¶ Articles to be inquired of, in visi­tacions to bee had, within the Diocesse of Can­torbury: in the seconde yere of the reigne of our moste drad soue­reigne Lorde Edward the .VI. by the grace of God, Kyng of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande defender of the faithe and in yearth of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande, the supreme hedde.

1 FIrst, whether Persones, Vi­cars, and Curates, and euery of them haue purely and sin­cerely, without colour or dis­simulaciō, foure tymes in the yere at the least, preached a­gainste the vsurped power, pretensed aucthoritie, and iu­risdiccion of the bishop of Rome.

2 Itē, whether thei haue preached and declared likewise, iiii. times of the yere at the least, that the kynges maiesties power, aucthoritie, and prehe­minence, within his Realmes and dominions, is the highest power vnder God.

3 Item, whether any persone hath by writyng, Cyphryng, preachyng, or teachyng, deede or act obstinatly holden, and stande with to extoll, set­furthe, maintein or defend the aucthoritie, iuris­dicciō, or power of the bishop of Rome, or of his sea heretofore claimed and vsurped, or by any pretense, obstinatly or maliciously, inuented any thyng for the extollyng of the same, or any parte thereof.

4 Item, whether in their common praiers, thei vse not the Collettes made for the Kyng, and [Page]make not speciall menciō of his maiesties name in the same.

5 Item, whether thei do not euery sondaie and holy day, with the collectes of the Englishe pro­cession, saie the praier sette furthe by the Kynges maiestie for peace betwene England & Scotlād

6 Item, whether thei haue not remoued, taken awaie, & vtterly extincted and destroyed, in their Churches, Chapelles, and houses, all Images, all shrines, couerynges of shrines, all Tables, candelstickes, trindels, or rolles of waxe, pictu­res, Paintynges, and all other monumentes of fained miracles, Pilgrimages, Idolatrie and Supersticion, so that there remain no memorie of the same, in walles, glaswindowes, or els wher

7 Item whether thei haue exhorted, moued and stirred their parishoners, to do the like in euery of their houses.

8 Item, whether thei haue declared to their pa­rishoners, the articles concernyng the abroga­cion of certain superfluous holy daies, and doen their indeuor to perswade the saied parishoners, to kepe and obserue the same articles inuiolably and whether any of those abrogate daies, hath been kepte as holy daies, and by whose occasion thei were so kept.

9 Item, whether thei haue diligētly, duely, and reuerently, ministred the Sacramentes in their Cures.

10 Item, whether thei haue preached, or caused to bee preached, purely and sincerely the woorde [Page]of God, in euery of their Cures, euery quarter of the yere, once at the least, exhortyng their pari­shoners, to the workes commaunded by scriptu­res, and not to workes deuised by mennes phā ­tasies besides scripture, as wearyng or praiyng vpon beades, or suche like.

11 Item, whether thei suffre any torches, candel­les, Tapers, or any other lightes to bee in your Churches, but onely two lightes vpon the high Aulter.

12 Item, whether thei haue not euery holy daye, when thei haue no sermon, immediatly after the Gospell, opēly, plainly, and distinctly, recited to their parishoners in the pulpit, the Pater noster the crede, and the .x. Commaundementes in English.

13 Item, whether euery Lent, thei examine suche persones as commeth to Confession to thē, whe­ther thei canne recite the Pater noster, the Articles of our faith, & the .x. Cōmaundementes in English.

14 Item, whether thei haue charged fathers and mothers, masters and gouernours of youthe, to bryng them vp in some verteous study or occu­pacion.

15 Item, whether suche beneficed menne, as bee lawfully absent from their benefices, dooe leaue their Cure to a rude and vnlearned person, and not to an honest well learned and expert Curate whiche can and will teach you holsom doctrine.

16 Item, whether in euery Cure thei haue, thei haue prouided one booke of the whole Bible of the largest volume in Englishe, and the Para­phrasis [Page]of Erasmus, also in Englishe vpon the Gospelles, and set vp thesame in some conueni­ent place in the Church, where their parishoners maie moste commodiously resorte to thesame.

17 Item, whether thei haue discoraged any per­sone, frō readyng of any part of the Bible, either in Latin or in Englishe, but rather comforted and exhorted, euery persone to reade thesame, as the very liuely woorde of God, and the speciall foode of mannes soule.

18 Item, whether Persones, Vicars, Curates, and other priestes, be common haunters and re­sorters to Tauernes, or Alehouses, geuyng thē ­selfes to drinkyng, riotyng, or plaiyng at vn­lawfull games, and doo not occupie theimselfes in the readyng or hearyng, of some parte of holy scripture, or in some other Godly exercise.

19 Item, whether thei haue admitted any man to preache in their cures, not beyng lawfully licen­sed thereunto, or haue refused or denied suche to preache, as haue been licensed accordyngly.

20 Item, whether thei which haue heretofore de­clared to their parishoners, any thyng to the ex­tolling or setting furth of pilgrimages reliques or Images, or lightyng of candels, kissyng, kne­lyng deckyng of thesame Images, or any suche supersticion, haue not openly recanted and re­proued thesame.

21 Item, whether thei haue one boke or register safely kepte, wherein thei write the daie of euery Weddyng, Christenyng, and Buriyng.

22 Item, whether thei haue exhorted the people to obedience, to the kynges maiestie and his mi­nisters, and to Charitie and loue, one to another.

23 Item, whether thei haue admonished their pa­rishoners, that thei ought not to presume, to re­ceiue the Sacrament, of the body and bloud of Christ, before thei can perfectly the Pater noster the Articles of the faith, and the tenne commaunde­mentes in Englishe.

24 Item, whether thei haue declared, and to their wittes and power haue perswaded the people, that the maner and kind of fastyng in Lent, and other daies in y e yere, is but a mere positiue law, and that therfore al persones, hauyng iust cause of sickenes, or other necessitie, or beyng licensed by the kynges maiestie, maie moderatly eate all kynde of meates, without grudge or scruple of conscience.

25 Item, whether thei be resident vpon their be­nefices, and kepe hospitalitie or no, and if thei be absēt, or kepe no hospitalitie, whether thei do make due distribucions emong the poore pari­shoners or not.

26 Itē, whether Persones, Vicars, Clarkes, and other beneficed men, hauyng yerely to dispende an hundred pounde, doo not finde competently one scholer in the Vniuersitie, of Cambridge or Oxforde, or some Grammer schoole, and for as many hundred poundes, as euery of them maie dispende, so many scholers likewise to be found by them, & what be their names, that thei so find.

27 Item, whether Proprietaries, Persones, Vi­cars, and Clarkes, hauyng Churches, Chapel­les or Mansions, dooe kepe their Chauncelles, Rectories, Vicareges, and all other houses ap­parteignyng to them, in due reparacions.

28 Item, whether thei haue counsailed, or moued their parishoners, rather to praie in a tōgue not knowen, then in Englishe, or to put their trust in any prescribed nomber of praiers, as in saiyng ouer a nombre of beades or other like.

29 Item, whether thei haue red the kynges ma­iesties Iniunccions, euery quarter of the yere, the first holy daie of thesame quarter.

30 Item, whether the Persons, Vicars, Curates and other priestes, beeyng vnder the degree of a bachelar of diuinitie, haue of their awne the new Testament, bothe in Latin and in Englishe, and the paraphrase of Erasmus vpon thesame.

31 Item, whether within euery Churche, he that ministereth haue red or cause to be red, the Epi­stle and Gospell in Englishe, and not in Latin, either in the Pulpit or some other mete place, so as the people maie heare thesame.

32 Item, whether euery Sondaie and holy daie at Matyns, thei haue read or cause to bee read, plainly and distinctly in thesaid place, one Cha­piter of the newe Testament in Englishe, imme­diatly after the Lessons, and at Euensong after Magnificat, one Chapiter of the old testament.

33 Itē, whether thei haue not at Matins, omit­ted three lessons, when .ix. should haue been read [Page]in the Churche, and at Euensong the Respon­des with all the Memories.

34 Item, whether thei haue declared to their pa­rishioners, that sainct Markes daie, and the e­uens of the abrogate holy daies should not bee fasted.

35 Item, whether thei haue the Procession boke in Englishe, and haue saied or song thesaed Le­tany in any other place, but vpon their knees in the middest of their Churche, and whether thei vse any other procession, or omit thesaid Letany at any tyme, or saie it or syng it in suche sorte as the people, cannot vnderstande thesame.

36 Item, whether their haue put out of their chur­che bokes, this worde Papa, and the name and ser­uice of Thomas Bequet, and praiers hauyng rubrices, conteinyng pardones or indulgences, and al other supersticious legēdes and praiers.

37 Item, whether thei bid not the beades accor­dyng to the order, appoynted by the Kynges Maiestie.

38 Item, whether thei haue opened and declared vnto you, the true vse of Ceremonies, (that is to saie) that thei be no workers nor workes of sal­uacion, but onely outwarde signes and tokens, to put vs in remembraūce of thynges of higher perfeccion.

39 Item, whether thei haue taught and declared to their parishoners, that thei maie with a safe & quiet conscience in the tyme of Haruest, labour vpon the holy and festiuall daies, and if super­sticiously [Page]thei abstein from working vpon those daies, that then thei doo greuously offende and displease God.

40 Item, whether thei haue admitted any perso­nes to the Communion, beeyng openly knowen to be out of charitie with their neighbors.

41 Item, whether the Deanes, Archedeacons, Masters of Hospitalles, and Prebēdaries haue preached by theimselfes personally, twise euery yere at the least.

42 Item, whether thei haue prouided, and haue a strong Cheste for the poore mennes boxe, and set and fastened thesame, nere to the high aultar.

43 Item, whether thei haue diligently called v­pon, exhorted and moued their parishoners, and specially when thei make their Testamentes, to geue to thesaied poore mennes Boxe, and to be­stowe that vpon the poore Cheste, whiche thei were wont to bestowe vpon pardonnes, pilgre­mages, trentalles, Masses satisfactory, deckyng of Images, offeryng of Candelles, geuyng to Friers, and vpon other like blynde deuocions.

44 Item, whether thei haue denied to visite the sicke, or bury the dedde, beyng brought to the Churche.

45 Item, whether thei haue bought their benefi­ces, or come to theim by fraude or deceipt.

46 Item, whether thei haue euery Sondaie, whē the people be moste gathered, red one of the Ho­melies, in ordre as thei stande in the boke, sette furthe by the kynges maiestie.

47 Item, whether thei do not omit prime and ho­wers, when thei haue any sermon or Homelie.

48 Item, whether thei haue saied or song any Masse, in any Oratory, Chapell, or any mannes house, not beyng hallowed.

49 Item, whether thei haue geuen open moniciō to their parishoners, that thei should not weare beades, nor praie vpon theim.

50 Item, whether thei haue moued their parishoners, liyng vpon their death beddes, or at any o­ther tyme, to bestowe any parte of their substāce vpon Trentalles, Masses Satisfactory, or any suche blynd deuocions.

51 Item, whether thei take any Trentalles, or other Masses Satisfactorie to saie or syng, for the quicke or the dedde.

52 Item, whether thei haue geuen open monitiō to their parishoners, to detect and presēt to their Ordenary, all adulterers and fornicators, and suche men as haue two wiues liuyng, and suche women as haue twoo husbandes liuyng, within their parishes.

53 Item, whether thei haue not monished their parishoners opēly, that thei should not sell, geue nor otherwise alienate, any of their Churche goodes.

54 Item, whether thei or any of theim, doo kepe mo benefices, and other Ecclesiasticall promo­cions, then thei ought to do, not hauyng suffici­ent license, and dispēsacions therunto, and how many thei be, and their names.

55 Item, whether thei minister the Communion, any otherwise then onely after such fourme and maner, as is set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie, in the boke of the Communion.

56 Item, whether thei hallowed and deliuered to the people, any Cādelles vpon Candelmas day any asshes vpon Ashe Wednesdaie, or any Pal­mes vpon Palme Sondaie last past.

57 Item, whether thei had vpon Good Fridaie last past, the Sepulchres with their lightes, ha­uyng the Sacrament therein.

58 Item, whether thei vpō Easter euen last past, halowed the Font, Fire, or Paschall, or had any Paschall set vp, or burnyng in their Churches.

59 Item, whether youre Persones and Vicars, haue admitted any curates to serue their Cures whiche were not first examined and allowed, ei­ther by my lorde of Cantorbury, Master Arche­deacon, or their officers.

60 Item, whether you knowe any persone with­in youre parishe, or els where, that is a letter of the worde of God, to be red in Englishe, or syn­cerely preached, or of the execuciō of the kynges Maiesties Iniunccions, or other his Maiesties procedynges, in matters of religion.

61 Item, whether euery parishe haue prouided a chest with twoo lockes and keyes, for the boke of Weddyng, Christenyng, and buriyng.

62 Item, whether in the tyme of the Letany, or a­ny other common praier, in the tyme of the ser­mon or Homely, and when the priest readeth the [Page]scripture to the parishoners, any persone haue departed out of the churche, without a iuste and necessary cause.

63 Item, whether any belles haue bee knolled or rong at the tyme of the premisses.

64 Item, whether any persone hath abused the Ceremonies, as in castyng holy Water vpō his bed, or bearyng aboute hym, holy Bread, saincte Ihons Gospell, ryngyng of holy Belles, or ke­pyng of priuate holy daies, as Taylors, Ba­kers, Brewers, Smithes, Shoomakers, and suche other.

65 Item, whether the money cōmyng and risyng of any cattell, or other moueable stockes of the Churche, and money geuen or bequethed, to the findyng of Torches, lightes, tapers, or lampes, (not paied out of any landes) haue not been em­ployed to the poore mennes Chest.

66 Item, who hath thesaied stockes, and money in their handes, and what be their names.

67 Item, whether any vndiscrete persons do vn­charitably contempne, and abuse priestes and ministers of the churche.

68 Item, whether thei that vnderstande not the Latin, doo praie vpon any primer, but the En­glishe Primer, set furthe by the kynges Maie­sties aucthoritie, and whether thei that vnder­stande Latin, doo vse any other then the Latin Primer, set furthe by like aucthoritie.

69 Item, whether there bee any other Grammer, taught in any schoole within this Diocesse, then [Page]that whiche is set furthe by the kynges maiestie.

70 Item, whether any persone kepe their churche holy date, and the dedicacion daie, any otherwise or at any other tyme, then is appoynted by the kynges Maiestie.

71 Item, whether the seruice in the Churche, bee doen at due and conuenient howers.

72 Item, whether any haue vsed to commen ian­gle, and talke in the Churche, in the tyme of the common praier, Readyng of the Homelie, Prea­chyng, Readyng or declaryng of the scripture.

73 Item, whether any haue wilfully mainteined and defended, any heresies, errors, or false opi­nions, contrary to the faithe of Christe, and holy scripture.

74 Item, whether any bee common dronkerdes, swearers, or blasphemers of the name of God.

75 Item, whether any haue committed adultery, fornicacion or incest, or be common baudes, and receiuers of suche euill persones, or vehemently suspected of any of the premisses.

76 Item, whether any bee braulers, slaunderers, chiders, skolders, & sowers of discorde, betwene one persone and another.

77 Item, whether you knowe any that vse char­mes, Sorcerie, Enchauntmentes, Witchecraft, Sothesaiyng, or any like crafte inuented by the Deuill.

78 Item, whether the Churches, Pulpittes, and other necessaties apparteignyng to thesame bee sufficiently repared.

79 Item, whether you knowe any, that in con­tempt of their awne parishe Churche, do resorte to any other churche.

80 Item, whether any Inholders, or Alehouseke­pers, do vse commonly to sell meate and drynke, in the tyme of the common Praier, Preachyng, Readyng of the Homelies, or scripture.

81 Item, whether you knowe any to bee maried, within the degrees prohibited by the Lawes of God, or that be seperated or diuorsed, without a iust cause, alowed by the lawe of God, and whe­ther any suche haue maried again.

82 Item, whether you knowe any, to haue made priuie contractes of Matrimony, not callyng twoo or mo thereunto.

83 Item, whether any haue maried solemply, the bannes not first lawfully asked.

84 Itē, whether you knowe any executors, or ad­ministrators of ded mennes goodes, whiche doo not duely bestowe suche of the saied goodes, as were geuen and bequethed, or appoynted to bee destributed emong the poore people, repairyng of high waies, findyng of poore scholers, or ma­riyng of poore maides, or suche other like cha­ritable deedes.

85 Item, whether any do cōtempne maried prie­stes, and for that thei be maried, will not receiue the communion, or other Sacramentes at their handes.

86 Item, whether you knowe any that kepe in their houses vndefaced, any abused or feined I­mages [Page]mages, any Tables, Pictures, Paintynges, or other monumentes of fained miracles, pil­gremages, Idolatrie, or supersticiō.

IMPRINTED IN LONDON the laste daie of August. M.D. xlviii. in the second yere of the reigne of our moste drad & souereigne lorde Kyng Edvvarde the: VI: By Richard Grafton Printer to his highnes:

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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