Documentaion file for e-text: The Catechetical Works of St. Cyril of Jerusalem (CYRIL.TXT) Sources: Procatechesis: St. Cyril of Jerusalem's Lectures on the Christian Sacraments. The Procatechesis and the Five Mystagogical Catecheses, ed by F. L. Cross, and tr. by R. W. Church (London, 1951) Catecheses: S. Cyrilli - Opera quae supersunt omnia, ed by W. C. Reischl and J. Rupp, 2 volumes, (Munich 1848/60, Hildesheim, 1967) Mystagogic Catecheses: Cyrille de Jerusalem: Catecheses mystagogiques, ed by A. Piedagnel, tr. by P. Paris, SC, 126 bis (Paris, 1966, 19882) Language: Greek Period: 4th Century Text was typed and proofread twice by Alexis Doval, the copyright owner of the transcription. Transliteration scheme is that used by the TLG: A=alpha B=beta G=gamma D=delta E=epsilon Z=zeta H=eta Q=theta I=iota K=kappa L=lambda M=mu N=nu C=xi O=omicron P=pi R=rho S=sigma T=tau U=upsilon F=phi X=chi Y=psi W=omega accents and diacritics after character: ) smooth breathing ( rough breathing / acute accent \ grave accent = circumflex + diaeresis | iota subscript punctuation: ' apostrophe . full stop ; question mark : colon , comma ! exclamation # footnote Uppercase marked by asterisk (*). There is no hyphenation. Quotations not marked. Markup Scheme: P = part (Procatechesis (P), Catecheses (C), Mystagogic Catecheses (MC), Homily (H), Letter (L)) S = Sermon (Procat. (PC), Catecheses (C01, C02,...), Mystagogic Catecheses (MC1, MC2,...), Homily (HOM), Letter (LET) C = Chapter L = Line Deposited by: Brother Alexis Doval, FSC 130 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7BP (56874) (after Jan. 21, 1993) St. Mary's College P. O. Box 5150 Moraga, CALIFORNIA 94575-5150