An Anthology of Chancery English John H. Fisher, Malcolm Richardson, Jane L. Fisher, editors. Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c1984 Location number is derived from Text number 1384-1462 ChancEng1 Early Date?C81/1326/36Signet of Henry V (exemplar) By the Kyng Trusty and welbeloued. ffor asmuche as in cer tain matiers &t;at gretely touchen and concernen &t;e good / weele / and worship of vs our Landes lordships and subgittes We haue willed our Comissaries berers herof to comen with you: We woll / desire / and pray you &t;erfore hertely / &t;at in suche &t;inges as &t;at &t;ei or eny of &t;eim woll shewe declare / and sey vnto you on our behalf: ye woll yeue vnto hem / and to eche of hem full feith and credence: And we pray you &t;at ye leue not &t;is as ye woll &t;e good weele / and worship abouesaid: Yeuen vndre our priue seel at westmin stre &t;e .xx. day of Iuyll This style of trusty and welbeloued may be direct to oon persone / or to as many to gider as shal lyke &t;e said Commissioners: And it may serue for all maner men yif nede be except Bisshops: Item &t;e said style of Trusty and welbeloued may serue for Citees Tovneships and Commaltees after &t;is tennour in &t;e taile of &t;e lettre: To our trusty and welbe loued &t;e thrifty men notable persones and Comin alte of our Citee of .A. or of the Tovne of .B. and to eueriche of &t;eim. To &t;e Right Dere in god / and Dere in god eueriche of &t;ees styles may serue for Abbottes / Prioures / Denes Archediacones. And for nede for thrifty Persons Hamond ChancEng2 1417C81/1364/34Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng: Worshipful fader yn god. We sende yow closed wi&t;in &t;is lettre a cedule contenyng &t;e names of certein maistres / for owr owne grete shippes Carrakes Barges and Balyngers to &t;e whiche maistres we haue granted annuitees / suche as is appointed vpon eche of hem: in &t;e same cedule / to take yerely of owre grante while &t;at vs lust: at owr Eschequer of westminstre / atte &t;e termes of Michelmasse and Ester by Euen porcions. Wherfore we wol and charge yow &t;at vnto eche of &t;e said maistres / ye do make / vnder owr grete seel beyng in yowre warde owr lettres patentes sauerales en due forme after &t;effect and pour port of owr said (grant)e. yeuen vnder owr signet atte owr Castel of Tonque &t;e xij. day of Aoust: [Calendared Kirby 808. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.72-74. Grants recorded 12 Aug. 1417, CPR 1416-22, pp. 120-21.] [torn and stained] ChancEng3 1417C81/1364/36Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god. ffor as muche as We haue ordeined and assigned our Welbeloued seruant Robert Rodyngton. to be surueour of &t;e makyng of our toures at Portesmouth. We wil &t;at ye do make vnder our greet seel a Commission to &t;e same Robert. suche as ye &t;enke resonable and necessarie for &t;e goode and hastie spede. of our werkes forsaid. during while vs lust. Yeuen in oure Towne of Caen &t;e .ve. day of Septembre vnder our signet S [Calendared Kirby 809. Appointment recorded 5 Sept. 1417, CPR 1416-22, p. 122.] ChancEng4 1417C81/1364/37Signet of Henry V (damaged) By the Kyng:Worshepful fader in god we wyl that ye doo make writtes of proclamacion in to alle oure portes of Englond . . . al maner men that wil bryng vitailles vn to oure tovn of Caen for the Refresshing of vs and of our hoost in our Duchie of Normandie that they schul paye therfor no custume / so that they fynde sufficeant seurte. that they shal brynge the sayd vitailles vn to our said tovn of Caen for the refress. . . of our seyd hoost / yeuen vnder our signet in our Castel of Caen the .xxij. day of Septembre [Calendared Kirby 810. Orders recorded 18 Oct. 1417, CCR 1413-19, pp. 838-39.] [torn] ChancEng5 1417SC1/43/157Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng:Trusty and Welbeloued. By a supplicacion of greuouse compleinte. putte vnto vs yn name of &t;e Priour and Couent of oure cathedrale chirche of Bathe. We haue vnderstande how albeit &t;at of tyme passed mynde it hath be vsed and acustumed &t;at ye of &t;e Cite of Bathe. shulde ryng no belle / no day (in &t;e week)&t;il &t;ey of &t;e s(aid chirch)e hadden first rong &t;air belles. Neither at night aftir &t;e tyme &t;at &t;ey had rong / yit . . . a&y;einstonding &t;e long continu ance of &t;e same vsag and custume. ye of late tyme haue do &t;e contrary and wilfully do fro day to day. yn greet disese and preiudice of &t;e forseide Priour and Couent. but if remede couenable be ordeined &t;er vppon. Wharfor we wol if it so be. and charge you expressely &t;at ye cesse of al suche manere newe and wilfulle gouernance yn &t;e matire forsaide. and conforme yn to &t;e gode custume of olde tyme vsed and continued here a fore. vnto oure comyng with &t;e grace of god ynto our Realme of Englond. &t;at we may haue ful knowloche of &t;e matire and to ordeine suche remede &t;er vppon as we shal be &t;an auised. by wey of trouthe and of right. Yeuen vnder our signet at oure towne of Caen &t;e xxiij. day of Septembre [Calendared Chambers and Daunt, p. 259, no. 38; Kirby 811. See no. 33 below. This letter is quoted in a French petition from the convent, SC8/ 176/8781.] [rubbed and stained] [torn] ChancEng6 1417C81/1364/38Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng Worshipful fader in god / ryght trusty and welbeloued / yf &t;er be eny trewes to be taken now &t;is wynter / betwene vs and &t;e Scottes. We Wold &t;at owr vncle of Excetre my&y;t come to vs wi&t; his good heelp and pray yow / &t;at after yowre good auis and discrecion / ye ordeyne for &t;is in &t;e best wise / &t;at ye can / for &t;at doon. we wold / owr said vncle were wi&t; us wi&t; his good heelp als sone as he mi&y;t &t;ow hit were yitte wi&t; the fewer meyne. Also we send a lettre to owr cosin &t;e Bysshop of Excetre for maistre Iohn Copthorn to com(e to) vs / and a no&t;er to &t;e Bysshop of Lincoln / for maistre Thomas Brounce in &t;e same wise the whiche lettres we pray yow / &t;at &t;ey be redely send for&t;e. and &t;at in al haast / as we trust to you / And &t;e holy Trinite haue yow alwey in his kepyng. Wreten vnder owr signet atte owr Towne of Caen &t;e xxv day of Septembre. ffer&t;ermore we wol &t;at to &t;e chirche of hambury &t;at is voide by maistre William Corff / &t;at is passed to god. as hit is said and longe&t; to owr yifte / ye presented (in) owr name Iohn woborne oon of &t;e prestes of owr Chapelle &t;at soiou rneth at wyndesore by owr lettres . . . &t;e rof to be maad . . . in due forme: Also &t;at ye do make lettres patente vnto maistre Richard holme to be maistre of owr College of Cambrigg / as maistre Ricard Derham was. Also we haue yeuen to Will. hayton &t;empension of Saresbury &t;at whan tyme is ye do him haue suche lettres &t;er upon / as &t;e cas asketh G G [Calendared Kirby 812. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.74; Maxwell-Lyte, Great Seal, p. 119. Presentation recorded 3 Oct. 1417, CPR 1416-22, p. 123] [torn] [superior insert] [cancel] ChancEng7 1417C81/1364/39Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng Worshipful fader in god. ffor as moche as we haue granted to our welbeloued clerc of &t;office of our signet Robert Shiryngton. &t;e prebende whiche maistre Richard Derham had yn &t;e chirche of Chichestre. And is now voide by &t;e deces of &t;e same maistre Richard. as it is said. and longeth to oure gifte by reson of &t;e temporaltees of &t;e saide chirche beyng yn oure handes. by cause of &t;e voidance &t;er of: we wol &t;at &t;eruppon. ye do haue to &t;e forsaid Robert. our lettres patentes vnder our greet seel beyng yn youre Warde. Yeuen vnder our signet at oure towne of Caen &t;e laste day of Septembre. S [Calendared Kirby 813. On the Seaford prebend, see Le Neve, Chichester Diocese, p. 38.] ChancEng8 1417C81/1364/40Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader yn god We wol &t;at to oure clerc Robert Shiryngton ye do haue our lettres patentes vnder owr grete seal en due forme / of &t;e preb ende &t;at was maistre Richard Derehams in &t;e chirche of Chichestre / &t;e whiche is voide by his dee&t; and longe&t; to owr yifte be cause of &t;e temporaltees of &t;e bisshoprich of Chichestre / of whiche matere we haue writen to yow afore &t;is tyme / yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Chastel of Alencon &t;e second day of Nouembre [Calendared Kirby 814. Confirms no. 7 above. See CPR 1416-22, p. 132.] ChancEng9 1417C81/1364/41Signet of Henry V By the kyng Worshipful fader: in god Right trusty and Welbeloued. We grete yow ofte tymes Wel. And for as muche as we haue vnderstande that maistre Iohan Chaundeler that was Deen of Salesbury is chosen bisshop of the same chirche / Wherof we hald vs wel agreed / and therto we yeue our assent Roial and we wol wel / that after the Consecracion of the said Elit he haue liueree of his temporaltees / And the holy goost haue yow in his keping: yeuen vnder our signet in our hoost afor ffaloise. the .xvij. day of Decembre [Calendared Kirby 815. See no. 10 below.] ChancEng10 1417C81/1542/9Signet of Henry V By the kyng Right trusty and Welbeloued brother / We grete yow often tymes Wel / And for as moche as We haue vnderstande that maistre Iohan Chaundeler that was Deen of Salesbury is chosen Bisshop of the same chirche. Wher of we hald vs wel agreed / and therto we yeue oure assent Roial / and we wol wel that after the consecracion of the said Elit / he haue liueree of his temporaltees / And the holy gost haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder our signet in oure hoost afor ffaloise / the .xvij. day of Decembre / (Assent of Council, in French, follows in a different hand.) [Calendared and French printed, Kirby 816. Assent recorded 22 Nov. 1417, CPR 1416-22, p. 126. Livery recorded 8 Jan. 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 131.] ChancEng11 1418C81/1364/42Signet of Henry V (right side torn off) By the kyng.Worschipful fader in god / We wol and we charge yow / that vp on theffect and the teneure of oure lettres patentes . . . we han granted and assigned to oure welbeloued Richard Whytyngdon and Richard harowedon monk of Westmins. . . Vc. mark yeerly vp on the issues of the hanaper of oure chancellerie for the byldynge of oure chirche of Westmins. . . ye doo maake writtes of liberate with the clause that folweth her after / Preferramento decem milium librarum Regi in parliamento suo nuper facto non obstante / yeuen vnder oure signet in our hoost beside oure toun of ffaloise the xviij day of Januer [Calendared Kirby 817. Grant recorded 14 Dec. 1413, CPR 1413-16, pp. 145-46] ChancEng12 1418C81/1364/43Signet of Henry V (damaged) . . . kyng. /Worshipful f . . . usty and welbeloued. We Wol &t;at ye calle vnto you our Iustices and ordeine &t;at our Ri&y;t trusty . . . ed cousin &t;erl of huntyngdon &t;e whiche doo&t; us good seruice / on &t;is side &t;e see . . . es and tenement&y; as reson and lawe wollen Yeuen vnder our signet in our hoost biside . . . vne of faloi&y;e &t;e xix. day of Ianuier: [Calendared Kirby 818, who suggests that it is related to no. 39 below.] ChancEng13 1418C81/1364/44Signet of Henry V (left side missing) By &t;e Kyng: (Worshipful fa)der in god. ffor as moche as we han vnderstande &t;at Slake is deed Which was dean of oure Chapelle . . . wol &t;at Sir Iohan Prentys of oure Chapelle haue &t;e said deannee. but &t;at he departe not out of . . . Yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost at oure town of Faleyse &t;e .xx. day of Ianuer: . . . make oure Clerkes of oure Chapelle haste hem vnto vs al &t;at &t;ey may. so &t;at &t;ey faile not with . . . wi&t; vs atte begynnynge of lentyn in any wyse: S S [Calendared Kirby 819. Grant recorded 28 Jan. 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 132.] [torn off] ChancEng14 1418Cotton Vesp. C. XII. fol. 155Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader in god / Right trusty and Welbeloued / ffor as moche as oure welbeloued squier Iohn Hull haath long tyme be in oure ambassiat and seruice in the parties of Spaigne for the whiche as he haath compleined to vs he is endaungerd gretly / and certein goodys of his leyd to wedde / Wherfor we wol / that ye see / that theer be taaken dewe accomptes of the said Iohn. how many dayes he haath stande in oure said ambassiat and seruice / and thervpon that he be contented and agreed in the best wyse as longeth vn to hym in this cas. yeuen vnder oure Signet in oure hoost beside oure toun of ffaloise: the: of ffeuerer (Latin note follows) [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 820. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.64; Nicolas II.239.] ChancEng15 1418C81/1364/45Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng W(or)shipful fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued. For as moche as we haue granted of oure grace speciale to o(ure) welbeloued Esquier Piers Gerueys &t;e londes and tenementes &t;at weren hugh ffastolfs knyght as ye may se moore cleerly by &t;e supplicacion whiche &t;e saide Piers putte vnto vs closed wi&t;inne &t;is lettre: We wole &t;at ye (do) make vpon &t;e same supplicacion by vs graunted. lettres patentes vnto &t;e said Piers Garueys vnder oure greet seel beynge in youre kepynge in due forme. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen &t;e xxviij. day of ffeuerer: [Calendared Kirby 821. See no 55 below. Grant recorded 28 Feb. 1418, CPR 1416-22, p.134] [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng16 1418SC1/43/158Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er / We haue resceyued youre lettres / by &t;e whiche ye desire to knawe our entent as touching &t;e deliuerance of &t;e temporeltees of saint dauid / vnto Benet Bisshop of &t;e same chirche of saint dauid / &t;at was of Bangore / In &t;e whiche matere we wol &t;at &t;e said Benet haue &t;e Issues of &t;e said temporeltees / from &t;e deces of his predecessour / &t;at was our Confessour / so &t;at ye / and our Chanceller trete wi&t; him / in suche wyse / &t;at seurtee taaken / as yow seme&t; after youre discrecion he aske ne taake for no reparacion of our said Confessour / con(s id)eryng&t;at he hadde nowht for reparacion / whanne he was maad bisshop &t;ere / And elles it were our entent / &t;at our said Confessour shuld haue &t;e prouffit&y; of &t;e forsaid temporaltees vnto &t;e date of &t;ees lettres / And if ye may nat wel trete &t;e said Benet &t;er to / speke&t; effectuelly vnto &t;archebishop / &t;at he do his deuoire / as touching &t;e forsaid reparacion / &t;at he agree resonably &t;e said Benet / Consideryng &t;at &t;archebishop maade noon vnto our Confessour abouesaid / Yeuen vnder our signet at oure Cite of Baieux &t;e .xvij. day of marche [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 822. See no. 23 below. Grant recorded 1 June 1418, CPR 1416-22, pp.151-52] [torn] ChancEng17 1418C81/1364/47Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng: Worshipful fad(er in) god / ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued / We wol / &t;at to sir Nichol Wynbush clerc of our petit bagge / ye do haue / oure lettres of collacion Vnder oure grete seel in due forme / of a prebende in Chichestre / &t;at voided now late and longe&t; vnto ou(r)e yifte / by cause of &t;e temporaltees of &t;e bishopriche of Chichestre / in like wise as oure Chamberlain wrote vnto yow now late fro faloi&y;e / for &t;e said sir Nichol / vnto &t;e prebende a forsaid / Yeuen vnder our signet in oure Cite of Baieux &t;e xxij. day of Marche. [Calendared Kirby 823. Grant recorded 22 March 1418, CPR 1416-22, p.150.] [torn] ChancEng18 1418C81/1364/46Signet of Henry V (Right side missing) By &t;e kyng Worsh(ipfu)l fader yn god ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued. For asmoche as we yaf now . . . Robert Chicheley Aldermen of london wi&t; o&t;er / in an annuitee of xx.marc . . . Recluse of Berkyng. by cause she mi&y;t nat haue &t;annuitee her self: for . . . of london. as in oure lettres patentes / it is more clerly contened / we wol . . . of liberate courrant & allocate dormant / natwi&t; standyng any preferreme(nt) . . . we write at &t;is tyme vnto &t;e quenes conseil / for to deliuere certain endentures vn. . . Syon at Shene / touching certain money &t;at is due to her / of &t;e ferme of saint . . . endowed vnto oure said howse: So we pray yow . . . &t;at ye be helpyng to &t;at matere . . . deliuer ance of &t;endentures aforsaid / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Cite of Baieux . . . day of M(arche) [Calendered with explanations, Kirby 824. Grant recorded 12 May 1417, CPR 1416-22, p. 102.] [torn] [cancel] ChancEng19 1418C81/1364/48Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng: Worshipful fader in god. We sende you closed herewi&t;ynne. two supplicacions taken vnto vs &t;etoone yn name of Thomas Brounflet knight Robert Wiclyff clerc / and Iohn Ellerker / and &t;e to&t;er in name of Robert Wiclyff person of &t;e chirche of Rudby and William Reson chaplein. to &t;at eende / &t;at we wolde yeue hem licence to enfeffe Iohn hohom knight / william ake and Robert Constable Escuier yn &t;e Manoirs of Baynton. Birdsale. Doncastre. Rosyngton & Bramham in yorkshire with &t;appertenances so &t;at &t;ey beyng in possession / &t;erof might enfeffe Maude somtyme wife (of) Pierres Mauley knight yn &t;e forme more fully specifie(d) with in &t;e supplicacions aforsaide. &T;e whiche we haue granted: Whar fore we wol &t;at vppon &t;e teneur of &t;e same supplicacions ye doo mak(e) oure lettres patentes. Vnder our greet seel of oure saide licence after &t;e cours and forme of oure Chancellerie vsed in like cas afore &t;is tyme. Yeuen vnder our signet at Baieux &t;e .iiij. day of Auril [Calendared Kirby 825. Licences granted 12 Feb. 1419, 4 April 1421, CPR 1416-22, pp. 179, 263.] [torn] ChancEng20 1418C81/1364/49Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader yn god ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for as muche as we haue vnderstande / &t;at &t;e prebende of Swerdys yn oure chirche of Deuelyn ys voyde yn lawe / and longe&t; to oure collacion we have yeue to oure trusty and welbeloued clerc maister Thomas Bolton bringer of &t;is &t;e same prebende / wherfor we wol &t;at ye maake lettres of oure collaci on of &t;e saide prebende vnder oure greet seel to oure said clerc yn due fourme / yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure cite of Baieux &t;e .vj. day of Auerill [Calendared Kirby 826. Grant recorded 6 April 1418, CPR 1416- 22, p. 149.] ChancEng21 1418C81/1364/50Signet of Henry V (right margin missing) By &t;e kyng:Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And albe it / &t;at . . . parlement by &t;e whiche we haue a preferrement li. as ye knowe: yitte we wol: &t;at . . . in yowre warde ye do make writtes of liberate and allocate vnto oure welbeloued squier Iohn . . . is due vnto him. of suche annuitees as he hath of oure grante Yeven vnder oure signet in . . . Caen &t;e xxviij. day of Auerill [Calendared Kirby 827. Confirmation of annuity recorded 7 Nov. 1413, CPR 1416-22, p. 119.] ChancEng22 1418C81/1364/51Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng W(orshipful) fader yn god right trusty and Welbeloued / We sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees a supplicacion put vnto vs yn &t;e nam of oure welbeloued Roger Waltham / by &t;e whiche he ha&t; prayd vs for certein causes contened yn &t;e saide supplicacion / we wold graunte hym to be oon of &t;e barons of oure Eschequer / yn &t;e stede of Robert Sandford &t;at is god betaght / Considering &t;at he might be of power to doo vs &t;e bett er seruice yn o&t;er occupacion as we haue sette hym ynne for oure prouffit / as ye may be more clerly enfourmed by &t;e saide supplicacion / So we wol &t;at ye see and vnderstande clerely al &t;e matere contened &t;er ynne / and &t;ervpon ordeine suche prouision as hit seme&t; best to youre Discrecion for oure prouffit and auantage yn &t;is cas: yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure Castel of Caen &t;e furst day of May / [Calendared Kirby 828. Petition SC8/185/9223. Appointment recorded 15 July 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 170.] [torn] ChancEng23 1418C81/1364/52Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader yn god ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue Receyued a bulle direct vnto vs / whiche we sende yow closed vnder oure signet by &t;e bringer of &t;is / touching &t;e promocion of maistre William Barowe to &t;e bisshopriche of Bangore: we wol &t;at he haue liueree of &t;e temporaltees of &t;e said bisshopriche of Bangore / and do his feaulte in suche cas duely accustumed / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen &t;e xv. day of May [Calendared Kirby 829. Livery recorded 5 June 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 167.] ChancEng24 1418C81/1364/53Signet of Henry V By the kyng: Worshipful fader yn god. ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued. we grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue vnderstande by yowre lettre wreten in oure Cite of London &t;e iiij. day of May / how &t;at &t;e bisshop of saint Dauid ha&t; founden seurte in oure Chancellerie / &t;at he shal neuer vexe ne inquiete &t;executours of &t;e testament of his last predecessour / &t;at was our Confessour &t;e whiche god assoille / but for asmuche as &t;e said bisshop of saint Dauid ha&t; (not) brawt into oure said Chancellerie &t;e bulles of his translacion dirett vnto vs / &t;at &t;ees bulles &t;er seen he mighte make certein renunciacion in suche cas accustumed in con seruacion of oure Regalie / &t;e deliuerance of his temp oraltees as yit been deferret. wherfore we sende yow by &t;e berer of &t;is &t;e said bulle / and wol &t;at &t;e said bisshop haue lyueree of his temporaltees / and do his fewte / as hit ha&t; been vsed duely in suche cas afore &t;is tyme. and god haue yow in his kepyng / ffer&t;ermore / for asmuche as we haue granted to oure clerc Robert Shiryngton &t;e prebende whiche sir Laurence haukyn &t;at is god betaght hadde now late in oure Chirche of Chichestre. we wol &t;at ye do make vnto &t;e said Robert oure lettres patentes vnder oure grete seel beyng in yowre warde in due forme. Consideryng &t;at he last by oure comandement. a no&t;er pre bende in &t;e same chirche / to &t;e vse of oure trusty and welbeloued clerc maistre henry ware / keper of oure priue seel and eslit of oure chirche abouesaid / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen &t;e xv day of May abouesaid: Also we do yow to witte &t;at we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued clerc William Toly &t;e pension of &t;e abbot of Bataille. wher vpon we wol &t;at oure said clerc haue suche lettres vnder oure grete (seel) as &t;e cas aske&t; [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 830. See no. 15 above and 31 below. Livery recorded 1 June 1418, CPR 1416-22, pp. 151-52.] [superior insert] ChancEng25 1418C81/1364/54Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng: Worshipful fader in god. Ryght trusty and Welbeloued: For as moche as we haue granted to our wel beloued Chapellain Maistre Iohan Cruche Comenceour and licenced in diuinitee: &t;e prebende of west wythryng in &t;e Cathedrale chirche of Chichestre &t;at is voide. be &t;e de&t; of maistre Richard Alkeryngton and belongynge to oure collacion / be reson of &t;e temporalitees. of &t;e Bysshopriche of Chichestre. now beynge in oure handes. to haue it wi&t; alle &t;e ryghtes and appurtennances &t;erof: and also &t;at we haue granted to Thomas ffeltewell preest: presentacion to &t;e chirche parochiele of Rademeld voide and belongynge also to our yefte be &t;e reson abouesaid: We wol &t;at vnto &t;e saide persones: ye do make her vpon oure lettres seueral vnder oure greet seal beynge in your warde in due forme. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen &t;e xix. day of May: [Calendared Kirby 831. Presentations recorded 1 June 1418, CPR 1416-22, pp. 154, 168.] ChancEng26 1418C81/1364/55Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader yn god. right trusty and welbeloued / We sende to yow closed wi&t;ynne &t;ees oure lettres a supplicacion putte vnto vs yn &t;e name of &t;e priour and Conuent of oure house of Ihesu of Bethle em at Shene of &t;ordre of Chartuse makyng mencion how &t;at &t;e barons of oure Eschequer at Westminstre wol not discharge hem of certeine sommes of moneye rennyng on hem at oure saide Eschequer for diuerses dimes and quin&y;imes granted vnto vs by &t;e clergie and comunes of oure Reaume of Englond. we wol &t;at &t;e saide supplicacion seyen / and vnderstanden by yow / and oure lettres patentes m(ade) vnto hem &t;erevpon / ye doo ordeine and see / &t;at &t;ai be discharged of &t;e saide dymes and quin&y;imes after &t;effect of oure saide lettr es patentes and if &t;at &t;e said priour and cou ent may not be discharged by &t;e vertue of oure same lettres patentes &t;anne we wol / &t;at ye ordeine yn &t;e best wyse &t;at ye can / &t;at &t;ai be discharged as for &t; is tyme of &t;e dymes and quin&y;imes abouesaid / Also we pray yow / speke&t; vnto &t;archebisshop of Canterbu ry / &t;at oure lettres patentes made vnto &t;e saide priour and Conuent touching &t;e discharge of &t;e saide dymes and quin&y;imes be entred in his Registre / if ye &t;inke hit goodly to be doon / yeuen under oure signet yn oure Castel of Caen &t;e xx. day of May: [Calendared Kirby 832.] [rubbed] ChancEng27 1418C81/1364/56Signet of Henry V { By &t;e king: Worshipful fader in god and right trusty and wel beloued. We sende you closed wi&t;ynne &t;is / a supplicaci on putte vnto vs. by william holand of Glatton. by &t;e whiche he hath besoght vs to foryeue vnto him. and to Margerie his wife &t;e suite of oure pees &t;at to vs longe&t; ayeins hem for &t;e causes specified in &t;e saide supplicacion. as it is more fully contened &t;erynne and in acopie of &t;e nditement take &t;ervppon. closed in &t;e same supplicacio n / and forto grante vnto hem also al her goodis and catels. to vs for &t;e same cause forfait and beyng in oure handes. Wherfore we wol &t;at seene by you and vnderstande &t;e saide supplicaci on. Whiche of oure grace especiale. We haue fully granted. after &t;effect &t;er of: ye do haue to &t;e saide william and Margerie &t;er vppon. oure lettres patentes vnder oure greet seel. in due forme. yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Cite of Lisieux &t;e xxvij. day of May [Calendared Kirby 833. Pardon recorded 12 June 1418. CPR 1416-22, p.168.] ChancEng28 1418C81/1364/58Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. ffor asmuche as we be fully auysed to make oure maistre mason as maistre (S)teven was: oon &t;at hyght Colchestre / whiche is maistre mason bo&t;e of &t;e Chirche of york / and of westminstre (we w)ol &t;at ye sende for &t;e said Colchestre / and &t;at ye yeue him his charge / and do make him a patent vnder oure grete seel / suche as han been accustumed afore &t;is tyme in &t;at caas / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Town of Barnay in Normandie &t;e second day of Iuyn: [Calendared Kirby 834. Appointment recorded 6 July 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 170.] [torn and rubbed] ChancEng29 1418C81/1364/57Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng Worshipful fader in god ryht trusty and wel be loued. We grete you wel. And for as moche as our trusty and wel bel oued knyght. william Bowys &t;at is of Retenue of our Ryht trusty and entierly wel beloued bro&t;er &t;e Duke of Clarence. is continuelly abydynge here in oure seruice. We wol and charge you. &t;at vpon oure lettres patentes of confirmacion maad vnto &t;e said william of &t;e grantes of certaine annui tees granted vnto hym afore &t;is tyme. ye do make our writtes of liberate and allocate necessaires vpon our saide lettres patent es. Notwithstondynge &t;e preferrement of xml. li. granted vnto vs afore &t;is tyme (as ye knowe). Yeven vnder oure signet at oure Town of Bernay &t;e second day of Iuyn [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 835. Confirmation recorded 4 Aug. 1413, CPR 1416-22, p.98.] [superior insert] ChancEng30 1418C81/1364/59Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng. Worshipful fader yn god / right trusty and wel beloued We grete yow wel / And we wol &t;at yn al haste possible ye doo ordeyne / &t;at out of oure port of Bristowe be sent to Waterford in Irland as many shippes as wol suffice for &t; e shippyng of &t;e priour of Kylmaynan / wi&t; .CC. horsmen and .CCC. footemen to come to vs yn al hast wi&t; goddes grace / And &t;a t &t;is be not left yn no wyse / as oure trust ys to yow / Yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Bernay / &t;e. iije. day. of Iuyn: (Another hand) ffer&t;ermore we wol and prey yow &t;at for any &t;ing ye haste &t;e said shipping for &t;e same Priour and &t;ey &t;at shal come to vs wi&t; him taryen for noon o&t;ir but for lacke of shipping / yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Abbaye of Beekhelwyn &t;e iii&t;e day of &t;e said mone&t; (Signed) Stone (Order for shipping, in French, follows in the second hand.) [Calendared and French order printed, Kirby 836. Commission recorded 27 Oct. 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 202.] ChancEng31 1418C81/1364/60Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng Worshipful fader in god. ryht trusty and wel beloued / ffor as moche as we haue vnderstande by a supplicacion put vnto vs. &t;at Robert haburgeham Sqwyer beynge heere in our seruice on &t;is syde of &t;e See in &t;e compaignie of our trusty and wel beloued &t;e lord ffi&y; hugh oure Chamberlein. is pursued and empleted in our Royaume of Engeland in certaine cause personneles. whiles &t;at he is heere in our said seruice. wher by he ha&t; lost and is in poynt to leese many of his goodes fro day to day. We wol &t;at ye do ordeyne vn to &t;e said Robert oure lett res of protection in &t;e commune forme. whiche may be soufficeante and vaillable vnto hym duringe &t;e tyme &t;at he is in our said seruice on &t;is syde of &t;e See. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure Abbaye of Beekhel wyn. &t;e .v. day of Iuyn: [Calendared and letters of protection cited, Kirby 837.] ChancEng32 1418C81/1364/61Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng: Worshipf(ul) fader in god Ryht trusty and welbeloued we grete yow wel And sende you closed wi&t;i nne &t;ees lettres. a copie of certaine lettres sent vnto vs from oure Bro&t;er &t;e Duc of Bretaigne. for to haue Restitucion of certaine goodes of Hamon Martyn breton and o&t;ere of his sougittes of Bretaigne specified in &t;e same lettres whiche shulde haue be taken vpon &t;e See by certaine of our sougettes. of Cornewaille. as ye may se moore cleerly by &t;e saide copie. &t;e whiche. seen and vnderst anden and hauynge ful knowleche whe&t;er &t;e sugestion compr ehended in &t;e same lettres be trewe. we wol and charge you. &t;at ye se and ordeyne &t;at hasty restitucion of &t;e forsaide goodes be maad and &t;at ye do compelle our saide sougettes to make restitucion abouesaid in obser uynge duely for our partie &t;e trewes taken betwix vs and our said Bro&t;er of Bretaigne/. And knowe&t; wel &t;at our wil and desire is &t;at &t;e saide trieues be kept as Iustly for oure partie. as we wolde &t;at &t;ey wer kept towardes vs for his partie and in suche wyse &t;at nouther he ne his saide sougettes haue no cause raisounable to compleyne vnto vs her after for &t;is cause ne for non o&t;er semblable for defaute of Ryght as we haue write to our Ryht trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er of Bede ford by oure o&t;ere lettres. And also in wyse as we wol &t;at restitucion be maad of &t;e forsaide goodes. yn lychwyse / we wol &t;at deliuerance of &t;e Barge and persones specified in &t;e saide copie be maad wi&t; te saide goodes. so &t;at no defaute be founde on our partie. And we wol &t;at ye do &t;is &t;yng by &t;auys of our said bro&t;er. to whom we write semblablely at &t;is tyme for &t;e same matire. Yeven vnder our signet in our hoost afore Louiers &t;e viij. day of Iuyn. (Subsequent orders, in French, follow in a different hand.) [Calendared with explanations and French printed, Kirby 838.] [torn] ChancEng33 1418C81/1364/62Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng. Worshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued. We grete you wel. And do you to wite &t;at we haue seen a supplicacion directe vnto vs &t;e whiche was closed in your lettre and sent vnto oure ryht trusty and wel beloued Clerc maister henri Ware for &t;e Priour and &t;e Couent of &t;e Priorie of Seint Osewoldes of Gloucestre touchinge &t;appropriacion of &t;e Chirche of Mynstreworth in our Shire of Gloucestre / and &t;e whiche supplicacion we sende to you closed wi&t;inne &t;es our lettres. and haue granted it fully vpon &t;is condicion: &t;at &t;e saide Priour and Couent. do appropre &t;e forsaide Chirche wi&t;inne a yeer next folwynge after &t;e date of &t;es lettres. So we wol &t;at vpon &t;e contenne of &t;e same supplicacion / ye do maake vnto &t;e said Priour and Couent our lettres patentes vnder oure greet seel. beynge in youre warde in due forme. Yeven vnder our signet in our hoost afore Louiers. &t;e xxij. day of Iuyn: [Calendared Kirby 839. Licence recorded 1 July 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 169.] ChancEng34 1418C81/1364/63Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyngWorshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued: We grete you wel. And we wol &t;at vnto oure wel beloued Sqwyer Ianico Dartas. which &t;at is abydyng wi&t; vs in oure seruice heer in &t;es parties: ye do make vpon &t;e lettres patentes by &t;e whiche he take&t; of vs a certaine annuitee durynge his lyf of &t;e issues of our Citee of london: our writtes of liberate and allocate vnder oure greet seel for &t;e terme of Pascques last passed. notwith stondynge &t;e preferrement of xml. li. granted vnto vs afore this tyme Yeven vnder our signet at oure town of Louiers. &t;e .xxvj. day of Iuyn: [Calendared Kirby 840. Confirmations recorded 20 July 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 170.] ChancEng35 1418C81/1364/64Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god. Ryght trusty and wel beloued. ffor as muche as oure ryht trusty and welbeloued Clerc . . . maistre henri ware. Elit to &t;e Byssho priche of Chichestre ha&t; deliuered to vs &t;e bulles of prouision maad vnto hym by oure holy fader &t;e pope of &t;e said Byssho(pri)che. and &t;e same Elit ha&t; maad renunciacion of alle &t;e wordes contened in &t;e said bulles of prouision &t;at myghte be preiudiciel vnto vs and to oure corowne: And also maad his feawte. vnto vs for &t;e temporalitees. &t;at longen to &t;e forsaid byssho priche. We wol &t;at by oure lettres to be maad in due forme vnder oure greet seel: ye do make to &t;e said Elit res titucion and liueree of &t;e temporalitees &t;at longen to &t;e same Bysshopriche: oure saide lettres vnder oure greet seal beringe &t;e date of &t;e .xiij. day of &t;e mone&t; of May last passed. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost beside our town of Pont de larche. &t;e .x. day of Iuill: [Calendared Kirby 841. See no.23 above. Livery recorded 13 May 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 171.] [cancel] [torn] ChancEng36 1418C81/1364/65Signet of Henry V (rubbed) By &t;e kyng Worshipful . . . We grete you wel And for as muche as &t;e trewes taken b(etwen)e vs and oure bro&t;er &t;e Duc of B(re)taigne: been proroged vnto halowmesse next coming. we wol &t;at &t;(er) vpon ye ordeine that &t;er be proclamacion maade in alle oure portes and in suche places as hit ha&t; been vsed and accustumed to be doon in like caas afore &t;is time / And god haue yow in his keping yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost before Roan &t;e ix. day of Aust. [Calendared Kirby 842. Prerogation of the truce, Rymer, Foedera IX.613-14.] [badly rubbed and/or torn] ChancEng37 1418C81/1364/66Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng W(or)shipful fadre yn god / ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wy&t;inne &t;ees oure lettres a supplicacion (pu)t vn to vs yn the name of oure welbeloued yn god &t;e Prieur and Couent of oure Cathedrale chirche of Bathe the whiche supplicacion vs seme&t; resonable / So we wol &t; at &t;e same supplicacion seen / and &t;e matere &t;erinne contened pleinly vnderstanden by yow / ye do ful execu cion of right vpon &t;e same supplicacion / aftre youre discrecion / And god haue yow yn his keping yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure hoost afore Roan &t;e xxx day of Aougst [Calendared Kirby 843. See no. 5 above. Commission of inquiry recorded 30 Aug. 1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 205.] [torn] ChancEng38 1418C81/1364/67Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god. Ryht trusty and wel beloued We grete you wel. And for asmoche as Thomas Toky which &t;at ha&t; an annuitee of x li. to take yeerly by &t;e handes of &t;e fermours of &t;e subside and aulnage of saale clo&t;es. of our Citee of York: is heer wi&t; vs in our duchie of Normandie abydynge continuelly in our seruice: We wol &t; at vnto &t;e same Thomas vpon his lettres patentes maad vnto hym of &t;e same annuitee: ye do maake our writtes of liberate and allocate vnder our greet seal beynge in your warde in due forme: wi&t; tis clause / notwi&t;standynge &t;e preferrement of .xml. li. granted vn to vs in oure parlement Yeven vnder our signet in oure hoost afore Roan &t;e xiij. day of Septembre: [Calendared Kirby 844. Confirmation recorded 16 June 1413, CPR 1413-16, p. 66.] ChancEng39 1418C81/1364/68Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi&t;in &t;is / a copie of a Lettre sent now late vnto vs by &t;abbot and Conuent of oure hows of Graces beside oure towre of London / So we wol &t;(at) ye shewe al &t;e fauour and ese &t;at may be don by lawe and conscience vnto oure said hows so &t;at hit be nat spoilled of noon of &t;e possessions &t;at Longeth &t;erto yn no wyse / Vnto &t; at we nowe ordeyne at oure comyng hoom wi&t; goddes grace / to put hit yn Reste and quiete / yn asmuche as hit is of oure fundac cion / for whiche cause we haue hit moche &t;e more yn chie rte as reson is / Yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure hoost afore Roan &t; e xxj day of Septembre [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 845. Letter follows, no.40 below. For more on the dispute see CPR 1399-1401, pp.274-75; RP IV.110; VCH London I.462.] [torn] ChancEng40 1418C81/1364/69 Petition from St. Mary Graces Most excellent and noble prince and our most gracieux souerain Liege Lord We your owne pore prestes vs recommande to your high and gracieux Lordship Preying both day and night for your good estat and good spede as wele as for the hele of your . . . personne the whiche we pre serue and mayntene thurgh his grace longe tyme to his plesament and to confort to al your lieges Most excellent and noble prince & our most gracieux liege lord plese to you for to . . . &t;at your pore hous the whiche we occupie vnder your gracieux lordship is so villed and empored fro day to day bi the plee that hath be and (&t;at) continueth (betwix) our (worthi) lord the Erle Huntyngton and vs: and we be there bi so vexed and (unquieted)&t;hat we may not thus endure withoute your gracieux help and socour the whiche at al tymes haue put your noble hand as a cristen prince . . . deliuerance of holichirche fro daunger of tribulacions and diseses Wherefore we beseche you our souerain lord as mekely & deuoutely . . . that with your yen of pitee and mercy like you to consider how that now late in your absence we ne haue but litil comfort and in cas that . . . beyng now in plee the whiche is the most substance of our lyuelode be take awey fro your seide hous & shuld not be of power for to bere the charges of diuin seruice and of other werkes of pitee and de(uoci)on as it was founded and ordeyned bi your most noble progenitours And &t;er fore vouche ye saaf of your high goodnesse for to take this matere in to your gracieux hondes vntil your comyng home the whiche god graunte sone for to be with as moche worship and prosperite as euer hadde any prince and than for to (r)ule it after the high discreccion of you and of your conseil or els for to send your gracieux lettres to your Chanceller of England that noon liueree be made of the same land withou(t) a Scire facias like as it was ordened and granted in your parlement bifore your departyng In whiche thing our souerain liege lord and most gracieux (king) ye may sette (vs) your pore bedemen in grete ese of hert for to bisie vs the better in diuin seruice as we be bounde to do Vnderstondyng (howeuer) our most gracieux lord that your deuout Chapellain Sir Roger Grenway now late our Abbot & gouern our is passed to god to our grete discomfort and heuynesse and as we suppose the grete thought and bisinesse that he toke for to susteyne the charges of the plee was grete cause of his infirmite as your humble liege man the berer of this lettre can declare to your excellence if it like you for to here him to whom we biseche your gracieux audience and ful credence in this bihalf Most excellent and noble prince and our most gracieux souerain liege Lord we biseche the holy trinitee that he you haue euermore in his holy kepyng both body and soule Written at London vnder our commoun seel the iiij day of September [Calendared Kirby 845.] [rubbed] ChancEng41 1418C81/1364/70Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue comanded oure welbeloued seruant and squier. maistre Robert Bonsergeant: to go hoom at &t;is time / Considering &t;at he is so biset wi&t; sekenesse / &t;at he may do vs no seruice on &t;is side &t;e see / we wol &t;at of suche annuitees as he ha&t; of oure grante for terme of his lyf. ye ordeine &t;at he haue oure writtes of liberate and alloc ate / fro terme to terme as hit shal nede / by &t;e whiche he may be redely paid at eche terme of his annuitees aforsaid / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan &t;e . . . day of Septembre: [Calendared Kirby 846. Confirmations recorded 12 June, 18 Dec. 1413, CPR 1413-16, pp. 95, 144.] [space left for date] ChancEng42 1418C81/1364/71Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god. Ryht trusty and welbeloued We grete you wel. And we sende you closed wi&t;inne &t;es Lettres a supplicacion put vnto vs. by our beloued seruant William Cursun. by &t;e whiche he desire&t; tat we sholde write vnto you for a certaine matire &t;at is contened in &t;e said supplicacion as ye may se more plainly by &t;e same. So we wol &t;at &t;e same supplicacion seyen. and &t;e matire contened &t;er in. wel vnderstanden by you. &t;at ye do ordeyne so &t;er vpon by your good avys. &t;at our said seruant haue non hindrynge &t;er of now in his absence. but &t;at ye se &t;e more tendrely &t;erto be cause &t;at he is heer continuelly abydinge wi&t; vs in our seruice. Yeven vnder our signet in oure hoost afore Roan &t;e .v day of Octobre: [Calendared Kirby 847.] ChancEng43 1418Cotton Galba B.I. fol. 164Signet of Henry By &t;e kyngRight worshipful and worshipful faders yn god / right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And wol ye wite / &t;at &t;am bassiatours of oure bro&t;ir &t;e Duc of Baire / bringers of &t;is / haue been here wi&t; vs / and doon &t;eire ambas siat in suche wyse / as we halde vs wel apaide / And among o&t;ir &t;inges declared vnto vs / &t;ei haue desired to knowe / how it standeth bitwix vs / and &t;e princes of Duchelond and in what wise &t;ei gouerne hem towardes vs / and in especial how Duc Iohan of Baire sumtyme Elit of Lieges gouerne&t; him anenst vs / for as &t;ei sey / &t;ereaft er wol oure bro&t;ir of Baire gouerne him / to &t;e same Iohan / And for asmuche as ye knowe better &t;anne we doo / how &t;e said Duc Iohan gouerne&t; him towardes vs / and oure Rewme of Englande / and oure suggettes. we remitte hem to haue ful declaracion and verrai knaweleche of you in &t;at matere . Wherefore we wol &t;at ye comune wi&t; &t;aim of &t;is matere / latyng hem haue knoweleche &t;erof / and how yow &t;enke &t;at oure brothir of Baiere shulde gouerne him anenst &t;e same Duc Iohan / for ye mowe trustely anogh comun wi&t; taim of suche materes / as vs &t;enke&t; by &t;e gouernance &t;at &t;ei haue shewed to vs / Moreouer &t;ei haue desired of vs / to be counseilled be what weye / &t;ai might best and most seurly Retourne hoom ayen into &t;aire cuntre / owt of oure Rewme of Englande. Consideryng &t;at &t;e trewes whiche were bitwix vs / and &t;e Duc of Bourgoine. expired at Mighelmasse last passed / wherfore In asmuche as ye knowe better &t;anne we / how &t;ai of fflandres and also of hollande gouerne &t;aim towardes vs / and oure soubgettes. we desiryng in al wise &t;e sauf Retournyng hoom of &t;e said Ambassiatours / wol &t;at ye counseille and aduise hem in &t;e best wyse &t;at ye can for &t;e seurete of &t;aire Retour nyng / And whiles &t;ai tarie yn oure land / we wol &t;at &t; ere be shewed vnto hem / al &t;e fee fauor and chere / &t;at may be doon yn goodly wyse. And also &t;at ye oure Chanceller doo make vnto &t;aim / soufficeant writtes of passage. In suche wyse as &t;ai may haue redy passage owt of oure land / from what port &t;ai come too / vnto what port &t;ayme is Leuest to drawe to by yowre aduis / And almighty god haue yow in his kepyng. yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan the xxj day of Octobre [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 848. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.61-63.] ChancEng44 1418C81/1364/72Signet of Henry V S Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel. And sende yow closed wi&t;in &t;ees / a supplicacion dir(ect) vnto yow / and by &t;e whiche. oon Marke william of Bristow merchant. desireth to haue remedie of certain wrong(es) and iniuries doon to him / aswel as to &t;ospital of &t;e trinite beside Bristow / touching &t;e manoir of Ruggewey by Rober(t) Russell maire of Bristow / and william Burgh / as ye may haue more pleine knawleche by &t;e said supplicacion. So we wol &t;at ye se &t;e said supplicacion. and if &t;e matere contened &t;erin oughte to be examined by oure conseil hit be do / and &t;ervpon ye ordeine &t;at Right be doon / as Lawe and conscience wollen / &t;at &t;ere be no more compleinte ne poursuite maad vnto vs on &t;is side &t;e see / touching &t;at matere. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan &t;e xxiij day of Octobr(e) [Calendared Kirby 849. Recognisance recorded 16 Feb. 1419, CPR 1413-19, p. 524.] [torn] ChancEng45 1418C81/1364/73Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued We grete yow wel / And we wol / &t;at nat wi&t;standyng &t;e preferrement &t;at we haue of .x. ml. li as ye knawe wel / ye ordeyne &t;at oure welbeloued squier Iohan Ascow: (ha ue) oure (writ)tes of Liberate and allocate vnder oure grete seal in due forme. by &t;e vertue of &t;e whiche: he may haue paiement of &t;at / &t;at is due vnto him o f suche annuitees as he haa&t; of oure grante by oure lettres patentes And &t;at ye se &t;e better to him / by cause he is here wi&t; vs continuely in oure seruice / Yeuen vnder oure signet . . . in oure hoost afore Roan &t;e xxvij day of Octobre: [Calendared with explanations Kirby 850. Confirmation recorded 20 June, 17 July 1413, CPR 1413-16, pp. 66, 69.] [rubbed] [torn] [cancel] ChancEng46 1418Cotton Julius B. VI. fol. 97:35Signet of Henry V By &t;e kingRight trusty and welbeloued / brother / We grete yow wel / And as we suppose / It is not out of youre Remembrance in what wise and how ofte we haue charged yow by oure lettres / &t;at good and hasty reparacion and restitucion were ordeined and maade at altymes of suche attemptates as hapned to be made by oure sugettes / ayenst &t;e trewes taken betwix vs and oure brother &t;e duc of Bretaigne / And not withstanding oure saide lettres diuers compleintes be maad and sent vnto vs / for defaulte of reparacion and restitucion of suche attemptates as be made by certein of oure subgettes and lieges as ye may vnderstand by a supplicacion sent to vs by &t;e said duc / whiche supplicacion we sende to yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees lettres for to haue &t;e more pleine knoweleche of &t;e trouthe / wherfor we wol and charge yow / &t;at ye calle to yow oure Chanceller to haue knowelache of &t;e same supplicacion: and &t;at doon / we wol / &t;at ye doo sende to vs in al hast al &t;oo personnes / &t;at been oure sugettes contened in &t;e supplicacion abouesaid / And &t;at also in alle other semblable materes / ye doo ordeine so hasty and Iuste Remede / restitucion / and repar acion vpon suche attemptates doon by oure sugettes in conseruacion of oure trewes / &t;at noman haue cause hereafter to compleine in suche wyse as thai doon for defaute of right doyng / ner we cause to write to yow alweys as we doon for suche causes / Considered &t;e gret occupacion &t;at we haue otherwyse / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afor Roan. &t;e.xxix. day of Nouembre [Calendared Kirby 851. Printed Nicolas II.243.] [on a detached slip, different paper(?).] ChancEng47 1419C81/1366/8Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader i(n g)od / right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;is a (s)upplicacion put vnto vs in &t;e names of william ffowler of &t;e contee of Buk inghamshire gentil(man) william Buktoft / and Richart Brount / &t;e whiche supplicacion seen and vnderstanden by yow / wi&t; te circumstances / yif ye can be trewely enfour med &t;at &t;e suggestion be trewe &t;at is contened in &t;e said supplicacion / we wol &t;at &t;e same william: william: and Richard haue pardon in due fourme / of &t;e somme specified in &t;e saide supplicacion / yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure town of Rouen / &t;e .xxviij. day of Ianuer / (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 852. Pardon recorded 29 March 1419, CPR 1416-22, p. 216.] [torn] ChancEng48 1419C81/1364/74Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbeloued / we grete yow wel / And for asmuche as &t;e trewes bitwix vs / and ou(r)e bro&t;ir &t;e duc of Bretaigne been proroged vnto &t;e feste of alhalowmesse next comyng / and for . . . wekes after / in &t;e same fourme as &t;ei were taken &t;e last yere at Alencon / we wol &t;at in al hast ye do proclame in due fourme &t;e said prorogacion in al places nedeful and accustumed in suche cas / And god haue yow in his keping Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen &t;e xxx day of Ianuer [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 853. Prorogation recorded 12 Jan. 1419, Rymer, Foedera IX.663.] [torn] ChancEng49 1419C/81/1366/10Signet of Henry V By &t;e king. Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And doo yow to wite &t;at we haue yeuen vnder oure greet seel here / &t;e chirche of Morton / whiche as we were enfourmed voyded be &t;e deces of oon maister Richard Penelles and longed to oure yift / be cause of &t;e beyng of oure Cousin Courrenays landes yn oure handes / the whiche oure yift we signiffie vnto yow to &t;at ende / &t;at ye witt / we wol hit take effect / yeuen vnder oure signet / in. oure town of Rouen. &t;e .xxx. day of Ianuer (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 854. Presentation confirmed C64/10/36; Deputy Keeper's Report no. 41, p.727.] ChancEng50 1419C81/1366/5Signet of Henry V By &t;e king. Worshipful fader in god. right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we wol / &t;at ye doo make / vnto Thomas Cochare of oure town of Douorre / whiche ha&t; doon vs seruice here on &t;is side &t;e see / writtes of liberate and Allocate / in due fourme / for &t;at &t;at is behynde and due vnto hym. of .iiij. d (&t;e day) granted vnto hym by certein lettres patentes / confermed by vs / to Receiue hem of &t;e fee ferme of oure Cite of Canter bury. by &t;e handes of oure baillifs of &t;e same place / Not wi&t;standyng &t;e preferrement of .x.m l. pound. graunted vnto vs / by parlement as ye knowe / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure Castel of Rouen / &t;e .xj. day of ffeuerer (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 855. Grant recorded 1 Dec. 1399, CPR 1399-1401, p. 138; confirmation recorded 7 June 1413, CPR 1413-16, p. 25.] [superior insert] ChancEng51 1419SC1/43/162Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader in god right trusti and welbeloued we grete you wel And witeth yat we been enformed yat ye kyng of Castel maketh a grete armee of vesselx whiche shuld be redy / in short tyme as is sayde for to doo ye harme ayeinst vs and oures yat yay may / whiche god defende. and in especiale yat yaire purpos is to doo yaire powaire for to brynne and destrue oure shippes and ye nauie of oure lande and namely oure shippes at Hampton And also yaire ordinance is to lande in our(e) Reaume for to doo thannoye yat yay may / Wherefore we wol and charge you / yat by yauys of oure brothre of Bedford and of othir suche as semeth to youre discrecion: ye ordenne in alle haste for ye gouernance of oure lande And for ye saufwarde of seurkepyng of oure saide vesselx at Hampton and in othir places where as eure yay bee And yat yay of ye portes and of ye see coost al abowte be warned here of in alle haste and charged to be wel awaytyng and redy at al tymes if any suche thyng happen: yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen ye xij day of ffeuerer [Calendared Kirby 856. Commissions of array recorded 5 March 1419, CPR 1416-22, pp. 209-12; Rymer, Foedera IX.702.] [torn] ChancEng52 1419C81/1366/9Signet of Henry V By the King: Worshipful fader in god oure trusty and welbe loued / We wol and charge yow &t;at vnto oure Welbeloued clerc Iohn Hethe / ye doo make out writtes of Liberate and Allocate / from terme to terme / wi&t; the clause / non obstante / &t;e prefer(re)ment / of &t;annuite of xx Marc / which we haue granted hym by oure lettres patentes / of the fee ferme / of oure town of Iarnemouthe / to take hit by &t;e handes of oure baillifs of the saide toun f(or) the tyme beyng / And see&t; tat &t;is be doon / notwi&t; standyng / any commandement / yeuen vnto yow / to &t;e contrary here afore / Yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Rouen &t;e xxviije day of ffeuerer (Signed) Andrieu [Calendared Kirby 857. Confirmation recorded 12 June 1413, CPR 1413-16, p. 70.] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng53 1419C81/1366/15Signet of Henry V (Right corner missing, approximately one fifth of the first four lines) By the King: (Wor)shipful fader in god / oure trusty and welbeloued / for asmuch . . . a Patente closed vnder oure signet / and ensealled with oure grete sea . . . Syon / &t;e whiche Patente / fore haste my&y;ht not be enrolled here . . . enrolled in England. Not wi&t;standing / &t;e two names rased . . . Yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Rouen / &t;e ije day of March / (Another hand) The two names aforesaide been &t;erles of Arundell and of warrewik &t;e whiche wer Rased / because &t;ey wer myssette And for asmuche as oure saide patent is of a &t;yng perpe tuel: we wol &t;at ye do write hit ayein of a more substancial hande / and seel hit vndre oure seel beyng yn youre warde. And now &t;at we haue satisfied to &t;e desire of &t;ayme of Syon as towardes &t;aire profession. we wolde &t;at for any thyng &t;e profession wer hasted. wherto we pray yow to stere and to help &t;at ye may. [Calendared Kirby 858.] ChancEng54 1419C81/1366/6Signet of Henry V By &t;e king: Worshipful fader yn god. oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel. And we wol. &t;at vpon &t;e contenne of &t;e supplicacion. whiche we sende yow closed here wi&t;in: ye ordeine suche writtes of liberate and allocate vnto oure welbeloued knight william Cromewell. as haue be maade to o&t;er afore &t;is tyme in like cas. Notwi&t; standing &t;e preferrement of .x. ml. li. And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen &t;e xvij. day of Marche: [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 859. Confirmation of grant recorded 1 Oct. 1414, CPR 1413-16, p. 240.] ChancEng55 1419C81/1365/1Signet of Henry V By &t;e king S Wor(ship)ful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we wol &t;at seyen and vnderstande by yow &t;e matere contened in &t;e supplicacion / whiche we sende yow closed here wi&t;in / touching certain &t;inges granted vnto oure welbeloued squier. Ianico dartasse: as ye may se more pleinly. by &t;e saide supplicacion: ye doo ordeine &t;at he haue suche writtes as may Lawefully be hadde / and suche as yow &t;en ke&t; resounable in &t;e cas. And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of vernon &t;e vj. day of Aueril S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 860.] [torn] ChancEng56 1419C81/1365/2Signet of Henry V S By &t;e king S Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we wol &t;at after &t;e teneur of a supplicacion. whiche we sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;is / ye do make oure lettres of saufconduit. vnder oure grete seel in due forme / duryng for a yere / And god haue yow in his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon &t;e xxthe. day of Auril S(Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 861.] ChancEng57 1419Cotton Galba B.I fol. 157Signet of Henry By &t;e king S Right trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er / We grete yow wel / And we lete yow wite / how &t;at &t;ei of .iiij. membres of flandres desiren by &t;aire lettres sent to vs / &t;at we wolde continue and prorogue &t;e seurtees and prouis ions ordeined afore &t;is time for &t;e cours of marchandise. betwix oure Rewme of England and &t;e cuntre of flandres &t;e whiche prouisions and seurtees expired at Ester last / as ye may se more plainly by &t;e copie closed wi&t;in &t;is of &t;e said iiij. membres lettres S Also we send yow closed wi&t;in &t;is / a copie of oure lettre Responsiue vnto &t;e lettres abouesaid / and &t;e forme of an Instruccion of certain prouisions / whiche we wol / be added to &t;at o&t;ir seurtees and prouisions afore tyme / at &t;e next taking newe of &t;e forsaid seurtees and prouisions by oure Commissaires / suche as by yow / wi&t; avis of oure Chan cell(or) and o&t;ir of oure conseil shul be deputed and ordeined for to goo to Calais for &t;at cause S ffer&t;ermore whan &t;at ye haue seyen and vnderstande &t;ees oure lettres and copies closed &t;erin. we wol &t;at ye write vnto &t;e said .iiij. membres / certifieng hem. how &t;at by oure comandement. ye write vnto hem / to be certifi ed at what tyme &t;aire Ambassiatours. shullen be redy at oure towne of Calais. for &t;e said cause / ayein &t;e whiche tyme / we wolde oure Commissaires were &t;ere also. And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon &t;e xxviij day of Auerill S(Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 862. Printed, with the letter from Bruges and the King's reply, Nicolas II.250-54. See no. 65 below.] [torn off] ChancEng58 1419C81/1365/4Signet of Henry V By &t;e king. Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees oure lettres. a supplicacion of greuous compleynt / put vnto vs by. sir Rogier wodehill person of Strete / as ye may see more clerely by &t;e same supplicacion / wherfor we wol &t;at &t;e forsaide supplicacion wel vnderstanden and considered by yow / ye doo calle before yow bothe parties speciffied in &t;e same supplicacion / and &t;aire causes herd / &t;at ye doo vnto hem boothe / right and equite / and in especial &t;at ye see &t;at &t;e porer partye suffre no wrong / but &t;at ye make suche an ende in &t;is matiere / &t;at (we) be nomore vexed hereafter wi&t; taire complaintes / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Vernon &t;e .xxviij. day of Auerill [Calendered Kirby 863. Printed PC I.xvi.] [superior insert] ChancEng59 1419C81/1365/3Signet of Henry V By &t;e king S Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And for asmuche as we be enfourmed / &t;at oure lettres patentes by &t;e whiche we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued squier Pierres Garueys. &t;e warde of &t;e landes and tenement&y; tat were hugh ffastolfs knight &t;at is godbetaght: be nat vaillable. by cause. &t;e value is nat expressed. in oure saide lett res / and also. for suche wardes been assigned for &t;e despens es of oure howsholde. we wol. &t;at ye do make vnto oure said squier oure lettres patentes vnder oure grete seel in due forme / of &t;e said warde beryng &t;e date of oure furst grante. nat wi&t;standing &t;at mencion is nat maade of &t; e verraye value yerly / and also natwi&t;standyng &t;at suche wardes been assigned for &t;e despenses of oure howshold. for hit is oure wille &t;at he (haue) suche lettres paten tes as may be vaillable (and resonabe)&t;o him in &t;is caas. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon &t;e xxviij day of Auerill S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 864. See no.14 above. Grant recorded 28 Feb.1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 134.] [superior insert] ChancEng60 1419C81/1366/13Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue ordei ned oure trusty and welbeloued knyght Iohn of Radclif. to be oure Conestable of Bourdeux And also to be Captaine of oure Castel of fronsac for &t;e grete trust &t;at we haue to his trewthe and discrecion. we wol and charge yow &t;at by &t;auis of oure bro&t;er of Bedford and o&t;er of oure conseil &t;ere in Englande. ye trete and accorde wi&t; te said Iohn for his abidyng &t;ere. And so &t;at he may do vs good seruice. as hit seme&t; best to youre discrecions for oure auantage and proffit of &t;e cuntree And &t;at ye spede him in al &t;e haste &t;at ye may. And se &t;at he tarye not &t;ere: as oure trust is to to yow And god ha(ue yo)w in his keping Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen &t;e . . . (Signed) Shir(yngton) [Calendared with other references Kirby 865.] [torn off] ChancEng61 1419C81/1365/5Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And we wol &t;at vpon &t;e contenn of &t;e sup plicacion closed wi&t;in &t;is / ye do make vnto oure welbeloued seruant Piers Logge / yeman of oure Chambre oure writtes of liberate and allocate vnder oure grete seal in due fourme / by vertue of &t;e whiche / he may haue paiement of al &t;at is behinde and due vnto him of vj.d a day / by &t;e handes of &t;e visconte of Wilton. not wi&t;standing &t;e preferrement of li. &t;at we haue as ye knowe wel / And god haue yow in his keping. yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of Mante &t;e xix. day of Iuyn S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with references, Kirby 866. Grant recorded 26 Aug. 1416, CPR 1416-22, p. 56.] ChancEng62 1419C81/1365/6Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader yn god: oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue a maner e of dowte / whether kynwolmersh occupie clerely and wi&t; owte scrupule / &t;ospital of saint Antony by oure yifte or noo / for to eschewe &t;e peril yn conscience / &t;at myght be vnto vs by &t;e yeuyng / and to hym (by)&t;e resceyuyng of &t;e said hospital / &t;at god defende / on lasse &t;an &t;e title wher clere yn lawe and conscience. We wol ye do make a patent vnder oure greet seel vnto &t;e said kynwol mersh of &t;e Deanee of saint martin(es) grande yn London. Takyng furst of him souffissante seurtee &t;at he shal be redy al tymes to resigne &t;e said hospital / whan vs like&t; to commande hym / And yf hit be foun(d)&t;at noo scrupule be yn oure yifte. &t;at we made vnto hym of &t; e said hospital / wherof we wolde ye sent vs worde yn al goodely haste . &t;an we wol &t;at kynwolmersh chese to kepe / stille whether hym ha&t; leuer &t;e forsaid De(anee) or hospital / And If hym ha&t; leuer &t;e Deanee / and to leue &t;ospital we holde vs content / but &t;an hit is oure wille / &t;at &t;ow he kepe stille &t;ospital wi&t; te Deanee for a tyme / to &t;at we haue disposed &t;erfore / &t; at he dispende not &t;e Reuenues and comoditees of &t;e said hospital / but kepe &t;aym stille hooly vnto oure comyng hoom with goddes grace. And If he wol perauanture holde stille &t;ospital if hit stande clere. we wol he fynde semblable seurte to resigne &t;e Deanee ayein into oure handes And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante &t;e xx. day of Iuyn S (Signed) (Shir)yngton [Calendared Kirby 867. Grant of deanery to Kynwolmersh 1 July 1419, CPR 1416-22, p. 218.] [stained] ChancEng63 1419C81/1365/7Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fadre in god / and oure Ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued : We grete you wel / And for asmuche as by &t; expresse and especiale avyse and consent of oure Ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued vncle &t;e Duc of Excestre / to whome we had g ranted by oure lettres patentes &t;e keping of alle &t;e landes &t;at shul longe by heritage vnto oure trusty and welbelou ed Cousin Iohn son and heire to william Roos of hamelak &t;at helde of vs in chief &t;e day he deyed on / durynge &t;e non age of &t;e said Iohn: we of oure speciale grace haue granted vnto oure said Cousin plein lyuere of alle &t;e landes &t;at longen / or may longe vnto him by heritage wy&t; ynne oure Reaume of Engeland / or elleswhere aftre &t;e fourme of a copie of a patent annexed to a supplicacion take to vs: &t;e whiche we sende you closed wy&t;ynne &t;ees oure lettres: we wol and charge you &t;at in al &t;e goodely hast &t;at ye may ye make vpon oure said grant to oure said Cousin oure lettres patentes aftre &t;e fourme of &t;e said copie &t;at we sende you and also suche wryttes of lyuere / and yn suche fourme and nombre as is necessarie and vaylable for him wi&t; al &t;e h. . . and fauour &t;at ye may. So &t;at &t;is be not take to non euel example: notwy&t; standyng &t;at of oure grace we wol hit An(d) god haue you in his keping: Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure towne of Mant &t;e xxiij. day of Iuyne (Signed) Caud . . . [Calendared Kirby 868. The petition is SC8/182/9061. Grant to Exeter recorded 22 Sept. 1414, CPR 1413-16, pp. 235-36; to John Roos 8 July 1419, CPR 1416-22, p. 263.] [torn off] ChancEng64 1419C81/1365/8Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng S Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel And forasmuche / as we lete sende for maistre Richard garsedale oon of &t;e contendentes of &t;e prouoste of &t;e Oriell to &t;at ende &t;at for his partie / shulde no thyng be poursuyd neither at &t;e Courte of Rome ne elles (where) but &t;at / &t;at controuersie shulde be put in Respit vnto oure comyng hoom wi&t; goddes grace / for oure occupaci on is suche &t;at we mow nat wel entende to suche materes here / Wherefore we wol &t;at ye make boo&t;e &t;e said garsdale whiche come&t; now hoom be oure leue / and also Lentwardyn / com afore yow / and &t;at ye take seurte souf ficeant of bothe &t;e parties / &t;at neither of hem shal make fer&t;er poursuyt of appelle at Courte of Rome / ner no manere of poursuyt &t;ere or elles where / as touching &t;e said contrauersie vnto oure comyng as before / at whiche tyme oure entent ys / to put &t;e same controuersie to a goode and rightwyse conclusion and &t;e said partie yn Rest. And yf any of hem haue &t;e saide poursuyt of apelle hangyng yn Court &t;at &t;ey abate hit / and sende to Revoke hit yn al haste / and &t;at &t;ay make al suche as been &t; aire attornes or doers yn Court spirituel or temporel to surcesse. And we wol fer&t;ermore as touching oure said College of &t;oriell / &t;at ye put hit yn suche gouernance / as semeth to yowre Discrecion for to doo vnto oure Comyng. And god haue yow yn his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante &t;e vij day of Iuill S(Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 869.] [superior insert] ChancEng65 1419C81/1365/9Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi&t; yn &t;ees / (a) supplicacion put vnto vs / by oure poure ligeman Iohan Bone. vpon whiche supplicaion / we wol &t;at ye doo hym haue &t;at that right and lawe wollen yn &t;e cas / but &t;at o&t;ersyde beeth wel avysed or to grete duresse be shewed vnto hym / or to any of oure suggettes yn persone or yn goodes / for &t;e suggestions or appech ementes of (him)&t;at calleth hym self person of wortham. vnto &t;e tyme &t;e verray trow&t;e be clerely examined and knowen / of his accusacions / o&t;er elles &t;oo &t;at he accuseth. han be noted afore tyme of suche defaultes. for &t;e forsaid person is holden to besy in suche maters / And god haue yow in his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante &t;e xj. day of Iuill S [Calendared Kirby 870. The petition is SC8/179/8940.] [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng66 1419E28/33/5Signet of Henry V By &t;e king. Right trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees oure lettres / a supplicacion putte vnto vs / on &t;e behalue of will Godard and Agneis his wyf / Wolnyng / &t;at knowelache hadde of &t;e trouthe of &t;e matere contened in &t;e same supplicacion / ye calle vnto yow oure Iustices / And by &t;aire aduis / ordeineth &t;at bothe parties nempned in &t;e forsaide supplicacon haue right / soo &t;at nouther of &t;aim haue cause to compleine hereafter for defaute of Iustice / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet at oure toun of Mante .&t;e . xij. day of Iuill: (Signed) Toly [Calendared with explanations and other references, Kirby 871.] ChancEng67 1419C81/1365/10Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we wol ye wyte / &t;at &t; e priour of oure hows of saint Bartholomew / in Westsmythfeld of London haa&t; poursued vnto vs here on &t;is side &t;e see / for confirmacion of alle &t;e yiftes grantes / priuileges / franchises and libertees graunted vnto oure saide hows by oure progenitours and predecessours / And for asmuche: as ye might by vertue of youre office haue doo maad hym oure lettres of confirmacion wi&t;oute &t;at hym shulde haue neded to poursue ferther vnto vs / we suppose &t;ere bee sum cause resounable / why ye haue not doo hit / in cas &t;at he haue pour sued vnto yow &t;erfor / wherfor if ye knowe any suche cause why ye aught not to make hym oure forsaide lettres / we wol &t; at ye certiffie vs what hit is And if &t;ere noon bee / &t; at &t;anne ye doo maake vnto &t;e forsaide priour and to &t;e conuent of oure saide hows of seint Bertholomew / oure lettres patentes of confirmacion vnder oure greet seel in due fourme of alle &t;e yiftes / grantes / priui leges / franchises and libertes / whiche &t;ay haue / as is aboue said of &t;e yifte or grant of oure progenitours and predece ssours / leuyng out &t;e clause licet / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Mante. &t;e .xxij. Day of Iuyll (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 872. Printed Maxwell-Lyte, Great Seal, pp. 119-20. Confirmation recorded 27 Sept. 1419, CPR 1416-22, pp. 239-46.] ChancEng68 1419C81/1365/11Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng S Worshipful fader yn god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / we grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued clerc of oure Chapelle / Thomas Gyles / &t;e pre bende whiche / Iohn Cooke late clerc of oure saide Chapelle / hadde wi&t;in oure free Chapelle of hastynges. We wol &t;at &t;ervpon ye do make oure lettres patentes in due fourme. vnder oure grete seel / as &t;e cas asketh / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante &t;e xxv. Day of Iuill S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 873. Confirmation recorded 25 July 1419, CPR 1416-22, p. 219. ] ChancEng69 1419Cotton Vesp. F. I. fol. 104Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And wol ye wete / yat we haue Receiued youre lett res whiche ye sent vs last by hugh of oure chambre / by whiche we conceive / yat among other yinges whiche ye write vn to vs of / ye desire to knawe oure entent touchyng ye trewes taken vn to Alhalwen tyde betwix vs and flaundres / of whiche trewes writtes of proclamacion been passed vnder oure grete seel. whervpon we wol ye wete / yat we hald vs agreed of ye proclamacion / after as in ye writtes be contened / And in cas yat yay of flaundres wol here after desire prorogacion of ye said trewes / we wolde yay were halden in hand wiy tretee / vn to ye tyme ye haue certiffied vs yerof / and knowe oure entent ayeinward / And of o thing we wold ye were wel aduised / yat in any trewes takyng (with hem) hereafter yere were put yn / alle oure suggettes as wel of oure duchie of Normandie / and of oure other lordshippes / as of oure Reaume of Englond And as touchyng ye tretee wiy yembassiatours of Gene / of whiche ye haue send vs a cedule / sent vn to yowe be Escourt / In whiche cedule the merchantes of oure Reaume of England asken after ye vttermast estimacion of yayre godes yat were taken be ye Ianeuoys .x And ye same Ianevoys maken estimacion of ye same goodes at vii. ml. Cxxiiij. li. wolnyng for to stand in oure goode grace et beniuolence paye wiy oute any excepcion / iiij. ml. li. at Resonable termes / oure subgettes and oure merchan des of oure land hauyng hereaftre fre commyng and goyng to Gene / as yay of Gene desire to haue in to oure Reaume of England / witteth yat consideryng ye vnese yat ye merque of hem of Gene haay / doon: as wel in strengthyng of oure ennemys / as in hindryng of ye cours of marchandise betwix oure Reaume and yaym / and tourneth to noon neer ende for hom yat han ye merque. yan hit did / at bygynnyng / vs yenkey and we wold / yat such somme as yay profer were accepted / yf no gretter myght be haad in short tyme / wiy ye condicion yat we vnderstond / yay profre / yat is / yat oure sugettes of Englond etcetera: may be fre in alle yaire portes (to which we wold were put yat oure subgit&y; shuld be free in alle yaire portes) as wel as to passe by hem to what other portes yaim lust by waye of marchandise / if this myght be haad. And alle this we committe to yow and to ye Remenant of oure counseil to be wroght after youre discrecions and comun aduis / for as (of) ye somme al ying considered / we halde hit Resounable o lasse yenne more may be geten / wiy oute taryeng of yaccord / And if yis matere myght be concluded in oure Reaume of England before yow / hit were oure entent / And ellis if yat may not bee / we wol wel yat yeende be maade at Calais wyt a goode Instruccion And yat it be seyn / yat yay be wel bounden / not to holde (helpe) nor suffre non of yaires to helpe noon of oure ennemys ayeines vs ner noon of oures / nouther be land ner water / And yat in ye best wise yat may be haade. Also as touchyng yat now late ye saide Ambassiatours of Gene haue writen vn to oure Ambassiatours sharpely / yat Awe (al be) hit / yat yaire vessell and marchandes haan been late taken be oure sugge ttes / ye tretee of pees so nigh concluded / neuer ye later yay wol a byde an answar after as was accorded whiche haad from vs / yay wol send to Gene / Not wolnyng other wise yanne as before trete ner conclude / but yf yay haue other in commandement from yaire souueraines / The answar may be wel maad yat til yai be ful thorogh wiy vs / yat yay shal no thyng haue but werre / And yerfor desire of hem to make ye sonner ende / for in oure partie / and yay wol be Resounable hit shal not halde / but yat good Rest and frensship shal be / [Calendared Kirby 874. Printed Nicolas II. 255-57. See no. 53 above. Order to proclaim truce recorded 14 July 1419. CCR 1419-22, p. 47; Rymer, Foedera IX.784.] [ superior insert] [cancelled] ChancEng70 1417Cotton Vesp. F. III. fol. 8.Autograph draft by Henry V? Furthremore I wole that ye comend with my brothre with the chanceller with my cosin of northumbrelond and my cosin of Westme(r)land and that ye set a gode ordinance for my north marches and specialy for the Duc of (O)rlians. and for alle the remanant of my prisoners of France. and also for the king of Scotelond. for as I am secrely enfourmed by a man of ryght notable estate in this lond that there hath ben a man of the Ducs of Orliance in scotland and accorded with the Duc of albany. that this next somer he shal bryng in the mamnet of Scotland to sturre what he may. and also that ther schold be founden weys to the havyng awey specialy of the Duc of Orlians. and also of the king as welle as of the remanant of my forsayd prysoners that god do defende. wherfore I wolle that the Duc of Orliance be kept st(i)lle withyn the castil of pontfret with owte goyng to robertis place or to any othre disport. for it is bettre he lak his dispor(t) (t)hen we were disceyued. of alle the remanant dothe as ye thenketh [Calendared Kirby 881. Printed Ellis, 1st ser., I.1-2; Halliwell I.92; T. Livius, Vita Henrici Quinti, pp.99-100.] [torn] ChancEng71 1420E28/33/13Signet of Henry V By the king Trusty and welbeloued We grete you wel. And as touching youre credence to declare to &t;e Lordes esperituel and temporel and also to al &t;e gentilmen and comunes of oure contree of guyenne aftre &t;at ye haue presented to ham oure Lettre the copie of &t;e whiche we sende vnto you clos ed in &t;ees to &t;at ende at &t;er vpon ye may grounde youre saide credence &t;e better to oure entencion and desir / the whiche been &t;ees &t;at for the seuretee and conseruacion of oure saide contree we wol and desire &t;at &t;e saide estat&y; gentilmen and communes by gener al assent grante vs a fuage &t;orow oute al oure forsaide co ntree and &t;at aswel vpon esperituel persones as temporel for &t;e sauuacion of oure contree and harmyng of oure enemis And also if nede be &t;at more be granted &t;an &t;e same fuage we wol &t;at by &t;e good auys of oure trusty and welbeloued &t;erle of Longuille Captal de buch and &t;at ye see also in youre good auys and discrecion what &t;at yow semeth best and &t;at ye laboure it by &t;e best deliberacion and diligence &t;at ye can and may as oure trust is to you and as ye desire oure lordship God haue (you in) his kepyng yeuen vnder oure signet at oure toune of Mante &t;e xj day of Octobre [Calendared Kirby 883. Printed Nicolas II.265.] [stained] ChancEng72 1419C81/1365/12Signet of Henry V By &t;e king Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued We wol &t;at ye sende hedir vnto vs sir Thomas Suthwell preste / in al resonable haste. And fer&t;ermore we wol and also charge you &t;at ye ordeyne &t;at &t;at be effectuelly doon in dede. &t;at we wrote vnto you as touching &t;e Duc of Orliens as oure trust is to you. for the cas is so grete &t;at ye ne couthe not ymagyn hit gretter. And as touching &t;e chirche of Lughtbourgh in contie of Lercestre longyng to oure yift: we wol wel &t;at oure welbeloued clerc Robert ffry remembred to vs by youre lett res haue &t;e saide chirche / So &t;at he be preste or atte leste infra sacros wi&t; yn &t;is yere aftre &t;e tenour of &t;e comun lawe Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure toune of Mante &t;e first day of Nouember. [Calendered Kirby 885. Presentation recorded 10 May 1419, CPR 1416-22, p.249.] ChancEng73 1420-21SC1/43/160Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Right trusty and Welbeloued bro&t;er. We sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees / a supplicacion put vnto vs: by William Mynours. yeman huissher of oure Chambre. And hit ys oure wille: &t;at ye be as fauorable to him yn &t;is matere: as ye may resounably: And &t;at al &t;e fauour be doon vnto him / bothe afore oure chief Iustice of oure benche / and also afore oure Chaunceller : that may be doon / by Lawe conscience and reson. And bro&t;er see ye &t;erto. Consideryng his beyng here in oure seruice. yn wyse as ye wote. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of Rouen &t;e .v. day of Ianuier S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 886.] ChancEng74 1420C81/1365/13Signet of Henry V By the King Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We wol &t;at ye doo al the fauour and ese &t;at ye may lawfully vnto Iohan Spendeloue bringer of &t;ees touchyng &t;e bille whiche we sende vnto yow closed wi&t;ynne &t;ees oure lettres. And if ye may lawfully doo al &t; at &t;e same bille conteneth / we wolde ye dide hit. And we wol &t; at ye doo delyuere vnto maistre Roger Whelpdale Elit of Karlell &t;e temporaltees of &t;e bisshopriche / as sone as his bulles bee comen / not withstandyng &t;at he hath not made homage &t;erfore to vs / Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure town of Rouen &t;e xxj day of Ianuer: [Calendared Kirby 887. Commission of inquiry for Spendelove recorded 1 July 1420, CPR 1416-22, p.320; livery to Whelpdale recorded 17 March 1420. CPR 1416-22, p. 264.] ChancEng75 1420C81/1366/1Signet of Henry V By the Kyng Worshipful fader yn god / oure Right trusty and Welbeloued / ffor asmuche as oure seruant Iohn Bayll barbour hauyng of oure confirmacion .x. marc yerly for terme of his lif at oure Eschequer: ys behinde and vnpaide &t;erof .vj. yere at Ester next comyng as he sayth: We wol / &t;at ye ordeine / &t;at he haue oure writtes of liberate and allocate / by &t;e whiche he may be paide of &t;e saide annuitee / Notwi&t;stan dyng &t;e preferrement &t;at we haue as ye knowe / Yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure towne of Rouen &t;e x day of ffeuerer / (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 888. Confirmation recorded 1 Oct. 1413, CPR 1413-16, p. 101.] ChancEng76 1420C81/1365/15Signet of Henry V S By the Kyng. Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / We wol &t;at ye doo make vnto oure welbeloued kny&y;t Iohn saint Iohn oure writtes of liberate and allocate / by vertue of &t;e whiche he may be paide of &t;at / that is due vnto hym of &t;annuite &t;at he take&t; at oure Eschequer by oure lettres patentes / Natwi&t;standyng &t;e preferre(ment)&t;at we haue / as ye knowe / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen &t;e xxviij day of Marche /(Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 889. Grant recorded 17 July 1414, CPR 1413-16, p.234.] [rubbed.] ChancEng77 1420SC1/43/161Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Right trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er Ri&y;t worshipful and worshipful faders in god / and trusty and welbeloued we sende vnto yow wi&t; tees oure lettres a Rolle vnder oure signet contenyng certain articles aduised by oure welbeloued kny&y;t Iohn Tiptoft Seneschal of oure duchie of guyenne / for &t;e gouernance of oure said duchie And &t;answeres yeuen by oure conseil here / vpon &t;e same ar ticles. Wherfore we wol &t;at ye execute &t;e said answeres as fer as to yow may apparteyne And &t;at &t;is be doon in suche wyse / &t;at oure said Seneschal and maire of Bourdeux / be nat taried yn oure Rewme of England / but hasted al &t;at is possible as oure truste is to yow / for hit is grete necessite / &t;at &t;aire goyng be hasted al &t;at may be doon / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Town of Rouen &t;e xxx. day of Marche. [Calendared Kirby 890.] ChancEng78 1420C81/1365/16Signet of Henry V By the kyng Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued. We late yow wite lyke as we haue doo or &t;is &t;at we haue granted (vnto) oure welbeloued clerc Iohn Stopyndon &t;empension &t;at longe&t; to oure nom inacion by &t;e vacacion of oure chirche Cathedrale of Excestre. &t;e whiche oure grant / we wol take effect / Albe hit: &t;at sithe we wroote last vnto yow (&t;erof) haue falle a new vacacion of oure saide chirche / by &t;e deces of hym / &t;at was before of Chestre for elles shulde oure said clerc beer no proffit by oure furst graunt / And semblably we wol / &t;at oure welbeloued clerc William Toly haue &t;e pension of &t;e bisshopriche of Chestre. notwi&t;standing &t;e chaunge &c as ye wote. And thridly we haue granted vnto oure clerc of oure signet Thomas Andrew / &t;empension &t;at longeth to oure nom inacion by &t;auoidance of oure chirche cathedrale of hereford. Wherfore we wol / &t;at as soone as due tyme Requireth: ye doo make oure writtes in due fourme vpon oure said grantes: Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen &t;e x. Day of Auerill S [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 891. Stopyndon, Toly, and Andrew were all signet clerks. Letter in Shiryngton's hand.] [torn] [superior insert.] ChancEng79 1420C81/1365/17Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng S Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued / And lat yow wite / &t;at &t;e worshipful fader yn god &t;e bisshop of wircestre / ha&t; doon his feaultee to vs here / as for &t;e temporaltees &t;at longen vnto his biss hopriche. and also maade Renunciacion aftir &t;e fourme &t; at ye sent vs. whiche we signiffie vnto yow: to &t;at ende &t;at ye haue knowlege &t;erof wolnyng &t;at ye shewe him and his proctours al &t;ese and fauour &t;at ye may goodely: and &t;e more specialy by cause of his beyng here in our seruice: Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen &t;e xiiij day of Auerill / [Calendared Kirby 892. Livery recorded 18 Oct. 1419, CPR 1416-22 , p. 246.] ChancEng80 1420C81/1365/18Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbe loued / For asmuche as of oure special grace we haue granted to &t;elit of Chestre late Abbot of saint Albons / to haue &t;e temporalitees of &t;e bisshopriche of Chestre not withst anding &t;at he is not yit sacred bisshop &t;ere We wol and charge yow / &t;at in al goodly haste after &t;e Recepc ion of &t;ees oure lettres ye ordeyne &t;at deliuerance bee maad vnto &t;e said elit of &t;e said temporalitees and that ye make hym out oure lettres patentes &t;ere vppon / such as &t;e cas Requireth. Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure town of Rouen &t;e .xv. day of Aueril (Signed) Andrieu [Calendared Kirby 893. Livery recorded 15 April 1420, CPR 1416-22, p. 276.] ChancEng81 [Date missing]C54/270/m17dSignet of Henry V Ri&y;t trusty and welbeloued bro&t;er Ri&y;t worschipfull and worschipfull faders in god and trusty and welbeloued ffor as muche as we wote wele &t;at youre desire were to here Ioyfull tyding es of oure goode spede touching &t;e conclusion of pees betwix &t;e two Rewmes et cetera we signiffie vnto yow &t;at worschipped be oure lorde &t;at of oure labour ha&t; sent vs a goode conclusion vpon moneday &t;e xx day of &t;is present mone&t; of May we arriued in &t;is town of Troyes / And on &t;e moro we haddeyn a conuencion betwix oure moder &t;e quene of ffrance and oure brother &t;e duc of Burgoigne as Commissairs of &t;e king of france oure fader for his partie / and vs in oure (owne) per sonne for oure partie / and &t;accorde of &t;e said pees per petuelle was &t;ere sworne (by) bo&t;e &t;e saide Commissaires / yn name of oure forsaide fader / And semblably by vs in oure owne name / And &t;e lettres (&t;ervpon) forwi&t; enseled vnder &t;e grete seel of oure saide fader to vs warde / and vnder oures to hym warde &t;e copie of whiche lettres we sende you closed yn &t;ees to &t;at ende: &t;at ye doo &t;e saide accorde to be proclamed yn oure Citee of london / and &t;orowe al oure Rewme &t;at al oure pueple may haue verray knowlege &t;erof for &t;are consolacion / as wel as kepe hit aftir as longe&t; vnto &t;ayme Also at &t;e saide conuencion was mariage betrowthed betwix vs and oure wyf doghter of oure for said fader &t;e kyng of france / And fer&t;ermore for asmuch as we must by vertue of &t;e saide accorde vse a newe stile duryng &t;e lyf of oure saide fader / we sende yow in a cedule wi&t;in &t;ees oure stille &t;at we wol vse herafter bo&t;e in latine in englyssh and in ffrenssh. Chargeyng yow &t;at in al thing &t;at passe&t; duryng the tyme aforesaide aswel vnder oure grete seel as al oure o&t;er seeles wher euer hit bee and in pro clamacions &t;e ordeyne &t;at oure stille be vsed after &t;e contenne of &t;e saide cedule And &t;at &t;e scripture of all oure seeles be amended &t;erafter yn al haste / And so charge&t; by oure writtes all oure officers / &t;at &t;is may long vnto aswel yn England as yn Irlande and yn guyenne for so wol we ordeyne &t;at shalbe doon heere / yeuen vnder oure signet in &t;e saide Town of Troyes &t;e xxij day of May abouesaide / And as touching &t;e scripture of &t;e seeles vs semeth / &t;at &t;is worde Regent may be owte wel ynogh To oure Right trusty and wel beloued brother &t;e duc of Gloucestre wardein in oure Rewme of Englande and to all &t;e remanent of oure conseil &t;ere henricus dei gracia Rex Anglae heres & Regens regni ffranciae & Dominus hiberniae henry by &t;e grace of god kyng of England heire and Regent of &t;e Rewme of ffrance and lorde of Irlande henry par la grace de dieu Roy dengleterre heritier & Regent du Royaume de ffrance & seigneur dirlande Et memorandum quod promissa sunt irrotulata virtute litteris de priuato sigillo dom ini Regis Cancellar Anglae directi & infilactis Cancellar iprimis domini Regis de hoc anno residentis [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 894. Calendared CCR 1419-22, p. 108. Printed Halliwell I.102-03; Rymer, Foedera IX.906-07.] [superior insert] [rubbed] ChancEng82 1420C81/1365/19Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbe loued / We sende yow closed wi&t; ynne thees asupplicacion putte vnto vs by a poure tenant of oures / Rauf atte Ree. which compleineth hym of certain grete wronges and griefs doon vnto hym as ye may more clerely parceiue by the same supplicacion / Wherfor we wol and charge yow / &t;at the saide supplicacion seen and wel understanden by yow / and had pleine Informacion of the trouthe of &t;at &t;at is contened therein / ye see and ordeyne &t;at oure saide tenant haue al &t;at he aught to haue of right in this partie / and suffreth no man to doo hym wron(g) in no w(yse)&t;ouching the matere contened in his saide supplicacion asmuche as ye may lette hit / ner &t;at he be not wrongf(ully ouerlad) by maintenance of lordship ner other wyse / for as we been enfourmed beside &t;at &t;at is contened in the saide supplicacion / the perso nnes whiche he compleineth hym vpon / be gretely maintened ayenst hym / And therfor we wol that ye take hede / the more tenderly to his matere And so &t;at he haue no cause for lak of right to Retourne hider ayein vnto vs compleyning / And god haue yow in his keping yeuen vnder oure signet at Monsirtan ou Sault yonne the .iiije. day of Iuill (Signed) Toly [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 895. Printed PC, p.xviii.] [torn off] [rubbed and torn] ChancEng83 1420C81/1365/20Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued. For asmuche as we bee enfourmed &t;at &t;ab ot of Gloucestre is passed to god: we haue granted vnto oure welb eloued clerc william Toly &t;empension. whiche longe&t; vnto oure yifte: by cause of &t;e creacion of hym &t;at shal be next Abbot of &t;e same place: wollyng &t;at ye doo make &t;ervpon oure lettres vnder oure gret seel in due fourme as &t;e cas Requireth. Yeuen vnder oure signet at &t;e siege before Meleun &t;e .xx. day of Iuill (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 896.] ChancEng84 1420C81/1365/21Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbel oued / We sende yow closed wi&t; ynne &t;ees a supplicacion putte v(n)to vs by Thomas Gray / grocier and marchant of oure Cite of London making mencion of certain dettes whiche the lord Talbot / &t;at is god betaught shuld owe to hym and to his wyf as is more pleinely contened in the same supplicacion / Wherefor we wol and charge yow / &t;at &t;ees oure lettres with the saide supplicacion seen by yow / ye doo comme tofore yow / the enfeffours / &t;at &t;e same supplicacion maketh mencion of / and seeth / &t;at &t;ay contente &t;e forsaide Thomas: of al that thay been bounde by right and Reson to contente hym of touching the Dettes abouesaide / And god haue yow in his kepyng yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun: the .xvj. day of Septembre (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 897.] [torn.] ChancEng85 1420C81/1365/22Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god: oure right trusty and welbeloued / for asmuche as we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued clerc Robert Rolleston oure warderober the chirche of warton in oure Conte of Lancastre / whiche standeth voide in lawe / as we been enfourmed / and longeth to oure yift / we wol and charge yow / &t;at ye doo make vnto oure saide clerc / oure lettres of collacion of &t;e saide chirche / in due fourme / And god haue yow in his kepyng / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost / afore Meleun / the / xxij. day of Septembre / (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 898. Presentation recorded 2 Sept. 1420. 9 July 1421, CPR 1416-22, pp.299, 374.] ChancEng86 1420C81/1365/23Signet of Henry V By the kingWorshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbeloued / For asmuche as hit is doon vs to vnderstande that the vicaire general of the bisshop of Chestre that last was / before hym that now is / maad collacion of the prebende of hondesacre in oure Cathedral chirche of Lichefeld whiche voided by the deces of Iohn aullforth / vnto Robert ffit&y;hugh soon vnto the lord ffit&y;hugh oure Chamberlain / And hit is soo / that before that the saide Robert was put in possession of the saide prebende as hit is saide / oure saide chirche fel voide and so be cause of the temporaltees thereof beyng in oure handes the disposicion of the saide prebende longeth clerely vnto vs / we wol and charge yow / &t;at ye doo make oure lettres of Ratifficacion vpon his title and poss ession that he hath now / or elles of newe / if nede bee / doo make hym oure lettres of collacion of the same prebende in due fourme / so that he may haue the same benefice by oure title / in caas ye haue maad collacion to noon other / for oure entente is / that he haue hit / If there bee no thing passed oure seel of the contraire / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure hoost afore meleun / the last day of Septembre / (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 899. Grant recorded 4 Nov. 1420, CPR 1416-22, p. 303.] ChancEng87 1420C81/1543/21Signet of Henry V By &t;e kyng R(yht trusty) and welbeloued bro&t;er. We grete you wel. and we do you to wite &t;at it is oure wil and entente &t;at ye d(eclar)e a parlement to be holde monday &t;e second day of Decembre (next) for certaine causes &t;e whiche we wol do you to haue knowlech of in al haste. And also (we) wol and charge you &t;at ye se &t;at Iustices of pees. Shereues. Eschetours. Coroners and suche officers as shul be maad. be suche persones as ben able & worthy &t;erto & &t;at ben no troublers in &t;aire contrees. and &t;at &t;ey be chose wi&t; oute brocage or fauour of persones or any o&t;ere vnleeful. meenes. after &t;estatut & ordennances maad &t;ervpon. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun &t;e viij day of Octobre: (Signed) I hethe (Consent of the Council follows in Latin in different hand and ink.) [Calendared and Latin printed, Kirby 900. Writs recorded 21 Oct. 1420, CCR 1419-22, pp. 124-25.] [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng88 1420C81/1365/24Signet of Henry V By &t;e Kyng Worshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and We lbeloued. we grete you wel. And we wol and charge you &t;at as soone as ye ben certain &t;at &t;e bulles of oure holy fader &t;e pope: ben come for &t;e translacion of &t;e Bysshop of hereford vnto &t;e chirche of Excestre: &t;at be oure lettres to be maad vnder oure greet seal: ye do make Restituc ion of &t;e temporalitees of &t;e said Bysshopriche of Excestre. vnto &t;e said Bysshop in forme as &t;aym oughte to be wi&t;oute taryinge. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun &t;e viij. day of Octobre: (Signed) I. hethe [Calendared Kirby 901. Livery recorded 31 Oct. 1420, CPR 1416-22, p. 303.] ChancEng89 1420C81/1365/26Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god Right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as oure seruant Iohan H(er) tishille hath shewed vnto vs by supplicacion / that sir Richard Stanhapp knight / letteth and destourbeth hym and his attourne / wrongfully / and ayenst lawe and conscience / to Reioisse and occupie a place with certaine Rentes / with ynne the toun of Claworth in the Conte of Notyngham / whiche by the deces of Robert hertishil his Cousin / been descended vnto oure saide seruant by waye of heritage as to the Right heire of the saide place and Rentes Of whiche thing If hit soo bee / we be no thing wel plesed / we wol and charge yow / considering &t;at oure saide seruant hath continuelly abiden in oure seruice sith oure commyng in to this land / &t;at ye see and ordenne / &t;at he haue no wrong by the said Stanhapp / ner by noon other / in his absence / but that he may pesibly Reioisse and occupie his saide heritage / and his Attourne Receiue the proffit&y; thereof to his vse / and (algates) vnto oure commyng hoom with godd es grace in to oure Reaume of England so &t;at we may / If nede bee. doo entende to the same matere oureself / wittyng &t;at we write semblably vnto oure brother of Glouc estre / vpon this same matere / And god haue yow in his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure oost afore Meleun / the v. Day of Nouembre (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 902.] [rubbed and torn] [superior insert] ChancEng90 1421C81/1365/28Signet of Henry V (right side torn) Be the kyng Worshipful fader in god our trusty and welbeloued / ffor certein causes of science mevyng vs wee haue taake &t;e Priour . . . kermerdyn which is of our patronage / and alle her men. seruans. possessions. goodes and katell & ce tera in to our sauf proteccion . . . &t;at yee do maake hem a proteccion in due fourme as swich cas requereth for to endure two yeer: ffurthermore we wol . . . and keepynge of all our forseid Priourie and of all &t;yng longyng ther to be committed to &t;e Priour of Lanthony (beside Gloucestre) and to Iohan Ru . . . Sauf to keepe and gouerne to &t;e proffyt of our said hous of kermerdyn. duryng &t;e forsaid tyme after &t; e best fourme of proteccions maad in such cas. And god haue yow in his kepynge. youen vnder our signet of &t;eegle in absence of our oothir at Webley &t;e vij day of March. (Signed) Depeden [Calendared Kirby 903. Commitment and proteccion of the priory recorded 28 April 1421, CPR 1416-22, p.338.] [superior insert] ChancEng91 1421C81/1365/29Signet of Henry V (right margin torn) By &t;e kyng S Worshipful fader in god / Right trusty and welbeloued. we consideryng &t;e goode and agreable seruice / &t; at &t;e worshipful fade(r) in god &t;e bisshop of hereford oure proctour in &t;e popes court / ha&t; doo n to vs / and yit doo&t; dayly as ye knowe: haue of our spec ial grace Respited his hommage / &t;at he shulde make vnto vs / by cause of his bisshopriche: vnto his comyng hoom from cour(t) wolnyng &t;at vpon &t;is oure grante ye doo make vnto hym / or to his proctours in his name. suche lettres as &t;e cas axeth vnd(er) oure grete seel in due fourme. Yeuen vnder oure signet of &t;egle in absence of oure o&t;er. at oure towne of Shrouesbur(y) &t;e xj. day of Marche: (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 904. Livery recorded 9 Nov.1420, CPR 1416-22, p. 304.] [torn] ChancEng92 1421C81/1365/30Signet of Henry V (top torn) Worship(f)ul fader in god / oure Right trusty and wel beloued we sende yow closed wi&t;in thees. a supplicacion put vnto vs by Mar(ger)ye Deye / touching certain extor cions and harmes doon vnto hir howsbond and hir / by maistre Iohn Armesby Notarye of Leycestre / as in &t;e same suppli cacion hit is more clerely contened. So we we wol &t;at ye doo sende for &t;e saide maistre Iohn by writte / And examineth &t;e matere / And &t;ervpon ordeyneth &t;at Right be doon to &t;e partie compleignant. wi&t;owte any long delaye / And &t;e more fauorably. consideryng &t;e pourete of &t;e saide Margerye: Yeuen vnder oure signet at Lambhithe the .ix. day of May S (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 905.] [torn and rubbed] ChancEng93 1421SC1/43/159Signet of Henry V By the king Chanceller there is oon Thomas walweynes wyf which hath maad a greuous compleynt vnto vs vpon sir Iohn Skydmore And for asmuche as we had ordenned bothe parties for to bee before vs or oure conseil for to (haue) had knowlache of the matere &t;at &t;ay stande in debat fore / and for to haue made an ende &t;ereof / And hit is soo now / &t;at we may nat g(oo)dly ende &t;ere to at this tyme / as ye wot considered oure hasty departyng hens / we w(ol n)at nat wi&t;standyng / &t;at we suppose she standeth not in the right / be cause s(he is) sumwhat a des cl(aunder)ouse womman / and also &t;at we kepe nomore to be wexed wi&t; hir encombrous poursuites / &t;at ye doo sende for bothe the saide parties to comme before yow at suche day as yow semeth Resounable / for to here the saide matere of controuersie / and make an ende therein / as we shal telle yow to morwe more pleinly by mouthe But algates / yeueth hem to morwe here day / whanne thay shal be with yow / yeuen vnder oure signet of the Egle at lambehith / this day / &t;e .xxij. day of may (Signed) Toly] [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 906.] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng94 1421C81/1365/31Signet of Henry V By the kyng Wurshipful fader in god our right trusty and welb eloued / ffor as muche as we be enfourmed&t;at &t;e Corrodie of our abbeye of hyde in hamptshire. is voide now by the deth of Thomas Meweys &t;at last occupied and hadde hit / which corrodie of our speciale grace we haue yiuen to our welbeloued Clerc of our Chapele Iohan hunte / We wol and charge yow. &t;at yee do maake oure lettres patentes in due fourme vn to our said Clerc of &t;e corrodie forsaid / yeuen vnder our signet of &t;e egle in absence of our oothir at our town of Douorre &t;e .viij. day of Iuyn: (Signed) Depeden [Calendared Kirby 907.] ChancEng95 1421C81/1365/32Signet of Henry V By the kyng Worshipful f(ader in) god our trusty and welbeloued / We haue receyued a supplicacion put vn to vs be our trusty and welbeloued knyght henry Brounflete that is with vs in our seruice (in) &t;ees parties / to whech supplicacion we haue take but litel heed / Neueretheles we wol and charge yow / &t;at &t;e said supplicacion be yow seen / and &t;e matere &t;erinne comprised discretly considered / ye do hym &t;e ese &t;at yee may as ferfoorth as right and lawe wol / So that by cause of his beynge heere in our said seruice he be not wrongfully hyndred ne harmed in no wyse / And god haue yow in hys keepinge / yeuen vnder our signet in our hoost at seint Denys of Moronval beside Dreux. the .xviij day of Iuyll. (Signed) Depeden [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 908. The petition, in Latin, is SC8/175/8713.] [torn and rubbed] ChancEng96 1421E101/188/10/2Signet of Henry V By the kyngTrusty and welbeloued: ffor as muche as we be enfourmed / Thomas de la Croix hath sent hors and certain Armerers and hernois for vs vn to our town of Caleys We wol and charge yow expresly &t;at ye ordeine &t;at &t;e saide hors and &t;e men &t;at ar comen wi&t; hem come to vs in al seur haste / and send sum trusty man for to go wi&t; hem / &t;at may haue &t;e ouersighte and gouern ance of hem alle / And &t;at be seurly and saufly conduyed fro thens to Seintomere / and so to Arras / And fro thens to Amyas / there abiding vn to &t;e tyme they haue seur conduyt from our brothir of Burgoigne or fro sir Iohan de Luxemburgh. to &t;e whiche we haue writen for her sauf passage fro thens to Aubiualle fro whens our garnisons wi&t; goddes grace shullen conduit hem to Parys where we wol they abyde til &t;ey haue woord of our wille / And &t;ey comen to Parys we wol he &t;at shal come fro yow with hem / sende vs woord of their comyng thider. yeuen vnder our signet in our Oost at seint Denys de Moronval beside Dreux the laste day of Iuyll: (Signed) Depeden [Calendared Kirby 909.] ChancEng97 1421C81/1365/33Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / For asmuche as hit is doon vs to vnderstande that the bisshop of London is passed to god / we lat yow wite / that we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued seruant Iohan Hanham. clerc of oure Caterye the pension of hym that shal be next bisshop of the same place wol(nyng) & chargyng yow / that there vpon whanne tyme commeth ye doo make hym oure lettres vnder ou(re gree)t seel in due fourme / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure oost at Laigny sur marne / the xiij. day of Octobre(Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 910.] [torn] ChancEng98 1421C81/1365/25Signet of Henry V By the kingWorshipful fader in (god) / oure Ri&y;t trusty and wel beloued ffor asmuche as we haue vnderstande by youre lettres late sent vnto vs &t;at oure wyf &t;e quene hath spoke vnto yow. and desireth &t;at hir phisicien myght haue sum bene fice wi&t;owte cure of oure collacion / in &t;e whiche mate re ye desire to haue knowlege of oure wil we signiffie vnto yow / &t;at hit is wel oure entent whanne any suche benefice voydeth of oure yifte &t;at ye make collacion to him &t;erof / And after certiffieth vs what hit is &t; at he ha&t; Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure oost beside Meaulx &t;e xxix. day of Octobre: (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 911. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.71.] [torn and rubbed] ChancEng99 1421C81/1365/27Signet of Henry V By the kyng Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued We wol and charge yow. that at what tyme / oure welbeloued knight Iohan Cornewaille / bringeth vnto yow / oon called Mareschal Des Rues. for to swere &t;e pees that is made betw(een ou)re fader of france and vs: ye take his ooth and lat him swere tofore yow &t;e same pees / after &t;e fo(urme) of &t;e copie whiche we sende yow closed wi&t;in thees / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost at Ruthueil besi(de) Meaulx &t;e xiiij. day of Nouembre. (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared Kirby 912.] [torn and rubbed] [torn off] ChancEng100 1421C81/1365/34Signet of Henry V (torn) By the kyng . . . in god Right trusty and welbeloued We sende yow closed wy&t;yn thees: a supplicacion put vnto vs / by Thomas . . . (co)mpleinyng him / how &t;at he beyng here in oure seruice oon Robert Roklee Squier ha&t; dissesed him of &t;e manoi(r) . . . with &t;appourtenanc es in york shire / as in &t;e same supplicacion hit is more clerely contened / Wherfore we wol &t;at . . . (e)uidences of bothe parties ordeine so for &t;at matere &t;at his beyng here in oure saide seruice be nat harmeful nor . . . but &t;at he stande in as goode condicion as he did at his comyng owt wi&t; vs Yeuen vnder oure signet . . . saint faron beside Meaulx &t;e xv day of ffeuerer [Calendared Kirby 913.] ChancEng101 1422C81/1365/35Signet of Henry V {By the kingWorshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / for asmuche as we be enfourmed that maister William Kentwode is elite to the deanee of oure chriche of london / the whiche eleccion / he assentyng / is confermed and by the same confirmacion / the Archedeaknee of london in oure saide Chirche / the which the saide maister william last occupied / is voide / and longeth clerely to oure yifte / the temporaltees of the bisshopriche beyng at this tyme in oure handes / We haue yeuen the saide Archedeaknee / to oure welbeloued clerc / sir Iohn / Snell oure Aulmosner Wherfore we wol and charge yow / that ye doo make (hym) oure lettres necessaire therevpon / in fourme accoustumd And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure oost at Seintfaron / beside Meaulx the .viij. day of Marche (Signed) Toly[Calendared Kirby 914. Grant recorded 16 March 1422, CPR 1416-22, p. 414.] [superior insert] ChancEng102 1422C81/1365/36Signet of Henry V By the kyng Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / We sende you closed wi&t;in thees oure lettres a supplicacion put vnto vs by marchantes of Paris / Rouen / Troyes / and Brugees / as ye may see &t;erby / And wol and charge yow / &t;at ye enfourmed of &t;e matere contened in &t;e same supplicacion / ordeineth that Right be doon vnto &t;e saide marchantes after &t;e lawes and coustumes of oure Rewme of England / wi&t;owte any long delay / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure ost at &t;e toun of Meaulx. &t;e xxviij. day of Marche / (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with references, Kirby 915. Commission of inquiry recorded 22 April 1422, CPR 1416-22, p.443.] ChancEng103 1422C81/1365/37Signet of Henry V By the king Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued For asmuche as we haue yeuen and granted vnto maister Iames Cole / proctour vnto oure hous of Syon at Shene / the prebende whiche is voyde in oure chirche of London by the deces of maister Iohn Maluern / and longeth vnto oure yifte and disposicion at this tyme / be cause of the temporaltees of the bisshopriche of London beyng in oure handes by waye of the voidance of the same chirche / we wol / that there vpon ye doo make vnto the saide maister Iames Cole oure lettres patentes vnder oure gree(t) seel in dew fourme / yeuen vnder oure signet / at Meaulx / the. last day of Aueril / (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 916. Grant recorded 10 June 1422, CPR 1416-22, p.438.] [torn off] ChancEng104 1422E101/188/10/1Signet of Henry V By the kyng Trusty and welbeloued / we haue Receiued youre Lettres whiche ye sent vnto vs last / And as tou(chyng &t; e) bargayne of Brekstone contened in &t;e same / we halde vs wel appaide / And as to &t;e prisonners of Crotey whiche ye hau(e in) keping / hit is o(u)re wil &t;at ye kepe hem forth as straitely as ye can (sauyng &t; air lyues)&t;o tyme &t;at we be o&t;erwyse aduised / ffer&t; ermore as touching ou(r) . . . hurt / we wol &t;at ye ordeine &t;at he be sent into &t;e north cuntre to Robert of waterton. to whom we . . . for to Receiue him and to putte him to renne in sum of oure parcs &t;ere: yeuen vnder oure signet at m . . . of May: (Signed) Shiryngton [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 917.] [faded] [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng105 1422C81/1366/12Signet of Henry V Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We wol and charge yow / that ye make oute oure writtes to oure viconte of hamptshire / for to make Proclamacion in oure saide vicontee / in alle place accoustumed / that alle man ere men that haue any grond or land with ynne oure toun of Port esmouth / with ynne suche a certein day as ye shal li(m it) by youre discrecion / comme and chalenge / eche man his owen grond / So that hit may be knowen sekirly what g(ron)d is longing to euerych of hem / And that grond that is not chalenged / with ynne the saide day limited / we wol ye ordeine / that hit be saised in to oure handes / yeuen vnder oure signet / at Saint li&y; the .xviij. day of Iuyn / (Signed) Toly [Calendared Kirby 918. Order recorded 21 July 1422, CCR 1419-22, p. 263.] [torn and rubbed] ChancEng106 1434E28/55/1Signet (Initialed)R h Henri &c To &t;e Tresorer and Barons of oure Eschequir gretyng ffor certayne materes vs moeuyng we wol and charge you &t;at vnto oure welbeloued Squier Iohn Ardern hauyng &t;e kepyng to ferme of oure manoyrs of Shene Petresham and hame with &t;eir appertenaunces / for &t;e which he is bounde to paye yerly for &t;e saide ferme to vs at our Eschequir xxiiij. li. as it is conteyned in oure lettres patentes / We wol and charge you &t;at ye allowe vnto &t;e saide Iohn Ardern .vij. li. v. s. v. d yerly or elles discharge him yerly of. vij. li. v. s. v. d in the payment of his saide ferme / That is to wite fro &t;e feest of Seynt Michell. the yere of oure Regne xvthe. Also longe as he shall haue And occupie &t;e said kepyng or ferme at all tymes. yeuen &c Dat' apud Westmonasterium primo ffebruarii anno &c xiio ChancEng107 1440E28/63/5Signet or Privy Seal (draft) By &t;e kyng Trusty and welbeloued &c ffor asmoche as (we haue ordeyned) oure welbeloued sir w sire. w. (Moreton) n to entende and ouersee oure te reparacion (as well) of oure towne of Caleys as of &t;e wateris &t;ere. the whiche we truste shal do vs right good and behouful seruice. and &t;e better if by your good assistens. Wherefore y we wille and pray yow. &t;at at suche tyme as &t;e as ony vrgent case & necessite askyth to ayde of more peple tant tan be &t;ere of workemen or laborenis &t;at ye wille putte to youre good helpyng hand like as we vn be enformed ye haue do herebefore for whiche we can yow right good thanke. (Another hand) yeuen at Westminstre &t;e xiij day of Auerell Ao xviij Rh. vj To the Lieutenant and Soudeours of the Towne of Calays To &t;e Mair of the Staple of oure Towne of Calays and his felship marchantes ther To the mair of the towne of Calays and burgeys of the same [superior insert] [matter in square brackets cancelled] [marginal insert] ChancEng108 1452 SC1/43/184Signet (Initialed) R h By the king Trusty and welbeloued. we grete you wel. And albe it that oon Thomas Beneste of Solihille taylour. for certain greete offenses crimes and treasons by him doon ayeinst our Royal personne. was after the due processe of our lawe endited and therupon arained and atteint / and Iugement yeuen. which Iugement as ye knowe wel shuld be putte in execucion as to morwe. in the town of warrewyk / yet natheles we stured of pite and mercy by our own mocion / haue graunted and yeuen him grace of thexecucion of the said Iugement / and ouer &t;at haue pardonned him alle his trespaces and crimes & treasons of which he was endited trusting &t;at he ne neuer wol offende ayeinst our Royal maieste herafter / wherfore we charge you &t;at Immediatly after the receyuing herof ye cesse vtterly of eny execucion doing vpon him by occasion of the premisses. And &t;at ye faile not to obserue &t;is our commandement / as ye wol ansuere vnto vs / Yeuen vnder our signet at our Castel of kenelworth the xxvj day of Aoust [cancelled] ChancEng109 1455SC1/43/182Signet (right margin torn off) By the king Trusty and welbeloued. we greet you wel. and for asmoche as we be occupied and laboured as ye knowe wel. with sikeness . . . whiche. to be deliuered and cured by the grace of oure lord. vs nedeth. the helpe. entendance and laboure of suche expert . . . in the crafte of medicines as ye be in (Relem) amonges alle other. oure affeccion and desire. right especially. is sette. we des(ire) you that ye be with vs at oure castel of wyndesore the .xij. Day of this moneth and entende vpon oure persone for the . . . ye faille not as oure singuler trust is on you and as ye desire. and tendre of oure helth and welfare yeuen vndre . . . the v Day of Iuyn. (Another hand) To maistre Gilbert of Salesbury [Printed Rymer, Foedera XI.366] [rubbed] [torn off] ChancEng110 c1408E28/29Letter of Thomas Fry, Clerk of the Privy Seal (right side torn off) Worsshupfull Sire and frend: Upon the matire whiche ye declared me now Late at London touchyng the . . . I haue comuned with my Lord the Chaunceller of Engeland. opon whiche matire as y vnderstand he hath . . . worsshupfull Lady of wilton: in the whiche matire y praie yow. that ye be effectuel and trusty frend as . . . yow parfit affiance: I write in haste at London: the: xviij day of Iuyn: And with the grace of . . . deserue hit ayenst yow. in such wyse that ye shulleth holde yow content: (Signed) Robert ffrye youres [Described by A. L. Brown in The Study of Medieval Records, ed. Bullough and Story, pp.260ff.] ChancEng111 After 1415E28/37/105Letter of William Soper, Clerk of the Exchequer, to the Chancellor Ryght worshipfull lorde I recomaunde me to youre gude lordship as yowre seruant And plese it yowe to haue in know lage that I am enfourmed that ther is a saue condit graunted to be prolonged for a Ship of Spayn called the Mare of Bilbawe wher of is Maistre petre de Dariega & that ye desire to haue in knowlage what profite it hathe bene to the kyng or may turne (h)eraftre Please it yowe to wit that the sayd shipp aryved late (here) in this porte & the kyng answerd of Custum & s(u)bsidie inward & outeward in that viage the sum of xlix li & is liche to haue as moche more at his next comyng / And in this to my simple conceit the kyng may take avail & the Contre & no man hurt And as tithynges here bene nane as yit And god haue yowe in kepyng writen at Suthampton xj day of Decembre (Signed) your seruant William Soper [torn] ChancEng112 After 1417Cotton Vesp. F.XIII. fol.71Letter of Thomas Longley , Bishop of Durham, Chancellor, possibly to Henry V. Souereyn lord with als meke & entier hert as I kan or may I recomande me to your Roial maieste to ye whiche plaise it to wite yat on monday at nyght last passet I haue receyuet youre fulworschipfull lettres by ye tenure of ye whiche it hath liket yow to let me wite how ye be enforme(d) yat with Inne youre churche of duresme vnder ye warde of two monkes of ye churche & ye last priour yat ded. is & of on a man yat is clepet mydelton yer shuld be certein thyng yat to yowe apperteneth as (it) is more specialy writen in youre said lettres. Ye whiche youre lettres by me receyuet & vnderstanden ye said monday atte nyht. I haue on tysday in ye morning ordeynet a sufficient persone yat with youre message & ye enformacion yat come with hym is goen in al godely hast to your said kirk of duresme yer to charge on youre behalue ye priour yat now is yat out of ye said chirche ne priory be not remwet ne delyueret no kist no othir Instrument yat may cotene gold syluer or Iuillo Iuell chartre muniment or othir euydences yat yer has (bene) left to kepe: til ye forsaid priour & I may speke to gedir and more to yat matire haue Inoght mow do as yet but als sone as I (may) more do ye shal haue wityng yer of /. as of othir tythyngs I kan no nothir write but suche as by myn othir lettres I send yow by ye berer of yes Souerein lord ye holy gost haue yow in his kepyng Writen att pontfreu yis thoresday in ye morning youre humble preest of duresme (In a later hand) To our souerainge lorde ye Kynge. [trimmed off] [cancelled] [rubbed] [superscript insert] ChancEng113 1420SC1/43/192Letter, possibly of Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, to Henry V In all wyse my souereyne lord I recomandde me to &y;owr moste noble grace wyht all the lowlinesse that any subgit kan &t;enkke or deuise And at &y;ow luste my souereyne lord to lete me &y;owr moste humble liege man to haue knowleche be &y;o wr gracious. lettris. of the pees and mariage ocludid. the whyche godde knowyht I haue desirid. as. herttyly. as euer dide any poor creature. and that for goddis worshyp and &y;owr moste noble herttis. ese. And also for the souereyne gladnesse and comfortes that we &y;owr trwe pepil. haue and . wyht goddis mercy. shall haue In the lyklynesse of succes sion of &y;owr bodily heyrys. &t;at. lord &t;ank ke &y;ow. &t;at. is verray pees. and wyht all the hum blesse that any subgit kan &t;ankke hys souer eyne. lord I &t;ankke &y;ow. my moste gracious. souereyne lord And there as. hyt lykyd. &y;owr hynesse to wryte In &y;owr forseide gracious lettris &t;at &y;e pur pose the time of &y;owr mariage. as. sone aftir the feste of the trinite as couenable time comyht In the beste tyme of the &y;er I beseche godde. And trwly my souereyne lord but if &y;owr hynesse hadd comanddid me the contrarie if I myht haue be to goddis. wrshyp and &y;owrys at that blessid. gladde mariage I nolde for no thyng be thennys but godde blissid mote he be wlle not &t;at I haue In thys worde &t;at. &t;at I moste desired. of the whyche to see &t;at Ioyfull day of &y;owr mariage haht ben. on. Bese chyng &y;ow my souereyne lord to haue In &y;owr noble remembrauncte wyht what Conclusion of reste I departid laste owte of &y;owr graciouse presence and aftir &t;at I haue demenid me syht I kam. In to thys &y;owr reaume and wyht goddis grace shall to my lyuys. ende lyk as I truste to godde &y;owr humble lyge man my. Cousin. Chaucer. haht pleinly. enformid &y;owr hynesse or thys time. Also my souereyne lord whanne I was on the grette see I made awowe &t;at aftir time I were onys. In &y;owr reaume of Engeland I sholde no see passe. saue on pilgrimage vn to I hadde be at Senct Iamys and for &t;at cause. whanne I was at &y;owr toun of Calays. for the grete desir I hadde. to see the prosp erite of &y;owr moste dredde and noble persone I. wentte streht fro thennys. to &y;owr moste gracious pres ence. for if I hadde goone In to &y;owr reaume of Engeland I myht not haue come In to Normandie to my pilgrimage hadde be doo. And therefore my souereyne lord. wyht all the humbl esse &t;at any. subgit kan &t;enkke or deuise I beseche &y;owr hynesse to take not to displesaunsse mi nowht comyng. for godde knowht I ne feyne not ne no colour seke Besechyng godde In all wyse my souereyne lord to saue and kepe &y;ow body and sowle and sendde &y;ow. In thys blissid sacrament of mariage Ioye prosperite longe to endur wyht heyrys of &y;owr body. to hys. blissid wrshyp and &y;owrys In singuler comfortes of all &y;owr trwe pepyll of the whyche I am. on. and euer shall be. wrytyn at waltham. the vj day of Iuin. &y;owr humble subgit and trwe liege man. H W. ChancEng114 1420SC1/51/118Petition of John Cappe Ryght hye prynce and soueraigne graciouse lorde I recomaunde me to &y;ow And for as myche as my mayster Sir Roger Saluayn is passyd owte of this worlde whoes soule god assoile I shalle do &y;owre comaundement to abyde vpon the saue garde of &y;owre castell at Banelyngham with alle my myght and alle my power be the grace of god tylle &y;e sende other charge or comaundement Prayenge &y;ow to dyrecte &y;owre gracious letters to &y;owre vetyllere of Caleis to delyuer suffissaunt vetaille for the sustentacion of &y;owre castell / for I am a olde man and haue be hurte and maymed and loste my good in &y;owre werrys be &y;owre ennemyes / so that I haue not where with to do to &y;owre castell as I desyre / but euere I pray &y;ow to be my good and gracious lorde. and assigne sum refresshement to &y;owre powre soudeours that wille abyde vapon the saue garde of &y;owre castell tylle &y;e sende other ordenaunce. Ryght hye prynce and soueraigne graciouse lorde the holy blessyd trynyte haue &y;ow in his kepynge. wreten atte castell of Banelyngham the xj day of Nouember Be &y;owre powre liege Iohn Cappe ChancEng115 1421E28/35/13-14Privy Seal: Council Business To &t;e kyng. oure souuereigne Lorde: Primerm ent. &t;at it like yow to graunte lettres vndre youre priue seell directed to all youre Capitaines Lieutenant&y; and baillie&y; of youre towne & marche&y; of Caleis chargyng &t;aim to supporte youre Tresourier. and his deputees to enprowe. and to sette to fferme all youre landes Rentes tenement&y; with all o&t;er commodite&y; of youre towne. and marches afoersaide to &t;e moste prouffit. in confermacon of youre worship and right as &t;ey desire to stande in youre good lordshippe.Item &t;at it like yow. to appoincte what gouuernance &t;at youre Castell of Guisnes shall be putte Inne. and what persone shall haue &t;e kepyng. and saufegarde therof. Item &t;at it like yow to appoincte what gouuernance that youre Castell of Baunelingham shall be putte Inne. And what persone shall haue &t;e kepyng and saufegarde &t;erof. $ Item &t;at it like yow. &t;at youre priue Seell be charged to make warant soufficeant for youre Tresourier to be allowed in his accompte of all manere Stuffe and ordounance. deliured and pourveied by youre Commandement as it pereth by endenture deliured vn to &t;e clerke of &t;e ordounance atte &t;is tyme. Item &t;at hit like yowe to Charge yowre priue Seell to make a warant soufficeant / to youre Tresourier of Caleis &t;at he may occupie youre Seell &t;e which he hath In kepyng. as o&t;er Tresouriers haue vsed befoer tyme In letyng oute youre landes and tenement&y; te which will tourne yow to greete prouffit. for defaute &t;at it hath notte be vsed. ye haue hadde greete losse. (Second sheet and hand) Item that it like yow soueraign Lord to consider the grete mischief and poentot of youre said towns And marches of Caleys And &t;ervpon appointe sufficeaunt assignement for the paiement And saufgard of the said towne and marches. Item for as muche soueraigne lord as thexceketeurs of sir Roger Salwyn natcompteht no ferther but to the iiij. daie of ffeuerer last passed the daie of his discharge. &t;erfore that it like that your priue seal be charged to make warant&y; sufficiaunte for your seid Tresorer he fro the seid .iiij. daie of ffeuerer to Resceyve al maner of Reuenu&y; and recepts and proufits longing to the seid office in to the first daie of his Charge after the tenor of his patent with the wages and fees longing to the seid office And also that he Accompte &t;erfore deuhely and bi the sa(ide) warrant to haue therof deuhe allouance vpon his accompt: Item sith it list yow that he have the seid office of Tresourier and the charges wi&t; all like it your hi&y;nes that wi&t; oute his aduis noon officers be made in &t;oo partes but such as he schall Ansuere fore to yow si&t; he schall Rekene And accompt for hem wi&t; this if it like that noo maner of paiements be made to no maner persone of the Reuenu&y;. nei&t;er of thentres ne of thissues &t;eer but by &t;especiall knowlich and hand of your said Tresourer si&t; he schall accompte &t;erfore. [torn] ChancEng116 1427Cleopatra F IV fol.3Privy Council Minute Book My lord of Gloucestre The Archbishop of Canterbury The Bisshopes of London Wynchestre Norwych & wircestre The Duc of Excetr Therl of March Warrewyk Marchal Northumberland Westmorland The Lord ffit&y; hugh Sir Rauf Cromwell sir walter hungerford sir Iohn Tiptoft sir walter Beauchamp The wich Lordys a boue said ben condescended to take hit vpon hem in &t;e manere and fourme &t;at sueth. ffirst foras muche as execucion of lawe and keping of pees stant muche in Iustices of pees Shirrefs and Eschetours / the proffit&y; of the kyng and &t;e Reuenues of &t;e Roiaume ben gretly encresced or anientisched by Coustumers Countrollours porsours serch(ers) and all such o&t;er officers. Therfore &t;e same Lordys wol and desireth &t;at such offics and all o&t;er be maade by aduis and denomina cion of &t;e said Lordys. Saued always and reserued to my Lordes of Bedford and of Gloucester alle &t;at longe&t; vnto hem by a special act maad in parlement And to &t;e Bischop of Wynchestre. that &t;at he hath graunted him by our souerain lord &t;at last was of whos soule god haue mercy / and by auctoritee of parlement confermed . . .(Text changes without a break to French.) [Printed Nicolas III.16-17.] [trimmed off] ChancEng117 1423E28/41/75:105Privy Seal: for the King, to John, Duke of Bedford Right trusti and most beloued vncle / We grete yow wel wi&t; al our herte / And signifie vn to yow as for your consolation (&t;at) at &t;e tyme of &t;e writing of &t;ese &t;ankid be god we wer in perfite hele of persone / tristing to our lord &t;at (as we desire) in semblable wise ye so be And for asmoche as we and our counsail hier been acertained as wel be &t;e effecte and euidence of your werkes as be &t;e credible reportes and writinges maad vn to vs and to our said counsail fro tyme to tyme of &t;e singulier diligence & &t;e fulnotable and laborious seruice &t;at ye doon vn to vs In gouuernaunce of oure Reaume of ffraunce as wel as of our Duchie of Normandie we &t;anke our lord &t;er of and yow as hertily as we kan willing & (also) praing yow alwey so to continue (euyr fro wel to better as ) we ne doute doute in no wise wi&t; te grace of our e lord but &t;at ye so wol. / And considering &t;at in acompl ishing of your desir. we send now vn to yow the B. of l. / also our dier and welbeloued cosin &t;eril Marshal / and &t;e lord Wilby / wi&t; notable puissaunce of &t;is our Reaume of Englond. We (desire &) pray yow &t;at at &t;air comyng vn to yow ye Receyue & demene hem & also ordeine hem to be tretid and demenyd benyngly and fauorably so &t;at &t;iey ne haue no resonable cause of grucching greue nor com plaint but &t;at &t;ay and &t;air feleship haue cause to reioise hem and contente hem of &t;air comyng vn to yow In our seruise & &t;at as wel &t;ay as o&t;er of our sugites hier take &t;er be occasion (corage) & to wille to goon &t;i&t;er at al tymes when our behoof shal asshid & hit shal be . . . of &t;aym / And as toward es our bel vncle of Excester whoom our lord now late visitid wi&t; seknesse blessid mote god be he is rekiue ryd & wi&t; his grace shal be wi&t; yow in al goodly haste whoom and o&t;er &t;at we send tat now vn to yow to assiste yow as for &t;e tyme in counsail / We pray yow goodly & effectuelly to hier in swiche &t;inges as &t;a y shal auise yow of fro tyme to tyme for (&t;e worship of god &t; e) pte goode of vs (& of yow) & of bo&t;e our Reaumes & Duchie abouesaid willing also &t;at ye yeue (fai &t; &) credence to &t;at &t;at &t;e said bisshop of london &c shal say on to yow on our behalue And almyghty god &c (Different hand) yeuen at Westmynstre &t;e. xv day of May (After three lines skipped, the first hand) Right trusti and welbeloued cosin. for asmoche as we knowin &t;at ye desire to be acertained fro tyme to tyme of our prosperite & welfar we lete yow wite &t;at &t;ankid be our lord at &t;e tyme of &t; e writing of &t;ese we werin in perfite hele of per sone & so plesit vn to hym &t;at ye be / And ouer &t;is witi&t; tat we sende vn to our fultrusty & most beloued vncle of Bedford. A. &c to &t;e whiche we wol &t;at ye yeue fai&t; and credence In &t;at &t;at &t;ay shal say vn to yow on our behalue And Almyghty &c (Second hand) don come dessus. [Printed Nicholas III.86-88; Ellis, 2nd ser., I.99-100.] [superior insert] [cancelled] [Bishop of London] ChancEng118 1423E28/39Petition of Janyn Cassons To the kyng oure souuerein lord Bisecheth lowly youre pore Ianyn Cassons squyer of my lord of Wynchestre. that sith the Office of Viergerschup in the kynges Chapelle of Wyndesore is . . . voide by the deth of Iohan Clifford of whom god haue mercy. like youre highnes by thaduis of my redoubted lord of Gloucestre and of al youre noble . . . graunt your saide bisecher the same office of vierger with al the fees and appurtenances that longeth ther to in wise like as the said Iohan . . .&t;erme of life for goddes sake. and as he shal euer praie for youre high estat and for al your noble lignie (Another hand) Dat apud Westmonasterium tercio die Marcii Anno &c primo [washed out] ChancEng119 1423E28/40/18Petition of Maud Fosbroke, drynurse (first of three versions) To &t;e hygh and myghty Prynce &t;e Duc of Glouc ester and o&t;ere of &t;e councell of our souuer aign lord &t;e kyng Lyke vn to &t;e hygh and discrete councell of oure souueraign lord &t;e kynges to gra unt vn to Mald ffosbroke drynorysse vn to oure said souuerai gne lord &t;e kyng x li by yere for as long as &t;am lykis and to be paid yn whatt plasse &t;at&t;e said discrete councell will Assign for &t;e goode seruyse and entendaunt&y; tat &t;e said drynorysse hath don fro &t;e day of &t;e berth of our souueraign lord vn to &t;is day consideryng &t;at &t;e said Mauld hath no&t;er reward As fee by for grauntede of our said lord for &t;e wach and laboure &t;at scho hath had fro &t;e day as yit es a boven re hersid vn to &t;is day wherfor and yit lyke &t;e said hye and discrete councell to graunte &t;e said Mauld &t;e said x li yn &t;e way of Charitee and Almouse (Another hand) Donee a Westminstre le xxviij jour Daurill Lan primier ChancEng120 1423E28/40/19Petition of Margaret Brothnam (second version) To &t;e hygh and myghty Prynce &t;e Duc of Gloucester and o&t;er of &t;e councell of our souueraign lord &t;e kyng Lyke vn to &t;e high and discrete councell of oure souueraign lord &t;e kyng to graunt to Morgrete Brothnam Chambrer and Wesher of oure said souuera ign lord &t;e kyng C s for as long as &t;e said descrete councell lykys and to be paid yn what place &t;at &t;ei will Assign for &t;e goode seruice and entendant&y; &t;at &t;e said Chambrer hath don fro &t;e day of &t; e birth of oure soueraign lord vn to &t;is day consideryng &t;at &t;e said Morgrete hath no&t;er reward nor fee be for graunted of oure said lord for &t;e wach and labor &t;at scho hath had fro &t;e day as yit es aboven rehersid vn to &t;is day wherfor and yit like &t;e said hye & discrete councell to graunt &t;e said Morgre te Brothnam &t;e said C s in &t;e wey of Charite and Almous. ChancEng121 1423E28/40/20Petition of Joan Asteley (third version) To &t;e hyghe and myghty Prynce &t;e duc of Glouce ster and other of &t;e councell of oure souueraigne lord &t;e kynge&y; Lyke vn to &t;e hyghe and to &t;e descrete councell of oure souueraigne lord &t;e kynges to graunte vnto Ioan Asteley norysse of oure said souueraign lord &t;e kyng xx li by yere at &t;e terme of here lyve to be paied yn what place &t;at &t;e said discrete councell woll assign for &t;e goode seruyse and entendaunt&y; &t; at &t;e said norysse hathe doen fro &t;e day of &t;e berthe of oure said souueraign lord vn to &t;is day consid eryng &t;at &t;e said Ioan hath neyther reward ne fee by fore graunted of oure said lord for &t;e wathe and labour &t;at sheo hath had fro &t;e day as hit is a boven rehersed vn to &t;is day. Where fore and hit lyke &t;e said hye and discrete councell to graunte &t;e said Ioan Asteley &t;e said xx li for &t;e terme as hit is a boven wreton yn &t;e wey of charite (Another hand) Donee a Westminster le xxvij jour (dauerill) Lan &c primier [rubbed] ChancEng122 1424Cleopatra F IV fol. 17v-18rPrivy Council Minute Book Thise ben certain prouisions for &t;e good of &t;e gouernance of this land that &t;e lordes which ben of &t;e kinges. counseil desireth First that my Lord of Gloucestre ne noon other man of &t;e counsail in no suyte &t;at shal be maad vnto hem. schal no fauour graunte neithr in billes of right. ne of office / ne of benefice. that loongeth to &t;e counsail / but oonly to ansuere that the bille shall be seen by all the counsail and the partie suynge so to haue ansuer: Item. that all the billes. that shull be putt vnto the counseil. shul be onys in the woke / at the lest / that is to saye on &t;e Wednesday redd bifore &t;e counsail / And their ansueres endoced by &t;e same counsail / And on &t;e friday next folewinge declared to &t;e partie suyng: Item / that alle the billes that comprehende materes terminable at the commune lawe that semeth nought feyned be remited there to be determined. but if so be that &t;e discrecion of the counsail feele to greet might on that oo syde and vnmyght oo that other: (or ellus o&t;er cause Resonable &t;at shul moeue hem.) Item. if so be that eny matere suyd in the counseil falle in to diuerse opinions: that oo lesse than the more partie of the counseil. beyng present in the tyme of discord falle to that oo part: that be nought enacted as assented And the namys of the bothe parties enact by the Clerc of the counseil with here assent or disassent: Item. that in alle suytes that be maad to the counsail in materes Whois determinacion Loongeth Vnto the counsail. but if it so be that thei touche the weel of &t;e king. oure souerain lord. or of his Roiaume hastely to be spedd. ellys that they be nought enact doon by the counseil. oo lesse than to the nombre. of vj or iiij att the leeste of the counsail with the Officiers that ben present be of oon assent / And att alle tyme the names of &t;assenteurs to be writen of their owen hand in the sa(me) bille: Item. for asmuche as it is to greet a schame / that in to Strange countrees oure souuerain lord shal write his lettres by &t;aduise of his counseil. for such mater es and persones as the counsail writeth in his name. And singuler persones of &t;e counsail. to write the contrarie: that it be ordeynned. that noman of &t;e counsail presume to doo it on peyne of shame and reproef: Item. that the Clerc of the counseil be sworn. that euery. day. that the counseil sitteth on eny billes bitwix partie and partie. that he shal as ferr as he can. aspye. which is the porest suyteurs bille / and that first to be redd / And ansuered / And the kynges Sergeantes to be sworin trewly and plainly. to yeue the poore man that for such is accept to &t;e counsail / assistence and trewe counsail in his matere so to be suyd with oute eny good takyng of hym: on peyne of discharge of &t;eir offices: Item. for asmuche as it is lykly. that many materes shul be treted a fore the counsail. the which toucheth the kinges prerogatifes and freehold o that oo partie. and othr of his sougets o. &t;at othr: in the which matires the counsail is not lerned. to kepe the. kinges. rightes . and &t;e parties bothe. withoute thaduise of the kinges Iustices which ben lerned. both in his prerogatifs. and in his comune lawe. That in alle such materes his Iuges be called therto and their aduise with their namys also to be entred of record. what and how they determyne and aduise therinne ffor the good keping of pees & reste in &t;is Reaume in the which stont &t;e prosperitee and welfare of oure souerain Lord and of alle &t;estatys of &t;is land. hit is aduised assented and assured by my Lord of Gloucestre and by all my lordys spirituel and temporel &t;at yf any matere be now or haue bee not yit decided or schal be hereafter bitwyx lord & lord by &t;e sturyng of which matere &t;e good Reste and pees of &t;is land myght in any wise be letted or troubled: &t;at in all suche materes &t;e partie &t;at hit toucheth shal open to my forsaid Lord of Gloucestre and to &t;e Remenant of my Lordys of &t;e Consail suche matere or materes as toucheth him with &t;e circumstances &t;erof and &t;erynne be reuled after &t;aduis of my forsaid Lord and lordes and in non o&t;er wise. and suche Rule as &t;e Conseil ordeyneth &t;e parties to obeie. And so like as &t;ei doo in materes &t;at toucheth hem selfes: &t;ei shal doo in alle o&t;er materes &t;at touchen or mowe touche them or theirs by weye of feoffement or in ony other wyse. And &t;at my forsaid lord of Glouce stre. and all myn other Lordes assure diligently truly & indifferently in suche materes to hem opened to procede with outen ony parcialtee or fauour: This ordenance abouesaid to kepe my Lord of Gloucestre openly assured in his persone to all &t;e remenant of my lordys &t;ere beyng present and &t;ey ayenward assured him the same by here trouthe in his hand. First. My Lord of Canterbury Wyn cestre Norwych Worcestre Roucestre Duresme K arlill &t;erl Mareschall &t;erl of Stafford &t;e Lord Cromwell Scroop Hungerford Tiptoft &t;e Treseror &t;e Priue Seal [Printed Nicolas III.148-52.] [added in the same hand] [cancelled] [superior insert] ChancEng123 1429E28/50/9Petition of William Pope, royal retainer (right side faded) Vnto &t;e kynge oure full souerain lorde Biseches full lowelich and mekelich youre humble seruant and Squyer William Pope: That where as howe Iohn Cassons Squyer of youre graciouse graunte hath &t;e Office of vergiershippe or Ostiarshippe of &t;e compaignye of &t;e Gartier withynne &t;e . . . Wyndesore togider with &t;e mansion vnto &t;e same withynne &t;e saide Castell pert enynge: And also for to bere &t;e Rodde tofore yowe and youre heires In procession in festiuall dayes with &t;e wages of xij. d &t;e day for to betake of &t;e Reuercions issues and . . . Manoir of kenyngton o&t;erwise callidde Coldken yngton in &t;e Shire of Middilsex by &t;e handes of &t;e ffermours Resceiuours Baillifs Prouostes or Gaderers of &t;e same Manoir for &t;e tyme beeng as by youre grat ious lettres patent&y; to hym &t;erof . . . Shewe the which youre gratious lettres patent&y; &t;e saide Iohn Cassons is in full wille and is fully assentede and accorded to restore in to youre Chauncerie &t;ere to be cancellede: to &t;e effect entent and purpos &t;at &t;e saide William &t;e . . . mansion and wages and alle o&t;er mare profites and appurtenant&y; may haue: Where apon like it vnto youre mageste roiale of youre grace especiale to gra unte vnto &t;e saide William &t;e saide Office with &t;e saide mansion and wa . . . commoditees and appur tenant&y; &t;erto longyng or pertenyng in &t;e same manere and fourme as &t;e saide Iohn Cassons it hath hadde and occupiede durynge youre gratiouse wille And he shall praye god for yowe: (Signatures in different hands) H. gloucestre H Cantuar I Ebor Canc W london P Elien I huntyngton ChancEng124 1430E28/51/69Petition on behalf of the retainers of the Earl of Ormond (right side torn off) Pleese it vn to the King oure souerayn Lord to grau nt / lettres of his prive seel to your Lieutenant or . . . in Irland &t;at thay graunt licences of absence with out fin / to all &t;aym &t;at shal come out . . . in ffrance in &t;e feloweship of Iames le Botiller Erill of Ormond til &t;e fest of Sey . . . comyng a twolfmonth And to charg &t;e said lieutenant or depute & Counsell . . . (as)&t;o be arrest at your prese to serue &t;e said Erilles retenu out of Irland in to Engl. . . (Signatures in different hands) H Gloucestre H. Cantuar I Ebor Canc W london P Elien I . . . I huntyngton [rubbed] ChancEng125 1432-36SC1/44/8Letter of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, to the Chancellor By the Duc of Gloucestre & Constable of the Castel of Douor wardein & Admiral of &t;e .V. Portes Worshipful fader in god. oure right trusty and right welbeloued we grete you wel. And for asmuche as we ben enfourmed &t;at oure trusty and welbeloued knight sir Iohan fastolf hath take a suyt ayeinst certein personnes of hastynge & Brithelmeston in &t;admiral court of England for a trespasse supposed to be doon apon &t;e high see ayeinst a place callid &t;e hors Shoo &t;e which personnes be come afore you. in my lordis chancerye by vertue of his writtes. We praye you hertly in asmuch as &t;e said high see ys withinne &t;e Iurisdiccion of our Admiraltee of &t;e said port&y;: &t;at &t;e said matier be not Remitted to &t;e said Admiral Court of England In eschuyng &t;e hurt &t;at perauenture mighte inconueniently falle to our said admiraltee of &t;e saide port&y; be &t;at meene. as we trust you. And our lord haue you in his keping. Yeuen vndir our signet at Sandewych &t;e xvj day of Iuyng ChancEng126 1423-50C81/1715/39Letter of Richard, Duke of York, to the Chancellor Right worshipfull and reuerent fadir yn god / and my right entierly welbelouyd cosyn I recommaund me vnto yow as hertly as I can / thankyng yow of youre goode cosynage shewyd vnto me. yn especiall the tyme of my beyng yn the seruice of oure soueraigne lord the kyng. yn his Reaume of ffraunce and Duchery of Normandie And forasmoch as I haue and shall be absent certaigne yerys after the appunctuament of oure saide soueraigne lord yn his saide Reaume of ffraunce and Duchery of Normandie. hit is vnder your fauore and goode wille expedient vnto me. forto haue generall Attorneys to pursue no&y;t only matiers and causes longgyng to me / bu&y;t also forto defend all causes and matiers mouyed a&y;enst me / yn my saide absens: Wherfore I pray hertly yow / forto domake letters patent&y; vnder the grete seale of oure saide soueraigne lord Recordyng and affirmyng that my entent is and I woll / And by this writyng I make ordeigne and depute. my right trusty and welbelouyd sir Nicholl Dixon one of my. Councellours yn the Reaume of Englond. and my right welbelouyd seruaunt Iohan Wyggemore myne generall Attorneys / forto pursue and to de fend all matiers & causes with me and a&y;enst me yn the tyme of my absens byforesaide / to whom and all other of my partye yn such matiers. I pray yow to be goode lord. Writon at Rone the .vthe daye of Iuyn Youre trew cosyn and frend Richard Duc of york ChancEng127 After 1432SC1/44/12Letter of Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, to the Chancellor Worschipful fadre in god (and Right)&t;rusty and Welbe loued Brothre and frend: I. grete yow Right hertely wel And sende yow herinne encloosed a bille of a tennant of myn of farnham cal led Thomas Gode. which as he saith now dwelleth atte Colcestre and of tyme passed hadd pourchaced and dwelled atte Stowemarkett in Suffolok. And as ye may see by the saide poeuere mannys su(ges)tion. two men of Stowemarkett &t;at is to saye Thomas Sengelton & Iohan Ady whom &t;e saide poeuer e man hadd enfeoffed of trust. han halden hym oute of his hous and lifloode as he sayeth .v. yeer & mor. And forasmoche as the open wroong &t;at is doon hym in &t;at partie yif hit bee soo. is full odieux and agreggeable. In example of othr mysdoers in cas semblable. I wolde pray yow worshipful fadre in god. my Right trusty & welbeloued Brothr & frend for to doo be sent for. by writtes sub pena the saide Sengelton and Ady. And thay bothe vpon the saide suggestion which is a matere of conscience (a forn yow) to be examined atte such a day as ye wol assigne. And to be Reuled & iustified in &t;at partie As good faith trouthe and conscience sholde Requere aftre your good discrecion As I truste yow And wor shipful fadre in god my Right trusty and welbeloued brothr and frend Our blessed lord god haue yow euere in his gracioux protection and keping Writen atte merton the xxxix day of Auerill [rubbed] [cancelled] [superscript insert] ChancEng128 After 1432C1/12/179Petition of Richard Selby, possibly Clerk of Chancery To the ful reuerent fader in god Bysshop of Bathe & of welles Chaunceller of Englonde Besechith meekly your poer Chapelyn Richard Selby clerk that wher as he was late vicare of the chirche of Seint stephns in the Town of Seint Albons in the Shir of hertford by the presentaci on of on Iohn Abbot of Seint Albons by vertu of wyche presenta cion he was admitte & Institute in the seyd Chirche wyche ys of the value of xxv mark be yer And wher the xxti day of August the yer of hour (lord the kyng that now is the XX at Iseldon in the Shir of Middlesex on william Rachedale preest come to the seid besecher seieng & affermyng)&t;hat he was person of the Chirche of Northwodebernyngham in the shire of Norfolk wiche is of the Value of xxviij mark be yer atthe presentaci on of oon Iohn Palton of the seyd Shire of Norfolk wher as the seyd william was neuer person of that Chirche nor of non other Chirche in the same Shire of Norfolk nor neuer was noon suche Iohn Palton patron of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngham And ther Accorde toke by twene the seyd bysecher & william that iche of them shuld haue others Chirche And iche of them gete other A presentacion from his patron by vertu of wiche Accorde the seyd bysecher Accordyng to this couenant resigned & gate A presentacion of the seyd abbot to the same william by vertu of wyche presentacion the seyd william was inducte institute in the same vikerage & the forseyd william deliuered to the seyd bysecher A presentacion of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngham forged & feyned in the name of the seyd Iohn Palton ther As the seyd Iohn was neuer patron of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngham nor the seyd william was neuer person of the same Chirche of Northwodebernyngham nor or noon other chirche in the seyd shire of Norfolk And so the seyd william is vikary of the seyd chirche of seintstephens And your seyd bysecher withoute Any Chirche to his finall vndoyng & destruccion with ought youre gracious helpe in this matier please it your gracious lordshipp to concidre thes premisses and theruppon to graunte a writte sub pena directe to the same william Rachedale to apper by fore you Att A certeyn day be you to be lemytedd ther to be examined vppon thes premisses as good feithe & concience requireth for the loue of god & way of charte Plegium de prosecutio Radnus Clerk Iohanes Bernewell [over erasure] ChancEng129 1435SC1/44/45Letter of Richard, Duke of York, possibly to John Frank, Master of Rolls Right trusty & entierly welbeloued frende / I grete you often tymes wel / And thanke you with al myn hert of &t;e grete gentilesse and kyndenesse &t;e whiche hit hath liked vnto you / to shewe herebefore aswel vnto me / as vnto myn officers & seruantes atte reuerence of me / Prayeng you hertily of good continuance / And for asmuche / as for suche materes and &t;inges as I shal haue adoo and to poursue in oure souuerain lordes courtes in Irlande / hit is right nedeful for me to haue certaine personnes &t;ere and to haue auctorite and power of &t;e kyng oure saide souuerain lord forto bee myn attournees / I pray you with al myn hert / &t;at hit like you / forto doo make lettres patentes vnder &t;e kyng oure saide souuerain lordes seel in deue fourme / forto endure iiij. yere namyng in thayme Robert Doudale and Iames water forto bee my saide attournees / as my singulier trust is vnto yow / Right trusty and entierly welbeloued frende. oure lord haue you in his keping writen vnder my signet at westmynster &t;e xvij day of May. The Duc of york Erle of &t;e marche & of vluestre ChancEng130 1435E28/56/1Privy Seal: Summons to Parliament (draft with titles of recipients attached) By the kyng Ri&y;t worshipful fadre in god / for as muche as sithe &t;e tyme &t;at we wrote vnto you last by oure writtes vndre oure greet seel to be with vs in oure parl ement at oure paleis of Westminster &t;e x day of Octobr next commynge as ye knowe wel / ther be fallen vpon vs so grete materes of weght and charge concernyng &t;e weel of vs and &t;is oure Reaume / &t;at &t;e purueance of &t;e Remedie for hem axeth of uerraie necessite an hool aduis and consail of alle &t;estates of oure parlement / we desire and charge you as ye loue vs &t;at alle excusacions cessinge ye be with vs and &t;e Remenant of &t;e lordes of oure parlement at oure said paleis (&t;e) said day contened in oure writ sent vnto you there to yeue your assent and aduis vpon &t;e saide Remedies / wetinge for certeine &t;at at &t;is tyme we ney&t; er may ne wol haue your persones commynge vnto oure said parlement excused in eny manere / yeuen &c xxviij day of September Ao xiiijo To &t;e Arche bisshopes To &c alle &t;e lordes semble (Followed by a full list of addressees on the next vellum) [superior insert] ChancEng131 1436E28/56/28Privy Seal: Council Business The xx day of ffeuerer. &t;e xiiij. yere &c at Westmin ster / The kyng consideryng &t;e good herte and kyndenesses. &t;at his greet Oncle &t;e Cardinal hath at alle tymes in his necessitees shewed vnto him and specially now at &t;is tyme. in his greet necessitee. for &t;e settyng forth of his greet armee into his Reume of ffraunce and Duchee of Normandie for &t;e sauue gard and defense of &t;e same ffor &t;e settyng forth of &t;e which armee: the said Cardinal graunteth to lene vnto &t;e kyng at &t;is tyme. with o&t;er sommes. by him lent before. for &t;e kynges saide necessitees &t;e somme of . . . &t;a bouesaid sommes soo before. by him lent. accounted vndre &t;e same somme of xxml. li: vpon such seuretees as foloweth: Furst as for &t;e somme of xml. marc. late by &t;e said Cardinal lent vnto &t;e kyng for his greet necessitees: ffor &t;e repaiement of &t;e which somme. he hath diuers lordes bounden vnto him by seuerall obliga(cions) The kyng wol. by &t;auis of his counsail &t;at &t;e saide obligacions remaigne in his said Oncles handes by the same auctoritee as &t;ei were deliuer ed vnto him: Item and for &t;e somme of Ml marc. by &t;e said Cardinal. also lent vnto &t;e kyng for his greet necessitees. for &t;e seuretee of &t;e which. he hath tail les. of &t;e iijde: partie of &t;e dysm commited vnto &t;e kyng. by his Clergie &t;e xij yere of his regne. paiable at Martynmasse next comyng: The kyng by &t;auis of his said counsail. wol &t;at &t;e said tailles remaigne vnto his said Oncle as &t;ei were appointed at &t;e tyme of &t;e deliueryng of hem: And ouer &t;at &t;at he haue for &t;e seuretee of &t;e same Ml marc such weddes. as he hath of &t;e kyng at &t;is tyme of &t;e value of Ml marc til &t;at he be contented of &t;e somme of Ml marc. soo by hym lent. as aboue: Also &t;e kyng wol by &t;a uis &c &t;at my said lord &t;e Cardinal haue sufficeant assignement for seuretee of repaiement for &t;e somme of xjml. marc. now by hym lent of &t;e first partee of &t;e xv. graunted vnto &t;e kyng in his last parlement. paiable at Witsontyde next comyng. whereupon he shal haue tailles. and lettres patentes such as he wol agree hym vnto and yf &t;e same paiement of &t;e xv. come not to my said lord Cardinales handes by mydsomer day. next folowyng. &t;at &t;enne &t;e Tresorer of England. shal content &t;e said Cardinal in prest paiement of &t;at &t;at he shal lene of gold in gold l & of &t;at &t;at he shal lene in siluer in l siluer. of &t;e somme &t;at is to him due: Also and for &t;e somme of viijm marc. reest of &t;e saide somme. of xxm. li. Whereof &t;e said Cardinal hath non assignement: The kyng wol. &t;at &t;er be deliu ered vnto hym Ioialx to the value of &t;e somme of xiijml marc. like as it may be accorded betwix &t;e said Cardinal and &t;e Tresorer of England. with powere of Sale. of &t;e said Ioialx so to be engaged for defaute of paiement at the xvme of Martynmasse next comyng. and &t;e o&t;er half of &t;e saide somme of viijml marc at Witsontyde after &t;at Martynmasse (&t;en) next folowyng And &t;e kyng by &t;auis of his said counsail wol &t;at vpon &t;ees Articles: in eueri of hem: the Chaunceller of England and &t;e keper of &t;e kinges priue seel for &t;e tyme beyng make suche & as many lettres & war rant&y; vndre &t;e kynges greet & p(riue seele)s as for execuc ion of &t;e same Articles as the caas shal requir . . . 4 Cardinal shal duely be demaunded. (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre I. Ebor H Nor thumbyrlonde [water stained] [superior insert] [torn] ChancEng132 1436E28/57APrivy Seal: Summons to Arms (first of three versions) By &t;e kynge Trusty and welbelouyd ffor asmoche as he &t;at calleth him Duc of Bourgoigne oure rebell with his puis saunce of fflemmenges Picardes Bourgoignons and o&t;er is come ouer &t;e water of Grauelyng and hath pighte his tentes with Inne oure Pale of &t;e marches &t;ere willyng and disposyng him to gete oure Toune of Caleys and alle oure strengthes in &t;e marches &t;ere &t;e whiche if so were &t;at god defende shulde be vn to vs you oure Reamme and subgitt&y; to grete an hurte and a perpetuelle shame we &t;erfore willyng to resiste &t;e malice of (&t;e) saide callyng him Duc dis pose vs in persone for to go to oure Citee of Caunterb ury for &t;e rescous to oure said Toune and marches Wherfore we desire and praye you hertely as oure feod man in wise as at &t;is tyme we desire and praye oure o&t;er feod men &t;at in alle &t;e haste &t;at ye maye ye make you redy and alle &t;e defensable people &t;at ye can and maye and drawe you &t;eder to ward vs So &t;at ye be &t;ere at &t;e fer&t;est on mary Maughdelenes day next redy in your beste arraye for &t;e said rescous with o&t;er of oure feod men and trewe subgitt&y; to whom we write sembly for &t;e good of vs you oure Reaume and subgitt&y; of &t;e same And in no wise faylleth her of as oure singuler truste ys in yowe: yeuen vnder oure priue sealle at Westminster &t;e laste day of Iuyn And trusty and welbeloued after the writyng of thise lett res come to vs tithynges that the seide callyng hym Duk hath take our fortalice of Oye and slayn all our souldiours ther Inne And that the seconde day of Iuyll next commyng purposith hym redyly to be before oure seide Town of Caleys for the sonner rescous of (&t;e) which oure beall vncle of Gloucestre Capitayn of the seide Town and Marches. hath desired of vs to go thedir in persone so that he may be compaigned with a notable retenue accordyng to his estate And of myght to make a feld ayeinste our seide rebell and enemyes Where fore we pray yow as aboue that ye faille not to be with your retenue with oure saide vncle at Sandwych the seide Mary Magdeleyn day redy there to awayte on oure seide Vncle and take the passage to ward Caleys at farthest [superior insert] ChancEng133 1436E28/57BPrivy Seal: Summons to Arms (second version, badly damaged, in a smaller hand than A) . . . Duk of Burgoyne oure rebell with his puissans of ffleming . . . water of Gravelyng and . . . willyng and disposyng hym to gete oure toun of Caley . . . &t;ere the whuche if so were . . . to grete an hurte and perpetuell shame. We therfore willyng to resiste the malice of the said callyng hym Duk dispose . . . rescous to oure said toun and marches. Wherefore we desire and pray you hertly as oure feod man in wise & as at this tyme . . . make you redy and al the . . . poeple that ye can and may and drawe you theder toward . . . best array for the seid . . . oure foed men and true subgitts to whom we . . . yeven vnder oure priue seal (at Westminstre)&t;he last day of . . . . . . callyng hym Duk hath take oure fortalys Of Oye and slayn all our sowdyours &t;erinne And . . . &t;e secund day of &t;e moneth . . . sonner rescous of &t;e whiche our beal Vncle of Gloucestre . . . and marches hath desirid of vs to go thider . . . and of myght to make a feld ayenst our seid rebell and enemys wherfore we pray yow . . . &t;at ye faille not to be wyth . . . redy &t;er to awayte on our seid vncle and take &t;e passage toward Caleys atte ferthest: [superior insert] ChancEng134 1436E28/57CPrivy Seal: Summons to Arms (third version) By the kyng Trusty and welbeloued for asmoche as he &t;at calleth hym Duc of Bourgoine oure rebell wyth his puissance of fflemynges picardes Bourgoignons and o&t;er is come ouer the water of Gravelyng and hath pight his tentes with Inne oure pale of the marches there willyng and disposyng hym to gete oure tovne of Caleys and all oure Strengthes in &t;e marches &t;ere. the which if so were &t;at god defende shuld be vnto vs yowe oure roialme and subgettes to grete an hurte and perpetuell shame: we &t;erfore willyng to resiste the malice of the said callyng hym Duc. dispose vs in persone for to goo vnto oure Citee of Caunterbury for the rescous to owre seid tovne and marches. wherfore we (desire) and pray yowe hertly as oure feod man in wise as at this tyme we desire and pray oure o&t;er feod men. &t;at in all &t;e hast ye may ye make yowe redy And all the defensable poeple &t;at ye can and may And drawe yowe thider toward vs Soo &t;at ye be there at the ferthest on Mary Magdelan next redy yn youre best array for the seid rescous with o&t;er of oure feod men and trewe subgettes to whom we write semblably for the good of vs you oure reaume and subgett&y; of the same and yn no wise faileth here of as oure singuler trust ys yn you yeuen vnder oure priue seal at Westminstre the last day of Iuyn (Another hand) And trusty and welbeloued after the writyng of thise lettres come vnto vs tithinges that the seide callyng hym Duk hath take oure fortalice of Oye and slayn all oure soudiours ther Inne and that the seconde day of Iuyll next commyng purposeth hym redely to be before oure . . . of Caleys for the sonnor . . . of whiche oure beall vncle Gloucestre Captayn of the seide Tovn and Marches hath desired of vs to go thedir in persone so that he may be compaigned with anotable retenue accordyng to his estats and of myght to make a feld ayenst oure seide rebell. and enemye wherfor we pray you as aboue that ye faille not to be with your retenue withe oure seide vncle at Sandwiche the seide Mary Magdeleyn day redy there to awayte on oure seid vncle and take the passage toward Caleys at fartherst [over erasure] [rubbed] ChancEng135 1436E/28/56/40Privy Seal: Instructions to Sir John Stokes and other Ambassadors (draft) By the kyng Trusty & welbeloued ffor asmoch as we be credebly enfourmed &t;at (how it be &t;at) Thambassatours. of &t;e heres of Spruce & of &t;e cees of &t;P Citees of &t;e hansere haue be sumwhat taryed in &t;eir comyng for to haue mete with you for &t;e materes &t;at we sende you for Neuerthelees. &t;ei beth in comyng: We and as we vndrstonde wol come down to Bruges (wher for) we wol & charge you &t;at ye abyde stylle at Caleys without &t;at ye departe fro &t;ens vnto &t;e tyme &t;at ye haue redy word fro &t;e sayd Ambassatours tat &t;ei beth come to bruges & (wher) &t;at ye (& &t;ei) shal meete with hem &t;er or at Caleys abouesaid for &t;e speed of &t;e matteres wherfor ye be sent. Yeuen at westmin istre &t;e vij day of March Anno xiij To maistre Iohn Stokes & o&t;er our Ambassatours ioyned with him beyng at Caleys [interlinear insertion] [cancelled] ChancEng136 1436E28/57D/23Privy Seal: Commission to Richard, Duke of York(corrected draft) By the kyng: Ryght trusty and right welbeloued Cosin. We sende to yow at &t;is tyme oure lettres of poiar and Commission as for youre Lieutenancie and gouernaille in oure behalue in oure Reume of ffrance and Duchie of Normandie / and with hem we sende to yow oure answeres yeuen to certein arti cles late ministred by yow to vs and oure conseil with o&t;er articles of Instruccion auised by vs and oure seid conseil / &t;e whiche we wole &t;at ye obserue in &t;e office committed vnto yow. prayeng yow &t;at considering &t;e greet iooardie (jupardie). &t;at &t;e said cuntrees standen in and &t;enterprise &t;at dayly fallen &t;ere by oure ennemyes (and also ye grete hurt and losse &t;at (daylye) renneth upon vs as wele for your longe abode / as for ye costes of shyppes which fro day to day (as it noht vnknowen to you) standen vs to grete charge / with outen lenger delaye.) in all &t;e haste possible ye with your retenue take youre passage into oure said Reume and Duchie to &t;e consolacion and comfort of oure trewe subgettes. &t;ere. And right trusty and right welbeloued Cosin for asmuche as oure welbeloued Secretarie Maister Laurence Calot disposeth hym at &t;is tyme for to passe with yow into oure said Duchie &t;ere for to abide and for to do to vs and to yow such seruice. as he can in his best wyse as he oweth to doo. we praye yow &t;at ye haue hym specially recommen ded aswel to som lyflode. as to his wages partiegnyng to his office / after &t;effect of a cedule. which we sende to yow closed withynne &t;ese. And god haue yow in his keping. yeuen vnder oure priue seel at Westminstre &t;e xij day of May: To oure right trusty and right welbeloued Cosin Richard Duc of york oure Lieutenant of oure Reume of ffrance and Duchie of Normandie [cancelled] [superior insert] [addition in a finer secretary hand marked for insertion after ennemyes.] [a third hand] ChancEng137 1436E28/57/28Privy Seal: Confirmation of a Commission (corrected) Trusty & wele be louyd. We be gladde (for as mych)&t;at we her your at dyuerse tymes of your. gode demeynyng (and manly gouernaunce) as touchyng ye safe guarde of our toune & castell of Crotey wher of we thank you (hertlye) prayng you so (to) continue (at all tymes) pTrustyng fully Noght dowtyng but &t;at at &t;e comyng of our counseil next to gedrs &t;e which shall be In ye octaues of ye trynite (next commyng) Such purveaunce shal be made for you and ye contin ance of your abode (yere) as wele of money fo your wages as o&t;er wise. yat vp o reson ye shall holde you (wele) contente. youen &c xxij day of May Anno xiiijo [superior insert] [cancelled] [fo sic] [o sic] ChancEng138 1436E28/58/15Petition of John Stok, royal retainer (Initialed) R h nous avons graunte Please hit the kyng oure souerain lorde graunt vnto youre contynuell seruant Iohn Stok sergeant porter in youre worshipfull houshold the Corrodie in thabbey of Peterburgh the whiche is in youre gracious gifte in like maner and fourme that oon Iohn Swan now late passed vnto god had. with the arrerages sithen the day of his deth vnto now this day at / the reuerence of god and in wey of charite (Another hand) lettre ent feust faite a Westmonstieur le quint iour de Nouembre. lan &c xve. ChancEng139 1437E28/58/62Privy Seal: Petition of William Soper, Clerk of the Exchequer To the kyng oure souerain lord Right mekely besecheth to your souerain lordship youre pore seruant William Soper Clerk of your Shippes that for as moche as he hath stonde charged with right greet and combrous occupacions in the seid Office as well in the tyme of your gracious ffader late oure souerain lord whom god assoil As in all your gra cious regne and yit doth. but it stondeth so right souerain lord that your forseid besecher hath made a vowe to do certein Pilgrymages beyonde the see. the whiche he may not do whiles he stondeth thus charged with the seid Office Wherfor plese hit vnto your souerain lordship. that the seid Beseker may be discharged of the seid Office. And that som other man with the same office myght be charged. resceyvyng alle manere thinges perteynyng vnto the same Office that may be founde due be accompt in your Escheker in suche manere and fourme as it hath ben accustomed before this tyme in caas semblable to thentent that the seid Beseker with your graciouse licence may do the Pilgrymages be him so promised / And of your noble grace hym to graunte your graciouse lettres patentent&y; for his tuicion and fauour in all parties duryng his seid pilgrimage in manere as before thys tyme hath ben gra unted to your oder seruant&y; in cas semblable. And of your more haboundant grace to graunte that the seid Beseker may haue xx sakes of wolle for his despenses vnto the par ties of lumbardye paiyng the custumes and other deuairs as langeth to your Staple at Caleys for the loue of god and for charitee. Con sideryng graciouse lord that the seid Pilgrymage was avowed and promysed for the greet periles and combrous occupaci ons that be liklynesse at diuerse tymes myght haue falle in the Office aboueseid. Consideryng also that the seid Beseker groweth into such age that if the seid Pylgrymage be not don in right short tyme. it may neuere be don be hym: ChancEng140 1437E28/59/21Petition of Thomas Frank, Clerk of the Privy Seal (Initialed) R h To the kyng oure souerain Lorde: Shewieth moost lowely youre full humble and continuel seruant Thomas ffrank. Keper and filacer of youre Recordes in thoffice of youre priue seal. Howe &t;at duryng &t;e tyme of .viij. yere nowe passed his fader William ffrank of Richemond and he. haue been fermours of &t;e Priorie Alien of Begger at Richemond in &t;e Countee of York paiyng &t;erfore .vij li. vj s viij d by yere to Quene Iehanne whome god assoille and she to bere &t;e grete Reparacion of &t;e same &t;e which reparacion and o&t;er charge were suche yerely duryng &t;e forsaide tyme / &t;at all &t;e proufit of &t;e saide priorie passed not yerely to &t;oeps of &t;e saide Quene &t;e somme of .v. li. Please it vnto youre moost benigne grace to consider &t;e dayly seruice &t;at &t;e said Thomas ha(th) doon aswell vnto &t;e moost cristen Prince late oure souerain Lorde youre fader on whoome god haue mercy as to you our souerain lorde during &t;e space of .xxe. yere. &t;e seruice also &t;at by goddes mercy. he shal do vnto youre hieghnesse in tyme to come. And &t;ervpon of youre moost hiegh and habundante grace / to graunt vnto &t;e saide Thomas the forsaide Priorie of Begger Alien in &t;e Countee of york with milnes dysmes landes tenementes & possessions what &t;ei be of olde tyme &t;e said Priorie longyng & eny (manere) fro &t;e decesse of &t;e saide Quene duryng his lyfe. withouten eny thyng &t;erfore yeldyng to you (or to your herys) (In Recompensacion of the saide seruices) Purueied allway &t;at &t;e same Thomas. bere reparacion and all manere of o&t;er charges &t;erto necessarie due or accustumed: Not withstondyng &t; at mencion is not made of o&t;er grant&y; and yiftes by youre saide hieghnesse here afore made to &t;e same Thomas. ne of &t;e verraie value yerely of &t;e saide Priorie after &t;e statutes or ordinaunce made to &t;e contrarie And &t;e saide Thomas shal dayly pray for you as he is moost &t;erto bounden: And &t;at wythouten eny fee of (youre grete) seel for &t;e loue of god and in way of charitee: Lettre ent feust faite a wyndesore Le xxme. jour de ffeuerer lan &c xvjme [torn] [over erasure] [superior insert] ChancEng141 1437E28/58/4Petition of William Walysby, Treasurer to Queen Katherine (Initialed) R h nous auouns graunte Please it to the Kyng oure souerain Lord of youre Benigne grace to graunte to youre humble seruant and Oratoure sir William Walysby Tresorer with the Quene youre moder the denerye of hastynges in the dyose of Chichester the whiche Prestewyke Clerke of youre parlement late had on who sowle god assoile And youre saide Oratour shal pray god for yow. (Another hand) lettre ent feust faite a Westmonstieur le xv viije. jeur de November. lan &c xve. [cancelled] ChancEng142 1437C49/22/18Deposition signed by Adam Moleyns The xe day of ffeuerer the vje yere of the kyng at Westmynstre in the Sterre Chambre beyng &t;anne present &t;e high and myghti Prince Duc of Gloucestre the Bisshops of Bath Chanceller and of seint dauid &t;erlis of Saresbury and Northumbr the lord Cromwell Tresorer of England William lyndewode keper of &t;e kyngis priue seal and Robert Rolleston Warderober the kyngis counsaillours examined &t;e person(s) whoos namis here on folow vpon &t;e ryot (that) was doon at Bedford. &t;e xije. day of Ianuer &t;e yere aboue said. AND FIRST. was called before &t;e seid (counsale) Thomas wawton and sworn vpon a bok to sey the playn trouth and nou&y;t to mene it with eny ontrouth for hate or euel will nei&t;er for loue ner fauour but plainly report as it was in dede nou&y;t sparing for no persone ne for no &t;ing and he seid plainly he wolde seye &t;e trouth in such &t;ingis as shulde be demaunded of him .FIRST. it was asked him yif he hadde sette his seel vnto &t;e certificat &t;at was yeue and put vp to &t;e kyng vpon &t;e lord ffaunhop as touching &t;e seid mater of Bedford / and he answered ye . And forthwith asked yif he knewe &t;e mater content in the said certificatt and he answered ye HE WAS asked with what pepil &t;e lord ffaunhop come to &t;e Toune of Bedford at &t;at tyme and in what array he answered as to &t;e nombr of persones with a sexti and as to (&t;e)ire array with pikk doublettis and swerdis and bokelers and &t;us arraied some of &t;eime come in to &t;e halle / and as too of &t;eime within &t;e barre IT WAS asked yif &t;e seid lord ffaunhop at o&t;er cessions a fore &t;at tyme was wont to come in like array he answered ye. HE WAS asked wheder he cam to &t;e halle before &t;e lord ffaunhop / and hou many of &t;e iustices were &t;ere to giders ar &t;e lord ffaunhop cam he answered &t;at he and Iohn Enderby / Iohn ffit&y; and harry Etwell cam to &t;e halle before &t;e lord ffaunhop / HE WAS asked yif &t;ei all knewe wel &t;at &t;e lord ffaunhop was in &t;e towne of Bedford and yif &t;ei hadde eny spech of him amonges &t;eime iiije. and to all &t;is he aunswered ye. HE WAS demaunded yif he sent to &t;e lord ffaunhop eny word of &t;eire beyng &t;ere to geders or warned him &t;at &t;ei wolde procede in &t;e cessions or ellis &t;at &t;ei taried vnto his comyng to euerich of &t;is he answered nay / but &t;ei iiije. sat downe and proceded not to &t;e cessions but com moned to geders HE WAS. asked yif he and his felaws such time as &t;e lord ffaunhop come to &t;eime dede him eny reuerence or what counte nance &t;ei made (he seid)&t;at his &t;re felaws stode vp and he sitting stille a valed his hode. HE WAS asked hou &t;e lord ffaunhop demened him after his comyng to &t;eime / And he answered &t;at he sat him (doune) and callid to him Iohn ffit&y; and william Pek and willed &t;eime to sitte downe by him and &t;e seid ffit&y; aduised &t;e lord ffaunhop to take vnto him wawton (and) and Enderby for &t;ei were a boue &t;e seid ffit&y; in &t;e commission / and &t;e seid lord ffaunhop aunswered (&t;eim nay) come and &t;u will &t;e (toon) shal be wolcome &t;e to&t;er may chese and &t;is communicacion had &t;ei sat downe to (gideris) HE WAS. asked hou &t;e rumor and noyse fill amonges &t;eime / he answered by oncurteise langage be twene Iohn ffit&y; Geffray and a seruant of &t;e lord ffaunhops &t;e which &t;e seid lord ffaunhop bad to answere to &t;at &t;e which was seid vnto him and &t;e same seruant forthwith sauyng &t;e reuerence of his lord seid it was fals and so lyued &t;e said Iohn fit&y; Geffray and forth with wawton seith &t;at he seid to &t;e lord ffaunhop it is &t;e vnruliest cession &t;at I haue euer sey in Bedford and yif it be not o&t;erwise reuled I wol complaine vnto &t;e kinges counseill to &t;e which &t;e lord ffaunhop shulde haue seid complaine as &t;o wole y defie &t;i menasing and all &t;ine euel will wawton seide he answered I sette litil of &t;i defiance and with &t;is &t;ere was rumor and noyse in &t;e halle and soo &t;ei rose vp bo&t;e &t;e lord ffaunhop wawton Enderby and all &t;e remenant / and &t;e lord ffaunhop stode vpon &t;e Cheker borde &t;e which borde stode a fore &t;e benche HE WAS asked yif he sye &t;e lord ffaunhop drawe eny dagger he seid forsoth nay he was asked whe&t;er he sawe eny dagger in his hande and he seid ye. fur&t;ermore he was asked in what wise he helde &t;e dagger in his hande &t;e point forth ri&y;t foynyng / or ellis &t;e point towardes his elbowe downward / and to &t;is he said he wist nat / HE WAS also asked yif he sawe &t;e lord ffaunhop (or any man of his) smite eny man or made eny likly countenaunce to smyte he said nay / HE WAS also asked whe&t;er &t;e lord ffaunhop such tyme as he stode vpon &t;e borde labored to &t;e cessing of &t;e rumor and debat or ellis &t;at he stured and moued &t;e pepil to rumor / and he answered &t;at he labored to cesse &t;e noyse and &t;e rumor &t;at was in &t;e halle He was asked wheder he labored effectuelly or ellis faintly and vnder colour of his labore soffred harme to be doo / he answered &t;at to his vnderstandyng he labored to &t;e keping of pees / and to stynte &t;e noyse and Rumor &t;at was in &t;e halle and alsoo diligently as euer he sawe man. HE WAS asked what the seid lord ffaunhop dide such tyme as the noyse was cessed / he answered &t;at he went vnto his ynne. and with his owne seruant&y; lete feleshipped &t;e seid wawton / and o&t;er of his felaws / vnto &t;eire logginges for &t;eire more seuretee and &t;e lord ffaunhop willed wawton to haue come dronken with him as he hadde Enderby seyeng to wawton &t;at he sholde be welcome for he yaf him drink which he hadde lesse cause to loue &t;anne (him) menyng be Enderby: IOHN Enderby called before &t;e counsail in fourme as it is reherced of Thomas wawton in like wise swore vpon a bok to (sey) &t;e trouth in &t;e mater a boue said & &t;e which he promissed to do &c. EXAMINED vpon &t;e first article he seide at &t;e tyme of makyng of &t;e certificat &t;e which was sent vnto &t;e kyng his felawe and he were in d(i)fference and discorde not for&t; anne he sette his seal &t;erto. AS TO &t;e secunde to &t;e &t;ridde to &t;e fourthe to &t;e fifte to &t; e vje. and to &t;e vije. articles he accorded in all his deposicion and answere with Thomas wawton: AS TO &t;e viije. he seide &t;at &t;ei stode vp all such tyme as &t;e lord ffaunhop come to &t;eime. AS TO &t;e ixe. and &t;e xe. article he accorded in substance with &t;e seid wawton confessing alsoo &t;at he him self drewe out his owne dagger / and in &t;e tyme of &t;e rumor his man brought him a swerd and in what wise he departid from his dagger he can not sey. AS TO &t;e xje article he seith &t;at he sawe not &t;e lord ffaunhop to drawe eny dagger / nei&t;er &t;at he hadde eny in his hande: EXAMINED vpon &t;e xije. and &t;e xiije articles he accorded with Thomas wawton no &t;ing varyeng in substance. IOHN ffit&y; in like wise as wawton and Enderby sworn vpon a bok and examined answereth as it folowith: IN THE first and &t;e secunde Article he accorded with wawton: IN THE &t;ridde &t;e iiije and &t;e ve. and &t;e sexte Articles he accorded in his deposicion with wawton and Enderby: AS TO &T;e vij article he accorded with Enderby and not with wawton: AS TO &t;e viij article he accorded alsoo AS TO &t;e ix article he accordith with wawton. IN &T;e. xe article he accordith with Enderby bo&t;e &t;at he sawe &t;e lord ffaunhop to drawe no dagger nei&t;er &t;at he hadde eny in his hande In the xje and xij articles he accordeth with wawton and Enderby AND ALSO in &t;e xiije article no&t;i ng chaungyng in substance. HARRY Etwell examined and sworn vpon a bok to sey trouth In &t;e first article he accordith with his felaws: IN THE secunde article he accorded also with his felaws saue he va(ri)ed in nombre seyng &t;at &t;e lord ffaunhop come to Bedford with xl. or l. persons / IN THE iije &t;e iiij &t;e v. and &t;e vje. articles he accordid with his felaws IN &T;e vij and &t;e viij. articles he accor ded with Enderby (IN &T;e ixe) and &t;e xe. articles he accordith with wawton IN &T;e (xie. xij and xiije) articles he accordith with his felaws: THE xxiiij day of ffeuerer &t;e yere a boue seid at westmynstre Thomas Stratton vnder shereue of Bedford in &t;e (presence) of the high and my&y;ti prince &t; e Duc of Gloucestre the Bisshop of Bath Chaunceller of England &t;erle of Saresbury lord Cromwel tresorer of Englonde: &t;e lord hungerford William lyndewode keper of &t;e kinges priue seal &t;e kinges counsaillours / swere vpon a bok to make trewe and iuste answere in &t;at shulde be demanded him of &t;e Ryot doon at Bedford: FIRST he was demanded yif he was priue of &t;e certificat &t;at was made vnto &t;e kyng by wawton Enderby ffit&y; and Etwell and he seid ye: MORE OUER he was demanded where he sat at &t;e cession tyme. and he answered at &t;e lord ffaunhop fete inasmoche as he was clerc of &t;e cessions: HE WAS asked hou &t;e rumor be gan / and he &t;erein accorded with &t;e (seye)ng of wawton and soo he dede in all his deposicions sauyng in &t;e xj Article he varied from all seyeng / &t;at &t;e lord ffanhop (su)ch&t;yme as he stode vpon &t;e Cheker borde he made (countenance) towardes Enderby as he wolde haue smete him / but he seith he smote him notAdam Moleyns [rubbed] [over erasure] [torn] [superior insert] [crease] ChancEng143 1438E28/62/10Petition of John Croke, Clerk of the Exchequer (Initialed) R To The kyng our souerain Lorde Besechith humbly to your highnesse your humble seruant Iohn Croke oon of &t;e Clerkis of your Eschequyer &t;at hit please to your high & noble grace to graunte vnto your said serua nt &t;annuel pension of a hundreth shillyngis be yere wich &t;at the Pryour of Neustede vpon Acolm in the countye of lyncoln oweth and is bounden to geve & bere yerly to (you) And lyeth in your graciouse gifte / to haue and to resceyve &t;e said pension yerle duryng his lyfe be the handes of &t;e Pryour of Neustede foresaid &t;at now is or for the tyme shal be And he shal pray god for you (Latin notation of grant by Adam Moleyns) [superior insert] ChancEng144 1438E28/60/59Petition of John Tiptoft. Adam Moleyns' note at the end. To the kyng oure souereigne lorde Besechith mekely youre humble Seruant Iohn lord Tiptot and of Powys where as ye beyng in youre gret councell at &t;e Hospitall of Seint Iohn of Ierusalem be side london xiijthe. day of Nouembre the yere of youre full nobill Reigne the xvjthe con cideryng the gret laboures costes and diligence which haue fallen and shull fallen to your Councellours of youre seid Councell In recompence of her seid labours costes and diligence&y; don & to be don graunted to Serteyn lordes of youre seid Councell to eche of them a certeyn Somme of money yerly to be taken for terme of their lyves that is to sey to youre seid besecher as on of youre seid councell a mong oder C. marc for terme of his lyve as in an Acte ther uppon made in youre seid Councell the day and place aforseide more openly it apperith Please to youre hynesse concidering &t;e long seruice that youre seid besecher hath don to you and the full nobill and gracious prince kyng Henry the fourthe youre Aiell And to the full nobill and gracious prince kyng Henry &t;e fifte your fader whos soules god assoile. to graunte to youre seid besecher Iohn lorde Tiptot and of Powys. be your gracious lettres patentis in forme youen the day and place a fore seide. youre Manoir of Bassyngbourn and &t;e baillywyk of Badburham of the honour of Richemond in the Counte of Cantebrige with all the londys tenementis medis pastures mylles wateres vineres ffysshynges Rentes Seruices bailles hundredes Tournes Courtes letys libertes Castellwarde Gide of Richemond Custumes ffraunchie&y; retornes of writtes and other youre preceptis and execucions of &t;e same vnto the seid Manoir and bailliwyk longyng or perteynyng in recompens of the seid hundred marc as it is conteyned in a Sedule annexed to this peti cion more ouer please it vnto youre hynesse to graunte youre gracious lettres vnder youre pryvy Seall directe vnto youre Tresorer and barouns of your Eschequer comaundyng them to discharge all other fermers of all maner fermys rentis and charges of and for the seid Manoir bailliwyk londys tenementis and Rentis with all their apportenance fro the seid xiij. day of Nouembre duryng &t; e lyfe of youre seid besecher And he shall prey to god for you (Moleyns' autograph postscript) &T;e kyng at his maner of kenynga ton &t;e vthe day of maij &t;e xvij yere of his regne bi &t;advise of his consail graunted &t;is bille And &t;at &t;e besecher haue &t;e maner &t;at he here asketh so &t;at &t;e ouerpluse of &t;e saide maner a bove C marc valew by &t;e yer he paye vnto &t;e kyng And &t;at &t;e keper of &t;e priuay seall do make Suffisaunt warant vn to &t;e Chaunceler &t;at he hereupon do make lettres patentes in forme of &t;e cedule annexed here to soo &t;at hit a corde with &t;is endocement Beyng present yn tyme of &t;is graunte &t;e duc of Gloucester &t; e Cardynal and &t;e thre Officers Adam moleyns Also &t;at he make suffisaunt warant vn to &t;e Tresorer and &t;e Barons of &t;eschequyr to make discharge vn to &t;e ffermers (&c) yn maner as hit is a bove desired [superior insert] ChancEng145 1438E28/60/47Petition to the Council concerning the Ship Maryknight. Moleyns' notation at the end. Vnto the kyng oure souuerayn lord and his most discrete and sage Counsell Be yt remembred that how a ship called Maryknyght of Amsterdam in Holand of wiche the Maister ys called Petre Van ley went with certein Merchaundise&y; ynto Iseland and there was lade with stokfissh and other merchaundise&y; and the Merchant&y; ther yn cleped Copeman Iohn William Sale and Heyn Rosen with other of Amsterdam and Clays William sone Van Herlam. And so yt happed the seid ship Maister and Merch aunt&y; to mete with a Ship of Hull with xl men ther yn vnder the costes of Irland at the feste of Michelmasse last passed At whiche tyme the seid shippes with the persones of bothe the seid parties were Sworn togedir to be either others frende with oon assent and promisse And so as frendes they sailed togedir to Crakfarwes in Irland and there they leyn and communyd togedir as brethern eche of theym cheryng other duryng iij wokes and fro thennes they sailed togedir to Dalkesound in Irland and there they came ynne on seynt lukes Even last passid And the sonday folwyng they herd masse and ete and drank togedir in Develyn And w(h)ile&t;he seid Maister and Merchauntes of the seid ship called Mary knyght were at diner the said persones of the Ship of Hull hyred theym hors priuely and rode downe to the seid shippes And there the same sonday they toke the said ship cleped Maryknyght lade thanne with Stokfyssh oyle and lynnencloth and other Merchaundises to the value of xvC li And thanne come Englissh folk to the seid Merchaunt&y; of the Maryknyght and bad theym beware whom they had lefte yn their Ship sayng that yt was likely be taken And there vppon the seid persones of the ship of Hull goyng to do the said wrong / yaf to oon henry wales Gentilman duellyng abowte the coste of Develyn x marc&y; to lette and arreste the seid Maister and Merchaunt&y; wan they come downe toward their Ship cleped Maryknyght And so they were met and sonderly prisoned yn dyuerse prisons that they myght not Reskewe their owne ship And thanne the Maier and Merchauntes of Develyn / seyng the seid Maister and Merchaunt&y; of the sayd Maryknyght hauyng the said wrong and vntrue enprisonement with theire strenghth and poiar had theym out of prison and lete theym walke at large At wiche tyme the seid mysdoers of the ship of Hull were goon forth and sailed away with bothe the seid Shippes to Portile in Northwales And there the seid William Sale Merchaunt of the seid ship cleped Maryknyght happed come to Portile And there he Aspied iij of the seid Misdoers that toke the said Maryknyght whiche iij ben called Thomas Crathorn Merchaunt of yorkes William Cokeram Merchaunt of Beuerle and William Abbot Merchaunt of lynne And there the same Will iam Sale did to be arrestid the seid iij mysdoers and bothe the said Shippes and godes the whiche ben vnder arest and kepyng of Henry Noreys depute to the Chamberleyn there And thanne tho iij Mysdoers seiden wan they were so arestid that they were not gylty of the seid wrongfull takyng of the seid ship cleped Maryknyght with the said Merchandi&y;es And the same William Sale seid to theym that he wold fyght with the seid iij Mysdoers that they were at the said mysdede doyng And thanne seid oon of the same mysdoers that ys called Thomas Crathorne that he wold fight with the said William Sale that yt was contrarie that the same William saide And there vppon they cast eche to other their gloves whiche were taken vp and ensealed by Henry Noreys Depute of the Chamber leyn of Northwales And so the same Depute arrested bothe the seid iij Mysdoers and also the said William Sale to be kept til the said mater be tried byfore you gracious lord and your noble counsell Werfore Iames Rose Sederyk Iohnsone and Copeman Iohn Merchaunt&y; of the said ship cleped Maryknyght besechith you of your speciall grace to considre this premisse&y; and by the avise of your worthy and noble counsell ther vppon to sende your letters of priuat seale directid to the said Henry Noreys comaundyng hym by the same to come (hym self aswel as to bryng)&t;e said William Sale as the said Thomas Crathorn William Cokeram and Williamm Abbot to appere byfore you and your seid counsell (at Westmynstre) yn &t;e quyn&y;isme of Trinite terme next comyng and furder more to answere and receve that ye and your counsell wol awarde in this partie And more ouer yeuyng yn charge to the said henry to kepe sauely and suerly the said shippes and Merchaundise&y; til he haue other comaundement of you vppon peyne of CC li for the loue of God and yn way of Charite (Moleyns' endorsement) &t;e kyng bi &t; aduise of his conseil graunted &t;is bille at Westminster &t; e xvj day of maij &t;e xvij yer and willed &t;e keper of his priay seal to do wryte lettres after &t;at &t;e case requyreth and as hit is desired here aboue Beyng present &t;e Chauncele &t;e Erle of Saresberi and &t;e keper of &t;e priuay seal .A.moleyns [ h superior insert] [priay for priuay] [over erasure] ChancEng146 1438E28/62/10/40Petition for Clarehall, Cambridge, to take over Godshouse Grammar School (right end water damaged) Please it vnto you our souerain lord graciously for to conceyve how &t;at with in this your Reamme of Ingelond / is ful grete heuynesse and anyentisment of Clergie and of maynte nance of diuine seruice also with in short tyme like for to faile . . . defaute of Scolemaistres of Gramer / where of as now ben almost none in the vniuersitees of Oxenford and Cambrigge ouer those &t;at most nedes teche and abide stille there / suffisant to enforme yonge persones in there Gramer . . . which in this your Reamme / vndrestondyng of latyn / to the edifying of cristen Soules makyng of euidences / to rule Spirituel and temporall necessarie / nor communicacion with Straungers and Alient&y; amonge your pleople may not well be hade / And also how that thurgh defaute of such maistres of Gramer &t;e moste part of Gramer Scoles in this land in Contrees where as the presenter here of hath ben conuersaunt and riden stande &t;e dores shet in So moch that as he knoweth and credibly is informed on the Est partie of the wey / ledyng from Hampton to Couentre / and so forth no ferther North than Rypton / ben voide .lx. scoles. and mo / beside all other Countres of this your lond the which haue ben occupied all at ones with in this .l. yere. wherfore your continuel bedeman and Prest william Byngham person of Seint Iohn &G;acharie of london the presenter of this matere consideryng how that in Cambrigge a ryght devoute fader called maister Richard kendale / &t;at there somtyme taught Gramer set a ful spedy wey there toward / by a tretyce &t;at he labored / And also your seid bedeman and preest hertly desiryng &t;at a remedie might be devysed ageyn the seid mischief / yf it were in his power / hath so labored &t;at there is made / a poure loggyng ycalled Goddeshous fast by Clarehalle in Cambrigge / where in poure Children shull haue free herbergage for thre . . . folo weth here bynethe / where in ben some yonge poure scolers and moo shull be as god sendeth sustinance for theim / that by goddes grace shull be drawen forth there / for to comense in Grame r and also be ordered preestes and than ordeyned in to diuerse Contrees of this land there to porveye theim annuels and serui ces and to teche Gramer in places / where Scoles ben voide and stande now desolat thurgh the seid defaute Of the which seid scolers And of other as your seid Preest hath done / afore this tyme / withouten supportacion and helpe / no lenger he may continue / the which to him is ful hevy / and therfore he hath labored vnto diuerse notable persones of your people in tyme comyng / so that he trusteth &t;urgh the Suffraunce of god and by your gracious licence of a mortisment / &t;at there shall be lyflode ordeyned for to fynde and sustene with all perpetuelly and continuelly scolers to gouerne theim / Consideryng most gracious lord / how &t;at for Maistres and Scolers of all other liberall Sciences / vsed in your seid vniuersitee / liflode is ordeyned and endowed / savyng onely for Scolers of Gramer which . . . and grounde of all &t;e seid facultees And there vpon graciously for to graunte licence to the Maistre and Scolers of Clarehalle in the vniuersite of Cambrigge for to resceyue &t;e forseid Mansion and other lyflode of &t;e value of . . . by yere withouten fyn or fee of such as is nat holden of you by knyght Ceruice immediatly / in fortheryng of the same entent / after &t;e fourme of a Cedule to this bille annexed in quiknyng and reviguryng of the said faculte of Gramer that as now is bothe seek and febyll / &t;urgh the seid defaute / in all parties of this your Reamme of Inglond / by the which said lyflode / from hennes forward / socour may be ordeyned for drawyng forth of Maisters of Gramer in Goddeshous aforseid / after &t;e fourme rules and statutes / as is contened in the seid Cedule hereto annexed / So &t;at by the ferveure and swetnesse of your high deuocion hertly fixed in god and by the labours of your seid poure Prest this so nedefull and meritorious work / may come to gode effecte / for the loue of god and in wey of Charitee. ChancEng147 1438E28/61CPetition of Thomas Colland, Oxford Scholar (Superscript notation of grant; non-Chancery secretary hand) My lord hath grantid this bille To the kyng oure souerain lord Humbly bisecheth Thomas Colland of Oxinford in Oxinford shire Scoler. that where he is endited the Monday next befor the feste of Seint George the yere of your regne the xv at Oxinford before William Brampton maier of the same Toun William herberfeld Thomas Daggevile and Iohn North Aldermen Robert Tretherf and Robert Walford Baillifes of the same at the vieu of frankplegge there holden that the forseid monday the seid Thomas Colland by the name of Thomas Colland of Oxinford (in Oxinford Shire) Scoler in the feste of translacion of seint Thomas the martir last then passed at Oxinford an hors of hug Gerard price of xv s. felonousely shuld haue stolen. the whiche enditement was to hym purp osid maliciousely he ther of not beyng gilty as all the cuntre knoweth. Wherfore please to yow souerain lord of your mer ciable grace. considering that your seid pouere oratour is not gilty of the seid felonie ne is not of power to sue his deliueraunce in no manere wise. and that he was the tyme that the seid felonie was supposed and longe before at london in the seruice of the Bisshop of Bangore. to gra unte your lettres of pardon to him of the seid felonie. for the loue of god and in the wey of charitee. (Same hand as superior notation) H chambellan of Ingland (Another hand) Lettre ent feust faite a Westminstre le xxiij Iour de Iuyn Lan &c xvije. [superior insert] ChancEng148 1438E28/61/3Royal Warrant, written by Adam Moleyns (Initialed) R The king commandeth the keper of his priue seal to make suffisant warrant to &t;e Chaunceller of England that he by lettres patent&y; yeue licence vnto such lordes as shal be atte tretee of peas at Caleys &c to haue stuff with &t;eim of gold siluer coyned & in plate & al o&t;er &t;inges such as is behoueful to euch of &t;eim after &t;air estat: & &t;at &t;e same (keper of) our priue seal make hervpon such seueralx warrentes As &t;e clerc of &t;e counseil can declare him after &t;e kinges entent / And also &t;at &t;e said keper of our priue seal / make a warrant to &t;e Tresorer of England & to &t;e Chamberlains to paie Robert whitingham such wages for &t;e viage of Caleys abouesaid (for a quarter of a yere) as so apperteine&t; to a Squier to take / And also a no&t;er warrant to &t;e said Tresorer & Chaumberleins to put in gage such Iewelx as he hath in keping of &t;e kinges for money to be emploied in second paiement for &t;arme into Normadie at &t;is time: yeven at Wyndesore &t;e secunde day of Iul Iuin. &t;e . xvij yer of &t;e kyng Adam Moleyns [superior insert] [smaller, more legible hand] [cancelled] ChancEng149 1439E28/63/42Petition of Richard, Earl of Salisbury (Initialed) R To &t;e kyng our souerain lorde Bise cheth humbly Richard Erl of Salisbury of your grace espec ial to graunt hym &t;e keping of your towne & Castel of Carlele & of &t;e West march toward Scotland to haue fro &t;e ende of &t;e terme &t;at &t;e bisshop of Carlele in theym now hath / to &t;ende of ten yeres &t;en next filowyng in such fourme as &t;e said bisshop &t;e saide keping hath Takyng &t;e said Erl for &t;e same keping euery yere during &t;e same x yeres Ml li in such maner e fourme & places & with such surties & preferrement&y; of & to Paiement&y; of &t;e somme aforsaide / as &t;e said bisshop hath for &t;e keping of &t;e said towne Castel & march by (indentures and) your lettres patent&y; &t;ervpon to be made in due fourme / to &t;e said Erl / And if it happen &t;e said bisshop. in eny wise to leve &t;e keping of &t;e towne Castel & march aforsaide. afore &t;ende of his saide terme. &t;at &t;en &t;e said Erl. may haue &t;e keping of &t;e same towne Castel & march for x yeres next filowyng after &t;at levyng / takyng &t;e said Erl for &t;e same keping euery yer of &t;e same x yeres Ml li in such manere fourme place & wyth such surties & preferrement&y; to hym by your lettres patent&y; to be made / as It is abouesaid. And &t;e said Erl shal within iiij yeres next after (his) entree / to &t;e said keping do repair &t;e dungeon of &t;e said Castel. so &t; at he yerly haue during &t;e same iiij yeres l. li to be taken of &t;issu&y; profit&y; & Reuenu&y; commyng of &t;e shir of Cumberland / by &t;e handes of &t;e shirif &t;ere for &t;e tyme beeyng by your lettres patent&y; aforsaide of graunt also &t;er of to hym to be made. consideryng &t;at if &t;e said dungeon wherof (partie be) downefallen: hooly fal downe / as It is liche to do but if hasty reparacion &t;erof be made / wol cost yow Ml li & more / for . . . And &t;at (ye) yif nowe . . . for &t;e said keping. l li yerely more. &t;en &t;e said Erl desireth to haue (of yow) for &t;e said keping And (he shal pra)y god for yow [superior insert] [blotted] [washed] [erasure] ChancEng150 1439E28/59/74Royal Warrant written by Adam Moleyns &t;e xxviij day of April &t;e xvij ye of &t;e kyng he bi&t;aduise of his consail at Westminstre charged &t;e keper of his priuay seal to do make warent suffisaunt vn to &t;e Tresorer of Englond and &t;e Cham berlayns to paye by wey of Reward to Iohn lowyngbargh & henri munke (maysters of &t;e gunnys) for them and for &t;er iiij serauntes xxvj marc v s ij d. Beyng present &t;archebischopp of Canterbury &t;e Bischoppes of Bath and Lincoln &t;e Erlis of Stafford Saresbury and Suffolk the Tresorer and &t;e keper of &t;e priuay seal Adam moleyn [ye sic] [superior insert] ChancEng151 1440E28/65/27:4Privy Seal: Royal Grant. Note by William Bekynton. Initialed R h Right trusty and welbeloued For asmuch as the xij. day of September last passid we haue enfeffid by oure Lettres patentes the worshipfull fadres in god Henry the Archebusshop of Canterbury. Iohn Bisshop of Bathe and of Welles. Iohn Bisshop of Saint Asseph. William Bisshop of Salesbury and oure trusty and welbeloued Cousyn William Erl of Suffolk and also oure welbeloued Iohn Somerseth Thomas Bekynton Richard Andrewe. Adam Moleyns Clerk. Iohn hampton. Iames ffenys Squiers and William Tresham in alle the Priouries Manoirs Landes tenementes Rentes seruices pensions porcions apportes and possessions withynne oure Royavme of England and Wales and the Marches of Wales whiche ben callid Priouries and possessions Aliens than being in oure handes. And also the Rentes and fermes whiche any personne than was bounde to yelde vnto vs for suche Priouries and possessions to haue and to holde with the Reuersions aswel of the same Priouries and possessions whan they shal falle as of any other Priouries and possessions whiche any persone holdith hath or occupieth for terme of lif by the lawe of England in dower terme of yeres or any other wyse to the seid Archebusshop Bisshops Erl Iohn Thomas Richard Adam Iohn Iames and William and to their heires and Assignes from the fest of Pasche last passid for euere As in oure seid lettres theruppon made hit is conteyned more at large We wol therfore and charge yow that on al wise alle the Assign ementes of the seid Priouries and possessions Rentes and fermes or of any of theym made to any persone or persones sithen the seid fest of Pasche last passed ye doo theym to be callid again and that ye chaunge alle suche assignementes So that the hool Reuenu&y; of the same Priouries possessions Rentes and fermes from the same fest forthward may be hadde and receyued by the seid feoffes withoute any interrupcion aftre theffecte of oure seid graunte And thes oure lettres shal be vnto yow suffisant warant. Yoven vndre oure priuee seel &c. (Note in a different hand) The king hath commaunded lettres after this forme to passe vnder his priue seal. At Wyndesor &t;e iiij day of November. Anno &c xix. Bekynton To &t;e Tresurer of England ChancEng152 1440(?)SC1/61/59Privy Seal: Summons to the Court of Chancery By &t;e kyng. Trusty and welbeloued: Sith we be enformed &t;at ye in &t;e Contree &t;ere as ye be. haue committed dyvers riottes and attempted dyvers thynges contrarie to oure lawes and pees: we wolle and charge you: &t;at ye all excusaions ceessyng be afore vs in oure Chauncellarye wheresoeuer it be &t;e .xvij. day of Augst next commyng &t;ere to aunswere to &t;e matieres abouesaid: and such othr as shalbe declared vnto you at youre commyng And we wolle ye leue not this in anywise Yeuen vnder oure priue seal at Westminstre. &t;e .xxiij. Day of Iuyl Brewester ChancEng153 1440E28/64/27Petition of William, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds (Initialed) R To the right heigh and myghty prince most xpien kyng oure althir souerayn lord Mekely besechith youre humble and trewe chapeleyn Willyam Abbot of youre Monasterye at Bury to whiche Monasterye youre noble progenitoures whos soulys god reste as to the place of (theire) deuout fundacion han grauntyd at reuerence of the blissed kyng and martir seynt Edmond there incorrupte bodyly in shryne restyng notable ffraunchise and ful special pruilegijs as in the chartris of there graunt it is clerly specified whiche fraunchise be youre chartre is at this day graciously confermyd And for the defence and sauyng of the right of the seid fraunchise Abbotis of the seid Monast erye chapeleynes vn to youre noble progenitoures gaf out of there lyflode before tyme of mende to a styward certe yn maneres to the intent that the seid chapeleynes and alle there successoures shuld not be trobled for the seid fraunchise but quietly preyse and serue god prayend deuoutly for there foundoures as religious and contemplatif personys shulde But sithe it is so that now of late tyme dyuers mysdoerys coveryng them vndir lordchipe dayly make resistence and inter rupte the fraunchise ayens all good reule of the lawe of youre rewme and wil suffre no lawe to be executyd ther yn of the whiche to gret inconuenyence myght falle ffor as moche that the styward of the fraunchise whiche be inheritaunce ocupie th the maneres tho were youyn oute for defence and conseruyng of the seid fraunchise is duellyng and abydyng in a foreyn chyre wherfore youre seid chapeleyn may not in tyme of nede haue redy recurs vn to hym And the Erl of Suffolk is a gret lord in the cuntre and goodly to youre seid Monasterye to whom youre seid chapeleyn many tymes may haue redy recurs Lyke it vn to youre heighnesse and good grace to yeve hym in comaundement vndir youre grete seal to supporte maynteigne and defende youre seid Monasterye youre seid chapeleyn and alle your prestys his bretheryn wyth alle othir thynges tho of right longyn vn to them And correcte suyche personys as be there mysdoerys and oppresseres so that alle youre prestys be occasion therof may here aftir more quietly preyse and serue god and pray to hym for the wel and bonchef of youre heighnesse wythoute troble of opp ressioun yn honour of oure lord and of charite. (Latin note by Adam Moleyns follows) [superior insert] ChancEng154 c1440 E28/27/71:124Privy Seal: Summons to appear before the Privy Council (draft with addresses) By the king Trusty and Welbeloued: We be credebly enfourmed that what by you and other of youre affinitee and . . . in the Countrees where as ye be wherethurgh oure paix is gretely troubled and broken to the greet hurt . . . poeple dwellyng in the Contree there to oure Right greete displeasire: Wherfor we woll and charge you strang(ly)&t;hat ye may forfaite vnto vs and (to) ren into oure greuous indingnacion / tha fromhensforward ye cesse and do be cessed . . . affinitees and alliaunces alle suche (riotous) reules and gouernaunces and that ye ne do neither soeffre to be doo . . . affinitees any thing that myght be to the trouble or breche of oure saide paix or in any wyse sarue therto . . . persone afore vs and oure Counsaill at oure Paloys of Westminster in the .xvme. of saint Michell next commy(ng)&t;o answere to suche matiers as that shall thanne be shewed and declared vnto you at youre comyng / And . . . priue seal at Westminstre the .viij. day of Iuyl: (Addresses) lord of Wesperlande Robert Ogle Knyght lorde Clyfford Robert Ogle Squier Baron of Graystok Roger Thornton Iohn Neuil knyght Mair of Neucastell Thomas Neuil knyght The Sherief of Neucastell Thomas Percy Robert Rodys Rauf Percy [washed and torn] [washed] [different hand] ChancEng155 1440sSC1/61/60 Privy Seal: Summons to the Court of Chancery By the kyng Trusty and Welbeloued. ffor certaine causes and consideracions / vs and oure counsaile specially moeuyng We woll be &t;auis and assent of oure saide counsaile and straitely comaunde you that ye do bring &t;e body of Laurence de bona villa late Priour of &t;e hous of Marie Mawdeleyn of Golclyff in Wales before vs in oure Chauncellarie / where so euere it shall be withynne &t;is oure Royaume of Englande / at &t;e quins&y;eme of saint Michel next commyng And &t;at ye leue not &t;is in enny maniere / Vpon &t;e peyne of .VC. li. Yeuen vndre oure priue seal at Westmonstier &t;e .xj. day of September. ChancEng156 1441E28/66/34Royal Indenture THIS ENDENTURE MADE bytwix the Kyng oure souuerain Lorde on &t;at one part and William Pyrton Squier on &t;at other part. Wittenesseth / that the said William is witholden with &t;e kyng lieutenant of his Castell of Guysnes / fro &t;e .ix. day of Ianuer last passed duryng &t;e terme of vj. yere &t;enne next folowing / And the said william shall haue continuelly with him abidyng vpon &t;e saufgarde of &t;e said Castell duryng &t;e saide tyme .l. men of Armes on foote himself accompted onely on horsbak and .l. Archiers on foote / takyng for him self .ij s. on &t;e day for euerich of &t;e saide men of Armes .viij. d. and for euerich of &t;e saide Archiers on fote. vj d a day duryng &t;e werre Of &t;e which wages &t;e saide william shall be paied for him and his saide Retenue for a quarter in hand at &t;e makyng of &t;ees endentures & so fro quarter to quarter at the beginnyng of euery quarter duryng &t;e (tyme) aforesaide by &t;e handes of &t;e Tresourer of Caleys for the tyme being Of &t;e which paiement the said william shall receiue for him and his saide Retenue / &t;e thrid peny in vitailles couenables and at suche price as &t;ey be worth at Caleys &t;e tyme of &t;e deliueryng of hem by &t;e handes of &t;e said Tresourer / and yf &t;e said Tresorer may not performe &t;e thrid peny in vitailles as afore it is saide. he shall performe in monoye to the same william all &t;at that he shall lak duryng &t;e tyme aforesaide / And yf it fortune that &t;e kynges Aduer sairs be of suche myght &t;at by liklinesse &t;e saide Castell be put in grete perill of enny sodeine aduenture by trewe espiall. withouten &t;at it were stuffed with greter nombre of men of Armes & Archiers that &t;en &t;e said william shall aduertise &t;e kyng and his counsaile &t;erof and &t;ey to pourueye him in all hast possible oute of &t;e Royaume of Englande or oute of &t;e towne of Caleys vnto &t;e nombre of .CC. persones men of Armes & Archiers or within after &t;e discrecion of &t;e kynges counsaile and as &t;e cas. requireth Also yf &t;e kyng for enny cause moeuyng him and his counsaile woll resume into his handes his saide Castell within &t;e saide tyme / the forsaide william shall haue warnyng &t;erof half a yere afore &t;e day of his discharge of &t;e said Castell by lettres vnder &t;e kynges grete or priue sealx and in lyke wyse &t;e saide william shall yeue warnyng vnto &t;e kyng or his counsaile by an half yere / that if he for sekenesse lak of paiement or other cause resonable may not occupie &t;e saide lieutenancie So &t;at the kyng may purueye a newe lieutenant &t;er and &t;e said william to stande discharged ayenst &t;e kyng withouten enny empeschement in tyme commyng / And the kyng oure souuerain lorde shall haue aswell &t;e thrid partie of wynnynges of werre / of &t;e saide william as &t;e thridde of &t;e thriddes / whereof &t;e persones of his saide Retenue shall be answeryng vnto him of &t;eire wynnynges of werre / be &t;ey prisoners prayes or other &t;inges taken by werre and all droit&y; of werre acccustumed / Of &t;e which thriddes and thridde of thriddes / and also droit&y; &t;e said william shall by his othe or by &t;e othe of his executour or executours of his testament trewely answere to &t;e kyng oure saide souuerain lorde in his Eschequier at Caleys / And also &t;e said william and &t;o of his saide Retenue shall haue all maniere prisoners &t;at shall be taken by hem. duryng &t;e said tyme except princes and sones of Princes / mareschalx & lieutenant&y; general x and &t;o &t;at bere &t;e armes of ffraunce except also him &t;at calleth him Duc of Bourgoigne and all his mareschalx and lieutenant&y; generalx / the which shall remayne and be prisoners vnto &t;e kyng oure said souuerain / lorde and for &t;e which he shall make resonable agreement to him or to hem &t;at so shall take &t;eime And &t;e saide william hath vndertake sauely to kepe the saide Castell to &t;e worship and proufit of oure said souuerain lorde the kyng duryng &t;e tyme aforesaide and not to deliuere &t;e saide Castell to enny persone bot to our souerain lorde &t;e kyng abouesaide / or to his heirs kynges of Englande or at &t;eire commaundement by &t;e ire lettres of grete or priue sealx In wittenesse of which &t;ing to &t;e partie of &t;is endenture remaignyng with &t;e kyng oure saide souuerain Lorde &t;e saide william hath putte his seal. Yeuen at westminstre &t;e x day of feuerer &t;e yere of &t;e Regne of the kyng oure said souuerain lord xixe. [torn] ChancEng157 1446SC1/44/13Signet of Queen Margaret: Letter concerning a case in Chancery By the Quene Right worshipful fader in god / our Right trusty and right welbeloued / We grete you wele. And for asmuche as the proctours of our seruant Bawdewyn Saheny of Spynall marchant / haue doon vs to be enfourmed that the action & plee hanging / bitwix the said Bawdewin & oon william Bowes of york marchant / touching certeine money whiche hath be delaied on &t;e part of the said william / this viij yere or more / as It is said / is nowe broughte lawfully vnto the point of sentence / to be yeuen in the Courte of Chauncellerie: We therfore pray you hertly sith that ye haue be at al times for our sake vnto &t;e said Bawdewin good and especial lord in his Right: ye wil now in his absence conclude your tendernesse & faueur vnto his proctours / and In as goodly hast / as ye may by lawe trouth & gode conscience to procede / to Iuggement shewing herein suche expedicion and beniuolence / as ye haue doo hiderto / As the cas hath Required / whereof we thanke you hertly: In whiche thing ye shul mowe not oonly doon vs grete pleasance / but also vnto our Right entierly best beloued fader the king of Sicile / in ministring the xpedicion of Iustice: Right worshipful fader in god / our Right trusty and Right welbeloued. Our lord haue you in his blessed keping Yeuen vnder our signet at my lordes Castel of Windesore the viij day of Ianuer ChancEng158 1450C49/26/18Minutes of Council Action (Initialed) R h Memorandum that the kyng by thaduise of his counseil hath ordeined graunted & appointed that al maner assignement&y; by tailles rered or made vnto sir Iohn Stourton Tresorier of the kinges house for thexpensis of the same house the xviij. day of Iuyl last passed on certein (C)ollectours of Custumes & subsidies in diuers portes in this lande fro the first day of October last passed vnto the first day of October next commy ng. to be made & rered a mountyng to the somme of xij Ml li for thexpensis forsaide vnto the said Tresorier of household shal specially be preferred & paide asferforth as good wil growe. wherof they may be contente afore al other assignement&y; made. or to be made on the same be it by tailles grauntes. paten t&y;. or writtes vnder the grete seal or lettres vnder the priue seal or secret signet or in eny other wise to what persone so euer hit. be. by the discrecion of &t;e Tresorier of England. eny act graunte ordenance or appointement into the contrarie made. natwithstandyng / And that writtes excoutories. vnder the Kinges grete seal be direct to the custumers for payement of the same assignement&y;. as often tymes as the case shal requere / by &t;aduise of the saide tresorier of England. And how be it &t;at to somme conceites. it wol be thought &t; e appointement made for preferrement of &t;e household shuld be into &t;e delaye & hurt of o&t;er mennys paiement&y; yit neuertheles &t;e king willing aswel &t;astate & honour of his household to be perfourmed & kept in al &t;ing as it ought as &t;e gode & sure contentacion of his dettes to his poeple hath graunted & ordeined &t;is appoin tement for his household to be kept for &t;is yeer / and wil by &t;e lordes of his counseil it be commaunde & seen how in &t;e meane tyme &t;e moost con uenient waies & meanes of remedie may be had for &t;e good prouision & contenting of his astate aswel of his household as in al o&t;er wise and for &t;e sure & good paiement. of his dettes. trusting with &t;e mercy of god &t;erappon to conclude such remedies be &t;e yeer finisshed as may be to his worship and for &t;e wele of his peple. Also by the same aduise it is ordei ned graunted & appointed. that special charge & com maundement be yeven by the. king. in writing to the Chaun celler of Englande. and to &t;e keper of the priue seal. &t;at thof by importune labour & pursute made. vnto the kinge it happen. eny thing of graunte to passe his highnes. which might lette hindre or disapoint &t;appo intement made for his household. they & euerich. of theym. to whom hit. appertenith shal differre & put in suspence &t;exploit &. execucion. of al such. grauntes. to the tyme the Tresorier of Englonde be commynde with therof. & his aduise. &. agrement be had therin as the case shal reque re for the proffit of the king. and for. the wele & good of his household. And also semblably that this wryting may be. warrant & a commaundement vnto your said Chaunceller. &t;at he in no wise suffre no maner of patent&y; ner chartres passe seled without &t;e ful payement for the ffyne & fee. & for the seal of &t;e same as &t;e case requerith. be it with the clause. saun&y; fyne ou ffee. or eny oth er wise. And semblably by thaduise forsaid it is ordeined &t;at thof by importunite. of sute or for lak of iust infor macion ther passe the. king. his Chaunceller. or priue seal. eny thing which might be preiudicial to &t;appointem ent forsaid ther be special charge & commaundement. yeven to the tresorier of England &t;at for eny commaunde ment or writing vnder the. grete seal priue seal. or secret signet to be direct. vnto hym. he dyffer &t;execucion &t;er of. to the tyme he here the kinges commaundement & wil therin by his mouthe. and that special charge &. commaundement be made vnto the Barons. of &t;escheker in wryting. that they in al wise. differ &t;execucion & allow ans. &t;erof be it for pardon. special licens or eny other graunte. be it neuer so special vnder the grete seal. priue seal. secret signet. or in eny other four me. to the tyme. they. haue taken. aduise. therof. of the Tresorier of England. and &t;at he yeve his assent &t;er to. And if so be that the said Tresorier of England be ouer ruled. or charged contrarie. to thente of the premises wherthrow the reuenu&y; of the port&y;. wardes mariages vacacions. of Bisshopriches & of. Abbeyes priories or eny oth house of Rligion forfaitures. casueltees. or other reuenus whatsom euir they be. may not com to his handes because of eny graunt warrant or commaundement fro hens forth to be made for thenploiement of theym. to othir vse &t;an for the said household or elles if ther be no shipping of wolles. by al the said tyme. &t;at then the said tresorier of Englonde be hold for excuses & stande discharged of his promise. made for the. household & bere no blame ner put in eny defaute thof. the appointement made for the household be not kept aftir the forme it is ordeined for. and &t;at al the premises. be to hy(m) exemplified. artitulerly vnder the grete seal. And that for the good & sure accomplisshment of al the said. premises. the Chaunceller of England and the Priue Seal. shal do make fro tyme. to tyme. as many & as large wrytinges vnder the kingis grete seal & priue seal as to the. tresorier of England. shal bethought. behoful & necessarie in that behalf [torn] [l-inch cancel line covering erasure] ChancEng159 c1450Cotton Cleopatra F.IV. fol.126-27Petition of Thomas Has eley, Clerk of the Crown Besecheth and ful humbly preieth youre pouere seruiteur Thomas Haseley on of &t;e Clerkes of youre Corone graciously to considere howe in the absense of that victorieux pince youre blessed ffader whom god assoile hym beyng in his sharp werris and gracious conquest of ffraunce and Normandie youre seide seruitour be the commaundement of youre most gra cieux vncle the duc of Bedford on whom god haue mercy that tyme Regent of &t;is youre noble Roialme and aduys of alle the grete counseill her a commission was assigned to take and areste Thomas Payn of Glamorganshire Walsshman that brak &t;e Tour of London nowe beyng in Neugate sumtyme Clerk and chief conseillour to sir Iohn Oldecastell Traitour atteint to your seid gra cious ffader the whiche Thomas Payn as Traitour was in the feld armed a geins your seid fa(der) with &t;e llollardes be side seint Iames next Charyngcrosse and eschaped vn hurt or taken til your seid besecher aaccompanied atte his cost and all maner expenses (with) notable poiar be the space of v daies and vj nyghtes lay for hym in the most secrete wyse that &t;ei coude: and so with help and grace of most almyghty god youre seid seru iteur toke hym and arested hym atte mydnyght in a place beside your Castell of Wyndesore where atte that tyme was &t;e Kyng of Scottes kept as prisoner to your seid ffader and that same nyght this seid Traitour shulde haue broken the seid Castell be treson and goon with &t;e seid Kyng toward Scotland in proef wher of I founde in &t;e Traitours purs a cedule wreten of alle places of giftes and loggynges appointed to hem fro Wyndesore vn to Edynbo urgh in Scotland and so he confessed the whiche Traitour and cedule I delyuered to &t;e Bisshop of Duresme thanne Chaunceller and William kynwolmerssh thanne Tresorer of &t;is your seide (n)oble roialme and &t;e seid Traitour &t;anne was her committed to prison til &t;e comyng a geyn of your seid most gracious fader into &t;is roialme from your seid duchie of Normandie and &t;anne in his nexte parlement here in &t;e counseil chambre of &t;e seid parlement a fore your seid rightwys fader and alle his lordes present &t;ere &t;e seid Traitour was brought and &t;e cedule aforeseid and your seid suppliant in that presence examined of alle matiers abouesaid and othre circumstaunces and incident&y; and &t;e maner of takyng of hym atte whiche tyme your seide moste noble ffader declared and seide a fore all his lordes that takyng plesid hym more &t;anne I hadde geten or Gyuen hym x. ml li for &t;e grete inconueniences that weren like to falle in his longe absense oute of &t;is roialme and so com mitte(d)&t;his Traitour to &t;e Tour of London &t;ere saufly to be kept and &t;anne immediatly of his oune roiale largesse and bounteuous grace with outen axing of your seid suppliant or eny man for hym graunted to hym xl. li a yere to take terme of his lif in what place in Inglond of hys that I wold sauyng his oune demesne demesne landes and &t;e duchie of lancastre and commaunded &t;e seid Regent Chaunceler and Tresorer gif your seid suppliant were not sped a fore his departyng oute of Inglond to spede hym in his absence in recompense of his costes (expenses trewe diligent&y; acquitaill and labour a foreseid) a fore whiche spede youre seide fader was dede and so his graunt void. Item to considere howe your seid suppliant be &t;e commaundement and ordinance of your seid ffader at his first parlement holden atte leycestre was sent fore to leycestre to appere a fore your seid blessed fader where he of his oune mocion appointed assigned and ordeigned the seide suppliant seconde Clerk of his parlement with sir Iohn Frank nowe Clerk of youre rolles that tyme chosen chief Clerk of &t;e parlement &t;at hadde and toke xl li yerely &t;erfore while he occupied / and youre seide suppliant shuld hadde x li yerely as other men toke to fore hym the whiche office he occupied fro &t;at tyme into youre &t;redde parlement hens holden atte westmynstre atte whiche he myght not be for grete sikenesse and so departed and neuere com in &t;e parlement sithe that tyme and neuere hadde peny of alle his tyme of &t;e seide .x. li. ne of &t;e seide xl. li ne non othre regard in no manere wyse Item howe youre seide suppliant in the tenthe yeere of youre roialme aspied and toke in youre ryver of Thamise tweye shippes fretted with wolle cloth and othre merch aundise to a notable value and weren seiled and departed and no custume ne othre deuoirs to you souerain lord &t;erof due paied wherefore alle was forfaited and be &t;e seid suppliant to his grete perell and labour taken and to you answered as it appereth of record in youre escheker &t;e whiche coste the seide suppliant more thanne .xx. li whereof he sholde haue had half after the four me of statuyt and hadde no thyng Item howe youre seid suppliant this same yeer of youre regne hath taken and arested diuerse men empesched of high treson ymagined a geyns youre persone and mageste roiale and destruccion of youre land and lawes the which he sent be youre roile commandement to youre presence be your Squyer Gilbert Parre the which were taken alle atte his cost and many othre grete &t;inges doon to your highnesse and plesirs whiche were to longe to expresse here and nowe is aboute moo / The whiche thynges be youre seid highnesse conteined plese it to youre most benigne and abondant grace to considere the longe and continuel seruice don be the seide suppliant to youre graunde fader and fader kynges of Inglond and to you soueraign lord as it is a fore expressed and &t;e grete age of youre seid suppliant and in recompense of alle his costages expenses and labours and diligences a foreseid of youre seide grace graunten to youre seide suppliant an annuitee terme of his lif in manere and fourme conteined in the cedule to &t;is bill annexed / and youre writtes and allocate currant and dormant for allowance of payement of the same withoute payement of eny fee for the seales of the same writtes [Printed in Bentley, Excerpta Historica, pp.144-48.] [trimmed off] [rubbed] [demesne re peated at the beginning of the next line] [crease] ChancEng160 1454-55C1/24/79Petition of Richard Sturgeon, Clerk of the Crown To the right noble and gracious lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaun celer of Englond Mekely bisech Richard Sturgeon that where he and on William hall were sesed in hure demene as in fee symple yn a certayn parcell of lond yn the parych of Tottenham Called Sokettis lond and the saide Richard and William so sesed. the same (ha)ll by hure dede yaf to on Iohn lurchon and Nicholas Baly and to hure heires yn fee. to that entente that when they were required they shulde make a st(at)e ayen of the same parcell to the saide Richard and to his heires and his assignes yn fee for euermore. And how be it that &t;e saide Iohn diuers tymes hath ben required by the same Richard to make to hym astate of the sa(id)e parcell accordyng to thentent of his feffement of the same parcell. that to doo the saide Iohn hath refused and yet doth to make any such astate to the saide Richard. but kepeth still thesstate to hym in this party made as ys a fore saide. to grete hurte to the saide Richard / Wherfor like it to youre goode lordship to graunte seuerall. writtis sub pena directe to the saide Iohn as Well as to &t;e saide Nicholas to a pere before you yn the Chauncery and there to be examyned vppon the content of this bill and to doo as r(ight an)d concience asketh and requireth for the loue of god and yn way of charite (Latin notation of securities follows.) [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng161 l388SC8/20/997Petition of the Mercers of London (To)&t;he moost noble & Worthiest Lordes moost ryghtful & wysest conseille to owre lige Lorde the kyng Compleynen if it lyke to yow. the folk of the mercerye of London: (as) a membre of the same Citee of many wronges subtiles & also open oppressions ydo to hem: by longe tyme here bifore passed. Of which: oon was where the eleccion of Mairaltee is to be to the fre men of the Citee. bi gode & paisible auys of the wysest & trewest. at o day in the yere frelich: there nought withstondyng the same fredam or fraunchise: Nichol Brembre wyth his vpberers purposed hym the yere next after Iohn Northampton mair of the same Citee: with stronge honde as it is ful knowen. & thourgh debate & strenger partye. ayeins the pees: bifore purueyde. was chosen mair. in destruccion of many ryght: ffor in the same yere. the forsaid Nichol with outen nede ay ein the pees. made dyuerse enarmynges bi day & eke bi nyght: & destruyd the kynges trewe lyges. som with open slaughtre. some bi false emprisonement&y;. & some: fledde the Citee for feere. as it is openlich knowen. And so ferthermore for to susteyne thise wronges & many othere. the next y(er)e after the same Nichol ayeins the forsaide fredam & trewe comunes did crye openlich. that no man sholde come to chese her mair. but such as were sompned & tho that were sompned: were of his ordynaunce & after his auys. / And in the nyght next after folwynge. he did carye grete quantitee of Armure to the Guyldehalle with which as wel straungers of the contree. as othere of with Inne were armed on the morwe. ayeins his owne proclamacion. that was such: that no man shulde be armed & certein busshment&y; were laide. that when free men of the Citee. come to chese her mair. breken vp armed. cryinge with loude voice sle. sle. folwing hem wherthourgh the peple for feere fledde to houses & other (hidi)nges. as in londe of werre: adradde to be ded in comune. And thus yet hiderward hath the mairaltee. ben holden as it were of Conquest or maistrye: & many othere offices als. So that what man pryue or apert in special that he myght wyte. grocchyng pleyned or helde ayeins any of his wronges: or bi puttyng forth of whom so it were. were it neuer so vnpreuable. were apeched. & it were displesyng to hym Nichol. anon was emprisoned. And though it were ayeins falshede of the leest officer. that hym lust meynteigne: was holden vntrewe lige man to owre kyng. for who reproued such an officer maynteigned bi hym of wronge or elles. he forfaited ayeins hym Nichol. & he vnworthy as he saide: represented the kynges estat. / Also if any man. bi cause of seruyce or other leueful comaundement: approched a lorde. to which lord he Nichol dradde his falshede to be knowe to. anon was apeched. that he was false to the conseille of the Citee: & so to the kyng And yif in general his falsenesse were ayeinsaide. as of vs togydre of the mercerye. or othere craftes. or ony conseille wolde haue taken. to ayeinstande it: or as out of mynde hath be vsed. wolden companye togydre how lawful so it were. for owre nede or profite: were anon apeched for arrysers ayeins the pees. (&) falsly many of vs: that yet stonden : endited. And we ben openlich disclaundred. holden vntrewe & traitours: to owre kyng / for the same Nichol sayd bifor mair. Aldermen. & owre craft bifor hem gadred in place of recorde. that xx. or xxx. of vs. were worthy to be drawen & hanged / the which thyng lyke to yowre worthy lordship. by an even Iuge: to be proued or disproued. the whether that trowthe may shewe. for trouthe amonges vs. of fewe or elles no man many day dorst be shewed. And nought oonlich vnshewed or hidde. it hath be by man now: but also. of bifore tyme . the moost profitable poyntes of trewe gouernaunce of the Citee. compiled togidre. bi longe labour of discrete & Wyse men: wyth out conseille of trewe men. for thei sholde nought be knowen ne contynued: in the tyme of Nichol Exton mair: outerliche were brent And so ferforth falsehede hath be vsed. that oft tyme he Nichol Brembre saide in sustenaunce of his falshede: owre lige lordes wille was such. that neuer was such: as we suppose. He saide also whan he hadde disclaundred vs. which of vs wolde yelde hym false to his kyng: the kyng sholde do hym grace cherise hym. & be good lorde to hym. And if any of vs alle that wyth goddes help haue & shulle be founden trewe. was so hardy to profre prouyng of hym self trewe: anon was comaunded to prisone. as wel bi the mair that now is: as of hym Nichol Brembre bifore (Also) we haue be comaunded. oft tyme vp owre ligeaunce. to vnnedeful & vnleueful dyuerse doynges. And also to wythdrawe vs. bi the same comaundement (fro)&t;hynges nedeful & lefful. as was shewed whan a companye of gode women. there men dorst nought trauailleden barfote to owre lige lorde. to seche (gra)ce of hym for trewe men as they supposed for thanne were such proclamacions made. that no man ne woman sholde approche owre lige lorde for sechyng of grace & ouermany othere comaundement&y; also. bifore & sithen. bi suggestion & informacion of suche that wolde nought her falsnesse had be knowen: to owre lige lorde. And lordes by yowre leue. owre lyge lordes comaundement to symple & vnkonnyng men. is a gret thyng to ben vsed. so famulerlich : with outen nede. for they vnwyse to saue it mowe lyghtly ther ayeins forfait ffor thy graciouse lordes lyke it to yow to take hede. in what manere & where owre lige lordes power hath ben mysused. by the forsaid Nichol : & hi(s vp) berers for sithen thise wronges bifore saide han ben vsed as accidental. or comune braunches outward: it sheweth wel. the rote of hem is a ragged subi(ect). / or stok inward. that is: the forsaid Brere or brembre./ the whiche comune wronge vses. & many other. if it lyke to yow: mowe be shewed & wel knowen bi an indifferent Iuge & mair of owre Citee / the which wyth yowre ryghtful lordeship. ygraunted: for moost pryncipal remedye: as goddes lawe & al resoun wole: that no domesman stonde togidre Iuge & partye: wronges sholle more openlich be knowe. & trouth dor apere. And ellis. as amonge vs. we konne nought wyte in what manere. with(out a moch gretter ) disese. sith the gouernaunce of this Citee standeth: as it is bifor saide/. / & wole stande whil vittaillers bi suffraunce. presumen thilke states vpon hem. the which gouernaunce of bifor this tyme to moche folke yhidde: sheweth hym self now open. whether it hath be a cause. or bygynnyng of dyuysion in the Citee & after in the Rewme: or no. Wherfore for grettest nede as to yow moost worthy. moost ryghtful & wysest lordes & conseille to owre lige lorde the kyng. we biseche mekelich of yowre g(race coreccion) of alle the wronges bifore sayde & that it lyke to yowre lordeship. to be gracious menes to owre lyge lorde the kyng: that suc he wronges be knowen to hym. & that we mowe shewe vs & sith ben holden. suche trewe to hym: as we ben. & owe to ben. Also we biseche vnto yowre gracious lordeship. that if any of vs in special or general. be apeched to owre lige lorde or to his worthy conseille bi comunyng with othere. or approchyng to owre kyng. as wyth Brembre or his abettours with any wronge wytnesse beryng as that it stode other wyse amonges vs here. than as it is now proued it hath ystonde / or any other wronge suggestion. by which owre lige lorde hath ybe vnleeffullich enfourmed: that thanne. yowre worshipful lordship be such: that we mowe come in answer to excuse vs / ffor we knowe wel as for by moche the more partye of vs. And as we hope for alle: alle suche wronges han ben vnwytyng. to vs. or elles outerlich ayeins owre wille. And ryghtful lordes. for oon the grettest remedye with othere. for to ayeinstonde many of thilke diseses afore saide amonges vs: we prayen wyth mekenesse this specialich. that the Statut ordeigned & made bi parlement holden at Westmystre in the sexte yere of owre kyng now regnynge: mowe stonde in strengthe & be excecut as wel here in london as elles where in the rewme. the which is this Item ordinat(um) est (etc) (Three lines in Latin follow.) [Printed RP, III.225; CD, pp.33-37; Morsbach, Neuenglischen Schriftsprache, pp. 171-77; Emerson, Middle English Reader, p. 252; Kluge, Mittelenglisches Lesebuch, p. 42] [torn] [over erasure] [rubbed] [expanded] ChancEng162 Before 1413E28/29/69Petition of Cecily Tikell of London Worschipfull Sires and my dere maistres In whom is my souereigne treste Bifore alle Creatures of my knoweleche I comand me vnto &y;owr worthinesse with alle manere obeianse and mekenesse Thokynge gor gou with alle myn herte for &t;e grete godenesse and noble maisterschipe yat &y;e hauen shewede to me Bifore &t;is tyme withouten eny cause of deserte in me Bishechynge &y;ou &t;at &y;e wol ben my helpe and cause of eacynge of myn Importable payne of longe enprisononement As I shal eueremor and with oute fayuour do &y;ou seruyce and plesance to my symple power Also speciali I praye &y;ou &t;at In ese of me and fortherynge of my simple persone &y;e wolde labor and trauaile for me to I my&y;te Be brou&y;te In to &t;e kyngesbenche and so I meinprised to go at large vnderstandynge Gracious sires &t;at as touchyng . . .costes &t;at &y; e spenden in &t;is nede I shal so do to &y;ou &t;at &y;e shul holde welapaide as sone &t;at I may speke with my frende . . . euermor deytyned woll &t;at I stonde destitute of alle manere helpe and frendschipe saue only of goddes poruoiaunce In grete hynderance and destruci on of my powre astate And In &t;is manere I Biseche &y;ou of helpe and &t;is to be done as hasteli as &y;e may to sende me a answer what ht plese &y;ou to done In. &t;is mater I write in grete haste in &t;e prisone of Neugate In &t;e feste of seynte luke &t;e iij day of Nouembre Le vre pour seruant Cecily Tikell &t;at dwellede . . . poules gate [cancelled] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng163 1414SC8/23/1143APetition of Thomas Paunfeld of Cambridgeshire To the worshipful and wyse syres and wyse Communes that to this present parlement ben assembled Besecheth mekely &y;oure pore Bedeman Thomas Paunfeld oon of the fre tenent&y; of oure liege lord the kyng of his maner and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre of Cambrigg: that &y;e wole considere how that I pursuede diuerse billes by fore oure liege lord kyng henry the four the fader to oure liege lord the kyng that now is and hise worchepeful lordes and comunes in his parlement holden at Westminstre that x day of ffeuer the xiiij &y;er of his regne: To the whiche billes myne aduersaries replieden by mouthe and enformeden the kyng and the worshepeful lordes spirituelx and temporelx in that parlement: how that I was outelawed by heye record of trespace wherethurgh that I ne oughte not to ben herd nor answered of no maner compleynt in my billes writen but &y;if (it) so were that I hadde brought my Chartre in myn hond wherby that I myghte haue answered in lawe to alle maner of persones that ony replicacions wolden haue maked a&y; eyns ony article of my billes: And worchepeful and discrete sires that myghte I not done that tyme: for ( I wi)ste not how I was endited and outelawed of what maner trespace: but as Iohan Cokayn the Iustice recordede byfore the kyng and made mencion at that tyme. whiche I trustede to god to haue proued by lawe by fore the kyng and the worchepeful lordes and comunes in that parlement that the processe of myn outelawerye was vnlawefully made and al that longeth ther to: &y;if Iohan Cokayn the Iustice wolde haue brought in that record by fore the kyng in the parlement and there to haue ben determyned byfore hym and hise lordes and Comunes afore seyde (&y;o)r&t;hey hadde departed thennes ffor byfore hene of the persones that weren and ben Commissioners vp on myn enditement wherby that I was outelawed: I myghte not haue ben remedied ne myne neyghebores nother so sone at that tyme lyk as we oughten to haue ben of right and as me thoughte we shulde ben here: and that was for cause of meyntenance that was a&y;eyns vs and &y;it is. and that made me cause to come to that heye Court of rightwisnesse: (t)heder&t;o pleyne for to han declared thilke record a&y;eyns my neighboures and me vnlawefully mad and there sounere to han ben remedied of the wronges that we haue had by the Priour and Chanons of Bernewelle and her meyntenors these .x. &y;er (and) more vnduely and vngoodly: And now thanked be god and the rightwisnesse of the discrete and trewe Iuges Sire william hankford and hise felawes: han after the laws of the lond made me able for to &y;eue myne answeres in lawe as my symple wittes wole seruen me to alle maner persones that ony replicacions wolde maken a&y;eyns ony of the articles of my billes after the forme that sueth &y;if it like to the kyng: with swich conseil as he hath a(ss)igned&t;o me and shal by the grace of god: for to declaren the entente of my billes for the kynges auantage and for fortherynge of his trewe lieges better than I can in this heye Court of rightwisnesse: And by cause that I am of no power to pursue these materes in any other Court saue in this heye Court of rightwisnesse where as most truste and hope to haue rightwisnesse and lawe rather than I shulde in ony other Court byfore ony of tho persones that weren and aren Commissioner es vp on myn enditement: for the heye meyntenance that I knowe wel shuld be made a&y;eyns me: Also worchepeful sires: we beseche &y;ow at the reuerence of god: that &y;e wole praye to oure liege lord the kyng: that he wole fouche saf of his special grace and his Ryal prerogatyf in this heye Court: to graunte me durynge my pursuyte by the auctorite of his parlement to walken at large to pursue these materes that ben folwynge in my bille: lyk as his gracious graunt was by the autorite of his parlement and of his Rial prerogatif on good fryday at langeley the ferste &y;er of his regne at the reuerence of oure lord god that deyede for vs alle as that day fil not withstondynge the statut made vp on bonde bore men: which was holy pursued a&y;eyns me whan I was byfore the kyng the second day of march whan I was remitted to the prison of flete at the instance of some of the Iuges til I hadde founde surete to pursue myn erroures and to reuerse myn outelawerye byfore seyde: And sithe the tyme that I was resseyued to meynprise by cause that I was endited of tre space as an accessorie and not endited as a principal and delyuered out of prison at large by the kynges commaundement in strengthyng and enhaunsyng of his Rial prerogatif that he grauntede to me by the auctorite of his parlement: &G;it myne aduersaries han pursued me nowe and holden me in prison sithen seynt katerynes day twelve monthes last passed in to this tyme. a&y;eyns (the kynges graunt &) ordinaunce no consideracion ne tendernesse hauynge in my pore persone that am goddes cristene creature of my longe contynuance in prison (for these materes that ben) folwynge vij. &y;er and more to destroye me to the uttereste that I shulde no more haue come to the kynges presence to pursue my right but for to kepe (me stille in prison til I hadde) deyed for defaute of socour and helpe. and as it semeth to my symple wittes there is litel charite of priestes whiche shulden cherice goddes christene crature as the kynges trewe liege man: And therfore I beseche &y;ow that &y;e wole prayen to oure liege lord the kyng of his special grace that swich remedie may be mad at this present parlement by the auys of hise wise lordes spirituelx and temporelx in sauynge and encresynge of the kynges prerogatif in tyme comynge and in fertherynge of hise trewe lieges after that he hath graunted hise graciouse grauntes to ony of hise lieges: that fro hennes forward no persone of his Rewme deferre ony of hise lieges fro hise graciouse grauntes that he hath graunted in esement and in fortheryng of hise trewe lieges: and that vp on a suff(is)ant peyne payinge to the kyng and a nother peyne payinge to the partie so defferred fro the kynges gra unt: And also that &y;e wole praye the kyng to &y;eue in charge to myne aduersaries whanne they comen to his worchopful presence to asken a copie of my bille: that they wryten her replicaci ons a&y;ens the articles of myne billes by a day assigned by oure liege lord the kyng vp on forfeture of her ferme: wherby that I may haue a copie ther of to my conseill which that the kyng hath assigned me and shal by the grace of god to make trewe relacion vnto the kyng of her replicacions And than to prayen oure graciouse liege lord by the auys of hise lordes spirtuelx and temporelx &y;if it lyke hym by a day assigned that &y;e discrete and wyse comons mowen comen to his heye presence: whan that he is avised vp on her replicacions makyng and thanne after his heye discrecion to &y;eue rightful Iugement vp on these same materes in sauynge of his owne right and in fortherynge of hise trewe lieges for the loue of god and of seynt charite: And also to praye oure liege lord of his special grace that the peticions afore rehersed and alle othere peticions that ben folwynge after hise graciouse (grauntes) mowe ben enacted in the parlement rolle: and also to &y;eue in charge to the Clerk of the parlement: that I may haue (a copye) of the same for the loue of god and of seynt Charite:Also to &y;ow worechepeful and wyse Comunes greuouseliche compleynen alle the kynges tenent&y; of the Ryal lordshipe and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre of Cambrigge: the whiche holden of the tenure of anxien demeyn of the Rial Coroune longynge to oure souereyn lord the kyng as it sheweth by oure euydence of old record in the book called Domesday thus begynnynge. Dom inica villa regis E &c in the kynges eschekker at Westminstre: Also we greuouseliche compleyne vs vp on the Priour and Chanons of Bernewell in the Shyre of Cambrigg byfore seyd and vp her predecessour that was the kynges fermour how that they han cleymed and &y;it cleymen the regalite and the frehold of the kynges lordshype and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre byfore seyd as for her owne with oute ony excepcion wher it is wel knowen by alle manere of euydences that the konne shewen for hem self or ony man for hem. that they were but fermours to the kyng: and now they are not as it sheweth by her chartres of king henry the thridde: And vnder colour of the regalite and of the frehold whiche they presumen wilfully to haue: they haue cleymed and &y;it cleymen the kynges trewe lieges that ben hise fre tenent&y; annexed to his coroune: as for her bonde bore men and her bonde lond holderes: wher it is wel knowen by alle manere of euydences that they konne shewe for hem self or any man for hem that they ben fre tenent&y; and fre holderes to the kyng in chief and the chiefte resert and principalite of the same lordshipe and tounshipe shal retourne to the kyng and to his forseide Coroune as for oure chief and perpetuel lord of the fee: And &y;it algates the forseide Priour and Chanons han seid and &y;it seyn that they ben chief lordes of the fee and that the kyng ne none of hise heires han nought to entremete of hem for no trespace ne for no forfait that euere they diden or is possible by hem to be done: which is an heye preiudice to the kyng as vs semeth and and heye destruction to hise trewe lieges that ben hise fre tenent&y; annexed to his worthy coroune: And also the forseid Priour and Chanons han cleymed and &y;it cleymen of hem vnduely and vntrewely bonde seruages and customes for her singuler profyt and non auantage to the kyng ne to hise heires in tyme comynge but in perpetuel destruction of the kynges fre tenent&y; afore seid and othere seruages and custumes than euere we or oure auncestres diden to any kyng. whan the same lordshipe and tounshipe was in othere kynges handes by old tyme and sithe tyme of mynde: And for cause that we haue pursued to oure liege lord the kyng / as for oure chief lord of the fee for to haue remedie and socour of the grete wronges mischiefs and diseses the whiche we haue suffred these .x. &y;er and more vnduely and vngoodly: The forseide Priour and Chanons han pursued a&y;eyns vs a Commission of oyer and termyner after the forme of a statut mad vp on bond bore men and bond lond holderes: which statut was made the ferste &y;er of kyng Richard the seconde in his tendre age with oute mencion excepcion or declaracion made of the same fre tenent&y; of the fre tenure of the ryal coroune byfore seid: And by strengthe and colour of the forseide statut so generaly mad vp on bonde bore men and bonde londe holderes: the forseide Priour and Chanons han vs endited by men of her owne clothyng and also by enquestes enbraced as for her bonde bore men: to the which statut we fre tenent&y; of the coroune owe not obeye: for we be not in the cas of the statut and ne oughte not to answere lyk as bonde men of byrthe shulde: for the whiche the forseide statut was made: ffor we be fre tenent&y; and fre lond holderes annexed to the worthy coroune of oure most souereyn lord. the kyng and that we wele proue and declare by oure euydence wreten in the kynges eschekker at Westminstre: wherfore we wole answere as fre men oughte to done and proue that the suyte of the commission byfore seide which is mad vp on bonde bore men and bonde lond holderes: was wrongfully taken a&y;eyns vs and al the proces that longeth ther to with oute auctorite and power and that shal we proue by the grace of god: Neuertheles the forsaide Priour and Chanons of Bernewell han vs enpri soned as for her bonde bore men and oppressed vs by duresce of prison to be bounde to hem and to othere persones in singuler obligacions in li that we shulde not pursue oure right ne the kynges right a&y;eyns hem: but onely to &y;olden vs to ben her bonde cherles and oure heires for euermore to oure vttereste perpetuel destruction and disheritance to the kyng and to his heires for euere but we haue the sounere remedie by &y;ouer most gracious socour and helpe at this present parlement And thus worchepeful sires &y;if this be suff(red): the freest knyght or Squyre of the Rewme &y;if they be dwellynge tenent&y; vnder ony of the religious that haue swiche lordshipes of the kynges to ferme may be put in prison by swych cohercion and compulsse as (ye) mischeuouse statut byfore seid sheweth and declareth: for to ben the moste bonde tenen t&y; of al the Rewme: also in the contre they shullen ben endited by enquestes enbraced by these dede religiouse fermours: and that for cause of the grete profites and the grete extorcions that the Sherreues of the Shyres resceyuen and done: they mowe haue no remedie of the lawe but onely enprisonned manaced and oppressed: and &y;if ony consaill of the lawe hem wolde helpe after the cours and fourme of lawe: they shulle ben put in prison as her conseilloures fa(c)tours and abettouers and as they were bonde men to these religious byfore seide in so moche that they shulle non other mercy haue ne non other remedie but only for to &y;olden hem to ben her bond cherles for euere more and her heyres (alle the dayes) of her lyues to these dede religious fermours: Wherfore we beseche &y;ow mekely discrete and wyse Comunes of this present parlement: that &y;e praye for (vs to ouer liege lord)&t;he kyng and to hise worchepeful lordes of (this present) parlement in sauynge of the right of the coroune of yngelond and of the fredam (and the fraunchise that was) endowed ther to in the tyme of oure worthy kynges progenitour seint edward: that he wole haue compassion and pite of these grete mischiefs and (falsetes so done)&t;o hise to hise fre tenent&y; of his coroune byfore seyd: and to ordeyne at &y;oure prayere resonable and intierie remedie in this partie for (goddes) loue and for seynt charite after the (forme)&t;hat sueth &y;if it be lykynge to &y;ow: That is to seyn that he wole at &y;oure instance and prayer in sauynge of his owne right and in fortherynge of (his)&t;rewe lieges: ordeyne at this tyme or &y;e departen hennes fro this present parlement with auys of hise wise lordes and also by the assent of (&y;ow wyse) and worchepeful comons: such remedie that fro hennes forward none swiche commissions be take nor pursued a&y;eyns the kynges fre tenent&y; annexed to his worthy coroune by no religious fermours that (han such manors) and tounshipes of the kynges to ferme: til that it be pleynly determy ned byfore hise Iustices of that on benche or of that other by comon lawe: whether the forseid tenent&y; ben fre or bonde and whether they ben worthy to ben punysshed by that forseide statut or non and that vp on a suffisant peyne payinge to the kyng and a nother peyne payinge to the partie pur sued and greued for such sute: Also we beseche &y;ow that &y;e prayen to oure liege lord the kyng in fortheryng of (his trewe lieges) that alle other commissions brought or pursued a&y;eyns any of hise fre tenent&y; in manere byfore seide by the strengthe and colour of the forseide statut at this present par lement: that they with alle the (pro cesse circumstance) and dependance mowen alle vtterly ben (repeled) and adnulled for honor and profyt of the kyng and for ese and remedie to hise forseid fre tenent&y;: &y;if ony so be (in this cas of mesch)ief at this tyme withinne the Reme: And also worchopeful sires: (that)&t;hey ne cleyme ne haue none othere seruages ne custumes of the kynges fre tenent&y; for her owne singuler profyt and none auntage to the (kyng ne to) none of hise heires othor than the kyng chief lord hadde in his tyme whanne the same lordshipes weren in his owne hondes withoute another (suffisant peyne payinge to)&t;he kyng: a nother peyne to paie to the partyes that ben pursued and greued for swiche wrongful cleymes and also vpon peyne of forfaiture of the same maneres (for euere) for eschewynge of grete meschiefs that mighten by swiche wrongful cleymes: falle and turne to gret preiudice to the kyng and noiancie to al the Reume: ffor manye of tho Religious that han swiche fermes of the kynges in gouer naunce: by strengthe of the forseide statut disesen and destreyen manye of the kynges tenent&y; of the same lordshipes and maken hem to voyde and gon out of hise lordshipes. by cause that they wolde hise lordshipes so destroyen that the kyng nor none of hise heires (shulden) neuer haue lust ne wille to cleyme tho lordshipes in to her owne handes a&y;eyn: ne that non other lord of his rewme shulde desire to ferme tho lordshipes of the kyng ne (of) his tresorer to the kynges encres &y;erly: and that is the cause that they ben so abated: so desolat of housyng and so destroyed and voyde of peple which is gret doel to alle the kynges trewe lieges to knowe and to weten of swiche meschiefs done and vsed with jnne the Rewme: Besechinge also (to) oure liege lord that he wole haue compassion and pyte vp on vs that euere haue ben trewe lieges and trewe fre tenent&y; to his worthy coroune of his worthi maner and tounshipe of Chestreton byfore seide that these greuouse meschiefs that ben done to vs mowen ben amended now at this tyme or &y;e departen hennes and this commission mowe be repeled and the oblgacions to ben adnulled and to ben delyuered to ech man his owne obligaci on for (the loue) of god and of seynt charite: (End of first parchment. There is a second in the same hand and language.) [Printed RP IV.57-61.] [rubbed] [superior insert] [to his cancelled]

To the worschipful and wyse syres and wyse Communes that to this present parlement ben assembled /

Besecheth mekely &y;oure pore Bedeman Thomas Paunfeld oon of the fre tenentz of oure liege lord the kyng of his maner and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre / of Cambrigg: that &y;e wole considere how that I pursuede uerse billes by fore oure liege lord kyng henry the fourthe fader to oure liege lord the kyng that now / is and hise worchepefull lordes and comunes in his parlement holden at Westminster that x day of Feuer the xiij &y;er of his regne:/

To the whiche billes myne aduersaries replieden by mouthe and enformeden the kyng and the worchepeful lordes spirituelx and temperelx in that parlement: how that / I was outelawed by heye record of trespace wherethurgh that I ne oughte not to be herd nor answered of no maner compleynt in my billes writen but &y;if / it So were that I hadde brought my chartre in myn hond wherby that I myghte haue answered in lawe to alle maner of persones that ony replicacions wolden haue maked a&y;eyns ony article of my billes: /

And worchepful and discrete sires that myghte I not done that tyme: for I wiste not how I was endited and outelawed of what manqer trespace: but as Iohan / Cokayn the Iustice recordede byfore the kyng and made mencion at that tyme: whiche I trustede to god to haue proued by lawe byfore the kyng and the / worchepeful lordes and comunes in that parlement that the processe of myn outelawerye was vnlawefully made and al that longeth therto: &y;if Iohn Cokayn the Iustice wolde / haue brought in that record by fore the kyng in the parlement and there to haue ben determyned byfore hym and hise lordes and ComunF1es afore seyde gor they hadde departed thennes/

For byfore here of the persones that weren and ben Commissioners vpon myn enditement wherby that I was outelawed: I myghte not haue ben remedied ne myne neyghebores / nother so sone at that tyme lyk as oughten to haue ben of right and as me thoughte we shulde ben here: and that was for cause of meyntenance that was a&y;eyns / vs and &y;it is. and that made me cause to come to that heye Court of rightwisnesse: theder to pleyne for to han declared thilke record a&y;eyns my neighboures and me / vnlawefully mad and there sounere to han ben remedied of the wronges that we haue had by the priour and Chanons of Bernewelle and her meyntenors these .x.&y;er / and more vnduely and vngoodly:/

And now thanked be god and the rightwisnesse of the discrete and trewe Iuges Sire william hankford and hise felawes: han after the laws of the lond made me able for / to &y;eue myne answeres in lawe as my symple wittes wole seruen me to alle maner persones that ony replicacions wolde maken a&y;eyns ony of the articles of my billes after the forme that sueth &y;if it like to the kyng: with swich conseil as he hath assigned to me and shal by the grace of god: for to declaren the entente of my billes / for the kynges auantage and for fortherynge of his trewe lieges better than I can in this heye Court of rightwisnesse:/

And by cause that I am of no power to pursue these materes in any other Court saue in this heye Court of rightwisnesse where as most truste and hope to haue rightwisnesse and / lawe rather than I shulde in ony other Court byfore ony of tho persones that weren and aren Commissioneres vpon myn enditement: for the heye meyntenance that I knowe wol shuld be made a&y;eyns me:/

Also worchepeful sires. we beseche &y;ow at the reuerence of god: that &y;e wole praye to oure liege lord the kyng: that he wole souche saf of his special grace and his Ryal prerogatyf in / this heye Court: to graunte me durynge my pursuyte by the auctorite of his par lement to walken at large to pursue these materes that ben folwynge in my bille: lyk as his gracious / graunt was by the autorite of his parlement and of his Rial prerogatif on good fryday at langeley the ferste &y;er of his regne at the reuerence of oure lord god that deyede for / vs alle as ChancEng164 Between 1416 and 1421C1/1/21Petition of Rauf atte Ree of Lancashire (right end water damaged and torn) To my most gracyouse lord the kyng These ben the desesis and wrongys I doon to Rauf atte Ree tenant of our lord the kyng In the Ducherye of lancastre And fermor of &y;oure Maner of Ramesden Hall in Essex by mayntenance of Iohn Tyrell in disheredacon of the heryta . . . as water atte Re fader of the forseyd Rauf made enfeffement to certeyn persones to enfeffe Margaret his wyf. in the tenement I Clepid Danyell tenement with al the apportenance longyng ther to the whych tenement stondith in . . . of the forseyd Margrete Scholde descende to Thomas atte Ree and to his Eyres And be Cause the same Thomas deyde and al his Issew lyvyng the same Margeret Sche stood in hool possessyon of the forseyd tenement duryng her . . . The same tenement scholde. turne to the forseyd Rauf atte Ree Sone of the forseyd water and Margaret as Ryght heyr As by a Chartor In tayll more playnly hit schewyth. Thus the forseyd Rauf be wey of Ryght. entryd and took p . . . tenement. affter decesse of his modor. the which possessyon of Ryht herytage he kept. vn to the tyme that Iohn wethy of Essex thorwgh meyntenance of the forseyd Iohn Tyrell. and othor mo of her Covey (that es to say Iohn Canon william Perham Iohn Folw. . .) with strong hand. dryven hym . . . And malycyouslych ymagenyd hym to Slee. So for drede of deth. he lefft his heritage Purse wyng to my gracyous lady of herforde. to help him and Sokor hym in this greet myscheff. standyng in dowte of his lyf. and lesyng of his . . . gracyous lady of herford. took the forseyd Rauf in to her howshald there abydyng vn to the tyme my lady with her wyse Consell had ful examinacion. as wel by gode and trewe men of the same Con tre And by Evydence of his dedys . . .that the forseyd Rauf was wrongfully put from his Ryght Beyng present at that tyme in my ladyes presence. The forseyd Iohn Tyrell mayn tenor of this wrong. And at that tyme my lady reprevid him as for maynte . . . her vpon my gracyous lady set the same Rauf in to playn possessyon of his forseyd heritage by vertu of examynacion a boven seyd in presence of sir Gerard Braybrook Iohn Doreward Robert Darcy Robert Rykedon and other m . . . present. And vp on this. the same Iohn wethy with othor foure pers ones. in presence of Robert Darcy Iustise of the pees weren bownden Ech of hem. In a .C. li. for sewrte of the pees And anoon as my gracyouse lady was p . . . wethy with mayntenance of Iohn Tyrell and othor of her Covey wi th strong hand and with owte process of lawe. drovyn and expellyd the Same Rauf from his forseyd herytage. And Robbeden the same Rauf of all his . . . the berne. and othor goodes and catell. the valew of a .C. li and more. Wher of the kynges ferme. schold haf been raysyd and paijd And affter that my lady was goo to god. Thise forseyd partyes tok fro me . . . herytage which forseyd land. my fader &y;af to me. and was in possessyon the terme of .xvj. &y;eer and more. with owte lawe. and with oute any processe of the lawe. And tho the same Tyrell made a vow that the forsey(d) . . . pleyne hym to lord ne lady more. And tho affterward. he sent to Iour maner of Ramesdenhall twey Baylyes for to take the forseyd Rauf. lyves. or dethes. with Swerdes I drawe &y;ef they myht hym hafe . . . a slayn. but &y;ef he wolde haue I &y;olde him. And &y;ef hit had be so that he had I &y;olde hym. he for to haue been Cast in prison. than scholde not he haue lyvid. iij. daijs But &y;ef he wolde haue I seled hem a Relees of all the wrong is . . . And than for dowte of his deeth he was fayn to fle that Cuntre. thenkyng in his Conseyt that he wolde in to Normandy to our lyge lorde the kyng. that tyme beyng at the Castel of Monterell. Complaynyng to our lyge lord the kyng . . . her vpon our lyge lord the kyng sent his gracyouse lettres dyrecte to the Chaunceller of Ingelond to se vn to the forseyd Rauf. that al Ryht and Reson scholde haue be doon vn to hym. And affter that the Chaunceller had a provision of the . . . vpon to go and to Come as his ful trust was in Saffte and in pees As the kyngis tenant of his Maner of Ramesdon hall in Essex her vppon malicyously the same Iohn wethy with strong mayntenance of the forseyd Iohn Tyrel and . . . In wayte a &y;ens the pees and sewrte maad for the pees. to fore the Iustyce Maymed the same Rauf as hit Schewyth at the syghte his Enemyes wenyng to haue slayn him and for to make an Ende of the same Rauf him to slee . . . of Iohn Tyrell and othor mo. all these wronges han doon to the forseyd Rauf. And &y;et standith in dowte of his lyff. &y;ef he go to large Of the whyche wronges my ful gracyouse lord the kyng. I besechy(e) &y;ow of &y;our specyall grace that I may . . . And that I myght haue in pees my Ryghtful herytage. As I schal be Ioure trewe bedeman. all the dayes of my lyve. And ther to I beseche &y;ow of grace. and sokore. for his loue that deyde on the Rode tree a goode fryday. [Printed PC I.xvi-ii] [superior insert] [blotted] ChancEng165 Before 1417C1/1/14Petition of William Dodde, royal retainer To my worthy and gracious lord Bisshope of wynchestre Chaunceller of yngelond Beseching mekely youre pouere bedeman William Dodde charyoter. wheche passed ouere the see in seruice with our liege lorde & was oon of his charioterys in his viages / & of hy&y;e treste ffefed in my land Iohan Brownyng & Iohan (atte) hull of Chekewell with my wyfe. wheche Iohan & Iohan after a &y;enste my wyll & wetynge pot my land to fferme / & delyuered my mevable good the valewe of xx marke where hem leste & thus they kepe my dede & (the denture with) my mevable good vnto myne vndoynge lasse than y have youre excylent & gracious helpe & lordship besechinge yow at reuer ence of &t;at worthy prince ys Sowle youre ffader whoos bedeman y am euere that ye woll sende for Iohan & Iohan affor seide &t;at the cause may be knowe why they with holde my good / to myne vndoynge / also wheche am vndo for brusinge in seruyce of our liege lorde / & in seruice of &t;at worthy Princesse my lady of clarence / & euere wolde yef my lemys myght serve worthy Prince sone at reuere(n)ce of god & of that pereles princes his moder take this mater at hert of almes & charite: [Printed PC I.xiii] [rubbed] [marginal insert] [tear] ChancEng166 Before 1421C1/1/18Petition of Roger Wodehill of Strete, Devon To oure liege lord the kyng Bysechith mekely &y;oure poure prest Roger Wodehill person of Strete som tyme Clerc of &y;oure fadris Spicerie whos soule god assoille that for as moche as the Abbot and the (Co)nuent of Glastonbury ymaginith a for &y;enst the forseid person and wrongfully feynyth a &y;enst him & his men actions of trespas that be vntrewe in &y;o(ur)e Courtys and prisonyth his men at Glastonbury and ledyth a wey fro his personage his ploghyren and his plogh and his plogh gere that his men mowe (not) sowe his londe and othir wrongys doth to him and to his men that he dar not duelle vp on his personage for to serue god nethir his men to do him eny seruise there in distruction of the forseid person his men & his chirche but &y;if they haue &y;oure gracieux help and all this wronges they do be cause that the person sewith a &y;enst hem in Court spirituell for dismes of his chirche that they haue wrongfully by nome the forseid person and his chirche. notwithstondyng that the forseide person hath had a sentence for him in the Courte of Cauntirbury by mestre Iohn kemp and an othir sentence in the Courte of Rome by the popis Auditors. That it like to &y;oure gracieuse astate considere the grete power and rychesse of the forsaid Abbot and the Conuent and the mene power of the said person. and commande to write to &y;oure Chaunceler of yngelond to do clepe the parties a for him and examine hem and make an ende by twene hem of all that hangith bitwene hem in &y;oure Courtys and so that the forseid person haue ri&y;th for the mercy of crist [Printed PC I.xvi] [torn] ChancEng167 1421SC8/24/1168Petition of the Soldiers in Calais To the worthy wise and discrete persones Speker of this present parlement and to alle the knyghts of the Shires Prayen and requiren on goddes behalue the pore liege men and Soudeours in the Tovn of Caleys that hit like to &y;oure wise and gode discrecions tenderly to considere how that the pore Soudeours be the space of V &y;eer a quarter except ( . . . bodies) and here godes han truly serued the saufgarde of the forsaid Tovn with oute any plein paiement sauyng apprest and vitaille the whiche vitaille hath be so high supporta cion to the Soudeours that ellis here continuaunce my&y;t not haue be born So (that there is) due to the forseid Soudeours in especial of the retenu of oure worthy and gracious lord oure Capitaign the Erle of warre wyk be iuste rekenyng betuene the officers of oure soueraign lord the king And the officers of oure forsaide Capitaign vnto the (iij day) of ffeuerer last passed Atte whiche day be the comaunde ment of oure soueraign lord there was abitted vjxx Soudeours on horsback vnpaid so atte that day there was due to the forsaid Capitaign and Soudeours the somme of xxvj ml. Dccxliij (l. xiij s. x d q.) wherefore like vnto &y;oure high discrecions to haue recomaunded amonge alle &y;oure other petici ons the forseid Tovn and for to be gode menes to oure most douty lord oure naturell soueraign lege lord the king (to that conclusion that &t;urgh) &y;oure gode and graciouse mediacion so to be proferred that the pore Soudeours may haue in partie of paiement the somme that is receiued of the assignement last apointed be oure forsaid soueraign lord as fer as hit wold strecche and for the remenaunt that is due vnto hem to ordeigne as best liketh to &y;oure gode and graciouse lordship in releuyng of the grettest necessite that euere &y; our forseid Soudeours stode ynne saue hope of &y;oure habundant grace and mercy atte reuerence of god (and) yn wey of charitee [Printed RP IV.159.5] [rubbed] ChancEng168 1423E28/41/76Petition of Thomas Rokeby, royal retainer To the hyghe & myghty Prince the Duk of Gloucester pro tectour of ynglond & the right wyse & discrete counseyl of our lord the kyng Besecheth your humble seruant Thomas Rokeby Knyght that ther he has ben with holde & of retenue for a yere wyt the full worthy & noble Kyng henry fader to our soueraigne liege lord that nowe ys in his viage in to hys realme of ffrance & Normandie the yer of hys regne de iiij als it be hys endenture made be twix the forsayd noble kyng & the forsayd Thomas Rokeby pleinli appiers & his forsayd retenue for the yer forsayd pleinly execute & fulfellid & so forth be comande ment of the forsayde ful noble kyng his seruice & demure continued fro yere to yer vn to four yer was nere spendid & passid als it be certeins endenturs made also be twix the forsayd kyng & the forsayd Thomas Rokeby pleinly appiers for the whilk time a gret part of the wage&y; of the forsayd Thomas is be hynde & nowth payd hym to gret hynderyng & annentisyng bot if your graciouse lordshippis & help in this matere to him be shewyd lyke it to &y;our wyse&y; discrecions & graciouses lordshippis to comaunde the Tresorer & Barons of the Cheker of our lord kyng to here his a compt in this matere & certifie yow of the end of the forsayd acompt & aftre that to ordeigne that the forsayd Thomas myght be agreed of the arerage&y; of his forsaid wage&y; als reson & Concience askys in discharging of the forsayd ful noble kyng & for the dede of Charite (Another hand) D a Westminstre le .xviij. jour de may lan v &c primier ChancEng169 1423E28/41/103Letter accompanying payment to the soldiers (draft) Right trusty and welbeloved / Albehit &t;at (wee) be &t;aduys of oure grete Counsseil / consideringe &t;e grete disese. &t;at yee and ech of yow suffre dayly / and haue suffred of lang time / alswel in oure fadres daies. whom god assoille / as in oures / for defaute of paiement of youre wages / hadde now late / assigned / and maad prouision of &t;e somme of .VMl. li./ to be distrebued and. departed / amanges yow for to say. iiij Ml. li. vn to yow of &t;e said tovn and Castel / and. a. Ml. li. vn to yow (&t;aim) of &t;e marches / And ouer &t;at of &t;e subside of wolles / xiij. s iiij d / of euery sak wheigte / and of &t;e wollefell after &t;afferant / liche as certain oure lettres / &t;ervpon vn to yow / directed / plainly. maken mencion Naught withstandinge / wee / Consid eringe &t;e saide somme. and assignement nought suffeceant ynow / to &t;e hastife and Redy paiement of youre saide wages (owynge of tyme passed as wel of tyme comyng) / Seynge youre grete pouert and duresse / wolen (and) graunte and promette be &t;aduis of oure s and consent of oure said grete (coun)sseil/ &t;at what tyme and alssone / as any good. encreses and growes / vn to vs / be hit be graunt of Subside / or / (in any ot)her wyse or manere &t;at thanne &t;assignement for youre said paiement / shal bee notablely. enlargissed . . .essed. Soo to stande and endure / with outen Reuokinge or adnullinge in any wyse / vn to &t;e time &t;at yee of &t;e . . . marches / and ech of yow / been fully content and paied / of al &t;at vn to yow ys. owynge and verailly . . . dorso. [superior insert] [cancelled] [corner torn off] ChancEng170 1424E28/43/58:35Petition of Thomas Burton concerning prisoners in France To the kyng our souerayn lord & to my lordes of his counseil. Besechet humebely your most obeisant subget Thomas Burton knyght how that the saide Thomas hath accompted in your Escheqer for the kepyng of the Erle of Ewe. Arture of Britayne & Bursegand that was Marchal of ffraunce And ouer CCC li relesed & lv li xvj s viij d disalowed ther ys clerely founden due to the saide Thomas for the saide kepyng Clxxviij li x s x d as in the certificat made be your Tresorer & Barons in to your saide counseil more pleynely ys declared of whiche somme ys due for the kepyng of the saide Erle of Ewe lix li x s iiij d & for the said Arture & Bursegand Cxix li vj d That hit like to your benigne grace be auise of my said lordes of your said counseil to consider the long labour and heuy and dredeful charge of the said Thomas & the seide sommes above relesel and dis alowed and in discharge of the soule of the kyng your noble fader that was. whom god assoil ordaigne swyche paiement or agrement for the said Thomas of the sommes aforsaid as thinketh to your saide benigne grace be auis of my said lordes of your counseil for the love of god and dede of charitee.] ChancEng171 Between 1424-26C1/1/25 Petition of John Staverne of Canterbury To his gracious lord the Bysshopp of Wyncestre Chaunceller of Englond Besechith mekely your pou\ere bedeman Iohn Stauerne of Cantirbury that as myche as in a suete wyche the foresaide suppliant had before yowe ayens on Iohn Bonyngton of Cantirbury foresaide be vertu of a wirtt sub pena forto awenswer before yowe to certeins matiers and debates mouyd be twyn thame two: &y;ee accordyd and Aiournyd the same matiers and debates to tyme that on Dauid Marrys of the same Towen Notarie had shewed the treweth of the said matiers and debates And nowe it is so that same dauyd will gladly knawelygge the treweth of the sa me matiers: bot he wald haue a maundement fro yowe for the cause that he shuld noght be haldyn parciall in the same matier That it lik to your gracious lordship to graunte a wirtte sub pena direct to the saide Dauid to apere be fore yow att a certein day forto declare the treweth in the matiers foresaide fore loue of gode And in wey of charitee pleg' de prosequendo Iohannes Shirburn Thomas Pettysworth [Printed PC I.xix] ChancEng172 Before 1424-26C1/1/26 Petition of Johan Kymburley of Derby (right end rubbed; matter in parentheses supplied from PC) To the high and mighty prince ryght dredd and gracieux lord of Wynchestre Chanceller of Englond Consideryng if it like youre highnes. howe youre poer beedman Iohan Kymburley of derby kynnesman to somtyme youre seruant sir william hikeling bargayned in derby in lenten was twelf (mon)eth (with oon) Iohan Goldsmyth the elder of Melton in leycestreshire Marchant. And the said parties fully accorded bitwix hem as it appereth by an euidence seled ther vpon and (writen of the said Iohan Goldsmyth owen hand that he sholde by a moneth aftir the said Ester haue deliuered hym a tonn of wood price of xiij li xs. for the which soume the said Iohan (Goldsmyth receyued) the verray value marchantlich in wolles of the same Iohan kymburleys. and the said wood that he boughte yet never deliuered hym to his importable losse and hindryng (which nys but a) poer man and . . . of sufficeant remedie for lack of other laweful seuerte / like it youre noble grace thorugh consideracion of rightwisnes and Iustice. the which re(leeveth many a) poer man. Vppon this mater by writt sub pena to sende for the seid Iohan Goldsmyth to appere a fore yowe in the Chauncellerie att such day as yow list com(aund and heruppon) right to be doon vn to the said beedman which euermor shal prai god for youre high and noble estat (Signatures) Pleg' de persequendo Iohannes Stodley de london Rogerus Wolley de derby [Printed PC I.xx] [torn] ChancEng173 Before 1424-26C1/1/27Petition of Willyam Midylton of Holderness, Yorkshire To my graciouse Lorde of Wynchestre the Chauncellor of Engeland Compleines Willyam Midylton of Waughen in holdernesse in als mykill als Iohn of Cotyngham gentylman of Waughen forsayde a with certeigne men of his. wapynd & armed. yat es to say. Iohn of Waughen husbandman. Thomas warde husbandman (Robert of Bate) wryght. & Iohn west wryght. wyth yair force of ye same Toune forsayde. maliciously agayne ye kyngis pece & (rebelliously) agayne ye gouernours of ye deuyne seruyce of ye kyrk of Wanghen forsayde in seruyce tyme opon seint Steuyn day ye last in ye (same) kyrke woulde haf slayn me with ane polle axe & all ye pepyll & ye preste so affrayde at ye leuacion tyme clappyd saume ye buke for ferid. & I for drede of my dede habade still in ye same kyrk of seint peter ffraunchiss .x. houre&y; lange & ye forsayde Iohan of Cotyng ham Iohn. Thomas Robert. & Iohn with yair force en armed & wapened lygand still in ane awayte in ye kyngis way & aboute ye same kyrke to haf slayne me if I had comyn oute of ye kyrk. & no man durst him arest to ye pece. & yat same Iohn of Cotyngham proferd openly to ye qwhylk of yam forsayde yat myght haf kylled me. soulde haf had xx. noblis for my dede als (it is) opynly knawen to all yat toune & ye contreth. for ane worde I spak in ye kyrk. yat it wer better bell vnrogne at ye sauntes tyme yan ye messe vnsogne. & I neuer sen yat day hidirward durst yer habyde in ye contree for drede of my dede for yat Iohn of Cotyngham & his force forsayde. in harmyng & in costes of me & myne. xx li. Qwharfore lyke it to yhour graciouse lordeschip in saueyng of my lyfe & ye kyngis pece & ye state of yat kyrke of seint peter ffraunchess & my harme&y; graunte a writ sub pena for yis for(sayd) Iohn of Cotyngham & his iiij. felaughes in propir persone&y; to com by for yhour self. for ye luf of god & by way of charite (Another hand) Pleg' de persequendo Iohanes de Wayhen de Suggestan in Com' Ebor' Iohanes hakyns de london [Printed PC I.xx.] [faded] ChancEng174 1425SC8/24/1197Petition by Commons for speedy trial of Lollards Vn to the most excellent most worthy & gracious lordes of this present parlement Shewyn & declaryn to your hygh discrecion the Communes of this present parlement for as mych as divers persones that here to for havyn bene arettyd & acusyd of treson felonye lollardrie & other such poyntes bene commyttyd alday by the kynges comaundement & his counceyll some to the Tour of London & some to othir castels & holdes in the rewme wher as they lye long tyme other while a yeer or two with out eny processe or execucion done a yens hem to grete costes of our lord the kyng & grete perill & fere of her kepers & also emboldishing to other of her covyne & assent / Plesith it vn to your moste excellent & worthy lordshipes so to ordeyne by your most hye discrecions that all such prisoners that shul in tyme to come be commyttid to eny such place for treson felony lollardrie or eny such other high poynt mowe in short tyme be sent & apere by for her Iuges temporall or spirituell as the (caas) askith. to the entent to be quyt & delyverd or ellis to have the iewys they have deservid in eschewyng of excessiue costes of our lord the kyng done about the long kepyng of such prisoners & the grete perill fere & labour of her kepers for goddis sake & in wey of charite. [Printed RP IV.292.46] [superior insert] ChancEng175 1426E28/47/83Petition of Baltazar Vivald of Genoa To my lord of Bedford and o&t;er lordys of &t;e wor&t;y counsel of England Beseke&t; mekely Balta gar vivald marchant of Iene of yowr special grace to commaun de &t;e Tresorer and Barons of &t;e Chekker to restore and delyuer to &t;e seid Balta&y;ar &t;e Clo&t; is longyng to &t;e same Balta&y;ar. &t;e whych &t;e Awner of london arestid and ha&t; brow&y;th in to &t;e Chekker Reccyuyng of &t;e seid Balta&y;ar xxv. mark. &t;e which somme he is acordit with &t;e seid Tresorer to paye to owr souereyn lord as for fyne of &t;e Clo&t;is aforeseyd (Signatures) H. gloucestre H Cantuar. I Ebor Cant T dunelm P Elien I Bathon Cromwell Typtot ChancEng176 1427E28/48/19:4Petition of the Mayor and Citizens of Southampton To owre souerayne lord the kyng & to hys ry&y;t worthy wyse & discrete Counsell bysechyth well humblely hys powre trewe liege men the Mayr Aldremen & Burgeysys of Suthampton / that hyt dysplese nat vn to owre sayd souerayne lord / &t;e Kyng ne to hys sayde worthy Counsell / that the sayd Mayr Aldremen & Burgeysys buth nat of power / for grete nede and pouerte of ham selfe to make eny appreste of money / vn to owre sayd souer ayne lord the Kyng at thys tyme / for trewly &t;e sayd towne of Suthampton ys at thys tyme ry&y;t powre & all moste desolate / for to that place ry&y;t nowe comyth all most no maner of peple neythere by water ne by londe / for the wheche cause grete partye of the dwellerys of that towne buth sodeynly departyd & ago (&) meny howsys ben yshutte vppe & grene gras grewyth at hare dorys and in diuerse placys of euery strete of the towne / Whar for / for / the grete nede & pouerte of ham selfe / the sayd Mayr & burgeysys now in all haste moste make agrete Tallage by thynne ham selfe / to gadery money to paye to Quene Iohane hare fee ferme of the towne / The wheche grete & greuouse fee ferme / &t;e sayd Mayr & burgeysys ne may but alytyll whyle here after bere ne paye / by thowte &t;at / that they have helpe socowr & pardon of hare sayde fee ferme of hare sayd souerayne lord &t;e kyng & of the sayde Quene / thorwe helpe & prayer of &t;e sayd worthy Counsell: [rubbed] ChancEng177 1427-1428SC8/25/1222Petition on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury Souuerain Lord We youre Humble Liegis han late vnderstande to oure greet heuynesse / that oure good fader the Archebisshop of Canterbury (and Primat) of al this land / shulde haue be detecte and noysed vngoodly and vnskilfully to oure holy fader the pope / that he sholde haue been and pro(cu red) ayens the libertees of the Courte of Rome in this lond and other wyse haue gouerned hym in his cure / thanne hit longeth to a good prelat for to doo be cause whereof oure holy fader was meuyd to make certain proces a yens hym in preiudice of hym and oure aller moder &t;e cherche of Canterbury w(hi)ch we been alle holden to worship and susteyne in as muche as in vs is. / Wherfor we beseche youre hieghnesse as humblely as we can for to haue (th)e saide oure aller good fader recommissed and yeue in special commandement to youre Ambassatours that shul goo to the Courte of Rome / or ellis write to oure saide hooly fader &t;e pope / to haue &t;e saide Archebisshop and oure moder his cherche of Canterbury specially recommissed withowte any credence yeuyng to any swich informacions or deteccions now maad / or to be maad in tyme to commyng ayens faith and conscience / And yif any swich processe be maad / to cassen hem and annullen hem / as swich that proceded of an vndewe and vnskilful sug gestion / and &t;e trouthe not knowen [Printed RP IV.322.18] [torn] ChancEng178 1429E28/51/A6Petition of the residents of Uchayron Percell, Wales To owr souereign lord the kyng Besechyn mekely al tho poure tenant&y; and Comunes of Vchayron percell of the Shyre of Cardygan There as the seid besechers suyn to yow owr souereign (lord) & to yowre wyse . . . a yenst the abbot of Stratflere for diuers maters as yn the seid bille more playnly apperyth where hit lykyd to yowr hynesse to comytte the seid bille to the Bishop of Ely the Bishop of Bath Cromewell and to the lord Scrope lordys of yowr seid councell. yevyng hem yn comaundement to here & finally to determine the seid mater By autorite of the wheche comaundement . . . lordys ruledyn the seid Abbot to putte his answhere suche as he wold stonde to ayenst the mater yn the seid bille conteyned yn wrytyng. by forse of the whych rule the seid Abbot put his seid answher yn wrytyng. the whych answher as hit apperyth yn the seid wrytyng lyeth muche on a record of a Cession yhold on the monday next after seynt Iames day yn the ix yere of the reign of yowr late souereign lord yowr fader on hose sowle god have mercy afore Iohn Merbury at that tyme beyng yowr Iustice of Southwales & on other recordes ymade seth the seid Cession yn yowr Esker of Cardyngan. Wherefore like hit vn to yowr hynesse to send yowr priue seales to the seid Iohn Merbury and to on Dauid ap Thomas liwtenant of yowr Shyre of Cardygan to the lord of Audeley now yowr Iustice of Southwales the whech Dauid hath the gouernance vndur the seid lord ther of yowr lawe comaundyng by yowr seid priue (seals)&t;he seide Iohn Merbury and the seid Dauid to be here afore yow graciouse (lord) & yowr wyse councell on the viij day next aftur seynt hillarie now next comyng so that they mowen be afore yow & yowr seid councell examined yn provyng of the truthe of the seid mater and yn spede of the sute of the aforseid besechers.Aftur the whyche examinacioun so to procede yn the seid matere aftur gode consience and lawe. And also anothir Priue seal to yowr Chamberlein of Southwales comaundyng hym to respite the leve of the comunes yn the forseid bille rehersed of the seide besechers vn tille thys matere be twene the seide besechers & the seid Abbot be de termynd ffor the love of god & wey of charite (Action recorded in French) [superior insert] [torn] ChancEng179 1430-31C49/20/1Conditions of Payment of a Parliamentary Subsidy To the wurship of god and for the grete love and entier affeccion the whiche we your poure Communes of this your noble roialme haue to yow our most soueraigne lord (kyng henry)&t;he sixte be thassent of alle the lordes spirituel and temporelx beyng in this present parlement holden atte Westminstre the friday next afore the fest of Seynt hillar the yere of your regne the ixe graunte to yow our saide soueraigne lorde for the defence of this your saide roialme in especiall an hole quins&y;isme and an hole disme and the thridde parte of an hole quins&y;isme and of an hole disme to be paied and arered of the moeble godes of the laye poeple of this your saide roialme in maner accustumed: that is to say that one hole quins&y;isme and hole disme beforesaide to been arered and paied be the fest of Seynt martyn in wynter next after the saide graunte and that other thridde parte of that other hole quins&y; isme and disme beforesaide to been arered and paied be the fest of Ester come tuelfemonethe next after the saide graunte. Purueied alwey that the laye poeple of the Citee of lincoln ne none of hem be arted or compelled be force of the saide graunte of the thridde parte of the saide quins&y;isme and disme to make paieme( nt) or any thyng to paye of the same thridde parte of quins&y;isme and disme to be paied atte the saide fest of Ester come tuelfmoneth but that the saide lay poeple of the saide Citee and ichone of hem of the saide paiement of the saide thridde part of quin&y;isme and disme and of euery parte therof be alle vttirly acquite and discharget (Latin note follows in correcting hand.) [Printed RP IV.368.13] [superior insert] [rubbed] ChancEng180 1430-31C49/20/2Conditions of Payment of a Parliamentary Subsidy To the worship of god and for the grete loue and entier affeccion the whiche we your pouere Comunes of this your noble roialme haue to (&y;ou ) our . . . soueraigne lord kyng henry the .vjte. be assent of your lordes spirituell and temporell in this your present parlement beyng holden atte Westmin stre the friday next afore the fest of seint hillar the yere of your regne the ixe be auctorite of the same parlement graunte to yow our saide souera igne lord the kyng for the defence of this your saide roialme and in especiall for the safe kepyng of the see a subsidie to be paied in the forme &t;at foloweth &t;at is to say of euery tonne of wyne. of euery marchant denis&y;ein comyng into &t;is saide roialme be wey of marchandise fro the saide friday next afore the fest of seint hillar the forsaide yere of the saide regne vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter &t;anne next suyng and so fro &t;e same fest of seint Martyn vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter thenne next folowyng iij s. and of euery other maner of marchandise of any marchant denis&y;ein passyng out of this saide roialme or comyng into &t;is saide (Roume) be wey of marchandise duryng the tyme aforesaide of the value of .xx. s xij. d wolle wollenclothe hides and wollefell goyng oute of this saide roialme whete and rye and flour of &t;e same and all maner ffresshfisshe (comyng) into &t;is saide roialme oute of this graunte and auctorite except and if any marchandise of any marchaunt denis&y; ein oute of this saide roialme passyng wherof the saide subsidie is paied or agreed or surete made therfore. be perisshed or lost be infortune of the see. or be take with enemys withouten covyne or fraude and &t;at founden and preued before the Tresorer of England or afore the chief Baron of the Cheker for &t;e tyme beyng be resonable preues of the saide marchandises so lost or perisshed &t;at thanne the saide marchaunt&y; denis&y;eins. Awners of the saide marchandises. so perisshed and lost whenne hem liketh may ship as muche marchandises in value be force and virtue of the said auctorite in the same port (in ye) whiche the saide marchandises were shipped Inne as was so perisshed lost or taken withouten any subsidie therof to be had And ouer &t;at we your saide pouere Comunes graunte to yow our saide soueraigne lord be &t;e auctorite aforesaide a subsidie to be paied in the manere folowyng / that is to say of euery tonne of swete wyne of euery marchaunt alien comyng into this saide roialme be wey of marchandise fro &t;e saide friday vnto &t;e saide latter fest of saint Martyn .iij.s ouere the subsidie of .iij.s &t;e whiche euery marchaunt alien for euery tonne wyne atte &t;e tyme of this graunte custumably paied to yow / And also of euery other manere of marchandise of any of the saide mar chant&y; aliens passyng oute of this saide roialme or comyng into this saide roialme (be wey of merchandise) duryng &t;e saide tyme. of the value of .xx. s. vj. d ouere the subsidie of .xij. d the whiche euery marchaunt alien for euery marchandise to the value of .xx s paied to yow custumably atte the tyme of this graunte and afore and that all the saide graunte of all the saide subsidies with the fourme and all the circumstaunce therof be conteyned and expressed in euery patent or commission of the Custumers of euery port of this saide roialme and be force and virtue of the auctorite aforesaide / And ouere &t;at (we) your saide Comunes graunte to yow our saide soueraigne lord be assent of your saide lordes spirituell and temporell for the defence aforesaide a subsidie of .v. nobles of euery sak wolle and wollefelle to be hadde paied and rered fro the fest of seynt Martyn in wynter &t;at shall be the yere of our lord a .Ml.CCCCXXXiij vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter &t;enne next folowyng to be hadde paied and rered in manere and fourme as it is hadde and paied and arered to yow our saide soueraigne lord atte the tyme of this graunte (The rest of the indenture, 21 lines, follows in French.) [Printed RP IV.369.14.] [superior insert in another hand] [5-letter cancel] [over erasure] ChancEng181 1430-31SC8/25/1235Petition concerning Payments to Newgate Prisoners To the kyng our soueraign lord and al the lordes spirit uel & temporell in this present parlement Sheweth your most humble liege man Iohn Carpenter &t;executor of Richard Whityngton &t;at where on sir Iohn Pulteney knyght somtyme Mair of London be his testament enrolled in the Hustenge of the said Cite the monday next afore seint Luce (&t;euangelist the) xxiij yeer of kyng Edward the thridde amonges other thinges bequath and deuised to the Master and prestes of the Chapell of Corpus xpi beside the Chirche of seint laurence of Candel wikstrete alle the Londes and (tenement&y; tat he hadde) in the Cite and Suburbes of London outake certein tenement&y; tat ben excepted in the said testament On condicion and to &t;at entent that the said Maister shuld amonges other thinges paie and deliuere in almesse euery yeer to theym (&t;at were) prisoners withynne a prison of the said Cite called Neugate iiij marc of sterlinges in this fourme and atte the termes vnderwriten / &t;at is to sey on Cristemasse even x s on Goodfriday xiij s iiij d on Midsomer even x s and on oure lady even &t;assumpcion x s and on alle halewyn even x s And moreouer he wolde and bequath be &t;e said testament &t;at yef eny of the said sommes were vnpaid at eny tyme before limited &t;at the forsaid Mastre shuld paie the double be way of (payne) wherof o part shuld be applied to the werk of Poules and the tother part to the Chambre of the Gildhalle of the said Cite as it appereth be the said testament which sommes syn the deth of the said Sire Iohn haue alwey ben (wel and treuly) paid to the said prisoners til now late &t;at the said prison be cause &t;at it was feble ouerlitel and so contagious of Eyr &t;at hit caused the deth of many men was throwen doun / and of almesse with the goodes and after (the will of the) said Richard renoueld and made agayn in a better maner blessed be god / And now be cause &t;at ther nis no mencion made in the said testament who shuld distreigne for the said rente in caas it were behinde and the said (prisoners be) insufficeant &t;erto / the same rente is deneied and vnpaid ayens the wil of the (said sir Iohn) and greuouse hurt to the poore prisoners / Wherfore plese it to the kyng our soueraign Lord be aduise and consent of alle the Lordes spirituel and Temporell and Comunes assembled in this parlement / to ordeign be auctorite of the same parlement &t;at the said rent be paid hens forward as it hath ben of olde / And &t;at the Mair or Chamberleyn of London now beyng and (her) successours haue ful power to destreigne (in the said mastres landes) as well for &t;e said rent of iiij marc and euery parcell &t;eroffe / as for the said payne yef it be behinde at eny tyme as is rehersed in the said testament for goddis love and in the wey of charite [Printed RP IV.370.16] [rubbed] [over erasure] [superior insert] ChancEng182 1430-31C49/19/27Parliamentary assent to Peace Negotiations with France ffor asmoche as in &t;e tretee of &t;e pees maade no&y;t longe agoo. bytwyx &t;e kynges of noble memoir. h. &t;e vte late our souerain lord & his fadre Charles of ffraunce it is contiened &t;at noon of &t;e partyes shal entre / or make any tretee of pees or of accord with Charles &t;e Daufyn / with oute &t;assent of &t;e &t;re estates of bothe Reumys &t;at is to say of England & of ffraunce. And it is hold for certain. &t;at our holy ffader &t;e Pope sendeth nowe downe into ffraunce &t;e moost Reuerent ffader in god the Cardinal of seint Crois / to trete &t;e pees. bytwyx &t;e kyng and &t;e said Daufyn And also &t;e kyng of Spayn sent hider but late agoo. his Ambassadeurs which entred tretee of pees &t;e which tretee is yit hangyng. bytwyx &t;e kyng our souerain lord & him / for &t;eim &t;eir Reumes. lordeshipes and subgitt&y; And semblably &t;e kyng of Scottes hath send now hider. his solempne Ambassadeurs. to trete a pees finale. bytwyx &t;e kyng & him & her two Reumes / and as euery man endowed with reson may wel consider / it nys no&y;t couenable ne fittyng. ne lyke to be to &t;e plesir of god ne of &t;e world a crysten Prince to refuse pees offred with menes resonable ne &t;e tretee &t;erof yf it be Desired of hym. &t;e which by &t;e lawe of god him owed to pursue and folowe / and also consideryng &t;e birdon of &t;e werr / and how greuous. and heuy. it is to &t;is land / and how behofful &t;erfor &t;e pees wer to hit: Plese it to &t;e comunes of &t;is land beyng in &t;is present parlement to yeue her assentes to &t;at: that my lordes of Bedford & Gloucester & my lord Cardinal & o&t;er of &t;e kynges blood & of his Counsail may trete &t;e pees. on &t;e kynges behalf. with &t;e said partyes. or any o&t;er / and yf &t;eim &t;ynke &t;e meenys of pees offred by &t;at o&t;er partyes couenable. and good. to &t;e kyng and his subgitt&y;. &t;enne to Receyue hem / And semblably. to offre for &t;e kynges partie menis &t;at shal be &t;ought to hem couenable and expedient and by swych menys to conclude & accorde &t;e pees to goddes plesire: Savyng&t;o &t;e saide roialme of Englond and to alle the kynges lieges and subiettes therof: their heires and their successores alle their libertees fredoms lawes custumes and priueleges &t;at thei their auncestres and preddessours haueth had afore this tyme (in &t;e saide Roialme) and &t;at &t;ei an iche of theym be demened and gouerned after the lawes vsages and custumes of the saide roialme of Englond and in none other wise this act not withstandyng [Printed RP IV.371.18.] [codicil on an attached strip in a different hand] [superior insert] ChancEng183 1430-31SC8/25/1238Petition of Levin le Clerc of Ghent To the kyng oure soueraigne lord Besechuth mekely leuin le Clerc Burgeois of Gand to Consider by encheson of the trewe acquitaille that the seid towne hath doon and doth dayly in diuerse Maners vnto yow oure soueraigne lord howe &t;at but late ago he boght of Robert Brampton of Caleys attourney to his brother william Brampton of Chestreville in derby shire certain wolles to the value of xijc & xv nobles the whiche monoie the same leuin paied in hand to the said Robert noght havyng liuerey of the seid wolles But the seid Robert bonde his seid Brother and hym self in the aboue seid somme to the same leuin to the entent &t;at at a certain day he shuld have had lyuerey of the wolles aboue seid Notwythstondyng the whiche boonde the seid leuin hath not as yet hadd no&t;er lyuerey of the seid wolles ne of the seid Monay at the aboue seid day the whuche is nowe passed to his vndoyng wythoute youre gracious help and remede in this partie and ther opon like hit yowe to consider how &t;at by youre auctorite a writt sub pena vndyr your gret seal was direct to the seid william comaundyng hym by the same to haue be afore your Counseill at westminstre at a certain day passed there to haue onswered in the matier aboue seid the which writt was by tyme deliuered to the same william and by Cause he come not at that day a writt of attachement is passed by &t;e seid auctorite ayenst the seid william the whuche for this (cause) absentuth hym in place priueleged and wolle not appere so that the same leuin is not like to haue the seid wolles no&t;er his seid money wythoute youre gracious help (and remedie) in this partie wher opon like it yow soueraigne lord of youre grace especiall by auctorite of this present parlement to ordeigne &t;at the Chaunceler of Inglond for the tyme (beyng have) powair to graunte a writt of proclamacion direct to the Shirref of the seid Shire yevyng hym in Comaundement by the same writt to make proclamacion in opo(n place wythynne)&t;he seid Shire that &t;e seid william Brampton appere a fore yow in youre Chauncerye at a certain day to be conteigned in the same writt by the discres(ion of the seid) Chaunceler to onswere to the seid Suppliant of the matier conteignode in &t;is supplicacion And yf the seid william appere at that day that thenne the seid Chaunceler have power and auctorite to examyne here and determyne the seid matier aftur his discrescion And to procede to Iuggement as well of the principall as of damage and Costage resonabull and to awarde execucion for the seid besecher in &t;at partie . . . be fieri fac elegit and Capias ad satisfaciend and theropon an exigent yf he be not founde and thowe the seid william appere not at suche day as he shall have by the seid proclamacion the seid Chaunceler have power to procede to Iuggement for the seid suppliant ayenst the seid william by his defaute as well of the Principall as of damage&y; and ther vpon to awarde execucion in the fourme afore rehersode And that the seid Suppliant may have as well the good us of the seid william as &t;e goodus &t;at eny other persone hath to his ceuse in execucion for the seid Summe vnto the tyme that the seid (somme) wyth damages and Costages in that partie resonabull be pleynly arerode or payode to the seid Suppliant And &t;at semblable processe be made agayn &t;e seide Robert Brampton be &t;e cause aforseide [Printed RP IV.372.21.] [torn, rubbed] [cancelled] [superior insert] ChancEng184 1430-31SC8/25/1245Petition of the residents of Marblethorp, Lincolnshire To the ful wyse and discret syrys the comynes of this present parlement The pore tennantes and londholders of the toun of Malberthorp in the shire of lincoln whiche has ben and &y;it are vtterly destroyd and waastid be ouer flowyng and gret distres of the water of the see and . . . wyth oute gret and contynuel help of mannys labur. whiche toun is and of olde tyme has bee charged at euery graunt of ony hole taxe to oure souerayn lord to the somme of vj li xiiij s v d ob q for the whiche (charche) als wele grauntyd to oure saide souereyn lord at hys parlement holden at Westminstre xxij day of September the yere of his reigne the viijte as for taxe and charche nowe grauntyd or to be grauntyd in this present parlement the . . . saide tennt&y; and lond holders dar not inhabitt maynour nor occupye the saide toun to the fynal destruccion as Wele of the saide toun for euer as for a gret contre vnder the same daunger to the valu(e) &y;erly of ijml mark Please to &y;oure Wyse discressions consideryng the causes a fore rehersyd and also howe at this day the londes and tenement&y; in the saide toun are of no value nor profit: to pray oure souer(aigne) lorde that the saide tennant&y; londholdres and inhabitaunces in the saide toun nowe and here aftyr be autorite of this present parlement be respitid as wele of the taxe and charge grauntid to oure saide soueraigne lord in his parlement holden at Westminstre the xxij day of September a for said the saide yere as of the taxe and charge grauntid or to be grauntid in this present parlement on to the terme of x &y;ere here aftyr. that then hit may be demenyd aftyr the hygh and ful gracious discrecion of oure soueraigne lord [Printed RP IV.385.5] [rubbed] [cancelled] ChancEng185 1432SC1/43/166Petition of the Bishop of Bath (left top damaged; right top washed) (Worship)ful fadre in god and my gracious lorde I recomaunde me in als humble maner as i (c)an or may in any wyse to . . . lorshupes Bisechyng humblie to youre noble & gracious lordshupes (yow lyk to vnderstande &t;at &t;e) lord (D)reux sir humferie Stafford & I Stounton tooke in Wilteshire certain (for) Risers & broughte hem to (Wells) in Somerset & &t;are putte hem in my prison withoute assent of me or of my officers bi my (knawlech) which prison is ordeyned to kepe clerkes conuict & to noon o&t;ir entent And &t;are I fande &t;aim withowte any maner of kepyng saaf of my seruaunte&y; / And hir vpon I sent worde to R. hill Shreef of Somerset &t;at he sholde ordeyne for &t;air kepyng / And he come to me in is owen persone &t;is daie & seies he wole no&y;t inter mete hym of &t;e kepyng of &t;aim. Wherfore I biseche youre gracious lordshupes to considre how me ow&y;t no&y;t to have kepyng of &t;aim for &t;aim owghte to be keped in &t;e kynggys comene gaiole & no&y;t in my poer prison for it is agayne &t;e libertees & franchise&y; of holy cherche and &t;e forsaid R. hill wole no&y;t resseyve &t;aim And &t;erfor I biseche yow &t;at ye wole consider &t;is matier & comaunde bi your highe discrecions what ye wole bedoo in &t;is matier for sikerlie i dar kepe &t;aim no lenggre consideryng &t;e condicions of men at &t;is daies And I biseche yow &t;at ye wole considre &t;ees matiers effectuellie and &t;at I myght have an answere bi &t;e berer of &t;is lettre Almyghty god sende yow as good lyf & prosperitee as your noble herte&y; can best desire Writ at Banewell &t;e .xix. daie of Maij. your preest & oratour N Bisshop of Baath (Another hand) The xxij day of May &t;e x yere of &t;e k hit was accorded by &t;e consail &t;at a writ shulde be sent to &t;e shiref of somerset to Receyue &t;ees Rysers abouesaid and to doo kepe surely in &t;e kynges prison [torn] [washed] [interlinear insert] [The initial "N" and the PRO date are in conflict. In 1432, John Stafford was Bishop of Bath] ChancEng186 1431E28/51/53Petition of Jeynkyn Stanlay, royal retainer (damaged) To the kyng our souerain lord and to his ful wyse Counsaill Sheweth and besecheth mekely your pouere humble seruitor Ieynkyn Stanlay Squyer: howh that now late as the said suppliant was rydyng in the kynges high wey in the hundred of wyrall withynne the Counte of chestre / there were certayn persones arraied in maner e of werre ayens the kyngs pees lieng in dyuers busshementes / of the which persones come vjx men with bowes and other wepen makyng grete shotte and assaute to the said suppliant and his men And there purposed to haue slayn and murdred the said Suppliant withoute cause or offence of hym which hath ben knowleged sethen of Summe of the said perso(ns) Of the which mysdoers the names of certain gentilmen and yemen principall gouernors of the said affray ben conteyned in (the bille) annexed herto / Besechyng to your graciouse lordshipes consi(dering)&t;hees premysses of your grace especial to graunte your graciouses lettres of priue seal seuerally directe / that is to say . . . the said gentil men whos names ben conteyne . . . said bille a nother to alle the yemen whos names ben conteyned in the same bille / Charching hem vppon their . . . to ben at their answere afore you and your . . . at a certain day by you to be lymytte And the thridde priue seal directe to william Troutbek Chamberlain of Chestre . . . for the said gentilmen and yeme. . . and to se that the two priue seals a foresaid to hem be serued and directe in general And this in sauacion of the pees at . . . of charite [torn] ChancEng187 1432SC8/26/1271Petition of the Citizens of Lymington and Newport, Hampshire To oure souerayn Lorde the Kyng and to his right wise Counseill Lowelly and humbly bisechen all the Marchaunt&y; and pouere inhabitaunt&y; of the Hauene of Lymyngton lying withyn the Hundredes of Neweforest & of Crischurche & of the Hauene of Neweport lying withyn the Isle of Wight yn the Shire of Southampton & of o&t;er Hauenes yn the same Shire that hough of tyme oute of mynde to &t;e grete and notable availle of oure liege lorde and grete profit of the saide hauenes there were wont many diuerse Shippes & vesslx with grete substaunce of merchaundises nat staple ware but other as wele with wynde dryven as of purpos to come and arryve yn to the saide hauenes and oure liege lordes Custumes therof trewly y paied there they haue atte all tymes be discharged & recharged. Nowe late by diuerse yeres yt is fallen so that yn defaute that no Custumers ne noon here deputees be attendaunt to eny of the saide hauenes. many grete Shippes and vesselx dryven and also comyng oute of ferre contreyes yn to &t;e saide hauenes with grete goodes & merchaundi&y;es willyng the Marchaunt&y; of hem & gretely desiryng there to haue be discharged & recharged. for lakkyng of Custumers haue passed fro the saide hauenes & sailled yn to other straunge londes to grete losse and disavaille yerly of right grete notable sommes to oure liege lorde grete & hidous losse abatyng and hyndryng of &t;e saide hauenes & grete discomfort of the saide Marchaunt&y; of the Shippes & vesselx atte here comyng Wherfore yt lyketh vn to youre high & worthy discreciouns graciously & tendrely to considere the premisses & yn especial the grete disavaille aforsaide of oure liege lorde And thervpon atte this tyme after youre right noble and wise avys yt pleseth youre myghti lordshippes to ordeyne remedie atte the reuerence of god and yn way of charite Consideryng also youre right high discreccions yif yt be to youre plesir hough the hauene of Wynchilse & o&t;er hauenes vnder &t;e port of Chichestre yn &t;e Shire of Sussex the hauenes of pool & of waymouth & o&t;er hauenes vnder the port of Melcombe yn Dorset Shire & all the hauenes yn &t;e same Shires & yn &t;e shires of Devenshire Kent Cornewaill & all other shires yn &t;e Reame except Southampton shire aforesaide euer hiderto haue hadde & yit haue deputees vnder the Custumers of &t;e port&y; for the grete availl & commodite of oure liege lorde & of all his Reame: [Printed RP IV.417.8.] ChancEng188 1432-39SC1/57/121Petition of Robert Coker of Somerset Bisecheth you Robert Coker Esquyer that where the kyng oure Souereigne lord his ancecessours and his progenitours of tyme that no mynde ys haue be sesid of certigne rente of dyuers persons freholders . . . of the Castell of Dunster in the Shire of Somerset to be hadde and leuyed bi the seid freholders the whiche be to the numbir of .xl. and moo. and so to be paiyd to the lord of the seid Castell for the tyme beyng and he to be chargyd of the seid rente and to pay hit to the Sherrif of the seid Shire for the tyme beyng yerli at the feste. of Candelmasse. And now hit ys so that the too parties of the seid Castell and the too parties of all the remanent of the londes and tenementes that late were of sir Iohn lutrell knyght lord of the seid Castell ben grauntyd bi the kyng to you my lord and y nemnyd bi . . . lordship in the seid Commission and stonde chargyd vndir you my lord of the fee ferme as in the seid Commission is conteignyd the whiche free holders of tyme abouesaid haue contynued to paye the seid rente in youre tyme tille now late Edward SeintIon beyng (on) of the freholders aboueseid and tenaunt of malice and euyll wille to the kyng oure souereigne lord his disheri taunce and also the disheritaunce of Iames lutrell son to the seid sir Iohn now beyng in the kynges warde and also in disauaile and Surcharge of you my lord and me vndir you beyng the kynges patenteer duryng the noun age of the said Iames hath withdrawe the payment of his rente of v s afferyng yerli to his charge that amounteth to the Summe of .xvij s. & vj d. And also manesseth and wylnou&y;t Suffre . . . vppon hym to be hadde. with oute that rumour ther vppon were like to rise and nou&y;t oonli this doth bi hym selfe but exciteth and Stureth othir dyuers of freholders and tenauntes that they sholde withdrawe ther rentes And also impriseth the mater vppon hym Selfe. And at dyuers lawe dayes stureth Tathing men and also the xij men that they shold no thyng presente and aftir his power of grete malice and euyll will wolde lette all the auantage that Sholde come of all the Courtes that ther ben holde the whiche Sowneth to the kynges grete disauaile disheritaunce of the seid childe. and surcharge to you my lord and me beyng vndir you Plese youre lordship thes maters throu youre wysdome to concider and to puruey soche remedy that the kyng oure souereign lord and the seid heir be nou&y;t disherityd ne the lyuelode in youre tyme amenusyd ne apeiryd but that du remedy and correccion be hadde in thes seid maters so that non othir person haue cause of inboldesshyng her aftir bi the seid Coward SeintIon [Printed Somerset Record Soc. 33, p. 205.] [rubbed] [superior insert] ChancEng189 After 1432C1/1/41Petition of Thomas Appelton of Dartford, Kent (right side rubbed; matter in parentheses supplied from PC) To my most reuerent fadir in god and most gracious and rightwose lord the Bisshop of Bathe Chaunceler of Englond Besechith in the most humble wise your povir seru ant Thomas Appelton That where as william Aleyn clerk of the countynghous with ynne the housold of the kyng our soueraigne lord. Roberd Aleyn fadir to the seid william and Thomas Cotes ymagenyng of grete malice before thoght extorcionesli to oppresse and fynalli to distroye your seid Suppliaunt ayens concience and lawe / On seynt Stephenes day at nyght be twene xj and xij of the Clokke at mydde nyght the vijthe. yer of the kyng our soueraigne lord with force and armes on horsbak in maner of werre riot and rowte araied. with bowys and arowys swerdis and bokelers in maner of rebellion and Insurrec cion a yens the dygnyte of our soueraigne lord the kynge and his crowne. kome to the hous of your seid Suppliaunt. at Derteford in the Shire of kent. at mydde nyght. And took awey Anne the doghter and on of the heyres of your seid besecher beynge with ynne the age of xij. yere. and in his warde whos mariage of right to hym perteyned. and to non othir / And that same doghter the seid william Aleyn ravisshid be force vileynously . . . and here enforced be the supportacion and helpe of the seid Roberd. and Thomas Cotes. and weddid here ayens the wille of here said fadir. and alle here frendis expressely ayens lawe And ayens the forme of all maner Statutes in such cas made before this tyme / And in lettynge your besecher to take the profit and avayle of here seid mariage. ffor the which mariage your seid besecher myght haue had CC mark of money. & she to haue bene maryed to such dyuerse notable persones as myght exspende an C li of enheritaunce be yer of yerly lyflode / where as the seid william Aleyn at that tyme hadde nor &y;it hath no fote lond of his owne in Englond. And aftir the seid william Aleyn took an accion of wast in the comyn place vnIustly withoute concience ayens your besecher (and) with grete mayntenaunce be color of his seid office broggid hyred and enbrasid to hym the Iorores the which Iorores were kept iiij. dayes in london at the cost of the seid william Aleyn (Thretyng and manasyng your seid besecher) oppressiouesly that the seid Iorores were redy to haue condempnyd your seid Suppliaunt in a M li And the seid william Aleyn Roberd Aleyn and Thomas Cotes thorow grete manace and meyntenaunce of dyuerse peple be cause of the office of the seid william Aleyn put your seid besecher in fere of. his lyf and com pellid hym vntrewly. be oppression to make a feffement of all his londis and. his. tenementes to the value of iiij mark be yere with ynne the Shires of Essex and Middlesex (to certeyn persones at the denomycaccion of the seide william Aleyn) vpon condicion that your seid suppliaunte sholde haue suffisaunt and sure astate. noght defesable of xxiiijti li be yere to be paied. to hym at iiij termes yerly duryng his lyf of the issues and profites of the seid londis and tenementes with a sarteyn payne and reentre for defaute of payment (in maner and forme) like as in certeyn dedis endentid. there of made be twene the seid parties pleynly aperith The which xxiiijti li be yere the seid william Aleyn be covyne and confederacie hadde be twene hym and the seid Roberd Aleyn and Thomas Cotes with (all maner of) profites comynge of the seid londis and tenementes withholdith vntrewly ayens all reson and concience in his owne hand and paieth your seid. suppliaunt no peny nor no peny wolde paye this ij. yere and an half. (last pased) and more And (also hath felde downe) all the tymbre of the seid lyflode to the value of an C li and more and makith wast fro day to day. And latith the housyng of the seid lyflode falle doune and go to noght for lakke of reparacion in his defaute (Please hit) to your highne(sse to considere thes premisses) and be your most noble and high discrecion to ordeyne that your seid Suppliaunt myght haue Writtes direct to the seid william Aleyn (Robert Aleyn and Thomas Cotes)&t;o appere before you in the Chauncerie. with ynne xl. dayes aftir the date of the seid writts at Westminster (And that the seid tresspasours be ponysshid for the seid riottes oppres sions and offences aftir their deserte) and yf the seid william Aleyn apere to the writ aforeseide. that thanne be your discrecion restore the seid Suppliaunt to the seid londis and tenement&y; yf hit be founde be due examinacion that the seid rente of xxiij li be yere was be hy(nd) noght paied to your seid (Suppliaunt at) eny terme with ynne the seide dedis endentid. comprised. with the damages that the seid besecher hath hadde in this partie. And in cas the seid william Aleyne a pere noght in the Chauncerie to the seid writ. that thanne lyke you to ordeyne that your seid supplaiunt be restorid to the seid londis and tenementes in maner and forme afore seid. with all maner of damages that he hath hadde in this partie . . . Considering of your rightwosenesse that your seid Suppliaunt hath no more lyflode to lyve vpon / nor dar nethir ride nor go late nor rathe in to Essex nor Middlesex where the seid londis and tenementis lieth for to distreyne nor for to make non entre (in the seid londis and) tenmentis nor dar not nor ys noght of power in no maner of wise pursue be lawe. ayen the seid william for his damages nor can haue non officer to execute no writ ayens the seid william Aleyn whiles he s(tondith) in his office aforeseid And that for the love of god and in the weye of Charite. [Printed PC I.xxxi-ii] [cancel] [superior insert] [erasure] ChancEng190 After 1432C1/1/42Petition of Geiffrey Qwyncy of Norwich (right side damaged; matter in parentheses supplied from PC) To my right worthy and gracious Lorde the Bisshop of Bathe Chaunceler of Ingelond Besecheth lowly youre pouere seruaunt Gieffrey Qwyncy Citeseyn and Chaundeler of Norwich that where he trewly vseth and hath vsed to bye and selle suche marchaundises as lo(ngeth to his crafte by the wightes accordyng) to the estandarde of the kynges escheker / And also atte excitacion of the pouer poeple / hath made candell of talghe with weyke of flex / to serve hem aswell / and as longe to endure as candell (made with weyke of cotoun / sellyng ther of) contynuelly to &t;em &t;at verraily knowe the seid weyke made of flax / a pounde lesse by a ferthyng thanne of candell. made with weyke of Cotoun / to gret refresshyng of (the seid pouer poeple / There Robert Landasdale and William) Hempstede Shirreves of the seid Citee this last yeer for as moche as Cotoun was lyke to be at lasse price in the seid Citee / if candell were vsuelly made there with weyke (of flex / And for the seide Gieffrey wolde not selle suche) Marchaundise as longeth to his crafte by wightes by the seide late Shirreves ordeyned / not accordyng to the seid estandarde / wher of every pounde weighte is half an (vnce hevier thanne the pounde of the seide estandarde whiche) wighte &t;e seid Gieffrey hath redy to shewe by colour of heer office / brak & entrid &t;e hows of &t;e seid Gieffrey & CCxx li of candell / & a pece of bras of hefe of a pound weighte ensealed & acordyng to &t;e (seide estandarde whar by &t;e seid Gieffry vsed to bye and selle took . . . ) body arested & imprisoned & notwithstondyng &t;e seid Gieffrey profered to hem sufficeant suertee of a Ml marc to appere in his owen persone beforn &t;em / whanne and where they wolde desire / they (hym withhelden in prison vnto the tyme the seide . . .) the seide late Shirreves xx s for his delyveraunce / and made his frendes william Love and Iohn ffit&y; be bounden to the seide late Shirreves in xl li wherfor and by(cause &t;e seide late Shirreves ne wolde not . . .) werkyng ageyn the seide Gieffry / ne in his owen persone sued to your good Lordship / and of (youre) grace hadde too writtes sub pena directe to the same late Shirreves / the which (writtes the seide Gieffrey delivered to . . .) by cause of which writtes thus delyvered the same late Shirreves forthwith vpon the seide lyvere of the seide writtes / wrongfully arested the seide Gieffrey and hym inprison(ed and hym so beyng prisoner ledde . . .) bisily intreted hym to receyve a geyn the seide writtes / and for the worship of heer estates to fynde hem suerete of C li by obligacion symple to profre & leye beforn hem xl li / affermyng and (be hestyng to the seid Gieffry . . .) he shuld treuly forthwith have his monye ageyn and livere of the seide obligacions / by which trete the seide Gieffrey trostyng verrily to heer seide behestes receyved ageyn the seide writtes and made Edmund Ripon (& &t;e seide Iohn ffitz be bounde by . . .) seide late Shirreves in C li and by full harde menes chevised and leyed / beforn &t;e seide late Shirreves the seide xl li as they desired / whervpon the seide late Shirreves delyvred to &t;e seid Gieffrey the (seide obligacions and xxli . . .) of &t;e seide xl. li wrongfully by extorcion ageyne heer seid behestes took & kepe to heer owen vse to &t;e verray distrucion & aneyntisyng of &t;e poer degre of &t;e seid (Gieffrey) Please it to youre (graciouse Lordship . . .) Chauncerie the seide late Shirreves in suche fourme and tyme as pleseth to yow / to be examined of these matiers and to abide your rightfull reule and ordinaunce of the (same Bryngyng with hem the . . .) takyn of the seide Gieffrey & a pounde weyghte suche as they have compelled the seide Gieffrey and other Chaundeleres in the seide Citee to selle by heer Marchaundises (Consideryng of your gret grace the poverte . . .) and that he in this case hath no remedeye atte comune lawe [Printed PC I.xxxii-iii] [superior insert] ChancEng191 1433E28/54/42Petition of Thomas Walton, Chamberlain of North Wales To the kyng oure soueraigne lorde. Besecheth mekely Thomas Walton late Chamberlayn of Northwales &t;at where as a subsidie of CCCC marc was granted to oure soueraigne lord youre fadir whos saule god assoile by the comyns of the Counte of Caernarvan paiable at certain dayes comprehendet in the said graunt the whech CCCC marc the said besecher hathe knawlaget in his acompte And vnswared to youe soueraigne lord of CCCl marc &t;er of as hit apperyth by his accompt&y; in youre Escheker of recorde & the Barons of youre said Escheker hath put him to vnsware why hit schuld not be demyd an concelement for asmeche as omission was made of paiement of .l. marc parc ell of the forsaid CCCC marc in the said acompt&y;. the wheche l. marc the said besecher neuer recevuyd ne no parcell ther of but hit remaynes in the colloctours hondes of the saide Counte. the which in the said Escheker the said besecher hath pre tendet to auerre as the Court wold a ward. Neuer the lesse the said besecher hath made gree & payet the forsaid. l. marc in youre seid Escheker to youe soueraigne lord as hit ap peryth in youre said Escheker of recorde / Please hit vnto youre high & graciouse lordship be the avise of youre full wise Consell to consider the longe seruice &t;at the said besecher hath don a fore &t;is tyme Als well to oure said soueraigne lorde youre fadir as to youe soueraigne lorde & the greuouse vexacion &t;at the said besecher hathe hade. hath & most have continuelly to &t;is mater be determynet if hit schulde falle in triall in the Contre & non avauntage to youe souerayn lord &t;eropon to graunt a priue seall dirett vnto youre Tresorer & to youre Barons of youre said Escheker to discharge finally the said besecher of the maters afore saide receyuyng of the saide besecher .x. (marc) li for a fyn in eschewyn of the cost labour & trauaill &t;at the said besecher schuld have aboute the triall of the said mater for goddes love & in way of charite: (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre .I. Ebor I. Bathon Canc W lincoln Suffolk Scrop hungerford [cancelled] [interlinear insertion] ChancEng192 1433SC8/277/13830Petition of Commons concerning the Stews in Southwark Please Hit to the wysdome and high dyscrecion of the worschipfull Comunes in this present parlement assemblid to consyder a gret myschief in late dayes begonne Among vntrwe lyvers and peple withe oute conscience and yet duellyng in a Suspect and wycked place called the Stwys in the Burgh of Southewerke in the Shire of Surrey That ys to wete how that withe In fewe dayes diuerse persones of ryght gret poverte and ryght disolute governaunce withe in a fewe yeres dwellynge in the sayd suspecte place as well by recettyng of comon women thefes mansleers and avoutoures as by murdererys and prive Roberyes done ther by hem selff and other many withe oute pitye trowthe and good conscience ther pryvile logyd haue sodenly comyn to gret Rychesse and ther withe purchasyd gret lyvelode of londes and tenementys to ryght grete value yerly and by cause of sufficyaunt of freholde so purchased haue bene ofte returned by the shereve of the shire and other Bayllefs and sworen in enquestes as well for felonyes and trespases be twene the kyng and partie / and partie (& partie) as in assises and othere pleys of londe afore diuerse Iuges of oure liege lorde in hys courtes And afore the Stward and marchall of hys houshold thorugh whiche causes many and dyuerse dysherytaunces and wrongfull condempnacions of many true lyege men of oure souerayne lorde haue ben hadde and many murderyrys of men and notarye theves have ben sauyd and gret morderyes and robberyes conseled and passed vnponischyd and how the sayd suspecte peple enhabyte hem in Comune hostryes and tauernys in the high strete of the sayd burgh ther Recettyng theves comune women and other mysdoers in lyk wyse as they deden atte the sayd suspecte place of the stwys / like hit to youre high dyscrecions these premisses consydered and that suche peple withe oute consience mowe not of reson be vnderstonden worthi of trouthe nor to bere witnesse of trouthe in any cause wher ryght ys to be enquered to praye the kyng oure souerayne lorde that by the assent of the lordes espirituele and temporele and by auctorite of this present parlement to ordeyne (that yef) any suche persone be retorned by any shereff bayllef or other mynisterys of oure souerayne lorde the kyng in the sayd Shire of Surrey or by ony mynister afore the stuarde and marchall of the kynges houshold that as well for the kyng as for any partye he (maye in) all tymes here after be chalenged and the chalenge in this partye allowed for the cause aforesayd And also that non suche that haue so duellyd atte the sayd Stwys be sufferyd to holde any comune hostrie nor taverne in any other place withe in the sayd Sutwerk sauf only atte the sayd Stwys in estcheuyng of mur(dere)ris robberyes and avoutries that ellys ben lykly to ben hadde And that the Iustice&y; of the pees in the sayd Shire of Surrey haue (power to enquere) of all such holders of hostries and tauernis and to punysche hem that suche ben by f(yn and raunson and) enprisonyng of her bodyes after the dyscrecion of the sayd Iustice&y; for the love of god and in waye of Charitee [Printed RP IV.447.1] [superior insert] [rubbed] [torn] ChancEng193 1436SC8/27/1309Petition of Commons concerning the Stews of Southwark Please hit to the Wisedomes and hye discrecions of the Worshipfull Comunes in this present parlement assembled to consider two grete meschiefs nowe in late dayes bygonnen by vntrywe lyvers and people with owte consciens and yet dwellyng in the Burgh of Suthwerk in the Shire of Surrey / Oon is that howe nowe late by Auctorite of parlement was ordeyned and stablet that no person that had dwelled at the comune Stywes shulde hald any comune hostryes ne comune Tavernes with yn the saide B(u rg)h ne thay shulde not passe in no maner enquestes with yn the saide Shire safe only at the saide comune Stywes the whiche ordenaunce hath been to grete weel of alle the honest people of the saide Burgh and Shire and put awey mony and grete periuries robberyes and other inconueniences And nowe syn that tyme ther be comyn other strange persones and have set vp Stywehouses and houses of bordell and vnclene lyvers with yn the hye stretes and among the honest dwellers of the saide Burgh and there they herber and refet alle maner of myslyvers and avowterers theefs robbers mansleers and other myslyvers wherthurgh meny wemen ben ravysshed and brought to evil levyng neightbores and strangers ofte tymes robbed and murdred that vnnethese any persone dar passe thair house fro nyght come And also nowe late tyme ther been certeyn Alienes callid fflemmynges that have set vp comune hostryes and comune Tavernes with yn the saide Burgh where ynne thay refet and herber alle maner Alienes and strangers as wel ffrensshmen and Picardes as flemmynges and alle other nacions aswel Aduersaries to oure souuerayn lord the kyng as frendes and there thay han thair comenycacions and metynges by thaym self nought sufferyng any englisshman to be herbered or come among hem / by the whiche Alienes and strangers by liklynesse the Counseill ordenaunce and purveaunce of oure saide souuerayn lord and his trywe liege people is discovered to his Aduersaries his custumes and dywtees embesiled and conceiled to hym grete preiudice and alle his liege people / Thees premisses considered like hit to youre high discrecions to pray the kyng oure sou uerayn lord by the Assent of the lordes spirituels and temporels and by Auctorite of this present parlement to graunte and ordeyne that no maner of persone in eny tyme to come be hardy to take vppon hym to holde ne kepe any maner Stywes ne houses of bordell and vnclene lyvers in any place with yn the saide Burgh safe only atte place called the comune Stywes on peyne of enprisonement of their bodyes by xl dayes and makyng fyne and raunsom atte kynges will / And that no maner persone Aliene holde ne kepe comune hostrye ne comune Taverne in any place with yn the saide Burgh after the fest of Estire next comyng on peyne of enprisonement and makyng fyne and raunsom in the fourme abovesaide / And that the Iustices of pees in the saide Shire and the kynges baillif of the saide Burgh for the tyme beyng and every of hem have power at alle tymes that thaym shal seme nedeful and expedient to enquere in the saide Burgh of thees premisses And opon alle suche persones as thay or any of thaym fynde gilty and dywly convycte afore thaym to do excucion and punysshement in the maner and fourme byforseide for Charite] [Printed RP IV.511.1] [torn] ChancEng194 1433SC8/26/1281Petition concerning the murder of Isabell by her husband John Carpenter of Sussex (right side torn) A Roy notre souerain seigneur Besechen humbly youre Comunes of this present parliament. that where one Iohn Carpenter of Brydham in the Shire of Sussex husbundman (the vii daye of Fevever the yere of youre noble reigne the viiite) saying to Isabell his wijff that was of the Age. of xvje. yere and had be maried to him but xv dayes. that they wolde go to gedre on Pilgre(mage and made to arraye hir in hir best arraie and toke hir with) hym fro the said Toun of Brydham to the Toun of Stoghton in the said Shire. And there in a woode he smote the said Isabell his wijff (on the hede that the brayne wende oute and with his knyff) yaf hire many other dedly woundes. And streped hir naked out of hir clothes and toke his knyff and slitte hir bely fro the breste doun & (toke hir bowels oute of hir body and) loked if she were with Childe And thus the said Iohn mourdered horrebely his wijff. of the which horryble mourdure the thoursday (next after the Fest of Seint Ambrose the Bishop the) yere of your Reigne bi for said the said Iohn was endyteth bi for Sire Iohn Bohun. knyght henri husee knyght and william (Sydney youre Commissioners of youre pees withinne)&t;he Shire forsaid and proces made oute vpon the same endytement according to youre lawe. til the same Iohn Carpenter was oute(lawed of the said mourdure and nowe graciously for the same) cause Arest. and in youre Prisone called the kynges benche. Please hit to your hie Rightwysnesse to considre the horrible mourdur (fore said) . . . And by auctorite of this your hie Court of Parliament to ordeine that this said Iohn Carpenter may be Iuged as a Traytour (and yat youre Iugges have power to yeve Iugement) vpon him to be draw. and hanged as a Traytour . . . in Eschewyng of such horrible (mourdurs in tyme comyng Savyng allwey to the) lordes of the ffee. Eschete&y; of his landes aftire yere. day and wast [Printed RP IV.447.43] [torn off; supplied from RP] [cancelled] ChancEng195 1433Fragment joined to C49/21/14Proclamations and Petition concerning the safety of Members of Parliament (damaged) the kyng woll &t;at if any assaute or affray be. made. to eny lord . . . parlement. (or elles to &t;e kynges counseille by) his comaund . . . conseill &t;at thenne procla macion be made thre sondry dayes in &t;e . . . made. &t;at &t;e. partie. so offendyng appere. byfore. &t;e. kyng in his . . . if it be. in terme. tyme. or elles atte. &t;e. next day in terme. tyme folo . . . desired #$1433 RP IV.453.60 (Conclusion) Le Roy voet, que si ascun assaut ou affraye soit fait a ascun Seigneur Espirituel ou Temporell, Chivaler de Countee, Citezein ou Burgeis, venuz au Parlement, ou au Counseil du Roy par son commandement, & la esteant & entendant au Parlement, ou au Counseil; q'adonques soit Proclamation fait par trois jours severalx, en la pluis overt lieu de la Ville ou l'assaut ou affraye fuist enty fait, que la partie qi face tiel l'assaut ou affraie, soy rende devaunt le Roy en son Bank, deinz un quarter d'un an apres la Proclamation fait, s'il soit el temps du terme, ou autrement all prochein jour en temps de terme, ensuant le dit quarter, a faire & receivere en manere come il este desire par la Petition. #$ 1444 C49/26/4 Ancient Petition (damaged; material in parentheses supplied from RP) P(ra)yen the comune (in this) present parliament assembled that it please vnto the kyng our souerain lord by &t;avis of his lordes spirituell and temporell in &t;e said parliament beyng (to ordeine estable) and auctorise in the said parliament and by auctorite of the same that if any persone or persones make any assault or affray vpon the said lordes or comunes or vpon any of hem (beyng in the seid) parliament or from thens re tournyng homeward or vpon any lord knyght of the Shire Cite&y;ein or burgeis at any tyme here after by the kynges comandement comyng to (high court of) parliament &t;ere abidyng or from thens retournyng to his dwellyng place. &t;at &t;en the seid lord knyght of the Shire Cite&y;ein or burgeys vpon whom suche assault or affray is (made have such writte or writtes of proclama)cion as by an Act of &t;e said present parliament for sire Thomas Parr knyghte is in like cas ordeined to be hade. to be directed (to such) Sherif of Sherifs (where the trespas is supposed to be done) retournable or retournables at eny day to be desired by &t;e same partie compleignant aforne the kyng in his benche. the same partie compleignant to haue &t;ere(upon such apperance) or els upon &t;e default of apperance of the person or persones vpon whom it is in &t;at partie compleigned suche execucion as is ordeined also in the seid Acte for the seid sir Tho(mas) [Printed RP V.111.41] [over erasure in a different hand] ChancEng196 1433SC8/27/1303Petition of Wylliam Warwyk of Salisbury To the ryght wise & discrete Comunes of thys Present parlement Shewith lowely wylliam warwyk of Salesbery marchant how that late he sende in to Bretayn water Trenchevile hys seruant factour and attournay to marchandise ther wyth wollen cloth of diuers colours which cost hym here in Englond CC. li. at the ferst byeng by sidis custumis subsidijs and other costis for the shippyng and saue hauyng ouer of the same cloth which seruant with the same cloth in the monthe of October &t;e ixe yer of the reigne of oure souerayne lorde &t;at now ys arived / at Gildo in Bretayn forsayd and there hade eschangid &t;e same cloth for canevas Tressecloth and other marchandise of &t;at contray Ther the lord of Mountassi lond lord of the same port of Gildo nat consideryng &t;e (pees) and trewys &t;oo had by twene oure souerayn lord and the duk of Brytayn and soworne by the same duk nor consideryng the lettres of the saue condut and saue(gard the) which &t;e said seruant &t;oo had and shewid as wel vnder the seal of the sayd Duk as vnder the seal of same lord whiche lettres the sayd william warwyk hath yet to shewe toke the said seruant and hys (cloth and) marchandise and brought ham in to hys Castel of Gildo and imprisoned &t;e same seruant and Ingyned hym so &t;at he was in point of deth and after ward made hym fast iij days wyth out mete and (drynke) and thanne putte hym to fynance to pay .l. li. for hys deliuerance wher of the sayde lord by the hondys of hys pourtour of the said Castell and other of hys minystres &t;ere toke and was (payd at seynt malwis) of the sayde william warwyk of .xxviij. li. iij s.iiij d. in marchaundyse in party of payment of the saide l. li. and afterward &t;e same lord of muntassiland for as moche as the said william war(wike) as wel by priue seals oute of thys lond as by supplicacions made ther in the name of hys said seruant suwyd to the saide Duk for the deliuerance of hys sayde seruant and of hys said godys and (marchaundises) lete take &t;e sayd seruant and cast hym oute ouer hys castell wall to the see and drowened hym and kepyth styll al the forsaid canvas Tressecloth and marchandises to hys owne use ayen &t;e forme (of the) Trewys saue condutis and save gardys by for seid to the harmys of the sayd william warwyk of CCCC. li. in anientesing of the pover degree of the sayd bysecher (but due remedie be hastylych) ordeyned and purueyd for hym in thys partie Plese hyt to yowre wyse discrecions to considere al thys for seyd maters and there apon to pray the kyng oure souerayne lord to ordeyne by autoritee (of thys) present parlement &t;at hyt be lawfull to the sayd besecher to sese and take such godys and marchandyses of the sayd lord of mountassilant and of hys tenantys and seruant&y; to (&t;e walwe of CCC. li. as) he shal mowe fynde here after in eny partys of the lond geresey or garnesey in ful re(com)pense of hys lose and harme by foresayd with oute inpechement of oure said souerayn (lord and of his heires) in tyme comyng for the loue of god and in the way of Charitee [Printed RP IV.475.23] [superior insert] [rubbed] ["com" superior insert] ChancEng197 1433-50C1/2/18:21Petition of John Bredhill, retainer of John Bate, Clerk of Chancery To the worshipfull ffador in god Iohn Bisshop of Bathe Chauncellere of Engelond Compleyneth your pore orator Iohn Bredhill parson of the chirche of kyngesswynford oon of the seruantes of Iohn Bate Clerk of the Chauncery of our souereyn lord the kyng that Iohn Sutton knyght Iohn Sheldon Iohn Clerk Thomas yonge & Thomas Bradley the tewseday in whitson wike the yere of the regne of our souereyn lord the kyng xvj wronfully entred in to the parsonage of your seid suppliant at kyngessynford in the Counte of Stafford and ther breke vp iiij Cofors & bere away alle his godes. that is to sey j Bibull (historia scholastica) the maistor of stories / j legend aurea. j pupille. the euangelistes glosed ij gloses vppon Iob. Alquyn vppon sentence. Alquyn de veritatib&y;. viij Bokes of Philo sophie. j Bok de regimine principorum nobilum . iij Bokes of Bonauenture iiij. Bokes of sermons. the maistor of sentence Augustyn de caritate. a doctor vppon luke. j myssal ij portuose. xl volumes of Gramare logik Rethorik & othor science with stuffe of Parchyment & papire whiche godes were worth: l. li. Also they toke away x li in money. xiij. spon(es of) siluer. j maser. iij paire bedes of corall. j paire bedes of aumbor. j paire bedes of gete vj broches vj rynges. ij Beddes of bokerham hangyng. j silor with a testor. ij Couerlettes of Tapsery j Couerlette of wostede xvj couerlettes vj blankettes iij matrace iij Bolsters xviij shetes viij Bordclothes xx sanappes. iij gownes furred ij hodes v hures.j Dowbelette iij Chistes iiij Cofors. v bassyns. iij lavors ij paire trostell. iij tabull iiij Chaiers j bras potte of xvj galons vj pannes vij pottes iij brandardes. iij yron broches iij frying pannes ij gredyrons iiij kichon knyves vj Chandellers. v salors iiijxx peces of peautor vessell vij quarters of Boef v Bakons vj turnell viij Barell for ale. j bras morter with a pestell of yron. A Chymney of yron ij wyn botell ij pottes of lethor. j. dorser iij Bankers x quysshons. j herneysed girdill. xx lb wex. v yerdes of Blanket viij ellon of lynnon cloth x lb of lynnon yorn. ij paire wightes for gold. j. dial a bowe. xxiiij arowes j haboryon & j sweyrd whiche godes were worth: xlviij. li. Also they toke a way. x bushel&y; of rie iij quarts of malt. j mowe of rie j wayn j payre wheles. j dongewayn CC thraves of stre iiij shoveles iiij spades j plough iiij yockes. v kyn ij Calves iij Bores j Mere ij Coltes xvj hogges x pigges x Capons x hennes & vj mavlers whiche godes were worth xvj li. x. s. Also they toke vp the profites of the chirche that is to sey xxx teithe lambes xij ston of teithe wolle. the teithe hay the offerynges the profites of the glebe the gardyn the chirche yerd and also they hewen doun & brende his wodes & destroied his houses hegges & diches in harmes & valoue of : xj. li.And also they putte away his seruantes that is to sey sir Iohn Mere prest Richard Bredhill Thomas Morley & Iohn webbe by whiche your seid suppliant myssed the seruice of his seid seruantes by the space of xij wekes to the harmes of vnto the vtterest vndoyng of your seid suppliant Wherfore the seid suppliant bi secheth your gracious ffadorhode of remedie aftor reson & conscience at the high reuerence of the holy Trinite. [Printed PC I.xvii] [superior insert] [torn] ChancEng198 1434E28/54/43Petition of the Mayor and Citizens of Limerick To the kyng our souerayne lord and to his Ri&y;te wise counseill Besichith mekely the Mair and the com inalte of your Cite of Lymerik / in the parties of Irland That wher Harrie late kyng of Ingland fader of our soueraigne lord kyng that nowe is by his lettres patente&y; grauntyd to the Mair and cominalte of the saide Cite thair heires and successours among other thynges foreuer more that they scholde haue alle manere proffites of alle manere plees with in the saide Cite fines Amerc iamentes forfaitures and other diuerce proffites and commoditees to take by thair owne officers to thair owne vse / as in the same lettres patente&y; playnely apperith in resistens of thair enemyes your rebellious in the saide lande And that Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell sufficeant Cite&y;eins of the same Cite my&y;te take and resseyuen alle the fines Amerciamentes and alle other pro ffites and commoditees after the fourme and affecte of the same lettres patente&y; / And the same proffites and commoditees to dispende and besette in repara cions of the wallis and other diffences of the same Cite / the whiche stonden now in grete dispair and drede by cause that diewe reparacion is not made And over that the saide Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell my&y;te ben accomp table yerelye vnto the Mair and Bailiffes of the saide Cite for the tyme beyng of alle the proffites and commoditees so by ham at eny tyme taken and resseuyd in the manere and fourme as in the saide lettres patente&y; it is conteigned like it vn to your gracious lordeschipp by Auys of your counseill to considery the meschieff that the saide Cite stondith in and like is for to stonde by cause aforsaid / by your lettres patente&y; vnder your grete seal to ordeyne and assigne the saide Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell to take and resseyue alle the saide proffites and commoditees and ham to dispende and bysette on the comune proffites of the saide Cite And yerelye therof for to accompte in manere and fourme afore ywrete in saluacion of alle the kynges lieges conuersaunt and diwellyng with in the saide Cite / for the loue of god and in waye of charitee. (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre H Cantuar .I. Ebor .I. Bathon Canc Richard I huntington Suffolk ChancEng199 1435SC8/27/1307Petition of Thomas Norton of Bristol To the wyse and discrete Comunes of this present parliament Beseketh yowe mekely Thomas Norton of Bristowe that there he hath a bille hongyng before the lordes of the kynges Counsaill ayenst Thomas Stamford of the same tovne which comprehendyth twayn maters: On is of the brekyng and the rasyng of the seales of a dede ymade by by Cristian Nele vndir her seal and the Maires seal of Bristowe to on william Combe In fee simple of certeyne londes and tenement&y; in the (burgh) tovne of Bristowe before sayd: And bonde her and her heres to the warante: The which william enfeffed Ths Spelly of Poroell of thes londes and tenement&y; in fee: the which Ths deuysed this londe to Thomas Norton in his testament aftir the olde custom in the tovne be fore sayd in fee for euer more And the othir mater is (that)&t;he sayd Thomas Stamford feyned a fals action of dette in the name of Iohn Mavyoll in a foreyn Counte that is to say in the shire of Surrey proces contynewed in to the tyme that the said suppliant was outlawed. where ther neuer was no contracte be twene the said Iohn Mavyoll and the said suppliant in the said shire nor in no nother shire: the which bille was endosed to the lordes of the counsaill of kynge herry the fyfte that dede is on whos soule god have mercy vnder the fourme that folwyth: that the lordes of the said counsaill for the tyme beyng shuld haue power be auctorite of parlement to here and determyn all materes contenyd whith in the same petycion by suche wey and processe as it semyth best to her discrecions: by force of whiche autorite the said lordes sende out a wrytte lyke as the bille required to Robert Russell late Maire of Bristowe and Rogir . . . and Walter Mylton late baillifs of the said tovne to certifie vnto hem whether that this said Thomas Stamford knovlegged the rasyng and the brekyng of the seales of the said dede or no. lyke as hit was surmy(se)d in . . .&t;he which late Maire and baillifs haue certified vnto the lordes of the said counsell vndir her seales and the Maires seal of office of the said tovne fro worde to worde lyke as it is in a cedule annexed her to: the which is afore th(e lordes in the counsell oforeseyd: Also for asmych that the l)ordes of the counsaill wold be assertid of the verrey trevthe of this matere they commaundyd to come afore hem Sir Iohn Iuyn Chief Baron of the Escheker at that tyme beyng (re)corder of Bristowe and Robert longe at that time beyng of Counsaill of the said Thomas Stamford the which forsoke hym for his vntreuth and made hem to swere vpon a boke to enforme hem trewely what they knewe of the brekyng of the said dede and rasyng of the seales of the same: the which sir Iohn Iuyn and Robert longe hath affermed the same certificate lyke as the Maire and baillifs certified: the which examinacion is of record afore the lordes of the counsaill So hangyng this mater vn . . . by the decesse of the said kynge herry the fyfte the said bille exspired: And aftir ward the said bille and the Actes ther vpon made were autorysed and affermed in the parlement of oure liege lorde that nowe is yholde the monday next be fore the feste of seynt Martyn the yere of his reigne the ferste wyth the same power and more yeue to the lordes of the kynges counsaill that nowe is wyth all autorites certificacions examinacions wyth all the munyeles and circumstances of the same the which is afore the said lordes of record: Which power was committed by the lordes a bove said to sir william Babyngton chief Iustice of the comyn place and Iohn Cotayne another Iustice of the same place to here and determyn these materes a bove said: the which Iugges dyd come afore them the sayd Thomas Stamford and made hym to wryte his answer to the said materes and the sayd Thomas Norton replid in writyng And dyuerses days yafe to the (said) Thomas Stamford to remue: So that he had a day peremtorely atte last to remue and to come in and to abyde the revle of the said Iustices: At the which day he was called solemp(ly) and appered not and so made defaut as hit apperith a fore the lordes of record be relacion of the same Iugges: And so for lakkyng of power they myght not procede to the ende and determinacion of the materes above said That hit please vnto yowe to pray oure soueraigne lord the kynge and all the lordes espirituell and temporelx of this present parlement seth that this matere is thus y certified and examynyd to ordeigne (by auctoryte of parlement)&t;hat this said dede may be also stronge and effectuell in lawe as hit was any tyme afore the brekyng ther of (sauyng euery person here answer there to suche as they scholde haue hadde a fore that the seide dede was broke whenne he was yn streyngth thys peticion not wythstondyng) And &t;at the said suppliant may haue his costes and damages aftir the discrecion of the sayd Iugges (or els westship & Iuyn) And as touchyng to the vntrewe sute that was taken in a foren shire by the said Thomas Stamford that the said Iugges (or els westship & Iuyne) mowe haue pleyn power by autorite of this present parlement to send for the said Thomas Stamford and duely examine hym and other aftir her discrecions and if hit may be founde by her discrecions that he sewed the sute a bove said and toke out the writtes that thenne the said Thomas Stamford may haue punysshement accordyng to the statut y made the ferthe yere of kynge herry the ferthe a yenst attourneys that suyth fals sutes in foren shires and that the sayd Iugges (or else westship & Iuyne) may gif iuggement ayenst hym and to award to the said supplia(nt damages) aftir their discrecions and accordyng to the losse that the suppliant hath take by the said outlawery And ouer that yf the said Thomas Stamford duely warnyd make defaute afore theym that the said Iugges (or els westship or Iuyne) by autorite of this present parlement mowe haue power to procede to iuggement vpon his defaut and mor ouer yef eny of the said Iugges be absent that he that ys present may haue power by auctorite of this parlement to procede vpon these matteres and after the entent (and desyre) a boue said in the worship of god and in weye of charyte(Dorse, in another hand) As tochynge &t;e brekyng and rasyng of &t;e seales of a dede ymade by Cristian Nele vnder here sele and &t;e maires seal of Bristowe to on william Combe in fee simple of certein landes & tenement&y; in &t;e subarbes of Bristowe with a clause of warante as &t;e peticion maketh mencion Atte &t;e especiale request of &t;e Comunes and for diuerse causes conteined in &t;e same peticion hit is ordeined by auctorite of &t;e seide parlement &t;at &t;e seyde dede be . . . and effectuel in lawe as it was eny tyme afore &t;e brekyng &t;er of of Sauyng to euery person her next . . . ner to such as &t;er shuld haue hadde afore &t;at &t;e seide dede was broken wherinne it was in . . . and as tochyng &t;e remenant of &t;e seide peticion the plaintif may haue his accion atte &t;e comune lawe [Printed RP IV.509.] [superior insert] [cancelled] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng200 1436E28/58/56Petition of William Norton of Wales To &t;e kyng our souuerein lord Besecheth lowely your poure seruaunt William Norton Squier. &t;at &t;ere as ye of your speciale grace haue graunted to your seide besecher &t;e office of a mobre in &t;e shires of Kermerdyn and Cardigan as in your lettres patentes &t;e revpon maade more plainely it apperethe: The whiche office dauyd ap Morgan (vychan) occupieth and &t;e prouffit&y; terof takethe ayenst &t;effecte of your seid graunte: Plese it to your gracious lordship to considre &t;e premisses and &t;er uppon to graunte a priue seal direct to &t;e seid dauyd to appier befor your discrete counsail at Westmynstre at a day and vpon a peyne by your hieghnesse to be limited. for goddys loue and in wey of charitee: (Another hand) le xxiij Iour doctober. lan xv. lettre ont feust faite au dit Dauid destre deugnt le consail. la ou il serra &c en lendemain de la Purificacion de nostre dame sur la peine de xl. li [superior insert] ChancEng201 1437SC8/27/1305Petition concerning rape of Isabell, wife of John Boteler of Lancashire To the right sage and full wise Comunes of this present parlement Besecheth mekely your right sage and wyse discrecions Isabell that was the wife of Iohn Boteler of Beausey in the Shire of Lancaster Knyght to consider that where one william Pulle late of wyrall in the Shire of Chestre Gentilman the moneday next afore the fest of Seynt Iame the Appostell last passed the seid Isabell beyng atte Beausey aforeseid with force and armes in riotouse manere with grete numbre of other mysdoers the house of the seid Besecher atte Beausey aforeseid breke ageynst the peas of our soueraigne lorde the kyng And there the seid Besecher felonousely and moste horribely rauysshed and her naked except hir kirtyll and hir smokke ledde with hym into the wilde and desolate places of wales of the whiche rape he tofore the kynges Iustices atte lancastre is endited And in wales aforeseid and in other secrete places her kept till nowe late that itt like d the kyng oure soueraigne lorde of his special grace atte the besechyng of diuers of the ffrendes of the seid Besecher shewyng to hym the seid grete and horrible felonye and offences to giff in commaundement aswell by his commission vndir his grete seal as by his lettres of his priuey seal. aswell to diuers lordes as to other to take and bryng the seid william Pulle and other of the seid mysdoers into the presence of oure seid soueraigne lorde. And also to take the seid Besecher and her to putte into safe warde into the tyme that itt liked the kyng in other wise for her to ordeigne wheruppon the seid william Pulle perceyuyng the seid commaundement hym withdrewe and absented into desert and other secrete places in wales and other Countrees where the kynges writt renneth noght: so that he in no wise by the seid Commis sioners as yitt may be take notwithstondyng that the seid Commissioners haue done thair diligence hym to haue take in alle that thay in any wise godely myght doo. And so itt is that Thomas Stanley knyght one of the seide Commissioners nowe late atte Birkhede in the seid Shire of Chestre the seid Besecher fonde and her brought to Chestre and putte in warde. Please itt to your seid wise discrecions consideryng these premisses to pray the kyng our soueraigne lorde to ordeigne by auctorite of this present parlement a writt of proclamacion oute of his Chauncellarie of lancastre direct to the Shirref of the same Shire to do proclayme in the tovne of lancastre atte euery marketday within two wekes next folowyng aftir the date of the seid writt that the seid william Pulle Rauysshour appier afore the Iustices of our seid soueraigne lorde of his Countee palentine the next Session there to be holden next aftir the seid proclamacion made to answer of the seid felonyes wherof he afore the seid Iustices is endited by what so euer name the seid william be called or endited the seid writt to be retourned atte the seid Session before the seid Iustices And if he appier not atte the seid Session: that than he stand atteint of high Tresoun by the same auctorite. consideryng that the seid rauysshyng is done in more horrible wise and with more heynouse violence than any hath be sene or knawen before this tyme And that the seid william Rauysshour is and of long tyme hath be outelawed of felonye for mannes dethe by him foule murdred and slayn not chargyng the execucion therof And that for the love of god and in werk of charitee. [Printed RP IV.497.14] ChancEng202 1437SC8/27/1308Petition concerning the estate of Thomas Norton of Bristol To the right wise and discreet Comons of this present parlement Besechen mekely Thomas Norton Water Norton of Bristowe Gentilmen Sonnes and executors of the testament of Thomas Norton late of Bristowe Gentilman Thomas Halewey Nicholas Deuenyssh and Iohn Papenham and Iohn Shepward of Bristowe Marchant&y; that it please you to considre how that oon Thomas Stamford before our souerain lord the kyng at westminstre for certein trespasses falshedes and disceites doon vnto the same Thomas Norton the fader atte the suyte of the same Thomas by bylle was found gylty by verdite of xij notable men of the seid Toun of Bristowe to the harmes of the seid Thomas Norton of iiijc marc wherupon it was awarded that the same Thomas Norton shuld recouere the seid somme of iiijc marc ayens the seid Thomas Stamford. And that the seid (Thomas) Stamford shulde be take to satisfie our seid souerain lord of his redempcion by cause of the seid trespaces falshedes and deceites of whiche he was conuicted. And after that the seid Thomas Stamford beyng atte barre at westminstre by fore our lord the kyng at the peticion of the same Thomas Norton was comytted to the Marchall in prison to abide vnto tyme that he hadde aswell satisfied the same Thomas Norton of his seid damages as our souerain lord of his seid redempcion. After whiche the same Thomas Stamford pretendyng a fals othe to be made by the seid xij men in the seid suyte sued atteynt therupon in due fourme of lawe. in whiche it was founden be xxiiij notable men of the seid Toun that the seid xij men in the premisses hadde made good and true othe Wherupon the seid Thomas Stamford was by Iuggement barrid of his seid atteynt and awarded ouere by the Court. that he shulde abide in prison vnto the tyme he hadde made an other greet fyn with our lord the kyng for the same. After whiche tyme Thomas Stamford so beyng in prison encresyng his greet vntrouthe and malice by favour supportacion and help of his keper there and by comfort of other vntrue persones by sotill and malicious menes purposing to hurt vexe and vndoo your seid suppliant&y; and to make hem waste and lese her godds and her bodyes to her greet hyndryng ymagined (contrevyd) & feyned diuers vntrue accions of trespases and fals enprisonement&y; in foreyn shires. that is to wite in london tweyn ayens the seid Thomas Norton water Norton Thomas halewey & Iohn Papenham iiij of the seid bisechers by the names of Thomas Norton and water Norton of Bristowe Gentilmen and Thomas Halewey and Iohn Papenham of Bristowe marchaunt&y;. And in Southrey oon ayens the same Thomas Norton water Norton and Iohn Papenham by the same names and Nicholas Deuenyssh and Iohn Shipward (of Bristowe marchaunt&y; supposyng) that thei shulde haue beten and enprisoned hym. where in trouthe thei were neuere gilty &t;erof ne som of hem com not in suche places ther the trespaces ys supposid to be doon by x yere before the trespaces supposid and somm of hem neuere. and in this fourme before seid the seid suppliant&y; (ben grevousely vexed and labored dailly) and so ben likly by longe tyme to endure. by cause that if &t;e seid Thomas Stamford perceyue that eny enquest woll not passe with his entent he woll be nonsuyd and &t;erupon he will begynn a newe feyned sute ayen. so supposyng to labore the seid suppliant&y; infenytly by vntrue sutes withoute your good help and socour. And now late our seid souerain lord enformed of the greet mysgouernaunce of the seid Thomas Stamford hadde ayen hym and his liege peple for dyuers causes that meved him and his rightwys Counseill the seid Thomas Stamford from the prison callid the kynges benche was remeved vnto his prison in london y callid the fflete be his (lettres vnder his prive seale)&t;he whiche Thomas Stamford sueth now to our seid souerain lord to be remeued and remyttid ayen to the seid prison of kynges benche to that entent that he myght be there at large as he was before and there to enbrace the Iurours ayenst the seid suppliant&y; and also to be an enfourmour a techer and a Counceillour as well be his writyng as otherwise to alle the prisoners and mysdoers beyng in the seid prison of the kynges benche As he was before to the gret hurt and derogacion of oure souerain lord and of his liege peple as it is openly knowen. Please it to your wise discrecions to consider these premisses. and that diuers of the seid suppliant&y; for greet age ben impotent to laboure. And therupon to praye our souerain lord the king by the assent of his (lordes espirituelx) and temporell in this present parlement assembled and by aucorite of the same parlement to ordeyne and establie that the seid Thomas Stamford may abide and remayne still in the seid prison of fflete and in the kepyng and warde of the wardeine of the same prison for the tyme beyng withoute eny remevement to be hadde of hym into the seid prison called the kynges benche or into eny o&t;er prison out of the kepyng. and warde of the seid wardeyn of fflete for the tyme beyng till the seid fynes and alle other thynges of the whiche the seid (Thomas Stamford standeth charged ayens oure souerain) lord be satisfied and (determyned). And the seid executors fully agreed and satisfied of the seid iiijc marc as lawe woll and requireth. and that for the loue of god and in wey of charitee #$(31 more lines in RP) [Printed RP IV.509.38] [rubbed, stained] [creased]#$ ChancEng203 1438E28/62/36Petition of the Weavers of Oxford (Initialed) R h To the Kyng ooure soueragne Lord Besechit mekely youre poure liege men of the crafte of weuers and of ffulleres of youre Towne of Oxenford that whan Kyng Edward the furste yooure noble progenitour by his lettres patentes grauntyd vnto yooure said poure men of the craft of weuers of the said Towne that they shold haue here Gylde and alle there libertees and frauncheses that they hadde in the tyme of kyng Harry Aiel of kyng Iohn and in the tyme of the noble kyng ffader of the said kyng Edward so that euere yere they shold paye to the said kyng Iohn on marke of golde and that no man shold werk the said craft of weuers withynne fyfe myle a boute the said towne but onely with ynne the saide Towne and by men of the said craft of weuers of the saide Towne And aftirward the said kyng Edward hauyng consideracion that where the numbre of the said craft of weuers in the said Towne were wonede to be of lx persones and more in the tyme (of &t;e Aiel) of the said kyng Iohn. and how they were but xv persones in his tyme and than they were so poure and nedy that they myght noght paie to the same kyng Edward the said mark of gold the wheche amountyth to vj li of sterlinges of his special grace by his lettres patentes pardoned to the said weuers of the said towne the said rent of a mark of gold yerely and the Arrerages of the same And furthermore grauntyde by hys lettres patentes that the said weuers fro that tyme furth shuld paye yerly by the haundes of the meire and Bailees of the said Towne the wheche for the tyme shold be xlij s half atte mighelmasse and half atte the feste of Estur in the same manere as they were wonede and accustomed to paie the said mark of gold as in the lettres patentes of confirmacione of kyng Richard the secunde after the conquest made vpon that is conteyned more pleynely And now hit is so souerayne lord that ther ben in the said Town atte this tyme but ij persones of the said craft of weuers and they ben so poure and nedi that they han noght for to paye the said xlij s. yerly by cause that othure that ben of the same craft dwelling wyth out the said Towne comyth dayly wythynne the said towne and (.v.) mile abowte and there they purchace and taken the matere apperteynyng to the same craffte and cariene hit a way out of the said towne and werkythe hit in to grete hindryng of the payement of the said .xlij s. yerely and also into grete damage and destruccione of the said persones of the said Craft of weuers in the said Towne but they be by yoou souerayne lord socoured in this partie That hit please vnto yooure noble grace and roial maieste to considere graciousely the symple numbre of folke of the said Craft of weuers that ben present dwellyng in the said Towne and that they ben so poure of here goodes that they may noght paye to yow the said yerly rent of .xlij s. And vpon that to graunte to the said folk of the Crafte of weuers and ffulleres of the saide towne to them and to theire successours for euer more to haue a Gilde entier to gedere in the said Towne wyth alle theire libertees and fraunchises to entierely and frely as the said folk of the craft of weuers and here predecessours of the said Towne euer han hadde in the tyme of yooure noble progenitours a forsaide. and that the said folke of the craft of weuers and fulleres of the said Towne that now ben and theire successores the wheche for the tyme shall be. shal paie the said xlij s. yerly by the handes of the said Mair and Bayllees of the said Towne at the festes aforesaid wythought beryng or supportyng (for &t;abouesaid cause) ony othur charge And that the said folke of the craft of weuers and fullers and their successoures among othur fraunchises and libertees fro this tyme furth haue suche libertees and fraunchises that they yerly in the fest of the holy crosse in Septembre mow assemble their .ij. craftes in on place at theyre pleasire in the said Towne and there chese ij persones of the moste wyse and discrete men of the said craftes that on of that on craft and that othur of that othur craft the wheche ij maistres shall haue the gouernanance of the said craftes wythinne the said Towne by the yere and that no per soone worke ne ocupie by hem self ne be othur. the said craftes ne ony of the said craftes ne take any maner (mat)ier apper teignyng vnto the said craftes othur to ony of hem withynne the said Towne and .v. mile a boute but only the folke of the said craftes (and of the said towne) vpon the payne of forfeture to yow souerayne lord such matere be them so taken And that the said .ij. maistres of the said craftes shull make theyre serches fro tyme in to tyme for the said forfeture when hit shall lyke hem for suche matere so taken withynne the said Towne and .v. mile aboute or to be caried out of the said Towne and .v. mi(le) aboute as hit is forsaid. that yo souerayn lord haue that on halfe and the said craftes that othur half of such maner of forfeture And also that the said maistres. of the said craftes the whyche for the tyme shall be. haue sufficiente auctorite and pouere to make and ordeyne among the said Craftes alle goode constitucions and ordinances for the gode conser uacion of the said Craftes as oftyn tymes as hem lyke wyth (oute) ony pechement of yoow souerayn lord othur of yooure heires or Officers what euyr they ben payyng yerly to yoow souerayne lord and to yooure heirs .xlij s. by the handes of the Maire and Baillees of the said Towne for the tyme beyng. att the termes of Estur and Mighelmasse be euen porciones. ony statutes or ordinaunces ymad in the contrare noght wythstondyng [superior insert] [over erasure] [torn and rubbed] [cancelled] ChancEng204 1438E28/62/35Privy Seal: Warrant transmitting Petition of the Weavers of Oxford HENRY by &t;e grace of (god) Kyng of Englande and of ffraunce and Lorde of Irlande: To &t;e worshipfull fadre in god &t;e Bisshop of Bath oure Chaunceller gretyng: Nowe late hathe shewed vnto vs &t;e weuers and fullers of oure toune of Oxonford &t;at when kyng Edward &t;e furst oure progenitour by his lettres patentes graunted vnto &t;e weuers and fullers of oure saide Toune &t;at &t;ey sholde haue here Gilde and all &t;eire libertees and franchesies &t; at &t;ey had in &t;e tyme of kyng henry Aieul of kyng Iohan and in &t;e tyme of &t;e noble kyng fadre of &t;e saide kyng Edward so &t;at euery yere &t;ey shoulde paye to &t; e saide kyng Iohan a marc of golde and &t;at no man shoulde werke &t;e saide crafte of weuers. withynne fyue myle aboute &t; e saide toune but oonly withynne &t;e saide toune & by men of &t;e saide crafte of weuers of &t;e saide toune / And aftirward &t;e saide kyng Edward hauyng consideracion &t;at where &t;e nombre of &t;e saide craft of weuers in &t;e saide toune were wont to be of .lx. persones and more in &t; e tyme of &t;e Aieul of &t;e saide kyng Iohan and howe &t; ey were but .xv. persones in his tyme and &t;an &t;ey were so poeuere and nedy &t;at &t;ey myght noght paye to &t;e same kyng Edward &t;e saide marc of golde. &t;e which amo unteth to vj. li. of sterlinges: of his speciale grace by his lettres patentes pardoned to &t;e saide weuers of oure saide toune. &t;e saide Rent of a marc of golde yerely and &t;arrerages of &t;e same: and forthermore graunted by his lettres patentes: &t;at &t;e saide weuers fro &t;at tyme forthe shoulde paie yerely by &t;e handes of &t;e Maire and Bailliefs of &t;e saide toune &t;at for &t;e tyme shoulde be .xlijs. halfe at michelmesse and half at &t;e feste of Pasque in &t;e same maniere as &t;ey were wont and accus tumed to paie &t;e saide marc of golde: as in &t;e lettres patentes of &t;e confirmacion of kyng Richard &t;e seconde after &t;e conquest made vpon &t;at / is conteyned more plainely / And nowe it is so. &t;at &t;er been in &t;e saide toune at &t;is tyme but .ije. persones of &t;e saide crafte of weuers and &t;ey be soo poeuere and nedy as it is saide &t;at &t;ey haue no&y;t for to paye &t;e saide .xlijs. yerely by cause &t;at o&t;er &t;at been of &t;e same crafte duellyng withoute &t;e saide toune cometh dayly within &t;e saide Toune and .v. myle aboute and &t;er &t;ey purchace and take &t;e mater appertiegnyng to &t;e same crafte and carie it awaye oute of &t;e saide toune and wirkith it into grete hinderyng of &t;e paiement of &t;e saide .xlijs. yerely and also into grete damage and destruc cion of &t;e saide persones of &t;e (saide) crafte of weuers in &t;e saide toune. but yf &t;ey by vs be socored in &t;is partie. We &t;ees premisses consideryng and also &t;e symple nombre of folke of &t;e saide craft of weuers &t;at been present duellyng in &t;e saide toune and &t;at &t;ey bee soo poeuere of her goodes &t;at &t;ey may noght paye to vs &t;e saide yerely rent of xlijs. haue of oure grace especiale graunted vnto &t;e saide folke of &t;e craft of weuers and ffullers of &t;e saide toune to &t;ayme and to &t;eire successours for euer more to haue a Gilde entiere to gedre in &t;e saide toune with all &t;eire libertees and fraunchises soo entierely and frely as &t;e saide folke of &t;e crafte of weuers and her predecessours of &t;e saide toune euere haue had in &t;e tyme of oure noble progenitour aforsaide and &t;at &t;e saide folk of &t;e craft of weuers and ffullers of &t;e saide toune &t;at nowe er and &t;eire successours &t;at for &t;e tyme shall be. shall paye &t;e saide xlij s yerely by &t;e handes of &t;e saide maire and bailliefs of &t;e saide toune at &t;e festes aforsaide withoute beryng or supportyng for &t;e abouesaide cause any o&t;ere charge And &t;at &t;e saide folke of &t;e craft of weuers and ffullers and &t;ere success ours among o&t;ere franchises and libertees fro &t;is tyme furth haue suche libertees and franchises &t;at &t;ey yerely in &t;e feste of &t;e holy cros in September may assemble &t;eire two craftes in o place at &t;eire pleasure in &t; e saide toune and &t;ere chese two persones of &t;e moost wyse and discrete men of &t;e saide craftes &t;at oon of &t;at oon craft and &t;at o&t;ere of &t;at o&t;ere crafte &t;e which ije maistres shall haue &t;e gouuernance of &t;e saide craftes within oure saide towne by &t;e yere and &t;at noo persone werke ne occupie by hym selfe ne by oother &t;e saide craftes ne any of &t;e saide craftes ne take any manere matier appertiegnyng vnto &t;e saide craftes. other to any of hem withynne &t;e saide toune and fyue myle aboute. but oonly &t;e folk of &t;e saide craftes & of the saide toune vpon &t;e payne of forfai ture to vs suche matere by &t;ayme so taken. And &t;at &t;e saide two maistres of &t;e saide craftes shall make &t;eire serches fro tyme to tyme for &t;e saide forfaiture when it shall like hem for suche matere so taken within &t;e saide toune and .v. myle aboute or to be caried oute of &t;e saide toune and .v. myle aboute as it is aforsaide. And also &t;at &t;e saide Maistres of &t;e saide craftes &t;e which for &t;e tyme shall be haue souficeante autoritee and poaire to make and ordeigne amonges &t;e saide craftes all gode constitucions and ordinances for &t;e gode conseruacion of &t;e saide craftes as oft tymes as hem like withouten eny empeschement of vs other of oure heirs or officers what euere &t;ey bee paiyng yerely to vs and to oure heirs xlij s by &t;e handes of &t;e Maire and Bailliefs of &t;e saide toune for &t;e tyme beyng at &t;e termes of Pasque and michelmesse by euen porcions. We woll and charge you &t;at herevpon ye doo make oure lettres patentes vndre oure grete seal en deue forme. Yeuen vnder oure priue seal at oure Manoir of Sheene &t;e .xiij.e day of Iuyll. The yere of oure regne xvije. [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng205 1438E28/61/11Petition of John Loveyn of Normandy To &t;e most Reuerend fader and right grac ious lord Henry Cardinall of England Most loweli be sechithe vn to youre most gracious and heigh lordship. youre pooure Horatour Iohn Loueyn Natyff in Normandie / wiche Iohn is &t;e kyng is truwe liege man of England. and ha&t; been his Soldiour atte Gurnay in Normandie / bi &t;e termes of x. yere now passide / as &t;e maister of &t;e said / youre suppli aunt sir Thomas kiryell knyght & late Capitayn of &t;e said Gurnay euidenceth can report vn to youre said lordship / wiche suppliaunt now a hole &y;ere passide was bi force of &t;e Inimyes taken prisoner. and so hider too ha&t; contynued in duras of pryson yn Beuoys / in &t;e wiche &t;er be leide plegges for &t;e finance / of youre said suppliaunt .C. li now to be paide. or els his body to pryson a&y;en. wiche were soroufull atte &t;is tyme / Please hit vn to youre heighnesse. consideryng &t;e truwe & diligent seruice al so &t;e duras of prison of youre pooure suppliaunt. &t; at bi &t;e most gracious socour of youre said lordship and by &t;e ordynance & helpe of &t;e Chaunceler of England. &y;e wuld graciousli graunte to &t;e same youre suppliaunt a Saff Conducte in Duwe fourme / he wi&t; xxti. persones to come from Brytayne in a Shippe lade wi&t; Salt and o&t;er merchandise saffeli yn to England / and so to haue sa ff passage a&y;en in to Britayne as hit hath been vsed bi o&t;er merchantes in like maner bi fore &t;is . The name of &t;e said Shippe called is .Seynt ffyacre. of &t;e wiche &t;e maister is. maister Nicholas Issaunt of Garand. for &t;e loue of god and yn weye of Charitee: (Notation by Moleyns that petition was granted.) ChancEng206 1439C49/23/14Royal Proclamation appointing Tax Collectors The Kyng will that no man dwellyng within any Citee or Burgh of this roialme of the which Citee or Burgh it hath ben vsed her afore and yit is (the names of certein men) by the (persones for)&t;he saide Citee or Burgh commyng to the parlement to be deliuered into the kynges Chauncerie (to be Collectours of the Xme in the same Cite or Burgh) And whervppon the kyng hath sent his lettres patentes to the same persones so named and deliuered into (his saide) Chauncerie to be Collectours of the (xme or) (parcell therof) within the saide Citee or Burgh And the which Collectours hath accounted and er boundyn to accompte of thaire receit in this partie immediatly in the kynges Escheker be (in any) wyse depute nor assigned to be Collectour of any xvme (or any parcell therof to the kinge or his heires) (graun ted or)&t;o be graunted within any Shire of this roialme o les than he mowe spende in the: shire oute of the saide Citee or Burgh in londes or tenenementes to the value of C.s by yere ouer the charges and reprises [Printed RP V.25.39] [correction over erasure in another hand] [superior insert in second hand] ChancEng207 1439SC8/27/1327Petition from Commons to be excused from kissing the king because of the Plague (right end damaged; material in parenthesis supplied from RP) To The Kyng oure Soueraigne Lord Shewen mekely youre trewe liege people here (by youre Auc)torite riaill in this present parlement for the Comuns of this youre noble Roialme assembled. Howe that a Sekenesse (called the pestilence vniuerselly through this youre Roialme more comunely reyneth than hath bien usuell bifore this tyme the) whiche is an infirmite most infectif. and the presence of suche soonfect most to be eschewed as by noble ffisisseanes and wise Philosofors bifore this tyme pleynly it hath (bene determyned And as experience dayly sheweth. Wherfore we youre pore true liege people above all erthly thyng) tenderyng and desiryng the helth and welfare of youre most noble persone. the whiche is to oure most grettest erthly comfort. byseche youre most noble grace in conseruyng of youre (most noble persone And in comfort of vs all and of alle tho that we ben comen hider fore in) esch ewyng of eny suche infeccion to you to fall whiche god defende graciousely to conceyve howe where that eny of youre said Comunes holdyng of you by knyghtes service (oweth in doyng to you homage by youre graciouse sufferance to kysse you to ordeine and graunte) by the auctorite of this present parlement that eueriche of youre said lieges in the doyng of thair said homage may omitte the said kissyng of you (and be excused therof at youre will &t;e homage beyng of the same force as though they kissed you and have thair lettres at doyng of thair homage the kyssyng of you . . . ) not withstondyng [Printed RP V.31.58] ChancEng208 1439SC8/27/1328Petition of Commons concerning the spice trade To the right wyse and discrete Comunes of thys present parlement assembled Plese hit your wyse discrecions to considre the grete disceyte yat (is) vsed by lumbardes Itaylions and by other merchauntes aliens with other merchaunt&y; of this Roialme in sellyng of all maner of Spyceres . . .&t;o lordes knyghtes Esquiers and to all other kynges liegemen that byth stuff of Spyceryes for there houshold of sych merchaundises that beth not clene clensyd ne clene garbaled in grete hurte and hynderyng of all the kynges liege poeple And to praye the kyng oure souerain lord and all the lordes espirituelx and temporeles in this present parlement assembled and by auctoritee of the same parlement to ordeign that in euery Port of this noble Roialme where eny espiceries be to sell or profored to sale that the sayd spiceries . . . be trewly and duely garbelyd and clensyd in gode maner and trewe fourme as hit is vsed in the porte and Citee of london vppon peyne of forfaiture of the sayd spiceries (be trewly so yfound) vngarbelyd and vnclensyd And that euery liege man that kan or may fynde or preve eny such espiceries vngarbeled and vnclensyd in fourme and manere abouesayde in euery place of this Roialme have full powere by Auctoritee of the sayd parlement to seise and take the sayd spiceries . . . for a forfaiture to the kyng oure souerain lord. the kyng to haue the two par ties therof and the fynder the thryd parte for his labore and costys and that in weye of charitee [Printed RP V.32.60] [torn] [cancelled] [rubbed] ChancEng209 1441SC1/44/11Designation of Power of Attorney by Richard Wydevyll Reuerent fader in god and my right worshipfull lord humble I recomande me to your gode lordshipp. And for asmuche as hit is wele knowen to your seid lordshipp that I am disposed in hast with goddes mercy to passe the see. my frendes haue auysed me to make my Generall Attorneys by the kynges letters Patentes vnder his Seall. And by cause that my leyser asketh not now to come in propre persone to your presence to certifie yow the names of suche persones as I haue ordeyned therto. I beseche yow lowely that hit like yow to receyue lowes Iohn knyght my ffader Richard wydevyll Squyer william Tresham and william Garnet&y;. And that I may haue the said letters Patentes therof made in due for me: And This my writyng signed with my Signe manuell. and Se ald with my Seall. vnder whiche I haue endented with the kyng oure soueraigne lord. I will holde ferme and stable: Writen at the Abbey of Batayll the iiij day of Iuyll (Signed) Richard Wydevyll ChancEng210 1442C49/25/7Petition concerning the administration of royal holdings (damaged; unless otherwise noted, material in parentheses is supplied from RP) To the kyng oure souerain lord Besechethe youre Comunies of this youre present parlement assembled that it plese youre highnesse to considre how that the Right Excellent most famouse and victoriouse Prince Harry sumtyme kyng of Englond youre right noble fadir whome god assoyle by his letteres patent&y; enfeffid Harry Bisshop of wynchestre now Cardinal of Englond Harry Archebisshop of Caunturbury waulter lord hungerford and other for the grete truste that he hadde in hem of dyuers Castelle&y; manere&y; Towne&y; lordschippe&y; honure&y; londe&y; tenemente&y; rentes reuersions seruice&y; Iurisdictions libertees fraunchise&y; fees avousons and other possessions as well in Englond as in Wale&y; as of his enheritaunce (parcell) of his Duchie of lancastre of the yerely value of vi Ml li and more by estimacion to haue to theym and to theire heire&y; to the entent and effecte to execute and perfo urme his wille vpon the seide feffement to hem by hym made and declarid in writyng the value of wiche Castelle&y; maner&y; Towne&y; lordschippe&y; honure&y; londe&y; rentes tenemente&y; reuersions Iurisdictions liberte&y; fraunchise&y; avousons and possessions aftur the seide extente fro the dethe of youre seid noble fadir in to the fest of Seinte Michell last passed by the seide feffee&y; resceiued and to be resceiued amounteth to the somme of Cxiiij Ml li and more be estimacion And how it is to suppose and conceyue that &t;e seide wille of youre seide noble fadir by the seide feffee&y; of so grete and notable sommes by hem resceiued of the issue&y; profite&y; and revenu&y; comyng of the seid Castelle&y; manere&y; Towne&y; lordschippe&y; honoure&y; londes tenementis rentes reuersions seruices Iurisdictiones libertee&y; fraunchyse&y; fee&y; and possessions by so long tyme beyng in theire honde&y; might afore this tyme dieuly haue ben fully executed and perfourmed aboue all other chargie&y; that are knowyn wiche wille perfourmed it is to vndirstond by all reson good feith and consciens that alle the seid Castelle&y; lordschippe&y; Manours londe&y; tenement&y; and all the other seid possessions as the olde right and enheritaunce of youre seide noble fadir belongeth vn to yow souerain lord as heire to hym Consideryng that the seid feffees haue no title ner interesse therynne but only vpon trust and to his vse to execute his wille as it is a fore rehersid And that the seid feffee&y; be but fewe in noumbre whereby of liklyhode the possession ther of by casuel(t)e of dethe myght reste in oon of theyme And so descende vn to his heire&y; that ouer lyved in wiche case and it fortune vpon a temporall man thenne his wyfe were therof endowable And by suche menys your right and interesse therof by your lawe the further fro yowe thenne thei now be to youre grete hurte and to youre likly disheritaunce therof Considered also that in youre counceill the xv day of Iuyn the xijthe yere of your Reigne beyng thenne there my lord of Bedford youre vncle whome god assoile the seid feffee&y; desired that by yow certeyne lorde&y; of youre councell myht be depute to see the bokes of receyte and of the ministracion of th(e revenue&y; in all goodly) haste of thoo lande&y; that thei were so enfeffid ynne And that done thei agreed that ye myght haue and resceyue alle that shulde growe of the seide feffement aftur Michelmesse day thenne next comyng by the honde&y; of the officere&y; and deputee&y; of the seide feffee&y; so that proclamacion schulde be made be fore the parlement thenne next sewyng (that every man that wolde aske) dette for housholde Chaumbre warderobe kynges werkes or for money borowed brynge ynne to the seide feffee&y; the grownde&y; that thei aske it by And if it myght apper that the somme&y; of the assignement&y; or of the revenu&y; of &t;at yere wolde not suffise for paiement for the kynge&y; dette&y; afore rehersid and for perfourmyng of his Chaunterye and (of his Toumbe thenne ye to make) to the seid feffee&y; for the rest that schulde so be founde dieu assignement and agrement And if (so were that the somme) of the assignement made to the seide feffee&y; and the revenue&y; of that yere wolde amounte to a gretter somme thenne the somme of the dette&y; And makyng of the seid Chauntrye and Tombe thenne the residue ther(of to be paied up to yowe) And ouer that the seid feffee&y; this done willed and agreed to make astate to yowe souerain (lord of all the seide londes and tenement&y;) that thei stode enfeffed ynne that is to sey of that / that was fee taille in fee taill And of that / that was fee symple in fee symple how be it and ye toke astate therof of your seide feffee&y; in suche (wise or that they enfeffe yowe) therynne ye might not haue holde ner enjoye&t;he seide possessions in enherit (aunce to youre availle and suerte in suche maner) And fourme of enheritaunce and as parcell of youre seid Duchie as youre seide noble fadir hem hadde and helde at the tyme of the seid feffement and be fore vpon whoos desire&y; writte&y; of proclamacion precednt acc(ordyng to theise premisse&y; Considered) also that in the parlement at Redyng the xviijthe yere of youre reigne the seid (feffee&y; among other grauntid to yow so)uerain lord that aftur the dette that thenne was owyng vn to the seide Cardinall and to the seid Archebisshop of Caunturbury paied for the wiche assignement was made by the seid feffee&y; vpon the (seid Castelle&y; manere&y; Townes lordschippe) honure&y; londe&y; tenemente&y; rentes reuersions ser uice&y; Iurisdictions libertee&y; (fraunchise&y; fee&y; avousons and other possessions) comprised by the seide feffement by certeyne persone&y; by your commaundement to the vse of the seid Cardinall and Archebisshop Reseruyng to the seid feffee&y; ij ml li yerely vn to the tyme thei hadde (perfourmed the seid kyngis wille their feffour) that thenne all the surplusage therof schulde be delyuerid to the Tresor(er of youre house holde for the tyme beyng for) the expense&y; of the same householde of wiche surplusage so resceiued the seid Tresorer schulde accompte in your eschequer wiche dette long tyme be fore the first day of this present parleme(nt was paied to the seid Cardinall and Archebisshop) And ouer that grete and notable sommes haue ben resceyued sithyn the said (Parlement so beyng at Redyng And therupon of youre noble grace) theise premisse&y; considered and for the comfort and ease of youre peple that it plese your high nesse by auctorite of this present parlement to ordeigne and assigne certein persones suche (as may like to your highnesse to here the declaration) of the seide feffee&y; or of other persones by hem suche as thei will depu(te and name in writyng . . .) (This is about one third of the total.) [Printed RP V.56.29] [superior insert] [crease] [enjoye sic] ChancEng211 1443SC1/57/89:65Petition concerning Fernand Dalueys and his ship Seynt Auton Ryght Reuerent fadir in god and Ryght Reuerent and Ryght worshipfulle Lord. we Recommaund vs vn to your lordship please it vn to youre grace to aduertice that howe oure souerain lord by his gracious lettres patentes made vndir his grete seal of Englond the .xix. day of ffeuerer the yere of his noble Reigne the .xxe. tooke in his gracious saufe and soeure condut and in protecioune tuicioune and defence especiale fore two yere &t;en nexst suyng ffernand dalueys de Vernico in Spayne Maister and marchaunt of a Shipp called Seynt Auton in Spayne of &t;e borden of .CCC. tonne o&t;ir within and what soo euyr o&t;ir marchaunts the same ffernand othir ways occupied othir froo &t;is light withdrawe maister Gouuernour or possessour of the same shipp. too geddir witho&t;ir marchaunts what soo euer&t;ay bee and harre dowers and attourneys and .lx. persouns armed o&t;ir not armed for &t;e defence and (saufe) kepyng of the same shipp in to &t;e Reaume of Englond or o&t;ir lordshippes o&t;ir his power with the said shipp charged with wyne Irne oile wex and othir march andises what (soeuyr) &t;ay bee and with competent nombre of maryners fore the gouernaunce of the same shipp comyng there abydyng by daies and by nyghtes marchaundisyng. the said shipp dischargyng and it agayne in partie o&t;ir in alle wi&t;e o&t;ir godes and marchaundises lawefulles agayne chargyng and wi&t;e the same soo charged fro the same Reaume lordship o&t;ir power agayne goyn and agayne with &t;e same shipp or o&t;ir like godes and march aundises charged in to &t;e same Reaume o&t;ir lordshippes and power foresaid agayne commyng and froo &t;ense too harre propre parties a gayne goyng and soo as oft tymes as it shuld please vn to hame duryng the said saufe condut agayne commyng withoute eny empechement impediment trouble o&t;ir greuaunce what so euyr it be eny mark countermark o&t;ir reprisale graunted o&t;ir to be graunted notwithstondyng as by &t;e said saufe condut shewed vn to vs more playnely apperith. which ffernand by force of &t;e said saufe condut the .xij. day of Maij. the yere of &t;e Reigne of oure souuerain lord the .xxj. came in too &t;e port of dalkey in Irland wi&t;e &t;e said shipp charged with wyne and salt with xxxvj men onely on the said shipp. which wyne and salt was sold to &t;e marchaunts of the Citee of dyuelyn and delyuered vn to &t;e said marchaunts. except .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quarteres of salt which shipp with alle &t;e apparaille of the same shipp and the said .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quarteres with diuers othir godes. and herneys in the said shipp beyng. soone aftir the said .xij day of Maij. at dalkey foresaid. was take by one Iohn Colwelle of Comoch in Englond with a shipp of the which shipp. oone Thomas Cradok of Bryggewatir is owner and by william Cooke wi&t;e a spynnace wi&t;e diuers men of armes in &t;e said shipp and spynnac in manere of werre. and vppon this atte praier and grete desire of the said ffernand we send and lete shewe the said saufe condut vn to &t;e said Iohn Colwelle and william Cooke. and hame requyed on oure souuerain lord is be halfe and by autorite of the said saufe condut to delyuere the said shipp of &t;e said ffernand. with alle &t;e apparaille of the same and the said .xl tonne of wyne and .CCC. quarteres of salt with alle the o&t;ir godes and herneys foresaid and willed hame to see and rede the said saufe condut. and &t;at to doo &t;ay wold not but &t;e said shipp of the said ffernand and the said .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quarteres of salt wi&t;e &t;e said o&t;ir godes and herneys &t;ay take with hame and yitt it holden in contempt of oure said souuerain lorde and hurt of the said saufe condut and alsoo grete hurt as welle of &t;e trewe liege poeple of the said land as vn too &t;e said ffernand. and alsoo a grete hurt like to be too alle saufe conduts of oure said souuerain lord in tyme to come. and also grete ensample vn to &t;e said Iohn Colwelle and william Cooke and to alle o&t;irs to offende a gayns the saufe conduts of oure said souuerain lord in tyme to comme las &t;en this be hastiefly remedyed / fore &t;e said Iohn Colwelle and william. Cooke as Rebelles and pirates on &t;e see Romyng ha&t;e take by fore &t;is tyme diuers shippes aliens with diuers marchaundises and godes in the said shippes commyng in too &t;e said land. and alsoo beyng in diuer s portes of the said land / some of hame beyng at peas and some vndir &t;e saufe condut of oure said souuerain lord. to &t;e grete hurt of &t;e trewe liege poeple of &t;e said land. where fore we besechyn youre lordship &t;at it like vn too youe to resceyue this oure lettre send vn too youe by the said ffernand. and in as moche as ye been oure souuerain lord is Chaunceller. by fore whome &t;e said saufe condut is of recorde enroulled. &t;at it please vn too youre gracious lordshipp too move oure said souuerain lord &t;at he by providence of his most sadd and discrete Counseille too ordeine that &t;e said ffernand myght be restored vn too the saiden shipp of Seynt Anton with alle &t;e apparaille of the said shipp and too &t;e saiden .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quarteres of Salt and too alle &t;e said othire godes and herneys to geddir with alle the costes and damages whiche the said ffernand ha&t;e soeuffred and shalle soeuffre in the poursuyt thereof vn too oure said souuerain lord and to his said Counseille. and also that &t;e saiden Iohn Coolwelle and william Cooke myght be chastised of harre said rebellioune and Ryght Reuerent fadir in god and Ryght Reuerent and Ryght worshipful le Lord (the holy gost) preserue youre worshipfulle estate too his most souuerain pleasir. Written atte Citte of Dyuelyn vndir the Comune seale of the said Citee the second day of Iuyle. Yo(ure) fulle humble seruaunts Maire and Communes of the Citee of Dyuelyn. [superior insert] [rubbed] ChancEng212 1444C49/26/5Petition concerning the murder of Isabell, wife of Roger Bakeler, by John Bolton Prayen the Comunes of this present parlement that hit please the kyng oure soueraigne lord of his benygne grace to consider how that now late Iohn Bolton nowe beynge in prison And in the Marschall ward of the kynges benche the tiuesday next a fore the feste of Saynt lauerens the yere of youre reigne the xxije at Pekham in the Counte of Surrey wold haue rauesshed Isabell late the wife of Roger Bakeler and for as muche as sche wold not assent vn to him he vilanisly toke of here all the Atire of her hede And al so her clothes of her body otake her smokke. And yet sche wolde neuer assent vn to his vnlefull desir but at all tymes kepte her a goode womman. And at the last be cause he cowde noghte haue his desir of her . he ther at the same tyme felonesly sloeth and murdred her and kutte her throte twyes. and twyes stikked her thurgh her pappes and sides with a dagger wher vppon sche died. And all so at the same tyme and plase after the said murdre noght repentyng hym of his said horible dede as hit semed. a gowne. a kirtell. a hode. two kerchieffes and two keyes vppon her ther founde of the goods and catells of the said Rog(er) husbond to the said Isabell the whiche wer the weryng clothes of the said Isabell beyng vppon her person felonesly toke and bare a way of the whiche forsaide murdre and roborie the said Iohn Bolton ys endited wher of the recordes remayneth a for yowe of Recorde in your benche of the whiche Recorde the tenur ther of ys Annexed vn to this bille. And the said Iohn Bolton of his sotell ymaginacion be cause he wold not answer to the saide enditement nether to other diuerse horible felonies of the whiche he was endited he knowleched diuerse felonies and . . .&t;resons and be cam a prouowr and ther of appeled diuerse other men and vnder colour of that Appelle so hongyng he gate hym a Chartre of pardon of yow of all maner tresons and felonies ye beyng not lerned of the forsaid horible felonies and treson the whiche Chartre ys allowed of Recorde. And ther vppon to ordeigne And graunte by the Au(ctorite of) this present parlement that the saide Iohn Bolton so beyng in prison as hit ys forsaid by what name so euer he be named be putte to Answer vn to the said felonies compreh end(id in the) said enditement&y; And in especiall to the murdre of the said Isabell with out any processe to be made Ayenst hym considering that he ys in the (Marschall warde of your benche)&t;he said (Cha tre) or allowance ther of or any other chartre made or to be made to the said Iohn a contrarie noght withstonding And all so that he be came a prouowr or for any other cause as a fore (rehersed) And yf he be founden gilty in the saide murdre he to be iuged and demed as a traitour and suche execucion to be don vppon his body as schuld be don vppon a traitour (atteint of hie) treson notwithstondyng the saide (chartre And he to forfete) his goodes and Catels londes And tenementes as the lawe requireth of hym that ys atteint of ffelonie And that the (s aid chartre be) not as for the saide murdre and Roborie to hym in no wise auaillable but vtterly voide and noght in lawe. And all so that by the said Autorite A speciall commission be (made to the) Chief iustice of youre . . . benche and other iustices nowe beyng present to proc ede to the Areignement of the said Iohn in all goodly hast vppon the said murdre (and Roberie) accordinge to this said Acte notwithstandinge the Aiournement of your Courtes in exsample and drede to all other that wold offende in like wise And that the saide (Chief Justice) haue power by this saide Autorite to bringe thes saide recordes of the saide enditementes by fore hym selue and the saide Comissioners at the day that they (shalle sitte uppon the said) comission And ther vppon to procede in hast as hit ys forsaid (And yf any man desire here after to Rauisshe Any woman) and for cause that sche wolle noghte assente (vnto hym sle and) murdre her that any chartre to be made to any suche person for any suche murdre (be) voide and noght auaillable in lawe for the loue of ihesu and yn way of charite [Printed RP V.111.42] [rubbed] [cancelled] [torn, supplied from RP] [over erasure] [crease] ChancEng213 1449C49/27/14Petition of Commons that Priests be pardoned for all accusations of rape Also preyen the Communes for asmoche as in diuerse&y; partie&y; of this Realme many prestes aswell seculer as religiouse bene grevously vexud and troubled wrongwesly by diuerse&y; inditementes of felonie to their full grete hurt a yeynst feyth and conciens for synguler lucre of other persone&y; and not for youre availle / &t;at it please youre highnesse of youre influent grace by the auctorite of &t;is youre parliament to pardon and acquite all and euery prest aswell religiouse as seculer of all maner felonie&y;. of rape done by fore the first day of Iune next comynge And also to pardon and relese by the auctorite of the same parliament to all and euerich prest Seculer stipendiar anuell all yat longeth or apper teineth to youe by wey of forfature of euerich of theim. by fore the said first day of Iune by cause of takyng excessious selarie contrarie to the statutes theruppon made / And &t;at euerich of theim may haue writtes here vppon suffisant&y; for theire discharge withouten eny Chartre suynte ffor the which we youre trewe liege men to the helpe and relieff of youre necessite by the assent of the lordes spirituelles and temporelles of this youre Realme graunten to youe oure soueraigne Lorde a subsidie to be take and rerud of all maner prestes Seculers stipendiaries and Chauntre prestes within this youre Realme &t;at is to sey of euery prest vj s viij d to be payed to youe at the ffest of Seynt Martyn in wynter next comyng (Response on dorse) At the reuerence of god and for the loue and tendernesse &t;at &t;e kyng hath to &t;e Chirche and to &t;e Ministres of &t;e same he woll &t;at this bille. as to &t;e imposicion &t;at shuld be to the seculer preestes of this Roialme not beneficed. as Stipendiaries and chaunterie preestes. be committid to &t;e Archebisshoppes and Bisshoppes in &t;e Conuocacions of &t;e Clergies of this Roialme. by cause it touchith &t;e Immunite and liberte of &t;e Chirch. the which &t;e kyng intendith to kepe withoute hurt or preiudice in alle wyse. And as touchyng the pardon conteyned in this bille. in cas &t;e nobles of &t;e saide preestes be grauntid to hym in &t;e said Conuocacions. then &t;e kyng woll &t;at the saide pardon stonde in his vertu and strenght. with oute fyne or fee payng &t;erfore by auctorite of &t;is present parlement. [Printed RP V.152.25] ChancEng214 1449C49/27/17Bill seeking to regularize the collection of customs That euery Marchaunt alien or estraunger of what Countre &t;at he be. that bringith into &t;is land. Corne. Vitail. or any oder maner of marchandise: shall at the tyme of his entre. present hym self to the Custumer of the Poort. Creke or oder place that he comyth to. or to his Clerk. and make declaracioun of the Corne. Vitail. or oder maner of marchaundise that he hath brought / And furth with be sworne vpon &t;e boke. that all &t;e golde. siluer. in masse. plate. and money. that he shall resceyve. for the seide Corne. vitail. or oder marchaundise. he shall employe hit into marchaundise of &t;is lond. his resonable expenses and costes of intendaunce vpon the same exceptid And after the seide employment before his departyng out of &t;is lond. he shall resort ayene to &t;e seide Custumer. or his Clerk. and make vnto him a trwe declaracioun in generall of the seide employment so made by him. And to &t;entent &t;at the seide Marchaunt&y; repairyng into &t;is lond benot vnresonably greved by any of the seide Custumers in obseruance of &t;is ordinaunce. nor any occasion yeuyn to &t;e seide Marchaunt&y; ter by to forbere her resorte or comyng into &t;is lond. hit is also ordeined &t;at non of hem shall resceive priuely nor apert. directly or indirectly of any of the seide Marchaunt&y;. for &t;e takyng of his seide ougth ne for the enteryng &t; erof or of the declaracioun aboueseid. any maner of gode. or gode worth. but freely and withoute any wilfull taryng or delaiyng of &t;e seide Marchaunt&y; execute &t;is seide ordinaunce. And &t;at for &t;e more euident and souner knolach of the deuoir and diligence doon by hym in execucion of &t;is ordinaunce. shall at &t;e lest before &t;e ende of euery terme in &t;e yere brynge or make to be brought into the kynges Eschequer a plein and clere knolach of all &t;at shall be don by him in &t;is behalue. And &t;at for the more surete of due execucioun to be don by the seide Custumers of &t;is ordinaunce. ych of hem at the tyme of his admission to his office. shall be sworne in especial &t;at he shall trewly obserue and kepe &t;is ordinaunce so &t;at and he be founde faillyng &t;erInne. he shall not oonly renne into the crime of periurie: but be put oute of his office. and forfeite the summe of. xx. li. of the which he &t;at detectith him and conuictith hym &t;erof shall haue &t;at oon half And oure souerain lorde &t;e kyng the oder half for expensis of his houshold. This ordinaunce to endure for terme of foure yere next folowyng. (Note in the second hand) as to all the mater comprisid in this cedule not comprehendid in the bille to the whiche this cedule is annexed the Comun es be not assented [Printed RP V.156] [Last sentence in a different hand.] ChancEng215 1449SC8/27/1345APetition of John Talbot to be named Chancellor of Ireland To the Kyng our Souereigne Lorde Besecheth . . . mekely your highnesse Iohn Talbot knight Sone and heir of Iohn Erle of Shrewesbury that where it hath liked your highnesse of your most noble (grace by your lettres) patent&y; beryng date at Westminstre the ijde day of Septembre the yere of your blessed reigne xxvth to graunte to your seid besecher thoffice of your Chaunceller of your lond of Irelond To haue and to occupy by hym self or by his sufficiant depute as long as he bare hym well in the seid office. takyng in the seid office fee&y; wage&y; and rewarde&y; to the seid office due and of olde tyme accustumed. the tenur of which lettres patent&y; to this bill is annexed. By virtue of which lettres patent&y; your seid besecher was therof peasebly possessed fro the date of the seid lettres patent&y; vnto now late that he by oon Thomas ffit&y; Gerot by colour of your lettres patent&y; to hym made of the seid office long tyme sith the seid lettres patent&y; to your seid besecher made by the name comprehended in the same lettres patent&y;. To haue to hym after the deth or decesse of your seid besecher which had the (seid) office of your graunte or immediatly after eny othir manne the same office of your graunte or of eny othir whosoeuer thei were or othir wise in eny maner havyng or occupyng or as sone as &t;at office to your hand or graunte of you or of eny othir by deth cessioun ammocioun resumpcioun dimissioun remocioun permutacioun reddicioun or surrendre or elles in eny othir maner it be next then to come or elles happe to ffall was putte oute. No defaute at eny tyme proved ne founde by no maner of meane in your Said Suppliant ne that he mys bare hym in the seid office Please it your highnesse of your speciall grace the premisses graciously considred by thassent of the lord&y; spirituell and temporell and the comunes of this your noble Roialme in this present parlament assemblyd and by auctorite of the same to ratify afferme and approve the seid lettres patent&y; to your seid besecher made. to haue to hym after theffecte of the same And that al othir lettres patent&y; of the seid office to eny othir man made and in exicucion putte in derogacion or hurte of your seid besecher concernyng the seid office be voide and of no force ne effecte And that your seid besecher may haue seueraly als mony writtes and prive seals as shalbe behouefull and necessary to hym to be had (to) be directid aswell to your leutenant in or of your lond of Irelond as to othir of your counseill there: Comaundyng theim oppon their ligeaunce to do restore your seid besecher vnto the seid office And hym there in In peasebly possession to putte To haue to hym and to occupy after theffecte and fourme of the seid lettres patent&y; to your seid besecher made And by the same auctorite that he may haue als mony writtes and prive seals as shalbe behoueful and necessary to hym to be had to be directid vnto the seid Thomas ffit&y; Gerot chargyng hym oppon his ligeaunce for to restore and deliuer withoute delay your grete Seal of your lond of Irelond beyng in his kepyng by colour of The seid lettres patent&y; to hym made. To your seid besecher or to his sufficiant depute havyng sufficiant power of your seid besecher to resceyve the seid seall And this atte reuererence of god and way of charite (Response) The kyng by &t;aduise and assent of the lordes spirituell and temporell beyng in this present parlement woll and grauntith &t;at &t;e saide Sir Iohn Talbot haue and occupie the saide office of Chaunceller of Irelond by hym self or by his sufficient depute there after the fourme of the kynges lettres patentes to hym made &t;erof. the whiche lettres patentes byn thought gode and effectuell and to be approved after the tenure of the same Also &t;at &t;e grete seal of &t;e saide lond belongyng to &t;e saide office. which &t;e said Thomas hath geton vn to hym be delyuered to &t;e said Sir Iohn Talbot. or to his sufficiante depute hauyng power of hym to resceiue hit. And &t;at &t;e said Sir Iohn Talbot. haue bothe writtes and priue seals. such and als many as byn behovefull and necessarie for hym. als well to &t;e lieutenant of Irlond or his depute. and &t;e Counseill &t;ere to do restore the said Sir Iohn Talbot vn to &t;e said office. and hym to putte in pesible possession of &t;e same: To haue and to occupie after the tenure of his said lettres patentes. as to the said Thomas chargyng hym vppon his ligeaunce for to restore and delyuere &t;e said seall to &t;e said Sir Iohn Talbot after &t;e tenure of his said supplicacion any lettres patentes made to the said Thomas of &t;e said office in that partie notte withstondyng. And as touchyng the remenaunt that ys desired by this peticion the kyng will be aduysed. [Printed RP V.166.13] [cancelled] [rubbed] ChancEng216 1449SC8/27/1347Petition of Thomas Parr of Cumberland Besecheth sir Thomas Parr knyght one of the knyghts of &t;e shire in this present Court of parlement for the Shire of Cumbreland that where he &t;e .xiiij. day of marche &t;e yeer of our lorde king &t;at now is &t;e xxiiij was comyng toward &t;is saide (court) of parliament Rob ert Belyngeham late of Burnelshede in &t;e Countee of Westmorland &t;e yonger Gentilman Thomas Belinge ham late of the same in the same Countee Gentilman Robert Dykonson late of the same in the same Countee yoman (Thomas Strykland) late of Brendrigge in &t;e said Countee yoman and Iohn Selyngier late of Shoote in the Countee of Deuon yoman &t;e day and yere aforsaid Vpon a certain ground called Cornewalesse ground beside the Crane in &t;e warde of the (vyntrye in london wher by the heygh) way of &t;e said sir Thomas lay to go to &t;e water of Thamyse from his loogyng place and from thens to this said heigh Court of Parliament beyng at westmynstre. felonsly lay in awaite of &t;e same sir Thomas to thentent to haue (murdred) or slayn hym and &t;er &t;en to suche entent an assaulte made vpon hym and vpon Robert Duket Thomas Wright and Mathewe Pierson his seruantes to his grete affraying and ther at &t;e same tyme greuously hurt and sore wounded &t;e said (seruantes &t;e comons of &t;is present) parliament to pray &t;e king our souerain lord by &t;avys of his lordes spiritual and tempora ll beyng in &t;is present parliament to ordeine estable and enacte in &t;is said parliament and by auctoritee of &t;e same parliament &t;at a writte of proclamacion be made in &t;e kinges Chauncerie direct and sent vnto &t;e Shirifes of &t;e Citee of london for &t;e tyme beyng to proclayme within &t;e said Citee within two dayes after &t;e liueree of &t;at writte to &t;eym or to one of &t;eim. &t;at &t;e seid Robert Belyngeham Thomas Belyngham Thomas Strykland Iohan and Robert Dykonson and echone of hem in their propre persones or propre persone appiere afore &t;e king in his benche at the mois of Pasche (that shal be in the) yeer of our lorde Ml.ccccxlvj. The said writte retorneable afore &t;e king (in his) said benche at &t;e said mois of Pasche And if they &t;en so appiere. &t;at from &t;e tyme of suche apperance vnto tyme &t;at &t;e matere of &t;e seid assaute lying in awaite and greuouse hurtes and &t;e seid woundyng bitwene &t;e seid sire Thomas and his said seruant&y; and eueryche of hem and &t;e seid Robert Thomas Belyngeham Robert Thomas Strykland Iohan and echone of &t;eym after &t;e cours of &t;e comen lawe of &t;is lande be fully discussed and determyned afore oure lord king in his said benche. The same Robert Thomas Belyngeham Robert Thomas Strykland and Iohan to abide in &t;e kinges prison in &t;e kepyng of &t;e mareschall of &t;e said benche. withoute &t;at &t;at &t;ei or any of &t; eym be hade in baille or put to mainprise afore &t;ende of suche determynacion hade. So &t;at &t;e seid sire Thomas and his said seruantes at the said moys in &t;e said benche appiere in propre persones or propre persone or by attourney to sue with effect ayenst &t;e said Robert Thomas Belingeham Robert Thomas Stryckland and Iohan and echone of hem as lawe woll from tyme to tyme in the premisses. And if &t;e said Shirifes make nat &t;e said proclamacion within &t;e said two dayes by virtue of &t;e said writ if it be to hem or to &t;at one of hem at any tyme afore. viij. dayes next afore &t;e said day of Retourne deliuered. And also retourne afore &t;e kyng in his said benche at &t;e said mois &t;e seid procl amacion by &t;eym made &t;at &t;en the said Shirifes forfette .c (li) &t;at one half &t;erof to &t;e king and &t;at o&t;er half to &t;e seid sire Thomas and his said seruantes. And if &t;e same Robert Thomas Belingham Robert Thomas Strykland and Iohan or any of hem plede any plee or plees in barr of &t;e Accion (or in abatemente of the bille billes) or writte of the said sire Thomas or his said serua nt&y; in &t;e materes abouesaid triable or triable&y; in eny other place (&t;en within &t;e said Citee) &t;at all suche plee or plees stonde and be as voide and as no plee And if &t;e seid Robert Thomas Belyngeham Robert Thomas Strykland and Iohan ne none of hem appiere nat afore our seid lord king in his said benche at the seid mois. &t;at &t;en &t;ei and echone of hem nat so appieryng be and stond as atteingted of felonye. And &t;at in &t;is cas neither &t;e kynges proteccion ne his Chartre of Pardon ne esson of the kinges seruice stonde or be to &t;eym or to any of &t;eym in any avaylle or effect ne &t;at &t;ei ne none of &t;eym take by suche proteccion or pardon or esson any avauntage or availle in restreyng or delaying of &t;is Acte. And if &t;e seid Robert Thomas Belyngeham Robert Thomas Strykland and Iohan for defaute of the seid apperance be atteignted in the fourme aforseid &t;at &t;en after &t;at atteyndre &t;ei ne none of hem so atteygnted haue ne take any avauntage or benefice by writ of Errour assignyng in &t;at writte for Errour &t;at &t;ei or any of hem were or was in &t;e kinges seruice oute of &t;is Reawme or in (pryson) at the tyme of &t;e said proclamacion made [Printed RP V.168.15] [rubbed] [rubbed or erased] ChancEng217 1450SC8/2/52Petition of Commons concerning trade with Braband, Holland (left margin torn; material in parentheses supplied from RP) (Prayen) the Comeyns in this (your) present parlement assembled to consider howe that atte your parlement holden atte Westminstre the xxvij yere of your noble reigne for cause of a certeyn ordinaunce hadde (proclai)med puplished and streytely kepte in the parties of Braband holland and &y;eland that no manere of cloth made in this Reame of Englond shulde not come in to the said parties &t;er (to be sold) in eny wise vppon peyne of forfetur of the same cloth wherefore ye our souerain lord by cause it ys expressely ageinis the trieux and appointement made & take betwix (youre Rea)mes landes and subgiettes of the oon parties and the landes whiche the Duke of Burgoigne holdeth and occupieth on &t;e o&t;er partie haue often her bifore this tyme do write your (lettres requi)sitore and send your messages for due reformacion to haue be hadde in this behalfe whereof as yet no due redresse is hadde vnto &t;e right intollerable hurt of all the Comeyns of this (Reame by) cause &t;at many cloth makers &t;at is to wete men weuvers fullers diers and women kempers Carders & spynners & o&t;er biers & sellers &t;erof such as can noon o&t;er occupacions (by verrey necessite be) compelled for their levyng to do the occupacions And such of theym as can nat do noon o&t;er occupacions be come as ydell pepull whiche prouoketh hem to (synne and myschevous lyvyng and) vppon this consideracion that it please you souer ain lord by the aduyce and assent of your lordes spirit uelx and temporelx assembled in your said parlement and by auctorite (of the same par)lement it was ordeyned that but yf so were &t;at due continuell reformacion wer made in the seid parties of Braband holland and &y;eland of the seid (ordenaunce betwi)x that tyme and the fest of seint Michell &t;an next comyng so that all maner of cloth of woll made in this Reame myghte come and be accepted into (the same par)ties of Braband holland and &y;eland ther to be vttr ed and sold as frely as eny o&t;er merchandises &t;at than for defaute of such reformacion in (that behalve no manere of) merchandises ne goodes of the growyng nor wurkyng of the landes and parties that the said Duke helde and occupied schuld not come in to the seid (Reame after the seid Fest uppon) peyne of forfeitur of the merchandises &t;at is for to sey the one halfe &t;erof to the kyng and o&t;er halfe &t;erof to hym that firste seiseth the seid merchandises (in whos handes that ever) they wer founde and that ther vppon open proclamacion shuld be made betwyx &t;at tyme and the xv day of Iuyll than next comyng withinne (the Citee of london and other) places necessarie & conuenient &t;erto And yif eny suyt wer commenced aftere that tyme hadd for cause of eny such seisyng in which eny issue (concernyng &t;at acte sh)uld be taken &t;at the seid issue shuld be tried in the shire wher the seid seisyn shulde be hadde and in noon o&t;er place The whiche ordenaunce (shuld endure unto the) next parlement And for asmoch as be the summyns and commensyng of this your present parlement the seid acte is fully expired & determyned no (due reformation) of the parte of the seid Duke of the premysses yut hade that it please your highnesse be the avise of your (lordes spirituelx and tempor ell in this your present parlement assembled) and be the auctorite of the same to ordeyne and estable that open proclamacion be hadde in the Citee of london and o&t;er places necessarie (and convenient) &t;erto betwyx this and the fest of Pentecost next comeyng &t;at but yf so be dewe contenuell reformacion be made and hadde in the seid parties (of Braband) holland and &y;eland betwyxte this tyme and the fest of Natiuite of Seynt Iohn Baptist next comeyng so that all maner cloth of woll (made in) this your Reame mowe come & be accepted into the same parties of Braband holland and &y;eland &t;er to be vttered and sold as frely as eny o&t;er merchandises (that than) for defaute of such reformaci on in that be halue no maner of merchandises ne goodes of the growyng nor wurkyng of the landes and parties that &t;e (seid Duke) holde and occupieth shulle come in to the seid Reame after the seid fest vppon peyn of forfaitur of the merchandises that is for to sey the (one halfe ) &t;erof to &t;e kyng & &t;e o&t;er halfe &t;erof to hym that first seiseth the seid merchandises in whos handes that ever they wer founde and if eny suyt be (commenced) her after for cause of eny such seysyng in whiche eny issue concer nyng this acte shall be taken that the seid issue be tried in &t;e shire wher (the seid) seisyng is hadde and in noon o&t;er place and that this acte indur in purpetuete [Printed RP V.201.57.] [superior insert] ChancEng218 1450SC8/28/1352Petition of the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight Vn to the wise and discrete Comens of this parlement assembled Prayn the poure peple inhabitant with in &t;e (Ile) of Wyght in &t;e Counte o Hampshire on to al the comons assembled in this present parlement to considere the gret noyse &t;at dayli goth vppon &t;e Se bi oure Enemyes and &t;e aduersite &t;at &t;ei shewen daili on to &t;e said Ile The whiche Ile is vndirtake by a certayn of wariours of oure enemyes of ffraunce to be conquerid in to here hondis bi shorte time the whiche god defende: vppon &t;e whiche the pure peple of &t;e Ile ben discomforted and a mayd: Seyng &t;e febelnysse with in ham Self: Certefyeng your wysdoms &t;at wher as &t;e said Ile hath be her a fore at &t;e Nombre of gret pepul sensabul hit hath be so pelyd and opressid now late bi on Iohn Newport Steward of the said Ile made bi &t;e Duke of york for the whiche mysgouernaunce wos (by hym) discharged And put oute of hus office: And then aftur hus discharge the said Iohn Newport and o&t;ur of hus secte &t;e last Somer vppon &t;e See So thretenyng &t;e kinggis pepil of &t;e Ile and distressing hem ther bodies her harneis and her godis bothe bi lond and bi See that &t;e pepul is forsake &t;e Ile so at &t;is dai is not xvC pepul sensabul the whiche is on to vs al enhabitantes in &t;e Ile grete heuynysse: Seyng no more Stuf of men nor no stuf of arterie sensabul left with in &t;e Ile (nor with) in &t;e Castell of &t;e same Ile hit hath cawsid vs alle to make supplicacion on to &t;e Duke of yorke and hus Consail for Supportacion and aide of &t;e said Castel and Ile bothe for men and arterie in sauacion of &t;e Ilond and of &t;e kingges peple ther: Certefyyng on to your aller wisdoms of (no relef) (by cause of dob&y;the of Resumpcion) and &t;at hit is noised her &t;at bi &t;e resompcion &t;e Ile shal stond in &t;e kingges hand And &t;at &t;e forsaid Iohn Newport sewith dailli to &t;e king our souerayne lord to be lewtenant Steward Resseyuour and Baylly within &t;e said Ile the whiche god defend considering &t;e gret opression bi fore rehersid: And also hit is ope(n)li Spoken and noysed &t;at &t;e said Iohn Newport hath Sold &t;e said Ile and desirith to haue &t;e hed offices ther to &t;e entent to (hurt the poure peple to ther otteraunce ondoyng & distruccion of &t;e said Ile)&t;he whiche god of hus hie mercy defende: Moreouer certefyyng your wisdoms (that) &t;e said Ioh(n) Newport hath at &t;is day ne lyvelode to mentayne hus gret Countenaunce but bi &t;e opressing of &t;e peple in &t;e Contray &t;at he Sitte in thorw &t;e whiche he hath gretli enpoured & hurt &t;e pure Ilond redy: ffor what time he was Steward of &t;e Ile he had but x marc of fee (and) kepte an h(ou)shold and a Countenaunce like a lord with as riche wynys as couthe be ymagened Namyng him Silf Newport &t;e Galaunt o&t;er wise called Newport &t;e the Riche. wham &t;e Contray Courson Daylay that evir he com ther: And afturtime &t;e said Iohn Newport was so discharged bi &t;e Duke of yorke &t;e said Duke ordayned and made on harri Bruyn Squyer to be lewtenaunt and Steward of &t;e said Ile whas rule hath be honourable ther bothe to god. &t;e lord and to &t;e peple of &t;e Ile as lawe and ryth at al times hath required & w(el) y rulyd in hus litil time &t;e Contray and were like to bring hit in to hus furst astate if he were like to contynew. and abide within &t;e Ile for he hath bi Stowed a gret good of hus owyn bothe in gonnys and in arterie lyyng with in him Silf with in &t;e said Ile &t;e whiche is (at this) day a gret strenthe riches Socour and comfort to al &t;e Ile Prayng Specialli to your aller wisdoms in sauacion of &t;e said Ile and in sauacion of &t;e kingges pepil &t;er That for as moche as &t;e said harri Bruyn is &t;e kingges houshold man and borne to gret reputacion and wel anherited. and at no time corrupte but egalli rulith &t;e said Ilond aftur Iustice with oute complaynt and enriched &t;e contray with hus gret Stuf if nede of &t;e warre required that he mygh contenew stille in hus good rule keping &t;e Countrei vndir &t;e forme as he hath bi gonne to &t;e most Savacion of &t;e said Ilond and of &t;e kingges peple &t;er: for whos good rule. we al wul ondurtake to &t;e king our souerayne lord. And also &t;at al o&t;ur officer of &t;e Ile &t;at is to say harri Trenchard constabul & Porter may haue straytely in comaundement bi &t;e kyng to abide resident with in &t;e said Ile Duryng &t;e time of . . . werr Certefyyng at al times &t;e kinggis hinesse that and Iohn Newport shold com to gouerne &t;e said Ile hit wul be cause of distruccion of &t;e Contray to wham no man wul obeye excepte the king oure Souerayne lordis plesur for he and hus hath do so meny gret offencis in &t;e see aboute &t;e Ilond in morthering &t;e kinggis peple and hus frendis castyng &t;em owte of har vessellis in to &t;e See as (&t;ei haue be comyng)&t;o &t;e port of Hampton bi &t;e whiche &t;e kinggis costumes of hus port of Suthampton hath be lost bi hus riot kept vppon &t;e See of v or vj m mark in a yer and also &t;e (said) Newport hath . . .&t;e king oure souerayne lord and defraudid him in grauntyng x marc worth liflode . . . gret hurt and trobul her aftur . . . for the said liflode is entailid the whiche is hud fro &t;e kinggis hynesse bi &t;e whiche mene he disirith to be recompensid bi &t;e offices of the Ilond aforesaid and also &t;e said Newport hath take &t;e same yere extorciousli (in Hampshire gret multitude) of diuerse graynes of Corne in &t;e kinggis name of &t;e pure peple of him &t;at had but iiij (quarters corne) toke on and made ham carie hit to hampton som man x mile & som man xx mile at har owin cost and &t;er as was plente of corne he toke money to hus Owyn Vse to &t;e sum with in (&t;e shire of an c marc) &t;e whiche &t;e peple of &t;e Contrai curse him daily ther for And to &t;e witnysse her of for &t;e more credance we haue Set to oure Selis [Printed RP V.204.2] [superior insert] [rubbed] [torn] [over erasure] [cancelled] [from here on writing grows smaller and lighter] [erasure] ChancEng219 1450-54C1/19/491Petition of Thomas Bodyn (original version) To the most reuerent ffader yn god the Cardinall of yorke Chaunceler of Englond Besechyth mekely yowre powre and contynuall orator Thomas Bodyn of that as where accorde and couenaunt was made bitwene hym and on Robert Chirche Cite&y;e yn and haburdassher of London the .xv. day of ffeuerer the yere of the regne of kyng harry the .vj. after the conquest the .xx. by the mediacion of ther. ffrende&y; beyng then yowre seyd sup pliaunt wythyn the age of .xiiij. yer that he shuld be prentice with the seid Robert yn and of the crafte of haburdassher fro the feste of all halowen then last past vnto the yende of .xij. yer thenne nexte sewyng (in) allway that the seid Robert shuld fynde to scole att his owne Costis and charge the seid Thomas duryng twoo the ferst yeres of the seid terme that is to sey a yere and (halfe)&t;herof to lerne gramere and the residue of the seid twoo yer whych amounteth to halfe a yer to lerne to wryte And thervppon the seid Thomas by the aduise of his (fr)endis&t;rustyng to haue be found to scole yn forme afore seid graunted the same .xv. day by dede endentid thenne made bi twene hym and the seid Robert to be trewe aprentice to the (seid) same Robert duryng the seid terme of .xij. yer of whych terme of .xij. yer he hath contenued yn the seruice of the seid Robert as his prentice yn the seid crafte fro the seid ffest of all halowen vn to the ende of .viij. yere thenne nexte sewyng And more and often tymes yn the bigynnyng of the same terme and mony tymes sethen the seid Thomas wyth hys frendis hath preyed and required the seid Robert to putt and to fynde hym to scole yn forme afore seid after the effecte of the seid couenaunt & accorde which to do the seid Robert woll not but that to do at all tymes vtturly hath refused to the grete hurte harme & losse of the seid Thomas. Plese it yowr goode and gracious lordshipp to consider the premisses and that / the seid Thom as therof may haue no remedy bi the course of the com ine lawe of thys land And ther vppon to graunte a wryte sub pene to be directe to the seid Robert to apper bifore the kyng yn hys Chauncery at a certyn day vppon a certeyn peyn bi yowre gracious lordshipp to be lymyted ther to answer and to do and resceyve of & In these premisses as bi the Court of the same Chauncery then shall be ordeigned & he shall pray to god for yow &c [torn] [blotted] ChancEng220 1450-54C1/19/492Petition of Thomas Bodyn (Chancery copy) To the most reuend ffader in god the Archibisshop of york Cardynall and Chaunceller of England Sheweth mekely to youre gracious lordship Thomas Bodyn of london that where accord and covenaunt was made betwene hym and one Robert Chirche Cite&y;in and haburdassher of london the xvth day of ffeuerere the yere of the reigne of kyng henry the vjthe after the conquest the xxth be the medeacion of the frende&y; . beyng thenne your said suppliant with in age of xiiij yere that he shuld be prentice to the said Robert in and of the crafte of haburdassher fro the ffeste of Alhalowen then last passed vnto the yend of xij yere thenne next comyng So alwey that the said Robert shuld fynd to scole at hys awen costes and charge the (sa)id Thomas duryng two the furst yeres (of the said terme that is to say a yere and half therof to lerne gramer and the resydue of the said two yeres) which amounteth to half-a-yere to scole for to lerne to write And ther uppon the said Thomas by the aduise of his frende&y; trustyng to haue be founde to scole in fourme aforsaid graunted the same xvth day by dede indented thenne made betwene hym and the said Robert to be true Apprentice to the same Robert duryng the said terme of xij yere of which terme of xij yere he hath contynued in the seruice of the said Robert as his prentice in the said crafte from the said ffeste of Alhalowen vnto the yende of viij yere and more And often tymes in the bigynnyng of the same terme and mony tymes sithon: the said Thomas with his frendes hath (prayed) and required the said Robert to putt and fynd hym to scole in fourme aforsaid after the effecte of the said covenaunt and accorde. the which to doo the said Robert wolnot. but that to doo at all tymes vtturly hath refused to the grete hurte harme and losse of the said Thomas Please hit your good and graciouce lordship to consider the premis ses and that the said Thomas therof may haue no remedy by the course of the comen lawe of this land / And theruppon to gra unt a write to be direct to the said Robert to appere by fore the kyng in his Chauncerie at a certeyn day and vppon a notable payne by your gracious lordship to be lymyted there to answere and to doo and resceyve of and in thise premisses as by the Courte of the same Chauncerye thenne shall be ordeigned and he shall pray to god for you [torn] [superior insert] ChancEng221 1450-54C1/19/493Answer of Robert Chirch to Petition of Thomas Bodyn This is the Answer of Robert Chirch a&y;einst the bill of Thomas Bodyn ffirst the seid Robert by protestaci on yat the mater in ye seid bill conteynyd is not sufficient to put hym to answer to in yis courte saith yat ye seid Endentur of Apprentice by ye which the seid Thomas was bounde to ye seid Robert wi th all ye circumstaunce yerof was made & had with in the Cite of london wher by ye custom of the same Cite ane accion of couenaunt ys mayntenable as well withoute Especialte as with Especialte so yat yf eny sich couenaunt of fyndyng at scole of the seid Thomas had be made & broken like as the seid Thomas hath surmittyd he myght yer of haue had & &y;it may haue couenable remydy by pleynt within ye seid Cite after the forme & cours of the Comine lawe yer and foryermor for &t;e mor declaracion in yis mater ye seid Robert seith yat nygh aboute the fest of all halowen the &y;er of the reign of our souereign lord the kyng yat no(w is) xixth ye seid Thomas & Robert by ye mene of one henri wakefeld wer agrede & Endentures yervpon made yat the same Thomas shuld be apprentice with ye seid Robert for ye terme of xiij. &y;er yen next folowyng so yat sufficient suerte wer founde for the seid Thomas to be trewe apprentice with ye seid Robert duryng ye terme aforsayd wherupon ye seid Thomas abode with ye seid Robert fro yat tyme vnto ye terme of hillar ye xxth &y;er of ye seid kyng yen next cummyng & no suerte for the parte of ye seid Thomas by all yat tyme was founde wherfor ye seid Robert at yat tyme was in full purpose no mor to haue had to do with ye seid Thomas in so mych yat ye seid Endenturis on euery parte afor yat tyme made wer broken & noght enrollyd & so both parties at yer large so yat ye seid Thomas myght then haue departyd if hym had list but &y;it ye seid henry eftsones entretyd ye seid Robert to take ye seid Thomas apprentice for ye terme of xij. &y;er next folowyng ye fest of halowen yen last passyd promettyng to gete suerte for ye seid Thomas to be true apprentice duryng ye same terme so yat ye seid Thomas in ye seid terme shuld haue couenable lernyng & doctrine as reasonably for ye profite of sich apprentice shuld belong the which he had withoute yat at ye seid Robert at yat tyme or eny tyme beth made couenaunt with the seid Thoma s to fynd hym at scole in (sich) maner & forme as ye seid Thomas hath surmittyd wherupon ye seid Endentures of Apprenteshode wer made like as ye seid Thomas hath declaryd the seid Thomas beyng at yat tyme in (ye) xiiij &y;er of his age or nygh vpon by vertue of which Endentures ye seid Thomas & by the enrolmente yer of was admitte as A lauful apprentice after ye custom of the seid Cite ye xxx day of Octobr ye &y;er of the reign of ye kyng aforsaid (xxj)&t;he which terme ye seid Thomas on his parte hath not truly kept but by hys owne knowlage in hys seid bill nygh ye iij parte yerof yat is to witte all most .iiij. &y;er wrongfully of hys obstinate willfulness hath broken & disobeyd which not withstondyng ye seid Robert seith yat ye seid Thomas is & afor his depar tur was sufficiently lernyd & instruct both in redyng & also in wrytyng as vnto sich apprentice resonably may suffice and ouer all yis ye seid Robert seith yat he & ye (seid) Thomas ye vij day of ffevurer nowe last passyd at ye grete instaunce of ye seid Thomas wer put in award of iiij notable & thrifty persones then warden&y; of ye Craft of haberdasshers of ye seid Cite Arbitor&y; bytwix hem both indeferently chosen of all maner causes accions querele&y; debates & demaundes betwix hem afor yat tyme in eny maner of wise had meuyd (or) hangyng The which arbitor&y; with in ye day to hem yerof limitte demyd awardyd & finally determynyd betwix ye seid Robert & Thomas (The) which award dome & determinacion ye seid Robert is & at all tymes hath bene redy on hys parte to kepe & performe notwithstondyng yat ye seid Thomas yat al to hym yerof belongith fulfill will in no wise nor obey The which maters & ich of hem ye seid Robert is redy to preue like as this Courte will award wherfor he pra th to be dismist oute of thys Courte & to be restoryd to hys Costes & Damages for hys gret & wrongfull vexacion after the forme of the Statute.: [torn] [superior insert] [over erasure] ChancEng222 1453C1/1/70Petition of Thomas Fitz Harry and his Wife (right side damaged; matter in parentheses supplied from PC) To the honorable lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaunceller of Englond Humbly besechen youre Oratoures Thomas ffit&y; harry and Iohanne his wif late the wyf of Rauf lyngen that where the seide Rauf by his testament and last wille ordeyne and made the seide Iohanne his wif and Iohn his Sonne with other his executors (to have) the administracione of his goodes and to execute his wille the whiche Iohanne and Iohn his sonne provid the seide testament and were Sworen by fore the ordinarie to execute & performe the seide wille accordynge to the seid testament and aftir that the seide (Iohanne and) Iohn hur sonne by mediacione of ther frendes in the presence of Iohn Barre knyght Thomas Bromewyche and other by ther writying endented and ensealid acordid and concludid that the seid Iohanne shuld haue all the goodes that were hur seid late husbondes (excepte) suche goodes as were in the maners of Aileminstre and lyngen and she to paie the dettes of hur seid late husbondes by force of whiche accorde she hadde and occupied the seid goodes except the goodes a fore exceptid And paied of the dettes of hur seid late (husbondes) the summe of .xliiij. li and more and entendid to haue content the remenaunt not content And aftir this acorde the seid Iohn not dredyng god the kyng nor his lawes with the nombre of xl. misrulid persones with hym arraied in manere of werre with (Iakes salats) habergeones bowis speres Gleives and other wepyns of werre the .vj. day of September the xxxijte yere of the reigne of oure soueraigne lord nowe come into the manere of Sutton where the seid Iohanne his moder dwellid and ther entrid and shette the (yate) of the place and as cruell and euille disposid child contrarie to godes lawe & nature toke the seide Iohanne his moder and hur suruent&y; and kept theim in warde And when the seid Iohanne wolde haue departid for to (haue) hadde socoure hur seid sonne vnkyndely (toke and) huld hur faste in violence and in vngoodely wise that she might nat depart and so kept hur and hur seruante&y; ther in prison by the space of vj. owres and more And in that tyme the seid misrulid persones by his commaundement with Gleivis and (other wepyns) hewe downe the beddes costeres and hongynges of hall and Chaumbres ther beyng and brake coffres and all manere fastenes in the seid Manere and of the goodes ther founden chargid twoo waynes and cariet hit a waye And all so where the seide (Rauf ) of trust to performe his wille hadde enffeffid the seid sire Iohn Barre and other in the seid Manere of Sutton with other Maneres londe&y; and tenemente&y; of which Manere of Sutton the seid Rauf declarid his wille And ordeine by his testament that (the) seid feoffes of the seid Manere with other londe&y; and tenemente&y; comprisid in the seid wille as it apperith in the same shuld immediatly aftir his decesse enfeffe the seide Iohanne terme of hur lyff accordyng whiche will the seid Ioh(anne by the) suffraunce of the seid feoffes after the deth of hur seid late husbond occupied and with hur grete cost and laboure gaynyd and enblaied the seid Manere londe&y; and tenemente&y; and in the seid Maner housid the enblaymente&y; And also (other profite&y;) therof growyng by hur laboure opteinyd to the value of .CC. marc and more hur sonne a forseide with a grete multitude of people arraied in manere of werre the xxvijth day of September the same yere come with force and entrid (into the seid) manere londe&y; and tenemente&y; And hit to kepith with force and ther occupied wastid and destruid the seid enblaimente&y; and profite&y; to the value aboue rehersid with other goodes of the seid Thomas ffitz harry to the value of ( And also) where that Iohn Vynter and William Pauers hadde yeven to the seid Rauf and Iohanne the Manere of kenchestre to haue to theim and to theire heires of ther bodies bygeten And thei therof by force of the seid gefte seis(ed and contenued) ther possessione in to the tyme the seid Rauf died And aftir that the seid Iohanne contenued hur possessione in to nowe late the seid Iohn hur sonne entrid in to the seid Manere and put hur out with force and so kepith hit And ouer this the seid Iohn (will) nat suffre his seid moder to ben endowid in eny possessione that was hur seid late husbonde&y; to the grete hurt of youre seid besechers That hit please youre lorde shippes to consider thes premisses And that a privey seall apon peyne of his alligeaunce may be directe to the seid Iohn commaundyng hym to appere afore you at a certayne day by you to ben limite to aunswere of this riotes misrule vngoodely and vnlaufull demenyng And then therapon to procede as lawe feith and conscience requiren. [Printed PC I.xlviii-ix] [superior insert] [erased] ChancEng223 1453/54SC8/29/1446Petition of Thomas de la More, Sheriff of Cumberland To &t;e kyng oure souerain lord Sheweth vnto youre highnes Thomas De la More Squyer late Shiref of &t;e Counte of Cumberland howe &t;at yn &t;e yere last passed &t;e said Thomas beyng Shiref of &t;e said Counte grete discensions riotes and debates were moved and stired betwene certein persones so ferforth &t;at &t;e toon half of &t;e Shire was diuided from &t;e tother and where &t;e said late Shiref sent his vndirshiref and baillyfs to make leve of youre dettes yn diuerse parties of &t;e said Shire thei were by certein riotous peple longyng to &t;e lord Egremond grevously wounded and bette so &t;at after &t;at the said late Shiref myght haue noon Officers forto leve youre dettes for dreede of their deth And also howe &t;e said lord Egremond long before &t;e said betyng saide yn &t;e presens of notable persones &t;at he wold haue &t;e said late Shiref hede and forthe with &t;e foresaid late Shiref sent word of &t;e said manasse to &t;e Erle of Salesbury by his lettre and his seal to thentent &t;at his good lordshipp shuld shewe it to yowe and your counseill / Besecheth also youre said highnes &t;e said late Shiref to be aduertised howe &t;at &t;e olde extent of &t;e said Counte by cause of grete importable and many fold ruynes and decayes myght not yn grete parte of long tyme be reysed by &t;e Sherefs &t;erof to their right grete charges and likly oftetymes of their vndoyng &t;e which importable charges arn demaunded of &t;e said Thomas late Shiref by &t;e sommones of &t;e pipe comyng oute of &t;e Eschequyer &t;at is forto say. De perficuo Com xl. li where yn dede &t;er can not be arered vj li And also of xxijti o&t;er fermes asked of &t;e said late Shiref sub nomine vic xxxvj li wherof he can not rere viij. li. ne wote not where viij of thise fermes lye with yn &t;e said Counte And also where ther is asked of hym for youre demaynes yn &t;e said Counte xliij li xj li therof lyth wast and distroied by &t;e Scottes and &t;e watyr of Eden: which charges amountes to &t;e somme of xxiiij xiiij li for which causes in especiall all such pers ones as hath of late tyme be named to be Shirefs there haue enstraunged them from &t;e said Office and yet doon. so &t;at throgh defaute of such Officers grete hurtes and inconueniences haue late growen and dayly groweth to yowe soueraigne lord and to youre subgettes therefor noun execucion of &t;e lawe yn &t;at partie. And howe &t;e said late Shiref also for &t;e same causes enstraunged hym and wold not take vppon hym &t;e said Office. vnto &t;e tyme he was putte yn coumforth and trust to be vtterly and clerely dis charged of all such sommes as he couthe make no leve of wherfore please it to youre said highnes tendrely to considre &t;e premisses and howe yf &t;e said late Shiref shuld be charged yn his accompte with &t;e said somme of xxiiij xiiij li which he can make noo leve of. it shuld be to his vtter vndoyng of youre speciall grace to graunte to &t;e aforesaid late Shiref a priue seal to be direct to &t;e Tresourer and Barones of youre Eschequyer commaundyng hem &t;at yn thaccompte which &t;e said Thomas is to yelde to yowe before youre said Tresorer and Barons by cause of his said office &t;at they charge hym not with &t;e hole extent of the said Shire. &t;at is to say of &t;is ferme called firma per perspicuo Com. nor of &t;e other xxiiti fermes above rehersed asked of &t;e said late Shiref sub nomine vic nor of &t;e ferme asked of hym for youre demayns landes ner of noon other sommes of money by hym to be reysed by vertue of his said office yn &t;e said Shire: save only of such parcelles as he with his trewe diligence myght or may arere. and gadre And also &t;at &t;e said Thomas late Shiref be not vexed by any astate or person for any annuite or charge by yowe graunted to be resceyved of &t;e issues and profites of &t;e said Counte ferther &t;an he may arere or gadre as it is abouesaid And &t;at of all &t;e remnaunt &t;at shuld growe vnto yowe with yn &t;e said Shire they vtterly and clerely discharge the said Thomas late Shiref and therof acquiete hym his heires and his executours ayenst yowe and youre heires for euermore by his othe or by &t;e othe of his depute sufficeant accomptyng for hym withouten any issue triall or verrement to be takyn betwene yowe and hym thervppon for &t;e love of god. and yn wey of charite. [Printed RP VI.63.3] ChancEng224 1454SC8/28/1358Petition of James, Earl of Wiltshire To the full wyse and discrete Comons of this present parlement Sheweth vnto your notable discrecions and wisdoms Iames Erle of Wiltshire and of Ormond That where he is seised in his demesne as in fee of &t;e Maner of Hukcote with the Auowson of &t;e Chirche of Hukcote to &t;e seid Maner appertenyng and of a Croft called &t;e litill mylne hamme with theire appertenaunces in &t;e Countee of Bukingham of &t;e yift and feffement of Iames late Erle of Ormond fader of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire and Iohn Neell Clerk And &t;at &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire at &t;e reuerence of our blissed lord Crist jhesus and of his blissed moder our lady Seint Marie and in worship of that glorious Martir Seint Thomas somtyme Archebisshop of Caunterbury of whos blode the seid Erle of wiltshire his fader and many of his Auncestres are lyneally descended And the which glorious martir was borne of his moder within &t;e ground where nowe is sette &t;e hous or hospitall of &t;e seid martir called Seint Thomas of Acres within &t;e Citee of london / And also for &t;e grete tenderance trust and loue &t;at &t;e seid Iames late Erle of Ormond on whom god haue mercy when he was on lyve hade vnto &t;at devout and holy place / and also for asmoche as &t;e moder of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire is beryed within &t;at holy place / is disposed agreed and fully sette for hym and his heirs in consideracion of &t;e premisses and by &t;e agrement comfort supportacion and assent of your full grete and notable wisdomes / that Iohn Neell nowe Maistre of the seid hous or hospitall shall haue &t;e seid Maner of hukcote with the Auowson therto appertenyng and the seid Croft with their appert enaunces to hym and to his successors for euermore to &t;entent that he and his successors shall fynde twey prestes within &t;e seid hous or hospitall perp etuelly and dayly to pray for &t;e gode estate of our souerain lord the kyng and of our souerain lady the Queene and of the seid Erle of wiltshire / And for the soules of our souerain lord &t;e kyng and &t;e Queene when &t;ey ben passed out of &t;is world / And for &t;e soules of the fader of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire and of his moder / And for &t;e soule of &t;e gode lady Dame Iohane Beauchamp late lady of Bergeuenny grauntdame to &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire and for &t;e soules of all o&t;er his Auncestres &t;at ben dede And for &t;e soules of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire and of his wyfe and theire heires after &t;eir discece / and for all Cristen Soules which entent and disposicion &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire may nat perfourme ne fulfille without your speciall fauour help and socour be to hym shewed in &t;is behalfe Wherfore please it your full grete and notable wisdomes to considre &t;e premisses and to pray &t;e kyng our souerain lord &t;at he by &t;assent of his lordes spirituell and temporell in &t;is present parlement assembled and by &t;e auctoritee of &t;e same will ordeyne and establissh that &t;e seid Iohn Neell nowe maistre of &t;e seid hous or hospitall or his successours may entre in to &t;e seid maner of hukcote with the Auowson aforseid and Croft with &t;eire appertenaunces / And to haue and to holde &t;e seid maner and Auowson &t;erto appertenyng and Croft with &t;eire Appertenaunces to &t;e seid maistre and his succesours foreuermore without Interrupcion impediment or empechement of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire or of his heirs or of any o&t;er persone or persones pretendyng title by theyme or to &t;eire vse / in perfourmyng of &t;e gode entent and disposicion aboue rehersid / Prouided alwey &t;at &t;is Acte statute or ordenaunce shall not exclude ne forbarre none o&t;er pers one or persones of &t;eire title or right &t;at &t;ey haue to &t;e seid maner with &t;auowson &t;erto appertenyng and Croft with &t;eire appertenaunces but onely to exclude and forbarre &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire and his heirs and all o&t;er persone and persones claymyng or hauyng title or right to &t;e seid maner with thouowson aforseid and Croft with &t;eire apperte naunces to &t;e vse of &t;e seid Erle of wiltshire or of his heires for &t;e love of god and in wey of charitee [Printed RP V.257.57] ChancEng225 1454C1/2/36/:53Petition of John Frebarn of London, lighterman Vnto the full noble and gracious lord. my lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaunceller of Engeland Mekely besecheth your poure Oratour Iohn ffrebarn of london lighterman pitously complaynyng. how that the vije day of Septembre now last passed in the xxxiije yer of the Regne of our souer ain lord the kyng that now is. as his servant&y; called Iohn Scotte william Spencer Nicholas Essex Mathewe white Iohn Ducheman and Morice Argill were comyng from seint Katerines by the Tour wharf hom(ewa)rd&t;oward the house of your seid besecher in Pety wales. ther cam vpon them on the seid Tour wharf oon John Davy Squyer marchall of the Admiralte and Atte sute of partie. arrested the (seid) seruant&y; of your seid besecher. aswell vpon accion of trespas. as of surete of peas. and thervpon had them in to the Tour of London. and there were in prison by iij dayes in grete duresse. And your seid besecher coude not haue them out of prison there. but as he was fayn for to take them to baile vnder surete for to brynge them to their answer there atte Court day whiche shall be on Monday next comyng / that is to sey. the xxje day of this present moneth of Octobre / And besides that. your seid besecher paid for their fees xvij s. that is to wite . to the seid Iohn Davy x s. to the maister porter iij s iiij d. to the vnder porter viij d. to the Iayler xvj d. to the Clerk of the Court &t;ere xiiij d. and for continuaunce of the Court there in to Monday next comyng vj d / And right gracious lord your seid besecher is enformed for certein. that neither the seid Iohn Davy ner non other Officer ner minister of the Tour ner of the Admiralte. oweth not to entremet hym. ner hath no power auctorite ner Iuris diccion for to arrest emprison ner vexe eny persone (in) to the Tour of london ner in eny other Court of the Admiralte. for eny mater meved or don betwene partie and partie withynne the body of this Reaume. neither on water ner on londe / As by diuerse statut&y; tervpon made by auctorite of parlement&y; in the tymes of the moost excellent Princes kyng Richard the ijde and kyng harry the iiije. whos soules god (assoile) more plainly it appereth. These premi sses tenderly considered / Please hit your noble lordship in asmoche as the day of apperaunce of the seid seruant&y; in the seid Tour approcheth (nygh) for to sende for the seid Iohn Davy by a sergeant of armes. commaundyng the same Iohn to appere before you at suche tyme on this half the seid day. as may like vnto your good lordship. And to charge hym for to deliuer the seid seruant&y; clerely out of the seid Tour. as for eny maters dependyng there ageyns them by reson of the accions aforesaid. and also . . . discharge and dismisse out of the Court there. the suretees that haue taken them to baille for to brynge them to answer. and also to restore ageyn vnto your (seid besecher the seid xvij s)&t;hat he was con strayned wrongefully for to pay for the fees of the seid seru ant&y; Vpon the peyne comprised in the seid Statut&y;. atte reverence . . . and for charite [ Printed PC I.xxxvi-vii.] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng226 1455SC8/28/1363Petition of the Abbot and Convent of Seynt Germayne, Yorkshire To the kyng oure souerain Lorde Moost humbly besechen youre poure Chappeleyns and continuell Oratoures thabbot and Convent of the monastery of Seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york &t;at where it lyked your highnes because &t;at the more part of spiritueltees and temporaltees of the seid monastery lying and adioynyng to the Rivers of humbre Owse Trent Aire doune derwent and the dyke which weren the grete relyef and sustenance of your seid Oratoures werne of long tyme and yit ben by the Invndacions of the seid waters and brekyng in of the bankes of hem there / so amynused dyscresed depauparte and anyentysed and also taxed and surcharged to the paying of the dysme&y; and su(bs)idies&t;at diuers yeres the proufites and reuenues of them wolde vnneth suffice to paie the hole dismes aftre the taxe of theim which hole disme&y; of her possessions spirituelx and temporelx amounten to the some of iiij xx. iiij. li. and more in the provinces of Caunterbury and yorke and for other grete charges and pitevous causes and consideracons than shewed vnto youre highnes It lyked youre most benigne grace of grete tendernes and &y;ele to youre seid monastery and merite to youre soule and to thencresing of dyuine seruice there by youre lettres patentes the seid special causes and other meritory causes rehersing for to graunte vnto youre seid Oratours and to their successours and to the monastery Aforeseid to be quyte and discharged for euere of alle disme&y; to be graunted in the seid provinces ouer the somme of .xl. li. so &t;at your seid Oratours shulde paie after the graunte of euery hole disme in those provinces .xl li. oonly that is to seye .xv. li. after an hole disme within the province of Caunterbury And so after the rate vpon euere graunt vpon eny part or quote of any disme within the same prouince And .xxv. li. after an hole disme with in the province of york And so after the rate there in semblable wise as it more pleynly appiereth in youre seid lettres patentes. Please it (your most habundant) grace the premisses tenderly to considre at this tyme. And in releuacion of your seid continuel Oratours and Monastery of youre patronage being for to prouide for your seid Oratours vpon this Act of resumpcion by thassent of your lordes spirituelx and temporelx now in this youre present parlemet assembled in the wise and in &t;e maner and fourme as folowith / At the Reuerence of god and in wey of Charite And they shal continuelly prey for youre Royal estate and prosperite. Prouided alwey that this Act or ordinance of Resumpcion extende not ne be preiudicial to thabbot and Conuent of the monastery of seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york (duryng &t;e lif of thabbot &t;at now is) pne to her successours of or for Any graunte or lettres patentes of exoneracion or Acquitaill vnto hem made of any disme&y; or subsidie&y; aboue the somme of .xv. li. after the taxe or quantite of an hole disme graunted or to be graunted in the province of Caunterbury And aboue the somme of .xxv. li after the taxe or quantite of an hole disme graunted or to be graunted in the province of york and so after tha Rate and quantite of hem more or lesse but &t;at the (grauntes) or lettres patentes made to hem of or for the premisse&y; mowe stonde in her force and so be vtterly except and forprised owte of this Act of Resumpcion (Memorandum of action on dorse, in a third hand) The kyng by thavice of the lordes spirituelx and temporelx aggreedh this provysyon as it is desyred duryng the liffe of the Abbot that nowe is and after his discesse the kyng taketh and resumeth in to his handes all the grauntes conteyned in &t;e provysyon to be at his pleasire [Printed RP V.308] [torn] [over erasure] [superior insert in a second hand] [bracketed for excision] [rubbed] #$27#$ ChancEng227 1455SC8/28/1369Petition of William Neel and William Laweshull that their grants not be resumed To the King oure souerain Lorde Besechen mekely youre humble and poure seruantes William Neel yoman of youre Honnourable Chambre and William Laweshull Grome of the same That where as in consideracion aswel of the long and continual seruice that they haue do vnto you as for the grete costes charges and expenses by theym born and doon in the same seruice in riding diuerse tymes at youre high comaundementes and other wise manyfold. hit hath liked vnto youre highnesse forto Rewarde youre seid besechers as hit shall appere in the tenour here folwing And for asmuche as they haue no thinge ellis to leve vppon in any wise but oonly the seid Rewardes and dred theym sore forto forgo the same by force of an Acte of Resumpcion whiche is made in this youre present parlement vnto their importable hurt but if hit be Remediyd by your (high nesse vnto whiche please hit &t;erfore of your most noble & benigne grace by thavis) and assent of the lords spirituelx and temporelx assembled in this present parlement for to execute and prouide for youre seid besechers in the seid Acte according vnto the tenour here folwing And they shall specially pray to god for you Prouided also that this Acte of Resumpcion or adnullacion extende nor in any Wise be preiudicial vnto William Neel by the name of william Neel oon of oure Gromes of oure Chaumbre in or of a graunte made by vs vnto him of thoo vj li vj s viij d whiche Geffrey Lescrop and his heires to vs yerely owe for to yelde of the Residue of the Manoirs of Bowedon and haverebergh in the Countee of Leycestre for . . . terme of viij yeres Nor vnto William Laweshull in or of a graunte by vs made vnto him of the landes and tenementes Rent and seruice in the Tovn of wrotthyng made vnto him for the term of xxx yeres yelding vnto vs therof by yere iiij li as hugh atte ffenne to vs therof before tyme yelded and xx s ouer of encresce by yere. but that alle and euery of our seid grauntes seuerally made vnto the seid william and william And oure lettres patentes seuerally theruppon made be good and effectual vnto theym and eich of theym. the seid Acte notwistanding. (Dorse in a different hand) As to Nele it is aggreed and as to William lawshull it is aggreed &t;at that he hath be resumed to &t;e kynges advayle [Printed RP V.313b] [over erasure] [cancel] cancelled ChancEng228 1455SC8/28/1373Petition of Thomas Scargill that his grant not be resumed To the kyng our souerain lord Besecheth mekely your humble seruaunt Thomas Scargill Squier late vssher of your honorable Chambre that where as in consideracion of the long and continuall seruice that he hath doon vnto you in your honorable houshold about your gracious persone by the space of xx yeres and more it hath liked vnto your highnesse for to make hym Squier and to susteyne that degre the xxx yere of your noble and gracious Regne forto graunt vnto him by the name of Thomas Scargill Squier vj d by day to be take for terme of his lif of the issues and profites comyng of &t;e Counte of york by the handes of &t;e Shiref of the same Counte for the tyme beyng Please it vnto your most noble and benigne grace forto graunte by thaduise and assent of the lordes spiritualx and temporalx assembled in this present parlement that in the acte of resumpcion made in this said parlement a prouision be made for your said besecher in the fourme folwyng and he shall specially pray to god for you Prouided also that this acte of resumpsion extende not nor be preiudiciall vnto Thomas Scargill Squier in or of a graunt made by vs vnto him by the same name of vj d by day to be take for terme of his lif of the issues seruices reuenues profites and other commodites comyng of the Counte of york by the handes of the Shiref of the same Counte for the tyme beyng but that our said graunte and lettres patentes therupon made beryng date &t;e xvj day of Marche the xxxthe yere of our regne be good and effectuall vnto hym aftir the tenour and purport of the same the said acte not withstandyng (Dorse,in another hand) The lordes spirituelx and temporelx consideryng that Thomas Scargyll hathe no thyng of the kynges yeft but vj d by the day save oonly the parkership of &t;e park of haveryng of the Bour by the which he hath but lytle avayle obov his charges agree with this provysyen [Printed RP V.314b] ChancEng229 1455SC8/28/1380APetition of John Heron to be made Constable of the Castel of Bameburgh To the kyng oure soueraigne lord Mekely beseketh your humble seruant Iohn Heron Squyer that wher it liked your highnesse to graunt to your said seruant thoffice of Constable of your Castell of Bameburgh. to haue and occupie for terme of his lif by him or by his depute sufficient / for whom he woll aunswere with all maner fees wages and profites to &t;e same office of olde tyme due and accustumed and also the kepyng of your said Castell and ouersight of the lordship of the same Castell. and also .xl. li to be take of thissues fermes profites and reuenues of the said Castell and lordship of Bameburgh comyng. by the handes of all maner Receyuours ffermers and Occupiers of the same Castell and lordship for the tyme beyng / at the termes of Ester and of Seynt Michell by euen porcions for the saufgarde of your said Castell. And in your last parlement holden before this present parlement. it liked you by thauys and assent of your lordes spirituelx and temporelx and your Comens in &t;e same parlement assembled / and by auctorite of the same to ordeyne that your said besecher was restored and pref erred yerely to &t;e said fees wages and .xl. li specified in your said lettres of graunte to him made accordyng to the purporte and tenour of the same lett res patent&y; of the said issues fermes profites and reuenues afore all other assignement&y; and grau ntes to eny persone or persones therof had or made. eny other graunte or assignement by you made to eny other persone or persones not withstondyng. That it please you of your moost habundaunt grace considered that &t;e said Castell stondith in &t;e fronter of your marches toward Scotland and &t;at the same Castell is right ruinous and diuerse partes of the walles of the same Castell and also the Dungeon forteresses and Toures therin likely to falle doun withoute &t;at the soner remedy of reparacion be had in theym And also the see with dryftes of weder hath dryven the sandes to the walles of &t;e said Castell. so that all people may haue cours to the same walles . . . wherfore your said seruant ys put to &t;e more coste and charge and because therof fyndeth .xl. persones dayely abydyng in the said Castell for the saufgarde of the same and that he yeueth yerely to his lieutenant continuelly abydyng vpon the saufgarde of the same Castell .xx. marc and to .ij. men watching there both wynter tyme and Somertyme to either of theym vj. marc yerely and mete and drynke and that your said seruant hath nomore of you to supporte the said charges but the said .xl. li. that it like your highnesse to graunte that a purven may be had for your said seruant in forme here vnder writen And if it like your highnesse that your said seruant shall not be prouided for in this behalue that it may be enacted in this high Courte of parlement that he be not empeched in tyme to come neither by you your heires ne successours for eny losse or hurt &t;at might falle to the said Castell as godde for bede by your ennemys for lacke or defaute of kepyng of the said Castell (Similar hand but smaller script)Prouided also that this act e or peticion of resumpsion extende not nor in eny wise be preiudiciall to oure graunte made by vs by oure lettres patentes to Iohn Heron Squyer in to for or of thoffice of Constable and ouersight of oure Castell and lordship of Bameburgh ne to the wages fees and rewardes to the same of olde tyme due and accustumed ne to oure graunte made by the same lettres patentes to the same Iohn of .xl. li yerely to be take of thissues rentes profites and reuenues of the said Castell and lordship comyng for the kepyng and charges of the said Castell aswell in tyme of werre as tyme of pease Considered that oure progenitours and we haue be charged for the kepyng of the said Castell with DC. marc yerly and nowe be charged but with the said xl. li And that oure said lettres patent&y; be gode and effectuell to the said Iohn this acte notwithstondyng SC8/28/1380B (draft; cancels not recorded) So alwey &t;at if &t;e seid wages fees and rewardes atteigne to the somme of xl. li by yere. &t;at &t;en &t;e seid (graunte of xl li) yerely be not comprised within &t;is prou ision and if &t;e seid fees wages & rewardes atteigne not to the somme of xl. li by yere. then &t;e seid graunte (of xl li yerely) & lettres patentes &t;erof. to and for asmoche as so shal atteigne (to the sume of xl li with the wages fees and rewardes) be & stond (goode) effectuell and availlable for the kepyng and charge of the said Castell as wel in tyme of werre as in tyme of pease [Printed RP V.316b] [cancel] [superior insert in a different hand] ChancEng230 1455 SC8/28/1387Petition of Thomas Yong for restitution after his arrest for speaking out in Parliament To the right wise and discret Comons in this present parlement assembled Bese(cheth) humbly Thomas yong that where as he late beyng oon of the knyghtes for the shire and towne of Bristowe in dyuers parlementes holden afore this demened him in his saiyng in the same as wele faithfully and with alle suche trewe diligent labour as his symplenesse couthe or might for the wele of the kyng oure souerain lorde and this his noble Realme and notwithstonding that by the olde liberte and fredom of the Comyns of this londe had enIoyed and prescribed fro the tyme that no mynde is alle suche pers ones as for the tyme been assembled / in eny parlement for the same Comyns ought to haue theire fredom to speke and sey in the hous of there assemble as to theym (is)&t;hought conuenyent or resonable withoute eny maner chalange charge or punycion therefore to be leyde to theym in eny wise Neuerthelesse by vntrewe sinistre reportes made to the kinges highnesse of your said bisecher for matiers by him shewed in the hous accustumed for the Comyns in the said parlementes He was therefore taken arrested and rigorously in open wise led to the Toure of London and there greuously in grete duresse long tyme emprisoned (ayenst)&t;he said fredom and liberte and was there put in grete fere of ymportable punycion of his body and drede of losse of his lif withoute eny enditement presente ment appele due originall accusement or cause laufull had or sued ayenst him as it is openly knowen: the not mowyng come to eny answere or declaracion in that partie whereby he not oonly suffered grete hurt payn and disese in his body (but) was by the occasion therof put to ouer grete excessyue losses and expenses of his good amountyng to the somme of Ml. mark and muche more Please hit your grete wisedoms tenderly to consider the premisses And thervpon to pray the kyng our souerain lorde that hit like his (highness) of his moost noble grace to graunte and prouide by thavice of the lordes spirituell and temporell in this present parlement assembled that for the said losses costes damages and imprisonment your said bi(secher) haue sufficient and resonable recompense as good feith trouthe and conscience requiren [Printed RP V.337.15] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng231 1455SC8/28/1388Petition of the Citizens of Oxford To the right wise and discret Comuns of this present parlement Besechen (mekely) your contynuell Oratours the Mair and Burgeises of the towne of Oxenford that where &t;e said towne is charged to &t;e kyng our souerayn lorde yerely of a fee ferme of xl li beside and other charge of xxiij li v d And ouer that at euery xvme & xe of xxiiij. li And howe &t;at the said towne in &t;e dais what tyme the same towne was thus charged with &t;e said sommes was full enhabited with marchauntes artificers and grete multitude of lay people And now is desolate for the more parte be cause of diuerse statut&y; in diuerse parlement&y; made that noo man shulde take noon apprentices but if the fadres or &t;e modres of &t;e apprentices myght spende yerely xx s of free hold So that the said lay people nowe in &t;e said towne of dyuers craftes may not bere &t;e charges aforsaid ne serue and plese the Clergie beyng in &t;e vniuersyte that is there Wherfore many scolers withdrawe theym and voide the said vniuersyte seyng &t;at they may not haue artificers to serue theym at their nede to &t;e perpetuell anyentesyng of &t;e said towne and grete hyndryng of the said Clergie / Please it vnto your wisdoms the premysses tendrely considred to pray the kyng our souerayn lord that it lyke his highnesse by &t;aduise and assent of his lordes spirituell and temporell in this present parl ement assembled to ordeyne by auctoryte of &t;e same &t;at it be liefull to euery Burgeys of the said towne of Oxenford to take apprentece or apprentices such as to hem semeth behofull in semblable maner as &t;e Citezens of the Citee of london doo and vse how be it that &t;e fadre or fadres of the said apprentice or apprentices haue not ne neuer had eny free holde in londes tenementes rentes seruices or eny other possessions within &t;is Roialme and &t;at (noon) of the said Burgeyses of the said towne for takyng of eny such apprentice contrarie to the said statu&y; by our said souerain lord ne his heires nor noon other persone be disturbed inquieted greved vexed or empeched eny statute afore &t;is tyme made to &t;e contrarie not withstondyng Savyng allwey to the Chaunceller of &t;e vniuersyte of Oxenford and to his successours ther custumes and priueleges of old tyme hadde and vsed. Prouyded alwey that noon of the said Burgeises ne dwellers within the said toun shall take to apprentice eny scoler withoute &t;assent and avise of &t;e fader and moder or &t;e speciall frendes of &t;e same scoler And this atte reuerence of god and in way of Charitee: [Printed RP V.337.16] [torn] [rubbed] ChancEng232 1455SC8/28/1393Petition to Commons of Richard Ford, Clerk of the Exchequer To the right wyse notable and discrete Comons of this present parlement assembled (Humbly bisechith) and prayeth Richard fforde Remembrauncer of the kynges Eschequier on the part of the Tresorer of Englond that where the Tresorer of Englond for the tyme beyng by the tyme that no mynd is as Tresorer and by vertu of (his offi)ce hath yevyn and grauntid the office of the Clerk of the pipe and remembrauncer on his part amonge othir offices whenne they voyde to suche persones as by his discrecion semyd to be able and expedient to ocupie the seid office and now late (Marmaduke Lumley bishop of) Karliell late Tresorer of Englond by the agrement and consent of on Robart Cawode thenne Clerk of the office of the pipe yaff and graunted to your seid besecher the seid office of the pipe by force of the which graunte he was therof possessed and ocupied and Thomas Thorp thenne beyng remembrauncer of the seid Tresorers part for diuerse causes resonable mevyng Iohn Erle of Worcestre thenne beyng Tresorer was ammoued and put oute of the seid office and the seid Erle beyng Tresorer yaff and graunted the seid office of remembrauncer vn to your seid besecher by vertu of the which he was therof possessed and oon Iohn Gloucestre by the graunte of the same Tresorer ocupyed and yit is possessed of the seid office of the pipe and your seid besecher the seid office of Remembrauncer ocupied and enioyed vn to the tyme that the seid Thomas Thorp by colour of the kynges lettres patentes made vn to him of the seid office of Remembrauncer for the terme of his lyfe contrary to the liberte and the custume of the office of the seid Tresorer (by the)&t;yme afore rehersed hadde and vsyd was put and kept oute by grete fauour and supportacion and your sei d besecher the which of tendre age was brought vp in the seid Eschequier was destitute and vnpurveide of any office or occupacion there and how be hit that the seid Thomas Thorp hadde no title to the seid office of Rembrauncer but it ocupyed by grete supportacion contrarye to the custume a boue rehersed and also ayeinst the wylle of the said Erle beyng Tresorer wuld not be ammoved on lesse the(nne) he myght bene preferred to be third Baron of the seid Eschequier and theroppon by grete meanes made by (&t;e) officers of the seid Eschequier and by othir welle disposed persones it was entredid labored and concluded with sir willm ffallan Clerk thenne beyng third Baron of the seid Eschequier that he . . . shuld cese and leue his ocupacion of Baron of the seid Eschequier and the seid Thomas Thorp to haue the seid ocupacion for the which conclusion your seid besecher was reuled to be bounden by his obligacion to the seid william ffallan in a certeyne summe of money to pay him yerely duryng his lyfe xl marc of lawfull money on lesse thenne by the kyng oure seid souerayne lord or by the seide Erle or by any other persone atte the instaunce of the seid Erle or of your seid besecher were purveied fore and recompensed (to the valewe of xl marc) and more yerely duryng his lyfe so that no recompense be made to the seid willyam of any benefice hauyng cure of Soule the which charge of xl marc your seid besecher seth that tyme yerely hath boryn and payde vnto the seid willm ffallan to his grete enpouerisshing and importable charge / Please it your grete wysdoms and discressions to considre these (premisses and) also othir grete costis and charges that your seid besecher hath dayly in occupacion of the seid office and to pray the kyng oure souerayn lord by the assent of the Lordes spirituell and temporelx in this present parlement assembled and by (auctorite of) the seid parlement to ordeigne and establysshe that the obligacion and suerte made to the seid willyam ffallan by the seid Richard fforde for the yerly payement of the seid xl marc be voide and of none effect (nor) strength [Printed RP V.342.25] [torn] [rubbed] [cancel] ChancEng233 1384E40/A1779London Indenture Memorandum that Iohn Chirteseye of the Schyr of hertford Gentilman made (astat) bi dede Endentid vn to Richard willysdon And to Anneys hys wyf of all hys w(h)arf Callyd Pakemannys wharf with all the land And tenementys And portinaunce in the parsch of seynt dunstonys in the Este in london And to holde vn to the seyd Richard wyllysdon And Anneys hys wyf to ther eyrys And ther Assynes ffrom the date of seyd Endentur vn to the Ende of C. &y;er the wych dat of the seyd Endentur was in the feste of seynt Archunwolde the &y;er of kyng Richard the ijd the vije Beryng vn to the seyd Iohn Chirtheseyd hys eyres And to hys Assygnes xij li of lawfull money duryng the seyd terme Also bryng to seynt Mari overey And to Socage All the Charge that to thethm &y;erli of of the seyd soyle by longyth Also beryng Almaner of certeyn And Casuell Chargis As A&y;en holy chyrch. And to the kyng that ys or schall long vn(to)&t;he seyd land And tenement duryng the seyd terme Also Richard wyllysdon s(h)all vp on hys owne proper Cost wyth yn x &y;er next folovyng Afft er the dat of the seyde Endentur Enlarg Strecch yng in tho themesward the seyd wharfe xxiij fote of A sise And wall All only of maydenston ston Also the seyd Richard wyllesdon Schall with yn the terme of the seyd x. &y;er to take don All maner of hosyng. At the tyme of the seyd lese beryng beryng vp on all the seyd soyl And byld All the Soyle All only wyth new tymbre puttyng to no thyng to of the olde tymbr And that to (be) performyd yn the forme After wrytten That ys to wyten wytten All the ffrountte of the seyde soyle A&y;e nst the hye Strete And xl fote ynward of Storyes of heygh the fyrst story of xij fote of heygh te ij of x fote te thryd of vij fote purposseuyd of sufficient tymbr All only of herte of oke As Sufficienttyly longyth to Sych maner of Byldyng wyth All maner of divyn dividyng Garnysshyng And Coueryng that schuld long to the seyd Bildyng wyth All maner Also the seyd Richard wyllesdon schall wythynne the seyd terme Of x &y;er do byld vp on the seyd Soyle in warde A Chef dwellyng place A bove Stag tat that ys to wyte A hall of xl fote of lengyth And xxiiij fote of brede A (parlour) kychyn And boterye As to Sych A hall Schulde long And the remenant of the soyle Accept the Cartway And the seyd wharf of xxiiij fote to do bylde Chambrys And hovses for the marchaundyse sufficiently forseyng that As well vndyr the seyd hall parlour And kechyn boter y And All the seyd Chambr beselered vndurnethe the Grunde xij fote in heygh And All the seyd Byldyng To be donn Be the of the seyd Ihon Chirtheseye or hys Assign And &y;yf Caas be that the seyd byldyng or Eny part ther of be not holly performyd in the maner A fore seyd by the Ende of the seyde x &y;er then schall hit be lefull vn to the seyd Iohn Chirtheseye hys executor iis And hys Assygnes And to the seyde soyle with All portinaun ces to reentr And the seyd Richard wyllysdon hys executorijs And hys Assignis holli to put owte for Euer mor thys Endentur no&y;th withstandyng Also in the Same Endentur A Clause of destresse &y;yf the Rent be by hynde A moneth of Eny vsuall da vusuall day of payment And &y;yf that be bi hynde iij Monethys to (r)eentr &c Also &y;yf dew Reperacion be no&y;th don with lefull warnyg warnyng had be seyd lessour or his Assygnes with yn xl dayes After warnyng to holly reentre &c [superior insert] [crease] [cancelled] [torn] ChancEng234 1426C146/C1223Stonor Indenture, London This bille endentid made atte london the xxiiij day of Nouembre the yere of kyng henri the sext after the conquest the fourthe bitwene Thomas Stonore Squier of the Shire of Oxonford and william Rothewell of the Shire of lyncoln Squyer witnessith that the said william hath boght the Maner of Repyngale with alle the londes and tenementes of the seid Thomas in the seid Shire of lyncoln with the douson of the thirde parte of the Churche of Rypyngale vnder the fo\u2rme and condicione that folowen. that is to seyn the sad william shall paye vnto the same Thomas for the seid Maner and tenementes at Stonore CC.xxiiij. xvj li xiij s. iiij d of good lavfull money of Inglond the oon half &t;erof atte fest of Annunciacion of oure lady next comyng after the date aboueseid and the other half atte fest of Seynt michell Archangle than next folow yng And that the seid Thomas vpon the seid payement atte fest of Annun ciacion of oure lady shall make a feffement of the Maner and tene mentes aboueseid vnto the seid william and to his heirs and assignee s with a warantye for euermore vpon condicion that if the same william faill of his forseyd seconde payement of half CCxxiiij. xvj li xiij s iiij d atte seid fest of Seynt Michell that than the seid Thomas the forseid Maner and tenementes may reentre the. seysyne therof delyuered nat withstandyng And if the seid william well and trewely paye all the sume aboue seid of CCxxiiij xvj li xiij s iiij d atte festes aboueseid thanne the forseid Thomas shall make vnto the same william as good sufficient and sure estat of the Maner and tenementes aboue seid and euery parcell therof as the counceles of the seid Thomas and william will deuyse In witnesse wherof the said parties to this endentures entrechangeably haue put her seals y yove at london the day and yere aboueseid. ChancEng235 1427E28/48/18Winchester Indenture Thys endenture (y) made by Walter hore mair of &t;e Cite of Wynchestre & Cyte&y;yns of the same Cyte &t;e &t;rydde. day of September &t;e &y;er of &t;e regne of kyng (henry) &t;e .vj. &t;e .v. wytennssuth &t;at oure worshupful. & holy. fadur in god henry by &t;e grace of god Bysshup of Wynchestre & &t;e worthy Clerk / Abbot of Beaulieu Walter Sandes knyght & Iohn Vuedale Squyer Com missioners of oure sayde liege lorde by. hys lettres of priue seal. lat were. y.sende to &t;e sayde Mayr & Cyte&y; ins to trete wyth hem to haue en. apprest of hem. a. notable somme in (helpyng of &t;e w)erres of oure sayde liege lord by twext whyche Commissioners. Mayr & Cyte&y;ins diuerse&y; comunicacions .y.hadde to fore &t;e. day bwesaid & also diuerse&y; comunicacions & dayes. y. hadde by. &t;e sayde Mayr & . Cite&y;ins by. twext hem self / to fore &t;at day / (& so) (the day A) forsayde the Mair & Cyte&y;ins answered & sayde &t;at wyth. diuer se late pestylence&y; te &t;ryftyust men &. so grete. a. multi tude of peple ys dede in oure cyte &t;at. &t;e &t;rydde man ys nat. y.left. a lyue &t;er ynne & &t;e kyngus ferme of &t;at Cyte & o&t;er many diuerse&y; char ge&y; fallyng vpon &t;at Cyte fro day to day bu&t; now as grete as euur &t;ey were (as) whan &t;e Cyte of peple & goud stovde most in prosperite & so for grete char ges fallyng vpon hem. day by day &t;ey mowe vnne&t;e lyve but bu&t;. so pore. &t;at aprest. hy bu&t; nat in power to make but and. hyt were in. here power to make. aprest or (of power to) do plesance to oure (liege) lord wyth here goud. hy wolde do hyt as tendurly & with. as goude hert &. wyll as eny man &t;at lyuuth. [crease] [superior insert] [over erasure] ChancEng236 c 1428C49/22/19Bristol Deposition The certyficate of the Meyr and Baillyffes of Brystowe Remembrance that the fryday next after &t;e fest of the Exaltacion of the holy Croyce the sexte yer of the kyng that nowe ys: Iohn Baylly late the Clerk of Phelip Excestre: come a fore Robert Russell that tyme Meyr Roger lyuedon and Water Milton the yonger Baillifs. And many other worthy men syttyng yn open Court And seyd openly yn heryng of alle men: that ther were that serteyn day and yere: he shewed to Thomas Stamford a dede ensealed that Crystyan Nele somtyme of Brystowe made vnder her seal. And also vnder the Meyres seale: to Willyam Combe som tyme Burgeis of Bristowe: of certeyn londes And tenementes: yn the towne: and &t;e subarbes of Bristowe: And whan he had shewed the same dede: vn to the same Thomas: the same Thomas toke the seales yn his honde: and desyred the foresaid dede: And for the same Iohn Bailly. wolde not delyuer hit hym: he pulled of the seales. that he helde yn his honde: and putte hem yn his sleue: And whan the same Thomas hed harde these wordes: he said . that sothe hit was: that &t;e said Iohn Baylly shewed hym suche a dede: And. yn struglyng be twene hem bothe: he brake of the seales: and so he knoweleched the brekyng ther of: openly a fore alle the Court / and said these wordes: I didde hit. what wolle ye sey ther to: take youre auauntage: ChancEng237 1445C146/C3584London Indenture This bille endentid made be twyn Robert Clopton Ceteseyn and Alderman of london on the on party And Iohn Gerveys of Bury Seynt Edmunde on the other party witnessith that where as the seid Robert hath certeyn londes and tene mentes in Bury afor seid And in the feldes of the same Toun And in the tounes of ffornham Alhalwyn fforn ham Martyn Berton And in other Tounes there with here apper tenances the seid Robert hath solde alle the seid londes and tenementes with the apper tenances to the seid Iohn for CCCC marc for to be payd at the ffestes vnderwrete / that is to sey At the feste of halumesse next comyng: xl marc and at the seid feste of Candelmesse that shall be in the yer of our lord MlCCCCxlvj. xx. marc and so yerly at the seid feste of Candelmesse xx marc into the tyme that &t;e seid sume of CCCC marc be fully content and paid to the seid Rober t or his certeyn Attorney And the seid Robert shall make or do make to the seid Iohn and to othere sweche as the seid Iohn will name A sufficiaunt estate in all &t;e seid londes and tenementes with the appertenances at the seid feste of halumesse / at wheche tyme the seid Iohn shal fynde to the seid Robert And to sweche as he wil haue suffi ciaunt suerte for the seid paiementes be a vis of Counsel of &t;e seid Robert And for the more suerte of the seid Iohn that he hys heires and assignes shulen haue the seid londes and tenementes withowte ony recouere of the seid Robert or his heires The seid Robert shal make or do make to the seid Iohn and his heir es a. resonable suerte of An Annuyte in his Maner of wyndey in the Counte of Caumbregge or ellys in othere fee symple londes to the value of xx marc yerly be a vis of Counseyll of &t;e seid Robert and Iohn that the seid Iohn shal haue the seid londes and tenementes in Bury and in the other Tounes aforseid to hym hys heires and assignes pes ybly for the forseid Robert hys heires and assignes wi thowtyn ende And also Iohn harpour fermour of the seid londes shal haue fre entre and issu to thresshyn fannyn and caryen all his Cornes straw and chaf howsyd in the Bernes there in to the feste of Estryn nest commynge And also it shal be leful to the seid Robert And his Attorney for to distreyne in all the forseid londes and tenementes for ony rente or ferme be hynde for the terme of Mighelmesse nest comyng or ellys before / into the feste of Estryn aforeseid In witnesse where of either of the seid parties to other chaungeably haue put to these present bill endentyd her seales: at the xx day of Iull In the yere of kyng herry the vjt the xx iij. per copia sigillat ChancEng238 1445E101/504/19Cambridgeshire Indenture This is the Acorde made the xijte day of Septembre the xxiiijt &y;ere of our souereyn lord kyng henry the vjte. betwix Iohn ffox of wisbeche in ye counte of Cambrige on that one partie and william Boydell othirwise called wright of (beche) Saifterton in ye Counte of lincoln on that othir partie / that is to say that ye seid william shall take doune all the timbre of the chapetre hous atte ye Nonnes of Staunford And make a low flore in ye same hous contenyng vij somers & lx trasons. And make A new Rofe for ye same (hous) contenyng vj bemes vj wyndbeme&y; vj principals . xxvj cople sparres. with walplates & side trees. with brase&y; fro ye principals to ye seid Sidetrees whiche Rofe shall conteyne in length .xxj &y;erdis & in brede viij. &y;erdes of assise ffor whiche werkmanship truly to be made. with takyng doune of ye olde Rofe / the seid Iohn shall pey to ye seid william xlvj s viij d acordyng to his wirkyng / And Agenne / And also ordein timbre to ye seid werkes brought in to conuenable place with in ye &y;erde of ye seid Nonnes This flore & Rofe to be made & sette vp. with in viij moneth es next folowyng after ye Date herof Also ye seid Iohn & william be acordid yat ye seid william shall take doune ye Rofe of the Dortour of ye seid Nonne&y; And make a new Rofe for ye seid Dortour contenyng. xlvj &y;erdis in length & viiij &y;erdis of assise in brede. with xij grete bemes. xij principals xij wyndbemes lxvj cople sperre&y; (with) walplates & syde trees acording to ye seid Rofe & xxte brase&y; fro ye principals to ye side tree&y; ffor werkman ship of whiche Rofe & taking doune of the olde Rofe ye seid Iohn shall pey to ye seid william vij marc as ye (seid) werk prosedith and agenne. Also ye seid Iohn shall ordein timbre for ye seid Rofe & do bryng hit to couenable place with in the &y;erde of ye seid Nonne&y;. And ye seid william shal take asmuche of ye olde timbre as wille in eny wise serve to ye seid werkes And he shal make & sette vp the seid Rofe withine xxte monethes next folowyng after ye date herof In wittenes where of the seid Iohn & william has putte yeir seles to this Indentures. atte Staunford the day and &y;ere forseid [over erasure] [superior insert] ChancEng239 1453E40/A2495London Indenture This indenture made bitwene Sire Iohn Burcestre knyght and Thomas hoo of &t;e Countee of Sussex Squier on &t;at one partie and william lemyng Cite&y;ein and Grocer of london on &t;at other partie witnesseth &t;at &t;e seid Sire Iohn and Thomas han graunted bargayned and solde vnto the seid william &t;e day of makyng of &t;is indenture all &t;e tenementes with &t;e appertenances of &t;e seid sire Iohn liggyng beside &t;e grete Condite in westchepe in &t;e paroche of Seint Marie Colchirche in london &t;at were somtyme Sysors of london Of all &t;e which tenementes with &t;e appertenances the seid sire Iohn and Thomas graunten by &t;is indenture to make or do to make to &t;e seid william or to his assignes as sure and as suff icient estate as kan be thought most sure and sufficient by &t;e aduyse of &t;e Counseill of &t;e seid william with a suffi cient warantis accordyng to &t;e same estate (in) as (hasty time as it) kan be thought by &t;e counseill of &t;e seid william / And &t;e seid sire Iohn and Thomas graunten by &t;is indenture to deliuer or do to be deliuered vnto &t;e seid william or to his assignes before &t;e fest of &t;e natiuitee of seint Iohn Baptist next forto come after &t;e date of &t;is indenture all &t;e Chartres euidences and munimentes &t;at &t;e seid sire Iohn and Thomas han or may haue touchyng or concerny ng &t;e same tenementes or any parcell &t;erof / Prouided alweys &t;at yf &t;ere be more land or mo tenementes conteyned in &t;e same euidences / &t;at &t;e seid william shall haue of all suche chartres euidences and munimentes a copie in suche wise as kan be &t;ought most seure by &t;e aduise of &t;e Counceill of &t;e seid william / Also &t;at &t;e seid sire Iohn shall fynde to &t;e seid william sufficient seurtee &t;at dame Eli&y; abeth wyfe of &t;e seid sire Iohn after &t;e decece of &t;e same sire Iohn shall clayme no dower of nor in &t;e seid tenementes nor any parcell &t;erof / yf god fortune hir to ouerlive &t;e seid sire Iohn hir husbond To the which couenant&y; all aboueseid and euerych of &t;eym on &t;e partie of &t;e seid sire Iohn and Thomas and of either of &t;eym wele and truly to be hold performed and kept in all &t;inges in &t;e manere and fourme aforseid / &t;e seid Sire Iohn and Thomas bynden &t;eym and either of &t;eym by him self for all and in &t;e hole her heirs her executors and all her goodes to &t;e forseid william in an hundred pound sterlinges by &t;ise present lettres In witnesse wherof &t;e parties aforseid to &t;ise indentures chaungeably han sette her seals &t;e xiijth day of Iuyn &t;e yer of &t;e reigne of king henry &t;e sixt after &t;e conquest .xxxjth Stodeley I [superior insert] ChancEng240 1456E40/A7651Northampton Indenture This endenture made bitwene hugh wyche Cite&y;ein and Mercer of london Arthure Ormesby Gentilman and william Sewster Cite&y;ein and Mercer of london on that oon partye And henry Baldeswell of Northampton Mercer on that othir partie witnessith / that the said hugh Arthure and william haue dymysed and leten to ferme to the said henry a Shop with Chambres and houses aboue bielded and alle their appurtenances set in the olde Drapery of the towne of Northampton forsaid bitwix the tenement of the Abbot seynt Iames biside Northampton abouesaid on that oon partie and the ten ement late of Thomas Bibyng on that othir partie To haue and to holde the said Shop with Chambres and houses aboue bielded and alle their appurtenances to the said henry from the fest of Cristemas next commyng aftir the date of these presentes vnto the ende and terme of twenty yeres than next suyng and fully to be fulfilled yeldyng therefore yerely duryng the said terme to the said hugh Arthure and william to their heirs or assignees. fyve markes sterlinges atte the festes of the Anunciacion of oure lady Virgyn Natiuite of seynt Iohn Baptist seynt Michell tharchaungell and Natiuite of oure lorde by even porcions And in case be that the said Rent of fyve mark be behynde in part or in alle aftir eny of the said festes by viij dayes vnpaid than hit shall be lefull to the said hugh Arthure and william in the said Shop with Chambers and houses aboue bielded and their appurtenances to entre and distreyn And the distresses so taken lefully to bere away and towardes theym to kepe and withholde vnto the tyme that of the said rent and of the arrereges of the same if any be to theym be made satisfaccion and payment And if hit happen the said Rent of fyve mark to be behinde in part or in alle aftir any of the termes abouesaid by .xv. dayes not paid / or if the said henry the said Shop with Chambers & (houses aboue bielded) & all &t;eir appertenaunces or eny parcell of hem let to serue to any persone or persones within the said terme withoute the speciall licence of the said hugh Arthure and william Than hit shall be lefull to the said hugh Arthure and william and to their heirs and assignees in to the said shop with Chambers and houses aboue bielded / and alle their appurtenances to reentre / And the said henry and all othir therof to put oute and amoeve this endenture not withstonding And the said henry ouer the said yerely ferme of fyve mark shall pay yerely duryng the said terme of twenty yeres to the wardeyns of the ffraternite & gilde of the holy Trinite and of oure lady virgyn in the Chirche of Alhalowen in Northampton forsaid for the tyme beyng xx s sterl inges aftir the fourme of an endenture made bitwene the wardeyns and the Brithirn and sustern of the said ffraternite on that oon partie and Richard wemmys late of Northampton forsaid Mercer and Iohan his wif on that othir partie / of whiche endenture the date is xxviij day of the Moneth of Septembre In the yere of the reigne of kyng henry the fifte after the conquest the vxth And the said henry shall sufficiently repaire the said Shop with Chambres and houses aboue bielded and their appurtenance and theym ayens wynde and reyne defensible shall make atte his propre costes duryng the terme abouesaid / and atte the ende of the said terme shall leve the said Shop with the Chambres and houses aboue bielded and their appurtenances in as gode estate. as he receyued theym in the begynnyng of the said terme / Resonable vse excepte / And to alle these couenantes and paymentes abouesaid on the partye of the said henry wele and truly to be holde perfourmed and paid the same henry byndith him his heirs and executours / to the said hugh Arthure and william their heirs and executours by thes endentures In witnesse wherof the parties forsaid to these endentures / chaungeably haue put and set their sealles yeuen the .iiij. day of Decembre In the xxxiiijth yere of the reigne of kyng henry the sext. (Signed) Plumer [over erasure] ChancEng241 1462C146/C273Devonshire Indenture Be hit y knowe to all maner mene that wher. a&y; Iohn Cheyne. Esquyer. haue by my dede. beringe date ate Pynhoe the latyste day of Auerell the yeer of the regne of kyng harrey the Syxth after the conquest the fourtieth haue enfeoffid in fee with owte cond icion walter lord hungerford Philipp Courtenay. knyghte Iohn ffortescu walter Sargeaunt Iohn longe preste & Iohn Mayne in all my Maner of Nortonhautevile with all my londis and tenements and all the appertenancis in the Schere of Somer set. And al soe in the haluyndell of the Maner of hulpryngton all my londis and tenements with all the appertena nce in the sshere of wiltshire And longe tyme afore by a nothire dede berynge date ate Excestre in the feste of seint mathew the apostell the yeer of the regne of kynge herry the Syxth after the conqueste the twelf haue feoffed william Palain knyght James Chideleoh william Chideleogh . . . in all my landis & tenements withinne the paryssh of Pynhoe in the Schere of Deuonsshire in the forme as hit apperith in the sayde dede & rentholds for as moche as I am in dette to diuers persons as well for my owne dywte as for my modir is dywte . And al soe my goodis mevabel suffisith note to performe my entent that is to sey to doe some soth to the church wherby as well my fader my moder & tho that I am in especiall bounde to doe for as (1e2) my wyfe and I myghte the more tenderly be hadde in memoir of the churche with oute subsidi of the sayde londis vre as well tho seruantes that the moste parte of hir dayis haue despendyd on my fader & my sayde modir is seruys al tho that haue dispendid tharre dayis in my seruys buth no thinge rewardid wherfore my wyll and my entent is that my sayd feffeis aftir my disses doe leue and divise all the reuenus and profits of the sayde Maners londis & tenements. And tho to take & deliuere to my Executo rs soe that they ther with mowe pay all my sayd detts and all so performe and execute my diuise and bequestis comp rehendid in my laste wille which apperith in my testament. And all this acomplisid and performyd. I woll that all the sayde feffeis reles to the said Philip knyghte all the ryghte that they have in the sayde. Manerys. haluyndele of the sayde Maner londis and tenements. So that the sayd sir Philip may. soulye performe. certein condicionis comp rehendid. in certain endenturis. made and endentid. by twyxte the sayd sir Philip and me In witnisse of the which to this present endentur. I putte my seale. Wryten ate Pynhoe the furst day of the Monith of May. the yeer of the regne of kynge herry the syxth. after the conquest. the fourtieth [cancelled]