[Matthew the evangelist, represented by a winged man or an angel]
[John the evangelist, represented by an eagle with outspread wings, holding a pencase and inkwell in its beak]
[Mark the evangelist, represented by a lion]
[blazon or coat of arms]
[Luke the evangelist, represented by an ox]

ARTICLES to be enquired in the visitation, in the firste yeere of the raigne of our moste dread Soueraigne La­dy Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the Faith. &c.

Anno domini. 1559.


1 Residencie. FIrst, whether anye Parson, Vicar or Cu­rat be resident continually vp on his benefice doing his du­tye in Prea­ching, reading and duely mi­nistring the holy Sacramē ­tes.

2 False myra­cles. Item whether in their Churches & Chappels, al images, shrines, all tables, candlestickes trin­delles. and rolles of waxe, pictures, paintinges, and all other monumentes of faigned and false myracles, pilgrimages, Idolatrie, and supersti­tion, be remoued, abolished, and destroyed.

3 The Lordes prayer. Item, whether they doe not euery holy daye when they haue no Sermon, immediatelye after the Gospell, openly, plainely and destinctlye, re­site to their parishioners in the pulpit, the Lords prayer, the beleefe, and the ten commaundemen­tes in English.

4 To bring vp youth. Item, whether they doe charge Fathers and mothers, maisters, and gouerners of youth, to bring them vp in some vertuous studie and occu­pation.

[Page] 5 Curates. Item whether suche beneficed men, as be lawfully absent from their benefices, doe leaue their cures to a rude and vnlearned person, and not to an honest, wel learned, and expert Curat, which can and will teache you wholesome doc­trine.

6 Reading the scripture. Item, whether they do discourage any person from reading of any part of the Byble, eyther in Latine or Englishe, and doe not rather comforte and exhort euery person to reade the same at conuenient times, as the very lyuely worde of God, and the speciall foode of mans soule.

7 Tauernes and gaines. Item whether Parsons, Vicars, Curates, and other ministers, be common haunters and resor­ters to Tauernes or Alehouses, geuing them­selues to drinking, ryoting, and playing at vn­lawfull games, and doe not occupie themselues in the reading or hearing of some parte of holye scripture, or in some other Godly excercise.

8 Preachers. Item, whether they haue admitted any man to preache in their cures, not being lawfully li­censed thervnto, or haue bene licensed according­lye.

9 Supersti­tion. Item, whether they vse to declare to their parishioners, anye thing to the extolling or set­ting foorth of vaine and superstitious religion, pilgrimages, reliques, or images, or lighting of [Page]candels, kissing, kneeling, or decking of the same images.

10 Register. Item, whether they haue one booke or register kept, wherein they write the daye of euerye wed­ding, christning and burying.

11 Obedience Item, whether they haue exhorted the people to obedience to the Queenes Maiestie, and Mi­nisters, and to charity and loue one to another.

12 The Sacra­ment. Item, whether they haue admonished their parishioners, that they ought not to presume to receiue the Sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ, before they can say perfectly the Lordes prayer, the articles of the faith, and the ten com­maundementes in Englishe.

13 Hospitalitie. Item, whether they be resident vpon their be­nefices, & keepe hospitalitie or no. And if they bee absent, and keepe no hospitalitie, whether they do relieue their parishioners, & what they giue them.

14 Reparati­ons. Item, whether Proprietaries, Parsons, Vi­cars, and Clarkes, hauing Churches, Chappels, and Mansions, doe keepe their Chauncels, Rec­tories, Vicarages, and al other houses appertay­ning to them in due reparations.

15 Prayer in Englishe. Item, whether they doe counsayle or moue their parishioners, rather to pray in a tongue not kno­wen, then in Englishe, or put their trust in anye [Page]certaine number of prayers, as in laying ouer a number of Beades, Beades. or other like.

16 Diffamed persons. Item, whether they haue receiued anye per­sons to the Communion, being openlye knowne to be out of charitie with their neighboures, or diffamed with any notorious crime, and not re­fourmed.

17 Pore mens boxe. Item, whether they haue prouided, and haue a strong chest for the poore mens Boxe, and set and fastned the same in a place of the Churche, most conuenient.

18 Testament. Item, whether they haue dilligently called vp­on, exhorted and mooued their parishioners, and especially when they make their testamentes to geue to the sayde pore mens boxe, and to bestowe that vppon the poore, which they were wonte to bestowe vpon pilgrimages, pardons, trentalles and vpon other like blinde deuotions.

19 Sick. Buriall. Item, whether they haue denyed to visite the sycke, or burie the dead being brought to the Churche.

20 Simonie. Item, whether they haue bought their Be­nefices, or come to them by fraude, guyle, deceit, or simonie.

21 Adulterers. Item, whether they haue giuen open moni­tion to their parishioners, to detecte and present [Page]to their Ordinary all adulterers & fornicatours, and such men as haue two wiues liuing with­in their parishes.

22 Church goods. Item, whether they haue monished their pari­shioners openly, that they should not sell, geue, nor otherwise alienate, anye of their Churche goods.

23 Many bene­fices. Item, whether they, or anye of them doe keepe mo benefices and other Ecclesiasticall promoti­ons then they ought to doe, not hauing sufficient licenses, and dispensations therevnto, and howe many they be, and their names,

24. Communi­on. Item, whether they minister the holye Com­munion any otherwise, then onelye after suche fourme and maner, as it is set foorth by the com­mon authoritie of the Queenes Maiestie and the Parliament.

25 Letters of the word or preaching. Item, whether you know any person within your parrishe or else where, that is a letter of the worde of God to be read in Englishe, or sincerely preached in place and times conuenient.

26 Goersout of the Church. Item, whether in the time of the Letanye, or any other common prayer, in the tyme of the Sermon or Homilie, and when the Priest rea­deth the scriptures to the parishioners, anye person haue departed out of the Churche with­out iust and necessarye cause, or disturbe the [Page]Minister otherwise.

27 Churche money. Item, whether the money comming and ry­sing of any cattell, or other moueable stockes of the Churche, and money giuen and bequeathed to the finding of Torches, Lightes, Tapers, or Lampes, not payde out of any landes haue not bene employed to the poore mens chest.

28 Keepers of the Churche money. Item, who hath the sayde stockes and money in their handes, and what be their names.

29 Contempt of Priestes. Item, whether any vndiscreete person do vn­charitably contemne & abuse Priestes and Mi­nisters of the Church.

30 The kinges Grammer. Item, whether there be any other Grammer taught in any schoole within this Diocesse, then that which is set foorth by the aucthoritie of king Henry the eyght.

31 The time of Seruice. Item, whether the seruice of the church be done at due and conuenient howers.

32 Talkers in the Church. Item, whether any haue vsed to commune, iangle, and talke in the churche in the time of the prayer, reading of the Homilie, preaching, rea­ding or declaring of the scripture.

33 Heresies. Item, whether any haue wilfullye mayntay­ned and defended any heresies, errours, or false opinions, contrary to the faith of Christ and holy scripture.

[Page] 34 Drunkards. Item, whether any be common drunkardes, swearers or blasphemers of the name of God.

35 Adulterers. Item, whether any haue committed adulte­rie, fornication or incest, or bee common bawdes, or receiuers of such euill persons, are vehemently suspected of any of the premisses.

36 Brawlers. Item, whether any be brawlers, slaunderers, chyders, scholders, & sowers of discord betweene one person and an other.

37 Sorcerers. Item, whether you knowe anye that doe vse charmes, sorceries, inchauntmentes, inuocati­ons, circles, witchcrafts, soothsaying, or any lyke craftes or imaginations inuented by the De­uill, and specially in the tyme of womens tra­uayle.

38 Pulpittes. Item, whether the Churches, Pulpittes, and other necessaries appertaining to the same, be sufficiently repayred, and if they be not, in whose default the same is.

39 Resorters to other Chur­ches. Item, whether you know any, that in con­tempt of their owne parishe Church doe resorte to any other churche.

40 Inholders. Item, whether any Inholders, or Alehouse kepers, do vse commonly to sell meate and drinke in the time of common praier, preaching, reading of the Homilies, or scripture.

[Page] 41 Deuorse. Item, whether you know any to bee maried within the degrees prohibited by the Lawes of God, or that be separated or diuorsed withoute the degrees prohibited by the law of God, and whether any such haue maried againe.

42 Priuie con­tractes. Item, whether you knowe any to haue made priuie contractes of matrimonie, not calling two or moe witnesses therevnto, nor hauing thereto the consent of their parents.

43 Banes. Item, whether they haue maryed solemnelye, the banes not first lawfully asked,

44 Executours. Item, whether you knowe anye executors, or administratours of dead mens goodes whiche doe not only bestowe suche of the sayde goodes, as were giuen and bequeathed, or appointed to be distributed among the poore people repayring of high wayes, finding of poore schollers, or mar­rying of poore maydens, or such other like chari­table deedes.

45 Images. Item whether you know any that keepe in their houses any vndefaced Images, Tables Pictures, paintinges, or other Monumentes of faigned and false myracles, pilgrimages, ido­latrie and superstition, and do adore them, and specially suche as haue bene set vp in Churches Chappels and Oratories.

46 [...]ookes. Item, what bookes of holye Scripture you [Page]haue deliuered to be burnt, or otherwise destroy­ed, and to whome ye haue deliuered the same.

47 Bribes. Item, what bribes the accusers, promoters, persecuters, Ecclesiastical Iudges, and other the Commissioners appointed within the seuerall Diocesse of this Realme, haue receiued by them selues or other of those persons whiche were in trouble, apprehended or imprisoned for Religi­on.

48 Losse of goods. Item, what goods moueable, lands, fees, of­fices, or promotions, hath ben wrongfully taken awaye in the time of Queene Maries raigne, from anye person whiche fauoured the Religion now set foorth.

49 How many burnt. Item, how many persons for religion haue died by fyre, famine, or otherwise, or haue ben im­prisoned for the same.

50 Certificat of the dead. Item, that you make a true presentment of the number of all the persons whiche dyed within your parishes, sithen the feast of sainte Iohn the Baptist, which was in the yeere of our Lord God a thousand fiue hundred, fiftie and eyght, vnto the same feast last past, making therein a playne distinct declaration, howe manye men, women, and men children the same were, and the names of the men.

51 Secrete Masses. Item, whether you knowe anye man in your [Page]parishe, secretely, or in vnlawfull conuenticles, say, or heare Masse, or any other seruice prohibi­ted by the law.

52 False ru­mors. Unlawfull bookes. Item, whether you knowe any person in your parish, to be a slaunderer of his neighbours, or a sower of discord betwene partie and partie, man and wife, parentes & their children, or that hath inuented, bruted, or set fourth any rumours, false and seditious tales, slaunders, or makers, brin­gers, byers, sellers, kepers, or conueighers of any vnlawful bokes which might stirre and prouoke sedition, or maintaine superstitious seruice with in this realme, or any ayders, counsailers, procu­rers or maintainers therevnto.

53 Patrone. Tithes. Vacation. Item, whether the Churche of your parish be now vacant or no, who is the patrone thereof, how long it hath bene vacant, who doeth receiue the tithes oblations, and other commodities, du­ring the time of the vacation, and by what auc­thoritie, and in what estate the saide Churche is, at this time, and how long the Parson or Vicar hath had that benefice.

54 Minstrelles Item whether any Minstrelles, or any other persons, doe vse to sing or say any songes, or Dit­ties that be vile or vncleane, and specially in de­rision of any godly order now set foorth and esta­blished.

55 Letanie in English. Item whether the Letany in Englishe with [Page]the Epistle & Gospel which was by the Queenes highnesse proclamation willed to be read to the people, were put in vse in your Churches, and if not, who were the letters thereof.

56 Distinct reading. Item, whether the Curates and Ministers do leisurely, playnely, and distinctly reade the pub­lique prayers, Chapters and Homilies, as they ought to doe.

God saue the Queene.

JMPRINTED AT London, by Christopher Bar­kar, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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