The following explanations are of importance if you intend to analyze the data supplied on this disk by means of the menu-oriented full-text processing component which is provided within the DBMS "kleio". Prerequisites of interactive full-text processing as described here are an existent data base named "speculum" and a repertory called "repspec" (the latter having been created by the corresponding command in the file "speculum.rep", which can also be found on this disk): 1. Whenever the interactive modules of "kleio" are activated by the command "inspectio", a standard specification for the display as well as the search context (i.e. for the extent of the passages within which words searched for are displayed and combinations of words are searched for) is automatically assumed by the system. At best, this standard specification allows for twenty words, one sentence, one element or one multiple entry --- with only the smallest of these units being actually considered in individual cases. For many studies into the texts of the HGR, Series C, vols. 1--17 a display and search context of this extent will be insufficient. Changing the standard specification manually in a menu-oriented interactive procedure, however, would prove most time-consuming: under certain circumstances, the user might have to enter up to 46 characters, each of which would have to be confirmed by pressing "Enter"/"Return". In order to curtail this process, a file named "speculum.kon" is supplied on this disk. Within the program "kleio" (N.B. not at the level of the operating system) "speculum.kon" can function as a batch file. (The actual contents of the file is given towards the end of this text.) As soon as the program has been called using the command "kleio", the system can be ordered to read from "speculum.kon" by means of the command optiones fons="speculum.kon" After "Enter"/"Return" has been pressed twice(!), the sequence optiones [...] forma=sic;modus=conversatio;forma=non contained in the file causes the system to execute the following commands in batch mode, although they are usually designed for dialogue mode purposes. What comes next in the file are commands calling the menus for full-text processing ("insp") and naming the data base ("speculum") as well as the repertory ("repspec") to be processed. Furthermore, the display and search contexts are extended to fifty words, five sentences, five elements or five multiple entries (before/ after the last form searched for) respectively. Of course, you can change these specifications according to your demands. For this purpose, you just have to replace the numerical values in the file by those you wish. (You should make changes of this kind in a copy of the file, however, leaving the original version on the disk unchanged, in order to be able to fall back on it, if need be.) Never use the "forma=" parameter together with the "optiones" command in any context other than the one which has just been mentioned, since the 'dialogue debugging mode' may lead to endless loops, if applied carelessly!!! (By the way, the 'problem' of context specification will be remedied by a more general solution in the forthcoming version (4.1.1) of "kleio".) 2. Another default of the program is excluded by the command optiones solum=5;semper=1 which you will also find in the file "speculum.kon": in the course of menu-oriented full-text processing, "kleio" usually only provides the identification of the respective document when displaying the word searched for. By using the parameter "solum=", however, you can state the maximum 'depth' down to which you want the identification of groups to be carried out in the "kleio" hierarchy --- i.e., in the example mentioned above, down to the fifth level within the structure definition. The value assigned to the parameter "semper" stipulates which one of the group levels ranging below that of the document is the first to be considered in the identification line. Thus, you are able to avoid receiving the identification of the document "inhalt", which in each text of the HGR, Series C, vols. 1--17 occurs only once anyhow, since it comprises all input data. Instead of this, you are provided with a more sensible identification line consisting of groups subordinate to the document. CONTENTS OF THE FILE "SPECULUM.KON" optiones solum=5;semper=1;forma=sic;modus=conversatio;forma=non insp speculum r repspec k d v w 50 s 5 e 5 m 5 * n w 50 s 5 e 5 m 5 * * s v w 50 s 5 e 5 m 5 * n w 50 s 5 e 5 m 5 * * * (At operating system level you can print out this text under MS-DOS by means of the command print readme Subsequently, press "Enter"/"Return" twice.)