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"New York Newspaper Advertisements and News Items (2)": electronic edition Public Domain TEI edition prepared at the Oxford Text Archive Filesize uncompressed: 59 Kbytes. Distributors Oxford Text Archive, Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN; archive@ox.ac.uk XXXX

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First published between 1777 and 1799.

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New York Newspaper Advertisements and News Items (2) by Anon.

Christian Gullager.—The Arts. Nothing gives us more satisfaction, than to note the happy advancement of the Arts and Science in our country. At present we have the peculiar pleasure of announcing to the citizens of America, the completion, by Mr. Gullager, of an elegant bust of The President of the United States, in Plaster of Paris, as large as the life in which the beholder at first view, recognizes the Great Deliverer of our country. The connoisseurs who has visited Mr. Gullager's room, to examine this beautiful piece of statuary, are unanimous in pronouncing its merits, and the merits of the ingenious artist who has produced it.—Gazette of the United States April 7, 1790.

[Jean Antoine] Houdon, A french sculptor of eminence, has lately finished a very fine bust of General Washington. To be enabled to execute the likeness, the artist went to Philadlephia, and lived six months in Washington's family. The character and attitude of the founder and defender of American liberty, of the representative of a happy and peaceful nation, of the protector of agriculture, that abundant source of national wealth, are happily imagined, and as happily executed in his performance. It was particularly this last mentioned character, the agriculture, that Houdon had in view. The simple costume of the figure, expressly chosen with view, has been much criticised in America, where taste is yet in its infancy. The Americans wished to contemplate a Roman hero decorated with all the attributes of a conqueror whereas Houdon, on the contrary, aimed to represent the protector of the arts, of peace and liberty. It was the interposition of Washington himself which decided in the general assembly the execution of the artists ideas. The figure is arrayed in the simple and noble dress of a man in rural life, a light plaited vest half buttoned, sandals on his feet, with a cloak, fastened on his breast, and flowing over his shoulders and back, suited to protect an agricultor from the inclemency of the weather. One hand is supported by a staff; the rest on the republican fasces crowned with a cap of liberty, At his feet is a plough.—The Spectator, January 16, 1799 [London news item].

John Christopher Rauschner.—Nature Imitated, John Christopher Rauschner artist, Member of the Imperial Academy of Sculpture at Vienna. Takes the liberty of informing the gentlemen and ladies of his Metropolis of his arrival in this country, that he makes Portraits, in coloured wax of every proportion, from the natural size down to the smallest miniature so perfectly resembling life, that could the power of speaking be given to these inanimated copies of the Supreme Beings works, the illusion would be perfect. A few pieces of his performance may be seen at Messres. J. & M. Paffs, 112 Broadway, opposite the city tavern, amongst which is a monument erected to the glory of the immortal Washington.

N.B. As Mr. Rauschner intends to stay in New York only until the later end of April next, he begs those who wish to have their likeness taken, to apply to him as soon as possible. A half hour's sitting only is required to enable him to give a striking likeness.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 31, 1798. [Advertised through 1799.]

Peter Stagi.—Collection of Marbles For Sale. The subscriber, sculptor to the late King of Poland, will embark for Europe, with what property he may have on hand, as soon as the navigation will permit. In the meantime he offers for sale at prices considerably reduced and under prime cost, his elegant and superb collection of Marbles, which may be viewed at his warehouse in Penn street, the store adjoining the compting house of Mr. Swanwick. They consist principally of Chimney pieces, some of them plated with Spanish brocatel. Tables plated with ditto, Ditto of white marble, Ditto plated with the most beautiful modern and ancient stones. Beautiful pedestals for bust and figures, some of them plated with different colours, Vases of fine white marble for decorations.

White and brown marble slabs 18 inches square, for paving hall and other purposes. A variety of busts, figures, animals, &c. &c. All of the completest workmanship and finest marble and polish. Apply at the said store, or at his lodgings at Mr. Bosio's, corner of Lombard and Third street. Peter Stagi, Philadelphia.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 8, 1797.

Mr. Daniel N. Train, a young gentleman of genius and abilities, late a pupil of Rush, the famous Carver of Philadelphia, some time since arrived in this City, has lately completed the ornaments of the Ship Adams', soon to be launched at the Walabought, Long Island.

The following is a sketch of these ornaments: On the head of the ship is a figure of the President, represented in the attitude of addressing both Houses of Congress. In his left hand is a scroll, supposed to be his address—his right is raised in a spirited position, as if in the act of bidding defiance to the enemies of America. At his side, is a branch of oak, springing from a rock, emblematic of his firmness and patriotic virtues, in support of the rights of his country. On the stern, in the center of the Taffrail, are the arms of the United States, supported by Sybele and Neptune—the latter with his left hand resting on his Trident, and his right extended over our `Infant Navy,' with some attributes of Commerce. The former reclining on a sheaf of wheat, with a Scepter in her right hand—in the left is the Key of the Earth and supporting a Cornucopia—At her side is a Youth with the Emblems of Agriculture, offering its productions for the support of the United States.

The ornamental part of this vessel exhibits a striking proof of Mr. Train's abilities. We wish him success in the Carvings for the `44,' now building at Corlaers Hook which we are told, he is engaged to execute.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 23, 1799 [news item].

Daniel N. Train, Carver, No. 144 Cherry-street, near the Ship Yards, offers his professional services to the citizens of New-York and others, particularly owners and builders of ships. Having studied Naval Sculpture under Mr. Wm. Rush, of Philadelphia, whose talents are extensively known, he hopes, from this advantage and his future exertion, to merit the patronage he now solicits. Heads and other ornamental parts of ships will be executed or prepared with neatness and dispatch.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 25, 1799.

Isaac Clements.—Mr. Humphreys Printer of the Nova-Scotia Packet brought charges of counterfeiting against....Isaac Clements, also of that place, by trade an engraver, stating that he the said Clements, had inveigled an apprentice boy of Mr. Humphreys, named William Leonard, and encouraged him to take types out of his printing-office, and fix them for the said Clements, in order to print counterfeit bills, of the present circulating Paper money of New-York....Clement was examined, who confessed that he had made the attempt, but had not succeeded in finishing any of the bills; that he had cut the bordering for the bills himself, and that he had a press at his own house to print them with....—The Daily Advertiser, June 18, 1787 [New York news item].

Robert Field.—Proposals, To publish by subscription, a Portrait of George Washington President of the United States; Also a Portrait of Alexander Hamilton, Late secretary of the Treasury; Engraved by Robert Field, late of London, from the original painting by Walter Robertson. The size, including an emblematical border, to be 11 by 13 inches; the price to subscribers to be five dollars each print; one half to be paid at the time of subscribing; the remainder on delivery. Also An Equestrian Portrait of the President, attended by Colonel Hamilton, as his aid-de-camp, painted and executed by the same artist: The size of the plate to be 26 inches by twenty. The price to subscribers to be ten dollars; one half to be paid at the time of delivery. Subscriptions in New-York will be received by Mr. Thomas Barrow, No 31, Willaim street; in Philadelphia, by Robert Field, and John James Barrelet, at Mrs. Clark's corner of Sixth street and Minor street.—American Minerva; an Evening Advertiser.—May 25, 1795.

John Fitch.—Just Published, and to be sold at the Printing-Office, No. 189, Water-street, A new Map of the Western Territory of the United States; by John Fitch, who is lately returned from that Country....For the advantage of his country, he wishes to have it universally circulated, and therefore they are disposed of at the very low price of Nine Shillings, having engraved and printed the work himself.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 7, 1785.

Abrm Godwin Engraver. Has removed to the foot of Gold-street, next to the corner of Maiden-lane, in a house lately occupied by Mr. Morgan painter, where he carries on the Engraving and Seal Sinking, business in their various branches as usual.—The Daily Advertiser, March 18, 1786.

S. Green.—Emgraving done in the neatest manner by S. Green No. 46 Broad street.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, February 21, 1785.

Thomas Holloway.—Doctor Price. Thomas Holloway respectfully informs the citizens of the United States of America, that he is engraving a portrait of the late Dr. Price, that great friend of the human race.

Iit is presumed that his portrait will be peculiarly acceptable to all those who recollect the very eminent services that great champion of Liberty rendered to his American Brethren.

The engraving is from a painting by Benjamin West Esq

Size of the print 12-1/2 inches by 9-1/2 Price to subscribers, three dollars. Gentlemen who are desirous of early impressions, are requested to transmit their names to Messrs. Talbot, Allum and Lee No. 202 Queen-street, New York, or to Mr. Robert Campbell, No. 54 South Second street, Philadelphia.

N.B. The prints will probably be sent over in the course of two months. Newington-Green, Middlesex, near London.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1793.

Thomas Holloway.—Dr. Priestley. Thomas Holloway of London, is now engraving a portrait of Dr. Priestly, which will be published as soon as possible, from an approved likeness painted by Mr. Artaud. The size of the print to be the same as that of Dr. Price, to which it is intended as a companion. Price to subscribers half a guinea. Subscriptions taken by Talbot, Allum and Lee, at their wholesale store No. 241, Pearl-street, formerly Queen-street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, August 13, 1794.

Peter Maverick, Engraver, Takes this method to inform the public, that he takes in Engraving at No. 3, Crown-street, next to the old Quaker-Meeting, where gentlemen may have their coats of arms, crests or cyphers done in the neatest manner, Ladies may have their tea-table plate ornamented in the newest fashion, with elegance and dispatch, by applying to their humble servant. Peter Maverick.—New-York Packet, July 12, 1784.

Peter Maverick.—Engraving. Ladies and gentlemen who would be pleased to favour the subscriber with their custom, may depend on having their work well done. Gold watches, tea-table and other plate, ornamented in the newest fashion, with neatness and dispatch. Gentlemen, by sending a copy of any blanks, coats of arms, &c. may have them done in the best manner, by applying to their humble servant Peter Maverick, No. 3, Crown-street, Next door to the Quaker's old Meeting house.—New-York Gazetteer, and the Country Journal, May 27, 1785.

Peter Maverick.—The Subscriber, ever willing to serve the public, respectfully informs them, that he carries on the engraving seal sinking and copper plate printing, at No. 3, Crown-street, where ladies may have their tea-table plate engraved, in the most elegant manner, and in the newest fashion, resembling the flat chasing, as neat as in Europe. By their humble servant, Peter Maverick.—New-York Packet, June 1, 1786.

John Murray, Engraver, in the 52d regiment, from Edinburgh, takes this method to inform the Public, That he engraves all manner of silver plate, ornaments, gold and silver watch cases, cyphers upon silver and steel seals, ladies visiting and company cards, message cards, &c. Coats of arms upon copper, for gentlemens books, office seals, officers gorgets and sword-belt plates, neatly engraved, and the above John Murray promises to perform his work by the greatest dispatch, and also at the Old Country price.

N.B. He is to found at Mr. M'Kenzie's, Barrack-Master, Tryon Row, or at his own room in the 57 Regiment, back of the Provost, or at the Printer hereof.—The Royal Gazette, February 21, 1778.

[John Francis?] Renault, Senior.—Prospectus of an Allegorical Picture, or the Triumph of Liberty, This picture is proposed to be 21 inches by 16. In the right of the picture is ghe Goddess of Liberty rising to the skies on an Obelisk, presenting a crown, to which all the heroes filled with her sublime sentiments are worthy to aspire.

The Book of the Law is supported by a cube of the Obelisk pointing to the solididy of that moral, `The Rights of Man.'

On the side is little Genie presenting to view, the Marseilles Hymn: On one of the steps of this monument is an urn containing the ashes of John James Rousseau. At a little distance is the three Divinities accompanied by Liberty, (namely Justice, holding the Scales and Sword, Peace, presenting an olive branch, and plenty, with a horn full of fruit, an emblematical presage of the happiness of the people,) she burns crowns, sceptres, crosses of St. Louis spears and titles of nobility, cemented and writ with the blood of the human race.

On the other side of the Obelisk are the kings, who are inimical to Liberty; they have all a particular expression of countenance, that indicates the rage and despair that rankles in their hearts, one appears to be on the point of throwing himself headlong down a precipice, another on the earth, a third just going to stab himself, having the different passions of grief, rage and despair strongly depicted in his countenance; and near them is a Queen, who by the expression of her eyes visibly discovers the rage with which her spirits are agitated.

In the left is a grand tomb, enclosing the names of those American Heroes, who have served and died in defence of Liberty and their country, such as Franklin, Warren, Montgomery, Laurens, Sullivan, Putnam, Scamell, Barber, Mercer, Wooster, Poor and Lee, near which is the Genius of the country, in the habit and helmet of Minerva, bearing the colours of the Nation, and at her side an Eagle, emblematical of America; incense is continually burning at the foot of the tomb, where a Priest is discovered singing Hymns in praise of these illustrious Heroes, At the bottom of the picture is a seven headed Hydra, or Despotism tumbling into ruins.

Dedicated to the friends of Liberty, by Renault, sen. author of the Work.

I the undersigned having taken all the necessary steps for the engraving, paper and printing of the impression of the Picture of the Triumph of Liberty in conjunction with Mr. Renault, sen. Author of the above Work, we this day open a subscription at the rate of Three Dollars each copy; and we can with confidence assure the public, that we have spared neither trouble nor expence to procure the best paper and engraving. No money is required till the delivery of the Picture to the Subscriber. September 22, 1795 (signed D.F. Launy)

Any persons wishing to see the work, will please to apply at the Fixed Priced Store of David Frederick Launy, No. 141, Pearl Street.—French and American Gazette, October 21, 1795. [This picture may be seen in the Print Room of The New York Public Library, 42nd Street, New York City.]

[John Francis?] Renault & [Peter C.] Verger.—Triumph of Liberty. The subscribers of this superb tableau are informed, that the work is finished, and that those who would honour the artists with their presence, can view at the Engravers' No 62 Broad-way. This piece, specially dedicated to the Americans, will be a monument to immortalise the memories of those illustrious men who have employed their time, their virtues, and their talents in founding the liberties of their country, as well as those generous heroes who fell gloriously in the defence of them....We have had paper of the best quality manufactured at Messrs Kollock and Kinnan's Mills at Springfield expressly for this purpose; we have also procured the best copperplate printer on the Continent Mr. Kinnan. We have then every reason to hope, that our subscribers will be satisfied. The delivery of this work will be made according to the order of the subscription, at the subscribers, or at the Engraver's house. Renault—Verger.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1797.

Renault & Verger.—Citizen Renault Author of the Picture Triumph of Liberty, will set off for Boston in about eight days....But before his departure they both think it a duty to express their most sincere thanks to their patrons....Neither do we forget those French Gentlemen who, tho not rich, have greatly encouraged our work, and made great efforts in assisting us to give public satisfaction. Renault & Verger.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 20, 1797.

Thomas Reynold.—[Stone seal cutter and jeweler. See entries 238 and 239 under Jewelry.]

Charles-Balthazar-Julien Fevret de Saint-Mémin.—Likeness taken, with the physiognotrace. The subscriber intending shortly to leave this city, begs leave to return his thanks to the public and his friends in particular, for the liberal encouragement that he has received, and to inform them that he will continue to take Likenesses as usual, at No. 27 Pine street, until towards the 1st of May, at which time he expects to remove from New-York. A specimen of his works may be seen at Messrs. Stilwell and Deforest, No 169 Pearl street. St. Memin.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 30, 1798.

St. Mémin & Valdenuit.—Physiognotrace. Likenesses Engraved. The subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they take and engrave Portraits on an improved plan of the celebrated Physiognotrace of Paris, and in a style never introduced before in this country. From the expedition with which the work is done, and the moderation of the terms, they presume to hope that they will give satisfaction to those, who, protectors of the Arts, will please to encourage them with their commands.

An exhibition of their performance may be seen at Messrs. Jno. J. Stapples and Sons, No 169 Pearl-street, or by applying at their lodgings, No 11, Fair street. St. Memin & Valdenuit.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 3. 1797.

John Scoles.—Proposals, By John Scoles, Engraver, No 6 Broad-street, New-York, for publishing by Subscription an Elegant Engraving, in the memory of Benjamin Franklin. Conditions. I. The size of the Plate to be 16 by 20 inches, and to be executed in the dotted or chalk state of engraving. II. It shall be printed on the best paper, and delivered in rotation to subscribers, at 2 dollars and 50 cents.

N.B. The drawing may be seen by applying at the Publishers' Prints, Drawings, Needlework, &c. Framed with elegance, and on the lowest terms.—New-York Weekly Museum, November 17, 1798.

George Smith.—Engraving Done in the neatest Manner, by George Smith, from London, at Capt. Smith's in Water-Street, or at Mr. Proctor's Watch-Maker, opposite the Coffee-House Bridge.—Royal Gazette, January 17, 1778.

James Smither, Engraver and Seal Cutter, Late of Philadelphia at the Golden-Head No. 923, in Water-Street, near the Coffee-House, and next door but one to Mr. Nutter's, where he engraves in the most elegant manner Coats of Arms, Seals, Maps, Copper Plates, and all other kind of engraving.—The Royal Gazette, May 22, 1779.

Cornelius Tiebout.—Proposals. By Cornelius and Alexander Tiebout, to publish by subscription, Two Portraits, George Clinton and John Jay. Engraved by Cornelius Tiebout, Citizen of New York, now resident in London. Taken from original paintings of our celebrated countrymen, Gabriel Stewart and the Late Joseph Wright.

The size of each print to be 10 by 13 inches printed on excellent paper. Price one dollar and an half, to subscribers; one third to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the remainder on delivery of the prints. Those who wish, may subscribe for either of the Portraits separate....—The Argus, July 27, 1795.

Cornelius Tiebout.—Proposals by Cornelius and Alexander Tiebout For publishing by subscription, The Columbian War....to be engraved by Cornelius Tiebout, Historical engraver &c. from the Original paintings and drawings....subscriptions are received by the publishers No. 29 Gold street and at Messrs Warner & Schuyler's No 70 Maiden Lane.—The Time Piece, May 3, 1797.

E. Tisdale.—Proposals by J. Buel Printer, and E. Tisdale Engraver, for printing by subscription a new and elegant edition of M'Fingal; An Epic Poem, in Four Cantos, by John Trumbull, esq. Illustrated with additional notes and explanations and ornamented with nine copper Plates....[Continues with a long description of the poem.]—Columbian Gazetteer, March 13, 1794.

[Peter C.] Verger, Artist from Paris, Intending to remain a short time in this city, offers his service to the Public. He carves figures in fine stone, in the antique manner, and warrants the Resemblance of the portrait; he also engraves Coats of Arms, and Cyphers for Seals, &c. and copper Plates with Embellishments proper for Bills of Exchange. He likewise draws Cyphers and Emblems in Hair. Impressions of his works, which he has executed in different capitals of Europe may be seen at his apartments, No. 148 Broad-Way, corner of Liberty-street.—French and American Gazette, November 6, 1795. [His advertisements still appeared in 1796.]

Counterfeits.—Persons, going into the other colonies, may be supplied with any number of counterfeited congress-notes, for the price of the paper per ream. They are so nearly and exactly executed, that there is no risque in getting them off, it being almost impossible to discover, that they are not genuine. This has been proved by bills to a very large amount, which have already been successfully circulated. Enquire for Q.E.D. at the Coffee-House, from 11 P.M. to 4 A.M. during the present month.—New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, April 14, 1777.

Counterfeits. The public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited notes in the form of those lately issued from the office of finance payable in six months after date...on holding the true notes up to the light there will appear in water marks U.S. National Debt. The false notes are printed on common paper without marks....—New-York Packet, July 31, 1783

Defaced Engraving.—In Sept. 1781 the picture of his Excellency General Washington and a curious engraving of a monument of the Immortal Montgomery, were torn and defaced by some royal incendiary, which gave rise to the following paragraph in the Freeman's Journal of Philadelphia. [Long paragraph stating the horror of the situation.]—New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, May 26, 1785.

Certificates of the State of New-York, also, Continental Certificates of every species bought and sold at the office of John Delafield No. 28 Water-Street. Wanted, a large quantity of Certificates of this state, for which the most liberal price will be given in cash. Also, an abundance of old Continental money. Apply as above.—New-York Packet, April 13, 1786.

Art of Drawing.—By Subscription, price twenty-four Shillings, a useful necessary method to learn the Art of Drawing without a Master. Compiled from the first masters in this art, and adorned with 26 copper plates, engraved after the manner of Raphael, Rubens, and Julius Romain, &c. consisting of near 250 pages large quarto. By a Citizen of America who has studied this useful art in Europe....—The Daily Advertiser, February 21, 1787.

Counterfeiting.—The citizens are cautioned against the impositors of villains who are passing counterfeit Five Shillings Bills. The paper is of a darker colour than the true bills; The types are old, and not well printed. It is a misfortune that we have two kinds of genuine five shilling bills. The counterfeits are in imitation of those which have a heavy bordering. They may easily be detected, by observing that the eagle on the globe, in the state arms, in the counterfeits, is badly imitated, the wing extending towards the figure of liberty is too large; and the other very short and small: and the globe on which the eagle stands is too large and black. In the body of the true bills, in the words FIVE, the V is smaller than the other letters, and the word appears crooked. In the bordering of the true bills the FIVE SHILLINGS at the end to the right are irregular and incline to the left; in the counterfeits, these words are more erect, and the letters closer together, large and very pale. The signing is not well done, and the bad bills are something larger and wider than the true ones.—New-York Packet, May 1, 1787. [New York news item.]

Copper Plates.—To the Printers and Publishers of Periodical works, to be sold very cheap, a great variety of Copper plates, engraved by the best Artists, and in good condition, suitable to any periodical publication. N.B. These plates 124 in number, originally cost engraving, upwards of one thousand pounds sterling and may now be had at a very reduced price of Talbot, Allum & Lee. No 241 Pearl street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 18, 1794.

American Landscapes.—Proposals by James Harrison & G. Parkyns, For publishing in Aquatinta, Twenty-Four Views; Selected from some of the most striking and interesting prospects in the United States; each of which Views will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its local, Historical, and other incidental Peculiarities. By Mr. Parkyns, Author of the `Monastic Remains and Ancient Castles in Great Britain.'

Conditions: I. That the work shall be published by subscription; and that each subscriber shall engage to take the whole set of Views, and pay for each engraving, if black or brown 3 dollars; and if coloured, 5 dollars. II. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 24 by 17 inches, executed in aquatinta and published upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence immediately and one engraving to be delivered to the subscribers, on the first Monday of each succeeding month, until the proposed series shall be finally completed.

III. That with the last View of the series, shall be delivered an engraved Title page; an elegant characteristic Vignette; a Map of the Route, connectewd with the prospects exhibited in the course of the work; and an alphabetical list of the subscribers.

Subscriptions are received by James Harrison, at his warehouse, Maiden lane, New York; and by all the principal Booksellers in the United States.—American Minerva, May 25, 1795.

American Landscapes.—The public are respectfully solicited to inspect the following drawings already executed for the above work.

Mount Vernon, Passaic Falls, Brandywine Mills, Federal City, Annapolis in Maryland. The three former at the Apollo Warehouse No 58 Maiden Lane, New York and the remaining at Mr. Parkyn's Brooklyn, Long Island.

The Proprietors take the earliest opportunity of announcing to the subscribers, that in consequence of a late necessary arrangement, the plate intended to have been delivered this day, will not appear until the third in succession. The plate of the Federal City, nearly completed, and from whence the descriptive tour commences, it is judged expedient should be first published. Although many circumstances inseparable from the establishment of so extensive an undertaking, the first of its kind in America, have unavoidably arisen, hitherto to retard its commencement; yet it is presumed the selection of objects, the attention bestowed in finishing the drawings with neatness, and accuracy, the tedious difficult executions of plates of such large dimensions together with an ardent desire to render the work compleat, will rescue the publishers from the censure of unnecessary delay; whose only wish is to gratify the admirers of picturesque nature and whose ultimate object will be, not only to interest the United States, but the European world, by a general display of those captivating, elegant scenes, which are so profusely distributed over the American continent. The following Drawings are in a state of forwardness. The City of New York, The City of Philadelphia. These are to be followed by Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, View of the North River, View in Connecticut, View in Rhode-Island the second selection of twelve, to compleat the series of twenty-four, will, amongst others contain, Port and town of Boston in Massachusetts, Charlestown South Carolina, &c. &c. Subscription continue to be received by James Harrison at the Apollo Warehouse.—The Diary, & Universal Advertiser, January 8, 1796.

Allegorical Picture.—Take Notice. That beautiful Alegorical Picture, interesting to all true Americans, which is a monument of the most distinquished heroes who fell victims for their country, as well as those who distinguished themselves in the magistracy, is to be seen, until Saturday the 19 inst. at the store of the subscriber, No. 14 Pearl street, who will continue to receive subscriptions until that day. After which it will be put into the hands of the most celebrated artist in the United States, for engraving. He can assure the public, that, after having seen many specimens of his talents, they will have reason to be satisfied of the engraving of the Plate. David F. Launy.

N.B. The price to subscribers is 3 dollars, to be paid on receiving the copy, and 5 dollars to non-subscribers, if there remain any after the subscription is filled.—Argus, March 14, 1796.

A large Plan of the City of New York, is now engraving for Longworth's American Almanac and New York Directory. Subscriptions for a few copies of said Plan, separate from the Directory, price only four shillings, will be received by the Editor, 66 Nassau Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1796.

Historical Engraving.—Proposals, For publishing by Subscription, an Emblematical and Historical Engraving, from an entire original drawing of the Independence and Establishment of the United States of America inscribed to Congress. A full length figure of the President of the United States is introduced in the design holding in the right hand his address of resignation. The other part of the piece portray the grand outline of our history. The above design will be established for one week at Charles Smith's Book-store no. 51 Maiden Lane.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, February 21, 1797.

Bank Notes.—Abraham Newland's name is now for the first time printed in copper plate in the Bank notes. The clerks could not write his name quick enough for the enormous issue of paper.—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, May 10, 1797. [News item.]

A New Map of the State of Connecticut....The work is elegant, well printed and well coloured, on a good white paper and the whole is the manufacture of this town. Price 8s. plain, 12 s. coloured, 20 s. folding on cloth for pocket, 16 s. framed, 18 s. on rollers or in black and gilt frames....—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, June 19, 1777.

Maps and Prints.—The American Military Pocket Atlas being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular, of the British colonies...taken principally from the actual surveys of engineers De Brahm, Major Holland, Cols. Jackson, Collet &c. &c. employed in his Majesty's fleets and armies....—Rivington Gazette, October 4, 1777.

Cook's Voyage.—Capt. Cook's Entertaining Voyage round the world. With cuts, describing the manners, customs and dress of the inhabitants of the new discovered countries and an accurate map of the course of his Majesty's ship Endeavor in this dangerous circumnavigation. To be had at the Printer's Price Two Dollars, it is the most entertaining, and far the cheapest voyage ever printed.—Royal Gazette, November 7, 1778.

Maps & Charts.—The following charts and maps may be had of Hugh Gaine.

A Chart of the river St. Laurence, containing the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Briton, St. John's Anticosti, &c.

A new and corrected Chart of the River of St. Laurence, with part of the Island of Anticosti to Quebec.

A Chart of the Harbour of Gaspie, in the Gulf of St. Laurence.

A Chart of the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, with the Jebucto-Bay, Cape Sambro, &c.

A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburgh.

A Chart of the Province of North-Carolina.

A Draught of South-Carolina and Georgia, and Part of Florida from Sewee to St. Estaca.

A Draught of Part of the Spanish and Musketo Shore, and the Bay of Honduras.

A very accurate Dutch Chart of the West-Indies.

Orcades, or, a Geographic and Hydrographic Survey of the Orkney and Lewis Islands, in eight Maps.

The English Pilot for the Southern navigation. The English Pilot, Part III a very neat and correct Book of places of the different Bays, Roads, and Harbour in the Mediterranean Sea.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 12, 1779.

A Modern Atlas, consisting of twenty-seven Plans of actions, fought in the present War, Charts of Rivers, &c. &c. amongst which are the following. Boston Harbour, its works, and Environs, the plan of the Town of Boston, with the entrenchments. Plan of the action at Bunker-Hill. Rhode-Island with the Rebel works and Batteries raised against it, by M. Blaskowitz. Plan of Newport Town. Hudson's River from Sandy Hook, to Fort Chamblee in Canada with the Soundings. The Defeat of the Rebels under Mr. Arnold, 11th October 1776. The action and defeat of Mr. Washington at the White Plains, and all the other operations in New-York and Jerseys, from Oct 12 to Nov 28. The Battle of Brooklyn and Defeat of the Rebel army on Long Island August 28th, 1776. The forcing of Rebel Lines near Fort Knyphausen 10th November 1776. A Plan of the City of New York, and its Environs by Capt. Ratzer.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.

A New Map of the Province of Jersey. The operations of Mr. Washinsgton against Co. Raalle at Trenton. Plan of Philadelphia and its Environs. Plan of the Battle of Brandywine. General Grey's attack and defeat the Rebels near the White Horse, Sept. 20, 1777. Attack of the Rebel works on Delaware. Chart of Delaware Bay and River. With many other Maps &c. bound in one very large volume, price 30 Dollars. Most of the above are to be purchased separate from the volume. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.

Voyages & Travels.—The Work Displayed, is ten volumes of Voyages and ten volumes of Travels, a curious collection selected from the writers of all nations, and particularly describing the Spanish dominions in South America, now become the object of attack from the Island of Jamaica. There are about 160 beautiful maps and cuts describing the customs, manners, habits &c. of the inhabitants, and of a portable size. Six volumes may be carried on one pocket. Price of the 20 volumes, most elegantly bound and gilt, four guineas.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.

A New Chart of the GULPH PASSAGE, from Cape Antonio in the Isle of Cuba, to the 30th Degree of North Latitude, in the Ocean, through the Gulph of Florida, or New Channel of Bahama, with an exact Delineation of the Islands, Shoals, and Reefs on the Coast of East Florida, as well as of the Northern Shores of Cuba, and the Bahama Banks and Islands; in which is also included, the Old Channel of Bahama, from the survey taken by the Order of Government, by R. Romans, compared with the Spanish Charts and Surveys, and ascertained by the astronomic Observations of W. Gerard De Brahm, Surveyor General for the Southern Districk of North-America, and others. Sold by H. Gaine.—New York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury., August 21, 1780.

Observations for Maps.—Any Mathematical Gentlemen who can furnish the subscriber with the correct variation of the needle, in any places in Connecticut, New-York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, shall have their services gratefully acknowledged; as many observations of this kind as can be collected will be of use in perfecting maps formed of those parts of the country, for His excellency General Washington. N.B. It will be necessary to mention the times and names of the places (also their latitude if ascertained) at which the observations were made. Simeon De Witt, Geographer to the United States of America.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, August 30, 1781.

Maps and Prints.—An elegant Map of the British Empire in America upon a very small scale. An accurate chart of the coast of North-America....A Plan of Lord Cornwallis's Route through the southern colonies...a view of the Battle of Saratoga...British Representation of the principal engagements in the present war, Highly coloured by eminent hands. These pieces are so ingeniously contrived that by reversing any one of them, it exhibits the American or French view of the same action uncoloured...James Rivington.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, November 22, 1781.

York & Gloucester.—Major Bauman, of the New York, or Second Regiment of Artillery, Has Drawn a Map of the Investment of York and Gloucester, in Virginia. Shewing how those posts were besieged in form, by the Allied army of America and France; the British lines of defence, and the American and French lines of approach, with part of York River, and the British ships as they then appeared sunk in it before York-Town; and the whole encompment in its vicinity.

This Map, by desire of many gentlemen, will shortly be published in Philadelphia, in order that the public may form an idea of that memorable siege. Those gentlemen who incline to become subscribers will apply to the printer hereof; where the conditions will be shewn, and subscription money be received.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, March 7, 1782.

Charts of the Harbour & Coast of North America.—For the Use of the Commanders in the Royal Navy, published under the Directions of the Lords of the Admiralty. Charts of the Harbour and Coast of North-America from Nova-Scotia to the Gulph of Mexico, with the most exact Soundings Composed and published by command of Government, for the use of the Royal Navy of England. By J.F.W. Des Barres, Esq; in two noble Volumes. They may be had of James Rivington.—The Royal Gazette, October 12, 1782.

Charts of this Coast, &c. to be sold by Valentine Nutter, No. 22 opposite the Coffee House; Banks of Newfoundland, Gulf of St. Lawrence, River St. Lawrence, Virginia and Maryland, Chesapeak Bay, River Delaware, South Carolina, Floridas, Windward Passage, Honduras and Virgin Isles. Sea books of all kinds, also a few books of large pale gold leaf.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 19, 1783.

A New Map of the United states of America, laid down from the best Authority agreeable to the Peace of 1783; an allegorical Print of the Independence of America, and the Portraits of Gen. Washington, Dr. Franklin and Mr. Laurens, sold by the Printer.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 9, 1783.

Thirteen States.—A new and accurate Map of the thirteen United States of America, agreeable to the boundaries settled by the late treaty of peace, is to be sold at the Printing-office.—New-York Packet, July 24, 1783.

The Map of the United-States, by William M' Murray, late Assistant Geographer, Is just published, and now issuing to the subscribers of this city, Newark, &c. from No. 6, Crown-street....—New-York Packet, January 27, 1785.

Globes.—A Pair of Twelve-Inch Globes, by Ferguson, with considerable improvement, to be Sold by S. Loudon.—New York Packet, April 28, 1785.

Maps of the Interior.—Just received, and to be sold at this Printing-office, No. 25 Water-street, (Price 5 Dollars) A few Maps of the interior Parts of North-America, including the Lands intended for New-States which will be shortly disposed of by Order of Congress....By Thomas Hutchins, Esq. Late Captain and Engineer in the British Army, and now Geographer General to the United States of America, with a plan of the several villages in the Illinois Country, a table of the Distances between Fort Pitt and the mouth of the Ohio, all engraved upon copper and an appendix containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians...

N.B. The Plates of the above mentioned map were cut and the Impressions taken in London, at the particular Request and Solicitation of Lord George Germain, and were sold in London at one Guinea each. The above map and pamphlets may be had of Mr. Bradford at the Coffee-House.—New-York Journal (supplement), August 11, 1785.

Federal Territory.—A New Map of the Federal Territory, from western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River, and extending so far North as to comprehend a part of Lake Erie,...clearly points out the Indian Hunting Grounds, Connecticut lands, reserves made by Virginia for her military officers, and the situation of the ancient ruins at the mouth of the Muskingum River, where the Ohio Company propose building a city, a plan of which is also annexed....It is to be sold (price 9 s) by Thomas Allen, Bookseller and stationer....—The Daily Advertiser, April 10, 1788.

Western Territory.—Price only Two Dollars. Hutchin's Map of the Western-Territory, accompanied by a describing Pamphlet, containing 67 pages in 8 vo to be sold, by the printer hereof. The accuracy of this Map, in competition with the Pirated copy, is too well known to require encomiums at this late day. This Map was first sold at Five Dollars, but as they belong to the estate of Thomas Hutchins, Esq. late Geographer General to the United States, deceased, and as the Executor, of that estate wishes to facilitate a last settlement, they will now be sold at two Dollars only.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, January 14, 1790.

Map of the United States.—Just published at Boston, and to be sold at Greenleaf's Printing Office, A Map of the U.S. of America, laid down from the best authorities agreeable to the peace of 1783. This map and chart is neither a plain, Mercator's, nor a globular projection, the author finding, that on a globular map, the superficies is contracted, on Mercator's it is in high latitude, protracted much beyond its true measure, and on the plain chart, distorted quite out of its true form; to avoid these false appearances as much as possible, he has aimed at a mean of the three; and on examining and comparing this with the latest surveys and best information that can be produced, I find it to be as correct and true a representation of the coast, rivers, lakes, mountains &c. as can be expected on so small a scale. Osgood Carleton, Teacher of Mathematics.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, July 20, 1791.

Fifteen United States.—Newest Map of the Fifteen United States together, with the lakes and Rivers between Lake Superior, Cook's River, Prince William's Sound, and the Great North Pacific Ocean; Also the New Townships, Army Grants, Ohio and Scioto Company, New Settlements in the Janassee Country, &c. &c. laid down from the latest and best Surveys, informations and authorities: by Osgood Carleton, Teacher of the Mathematics. Sold by James Rivington.—New-York Daily Gazette, July 22, 1791.

Vermont and Connecticut, Maps of these two states, from actual and very late surveys, by Major Blodget, are to be had of James Rivington. Who also has for Sale, A Map of all the fifteen United States, with the Lands of late sold to sundry purchasers. This map was first published last April.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 7, 1793.

City of Washington.—Just Published, and to be sold by Roberwt Hodge, at Milton's Head, No 11 Water street and Samuel Campbell No 37 Hanover Square, an Elegant Plan of the City of Washington, in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the State of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established as the seat of their Government, after the year 1800. The Soundings of the Potomack River and Eastern Branch, are accurately described.—The Diary; or Loudon Register, March 20, 1793.

Plan of Cape Françoise (Haiti).—Music Just landed on board the Ellis, from London, by James Harrison, at his Store No 38 Maiden-Lane....Also this day is published by J. Harrison a very accurate Plan of Cape-Francoise, which will shew at one view, the present deplorable situation of that once Flourishing City (which for Beauty and Regularity was inferior to none) most accurately laid down, Revised and corrected by a number of French Gentlemen arrived in the latest vessels from that Port; this plan will not only show the ruins of the Town, but will point out every House or Building that still remain standing, (an object very desirable by all those who are any wise concerned in the Fate of that place. Those Gentlemen who wish to be supplied with early impressions are requested to favour the Publisher with their names as early as possible. Price 8 s and 12 coloured.—Columbian Gazetteer, September 12, 1793.

Geographical Cards.—Proposals for publishing by Subscription, a set of Geographical cards, designed particularly for the use of young ladies and gentlemen, to facilitate them in the knowledge of geography, a science, the usefulness of which is so well known, it needs not be expatiated upon.

Each set of these cards will contain fifty-two with the description and title cards. Price to subscribers for each pack 6 shillings. Subscriptions are taken in this Printing office, and at Mrs. Philips' Seminary, No. 101 Broadway. These cards will be published as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers appear to indemnify the publisher in the expence.—Weekly Museum, October 19, 1793.

Connecticut.—Just received, and for sale, by John Buel, No 7 Little Queen-street, Blodgett's new and elegant Map of Connecticut taken from actual survey.—Columbia Gazette, November 7, 1793.

Map of New York State.—The first Sheet of De Wit's State Map of New-York containing the Counties of Tioga, and part Herkemer & Otswego, is just published and to be sold by Hugh Gaine, at his Book-store and Printing-Office at the Bible in Hanover-Square. Price Twenty Shillings.—Columbian Gazetteer, March 20, 1794.

Universal Geography.—This day is published...Universal Geography made easy or a new Geographical Pocket Companion, comprehending a Description of the habitable world, with maps by Charles Smith. Printed for the author No. 51 Maiden Lane and L. Wayland, No 157 Water Street, and sold by the principal Book Sellers in this City and througout the United States.—The Argus, August 19, 1795.

Griffiths' Map of Maryland, Laid down from actual measurements, of all the principal waters, public roads, &c. and of the federal territory and city of Washington, to which is annexed a sketch of the state of Delaware, are now published and to be sold by Hugh Gaine, at his printing office and bookstore in Hanover Square. Price, Coloured, Varnished and Framed 7 dollars and 50 cents; in sheets 5 dollars.—The Argus, September 17, 1795.

Trumbull's History of Connecticut, Vol I embelished with a correct map of the State and portraits of some of the first settlers from original paintings to be sold by Gaine & Ten Eyck, at their Book-store in Pearl-street.—The Spectator, March 17, 1798.

John S. Hunn, Notary Public and Conveyancer....He also copies, reduces, enlarges and ornaments Maps and Drafts of Houses, Buildings or Lands, either from Original Plans, Maps, Fieldbooks, or Deeds, or from description; and in such a manner and at such prices as he trusts, will meet the approbation of those who are pleased to employ him.—The Time-Piece; and Literary Companion, March 21, 1798.

Geography.—This Day is published No. 1 of a new and universal Geography, accompanied with an elegant painted plate, and a chart elegantly engraved by Rollinson...by John Payne...subscription received by John Low, No. 332 Water-street, by William Willis, No 19 Cheapside, and the Printer No 358 Pearl-street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 18, 1798.

Map of the Mediterranean.—In a few days will be published, (Price twenty-five cents) a correct map of the Mediterranean sea, showing the Landing of Buonaparte, and the Defeat of the French Fleet. To be sold by John Low 332 Water street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, December 13, 1798.

Surveying Instruments.—The valuable and complete set of Surveying and other mathematical instruments, the property of the late Mr. T. C. Goerck, City Surveyor; consisting of a Surveying compass with sights staff, Telescope, and Level, a Protractor, with a Monius and index; 2 Qunter's chains, a case of mathematical Instruments for sale by R. Davis 77 Wall-street. These instruments are by the most celebrated makers, Dolland, Martin Nairne, and Blunt.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 5, 1799.

Map of Chesapeake Bay.—Proposals, By C. P. Hauducoeur Engineer, for Engraving a Map of the Head of Chesapeake Bay and Susquehannah River; with the Islands, Shoals, Passages, Channels, Beds, Narrows, Soundings, Canals, description of the country, the River traversed &c. particulars of which may be known at No. 141 Broadway.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 19, 1799.

Planetarium & Globes.—Just imported, and for sale at H. Caritat's store, No 153 Broadway. The Planispherical Planetarium. Being a graphical representation of the Earth, in twelve particular positions during its revolutionary course round the sun, as also of the Moons revolution round the Earth, accompanied with a literal description of their various parts and motions, and an elementary introduction to Astronomy and Geography, forming a preparatory guide to the study of the Globes. Also,

Carey's newly improved Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Profected with the utmost accuracy, and executed with particular taste; differing from all others in the omission of the Constellary Configurations, which are supplied by boundary lines, more congenial to their appearances in Heavens, and thence more easily reduced to comparative observation....—Commercial Advertiser (supplement), February 16, 1799.

Castor Land.—Just Published, An accurate Map of Castor Land, No. 4, McCombs purchase, Pennits' Square, Black River, Oneida County, State of New York, agreeable to actual survey by C. Broadhead, and for sale by Brown and Stansbury No. 114 Water Street, opposite the old Coffee House slip.—Daily Advertiser, May 2, 1799.