\LDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N1 Powre bewsheris aboute, Peyne of lyme and lande, Stente of youre steuenes stoute And stille as stone y+oe stande, And my carping recorde. Y+Oe aught to dare and doute, And lere you lowe to lowte To me youre louely lord. Y+Oe awe in felde and towne To bowe at my bidding, With reuerence and renoune, As fallis for swilk a kyng, T+He lordlyest on lyue. Who herto is noght bowne, Be allmyghty Mahounde, To dede I schall hym dryue. So bolde loke no man be For to aske helpe ne \#helde But of Mahounde and me, T+Hat hase t+his worlde in welde, To mayntayne vs emell. For welle of welthe are we And my cheffe helpe is he; Herto what can y+oe tell? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N25 Lord, what you likis to do All folke will be full fayne To take entente t+herto, And none grucche t+heragayne. T+Hat full wele witte shall y+oe, And yf t+hai wolde noy+ot soo We shulde sone wirke t+ham woo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N32 Y+Oa, faire sirs, so shulde it bee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N33 Lorde, t+he soth to saie, Fulle wele we vndirstande Mahounde is God werraye, And y+oe ar lorde of ilke a lande. Therfore, so haue I seell, I rede we wayte allway What myrthe most mende y+oou may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N40 Sertis, y+oe saie right well. But I am noyed of newe, T+Hat blithe may I noy+ot be, For thre kyngis as y+oe knowe That come thurgh t+his contre+', And saide t+hei sought a swayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N46 T+Hat rewlle I hope t+ham rewe, For hadde t+her tales ben trewe They hadde comen t+his waye agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N49 We harde how t+hei y+oou hight, Yf they myght fynde t+hat childe For to haue tolde y+oou right, But certis t+hei are begilyd. Swilke tales ar noght to trowe, Full wele wotte ilke a wight, T+Her schalle neuere man haue myght Ne maystrie unto y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N57 T+Ham schamys so, for certayne, That they dar mete you no more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N59 Wherfore shulde t+hei be fayne To make swilke fare before, To saie a boy was borne That schulde be moste of mayne? This gadlyng schall agayne Yf t+hat t+he deuyll had sworne. For be well neuer t+hei wotte Whedir t+hei wirke wele or wrang, To frayne garte t+ham t+hus-gate To seke that gedlyng \#gang, And swilke carping to kith. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N70 Nay lorde, they lered ouere-latte Youre blisse schal neuere abatte, And therfore lorde, be blithe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N73 Mahounde withouten pere, My lorde, y+oou saue and see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N75 Messenger, come nere, And bewcher, wele t+he be. What tydyngis? Telles t+hou any? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N78 Y+Oa lorde. Sen I was here I haue sought sidis seere, And sene merueyllis full many. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N81 And of meruayles to \#mene That wer most myrthe to me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N83 Lorde, euen as I haue seene The soth sone schall y+oe see, Yf y+oe wille, here in hye. I mette tow townes betwene Thre kyngis with crounes clene, Rydand full ryally. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N89 A, my blys, boy, t+hou burdis to brode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N90 Sir, t+her may no botment be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N91 Owe, by sonne and mone, T+Han tydis vs talis tonyght. Hopes t+hou t+hei will come sone Hedir, as t+hei haue hight, For to telle me tythande? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N96 Nay lorde, t+hat daunce is done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N97 Why, whedir are t+hei gone? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N98 Ilkone into ther owne lande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N99 How sais t+hou ladde? Late be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N100 I saie, for they are past. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N101 What, forthe away fro me? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N102 Y+Oa lord, in faitht ful faste, For I herde and toke hede How t+hat t+hei wente all thre Into ther awne contre+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N106 A, dogges, t+he deuell y+oou spede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N107 Sir, more of t+her menyng Y+Oitt well I vndirstode, How t+hei hadde made offering Vnto t+hat frely foode T+Hat nowe of newe is borne. T+Hai saie he schulde be kyng And welde all erthely thyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N114 Allas, t+han am I lorne. Fy on thaym, faytours, fy! Wille t+hei begylle me t+hus? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N117 Lorde, by ther prophicy T+Hei named his name Jesus. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N119 Fy on t+he ladde, t+hou lyes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N120 Hense tyte but t+hou t+he hye, With doulle her schall t+hou dye, That wreyes hym on this wise. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N123 Y+Oe wyte me all with wrang, Itt is t+hus and wele warre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N125 Thou lyes, false traytoure strange, Loke neuere t+hou negh me nere. Vppon liffe and lymme May I t+hat faitour fange, Full high I schall gar hym hange, Both t+he, harlott, and hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Nunc. Nuncius \N131 I am nott worthy to wyte, Bot fareswele all t+he heppe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N133 Go, in t+he deueles dispite, Or I schall gar the leppe And dere aby this bro. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N136 Als for sorowe and sighte My woo no wighte may wryte; What deuell is best to do? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N139 Lorde, amende youre chere And takis no nedles noy, We schall y+oou lely lere T+Hat ladde for to distroye, Be counsaille if we cane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N144 T+Hat may y+oe noght come nere, For it is past two y+oere Sen t+hat t+his bale begane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N147 Lorde, t+herfore haue no doute, Yf it were foure or fyve. Gars gadir in grete rowte Youre knyghtis kene belyue, And biddis t+ham dynge to dede Alle knave childir kepte in clowte, In Bedlem and all aboute, To layte in ilke a stede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N155 Lorde, saue none, for youre seell, T+Hat are of ij y+oere age withinne, T+Han schall t+hat fandelyng felle Belyue his blisse schall blynne, With bale when he schall blede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N160 Sertis, y+oe saie right wele, And as y+oe deme ilke dele Shall I garre do indede. Sir knyghtis, curtayse and hende, T+How \#the nott bees nowe all newe, Y+Oe schall fynde me youre frende And y+oe t+his tyme be trewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N167 What saie y+oe lorde? Lette see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N168 To Bedlehem bus y+oe wende, That schorwe with schame to schende T+Hat menes to maistir me. And abowte Bedlehem \#bathe Bus yowe wele spere and spye, For ellis it will be \#wathe T+Hat he losis t+his Jury, And certis t+hat were grete schame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N176 My lorde, t+hat wer vs lathe, And he escapid it wer skathe And we welle worthy blame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N179 Full sone he schall be soughte, That make I myne avowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N181 I bide for hym y+oow loghte, And latte me telle yowe howe To werke when y+oe come there: Bycause y+oe kenne hym noght, To dede they muste be brought, Knave-childre, lesse and more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N187 Y+Oaa, all withinne two y+oere, That none for speche be spared. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N189 Lord, howe y+oe vs lere Full wele we take rewarde, And certis we schall not rest. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N192 Comes furth felowes in feere, Loo, fondelyngis fynde we here \N193 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.1 Mulier 1 \N194 Owte on y+oow theves, I crye, Y+Oe slee my semely sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N196 Ther browls schall dere abye This bale t+hat is begonne, T+Herfore lay fro t+he faste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.2 Mulier 2 \N199 Allas for doule, I dye, To saue my sone schall I, Aye-whils my liff may last. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N202 A, dame, t+he deuyll t+he spede And me, but itt be quytte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.1 Mulier 1 \N204 To dye I haue no drede I do t+he wele to witte, To saue my sone so dere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N207 Asarmes, for nowe is nede; But yf we do yone dede Ther quenys will quelle vs here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.2 Mulier 2 \N210 Allas, t+his lothly striffe, No blisse may be my bette, T+He knyght vppon his knyffe Hath slayne my sone so swette, And I hadde but hym allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.1 Mulier 1 \N215 Allas, I lose my liffe, Was neuere so wofull a wyffe Ne halffe so wille of wone; And certis, me were full lotht T+Hat t+hei t+hus harmeles y+oede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N220 T+He deuell myght spede you bothe, False wicchis, ar y+oe woode? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.2 Mulier 2 \N222 Nay, false lurdayns, y+oe lye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N223 Yf y+oe be woode or wrothe Ye schall noy+ot skape fro skathe; Wende we vs hense in hye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.1 Mulier 1 \N226 Allas t+hat we wer wroughte In worlde women to be, T+He barne t+hat wee dere bought T+Hus in oure sighte to see Disputuously spill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mul.2 Mulier 2 \N231 And certis, t+her nott is noght, The same t+hat t+hei haue soughte Schall t+hei neuere come till. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N234 Go we to t+he kyng. Of all t+his contek kene I schall nott lette for nothyng To saie as we haue sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N238 And certis, no more shall I; We haue done his bidding How so they wraste or wryng, We schall saie sothfastly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N242 Mahounde oure god of myght, Saue t+he, sir Herowde t+he kyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N244 Lorde, take kepe to youre knyght, He wille telle y+oou nowe \#tyding Of bordis wher they haue bene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N247 Y+Oaa, and t+hei haue gone right And holde t+hat t+hei vs hight, T+Han shall solace be sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N250 Lorde, as y+oe demed vs to done In contrees wher we come-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N252 Sir, by sonne and mone, Y+Oe are welcome home And worthy to haue rewarde. Haue y+oe geten vs t+his gome? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N256 Wher we fande felle or fone Wittenesse we will t+hat t+her was none. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N258 Lorde, they are dede ilkone, What wolde y+oe we ded more? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N260 I aske but aftir oone T+He kyngis tolde of before, T+Hat schulde make grete maistrie; Telle vs if he be tane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N264 Lorde, tokenyng hadde we none To knawe t+hat brothell by. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N266 In bale we haue t+ham brought Aboute all Bedleham towne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N268 Y+Oe lye, y+ooure note is nought, T+He deueles of helle y+oou droune. So may t+hat boy be fledde, For in waste haue y+oe wroght. Or t+hat same ladde be sought Schalle I neuere byde in bedde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N274 We will wende with you than, To dynge t+hat dastard doune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.19 I:Herod Herod \N276 Asarme euere-ilke man That holdis of Mahounde. Wer they a thousand skore This bargayne schall t+hai \#banne. Comes aftir as yhe canne, For we will wende before. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N1 Marie, of mirthis we may vs mene, And trewly telle betwixte vs twoo Of solempne sightis t+hat we haue sene In t+hat cite+' where we come froo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N5 Sertis, Joseph, y+oe will noy+ot wene What myrthis within my harte I maie, Sen t+hat oure sone with vs has bene And sene ther solempne sightis alswae. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N9 Hamward I rede we hye In all t+he myght we maye, Because of company T+Hat will wende in oure waye, For gode felawshippe haue we \#fone And ay so forward schall we fynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N15 A, sir, where is oure semely sone? I trowe oure wittis be waste as wynde. Allas, in bale t+hus am I boone, What ayleth vs both to be so blynde? To go ouere-fast we haue begonne And late t+hat louely leue behynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N21 Marie, mende thy chere, For certis whan all is done He comes with folke in feere, And will oueretake vs sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N25 Oueretake vs sone sir? Certis nay, Such gabbyngis may me noy+ot begyle, For we haue trauelde all t+his day Fro Jerusalem many a myle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N29 I wende he hadde bene with vs aye, Awaye fro vs how schulde he wyle? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N31 Hit helpis nought such sawes to saie, My barne is lost, allas t+he whille, T+Hat euere we wente t+heroute With hym in companye. We lokid ouere-late aboute, Full wooe is me forthy, For he is wente som wayes wrang, And non is worthy to wyte but wee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N39 Agaynewarde rede I t+hat we gang The right way to t+hat same citee, To spire and spie all men emang, For hardely homward \#gone is he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N43 Of sorowes sere schal be my sang, My semely sone tille I hym see, He is but xij y+oere alde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N46 What way someuere he wendis Woman, we may be balde To fynde hym with oure frendis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.1 Magister 1 \N49 Maistirs, takes to me intente, And rede youre resouns right on \#rawe, And all t+he pepull in t+his present, Euere-ilke man late see his \#sawe. But witte I wolde, or we hens wente, Be clargy clere if we couthe knawe Yf any lede t+hat liffe has lente Wolde aught allegge agaynste oure lawe, Owthir in more or lesse. Yf we defaute myght feele, Dewly we schall gar dresse Be dome euery-ilk a dele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.2 Magister 2 \N61 T+Hat was wele saide, so mot I the, Swilke notis to neven methynke wer nede, For maistirs in t+his lande ar we And has t+he lawes lelly to lede, And doctoures also in oure degree T+Hat demyng has of ilka dede. Laye fourthe oure bokes belyue, late see, What mater moste were for oure mede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.3 Magister 3 \N69 We schall ordayne so wele, Sen we all clergy knawe, Defaute shall no man fele Nowdir in dede ne sawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N73 Lordingis, loue be with y+oou lentte And mirthis be vnto t+his mene+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.1 Magister 1 \N75 Sone, hense away I wolde t+hou wente, For othir haftis in hande haue we. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.2 Magister 2 \N77 Sone, whoso t+he hedir sente, They were nouy+ot wise, t+hat warne I t+he, For we haue othir tales to tente T+Han nowe with barnes bordand to be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.3 Magister 3 \N81 Sone, yf t+he list ought to lere To lyve by Moyses laye, Come hedir and t+hou shalle here T+He sawes t+hat we shall saye, For in som mynde itt may t+he brynge, To here oure reasouns redde by rawes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N87 To lerne of you nedis me nothing, For I knawe both youre dedys and sawes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.1 Magister 1 \N89 Nowe herken y+oone barne with his \#bowrdyng, He wenes he kens more t+han we knawes. We, nay, certis sone, t+hou arte ouere-y+oonge By clergy y+oitt to knowe oure lawes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N93 I wote als wele as yhe Howe t+hat youre lawes wer wrought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.2 Magister 2 \N95 Cum sitte, sone schall we see, For certis so semys it noght. Itt wer wondir t+hat any wight Vntill oure reasouns right schulde reche. And t+hou sais t+hou hast insight Oure lawes truly to telle and teche? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N101 The holy gost has on me light And has anoynted me as a leche, And geven me pleyne poure and myght The kyngdom of heuene for to preche. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.1 Magister 1 \N105 Whens-euere this barne may be That shewes t+her novellis nowe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N107 Certis,I was or y+oe, And schall be aftir y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mag.1 Magister 1 \N109 Sone, of thy sawes, als haue I cele, And of thy witte is wondir thyng, But neuere the lesse fully I feele Itt may falle wele in wirkyng. For Dauid demys of ilka dele, And sais t+hus of childir y+oing: Of ther mouthes, he wate full wele, Oure lord has parformed loving. But y+oitt sone, schulde t+hou lette Here for to speke ouere-large, For where maistirs are mette Childre wordis are noy+ot to charge, And if t+hou wolde neuere so fayne, Yf all t+he liste to lere t+he lawe, T+Hou arte nowthir of myght ne mayne To kenne it as a clerke may knawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N125 Sirs, I saie y+oou for sartayne That suthfast schal be all my sawe, And poure haue playnere and playne To say and aunswer as me awe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N129 Maistirs, what may t+his mene? Meruayle methynke haue I, Whens-euere t+his barne haue bene \#That carpis t+hus connandly? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N133 Als wyde in worlde als we haue wente Y+Oitt fande we neuere swilke ferly fare, For certis I trowe t+his barne be sente Full souerandly to salue oure sare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N137 Sirs, I schall proue in youre present Alle t+he sawes t+hat I saide are. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.3 Doctor 3 \N139 Why, whilke callest t+hou t+he firste comaundement, And t+he moste in Moyses lare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N141 Sirs, sen y+oe are sette on rowes And has youre bokes on brede, Late se sirs, in youre sawes, Howe right t+hat y+oe can rede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N145 I rede t+his is t+he firste bidding T+Hat Moyses taught vs here vntill: To honnoure God ouere all thing With all thy witte and all t+hi will, And all thyn harte in hym schall hyng, Erlye and late, both lowde and still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N151 Y+Oe nedis non othir bokes to bring, But fandis t+his for to fulfill. The secounde may men preve And clerly knawe, wherby Y+Ooure neghbours shall y+oe loue Als youreselffe, sekirly. This comaunded Moyses to all men In his x comaundementis clere, In t+her ij biddingis, schall we kene, Hyngis all t+he lawe t+hat we shall lere. Whoso ther two fulfilles then With mayne and myght in goode manere, He trulye fulfillis all t+he ten T+Hat aftir folowes in feere. T+Han schulde we God honnoure With all \#oure myght and mayne, And loue wele ilke a neghboure Right as \#oureselfe, certayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N169 Nowe sone, sen t+hou haste tolde vs two, Whilke ar t+he viij, can t+hou ought saye? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N171 The iij biddis whareso y+oe goo T+Hat y+oe schall halowe t+he halyday; Than is t+he fourthe for frende or foo That fadir and modir honnoure ay. The v^t^^e^ you biddis noght for to sloo No man nor woman by any way. The vj^t^^e^, suthly to see, Comaundis both more and myne That thei schalle fande to flee All filthes of flesshely synne. The vij^t^^e^ \#forbedis you to stele Y+Ooure neghboures goodes, more or lesse, Whilke fautez nowe are founden fele Emang t+her folke, t+hat ferly is. The viij^t^^e^ lernes y+oou for to be lele, Here for to bere no false witnesse. Y+Ooure neghbours house, whillis y+oe haue hele, The ix^t^^e^ biddis take noy+ot be stresse. His wiffe nor his women The x^t^^e^ biddis noy+ot coveyte. Thez are t+he biddingis x, Whoso will lelly layte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N193 Behalde howe he alleggis oure \#layse, And lered neuere on boke to rede; Full subtill sawes methinket+h he saies, And also trewe, yf we take hede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.3 Doctor 3 \N197 Y+Oa, late hym wende fourth on his wayes, For and he dwelle, withouten drede, The pepull schall full sone hym prayse Wele more t+han vs for all oure dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N201 Nay, nay, t+han wer we wrang, Such speking wille we spare. Als he come late hym gang, And move vs nowe no more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N205 A, dere Joseph, what is youre rede? Of oure grete bale no bote may be, Myne harte is heuy as any lede My semely sone tille hym I see. Nowe haue \#we sought in ilke a stede Bot+he vppe and doune \#ther dayes thre, And whedir t+hat he be quyk or dede Y+Oitt wote we noght, so wo is me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N213 Mysese had neuere man more, But mournyng may not mende; I rede forther we fare Till God som socoure sende. Aboute y+oone tempill if he be ought I wolde we wiste t+his ilke nyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N219 A, sir, I see t+hat we haue sought, In worlde was neuere so semely a sight. Lo where he sittis, se \#y+oe hym noght Emong y+oone maistiris mekill of myght? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N223 Now blist be he vs hedir brought, For in lande was neuere non so light. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N225 A, dere Joseph, als we haue cele, Go furthe and fette youre sone and myne. This daye is done nere ilke a dele And we haue nede for to gang hyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N229 With men of myght can I not mell, Than all my trauayle mon I tyne; I can noy+ot with t+hem, t+his wate t+hou wele, They are so gay in furres fyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N233 To t+ham youre herand for to say Suthly y+oe thar noy+ot drede no dele, They will take rewarde to you allway Because of elde, t+his wate y+oe wele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N237 When I come there what schall I saye? I wate neuere, als haue I cele. Sertis Marie, t+hou will haue me schamed for ay, For I can nowthir croke nor knele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N241 Go we togedir, I halde it beste, Vnto y+oone worthy wysse in wede; And yf I see-+-als haue I reste-+- T+Hat y+oe will noy+ot t+han bus me nede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N245 Gange on Marie, and telle thy tale firste, Thy sone to t+he will take goode heede. Wende fourth Marie, and do thy beste, I come behynde, als God me spede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N249 A, dere son Jesus, Sen we loue t+he allone, Why dosse t+hou t+hus till vs And gares vs make swilke mone? Thy fadir and I betwyxte vs twa, Son, for thy loue has likid ill. We haue t+he sought both to and froo, Wepand full sore as wightis will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N257 Wherto shulde y+oe seke me soo? Ofte tymes it hase ben tolde you till, My fadir werkis, for wele or woo, Thus am I sente for to fulfyll. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N261 There sawes, als haue I cele, Can I noy+ot vndirstande. I schall thynke on t+ham wele To fonde what is folowand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N265 Now sothely sone, t+he sight of t+he Hath salued vs of all oure sore. Come furth sone, with t+hi modir and me, Att Nazareth I wolde we wore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N269 Beleves wele, lordis free, For with my frendis nowe will I fare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N271 Nowe sone, wher t+hou schall bide or be, Gode make t+he gode man euermore. No wondir if y+oone wiffe Of his fynding be full fayne, He schall, and he haue liff, Proue till a praty swayne. But sone, loke t+hat t+hou layne for gud or ill T+He note t+hat we haue nemed her nowe, And if it like t+he to lende her stille And wonne with vs, welcome art t+howe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Jesus Jesus \N281 Graunte mercy sirs, of youre gode will, No lenger liste me lende with y+oou, My frendis thoughtis I wol fulfille And to t+her bidding baynely bowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Mary Mary \N285 Full wele is vs t+his tyde, Nowe maye we make goode chere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.20 D:Joseph Joseph \N287 No lenger will we bide, Fares wele all folke in feere. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N1 Almyghty God and lord verray, Full woundyrfull is mannys lesyng, For yf I preche tham day be day And telle tham, lorde, of thy comyng, T+Hat all has wrought, Men are so dull t+hat my preching Serues of noght. When I haue, lord, in the name of the Baptiste t+he folke in watir clere, T+Han haue I saide t+hat aftir me Shall he come t+hat has more powere T+Han I to taste; He schall giffe baptyme more entire In fire and gaste. T+Hus am I comen in message right And be fore-reyner in certayne, In wittnesse-bering of t+hat light, T+He wiche schall light in ilka man T+Hat is comand Into this worlde; nowe whoso can May vndirstande. Thez folke had farly of my fare And what I was full faste t+hei spied; They askid yf I a prophette ware And I saide nay, but sone I wreyede-+- High aperte I saide I was a voyce t+hat cryede Here in deserte. Loke t+hou make t+he redy-+-ay saide I-+- Vnto oure lord God most of myght, T+Hat is t+hat t+hou be clene haly In worde, in werke ay redy dight Agayns oure lord, With parfite liffe t+hat ilke a wight Be well restored. For if we be clene in levyng, Oure bodis are Goddis tempyll t+han, In the whilke he will make his dwellyng. Therfore be clene, bothe wiffe and man, T+His is my reed; God will make in yowe haly t+han His wonnyng-steed. And if y+oe sette all youre delyte In luste and lykyng of t+his liff, Than will he turne fro yow als tyte Bycause of synne, boyth of man and wiffe, And fro y+oou flee, For \#with whome t+hat synne is riffe Will God noght be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N50 T+Hou John, take tente what I schall saye, I brynge t+he tythandis wondir gode: My lorde Jesus schall come t+hys day Fro Galylee vnto t+his flode Y+Oe Jourdane call, Baptyme to take myldely with mode T+His day he schall. John, of his sande therfore be gladde And thanke hym hartely, both lowde and still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N59 I thanke hym euere, but I am radde I am noy+ot abill to fullfill T+His dede certayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N62 John, t+he aught with harte and will To be full bayne To do his bidding, all bydene. Bot in his baptyme John, take tente, T+He heuenes schalle be oppen sene, The holy gost schalle doune be sente To se in sight, The fadirs voyce with grete talent Be herde full riy+ot, T+Hat schall saie t+hus to hym forthy \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N72 [...] with wordes fewne I will be subgett nyght and day As me well awe, To serue my lord Jesus to paye In dede and sawe. Bot wele I wote, baptyme is tane To wasshe and clense man of synne, And wele I wotte t+hat synne is none In hym, withoute ne withinne. What nedis hym t+han For to be baptiste more or myne Als synfull man? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Jesus Jesus \N84 John, kynde of man is freele To t+he whilke t+hat I haue me knytte, But I shall shewe t+he skyllis twa T+Hat t+hou schallt knawe by kyndly witte T+He cause why I haue ordand swa, And ane is t+his: Mankynde may noy+ot vnbaptymde go Te endles blys. And sithen myselffe haue taken mankynde, For men schall me t+her myrroure make \#And haue my doyng in ther mynde, Also I do t+he baptyme take. I will forthy Myselfe be baptiste for ther sake Full oppynly. Anodir skill I schall t+he tell: My will is t+his, t+hat fro t+his day T+He vertue of my baptyme dwelle In baptyme-watir euere and ay, Mankynde to taste, Thurgh my grace t+herto to take alway T+He haly gaste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N106 All-myghtfull lorde, grete is t+hi grace, I thanke t+he of t+hi grete fordede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Jesus Jesus \N108 Cum, baptise me John, in t+his place. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N109 Lorde, saue thy grace t+hat I forbede T+Hat itt soo be, For lorde, methynketh it wer more nede T+Hou baptised me. T+Hat place t+hat I yarne moste of all, Fro thens come t+hou \#lorde, as I gesse. How schulde I t+han, t+hat is a thrall, Giffe t+he baptyme, t+hat rightwis is And has ben euere? For thow arte roote of rightwissenesse, T+Hat forfette neuere. What riche man gose from dore to dore To begge at hym t+hat has right noght? Lorde, t+hou arte riche and I am full poure, T+Hou may blisse all, sen t+hou all wrought. Fro heuen come all T+Hat helpes in \#erthe, yf soth be sought, Fro erthe but small. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Jesus Jesus \N127 Thou sais full wele John, certaynly, But suffre nowe for heuenly mede T+Hat rightwisnesse be noy+ot oonlye Fullfillid in worde but also in dede, Thrughe baptyme clere. Cum, baptise me in my manhed Appertly here. Fyrst schall I take, sen schall I preche, For so behovis mankynde fulfille All rightwissenesse, als werray leche. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist Lord, I am redy at t+hi will, And will be ay Thy subgett lord, both lowde and still, In t+hat I may. A, lorde, I trymble t+her I stande, So am I arow to do t+hat dede. But saue me, lord t+hat all ordand, For the to touche haue I grete drede For doyngs dark. Now helpe me lorde, thurgh t+hi Godhede, To do t+his werk. Jesus, my lord of myghtis most, I baptise t+he here in t+he name Of the fadir and of the sone and holy gost; But in t+his dede lorde, right no blame T+His day by me, And bryngis all thase to thy home T+Hat trowes in t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:Jesus Jesus \N155 John, for mannys prophyte-+-wit t+hou wele-+- Take I t+his baptyme certaynely. The dragons poure ilk a dele Thurgh my baptyme distroyed haue I, T+His is certayne, And saued mankynde, saule and body, Fro endles payne. What man t+hat trowis and baptised \#bes Schall saued be and come to blisse. Whoso trowes noy+ot, to payne endles He schal be dampned sone, trowe wele t+his. But wende we nowe Wher most is nede t+he folke to wisse, Both I and \#t+hou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.21 Ba:JohnB John the Baptist \N169 I loue t+he, lorde, as souereyne leche That come to salue men of t+hare sore, As t+hou comaundis I schall gar preche And lere to euery man t+hat lare, That are was thrall. Now sirs, t+hat barne t+hat Marie bare Be with y+oou all. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Diab. Diabolus \N1 Make rome belyve, and late me gang! Who makis here all t+his t+hrang? High you hense, high myght y+oou hang Right with a roppe. I drede me t+hat I dwelle to lang To do a jape. For sithen the firste tyme t+hat I fell For my pride fro heuen to hell, Euere haue I mustered me emell Emonge mannekynde, How I in dole myght gar tham dwell T+Her to be pynde. And certis, all t+hat hath ben sithen borne Has comen to me, mydday and morne, And I haue ordayned so t+ham forne None may t+hame fende, T+Hat fro all likyng ar they lorne Withowten ende. And nowe sum men spekis of a swayne, Howe he schall come and suffre payne And with his dede to blisse agayne T+Hei schulde be bought. But certis t+his tale is but a trayne, I trowe it noy+ot. For I wotte ilke a dele bydene Of t+he mytyng t+hat men of mene, How he has in grete barett bene Sithen he was borne, And suffered mekill traye and tene Bot+he even and morne. And nowe it is brought so aboute T+Hat lurdayne t+hat t+hei loue and lowte To wildirnesse he is wente owte, Withowtyne moo; To dere hym nowe haue I no doute, Betwyxte vs two. Before t+his tyme he has bene tent T+Hat I myght gete hym with no glent, But now sen he allone is wente I schall assay, And garre hym to sum synne assente If t+hat I may. He has fastid-+-t+hat marris his mode-+- Ther fourty dayes withowten foode. If he be man in bone and bloode Hym hungris ill; In glotonye t+han halde I gude To witt his will. For so it schall be knowen and kidde If Godhed be in hym hidde, If he will do as I hym bidde Whanne I come nare. T+Her was neuere dede t+hat euere he dide T+Hat greued hym warre. T+Hou witty man and wise of rede, If t+hou can ought of Godhede Byd nowe t+hat t+her stones be brede, Betwyxte vs two; T+Han may t+hei stande thyselfe in stede, And othir moo. For t+hou hast fastid longe I wene, I wolde now som mete wer sene For olde acqueyntaunce vs bytwene, Thyselue wote howe. Ther sall no man witte what I mene But I and t+hou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Jesus Jesus \N67 My fadir, t+hat all cytte may slake, Honnoure eueremore to t+he I make And gladly suffir I for thy sake Swilk velany, And t+hus temptacions for to take Of myn enmy. T+Hou weried wight, t+hi wittis are wode, For wrytyn it is, whoso \#vndirstode, A man lyvis noght in mayne and mode With brede allone, But Goddis wordis are gostly fode To men ilkone. Iff I haue fastid oute of skill, Wytte t+hou me hungris not so ill T+Hat I ne will wirke my fadirs will In all degre+'; T+Hi biddyng will I noy+ot fullfill, T+Hat warne I t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Diab. Diabolus \N85 A, slyke carping neuere I kende, Hym hungres noy+ot, as I wende. Nowe sen thy fadir may t+he fende Be sotell sleghte, Late se yf t+hou allone may lende T+Her vppon heghte, Vppon t+he pynakill parfitely. Aha, nowe go we wele therby; I schall assaye in vayne-glorie To garre hym falle, And if he be Goddis sone myghty, Witte I schall. Nowe liste to me a litill space: If t+hou be Goddis sone, full of grace, Shew som poynte here in t+his place To proue t+hi might. Late se, falle doune vppon t+hi face Here in my sight. For it is wretyn, as wele is kende, How God schall aungellis to t+he sende, And they schall kepe t+he in t+her \#hende Wherso t+hou gose, T+Hat t+hou schall on no stones descende To hurte t+hi tose. And sen t+hou may withouten wathe Fall and do thyselffe no skathe, Tumbill downe to ease vs bathe Here to my fete; And but t+hou do I will be wrothe, T+Hat I t+he hette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Jesus Jesus \N115 Late be, warlowe, thy wordis kene, For wryten it is, withouten wene, Thy God t+hou schall not tempte with tene Nor with discorde, Ne quarell schall t+hou none mayntene Agaynste t+hi lorde. And t+herfore trowe t+hou, withouten trayne, T+Hat all t+hi gaudes schall nothyng gayne; Be subgette to t+hi souereyne Arely and late. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Diab. Diabolus \N125 What, t+his trauayle is in vayne Be ought I watte. He proues t+hat he is mekill of price, T+Herfore it is goode I me avise, And sen I may noy+ot on t+his wise Make hym my thrall, I will assaye in couetise To garre hym fall, For certis I schall noy+ot leue hym y+oitt. Who is my souereyne, t+his wolde I witte? Myselffe ordande t+he t+hore to sitte, T+His wote t+hou wele, And right euen as I ordande itt Is done ilke dele. T+Han may t+hou se sen itt is soo T+Hat I am souerayne of vs two, And y+oitt I graunte t+he or I goo Withouten fayle, T+Hat if t+hou woll assente me too It schall avayle. For I haue all t+his worlde to welde, Toure and toune, forest and felde; If t+hou thyn herte will to me helde With wordis hende, Y+Oitt will I baynly be thy belde And faithfull frende. Behalde now ser, and t+hou schalt see Sere kyngdomes and sere contre+'; Alle t+his wile I giffe to t+he For euermore, And t+hou fall and honour me As I saide are. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Jesus Jesus \N157 Sees of thy sawes, t+hou Sathanas, I graunte nothyng t+hat t+hou me \#asse, To pyne of helle I bide t+he passe And wightely wende, And wonne in woo, as t+hou are was, Withouten ende. Non othyr myght schal be thy mede, For wretyn it is, who right can rede, Thy lord God t+he aught to drede And honoure ay, And serue hym in worde and dede Both nyy+ot and day. And sen t+hou dose not as I t+he tell No lenger liste me late t+he dwell, I comaunde t+he t+hou hy to hell And holde t+he t+har, With felawschip of fendis fell For euermar. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Diab. Diabolus \N175 Owte! I dar noy+ot loke, allas, Itt is warre t+han euere it was. He musteres what myght he has, Hye mote he hang. Folowes fast, for me bus pas To paynes strang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N181 A, mercy lorde, what may t+his mene? Me merueyles t+hat y+oe thole t+his tene Of t+his foule fende cant and kene Carpand y+oou till, And y+oe his wickidnesse, I wene, May waste at will. Methynke t+hat y+oe ware straytely stedde Lorde, with t+his fende t+hat nowe is fledde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Jesus Jesus \N189 Myn aungell dere, be noy+ot adred, He may not greue; The haly goste me has ledde, T+Hus schal t+how leue. For whan t+he fende schall folke see And salus t+ham in sere degre+', T+Hare myrroure may t+hei make of me For to stande still, For ouerecome schall t+hei noy+ot be Bot yf t+hay will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N199 A, lorde, t+his is a grete mekenesse In yow in whome al mercy is, And at youre wille may deme or dresse Als is worthy; And thre temptacions takes expres, T+Hus suffirrantly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.22 T:Jesus Jesus \N205 My blissing haue t+hei with my hande T+Hat with swilke greffe is noy+ot grucchand, And also t+hat will stiffely stande Agaynste t+he fende. I knawe my tyme is faste comand, Now will I wende. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.22A M:Arch. Archdeclyne \N1 Loo this is a yoyfull day For me and... \LDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N1 Petir myne awne discipill dere, And James and John my cosyns two, Takis hartely hede, for y+oe schall here T+Hat I wille telle vnto no moo. And als y+oe schall see \#sightis seere Whilke none schall see bot y+oe alsoo, Therfore comes forth with me in fere, For to y+oone mountayne will I goo. Ther schall y+oe see a sight Whilk y+oe haue y+oerned lange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N11 My lorde, we are full light And glad with t+he to gange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N13 Longe haue y+oe coveyte for to kenne My fadir, for I sette hym before, And wele y+oe wote whilke tyme and when In Galyle+' gangand we were. `Shewe vs thy fadir'-+-t+hus saide y+oe then-+- `T+Hat suffice us withouten more'. I saide to y+oou and to all men `Who seis me seis my fadyr t+hore'. Such wordis to y+oou I spakke In trewthe to make y+oou bolde; Y+Oe cowde noght vndyrtake The talez t+hat I y+oou tolde. Anodir tyme, for to encresse Y+Ooure trouthe and worldly y+oou to wys, I saide `\iQuem\r \idicunt\r \ihomines\r \iEsse\r \ifilium\r \ihominis\r?' I askid y+oow wham t+he pepill chase To be mannys sone, withouten mys. Y+Oe aunswered and saide `\#Sum Moyses,' And sum, saide t+han `Hely it is', And sum saide `John Baptist'. T+Han more I enquered you y+oitt, I askid y+oiff y+oe ought wiste Who I was, by youre witte. T+Hou aunswered, Petir, for thy prowe, And saide t+hat I was Crist, God sonne, Bot of thyselffe t+hat had noght t+howe, My fadir hadde t+hat grace begonne. T+Herfore bese bolde and biddis now To tyme y+oe haue my fadir fonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N43 Lord, to thy byddyng will we bowe Full buxumly, as we are bonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N45 Lorde, we will wirke thy will Allway with trewe entent, We love God lowde and stille T+Hat vs t+his layne has lente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N49 Full glad and blithe awe vs to be, And thanke oure maistir mekill of mayne T+Hat sais we schall t+he sightis see, The whiche non othir schall see certayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N53 He talde vs of his fadir free, Of t+hat fare wolde we be full fayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N55 All t+hat he hyghte vs holde will hee, Therfore we will no forther frayne, But as he fouchesaffe So sall we vndirstande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N59 Beholde, her we nowe haue In hast som new \#tythande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Hely. Helyas \N61 Lord God, I loue t+he lastandly And highly, botht with harte and hande, T+Hat me, thy poure prophett Hely, \#Has steuened in t+his stede to stande. In Paradise wonnand am I Ay sen I lefte t+his erthely lande; I come Cristis name to clarifie As God his fadir me has ordand, And for to bere witnesse In worde to man and wyffe, T+Hat t+his his owne sone is And lord of lastand liff. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Moyses Moyses \N73 Lord God t+hat \#of all welth is wele, With wille and witte we wirschippe t+he, T+Hat vnto me, Moyses, wolde tell T+His grete poynte of thy pryuyte+', And hendly hente me oute of hell T+His solempne syght for I schuld see, Whan thy dere darlynges t+hat t+hore dwell Hase noght thy grace in swilk degree. Oure forme-fadyrs full fayne Wolde se this solempne sight, \#T+Hat in t+his place t+hus pleyne Is mustered thurgh t+hi myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N85 Brethir, whateuere y+oone brightnes be? Swilk burdis beforne was neuere sene. It marres my myght, I may not see, So selcouth thyng was neuere sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N89 What it will worthe t+hat wote noy+ot wee; How wayke I waxe y+oe will not wene. Are was t+her one, now is ther thre, Methynke oure maistir is betwene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N93 That oure maistir is thare T+Hat may we trewly trowe, He was full fayre before But neuere als he is nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N97 His clothyng is as white as snowe, His face schynes as t+he sonne; To speke with hym I haue grete awe, Swilk faire before was neuere fune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N101 T+He tothir two fayne wolde I knawe And witte what werke t+ham hedir has wonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N103 I rede we aske t+ham all on rowe And grope t+ham how t+his game is begonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N105 My bredir, if t+hat y+oe come be To make clere Cristis name, Telles here till vs thre, For we seke to t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Elias Elias \N109 Itt is Goddis will t+hat we y+oou wys Of his werkis, as is worthy. I haue my place in Paradise, Ennok my brodyr me by. Als messenger withouten mys Am I called to this company, To witnesse t+hat Goddis sone is t+his, Euyn with hym mette and allmyghty. To dede we wer noght dight, But quyk schall we come With Antecrist for to fyght, Beffore t+he day of dome. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Moyses Moyses \N121 Frendis, if t+hat y+oe frayne my name, Moyses t+han may y+oe rede by rawe. Two thousand y+oere aftir Adam T+Han gaffe God vnto me his lawe, And sythen in helle has bene oure hame, Allas, Adams kynne, t+his schall y+oe knawe. Vnto Crist come, t+his is t+he same T+Hat vs schall fro t+hat dongeoun drawe. He schall brynge t+ham to blys T+Hat nowe in bale are bonne. This myrthe we may not mys, For this same is Goddis sonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N133 My dere \#discipils, drede y+oou noy+ot, I am y+ooure souerayne certenly. This wondir-werke t+hat here is wrought Is of my fadir almyghty. T+Hire both are hydir brought-+- T+He tone Moyses, t+he todir Ely-+- And for youre sake t+hus are t+hei sought To saie y+oou, his sone am I. So schall bothe heuen and helle Be demers of t+his dede, And y+oe in erth schall tell My name wher itt is nede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N145 A, loued be t+hou euere my lord Jesus T+Hat all t+his solempne sight has sent, T+Hat fouchest saffe to schew t+he t+hus So t+hat t+hi myghtis may be kende. Here is full faire dwellyng for vs, A lykand place in for to lende. A, lord, late vs no forther trus, For we will make with herte and hende A taburnakill vnto t+he Belyue, and t+hou will bide; One schall to Moyses be And to Ely the thirde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N157 Y+Oa, wittirly, t+hat were wele done, But vs awe noght swilk case to craue. T+Ham thare but saie and haue it sone, Such seruice and he fouchesaffe. He hetis his men both morne and none T+Hare herber high in heuen to haue, Therfore is beste we bide hys bone; Who othir reedis, rudely t+hei raue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N165 Such sonde as he will sende May mende all oure mischeue, And where hym lykis to lende, We will lende, with his leue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Pater Pater \N169 Y+Oe febill of faithe, folke affraied, Beis noy+ot aferde for vs in feere. I am y+ooure God t+hat gudly \#grayde Both erthe and eyre with clowdes clere. T+His is my sone, as y+oe haue saide, As he has schewed by sygnes sere. Of all his werkis I am wele paied, Therfore till hym takis hede and here. Where he is, t+hare am I, He is myne and I am his, Who trowis t+his stedfastly Shall byde in endles blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N181 Petir, pees be vnto t+he, And to y+oou also James and John. Rise vppe and tellis me what y+oe see, And beis no more so wille of wone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N185 A, lorde, what \#may t+his meruayle be, Whedir is t+his glorious gleme al gone? We saugh here pleynly persones thre And nowe is oure lorde lefte allone. T+His meruayle movis my mynde And makis my flessh affrayed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N191 T+His brightnes made me blynde, I bode neuere swilke a brayde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N193 Lorde God oure maker almyghty, T+His mater euermore be ment, We saw two bodis stande hym by And saide his fadir had t+hame sent. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N197 There come a clowde of t+he skye Lyght als t+he lemys on t+hame lent, And now fares all as fantasye For wote noy+ot \#we how t+hai are wente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N201 T+Hat clowde cloumsed vs clene T+Hat come schynand so clere, Such syght was never sene, To seke all sydis seere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:John John \N205 Nay, nay, t+hat noys noyed vs more T+Hat here was herde so hydously. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N207 Frendis, be noght afferde t+herfore, I schall y+oou saye encheson why: My fadir wiste how t+hat y+oe were In y+ooure faith fayland, and forthy He come to witnesse ay-where, And saide t+hat his sone am I. And also in t+his stede To witnesse t+he same, A quyk man and a dede Come to make clere my name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Peter Peter \N217 A, lord, why latest t+hou vs noy+ot see Thy fadirs face in his fayrenes? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N219 Petir, t+hou askis over-grete degree, That grace may noy+ot be graunted t+he, I gesse. In his Godhed so high is he As all y+ooure prophetis names expresse, T+Hat langar of lyffe schall he noght be T+Hat seys his Godhede as it is. Here haue y+oe sene in sight Poyntes of his priuite+', Als mekill als erthely wighte May suffre in erthe to see. And therfore wende we nowe agayne To oure meyne+', and mende t+her chere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jacob. Jacobus \N231 Oure felaws ful faste wil vs frayne How we haue faren, al in feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.23 TR:Jesus Jesus \N233 T+His visioun lely loke y+oe layne, Vnto no leffand lede itt lere Tille tyme mannys sone haue suffered payne And resen fro dede; kens it t+han clere. For all t+hat trowis t+hat thyng Of my fadir and \#me, Thay schall haue his blessing And myne, so motte it be. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N1 Steppe fourth, late vs no lenger stande, But smertely t+hat oure gere wer grayde; T+His felowe t+hat we with folye fande, Late haste vs fast t+hat she wer flayed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N5 We will bere witnesse and warande How we hir raysed all vnarayed, Agaynste t+he lawes here of oure lande Wher sche was with hir leman laide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N9 Y+Oaa, and he a wedded man, T+Hat was a wikkid synne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N11 T+Hat bargayne schall sche banne With bale nowe or we blynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N13 A, false stodmere and stynkand stroye, How durste t+hou stele so stille away To do so vilaunce avowtry T+Hat is so grete agaynste oure lay? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N17 Hir bawdery schall sche dere abye, For as we sawe so schall we saye, And also hir wirkyng is worthy Sho schall be demed to ded t+his day. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N21 The maistirs of t+he lawe Are here even at oure hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N23 Go we reherse by rawe Hir fawtes as we t+ham fande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N25 God saue y+oou maistirs, mekill of mayne, T+Hat grete clergy and counsaille can. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N27 Welcome frendis, but I wolde frayne How fare y+oe with t+hat faire woman? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N29 A, sirs, we schall y+oou saie \#certayne Of mekill sorowe sen sche began. We haue hir tane with putry playne, Hirselff may noy+ot gaynesaie it t+han. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.4 Judeus 4 \N33 What hath sche done, folye In fornicacioun and synne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N35 Nay, nay, in avowtery Full bolde, and will noy+ot blynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N37 Avowtery? Nemyn it noght for schame! It is so foule opynly I it fye. Is it sothe t+hat t+hei saie t+he dame? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N40 What sir, scho may it noy+ot denye. We wer t+han worthy for to blame To greve hir but sche wer gilty. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.4 Judeus 4 \N43 Now certis, t+his is a foule defame And mekill bale muste be t+harby. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N45 Y+Oa sir, y+oe saie wele t+hore By lawe and rightwise rede, Ther falles noght ellis t+herfore But to be stoned to dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N49 Sirs, sen y+oe telle t+he lawe this tyde And knawes t+he course in t+his contre+', Demes hir on heght, no lenger hyde, And aftir y+ooure wordis wirke schall we. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.4 Judeus 4 \N53 Beis noght so bryme, bewsheris, abide, A new mater nowe moues me \N54 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N55 He shewes my mysdedis more and myne, I leue y+oou here, late hym allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.4 Judeus 4 \N57 Owe, here will new gaudes begynne-+- Y+Oa, grete all wele, saie t+hat I am gone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N59 And sen y+oe are noght bolde, No lengar bide will I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N61 Pees, late no tales be tolde, But passe fourth preuylye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N63 Woman, wher are t+ho wighte men went That kenely here accused t+he? Who hase t+he dampned, toke t+hou entent? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Mulier Mulier \N66 Lord, no man has dampned me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N67 And for me schall t+hou noy+ot be schent. Of all thy mys I make t+he free, Loke t+hou no more to synne assentte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Mulier Mulier \N70 A, lord, ay loued mott t+hou bee. All erthely folke in feere Loves hym and his high name, T+Hat me on t+his manere Hath saued fro synne and schame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Apos.1 Apostolus 1 \N75 A, lorde, we loue t+he inwardly And all t+hi lore, both lowde and still, That grauntes thy grace to t+he gilty And spares t+ham t+hat \#the folke wolde spill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N79 I schall y+oou saie encheson why: I wote it is my fadirs will, And for to make t+ham ware t+herby To knawe t+hamselffe haue done more ill. And euermore of t+his same Ensample schall be sene, Whoso schall othir blame Loke firste t+hamself be clene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Apos.2 Apostolus 2 \N87 A, maistir, here may men se also How mekenes may full mekill amende, To forgeue gladly where we goo All folke t+hat hath vs oght offende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N91 He t+hat will noy+ot forgiffe his foo And vse mekenesse with herte and hende, The kyngdom may he noght come too T+Hat ordande is withouten ende. And more sone schall we see Here or y+oe forther fare, How t+hat my fadir free Will mustir myghtis more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Nunc. Nuncius \N99 Jesu t+hat es prophett veray, My ladys Martha and Marie, If t+hou fouchesaffe t+hai wolde t+he pray For to come vnto Bethany. He whom t+hou loues full wele alway Es seke, and like, lord, for to dye. Yf t+hou wolde come, amende hym t+hou may And comforte all t+hat cumpany. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N107 I saie y+oou t+hat sekeness Is noy+ot \#onto \#t+he dede, But joie of Goddis gudnesse Schal be schewed in t+hat stede. And Goddis sone schall be glorified By t+hat sekenesse and signes seere, Therfore brethir no lenger bide, Two daies fully haue we ben here. We will go soiourne here beside In t+he Jurie with frendis in feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Apos.1 Apostolus 1 \N117 A, lorde, t+hou wote wele ilke a tyde T+He Jewes t+hei layte t+he ferre and nere, To stone t+he vnto dede Or putte to pereles payne, And t+hou to t+hat same stede Covaites to gange agayne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N123 Y+Oe wote by cours wele for to kast, T+He daie is now of xij oures lange, And whilis light of t+he day may last It is gode t+hat we grathely gange. For whan daylight is pleynly past Full sone t+han may y+oe wende all wrang, Therfore takes hede and trauayle fast Whills light of liffe is y+oou emang. And to y+oou saie I more, How t+hat Lazar oure frende Slepes nowe, and I therfore With y+oou to hym will wende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Apos.2 Apostolus 2 \N135 We will be ruled aftir t+hi rede, But and he slepe he schall be saue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N137 I saie to y+oou, Lazare is dede, And for y+oou all grete joie I haue Y+Oe wote I was noght in t+hat stede What tyme t+hat he was graued in graue. His sisteres praye with bowsom beede And for comforte t+hei call and craue, Therfore go we togedir To make t+here myrthis more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Apos.1 Apostolus 1 \N145 Sen he will nedes wende t+hedir, Go we and dye with hym t+hore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Maria Maria \N147 Allas, owtane Goddis will allone, T+Hat I schulld sitte to see t+his sight, For I may morne and make my mone, So wo in worlde was neuere wight. T+Hat I loued most is fro me gone, My dere brothir t+hat Lazar hight, And I durst saye I wolde be slone For nowe me fayles both mynde and myght. My welthe is wente for euere, No medycyne mende me may. A, dede, t+hou do thy deuer And haue me hense away. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Martha Martha \N159 Allas, for ruthe now may I raue And febilly fare by frith and felde, Wolde God t+hat I wer grathed in graue, T+Hat dede hadde tane me vndir telde. For hele in harte mon I neuere haue But if \#he helpe t+hat all may welde, Of Crist I will som comforte craue For he may be my bote and belde. To seke I schal noy+ot cesse Tille I my souereyne see. Hayle, pereles prince of pesse, Jesu my maistir so free. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N171 Martha, what menes t+hou to make such chere? \N171 [... ...] \N172 This stone we schall full sone Remove and sette on syde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N174 Fadir, t+hat is in heuyn on highte, I t+hanke t+he euere ouere all thyng That hendely heres me day and nyght, And takis hede vnto myn askyng. Wherfore fouchesaffe of thy grete myght So t+hat t+his pepull, olde and y+oyng, That standis and bidis to se t+hat sight May trulye trowe and haue knowyng, This tyme here or I pas How t+hat t+hou has me sent. \iLazar\r, \iveni\r \iforas\r, Come fro thy monument. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Laz. Lazarus \N186 A, pereles prince, full of pitee, Worshipped be t+hou in worlde alway That t+hus hast schewed t+hi myght in me, Both dede and doluen, t+his is t+he fourt+he day. By certayne singnes here may men see How t+hat t+hou art Goddis sone verray. All t+ho t+hat trulye trastis in t+he Schall neuere dye, t+his dar I saye. Therfore y+oe folke in fere, Menske hym with mayne and myght, His lawes luke t+hat y+oe lere, T+Han will he lede y+oou to his light. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Maria Maria \N198 Here may men fynde a faythfull frende T+Hat t+hus has couered vs of oure care. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Martha Martha \N200 Jesu my lord and maistir hende, Of t+his we thanke t+he euermore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.24 M:Jesus Jesus \N202 Sisteres, I may no lenger lende, To othir folke nowe bus me fare, And to Jerusalem will I wende For thyngis t+hat muste be fulfilled t+here. Therfore rede I you right, My men, to wende with me. Y+Oe t+hat haue sene t+his sight My blissyng with y+oo be. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N1 To me takis tent and giffis gud hede My dere discipulis t+hat ben here, I schall y+oou telle t+hat shal be indede: My tyme to passe hense it drawith nere, And by t+his skill, Mannys sowle to saue fro sorowes sere T+Hat loste was ill. From heuen to erth whan I dyssende Rawnsom to make I made promys, The prophicie nowe drawes to ende, My fadirs wille forsoth it is T+Hat sente me hedyr. Petir, Phelippe, I schall y+oou blisse, And go togedir Vnto y+oone castell t+hat is y+oou agayne, Gois with gud harte and tarie noy+ot, My comaundement to do be y+oe bayne. Also I y+oou charge loke it be wrought T+Hat schal y+oe fynde An asse t+his feste als y+oe had soght. Y+Oe hir vnbynde With hir foole, and to me hem bring, T+Hat I on hir may sitte a space, So t+he prophicy clere menyng May be fulfillid here in t+his place: `Doghtyr Syon, Loo, t+hi lorde comys rydand an asse T+He to opon'. Yf any man will y+oou gaynesaye, Say t+hat youre lorde has nede of t+ham And schall restore t+hame t+his same day Vnto what man will t+ham clayme; Do t+hus t+his thyng. Go furthe y+oe both and be ay bayne In my blissyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N36 Jesu, maistir evyn at t+hy wille And at t+hi liste vs likis to doo. Yone beste whilke t+hou desires t+he tille Euen at t+hi will schall come t+he too, Vnto t+hin esse. Sertis lord, we will t+hedyre all \#go T+He for to plese. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N43 Lord, t+he to plese we are full bayne Bot+he nyght and day to do t+hi will. Go we brot+here, with all oure mayne My lordis desire for to fulfill, For prophycye Vs bus it do to hym by skyll \#T+Harto dewly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N50 Y+Oa, brodir Phelipp, behalde grathely, For als he saide we schulde sone fynde, Methinke y+oone bestis before myn eye T+Hai are t+he same we schulde vnbynde. T+Herfore frely Go we to hym t+hat t+hame gan bynde, And aske mekely. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N57 The beestis are comen, wele I knawe, Therfore vs nedis to aske lesse leue; And oure maistir kepis t+he lawe We may t+hame take tyter, I preue. For noght we lett, For wele I watte oure tyme is breue, Go we t+ham fett. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N64 Saie, what are y+oe t+hat makis here maistrie, To loose t+hes bestis withoute leverie? Yow semes to bolde, sen noght t+hat y+oe Hase here to do; t+herfore rede I Such t+hingis to sesse, Or ellis y+oe may falle in folye And grette diseasse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N71 Sir, with t+hi leue, hartely we praye T+His beste t+hat we myght haue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N73 To what intente firste shall y+oe saye, And t+han I graunte what y+oe will crave Be gode resoune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N76 Oure maistir sir, t+hat all may saue, Aske by chesoune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N78 What man is t+hat y+oe maistir call Swilke priuelege dare to hym clayme? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N80 Jesus, of Jewes kyng and ay be schall, Of Nazareth prophete t+he same. T+His same is he, Both God and man withouten blame, T+His trist wele we. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N85 Sirs, of t+hat prophette herde I haue, But telle me firste playnly, wher is hee? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N87 He comes at hande so God me saue, T+Hat lorde we lefte at Bephage+', He bidis vs t+here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N90 Sir, take t+his beste with herte full free, And forthe y+oe fare. And if y+oou thynke it be to don, I schall declare playnly his comyng To the chiffe of t+he Jewes, t+hat t+hei may sone Assemble same to his metyng; What is your rede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N97 T+Hou sais full wele in thy menyng. Do forthe t+hi dede, And sone t+his beste we schall t+he bring And it restore as resoune will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N101 This tydyngis schall haue no laynyng, But \#be t+he citezens \#declared till Of t+his cyte+'. I suppose fully t+hat t+hei wolle Come mete t+hat free. And sen I will t+hei warned be, Both y+oonge and olde in ilke a state, For his comyng I will \#t+ham mete To late t+ham witte, withoute debate. Lo, wher t+hei stande, \#The citezens cheff withoute debate Of all t+his lande. He t+hat is rewler of all right And freely schoppe both sande and see, He saue y+oou, lordyngis gayly dight, And kepe y+oou in y+ooure semelyte+' And all honoure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.1 Burger 1 \N118 Welcome porter, what novelte+'? Telle vs t+his owre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N120 Sirs, novelte+' I can y+oou tell And triste t+hame fully as for trewe: Her comes of kynde of Israell Att hande t+he prophette called Jesu, Lo, t+his same day, Rydand on an asse. T+His tydandis newe Consayue y+oe may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.2 Burger 2 \N127 And is t+hat prophette Jesu nere? Off hym I haue herde grete ferlis tolde. He dois grete wounderes in contrees seere, He helys t+he seke, both y+oonge and olde, And t+he blynde giffis t+ham t+her sight. Both dome and deffe, as hymselffe wolde, He cures t+hame right. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.3 Burger 3 \N134 Y+Oa, v thowsand men with loves fyue He fedde, and ilkone hadde inowe. Watir to wyne he turned ryue, He garte corne growe withouten plogh Wher are was none. To dede men als he gaffe liffe, Lazar was one. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.4 Burger 4 \N141 In oure tempill if he prechid Agaynste t+he pepull t+hat leued wrong, And also new lawes if he teched Agaynste oure lawis we vsed so lang, And saide pleynlye The olde schall waste, t+he new schall gang, T+Hat we schall see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.5 Burger 5 \N148 Y+Oa, Moyses lawe he cowde ilke dele And all t+he prophettis on a rowe, He telles t+ham so t+hat ilke a man may fele And what t+hei \#say interly knowe Yf t+hei were dyme. What t+he prophettis saide in t+her sawe, All longis to hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.6 Burger 6 \N155 Emanuell also by right T+Hai calle t+hat prophette by t+his skill, He is t+he same t+hat are was hyght Be Ysaye befor vs till, T+Hus saide full clere: Loo, a maydyn t+hat knew neuere ille A childe schuld bere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.7 Burger 7 \N162 Dauid spake of hym I wene And lefte witnesse y+oe knowe ilkone, He saide t+he frute of his corse clene Shulde royally regne vpon his trone, And t+herfore he Of Dauid kyn and ot+hir none Oure kyng schal be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.8 Burger 8 \N169 Sirs, methynketh y+oe saie right wele And gud ensampelys furth y+oe bryng, And sen we t+hus t+his mater fele Go we hym meete as oure owne kyng, And kyng hym call. What is youre counsaill in t+his thyng? Now say y+oe all. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.1 Burger 1 \N176 Agaynste resoune I will noy+ot plete For wele I wote oure kyng he is. Whoso agaynst his kyng liste threte He is noy+ot wise, he dose amys. Porter, come nere. What knowlage hast t+hou of his comyng? Tels vs all here, And t+han we will go mete t+hat free, And hym honnoure as we wele awe Worthely tyll oure citee, And for oure souerayne lord hym knawe, In whome we triste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N188 Sirs, I schall telle y+oou all on rowe And y+oe will lyste. Of his discipillis, ij t+his day Where that I stode t+hei faire me grette, And on ther maistir halfe gan praye Oure comon asse t+hat t+hei myght gete Bot for a while, Wheron t+her maistir softe myght sitte Space of a mile. And all t+his mater t+hai me tolde Right haly as I saie to y+oou, And t+he asse t+hei haue right as t+hei wolde And sone will bringe agayne I trowe, So t+hai beheste. What y+oe will doo avise y+oou nowe, T+Hus thinke me beste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.2 Burger 2 \N204 Trewlye as for me I say I rede we make vs redy bowne, Hym to mete gudly t+his day And hym ressayue with grete rennowne As worthy is. And t+herfore sirs, in felde and towne Y+Oe fulfille t+his. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N211 Y+Oa, and y+ooure \#childer with y+oou take, T+Hoff all in age t+hat t+hei be y+oonge, Y+Oe may fare t+he bettir for t+her sake Thurgh t+he blissing of so goode a kyng, T+His is no dowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.3 Burger 3 \N216 I kan t+he thanke for thy saying, We will hym lowte. And hym to mete I am right bayne On t+he beste maner t+hat I cane, For I desire to se hym fayne And hym honnoure as his awne man, Sen t+he soth I see. Kyng of Juuys we call hym t+han, Oure kyng is he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.4 Burger 4 \N225 Oure kyng is he-+-t+hat is no lesse-+- Oure awne lawe to it cordis will, T+He prophettis all bare full witnesse Qwilke of hym secrete gone \#telle, And t+hus wolde say: `Emang youreselff schall come grete seele Thurgh God verray'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.5 Burger 5 \N232 T+His same is he, t+her is non othir, Was vs beheest full lange before, For Moyses saide als oure owne brothir A newe prophette God schulde restore. T+Herfore loke y+oe What y+oe will do, withouten more, Oure kyng is he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.6 Burger 6 \N239 Of Juda come owre kyng so gent, Of Jesse, Dauid, Salamon; Also by his modir kynne take tente, T+He genolagye beres witnesse on, This is right playne. Hym to honnoure right as I can I am full bayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.7 Burger 7 \N246 Of youre clene witte and youre consayte I am full gladde in harte and t+hought, And hym to mete withouten latt I am redy, and feyne will noght, Bot with y+oou same \#Go hym agayne vs blisse hath brought, With myrthe and game. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.8 Burger 8 \N253 Y+Ooure argumentis t+hai are so clere I can noy+ot saie but graunte you till, For whanne I of t+hat counsaille here I coveyte hym with feruent wille Onys for to see, I trowe fro t+hens I schall Bettir man be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.1 Burger 1 \N260 Go we t+han with processioun To mete t+hat comely as vs awe, With braunches, floures and vnysoune. With myghtfull songes her on a rawe Our childir schall Go synge before, t+hat men may knawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.2 Burger 2 \N266 To t+his graunte we all. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N267 Jesu, lord and maistir free, Als t+hou comaunde so haue we done. T+His asse here we haue brought to t+he, What is t+hi wille t+hou schewe vs sone And tarie noy+ot, And t+han schall we withouten hune Fulfill t+hi t+houy+ot. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N274 I t+hanke y+oou bret+here mylde of mode. Do on t+his asse youre clot+his y+oe laye, And lifte me vppe with hertis gud T+Hat I on hir may sitte t+his daye In my blissing. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N279 Lord, t+hi will to do allway We graunte \#t+his t+hing. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N281 Now my bret+here with gud chere Gyues gode entente, for ryde I will Vnto y+oone cyte+' y+oe se so nere. Y+Oe shall me folowe sam and still Als I are sayde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N286 Lord, as t+he \#lyst we graunte t+he till, And halde vs payde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N288 A, lorde, t+hat all t+his world has made, Bot+he sonne and mone, nyght and day, What noyse is t+his t+hat makis me gladde? Fro whens it schulde come I can noy+ot saye, Or what it mene. Yf any man walke in t+his way Telle hym me bedene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Pauper Pauper \N295 Man, what ayles t+he to crye? Where wolde t+hou be? T+Hou say me here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N297 A, sir, a blynde man am I And ay has bene of tendyr y+oere Sen I was borne. I harde a voyce with nobill chere Here me beforne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Pauper Pauper \N302 Man, will t+hou oght t+hat I can do? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N303 Y+Oa sir, gladly wolde \#I witte Yf t+hou cout+he oght declare me to This myrt+he I herde, what mene may it Or vndirstande? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Pauper Pauper \N307 Jesu t+he prophite full of grace Comys here at hande, And all t+he cetezens t+hay are bowne Gose hym to mete with melodye, With t+he fayrest processioun That euere was sene in t+his Jury; He is right nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N314 Sir, helpe me to t+he strete hastely, T+Hat I may here T+Hat noyse, and also t+hat I myght thurgh grace My syght of hym to craue I wolde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Pauper Pauper \N318 Loo, he is here at t+his same place. Crye faste on hym, loke t+hou be bolde, With voyce \#right high. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N321 Jesu t+he sone of Dauid calde, T+Hou haue mercy. Allas, I crye, he heris me noy+ot, He has no ruthe of my mysfare. He turnes his herre, where is his t+hought? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Pauper Pauper \N326 Cry somwhat lowdar, loke t+hou noy+ot spare, So may t+hou spye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N328 Jesu t+he saluer of all sare, To me giffis gode hye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Philip Philip \N330 Cesse man and crye noy+ot soo, The voyce of t+he pepill gose t+he by. T+He \#aghe sette still and tente giffe to, Here passez t+he prophite of mercye-+- T+Hou doys amys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N335 A, Dauid sone, to t+he I crye, T+He kyng of blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N337 Lorde, haue mercy and late hym goo, He can noy+ot cesse of his crying. He folows vs both to and froo, Graunte hym his boone and his askyng And late hym wende. We gette no reste or t+hat t+his thyng Be broy+ot to ende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N344 What wolde t+hou man I to t+he dede In t+his present? Telle oppynly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N346 Lorde, my \#syght is fro me hydde, T+Hou graunte me it, I crye mercy, T+His wolde I haue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N349 Loke vppe nowe with chere blythely, T+Hi faith shall t+he saue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Cecus Cecus \N351 Wirschippe and honnoure ay to t+he With all t+he seruice t+hat can be done, The kyng of blisse loued mote he be T+Hat t+hus my sight hath sente so sone, And by grete skill. I was are blynde as any stone: I se at wille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Claud. Claudus \N358 A, wele wer t+ham t+hat euere had liffe, Olde or yonge whedir it were, Might welde t+her lymmes withouten striffe, Go with t+his mirthe t+hat I see here And contynewe; For I am sette in sorowes sere T+Hat ay ar newe. T+Hou lord t+hat schope both nyght and day, For thy mercy haue mynde on me And helpe me lorde, as t+hou wele may \N367 [... ...] \N368 i may noy+ot gang. For I am lame as men may se And has ben lang. For wele I wote, as knowyn is ryffe, Bot+he dome and deffe t+hou grauntist t+ham grace, And also t+he dede t+hat t+hou hauyst geuen liff; Therfore graunte me lord in t+his place My lymbis to welde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N376 My man, ryse and caste t+he crucchys gode space Her in t+he felde, And loke in trouthe t+hou stedfast be, And folow me furth with gode menyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Claud. Claudus \N380 Lorde, lo my crouchis whare t+hei flee Als ferre as I may late t+ham flenge With bothe my hende. T+Hat euere we haue metyng Now I defende, For I was halte \#of lyme and lame And I suffered tene and sorowes inowe. Ay-lastand lord, loued be t+hi name, I am als light as birde on bowe. Ay be t+hou blist, Such grace hast t+hou schewed to me Lorde, as t+he list. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Zache+' Zache+' \N392 Sen firste t+his worlde was made of noy+ot And all thyng sette in equite+', Such ferly thyng was neuere non wroght As men t+his tyme may see with eye. What it may mene-+- I can noy+ot saye what it may be, Comforte or tene. And cheffely of a prophete new T+Hat mekill is profite, and t+hat of latte Both day and nyght t+hai hym assewe, Oure pepill same thurgh strete and gatte \N402 [... ...] Oure olde lawes as nowe t+hei hatte And his kepis y+oare. Men fro deth to liffe he rayse, The blynde and dome geve speche and sight, Gretely t+herfor oure folke hym prayse And folowis hym both day and nyght Fro towne to towne. Thay calle hym prophite be right As of renowne. And y+oit I meruayle of t+hat thyng, Of puplicans sen prince am I Of hym I cowthe haue no knowyng, Yf all I wolde haue comen hym \#ney+oe, Arly and late. For I am lawe, and of \#men \#high Full is t+he gate. Bot sen no bettir may befalle I thynke what beste is for to doo, I am schorte y+oe knawe wele all, T+Herfore y+oone tre I will go too And in it clyme. Whedir he come or passe me fro I schall se hym. A, nobill tree t+hou secomoure, I blisse hym t+hat t+he on t+he ert+he broght. Now may I see both here and t+hore That vndir me \#hid may be noy+ot. T+Herfore in t+he \#Wille I bidde in herte and t+hought Till I hym se. Vnto t+he prophete come to towne Her will I bide what so befalle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N435 Do Zache+', do faste come downe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Zache+' Zache+' \N436 Lorde, even at t+hi wille hastely I schall, And tarie noght. To t+he on knes lord here I \#fall For synne I wroght; And welcome, prophete trast and trewe, With all t+he pepull t+hat to t+he \#lange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N442 Zache+', t+hi seruice new Schall make t+he clene of all t+he wrong T+Hat t+hou haste done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Zache+' Zache+' \N445 Lorde, I lette noy+ot for t+his thrang Her to say sone Me schamys with synne but \#ouy+ot to mende. Mi synne forsake t+herfore I will, \#Halue my gud I haue \#vnspende Poure folke to geue it till, T+His will I fayne. Whom I begylyd to hym I will Make asith agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N454 Thy clere confessioun schall t+he clense, T+Hou may be sure of lastand lyffe. Vnto t+hi house withouten offense Is graunted pees withouten striffe. Farewele Zache+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Zache+' Zache+' \N459 Lord, t+he lowte ay man and wiffe, Blist myght t+hou be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Jesus Jesus \N461 My dere discipulis, beholde and see, Vnto Jerusalem we schall assende, Man sone schall t+her betrayed be And gevyn into his enmys \#hende With grete dispitte. Ther spitting on hym t+her schall t+hei spende And smertly smyte. Petir, take t+his asse me fro And lede it where t+hou are it toke. I murne, I sigh, I wepe also Jerusalem on t+he to loke. And so may t+hou \#rewe T+Hat euere t+hou t+hi kyng forsuke And was vntrewe. For stone on stone schall none be lefte But doune to t+he grounde all schal be caste, Thy game, t+hi gle, al fro t+he refte And all for synne t+hat t+hou done hast. T+Hou arte vnkynde; Agayne t+hi kyng t+hou hast trespast, Haue t+his in mynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Peter Peter \N482 Porter, take here t+hyn asse agayne, At hande my lorde comys on his fette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Janit. Janitor \N484 Behalde where all \#t+he burgeis bayne Comes with wirschippe hym to mete. T+Herfore I will Late hym abide here in t+his strete And lowte hym till. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.1 Burger 1 \N489 Hayll prophette preued withouten pere, Hayll prince of pees schall euere endure, Hayll kyng comely, curteyse and clere, Hayll souerayne semely, to synfull sure; To t+he all bowes. Hayll lord louely oure cares may cure, \#Hayll kyng of Jewes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.2 Burger 2 \N496 Hayll florisshand floure t+hat neuere shall fade, Hayll vyolett vernand with swete odoure, Hayll marke of myrthe oure medecyne made, Hayll blossome \#bright, hayll oure socoure, Hayll kyng comely. Hayll menskfull man, \#we t+he honnoure With herte frely. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.3 Burger 3 \N503 Hayll Dauid sone, doughty in dede, Hayll rose ruddy, hayll birrall clere, Hayll, welle of welthe may make vs mede, Hayll saluer of oure sores sere, We wirschippe t+he. Hayll hendfull, with solas sere Welcome t+hou be \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.4 Burger 4 \N510 Hayll blisfull babe, in Bedleme borne, Hayll boote of all oure bittir balis, Hayll, sege t+hat schoppe bot+he even and morne, Hayll talker trystefull of trew tales, Hayll comely knyght, Hayll of mode t+hat moste preuayles To saue t+he tyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.5 Burger 5 \N517 Hayll dyamaunde with drewry dight, Hayll jasper gentill of Jury, Hayll lylly lufsome lemyd with lyght, Hayll balme of boote, moyste and drye To all has nede. Hayll barne most blist of mylde Marie, Hayll all oure mede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.6 Burger 6 \N524 Hayll conquerour, hayll most of myght, Hayll rawnsoner of synfull all, Hayll pytefull, hayll louely light, Hayll to vs welcome be schall, Hayll kyng of Jues. Hayll comely corse t+hat we t+he call With mirt+he t+hat newes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.7 Burger 7 \N531 Hayll sonne ay schynand with bright bemes, Hayll lampe of liff schall neuere waste, Hayll lykand lanterne, luffely lemys, Hayll texte of trewt+he t+he trew to taste. Hayll kyng and sire, Hayll maydens chylde t+hat menskid hir most, We t+he desire. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.25 J:Burg.8 Burger 8 \N538 Hayll domysman dredful, t+hat all schall deme, Hayll t+hat all quyk and dede schall lowte, Hayll whom worschippe moste will seme, Hayll whom all thyng schall drede and dowte. We welcome t+he, Hayll and welcome of all abowte To owre cete+'. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N1 Vndir t+he ryallest roye of rente and renowne Now am I regent of rewle t+his region in reste, Obeye vnto bidding bud busshoppis me bowne And bolde men t+hat in batayll makis brestis to breste. To me betaught is t+he tent t+his towre-begon towne, For traytoures tyte will I taynte t+he trewt+he for to triste. The dubbyng of my dingnite+' may noy+ot be done downe, Nowdir with duke nor dugeperes, my dedis are so dreste. My desire muste dayly be done With t+hame t+hat are grettest of game, And t+heragayne fynde I but fone, Wherfore I schall bettir t+her bone-+- But he t+hat me greues for a \#grone, Beware, for wyscus I am. Pounce Pilatt of thre partis t+han is my propir name, I am a perelous prince to proue wher I peere. Emange t+he philosofers firste ther fanged I my fame, Wherfore I fell to affecte I fynde noy+ot my feere. He schall full bittirly banne t+hat bide schall my blame, If all my blee be as bright as blossome on brere, For sone his liffe shall he lose or left be for lame T+Hat lowtes noy+ot to me lowly nor liste noy+ot to leere. And t+hus sen we stande in oure state Als lordis with all lykyng in lande, Do and late vs wete if y+oe wate Owthir, sirs, of bayle or debate T+Hat nedis for to be handeled full hate, Sen all youre helpe hanges in my hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N29 Sir, and for to certefie t+he soth in youre sight, As to y+oou for oure souerayne semely we seke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N31 Why, is t+her any myscheue t+hat musteres his myy+ot Or malice thurgh meene menn vs musters to meke? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N33 Y+Oa sir, t+her is a ranke swayne whos rule is noy+ot right, For thurgh his romour in t+his reme hath raysede mekill reke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N35 I here wele y+oe hate hym; youre hartis are on heght, And ellis if I helpe wolde his harmes for to eke. But why are y+oe barely t+hus brathe? Bees rewly and ray fourth youre reasoune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N39 Tille vs sir his lore is full lothe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N40 Beware t+hat we wax noy+ot to wrothe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N41 Why sir, to skyfte fro his skath We seke for youre socoure t+his sesoune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N43 And if t+hat wrecche in oure warde haue wrought any wrong, Sen we are warned we walde witte, and wille or we wende. But and his sawe be lawfull, legge noy+ot to lange, For we schall leue hym if us list with luffe here to lende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N47 And yf t+hat false faytor youre fortheraunce may fang, T+Han fele I wele t+hat oure folke mon fayle of a frende. Sir, t+he strenghe of his steuen ay still is so strange That but he schortely be schent he schappe vs to schende, For he kennes folke hym for to call Grete God son-+-t+hus greues vs t+hat gome-+- And sais t+hat he sittande be schall In high heuen, for t+here is his hall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N55 And frendis, if t+hat force to hym fall It semes noy+ot y+oe schall hym consume. But t+hat hymselfe is t+he same y+oe saide schulde descende Y+Ooure seede and y+oou t+hen all for to socoure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N58 A, softe sir, and sese, For of Criste whan he comes no kynne schall be kenned, But of t+his caytiffe kynreden we knawe t+he encrese. He lykens hym to be lyke God, ay-lastand to lende, To lifte vppe t+he laby, to lose or relesse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N63 His maistreys schulde moue y+oou youre mode for to amende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N64 Nay, for swilke mys fro malice we may noy+ot vs meese, For he sais he schall deme vs, t+hat dote, And t+hat tille vs is dayne or dispite. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N67 To noye hym nowe is youre noote, But y+oitt t+he lawe lyes in my lotte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N69 And yf y+oe will witt sir, y+oe wotte T+Hat he is wele worthy to wyte. For in oure temple has he taught by tymes moo t+han tenne Where tabillis full of tresoure lay to telle and to trye, Of oure cheffe mony-changers-+-butte, curstely to kenne, He caste t+ham ouere, t+hat caystiffe, and counted noy+ot t+herby. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N75 Loo sir, t+his is a periurye to prente vndir penne, Wherfore make y+oe t+hat \iappostita\r, we praye y+oou, to plye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N77 Howe mene y+oe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N77 Sir, to mort hym for mouyng of men. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N78 T+Han schulde we make hym to morne but thurgh y+ooure maistrie. Latte be sirs, and move t+hat no more; But what in youre temple betyde? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N81 We, t+hare sir he skelpte oute of score T+Hat stately stode selland t+her store. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N83 T+Han felte he t+ham fawte+' before And made t+he cause wele to be kydde. But what taught he t+hat tyme, swilk tales as t+hou telles? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N86 Sir, t+hat oure tempill is t+he toure of his troned sire, And t+hus to prayse in t+hat place oure prophettis compellis, Tille hym t+hat has poste+' of prince and of empire; And t+hei make \idomus\r \idomini\r t+hat \#deland t+hare dwellis T+He denn of t+he derfenes and ofte t+hat t+hei desire. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N91 Loo, is he noght a mad man t+hat for youre mede melles, Sen y+oe ymagyn amys t+hat makeles to myre? Y+Ooure rankoure is raykand full rawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N94 Nay nay sir, we rewle vs but right. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N95 Forsothe, y+oe ar ouer-cruell to knawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N96 Why sir? For he wolde lose oure lawe Hartely we hym hate as we awe, And t+herto schulde y+oe mayntayne oure myght. For why, vppon oure Sabbott day t+he seke makes he saffe And will noy+ot sesse for oure sawes to synke so in synne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N101 Sir, he coueres all t+hat comes recoueraunce to craue But in a schorte contynuaunce, t+hat kennes all oure kynne. But he haldis noght oure haly dayes, harde happe myght hym haue, And therfore hanged be he and t+hat by t+he halse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N104 A, hoo sir nowe, and holde in. For t+hoff y+oe gange t+hus gedy hym gilteles to graue, Withouten grounde y+oow gaynes noght swilke greffe to begynne; And loke youre leggyng be lele, Withowtyn any tryfils to telle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N109 For certayne owre sawes dare we seele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N110 And t+han may we prophite oure pele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N111 Sir, bot his fawtes wer fele We mente noy+ot of hym for to melle. For he pervertis oure pepull t+hat proues his prechyng, And for t+hat poynte y+oe schulde prese his pooste+' to paire. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N115 Y+Oa sir, and also t+hat caytiff he callis hym oure kyng, And for t+hat cause our comons are casten in care. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N117 And if so be, t+hat borde to bayll will hym bryng And make hym boldely to banne t+he bones t+hat hym bare. For-why t+hat wrecche fro oure wretthe schal not wryng Or t+her be wrought on hym wrake. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N120 So wolde we it ware, For so schulde y+oe susteyne youre seele And myldely haue mynde for to meke y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N123 Wele witte y+oe, t+his werke schall be wele, For kende schall t+hat knave be to knele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N125 And so t+hat oure force he may feele All samme for t+he same we beseke y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N127 \iIngenti\r \ipro\r \iinuria-+-\r hym Jesus, t+hat Jewe \#Vnjust vnto me, Judas, I juge to be lathe. For at oure soper as we satte, t+he sot+he to pursewe, With Symond luprus, full sone my skiffte come to scathe. Tille hym t+her brought one a boyste my bale for to brewe \#That baynly to his bare feete to bowe was full braythe, Sho anoynte t+ham with an oynement that nobill was and newe, But for t+hat werke t+hat sche wrought I wexe woundir wrothe. And t+his-+-to discouer-+-was my skill: For of his penys purser was I, And what t+hat me taught was vntill The tente parte t+hat stale I ay still. But nowe for me wantis of my will T+Hat bargayne with bale schall he by. T+Hat same oynement, I saide, might same haue bene solde For siluer penys in a sowme thre hundereth, and fyne Haue ben departid to poure men as playne pite+' wolde; But for t+he poore, ne t+hare parte priked me no peyne-+- But me tened for t+he tente parte, t+he trewthe to beholde, That thirty pens of iij hundereth so tyte I schulde tyne. And for I mysse t+his mony I morne on t+his molde, Wherfore for to mischeue t+his maistir of myne And t+herfore faste fort+he will I flitte The princes of prestis vntill, And selle hym full sone or t+hat I sitte For therty pens in a knotte knytte. T+Hus-gatis full wele schall he witte T+Hat of my wretthe wreke me I will. Do open, porter, t+he porte of t+his prowde place That I may passe to youre princes to proue for youre prowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N157 Go hense t+hou glorand gedlyng, God geue t+he ille grace, Thy glyfftyng is so grymly t+hou gars my harte growe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N159 Goode sir, be toward t+his tyme and tarie noght my trace, For I haue tythandis to telle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N160 Y+Oa, som tresoune I trowe, For I fele by a figure in youre fals face It is but foly to feste affeccioun in y+oou. For Mars he hath morteysed his mark, Eftir all lynes of my lore, And sais y+oe are wikkid of werk And bothe a strange theffe and a stark. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N167 Sir, t+hus at my berde and y+oe berk It semes it schall sitte yow full sore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N169 Say bittilbrowed bribour, why blowes t+hou such boste? Full false in thy face in faith can I fynde. T+Hou arte combered in curstnesse and caris to t+his coste, To marre men of myght haste t+hou marked in thy mynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N173 Sir, I mene of no malice but mirthe meve I \#moste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N174 Say, on-hanged harlott, I holde t+he vnhende, Thou lokist like a lurdayne his liffelod hadde loste. Woo schall I wirke t+he away but t+hou wende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N177 A, goode sir, take tente to my talkyng t+his tyde, For tythandis full trew can I telle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N179 Say brethell, I bidde t+he abide, T+Hou chaterist like a churle t+hat can chyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N181 Y+Oa sir, but and t+he truthe schulde be tryed Of myrthe are t+her materes I mell, For thurgh my dedis youre dugeperes fro dere may be \#drawen. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N184 What, demes t+hou till oure dukes that doole schulde be dight? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N184 Nay sir, so saide I noght. If I be callid to counsaille t+hat cause schall be knawen Emang t+hat comely companye, to clerke and to knyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N187 Byde me here bewchere or more blore be blowen, And I schall buske to t+he benke wher baneres are bright And saie vnto oure souereynes, or seede more be sawen, T+Hat swilke a seege as t+hiselff sewes to t+her sight. My lorde nowe of witte t+hat is well, I come for a cas to be kydde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N193 We, speke on and spare not t+hi spell. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N194 Y+Oa, and if vs mystir te mell, Sen y+oe bere of bewte+' t+he bell, Blythely schall we bowe as y+oe bidde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N197 Sir, withoute t+his abatyng t+her houes as I hope A \#hyne helte-full of ire, for hasty he is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N199 What comes he fore? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N199 I kenne hym noght, but he is cladde in a cope, He cares with a kene face vncomely to kys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N201 Go gete hym t+hat his greffe we grathely may grope, So no oppen langage be goyng amys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Janit. Janitor \N203 Comes on bylyue to my lorde and if t+he liste to lepe, But vttir so thy langage that t+hou lette noght t+hare blys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N205 That lorde, sirs, myght susteyne y+ooure seele T+Hat floure is of fortune and fame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N207 Welcome, thy wordis are but wele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Caiph. Caiphas \N208 Say, harste t+hou knave, can t+hou not knele? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N209 Loo, here may men faute in you fele, Late be sir youre scornyng, for schame. Bot bewshere, be noy+ot abayst to byde at t+he \#bar. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N212 Before you sirs to be brought abowte haue I bene, And allway for youre worschippe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N213 Say, wotte t+hou any were? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N214 Of werke sir t+hat hath wretthid y+oou I wotte what I meene, But I wolde make a marchaundyse youre myscheffe to marre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N216 And may t+hou soo? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N216 Els madde I such maistries to \#mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N217 T+Han kennes t+hou of som comberaunce oure charge for to chere? For cosyne, t+hou art cruell. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N218 My cause sir is kene. For if y+oe will bargayne or by, Jesus t+his tyme will I selle y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N221 My blissing sone haue t+hou forthy-+- Loo, here is a sporte for to spye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N223 And hym dar I hete y+oou in hye, If y+oe will be toward I telle y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N225 What hytist t+hou? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N225 Judas Scariott. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N225 T+Hou art a juste man T+Hat will Jesus be justified by oure jugement. But howe-gates bought schall he be? Bidde furthe thy bargayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N228 But for a litill betyng to bere fro t+his bente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N229 Now what schall we pay? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N229 Sir, thirti pens and plete, no more t+han. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N230 Say, ar y+oe plesid of this price he preces to present? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N231 Ellis contrarie we oure consciens, consayue sen we can T+Hat Judas knawes \#hym culpabill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N232 I call y+oou consent. But Judas, a knott for to knytt, Wilt t+hou to t+his comenaunt accorde? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N235 Y+Oa, at a worde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N235 Welcome is it. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N236 Take t+herof, a traytour tyte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N237 Now, leue ser, late no man wete How t+his losell laykis with his lord. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N239 Why, dwellis he with t+hat dochard whos dedis hase us drouyd? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N240 T+Hat hase he done ser and dose, no dowte is t+his day. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N241 Than wolde we knawe why t+his knave t+hus cursidly contryued. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N242 Enquere hym, sen y+oe can best kenne if he contrarie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N243 Say man, to selle t+hi maistir what mysse hath he moved? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N244 For of als mekill mony he made me delay, Of y+oou as I resayue schall but right be reproued. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N246 I rede noght t+hat y+oe reken vs oure rewle so to ray, For t+hat t+he \#false \#fende schall t+he fang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N248 When he schall wante of a wraste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N249 To whome wirke we wittandly wrang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N250 Tille hym bot y+oe hastely hang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.3 Doctor 3 \N251 Y+Ooure langage y+oe lay oute to lang. But Judas, we trewly t+he trast, For truly t+hou moste lerne vs that losell to lache, Or of lande thurgh a lirte that lurdayne may lepe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N255 I schall y+oou teche a token hym tyte for to take Wher he is thryngand in t+he thrang, withouten any threpe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N257 We knawe hym noght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N257 Take kepe t+han t+hat caytiffe to catche The whilke t+hat I kisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N258 T+Hat comes wele t+he, corious, I cleepe! But y+oitt to warne vs wisely allwayes muste y+oe wacche. Whan t+hou schall wende forthwith we schall walke a wilde hepe, And therfore besye loke now t+hou be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N262 Y+Ois, y+ois, a space schall I spie vs Als sone as t+he sonne is sette, as y+oe see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N264 Go forthe, for a traytoure ar y+oe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N265 Y+Oa, and a wikkid man. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.1 Doctor 1 \N265 Why, what is he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Doct.2 Doctor 2 \N266 A losell ser, but lewte+' shuld lye vs. He is trappid full of trayne, t+he truthe for to trist, I holde it but folye his \#faythe for to trowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N269 Abide in my blyssing and late youre breste, For it is beste for oure bote in bayle for to bowe. And Judas, for oure prophite we praye t+he be prest. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N272 Y+Oitt hadde I noght a peny to purvey for my prowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N273 T+Hou schalte haue delyueraunce belyue at t+hi list, So t+hat t+hou schall haue liking oure lordschipp to loue. And therfore Judas mende t+hou thy mone And take t+her t+hi siluere all same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N277 Y+Oa, nowe is my grete greffe ouere-gone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N278 Be lyght t+han. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N278 Y+Ois, latte me allone, For tytte schall t+hat taynte be tone And t+herto jocounde and joly I am. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N281 Judas, to holde t+hi behest be hende for oure happe, And of vs helpe and vpholde we hete t+he to haue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Judas Judas \N283 I schall bekenne y+oou his corse in care for to clappe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Anna Anna \N284 And more comforte in t+his case we coveyte not to craue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N285 Fro we may reche t+hat rekeles his ribbis schall we rappe, And make t+hat roy or we rest for rennyng to raffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N287 Nay sirs, all if y+oe scourge hym y+oe schende noy+ot his schappe, For if t+he sotte be sakles vs sittis hym to saue. Wherfore when y+oe go schall to gete hym Vnto his body brew y+oe no bale. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N291 Our liste is fro leping to lette hym, But in youre sight sownde schall ve sette hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.26 J:Pilate Pilate \N293 Do flitte nowe forthe till y+oe fette hym With solace all same to youre sale. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N1 Pees be both be day and nyght Vntill t+his house and till all t+hat is here. Here will I holde as I haue hight The feeste of Paas with frendis in feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Marc. Marcellus \N5 Maistir, we haue arayed full right Seruise t+hat semes for youre sopere. Oure lambe is roste and redy dight, As Moyses lawe will lely lere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N9 That is, ilke man t+hat has Pepill in his awne poste+' Shall roste a lambe at Paas, To hym and his meyne+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Andrew Andrew \N13 Maistir, t+he custome wele we knawe That with oure elthers euer has bene, How ilke man with his meyne+' awe To roste a lambe and ete it clene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N17 I thanke y+oou sothtly of youre sawe, For y+oe saye as youreselffe has sene. Therfore array y+oou all on rawe, Myselfe schall parte itt y+oou betwene. Wherfore I will t+hat y+oe Ette t+herof euere-ilkone, The remelaunt parted schall be To t+he poure t+hat purueyse none. Of Moyses lawes here make I an ende In som party, but noght in all. My comaundement schall othirwise be kende With t+ham t+hat men schall craftely call. But t+he lambe of Pase t+hat here is spende, Whilke Jewes vses grete and small, Euere forward nowe I itt deffende Fro Cristis folke what so befall. In t+hat stede schall be sette A newe lawe vs bytwene, But who t+herof schall ette Behoues to be wasshed clene. For t+hat new lawe whoso schall lere, In harte t+ham bus be clene and chaste. Marcelle myn awne discipill dere, Do vs haue watir here in hast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Marc. Marcellus \N41 Maistir, it is all redy here, And here a towell clene to taste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N43 Commes forthe with me all in feere, My wordis schall noght be wroght in waste. Settis youre feete fourth, late see, They schall be wasshen sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Peter Peter \N47 A, lorde, with t+hi leue, of t+hee T+Hat dede schall noy+ot be done. I schall neuere make my membres mete, Of my souerayne seruice to see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N51 Petir, bott if t+hou latte me wasshe t+hi feete T+Hou getis no parte in blisse with me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Peter Peter \N53 A, mercy lorde and maistir swete, Owte of t+hat blisse t+hat I noght be-+- Wasshe on my lorde to all be wete, Both hede and hande, beseke I t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N57 Petir, t+hou wotiste noy+ot y+oitt What t+his werke will bemene. Hereaftir schall t+hou witte, And so schall y+oe all bedene. Y+Ooure lorde and maistir y+oe me call, And so I am, all welthe to welde. Here haue I knelid vnto y+oou all, To wasshe youre feete as y+oe haue feled. Ensaumple of me take y+oe schall Euer for to y+oeme in y+oout+he and elde, To be buxsome in boure and hall, Ilkone for to bede othir belde. For all-if y+oe be trewe And lele of loue ilkone, Y+Oe schall fynde othir ay newe To greue whan I am gone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N73 Now sen oure maistir sais he schall Wende and will not telle vs whedir, Whilke of vs schall be princepall? Late loke now whils we dwell togedir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N77 I wotte youre will both grete and small, And youre high hartis I here t+ham hedir; To whilke of y+oou such fare schulde fall T+Hat myght y+oe carpe when y+oe come thedir, Where it so schulde be tyde Of such materes to melle. But first behoues y+oou bide Fayndyngis full ferse and felle. Here schall I sette y+oou for to see T+His y+oonge childe for insaumpills seere, Both meke and mylde of harte is he, And fro all malice, mery of chere; So meke and mylde but if y+oe be \N89 [... ...] \N89 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:[Jes.] Jesus \N90 \iQuod\r \ifacis\r \ifac\r \icicius\r: T+Hat t+hou schall do, do sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Thom. Thomas \N92 Allas, so wilsom wightis as we Was neuere in worlde walkand in wede, Oure maistir sais his awne meyne+' Has betrayed hym to synfull seede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N96 A, \#Jhon, sen t+hou sittist nexte his kne, We pray t+he spire hym for oure spede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:John John \N98 \iDomine\r, \iquis\r \iest\r \iqui\r \itradit\r \ite\r? Lord, who schall do t+hat doulfull dede? Allas, oure playe is paste, T+His false forward is feste. I may no lenger laste, For bale myn herte may breste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Judas Judas \N104 Now is tyme to me to gang, For here begynnes noye all of newe. My fellaws momellis t+hame emang T+Hat I schulde alle t+his bargayne brewe-+- And certis t+hai schall noy+ot wene it wrang. To t+he prince of prestis I schall pursue, And t+hei schall lere hym othir ought long That all his sawes sore schall hym rewe. I wotte whedir he remoues With his meyne+' ilkone, I schall telle to t+he Jewes And tyte he schalle be tane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N116 I warne y+oou nowe my frendis free, Sese to ther sawes t+hat I schall say: The fende is wrothe with y+oou and me And will y+oou marre if t+hat he may. But Petir, I haue prayed for t+he, So t+hat t+hou schall noy+ot drede his dray; And comforte t+hou t+his meyne+' And wisse hem whan I am gone away. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Peter Peter \N124 A, lorde, where wilte t+hou lende? I schall lende in t+hat steede, And with t+he schall I wende Euermore in lyffe and dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Andrew Andrew \N128 No wordely drede schall me withdrawe That I schall with t+he leue and dye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Thom. Thomas \N130 Certis, so schall we all on rawe, Ellis mekill woo were we worthy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N132 Petir, I saie to t+he t+his sawe T+Hat t+hou schalte fynde no fantasie: T+His ilke nyght or t+he cokkys crowe Shall t+hou thre tymes my name denye, And saye t+hou knewe me neuere Nor no meyne+' of myne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Peter Peter \N138 Allas, lorde, me were lever Be putte to endles pyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N140 As I yow saie so schall it bee, Ye nedis non othir recours to craue. All t+hat in worlde is wretyn of me Shall be fulfilled, for knyght or knave. I am t+he herde, t+he schepe are y+oe, And whane t+he herde schall harmes haue The flokke schall be full fayne to flee, And socoure seke t+hameselffe to saue. Y+Oe schall whan I am \#slayne In grete myslykyng lende, But whanne I ryse agayne T+Han schall youre myrthe be \#mende. Y+Oe haue bene bowne my bale to bete, Therfore youre belde ay schall I be. And for y+oe did in drye and wete My comaundementis in ilke contre+', The kyngdome of heuen I you behete Euen as my fadir has highte itt me. With gostely mete t+here schall \#y+oe mete And on twelffe seeges sitte schall y+oe, For y+oe trewlye toke y+oeme In worlde with me to dwell, There shall y+oe sitte \#to \#deme Xij kyndis of Israell. But firste y+oe schall be wille of wone, And mo wathes t+hen y+oe of wene Fro tyme schall come t+hat I be tone, T+Han schall y+oe turne away with tene. And loke t+hat y+oe haue swerdis ilkone, And whoso haues non y+oou bytwene Shall selle his cote and bye hym one, T+Hus bidde I t+hat y+oe do bedene. Satcheles I will y+oe haue, And stones to stynte all striffe, Youreselffe for to saue In lenghyng of youre liff. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Andrew Andrew \N176 Maistir, \#we haue here swerdis twoo \#Vs with to saue on sidis seere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.27 B:Jesus Jesus \N178 Itt is inowe, y+oe nedis no moo, For fro all wathis I schall y+oou were. Butt ryse now vppe, for we will goo, By t+his owre enemyes ordand are; My fadir saide it schall be soo, His bidding will I noy+ot forbere. Loke y+oe lere forthe t+his lawe Als y+oe haue herde of me, Alle t+hat wele will itt knawe Ay blessid schall t+hei bee. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N1 Beholde, my discipulis t+hat deyne is and dere, My flesshe dyderis and daris for doute of my dede. Myne enemyes will newly be neghand full nere With all t+he myght if t+hei may to marre my manhede. But sen y+oe are forwakid and wanderede in were, Loke y+oe sette y+oou doune rathely and reste y+ooue, I reede. Beis noy+ot heuy in y+ooure hertis, but holde yow even here And bidis me a stounde stille in t+his same steede. Beeis witty and wyse in youre wandyng So t+hat y+oe be wakand alway, And lokis nowe prestely y+oe pray To my fadir, t+hat y+oe falle in no fandyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N13 Y+Ois lorde, at thy bidding full baynly schall we abide, For t+hou arte boote of oure bale and bidis for t+he best. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:John John \N15 Lorde, all oure helpe and oure hele, that is noght to hyde, In t+he-+-oure faythe and oure foode-+-all hollye is feste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N17 Qwat way is he willid in t+his worlde wyde, Whedir is he walked, estewarde or weste? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N19 Y+Oaa sirs, I schall saye y+oou, sittis vs doune on euery ilka side, And late vs nowe rathely here take oure reste; My lymmys are heuy as any leede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:John John \N22 And I muste slepe, doune muste I lye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N23 In faithe felawes, right so fare I, I may no lenger holde vppe my hede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N25 Oure liffe of his lyolty his liffe schall he lose, Vnkyndely be crucified and naylyd to a tree. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N27 Baynly of my blissing youre eghen y+oe vnclose, So t+hat y+oe falle in no fandyng for noght t+hat may be, But prayes fast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:John John \N30 Lorde, som prayer t+hou \#kende vs, That somwhat myght mirthe vs or mende vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N32 Fro all fandyng vnfaythfull t+hou fende vs Here in t+his worlde of liffe whille we laste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N34 I schall kenne y+oou and comforte y+oou and kepe y+oou from care. Y+Oe schall be broughte, wete y+oe wele, fro bale vnto blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N36 Y+Oaa, but lorde, and youre willis were witte wolde we more, Of this prayer so precious late vs noy+ot mys We beseke t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:John John \N39 For my felows and me alle in feere, Some prayer t+hat is precious to lere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N41 Vnto thy fadir t+hat moste is of poure Som solace of socoure to sende t+he. \N42 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:[Jes.] Jesus \N43 T+He nowys t+hat me neghed hase it nedis not to neuen, For all wate y+oe full wele what wayes I haue wente. Instore me and strenghe with a stille steuen, I pray t+he interly t+hou take entent T+Hou menske my manhed with mode. My flessh is full dredand for drede, For my jorneys of my manhed I swete now both watir and bloode. T+Hes Jewes hase mente in t+her mynde full of malice And pretende me to take withouten any trespasse. But fadir, as t+hou wate wele, I mente neuere amys, In worde nor in werk I neuer worthy was. Als t+hou arte bote of all bale and belder of blisse And all helpe and hele in thy hande hase, T+Hou mensk thy manhede, t+hou mendar of mysse, And if it possible be this payne myght I ouerpasse. And fadir, if t+hou se it may noght, Be it worthely wrought Euen at thyne awne will, Euermore both myldely and still, With worschippe allway be it wroght. Vnto my discipillis will I go agayne, Kyndely to comforte t+ham t+hat kacchid are in care. What, are y+oe fallen on slepe now euerilkone And t+he passioun of me in mynde hase no more? What, wille y+oe leue me t+hus lightly and latte me allone In sorowe and in sighyng t+hat sattillis full sore? To whome may I meue me and make nowe my mone? I wolde t+hat y+oe wakened, and your will wore. Do Petir sitte vppe nowe, late se, T+Hou arte strongly stedde in t+his stoure. Might t+hou noght t+he space of an owre Haue wakid nowe mildely with me? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N76 Y+Ois lorde, with youre leue nowe wille we lere Full warely to were y+oou fro alle wandynge. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N78 Beeis wakand and prayes faste all in fere To my fadir, t+hat y+oe falle in no fanding, For \#t+he euelle \#spirit is neghand full nere That will y+oou tarie at t+his tyme with his tentyng. And I will wende t+her I was withouten any were, But bidis me here baynly in my blissing. Agayne to t+he mounte I will gang Y+Oitt eftesones where I was ere, But loke t+hat y+oe cacche y+oow no care, For lely I schall noy+ot dwelle lange. T+Hou fadir t+hat all formed hase with fode for to fill, I fele by my ferdnes my flessh wolde full fayne Be torned fro this turnement and takyn t+he vntill, For mased is manhed in mode and in mayne. But if t+hou se sothly t+hat t+hi sone sill Withouten surffette of synne t+hus sakles be slayne, Be it worthly wroght even at thyne awne will, For fadir, att t+hi bidding am I buxum and bayne. Now wightely agayne will I wende Vnto my discipilis so dere. What, slepe y+oe so faste all in fere? I am ferde y+oe mon faile of youre frende. But y+oitt will I leue y+oou and late you allone And eftesones t+here I was agayne will I wende. Vnto my fadir of myght now make I my mone, As t+hou arte saluer of all sore som socoure me sende. T+He passioun they purpose to putte me vppon, My flesshe is full ferde and fayne wolde defende. At t+hi wille be itt wrought wort+hely in wone; Haue mynde of my manhed my mode for to mende, Some comforte me kythe in t+his case. And fadir, I schall dede taste, I will it noy+ot deffende-+- Y+Oitt yf thy willis be, spare me a space. [And seis... ...yght With rappes full rudely... ...the rode rente] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Ang. Angel \N113 Vnto t+he maker vnmade t+hat moste is of myght Be louyng ay-lastand in light t+hat is lente. Thy fadir t+hat in heuen is moste he vppon highte, Thy sorowes for to sobir to t+he he hase me sente. For dedis t+hat man done has thy dede schall be dight, And t+hou with turmentis be tulyd-+-but take nowe entente, Thy bale schall be for t+he beste, Thurgh t+hat mannys mys schall be mende. T+Han schall t+hou withouten any ende Rengne in thy rialte+' full of reste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N123 Now if my flessh ferde be, fadir I am fayne T+Hat myne angwisshe and my noyes are nere at an ende. Vnto my discipilis go will I agayne, Kyndely to comforte t+ham t+hat mased is in t+her mynde. Do slepe y+oe nowe sauely, and I schall y+oou sayne. Wakyns vppe wightely and late vs hens wende, For als tyte mon I be taken with tresoune and with trayne; My flesshe is full ferde and fayne wolde deffende. Full derfely my dede schall be dight, And als sone as I am tane T+Han schall y+oe forsake me ilkone, And saie neuere y+oe sawe me with sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N135 Nay sothely, I schall neuere my souereyne forsake, If I schulde for t+he dede darfely here dye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:John John \N137 Nay, such mobardis schall neuere man vs make, Erste schulde we dye all at onys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jacob. Jacobus \N138 Nowe in faith felows, so shulde I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N139 Y+Oa, but when tyme is betydde t+hanne men schalle me take, For all y+ooure hartely hetyng y+oe schall hyde y+oou in hy. Lyke schepe t+hat were scharid away schall y+oe schake, T+Her schall none of y+oou be balde to byde me t+han by. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N143 Nay sothely, whils I may vayle t+he I schall were t+he and wake t+he, And if all othir forsake t+he I schall neuere fayntely defayle t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N147 A, Petir, of swilke bostyng I rede t+hou late bee, \#For all thy kene carpyng full kenely I knawe. For ferde of myne enmyse t+hou schalte sone denye me Thries y+oitt full thraly or the cokkes crowe; For ferde of my fomen full fayne be for to flee, And for grete doute of t+hi dede t+he to withdrawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N153 Sir Cayphas, of youre counsaille do sone late vs now see, For lely it langes vs to luke vnto oure \#lawe. And therfore sir prestely I pray y+oou, Sen t+hat we are of counsaille ilkone, That Jesus t+hat traytoure wer tane; Do sone late se sir I pray y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N159 In certayne sir, and sone schall I saye y+oou, I wolde wene by my witte t+his werke wolde be wele. Late vs justely vs june tille Judas t+he gente, For he kennes his dygnites full duly ilke a dele, Y+Oa, and beste wote I warande what wayes t+hat he is wente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N164 Now t+his was wisely saide, als euer haue I seele; And sir, to youre saiyng I saddely will assente, Therfore take vs of oure knyghtis that is stedfast as stele And late Judas go lede t+ham belyffe wher t+hat he laste lente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N168 Full wele sir. Nowe Judas dere neghbour, drawe nere vs. Lo Judas, t+hus in mynd haue we ment: To take Jesus is oure entent, For t+hou muste lede vs and lere vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Judas Judas \N173 Sirs, I schall wisse you t+he way euen at youre awne will-+- But loke t+hat y+oe haue many myghty men That is both strang and sterand, and stedde hym stone stille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N176 Y+Ois Judas, but be what knowlache shall we t+hat corse kenne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Judas Judas \N177 Sirs, a tokenyng in t+his tyme I schall telle y+oou vntill, But lokis by youre lewty no liffe y+oe hym lenne: Qwhat man som I kys t+hat corse schall ye kyll, And also beis ware t+hat he will not away-+-I schrew you all t+henne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N181 Why nay Judas, We purpose t+he page schall not passe. Sir knyghtis in hy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N183 Lorde, we are here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N184 Calles fourth youre felaws in feere And gose justely with gentill Judas. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N186 Come felaws, by youre faith, come forthe all faste And carpis with sir Cayphas, he comaundis me to call. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N188 I schrewe hym all his liffe t+hat loues to be last. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N189 Go we hens t+han in hy and haste vs to t+he halle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N190 Lorde, of youre will worthely wolde I witte what was't? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N191 To take Jesus t+hat sawntrelle all same, t+hat y+oe schall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N192 Lorde, to t+hat purpose I wolde t+hat we paste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N193 Y+Oa, but loke t+hat y+oe be armed wele all, The moste gentill of t+he Jury schalle gyde y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N195 Y+Oa, and euery ilke a knyght in degre+' Both armed and harneysed y+oe be, To belde y+oou, and baynely go \#byde y+oou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N198 Y+Oa, and t+herfore sir Cayphas y+oe hye y+oou, Youre wirschippe y+oe wynne in t+his cas. As y+oe are a lorde most lofsom of lyre Vndir sir Pilate t+hat lyfis in t+his empire, Y+Oone segger t+hat callis hymselffe a sire With tresoure and tene sall we taste hym. Of y+oone losell his bale schall \#he brewe, Do trottes on for t+hat traytoure apas In hast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N207 Nowe sirs, sen y+oe say my poure is most beste And hase all t+his werke t+hus to wirke at my will, Now certayne I thinke not to rest, But solempnely youre will to fulfille Riy+ot sone. Full tyte t+he traytoure schall be tane-+- Sirs, knyghtis, y+oe hye y+oou ilkone, For in certayne t+he losell schall be slane. Sir Anna, I praye y+oou haue done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Anna Anna \N216 Full redy tyte I schall be boune T+His journay for to go till. Als y+oe are a lorde of grete renoune Y+Oe spare hym not to spill, T+He devill hym spede. Go we with oure knyghtis in fere, Lo, t+hay are arrayed and armed clere. Sir knyghtis, loke y+oe be of full gud chere, Where y+oe hym see on hym take hede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N225 Goode tente to hym lorde schall we take, He schall banne t+he tyme t+hat he was borne. All his kynne schall come to late, He schall noght skape withouten scorne Fro vs in fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N230 We schall hym seke both even and morne, Erly and late with full gode chere Is oure entente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N233 Stye nor strete we schall spare none, Felde nor towne, t+hus haue we mente And boune in corde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N236 Malcus! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Malcus Malcus \N236 A, ay, and I schulde be rewarde, And right als wele worthy were, Loo, for I bere light for my lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N239 A, sir, of youre speche lette, and late vs spede A space and of oure speche spare. And Judas, go fande t+hou before And wisely t+hou wisse t+ham t+he way, For sothely sone schall we saye To make hym to marre vs no more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N245 Now will t+his oure be neghand full nere That schall certefie all t+he soth t+hat I haue saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N247 Go, fecche forth t+he freyke for his forfette. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Judas Judas \N248 All hayll maistir, in faith, and felawes all in fere, With grete gracious gretyng on grounde be \#y+oe graied. I wolde aske you a kysse maistir, and youre willes were, For all my loue and my likyng is holy vppon y+oou layde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N252 Full hartely Judas, haue it even here, For with t+his kissing is mans sone betrayed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N254 Whe, stande traytoure, I telle t+he for tane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Caiph. Caiphas \N255 Whe, do knyghtis, go falle on before. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N256 Y+Ois maistir, moue t+hou no more, But lightly late vs allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N258 Allas, we are loste for leme of t+his light. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N259 Saye y+oe here, whome seke y+oe? Do saye me, late see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N260 One Jesu of Nazareth I hope t+hat he hight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N261 Beholdis all hedirward, loo here, I am hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N262 Stande dastarde, so darfely thy dede schall be dight, I will no more be abasshed for blenke of thy blee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N264 We, oute, I ame mased almost in mayne and in myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.2 Judeus 2 \N265 And I am ferde be my feyth and fayne wolde I flee, For such a siy+ot haue I not sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N267 T+His leme it lemed so light, I saugh neuer such a siy+ot, Me meruayles what it may mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N270 Doo, whame seke y+oe all same y+oitt I saye? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N271 One Jesus of Nazareth, hym wolde we neghe nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N272 And I am he sothly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Malcus Malcus \N272 And t+hat schall I asaie, For t+hou schalte dye, dastard, sen t+hat it is t+howe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N274 And I schall fande be my feythe t+he for to flaye, Here with a lusshe, lordayne, I schalle t+he allowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Malcus Malcus \N276 We! Oute! All my deueres are done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Peter Peter \N276 Nay Traytoure, but trewly I schall trappe t+he I trowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N278 Pees, Petir, I bidde t+he, Melle t+he nor move t+he no more. For witte t+hou wele, and my willis were, I myght haue poure grete plente+' Of aungellis full many to mustir my myght. Forthy putte vppe t+hi swerde full goodely agayne, For he t+hat takis vengeaunce all rewlid schall be right With purgens and vengeaunce t+hat voydes in vayne. T+Hou man t+hat is t+hus derede and doulfully dyght, Come hedir to me sauely and I schalle t+he sayne. In t+he name of my fadir t+hat in heuene is most vpon hight, Of thy hurtis be t+hou hole in hyde and in hane, Thurgh vertewe t+hi vaynes be at vayle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Malcus Malcus \N291 What, ille hayle, I hope t+hat I be hole-+- Nowe I schrewe hym t+his tyme t+hat gyvis tale To touche t+he for t+hi trauayle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N294 Do felaws, be youre faithe, late vs fange on in fere, For I haue on t+his hyne [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N296 And I haue a loke on hym nowe-+-howe felawes, drawe nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N297 Y+Ois, by t+he bonys t+hat t+his bare, t+his bourde schall he banne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jesus Jesus \N298 Euen like a theffe heneusly hurle y+oe me here; I taught you in youre tempill, why toke y+oe me noy+ot t+hanne? Now haues \#merkenes on molde all his power. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.1 Judeus 1 \N301 Do, do, laye youre handes belyue on t+his lourdayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.3 Judeus 3 \N302 We, haue holde t+his hauk in t+hi \#hende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Malcus Malcus \N303 Whe, y+ois felawes, be my faith he is fast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.28 B:Jud.4 Judeus4 \N304 Vnto sir Cayphas I wolde t+hat he \#past. Farewele, for, iwisse, we will \#wende. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N1 Pees bewshers, I bid no jangelyng y+oe make, And sese sone of youre sawes and se what I saye, And trewe tente vnto me t+his tyme t+hat y+oe take, For I am a lorde lerned lelly in youre lay. By connyng of clergy and casting of witte Full wisely my wordis I welde at my will, So semely in seete me semys for to sitte And t+he lawe for to lerne you and lede it by skill, Right sone. What wyte so will oght with me Full frendly in feyth am I foune; Come of, do tyte late me see Howe graciously I shall graunte hym his bone. Ther is nowder lorde ne lady lerned in t+he lawe, Ne bisshoppe ne prelate t+hat preued is for pris, Nor clerke in t+he courte t+hat connyng will knawe, With wisdam may were hym in worlde is so wise. I haue t+he renke and t+he rewle of all t+he ryall, To rewle it by right als reasoune it is. All domesmen on dese awe for to dowte me That hase thaym in bandome in bale or in blis; Wherfore takes tente to my tales, and lowtis vnto me. And therfore sir knyghtis-+- \N23 \iTunc\r \idicunt\r Lorde. I charge you chalange youre rightis, To wayte both be day and by nyghtis Of t+he bringyng of a boy into bayle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N27 Yis lorde, we schall wayte if any wonderes walke, And freyne howe youre folkis fare t+hat are furth ronne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N29 We schall be bayne at youre bidding and it not to-balke Yf t+hei presente you t+hat boy in a bande boune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N31 Why syr, and is t+her a boy t+hat will noght lowte to youre biding? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N32 Ya sir, and of t+he coriousenesse of t+hat karle t+her is carping, But I haue sente for t+hat segge halfe for hethyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N34 What wondirfull werkis workis t+hat wighte? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N35 Seke men and sori he sendis siker helyng-+- And to lame men-+-and blynde he sendis t+her sight. Of croked crepillis t+hat we knawe Itt is to here grete wondering, How t+hat he helis t+hame all on rawe, And all thurgh his false happenyng. I am sorie of a sight T+Hat egges me to ire, Oure lawe he brekis with all his myght, T+Hat is moste his desire. Oure Sabott day he will not safe But is aboute to bringe it downe, And therfore sorowe muste hym haue May he be kacched in felde or towne, For his false stevyn, He defamys fowly t+he Godhed And callis hymselffe God sone of hevene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N52 I haue goode knowlache of t+hat knafe: Marie me menys his modir highte, And Joseph his fadir as God me safe Was kidde and knowen wele for a wrighte. But o thyng me mervayles mekill ouere all, Of diuerse dedis t+hat he has done-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N58 With wicche-crafte he fares withall Sir, t+hat schall y+oe se full sone. Oure knyghtis t+hai are furth wente To take hym with a traye, By t+his I holde hym shente, He can not wende away. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N64 Wolde y+oe, sir, take youre reste-+- This day is comen on hande-+- And with wyne slake youre thirste? T+Han durste I wele warande Y+Oe schulde haue tithandis sone Of t+he knyghtis t+hat are gone, And howe t+hat t+hei haue done To take hym by a trayne. And putte all t+hought away And late youre materes reste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N74 I will do as y+oe saie, Do gette vs wyne of t+he best. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N76 My lorde, here is wyne t+hat will make you to wynke, Itt is licoure full delicious my lorde, and you like. Wherfore I rede drely a draughte t+hat y+oe drynke, For in t+his contre+', t+hat we knawe, iwisse ther is none slyke, Wherfore we counsaile you this cuppe sauerly for to kisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N81 Do on dayntely and dresse me on dees And hendely hille on me happing, And warne all wightis to be in pees For I am late layde vnto napping. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N85 My lorde, with youre leue, and it like you, I passe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N86 Adiew be unte, as t+he manere is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mul. Mulier \N87 Sir knyghtys, do kepe t+his boy in bande, For I will go witte what it may mene, Why t+hat yone wighte was hym folowand Erly and late, morne and ene. He will come nere, he will not lette, He is a spie, I warand, full bolde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N93 It semes by his sembland he had leuere be sette By t+he feruent fire to fleme hym fro colde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mul. Mulier \N95 Ya, but and y+oe wiste as wele as I What wonders t+hat t+his wight has wrought, And thurgh his maistir sorssery, Full derfely schulde his deth be bought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N99 Dame, we haue hym nowe at will T+Hat we haue longe tyme soughte, Yf othir go by vs still T+Herfore we haue no thought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mul. Mulier \N103 Itt were grete skorne t+hat he schulde skape Withoute he hadde resoune and skill, He lokis lurkand like an nape, I hope I schall haste me hym tille. Thou caytiffe, what meves t+he stande So stabill and stille in t+hi thoght? T+Hou hast wrought mekill wronge in londe And wondirfull werkis haste t+hou wroght. A lorell, a leder of lawe, To sette hym and suye has t+hou soght. Stande furth and threste in yone thrawe, Thy maistry t+hou bryng vnto noght. Wayte nowe, he lokis like a brokke Were he in a bande for to bayte, Or ellis like an nowele in a stok Full preualy his pray for to wayte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Peter Peter \N119 Woman, thy wordis and thy wynde t+hou not waste, Of his company never are I was kende. T+Hou haste t+he mismarkid, trewly be traste, Wherfore of t+hi misse t+hou t+he amende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mul. Mulier \N123 T+Han gaynesaies t+hou here t+he sawes t+hat t+hou saide, How he schulde clayme to be callid God sonne, And with t+he werkis t+hat he wrought whils he \#walked Baynly at oure bydding alway to be bonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Peter Peter \N127 I will consente to youre sawes, what schulde I saye more? For women are crabbed-+-t+hat comes t+hem of kynde. But I saye as I firste saide, I sawe hym neuere are, But as a frende of \#youre felawschippe shall ye me aye fynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Malcus Malchus \N131 Herke, knyghtis t+hat are knawen in this contre+' as we kenne, Howe yone boy with his boste has brewed mekill bale. He has forsaken his maistir before y+oone womenne, But I schall preue to y+oou pertly and telle you my tale. I was presente with pepull whenne prese was full prest To mete with his maistir with mayne and with myght, And hurled hym hardely and hastely hym arreste, And in bandis full bittirly bande hym sore all t+hat nyght. And of tokenyng of trouth schall I telle yowe Howe yone boy with a brande brayede me full nere-+- Do move of thez materes emelle yowe-+- For swiftely he swapped of my nere. His maistir with his myght helyd me all hole, That by no syne I cowthe see no man cowt+he it witten, And \#t+han badde hym bere pees in euery-ilke bale, For he t+hat strikis with a swerd with a swerde schall be \#smitten. Late se whedir grauntest t+hou gilte: Do speke oon and spare not to telle vs Or full faste I schall fonde t+he flitte, The soth but t+hou saie here emelle vs. Come of, do tyte late me see nowe, In sauyng of thyselffe fro schame \N152 [... ...] Y+Oa, and also for beryng of blame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Peter Peter \N154 I was neuere with hym in werke t+hat he wroght, In worde nor in werke, in will nor in dede. I knawe no corse t+hat y+oe haue hidir brought, In no courte of this kith, yf I schulde right rede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Malcus Malchus \N158 Here sirs howe he sais, and has forsaken His maistir to t+his woman here twyes, And newly oure lawe has he taken-+- Thus hath he denyed hym thryes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N162 Petir, Petir, t+hus saide I are When t+hou saide t+hou wolde abide with me In wele and woo, in sorowe and care, Whillis I schulde thries forsaken be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Peter Peter \N166 Alas t+he while t+hat I come here, That euere I denyed my lorde in quarte, The loke of his faire face so clere With full sadde sorrowe sheris my harte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N170 Sir knyghtis, take kepe of t+his karll and be konnand Because of sir Cayphas, we knowe wele his t+hoght. He will rewarde vs full wele, t+hat dare I wele warand, Whan he wete of oure werkis how wele we haue wroght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N174 Sir, t+his is Cayphas halle here at hande, Go we boldly with t+his boy t+hat we haue here broght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N176 Nay sirs, vs muste stalke to t+hat stede and full still stande, For itt is nowe of t+he nyght, yf t+hei nappe oght. Say, who is here? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N178 Say who is here? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N178 I, a frende, Well knawyn in t+his contre+' for a knyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N180 Gose furthe, on youre wayes may yee wende, For we haue herbered enowe for tonyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N182 Gose abakke bewscheres, y+oe bothe are to blame To bourde whenne oure busshopp is boune to his bedde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N184 Why sir, it were worthy to welcome vs home, We haue gone for t+his warlowe and we haue wele spedde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N186 Why, who is t+hat? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N186 The Jewes kyng, Jesus by name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N187 A, yee be welcome, t+hat dare I wele wedde, My lorde has sente for to seke hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N188 Loo, se here t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N189 Abidde as I bidde and be noght adreed. My lorde, my lorde, my lorde, here is layke and y+oou list. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N191 Pees, loselles. Leste y+oe be nyse? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N192 My lorde, it is wele and ye wiste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N193 What, nemen vs no more, for it is twyes. T+Hou takist non hede to t+he haste that we haue here on honde, Go frayne howe oure folke faris that are furth ronne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N196 My lorde, youre knyghtis has kared as ye t+hame commaunde And thei haue fallen full faire. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N197 Why, and is t+he foole fonne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N198 Ya lorde, t+hei haue brought a boy in a bande boune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N199 Where nowe sir Anna, t+hat is one and able to be nere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N200 My lorde, with youre leue me behoues to be here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N201 A, sir, come nere and sitte we both in fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N202 Do sir bidde t+ham bring in t+hat boy t+hat is bune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N203 Pese now sir Anna, be stille and late hym stande, And late vs grope yf t+his gome be grathly begune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N205 Sir, t+his game is begune of t+he best, Nowe hadde he no force for to flee t+hame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N207 Nowe in faithe I am fayne he is fast, Do lede in t+hat ladde, late me se t+han. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N209 Lo sir, we haue saide to oure souereyne, Gose nowe and suye to hymselfe for t+he same thyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N211 Mi lorde, to youre bidding we haue \#ben buxom and bayne, Lo, here is t+he belschere broght t+hat ye bad bring. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N213 My lorde, fandis now to fere hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N213 Nowe I am fayne, And felawes, faire mott ye fall for youre fynding. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N215 Sir, and ye trowe t+hei be trewe withowten any trayne, Bidde t+hayme telle you t+he tyme of t+he takyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N217 Say felawes, howe wente ye so nemely by nyy+ot? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N218 My lorde, was t+here no man to marre vs ne mende vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N219 My lorde, we had lanternes and light And some of his company kende vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N221 But saie, howe did he, Judas? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N221 A, sir, full wisely and wele, He markid vs his maistir emang all his men And kyssid hym full kyndely his comforte to kele, By cause of a countenaunce t+hat karll for to kenne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N225 And t+hus did he his deuere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N225 Ya lorde, euere-ilke a dele, He taughte vs to take hym the tyme aftir tenne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N227 Nowe be my feith a faynte frende myght he t+her \#fele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N228 Sire, ye myght so haue saide hadde ye hym sene t+henne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N229 He sette vs to t+he same t+hat he solde vs And feyned to be his frende as a faytour, This was t+he tokenyng before t+hat he tolde vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N232 Nowe trewly, t+his was a trante of a traytour. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N233 Y+Oa, be he traytour or trewe geue we neuer tale, But takes tente at t+his tyme and here what he telles. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N235 Now sees t+hat oure howsolde be holden here hole, So t+hat none carpe in case but t+hat in court dwellis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N237 A, lorde, t+his brethell hath brewed moche bale. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N238 Therfore schall we spede vs to spere of his spellis. Sir Anna, takis hede nowe and here hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N240 Say ladde, liste t+he noght lowte to a lorde? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N241 No sir, with youre leue we schall lere hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N242 Nay sir, noght so, no haste, Itt is no burde to bete bestis t+hat are bune. And therfore with fayrenes firste we vill hym fraste And sithen fort+her hym furth as we haue fune. And telle vs som tales truly to traste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N247 Sir, we myght als wele talke tille a tome tonne. I warande hym witteles, or ellis he is wrang wrayste, Or ellis he waitis to wirke als he was are wonne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N250 His wonne was to wirke mekill woo And make many maystries emelle vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N252 And some schall he graunte or he goo, Or muste yowe tente hym and telle vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N254 Mi lorde, to witte t+he wonderes t+hat he has wroght, For to telle you the tente it wolde oure tonges \#tere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N256 Sen t+he boy for his boste is into bale broght We will witte or he wende how his werkis were. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N258 Oure Sabott day we saye saves he right noght, That he schulde halowe and holde full dingne and full dere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N260 No sir, in t+he same feste als we the sotte soughte He salued t+hame of sikenesse on many sidis seere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N262 What t+han, makes he t+hame grathely to gange? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N263 Y+Oa lorde, even forthe in euery-ilke a toune He t+hame lechis to liffe aftir lange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N265 A, this makes he by the myghtis of Mahounde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N266 Sir, oure stiffe tempill t+hat made is of stone, That passes any paleys of price for to preyse, And it were doune to t+he erth and to t+he gronde gone This rebalde he rowses hym it rathely to rayse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N270 Y+Oa lorde, and othir wonderis he workis grete wone, And with his lowde lesyngis he losis oure layes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N272 Go lowse hym, and levis t+han and late me allone, For myselfe schall serche hym and here what he saies. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N274 Herke, Jesus of Jewes, \#we will haue joie To spille all thy sporte for thy spellis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N276 Do meve, felawe, of thy frendis t+hat fedde t+he beforne, And sithen, felowe, of thi fare fort+her will I freyne; Do neven vs lightly. His langage is lorne! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N279 My lorde, with youre leve, hym likis for to layne, But and he schulde scape skatheles it wer a full skorne, For he has mustered emonge vs full mekil of his mayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N282 Malkus youre man, lord, t+hat had his ere schorne, This harlotte full hastely helid it agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N284 What, and liste hym be nyse for t+he nonys, And heres howe we haste to rehete hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N286 Nowe by Beliall bloode and his bonys, I holde it beste to go bete hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N288 Nay sir, none haste, we schall haue game or we goo. Boy, be not agaste if we seme gaye. I coniure t+he kyndely and comaunde t+he also, By grete God t+hat is liffand and laste schall ay, Yf t+hou be Criste, Goddis sonne, telle till vs two. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N293 Sir, t+hou says it t+hiselffe, and sothly I saye T+Hat I schall go to my fadir t+hat I come froo And dwelle with hym wynly in welthe allway. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N296 Why, fie on t+he faitoure vntrewe, Thy fadir haste t+hou fowly defamed. Now nedis vs no notes of newe, Hymselfe with his sawes has he schamed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N300 Nowe nedis nowdir wittenesse ne counsaille to call, But take his sawes as he saieth in t+he same stede. He sclaunderes t+he Godhed and greues vs all, Wherfore he is wele worthy to be dede-+- And therfore sir, saies hym t+he sothe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N304 Sertis so I schall. Heres t+hou not, harlott? Ille happe on thy hede! Aunswere here grathely to grete and to small And reche vs oute rathely som resoune, I rede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N308 My reasouns are not to reherse, Nor they t+hat myght helpe me are noy+ot here nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N310 Say ladde, liste t+he make verse? Do telle on belyffe, late vs here nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N312 Sir, if I saie t+he sothe t+hou schall not assente, But hyndir, or haste me \#to hynge. I prechid wher pepull was moste in present, And no poynte in priuite+' to olde ne y+oonge. And also in youre tempill I tolde myne entente; Ye myght haue tane me t+hat tyme for my tellyng Wele bettir t+han bringe me with brondis vnbrente, And t+hus to noye me be nyght, and also for nothyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N320 For nothyng, losell? T+Hou lies! Thy wordis and werkis will haue a wrekyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N322 Sire, sen t+hou with wrong so me wreyes, Go spere thame t+hat herde of my spekyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N324 A, t+his traitoure has tened me with tales t+hat he has tolde, Y+Oitt hadde I neuere such hething of a harlott as hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N326 What, fye on the, beggar, who made t+he so bolde To bourde with oure busshoppe? Thy bane schalle I bee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N328 Sir, if my wordis be wrange or werse t+han t+hou wolde, A wronge wittenesse I wotte nowe ar y+oe; And if my sawes be soth t+hei mon be sore solde, Wherfore t+hou bourdes to brode for to bete me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N332 My lorde, will y+oe here? For Mahounde, No more now for to neven t+hat it nedis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N334 Gose dresse you and dyng y+oe hym doune, And deffe vs no more with his dedis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N336 Nay sir, t+han blemysshe yee prelatis \#estate, Y+Oe awe to deme no man to dede for to dynge. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N338 Why sir? So were bettir t+han be in debate, Ye see t+he boy will noy+ot bowe for oure bidding. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N340 Nowe sir, ye muste presente t+his boy vnto sir Pilate For he is domysman nere and nexte to t+he king, And late hym here alle t+he hole, how ye hym hate, And whedir he will helpe hym or haste hym to hyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N344 My lorde, late men lede hym by nyght, So schall ye beste skape oute o skornyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N346 My lorde, it is nowe in t+he nyght, I rede y+oe abide tille t+he mornyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N348 Bewschere, t+hou sais t+he beste and so schall it be-+- But lerne yone boy bettir to bende and bowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N350 We schall lerne yone ladde, be my lewte+', For to loute vnto ilke lorde like vnto yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N352 Y+Oa, and felawes, wayte t+hat he be ay wakand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N352 Y+Ois lorde, t+hat warant will wee, Itt were a full nedles note to bidde vs nappe nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N354 Sertis, will ye sitte and sone schall ye see Howe we schall play popse for t+he pages prowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N356 Late see, who stertis for a stole? For I haue here a hatir to hyde hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N358 Lo, here is one full fitte for a foole, Go gete it and sette t+he beside hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N360 Nay, I schall sette it myselffe and frusshe hym also. Lo here a shrowde for a shrewe, and of shene shappe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N362 Playes faire in feere, and t+her is one and t+her is-+-ij; I schall fande to feste it with a faire flappe-+- And ther is-+-iij; and there is-+-iiij. Say nowe with an nevill happe, Who negheth t+he nowe? Not o worde, no! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N367 Dose noddill on hym with neffes that he noght nappe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N368 Nay, nowe to nappe is no nede, Wassaille! Wassaylle! I warande hym wakande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N370 Y+Oa, and bot he bettir bourdis can byde Such buffettis schall he be takande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N372 Prophete, Y saie, to be oute of debate, \#\iQuis\r \#\ite\r \ipercussit\r, man? Rede, giffe t+hou may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N374 Those wordes are in waste, what wenes t+hou he wate? It semys be his wirkyng his wittes were awaye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N376 Now late hym stande as he stode in a foles state, For he likis noy+ot t+his layke my liffe dare I laye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N378 Sirs, vs muste presente t+his page to ser Pilate, But go we firste to oure souerayne and see what he \#saie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.3 Miles 3 \N380 My lorde, we haue bourded with t+his boy And holden hym full hote emelle vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N382 Thanne herde ye some japes of joye? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.4 Miles 4 \N383 The devell haue t+he worde, lorde, he wolde telle vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Anna Anna \N384 Sir, bidde belyue t+hei goo and bynde hym agayne, So t+hat he skape noght, for t+hat were a skorne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N386 Do telle to sir Pilate oure pleyntes all pleyne, And saie t+his ladde with his lesyngis has oure lawes lorne. And saie t+his same day muste he be slayne Because of Sabott day t+hat schal be tomorne, And saie t+hat we come ourselffe for certayne, And for to fortheren t+his fare, fare yee beforne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N392 Mi lorde, with youre leve, vs muste wende, Oure message to make as we maye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.29 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N394 Sir, youre faire felawschippe we betake to t+he fende, Goose onne nowe, and daunce forth in t+he deuyll way. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N1 Yhe cursed creatures t+hat cruelly are cryand, Restreyne you for stryuyng for strengh of my strakis; Youre pleyntes in my presence vse plately applyand, Or ellis t+his brande in youre braynes \#sone brestis and brekis. T+His brande in his bones brekis, What brawle t+hat with brawlyng me brewis, That wrecche may not wrye fro my \#wrekis, Nor his sleyghtis noy+ot slely hym slakis; Latte t+hat traytour noy+ot triste in my trewys. For sir Sesar was my sier and I sothely his sonne, That exelent emperoure exaltid in hight Whylk all t+his wilde worlde with wytes had wone, And my modir hight Pila t+hat proude was o \#plight; O Pila t+hat prowde, Atus hir fadir he hight. This `Pila' was hadde into `Atus'-+- Nowe renkis, rede yhe it right? For t+hus schortely I haue schewid you in sight Howe I am prowdely preued `Pilatus'. Loo, Pilate I am, proued a prince of grete pride. I was putte into Pounce t+he pepill to presse, And sithen Sesar hymselffe with exynatores be his side Remytte me to \#t+her remys t+he renkes to redresse. And yitte am Y graunted on grounde as I gesse To justifie and juge all t+he Jewes. A, luffe, here lady? No lesse? Lo sirs, my worthely wiffe, t+hat sche is, So semely, loo, certayne scho schewys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Uxor Uxor \N28 Was nevir juge in t+his Jurie of so jocounde generacion, Nor of so joifull genologie to gentrys enioyned As yhe, my duke doughty, demar of dampnacion To princes and prelatis t+hat youre preceptis perloyned. Who t+hat youre preceptis pertely perloyned, With drede into dede schall ye dryffe hym; By my trouthe, he vntrewly is \#troned T+Hat agaynste youre behestis hase honed; All to ragges schall ye rente hym and ryue hym. I am dame precious Percula, of prynces t+he prise, Wiffe to ser Pilate here, prince withouten pere. All welle of all womanhede I am, wittie and wise, Consayue nowe my countenaunce so comly and clere. The coloure of my corse is full clere And in richesse of robis I am rayed, Ther is no lorde in t+his londe as I lere, In faith, t+hat hath a frendlyar feere Than yhe my lorde, myselffe t+hof I saye itt. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N46 Nowe saye itt may ye saffely, for I will certefie t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Uxor Uxor \N47 Gracious lorde, gramercye, youre gode worde is gayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N48 Yhitt for to comforte my corse me muste kisse you madame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Uxor Uxor \N49 To fulfille youre forward my fayre lorde I am fayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N50 Howe, howe, felawys! Nowe in faith I am fayne Of theis lippis so loffely are lappid In bedde is full buxhome and bayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N53 Yha sir, it nedith not to layne, All ladise we coveyte t+han bothe to be kyssid and clappid. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N55 My liberall lorde, o leder of lawis, O schynyng schawe t+hat all schames escheues, I beseke you my souerayne, assente to my sawes, As ye are gentill juger and justice of Jewes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N59 Do herke howe yon, javell, jangill of Jewes. Why, go bette horosonne boy, when I bidde t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N61 Madame, I do but t+hat diewe is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N62 But yf t+hou reste of thy resoune t+hou rewis, For all is acursed, carle-+-hase in, kydde t+he! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N64 Do mende you madame, and youre mode be amendand, For me semys it wer sittand to se what he sais. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N66 Mi lorde, he tolde nevir tale t+hat to me was tendand, But with wrynkis and with wiles to wend me my weys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N68 Gwisse, of youre wayes to be wendand itt langis to oure lawes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N69 Loo lorde, t+his ladde with his lawes! Howe, thynke ye it prophitis wele his prechyng to prayse? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N71 Yha luffe, he knawis all oure custome, I knawe wele... \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N73 My seniour, will ye see nowe t+he sonne in youre sight, For his stately strengh he stemmys in his stremys? Behalde ovir youre hede how he heldis fro hight And glydis to t+he grounde with his glitterand glemys. To t+he grounde he gois with his bemys And t+he nyght is neghand anone. Yhe may deme aftir no dremys, But late my lady here with all hir light lemys Wightely go wende till hir wone; For ye muste sitte sir t+his same nyght, of lyfe and of lyme. Itt is noy+ot leeffull for my lady by the lawe of this lande In dome for to dwelle for t+he day waxe ought dymme, For scho may stakir in t+he strete but scho stalworthely stande. \N85 [.... ...] Late hir take hir leve whill t+hat light is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N87 Nowe wiffe, t+han ye blythely be buskand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N88 I am here sir, hendely att hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N89 Loo, t+his renke has vs redde als right is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N90 Youre comaundement to kepe to kare fort+he Y caste me. My lorde, with youre leue, no lenger Y lette yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N92 Itt were \#a \#repreue to my persone t+hat preuely y+oe paste me, Or ye wente fro this wones or with wynne y+oe had wette yowe. Ye schall wende forthe with wynne whenne t+hat y+oe haue wette yowe. Gete drinke! What dose t+hou? Haue done! Come semely, beside me, and sette yowe. Loke, nowe it is even here t+hat I are behete you, Ya, saie it nowe sadly and sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N99 Itt wolde glad me my lorde if y+oe gudly begynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N100 Nowe I assente to youre counsaille so comely and \#clere. Nowe drynke madame-+-to deth all t+his dynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N102 Iff it like yowe, myne awne lorde, I am not to lere-+- This lare I am not to lere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N104 Yitt efte to youre damysell madame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N105 In thy hande, holde nowe and haue here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anc. Ancilla \N106 Gramarcy, my lady so dere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N107 Nowe fares-wele, and walke on youre way. \N107 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N108 Now farewele t+he frendlyest, youre fomen to fende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N109 Nowe farewele t+he fayrest figure t+hat euere did fode fede, And farewele ye damysell, indede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anc. Ancilla \N111 My lorde, I comande me to youre ryalte+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N112 Fayre lady, \#here \#is schall you lede. Sir, go with t+his worthy in \#wede, And what scho biddis you doo loke t+hat buxsome you be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N115 I am prowde and preste to passe on apasse, To go with t+his gracious hir gudly to gyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N117 Take tente to my tale t+hou turne on no trayse, Come tyte and telle me yf any tythyngis betyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N119 Yf any tythyngis my lady betyde, I schall full sone sir witte you to say. This semely schall I schewe by hir side Belyffe sir, no lenger we byde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N123 Nowe fares-wele, and walkes on youre way. Nowe wente is my wiffe, yf it wer not hir will, And scho rakis tille hir reste as of nothyng scho rought. Tyme is, I telle t+he, t+hou tente me vntill; And buske t+he belyue, belamy, to bedde t+hat Y wer broght \N127 [... ...] And loke I be rychely arrayed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N129 Als youre seruaunte I haue sadly it sought, And t+his nyght, sir, newe schall ye noght, I dare laye, fro ye luffely be layde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N132 I comaunde t+he to come nere, for I will kare to my couche. Haue in thy handes hendely and heue me fro hyne, But loke t+hat t+hou tene me not with t+hi tastyng, but tendirly me touche. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N135 A, sir, yhe whe wele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N135 Yha, I haue wette me with wyne \N135 [... ...] Yhit helde doune and lappe me even \#here, For I will slelye slepe vnto synne. Loke t+hat no man nor no myron of myne With no noyse be neghand me nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N140 Sir, what warlowe yow wakens with wordis full wilde, T+Hat boy for his brawlyng were bettir be vnborne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N142 Yha, who chatteres, hym chastise, be he churle or childe, For and he skape skatheles itt were to vs a grete skorne-+- Yf skatheles he skape it wer a skorne. What rebalde t+hat redely will rore, I schall mete with t+hat myron tomorne And for his ledir lewdenes hym lerne to be lorne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N148 Whe! So sir, slepe ye, and saies no more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N149 Nowe are we at home. Do helpe yf ye may, For I will make me redye and rayke to my reste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anc. Ancilla \N151 Yhe are werie madame, for-wente of youre way, Do boune you to bedde, for t+hat holde I beste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N153 Here is a bedde arayed of t+he beste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N154 Do happe me, and faste hense ye hye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anc. Ancilla \N155 Madame, anone all dewly is dressid. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N156 With no stalkyng nor no striffe be ye stressed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N157 Nowe be yhe in pese, both youre carpyng and crye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Diab. Diabolus \N157 Owte! Owte! Harrowe! Into bale am I brought, this bargayne may I banne, But yf Y wirke some wile in wo mon I wonne. This gentilman, Jesu, of cursednesse he can, Be any syngne t+hat I see t+his same is Goddis sonne. And he be slone oure solace will sese, He will saue man saule fro oure sonde And refe vs t+he remys t+hat are rounde. I will on stiffely in t+his stounde Vnto ser Pilate wiffe pertely and putte me in prese. O woman, be wise and ware, and wonne in t+hi witte Ther schall a gentilman, Jesu, vnjustely be juged Byfore thy husband in haste, and with harlottis be hytte. And t+hat doughty today to deth t+hus be dyghted, Sir Pilate, for his prechyng, and t+hou, With nede schalle ye namely be noyed. Youre striffe and youre strenghe schal be stroyed, Youre richesse schal be refte you t+hat is rude, With vengeaunce, and t+hat dare I auowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N176 A, I am drecchid with a dreme full dredfully to dowte. Say childe, rise vppe radly and reste for no roo, Thow muste launce to my lorde and lowly hym lowte, Comaunde me to his reuerence, as right weill Y doo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N180 O, what, schall I trauayle t+hus tymely t+his tyde? Madame, for the drecchyng of heuen, Slyke note is newsome to neven And it neghes vnto mydnyght full even. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Domina Domina \N184 Go bette boy, I bidde no lenger t+hou byde, And saie to my souereyne t+his same is soth t+hat I send hym: All naked t+his nyght as I napped With tene and with trayne was I trapped, With a sweuene t+hat swiftely me swapped Of one Jesu, t+he juste man t+he Jewes will vndoo. She prayes tente to t+hat trewe man, with tyne be noy+ot trapped, But als a domesman dewly to be dressand, And lelye delyuere t+hat lede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N193 Madame, I am dressid to t+hat dede-+- But firste will I nappe in t+his nede, For he hase mystir of a morne-slepe t+hat mydnyght is myssand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N196 Sir Cayphas, ye kenne wele this caytiffe we haue cached That ofte-tymes in oure tempill hase teched vntrewly. Oure meyne+' with myght at mydnyght hym mached And hase drevyn hym till his demyng for his dedis vndewly; Wherfore I counsaile t+hat kyndely we \#care Vnto ser Pilate oure prince, and pray hym That he for oure right will arraye hym-+- This faitour-+-for his falsed to flay hym; For fro we saie hym t+he soth \#he schall sitte hym full sore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N205 Sir Anna, t+his sporte haue ye spedely aspied, As I am pontificall prince of all prestis. We will prese to ser Pilate, and presente hym with pride With t+his harlott t+hat has hewed oure hartis fro oure brestis Thurgh talkyng of tales vntrewe. And t+herfor ser knyghtis-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Milit. Milites \N210 Lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N211 Sir knyghtis t+hat are curtayse and kynde, We charge you t+hat chorle be wele chyned. Do buske you and grathely hym bynde And rugge hym in ropes his rase till he rewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N215 Sir, youre sawes schall be serued schortely and sone. Yha, do felawe, be thy feith; late vs feste t+his faitour full fast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N217 I am douty to t+his dede, delyuer, haue done; Latte vs pulle on with pride till his poure be paste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N219 Do haue faste and halde at his handes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N220 For this same is he t+hat lightly avaunted, And God sone he grathely hym graunted. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N222 He bese hurled for t+he highnes he haunted-+- Loo, he stonyes for vs, he stares where he standis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N224 Nowe is the brothell boune for all t+he boste t+hat he \#blawe, And t+he laste day he lete no lordynges myy+ot \#lawe hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N226 Ya, he wende t+his worlde had bene haly his awne. Als ye are dowtiest today tille his demyng ye drawe hym, And t+han schall we kenne how t+hat he canne excuse hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N229 Here, ye gomes, gose a-rome, giffe vs gate, We muste steppe to yone sterne of astate. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N231 We muste yappely wende in at t+his yate, For he t+hat comes to courte, to curtesye muste vse hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N233 Do rappe on the renkis t+hat we may rayse with oure rolyng. Come forthe sir coward, why cowre ye behynde? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N235 O, what javellis are ye t+hat jappis with gollyng? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N236 A, goode sir, be noy+ot wroth, for wordis are as t+he wynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N237 I saye, gedlynges, gose bakke with youre gawdes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N238 Be sufferand I beseke you, And more of t+his matere yhe meke yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N240 Why, vnconand knaves, an I cleke yowe, I schall felle yowe, be my faith, for all youre false frawdes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N242 Say childe, ill cheffe you! What churlles are so claterand? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N243 My lorde, vnconand knaves t+hei crye and t+hei call. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N244 Gose baldely beliffe and t+hos brethellis be \#batterand, And putte t+ham in prisoune vppon peyne t+hat may fall. Yha, spedely spir t+ham yf any sporte can t+hei spell-+- Yha, and loke what lordingis t+hei be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N248 My lorde t+hat luffull in lee, I am boxsom and blithe to your blee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N250 And if they talke any tythyngis come tyte and me tell. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N251 Can ye talke any tythandis, by youre faith, my felawes? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N252 Yha sir, sir Cayphas and Anna ar come both togedir To sir Pilate o Pounce and prince of oure \#lawes; And t+hei haue laughte a lorell t+hat is lawles and liddir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N255 My lorde, my lorde! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N255 Howe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N256 My lorde, vnlappe yow belyve where ye lye. Sir Cayphas to youre courte is caried, And sir Anna, but a traytour hem taried. Many wight of t+hat warlowe has waried, They haue brought hym in a bande his balis to bye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N261 But are thes sawes certayne in soth t+hat t+hou saies? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N262 Yha lorde, t+he states yondir standis, for striffe are they \#stonde. stond. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N263 Now t+han am I light as a roo, and ethe for to rayse. Go bidde t+ham come in both, and the boye t+hey haue ne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N265 Siris, my lorde geues leue inne for to come. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N266 Hayle prince t+hat is pereles in price, Ye are leder of lawes in t+his lande, Youre helpe is full hendely at hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N269 Hayle, stronge in youre state for to stande, Alle t+his dome muste be dressed at youre dulye deuyse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N271 Who is \#there, my prelates? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N271 Yha lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N271 Nowe be y+oe welcome iwisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N272 Gramercy my souerayne. But we beseke you all same Bycause of wakand you vnwarly be noght wroth with t+his, For we haue brought here a lorell-+-he lokis like a lambe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N275 Come byn, you bothe, and to t+he benke brayde yowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N276 Nay gud sir, laugher is leffull for vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N277 A, sir Cayphas, be curtayse yhe bus. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N278 Nay goode lorde, it may not be t+hus. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N279 Sais no more, but come sitte you beside me in sorowe as I saide youe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N280 Hayle, t+he semelieste seeg vndir sonne sought, Hayle, t+he derrest duke and doughtiest in dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N282 Now bene-veneuew beuscher, what boodworde haste t+hou brought? Hase any langour my lady newe laught in t+his leede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N284 Sir, t+hat comely comaundes hir youe too, And sais, al nakid t+his nyght as sche napped With tene and with traye was sche trapped, With a sweuene t+hat swiftely hir swapped Of one Jesu, t+he juste man t+he Jewes will vndo. She beseches you as hir souerayne t+hat symple to saue, Deme hym noght to deth for drede of vengeaunce. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N291 What, I hope t+his be he t+hat hyder harlid y+oe haue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N292 Ya sir, t+he same and t+he selffe-+-but t+his is but a skaunce, He with wicchecrafte t+his wile has he wrought. Some feende of his sand has he sente And warned youre wiffe or he wente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N296 Yowe! T+Hat schalke shuld not shamely be shente, T+His is sikir in certayne, and \#soth schulde be sought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N298 Yha, thurgh his fantome and falshed and fendes-craft He has wroght many wondir where he walked full wyde, Wherfore, my lorde, it wer leeffull his liffe were hym rafte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N301 Be ye neuere so bryme ye bot+he bus abide But if t+he traytoure be taught for \#vntrewt+he, And t+herfore sermones you no more. I will sekirly sende hymselffe fore, And se what he sais to t+he sore. Bedell, go brynge hyme, for of t+hat renke haue I rewt+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N307 This forward to fulfille am I fayne moued in myn herte. Say, Jesu, t+he juges and t+he Jewes hase me enioyned To bringe t+he before t+ham even bounden as t+hou arte. Yone lordyngis to lose t+he full longe haue t+hei heyned, But firste schall I wirschippe t+he with witte and with will. This reuerence I do t+he forthy, For wytes t+hat wer wiser t+han I, They worshipped t+he full holy on hy And with solempnite+' sang Osanna till. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N316 My lorde t+hat is leder of lawes in t+his lande, All bedilis to your biding schulde be boxsome and bayne, And y+oitt t+his boy here before yowe full boldely was bowand To worschippe t+his warlowe-+-methynke we wirke all in vayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N320 Yha, and in youre presence he prayed hym of pees, In knelyng on knes to t+his knave He besoughte hym his seruaunte to saue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N323 Loo lord, such arrore amange t+hem t+hei haue It is grete sorowe to see, no seeg may it sese. It is no menske to youre manhed t+hat mekill is of myght To forbere such forfettis t+hat falsely are feyned, Such spites in especiall wolde be eschewed in your sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N328 Sirs, moves you noy+ot in t+his matere but bese myldely demeaned, For yone curtasie I kenne had som cause. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N330 In youre sight sir t+he soth schall I saye, As ye are prince take hede I you praye, Such a lourdayne vnlele, dare I laye, Many lordis of oure landis might lede fro oure lawes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N334 Saye losell, who gaue t+he leve so for to lowte to yone ladde And solace hym in my sight so semely t+hat I sawe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N336 A, gracious lorde, greue you noght for gude case I hadde. Yhe comaunded me to care, als ye \#kenne wele and knawe, To Jerusalem on a journay, with seele; And t+han t+his semely on an asse was sette And many men myldely hym mette, Als a God in t+hat grounde t+hai hym grette, Wele semand hym in waye with worschippe lele. `Osanna' t+hei sange, `t+he sone of Dauid', Riche men with t+hare robes t+hei ranne to his fete, And poure folke fecched floures of t+he frith And made myrthe and melody t+his man for to mete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N347 Nowe gode sir, be t+hi feith, what is `Osanna' to saie? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N348 Sir, constrew it we may be langage of t+his lande as I leue, It is als moche to me for to meue-+- Youre prelatis in t+his place can it preue-+- Als, `oure sauiour and souerayne t+hou saue vs we praye'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N352 Loo senioures, how semes yow? T+He sot+he I you saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N353 Yha lorde, t+his ladde is full liddir, be t+his light. Yf his sawes wer serchid and sadly assaied, Saue youre reuerence, his resoune t+hei rekenne noy+ot with right. This caytiffe t+hus cursedly can construe vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N357 Sirs, trulye t+he trout+he I haue tolde Of t+his wighte y+oe haue wrapped in wolde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N359 I saie, harlott, thy tonge schulde t+hou holde, And noght agaynste t+hi maistirs to meve t+hus. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N361 Do sese of youre seggyng, and I schall examyne full sore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N362 Sir, demes hym to deth or dose hym away. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N363 Sir, haue ye saide? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N363 Yha lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N363 Nowe go sette you with sorowe and care, For I will lose no lede t+hat is lele to oure \#lay. But steppe furth and stonde vppe on hight And buske to my bidding, t+hou boy, And for t+he nones t+hat t+hou neven vs a noy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N368 I am here at youre hande to halow a hoy, Do move of youre maistir for I shall melle it with myy+ot. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N370 Cry `Oyas'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N370 Oyas. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N370 Yit efte, be t+hi feithe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Bedel. Bedellus \N370 Oyas! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N371 Yit lowdar, that ilke lede may \#lithe-+- Crye pece in this prese, vppon payne t+hervppon, Bidde them swage of t+her sweying bothe swiftely and swithe And stynte of t+her stryuyng and stande still as a stone. Calle Jesu t+he gentill of Jacob, t+he Jewe. Come preste and appere, To t+he barre drawe t+he nere, To t+hi jugement here, To be demed for his dedis vndewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N380 Whe, harke how t+his harlott he heldis oute of harre, This lotterelle liste noght my lorde to lowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N382 Say beggar, why brawlest t+hou? Go boune t+he to t+he barre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N383 Steppe on thy standyng so sterne and so stoute. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N384 Steppe on thys standyng so still. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N385 Sir cowarde, to courte muste yhe care-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N386 A lessoune to lerne of oure \#lare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N387 Flitte fourthe, foule myght t+hou fare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N388 Say warlowe, t+hou wantist of t+hi will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Filius Filius \N389 O Jesu vngentill, t+hi joie is in japes, T+Hou can not be curtayse, t+hou caytiffe I calle t+he, No ruthe were it to rug t+he and ryue t+he in ropes. Why falles t+hou noy+ot flatte here, foule falle t+he, For ferde of my fadir so free? T+Hou wotte noght his wisdome iwys, All thyne helpe in his hande t+hat it is, Howe sone he myght saue t+he fro t+his. Obeye hym, brothell, I bidde t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N398 Now Jesu, t+hou art welcome ewys, as I wene, Be noy+ot abasshed but boldely boune t+he to t+he barre; What seyniour will sewe for t+he sore I haue sene. To wirke on t+his warlowe, his witte is in \#warre. Come preste, of a payne, and appere, And sir prelatis, youre pontes bes prevyng. What cause can ye caste of \#accusyng? T+His mater ye marke to be meving, And hendly in haste late vs here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N407 Sir Pilate o Pounce and prince of grete price, We triste ye will trowe oure tales t+hei be trewe, To deth for to deme hym with dewly device. For cursidnesse yone knave hase in case, if ye knew, In harte wolde ye hate hym in hye. For if it wer so We mente not to misdo; Triste, ser, schall ye t+herto, We hadde not hym taken to t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N416 Sir, youre tales wolde I trowe but t+hei touche none entente. What cause can ye fynde now t+his freke for to felle? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N418 Our Sabbotte he saues not, but sadly assente To wirke full vnwisely, t+his wote I riy+ot wele, \N419 [... ...] He werkis whane he will, wele I wote, And t+herfore in herte we hym hate. Itt sittis you to strenghe youre estate Yone losell to louse for his lay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N424 Ilke a lede for to louse for his lay is not lele. Youre lawes is leffull, but to youre lawis longis it T+His faitoure to feese wele with flappes full fele, And woo may ye wirke hym be lawe, for he wranges it. Therfore takes vnto you full tyte, And like as youre lawes will you lede Ye deme hym to deth for his dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N431 Nay, nay sir, t+hat dome muste vs drede, \N431 [... ...] It longes noy+ot till vs no lede for to lose. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N433 What wolde ye I did t+hanne? T+He deuyll motte you drawe! Full fewe are his frendis but fele are his fooes. His liff for to lose t+hare longes no lawe, Nor no cause can I kyndely contryue T+Hat why he schulde lose t+hus his liffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N438 A, gude sir, it raykes full ryffe In steedis wher he has stirrid mekill striffe Of ledis t+hat is lele to youre liffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N441 Sir, hatle men and hurte he helid in haste, The deffe and t+he dome he delyuered fro doole By wicchecrafte, I warande-+-his wittis schall waste-+- For t+he farles t+hat he farith with loo how t+hei folowe yone fole, Oure folke so t+hus he frayes in fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N446 The \#dede he rayses anone-+- T+His Lazare t+hat lowe lay allone He graunte hym his gates for to gone, And pertely t+hus proued he his poure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N450 Now goode siris, I saie, what wolde yhe \#seme? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N451 Sir, to dede for to do hym or dose hym adawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N452 Yha, for he dose wele his deth for to deme? Go layke you sir, lightly; wher lerned ye such lawe? This touches no tresoune I telle you. Yhe prelatis t+hat proued are for price, Yhe schulde be bot+he witty and wise And legge oure lawe wher it lyse, Oure materes ye meve t+hus emel you. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N459 Misplese noy+ot youre persone, yhe prince withouten pere, It touches to tresoune t+his tale I schall tell: Yone briboure, full baynly he bed to forbere The tribute to t+he emperoure, t+hus wolde he compell Oure pepill t+hus is poyntis to applye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N464 The pepull he saies he schall saue, And Criste garres he calle hym, yone knave, And sais he will t+he high kyngdome haue-+- Loke whethir he deserue to dye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N468 To dye he deserues yf he do t+hus indede, But Y will se myselffe what he sais. Speke Jesu, and spende nowe t+hi space for to spede. T+Hez lordyngis t+hei legge t+he t+hou liste noy+ot leve on oure \#lays, They accuse t+he cruelly and kene; And t+herfore as a chiftene Y charge t+he, Iff t+hou be Criste t+hat t+hou telle me, And God sone t+hou grughe not to graunte t+he, For t+his is t+he matere t+hat Y mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Jesus Jesus \N477 T+Hou saiste so t+hiselue. I am sothly t+he same Here wonnyng in worlde to wirke al t+hi will. My fadir is faithfull to felle all t+hi fame; Withouten trespas or tene am I taken t+he till. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N481 Loo busshoppis, why blame ye t+his boye? Me semys t+hat it is soth t+hat he saies. Ye meve all t+he malice ye may With youre wrenchis and wiles to wrythe hym away, Vnjustely to juge hym fro joie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N486 Noght so sir, his seggyng is full sothly soth, It bryngis oure bernes in bale for to bynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N488 Sir, douteles we deme als dewe \#of t+he deth T+His foole t+hat ye fauour-+-grete fautes can we fynde This daye for to deme hym to dye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N491 Saie losell, t+hou lies be t+his light! \#Naie, t+hou rebalde, t+hou rekens vnright. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N493 Avise you sir, with mayne and with myght, And wreke not youre wrethe nowe forthy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N495 Me likes noy+ot his langage so largely for to \#lythe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N496 A, mercy lorde, mekely, no malice we mente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N497 Noo done is it douteles, balde be and blithe, Talke on t+hat traytoure and telle youre entente. Yone segge is sotell ye saie; Gud sirs, wer lerned he such lare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N501 In faith, we can not fynde whare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N502 Yhis, his fadir with som farlis gan fare And has lered t+his ladde of his \#laie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N504 Nay, nay sir, we wiste t+hat he was but a write, No sotelte+' he schewed t+hat any segge saw. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N506 Thanne mene yhe of malice to marre hym of myght, Of cursidnesse convik no cause can yhe knawe. Me meruellis ye malyngne o mys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N509 Sir, for Galely hidir and hoo The gretteste agayne hym ganne goo, Yone warlowe to waken of woo, And of t+his werke beres witnesse ywis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N513 Why, and has he gone in Galely, yone gedlyng ongayne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Anna Anna \N514 Yha lorde, t+her was he borne, yone brethelle, and bredde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N515 Nowe withouten fagyng, my frendis, in faith I am fayne, For now schall oure striffe full sternely be stede. Sir Herowde is kyng t+her ye kenne, His poure is preued full preste To ridde hym or reue hym of rest. And t+herfore, to go with yone gest Yhe marke vs oute of t+he manliest men. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Caiph. Caiphas \N522 Als witte and wisdome youre will schal be wroght, Here is kempis full kene to t+he kyng for to care. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N524 Nowe seniours, I saie yow sen soth schall be soght, But if he schortely be sente it may sitte vs full sore. And t+herfore sir knyghtis-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Milit. Milites \N526 Lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N527 Sir knyghtis t+hat are cruell and kene, That warlowe ye warrok and wraste, And loke t+hat he brymly be braste \N529 [... ...] Do take on t+hat traytoure you betwene. Tille Herowde in haste with t+hat harlott ye hye, Comaunde me full mekely vnto his moste myght. Saie t+he dome of t+his boy, to deme hym to dye, Is done vpponne hym dewly, to dresse or to dight Or liffe for to leue at his liste. Say ought I may do hym indede, His awne am I worthely in wede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N538 My lorde, we schall springe on a-spede. Come t+hens! To me t+his traitoure full \#tryste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N540 Bewe sirs, I bidde you ye be not to bolde, But takes tente for oure tribute full trulye to trete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N542 Mi lorde, we schall hye t+his beheste for to halde And wirke it full wisely in wille and in witte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N544 So sirs me semys itt is sittand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N545 Mahounde, sirs, he menske you with myght-+- \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N546 And saue you sir, semely in sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.30 Tr:Pilate Pilate \N547 Now in t+he wilde vengeaunce ye walke with t+hat wight, And fresshely ye founde to be flittand.