2 Item, Whether doth your Minister distinctly, and reuerently say Diuine Seruice vpon Sundayes and Holidayes, Obseruation of the forme and time of cōmon pray [...] and Sacra­ments. & other dayes appoin­ted to be obserued by the booke of Common Prayer, as Wednesdaies and Fridaies, and the Eues of euery Sunday and Holiday, at fit and vsuall times And doth your Minister duly obserue the orders, Rites, and Ceremonies prescr [...]bed in the said Booke of Common Prayer, as well in reading all publique praiers, and the Letanie, as also in admi­nistring the Sacraments, solemnization of Matrimonie, visitation of [Page] the sicke burying the dead, churching of women, and all other like Rites and offices of the Church, in such maner & forme, as in the said booke of common prayer is enioyned, without omission or addition of any thing: And doth he read the Booke of the last Canons yeerely?

[...]ontinuall [...]ating of the [...]rplice.3 Jtem, whether doth your Minister, both morning and euening, reading diuine Seruice, and administring the Sacraments, and other Rites of the Church, weare the Surplice, according to the Canons: And doth he neuer omit wearing of the same at such times?

[...]bseruation [...] Rites.4 Jtem, Whether doth your Minister bid holidayes and fasting-daies, as is appointed? Doth he administer the holy Cōmunion euery moneth; or thrice in the yere at least, whereof once at Easter, to euery parishioner: doth he receiue the same himselfe on euery day that hee administreth it to others, and vseth the words of Institution accor­ding to the booke, without alteration, at euery time that the bread and wine is renewed? Doth he vse and neuer omit the signe of the Crosse in baptisme, or doth he euer baptize in any Bason or other thing but the vsuall Font? Doth he marry without a Ring, or in times prohibited, or without the banes thrice published, without a spe­ciall Licence from the Arch-bishop, or Bishop of the Diocesse, or his Chancellor, first had and obtained?

[...]reachers [...]ithout [...]cence.5 Item, Whether is your Minister a Preacher licensed or no? If no, whether doth he take vpon him, in his own Cure, or else-where, to expound any Scripture or matter of doctrine, and doth not keepe himselfe to the reading of Homilies published by Authoritie? And if he be licensed, doth he preach vsually according to the 45. Canon, in his owne cure, or some other neighbour Church, where no Preacher is: doth he preach standing, and with his hat off? Or whether doth hee or his Curate, Reading Ho­milies when [...]here is no [...]ermon. vpon euery Sunday when there is no Sermon, reade an Homily, or some part thereof, according as hee ought to doe?

Preaching of false do­ctrine, & new opinions.6 Jtem, Whether doth your Minister publish in his Sermon any doctrine which is new and strange, and disagreeing from the Word of God, and from the Articles of Christian faith and religion, agreed on and published, Ann. Dom. 1562. or whether doe they teach any thing, which they would haue the people rel [...]giously to obserue and beleeue, but that which is agreeable to the Scriptures, and that which the Catholike Fathers and ancient Bishops haue gathered out of that doctrine, according to the Canon?

Names of [...]trangers to be taken.7 Item, Whether are any Ministers admitted to preach in your Church, who doe not, before the Churchwardens, subscribe their [Page] names in your booke for that purpose, the day when hee preached, and the name of the Bishop of whom he had licence to preach? And is any one admitted to preach, before he sheweth his licence?

8 Item, Opposition of Preachers in their Ser­mons. Doth any Preacher in your Pulpit particularly impugne and confute any doctrine deliuered by others his fellow Preachers, before he hath acquainted the Bishop of the Diocesse therewith, and receiued order from him, what to doe in that case?

9 Jtem, Praying for his Maiestie, &c. Doth your Minister vse alwayes to pray for the Kings Maiestie, the Queene, Clergie, Councell, &c. giuing them their full titles, as in the Canon is required?

10 Item, Whether is your Minister resident vpon his Benefice, Non residence of the Minister or absent; if absent, by whom is the Cure serued, the fruits receiued? Doth your Minister or Curate serue any more Cures then one? If yea, then what other Cure doth he serue, and how farre are they distant?

11 Jtem, Whether doth he catechize the youth of his parish vpon Sundaies and holidaies before Euening prayer, for halfe an houre, Catechizing. or more, in the Catechisme set forth in the booke of common prayer: and whether doe all the parishioners diligently attend his catechi­zing? and who refuse to send their children and seruants to be cate­chized by him?

12 Item, Ministers to call for reliefe of the poore, and almes-deeds. Symonie. Doth your Minister carefully looke to the reliefe of the poore, and from time to time call vpon his parishioners, to giue somewhat according to their ability, to godly and charitable vses, especially when they make their wills?

13 Jtem, whether is your Minister suspected or knowne to haue obtained his Benefice, or spirituall promotion, by any symoniacall compact, directly or indirectly?

14 Item, Demising of Benefices. Whether doth your Minister demise the profits of his Benefice to any Lay-man, aboue one yeere, and is not resident there; & keepeth no hospitality vpon his Benefice being of sufficient value?

15 Item, Doth your Minister, in the Rogation dayes, Obseruing of Rogation weeke. goe in per­ambulation of the circuit of the parish, saying and vsing the prayers, suffrages, and thanksgiuing to God, appointed by law, according to his dutie, thanking God for his blessings, and praying for his grace and fauour?

16 Jtem, What Curates or Preachers doe reade prayers, Curates not licensed, and Lay-men do­ing offices of Minister. or admi­nister the Sacraments in your parish, without lawfull licence from the Bishop of the Diocesse, vnder his hand and seale, according to the Canon: or doth any Lay-man, not hauing holy orders, presume to reade publike prayers in the Church?

[Page] Lectures and Preachers to read Seruice.17 Jtem, Whether haue you any Preacher or Lecturer in your pa­rish, and whether (if any such be) he doth twice at the least euery yere reade himselfe diuine Seruice both morning and euening two seueral Sundaies publikely in his Surplice; and also twice in the yeere admi­nister both the Sacraments, with such rites and ceremonies as are pre­scribed in the book of commom prayer, according to the 56. Canon?

Conuersation of the Mini­ster.18 Jtem, Whether is your Minister studious in the holy Scrip­tures, and abstaineth from mechanicall trades, or labour not be fitting his function, and from apparell vnseemely for his calling, and from gaming, Ministers for­saking their calling. swearing and drunkennes, or such notorious crimes: or is there any in your parish, who hauing beene admitted into holy or­ders, either Deacon or Minister, doth relinquish and forsake his cal­ling, and liueth in the course of his life as a Lay-man?

Ministers re­uealing pri­uate confes­sions.19 Jtem, Whether doth your Minister before the seuerall times of the administration of the Lords Supper, admonish and exhort his parishioners, if they haue their consciences troubled and disquieted, to resort vnto him, or some other learned Minister, and open his griefe, that he may receiue such ghostly counsell and comfort, as his conscience may be relieued, and by the Minister he may receiue the benefit of absolution, to the quiet of his conscience, and auoyding of the scruple; And if any man confesse his secret & hidden sinnes being sick or whole, to the Minister, for the vnburthening of his conscience, and receiuing such spirituall consolation, doth or hath the said Mini­ster at any time reuealed and made knowne to any person whatsoe­uer, any crime or offence so committed to his trust and secrecie, con­trary to the 113. Canon?

Titul. 5

Articles concerning Matrimony.

FIrst, Marriage within Leuiti­call degrees. Whether be there any in your parish, that haue married with­in the degrees of affinity or consanguinity by the Law of God for­bidden? If any, what be they?

2 Item, Whether haue any beene married secretly in priuate hou­ses, Priuate mar­riage, and without con­sent of pa­rents. or without their parents or gouernours consent signified, being vnder the age of 21. yeeres?

3 Item, Whether doe any persons lawfully married, Married per­sons liuing [...]part. liue asunder vnlawfully, and in whom is the default?

4 Item, Marriage without banes and licence. Whether any persons (the banes beeing not thrice publi­shed in the Church) haue beene married without licence; who were present at such marriages, and what Minister married them?

5 Jtem, Whether any persons by licence or without, Persons mar­ried out of their Parishes. haue bin mar­ried in your parish Church, neither of them at that time dwelling in your said parish?

[Page]6 Item, Recusants marriage. What Popish Recusants or their children haue beene mar­ried in your Parish, in what sort was that matrimonie solemnized; when, and by whom?

7 Item, Is there any in your Parish, that is voyced, noted, Bigamy. and cre­dibly reported and accused to haue two wiues liuing, or two hus­bands?

Titul. 6

Articles concerning the Churchwardens.

FIrst, Whether be the Churchwardens chosen by the Minister and Parishioners, according to the 89. Canon; Election of Churchwar­dens. and whether hath any taken vpon him to be Church-warden, being not so chosen: or hath any continued aboue one yeere in his office without a new choice?

2 Jtem, Churchwar­dens due ac­count. Whether haue any Churchwardens deteined any of the Church goods, and not made a iust account of what they haue recei­ued and expended?

3 Item, Haue they beene, and are they diligent in their office, Churchwar­dens diligent in the Church to see decencie kept in the Church, and order in the time of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and that there bee no disturbance, but sobernesse and quietnesse in the Church?

Titul. 7

Articles concerning the Parishioners.

FIrst, Whether doe any in your Parish prophane the Sunday by vn­lawfull games, drinking or tippling, Prophaning the Lords day. especially in the time of com­mon prayer, or Sermon: or by working, and doing the ordinary workes of their vocations and trades?

2 Item, Is there any in your Parish, Impugne the Rites and go­uernment of the Church. that do impugne or speake a­gainst the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, or the lawfull vse of them; and the gouernment of this Church vnder his Maiestie by Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ecclesiasticall Officers?

3 Item, Reuerent be­hauiour at diuine Seruice. Who in your parish doe come to the Sermon only and not to diuine Seruice; and who do not reuerently behaue themselues du­ring the time of diuine Seruice, deuoutly kneeling when the generall Confession of sinnes, the Letany, the tenne Commandements, and all Prayers and Collects are read: and vsing all duly and lowly reue­rence when the blessed Name of the Lord Iesus is mentioned, and standing vp when the Articles of the Beliefe, the Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, the Te Deum, Benedictus, and Gloria Patri, &c. are read, or who doe couer their heads in the Church, during the whole time of diuine Seruice, vnlesse it be in case of necessity; in which case they may weare a nightcap? Or who do giue themselues to babbling, tal­king, or walking, and are not attentiue to heare the Word read and preached?

[Page] [...]eauing their [...]wn Churches [...]o goe to o­ [...]hers.4 Item, Is there any of your Parish, hauing a Preacher to their Mi­nister, that doe absent themselues from his Sermons, and resort to o­ther places to heare other Preachers: or doe any in your Parish com­municate, or baptize their children in any other Parish?

Exception a­gainst the Mi­nister. Churching of Women.5 Item, Is there any in your parish, that refuse to haue their chil­dren baptized, or themselues to receiue the Communion of your Minister, taking exception against him? or haue any wiues refused to come to Church, according to the Booke of Common Prayer, to giue thanks to God for their safe deliuerance, in a decent habit, as hath beene anciently accustomed?

Disgracing of Ministers.6 Item, Hath any in your parish spoken slanderous and reproach­full words against your Minister, to the scandall of his vocation; or against their marriage or wiues, against his neighbour, defaming them touching any crime of Ecclesiasticall cognizance?

Opening of [...]hops vpon [...]olidaies.7 Jtem, Whether doe any in your Parish exercise any trade or la­bour, buy or sell, or keepe open shops, or set out any wares to be sold, vpon Sundaies and Holidayes, by themselues, their seruants, or ap­prentices, or haue otherwise prophaned the said dayes?

Keeping holy of the 5. of August, and the 5. of Nouember. 8 Item, Whether is the 5. of August, and the 5. of Nouember kept holy, and thanksgiuing made to God, according to the order set forth in that behalfe?

9 Jtem, Is there any in your Parish, that bee, [...]dultery, for­ [...]ication, in­ [...]est, &c. or are commonly knowne or reputed to bee blasphemers of Gods holy Name, drun­kards, adulterers, fornicators, incestuous persons, concealers or har­bourers of fornicators or adulterers: haue any beene detected of such notorious crimes, and what penance haue they done for the same?

Commutation [...]f penance.10 Jtem, What corporall punishments for any such offences, haue beene commuted and changed into a pecuniary mulct or summe of money by any Ecclesiasticall Iudge exercising iurisdiction within this Diocesse, by vertue of any graunt or Commission; or what was the summe of money by them or any of them so receiued and taken, and to what vses was the same bestowed: or whether vpon some commutations, was the vnfaigned repentance of the delinquent pub­lished in the Church?

Persons dying [...]nce the 2. of [...]ebr. 1626.11 Item, What person or persons haue died & departed this mor­tall life, since the 2. day of February last past, and whether did they make any last wills or Testaments, and who were their executors, or whether died they intestate, and who hath the administration of their goods; and what be the names of such deceased, and executors, and administrators.

[Page]12 Item, Administring of goods without authoritie. Whether haue any in your parish administred the goods of any person deceased, without lawfull authoritie, and before he or they haue proued the wil or Testament of the party deceased, or haue obtained Cōmission from the Ordinary, to dispose the said mouable goods; or are there any wills vnproued, or goods not administred?

13 Item, What persons be excommunicate within your Parish, Excommuni­cate persons. and for what cause to your knowledge: and whether do any of them repaire to the Church, in time of Prayer vnabsolued.

Titul. 8

Articles concerning Schoolemasters, Physicians, and Chyrur­gions, and Parish Clarks.

FIrst, Schoolema­sters not li­cenced. is there any Schoolemaster in your Parish that teacheth pub­likely or priuately, not licensed by the Ordinarie, or the Bishop of the Diocesse? Doth hee teach any Papists or Sectaries children, that come not to Church? Duty of all Schoole­masters. And doth he instruct all his schollers to learne the shorter Catechisme by the lawe estabished, contained in the booke of common Prayer? Is he a graduate, & sufficient to teach?

2 Item, What Physician or Chyrurgion is in your parish vnlicensed, Physicians no [...] licenced. and beeing not a Doctor of Physicke in either of the Vniuersities, doth practise physike? And what ignorant persons haue left their trade, and taken vpon them to professe Physicke or Chyrurgery; and who be they that so abuse the people?

3 Item, Haue you a fit parish-Clarke, aged 20. yeeres at least, Parish Clarks of honest life, able to reade and write? Are his and the Sextons wages paid without fraud? if not, then whose default is it? by whom is hee chosen: is he diligent in his office, and seruiceable to the Minister; doth he meddle with any thing aboue his Office; doth he keepe the Church cleane, the doores locked? Is any thing lost and spoiled by his default, and doth he execute his office dulie.

Titul. 9

Articles concerning Ecclesiasticall offices.

FIrst, Excessiue fees. Whether be there any ecclesiasticall officers that exercise ec­clesiastical iurisdiction within this Diocesse that take and receiue, or exact any extraordinary and excessiue fees for any cause. Whether haue your Churchwardens and Questmen concealed any abuses or offences punishable in the Ecclesiasticall Court; and whether such of­fences being presented, are suppressed and vnpunished?

2 Item, Table of fees in Courts. Whether is there not a Table of Fees in euery Court of the Consistorie, Archdeacons, and Commissaries, allowed and subscri­bed by the Iudge and Register of the Court of Consistory, Ann. Dom. 1597. and the same euery Court day hung vp in some publike place of the Court and Registry?

[Page] [...]eeding of [...]cts without Notarie.3 Item, Doth any Ecclesiasticall Iudge speed any act in any cause priuately of himselfe, and not in presence of some publike Notarie or Actuarie?

[...]buses in Ap­ [...]aritors and [...]umners.4 Item, Whether is there any excessiue number of Apparitors and Sumners in this Diocesse; or haue any of them, vnder pretence of authoritie, cited and summoned any person vnlawfully, or hath taken any reward for the concealing of any offence or sinne, or the a­uoyding of punishment of the offenders; and who be they that haue done so; or do they take any fees not accustomable? haue they threat­ned any to prosecute them, if they had no reward? and do they sum­mon any, without a Citation first had?

Abuses in Ec­clesiasticall offices.5 Jtem, Hath any Ecclesiasticall Iudge, or Officer, Aduocate, Re­gister, Procter, Clarks, or other such ministers any way abused them­selues in their offices, contrary to the Law and Canons in that be­halfe prouided?

Sincerity and [...]mpartiality [...]n the Inqui­sitors.6 Item, Lastly, Whether haue you and euery of you, sincerely, vp­rightly, and without any impartiall affection and concealing, pre­sented and made knowne all and euery the offenders, in any of the matters mentioned in the precedent Articles exhibited vnto you, ei­ther as they are taken in truth to be, or by common fame reported?

If you know of any other default or crime of Ecclesiasticall cogni­zance, you are to present the same.

The Ministers of euery parish may ioyne in presentment with the Churchwardens and Side-men: and if they will not present, then the Ministers themselues (being the persons that should haue the chiefe care for the suppressing of sinne and impiety in their pa­rishes) may present the crimes aforesaid, and such things as shall be thought to require due reformation. Can. 113.

There must be seuerall presentments made to euery seuerall Article.


Hos Articulos sub hisce Titulis in hac visitatione, proponit inquirendos,


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