@format[c:inter.fmt] @headert[@=@DR[@b[Pinihas Bunggu's Story] @=Orya Language, Recorded in Guay, November 1985]] @header[@=@DR[@b[Pinihas Bunggu's Story] @=Orya Language, Recorded in Guay, November 1985]] @rf[1] @tx[Maesa, Tuan Umal, maesa, Yakobasa aning] @mb[mae -sa tuan Umal mae -sa Yakoba-sa aning] @mg[that one-PVT Mr. Umal that one-PVT Yakoba-PVT hide] @tx[gulgweka, maehap, sap nolbwak Nos‰n] @mb[gul-gwe -ka mae -hap sap nol -blak Nos‰n] @mg[FO -REPET-3sgM-PAST this-PURP BECAUSE PL-TAKE FO-MIO-PAST Nos‰n] @tx[swehap.] @mb[swe -hap] @mg[deceased-BEN] This is about Mr. Umal, who tried to hide Yakoba (repeatedly) because she had already been given to Nos‰n. @rf[2] @tx[Hw‰na man aning gulgweka.] @mb[hw‰na man aning gul-gwe -ka] @mg[so WAS hide FO -REPET-3sgM-PAST] So he hid her (repeatedly). @rf[3] @tx[Sudah, hw‰na Markus swe zep aningkim] @mb[sudah hw‰na Markus swe zep aning -kim] @mg[finished but Markus deceased THEN secret-MANNER] @tx[hlaulku, kamarakon mae anka,] @mb[hla-gul-ka kamara-kon mae an -ka] @mg[see-FO -3sgM-PAST room -from do it PUNCT-3sgM-PAST] @tx[tahanakon ‹r‹k g‹lsoneka ati gwen] @mb[taha-na -kon ‹r‹k gul-sone -ka ati gwe-n] @mg[hand-INSTR-from hold FO -out from-3sgM-PAST lower BE -INF] @tx[gunhup.] @mb[gul-n -hap] @mg[FO -INF-PURP] But Markus secretly saw her, when he was doing it, letting her down with his hand from his window. @rf[4] @tx[Ati gwe gulku, ki zep hleng-hleng] @mb[ati gwe gul-ka ki zep hleng-hleng] @mg[lower BE FO -3sgM-PAST and THEN dawn -dawn] @tx[gwennaban, ayangna hom atiti gwek,] @mb[gwe-n -na -ban ayang -na hom ati -ti gwe-k] @mg[BE -INF-STATE-with chickens-TOP NOT descend-REDUP BE -3pl-PAST] @tx[kirenaban.] @mb[kire-na -ban] @mg[thus-ADV-with] He was letting her down just at dawn, the chickens hadn't come down yet [from their trees]. @rf[5] @tx[Asya, desa zep Markus swe gubluka] @mb[asya de -sa zep Markus swe gu -bla-ka] @mg[wow that-PVT THEREFORE Markus deceased say-MIO-3sgM-PAST] @tx[Biansa,] @mb[bian -sa] @mg[father-PVT] So that's why Markus told father [@I[bian], in an extended sense, actually Pinihas' father's younger brother, Olka, who was also Yakoba's true father], @rf[5.1] @tx["‰e kirekam ‰e hlaul Yakobasa] @mb[ ‰e kire -kam ‰e hla-gul-l Yakoba-sa] @mg[ 1sg like this-ADV 1sg see-FO -1sg-REC Yakoba-PVT] @tx[ye Umal aning gulu, Tuan namen, z‰re mo] @mb[ye Umal aning gul-la Tuan namen z‰re mo] @mg[REFER Umal hide FO -3sgM-REC Mr. today his POS] @tx[kamarak, maenaka hlaulun l‹t‹nnuban,] @mb[kamar-nak mae -na -ka hla-gul-nan l‹t‹n-na -ban] @mg[room -LOC that one-TOP-SAME REF see-FO -1sg-VREC dawn -STATE-with] @tx[orapnaban, maesara, lorwangesara] @mb[orap-na -ban mae -sa -la lorwa-nge -sa -la] @mg[dark-STATE-with do it-WHILE-3sgM-REC lower-down-WHILE-3sgM-REC] @tx[jendelakon kamasandep, dekam de aning] @mb[jendela-kon kama -san -dep dekam de aning] @mg[window -from earth-direction-toward by that to secret] @tx[gwenhap."] @mb[gwe-n -hap] @mg[BE -INF-PURP] "Guess what I saw -- Umal hiding Yakoba, Mr. Umal today, I saw it at dawn when it wasn't light yet: He was lowering her from the window to the ground, to hide her." @rf[6] @tx[Sudah, ki zep walas zemka gubluka,] @mb[sudah ki zep walas zem-ka gu -bla-ka] @mg[finished and THEN son his-SAME REF say-MIO-3sgM-PAST] @tx[Markussu gubluka,] @mb[Markus-sa gu -bla-ka] @mg[Markus-PVT say-MIO-3sgM-PAST] So he told Markus, his son, [actually Markus was Olka's @I[esya wal], Olka's mother's brother's son] @rf[6.1] @tx["Bahem gulinendan.] @mb[ bahem gol -ine -n -da -n] @mg[ DON'T take-FO-down&up-INF-around-IMP] "Don't spread it around. @rf[6.2] @tx[In basa mes ki gweibi ira yep?] @mb[in ba -sa mes ki gw‰-bil ara yep] @mg[that what-PVT ALREADY indeed do -FIO 3sgM-PRES perhaps] What does he think he's doing (with her)? @rf[6.3] @tx[Sa hlaulu."] @mb[sa hla-gul-la] @mg[WILL see-FO -3sgM-FUT] He'll find out!" @rf[7] @tx[Asya, ki zep ano bianna, Koranona S‰nwal] @mb[asya ki zep ano bian -na Korano -na S‰nwal] @mg[right away and THEN my father-TOP Head Man-TOP S‰nwal] @tx[ye, ki zep dolo-dolonaka nguleka.] @mb[ye ki zep dolo-dolo-na -ka ngule -ka] @mg[REFER and THEN drum-drum-TOP-SAME REF strike-3sgM-PAST] Well then, after that my father [his real father] S‰nwal, the Head of the village, rang the bell [for people to gather]. @rf[8] @tx[Kwret nan tagal gulku zinika, hw‰na] @mb[kwret nan tagal gul-ka zi -na -ka hw‰na] @mg[sundown time gather FO -3sgM-PAST men-TOP-SAME-REF=PVT however] @tx[mes Boyo bak swe mosa wal] @mb[mes Boyo bak swe mosa wal] @mg[ALREADY Boyo honor deceased mate's younger brothers people] @tx[zemka imwa ennak ton ngubiridaka,] @mb[zem-ka i -mwa en -nak ton ngu -birida-ka] @mg[his-SAME REF ear-inside only-LOC speak down-PLIO -3sgM-PAST] He gathered them together in the evening, but Boyo [Olka's @I[mare], the husband of Olka's @I[naimli] sister's daughter] had whispered to his mosa [brothers in law, as described below], @rf[8.1] @tx["N‰sa de Korano maena ye, ] @mb[ n‰ -sa de Korano mae -na ye ] @mg[ 1pl-PVT when Head Man do it-GER REFER ] @tx[gubiridanna ye, ] @mb[gu -birida-n -na ye ] @mg[say-PLIO -INF-ADV REFER ] "When the Head [S‰nwal] asks us, @rf[8.2] @tx["Endan-endannik sa ang tal kaan de ] @mb[ endan-endan-nik sa ang ta-l kaan de ] @mg[ which-which-people WILL accompany MO-3pl-FUT tomorrow when ] @tx[Tuansa zon tanhap ye Bonggo ‰nak?", ] @mb[Tuan-sa zon ta-n -hap ye Bonggo ‰ -nak ] @mg[Mr. -PVT show MO-INF-PURP REFER Bonggo village-LOC ] `Who will accompany Mr. Umal to Bonggo village?', @rf[8.3] @tx[aenaka ki hla lak em hen dekam taha ] @mb[aena -ka ki hla la -k em hen dekam taha ] @mg[myself-PVT in fact see 3pl MO-LOC you also then hand ] @tx[bola ‰rtr‰blak, luk tak."] @mb[bola ‰r -tr‰ -bla -k luk ta-k] @mg[finger 2pl TAKE MO-show-MIO -PL-IMP raise MO-2pl-IMP] when you see me raise my finger, you also raise your fingers." @rf[9] @tx[Sudah, ki zep ki bian swe takens‹ ‹nka,] @mb[sudah ki zep ki bian swe takens‹ an -ka] @mg[finished and THEN indeed father deceased ask PUNCT-3sgM-PAST] So, then my father [S‰nwal] asked, @rf[9.1] @tx["‰e an ye Tuansa de zon tanhap emsa] @mb[ ‰e an ye Tuan-sa de zon ta-n -hap em -sa] @mg[ 1sg this REFER Mr. -PVT to show MO-INF-PURP you-PVT] @tx[tagal gul.] @mb[tagal gu-l] @mg[gather FO-1sg-REC] "I gathered you to see about accompanying Mr. Umal. @rf[9.2] @tx[Bahap hom, Bonggo ‰nak em zon tanhap."] @mb[ba -hap hom Bonggo ‰ -nak em zon ta-n -hap] @mg[another-PURP NOT Bonggo village-LOC you show MO-INF-PURP] No other reason, but for you to show him to Bonggo." @rf[10] @tx[Asya, Mahli bak, Wasina, Nos‰n, Waga,] @mb[asya Mahli bak Wasina Nos‰n Waga] @mg[right away Mahli honor Wasina Nos‰n Waga] @tx[Syanga swe (zen beteng tola), tetena.] @mb[Syanga swe zen beteng tol -na tete -na] @mg[Syanga deceased he little small-STATE grandfather-TOP] Well right away Mahli [also called Boyo], Wasina, Nos‰n, Waga, and Syanga (who was just little) all raised their hands. @rf[11] @tx[Ki zep h‰ndep ‰gwahak.] @mb[ki zep h‰ndep ‰ -gwahal-k] @mg[and THEN eventually 3pl-depart-3pl-PAST] And then they went off. @rf[12] @tx[Nenbyak,] @mb[nen -bla-k] @mg[PL-say-MIO-PAST] They told him (S‰nwal), @rf[12.1] @tx["Aena sa ki gol‰ang tal.] @mb[ aena sa ki gol‰ -ang ta -l] @mg[ we ourselves WILL indeed 3pl together-accompany 3pl BE-3pl-FUT] We ourselves will accompany him. @rf[12.2] @tx[Aha bap zen dum gwehen."] @mb[aha bap zen dum gwe-he -n] @mg[others not them involve BE -down-IMP] No need for anyone else to go." @rf[13] @tx[Sudah, gubiridaka,] @mb[sudah gu -birida-ka] @mg[finished say-PLIO -3sgM-PAST] So he told them, @rf[13.1] "Hw‰na bahap. hw‰na ba -hap so what-PURP "Why not. @rf[13.2] @tx[Amki ki, em en ang tak ye,] @mb[amki ki em en ang ta- k ye] @mg[go ahead indeed you only accompany 3pl BE-3pl IMP REFER] @tx[ere mo timkim."] @mb[em -de mo tim -kam] @mg[you-of POS body-INSTR] Go ahead and just you go with him, just your family." @rf[14] @tx[Sudah, bleknaka ki zep darak dablak,] @mb[sudah blek-na -ka ki zep darak da -bla-k] @mg[finished cans-TOP-SAME REF and THEN tie REDUP-MIO-PAST] @tx[asya ki zep gol‰gwahalka.] @mb[asya ki zep gol‰ -gwahal-ka] @mg[right away and THEN 3pl(leader)+3pl together-depart-3sgM-PAST] So they tied up the [big] tins for him (Mr. Umal), and then went off. @rf[15] @tx[Hw‰na, sap z‰na bapa swe man ang] @mb[hw‰na sap z‰na bapa swe man ang] @mg[however even though he himself father deceased WAS accompany] @tx[gweka, hw‰na we ablasena ye, Augustina bak,] @mb[gwe-ka hw‰na we ablase-na ye Augustina bak] @mg[BE -3sgM-PAST however woman old -TOP REFER Augustina honor] @tx[Ahl‰ bak ang gwek.] @mb[Ahl‰ bak ang gwe-k] @mg[Ahl‰ honor accompany BE -3sgF-PAST] Now father [S‰nwal] himself also went along, [and that wouldn't have mattered], but an old woman, Augustina, or Ahlw‰ [her earth name] was also going along. @rf[16] @tx[Ki wak‹we maka dannak S‰yu ‰nak.] @mb[ki wak‹ -we maka da -n -nak S‰yu ‰ -nak] @mg[in fact over there-LOC could 3pl-kill MO-INF-LOC S‰yu place-LOC] They could have killed him at S‰yu (a sago swamp near Guay). @rf[17] @tx[Zep gubiridaka,] @mb[zep gu -birida-ka] @mg[THEREFORE say-PLIO -3sgM-PAST] So he (Senwal) said to them, @rf[17.1] @tx["Wenya man ang gwendal.] @mb[ we -na man ang gwe-n -da -l] @mg[ woman-TOP IS accompany BE -INF-around-3sgF-REC] "A woman is with us. @rf[17.2] @tx[Sudah, emki ki ‰rsong gwek."] @mb[sudah emki ki ‰r -song gwe-k] @mg[OK if you please indeed 2pl TAKE MO-go BE -2pl-IMP] You go on and take him farther." @rf[18] @tx[Ki zep n‰rtinek Blidamsan.] @mb[ki zep n‰r -tine -k Blidam-san] @mg[and THEN 3pl-take MO-descend-3pl-PAST Blidam-toward] So they took him down the Blidam [river]. @rf[19] @tx[Blidamsan n‰rtinek, h‰ndep] @mb[Blidam-san n‰r -tine -k h‰ndep] @mg[Blidam-toward 3pl-take MO-descend-3pl-PAST until] @tx[n‰rhataonk B‰rk.] @mb[n‰r -hata-on -k B‰r-k] @mg[3pl-take MO-come-over-3pl-PAST B‰r-LOC] They took him (Mr. Umal) down the Blidam river, until they arrived at B‰r (a hamlet near Klatra). @rf[20] @tx[Asya ki zep n‰r tak.] @mb[asya ki zep n‰r ta -k] @mg[right away and THEN 3pl-take MO sleep-3pl-PAST] Then they slept together with him. @rf[21] @tx[Kaknak, dobena sinolen nulblik] @mb[kaknak dobe-na sinolen nul -bla-k] @mg[morning sago-TOP stir fried sago 3pl make FO-MIO-3pl-PAST] @tx[Tuanhap.] @mb[Tuan-hap] @mg[Mr. -BEN] In the morning, they gave stir fried sago for Mr. Umal. @rf[22] @tx[Ambon wal, polisi wal in weyasa awaka.] @mb[Ambon wal polisi wal in weya -sa awa -ka] @mg[Ambon person police person that water-INSTR bathe-3sgM-PAST] The man from Ambon, that policeman took a bath. [This is the first mention of there being another outsider along.] @rf[23] @tx[Tuan z‰na weyasa awaka.] @mb[tuan z‰na weya -sa awa -ka] @mg[Mr. he himself water-INSTR bathe-3sgM-PAST] Mr. Umal himself took a bath. @rf[24] @tx[Nola sisir gulsuku, asya ki zep] @mb[nol -na sisir gul-s‹ -ka asya ki zep] @mg[head-TOP comb FO -COMPL-3sgM-PAST right away and THEN] @tx[nenbyak,] @mb[nen -bla-k] @mg[3pl-say-MIO-PAST] He combed his hair, then they told him, @rf[24.1] @tx["Dobe sinolenna ansa twinbir."] @mb[ dobe sinolen -na an -sa twen-bil-l] @mg[ sago stir fried sago-TOP this-PVT eat -FO -IMP] "Eat this stir fried sago." @rf[25] @tx[Ho sal-sala n‰m‰blak moknak.] @mb[ho sal-sal-na n‰m‰ -bla-k mok-nak] @mg[water hot-hot-TOP 3pl-MAKE-MIO-PAST mug-LOC] They gave him some tea in a mug. @rf[26] @tx[Asya ki zep h‰ndep nwekam z‰naka akeka] @mb[asya ki zep h‰ndep nwe-kam z‰naka ake -ka] @mg[right away and THEN right now eye-INSTR themselves look-3dlM-PAST] @tx[Boyo bak swene Nos‰n swene,] @mb[Boyo bak swe -ne Nos‰n swe -ne] @mg[Boyo honor deceased-together with Nos‰n deceased-together with] @tx["Angkam dekam."] @mb[ angkam dekam] @mg[ now then] Then right away Boyo and Nos‰n they signaled themselves with their eyes, "Now." @rf[27] @tx[Asya, Nos‰n dekam ansa, Tuansa n‰bokkam.] @mb[asya Nos‰n dekam an -sa Tuan-sa n‰bok -kam] @mg[right away Nos‰n then this-PVT Mr. -PVT machete-INSTR] Nos‰n did it to Mr. Umal with a machete. @rf[28] @tx[O hw‰na man seweseblak, maenak, nol umunak.] @mb[o hw‰na man sewe -se-bla-k mae -nak nol umu -nak] @mg[oh however DID ascend-up-MIO-3sgF-PAST this-LOC head base-LOC] Oh but he hit too high, at the base of the skull. @rf[29] @tx[Z‰na enna, Amussu, h‰ndep nola] @mb[z‰na en -na Amus-sa h‰ndep nol -na] @mg[he himself only-TOP Amus-PVT right away head-TOP] @tx[blaunsubluk‹n‹ka, Boyo bak z‰na.] @mb[bla -gun-s‹ -bla-k‹n‹ -ka Boyo bak z‰na] @mg[cut off-FO -COMPL-MIO-from there-3sgM-PAST Boyo honor himself] But Amus (the policeman) was immediately beheaded by Boyo. @rf[30] @tx[Nol tekna ki zep h‰ndep d‰nggwan] @mb[nol tek -na ki zep h‰ndep d‰nggwan] @mg[head portion-TOP and THEN right away dangle] @tx[gwehek.] @mb[gwe-he -k] @mg[BE -down-3sgF-PAST] His head dangled down (from a bit of skin in front). @rf[31] @tx[Sudah, hw‰na man taul-taul taka, asya] @mb[sudah hw‰na man taul-taul ta-ka asya] @mg[finished however DID miss-miss MO-3sgM-PAST right away] @tx[etan ki zep esek taka, Nos‰n swe insa,] @mb[etan ki zep esek ta-ka Nos‰n swe in -sa] @mg[again and THEN try again MO-3sgM-PAST Nos‰n deceased that-PVT] @tx[Tuansa, h‰ndep bwatanak nola an ki zep] @mb[Tuan-sa h‰ndep bwata -nak nol -na an ki zep] @mg[Mr. -PVT until nape of neck-LOC head-TOP that and THEN] @tx[d‰nggwan gwehek.] @mb[d‰nggwan gwe-he -k] @mg[dangle BE -down-3sgF-PAST] Well Nos‰n had missed, so he gave him another stroke on neck, and Mr. Umal's head dangled down. @rf[32] @tx[Nongka man z‰ zauku te t‹h‹ makan, nol] @mb[nongka man z‰ zau -ka te t‹h‹ makan nol] @mg[first DID there stand-3sgM-PAST tree stump like head] @tx[sr‰mnik, asya gulk kala gulksun] @mb[sr‰m -nik asya gulk kal -na gulk -san] @mg[without-like right away above blood-TOP above-direction] @tx[naseblak, ki zep zanka.] @mb[na -se-bla -k ki zep zan -ka] @mg[excrete-up-from him-PAST and THEN fall-3sgM-PAST] First he stood up like a tree stump, without a head, and his blood squirted up, then he fell. @rf[33] @tx[Sudah, ano aya swena, Syanga swe, man] @mb[sudah ano aya swe -na Syanga swe man] @mg[finished my older sibling deceased-TOP Syanga deceased DID] @tx[hetyan gweka.] @mb[hetyan gwe-ka] @mg[run BE -3sgM-PAST] Well Syanga, my older brother (by S‰nwal's first wife), ran, (but they called to him,) @rf[33.1] @tx["Hae, ‰e an zisi emsa ‰rtamera an, ki] @mb[ hae ‰e an zi -sa em -sa ‰r -tamera an ki] @mg[ hey 1pl this men-PVT you-PVT 2pl TAKE MO-kill-PLO PUNCT so] @tx[bahap hetyan gwera!] @mb[ba -hap hetyan gwe-la] @mg[what-PURP run BE -3sgM-REC] "Hey, we're (inclusive) (just) killing some men, so why are you running! @rf[33.2] @tx[Zi tanna de eijan kirekam mo ye."] @mb[zi tan -na de eijan kirekam mo ye] @mg[man kill MO-INF-GER when war like that POS REFER] Killing men in war is like this." @rf[34] @tx[Mahli bak, Boyo swe, maeka, tahanakon] @mb[Mahli bak Boyo swe mae -ka taha-na -kon] @mg[Mahli honor Boyo deceased do it-3sgM-PAST hand-TOP-from] @tx[‹r‹ktainhanaka] @mb[‹r‹k-ta-in -ha -na -ka] @mg[grab-MO-down&up-away-back-3sgM-PAST] Mahli, or Boyo as he was called, caught him with his hand and brought him back. @rf[35] @tx[Ano aya swe z‰na tahakam zep hit] @mb[ano aya swe z‰na taha-kam zep hit] @mg[my older sibling deceased himself hand-INSTR THEN stab] @tx[tika wihetnakim Tuansa.] @mb[ta-ka wihet -na -kim Tuan-sa] @mg[MO-3sgM-PAST cassowary bone knife-TOP-INSTR Mr. -PVT] My older brother (Syanga) then himself stabbed Mr. Umal with a bone knife (wihet). [Actually, they took his hand and helped him stab Mr. Umal.] @rf[36] @tx[Sudah Markus swe, h‰ndep k‹tak hit] @mb[sudah Markus swe h‰ndep k‹tak hit] @mg[finished Markus deceased until all stab] @tx[dis‹k tokna, ki zep] @mb[da -s‹ -k tok -na ki zep] @mg[3pl-MO-COMPL-3pl-PAST corpse-TOP and THEN] @tx[gol‰zahya gweka awedep, waken] @mb[gol‰ -zahya gwe-ka awe -dep waken] @mg[SG(leader)+PL together-ascend BE -3sgM-PAST here-toward over] @tx[d‰ Tahyal T‰rik] @mb[d‰ Tahyal T‰rik] @mg[there Tahyal T‰rik] After that Markus, and all of the men stabbed his body, and then they came up toward here, up to Tahyal T‰rik. [They left all the packages they had been carrying, and took with them only the policeman's Carbine rifle.] @rf[37] @tx[‰e z‰ lowehek.] @mb[‰e z‰ lowehe -k] @mg[1pl there PL-remain-3pl-PAST] There we lived. @rf[38] @tx[‰e dekam betek tola.] @mb[‰e dekam betek tol -na] @mg[1sg then small small-TOP] I was small then. @rf[39] @tx[Asya ki zep ano bia swena tobe ‰ka] @mb[asya ki zep ano bia swe -na tobe ‰ -ka] @mg[wow and THEN my father deceased-TOP fight 3dl-BE-3dlM-PAST] @tx[Wasina swehan, na‹ml‹ swe zeban.] @mb[Wasina swe -han na‹ml‹ swe ze -ban] @mg[Wasina deceased-with sister's son deceased his-with] Then soon after my father fought with Wasina, with his @I[na‹ml‹] (his sister's son). @rf[40] @tx[Man hetya-tyang n‰blak walas zem ahakon.] @mb[man hetya-tyang n‰ -bla -k walas zem ahakon] @mg[WERE run -REDUP 3pl-BE -from him-PAST sons his others] His sons ran from him (S‰nwal, [not wanting to incur his anger]). @rf[41] @tx[Na‹ml‹ zem inhan zep z‰ Wasinahan tobe] @mb[na‹ml‹ zem in -han zep z‰ Wasina-han tobe] @mg[sister's son his that-with THEREFORE there Wasina-with fight] @tx[‰ka bian swehan ye, Tuan tan] @mb[‰ -ka bian swe -han ye Tuan ta -n] @mg[3dl-BE-3dlM-PAST father deceased-with REFER Mr. kill MO-INF] @tx[jalhap.] @mb[jal-hap] @mg[mad-PURP] So my father fought with his nephew there, Wasina, out of anger at the killing of Mr. Umal. @rf[42] @tx[Asya hw‰na Pit bak mo bia swe, Nos‰n] @mb[asya hw‰na Pit bak mo bia swe Nos‰n] @mg[right away however Pit honor POS father deceased Nos‰n] @tx[bak swe, zen zep temblomkam] @mb[bak swe zen zep temblom -kam] @mg[honor deceased he THEREFORE wood tipped arrow-INSTR] @tx[taka Wasinasa.] @mb[ta -ka Wasina-sa] @mg[shoot MO-3sgM-PAST Wasina-PVT] But then Pit's father, Nos‰n [a second man called Nos‰n, from Klatra], shot Wasina with a bamboo arrow (in the leg). @rf[43] @tx[Dekam zep nikin aneka, baba zem] @mb[dekam zep nikin ane -ka baba zem] @mg[then THEREFORE sit down&on-3sgM-PAST mother's brother his] @tx[inhan kim tobe ‰ anka bian swehan.] @mb[in -han kim tobe ‰ an -ka bian swe -han] @mg[that-with when fight 3dl-BE PUNCT-3dlM-PAST father deceased-with] Then Wasina sat down (rested), having fought with his @I[baba]. [Nos‰n was Wasina's mother's relative. A true @I[baba] is one's mother's brother.] @rf[44] @tx[Sudah.] @mb[sudah] @mg[finished] It was all over. @rf[45] @tx[Waken zen gw‰ an ke, Lore, z‰no bianna] @mb[waken zen gw‰ an ke Lore z‰no bian -na] @mg[over there she stay PRES REL Lore her father-TOP] @tx[lekna, Yahom bak.] @mb[lek -na Yahom bak] @mg[crippled-STATE Yahom honor] Lore, who lives over there, her father, Yahom, was lame. @rf[46] @tx[Zen dekam gona gw‰ tineka, anakan,] @mb[zen dekam go -na gw‰ tine -ka anakan] @mg[he then tears-TOP stay continual-3sgM-PAST like this] At that time he cried constantly, like this, @rf[46.1] @tx["Hare asa sa dal!] @mb[ hare a -sa sa da -l] @mg[ oh no 1sg-PVT WILL 3pl-kill MO-3pl-FUT] "Oh they'll kill me! @rf[46.2] @tx[‰e san tananaban!"] @mb[‰e san tana-na -ban] @mg[1sg INTERROG feet-TOP-with] As if I had legs!" @rf[47] @tx[Kirehap ngalap gweka,] @mb[kirehap ngalap gwe-ka] @mg[for this reason anxious BE -3sgM-PAST] So he was apprehensive, @rf[47.1] @tx["An bap z‰ hw‰na Tuansa dak.] @mb[ an bap z‰ hw‰na Tuan-sa da -k] @mg[ these should not there BUT Mr. -PVT 3pl-kill MO-PAST] "They shouldn't have killed Mr. Umal. @rf[47.2] @tx[Kinna Tuanna b‰jen tan.] @mb[kin -na tuan-na b‰jen tan] @mg[if only-STATE Mr. -TOP never kill MO-INF] Misters shouldn't be killed. @rf[47.3] @tx[N‰sa hare sa dameral."] @mb[n‰ -sa hare sa damera -l] @mg[1pl-PVT oh no WILL 3pl-kill PLO-3pl-FUT] Oh, they [the government] will kill us." @rf[48] @tx[Asya dekon bian swe gubiridaka,] @mb[asya dekon bian swe gu -birida-ka] @mg[right away after that father deceased say-PLIO -3sgM-PAST] So because of that father told them, @rf[48.1] @tx["Yahomsu em in zen ki w‰ tanasen] @mb[ Yahom-sa em in zen ki w‰ ta-na -se-n] @mg[ Yahom-PVT you that them indeed carry MO-around-up-INF] @tx[gwenhap [denaye]."] @mb[gwe -n -hap dena-ye] @mg[REPET-INF-PURP ones-REFER] "You'll be the ones to carry Yahom around." @rf[49] @tx[Dekam ki h‰ndep Mahli bak swe ziw‰ta] @mb[dekam ki h‰ndep Mahli bak swe zi -w‰ -ta] @mg[then indeed so it was Mahli honor deceased TAKE DLO-carry-MO] @tx[song gweka waken d‰ Molgasandep.] @mb[song gwe -ka waken d‰ Molga-san -dep] @mg[walk BE -3sgM-PAST over there Molga-direction-toward] So it was that Mahli [and his group] carried him over to Molga (mountain). @rf[50] @tx[Zep n‰m‰k Hiatek ‰nak n‰m‰k,] @mb[zep n‰m‰ -k Hiatek ‰ -nak n‰m‰ -k] @mg[THEREFORE 3pl-DO-PAST Hiatek village-LOC 3pl-DO-PAST] @tx[n‰rsewek zau zep gola ] @mb[n‰r -sewe -k zau zep gol -na ] @mg[PL-take MO-ascend-PAST there THEN house-TOP ] @tx[daubluk.] @mb[‰ -tau -bla -k] @mg[3pl-build-for him-PAST] So then they did it, took him up to Hiatek village (part of that mountain), brought him up and built a house for him. @rf[51] @tx[Z‰ zep gw‰ gweka Yahom bak swe.] @mb[z‰ zep gw‰ gwe -ka Yahom bak swe] @mg[there THEN stay REPET-3sgM-PAST Yahom honor deceased] And so Yahom lived there. @rf[52] @tx[Asya ki zep Tuansa w‰r n‰blak,] @mb[asya ki zep Tuan-sa w‰r n‰ -bla -k] @mg[after that and THEN Mr. -PVT decorate 3pl-BE-because of him-PAST] @tx[tap gwes‹k.] @mb[tap gwe-s‹ -k] @mg[finish BE -COMPL-3sgF-PAST] And then they celebrated Mr. Umal's death, and so it was finished. @rf[53] @tx[‰e dekamkon asa bian swe gol‰sek] @mb[‰e dekam-kon asa bian swe gol‰ -sek] @mg[1pl then -after us father deceased SG(leader)+PL together-PL go] @tx[gweka waken d‰, Klatra mo langsan.] @mb[gwe-ka waken d‰ Klatra mo lang-san] @mg[BE -3sgM-PAST over there Klatra POS area-toward] For that reason father took us over there to Klatra's territory. @rf[54] @tx[Z‰ zep asa gol‰gw‰ka, z‰we asa] @mb[z‰ zep a -sa gol‰ -gw‰ -ka z‰we a -sa] @mg[there THEN 1pl-PVT SG(leader)+PL-stay-3sgM-PAST there 1pl-PVT] @tx[gol‰gw‰ka Klatra mo langnak.] @mb[gol‰ -gw‰ -ka Klatra mo lang-nak] @mg[SG(leader)+PL -stay-3sgM-PAST Klatra POS area-LOC] Therefore he led us and lived with us at Klatra's territory. @rf[55] @tx[Sudah, dekam bian swe gw‰gweka...] @mb[sudah dekam bian swe gw‰ -gwe -ka] @mg[finished then father deceased stay-REPET-3sgM-PAST] @tx[ki zep tagal gulsuku, etan zinika] @mb[ki zep tagal gul-s‹ -ka etan zi -na -ka] @mg[and THEN gather FO -COMPL-3sgM-PAST again men-TOP-SAME REF=PVT] @tx[gubiridaka.] @mb[gu -birida-ka] @mg[say-PLIO -3sgM-PAST] So he stayed... and then he gathered the people together, again he was in command. @rf[56] @tx[Z‰na dekam zep Betapsa zitameraka.] @mb[z‰na dekam zep Betap-sa zi -tamera -ka] @mg[he himself at that time THEN Betap-PVT TAKE DLO-kill-PLO-3sgM-PAST] After that he led the people in killing at Betap. @rf[57] @tx[Bo ‰nak zep l‰nna dalek Betap jalhap,] @mb[Bo ‰ -nak zep l‰n -na dale -k Betap jal -hap] @mg[Bo place-LOC THEN sago-TOP 3pl pound-PAST Betap anger-PURP] @tx[z‰ zep tagal gulku, Betapsa dekam zep] @mb[z‰ zep tagal gul-ka Betap-sa dekam zep] @mg[there THEREFORE gather FO -3sgM-PAST Betap-PVT and THEN] @tx[tamerak.] @mb[tamera -k] @mg[kill-PLO-PAST] At Bo village they pounded sago for fulfilling the grudge against Betap, then he gathered them, and killed people at Betap. @rf[58] @tx[Bian swe desan jala] @mb[bian swe de -san jal -na] @mg[father deceased that-DIR anger-TOP] @tx[golgwahalka, Guay k‹tak.] @mb[gol -gwahal-ka Guay k‹tak] @mg[TAKE FO-depart-3sgM-PAST Guay all] Father took the grudge there, with all the warriors of Guay. [including Guay, Dore, and Klatra villages] @rf[59] @tx[Wasina desa en jalse gweblaka,] @mb[Wasina de -sa en jalse gwe-bla-ka] @mg[Wasina that-PVT only forbid BE -MIO-3sgM-PAST] Wasina was the only one he forbid, @rf[59.1] @tx["Em bahem ang gwen.] @mb[ em bahem ang gwe-n] @mg[ you DON'T go along BE -IMP] "You don't go along. @rf[59.2] @tx[Home ki emsa syal gwebla an.] @mb[hom-e ki em -sa syal gwe-bla an] @mg[NOT-MOD indeed you-PVT work BE -MIO 1sg PRES] I don't work with you. @rf[59.3] @tx[Aha en de kire ang tak."] @mb[aha en de kire ang ta -k] @mg[others only to may go along PL BE-PL-IMP] All the rest go." @rf[60] @tx[Dekam zep Betapsa damerak,] @mb[dekam zep Betap-sa damera -k] @mg[and THEN Betap-PVT 3pl-kill PLO-PAST] @tx[zitameraka bian swe.] @mb[zi -tamera -ka bian swe] @mg[TAKE DLO-kill-PLO-3sgM-PAST father deceased] Then they killed at Betap, father leading. @rf[61] @tx[Tujuh belas enkam damerak Betapsa, we] @mb[tujuh belas en -kam damera -k Betap-sa we] @mg[seven teen exactly-ADV 3pl-kill PLO-PAST Betap-PVT women] @tx[wal, zi, kwala basa, etan dawem-dawem tangannaka.] @mb[wal zi kwala basa etan dawem-dawem tangan-na -ka] @mg[person men young girl again good -good very -STATE-REF] They killed seventeen at Betap, women, men, young girls, also very good ones. @rf[62] @tx[Wewal damerak, zi maena, zi mam-mam.] @mb[we -wal damera -k zi mae -na zi mam-mam] @mg[women-person 3pl-kill PLO-PAST men PLZER-TOP men big-big] They killed women, men, big men. @rf[63] @tx[Tahakam w‰rkam gw‰k.] @mb[taha-kam w‰r -kam gw‰ -k] @mg[hand-INSTR decorate-MANNER become-3pl-PAST] They killed so that their partners could decorate. [This phrase is an idiom.] @rf[64] @tx[Asya dekam lwandahalzak.] @mb[asya dekam lwandahal -za -k] @mg[after that then 3pl return-here-PAST] Then they came back. @rf[65] @tx[Z‰na waken d‰ Sigik w‰r gweka.] @mb[z‰na waken d‰ Sigi-k w‰r gwe-ka] @mg[he himself over there Sigi-LOC decorate BE -3sgM-PAST] Father decorated himself at Sigi. @rf[66] @tx[Ahakon an d‰ Molgak w‰r tak.] @mb[ahakon an d‰ Molga-k w‰r ta -k] @mg[others over(close) there Molga-LOC decorate PL BE-PAST] Others decorated themselves over at Molga. @rf[67] @tx[‰ey‰, aha en ama ti yulsoner.] @mb[‰ey‰ aha en ama ti gul-sone -l] @mg[Oh yeah one exactly am leave out FO -out from-1sg-REC] Oh yeah, I left out one thing. @rf[68] @tx[Tuanna insa dak ke, hw‰na Nipon zep] @mb[tuan-na in -sa da -k ke hw‰na Nipon zep] @mg[Mr. -TOP that-PVT 3pl-kill MO-PAST REL but Nipon THEN] @tx[ang dak golaban, B‰rk.] @mb[ang da -k gol -na -ban B‰r-k] @mg[incinerate 3pl-MO-PAST house-TOP-with B‰r-LOC] When they killed Mr. Umal, then the Japanese (soldiers) burned him up with the house at B‰r. @rf[69] @tx[Golaban ang dak Tuansa ye] @mb[gol -na -ban ang da -k Tuan-sa ye] @mg[house-TOP-with incinerate 3pl-MO-LOC Mr. -PVT REFER] @tx[hanannaka.] @mb[hanan-na -ka] @mg[bloat-STATE-SAME REF=PVT] Burned him up with the house, having already become bloated, @rf[70] @tx[Maehap z‰ Mahli zitaka: Guay desa] @mb[mae -hap z‰ Mahli zi ta -ka Guay de -sa] @mg[this-PURP there Mahli TAKE DLO kill MO-3sgM-PAST Guay that-PVT] @tx[hi-hi walya dak ke, z‰no dokot,] @mb[hi-hi walya da -k ke z‰no dokot] @mg[coastal people 3pl-kill MO-PAST REL his trading partner] @tx[maesa, Yonasne] @mb[mae -sa Yonas-ne] @mg[that one-PVT Yonas-together with] @tx[Kanggauneka n‹z‹k ke.] @mb[Kanggau-ne -ka n‹z‹ -k ke] @mg[Kanggau-together with-SAME REF=PVT 3pl kill DLO-PAST REL] This is the reason Mahli (Boyo) killed him there: The Guay (and Klatra) people had killed his trading partner when they killed Yonas and Kanggau. @rf[71] @tx[Z‰no dokotna dawem tangaranna, zep] @mb[z‰no dokot -na dawem tangaran-na zep] @mg[his trading partner-TOP good very -STATE THEREFORE] @tx[maeka,] @mb[mae -ka] @mg[do it-3sgM-PAST] He was his very good trading partner, so he thought like this, @rf[71.1] @tx["Wu... Simon bak in ke, zini ye, jal-jal] @mb[ wu Simon bak in ke zi -na ye jal -jal] @mg[ woa Simon honor that REL man-TOP REFER dangerous-dangerous] @tx[zini ye!"] @mb[zi -na ye] @mg[man-TOP REFER] Ha... That Simon, a man is he, a dangerous man is he!" (Who does he think he is!) @rf[72] @tx[An zep z‰ Mahli bak B‰rk ‰nak] @mb[an zep z‰ Mahli bak B‰r-k ‰ -nak] @mg[this THEREFORE there Mahli honor B‰r-LOC village-LOC] @tx[zitaka Tuansa.] @mb[zi -ta -ka Tuan-sa] @mg[TAKE DLO -kill MO-3sgM-PAST Mr. -PVT] That's the reason Mahli led them to kill Mr. Umal at B‰r. @rf[73] @tx[Somol zik lam guk nol alasa, Sapde ye] @mb[somol zik lam gu-k nol ala -sa Sapde ye] @mg[sister his-REF save FO-3sgF-PAST head hair-PVT Sapde REFER] @tx[[Mahli mo somol], zep de jalhap] @mb[ Mahli mo somol zep de jal -hap] @mg[ Mahli POS sister THEREFORE of anger-PURP] @tx[zitaka z‰we.] @mb[zi -ta -ka z‰we] @mg[DL-TAKE-kill MO-3sgM-PAST there] His sister Sapde did not cut her hair, [as a sign of mourning and refusing to give up the grudge], so that's why they killed him there. @rf[74] @tx[Zep Wasinasa Nos‰nneka guzim] @mb[zep Wasina-sa Nos‰n-ne -ka gu -zim] @mg[THEREFORE Wasina-PVT Nos‰n-together with-SAME REF=PVT say-DLIO] @tx[onka, in de sap Yalngun Danggunnukdep] @mb[on -ka in de sap Yalngun danggun-nak-dep] @mg[over-3sgM-PAST that when BECAUSE Yalngun delta -LOC-GOAL] @tx[tanhap, "Awe sa," enbyaonka] @mb[tan -hap awe sa en -bla -on -ka] @mg[MO-INF-PURP here WILL 3dl say-to him-over-3sgM-PAST] So when Wasina and Nos‰n told him to go ahead an kill him at Yalngun headwaters, saying, "Let's do it here," Mahli told him, @rf[74.1] @tx["A, ki hom.] @mb[ a ki hom] @mg[ oh indeed NOT] "Nope, not here. @rf[74.2] @tx[Sawal man asa yane'ne taka; ano dokot] @mb[Sawal man asa yane'ne ta-ka ano dokot] @mg[Sawal DID me cause lose MO-3sgM-PAST my trading partner] @tx[dawemsa ap tablaka, Kanggausa.] @mb[dawem-sa ap ta -bla -ka Kanggau-sa] @mg[good -PVT for me kill MO-for him-3sgM-PAST Kanggau-PVT] Sawal caused me to lose out by killing my good trading partner for me, Kanggau. @rf[74.3] @tx[Z‰no ‰nak esa, dekakim anakan maeka,] @mb[z‰no ‰ -nak esa deka -kim anakan mae -ka] @mg[his village-LOC WE WILL SO THAT-MANNER like this do it-3sgM-IRR] We'll do it at his village, so that he will say, @rf[74.4] @tx["Hare Mahli hen zisi ke.] @mb[ hare Mahli hen zi -sa ke] @mg[ oh no Mahli also man-PVT REL] `Oh Mahli too is a man, is he. @rf[74.5] @tx[Hare eiwa ke, Mahli hen zisi ke, ano] @mb[hare eiwa ke Mahli hen zi -sa ke ano] @mg[oh no truly REL Mahli also man-PVT REL my] @tx[‰nak zep zi asre taka."] @mb[‰ -nak zep zi asre ta -ka] @mg[village-LOC THEREFORE man rotten kill MO-3sgM-PAST] Well is that so, Mahli too is a man, so at my village he killed the rotting (decayed) man.' @rf[74.6] @tx[Sawal dekakim kirekam asa hen tawa] @mb[Sawal deka -kim kirekam a -sa hen tawa] @mg[Sawal SO THAT-MANNER like that 1sg-PVT also know] @tx[gweblaka."] @mb[gwe-bla -ka] @mg[BE -about him-3sgM-IRR] (We'll do it there) so Sawal will also know that about me." @rf[75] @tx[Sap dobena ye Degwi dr‰neka, maehap,] @mb[sap dobe-na ye Degwi dr‰ne -ka mae -hap] @mg[of course sago-TOP REFER Degwi lay aside MO-3sgM-PAST this-PURP] @tx[Kanggausa dikim tanhap ye.] @mb[Kanggau-sa dikim tan -hap ye] @mg[Kanggau-PVT so that kill MO-INF-PURP REFER] Now (of course) Deigwi had put sago by (saved it) for the purpose of killing Kanggau. @rf[76] @tx[Hw‰na hom.] @mb[hw‰na hom] @mg[but no] But it didn't happen. @rf[77] @tx[Tauk‹n‹ka zen ye.] @mb[tau -k‹n‹ -ka zen ye] @mg[miss -from there-3sgM-PAST him REFER] He missed (with the grudge arrow given by Tauhle). @rf[78] @tx[Eirzi aya hl‹ kosoka.] @mb[eirzi aya hl‹ koso -ka] @mg[brother older sibling split 3dl mutual-3dlM-PAST] Those two brothers shared the honors. @rf[79] @tx[Ahana ansa Tahyal Kanggau z‰naka ye.] @mb[aha -na an -sa Tahyal Kanggau z‰n -na -ka ye] @mg[another-TOP this-PVT Tahyal Kanggau himself-TOP-PVT REFER] Tahyal [Sawal's younger brother] killed one, Kanggau himself. @rf[80] @tx[Desa mae taka, Aulu bak swe.] @mb[de -sa mae ta -ka Aulu bak swe] @mg[that-PVT whatever kill MO-3sgM-PAST Aulu honor deceased] The other (Yonas) was killed by what's his name, Aulu. @rf[81] @tx[Mes sap hetyan gweka [Yonas].] @mb[mes sap hetyan gwe-ka Yonas] @mg[HAD of course run BE -3sgM-PAST Yonas] He (Yonas) ran of course. @rf[82] @tx[Z‰naka ye Kanggau baksa ye bein] @mb[z‰n -na -ka ye Kanggau bak -sa ye bein] @mg[himself-TOP-PVT REFER Kanggau honor-PVT REFER tobacco] @tx[blurannak dak.] @mb[bluran-nak da -k] @mg[cut -LOC 3pl-kill MO-PAST] Kanggau himself they killed as he was cutting tobacco. @rf[83] @tx[Deigwi z‰ wanga timsi] @mb[Deigwi z‰ wanga tim -sa] @mg[Deigwi there breadfruit trunk-PVT] @tx[alans‹bl‹ka.] @mb[alans‹ -bla -ka] @mg[mistakenly hit-from him-3sgM-PAST] Deigwi's arrow missed him and hit a breadfruit tree. @include[b:umal2.itx]