ARTICLES ECCLESIASTICAL TO be enquired of by the Church-wardens and Sworne-men within the [...]
In the Visitation of the [...]
And in the [...] yeere of the Reigne of our most dread Soueraigne Lord King IAMES.
LONDON Printed by IOHN BILL. 1621.
❧ The Oath.
YOu shall sweare by the Name of Almighty God, well and truely to execute the Office of Churchwardens and Sidemen, &c. That you shall diligently consider, and enquire of all and euery the Articles following, and make a true answere to euery of the same seuerally, and distinctly in writing, presenting euery person of your Parish, who hath, or shall, in your Parish, or elsewhere: and euery person of any other Parish, who hath, or shall in your Parish commit any offence or fault, mentioned in any of the said Articles, or which are publikely, and credibly defamed for any such offence, or fault: wherein you shall not vnduely present any person or persons of euill will, malice, or any corrupt affection, nor shall for loue, fauour, dread, or any other indirect affection, spare to present any that bee offenders in any of those cases, but shall doe vprightly, as men hauing the feare of God before your eyes, and desirous to maintaine vertue, and suppresse vice. So helpe you God by Christ Iesus.
¶ Note, you are by your said Oath to present truely what you either know of your owne knowledge, or what is publikely or credibly famed and spoken touching any matter or thing contained in any Article following.
FIrst, whether any person whatsoeuer of your Parish doth maintaine or defend any Heresies, false opinions, or Popish errors, contrary to the word of God, and the Articles of Religion established in this Realme?
2 Whether any person bee an impugner or deprauer either in word or writing the of forme of Ecclesiasticall gouernement of the Church of England, or of the Booke of Common prayer, or the Rites and Ceremonies prescribed therein, or of the Kings supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall, or of the Oath of Supremacie or Allegeance?
3 Whether any Parson doth reade publique Seruice in any Church or Chappell, not beeing lawfully ordered Deacon at the least, and licensed by the Lord Bishop or his Chauncellor.
4 Whether any Parson, Vicar, or Curate presume to preach in their Cures, or elsewhere, not being licenced by the Bishop or Ordinarie?
5 Whether is your Parson or Vicar knowen, or probably [Page] and publikely famed or reported to haue obtained his Benefice by Simony, or to let out his Liuing to farme, or any part thereof to any person in consideration of any such Simoniacall compact.
6 Whether haue you had a Sermon preached euery Sabbath day this last yeere in your Church: if not, yet how many haue you had? and vpon those Sundaies that you had not a Sermon, haue you had an Homely read?
7 Whether hath any stranger been suffered to preach in your Church or Chappell, without hauing first shewed his licence to preach vnto the Minister and Churchwardens according to the 50. Canon.
8 Whether doth your Minister vpon euery Sunday and Holy day in the afternoone before euening prayer call for, and instruct all the youth and ignorant persons of your Parish, of both Sexes, in the Catechisme, and grounds of Christian Religion for halfe an houre or more?
9 Whether bee there any Parents, Masters, or gouernours, who send not their children, or seruants to bee chatechized on euery Sabbath day, and Holy day, or any children or seruants that refuse to bee instructed or examined?
10 Whether doth your Minister neglect or forsake his calling, and betake himselfe to worldly affaires, mercenary, or manuell Trades, haunt markets, or intermeddle with, or solicite matters of Law for other men?
11 Whether doth your Minister haunt or frequent Alehouses, or Tauernes, or is hee probably or publikely famed or any notorious crime, or any euill example of life, to the offence and scandall of his vocation?
12 Whether doth your Minister vse or weare any kind of apparell which is vnseeming his calling, for colour or fashion of the same, or otherwise then according to the 74. Canon?
13 Whether doeth your Minister at all times weare the Surplesse in the time of Diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments? And if hee bee a Graduate, whether doeth hee also vpon his Surplesse weare a hood incident to his degree?
[Page]14 Whether doe you know, or haue credibly and publikely heard of any within your Parish that are procurers of Schismes, or maintainers of Schismatikes, or which are resorters to conuenticles, or congregations of the Kings Subiects, other then such as by the Lawes Ecclesiasticall of this Realme are allowed?
15 Whether doeth your Minister vse any other forme of Common prayer, then is prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer, and whether doth hee vse such directions, rites, and ceremonies in Seruice, and the administration of the Sacraments, as by the said booke are required, and none other?
16 Whether doeth your minister admit to the Communion any notorious adulterer fornicator, or incestuous person, or other great offender which hath not first done his penance, or any stranger of another Parish, contrary to the 28. Canon?
17 Whether haue any been married within your Parish that haue not vpon the day of their marriage receiued the holy Communion? or any been married in times prohibited, or without banes solemnely asked three seuerall Sundayes, otherwise then by licence of the Ordinary, as you know, or credibly and publikely haue heard?
18 Whether hath your Minister vsed the forme of thanksgiuing prescribed for women after childbirth, for any woman vnlawfully begotten with childe, otherwise then in the habite of a penitent sinner, or before sufficient caution be taken for her not departing the Parish vntill shee hath done penance for her offence?
19 Whether doth your Parson, Preacher, Lecturer, and Vicar in his owne person, at the leastwise in euery yeere vpon two Sundayes publikely, both in the forenoone and afternoone in your Church or Chappell, reade Diuine Seruice, and administer both the Sacraments in such manner and forme as is prescribed by the Booke of Common prayer according to the 56. Canon?
20 Whether doth your Minister dayly visite the sicke, [Page] and exhort them truely to beleeue in Christ, and repent therof their sinnes, and comfort and pray for them, as is prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer?
21 Whether doth your Parson, Vicar, or Farmor of the Tithes, suffer either the Parsonage or Vicarage-house or other buildings thereto belonging, or the Chancell to fall to ruine or decay, and doth not presently repaire them?
22 Whether hath any person taken away or vncouered any Church, Chappell or Chancell, or any part of them, or any Church porch, or Vestrie, or hath pulled downe the belles, or made any other spoile or waste vpon his Benefice, either in timber, or woods?
23 Whether is your Church euery way sufficiently, and well repayred, and no defect in glazing, tiling, sieling, pauing, or in any thing else belonging to the same: and whether the Church bee beautified, and adorned with Scripture sentences?
24 Whether is your Church-yard sufficiently fenced with Wall, Raile, Pale or other fence, and is your Church-yard profaned, or swine suffered to roote there?
25 Whether haue you in your Parish Church or Chappell the new booke of Common prayer, two Psalters, the Bible in English of the largest volume, lately set foorth by his Maiesties authoritie, the two volumes of Homilies, Master Iewels workes, Erasmus Paraphrase, the table of the tenne Commandements, and the Table of the degrees of Affinitie and Consanguinitie, wholly and vntorne, a conuenient Pulpit, a fit seate for your Minister, a decent Communion Table vpon a frame, a linnen cloth to couer it, with some other couer of silke, or such like, a Communion cuppe of siluer, and couer of the same, a cleane sweete standing Pet, or stoope of pewter, or other purer mettall, to put in the wine for the vse of the Communion, a sufficient fou [...] well couered, decent Surplesse of fine holland, with large sleeues, a sure coffer with three lockes for the Register Booke, a strong chest with three lockes there to for the almesboxe, and haue your Minister and Churchwardens seuerall keyes to those [Page] Coffers according to the 70. Canon?
26 Whether doth your Minister and Churchwardens euery Sunday after Euening prayer take the Register booke, and then Register the names of all those who were Christned, married or buried the weeke before, and is the same a faire booke of parchment, and safely kept vnder lockes and keyes?
27 Whether doth any Parson serue two Cures, or any Curate serue his Cure not in due time? and what slipend hath your Curate by the yeare?
28 Whether hath your Minister published and executes all such processes, excommunications, and penances as haue been directed vnto him from the Lord Bishop or his Chancellour, in such sort as was prescribed and without delay? and whether hath he duly made Certificates thereof, and of all penances according as they haue beene performed and no otherwise, as you know, or credibly and publiquely haue heard?
29 Whether hath your Parson or Vicar moe Benefices then one, how many, and in what places be they? what be the names, and values of them, and whether is he absent from among you aboue 80. dayes in all in any one yeare? and if hee hath two Benefices, hath he a preaching Curate on that Benefice whereon he doth not reside? and whether doth he let any lease of any of his Benefices, or any part thereof? and to whom? and for how long?
30 Whether is your Clarke aged twenty yeares at least, and approued by the Ordinary, and hath hee taken an Oath, and is he able to read distinctly, as by law is required, and is he diligent in keeping the Church, Chauncell, Communion table, Font, Bookes, ornaments of the Church, and all such things as belong to his charge safe, decent and cleane?
31 Whether is there any Schoolemaster teaching either openly or priuately in your Parish, or any person who practiseth Phisick, or Surgerie? and what be their names?
32 Whether haue any Lords of Misrule, Dauncers, Players, or any other disguised persons beene suffered to enter the Church, Chappell, or Churchyard with their sports? and if they haue, what be the names of such disordered persons?
[Page]33 Whether be there in your Parish any vnlawfull exercises vsed vpon any Sabaoth, or Festiuall dayes? whether doe any vse dauncing or such like sports on the Sabaoth day before the end of all diuine Seruice appointed for that day? whether be there any common drinking in your Church? who were present at such drinking, or sports, and whether any doe sit in the Tauerne, Alehouse, or Streete vpon Sundayes or Holy-dayes in the time of morning or euening prayer?
34 Whether be there any in your Parish that vse any handie craft, or worke, or keepe open shop vpon any Sabbaoth or Festiuall day, or that within time of Haruest doe vpon Holy-dayes labour about their Haruest, or then vse any carriages by Wayne, or otherwise, vnlesse necessity shall require, or the law permit it?
35 Whether there be in your Parish any disturbers of the diuine seruice of God, or which doe vse any talking, walking, or any vnreuerent behauiour in Church or Churchyard in time of diuine seruice?
36 Whether doth your Minister giue warning afore-hand to his Parishioners for the receiuing of the Communion, and are there any in your Parish of conuenient age, viz. aboue sixteene yeares, that doe not receiue the Communion thrice in euery yeare at the least? or any that receiue the Communion otherwise then most reuerently kneeling on their knees?
37 Whether any of your Parish doe receiue Seminarie Priests or other Seducers into their houses, and whether there be any Strangers that socourne in your Parish, especially about Easter, and doe absent themselues from Church?
38 Whether haue your Churchwardens beene diligent themselues in frequenting diuine seruice, and doing their office? and duly giuen account at the yeares end of the goods, and rents of the Church, or not distributed the publique almes indifferently?
39 Whether when any man or woman is passing out of this life, the Bell be tolled to giue warning to the people to pray for the sicke person? if not, in whose default.
40 Whether any person of your Parish hath remained excommunicate [Page] by the space of fourty dayes? and whether any excommunicate person hath intruded himselfe or beene admitted vnto diuine seruice, the Sacrament or like publique assemblies? and who are keepers of company with any excommunicate person, or doe harbour any excommunicate person in their houses, or set them to worke contrary to the law?
41 Whether any excommunicate Recusant, or other obstinate excommunicants haue beene buried in your Church, or Churchyard? by whom were they so buried? and who were present?
42 Whether any of your Parish be knowne, or credibly and publiquely famed to be attempters of the chastity of any woman, or incestuous persons, or adulterers, or fornicatours before or after marriage? Bawdes or receptors of incontinent persons into their houses, or which conuay them away before they haue done penance for the same? and whether any that heretofore haue for those crimes departed your Parish vnpunished, are now returned againe?
43 Whether there be any blasphemers of the name of God, or swearers, or any common drunkards, slaunderers or defamers of their neighbours in your Parish? and what are their names?
44 Whether any person in your Parish be knowne or reputed to vse any Witchcraft, Sorcerie, Charmes, or any that doe take vpon them to tell destinies, or to guide men to things lost, or any that resorteth vnto such for helpe and counsell?
45 Whether haue there beene any children borne in your Parish, which haue not beene brought to be baptized in your Parish Church? (and whether any children of your Parish haue been baptized by a Seminarie Priest? what is the name of that Priest? and whether any of the children of Recusants or Soiourners with Recusants haue had their baptisme deferred longer then the next Sabboth day, or which remaine as yet vnbaptized? and whose are those children?)
46 Whether hath any Father answered as Godfather to his owne childe, and whether haue any beene admitted to be Godfather or Godmother to any childe in your Parish, who [Page] before that time haue not receiued the holy Communion?
47 Whether any persons of your Parish diuorced lawfully, doe notwithstanding accompany together? and whether any persons lawfully married, haue forsaken their wiues or husbands, or liue not together, or any which haue married any person contracted to others, or which had not the consent of their parents? and whether any were married in any priuate house, or within the degrees prohibited, or not betweene the houres of eight and twelue of the clocke in the forenoone?
48 Whether doe you know any person formerly presented, which hath not beene conuented and censured by the ordinarie for the same? or any enioyned to doe pennance, who either hath not done it, or done it not penitently, but scornfully, and not in forme, habite, and time prescribed, or any that haue laughed or scorned at those, who haue done their pennance? and what be their names?
49 Whether any Hospitall or Almes-house be either pulled downe or growne to decay? whether the number of poore and impotent persons appointed by the founders are maintained there? and if not, in whose default? whether any lands or legacies giuen to such or other godly vses, are not imployed accordingly? and whether any rights, or duties belonging to your Church be detained by any person?
50 Whether doe you know any person within your Parish, who directly or indirectly taketh vsurie or interest for money lent, contrary to the lawes of God and this Realme? who are they? and what is the manner of their vsurie?
51 Whether any person of your Parish hath suppressed the last will and testament of any person deceased, or administred the goods of any person intestate before administration committed vnto him? whether doe you know any forgers or changers of such will? or any Executor which hath not fulfilled the Testators will in payment of Legacies to good and godly vses?
52 Whether haue your Churchwardens solde or alienated any of the Church bookes, ornaments, or goods? if yea, then to whom? and vpon what cause? and in whose possession are [Page] they? and whether hath any Churchwarden or Sworneman at any time concealed any disorder, crime, or fame of any crime, and not presented the same to be reformed?
53 Whether for the retayning of the circuite, and limits of your Parish doe your Parson, Vicar, or Curate, Churchwardens, and certaine of the substantiall men of your Parish in the dayes of perambulation, commonly called the Rogation weeke, walke and compasse the accustomed bounds of your Parish? and whether in the said perambulation doth the Minister vse any other right or ceremonie, then to say or sing to the praise of God some Psalme of Dauid of thankesgiuing, as the hundred and third, or hundred and fourth Psalmes, with the Lettanie and prayers following, or reading some part of holy Scripture or homely, and without carrying of Banners or handbels, or such like Popish obseruations?
54 Whether are there any persons in your Parish which doe not diligently resort to your Parish Church, or Chappell accustomed, euery Sunday and Holiday according to the statute? what are their names, who doe not so resort? when haue they so beene absent? and whether doth your Minister admonish the Churchwardens openly in the Church after the second Lesson at morning and euening prayer, to looke to their charge in that behalfe?
55 What Recusant Papists are there in your Parishes? present their names, qualities, and conditions, how long haue they abstained from diuine Seruice or from the Communion: or doe any of them keepe any ornaments of superstition vndefaced.
56 Whether any in your Parish (who heretofore being Popish Recusants, haue reformed themselues) doe still remaine and abide in the same conformity, and is there a booke prouided in your Parish, to register the names of all such Recusants, who so conforme and submit themselues according to the Statute of 35. Eliz.
57 Whether haue you a terrier of all the gleabelands, medowes, gardens, orchards, houses, stockes, implements, tenements, and portions of tythes (whether within your Parish or [Page] without) belonging to your Parsonage or Vicaridge, taken by the view of honest men in your Parish: and whether the same terrier be laide vp in the Bishops Registrie? and in whose hands are any of them now: and if you haue no terrier already made in parchment, you the Churchwardens & Sidemen together with your Parson or Vicar, or in his absence with your Minister, are to make diligent inquirie and presentment of the premisses, and to make, subscribe, and signe a terrier as aforesaid.
58 Whether doth your Minister vpon Wednesdayes and Fridayes, not being Holydayes, reade in your Church or Chappell publiquely the Letany, and other prayers appointed in the booke of Common prayer for those dayes: and whether doth hee read the Commination against sinners, in such order and forme as it is there also prescribed.
59 Whether doth your Minister vpon some Sundayes or Holidayes in the after noone before diuine seruice, reade ouer once euery yeare all the Canons Ecclesiasticall, published by his Maiesties authority Anno 1603. publiquely in your Church or Chappell where hee serueth, diuiding the same in such sort, as that the one halfe may be read one day, and the other another day.
60 Whether doth your Minister refuse or delay to christen any childe brought to be christned vpon Sundayes and Holydayes, according to the booke of Common prayer: or being informed of his weakenesse, or danger of death, doth refuse to goe to the place where the said Infant remaineth to baptize it.
61 Whether hath there beene since the last Visitation or before, which is not presented, any contention, brawling, or fighting in your Church, or Churchyard, betwixt any of the Parishioners touching the placing or displacing of any in any seat or Pew in the Church, or touching any other cause? and whether hath there beene any Pew builded, or alteration made since the foresaid time in any your Churches, without the expresse leaue of the Ordinary of the Diocesse, and by whom hath the same beene done?
62 Whether are there any Inne-keepers, Alewiues, or [Page] Victualers in your Parish, that suffer any person to eate, drink, or play at Dice, Cards, Tables, Bowles, or such like games in their houses in the time of Common prayer, or Sermon on Sundayes or Holydayes: whether any Butchers or others doe sell meate or other things in the time of Common prayer, preaching, or reading of Homilies.
63 Whether hath any person cut downe any tree or trees growing in your Churchyard, to the hurt or preiudice of the Church: and to what vse was it conuerted as you know, or credibly and publiquely haue heard.
64 Whether hath your Minister or any other Minister baptized any childe in your Parish, without vsing the signe of the Crosse at the baptisme thereof: or solemnized marriage without vsing the Ring therein according to the book of Common prayer.
65 Whether is all due reuerence vsed in time of diuine seruice, and of euery part thereof, according to the 18. Canon, and whether there be any in your Parish that vse any vnreuerent speeches or iestures against Ministers, and in contempt of their calling and function.
66 Whether any Apparitor or other person hath compounded or smothered for reward or fauour, any cause or matter of office belonging to the Ecclesiasticall Court: if yea, then doe you declare the same, and what money or reward hee had for the same.
67 And generally whether doe you know of any of the Lawes Ecclesiasticall violated or broken, or any Ecclesiasticall matters worthy of redresse: and if you doe, then you are to present the same, and in all your presentments as neere as possible you may, you are to note the yeare, time, and place of euery offence committed.