This disk contains the machine-readble text of the 1590 quarto of The Faerie Queene (Book I - III), which consists of the four files: FQ1.TXT, FQ2.TXT, FQ3.TXT, and RALEIGH.TXT. This text should not be used for any commercial purpose without the prior consent of the editors of the concordance. It can be freely used, however, for research and educational purposes. What follows is a brief explanation of this machine-readable text: The text contains the Title , the Dedication, the head titles and the Letter to Raleigh, in addition to the text part of the Quarto included in the concordance. "Fidessa" in M3r and "Finis" at the end of the text (Oo8r) have also been included in this text as well. Tildes are expanded by using < > instead of ( ). (e.g. fro) When part of a word is turned over, the turned-over part is indicated by [ instead of |. (e.g. ap[pease) The missing lines on I7v and Hh6v are indicated by "......". Otherwise, the text is identical with the one on which the concordance is based. (A detailed description of the text and the conventions employed is given in the "Introduction" to the concordance.) Text divisions into Books, Cantos, stanzas, etc. are indicated by the following symbols: Book * followed by Book number (e.g. *1, *2) Canto % followed by Canto number (e.g. %1, %2) stanza ^ (No number is given.) proem %Pr argument ^Ar page # followed by signature (e.g. #A1r, #Aa3v)