\LDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:God God \C Text is from Richard Beadle, \iThe\r \iYork\r \iPlays\r, YORK MEDIVAL TEXTS: \C SECOND SERIES (1982), with corrections by R. Beadle as recorded in \C G. B. Kinneavy, \iA\r \iConcordance\r \ito\r \ithe\r \iYork\r \iPlays\r, \C New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1986. \N1 \iEgo\r \isum\r \iAlpha\r \iet\r \iO\r: \ivita\r, \ivia\r, \iveritas\r, \iprimus\r \iet\r \inouissimus\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:God God \N1 I am gracyus and grete, God withoutyn begynnyng, I am maker vnmade, all mighte es in me; I am lyfe and way vnto welth-wynnyng, I am formaste and fyrste, als I byd sall it be. My blyssyng o ble sall be blendyng, And heldand, fro harme to be \#hydande, My body in blys ay abydande, \#Vnendande, withoutyn any endyng. Sen I am maker vnmade and most es of mighte, And ay sall be endeles and noghte es but I, Vnto my dygnyte+' dere sall diewly be dyghte A place full of plente+' to my plesyng at ply; And therewith als wyll I haue wroght Many dyuers doynges bedene, Whilke warke sall mekely contene, And all sall be made euen of noghte. But onely t+he worthely warke of my wyll In my sprete sall enspyre t+he mighte of me; And in t+he fyrste, faythely, my thoghte to fullfyll, Baynely in my blyssyng I byd at here be A blys al-beledande abowte me, In t+he whilke blys I byde at be here Nyen ordres of aungels full clere, In louyng ay-lastande at lowte me. Here vndernethe me nowe a nexile I neuen, Whilke ile sall be erthe. Now all be at ones Erthe haly, and helle, t+his hegheste be heuen, And that \#welth sall welde sall won in t+his wones. This graunte I y+oowe, mynysters myne, To-whils y+ohe ar stabill in thoghte-+- And also to t+haime t+hat ar noghte Be put to my presone at pyne. Of all t+he mightes I haue made, moste nexte after me I make t+he als master and \#merour of my mighte; I beelde t+he here baynely in blys for to be, I name t+he for Lucifer, als berar of lyghte. Nothyng here sall t+he be derand; In t+his blis sall be y+ohour beeldyng, And haue all welth in y+ooure weledyng, Ay-whils y+ohe ar buxumly berande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N41 A, mercyfull maker, full mekill es t+hi mighte, T+Hat all this warke at a worde worthely has wroghte. Ay loued be t+hat lufly lorde of his lighte, That vs thus mighty has made t+hat nowe was righte noghte, In blys for to byde in his blyssyng. Ay-lastande in luf lat vs lowte hym, At beelde vs thus baynely abowete hym, Of myrthe neuermore to haue myssyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N49 All the myrth t+hat es made es markide in me! T+He bemes of my brighthode ar byrnande so bryghte, And I so semely in syghte myselfe now I se, For lyke a lorde am I lefte to lende in t+his lighte. More fayrear be far t+han my feres, In me is no poynte t+hat may payre; I fele me fetys and fayre, My powar es passande my peres. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Cher. Cherabyn \N57 Lorde, wyth a lastande luf we loue t+he allone, T+Hou mightefull maker t+hat markid vs and made vs, And wroghte us thus worthely to wone in this \#wone, Ther neuer felyng of fylth may full vs nor fade vs. All blys es here beeldande aboute vs; To-whyls we are stabyll in thoughte In t+he worschipp of hym t+hat us wroght, Of dere neuer thar vs more dowte vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N65 O, what I am fetys and fayre and fygured full fytt! T+He forme of all fayrehede apon me es feste, All welth in my weelde es, I wote be my wytte; T+He bemes of my brighthede are bygged with t+he beste. My schewyng es schemerande and schynande, So bygly to blys am I broghte; Me nedes for to noy me righte noghte, Here sall neuer payne me be pynande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Ang.1 Angel 1 \N73 With all t+he wytt at we welde we woyrschip t+hi wyll, T+Hou gloryus God t+hat es grunde of all grace; Ay with stedefaste steuen lat vs stande styll, Lorde, to be fede with t+he fode of thi fayre face. In lyfe that es lely ay-lastande, Thi dale, lorde, es ay daynetethly delande, And whoso t+hat fode may be felande-+- To se thi fayre face-+-es noght fastande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N81 Owe, certes, what I am worthely wroghte with wyrschip, iwys! For in a glorius gle my gleteryng it glemes; I am so mightyly made my mirth may noghte mys-+- Ay sall I byde in this blys thorowe brightnes of bemes. Me nedes noghte of noy for to neuen, All welth in my welde haue I weledande; Abowne y+ohit sall I be beeldand, On heghte in t+he hyeste of hewuen. Ther sall I set myselfe full semely to seyghte, To ressayue my reuerence thorowe righte o renowne; I sall be lyke vnto hym t+hat es hyeste on heghte. Owe, what I am derworth and defte-+-Owe! Dewes! All goes downe! My mighte and my mayne es all marrande-+- Helpe, felawes! In faythe I am fallande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Ang.2 Angel 2 \N95 Fra heuen are we heledande on all hande, To wo are we weendande, I warande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N97 Owte! Owte! Harrowe! Helples, slyke hote at es here; This es a dongon of dole t+hat I am to dyghte. Whare es my kynde become, so cumly and clere? Nowe am I laytheste, allas, t+hat are was lighte. My bryghtnes es blakkeste and blo nowe, My bale es ay betande and brynande-+- That gares ane go gowlande and gyrnande. Owte! Ay walaway! I well euen in wo nowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Diab. Diabolus \N105 Owte! Owte! I go wode for wo, my wytte es all wente nowe, All oure fode es but filth we fynde vs beforn. We t+hat ware beelded in blys, in bale are we brent nowe-+- Owte on t+he Lucifer, lurdan, oure lyghte has t+hou lorne. T+Hi dedes to t+his dole nowe has dyghte us, To spill vs t+hou was oure spedar, For thow was oure lyghte and oure ledar, T+He hegheste of heuen hade t+hou hyght vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N113 Walaway! Wa es me now, nowe es it war thane it was. Vnthryuandely threpe y+ohe-+-I sayde but a thoghte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Diab. Diabolus \N115 We, lurdane, t+hou lost vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N115 Y+Ohe ly! Owte, allas! I wyste noghte t+his wo sculde be wroghte. Owte on y+ohow, lurdans, y+ohe smore me in smoke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Diab. Diabolus \N118 This wo has t+hou wroghte vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Luc. Lucifer \N118 Y+Ohe ly, y+ohe ly! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Diab. Diabolus \N119 Thou lyes, and t+hat sall t+hou by: We, \#lurdane, haue at y+oowe, lat loke! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:Cher. Cherabyn \N121 A, lorde, louid be thi name t+hat vs t+his lyghte lente, Sen Lucifer oure ledar es lighted so lawe, For hys vnbuxumnes in bale to be brente-+- Thi rightewysnes to rewarde on rowe Ilke warke eftyr is wroghte-+- Thorowe grace of t+hi mercyfull myghte The cause I se itt in syghte, Wharefore to bale he es broghte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.1 L:God God \N129 Those foles for t+haire fayrehede in fantasyes fell, And hade mayne of \#mi mighte t+hat marked t+ham and made t+ham. Forthi efter t+haire warkes were, in wo sall t+hai well, For sum ar fallen into fylthe t+hat euermore sall fade t+ham, And neuer sall haue grace for to gyrth t+ham. So passande of power tham thoght t+ham, Thai wolde noght me worschip t+hat wroghte t+ham; Fort+hi sall my wreth euer go with t+ham. Ande all that me wyrschippe sall wone here, iwys; Forthi more forthe of my warke, wyrke nowe I will. Syn than t+her mighte es for-marryde t+hat mente all omys, Euen to myne awne fygure t+his blys to fulfyll, Mankynde of moulde will I make. But fyrste wille I fourme hym before All thyng that sall hym restore, To whilke t+hat his talente will take. Ande in my fyrste makyng, to mustyr my mighte, Sen erthe es vayne and voyde and myrknes emel, I byd in my blyssyng y+ohe aungels gyf lyghte To t+he erthe, for it faded when t+he fendes fell. In hell sall neuer myrknes be myssande, T+He myrknes thus name I for nighte; The day, t+hat call I this lyghte-+- My after-warkes sall t+hai be wyssande. Ande nowe in my blyssyng I twyne tham in two, The nighte euen fro t+he day, so t+hat thai mete neuer, But ather in a kynde courese t+haire gates for to go. Bothe t+he nighte and t+he day, does dewly y+ohour deyuer, To all I sall wirke be y+ohe wysshyng. This day warke es done ilke a dele, And all t+his warke lykes me ryght wele, And baynely I gyf it my blyssyng. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.2 Cr:God God \N1 \iIn\r \ialtissimis\r \ihabito\r, In the heghest heuyn my hame haue I; \iEterne\r \imentis\r \iet\r \iego\r, Withoutyn ende ay-lastandly. Sen I haue wroght t+hire worldys wyde, Heuyn and ayre and erthe also, My hegh Godhede I will noght hyde All-yf sume foles be fallyn me fro. When t+hai assent with syn of pride Vp for to trine my trone vnto, In heuyn t+hai myght no \#lengger byde But wyghtly went to wone in wo; And sen t+hai wrange haue wroght My lyk ys to lat t+ham go, To suffir sorowe onsoght, Syne t+hai haue seruid so. T+Hare mys may neuer be \#amende Sen t+hai asent me to forsake, For all t+here force non sall t+hame fende For to be fendys foule and blake. And t+ho t+hat lykys with me to lende, And trewly tent to me will take, Sall wonne in welth withoutyn ende And allway wynly with me wake; T+Hai sall haue for t+hare sele Solace t+hat neuer sall sclake. T+His warke me thynkys full wele And more now will I make. Syne t+hat t+his world es ordand euyn, Furth well I publysch my power: Noght by my strenkyth, but by my steuyn A firmament I byd apere, Emange t+he waterris, lyght so leuyn, T+Here cursis lely for to lere, And t+hat same sall be namyd hewuyn, With planitys and with clowdis clere. T+He water I will be \#sent To flowe bothe fare and nere, And t+han t+he firmament In mydis to set t+hame sere. T+He firmament sal nough moue, But be a mene, t+hus will I mene, Ouir all t+he worlde to halde and houe, And be t+ho tow wateris betwyne. Vndir t+he heuyn and als aboue T+He wateris serly sall be sene, And so I wille my post proue By creaturis of kyndis clene. T+His warke his to my pay Righit will, withoutyn wyne; T+Hus sese t+he secunde day Of my doyingys bydene. Moo sutyll werkys assesay I sall, For to be set in seruice sere: All t+he waterris grete and smalle T+Hat vndir heuyne er ordande here, Gose togedir and holde yow all, And be a flode festynde in fere, So t+hat the erthe, both downe and dale, In drynesch playnly may apere. T+He drynes `lande' sall be Namyd bothe ferre and nere, And t+hen I name t+he `se', Geddryng of wateris clere. T+He erthe sall fostyr and furthe bryng Buxsumly, as I wyle byde, Erbys and also othir thyng, Well for to wax and worthe to wede; Treys also t+haron sall spryng With braunchis and with bowis on brede, With flouris fayr on heght to hyng And fruth also to fylle and fede. And t+hane I will t+hat t+hay Of t+hemselfe haue t+he sede And mater, t+hat t+hay may Be lastande furth in lede. And all t+her materis es in mynde For to be made of mekyl might, And to be kest in dyueris kynde So for to bere sere burgvns bright. And when t+her frutys is fully fynde And fayrest semande vnto syght, T+Hane t+he wedris wete and wynde Oway I will it wende full wyght; And of t+here sede full sone New rotys sall ryse vpright. T+He third day t+hus is done, T+Hire dedis er dewly dyght. Now sene t+he erthe t+hus ordand es, Mesurid and made by myn assent-+- Grathely for to growe with gres And wedis t+hat sone away bese went-+- Of my gudnes now will I ges, So t+hat my werkis no harmes hent, \#Two lyghtis, one more and one lesse, To be fest in t+he firmament. The more light to \#the day Fully suthely sall be sent, T+He lesse lyght allway To t+he nyght sall take entent. T+Hir figuris fayre t+hat furth er \#fun T+Hus on sere sydys serue t+hai sall: The more lyght sall be namid t+he \#son, Dymnes to wast be downe and be dale. Erbis and treys t+hat er bygune All sall he gouerne, gret and smale; With cald yf t+hai be closid or bun Thurgh hete of t+he sun t+hai sal be hale. Als \#t+hei haue honours In alkyn welth to wale, So sall my creaturis Euir byde withoutyn bale. T+He son and t+he mone on fayre manere Now grathly gange in y+oour degre+', Als ye haue tane y+ooure curses clere To serue furth loke ye be fre, For ye sall set t+he sesons sere, Kyndely to knowe in ilke cuntre+', Day fro day and yere fro yere By sertayne signes suthly to se. T+He heuyn sall be ouerhyld With sternys to stand plente+'. T+He furth day his fulfillid, T+His werke well lykys me. Now sen t+hir werkis er wroght with wyne And fundyn furth be firth and fell, T+He see now will I set within Whallis whikly for to dewell, And othir fysch to flet with fyne-+- Sum with skale and sum with skell, Of diueris materis more and myn-+- In sere maner to make and mell; Sum sall be milde and meke, And sum both fers and fell. T+His world t+hus will I eke, Syn I am witt of well. Also vp in t+he ayre on hyght I byd now t+hat t+hore be ordande For to be foulis fayre and bright, Dewly in t+hare degre+' dewlland, With fedrys fayre to frast t+her flight For stede to stede whore t+hai will stande, And also leythly for to lyght Whoreso t+ham lykis in ilke a londe. T+Hane fysch and foulis sere, Kyndely I y+oow commande To meng on y+ooure \#manere, Both be se and sande. T+His materis more y+oitt will I mende, So for to fulfill my fort+hoght, With diueris bestis in lande to lende To brede and be with bale+' furth brught. And with bestis I wille be blende Serpentis to be sene vnsoght, And wormis vpon t+haire wombis sall wende To \#won in erth and worth to noght. And so it sall be kende How all t+hat eme is oght, Begynnyng, mydes and ende I with my worde hase wrothe. For als I byde bus all thyng be And dewly done als I will dresse, Now bestys ar sett in sere degre+' On molde to moue, both more and lesse; T+Hane foulis in ayre and fische in see And bestis on erthe of bone and flesch, I byde y+oe wax furth fayre plente+' And grathly growes, als I y+oow gesse. So multiply y+oe sall Ay furth in fayre processe, My blyssyng haue y+oe all; The fift day endyd es. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:God God \N1 In heuyn and erthe duly bedene Of v days werke, euyn onto ende, I haue complete by curssis clene; Methynke t+he space of t+hame well spende. In heuyn er angels fayre and brighte, Sternes and planetis t+her curssis to ga, T+He mone seruis onto t+he nyght The son to lyghte t+he day alswa. In erthe is treys and gres to springe, Bestis and foulys, bothe gret and smalle, Fyschis in flode, all othyr thyng Thryffe and haue my blyssyng all. Thys werke is wroght now at my will, But y+oet can I \#here no best see T+Hat acordys be kynde and skyll, And for my werke myght worschippe me. For perfytt werke ne ware it nane But ought ware made t+hat myght it y+oeme, For loue mad I t+his warlde alane, T+Herfor my loffe sall in it seme. To kepe t+his warlde, bothe mare and lesse, A skylfull best t+hane will I make Eftyr my schape and my lyknes, The wilke sall worschipe to \#me take. Off t+he symplest part of erthe t+hat is here I sall make man, and for t+his skylle: For to abate hys hauttande chere, Bothe his gret pride and ot+her ille; And also for to haue in mynde How simpyll he is at hys makyng, For als febyll I sall hym fynde Qwen he is dede at his endyng. For t+his reson and skyll alane I sall make man lyke onto me. Ryse vp, t+hou erthe, in blode and bane, In schape of man, I commaunde t+he. A female sall t+hou haue to fere, Her sall I make of t+hi lyft rybe, Alane so sall t+hou nough be here Withoutyn faythefull frende and sybe. Takys now here t+he gast of lyffe And ressayue bothe y+ooure saules of me; \#T+His femall take t+hou to t+hi wyffe, Adam and Eue y+oour names sall be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:Adam Adam \N45 A, lorde, full mekyll is t+hi mighte And t+hat is sene in ilke a syde, For now his here a ioyfull syght To se t+his worlde so lange and wyde. Mony diueris thyngis now here es, Off bestis and foulis bathe wylde and tame; Y+Oet is nan made to \#t+hi liknes But we alone-+-A, louyd by t+hi name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:Eue Eue \N53 To swylke a lorde in all degre+' Be euirmore lastande louynge, T+Hat tyll vs swylke a dyngnite+' Has gyffyne before all othyr thynge; And selcouth thyngis may we se here Of t+his ilke warld so lange and brade, With bestis and fowlis so many and sere; Blessid be he t+hat \#hase us made. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:Adam Adam \N61 A, blyssid lorde, now at t+hi wille Syne we er wroght, wochesaff to telle And also say vs two vntyll Qwate we sall do and whare to dewell? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:God God \N65 For t+his skyl made I y+oow t+his day, My name to worschip ay-whare; Louys me, fort+hi, and louys me ay For my makyng, I axke no mare. Bothe wys and witty sall t+hou be, Als man t+hat I haue made of noght; Lordschipe in erthe t+han graunt I t+he, All thynge to serue t+he t+hat I haue wroght. In paradyse sall y+oe same wone, Of erthely thyng get y+oe no nede, Ille and gude both sall y+oe kone, I sall y+oou lerne y+ooure lyue to lede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:Adam Adam \N77 A, lorde, sene we sall do no thyng But louffe t+he for t+hi gret gudnesse, We sall ay bay to t+hi biddyng And fulfyll it, both more and less. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:Eue Eue \N81 His syng \#sene he has on vs sett Beforne all \#othir thyng certayne, \#Hym for to loue we sall noght lett And worschip hym with myght and mayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3A Ad:God God \N85 At heuyne and erth first I begane And vj days wroght or I walde ryst; My warke is endyde now at mane, All lykes me will, but t+his is best. My blyssyng haue t+hai ever and ay. The seueynt day sall my restyng be, T+Hus wille I sese, sothely to say, Of my doying in t+his degre+'. To blys I sall y+oow bryng, Comys forth, y+oe tow, with me; Y+Oe sall lyffe in lykyng-+- My blyssyng wyth y+oow be. Amen. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:God God \N1 In heuyn and erthe duly bedene Of v daies werke evyn vnto t+he ende, I haue complete by courssis clene-+- Methynketh t+he space of t+ham wele spende. In heuen ar aungels faire and bright, Sternes and planetis \#t+her courses to goo, T+He mone serues vnto t+he nyghte, The sonne to lighte t+he day also. In erthe is trees and gresse to springe, Beestes and foules bothe grete and smale, Fisshys in flode, all othir thynge, Thryffe and haue my blissynge alle. This werke is wrought nowe at my wille, But yitte can I here no beste see That accordes by kyndly skylle, And for my werke myght worshippe me. For parfite werke ne wer it none But oughte wer made t+hat myghte it y+oeme, For loue made I t+his worlde alone, Therfore my loue shalle in it seme. To kepe t+his worlde bothe more and lesse A skylfull beeste t+han will Y make Aftir my shappe and my liknesse, The whilke shalle wirshippe to me take. Of t+he sympylest parte of erthe t+hat is here I schalle make man, and for this skylle, For to abate his \#hauttande cheere, Bothe his grete pride and othir ille; And also for to haue in mynde Howe symple he is at his makynge, For als febill I shalle hym fynde Qwen he is dede at his endynge. For t+his reasonne and skille allone I schalle make man like vnto me. Rise vppe, t+hou erthe, in bloode and bone, In shappe of man, I comaunde t+he. A female shalte t+hou haue to feere, Here schalle Y make of thy lefte rybbe, Allone so shalle t+hou nought be heere, Withoutyn faithfull freende and sibbe. Takis nowe here t+he goste of liffe, And ressayue bothe youre soules of me, T+His femalle take t+hou to t+hi wiffe-+- Adam and Eue youre names schalle bee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:Adam Adam \N45 A, lord, ful mekill is t+hi myght, And t+hat is seene in ilke a side, For nowe is here a joifull sighte, To see t+his worlde so longe and wide. Many dyuerse thynges nowe here is, Of beestis and foules bothe wilde and tame, Y+Oitte is non made to t+hi liknesse But we allone-+-a, loued be t+hy name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:Eue Eue \N53 To swilke a lorde in alle degree Be euermore lastand louynge, T+Hat to vs such a dyngnyte+' Has geffynne before all othir thynge. And selcouthe thynges may we see heere Of t+his ilke worlde so longe and broode, With beestes and foules so many and seere, Blyssed be hee t+hat hase vs made. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:Adam Adam \N61 A, blissed lorde, nowe at t+hi wille Sethen we are wrought, wouchesaffe to telle And also saie vs two vntille Whatte we schalle do and where to dwelle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:God God \N65 For this skille made Y you t+his daye, My name to worschippe ay-where. Lovis me forthy, and loues me aye For my makyng-+-I aske no more. Bothe wyse and witty shalle t+hou bee Als man, t+hat Y haue made of nought, Lordshippe in erthe t+han graunte Y the, Alle thynge to serue t+he t+hat is wrought. In pardise shalle ye same wonne, Of erthely thyng gete y+oe no nede, Ille and goode bothe shalle y+oe konne, I shalle you lerne youre lyffe to leede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:Adam Adam \N77 A, lord, sene we shalle do no thynge But loue the for thy grette goodnesse, We shalle abeye to t+hi biddyng, And fulfille it, bothe more and lees. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:Eue Eue \N81 Hys syngne \#sen he has on vs sette Before al othir thyng certayne, Hym for to loue we schal not lette, And worshippe hym with myghte and mayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.3B Ad:God God \N85 At heuene and erthe firste I beganne, And vj daies wroughte or Y wolde reste, My werke is endid nowe at mane; Alle likes me wele, but t+his t+he beste. My blissynge haue they euer and ay. T+He seuynte day shal my restyng be, T+Hus wille I sese, sothly to say, Of my doyng in t+his degree. To blisse I schal you brynge, Comes forthe y+oe two with me. Y+Oe shalle lyff in likyng: My blissyng with you be. Amen. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:God God \N1 Adam and Eve, this is the place That I haue graunte you of my grace To haue your wonnyng in. Erbes, spyce, frute on tree, Beastes, fewles, all that ye see Shall bowe to you, more and myn. This place hight paradyce, Here shall your joys begynne; And yf that ye be wyse, Frome thys tharr ye never twyn. All your wyll here shall ye haue, Lykyng for to eate or sayff Fyshe, fewle or fee; And for to take at your owen wyll All other creatours also theretyll, Your suggettes shall they bee. Adam, of more and lesse, Lordeship in erthe here graunte I the; Thys place that worthy is, Kepe it in honestye. Looke that ye y+oem ytt wetterly; All other creatours shall multeply, Ylke one in tender hower. Looke that ye bothe saue and sett Erbes and treys; for nothyng lett, So that ye may endower To susteyn beast and man, And fewll of ylke stature. Dwell here yf that ye cann, This shall be your endowre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:Adam Adam \N31 O lorde, lovyd be thy name, For nowe is this a joyfull hame That thowe hais brought vs to, Full of myrthe and solys faughe, Erbes and trees, frute on haugh, Wyth spysys many one hoo. Loo, Eve, nowe ar we brought Bothe vnto rest and rowe, We neyd to tayke no thought, But loke ay well to doo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:Eue Eue \N41 Lovyng be ay to suche a lord, To vs hais geven so great reward To governe bothe great and small, And mayd vs after his owen read, \N44 [... ...] Emonges these myrthes all. Here is a joyfull sight Where that wee wonn in shall; We love the, mooste of myght, Great God, that we on call. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:God God \N50 Love my name with good entent And harken to my comaundement, And do my byddyng buxomly: Of all the frute in parradyce, Tayke ye therof of your best wyse And mayke you right merry. The tree of good and yll, What tyme you eates of thys Thowe speydes thyself to spyll, And be brought owte of blysse. All thynges is mayd, man, for thy prowe, All creatours shall to the bowe That here is mayd erthly; In erthe I mayke the lord of all, And beast vnto the shall be thrall, Thy kynd shall multeply. Therefore this tree alone, Adam, this owte-take I; The frute of it negh none, For an ye do, then shall ye dye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:Adam Adam \N70 Alas lorde, that we shuld do so yll, Thy blyssed byddyng we shall fulfyll Bothe in thought and deyd; We shall no negh thys tre nor the bugh, Nor yit the fruyte that thereon groweth Therewith oure fleshe to feyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:Eue Eue \N76 We shall do thy byddyng, We haue none other neyd; Thys frute full styll shall hyng, Lorde, that thowe hays forbyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.4 Ad:God God \N80 Looke that ye doe as ye haue sayd, Of all that there is hold you apayd, For here is welthe at wyll. Thys tre that beres the fruyte of lyfe, Luke nother thowe nor Eve thy wyf Lay ye no handes theretyll. For-why it is \#knowyng Bothe of good and yll, This frute but ye lett hyng Ye speyd yourself to spyll. Forthy this tree that I owt-tayke, Nowe kepe it grathly for my sayke, That nothyng negh it neyre; All other at your wyll shall be, I owte-take nothyng but this tree, To feyd you with in feare. Here shall ye leyd your lyffe With dayntys that is deare; Adam, and Eve thy wyfe, My blyssyng haue ye here. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N1 For woo my witte es in a were That moffes me mykill in my mynde; The Godhede t+hat I sawe so cleere, And parsayued t+hat he shuld take kynde Of a degree That he had wrought, and I \#dedyned T+Hat aungell kynde shuld it noy+ot be; And we wer faire and bright, T+Herfore me thoght t+hat he The kynde of vs tane myght, And t+herat dedeyned me. The kynde of man he thoght to take And t+heratt hadde I grete envye, But he has made to hym a make, And harde to her I wol me hye That redy way, That purpose proue to putte it by, And fande to pike fro hym t+hat pray. My trauayle were wele sette Myght Y hym so betraye, His likyng for to lette, And sone I schalle assaye. In a worme liknes wille Y wende, And founde to feyne a lowde lesynge. Eue, Eue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N25 What es t+hare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N25 I, a frende. And for thy gude es t+he comynge I hydir sought. Of all t+he fruyt that ye se hynge In paradise, why ete y+oe noght? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N30 We may of tham ilkane Take al t+hat vs goode t+hought, Save a tree outt is tane, Wolde do harme to neyghe it ought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N34 And why t+hat tree, t+hat wolde I witte, Any more t+han all othir by? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N36 For oure lord God forbeedis vs itt, The frute t+herof, Adam nor I To neghe it nere; And yf we dide we both shuld dye, He saide, and sese our solace sere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N41 Yha, Eue, to me take tente; Take hede and t+hou shalte here What t+hat the \#matere mente He moved on t+hat manere. To ete t+herof he you defende I knawe it wele, t+his was his skylle: Bycause he wolde non othir kende Thes grete vertues t+hat longes t+hertill. For will t+hou see, Who etis the frute of goode and ille Shalle haue knowyng as wele as hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N52 Why, what-kynne thyng art t+hou T+Hat telles t+his tale to me? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N54 A worme, t+hat wotith wele how T+Hat yhe may wirshipped be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N56 What wirshippe shulde we wynne therby? To ete t+herof vs nedith it nought, We have lordshippe to make maistrie Of alle t+hynge t+hat in erthe is wrought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N60 Woman, do way! To gretter state ye may be broughte And ye will do as I schall saye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N63 To do is vs full lothe T+Hat shuld oure God myspaye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N65 Nay, certis it is no wathe, Ete it saffely ye maye. For perille ryght t+her none in lyes, Bot worshippe and a grete wynnynge, For right als God yhe shalle be wyse And pere to hym in all-kyn thynge. Ay, goddis shalle ye be, Of ille and gode to haue knawyng, For to be als wise as he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N74 \#Is t+his soth t+hat t+hou sais? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N75 Yhe, why trowes t+hou noy+ot me? I wolde be no-kynnes wayes Telle noy+ot but trouthe to t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N78 Than wille I to thy techyng traste And fange t+his frute vnto oure foode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Satan Satan \N80 Byte on boldly, be nought abasshed, And bere Adam to amende his mode And eke his blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N83 Adam, have here of frute full goode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N84 Alas woman, why toke t+hou t+his? Owre lorde comaunded vs bothe To tente t+he tree of his. Thy werke wille make hym \#wrothe-+- Allas, t+hou hast don amys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N89 Nay Adam, greve t+he nought at it, And I shal saie t+he reasonne why. A worme has done me for to witte We shalle be as goddis, t+hou and I, Yf that we ete Here of this tree; Adam, forthy Lette noght t+hat worshippe for to gete. For we shalle be als wise Als God t+hat is so grete, And als mekill of prise; Forthy ete of t+his mete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N100 To ete it wolde Y nought eschewe Myght I me sure in thy saying. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N102 Byte on boldely, for it is trewe, We shalle be goddis and knawe al thyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N104 To wynne t+hat name I schalle it taste at thy techyng. Allas, what haue I done, for shame! Ille counsaille, woo worthe the! A, Eue, t+hou art to blame, To t+his entysed t+hou me-+- Me shames with my lyghame, For I am naked as methynke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N112 Allas Adam, right so am I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N113 And for sorowe sere why ne myght we synke, For we haue greved God almyghty T+Hat made me man-+- Brokyn his bidyng bittirly. Allas t+hat euer we it began. T+His werke, Eue, hast t+hou wrought, And made t+his bad bargayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N120 Nay Adam, wite me nought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N121 Do wey, lefe Eue, whame t+han? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N122 The worme to wite wele worthy were, With tales vntrewe he me betrayed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N124 Allas, t+hat I lete at thy lare Or trowed t+he trufuls t+hat t+hou me saide. So may I byde, For I may banne t+hat bittir brayde And drery dede, t+hat I it dyde. Oure shappe for doole me defes, Wherewith t+hay shalle be hydde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N131 Late vs take there fygge-leves, Sythen it is t+hus betydde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N133 Ryght as t+hou sais so shalle it bee, For we are naked and all bare; Full wondyr fayne I wolde hyde me Fro my lordis sight, and I wiste whare, Where I ne roght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N138 Adam, Adam. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N138 Lorde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N138 Where art thou, yhare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N139 I here t+he lorde and seys the noy+ot. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N140 Say, wheron is it longe, T+His werke why hast t+hou wrought? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N142 Lorde, Eue garte me do wronge And to t+hat bryg me brought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N144 Say, Eue, why hast t+hou garte thy make Ete frute I bad \#t+he shuld hynge stille, And comaunded none of it to take? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Eue Eue \N147 A worme, lorde, entysed me \#thertill; So welaway, That euer I did t+hat dede so dill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N150 A, wikkid worme, woo worthe t+he ay For t+hou on this maner Hast made t+ham swilke affraye; My malysoune haue t+hou here With all t+he myght Y may. And on thy wombe t+han shall t+hou glyde, And be ay full of enmyte+' To al mankynde on ilke a side, And erthe it shalle thy sustynaunce be To ete and drynke. Adam and Eue alsoo, yhe In erthe t+han shalle ye swete and swynke, And trauayle for youre foode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N163 Allas, whanne myght we synke, We that haues alle worldis goode Ful \#derfly may vs thynke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:God God \N166 Now Cherubyn, myn aungell bryght, To middilerth tyte go dryve there twoo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Ang. Angel \N168 Alle redy lorde, as it is right, Syn thy wille is t+hat it be soo, And thy lykyng. Adam and Eue, do you to goo, For here may y+oe make no dwellyng; Goo yhe forthe faste to fare, Of sorowe may yhe synge. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.5 Ad:Adam Adam \N175 Allas, for sorowe and care Oure handis may we wryng. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \N1 Alle creatures to me take tent, Fro God of heuen now am I sent Vnto t+he wrecchis t+hat wronge has went Thaymself to woo; T+He joie of heuen t+hat thaym was lent Is lost thaym froo. Fro thaym is loste bot+he game and glee; He badde t+hat t+hei schuld maistirs be Ouer alle-kynne thyng, oute-tane a tree He taught t+hem tille; And t+herto wente bothe she and he, Agayne his wille. Agaynst his wille t+hus haue they wrought, To greeffe grete God gaffe they right noght, T+Hat wele wytt ye; And therfore syte is to t+haym sought, As ye shalle see. The fooles t+hat faithe is fallen fra Take tente to me nowe, or ye ga; Fro God of heuen vnto yow twa Sente am I nowe, For to warne you what-kynne wa Is wrought for you. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N24 For vs is wrought, so welaway, Doole endurand nyghte and day; The welthe we wende haue wonnyd in ay Is loste vs fra. For this myscheffe ful wele we may euer mornyng ma. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \N30 Adam, thyselffe made al t+his syte, For to the tree t+hou wente full tyte And boldely on the frute gan byte My lord forbed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N34 Yaa, allas, my wiffe t+hat may I wite, For scho me red. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \N36 Adam, for t+hou trowyd hir tale, He sendis t+he worde and sais t+hou shale Lyffe ay in sorowe, Abide and be in bittir bale Tille he t+he borowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N41 Allas, wrecchis, what haue we wrought? To byggly blys we bothe wer brought; Whillis we wer t+hare We hadde inowe, nowe haue we noghte-+- Allas, for care. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N46 Oure cares ar comen bothe kyne and colde, With fele fandyngis manyfolde; Allas, t+hat tyraunte to me tolde, Thurghoute his gyle, That we shulde haue alle welthis in walde, Wa worthe t+he whyle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \N52 That while yee wrought vnwittely, Soo for to greue God almyghty, And t+hat mon ye full dere abye Or t+hat ye go; And to lyffe, as is worthy, In were and wo. Adam, haue t+his, luke howe ye thynke, And tille withalle t+hi meete and drynke For euermore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N61 Allas, for syte why \#ne myght Y synke, So shames me sore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N63 Soore may we shame with sorowes seere, And felly fare we bothe in feere; Alas, t+hat euyr we neghed it nere, T+Hat tree vntill. With dole now mon we bye full dere Oure dedis ille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Ang. Angel \N69 Giffe for t+hou beswyked hym swa, Trauell herto shalle t+hou ta, Thy barnes to bere with mekill wa-+- T+His warne I t+he. Buxom shalle t+hou and othir ma To man ay be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N75 Allas for doole, what shall Y doo, Now mon I neuer haue rest ne roo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N77 Nay, lo, swilke a tole is taken me too To trauaylle tyte; Nowe is shente both I and shoo, Allas, for syte. Allas, for syte and sorowe sadde, Mournynge makis me mased and madde, To thynke in herte what helpe Y hadde And nowe has none. On grounde mon I neuyr goo gladde, My gamys ere gane. Gone ar my games withowten glee; Allas, in blisse kouthe we noy+ot bee, For putte we were to grete plente+' At prime of t+he day; Be tyme of none alle lost had wee, Sa welawaye. Sa welaway, for harde peyne, Alle bestis were to my biddyng bayne, Fisshe and fowle, they were fulle fayne With me to founde. And nowe is alle thynge me agayne T+Hat gois on grounde. On grounde ongaynely may Y gange, To suffre syte and peynes strange, Alle is for dede I haue done wrange Thurgh wykkid wyle. On lyve methynkith I lyffe to lange, Allas t+he whille. A, lord, I thynke what thynge is t+his That me is ordayned for my mysse; Gyffe I wirke wronge, \#who shulde me wys Be any waye? How beste wille be, so haue Y blisse, I shalle assaye. Allas, for bale, what may t+his bee? In worlde vnwisely wrought haue wee, This erthe it trembelys for this tree And dyns ilke dele! Alle t+his worlde is wrothe with mee, T+His wote I wele. Full wele Y wote my welthe is gone, Erthe, elementis, euerilkane For my synne has sorowe tane, T+His wele I see. Was neuere wrecchis so wylle of wane As nowe ar wee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N123 We are fulle wele worthy iwis To haue t+his myscheffe for oure mys, For broght we were to byggely blys, Euer in to be. Now my sadde sorowe certis is t+his Mysilfe to see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N129 To see it is a sytfull syghte, We bothe t+hat were in blis so brighte, We mon go nakid euery ilke a nyghte And dayes bydene, Allas, what womans witte was light! T+Hat was wele sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N135 Sethyn it was so me knyth it sore, Bot \#sethyn that woman witteles ware Mans maistrie shulde haue bene more Agayns t+he gilte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N139 Nay, at my speche wolde t+hou never spare, T+Hat has vs spilte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N141 Iff I hadde spoken youe oughte to spill Ye shulde haue taken gode tent t+heretyll, And turnyd my t+hought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N144 Do way, woman, and neme it noght, For at my biddyng wolde t+hou not be And therfore my woo wyte Y thee; Thurgh ille counsaille t+hus casten ar we In bitter bale. Nowe God late never man aftir me Triste woman tale. For certis me rewes fulle sare That euere I shulde lerne at t+hi lare, Thy counsaille has casten me in care, T+Hat t+hou me kende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Eue Eue \N155 Be stille Adam, and nemen it na mare, It may not mende. For wele I wate I haue done wrange, And therfore euere I morne emange, Allas the whille I leue so lange, Dede wolde I be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.6 Ad:Adam Adam \N161 On grounde mon I never gladde gange, Withowten glee. Withowten glee I ga, This sorowe wille me sla, This tree vnto me wille I ta T+Hat me is sende. He t+hat vs wrought wisse vs fro wa, Whare-som we wende. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N1 That lord of lyffe lele ay-lastand Whos myght vnmesured is to meyne, He shoppe t+he sonne, bothe see and sande, And wroughte t+his worlde with worde, I wene. His aungell cleere as cristall clene, Here vnto you t+hus am I sente T+His tide. Abell and Cayme, yei, both bydeyne To me enteerly takis entent; To meve my message haue I ment If t+hat ye bide. Allemyghty God of myghtes moste, When he had wrought t+his \#world so wide, No thynge hym t+houghte was wroughte in waste, But in his blissyng boune to bide Neyne ordurs for to telle, t+hat tyde, Of aungeles bryght he bad t+her be. For pride And sone t+he tente part it was tried, And wente awaye as was worthye; They heild to helle alle t+hat meyne+' T+Herin to bide. T+Hanne made he manne to his liknes That place of price for to restore, And sithen he kyd hym such kyndnes Somwhat wille he wirke t+herfore: The tente to tyne he askis, no more, Of alle t+he goodes he haues you sent. Full trew To offyr loke t+hat ye be yore, And to my tale yhe take entent, For ilke a lede t+hat liffe has lente So shalle you sewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Abel Abel \N34 Gramercy God, of thy goodnes That me on molde has marked t+hi man, I worshippe t+he with worthynes, With alle t+he comforte t+hat I can. Me for to were fro warkes wanne, For to fulfille thy comaundement, T+He teynd Of alle t+he gode sen I beganne Thow shalle it haue, sen t+hou it sent. Come, brothir Cayme, I wolde we wente With hert ful hende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N45 We! Whythir now, in wilde waneand? Trowes t+hou I thynke to trusse of towne? Goo, jape t+he, robard jangillande, Me liste noy+ot nowe to rouk nor rowne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Abel Abel \N49 A, dere brothir, late vs be bowne Goddis biddyng blithe to fulfille, I tell t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N52 Ya, daunce in t+he devil way, dresse t+he downe, For I wille wyrke euen as I will. What mystris t+he, in gode or ille, Of me to melle t+he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Abel Abel \N56 To melle of t+he myldely I may. Bote goode brothir, go we in haste, Gyffe God oure teynde dulye t+his day-+- He byddis vs t+hus, be nouy+ot abassed. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N60 Ya, deuell, methynket+h t+hat werke were waste, That he vs gaffe geffe hym agayne To se. Nowe fekyll frenshippe for to fraste Methynkith t+her is in hym sarteyne. If he be moste in myghte and mayne What nede has he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Abel Abel \N67 He has non nede vnto t+hi goode, But it wille please hym principall If t+hou, myldly in mayne and moode, Grouche noy+ot geue hym tente parte of all. \N70 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:[Ang.] Angel \N71 It shall be done evyn as ye bydd, And that anone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Brewb Brewbarret \N73 Lo, maister Cayme, what shaves bryng I, Evyn of the best for to bere seyd, And to the feylde I wyll me hye To fetch you moo, if ye haue neyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N77 Cume vp, sir knave, the devyll the speyd, Ye will not come but ye be prayd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Brewb Brewbarret \N79 O, maister Caym, I haue broken my to! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N80 Come vp syr, for by my thryft, Ye shall drynke or ye goo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N82 Thowe cursyd Came, where is Abell? Where hais thowe done thy broder dere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N84 What askes thowe me that taill to tell, For yit his keper was I never? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N86 God hais sent the his curse downe, Fro hevyn to hell, \#\imaladictio\r \idei\r. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N88 Take that thyself, evyn on thy crowne, \iQuia\r \inon\r \isum\r \icustos\r \ifratris\r \imei\r, To tyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N91 God hais sent the his malyson, And inwardly I geve the myne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N93 The same curse light on thy crowne, And right so myght it worth and be For he that sent that gretyng downe, The devyll myght speyd both hym and the. Fowll myght thowe fall! Here is a cankerd company, Therefore Goddes curse light on you all. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N100 What hast t+hou done? Beholde and heere, T+He voice of his bloode cryeth vengeaunce Fro erthe to heuen, with voice entere T+His tyde. That God is greved with thy greuaunce Take hede, I schalle telle t+he tydandis, T+Herfore abide. T+Hou shall be curssed vppon t+he grounde, God has geffyn t+he his malisonne; Yff t+hou wolde tyll t+he erthe so rounde No frute to t+he t+her shalle be \#fonne. Of wikkidnesse sen t+hou arte sonne, Thou shalle be waferyng here and t+here T+His day. In bittir bale nowe art t+hou boune, Out-castyn shal t+hou be for care; No man shal rewe of thy misfare For t+his affraie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N118 Allas for syte, so may I saye, My synne it passis al mercie, For \#ask \#it t+he lord I ne maye, To haue it am I nouy+ot worthy. Fro t+he shalle I be hidde in hye, T+Hou castis me, lorde, oute of my kyth In lande. Both here and there oute-caste am I, For ilke a man t+hat metis me with They wille slee me, be fenne or frith, With dynte of hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Ang. Angel \N129 Nay Cayme, nouy+ot soo, haue t+hou no drede; Who t+hat t+he slees shalle ponnysshed be Sevene sithis for doyng of t+hat dede. Forthy a token shal t+hou see, It shalle be prentyd so in t+he That ilke a man shalle t+he knowe full wele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.7 MA:Cain Cain \N135 Thanne wolle I fardir flee For shame. Sethen I am sette t+hus out of seill, That curse that I haue for to feill, I giffe you t+he same. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N1 Fyrst qwen I wrought t+his world so wyde, Wode and wynde and watters wane, Heuyn and helle was noght to hyde, Wyth herbys and gyrse t+hus I begane. In endles blysse to be and byde. And to my liknes made I man, Lorde and syre on ilke a side Of all medillerthe I made hym t+han. A woman also with hym wroght I, Alle in lawe to lede t+her lyffe, I badde t+hame waxe and multiplye, To fulfille t+his worlde, withowtyn striffe. Syt+hn hays men wroght so wofully And synne is nowe reynand so ryffe, T+Hat me repentys and rewys fort+hi T+Hat ever I made outhir man or wiffe. Bot sen they make me to repente My werke I wroght so wele and trewe, Wythowtyn seys will noght assente, Bot euer is bowne more bale to brewe. Bot for ther synnes t+hai shall be shente And fordone hoyly, hyde and hewe; Of t+ham shal no more be mente, Bot wirke t+his werke I wille al newe. Al newe I will t+his worlde be wroght And waste away t+hat wonnys t+herin, A flowyd above t+hame shall be broght To stroye medilerthe, both more and myn. Bot Noe alon, lefe shal it noght To all be sownkyn for ther synne; He and his sones, t+hus is my thoght, And with t+her wyffes away sall wynne. Nooe, my seruand sad an cleyn, For t+hou art stabill in stede and stalle, I wyll t+hou wyrke withowten weyn A warke to saffe t+hiselfe wythall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N37 O, mercy lorde, qwat may t+his meyne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N38 I am t+hi Gode of grete and small Is comyn to telle t+he of thy teyn, And qwat ferly sall eftir fall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N41 A, lorde, I lowe t+he lowde and still T+Hat vnto me-+-wretche vnworthye-+- T+Hus with thy worde, as is t+hi will, Lykis to appere t+hus propyrly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N45 Nooe, as I byd t+he, doo fulfill: A shippe I will haue wroght in hye; All-yf t+hou can litill skyll, Take it in hande, for helpe sall I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N49 A, worthy lorde, wolde t+hou take heede, I am full olde and oute of qwarte, T+Hat me liste do no daies dede Bot yf gret mystir me garte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N53 Begynne my werke behoves t+he nede And t+hou wyll passe from peynes smerte, I sall t+he sokoure and the spede And giffe t+he hele in hede and hert. I se such ire emonge mankynde T+Hat of t+hare werkis I will take wreke; T+Hay shall be sownkyn for t+hare synne, T+Herfore a shippe I wille t+hou make. T+Hou and t+hi sonnes shall be t+herin, They sall be sauyd for thy sake. Therfore go bowdly and begynne Thy mesures and thy markis to take. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N65 A, lorde, t+hi wille sall euer be wroght Os counsill gyfys of ilka clerk, Bot first, of shippe-craft can I right noght; Of t+her makyng haue I no merke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N69 Noe, I byd t+he hartely haue no t+hought, I sall t+he wysshe in all t+hi werke, And even to itt till ende be wroght; Therfore to me take hede and herke. Take high trees and hewe t+hame cleyne, All be sware and noght of skwyn, Make of t+hame burdes and wandes betwene T+Hus thrivandly, and noght ouer-thyn. Luke t+hat t+hi semes be suttilly seyn And naylid wele t+hat t+hei noght twyne; T+Hus I deuyse ilk dele bedeyne, T+Herfore do furthe, and leue thy dyne. iij C cubyttis it sall be lang, And fyfty brode, all for thy blys; T+He highte, of thyrty cubittis strang, Lok lely t+hat t+hou thynke on t+his. T+Hus gyffe I t+he grathly or I gang T+Hi mesures, t+hat t+hou do not mysse. Luk nowe t+hat t+hou wirke noght wrang T+Hus wittely sen I t+he wyshe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N89 A, blistfull lord, t+hat al may beylde, I thanke t+he hartely both euer and ay; Fyfe hundreth wyntres I am of elde-+- Methynk t+her y+oeris as yestirday. Ful wayke I was and all vnwelde, My werynes is wente away, To wyrk t+his werke here in t+his feylde Al be myselfe I will assaye. To hewe t+his burde I wyll begynne, But firste I wille lygge on my lyne; Now bud it be alle inlike thynne, So t+hat it nowthyr twynne nor twyne. T+Hus sall I june it with a gynn And sadly sett it with symonde fyne: T+Hus schall I wyrke it both more and \#mynne Thurgh techyng of God, maistir myne. \N104 [... ...] More suttelly kan no man sewe; It sall be cleyngked euerilka dele With nayles t+hat are both noble and newe, T+Hus sall I feste it fast to feele. Take here a revette, and t+here a rewe, With t+her \#t+he bowe nowe wyrke I wele; T+His werke I warand both gud and trewe. Full trewe it is who will take tente, Bot faste my force begynnes to fawlde. A hundereth wyntres away is wente Sen I began t+his werk, full grathely talde, And in slyke trauayle for to be bente Is harde to hym t+hat is t+hus olde. But he t+hat to me t+his messages sent He wille be my beylde, t+hus am I bowde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:God God \N120 Nooe, t+his werke is nere an ende And wrought right as I warned t+he. Bot yit in maner it must be mende, T+Herfore t+his lessoun lerne at me: For dyuerse beestis t+herin must lende, And fewles also in t+here degree, And for t+hat t+hay sall not sam blende Dyuerse stages must t+her be. And qwen t+hat it is ordand soo With dyuerse stawllys and stagis seere, Of ilka kynde t+hou sall take twoo, Bothe male and femalle fare in fere. Thy wyffe, thy sonnes, with t+he sall goo And thare thre wyffes, withowten were; T+Here viij bodies withowten moo Sall t+hus be saued on t+his manere. Therfore to my biddyng be bayne, Tille all be herberd haste t+he faste; Eftir t+he vij day sall it rayne Tille fowrty dayes be fully paste. Take with t+he geere sclyk os may gayne To man and beeste t+hare lyffes to laste. I sall t+he socoure for certeyne Tille alle t+hi care awey be kaste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.8 Nh:Noe Noah \N144 A, lorde, t+hat ilka mys may mende, I lowe t+hi lare both lowde and stille, I thanke t+he both with herte and hende, That me wille helpe fro angrys hill. Abowte t+his werke now bus me wende With beestys and fewlys my shippe to fill. He t+hat to me t+his Crafte has kende, He wysshe vs with his worthy wille. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N1 That lord t+hat leves ay-lastand lyff, I loue t+he euer with hart and hande, That me wolde rewle be reasoune ryffe, Sex hundereth yere to lyffe in lande. Thre semely sonnes and a worthy wiffe I haue euer at my steven to stande; Bot nowe my cares aren keene as knyffe, Bycause I kenne what is commannde. Thare comes to ilke contre+', Y+Oa, cares bothe kene and calde. For God has warned me T+His worlde wastyd shalle be, And certis t+he sothe I see, As \#forme-fadres has tald. My fadir Lamech who, likes to neven, Heere in t+his worlde t+hus lange gon lende, Seuene hundereth yere seuenty and seuene, In swilke a space his tyme he spende. He prayed to god with stabill steuene T+Hat he to hym a sone shuld sende, And at t+he laste t+her come from heuen Slyke hettyng t+hat hym mekill amende, And made hym grubbe and graue \#As ordand faste beforne, For he a sone shulde haue, As he gon aftir crave; And as God vouchydsaue In worlde t+han was I borne. When I was borne Noye named he me, And saide t+hees wordes with mekill wynne: `Loo', he saide, `t+his ilke is he That shalle be comforte to mankynne'. Syrs, by t+his wele witte may ye, My fadir knewe both more and mynne By sarteyne signes he couthe wele see, That al t+his worlde shuld synke for synne; Howe God shulde vengeaunce take, As nowe is sene sertayne, And hende of mankynde make That synne wold nouy+ot forsake; And howe t+hat it shuld slake, And a worlde waxe agayne. I wolde God itt wasted were, Sa t+hat I shuld nott tente t+hertille. My semely sonnes and doughteres dere, Takis y+oe entent vnto my skylle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N47 Fader we are all redy heere, Youre biddyng baynly to fulfille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N49 Goos calle youre modir, and comes nere, And spede vs faste t+hat we nouy+ot spille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N51 Fadir, we shal nouy+ot fyne To youre biddyng be done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N53 Alle t+hat leues vndir lyne Sall, sone, soner passe to pyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N55 Where are ye, modir myne? Come to my fadir sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N57 What sais t+hou sone? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N57 Moder, certeyne My fadir thynkis to flitte full ferre. He biddis you haste with al youre mayne Vnto hym, t+hat no thyng you marre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N61 Y+Oa, goode sone, hy t+he faste agayne And telle hym I wol come no narre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N63 Dame, I wolde do youre biddyng fayne, But yow bus wende, els bese it warre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N65 Werre? T+Hat wolde I witte. We bowrde al wrange, I wene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N67 Modir, I saie you yitte, My fadir is bowne to flitte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N69 Now certis, I sall nouy+ot sitte Or I se what he mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N71 Fadir, I haue done nowe as ye comaunde, My modir comes to you this daye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N73 Scho is welcome, I wele warrande; This worlde sall sone be waste awaye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N75 Wher arte t+hou Noye? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N75 Loo, here at hande, Come hedir faste dame, I t+he praye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N77 Trowes t+hou t+hat I wol leue t+he harde lande And tourne vp here on toure deraye? Nay Noye, I am nouy+ot bowne To fonde nowe ouer t+here fellis. Doo barnes, goo we and trusse to towne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N82 Nay, certis, sothly t+han mon ye drowne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N83 In faythe t+hou were als goode come downe And go do somwhat ellis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N85 Dame, fowrty dayes are nerhand past And gone sen it began to rayne, On lyffe sall no man lenger laste Bot we allane, is nought to layne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N89 Now Noye, in faythe t+he fonnes full faste, This fare wille I no lenger frayne; T+Hou arte nere woode, I am agaste, Farewele, I wille go home agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N93 O woman, arte t+hou woode? Of my werkis t+hou not wotte; All t+hat has ban or bloode Sall be ouere flowed with t+he floode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N97 In faithe, t+he were als goode To late me go my gatte. We! Owte! Herrowe! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N99 What now, what cheere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N100 I will no nare for no-kynnes nede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N101 Helpe, my sonnes, to holde her here, For tille hir harmes she takes no heede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Fil.2 Filius 2 \N103 Beis mery modir, and mende youre chere; This worlde beis drowned, withouten drede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N105 Allas, t+hat I t+his lare shuld lere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N106 T+Hou spilles vs alle, ill myght t+hou speede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.3 Filius 3 \N107 Dere modir, wonne with vs, T+Her shal no t+hyng you greve. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N109 Nay, nedlyngis home me bus, For I haue tolis to trusse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N111 Woman, why dois t+hou t+hus? To make vs more myscheue? \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N113 Noye, t+hou myght haue leteyn me wete; Erly and late t+hou wente t+heroutte, And ay at home t+hou lete me sytte To loke t+hat nowhere were wele aboutte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N117 Dame, t+hou holde me excused of itt, It was Goddis wille withowten doutte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N119 What, wenys t+hou so for to go qwitte? Nay, be my trouthe, t+hou getis a clowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N121 I pray t+he dame, be stille. Thus God wolde haue it wrought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N123 Thow shulde haue witte my wille, Yf I wolde sente t+hertille, And Noye, for t+hat same skylle, T+His bargan sall be bought. Nowe at firste I fynde and feele Wher t+hou hast to t+he forest soght, T+Hou shuld haue tolde me for oure seele Whan we were to slyke bargane broght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N131 Now dame, t+he thar noy+ot drede a dele, For till accounte it cost t+he noght. A hundereth wyntyr, I watte wele, Is wente sen I t+his werke had wrought. And when I made endyng, God gaffe me mesore fayre Of euery ilke a thyng; He bad t+hat I shuld bryng Of beestis and foules y+oynge, Of ilke a kynde a peyre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N141 Nowe certis, and we shulde skape fro skathe And so be saffyd as ye saye here, My commodrys and my cosynes bathe, T+Ham wolde I wente with vs in feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N145 To wende in t+he watir it were wathe, Loke in and loke withouten were. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N147 Allas, my lyff me is full lath, I lyffe ouere-lange t+his lare to lere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia1 Filia 1 \N149 Dere modir, mende youre moode, For we sall wende you with. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N151 My frendis t+hat I fra yoode Are ouere flowen with floode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia2 Filia 2 \N153 Nowe thanke we God al goode That vs has grauntid grith. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia3 Filia 3 \N155 Modir, of t+his werke nowe wolde ye noy+ot wene, That alle shuld worthe to watres wan. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Fil.2 Filius 2 \N157 Fadir, what may t+his meruaylle mene? Wherto made God medilerth and man? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia1 Filia 1 \N159 So selcouthe sight was never non seene, Sen firste t+hat God t+his worlde began. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N161 Wendes and spers youre dores bedene, For bettyr counsell none I can. T+His sorowe is sente for synne, Therfore to God we pray T+Hat he oure bale wolde blynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.3 Filius 3 \N166 The kyng of al mankynne Owte of t+his woo vs wynne, Als t+hou arte lorde, t+hat maye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N169 Y+Oa, lorde, as t+hou late vs be borne In t+his grete bale, som bote vs bede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N171 My sonnes, se y+oe mydday and morne To thes catelles takes goode heede; Keppes t+ham wele with haye and corne; And women, fanges t+hes foules and feede, So t+hat t+hey be noy+ot lightly lorne Als longe as we t+his liffe sall lede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Fil.2 Filius 2 \N177 Fadir, we ar full fayne Youre biddyng to fulfille. ix monethes paste er playne Sen we wer putte to peyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.3 Filius 3 \N181 He t+hat is most of mayne May mende it qwen he wyll. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N183 O barnes, itt waxes clere aboute, T+Hat may y+oe see ther wher y+oe sitte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N185 I, leffe fadir, ye loke t+hareowte, Yf t+hat t+he water wane ought y+oitt. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N187 That sall I do withowten dowte, \#T+Horbe the wanyng may we witte. A, lorde, to t+he I love and lowte. The catteraks I trowe be knytte. Beholde, my sonnes al three T+He clowdes are waxen clere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Fil.2 Filius 2 \N193 A, lorde of mercy free, Ay louyd myght t+hou be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N195 I sall assaye t+he see, How depe t+hat it is here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N197 Loved be t+hat lord t+hat giffes all grace, T+Hat kyndly t+hus oure care wolde kele. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N199 I sall caste leede and loke t+he space, Howe depe t+he watir is ilke a dele. Fyftene cobittis of highte itt hase Ouere ilke a hille fully to feylle; Butte beese wel comforte in t+his casse, It is wanand, t+his \#wate I wele. Therfore a fowle of flight Full sone sall I forthe sende To seke if he haue sight, Som lande vppon to light; T+Hanne may we witte full right When oure mornyng sall mende. Of al t+he fowles t+hat men may fynde The raven is wighte, and wyse is hee. T+Hou arte full crabbed and al thy kynde, Wende forthe t+hi course I comaunde t+he, And werly watte, and yther t+he \#wynd Yf t+hou fynde awdir lande or tree. ix monethes here haue we bene pyned, But when God wyll, better mon bee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia1 Filia 1 \N219 T+Hat lorde t+hat lennes vs lyffe To lere his lawes in lande, He mayd bothe man and wyffe, He helpe to stynte oure striffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia3 Filia 3 \N223 Oure cares are kene as knyffe, God graunte vs goode tydand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N225 Fadir, t+his foule is forthe full lange; Vppon sum lande I trowe he lende, His foode t+her fore to fynde and fange-+- That makis hym be a fayland frende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N229 Nowe sonne, and yf he so forthe gange, Sen he for all oure welthe gon wende, Then be he for his werkis wrange Euermore weried withowten ende. And sertis for to see Whan oure sorowe sall sesse, Anodyr foule full free Owre messenger sall be; T+Hou doufe, I comaunde t+he, Owre comforte to encresse. A faithfull fewle to sende art t+how Of alle within t+here wanys wyde; Wende forthe I pray t+he, for owre prowe, And sadly seke on ilke a side Yf t+he floodes be falland nowe, T+Hat t+hou on t+he erthe may belde and byde; Bryng vs som tokenyng t+hat we may trowe What tydandes sall of vs betyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia2 Filia 2 \N247 Goode lorde, on vs t+hou luke, And sesse oure sorow seere, Sen we al synne forsoke And to thy lare vs toke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Filia3 Filia 3 \N251 A twelmothe bott xij weke Have we be houerand here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N253 Now barnes, we may be blithe and gladde And lowe oure lord of heuenes kyng; My birde has done as I hym badde, An olyue braunche I se hym brynge. Blyste be t+hou fewle t+hat neuere was fayd, That in thy force makis no faylyng; Mare joie in herte never are I hadde, We mone be saued, now may we synge. Come hedir my sonnes in hye, Oure woo away is wente, I se here certaynely T+He hillis of Hermonye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N265 Lovyd be t+hat lord forthy That vs oure lyffes hase lente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N267 For wrekis nowe t+hat we may wynne Oute of t+his woo t+hat we in wore; But Noye, wher are nowe all oure kynne And companye we knwe before? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N271 Dame, all ar drowned, late be thy dyne, And sone t+hei boughte t+her synnes sore. Gud lewyn latte vs begynne, So t+hat we greue oure God no more; He was greved in degre+' And gretely moved in mynde For synne, as men may see: \iDum\r \idixit\r `\iPenitet\r \ime`\r. Full sore forthynkyng was he That euere he made mankynde. That makis vs nowe to tole and trusse; But sonnes, he saide-+-I watte wele when-+- `\iArcum\r \iponam\r \iin\r \inubibus`\r, He sette his bowe clerly to kenne As a tokenyng bytwene hym and vs, In knawlage tille all cristen men That fro t+his worlde were fynyd t+hus, With wattir wolde he neuere \#wast \#yt t+hen. T+Hus has God most of myght Sette his senge full clere Vppe in t+he ayre of heght; The raynebowe it is right, As men may se in sight In seasons of t+he yere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Fil.2 Filius 2 \N295 Sir, nowe sen God oure souerand syre Has sette his syne t+hus in certayne, Than may we wytte t+his worldis empire Shall euermore laste, is noy+ot to layne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N299 Nay sonne, t+hat sall we nouy+ot desire, For and we do we wirke in wane; For it sall ones be waste with fyre, And never wort+he to worlde agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk 9 Nh:Uxor Uxor \N303 A, syre, owre hertis are \#soore For t+hes sawes that y+oe saye here, That myscheffe mon be more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N306 Beis noy+ot aferde t+herfore, Y+Oe sall noght lyffe t+han yore Be many hundereth yhere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Fil.1 Filius 1 \N309 Fadir, howe sall t+his lyffe be ledde Sen non are in t+his worlde but we? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.9 Nh:Noe Noah \N311 Sones, with youre wiffes y+oe sall be stedde, And multyplye youre seede sall y+oe. Y+Ooure barnes sall ilkon othir wedde And worshippe God in gud degre+'; Beestes and foules sall forthe be bredde, And so a worlde begynne to bee. Nowe travaylle sall y+oe taste To wynne you brede and wyne, For alle t+his worlde is waste; Thez beestes muste be vnbraste, And wende we hense in haste, In Goddis blissyng and myne. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N1 Grett God t+hat alle t+his world has wrought, And wisely wote both gud and ille, I thanke hym thraly in my thoght Of alle his laue he lens me tille, That t+hus fro barenhede has me broghte A hundereth wynter to fulfille, Thou graunte me myght so t+hat I mowght Ordan my werkis aftir t+hi wille. For in t+his erthely lyffe Ar non to God more boune Then is I and my wyffe, For frenshippe we haue foune. Vnto me tolde God on a tyde, Wher I was telde vnder a tree, He saide my seede shulde \#be multyplyed Lyke to t+he gravell of t+he see, And als t+he sternes wer strewed wyde, So saide he t+hat my seede schuld be; And bad I shulde be circumcicyd To fulfille t+he lawe-+-t+hus lernynde he me. In worlde wherso we wonne He sendes vs richeys ryve; Als ferre as schynes t+he sonne, He is stynter of stryve. \#Abram first named was I, And sythen he sette a sylypp ma; And my wiffe hyght Sarae And sythen was scho named Sara. But Sara was vncertan thanne That euere oure seede shulde sagates y+oelde, Because hirselfe sho was barrane And we wer bothe gone in grete eelde. But scho wroght as a wyse woman: To haue a barne vs for to beelde, Hir seruand prevely sho wan Vnto my bede my wille to welde. Sone aftir t+han befelle When God oure dede wolde dight, Sho broght forthe Esmaell, A sone semely to sight. Than aftirward when we waxed alde, My wyffe scho felle in feere for same; Oure God nedes tythynges tyll vs talde Wher we wer in oure house at hame, Tille haue a sone we shulde be balde, And Isaak shulde be his name, And his seede shulde springe manyfalde. Gyff I were blythe, who wolde me blame? And for I trowed t+his tythynge, That God talde to me t+hanne, The grounde and t+he begynnyng Of trowthe t+hat tyme beganne. Nowe awe I gretely God to yeelde, That so walde telle me his entente, And noght gaynestandyng oure grete eelde A semely sone he has vs sente. Now he is wight hymselfe to welde And fra me is all wightnes wente, Therfore sall he be my beelde. I lowe hym t+hat t+his lane has lente, For he may stynte oure stryve And fende vs fro alle ill; I love hym as my liff, With all myn herte and will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N65 Abraham, Abraham. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N65 Loo, I am here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N66 Nowe bodeword vnto t+he I brynge: God wille assaye t+hi wille and cheere, Giffe t+hou wille bowe tylle his byddyng; Isaak t+hi sone t+hat is the dere, Whom t+hou loues our alle thyng, To t+he lande of vyssyon wende in feere And there of hym t+hou make offering. I sall t+he shewe full sone The stede of sacrifice. God wille t+his dede be done, And t+herfore t+he avise. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N77 Lord God t+hat lens ay-lastand light, This is a ferly fare to feele. Tille haue a sone semely to sight, Isaak, t+hat I loue full wele-+- He is of eelde to reken right Thyrty y+oere and more sumdele-+- And vnto dede hym buse be dight. God has saide me so for my seele, And biddis me wende on all wise To t+he lande of vysioune, Ther to make sacryfice Of Isaak t+hat is my sone. And t+hat is hythyn thre daies jornay The ganeste gate t+hat I \#cane goo; And sertis, I sall noght say hym nay If God commaunde myself to sloo. Bot to my sone I will noght saye, Bot take hym and my seruantis twoo, And with our \#asse wende forthe our waye; As God has saide, it sall be soo. Isaak, sone, I vndirstande To wildirnesse now wende will we, Thare fore to make oure offerand, For so has God comaunded me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N101 Fadir, I am euere at youre wille, As worthy is withowten trayne; Goddis comaundement to fulfille Awe all folke for to be fayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N105 Sone, t+hou sais me full gode skille, Bott alle t+he soth is noy+ot to sayne. Go we sen we sall t+hertille-+- I praye God sand vs wele agayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N109 Childir, lede forthe oure asse With wode t+hat we sall bryne. Euen as God ordand has, To wyrke we will begynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam1 Famulus 1 \N113 Att youre biddyng we wille be bowne What way in worlde t+hat y+oe wille wende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam2 Famulus 2 \N115 Why, sall we trusse ought forthe a towne In any vncouthe lande to lende? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam1 Famulus 1 \N117 I hope tha haue in t+his sessoune Fro God of heuyn sum solayce sende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam2 Famulus 2 \N119 To fulfille yt is goode reasoune, And kyndely kepe t+hat he has kende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam1 Famulus 1 \N121 Bott what t+hei mene certayne Haue I na knowlage clere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam2 Famulus 2 \N123 It may noght gretely gayne To move of swilke matere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N125 No, noye you noght in no degre+' So for to deme here of oure dede, For als God comaunded so wirke will we, Vntill his tales vs bus take hede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam1 Famulus 1 \N129 All t+hos t+hat wille his seruandis be Ful specially he wille thaym spede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N131 Childir, with all t+he myght in me I lowe that lorde of ilke a lede, And wirshippe hym certayne My will is euere vnto. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Fam2 Famulus 2 \N135 God giffe you myght and mayne Right here so for to doo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N137 Sone, yf oure lord God almyghty Of myselfe walde haue his offerande, I wolde be glade for hym to dye, For all oure heele hyngis in his hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N141 Fadir, forsuth, ryght so walde I, Leuer t+han lange to leue in lande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N143 A, sone, thu sais full wele, forthy God geue t+he grace gratthely to stande. Childir, bide y+oe here still, No ferther sall y+oe goo, For y+oondir I se t+he hill That we sall wende vntoo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N149 Kepe wele oure asse and all oure gere To tyme we come agayne you till. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N151 My sone, t+his wode behoues t+he bere Till t+hou come high vppon yone hill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N153 Fadir, t+hat may do no dere, Goddis comaundement to fullfyll, For fra all wathes he will vs were Wharso we wende to wirke his wille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N157 A, sone, t+hat was wele saide. Lay doune t+hat woode euen here Tille oure auter be grathide-+- And, my sone, make goode cheere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N161 Fadir, I see here woode and fyre, Bot wherof sall oure offerand be? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N163 Sertis son, gude God oure suffraynd syre Sall ordayne it in goode degre+'. For sone, and we do his dessyre, Full gud rewarde tharfore gette wee. In heuyn ther mon we haue oure hyre, For vnto vs so hight has hee. Therfore sone, lete vs praye To God, bothe t+hou and I, That we may make t+his daye Oure offerand here dewly. Grete God t+hat all t+his worlde has wrought And grathely gouernes goode and ill, Thu graunte me myght so t+hat I mowght Thy comaundementis to fullfill. And gyffe my flessche groche or greue oght, Or sertis my saule assentte t+hertill, To byrne all that I hydir broght I sall noght spare yf I shulde spille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N181 Lorde God of grete pouste+' To wham all pepull prayes, Graunte bothe my fadir and me To wirke t+hi wille allweyes. But fadir, nowe wolde I frayne full fayne Wharof oure offerand shulde be grathid? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N187 Sertis sone, I may no lengar layne: Thyselfe shulde bide t+hat bittir brayde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N189 Why fadir, will God t+hat I be slayne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N190 Y+Oa, suthly sone, so has he saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N191 And I sall noght grouche t+heragayne, To wirke his wille I am wele payed; Sen it is his desire, I sall be bayne to be Brittynd and brent in fyre, And t+herfore morne noght for me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N197 Nay sone, this gatis most nedis be gone, My lord God will I noght gaynesaye, Nor neuer make mornys nor mone To make offerand of t+he this day. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N201 Fadir, sen God oure lorde allane Vowchesaffe to sende when y+oe gon praye A sone to you, whan ye had nane, And nowe will that he wende his waye, Therfore faynde me to fell Tille offerand in t+his place; But firste I sall you telle My counsaille in t+his case. I knaw myselfe be course of kynde, My flessche for dede will be dredande. I am ferde t+hat y+oe sall fynde My force youre forward to withstande. Therfore is beste t+hat ye me bynde In bandis faste, boothe fute and hande. Nowe whillis I am in myght and mynde So sall y+oe saffely make offerrande, For fadir, when I am boune My myght may noght avayle. Here sall no fawte be foune To make youre forward faylle. For y+oe are alde and alle vnwelde, And I am wighte and wilde of thoght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N223 To bynde hym t+hat shuld be my beelde! Outtane Goddis will, t+hat wolde I noght. Bot loo, her sall no force be felde, So sall God haue that he has soght. Farewele my sone, I sall t+he y+oelde Tylle hym t+hat all this world has wroght. Nowe kysse me hartely I t+he pray. Isaak, I take my leue for ay-+- Me bus t+he mys. My blissyng haue t+hou enterly, And I beseke God allmyghty He giffe t+he his. Thus aren we samyn assent Eftir thy wordis wise. Lorde God, to t+his take tente, Ressayue thy sacrifice. This is to me a perles pyne, To se myn nawe dere childe t+hus boune. Me had wele leuer my lyf to tyne Than see t+his sight t+hus of my sone. It is Goddis will, it sall be myne, Agaynste his saande sall I neuer schone, To Goddis cummaundement I sall enclyne, That in me fawte non be foune. Therfore my sone so dere, If t+hou will anythyng saye, Thy dede it drawes nere, Farewele, for anes and ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N251 Now my dere fadir, I wolde you praye, Here me thre wordes, graunte me my bone Sen I fro this sall passe for ay; I see myn houre is comen full sone. In worde, in werke, or any waye That I haue trespassed or oght mysdone, Forgiffe me fadir or I dye t+his daye, For his luffe t+hat made bot+he sonne and mone. Here sen we two sall twynne Firste God I aske mercy, And you in more and myne, This day or euere I dy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N263 Now my grete God Adonay That all t+his worlde has worthely wroght, Forgyffe the sone for his mercye, In worde, in worke, in dede and thoght. Nowe sone, as we ar leryd Our tyme may noy+ot myscarie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N269 Nowe farewele all medilerth, My flesshe waxis faynte for ferde; Nowe fadir, take youre swerde, \#Methynke full lange y+oe tarie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N273 Nay, nay sone, nay, I the behete, That do I noght, withouten were. Thy wordis makis me my wangges to wete And chaunges, childe, ful often my cheere. Therfore lye downe, hande and feete, Nowe may t+hou witte thyn oure is nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N279 A, dere fadir, lyff is full swete, The drede of dede dose all my dere. As I am here youre sone To God I take me till, Nowe am I laide here bone, Do with me what y+oe will. For fadir, I aske no more respete, Bot here a worde what I wolde mene: I beseke y+oou or t+hat y+oe smyte Lay doune t+his kyrcheffe on myn eghne, Than may y+ooure offerand be parfite If y+oe wille wirke thus as I wene. And here to God my saule I wite And all my body to brenne bydene. Now fadir be noght myssyng, But smyte fast as y+oe may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N295 Farewele, in Goddis dere blissyng And myn, for euer and ay. That pereles prince I praye Myn offerand heretill haue it, My sacryfice t+his day I praye t+he lorde ressayue it. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N301 Abraham, Abraham. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N301 Loo, here iwys. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N302 Abraham, abide, and halde t+he stille. Sla noght thy sone, do hym no mysse, Take here a schepe thy offerrand tyll, Is sente the fro the kyng of blisse That faythfull ay to t+he is fone; He biddis t+he make offerrand of t+his Here at this tyme, and saffe thy sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N309 I lowe t+hat lord with herte entier That of his luffe t+his lane me lente, To saffe my sone, my darlyng dere, And sente t+his schepe to t+his entente, That we sall offir it to the here-+- So sall it be as t+hou has mente. My sone, be gladde and make goode cheere, God has till vs goode comforte sente. He will noght t+hou be dede, But tille his lawes take kepe; And se son, in thy stede God has sente vs a schepe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N321 To make oure offerand at his wille All for oure sake he has it sente. To lowe t+hat lorde I halde grete skyll That tylle his meny+oe t+hus has mente. This dede I wolde haue tane me till Full gladly lorde, to thyn entent. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N327 A, sone, thy bloode wolde he noght spill, Forthy this shepe thus has he sente; And sone, I am full fayne Of oure spede in t+his place-+- Bot go we home agayne And lowe God of his grace. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N333 Abraham, Abraham. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N333 Loo, here indede. Harke sone, sum saluyng of our sare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Ang. Angel \N335 God sais t+hou sall haue mekill mede For thys goode will t+hat t+hou in ware. Sen t+hou for hym wolde do t+his dede-+- To spille thy sone and noght to spare-+- He menes to multiplie youre seede On sides seere, as he saide are; And yit he hight you this, That of youre seede sall ryse, Thurgh helpe of hym and his, Ouere-hande of all enmys. Luk y+oe hym loue, t+his is his liste, And lelly lyff eftir his laye, For in youre seede all mon be bliste That ther bese borne be nyght or day. If y+oe will in hym trowe or triste He will be with y+oou euere and aye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N351 Full wele wer vs and we it wiste, Howe we shulde wirke his will alwaye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N353 Fadir, t+hat sall we frayne At wyser men t+han wee, And fulfille it ful fayne Indede eftir oure degree. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N357 Nowe sone, sen we t+hus wele hase spede, That God has graunted me thy liffe, It is my wille t+hat t+hou be wedde And welde a woman to thy wyffe; So sall thy sede springe and be spredde In the lawez of God be reasoune ryffe. I wate in what steede sho is stede That t+hou sall wedde, withowten stryffe: Rabek t+hat damysell, Hir fayrer is none fone, The doughter of Batwell T+Hat was my brothir sone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Isaac Isaac \N369 Fadir, as you likes my lyffe to spende I sall assente vnto the same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.10 Ab:Abram Abraham \N371 One of my seruandis sone sall I sende Vnto t+hat birde to brynge hir hame. The gaynest gates now will we wende. My barnes, yee ar noght to blame Y+Oeff y+oe thynke lang t+hat we her lende; Gedir same oure gere, in Goddis name, And go we hame agayne Euyn vnto Barsabe+'. God t+hat is most of mayne Vs wisse and with y+oou be. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N1 O pees, I bidde t+hat no man passe, But kepe t+he cours t+hat I \#comaunde, And takes gud heede to hym t+hat hasse Youre liff all haly in his hande. Kyng Pharo my fadir was, And led t+he lordshippe of this lande, I am his hayre as elde will asse, Euere in his steede to styrre and stande. All Egippe is myne awne To lede aftir my lawe, I will my myght be knawen And honnoured as it awe. Therfore als kyng I commaunde pees To all t+he pepill of t+his empire, That no man putte hym fourthe in prees But t+hat will do als we desire. And of youre sawes I rede you sees, And sesse to me, youre sufferayne sire, That most youre comforte may encrese And at my liste lose liffe and lyre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N21 My lorde, yf any were T+Hat walde not wirke youre will, And we wist whilke thay were Ful sone we \#suld t+haym spill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N25 Thurghoute my kyngdome wolde I kenn, And konne tham thanke t+hat couthe me telle, If any wer so weryd t+hen That wolde aught fande owre forse to fell. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N29 My lorde, t+har are a maner of men That mustirs grete maistris t+ham emell, The Jewes t+hat wonnes here in Jessen And er named the childir of Israell. They multyplye so faste T+Hat suthly we suppose Thay are like, and they laste, Yowre lordshippe for to lose. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N37 Why, devill, what gawdes haue they begonne? Er t+hai of myght to make afrayse? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N39 Tho felons folke, sir, first was fonn In kyng Pharo y+ooure fadyr dayse. Thay come of Joseph, Jacob sonn, That was a prince worthy to prayse, And sithen in ryste furthe are they run, Now ar they like to lose our layse. Thay sall confounde vs clene Bot if t+hai sonner sese. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N47 What devill ever may it mene T+Hat they so fast encrese? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N49 Howe they encrese full wele we kenn, Als oure elders before vs fande, Thay were talde but sexty and ten Whan t+hei enterd into t+his lande. Sithen haue they soionerd here in Jessen Foure houndereth y+oere, t+his we warande, Now are they noumbered of myghty men Wele more t+han thre hundereth thowsande, Withowten wiffe and childe And herdes t+hat kepes ther fee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N59 So myght we be bygillid; Bot certis t+hat sall noght be, For with \#qwantise we sall t+ham qwelle, T+Hat t+hei sall no farrar sprede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N63 Lorde, we have herde oure fadres telle Howe clerkis, t+hat ful wele couthe rede, Saide a man shulde wax t+ham emell That suld fordo vs and owre dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N67 Fy on t+ham, to t+he devell of helle! Swilke destanye sall we noght drede. We sall make mydwayes to spille t+ham, Whenne oure Ebrewes are borne, All t+hat are mankynde to kille t+ham, So sall they sone by lorne. For of the other haue I non awe. Swilke bondage sall we to t+ham bede: To dyke and delfe, beere and drawe, And do all swilke vnhonest dede. T+Hus sall t+he laddis beholden lawe, Als losellis ever thaire lyff to leede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N79 Certis lorde, t+his is a sotell sawe, So sall t+he folke no farrar sprede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N81 Yaa, helpes to halde t+ham doune, T+Hat we no \#fantyse fynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N83 Lorde, we sall ever be bowne In bondage t+ham to bynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N85 Grete God t+hat all t+his grounde began And governes euere in gud degree, That made me Moyses vnto man And saued me sythen out of t+he see-+- Kyng Pharo he comaunded t+han So t+hat no sonnes shulde saued be, Agayns his wille away I wan-+- Thus has God shewed his myght in me. Nowe am I here to kepe, Sett vndir Synay syde, The bisshoppe Jetro schepe, So bettir bute to bide. A, mercy God, mekill is thy myght, What man may of thy meruayles mene! I se y+oondyr a ful selcouth syght Wherof befor no synge was seene. A busk I se yondir brennand bright And t+he leues last ay inlike grene; If it be werke of worldly wight I will go witte withowten wene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:God God \N105 Moyses, come noght to nere Bot stille in t+hat stede dwelle, And take hede to me here, And tente what I t+he telle. I am thy lorde, withoutyn lak, To lengh t+hi liffe euen as me list, And the same God t+hat somtyme spak Vnto thyne elders als t+hei wiste; \#Both Abraham and Ysaac And Jacob, saide I, suld be bliste And multyplyeand, t+ham to mak, So t+hat t+her seede shulde noght be myste. And nowe kyng Pharo Fuls t+hare childir ful faste. If I suffir hym soo T+Hare seede shulde sone be past. To make t+he message haue I mende To hym t+hat t+ham so harmed hase, To warne hym with wordes hende So t+hat he lette my pepull passe, That they to wildirnesse may wende And wirshippe me als whilom was. And yf he lenger gar them lende His sange ful sone sall be `alas'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N129 A, lord, syth, with thy leue, T+Hat lynage loves me noght, Gladly they walde me greve And I slyke boodword brought. Therfore lord, late sum othir fraste T+Hat hase more forse t+ham for to feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:God God \N135 Moyses, be noght abaste My bidding baldely to bere. If thai with wrang ought walde t+he wrayste, Owte of all wothis I sall t+he were. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N139 We, lord, t+hai wil noght to me trayste For al the othes t+hat I may swere. To neven slyke note of newe To folke of wykkyd will, Withouten taken trewe, They will noght take tente t+hertill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:God God \N145 And if they will noght vndirstande Ne take heede how I haue t+he sente, Before the kyng cast downe thy wande And it sall seme as a serpent. Sithen take the tayle in thy hande And hardely vppe t+hou itt hente, In the firste state als t+hou it fande-+- So sall it turne be myn entent. Hyde thy hande in thy barme And \#as \#a \#lepre it sall be like, Sithen hale withouten harme; T+Hi syngnes sall be slyke. And if he wil not suffre than My pepull for to passe in pees, I sall send vengeaunce ix or x To sewe hym sararre, or I sesse. Bot t+he Jewes t+hat wonnes in Jessen Sall noy+ot be merked with t+hat messe, Als lange als t+hai my lawes will kenne T+Her comfort sal I euere encresse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N165 A, lorde, lovyd be thy wille T+Hat makes thy folke so free, I sall tell t+ham vntill Als t+hou telles vnto me. But to the kyng, lorde, whan I come And he ask me what is thy name, And I stande stille t+han, defe and dum, How sal I be withouten blame? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:God God \N173 I saie t+hus \iego\r \isum\r \iqui\r \isum\r, I am he t+hat I am the same, And if t+hou myght not \#meve ne mum I sall t+he saffe fro synne and shame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N177 I vndirstande t+his thyng With al t+he myght in me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:God God \N179 Be bolde in my blissyng, Thy belde ay sall I be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N181 A, lorde of lyffe, lere me my layre T+Hat I t+here tales may trewly tell. Vnto my frendis nowe will I fare, T+He chosen childre of Israell, To telle t+ham comforte of ther care, And of t+here daunger t+hat t+hei in dwell. God mayntayne you and me euermare, And mekill myrthe be you emell. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer1 Puer 1 \N189 A, Moyses, maistir dere, Oure myrthe is al mornyng, We are harde halden here Als carls vndir t+he kyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer2 Puer 2 \N193 Moyses, we may mourne and myne, T+Her is no man vs myrt+hes mase; And sen we come al of a kynne, Ken vs som comforte in t+his case. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N197 Beith of youre mornyng blyne, God wil defende you of your fays. Oute of t+his woo he will you wynne To plese hym in more plener place. I sall carpe to t+he kyng And fande to make you free. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer.3 Puer 3 \N203 God sende vs gud \#tythynge, And allway with you be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N205 Kyng Pharo, to me take tent. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N206 Why, what tydyngis can t+hou tell? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N207 Fro God of heuen t+hus am I sente To fecche his folke of \#Israell; To wildirnesse he walde thei wente. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N210 Y+Oaa, wende t+hou to t+he devell of hell. I make no force howe t+hou has mente, For in my daunger sall t+hei dwelle. And faytour, for thy sake, T+Hei sall be putte to pyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N215 T+Hanne will God vengeaunce take On t+he and on al t+hyne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N217 Fy on the ladde, oute of my lande! Wenes t+hou with wiles to lose oure laye? When is t+his warlowe with his wande T+Hat wolde t+hus wynne oure folke away? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N221 It is Moyses, we wele warrand, Agayne al Egipte is he ay. Youre fadir grete faute in hym fande, Nowe will he marre you if he may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N225 Nay, nay, t+hat daunce is done, T+Hat lordan leryd ouere-late. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N227 God biddis t+he graunte my bone, And late me go my gate. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N229 Biddis God me? Fals lurdayne, t+hou lyes! What takyn talde he, toke t+hou tent? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N231 Y+Oaa sir, he saide t+hou suld despise Botht me and all his comaundement. In thy presence kast on this wise My wande he bad by his assent, And t+hat t+hou shulde t+he wele avise Howe it shulde turne to a serpent. And in his haly name Here sal I ley it downe: Loo ser, se her t+he same. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N240 \#A! Dogg! T+He deuyll t+he drowne! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N241 He saide t+hat I shulde take t+he tayle So for to proue his poure playne, And sone he saide it shuld not fayle For to turne a wande agayne. Loo sir, behalde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N245 Hopp illa hayle! Now certis t+his is a sotill swayne, But t+his boyes sall byde here in oure bayle, For al t+hair gaudis sall noght t+ham gayne; Bot warse, both morne and none, Sall t+hei fare for thy sake. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N251 God sende sum vengeaunce sone, And on t+hi werke take wrake. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N253 Allas, allas, t+his lande is lorne, On lif we may no lenger lende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N255 So grete myscheffe is made sen morne T+Her may no medycyne vs amende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N257 Sir kyng, we banne t+hat we wer borne, Oure blisse is all with bales blende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N259 Why crys you swa, laddis? Liste you scorne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N260 Sir kyng, slyk care was neuere kende. Oure watir t+hat was ordand To men and beestis fudde, Thurghoute al Egipte lande Is turned to rede blude. Full vgly and ful ill is it T+Hat was ful faire and fresshe before. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N267 This is grete wondir for to witt Of all t+he werkis t+hat ever wore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N269 Nay lorde, t+her is anothir y+oitt That sodenly sewes vs ful sore, For tadys and frosshis we may not flitte, Thare venym loses lesse and more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N273 Lorde, grete myses bothe morn and none Bytis vs full bittirlye, And we hope al by done By Moyses, oure enemye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N277 Lorde, whills ve with t+his menyhe meve Mon never myrthe be vs emange. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N279 Go saie we sall no lenger greve-+- But t+hai sall neuere t+he tytar gang. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N281 Moyses, my lord has grauntyd leve At lede thy folk to likyng lande, So t+hat we mende of oure myscheue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N284 I wate ful wele t+har wordes er wrange; That sall ful sone be sene, For hardely I hym heete, And he of malice mene Mo mervaylles mon he mett. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N289 Lorde, allas, for dule we dye, We dar not loke oute at no dore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N291 What deuyll ayles yow so to crye? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N292 We fare nowe werre t+han euere we \#fure. Grete loppis ouere all t+his lande t+hei flye, That with bytyng makis mekill blure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N295 Lorde, oure beestis lyes dede and dry Als wele on myddyng als on more-+- Both oxe, horse and asse Fallis dede doune sodanly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N299 Therof no man harme has Halfe so mekil as I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N301 Y+Ois lorde, poure men has mekill woo To see t+her catell be out cast. The Jewes in Jessen faren noy+ot soo, They haue al likyng in to last. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N305 Go saie we giffe t+ham leue to goo To tyme there parellis be ouer-past-+- But or thay flitte over-farre vs froo We sall garre feste t+ham foure so fast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N309 Moyses, my lord giffis leue Thy men for to remewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N311 He mon haue more mischeff But if his tales be trewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N313 We, lorde, we may not lede this liffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N314 Why, is ther greuaunce growen agayne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N315 Swilke \#poudre, lord, apon vs dryffe That whare it bettis it makis a blayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N317 Like mesellis makis it man and wyffe. Sythen ar they hurte with hayle and rayne; Oure wynes in mountaynes may noy+ot thryve, So ar they threst and thondour-slayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N321 How do thay in Jessen, T+He Jewes, can y+oe aught say? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N323 T+His care nothyng they ken, T+Hay fele no such affray. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N325 No? Devill! And sitte they so in pees And we ilke day in doute and drede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N327 My lorde, t+his care will euere encrese Tille Moyses have leve t+ham to lede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N329 Lorde, war thay wente t+han walde it sese, So shuld we save vs and oure seede, \#Ellis be we lorne-+-t+his is no lese. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N332 Late hym do fourth, t+he devill hym spede! For his folke sall no ferre Yf he go welland woode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N335 T+Han will itt sone be warre, Y+Oit war bettir t+hai y+ooode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N337 We, lorde, new harme is comon to hande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N338 No! Devill! Will itt no bettir be? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N339 Wilde wormes is laide ouere al this lande, T+Hai leve no frute ne floure on tree; Agayne t+hat storme may nothyng stande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N342 Lord, ther is more myscheff thynke me, And thre daies hase itt bene durand, So myrke t+hat non myght othir see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N345 My lorde, grete pestelence Is like ful lange to last. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N347 Owe, come t+hat in oure presence? Than is oure pride al past. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N349 My lorde, t+his vengeaunce lastis lange, And mon till Moyses haue his bone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N351 Lorde, late t+ham wende, els wirke we wrang, It may not helpe to hover na hone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N353 Go saie we graunte t+ham leue to gange In t+he devill way, sen itt bus be done-+- For so may fall we sall t+ham fang And marre t+ham or tomorne at none. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N357 Moyses, my lorde has saide T+Hou sall haue passage playne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N359 And to passe am I paied. My frendes, bees nowe fayne, For at oure will now sall we wende, In lande of lykyng for to lende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer1 Puer 1 \N363 Kyng Pharo, that felowns fende, Will haue grete care fro this be kende, Than will he schappe hym vs to shende And sone his ooste aftir vs sende. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N367 Beis noght aferde, God is youre frende, Fro alle oure fooes he will vs fende. T+Harfore comes furthe with me, Haves done and drede yow noght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer2 Puer 2 \N371 My lorde, loved mott t+hou bee, T+Hat \#us fro bale has brought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer.3 Puer 3 \N373 Swilke frenshippe never before we fande, But in t+his faire defautys may fall. T+He Rede See is ryght nere at hande, T+Her bus vs bide to we be thrall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Moyses Moyses \N377 I sall make vs way with my wande, For God hase sayde he saue vs sall; On aythir syde t+he see sall stande, Tille we be wente, right as a wall. Therfore have y+oe no drede, But faynde ay God to plese. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer1 Puer 1 \N383 T+Hat lorde to lande vs lede, Now wende we all at esse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N385 Kyng Pharro, ther folke er gane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N386 Howe nowe, es ther any noyes of newe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N387 The Ebrowes er wente ilkone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N388 How sais t+hou t+hat? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N388 T+Her talis er trewe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N389 Horse harneys tyte, t+hat t+hei be tane, T+His ryott radly sall t+ham rewe. We sall not sese or they be slone, For to t+he se we sall t+ham sew. Do charge oure charyottis swithe And frekly folowes me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.2 Egyptian 2 \N395 My lorde we are full blithe At youre biddyng to be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N397 Lorde, to youre biddyng we er boune Owre bodies baldely for to bede, We sall noght byde, but dyng t+ham doune Tylle all be dede, withouten drede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Rex Rex Pharao \N401 Hefe vppe youre hartis ay to Mahownde, He will be nere vs in oure nede. Owte! Ay herrowe! Devill, I drowne! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Egip.1 Egyptian 1 \N404 Allas, we dye for alle our dede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.11 Ex:Puer1 Puer 1 \N405 Nowe ar we wonne fra waa And saued oute of t+he see, \iCantemus\r \idomino\r, To God a sange synge wee. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Doctor Doctor \N1 Lord God, grete meruell es to mene Howe man was made withouten mysse, And sette whare he sulde euer haue bene Withouten bale, bidand in blisse; And howe he lost t+hat comforth clene And was putte oute fro paradys, And sithen what sorouse \#sor warr sene Sente vnto hym and to al his; And howe they lay lange space In helle, lokyn fro lyght, Tille God graunted t+ham grace Of helpe, als he hadde hyght. T+Han is it nedfull for to neven How prophettis all Goddis counsailes kende, Als prophet Amos in his steuen Lered whils he in his liffe gun lende: \N16 \iDeus\r \ipater\r \#\idisposuit\r \isalutem\r \ifieri\r \iin\r \imedio\r \iterre\r, \ietc\.\r He sais t+hus: God t+he fadir in heuen Ordand in erthe mankynde to mende; And to grayth it with Godhede euen, His sone he saide t+hat he suld sende To take kynde of mankyn, In a mayden full mylde; So was many saued of syn And the foule fende begyled. And for the feende sulde so be fedd Be tyne, and to no treuth take tentt, God made t+hat mayden to be \#wedde Or he his sone vnto hir sentte. So was the Godhede closed and cledde In wede of weddyng whare thy wente; And t+hat oure blisse sulde so be bredde Ful many materes may be mente: \N32 \iQuoniam\r \iin\r \isemine\r \ituo\r \ibenedicentur\r \iomnes\r \igentes\r, \ietc\.\r God hymself sayde this thynge To Abraham als hym liste: Of thy sede sall vppe sprynge Wharein folke sall be bliste. To proue thes prophettes ordande er, Als Isay, vnto olde and yenge, He moued oure myscheues for to merr, For thus he prayed God for this thynge: \iRorate\r, \iceli\r, \idesuper-+-\r Lord, late t+hou doune at thy likyng T+He dewe to fall fro heuen so ferre, For than the erthe sall sprede and sprynge A seede t+hat vs sall saue, T+Hat nowe in blisse are bente. Of clerkis whoso will craue T+Hus may t+her gatis be mente: T+He dewe to t+he gode haly gaste May be remened in mannes mynde, The erthe vnto t+he mayden chaste, Bycause sho comes of erthely kynde. T+Hir wise wordis ware noght wroght in waste, To waffe and wende away als wynde, For this same prophett sone in haste Saide forthermore, als folkes may fynde: \N56 \iPropter\r \ihoc\r \idabit\r \idominus\r \iipse\r \ivobis\r \isignum\r, \ietc\.\r Loo, he sais t+hus: God sall gyffe Hereof a syngne to see Tille all t+hat lely lyffe, And t+his t+hare sygne sal be, \N60 \iEcce\r \iuirgo\r \iconcipiett\r, \iet\r \ipariet\r \ifilium\r, \ietc\.\r Loo, he sais a mayden mon Here on this molde mankynde omell, Full clere consayue and bere a sonne, And neven his name Emanuell. His kyngdom t+hat euere is begonne Sall never sese, but dure and dwell; On Dauid sege t+hore sall he wonne, His domes to deme and trueth to telle. \N68 \iZelus\r \idomini\r \ifaciet\r \ihoc\r, \ietc\.\r He says, luffe of oure lorde All t+his sall ordan t+hanne; That mennes pees and accorde To make with erthely manne. More of t+his maiden meves me; This prophett sais for oure socoure \iEgredietur\r \ivirga\r \ide\r \iJesse-+-\r A wande sall brede of Jesse boure, And of t+his same also sais hee: Vpponne t+hat wande sall springe a floure Wheron t+he haly gast sall be, To governe it with grete honnoure. That wande meynes vntill vs T+His mayden, even and morne, And t+he floure is Jesus, T+Hat of t+hat blyst bees borne. T+He prophet Johell, a gentill Jewe, Somtyme has saide of t+he same thyng, He likenes Criste euen als he knewe Like to t+he dewe in doune-commyng: \N88 \#\iEro\r \iquasi\r \iros\r; \iet\r \ivirgo\r \iIsraell\r \igerminabit\r \isicut\r \ililium\r. T+He maiden of Israell al newe, He sais, sall bere one and forthe brynge Als t+he lelly floure, full faire of hewe. T+His meynes sa to olde and y+oenge, T+Hat t+he hegh haly gaste Come oure myscheffe to mende In Marie, mayden chaste, When God his sone walde sende. T+His lady is to t+he lilly lyke-+- T+Hat is bycause of hir clene liffe, For in t+his worlde was never slyke One to be mayden, modir, and wyffe. And hir sonne, kyng in heuen-ryke, Als oft es red be reasoune ryfe, And hir husband, bath maistir and meke, In charite+' to stynte all striffe-+- T+His passed all worldly witte, How God had ordand t+haim t+hanne In hir one to be knytte, Godhed, maydenhed, and manne. Bot of t+his werke grete witnes was With forme-faders, all folke may tell. Whan Jacob blyst his sone Judas He tolde t+he tale t+haim two emell: \N112 \iNon\r \iauferetur\r \iseptrum\r \ide\r \iJuda\r, \N112 \#\idonec\r \iueniat\r \iqui\r \imittendus\r \iest\r. He sais t+he septer sall noght passe Fra Juda lande of Israell, Or he comme t+hat God ordand has To be sente feendis force to fell. \N116 \iEt\r \iipse\r \ierit\r \iexpectacio\r \igencium\r. Hym sall alle folke abyde, And stande vnto his steuen. Ther sawes wer signified To Crist, Goddis sone in heuen. For howe he was sente, se we more, And howe God wolde his place puruay; He saide, sonne, I sall sende byfore Myne aungell to rede t+he thy way-+- \N124 \iEcce\r \imitto\r \iaungelum\r \imeum\r \iante\r \ifaciem\r \ituam\r, \N124 \iqui\r \ipreparabit\r \iviam\r \ituam\r \iante\r \ite\r. Of John Baptist he menyd t+hore, For in erthe he was ordand ay To warne t+he folke t+hat wilsom wore Of Cristis comyng, and t+hus gon say: \N128 \iEgo\r \iquidem\r \ibaptizo\r \iin\r \iaqua\r \ivos\r, \iautem\r \N128 \ibaptizabimini\r \ispiritu\r \isancto\r. Eftir me sall come nowe A man of \#myghtis mast, And sall baptis y+oowe In the high haly gast. T+Hus of Cristis commyng may we see How sainte Luke spekis in his gospell: Fro God in heuen es sent, sais he, An aungell is named Gabriell, To Nazareth in Galale+', Where t+han a mayden mylde gon dwell, T+Hat with Joseph suld wedded be; Hir name is Marie-+-t+hus gan he telle. \#How God his grace t+han grayd To man in t+his manere, And how t+he aungell saide, Takes hede, all t+hat will here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Ang. Angel \N145 Hayle Marie, full of grace and blysse, Oure lord God is with t+he And has chosen t+he for his, Of all women blist mot t+hou be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Mary Mary \N149 What maner of halsyng is t+his T+Hus preuely comes to me? For in myn herte a thoght it is, T+He tokenyng t+hat I here see. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Ang. Angel \N153 Ne drede t+he noght t+hou mylde Marie, For nothyng t+hat may befalle, For t+hou has fun soueranly At God a grace ouer othir all. In chastite+' of thy bodye Consayue and bere a childe t+hou sall; This bodword brynge I t+he, forthy His name Jesu sall t+hou calle. Mekill of myght t+han sall he bee, He sall be God and called God sonn. Dauid sege, his fadir free, Sall God hym giffe to sytte vppon; Als kyng for euer regne sall hee, In Jacob house ay for to wonne, Of his kyngdome and dignite+' Shall noo man erthly knaw ne con. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Mary Mary \N169 T+Hou Goddis aungell meke and mylde, Howe sulde it be, I the praye, That I sulde consayve a childe Of any man by nyght or daye? I knawe no man t+hat shulde haue fyled My maydenhode, the sothe to saye; Withouten will of werkis wilde In chastite+' I haue ben ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Ang. Angel \N177 T+He haly gast in t+he sall lighte, Hegh vertue sall to t+he holde, The holy birthe of the so bright God sonne he sall be calde. Loo, Elyzabeth t+hi cosyne ne myght In elde consayue a childe for alde; T+His is t+he sexte moneth full ryght, To hir t+hat baran has ben talde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Mary Mary \N185 Thou aungell, blissid messanger, Of Goddis will I holde me payde; I love my lorde with herte clere, T+He grace t+hat he has for me layde. Goddis handmayden, lo me here To his wille all redy grayd; Be done to me of all manere Thurgh thy worde als t+hou hast saide. Now God t+hat all oure hope is in, Thur the myght of t+he haly gaste, Saue t+he, dame, fro sak of synne, And wisse t+he fro all werkis wast. Elyzabeth myn awne cosyne, Methoght I coveyte alway mast To speke with t+he of all my kynne, Therfore I comme t+hus in t+his hast. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Eliz. Elizabeth \N201 A, welcome mylde Marie, Myne aughen cosyne so dere, Joifull woman am I T+Hat I nowe see t+he here. Blissed be t+hou anely Of all women in feere, And the frute of thy body Be blissid ferre and nere. T+His is joyfull tydyng T+Hat I may nowe here see, T+He modyr of my lord kyng Thus-gate come to me. Sone als t+he voyce of t+hine haylsing Moght myn neres entreand be, T+He childe in my wombe so yenge Makes grete myrthe vnto t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Mary Mary \N217 Nowe lorde, blist be t+hou ay For t+he \#grace t+hou has me lente; Lorde, I lofe t+he, God verray, T+He sande t+hou hast me sente. I t+hanke t+he nyght and day, And prayes with goode entente T+Hou make me to thy paye, To t+he my wille is wentte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Eliz. Elizabeth \N225 Blissid be t+hou grathely grayed To God thurgh chastite+', T+Hou trowed and helde t+he payed Atte his wille for to bee. All t+hat to t+he is saide Fro my lorde so free, Swilke grace is for the layde Sall be fulfilled in t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.12 An:Mary Mary \N233 To his grace I will me ta, With chastite+' to dele, T+Hat made me t+hus to ga Omange his maidens feele. My saule sall louying ma Vnto t+hat lorde so lele, And my gast make ioye alswa In God t+hat es my hele. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N1 Of grete mornyng may I me mene And walke full werily be t+his way, For nowe t+han wende I best hafe bene Att ease and reste by reasoune ay. For I am of grete elde, Wayke and al vnwelde, Als ilke man se it maye; I may nowder buske ne belde But owther in frithe or felde; For shame what sall I saie, That t+hus-gates nowe on myne alde dase Has wedded a yonge wenche to my wiff, And may noy+ot wele tryne over two strase? Nowe lorde, how lange sall I lede t+his liff? My banes er heuy als lede And may noy+ot stande in stede, Als kende it is full ryfe. Now lorde, t+hou \#me wisse and rede Or sone me dryue to dede, T+Hou may best stynte t+his striffe. For bittirly t+han may I banne The way I in t+he temple wente, Itt was to me a bad barganne, For reuthe I may it ay repente. For t+harein was ordande Vnwedded men sulde stande, Al sembled at asent, And ilke ane a drye wande On heght helde in his hand, And I ne wist what it ment. In-mange al othir ane bare I; Itt florisshed faire, and floures on sprede, And thay saide to me forthy T+Hat with a wiffe I sulde be wedde. T+He bargayne I made t+hare, T+Hat rewes me nowe full sare, So am I straytely sted. Now castes itt me in care, For wele I myght eueremare Anlepy life haue led. Hir werkis me wyrkis my wonges to wete; I am begiled-+-how, wate I noy+ot. My y+oonge wiffe is with childe full grete, T+Hat makes me nowe sorowe vnsoght. T+Hat reproffe nere has slayne me, Forthy giff any man frayne me How t+his t+hing \#miy+ot be wroght, To gabbe yf I wolde payne me, T+He lawe standis harde \#agayne me: To dede I mon be broght. And lathe methinket+h, on t+he todir syde, My wiff with any man to defame, And whethir of there twa t+hat I bide I mon noy+ot scape withouten schame. T+He childe certis is noght myne; T+Hat reproffe dose me pyne And gars me fle fra hame. My liff gif I shuld tyne, Sho is a clene virgine For me, withouten blame. But wele I wate thurgh prophicie A maiden clene suld bere a childe, But it is nought sho, sekirly, Forthy I wate I am begiled. And why ne walde som yonge man \#ta her? For certis I thynke ouer-ga hir Into som wodes wilde, Thus thynke I to stele fra hir. God childe ther wilde bestes sla hir, She is so meke and mylde. Of my wendyng wil I none warne, Neuere t+he lees it is myne entente To aske hir who gate hir t+hat barne, Y+Oitt wolde I witte fayne or I wente. All hayle, God be hereinne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Puel.1 Puella 1 \N76 Welcome, by Goddis dere myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N77 Whare is t+hat y+oonge virgine Marie, my berde so bright? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Puel.1 Puella 1 \N79 Certis Joseph, y+oe sall vndirstande T+Hat sho is not full farre you fra, Sho sittis at hir boke full faste prayand For y+oou and vs, and for all t+ha T+Hat oght has nede. But for to telle hir will I ga Of youre comyng, withouten drede. Haue done and rise vppe, dame, And to me take gud hede-+- Joseph, he is comen hame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N89 Welcome, als God me spede. Dredles to me he is full dere; Joseph my spouse, welcome er yhe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N92 Gramercy Marie, saie what chere, Telle me t+he soth, how est with t+he? Wha has ben there? Thy wombe is waxen grete, thynke me, T+Hou arte with barne, allas for care. A, maidens, wa worthe y+oou, T+Hat lete hir lere swilke lare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Puel.2 Puella 2 \N99 Joseph, y+oe sall noy+ot trowe In hir no febill fare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N101 Trowe it noght arme? Lefe wenche, do way! Hir sidis shewes she is with childe. Whose ist Marie? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N103 Sir, Goddis and youres. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N103 Nay, nay, Now wate I wele I am begiled, And reasoune why? With me flesshely was t+hou neuere fylid, And I forsake it here forthy. Say maidens, how es t+his? Tels me t+he sot+he, rede I; And but y+oe do, iwisse, T+He bargayne sall y+oe aby. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Puel.2 Puella 2 \N112 If y+oe threte als faste as yhe can T+Hare is noght to saie t+heretill, For trulye her come neuer no man To waite \#t+he body with non ill Of this swete wight, For we haue dwelt ay with hir still And was neuere fro hir day nor nyght. Hir kepars haue we bene And sho ay in oure sight, Come here no man bytwene To touche t+hat berde so bright. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Puel.1 Puella 1 \N123 Na, here come no man in t+here wanes And t+hat euere witnesse will we, Saue an aungell ilke a day anes With bodily foode hir fedde has he, Othir come nane. Wharfore we ne wate how it shulde be But thurgh t+he haly gaste allane. For trewly we trowe t+his, Is grace with hir is gane, For sho wroght neuere no mys, We witnesse euere ilkane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N134 T+Hanne se I wele youre menyng is T+He aungell has made hir with childe. Nay, som man in aungellis liknesse With somkyn gawde has hir begiled, And t+hat trow I. Forthy nedes noght swilke wordis wilde At carpe to me dissayuandly. We, why gab ye me swa And feynes swilk fantassy? Allas, me is full wa, For dule why ne myght I dy. To me t+his is a carefull cas; Rekkeles I raffe, refte is my rede. I dare loke no man in t+he face, Derfely for dole why ne were I dede; Me lathis my liff. In temple and in othir stede Ilke man till hethyng will me dryff. Was neuer wight sa wa, For ruthe I all to-ryff; Allas, why wroght t+hou swa Marie, my weddid wiffe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N156 To my witnesse grete God I call, T+Hat in mynde wroght neuere na mysse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N158 Whose is t+he childe t+hou arte withall? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N159 Youres sir, and t+he kyngis of blisse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N160 Ye, and hoo t+han? Na, selcouthe tythandis than is t+his, Excuse t+ham wele there women can. But Marie, all t+hat sese t+he May witte t+hi werkis ere wan, Thy wombe allway it wreyes t+he T+Hat t+hou has mette with man. Whose is it, als faire mot t+he befall? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N168 Sir, it is youres and Goddis will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N169 Nay, I ne haue noght ado withall-+- Neme it na more to me, be still! T+Hou wate als wele as I, T+Hat we two same flesshly Wroght neuer swilk werkis with ill. Loke t+hou dide no folye Before me preuely Thy faire maydenhede to spill. But who is t+he fader? Telle me his name. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N178 None but youreselfe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N178 Late be, for shame. I did it neuere; t+hou dotist dame, by bukes and belles! Full sakles shulde I bere t+his blame aftir t+hou telles, For I wroght neuere in worde nor dede Thyng t+hat shulde marre thy maydenhede, To touche me till. For of slyk note war litill nede, Yhitt for myn awne I wolde it fede, Might all be still; T+Harfore t+he fadir tell me, Marie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N188 But God and yhow, I knawe right nane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N189 A, slike sawes mase me full sarye, With grete mornyng to make my mane. Therefore be noy+ot so balde, T+Hat no slike tales be talde, But halde t+he stille als stane. T+Hou art yonge and I am alde, Slike werkis yf I do walde, T+Hase games fra me are gane. Therfore, telle me in priuite+', Whos is t+he childe t+hou is with nowe? Sertis, t+her sall non witte but we, I drede t+he law als wele as t+hou. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N201 Nowe grete God of his myght T+Hat all may dresse and dight, Mekely to t+he I bowe. Rewe on t+his wery wight, T+Hat in his herte myght light T+He soth to ken and trowe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N207 Who had thy maydenhede Marie? Has t+hou oght mynde? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N208 Forsuth, I am a mayden clene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N209 Nay, t+hou spekis now agayne kynde, Slike t+hing myght neuere na man of mene. A maiden to be with childe? T+Hase werkis fra t+he ar wilde, Sho is not borne I wene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N214 Joseph, yhe ar begiled, With synne was I neuer filid, Goddis sande is on me sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N217 Goddis sande? Yha Marie, God helpe! Bot certis t+hat childe was neuere oures twa. But woman-kynde gif \#t+ham list yhelpe, Yhitt walde t+hei na man wiste t+her wa. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N221 Sertis it is Goddis sande \N221 [... ...] T+Hat sall I neuer ga fra. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N223 Yha, Marie, drawe thyn hande, For forther y+oitt will I \#fande, I trowe not it be swa. T+He soth fra me gif t+hat t+hou layne, T+He childe-bering may t+hou noy+ot hyde; But sitte stille here tille I come agayne, Me bus an erand here beside. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N230 Now grete God he you wisse, And mende you of your mysse Of me, what so betyde. Als he is kyng of blisse, Sende yhou som seand of t+his, In truth t+hat ye might bide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N236 Nowe lord God t+hat al t+hing may At thyne awne will bothe do and dresse, Wisse me now som redy way To walke here in t+his wildirnesse. Bot or I passe t+his hill, Do with me what God will, Owther more or lesse, Here bus me bide full stille Till I haue slepid my fille, Myn hert so heuy it is. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Ang. Angel \N246 Waken, Joseph, and take bettir kepe To Marie, t+hat is t+hi felawe fest. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N248 A, I am full werie, lefe, late me slepe, Forwandered and walked in t+his forest. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Ang. Angel \N250 Rise vppe, and slepe na mare, T+Hou makist her herte full sare T+Hat loues t+he alther best. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N253 We, now es t+his a farly fare For to be cached bathe here and t+hare, And nowhere may haue rest. Say, what arte t+hou? Telle me this thyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Ang. Angel \N257 I, Gabriell, Goddis aungell full euen T+Hat has tane Marie to my kepyng, And sente es t+he to say with steuen In lele wedlak t+hou lede t+he. Leffe hir noy+ot, I forbid t+he, Na syn of hir t+hou neuen, But tille hir fast t+hou spede t+he And of hir noght t+hou drede t+he, It is Goddis sande of heuen. The childe t+hat sall be borne of her, Itt is consayued of t+he haly gast. Alle joie and blisse t+han sall be aftir, And to al mankynde nowe althir mast. Jesus his name t+hou calle, For slike happe sall hym fall Als t+hou sall se in haste. His pepull saffe he sall Of euyllis and angris all, T+Hat t+hei ar nowe enbraste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N276 And is this soth, aungell, t+hou saise? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Ang. Angel \N277 Yha, and t+his to taken right: Wende forthe to Marie thy wiffe alwayse, Brynge hir to Bedlem t+his ilke nyght. Ther sall a childe borne be, Goddis sone of heuen is hee And man ay mast of myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N283 Now lorde God full wele is me That euyr t+hat I t+his sight suld see, I was neuer ar so light. For for I walde \#haue hir t+hus refused, And sakles blame t+hat ay was clere, Me bus pray hir halde me excused, Als som men dose with full gud chere. Saie Marie, wiffe, how fares t+hou? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N291 T+He bettir sir, for yhou. Why stande yhe t+hare? Come nere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N293 My bakke fayne wolde I bowe And aske \#forgifnesse nowe, Wiste I t+hou wolde me here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Mary Mary \N296 Forgiffnesse sir? Late be, for shame, Slike wordis suld all gud women lakke. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.13 JM:Joseph Joseph \N298 Yha, Marie, I am to blame For wordis lang-are I to t+he spak. But gadir same nowe all oure gere, Slike poure wede as we were, And prike t+ham in a pak. Till Bedlem bus me it bere, For litill thyng will women dere; Helpe vp nowe on my bak. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N1 All-weldand God in trinite+', I praye t+he lord, for thy grete myght, Vnto thy symple seruand see, Here in t+his place wher we are pight, Oureself allone. Lord, graunte vs gode herberow t+his nyght Within t+his wone. For we haue sought bothe vppe and doune Thurgh diuerse stretis in t+his cite+'. So mekill pepull is comen to towne T+Hat we can nowhare herbered be, T+Here is slike prees; Forsuthe I can no socoure see, But belde vs with t+here bestes. And yf we here all nyght abide We schall be stormed in t+his steede, T+He walles are doune on ilke a side, T+He ruffe is rayued aboven oure hede, Als haue I roo; Say Marie, doughtir, what is thy rede, How sall we doo? For in grete nede nowe are we stedde As t+hou thyselffe the soth may see, For here is nowthir cloth ne bedde, And we are weyke and all werie And fayne wolde rest. Now gracious God, for thy mercie, Wisse vs t+he best. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N29 God will vs wisse, full wele witt y+oe, T+Herfore Joseph be of gud chere, For in t+his place borne will he be T+Hat sall vs saue fro sorowes sere, Bot+he even and morne. Sir, witte y+oe wele t+he tyme is nere He will be borne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N36 T+Han behoves vs bide here stille, Here in t+his same place all t+his nyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N38 Y+Oa sir, forsuth it is Goddis will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N39 T+Han wolde I fayne we had sum light, What so befall. It waxis right myrke vnto my sight, And colde withall. I will go gete vs light forthy, And fewell fande with me to bryng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N45 All-weldand God yow gouerne and gy, As he is sufferayne of all thyng \#For his grete myght, And lende me grace to his louyng T+Hat I me dight. Nowe in my sawle grete joie haue I, I am all cladde in comforte clere, Now will be borne of my body Both God and man togedir in feere, Blist mott he be. Jesu my sone t+hat is so dere, Nowe borne is he. Hayle my lord God, hayle prince of pees, Hayle my fadir, and hayle my sone; Hayle souereyne sege all synnes to sesse, Hayle God and man in erth to wonne. Hayle, thurgh whos myht All t+his worlde was first begonne, Merknes and light. Sone, as I am sympill sugett of thyne, Vowchesaffe, swete sone I pray t+he, That I myght t+he take in t+he armys of myne And in t+his poure wede to arraie t+he. Graunte me t+hi blisse, As I am thy modir chosen to be In sothfastnesse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N71 A, lorde God what t+he wedir is colde, T+He fellest freese t+hat euere I felyd. I pray God helpe t+ham t+hat is alde And namely t+ham t+hat is vnwelde, So may I saie. Now gud God t+hou be my bilde As t+hou best may. A, lord God, what light is t+his T+Hat comes shynyng t+hus sodenly? I can not saie als haue I blisse. When I come home vnto Marie T+Han sall I spirre. A, here be God, for nowe come I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N84 Y+Oe ar welcum sirre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N85 Say Marie, doghtir, what chere with t+he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N86 Right goode Joseph, as has ben ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N87 O Marie, what swete thyng is t+hat on thy kne? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N88 It is my sone, t+he soth to saye, T+Hat is so gud. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N90 Wele is me I bade t+his day To se t+his foode. Me merueles mekill of t+his light T+Hat t+hus-gates shynes in t+his place, Forsuth it is a selcouth sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N95 T+His hase he ordand of his grace, My sone so y+oing, A starne to be schynyng a space At his bering. For Balam tolde ful longe beforne How t+hat a sterne shulde rise full hye, And of a maiden shulde be borne A sonne t+hat sall oure saffyng be Fro caris kene. Forsuth it is my sone so free Be whame Balam gon meene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N106 Nowe welcome, floure fairest of hewe, I shall t+he menske with mayne and myght. Hayle my maker, hayle Crist Jesu, Hayle riall kyng, roote of all right, Hayle saueour. Hayle my lorde, lemer of light, Hayle blessid floure. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N113 Nowe lord t+hat all t+his worlde schall wynne, To t+he my sone is t+hat I saye, Here is no bedde to laye the inne, T+Herfore my dere sone I t+he praye, Sen it is soo, Here in t+his cribbe I myght t+he lay Betwene t+her bestis two. And I sall happe t+he, myn owne dere childe, With such clothes as we haue here. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N122 O Marie, beholde t+hes beestis mylde, They make louyng in ther manere As t+hei wer men. Forsothe it semes wele be ther chere T+Hare lord t+hei ken. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N127 Ther lorde t+hai kenne, t+hat wate I wele, They worshippe hym with myght and mayne; The wedir is colde as ye may feele, To halde hym warme t+hei are full fayne With t+hare warme breth, And oondis on hym, is noght to layne, To warme hym with. O, nowe slepis my sone, blist mot he be, And lyes full warme t+her bestis bytwene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N136 O, nowe is fulfillid, forsuth I see, T+Hat Abacuc in mynde gon mene And prechid by prophicie. He saide oure sauyoure shall be sene Betwene bestis lye, And nowe I see t+he same in sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N142 Y+Oa sir, forsuth t+he same is he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Joseph Joseph \N143 Honnoure and worshippe both day and nyght, Ay-lastand lorde, be done to t+he Allway, as is worthy; And lord, to thy seruice I oblissh me With all myn herte, holy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.14 N:Mary Mary \N148 T+Hou mercyfull maker, most myghty, My God, my lorde, my sone so free, Thy handemayden forsoth am I, And to thi seruice I oblissh me, With all myn herte entere. Thy blissing, beseke I thee, T+Hou graunte vs all in feere. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N1 Bredir, in haste takis heede and here What I wille speke and specifie; Sen we walke t+hus, withouten were, What mengis my moode nowe \#meve \#yt will I. Oure forme-fadres faythfull in fere, Bothe Osye and Isaye, Preued t+hat \#a prins withouten pere Shulde descende doune in a lady, And to make mankynde clerly, To leche t+ham t+hat are lorne. And in Bedlem hereby Sall t+hat same barne by borne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N13 Or he be borne in burgh hereby, Balaham, brothir, me haue herde say, A sterne shulde schyne and signifie With lightfull lemes like any day. And als the texte it tellis clerly By witty lerned men of oure lay, With his blissid bloode he shulde vs by, He shulde take here al of a maye. I herde my syre saye, When he of hir was borne, She shulde be als clene maye As euer she was byforne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N25 A, mercifull maker, mekill is thy myght, That t+hus will to t+hi seruauntes see, Might we ones loke vppon t+hat light Gladder bretheren myght no men be. I haue herde say, by t+hat same light The childre of Israell shulde be made free, The force of the feende to felle in fighte, And all his pouer excluded shulde be. Wherfore, brether, I rede t+hat wee Flitte faste ouere thees felles, To frayste to fynde oure fee, And talke of sumwhat ellis. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N37 We, Hudde! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N37 We, howe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N37 Herkyn to me. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N38 We, man, t+hou maddes all out of myght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N39 We, Colle! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N39 What care is comen to t+he? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N40 Steppe furth and stande by me right, And telle me t+han Yf t+hou sawe euere swilke a sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N43 I? Nay, certis, nor neuere no man. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N44 Say felowes, what, fynde yhe any feest, Me falles for to haue parte, parde+'! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N46 Whe, Hudde, behalde into the heste, A selcouthe sight t+han sall t+hou see Vppon t+he skye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N49 We, telle me men, emang vs thre, Whatt garres yow stare t+hus sturdely? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N51 Als lange as we haue herde-men bene And kepid t+his catell in t+his cloghe, So selcouth a sight was neuere non sene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N54 We, no Colle. Nowe comes it newe inowe, T+Hat mon we fynde \N55 [... ...] \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:[Pa.3] Pastor 3 \N56 Itt menes some meruayle vs emang, Full hardely I you behete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N58 What it shulde mene t+hat wate not y+oee, For all t+hat y+oe can gape and gone. I can synge itt alls wele as hee, And on asaie itt sall be sone Proued or we passe. Yf y+oe will helpe, late see, halde on, For t+hus it was: \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N65 Ha! Ha! t+his was a mery note, Be the dede t+hat I sall dye, I haue so crakid in my throte T+Hat my lippis are nere drye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N69 I trowe t+hou royse, For what it was fayne witte walde I That tille vs made t+his noble noyse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N72 An aungell brought vs tythandes newe A babe in Bedlem shulde be borne, Of whom t+han spake oure prophicie trewe-+- And bad us mete hym t+hare t+his morne-+- T+Hat mylde of mode. I walde giffe hym bothe hatte and horne And I myght fynde t+hat frely foode. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N79 Hym for to fynde has we no drede, I sall you telle achesoune why: Y+Oone sterne to t+hat lorde sall vs lede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N82 Y+Oa, t+hou sais soth. Go we forthy Hym to honnour, And make myrthe and melody, With sange to seke oure savyour. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N86 Breder, bees all blythe and glad, Here is the \#burgh t+her we shulde be. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N88 In t+hat same steede now are we stadde, Tharefore I will go seke and see. Slike happe of heele neuere herde-men hadde; Loo, here is the house, and here is hee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N92 Y+Oa forsothe, t+his is the same, Loo whare t+hat lorde is layde Betwyxe two bestis tame, Right als t+he aungell saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.1 Pastor 1 \N96 The aungell saide t+hat he shulde saue This worlde and all t+hat wonnes t+herin, Therfore yf I shulde oght aftir crave To wirshippe hym I will begynne: Sen I am but a symple knave, T+Hof all I come of curtayse kynne, Loo here slyke harnays as I haue-+- A baren-broche by a belle of tynne At youre bosom to be; And whenne y+oe shall welde all Gud sonne, forgete noy+ot me Yf any fordele falle. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.2 Pastor 2 \N108 T+Hou sonne t+hat shall saue bot+he see and sande, Se to me sen I haue t+he soght; I am ovir poure to make presande Als myn harte wolde, and I had ought. Two cobill notis vppon a bande, Loo, litill babe, what I haue broght, And whan y+oe sall be lorde in lande Dose goode agayne, forgete me noght, For I haue herde declared Of connyng clerkis and clene, That bountith \#askis rewarde; Nowe watte y+oe what I mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.15 S:Past.3 Pastor 3 \N120 Nowe loke on me, my lorde dere, T+Hof all I putte me noght in pres, Ye are a prince withouten pere, I haue no presentte t+hat you may plees. But lo, an horne spone t+hat haue I here-+- And it will herbar fourty pese-+- T+His will I giffe you with gud chere, Slike novelte+' may noght disease. \#Farewele t+hou swete swayne, God graunte vs levyng lange, And go we hame agayne And make mirthe as we gange. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Herod Herod \N1 The clowdes clapped in clerenes t+hat t+her clematis inclosis-+- Jubiter and Jouis, Martis and Mercurij emyde-+- Raykand ouere my rialte+' on rawe me reioyses, Blonderande t+her blastis to blaw when I bidde. Saturne my subgett, t+hat sotilly is hidde, \#Listes at my likyng and laies hym full lowe. The rakke of t+he rede skye full rappely I ridde, Thondres full thrallye by thousandes I thrawe When me likis. Venus his voice to me awe, T+Hat princes to play in hym pikis. T+He prince of planetis t+hat proudely is pight Sall brace furth his bemes t+hat oure belde blithes, T+He mone at my myght he mosteres his myght, And kayssaris in castellis grete kyndynes me kythes. Lordis and ladis, loo, luffely me lithes, For I am fairer of face and fressher on folde-+- T+He soth yf I saie sall-+-seuene and sexti sithis T+Han glorius gulles t+hat gayer is t+han golde In price. How thynke y+oe t+her tales t+hat I talde? I am worthy, witty, and wyse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N23 All kynges to youre croune may clerly comende Youre lawe and youre lordshippe as lodsterne on hight; What traytoure vntrewe t+hat will not attende, Y+Oe sall lay t+haim full lowe, fro leeme and fro light. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N27 What faitoure, in faithe, t+hat dose y+oou offende, We sall sette hym full sore, t+hat sotte, in youre sight. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Herod Herod \N29 In welthe sall I wisse y+oou to wonne or I wende, For y+oe are wightis ful worthy, both witty and wighte. But y+oe knawe wele, ser knyghtis in counsaill full conande, T+Hat my regioun so riall is ruled her be rest, For I wate of no wighte in t+his worlde t+hat is wonnande T+Hat in forges any feloune+', with force sall be fest. Arest y+oe t+ho rebaldes t+hat vnrewly are rownand, Be they kyngis or knyghtis, in care y+oe t+haim cast, Y+Oaa, and welde t+ham in woo to wonne, in t+he wanyand; What browle t+hat is brawlyng his brayne loke y+oe brest, And dynge y+oe hym doune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N40 Sir, what foode in faith will y+oou feese, T+Hat sott full sone myselfe sall hym sesse. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N42 We sall noght here doute to do hym disesse, But with countenaunce full cruell we sall crake her his croune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Herod Herod \N44 My sone t+hat is semely, howe semes t+he ther sawes? Howe comely t+her knyghtis t+hei carpe in t+his case. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Filius Filius \N46 Fadir, if t+hai like noght to listyn youre lawes, As traytoures ontrewe ye sall teche t+hem a trace, For fadir, vnkyndnes y+oe kythe t+hem no cause. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Herod Herod \N49 Faire falle t+he my faire sone, so fettis of face. And knyghtis, I comaunde, who to dule drawes, T+Has churles as cheueleres ye chastise and chase, And drede y+oe no doute. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Filius Filius \N53 Fadir, I sall fell t+ham in fight, What renke t+hat reves you youre right. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mil.1 Miles 1 \N55 With dyntes to dede bes he dight T+Hat liste not youre lawes for to lowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N57 A, lorde that levis, euerelastande \#light, I loue t+he evir with harte and hande, That me has made to se this sight Whilke my kynrede was coveytande. Thay saide a sterne with lemys bright Owte of the eest shulde stabely stande, And t+hat it shulde meffe mekill myght Of \#one t+hat shulde be lorde in lande, That men of synne shulde saff. And certis I sall saye, God graunte me happe to haue Wissyng of redy waye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N69 All-weldand God t+hat all has wroght, I worshippe t+he als is worthye, That with thy brightnes has me broght Owte of my reame, riche Arabie. I shall \#noght seys tille I haue sought What selcouth thyng it sall syngnyfie, God graunte me happe so t+hat I myght Haue grace to gete goode companye, And my comforte encrese With thy sterne schynyng shene; For certis, I sall noght cesse Tille I witte what it mene. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N81 Lorde God t+hat all goode has bygonne And all may ende, both goode and euyll, That made for man both mone and sonne, And stedde yone sterne to stande stone stille, Tille I t+he cause may clerly \#conne, God wisse me with his worthy wille. I hope I haue her felaws \#fonne My yarnyng fat+hfully to fullfille. Sirs, God yowe saffe ande see, And were y+oow euere fro woo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N91 Amen, so myght it bee, And saffe yow sir, also. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N93 Sirs, with youre wille, I wolde yow praye To telle me some of youre entent, Whedir ye wende forthe in this way, And fro what contre+' y+oe are wente? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N97 Full gladly sir I shall y+oou say. A sodayne sight was till vs sente, A royall sterne t+hat rose or day Before vs on the firmament, T+Hat garte vs fare fro home Som poynte therof to preffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N103 Sertis syrs, I sawe t+he same T+Hat makis vs t+hus to moyfe; For sirs, I haue herde saye sertayne Itt shulde be seyne of selcowthe seere, And ferther therof I wolde freyne; That makis me moffe in this manere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N109 Sir, of felashippe are we fayne, Now sall we wende forth all in feere, God graunte vs or we come agayne Som gode hartyng t+herof to here. Sir, here is Jerusalem To wisse vs als we goo, And beyonde is Bedleem, T+Her schall we seke alsoo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N117 Sirs, y+oe schall wele vndirstande, For to be wise nowe were it nede; Sir Herowde is kyng of this lande And has his lawes her for to leede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N121 Sir, sen we neghe now t+hus nerhand, Vntill his helpe vs muste take heede, For haue we his wille and his warande T+Han may we wende withouten drede. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N125 To haue leve of the lorde, T+Hat is resoune and skyll. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N127 And therto we all accorde, Wende we and witte his wille. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N273 A, sirs, for sight what shall I say? Whare is oure syne? I se it noth. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N275 No more do I. Nowe dar I lay In oure wendyng som wrange is wroght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N277 Vnto t+hat prince I rede we praye, That till vs sente his syngne vnsoght, T+Hat he wysse vs in redy way So frendly t+hat we fynde hym moght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N281 A, siris, I se it stande Aboven where he is borne, Lo, here is t+he house at hande, We haue noy+ot myste t+his morne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Anc. Ancilla \N285 Whame seke y+oe syrs, be wayes wilde, With talkyng, trauelyng to and froo? Her wonnes a woman with hir childe And hir husband, her ar no moo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N289 We seke a barne t+hat all shall bylde, His sartayne syngne hath saide vs soo, And his modir, a mayden mylde, Her hope we to fynde t+ham twoo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Anc. Ancilla \N293 Come nere gud syirs and see, Youre way to ende is broght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N295 Behalde here syirs, her and se T+He same t+hat y+oe haue soght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N297 Loved be t+hat lorde t+hat lastis aye, T+Hat vs has kydde t+hus curtaysely To wende by many a wilsom way, And come to t+his clene companye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N301 Late vs make nowe no more delay, But tyte take furth oure tresurry And ordand giftis of gud aray, To worshippe hym als is worthy. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N305 He is worthy to welde All worshippe, welthe, and wynne; And for honnoure and elde Brother, y+oe shall begynne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N309 Hayle, t+he fairest of felde, folke for to fynde, Fro the fende and his feeres faithefully vs fende; Hayll, t+he best t+hat shall be borne to vnbynde All t+he barnes t+hat are borne and in bale \#bende. Hayll, t+hou marc us t+hi men and make vs in mynde, Sen t+hi myght is on molde misseis to amende. Hayll, clene t+hat is comen of a kynges kynde, And shall be kyng of t+his kyth, all clergy has kende. And sith it shall wort+he on t+his wise, Thyselffe haue \#I soght sone, I say t+he, With golde t+hat is grettest of price; Be paied of t+his present I pray t+he. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N321 Hayll, foode t+hat thy folke fully may fede, Hayll floure fairest, t+hat neuer shall fade, Hayll, sone t+hat is sente of t+his same sede T+Hat shall saue vs of synne t+hat oure syris had. Hayll mylde, for t+hou mett to marke vs to mede, Off a may makeles t+hi modir t+hou made; In t+hat gude thurgh grace of thy Godhede Als t+he gleme in t+he glasse gladly t+how glade. And sythyn t+how shall sitte to be demand, To helle or to heuen for to haue vs, Insens to t+hi seruis is semand. Sone, se to t+hi suggettis and saue vs. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N333 Hayll barne t+hat is best oure balys to bete, For our boote shall t+hou be bounden and bett; Hayll frende faithtfull, we fall to thy feete, Thy fadiris folke \#fro \#t+he fende to \#t+he fette. Hayll, man t+hat is made to t+hi men mette, Sen t+hou and thy modir with mirthis ar mette; Hayll duke t+hat dryues dede vndir fete, But whan thy dedys ar done to dye is t+hi dette. And sen thy body beryed shal be, This mirre will I giffe to t+hi grauyng. The gifte is noght grete of degree, Ressayue it, and se to oure sauyng. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Mary Mary \N345 Sir kyngis, y+oe trauel not in vayne. Als y+oe haue ment, hyr may y+oe fynde, For I consayued my sone sartayne Withouten misse of man in mynde, And bare hym here withouten payne, Where women ar wonte to be pynyd. Goddis aungell in his gretyng playne Saide he shulde comforte al mankynde, Tharfore doute yow no dele Here for to haue youre bone, I shall witnesse full wele All t+hat is saide and done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N357 For solas ser now may we synge, All is parformed t+hat we for prayde; But gud barne, giffe vs thy blissing, For faire happe is before t+he laide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N361 Wende we nowe to Herowde t+he kyng For of t+his poynte he will be paied, And come hymselffe and make offeryng Vnto t+his same, for so he saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N365 I rede we reste a thrawe, For to maynteyne our myght, And than do as we awe, Both vnto kyng and knyght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Ang. Angel \N369 Nowe curtayse kynges, to me take tent And turne betyme or y+oe be tenyd, Fro God hymselfe t+hus am I sent To warne yow als youre faithfull frende. Herowde the kyng has malise ment And shappis with shame yow for to shende, And for t+hat y+oe non harmes shulde hente, Be othir waies God will ye wende Euen to youre awne contre+'. And yf y+oe aske hym bone, Youre beelde ay will he be For t+his t+hat y+oe haue done. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N381 A, lorde, I loue t+he inwardly. Sirs, God has gudly warned vs thre, His aungell her now herde haue I, And how he saide. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N384 Sir, so did we. He saide Herowde is oure enmye, And makis hym bowne oure bale to be With feyned falsed, and forthy Farre fro his force I rede we flee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16 Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N389 Syrs, faste I rede we flitte, Ilkone till oure contre+', He t+hat is welle of witte Vs wisse, and with yow be. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N129 Mi lorde ser Herowde, kyng with croune! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N130 Pees dastard, in t+he deueles dispite. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N131 Sir, new nott is full nere t+his towne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N132 What, false losell, liste t+he flighte? Go bette bot+h and dyng t+ham downe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N134 Lorde, messengers shulde no man wyte, It may be for youre awne rennowne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N136 That wolde I here, telle on tyte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N137 Mi lorde, I mette at morne Iij kyngis carpand togedir Of one t+hat is nowe borne, And t+hai hight to come hedir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N141 Thre kyngis, forsothe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N141 Sir, so I saie, For I saughe t+hem myself all feere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N143 My lorde, appose hym we yow praye. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N144 Say felowe, ar they ferre or nere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N145 Mi lorde, t+hei will be here t+his day, T+Hat wotte I wele, withouten were. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N147 Haue done. Dresse vs in riche array, And ilke man make tham mery chere, That no sembland be seene But frenshippe faire and stille, Tille we wete what t+hei meene, Whedir it be gud or ill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N153 The lorde t+hat lenys t+his lastand light Whilke has vs ledde oute of oure lande, Kepe t+he, sir kyng and comly knyght, And all t+hi folke t+hat we here fande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N157 Mahounde, my god and most of myght, T+Hat has myn hele all in his hande, He saffe you sirs, semely in sight; And telle vs nowe som new tythande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N161 Sum shall we saie sir-+- A sterne stud vs byforne, That makis vs speke and spir Of ane t+hat is nowe-borne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N165 Nowe-borne? T+Hat birthe halde I badde; And certis, vnwitty men y+oe werre To lepe ouere lande to late a ladde. Say, when lost y+oe hym? Ought lange before? All wyse men will wene y+oe madde And therfore moffis it neuere more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N171 Y+Ois certis, such hartyng haue we hadde We schall noy+ot seys or we come thore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N173 This were a wondir-thyng. Say, what barne shulde t+hat be? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N175 Sir, he shall be kyng Of Jewes and of Jude+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N177 Kyng? In t+he deuyl way, dogges, fy! Now I se wele y+oe rot+he and raue. Be ony skymeryng of the skye When shulde y+oe knawe owthir kyng or knave? Nay, I am kyng and non but I, That shall y+oe kenne yff t+hat y+oe craue, And I am juge of all Jury, To speke or spille, to saie or saffe. Swilke gawdes may gretely greue, To wittenesse t+hat neuere was. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N187 Lorde, we aske noght but leue Be youre poure to passe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N189 Whedir, in t+he deuyls name? To late a ladde here in my lande? Fals harlottis, but y+oe hye you hame Y+Oe shall be bette and boune in bande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N193 My lorde, to felle t+his foule deffame, Lattis all such wondir falle on hande, And speres t+haim sadly of t+he same, So shall y+oe stabely vndirstande T+Her mynde and t+her menyng, And takis gud tente t+ham too. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N199 I thanke t+he of t+his thyng, And certis so will I doo. Nowe kyngis, to cache all care away Sen y+oe ar comen oute of youre kytht, Loke noght ye legge agayne oure lay, Uppon peyne to lose both lyme and litht. And so t+hat y+oe t+he soth will saye To come and goo I graunte yow grith, And yf youre poynte be to my pay May falle myselfe shall wende you with. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N209 Sir kyng, we all accorde, And says a barne is borne T+Hat shall be kyng and lorde, And leche t+ham t+hat ar lorne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N213 Sir, the thar meruayle nothyng Of t+his ilke nott t+hat t+hus-gate newes, For Balaham saide a starne shulde spring Of Jacobe kynde, and t+hat is Jewes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N217 Sir, Isaie sais a mayden y+oenge Shall bere a sone amonge Ebrewes, T+Hat of all contrees shall be kyng And gouerne all t+hat on erthe grewes; Emanuell shal be his name, To saie, `God sone of heuen', And certis t+his is t+he same T+Hat we now to you neven. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N225 Sirs, t+he proved prophete Osee Full trulye talde in towne and toure, T+Hat a mayden of Israell, sais he, Shall bere one like to t+he lely floure. He menys a barne consayued shulde be Withouten seede of man socour, And is modir a mayden free, And he both sone and saueour. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N233 T+Hat fadirs has talde beforne Has no man myght to marre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N235 Allas, t+han am I lorne, T+His waxith ay werre and werre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N237 My lorde, be y+oe nothyng abast, T+His bryge shall well to ende be broght. Bidde t+ham go furthe and frendly frast T+He soth of t+his t+hat t+hei haue soght, And telle it y+oou-+-so shall y+oe trast Whedir t+her tales be trew or noght. Than shall we wayte t+ham with a wrest And make all wast t+hat t+hei haue wroght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N245 Nowe certis, t+his was wele saide, T+His matere makes me fayne. Sir kyngis, I halde me paide Of all youre purpose playne. Wendis furth youre forward to fulfill, To Bedlem, it is but here at hande; And speris grathe bothe goode and ill Of hym t+hat shulde be lorde in lande; And comes agayne t+han me vntill And telle me trulye youre tythande-+- To worshippe hym, t+hat is my will, T+Hus shall y+oe stabely vndirstande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N257 Sertis syr, we sall you say Alle t+he soth of t+hat childe, In alle t+he hast t+hat we may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N260 Fares wele-+-y+oe be bygilid. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16G Ma:Herod Herod \N261 Nowe certis, t+his is a sotille trayne. Nowe shall t+hei trewly take t+her trace, And telle me of t+hat littil swayne, And t+her counsaill in t+his case. If it be soth t+hei shall be slayne, No golde shall gete t+ham bettir grace. Go we nowe till t+hei come agayne To playe vs in som othir place. This halde I gud counsaill, Yitt wolde I no man wist; For sertis, we shall not faill To loyse t+ham as vs list. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N129 My lorde ser Herowde, kyng with croune! \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N130 Pees dastarde, in t+he deueles dispite. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N131 My lorde, now note is nere t+his towne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N132 What, false harlott, liste t+he flight? Go betis yone boy and dyngis hym downe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Mil.2 Miles 2 \N134 Lorde, messengeres shulde no man wyte, It may be for youre awne renoune. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N136 T+Hat wolde I here, do telle on tyte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N137 My lorde, I mette at morne Thre kyngis carpand togedir Of a barne t+hat is borne, And t+hei hight to come hiddir. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N141 Thre kyngis, forsoth? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N141 Sir, so I say, For I saw t+haim myselffe all fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N143 My lorde, appose hym I you pray. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N144 Say felowe, are they ferre or nere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Nunc. Nuncius \N145 Mi lorde, t+hei will be here t+his day, T+Hat wote I wele, withouten were. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N147 Do rewle vs t+han in riche array, And ilke man make t+ham mery chere, T+Hat no sembelant be sene But frendshippe faire and still, Till we witte what t+hei mene, Whedir it be gud or ill. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N153 The lorde t+hat lenes ay-lastand light Whilke has vs ledde owte of oure lande, Kepe t+he, ser kynge and comely knyght And all thy folke t+hat we her fynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N157 Mahounde, my god and most of myght, T+Hat has myn hele all in his hande, He saffe you sirs, semely in sight; And telle vs nowe som new tithand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N161 Some sall we saie y+oou sir-+- A sterne stode vs beforne, That makis vs speke and spir Of one t+hat is new-borne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N165 New-borne? T+Hat burden halde I bad; And certis, vnwitty men ye wore To leppe ouere lande to laite a ladde. Say, whan loste y+oe hym? Ought lange before? All wise men will wene y+oe madde And t+herfore moves t+his neuer more. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N171 Y+Ois certis, swilke hertyng haue we hadde We will not cesse or we come t+hore. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N173 This were a wondir-thyng. Saie, what barne shulde t+hat be? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N175 Forsoth, he sall be kynge Of Jewes and of Jude+'. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N177 Kyng? In t+he deueles name, dogges, fye! Nowe se I wele y+oe roye and raue. Be any skemeryng of t+he skye When shulde ye knawe outhir kyng or knave? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Fil. Filius \N181 Naye, he is kyng and non but he, T+Hat sall y+oe kenne if t+hat y+oe craue, And he is jugge of all Jurie, To speke or spille, to saie or saffe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N185 Swilke gawdes may gretely greue, To witnesse t+hat nere was. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N187 Nowe lorde, we axe but leve Be youre poure to passe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N189 Whedirward, in t+he deuelis name? To layte a ladde here in my lande? Fals harlottis, bot yhe hye y+oou hame Y+Oe sall be bette and bune in bande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N193 Mi lorde, to fell t+his foule defame, Late alle t+here hye wordis falle on hande, And spere t+haim sadly of t+he same, So sall y+oe stabely vndirstande T+Haire mynde and ther menyng, And takes gud tente therto. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N200 I thanke t+he of thys t+hing, And certis so sall I doo. Nowe kyngis, to cache all care awaye Sen y+oe are comen oute of youre kyth, Loke noght ye legge agaynste oure laye, Vppon payne to lose both lymme and lith. And so t+hat y+oe t+he soth will saye To come and go I graunte you grith, And yf youre poyntes be to my paye May fall myselfe sall wende y+oou with. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N209 Sir kyng, we all accorde, And sais a barne is borne T+Hat sall be kyng and lorde, And leche t+ham t+hat ar lorne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N213 Sir, ye thar meruaylle nothynge Of this ilke noote t+hat t+husgattes newes, For Balaham saide a starne shulde sprynge Of Jacob kynde, and t+hat is Jewes. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.3 Rex 3 \N217 Isaie sais a maiden yonge Sall bere a barne emange Ebrewes, T+Hat of all contrees sal be kynge And gouerne all t+hat on erthe grewes; Emanuell beiths his name, To say, `Goddis sone of heuene', And certis t+his is t+he same T+Hat we here to you neuen. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.1 Rex 1 \N225 Sir, t+he proued prophete Ossee Full trewly tolde in towne and toure, A maiden of Israell, forsoth saide he, Sall bere oone like to lilly floure. He menes a childe consayued sall be Withouten seede of mannys socoure, And his modir a mayden free, And he both sonne and saueour. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N233 That fadres talde me beforne Has no man myght to marre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N235 Allas, t+han am I lorne, T+His wax ay werre and werre. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Cons.1 Consolator 1 \N237 My lorde, be y+oe nothyng abast, T+His brigge tille ende sall wele be broght. Byde t+ham go furth and frendly frayste T+He soth of t+his t+hat t+hei haue soght, And telle it y+oou-+-soo sall y+oe traste Whedir t+her tales be trewe or noght. T+Han sall y+oe waite t+haim with a wraste And make all waste t+hat t+hei haue wroght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N245 Nowe certis, t+his is wele saide, This matere makes me fayne. Sir kyngis, I halde me paied Off all youre purpose playne. Wende furth youre forward to fulfill, To Bedlem is but here at hande; And speris grathely both gud and ille Of hym t+hat shulde be lorde in lande; And comes agayne t+han me vntill And telle me trulye youre tithande-+- To worshippe hym t+han were my will, T+His sall ye stabely vndirstande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Rex.2 Rex 2 \N257 Certis ser, we sall you say T+He soth of t+hat same childe, In all t+he haste we may. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Cons.2 Consolator 2 \N260 Fares wele-+-ye be bygilyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.16M Ma:Herod Herod \N261 Now certis, t+his is a sotell trayne. Nowe sall t+hai trulye take t+here trace, And telle me of t+hat swytteron swayne, And all t+hare counsaille in t+his case. Giffe itt be soth t+hai shall be slayne, No golde shall gete them bettir grace; Bot go we tille they come agayne And playe vs in som othir place. This holde I gude counsaill, Yitt wolde I na man wiste; For certis, we shall noght faile To lose t+ham as vs liste. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Pris. Prisbeter \N1 Almyghty God in heven so hy, The maker of all heven and erth, He ordenyd here all thynges evenly, For man he ment to mend his myrth. In nomber, weight, and mesure fyne God creat here al thyng, I say, His lawes he bad men shulde not tyne, But kepe his commandmentes allway. In the mount of Syney full fayre, And in two tabyls to you to tell, His lawes to Moyses tuke God there To geve to the chylder of Israell, That Moyses \#shuld theme gyde alway, And lerne theme lely to knowe Goddes wyll, And that he shulde not it denay, But kepe his lawes stable and styll. For payn that he hadd putt therefore, To stone all theme that kepis it nott Vtterly to death, both lesse and moore; There shulde no marcy for them be soght. Therefore kepe well Goddes commandement, And leyd your lyf after his lawes, Or ells surely ye mon be shent Bothe lesse and moore, ylkone on rawes. This is his wyll after Moyses lawe: That ye shulde bryng your beistes good And offer theme here your God to knawe, And frome your synns to turne your moode. Suche beestes as God hais marked here, Vnto Moyses he spake as I yow tell, And bad hyme boldly with good chere, To say to the chylder of Israell That after dyvers seknes seer And after dyvers synes alsoo, Go bryng your beestes to the preest even here To offer theme vp in Goddes sight, loo. The woman that hais borne her chylde, She shall comme hether at the forty day To be puryfied where she was fylde, And bryng with her a lame, I say, And two dove-byrdes for her offerand, And take them to the preest of lay To offer theme vp with his holy hand; There shulde no man to this say nay. The lame is offeryd for Goddes honour In sacrefyes all onely dight, And the preistes prayer purchace secure For the woman that was fylyd in God sight. And yf so be that she be power And haue no lame to offer, than Two tyrtle-doves to Godes honoure To bryng with her for her offrand. Loo, here am I preest present alway, To resave all offerandes that hydder is broght, And for the people to God to pray That helth and lyfe to theme be wroght. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Anna Anna \N57 Here in this holy playce I say Is my full purpose to abyde, To serve my God bothe nyght and day With prayer and fastyng in ever-ylk a tyde. For I haue beyn a wyddo this threscore yere And foure yere to, the truthe to tell, And here I haue terryed with full good chere For the redempcyon of Israell. And so for my holy conversacion Grete grace to me hais nowe God sent, To tell by profecy for mans redempcion What shall befall by Goddes intent. I tell you all here in this place, By Godes vertue in prophecy, That one is borne to oure solace, Here to be present securely Within short space, Of his owen mother, a madyn free, Of all vyrgens moost chaist suthly, The well of mekenes, blyssed myght she be, Moost full of grace. And Symeon, that senyour That is so semely in Godes sight, He shall hyme se and do honour And in his armes he shall hym plight, That worthy leyd. Of the holy goost he shall suthly Take strength, and answere when he shall hy Furth to this temple and place holy To do t+hat deyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Symeon Symeon \N87 A, blyssed God, thowe be my beylde And beat my baill bothe nyght and day, In hevynes my hart is hylde, Vnto myself, loo thus I say. For I ame wayke and all vnwelde, My welth ay wayns and passeth away, Whereso I fayre in fyrth or feylde I fall ay downe for febyll, in fay. In fay I fall whereso I fayre, In hayre and hewe and hyde I say. Owte of this worlde I wolde I were, Thus wax I warr and warr alway And my myscheyf growes in all that may. Bot thowe myghty lorde my mornyng mar; Mar ye, for it shulde me well pay, So happy to se hyme yf I warr. Nowe certys then shulde my gamme begynne And I myght se hyme, of hyme to tell, That one is borne withouten synne And for \#mankynde mans myrth to mell. Borne of a woman and madyn fre, As wytnesse Davyt and Danyell, Withouten synne or velanye, As said also Isacheell. And Melachiell that proffett snell Hais tolde vs of that babb so bright, That he shulde comme with vs to dwell In our temple as leme of light. And other proffettes prophesieth And of this blyssed babb dyd mell, And of his mother, a madyn bright, In prophecy the truth gan tell, That he shulde comme and harro hell As a gyant grathly to glyde, And fersly the feyndes malles to fell And putt there poors all on syde. The worthyest wight in this worlde so wyde His vertues seer no tong can tell, He sendes all soccour in ylke tyde As redemption of Israell. Thus say they all, There patryarkes and ther prophettes clere: `A babb is borne to be oure fere, Knytt in oure kynde for all our chere To grete and small'. Ay, well were me for ever and ay If I myght se that babb so bright Or I were buryed here in clay, Then wolde my cors here mend in myght Right faithfully. Nowe lorde, thowe grant to me thy grace To lyf here in this worlde a space, That I myght se that babb in his face Here or I dy. A, lorde God, I thynke may I endure, Trowe we that babb shall fynde me here; Nowe certys with aige I ame so power That ever it abaites my chere. Yet yf kynde fale for aige in me, God yett may length my lyfe suthly, Tyll I that babb and foode so free Haue seyn in sight. For trewly, yf I wyst \#relesse Thare shulde nothyng my hart dyseas; Lorde, len me grace yf that thowe pleas And make me light. When wyll thowe comme babb? Let se, haue done; Nay, comme on tyte and tarry nott, For certys my lyf-days are nere done, For aige to me grete wo hais wroght. Great wo is wroght vnto mans harte Whan he muste want that he wolde haue; I kepe no longar to haue quarte For I haue seen that I for crave. A, trowes thowe these ij eyes shall see That blyssed babb or they be owte? Ye, I pray God so myght it be-+- Then were I putt all owte of dowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Ang. Angel \N165 Olde Symeon, Gods seruaunt right, \#Bodworde to the I bryng I say, For the holy goost moost of myght, He says thowe shall not dye away To thowe haue seen Jesu the babb that Mary bare, For all mankynde to slake there care. He shall do comforth to lesse and mayr, Both morne and even. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Symeon Symeon \N174 A, lorde, gramarcy nowe I say That thowe this grace hais to me hight, Or I be buryed here in clay To se that semely beam so bright. No man of molde may haue more happ To my solace and myrth allway, Than for to se that Mary lapp Jesu my joy and savyour ay, Blyssyd be his name. Loo, nowe mon I se, the truth to tell, The redempcion of Israell, Jesu my lorde Emanuell, Withouten blame. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N187 Joseph my husbonde and my feer, Ye take to me grathely entent, I wyll you showe in this manere What I wyll do, thus haue I ment: Full xl days is comme and went Sens that my babb Jesu was borne, Therefore I wolde he were present As Moyses lawes sais hus beforne, Here in this temple before Goddes sight As other women doith in feer, So methynke good skyll and right The same to do nowe with good chere, After Goddes sawe. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N200 Mary my spowse and madyn clene, This matter that thowe moves to me Is for all these women bedene That hais conceyved with syn fleshely To bere a chylde. The lawe is ledgyd for theme right playn, That they muste be puryfied agayne, For in mans pleasoure for certayn Before were they fylyd. But Mary, byrde, thowe neyd not soo For this cause to be puryfiede, loo, In Goddes temple. For certys thowe arte a clene vyrgyn For any thoght thy harte within, Nor never wroght no flesly synne Nor never yll. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N216 That I my madenheade hais kept styll It is onely throgh Godds wyll, That be ye bold. Yett to fulfyll the lawe ewysse, That God almyghty gon expresse, And for a sample of mekenesse Offer I wolde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N223 A, Mary, blyssed be thowe ay, Thowe thynkes to do after Goddes wyll, As thowe haist said Mary, I say, I will hartely consent theretyll Withouten dowte. Wherefore we dresse vs furth oure way And make offerand to God this day, Even lykwyse as thyself gon say With hartes devowte. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N232 Therto am I full redy dight, But one thyng Joseph I wolde you meyve. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N234 Mary my spouse and madyn bright, Tell on hartely, what is your greyf? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N236 Both beest and fewll hus muste neydes haue, As a lambe and ij dove-byrdes also. Lame haue we none nor none we crave, Therefore Joseph what shall we do, What is your read? And we do not as custome is, We are worth to be blamyd iwysse, I wolde we dyd nothyng amys As God me speyd. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N245 A, good Mary, the lawe is this: To riche to offer bothe the lame and the byrd, And the \#poore ij tyrtles iwys. Or two doyf-byrdes shall not be fyrd For our offerand; And Mary, we haue doyf-byrdes two As falls for hus, therefore we goo-+- They ar here in a panyer, loo, Reddy at hand. And yf we haue not both in feer, The lame, the burd, as ryche men haue, Thynke that vs muste present here Oure babb Jesus, as we voutsaue Before Godes sight. He is our lame Mary, kare the not, For riche and power none better soght; Full well thowe hais hym hither broght, This our offerand right. He is the lame of God I say, That all our syns shall take away Of this worlde here. He is the lame of God verray That muste hus fend frome all our fray, Borne of thy wombe, all for our \#pay And for our chere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N270 Joseph my spowse, ye say full trewe, Than lett vs dresse hus furth our way. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N272 Go we than Mary, and do oure dewe, And make meekly offerand this day. Lo, here is the tempyll on this hyll And also preest ordand by skyll, Power havand. And Mary, go we thyther forthy, And lett vs both knele devowtly, And offre we vp to God meekly Our dewe offrand. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N281 Vnto my God highest in heven And to this preest ordand by skyll, Jesu my babb I offer hyme Here with my harte and my good wyll Right hartely. Thowe pray for hus to God on hyght Thowe preest, present here in his myght, At this deyd may be in his sight Accept goodly. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N290 Loo sir, and two doyf-byrddes ar here, Receyve them with your holy handes, We ar no better of power, For we haue neyther rentes ne landes Trewely. Bott good sir, pray to God of myght To accepte this at we haue dight, That we haue offeryd as we arr hight Here hartely. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Pris. Prisbeter \N299 O God and graunter of all grace, Blyst be thy name both nyght and day, Accepte there offerand in this place That be here present to the alway. A, blyssed lorde, say never nay, But lett \#thys offerand be boot and beylde Tyll all such folke lyvand in clay, That thus to the mekly wyll heyld; That this babb lord, present in thy sight, Borne of a madyns wombe vnfylde, Accepte for there specyall gyft Gevyn to mankynde, both man and chylde, So specyally. And this babb borne and here present May beylde vs, that we be not shent, But ever reddy his grace to hent Here verely. A, blyssyd babb, welcome thowe be, Borne of a madyn in chaistety, Thowe art our beylde, babb, our gamme and our glee Ever sothly. Welcome oure wytt and our wysdome, Welcome, our joy all and somme, Welcomme \iredemptour\r \iomnium\r Tyll hus hartely. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Anna Anna \N324 Welcome blyssed Mary and madyn ay, Welcome, mooste meke in thyne array; Welcome bright starne that shyneth bright as day, All for our blys. Welcome, the blyssed beam so bryght, Welcome the leym of all oure light, Welcome that all pleasour hais plight To man and wyfe. Welcome thowe blyssed babb so free, Welcome oure welfayre wyelly And welcome all our seall, suthly, To grete and small. Babb, welcome to thy beyldly boure, Babb, welcome nowe for our soccoure, And babb, welcomme with all honour Here in this hall. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Ang. Angel \N340 Olde Symeon, I say to the Dresse the furth in thyne array, Come to the temple, there shall t+hu see Jesus that babb that Mary barre, That be thowe bolde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Symeon Symeon \N345 A, lorde, I thanke t+he ever and ay, Nowe am I light as leyf on tree, My age is went, I feyll no fray, Methynke for this that is tolde me I ame not olde. Nowe wyll I to yon temple goo To se the babb that Mary bare, He is my helth in well and woo, And helps me ever frome great care. Haill blyssed babb that Mary bare, And blyssed be thy mother, Mary mylde, Whose wombe that yeildyd fresh and fayr And she a clean vyrgen ay vnfyld. Haill babb, the father of heven own chylde Chosen to chere vs for our myschance; No erthly tong can tell \#vnfylyd What thy myght is in every chance. Haill, the moost worthy to enhance, Boldly thowe beylde frome all yll, Withoute thy beylde we gytt grevance And for our deydes here shulde we spyll. Haill floscampy and flower vyrgynall, The odour of thy goodnes reflars to vs all. Haill, moost happy to great and to small For our weyll. Haill ryall roose, moost ruddy of hewe, Haill flour vnfadyng, both freshe ay and newe, Haill the kyndest in comforth that ever man knewe For grete heyll. And mekly I beseke the here where I kneyll To suffre thy servant to take the in hand, And in my narmes for to heue the here for my weyll, And where I bound am in bayll to bait all my bandes. Nowe come to me, lorde of all landes, Comme myghtyest by see and by sandes, Come myrth by strete and by strandes On moolde. Come halse me, the babb that is best born, Come halse me, the myrth of our morne, Come halse me, for ells I ame lorne For olde. I thanke the lord God of thy greet grace That thus haith sparyd me a space, This babb in my narmes for to inbrace As the prophecy \#telles. I thanke the that me my lyfe lent, I thanke the that me thus seyll sent, That this sweyt babb, that I in armes hent With myrth my \#myndes alwais melles. Mellyd are my myndes ay with myrth, Full fresh nowe I feyll is my force, Of thy grace thowe gave me this gyrth Thus comly to catch here thy corse Moost semely in sight. Of helpe thus thy freynd never faills, Thy marcy as every man avaylls, Both by downes and by daylls, Thus mervelous and muche is thy myght. A, babb, be thowe blyssed for ay, For thowe art my savyour I say And thowe here rewles me in fay, In all my lyfe. Nowe blist be t+hi name, For thowe saves hus fro shame, And here thou beyld vs fro blame And frome all stryfe. Nowe care I no moore for my lyfe Sen I haue seen here this ryall so ryfe, My strength and my stynter of stryfe I you say. In peace lorde nowe leyf thy servand For myne eys haith seyn that is ordand, The helth for all men that be levand Here for ay. That helth lorde hais thowe ordand I say Here before the face of thy people, And thy light hais thowe shynyd this day To be knowe of thy folke that was febyll For evermore. And thy glory for the chylder of Israell, That with the in thy kyngdome shall dwell Whan the damnyd shall be drevyn to hell Than with great care. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N428 Mary, my spowse and madyn mylde, In hart I marvell here greatly Howe these folke spekes of our chylde. They say and tells of great maistry That he shall doo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Mary Mary \N433 Yea certes, Joseph, I marvell also, But I shall bere it full styll in mynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Joseph Joseph \N435 God geve hyme grace here well to do, For he is comme of gentyll kynde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.17 Pu:Symeon Symeon \N437 Harke Mary, I shall tell the t+he truth or I goo. This was putt here to welde vs fro \#wo, In redemption of many and recover also, I the say. And the sworde of sorro thy hart shal thyrll Whan thowe shall se sothly thy son soffer yll For the well of all wrytches, t+hat shall be his wyll Here in fay. But to be comforth agayn right well thowe may, And in harte to be fayne, the suth I the say, For his myght is so muche thare can no tong say nay Here to his wyll. For this babb as a \#gyant full graythly shall glyde And the myghtiest mayster shall meve on ylke syde, To all the wightes that wons in this worlde wyde, For good or for yll. Tharefore babb, beylde vs that we here not spyll, And fayrwell the former of all at thy wyll, Fayrwell starne stabylyst by lowde and be styll, In suthfastnes. Fayrwell the ryolest roose that is renyng, Fayrwell the babb best in thy beryng, Fayrwell God son, thowe grant vs thy blyssyng To \#fyne our dystresse. \LDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N1 Thow maker t+hat is most of myght, To thy mercy I make my mone; Lord, se vnto t+his symple wight T+Hat hase non helpe but t+he allone. For all t+his worlde I haue forsaken, And to thy seruice I haue me taken With witte and will For to fulfill T+Hi commaundement. T+Heron myn herte is sette With grace t+hou has me lente, T+Hare schall no lede me lette. For all my triste lorde is in t+he That made me man, to thy liknes. Thow myghtfull maker, haue mynde on me And se vnto my sympplenes. I waxe wayke as any wande, For febill me faylles both foote and hande; Whateuere it mene, Methynke myne eyne Hevye as leede. T+Herfore I halde it best A whille her in t+his stede To slepe and take my reste. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N25 Thow luffely lord t+hat last schall ay, My God, my lorde, my sone so dere, To thy Godhede hartely I pray With all myn harte holy entere. As t+hou me to thy modir chaas, I beseke t+he of thy grace For all mankynde T+Hat has in mynde To wirshippe t+he. T+Hou se thy saules to saue, Jesu my sone so free, T+His bone of t+he I crave. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Ang. Angel \N37 Wakyn Joseph, and take entent, My sawes schall seece thy sorowe sare. Be noght heuy, t+hi happe is hentte, T+Harefore I bidde t+he slepe no mare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N41 A, myghtfull lorde, whateuere t+hat mente? So swete a voyce herde I neuere ayre. But what arte t+hou with steuen so shylle T+Hus in my slepe t+hat spekis me till? To me appere And late me here What t+hat t+hou was. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Ang. Angel \N48 Joseph, haue t+hou no drede, T+Hou shalte witte or I passe, Therefore to me take hede. For I am sente to t+he, Gabriell, Goddis aungell bright, Is comen to bidde t+he flee With Marie and hir worthy wight. For \#Herowde t+he kyng gars doo to dede All knave-childer in ilke a stede, T+Hat he may ta With y+oeris twa T+Hat are of olde. Tille he be dede, away In Egipte shall y+oe beelde Tille I witte t+he for to saie. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N63 Aye-lastand lord, loved mott t+hou be That thy swete sande wolde to me sende. But lorde, what ayles t+he kyng at me, For vnto hym I neuere offende? Allas, what ayles hym for to spille Smale y+oonge barnes t+hat neuere did ille In worde ne dede, Vnto no lede Be nyght nor day? And sen he wille vs schende, Dere lorde, I t+he praye, T+Hou wolde be oure frende, For be he neuere so wode or wrothe For all his force t+hou may vs fende. I praye t+he lorde, kepe us fro skathe, Thy socoure sone to vs t+hou sende; For vnto Egipte wende we will Thy biddyng baynly to fulfill, As worthy is T+Hou kyng of blisse, T+Hi will be wroght. Marie my doughtir dere, On t+he is all my t+hought. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N86 A, leue Joseph, what chere? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N87 T+He chere of me is done for ay. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N88 Allas, what tythandis herde haue y+oe? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N89 Now certis, full ille to t+he at saye, Ther is noght ellis but us most flee Owte of oure kyth where we are knowyn, Full wightely bus vs be withdrawen, Both t+hou and I. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N94 Leue Joseph, why? Layne it noght, To doole who has vs demed, Or what wronge haue we wroght Wherfore we shulde be flemyd? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N99 Wroght we harme? Nay, nay, all wrange, Wytte t+hou wele it is noght soo. T+Hat yonge page liffe t+hou mon forgange But yf t+hou fast flee fro his foo. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N103 His foo? Allas, what is youre reede, Wha wolde my dere barne do to dede? I durk, I dare, Whoo may my care Of balis blynne? To flee I wolde full fayne, For all t+his worlde to wynne Wolde I noght se hym slayne. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N111 I warne t+he he is thraly thrette With Herowde kyng, harde harmes to haue. With t+hat mytyng yf t+hat we be mette T+Her is no salue t+hat hym may saue. I warne t+he wele, he sleeis all Knave-childir, grete and small, In towne and felde Within t+he elde Of two y+oere, And for thy sones sake. He will fordo t+hat dere, May t+hat traytoure hym take. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N123 Leue Joseph, who tolde yow t+his? How hadde y+oe wittering of t+his dede? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N125 An aungell bright t+hat come fro blisse This tythandis tolde withouten drede, And wakynd me oute of my slepe T+Hat comely childe fro cares to kepe, And bad me flee With hym and t+he Onto Egipte. And sertis I dred me sore To make any smale trippe, Or tyme t+hat I come t+hare. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N135 What ayles t+hei at my barne Slike harmes hym for to hete? Allas, why schulde I \#tharne My sone his liffe so swete? His harte aught to be ful sare, On slike a foode hym to forfare T+Hat nevir did ill, Hym for to spill, And he ne wate why. I ware full wille of wane My sone and he shulde dye, And I haue but hym allone. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N147 We, leue Marie, do way, late be! I pray t+he, leue of thy dynne, And fande t+he furthe faste for to flee, Away with hym for to wynne, That no myscheue on hym betyde, Nor none vnhappe in no-kyn side Be way nor strete, T+Hat we non mete To slee hym. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N156 Allas Joseph, for care, Why shuld I forgo hym, My dere barne t+hat I bare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N159 T+Hat swete swayne yf t+hou saue Do tyte pakke same oure gere, And such smale harnes as we haue. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N162 A, leue Joseph, I may not bere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N163 Bere arme? No, I trowe but small. But God it wote I muste care for all, For bed and bak And alle t+he pakke T+Hat nedis vnto vs. It fortheres to fene me; T+His pakald bere me bus, Off of all I plege and pleyne me. But God graunte grace I noght forgete No tulles t+hat we schulde with vs take. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N173 Allas Joseph, for greuaunce grete, Whan shall my sorowe slake, For I wote noght whedir to fare? \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N176 To Egipte-+-talde I t+he lang are. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N177 Whare standith itt? Fayne wolde I witt. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N179 What wate I? I wote not where it \#stande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N181 Joseph, I aske mersy, Helpe me oute of t+his lande. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N183 Nowe certis Marie, I wolde full fayne Helpe t+he al t+hat I may, And at my poure me peyne To wynne with hym and t+he away. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N187 Allas, what ayles t+hat feende T+Hus wilsom wayes make vs to wende? He dois grete synne, Fro kyth and kynne He gares vs flee. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N192 Leue Marie, leue thy grete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N193 Joseph, full wo is me For my dere sone so swete. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N195 I pray t+he Marie, happe hym warme And sette hym softe t+hat he noght syle, And yf t+hou will ought ese thyn arme Gyff me hym, late me bere hym awhile. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N199 I thanke you of youre grete goode dede; Nowe gud Joseph tille hym take hede, T+Hat fode so free, Tille hym y+oe see Now in this tyde. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N204 Lat me and hym allone, And yf t+hou can ille ride Haue and halde t+he faste by t+he mane. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N207 Allas Joseph, for woo, Was neuer wight in worde so will. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Joseph Joseph \N209 Do way Marie, and say nought soo, For t+hou schall haue no cause thertill. For witte t+hou wele, God is oure frende, He will be with vs wherso we lende. In all oure nede He will vs spede, T+His wote I wele. I loue my lorde of all; Such forse methynke I fele, I may go where I schall. Are was I wayke, nowe am I wight, My lymes to welde ay at my wille. I loue my maker most of myght That such grace has graunte me tille. Nowe schall no hatyll do vs harme, I haue oure helpe here in myn arme. He wille vs fende Wherso we lende Fro tene and tray. Late vs goo with goode chere-+- Farewele and haue gud day-+- God blisse vs all in fere. \SDr. Cyc. Yk.18 Fl:Mary Mary \N231 Amen as he beste may.