Alexander A The Gestes of Ye worYie King and Emperour, Alisaunder of Macedoine Prepared by Hoyt N. Duggan, Department of English, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 7 is used for thorn and 3 for yogh. Lines 79-500 were prepared separately. This text represents a first copy and has not been carefully proofread. A 1 Yee 7at lengen in londe lordes and o7er A 2 Beurnes or bacheleres 7at boldely thenken A 3 Outher in werre or in wo wightly to dwell A 4 For to achen hem loose in hur lifetime A 5 Or dere thinken to do deedes of armes A 6 To be proved for pris and prest of hemselve A 7 Tend yee tytely to mee and take goode heede A 8 I shall sigge forsothe ensaumples ynow A 9 Of one 7e boldest beurn and best of his deedes A 10 That ever steede bestrode or sterne was holden A 11 Now shall I carp of a king kid in his time A 12 7at had londes and li7es and lordshipes feole A 13 Amyntas 7e mightie was 7e man hoten A 14 Maister of Macedoine 7e marches hee aught A 15 Bothe feeldes and frithes faire all aboute A 16 Trie towres and tounes terme of his life A 17 And kept 7e croune as a king sholde A 18 7en this cumlich king and keene in his time A 19 Had wedde a wife as hym well thought A 20 And long ladden hur life in lond togeder A 21 Twoo seemlich sonnes soone they hadden A 22 7e alder hight Alisaunder as I right tell A 23 And Sir Philip forsoothe his frobroder hight A 24 Cas fel 7at 7is kyng as Christe wolde 7anne A 25 Was with siknes ofsought and soone 7erafter A 26 Hee was graythed to grace and to God went A 27 His alder-aldust sonne 7at Alisaunder hight A 28 7o was crouned king to keepe 7e reigne A 29 Well hee ladde 7e londe while hee lyfe hadde A 30 But his term was tint or it tyme were A 31 And all 7e cause of 7is case I con soone tell, A 32 How hee was doolefully ded and doone of his life A 33 Dat made his moder 7e queene 7at moste was adouted A 34 Eurydice hue hight unkinde of her deedes A 35 Hue loved so lecherie and lustes of synne A 36 7at her chylder hue chase unchastly to have A 37 For Alisaunder hur sonne assent so ne wolde A 38 To fulfill so foule her fleshlych sinnes A 39 Hue let kyll 7is kyng with care at his hert A 40 In 7e formest yere that hee first reigned A 41 And 7us lafte hee his life our Lorde have his soule A 42 For a feller in fight found men seelde A 43 While him lasted his life londes to yeeme A 44 Now let wee 7is lued lengen in bliss A 45 And sithe myng wee more of 7is mery tale A 46 Fel wintres tofore in his faderes life A 47 Than was Philip 7e free to fosteryng take A 48 In courte of unkouthe kith with a king ryche A 49 That was chuse of 7e childe and choicelich hym kept A 50 Hee that fostred and founde Philip in youthe A 51 King of Tebes that time truly was holden A 52 Epaminodas hee hyght full hardy to meete A 53 So hee cherished 7e childe cheefe over all A 54 7at hee was woxen full weele and wyght of his deede A 55 For to abyde an beurn in battle or eles A 56 When his broder with bale brought was of life A 57 Ryght was 7at 7is renk reigned hym after A 58 To bee crouned a king in his right riche A 59 As maister of Macedoine amonges 7e greate A 60 For to leade 7e lond as hym leefe thought A 61 Men to holden of hym 7at hed was of all A 62 Philip fared him forthe in a fayre wyse A 63 To receiven his right and reigne on his londes A 64 But when 7e lordes of 7e lond lelich wysten A 65 O hur neew-cummen king 7at his kith asketh A 66 With greate werre 7at wonne 7ei werned hym soone A 67 That by force of hur fight 7ei firked hym 7ennes A 68 That hee ne must in his marche with his menne dwell A 69 Ne beleve in his lond 7at liked hym yll. A 70 Whan Philip felt tho folke so ferse of hur deedes A 71 Ayen to Tebes hee turned teenid full sore A 72 To 7e kyng of this case he carped soone A 73 How hee was kept at his coome with a keene route A 74 That hee was faine with his folke to flee from his owne A 75 Epaminondas 7e king was carefull in hert A 76 Till hee were wroken of 7e wrong 7at 7ei wrought hadden A 77 Hee graythed hym a greate oste grym to beholde A 78 And cheved forthe with 7e childe what chaunse so betide A 79 SO WITH PHILIP 7E FREE HEE FARED ON IN HASTE 10 50K A 80 TO CLAYME HIS KINGDOME AND CATCHEN 7E SHREWES 18S 8S A 81 THAT BERAFTEN HYM HIS RYGHT WITH RUFULL DEEDS 18D 4 A 82 THAN SHORTLY TO SHOWE 7EI SHARPLICH WENT 115S 15 A 83 AND FOUGHTEN FOR PHILIP HIS FONE TO DUSTROYE 50 01S A 84 TOOKE TOWRES AND TOWNE[S] TEMID KNIGHTES 3115 8 T1 A 85 FELLED 7E FALSSE FOLKE FERKED HEM HARD 318 71B A 86 WITH SKATHE WERE 7EI SKOUMFYT SKAPE 7EI NE MYGHT 106RA 18A A 87 WHOSO WELDES A WRONG 7E WORSSE H[YM] BETIDES 18 00B T1 A 88 FOR H[EE] 7AT REIGNETH IN RYGHT RESHEVETH TROTH 50 8 T1 T1 A 89 FOR FERE OF SIR PHILIP FLEDDE THEY ALL 87A T,M A 90 AND TURNED TIT TO A TOWNE 7AT ATTANUS HYGHT 3509 03 A 91 A STI7 STEDE AND A STRONG AND STRAITE FOR TO WINNE 3 16S A 92 AND KEPT KEENLY 7AT COST FRO 7E KYNG THAN 3225 3 A 93 THAT HEE NE MYGHT WITH 7O MENNE MEDLE NO WHILE 50 71Z A 94 THE KING OF TEBES FOR TEENE TARGED NO LENGER 3 71Z A 95 BUT SOUGHT TO 7E CITIE AND A SAUTE MADE 50 01 A 96 THEY BESEEGED IT SO ON SIDES ABOUTE 71B 3 A 97 THAT THEY TOOKE 7E TOWNE AND TRAYTOURES SLEEW 18 01 A 98 THUS FAIRE PHILIP 7E FREE HIS FOMEN AWAITED 37 01 A 99 AND THUS SOUGHT HEE HIS LOND WITH LODELIKE DYNTES 18A 4 T,A A 100 THAN 7IS CUMLY KNIGHT WAS CROUNED SOONE 71J A 101 OF MACEDOINE MADE KYNG MAUGRE THEM ALL 3179 5 A 102 FORE HUNDRED YERE HOLLY AS I HERE TELL 32 13 4 A 103 SIN 7E CITIE OF ROOME SETT WAS IN ERTH 326 50R S,A A 104 PHILIP IN HIS FREEDAM FAIRE GAN DWELL 2 15M T,M A 105 SO TOO REIGNE ON HIS RYGHT AS RINK IN HIS OWNE 50S A 106 NOW IS HEE CROUNED KING AND KEEPES HIS REIGNE 0J 8 A 107 AND SWI7E HARDIE IS HEE HAPPES TOO FONDE 08R 01S A 108 NOW FARES PHILIP 7E FREE TOO FONDEN HIS MYGHT 325 8S A 109 AND ATTLES TO 7E ASSYRIENS AUNTERES TOO SEECHE 50 01S A 110 AND NERE BLYND 7E BEURN OF BATTLE STERN 04 2 A 111 TILL HEE HAD FENKED 7E FOLKE TOO FARE AT HIS WYLL 18N 50S A 112 AND WONNE 7E WON WITH WERRE FULL KEENE 18 2 A 113 FOLKE TO FARE WITH HYM AS HEE FAINE WOLDE 350SA 15 A 114 TO CHESEN HYM FOR CHEEFE LORDE AND CHAUNGE HYM NEVER 350CS 71CS A 115 PHILIP FULL FERSLICH IN HIS FYGHT SPEDDE 2 06 A 116 AND PROOVED IN HIS POWRE AS PRINCE FULL NOBLE 50 2 A 117 WHAN HEE HAD SO THEM HOLLICH IFENKED 13M 15 T3,A A 118 HEE SOUGHT TOO A CITIE FULL SEEMELY TOO KNOWE 50 16S A 119 LARISSEA HYGHT 7AT HOLDE FULL HARDIE MEN IN X 2 229R A 120 ONE 7E KLENIST COSTE 7AT ANY KING AUGHT 32 00 A 121 PHILIP FETCHES HYM FOLKE AND FOUNDES FULL SOONE 318EA 71Z A 122 TOO BIDDEN 7EM BATTLE AND BRODES IN HASTE 18DS 50 A 123 FOR TO LACHE HYM AS LORDE 7E LOND FOR TO HAVE 50BS 01S A 124 OR DERAINE IT WITH DINTES AND DEEDES OF ARMES 50BS 2 A 125 FERSE WERE 7O FOLKE AND FOUGHTEN IN HASTE 08R 50 A 126 OR 7EI LESEN 7EIR LOND THEIR LIFE FOR TOO SPILL 18 01S A 127 LONGE LASTED 7AT STRIFE BUT LELLI TOO KNOWE 3046 15S A 128 BY FIN FORCE OF HIS FIGHT PHILIP IT WINNES 3 00B A 129 NOW HATH PHILIP IN FYGHT FREELY WONNE 1 15 T,M A 130 THE CITIE OF ASSYRIENES WITH SELKOUTHE DINTES 2 4 A 131 AND LORDSHIP OF LARISSE LAUGHT TOO HIS WILL 2 50 A 132 AND INTOO GREECE HEE GOSE WITH A GRIM PEEPLE 106A 4 A 133 THAN HEE TURNES TOO A TOWNE TESSALONIE IT HYGHT 50 03A A 134 AND ASSAILES IT SOONE 7E CITIE TOO HAVE 71B 01S A 135 TOO SWEE ONELY 7E TOWNE OR ANY O7ER GOODES 18S T,A A 136 HEE NE NYED IT NOUGHT BUT NEEDELY TOO HAVE 71B 15S A 137 ALL 7O MIGHTFULL MENNE 7AT IN 7E MARCHES DWELT 06 A 138 TOO BRYNG AT HIS BANER FOR BOLDE 7EI WERE 50S 16A A 139 AND ALOSED IN LOND FOR LEEFLICH KNIGHTES 50J 4 A 140 FOR 7IS ENCHESOUN HEE CHUSED TOO CHASEN HEM 7ERE 106A 71CS A 141 TILL 7EI WERE AT HIS WYLL AS HEE WOLDE AX 50 13 A 142 BUT OR HEE TOOKE SO THEIR TOUNE TEENE GAN SPRING 18 00M M A 143 MANY A DULFULL DINT DEALED 7EI THARE 71A A 144 BUT ALL 7EI WERE UNWARE WISLY TOO KNOWE 89 15S A A 145 OF 7AT SOROWFULL ASAUTE 7AT THEY SO HAD 14 15 A 146 FOR HADDE 7EI KNOWE 7E KAST OF 7E KYNG STERN 18N 2 A 147 THEY HAD KEPT WELL HIS CUMME WITH CAREFULL DINTES 18N 4 A 148 7EI SEE NO SUCCOUR IN NO SYDE ABOUTE 18 3 A 149 THAT WAS COME TO HUR COSTE 7E KING FOR TO LETT 50N 01S BE=HAUE A 150 AND PHILIP WITH HIS FRESH FOLKE SO FAST 7EM ASSAILES 32 15B A 151 THAT 7EI GRADDEN HUR GRI7 HIS GRACE TO HAVE 18 01S A 152 HIM TO TAKEN 7EIR TOUNE AND TRULICH TO SERVE 18SH 15S A 153 FOR TO WEND AT HIS WYLL WHERESO HYM LIKED 50S 15B A 154 AND REDY TO HIS RETAINAUNCE RYGHT AS HEE WOLDE 8 BC7 A 155 NOW IS PHILIP FULL GRYM IN FYGHT FOR TO MEETE 82J 06S A,S A 156 AND MANY MIGHTFULL MENNE MAY WITH HYM LEADE 13L A 157 ATTENS 7E TRIE TOUNE HE TOOKE TOO HIS WYLL 37 50 A 158 THE FOLKE TOO FARE WITH HYM WHEN HEE FONDE TIME 350SA 8 A 159 THE CITIE OF ASSYRIE IS SETT TOO HIS PAYE 2 50J A 160 AND ALL 7E BEURNES IN 7E BOROWE BOUNE TOO HIS HESTE 2 8 A 161 THE LORDSHIP OF LARISSE IS LAUHT TOO HIMSELVE 2 50J A 162 MEN TOO CUMME TOO HIS CRIE AND KI7EN 7EIR MIGHT 50S 8S A 163 TESSALONIE 7E TREWE HOLDE IS TURNED TOO HYM ALSO 37 71JL A 164 WITH ALL 7E WEIES IN 7E WON HIS WERRE TOO KEEPE 01S A 165 NOW IS 7AT PEEPLE FULL PREST AND PREEVED OF STRENGTH 82J 8 A 166 FOR TOO WIRCHEN HIS WILL AND WEND AT HIS NEEDE 18S 50S A 167 PHILIP FOR HIS FERSE FOLKE IN FALE O7ER LANDES 32 4 A 168 DOUGHTYE MEN DOUTEN FOR DREEDFULL HEE SEEMES 100 16A A 169 BY EVERY KOSTE 7AT HEE COM KID WAS HIS MIGHT AC 04R A 170 FOR WHEN HEE MEDLED HIM MOSTE 7E MAISTRIE HEE HAD 71E 01A A 171 TO PROFRE HIS PROCESS PRESTLY TOO HERE 18S 15S A 172 I KARP OF A KID KING ERUBEL WAS HOTE 350 03R T,A A 173 THE MARQUES OF MALASOR MENSKLICHE HEE AUGHT 2 15A A 174 FOR HEE WAS KING OF 7E KI7 AND KNIGHT WEL ALOSED 5J A 175 HEE HAD A SUSTER IN SIGHT SEEMELY TO [F]ONDE 3 15S T1,A A 176 THE MOSTE LUFSUM OF LIFE 7AT EVERE LUD WYST 8 00 A 177 OLYMPIAS 7E ONORABLE OVERALL HUE HYGHT 7 15A B A 178 ROSERED WAS HUR RODE FULL RIALL OF SCHAPE 308R 8 B A 179 WITH LARGE FORHED AND LONG LOVELICHE TRESSES 35 A 180 GLISIANDE AS GOLDWIRE GROWEN ON LENGTH 38 50J B?,NP? A 181 BRYGHT BROWSE IBENT BLISFULL OF CHERE 31 8 A 182 GRETE YIEN AND GRAIE GRACIOUS LIPPES 3 A 183 BOTHE CHEEKES AND CHINNE CHOICE TOO BEHOLDE 16S A 184 MOUTH MEETE 7ERTOO MOSTE FOR TOO PRAISE 38 15S OR 41W? A 185 HUR NOSE NAMELICH FAIRE HUR NECKE FULL SCHEENE 33 A 186 SCHUFT SCHULDERES ARIGHT WELL ISCHAPED ARMES W A 187 HONDES HENDELY WROUGHT HELPLICH [&] SWEETE 3115JA 0 T3,M A 188 FAIRE FYNGERES UNFOLDE FETISE NAILES 31 A 189 SIDES SEEMELY SETT SEEMLICH [&] LONG 3115JA 0 T3,M A 190 HUPES HAD HUE FAIRE AND HIH WAS HUE 7AN 83A 75RA A,S A 191 HUR 7IES ALL 7OROUOUTE 7RISTLICHE ISCHAPE 2 15J B A 192 WITH LIKAND LEGGES LOVELY TOO SEENE 14 16S A 193 AND 7E FAIREST FEETE 7AT EVER FREKE KENDE 00 A 194 WITH TON TIDILY WROUGHT AND TENDER OF HUR SKINNE 33 8 A 195 LILIWHITE WAS HUR LICHE TO LIKNE 7E BEURDE 308R 8S B A 196 WHERE IS 7ER LENGGED IN LOND A LADY SO SWEETE 50J A 197 DER SPRONG NEVER SPICERIE SO SPECIALL IN ER7E 04 8 A 198 NE TRIACLE IN HIS TASTE SO TRIE IS TOO KNOWE 2 16RS A 199 AS THAT LADIE WITH LOVE TOO LACHEN IN ARMES 2 50S A 200 WHEREFORE I CARP OF 7IS CASE KNOWE YEE MAY 50 18A T,M A 201 PHILIP 7E FREE KING THAT FERSE WAS OF MYGHT 37 55R A 202 FOR 7E BEURDE SO BRYGHT WAS OF OF BLEE SCHEENE 1 86J C C A 203 HE HAD HIS LIKING ILAIDE 7AT LADIE TOO WEDDE 101N 01S A 204 TOO MALASOR WITH HIS MENNE HEE MEEVED IN HASTE 50 A 205 CRAVED SOONE AT 7E KYNG 7AT COMELICH BEURDE 50 A 206 FOR TOO WELDE TOO HIS WIFE AS HEE WILL HADDE 50S 01 A 207 DE KING WAS FULL CURTAIS AND COFLICH HYM GRAUNTES 82R 15B A 208 FOR HAD HEE WERNED 7AT WYGHT WO HAD HEE SUFFRED 18N 01A A 209 FOR 7AT FREELICH FODE PHILIP WOLDE ELES 62 A 210 HAVE GETEN WITH GRIM STROKE OF GROUNDEN TOOLES 350N 4 A 211 7AT TIME THOUGHT 7E KYNG TO TARGE NO LENGER 3046 71S A A 212 BUT BRING 7AT BLISFULL TO 7E BERN SOONE 18S 3 A 213 TO KYNG PHILIP HEE COMME AS CURTEIS OF DEEDE 3106A 8 A 214 AND LAFT HYM 7E LADIE TO LACHE AT HIS WYLL 18D 50S A 215 FOR HEE THOUGHT ON THIS THING 7ROELICHE IN HERT 50 6 A 216 3IF HEE HAD TOO HIS HELP IN HIS HIE NEEDE 50 4 A 217 OF MACEDOINE 7E KING A MIGHTY MAN HOLDEN 9 03 T,A A A 218 TO ALIE HIM TOO 7AT LORDE AND HIS LOVE WINNE 50ES 01S A 219 7ER SHOULDE NO BYDYNG BERN SO BOLDE BEE IN ERTH 00N 55R A 220 TOO TEENE HYM UNTRULY TERM OF HIS REIGNE 71CS 2 A 221 NE TO GREEVE 7E GOME FOR GREM7E OF HIS HELP 18S A 222 THE WHILE PHILIP 7E FREE HYM FRENDSHIP KID 7 01H A 223 HEE WAS BITRAIDE IN HIS TRUST FOR TRULY 7ERAFTER 50J 6 A 224 WHEN SIR PHILIP WAS FARE WITH 7E FAIRE BEURDE 100R 4 A 225 AND WEDDED 7AT WIGHT WITH WORSHIP AND JOYE 18 5 A 226 TO BEE LADIE OF HIS LAND AND HIS LEEVE MAKE 5J A 227 MEN TO QUEME HUR AS QUEENE AND QUIKLICH HUR SERVE 50BS 15B A 228 BOTHE BEURDES AND BERNE[S] BOUNE TOO HUR WYLL 8 T1 A 229 TO MOLOSOR WITH MAINE HIS MENNE GAN HEE BRYNG 01A A 230 YARMED AT ALL POINTES 7EI AUNTRED HEM 7IDER 38 71E A 231 MANI A LUD OF 7E LOND [L]AID HI TO GROUNDE 2 50A T1,A A 232 AND MANY A SEEMELI SEGGE SOROWE THEY WROUGHT 01A A 233 7EI LAFT FOR 7O 7E LOND LORDSHIPES TOOKE 18L 01 A 234 S[E]SEDEN 7E CITIES AND SEEMELICH TOUNES 18 T1,A A 235 KEVERED HEM CASTELES 7E KYNG TO DISTRIE 18E 01S A 236 FOR HIS SUSTERES SAKE CEASE THEY NOLDE 14 18A T,M A 237 THAT HEE WITH WERRE NE WAN 7E WON 7AT HEE AUGHT 106 BC0 A 238 AND 7E KYNG OF HIS KI7 WITH CARE 7EI PINTE 2 06A A 239 AND PHILIP UNFAITHFULLY 7E FAIRE COSTE HAD 2 301 A 240 ERUBA IN EXILE EVER WAS AFTER 2 74 A A 241 AND NEVER COMME TOO HIS KI7 BUT CAUGHT WAS IN TEENE 50 50R A 242 WITH DOOLE DRIED HEE SO HIS DAYES IN SOROWE 371 2 A A 243 TO HEE GAF UP HIS GOSTE WITH GOD FOR TOO DWELL 18 06S A 244 OF 7AT CAREFULL KYNG CARP I NO FARRE 14 71A A 245 BUT LEAVE HYM IN LANGUOR AND LYSTEN TOO MORE 50B 50 A 246 HOW PHILIP CHASES AS CHEEFE CHAUNCES TOO FONDE 350A 01S A 247 TOO BEE ADOUTED AS DETH IN DIVERSE LONDES 50J 4 AC2 A 248 WHEN HE HAD SO HEM HENDELY FETCHED 13M 15 T A 249 HIS MAKE TOO MACEDOINE WITH MIRTHES YNOW 2 2 A 250 HE LAUGHT LEVE AT HIS WIFE AND LAFT HUR STILL 335 71B A 251 FOR TOO LIVE IN HUR LONDE IN LIKING OF HERT 50S A 252 THAT NO GOME UNDER GOD GREEVEN HUR MYGHT 2 18B A 253 PHILIP HIS FAIRE FOLKE FERSELICH ARAIES 35 15 A 254 TOO GREECE HE GRA7ES HYM NOW WITH A GRETE WILL 97W 4 C A 255 HEE COMME TOO COMOTHONHAM FULL CUMLICH A PLACE 50 A 256 OF ANY BOROWE BEST BUYLT AND [B]OLDE MENNE 7ERE 2 2 T1,A,M A 257 ONE 7E HUGEST HOLDE AND HARD FOR TO WYNNE 32 16S A 258 THAT WAS IN GREECE O 7E GROUNDE GRAI7ED TOO STOND 8J 13S A 259 HEE BROUGHT HIS MENNE TO 7E BOOROWE AND BLIVE IT ASAILES 335 15B A 260 WITH PRESE OF HIS POWER HEE PROFERES 7EM FYGHT 8D A 261 MANY A CUMLY KNIGHT AND O7ER KID PEEPLE A 262 ON EVERY SIDE WAS SETT ASAUTE TOO MAKE 106R 01S A 263 7OUGH PHILIP FARED WITH FOLKE FEREFULL IN FYGHT 350A 8 A 264 LITLE GAINED HIS GREEFE FOR GRIM 7EI WERE 04 16A 3046 A 265 TO WARDEN 7EIR WALLES WITH WEIES YNOW 18S 2 A 266 7AT CITIE WERE SURE MEN SETT FOR TOO KEEPE 02 13S A 267 WITH MICH RIALL ARAIE REDY TOO FIGHT 14 8 A 268 WITH ATLING OF AIREBLAST AND ARCHERES RYFE A 269 WELLFE7ERED FLON FLOUNGEN ABOUTE 71 B A 270 GRIM AROWES AND GRAIE WITH GROUNDEN HEDES 3 4 A 271 WER ENFORCED TO FLIE HER FONE FOR TO GREEVE 113JS 01S A 272 SO BOLDE WERE IN 7E BOROWE WITH BALEFULL STROKES 1R 4 A 273 7AT OF PHILIPES FOLKE FELE THEY SLEW 14 01A T,M A 274 AND MANY MIGHTFULL MEN MAYMED HEE 7ERE 71A A 275 7AT 7E PRENT OF 7AT PRESE PASSED NEVER 2 71 A 276 AND PHILIP 7E FERSE KING FOULE WAS MAIMED 37 15R A 277 A SCHAFT WITH A SCHARP HED SHET OUTE HIS YIE 32 8 A 278 THAT NEVER SI77EN FORSO7E SAWE HE THERIN 6 71E A 279 7E GREM7E OF 7O GRIM FOLKE GLOD TO HIS HERT 32 50 A 280 FOR HIS EGER ENEMIES HIS YIE TO LESE 14 01S A 281 HEE MADE A VERY VOW AVENGED TOO BEENE 10 16S A 282 OF 7AT TEENEFULL TACH 7AT HEE TOOKE 7ERE 14 71 A 283 AND SWORE SWIFTLICH HIS OTHE ASWAGE HEE NE SHOLDE 3225 18A A 284 WITH ALL 7E MAINE 7AT HEE MIGHT TOO MERKEN HEM CARE AC 8DS A 285 FOR TO TAKE 7E TOUNE 7OUGH HEE TEENE HAD 18S 01 A 286 ALL 7E SEGGES IN SIGHT SOROWE TOO KI7E 2 01S A 287 PHILIP ENFORCETH HYM NOW HIS FOLKE FOR TO GIE 371A 01S A 288 HEE RYDES THOROUGHOUTE 7E RONK ARAIES HIM NEEW 50 71E A 289 MANY MIGHTFULL MENNE MADE HEE STRYVE 13A T,M A 290 WITH ARCHERES AND O7ER FOLKE AUNTRED HYM NERE 35 71E A 291 7AI LETE FLIE TO 7E FLOCKE FEREFULL SONNDES 50N A 292 GAIRUS GROUNDEN ARYGHT GONNE THEY DRYVE W 13A T,M A 293 STONES STIRRED THEY 7O AND STIGHTLICH LAYDE 371B 15 A 294 ON HUR ENGINES FULL GIST TO UNGO[IN]E 7E WALLES 3 8S S T1 A 295 7EI CRAKED 7E COURNALES WITH CAREFULL DYNTES 18 4 A 296 7AT SPEDLY TOSPRONG AND SPRADDE BESIDE 115 71 A 297 7E KYNG WITH HIS KEENE OST COFLICH FIGHTES 32 15 A 298 AND KI7ES ALL 7AT HEE CAN 7E KI7 FOR TO HAVE AC2 01S A 299 7EI SIVE ON 7E CITIE SOOTHE FOR TOO TELL 50 01S A 300 HUR BOROWE BET SO DOUNE WITH BALEFULL STROKES 371JA 4 A 301 AND HEMSELF IN 7E SAUTE SOROWFULLY WOUNDED 2 15 A 302 AND MANY A LIFELES LUD LAYED TO 7E GROUNDE 50 A 303 7AT 7EI NE STIRRED OF 7E STEDE STRIFE FOR TO MAKE 50 01S A 304 HUR 3ATES 3EEDE 7EI TOO AND YOULDEN HEM SOONE 371B 71E A 305 TO PHILIP FARDE 7EI FORTHE AS FENKED WIGHTES 371 4 A 306 PROFRED HYM 7E PRIS HOLDE AND PREIES IN HASTE 318D 50 A 307 TO DEEME WHAT HEE DOO WILL FOR HUR DEEDE YLL AC2 2 A 308 7US WAS 7E CITIE OFSETT AND SI77EN SO WONNE 100J 15J A 309 BUT MANY A BALEFULL BEURN BOUGHT IT FULL DERE 71B A 310 OR KID KOMOTHONHAM TOO 7E KYNG FELL 06 A 311 IN GREECE MANY A GRETE TOUNE GRIM WAS OF STRENGTH 39 55R A 312 AND 7E MENNE OF 7AT MARCHE MISPROUDE WERE 2 16 M A 313 THEI WERE SO DING OF 7EIR DEEDE DEDEIN 7AT THEY HAD 55J BC0 A 314 7AT ANY GOME UNDER GOD GOVERN HEM SHOLDE 2 18B A 315 BUT AS THEY SAYDEN HEMSELF AND ASSENT MADE 94 01 A 316 7EI NERE ENCLINE TO NO KING HUR KI7 FOR TOO GYE 50 01S A 317 THEY WROUGHT BY 7EIR OWNE WILL AND WOLDE NOUGHT ELES 350 87BP A 318 TO SECHE 7EM A SOVEREINE 7E CITIE TO 3EME 18DS 01S A 319 FARRE 7EN 7EIR OWNE FOLKE FARE THEY NOLDE AC7 18A T,M A 320 WHAT LUD LIKED HEM BEST 7E LORDSHIP HEE GAT 371A 01A A 321 AND ON CHEES FOR CHEEFE AND CHAUNGED LOME 50H 8 A 322 ALL SWICH CITIES 7AT SEEMELICH WERE 16 A 323 PHILIP FENKES IN FYGHT AND FAYLED LYTE 350A 71 A 324 THAT ALL GREECE HEE NE GATT WITH HIS GRIM WERK 101A 4 A 325 IN WHAT MANER AND HOW MEN MAY ILERE X 00M T,A A 326 7AT HEE WITHLICH WHANNE 7E WORSHIP OF GREECE 115 2 A 327 TO BEE HOLDEN OF HYM HOLLY 7E RAIGNE 50J 1 A 328 FOR TO GYE 7E GOMES AS HYM GOODE THOUGHT 18S 16H A 329 NOW TELL WEE OF TEBES THAT TRISTY WAS HOLDE 50A 16R A 330 THERE AS PHILIP 7E FREE TO FOSTRING DWELT 7 06 A 331 HOW 7E LUDES OF THE LAND ALOSED FOR GODE 2 50J A 332 WER ENFORCED TO FIGHT WITH HUR FONE HARD 113JS 3 A 333 7ER TURNED A3E TEBES TWOO TRIE PLACES 50 A 334 7E SIKEREST CITIES THAT ANY SEG WIST 00 A 335 7E LORDSHIP OF LACEDEMONIE LO7ED HEM THAN 2 71B A 336 AND OF PHOCOS 7E FOLKE FAST HEM ASSAILES 9 15B A 337 7E WERRE WOX IN 7AT WON WONDERLY STERN 350A 3 A 338 AND EI7ER ON HUR ENEMIES EGERLY WROUGHT 2 15 A 339 ON A SEASON ISETT ASSEMBLED THEY BO7E 2 87A A 340 WITH ALL 7E MAINE 7AT THEY MIGHT METTEN IFERE AC 71 A 341 ARAIDE RINKES ARIGHT REULICH SMITEN 32 15 A 342 ON FOOTE AND ON FAIRE HORSSE FOUGHT 7EI SAMME 3 71A T,M A 343 PREKEN ON A PLAINE FEELDE PREEVED KNIGHTES 350 A 344 BOLDE WERE BORE DOUNE ON BOTHE TWOO HALVES 371JA 4 A 345 OF TEBES 7E TRIE FOLKE WER TEENED IN HERT 39 50J A 346 FOR HUR FEREFULL FONE SO FERSLICH SPEDDE 15 A 347 WITH WRAYTH OF A WOODE WILL WONDE 7EI NOLDE 3 18A T,M A 348 TO RIDEN INTO THE ROUTE RAPPES TO DEALE 50S 01S A 349 STEEDES STIRRED OF 7E STEDE STRANE MEN UNDER 350A 6 A 350 AND OOTHER FOLKE ON HUR FEETE FOLOWED THEM AFTER 2 58 A 351 THE LACEDEMONIEINES LOWE LAIDE WERE 2 18P T,C,M A 352 AND OF PHOCUS FOLKE FELD THEY ALSO 14 71A A 353 THE TEBENIEINES TEENFULLY TOOKE THIS O7ER 2 8 A 354 AND TO A RICHE RAUNSON 7E RINKES THEY PUTT 14 01A A 355 THAT AMOUNTED MORE THEN THEY MIGHT PAYE 71 13 A 356 OR DEREINE WITH RIGHT WITH REDE OF 7EMSELF 50 S A 357 TO PROFER HEM AS PRISONERES TILL THEY PAYDE HAD 50ES 18 A 358 TO LET LO7ELY 7AT GOODE OR HUR LIFE TINE 318S9 01S A 359 7E COMPANIE WAS CAREFULL AND KEST IN HUR HERT 82R 50 A 360 7AT 7EI 7AT RAUNSON WITH RIGHT ARERE NE MIGHT 2 18 A 361 7EI WER SO SOROWFULL HEMSELF THAT SUMME TO RERE X 01S A 362 7AT 7EI NE SPARED 7AT SPACE TO SPENEN HUR LIVES 18 8S A 363 A PROUDE KNIGHT OF 7E PRESE HUR PRINCE 7EI MADE 32 01A A 364 PHILOMELA 7E FELL MAN WAS 7E FREKE HOTE 37 00J A 365 7E FOLKE OF PHOCUS TOO ARAIE AND 7E FIGHT 3EME X 01S A 366 WITH LUDES OF LACEDEMONIE TO LEGGEN ON HARD 71S A 367 FOR THEY KENDE 7E CASE AND KNEEW ECHE ONE 18 8 A 368 BUT THEI PRESTLY PAYDE THAT PRECIOUS SUMME 115 A 369 7EI SHOLDE LEESEN HUR LIFE 7EI 7EM LOTHE THOUGHT 18N 16H A 370 AND 3IF 7EI FERDE TO FIGHT THEIR FONE FOR TO NYE 50 01S A 371 WITH SKATHE TO BEE SKOUMFIT AND ASKAPE NEVER 106R 71S A 372 7EI WISTEN ALL FULL WELL WISLY TO KNOWE 71B 15S A 373 THAT MORE DREEDE 7EN DETH DRIE 7EI NE MIGHT 2 18A A 374 AS GOODE THOUGHT HEM GO TILL THEY GROUNDE SOUGHT X 01 A 375 TO MEETE WITH HUR FOMEN AND MANLICH DEIE 50S 15S B,A,S A 376 AS BEE COWARDLY KILLD FOR CATELES WANT 115J 4 A 377 FORTHE TURNED THEI TID HUR TEENE TO VENGE 71A 01S A 378 ALL TO LACHEN OR LEESE OR HUR LYFE TINE 11OS 01S A 379 FULL STOUTELY WITH STIFF WILL 7EI STIRRED ON HUR GATE 36 50 A 380 TO TEENE 7E TEBENIEINES 7EI TURNED TO FIGHT 18S 13S A 381 7EI DRADDEN LITLE HUR DETH AND DOUGHTILY WROUGHT 3189 15 A 382 7EI PUTT 7EM IN PERRIL AND PRIKEDEN ABOUTE 50E 71 A 383 7EI ROUGHT LITE OF HUR LIFE AND LAIDEN ON HARD 3509 71Z 254 A 384 FOR FERE NE FANTASIE FAILE THEY NOLDE 5 18A T,M A 385 7EI WERE SO HARDIE TOO HARM HAPPES TO FONDE 116JS 01S A 386 7AT 7EI STINT AT HUR STROKE STIRRED NO MORE 50 71Z A 387 SO 7EI FELDEN HUR FONE BY FORCE OF HER DINTES 18 A 388 FOR GREEFE OF HUR GRIM STROKE GRUNT FULL MANY 3 04 A 389 7AT HEM RUED 7E RES 7AT 7EI NE REST HAD 18H 01 A 390 WHAN 7EI 7E BIKERING ABIDE WITH BOSTEFULL DEEDES 101 4 A 391 7US PHOSUS WITH FYGHT FELDEN THIS O7ER 2 8 A 392 7EI TOOKEN HUR TRESOUR AND TEENED HEM SORE 18 71B A 393 7EI OF TEBES WITH TEENE TURNEDE FRO THANNE 71Z A 394 RUEFULL AND REDELES BIRAFT OF HUR GOODES 0 50J A 395 IN SOROWE BENE THEY OFSETT TO SIKEN IN HERT 106RA 50S A 396 3IF 7EI NE HAVE NONE HELP HEM TO AVENGE 18 01S A 397 FOR 7IS FEYE FOLK 7ER FO FOULI WAS HARMED 35 15R T T,M A 398 TILL 7EI WERE WREKEN OF 7AT WO WOLDE 7EI NOUGHT BLINNE 50J 13A A 399 TO SEECHE MORE SOCOUR ASSENTED THEY ALL 18S 87A A 400 7E MIGHTIE KING OF MACEDOYNE MOSTE WAS ADOUTED 32 15R A 401 OF ANY WIGHT IN 7E WORLDE 7EI WIST 7E SOOTHE 8 A 402 TO FETCH PHILIP 7E FOLKE FARDE IN AN HASTE X 50 A 403 AND COMEN RYGHT TO 7E KITH 7ERE 7E KING DWELT 50 00 A 404 BESOUGHTEN HYM OF SOCOUR HUR SOVERAINE TO BENE 50D 03S A 405 TO BE LORDE OF HUR LAND 7EIR LAWES TO KEEPE 5J 01S A 406 7EI TO HOLDEN OF HYM 7E HYE AND THE LOWE 50S A 407 WITH 7AT HEE WOLDE WITH HEM WEND IN AN HASTE 50P 50 S,A A 408 HUR ENEMIES EGERLY IN ERNEST TO MEETE 2 06S A 409 PHILIP GRAUNTES AND GOSE GRAITHES HIS PEPLE 3110A 8 A 410 TIL 7EI TO TEBES WER TURND TARGE 7EI NOLDE 106R 18A T,M A 411 WITH HIS FEREFULL FOLKE TO PHOCUS HEE RIDES 14 06A A 412 AND IS WILFULL IN WERK TO WIRCHEN HEM CARE 55J 8DS A 413 FOLKE OF PHOCUS TOFERE OR THE FIGHT COMME 33 00 A 414 WEREN WARE OF HUR WERK AND WENT FOR HELP 55J 50 A 415 7EI ARMED 7E ATTENIENES AND AUNTER HEM 7IDER 18 71E A 416 STRAINED IN STELGER ON STEEDES OF MIGHT 50J B A 417 WITH GRIM GRAI7ED GOMES OF LACEDEMONIE 314 P C T,A A 418 ALL REDIE ARAIED TO RYDEN HEM TILL 3 58S A 419 HEM LACKED A LEADER 7E LUDES TO ARAIE 18 01S A 420 HUR PRINCE IN 7E FORME PRESE WAS PRENED TO 7E ERTH 32 50J A 421 PHILOMELO 7E FAIRE KNIGHT IN 7E FIGHT DIED 37 06 A 422 WHEN 7EI PROFFRED HEM PREST AND 7E PRIS WONNE 71E 01 A 423 FOR 7EI MYSSED 7AT MAN THEY MADE HEM A NEEW 18 8D A 424 ENOMANUS AN EGER KNYGHT IN ERTH TO FIGHT 37 06S A 425 7EI MADE A MASTER OF HEM 7E MENNE FOR TOO LEADE 335 01S A 426 AND BUSKEN TO BATTAILE AS BOSTFULL IN ARMES 50 8 A 427 WITH A LEFLICH LUST LACHTE TOGEDER 14 71 A 428 OF PHOCUS 7E FELL DUKE IN 7E FIGHT RYDES 39 06 A 429 ENOMANUS 7E BOLDE BEURN 7E BATTLE ARAIES 37 01 A 430 HEE WAS CHOSEN FOR CHEEFE IN CHASING OF WERRE 50J A 431 TOO BEE 7EIR DEREWORTHE DUKE FOR DOUGHTIE HEE THOUGHT 26J 06A B A 432 NOW BEENE 7E PARTIES PREST TO PROFFREN HUR DINTES 82J 8S A 433 WITH BANERES BRODE DISPLAIDE BUSKEN TO MEETE 3106J 13S A 434 GURDEN IN GOODE SPEEDE GRISLICH FARDE 38 15 T,M A 435 BOTHE BLONKES AND BEURNE[S] BAREN TO GROUNDE 50 T1 A 436 7ER WAS FELD MANY FREKES 7AT ON 7E FEELDE LAY 04J 06 A 437 EVERY SEGGE FOR HYMSELF BISETTEN HUR MIGHT 2 8 A 438 7AT MANY A WOUNDED WYGHT WALOWED 7ERE 71 A 439 BUT PHILIP WITH HIS WIGHT MEN 7E WERRE GAN 3EME 32 01M T,A A 440 7AT BY STRENGTH OF HUR STRIFE 7EI STRAUGHT TO FOOTE 50 A 441 ALLSO MANY AS HIS MENNE MIGHTEN ARECHE AC5 13 A 442 7US HIS PEPLE ON 7E PLAIN ALL 7E PRIS WONNE 2 01 A 443 7AT NONE STIRRED OF 7E STEDE 7ERE 7EI STROKE SETT 50 01 A 444 7E LUDES OF LACEDEMONIE LO7ED IN HERT 2 50 A 445 7AT EVER 7EI STINTEN IN STRIFE TO STERVE IN 7E PLACE 50 50S A 446 OF PHOCUS 7E FERSE MEN FORTHOUGHTEN HEM ALL 39 87BP A 447 7AT EVER 7EI FARDE TO FIGHT WITH PHILIP 7E KEENE 113S 0 A 448 7US 7IS CUMLICH KYNG 7AT ILCHE KITH WYNNES 01 A 449 LORDE OF LACEDEMOINE WAS 7E LUD 7ANNE 2 62J A 450 AND PHOCUS BY FIN STROKES FREELICH HEE WALTE 32 15A A 451 AND HATH ALL GREECE AT HIS GRAUNTE FOR HIS GRETE YIE 3 4 A 452 NOW CEASE WEE 7E SAWE OF 7IS SEG STERNE 18A 2 A 453 AND OF A KYNG WEL IKID KARP WEE NOW 2 71A T,M A 454 7AT ENTRED IN AEGYPT EVER ON HIS LIVE 50 6 A 455 TO LENG IN 7AT LORDESHIP AND 7E LOND AUGHT 50S 01 A 456 OF WHAT KINNE HEE COMME CAN I NOUGHT FYNDE 106A 13A A 457 IN NO BUKE 7AT I BED WHEN I BEGANNE HERE AC 71 A A 458 7E LATINE TO 7IS LANGUAGE LELLICHE TURNE 2 15S T,M A 459 NECTANABUS 7E NOBLE MAN HIS NAME WAS HOTE 37 00R A 460 7E NEDE OF NIGREMAUNCIE HEE NAS NOUGHT TO LERN 2 62S A A 461 IN ART OF ASTRONOMIE ABLE HEE WAS HOLDE 16AR A 462 AND CHEEFE OF ENCHAUNTMENT CHAUNCES TO TELL 8 01S A 463 HE WAS ... ON HIS CRAFT AND CUNNYNG OF DEEDE X 8 T,A A 464 EGIPT BY ERITAGE ENTRED HEE NEVER 2 71A A 465 HEE WANNE IT BY WITCHCRAFT FOR YWIS HEE WAS KNOWE 50B 15AR T,M A 466 A PROUDE PRINCE AND A PRIS FRO PERSS WAS FARE 3 06R A 467 7AT HELDE OF 7IS HYE KING HOLLICH HIS LONDES 350 1 A 468 TO NOBLE NECTANABUS NAM HE HIS GATE 14 8A A 469 AND TOLDE THIS TYDYNG TO 7E KYNG SOONE 18 3 T,A A 470 HOW HYM WAS CARE TO CUMME BY COSTES ABOUTE X 3 A 471 7E KYNG OF PERCE WITH PRESE OF PEPLE FULL HUGE 3 2 A 472 GRAITHES HYM GRIM FOLKE AND GREVE 3OU THENKETH 318E 67BS A 473 BUT YEE CAST AT HIS COMME TO KEEPEN HYM HENCE 50 71CS A 474 YEE SHALL LOSE YOUR LOND AND YOUR LIFE ALSO 18N 2 A 475 FOR NO CARE OF 7IS CASE 7E KING IN HIS LOND 2 A 476 KLEPED NO KNIGHTHOD NE NO KID PEEPLE 18 A 477 HEE NE ARAIDE NO ROUTE 7E RAIGNE TOO KEEPE 18 01S A 478 BUT PASSED PRIVILY IN PLACE FULL DERNE 71 2 A 479 A PREST ER7EN POTT HEE PROFERES HIM TILL 3 58 A 480 OF RAINWATER RYGHT FULL 7E RINK GON IT DRESS 33 00B B A 481 A BRIGHT BRASEYN 3ERD BRODE ON HIS HOND 3 8 A 482 AND BY 7E CONNING OF CRAFT 7AT HEE KID HADDE 18 A 483 HEE SAWE SAILE ON 7E SEA SEEMELICH KNIGHTES 50NS A 484 BOTHE SCHIPPES AND SCHOUTE[S] WITH SCHAWES OF MYGHT T1 A 485 WELL IARMED IWIS WERRE TOO HOLDE 386 01S A T,M A 486 7E EGEREST OF EGIPT IN ERNEST TOO MEETE 9 06S A 487 WHAN HEE HAD 7AT HAPPE HOLLICH AWAITED 18 15 A 488 7E PRINCE TO 7E PRIS KYNG PRESTLY SAIDE 32 15 T,M A 489 SIR I TOLDE YOU TROUTH TRIST YEE NO NOO7ER 18D 8A A 490 YEE BEENE GREEFLY BIGO BUT GRACE YOU FALLE 115J 00B A 491 ARTASARSES 7E KYNG AND ARMED KNIGHTES 7 T,A A 492 OUT OF PERCE BETH PREST PASSING HIDER 106R 72 A 493 WITH NINE GRETE NATIONS TOO NYE 7EE HERE 314 71ES 2A? A 494 PERCE IS 7E PRINCIPALL AND PERTHE 7AT OO7ER 29R 7 A 495 OF MEDIE FULL MICH FOLKE MURDER 7EE THINK 39 67BS A 496 OF SYRIA [A] SIKER OSTE SECHEN TOO FIGHT 39 13S T1 A 497 WITH MENNE OF MESOPOTAME TOO MARK 7E TEENE 8S A 498 OF A[RGIN]I AND ARABES ARMED PRINCES 5 T1 A 499 7ER BEENE OF BOSFORII BEURNES YNOW 50 A 500 OF AROFAGI ALL MEN THAT ARMES NOW WELDE 39 01 A A 501 Yee bene enforced to fight with 7es fell beurnes A 502 And oo7er weies of 7e Weste werre too make A 503 7is ilk tydyng of teene trowe yee mowe A 504 And but yee bett beene araide bale you springeth A 505 Nectanabus anonne-right nyed hym tell A 506 And gleming gainelich too 7e gome saide A 507 Keepe well thyne owne koste 7at 7ei no komme 7are A 508 7at is take too 7ee truly too 3eme A 509 7ou ki7es no knighthod too karp as a prince A 510 But as a gome wer agast 7ou grendes thy speeche A 511 7ei 7ei turn such teene this time hider A 512 With all 7e might of hur maine mee too distroie A 513 7e vertue of il victorie of unwele peeple A 514 Is noght stabled in strength of no stiff prese A 515 Thorou graunte of 7e greate God if Him goode thinkes A 516 In fight or in fell turn 7er as flight is of dintes A 517 In battail or bolde stede bigly too wirch A 518 As mich may a meane man as a more stern A 519 For 7ou seeste well thiself saide 7e king 7an A 520 A lioun in a launde may lightlych drive A 521 Of hertes an holle herde as happes ilome A 522 For no strength ne strife no stifnes of memberes A 523 But as gracious Godde grauntes too beene A 524 Anon as Nectanabus had namned 7ese wordes A 525 Hee passed in his paleis too a privie sell A 526 Hee tooke prestly a pott too preeve yet more A 527 Hee wraught shippes of wax and rain-water hentes A 528 Hee puttes it in 7e pott and a palme-braunche A 529 Hee helde hard in his hond and his art ki7es A 530 With all 7e wyle of his werk 7e waie gon enchaunte A 531 By segging of sorsery 7at hee sei 7ere A 532 Fleete in 7e floode farre fro 7e lond A 533 Of Barbre 7e bryght god brem to beholde A 534 7e gaye god of Egipt glisiande bright A 535 So sailed in 7e sea in that same tyme A 536 Hee bihelde how 7e god 7at heried was in Barbre A 537 Governed hur goodes by grace of his myght A 538 7e seg sei well himself 7at socour him fayles A 539 For no grace hur grete god graunt ne might A 540 Of hem hoped hee help too have at his neede A 541 But hee kneew by that kast 7ei kouth noght help A 542 7e beurn for a barbour blive let send A 543 His berd-heire and his hedde hett hee too schave A 544 Hee cast ofhis knightweede and clo7es hym neew A 545 With white sendal in syght seemely too knowe A 546 Of gold swith gret won graithes hee 7anne A 547 All that astronomie aught too long A 548 With ginnes of gemetrie too joinen his werkes A 549 Hee let trusse full tid and takes nomore A 550 But fares with few folke farre fro 7e londe A 551 Hee passes as prophet prively 7anne A 552 Fro Egipt till Ethiope and eft on his gate A 553 7ere hee lenged in 7at land as a lud straunge A 554 Men kneew hym for no king kunnyng hee seemes A 555 Whan his menskfull menne might nough fynde A 556 Hur ked king in Egipt carefull 7ei were A 557 To hur god Seraphin 7e gomes gon all A 558 Koure doune on hur knees karpen 7ese wordes A 559 Seemely Seraphin saide they thanne A 560 Tell us sum tydyng of our true prince A 561 Noble Nectanabus that now is awaye A 562 Hur god grathliche spake and too 7e gomes saide A 563 Kares nought for your kyng 7is kith hath hee lete A 564 For peril of 7e proude kyng from Perce 7at wendes A 565 Hee shall hye hym againe and help you faire A 566 And schend 7em schamelich 7at sholde you greve A 567 Of 7is swift answer 7ei wer swith glad A 568 And graveden a greate ston a god as it were A 569 Icorve after a kynge full craftie of werk A 570 7e frekes in that faire ston at his feete soone A 571 Let write every worde wisly too knowe A 572 That Seraphin 7at soveraine saide hem till A 573 In mynde that mo folke myght it arede A 574 Now nolde Nectanabus no while dwell A 575 Too 7e courte of 7e kyng till hee comme were A 576 Too looke on Olympias 7e onorable qeene A 577 7at was alosed in lond of diverse raignes A 578 For one 7e brightest of blee 7at bore was in erth A 579 Whan 7e seg had seene that seemely ladie A 580 Too greete that gracious hee gose in a haste A 581 Hee cummes too 7at comely and coflich saide A 582 Haile quemfull queene quaintly shape A 583 Moste of all Macedoine menskfull ladie A 584 Hee was dedaine on deede madame too segge A 585 Too any ladie in lond for lordlich hee karpes A 586 7e queene quitt hym his speche and quikly saide A 587 Maister welcome ywis will yee sitte? A 588 7e ladie laches 7is lude and ledes in hand A 589 By hur side 7at seg too sitten hue makes A 590 7at worthlych too 7is wight wilsfully saide A 591 Fro what kith bee yee comme kennes mee now A 592 Ert 7ou aught of Egipt in ernest too tell A 593 Queene saide hee quikly 7ou quemest my hert A 594 A full speciall speeche spoken yee have A 595 Whereever menne saye Egipt myne eres ar prest A 596 For 7at wortlich worde waketh my bliss A 597 It is a knightly kith and kid men inne A 598 Of any wightes in wonne wysest iholde A 599 7ei bene rinkes aright in reching of swevenes A 600 Too preeve mich privie thyng and pypyng of birdes A 601 7e ludene of 7at language lelli 7ei knowe A 602 And bothe of burdes and bernes 7e burth too tell A 603 I am a lude of 7at lond lered therin A 604 Too preche as a prophet preeved of witt A 605 When hee 7ese tales her till had tolde soone A 606 7e face of 7at faire thyng fast hee beholdes A 607 Lude saide 7e lady let me iknowe A 608 What thing thurlude thy thought 7o 7ou mee bihelde A 609 Forsoothe saide that seg seemely queene A 610 I segge god sent mee too save thee now A 611 For too waste thy wo with will 7at I owe A 612 Thorou bone of a bright god busked I hider A 613 Too defend from doole 7ee dereworth queene A 614 Whan hee with speede had spoke his speche to 7e end A 615 A brem brasen borde bringes hee soone A 616 Imped in ivory too incle 7e truthe A 617 With goode silver and golde ailich atired A 618 In this blisfull borde beholde men myght A 619 Three circles isett seemelich rounde A 620 7e first cirkle in himself seemely was holde A 621 7e twelve signes in sight sett 7erin A 622 If any wight in this wonne wilnes 7em knowe A 623 Kairus to 7e kalendar and kenne yee may A 624 Sithen in 7e seconde circle soothely too lere A 625 Was craftely conteined 7e course of 7e sonne A 626 And 7e mark of 7e moone made in 7e third A 627 7at bliss was for a beurn 7at borde too biholde A 628 7an fettes hee a forcer freelich ischape A 629 7at wraught was of ivory wonderly faire A 630 Sevin sterres 7at stounde stoutlich imaked A 631 Hee showes forthe scheenely shynand bright A 632 7e bern couth 7erby boldely tell A 633 When a gome were igett by grace of his witt A 634 Foure stones in fath forthe gon hee bryng A 635 7at lay longyng too the lovelich sterres A 636 Many thinges of man myght hee showe A 637 By studie of 7e stones in what state hee were A 638 Maister quath 7e queene quainte of thy werkes A 639 If 7ee liketh 7at I leeve thy lufsum deedes A 640 Tell mee tidly 7e time and term of 7e 3eres A 641 In what daie my dere lorde 7at douhti is holde A 642 Was iborne of 7e burd 7at hee best loved A 643 7e king by his kunnyng castes it soone A 644 By ginnes of gemetrie hee joifully telles A 645 Bothe 7e date and 7e daie and 7e dere tyme A 646 7at Philip was forthbrought of his faire mooder A 647 Whan this rink had arad and redely showed A 648 All 7e burth of 7e bern by his art one A 649 Ladie said hee lovelyche liketh 7ee aught eles A 650 7at I shoolde 7ee showe in a short time A 651 Maister saide 7at menskfull mee likes too knowe A 652 What Philip my free lorde 7at fairest of londe A 653 Wil wirch by mee for weies mee tolde A 654 Hee wyll forsake mee soone and seeche hym a neew A 655 Whan hee is cumme too 7is kith too kithe mee sorowe A 656 For yee ne have noght iherd holly 7e wrath A 657 By what cause 7e kyng coveted in hert... A 658 Too lo7e this ladie mee list you tell A 659 As Philip farde to fight in a ferce place A 660 Hee turned too a temple atired too-rightes A 661 His grete god Amon grates too 3elde A 662 Hee kneeles coflich adoune and kries hym till A 663 And saide Seemely god send mee too knowe A 664 Of onorable Olympias 7at I on think A 665 What shall hur happe to have 7at hende is of deede A 666 His god gave an ansuer and too 7e gome saide A 667 Hur chaunce is too have a childe 7at cheefe shall in erth A 668 Of any ludes 7at live in lordship wex A 669 7e bern shall not bee 7ine bolde 7o 7ou seeme A 670 But geten of anoo7er gome in 7at gaye burde A 67l 7en was 7e king carefull and kest for wrath A 672 For too bring 7at beurde in baile forever A 673 Menne tolde this tydyng too 7e true queene A 674 7erfore hur lyked 7at lud his lore too knowe A 675 Now saide Nectanabus anon too 7e lady A 676 7e sawe 7at 7ou haste saide uncertain is founde A 677 But 7ei 7ou ne hap noght yet too have 7at sorrowe A 678 7at fere shall bifall 7ee within few yeres A 679 Whan Philip in his foule will hathe 7ee forlete A 680 Maugre his malice or his menne sterne A 681 Him tides to take 7ee a3ain trowe 7ou no noo7er A 682 Maister quod 7e queene queme yee me might A 683 Of this unkouth case too karp 7e soothe A 684 When Philip 7e ferefull forsake mee thynkes A 685 Who durst bee so bolde 7at bides in erth A 686 Too make hym maugre his menne mee for too take A 687 7us saide 7e seg Such one I knowe A 688 A god 7at is gracious and grete of his myght A 689 Shall busk too thy borde bed by 7ee too ligge A 690 And fro this harmfull happe help 7ee faire A 691 7e ladie full lovely of 7ee lud askes A 692 Which dereworthe dright desires mee to have A 693 7is king carpes anon and cofly saide A 694 Hee is noght yonge of his yeres 7at yernes 7ee take A 695 Ho7er olde of his age but onely too showe A 696 In a meane maner mightfull hee seemes A 697 Hee hath hye on his hed hornes of sylver A 698 With golde gailye begonne glisiing bright A 699 With here on his hedde and his berd also A 700 Hee wyll nye too-night and neede 7ee bihooves A 701 Bee full prest too his paie and profer 7ee faire A 702 3if I may trowe thy tale trulich hue saide A 703 I shall hilich herie with hert and wyll A 704 Noght praise 7ee as a prophet 7at passeth in londe A 705 But as a gracious godde greate I 7ee thynk A 706 And bileeve on thy lore all my lifetime A 707 7an nolde Nectanabus no lenger abide A 708 But gothe too a greene grounde 7ere grases wer sett A 709 Farre fro 7e paleis hee fares all alone A 710 And laches in a launde full lovely wortes A 711 Hee grindes hem grathly and gripes in honde A 712 Hee wringes oute 7e wet wus and went on his gate A 713 Hee passed intoo 7e paleis in a preevy wyse A 714 When it dreew too 7e derk and 7e daie slaked A 715 7e burd busked too bedde and brought was on-slepe A 716 7is king with his conning kithes his werkes A 717 With wiles of witchcraft and wicked deedes A 718 7at by favour of 7e fende and his foule craftes A 719 Hee grathes hym as a god and gothe too 7e burde A 720 As hue slumbred on-slepe slilich hee wendes A 721 And lyeth by 7at ladie 7at lovely was holde A 722 Whan hee his will had wraught hee wendes in haste A 723 And straighte oute of 7e stede with a stiff wyll A 724 7an 7e burde in her bed braide of hur slepe A 725 And whan shee wakyng was shee wondred in hert A 726 Hue mett on 7e midnight of mirth full rive A 727 7at grete god Amon gan 7i7er wend A 728 And had seemelich isett silvern hornes A 729 And bright blased his blee as a brend glede A 730 7en was Amon ywis of worship alosed A 731 And igrett for a god gretest in lond A 732 Hee was ishape as a sheepe shinand bright A 733 Ipainted full prisely and precious stones A 734 Wer sticked on 7at stock stoute too beholde A 735 All 7e ludes of 7e lond lordes and eles A 736 Set hym for soveraine 7eir sokour too beene A 737 And saide 7ere sacrifice in selkouth times A 738 7anne ortrowed Olympias 7e onorable queene A 739 7at hee neihed 7at night nye too her syde A 740 And fonded hur fleshlych or hee fare wolde A 741 Whan hee in his lykyng 7at ladie lauht had A 742 Hur seemed in 7at same stede 7at hee saide after A 743 Worldly wooman well may 7ee lyke A 744 For thy keeper of care is conceived now A 745 A-morowe on 7e mirie daie 7is menskfull queene A 746 Arises up redely and a rink sendes A 747 Anon too Nectanabus and needely hym praies A 748 7at he cofly comme too carpen her tyll A 749 7an laft 7is lud noght long therafter A 750 But camme to 7at lovely to kenne of her lore A 751 7e queene tolde hym till 7e tales too 7e ende A 752 Of her dereworth dreme 7at draihte hur in slepe A 753 And hue saide too 7at seg Soothe o7er eles A 754 3if it were I ne wott for wislich I slept A 755 Whan I 7at sweven so sweete swiftly mette A 756 Nay saide Nectanabus ne trowe 7ou no noo7er A 757 7is ilk sawe was soothe and certain iprooved A 758 For 3if 7ou lene mee leve too leng biside A 759 For too stand in a stede of a straite place A 760 Too waite at a windowe and warn 7ee aftger A 761 I shoolde trie 7e truthe and tell 7ee soone A 762 Whe7er I faithfull or falss founde thy sawe A 763 For I warne 7ee well with worship and joye A 764 Hee wyll 7ee nye too-nyght in a neew fourme A 765 In dreme as a dragoun dreche hee 7ee thenkes A 766 And sithen showe hym hee shall a shawe as it were A 767 Mich liche too mee by mark of my face A 768 Sir saide 7at seemelich 7i sawes bee mirye A 769 7ou shalt stond in a stede still biside A 770 3if it bee certain and soothe 7iself shall I chese A 771 Too fa7er 7e free that I forthbryng A 772 7e burd bad hastely by hur boure-side A 773 7at swich a plais were prest too proove 7e truthe A 774 Whan 7e leme and 7e liht of 7e leve sonne A 775 Was idrawne a-downe and dym were cloudes A 776 7e ladie lay on hur bed and lysted too slepe A 777 And this wonderfull weie waites his place A 778 Hee stoode still on 7e stede and stirred no foote A 779 And sleyly when 7e first slepe slaked on wightes A 780 Hee chases by enchauntement 7e chamber within A 781 And with a dragones drem dreew too 7e bedde A 782 7an hee meeves too hur mouthe and makes his lidene A 783 And kisses 7at cumly and kithes his wyll A 784 And sithen hee seemed a seg hymself as it were A 785 And spake too her speedily these speciall wordes A 786 On 7ee is getten a gome 7e grimmest in erth A 787 7at all weies in 7e worlde worship shall A 788 7us quaintely 7is queene was quemed with gyle A 789 And wend gamene with a god gracious of might A 790 Whan a libbing lud lay in hur armes A 791 7is rink or 7e sonnerist romes a-morowe A 792 And passes in 7e paleis prestlich hym one A 793 And far-forthe on 7e daye whan 7e faire burde A 794 Had long 7ere layne and had lyst too ryse A 795 Dereworth damseles drowne them 7i7er A 796 Too serve 7at seemely 7ei setten hur hondes A 797 Whan hue was redie araied and riall on sight A 798 Hue sendes soone for 7e segge and saide 7ese wordes A 799 Menskfull maister makeles of witt A 800 Tell mee now truly and targe no lenger A 801 What kid King Philip 7at keene is of hert A 802 Deemes with mee too doo mee dreedes it sore A 803 7e lud too this lady full lovely saide A 804 Of Philip have 7ou no fere for faitly too knowe A 805 Amon 7e grete god by graunte of my boone A 806 Schall 7ee wisse fro wo and wreche of his teene A 807 Danne ferd Nectanabus forthe fro 7at place A 808 Hee wendes too a wildernes and waites him erbes A 809 Hee tempres hem tidly and takes hem after A 810 And hee draines in a dish till 7ei dry were A 811 7an fetches hee a sea-foule faire of his wynges A 812 And sawes of sorsery hee saide therover A 813 Of his grounden gras 7e wus can hee take A 814 7eron hee brynges 7e brid and bathes his pilus A 815 By help of 7e hell-feende hee hauntes his werkes A 816 To gille Philip in Greece whan 7e gome slept A 817 Whan it nied 7e night nedelich and soone A 818 Philip fared too bed and fell on a slepe A 819 7e chaunce of enchauntment chased his mynde A 820 7at hee was draiht with dreme thorou deviles engines A 821 7an met 7at man on his mirie slepe A 822 7at hee sawe on his sight his seemely make A 823 How 7at lovelich lif laide was a-bedde A 824 And a gracious god gript hur in armes A 825 Hee lay by 7at lady his liking hee wrought A 826 And whan his deede so deerne doone was in haste A 827 A-middes hur membre too maken it close A 828 Hee sawe hym sewen a seme by seeming of sweven A 829 And with a gaie golde ring hee gan it asele A 830 A ston stiked 7erein stoutlich igrave A 831 7e cast of 7e sonne-course was corve 7erin A 832 A litle liones hed lovelich ishape A 833 With a swith faire swerd sweetelich imaked A 834 Was isett on 7e sell 7e seme all a-middes A 835 Whan Philip on 7e forthe daie first gan arise A 836 Hee cliped hym his clerkes full conning of witt A 837 Full noble nigremancienes 7an... hee in haste A 838 7at kouth such swevenes swiftly arede A 839 Hee minges his metyng amonges hem all A 840 And what it might bee too meane 7e menne gan hee ask A 841 His enchauntiour cheefe 7at 7e chaunce herde A 842 Too 7e cumly kyng kid these wordes A 843 And saide Sir forsoothe thy seemely make A 844 By a gracious god shall go with childe A 845 7e prent 7at was iputt on hur privie membre A 846 With 7e gaie golde ring grave too-rightes A 847 7e leve liones hed 7at laide was amid A 848 As mich amounteth too meane as I may tell A 849 When hur barn is ibore bolde shall hee wex A 850 And bee kid for a king keene of his deedes A 851 As 7e lioun is lorde of living beastes A 852 So 7e ludes in 7e lond alouten him shall A 853 7e sonne-course of 7e sell sinifieth also A 854 7at hee shall fare as farre as any freke dwelles A 855 And right too 7e sonnerist his raigne shall last A 856 7e swerd sweetlich imade in sweven too rede A 857 Bitokneth full treewly in times hereafter A 858 7at hee shall grow full grim and graithlich winne A 859 With stern strokes of swerd and striving of dintes A 860 Bothe boldes and borous and bernes to his will A 861 And seemely cities as soveraine in erth A 862 Philip saide Forsoo7e mee seemed 7at tyme A 863 That I sawe 7e god go graith too hur bedde A 864 Whan hee his will had wrought Woman he saide A 865 Thy keeper is conceived thy comefort bene A 866 7at hee and Philip 7e free of fone shall avenge A 867 Sir said 7e enchauntiour soothely too mene A 868 Whan 7e god gan speake too 7e gaie beurde A 869 How hue conceived had 7e help of hur teene A 870 Faire Philip and hur freely too keepe A 871 7at is wisly too witte hee will you defend A 872 Fro paines and peril 7at perce 7ee ne shall A 873 Of this mirie meting well may 7ou lyke {mute stave?} A 874 Of swiche happes so hende herde I nere tell A 875 In 7e same sesoun soothely too showe A 876 Philip farde too fight as I tofore saide A 877 7at time 7e Tebenienes hee turned too fight A 878 A3ain 7e ferefull folke of Phosus 7e riche A 879 With ludes of Lacedemonie lasches too deale A 880 A3ain Philip too fare feele 7er come A 881 Nectanabus anon-right with his nice werkes A 882 Too begile 7e gome graithes hym soone A 883 Deraide as a dragoun dreedfull in fight A 884 Hee wendes too 7e werre with Philip too holde A 885 In sute of 7e same shape hee seemed 7an A 886 As whan hee farde tofore too 7e faire queene A 887 7an hee farde in 7at fight as hee folke sleew A 888 And brutned in that battle buernes ynow A 889 For dreede of 7is dragoun menne dreew 7em 7ence A 890 And fell doune in 7e feelde fenked in haste A 891 7e dreede of 7is dragoun 7at drof men aboute A 892 So fought for Philip and feld mo knightes A 893 7an all 7e men of Macedonie and more of his peple A 894 Whan this kyng had killd with carefull strokes A 895 7e Lacedemoniens 7at life loren hadde A 896 And Phocus with ferse dynt freelick ywonne A 897 Thorou drede of 7e dragoun and drift of his knightes A 898 7e fell folke of Attenes fledden hym soone A 898 And thought to saven hemself fro sorowe of his wrethe A 900 Philip after 7is fight in a foule time A 901 Was going too 7e over Greece as a grete prince A 902 7e armed Attenieines auntred hym till A 903 7ei wern ware of his comme and his waie stoppes A 904 7e king ki7es his grim too keveren him gate A 905 But all his werk was in waste 7ei werned his thoughtes A 906 For he ne scholde hem shend and shamelich take A 907 Hur seemely cities too sorowen hem all A 908 Enforced were 7e entres with egre men fele A 909 7at hee ne might in 7at marche no maner wend A 910 Whan 7e seg sawe well no sokour ne speede A 911 He was gretely agrise and greeved in hert A 912 For hee ne might in 7o men his malice kith A 913 To Tebes and Tessalonie 7at truly hym holpe A 914 Hee went as a woode man his wrath too avenge A 915 Whan hee comme to 7at coste 7ei kepten hym faire A 916 And gon too hur gates and grathlich hem openes A 917 And lete 7e rink riden in with his route sterne A 918 And weies hym welcomes with worship and joye A 919 7ei trowed no tresoun untruly too have A 920 But Philip 7e ferefull faire thei grette A 921 And lete hym prik with his prese in hur pris holdes A 922 As soone as 7e seg was 7e citie within A 923 Hee wrathfull of wille wronglich 7are A 924 Hee lete catch 7e king and kyllen hym soone A 925 And his princes of price prestlich hee quelde A 926 Douhtie dukes with doole too deth gon hee bryng A 927 And oo7er lordes of lond liveles hee made A 928 Hee brende holdes and borous and beurnes therin A 929 And all went too wo 7at they with mett A 930 As mich as Philip tofore hem frendship wrought A 931 Whan hee fought for 7em and Phocus distriede A 932 As milch maugre and more hee marked hem after A 933 Too traie them untruly 7at trusten hym till A 934 On weies and women awrak hee his teene A 935 And solde them too servise in sorowe too live A 936 And robbed of riches all 7e riche tounes A 937 7us hee wrought 7at wrong with wreche of his anger A 938 For teene of 7e Attenieines 7at turned him too kepe A 939 Whan he 7is cursede cas unkyndely wrought A 940 Hee ne laft no leng in that lond 7an A 941 For too fonde more fight his folke gan hee leade A 942 And fares too a countrie with knightes ynow A 943 7ere a citie was sett seemely and noble A 944 7at Cappadoce was cleped a full kid place A 945 Many doughtie of deede dwelt 7erin A 946 7at wern fresh too fight and fell of hur deedes A 947 Philip bedes hem biker and biddes 7em yeelde A 948 7eir faire citie in faith or fight 7ei shall A 949 7e seges in 7e citie 7emself so kept A 950 7at Philip lafte 7ere long and litle hee spedde A 951 But hee ne stint of his strife noght a stounde-while A 952 Till hee had take 7e toune 7at tristy was holde A 953 And imade all 7e menne meeke too his wyll A 954 Whan hee had wonne 7is won and wrought more teene A 955 With mirth too Macedoine hee makes his chace A 956 Hee priked too his paleis with princes and dukes A 957 And many a seemely seg 7at sued hym 7anne A 958 Of hym 7e queene was ware and wendes with joye A 959 And romed right too 7e rink received him faire A 960 Philip kisses his fere as fell for too doone A 961 And kneew by hur countenaunce hue conceived had A 962 Dame saide 7at douhtie how haste 7ou doo now A 963 Who hath 7ee unclene ikept sithen I comme fro 7ee A 964 7ou haste medled amis methynk by thy chere A 965 Natheless I not 3it nai as I trowe A 966 Dof 7ou have chevesed 7ee a chylde as 7i chaunce falles A 967 For it is geten of a god thy gilt is 7e lasse A 968 Of all 7e happe 7at 7ou haste hollich ifounde A 969 I had minde on my slepe by meting of sweven A 970 A3aines mee and all men 7at may thee biholde A 971 Blameles 7ou might bee of thy berem-chaunce A 972 No wight of thy werk wite 7ee might A 973 Sithen it is sonde of a god sootelich iprooved A 974 It betid in a time tidly therafter A 975 7at Philip made of folke a feaste full ryche A 976 All his princes of price praied hee thider A 977 And oo7er lordes of lond ne laft hee none A 978 Whan hee is fare fro fight his folke for too feaste A 979 In Macedoine with his men this mirth hee made A 980 As soone as 7ei were sett and served too-rightes A 981 Nectanabus by nigremauncie neew hym attires A 982 And in a dragounes drem hee dreew to 7e halle A 983 Hee comme first too 7e king and too 7e kid queene A 984 And sithen hee buskes aboute 7e bordes echone A 985 Hee drouned as a dragon dredefull of noyes A 986 7at all 7e gomes were agrise of his grim sight A 987 7an farde hee forthe too 7e faire queene A 988 And hee holdes his hed right in hur lappe A 989 And kisses 7at cumly in knoweing of all A 990 Philip saide too his fere freely 7ese wordes A 991 Dame of this dragoun I doo 7ee too knowe A 992 And every livand lud 7at lenges herin A 993 In a brem battail abrode in 7e feelde A 994 Whan I was greefly bigo with a grim peeple A 995 Hee comme flie too feelde and my fone schende A 996 7at I was holpe by hym hem to distrie A 997 Whan 7is tale was tolde and tended of all A 998 7e dragoun dreew him awaie with drift of his winges A 999 In a somer seasoun soone therafter A 1000 As Philip satt by hymself soothe for too tell A 1001 A faire breeding brid bremlich went A 1002 And in 7e lappe of 7at lud lovely hee sittes A 1003 Or 7is freelich foule farde of 7e place A 1004 Hee bredde an ai on his barm and braides him 7an A 1005 Philip wondred was of this werk quainte A 1006 And satte still on 7e stede stirred no foote A 1007 7e ai fell on 7e flore in the frekes sight A 1008 And 7e shell toshett on 7e schire grounde A 1009 Whan it coflich tooclef 7er crep oute an addre A 1010 And buskes full boldely aboute 7e shell A 1011 Whan this wrom had went wislich aboute A 1012 Hee wolde have gliden in againe graithlich and soone A 1013 But or hee had in his hed hee hastely deide A 1014 And dreew nere too his denne but deide biside A 1015 Philip for 7is ferlich fast gan wende A 1016 To noble nigremauncieines 7at hym nyh were A 1017 And asked hem an answer 7is aunter too reede A 1018 For cheef of enchauntment chosen 7ei were A 1019 Sir saide one enchauntiour your seemely make A 1020 Shall bere such a barn in a brem tyde A 1021 7at by might of his maine and maistrie of kinges A 1022 Allso wide as 7is worlde shall welden his reigne A 1023 Whan hee aboute hath ibene abrode in 7e londes A 1024 And iwonne at his will 7e wortlych places A 1025 7e kith 7at hee comme fro or hee com till A 1026 Hee shall bee dolven and ded as destenie falles A 1027 As 7e addre of 7e ai auntred aboute A 1028 And wolde have shoten in 7e schell or hee schent were A 1029 So shall fare by 7e freke 7at ferre may bee knowe A 1030 Whan hee hath reigned a-roum as richest of all A 1031 Or hee may too his marche with his maine wende A 1032 7ere hee was fostred and fed him falles too dye A 1033 Now will I cease 7is sawe and segge you more A 1034 Of hym 7at hight Alisaunder holly 7e birth A 1035 Master on molde what may mee befall A 1036 Of Philip sore am I aferd for his fell speeche A 1037 For hee sayed too my sonne in syght of myne yie A 1038 Hee was purlich payed of his prise werkes A 1039 But hee chaunged his chere and too 7e chylde sayed A 1040 That 7ow ne art lyke mee lude mee lykes full yll A 1041 Therfore my mynde and my moode is marred too care A 1042 For his woorde am I wrought wofull in hert A 1043 Queene quoth Nectanabus... A 1044 For the sake of thy sonne... A 1045 The lude looked on-loft late on an eeve A l046 And on a starre too stare hee stynt full long A 1047 Hee hoped to have there of his hertes desyres A 1048 Too catche sum cunnyng hee kest up his yie A 1049 When Alisaunder 7at sawe hee sayed full soone A 1050 Father wherfore is 7at farly too tell A 1051 That thow lookest on-loft so long at 7is tyme A 1052 Soonne sayed 7e segge in syght I beholde A 1053 A brem sterre and a bryght that mee best lykes A 1054 Leeve fader quoth 7e freke fonde I mee tell A 1055 The sterre 7at yee staren on sticketh it in hevin A 1056 Yea forsoothe deare sonne sayed hee than A 1057 It is in hevin full hy beholde whoso myght A 1058 And may yee syr sayed 7e chylde by sum maner wise A 1059 Schowe mee schortly in shape 7at schynyng sterre A 1060 Yea wooste 7ou see my soonne in certeyn tymes A 1061 The merkest howre of 7is nyght ny by my syde A 1062 Withoute 7e citie he sayed in certeyn places A 1063 So lo myghtst 7ou see 7at seemely sterre A 1064 That ilk for to see hee sayed I desyre A 1065 And I shall wend thee with when 7ee well lykes A 1066 But canst 7ou by any craft kenne mee now A 1067 What death dry 7ou shalt by destinie shape A 1068 Yea soonne sayed hee 7o in certein I knowe A 1069 That I shall drye 7e death in dreedefull dedes stoundes A 1070 By encheson of my chylde such chaunce shall fall A 1071 But whan wott I not well ne in what place A 1072 Nectanabus in 7at nyght as hym neede thoght A 1073 Passeth forthe prively 7e paleis without A 1074 The walles besyde... A 1075 Hee gooth downe by 7e dyche 7at deepe was of grounde A 1076 Evyll it is of syght... A 1077 Joyfull Jupiter... Myrthfull Mercurie A 1078 The leame of his lyght lykes well my hert A 1079 So hee stynted 7at stounde and styrred no foote A 1080 Hee pored on 7e planetes pass ere hee woolde... A 1081 Hee braides too 7e bank of 7e brode water A 1082 By 7e shoulderes hym tooke and shift hym in myddes A 1083 With a wrathfull wyll 7ese woordes hee sayed A 1084 Wretched worldly wyght why wylst 7ou knowe A 1085 The privitie of planetes or precious starres A 1086 Syn 7ou art erthly thyself In an yll tyme A 1087 Kaughtst 7ou in 7at craft cunnyng of happes A 1088 Let them 7at in hevin bee knowe hy thynges A 1089 That lore longes too godde and too no lud eles A 1090 Thow 7at worldly art wraught thy wytt 7ou bisett A 1091 On every erthly thyng and ern 7ou nomore A 1092 The segge sayed this sawe sounk or hee wer A 1093 Truthe have I 7ee tolde in tymes ypassed A 1094 And with 7at sawe 7e soule fro 7e seg hee partes A 1095 Alisaunder anonne-ryght armed in hert A 1096 Hee did hym downe too 7e dyche as hee no dreede had A 1097 Hee sprainde in a sprite and spradde it aboute... A 1098 Saye mee seemely sunne what 7ou bryngst A 1099 Ich have broght quoth 7e burn a ded body here A 1100 That noble Nectanabus too name was hote A 1101 Sunne sayed 7at seemelich my sorowe is 7e more... A 1102 It is thy foule fowlye 7at this fare wrought A 1103 Your carefull conscience yee casten so large A 1104 That yee wern no wyght but wyrch as yee lyst A 1105 The queene quoth nought againe but quickly and soone A 1106 Too burye 7at burn 7e beurd gan heate A 1107 Of this lyveles lud ne lyst mee tell A 1108 Of hym I cease my sawe and seche too more. A 1109 Ther was a prince full price of powre yholde A 1110 Keeper of Cappadoce that kyng Philip aught A 1111 A huge horsse and a hy hee had that tyme A 1112 The moste seemely in syght 7at ever seg wyst A 1113 Hee bore a hedde as a bole ybrested to-ryght A 1114 And had hard on his hedde hornes ygrow A 1115 Menne wern his meate that hee moste looved A 1116 For as many as hee myght murdre hee woolde A 1117 Hee was byglich ybownde on bothe twoo halves A 1118 Bothe his chaul and his chynne with chaynes of yren A 1119 Many lockes wer laft his legges aboute A 1120 That hee nas loose in no lime ludes to greeve A 1121 To byte ne to braundise ne to breake no wowes A 1122 For hee so myghty was made in all maner thynges A 1123 Of such a body as hee bore 7e blonke so sterne A 1124 Was never steede in no stede 7at stynt upon erth... A 1125 Let greete hym with God and goode wyll... A 1126 Intoo meery Macedoine 7ei messengeres 7ei camme A 1127 From what kith 7ei camme cofly they tolde... A 1128 And their presaunt of price proffred hym tyll A 1129 Hee had blyss of 7at beaste and blythely hym thankes A 1130 Dupe as a dunjoun dyked in erth A 1131 All about bygged with barres of yern A 1132 Therfore 7e kyng had cast too keepe 7at steede A 1133 In 7at cave craftely enclosed with gynne A 1134 For if a trayter wer ytake in tyme therafter A 1135 Or any thriftles theefe for thynges accused A 1136 They shoolde bee cast in 7at cave too 7at keene blonk A 1137 And bee devoured with doole as 7e doome woolde A 1138 Anon as ever 7e nyght nyied on erth A 1139 Philip farde too bedde and fell on a sleepe A 1140 Of a myghtfull godde hee mett 7at tyme A 1141 That on his bedsyde satt and 7is sawe tolde A 1142 Who prickes on a playne feelde 7e perelous beaste A 1143 Hee shall raigne as a ryng ryall and noble A 1144 And bee kyng of thy kith knyghtes too leade A 1145 When 7ou art doone and deede and thy daye endes A 1146 When Alisaunder was of age as I shall tell A 1147 Of full fifteene yere faren too 7e end A 1148 Hee was hardye and hende happes to fond A 1149 And such wys of his witt in wordly thynges A 1150 Lered on letrure was 7e lud then A 1151 And of Latin 7e lore lellich hee wyst A 1152 In a tyme betyd as I tell after A 1153 That many menne of Attenes with myckle oo7er peeple A 1154 Did 7em forthe on a day by 7e dupe cave A 1155 There 7e steede in stoode strayned in bondes A 1156 They sawe lygge in theyr looke legges and armes A 1157 Fayre handes and feete freaten too the bonne A 1158 Of menne 7at myslych wer murdred therin A 1159 By juyses unjoyfull jugged too death A 1160 When Alisaunder was ware of 7e wylde beaste A 1161 That was of body so bolde bremlych yshaped A 1162 Too hym hee heelde forthe his hand 7e horss it awaytes A 1163 Hee layed 7e neck oute-along and lycked his handes A 1164 And sythe hee foldes his feete and falles too 7e grounde A 1165 And abowed to 7e burn on his best wysse A 1166 When Alisaunder so sawe in his syght there A 1167 How 7e steede was styll and no stryfe made A 1168 Bale thoght 7at burn too bynde 7at steede A 1169 That so meeke was of moode and made no noyes A 1170 Hee unclosed 7e cave unclainte 7e barres A 1171 And straihte in 7e stede stroked hym fayre A 1172 Hee raught forthe his right hand and his rigge frotus A 1173 And coies hym as he kan with his clene handes A 1174 7an hee loses his lockes his legges unbyndes A 1175 That hee nas fast in no foote bifore ne bihynde A 1176 Therof 7e blonk was blythe and blainte no furre A 1177 But meeke was of maneres withoute mischanche A 1178 Was nere lambe in no land lower of chere A 1179 No hownde to his hous-lorde so hende to queme A 1180 7at was lever to lyke 7e lude 7at hym aught A 1181 7en was 7e blonk to 7e beurn 7at hym bistint A 1182 7an wendes 7is weih 7e cave withoute A 1183 And 7e horss with his hand hendely bringes A 1184 Soone hee leapes on-loft and lete hym worthe A 1185 To faire as hym lyst faine in feelde or in towne A 1186 The steede strauht on his gate and stired hym under A 1187 And wrought no wod res but his waye holdes A 1188 When Sire Philip gan see 7e seg so too ryde A 1189 And his blonk behelde abated of wrath A 1190 Of 7e michel meekenes marveil hee had A 1191 That 7e steede so stern stynt of his fare A 1192 Hee sayde Sonne Alisaunder of 7is same chaunce A 1193 Iche had mynde in my slepe by metyng fownde A 1194 A greate glisiande god grathly mee tolde A 1195 That 7ou shalt raigne when I royte on my ryche londes A 1196 Fa7er sayde 7e freke if 7ou foreknowes A 1197 That I shall leade thy landes when thy life endes A 1198 Let mee be proved as prince in pres where I wend A 1199 And fende mee finliche well to fonde my strength A 1200 Of this bounden beaste blynne we 7e speche A 1201 Of King Philip 7e keene karp wee now A 1202 When Philip had with his folke faren on Greece A 1203 And taken tresure ynough in townes full riche A 1204 Hee hurd tell of a towne thriftily walled A 1205 A citie sett by peece with full siker wardes A 1206 Byzaunce 7e bolde sted was 7e borowe hote A 1207 None better hym aboute 7at any beurn wyst A 1208 It was chosen for cheefe to cheffaren in A 1209 And many merchauntes 7erin 7at much goode aught A 1210 All 7e lordes of 7e lond 7at large was founde A 1211 Helde it hur cheefe holde when happe camme of warre A 1212 Many menne of 7e Easte of merchauntes ynow A 1213 Wer brought to 7e borowe too biggen and sell A 1214 No defaute nas founde in 7at faire place A 1215 On every syde 7e sea ofsouhte the walles A 1216 Pausanias a pris king none prester ifounde A 1217 While hym lasted his lyfe on his lond riche A 1218 Let build 7e borowe too byde therin A 1219 When hee was ferkid with fyght of his fone grimme A 1220 That bolde borou Byzance 7at buyld was to-rihtus A 1221 Was called syn in 7at coste Constantinoble A 1222 Of Roome a riche emperour 7at reigned sythe A 1223 Constantine hee was cleped a knyght well-alosed A 1224 The sonne of Saint Elaine 7e seemelich ladie A 1225 That weihes worshipen yet for hur werk hende A 1226 A neew name too 7at borowe hee named 7an A 1227 And called it Constantinople 7at knowen is wyde A 1228 For 7at staleworthe sted so strong was founded A 1229 Philip hoped 7at holde with his help to wynne A 1230 For too keepe in that kith culich and riche A 1231 All his tresour ytryed for in treson or gyle A 1232 That none robed 7e rink of 7ese riche thynges A 1233 Philip with his ferefull folke fast hym arayes A 1234 For too proven his pride at 7e pris borowe A 1235 Forthe rydes 7e kyng with his route huge A 1236 And hath 7e citie besett on sydes aboute A 1237 On floode and on faire lond his folke gan hee sett A 1238 3if hee myght derie with dint 7at dereworthe place A 1239 This seg biseeged so 7at citie full long A 1240 With all 7e maine 7at hee myght made his assautes A 1241 But all 7e ludes 7at hee ladde for love ne for aie A 1242 No myght apeire 7e place of a peny-brede A 1243 For 7at freelich frek as I fore tolde A 1244 The kid knight Pausania 7at king was of Spart A 1245 That borowe in his best state let build so strong A 1246 That all 7e wightes in 7e worlde it wynne ne myght A 1247 But 3if fode lacked too ludes within