\LDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Peter Peter \N1 Allas, to woo t+hat we wer wrought, Hadde never no men so mekill t+hought, Sen that oure lorde to dede was brought With Jewes fell; Oute of t+his steede ne durste we noght, But here ay dwelle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:John John \N7 Here haue we dwelte with peynes strang; Of oure liffe vs lothis, we leve to lange, For sen the Jewes wrought vs t+hat wrong Oure lorde to sloo, Durste we neuere come t+hame emang, Ne hense to goo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N13 T+He wikkid Jewes hatis vs full ille, And bittir paynes wolde putte vs till. Therfore I rede t+hat we dwelle stille Here t+her we lende, Vnto t+hat Criste oure lorde vs wille Some socoure sende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N19 Pees and reste be with yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Peter Peter \N20 A, brethir dere, what may we trowe? What was this sight t+hat we saughe nowe Shynand so bright, And vanysshed t+hus and we ne wote how, Oute of oure sight? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:John John \N25 Oute of \#oure sight nowe is it soghte, Itt makith vs madde, t+he light it broght, What may it be? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N27 Sertis, I wotte noght, But sekirly Itt was vanyte+' in oure t+hought, Nought ellis trowe I it be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N31 Pees vnto yowe euermore myght be, Drede you noy+ot, for I am hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Peter Peter \N33 On Goddis name, \ibenedicite\r! What may t+his mene? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N35 Itt is a sperite forsothe, thynketh me, T+Hat dose vs tene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:John John \N37 A sperite it is, t+hat trowe I right, All t+hus appered here to oure sight. Itt makis vs madde of mayne and myght, So is vs flaied; Y+Oone is t+he same t+hat broughte t+he light T+Hat vs affraied. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N43 What thynke y+oe, madmen, in youre thought? What mournyng in youre hertis is brought? I ame Criste, ne drede y+oou noght; Her \#may y+oe se T+He same body t+hat has you bought Vppon a tre. T+Hat I am comen y+oou here to mete, Behalde and se myn handis and feete, And grathely gropes my woundes wete Al t+hat here is. T+Hus was I dight youre balis to beete, And bring to blis. For yowe t+her gatis t+hanne haue I gone. \#Felys me grathely euerilkone, And se t+hat I haue flessh and bone. Gropes me nowe, For so ne has sperite none, T+Hat schall y+oe trowe. To garre y+oou kenne and knowe me clere I schall you schewe ensaumpillis sere. Bringe nowe forthe vnto me here Some of youre mette, If y+oe amange you all in fere Haue ought to ete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N67 T+Hou luffand lorde t+hat laste schall ay, Loo, here is mette t+hat t+hou ete may, A hony kombe t+he soth to saye, Roste fecche t+hertill. To ete t+herof here we t+he praie With full goode will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N73 Nowe sen y+oe haue broughte me t+his mete, To make youre trouthe stedfast and grete, And for y+oe schall wanhope forgete And trowe in me, With youe t+han here wol I ete, T+Hat y+oe schalle see. Nowe haue I done, y+oe haue sene howe, Boldely etyng here with youe. Stedfastly loke t+hat y+oe trowe Yitt in me efte, And takis t+he remenaunte sone to you T+Hat her is lefte. For y+ooue t+hus was I reuyn and \#rayst, T+Herfore some of my peyne y+oe taste; And spekis now nowhare my worde waste, T+Hat schall y+oe lere, And vnto y+oou t+he holy goste \#Resave yow here. Beis now trewe, and trowes in me, And here I graunte youe in youre poste+': Whome t+hat y+oe bynde, bounden schall be Right at youre steuene, And whome t+hat y+oe \#lowys, losed schal be Euermore in heuene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N97 Allas for sight and sorowes sadde, Mornyng makis me mased and madde; On grounde nowe may I gang vngladde Bot+he even and morne. T+Hat hende t+hat I my helpe of hadde His liffe has lorne. Lorne I haue t+hat louely light, T+Hat was my maistir moste of myght. So doulfully as he was dight Was neuere no man; Such woo was wrought of t+hat worthy wighte With wondis wan. \#Wan \#was \#his wondis and \#wonderus wette, With skelpis sore was he swongen, t+hat swette, All naked nailed thurgh hande and feete. Allas, for pyne, T+Hat bliste, t+hat beste my bale myght bete, His liffe schulde tyne. Allas, for sorowe myselffe I schende When I thynke hartely on t+hat hende, I fande hym ay a faithfull frende, Trulie to telle. To my brethir nowe wille I wende Wherso t+hei dwell. \#So \#wofull \#wyghtis was neuere none, Oure joie and comforte is all gone. Of mournyng may we make oure mone In ilka lande. God blisse you brether, bloode and bone, Same t+her y+oe stande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Peter Peter \N127 Welcome Thomas, where has t+hou bene? Wete t+hou wele withouten wene Jesu oure lorde t+han haue we sene On grounde her gang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N131 What saie y+oe men? Allas, for tene, I trowe y+oe mang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:John John \N133 Thomas, trewly it is noght to layne, Jesu oure lorde is resen agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N135 Do waie, thes tales is but a trayne Of fooles vnwise. He t+hat was so fully slayne, Howe schulde he rise? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N139 Thomas, trewly he is on lyue T+Hat tholede t+he Jewes his flessh to riffe, He lete vs fele his woundes fyue, Oure lorde verray. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N143 That trowe I nought, so motte I thryue, Whatso y+oe saie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Peter Peter \N145 Thomas, we saugh his woundes wette, Howe he was nayled thurgh hande and feete; Hony and fisshe with vs he eette, T+Hat body free. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N149 I laye my liff it was some sperit Y+Oe wende wer hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:John John \N151 Nay Thomas, t+hou haste misgone, Forwhy he bad vs euerilkon To grope hym grathely, bloode and bone And flessh to feele. Such thyngis, Thomas, hase sperite none, T+Hat wote \#thou wele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N157 What, leue felawes, late be youre fare. Tille t+hat I see his body bare And sithen my fyngir putte in thare Within his hyde, And fele the wounde t+he spere did schere Riy+ot in his syde, Are schalle I trowe no tales betwene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Jacob. Jacobus \N164 Thomas, t+hat wounde haue we seene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N165 Y+Oa, y+oe wotte neuere what y+oe mene, Youre witte it wantis. Ye muste thynke \#no \#syne me t+hus \#to tene And tule with trantis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N169 Pees, brethir, be vnto you; And Thomas, tente to me takis t+hou, Putte forthe thy fyngir to me nowe. Myn handis t+hou see, Howe I was nayled for mannys prowe Vppon a tree. Beholde my woundis are bledand; Here in my side putte in t+hi hande, And fele my woundis and vndirstande T+Hat t+his is I, And be no more mistrowand, But trowe trewly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:Thomas Thomas \N181 Mi lorde, my God, full wele is me. A, blode of price, blessid mote t+hou be; Mankynd in erth, behold and see T+His blessid blode. Mercy nowe lorde ax I the, With mayne and mode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.41 E:God God \N187 Thomas, for t+hou haste sene t+his sight, T+Hat I am resen as I \#the hight, T+Herfore t+hou trowes it-+-but ilka wight, Blissed be \#they euere T+Hat trowis haly in my rising right, And saw it neuere. My brethir, fonde nowe forthe in fere, Ouereall in ilke a contre+' clere. My rising both ferre and nere Preche it schall y+oe; And my blissyng I giffe y+oou here, And my meny+oe. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Peter Peter \N1 O mightfull God, how standis it nowe, In worlde t+hus will was I neuere are; Butte he apperes, bot I ne wote howe-+- He fro vs twynnes whanne he will fare. And y+oitt may falle t+hat for oure prowe, And alle his wirkyng lesse and mare. A, kyng of comforte, gudde arte t+hou And lele, and likand is thy lare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:John John \N9 The missing of my maistir trewe That lenghis not with vs lastandly, Makis me to morne ilke a day newe For tharnyng of his company. His peere of gudnes neuere I knewe, Of myght ne wisdome \#y+oit \#any. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Peter Peter \N15 That we hym tharne sore may vs rewe, For he luffed vs full faithfully. Bot y+oitt in all my mysselykyng A worde t+hat Criste saide comfortis me: Oure heuynes and oure mournyng, He saide, to joie turned schuld be. T+Hat joie, he saide in his hetyng, To reue vs none schulde haue no poste+', Wherfore abouen all othir thyng That joie me longis to knowe and see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Mary Mary \N25 T+Hou Petir, whanne my sone was slayne And laide in graue, y+oe wer in were Whedir he schulde rise, almoste ilkane; But nowe y+oe wotte thurgh knowyng clere. \#Some t+hat he saide schulde \#come is gane, And some to come; but ilkane sere, Whedir it be to come or none, Vs awe to knowe it all in fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Jesus Jesus \N33 Almyghty God, my fadir free, In erthe t+hi bidding haue I done And clarified t+he name of t+he; To thyselffe clarifie t+he sone. Als t+hou haste geuen me pleyne poste+' Of ilke a flesh, graunte me my bone, T+Hat t+hou me gaffe myght lyffand be In endles liffe and with t+he wonne. T+Hat liffe is t+his t+hat hath none ende, To knawe t+he, fadir, moste of myght; And me thy sone, whame t+hou gon sende To dye for man withouten plight. Mankynde was thyne, whome t+hou bekende And toke me to \#my y+oemyng right. I died for man, mannes misse to mende, And vnto spitous dede was dight. Thy wille vnto t+hem taughte haue I, T+Hat wolde vnto my lare enclyne. Mi lare haue they tane buxsomly, Schall none of them t+her trauaile tyne. T+Hou gaffe t+hem me but noght forthy, Y+Oitt are they thyne als wele as myne; Fleme t+hem not fro oure companye, Sen thyne are myne and myne er thyne. Sen they are oures, if t+hame nede ought T+Hou helpe t+hem, if it be thy will; And als t+hou wate t+hat I t+hame boght, For faute of helpe latte t+hem not spill. Fro t+he worlde to take t+hem pray I noght, But t+hat t+hou kepe t+hame ay fro ill, All t+hois also t+hat settis t+hare t+hoght In erthe my techyng to fulfill. Mi tythandis tane has my meny+oe To teche t+he pepull wher they fare, In erthe schall t+hei leue aftir me And suffir sorowes sadde and sare. Dispised and hatted schall t+hei be, Als I haue bene, with lesse and mare, And \#suffer dede in sere degre+', For sothfastnesse schall none t+hem spare. T+Hou halowe t+hame fadir, forthy, In sothfastnes so t+hat t+hei may Be ane as we ar, t+howe and I, In will and werke, both nyght and day, And knawe t+hat I ame verilye Both sothfastnes and liffe alway, Be the whilke ilke man t+hat is willy May wynne t+he liffe t+hat laste schall ay. Bot y+oe, my postelis all bedene T+Hat lange has wente abowte with me, In grete wanne-trowyng haue y+oe bene, And wondir harde of hartis ar y+oe. Worthy to be reproued, I wene, Ar y+oe forsothe, and y+oe will see In als mekill als y+oe haue sene My wirkyng proued and my poste+'. Whan I was dede and laide in graue Of myne vpryse y+oe were in doute, And some for myne vprysing straue When I was laide als vndir \#clowte So depe in erthe. But sithen I haue Ben walkand fourty daies aboute, Eten with y+oou, youre trouthe to saue, Comand emange y+oou inne and oute. And t+herfore beis no more in were Of myne vpperysing, day nor nyght. Youre misbeleue leues ilkone seere, For witte y+oe wele, als man of myght Over whome no dede may haue poure, I schall be endles liffeand right. Bot for to schewe you figure clere, Schewe I me t+husgatis to youre sight. Howe man by cours of kynde schall ryse, Allt+hogh he be roten ontill noy+ot. Oute of his graue in t+his \#same wise At t+he daye of dome schall he be broght Wher I schall sitte as trewe justise, And deme man aftir he has wroght, T+He wikkid to wende with t+her enmyse, T+He gode to blisse t+hei schall be broght. Anodir skill forsoth is t+his: In a tre man was traied thurgh trayne; \#Ane man, forthy to mende t+hat misse On a tree boght mankynde agayne, In confusioune of hym and his T+Hat falsely to forge t+hat frawde was fayne, Mankynde to bringe agayne to blisse, His foo, t+he fende, till endles peyne. T+He thirde skille is, trewly to tell, Right als I wende als wele will seme, So schall I come in flessh and fell Atte t+he day of dome, whan I schall deme T+He goode in endles blisse to dwell, Mi fomen fro me for to fleme Withouten ende in woo to well, Ilke leuand man here to take yeme. But intill all t+he worlde \#wendand, T+He gospell trewly preche schall y+oe Tille ilke a creatoure liffand. Who trowes, if that he baptised be He schall, als yhe schall vndirstande, Be saued, and of all thraldome free. Who trowis it not, as mistrowand For faute of trouthe dampned is he. But all ther tokenyngis bedene Schall folowe t+ham t+hat trowis it right, In my name deuellis crewell and kene Schall t+hei oute-caste of ilka wight, With newe tongis speke, serpentis vnclene Fordo; and if t+hei day or nyght Drinke venym wik, withouten wene, To noye t+hame schall it haue no myght. On seke folke schall t+hei handes lay And wele schall t+hei haue sone at welde, T+His poure schall t+hei haue alway, My meny+ohe, bothe in towne and felde; And witte y+oe wele, so schall t+hei T+Hat wirkis my wille in youthe or elde-+- A place for t+hame I schall purveye In blisse with me ay in to belde. Nowe is my jornay brought till ende, Mi tyme t+hat me so lang was \#lente. To my fadir nowe vppe I wende, And youre fadir t+hat me doune sente-+- Mi God, youre God, and ilk mannes frende That till his techyng will consente, Till synneres t+hat no synne t+hame schende, T+Hat mys amendis and will repente. But for I speke t+hes wordis nowe To you, youre hartis hase heuynes. Fullfillid all be it for youre prowe T+Hat I hense wende, als nedfull is. And butte I wende comes noght to yowe T+He comforteoure of comforteles, And if I wende y+oe schall fynde howe I schall hym sende, of my goodnesse. Mi fadirs will fullfillid haue I, Therfore fareswele ilkone seere; I goo make youe a stede redye Endles to wonne with me in feere. Sende doune a clowde, fadir, forthy I come to t+he my fadir deere. T+He fadir blissing moste myghty Giffe I you all t+hat leffe here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Mary Mary \N177 A, myghtfull God, ay moste of myght, A selcouth sight is t+his to see, Mi sone t+hus to be ravisshed right In a clowde wendande vppe fro me. Bothe is my herte heuy and light, Heuy for swilke twynnyng schulde be, And light for he haldis t+hat he hight And t+hus vppe wendis in grette poste+'. His hetyngis haldis he all bedene, T+Hat comfortis me in all my care. But vnto whome schall I me mene? T+Hus will in worlde was I neuere \#are, To dwelle amonge t+hes Jewes kene-+- Me to dispise will t+hei not spare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:John John \N191 All be he noght in presens seene, Y+Oitt is he salue of ilka sare. But lady, sen t+hat he betoke Me for to serue you as youre sonne, Y+Oou nedis nothyng, lady, but loke What thyng in erthe y+oe will haue done. I ware to blame if I forsoke To wirke youre wille, midday or none, Or any tyme y+oitt of t+he woke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Mary Mary \N200 I thanke t+he John, with wordis fune: Mi modirhed, John, schall t+hou haue, And for my sone I wolle t+he take. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:John John \N203 T+Hat grace, dere lady, wolde I craue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Mary Mary \N204 Mi sone sawes will I neuere forsake, Itt were not semand t+hat we straue Ne contraried noy+ot t+hat he spake; But John, tille I be broght in graue, Schall t+hou never see my sorowe slake. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Jacob Jacob \N209 Owre worthy lorde, sen he is wente For vs, lady, als is his will, We thanke hym t+hat vs t+he hath lente With vs \#on lyue to lenge her stille. I saie for me with full concente, T+Hi likyng all will I fulfille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Andrew Andrew \N215 So wille we all with grete talent, Forthy lady, giffe t+he noght ill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N217 Y+Oe men of t+he lande of Galile+', What wondir y+oe to heuene lokand? T+His Jesus whome y+oe fro youe see Vppe-tane, y+oe schall wele vndirstande, Right so agayne come doune schall he. When he so comes with woundes bledand, Who wele has wrought full gladde may be, Who ill has leved full sore dredand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N225 Y+Oe t+hat has bene his seruauntis trewe And with hym lengand nyght and day, Slike wirkyng als y+oe with hym knew Loke t+hat y+oe preche it fourthe alway. Youre mede in heuene beis ilke day newe, And all t+hat seruis hym wele to paye. Who trowes you noght it schall t+hame rewe, T+Hei mon haue peyne encresand ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Jacob. Jacobus \N233 Loued be t+hou lorde ay moste of myght, T+Hat t+hus, in all oure grete disease, Vs comfortist with thyne aungellis bright. Nowe \#aught t+her Jewes t+hare malise meese, T+Hat sawe t+hameselue t+his wondir sight T+Hus nere t+hame wroght vndir t+her \#nese-+- And we haue mater day and nyght Oure God more for to preyse and plese. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Andrew Andrew \N241 Nowe may t+her Jewes be all confused If t+hai on-thinke t+hame inwardly, Howe falsely t+hei haue hym accused And sakles schente thurgh t+her envy. T+Her falsed, t+hat t+hei longe haue vsed, Nowe is it proued here opynly; And they were of t+his mater mused Itt schulde t+hame stirre to aske mercy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Peter Peter \N249 T+Hat wille t+hei noy+ot Andrewe, late be, For t+hei are full of pompe and pride. Itt may noy+ot availe to t+he ne me Ne none of vs with t+hame to chide. Prophite to dwelle can I none see, Forthy late us no lenger bide, But wende we vnto seere contre+' To preche thurgh all t+his worlde so wide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:John John \N257 T+Hat is oure charge, for t+hat is beste, T+Hat we lenge nowe no lenger here, For here gete we no place of reste To lenge so nere t+he Jewes poure. Vs to fordo t+hei will t+hame caste, Forthy come forthe my lady dere And wende vs hense; I am full preste With you to wende with full goode chere. Mi triste is nowe euer ilk a dele In yowe, to wirke aftir youre counsaill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Jacob. Jacobus \N267 Mi lady dere, t+hat schall y+oe fele In oght t+hat euere vs may availe. Oure comforte, youre care to kele, Whill we may leue we schall not faile. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Mary Mary \N271 Mi brethir dere, I traste itt wele, Mi sone schall quyte y+oou youre trauaile. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.42 A:Peter Peter \N273 To Jerusalem go we agayne And loke what fayre so aftir fall, Oure lorde and maistir moste of mayne He wisse youe, and be with youe all. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Peter Peter \N1 Brethir, takes tente vnto my steuen, T+Hanne schall y+oe stabily vndirstande Oure maistir hende is hente to heuyn, To reste t+here on his fadirs right hande. And we are leued alyue elleuyn, To lere his lawes lely in lande; Or we begynne vs muste be even Ellis are owre werkis noght to warande. For parfite noumbre it is none Off elleuen for to lere, Twelue may be asoundir tone And \#sett in parties seere. \N12 \iNobis\r \iprecepit\r \idominus\r \ipredicare\r \ipopulo\r, \iet\r \itestificare\r \N12 \iquia\r \iprope\r \iest\r \iiudex\r \iviuorum\r \iet\r \imortuorum\r. Oure lord comaunded vs more and lesse To rewle vs right aftir his rede, He badde vs preche and bere wittenesse That he schulde deme bothe quike and dede. To hym all prophettis preuys expresse All t+ho t+hat trowis in his Godhede, Off synnes t+hei schall haue forgiffenesse, So schall we say...mekill rede. And senne we on t+his wise Schall his counsaile discrie, Itt nedis we vs avise T+Hat we saye noy+ot serely. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:John John \N25 Serely he saide t+hat we schulde wende In all t+his worlde his will to wirke, And be his counsaile to be kende He saide he schulde sette haly kirke. But firste he saide he schulde doune sende His sande, t+hat we schuld noy+ot be irke, His haly gaste on vs to lende And make vs to melle of materes mirke. Vs menis he saide vs t+hus Whan t+hat he fared vs froo: `\iCum\r \ivenerit\r \iparaclitus\r \iDocebit\r \ivos\r \iomnia`\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Jacob. Jacobus \N37 Y+Oa, certaynely he saide vs soo, And mekill more t+hanne we of mene: `\iNisi\r \iego\r \iabiero`\r, T+Hus tolde he ofte-tymes vs betwene. He saide, forsoth, `But if t+hi goo T+He holy goste schall not be sene, \iEt\r \#\icum\r \iassumptus\r \ifuero\r T+Hanne schall I sende y+oou comforte clene'. T+Hus tolde he holy howe T+Hat oure dedis schulde be dight, So schall we trewly trowe He will holde t+hat he vs highte. He will holde t+hat he vs hight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.4 Apostle 4 \N49 He highte vs fro harme for to hyde And holde in hele both hede and hende, Whanne we take t+hat he talde t+hat tyde, Fro all oure foois it schall vs fende. But t+hus in bayle behoues vs bide To tyme t+hat sande till vs be sende; T+He Jewes besettis vs in ilke a side T+Hat we may nowdir walke nor wende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.5 Apostle 5 \N57 We dare noy+ot walke for drede Or comforte come vs till, Itt is moste for oure spede Here to be stokyn still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Mary Mary \N61 Brethir, what mene y+oe y+oou emelle, To make mournyng at ilk a mele? My sone t+hat of all welthe is well, He will y+oou wisse to wirke full wele, For t+he tente day is t+his to telle Sen he saide we schull fauoure fele. Leuys wele t+hat lange schall it not dwell, And therfore drede you neuere a dele, But prayes with harte and hende T+Hat we his helpe may haue, T+Hanne schall it sone be sende, T+He sande t+hat schall vs saue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N73 Harke maistir, for Mahoundes peyne, Howe t+hat t+hes mobbardis maddis nowe. T+Her maistir t+hat oure men haue slayne Hase garte t+hame on his trifullis trowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N77 T+He lurdayne sais he leffis agayne; T+Hat mater may t+hei neuere avowe, For as t+hei herde his prechyng pleyne He was away, t+hai wiste noy+ot howe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N81 They wiste noy+ot whenne he wente, T+Herfore fully t+hei faile, And sais t+ham schall be sente Grete helpe thurgh his counsaille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N85 He myghte nowdir sende clothe nor clowte, He was neuere but a wrecche alway-+- But samme oure men and make a schowte, So schall we beste yone foolis flaye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N89 Nay, nay, t+han will t+hei dye for doute. I rede we make noy+ot mekill dray, But warly wayte when t+hai come oute And marre t+hame t+hanne, if t+hat we may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N93 Now certis, I assente t+hertille, Yitt wolde I noght t+hei wiste; Y+Oone carles t+han schall we kill But t+hei liffe als vs liste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Mary Mary \N97 Honnoure and blisse be euer \#newe, With worschippe in t+his worlde alwaye, To my souerayne sone Jesu, Oure lorde allone t+hat laste schall ay. Nowe may we triste his talis ar trewe, Be dedis t+hat here is done t+his day; Als lange as y+oe his pase pursue T+He fende \#he fendis yow for to flay. For his high hali gaste He lattis here on y+oou lende, Mirthis and trewthe to taste And all misse to amende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Peter Peter \N109 All mys to mende nowe haue we myght, T+His is t+he mirthe oure maistir of mente. I myght noy+ot loke, so was it light-+- A, loued be t+hat lorde t+hat itt vs lente. Now hase he holden t+hat he vs highte, His holy goste here haue we hente; Like to t+he sonne itt semed in sight, And sodenly t+hanne was itt sente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.2 Apostle 2 \N117 Hitt was sente for oure sele, Hitt giffis vs happe and hele, Methynke slike forse I fele I myght felle folke full feele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.3 Apostle 3 \N121 We haue force for to fighte in felde And fauour of all folke in feere, With wisdome in t+his worlde to welde Be knowing of all clergye clere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.4 Apostle 4 \N125 We haue bewteis to be oure belde And langage nedis vs none to lere, T+Hat lorde vs awe y+oappely to y+oelde T+Hat vs has y+oemed vnto t+his y+oere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.5 Apostle 5 \N129 This is t+he y+oere of grace T+Hat musteris vs emang, As aungellis in t+his place T+Hat sais t+hus in t+her sange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.1 Apostle 1 \N133 In t+hare sigging saide t+hei t+hus, And tolde t+her talis betwene t+hem two: `\iVeni\r \icreator\r \ispiritus\r, \iMentes\r \ituorum\r \ivisita`\r. T+Hei praied t+he spirite come till vs And mende oure myndis with mirthis ma, T+Hat lered t+hei of oure lorde Jesus, For he saide t+hat itt schulde be swa. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.2 Apostle 2 \N141 He saide he schulde vs sende His holy goste fro heuyn, Oure myndis with mirthe to mende-+- Nowe is all ordand euyn. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.3 Apostle 3 \N145 Euen als he saide schulde to vs come So has bene schewid vnto oure sight; `\iTristicia\r \iimpleuit\r \icor\r \ivestrum'-+-\r Firste sorowe in herte he vs hight; `\iSed\r \iconuertetur\r \iin\r \igaudium`\r. Sen saide he t+hat \#we schulde be light. Nowe t+hat he saide vs, all and summe, Is mefid emange vs thurgh his myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.4 Apostle 4 \N153 His myght with mayne and mode May comforte all mankynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N155 Harke man, for Mahoundes bloode, T+Her men maddis oute of mynde. T+Hei make carpyng of ilke contre+', And leris langage of ilk a lande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N159 They speke oure speche als wele as we, And in ilke a steede it vndirstande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N161 And alle are noy+ot of Galilee T+Hat takis t+his hardinesse on hande? Butt t+hei are drounken, all t+hes meny+oe, Of muste or wyne, I wolle warande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N165 Nowe certis t+his was wele saide, T+Hat makis t+her mynde to marre; Y+Oone faitours schall be flaied Or t+hat t+hei flitte aught ferre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.4 Apostle 4 \N169 Harke brethir, waites wele aboute, For in oure fayre we fynde no frende. T+He Jewes with strengh are sterne and stoute And scharpely schapes t+hem vs to schende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.1 Apostle 1 \N173 Oure maistir has putte all perellis oute And fellid t+he falsed of t+he fende. Vndo youre dores and haues no doute, For to y+oone warlowes will we wende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.2 Apostle 2 \N177 To wende haue we no drede, Noght for to do oure dette, For to neuyn t+hat is nede Shall none on lyve vs lette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Peter Peter \N181 Y+Oe Jewez t+hat in Jerusalem dwelle, Youre tales are false, t+hat schall y+oe fynde. T+Hat we are dronken we here you telle Because y+oe hope we haue bene pynnyd. A prophette preued, his name is Johell, A gentill Jewe of youre awne kynde, He spekis t+hus in his speciall spell And of t+his matere makis he mynde. Be poyntis of prophicie He tolde full ferre before, T+His may y+oe noy+ot denye, For t+hus his wordis wore: \N192 `\iEt\r \ierit\r \#\inouissimis\r \idiebus\r, \idicit\r \idominus\r, \N192 \ieffundam\r \ide\r \ispiritu\r \imeo\r \isuper\r \iomnem\r \icarnem`\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.3 Apostle 3 \N193 Loo, losellis, loo, t+hus may ye lere Howe youre elders wrotte alway. T+He holy goste haue we tane here As youre awne prophettis prechid ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.4 Apostle 4 \N197 Hitt is t+he myght of oure maistir dere, All dedis t+hat here are done t+his daye; He giffis vs myght and playne power To conclude all t+hat y+oe can saie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N201 There men hase mekill myght Thurgh happe t+hei here haue tone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N203 Wende we oute of t+her sight And latte t+hem even allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.1 Apostle 1 \N205 Nowe, brethir myne, sen we all meffe To teche t+he feithe to foo and frende, Oure tarying may turne vs to mischeffe, Wherfore I counsaille t+hat we wende Vntille oure lady and take oure leue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Apos.2 Apostle 2 \N210 Sertis, so woll we with wordis hende. Mi lady, takis it noght to greue, I may no lenger with you lende. \N212 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Mary Mary \N213 Nowe Petir, sen itt schall be soo T+Hat y+oe haue diuerse gatis to gang, Ther schall none dere you for to doo Whils my sone musteris you emang. Butt John and Jamys, my cosyns twoo, Loke t+hat y+oe lenge not fro me lange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:John John \N219 Lady, youre wille in wele and woo, Itt schall be wroght, ellis wirke we wrang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Jacob. Jacobus \N221 Lady, we bothe are boune Atte youre biddyng to be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.43 Pe:Mary Mary \N223 The blissing of my sone Be boith with you and me. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Gabr. Gabriel \N1 Hayle, myghfull Marie, Godis modir so mylde, Hayle be t+hou, roote of all reste, hayle be t+hou, ryall. Hayle floure and frewte noy+ot fadid nor filyd, Haile, salue to all synnefull. Nowe saie t+he I schall Thy sone to t+hiselue me has sente, His sande, and sothly he saies No lenger t+han t+her thre dayes Here lefte t+he t+his liffe t+hat is \#lente. And t+herfore he biddis t+he loke t+hat t+hou blithe be, For to t+hat bigly blisse t+hat berde will t+he bring, There to sitte with hymselue, all solas to see, And to be crowned for his quene and he hymselue \#kyng In mirthe t+hat euere schall be newe. He sendis to t+he wort+hely iwis T+His palme oute of paradise, In tokenyng t+hat it schall be trewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N17 I thanke my sone semely of all his sandis sere; Vnto hym lastandly be ay louyng T+Hat me t+hus wort+hely wolde menske on t+his manere, And to his bigly blisse my bones for to bringe. But gode ser, neuenes me t+hi name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Gabr. Gabriel \N22 Gabriell, t+hat baynly ganne bringe T+He boodworde of his bering-+- Forsothe lady, I ame t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N25 Nowe Gabriell t+hat sothly is fro my sone sent, I thanke t+he t+her tythyngis t+hou tellis me vntill, And loued be t+hat lorde of the lane t+hat has me lente \N27 [... ...] And dere sone, I beseke t+he Grete God, t+hou graunte me t+hi grace, Thyne appostelis to haue in t+his place, T+Hat t+hei at my bering may be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Gabr. Gabriel \N32 Nowe foode fairest of face, most faithfull and fre, T+Hyne askyng t+hi sone has graunte of his grace, And saies all same in sight y+oe schall see All his appostelis appere in t+his place, To wirke all t+hi will at t+hi wending. And sone schall t+hi peynes be paste, And t+hou to be in liffe t+hat schall laste Euermore withouten any ending. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:John John \N40 Marie my modir, t+hat mylde is and meke And cheffe chosen for chaste, nowe telle me, what chere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N42 John, sone, I saie t+he forsothe I am seke. Mi swete sone sonde I \#hente, right nowe it was here, And douteles he saies I schall dye. Within thre daies iwis, I schall be beldid in blisse And come to his awne company. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:John John \N48 A, with t+hi leue lady, t+hou neuene it me noght, Ne telle me no tydingis to twynne vs in two, For be t+hou, blissid birde, vnto bere broght Euermore whils I wonne in t+his worlde will me be full woo, Therfore lete it stynte and be still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N53 Nay John, sone, myselue nowe I see Atte Goddis will moste it nedis be, T+Herfore be it wroght at his will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:John John \N56 A, worthy, when t+hou art wente will me be full woo-+- But God giffe t+he appostelis wiste of t+hi wending. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N58 Y+Ois John, sone, for certayne schall it be so, All schall t+hei hardely be here at myne ending. The sonde of my sone saide me \#t+his, T+Hat sone schall my penaunce be paste And I to be in liffe t+hat euere schall laste, Than baynly to belde in t+hat blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Peter Peter \N64 O God omnipotent, t+he giffer of all grace, \iBenedicite\r \idominus\r, a clowde now full clere \#Vmbelappid me in Jude+' prechand as I was, And I haue mekill meruayle how t+hat I come here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Jacob. Jacobus \N68 A, sesse, of t+his assemelyng can I noy+ot saie Howe and in what wise t+hat we are here mette, Owthir myrt+he or of mornyng mene wele it maye, For sodenly in sight here sone was I sette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Andrew Andrew \N72 A, bredir, be my wetand and iwisse so wer we, In diuerse landes lely I wotte we were lente, And how we are semelid t+hus can I noy+ot see, But as God of his sande has vs same sente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:John John \N76 A, felawes, late be youre fare, For as God will it moste nedis be, T+Hat pereles is of poste+', His myy+ot is to do mekill mare. For Marie t+hat worthy schall wende nowe I wene, Vnto t+hat bigly blisse t+hat high barne baynly vs boght; T+Hat we in \#hir sight all same myght be sene Or sche disseuer vs froo, hir sone sche besoght. And t+hus has he wroght atte hir will, Whanne sche schal be broght on a bere, That we may be neghand hir nere This tyme for to tente hir vntill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N88 Jesu my darlyng t+hat ding is and dere, I thanke t+he my dere sone of t+hi grete grace T+Hat I all t+his faire \#felawschip atte hande nowe has here, T+Hat t+hei me some comforte may kythe in t+his case. T+His sikenes it sittis me full sare; My maidens, take kepe nowe on me And caste some watir vppon me-+- I faynte, so febill I fare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Anc.1 Ancilla 1 \N96 Allas for my lady t+hat lemed so light, That euere I leued in t+his lede t+hus longe for to lende, That I on t+his semely schulde se such a sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Anc.2 Ancilla 2 \N99 Allas, helpe, sche dyes in oure hende. A, Marie, of me haue t+hou mynde \N100 [... ...] Some comforte vs two for to kythe, T+Hou knowes we are comen of t+hi kynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N103 What ayles yow women for wo t+hus wynly to wepe? Yhe do me dere with youre dynne, \#for me muste nedis dye Yhe schulde, whenne y+oe saw me so slippe \#on slepe, Haue lefte all youre late and lette me lye. John, cosyne, garre t+hame stynte and be still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:John John \N108 A, Marie t+hat mylde is of mode, When t+hi sone was raised on a rode To tente t+he he toke me t+he till, And t+herfore at t+hi bidding full bayne will I be. Iff t+her be oght, modir, t+hat I amende may, I pray t+he, myldest of mode, meue t+he to me, And I schall, derewort+hi dame, do it ilke a daye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N115 A, John, sone, t+hat t+his peyne were ouere-paste! With goode harte y+oe alle t+hat are here Praies for me faithfully in feere, For I mon wende fro you as faste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N119 A, foode fairest of face, moste faithfull to fynde, T+Hou mayden and modir t+hat mylde is and meke, As t+hou arte curtaise and comen of oure kynde All oure synnes for to sesse t+hi sone t+hou \#beseke, With mercy to mende vs of mys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N124 Sen t+hou, lady, come of oure kynne, T+Hou helpe vs nowe t+hou veray virginne, T+Hat we may be broght vnto blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N127 Jesu my sone, for my sake beseke I t+he t+his, As t+hou arte gracious and grete God t+hou graunte me \#t+hy grace. T+Hei t+hat is comen of my kynde and amende will t+here mys, Nowe specially t+hou t+hame spede and spare t+hame a space, And be t+her belde, if t+hi willis be. And dere sone, whane I schall dye, I pray t+he t+han for t+hi mercy T+He fende t+hou latte me noy+ot see. And also my blissid barne, if t+hi will be, I sadly beseke t+he my sone, for my sake, Men t+hat are stedde stiffely in stormes or in see And are in will wittirly my worschippe to awake, And t+hanne nevenes my name in t+hat nede, T+Hou late t+hame not perissh nor spille. Of t+his bone my sone, at t+hi will, T+Hou graunte me specially to spede. Also my bliste barne t+hou graunte me my bone, All t+hat are in newe or in nede and nevenes me be name, I praie t+he sone for my sake t+hou socoure t+hame sone, In alle t+her schoures t+hat are scharpe t+hou shelde t+hame fro schame. And women also in t+hare childing, Nowe speciall t+hou t+hame spede, And if so be t+hei die in t+hat drede To t+hi blisse t+hane baynly t+hou t+hame bringe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Jesus Jesus \N151 Marie my modir, thurgh t+he myght nowe of me For to make t+he in mynde with mirthe to be mending, T+Hyne asking all haly here heete I nowe t+he. But modir, t+he fende muste be nedis at t+hyne endyng In figoure full foule for to fere t+he. Myne aungelis schall t+hane be aboute t+he, And t+herfore dere dame t+hou thar noy+ot doute t+he, For douteles t+hi dede schall noy+ot dere t+he. And t+herfore my modir come myldely to me, For aftir t+he sonne my sande will I sende, And to sitte with myselfe all solas to se In ay-lastand liffe in likyng to lende. In t+his blisse schall be t+hi bilding, Of mirth schall t+hou neuere haue missing But euermore abide in my blissing, All t+his schall t+hou haue at t+hi welding. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Mary Mary \N167 I thanke t+he my swete sone, for certis I am seke, I may noy+ot now meve me for mercie almoste To t+he, sone myne t+hat made me, t+hi maiden so meke; Here thurgh t+hi grace, god sone, I giffe t+he my goste. Mi sely saule I t+he sende To heuene t+hat is highest on heghte, To t+he, sone myne t+hat moste is of myght, Ressayue it here into t+hyne \#hende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Jesus Jesus \N175 Myne aungellis louely of late, lighter t+han t+he levene, Into t+he ert+he wightly I will t+hat y+oe wende And bringe me my modir to t+he highest of heuene, With mirthe and with melody hir mode for to mende, For here schall hir blisse neuer be blynnande. Mi modir schall myldely be me Sitte nexte t+he high trinite+', And neuere in two to be twynnand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N183 Lorde, atte t+hi bidding full bayne will I be, T+Hat floure t+hat neuere was fadid full fayne will we fette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N185 And atte t+hi will, gode lorde, wirke will we With solace on ilke side t+hat semely vmsitte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Ang.3 Angel 3 \N187 Latte vs fonde to hir faste hir fors to deffende, T+Hat birde for to bringe vnto t+his blis bright. Body and sawle we schall hir assende To regne in t+his regally be regentte+' full right. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.44 MD:Ang.4 Angel 4 \N191 To blisse t+hat birde for to bringe Nowe Gabriell late vs wightly be wendand. This maiden mirthe to be mendand A semely song latte vs \#sing. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N1 In waylyng and weping, in woo am I wapped, In site and in sorowe, in sighing full sadde. Mi lorde and my luffe, loo, full lowe is he lapped, T+Hat makes me to mourne nowe full mate and full madde. What harling and what hurlyng t+hat hedesman he hadde, What breking of braunches ware brosten aboute hym, What bolnyng with betyng of brothellis full badde; Itt leres me full lely to loue hym and lowte hym, That comely to kenne. Goddis sone Jesus He died for vs, T+Hat makes me t+hus To mourne amange many men. Emange men may I mourne for t+he malice t+hei mente To Jesus t+he gentillest of Jewes generacioun. Of wisdome and witte were t+he waies t+hat he wente T+Hat drewe all t+ho domesmen derffe indignacioun, For douteles full dere was his diewe dominacioun. Vnkyndely t+hei kidde t+hem t+her kyng for to kenne With carefull comforth and colde recreacioun, For he mustered his miracles amonge many men And to t+he pepull he preched. But t+he Pharases fers All his resouns revers, And to t+her hedesmen rehers T+Hat vntrewe were t+he tales t+hat he teched. He teched full trewe, but t+he tirauntes were tened. For he reproued t+her pride t+hai purposed t+hame preste To mischeue hym, with malis in t+here mynde haue t+hei menyd, And to accuse hym of cursednesse t+he caistiffis has caste. Ther rancoure was raised, no renke might it reste, T+Hai toke hym with treasoune, t+hat turtill of treuthe, T+Hei fedde hym with flappes, with fersnesse hym feste, To rugge hym, to riffe hym; t+her reyned no rewthe. Vndewly t+hei demed hym: T+Hei dusshed hym, t+hei dasshed hym, T+Hei lusshed hym, t+hei lasshed hym, T+Hei pusshed hym, t+hei passhed hym, All sorowe t+hei saide t+hat it semed hym. Itt semed hym all sorowe, \#t+hei saide in \#t+her seggyng. T+Hei skippid and scourged hym-+-he skapid not-+-with scornes; T+Hat he was leder and lorde in t+here lawe lay no leggyng, But thrange on and thristed a croune of thik thornes. Ilk tag of t+hat turtill so tatterid and torne es That t+hat blissid body blo is and bolned for betyng, Y+Oitt t+he hedesmen to hynge hym with huge hydous hornes As brothellis or bribours \#were belyng and bletyng: `Crucifie hym' t+hei cried. Sone Pilate in parlement Of Jesus gaffe jugement, To hynge hym t+he harlottis hym hente; T+Her was no deide of t+hat domesman denyed. Denyed not t+hat domesman to deme hym to dede, T+Hat frendly faire foode t+hat neuere offended. T+Hei hied t+hame in haste t+han to hynge vppe t+here heede, What woo t+hat t+hei wroghte hym no wiy+ot wolde haue wende it. His true titill t+hei toke t+hame no tome for to attende it, But as a traitour atteynted t+hei toled hym and tuggid hym, T+Hei schonte for no schoutis his schappe for to schende it, T+Hei rasid hym on rode als full rasely t+hei rugged hym. T+Hei persed hym with a spere, T+Hat t+he blode riall To t+he ert+he gun fall, In redempcion of all T+Hat his lele lawes likis to lere. To lere he t+hat likis of his lawe t+hat is lele Mai fynde in oure frende here full faithfull feste, T+Hat wolde hynge t+hus on hight to enhaunce vs in hele And by vs fro bondage by his bloode t+hat is beste. T+Han t+he comforte of oure companye in kares were keste, But t+hat lorde so allone wolde not leffe vs full longe. On t+he thirde day he rose riy+ot with his renkis to reste, Both flessh and fell fersly t+hat figour gon fange And to my brethir gonne appere. T+Hai tolde me of t+his Bot I leued amys, To rise flesshly iwis Methought t+hat it paste mans poure. But t+he poure of t+hat prince was presiously previd Whan t+hat souerayne schewed hymselffe to my siy+ot. To mene of his manhode my mynde was all meued, But t+hat reuerent redused me be resoune and be riy+ot. T+He woundes full wide of t+hat worthy wight He frayned me to fele t+hame my faith for to feste, And so I did douteless, and doune I me diy+ot-+- I bende my bak for to bowe and obeyed hym for beste. So sone he assendid Mi felaus in feere Ware sondered sere, If t+hai were here Mi myrthe were mekill amended Amendid were my mirthe with t+hat meyne+' to mete. Mi felaus in fere for to fynde woll I fonde, I schall nott stedde in no stede but in stall and in strete Grath me be gydis to gette t+hame on grounde. O souerayne, how sone am I sette here so sounde! T+His is t+he Vale of Josophat in Jury so gente. I will steme of my steuene and sted here a stounde, For I am wery for walkyng t+he waies t+hat I wente Full wilsome and wide. T+Herfore I kaste Here for to reste, I halde it beste To buske on t+his banke for to bide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song1 Surge Proxima \N104 \iSurge\r, \iproxima\r \imea\r, \N104 \icolumba\r \imea\r, \itabernaculum\r \iglorie\r, \N104 \ivasculum\r \ivite\r, \itemplum\r \iceleste\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N105 Rise Marie, t+hou maiden and modir so milde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N106 Rise, lilly full lusty, t+hi luffe is full likand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.3 Angel 3 \N107 Rise, chefteyne of chastite+' in chering t+hi childe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.4 Angel 4 \N108 Rise, rose ripe redolent, in reste to be reynand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.5 Angel 5 \N109 Rise, douffe of t+hat domesman all dedis is demand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.6 Angel 6 \N110 Rise turtour, tabernacle, and tempull full trewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.7 Angel 7 \N111 Rise, semely in sight, of t+hi sone to be semande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.8 Angel 8 \N112 Rise, grathed full goodely in grace for to grewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.9 Angel 9 \N113 Rise vppe t+his stounde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.10 Angel 10 \N114 Come chosen childe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.11 Angel 11 \N115 Come Marie milde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.12 Angel 12 \N116 Come floure vnfiled. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Ang.8 Angel 8 \N117 Come vppe to t+he kyng to be crouned. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song2 Veni de Libano \N117 \iVeni\r \ide\r \iLibano\r \isponsa\r, \N117 \iveni\r, \icorona\r \iberis\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N118 O glorious God what glemes are glydand, I meve in my mynde what may t+his bemene? I see a \#berde borne in blisse to be bidand With aungelus companye, comely and clene. Many selcouth sitis in sertis haue I sene, But t+his mirthe and t+his melody mengis my mode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N124 Thomas, do way all t+hi doutes bedene, For I ame foundynge fourthe to my faire fode I telle t+he t+his tyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N127 Who, my souerayne lady? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N128 Y+Oa, sertis I saie t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N129 Whedir wendes t+hou I praye t+he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N130 To blisse with my barne for to bide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N131 To bide with thy barne in blisse to be \#beldand? Hayle jentilest of Jesse in Jewes generacioun, Haile welthe of t+his worlde all welthis is weldand, Haile hendest, enhaunsed to high habitacioun, Haile, derworth and dere is t+hi diewe dominacioun, Haile floure fressh florisshed, t+hi frewte is full felesome, Haile sete of oure saveour and sege of saluacioun, Haile happy to helde to, t+hi helpe is full helesome. Haile pereles in plesaunce, Haile precious and pure, Haile salue t+hat is sure, Haile lettir of langure, Haile bote of oure bale in obeyesaunce. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N144 Go to t+hi brethir t+hat in bale are abiding, And of what wise to welthe I ame wendande Withoute tarying t+hou telle t+hame t+his tithynge, T+Her mirthe so besse mekill amendande. For Thomas, to me were t+hei tendande Whanne I drewe to t+he dede, all but t+hou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N150 Bot I lady? Whillis in lande I ame lendande Obeye t+he full baynly my bones will I bowe. Bot I, allas! Whare was I t+hanne When t+hat barette beganne? An vnhappy manne Both nowe and euere I was. Vnhappy, vnhende am I holden at home; What drerye destonye me drewe fro t+hat dede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N159 Thomas, sesse of thy sorowe for I am sothly t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N160 T+Hat wote I wele, t+he worthiest t+hat wrapped is in wede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N161 T+Hanne spare nott a space nowe my speche for to spede, Go saie t+hem sothely t+hou sawe me assendinge. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N163 Now douteles, derworthy, I dare not for drede, For to my tales t+hat I telle t+hei are not attendinge, For no spelle t+hat is spoken. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N166 I schall t+he schewe A token trewe Full fresshe of hewe, My girdill, loo, take t+hame t+his tokyn. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N170 I thanke t+he as reuerent rote of oure reste, I thanke t+he as stedfast stokke for to stande, I thanke t+he as tristy tre for to treste, I thanke t+he as buxsom bough to t+he bande, I thanke t+he as leeffe t+he lustiest in lande, I thanke t+he as bewteuous braunche for to bere, I thanke t+he as floure t+hat neuere is fadande, I thanke t+he as frewte t+hat has fedde vs in fere, I thanke t+he for euere. If thay repreue me Now schall t+hei leue me. T+Hi blissinge giffe me And douteles I schall do my deuere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N183 Thomas, to do t+hanne thy deuere be dressand, He bid t+he his blissinge t+hat beldis aboven. And in siy+otte of my sone t+her is sittand Shall I knele to t+hat comely with croune, T+Hat \#who \#in dispaire be dale or be doune With pitevous playnte in perellis will pray me, If he \#swynke or swete in swelte or in swoune, I schall sewe to my souerayne sone for to say me He schall graunte t+hame t+her grace. Be it manne in his mournyng Or womanne in childinge, All t+hes to be helpinge T+Hat prince schall I praye in t+hat place. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N196 Gramercy t+he goodliest grounded in grace, Gramercy t+he lufliest lady of lire, Gramercy t+he fairest in figure and face, Gramercy t+he derrest to do oure desire. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Mary Mary \N200 Farewele, nowe I passe to t+he pereles empire. Farewele Thomas, I tarie no tyde here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N202 Farewele t+hou schynyng schappe t+hat schyniste so schire, Farewele t+he belle of all bewtes to bide here, Farewele t+hou faire foode. Farewele t+he keye of counsaile, Farewele all t+his worldes wele, Farewele oure hope and oure hele, Farewele nowe, both gracious and goode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song3 Veni Electa \N208 \iVeni\r, \ielecta\r \imea\r \iet\r \iponam\r \iin\r \ite\r \ithronum\r \imeum\r, \N208 \iquia\r \iconcupivit\r \irex\r \ispeciem\r \ituam\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N209 That I mette with t+his may here my mirthe is amend. I will hy me in haste and holde t+hat I haue hight, To bere my brethir t+his boodeword my bak schall I bende And saie t+hame in certayne t+he soth of t+his sight. Be dale and be doune schall I dresse me to diy+ot To I fynde of t+his felawschippe faithfull in fere, I schall renne and reste not to ransake full right. Lo, t+he meny+oe I mente of I mete t+hame even here At hande. God saffe y+oou in feere, Say brethir, what chere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N220 What dois t+hou here? T+Hou may nowe of t+hi gatis be gangand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N221 Why dere brethir, what bale is begune? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N223 Thomas, I telle t+he t+hat tene is betidde vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N224 Me forthinkith for my frendis t+hat faithfull are foune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N225 Y+Oa, but in care litill kyndnes t+hou kid vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N226 His bragge and his boste is he besie to bid vs, But and t+her come any cares he kepis not to kenne. We may renne till we raue or any ruth rid vs For t+he frenschippe he fecched vs, be frith or be fenne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N230 Sirs, me meruailes, I saie yowe, What mevis in youre mynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N232 We can wele fynde T+Hou arte vnkynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N234 Nowe pees t+hanne, and preue it I pray yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N235 T+Hat t+hou come not to courte here vnkyndynes t+hou kid vs, Oure treuth has of-turned vs to tene and to traye. T+His yere haste t+hou rakid, t+hi reuth wolde not ridde vs, For witte t+hou wele t+hat worthy is wente on hir waye. In a depe denne dede is scho doluen t+his daye, Marie t+hat maiden and modir so milde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N241 I wate wele iwis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N241 Thomas, do way. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N242 Itt forse noy+ot to frayne hym, he will not be filde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N243 Sirs, with hir haue I spoken Lattar t+hanne yee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N245 T+Hat may not bee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N246 Yis, knelyng on kne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N247 T+Hanne tite can t+hou telle vs some token? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N248 Lo t+his token full tristy scho toke me to take youe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N249 A, Thomas, whare gate t+hou t+hat girdill so gode? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N250 Sirs, my \#message is meuand some mirthe for to make youe, For founding flesshly I fande hir till hir faire foode, And when I mette with t+hat maiden it mendid my mode. Hir sande has scho sente youe, so semely to see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N254 Ya, Thomas, vnstedfaste full staring t+hou stode-+- T+Hat makis t+hi mynde nowe full madde for to be. But herken and here nowe; Late vs loke where we laid hir, If any folke haue affraied hir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N259 Go we groppe wher we graued hir, If we fynde ouy+ote t+hat faire one, in fere nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N261 Behalde nowe hidir youre hedis in haste, T+His glorious and goodely is gone fro t+his graue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N263 Loo, to my talking ye toke youe no tente for to traste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N264 A, Thomas, vntrewly nowe trespassed we haue. Mercy full kyndely we crie and we craue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N266 Mercye, for foule haue we fautid in faye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N267 Mercye we praye t+he, we will not depraue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N268 Mercye for dedis we did t+he t+his daye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N269 Oure saueour so swete Forgiffe you all, And so I schall. T+His tokyn tall Haue I brought yowe youre bales to beete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N274 Itt is welcome iwis fro t+hat worthy wight, For it was wonte for to wappe t+hat worthy virgine. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N276 Itt is welcome iwis fro t+hat lady so light, For hir wombe wolde scho wrappe with it and were it with wynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N278 Itt is welcome iwis fro t+hat saluer of synne, For scho bende it aboute hir with blossome so bright. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N280 Itt is welcome iwis fro t+he keye of oure kynne, For aboute t+hat reuerent it rechid full right. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N282 Nowe knele we ilkone Vpponne oure kne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N284 To t+hat lady free. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N285 Blissid motte sche be, Y+Oa, for scho is lady lufsome allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N287 Nowe brethir, bese besie and buske to be bownand. To Ynde will I torne me and trauell to teche. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Peter Peter \N289 And to Romans so royall t+ho renkis to be rownand Will I passe fro t+his place my pepull to preche. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Jacob. Jacobus \N291 And I schall Samaritanus so sadly enserche, To were t+ham be wisdome t+hei wirke not in waste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Andrew Andrew \N293 And \#I to Achaia full lely t+hat lede for to leche Will hy me to helpe t+hame and hele t+hame in haste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:John John \N295 T+His comenaunt accordis; Sirs, sen y+oe will soo Me muste nedis parte youe froo, To Assia will I goo. He lede y+oou, t+hat lorde of all lordis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Thomas Thomas \N300 The lorde of all lordis in lande schall he lede youe Whillis y+oe trauell in trouble t+he trewthe for to teche. With frewte of oure feithe in firthe schall we fede youe For t+hat laboure is lufsome ilke lede for to leche. Nowe I passe fro youre presence t+he pepull to preche, To lede t+hame and lere t+hame t+he lawe of oure lorde. As I saide, vs muste asoundre and sadly enserche Ilke contre+' to kepe clene and knytte in o corde Off oure faithe. T+Hat frelye foode T+Hat died on rode With mayne and moode He grath yowe be gydis full grath. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song4 Surge Propera Mea \N312 \iSurge\r \ipropera\r \imea\r, \N312 \icolumba\r \imea\r, \itabernaculum\r \iglorie\r, \N312 \ivasculum\r \ivite\r, \itemplum\r \iceleste\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song5 Veni de Libano \N312 \iVeni\r \ide\r \ilibano\r \isponsa\r, \N312 \iveni\r \icorona\r \iberis\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.45 As:Song6 Veni Electa \N312 \iVeni\r \ielecta\r mea \N312 \iet\r \iponam\r \ithronum\r \imeum\r \N312 \iquia\r \iconcupivit\r \ispeciem\r \ituam\r. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Jesus Jesus \N1 Myne aungellis t+hat are bright and schene, On my message take ye t+he waye Vnto Marie, my modir clene, T+Hat berde is brighter t+han t+he daye. Grete hir wele haly bedene, An to t+hat semely schall y+oe saye Off heuene I haue hir chosen quene, In joie and blisse t+hat laste schall aye. I wille y+oou saie what I haue t+houghte And why t+hat y+oe schall tille hir wende, I will hir body to me be brought To beilde in blisse withouten ende. Mi flesshe of hir in ert+he was tone; Vnkindely thing it were iwis, T+Hat scho schulde bide be hire allone And I beilde here so high in blis. Forthy tille hir t+han schall y+oe fare Full frendlye for to fecche hir hedir, T+Here is no thyng t+hat I loue more, In blisse t+hanne schall we belde togedir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N21 O blisfull lorde nowe moste of myght, We are redye with all oure myght Thy bidding to fulfille, To t+hi modir t+hat maiden free, Chosen cheffe of chastite+', As it is thy wille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N27 Off t+his message we are full fayne, We are redy with myght and mayne, Bothe be day and be nyght. Heuene and erthe nowe gladde may be, T+Hat frely foode nowe for to see In whome t+hat t+hou did light. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.3 Angel 3 \N33 Lorde Jesu Criste, oure gouernoure, We are all boune atte t+hi bidding, With joie and blisse and grete honnoure, We schall t+hi modir to t+he bringe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.4 Angel 4 \N37 Hayle, t+he doughtir of blissid Anne, T+He whiche consayued thurgh t+he holy goste, And t+hou brought forthe both God and manne, The whiche felled doune t+he fendis boste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.5 Angel 5 \N41 Haile, roote of risse, t+hat fourthe brought T+Hat blissid floure oure saueoure, The whiche t+hat made mankynde of noght And brought hym vppe into his toure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.6 Angel 6 \N45 Of t+he allone he wolde be borne Into t+his worlde of wrecchidnesse, To saue mankynde t+hat was forlorne And bringe t+hame oute of grete distresse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N49 T+Hou may be gladde bothe day and nyght To se thy sone oure saueoure, He will t+he croune nowe, lady bright, T+Hou blissid modir and faire floure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N53 Marie, modir and mayden clene, Chosen cheffe vnto t+hi childe, Of heuene and ert+he t+hou arte quene; Come vppe nowe lady, meke and mylde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.3 Angel 3 \N57 T+Hi sone has sente vs aftir t+he To bringe t+he nowe vnto his blisse, T+Her schall t+hou belde and blithe be, Of joie and mirthe schall t+hou noy+ot misse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.4 Angel 4 \N61 For in his blisse withouten ende, T+Here schall t+hou alkynne solas see, T+Hi liffe in likyng for to lende With t+hi dere sone in trinite+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Mary Mary \N65 A, blissid be God, fadir all-weldand, Hymselffe wottith best what is to doo. I thanke hym with harte and hande, T+Hat t+hus his blisse wolde take me too, And y+oou also his aungellis bright T+Hat fro my sone to me is sente, I am redy with all my myght For to fulfille his comaundement. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.5 Angel 5 \N73 Go we nowe t+hou wort+hi wight Vnto t+hi sone t+hat is so gente, We schall t+he bringe into his sight To croune t+he quene, t+hus hase he mente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.6 Angel 6 \N77 Alle heuene and ert+he schall worschippe t+he And baynnely be at t+hi biddinge, Thy joie schall euere incressid be, Of solas sere t+han schall t+hou synge. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N81 Jesu, lorde and heueneis kyng, Here is t+hi modir t+hou aftir sente, We haue her brought at t+hi biddynge, Take hir to t+he as t+hou haste mente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Mary Mary \N85 Jesu my sone, loved motte t+hou be, I thanke t+he hartely in my t+hought T+Hat t+his wise ordand is for me, And to t+his blisse t+hou haste me broght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Jesus Jesus \N89 Haile be t+hou Marie, maiden bright, T+Hou arte my modir and I thy sone, With grace and goodnesse arte t+hou dight, With me in blisse ay schall t+hou wonne. Nowe schall t+hou haue t+hat I t+he hight, Thy tyme is paste of all t+hi care, Wirschippe schall t+he aungellis bright, Of newe schall t+hou witte neuere more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Mary Mary \N97 Jesu my sone, loued motte t+hou be, I thanke t+he hartely in my t+hoy+ot, T+Hat on t+his wise ordand is for me, And to t+his blisse t+hou has me broght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46 MC:Jesus Jesus \N101 Come forth with me my modir bright, Into my blisse we schall assende To wonne in welthe, t+hou wort+hi wight, That neuere more schall it haue ende. Thi newis, modir, to neuen t+hame nowe, Are turned to joie, and soth it is All aungellis bright t+hei schall t+he bowe And worschippe t+he wort+hely iwis. For mekill joie, modir, had t+hou Whan Gabriell grette t+he wele be t+his, And tolde t+he tristely for to trowe T+Hou schulde consayue t+he kyng of blisse. Nowe maiden meke and modir myne, Itt was full mekill myrt+he to t+he T+Hat I schuld ligge in wombe of t+hine Thurgh gretyng of an aungell free. The secounde joie, modir, was syne Withouten payne whan t+hou bare me; The thirde aftir my bittir peyne Fro dede on lyve t+hou sawe me be. The fourthe was when I stied vppe right To heuene vnto my fadir dere-+- My modir, when t+hou saugh t+hat sight, To t+he it was a solas seere. T+His is t+he fifte t+hou worthy wight, Of t+he jois t+his has no pere, Nowe schall t+hou belde in blisse so bright For euer and ay, I highte t+he here, For t+hou arte cheffe of chastite+', Off all women t+hou beris t+he floure; Nowe schalle t+hou, lady, belde with me In blisse t+hat schall euere indowre Full high on highte in mageste+', With all worshippe and all \#honnoure, Wher we schall euere samen be Beldand in oure bigly \#boure. Alle-kynnys swetnesse is t+herin T+Hat manne vppon may thynke, or wiffe, With joie and blisse t+hat neuere schall blynne T+Her schall t+hou, lady, lede thy liffe. T+Hou schalte be worshippid with honnoures In heuene blisse t+hat is so bright, With martiris and with confessouris, With all virginis, \#t+hou worthy wight. Before all ot+here creatours I schall t+he giffe both grace and might, In heuene and ert+he to sende \#socoures To all t+hat seruis t+he day and nyght. I graunte t+hame grace with all my myght, Thurgh askyng of t+hi praier, T+Hat to t+he call be day or nyght. In what disease so t+hat t+hei are. T+Hou arte my liffe and my lekyng, Mi modir and my mayden schene; Ressayue t+his croune my dere darlyng, T+Her I am kyng t+hou schalte be quene. Myne aungellis bright, a songe y+oe singe In t+he honnoure of my modir dere, And here I giffe y+oou my blissing Haly nowe, all in fere. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.46A MC:Jesus Jesus \N1 Hayle, fulgent Phebus and fader eternall, Parfite plasmator and God omnipotent, Be whos will and power perpetuall All thinges hath influence and beyng verament. To the I giffe louyng and laude right excellent, And to the sperite also, graunter of all grace, Whilke by thi woorde and thi warke omnipotent I am thi sonne and equale in that case. O \isapor\r \isuauitatis\r, o succour and solace, O life eternall and luffer of chastite+', Whome aungels abowne and t+he erthe in his grete space And all thinges create loues in mageste+'. Remembre, fader meke, in thi solempnyte+' The woundes of thi sonne, whilke by thy providence T+Hou made discende frome thyne equalite+' Into the wombe of Marye, be meke obedience. Of a virgin inviolate for mans iniquyte+', Whilke for his synne stoode mekill fro t+hi grace, Be hoole assente of thi solempnite+' T+Hou made me incarnate, and trulie man I was. Wherefore too spede me here in this space, T+Hou here me fader, hertely I the praye, As for my moder truely in this case T+Hou here t+hi sonne, and herk what I shall saye. Me semes mysilfe it is right grete offence My moder wombe in erthe sulde putrifye, Sen hir flessh and myne were bothe oone in escence, I had none othir bot of hir truely. She is my moder to whome \ilegem\r \iadimpleui\r Whilke t+hou has ordinate as by thi prouidence. Graunte me thi grace, I the beseke hertely, As for the tyme of hir meke innocence, In woorde ne dede thoght the neuer to offende, Sho myght be assumpt, I pray thyne excellence, Vnto thi troone, and so to be commende, In bodye and saule euer withoutyn ende With the to reyne in thyne eternyte+', Fro sorrowe and sadnesse synners to offende. O flagraunt fader, graunte yt myght so be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.46A MC:God God \N40 O lampe of light, o \ilumen\r eternall, O coequale sonne, o verrey sapience, O mediator ande meen and lyfe perpetuall, In whome of derk clowedes may haue none accidence-+- Thoue knawes right wele by thy providence I haue commyt my powere generall, \iTibi\r \idata\r \ipotestas\r, ande plenall influence. Thou ert my sonne... \LDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N1 Firste when I t+his worlde hadde wroght-+- Woode and wynde and wateris wan, And all-kynne thyng t+hat nowe is oght-+- Fulle wele met+hoght t+hat I did t+hanne. Whenne t+hei were made, goode me t+hame t+hoght; Sethen to my liknes made I man And man to greue me gaffe he noght, T+Herfore me rewis t+hat I t+he worlde began. Whanne I had made man at my will, I gaffe hym wittis hymselue to wisse, And paradise I putte hym till And bad hym halde it all as his. But of t+he tree of goode and ill I saide, `What tyme t+hou etis of t+his, Manne, t+hou spedes t+hiselue to spill-+- T+Hou arte broght oute of all blisse'. Belyue brak manne my bidding. He wende haue bene a god t+herby; He wende haue wittyne of all-kynne thyng, In worlde to haue bene als wise as I. He ete t+he appill I badde schulde hyng, T+Hus was he begilid thurgh glotony; Sithen both hym and his ospring To pyne I putte t+hame all forthy. To lange and late met+hoghte it goode To catche t+hois caitiffis oute of care. I sente my sone with full blithe moode Till ert+he, to salue t+hame of t+hare sare. For rewt+he of t+hame he reste on roode And boughte t+hame with his body bare; For t+hame he shedde his \#harte-bloode-+- What kyndinesse myght I do t+hame mare? Sethen aftirwarde he heryed hell And toke oute t+hois wrecchis t+hat ware t+hareinne; T+Her faughte t+hat free with feendis feele For t+hame t+hat ware sounkyn for synne. Sethen in erthe t+han gonne he dwelle, Ensaumpill he gaue t+hame heuene to wynne, In tempill hymselffe to teche and tell, To by t+hame blisse t+hat neuere may blynne. Sethen haue t+hei founde me full of mercye, Full of grace and forgiffenesse, And t+hei als wrecchis, wittirly, Has ledde t+her liffe in lithirnesse. Ofte haue t+hei greued me greuously, T+Hus haue t+hei quitte me my kyndinesse; T+Herfore no lenger, sekirlye, Thole will I t+hare wikkidnesse. Men seis t+he worlde but vanite+', Y+Oitt will no manne beware t+herby; Ilke a day t+her mirroure may t+hei se, Y+Oitt thynke t+hei noy+ot t+hat t+hei schall dye. All t+hat euere I saide schulde be Is nowe fulfillid thurgh prophicie, Therfore nowe is it tyme to me To make endyng of mannes folie. I haue tholed mankynde many a y+oere In luste and likyng for to lende, And vnethis fynde I ferre or nere A man t+hat will his misse amende. In erthe I see butte synnes seere, Therfore myne aungellis will I sende To blawe t+her bemys, t+hat all may here The tyme is comen I will make ende. Aungellis, blawes youre bemys belyue, Ilke a creatoure for to call, Leerid and lewde, both man and wiffe, Ressayue t+her dome t+his day t+hei schall, Ilke a leede t+hat euere hadde liffe-+- Bese none forgetyn, grete ne small. Ther schall t+hei see t+he woundes fyve T+Hat my sone suffered for t+hem all. And sounderes t+hame before my sight, All same in blisse schall t+hei not be. Mi blissid childre, as I haue hight, On my right hande I schall t+hame see; Sethen schall ilke a weried wight On my lifte side for ferdnesse flee. T+His day t+her domys t+hus haue I dight To ilke a man as he hath serued me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N81 Loued be t+hou, lorde of myghtis moste, T+Hat aungell made to messengere. Thy will schall be fulfillid in haste, T+Hat heuene and erthe and helle schalle here. Goode and ill, euery-ilke a gaste, Rise and fecche youre flessh t+hat was youre feere, For all t+his worlde is broght to waste. Drawes to youre dome, it neghes nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N89 Ilke a creature, bothe olde and yhing, Belyue I bidde y+oou t+hat y+oe ryse; Body and sawle with y+oou y+oe bring, And comes before t+he high justise. For I am sente fro heuene kyng To calle y+oou to t+his grette assise, T+Herfore rise vppe and geue rekenyng How y+oe hym serued vppon sere wise. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Good. 1Good Soul 1 \N97 Loued be t+hou lorde, t+hat is so schene, T+Hat on t+his manere made \#vs to rise, Body and sawle togedir, clene, To come before t+he high justise. Of oure ill dedis, lorde, t+hou not mene, That we haue wroght vppon sere wise, But graunte vs for thy grace bedene T+Hat we may wonne in paradise. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Good. 2Good Soul 2 \N105 A, loued be t+hou, lorde of all, T+Hat heuene and erthe and all has wroght, T+Hat with t+hyne aungellis wolde vs call Oute of oure graues hidir to be broght. Ofte haue we greued t+he, grette and small, T+Heraftir lorde t+hou deme vs noght, Ne suffir vs neuere to fendis to be thrall, T+Hat ofte in ert+he with synne vs soght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Bad.1 Bad Soul 1 \N113 Allas, allas, t+hat we were borne, So may we synfull kaytiffis say; I here wele be t+his hydous horne Itt drawes full nere to domesday. Allas, we wrecchis t+hat are forlorne, T+Hat never y+oitt serued God to paye, But ofte we haue his flessh forsworne-+- Allas, allas, and welaway. What schall we wrecchis do for drede, Or whedir for ferdnes may we flee, When we may bringe forthe no goode dede Before hym t+hat oure juge schall be? To aske mercy vs is no nede, For wele I wotte dampned be we, Allas, t+hat we swilke liffe schulde lede T+Hat dighte vs has t+his destonye. Oure wikkid werkis t+hei will vs wreye, T+Hat we wende never schuld haue bene weten, T+Hat we did ofte full pryuely, Appertely may we se t+hem wreten. Allas, wrecchis, dere mon we by-+- Full smerte with helle fyre be we smetyn. Nowe mon neuere saule ne body dye, But with wikkid peynes euermore be betyne. Allas, for drede sore may we quake, Oure dedis beis oure dampnacioune. For oure mys menyng mon we make, Helpe may none excusacioune. We mon be sette for oure synnes sake Foreuere fro oure saluacioune, In helle to dwelle with feendes blake, Wher neuer schall be redempcioune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Bad.2 Bad Soul 2 \N145 Als carefull caitiffis may we ryse, Sore may we wringe oure handis and wepe; For cursidnesse and for covetise Dampned be we to helle full depe. Rought we neuere of Goddis seruise, His comaundementis wolde we noy+ot kepe, But ofte t+han made we sacrafise To Satanas when othir slepe. Allas, now wakens all oure were, Oure wikkid werkis may we not hide, But on oure bakkis vs muste t+hem bere-+- Thei wille vs wreye on ilke a side. I see foule feendis t+hat wille vs feere, And all for pompe of wikkid pride. Wepe we may with many a teere, Allas, t+hat we t+his day schulde bide. Before vs playnly bese fourth brought T+He dedis t+hat vs schall dame bedene; T+Hat eres has herde, or harte has t+hoght, Sen any tyme t+hat we may mene, T+Hat fote has gone or hande has wroght, That mouthe hath spoken or ey has sene-+- T+His day full dere t+hanne bese it boght; Allas, vnborne and we hadde bene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Ang.3 Angel 3 \N169 Standis noght togedir, parte you in two! All sam schall y+oe noght be in blisse; \#Oure fadir of heuene woll it be soo, For many of yowe has wroght amys. T+He goode on his right hande y+oe goe, T+He way till heuene he will you wisse; Y+Oe weryed wightis, y+oe flee hym froo On his lefte hande as none of his. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N177 T+His woffull worlde is brought till ende, Mi fadir of heuene he woll it be; T+Herfore till ert+he nowe will I wende Miselue to sitte in mageste+'. To deme my domes I woll descende; T+His body will I bere with me-+- Howe it was dight, mannes mys to mende, All mankynde t+here schall it see. Mi postelis and my darlyngis dere, T+He dredfull dome t+his day is dight. Both heuen and erthe and hell schall here Howe I schall holde t+hat I haue hight: That y+oe schall sitte on seetis sere Beside myselffe to se t+hat sight, And for to deme folke ferre and nere Aftir t+her werkyng, wronge or right. I saide also whan I you sente To suffre sorowe for my sake, All t+ho t+hat wolde t+hame right repente Shulde with you wende and wynly wake; And to youre tales who toke no tente Shulde fare to fyre with fendis blake. Of mercy nowe may noy+ot be mente, Butt, aftir wirkyng, welth or wrake. My hetyng haly schall I fullfille, Therfore comes furth and sittis me by To here t+he dome of goode and ill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Apos. 1Apostle 1 \N204 I loue t+he, lord God allmyghty; Late and herely, lowde and still, To do thy bidding bayne am I. I obblissh me to do t+hi will With all my myght, als is worthy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Apos. 2Apostle 2 \N209 A, myghtfull God, here is it sene T+Hou will fulfille t+hi forward right, And all t+hi sawes t+hou will maynteyne. I loue t+he, lorde, with all my myght, \#T+Hat \#for vs t+hat has erthely bene Swilke dingnitees has dressed and dight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N215 Comes fourthe, I schall sitte y+oou betwene, And all fullfille t+hat I haue hight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Diab. 1Diabolus 1 \N217 Felas, arraye vs for to fight, And go we faste oure fee to fange. T+He dredefull dome t+his day is dight-+- I drede me t+hat we dwelle full longe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Diab. 2Diabolus 2 \N221 We schall be sene euere in t+her sight And warly waite, ellis wirke we wrange, For if t+he domisman do vs right, Full grete partie with vs schall gang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Diab. 3Diabolus 3 \N225 He schall do right to foo and frende, For nowe schall all t+he soth be sought. All weried wightis with vs schall wende, To payne endles t+hei schall be broght. \N228 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N229 Ilke a creature, takes entent What bodworde I to you bringe: T+His wofull worlde away is wente, And I am come as crouned kynge. Mi fadir of heuene, he has me sente To deme youre dedis and make ending. Comen is t+he day of jugement; Of sorowe may ilke a synfull synge. The day is comen of kaydyfnes, All t+ham to care t+hat are vnclene, T+He day of bale and bittirnes-+- Full longe abedyn has it bene; T+He day of drede to more and lesse, Of ire, of trymbelyng, and of tene, T+Hat ilke a wight t+hat weried is May say, `Allas, t+his daye is sene'. Here may y+oe see my woundes wide, T+He whilke I tholed for youre mysdede. Thurgh harte and heed, foote, hande and hide, Nought for my gilte, butt for youre nede. Beholdis both body, bak and side, How dere I bought youre brotherhede. T+Hes bittir peynes I wolde abide-+- To bye you blisse t+hus wolde I bleede. Mi body was scourged withouten skill, As theffe full thraly was \#I thrette; On crosse t+hei hanged me, on a hill, Blody and bloo, as I was bette, With croune of thorne throsten full ill. T+His spere vnto my side was sette-+- Myne harte-bloode spared noght t+hei for to spill; Manne, for thy loue wolde I not lette. T+He Jewes spitte on me spitously, T+Hei spared me no more t+han a theffe. Whan t+hei me strake I stode full stilly, Agaynste t+ham did I nothyng greue. Behalde, mankynde, t+his ilke is I, \N267 T+Hus was I dight for thy folye-+- Man, loke, thy liffe was to me full leffe. T+Hus was I dight t+hi sorowe to slake; Manne, t+hus behoued t+he to borowed be. In all my woo toke I no wrake, Mi will itt was for t+he loue of t+he. Man, sore aught t+he for to quake, T+His dredfull day t+his sight to see. All t+his I suffered for t+hi sake-+- Say, man, what suffered t+hou for me? My blissid childre on my right hande, Youre dome t+his day y+oe thar not drede, For all youre comforte is command, Youre liffe in likyng schall y+oe lede. Commes to t+he kyngdome ay-lastand T+Hat y+oou is dight for youre goode dede, Full blithe may y+oe be where y+oe stande, For mekill in heuene schall be youre mede. Whenne I was hungery y+oe me fedde, To slake my thirste youre harte was free; Whanne I was clothles y+oe me cledde, Y+Oe wolde no sorowe vppon me see. In harde presse whan I was stedde, Of my payns y+oe hadde pitee; Full seke whan I was brought in bedde, Kyndely y+oe come to coumforte me. Whanne I was wille and werieste Y+Oe herbered me full hartefully; Full gladde t+hanne were y+oe of youre geste, And pleyned my pouerte+' piteuously. Belyue y+oe brought me of t+he beste And made my bedde full esyly, T+Herfore in heuene schall be youre reste, In joie and blisse to be me by. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Good. 1Good Soul 1 \N301 Whanne hadde we, lorde t+hat all has wroght, Meete and drinke t+he with to feede, Sen we in ert+he hadde neuere noght But thurgh t+he grace of thy Godhede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Good. 2Good Soul 2 \N305 Whanne waste t+hat we t+he clothes brought, Or visite t+he in any nede, Or in t+hi sikenes we t+he sought? Lorde, when did we t+he t+his dede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N309 Mi blissid childir, I schall y+oou saye What tyme t+his dede was to me done: When any t+hat nede hadde, nyght or day, Askid y+oou helpe and hadde it sone. Youre fre hartis saide t+hem neuere nay, Erely ne late, mydday ne none, But als ofte-sithis as t+hei wolde praye, T+Hame thurte but bide and haue t+her bone. Y+Oe cursid caytiffis of Kaymes kynne, T+Hat neuere me comforte in my care, I and y+oe foreuer will twynne, In dole to dwelle for euermare. Youre bittir bales schall neuere blynne T+Hat y+oe schall haue when y+oe come t+hare; T+Hus haue y+oe serued for youre synne, For derffe dedis y+oe haue done are. Whanne I had mistir of mete and drynke, Caytiffis, y+oe cacched me fro youre y+oate. Whanne y+oe wer sette as sirs on benke, I stode t+heroute, werie and wette; Was none of yowe wolde on me thynke, Pyte+' to haue of my poure state, T+Herfore till hell I schall you synke-+- Weele are y+oe worthy to go t+hat gate. Whanne I was seke and soriest Y+Oe visitte me noght, for I was poure; In prisoune faste whan I was feste Was none of you loked howe I fore. Whenne I wiste neuere where for to reste, With dyntes y+oe draffe me fro your dore, Butte euer to pride t+hanne were y+oe preste, Mi flessh, my bloode, ofte y+oe forswore. Clothles whanne I was ofte, and colde, At nede of you, y+oede I full naked; House ne herborow, helpe ne holde Hadde I none of you, t+hof I quaked. Mi mischeffe sawe ye manyfolde, Was none of you my sorowe slaked, Butt euere forsoke me, yonge and alde, T+Herfore schall y+oe nowe be forsaked. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Bad.1 Bad Soul 1 \N349 Whan had t+hou, lorde t+hat all thing has, Hungir or thirste, sen t+hou God is? Whan was \#t+hat t+hou in prisoune was? Whan was t+hou naked or herberles? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:Bad.2 Bad Soul 2 \N353 Whan was it we sawe t+he seke, allas? Whan kid we t+he t+his vnkyndinesse? Werie or wette to late t+he passe, When did we t+he t+his wikkidnesse? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.47 LJ:God God \N357 Caistiffis, als ofte als it betidde T+Hat nedfull aught askid in my name, Y+Oe herde t+hem noght, youre eris y+oe hidde, Youre helpe to t+hame was noy+ot at hame. To me was t+hat vnkyndines kyd, T+Herfore \#ye bere t+his bittir blame; To leste or moste whan y+oe it did, To me y+oe did t+he selue and t+he same. Mi chosen childir, comes vnto me, With me to wonne nowe schall y+oe wende T+Here joie and blisse schall euer be, Y+Ooure liffe in lyking schall y+oe lende. Y+Oe cursed kaitiffis, fro me y+oe flee, In helle to dwelle withouten ende, T+Her y+oe schall neuere butt sorowe see And sitte be Satanas t+he fende. Nowe is fulfillid all my fort+hoght, For endid is all erthely thyng. All worldly wightis t+hat I haue wroght, Aftir t+her werkis haue nowe wonnyng. Thei t+hat wolde synne and sessid noght, Of sorowes sere now schall t+hei syng, And t+hei t+hat mendid t+hame whils t+hei moght Shall belde and bide in my blissing.