Articles to be enquired in the visitation, in the firste yere of the raigne of our moste dread Soue­raigne Lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, Quene, defendour of the faith. &c.

Anno. 1559.


FYrst, whether any Parson, Vicar, 1. Residencie. or Curate, be residēt continually vpon his Benefice, do­yng his duetie in preaching, reding and duelye mini­strynge the holye Sacramentes.

2. False mira­cles.Item, whether in theyr Churches and Chappelles, all Images, Shrynes, all Ta­bles, Candelstickes, Trindelles, or rolles of war, pictures, payntynges, and all other monumen­tes of fayned and false miracles, pylgrymages, idolatrye, and superstition, be remoued, abo­lyshed, and destroyed.

3. Lordes prayer.Item, whether they do not euery Holydaye when they haue no Sermon, immediatly after the Gospell, openly, playnely, and distinctly, re­site to theyr paryshyoners in the Pulpitte, the Lordes prayer, the beliefe, and the tenne Com­maundementes in Englyshe.

4. To bryng vp youth.Item, whether they do charge fathers and mothers, maisters, and gouernours of youth, to bryng them vp in some vertuous studye and occupation.

[Page] Item, 5. Curates. whether suche beneficed men as be lawfully absent from theyr benefices, do leaue theyr cures to a rude and vnlearned Parson, and not to an honest wel learned and expert Curate whiche can and wyll teache you holesome doc­trine.

6. Redyng the Scriptures.Item, whether they do discourage any per­son from readyng of any part of the Byble, ey­ther in Latin or Englysh, and do not rather com­fort and exhort euery person to read the same at conuenient tymes, as the very lyuely worde of God, and the speciall foode of mans soule.

7. Tauernes and games.Item, whether Parsons, Vicars, Curates, and other ministers, be common haunters and resor­ters to Tauernes or Alehouses, geuyng them selues to drynkyng, ryotyng, and playing at vn­lawful games, and do not occupy them selues in the readyng or hearynge of some part of holye Scripture, or in some other godly exercyse.

Item, 8. Preachers. whether they haue admitted any man to preache in theyr cures, not beyng lawefully licensed therunto, or haue bene licensed accor­dyngly.

Item, 9 Superstitiō. whether they vse to declare to theyr parishioners any thyng to the extollyng or set­tyng forth of vayne and superstitious religion, pilgrimages, reliques, or ymages, or lyghtyng [Page] of candelles, kyssyng, knelyng, deckyng of the same ymages.

Item, 10. Register. whether they haue one booke or Regi­ster kept, wherein they wryte the daye of euery weddyng, chrystenyng, and burying.

Item, 11. Obedience. whether they haue exhorted the people to obedience to the Quenes Maiestie, and mini­sters, and to charitie and loue one to another.

12. The Sacra­ment.Item, whether they haue admonyshed theyr parishioners, that they ought not to presume to receiue the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ before they can perfectly the Lordes pray­er, the articles of the fayth, and the .x. commaun­dementes in Englyshe.

Item, 13. Hospitalitie. whether they be resident vpon theyr benefices, and kepe hospitalitie or no. And if they be absent and kepe no hospitalitie, whether they do relieue theyr parishioners, and what they geue them.

Item, whether proprietaries, Parsons, 14. Reparati­ons. Vi­cars, and clarkes, hauyng Churches, chappels, or mansions, do kepe theyr chauncels, rectories, Vicarages, and all other houses appertaynyng to them, in due reparations.

15. Prayer in Englyshe.Item, whether they do counsayle or moue theyr parishioners rather to praye in a tounge not knowen, then in Englyshe, or put theyr [Page] trust in any certayne numbre of prayers, as in saying ouer a numbre of Beades, Beades. or other lyke.

16. Diffamed persons.Item, whether they haue receaued any per­sons to the communion, beyng openly knowen to be out of charitie with theyr neighbours, or dyffamed with anye notorious cryme, and not refourmed.

17. Poore mens boxe.Item, whether they haue prouided and haue a stronge chest for the poore mens boxe, and set and fastened the same in a place of the Churche most conuenient.

Item, 18. Testamen­tes. whether they haue dil̄igently called vpon, exhorted and moued theyr paryshioners, and especially when they make theyr testamen­tes, to geue to the sayd poore mens boxe, and to bestowe that vpon the poore, Poore mens boxe. whiche they were wonte to bestowe vpon pilgrimages, pardons, trentalles, and vpon other like blind deuocions.

19. Sycke. Buryall.Item, whether they haue denyed to visite the sicke, or burye the deade, beynge brought to the Churche.

Item, 20. Symonye. whether they haue bought theyr be­nefices, or come to them by fraude, guyle, deceit, or symonye.

Item, 21. Adulterers. whether they haue geuen open moni­tion to theyr parishioners, to detect and present [Page] to theyr Ordinary, all adulterers and fornica­tours, and such men as haue two wiues liuyng, within theyr paryshes.

22. Churche goodes.Item, whether they haue monyshed theyr pa­rishioners openly, that they should not sel, geue, nor otherwyse alienate anye of theyr Churche goodes.

23. Many Be­nefices.Item, whether they or any of them do kepe mo benefices and other Ecclesiasticall promoti­ons, then they ought to do, not hauyng suffici­ent licences and dispensations thereunto, and howe many they be, and theyr names.

Item, 24. Cōmunion. whether they minister the holy Com­munion any otherwyse, then onely after suche fourme and maner as it is set forth by the com­mon aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie, and the parliament.

25. Letters of the word or preachyng.Item, whether you know any person with­in your paryshe, or els where, that is a letter of the worde of God to be read in Englyshe, or sin­cerely preached in place and times conuenient.

26. Goers out of the Church.Item, whether in the tyme of the Letanye, or any other common prayer, in the tyme of the Sermon or Homelye, and when the Priest rea­deth the Scriptures to the parishioners, anye person haue departed out of the Churche, with­out iuste and necessarye cause, or disturbe the [Page] Minister otherwyse.

27. Church mo­ney.Item, whether the money commyng and ry­syng of any cattell or other moueable stockes of the Church, and mony geuen and bequeathed to the fyndyng of torches, lyghtes, tapers, or lam­pes, not payde out of any landes, haue not ben employed to the poore mens cheste.

28. Kepers of the Church money.Item, who hath the sayd stockes and money in theyr handes, and what be theyr names.

29. Contempt of Priestes.Item, whether anye indiscrete persons do vncharitably contemne and abuse Priestes and Ministers of the Churche.

30. The kynges Grammer.Item, whether there be any other Grammer taught in any scoole within this Diocesse, then that which is set forth by the aucthoritie of king Henry theyght.

31. The tyme of seruice.Item, whether the seruice of the Church be done at due and conuenient houres.

32. Talkers in the Church.Item, whether anye haue vsed to common, tangle, and talke in the Churche in the tyme of the prayer, readyng of the Homylye, preachyng, readyng or declaryng of the Scripture.

Item, 33. Heresies. whether any haue wylfully maintey­ned and defended any heresyes, errors, or false opinions, contrary to the faith of Chryst and ho­ly Scripture.

[Page] Item, 34. Dronkardes whether any be common dronkardes, swearers, or blasphemers of the name of God.

Item, 35. Adulterers. whether any haue committed adulte­rye, fornication, or incest, or be common bawdes, or receiuers of such euyll persons, or vehemently suspected of any of the premisses.

Item, 36. Brawlers. whether any be brawlers, slaunderers, chyders, scolders, and sowers of discord betwene one person and another.

Item, 37. Sorcerers. whether you knowe any that do vse charmes, sorcery, enchauntmentes, inuocati­ons, circles, witchcraftes, southsaying, or any lyke craftes or imaginations inuented by the de­uyll, and specially in the tyme of womens tra­uayle.

Item, 38. Pulpittes. whether the Churches, Pulpittes, and other necessaryes apperteynyng to the same, be sufficiently repayred, and if they be not, in whose default the same is.

39. Resorters to other Chur­ches.Item, whether you knowe any, that in con­tempt of theyr owne paryshe Churche, do resort to any other Church.

Item, 40. Inholders. whether any Inholders, or Alehouse­kepers, do vse commonly to sell meate & drynke in the tyme of common prayer, preachyng, rea­dyng of the Homylyes or Scripture.

[Page] Item, 41. Diuorse. whether you knowe any to be marryed within the degrees prohibited by the lawes of God, or that be seperated or diuorsed without the degrees prohibited by the lawe of God, and whe­ther any such haue marryed agayne.

42. Priuie con­tractes.Item, whether you knowe any to haue made priuie contractes of Matrimonye, not callyng two or mo witnesses therevnto, nor hauyng thereto the consent of theyr parentes.

Item, 43. Banes. whether they haue maryed solempnly, the banes not fyrst lawfully asked.

Item, 44. Erecutours whether you knowe any executours or administratours of dead mens goodes, which do not duelye bestowe suche of the sayde goodes as were geuen and bequeathed, or appoynted to be distributed among the poore people, repayryng of hygh wayes, fyndyng of poore scollers, or ma­rying or poore maydens, or such other lyke cha­ritable dedes.

Item, 45. Images. whether you knowe any that kepe in theyr houses vndefaced, any Images, Tables, Pictures, payntynges, or other monumentes of fayned and false miracles, pylgrimages, idola­try, and superstition, and do adore them, and spe­cially such as haue ben set vp in Churches, Cha­pelles, or Oratories.

Item, 46. Bookes. what Bookes of Gods Scripture you [Page] haue deliuered to be burnt, or otherwise destroy­ed, and to whom ye haue deliuered the same.

Item, 47. Brybes. what brybes the accusers, promoters, persecutors, Ecclesiasticall iudges, and other the Commissioners appoynted within the seuerall Diocesse of this Realme, haue receiued by them selues or other, of those persons whiche were in trouble, apprehended, or imprisoned for Religi­on.

48. Losse of goodes.Item, what goodes, moueable landes, fees, offices, or promotions, hath ben wrongfully ta­ken away in the tyme of Quene Maries raigne, from any person whiche fauoured the Religion nowe set forth.

49. How many burnt.Item, howe many persons for Religion haue dyed by fyre, famine, or otherwyse, or haue ben imprisoned for the same.

50. Certificat of the dead.Item, that you make a true presentment of the number of all the persons which dyed with­in your parishes, sithen the feast of Saint Iohn the Baptist, which was in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fiue hundreth fiftie and eyght, vnto the same feast last past. Makyng therein a playne distincte declaration, howe many men, women, and men chyldren the same were. And the names of the men.

51. Secrete Masses.Item, whether ye knowe any man in your [Page] paryshe, secretlye or in vnlawfull conuenticles, say or heare Masse, or any other seruice prohibi­ted by the lawe.

52. False ru­mours.Item, whether you knowe any person in your Paryshe, to be a slaunderer of his neygh­bours, or a sower of discorde betwene partie and partie, man and wyfe, parentes and theyr chyl­dren, or that hath inuented, bruted, or set foorth any rumours, Vnlawfull bookes. false and sedicious tales, slaun­ders, or makers, bryngers, byers, sellers, kepers, or conueyers, of any vnlawfull bookes, whiche myght stirre or prouoke sedition, or mainteyne superstitious seruice within this Realme, or any aydours, counsaylours, procurers, or mayntey­ners therevnto.

53. Patron. Tythes. Vacation.Item, whether the Churche of your paryshe be nowe vacant or no, who is the Patrone ther­of, howe long it hath ben vacant, who doth re­ceiue the tythes, oblations, and other commo­dities duryng the tyme of the vacation, and by what aucthoritie, and in what estate the sayde Church is at this tyme, and howe long the Par­son, or Vicar hath had that Benefice.

Item, 54. Minstrelles. whether any Minstrelles, or any other persons do vse to syng or saye any songes or dyt­ties that be vyle or vncleane, and especiallye in derision of any Godly order nowe set foorth and establyshed.

[Page] 55. Letany in Englyshe.Item, whether the Letany in Englyshe, with the Epistle & Gospel, which was by the Quenes highnesse Proclamation wylled to be read to the people, were put in vse in your Churches, and if not, who were the letters therof.

56. Distinct rea­dyng.Item, whether the Curates and Ministers do leysurely, playnely, and distinctly, reade the publique Prayers, Chapters, and Homylyes, as they ought to do.

God saue the Quene.

IMPRINTED AT LONDON IN Powles Church yarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.

¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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