(***************************************************************) (* Author: Robert Cawdrey *) (* Title: A Table Alphabetical of Hard Usual English Words *) (* [STC 4884] *) (* Publishing Information: Gainsville, FL: Scholars' *) (* Facsimilies & Reprints, 1966. *) (* Editor of Electronic Text: Ray Siemens *) (* History: Typed 18 Jan 1992 - 28 Feb 1992 *) (* Revised 16 Apr 1992; for TACT *) (* Revised 5-8 Nov 1992; COMPLETED *) (* *) (* Counters: *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (* Reference Tags: *) (* A Table Alphabeticall, con- teyning and teaching the true writing, and vnderstanding of hard vsuall English wordes, borrowed from the Hebrew, Greeke, Latine, or French. &c. With the interpretation thereof by plaine English words, gathered for the benefit & helpe of Ladies, Gentlewomen, or any other vnskilfull persons. Whereby they may the more easilie and better vnderstand many hard English wordes, which they shall heare or read in Scriptures, Sermons, or elswhere, and also be made able to vse the same aptly themselues. Legere, et non intelligere, neglegere est. As good not read, as not to vnderstand. AT LONDON, Printed by I. R. for Edmund Wea- uer, & are to be sold at his shop at the great North doore of Paules Church. 1604. To the right honourable, Worshipfull, vertuous, & godlie Ladies, the Lady Hastings, the Lady Dudley, the Lady Mountague, the Ladie Wingfield, and the Lady Leigh, his Chri- stian friends, R. C. wisheth great prosperitie in this life, with increase of grace, and peace from GOD our Father, through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour. By this Table (right Honourable & Wor- shipfull) strangers that blame our tongue of difficultie, and vncertaintie may heere- by plainly see, & better vnderstand those things, which they haue thought hard. Heerby also the true Orthography, that is, the true writing of many hard English words, borrowed from the Greeke, Latine & French, and how to know one from the other, with the interpretati- on thereof by plaine English words, may be lear- ned and knowne. And children heerby may be prepared for the vnderstanding of a great num- ber of Latine words: which also will bring much delight & iudgement to others, by the vse of this little worke. Which worke, long ago for the most part, was gathered by me, but lately augmented by my sonne Thomas, who now is Schoolemai- ster in London. A2 Now The Epistle. Now when I had called to mind (right hono- rable and Worshipfull) the great kindnesse, and bountifulnes, which I found in that vertuous & godly Lady, Lucie Harington, your Honours and Worships mother, and my especiall friend in the Lord. When, and at such time as the right Worshipfull Sir Iames Harington Knight, your Ladiships brother was my scholler, (and now my singuler benefactor) when I taught the Grammer schoole at Okeham in the County of Rutland: In consideration whereof, and also for that I acknowledge my selfe much beholding and indebted to the most of you, since this time, (beeing all naturall sisters) I am bold to make you all ioyntly patrons heereof, and vnder your names to publish this simple worke. And thus praying, that God of his vnspeakeable mercies, will blesse both your Honors and Worships, I doe with all good wishes to you all, with all yours, as to mine owne soule, humbly take my leaue. Co- uentry this xxvij. of Iune. 1604. Your Honors and Worships, euer ready in Christ Iesus to be com- maunded, Robert Cawdrey. To the Reader. Svch as by their place and calling, (but especially Preachers) as haue oc- casion to speak publiquely before the ignorant people, are to bee admoni- shed, that they neuer affect any strange ynckhorne termes, but labour to speake so as is commonly receiued, and so as the most ignorant may well vnderstand them: ney- ther seeking to be ouer fine or curious, nor yet liuing ouer carelesse, vsing their speech, as most men doe, & ordering their wits, as the fewest haue done. Some men seek so far for outlandish English, that they forget al- together their mothers language, so that if some of their mothers were aliue, they were not able to tell, or vnderstand what they say, and yet these fine English Clearks, will say they speak in their mother tongue; but one might well charge them, for counterfeyting the Kings English. Also, some far iournied gentlemen, at their returne home, like as they loue to go in forraine apparrell, so they will pouder their talke with ouer-sea language. He that commeth lately out of France, will talk French English, and neuer blush at the matter. To the Reader. matter. Another chops in with English Ita- lianated, and applyeth the Italian phrase to our English speaking, the which is, as if an Orator, that professeth to vtter his minde in plaine Latine, would needs speake Poetrie, & far fetched colours of strange antiquitie. Doth any wise man think, that wit resteth in strange words, or els standeth it not in whol- some matter, and apt declaring of a mans mind? Do we not speak, because we would haue other to vnderstand vs? or is not the tongue giuen for this end, that one might know what another meaneth? Therefore, either wee must make a difference of Eng- lish, & say, some is learned English, & other- some is rude English, or the one is Court talke, the other is Country-speech, or els we must of necessitie banish all affected Rhe- torique, and vse altogether one manner of language. Those therefore that will auoyde this follie, and acquaint themselues with the plainest & best kind of speech, must seeke from time to time such words as are commonlie receiued, and such as properly may expresse in plaine manner, the whole conceit of their mind. And looke what words wee best vn- derstand, and know what they meane, the same To the Reader. same should soonest be spoken, and first ap- plied, to the vttrance of our purpose. Ther- fore for this end, foure things would chiefly be obserued in the choise of wordes. First, that such words as wee vse, should be pro- per vnto the tongue wherein we speake. A- gaine, that they be plaine for all men to per- ceiue. Thirdly, that they be apt and meete, most properly to set out the matter. Fourth- lie, that words translated, from one signifi- cation to another, (called of the Grecians Tropes, ) be vsed to beautifie the sentence, as precious stones are set in a ring, to commend the gold. Now such are thought apt words, that properly agree vnto that thing, which they signifie, and plainly expresse the nature of the same. Therefore, they that haue re- gard of their estimation and credite, do wa- rily speake, & with choise, vtter words most apt for their purpose. In waightie causes, graue wordes are thought most needfull, that the greatnes of the matter, may the ra- ther appeare, in the vehemencie of theyr talke. So likewise of other, like order must be taken. Albeit some, not onely doe not obserue this kind of aptnesse, but also they fall into much fondnes, by vsing words out of To the Reader. of place, and applying them to diuers mat- ters, without all discretion. If thou be desirous (gentle Reader) right- ly and readily to vnderstand, and to profit by this Table, and such like, then thou must learne the Alphabet, to wit, the order of the Letters as they stand, perfecty without booke, and where euery Letter standeth: as (b) neere the beginning, (n) about the mid- dest, and (t) toward the end. Nowe if the word, which thou art desirous to finde, be- gin with (a) then looke in the beginning of this Table, but if with (v) looke towards the end. Againe, if thy word beginne with (ca) looke in the beginning of the letter (c) but if with (cu) then looke toward the end of that letter. And so of all the rest. &c. And further vnderstand, that whereas all such words as are deriued & drawne from the Greek, are noted with these (* sic *) letter, (g). And the French are marked thus (fr) but such words as are deriued from the latin, haue no marke at all. A Table Alphabeticall, contayning and teaching the true writing, and vnderstanding of hard vsuall English words. &c. (&wherein;) (k) standeth for a kind of. (g. or gr.) standeth for Greeke. The French words haue this (* §ion; *) (fr) before them. A (fr) ABandon, cast away, or yeelde vp, to leaue or forsake. Abash, blush. abba, father. (fr) abbesse, abbatesse, Mistris of a Nunne- rie, comforters of others. (fr) abbettors, counsellors. aberration, a going a stray, or wande- ring. abbreuiat,
to shorten, or make (fr) abbridge, short. (fr) abbut, to lie vnto, or border vpon, as one lands end meets with another. abecedarie, the order of the Letters, or hee that vseth them. aberration, a going astray, or wandering. (fr) abet, to maintaine. B. (fr) abdi- An Alphabeticall table abdicate, put away, refuse, or forsake. abhorre, hate, despise, or disdaine. abiect, base, cast away, in disdaine: abiure, renounce, denie, forsweare: abolish,
make voyde, destroy, deface, abolited, or out of vse. (fr) abortiue, borne before the time. abricot, (k) kind of fruit: abrogate, take away, disanull, disallow, abruptly, vnorderly, without a preface. absolue, finish, or acquite: absolute, perfect, or vpright. absolution, forgiuenes, discharge: abstract, drawne away from another: a lit- booke or volume gathered out of a grea- ter. absurd, foolish, irksome. academie, an Uniuersitie, as Cambridge, or Oxford: academicke, of the sect of wise and learned men. accent, tune, the rising or falling of the voice. accept, to take liking of, or to entertaine willingly. (fr) acceptance, an agreeing to some former act done before. accesse, free comming to, or a way to a place, acces- of hard English words. accessarie, partaker in the same thing (fr) accessorie, an accident extraordinary accident, a chance, or happening. accidentall, falling by chance, not by nature accomodate, to make fit too, or conuenient to the purpose (fr) accomplish, finish, or make an end of. accommodating, lending (fr) account, reckon. (fr) accord, agreement betweene persons accurate, curious, cunning, diligent. (fr) accrew, grow, increase, goe. (fr) acertaine, make sure, certifie. acetositie, sharpnes, or sowernesse (fr) acheeue, to make an end of (fr) acquitall, discharge acquisition, getting, purchasing (fr) action, the forme of a suite actiue, nimble, ready, quicke. actuall, in act, or shewing it selfe in deed acute, sharp, wittie, quick adage, an old speech, or prouerbe, adamantine, as hard as Diamont addict, giuen too, appointed too adhrent, cleauing to, or taking part with. (fr) adiew, farewell (fr) addresse, prepare, or direct. B2 adiacint, An Alphabeticall table adiacint, lying too, adioyning too adiunct, an accidental qualitie, or any pro- perty, that is not a substance. (fr) adiourne, deferre, or put off till another time. adiure, make to sweare, or to deny administer, gouerne, serue, or rule, or doe seruice vnto administrator, one that doth busines for an other admire, maruell at, or be in loue with admiration, wonderment, reioycing (fr) admirall, chiefe by sea, worthy admission, receiuing, or leaue to enter into a place, accept. adopt, to take for his child, freely to choose (fr) adore, worship, or reuerence, adorne, beautifie, apparrell, prepare. (fr) aduaunce, preferre, lift vp to honor: aduent, the comming aduerse, contrary, or backward (fr) aduertise, giue knowledge, aduise, or coun- sell: adulation, flatterie, or fauning adulterate, to counterfeit, or corrupt: aduocate, a spokesman, atturney, or man of law, plead. (fr) aduowsion, (* sic *) of hard English words. (fr) aduousion, patronage, or power to pre- sent, or give a liuing. adustion, burning, or rosting. , see E. affable, readie, and curteous in speech, gra- cious in words. (fr) affaires, busines (fr) affect, to desire earnestly, or to mind affected, disposed, inclined affinitie, kinne by marriage affirme, auouch, acertaine (fr) affiance, trust (fr) affianced, betrothed (fr) affranchise, set at libertie. agent, doer, a steward, or commissioner aggrauate, make more grieuous, and more heauie: agilitie, nimblenes, or quicknes agglutinate, to ioyne together agnition, knowledge, or acknowledging agitate, driuen, stirred, tossed agonie, (gr) heauie passion, anguish, griefe (fr) aigre, sharpe, sower, akecorne, (k) fruit alacritie, cheerefulnes, liuelines alablaster, (k) stone alarum, a sound to the battell. B3 alchi- An Alphabeticall table alchimie, the art of turning other mettals into gold. (fr) alien, a stranger (fr) alienate, to estrange, or with-drawe the mind, or to make a thing another mans. all haile, salute alledge, bring proofe allegation, alledging allegorie, (gr) similitude, a misticall speech, more than the bare letter (fr) allegiance, obedience of a subiect allienate, asswage, or make more easie and light (fr) alliance, kindred, or league. allusion, meaning and pointing to another matter then is spoken in words allude, to speake one thing that hath re- semblence and respect to another, aliment, nourishment, sustenance alpha, (gr) the first Greeke letter alphabet, (g) order of letters in the crosse- bot row. altercation, debate, wrangling, or conten- tion altitude, height amaritude, bitternesse ambage, long circumstance of words. (fr) ambassa- of hard English words. (fr) ambassadour, messenger ambition, desire of honour, or striuing for preferment ambodexter, one that playeth on both hands. ambiguous, doubtfull, vncertaine (fr) ambushment, priuie traine, lying secret- ly to intrap by the way (fr) amerce,
fine, or amercement, penalty. amiable, louely, or with a good grace. amitie, friendship, loue. amorous, full of loue, amiable. (fr) amorte, dead, extinguished, without life. amplifie, enlarge, or make bigger. analogie, (gr) conuenience, proportion. analisis, (gr) resolution, deuiding into parts. anarchie, (gr) when the land is without a prince, or gouerner. anatomie, (g) cutting vp of the body. anathema, (g) accursed or giuen ouer to the deuill. anchoue, (k) of fruite. (fr) angle, corner. (fr) anguish, griefe. angust, straight, narrow. animate, encourage. animauersion, (* sic *) An Alphabeticall table animaduersion, noting, considering, or marking. annalis, chronicles of things from yeare to yeare. annex, to knit or ioyne together. annihilate, make voyd, or bring to no- thing. anniuersarie, a yeares minde, or done and comming yearely. annuall, yearely. anthem, song. antecessor, an auncestour, or predecessour that goeth or liueth in the age or place before vs. antichrist, (g) against, or contrarie to Christ. anticipation, preuenting by a foreknow- ledge. antodite, (g) a counterpoise, or remedy a- gainst poyson. (fr) antidate, a fore date. antipathie, (g) contrarietie of qualities. antiquitie, auncientnes. anticke, disguised. antithesis (g) a repugnancie, or contrarietie. antiquarie, a man skilled, or a searcher of antiquities. annotations, of hard English words. annotations, briefe doctrines or instructi- ons. anxitie, care or sorrow. aphorisme, (g) generall rule in phisick. apocalipse, (g) reuelation. apocrypha (g) not of authoritie, a thing hid- den, whose originall is not knowne. apologie (g) defence, or excuse by speech. apostotate (g) a backslider. apostacie (g) falling away, backslyding, rebellion. apostle (g) an ambassadour, or one sent. apothegme (g) short wittie sentence, or speech. apparant, in sight, or open. appall, feare. apparition, appearance, or strange sight. (fr) appeach, accuse, or bewray. (fr) appeale, to seeke to a higher Iudge. (fr) appease, quiet, or pacifie. appendix, hanging, or belonging to ano- ther thing. appertinent,
belonging vnto another appurtenance, thing. appetite, desire to any thing. applaude, to shew a liking of, as it were by clapping of hands. application, An Alphabeticall table. application, applying too, or resorting to appose, to aske questions, oppose. apposition, adding or setting too. apprehension, conceite, and vnderstan- ding. approbation, allowance, or liking. appropriate, to take, and keepe to, and for himselfe alone. approue, alowe, or make good. approch, come nigh. apt, fit arbiter,
a Judge in a controuersie arbitratour, betwixt men. (fr) arbitrement, iudgement, censure, a- ward. arch, (g) chiefe. arch-angell, (g) chiefe angell archbishop, chiefe bishop architest, chiefe builder. ardent, hoate, earnest ardencie, heate, earnestnes argent, siluer, coyne argue, to reason ariditie, drinesse aristocratical, (g) gouernement of a king- dome by the peares and nobility. arithmeticke, (g) art of numbring arke, of hard English words. arke, shippe or chest (fr) armorie, house of armour (fr) arrerages, debt vnpaid, or things left vn- done and duties comming behind. arrest, stay, or lay hold of arride, to please well, to content (fr) arriue,
come to land, arriuall, or approch. arrogate, to claime, or challenge arrogant, proude, presumptuous. artifice, skill, subtiltie: or a cunning peece of worke artificer, handicrafts-man artificially, workmanlike, cunningly articulate, ioynted, set together, or to point out, and distinguish. artichok, (k) herbe (fr) artillery, engines or instruments for war. ascend, goe vp, or clime vp ascent, a going vp ascribe, giue to, adde to, attribute vnto askey,
looking aside, asquint, or awry. (fr) assay, proofe, or a triall: assent, agreement, or consent assertaine, assure: certaine assentation, flattery: speaking faire aspect, An Alphabeticall table aspect, looking vpon, beholding much, sight aspectable, worthie, or easie to be seene. asperat, rough, sharpe, or vnpleasant. asperation, breathing. aspire, climbe vp, or come to, or high. (fr) assault,
to set vpon, or (fr) assaile, to proue. (fr) assemble, gather together. assemblie, companie assent, consent. assertion, affirming, auouching of any thing asseueration, earnest affirming assiduitie continuance, diligence assigne, appoint, ordaine assignation, appointment. assimulate, to make like, to compare with. assistance, helpe association, ioyning together in fellow- ship. associate, to accompanie, or follow (fr) assoyle, excuse, cleare astipulation, an auouching, or witnessing of a thing, an agreement astrictiue,
binding, or ioyning astringent, together. astronomie,
(g) knowledge of astrologie, (g) the starres. astrolabe, (g) of hard English words. astrolabe, (g) an instrument to know the motion of the starres. atheist,
(g) without, God, or beleeuing atheall, that there is no God, or de- nying any of his attributes. atheisme, (g) the opinion of the atheist. (fr) attach, sease vpon, rest or hold (fr) attaint, conuict of crime (fr) attainder, a conuiction, or prouing guil- tie of a crime or fault. (fr) attempt, set vpon, or to take in hand attendance, watching, staying for, or way- ting vpon. attentiue, heedie, or marking attenuate, to make thinner or weaker attest, to witnesse, or call to witnesse attrap, ensnare attribute, giue to, or impute. auarice, couetousnes, or inordinate desire of money. auburne (k) colour audience, hearing, or hearkening, or those that heare. audacious, bold, rash, or foolish hardie auditor, hearer, or officer of accounts audible, easie to be heard. auer, auouch, call to witnes, proue. auert, An Alphabeticall table auert, to turne from, or keepe away. augment, to encrease auguration, guessing, or coniecturing at things to come: (fr) avowable, that which may be allowed and affirmed (fr) avouch, affirme with earnest, defend. auoke, to call from, or pull back austere, sharpe, rough, cruell authenticall, (g) of authoritie, allowed by authoritie: the originall autumne, the haruest axiome, (g) a certaine principle, or general ground of any Art: ay, euer, at any time, for euer azure, (k) of colour. B BAile, suretie, witnes. ballance, a paire of scales, or other thing. (fr) balase, grauell, wherewith ships are poy- sed to goe vpright: or weight. bang, beat bankerupt, bankerout, waster banquet, feast. baptisme, of hard English words. baptisme, (g) dipping, or sprinkling. (fr) band, company of men, or an assembly. baptist, a baptiser barbarian, a rude person barbell, (k) fish barbarie, (k) of fruite barbarisme, barbarousnes, rudeness (fr) barke, small ship barnacle, (k) bird barrester, one allowed to giue counsell, or to pleade: barreter, a contentious person, quarreller, or fighter: (fr) barter, to bargaine, or change baud, whore bauin, a faggot, or kid bashfull, blush, or shamefast (fr) battrie, beating or striking bay, (k) tree. beadle, office beagle, (k) hound beautitude, blessednes, happines beldam, parent, or maister: bellona, the goddesse of warre benediction, praysing or blessing beneficiall, profitable beneuolence, good will, or fauour. benigne, An Alphabeticall table benigne, fauourable, curteous, gentle: benignitie, gentlenes, or kindnes (fr) benisson, blessing bequeath, giue: bereft, depriued, alone, voide, robd. besiedge, compasse betrothed, affianced, or promised in mar- riage: bewaile, mone, complaine (fr) biere, a cophin wherein dead men are carried: bigamie, (g) twise maried, or hath had two wiues billiment, iewell, or garment bipartite, diuided into two parts bisket, bread: bishop, ouer-seer, or prelate blase, report, publish, shew forth blaspheme, (g) to speake ill of God: blattering, vaine babling (fr) blanch, to make white, or white lime bleate, cry blisse, ioy, or happines. (fr) bonnet, hat, or cap. bob, beate (fr) bouge, stirre, remoue from a place. boate, ship braule, of hard English words. braule, wrangle. brachygraphie, (g) short writing. (fr) bragard, fine, trim, proude (fr) brandish, to shake a sword breuitie, shortnes brickle,
easiely broken, brittle, lymber. (fr) brigand, a theefe, or robber by the high way side. (fr) brigandine, coate of defence (fr) brigantine, a small ship brothell, keeper of a house of baudry, brooch, iewell. (fr) bruite, report, noyse. buggerie, coniunction with one of the same kinde, or of men with beasts. bugle, glasse buglasse, (k) herbe bullyon, coyne (fr) burgesse, a head man of a towne. C CAlamitie, trouble, affliction. calcinate, to make salt: calefie, make warme, heate, or chafe. calygraphie, (g) fayre writing. C. calli- An Alphabeticall table calliditie, craftines, or deceit calumniation, a discrediting by worde, or false accusation. camphire, kind of herbe. capacitie, largenes of a place: conceit, or receiet. (fr) capuchon, a hood (fr) cancell, to vndoe, deface, crosse out, or teare canon (g) law, or rule canonise, (g) make a saint, to examine by rule: canopie, couer capitall, deadly, or great, or woorthy of shame, and punishment: capable, wise, apt to learne, bigge, or fit to receiue. capitulation, distinguishing by parts captious, catching, deceitfull, subtile, captiue, prisoner captiuate, make subiect, or a prisoner, cardinall, chiefe, or principall carminate, to card wooll, or deuide carnalitie, fleshlines carnall, fleshly, pleasing the flesh: carpe, take exception against, or wran- gle. cassere, of hard English words. (fr) cassere, dismisse, put away, or out of of- fice. casualtie, chaunce or hap castigation, chaistisement, blaming, cor- rection. catalogue, (g) beadroole, or rehearesall of words, or names category, (g) an accusation catechiser, that teacheth the principles of Christian religion. cathedrall, church, chiefe in the diocesse catharre, a flowing of humors from the head. catholicke, (g) vniuersall or generall. cauill, to iest, scoffe, or reason subtilly caution, warning, putting in minde, or taking heede celebrate, holy, make famous, to publish, to commend, to keepe solemlie celeritie, swiftnes, hast celestiall, heauenly, diuine passing excel- lent. cement, morter, or lime. censor, a corrector, a iudge, or reformer of manners censure, a correction, or reformation centre, (g) middest of any round thing C2 or An Alphabeticall table or circle. centurion, captaine of a hundren men. ceruse, white leade, or painting that wo- men vse. cessement, tribute chanell, sinke: character, (g) the fashion of a Letter, a marke, or stampe: (fr) chaunt, sing (fr) champion, wilde field, also a challenger, chambering, lightnes, and wanton beha- uoiur in priuate places charter, a grant of any thing confirmed by seale. (fr) cheualrie, knight-hood cherubin, order of Angels: chibball, (k) fruite chirograph, (g) hand writing chiromancie (g) telling of fortunes, by the lines in the hands: chirurgion, (g) a surgion choller, (gr) a humor causing anger chough, (k) bird: christ, (g) annointed chronickler,
(g) historie wri- chronographer, ter. chronicall, (g) returning at certaine times chro- of hard English words. chronologie, (g) storie of times past. cibaries, meates, nourishment cider, drink made of apples circuit, about. circumcise, to cut the priuie skin circumference, the round and outmost cir- cuit, or compasse circumligate, binde about circumscribe, to compasse about with a line, to limit. circumspect, heedie, quicke of sight, wise, and dooing matters aduisedly. circumlocution, a speaking of that in ma- ny words, which may be said in few circumstance, a qualitie, that accompaneth any thing, as time, place &c circumstant, things that are about vs, circumuent, to close in, to deceaue, or in- trap craftily. citron, (k) fruit ciuilitie, honest in conuersation, or gentle in behauiour. clamarus, making a great noyse chassick, chiefe, and approued, (fr) clauicordes, mirth, claritude, cleerenes, renowne, clemencie, gentlenes, curtesie. C3 client, An Alphabeticall table client, he that is defended. climate, a portion of the worlde betwixt north and south climactericall, (g) that which ariseth by de- grees, as the sixtie third yeere is climac- tericall of the seauentie. clister, medecine coble, amend coadiutor, a fellow helper. cockatrice, a kind of beast cnation, supper, or a place to sup in cogitation, thought, musing cognition, knowledge cohrence, ioyning, & vniting together. (fr) coin, corner collect, gather together colleague, companion, collaterall, on the other side, ouer against, as two lines drawne equally distant one from another, in due place collation, recitall, a short banquet collect, gather collusion, deceit, cousanage colume, one side of a page of a booke combine, heale, or couple together, combination, a ioyning, or coupling together combure, burne, or consume with fire com- of hard English words. combustible, easily burnt combustion, burning or consuming with fire. comedie, (k) stage play, comicall, handled merily like a comedie commemoration, rehearsing or remem- bring (fr) commencement, a beginning or entrance comet, (g) a blasing starre comentarie, exposition of any thing commerce, fellowship, entercourse of mer- chandise. commination, threatning, or menacing, commiseration, pittie commodious, profitable, pleasant, fit, commotion, rebellion, trouble, or disqui- etnesse. communicate, make partaker, or giue part vnto (fr) communaltie, common people, or com- mon-wealth communion,
fellow- communitie, ship. compact, ioyned together, or an agreement. compassion, pitty, fellow- feeling compell, to force, or constraine compendious, short, profitable com- An Alphabeticall table compensation, a recompence: compeare, like competent, conuenient, sufficient, apt: competitor, hee that sueth for the same thing, or office, that another doth: compile, gather together complement, perfecting of any thing complet, fulfilled, finished Complexion, nature, constitution of the body. (fr) complices, fellowes in wicked matters compose, make, or ioyne together composition, agreement, a making, or mingling together. comprehend,
to con- comprise, taine. comprimise, agreement, made by parties chosen on either side comprimit, iudge compte, fine, decked: trimmed compulsion, force, constraint computation, an account or reckoning compunction, pricking concauitie, hollownes conceale, to keepe close conception, conceiuing in the wombe. concinnate, made fit, finely apparelled concise, (***********************************************************************) (* CAWDREY2.TXT *) (* The second file of four in the Cawdrey Dictionary. *) (* R. Siemens. *) (***********************************************************************) of hard English words. concise, briefe or short concoct, to digest meate concord,
agree- concordance, ment. concrete, ioyned, or congealed together concruciate, to torment, or vex together concubine, harlot, or light huswife. conculate, to treade vnderfoote concupiscence, desire concurre, agree together, runne together, or meete. concurse, running together of many to a place. condigne, worthie condiscende, agree vnto, or consent condole, to be greeued, or sorrowfull with another. conduct, guiding, or hiring confabulate, to talke together confection, compounding, making or mingling. confederate, agreeing peaceably together by couenants made conferre, talke together conference, communication, talking toge- ther. confidence, trust, hope confine, An Alphabeticall table confine, to border vpon, to compasse in confirme, establish (fr) confiscation, forfeiture or losse of goods conflict, battaile, strife, fight conforme, to make like vnto, consent confound, ouerthrow, destroy, mingle to- gether, or disorder. (fr) confront, opposse, compare one to ano- ther. congeale, to harden, or ware hard, or freeze together congestion, a heaping vp conglutinate, to ioyne together congratulate, to reioyce with another for some good fortune. congregate, gather together congruence,
agreablenes, congruitie, or likenes. coniunction, ioyning together coniure, to conspire together, to sweare by. connexion, ioyning together conuiuence, sufferance, or winking at conquest, a complayning, or victorie consanguinitie, kindred by blood, or birth consecrate, make holie, to dedicate, or giue vnto. consectarie of hard English words. consectarie, one that followeth any opini- on. consent, agreement consequence,
following consequent, by order. conserue, keepe, saue, or maintaine consideratly, wisely, and with aduise, con- sist, stand (fr) consistorie, place of ciuill iudgement consociate, companie with, or ioyne a com- panion vnto. consolation, comfort consonant, agreeable, likelie consort, a companion, or company conspicuous, easie to be seene, excellent conspire, agree together, for to doe euill. constellation, a company of starrs constitutions, lawes, or decrees construe, expound consul, a cheife gouernor among the Ro- manes. consult, take counsaile consumate, accomplish, fulfill, or finish. contagious, that which corrupteth, or in- fecteth. contaminate, defiled, or corrupted contaminouse, infectious, defiled contemplation, An Alphabeticall table contemplation, meditation, or musing contend, wrangle contestate, to call to witnes context, the agreeing of the matter going before, with that which followeth. continent, modest, abstaining, chast: al- so the firme land where no ile or sea is. contingent, happening by chaunce contract, make short, also a bargaine, or couenant. contradiction, gaine saying contribute, bestowe vpon, or giue vnto contribution, a bestowing of any thing contributorie, giuing a part to any thing contrite, broken, sorrowfull contrition, sorrow, sadnes contriue, make contumacie, stubbornnes, contempt contumelie, slaunder, reproch contusion, bruised, or beaten conuent, bring before a iudge conuenient, fit, well beseeming conuenticle, a little assemblie conuerse, companie with conuert, turne, change conuict, proued guiltie, ouercome conuince, to ouercome, confute, or proue manifestly. of hard English words. manifestly. conuocation, an assembling, or calling to- gether. (fr) conuoy, a waiting vppon: or keeping company in the way. connulsion, a pulling, or shrinking vp copartner, fellow partaker, or companion cophin, (g) basket, or chest for a dead bo- dy to be put in. copious, plentifull, abounding copulation, ioyning, or coupling together cordwainer, shoemaker, or trade cordiall, comforting the hart. (fr) coriuals, competitors carnositie, full of flesh, grosse corporall, bodily corporate, hauing a bodie: (fr) corps, deade bodie corpulent, grosse of body, fat, or great correspondent, answerable correllatiues, when 2. things are so linked together, that the one cannot be without the otherr. corrigible, easily corrected corroborate, confirme, or strengthen, or make strong. corroded, gnawd about corrosiue, An Alphabeticall table corrosiue, fretting cosmographie, description of the world. costiue, bound in the bodie (fr) couch, bed, lie downe: (fr) couert, hidden place, secrete (fr) counterchange, to change againe: (fr) countermaund, commaund contrarie (fr) countermine, vndermine one against an- other. (fr) countermure, to builde, one wall against another. crassitude, fatnesse or thicknesse (fr) counterpoise, make leuell, or to weigh, as heuie as another thing. cowslip, (k) hearh (fr) counteruaile, of equall valew credence, beliefe (fr) curbe, restraine, keepe in: credible, which may be beleeued (fr) couerture, couering creditor, he which lendeth, or trusteth an- other: credulous, readie to belieue, true credulitie, rashnes in belieuing (fr) creuas, rift. (fr) crible, sifted criminous, of hard English words. criminous,
faultie, that wherein is some criminall, fault. crisped, curled, or frisled. criticall, (g) which giueth iudgement of sicknes. &c. crocodile, (k) beast crucifie, fasten to a crosse crude, raw, not ripe, not digested: crupt, (g) hidden, or secret crystaline, (g) cleere like glasse, or christall. cubite, a foote and a halfe culpable, blame-worthy, guiltie, culture, husbandry, tilling curiositie, picked diligence, greater care- fulnes, then is seemly or necessarie, cursorilie, swiftly, or briefely. curuefie, bowed, or made crooked. custodie, keeping, or looking to cymball, an instrument of musicke, so cal- led. cynicall, (g) doggish, froward. cypher, (g) a circle numbering, of no value of it selfe, but serueth to make vp the number, and to make other figures of more value. Damna- An Alphabeticall table D DAmnable, not to be allowed. deacon, (g) prouider for the poore demonaicke, (g) possessed with a deuill. deambulation, a walking abroade (fr) debate, Strife, contention debar, let: debilitie, weakenes, faintnes. (fr) debonnayre, gentle, curteous, affable, decalogue, (g) the ten commaundements: decacordon, (g) an instrument with tenne strings decent, comlie, or beseeming decease, a departing, or giuing place too. decide, to determine, or make an end of. decipher, describe, or open the meaning, or to count. decision, cutting away. declamation, an oration of a matter feyned. decline, fall away, or swarue from, decoction, liquor, wherein things are sod for phisicke. decorum, comlines decrepite, very old dedicate, to giue for euer. deduct, of hard English words. deduct, take or drawe out, abate, or dimi- nish. (fr) deface, blot out, staine, bring out of fa- shion defame, to slaunder, or speake ill of defect, want, fayling (fr) defie, distrust. define, to shew clearely what a thing is. deflower, dishonest, rauish, or disgrace deformed, ill shapen, ill fauored (fr) defraude, deceiue, beguile (fr) defraye, lay out, pay, discharge degenerate, be vnlike his auncestours: to grow out of kind. dehort, mone or perswade from, to aduise to the contrarie. deitie, Godhead deifie, make like God delectation, delight, or pleasure delegate, an imbassadour, or one appoin- ted in anothers place. deliberate, to take good counsell delineate, to drawe the proportion of any thing. delicate, daintie, giuen to pleasure delude, deceiue, or laugh to scorne. (fr) deluge, great floode, or ouer flowing of D. waters: An Alphabeticall table waters. delusion, mockerie, a deceitfull thing demaund, request, aske demerite, deseruing, worthines democracie, (g) a common-wealth gouer- ned by the people. demonstrate, shew plainely, or openly, to point out or manifest. demenour, behauiour (fr) demurre, to stay, to linger, or vse delaies denison, free borne denounce, declare, or giue warning of, or proclaime denomination, a naming depend,
hang dependance, vpon. deplore, to lament or bewaile deplume, to pull of the feathers deportation, carrying away depopulate, spoile, or wast depose, put away, depriue, or put downe. depraue, marre or corrupt, or make worse. deprecation, supplication, or requiring of pardon depresse, to keepe downe depriue, see depose depute, account, or esteeme deride, of hard English words. deride, mock, or laugh to scorne. derision, mocking deriue, fetch from deriuation, taking away from some other matter. derogate, to take away, or to diminish (fr) desastrous, vnluckie, vnfortunate descend, goe downe. describe, to write foorth, to copie out, or to declare (fr) deseigne,
an appoynting how any (fr) deseignment, thing shall be done. desert, wildernesse. desertion, a leauing, or forsaking designe, to marke out, or appoint for any purpose: desist, leaue off, or stay desolate, left alone, or forsaken desperate, without hope, or past hope, detect, bewray, disclose, accuse destinated, appointed, destitute, forsaken detest, hate greatly, or abhorre deteined, withholden, or kept back, determine, resolue, conclude detract, take from, or backbite detriment, losse or hurt D2 detrude, An Alphabeticall table detrude, thrust out, or from deuote, to giue vnto, or appoint vnto deuotion, holinesse. (fr) deuoyre, dutie dexteritie, aptnes, nimblenes diabolicall, (g) deuillish. diademe, (g) a Kings crowne: diapason, (g) a concorde in musick of all parts diet, manner of foode dialect, the manner of speech in any lan- guage, diuers from others. dialogue (g) conference, or talking toge- ther. diameter, (g) a line, crossing the midst of a- ny circle or figure didacticall, (g) full of doctrine or instructi- on. diffamation, a slaundering, or speaking ill of: different, vnlikely, disagreeing, difficill,
hard, vneasie, difficult, dangerous diffident, mistrustfull diffude, poure out digest, bring into order, to deuide, & distri- bute things into their right place. dignity, (* sic *) of hard English words. dignitie, worthinesse digresse, turne from, goe away digression, departing from the matter in hand dilacerate, to rent in sunder: dilate, enlarge, spread abroade, or to dis- course vpon largely dilemma, (g) a forked kinde of argument, which on either side entrappeth. dimension, measuring diminution, lessening diocesse, (g) iurisdiction diocesan, that hath iurisdiction direct, guide, or rule: right, straight, also to order. disable, make vnable, or finde fault with. disabilitie, vnablenes (fr) disaduantageous, hindering much disanull, make voyde, or bring to nothing. (fr) disburse, lay out money discent, comming downe from another discerne, know, put one from another, or put difference discide, cut off, or in peeces discipline, instruction, or training vp. disciple, scholler, discipher, to lay open, or make plaine D3 dis- An Alphabeticall table disclose, discouer, vtter, or manifest. (fr) discomfiting, putting to flight discord, disagreement, variance discretion, wise choise of one from another discusse, examine, debate, or search nar- rowly into: disfigure, bring out of shape, (fr) disfranchis, take away freedome: disioyne, vnioyne, or seperate disiunction, a deuiding, or separating, (fr) disfranchised, depriued of libertie. disgrade, to discharge of his orders, or de- grees. (fr) disguised, counterfeited, seeming that it is not: dislocation, setting out of right place, (fr) disloyall, one whom it is not good to trust, vntrustie, trayterous. dismember, to pull and part one peece from another. dismisse, let passe, or send away disparagement, hurt, hinderance, or dis- grace: dispence, to giue licence vnto disperse, scatter, or spread abroade. dispeople, to vnpeople a place displant, to pull vp by the rootes, trees planted. of hard English words. planted. display, spread abroade dispose, to set in order, to appoint. disposition, naturall inclination, or setting in order. dispoyle, take away by violence, or rob disputable, questionable, or doubtfull, that may be reasoned of: dissent, disagree, to be of a contrarie opini- on. dissimilitude, vnlikenes dissimulation, dissembling dissipation, scattering abroade dissolue, vnloose, or melte dissoluble, easie to vnloose dissolute, carelesse, rechlesse dissolution, breaking, vnloosing. dissonant, disagreeing distance, space betweene distended, stretched out, or out of ioynt. distinguish, put difference, deuide, or point out from others. distillation,
dropping downe by distilling, little and little. distinct, differing, or deuided distinction, a difference, or seperation distracted, drawne into diuerse parts distribute, An Alphabeticall table distribute, deuide in sunder, or to giue in sundrie parts. distribution, diuision, or laying out by parts. disturbe, disquiet, let, or interrupt disswade, to perswade to the contrarie dittie, the matter of a song. diuert, turne from, to another diuine, Heauenly godly, also to gesse, con- iecture, or prophesie. diuinitie, heauenly, doctrine, also god- head. diuision, parting, or seperating diurnall, a daily mouing divulgate, publish, or make common docilitie, easie to be taught doctrine, learning, or instruction dolor, griefe, sorrow, or paine dolorous, grieuous, or sorrowfull (fr) domage, losse, harme, or hinderance domesticall, at home, belonging to hous- hold: priuate dominere, rule, beare sway domicilles, houses dominion,
rule, lordship or domination, maistership. donatiue, a gift, in money or other things dulcimur, of hard English words. dulcimur,
(k) instru- dulcimar, ment. duarchy, the equall raigne of two princes together. driblets, small debts dulcifie, sweeten dulcor, sweetnesse durable, long lasting, or of long continu- ance. E Ebullient, seething ebulliated, boyled eclipse, (* sic - "clipse" *) (g) failing of the light of the sunne or moone eccho, a sound, resounding back againe ecclesiasticall, (g) belonging to the church eden, pleasure, or delight edict, a commaundement from authoritie, a proclamation. edifice, building edifie, instruct, or build vp in know- ledge. edition, putting foorth, setting abroade education, bringing vp effect, a thing done, or to bring to passe effectuall, An Alphabeticall table effectuall, forcible effeminate, womannish, delicate, wan- ton. efficacie, force, or strength efficient, working, or accomplishing effusion, powring, or running foorth eglogue, (g) a talking together egresse, foorthgoing, or passage out eiection, a casting foorth elaborate, done curiously, and dilligently. election, choise elect, chosen, or picked out elegancie, finesse of speeeh (* sic *) element, the first principle or beginning of anything. elench, (g) a subtill argument eleuate, lift vp, or heaue vp elocution, good vtterance of speech. emerods, (k) of disease (fr) embark,
to ship a thing, or imbark, load a ship. emblem, (g) a picture shadowing out some thing to be learned. eminent, appearing, higher, or further out, excelling. emmot, pismire emphasis, (g) a forcible expressing (fr) empire, of hard English words. (fr) empire, gouernement: or kingdome emulation, enuie, or imitate enarration, declaration, expounding enigmaticall, (g) full of hard questions, ob- scure. (fr) enchaunt, bewitch encounter, set against, or to meete (fr) encrochment, when the Lord hath got- ten seisen of more rent, or seruices of his tenant then of right is due. (fr) endosse, cut on the back, or write on the back. enduce, moue enimitie,
displeasure, or enmitie, hatred. enflame, burne, or set on fire. (fr) enfranchise, make free (fr) engrate, presse vpon (fr) enhaunce, to lift vp, or make greater: (fr) enlarge, make bigger, set at libertie (fr) enoble, make noble, or famous enormious, out of square, vnorderly (fr) ensigne, flagge for war (fr) enterlace, to put betweene, intermingle: (fr) enterprise, beginne, take in hand (fr) enterre, lay in the earth (fr) entrals, inward parts, as hart, liuer, &c. (fr) enuiron, An Alphabeticall table (fr) enuiron, to enclose, or compasse about. epha, kind of measure epicure, giuen to pleasure. epigram, (g) a sentence, written vpon any for praise, or dispraise epilogue, (g) conclusion epilepsis, (g) the falling sicknes episcopall, (g) bishoplike. epiphanie, (g) appearing epitaph, (g) the writing on a tombe or graue. epithite, (g) a name or title giuen to any thing. epitome, (g) the briefe copie of a booke, &c. epitomise, (g) to make an epitome, or to bring a booke into a lesser volume. equalize, match, or make equall equinoctium, when the dayes and nights are equall. (fr) equipage, furniture equitie, right, lawfulnes erect, set vp, or lift vp equiualent, of equall valew. ermite, (g) one dwelling in the wildernes. erronious, full or errour, and wandring out of the right way. (fr) essay, tryall what one can say, or doe in any of hard English words any matter. (fr) escheat, forfaite (fr) eschew, shunning, auoyde, escape (fr) espoused, promised in marriage essence, substance, or being of any thing (fr) essoine, excused for any cause (fr) establish, confirme, make strong estimate, esteeme, value, or prise, thinke or iudge. eternall, euerlasting, without end ethnick, (g) an heathen, or gentile etymologie, (g) true expounding euacuated, made voyde, cleane taken a- way: or emptied. euangell, (g) the gospell: or glad tidings euangelist, (g) bringer of glad tidings euaporate, to breath out euent, chaunce, or that which followeth any thing. euict, ouercome by law eucharist, (g) a thanksgiuing, the Lords supper. eunuch, (g) gelded, wanting stones euert, turne vpside downe euident, easie to be seene, plaine euocation, calling forth exact, perfectly done, or to require with extremitie. An Alphabeticall table extremitie. exaggerate, heape vpon, amplifie to make a thing more then it is exaltation, lifting vp exasperate, whet on, to vex, or make more angrie excauate, make hollow exccate, to make blind excessiue, too much, more then enough (fr) excheaquer, office of receits exclaime, bray, or crie out exclude, thrust, or shut out, or keepe out excogitate, to muse, or deuise exactly. excommunicate, to thrust out of company, or fellowship excrement, dung, offal, refuse, or dregs. excruciat, to vex, or torment excursion, a skirmidsh in warres, of some few running from their companie execrable, cursed execute, performe, or exercise some charge exempt, free, priuiledged. exemplifie, enlarge, or declare by ex- amples exhalation, of hard English words. exhalation, a breath, or fume rising vp- ward exhaust, drawne out, or emptied exhibite, put vp or bestow: to offer, or set abroade for all men to see exiccate, to drie vp exile, banish, driue out exorable, easie, to be intreated exorbitant, out of order, measure or place. exorcist, (g) coniurer (fr) exorde, beginne exordium, a beginning, or entrance expect, looke for expedient, fit, meete or beseeming expedition, hast, speede expell, put out, or thrust out expend, consider, or muse vpon expence, cost, or money layd out experiment, a proofe, or triall expert, skilfull expiation, pacifying with satisfaction, pur- ging by sacrifice expire, to die, or giue vp the ghost to de- cay. explane, to make manifest, or delcare explicate, declare plainely (fr) exploit, enterprise, act, deede expose, An Alphabeticall table expose, to offer, or lay open, to hazard, expostulate, to reason, or chide with, to complaine: expresly, fitly, manifestly exprobration, vpbreyding, casting in ones teeth. expugnable, to be wonne, or ouercome. expulse, driue out, or thrust out exquisite, perfect, fine, singuler, curious. extant, appearing, abroad, shewing it selfe. extasie, a traunce, or sowning. extemporall,
suddaine, without extempore, premeditation, or extemporarie, studie. extende, spread foorth, prolong, or make longer, to inlarge. extenuate, lessen, minish, or make lesse. externall, outward, strange extinguish, put out, or quench extinct, put out extirpate, to pull vp by the rootes extoll, aduaunce, or praise highly, to lift vp extort, to wring out, to wrest from by vio- lence. extract, drawne out extrauagant, wandring out of order. exulcerate, to make sore, to corrupt. Fabricate, of hard English words. F Fabricate, make, fashion. fabulous, fained, counterfeited, much talked of fact, deede facilitie, easines faction, deuision of people into sundry parts and opinions factious, that maketh deuision, cententi- ious. factor, one that doth busines for another facultie, licence, power, aptnes fallacie, deceit, falshood falsifie, to forge, or counterfait fame, report, common talke, credite fantacie, imagination (fr) fantastique, conceited, full of deuises (fr) farce, to fill, or stuffe falcinate, to bewitch, or disfigure by in- chauntment. fastidiousnes, lothsomnesse, or disdainfull- nesse (fr) faschious, grieuous, or inducing to an- ger. fatall, mortall, appointed by God to come E. to An Alphabeticall table to passe. (fr) fealtie, faithfulnes fecunditie, fruitfulnesse felicitie, happinesse (fr) female,
the she in mankind, or other feminine, creatures. fermentated, leauened feruide, hote, scalding, burning festination, hast, speede festiuitie, mirth, pleasantnes festiuall, merrie, pertaining to holy daies feruent, hote, chafed, verie angrie fertile, fruitfull, yeelding much fruit feuer, ague fiction, a lie, or tale fained fidelitie, faithfulnes, trustines figurate, to shadowe, or represent, or to counterfaite figuratiue, by figures finall, pertaining to the end finite, hauing an end, and certaine limits. firme, sure, stedfast, strong, constant fixed, fastned, sure, fast (fr) flagon, great wine cup, or bottell flagrant, burning, hot flexible, easilie bent, pliant, or mutable (fr) flote, swime aloft fluxible, of hard English words. fluxible, thin, and running easily downe like water. (fr) floscles, flowers fluxe, disease of scouring (fr) feeble, weake, lacking strength fomentation, an asswaging, or comforting by warmth. foraine, strange, of another country formall, following the common fashion foraminated, holed, or bored formidable, fearefull, to be feared fornication, vncleannes betweene single persones. fortification, strengthning fortitude, valiantnes, or couragiousnes, strength fortunate, happie, hauing good sucesse fragilitie, brittlenes, or weakenes fragments, reliques, broken meates, peeces broken of. fragrant, sweetly smelling (fr) franck, liberall, bountiful fraternitie, brotherhood (fr) franchise, libertie, freedome fraudulent, deceitfull, craftie, or ful of guile. frequent, often, done many times: ordina- rie, much haunted, or goe too. E2 frigifie, An Alphabeticall table frigifie, coole, make cold friuolous, vaine, trifeling, of no estimation. frontlet, (k) attire for the fore-head fructifie, to make fruitfull, or bring foorth much fruit. frugall, thriftie, temperate in expences fruition, inioying, possession frustrate, make voyde, deceiue fugitiue, runnagate, or starting away fulgent, glistering, or shining fuluide, yellowe fume, to yeeld smoke function, calling, or charge, or trade, and place wherein a man liueth. funerall, buriall, mourning: pertaining to a buriall, or mourning. furbush, to dresse or scoure, or make cleane (fr) furniture, all things necessary to vse furious, raging, or mad future, that which shall be heereafter (* switch to hl=G without notice *) (fr) garboile, hurlie burly gardian, a keeper, or defendor gargarise, to wash the mouth, and throate within, by stirring some liquor vp and downe in the mouth, garnar,
corne, or corne granar, chamber. (fr) garnish, of hard English words. (fr) garnish, trime, decke vp, make fine. gem, a precious stone (fr) gaie, fine, trim gentilitie,
gentrie, nobilitie, generositie, gentlemanship. genesis, (g) beginning gentile, a heathen generation, ofspring genealogie, (g) generation, or a describing of the stock or pedegree. genitalles, priuities genuine, peculiar, or naturall genius, the angell that waits on man, be it a good or euill angell genitor, father geographie, (g) the describing of the earth. geometrie, (g) art of measuring the earth. geomancie, (g) sorcerie by circkles, and pricks in the earth germane, come of the same stock gests, things done, or noble acts of princes gibbocitie, crookednes gire, grin, or laugh giues, fetters glee, mirth, gladnes gospell, glad tidings globe, any thing, very round. E3 glorifie, An Alphabeticall table glorifie, to giue honour, praise, and com- mendation to any body. glosse, a tongue, or exposition of a darke speech. gloze, dissemble (fr) gourmandise, deuouring, gluttony glutinate, to glue, or ioyne together gnible, bite gnomen, (g) the stile, or cock of a diall gradation, steps, by little and little. graduate, that hath taken a degree gratifie, to pleasure, or doo a good turne in way of thankfulnes gratis, freely, without desert gratitude, thankfulnes gratulate, to be glad for anothers sake, graue, waightie, sober, sage, discreete grease, fat (fr) guerdon, a reward: (fr) guidance, gouerning, or direction (fr) guise, fashion, shape, custome, gulfe, deepe poole, or pit gustation, taste H HAbilitie,
ablenes, or of abilitie, sufficiencie. habi- of hard English words. habitable, able to dwell in habitacle,
a dwelling habitation, place: habite, apparell, fashion, custome habitude, disposition, plight, respect (fr) hale, pull, draw, lift vp halaluiah, praise the Lord hallucinate, to deceiue, or blind harmonie (g) agreement of diuers sounds in musicke. (fr) hautie, loftie, proude (fr) hazard, venture, chaunce: (fr) herault, kings messenger heathen, see Gentile hebrew, from Hebers stock hecticke, (g) inflaming the hart, and soun- dest parts of the bodie hemisphere, (g) halfe of the compasse of hea- uen, that we see. helmet, head peece, hereditarie, comming by inheritance, or suc- cession. heritage, inheritance, possession herbinger, sent before to prepare hereticall,
(g) one that maintaineth he- hereticke, (g) resies. hermite, see ermite heroi- An Alphabeticall table heroicall, (g) beseeming a noble man, or magnificent: (fr) hideous, fearefull, terrible hierarchie, (g) the gouernment of priests, or holy gouernance: hymne, (g) kinde of song to the prayse of GOD. hipocrite, (g) such a one as in his outward apparrell, countenaunce, & behauiour, pretendeth to be another man, then he is indeede, or a decieuer. historicall, (g) pertaining to historie (fr) homage, worship, or seruice. (fr) homicide, a man killer, or the killing of a man: hononimie, (g) when diuers things are sig- nified by one word horror, fearefull sorrow, feare, terror. horizon, (g) a circle, deuiding the halfe of the firmament, from the other halfe which we see not. hosanna, saue now: hospitality, good entertainement for friends and strangers. (fr) hostage, pledge hostilitie, hatred, or enmitie, or open wars. huckster, marchant, or trade humane, (***********************************************************************) (* CAWDREY3.TXT *) (* The third file of four in the Cawdrey Dictionary. *) (* R. Siemens. *) (***********************************************************************) of hard English words humane, belonging to man, gentle, curte- ous, bounteous. humide, wet, humiditie, moysture hush,
peace, or be husht, still. hyperbolicall, (g) beyond all credite, or likelihoode of truth. I Idiome, (g) a proper forme or speech: idiot, (g) vnlearned, a foole Iehoua, Lord almighty ientation, breakefast ieoperdie, danger Iesus, Sauiour. ignoble, of low and base birth ignominie, reproch, discredite, slaunder. illegitemate, vnlawfully begotten, and borne. illiquinated, vnmelted illiterate, vnlearned, without knowledge. illustrate, to make plaine, to declare illuminate, to inlighten, or make plaine illusion, mockerie, iesting, or scoffing imbecilitie, weakenes, feeblenes imbarge, An Alphabeticall table imbarge,
see em- imbarke, barke imitation, following, dooing the like: immaculate, vnspotted, vndefiled immanitie, beastlie, crueltie, or hugenesse and greatnes immature, vnripe, or out of season: immediate, next to, not hauing any other betwixt imminent, at hand, ready to come vpon immoderate, without measure, exceeding great, or excessiue immortall, euerlasting, that dieth not immunitie, freedome from any thing, or libertie: immure, to shut vp, or inclose within wals immutable, constant, still the same, vn- changable: (fr) impart, to make partaker of, to tell to impacience, lacke of sufferance (fr) impaire, diminish, lessen (fr) impeach, accuse, hurt, or hinder impediment, let, or hinderance impenetrable, that cannot be pierced, or entred into: impenitent, vnrepentant: imperated, commaunded, or ruled ouer imperi- of hard English words. imperious, desiring to rule, full of com- maunding, stately imperfection, vnperfectnes imperiall, belonging to the crowne impertinent, not pertaining to the matter. impetrate, obtaine by request impetuous, violent impietie, vngodlines, crueltie implacable, that cannot be pleased or paci- fied. implement, stuffe: imply, to signifie, or make manifest imploy, bestow, spend implore, to desire with teares, implume, to pull off the feathers impose, lay vpon, or put on importance, of value, force, or worth: (fr) impost, tribute imposture, falshood, deceit, impotent, weake, feeble, importune, to be earnest with importunate, requiring earnestly, without beeing satis-fied, till the request be obtey- ned. imprecation, cursing, or wishing euill vn- to. (fr) impregnable, vnuanquished, not able to be An Alphabeticall table be ouercome, strong. impression, printing, marking, or stam- ping: improper, vnfit, vnseemely, common impropriation, a thing accounted poper, (* sic *) which is not indeede improbable, that cannot be prooued. improuident, carelesse, not foreseeing, or taking heede before hand. imprudent, ignorant, rash, carelesse: impudent, shamelesse, impugne, resist: impunitie, lack, or omission of punishment impuritie, filthines, vncleannesse, dishone- stie. impute, reckon, or assigne, blame, or to lay to ones charge inabilitie, want of power or abilitie. inamored, in loue with. inaugurate, to aske counsell of soothsayers. incarnate, taking flesh vpon him, or to bring flesh vpon. incense, kind of offering made by fire incend, kindle, burne, vexe, or chafe, to in- cense, to stirre vp, or to set on fire, or to anger. incessantlie, earnestlie, without ceasing incest, of hard English words. incest, vnlawfull copulation of man and woman within the degrees of kindred, or alliance, forbidden by gods law, whether it be in marriage or otherwise. inchaunt, bewitch, or charme incident, happening, or chauncing incision, cutting, in searching of a wound incitate, to moue, or prouoke incline, leane vnto, or towards include, to shut in, or containe within incommodious, hurtfull, vnfit incommunicable, that cannot bee imparted to any other, or proper to one person, and none other. incomperable, that hath not his like incompatible, insufferable incomprehensible, that cannot be concei- ued, or vnderstood incongruencie, want of agreement inconsiderate, rash, not taking counsaile incontinent, liuing loosely, or vnchastly incontinently, presently, disorderly, or with- out moderation. incredible, marueilous, such as cannot be beleeued. incorporate, to graft one thing into the bo- die of another, to make one bodie or sub- stance An Alphabeticall table stance of two or moe, to mixe or put to- gether. incorruptible, vncorruptible, vnperishable, or not subiect to corruption incredulous, hardly brought to beleeue inculcate, to vrge, or repeate one thing of- ten: inculpable, without fault, blamelesse, incurable, past cure, a wound that cannot be healed: incur, runne into indecent, not comly, or beseeming, indeere, make bound to one, indefinite, without rule, or order, not de- termined: indemnitie, without losse indignitie, vnworthinesse, vnseemly vsage, infamie, or disgrace indignation, anger, chasing, indissoluble, that cannot be vnloosed or vn- doone: (fr) indite, to signifie, or giue in ones name. induce, to moue vnto, or allure, or draw: indulgence, sufferance, too gentle intrea- ting. induction, bringing in indurate, harden. industrie, of hard English words. industrie, diligence or labour ineffable, vnspeakable, that cannot be vttered inequalitie, vnlikenes inestimable, that cannot be valued, or ac- counted of as it deserueth. ineuitable, that cannot be auoyded. inexorable, that cannot, or will not be in- treated to graunt infallible, vndeceiueable, vnguilefull, tru- stie. infamous, ill reported of, or defamed infatuate, to make foolish. infection, corrupting infernall, belonging to hell, inferre, bring in, to alleage, or signifie infidelitie, vnfaithfulnes: infinite, without number, or end infirmitie, weakenes: inflamation, inflaming, or setting on fire inflexible, that cannot be bended, vnruly. inflict, to lay vpon influence, a flowing in. informe, giue notice to teach, to beginne to instruct. infringe, to breake, to make weake, or fee- ble. infuse, to poure in, or steepe in, (fr) ingage, An Alphabeticall table (fr) ingage, lay to pledge, binde himselfe ingratitude, vnkindness, or vnthankfulnes ingenious, wittie, quicke witted ingine,
an instrument to doo any thing engine, with. (fr) ingraue, carue ingresse,
enterance ingredience, in. ingurgitate, to deuoure vp greedily inhabite, dwell in inhabitable, that cannot be dwelt in inherent, cleauing fast vnto, inhibit, forbid. inhibition, forbidding. inhumane, cruell, vncurteous. iniunction, commaunding, rule or order. initiate, to begin, instruct, or enter into iniurious, wrongfull, or hurtfull, innauigable, that cannot be sailed vpon innouate, make newe, young, begin. innouation, making new, an alteration. inoculated, grafted, or vnholed. inordinate, out of order, disordered, inquinate, to defile, or disgrace inquisitiue, desirous, and diligent to finde out by asking of questions. inquisition, searching, or inquiring. insatiable, of hard English words. insatiable, that cannot bee filled or conten- ted. incend, clime vp, or mount vp inscription, a title, or note written vppon any place. inscrutable, that cannot be searched into, or throughly knowne. insensible, that cannot be felt or perceiued. inseperable, that cannot be deuided. insert, to put in, or graft in. insinuate, creepe into ones fauour craftilie, also to signifie. insist, to stay vpon: insociable, that will not keepe company. insolent, proude, disdainefull, insperge, sprinkle, or cast vpon inspire, breath or blow into instable, inconstant, not steddie. (fr) install, admit to a place of office, or ho- nour. instant, earnest, importunate, instauration, repairing, renewing. instigation, prouoking, or mouing forward. instill, to put in, or drop in. instinct, inward motion, or stirring. institute, appoint, ordaine, begin, or go in hand with. F. insult, An Alphabeticall table insulte, to triumphe, or vaunt ouer. insupportable, not able to be borne integritie, purenes, innocencie intelligence, knowledge from others intemperate, without measure or meane, vnmodest in behauiour intende, to purpose, or think intentiue, earnestly bent, and musing intercession, going betweene, or making intreatie for another, intercept, preuent, or take before interchange, exchang intercourse, mutuall accesse, or passage one to another interdict, to forbid straitly (fr) interest, loane, right, also a part in any thing interlace, mixe interline, draw a line betwixt, or to blot out with a penne, and to write be- twixt interlocution, interrupting of anothers speech intermedle, deale with intermingle, mixe, or mingle with, or a- mongst intermission, forestowing, a pawsing, or of hard English words. or breaking of interpellate, disturbed, hindered interpreter, expounder interprete, open, make plaine, to shewe the sence and meaning of a thing interre, to burie interrogation, a question, or asking interrupt, breake of, or let (fr) intire, whole, sound, vncorrupt intestate, that dieth without making a will intimate, to declare or signifie intised, drawne, allured (fr) intituled, called, noted, written on the beginning intractable, vnrulie, troublesome intricate, inwrapped, doubtfull, hard to be knowne. introduction, entrance, or leading in intrude, to thrust ones selfe into the com- pany of others, or enter in violently inuade, to set vpon, to lay hold on inueigle, intice, or deceiue by subtiltie, to intrape. inueighe, to raile vppon bitterly (fr) inuentory, table of goods inuention, deuise, or imagination (fr) inueloped, wrapped in, intangled F2 inuersion, An Alphabeticall table inuersion, turning vpside downe, turning contrariwise. (fr) inuest, to adorne, or decke, or grace. inueterate, of long continuance, growne in custome: inuincible, not to be wonne inuisible, that cannot be seene or perceiued: inuiolable, that cannot be broken inuite, bid, request invndation, an ouerflowing by water, invocation, a calling vpon any thing with trust in the same irchin, a hedgehog. ironie, (g) a mocking speech irreligious, vngodly, wanting religion irreprehensible, without reproofe irreuocable, not to be recalled, or not to bee withdrawne irritate, to make angry irruption, breaking in (fr) issue, euent, or successe, or end: iterate, to repeat, or do a thing often, or a- gaine: iubilee, yeere of ioy, which happened to the Iewes euery fiftie yeere. iudaisme, worshipping one God without Christ iudici- of hard English words. iudiciall, belonging to iudgement iurisdiction, authoritie, to make, or execute lawes in any place. iustifie, approoue, or make to be accounted good and iust iustified made or accounted for righteous, cleane from sinne. (* switch to hl=L without notice *) laborinth, a place so full of windings and turnings, that a man cannot finde the way out of it: laborious, painfull, full of labour (fr) language, a tongue, or speech: languishing, pining, consuming, wearing away with griefe or sicknes lapidarie, one skilfull in pretious stones or iewells (fr) largesse, or largis: liberalitie lasciuious, wanton, lecherous lassitude, wearines latitude, breadth, largnes lauacre, a bath or font lauish, to spend extraordinarily laud, praise, or commendation laudable, worthie of praise laxatiue, loose, purging (fr) league, agreement, or couenant of peace. leake, runne out. F3 lecherie, An Alphabeticall table lecherie, vnchastnesse, luxurie, and vnlaw- full lust (fr) leete, court (fr) legacie, a gift by will, or an ambassage legate, ambassadour (fr) legeiredemaine, lighthandednes, craftie flights, and conueiance legion, host, or band of souldiers legitimate, lawfull, according to lawe, and good order lenitie, gentlenes, mildnes lethall, mortall, deadly lethargie, (g) (k) a drowsie and forgetfull disease. leuell, right, straight leuitie, lightnes, inconstancie libertine, loose in religion, one that thinks he may doe what he listeth libell, a writing, or booke librarie, a studie, a great number of bookes licentious, taking libertie to doe euill ligate, bound, tyed ligament, the string tying the bones toge- ther (fr) linage, stocke, kindred limitation, appointment, how farre any thing shall goe, restraining: limber, of hard English words. limber, britle limit, bounds, border, or land marke, al- so to set such bounds. &c. liniament, a forme, or proportion by lines, that are drawne lingell, shoemakers threed linguist, skilfull in tongues linguish, to leaue or forsake lint, cloth liquide, moist, melted: literature, learning litigious, quarrelous, full of strife (fr) lieuetenant, deputie in anothers place lithernesse, slouthfulnes, idlenes loame, earth, or morter logicall, (g) belonging to reason longitude, length lore, lawe (fr) lotarie, casting of lots. (fr) lourdin, rude, clownish (fr) loyall, obedient, trustie, constant lumber, old stuffe lunatick, wanting his wits, at a certaine time of the age of the moone lumpish, sad or sower countenance. lustre, glistering, shinning luxurious, riotous, and excessiue in plea- sure, An Alphabeticall table sure, and wantonnesse. M MAcerate, to steepe in water, or make cleane madefie, dip, make wet maffle, stammer, or stut magicke, inchaunting, coniuring magistrate, gouernour magitian, (g) one vsing witchcraft magnanimitie, valientnes, courage magnificence, sumptuousnes magnifie, to extoll, or praise highly magnitude, greatnes (fr) mayre, leane maiestie, the stately port and honourable renowne of any (fr) maladie, disease (fr) malecontent, discontented malediction, slaundring, ill report, or backbiting, or cursing malefactor, an euill doer malepert, saucy, proud, snappish (fr) maligne, to hate, with purpose to hurt (fr) malignitie, naughtines, malice malitious, hating, or enuying manchet, of hard English words. manchet, fine white breade mandate, a charge, or commaundement (fr) maniacque, mad: braine sick manicle, a fetter, for to bind the hands manifest, opened, declared or reuealed manuring, dung, tilling (fr) mannage, handle mansion, an abiding place manuall, done with the hand manumisse, to set free, or at libertie maranatha, (g) accursed (fr) marche, goe in aray, or goe forward margent, edge, or brim of any thing (fr) marte, a faire (fr) massacre, kill, put to death martiall, warlike, or valiant, or taking paines and delight in warres martyre, (g) witnes, one suffering death for the faith of Christ materiall, of some matter, or importance. matrixe, wombe matron, an auncient, sober, and a discrete woman. mature, ripe, perfect, speedy (fr) maugre, despight, against ones will maxime, a principle, or sure ground in any matter mechaniall, (* sic *) An Alphabeticall table mechanicall,
(g) handie mechanick, craft. mediatour, aduocate, or surety, or one making peace betwixt two medicine, remedie, or cure mediocritie, a measure, a meane meditate, muse vpon, bethinke meditation, the earnest minding or think- ing vpon a thing melancholie, (g) black choler, a humor of solitarines, or sadnes mellifluous, sweete as hony, yielding much hony. melody, (g) sweete sounding, or sweete musick memorable, worthie to be remembred (fr) menace, to threaten menstruous, defiled, or foule. mentall, belonging to the minde mercenary, seruing for wages, and hire- ling. meridian, pertaining to noone tide meritorious, that deserueth, or set for ad- vauntage. metamorphosis, (g) a changing of one shape, or likenes into another metaphor, (g) similitude, or the putting ouer of hard English words. ouer of a word from his proper and na- turall signification, to a foraine or vn- proper signification. meteors, (g) elementarie bodies, or moyst things, ingendered of vapours in the ayre aboue. method, (g) an order, or readie way to teach, or doo any thing methodized, (g) brought into order metropolitaine, (g) of the cheife citty. microcosme, (g) a little world militant, warring, or beeing in warres. (fr) miguionise, play the wanton: ministration, ministring, or seruice, or charge to doo a thing: minoritie, a mans time vnder age minutly, smally: miraculous, meruailous, or wonderfull: (fr) mirrour, a looking-glasse miscreants, infidels, mis-beleeuers: misprission, concealement of a mans owne knowledge. misknow, to mistake purposely, to be igno- rant of. mitigate, asswage, qualifie, or pacifie mixation,
mingling, or tempering mixture, together. mobilitie An Alphabeticall table mobilitie, moouing or stirring. modell, measure, moderate, temperate, or keeping a meane, moderation, keeping due order and pro- portion: (fr) moderne, of our time modest sober, demure (fr) moitie, halfe. molestation, troubling mollifie, make soft momentanie, that which lasteth but a while: moment, weight, or importance, also a short time monarch, (g) one ruling all the kingdoms about him monarchie, (g) the rule of one prince a- lone: monasterie, (g) colledge of monks monopolie, (g) a licence that none shall buy and sell a thing, but one alone. monument, a remembrance of some nota- ble act, as Tombs moosell, to fetter (fr) moote, argue, or dispute a case in law moralitie, ciuill behauiour. morall- of hard English words. morall, pertaining to manners, behauior, and life, among men (fr) morage, lay to pawne morigerous, well mannered mortall, that endeth ere hauing an end, and dying deadly: mortifie, kill, or make dead, and sence- lesse. mortuarie, dutie paid for the dead, motiue, cause moouing, or the thing, and reason, that mooueth to doe any thing. (fr) mouldre, make small, turne to dust mulct, a fine, penaltie, or punish- ment: multiplicitie, varietie, or diuersitie of sorts. mundifie, to make cleane: munition, defence, supportation, or strength, and plentie of weapons, to resist in warre. municipall, priuately belonging to a free- man, or burgesse of a cittie. muses, (g) goddesses of learning. (fr) mustaches, the hayre of the vpper lippe. mutable, changeable, wauering. mutation, An Alphabeticall table mutation, change. muthologie, (g) expounding of the tales of the Poets. mutilate, wanting some part, maimed mutuall, one for another myrrhe, (g) sweet gumme mysterie, (g) a secret, or hid thing: mysticall, (g) that hath a misterie in it. N NArration, declaration, or report. nationall, belonging, or consisting of a nation, or kingdome. natiue, where one was borne, or naturall. natiuitie, birth, or the day of birth nauigable, where ships may safely passe, or that may be sailed vpon. nauigation, sayling, or passing by water necromancie, (g) blacke art, or coniuring, by calling vpon spirits. nectar, a pleasant drinke, which is feyned to be the drinke of the gods. negatiue, that denieth negotiation, trafficke, or busines neotericke, (g) one of late time (fr) nevewe, a sonne or daughters sonne nerue, of hard English words. nerue, sinewe (fr) nete, fine neutrall,
of neither neuter, side: (fr) nice, slow, laysie nicholaitan, (g) an heretike, like Nicholas, who helde that wiues should bee com- mon to all alike. nominate, to name, or appoint (fr) nonage, a childs time, vnder age nonresidence, vnnecessary and wifull ab- sence, of any one from his place or charge: (fr) nonsuite, not following, or the ending and giuing ouer of a suite notable, worthy, meete to be regarded and esteemed: notarie, Scriuener, or register notifie, to make knowne, or to giue war- ning of. notion, inwarde knowledge, or vnder- standing: notorious, knowne to all, or made plaine and manifest. noyance, hurt. noysome, hurtfull, nullitie, nothing numera- An Alphabeticall table. numeration, numbring nuncupatory, telling, or declaring any thing. nuptiall, belonging to marriage nutriment, nourishment O Obdurate, harden, or to make more hard (fr) obeisance, obedience obiect, laide, or set against, or that where- on any thing resteth, or that where any thing is occupied, or set a worke. oblation, offering oblectation, recreation, delight obliged, bound, or beholden oblique, crooked, ouerthwart obliuious, forfetfull (* sic *) obloquie, euill report obnoxious, faultie, subiect to danger obnubilate, to make darke. obscne, bawdie, filthy, ribauldrie obscure, darke, or cloudie obsequious, seruiceable, readie at hand obseruant, dutifull, full of diligent ser- uice. obsession, besieging, or compassing about obsolete, of hard English words obsolete, olde, past date, growne out of vse or custome. obstacle, hinderance or let obstinate, froward, stubberne, or stiffe in his owne opinion obstruction, stopping, repressing obtestate, humble, to beseech, or to call to witnesse: obtrectation, slaunder, euill report. obtuse, dull or blunt: occidental, belonging to the west occluding, shutting fast: (fr) occurrences, occasions, things that offer themselues by the way: ocean (g) the maine sea odious, hateful, disdainfull odor, smell, sent, or sauour: odoriferous, sweet smelling oeconomicke, (g) things that pertaine to houshold affaires offensiue, giuing offence, offering wrong, or displeasing officiall, belonging to an office, officious, dutifull, dilligent, very readie or willing to please. oligarchie, (g) a Common-wealth, where two Princes equall haue all the autho- G. ritie. An Alphabeticall table ritie. oliuet, place of Oliues: (fr) ombrage, shade, harbor, or bower to rest vnder. ominous, that signifieth some good, or ill lucke: omit, let passe, ouerslip. omnipotent, almightie, great, or high omni-scient, knowing all things onerous, burdenous, or chargeable onust, loaden, ouercharged operation,
working, or operatiue, effect opinionate, hauing a good opinion of, or standing on his owne opinion oportunitie, fitnes, to any thing, oppilation, stopping oppose, set againe opposite, contrarie, or set euer against oppressed, grieued, or violently wron- ged: opprobrious, reprochfull, to taunt, reuile, or vpbraide with bad speeches. oppugne, to labour against, to resist option, choosing or wishing oracle, (g) a speech or aunswere giuen from God: oratorie, of hard English words. oratorie, eloquent speech: ordination, ordeyning ordure, dung, filth orfice, mouth originall, the first, or such as it was at the beginning organe, (g) an instrument to doo any thing with: ornament, a decking, adorning, or trim- ming. orphant, (g) a childe without parents ossicle, bone: (fr) ostages, pledges giuen and taken ostentation, boasting orthography, (g) true writing (fr) ouerplus, more then needeth (fr) outragious, fierce, vnreasonable. P PAcifie, to make quiet. pactation, a couenanting or bargay- ning. (fr) palatine, belonging to a Princes Court, or pallace. palinodie, (g) a recanting, or vnsaying of any thing G2 palpa- An Alphabeticall table palpable, that may be felt, manifest: pamphlet, a small treatise, or booke parable, (g) similitude, or an applying of some thing to our matter, fitly alleaged, for some likenesse which it hath to our purpose. paradise, (g) place of pleasure paradoxe, (g) marueilous, or strange speech: (fr) paragon, patterne, example paraleles, (g) lines, or other things as farre off from one another, in one place as in another. paramour, an amorous louer paraphrase, (g) exposition of any thing by many words. parasite, (g) a base flatterer, or soothing companion: parenthesis, (g) a clause contayned in ano- ther sentence: paricide, a murtherer of parents (fr) parle, speech, or conference. parsimonie, thriftines, sparing participate, partake, deuide, or distribute, to giue, or take part: particularize, to deuide into parts, and to handle euery particuler. partition, of hard English words. partition, deuision. passeouer, one of the Jewes feasts, in re- membrance of Gods passing ouer them, when he slewe so many of the Egiptians passion, suffering, griefe pastorall, belonging to sheapheards patheticall, (g) vehement, full of passions, or mouing affections patriarke, (g) chiefe father patrimonie, fathers, gift, or goods left by a father (fr) patronage, defence, protection patronise, defend paucitie, fewnes, or smale number pause, thinke, stay, or rest (fr) pauillion, tente peerelesse, worthie, vnmatchable peccaui, I haue offended. peccant, offending, doing amisse peculiar, proper, or specially belonging pecuniarie, coyne pellicles, skinnes penetrable, that may be pearsed penitentiarie, one repenting, or doing pen- naunce. penaltie, losse (fr) pension, payment, yearely fee G3 (fr) pensiue, An Alphabeticall table. (fr) pensiue, sorrowfull pentecost, (g) whitsontide penurie, want or extreame neede perambulation, a walking about peregrination, iourneing in a strange land peremptorie, resolute, short perforations, holes, or pierced through perfidious, trayterous, vnfaithfull perfricated, rubbed much perilous, dangerous periclitation, ieopardie, or hazarding period, (g) the end of a perfect sentence periurie, forswearing, or breaking of ones oath. permanent, continuing, or a biding till the end permission, sufferance, leaue permit, suffer, giue leaue permutable, changable pernitious, dangerous, hurtfull perpendicular, directly, downe right perpetrate, to commit, or doe perpetuitie, continuance for euer perplexitie, troublesome, griefe, distresse, doubtfulnes persecute, trouble, afflict, or pursue after. persist, of hard English words. persist,
continew, constantly, perseuer, and resolutely. personate, to counterfaite, anothers per- son perspicacie, quicknes of sight, vnderstan- ding perspicuous, euedent, cleare, that may bee seene through pertinacie, obstinacie, stifnes in opinion perturbation, disquietnes, or trouble peruerse, froward, mischeiuous peruert, ouerthrowe, or turne vp side downe (fr) pese, to weigh peruicacie, obstinacie, stifneckednes (fr) pesant, clowne pester, filled pest, the plague, or pestilence pestiferous, contagious, hurtfull petition, prayer, or request (fr) pettigree, stock, or ofspring petulancie, wantonnes, saucines. phantasie, (g) imagination philacteries, (g) scroles of parchment, whereon, was writen the tenne com- maundements. physiognomie, (g) knowledge of a mans nature An Alphabeticall table nature by his visage, and countenance physicke, (g) medicine, helping, or curing phlebotomie, (g) letting bloud phrase, forme of speach philosophie, (g) study of wisdome phrensie, (g) madnes pietie, godliness, holines (fr) pillage, spoile in warre, and sacking, of the enemies. pinguiditie, fatnes, or greasinesse (fr) pilot, maister, guider of a ship (fr) pionner, digger, or ditcher piramis,
(g) a steeple, or other build- piramides, ing, or a pillar broade be- neath, and sharpe aboue pistated, baked (fr) pirate, a robber on the sea (fr) pittance, short, banquet placable, easie to be pleased planet, (g) wandring starre (fr) plaintife, the partie complayning plausible, pleasing, or receiued ioyfully, and willingly plenitude, fulnes, thicknesse (fr) plonge, dippe, or put vnder the water plume, feather pluralitie, more then one pluuiatile, (***********************************************************************) (* CAWDREY4.TXT *) (* The fourth file of four in the Cawdrey Dictionary. *) (* R. Siemens. *) (***********************************************************************) of hard English words. pluuiatile, raine poeme, (g) verses of a poet poet, (g) a verse maker poetesse, a woman poet pole, (g) the end of the axeltree whereon the astronomers, faine the heauens to be turned. pollicie, a wittie shift poligamie, (g) hauing moe wiues then one polish, to deck, or make faire, smooth, sleeke, or shining pollute, defile, or distaine, or make fil- thie pomegarnet, or pomegranet, (k) fruite pompe, the countenance of things in fur- niture, and setting foorth to the outward shewe. ponderous, weightie, heauie pontificall, lordly, sumptuous, bishop- like. portable, that may be carried with ease. popular, seeking the fauour of the people by all meanes possible: populus, full of people: popularitie, pleasing the people, position, a question to be disputed of posteritie, An Alphabeticall table posteritie, they that come after by birth: the age after vs. postscript, written after potion, a drinke, (fr) pourtrait, draw the forme, or proportion of a thing practicall,
(g) practique, practising. pragmaticall, (fr) preamble, forespeech, a flourish, entrance, or assay. precedent, going before precept, a rule giuen, an admonition, or commaundement. precinct, compasse appointed: predecessor, one that was in place before another. predestinate, to appoint before. prediction, afore telling, or prophecying predominate, ruling preheminence, excellent, rule, authoritie ouer others preface, a speech before the matter it selfe prefigurate, forshewe by a figure prefixed, set in the fore part pregnant, wittie, substantiall, with child of hard English words. child, preiudicate, giuing his iudgment, before he knoweth the man, or matter preiudice, hindering ones cause, sentence, an opinion deliuered before knowledge of any thing preludium, an entrance to any thing premeditation, thinking of a matter before hand (fr) premunire, forfeiture of goods preoccupation, a preuenting by speech or other wayes preordination, appointing before preparatiue, that which maketh fit or pre- pareth preposterous, disorder, froward, topsiter- uie, setting the cart before the horse, as we vse to say prerogatiue, priuiledge, or authoritie be- fore another presage, to tell before, to betoken, to fore- see. presbitarie, (g) eldership prescience, foreknowledge prescript, decree, or assignement prescription, limitation, or appointing a certaine compasse. preseruatiue, An Alphabeticall table preseruatiue, that which defendeth president, a chiefe, ruler next vnder the highest prest, reacte presuppose, faine a thing to be before it is. pretermit, to passe ouer, to forget willing- lie. preterlapsed, passed, or gone past pretext, an excuse, colour, or pretence preuarication, collusion, or betraying of a cause or matter, for want of more ear- nest speech. primitiue,
first, or formost, primarie, or excellent, prioritie, being in the formost place, or in greater excellencie and superioritie then another. pristine, old, wonted, or accustomed priuation, depriuing, vtter taking away, or withdrawing priuiledge, prerogatiue, or liberty, more then others haue probable, that may be easilie proued to be true. probation, alouance, tryall probleme (g) proposition, or sentence in of hard English words. in manner of a question. proceede, goe forth, or goe forward, processe, proceeding, passing forward, procliuitie, inclination to any thing proctcur, a factour, or solicitor. procrastinate, to defer, or delay prodigall, too riotous in spending prodigious, wonderfull, giuing an ill signe. prodition, betraying, treason profance, vngodly, not consecrated, or vn- hallowing that which was holy. profound, deepe, or high. profunditie, deepenes. profusion, pouring out wastfully, progenie, ofspring, generation, or issue of children. progenitor, a fore-father, or grandfather. prognosticate, (g) to know or giue out be- fore-hand, or to tell afore-hand what shall happen. progresse, (* sic - "grogresse" *) a going forward: prohibit, to forbid, or giue straight charge to the contrary. proiect, a plot, or wise contriuing of any thing, or casting forth prolixe, tedious, long, or large. prolo- An Alphabeticall table prolocutor, a speaker for another prologue, a preface, or forespeech prolong, stretch out, or defer. promerit, desert: promote, to honor or aduaunce to greater dignitie, and higher place prompt, ready, quicke: promulgation, publishing openly, or pro- claiming. prone, ready, or inclining (fr) prowesse, valiantnesse propogate, to enlarge, or multiply. prophecie, (g) foretell, or expound prophet, (g) he that prophecieth propitiation, a sacrifice to appease Gods displeasure: propitiatorie, that which reconcileth, or which purchaseth mercie, at the mercie seate: propitious, not displeased, fauourable proportion, equalnes, measure: propose, propound, set before, or shew proprietie, propertie, owing, or challeng- ing as his owne, and none others: proroge, put off, prolong, deferre proscription, a condemnation, or banish- nishment (* sic *) proclaimed, or an open sale. of hard English words. sale. prose, that writing which is not verse. proselite, (g) stranger conuerted to our re- ligion or manners: prosequute, follow after, or finish prospect, a sight a farre off. prostitute, set open for vncleanesse, to set foorth to sale. prostrate, to cast downe, or fall downe flat on the ground. protect, defend, saue, or couer: protest, to affirme, and declare openly: protract, deferre, or prolong, or draw out at length: prouident, forseeing with wise considera- tion, and prouiding aforehand prouinciall, iurisdiction, belonging to a pro- uince, or outcountry prouocation, prouoking, enforcing, vrging pressing, or alluring prudence, wisdome, wittinesse publicane, a farmer, or common man of a Cittie: (fr) pulers, dust, or pouders puluirisated, beaten, or broken into dust, or powder. purifie, purge, scoure, or make cleane (fr) pursuite, (* sic *) An Alphabeticall table (fr) pursuit, following after putrifie, to waxe rotten, or corrupted as a sore. pulsillanimitie, faint-hartednes, cowardli- nesse. (fr) puissant, strong, valiant Q QVadrangle, foure-cornered quadrant,
foure square, or quadrate, a quarter. quartane, belonging to, or comming euery fourth day. queach, thicke heape querimonious, full of complaining, and la- mentation: (fr) quintessence, chiefe vertue, drawne by art out of many compounds together. quondam, heeretofore, in times past (fr) quote, cite, preuent quotodian, daily, that happeneth euery day. R RAcha, fie, a note of extreame anger, signified by the gesture of the person that speaketh it, to him that he speaketh to. radicall, of hard English words. radicall, partaining to the roote, naturall: radiant, shining bright: (fr) rallie, gather together men dispersed, and out of order. (fr) rampar, fortification, or trench rapacitie,
violent, catching, extortion, or rapine, pillage, or rauening. raritie, scarsenes, fewnes ratifie, establish, or confirme (fr) rauish, take away by force, (fr) raunged, ordered, or put into order reachlesse, carelesse, or negligent: reall, substantiall, or that is indeed subsi- sting: recantation, an vnsaying of that which was said before recapitulation, a briefe rehearsing againe of any thing receptacle, a place to receiue things in reciprock, or
that hath respect back a reciprocall, gaine to the same thing. recite, rehearse, or repeate reclaime, to gainesay, or call back againe: (fr) recognissance, acknowledging, or a signe of acknowledging, and confessing any thing. (fr) recoile, goe backe. H. recon- An Alphabeticall table reconcile, bring into fauour, or to make peace betwixt. records, writings layde vp for remem- brance: recreate, refresh, comfort, recourse, a running backe againe rectifie, to make right or straight redeeme, purchase, buy againe, or raun- some. redemption, a buying againe (fr) redresse, correct, amend. reduce, to bring back againe reduction, a bringing backe redundant, ouerflowing, or abounding too much. reduplicated, doubled. reedifie, build vp againe reestablish, to settle againe as before refection, a refreshing, or recreating. refell, to confute, or proue false reference, a pointing at, or alluding to referre, put ouer, or to report himselfe vn- to. refine, repaire, renue, or amend reflection, casting backe, or bowing, tur- ning backe againe refractarie, wilful in opinion, obstinate. (fr) refraine, of hard English words. (fr) refraine, abstaine from, keepe in refuge, succour, or place of safetie refulgent, shining bright refute, to disproue regall, princly, like a King regenerate, borne againe regeneration, a new birth, regent, a Gouernor, or Ruler regiment, gouernment, guidance, rule, or dominion. register, kalender, a reckoning booke regrator, huckster, or one that buyeth any thing, and trims it vp to make it more salable. regresse, returning backe againe reguler, made according to rule and order. reiect, fling, cast away, or refuse (fr) reioynder, a thing added afterwards, or is when the defendant maketh answere to the replication of the plaintife. reiterate, to doo, or repeate againe the same thing often. relapse, back-sliding. relate, report, rehearse, or declare relation, pointing, reporting, or referring relatiue, hauing relation vnto relaxation, refreshing, releasing, H2. release, An Alphabeticall table release, free, quit: (fr) reliefe, ayde, helpe, or succour. reliques, the remainder. relinquish, to leaue, or forsake relish, tast: remarkable, able or worthy to be marked a- gaine: remisse, loose, negligent, or dull, or too fa- uourable. remit, forgiue, release, or acquite. (fr) remorse, prick of conscience remote, set a farre of remuneration, rewarding, or requiting renouate, renew, or repaire renounce, forsake, or resigne (fr) renoume, credite, fame, report reparation, a renewing (fr) repast, foode (fr) repeale, call backe againe repell, to put, or thrust backe repercussiue, striking, or rebounding back againe. replenish, fill: replete, filled full repleueying, redeeming or a gage, or any thing in prison: replie, to confirme a speech before vttered. (fr) repose, of hard English words. (fr) repose, put, wholly, to rest represent, expresse, beare shew of a thing represse, put downe, to let or stop reprobate, a cast away, out of fauour, a forlorne person, and one past grace (fr) reproch, shame, disgrace republicke, a Common-wealth repugnancie, contrarietie, or disagreement repugnant, contrarie repugne, to resist, oppose, stand against repulse, to put, or driue backe repute, account, or esteeme: requisite, required as necessary: reserue, to keepe for the time to come resident, abiding or continuing in his place. resignation, a yeelding vp, or restoring of a- nie thing. resigne, giue ouer to another resist, withstand resolue, to vnloose, to satisfie, to purpose constantly, (fr) resort, accesse, or comming to respiration, breathing out. (fr) respite, defer, or delay the time, to breath in: resplendent, shining bright responses, answers. H3 restaura- An Alphabeticall table restauration, restoring, or reuiuing restitution, restoring, satisfaction restrained, beeing held in, or brideled resume, take againe (fr) retire, to giue backe, or goe back reteyne, keepe backe retort, to turne, or wrest backward (fr) retract, going backe retrograde, going backward (fr) reuell, play the wanton reuerend, worthy of reuerence reueale, lay open, disclose, or make known a matter of secret reuert, to returne (fr) reuenewe, rents comming in reuoke, to call backe, or draw back (fr) reuolt, forsake one, to goe to another his enemie: reuelue, to tosse vp and downe, to deter- mine well of in the mind rhetorician, (g) learned and skilfull in rhe- toricke. rhetoricke, (g) art of eloquence rheume, (g) or catarre, a distilling of hu- mours from the head ridiculous, that deserueth to be laughed at in scorne. rifle, of hard English words. (fr) rifle, search, take away by violence rigorous, cruell, and hard (fr) rinse, wash, make cleane by washing (fr) riuall, one suing, and striuing for the same thing. rubrick, a lawe, or title (fr) royalty, gouerenment, rule, authority rudiment, first instruction, or principle rubicunde, red, or ruddie ruinous, ready to fall ruminate, to chewe ouer againe, to studie earnestlie vppon runnagate, one that runneth away, and wandreth abroad. rupture, breach, or bursting rurall,
clownish, vplandish, or chur- rusticall, lish, and vnmannerly (* switch to hl=S without notice *) saboth, rest sacrament, holie signe, oath, or misterie sacred, holy, consecrated sacrifice, an offering sacrificule, a little offering sacriledge, church robbing, the stealing of holy things (fr) safeconduit, safe keeping or safe guiding sagacitie, sharpnes of wit, witnes saint, holy one (fr) sallie, An Alphabeticall table (fr) sallie, to step out from the rest of the ar- mie, to make a skermish saluation, a sauing salubritie, wholesomnes sactifie, hallowe, make holy, or keepe holy sanctification, holines sanctitie,
holi- sanctmonie, nes. sanctuarie, holy place, saue, defend sandals, (g) slippers sanguine, bloudy, or of the colour of bloud. sanitie, health, or soundness sapience, wisdome satiate, filled, satisfied satietie, fulnes, plentie satisfaction, a making amends for wrongs, or displeasures satisfactorie, that dischargeth, or answer- eth for saturate, filled, or glutted saturitie, fulnesse, or plentifulnesse (fr) sauage, wild, cruell, or rude satyre, (g) a nipping and scoffing verse satericke,
belonging to a satiricall, scoffing verse. scandalize, of hard English words scandalize, (g) to offend, or giue occasion, to mislike scandall, (g) an offence, or stumbling block (fr) scarifie, to launce, or open a sore (fr) schedule, obligation, or bill of ones hand. schisme, breach, or diuision in matters of religion schismatike, that maketh a schisme science, knowledge, or skill scripture, writing scruple, doubt, difficultie scrutiny, dilligent search, inquiry scrupulous, full of doubts scurrilitie, saucie, scoffing seclude, shutout, or put a part sectarie, one whom many other doe followe in opinion. sect, a diuersitie in opinion from others section, a deuision, or parting secular, worldly, of the world secudarie, the second, or of the second sort securitie, carelessenes, feare of nothing sediment, that which sinketh to the bot- tome. seditious, making contention seduce, deceiue, or deuide, or leade aside sedulitie, An Alphabeticall table sedulitie, dilligence or carefulnes (fr) segniorie, lordship segregate, to set a part, or seperate (fr) seize, to forfaite to the prince select, to choose out from others semicircle, halfe a circle, or compasse seminarie, a nurserie, or seede plot for young trees, or grafts senator, alderman, or counsailer sense, feeling, or perceiuing sensible, easily felt, or perceiued sensuall, brutish, pertaining to the flesh, and bodily sence sententious, full of fine sentences, and speeches. (fr) sentinell, watching by night seperation, deuiding, seuering, or parting one from another sepulcher, graue, or tombe sepulte, burie, or lay in the ground sequele, following, or that which follow- eth. sequester, to put into an indifferent mans hands, to deuide, keepe or iudge of serious, earnest, or of waight, and impor- tance serpentine, of, or like a serpent seruile, of hard English words. seruile, slauish seruitude, bondage, or slauery seuere, sharpe, curst, or cruell seueritie, sharpnes, roughnes sex, kind shackle, fetter significant, plainely signifying simile, or,
likenes, or re- similitude, semblance. (fr) simonie, when spirituall matters, are bought, and solde for money simplicitie, plainenes sinister, vnhappie, bad, vnlawefull, or con- trarie. sincere, pure, vncorrupt, vnmingled, or without dissimulation singularitie, being like no body else, in o- pinion, or other wayes situation, setting, or standing of any place. sleight, guile, craft, or subtiltie. smatterer, some what learned, or one ha- uing but a little skill snatch, to take hastely snipperings, pairings (fr) soare, mount high sociall, or
fellowe like, one that wil sociable, keepe company, or one with whom An Alphabeticall table whom a man may easily keepe com- pany. societie, fellowship, company sodomitrie, when one man lyeth filthylie with another man (fr) soiourne, remaine in a place solace, comfort solemnize, to doe a thing with great pompe, reuerence, or deuotion (fr) solicite, moue solide, sound, heauie, not hollowe solitarie, alone, or without company solution, vnloosing, or paying sophister, (g) cauiller, or craftie disputer sophistikation,
a cauilling, deceit- sophisme, full speech. (fr) sotte, foole, dunse (fr) soueraigne, chiefe, or highest in autho- ritie. (fr) source, waue, or issuing foorth of water (fr) soile, foule, or durtie spatious, large, wide, or broade specifie, signifie, or declare particularly specke, spot, or marke spectacle, a thing to be looked at sperme, seede sphre, (g) round circle, or any thing that is of hard English words. is round spicerie, a place to keepe spice in splendent, glistering, shinning splene, milt spongeous, like a sponge spousals, betrothings, or contracts spume, fome, or froth stabilitie, surenes, certaine, strong stable, sure, stedfast stablished, sure, confirmed, one made strong station, a standing place statue, an image of wood, or any other matter stature, height, bignes sterilitie, barrennes stigmaticall (g) knauish, noted for a lewd naughty fellowe, burnt through the eare for a rogue. stile, manner, or forme of speech, or wri- ting stillatorie, a distilling place stipendarie, one that serueth for wages stipulation, a solemne couenant strangle, kill, or hang stratageme, a pollicie, or wittie shift in warre stricke, (* sic *) An Alphabeticall table. strict, straight, seuere, or sharpe. strictnes, narrownes, or smalenes studius, dilligent, desirous of lear- ning. stupefie, to astonish stupiditie, astonishment, dulnes suasorie, containing counsaile and exhorta- tion subalterne, succeeding, following by course and order. subdued, kept vnder, or brought in subiec- tion sublimity, height, highnes sublime, set on high, lift vp submisse, lowly, humble, brought in sub- iection (fr) suborne, to procure false witnes subscribe, write vnder, or to agree with an- other in any matter subsequent, following hard by subsiste, to abide, or haue a being substitute, a deputie, or one set in place of another. substract,
take from, with- subtract, drawe. subtill, craftie, wilie, deceitfull subuerte, to turne vpside downe, to de- stroy. of hard English words. stroy. succeede, followe, or come in anothers place successor, he that comes in place of another succincte, shorten, or briefe, or close girt vp suggest, (* sic - "suggect" *) prompt, tell priuily, or put in mind of. suffixed, fastened vnto suffocate, to choake vp, or strangle suffragane, a bishops deputie, or hel- per suffrage, consent, or voice, or helpe suggest, a high place, or pulpit sulphure, brimstone (fr) summarie, an abridgement, or thing drawne into a lesse compasse summarilie, briefly, in fewe words (fr) sumptuous, costly, rich supererogation, giuing more then is re- quired. superabundant,
needelesse, vnnecessarie ouer much, that which superfluous, runneth ouer. superficies, vpper side, or out side superficiall, taking onely the outside, and vttermost part superio- An Alphabeticall table superioritie, place aboue another superscription, writing aboue superstitious, feareful in matters of religi- on without cause, one giuen to false and vaine religion supplant, ouerthrowe, or trippe, with the feete. supplement, that which maketh vp, or ad- deth that which wanteth in any thing (fr) supple, make soft, or gentle supplication, request, or prayer (fr) suppliant, humbly intreating support, beare vp, or convaie vnder supposition, supposing, thinking, iudging, or imagining. suppresse, keepe downe, conceale, or keepe secret supreme, the highest, or greatest supremacie, chiefedome, or highest place in authoritie aboue all others (fr) surcease, to giue ouer, or cease (fr) surcharge, ouercharge, hurt (fr) surmount,
exceede, or surpasse, goe beyond surplus, more then inough (fr) surprise, to come vpon, and vnawares, and to take of a suddaine. (fr) surrender, of hard English words. surrender, to yield vp to another (fr) surrogate, a deputie in anothers place (fr) suruiue, ouer liue, or liue after suspense, doubt, or vncertaintie sustained, suffered, or endured swaine, clowne swarth, darke, or blackish swarue, goe awry erre. sycophant, (g) tale bearer or false accu- ser. symball, (g) creede symmetrie, (g) a due proportion of one part with another sympathie, (g) fellowelike feeling. symptome, (g) any griefe, or passion, fol- lowing a disease synagogue, (g) place of assemblie synode, (g) a generall assemblie, or mee- ting T (fr) Tablet, little table tabernacle, a tent, or pauilion tacite, still, silent, saying nothing taciturnite, silence, or keeping counsaile (fr) tapish, lie downe, hide it selfe F. (* sic *) taxed, An Alphabeticall table taxed, seised, appointed to pay a subsidie temerarious, rash, vnaduised, or haire- braine temeritie, rashnes, vnaduisednes temperance, sobrietie, moderation temperate, keeping a meane, moderate temperature,
temperatenes, meane temperament, or due proportion. tempestuous, boisterous, or stormie temporall, that which indureth but for a certaine time temporarie, for a time temporise, to serue the time, or to followe the fashions, and behauiour of the time. tenacitie, nigardnes tenuitie, smalenesse, or slendernesse (fr) tenure, hold, or manner of holding a pos- session termination, ending, finishing, or boun- ding (fr) teritorie, region, or the countrie lying a- bout the citie. tertian, belonging to euery third day terrestriall, earthly testament, last will testification, witnessing testimonies, of hard English words testimonies, records, depositions or wit- nessings. tetrarch, (g) gouernour, or prince of a fourth part, of a country theologie. (g) diuinitie, the science of liuing blessedly for euer theoricke, (g) the contemplation, or inward knowledge, of any art throne, (g) a kings seate, or chaire of estate. throtle, strangle, hang or torment thwart, crosse, or mock thwite, shaue timerous, fearefull, abashed timiditie, fearefulnes tincture, a colour, die, or staining tolerable, that which may be suffered tone, (g) a tune, note, or accent (fr) trace, find out by the foote steppes tractable, easie to handle, or easie to be en- treated tractate, a treatise, or booke, handling any matter (fr) tracte, a space, or length tradition, a deliuering from one to ano- ther. traduce, to slaunder, reproach, or defame, J2 to An Alphabeticall table to bring in, or drawe from one to ano- ther. (fr) traffique, bargayning tragedian, a maker, or player, of a tragedy. tragedie, (g) a solemne play, describing cruell murders and sorrowes tragicall, cruell, sorrowfull, like a tragedy. (fr) traine, followers, company tranquilitie, quietnes, or calmenes, or rest transcendent, climing ouer, mounting vp transferre, conceiue ouer transforme,
change from one fashion, to transfigure, another transgresse, breake, offende or goe ouer (fr) transitorie, soone passing away, not long lasting. translation, altering, chaunging transmigration, a passing from one place, to dwell in another. transmutation, a change from one place, to another transome, lintell ouer a dore transparent, that which may bee seene through transport, carie ouer, from one place to another. transpose, of hard English words. transpose, change transubstantiation, a changing of one sub- stance into another (fr) trauerse, strike, or thrust through triangle,
three cor- triangular, nered. tribe, a company, ward, or hundred (fr) tribulation, trouble, sorrowe, anguish tribunall, iudgement feate (fr) tributarie, that payeth tribute (fr) tribute, rent, pension, or subsidie tripartite, threefold, or deuided into three parts. triuiall, common, of smale estimation triumph, great ioy outwardly shewed triumphant, reioycing for the conquest (fr) trompe, deceiue troncheon, stake, or billet trophee, a victorie, or any thing set in signe of victorie tropickes, (g) circles in the heauen which when the sunne comes too, beginnes to returne againe. (fr) troupe, company, or band of men in an army truce, peace trucheman, an interpreter J3 truculent, An Alphabeticall table truculent, cruell, or terrible in count- nance. trunchion, weapon. tumult, vprore, hurly, burly or insurrec- tion tumultuous,
troublous, disturbing turbulent, or disquieting. tiranize, vse crueltie type, (g) figure, example, shadowe of any thing. V Vacant, voyde, or emptie vacation, a time of ceasing from labour (fr) vagabonde, runnagate, one that will stay no where validitie, strength, or force, or value valour, force, courage, or strength value, price, or estimation (fr) vanquish, ouercome, preuaile, conquer, or ouerthrowe vapor, moisture, ayre, hote breath, or rea- king varietie, change, or diuersitie (fr) vastall, slaue, client vaste, spoiled, destroyed, emptie (fr) vauntcourers, of hard English words. (fr) vauntcourers, forerunners vbiquitie, presence of a person in all places. varnish, shine vegetable, springing, or growing, as herbes. vehement, earnest, strong, forcible vendible, saileable, easie, and readie to be solde venerable, worshipfull, or reuerende veneriall,
fleshly, or lecherous, venerous, giuen to lecherie. veniall, that which may be pardoned vente, saleable ventricle, the stomacke which receiues the meate venuste, faire, beautifull verbatim, word by word, perfectly verbositie, much talking, and pratling veritie, truth verifie, to proue it to be true versifie, make verses vertigiousnes, lightnes, or a swimming of the heade vestall, a nunne, vowing chastitie vesture,
garment, attire, or vestiment, clothing. (fr) viand, victailes (fr) viceroy, An Alphabeticall table (fr) viceroy, one set as a deputie in the Kings place. vicinitie, (* sic - "virinitie" *) neighbourhoode vicegerent, one that supplyeth the place of another. vicious, faultie, or full of vice victorious, that hath gotten many victo- ries. viewe, behold, marke, or consider, or looke vppon vigilance, watchfull, dilligence. vigour, strength, courage, or force vincible, that may be wonne, or easily o- uercome. vineyard, orchard of grapes violate, to transgresse, defile, deflowre, or breake. violent, forcible, cruell, iniurious: viperine, like a viper, or of a viper. virago, a woman of manly courage virulent, full of poyson, venemous. (fr) visage, face, forme, or shape. vision, sight, apparition, or a phantasie. visible, that may be seene visitation, going to see vitall, liuely, or pertayning to life. vitiate, to corrupt, or deflower, and defile. viuificent, of hard English words. viuificent, liuely, or full of strength viuifie, to quicken, or make aliue: vlcer, bile, or botch vlcerate, to blister, or make full of sores vmpire, iudge: vnconceaueable, not able to be conceiued vnacessible, that cannot be come to. vnanimitie, one consent of hart and mind vnction, annointing vndecent, vncomlie vndermine, graue, dig vnguent, an oyntment, or fat iuyce vnitie,
peace, or vnion, concord vnitie, to make one thing of two, or moe, to couple, or ioyne: vnsatiable, not content vniformitie, one and the same fashion vniuersall, generall, common: vocall, with the voice, or pertaining to the voyce: vocation, calling, estate, or trade of life. vnsatiable, that neuer hath enough, neither can be satis-fied: volubilitie, swiftnes, or inconstancie voluntary, of the owne accord, without be- ing taught, or vrged. voluptuous, An Alphabeticall table voluptuous, giuen to pleasure (fr) vpbraid, rise in ones stomach, cast in ones teeth: vrbanitie, curtesie, good manners, or gen- tlenes: vrgent, earnestly calling vpon, forcing (fr) vsurpe, take vnlawfull authoritie, or to vse against right and reason. (fr) vtensiles, things necessary for our vse in house-keeping, or in a trade. vtilitie, profit vulgar, (* sic - "vlgar" *) common, much vsed Z ZOdiack, (g) a circle in the heauen, wherein be placed the 12. signes, and in which the Sunne is mooued. FINIS.