Piers Plowman B-Text from Skeat Not proof read 18/5/89 @=thorn #=yogh $=caesura H P001 In a somer seson $whan soft was the sonne H P002 I shope me in shroudes $as I a shepe were H P003 In habite as an heremite $vnholy of workes H P004 Went wyde in this world $wondres to here H P005 Ac on a May mornynge $on Maluerne hulles H P006 Me byfel a ferly $of fairy me thou#te H P007 I was wery forwandred $and went me to reste H P008 Vnder a brode banke $bi a bornes side H P009 And as I lay and lened $and loked in the wateres H P010 I slombred in a slepyng $it sweyued so merye H P011 Thanne gan I to meten $a merueilouse sweuene H P012 That I was in a wildernesse $wist I neuer where H P013 As I bihelde in-to the est $an hiegh to the sonne H P014 I seigh a toure on a toft $trielich ymaked H P015 A depe dale binethe $a dongeon there-inne H P016 With depe dyches and derke $and dredful of sight H P017 A faire felde ful of folke $fonde I there bytwene H P018 Of alle maner of men $the mene and the riche H P019 Worchyng and wandryng $as the worlde asketh H P020 Some putten hem to the plow $pleyed ful seide H P021 In settyng and in sowyng $swonken ful harde H P022 And wonnen that wastours $with glotonye destruyeth H P023 And some putten hem to pruyde $apparailed hem ther- after H P024 In contenaunce of clothyng $comen disgised H P025 In prayers and in penance $putten hem manye H P026 Al for loue of owre lorde $lyueden ful streyte H P027 In hope forto haue $heueneriche blisse H P028 As ancres and heremites $that holden hem in here selles H P029 And coueiten nought in contre $to kairen aboute H P030 For no likerous liflode $her lykam to plese H P031 And somme chosen chaffare $they cheuen the bettere H P032 As it semeth to owre sy#t $that suche men thryueth H P033 And somme murthes to make $as mynstralles conneth H P034 And geten gold with here glee $synneles I leue H P035 Ac iapers and iangelers $Iudas chylderen H P036 Feynen hem fantasies $and foles hem maketh H P037 And han here witte at wille $to worche #if thei sholde H P038 That Poule precheth of hem $I nel nought preue it here H P039 Qui turpiloquium loquitur $is Luciferes hyne H P040 Bidders and beggeres $fast aboute #ede H P041 With her belies and her bagges $of bred ful ycrammed H P042 Fayteden for here fode $fou#ten atte ale H P043 In glotonye god it wote $gon hij to bedde H P044 And risen with ribaudye $tho Roberdes knaues H P045 Slepe and sori sleuthe $seweth hem eure H P046 Pilgrymes and palmers $pli#ted hem togidere H P047 To seke seynt Iames $and seyntes in Rome H P048 Thei went forth in here wey $with many wise tales H P049 And hadden leue to lye $al here lyf after H P050 I seigh somme that seiden $thei had ysou#t seyntes H P051 To eche a tale that thei tolde $here tonge was tempred to lye H P052 More than to sey soth $it semed bi here speche H P053 Heremites on an heep $with hoked staues H P054 Wenten to Walsyngham $and here wenches after H P055 Grete lobyes and longe $that loth were to swynke H P056 Clotheden hem in copis $to ben knowen fram othere H P057 And shopen hem heremites $here ese to haue H P058 I fonde there freris $alle the foure ordres H P059 Preched the peple $for profit of hem-seluen H P060 Glosed the gospel $as hem good lyked H P061 For coueitise of copis $construed it as thei wolde H P062 Many of this maistres freris $mowe clothen hem at lykyng H P063 For here money and marchandise $marchen togideres H P064 For sith charite hath be chapman $and chief to shryue lordes H P065 Many ferlis han fallen $in a fewe #eris H P066 But holychirche and hij $holde better togideres H P067 The moste myschief on molde $is mountyng wel faste H P068 There preched a pardonere $as he a prest were H P069 Brou#te forth a bulle $with bishopes seles H P070 And seide that hym-self my#te $assoilen hem alle H P071 Of falshed of fastyng $of vowes ybroken H P072 Lewed men leued hym wel $and lyked his wordes H P073 Comen vp knelyng $to kissen his bulles H P074 He bonched hem with his breuet $and blered here eyes H P075 And rau#te with his ragman $rynges and broches H P076 Thus they geuen here golde $glotones to kepe H P077 And leueth such loseles $that lecherye haunten H P078 Were the bischop yblissed $and worth bothe his eres H P079 His seel shulde nou#t be sent $to deceyue the peple H P080 Ac it is nau#t by the bischop $that the boy precheth H P081 For the parisch prest and the pardonere $parten the siluer H P082 That the poraille of the parisch $sholde haue #if thei nere H P083 Persones and parisch prestes $pleyned hem to the bischop H P084 That here parisshes were pore $sith the pestilence tyme H P085 To haue a lycence and a leue $at London to dwelle H P086 And syngen there for symonye $for siluer is swete H P087 Bischopes and bachelers $bothe maistres and doctours H P088 That han cure vnder criste $and crounyng in tokne H P089 And signe that thei sholden $shryuen here paroschienes H P090 Prechen and prey for hem $and the pore fede H P091 Liggen in London $in lenten an elles H P092 Somme seruen the kyng $and his siluer tellen H P093 In cheker and in chancerye $chalengen his dettes H P094 Of wardes and wardmotes $weyues and streyues H P095 And some seruen as seruantz $lordes and ladyes H P096 And in stede of stuwardes $sytten and demen H P097 Here messe and here matynes $and many of here oures H P098 Arn don vndeuoutlych $drede is at the laste H P099 Lest crist in consistorie $acorse ful manye H P100 I parceyued of the power $that Peter had to kepe H P101 To bynde and to vnbynde $as the boke telleth H P102 How he it left with loue $as owre lorde hight H P103 Amonges foure vertues $the best of alle vertues H P104 That cardinales ben called $and closyng #atis H P105 There crist is in kyngdome $to close and to shutte H P106 And to opne it to hem $and heuene blisse shewe H P107 Ac of the cardinales atte Courte $that cau#t of that name H P108 And power presumed in hem $a pope to make H P109 To han that power that Peter hadde $inpugnen I nelle H P110 For in loue and letterure $the eleccioun bilongeth H P111 For-thi I can and can nau#te $of courte speke more H P112 Thanne come there a kyng $kny#thod hym ladde H P113 Mi#t of the comunes $made hym to regne H P114 And thanne cam kynde wytte $and clerkes he made H P115 For to conseille the kyng $and the comune saue H P116 The kyng and kny#thode $and clergye bothe H P117 Casten that the comune $shulde hem-self fynde H P118 The comune contreued $of kynde witte craftes H P119 And for profit of alle the poeple $plowmen ordeygned H P120 To tilie and trauaile $as trewe lyf asketh H P121 The kynge and the comune $and kynde witte the thridde H P122 Shope lawe and lewte $eche man to knowe his owne H P123 Thanne loked vp a lunatik $a lene thing with-alle H P124 And knelyng to the kyng $clergealy he seyde H P125 Crist kepe the sire kyng $and thi kyngriche H P126 And leue the lede thi londe $so leute the louye H P127 And for thi ri#tful rewlyng $be rewarded in heuene H P128 And sithen in the eyre an hiegh $an angel of heuene H P129 Lowed to speke in latyn $for lewed men ne coude H P130 Iangle ne iugge $that iustifie hem shulde H P131 But suffren and seruen $for-thi seyde the angel H P132 Sum Rex sum Princeps $neutrum fortasse deinceps H P133 O qui iura regis $Christi specialia regis H P134 Hoc quod agas melius $iustus es esto pius H P135 Nudum ius a te $vestiri vult pietate H P136 Qualia vis metere $talia grana sere H P137 Si ius nudatur $nudo de iure metatur H P138 Si seritur pietas $de pietate metas H P139 Thanne greued hym a goliardeys $a glotoun of wordes H P140 And to the angel an hei# $answered after H P141 Dum rex a regere $dicatur nomen habere H P142 Nomen habet sine re $nisi studet iura tenere H P143 And thanne gan alle the comune $crye in vers of latin H P144 To the kynges conseille $construe $ho-so wolde H P145 Precepta Regis $sunt nobis vincula legis H P146 With that ran there a route $of ratones at ones H P147 And smale mys myd hem $mo then a thousande H P148 And comen to a conseille $for here comune profit H P149 For a cat of a courte $cam whan hym lyked H P150 And ouerlepe hem ly#tlich $and lau#te hem at his wille H P151 And pleyde with hem perilouslych $and possed hem aboute H P152 For doute of dyuerse dredes $we dar nou#te wel loke H P153 And #if we grucche of his gamen $he wil greue vs alle H P154 Cracche vs or clowe vs $and in his cloches holde H P155 That vs lotheth the lyf $or he lete vs passe H P156 My#te we with any witte $his wille withstonde H P157 We my#te be lordes aloft $and lyuen at owre ese H P158 A raton of renon $most renable of tonge H P159 Seide for a souereygne $help to hym-selue H P160 I haue ysein segges quod he $in the cite of London H P161 Beren bi#es ful bri#te $abouten here nekkes H P162 And some colers of crafty werk $vncoupled thei wenden H P163 Bothe in wareine and in waste $where hem leue lyketh H P164 And otherwhile thei aren elles-where $as I here telle H P165 Were there a belle on here bei# $bi Iesu as me thynketh H P166 Men my#te wite where thei went $and awei renne H P167 And ri#t so quod that ratoun $reson me sheweth H P168 To bugge a belle of brasse $or of bri#te syluer H P169 And knitten on a colere $for owre comune profit H P170 And hangen it vp-on the cattes hals $thanne here we mowen H P171 Where he ritt or rest $or renneth to playe H P172 And #if him list for to laike $thenne loke we mowen H P173 And peren in his presence $ther while hym plaie liketh H P174 And #if him wrattheth be ywar $and his weye shonye H P175 Alle this route of ratones $to this reson thei assented H P176 Ac tho the belle was ybou#t $and on the bei#e hanged H P177 There ne was ratoun in alle the route $for alle the rewme of Fraunce H P178 That dorst haue ybounden the belle $aboute the cattis nekke H P179 Ne hangen it aboute the cattes hals $al Engelonde to wynne H P180 And helden hem vnhardy $and here conseille feble H P181 And leten here laboure lost $and alle here longe studye H P182 A mous that moche good $couthe as me thou#te H P183 Stroke forth sternly $and stode biforn hem alle H P184 And to the route of ratones $reherced these wordes H P185 Thou# we culled the catte $#ut sholde ther come another H P186 To cracchy vs and al owre kynde $thou# we crope vnder benches H P187 For-thi I conseille alle the comune $to lat the catte worthe H P188 And be we neuer so bolde $the belle hym to shewe H P189 For I herde my sire seyn $is seuene #ere ypassed H P190 There the catte is a kitoun $the courte is ful elyng H P191 That witnesseth holiwrite $who-so wil it rede Ve terre vbi puer rex est &c. H P192 For may no renke there rest haue $for ratones bi ny#te H P193 The while he caccheth conynges $he coueiteth nou#t owre caroyne H P194 But fet hym al with venesoun $defame we hym neuere H P195 For better is a litel losse $than a longe sorwe H P196 The mase amonge vs alle $thou# we mysse a schrewe H P197 For many mannus malt $we mys wolde destruye H P198 And also #e route of ratones $rende mennes clothes H P199 Nere that cat of that courte $that can #ow ouerlepe H P200 For had #e rattes #owre wille $#e couthe nou#t reule #owre-selue H P201 I sey for me quod the mous $I se so mykel after H P202 Shal neuer the cat ne the kitoun $bi my conseille be greued H P203 Ne carpyng of this coler $that costed me neure H P204 And thou# it had coste me catel $biknowen it I nolde H P205 But suffre as hym-self wolde $to do as hym liketh H P206 Coupled and vncoupled $to cacche what thei mowe H P207 For-thi vche a wise wi#te I warne $wite wel his owne H P208 What this meteles bemeneth $#e men that be merye H P209 Deuine #e for I ne dar $bi dere god in heuene H P210 #it houed there an hondreth $in houues of selke H P211 Seriaunt# it semed $that serueden atte barre H P212 Plededen for penyes $and poundes the lawe H P213 And nou#t for loue of owre lorde $vnlese here lippes onis H P214 Thow my#test better mete the myste $on Maluerne hulles H P215 Than gete a momme of here mouthe $but money were shewed H P216 Barones an burgeis $and bonde-men als H P217 I sei# in this assemble $as #e shul here after H P218 Baxsteres and brewesteres $and bocheres manye H P219 Wollewebsteres $and weueres of lynnen H P220 Taillours and tynkeres $and tolleres in marketes H P221 Masons and mynours $and many other craftes H P222 Of alkin libbyng laboreres $lopen forth somme H P223 As dykers and delueres $that doth here dedes ille H P224 And dryuen forth the longe day $with Dieu vous saue Dame Emme H P225 Cokes and here knaues $crieden hote pies hote H P226 Gode gris and gees $gowe dyne gowe H P227 Tauerners vn-til hem $tolde the same H P228 White wyn of Oseye $and red wyn of Gascoigne H P229 Of the Ryne and of the Rochel $the roste to defye H P230 Al this sei# I slepyng $and seuene sythes more H 1001 What this montaigne bymeneth $and the merke dale H 1002 And the felde ful of folke $I shal #ow faire schewe H 1003 A loueli ladi of lere $in lynnen yclothed H 1004 Come down fram a castel $and called me faire H 1005 And seide Sone slepestow $sestow this poeple H 1006 How bisi thei ben $abouten the mase H 1007 The moste partie of this poeple $that passeth on this erthe H 1008 Haue thei worschip in this worlde $thei wilne no better H 1009 Of other heuene than here $holde thei no tale H 1010 I was aferd of her face $thei# she faire were H 1011 And seide mercy Madame $what is this to mene H 1012 The toure vp the toft quod she $Treuthe is there-inne H 1013 And wolde that #e wrou#te $as his worde techeth H 1014 For he is fader of feith $fourmed #ow alle H 1015 Bothe with fel and with face $and #af #ow fyue wittis H 1016 Forto worschip hym ther-with $the while that #e ben here H 1017 And therfore he hy#te the erthe $to help #ow vnchone H 1018 Of wollen of lynnen $of lyflode at nede H 1019 In mesurable manere $to make #ow at ese H 1020 And comaunded of his curteisye $in comune three thinges H 1021 Arne none nedful but tho $and nempne hem I thinke H 1022 And rekne hem bi resoun $reherce thow hem after H 1023 That one is vesture $from chele the to saue H 1024 And mete atte mele $for myseise of thi-selue H 1025 And drynke whan thow dryest $ac do nou#t out of resoun H 1026 That thow worth the werse $whan thow worche shuldest H 1027 For Loth in his lifdayes $for likyng of drynke H 1028 Dede bi his dou#tres $that the deuel lyked H 1029 Delited hym in drynke $as the deuel wolde H 1030 And lecherye hym lau#t $and lay bi hem bothe H 1031 And al he witt it wyn $that wikked dede Inebriamus eum vino dormiamusque cum eo Vt seruare possimus de patre nostro semen H 1032 Thorw wyn and thorw women $there was Loth acombred H 1033 And there gat in glotonye $gerlis that were cherlis H 1034 For-thi drede delitable drynke $and thow shalt do the bettere H 1035 Mesure is medcyne $thou# thow moche #erne H 1036 It is nau#t al gode to the goste $that the gutte axeth H 1037 Ne liflode to thi likam $that leef is to thi soule H 1038 Leue not thi likam $for a lyer him techeth H 1039 That is the wrecched worlde $wolde the bitraye H 1040 For the fende and thi flesch $folweth the togidere H 1041 This and that sueth thi soule $and seith it in thin herte H 1042 And for thow sholdest ben ywar $I wisse the the beste H 1043 Madame mercy quod I $me liketh wel #owre wordes H 1044 Ac the moneye of this molde $that men so faste holdeth H 1045 Telle me to whom Madame $that tresore appendeth H 1046 Go to the gospel quod she $that god seide hym-seluen H 1047 Tho the poeple hym apposed $with a peny in the temple H 1048 Whether thei shulde ther-with $worschip the kyng Sesar H 1049 And god axed of hem $of whome spake the lettre H 1050 And the ymage ilyke $that there-inne stondeth H 1051 Cesaris thei seide $we sen hym wel vchone H 1052 Reddite Cesari quod god $that Cesari bifalleth H 1053 Et que sunt dei deo $or elles #e done ille H 1054 For ri#tful reson $shulde rewle #ow alle H 1055 And kynde witte be wardeyne $#owre welthe to kepe H 1056 And tutour of #oure tresore $and take it #ow at nede H 1057 For housbonderye and hij $holden togideres H 1058 Thanne I frained hir faire $for hym that hir made H 1059 That dongeoun in the dale $that dredful is of si#te H 1060 What may it be to mene $ma-dame I #ow biseche H 1061 That is the castel of care $who-so cometh therinne H 1062 May banne that he borne was $to body or to soule H 1063 Therinne wonieth a wi#te $that wronge is yhote H 1064 Fader of falshed $and founded it hym-selue H 1065 Adam and Eue $he egged to ille H 1066 Conseilled Caym $to kullen his brother H 1067 Iudas he iaped $with Iuwen siluer H 1068 And sithen on an eller $honged hym after H 1069 He is letter of loue $and lyeth hem alle H 1070 That trusten on his tresor $bitrayeth he sonnest H 1071 Thanne had I wonder in my witt $what womman it were H 1072 That such wise wordes $of holy writ shewed H 1073 And asked hir on the hie#e name $ar heo thennes #eode H 1074 What she were witterli $that wissed me so faire H 1075 Holicherche I am quod she $thow ou#test me to know H 1076 I vnderfonge the firste $and the feyth tau#te H 1077 And brou#test me borwes $my biddyng to fulfille H 1078 And to loue me lelly $the while thi lyf dureth H 1079 Thanne I courbed on my knees $and cryed hir of grace H 1080 And preyed hir pitousely $prey for my synnes H 1081 And also kenne me kyndeli $on criste to bileue H 1082 That I mi#te worchen his wille $that wrou#te me to man H 1083 Teche me to no tresore $but telle me this ilke H 1084 How may I saue my soule $that seynt art yholden H 1085 Whan alle tresores aren tried quod she $trewthe is the best H 1086 I do it on deus caritas $to deme the sothe H 1087 It is as derworth a drewery $as dere god hym-seluen H 1088 Who-so is trewe of his tonge $and telleth none other H 1089 And doth the werkis ther-with $and wilneth no man ille H 1090 He is a god bi the gospel $agrounde and aloft H 1091 And ylike to owre lorde $bi seynte Lukes wordes H 1092 The clerkes that knoweth this $shulde kenne it aboute H 1093 For cristene and vncristne $clameth it vchone H 1094 Kynges and kni#tes $shulde kepe it bi resoun H 1095 Riden and rappe down $in reumes aboute H 1096 And taken trangressores $and tyen hem faste H 1097 Til treuthe had ytermyned $her trespas to the ende H 1098 And that is the professioun appertly $that appendeth for kny#tes H 1099 And nou#t to fasten a Fryday $in fyue score wynter H 1100 But holden with him and with hir $that wolden al treuthe H 1101 And neuer leue hem for loue $ne for lacchyng of syluer H 1102 For Dauid in his dayes $dubbed kni#tes H 1103 And did hem swere on here swerde $to serue trewthe euere H 1104 And who-so passed that poynte $was apostata in the ordre H 1105 But criste kingene kynge $kni#ted ten H 1106 Cherubyn and seraphin $suche seuene and an-othre H 1107 And #af hem my#te in his maieste $the muryer hem thou#te H 1108 And ouer his mene meyne $made hem archangeles H 1109 Tau#te hem bi the Trinitee $treuthe to knowe H 1110 To be buxome at his biddyng $he bad hem nou#te elles H 1111 Lucifer with legiounes $lerned it in heuene H 1112 But for he brake buxumnesse $his blisse gan he tyne H 1113 And fel fro that felawship $in a fendes liknes H 1114 In-to a depe derke helle $to dwelle there for eure H 1115 And mo thowsandes with him $than man couthe noumbre H 1116 Lopen out with Lucifer $in lothelich forme H 1117 For thei leueden vpon hym $that lyed in this manere Ponam pedem in aquilone et similis ero altissimo H 1118 And alle that hoped it mi#te be so $none heuene mi#te hem holde H 1119 But fellen out in fendes liknesse $nyne dayes togideres H 1120 Til god of his goodnesse $gan stable and stynte H 1121 And garte the heuene to stekye $and stonden in quiete H 1122 Whan thise wikked went out $wonderwise thei fellen H 1123 Somme in eyre somme in erthe $and somme in helle depe H 1124 Ac Lucifer lowest $lith of hem alle H 1125 For pryde that he pult out $his peyne hath none ende H 1126 And alle that worche with wronge $wenden hij shulle H 1127 After her deth day $and dwelle with that shrewe H 1128 Ac tho that worche wel $as holiwritt telleth H 1129 And enden as I ere seide $in treuthe that is the best H 1130 Mowe be siker that her soule $shal wende to heuene H 1131 Ther treuthe is in Trinitee $and troneth hem alle H 1132 For-thi I sey as I seide ere $bi si#te of thise textis H 1133 Whan alle tresores arne ytried $treuthe is the beste H 1134 Lereth it this lewde men $for lettred men it knowen H 1135 That treuthe is tresore $the triest on erthe H 1136 #et haue I no kynde knowing quod I $#et mote #e kenne me better H 1137 By what craft in my corps $it comseth and where H 1138 Thow doted daffe quod she $dulle arne thi wittes H 1139 To litel latyn thow lernedest $lede in thi #outhe Heu michi quod sterilem duxi vitam iuuenilem H 1140 It is a kynde knowyng quod he $that kenneth in thine herte H 1141 For to louye thi lorde $leuer than thi-selue H 1142 No dedly synne to do $dey thou# thow sholdest H 1143 This I trowe be treuthe $who can teche the better H 1144 Loke thow suffre hym to sey $and sithen lere it after H 1145 For thus witnesseth his worde $worche thow there- after H 1146 For trewthe telleth that loue $is triacle of heuene H 1147 May no synne be on him sene $that vseth that spise H 1148 And alle his werkes he wrou#te $with loue as him liste H 1149 And lered it Moises for the luest thing $and moste like to heuene H 1150 And also the plente of pees $moste precious of vertues H 1151 For heuene my#te nou#te holden it $it was so heuy of hym-self H 1152 Tyl it hadde of the erthe $yeten his fylle H 1153 And whan it haued of this folde $flesshe and blode taken H 1154 Was neuere leef vpon lynde $li#ter ther-after H 1155 And portatyf and persant $as the poynt of a nedle H 1156 That my#te non armure it lette $ne none hei# walles H 1157 For-thi is loue leder $of the lordes folke of heuene H 1158 And a mene as the maire is $bitwene the kyng and the comune H 1159 Ri#t so is loue a ledere $and the lawe shapeth H 1160 Vpon man for his mysdedes $the merciment he taxeth H 1161 And for to knowe it kyndely $it comseth bi myght H 1162 And in the herte there is the heuede $and the hei# welle H 1163 For in kynde knowynge in herte $there a my#te bigynneth H 1164 And that falleth to the fader $that formed vs alle H 1165 Loked on vs with loue $and lete his sone deye H 1166 Mekely for owre mysdedes $to amende vs alle H 1167 And #et wolde he hem no woo $that wrou#te hym that peyne H 1168 But mekelich with mouthe $mercy he bisou#te H 1169 To haue pite of that poeple $that peyned hym to deth H 1170 Here my#tow see ensamples $in hym-selue one H 1171 That he was mi#tful and meke $and mercy gan graunte H 1172 To hem that hongen him an hei# $and his herte thirled H 1173 For-thi I rede #ow riche $haueth reuthe of the pouere H 1174 Thou# #e be my#tful to mote $beth meke in #owre werkes H 1175 For the same mesures that #e mete $amys other elles H 1176 #e shullen ben weyen ther-wyth $whan #e wende hennes Eadem mensura quo mensi fueritis remecietur vobis H 1177 For thou# #e be trewe of #owre tonge $and trewliche wynne H 1178 And as chaste as a childe $that in cherche wepeth H 1179 But if #e louen lelliche $and lene the poure H 1180 Such good as god #ow sent $godelich parteth H 1181 #e ne haue na more meryte $in masse ne in houres H 1182 Than Malkyn of hire maydenhode $that no man desireth H 1183 For Iames the gentil $iugged in his bokes H 1184 That faith with-oute the faite $is ri#te no thinge worthi H 1185 And as ded as a dore-tre $but #if the dedes folwe Fides sine operibus mortua est &c. H 1186 For-thi chastite with-oute charite $worth cheyned in helle H 1187 It is as lewed as a laumpe $that no li#te is inne H 1188 Many chapeleynes arne chaste $ac charite is awey H 1189 Aren no men auarousere than hij $whan thei ben auaunced H 1190 Vnkynde to her kyn $and to alle cristene H 1191 Chewen here charite $and chiden after more H 1192 Such chastite with-outen charite $worth cheyned in helle H 1193 Many curatoures kepen hem $clene of here bodies H 1194 Thei ben acombred with coueitise $thei konne nou#t don it fram hem H 1195 So harde hath auarice $yshaped hem togideres H 1196 And that is no treuthe of the trinite $but treccherye of helle H 1197 And lernyng to lewde men $the latter for to dele H 1198 For-thi this wordes $ben wryten in the gospel H 1199 Date et dabitur vobis $for I dele #ow alle H 1200 And that is the lokke of loue $and lateth oute my grace H 1201 To conforte the careful $acombred with synne H 1202 Loue is leche of lyf $and nexte owre lorde selue H 1203 And also the graith gate $that goth in-to heuene H 1204 For-thi I sey as I seide $ere by the textis H 1205 Whan alle tresores ben ytryed $treuthe is the beste H 1206 Now haue I tolde the what treuthe is $that no tresore is bettere H 1207 I may no lenger the with $how loke the owre lorde H 2001 Yet I courbed on my knees $and cryed hir of grace H 2002 And seide mercy madame $for Marie loue of heuene H 2003 That bar that blisful barne $that bou#te vs on the rode H 2004 Kenne me bi somme crafte $to knowe the Fals H 2005 Loke vpon thi left half $and lo where he standeth H 2006 Bothe Fals and Fauel $and here feres manye H 2007 I loked on my left half $as the lady me taughte H 2008 And was war of a womman $wortheli yclothed H 2009 Purfiled with pelure $the finest vpon erthe H 2010 Y-crounede with a corone $the kyng hath non better H 2011 Fetislich hir fyngres $were fretted with golde wyre H 2012 And there-on red rubyes $as red as any glede H 2013 And diamantz of derrest pris $and double manere safferes H 2014 Orientales and ewages $enuenymes to destroye H 2015 Hire robe was ful riche $of red scarlet engreyned H 2016 With ribanes of red golde $and of riche stones H 2017 Hire arraye me rauysshed $suche ricchesse saw I neuere H 2018 I had wondre what she was $and whas wyf she were H 2019 What is this womman quod I $so worthily atired H 2020 That is Mede the mayde quod she $hath noyed me ful oft H 2021 And ylakked my lemman $that Lewte is hoten H 2022 And bilowen hire to lordes $that lawes han to kepe H 2023 In the popis paleys $she is pryue as my-self H 2024 But sothenesse wolde nou#t so $for she is a bastarde H 2025 For Fals was hire fader $that hath a fykel tonge H 2026 And neuere sothe seide $sithen he come to erthe H 2027 And Mede is manered after hym $ri#te as kynde axeth Qualis pater talis filius bona arbor bonum fructum facit H 2028 I au#te ben herre than she $I cam of a better H 2029 Mi fader the grete god is $and grounde of alle graces H 2030 O god with-oute gynnynge $and I his gode dou#ter H 2031 And hath #oue me mercy $to marye with my-self H 2032 And what man be merciful $and lelly me loue H 2033 Schal be my lorde and I his leef $in the hei#e heuene H 2034 And what man taketh Mede $myne had dar I legge H 2035 That he shal lese for hir loue $a lappe of caritatis H 2036 How construeth Dauid the kynge $of men that taketh mede H 2037 And men of this molde $that meynteneth treuthe H 2038 And how #e shal saue #ow-self $the sauter bereth witnesse Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c. H 2039 And now worth this Mede ymaried $al to a mansed schrewe H 2040 To one Fals Fikel-tonge $a fenes bi#ete H 2041 Fauel thorw his faire speche $hath this folke enchaunted H 2042 And al is Lyeres ledyng $that she is thus ywedded H 2043 To-morwe worth ymade $the maydenes bruydale H 2044 And there mi#te thow wite if thow wolt $which thei ben alle H 2045 That longeth to that lordeship $the lasse and the more H 2046 Knowe hem there if thow canst $and kepe thi tonge H 2047 And lakke hem nou#t but lat hem worth $til lewte be iustice H 2048 And haue powere to punyschen hem $thanne put forth thi resoun H 2049 Now I bikenne the Criste quod she $and his clene moder H 2050 And lat no conscience acombre the $for coueitise of Mede H 2051 Thus left me that lady $liggyng aslepe H 2052 And how Mede was ymaried $in meteles me thou#te H 2053 That alle the riche retenauns $that regneth with the false H 2054 Were boden to the bridale $on bothe two sydes H 2055 Of alle maner of men $the mene and the riche H 2056 To marie this maydene $was many man assembled H 2057 As of kni#tes and of clerkis $and other comune poeple H 2058 As sysours and sompnours $shireues and here clerkes H 2059 Bedelles and bailliues $and brokoures of chaffare H 2060 Forgoeres and vitaillers $and vokates of the arches H 2061 I can nou#t rekene the route $that ran aboute Mede H 2062 Ac Symonye and Cyuile $and sisoures of courtes H 2063 Were moste pryue with Mede $of any men me thou#te H 2064 Ac Fauel was the first $that fette hire out of boure H 2065 And as a brokour brou#te hir $to be with Fals enioigned H 2066 Whan Symonye and Cyuile $sei# here beire wille H 2067 Thei assented for siluer $to sei as bothe wolde H 2068 Thanne lepe Lyer forth and seide $lo here a chartre H 2069 That Gyle with his gret othes $gaf hem togidere H 2070 And preide Cyuile to se $and Symonye to rede it H 2071 Thanne Symonye and Cyuile $stonden forth bothe H 2072 And vnfoldeth the feffement $that Fals hath ymaked H 2073 And thus bigynneth thes gomes $to greden ful hei# Sciant presentes et futuri &c. H 2074 Witeth and witnesseth $that wonieth vpon this erthe H 2075 That Mede is y-maried $more for here goodis H 2076 Than for ani vertue or fairenesse $or any free kynde H 2077 Falsenesse is faine of hire $for he wote hire riche H 2078 And Fauel with his fikel speche $feffeth bi this chartre H 2079 To be prynces in pryde $and pouerte to dispise H 2080 To bakbite and to bosten $and bere fals witnesse H 2081 To scorne and to scolde $and sclaundere to make H 2082 Vnboxome and bolde $to breke the ten hestes H 2083 And the erldome of enuye $and wratthe togideres H 2084 With the chastelet of chest $and chateryng-oute-of- resoun H 2085 The counte of coueitise $and alle the costes aboute H 2086 That is vsure and auarice $alle I hem graunte H 2087 In bargaines and in brokages $with al the borghe of theft H 2088 And al the lordeship of lecherye $in lenthe and in brede H 2089 As in werkes and in wordes $and waitynges with eies H 2090 And in wedes and in wisshynges $and with ydel thou#tes H 2091 There as wille wolde $and werkmanship failleth H 2092 Glotonye he gaf hem eke $and grete othes togydere H 2093 And alday to drynke $at dyuerse tauernes H 2094 And there to iangle and to iape $and iugge here euene cristene H 2095 And in fastyng-dayes to frete $ar ful tyme were H 2096 And thanne to sitten and soupen $til slepe hem assaille H 2097 And breden as burgh-swyn $and bedden hem esily H 2098 Tyl sleuth and slepe $slyken his sides H 2099 And thanne wanhope to awake hym so $with no wille to amende H 2100 For he leueth be lost $this is here last ende H 2101 And thei to haue and to holde $and here eyres after H 2102 A dwellyng with the deuel $and dampned be for eure H 2103 With al the purtenaunces of purgatorie $in-to the pyne of helle H 2104 #eldyng for this thynge $at one #eres ende H 2105 Here soules to Sathan $to suffre with hym peynes H 2106 And with him to wonye with wo $whil god is in heuene H 2107 In witnesse of which thing $Wronge was the first H 2108 And Pieres the pardonere $of Paulynes doctrine H 2109 Bette the bedel $of Bokyngham-shire H 2110 Rainalde the reue $of Rotland sokene H 2111 Munde the mellere $and many moo other H 2112 In the date of the deuel $this dede I assele H 2113 Bi si#te of sire Symonye $and Cyuyles leue H 2114 Thenne tened hym Theologye $whan he this tale herde H 2115 And seide to Cyuile $now sorwe mot thow haue H 2116 Such weddynges to worche $to wratthe with Treuthe H 2117 And ar this weddyng be wrou#te $wo the bityde H 2118 For Mede is moylere $of Amendes engendred H 2119 And god graunteth to gyf $Mede to Treuthe H 2120 And thow hast gyuen hire to a gyloure $now god gyf the sorwe H 2121 Thi tixt telleth the nou#t so $Treuthe wote the sothe H 2122 For dignus est operarius $his hyre to haue H 2123 And thow hast fest hire to Fals $fy on thi lawe H 2124 For al by lesynges thow lyuest $and lecherouse werkes H 2125 Symonye and thi-self $schenden holicherche H 2126 The notaries and #ee $noyeth the peple H 2127 #e shul abiggen it bothe $bi god that me made H 2128 Wel #e witen wernardes $but if #owre witte faille H 2129 That Fals is faithlees $and fikel in his werkes H 2130 And was a bastarde y-bore $of Belsabubbes kynne H 2131 And Mede is moylere $a mayden of gode H 2132 And my#te kisse the kynge $for cosyn an she wolde H 2133 For-thi worcheth bi wisdome $and bi witt also H 2134 And ledeth hire to Londoun $there lawe is yshewed H 2135 If any lawe wil loke $thei ligge togederes H 2136 And thou# Iustices iugge hir $to be ioigned with Fals H 2137 #et beth war of weddyng $for witty is Truthe H 2138 And Conscience is of his conseille $and knoweth #ow vchone H 2139 And if he fynde #ow in defaute $and with the fals holde H 2140 It shal bisitte #owre soules $ful soure atte laste H 2141 Here-to assenteth Cyuile $ac Symonye ne wolde H 2142 Tyl he had siluer for his seruise $and also the notaries H 2143 Thanne fette Fauel forth $floreynes ynowe H 2144 And bad Gyle to gyue $golde al aboute H 2145 And namelich to the notaries $that hem none ne faille H 2146 And feffe False-witnes $with floreines ynowe H 2147 For he may Mede amaistrye $and maken at my wille H 2148 Tho this golde was gyue $grete was the thonkynge H 2149 To Fals and to Fauel $for her faire #iftes H 2150 And comen to conforte $fram care the Fals H 2151 And seiden certis sire $cesse shal we neuere H 2152 Til Mede be thi wedded wyf $thorw wittis of vs alle H 2153 For we haue Mede amaistried $with owre mery speche H 2154 That she graunteth to gon $with a gode wille H 2155 To Londoun to loke $#if that the lawe wolde H 2156 Iugge #ow ioyntly $in ioye for euere H 2157 Thanne was Falsenesse fayne $and Fauel as blithe H 2158 And leten sompne alle segges $in schires aboute H 2159 And bad hem alle be bown $beggeres and othere H 2160 To wenden wyth hem to Westmynstre $to witnesse this dede H 2161 Ac thanne cared thei for caplus $to kairen hem thider H 2162 And Fauel fette forth thanne $folus ynowe H 2163 And sette Mede vpon a schyreue $shodde al newe H 2164 And Fals sat on a sisoure $that softlich trotted H 2165 And Fauel on a flaterere $fetislich atired H 2166 Tho haued notaries none $annoyed thei were H 2167 For Symonye and Cyuile $shulde on hire fete gange H 2168 Ac thanne swore Symonye $and Cyuile bothe H 2169 That sompnoures shulde be sadled $and serue hem vchone H 2170 And lat apparaille this prouisoures $in palfreis wyse H 2171 Sire Symonye hym-seluen $shal sitte vpon here bakkes H 2172 Denes and suddenes $drawe #ow togideres H 2173 Erchdekenes and officiales $and alle #owre regystreres H 2174 Lat sadel hem with siluer $owre synne to suffre H 2175 As auoutrie and deuorses $and derne vsurye H 2176 To bere bischopes aboute $abrode in visytynge H 2177 Paulynes pryues $for pleyntes in the consistorie H 2178 Shul serue my-self $that Cyuile is nempned H 2179 And cartesadel the comissarie $owre carte shal he lede H 2180 And fecchen vs vytailles $at fornicatores H 2181 And maketh of Lyer a longe carte $to lede alle these othere H 2182 As freres and faitours $that on here fete rennen H 2183 And thus Fals and Fauel $fareth forth togideres H 2184 And Mede in the myddes $and alle thise men after H 2185 I haue no tome to telle $the taille that hem folweth H 2186 Of many maner man $that on this molde libbeth H 2187 Ac Gyle was forgoer $and gyed hem alle H 2188 Sothenesse sei# hym wel $and seide but a litel H 2189 And priked his palfrey $and passed hem alle H 2190 And come to the kynges courte $and Conscience it tolde H 2191 And Conscience to the kynge $carped it after H 2192 Now by Cryst quod the kynge $and I cacche my#te H 2193 Fals or Fauel $or any of his feres H 2194 I wolde be wroke of tho wrecches $that worcheth so ille H 2195 And don hem hange by the hals $and alle that hem meynteneth H 2196 Shal neure man of molde $meynprise the leste H 2197 But ri#te as the lawe wil loke $late falle on hem alle H 2198 And comanded a constable $that come atte furst H 2199 To attache tho tyrauntz $for eny thynge I hote H 2200 And fettereth fast Falsenesse $for enykynnes #iftes H 2201 And gurdeth of Gyles hed $and lat hym go no furthere H 2202 And #if #e lacche Lyer $late hym nou#t ascapen H 2203 Er he be put on the pilorye $for eny preyere I hote H 2204 And bryngeth Mede to me $maugre hem alle H 2205 Drede atte dore stode $and the dome herde H 2206 And how the kynge comaunded $constables and seriantz H 2207 Falsenesse and his felawschip $to fettren an to bynden H 2208 Thanne Drede went wi#tliche $and warned the Fals H 2209 And bad hym flee for fere $and his felawes alle H 2210 Falsenesse for fere thanne $flei# to the freres H 2211 And Gyle doth hym to go $agast for to dye H 2212 Ac marchantz mette with hym $and made hym abide H 2213 And bishetten hym in here shope $to shewen here ware H 2214 And apparailled hym as a prentice $the poeple to serue H 2215 Li#tliche Lyer $lepe awey thanne H 2216 Lorkynge thorw lanes $to-lugged of manye H 2217 He was nawhere welcome $for his manye tales H 2218 Ouer-al yhowted $and yhote trusse H 2219 Tyl pardoneres haued pite $and pulled hym in-to house H 2220 They wesshen hym and wyped hym $and wonden hym in cloutes H 2221 And sente hym with seles $on sondayes to cherches H 2222 And gaf pardoun for pens $poundmel aboute H 2223 Thanne loured leches $and lettres thei sent H 2224 That he sholde wonye with hem $wateres to loke H 2225 Spiceres spoke with hym $to spien here ware H 2226 For he couth of here craft $and knewe many gommes H 2227 Ac mynstralles and messageres $mette with hym ones H 2228 And helden hym an half-#ere $and elleuene dayes H 2229 Freres with faire speche $fetten hym thennes H 2230 And for knowyng of comeres $coped hym as a frere H 2231 Ac he hath leue to lepe out $as oft as hym liketh H 2232 And is welcome whan he wil $and woneth wyth hem oft H 2233 Alle fledden for fere $and flowen in-to hernes H 2234 Saue Mede the mayde $na mo durst abide H 2235 Ac trewli to telle $she trembled for drede H 2236 And ek wept and wronge $whan she was attached H 3001 Now is Mede the mayde $and namo of hem alle H 3002 With bedellus and with bayllyues $brou#t bifor the kyng H 3003 The kyng called a clerke $can I nou#t his name H 3004 To take Mede the mayde $and make hire at ese H 3005 I shal assaye hir my-self $and sothelich appose H 3006 What man of this molde $that hire were leueste H 3007 And if she worche bi my witte $and my wille folwe H 3008 I wil forgyue hir this gilte $so me god help H 3009 Curteysliche the clerke thanne $as the kyng hight H 3010 Toke Mede bi the middel $and brou#te hir in-to chaumbre H 3011 And there was myrthe and mynstralcye $Mede to plese H 3012 They that wonyeth in Westmynstre $worschiped hir alle H 3013 Gentelliche with ioye $the iustices somme H 3014 Busked hem to the boure $there the birde dwelled H 3015 To conforte hire kyndely $by clergise leue H 3016 And seiden mourne nought Mede $ne make thow no sorwe H 3017 For we wil wisse the kynge $and thi wey shape H 3018 To be wedded at thi wille $and where the leue liketh H 3019 For al Conscience caste $or craft as I trowe H 3020 Mildeliche Mede thanne $mercyed hem alle H 3021 Of theire gret goodnesse $and gaf hem vchone H 3022 Coupes of clene golde $and coppis of siluer H 3023 Rynges with rubies $and ricchesses manye H 3024 The leste man of here meyne $a motoun of golde H 3025 Thanne lau#te thei leue $this lordes at Mede H 3026 With that comen clerkis $to conforte hir the same H 3027 And beden hire be blithe $for we beth thine owne H 3028 For to worche thi wille $the while thow my#te laste H 3029 Hendeliche heo thanne $bihight hem the same H 3030 To loue #ow lelli $and lordes to make H 3031 And in the consistorie atte courte $do calle #owre names H 3032 Shal no lewdnesse lette $the leode that I louye H 3033 That ne worth first auanced $for I am biknowen H 3034 There konnyng clerkes $shul clokke bihynde H 3035 There come there a confessoure $coped as a frere H 3036 To Mede the mayde $he mellud this wordes H 3037 And seide ful softly $in shrifte as it were H 3038 Thei# lewed men and lered men $had leyne by the bothe H 3039 And falsenesse haued yfolwed the $al this fyfty wyntre H 3040 I shal assoille the my-selue $for a seme of whete H 3041 And also be thi bedeman $and bere wel thi message H 3042 Amonges kni#tes and clerkis $conscience to torne H 3043 Thanne Mede for here mysdedes $to that man kneled H 3044 And shroue hire of hire shrewednesse $shamelees I trowe H 3045 Tolde hym a tale $and toke hym a noble H 3046 Forto ben hire bedeman $and hire brokour als H 3047 Thanne he assoilled hir sone $and sithen he seyde H 3048 We han a wyndowe a wirchyng $wil sitten vs ful heith H 3049 Woldestow glase that gable $and graue there-inne thi name H 3050 Siker sholde thi soule be $heuene to haue H 3051 Wist I that quod that womman $I wolde nou#t spare H 3052 For to be #owre frende frere $and faille #ow neure H 3053 Whil #e loue lordes $that lechery haunteth H 3054 And lakketh nou#t ladis $that loueth wel the same H 3055 It is frelete of flesh $#e fynde it in bokes H 3056 And a course of kynde $wher-of we komen alle H 3057 Who may scape the sklaundre $the skathe is sone amended H 3058 It is synne of the seuene $sonnest relessed H 3059 Haue mercy quod Mede $of men that it haunte H 3060 And I shal keure #owre kirke $#owre cloystre do maken H 3061 Wowes do whiten $and wyndowes glasen H 3062 Do peynten and purtraye $and paye for the makynge H 3063 That eury segge shal seyn $I am sustre of #owre hous H 3064 Ac god to alle good folke $suche grauynge defendeth H 3065 To writen in wyndowes $of here wel dedes H 3066 On auenture pruyde be peynted there $and pompe of the worlde H 3067 For Crist knoweth thi conscience $and thi kynde wille H 3068 And thi coste and thi coueitise $and who the catel ou#te H 3069 For-thi I lere #ow lordes $leueth suche werkes H 3070 To writen in wyndowes $of #owre wel dedes H 3071 Or to greden after goddis men $whan #e delen doles H 3072 An auenture #e han #owre hire here $and #oure heuene als Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra H 3073 Lat nou#te thi left half $late ne rathe H 3074 Wyte what thow worchest $with thi ri#t side H 3075 For thus bit the gospel $gode men do here almesse H 3076 Meires and maceres $that menes ben bitwene H 3077 The kynge and the comune $to kepe the lawes H 3078 To punyschen on pillories $and pynynge stoles H 3079 Brewesteres and bakesteres $bocheres and cokes H 3080 For thise aren men on this molde $that moste harme worcheth H 3081 To the pore peple $that parcel-mele buggen H 3082 For they poysoun the peple $priueliche and oft H 3083 Thei rychen thorw regraterye $and rentes hem buggen H 3084 With that the pore people $shulde put in here wombe H 3085 For toke thei on trewly $thei tymbred nou#t so hei#e H 3086 Ne bou#te non burgages $be #e ful certeyne H 3087 Ac Mede the mayde $the maire hath bisou#te H 3088 Of alle suche sellers $syluer to take H 3089 Or presentz with-oute pens $as peces of siluer H 3090 Ringes or other ricchesse $the regrateres to maynetene H 3091 For my loue quod that lady $loue hem vchone H 3092 And soffre hem to selle $somdele a#eins resoun H 3093 Salamon the sage $a sarmoun he made H 3094 For to amende maires $and men that kepen lawes H 3095 And tolde hem this teme $that I telle thynke Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera &c. H 3096 Amonge this lettered ledes $this latyn is to mene H 3097 That fyre shal falle and brenne $al to blo askes H 3098 The houses and the homes $of hem that desireth H 3099 #iftes or #eres#yues $bi-cause of here offices H 3100 The kynge fro conseille cam $and called after Mede H 3101 And ofsent hir alswythe $with seriauntes manye H 3102 That brou#ten hir to bowre $with blisse and with ioye H 3103 Curteisliche the kynge thanne $comsed to telle H 3104 To Mede the mayde $melleth thise wordes H 3105 Vnwittily womman $wrou#te hastow oft H 3106 Ac worse wrou#testow neure $than tho thow Fals toke H 3107 But I forgyue the that gilte $and graunte the my grace H 3108 Hennes to thi deth day $do so namore H 3109 I haue a kny#te Conscience $cam late fro bi#unde H 3110 #if he wilneth the to wyf $wyltow hym haue H 3111 #e lorde quod that lady $lorde forbede elles H 3112 But I be holely at #owre heste $lat hange me sone H 3113 And thanne was Conscience calde $to come and appiere H 3114 Bifor the kynge and his conseille $as clerkes and othere H 3115 Knelynge Conscience $to the kynge louted H 3116 To wite what his wille were $and what he do shulde H 3117 Woltow wedde this womman quod the kynge $#if I wil assente H 3118 For she is fayne of thi felawship $for to be thi make H 3119 Quod Conscience to the kynge $Cryst it me forbede H 3120 Ar I wedde suche a wyf $wo me bityde H 3121 For she is frele of hir feith $fykel of here speche H 3122 And maketh men mysdo $many score tymes H 3123 Truste of hire tresore $treieth ful manye H 3124 Wyues and widewes $wantounes she techeth H 3125 And lereth hem leccherye $that loueth hire #iftes H 3126 #owre fadre she felled $thorw fals biheste H 3127 And hath apoysounde popis $and peired holicherche H 3128 Is nau#t a better baude $bi-hym that me made H 3129 Bitwene heuene and helle $in erthe though men sou#te H 3130 For she is tikil of hire taile $talwis of hir tonge H 3131 As comune as a cartwey $to eche a knaue that walketh H 3132 To monkes to mynstralles $to meseles in hegges H 3133 Sisoures and sompnoures $suche men hir preiseth H 3134 Shireues of shires $were shent #if she nere H 3135 For she doth men lese here londe $and here lyf bothe H 3136 She leteth passe prisoneres $and payeth for hem ofte H 3137 And gyueth the gailers golde $and grotes togideres H 3138 To vnfettre the fals $fle where hym lyketh H 3139 And taketh the trewe bi the toppe $and tieth hym faste H 3140 And hangeth hym for hatred $that harme dede neure H 3141 To be cursed in consistorie $she counteth nou#te a russhe H 3142 For she copeth the comissarie $and coteth his clerkis H 3143 She is assoilled as sone $as hir-self liketh H 3144 And may nei#e as moche do $in a moneth one H 3145 As #owre secret seel $in syx score dayes H 3146 For she is priue with the pope $prouisoures it knoweth H 3147 For sire symonye and hir-selue $seleth hire bulles H 3148 She blesseth thise bisshopes $thei#e they be lewed H 3149 Prouendreth persones $and prestes meynteneth H 3150 To haue lemmannes and lotebies $alle here lif-dayes H 3151 And bringen forth barnes $a#ein forbode lawes H 3152 There she is wel with the kynge $wo is the rewme H 3153 For she is fauorable to the fals $and fouleth trewthe ofte H 3154 Bi Iesu with here ieweles $#owre iustices she shendeth H 3155 And lith a#ein the lawe $and letteth hym the gate H 3156 That feith may nou#te haue his forth $here floreines go so thikke H 3157 She ledeth the lawe as hire list $and louedayes maketh H 3158 And doth men lese thorw hire loue $that lawe my#te wynne H 3159 The mase for a mene man $thou# he mote hir eure H 3160 Lawe is so lordeliche $and loth to make ende H 3161 With-oute pesentz or pens $she pleseth wel fewe H 3162 Barounes and burgeys $she bryngeth in sorwe H 3163 And alle the comune in kare $that coueyten lyue in trewthe H 3164 For clergye and coueitise $she coupleth togideres H 3165 This is the lyf of that lady $now lorde #if hir sorwe H 3166 And alle that meynteneth here men $meschaunce hem bityde H 3167 For pore men mowe haue no powere $to pleyne hem thou# thei smerte H 3168 Suche a maistre is Mede $amonge men of gode H 3169 Thanne morned Mede $and mened hire to the kynge H 3170 To haue space to speke $spede is she my#te H 3171 The kynge graunted hir grace $with a gode wille H 3172 Excuse the #if thow canst $I can namore seggen H 3173 For Conscience acuseth the $to congey the for euere H 3174 Nay lorde quod that lady $leueth hym the worse H 3175 Whan #e wyten witterly $where the wronge liggeth H 3176 There that myschief is grete $Mede may helpe H 3177 And thow knowest Conscience $I cam nou#t to chide H 3178 Ne depraue thi persone $with a proude herte H 3179 Wel thow wost wernard $but #if thow wolt gabbe H 3180 Thow hast hanged on myne half $elluene tymes H 3181 And also griped my golde $gyue it where the liked H 3182 And whi thow wratthest the now $wonder me thynketh H 3183 #it I may as I my#te $menske the with #iftes H 3184 And mayntene thi manhode $more than thow knoweste H 3185 Ac thow hast famed me foule $bifor the kynge here H 3186 For kulled I neuere no kynge $ne conseilled ther- after H 3187 Ne dede as thow demest $I do it on the kynge H 3188 In Normandye was he nou#te $noyed for my sake H 3189 Ac thow thi-self sothely $shamedest hym ofte H 3190 Crope in-to a kaban $for colde of thi nailles H 3191 Wendest that wyntre $wolde haue lasted euere H 3192 And draddest to be ded $for a dym cloude H 3193 And hiedest homeward $for hunger of thi wombe H 3194 With-out pite piloure $pore men thow robbedest H 3195 And bere here bras at thi bakke $to Caleys to selle H 3196 There I lafte with my lorde $his lyf for to saue H 3197 I made his men meri $and mornyng lette H 3198 I batered hem on the bakke $and bolded here hertis H 3199 And dede hem hoppe for hope $to haue me at wille H 3200 Had I ben marschal of his men $bi Marie of heuene H 3201 I durst haue leyde my lyf $and no lasse wedde H 3202 He shulde haue be lorde of that londe $a lengthe and a brede H 3203 And also kyng of that kitthe $his kynne for to helpe H 3204 The leste brolle of his blode $a barounes pere H 3205 Cowardliche thow Conscience $conseiledest hym thennes H 3206 To leuen his lordeship $for a litel siluer H 3207 That is the richest rewme $that reyne ouer houeth H 3208 It bicometh to a kynge $that kepeth a rewme H 3209 To #iue mede to men $that mekelich hym serueth H 3210 To alienes and to alle men $to honoure hem with #iftes H 3211 Mede maketh hym biloued $and for a man holden H 3212 Emperoures and erlis $and al manere lordes H 3213 For #iftes han #onge men $to renne and to ride H 3214 The pope and alle prelatis $presentz vnderfongen H 3215 And medeth men hem-seluen $to meyntene here lawes H 3216 Seruauntz for her seruise $we seth wel the sothe H 3217 Taken mede of here maistre $as thei mowe acorde H 3218 Beggeres for here biddynge $bidden men mede H 3219 Mynstralles for here murthe $mede thei aske H 3220 The kynge hath mede of his men $to make pees in londe H 3221 Men that teche chyldren $craue of hem mede H 3222 Prestis that precheth the poeple $to gode asken mede H 3223 And masse-pans and here mete $at the mele-tymes H 3224 Alkynnes crafty men $crauen mede for here prentis H 3225 Marchauntz and mede $mote nede go togideres H 3226 No wi#te as I wene $with-oute mede may libbe H 3227 Quod the kynge to Conscience $bi Criste as me thynketh H 3228 Mede is well worthi $the maistrye to haue H 3229 Nay quod Conscience to the kynge $and kneled to the erthe H 3230 There aren two manere of medes $my lorde with #owre leue H 3231 That one god of is grace $graunteth in his blisse H 3232 To tho that wel worchen $whil thei ben here H 3233 The prophete precheth ther-of $and put it in the sautere Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo H 3234 Lorde who shal wonye in thi wones $and with thine holi seyntes H 3235 Or resten on thi holy hilles $this asketh Dauid H 3236 And Dauyd assoileth it hym-self $as the sauter telleth Qui ingreditur sine macula et operatur iusticiam H 3237 Tho that entren of o colour $and of on wille H 3238 And han wrou#te werkis $with ri#te and with reson H 3239 And he that ne vseth nau#te $the lyf of vsurye H 3240 And enfourmeth pore men $and pursueth treuthe Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram et munera super innocentem &c. H 3241 And alle that helpeth the innocent $and halt with the ri#tful H 3242 With-oute mede doth hem gode $and the trewthe helpeth H 3243 Suche manere men my lorde $shal haue this furst mede H 3244 Of god at a grete nede $whan thei gone hennes H 3245 There is an-other mede mesurelees $that maistres desireth H 3246 To meyntene mysdoers $mede thei take H 3247 And there-of seith the sauter $in a salmes ende In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt dextera eorum repleta est muneribus H 3248 And he that gripeth her golde $so me god helpe H 3249 Shal abie it bittere $or the boke lyeth H 3250 Prestes and persones $that plesynge desireth H 3251 That taketh mede and mone $for messes that thei syngeth H 3252 Taketh here mede here $as Mathew vs techeth Amen amen receperunt mercedem suam H 3253 That laboreres and lowe folke $taketh of her maistres H 3254 It is no manere mede $but a mesurable hire H 3255 In marchandise is no mede $I may it wel a-vowe H 3256 It is a permutacioun apertly $a penyworth for an othre H 3257 Ac reddestow neuere Regum $thow recrayed Mede H 3258 Whi the veniaunce fel $on Saul and on his children H 3259 God sent to Saul $bi Samuel the prophete H 3260 That Agage of Amaleke $and al his peple aftre H 3261 Shulde deye for a dede $that done had here eldres H 3262 For-thi seid Samuel to Saul $god hym-self hoteth H 3263 The be boxome at his biddynge $his wille to fulfille H 3264 Wende to Amalec with thyn oste $and what thow fyndest there slee it H 3265 Biernes and bestes $brenne hem to ded H 3266 Wydwes and wyues $wommen and children H 3267 Moebles and vnmoebles $and al that thow my#te fynde H 3268 Brenne it bere it nou#te awey $be it heuere so riche H 3269 For mede ne for mone $loke thow destruye it H 3270 Spille it and spare it nou#te $thow shalt spede the bettere H 3271 And for he coueyted her catel $and the kynge spared H 3272 Forbare hym and his bestes bothe $as the bible witnesseth H 3273 Otherwyse than he was $warned of the prophete H 3274 God seide to Samuel $that Saul shulde deye H 3275 And al his sede for that synne $shenfullich ende H 3276 Such a myschief mede made $Saul the kynge to haue H 3277 That god hated hym for euere $and alle his eyres after H 3278 The culorum of this cas $kepe I nou#te to shewe H 3279 An auenture it noyed men $none ende wil I make H 3280 For so is this worlde went $with hem that han powere H 3281 That who-so seyth hem sothes $is sonnest yblamed H 3282 I Conscience knowe this $for kynde witt me it tau#te H 3283 That resoun shal regne $and rewmes gouerne H 3284 And ri#te as Agag hadde $happe shul somme H 3285 Samuel shal sleen hym $and Saul shal be blamed H 3286 And Dauid shal be diademed $and daunten hem alle H 3287 And one Cristene kynge $kepen hem alle H 3288 Shal na more Mede $be maistre as she is nouthe H 3289 Ac loue and lowenesse $and lewte togederes H 3290 Thise shul be maistres on molde $treuthe to saue H 3291 And who-so trespasseth ayein treuthe $or taketh a#ein his wille H 3292 Leute shal don hym lawe $and no lyf elles H 3293 Shal no seriaunt for here seruyse $were a silke howue H 3294 Ne no pelure in his cloke $for pledyng atte barre H 3295 Mede of mys-doeres $maketh many lordes H 3296 And ouer lordes lawes $reuleth the rewmes H 3297 Ac kynde loue shal come #it $and conscience togideres H 3298 And make of lawe a laborere $suche loue shal arise H 3299 And such a pees amonge the peple $and a perfit trewthe H 3300 That Iewes shal wene in here witte $and waxen wonder glade H 3301 That Moises or Messie $be come in-to this erthe H 3302 And haue wonder in here hertis $that men beth so trewe H 3303 Alle that bereth baslarde $brode swerde or launce H 3304 Axe other hachet $or eny wepne ellis H 3305 Shal be demed to the deth $but if he do it smythye H 3306 In-to sikul or to sithe $to schare or to kulter Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres &c. H 3307 Eche man to pleye with a plow $pykoys or spade H 3308 Spynne or sprede donge $or spille hym-self with sleuthe H 3309 Prestes and persones $with placebo to hunte H 3310 And dyngen vpon Dauid $eche a day til eue H 3311 Huntynge or haukynge $if any of hem vse H 3312 His boste of his benefys $worth bynome hym after H 3313 Shal neither kynge ne kny#te $constable ne meire H 3314 Ouer-lede the comune $ne to the courte sompne H 3315 Ne put hem in panel $to don hem pli#te here treuthe H 3316 But after the dede that is don $one dome shal rewarde H 3317 Mercy or no mercy $as treuthe wil acorde H 3318 Kynges courte and comune courte $consistorie and chapitele H 3319 Al shal be but one courte $and one baroun be iustice H 3320 Thanne worth Trewe-tonge a tidy man $that tened me neuere H 3321 Batailles shal non be $ne no man bere wepne H 3322 And what smyth that ony smytheth $be smyte therwith to dethe Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium &c. H 3323 And er this fortune falle $fynde men shal the worste H 3324 By syx sonnes and a schippe $and half a shef of arwes H 3325 And the myddel of a mone $shal make the Iewes to torne H 3326 And saracenes for that si#te $shulle synge gloria in excelsis &c. H 3327 For Makomet and Mede $myshappe shal that tyme For melius est bonum nomen quam diuicie multe H 3328 Also wroth as the wynde $wex Mede in a while H 3329 I can no Latyn quod she $clerkis wote the sothe H 3330 Se what Salamon seith $in Sapience bokes H 3331 That hij that #iueth #iftes $the victorie wynneth H 3332 And moche worschip had ther-with $as holiwryt telleth Honorem adquiret qui dat munera &c. H 3333 I leue wel lady quod Conscience $that thi Latyne be trewe H 3334 Ac thow art like a lady $that redde a lessoun ones H 3335 Was omnia probate $and that plesed here herte H 3336 For that lyne was no lenger $atte leues ende H 3337 Had she loked that other half $and the lef torned H 3338 She shulde haue founden fele wordis $folwyng therafter H 3339 Quod bonum est tenete $treuthe that texte made H 3340 And so ferde #e madame $#e couthe namore fynde H 3341 Tho #e loked on Sapience $sittynge in #oure studie H 3342 This tixte that #e han tolde $were gode for lordes H 3343 Ac #ow failled a cunnyng clerke $that couthe the lef haue torned H 3344 And if #e seche Sapience eft $fynde shal #e that folweth H 3345 A ful teneful tixte $to hem that taketh mede H 3346 And that is animam autem aufert $accipientium &c. H 3347 And that is the taille of the tixte $of that that #e schewed H 3348 That thei#e we wynne worschip $and with mede haue victorie H 3349 The soule that the sonde taketh $bi so moche is bounde H 4001 Cesseth seith the kynge $I suffre #ow no lengere H 4002 #e shal sau#tne for sothe $and serue me bothe H 4003 Kisse hir quod the kynge $Conscience I hote H 4004 Nay bi Criste quod Conscience $congeye me for euere H 4005 But Resoun rede me ther-to $rather wil I deye H 4006 And I comaunde the quod the kynge $to Conscience thanne H 4007 Rape the to ride $and Resoun thow fecche H 4008 Comaunde hym that he come $my conseille to here H 4009 For he shal reule my rewme $and rede me the beste H 4010 And acounte with the Conscience $so me Cryst helpe H 4011 How thow lernest the peple $the lered and the lewede H 4012 I am fayne of that forwarde $seyde the freke thanne H 4013 And ritt ri#te to Resoun $and rowneth in his ere H 4014 And seide as the kynge badde $and sithen toke his leue H 4015 I shal arraye me to ride quod Resoun $reste the a while H 4016 And called Catoun his knaue $curteise of speche H 4017 And also Tomme Trew-tonge- $telle-me-no-tales- H 4018 Ne-lesyng-to-law#e-of- $for-I-loued-hem-neuere H 4019 And sette my sadel vppon Suffre- $til-I-se-my-tyme H 4020 And lete warrok it wel $with Witty-wordes gerthes H 4021 And hange on hym the heuy brydel $to holde his hed lowe H 4022 For he wil make wehe $tweye er he be there H 4023 Thanne Conscience vppon his caple $kaireth forth faste H 4024 And Resoun with hym rit $rownynge togideres H 4025 Whiche maistries Mede $maketh on this erthe H 4026 One Waryn Wisdom $and Witty his fere H 4027 Folwed hem faste $for thei haued to done H 4028 In the cheker and at the chauncerie $to be discharged of thinges H 4029 And riden fast for Resoun $shulde rede hem the beste H 4030 For to saue hem for siluer $fro shame and fram harmes H 4031 And Conscience knewe hem wel $thei loued coueitise H 4032 And bad Resoun ride faste $and recche of her noither H 4033 There aren wiles in here wordes $and with Mede thei dwelleth H 4034 There as wratthe and wranglyng is $ther wynne thei siluer H 4035 Ac there is loue and lewte $thei wil nou#te come there Contricio et infelicitas in vijs eorum &c. H 4036 Thei ne gyueth nou#te of god $one gose wynge Non est timor dei ante oculos eorum H 4037 For wot god thei wolde do more $for a dozene chickenes H 4038 Or as many capones $or for a seem of otes H 4039 Than for loue of owre lorde $or alle hise leue seyntes H 4040 For-thi Resoun lete hem ride $tho riche bi hem-seluen H 4041 For Conscience knoweth hem nou#te $ne Cryst as I trowe H 4042 And thanne Resoun rode faste $the ri#te hei#e gate H 4043 As Conscience hym kenned $til thei come to the kynge H 4044 Curteisliche the kynge thanne $come a#ein Resoun H 4045 And bitwene hym-self and his sone $sette hym on benche H 4046 And wordeden wel wyseli $a gret while togideres H 4047 And thanne come Pees in-to parlement $and put forth a bille H 4048 How Wronge a#eines his wille $had his wyf taken H 4049 And how he rauisshed Rose $Reginoldes loue H 4050 And Margarete of hir maydenhode $maugre here chekis H 4051 Bothe my gees and my grys $his gadelynges feccheth H 4052 I dar nou#te for fere of hym $fy#te ne chyde H 4053 He borwed of me bayard $he brou#te hym home neure H 4054 Ne no ferthynge ther-fore $for nau#te I couthe plede H 4055 He meynteneth his men $to morther myne hewen H 4056 Forstalleth my feyres $and fi#teth in my chepynge H 4057 And breketh vp my bernes dore $and bereth aweye my whete H 4058 And taketh me but a taile $for ten quarteres of otes H 4059 And #et he bet me ther-to $and lyth bi my mayde H 4060 I nam nou#te hardy for hym $vneth to loke H 4061 The kynge knewe he seide sothe $for Conscience hym tolde H 4062 That Wronge was a wikked luft $and wrou#te moche sorwe H 4063 Wronge was afered thanne $and Wisdome he sou#te H 4064 To make pees with his pens $and profered hym manye H 4065 And seide had I loue of my lorde thy kynge $litel wolde I recche H 4066 Thei#e Pees and his powere $pleyned hym eure H 4067 Tho wan Wisdome $and sire Waryn the witty H 4068 For that Wronge had ywrou#t $so wikked a dede H 4069 And warned Wronge tho $with such a wyse tale H 4070 Who-so worcheth bi wille $wratthe maketh ofte H 4071 I seye it bi thi-self $thow shalt it wel fynde H 4072 But if Mede it make $thi myschief is vppe H 4073 For bothe thi lyf and thy londe $lyth in his grace H 4074 Thanne wowed Wronge $Wisdome ful #erne H 4075 To make his pees with his pens $handi-dandi payed H 4076 Wisdome and Witte thanne $wenten togideres H 4077 And toke Mede myd hem $mercy to winne H 4078 Pees put forth his hed $and his panne blody H 4079 Wyth-outen gilte god it wote $gat I this skathe H 4080 Conscience and the comune $knowen the sothe H 4081 Ac Wisdome and Witt $were about faste H 4082 To ouercome the kyng $with catel #if thei my#te H 4083 The kynge swore by Crist $and by his crowne bothe H 4084 That Wronge for his werkis $sholde wo tholye H 4085 And comaunded a constable $to casten hym in yrens H 4086 And late hym nou#te this seuene #ere $seen his feet ones H 4087 God wot quod Wysdom $that were nau#te the beste H 4088 And he amendes mowe make $late meynprise hym haue H 4089 And be borwgh for his bale $and biggen hym bote H 4090 And so amende that is mysdo $and euermore the bettere H 4091 Witt acorded ther-with $and seide the same H 4092 Bettere is that bote $bale adoun brynge H 4093 Than bale be ybette $and bote neuere the bettere H 4094 And thanne gan Mede to mengen here $and mercy she bisought H 4095 And profred Pees a present $al of pure golde H 4096 Haue this man of me quod she $to amende thi skathe H 4097 For I wil wage for Wronge $he wil do so namore H 4098 Pitously Pees thanne $prayed to the kynge H 4099 To haue mercy on that man $that mys-did hym so ofte H 4100 For he hath waged me wel $as Wysdome hym tau#te H 4101 And I forgyue hym that gilte $with a goode wille H 4102 So that the kynge assent $I can seye no bettere H 4103 For Mede hath made me amendes $I may namore axe H 4104 Nay quod the kynge tho $so me Cryst helpe H 4105 Wronge wendeth nou#te so awaye $arst wil I wite more H 4106 For loupe he so li#tly $laughen he wolde H 4107 And efte the balder be $to bete myne hewen H 4108 But Resoun haue reuthe on hym $he shal rest in my stokkes H 4109 And that as longe as he lyueth $but lowenesse hym borwe H 4110 Somme men redde Resoun tho $to haue reuthe on that schrewe H 4111 And for to conseille the kynge $and Conscience after H 4112 That Mede moste be meynpernour $Resoun thei bisou#te H 4113 Rede me nou#te quod Resoun $no reuthe to haue H 4114 Til lordes and ladies $louien alle treuthe H 4115 And haten al harlotrye $to heren it or to mouthen it H 4116 Tyl Pernelles purfil $be put in here hucche H 4117 And childryn cherissyng $be chastyng with #erdes H 4118 And harlotes holynesse $be holden for an hyne H 4119 Til clerken coueitise be $to clothe the pore and to fede H 4120 And religious romares $recordare in here cloistres H 4121 As seynt Benet hem bad $Bernarde and Fraunceys H 4122 And til prechoures prechyng $be preued on hemseluen H 4123 Tyl the kynges conseille $be the comune profyte H 4124 Tyl bisschopes baiardes $ben beggeres chambres H 4125 Here haukes and her houndes $helpe to pore religious H 4126 And til seynt Iames be sou#te $there I shal assigne H 4127 That no man go to Galis $but if he go for euere H 4128 And alle Rome-renneres $for robberes of by#onde H 4129 Bere no siluer ouer see $that signe of kynge sheweth H 4130 Noyther graue ne vngraue $golde noither siluer H 4131 Vppon forfeture of that fee $who so fynt hym at Douere H 4132 But if it be marchaunt or his man $or messagere with letteres H 4133 Prouysoure or prest $or penaunt for his synnes H 4134 And #et quod Resoun bi the rode $I shal no reuthe haue H 4135 While Mede hath the maistrye $in this moot-halle H 4136 Ac I may shewe ensaumples $as I se other-while H 4137 I sey it by my-self quod he $and it so were H 4138 That I were kynge with crowne $to kepen a rewme H 4139 Shulde neuere wronge in this worlde $that I wite my#te H 4140 Ben vnpunisshed in my powere $for peril of my soule H 4141 Ne gete my grace for giftes $so me God saue H 4142 Ne for no mede haue mercy $but mekenesse it make H 4143 For nullum malum the man $mette with inpunitum H 4144 And badde nullum bonum $be irremuneratum H 4145 Late #owre confessoure sire kynge $construe this vnglosed H 4146 And #if #e worken it in werke $I wedde myne eres H 4147 That Lawe shal ben a laborere $and lede a-felde donge H 4148 And Loue shal lede thi londe $as the lief lyketh H 4149 Clerkes that were confessoures $coupled hem togideres H 4150 Alle to construe this clause $and for the kynges profit H 4151 Ac nou#te for conforte of the comune $ne for the kynges soule H 4152 For I sei#e Mede in the moot-halle $on men of lawe wynke H 4153 And thei lawghyng lope to hire $and lafte Resoun manye H 4154 Waryn Wisdome $wynked vppon Mede H 4155 And seide Madame I am #owre man $what so my mouth Iangleth H 4156 I falle in floreines quod that freke $an faile speche ofte H 4157 Alle ri#tful recorded $that Resoun treuthe tolde H 4158 And Witt acorded ther-with $and comended his wordes H 4159 And the moste peple in the halle $and manye of the grete H 4160 And leten Mekenesse a maistre $and Mede a mansed schrewe H 4161 Loue lete of hir li#te $and Lewte #it lasse H 4162 And seide it so hei#e $that al the halle it herde H 4163 Who-so wilneth hir to wyf $for welth of her godis H 4164 But he be knowe for a koke-wolde $kut of my nose H 4165 Mede mourned tho $and made heuy chere H 4166 For the moste comune of that courte $called hire an hore H 4167 Ac a sysoure and a sompnoure $sued hir faste H 4168 And a schireues clerke $byschrewed al the route H 4169 For ofte haue I quod he $holpe #ow atte barre H 4170 And #it #eue #e me neuere $the worthe of a russhe H 4171 The kynge called Conscience $and afterwardes Resoun H 4172 And recorded that Resoun $had ri#tfullich schewed H 4173 And modilich vppon Mede $with my#te the kynge loked H 4174 And gan wax wrothe with lawe $for Mede almoste had shent it H 4175 And seide thorw #owre lawe as I leue $I lese many chetes H 4176 Mede ouer-maistrieth lawe $and moche treuthe letteth H 4177 Ac Resoun shal rekene with #ow $#if I regne any while H 4178 And deme #ow bi this day $as #e han deserued H 4179 Mede shal nou#te meynprise #ow $bi the Marie of heuene H 4180 I wil haue leute in lawe $and lete be al #owre Ianglyng H 4181 And as moste folke witnesseth wel $wronge shal be demed H 4182 Quod Conscience to the kynge $but the comune wil assent H 4183 It is ful harde bi myn hed $here-to to brynge it H 4184 Alle #owre lige leodes $to lede thus euene H 4185 By hym that rau#te on the rode $quod Resoun to the kynge H 4186 But if I reule thus #owre rewme $rende out my guttes H 4187 #if #e bidden buxomnes $be of myne assente H 4188 And I assent seith the kynge $by seynt Marie my lady H 4189 Be my conseille comen $of clerkis and of erlis H 4190 Ac redili Resoun $thow shalt nou#te ride fro me H 4191 For as longe as I lyue $lete the I nelle H 4192 I am aredy quod Resoun $to reste with #ow euere H 4193 So Conscience be of owre conseille $I kepe no bettere H 4194 And I graunt quod the kynge $goddes forbode it faile H 4195 Als longe as owre lyf lasteth $lyue we togideres H 5001 The kyng and his knightes $to the kirke wente H 5002 To here matynes of the day $and the masse after H 5003 Thanne waked I of my wynkynge $and wo was with-alle H 5004 That I ne hadde sleped sadder $and ysei#en more H 5005 Ac er I hadde faren a fourlonge $feyntise me hente H 5006 That I ne my#te ferther a-foot $for defaute of slepynge H 5007 And sat softly adown $and seide my bileue H 5008 And so I babeled on my bedes $thei brou#te me a-slepe H 5009 And thanne saw I moche more $than I bifore tolde H 5010 For I say the felde ful of folke $that I bifore of seyde H 5011 And how Resoun gan arrayen hym $alle the reume to preche H 5012 And with a crosse afor the kynge $comsed thus to techen H 5013 He preued that thise pestilences $were for pure synne H 5014 And the southwest wynde $on Saterday at euene H 5015 Was pertliche for pure pryde $and for no poynt elles H 5016 Piries and plomtrees $were puffed to the erthe H 5017 In ensample #e segges $#e shulden do the bettere H 5018 Beches and brode okes $were blowen to the grounde H 5019 Torned vpward her tailles $in tokenynge of drede H 5020 That dedly synne at domesday $shal fordon hem alle H 5021 Of this matere I my#te $mamely ful longe H 5022 Ac I shal seye as I saw $so me god helpe H 5023 How pertly afor the poeple $Resoun gan to preche H 5024 He bad wastoure go worche $what he best couthe H 5025 And wynnen his wastyng $with somme manere crafte H 5026 And preyed Peronelle $her purfyle to lete H 5027 And kepe it in hir cofre $for catel at hire nede H 5028 Thomme Stowue he tau#te $to take two staues H 5029 And fecche Felice home $fro the wyuen pyne H 5030 He warned Watt $his wyf was to blame H 5031 That hire hed was worth halue a marke $his hode nou#te worth a grote H 5032 And bad Bette kut $a bow other tweyne H 5033 And bete Betoun ther-with $but if she wolde worche H 5034 And thanne he charged chapmen $to chasten her childeren H 5035 Late no wynnynge hem forweny $whil thei be #onge H 5036 Ne for no pouste of pestilence $plese hem nou#te out of resoun H 5037 My syre seyde so to me $and so did my dame H 5038 That the leuere childe $the more lore bihoueth H 5039 And Salamon seide the same $that Sapience made Qui parcit virge odit filium H 5040 The Englich of this latyn is $who-so wil it knowe H 5041 Who-so spareth the sprynge $spilleth his children H 5042 And sithen he preyed prelatz $and prestes to-gideres H 5043 That #e prechen to the peple $preue it on #owre- seluen H 5044 And doth it in dede $it shal drawe #ow to good H 5045 If #e lyuen as #e leren vs $we shal leue #ow the bettere H 5046 And sithen he radde religioun $here reule to holde H 5047 Leste the kynge and his conseille $#owre comunes appayre H 5048 And ben stuwardes of #owre stedes $til #e be ruled bettre H 5049 And sithen he conseilled the kynge $the comune to louye H 5050 It is thi tresore if tresoun ne were $and triacle at thi nede H 5051 And sithen he prayed the pope $haue pite on holicherche H 5052 And er he gyue any grace $gouerne firste hym-selue H 5053 And #e that han lawes to kepe $late treuthe be #owre coueytise H 5054 More than golde or other gyftes $if #e wil god plese H 5055 For who-so contrarieth treuthe $he telleth in the gospel H 5056 That god knoweth hym nou#te $ne no seynte of heuene Amen dico vobis nescio vos H 5057 And #e that seke seynte Iames $and seintes of Rome H 5058 Seketh seynt Treuthe $for he may saue #ow alle H 5059 Qui cum patre et filio $that feire hem bifalle H 5060 That suweth my sermon $and thus seyde Resoun H 5061 Thanne ran Repentance $and reherced his teme H 5062 And gert Wille to wepe $water with his eyen SUPERBIA H 5063 Peronelle Proude-herte $platte hir to the erthe H 5064 And lay longe ar she loked $and lorde mercy cryed H 5065 And byhi#te to hym $that vs alle made H 5066 She shulde vnsowen hir serke $and sette there an heyre H 5067 To affaiten hire flesshe $that fierce was to synne H 5068 Shal neuere hei#e herte me hente $but holde me lowe H 5069 And suffre to be myssayde $and so did I neuere H 5070 But now wil I meke me $and mercy biseche H 5071 For al this I haue $hated in myne herte LUXURIA H 5072 Thanne Lecchoure seyde allas $and on owre lady he cryed H 5073 To make mercy for his mis-dedes $bitwene god and his soule H 5074 With that he shulde the Saterday $seuene #ere there- after H 5075 Drynke but myd the doke $and dyne but ones INUIDIA H 5076 Enuye with heuy herte $asked after schrifte H 5077 And carefullich mea culpa $he comsed to shewe H 5078 He was as pale as a pelet $in the palsye he semed H 5079 And clothed in a caurimaury $I couthe it nou#te discreue H 5080 In kirtel and kourteby $and a knyf bi his syde H 5081 Of a freres frokke $were the forsleues H 5082 And as a leke hadde yleye $longe in the sonne H 5083 So loked he with lene chekes $lourynge foule H 5084 His body was to-bolle for wratthe $that he bote his lippes H 5085 And wryngynge he #ede with the fiste $to wreke hymself he thou#te H 5086 With werkes or with wordes $whan he seighe his tyme H 5087 Eche a worde that he warpe $was of an addres tonge H 5088 Of chydynge and of chalangynge $was his chief lyflode H 5089 With bakbitynge and bismer $and beryng of fals witnesse H 5090 This was al his curteisye $where that euere he shewed hym H 5091 I wolde ben yshryue quod this schrewe $and I for shame durst H 5092 I wolde be gladder bi god $that Gybbe had meschaunce H 5093 Than thou#e I had this woke ywonne $a weye of Essex chese H 5094 I haue a neighbore ney#e me $I haue ennuyed hym ofte H 5095 And lowen on hym to lordes $to don hym lese his siluer H 5096 And made his frendes ben his foon $thorw my false tonge H 5097 His grace and his good happes $greueth me ful sore H 5098 Bitwene many and many $I make debate ofte H 5099 That bothe lyf and lyme $is lost thorw my speche H 5100 And whan I mete him in market $that I moste hate H 5101 I hailse hym hendeliche $as I his frende were H 5102 For he is dou#tier than I $I dar do non other H 5103 Ac hadde I maystrye and my#te $god wote my wille H 5104 And whan I come to the kirke $and sholde knele to the rode H 5105 And preye for the poeple $as the prest techeth H 5106 For pilgrimes and for palmers $for alle the poeple after H 5107 Thanne I crye on my knees $that Cryste #if hem sorwe H 5108 That beren awey my bolle $and my broke schete H 5109 Awey fro the auter thanne $turne I myn eyghen H 5110 And biholde how Eleyne $hath a newe cote H 5111 I wisshe thanne it were myne $and al the webbe after H 5112 And of mennes lesynge I laughe $that liketh myn herte H 5113 And for her wynnynge I wepe $and waille the tyme H 5114 And deme that hij don ille $there I do wel worse H 5115 Who-so vndernymeth me here-of $I hate hym dedly after H 5116 I wolde that vche a wyght $were my knaue H 5117 For who-so hath more than I $that angreth me sore H 5118 And thus I lyue louelees $lyke a luther dogge H 5119 That al my body bolneth $for bitter of my galle H 5120 I my#te nou#te eet many #eres $as a man ou#te H 5121 For enuye and yuel wille $is yuel to defye H 5122 May no sugre ne swete thinge $asswage my swellynge H 5123 Ne no diapenidion $dryue it fro myne herte H 5124 Ne noyther schrifte ne shame $but ho-so schrape my mawe H 5125 #us redili quod Repentaunce $and radde hym to the beste H 5126 Sorwe of synnes $is sauacioun of soules H 5127 I am sori quod that segge $I am but selde other H 5128 And that maketh me thus megre $for I ne may me venge H 5129 Amonges burgeyses haue I be $dwellynge at Londoun H 5130 And gert bakbitinge be a brocoure $to blame mennes ware H 5131 Whan he solde and I nou#te $thanne was I redy H 5132 To lye and to loure on my neighbore $and to lakke his chaffare H 5133 I wil amende this #if I may $thorw my#te of God almy#ty IRA H 5134 Now awaketh Wratthe $with two whyte eyen H 5135 And nyuelynge with the nose $and his nekke hangynge H 5136 I am Wrath quod he $I was sum tyme a frere H 5137 And the couentes gardyner $for to graffe ympes H 5138 On limitoures and listres $lesynges I ymped H 5139 Tyl thei bere leues of low speche $lordes to plese H 5140 And sithen thei blosmed obrode $in boure to here shriftes H 5141 And now is fallen ther-of a frute $that folke han wel leuere H 5142 Schewen her schriftes to hem $than shryue hem to her persones H 5143 And now persones han parceyued $that freres parte with hem H 5144 Thise possessioneres preche $and depraue freres H 5145 And freres fyndeth hem in defaute $as folke bereth witnes H 5146 That whan thei preche the poeple $in many place aboute H 5147 I Wrath walke with hem $and wisse hem of my bokes H 5148 Thus thei speken of spiritualte $that eyther despiseth other H 5149 Til thei be bothe beggers $and by my spiritualte libben H 5150 Or elles alle riche $and riden aboute H 5151 I Wrath rest neuere $that I ne moste folwe H 5152 This wykked folke $for suche is my grace H 5153 I haue an aunte to nonne $and an abbesse bothe H 5154 Hir were leuere swowe or swelte $than soeffre any peyne H 5155 I haue be cook in hir kichyne $and the couent serued H 5156 Many monthes with hem $and with monkes bothe H 5157 I was the priouresses potagere $and other poure ladyes H 5158 And made hem ioutes of iangelynge $that dame Iohanne was a bastard H 5159 And dame Clarice a kni#tes dou#ter $ac a kokewolde was hire syre H 5160 And dame Peronelle a prestes file $priouresse worth she neuere H 5161 For she had childe in chirityme $al owre chapitere it wiste H 5162 Of wykked wordes I Wrath $here wortes i-made H 5163 Til thow lixte and thow lixte $lopen oute at ones H 5164 And eyther hitte other $vnder the cheke H 5165 Hadde thei had knyues bi Cryst $her eyther had killed other H 5166 Seynt Gregorie was a gode pope $and had a gode forwit H 5167 That no priouresse were prest $for that he ordeigned H 5168 Thei had thanne ben infamis the firste day $thei can so yuel hele conseille H 5169 Amonge monkes I mi#te be $ac many tyme I shonye H 5170 For there ben many felle frekis $my feres to aspye H 5171 Bothe prioure an supprioure $and owre pater abbas H 5172 And if I telle any tales $thei taken hem togyderes H 5173 And do me faste Frydayes $to bred and to water H 5174 And am chalanged in the chapitelhous $as I a childe were H 5175 And baleised on the bare ers $and no breche bitwene H 5176 For-thi haue I no lykyng $with tho leodes to wonye H 5177 I ete there vnthende fisshe $and fieble ale drynke H 5178 Ac other while whan wyn cometh $whan I drynke wyn at eue H 5179 I haue a fluxe of a foule mouthe $wel fyue dayes after H 5180 Al the wikkednesse that I wote $bi any of owre bretheren H 5181 I couth it in owre cloistre $that al owre couent wote it H 5182 Now repent the quod Repentaunce $and reherce thow neure H 5183 Conseille that thow cnowest $bi contenaunce ne bi ri#te H 5184 And drynke nou#te ouer delicatly $ne to depe noyther H 5185 That thi wille bi cause ther-of $to wrath my#te torne H 5186 Esto sobrius he seyde $and assoilled me after H 5187 And bad me wilne to wepe $my wikkednesse to amende AUARICIA H 5188 And thanne cam Coueytise $can I hym nou#te descryue H 5189 So hungriliche and holwe $sire Heruy hym loked H 5190 He was bitelbrowed $and baberlipped also H 5191 With two blered eyghen $as a blynde hagge H 5192 And as a letheren purs $lolled his chekes H 5193 Wel sydder than his chyn $thei chiueled for elde H 5194 And as a bondman of his bacoun $his berde was bidraueled H 5195 With an hode on his hed $a lousi hatte aboue H 5196 And in a tauny tabarde $of twelue wynter age H 5197 Al totorne and baudy $and ful of lys crepynge H 5198 But if that a lous couthe $haue lopen the bettre H 5199 She sholde nou#te haue walked on that welche $so was it thredebare H 5200 I haue ben coueytouse quod this caityue $I biknowe it here H 5201 For some tyme I serued $Symme atte stile H 5202 And was his prentis ypli#te $his profit to wayte H 5203 First I lerned to lye $a leef other tweyne H 5204 Wikkedlich to weye $was my furst lessoun H 5205 To Wy and to Wynchestre $I went to the faire H 5206 With many manere marchandise $as my maistre me hi#te H 5207 Ne had the grace of gyle $ygo amonge my ware H 5208 It had be vnsolde this seuene #ere $so me god helpe H 5209 Thanne drowe I me amonges draperes $my donet to lerne H 5210 To drawe the lyser alonge $the lenger it semed H 5211 Amonge the riche rayes $I rendred a lessoun H 5212 To broche hem with a pak-nedle $and plaited hem togyderes H 5213 And put hem in a presse $and pynned hem therinne H 5214 Tyl ten #erdes or twelue $hadde tolled out threttene H 5215 My wyf was a webbe $and wollen cloth made H 5216 She spak to spynnesteres $to spynnen it oute H 5217 Ac the pounde that she payed by $poised a quarteroun more H 5218 Than myne owne auncere $who-so wey#ed treuthe H 5219 I bou#te hir barly-malte $she brewe it to selle H 5220 Peny-ale and podyng-ale $she poured togideres H 5221 For laborers and for low folke $that lay by hym-selue H 5222 The best ale lay in my boure $or in my bedchambre H 5223 And who-so bummed ther-of $bou#te it ther-after H 5224 A galoun for a grote $god wote no lesse H 5225 And #it it cam in cupmel $this crafte my wyf vsed H 5226 Rose the regratere $was hir ri#te name H 5227 She hath holden hokkerye $al hire lyf-tyme H 5228 Ac I swere now so the ik $that synne wil I lete H 5229 And neuere wikkedliche weye $ne wikke chaffare vse H 5230 But wenden to Walsyngham $and my wyf als H 5231 And bidde the rode of Bromelholme $brynge me oute of dette H 5232 Repentedestow the euere quod Repentance $ne restitucioun madest H 5233 #us ones I was herberwed quod he $with an hep of chapmen H 5234 I roos whan thei were arest $and yrifled here males H 5235 That was no restitucioun quod Repentance $but a robberes thefte H 5236 Thow haddest be better worthy $be hanged therfore H 5237 Than for al that $that thow hast here shewed H 5238 I wende ryflynge were restitucioun quod he $for I lerned neuere rede on boke H 5239 And I can no Frenche in feith $but of the ferthest ende of Norfolke H 5240 Vsedestow euere vsurie quod Repentaunce $in alle thi lyf-tyme H 5241 Nay sothly he seyde $saue in my #outhe H 5242 I lerned amonge Lumbardes $and Iewes a lessoun H 5243 To wey pens with a peys $and pare the heuyest H 5244 And lene it for loue of the crosse $to legge a wedde and lese it H 5245 Suche dedes I did wryte $#if he his day breke H 5246 I haue mo maneres thorw rerages $than thorw miseretur et comodat H 5247 I haue lent lordes $and ladyes my chaffare H 5248 And ben her brocour after $and bou#te it my-self H 5249 Eschaunges and cheuesances $with suche chaffare I dele H 5250 And lene folke that lese wol $a lyppe at euery noble H 5251 And with Lumbardes lettres $I ladde golde to Rome H 5252 And toke it by taille here $and tolde hem there lasse H 5253 Lentestow euere lordes $for loue of her mayntenaunce H 5254 #e I haue lent lordes $loued me neuere after H 5255 And haue ymade many a kny#te $bothe mercere and drapere H 5256 That payed neuere for his prentishode $nou#te a peire gloues H 5257 Hastow pite on pore men $that mote nedes borwe H 5258 I haue as moche pite of pore men $as pedlere hath of cattes H 5259 That wolde kille hem yf he cacche hem my#te $for coueitise of here skynnes H 5260 Artow manlyche amonge thi nei#bores $of thi mete and drynke H 5261 I am holden quod he as hende $as hounde is in kychyne H 5262 Amonges my neighbores namelich $such a name ich haue H 5263 Now god leue neure quod Repentance $but thow repent the rather H 5264 The grace on this grounde $thi good wel to bisette H 5265 Ne thine ysue after the $haue Ioye of that thow wynnest H 5266 Ne thi excecutours wel bisett $the siluer that thow hem leuest H 5267 And that was wonne with wronge $with wikked men be despended H 5268 For were I frere of that hous $there gode faith and charite is H 5269 I nolde cope vs with thi catel $ne owre kyrke amende H 5270 Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce $of thyne bi my soule hele H 5271 For the best boke in owre hous $thei#e brent golde were the leues H 5272 And I wyst wytterly $thow were suche as thow tellest H 5273 Or elles that I kouthe knowe it $by any kynnes wise H 5274 Seruus es alterius $cum fercula pinguia queris H 5275 Pane tuo pocius $vescere liber eris H 5276 Thow art an vnkynde creature $I can the nou#te assoille H 5277 Til thow make restitiucioun $and rekne with hem alle H 5278 And sithen that resoun rolle it $in the regystre of heuene H 5279 That thow hast made vche man good $I may the nou#te assoille Non dimittitur peccatum $donec restituatur ablatum etc. H 5280 For alle that haue of thi good $haue god my trouthe H 5281 Ben holden at the heighe dome $to helpe the to restitue H 5282 And who so leueth nou#te this be soth $loke in the sauter glose H 5283 In miserere mei deus $where I mene treuthe Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti etc. H 5284 Shal neuere werkman in this worlde $thryue wyth that thow wynnest H 5285 Cum sancto sanctus eris $construe me that on Englische H 5286 Thanne wex that shrewe in wanhope $and walde haue hanged him-self H 5287 Ne hadde Repentaunce the rather $reconforted hym in this manere H 5288 Haue mercye in thi mynde $and with thi mouth biseche it H 5289 For goddes mercye is more $than alle hise other werkes Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius etc. H 5290 And al the wikkednesse in this worlde $that man my#te worche or thynke H 5291 Ne is no more to the mercye of god $than in the see a glede Omnis iniquitas quantum ad misericordiam dei est quasi sintilla in medio maris H 5292 For-thi haue mercy in thi mynde $and marchandise leue it H 5293 For thow hast no good grounde $to gete the with a wastel H 5294 But if it were with thi tonge $or ellis with thi two hondes H 5295 For the good that thow hast geten $bigan al with falsehede H 5296 And as longe as thow lyuest ther-with $thow #eldest nou#te but borwest H 5297 And if thow wite neuere to whiche $ne whom to restitue H 5298 Bere it to the bisschop $and bidde hym of his grace H 5299 Bisette it hym-selue $as best is for thi soule H 5300 For he shal answere for the $at the heygh dome H 5301 For the and for many mo $that man shal #if a rekenynge H 5302 What he lerned #ow in lente $leue thow none other H 5303 And what he lent #ow of owre lordes good $to lette #ow fro synne GULA H 5304 Now bigynneth glotoun $for to go to schrifte H 5305 And kaires hym to-kirke-ward $his coupe to schewe H 5306 Ac Beton the brewestere $bad hym good morwe H 5307 And axed of hym with that $whiderward he wolde H 5308 To holi cherche quod he $forto here masse H 5309 And sithen I wil be shryuen $and synne namore H 5310 I haue gode ale gossib quod she $Glotown wiltow assaye H 5311 Hastow au#te in thi purs $any hote spices H 5312 I haue peper and piones quod she $and a pounde of garlike H 5313 A ferthyngworth of fenel-seed $for fastyngdayes H 5314 Thanne goth Glotoun in $and grete othes after H 5315 Cesse the souteresse $sat on the benche H 5316 Watte the warner $and his wyf bothe H 5317 Tymme the tynkere $and tweyne of his prentis H 5318 Hikke the hakeneyman $and Hughe the nedeler H 5319 Clarice of Cokkeslane $and the clerke of the cherche H 5320 Dawe the dykere $and a dozeine other H 5321 Sire Piers of Pridie $and Peronelle of Flaundres H 5322 A ribibour a ratonere $a rayker of Chepe H 5323 A ropere a redyngkyng $and Rose the dissheres H 5324 Godfrey of Garlekehithe $and Gryfin the Walshe H 5325 And vpholderes an hepe $erly bi the morwe H 5326 Geuen glotoun with glad chere $good ale to hansel H 5327 Clement the cobelere $cast of his cloke H 5328 And atte new faire $he nempned it to selle H 5329 Hikke the hakeneyman $hitte his hood after H 5330 And badde Bette the bochere $ben on his side H 5331 There were chapmen y-chose $this chaffare to preise H 5332 Who-so haueth the hood $shuld haue amendes of the cloke H 5333 Two risen vp in rape $and rouned togideres H 5334 And preised these penyworthes $apart bi hem-selue H 5335 Thei couth nou#te bi her conscience $acorden in treuthe H 5336 Tyl Robyn the ropere $arose bi the southe H 5337 And nempned hym for a noumpere $that no debate nere H 5338 For to trye this chaffare $bitwixen hem thre H 5339 Hikke the hostellere $hadde the cloke H 5340 In couenaunte that Clement $shulde the cuppe fille H 5341 And haue Hikkes hode hostellere $and holde hym yserued H 5342 And who-so repented rathest $shulde arise after H 5343 And grete sire Glotoun $with a galoun ale H 5344 There was laughyng and louryng $and let go the cuppe H 5345 And seten so til euensonge $and songen vmwhile H 5346 Tyl Glotoun had y-globbed $a galoun an a Iille H 5347 His guttis gunne to gothely $as two gredy sowes H 5348 He pissed a potel $in a pater-noster-while H 5349 And blew his rounde ruwet $at his rigge-bon ende H 5350 That alle that herde that horne $held her nose after H 5351 And wissheden it had be wexed $with a wispe of firses H 5352 He my#te neither steppe ne stonde $er he his staffe hadde H 5353 And thanne gan he go $liche a glewmannes bicche H 5354 Somme tyme aside $and somme tyme arrere H 5355 As who-so leyth lynes $forto lacche foules H 5356 And whan he drowgh to the dore $thanne dymmed his eighen H 5357 He stumbled on the thresshewolde $an threwe to the erthe H 5358 Clement the cobelere $cau#te hym bi the myddel H 5359 For to lifte hym alofte $and leyde him on his knowes H 5360 Ac Glotoun was a gret cherle $and a grym in the liftynge H 5361 And coughed vp a caudel $in Clementis lappe H 5362 Is non so hungri hounde $in Hertford schire H 5363 Durst lape of the leuynges $so vnlouely thei smau#te H 5364 With al the wo of this worlde $his wyf and his wenche H 5365 Baren hym home to his bedde $and brou#te hym therinne H 5366 And after al this excesse $he had an accidie H 5367 That he slepe Saterday and Sonday $til sonne #ede to reste H 5368 Thanne waked he of his wynkyng $and wiped his eyghen H 5369 The fyrste worde that he warpe $was where is the bolle H 5370 His wif gan edwite hym tho $how wikkedlich he lyued H 5371 And Repentance ri#te so $rebuked hym that tyme H 5372 As thow with wordes and werkes $hast wrou#te yuel in thi lyue H 5373 Shryue the and be shamed ther-of $and shewe it with thi mouth H 5374 I Glotoun quod the gome $gylti me #elde H 5375 That I haue trespassed with my tonge $I can nou#te telle how ofte H 5376 Sworen goddes soule $and so god me help and halidom H 5377 There no nede ne was $nyne hundreth tymes H 5378 And ouer-seye me at my sopere $and some tyme at nones H 5379 That I Glotoun girt it vp $er I hadde gone a myle H 5380 And y-spilte that my#te be spared $and spended on somme hungrie H 5381 Ouerdelicatly on fastyng-dayes $drunken and eten bothe H 5382 And sat some tyme so longe there $that I slepe and ete at ones H 5383 For loue of tales in tauernes $to drynke the more I dyned H 5384 And hyed to the mete er none $whan fastyng-days were H 5385 This shewyng shrifte quod Repentance $shal be meryte to the H 5386 And thanne gan Glotoun grete $and gret doel to make H 5387 For his lither lyf $that he lyued hadde H 5388 And avowed to fast $for hunger or for thurst H 5389 Shal neuere fisshe on the Fryday $defien in my wombe H 5390 Tyl Abstinence myn aunte $haue #iue me leue H 5391 And #it haue I hated hir $al my lyf-tyme ACCIDIA H 5392 Thanne come Sleuthe al bislabered $with two slymy ei#en H 5393 I most sitte seyde the segge $or elles shulde I nappe H 5394 I may nou#te stonde ne stoupe $ne with-oute a stole knele H 5395 Were I brou#te abedde $but if my taille-ende it made H 5396 Sholde no ryngynge do me ryse $ar I were rype to dyne H 5397 He bygan benedicite with a bolke $and his brest knocked H 5398 And roxed and rored $and rutte atte laste H 5399 What awake renke quod Repentance $and rape the to shrifte H 5400 If I shulde deye bi this day $me liste nou#te to loke H 5401 I can nou#te perfitly my pater-noster $as the prest it syngeth H 5402 But I can rymes of Robyn Hood $and Randolf erle of Chestre H 5403 Ac neither of owre lorde ne of owre lady $the leste that eure was made H 5404 I haue made vowes fourty $and for-#ete hem on the morne H 5405 I parfourned neure penaunce $as the prest me hi#te H 5406 Ne ry#te sori for my synnes $#et was I neuere H 5407 And #if I bidde any bedes $but if it be in wrath H 5408 That I telle with my tonge $is two myle fro myne herte H 5409 I am occupied eche day $haliday and other H 5410 With ydel tales atte ale $and otherwhile in cherches H 5411 Goddes peyne and his passioun $ful selde thynke I there-on H 5412 I visited neuere fieble men $ne fettered folke in puttes H 5413 I haue leuere here an harlotrie $or a somer-game of souteres H 5414 Or lesynges to laughe at $and belye my neighbore H 5415 Than al that euere Marke made $Mathew Iohn and Lucas H 5416 And vigilies and fastyng-dayes $alle thise late I passe H 5417 And ligge abedde in lenten $an my lemman in myn armes H 5418 Tyl matynes and masse be do $and thanne go to the freres H 5419 Come I to ite missa est $I holde me yserued H 5420 I nam nou#te shryuen some tyme $but if sekenesse it make H 5421 Nou#t tweies in two #ere $and thanne vp gesse I schryue me H 5422 I haue be prest and parsoun $passynge thretti wynter H 5423 #ete can I neither solfe ne synge $ne seyntes lyues rede H 5424 But I can fynde in a felde $or in a fourlonge an hare H 5425 Better than in beatus vir $or in beati omnes H 5426 Construe oon clause wel $and kenne it to my parochienes H 5427 I can holde louedayes $and here a reues rekenynge H 5428 Ac in canoun ne in the decretales $I can nou#te rede a lyne H 5429 #if I bigge and borwe it $but #if it be ytailled H 5430 I for#ete it as #erne $and #if men me it axe H 5431 Sixe sithes or seuene $I forsake it with othes H 5432 And thus tene I trewe men $ten hundreth tymes H 5433 And my seruantz some tyme $her salarye is bihynde H 5434 Reuthe is to here the rekenynge $whan we shal rede acomptes H 5435 So with wikked wille and wranthe $my werkmen I paye H 5436 #if any man doth me a benfait $or helpeth me at nede H 5437 I am vnkynde a#ein his curteisye $and can nou#te vnderstonde it H 5438 For I haue and haue hadde $some dele haukes maneres H 5439 I nam nou#te lured with loue $but there ligge au#te vnder the thombe H 5440 The kyndenesse that myne euene-cristene $kidde me fernyere H 5441 Sixty sythes I Sleuthe $haue for#ete it sith H 5442 In speche and in sparynge of speche $yspilte many a tyme H 5443 Bothe flesche and fissche $and many other vitailles H 5444 Bothe bred and ale $butter melke and chese H 5445 Forsleuthed in my seruyse $til it my#te serue noman H 5446 I ran aboute in #outhe $and #af me nou#te to lerne H 5447 And euere sith haue be beggere $for my foule sleuthe H 5448 Heu michi quod sterilem vitam duxi iuuenilem H 5449 Repentestow the nau#te quod Repentance $and ri#te with that he swowned H 5450 Til Vigilate the veille $fette water at his ey#en H 5451 And flatte it on his face $and faste on hym criede H 5452 And seide ware the fram wanhope $wolde the bitraye H 5453 I am sori for my synnes $sey so to thi-selue H 5454 And bete thi-selue on the breste $and bidde hym of grace H 5455 For is no gult here so grete $that his goodnesse nys more H 5456 Thanne sat Sleuthe vp $and seyned hym swithe H 5457 And made avowe to-fore god $for his foule sleuthe H 5458 Shal no Sondaye be this seuene #ere $but sykenesse it lette H 5459 That I ne shal do me er day $to the dere cherche H 5460 And heren matines and masse $as I a monke were H 5461 Shal none ale after mete $holde me thennes H 5462 Tyl I haue euensonge herde $I behote to the rode H 5463 And #ete wil I #elde a#ein $if I so moche haue H 5464 Al that I wikkedly wan $sithen I wytte hadde H 5465 And though my liflode lakke $leten I nelle H 5466 That eche men ne shal haue his $ar I hennes wende H 5467 And with the residue and the remenaunt $bi the rode of Chestre H 5468 I shal seke treuthe arst $ar I se Rome H 5469 Robert the robbere $on reddite lokede H 5470 And for ther was nou#te wher-of $he wepe swithe sore H 5471 Ac #et the synful shrewe $seyde to hym-selue H 5472 Cryst that on Caluarye $vpon the crosse deydest H 5473 Tho Dismas my brother $bisou#te #ow of grace H 5474 And haddest mercy on that man $for memento sake H 5475 So rewe on this robbere $that reddere ne haue H 5476 Ne neuere wene to wynne $with crafte that I owe H 5477 But for thi mykel mercy $mitigacioun I biseche H 5478 Ne dampne me nou#te at domesday $for that I did so ille H 5479 What bifel of this feloun $I can nou#te faire schewe H 5480 Wel I wote he wepte faste $water with bothe his eyen H 5481 And knowleched his gult $to Cryst #ete eftsones H 5482 That penitencia his pyke $he shulde polsche newe H 5483 And lepe with hym ouer londe $al his lyf-tyme H 5484 For he had leyne bi Latro $Luciferes aunte H 5485 And thanne had Repentance reuthe $and redde hem alle to knele H 5486 For I shal biseche for al synful $owre saueoure of grace H 5487 To amende vs of owre mysdedes $and do mercy to vs alle H 5488 Now god quod he that of thi goodnesse $gonne the worlde make H 5489 And of nau#te madest au#te $and man moste liche to thi-selue H 5490 And sithen suffredest for to synne $a sikenesse to vs alle H 5491 And al for the best as I bileue $what euere the boke telleth O felix culpa o necessarium peccatum Ade &c. H 5492 For thourgh that synne thi sone $sent was to this erthe H 5493 And bicam man of a mayde $mankynde to saue H 5494 And madest thi-self with thi sone $and vs synful yliche Faciamus hominem ad ymaginem et similitudinem nostram Et alibi qui manet in caritate in deo manet et deus in eo H 5495 And sith with thi self sone $in owre sute deydest H 5496 On godefryday for mannes sake $at ful tyme of the daye H 5497 There thi-self ne thi sone $no sorwe in deth feledest H 5498 But in owre secte was the sorwe $and thi sone it ladde Captiuam duxit captiuitatem H 5499 The sonne for sorwe ther-of $les sy#te for a tyme H 5500 Aboute mydday whan most li#te is $and mele tyme of seintes H 5501 Feddest with thi fresche blode $owre forfadres in derknesse Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit lucem magnam H 5502 And thorw the li#te that lepe oute of the $Lucifer was blent H 5503 And blewe alle thi blissed $in-to the blisse of paradise H 5504 The thrydde daye after $thow #edest in owre sute H 5505 A synful Marie the seighe $ar seynte Marie thi dame H 5506 And al to solace synful $thow suffredest it so were Non veni vocare iustos set peccatores ad penitenciam H 5507 And al that Marke hath ymade $Mathew Iohan and Lucas H 5508 Of thyne dou#tiest dedes $were don in owre armes Verbum caro factum est et habitauit in nobis H 5509 And bi so moche me semeth $the sikerere we mowe H 5510 Bydde and biseche $if it be thi wille H 5511 That art owre fader and owre brother $be merciable to vs H 5512 And haue reuthe on thise ribaudes $that repente hem here sore H 5513 That euere thei wratthed the in this worlde $in worde thou#te or dedes H 5514 Thanne hent Hope an horne $of deus iu conuersus viuificabis nos H 5515 And blew it with beati quorum $remisse sunt iniquitates H 5516 That alle seyntes in heuene $songen at ones Homines et iumenta saluabis quemadmodum multiplicasti misericordiam tuam deus etc. H 5517 A thousand of men tho $thrungen togyderes H 5518 Criede vpward to Cryst $and to his clene moder H 5519 To haue grace to go with hem $Treuthe to seke H 5520 Ac there was wy#te non so wys $the wey thider couthe H 5521 But blustreden forth as bestes $ouer bankes and hilles H 5522 Til late was and longe $that thei a lede mette H 5523 Apparailled as a paynym $in pylgrymes wyse H 5524 He bare a burdoun ybounde $with a brode liste H 5525 In a withewyndes wise $ywounden aboute H 5526 A bolle and a bagge $he bare by his syde H 5527 An hundreth of ampulles $on his hatt seten H 5528 Signes of Synay $and shelles of Galice H 5529 And many a cruche on his cloke $and keyes of Rome H 5530 And the vernicle bifore $for men shulde knowe H 5531 And se bi his signes $whom he sou#te hadde H 5532 This folke frayned hym firste $fro whennes he come H 5533 Fram Synay he seyde $and fram owre lordes sepulcre H 5534 In Bethleem and in Babiloyne $I haue ben in bothe H 5535 In Ermonye in Alisaundre $in many other places H 5536 #e may se bi my signes $that sitten on myn hatte H 5537 That I haue walked ful wyde $in wete and in drye H 5538 And sou#te gode seyntes $for my soules helth H 5539 Knowestow ou#te a corseint $that men calle Treuthe H 5540 Coudestow au#te wissen vs the weye $where that wy dwelleth H 5541 Nay so me god helpe $seide the gome thanne H 5542 I seygh neuere palmere $with pike ne with scrippe H 5543 Axen after hym er $til now in this place H 5544 Peter quod a plowman $and put forth his hed H 5545 I knowe hym as kyndely $as clerke doth his bokes H 5546 Conscience and Kynde Witte $kenned me to his place H 5547 And deden me suren hym sikerly $to serue hym for euere H 5548 Bothe to sowe and to sette $the while I swynke myghte H 5549 I haue ben his folwar $al this fifty wyntre H 5550 Bothe ysowen his sede $and sued his bestes H 5551 With-inne and with-outen $wayted his profyt H 5552 I dyke and I delue $I do that treuthe hoteth H 5553 Some tyme I sowe $and some tyme I thresche H 5554 In tailoures crafte and tynkares crafte $what Treuthe can deuyse H 5555 I weue an I wynde $and do what Treuthe hoteth H 5556 For thou#e I seye it my-self $I serue hym to paye H 5557 Ich haue myn huire of hym wel $and otherwhiles more H 5558 He is the prestest payer $that pore men knoweth H 5559 He ne with-halt non hewe his hyre $that he ne hath it at euen H 5560 He is as low as a lombe $and loueliche of speche H 5561 And #if #e wilneth to wite $where that he dwelleth H 5562 I shal wisse #ow witterly $the weye to his place H 5563 #e leue Pieres quod this pilgrymes $and profered hym huire H 5564 For to wende with hem $to Treuthes dwellyng-place H 5565 Nay bi my soules helth quod Pieres $and gan forto swere H 5566 I nolde fange a ferthynge $for seynt Thomas shryne H 5567 Treuthe wolde loue me the lasse $a longe tyme thereafter H 5568 Ac if #e wilneth to wende wel $this is the weye thider H 5569 That I shal say to yow $and sette yow in the sothe H 5570 #e mote go thourgh Mekenesse $bothe men and wyues H 5571 Tyl #e come in-to Conscience $that Cryst wite the sothe H 5572 That #e louen owre lorde god $leuest of alle thinges H 5573 And thanne #owre neighbores nexte $in non wise apeyre H 5574 Otherwyse than thow woldest $he wrou#te to thi-selue H 5575 And so boweth forth bi a broke $Beth-buxum-of-speche H 5576 Tyl #e fynden a forth $#owre-fadres-honoureth Honora patrem et matrem etc. H 5577 Wadeth in that water $and wascheth #ow wel there H 5578 And #e shul lepe the li#tloker $al #owre lyf-tyme H 5579 And so shaltow se Swere-nou#te- $but-if-it-be-for- nede-H 5580 And-namelich-an-ydel- $the-name-of-god-almy#ti H 5581 Thanne shaltow come by a crofte $but come thow nou#te there-inne H 5582 That crofte hat Coueyte-nou#te- $mennes-catel-ne-her- wyues- H 5583 Ne-none-of-her-seruantes- $that-noyen-hem-my#te H 5584 Loke #e breke no bowes there $but if it be #owre owne H 5585 Two stokkes there stondeth $ac stynte #e nou#te there H 5586 They hatte Stele-nou#te Ne-slee-nou#te $stryke forth by bothe H 5587 And leue hem on thi left halfe $and loke nou#te there-after H 5588 And holde wel thyne haliday $heighe til euen H 5589 Thanne shaltow blenche at a berghe $Bere-no-false- witnesse H 5590 He is frithed in with floreines $and other fees many H 5591 Loke thow plukke no plante there $for peril of thi soule H 5592 Thanne shal #e se Sey-soth- $so-it-be-to-done- H 5593 In-no-manere-ellis-nau#te- $for-no-mannes-biddynge H 5594 Thanne shaltow come to a courte $as clere as the sonne H 5595 The mote is of Mercy $the manere aboute H 5596 And alle the wallis ben of Witte $to holden Wille oute H 5597 And kerneled with Crystendome $man-kynde to saue H 5598 Boterased with Bileue-so- $or-thow-beest-nou#te- ysaued H 5599 And alle the houses ben hiled $halles and chambres H 5600 With no lede but with Loue $and Lowe-speche-as- bretheren H 5601 The brugge is of Bidde-wel- $the-bette-may-thow-spede H 5602 Eche piler is of Penaunce $of preyeres to seyntes H 5603 Of Almes-dedes ar the hokes $that the gates hangen on H 5604 Grace hatte the gateward $a gode man for sothe H 5605 Hys man hatte Amende-#ow $for many men him knoweth H 5606 Telleth hym this tokene $that Treuthe wite the sothe H 5607 I parfourned the penaunce $the preest me enioyned H 5608 And am ful sori for my synnes $and so I shal euere H 5609 Whan I thinke there-on $theighe I were a pope H 5610 Biddeth Amende-#ow meke him $til his maistre ones H 5611 To wayue vp the wiket $that the womman shette H 5612 Tho Adam and Eue $eten apples vnrosted Per Euam cunctis clausa est et per Mariam virginem iterum patefacta est H 5613 For he hath the keye and the cliket $thou# the kynge slepe H 5614 And if Grace graunte the $to go in this wise H 5615 Thow shalt see in thi-selue $Treuthe sitte in thine herte H 5616 In a cheyne of charyte $as thow a childe were H 5617 To suffre hym and segge nou#te $a#ein thi sires wille H 5618 Ac bewar thanne of Wrath-the $that is a wikked shrewe H 5619 He hath enuye to hym $that in thine herte sitteth H 5620 And pukketh forht pruyde $to prayse thi-seluen H 5621 The boldnesse of thi bienfetes $maketh the blynde thanne H 5622 And thanne worstow dryuen oute as dew $and the dore closed H 5623 Kayed and cliketed $to kepe the with-outen H 5624 Happily an hundreth wyntre $ar thow eft entre H 5625 Thus myght thow lesen his loue $to late wel by thi- selue H 5626 And neuere happiliche efte entre $but grace thow haue H 5627 Ac there aren seuene sustren $that seruen Treuthe euere H 5628 And aren porteres of the posternes $that to the place longeth H 5629 That one hat Abstenence $and Humilite an other H 5630 Charite and Chastite $ben his chief maydenes H 5631 Pacience and Pees $moche poeple thei helpeth H 5632 Largenesse the lady $heo let in ful manye H 5633 Heo hath hulpe a thousande oute $of the deueles ponfolde H 5634 And who is sibbe to this seuene $so me god helpe H 5635 He is wonderliche welcome $and faire vnderfongen H 5636 And but-if #e be syb $to summe of thise seuene H 5637 It is ful harde bi myne heued quod Peres $for any of #ow alle H 5638 To geten ingonge at any gate there $but grace be the more H 5639 Now bi Cryst quod a cutpurs $I haue no kynne there H 5640 Ne I quod an apewarde $bi au#te that I knowe H 5641 Wite god quod a wafrestre $wist I this for sothe H 5642 Shulde I neuere ferthere a fote $for no freres prechynge H 5643 #us quod Pieres the plowman $and pukked hem alle to gode H 5644 Mercy is a maydene there $hath my#te ouer hem alle H 5645 And she is syb to alle synful $and her sone also H 5646 And thoru#e the helpe of hem two $hope thow non other H 5647 Thow my#te gete grace there $bi so thow go bityme. H 5648 By seynt Poule quod a pardonere $perauenture I be nou#te knowe there H 5649 I wil go fecche my box with my breuettes $and a bulle with bisshopes lettres H 5650 By Cryst quod a comune womman $thi companye wil I folwe H 5651 Thow shalt sey I am thi sustre $I ne wot where thei bicome H 6001 This were a wikked way $but who-so hadde a gyde H 6002 That wolde folwen us eche a fote $thus this folke hem mened H 6003 Quath Perkyn the plouman $bi seynt Peter of Rome H 6004 I haue an half-acre to erye $bi the heighe way H 6005 Hadde I eried this half-acre $and sowen it after H 6006 I wolde wende with #ow $and the way teche H 6007 This were a longe lettynge $quod a lady in a sklayre H 6008 What sholde we wommen $worche there-whiles H 6009 Somme shal sowe the sakke quod Piers $for shedyng of the whete H 6010 And #e louely ladyes $with #oure longe fyngres H 6011 That #e han silke and sendal $to sowe whan tyme is H 6012 Chesibles for chapelleynes $cherches to honoure H 6013 Wyues and wydwes $wolle and flex spynneth H 6014 Maketh cloth I conseille #ow $and kenneth so #owre dou#tres H 6015 The nedy and the naked $nymmeth hede how hij liggeth H 6016 And casteth hem clothes $for so comaundeth Treuthe H 6017 For I shal lene hem lyflode $but #if the londe faille H 6018 Flesshe and bred bothe $to riche and to pore H 6019 As longe as I lyue $for the lordes loue of heuene H 6020 And alle manere of men $that thorw mete and drynke lybbeth H 6021 Helpith hym to worche wi#tliche $that wynneth #owre fode H 6022 Bi Crist quod a kny#te tho $he kenneth vs the best H 6023 Ac on the teme trewly $tau#te was I neuere H 6024 Ac kenne me quod the kny#te $and bi Cryst I wil assaye H 6025 Bi seynt Poule quod Perkyn $#e profre #ow so faire H 6026 That I shal swynke and swete $and sowe for vs bothe H 6027 And other laboures do for thi loue $al my lyf-tyme H 6028 In couenaunt that thow kepe $holikirke and my-selue H 6029 Fro wastoures and fro wykked men $that this worlde struyeth H 6030 And go hunte hardiliche $to hares and to foxes H 6031 To bores and to brockes $that breketh adown myne hegges H 6032 And go affaite the faucones $wilde foules to kille H 6033 For suche cometh to my croft $and croppeth my whete H 6034 Curteislich the kny#te thanne $comsed thise wordes H 6035 By my power Pieres quod he $I pli#te the my treuthe H 6036 To fulfille this forward $thow# I fi#te sholde H 6037 Als longe as I lyue $I shal the mayntene H 6038 #e and #it a poynt quod Pieres $I preye #ow of more H 6039 Loke #e tene no tenaunt $but Treuthe wil assent H 6040 And thowgh #e mowe amercy hem $late Mercy be taxoure H 6041 And Mekenesse thi mayster $maugre Medes chekes H 6042 And thowgh pore men profre #ow $presentis and #iftis H 6043 Nym it nau#te an auenture $#e mowe it nau#te deserue H 6044 For thow shalt #ede it a#ein $at one #eres ende H 6045 In a ful perillous place $purgatorie it hatte H 6046 And mysbede nou#te thi bonde-men $the better may thow spede H 6047 Thowgh he be thyn vnderlynge here $wel may happe in heuene H 6048 That he worth worthier sette $and with more blisse H 6049 Than thow bot thou do bette $and lyue as thow shulde Amice ascende superius H 6050 For in charnel atte chirche $cherles ben yuel to knowe H 6051 Or a kni#te fram a knaue there $knowe this in thin herte H 6052 And that thow be trewe of thi tonge $and tales that thow hatie H 6053 But if thei ben of wisdome or of witte $thi werkmen to chaste H 6054 Holde with none harlotes $ne here nou#te her tales H 6055 And nameliche atte mete $suche men eschue H 6056 For it ben the deueles disoures $I do the to vnderstande H 6057 I assente bi seynt Iame $seyde the kni#te thanne H 6058 Forto worche bi thi wordes $the while my lyf dureth H 6059 And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn $in pilgrimes wise H 6060 And wende with #ow I wil $til we fynde Treuthe H 6061 And cast on me my clothes $yclouted and hole H 6062 My cokeres and my coffes $for colde of my nailles H 6063 And hange myn hoper at myn hals $in stede of a scrippe H 6064 A busshel of bredcorne $brynge me ther-inne H 6065 For I wil sowe it my-self $and sitthenes wil I wende H 6066 To pylgrymage as palmers don $pardoun forto haue H 6067 Ac who so helpeth me to erie $or sowen here ar I wende H 6068 Shal haue leue bi owre lorde $to lese here in heruest H 6069 And make hem mery there-mydde $maugre who-so bigruccheth it H 6070 And alkyn crafty men $that konne lyuen in treuthe H 6071 I shal fynden hem fode $that feithfulliche libbeth H 6072 Saue Iakke the iogeloure $and Ionet of the stues H 6073 And Danyl the dys-playere $and Denote the baude H 6074 And frere the faytoure $and folke of his ordre H 6075 And Robyn the rybaudoure $for his rusty wordes H 6076 Treuthe tolde me ones $and bad me tellen it after H 6077 Deleantur de libro viuentium $I shulde nou#te dele with hem H 6078 For holicherche is hote of hem $no tythe to take Quia cum iustis non scribantur H 6079 They ben ascaped good auenture $now god hem amende H 6080 Dame Worche-whan-tyme-is $Pieres wyf hi#te H 6081 His dou#ter hi#te Do-ri#te-so- $or-thi-dame-shal-the- bete H 6082 His sone hi#te Suffre-thi-souereynes- $to-hauen-her- wille- H 6083 Deme-hem-nou#te-for-if-thow-doste- $thow-shalt-it- dere-abugge H 6084 Late god yworth with al $for so his worde techeth H 6085 For now I am olde and hore $and haue of myn owen H 6086 To penaunce and to pilgrimage $I wil passe with thise other H 6087 For-thi I wil or I wende $do wryte my biqueste H 6088 In dei nomine amen $I make it my-seluen H 6089 He shal haue my soule $that best hath yserued it H 6090 And fro the fende it defende $for so I bileue H 6091 Til I come to his acountes $as my credo me telleth H 6092 To haue a relees and a remissioun $on that rental I leue H 6093 The kirke shal haue my caroigne $and kepe my bones H 6094 For of my corne and catel $he craued the tythe H 6095 I payed it hym prestly $for peril of my soule H 6096 For-thy is he holden I hope $to haue me in his masse H 6097 And mengen in his memorye $amonge alle Crystene H 6098 My wyf shal haue of that I wan $with treuthe and nomore H 6099 And dele amonge my dou#tres $and my dere children H 6100 For thowghe I deye to-daye $my dettes ar quitte H 6101 I bare home that I borwed $ar I to bedde #ede H 6102 And with the residue and the remenaunte $bi the rode of Lukes H 6103 I wil worschip ther-with $Treuthe bi my lyue H 6104 And ben his pilgryme atte plow $for pore mennes sake H 6105 My plow-fote shal be my pyk-staf $and picche atwo the rotes H 6106 And helpe my culter to kerue $and clense the forwes H 6107 Now is Perkyn and his pilgrymes $to the plowe faren H 6108 To erie this halue-acre $holpyn hym manye H 6109 Dikeres and delueres $digged vp the balkes H 6110 There-with was Perkyn apayed $and preysed hem faste H 6111 Other werkeman there were $that wrou#ten ful #erne H 6112 Eche man in his manere $made hym-self to done H 6113 And some to plese Perkyn $piked vp the wedes H 6114 At heighe pryme Peres $lete the plowe stonde H 6115 To ouersen hem hym-self $and who-so best wrou#te H 6116 He shulde be huyred ther-after $whan heruest-tyme come H 6117 And thanne seten somme $and songen atte nale H 6118 And hulpen erie his half-acre $with how trollilolli H 6119 Now bi the peril of my soule quod Pieres $al in pure tene H 6120 But #e arise the rather $and rape #ow to worche H 6121 Shal no greyne that groweth $glade #ow at nede H 6122 And though #e deye for dole $the deuel haue that reccheth H 6123 Tho were faitoures aferde $and feyned hem blynde H 6124 Somme leyde here legges aliri $as suche loseles conneth H 6125 And made her mone to Pieres $and preyde hym of grace H 6126 For we haue no lymes to laboure with $lord y-graced be #e H 6127 Ac we preye for #ow Pieres $and for #owre plow bothe H 6128 That god of his grace $#owre grayne multiplye H 6129 And #elde #ow of #owre almesse $that #e #iue vs here H 6130 For we may nou#te swynke ne swete $suche sikenesse vs eyleth H 6131 If it be soth quod Pieres that #e seyne $I shal it sone asspye H 6132 #e ben wastoures I wote wel $and Treuthe wote the sothe H 6133 And I am his olde hyne $and hi#te hym to warne H 6134 Which thei were in this worlde $his werkmen appeyred H 6135 #e wasten that men wynnen $with trauaille and with tene H 6136 Ac Treuthe shal teche #ow $his teme to dryue H 6137 Or #e shal ete barly bred $and of the broke drynke H 6138 But if he be blynde or broke-legged $or bolted with yrnes H 6139 He shal ete whete bred $and drynke with my-selue H 6140 Tyl god of his goodnesse $amendement hym sende H 6141 Ac #e my#te trauaille as Treuthe wolde $and take mete and huyre H 6142 To kepe kyne in the felde $the corne fro the bestes H 6143 Diken or deluen $or dyngen vppon sheues H 6144 Or helpe make morter $or bere mukke a-felde H 6145 In lecherye and in losengerye $#e lyuen and in sleuthe H 6146 And al is thorw suffrance $that veniaunce #ow ne taketh H 6147 Ac ancres and heremytes $that eten no#t but at nones H 6148 And namore er morwe $myne almesse shul thei haue H 6149 And of my catel to cope hem with $that han cloistres and cherches H 6150 Ac Robert Renne-aboute $shal now#te haue of myne H 6151 Ne posteles but they preche conne $and haue powere of the bisschop H 6152 They shal haue payne and potage $and make hem-self at ese H 6153 For it is an vnresonable religioun $that hath ri#te nou#te of certeyne H 6154 And thanne gan a wastoure to wrath hym $and wolde haue yfou#te H 6155 And to Pieres the plowman $he profered his gloue H 6156 A Brytonere a braggere $a-bosted Pieres als H 6157 And bad hym go pissen with his plow $for-pyned schrewe H 6158 Wiltow or neltow $we wil haue owre wille H 6159 Of thi flowre and of thi flessche $fecche whan vs liketh H 6160 And make vs murie ther-myde $maugre thi chekes H 6161 Thanne Pieres the plowman $pleyned hym to the kny#te H 6162 To kepe hym as couenaunte was $fram cursed shrewes H 6163 And fro this wastoures wolueskynnes $that maketh the worlde dere H 6164 For tho waste and wynnen nou#te $and that ilke while H 6165 Worth neuere plente amonge the poeple $ther-while my plow liggeth H 6166 Curteisly the kny#te thanne $as his kynde wolde H 6167 Warned Wastoure $and wissed hym bettere H 6168 Or thow shalt abugge by the lawe $by the ordre that I bere H 6169 I was nou#t wont to worche quod Wastour $and now wil I nou#t bigynne H 6170 And lete li#te of the lawe $and lasse of the kny#te H 6171 And sette Pieres at a pees $and his plow bothe H 6172 And manaced Pieres and his men $#if thei mette eft sone H 6173 Now by the peril of my soule quod Pieres $I shal apeyre #ow alle H 6174 And houped after Hunger $that herd hym atte firste H 6175 A-wreke me of thise wastoures quod he $that this worlde schendeth H 6176 Hunger in haste tho $hent Wastour bi the mawe H 6177 And wronge hym so bi the wombe $that bothe his eyen wattered H 6178 He buffeted the Britoner $aboute the chekes H 6179 That he loked like a lanterne $al his lyf after H 6180 He bette hem so bothe $he barste nere here guttes H 6181 Ne hadde Pieres with a pese-lof $preyed Hunger to cesse H 6182 They hadde ben doluen bothe $ne deme thow non other H 6183 Suffre hem lyue he seyde $and lete hem ete with hogges H 6184 Or elles benes and bren $ybaken togideres H 6185 Or elles melke and mene ale $thus preyed Pieres for hem H 6186 Faitoures for fere her-of $flowen in-to bernes H 6187 And flapten on with flayles $fram morwe til euen H 6188 That Hunger was nou#t so hardy $on hem for to loke H 6189 For a potful of peses $that Peres hadde ymaked H 6190 An heep of heremites $henten hem spades H 6191 And ketten here copes $and courtpies hem made H 6192 And wenten as werkemen $with spades and with schoueles H 6193 And doluen and dykeden $to dryue aweye hunger H 6194 Blynde and bedreden $were botened a thousande H 6195 That seten to begge syluer $sone were thei heled H 6196 For that was bake for Bayarde $was bote for many hungry H 6197 And many a beggere for benes $buxome was to swynke H 6198 And eche a pore man wel apayed $to haue pesen for his huyre H 6199 And what Pieres preyed hem to do $as prest as a sperhauke H 6200 And there-of was Peres proude $and put hem to werke H 6201 And #af hem mete as he my#te aforth $and mesurable huyre H 6202 Thanne hadde Peres pite $and preyed Hunger to wende H 6203 Home in-to his owne erde $and holden hym there H 6204 For I am wel awroke now $of wastoures thorw thi my#te H 6205 Ac I preye the ar thow passe $quod Pieres to Hunger H 6206 Of beggeres and of bidderes $what best be to done H 6207 For I wote wel be thow went $thei wil worche ful ille H 6208 For myschief it maketh $thei beth so meke nouthe H 6209 And for defaute of her fode $this folke is at my wille H 6210 They are my blody bretheren quod Pieres $for god bou#te vs alle H 6211 Treuthe tau#te me ones $to louye hem vchone H 6212 And to helpen hem of alle thinge $ay as hem nedeth H 6213 And now wolde I witen of the $what were the best H 6214 And how I my#te amaistrien hem $and make hem to worche H 6215 Here now quod Hunger $and holde it for a wisdome H 6216 Bolde beggeres and bigge $that mowe her bred biswynke H 6217 With houndes bred and hors bred $holde vp her hertis H 6218 Abate hem with benes $for bollyng of her wombe H 6219 And #if the gomes grucche $bidde hem go swynke H 6220 And he shal soupe swettere $whan he it hath deseruid H 6221 And if thow fynde any freke $that fortune hath appeyred H 6222 Or any maner fals men $fonde thow suche to cnowe H 6223 Conforte hem with thi catel $for Crystes loue of heuene H 6224 Loue hem and lene hem $so lawe of god techeth Alter alterius onera portate H 6225 And alle maner of men $that thow my#te asspye H 6226 That nedy ben and nau#ty $helpe hem with thi godis H 6227 Loue hem and lakke hem nou#te $late god take the veniaunce H 6228 Theigh thei done yuel $late thow god y-worthe Michi vindictam et ego retribuam H 6229 And if thow wilt be graciouse to god $do as the gospel techeth H 6230 And biloue the amonges low men $so shaltow lacche grace Facite vobis amicos de mamona iniquitatis H 6231 I wolde nou#t greue god quod Piers $for al the good on grounde H 6232 Mi#te I synnelees do as thow seist $seyde Pieres thanne H 6233 #e I bihote the quod Hunger $or ellis the bible lieth H 6234 Go to Genesis the gyaunt $the engendroure of vs alle H 6235 In sudore and swynke $thow shalt thi mete tilye H 6236 And laboure for thi lyflode $and so owre lorde hy#te H 6237 And Sapience seyth the same $I seigh it in the bible H 6238 Piger pro frigore $no felde nolde tilye H 6239 And therfore he shal begge and bidde $and no man bete his hunger H 6240 Mathew with mannes face $mouthed thise wordes H 6241 That seruus nequam had a nam $and for he wolde nou#te chaffare H 6242 He had maugre of his maistre $for euermore after H 6243 And binam hym his mnam $for he ne wolde worche H 6244 And #af that mnam to hym $that ten mnames hadde H 6245 And with that he seyde $that holicherche it herde H 6246 He that hath shal haue $and helpe there it nedeth H 6247 And he that nou#t hath shal nou#t haue $and no man hym helpe H 6248 And that he weneth wel to haue $I wil it hym bireue H 6249 Kynde witt wolde $that eche a wyght wrou#te H 6250 Or in dykynge or in deluynge $or trauaillynge in preyeres H 6251 Contemplatyf lyf or actyf lyf $Cryst wolde men wrou#te H 6252 The sauter seyth in the psalme $of beati omnes H 6253 The freke that fedeth hym-self $with his feythful laboure H 6254 He is blessed by the boke $in body and in soule Labores manuum tuarum etc. H 6255 #et I prey #ow quod Pieres $par charite and #e kunne H 6256 Eny leef of lechecraft $lere it me my dere H 6257 For somme of my seruauntz $and my-self bothe H 6258 Of al a wyke worche nou#t $so owre wombe aketh H 6259 I wote wel quod Hunger $what sykenesse #ow eyleth H 6260 #e han maunged ouer-moche $and that maketh #ow grone H 6261 Ac I hote #e quod Hunger $as thow thyne hele wilnest H 6262 That thow drynke no day $ar thow dyne somwhat H 6263 Ete nou#te I hote the $ar hunger the take H 6264 And sende the of his sauce $to sauoure with thi lippes H 6265 And kepe some tyl soper-tyme $and sitte nou#t to longe H 6266 Arise vp ar appetit $haue eten his fulle H 6267 Lat nou#t sire Surfait $sitten at thi borde H 6268 Leue him nou#t for he is lecherous $and likerous of tonge H 6269 And after many manere metes $his maw is afyngred H 6270 And #if thow diete the thus $I dar legge myne eres H 6271 That Phisik shal his furred hodes $for his fode selle H 6272 And his cloke of Calabre $with alle the knappes of golde H 6273 And be fayne bi my feith $his phisik to lete H 6274 And lerne to laboure with londe $for lyflode is swete H 6275 For morthereres aren mony leches $lorde hem amende H 6276 Thei do men deye thorw here drynkes $ar destine it wolde H 6277 By seynt Poule quod Pieres $thise aren profitable wordis H 6278 Wende now Hunger whan thow wolt $that wel be thow euere H 6279 For this is a louely lessoun $lorde it the for-#elde H 6280 By-hote god quod Hunger $hennes ne wil I wende H 6281 Til haue dyned bi this day $and ydronke bothe H 6282 I haue no peny quod Peres $poletes forto bigge H 6283 Ne neyther gees ne grys $but two grene cheses H 6284 A fewe cruddes and creem $and an hauer cake H 6285 And two loues of benes and bran $y-bake for my fauntis H 6286 And #et I sey by my soule $I haue no salt bacoun H 6287 Ne no kokeney bi Cryst $coloppes forto maken H 6288 Ac I haue percil and porettes $and many kole-plantes H 6289 And eke a cow and a kalf $and a cart-mare H 6290 To drawe a-felde my donge $the while the drought lasteth H 6291 And bi this lyflode we mot lyue $til Lammasse tyme H 6292 And bi that I hope to haue $heruest in my croft H 6293 And thanne may I di#te thi dyner $as me dere liketh H 6294 Alle the pore peple tho $pesecoddes fetten H 6295 Benes and baken apples $thei brou#te in her lappes H 6296 Chibolles and cheruelles $and ripe chiries manye H 6297 And profred Peres this present $to plese with hunger H 6298 Al Hunger eet in hast $and axed after more H 6299 Thanne pore folke for fere $fedde Hunger #erne H 6300 With grene poret and pesen $to poysoun Hunger thei thou#te H 6301 By that it neighed nere heruest $newe corne cam to chepynge H 6302 Thanne was folke fayne $and fedde Hunger with the best H 6303 With good ale as Glotoun tau#te $and gerte Hunger go slepe H 6304 And tho wolde Wastour nou#t werche $but wandren aboute H 6305 Ne no begger ete bred $that benes inne were H 6306 But of coket or clerematyn $or elles of clene whete H 6307 Ne none halpeny ale $in none wise drynke H 6308 But of the best and of the brounest $that in borghe is to selle H 6309 Laboreres that haue no lande $to lyue on but her handes H 6310 Deyned nou#t to dyne a-day $ny#t-olde wortes H 6311 May no peny-ale hem paye $ne no pece of bakoun H 6312 But if it be fresch flesch other fische $fryed other bake H 6313 And that chaude or plus chaud $for chillyng of her mawe H 6314 And but-if he be heighlich huyred $ellis wil he chyde H 6315 And that he was werkman wrou#t $waille the tyme H 6316 A#eines Catones conseille $comseth he to Iangle Paupertatis onus pacienter ferre memento H 6317 He greueth hym a#eines god $and gruccheth a#eines resoun H 6318 And thanne curseth he the kynge $and al his conseille after H 6319 Suche lawes to loke $laboreres to greue H 6320 Ac whiles Hunger was her maister $there wolde none of hem chyde H 6321 Ne stryue a#eines his statut $so sterneliche he loked H 6322 Ac I warne #ow werkemen $wynneth while #e mowe H 6323 For Hunger hiderward $hasteth hym faste H 6324 He shal awake with water $wastoures to chaste H 6325 Ar fyue #ere be fulfilled $suche famyn shal aryse H 6326 Thorwgh flodes and thourgh foule wederes $frutes shul faille H 6327 And so sayde Saturne $and sent #ow to warne H 6328 Whan #e se the sonne amys $and two monkes hedes H 6329 And a mayde haue the maistrie $and multiplie bi eight H 6330 Thanne shal Deth withdrawe $and Derthe be iustice H 6331 And Dawe the dyker $deye for hunger H 6332 But if god of his godenesse $graunt vs a trewe H 7001 Treuthe herde telle herof $and to Piers he sente H 7002 To taken his teme $and tilien @e erthe H 7003 And purchaced hym a pardoun $a pena et a culpa H 7004 For hym and for his heires $for euermore after H 7005 And bad hym holde hym at home $and eryen his leyes H 7006 And alle that halpe hym to erie $to sette or to sowe H 7007 Or any other myster $that my#te Pieres auaille H 7008 Pardoun with Piers plowman $treuthe hath ygraunted H 7009 Kynges and kny#tes $that kepen holycherche H 7010 And ry#tfullych in reumes $reulen the peple H 7011 Han pardoun thourgh purgatorie $to passe ful ly#tly H 7012 With patriarkes and prophetes $in paradise to be felawes H 7013 Bisshopes yblessed $#if thei ben as thei shulden H 7014 Legistres of bothe the lawes $the lewed there-with to preche H 7015 And in as moche as thei mowe $amende alle synful H 7016 Aren peres with the apostles $this pardoun Piers sheweth H 7017 And at the day of dome $atte heigh deyse to sytte H 7018 Marchauntz in the margyne $hadden many #eres H 7019 Ac none a pena et a culpa $the pope nolde hem graunte H 7020 For thei holde nou#t her halidayes $as holicherche techeth H 7021 And for thei swere by her soule $and so god moste hem helpe H 7022 A#ein clene conscience $her catel to selle H 7023 Ac under his secret seel $Treuthe sent hem a lettre H 7024 That they shulde bugge boldely $that hem best liked H 7025 And sithenes selle it a#ein $and saue the wynnynge H 7026 And amende mesondieux there-myde $and myseyse folke helpe H 7027 And wikked wayes $wi#tlich hem amende H 7028 And do bote to brugges $that to-broke were H 7029 Marien maydenes $or maken hem nonnes H 7030 Pore peple and prisounes $fynden hem here fode H 7031 And sette scoleres to scole $or to somme other craftes H 7032 Releue religioun $and renten hem bettere H 7033 And I shal sende #ow my-selue $seynt Michel myn archangel H 7034 That no deuel shal #ow dere $ne fere #ow in #owre deyinge H 7035 And witen #ow fro wanhope $if #e wil thus worche H 7036 And sende #owre sowles in safte $to my seyntes in ioye H 7037 Thanne were marchauntz mery $many wepten for ioye H 7038 And preyseden Pieres the plowman $that purchaced this bulle H 7039 Men of lawe lest pardoun hadde $that pleteden for mede H 7040 For the sauter saueth hem nou#te $such as taketh #iftes H 7041 And namelich of innocentz $that none yuel ne kunneth Super innocentem munera non accipies H 7042 Pledoures shulde peynen hem $to plede for such an helpe H 7043 Princes and prelates $shulde paye for her trauaille A regibus et pryncipibus erit merces eorum H 7044 Ac many a Iustice an Iuroure $wolde for Iohan do more H 7045 Than pro dei pietate $leue thow none other H 7046 Ac he that spendeth his speche $and speketh for the pore H 7047 That is innocent and nedy $and no man appeireth H 7048 Conforteth hym in that cas $with-oute coueytise of #iftes H 7049 And scheweth lawe for owre lordes loue $as he it hath lerned H 7050 Shal no deuel at his ded-day $deren hym a my#te H 7051 That he ne worth sauf and his sowle $the sauter bereth witnesse Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c. H 7052 Ac to bugge water ne wynde $ne witte ne fyre the fierthe H 7053 Thise foure the fader of heuene $made to this folde in comune H 7054 Thise ben treuthes tresores $trewe folke to helpe H 7055 That neuere shal wax ne wanye $with-oute god hym- selue H 7056 Whan thei drawen on to deye $and indulgences wolde haue H 7057 Her pardoun is ful petit $at her partyng hennes H 7058 That any mede of mene men $for her motyng taketh H 7059 #e legistres and lawyeres $holdeth this for treuthe H 7060 That #if that I lye $Mathew is to blame H 7061 For he bad me make #ow this $and this prouerbe me tolde Quodcumque vultis vt faciant vobis homines facite eis H 7062 Alle lybbyng laboreres $that lyuen with her hondes H 7063 That trewlich taken $and trewlich wynnen H 7064 And lyuen in loue and in lawe $for her lowe hertis H 7065 Haueth the same absolucioun $that sent was to Peres H 7066 Beggeres ne bidderes $ne beth nou#te in the bulle H 7067 But if the suggestioun be soth $that shapeth hem to begge H 7068 For he that beggeth or bit $but if he haue nede H 7069 He is fals with the fende $and defraudeth the nedy H 7070 And also he bigileth the gyuere $ageines his wil H 7071 For if he wist he were nou#te nedy $he wolde #iue that an-other H 7072 That were more nedy than he $so the nediest shuld be hulpe H 7073 Catoun kenneth men thus $and the clerke of the stories H 7074 Cue des videto $is Catounes techynge H 7075 And in the stories he techeth $to bistowe thyn almes Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cue des H 7076 Ac Gregori was a gode man $and bad vs gyuen alle H 7077 That asketh for his loue $that vs alle leneth Non eligas cui miserearis ne forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipere Quia incertum est pro quo Deo magis placeas H 7078 For wite #e neuere who is worthi $ac god wote who hath nede H 7079 In hym that taketh is the treccherye $if any tresoun wawe H 7080 For he that #iueth #eldeth $and #arketh hym to reste H 7081 And he that biddeth borweth $and bryngeth hym-self in dette H 7082 For beggeres borwen euermo $and her borhhe is god almy#ti H 7083 To #elden hem that #iueth hem $and #et vsure more Quare non dedisti peccuniam meam ad mensam vt ego veniens cum vsuris exegissem illam H 7084 For-thi biddeth nou#t #e beggeres $but if #e haue gret nede H 7085 For who-so hath to buggen hym bred $the boke bereth witnesse H 7086 He hath ynough that hath bred ynough $though he haue nou#t elles Satis diues est qui non indiget pane H 7087 Late vsage be #owre solace $of seyntes lyues redynge H 7088 The boke banneth beggarie $and blameth hem in this manere Iunior fue etenim senue et non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius querens panem H 7089 For #e lyue in no loue $ne no lawe holde H 7090 Mnay of #ow ne wedde nou#t $the wommen that #e with delen H 7091 But as wilde bestis with wehe $worthen vppe and worchen H 7092 And bryngeth forth barnes $that bastardes men calleth H 7093 Or the bakke or some bone $he breketh in his #outhe H 7094 And sitthe gon faiten with #oure fauntes $for euermore after H 7095 There is moo mysshape peple $amonge thise beggeres H 7096 than of alle maner men $that on this molde walketh H 7097 And thei that lyue thus here lyf $mowe lothe the tyme H 7098 That euere he was man wrou#t $whan he shal hennes fare H 7099 Ac olde men and hore $that helplees ben of strengthe H 7100 And women with childe $that worche ne mowe H 7101 Blynde and bedered $and broken here membres H 7102 That taketh this myschief mekelych $as meseles and othere H 7103 Han as pleyne pardoun $as the plowman hym-self H 7104 For loue of her lowe hertis $owre lorde hath hem graunted H 7105 Here penaunce and her purgatorie $here on this erthe H 7106 Pieres quod a prest tho $thi pardoun most I rede H 7107 For I wil construe eche clause $and kenne it the on Engliche H 7108 And Pieres at his preyere $the pardoun vnfoldeth H 7109 And I bihynde hem bothe $bihelde all the bulle H 7110 Al in two lynes it lay $and nou#t a leef more H 7111 And was writen ri#t thus $in witnesse of treuthe Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam Qui vero mala in ignem eternum H 7112 Peter quod the prest tho $'I can no pardoun fynde H 7113 But Dowel and haue wel $and god shal haue thi sowle H 7114 And do yuel and haue yuel $hope thow non other H 7115 But after thi ded-day $the deuel shal haue thi sowle H 7116 And Pieres for pure tene $pulled it atweyne And seyde si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es H 7117 I shal cessen of my sowyng quod Pieres $and swynk nou#t so harde H 7118 Ne about my bely-ioye $so bisi be namore H 7119 Of preyers and of penaunce $my plow shal ben herafter H 7120 And wepen whan I shulde slepe $though whete-bred me faille H 7121 The prophete his payn ete $in penaunce and in sorwe H 7122 But that the sauter seith $so dede other manye H 7123 That loueth god lelly $his lyflode is ful esy Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte H 7124 And, but if Luke lye $he lereth vs bi foules H 7125 We shulde nou#t be to bisy $aboute the worldes blisse H 7126 Ne solliciti sitis $he seyth in the gospel H 7127 And sheweth vs bi ensamples $vs selue to wisse H 7128 The foules on the felde $who fynt hem mete at wynter H 7129 Haue thei no gernere to go to $but god fynt hem alle H 7130 What quod the prest to Perkyn $Peter as me thinketh H 7131 Tho art lettred a litel $who lerned the on boke H 7132 Abstinence the abbesse quod Pieres $myne a. b. c. me tau#te H 7133 And Conscience come afterward $and kenned me moche more H 7134 Were thow a prest Pieres quod he $thow mi#te preche where thow sholdest H 7135 As deuynour in deuynyte $with dixit insipiens to thi teme H 7136 Lewed lorel quod Pieres $litel lokestow on the bible H 7137 On Salomones sawes $selden thow biholdest Eice derisores et iurgia cum eis ne crescant &c. H 7138 The prest and Perkyn $apposeden eyther other H 7139 And I thorw here wordes awoke $and waited aboute H 7140 And seighe the sonne in the south $sitte that tyme H 7141 Metelees and monelees $on Maluerne hulles H 7142 Musyng on this meteles &and my waye ich #ede H 7143 Many tyme this meteles $hath maked me to studye H 7144 Of that I seigh slepyng $if it so be my#te H 7145 And also for Peres the plowman $ful pensyf in herte H 7146 And which a pardoun Peres hadde $alle the peple to conforte H 7147 And how the prest impugned it $with two propre wordes H 7148 Ac I haue no sauoure in songewarie $for I se it ofte faille H 7149 Catoun and canonistres $conseilleth vs to leue H 7150 To sette sadnesse in songewarie $for sompnia ne cures H 7151 Ac for the boke bible $bereth witnesse H 7152 How Danyel deuyned $the dremes of a kynge H 7153 That was Nabugodonosor $nempned of clerkis H 7154 Daniel seyde sire kynge $thi dremeles bitokneth H 7155 That vnkouth kny#tes shul come $thi kyngdom to cleue H 7156 Amonges lowere lordes $thi londe shal be departed H 7157 And as Danyel deuyned $in dede it felle after H 7158 The kynge lese his lordship $and lower men it hadde H 7159 And Ioseph mette merueillously $how the mone and the sonne H 7160 And the elleuene sterres $hailsed hym alle H 7161 Thanne Iacob iugged $Iosephes sweuene H 7162 Beau filtz quod his fader $for defaute we shullen H 7163 I my-self and my sones $seche the for nede H 7164 It bifel as his fader seyde $in Pharaoes tyme H 7165 That Ioseph was Iustice $Egipte to loken H 7166 It bifel as his fader tolde $his frendes there hym sou#te H 7167 And al this maketh me $on this meteles to thynke H 7168 And how the prest preued $no pardoun to Dowel H 7169 And demed that Dowel $indulgences passed H 7170 Biennales and triennales $and bisschopes lettres H 7171 And how Dowel at the day of dome $is dignelich vnderfongen H 7172 And passeth al the pardoun $of seynt Petres cherche H 7173 Now hath the pope powere $pardoun to graunte the peple H 7174 With-outen eny penaunce $to passen in-to heuene H 7175 This is owre bileue $as lettered men vs techeth Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum et in celis &c. H 7176 And so I leue lelly $lordes forbode ellis H 7177 That pardoun and penaunce $and preyeres don saue H 7178 Soules that haue synned $seuene sithes dedly H 7179 Ac to trust to thise triennales $trewly me thinketh H 7180 Is nou#t so syker for the soule $certis as is Dowel H 7181 For-thi I rede #ow renkes $that riche ben on this erthe H 7182 Vppon trust of #owre tresoure $triennales to haue H 7183 Be #e neuere the balder $to breke the ten hestes H 7184 And namelich #e maistres $mayres and iugges H 7185 That han the welthe of this worlde $and for wyse men ben holden H 7186 To purchace #ow pardoun $and the popis bulles H 7187 At the dredeful dome $whan dede shullen rise H 7188 And comen alle bifor Cryst $acountis to #elde H 7189 How thow laddest thi lyf here $and his lawes keptist H 7190 And how thow dedest day bi day $the dome wil reherce H 7191 A poke-ful of pardoun there $ne prouinciales lettres H 7192 Theigh #e be founde in the fraternete $of alle the foure ordres H 7193 And haue indulgences double-folde $but if Dowel #ow help H 7194 I sette #owre patentes and #owre pardounz $at one pies hele H 7195 For-thi I conseille alle Cristene $to crye god mercy H 7196 And Marie his moder $be owre mene bitwene H 7197 That god gyue vs grace here $ar we gone hennes H 7198 Such werkes to werche $while we ben here H 7199 That after owre deth-day $Dowel reherce H 7200 At the day of dome $we dede as he hi#te H 8001 Thus yrobed in russet $I romed aboute H 8002 Al a somer sesoun $for to seke Dowel H 8003 And frayned ful oft $of folke that I mette H 8004 If ani wi#te wiste $where Dowel was at inne H 8005 And what man he mi#te be $of many men I axed H 8006 Was neuere wi#te as I went $that me wisse couthe H 8007 Where this lede lenged $lasse ne more H 8008 Tyl it bifel on a Fryday $two freres I mette H 8009 Maistres of the menoures $men of grete witte H 8010 I hailsed hem hendely $as I hadde lerned H 8011 And preyed hem par charitee $ar thei passed forther H 8012 If thei knewe any contre $or costes as thei went H 8013 Where that Dowel dwelleth $doth me to wytene H 8014 For thei ben men on this molde $that moste wyde walken H 8015 And knowen contrees and courtes $and many kynnes places H 8016 Bothe prynces paleyses $and pore mennes cotes H 8017 And Do-wel and Do-yuel $where thei dwelle bothe H 8018 Amonges vs quod the menours $that man is dwellynge H 8019 And euere hath as I hope $and euere shal here-after H 8020 Contra quod I as a clerke $and comsed to disputen H 8021 And seide hem sothli sepcies $in die cadit iustus H 8022 Seuene sythes seith the boke $synneth the ri#tful H 8023 And who-so synneth I seyde $doth yuel as me thinketh H 8024 And Dowel and Do-yuel $mow nou#t dwelle togideres H 8025 Ergo he nys nau#t alway $amonge #ow freres H 8026 He is otherwhile ellis-where $to wisse the peple H 8027 I shal sey the my sone $seide the frere thanne H 8028 How seuene sithes the sadman $on the day synneth H 8029 By a forbisene quod the frere $I shal the faire shewe H 8030 Lat brynge a man in a bote $amydde a brode water H 8031 The wynde and the water $and the bote waggynge H 8032 Maketh the man many a tyme $to falle and to stonde H 8033 For stonde he neuere so styf $he stombleth #if he moeue H 8034 Ac #it is he sauf and sound $and so hym bihoueth H 8035 For #if he ne arise the rather $and rau#te to the stiere H 8036 The wynde wolde wyth the water $the bote ouerthrowe H 8037 And thanne were his lyf loste $thourgh lacchesse of hym-self H 8038 And thus it falleth quod the frere $bi folke here on erthe H 8039 The water is likned to the worlde $that wanyeth and wexeth H 8040 The godis of this grounde aren like $to the grete wawes H 8041 That as wyndes and wederes $walweth aboute H 8042 The bote is likned to owre body $that brutel is of kynde H 8043 That thorugh the fende and the flesshe $and the frele worlde H 8044 Synneth the sadman $a day seuene sythes H 8045 Ac dedly synne doth he nou#t $for Dowel hym kepith H 8046 And that is Charite the champioun $chief help a#ein synne H 8047 For he strengtheth man to stonde $and stereth mannes soule H 8048 And thowgh thi body bow $as bote doth in the water H 8049 Ay is thi soule sauf $but if thi-self wole H 8050 Do a dedly synne $and drenche so thi soule H 8051 God wole suffre wel thi sleuthe $#if thy-self lyketh H 8052 For he #af the to #eres#yue $to #eme wel thi-selue H 8053 And that is witte and fre wille $to euery wy#te a porcioun H 8054 To fleghyng foules $to fissches & to bestes H 8055 Ac man hath moste thereof $and moste is to blame H 8056 But if he worche wel ther-with $as Dowel hym techeth H 8057 I haue no kynde knowyng quod I $to conceyue alle #owre wordes H 8058 Ac if I may lyue and loke $I shal go lerne bettere H 8059 I bikenne the Cryst quod he $that on the crosse deyde H 8060 And I seyde the same $saue #ow fro myschaunce H 8061 And #iue #ow grace on this grounde $good men to worthe H 8062 And thus I went wide-where $walkyng myne one H 8063 By a wilde wildernesse $and bi a wode-syde H 8064 blisse of tho briddes $abyde me made H 8065 And vnder a lynde vppon a launde $lened I a stounde H 8066 To lythe the layes $the louely foules made H 8067 Murthe of her mouthes $made me there to slepe H 8068 The merueillousest meteles $mette me thanne H 8069 That euer dremed wi#te $in worlde as I wene H 8070 A moche man as me thou#te $and lyke to my-selue H 8071 Come and called me $by my kynde name H 8072 What artow quod I tho $that thow my name knowest H 8073 That thow wost wel quod he $and no wy#te bettere H 8074 Wote I what thow art $Thought seyde he thanne H 8075 I haue suwed the this seuene #ere $sey thow me no rather H 8076 Art thow Thought quod I tho $thou couthest me wisse H 8077 Where that Dowel dwelleth $and do me that to knowe H 8078 Dowel and Dobet $and Dobest the thridde quod he H 8079 Aren three faire vertues $and beth nau#te fer to fynde H 8080 Who-so is trewe of his tonge $and of his two handes H 8081 And thorugh his laboure or thorugh his londe $his lyflode wynneth H 8082 And is trusti of his tailende $taketh but his owne H 8083 And is nou#t dronkenlew ne dedeignous $Dowel hym folweth H 8084 Dobet doth ry#t thus $ac he doth moche more H 8085 He is as low as a lombe $and loueliche of speche H 8086 And helpeth alle men $after that hem nedeth H 8087 The bagges and the bigurdeles $he hath to-broken hem alle H 8088 That the erl Auarous $helde and his heires H 8089 And thus with Mammonaes moneie $he hath made hym frendes H 8090 And is ronne in-to Religioun $and hath rendred the bible H 8091 And precheth to the poeple $seynt Poules wordes Linenter suffertis insipientes cum sitis ipsi sapientes H 8092 And suffreth the vnwise $with #ow for to libbe H 8093 And with gladde wille doth hem gode $for so god #ow hoteth H 8094 Dobest is aboue bothe $and bereth a bisschopes crosse H 8095 Is hoked on that one ende $to halie men fro helle H 8096 A pyke is on that potente $to pulte adown the wikked H 8097 That wayten any wikkednesse $Dowel to tene H 8098 And Dowel and Dobet $amonges hem ordeigned H 8099 To croune one to be kynge $to reule hem bothe H 8100 That #if Dowel or Dobet $did a#ein Dobest H 8101 Thanne shal the kynge come $and casten hem in yrens H 8102 And but if Dobest bede for hem $thei to be there for euere H 8103 Thus Dowel and Dobet $and Dobest the thridde H 8104 Crouned one to be kynge $to kepen hem alle H 8105 And to reule the Reume $bi her thre wittes H 8106 And none other-wise $but as thei thre assented H 8107 I thonked Thou#t tho $that he me thus tau#te H 8108 Ac #ete sauoureth me nou#t thi seggyng $I coueite to lerne H 8109 How Dowel Dobet and Dobest $don amonges the peple H 8110 But Witte conne wisse the quod Thou#t $where tho thre dwelle H 8111 Ellis wote I none that can $that now is alyue H 8112 Thou#te and I thus $thre days we #eden H 8113 Disputyng vppon Dowel $day after other H 8114 And ar we were ywar $with Witte gan we mete H 8115 He was longe and lene $liche to none other H 8116 Was no pruyde on his apparaille $n pouerte noyther H 8117 Sadde of his semblaunt $and of soft chiere H 8118 I dorste meue no matere $to make hym to Iangle H 8119 But as I bad Thou#t tho $be mene bitwene H 8120 And put forth somme purpos $to prouen his wittes H 8121 What was Dowel fro Dobet $and Dobest fram hem bothe H 8122 Thanne Thou#t in that tyme $seide thise wordes H 8123 Where Dowel Dobet $and Dobest ben in londe H 8124 Here is Wille wolde ywyte $yif Witte couthe teche hym H 8125 And whether he be man or no man $this man fayne wolde aspye H 8126 And worchen as thei thre wolde $this is his entente H 9001 Sire Dowel dwelleth quod Witte $nou#t a day hennes H 9002 In a castel that Kynde made $of foure kynnes thinges H 9003 Of erthe and eyre is it made $medled togideres H 9004 With wynde and with water $witterly enioyned H 9005 Kynde hath closed there-inne $craftily with-alle H 9006 A lemman that he loueth $like to hym-selue H 9007 Anima she hatte $ac Enuye hir hateth H 9008 A proude pryker of Fraunce $prynceps huius mundi H 9009 And wolde winne hir awey $with wyles and he my#te H 9010 Ac Kynde knoweth this wel $and kepeth hir the bettere H 9011 And hath do hir with sire Dowel $is duke of this marches H 9012 Dobet is hir damoisele $sire Doweles dou#ter H 9013 To serue this lady lelly $bothe late and rathe H 9014 Dobest is aboue bothe $a bisschopes pere H 9015 That he bit mote be do $he reuleth hem alle H 9016 Anima that lady $is ladde bi his lerynge H 9017 Ac the constable of that castel $that kepeth al the wacche H 9018 Is a wys kni#te with-al $sire Inwitte he hatte H 9019 And hath fyue feyre sones $bi his first wyf H 9020 Sire Sewel and Saywel $and Herewel the hende H 9021 Sire Worche-wel-wyth-thine-hande $a wi#te man of strengthe H 9022 And sire Godfrey Gowel $gret lordes for sothe H 9023 Thise fyue ben sette $to saue this lady Anima H 9024 Tyl Kynde come or sende $to saue hir for eure H 9025 What kynnes thing is Kynde quod I $canstow me telle H 9026 Kynde quod Witte is a creatour $of alle kynnes thinges H 9027 Fader and fourmour $of al that eure was maked H 9028 And that is the gret god $that gynnynge had neuere H 9029 Lorde of lyf and of ly#te $of lysse and of peyne H 9030 Angeles and al thing $aren at his wille H 9031 Ac man is hym moste lyke $of marke and of schafte H 9032 For thorugh the worde that he spake $wexen forth bestes Dixit et facta sunt H 9033 And made man likkest $to hym-self one H 9034 And Eue of his ribbe-bon $with-outen eny mene H 9035 For he was synguler hym-self $and seyde faciamus H 9036 As who seith more mote here-to $than my worde one H 9037 My my#te mote helpe $now with my speche H 9038 Ri#te as a lorde sholde make lettres $and hym lakked parchemyn H 9039 Though he couth write neuere so wel $#if he had no penne H 9040 The lettres for al the lordship $I leue were neure ymaked H 9041 And so it semeth bi hym $as the bible telleth There he seyde dixit et fact sunt H 9042 He moste worche with his worde $and his witte shewe H 9043 And in this manere was man made $thorugh my#te of god almi#ti H 9044 With his worde and werkemanschip $and with lyf to laste H 9045 And thus god gaf hym a goost $of the godhed of heuene H 9046 And of his grete grace $graunted hym blisse H 9047 And that is lyf that ay shal last $to al his lynage after H 9048 And that is the castel that Kynde made $Caro it hatte H 9049 And is as moche to mene $as man with a soule H 9050 And that he wrou#t with werke $and with worde bothe H 9051 Thorugh my#te of the maieste $man was ymaked H 9052 Inwit and alle wittes $closed ben ther-inne H 9053 For loue of the lady Anima $that Lyf is ynempned H 9054 Ouer al in mannes body $he walketh and wandreth H 9055 Ac in the herte is hir home $and hir moste reste H 9056 Ac Inwitte is in the hed $and to the herte he loketh H 9057 What Anima is lief or loth $he lat hir at his wille H 9058 For after the grace of god $the grettest is Inwitte H 9059 Moche wo worth that man $that mys-reuleth his Inwitte H 9060 And that be glotouns globbares $her god is her wombe Quorum deus venter est H 9061 For thei seruen Sathan $her soule shal he haue H 9062 That liueth synful lyf here $her soule is liche the deuel H 9063 And alle that lyuen good lyf $aren like god almi#ti Qui manet in caritate in deo manet &c. H 9064 Allas that drynke shal for-do $that god dere bou#te H 9065 And doth god forsaken hem $that he shope to his liknesse Amen dico vobis nescio vos et alibi et dimisi eos secundum desideria eorum H 9066 Foles that fauten Inwitte $I fynde that holicherche H 9067 Shulde fynden hem that hem fauteth $and faderelees children H 9068 And wydwes that han nou#te wher-with $to wynnen hem her fode H 9069 Madde men and maydenes $that helplees were H 9070 Alle thise lakken Inwitte $and lore bihoueth H 9071 Of this matere I my#te $make a longe tale H 9072 And fynde fele witnesses $amonges the foure doctours H 9073 And that I lye nou#t of that I lere the $Luke bereth witnesse H 9074 Godfader and godmoder $that sen her godchildren H 9075 At myseise and at mischief $and mowe hem amende H 9076 Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie $but #if thei hem helpe H 9077 For more bilongeth to the litel barne $ar he the lawe knowe H 9078 Than nempnyng af a name $and he neuere the wiser H 9079 Shulde no Crystene creature $crien atte #ate H 9080 Ne faille payn ne potage $and prelates did as thei shulden H 9081 A Iuwe wolde nou#te se a Iuwe $go Iangelyng for defaute H 9082 For alle the moebles on this molde $and he amende it mi#te H 9083 Allas that a Cristene creature $shal be vnkynde til an other H 9084 Sitthen Iuwes that we Iugge $Iudas felawes H 9085 Ayther of hem helpeth other $of that that hym nedeth H 9086 Whi nel we Cristene $of Cristes good be as kynde H 9087 As Iuwes that ben owre lores-men $shame to vs alle H 9088 The comune for her vnkyndenesse $I drede me shul abye H 9089 Bisschopes shul be blamed $for beggeres sake H 9090 He is worse than Iudas $that #iueth a Iaper siluer H 9091 And biddeth the begger go $for his broke clothes Proditor est prelatus cum Iuda qui patrimonium Christi minus distribuit et alibi Perniciosus dispensator est qui res pauperum Christi inutiliter consumit H 9092 He doth nou#t wel that doth thus $ne drat nou#t god almi#ty H 9093 Ne loueth nou#t Salamones sawes $that Sapience tau#te Inicium sapiencei timor domini H 9094 That dredeth god he doth wel $that dredeth hym for loue H 9095 And nou#t for drede of veniaunce #doth ther-fore the bettere H 9096 He doth best that with-draweth hym $by day and bi ny#te H 9097 To spille any speche $or any space of tyme Qui offendit in vno in omnibus est reus H 9098 Lesyng of tyme $treuthe wote the sothe H 9099 Is moste yhated vp erthe $of he that beth in heuene H 9100 And sitthe to spille speche $that spyre is of grace H 9101 And goddes gleman $and a game of heuene H 9102 Wolde neuere the faithful fader $his fithel were vntempred H 9103 Ne his gleman a gedelynge $a goer to tauernes H 9104 To alle trew tidy men $that trauaille desyren H 9105 Owre lorde loueth hem and lent $loude other stille H 9106 Grace to go to hem $and agon her lyflode Inquirentes autem dominum non minuentur omni bono H 9107 Trewe wedded libbing folk $in this worlde is Dowel H 9108 For thei mote worche and wynne $and the worlde susteyne H 9109 For of her kynde thei come $that confessoures ben nempned H 9110 Kynges and kni#tes $kayseres and cherles H 9111 Maydenes and martires $out of o man come H 9112 The wyf was made the weye $for to help worche H 9113 And thus was wekloke ywrou#t $with a mene persone H 9114 First bi the faderes wille $and the frendes conseille H 9115 And sytthenes bi assent of hem-self $as thei two my#te acorde H 9116 And thus was wedloke ywrou#t $and god hym-self it made H 9117 In erthe the heuene is $hym-self was the witnesse H 9118 Ac fals flke faithlees $theues and lieres H 9119 Wastoures and wrecches $out of wedloke I trowe H 9120 Conceyued ben in yuel tyme $as Caym was on Eue H 9121 Of such synful shrewes $the sauter maketh mynde Concepit in dolore et peperit iniquitatem &c. H 9122 And alle that come of that Caym $come to yuel ende H 9123 For God sent to Seem $and seyde bi an angel H 9124 Thyne issue in thyne issue $I wil that thei be wedded H 9125 And nou#t thi kynde with Caymes $ycoupled ne yspoused H 9126 #et some a#ein the sonde $of owre saueoure of heuene H 9127 Caymes kynde and his kynde $coupled togideres H 9128 Tyl god wratthed for her werkis $and such a worde seyde H 9129 That I maked man $now it me athynketh Penitet me fecisse hominem H 9130 And come to Noe anon $and bad hym nou#t lette H 9131 Swithe go shape a shippe $of shides and of bordes H 9132 Thi-self and thi sones three $and sithen #owre wyues H 9133 Buske #ow to that bote $and bideth #e ther-inne H 9134 Tyl fourty dayes be fulfilde $that the flode haue ywasshen H 9135 Clene awey the cursed blode $that Caym hath ymaked H 9136 Bestes that now ben $shulle banne the tyme H 9137 That eure that cursed Caym $come on this erthe H 9138 Alle shal deye for his dedes $bi dales and bi hulles H 9139 And the foules that fleeghen $forth with other bestes H 9140 Excepte oneliche $of eche kynde a couple H 9141 That in thi shyngled shippe $shul ben ysaued H 9142 Here abou#te the barne $the belsyres gultes H 9143 And alle for her forfadres $thei ferden the worse H 9144 The gospel is here-ageine $in o degre I fynde Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris et pater non portabit iniquitatem filii &c. H 9145 Ac I fynde if the fader $be false and a shrewe H 9146 That somdel the sone $shal haue the sires tacches H 9147 Impe on an ellerne $and if thine apple be swete H 9148 Mochel merueile me thynketh $and more of a schrewe H 9149 That bryngeth forth any barne $but if he be the same H 9150 And haue a sauoure after the sire $selde seestow other Numquam colligimus de spinis vuas nec de tribulis fycus H 9151 And thus thourw cursed Caym $cam care vppon erthe H 9152 And al for thei wrou#t wedlokes $a#ein goddis wille H 9153 For-thi haue thei maugre for here mariages $that marye so her childeren H 9154 For some as I se now $soth for to telle H 9155 For coueitise of catel $vnkyndeliche ben wedded H 9156 As careful concepcioun $cometh of suche mariages H 9157 As bifel of the folke $that I bifore of tolde H 9158 For goode shulde wedde goode $though hij no good hadde H 9159 I am via et veritas seith Cryst $I may auaunce alle H 9160 It is an oncomely couple $bi Cryst as me thinketh H 9161 To #yuen a #onge wenche $to an olde feble H 9162 Or wedden any widwe $for welth of hir goodis H 9163 That neure shal barne bere $but if it be in armes H 9164 Many a peire sithen the pestilence $han pli#t hem togideres H 9165 The fruit that thei brynge forth $aren foule wordes H 9166 In Ialousye Ioyeles $and Ianglyng on bedde H 9167 Haue thei no children but cheste $and choppyng hem bitwene H 9168 And though thei don hem to Donmowe $but if the deuel help H 9169 To folwen after the flicche $fecche thei it neuere H 9170 And but thei bothe be forsworne $that bacoun thei tyne H 9171 For-thi I conseille alle Crystene $coueite nou#t be wedded H 9172 For coueitise of catel $ne of kynrede riche H 9173 Ac maydenes and maydenes $macche #ow togideres H 9174 Widwes and widwers $worcheth the same H 9175 For no londes but for loue $loke #e be wedded H 9176 And thanne gete #e the grace of god $and good ynogh to lyue with H 9177 And eury maner seculer $that may nou#t continue H 9178 Wysly go wede $and war hym fro synne H 9179 For leccherye in likyng $is lyme#erde of helle H 9180 Whiles thow art #onge $and thi wepne kene H 9181 Wreke the with wyuynge $#if thow wilt ben excused H 9182 Dum sis vir fortis $ne des tua robora scortis H 9183 Scribitur in portis $meretrix est ianua mortis H 9184 Whan #e haue wyued bewar $and worcheth in tyme H 9185 Nou#t as Adam and Eue $whan Caym was engendred H 9186 For in vntyme trewli $bitwene man and womman H 9187 Ne shulde no bourde on bedde be $but-if thei bothe were clene H 9188 Bothe of lyf and of soule $and in parfyte charitee H 9189 That ilke derne dede $do noman ne sholde H 9190 And if thei leden thus her lyf $it liketh god almi#ti H 9191 For he made wedloke firste $and him-self it seide Bonum est vt vnusquisque vxorem suam habeat propter fornicacionem H 9192 And thei that othergatis ben geten $for gedelynges ben holden H 9193 As false folke fondelynges $faitoures and lyars H 9194 Vngracious to gete goode $or loue of the poeple H 9195 Wandren and wasten $what thei cacche mowe H 9196 A#eines Dowel thei don yuel $and the deuel serue H 9197 And after her deth-day $shulle dwelle with the same H 9198 But god gyue hem grace here $hem-self to amende H 9199 Dowel my frende is $to don as lawe techeth H 9200 To loue thi frende and thi foo $leue me that is Dobet H 9201 To #iuen and to #emen $bothe #onge and olde H 9202 To helen and to helpen $is Dobest of alle H 9203 And Dowel is to drede god $and Dobet to suffre H 9204 And so cometh Dobest of bothe $and bryngeth adoun the mody H 9205 And that is wikked Wille $that many werke shendeth H 9206 And dryueth away Dowel $thorugh dedliche synnes H 10001 Thanne hadde Witte a wyf $was hote dame Studye H 10002 That lene was of lere $and of liche bothe H 10003 She was wonderly wroth $that Witte me thus tau#te H 10004 And al starynge dame Studye $sternelich seyde H 10005 Wel artow wyse quod she to Witte $any wysdomes to telle H 10006 To flatereres or to folis $that frantyk ben of wittes H 10007 And blamed hym and banned hym $and badde hym be stylle H 10008 With suche wise wordes $to wissen any sottes H 10009 And seyde noli mittere man $margerye-perlis H 10010 Amanges hogges that han $hawes at wille H 10011 Thei don but dryuele ther-on $draffe were hem leuere H 10012 Than al the precious perre $that in paradys wexeth H 10013 I sey it bi suche quod she $that sheweth bi her werkes H 10014 That hem were leuer londe $and lordship on erthe H 10015 Or ricchesse or rentis $and reste at her wille H 10016 Than alle the sothe sawes $that Salamon seyde eure H 10017 Wisdome and witte now $is nou#t worth a carse H 10018 But if it be carded with coueytise $as clotheres kemben here wolle H 10019 Who-so can contreue deceytes $and conspire wronges H 10020 And lede forth a loue-day $to latte with treuthe H 10021 He that suche craftes can $to conseille is clepid H 10022 Thei lede lordes with lesynges $and bilyeth treuthe H 10023 Iob the gentel $in his gestes witnesseth H 10024 That wikked men thei welden $the welthe of this worlde H 10025 And that thei ben lordes of eche a londe $that oute of lawe libbeth Quare impij viuunt bene est omnibus qui preuaricantur et inique agunt H 10026 The sauter seyth the same $bi suche that don ille Ecce ipsi peccatores habundantes in seculo optinuerunt diuicias H 10027 Lo seith holy letterrure $which lordes beth this shrewes H 10028 Thilke that god moste gyueth $leste good thei deleth H 10029 And moste vnkynde to the comune $that moste catel weldeth Que perfecisti destruxerunt iustus autem quid fecit H 10030 Harlotes for her harlotrye $may haue of her godis H 10031 And Iaperes and Iogeloures $and Iangelers of gestes H 10032 Ac he that hath holy writte $ay in his mouth H 10033 And can telle of Tobye $and of the twelue apostles H 10034 Or prechen of the penaunce $that Pilat wrou#t H 10035 To Iesu the gentil $that Iewes to-drowe H 10036 Litel is he loued $that suche a lessoun scheweth H 10037 Or daunted or drawe forth $I do it on god hym-self H 10038 But tho that feynen hem folis $and with faityng libbeth H 10039 A#ein the lawe of owre lorde $and lyen on hem-selue H 10040 Spitten and spewen $and speke foule wordes H 10041 Drynken and dryuelen $and do men for to gape H 10042 Lickne men and lye on hem $that leneth hem no #iftes H 10043 Thei conne namore mynstralcye $ne musyke men to glade H 10044 Than Munde the mylnere $of multa fecit deus H 10045 Ne were here vyle harlotrye $haue god my treuthe H 10046 Shulde neuere kyng ne kni#t $ne chanoun of seynt Poules H 10047 #yue hem to her #eres#iue $the #ifte of a grote H 10048 Ac murthe and mynstralcye $amonges men is nouthe H 10049 Leccherye losengerye $and loseles tales H 10050 Glotonye and grete othes $this murthe thei louieth H 10051 Ac if thei carpen of Cryst $this clerkis and this lewed H 10052 Atte mete in her murthes $whan mynstralles ben stille H 10053 Thanne telleth thei of the trinite $a tale other tweyne H 10054 And bringen forth a balled resoun $and taken Bernard to witnesse H 10055 And putten forth a presumpsioun $to preue the sothe H 10056 Thus thei dryuele at her deyse $the deite to knowe H 10057 And gnawen god with the gorge $whan her gutte is fulle H 10058 Ac the careful may crye $and carpen atte #ate H 10059 Bothe afyngred and a-thurst $and for chele quake H 10060 Is none to nymben hym nere $his noye to amende H 10061 But hoen on hym as an hounde $and hoten hym go thennes H 10062 Litel loueth he that lorde $that lent hym al that blisse H 10063 That thus parteth with the pore $a parcel whan hym nedeth H 10064 Ne were mercy in mene men $more than in riche H 10065 Mendinantz meteles $mi#te go to bedde H 10066 God is moche in the gorge $of thise grete maystres H 10067 Ac amonges mene men $his mercy and his werkis H 10068 And so seith the sauter $I haue yseye it ofte Ecce audiuimus eam in Effrata inuenimus eam in campis silue H 10069 Clerkes and other kynnes men $carpen of god faste H 10070 And haue hym moche in the mouthe $ac mene men in herte H 10071 Freres and faitoures $han founde suche questiouns H 10072 To plese with proude men $sithen the pestilence tyme H 10073 And prechen at seint Poules $for pure enuye of clerkis H 10074 That folke is nou#te fermed in the feith $ne fre of her goodes H 10075 Ne sori for her synnes $so is pryde waxen H 10076 In religioun and in alle the rewme $amonges riche and pore H 10077 That preyeres haue no power $the pestilience to lette H 10078 And #ette the wrecches of this worlde $is none ywar bi other H 10079 Ne for drede of the deth $withdrawe nou#t her pryde H 10080 Ne beth plentyous to the pore $as pure charite wolde H 10081 But in gaynesse and in glotonye $for-glotten her goode hem-selue H 10082 And breken nou#te to the beggar $as the boke techeth Frange esurienti panem tuum &c. H 10083 And the more he wynneth and welt $welthes and ricchesse H 10084 And lordeth in londes $the lasse good he deleth H 10085 Thobye telleth #ow nou#t so $take hede #e riche H 10086 How the boke bible $of hym bereth witnesse Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue si autem exiguum illud impertiri stude libenter H 10087 Who-so hath moche spene manliche $so meneth Thobie H 10088 And who-so litel weldeth $reule him ther-after H 10089 For we haue no lettre of owre lyf $how longe it shal dure H 10090 Suche lessounes lordes shulde $louie to here H 10091 And how he my#te moste meyne $manliche fynde H 10092 Nou#t to fare as a fitheler or a frere $for to seke festes H 10093 Homelich at other mennes houses $and hatyen her owne H 10094 Elyng is the halle $vche daye in the wyke H 10095 There the lorde ne the lady $liketh nou#te to sytte H 10096 Now hath vche riche a reule $to eten bi hym-selue H 10097 In a pryue parloure $for pore mennes sake H 10098 Or in a chambre with a chymneye $and leue the chief halle H 10099 That was made for meles $men to eten inne H 10100 And al to spare to spille $that spende shal an other H 10101 I haue yherde hiegh men $etying atte table H 10102 Carpen as thei clerkes were $of Cryste and of his mi#tes H 10103 And leyden fautes vppon the fader $that fourmed vs alle H 10104 And carpen a#eine clerkes $crabbed wordes H 10105 Whi wolde owre saueoure suffre $suche a worme in his blisse H 10106 That bigyled the womman $and the man after H 10107 Thorw whiche wyles and wordes $thei wenten to helle H 10108 And al her sede for here synne $the same deth suffred H 10109 Here lyeth #owre lore $thise lordes gynneth dispute H 10110 Of that #e clerkes vs kenneth $of Cryst by the gospel Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris &c. H 10111 Whi shulde we that now ben $for the werkes of Adam H 10112 Roten and to-rende $resoun wolde it neuere Vnusquisque portabit onus suum &c. H 10113 Suche motyues thei moeue $this maistres in her glorie H 10114 And maken men in mysbileue $that muse moche on her wordes H 10115 Ymaginatyf her-afterward $shal answere to #owre purpos H 10116 Augustyne to suche argueres $he telleth hem this teme Non plus sapere quam oportet H 10117 Wilneth neuere to wite $whi that god wolde H 10118 Suffre Sathan $his sede to bigyle H 10119 Ac bileue lelly $in the lore of holicherche H 10120 And preye hym of pardoun $and penaunce in thi lyue H 10121 And for his miche mercye $to amende #ow here H 10122 For alle that wilneth to wyte $the weyes of god almi#ty H 10123 I wolde his eye were in his ers $and his fynger after H 10124 That eure wilneth to wite $whi that god wolde H 10125 Suffre Sathan $his sede to bigile H 10126 Or Iudas to the Iuwes $Iesu bytraye H 10127 Al was as thow wolde $lorde yworschiped be thow H 10128 And al worth as thow wolte $what so we dispute H 10129 And tho that vseth ehis hanelounes $to blende mennes wittes H 10130 What is Dowel fro Dobet $now def mote he worthe H 10131 Sitthe he wilneth to wyte $whiche thei ben bothe H 10132 But if he lyue in the lyf $that longeth to Dowel H 10133 For I dar ban his bolde borgh $that Dobet wil he neuere H 10134 Theigh Dobest drawe on hym $day after other H 10135 And what that Witte was ywar $what dame Studye tolde H 10136 He bicome so confus $he couth nou#te loke H 10137 And as doumbe as deth $and drowe hym arrere H 10138 And for no carpyng I couth after $ne knelyng to the grounde H 10139 I my#te gete no greyne $of his grete wittis H 10140 But al laughyng he louted $and loked vppon Studye H 10141 In signe that I shulde $beseche hir of grace H 10142 And whan I was war of his will $to his wyf gan I loute H 10143 And seyde mercy madame $#owre man shal I worthe H 10144 As longe as I lyue $bothe late and rathe H 10145 Forto worche #owre wille $the while my lyf dureth H 10146 With that #e kenne me kyndely $to knowe what is Dowel H 10147 For thi mekenesse man quod she $and for thi mylde speche H 10148 I shal kenne the to my cosyn $that Clergye is hoten H 10149 He hath wedded a wyf $with-inne this syx monethes H 10150 Is sybbe to the seuene artz $Scripture is hir name H 10151 Thei two as I hope $after my techyng H 10152 Shullen wissen the to Dowel $I dar it vndertake H 10153 Thanne was I also fayne $as foule of faire morwe H 10154 And gladder than the gleman $that golde hath to #ifte H 10155 And axed hir the heighe weye $where that clergye dwelte H 10156 And telle me some token quod I $for tyme is that I wende H 10157 Axe the heighe waye quod she $hennes to Suffre- H 10158 Bothe-wel-and-wo $#if that thow wolt lerne H 10159 And ryde forth by Ricchesse $ac rest thow nau#t therinne H 10160 For if thow couplest the ther-with $to Clergye comestow neuere H 10161 And also the likerouse launde $that Leccherye hatte H 10162 Leue hym on thi left halue $a large myle or more H 10163 Tyl thow come to a courte $Kepe-wel-thi-tonge- H 10164 Fro-lesynges-and-lither-speche- $and-likerouse- drynkes H 10165 Thanne shaltow se Sobrete $and Symplete-of-speche H 10166 That eche wi#te be in wille $his witte the to shewe H 10167 And thus shaltow come to Clergye $that can many thinges H 10168 Saye hym this signe $I sette hym to scole H 10169 And that I grete wel his wyf $for I wrote hir many bokes H 10170 And sette hir to Sapience $and to the sauter glose H 10171 Logyke I lerned hir $and many other lawes H 10172 And alle the musouns in musike $I made hir to knowe H 10173 Plato the poete $I put hum fyrste to boke H 10174 Aristotle and other moo $to argue I tau#te H 10175 Grammer for gerles $I garte first wryte H 10176 And bette hem with a baleis $but if thei wolde lerne H 10177 Of alkinnes craftes $I contreued toles H 10178 Of carpentrie of kerueres $and compassed masouns H 10179 And lerned hem leuel and lyne $though I loke dymme H 10180 Ac Theologie hath tened me $ten score tymes H 10181 The more I muse there-inne $the mistier it semeth H 10182 And the depper I deuyne $the derker me it thinketh H 10183 It is no science for sothe $forto sotyle inne H 10184 A ful lethy thinge it were $#if that loue nere H 10185 Ac for it let best by Loue $ I loue it the bettre H 10186 For there that Loue is leder $ne lacked neuere grace H 10187 Loke thow loue lelly $#if the lyketh Dowel H 10188 For Dobet and Dobest $ben of Loues kynne H 10189 In other science it seyth $I seigh it in Catoun H 10190 Qui simulat verbis nec corde est ficus amicus H 10191 Tu quoque fac simile sic ars deluditur arte H 10192 Who-so gloseth as gylours don $go me to the same H 10193 And so shaltow fals folke $and faythlees bigyle H 10194 This is Catounes kennyng $to clerkes that he lereth H 10195 Ac Theologye techeth nou#t so $who-so taketh #eme H 10196 He kenneth vs the contrarye $a#ein Catones wordes H 10197 For he bit vs be as bretheren $and bidde for owre enemys H 10198 And louen hem that lyen on vs $and lene hem whan hem nedeth H 10199 And do good a#eines yuel $god hym-self it hoteth Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum ad omnes maxime autem ad domesticos fidei H 10200 Poule preched the peple $that parfitnesse loued H 10201 To do good for goddes loue $and gyuen men that asked H 10202 And nameliche to suche $that sueth owre bileue H 10203 And alle that lekketh vs or lyeth vs $owre lorde techeth vs to louye H 10204 And nou#t to greuen hem that greueth vs $god hym- self forbadde it Michi vindictam et ego retribuam H 10205 For-thi loke thow louye $as longe as thow durest H 10206 For is no science vnder sonne $so souereyne for the soule H 10207 Ac astronomye is an harde thynge #and yuel forto knowe H 10208 Geometrie and geomesye $is ginful of speche H 10209 Who-so thenketh werche with tho two $thryueth ful late lH 10210 For sorcerye is the souereyne boke $that to the science longeth H 10211 #et ar there fybicches in forceres $of fele mennes makynge H 10212 Experimentz of alkenamye $the poeple to deceyue H 10213 If thow thinke to Dowel $dele ther-with neuere H 10214 Alle thise sciences I my-self $sotiled and ordeyned H 10215 And founded hem formest $folke to deceyue H 10216 Telle Clergye thise tokenes $and Scripture after H 10217 To conseille the kyndely $to knowe what is Dowel H 10218 I seide graunt mercy madame $and mekeliche hir grette H 10219 And went wi#tlich awey $with-oute more lettynge H 10220 And til I come to Clergye $I couthe neuere stynte H 10221 And grette the good man $as Studye me tau#te H 10222 And afterwardes the wyf $and worshiped hem bothe H 10223 And tolde hem the tokenes $that me tau#te were H 10224 Was neuere gome vppon this grounde $sith god made the worlde H 10225 Fairer vnder-fongen $ne frendeloker at ese H 10226 Than my-self sothly $sone so he wist H 10227 That I was of Wittis hous $and with his wyf dame Studye H 10228 I seyde to hem sothely $that sent was I thider H 10229 Dowel and Dobet $and Dobest to lerne H 10230 It is a comune lyf quod Clergye $on holycherche to bileue H 10231 With alle the artikles of the feithe $that falleth to be knowe H 10232 And that is to bileue lelly $bothe lered and lewed H 10233 On the grete god $that gynnying had neuere H 10234 And on the sothfaste sone $that saued mankynde H 10235 Fro the dedly deth $and the deueles power H 10236 Thorwgh the helpe of the holy goste $the whiche goste is of bothe H 10237 Three propre persones $ac nou#t in plurel noumbre H 10238 For al is but on god $and eche is god hym-selue Deus pater deus filius deus spiritus sanctus H 10239 God the fader god the sone $god holigoste of bothe H 10240 Maker of mankynde $and of bestes bothe H 10241 Austyn the olde $here-of he made bokes H 10242 And hym-self ordeyned $to sadde vs in bileue H 10243 Who was his autour $alle the foure euangelistes H 10244 And Cryst clepid hym-self so $the ewangelistes bereth witnesse Ego in patre et pater in me est et qui videt me videt et patrem meum H 10245 Alle the clerkes vnder Cryst $ne couthe this assoille H 10246 But thus it bilongeth to bileue $to lewed that willen Dowel H 10247 For had neuere freke fyne wytte $the feyth to dispute H 10248 Ne man had no merite $my#te it ben yproued Fides non habet meritum vbi humana racio prebet experimentum H 10249 Thanne is Dobet to suffre $for thi soules helth H 10250 Al that the boke bit $by holycherche techyng H 10251 And that is man bi thi mi#te $for mercies sake H 10252 Loke thow worche it in werke $that thi worde sheweth H 10253 Suche as thow semest in sy#te $be in assay y-founde Appare quod es vel esto quod appares H 10254 And lat no body be $bi thi beryng bygyled H 10255 But be suche in thi soule $as thow semest with-oute H 10256 Thanne is Dobest to be bolde $to blame the gylty H 10257 Sithenes thow seest thi-self $as in soule clene H 10258 Ac blame thow neuere body $and thow be blame-worthy H 10259 Si culpare velis $culpabilis esse cauebis H 10260 Dogma tuum sordet $cum te tua culpa remordet H 10261 God in the gospel $grymly repreueth H 10262 Alle that lakken any lyf $and lakkes han hem-selue Quid consideras festucam in oculo fratris tui trabem in oculo tuo non vides H 10263 Why meuestow thi mode $for a mote in thi brotheres eye H 10264 Sithen a beem in thine owne $ablyndeth thi-selue Eice primo trabem de oculo tuo etc. H 10265 Whiche letteth the to loke $lasse other more H 10266 I rede eche a blynde bosarde $do bote to hym-selue H 10267 For abbotes and for prioures $and for alle manere prelates H 10268 As parsones and parisshe-prestes $that preche shulde and teche H 10269 Alle manere men $to amenden by here my#te H 10270 This tixte was tolde #ow $to ben war ar #e tau#te H 10271 That #e were suche as #e seyde $to salue with othere H 10272 For goddis worde wolde nou#t be loste $for that worcheth euere H 10273 If it auailled nou#t the comune $it my#te auaille #owseluen H 10274 Ac it semeth now sothly $to the worldes syght H 10275 That goddes worde worcheth nau#te $on lered ne on lewede H 10276 But in suche a manere as Marke $meneth in the gospel Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt H 10277 Lewed men may likne #ow thus $that the beem lithe in #owre eyghen H 10278 And the festu is fallen $for #owre defaute H 10279 In alle manere men $thourgh mansed prestes H 10280 The bible bereth witnesse $that alle the folke of Israel H 10281 Byttere abou#te the gultes $of two badde prestes H 10282 Offyn and Fynes $for her coueytise H 10283 Archa dei myshapped $and Ely brake his nekke H 10284 For-thi #e corectoures claweth her-on $and corecteth fyrst #ow-seluen H 10285 And thanne mowe #e saufly seye $as Dauid made the sauter Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis arguam te et statuam contra faciem tuam H 10286 And thanne shal borel clerkes ben abasched $to blame #ow or to greue H 10287 And carpen nou#te as thei carpen now $and calle #ow doumbe houndes Canes non valentes latrare H 10288 And drede to wratthe #ow in any worde $#owre werkemanship to lette H 10289 And be prestiore at #owre prayere $than for a pounde of nobles H 10290 And al for #owre holynesse $haue #e this in herte H 10291 Amonges ri#tful religiouse $this reule schulde be holde H 10292 Gregorie the grete clerke $and the goed pope H 10293 Of religioun the reule $reherseth in his morales H 10294 And seyth it in ensaumple $for thei schulde do there-after H 10295 Whenne fissches failen the flode $or the fresche water H 10296 Thei deyen for drouthe $whanne thei drie ligge H 10297 Ri#t so quod Gregorie $religioun roileth H 10298 Sterueth and stynketh $and steleth lordes almesses H 10299 That oute of couent and cloystre $coueyten to libbe H 10300 For if heuene be on this erthe $and ese to any soule H 10301 It is in cloistere or in scole $be many skilles I fynde H 10302 For in cloistre cometh no man $to chide ne to fi#te H 10303 But alle is buxumnesse there and bokes $to rede and to lerne H 10304 In scole there is scorne $but if a clerke wil lerne H 10305 And grete loue and lykynge $for eche of hem loueth other H 10306 Ac now is Religioun a ryder $a rowmer bi stretes H 10307 A leder of louedayes $and a londe-bugger H 10308 A priker on a palfray $fro manere to manere H 10309 An heep of houndes at his ers $as he a lorde were H 10310 And but if his knaue knele $that shal his cuppe brynge H 10311 He loureth on hym and axeth hym $who tau#te hym curteisye H 10312 Litel had lordes to done $to #yue londe fram her heires H 10313 To religious that haue no reuthe $though it reyne on here auteres H 10314 In many places ther hij persones ben $be hem-self at ese H 10315 Of the pore haue thei no pite #and that is her charite H 10316 Ac thei leten hem as lordes $her londe lith so brode H 10317 Ac there shal come a kyng $and confesse #ow religiouses H 10318 And bete #ow as the bible telleth $for brekynge of #owre reule H 10319 And amende monyales $monkes and chanouns H 10320 And putten hem to her penaunce $ad pristinum statum ire H 10321 And barounes with erles beten hem $thorugh beatus- virres techynge H 10322 That here barnes claymen $and blame #ow foule Hij in curribus et hij in equis ipsi obligati sunt etc. H 10323 And thanne freres in here freitoure $shal fynden a keye H 10324 Of Costantynes coffres $in which is the catel H 10325 That Gregories god-children $han yuel dispended H 10326 And thanne shal the abbot of Abyndoun $and alle his issu for euere H 10327 Haue a knokke of a kynge $and incurable the wounde H 10328 That this worth soth seke #e $that oft ouer-se the bible Quomodo cessauit exactor cuieuit tributum contriuit dominus baculum impiorum et virgam dominancium cedencium plaga insanabili etc. H 10329 Ac ar that kynge come $Cayme shal awake H 10330 Ac Dowel shal dyngen hym adoune $and destruyen his my#te H 10331 Thanne is Dowel and Dobet quod I $dominus and kni#thode H 10332 I nel nou#t scorne quod Scripture $but-if scryueynes lye H 10333 Kynghod ne kny#thod $by nau#t I can awayte H 10334 Helpeth nou#t to heueneward $one heres ende H 10335 Ne ricchesse ri#t nou#t $ne reaute of lordes H 10336 Poule preueth it inpossible $riche men to haue heuene H 10337 Salamon seith also $that syluer is worst to louye Nichil iniquius quam qmqe peccuniam H 10338 And Caton kenneth vs to coueiten it $nau#t but as nede techeth H 10339 Dilige denarium set parce dilige formam H 10340 And patriarkes and prophetes $and poetes bothe H 10341 Wryten to wissen vs $to wilne no ricchesse H 10342 And preyseden pouerte with pacience $the apostles bereth witnesse H 10343 That thei han heritage in heuene $and bi trewe ri#te H 10344 There riche men no ri#te may clayme $but of reuthe and grace H 10345 Contra quod I bi Cryste $that can I repreue H 10346 And preue it bi Peter $and bi Poule bothe H 10347 That is baptized beth sauf $be he riche or pore H 10348 That is in extremis quod Scripture $amonges Saracenes and Iewes H 10349 Thei mowen be saued so $and that is owre byleue H 10350 That an vncristene in that cas $may crysten an hethen H 10351 And for his lele byleue $whan he the lyf tyneth H 10352 Haue the heritage of heuene $as any man Crystene H 10353 Ac Crysten men with-oute more $may nou#t come to heuene H 10354 For that Cryst for Cristen men deyde $and confermed the lawe H 10355 That who-so wolde and wylneth $with Cryste to aryse Si cum Christo surrexistis etc. H 10356 He shulde louye and leue $and the lawe fulfille H 10357 That is loue thi lorde god $leuest aboue alle H 10358 And after alle Crystene creatures $in comune eche man other H 10359 And thus bilongeth to louye $that leueth to be saued H 10360 And but we do thus in dede $ar the daye of dome H 10361 It shal bisitten vs ful soure $the siluer that we kepen H 10362 And owre bakkes that moth-eten be $and sen beggers go naked H 10363 Or delyte in wyn and wylde foule $and wote any in defaute H 10364 For euery Cristene creature $shulde be kynde til other H 10365 And sithen hethen to helpe $in hope of amendement H 10366 God hoteth bothe heigh and lowe $that no man hurte other H 10367 And seith slee nou#t that semblable is $to myne owen liknesse H 10368 But if I sende the sum tokne $and seith non mecaberis H 10369 Is slee nou#t but suffre $and al for the beste For Michi vindictam et ego retribuam H 10370 For I shal punysshen hem in purgatorie $or in the putte of helle H 10371 Vche man for his mysdedes $but mercy it lette H 10372 This is a longe lessoun quod I $and litel am I the wyser H 10373 Where Dowel is or Dobet $derkelich #e shewen H 10374 Many tales #e tellen $that Theologye lerneth H 10375 And that I man made was $and my name yentred H 10376 In the legende of lyf $longe er I were H 10377 Or elles vnwriten for somme wikkednesse $as holywrit wytnesseth Nemo ascendit ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit H 10378 I leue it wel quod I bi owre lorde $and on no letterure bettere H 10379 For Salamon the sage $that Sapience tau#te H 10380 God gaf hym grace of witte $and alle his godes after H 10381 To reule the reume $and riche to make H 10382 He demed wel and wysely $as holy writte telleth H 10383 Aristotle and he $who wissed men bettere H 10384 Maistres that of goddis mercy $techen men and prechen H 10385 Of here wordes thei wissen vs $for wisest as in here tyme H 10386 And al holicherche $holdeth hem bothe ydampned H 10387 And if I shulde worke bi here werkes $to wynne me heuene H 10388 That for her werkes and witte $now wonyeth in pyne H 10389 Thanne wrou$te I vnwysely $what-so euere #e preche H 10390 Ac of fele witty in feith $litel ferly I haue H 10391 Though her goste be vngraciouse $god for to plese H 10392 For many men on this molde $more sette here hertis H 10393 In good than in god $for-thi hem grace failleth H 10394 At here moste myschief $whan thei shal lyf lete H 10395 As Salamon dede and such other $that shewed gret wittes H 10396 Ac her werkes as holy wrytte seyth $was eure the contrarye H 10397 For-thi wyse witted men $and wel ylettred clerkes H 10398 As thei seyen hem-self $selden done ther-after Super cathedram Moysy etc. H 10399 Ac I wene it worth of many $as was in Noes tyme H 10400 Tho he shope that shippe $of shides and bordes H 10401 Was neuere wri#te saued that wrou#t ther-on $ne other werkman elles H 10402 But briddes and bestes $and the blissed Noe H 10403 And his wyf with his sones $and also here wyues H 10404 Of wri#tes that it wrou#te $was none of hem ysaued H 10405 God leue it fare nou#t so bi folke $that the feith techen H 10406 Of holicherche that herberwe is $and goddes hous to saue H 10407 And shelden vs fram shame ther-inne $as Noes shippe did bestes H 10408 And men that maden it $amydde the flode adreynten H 10409 The culorum of this clause $curatoures is to mene H 10410 That ben carpenteres holykirke to make $for Crystes owne bestes Homines et iumenta saluabis domine etc. H 10411 At domes-day the diluuye worth $of deth and fyr at ones H 10412 For-thi I conseil #ow clerkes $of holy cherche the wri#tes H 10413 Wercheth #e werkes as #e seen i-write $lest #e worth nau#t ther-inne H 10414 On Gode Fridaye I fynde $a feloun was ysaued H 10415 That had lyued al his lyf $with lesynges and with thefte H 10416 And for he biknewe on the crosse $and to Cryste schrof hym H 10417 He was sonnere saued $than seynt Iohan the baptiste H 10418 And or Adam or Ysaye $or eny of the prophetes H 10419 That hadde yleine with Lucyfer $many longe #eres H 10420 A robbere was yraunceouned $rather than thei alle H 10421 With-outen any penaunce of purgatorie $to perpetuel blisse H 10422 Thanne Marye Magdaleyne $what womman dede worse H 10423 Or who worse than Dauid $that Vries deth conspired H 10424 Or Poule the apostle $that no pitee hadde H 10425 Moche crystene kynde $to kylle to deth H 10426 And now ben thise as souereynes $wyth seyntes in heuene H 10427 Tho that wrou#te wikkedlokest $in worlde tho thei were H 10428 And tho that wisely wordeden $and wryten many bokes H 10429 Of witte and of wisdome $with dampned soules wonye H 10430 That Salamon seith I trowe be soth $and certeyne of vs alle Sunt iusti atque sapientes et opera eorum in manu dei sunt etc. H 10431 There aren witty and wel-libbynge $ac her werkes ben yhudde H 10432 In the hondes of almi#ty god $and he wote the sothe H 10433 Wher for loue a man worth allowed there $and his lele werkes H 10434 Or elles for his yuel wille $and enuye of herte H 10435 And be allowed as he lyued so $for bi lyther men knoweth the gode H 10436 And wherby wote men whiche is whyte $if alle thinge blake were H 10437 And who were a gode man $but if there were some shrewe H 10438 For-thi lyue we forth with lither men $I leue fewe ben gode H 10439 For qant OPORTET vyent en place $yl ny ad que PATI H 10440 And he that may al amende $haue mercy on vs alle H 10441 For sothest worde that euere god seyde $was tho he seyde nemo bonus H 10442 Clergye tho of Crystes mouth $commended was it litel H 10443 For he seyde to seynt Peter $and to suche as he loued Dum steteritis ante reges et presides etc. H 10444 Though #e come bifor kynges $and clerkes of the lawe H 10445 Beth nou#te abasched $for I shal be in #oure mouthes H 10446 And #yue #ow witte at wille $and kunnynge to conclude H 10447 Hem alle that a#eines #ow $of Crystenedome disputen H 10448 Dauyd maketh mencioun $he spake amonges kynges H 10449 And mi#te no kynge ouercome hym $as bi kunnyng of speche H 10450 But witte ne wisdome $wan neuere the maystrye H 10451 Whan man was at myschief $with-oute the more grace H 10452 The doughtiest doctour $and deuynoure of the trinitee H 10453 Was Augustyn the olde $and heighest of the foure H 10454 Sayde thus in a sarmoun $I seigh it writen ones Ecce ipsi ikioti rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes in inferno mergimur H 10455 And is to mene to Englisshe men $more ne lasse H 10456 Aren none rather yrauysshed $fro the ri#te byleue H 10457 Than ar this cunnynge clerkes $that conne many bokes H 10458 Ne none sonner saued $ne sadder of bileue H 10459 Than plowmen and pastoures $and pore comune laboreres H 10460 Souteres and shepherdes $suche lewed Iottes H 10461 Percen with a pater-noster $the palcys of heuene H 10462 And passen purgatorie penaunceles $at her hennes- partynge H 10463 In-to the blisse of paradys $for her pure byleue H 10464 That inparfitly here $knewe and eke lyued H 10465 #ee men knowe clerkes $that han cursed the tyme H 10466 That euere thei couth or knewe more $than credo in deum patrem H 10467 And pryncipaly her pater-noster $many a persone hath wisshed H 10468 I se ensamples my-self $and so may many an other H 10469 That seruauntes that seruen lordes $selden falle in arrerage H 10470 But tho that kepen the lordes catel $clerkes and reues H 10471 Ri#t so lewed men $and of litel knowynge H 10472 Selden falle thei so foule $and so fer in synne H 10473 As clerkes of holikirke $that kepen Crystes tresore H 10474 The which is mannes soule to saue $as god seith i the gospel Ite vos in vineam meam H 11001 Thanne Scripture scorned me $and a skile tolde H 11002 And lakked me in Latyne $and li#te by me she sette And seyde multi multa sciunt et seipsos nesciunt H 11003 Tho wepte I for wo $and wratth of her speche H 11004 And in a wynkyng wratth $wex I aslepe H 11005 A merueillouse meteles $mette me thanne H 11006 That I was rauisshed ri#t there $and Fortune me fette H 11007 And in-to the londe of Longynge $allone she me brou#te H 11008 And in a myroure that hi#t Mydlerd $she mad me to biholde H 11009 Sitthen she sayde to me $here my#tow se wondres H 11010 And knowe that thow coueytest $and come ther-to par aunter H 11011 Thanne hadde Fortune folwyng hir $two faire damoyseles H 11012 Concupiscencia-carnis $men called the elder mayde H 11013 And Coueytise-of-eyes $ycalled was that other H 11014 Pryde-of-parfyte-lyuynge $pursued hem bothe H 11015 And badde me for my contenaunce $acounte Clergye li#te H 11016 Concupiscencia-carnis $colled me aboute the nekke H 11017 And seyde thow art #onge and #epe $and hast #eres ynowe H 11018 Forto lyue longe #and ladyes to louye H 11019 And in this myroure thow my#te se $myr5thes ful manye H 11020 That leden the wil to lykynge $al thi lyf-tyme H 11021 The secounde seide the same $I shal suwe thi wille H 11022 Til thow be a lorde and haue londe $leten the I nelle H 11023 That I ne shal folwe thi felawship $if Fortune it lyke H 11024 He shal fynde me his frende $quod Fortune ther-after H 11025 The freke that folwed my wille $failled neuere blisse H 11026 Thanne was there one that hi#te Elde $that heuy was of chere H 11027 Man quod he if I mete with the $bi Marie of heuene H 11028 Thow shalt fynde Fortune the faille $at thi moste nede H 11029 And Concupiscencia-carnis $clene the forsake H 11030 Bitterliche shaltow banne thanne $bothe dayes and ni#tes H 11031 Couetyse-of-eyghe $that euere thow hir knewe H 11032 And Pryde-of-parfyt-lyuynge $to moche peril the brynge H 11033 #ee recche the neuere quod Recchelesnes $stode forth in ragged clothes H 11034 Folwe forth that Fortune wole $thow hast wel fer til elde H 11035 A man may stoupe tymes ynow $whan he shal tyne the croune H 11036 Homo proponit quod a poete $and Plato he hyght H 11037 And deus disponit quod he $lat god done his wille H 11038 If Trewthe wil witnesse it be wel do $Fortune to folwe H 11039 Concupiscencia-carnis $ne Coueityse-of-eyes H 11040 Ne shal nou#t greue the gretly $ne bigyle the but thow wolt H 11041 #ee farewel Phippe quod Fauntelte $and forth gan me drawe H 11042 Til Concupiscencia-carnis $acorded alle my werkes H 11043 Allas eye quod Elde $and Holynesse bothe H 11044 That witte shal torne to wrecchednesse $for wille to haue his lykynge H 11045 Coueityse-of-eyghes $conforted me anon after H 11046 And folwed me fourty wynter $and a fyfte more H 11047 That of Dowel ne Dobet $no deyntee me ne thou#te H 11048 I had no lykynge leue me if the leste $of hem au#te to knowe H 11049 Coueytyse-of-eyes $cam ofter in mynde H 11050 Than Dowel or Dobet $amonge my dedes alle H 11051 Coueytise-of-eyes $conforted me ofte H 11052 And seyde haue no conscience $how thow come to gode H 11053 Go confesse the to sum frere $and shewe hym thi synnes H 11054 For whiles Fortyune is thi frende $freres wil the louye H 11055 And fecche the to her fraternite $and for the biseke H 11056 To her priour prouyncial $a pardoun forto haue H 11057 And preyen for the pol bi pol $#if thow be pecuniosus Set pena pecuniaria non sufficit pro spiritualibus delictis H 11058 By wissynge of this wenche I wrou#te $here wordes were so swete H 11059 Tyl I for#at #outhe $and #arn in-to elde H 11060 And thanne was Fortune my foo $for al hir faire biheste H 11061 And Pouerte pursued me $and put me lowe H 11062 And tho fonde I the frere aferde $and flyttynge bothe H 11063 A#eines owre firste forward $for I seyde I nolde H 11064 Be buryed at her hous $but at my parisshe cherche H 11065 For I herde onys $how Conscience it tolde H 11066 That there a man were crystened $by kynde he shulde be buryed H 11067 Or where he were parisshene $ri#t there he shulde be grauen H 11068 And for I seyde thus to freres $a fool thei me helden H 11069 And loued me the lasse $for my lele speche H 11070 Ac #et I cryed on confessoure $that helde hym-self so kunnynge H 11071 By my feith frere quod I $#e faren lyke thise woweres H 11072 That wedde none wydwes $but forto welde here godis H 11073 Ri#te so by the rode $rou#te #e neuere H 11074 Where my body were buryed $bi so #e hadde my siluer H 11075 Ich haue moche merueille of #ow $and so hath many an other H 11076 Why #owre couent coueyteth $to confesse and to burye H 11077 Rather than to baptise barnes $that ben catekumelynges H 11078 Baptizyng and burying $bothe ben ful nedeful H 11079 Ac moche more merytorie $me thynketh it is to baptize H 11080 For a baptized man may $as maistres telleth H 11081 Thorugh contricioun come $to the heigh heuene Sola contricio delet peccatum H 11082 Ac a barne with-oute bapteme $may nou#t so be saued Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua &c. H 11083 Loke #e lettred men $whether I lye or do nou#te H 11084 And Lewte loked on me $and I loured after H 11085 Wherfore lourestow quod Lewte $and loked on me harde H 11086 #if I durste quod I amonges men $this meteles auowe H 11087 #e bi Peter and bi Poule quod he $and take hem bothe to witnesse Non oderis fratres secrete in corde tuo set publice argue illos H 11088 Thei wol allegge also quod I $and by the gospel preuen Nolite iudicare quemquam H 11089 And wher-of serueth lawe quod Lewte $if no lyf vndertoke it H 11090 Falsenesse ne faytrye $for sumwhat the apostle seyde Non oderis fratrem H 11091 And in the sauter also $seithe Dauid the prophete Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis &c. H 11092 It is lictum for lewed men $to segge the sothe H 11093 If hem lyketh and leste $eche a lawe it graunteth H 11094 Excepte persones and prestes $and prelates of holy cherche H 11095 It falleth nou#te for that folke $no tales to telle H 11096 Though the tale were trewe $and it touched synne H 11097 Thinge that al the worlde wote $wherfore shuldestow spare H 11098 To reden it in retoryke $to arate dedly synne H 11099 Ac be neuere more the fyrste $the defaute to blame H 11100 Thou#e thow se yuel sey it nou#te fyrste $be sorye it nere amended H 11101 No thinge that is pryue $publice thow it neuere H 11102 Neyther for loue laude it nou#t $ne lakke it for enuye Parum lauda vitupera parcius H 11103 He seith sothe quod Scripture tho $and skipte an heigh and preched H 11104 Ac the matere that she meued $if lewed men it knewe H 11105 The lasse as I leue $louyen it thei wolde H 11106 This was here teme and her tyxte $I toke ful gode hede H 11107 Multi to a maungerye $and to the mete were sompned H 11108 And whan the peple was plenere comen $the porter vnpynned the #ate H 11109 And plukked in pauci priueliche $and lete the remenaunt go rowme H 11110 Al for tene of her tyxte $trembled myn herte H 11111 And in a were gan I waxe $and with my-self to dispute H 11112 Whether I were chosen or nou#t chosen $on Holicherche I thou#te H 11113 That vnderfonge me atte fonte $for one of goddis chosen H 11114 For Cryste cleped vs alle $come if we wolde H 11115 Sarasenes and scismatikes $and so he dyd the Iewes O vos omnes scicientes venite &c. H 11116 And badde hem souke for synne $saufly at his breste H 11117 And drynke bote for bale $brouke it who so my#te H 11118 Thanne may alle Crystene come quod I $and cleyme there entre H 11119 By the blode that he bou#te vs with $and thorugh baptesme after Qui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit &c. H 11120 For though a Crystene man coueyted $his Crystenedome to reneye H 11121 Ri#tfulliche to reneye $no resoun it wolde H 11122 For may no cherle chartre make $ne his catel selle H 11123 With-outen leue of his lorde $no lawe wil it graunte H 11124 Ac he may renne in arrerage $and rowme so from home H 11125 And as a reneyed caityf $recchelesly gon aboute H 11126 Ac Resoun shal rekne with hym $and rebuken hym at the laste H 11127 And Conscience a-counte with hym $and casten hym in arrerage H 11128 And putten hym after in a prisone $in purgatorie to brenne H 11129 For his arrerages rewarden hym there $to the daye of dome H 11130 But if Contricioun wol come $and crye bi his lyue H 11131 Mercy for his mysdedes $with mouth or with herte H 11132 That is soth seyde Scripture $may no synne lette H 11133 Mercy alle to amende $and mekenesse hir folwe H 11134 For they beth as owre bokes telleth $aboue goddes werkes Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius H 11135 #ee baw for bokes quod one $was broken oute of helle H 11136 Hi#te Troianus had ben a trewe kny#te $toke witnesse at a pope H 11137 How he was ded and dampned $to dwellen in pyne H 11138 For an vncristene creature $clerkis wyten the sothe H 11139 That al the clergy vnder Cryste $ne mi#te me cracche fro helle H 11140 But onliche loue and leaute $and my lawful domes H 11141 Gregorie wist this wel $and wilned to my soule H 11142 Sauacioun for sothenesse $that he seigh in my werkes H 11143 And after that he wepte $and wilned me were graunted H 11144 Grace wyth-outen any bede-byddynge $his bone was vnderfongen H 11145 And I saued as #e may se $with-oute syngyng of masses H 11146 By loue and by lernynge $of my lyuyng in treuthe H 11147 Brou#te me fro bitter peyne $there no biddyng my#te H 11148 Lo #e lordes what leute did $by an emperoure of Rome H 11149 That was an vncrystene creature $as clerkes fyndeth in bokes H 11150 Nou#t thorw preyere of a pope $but for his pure treuthe H 11151 Was that Sarasne saued $as seynt Gregorie bereth witnesse H 11152 Wel ou#te #e lordes that lawes kepe $this lessoun to haue in mynde H 11153 And on Troianus treuth to thenke $and do treuthe to the peple H 11154 This matir is merke for mani of 3ow $ac men of holy cherche H 11155 The Legende Sanctorum #ow lereth $more larger than I #ow telle H 11156 Ac thus lele loue $and lyuynge in treuthe H 11157 Pulte out of pyne $a paynym of Rome H 11158 I-blessed be treuthe $that so brak helle-#ates H 11159 And saued the Sarasyn $fram Sathanas and his power H 11160 There no clergie ne couthe $ne kunnynge of lawes H 11161 Loue and leute $is a lele science H 11162 For that is the boke blessed $of blisse and of ioye H 11163 God wrou#t it and wrot hit $with his on fynger H 11164 And toke it to Moyses vpon the mount $alle men to lere H 11165 Lawe with-outen loue quod Troianus $leye there a bene H 11166 Or any science vnder sonne $the seuene artz and alle H 11167 But if thei ben lerned for owre lordes loue $loste is alle the tyme H 11168 For no cause to cacche siluer there-by $ne to be called a mayster H 11169 But al for loue of owre lorde $and the bet to loue the peple H 11170 For seynte Iohan seyde it $and soth aren his wordes Qui non diligit manit in morte H 11171 Who so loueth nou#te leue me $he lyueth in deth- deyinge H 11172 And that alle manere men $enemys and frendes H 11173 Louen her eyther other $and lene hem as her-selue H 11174 Who so leneth nou#te he loueth nou#te $god wote the sothe H 11175 And comaundeth eche creature $to confourme hym to louye H 11176 And souereynelyche pore poeple $and here ennemys after H 11177 For hem that hateth vs $is owre meryte to louye H 11178 And pore peple to plese $here prayeres may vs helpe H 11179 For owre ioye and owre hele $Iesu Cryst of heuene H 11180 In a pore mannes apparaille $pursueth vs euere H 11181 And loketh on vs in her liknesse $and that with louely chere H 11182 To knowen vs by owre kynde herte $and castyng of owre eyen H 11183 Whether we loue the lordes here $byfor owre lorde of blisse H 11184 And exciteth vs bi the euangelye $that when we maken festes H 11185 We shulde nou#te clepe owre kynne ther-to $ne none kynnes riche Cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos H 11186 Ac calleth the careful ther-to $the croked and the pore H 11187 For #owre frendes wil feden #ow $and fonde #ow to quite H 11188 #owre festynge and #owre faire #ifte $vche frende quyteth so other H 11189 Ac for the pore I shal paye $and pure wel quyte her trauaille H 11190 That #iueth hem mete or moneye $and loueth hem for my sake H 11191 For the best ben somme riche $and somme beggers and pore H 11192 For alle are we Crystes creatures $and of his coffers riche H 11193 And bretheren as of o blode $as wel beggares as erles H 11194 For on Caluarye of Crystes blode $Crystenedome gan sprynge H 11195 And blody bretheren we bycome there $of o body ywonne H 11196 As quasi modo geniti $and gentil men vche one H 11197 No beggere ne boye amonges vs $but if it synne made Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c. H 11198 In the olde lawe $as holy lettre telleth H 11199 Mennes sones $men called vs vchone H 11200 Of Adames issue and Eue $ay til god-man deyde H 11201 And after his resurreccioun $Redemptor was his name H 11202 And we his bretheren thourgh hym ybou#t $bothe riche and pore H 11203 For-thi loue we as leue bretheren shal $and vche man laughe vp other H 11204 And of that eche man may forbere $amende there it nedeth H 11205 And eury man helpe other $for hennes shal we alle Alter alterius onera portate H 11206 And be we nou#te vnkynde of owre catel $ne of owre kunnynge neyther H 11207 For noot no man how neighe it is $to be ynome fro bothe H 11208 For-thi lakke no lyf other $though he more Latyne knowe H 11209 Ne vnder-nym nou#te foule $for is none with-oute faute H 11210 For what euere clerkis carpe $of Crystenedome or elles H 11211 Cryst to a comune woman seyde $in comune at a feste H 11212 That fides sua shulde sauen hir $and saluen hir of alle synnes H 11213 Thanne is byleue a lele helpe $aboue logyke or lawe H 11214 Of logyke ne of lawe $in Legenda Sanctorum H 11215 Is litel allowaunce made $but if bileue hem helpe H 11216 For it is ouerlonge ar logyke $any lessoun assoille H 11217 And lawe is loth to louye $but if he lacche syluer H 11218 Bothe logyke and lawe $that loueth nou#te to lye H 11219 I conseille alle Crystene $cleue nou#te ther-on to sore H 11220 For sum wordes I fynde ywryten $were of faithes techynge H 11221 That saued synful men $as seynt Iohan bereth wytnesse Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis H 11222 For-thi lerne we lawe of loue $as owre lorde tau#te H 11223 And as seynte Gregory seide $for mannes soule helthe Melius est scrutari scelera nostra quam naturas rerum H 11224 Why I moue this matere $is moste for the pore H 11225 For in her lyknesse owre lorde $ofte hath ben y- knowe H 11226 Witnesse in the Paske-wyke $whan he #ede to Emaus H 11227 Cleophas ne knewe hym nau#te $that he Cryste were H 11228 For his pore paraille $and pylgrymes wedes H 11229 Tyl he blessed and brak $the bred that thei eten H 11230 So bi his werkes thei wisten $that he was Iesus H 11231 Ac by clothyng thei knewe hym nou#te $ne bi carpynge of tonge H 11232 And al was in ensample $to vs synful here H 11233 That we shulde be low $and loueliche of speche H 11234 And apparaille vs nou#te ouer proudly $for pylgrymes ar we alle H 11235 And in the apparaille of a pore man $and pilgrymes lyknesse H 11236 Many tyme god hath ben mette $amonge nedy peple H 11237 There neuere segge hym seigh $in secte of the riche H 11238 Seynt Iohan and other seyntes $were seyne in pore clothynge H 11239 And as pore pilgrymes $preyed mennes godis H 11240 Iesu cryste on a Iewes dou#ter aly#te $gentil woman though she were H 11241 Was a pure pore mayde $and to a pore man wedded H 11242 Martha on Marye Magdeleyne $an huge pleynte she made H 11243 And to owre saueour self $seyde thise wordes Domine non est tibi cure quod soror mea reliquit me solam ministrare &c. H 11244 And hastiliche god answered $and eytheres wille folwed H 11245 Bothe Marthaes and Maries $as Mathew bereth witnesse H 11246 Ac pouerte god put bifore $and preysed it the bettre Maria optimam partem elegit que non auferetur ab ea H 11247 And alle the wyse that euere were $by au#te I can espye H 11248 Preysen pouerte for best lyf $if pacience it folwe H 11249 And both bettere and blisseder $by many folde than ricchesse H 11250 Al though it be soure to suffre $there cometh swete after H 11251 As on a walnot with-oute $is a bitter barke H 11252 And after that bitter barke $be the shelle aweye H 11253 Is a kirnelle of conforte $kynde to restore H 11254 So is after pouerte of penaunce $pacientlyche ytake H 11255 For it maketh a man to haue mynde in god $and a grete wille H 11256 To wepe and to wel bydde $wher-of wexeth mercy H 11257 Of which Cryst is a kirnelle $to conforte the soule H 11258 And wel sykerer he slepyth $the segge that is pore H 11259 And lasse he dredeth deth $and in derke to be robbed H 11260 Than he that is ri#te ryche $resoun bereth wytnesse Pauper ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris H 11261 Al though Salamon seide $as folke seeth in the bible Diuicias nec paupertates &c. H 11262 Wyser than Salamon was $bereth witnesse and tau#te H 11263 That parfyte pouert was $no possessioun to haue H 11264 And lyf moste lykynge to god $as Luke bereth witnesse Si vis perfectus esse vade & vende &c. H 11265 And is to mene to men $that on this molde lyuen H 11266 Who so wil be pure parfyt $mote possessioun forsake H 11267 Or selle it as seith the boke $and the syluer dele H 11268 To beggeres that gone and begge $and bidden good for goddes loue H 11269 For failled neuere man mete $that my#tful god serued Non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius querens panem H 11270 As Dauid seith in the sauter $to suche that ben in wille H 11272 To serue god godeliche $ne greueth hym no penaunce Nichil inpossibile volenti H 11273 Ne lakketh neuere lyflode $lynnen ne wollen Inquirentes autem dominum non minuentur omni bono H 11274 If prestes weren parfyt $thei wolde no syluer take H 11275 For masses ne for matynes $nou#te her mete of vsureres H 11276 Ne neither kirtel ne cote $theigh they for colde shulde deye H 11277 And thei her deuoir dede $as Dauid seith in the sauter Iudica me deus et discerne causam meam H 11278 Spera-in-deo speketh of prestes $that haue no spendyng-syluer H 11279 That #if thei trauaille trewlich $and trusten in god almi#ti H 11280 Hem shulde lakke no lyflode $noyther wollen ne lynnen H 11281 And the title that #e take ordres by $telleth #e ben auaunced H 11282 Thanne nedeth nou#te #ow to take syluer $for masses that #e syngen H 11283 For he that toke #ow #owre tytle $shulde take #ow #owre wages H 11284 Or the bisshop that blesseth #ow $if that #e ben worthy H 11285 For made neuere kynge no kny#te $but he hadde catel to spende H 11286 As bifel for a kni#te $or fonde hym for his strengthe H 11287 It is a careful kny#te $and of a caytyue kynges makynge H 11288 That hath no londe ne lynage riche $ne good loos of his handes H 11289 The same I segge for sothe $by alle suche prestes H 11290 That han noyther kunnynge ne kynne $but a croune one H 11291 And a tytle a tale of nou#te $to his lyflode at myschiefe H 11292 He hath more bileue as I leue $to lacche thorw his croune H 11293 Cure than for konnyng $or knowen for clene of berynge H 11294 I haue wonder for why $and wher-fore the bisshop H 11295 Maketh suche prestes $that lewed men bytrayen H 11296 A chartre is chalengeable $byfor a chief iustice H 11297 If false Latyne be in the lettre $the lawe it impugneth H 11298 Or peynted parenterlinarei $or parceles ouer-skipped H 11299 The gome that gloseth so chartres $for a goky is holden H 11300 So is it a goky by god $that in his gospel failleth H 11301 Or in masse or in matynes $maketh any defaute Qui offendit in vno in omnibus est reus etc. H 11302 And also in the sauter $seyth Dauyd to ouerskippers Psallite deo nostro psallite quoniam rex terre deus israel psallite sapienter H 11303 The bisshop shal be blamed $bifor god as I leue H 11304 That crouneth such goddes kni#tes $that conneth nou#t sapienter H 11305 Synge ne psalmes rede $ne segge a messe of the day H 11306 Ac neuer neyther is blamelees $the bisshop ne the chapleyne H 11307 For eyther is endited $and that of ignorancia H 11308 Non excusat episcopos $nec idiotes prestes H 11309 This lokynge on lewed prestes $hath don me lepe fram pouerte H 11310 The whiche I preyse there pacyence is $more parfyt than ricchesse H 11311 Ac moche more in metynge thus $with me gan one dispute H 11312 And slepynge I seigh al this $and sithen cam Kynde H 11313 And nempned me by my name $and bad me nymen hede H 11314 And thorw the wondres of this worlde $wytte for to take H 11315 And on a mountaigne that Mydelerd hy#te $as me tho thou#te H 11316 I was fette forth $by ensaumples to knowe H 11317 Thorugh eche a creature and Kynde $my creatoure to louye H 11318 I seigh the sonne and the see $and the sonde after H 11319 And where that bryddes and bestes $by here makes thei #eden H 11320 Wylde wormes in wodes $and wonderful foules H 11321 With flekked fetheres $and of fele coloures H 11322 Man and his make $I my#te bothe byholde H 11323 Pouerte and plente $bothe pees and werre H 11324 Blisse and bale $bothe I seigh at ones H 11325 And how men token mede $and mercy refused H 11326 Resoune I seighe sothly $suen alle bestes H 11327 In etynge in drynkynge $and in engendrynge of kynde H 11328 And after course of concepcioun $none toke kepe of other H 11329 As whan thei hadde ryde in rotey-tyme $anon ri#te ther-after H 11330 Males drowen hem to males $a mornynges bi hem-self H 11331 And in euenynges also $#ede males fro femeles H 11332 There ne was cow ne cowkynde $that conceyued hadde H 11333 That wolde belwe after boles $ne bore after sowe H 11334 Bothe horse and houndes #and alle other bestes H 11335 Medled nou#te wyth here makes $that with fole were H 11336 Briddes I bihelde $that in buskes made nestes H 11337 Hadde neuere wye witte $to worche the leest H 11338 I hadde wonder at whom $and where the pye lerned H 11339 To legge the stykkes $in whiche she leyeth and bredeth H 11340 There nys wri#te as I wene $shulde worche hir neste to paye H 11341 If any masoun made a molde ther-to $moche wonder it were H 11342 And #et me merueilled more $how many other briddes H 11343 Hudden and hileden $her egges ful derne H 11344 In mareys and mores $for men sholde hem nou#t fynde H 11345 And hudden here egges $whan thei there-fro wente H 11346 For fere of other foules $and for wylde bestis H 11347 And some troden her makes $and on trees bredden H 11348 And brou#ten forth her bryddes so $al aboue the grounde H 11349 And some bryddes at the bille $thorwgh brethynge conceyued H 11350 An some kauked I toke kepe $how pekokes bredden H 11351 Moche merueilled me $what maister thei hadde H 11352 And who tau#te hem on trees $to tymbre so heighe H 11353 There noither buirn ne beste $may her briddes rechen H 11354 And sythen I loked vpon the see $and so forth vpon the sterres H 11355 Many selcouthes I seygh $ben nought to seye nouthe H 11356 I seigh floures in the fritthe $and her faire coloures H 11357 And how amonge the grene grasse $grewe so many hewes H 11358 And somme soure and some swete $selcouthe me thou#te H 11359 Of her kynde and her coloure $to carpe it were to longe H 11360 Ac that moste moueued me $and my mode chaunged H 11361 That Resoun rewarded $and reuled alle bestes H 11362 Saue man and his make $many tyme and ofte H 11363 No resoun hem folwed $and thanne I rebuked H 11364 Resoun and ri#te $til hym-seluen I seyde H 11365 I haue wonder of the quod I $that witty art holden H 11366 Why thow ne suwest man and his make $that no mysfait hem folwe H 11367 And Resoun arated me $and seyde recche the neuere H 11368 Whi I suffre or nou#t suffre $thi-self hast nou#t to done H 11369 Amende thow it if thow my#te $for my tyme is to abyde H 11370 Suffraunce is a souereygne vertue $and a swyfte veniaunce H 11371 Who suffreth more than god quod he $no gome as I leue H 11372 He mi#te amende in a minute-while $al that mys standeth H 11373 Ac he suffreth for somme mannes good $and so is owre bettre H 11374 Holy writ quod that weye $wisseth men to suffre Propter deum subiecti estote omni creature H 11375 Frenche men and fre men $affeyteth thus her childerne H 11376 Bele vertue est soffrance $mal dire est petyt veniance H 11377 Bien dire et bien soffrir $fait lui soffrant a bien venir H 11378 For-thi I rede quod Reson $rewle thi tonge bettere H 11379 And ar thow lakke eny lyf $loke if thow be to preyse H 11380 For is no creature vnder Criste $can formen hym- seluen H 11381 And if a man mi#te make $hym-self goed to the poeple H 11382 Vch a lif wold be lakeles $leue thow non other H 11383 Ne thow schalt fynde but fewe $fayne for to here H 11384 Of here defautes foule $by-for hem rehersed H 11385 The wyse and the witty $wrote thus in the bible De re que te non molestat noli certari H 11386 For be a man faire or foule $it falleth nou#te for to lakke H 11387 The shappe ne the shafte $that god shope hym-selue H 11388 For al that he did was wel ydo $as holywrit witnesseth Et vidit deus cuncta que fecerat et erant valde bona H 11389 And badde euery creature $in his kynde encrees H 11390 Al to murthe with man $that most woo tholye H 11391 In fondynge of the flesshe $and of the fende bothe H 11392 For man was made of suche a matere $ha may nou#t wel astert H 11393 That ne some tymes hym bitit $to folwen his kynde H 11394 Catoun acourdeth there-with $nemo sine crimine viuit H 11395 Tho cau#te I couloure anon $and comsed to ben aschamed H 11396 And awaked ther-with $wo was me thanne H 11397 That I in meteles ne my#te $more haue ynknowen H 11398 And thanne seyde I to my-self $and chidde that tyme H 11399 Now I wote what Dowel is quod I $by dere god as me thinketh H 11400 And as I caste vp myn eyghen $one loked on me and axed H 11401 Of me what thinge it were $ywisse sire I seide H 11402 To se moche and suffre more $certes quod I is Dowel H 11403 Haddestow suffred he seyde $slepyng tho thow were H 11404 Thow sholdest haue knowen that Clergye can $and conceiued more thorugh Resoun H 11405 For Resoun wolde haue reherced the $ri#te as Clergye saide H 11406 Ac for thine entermetyng $here artow forsake Philosophus esses si tacuisses H 11407 Adam while he spak nou#t $had paradys at wille H 11408 Ac whan he mameled aobute mete $and entermeted to knowe H 11409 The wisdom and the witte of god $he was put fram blisse H 11410 And ri#t so ferde Resoun bi the $thow with rude speche H 11411 Lakkedest and losedest thinge $that longed nou#t to be done H 11412 Tho hadde he no lykynge $forto lere the more H 11413 Pruide now and presumpcioun $per-auenture wole the appele H 11414 That Clergye thi compaignye $ne kepeth nou#t to sue H 11415 Shal neuere chalangynge ne chydynge $chaste a man so sone H 11416 As shal Shame and shenden hym $and shape hym to amende H 11417 For lat a dronken daffe $in a dyke falle H 11418 Late hym ligge loke nou#te on hym $til hym lest to ryse H 11419 For though Resoun rebuked hym thanne $reccheth he neuere H 11420 Of clergie ne of his conseil $he counteth nou#t a rusche H 11421 To blame or for to bete hym thanne $it were but pure synne H 11422 Ac whan Nede nymeth hym vp $for doute lest he sterue H 11423 And Shame shrapeth his clothes $and his shynes wassheth H 11424 Thanne wote the dronken daffe $wherfore he is to blame H 11425 #e seggen soth quod I $ich haue yseyne it ofte H 11426 There smit no thinge so smerte $ne smelleth so soure H 11427 As Shame there he sheweth him $for euery man hym shonyeth H 11428 Why #e wisse me thus quod I $was for I rebuked Resoun H 11429 Certes quod he that is soth $and shope hym for to walken H 11430 And I aros vp ri#t with that $and folwed hym after H 11431 And preyed hym of his curteisye $to telle me his name H 12001 I am Ymagynatyf quod he $idel was I neuere H 12002 Thou#e I sitte bi my-self $in sikenesse ne in helthe H 12003 I haue folwed the in feithe $this fyue and fourty wyntre H 12004 And many tymes haue moeued the $to thinke on thine ende H 12005 And how fele fern#eres are faren $and so fewe to come H 12006 And of thi wylde wantounesse $tho thow #onge were H 12007 To amende it in thi myddel age $lest mi#te the faylled H 12008 In thyne olde elde $that yuel can suffre H 12009 Pouerte or penaunce $or preyeres bidde Si non in prima vigilia nec in secunda etc. H 12010 Amende the while thow my#te $thow hast ben warned ofte H 12011 With poustees of pestilences $with pouerte and with angres H 12012 And with thise bitter baleyses $god beteth his dere childeren Quem diligo castigo H 12013 And Dauid in the sauter seith $of suche that loueth Iesus Virga tua et baculus tuus ipsa me consolata sunt &c. H 12014 Al-though thow stryke me with thi staffe $with stikke or with #erde H 12015 It is but murth for me $to amende my soule H 12016 And thow medlest the with makynges $and my#test go sey thi sauter H 12017 And bidde for hem that #iueth the bred $for there ar bokes ynowe H 12018 To telle men what Dowel is $Dobet and Dobet bothe H 12019 And prechoures to preue what it is $of many a peyre freres H 12020 I seigh wel he sayde me soth $and somwhat me to excuse H 12021 Seide Catoun conforted his sone $that clerke though he were H 12022 To solacen hym sum tyme $as I do whan I make H 12023 Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis etc. H 12024 And of holy men I herde quod I $how thei other-while H 12025 Pleyden the parfiter to be $in many places H 12026 Ac if thre were any wight $that wolde me telle H 12027 What were Dowel and Dobet $and Dobest atte laste H 12028 Wolde I neuere do werke $but wende to holicherche H 12029 And there bydde my bedes $but whan ich eet or slepe H 12030 Poule in his pistle quod he $preueth what is dowel Fides spes caritas et maior horum etc. H 12031 Feith hope and charitee $and alle ben good H 12032 And sauen men sundry tymes $ac none so sone as charite H 12033 For he doth wel with-oute doute $that doth as lewte techeth H 12034 That is if thow be man maried $thi make thow louye H 12035 And lyue forth as lawe wole $while #e lyuen bothe H 12036 Ri#t so if thow be religious $renne thow neuere ferther H 12037 To Rome ne to Rochemadore $but as thi reule techeth H 12038 And holde the vnder obedyence $that heigh wey is to heuene H 12039 And if thow be mayden to marye $and mi#te wel contynue H 12040 Seke thow neuere seynt forther $for no soule helthe H 12041 For what made Lucyfer $to lese the heigh heuene H 12042 Or Salamon his sapience $or Sampson his strengthe H 12043 Iob the Iewe his ioye $dere he it abou#te H 12044 Arestotle and other mo $Ypocras & Virgyle H 12045 Alisaundre that al wan $elengelich ended H 12046 Catel and kynde witte $was combraunce to hem alle H 12047 Felyce hir fayrnesse $fel hir al to sklaundre H 12048 And Rosamounde ri#t so $reufully bysette H 12049 The bewte of hir body $in badnesse she dispended H 12050 Of many suche I may rede $of men and of wommen H 12051 That wyse wordes wolde shewe $and worche the contrarye H 12052 Sunt homines nequam bene de virtute loquentes H 12053 And riche renkes ri#t so $gaderen and sparen H 12054 And tho men that thei moste haten $mynistren it atte laste H 12055 And for thei suffren & se $so many nedy folkes H 12056 And loue hem nou#t as owre lorde byt $lesen her soules Date et dabitur vobis etc. H 12057 So catel and kende wit $acombreth ful many H 12058 Wo is hym that hem weldeth $but if he hem wel despende Scientes et non facientes varijs flagellis vapulabunt H 12059 Sapience seith the boke $swelleth a mannes soule Sapiencia inflat etc. H 12060 And ricchesse ri#t so $but if the rote be trewe H 12061 Ac grace is a grasse ther-of $tho greuaunces to abate H 12062 Ac grace ne groweth nou#te $but amonges lowe H 12063 Pacience and pouerte $the place is there it groweth H 12064 And in lele-lyuynge men $and in lyf-holy H 12065 And thorugh the gyfte of the holygoste $as the gospel telleth Spiritus vbi vult spirat etc. H 12066 Clergye and Kynde Witte $comth of si#te and techynge H 12067 As the boke bereth witnesse $to buirnes that can rede Quod scimus loquimur quod vidimus testamur H 12068 Of quod scimus cometh clergye $and connynge of heuene H 12069 And of quod vidimus cometh kynde witte $of si#te of dyuerse peple H 12070 Ac grace is a gyfte of god $and of gret loue spryngeth H 12071 Knewe neuere clerke how it cometh forth $ne kynde witte the weyes Nescit aliquis vnde venit aut quo vadit etc. H 12072 Ac #it is clergye to comende $and kynde witte bothe H 12073 And namely clergye for Crystes loue $that of clergye is rote H 12074 For Moyses witnesseth that god wrote $for to wisse the peple H 12075 In the olde lawe as the lettre telleth $that was the lawe of Iewes H 12076 That what woman were in auoutrie taken $were she riche or pore H 12077 With stones men shulde hir stryke $and stone hir to deth H 12078 A womman as we fynden $was gulty of that dede H 12079 Ac cryste of his curteisye $thorw clergye hir saued H 12080 For thorw carectus that Cryst wrot $the Iewes knewe hemseluen H 12081 Gultier as afor god $and gretter in synne H 12082 Than the woman that there was $and wenten awey for schame H 12083 The clergye that there was $conforted the womman H 12084 Holykirke knoweth this $that Crystes writyng saued H 12085 So clergye is conforte $to creatures that repenten H 12086 And to mansed men $myschief at her ende H 12087 For goddes body my#te nou#te be $of bred withouten clergye H 12088 The which body is bothe $bote to the ri#tful H 12089 And deth and dampnacioun $to hem that dyeth yuel H 12090 As Crystes carecte conforted and bothe $coupable shewed H 12091 The womman that the Iewes brou#te $that Iesus thou#te to saue Nolite iudicare et non iudicabimini etc. H 12092 Ri#t so goddes body bretheren $but it be worthily taken H 12093 Dampneth vs atte daye of dome $as the carectes dede the iewes H 12094 For-thi I conseille the for Cristes sake $Clergye that thow louye H 12095 For Kynde Witte is of his kyn $and neighe cosynes bothe H 12096 To owre lorde leue me $for-thi loue hem I rede H 12097 For bothe ben as miroures $to amenden owre defautes H 12098 And lederes for lewed men $and for lettred bothe H 12099 For-thi lakke thow neuere logyke $lawe ne his custumes H 12100 Ne countreplede clerkes $I conseille the for eure H 12101 For as a man may nou#t se $that mysseth his eyghen H 12102 Namore can no klerke $but if he cau#t it first thorugh bokes H 12103 Al-though men made bokes $god was the maistre H 12104 And seynt spirit the saumplarye $and seide what men sholde write H 12105 And ri#t as sy#te serueth a man $to se the heighe strete H 12106 Ri#t so ledeth letterure $lewed men to resoun H 12107 And as a blynde man in bataille $bereth wepne to fi#te H 12108 And hath none happ with his axe $his enemye to hitte H 12109 Namore kan a kynde-witted man $but clerkes hym teche H 12110 Come for al his kynde witte $to Crystendome and be saued H 12111 Whiche is the coffre of Crystes tresore $and clerkes kepe the keyes H 12112 To vnlouken it at her lykynge $and to the lewed peple H 12113 #yue mercy for her mysdedes $if men it wole aske H 12114 Buxomelich and benygneliche $and bidden it of grace H 12115 Archa-dei in the olde lawe $Leuites it kepten H 12116 Hadde neuere lewed man leue $to leggen honde on that chest H 12117 But he were preste or prestes sone $patriarke or prophete H 12118 Saul for he sacrifised $sorwe hym be-tydde H 12119 And his sones al-so $for that synne myscheued H 12120 And many mo other men $that were no Leuites H 12121 That with archa-dei #eden $in reuerence and in worchippe H 12122 And leyden honde ther-on to liften it vp $and loren hir lif after H 12123 For-thi I conseil alle creatures $no clergie to dispise H 12124 Ne sette schort be here science $what so thei don hemselue H 12125 Take we her wordes at worthe $for here witnesse be trewe H 12126 And medle we nau#t muche with hem $to meuen any wrathe H 12127 Lest cheste chafen vs $to choppe vche man other Nolite tangere christos meos etc. H 12128 For Clergye is kepere $vnder Cryst of heuene H 12129 Was there neuere no kny#te $but Clergye hym made H 12130 Ac Kynde Witte cometh $of alkynnes si#tes H 12131 Of bryddes and of bestes $of tastes of treuthe and of deceytes H 12132 Lyueres to-forn vs $vseden to marke H 12133 The selkouthes that thei seighen $her sones for to teche H 12134 And helden it an heighe science $her wittes to knowe H 12135 Ac thorugh her science sothely $was neuere no soule ysaued H 12136 Ne brou#te by her bokes $to blisse ne to ioye H 12137 For alle her kynde knowynges $come but of dyuerse sightes H 12138 Patriarkes and prophetes $repreued her science H 12139 And seiden her wordes ne her wisdomes $was but a folye H 12140 As to the clergye of Cryst $counted it but a trufle Sapiencia huius mundi stulticia est apud deum H 12141 For the heihe holigoste $heuene shal to-cleue H 12142 And loue shal lepe out after $in-to this lowe erthe H 12143 And clennesse shal cacchen it $and clerkes shullen it fynde Pastores loquebantur ad inuicem H 12144 He speketh there of riche men ri#t nou#t $ne of ri#t witty H 12145 Ne of lordes that were lewed men $but of the hexte lettred oute Ibant magi ab oriente etc. H 12146 If any frere were founde there $ich #if the fyue shillynges H 12147 Ne in none beggares cote $was that barne borne H 12148 But in a burgeys place $of Bethlem the best Set non erat locus cis in diuersorio et pauper non habet diuersorium H 12149 To pastours and to poetes $appiered that aungel H 12150 And bad hem go to Bethlem $godis burth to honoure H 12151 And songe a songe of solas $gloria in excelsis deo H 12152 Riche men rutte tho $and in here reste were H 12153 Tho it schon to the schepherdes $a schewer of blisse H 12154 Clerkes knewe it wel $and comen with here presentz H 12155 And deden her homage honourablely $to hym that was almy#ty H 12156 Why I haue tolde the al this $I toke ful gode hede H 12157 How thow contraryedest Clergye $with crabbed wordes H 12158 How that lewed men li#tloker $than lettred were saued H 12159 Than clerkes or kynde-witted men $of Crystene peple H 12160 And thow seidest soth of somme $ac se in what manere H 12161 Take two stronge men $and in Themese caste hem H 12162 And bothe naked as a nedle $her none sykerer than other H 12163 That one hath connynge $and can swymmen and dyuen H 12164 That other is lewed of that laboure $lerned neuere swymme H 12165 Which trowestow of tho two $in Themese is in moste drede H 12166 He that neuere ne dyued $ne nou#t can of swymmynge H 12167 Or the swymmere that is sauf $bi so hym-self lyke H 12168 There his felaw flet forth $as the flode lyketh H 12169 And is in drede to drenche $that neuere dede swymme H 12170 That swymme can nou#t I seide $it seemeth to my wittes H 12171 Ri#t so quod the renke $resoun it sheweth H 12172 That he that knoweth clergye $can sonner aryse H 12173 Out of synne and be sauf $though he synne ofte H 12174 If hym lyketh and lest $than any lewed lelly H 12175 For if the clerke be konnynge $he knoweth what is synne H 12176 And how contricioun with-oute confessioun $conforteth the soule H 12177 As thow seest in the sauter $in psalme one or tweyne H 12178 How contricioun is commended $for it caccheth awey synne Beati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates et quorum tecta sunt peccata etc. H 12179 And this conforteth vch a clerke $and keuereth hym fram wanhope H 12180 In which flode the fende $fondeth a man hardest H 12181 There the lewed lith stille $and loketh after lente H 12182 And hath no contricioun ar he come to shryfte $and thanne can he litel telle H 12183 And as his lores-man leres hym $bileueth and troweth H 12184 And that is after person or parisch prest $and parauenture bothe H 12185 Vnconnynge to lere lewed men $as Luk bereth witnesse Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt H 12186 Wo was hym marked $that wade mote with the lewed H 12187 Wel may the barne blisse $that hym to boke sette H 12188 That lyuynge after letterure $saued hym lyf and soule H 12189 Dominus pars hereditatis mee $is a meri verset H 12190 That has take fro Tybourne $twenti stronge theues H 12191 There lewed theues ben lolled vp $loke how thei be saued H 12192 The thef that had grace of god $on Gode Fryday as thow speke H 12193 Was for he #elte hym creaunt to Cryst on the crosse $and knewleched hym gulty H 12194 And grace axed of god $that to graunten it is redy H 12195 To hem that boxomeliche biddeth it $and ben in wille to amenden hem H 12196 Ac though that thef had heuene $he hadde none heigh blisse H 12197 As seynt Iohan and other seyntes $that asserued hadde bettere H 12198 Ri#t as sum man #eue me mete $and sette me amydde the flore H 12199 Ich haue mete more than ynough $ac nou#t so moche worship H 12200 As tho that seten atte syde-table $or with the souereignes of the halle H 12201 But sitte as a begger bordelees $bi my-self on the grounde H 12202 So it fareth bi that feloun $that a Gode Fryday was saued H 12203 He sit neither with seynt Iohan $Symonde ne Iude H 12204 Ne wyth maydenes ne with martires $confessoures ne wydwes H 12205 But by hym-self as a soleyne $and serued on the erthe H 12206 For he that is ones a thef $is euermore in daungere H 12207 And as lawe lyketh $to lyue or to deye De peccato propiciato noli esse sine metu H 12208 And forto seruen a seynt $and such a thef togyderes H 12209 It were noyther resoun ne ri#t $to rewarde hem bothe aliche H 12210 And ri#t as Troianus the trewe kny#t $tilde nou#t depe in helle H 12211 That owre lorde ne had hym li#tlich oute $so leue I the thef be in heuene H 12212 For he is in the lowest of heuene $if owre bileue be trewe H 12213 And wel loselyche he lolleth there $by the lawe of holy-cherche Quia reddit vnicuique iuxta oper sua etc. H 12214 And why that one thef on the crosse $creaunt hym #elt H 12215 Rather than that other thef $though thow wolde appose H 12216 Alle the clerkes vnder Cryst $ne couthe the skil assoille Quare placuit quia voluit H 12217 And so I sey by the $that sekest after the whyes H 12218 And aresonedest Resoun $a rebukyng as it were H 12219 And of the floures in the fryth $and of her feire hewes H 12220 Where-of thei cacche her coloures $so clere and so bri#te H 12221 And willest of briddes and of bestes $and of hire bredyng to knowe H 12222 Why somme be alowe and somme alofte $thi lykyng it were H 12223 And of the stones and of the sterres $thow studyest as I leue H 12224 How euere beste or brydde $hath so breme wittes H 12225 Clergye ne kynde witte $ne knewe neuere the cause H 12226 Ac Kynde knoweth the cause hym-selue $and no creature elles H 12227 He is the pyes patroun $and putteth it in hire ere H 12228 That there the thorne is thikkest $to buylden and brede H 12229 And Kynde kenned the pecok $to cauken in swich a kynde H 12230 And kenned Adam $to knowe his pryue membres H 12231 And tau#te hym and Eue $to hylien hem with leues H 12232 Lewed men many tymes $maistres thei apposen H 12233 Why Adam ne hiled nou#te firste $his mouth that eet the apple H 12234 Rather than his lykam a-low $lewed axen thus clerkes H 12235 Kynde knoweth whi he dede so $ac no clerke elles H 12236 Ac of briddes and of bestes $men by olde tyme H 12237 Ensamples token and termes $as telleth this poetes H 12238 And that the fairest foule $foulest engendreth H 12239 And feblest foule of flyght is $that fleegheth or swymmeth H 12240 And that is the pekok and the pohenne $proude riche men thei bitokneth H 12241 For the pekok and men pursue hym $may nou#te fleighe heighe H 12242 For the traillyng of his taille $ouertaken is he sone H 12243 And his flesshe is foule flesshe $and his feet bothe H 12244 And unloelich of ledene $and laith for to here H 12245 Ri#t so the riche $if he his ricchesse kepe H 12246 And deleth it nou#t tyl his deth-day $the taille of al sorwe H 12247 Ri#t as the pennes of the pecok $peyneth hym in his fli#te H 12248 So is possessioun payne $of pens and of nobles H 12249 To alle hem that it holdeth $til her taille be plukked H 12250 And though the riche repente thanne $and birewe the tyme H 12251 That euere he gadered so grete $and gaf there of so litel H 12252 Though he crye to Cryst thanne $with kene wille I leue H 12253 His ledne be in owre lordes ere $lyke a pyes chiteryng H 12254 And whan his caroigne shal come $in caue to be buryed H 12255 I leue it flaumbe ful foule $the folde al aboute H 12256 And alle the other ther it lyth $enuenymeth thorgh his attere H 12257 By the po feet is vnderstonde $as I haue lerned in Auynete H 12258 Excecutoures fals frendes $that fulfille nou#t his wille H 12259 That was writen and thei witnesse $to worche ri#t as it wolde H 12260 Thus the poete preues that the pecok $for his fetheres is reuerenced H 12261 Ri#t so is the riche $bi resoun of his godis H 12262 The larke that is a lasse foule $is more louelich of ledne H 12263 And wel awey of wenge $swifter than the pecok H 12264 And of flesch by fele folde $fatter and swetter H 12265 To lowe-lybbyng men $the larke is resembled H 12266 Arestotle the grete clerke $suche tales he telleth H 12267 Thus he lykneth in his logyk $the leste foule oute H 12268 And where he be sauf or nou#t sauf $the sothe wote no clergye H 12269 Ne of Sortes ne of Salamon $no scripture can telle H 12270 Ac god is so good I hope $that sitth he gaf hem wittis H 12271 To wissen vs weyes there-with $that wissen vs to be saued H 12272 And the better for her bokes $to bidden we ben holden H 12273 That god for his grace $gyue her soules reste H 12274 For lettred men were lewed men #ut $ne were lore of her bokes H 12275 Alle thise clerkes quod I tho $that on Cryst leuen H 12276 Seggen in her sarmones $that noyther Sarasenes ne Iewes H 12277 Ne no creature of Cristes lyknesse $with-outen Crystendome worth saued H 12278 Contra quod Ymagynatyf tho $and comsed for to loure And seyde saluabitur vix iustus in die iudicij H 12279 Ergo saluabitur quod he $and seyde namore Latyne H 12280 Troianus was a trewe kny#te $and toke neuere Cristendome H 12281 And he is sauf so seith the boke $and his soule in heuene H 12282 For there is fullyng of fonte $and fullyng in blode- shedynge H 12283 And thorugh fuire is fullyng $and that is ferme bileue Aduenit ignis diuinus non comburens sed illuminans etc. H 12284 Ac trewth that trespassed neuere $ne transuersed a#eines his lawe H 12285 But lyueth as his lawe techeth $and leueth there be no bettere H 12286 And if there were he wolde amende $and in suche wille deyeth H 12287 Ne wolde neuere trewe god $but treuth were allowed H 12288 And where it worth or worth nou#t $the bileue is grete of treuth H 12289 And an hope hangyng ther-inne $to haue a mede for his treuthe For Deus dicitur quasi dans vitam eternam suis hoc est fidelibus et alibi si ambulauero in medio umbre mortis etc. H 12290 The glose graunteth vpon that vers $a gret mede to treuthe H 12291 And witt and wisdome quod that wye $was somne tyme tresore H 12292 To kepe with a comune $no katel was holde bettere H 12293 And moche murth and manhod $and ri#t with that he vanesched H 13001 And I awaked there-with $witles nerehande H 13002 And as a freke that fre were $forth gan I walke H 13003 In manere of a mendynaunt $many a #ere after H 13004 And of this metyng many tyme $moche thou#t I hadde H 13005 First how Fortune me failled $at my moste nede H 13006 And how that Elde manaced me $my#t we euere meten H 13007 And how that freris folwed $folke that was riche H 13008 And folke that was pore $at litel prys thei sette H 13009 And no corps in her kirke#erde $ne in her kyrke was buryed H 13010 But quikke he biquethe hem au#te $or shulde helpe quyte her dettes H 13011 And how this coueitise ouercome $clerkes and prestes H 13012 And how that lewed men ben ladde $but owre lorde hem helpe H 13013 Thorugh vnkonnynge curatoures $to incurable peynes H 13014 And how that Ymagynatyf $in dremeles me tolde H 13015 Of Kynde and of his connynge $and how curteise he is to bestes H 13016 And how louynge he is to bestes $on londe and on water H 13017 Leueth he no lyf $lasse ne more H 13018 The creatures that crepen $of Kynde ben engendred H 13019 And sitthen how Ymagynatif seyde $vix iustus saluabitur H 13020 And whan he had seyde so $how sodeynelich he passed H 13021 I lay down longe in this thou#te $and atte laste I slepte H 13022 And as Cryste wolde there come Conscience $to conforte me that tyme H 13023 And bad me come to his courte $with Clergye sholde I dyne H 13024 And for Conscience of Clergye spake $I come wel with the rather H 13025 And there I say a maistre $what man he was I neste H 13026 That lowe louted $and loueliche to Scripture H 13027 Conscience knewe hym wel $and welcomed hym faire H 13028 Thei wesshen and wypeden $and wenten to the dyner H 13029 Ac Pacience in the paleis stode $in pilgrymes clothes H 13030 And preyde mete for charite $for a pore heremyte H 13031 Conscience called hym in $and curteisliche seide H 13032 Welcome wye go and wasshe $thow shalt sitte sone H 13033 This maister was made sitte $as for the moste worthy H 13034 And thanne Clergye and Conscience $and Pacience cam after H 13035 Pacience and I $were put to be macches H 13036 And seten by owre selue $at a syde-borde H 13037 Conscience called after mete $and thanne cam Scripture H 13038 And serued hem thus sone $of sondry metes manye H 13039 Of Austyn of Ambrose $of alle the foure euangelistes Edentes & bibentes que apud eos sunt H 13040 Ac this maister ne his man $no manere flesshe eten H 13041 Ac thei ete mete of more coste $mortrewes and potages H 13042 Of that men mys-wonne $thei made hem wel at ese H 13043 Ac her sauce was ouer-soure $& vnsauourely grounde H 13044 In a morter post-mortem $of many bitter peyne H 13045 But if thei synge for tho soules $and wepe salt teres Vos qui peccata hominum comeditis nisi pro eis lacrimas et orationes effunderitis ea que in delicijs comeditis in tormentis euometis H 13046 Conscience ful curteisly tho $comaunded Scripture H 13047 Bifor Pacience bred to brynge $and me that was his macche H 13048 He sette a soure lof to-for vs $and seyde agite penitenciam H 13049 And sith he drough vs drynke $diu-perseuerans H 13050 As longe quod I as I lyue $and lycame may dure H 13051 Here is propre seruice quod Pacience $ther fareth no prynce bettere H 13052 And thanne he brou#t vs forth a mees of other mete $of Miserere-mei-deus H 13053 And he brou#te vs of Beati-quorum $of Beatus-virres makynge H 13054 Et-quorum-tecta-suni- $peccata in a disshe H 13055 Of derne shrifte Dixi $and confitebor tibi H 13056 Brynge Pacience some pitaunce $pryueliche quod Conscience H 13057 And thanne had Pacience a pitaunce $pro-hac-orabit- ad-te-omnis-sanctus-in-tempore-oportuno H 13058 And Conscience ocnforted vs $and carped vs mery tales Cor contritum et humiliatum deus non despicies H 13059 Pacience was proude $of that propre seruice H 13060 And made hym muirth with his mete $ac I morned euere H 13061 For this doctoure on the heigh dese $dranke wyn so faste Ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinum H 13062 He eet many sondry metes $mortrewes and puddynges H 13063 Wombe-cloutes and wylde braune $& egges yfryed with grece H 13064 Thanne seide I to my-self $so Pacience it herde H 13065 It is nou#t foure dayes that this freke $bifor the den of Poules H 13066 Preched of penaunces $that Poule the apostle suffred H 13067 In fame & frigore $and flappes of scourges Ter cesus sum et a iudeis quinquies quadragenas &c. H 13068 Ac o worde thei ouerhuppen $at ech a tyme that thei preche H 13069 That Poule in his pistel $to al the peple tolde Periculum est in falsis fratribus H 13070 Holywrit bit men be war $I wil nou#t write it here H 13071 On Englisch an auenture $it sholde be reherced to ofte H 13072 And greue there-with that good men ben $ac gramarienes shul rede Vnusquisque a fratre se custodiat quia vt dicitur periculum est in falsis fratribus H 13073 Ac I wist neuere freke that as a frere #ede $bifor men on Englisshe H 13074 Taken it for her teme $and telle it with-outen glosynge H 13075 Thei prechen that penaunce $is profitable to the soule H 13076 And what myschief and malese $Cryst for man tholed H 13077 Ac this goddes gloton quod I $with his gret chekes H 13078 Hath no pyte on vs pore $he perforneth yuel H 13079 That he precheth he preueth nou#t $to Pacience I tolde H 13080 And wisshed witterly $with wille ful egre H 13081 That disshes and dobleres $bifor this ilke doctour H 13082 Were molten led in his maw $and Mahoun amyddes H 13083 I shal Iangle to this Iurdan $with his Iust wombe H 13084 To telle me what penaunce is $of which he preched rather H 13085 Pacience perceyued what I thou#t $and wynked on me to be stille H 13086 And seyde thow shalt se thus sone $whan he may no more H 13087 He shal haue a penaunce in his paunche $and puffe at ech a worde H 13088 And thanne shullen his guttis godele $and he shal galpen after H 13089 For now he hath dronken so depe $he wil deuyne sone H 13090 And preuen it by her Pocalips $and passioun of seynt Auereys H 13091 That neither bacoun ne braune $blancmangere ne mortrewes H 13092 Is noither fisshe ne flesshe $but fode for a penaunte H 13093 And thanne shal he testifye of a trinitee $and take his felawe to witnesse H 13094 What he fonde in a frevel $after a freres lyuynge H 13095 And but if the fyrst lyne be lesyng $leue me neuere after H 13096 And thanne is tyme to take $and to appose this doctoure H 13097 Of Dowel and of Dobet $and if Dobest be any penaunce H 13098 And I sete stille as Pacience seyde $and thus sone this doctour H 13099 As rody as a rose $rubbed his chekes H 13100 Coughed and carped $and Conscience hym herde H 13101 And tolde hym of a trinite $and toward vs he loked H 13102 What is Dowel sire doctour quod I $is Dowel any penaunce H 13103 Dowel quod this doctour $and toke the cuppe and dranke H 13104 Do non yuel to thine euenecrystene $nou#t by thi powere H 13105 By this day sire doctour quod I $thanne be #e nou#t in Dowel H 13106 For #e han harmed vs two $in that #e eten the puddyng H 13107 Mortrewes and other mete $and we no morsel hade H 13108 And if #e fare so in #owre fermorie $ferly me thinketh H 13109 But chest be there charite shulde be $and #onge childern dorste pleyne H 13110 I wolde permute my penaunce with #owre $for I am in poynte to Dowel H 13111 Thanne Conscience curteisliche $a contenaunce he made H 13112 And preynte vpon Pacience $to preie me to be stille H 13113 And seyde him-self sire doctour $and it be #owre wille H 13114 What is Dowel and Dobet $#e deuynours knoweth H 13115 Dowel quod this doctour $do as clerkes techeth H 13116 And Dobet is he that techeth $and trauailleth to teche other H 13117 And Dobest doth hym-self so $as he seith and precheth Qui facit et docuerit magnus vocabitur in regno celorum H 13118 Now thow Clergye quod Conscience $carpest what is Dowel H 13119 I haue seuene sones he seyde $seruen in a castel H 13120 There the lorde of Lyf wonyeth $to leren hym what is Dowel H 13121 Til se tho seuene $and my-self acorden H 13122 I am vnhardy quod he $to any wy#t to preue it H 13123 For one Pieres the Ploughman $hath impugned vs alle H 13124 And sette alle sciences at a soppe $saue loue one H 13125 And no tixte ne taketh $to meyntene his cause H 13126 But dilige deum $and domine quis habitabit &c. H 13127 And seith that Dowel and Dobet $aren two infinites H 13128 Whiche infinites with a feith $fynden oute Dobest H 13129 Which shal saue mannes soule $thus seith Piers the Ploughman H 13130 I can nou#t her-on quod Conscience $ac I knowe wel Pieres H 13131 He wil nou#t a#ein holy writ speken $I dar wel vndertake H 13132 Thanne passe we ouer til Piers come $and preue this in dede H 13133 Pacience hath be in many place $and perauntre cnoweth H 13134 That no clerke ne can $as Cryst bereth witnesse Pacientes vincunt &c. H 13135 At #owre preyere quod Pacyence tho $so no man displese hym H 13136 Disce quod he doce $dilige inimicos H 13137 Disce and Dowel $doce and Dobet H 13138 Dilige and Dobest $thus tau#te me ones H 13139 A lemman that I loued $Loue was hir name H 13140 With wordes and with werkes quod she $and wille of thyne herte H 13141 Thow loue lelly thi soule $al thi lyf-tyme H 13142 And so thow lere the to louye $for the lordes loue of heuene H 13143 Thine enemye in al wyse $euene-forth with thi-selue H 13144 Cast coles on his hed $and al kynde speche H 13145 Bothe with werkes and with wordes $fonde his loue to wynne H 13146 And lay on hym thus with loue $til he laughe on the H 13147 And but he bowe for this betyng $blynde mote he worthe H 13148 Ac for to fare thus with thi frende $foly it were H 13149 For he that loueth the lelly $lyte of thyne coueiteth H 13150 Kynde loue coueiteth nou#te $no catel but spreche H 13151 With half a laumpe lyne in latyne $ex vi transicionis H 13152 I bere there-inne aboute $fast ybounde Dowel H 13153 In a signe of the Saterday $that sette firste the kalendare H 13154 And al the witte of the Wednesday $of the nexte wyke after H 13155 The myddel of the mone $is the mi#te of bothe H 13156 And here-with am I welcome $there I haue it with me H 13157 Vndo it late this doctour deme $if Dowel be therinne H 13158 For bi hym that me made $mi#te neuere pouerte H 13159 Miseise ne myschief $ne man with his tonge H 13160 Colde ne care $ne compaignye of theues H 13161 Ne noither hete ne haille $ne non helle pouke H 13162 Ne noither fuire ne flode $ne fere of thine enemy H 13163 Tene the eny tyme $and thow take it with the Caritas nichil timet H 13164 And eek haue god my soule $and thow wilt it craue H 13165 There nys neyther emperour ne emperesse $erl kynge ne baroun H 13166 Pope ne patriarch $that puyre reson ne schal make H 13167 The meyster of alle tho men $thoru# mi#t of this redeles H 13168 Nou#t thoru# wicche-craft but thoru# wit $and thow wilt thi-selue H 13169 Do kynge and quene $and alle the comune after H 13170 #yue the alle that thei may #iue $as for the best #emere H 13171 And as thou demest wil thei do $alle here dayes after Pacientes vincunt &c. H 13172 It is but a Dido quod this doctour $a dysoures tale H 13173 Al the witt of this worlde $and wi#te mennes strengthe H 13174 Can nou#t confourmen a pees $bytwene the pope and his enemys H 13175 Ne bitwene two Cristene kynges $can no wi#te pees make H 13176 Profitable to ayther peple $and put the table fro hym H 13177 And toke Clergye and Conscience $to conseille as it were H 13178 That Pacience tho moste passe $for pilgrimes kunne wel lye H 13179 Ac Conscience carped loude $and curteislich seide H 13180 Frendes fareth wel $and faire spake to Clergye H 13181 For I wil go with this gome $if god wil #iue me grace H 13182 And be pilgryme with Pacience $til I haue proued more H 13183 What quod Clergye to Conscience $ar #e coueitouse nouthe H 13184 After #eres#yues or #iftes $or #ernen to rede redeles H 13185 I shal brynge #ow a bible $a boke of the olde lawe H 13186 And lere #ow if #ow lyke $the leest poynte to knowe H 13187 That Pacience the pilgryme $perfitly knewe neuere H 13188 Nay bi Cryste quod Conscience to Clergye $god the for#elde H 13189 For al that Pacience me profreth $proude am I litel H 13190 Ac the wille of the wye $and the wille of folke here H 13191 Hath moeued my mode $to mourne for my synnes H 13192 The good wille of a wi#te $was neure bou#te to the fulle H 13193 For there nys no tresore therto $to a trewe wille H 13194 Haued nou#t Magdeleigne more $for a boxe of salue H 13195 Than Zacheus for he seide $dimidium bonorum meorum do pauperibus H 13196 And the pore widwe $for a peire of mytes H 13197 Than alle tho that offreden $in-to gazafilacium H 13198 Thus curteislich Conscience $congeyde fyrst the frere H 13199 And sithen softliche he seyde $in Clergyes ere H 13200 Me were leuer by owre lorde $and I lyue shulde H 13201 Haue pacience perfitlich $than half thy pakke of bokes H 13202 Clergye to Conscience $no congeye wolde take H 13203 But seide ful sobrelich $thow shalt se the tyme H 13204 Whan thow art wery for-walked $wilne me to consaille H 13205 That is soth seyde Conscience $so me god helpe H 13206 If Pacience be owre partyng felawe $and pryue with vs bothe H 13207 There nys wo in this worlde $that we ne shulde amende H 13208 And confourmen kynges to pees $and al kynnes londes H 13209 Sarasenes and Surre $and so forth alle the Iewes H 13210 Turne in-to the trewe feithe $and in-til one byleue H 13211 That is soth quod Clergye $I se what thow menest H 13212 I shal dwelle as I do $my deuore to shewen H 13213 And conformen fauntekynes $and other folke ylered H 13214 Tyl Pacience haue preued the $and parfite the maked H 13215 Conscience tho with Pacience passed $pilgrymes as it were H 13216 Thanne had Pacience as pylgrymes han $in his poke vittailles H 13217 Sobrete and symple-speche $and sothfaste-byleue H 13218 To conforte hym and Conscience $if they come in place H 13219 There Vnkyndenesse and Coueytise is $hungrye contrees bothe H 13220 And as thei went by the weye $of Dowel thei carped H 13221 Thei mette with a mynstral $as me tho thou#te H 13222 Pacience apposed hym fyrste $and preyed hym he sholde hem telle H 13223 To Conscience what crafte he couthe $an to what contree he wolde H 13224 I am a mynstral quod that man $my name is Actiua- vita H 13225 Alle ydel ich hatye $for of actyf is my name H 13226 A wafrere wil #e wite $and serue many lordes H 13227 And fewe robes I fonge $or furred gounes H 13228 Couthe I lye to do men laughe $thanne lacchen I shulde H 13229 Other mantel or money $amonges lordes mynstralles H 13230 Ac for I can noither tabre ne trompe $ne telle none gestes H 13231 Farten ne fythelen $at festes ne harpen H 13232 Iape ne Iogly $ne gentlych pype H 13233 Ne noyther sailly ne saute $ne synge with the gyterne H 13234 I haue none gode gyftes $of thise grete lordes H 13235 For no bred that I brynge forth $saue a beneson on the Sonday H 13236 Whan the prest preyeth the peple $her pater-noster to bidde H 13237 For Peres the Plowman $and that hym profite wayten H 13238 And that am I Actyf $that ydelnesse hatye H 13239 For alle trewe trauaillours $and tilieres of the erthe H 13240 Fro Mychelmesse to Mychelmesse $I fynde hem with wafres H 13241 Beggeres and bidderes $of my bred crauen H 13242 Faitoures and freres $and folke with brode crounes H 13243 I fynde payne for the pope $and prouendre for his palfrey H 13244 And I hadde neuere of hym $haue god my treuthe H 13245 Noither prouendre ne parsonage $#ut of the popis #ifte H 13246 Saue a pardoun with a peys of led $and two pollis amydde H 13247 Hadde iche a clerke that couthe write $I woulde caste hym a bille H 13248 That he sent me vnder his seel $a salue for the pestilence H 13249 And that his blessyng and his bulles $bocches mi#te destroye In nomine meo demonia eicient et super egros manus imponent et bene habebunt H 13250 And thanne wolde I be prest to the peple $paste for to make H 13251 And buxome and busy $aboute bred and drynke H 13252 For hym and for alle his $fonde I that his pardoun H 13253 Mi#te lechen a man $as I beleue it shulde H 13254 For sith he hath the powere $that Peter hym-self hadde H 13255 He hath the potte with the salue $sothly as me thinketh Argentum et aurum non est mihi quod autem habeo hoc tibi do in nomine domini surge et ambula H 13256 Ac if mi#te of miracle hym faille $it is for men ben nou#t worthy H 13257 To haue the grace of god $and no gylte of the pope H 13258 For may no blyssyng done vs bote $but if we wil amende H 13259 Ne mannes masse make pees $amonges Cristene peple H 13260 Tyl pruyde be purelich fordo $and thourgh payn defaute H 13261 For ar I haue bred of mele $ofte mote I swete H 13262 And ar the comune haue corne ynough $many a colde mornynge H 13263 So ar my wafres ben ywrou#t $moche wo I tholye H 13264 Alle Londoun I leue $liketh wel my wafres H 13265 And lowren whan thei lakken hem $it is nou#t longe ypassed H 13266 There was a carful comune $whan no carte come to toune H 13267 With bake bred fro Stretforth $tho gan beggeres wepe H 13268 And werkmen were agaste a litel $this wil be thou#te longe H 13269 In the date of owre dry#te $in a drye Apprile H 13270 A thousande and thre hondreth $tweis thretty and ten H 13271 My wafres there were gesen $whan Chichestre was maire H 13272 I toke gode kepe by Cryst $and Conscience bothe H 13273 Of Haukyn the actyf man $and how he was y-clothed H 13274 He hadde a cote of Crystendome $as holykirke bileueth H 13275 Ac it was moled in many places $with many sondri plottes H 13276 Of Pruyde here a plotte and there a plotte $of vnboxome speche H 13277 Of scornyng and of scoffyng $and of vnskilful berynge H 13278 As in aparaille and in porte $proude amonges the peple H 13279 Otherwyse than he hath $with herte or sy#te shewynge H 13280 Hym willynge that alle men wende $he were that he is nou#te H 13281 For-why he bosteth and braggeth $with many bolde othes H 13282 And in-obedient to ben vndernome $of any lyf lyuynge H 13283 And so syngulere by hym-self $as to sy#te of the poeple H 13284 Was none suche as hym-self $ne none so pope-holy H 13285 Y-habited as an hermyte $an ordre by hym-selue H 13286 Religioun sanz reule $and resonable obedience H 13287 Lakkyng lettred men $and lewed bothe H 13288 In lykyng of lele lyf $and a lyer in soule H 13289 With inwit and with outwitt $ymagenen and studye H 13290 As best for his body be $to haue a badde name H 13291 And entermeten hym ouer-al $ther be hath nou#t to done H 13292 Wilnyng that men wende $his witte were the best H 13293 Of for his crafty kunnynge $or of clerkes the wisest H 13294 Or strengest on stede $or styuest vnder gurdel H 13295 And louelokest to loken on $and lelest of werkes H 13296 And non so holy as he $ne of lif clennere H 13297 Or feyrest of feytures $of fourme and of schafte H 13298 And most sotyl of songe $other sleyest of hondes H 13299 And large to lene $losse there-by to cacche H 13300 And if he gyueth ou#te pore gomes $telle what he deleth H 13301 Pore of possessioun $in purse and in coffre H 13302 And as a lyon on to loke $and lordeliche of speche H 13303 Baldest of beggeres $a bostour that nou#t hath H 13304 In towne and in tauernes $tales to telle H 13305 And segge thinge that he neuere seigh $and for soth sweren it H 13306 Of dedes that he neuere dyd $demen and bosten H 13307 And of werkes that he wel dyd $witnesse seggen H 13308 Lo if #e leue me nou#t $or that I lye wenen H 13309 Axeth at hym or at hym $and he #ow can telle H 13310 What I suffred and seighe $and some tymes hadde H 13311 And what I couth and knewe $and what kynne I come of H 13312 Al he wolde that men wiste $of werkes and of wordes H 13313 Which my#te plese the peple $and praysen hymseluen Si hominibus placerem Christi seruus non essem et alibi nemo potest duobus dominis seruire H 13314 Bi Criste quod Conscience tho $thi best cote Haukyn H 13315 Hath many moles and spottes $it moste ben ywasshe H 13316 #e who so toke hede quod Haukyn $byhynde and bifore H 13317 What on bakke and what on bodyhalf $and by the two sydes H 13318 Men sholde fynde many frounces $and many foule plottes H 13319 And he torned hym as tyte $and thanne toke I hede H 13320 It was fouler by felefolde $than it firste semed H 13321 It was bidropped with Wratthe $and wikked wille H 13322 With Enuye and yuel speche $entysyng to fy#te H 13323 Lyinge and laughynge $and leue tonge to chyde H 13324 Al that he wist wykked $by any wi#te tellen it H 13325 And blame men bihynde her bakke $and bydden hem meschaunce H 13326 And that he wist bi Wille $tellen it Watte H 13327 And that Watte wiste $Wille wiste it after H 13328 And made of frendes foes $thorugh a false tonge H 13329 Or with my#te of mouthe $or thorugh a false tonge H 13330 Auenge me fele tymes $other frete my-selue H 13331 Wyth-inne as a shepster shere $i-shrewed men and cursed Cuius malediccione os plenum est et amaritudine sub lingua eius labor et dolor et alibi filij hominum dentes eorum arma et sagitte et lingua eorum gladius acutus H 13332 There is no lyf that I louye $lastyng any while H 13333 For tales that I telle $no man trusteth to me H 13334 And whan I may nou#t haue the maistrye $with malencolye I take H 13335 That I cacche the crompe $the cardiacle some tyme H 13336 Or an ague in suche an angre $and some tyme a feure H 13337 That taketh me al a twelf-moneth $tyl that I despyse H 13338 Lechecrafte of owre lorde $and leue on a wicche H 13339 And segge that no clerke ne can $ne Cryste as I leue H 13340 To the souter of Southwerke $or of Shordyche dame Emme H 13341 And segge that no goddes worde $gaf me neuere bote H 13342 But thorw a charme had I chaunce $and my chief hele H 13343 I wayted wisloker $and thanne was it soiled H 13344 With lykyng of Lecherye $as by lokyng of his eye H 13345 For vche a mayde that he mette $he made hir a signe H 13346 Semynge to-synne-ward $and some tyme he gan taste H 13347 Aboute the mouth or bynethe $bygynneth to grope H 13348 Tyl eytheres wille waxeth kene $and to the werke #eden H 13349 As wel in fastyng-days and Frydayes $and forboden ny#tes H 13350 And as wel in Lente as oute of Lente $alle tymes ylyche H 13351 Suche werkes with hem $were neuere oute of sesoun H 13352 Tyl thei my#te namore $and thanne had merye tales H 13353 And how that lechoures louyen $lau#en and iapen H 13354 And of her harlotrye and horedome $in her elde tellen H 13355 Thanne Pacience parceyued $of poyntes of his cote H 13356 Was colmy thorw Coueityse $and vnkynde desyrynge H 13357 More to good than to god $the gome his loue caste H 13358 And ymagyned how $he it my#te haue H 13359 With false mesures and mette $and with false witnesse H 13360 Lened for loue of the wedde $and loth to do treuthe H 13361 And awaited thorwgh which $wey to bigile H 13362 And menged his marchaundyse $and made a gode moustre H 13363 The worste with-in was $a gret witte I lete hit H 13364 And if my neighbore had any hyne $or any beste elles H 13365 More profitable than myne $many sleightes I made H 13366 How I my#te haue it $al my witte I caste H 13367 And but I it had by other waye $atte laste I stale it H 13368 Or pryuiliche his purse shoke $vnpiked his lokkes H 13369 Or by ny#t or by day $aboute was ich euere H 13370 Thorwgh gyle to gadren $the good that ich haue H 13371 #if I #ede to the plow $I pynched so narwe H 13372 That a fote-londe or a forwe $fecchen I wolde H 13373 Of my nexte neighbore $nymen of his erthe H 13374 And if I rope ouer-reche $of #af hem red that ropen H 13375 To seise to me with her sykel $that I ne sewe neure H 13376 And who so borwed of me $abou#te the tyme H 13377 With presentes priueliche $or payed somme certeyne H 13378 So walde he or nou#t wolde he $wynnen I wolde H 13379 And bothe to kyth and to kyn $vnkynde of that ich hadde H 13380 And who so cheped my chaffare $chiden I wolde H 13381 But he profred to paye $a peny or tweyne H 13382 More than it was worth $and #et wolde I swere H 13383 That it coste me moche more $swore manye othes H 13384 In halydayes at holicherche $whan ich herde masse H 13385 Hadde I neuere wille wot god $witterly to biseche H 13386 Mercye for my mysdedes $that I ne morned more H 13387 For losse of gode leue me $than for my lykames giltes H 13388 As if I had dedly synne done $I dred nou#t that so sore H 13389 As when I lened and leued it lost $or longe ar it were payed H 13390 So if I kydde any kyndenesse $myn euen-cristene to helpe H 13391 Vpon a cruel coueityse $myn herte gan hange H 13392 And if I sent ouer see $my seruauntz to Bruges H 13393 Or in-to Pruslonde my prentys $my profit to wayten H 13394 To marchaunden with monoye $and maken her eschaunges H 13395 Mi#te neuere me conforte $in the mene tyme H 13396 Noither messe ne matynes $ne none manere si#tes H 13397 Ne neuere penaunce perfourned $ne pater-noster seyde H 13398 That my mynde ne was more $on my gode in a doute H 13399 Than in the grace of god $and his grete helpes Vbi thesaurus tuus ibi et cor tuum H 13400 #et the Glotoun with grete othes $his garnement hadde soyled H 13401 And foule be-flobered it $as with fals speche H 13402 There no nede ne was $tok godes name an idel H 13403 Swore there-by swithe ofte $and al by-swatte his cote H 13404 And more mete ete and dronke $then kende mi#t defie H 13405 And kau#te seknesse sum-tyme $for my sorfetes ofte H 13406 And thanne I dradde to deye $in dedlich synne H 13407 That in-to wanhope he worthe $and wende nau#t to be saued H 13408 The whiche is Sleuthe so slow $that may no slithes helpe it H 13409 Ne no mercy amenden $the man that so deyeth H 13410 Which ben the braunches $that bryngeth a man to Sleuth H 13411 Is whanne a man morneth nou#te for his mysdedes $ne maketh no sorwe H 13412 Ac penaunce that the prest enioigneth $perfourneth yuel H 13413 Doth none almes-dede $dret hym of no synne H 13414 Lyueth a#ein the bileue $and no lawe holdeth H 13415 Vch day is haliday with hym $or an heigh ferye H 13416 And if he au#te wole here $it is an harlotes tonge H 13417 Whan men carpeth of Cryst $or of clennesse of soule H 13418 He wexeth wroth and wil nou#te here $but wordes of myrthe H 13419 Penaunce and pore men $and the passioun of seyntes H 13420 He hateth to here there-of $and alle that it telleth H 13421 Thise ben the braunches beth war $that bryngeth a man to wanhope H 13422 #e lordes and ladyes $and legates of holicherche H 13423 That fedeth foles sages $flatereres and lyeres H 13424 And han likynge to lythen hem $to do #ow to lawghe Ve vobis qui ridetis etc. H 13425 And #iueth hem mete and mede $and pore men refuse H 13426 In #owre deth-deyinge $I drede me ful sore H 13427 Lest tho thre maner men $to moche sorwe #ow brynge Consencientes et agentes pari pena punientur H 13428 Patriarkes and prophetes $and prechoures of goddes wordes H 13429 Sauen thorw her sarmoun $mannes soules fram helle H 13430 Ri#t so flatereres and foles $aren the fendes disciples H 13431 To entice men thorw her tales $to synne and harlotrye H 13432 Ac clerkes that knowen holywrit $shulde kenne lordes H 13433 What Dauid seith of suche men $as the sauter telleth Non habitabit in medio domus mee qui facit superbiam et qui loquitur iniqua H 13434 Shulde none harlote haue audience $in halle ne in chambres H 13435 There wise men were $witnesseth goddes wordes H 13436 Ne no mysproude man $amonges lordes ben allowed H 13437 Clerkes and kni#tes $welcometh kynges ministrales H 13438 And for loue of the lorde $litheth hem at festes H 13439 Muche more me thenketh $riche men schulde H 13440 Haue beggeres byfore hem $the whiche ben goddes ministrales H 13441 As he seyth hym-self $seynt Iohan bereth witnesse Qui vos spernit me spernit H 13442 For-thi I rede #ow riche $reueles whan #e maketh H 13443 For to solace #oure soules $suche ministrales to haue H 13444 The pore for a fol sage $syttynge at the hey# table H 13445 And a lered man to lere the $what oure lorde suffred H 13446 For to saue thi soule $fram Sathan thin enemy H 13447 And fithel the with-out flaterynge $of gode Friday the storye H 13448 And a blynd man for a bourdeoure $or a bedrede womman H 13449 To crie the largesse by-for oure lorde $#oure gode loos to schewe H 13450 Thise thre maner ministrales $maketh a man to lawhe H 13451 And in his deth-deyinge $thei don him grete comforte H 13452 That bi his lyue lythed hem $and loued hem to here H 13453 Thise solaseth the soule $til hym-selue be-falle H 13454 In a wel gode hope for he wrou#te so $amonges worthi seyntes H 13455 Ac flatereres and foles $thorw her foule wordes H 13456 Leden tho that louen hem $to Luciferes feste H 13457 With turpiloquio a lay of sorwe $and Luciferes fithele H 13458 Thus Haukyn the actyf man $hadde ysoiled his cote H 13459 Til Conscience acouped hym there-of $in a curteise manere H 13460 Whi he ne hadde wasshen it $or wyped it with a brusshe H 14001 I haue but one hool hatere quod Haukyn $I am the lasse to blame H 14002 Though it be soiled and selde clene $I slepe there- inne on ni#tes H 14003 And also I haue an houswyf $hewen and children Vxorem duxy et ideo non possum venire H 14004 That wolen bymolen it many tyme $maugre my chekes H 14005 It hath ben laued in lente $and oute of lente bothe H 14006 With the sope of sykenesse $that seketh wonder depe H 14007 And with the losse of catel $loth forto agulte H 14008 God or any gode man $bi au#te that I wiste H 14009 And was shryuen of the preste $that gaue me for my synnes H 14010 To penaunce pacyence $and pore men to fede H 14011 Al for coueitise of my Crystenedome $in clennesse to kepen it H 14012 And couthe I neuere by Cryste $kepen it clene an houre H 14013 That I ne soiled it with sy#te $or sum ydel speche H 14014 Or thorugh werke or thorugh worde $or wille of myn herte H 14015 That I ne flober it foule $fro morwe tyl eue H 14016 And I shal kenne the quod Conscience $of contricioun to make H 14017 That shal clawe thi cote $of alkynnes filthe Cordis contricio etc. H 14018 Dowel shal wasshen it and wryngen it $thorw a wys confessour Oris confessio etc. H 14019 Dobet shal beten it and bouken it $as bri#te as any scarlet H 14020 And engreynen it with good wille $and goddes grace to amende the H 14021 And sithen sende the to satisfaccioun $for to sowen it after Satisfaccio dobest H 14022 Shal neuere myste bimolen it $ne moth after biten it H 14023 Ne fende ne false man $defoulen it in thi lyue H 14024 Shal none heraude ne harpoure $haue a fairere garnement H 14025 Than Haukyn the actyf man $and thou do by my techyng H 14026 Ne no mynstral be more worth $amonges pore and riche H 14027 Than Haukynnes wyf the wafrere $with his actiua-vita H 14028 And I shal purueye the paste quod Pacyence $though no plow erie H 14029 And floure to fede folke with $as best be for the soule H 14030 Though neuere greyne growed $ne grape vppon vyne H 14031 Alle that lyueth and loketh $lyflode wolde I fynde H 14032 And that ynough shal none faille $of thinge that hem nedeth H 14033 We shulde nou#t be to busy $a-bouten owre lyflode Ne solliciti sitis etc. volucres celi deus pascit etc. pacientes vincunt etc. H 14034 Thanne laughed Haukyn a litel $and li#tly gan swerye H 14035 Who so leueth #ow by owre lorde $I leue nou#te he be blissed H 14036 No quod Pacyence paciently $and out of his poke hente H 14037 Vitailles of grete vertues $for al manere bestes H 14038 And seyde lo here lyflode ynough $if owre byleue be trewe H 14039 For lente neuere was lyf $but lyflode were shapen H 14040 Wher-of or wherfore $or where-by to lybbe H 14041 Firste the wylde worme $vnder weet erthe H 14042 Fissch to lyue in the flode $and in the fyre the crykat H 14043 The corlue by kynde of the eyre $moste clennest flessch of bryddes H 14044 And bestes by grasse and by greyne $and be grene rotis H 14045 In menynge that alle men $my#te the same H 14046 Lyue thorw lele byleue $and loue as god witnesseth Quodcumque pecieritis a patre in nomine meo etc. et alibi non in solo pane viuit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei H 14047 But I loked what lyflode it was $that Pacience so preysed H 14048 And thanne was it a pece of the pater-noster $fiat voluntas tua H 14049 Haue Haukyn quod Pacyence $and ete this whan the hungreth H 14050 Or whan thow clomsest for colde $or clyngest for drye H 14051 Shal neuere gyues the greue $ne grete lordes wrath H 14052 Prisone ne peyne $for pacientes vincunt H 14053 Bi so that thow be sobre $of sy#te and of tonge H 14054 In etyng and in handlynge $and in alle thi fyue wittis H 14055 Darstow neuere care for corne $ne lynnen cloth ne wollen H 14056 Ne for drynke ne deth drede $but deye as god lyketh H 14057 Or thorw honger or thorw hete $at his wille be it H 14058 For if thou lyuest after his lore $the shorter lyf the better H 14059 Si quis amat Cristum $mundum non diligit istum H 14060 For thorw his breth bestes wexen $and abrode #eden Dixit et facta sunt etc. H 14061 Ergo thorw his breth mowen $men and bestes lyuen H 14062 As holywrit witnesseth $whan men segge her graces Aperis tu manum tuam et imples omne animal benediccione H 14063 It is founden that fourty wynter $folke lyued with- outen tulyinge H 14064 And oute of the flynte spronge the flode $that folke and bestes dronke H 14065 And in Elyes tyme $heuene was yclosed H 14066 That no reyne ne rone $thus rede men in bokes H 14067 That many wyntres men lyueden $and no mete ne tulyeden H 14068 Seuene slepe as seith the boke $seuene hundeth wynter H 14069 And lyueden with-oute lyflode $and atte laste thei woken H 14070 And if men lyued as mesure wolde $shulde neuere more be defaute H 14071 Amonges Cristene creatures $if Crystes wordes ben trewe H 14072 Ac vnkyndnesse caristia maketh $amonges Crystene peple H 14073 And ouer-plente maketh pruyde $amonges pore and riche H 14074 Ac mesure is so moche worth $it may nou#te be to dere H 14075 For the meschief and the meschaunce $amonges men of Sodome H 14076 Wex thorw plente of payn $and of pure sleuthe Ociositas et habundancia panis peccatum turpissimum nutriuit H 14077 For thei mesured nou#t hem-self $of that thei ete and dronke H 14078 Diden dedly synne $that the deuel lyked H 14079 So vengaunce fel vpon hem $for her vyle synnes H 14080 Thei sonken in-to helle $tho citees vchone H 14081 For-thi mesure we vs wel $and make owre faithe owre scheltroun H 14082 And thorw faith cometh contricioun $conscience wote wel H 14083 Whiche dryueth awey dedly synne $and doth it to be venial H 14084 And though a man my#te nou#te speke $contricioun my#te hym saue H 14085 And brynge his soule to blisse $by so that feith bere witnesse H 14086 That whiles he lyued he bileued $in the lore of holy-cherche H 14087 Ergo contricioun feith and conscience $is kyndelich Dowel H 14088 And surgienes for dedly synnes $whan shrifte of mouth failleth H 14089 Ac shrifte of mouth more worthy is $if man be inliche contrit H 14090 For shrifte of mouth sleeth synne $be it neuere so dedly H 14091 Per confessionem to a prest $peccata occiduntur H 14092 There contricioun doth but dryueth it doun $in-to a venial synne H 14093 As Dauid seith in the sauter $et quorum tecta sunt peccata H 14094 Ac satisfaccioun seketh oute the rote $and bothe sleeth and voideth H 14095 And as it neuere had ybe $to nou#t bryngeth dedly synne H 14096 That it neuere eft is seen ne sore $but semeth a wounde yheled H 14097 Where woneth Charite quod Haukyn $I wiste neuere in my lyue H 14098 Man that with hym spake $as wyde as I haue passed H 14099 There parfit treuthe and pouere herte is $and pacience of tonge H 14100 There is Charitee the chief chaumbrere $for god hymselue H 14101 Whether paciente pouerte quod Haukyn $be more plesaunte to owre dri#te H 14102 Than ricchesse ri#tfulliche ywonne $and resonablelich yspended H 14103 #e quis est ille quod Pacience $quik laudabimus eum H 14104 Though men rede or richchesse $ri#t to the worldes ende H 14105 I wist neuere renke that riche was $that whan he rekne sholde H 14106 Whan it drow to his deth-day $that he ne dred hym sore H 14107 And that atte rekenyng in arrerage fel $rather than oute of dette H 14108 There the pore dar plede $and preue by pure resoun H 14109 To haue allowaunce of his lorde $by the lawe he it cleymeth H 14110 Ioye that neuere Ioye hadde $of ri#tful Iugge he axeth H 14111 And seith lo briddes and bestes $that no blisse ne knoweth H 14112 And wilde wormes in wodes $thorw wyntres thow hem greuest H 14113 And makest hem welnyegh meke $and mylde for defaute H 14114 And after thow sendest hem somer $that is her souereigne Ioye H 14115 And blissse to alle that ben $bothe wilde and tame H 14116 Thanne may beggeres as bestes $after bote waiten H 14117 That al her lyf han lyued $in langour and in defaute H 14118 But god sent hem some tyme $some manere Ioye H 14419 Other here or elles where $kynde wolde it neuere H 14120 For to wrotherhele was he wrou#te $that neuere was Ioye shaped H 14121 Angeles that in helle now ben $hadden Ioye some tyme H 14122 And Diues in deyntees lyued $and in douce vye H 14123 Ri#te so resoun sheweth $that tho men that were riche H 14124 And her makes also lyued $her lyf in murthe H 14125 Ac god is of a wonder wille $by that kynde witte sheweth H 14126 To #iue many men his mercymonye $ar he it haue deserued H 14127 Ri#t so fareth god by some riche $reuthe me it thinketh H 14128 For thei han her hyre here $an heuene as it were H 14129 And is gret lykyng to lyue $with-oute laboure of body H 14130 And when he deyeth ben disalowed $as Dauid seith in the sauter Dormierunt et nichil inuenerunt H 14131 And in another stede also $velud sompnum surgencium domine in ciuitate twa et ad nichilum rediges H 14132 Allas that ricchesse shal reue $and robbe mannes soule H 14133 Fram the loue of owre lorde $at his laste ende H 14134 Hewen that han her hyre afore $aren euermore nedy H 14135 And selden deieth he out of dette $that dyneth ar he deserue it H 14136 And til he haue done his deuor $and his dayes iourne H 14137 For whan a werkman hath wrou#te $thanne may men se the sothe H 14138 What he were worthi for his werke $and what he hath deserued H 14139 And nou#t to fonge bifore $for drede of disalowynge H 14140 So I segge by #ow riche $it semeth nou#t that #e shulle H 14141 Haue heuene in #owre here-beyng $and heuene her- after H 14142 Ri#t as a seruaunt taketh his salarye bifore $and sitth wolde clayme more H 14143 As he that none hadde $and hath huyre atte laste H 14144 It may nou#t be #e riche men $or Matheu on god lyeth De delicijs ad delicias difficile est transire H 14145 Ac if ye riche haue reuthe $and rewarde wel the pore H 14146 And lyuen as lawe techeth $done leute to alle H 14147 Criste of his curteysie $shal ocnforte #ow atte laste H 14148 And rewarde alle dowble ricchesse $that reuful hertes habbeth H 14149 And as an hyne that hadde his hyre $ar he bygonne H 14150 And whan he hath done his deuor wel $men doth hym other bounte H 14151 #yueth hym a cote aboue his couenaunte $ri#te so Cryst #iueth heueue H 14152 Bothe to riche and to nou#te riche $that rewfullich lybbeth H 14153 And alle that done her deuor wel $han dowble hyre for her trauaille H 14154 Here for#yuenesse of her synnes $and heuene blisse after H 14155 Ac it nys but selde yseyn $as by holy seyntes bokes H 14156 That god rewarded double reste $to any riche wye H 14157 For moche murthe is amonges riche $as in mete and clothynge H 14158 And moche murthe in Maye is $amonges wilde bestes H 14159 And so forth whil somer lasteth $her solace dureth H 14160 Ac beggeres aboute Midsomer $bredlees thei soupe H 14161 And #it is wynter for hem worse $for wete-shodde thei gange H 14162 A-fyrst sore and afyngred $and foule yrebuked H 14163 And arated of riche men $that reuthe is to here H 14164 Now lorde sende hem somer $and some manere Ioye H 14165 Heuene after her hennes-goynge $that here han suche defaute H 14166 For alle my#test thow haue made $none mener than other H 14167 Any yliche witty and wyse $if the wel hadde lyked H 14168 And haue reuthe on thise riche men $that rewarde nou#te thi prisoneres H 14169 Of the good that thow hem gyuest $ingrati ben manye H 14170 Ac god of thi goodnesse $gyue hem grace to amende H 14171 For may no derth ben hem dere $drouth ne weet H 14172 Ne noyther hete ne haille $haue thei here hele H 14173 Of that thei wilne and wolde $wanteth hem nou#t here H 14174 Ac pore peple thi prisoneres $lorde in the put of myschief H 14175 Conforte tho creatures $that moche care suffren H 14176 Thorw derth thorw drouth $alle her dayes here H 14177 Wo in wynter tymes $for wantyng of clothes H 14178 And in somer tyme selde $soupen to the fulle H 14179 Comforte thi careful $Cryst in thi ryche H 14180 For how thow confortest alle creatures $clerkes bereth witnesse Conuertimini ad me et salui eritis H 14181 Thus in genere of his gentrice $Iesu Cryst seyde H 14182 To robberes and to reueres $to riche and to pore H 14183 Thow tau#test hem in the trinitee $to take baptesme H 14184 And be clene thorw that crystennynge $of alle kynnes synnes H 14185 And if vs fel thorw folye $to falle in synne after H 14186 Confessioun and knowlechyng $and crauyng thi mercy H 14187 Shulde amende vs as many sithes $as man wolde desire H 14188 Ac if the pouke wolde plede here-a#eine $and punyssh vs in conscience H 14189 He shulde take the acquitance as quik $and to the qued schewe it Pateat etc. per passionem domini H 14190 And putten of so the pouke $and preuen vs vnder borwe H 14191 Ac the perchemyn of this patent $of pouerte be moste H 14192 And of pure pacience $and parfit bileue H 14193 Of pompe and of pruyde $the parchemyn decorreth H 14194 And principaliche of alle peple $but thei be pore of herte H 14195 Ellis is al an ydel $al that euere we writen H 14196 Pater-nostres and penaunce $and pilgrimage to Rome H 14197 But owre spences and spendynge $sprynge of a trewe wille H 14198 Elles is al owre laboure loste $lo how men writeth H 14199 In fenestres atte freres $if fals be the foundement H 14200 For-thi Crystene sholde ben in comune riche $none coueitouse for hym-selue H 14201 For seuene synnes that there ben $assailen vs euere H 14202 The fende folweth hem alle $and fondeth hem to helpe H 14203 Ac with ricchesse that ribaude $rathest men bigyleth H 14204 For there that richesse regneth $reuerence folweth H 14205 And that is plesaunte to Pryde $in pore and in riche H 14206 And the riche reuerenced $by resoun of his richchesse H 14207 There the pore is put bihynde $and par auenture can more H 14208 Of witte and of wysdom $that fer away is better H 14209 That ricchesse or reaute $and rather yherde in heuene H 14210 For the riche hath moche to rekene $and ri#te softe walketh H 14211 The heigh waye to-heuene-ward $oft ricchesse letteth Ita inpossibile diuiti etc. H 14212 There pore preseth bifor the riche $with a pakke at his rugge Opera enim illorum sequuntur illos H 14213 Batauntliche as beggeres done $and baldeliche he craueth H 14214 For his pouerte and his pacience $a perpetuel blisse Beati pauperes quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum H 14215 And Pryde in ricchesse regneth $rather than in pouerte H 14216 Arst in the maister than in the man $some mansioun he hath H 14217 Ac in pouerte there pacyence is $Pryde hath no my#te H 14218 Ne none of the seuene synnes $sitten ne mowe there longe H 14219 Ne haue powere in pouerte $if pacyence it folwe H 14220 For the pore is ay prest $to plese the riche H 14221 And buxome at his byddyng $for his broke loues H 14222 And buxomenesse and boste $aren euer-more at werre H 14223 And ayther hateth other $in alle manere werkes H 14224 If Wratthe wrastel with the pore $he hath the worse ende H 14225 For if they bothe pleyne $the pore is but fieble H 14226 And if he chyde or chatre $hym chieueth the worse H 14227 For loulich he loketh $and loueliche is his speche H 14228 That mete or mone $of other men mote asken H 14229 And if Glotonie greue pouerte $he gadereth the lasse H 14230 For his rentes ne wol nau#te reche $no riche metes to bugge H 14231 And thou# his glotonye be to gode ale $he goth to cold beddynge H 14232 And his heued vn-heled $vn-esiliche i-wrye H 14233 For whan he streyneth hym to streche $the strawe is his schetes H 14234 So for his glotonie and his grete scleuthe $he hath a greuous penaunce H 14235 That is welawo whan he waketh $and wepeth for colde H 14236 And sum tyme for his synnes $so he is neuere murie H 14237 Withoute mornynge amonge $and mischief to bote H 14238 And if Coueitise wolde cacche the pore $thei may nou#t come togideres H 14239 And by the nekke namely $her none may hente other H 14240 For men knoweth wel that Coueitise $is of a kene wille H 14241 And hath hondes and armes $of a longe lengthe H 14242 And pouerte nis but a petit thinge $appereth nou#t to his nauele H 14243 And louely layke was it neuere $bitwene the longe and the shorte H 14244 And though Auarice wolde angre the pore $he hath but litel my#te H 14245 For pouerte hath but pokes $to putten in his godis H 14246 There Auarice hath almaries $and yren-bound coffres H 14247 And whether be li#ter to breke $lasse boste it maketh H 14248 A beggeres bagge $than an yren-bounde coffre H 14249 Lecherye loueth hym nou#t $for he #eueth but lytel syluer H 14250 Ne doth hym nou#te dyne delycatly $ne drynke wyn oft H 14251 A strawe for the stuwes $it stode nou#t I trowe H 14252 Had thei no thyng but of pore men $her houses were vntyled H 14253 And though Sleuthe suwe pouerte $and serue nou#t god to paye H 14254 Mischief is his maister $and maketh hym to thynke H 14255 That god is his grettest helpe $and no gome elles H 14256 And his seruaunt as he seith $and of his sute bothe H 14257 And where he be or be nou#te $he bereth the signe of pouerte H 14258 And in that secte owre saueoure $saued al mankynde H 14259 For-thi al pore that paciente is $may claymen and asken H 14260 After her endynge here $heuene-riche blisse H 14261 Moche hardier may he axen $that here my#te haue his wille H 14262 In londe and in lordship $and likynge of bodye H 14263 And for goddis loue leueth al $and lyueth as a beggere H 14264 And as a mayde for mannes loue $her moder forsaketh H 14265 Hir fader and alle her frendes $and folweth hir make H 14266 Moche is suche a mayde to louie $of hym that such one taketh H 14267 More than a mayden is $that is maried thorw brokage H 14268 As bi assent of sondry partyes $and syluer to bote H 14269 More for coueitise of good $than kynde loue of bothe H 14270 So it fareth bi eche a persone $that possessioun forsaketh H 14271 And put hym to be pacient $and pouerte weddeth H 14272 The which is sybbe to god hym-self $and so to his seyntes H 14273 Haue god my trouthe quod Haukyn $#e preyse faste Pouerte H 14274 What is Pouerte with pacience quod he $proprely to mene H 14275 Paupertas quod Pacience $est odibile bonum Remocio curarum possessio sine calumpnia donum dei sanitatis mater Absque solicitudine semita sapiencie temperatrix negocium sine dampno Incerta fortuna absque solicitudine felicitas H 14276 I can nou#t construe al this quod Haukyn $#e moste kenne me this on Englisch H 14277 In Englisch quod Pacyence it is wel harde $wel to expounen H 14278 Ac somdel I shal seye it $by so thow vnderstonde H 14279 (1) Pouerte is the first poynte $that Pryde moste hateth H 14280 Thanne is it good by good skil $al that agasteth Pryde H 14281 Ri#te as contricioun is confortable thinge $conscience wote wel H 14282 And a sorwe of hym-self $and a solace to the sowle H 14283 So pouerte propreliche $penaunce and ioye H 14284 Is to the body $pure spiritual helthe Ergo pauperias est odibile bonum H 14285 And contricioun confort $and cura animarum H 14286 (2) Selde sit pouerte $the sothe to declare H 14287 Or as Iustyce to Iugge men $enioigned is no pore H 14288 Ne to be a maire aboue men $ne mynystre vnder kynges H 14289 Selden is any pore yput $to punysshen any peple Remocio curarum H 14290 Ergo pouerte and pore men $perfornen the comaundement Nolite iudicare quemquam The thridde H 14291 (3) Selde is any pore riche $but of ri#tfull heritage H 14292 Wynneth he nau#t with weghtes fals $ne with vnseled mesures H 14293 Ne borweth of his neghbores $but that he may wel paye Possessio sine calumpnia H 14294 (4) The fierthe is a fortune $that florissheth the soule H 14295 Wyth sobrete fram al synne $and also #it more H 14296 It affaiteth the flesshe $fram folyes ful manye H 14297 A collateral conforte $Crystes owne #ifte Donum dei H 14298 (5) The fyfte is moder of helthe $a frende in alle fondynges H 14299 And for the land euere a leche $a lemman of al clennesse Sanitatis mater H 14300 (6) The sexte is a path of pees $#e thorw the pas of Altoun H 14301 Pouerte my#te passe $with-oute peril of robbynge H 14302 For there that pouerte passeth $pees folweth after H 14303 And euere the lasse that he bereth $the hardyer he is of herte H 14304 For-thi seith Seneca $paupertas est absque solicitudine semita H 14305 And an hardy man of herte $amonge an hepe of theues Cantabit pauper coram latrone viator H 14306 (7) The seueneth is welle of wisdome $and fewe wordes sheweth H 14307 For lordes alloweth hym litel $or lysteneth to his reson H 14308 He tempreth the tonge to-treuthe-ward $and no tresore coueiteth Sapiencie temperatrix H 14309 (8) The eigteth is a lele laborere $and loth to take more H 14310 Than he may wel deserue $in somer or in wynter H 14311 And if he chaffareth he chargeth no losse $mowe he charite wynne Negocium sine dampno H 14312 (9) The nyneth is swete to the soule $no sugre is swettere H 14313 For pacyence is payn $for pouerte hym-selue H 14314 And sobrete swete drynke $and good leche in sykenesse H 14315 Thus lered me a lettred man $for owre lordes loue H 14316 Seynt Austyn a blissed lyf $with-outen bysynesse H 14317 For body and for soule $absque solicitudine felicitas H 14318 Now god that al good gyueth $graunt his soule reste H 14319 That thus fyrst wrote to wyssen men $what Pouerte was to mene H 14320 Allas quod Haukyn the actyf man tho $that after my Crystendome H 14321 I ne hadde ben den and doluen $for Doweles sake H 14322 So harde it is quod Haukyn $to lyue and to do synne H 14323 Synne suweth vs euere quod he $and sori gan wexe H 14324 And wepte water with his eyghen $and weyled the tyme H 14325 That euere he dede dede $that dere god displesed H 14326 Swowed and sobbed $and syked ful ofte H 14327 That euere he hadde londe or lordship $lasse other more H 14328 Or maystrye ouer any man $mo than of hym-self H 14329 I were nou#t worthy wote god quod Haukyn $to were any clothes H 14330 Ne noyther sherte ne shone $saue for shame one H 14331 To keure my caroigne quod he $and cryde mercye faste H 14332 And wepte and weyled $and there-with I awaked H 15001 Ac after my wakyng $ir was wonder longe H 15002 Ar I couth kyndely $knowe what was Dowel H 15003 And so my witte wex and wanyed $til I a fole were H 15004 And somme lakked my lyf $allowed it fewe H 15005 And leten me for a lorel $and loth to reuerencen H 15006 Lordes or ladyes $or any lyf elles H 15007 As persones in pellure $with pendauntes of syluer H 15008 To seriauntz ne to suche $seyde nou#te ones H 15009 God loke #ow lordes $ne louted faire H 15010 That folke helden me a fole $and in that folye I raued H 15011 Tyl Resoun hadde reuthe on me $and rokked me aslepe H 15012 Tyl I seigh as it sorcerye were $a sotyl thinge with-al H 15013 One with-outen tonge and teeth $tolde me whyder I shulde H 15014 And wher-of I cam and of what kynde $I coniured hym atte laste H 15015 If he were Crystes creature $for Crystes loue me to tellen H 15016 I am Crystes creature quod he $and Crystene in many a place H 15017 In Crystes courte i-knowe wel $and of his kynne a partye H 15018 Is noyther Peter the porter $ne Poule with his fauchoune H 15019 That wil defende me the dore $kynge ich neure so late H 15020 At mydny#t at mydday $my voice so is yknowe H 15021 That eche a creature of his courte $welcometh me fayre H 15022 What ar #e called quod I in that courte $amonges Crystes peple H 15023 The whiles I quykke the corps quod he $called am I Anima H 15024 And whan I wilne and wolde $Animus ich hatte H 15025 And for that I can and knowe $called am I Mens H 15026 And whan I make mone to god $Memoria is my name H 15027 And whan I deme domes $and do as treuthe techeth H 15028 Thanne is Racio my ri#t name $Resoun an Englisshe H 15029 And whan I fele that folke telleth $my firste name is Sensus H 15030 And that is wytte and wisdome $the welle of alle craftes H 15031 And whan I chalange or chalange nou#te $chepe or refuse H 15032 Thanne am I Conscience ycalde $goddis clerke and his notarie H 15033 And whan I loue lelly $owre lorde and alle other H 15034 Thanne is lele Loue my name $and in Latyn Amor H 15035 And whan I flye fro the flesshe $and forsake the caroigne H 15036 Thanne am I spirit specheles $and Spiritus thanne ich hatte H 15037 Austyn and Ysodorus $ayther of hem bothe H 15038 Nempned me thus to name $now thow my#te chese H 15039 How thow coueitest to calle me $now thow knowest alle my names Anima pro diuersis actionibus diuersa nomina sortitur dum viuificat corpus Anisma est dum vult Animus est dum scit Mens est dum recolit Memoria est Dum iudicat Racio est dum sentit Sensus est dum amat Amor est dum negat vel consentit Consciencia est dum spirat Spiritus est H 15040 #e ben as a bisshop quod I $al bourdynge that tyme H 15041 For bisshopes yblessed $thei bereth many names H 15042 Presul and pontifex $and metropolitanus H 15043 And other names an hepe $episcopus and pastor H 15044 That is soth seyde he $now I se thi wille H 15045 Thow woldest knowe and kunne $the cause of alle her names H 15046 And of myne if thow my#test $me thinketh by thi speche H 15047 #e syre I seyde $by so no man were greued H 15048 Alle the sciences vnder sonne $and alle the sotyle craftes H 15049 I wolde I knewe and couth $kyndely in myne herte H 15050 Thanne artow inparfit quod he $and one of Prydes kny#tes H 15051 For such a luste and lykynge $Lucifer fel fram heuene Ponam pedem meum in aquilone et similis ero altissimo H 15052 It were a#eynes kynde quod he $and alkynnes resoun H 15053 That any creature shulde kunne al $excepte Cryste one H 15054 A#ein such Salomon speketh $and dispiseth her wittes And seith sicut qui mel comedit multum non est ei bonum sic qui scrutator est maiestatis opprimitur a gloria H 15055 To Englisch-men this is to mene $that mowen speke and here H 15056 The man that moche hony eteth $his mawe it engleymeth H 15057 And the more that a man $of good mater hereth H 15058 But he do ther-after $it doth hym double scathe H 15059 Beatus est seith seynt Bernard $qui scripturas legit H 15060 Et verba vertit in opera $fullich to his powere H 15061 Coueytise to kunne $and to knowe science H 15062 Pulte out of paradys $Adam and Eue Science appetitus hominem immortalitatis gloria spoliauit H 15063 And ri#te as hony is yuel to defye $and engleymeth the mawe H 15064 Ri#t so that thorw resoun $wolde the rote knowe H 15065 Of god and of his grete my#tes $his graces it letteth H 15066 For in the lykyng lith a pryde $and a lycames coueitise H 15067 A#ein Crystes conseille $and alle clerkes techyng That is non plus sapere quam oportet sapere H 15068 Freres and fele other maistres $that to the lewed men prechen H 15069 #e moeuen materes immesurables $to tellen of the trinite H 15070 That ofte tymes the lewed peple $of hir bileue douten H 15071 Bettere byleue were mony $doctoures such techyng H 15072 And tellen men of the ten comaundementz $and touchen the seuene synnes H 15073 And of the braunches that burgeouneth of hem $and bryngeth men to helle H 15074 And how that folke in folyes 4myspenden her fyue wittes H 15075 As wel freres as other folke $folilich spenen H 15076 In housyng in haterynge $and in-to hiegh clergye shewynge H 15077 More for pompe than for pure charite $the poeple wote the sothe H 15078 That I lye nou#t loo $for lordes #e plesen H 15079 And reuerencen the riche $the rather for her syluer Confundantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia et alibi Vt quid diligitis vanitatem et queritis mendacium H 15080 Go to the glose of the verse $#e grete clerkes H 15081 If I lye on #ow to my lewed witte $ledeth me to brennynge H 15082 For as it semeth #e forsaketh $no mannes almesse H 15083 Of vsureres of hores $of auarous chapmen H 15084 And louten to this lordes $that mowen lene #ow nobles H 15085 A#eine #owre reule and religioun $I take recorde at Iesus H 15086 That seide to his disciples $ne sitis personarum acceptores H 15087 Of this matere I my#te $make a longe bible H 15088 Ac of curatoures of crystene peple $as clerkes bereth witnesse H 15089 I shal tellen it for treuth sake $take hede who so lyketh H 15090 As holynesse and honeste $oute of holicherche spredeth H 15091 Thorw lele libbyng men $that goddes lawe techen H 15092 Ri#t so out of holicherche $alle yueles spredeth H 15093 There inparfyt presthod is $prechoures and techeres H 15094 And se it by ensample $in somer-tyme on trowes H 15095 There somme bowes ben leued $and somme bereth none H 15096 There is a myschief in the more $of suche manere bowes H 15097 Ri#t so persones and prestes $and prechoures of holy cherche H 15098 That aren rote of the ri#te faith $to reule the peple H 15099 Ac there the rote is roten $reson wote the sothe H 15100 Shal neure floure ne frute $ne faire leef be grene H 15101 For-thi wolde #e lettred leue $the leccherye of clothynge H 15102 And be kynde as bifel for clerkes $and curteise of Crystes goodes H 15103 Trewe of #owre tonge $and of #owre taille bothe H 15104 And hatien to here harlotrye $and nou#t to vnderfonge H 15105 Tythes of vntrewe thinge $ytilied or chaffared H 15106 Lothe were lewed men $but thei #owre lore folwed H 15107 And amenden hem that mysdon $more for #owre ensamples H 15108 Than forto prechen and preue it nou#t $ypocrysie it semeth H 15109 For ypocrysie in Latyn $is lykned to a dongehul H 15110 That were bysnewed with snowe $and snakes with-inne H 15111 Or to a wal that were whitlymed $and were foule wyth-inne H 15112 Ri#t so many prestes $prechoures and prelates H 15113 #e aren enblaunched with bele paroles $and with clothes also H 15114 Ac #owre werkes and #owre wordes there-vnder $aren ful vnlouelich H 15115 Iohannes Crysostomus $of clerkes speketh and prestes Sicut de templo omne bonum progreditur sic de templo omne malum procedit Si sacerdocium integrum fuerit tota floret ecclesia si autem coruptum fuerit omnium fides marcida est Si sacerdocium fuerit in peccatis totus populus conuertitur ad peccandum Sicut cum videris arborem pallidam et marcidam inteligis quod vicium habet in radice Ita cum videris populum indisciplinatum et irreligiosum sine dubio sacerdocium eius non est sanum H 15116 If lewed men wist $what this Latyn meneth H 15117 And who was myn auctor $moche wonder me thinketh H 15118 But if many a prest bere $for her baselardes and here broches H 15119 A peyre bedes in her hande $and a boke vnder her arme H 15120 Sire Iohan and sire Geffray $hath a gerdel of syluer H 15121 A basellarde or a ballokknyf $with botones ouergylte H 15122 Ac a portous that shulde be his plow $placebo to segge H 15123 Hadde he neure seruyse to saue syluer ther-to $seith it with yvel wille H 15124 Allas #e lewed men $moche lese #e on prestes H 15125 Ac thinge that wykkedlich is wonne $and with false sleigthes H 15126 Wolde neuere witte of witty god $but wikked men it hadde H 15127 The which aren prestes inparfit $and prechoures after syluer H 15128 Sectoures and sudenes $somnoures and her lemmannes H 15129 This that with gyle was geten $vngraciouslich is spended H 15130 So harlotes and hores $ar hulpen with such goodis H 15131 And goddes folke for defaute ther-of $forfaren and spillen H 15132 Curatoures of holykirke $as clerkes that ben auerouse H 15133 Li#tlich that they leuen $loselles it habbeth H 15134 Or dyeth intestate $and thanne the bisshop entreth H 15135 And maketh murthe there-with $and his men bothe H 15136 And seggen he was a nygarde $that no good my#te aspare H 15137 To frende ne to fremmed $the fende haue his soule H 15138 For a wrecched hous he helde $al his lyf tyme H 15139 And that he spared and bispered $spene we in murthe H 15140 By lered by lewed $that loth is to spend H 15141 Thus gone her godes $be the goste faren H 15142 Ac for good men god wote $gret dole men maken H 15143 And bymeneth good mete-#yueres $and in mynde haueth H 15144 In prayers and in penaunces $and in parfyt charite H 15145 What is Charite quod I tho $a childissh thinge he seide Nisi efficiamini sicut paruuli non intrabitis in regnum celorum H 15146 With-outen fauntelte or foly $a fre liberal wille H 15147 Where shulde men fynde such a frende $with so fre an herte H 15148 I haue lyued in londe quod I $my name is Longe Wille H 15149 And fonde I neuere ful charite $bifore ne bihynde H 15150 Men beth mercyable $to mendynantz and to pore H 15151 And wolen lene there thei leue $lelly to ben payed H 15152 Ac charite that Poule preyseth best $and most plesaunte to owre saueoure As non inflatur non est ambiciosa non querit que sua sunt H 15153 I seigh neuere such a man $so me god helpe H 15154 That he ne wolde aske after his $and otherwhile coueyte H 15155 Thinge that neded hym nou#t $and nyme it if he my#te H 15156 Clerkis kenne me that Cryst $is in alle places H 15157 Ac I seygh hym neuere sothly $but as my-self in a miroure Hic in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem H 15158 And so I trowe trewly $by that men telleth of charite H 15159 It is nought championes fy#te $ne chaffare as I trowe H 15160 Charite quod he ne chaffareth nou#te $ne chalengeth ne craueth H 15161 As proude of a peny $as of a pounde of golde H 15162 And is as gladde of a goune $of a graye russet H 15163 As of a tunicle of Tarse $or of trye scarlet H 15164 He is gladde with alle gladde $and good tyl alle wykked H 15165 And leueth and loueth alle $that owre lorde made H 15166 Curseth he no creature $ne he can bere no wratthe H 15167 Ne no lykynge hath to lye $ne laughe men to scorne H 15168 Al that men seith he let it soth $and in solace taketh H 15169 And alle manere meschiefs $in myldenesse he suffreth H 15170 Coueiteth he none erthly good $but heuene-riche blisse H 15171 Hath he any rentes or ricchesse $or any riche frendes H 15172 Of rentes ne of ricchesse $ne reccheth he neuere H 15173 For a frende that fyndeth hym $failled hym neuere at nede H 15174 Fiat-voluntas tua $fynt hym euer-more H 15175 And if he soupeth eet but a soppe $of spera-in-deo H 15176 He can purtreye wel the pater-noster $and peynte it with aues H 15177 And other-while is his wone $to wende in pilgrymage H 15178 There pore men and prisones liggeth $her pardoun to haue H 15179 Though he bere hem no bred $he bereth hem swetter lyflode H 15180 Loueth hem as owre lorde biddeth and loketh how thei fare H 15181 And whan he is wery of that werke $thanne wil he some tyme H 15182 Labory in a lauendrye $wel the lengthe of a myle H 15183 And #erne in-to #outhe $and #epliche speke H 15184 Pryde with al the apppurtenaunce $and pakken hem togyderes H 15185 And bouken hem at his brest $and beten hem clene H 15186 And leggen on longe $with laboraui-in-gemitu-meo H 15187 And with warme water at his eyghen $wasshen hem after H 15188 And thanne he syngeth whan he doth so $and some tyme seith wepyng Cor contritum et humiliatum deus non despicies H 15189 By Cryst I wolde that I knewe hym quod I $no creature leuere H 15190 With-outen helpe of Piers Plowman quod he $his persone seestow neuere H 15191 Where clerkes knowen hym quod $ $that kepen holykirke H 15192 Clerkes haue no knowyng quod he $but by werkes and bi wordes H 15193 Ac Piers the Plowman $parceyueth more depper H 15194 What is the wille and wherfore $that many wy#te suffreth Et vidit deus cogitaciones eorum H 15195 For there are ful proude-herted men $paciente of tonge H 15196 And boxome as of berynge $to burgeys and to lordes H 15197 And to pore peple $han peper in the nose H 15198 And as a lyoun he loketh $there men lakketh his werkes H 15199 For there ar beggeres and bidderes $bedemen as it were H 15200 Loketh as lambren $and semen lyf-holy H 15201 Ac it is more to haue her mete $with such an esy manere H 15202 Than for penaunce and parfitnesse $the pouerte that such taketh H 15203 There-fore by coloure ne by clergye $knowe shaltow hym neuere H 15204 Noyther thorw wordes ne werkes $but thorw wille one H 15205 And that knoweth no clerke $ne creature in erthe H 15206 But Piers the Plowman $Petrus id est Christus H 15207 For he ne is nou#te in lolleres $ne in lande-leperes hermytes H 15208 Ne at ancres there a box hangeth $alle suche thei faiten H 15209 Fy on faitoures $and in fautores suos H 15210 For charyte is goddis champioun $and as a good chylde hende H 15211 And the meryest of mouth $at mete where he sitteth H 15212 The loue that lith in his herte $maketh hym ly#te of speche H 15213 And is companable and confortatyf $as Cryst bit hymselue Nolite fiere sicut ypocrite tristes etc. H 15214 For I haue seyn hym in sylke $and somme tyme in russet H 15215 Bothe in grey and in grys $and in gulte herneys H 15216 And as gladlich he it gaf $to gomes that it neded H 15217 Edmonde and Edwarde $eyther were kynges H 15218 And seyntes ysette $tyl charite hem folwed H 15219 I haue seyne Charite also $syngen and reden H 15220 Ryden and rennen $in ragged wedes H 15221 Ac biddyng as beggeres $bihelde I hym neuere H 15222 Ac in riche robes $rathest he walketh H 15223 Ycalled and ycrimiled $and his crowne shaue H 15224 And clenlich yclothed $in cipres and in Tartaryne H 15225 And in a freres frokke $he was yfounde ones H 15226 Ac it is ferre agoo $in seynt Fraunceys tyme H 15227 In that secte sitthe $to selde hath he be knowen H 15228 Riche men he recomendeth $and of her robes taketh H 15229 That with-outen wyles $leden her lyues Beatus est diues qui etc. H 15230 In kynges courte he cometh ofte $there the conseille is trewe H 15231 Ac if coueityse be of the conseille $he wil nou#t come ther-inne H 15232 In courte amonge Iaperes $he cometh but selde H 15233 For braulyng and bakbytyng $and beryng of fals witnesse H 15234 In the constorie bifor the comissarie $he cometh nou#t ful ofte H 15235 For her lawe dureth ouer-longe $but if thei lacchen syluer H 15236 And matrimoigne for monye $maken and vnmaken H 15237 And that conscience and Cryst $hath yknitte faste H 15238 Thei vndon it vnworthily $tho doctours of lawe H 15239 Amonges erchebischopes and other bischopes $and prelates of holy cherche H 15240 For to wonye with hem $his wone was sum tyme H 15241 And Cristes patrimonye to the pore $parcel-mel dele H 15242 Ac auerice hath the keyes now $and kepeth for his kynnesmen H 15243 And for his seketoures and his seruants $and somme for here children H 15244 Ac I ne lakke no lyf $but lorde amende vs alle H 15245 And gyue vs grace good god $charite to folwe H 15246 For who so my#te mete with hym $such maneres hym eyleth H 15247 Noyther he blameth ne banneth $bosteth ne prayseth H 15248 Lakketh ne loseth $ne loketh vp sterne H 15249 Craueth ne coueiteth $ne crieth after more In pace in id-ipsum dormiam etc. H 15250 The moste lyflode that he lyueth by $is loue in goddis passioun H 15251 Noyther he biddeth ne beggeth $ne borweth to #elde H 15252 Misdoth he no man $ne with his mouth greueth H 15253 Amonges Cristene men $this myldnesse shulde laste H 15254 In alle manere angres $haue this at herte H 15255 That though thei suffred al this $god suffred for vs more H 15256 In ensample we shulde do so $and take no veniaunce H 15257 Of owre foes that doth vs falsenesse $that is owre fadres wille H 15258 For wel may euery man wite $if god hadde wolde hymselue H 15259 Sholde neuere Iudas ne Iuwe $haue Iesu don on rode H 15260 Ne han martired Peter ne Poule $ne in prisoun holden H 15261 Ac he suffred in ensample $that we shulde suffre also H 15262 And seide to suche that suffre wolde $that pacientes vincunt H 15263 Verbi gratia quod he $and verrey ensamples manye H 15264 In Legenda Sanctorum $the lyf of holy seyntes H 15265 What penaunce and pouerte $and passioun thei suffred H 15266 In hunger in hete $in al manere angres H 15267 Antony and Egidie $and other holi fadres H 15268 Woneden in wildernesse $amonge wilde bestes H 15269 Monkes and mendynauntz $men bi hem-selue H 15270 In spekes and in spelonkes $selden speken togideres H 15271 Ac noyther Antony ne Egidy $ne hermite that tyme H 15272 Of liouns ne of leoperdes $no lyflode ne toke H 15273 But of foules that fleeth $thus fynt men in bokes H 15274 Excepte that Egydie $after an hynde cryede H 15275 And thorw the mylke of that mylde best $the man was susteyned H 15276 And day by day had he hir nou#t $his hunger forto slake H 15277 But selden and sondrie tymes $as seith the boke and techeth H 15278 Antony a dayes $aboute none-tyme H 15279 Had a bridde that brou#te hym bred $that he by lyued H 15280 And though the gome hadde a geste $god fonde hem bothe H 15281 Poule primus heremita $had parroked hym-selue H 15282 That no man mi#te hym se $for mosse and for leues H 15283 Foules hym fedde $fele wynteres with alle H 15284 Til he founded freres $of Austines ordre H 15285 Poule after his prechyng $panyers he made H 15286 And wan with his hondes $that his wombe neded H 15287 Peter fisched for his fode $and his felawe Andrewe H 15288 Some thei solde and some thei sothe $and so thei lyued bothe H 15289 And also Marie Magdeleyne $by mores lyued and dewes H 15290 Ac moste thorw deuocioun $and mynde of god almi#ty H 15291 I shulde nou#t this seuene dayes $seggen hem alle H 15292 That lyueden thus for owre lordes loue $manye longe #eres H 15293 Ac there ne was lyoun ne leopart $that on laundes wenten H 15294 Noyther bere ne bor $ne other best wilde H 15295 That ne fel to her feet $and fauned with the tailles H 15296 And if thei couth han ycarped $by Cryst as I trowe H 15297 Thei wolde haue fedde that folke $bifor wilde foules H 15298 For alle the curteisie that bestes kunne $thei kidde that folke ofte H 15299 In likkyng and in lowynge $there thei on laundes #ede H 15300 Ac god sent hem fode bi foules $and by no fierse bestes H 15301 In menynge that meke thinge $mylde thinge shulde fede H 15302 As who seith religious $ry#tful men shulde fynde H 15303 And lawful men to lyf-holy men $lyflode brynge. H 15304 And thanne wolde lordes and ladyes $be loth to agulte H 15305 And to take of her tenauntz $more than treuth wolde H 15306 Fonde thei that freres $wolde forsake her almesses H 15307 And bidden hem bere it $there it was yborwed H 15308 For we ben goddes foules $and abiden alwey H 15309 Tyl briddes brynge vs $that we shulde lyue by H 15310 For had #e potage and payn ynough $and peny-ale to drynke H 15311 And a messe there-mydde $of o manere kynde H 15312 #e had ri#t ynough #e religious $and so #owre reule me tolde Nunquam dicit Iob rugiet onager cum herbam habuerit aut mugiet bos cum ante plenum presepe steterit Brutorum animalium natura te condempnat quia cum eis pabulum commune sufficiat ex adipe prodijt iniquitas tua H 15313 If lewed men knewe this Latyn $thei wolde loke whom thei #eue H 15314 And auyse hem bifore $a fyue dayes or sexe H 15315 Or thei amortesed to monkes $or chanouns her rentes H 15316 Allas lordes and ladyes $lewed conseille haue #e H 15317 To #yue fram #owre eyres $that #owre ayeles #ow lefte H 15318 And #iueth to bidde for #ow $to such that ben riche H 15319 And ben founded and feffed eke $to bidde for other H 15320 Who perfourneth this prophecye $of the peple that now lybbeth Dispersit dedit pauperibus etc. H 15321 If any peple perfourme that texte $it ar this pore freres H 15322 For that thei beggen abouten $in buildynge thei spene H 15323 And on hem-self sum $and such as ben her laboreres H 15324 And of hem that habbeth thei taken $and #yue hem that ne habbeth H 15325 Ac clerkes and kny#tes $and comuneres that ben riche H 15326 Fele of #ow fareth $as if I a forest hadde H 15327 That were ful of faire trees $and I fonded and caste H 15328 How I my#te mo ther-inne $amonges hem sette H 15329 Ri#t so #e riche $#e robeth that ben riche H 15330 And helpeth hem that helpeth #ow $and #iueth there no nede is H 15331 As who so filled a tonne $of a fresshe ryuer H 15332 And went forth with that water $to woke with Themese H 15333 Ri#t so #e riche $#e robeth and fedeth H 15334 Hem that han as #e han $hem #e make at ese H 15335 Ac religious that riche ben $shulde rather feste beggeres H 15336 Than burgeys that riche ben $as the boke techeth Quia sacrilegium est res pauperum non pauperibus dare Item peccatoribus dare est demonibus immolare Item monache si indiges et accipis pocius das quam accipis Si autem non eges et accipis rapis Porro non indiget monachus si habeat quod nature sufficit H 15337 For-thi I conseille alle Cristene $to confourmen hem to charite H 15338 For charite with-oute chalengynge $vnchargeth the soule H 15339 And many a prisone fram purgatorie $thorw his preyeres he delyuereth H 15340 Ac there is a defaute in the folke $that the faith kepeth H 15341 Wherefore folke is the feblere $and nou#t ferme of bilieue H 15342 As in Lussheborwes is a lyther alay $and #et loketh he lyke a sterlynge H 15343 The merke of that mone is good $ac the metal is fieble H 15344 And so it fareth by some folke now $thei han a faire speche H 15345 Croune and Crystendome $the kynges merke of heuene H 15346 Ac the metal that is mannes soule $with synne is foule alayed H 15347 Bothe lettred and lewede $beth allayed now with synne H 15348 That no lyf loueth other $ne owre lorde as it semeth H 15349 For thorw werre and wykked werkes $and wederes vnresonable H 15350 Wederwise shipmen $and witti clerkes also H 15351 Han no bilieue to the lifte $ne to the lore of philosofres H 15352 Astrymyanes alday $in her arte faillen H 15353 That whilum warned bifore $what shulde falle after H 15354 Shipmen and shepherdes $that with shipp and shepe wenten H 15355 Wisten by the walkene $what shulde falle after H 15356 As of wederes and wyndes $thei warned men ofte H 15357 Tilieres that tiled the erthe $tolden her maistres H 15358 By the sede that thei sewe $what thei warned men ofte H 15359 And what to lene and what to lyue by $the londe was so trewe H 15360 Now failleth the folke of the flode $and of the londe bothe H 15361 Shepherdes and shipmen $and so do this tilieres H 15362 Noither thei kunneth ne knoweth $one cours bi-for another H 15363 Astrymyanes also $aren at her wittes ende H 15364 Of that was calculed of the element $the contrarie thei fynde H 15365 Gramer the grounde of al $bigyleth now children H 15366 For is none of this newe clerkes $who so nymeth hede H 15367 That can versifye faire $ne formalich enditen H 15368 Ne nou#t on amonge an hundreth $that an auctour can construe H 15369 Ne rede a lettre in any langage $but in Latyn or in Englissh H 15370 Go now to any degre $and but-if Gyle be mayster H 15371 And Flaterere his felawe $vnder hym to fourmen H 15372 Moche wonder me thynketh $amonges vs alle H 15373 Doctoures of decres $and of diuinite maistres H 15374 That shulde konne and knowe $alkynnes clergye H 15375 And answere to argumentz $and also to a quodlibet H 15376 I dar nou#t seggen it for shame $if suche weren apposed H 15377 Thei shuylde faillen in her philosofye $and in phisyk bothe H 15378 Wher-fore I am afered $of folke of holikirke H 15379 Lest thei ouerhuppen as other don $in offices and in houres H 15380 Ac if thei ouerhuppe as I hope nou#te $owre byleue suffiseth H 15381 As clerkes in Corpus-Christi feste $singen and reden H 15382 That sola fides sufficit $to saue with lewed peple H 15383 And so many Sarasenes be saued $scribes and Jewes H 15384 Allas thanne but owre loresmen $lyuen as thei leren vs H 15385 And for her lyuynge that lewed men $be the lother god agulthen H 15386 For Sarasenes han somwhat $semynge to owre bileue H 15387 For thei loue and bileue $in o persone almi#ty H 15388 And we lered and lewede $in on god bileueth H 15389 Ac one Makometh a man $in mysbileue H 15390 Brou#te Sarasenes of Surre $and se in what manere H 15391 This Makometh was a Crystene man $and for he moste nou#te be a pope H 15392 In-to Surre he sou#te $and thorw his sotil wittes H 15393 Daunted a dowue $and day and ny#te hir fedde H 15394 The corne that she cropped $he caste it in his ere H 15395 And if he amonge the people preched $or in places come H 15396 Thanne wolde the coluer come $to the clerkes ere H 15397 Menynge as after meet $thus Makometh hir enchaunted H 15398 And dide folke thanne falle on knees $for he swore in his prechynge H 15399 That the coluer that come so $come fram god of heuene H 15400 As messager to Makometh $men forto teche H 15401 And thus thorw wyles of his witte $and a whyte dowue H 15402 Makometh in mysbileue $men and wommen brou#te H 15403 That lered there and lewed #it $lyuen on his lawes H 15404 And sitth owre saueoure suffred $the Sarasenes so bigiled H 15405 Thorw a crystene clerke $acursed in his soule H 15406 Ac for drede of the deth $I dar nou#t telle treuthe H 15407 How Englissh clerkes a coluer feden $that Coueityse hatte H 15408 And ben manered after Makometh $that no man vseth treuth H 15409 Ancres and hermytes $and monkes and freres H 15410 Peren to apostles $thorw her parfit lyuynge H 15411 Wolde neuere the faithful fader $that his ministres sholde H 15412 Of tyrauntz that teneth trewe men $taken any almesse H 15413 But done as Antony did $Dominik and Fraunceys H 15414 Benet and Bernarde $the which hem firste tau#te H 15415 To lyue bi litel and in lowe houses $by lele mennes almesse H 15416 Grace sholde growe and be grene $thorw her good lyuynge H 15417 And folkes sholde fynde $that ben in dyuerse sykenesse H 15418 The better for her byddynges $in body and in soule H 15419 Her preyeres and her penaunces $to pees shulde brynge H 15420 Alle that ben at debate $and bedemen were trewe Petite et accipietis etc. H 15421 Salt saueth catel $seggen this wyues Vos estis sal terre etc. H 15422 The heuedes of holicherche $and thei holy were H 15423 Cryst calleth hem salt $for Crystene soules Et si sal euanuerit in quo salietur H 15424 Ac fresshe flesshe other fisshe $whan it salt failleth H 15425 It is vnsauory for soth $ysothe or ybake H 15426 So is mannes soule sothly $that seeth no good ensaumple H 15427 Of hem of holycherche $that the heigh weye shulde teche H 15428 And be gyde and go bifore $as a good baneoure H 15429 And hardy hem that bihynde ben $and #iue hem good euydence H 15430 Elleuene holy men $al the worlde torned H 15431 In-to lele byleue $the li#tloker me thynketh H 15432 Shulde al maner men $we han so manye maistres H 15433 Prestes and prechoures $and a pope aboue H 15434 That goddes salt shulde be $to saue mannes soule H 15435 Al was hethenesse some tyme $Ingelond and Wales H 15436 Til Gregory gerte clerkes $to go here and preche H 15437 Austyn at Caunterbury $crystened the kynge H 15438 And thorw myracles as men may rede $al that marche he torned H 15439 To Cryst and to Crystendome $and crosse to honoure H 15440 And fulled folke faste $and the faith tau#te H 15441 More thorw miracles $than thorw moche prechynge H 15442 As wel thorw his werkes $as with his holy wordes H 15443 And seyde hem what fullynge $and faith was to mene H 15444 Cloth that cometh fro the weuyng $is nou#t comly to were H 15445 Tyl it is fulled vnder fote $or in fullyng-stokkes H 15446 Wasshen wel with water $and with taseles cracched H 15447 Ytouked and ytented $and vnder tailloures hande H 15448 And so it fareth by a barne $that borne is of wombe H 15449 Til it be crystened in Crystes name $and confermed of the bisshop H 15450 It is hethene as to heueneward $and helpelees to the soule H 15451 Hethene is to mene after heth $and vntiled erthe H 15452 As in wilde wildernesse $wexeth wilde bestes H 15453 Rude and vnresonable $rennenge with-out croperes H 15454 #e mynnen wel how Matheu seith $how a man made a feste H 15455 He fedde hem with no venysoun $ne fesauntes ybake H 15456 But with foules that fram hym nolde $but folwed his whistellynge Ecce altilia mea et omnia parata sunt etc H 15457 And wyth calues flesshe he fedde $the folke that he loued H 15458 The calfe bytokeneth clennesse $in hem that kepeth lawes H 15459 For as the cow thorw kynde mylke $the calf norissheth til an oxe H 15460 So loue and lewte $lele men susteyneth H 15461 And maydenes and mylde men $mercy desiren H 15462 Ri#t as the cow-calf $coueyteth swete mylke H 15463 So don ri#tful men $mercy and treuthe H 15464 And by the hande-fedde foules $his folk vnderstonde H 15465 That loth ben to louye $with-outen lernynge of ensaumples H 15466 Ri#t as capones in a court $cometh to mennes whistlynge H 15467 In menynge after mete $folweth men that whistlen H 15468 Ri#t so rude men $that litel reson cunneth H 15469 Louen and by-leuen $by lettred mennes doynges H 15470 And by here wordes and werkes $wenen and trowen H 15471 And as tho foules to fynde $fode after whistlynge H 15472 So hope thei to haue $heuene thoru# her whistlynge H 15473 And by the man that made the feste $the mageste bymeneth H 15474 That is god of his grace $gyueth al men blisse H 15475 With wederes and with wondres $he warneth vs with a whistlere H 15476 Where that his wille is $to worschipen vs alle H 15477 And feden vs and festen vs $for euere-more at ones H 15478 Ac who beth that excuseth hem $that aren persounes and prestes H 15479 That heuedes of holycherche ben $that han her wille here H 15480 With-oute trauaille the tithe del $that trewemen biswynkyn H 15481 Thei wil be wroth for I write thus $ac to witnesse I take H 15482 Bothe Mathew and Marke $and Memento-domine-Dauid Ecce audiuimus eam in Effrata etc. H 15483 What pope or prelate now $perfourneth that Cryst hi#te Ite in vniversum mundum et predicate etc. H 15484 Allas that men so longe $on Makometh shulde byleue H 15485 So many prelates to preche $as the pope maketh H 15486 Of Nazareth of Nynyue $of Neptalim and Damaske H 15487 That thei ne went as Cryst wisseth $sithen thei wilne a name H 15488 To be pastours and preche $the passioun of Iesus H 15489 And as hym-self seyde $so to lyue and deye Bonus pastor animam suam ponit etc. H 15490 And seyde it in sauacioun $of Sarasenes and other H 15491 For Crystene and vncristene $Cryst seide to prechoures Ite vos in vineam meam H 15492 And sith that this Sarasenes $scribes and Iuwes H 15493 Han a lippe of owre byleue $the li#tloker me thynketh H 15494 Thei shulde torne who so trauaille wolde $to teche hem of the trinite Querite et inuenietis etc. H 15495 It is reuth to rede $how ri#twis men lyued H 15496 How thei defouled her flessh $forsoke her owne wille H 15497 Fer fro kitth and fro kynne $yuel-yclothed #eden H 15498 Badly ybedded $no boke but conscience H 15499 Ne no richchesse but the rode $to reioyse hem inne Absit nobis gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri etc. H 15500 And tho was plente and pees $amonges pore and riche H 15501 And now is routhe to rede $how the red noble H 15502 Is reuerenced or the rode $receyued for the worthier H 15503 Than Crystes crosse that ouer-cam $deth and dedly synne H 15504 And now is werre and wo $and who so why axeth H 15505 For coueityse after crosse $the croune stant in golde H 15506 Bothe riche and religious $that rode thei honoure H 15507 That in grotes is ygraue $and in golde nobles H 15508 For coueityse of that crosse $men of holykirke H 15509 Shul tourne as Templeres did $the tyme approcheth faste H 15510 Wyte #e nou#t wyse men $how tho men honoured H 15511 More tresore than treuthe $I dar nou#t telle the sothe H 15512 Resoun and ri#tful dome $tho religious demed H 15513 Ri#t so #e clerkes $for #owre coueityse ar longe H 15514 Shal thei demen dos ecclesie $and #owre pryde depose Deposuit potentes de sede etc. H 15515 #if kny#thod and kynde wytte $and comune conscience H 15516 Togideres loue lelly $leueth it wel #e bisshopes H 15517 The lordeship of londes $for euere shal #e lese H 15518 And lyuen as Leuitici $as owre lorde #ow techeth Per primicias et decimas H 15519 Whan Costantyn of curteysye $holykirke dowed H 15520 With londes and ledes $lordeshipes and rentes H 15521 An angel men herde $an heigh at Rome crye H 15522 Dos ecclesie this day $hath ydronke venym H 15523 And tho that han Petres powere $arn apoysoned alle H 15524 A medecyne mote ther-to $that may amende prelates H 15525 That sholden preye for the pees $possessioun hem letteth H 15526 Take her landes #e lordes $and let hem lyue by dymes H 15527 If possessioun be poysoun $and inparfit hem make H 15528 Good were to dischargen hem $for holicherche sake H 15529 And purgen hem of poysoun $of more perile falle H 15530 #if presthod were parfit $the peple sholde amende H 15531 That contrarien Crystes lawe $and Crystendome dispise H 15532 For al paynymes prayeth $and parfitly bileueth H 15533 In the holy grete god $and his grace thei asken H 15334 And make her mone to Makometh $her message to shewe H 15535 Thus in a faith lyueth that folke $and in a false mene H 15536 And that is routhe for ri#tul men $that in the rewme wonyen H 15537 And a peril to the pope $and prelatis that he maketh H 15538 That bere bisshopes names $of Bedleem and Babiloigne H 15539 Whan the heye kynge of heuene $sent his sone to erthe H 15540 Many miracles he wrou#te $man for to turne H 15541 In ensaumple that men schulde se $that by sadde resoun H 15542 Men mi#t nou#t be saued $but thoru# mercy and grace H 15543 And thoru# penaunce and passion $and parfit bylef H 15544 And by-cam man of a mayde $and metropolitanus H 15545 And baptised and bishoped $with the blode of his herte H 15546 Alle that wilned and wolde $with inne-wit by-leue it H 15547 Many a seint sytthen $hath soffred to deye H 15548 Al for to enforme the faith $in fele contreyes deyeden H 15549 In Ynde and in Alisaunder $in Ermonye and in Spayne H 15550 In delfol deth deyeden $for there faith sake H 15551 In sauacion of the fayth $seynt Thomas was ymartired H 15552 Amonges vn-kende Cristene $for Cristes loue he deyede H 15553 And for the ri#t of al this reume $and al reumes Cristene H 15554 Holy cherche is honoured $hey#liche thoru# his deynge H 15555 He is a forbysene to alle bishopes $and a bri#t myroure H 15556 And souereyneliche to suche $that of Surrye bereth the name H 15557 That hippe aboute in Engelonde $to halwe mennes auteres H 15558 And crepe amonges curatoures $and confessen ageyne the lawe Nolite mittere falcem in messem alienam etc. H 15559 Many man for Crystes loue $was martired in Romanye H 15560 Er any Crystendome was knowe there $or any crosse honoured H 15561 Euery bisshop that bereth crosse $by that he is holden H 15562 Thorw his prouynce to passe $and to his peple to shewe hym H 15563 Tellen hem and techen hem $on the trinite to bileue H 15564 And feden hem with gostly fode $and nedy folke to fynden H 15565 Ac Ysaie of #ow speketh $and Osyas bothe H 15566 That no man schuld be bischope $but if he hadde bothe H 15567 Bodily fode and gostly fode $and gyue there it nedeth In domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum et ideo nolite constituere me regem H 15568 Ozias seith for such $that syke ben and fieble Inferte omnes decimas in oreum meum vt sit cibus in domo mea H 15569 Ac we Crystene creatures $that on the crosse byleuen H 15570 Aren ferme as in the faith $goddes forbode elles H 15571 And han clerkes to kepen vs ther-inne $and hem that shal come after vs H 15572 And Iewes lyuen in lele lawe $owre lorde wrote it hym-selue H 15573 In stone for it stydfast was $and stonde sholde eure H 15574 Dilige deum et proximum $is parfit Iewen lawe H 15575 And toke it Moyses to teche men $til Messye come H 15576 And on that lawe thei lyuen #it $and leten it the beste H 15577 And #it knewe thei Cryst $that Crystendome tau#te H 15578 For a parfit prophete $that moche peple saued H 15579 Of selcouth sores $thei seyen it ofte H 15580 Bothe of myracles and meruailles $and how he men fested H 15581 With two fisshes and fyve loues $fyue thousande peple H 15582 And bi that maungerye men mi#te wel se $that Messye he semed H 15583 And whan he luft vp Lazar $that layde was in graue H 15584 And vnder stone ded and stanke $with styf voys hym called Lazare veni foras H 15585 Dede hym rise and rowme $ri#t bifor the Iuwes H 15586 Ac thei seiden and sworen $with sorcerye he wrou#te H 15587 And studyen to stroyen hym $and stroyden hemself H 15588 And thorw his pacyence her powere $to pure nou#t he brou#te Pacientes vincunt H 15589 Danyel of her vndoynge $deuyned and seyde Cum sanctus sanctorum veniat cessabit vnxio vestra H 15590 And #et wenen tho wrecches $that he were pseudo- propheta H 15591 And that his lore be lesynges $and lakken it alle H 15592 And hopen that he be to come $that shal hem releue H 15593 Moyses eft or Messye $here maisteres #et deuyneth H 15594 Ac Pharesewes and Sarasenes $Scribes and Grekis H 15595 Aren folke of on faith $the fader god thei honouren H 15596 And sitthen that the Sarasenes $and also the Iewes H 15597 Konne the firste clause of owre bileue $Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem H 15598 Prelates of Crystene prouynces $shulde preue if thei my#te H 15599 Lere hem litlum and lytlum $et in Iesum Christum filium H 15600 Tyl thei couthe speke and spelle $et in spiritum sanctum H 15601 And rendren it and recorden it $with remissionem peccatorum Carnis resurreccionem et vitam eternam Amen H 16001 Now faire falle #ow quod I tho $for #owre faire shewynge H 16002 For Haukynnes loue the actyf man $euere I shal #ow louye H 16003 Ac #et I am in a were $what charite is to mene H 16004 It is a ful trye tree quod he $trewly to telle H 16005 Mercy is the more ther-of $the myddel stokke is Reuthe H 16006 The leues ben Lele-Wordes $the lawe of Holycherche H 16007 The blosmes beth Boxome-Speche $and Benygne-Lokynge H 16008 Pacience hatte the pure tre $and pore symple of herte H 16009 And so thorw god and thorw good men $groweth the frute Charite H 16010 I wolde trauaille quod I this tree to se $twenty hundreth myle H 16011 And forto haue my fylle of that frute $forsake al other saulee H 16012 Lorde quod I if any wi#te wyte $whider-oute it groweth H 16013 It groweth in a gardyne quod he $that god made hym- seluen H 16014 Amyddes mannes body $the more is of that stokke H 16015 Herte hatte the herber $that it in groweth H 16016 And Liberum-Arbitrium $hath the londe to ferme H 16017 Vnder Piers the Plowman $to pyken it and to weden it H 16018 Piers the Plowman quod I tho $and al for pure ioye H 16019 That I herde nempne his name $anone I swouned after H 16020 And laye longe in a lone dreme $and atte laste me thou#te H 16021 That Pieres the Plowman $al the place me shewed H 16022 And bad me toten on the tree $on toppe and on rote H 16023 With thre pyles was it vnder-pi#te $I perceyued it sone H 16024 Pieres quod I I preye the $whi stonde thise piles here H 16025 For wyndes wiltow wyte quod he $to witen it fram fallynge Cum cediderit iustus non collidetur quia Dominus supponit manum suam H 16026 And in blowyng-tyme abite the floures $but if this piles helpe H 16027 The Worlde is a wykked wynde $to hem that wolden treuthe H 16028 Coueityse cometh of that wynde $and crepeth amonge the leues H 16029 And forfret neigh the frute $thorw many faire si#tes H 16030 Thanne with the firste pyle I palle hym down $that is potencia-Dei-Patris H 16031 The Flesshe is a fel wynde $and in flourynge-tyme H 16032 Thorw lykyng and lustes $so loude he gynneth blowe H 16033 That it norissheth nice si#tes $and some tyme wordes H 16034 And wikked werkes ther-of $wormes of synne H 16035 And forbiteth the blosmes $ri#t to the bare leues H 16036 Thanne sette I to the secounde pile $sapiencia-Dei- patris H 16037 That is the passioun and the power $of owre prynce Iesu H 16038 Thorw preyeres and thorw penaunces $and goddes passioun in mynde H 16039 I saue it til I se it rypen $and somdel y-fruited H 16040 And thanne fondeth the Fende $my fruit to destruye H 16041 With alle the wyles that he can $and waggeth the rote H 16042 And casteth vp to the croppe $vnkynde neighbores H 16043 Bakbiteres breke-cheste $brawleres and chideres H 16044 And leith a laddre there-to $of lesynges aren the ronges H 16045 And feccheth away my floures sumtyme $afor bothe myn eyhen H 16046 Ac Liberum-Arbitrium $letteth hym some tyme H 16047 That is lieutenant to loken it wel $by leue of my- selue Videatis qui peccat in spiritum sanctum nunquam remittetur etc. Hoc est idem qui peccat per liberum arbitrium non repugnat H 16048 Ac whan the Fende and the Flesshe $forth with the Worlde H 16049 Manasen byhynde me $my fruit for to fecche H 16050 Thanne Liberum-Arbitrium $lacceth the thridde plante H 16051 And palleth adown the pouke $purelich thorw grace H 16052 And helpe of the holy goste $and thus haue I the maystrie H 16053 Now faire falle #ow Pieres quod I $so faire #e discryuen H 16054 The powere of this postes $and her propre my#te H 16055 Ac I have thou#tes a threve $of this thre piles H 16056 In what wode thei woxen $and where that thei growed H 16057 For alle ar thei aliche longe $none lasse than other H 16058 And to my mynde as me thinketh $on o more thei growed H 16059 And of o gretnesse $and grene of greyne thei semen H 16060 That is soth seide Pieres $so it may bifalle H 16061 I shal telle the as tite $what this tree hatte H 16062 The grounde there it groweth $Goodnesse it hi#te H 16063 And I haue tolde the what hi#te the tree $the Trinite it meneth H 16064 And egrelich he loked on me $and ther-fore I spared H 16065 To asken hym any more ther-of $and badde hym ful fayre H 16066 To discreue the fruit $that so faire hangeth H 16067 Here now bineth quod he tho $if I nede hadde H 16068 Matrymonye I may nyme $a moiste fruit with-alle H 16069 Thanne contenence is nerre the croppe $as calewey bastarde H 16070 Thanne bereth the croppe kynde fruite $and clenneste of alle H 16071 Maydenhode angeles peres $and rathest wole be ripe H 16072 And swete with-oute swellyng $soure worth it neuere H 16073 I prayed Pieres to pulle adown $an apple and he wolde H 16074 And suffre me to assaye $what sauoure it hadde H 16075 And Pieres caste to the croppe $and thanne comsed it to crye H 16076 And wagged Wydwehode $and it wepte after H 16077 And whan it meued Matrimoigne $it made a foule noyse H 16078 That I had reuth whan Piers rogged $it gradde so reufulliche H 16079 For euere as thei dropped adown $the deuel was redy H 16080 And gadred hem alle togideres $bothe grete and smale H 16081 Adam and Abraham $and Ysay the prophete H 16082 Sampson and Samuel $and seynt Iohan the baptiste H 16083 Bar hem forth boldely $no body hym letted H 16084 And made of holy men his horde $in lymbo inferni H 16085 There is derkenesse and drede $and the deuel maister H 16086 And Pieres for pure tene $that o pile he lau#te H 16087 And hitte after hym $happe how it my#te H 16088 Filius bi the Fader wille $and frenesse of Spiritus Sancti H 16089 To go robbe that raggeman $and reue the fruit fro hym H 16090 And thanne spakke Spiritus Sanctus $in Gabrieles mouthe H 16091 To a mayde that hi#te Marye $a meke thinge with-alle H 16092 That one Iesus a Iustice sone $moste Iouke in her chambre H 16093 Tyl plenitudo temporis $fully comen were H 16094 That Pieres fruit floured $and fel to be ripe H 16095 And thanne shulde Iesus Iuste there-fore $bi Iuggement of armes H 16096 Whether shulde fonge the fruit $the fende or hymselue H 16097 The mayde myldeliche tho $the messager graunted H 16098 And seyde hendelich to hym $lo me his hande-mayden H 16099 For to worchen his wille $with-outen any synne Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi secundum verbum tuum etc. H 16100 And in the wombe of that wenche $was he fourty wokes H 16101 Tyl he wex a faunt thorw her flesshe $and of fi#tyng couthe H 16102 To haue y-fou#te with the fende $ar ful tyme come H 16103 And Pieres the Plowman $parceyued plenere tyme H 16104 And lered hym lechecrafte $his lyf for to saue H 16105 That thowgh he were wounded with enemye $to warisshe hym-self H 16106 And did him assaye his surgerye $on hem that syke were H 16107 Til he was parfit practisoure $if any peril felle H 16108 And sou#te oute the syke $and synful bothe H 16109 And salued syke and synful $bothe blynde and crokede H 16110 And comune wommen conuerted $and to good torned Non est sanis opus medicus set infirmis etc. H 16111 Bothe meseles and mute $and in the menysoun blody H 16112 Ofte he heled suche $he ne helde it for no maistrye H 16113 Saue tho he leched Lazar $that hadde yleye in graue H 16114 Quatriduanus quelt $quykke did hym walke H 16115 Ac as he made the maistrye $mestus cepit esse H 16116 And wepte water with his eyghen $there seyen it manye H 16117 Some that the si#te seyen $saide that tyme H 16118 That he was leche of lyf $and lorde of heigh heuene H 16119 Iewes Iangeled there-a#eyne $and Iugged lawes H 16120 And seide he wrou#te thorw wicchecrafte $and with the deueles mi#te Demonium habes etc. H 16121 Thanne ar #e cherles quod Iesus $and #owre children bothe H 16122 And Sathan #owre saueoure $#ow-selue now #e witnessen H 16123 For I haue saued #ow-self seith Cryst $and #owre sones after H 16124 #owre bodyes #owre bestes $and blynde men holpen H 16125 And fedde #ow with fisshes $and with fyue loues H 16126 And left baskettes ful of broke mete $bere awey who so wolde H 16127 And mysseide the Iewes manliche $and manaced hem to bete H 16128 And knokked on hem with a corde $and caste adown her stalles H 16129 That in cherche chaffareden $or chaungeden any moneye H 16130 And seyde it in si#te of hem alle $so that alle herden H 16131 I shal ouertourne this temple $and adown throwe H 16132 And in thre dayes after $edifye it newe H 16133 And make it as moche other more $in alle manere poyntes H 16134 As euere it was and as wyde $wher-fore I hote #ow H 16135 Of preyeres and of parfitnesse $this place that #e callen Domus mea domus oracionis vocabitur H 16136 Enuye and yuel wille $was in the Iewes H 16137 Thei casten and contreueden $to kulle hym whan thei mi#te H 16138 Vche daye after other $theire tyme thei awaited H 16139 Til it bifel on a Fryday $a litel bifore Paske H 16140 The Thorsday byfore $there he made his maundee H 16141 Sittyng atte sopere $he seide thise wordes H 16142 I am solde thorw one of #ow $he shal the tyme rewe H 16143 That euere he his saueoure solde $for syluer or elles H 16144 Iudas Iangeled there-a#ein $ac Iesus hym tolde H 16145 It was hym-self sothely $and seide tu dicis H 16146 Thanne went forth that wikked man $and with the Iewes mette H 16147 And tolde hem a tokne $how to knowe with Iesus H 16148 And which tokne to this day $to moche is y-vsed H 16149 That is kissyng and faire contenaunce $and vnkynde wille H 16150 And so was with Iudas tho $that Iesus bytrayed H 16151 Aue raby quod that ribaude $and ri#t to hym he #ede H 16152 And kiste hym to be cau#t there-by $and kulled of the Iewes H 16153 Thanne Iesus to Iudas $and to the Iewes seyde H 16154 Falsenesse I fynde $in thi faire speche H 16155 And gyle in thi gladde chere $and galle is in thi lawghynge H 16156 Thow shalt be myroure to manye $men to deceyue H 16157 Ac the wors and thi wikkednesse $shal worth vpon thiselue Necesse est vt veniant scandala ve homini illi per quem scandalum venit H 16158 Thow I bi tresoun be ytake $at #owre owne wille H 16159 Suffreth my postles in pays $and in pees gange H 16160 On a Thoresday in thesternesse $thus was he taken H 16161 Thorw Iudas and Iewes $Iesus was name H 16162 That on the Fryday folwynge $for mankynd sake H 16163 Iusted in Ierusalem $a Ioye to vs alle H 16164 On crosse vpon Caluarye $Cryst toke the bataille H 16165 A#eines deth and the deuel $destruyed her botheres my#tes H 16166 Deyde and deth fordid $and daye of ny#te made H 16167 And I awaked there-with $and wyped myne eyghen H 16168 And after Piers the Plowman $pryed and stared H 16169 Estwarde and westwarde $I awayted after faste H 16170 And #ede forth as an ydiote $in contre to aspye H 16171 After Pieres the Plowman $many a place I sou#te H 16172 And thanne mette I with a man $a Mydlenten Sondaye H 16173 As hore as an hawethorne $and Abraham he hi#te H 16174 I frayned hym first $fram whennes he come H 16175 And of whennes he were $and whider that he thou#te H 16176 I am Feith quod that freke $it falleth nou#te to lye H 16177 And of Abrahames hous $an heraud of armes H 16178 I seke after a segge $that I seigh ones H 16179 A ful bolde bacheler $I knewe hym by his blasen H 16180 What bereth that buirn quod I tho $so blisse the bityde H 16181 Thre leodes in o lith $non lenger than other H 16182 Of one mochel and my#te $in mesure and in lengthe H 16183 That one doth alle doth $and eche doth by his one H 16184 The firste hath mi#te and maiestee $maker of alle thinges H 16185 Pater is his propre name $a persone by hym-selue H 16186 The secounde of that sire is $sothfastnesse Filius H 16187 Wardeyne of that witte hath $was euere with-oute gynnynge H 16188 The thridde hatte the Holygoost $a persone by hym- selue H 16189 The li#te of alle that lyf hath $a londe and a watre H 16190 Confortoure of creatures $of hym cometh al blisse H 16191 So thre bilongeth for a lorde $that lordeship claymeth H 16192 My#te and a mene $to knowe his owne my#te H 16193 Of hym and of his seruaunt $and what thei suffre bothe H 16194 So god that gynnyng hadde neure $but tho hym good thou#te H 16195 Sent forth his sone $as for seruaunt that tyme H 16196 To occupien hym here $til issue were spronge H 16197 That is children of charite $and holicherche the moder H 16198 Patriarkes and prophetes $and aposteles were the chyldren H 16199 And Cryst and Crystenedome $and Crystene holycherche H 16200 In menynge that man moste $on o god bileue H 16201 And there hym lyked and loued $in thre persones hym shewed H 16202 And that it may be so and soth $manhode it sheweth H 16203 Wedloke and widwehode $with virgynyte ynempned H 16204 In toknynge of the Trinite $was taken oute of o man H 16205 Adam owre aller fader $Eue was of hym-selue H 16206 And the issue that thei hadde $it was of hem bothe H 16207 And either is otheres Ioye $in thre sondry persones H 16208 And in heuene and here $one syngulere name H 16209 And thus is mankynde or manhede $of matrimoigne yspronge H 16210 And bitokneth the Trinite $and trewe bileue H 16211 Mi#te is matrimoigne $that multiplieth the erthe H 16212 And bitokneth trewly $telle if I dorste H 16213 Hym that firste fourmed al $the fader of heuene H 16214 The sone if I durst seye $resembleth wel the wydwe Deus meus deus meus vt quid dereliquisti me H 16215 That is creatour wex creature $to knowe what was bothe H 16216 As widwe with-oute wedloke $was neure #ete yseye H 16217 Na more my#te god be man $but if he moder hadde H 16218 So wydwe with-oute wedloke $may nou#te wel stande H 16219 Ne matrimoigne with-oute moillerye $is nou#t moche to preyse Maledictus homo qui non reliquit semen in Israel etc. H 16220 Thus in thre persones $is perfitliche manhede H 16221 That is man and his make $and moillere her children H 16222 And is nou#t but gendre of o generacioun $bifor Iesu Cryst in heuene H 16223 So is the Fader forth with the Sone $and fre wille of bothe Spiritus procedens a patre et filio H 16224 Which is the Holygoste of alle $and alle is but o god H 16225 Thus in a somer I hym seigh $as I satte in my porche H 16226 I ros vp and reuerenced hym $and ri#t faire hym grette H 16227 Thre men to my sy#te $I made wel at ese H 16228 Wesche her feet and wyped hem $and afterward thei eten H 16229 Calues flesshe and cakebrede $and knewe what I thou#te H 16230 Ful trewe tokenes bitwene vs is $to telle whan me lyketh H 16231 Firste he fonded me $if I loued bettere H 16232 Hym or Ysaak myn ayre $the which he hi#te me kulle H 16233 He wiste my wille by hym $he wil me it allowe H 16234 I am ful syker in soule ther-of $and my sone bothe H 16235 I circumcised my sone $sitthen for his sake H 16236 My-self and my meyne $and alle that male were H 16237 Bledden blode for that lordes loue $and hope to blisse the tyme H 16238 Myn affiaunce and my faith $is ferme in this bilieue H 16239 For hym-self bihi#te to me $and to myne issue bothe H 16240 Londe and lordship $and lyf with-outen ende H 16241 To me and to myn issue $more #ete he me graunted H 16242 Mercy for owre mysdedes $as many tyme as we asken Quam olim Abrahe promisisti et semini eius H 16243 And sith he sent me to seye $I shoulde do sacrifise H 16244 And done hym worshipe with bred $and with wyn bothe H 16245 And called me the fote of his faith $his folke forto saue H 16246 And defende hem fro the fende $folke that on me leueden H 16247 Thus haue I ben his heraude $here and in helle H 16248 And conforted many a careful $that after his comynge wayten H 16249 And thus I seke hym he seide $for I herde seyne late H 16250 Of a barne that baptised hym $Iohan the Baptiste was his name H 16251 That to patriarkes and to prophetes $and to other peple in derknesse H 16252 Seyde that he seigh here $that sholde saue vs alle Ecce agnus dei etc. H 16253 I hadde wonder of his wordes $and of his wyde clothes H 16254 For in his bosome he bar a thyng $that he blissed euere H 16255 And I loked on his lappe $a lazar lay there-inne H 16256 Amonges patriarkes and profetes $pleyande togyderes H 16257 What awaytestow quod he $and what woldestow haue H 16258 I wolde wyte quod I tho $what is in #owre lappe H 16259 Loo quod he and lete me se $lorde mercy I seide H 16260 This is a present of moche prys $what prynce shal it haue H 16261 It is a preciouse present quod he $ac the pouke it hath attached H 16262 And me there-myde quod that man $may no wedde vs quite H 16263 Ne no buyrn be owre borwgh $ne bryng vs fram his daungere H 16264 Oute of the poukes pondfolde $no meynprise may vs fecche H 16265 Tyl he come that I carpe of $Cryst is his name H 16266 That shal delyure vs some daye $out of the deueles powere H 16267 And bettere wedde for vs legge $than we ben alle worthy H 16268 That is lyf for lyf $or ligge thus euere H 16269 Lollynge in my lappe $tyl such a lorde vs fecche H 16270 Allas I seyde that synne $so longe shal lette H 16271 The my#te of goddes mercy $that my#t vs alle amende H 16272 I wepte for his wordes $with that sawe I an other H 16273 Rapelich renne forth $the ri#te waye he went H 16274 I affrayned hym fyrste $fram whennes he come H 16275 And what he hi#te and whider he wolde $and wightlich he tolde H 17001 I am Spes quod he a spye $and spire after a kny#te H 17002 That toke me a maundement $vpon the mounte of Synay H 17003 To reule alle rewmes with $I bere the writte here H 17004 Is it asseled I seyde $may men se thi lettres H 17005 Nay he sayde I seke hym $that hath the sele to kepe H 17006 And that is crosse and Crystenedome $and Cryst there-on to hange H 17007 And whan it is asseled so $I wote wel the sothe H 17008 That Lucyferes lordeship $laste shal no lenger H 17009 Late se thi lettres quod I $we mi#te the lawe knowe H 17010 Thanne plokked he forth a patent $a pece of an harde roche H 17011 Wher-on were writen two wordes $on this wyse y- glosed Dilige deum et proximum tuum etc. H 17012 This was the tixte trewly $I toke ful gode #eme H 17013 The glose was gloriousely writen $with a gilte penne In hijs duobus mandatis tota lex pendet et prophetia H 17014 Ben here alle thi lordes lawes quod I $#e leue me wel he seyde H 17015 And who so worcheth after this writte $I wil vndertaken H 17016 Shal neuere deuel hym dere $ne deth in soule greue H 17017 For though I seye it my-self $I haue saued with this charme H 17018 Of men and wommen $many score thousandes H 17019 He seith soth seyde this heraud $I haue yfounde it ofte H 17020 Lo here in my lappe $that leued on that charme H 17021 Iosue and Iudith $and Iudas Macabeus H 17022 #e and sexty thousande bisyde forth $that ben nou#t seyen here H 17023 #owre wordes aren wonderful quod I tho $which of #ow is trewest H 17024 And lelest to leue on $for lyf and for soule H 17025 Abraham seith that he seigh $holy the Trinite H 17026 Thre persones in parcelles $departable fro other H 17027 And alle thre but o god $thus Abraham me tau#te H 17028 And hath saued that bileued so $and sory for her synnes H 17029 He can nou#te segge the somme $and some aren in his lappe H 17030 What neded it thanne $a newe lawe to bigynne H 17031 Sith the fyrst sufficeth $to sauacioun and to blisse H 17032 And now cometh Spes and speketh $that hath aspied the lawe H 17033 And telleth nou#te of the Trinitee $that toke hym his lettres H 17034 To byleue and louye $in o lorde almy#ty H 17035 And sitthe ri#t as my-self $so louye alle peple H 17036 The gome that goth with o staf $he semeth in gretter hele H 17037 Than he that goth with two staues $to sy#te of vs alle H 17038 And ri#te so by the rode $resoun me sheweth H 17039 It is ly#ter to lewed men $a lessoun to knowe H 17040 Than for to techen hem two $and to harde to lerne the leest H 17041 It is ful harde for any man $on Abraham byleue H 17042 And welawey worse #it $for to loue a shrewe H 17043 It is li#ter to leue $in thre louely persones H 17044 Than for to louye and leue $as wel lorelles as lele H 17045 Go thi gate quod I to Spes $so me god helpe H 17046 Tho that lerneth thi lawe $wil litel while vsen it H 17047 And as we wenten thus in the weye $wordyng togyderes H 17048 Thanne seye we a Samaritan $sittende on a mule H 17049 Rydynge ful rapely $the ri#t weye we #eden H 17050 Comynge fro a cuntre $that men called Ierico H 17051 To a Iustes in Iherusalem $he chaced awey faste H 17052 Bothe the heraud and Hope $and he mette at ones H 17053 Where a man was wounded $and with theues taken H 17054 He my#te neither steppe ne stonde $ne stere fote ne handes H 17055 Ne helpe hym-self sothely $for semiuyf he semed H 17056 And as naked as a nedle $and none helpe aboute hym H 17057 Feith had first si#te of hym $ac he flegh on syde H 17058 And nolde nou#t neighen hym $by nyne londes lengthe H 17059 Hope came hippyng after $that hadde so ybosted H 17060 How he with Moyses maundement $hadde many men y- holpe H 17061 Ac whan he hadde si#t of that segge $a-syde he gan hym drawe H 17062 Dredfully by this day as duk $doth fram the faucoun H 17063 Ac so sone so the Samaritan $hadde si#te of this lede H 17064 He li#te adown of lyard $and ladde hym in his hande H 17065 And to the wye he went $his woundes to biholde H 17066 And parceyued bi his pous $he was in peril to deye H 17067 And but-if he hadde recourere the rather $that rise shulde he neure H 17068 And breyde to his boteles $and bothe he atamede H 17069 Wyth wyn and with oyle $his woundes he wasshed H 17070 Enbawmed hym and bonde his hed $and in his lappe hym layde H 17071 And ladde hym so forth on lyard $to lex-christi a graunge H 17072 Wel six myle or seuene $biside the newe market H 17073 Herberwed hym at an hostrye $and to the hostellere called H 17074 And sayde haue kepe this man $til I come fro the Iustes H 17075 And lo here syluer he seyde $for salue to his woundes H 17076 And he toke hym two pans $to lyflode as it were H 17077 And seide what he speneth more $I make the good here-after H 17078 For I may nou#t lette quod that leode $and lyarde he bistrydeth H 17079 And raped hym to-Iherusalem-ward $the ri#te waye to ryde H 17080 Faith folweth after faste $and fonded to mete hym H 17081 And Spes spaklich hym spedde $spede if he my#te H 17082 To ouertake hym and talke to hym $ar thei to toun come H 17083 And whan I sey# this I soiourned nou#te $but shope me to renne H 17084 And suwed that Samaritan $that was so ful of pite H 17085 And graunted hym to ben his grome $gramercy he seyde H 17086 Ac thi frende and thi felawe quod he $thow fyndest me at nede H 17087 And I thanked hym tho $and sith I hym tolde H 17088 How that Feith fleigh awey $and Spes his felaw bothe H 17089 For si#te of the sorweful man $that robbed was with theues H 17090 Haue hem excused quod he $her help may litel auaille H 17091 May no medcyn on molde $the man to hele brynge H 17092 Neither Feith ne fyn Hope $so festred ben his woundis H 17093 With-out the blode of a barn $borne of a mayde H 17094 And be he bathed in that blode $baptised as it were H 17095 And thanne plastred with penaunce $and passioun of that babi H 17096 He shulde stonde and steppe $ac stalworth worth he neure H 17097 Tyl he haue eten al the barn $and his blode ydronke H 17098 For went neuere wy in this worlde $thorw that wildernesse H 17099 That he ne was robbed or rifled $rode he there or #ede H 17100 Saue Faith and his felaw $Spes and my-selue H 17101 And thi-self now and such $as suwen owre werkis H 17102 For outlawes in the wode $and vnder banke lotyeth H 17103 And may vch man se $and gode merke take H 17104 Who is bihynde and who bifore $and who ben on hors H 17105 For he halt hym hardyer on horse $than he that is a fote H 17106 For he seigh me that am Samaritan $suwen Feith and his felaw H 17107 On my caple that hatte Caro $of mankynde I toke it H 17108 He was vnhardy that harlot $and hudde hym in inferno H 17109 Ac ar this day thre dayes $I dar vndertaken H 17110 That he worth fettred that feloune $fast with cheynes H 17111 And neure eft greue grome $that goth this ilke gate O mors ero mors tua etc. H 17112 And thanne shal Feith be forester here $and in this fritth walke H 17113 And kennen out comune men $that knoweth nou#te the contre H 17114 Which is the weye that ich went $and wherforth to Iherusalem H 17115 And Hope the hostelleres man shal be $there the man lith an helynge H 17116 And alle that fieble and faynt be $that Faith may nou#t teche H 17117 Hope shal lede hem forth with loue $as his lettre telleth H 17118 And hostel hem and hele $thorw holicherche bileue H 17119 Tyl I haue salue for alle syke $and thanne shal I retourne H 17120 And come a#ein bi this contree $and confort alle syke H 17121 That craueth it or coueiteth it $and cryeth there- after H 17122 For the barne was born in Bethleem $that with his blode shal saue H 17123 Alle that lyueth in faith and folweth $his felawes techynge H 17124 A swete syre I seyde tho $wher shal I byleue H 17125 As Feith and his felawe $enfourmed me bothe H 17126 In thre persones departable $that perpetuel were euere H 17127 And alle thre but o god $thus Abraham me tau#te H 17128 And Hope afterwarde $he bad me to louye H 17129 O god wyth al my good $and alle gomes after H 17130 Louye hem lyke my-selue $ac owre lorde aboue alle H 17131 After Abraham quod he $that heraud of armes H 17132 Sette faste thi faith $and ferme bileue H 17133 And as Hope hi#te the $I hote that thow louye H 17134 Thyn euene-crystene euermore $euene-forth with thiself H 17135 And if conscience carpe there-a#ein $or kynde witte oyther H 17136 Or heretykes with argumentz $thin honde thow hem shewe H 17137 For god is after an hande $yhere now and knowe it H 17138 The fader was fyrst as a fyst $with o fynger foldynge H 17139 Tyl hym loued and lest $to vnlosen his fynger H 17140 And profre it forth as with a paume $to what place it sholde H 17141 The paume is purely the hande $and profreth forth the fyngres H 17142 To mynystre and to make $that my#te of hande knoweth H 17143 And bitokneth trewly $telle who so liketh H 17144 The holygost of heuene $he is as the paume H 17145 The fyngres that fre ben $to folde and to serue H 17146 Bitokneth sothly the sone $that sent was til erthe H 17147 That toched and tasted $atte techynge of the paume H 17148 Seynt Marie a mayde $and mankynde lau#te Qui conceptus est de spiritu sancto natus etc. H 17149 The fader is thanne as a fust $with fynger to touche Quia omnia traham ad me ipsum etc. H 17150 Al that the paume parceyueth $profitable to fele H 17151 Thus ar thei alle but one $as it an hande were H 17152 And thre sondry si#tes $in one shewynge H 17153 The paume for he putteth forth fyngres $and the fust bothe H 17154 Ri#t so redily $reson it sheweth H 17155 How he that is holygoste $sire and sone preueth H 17156 And as the hande halt harde $and al thynge faste H 17157 Thorw foure fyngres and a thombe $forth with the paume H 17158 Ri#te so the fader and the sone $and seynt spirit the thridde H 17159 Halt al the wyde worlde $with-in hem thre H 17160 Bothe welkne and the wynde $water and erthe H 17161 Heuene and helle $and al that there is inne H 17162 Thus it is nedeth no man $to trowe non other H 17163 That thre thinges bilongeth $in owre lorde of heuene H 17164 And aren serelepes by hem-self $asondry were neure H 17165 Namore than myn hande may $meue with-outen fyngeres H 17166 And as my fust is ful honde $yfolde togideres H 17167 So is the fader a ful god $formeour and shepper Tu fabricator omnium etc. H 17168 And al the my#te myd hym is $in makyng of thynges H 17169 The fyngres fourmen a ful hande $to purtreye or peynten H 17170 Keruynge and compassynge $as crafte of the fyngres H 17171 Ri#t so is the sone $the science of the fader H 17172 And ful god as is the fader $no febler ne no better H 17173 The paume is purelich the hande $hath power bi hymselue H 17174 Otherwyse than the wrythen fuste $or werkmanschip of fyngres H 17175 For the paume hath powere $to put oute alle the ioyntes H 17176 And to vnfolde the folden fuste $for hym it bilongeth H 17177 And receyue that the fyngres recheth $and refuse bothe H 17178 Whan he feleth the fust $and the fyngres wille H 17179 So is the holygoste god $nother gretter ne lasse H 17180 Than is the sire and the sone $and in the same my#te H 17181 And alle ar thei but o god $as is myn hande and my fyngres H 17182 Vnfolden or folden $my fuste and myn paume H 17183 Al is but an hande $how so I torne it H 17184 Ac who is herte in the hande $euene in the myddes H 17185 He may receyue ri#t nou#te $resoun it sheweth H 17186 For the fyngres that folde shulde $and the fuste make H 17187 For peyne of the paume $powere hem failleth H 17188 To clucche or to clawe $to clyppe or to holde H 17189 Were the myddel of myn honde $ymaymed or ypersshed H 17190 I shulde receyue ri#te nou#te $resoun it sheweth H 17191 Ac though my thombe and my fyngres $bothe were to- shullen H 17192 And the myddel of myn hande $with-oute male ese H 17193 In many kynnes maneres $I my#te my-self helpe H 17194 Bothe meue and amende $though alle my fyngres oke H 17195 Bi this skil me thynketh $I se an euydence H 17196 That who so synneth in the seynt spirit $assoilled worth he neure H 17197 Noither here ne elles-where $as I herde telle Qui peccat in spiritum sanctum nunquam etc. H 17198 For he prikketh god as in the paume $that peccat in spiritum sanctum H 17199 For god the fader is as a fuste $the sone is as a fynger H 17200 The holy goste of heuene $is as it were the pawme H 17201 So who so synneth in seynt spirit $it semeth that he greueth H 17202 God that he grypeth with $and wolde his grace quenche H 17203 And to a torche or a tapre $the Trinitee is lykned H 17204 As wex and a weke $were twyned togideres H 17205 And thanne a fyre flaumende $forth oute of bothe H 17206 And as wex and weyke $and hote fyre togyderes H 17207 Fostren forth a flaumbe $and a feyre leye H 17208 So doth the sire and the sone $and also spiritus sanctus H 17209 Fostren forth amonges folke $loue and bileue H 17210 That alkyn Crystene $clenseth of synnes H 17211 And as thow seest some tyme $sodeynliche a torche H 17212 The blase there-of yblowe out $#et brenneth the weyke H 17213 With-oute leye of li#te $that the macche brenneth H 17214 So is the holygost god $and grace with-oute mercy H 17215 To alle vnkynde creatures $that coueite to destruye H 17216 Lele loue other lyf $that owre lorde shapte H 17217 And as glowande gledes $gladieth nou#te this werkmen H 17218 That worchen and waken $in wyntres ni#tes H 17219 As doth a kex or a candel $that cau#te hath fyre and blaseth H 17220 Namore doth sire ne sone $ne seynt spirit togyderes H 17221 Graunteth no grace $ne for#ifnesse of synnes H 17222 Til the holi goste gynne $to glowe and to blase H 17223 So that the holygoste $gloweth but as a glede H 17224 Tyl that lele loue $ligge on hym and blowe H 17225 And thanne flaumbeth he as fyre $on fader and on filius H 17226 And melteth her my#te in-to mercy $as men may se in wyntre H 17227 Ysekeles in eueses $thorw hete of the sonne H 17228 Melteth in a mynut-while $to myst and to watre H 17229 So grace of the holygoste $the grete my#te of the Trinite H 17230 Melteth in-to mercy $to mercyable and to non other H 17231 And as wex with-outen more $on a warme glede H 17232 Wil brennen and blasen $be thei to-gyderes H 17233 And solacen hem that may se $that sitten in derkenesse H 17234 So wole the fader for#if $folke of mylde hertes H 17235 That reufulliche repenten $and restitucioun make H 17236 In as moche as thei mowen $amenden and payen H 17237 And if it suffice nou#te for assetz $that in suche a wille deyeth H 17238 Mercy for his mekenesse $wil make good the remenaunte H 17239 And as the weyke and fyre $wil make a warme flaumbe H 17240 For to myrthe men with $that in merke sitten H 17241 So wil Cryst of his curteisye $and men crye hym mercy H 17242 Bothe for#iue and for#ete $and #et bidde for vs H 17243 To the fader of heuene $for#yuenesse to haue H 17244 Ac hew fyre at a flynte $fowre hundreth wyntre H 17245 Bot thow haue towe to take it with $tondre or broches H 17246 Al thi laboure is loste $and al thi longe trauaille H 17247 For may no fyre flaumbe make $faille it his kynde H 17248 So is the holy gost god $and grace with-outen mercy H 17249 To alle vnkynde creature $Cryst hym-self witnesseth Amen dico vobis nescio vos etc. H 17250 Be vnkynde to thin euene-cristene $and al that thow canst bidden H 17251 Delen and do penaunce $day and ny#te euere H 17252 And purchace al the pardoun $of Pampiloun and Rome H 17253 And indulgences ynowe $and be ingratus to thi kynde H 17254 The holy goste hereth the nou#t $ne helpe may the by resoun H 17255 For vnkyndenesse quencheth hym $that he can nou#te shyne H 17256 Ne brenne ne blase clere $for blowynge of vnkyndenesse H 17257 Poule the apostle $preueth wher I lye Si linguis hominum loquar etc. H 17258 For-thy beth war #e wyse men $that with the worlde deleth H 17259 That riche ben and resoun knoweth $reuleth wel #owre soule H 17260 Beth nou#te vnkynde I conseille #ow $to #owre euene- crystene H 17261 For many of #ow riche men $bi my soule men telleth H 17262 #e brenne but #e blaseth nou#te $that is a blynde bekene Non omnis qui dicit domine domine intrabit etc. H 17263 Diues deyed dampned $for his vnkyndenesse H 17264 Of his mete and his moneye $to men that it neded H 17265 Vch a riche I rede $rewarde at hym take H 17266 And gyueth #owre good to that god $that grace of ariseth H 17267 For thei that ben vnkynde to his $hope I none other H 17268 But thei dwelle there Diues is $dayes with-outen ende H 17269 Thus is vnkyndenesse the contrarie $that quencheth as it were H 17270 The grace of the holy gooste $goddes owne kynde H 17271 For that kynde dothe vnkynde fordoth $as these cursed theues H 17272 Vnkynde cristene men $for coueityse and enuye H 17273 Sleeth a man for his moebles $wyth mouth or wyth handes H 17274 For that the holygoste hath to kepe $tho harlotes destroyeth H 17275 The which is lyf and loue $the leye of mannes bodye H 17276 For euery manere good man $may be likned to a torche H 17277 Or elles to a tapre $to reuerence the trinitee H 17278 And who morthereth a good man $me thynketh by myn inwyt H 17279 He fordoth the leuest ly#te $that owre lorde loueth H 17280 Ac #ut in many mo maneres $men offenden the holy goste H 17281 Ac this is the worste wyse $that any wi#te my#te H 17282 Synnen a#ein the seynt spirit $assenten to destruye H 17283 For coueityse of any kynnes thinge $that Cryst dere bou#te H 17284 How my#te he axe mercy $or any mercy hym helpe H 17285 That wykkedlich and willefullich $wolde mercy anynte H 17286 Innocence is nexte god $and ny#te and day it crieth H 17287 Veniaunce veniaunce $for#iue be it neuere H 17288 That shent vs and shadde owre blode $forshapte vs as it were Vindica sanguinem iustorum H 17289 Thus veniaunce veniaunce $verrey charite asketh H 17290 And sith holicherche and charite $chargeth this so sore H 17291 Leue I neure that owre lorde wil loue $that charite lakketh H 17292 Ne haue pite for any preyere $there that he pleyneth H 17293 I pose I hadde synned so $and shulde now deye H 17294 And now am sory that so $the seint spirit agulte H 17295 Confesse me and crye his grace $god that al made H 17296 And myldliche his mercy axe $my#te I nou#te be saued H 17297 #us seide the Samaritan $so wel thow my#te repente H 17298 That ri#twisnesse thorw repentance $to reuthe my#te torne H 17299 Ac it is but selden yseye $there sothenesse bereth witnesse H 17300 Any creature that is coupable $afor a kynges iustice H 17301 Be raunsoned for his repentaunce $there alle resoun hym dampneth H 17302 For there that partye pursueth $the pele is so huge H 17303 That the kynge may do no mercy $til bothe men acorde H 17304 And eyther haue equite $as holy writ telleth Numquam dimittitur peccatum donec restituatur ablatum H 17305 Thus it fareth bi suche folke $that falsely al her lyues H 17306 Euel lyuen and leten nou#te $til lyf hem forsake H 17307 Drede of desperacion $dryueth a-weye thanne grace H 17308 That mercy in her mynde $may nau#t thanne falle H 17309 Good hope that helpe shulde $to wanhope torneth H 17310 Nou#t of the nounpowere of god $that he ne is my#tful H 17311 To amende al that amys is $and his mercy grettere H 17312 Than alle owre wykked werkes $as holiwrit telleth Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius H 17313 Ac ar his ri#twisnesse to reuthe tourne $some restitucioun bihoueth H 17314 His sorwe is satisfaccioun $for hym that may nou#te paye H 17315 Thre thinges there ben $that doth a man by strengthe H 17316 Forto fleen his owne hous $as holywryt sheweth H 17317 That one is a wikked wyf $that wil nou#t be chasted H 17318 Her fiere fleeth fro hyr $for fere of her tonge H 17319 And if his hous be vnhiled $and reyne on his bedde H 17320 He seketh and seketh $til he slepe drye H 17321 And whan smoke and smolder $smyt in his sy#te H 17322 It doth hym worse than his wyf $or wete to slepe H 17323 For smoke and smolder $smyteth in his eyen H 17324 Til he be blere-nyed or blynde $and hors in the throte H 17325 Cougheth and curseth $that Cryst gyf hem sorwe H 17326 That sholde brynge in better wode $or blowe it til it brende H 17327 Thise thre that I telle of $ben thus to vnderstonde H 17328 The wyf is owre wikked flesshe $that wil nou#t be chasted H 17329 For kynde cleueth on hym euere $to contrarie the soule H 17330 And thowgh it falle it fynt skiles $that frelete it made H 17331 And that is li#tly for#euen $and for#eten bothe H 17332 To man that mercy asketh $and amende thenketh H 17333 The reyne that reyneth $there we reste sholde H 17334 Ben sikenesses and sorwes $that we suffren oft H 17335 As Powle the apostle $to the peple tau#te Virtus in infirmitate perficitur etc. H 17336 And thowgh that men make $moche deol in her angre H 17337 And ben inpacient in here penaunce $pure resoun knoweth H 17338 That thei han cause to contrarie $by kynde of her sykenesse H 17339 And li#tlich owre lorde $at her lyues ende H 17340 Hath mercy on suche men $that so yuel may suffre H 17341 Ac the smoke and the smolder $that smyt in owre eyghen H 17342 That is coueityse and vnkyndenesse $that quencheth goddes mercy H 17343 For vnkyndenesse is the contrarie $of alkynnes resoun H 17344 For there nys syke ne sori $ne non so moche wrecche H 17345 That he ne may louye and hym lyke $and lene of his herte H 17346 Good wille and good worde $bothe wisshen and willen H 17347 Alle manere men $mercy and for#ifnesse H 17348 And louye hem liche hym-self $and his lyf amende H 17349 I may no lenger lette quod he $and lyarde he pryked H 17350 And went away as wynde $and there-with I awaked H 18001 Wolleward and wete-shoed $went I forth after H 18002 As a reccheles renke $that of no wo reccheth H 18003 And #ede forth lyke a lorel $al my lyf-tyme H 18004 Tyl I wex wery of the worlde $and wylned eft to slepe H 18005 And lened me to a lenten $and longe tyme I slepte H 18006 And of Crystes passioun and penaunce $the peple that of-rau#te H 18007 Reste me there and rutte faste $tyl ramis-palmarum H 18008 Of gerlis and of gloria laus $gretly me dremed H 18009 And how osanna by orgonye $olde folke songen H 18010 One semblable to the Samaritan $and some-del to Piers the Plowman H 18011 Barfote on an asse bakke $botelees cam prykye H 18012 Wyth-oute spores other spere $spakliche he loked H 18013 As is the kynde of a kny#te $that cometh to be dubbed H 18014 To geten hem gylte spores $or galoches ycouped H 18015 Thanne was Faith in a fenestre $and cryde a fili Dauid H 18016 As doth an heraude of armes $whan auntrous cometh to iustes H 18017 Olde Iuwes of Ierusalem $for Ioye thei songen Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini H 18018 Thanne I frayned at Faith $what al that fare be- mente H 18019 And who sholde Iouste in Iherusalem $Iesus he seyde H 18020 And fecche that the fende claymeth $Piers fruit the Plowman H 18021 Is Piers in this place quod I $and he preynte on me H 18022 This Iesus of his gentrice $wole Iuste in Piers armes H 18023 In his helme and in his haberioun $humana natura H 18024 That Cryst be nou#t biknowe here $for consummatus deus H 18025 In Piers paltok the Plowman $this priker shal ryde H 18026 For no dynte shal hym dere $as in deitate patris H 18027 Who shal Iuste with Iesus quod I $Iuwes or scribes H 18028 Nay quod he the foule fende $and Fals-dome and Deth H 18029 Deth seith he shal fordo $and adown brynge H 18030 Al that lyueth or loketh $in londe or in watere H 18031 Lyf seyth that he likth $and leyth his lif to wedde H 18032 That for al that Deth can do $with-in thre dayes H 18033 To walke and fecche fro the fende $Piers fruite the Plowman H 18034 And legge it there hym lyketh $and Lucifer bynde H 18035 And forbete and adown brynge $bale and deth for euere O mors ero mors tua H 18036 Thanne cam Pilatus with moche peple $sedens pro tribunali H 18037 To se how doughtilich Deth sholde do $and deme her botheres ri#te H 18038 The Iuwes and the Iustice $a#eine Iesu thei were H 18039 And al her courte on hym cryde $crucifige sharpe H 18040 Tho put hym forth a piloure $bifor Pilat and seyde H 18041 This Iesus of owre Iewes temple $Iaped and dispised H 18042 To fordone it on o day $and in thre dayes after H 18043 Edefye it eft newe $here he stant that seyde it H 18044 And #it maken it as moche $in al manere poyntes H 18045 Bothe as longe and as large $bi loft and by grounde H 18046 Crucifige quod a cacchepolle $I warante hym a wicche H 18047 Tolle tolle quod an other $and toke of kene thornes H 18048 And bigan of kene thorne $a gerelande to make H 18049 And sette it sore on his hed $and seyde in envye H 18050 Aue rabby quod that ribaude $and threw redes at hym H 18051 Nailled hym with thre nailles $naked on the rode H 18052 And poysoun on a pole $thei put vp to his lippes H 18053 And bede hym drynke his deth-yuel $his dayes were ydone H 18054 And #if that thow sotil be $help now thi-seluen H 18055 If thow be Cryst and kynges sone $come downe of the rode H 18056 Thanne shul we leue that Lyf the loueth $and wil nou#t lete the deye H 18057 Consummatum est quod Cryst $and comsed forto swowe H 18058 Pitousliche and pale $as a prisoun that deyeth H 18059 The lorde of lyf and of li#te $tho leyed his eyen togideres H 18060 The daye for drede with-drowe $and derke bicam the sonne H 18061 The wal wagged and clef $and al the worlde quaued H 18062 Ded men for that dyne $come out of depe graues H 18063 And tolde whi that tempest $so longe tyme dured H 18064 For a bitter bataille $the ded bodye sayde H 18065 Lyf and Deth in this derknesse $her one fordoth her other H 18066 Shal no wi#te wite witterly $who shal haue the maystrye H 18067 Er Sondey aboute sonne-rysynge $and sank with that til erthe H 18068 Some seyde that he was goddes sone $that so faire deyde Vere filius dei erat iste etc. H 18069 And somme saide he was a wicche $good is that we assaye H 18070 Where he be ded or nou#te ded $doun er he be taken H 18071 Two theues also $tholed deth that tyme H 18072 Vppon a crosse bisydes Cryst $so was the comune lawe H 18073 A cacchepole cam forth $and craked bothe her legges H 18074 And her armes after $of eyther of tho theues H 18075 Ac was no boy so bolde $goddes body to touche H 18076 For he was kny#te and kyges sone $kynde for#af that tyme H 18077 That non harlot were so hardy $to leyne hande vppon hym H 18078 Ac there cam forth a kny#te $with a kene spere ygrounde H 18079 Hi#te Longeus as the lettre telleth $and longe had lore his si#te H 18080 Bifor Pilat and other peple $in the place he houed H 18081 Maugre his many tethe $he was made that tyme H 18082 To take the spere in his honde $and Iusten with Iesus H 18083 For alle thei were vnhardy $that houed on hors or stode H 18084 To touche hym or to taste hym $or take hym down of rode H 18085 But this blynde bacheler thanne $bar hym thorugh the herte H 18086 The blode spronge down by the spere $and vnspered the kni#tes eyen H 18087 Thanne fel the kny#te vpon knees $and cryed hym mercy H 18088 A#eyne my wille it was lorde $to wownde #ow so sore H 18089 He seighed and sayde $sore it me athynketh H 18090 For the dede that I haue done $I do me in #owre grace H 18091 Haue on me reuth ri#tful Iesu $and right with that he wept H 18092 Thanne gan Faith felly $the fals Iuwes dispise H 18093 Called hem caytyues $acursed for euere H 18094 For this foule vyleynye $veniaunce to #ow alle H 18095 To do the blynde bete hym ybounde $it was a boyes conseille H 18096 Cursed caytyue $kni#thod was it neuere H 18097 To mysdo a ded body $by day or by ny#te H 18098 The gree #it hath he geten $for al his grete wounde H 18099 For #owre champioun chiualer $chief kny#t of #ow alle H 18100 #elt hym recreaunt rennyng $ri#t at Iesus wille H 18101 For be this derkenesse ydo $his deth worth avenged H 18102 And #e lordeynes han ylost $for Lyf shal haue the maistrye H 18103 And #owre fraunchise that fre was $fallen is in thraldome H 18104 And #e cherles and #owre children $chieue shal #e neure H 18105 Ne haue lordship in londe $ne no londe tylye H 18106 But al bareyne be $and vsurye vsen H 18107 Which is lyf that owre lorde $in alle lawes acurseth H 18108 Now #owre good dayes ar done $as Danyel prophecyed H 18109 Whan Cryst cam of her kyngdom $the croune shulde cesse Cum veniat sanctus sanctorum cessabit vnxio vestra H 18110 What for fere of this ferly $and of the fals Iuwes H 18111 I drowe me in that derkenesse $to decendit ad inferna H 18112 And there I sawe sothely $secundum scripturas H 18113 Out of the west coste $a wenche as me thou#te H 18114 Cam walkynge in the wey $to-helle-ward she loked H 18115 Mercy hi#t that mayde $a meke thynge with-alle H 18116 A ful benygne buirde $and boxome of speche H 18117 Her suster as it semed $cam softly walkynge H 18118 Euene out of the est $and westward she loked H 18119 A ful comely creature $Treuth she hi#te H 18120 For the vertue that hir folwed $aferd was she neuere H 18121 Whan this maydenes mette $Mercy and Treuth H 18122 Eyther axed other $of this grete wonder H 18123 Of the dyne and of the derknesse $and how the daye rowed H 18124 And which a li#te and a leme $lay befor helle H 18125 Ich haue ferly of this fare $in feith seyde Treuth H 18126 And am wendyng to wyte $what this wonder meneth H 18127 Haue no merueille quod Mercy $myrthe it bytokneth H 18128 A mayden that hatte Marye $and moder with-out felyng H 18129 Of any kynnes creature $conceyued thorw speche H 18130 And grace of the holygoste $wex grete with childe H 18131 With-outen wem $in-to this worlde she brou#t hym H 18132 And that my tale be trewe $I take god to witnesse H 18133 Sith this barn was bore $ben thritti wynter passed H 18134 Which deyde and deth tholed $this day aboute mydday H 18135 And that is cause of this clips $that closeth now the sonne H 18136 In menynge that man shal $fro merkenesse be drawe H 18137 The while this li#te and this leme $shal Lucyfer ablende H 18138 For patriarkes and prophetes $han preched her-of often H 18139 That man shal man saue $thorw a maydenes helpe H 18140 And that was tynt thorw tre $tree shal it wynne H 18141 And that deth doun brou#te $deth shal releue H 18142 That thow tellest quod Treuth $is but a tale of Waltrot H 18143 For Adam and Eue $and Abraham with other H 18144 Patriarkes and prophetes $that in peyne liggen H 18145 Leue thow neuere that #one li#te $hem alofte brynge H 18146 Ne haue hem out of helle $out cometh it neuere H 18147 It is but a trufle that thow tellest $I Treuth wote the sothe H 18148 For that is ones in helle $out cometh it neuere H 18149 Iob the prophete patriarke $reproueth thi sawes Quia in inferno nulla est redempcio H 18150 Thanne Mercy ful myldly $mouthed thise wordes H 18151 Thorw experience quod she $I hope thei shal be saued H 18152 For venym for-doth venym $and that I proue by resoun H 18153 For of alle venymes $foulest is the scorpioun H 18154 May no medcyne helpe $the place there he styngeth H 18155 Tyl he be ded and do ther-to $the yuel he destroyeth H 18156 The fyrst venymouste $thorw venym of hym-self H 18157 So shal this deth for-do $I dar my lyf legge H 18158 Al that Deth fordyd furste $thorw the deuelles entysynge H 18159 And ri#t as thorw gyle $man was bigyled H 18160 So shal grace that bigan $make a good sleighte Ars vt artem falleret H 18161 Now suffre we seyde Treuth $I se as me thinketh H 18162 Out of the nippe of the north $nou#t ful fer hennes H 18163 Ri#twisnesse come rennynge $reste we the while H 18164 For he wote more than we $he was er we bothe H 18165 That is soth seyde Mercy $and I se here bi southe H 18166 Where Pees cometh playinge $in pacience yclothed H 18167 Loue hath coueyted hir longe $leue I none other H 18168 But he sent hir some lettre $what this li#te bymeneth H 18169 That ouer-houeth helle thus $she vs shal telle H 18170 Whan Pees in pacience yclothed $approched nere hem tweyne H 18171 Ri#twisnesse her reuerenced $for her riche clothyng H 18172 And preyed Pees to telle hir $to what place she wolde H 18173 And in her gay garnementz $whom she grete thou#te H 18174 My wille is to wende quod she $and welcome hem alle H 18175 That many day my#te I nou#te se $for merkenesse of synne H 18176 Adam and Eue $and other moo in helle H 18177 Moyses and many mo $mercy shal haue H 18178 And I shal daunce ther-to $do thow so sustre H 18179 For Iesus Iusted wel $Ioye bygynneth dawe Ad vesperum demorabitur fletus et ad matutinum leticia H 18180 Loue that is my lemman $suche lettres me sente H 18181 That Mercy my sustre and I $mankynde shulde saue H 18182 And that god hath forgyuen $and graunted me Pees and Mercy H 18183 To be mannes meynpernoure $for euere-more after H 18184 Lo here the patent quod Pees $in pace in idipsum H 18185 And that this dede shal dure $dormiam et requiescam H 18186 What rauestow quod Ri#twisnesse $or thow art ri#t dronke H 18187 Leuestow that #onde li#te $vnlouke my#te helle H 18188 And saue mannes soule $sustre wene it neure H 18189 At the bygynnynge god $gaf the dome hym-selue H 18190 That Adam and Eue $and alle that hem suwed H 18191 Shulde deye doune ri#te $and dwelle in pyne after H 18192 If that thei touched a tre $and the fruit eten H 18193 Adam afterward $a#eines his defence H 18194 Frette of that fruit $and forsoke as it were H 18195 The loue of owre lorde $and his lore bothe H 18196 And folwed that the fende tau#te $and his felawes wille H 18197 A#eines resoun I Ri#twisnesse $recorde thus with treuth H 18198 That her peyne be perpetuel $and no preyere hem helpe H 18199 For-thi late hem chewe as thei chose $and chyde we nou#t sustres H 18200 For it is botelees bale $the bite that thei eten H 18201 And I shal preue quod Pees $her peyne mote haue ende H 18202 And wo in-to wel $mowe wende atte laste H 18203 For had thei wist of no wo $wel had thei nou#te knowen H 18204 For no wi#te wote what wel is $that neuere wo suffred H 18205 Ne what is hote hunger $that had neuere defaute H 18206 If no ny#te ne were $no man as I leue H 18207 Shulde wite witterly $what day is to mene H 18208 Shulde neuere ri#te riche man $that lyueth in reste and ese H 18209 Wyte what wo is $ne were the deth of kynde H 18210 So god that bygan al $of his good wille H 18211 Bycam man of a mayde $mankynde to saue H 18212 And suffred to be solde $to see the sorwe of deyinge H 18213 The which vnknitteth al kare $and comsynge is of reste H 18214 For til modicum mete with vs $I may it wel avowe H 18215 Wote no wi#te as I wene $what is ynough to mene H 18216 For-thi god of his goodnesse $the fyrste gome Adam H 18217 Sette hym in solace $and in souereigne myrthe H 18218 And sith he suffred hym synne $sorwe to fele H 18219 To wite what wel was $kyndelich to knowe it H 18220 And after god auntred hym-self $and toke Adames kynde H 18221 To wyte what he hath suffred $in thre sondri places H 18222 Bothe in heuene and in erthe $and now til helle he thynketh H 18223 To wite what al wo is $that wote of al Ioye H 18224 So it shal fare bi this folke $her foly and her synne H 18225 Shall lere hem langour is $and lisse with-outen ende H 18226 Wote no wighte what werre is $there that pees regneth H 18227 Ne what is witterly wel $til weyllowey hym teche H 18228 Thanne was there a wi#te $with two brode eyen H 18229 Boke hi#te that beupere $a bolde man of speche H 18230 By godes body quod this Boke $I wil bere witnesse H 18231 That tho this barne was ybore $there blased a sterre H 18232 That alle the wyse of this worlde $in o witte acordeden H 18233 That such a barne was borne $in Bethleem citee H 18234 That mannes soule sholde saue $and synne destroye H 18235 And alle the elementz quod the Boke $her-of bereth witnesse H 18236 That he was god that al wrou#te $the walkene firste shewed H 18237 Tho that weren in heuene $token stella comata H 18238 And tendeden hir as a torche $to reuerence his birthe H 18239 The ly#te folwed the lorde $in-to the lowe erthe H 18240 The water witnessed that he was god $for he went on it H 18241 Peter the apostel $parceyued his gate H 18242 And as he went on the water $wel hym knewe and seyde Iube me venire ad te super aquas H 18243 And lo how the sonne gan louke $her li#te in her- self H 18244 Whan she seye hym suffre $that sonne and se made H 18245 The erthe for heuynesse $that he wolde suffre H 18246 Quaked as quykke thinge $and al biquashte the roche H 18247 Lo helle mi#te nou#te holde $but opened tho god tholed H 18248 And lete oute Symondes sones $to seen hym hange on rode H 18249 And now shal Lucifer leue it $thowgh hym loth thinke H 18250 For Gygas the geaunt $with a gynne engyned H 18251 To breke and to bete doune $that ben a#eines Iesus H 18252 And I Boke wil be brent $but Iesus rise to lyue H 18253 In alle my#tes of man $and his moder gladye H 18254 And conforte al his kynne $and out of care brynge H 18255 And al the Iuwen Ioye $vnioignen and vnlouken H 18256 And but thei reuerencen his rode $and his resurexioun H 18257 And bileue on a newe lawe $be lost lyf and soule H 18258 Suffre we seide Treuth $I here and se bothe H 18259 How a spirit speketh to helle $and bit vnspere the #atis Attollite portas etc. H 18260 A voice loude in that li#te $to Lucifer cryeth H 18261 Prynces of this place $vnpynneth and vnlouketh H 18262 For here cometh with croune $that kynge is of glorie H 18263 Thanne syked Sathan $and seyde to hem alle H 18264 Suche a ly#te a#eines owre leue $Lazar it fette H 18265 Care and combraunce $is comen to vs alle H 18266 If this kynge come in $mankynde wil he fecche H 18267 And lede it ther hym lyketh $and ly#tlich me bynde H 18268 Patriarkes and prophetes $han parled her-of longe H 18269 That such a lorde and a ly#te $shulde lede hem alle hennes H 18270 Lysteneth quod Lucifer $for I this lorde knowe H 18271 Bothe this lorde and this li#te $is longe ago I knewe hym H 18272 May no deth hym dere $ne no deueles queyntise H 18273 And where he wil is his waye $ac war hym of the periles H 18274 If he reue me my ri#te $he robbeth me by maistrye H 18275 For by ri#t and bi resoun $tho renkes that ben here H 18276 Bodye and soule ben myne $bothe gode and ille H 18277 For hym-self seyde $that sire is of heuene H 18278 #if Adam ete the apple $alle shulde deye H 18279 And dwelle with vs deueles $this thretynge he made H 18280 And he that sothenesse is $seyde thise wordes H 18281 And sitthen I seised $seuene hundreth wyntre H 18282 I leue that lawe nil nau#te $lete hym the leest H 18283 That is sothe seyde Sathan $but I me sore drede H 18284 For thow gete hem with gyle $and his gardyne breke H 18285 And in semblaunce of a serpent $sat on the appeltre H 18286 And eggedest hem to ete $Eue by hir-selue H 18287 And toldest hir a tale $of tresoun were the wordes H 18288 And so thow haddest hem oute $and hider atte laste H 18289 It is nou#te graythely geten $there gyle is the rote H 18290 For god wil nou#t be bigiled $quod Gobelyn ne bi- iaped H 18291 We haue no trewe title to hem $for thorwgh tresoun were thei dampned H 18292 Certes I drede me quod the deuel $leste treuth wil hem fecche H 18293 This thretty wynter as I wene $hath he gone and preched H 18294 I haue assailled hym with synne $and some tyme yasked H 18295 Where he were god or goddes sone $he gaf me shorte answere H 18296 And thus hath he trolled forth $this two and thretty wynter H 18297 And whan I seighe it was so $slepyng I went H 18298 To warne Pilates wyf $what dones man was Iesus H 18299 For Iuwes hateden hym $and han done hym to deth H 18300 I wolde haue lengthed his lyf $for I leued #if he deyede H 18301 That his soule wolde suffre $no synne in his sy#te H 18302 For the body whil it on bones #ede $aboute was euere H 18303 To saue men fram synne $#if hem-self wolde H 18304 And now I se where a soule $cometh hiderward seyllynge H 18305 With glorie and with grete li#te $god it is I wote wel H 18306 I rede we flee quod he $faste alle hennes H 18307 For vs were better nou#te be $than biden his sy#te H 18308 For thi lesynges Lucifer $loste is al owre praye H 18309 Firste thorw the we fellen $fro heuene so heighe H 18310 For we leued thi lesynges $we loupen oute alle with the H 18311 And now for thi last lesynge $ylore we haue Adam H 18312 And al owre lordeship I leue $a londe and a water Nunc princeps huius mundi eicietur foras H 18313 Efte the li#te bad vnlouke $and Lucifer answered H 18314 What lorde artow quod Lucifer $quis est iste H 18315 Rex glorie $the li#te sone seide H 18316 And lorde of my#te and of mayne $and al manere vertues dominus virtutum H 18317 Dukes of this dym place $anon vndo this #ates H 18318 That Cryst may come in $the kynges sone of heuene H 18319 And with that breth helle brake $with Beliales barres H 18320 For any wye or warde $wide opene the #atis H 18321 Patriarkes and prophetes $populus in tenebris H 18322 Songen seynt Iohanes songe $ecce agnus dei H 18323 Lucyfer loke ne my#te $so ly#te hym ableynte H 18324 And tho that owre lorde loued $in-to his li#te he lau#te H 18325 And seyde to Sathan lo here $my soule to amendes H 18326 For alle synneful soules $to saue tho that ben worthy H 18327 Myne thei be and of me $I may the bette hem clayme H 18328 Al-though resoun recorde $and ri#te of my-self H 18329 That if thei ete the apple $alle shulde deye H 18330 I bihy#te hem nou#t here $helle for euere H 18331 For the dede that thei dede $thi deceyte it made H 18332 With gyle thow hem gete $agayne al resoun H 18333 For in my paleys paradys $in persone of an addre H 18334 Falseliche thow fettest there $thynge that I loued H 18335 Thus ylyke a lusarde $with a lady visage H 18336 Theuelich thow me robbedest $the olde lawe graunteth H 18337 That gylours be bigiled $and that is gode resoun Dentem pro dente et oculum pro oculo H 18338 Ergo soule shal soule quyte $and synne to synne wende H 18339 And al that man hath mysdo $I man wyl amende H 18340 Membre for membre $bi the olde lawe was amendes H 18341 And lyf for lyf also $and by that lawe I clayme it H 18342 Adam and al his issue $at my wille her-after H 18343 And that deth in hem fordid $my deth shal releue H 18344 And bothe quykke and quyte $that queynte was thorw synne H 18345 And that grace gyle destruye $good feith it asketh H 18346 So leue it nou#te Lucifer $a#eine the lawe I fecche hem H 18347 But bi ri#t and by resoun $raunceoun here my lyges Non veni soluere legem sed adimplere H 18348 Thow fettest myne in my place $a#eines al resoun H 18349 Falseliche and felounelich $gode faith it me tau#te H 18350 To recoure hem thorw raunceoun $and bi no resoun elles H 18351 So that with gyle thou gete $thorw grace it is ywone H 18352 Thow Lucyfer in lyknesse $of a luther addere H 18353 Getest by gyle $tho that god loued H 18354 And I in lyknesse of a leode $that lorde am of heuene H 18355 Graciousliche thi gyle haue quytte $go gyle a#eine gyle H 18356 And as Adam and alle $thorw a tre deyden H 18357 Adam and alle thorwe a tree $shal torne a#eine to lyue H 18358 And gyle is bigyled $and in his gyle fallen Et cecidit in foueam quam fecit H 18359 Now bygynneth thi gyle $ageyne the to tourne H 18360 And my grace to growe $ay gretter and wyder H 18361 The bitternesse that thow hast browe $brouke it thi- seluen H 18362 That art doctour of deth $drynke that thow madest H 18363 For I that am lorde of lyf $loue is my drynke H 18364 And for that drynke to-day $I deyde vpon erthe H 18365 I fau#te so me threstes #et $for mannes soule sake H 18366 May no drynke me moiste $ne my thruste slake H 18367 Tyl the vendage falle $in the vale of Iosephath H 18368 That I drynke ri#te ripe must $resureccio mortuorum H 18369 And thanne shal I come as a kynge $crouned with angeles H 18370 And han out of helle $alle mannes soules H 18371 Fendes and fendekynes $bifor me shulle stande H 18372 And be at my biddynge $where so eure me lyketh H 18373 And to be merciable to man $thanne my kynde it asketh H 18374 For we beth bretheren of blode $but nou#te in baptesme alle H 18375 Ac alle that beth myne hole bretheren $in blode and in baptesme H 18376 Shal nou#te be dampned to the deth $that is with- outen ende Tibi soli peccaui etc. H 18377 It is nou#t vsed in erthe $to hangen a feloun H 18378 Ofter than ones $though he were a tretour H 18379 And #if the kynge of that kyngedome $come in that tyme H 18380 There the feloun thole sholde $deth or otherwyse H 18381 Lawe wolde he #eue hym lyf $if he loked on hym H 18382 And I that am kynge of kynges $shal come suche a tyme H 18383 There dome to the deth $dampneth al wikked H 18384 And #if lawe wil I loke on hem $it lithe in my grace H 18385 Whether thei deye or deye nou#te $for that thei deden ille H 18386 Be it any thinge abou#t $the boldenesse of her synnes H 18387 I may do mercy thorw ri#twisnesse $and alle my wordes trewe H 18388 And though holiwrit wil that I be wroke $of hem that deden ille Nullum malum inpunitum etc. H 18389 Thei shul be clensed clereliche $and wasshen of her synnes H 18390 In my prison purgatorie $til parce it hote H 18391 And my mercy shal be shewed $to manye of my bretheren H 18392 For blode may suffre blode $bothe hungry and akale H 18393 Ac blode may nou#t se blode $blede but hym rewe Audiui archana verba que non licet homini loqui H 18394 Ac my ri#twisnesse and ri#t $shal reulen al helle H 18395 And mercy al mankynde $bifor me in heuene H 18396 For I were an vnkynde kynge $but I my kynde holpe H 18397 And namelich at such a nede $ther nedes helpe bihoueth Non intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo domine H 18398 Thus bi lawe quod owre lorde $lede I wil fro hennes H 18399 Tho that me loued $and leued in my comynge H 18400 And for thi lesynge Lucifer $that thow lowe til Eue H 18401 Thow shalt abye it bittre $and bonde hym with cheynes H 18402 Astaroth and al the route $hidden hem in hernes H 18403 They dorste nou#te loke on owre lorde $the boldest of hem alle H 18404 But leten hym lede forth what hym lyked $and lete what hym liste H 18405 Many hundreth of angeles $harpeden and songen H 18406 Culpat caro purgat caro $regnat deus dei caro H 18407 Thanne piped pees $of poysye a note H 18408 Clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus $Post inimicitias clarior est et amor H 18409 After sharpe shoures quod Pees $moste shene is the sonne H 18410 Is no weder warmer $than after watery cloudes H 18411 Ne no loue leuere $ne leuer frendes H 18412 Than after werre and wo $whan Loue and Pees be maistres H 18413 Was neuere werre in this worlde $ne wykkednesse so kene H 18414 That ne Loue and hym luste $to laughynge ne brou#te H 18415 And Pees thorw pacience $alle perilles stopped H 18416 Trewes quod Treuth $thow tellest vs soth bi Iesus H 18417 Clippe we in couenaunt $and vch of vs cusse other H 18418 And lete no peple quod Pees $perceyue that we chydde H 18419 For inpossible is no thyng $to hym that is almy#ty H 18420 Thow seist soth seyde Ry#twisnesse $and reuerentlich hir kyste H 18421 Pees and Pees here $per secula seculorum Misericordia et veritas obuiauerunt sibi iusticia et pax osculate sunt H 18422 Treuth tromped tho and songe $Te deum laudamus H 18423 And thanne luted Loue $in a loude note Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum etc. H 18424 Tyl the daye dawed $this damaiseles daunced H 18425 That men rongen to the resurexioun $and ri#t with that I waked H 18426 And called Kitte my wyf $and Kalote my dou#ter H 18427 Ariseth and reuerenceth $goddes resurrexioun H 18428 And crepeth to the crosse on knees $and kisseth it for a Iuwel H 18429 For goddes blissed body $it bar for owre bote H 18430 And it afereth the fende $for suche is the my#te H 18431 May no grysly gost $glyde there it shadweth H 19001 Thus I awaked and wrote $what I had dremed H 19002 And di#te me derely $and dede me to cherche H 19003 To here holy the masse $and to be houseled after H 19004 In myddes of the masse $tho men #ede to offrynge H 19005 I fel eftsones a-slepe $and sodeynly me mette H 19006 That Pieres the Plowman $was paynted al blody H 19007 And come in with a crosse $bifor the comune peple H 19008 And ri#te lyke in alle lymes $to owre lorde Iesu H 19009 And thanne called I Conscience $to kenne me the sothe H 19010 Is this Iesus the Iuster quod I $that Iuwes did to deth H 19011 Or it is Pieres the Plowman $who paynted hym so rede H 19012 Quod Conscience and kneled tho $thise aren Pieres armes H 19013 His coloures and his cote-armure $ac he that cometh so blody H 19014 Is Cryst with his crosse $conqueroure of Crystene H 19015 Why calle #e hym Cryst quod I $sithenes Iuwes calle hym Iesus H 19016 Patriarkes and prophetes $prophecyed bifore H 19017 That alkyn creatures $shulden knelen and bowen H 19018 Anon as men nempned $the name of god Iesu H 19019 Ergo is no name $to the name of Iesus H 19020 Ne none so nedeful to nempne $by ny#te ne by daye H 19021 For alle derke deuelles $aren adradde to heren it H 19022 And synful aren solaced $and saued bi that name H 19023 And #e callen hym Cryst $for what cause telleth me H 19024 Is Cryst more of my#te $and more worthy name H 19025 Than Iesu or Iesus $that al owre Ioye come of H 19026 Thow knowest wel quod Conscience $and thow konne resoun H 19027 That kny#te kynge conqueroure $may be o persone H 19028 To be called a kni#te is faire $for men shal knele to hym H 19029 To be called a kynge is fairer $for he may kny#tes make H 19030 Ac to be conquerour called $that cometh of special grace H 19031 And of hardynesse of herte $and of hendenesse bothe H 19032 To make lordes of laddes $of londe that he wynneth H 19033 And fre men foule thralles $that folweth nou#t his lawes H 19034 The Iuwes that were gentil-men $Iesu thei dispised H 19035 Bothe his lore and his lawe $now ar thei lowe cherlis H 19036 As wyde as the worlde is $wonyeth there none H 19037 But vnder tribut and taillage $as tykes and cherles H 19038 And tho that bicome Crysten $by conseille of the baptiste H 19039 Aren frankeleynes fre men $thorw fullyng that thei toke H 19040 And gentel-men with Iesu $for Iesus was yfulled H 19041 And vppon Caluarye on crosse $ycrouned kynge of Iewes H 19042 It bicometh to a kynge $to kepe and to defende H 19043 And conquerour of conquest $his lawes and his large H 19044 And so dide Iesus the Iewes $he Iustified and tau#te hem H 19045 The lawe of lif $that last shal euere H 19046 And fended fram foule yueles $feueres and fluxes H 19047 And fro fendes that in hem were $and fals bileue H 19048 Tho was he Iesus of Iewes called $gentel prophete H 19049 And kynge of her kyngdome $and croune bar of thornes H 19050 And tho conquered he on crosse $as conquerour noble H 19051 My#t no deth hym fordo $ne adown brynge H 19052 That he ne aros and regned $and rauysshed helle H 19053 And tho was he conquerour called $of quikke and of ded H 19054 For he #af Adam and Eue $and other mo blisse H 19055 That longe hadde leyne bifore $as Lucyferes cherles H 19056 And sith he #af largely $alle his lele lyges H 19057 Places in paradys $at her partynge hennes H 19058 He may wel be called conquerour $and that is Cryst to mene H 19059 Ac the cause that he cometh thus $with crosse of his passioun H 19060 Is to wissen vs there-wyth $that when that we ben tempted H 19061 Ther-with to fy#te and fenden vs $fro fallyng in-to synne H 19062 And se bi his sorwe $that who so loueth Ioye H 19063 To penaunce and to pouerte $he moste putten hym- seluen H 19064 And moche wo in this worlde $willen and suffren H 19065 Ac to carpe more of Cryst $and how he come to that name H 19066 Faithly forto speke $his firste name was Iesus H 19067 Tho he was borne in Bethleem $as the boke telleth H 19068 And cam to take mankynde $kynges and aungeles H 19069 Reuerenced hym faire $with richesse of erthe H 19070 Angeles out of heuene $come knelyng and songe Gloria in excelsis deo etc. H 19071 Kynges come after $kneled and offred H 19072 Mirre and moche golde $with-outen mercy askynge H 19073 Or any kynnes catel $but knowlechyng hym soeuereigne H 19074 Bothe of sonde sonne and see $and sithenes thei went H 19075 In-to her kyngene kyth $by conseille of angeles H 19076 And there was that worde fulfilled $the which thow of speke Omnia celestia terrestria flectantur in hoc nomine Iesu H 19077 For alle the angeles of heuene $at his burth kneled H 19078 And al the witte of the worlde $was in tho thre kynges H 19079 Resoun and ri#twisnesse $and reuth thei offred H 19080 Wherfore and whi $wyse men that tyme H 19081 Maistres and lettred men $Magy hem called H 19082 That o kynge cam with resoun $keuered vnder sense H 19083 The secounde kynge sitthe $sothliche offred H 19084 Ri#twisnesse vnder red golde $resouns felawe H 19085 Golde is likned to leute $that last shal euere H 19086 And resoun to riche golde $to ri#te and to treuthe H 19087 The thridde kynge tho cam $knelyng to Iesu H 19088 And presented hym with pitee $apierynge by myrre H 19089 For mirre is mercy to mene $and mylde speche of tonge H 19090 Thre yliche honest thinges $was offred thus at ones H 19091 Thorw thre kynne kynges $knelynge to Iesu H 19092 Ac for alle thise preciouse presentz $owre lorde prynce Iesus H 19093 Was neyther kynge ne conquerour $til he gan to wexe H 19094 In the manere of a man $and that by moche sleight H 19095 As it bicometh a conquerour $to konne many sleightes H 19096 And many wyles and witte $that wil ben a leder H 19097 And so did Iesu in his dayes $who so had tyme to telle it H 19098 Sum tyme he suffred $and sum tyme he hydde hym H 19099 And sum tyme he fau#te faste $and fleigh otherwhile H 19100 And some tyme he gaf good $and graunted hele bothe H 19101 Lyf and lyme $as hym lyste he wrought H 19102 As kynde is of a conquerour $so comsed Iesu H 19103 Tyl he had alle hem $that he for bledde H 19104 In his Iuuente this Iesus $atte Iuwen feste H 19105 Water in-to wyn tourned $as holy writ telleth H 19106 And there bigan god $of his grace to Dowel H 19107 For wyn is lykned to lawe $and lyf of holynesse H 19108 And lawe lakked tho $for men loued nou#t her enemys H 19109 And Cryst conseilleth thus $and comaundeth bothe H 19110 Bothe to lered and to lewed $to louye owre enemys H 19111 So atte feste firste $as I bifore tolde H 19112 Bygan god of his grace $and goodnesse to Dowel H 19113 And tho was he cleped and called $nou#t holy Cryst but Iesu H 19114 A faunt fyn ful of witte $filius Marie H 19115 For bifor his moder Marie $made he that wonder H 19116 That she furste and formest $ferme shulde bilieue H 19117 That he thorw grace was gete $and of no gome elles H 19118 He wrou#t that bi no witte $but thorw worde one H 19119 After the kynde that he come of $there comsed he Dowel H 19120 And whan he was woxen more $in his moder absence H 19121 He made lame to lepe $and #aue li#te to blynde H 19122 And fedde with two fisshes $and with fyue loues H 19123 Sore afyngred folke $mo than fyue thousande H 19124 Thus he conforted carful $and cau#te a gretter name H 19125 The whiche was Dobet $where that he went H 19126 For defe thorw his doynges to here $and dombe speke he made H 19127 And alle he heled and halp $that hym of grace asked H 19128 And tho was he called in contre $of the comune peple H 19129 For the dedes that he did $fili Dauid Iesus H 19130 For Dauid was dou#tiest $of dedes in his tyme H 19131 The berdes tho songe $Saul interfecit mille et Dauid decem milia H 19132 For-thi the contre there Iesu cam $called hym fili Dauid H 19133 And nempned hym of Nazereth $and no man so worthi H 19134 To be kaisere or kynge $of the kyngedome of Iuda H 19135 Ne ouer Iuwes Iustice $as Iesus was hem thou#te H 19136 Where-of Caiphas hadde enuye $and other of the Iewes H 19137 And forto done hym to deth $day and ny#te thei casten H 19138 Kulleden hym on crosse-wyse $at Caluarie on Fryday H 19139 And sithen buryden his body $and beden that men sholde H 19140 Kepen it fro ni#t-comeres $with kny#tes y-armed H 19141 For no frendes shulde hym fecche $for prophetes hem tolde H 19142 That that blessed body $of burieles shulde rise H 19143 And gone in-to Galile $and gladen his apostles H 19144 And his moder Marie $thus men bifore demed H 19145 The kny#tes that kepten biknewe it hem-seluen H 19146 That angeles and archangeles $ar the day spronge H 19147 Come knelynge to the corps $and songen Christus resurgens H 19148 Verrey man bifor hem alle $and forth with hem he #ede H 19149 The Iewes preyed hem pees $and bisou#te the kny#tes H 19150 Telle the comune that there cam $a compaignye of his aposteles H 19151 And bywicched hem as thei woke $and awey stolen it H 19152 Ac Marie Magdeleyne $mette hym bi the wey H 19153 Goynge toward Galile $in godhed and manhed H 19154 And lyues and lokynge $and she aloude cryde H 19155 In eche a compaignye there she cam $Christus resurgens H 19156 Thus cam it out that Cryst ouer-cam $rekeuered and lyued Sic oportet Christum pati et intrare etc. H 19157 For that that wommen witeth $may nou#te wel be conseille H 19158 Peter perceyued al this $and pursued after H 19159 Bothe Iames and Iohan $Iesu for to seke H 19160 Tadde and ten mo $with Thomas of Ynde H 19161 And as alle thise wise wyes $weren togideres H 19162 In an hous al bishette $and her dore ybarred H 19163 Cryst cam in and al closed $bothe dore and #ates H 19164 To Peter and to his aposteles $and seyde pax vobis H 19165 And toke Thomas by the hande $and tau#te hym to grope H 19166 And fele with his fyngres $his flesshelich herte H 19167 Thomas touched it $and with his tonge seyde Deus meus et dominus meus H 19168 Thow art my lorde I bileue $god lorde Iesu H 19169 Thow deydest and deth tholedest $and deme shalt vs alle H 19170 And now art lyuynge and lokynge $and laste shalt euere H 19171 Crist carped thanne $and curteislich seyde H 19172 Thomas for thow trowest this $and trewliche bileuest it H 19173 Blessed mote thow be $and be shalt for euere H 19174 And blessed mote thei alle be $in body and in soule H 19175 That neuere shal se me in si#te $as thow doste nouthe H 19176 And lellich bileuen al this $I loue hem and blesse hem Beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt etc. H 19177 And whan this dede was done $Dobest he tau#te H 19178 And #af Pieres power $and pardoun he graunted H 19179 To alle manere men $mercy and for#yfnes H 19180 Hym my#te men to assoille $of alle manere synnes H 19181 In couenant that thei come $and knowleche to paye H 19182 To Pieres pardon the Plowman $redde quod debes H 19183 Thus hath Pieres powere $be his pardoun payed H 19184 To bynde and to vnbynde $bothe here and elles-where H 19185 And assoile men of alle synnes $saue of dette one H 19186 Anone after an heigh $vp in-to heuene H 19187 He went and wonyeth there $and wil come atte laste H 19188 And rewarde hym ri#te wel $that reddit quod debet H 19189 Payeth parfitly $as pure trewthe wolde H 19190 And what persone payeth it nou#t $punysshen he thinketh H 19191 And demen hem at domes daye $bothe quikke and ded H 19192 The gode to the godhede $and to grete Ioye H 19193 And wikke to wonye $in wo with-outen ende H 19194 Thus Conscience of Cryst $and of the crosse carped H 19195 And conseilled me to knele ther-to $and thanne come me thou#te H 19196 One spiritus paraclitus $to Pieres and to his felawes H 19197 In lyknesse of a li#tnynge $he ly#te on hem alle H 19198 And made hem konne and knowe $alkyn langages H 19199 I wondred what that was $and wagged Conscience H 19200 And was afered of the ly#te $for in fyres lyknesse H 19201 Spiritus paraclitus $ouer-spradde hem alle H 19202 Quod Conscience and kneled $this is Crystes messager H 19203 And cometh fro the grete god $and Grace is his name H 19204 Knele now quod Conscience $and if thow canst synge H 19205 Welcome hym and worshipe hym $with veni creator spiritus H 19206 Thanne songe I that songe $and so did many hundreth H 19207 And cryden with Conscience $help vs god of grace H 19208 And thanne bigan Grace $to go with Piers Plowman H 19209 And conseilled hym and Conscience $the comune to sompne H 19210 For I wil dele to-daye $and dyuyde grace H 19211 To alkynnes creatures $that kan her fyue wittes H 19212 Tresore to lyue by $to her lyues ende H 19213 And wepne to fy#te with $that wil neure faille H 19214 For Antecryst and his $al the worlde shal greue H 19215 And acombre the Conscience $but if Cryst the helpe H 19216 And fals prophetes fele $flatereres and glosers H 19217 Shullen come and be curatoures $ouer kynges and erlis H 19218 And Pryde shal be pope $prynce of holycherche H 19219 Coueytyse and Vnkyndenesse $cardinales hym to lede H 19220 For-thi quod Grace er I go $I wil gyue #ow tresore H 19221 And wepne to fi#te with $whan Antecryst #ow assaileth H 19222 And gaf eche man a grace $to gye with hym-seluen H 19223 That ydelnesse encombre hym nou#t $envye ne pryde Diuisiones graciarum sunt etc. H 19224 Some he #af wytte $with wordes to shewe H 19225 Witte to wynne her lyflode with $as the worlde asketh H 19226 As prechoures and prestes $and prentyces of lawe H 19227 Thei lelly to lyue $by laboure of tonge H 19228 And bi witte to wissen other $as Grace hem wolde teche H 19229 And some he kenned crafte $and kunnynge of sy#te H 19230 With sellyng and buggynge $her bylyf to wynne H 19231 And some he lered to laboure $a lele lyf and a trewe H 19232 And somme he tau#te to tilie $to dyche and to thecche H 19233 To wynne with her lyflode $by lore of his techynge H 19234 And some to dyuyne and diuide $noumbres to kenne H 19235 And some to compas craftily $and coloures to make H 19236 And some to se and to saye $what shulde bifalle H 19237 Bothe of wel and of wo $telle it or it fell H 19238 As astronomyenes thorw astronomye $and philosophres wyse H 19239 And some to ryde and to recoeure $that vnri#tfully was wonne H 19240 He wissed hem wynne it a#eyne $thorw wightnesse of handes H 19241 And fecchen it fro fals men $with Foluyles lawes H 19242 And some he lered to lyue $in longynge to ben hennes H 19243 In pouerte and in penaunce $to preye for alle Crystene H 19244 And alle he lered to be lele $and eche a crafte loue other H 19245 And forbad hem alle debate $that none were amonge hem H 19246 Thowgh some be clenner than somme $#e se wel quod Grace H 19247 That he that vseth the fairest crafte $to the foulest I couth haue put hym H 19248 Thinketh alle quod Grace $that grace cometh of my #ifte H 19249 Loke that none lakke other $but loueth alle as bretheren H 19250 And who that moste maistries can $be myldest of berynge H 19251 And crouneth Conscience kynge $and maketh Crafte #owre stuward H 19252 And after Craftes conseille $clotheth #ow and fede H 19253 For I make Pieres the Plowman $my procuratour and my reve H 19254 And regystrere to receyue $redde quod debes H 19255 My prowor and my plowman $Piers shal ben on erthe H 19256 And for to tulye treuthe $a teme shal he haue H 19257 Grace gaue Piers a teme $foure gret oxen H 19258 That on was Luke a large beste $and a lowe-chered H 19259 And Marke and Mathew the thrydde $myghty bestes bothe H 19260 And Ioigned to hem one Iohan $most gentil of alle H 19261 The prys nete of Piers plow $passyng alle other H 19262 And Grace gaue Pieres $of his goodnesse foure stottis H 19263 Al that his oxen eryed $they to harwe after H 19264 On hy#te Austyne $and Ambrose an-other H 19265 Gregori the grete clerke $and Ierome the gode H 19266 Thise foure the feithe to teche $folweth Pieres teme H 19267 And harwed in an handwhile $al holy scripture H 19268 Wyth two harwes that thei hadde $an olde and a newe Id est vetus testamentum et nouum H 19269 And Grace gaue greynes $the cardynales vertues H 19270 And sewe hem in mannes soule $and sithen he tolde her names H 19271 Spiritus prudencie $the firste seed hy#te H 19272 And who so eet that $ymagyne he shulde H 19273 Ar he did any dede $deuyse wel the ende H 19274 And lerned men a ladel bugge $with a longe stele H 19275 That cast for to kepe a crokke $to saue the fatte abouen H 19276 The secounde seed hi#te $spiritus temperancie H 19277 He that ete of that seed $hadde suche a kynde H 19278 Shulde neuere mete ne mochel drynke $make hym to swelle H 19279 Ne sholde no scorner ne scolde $oute of skyl hym brynge H 19280 Ne wynnynge ne welthe $of worldeliche ricchesse H 19281 Waste worde of ydelnesse $ne wykked speche meue H 19282 Shulde no curyous clothe $comen on hys rugge H 19283 Ne no mete in his mouth $that maister Iohan spiced H 19284 The thridde seed that Pieres sewe $was spiritus fortitudinis H 19285 And who so eet of that seed $hardy was eure H 19286 To suffre al that god sent $sykenesse and angres H 19287 My#te no lesynge ne lyere $ne losse of worldely catel H 19288 Maken hym for any mournynge $that he nas merye in soule H 19289 And bolde and abydynge $bismeres to suffre H 19290 And playeth al with pacyence $et parce michi domine H 19291 And couered hym vnder conseille $of Catoun the wyse H 19292 Esto forti animo cum sis dampnatus inique H 19293 The fierthe seed that Pieres sewe $was spiritus iusticie H 19294 And he that eet of that seed $shulde be euere trewe H 19295 With god and nou#t agast $but of gyle one H 19296 For gyle goth so pryuely $that good faith other- while H 19297 May nou#te ben aspyed $for spiritus iusticie H 19298 Spiritus iusticie $spareth nou#te to spille H 19299 Hem that ben gulty $and forto correcte H 19300 The kynge #if he falle $in gylte or in trespasse H 19301 For counteth he no kynges wratthe $whan he in courte sitteth H 19302 To demen as a domes-man $adradde was he neure H 19303 Noither of duke ne of deth $that he ne dede the lawe H 19304 For present or for preyere $or any prynces lettres H 19305 He dede equite to alle $euene-forth his powere H 19306 Thise foure sedes Pieres sewe $and sitthe he did hem harwe H 19307 Wyth olde lawe and newe lawe $that loue my#te wexe H 19308 Amonge the foure vertues $and vices destroye H 19309 For comunelich in contrees $kammokes and wedes H 19310 Fouleth the fruite in the felde $there thei growe togyderes H 19311 And so don vices $vertues worthy H 19312 Quod Piers harweth alle that kunneth kynde witte $bi conseille of this doctours H 19313 And tulyeth after her techynge $the cardinale vertues H 19314 A#eines thi greynes quod Grace $bigynneth for to ripe H 19315 Ordeigne the an hous Piers $to herberwe in thi cornes H 19316 By god Grace quod Piers $#e moten gyue tymbre H 19317 And ordeyne that hous $ar #e hennes wende H 19318 And Grace gaue hym the crosse $with the croune of thornes H 19319 That Cryst vpon Caluarye $for mankynde on pyned H 19320 And of his baptesme and blode $that he bledde on rode H 19321 He made a maner morter $and Mercy it hi#te H 19322 And there-with Grace bigan $to make a good foundement H 19323 And watteled it and walled it $with his peynes and his passioun H 19324 And of al holywrit $he made a rofe after H 19325 And called that hous Vnite $holicherche on Englisshe H 19326 And whan this dede was done $Grace deuised H 19327 A carte hy#te Cristendome $to carye Pieres sheues H 19328 And gaf hym caples to his carte $Contricioun and Confessioun H 19329 And made Presthode haywarde $the while hym-self went H 19330 As wyde as the worlde is $with Pieres to tulye treuthe H 19331 Now is Pieres to the plow $and Pruyde it aspyde H 19332 And gadered hym a grete oest $to greuen he thinketh H 19333 Conscience and al Crystene $and cardinale vertues H 19334 Blowe hem doune and breke hem $and bite atwo the mores H 19335 And sente forth Surquydous $his seriaunt of armes H 19336 And his spye Spille-loue $one Speke-yuel-byhynde H 19337 Thise two come to Conscience $and to Crystene peple H 19338 And tolde hem tydynges $that tyne thei shulde the sedes H 19339 That Pieres there hadde ysowen $the cardynal vertues H 19340 And Pieres berne worth broke $and thei that ben in Vnite H 19341 Shulle come out and Conscience $and #owre two caples H 19342 Confessioun and Contricioun $and #owre carte the Byleue H 19343 Shal be coloured so queyntly $and keuered vnder owre sophistrie H 19344 That Conscience shal nou#te $knowe by contricioun H 19345 Ne by confessioun $who is Cristene or hethen H 19346 Ne no maner marchaunt $that with moneye deleth H 19347 Where he wynne wyth ri#te $with wronge or with vsure H 19348 With suche coloures and queyntise $cometh Pride y- armed H 19349 With the lorde that lyueth after $the luste of his body H 19350 To wasten on welfare $and on wykked kepynge H 19351 Al the worlde in a while $thorw owre witte quod Pruyde H 19352 Quod Conscience to alle Crystene tho $my conseille is to wende H 19353 Hastiliche in-to Vnyte $and holde we vs there H 19354 And preye we that a pees were $in Piers berne the Plowman H 19355 For witterly I wote wel $we beth nou#te of strengthe H 19356 To gone agayne Pryde $but Grace were with vs H 19357 And thanne cam Kynde Wytte $Conscience to teche H 19358 And cryde and comaunded $al Crystene peple H 19359 For to deluen a dyche $depe a-boute Vnite H 19360 That holy-cherche stode in Vnite $as it a pyle were H 19361 Conscience comaunded tho $al Crystene to delue H 19362 And make a muche mote $that my#te ben a strengthe H 19363 To helpe holycherche $and hem that it kepeth H 19364 Thanne alkyn Crystene $saue comune wommen H 19365 Repenteden and refused synne $saue they one H 19366 And fals men flatereres $vsureres and theues H 19367 Lyeres and questmongeres $that were forsworen ofte H 19368 Wytynge and willefully $with the false helden H 19369 And for syluer were forswore $sothely thei wist it H 19370 There nas no Crystene creature $that kynde witte hadde H 19371 Saue schrewes one $suche as I spak of H 19372 That he ne halpe a quantite $holynesse to wexe H 19373 Somme thorw bedes-byddynge $and somme thorw pylgrymage H 19374 And other pryue penaunce $and some thorw penyes- delynge H 19375 And thanne welled water $for wikked werkes H 19376 Egerlich ernynge $out of mennes eyen H 19377 Clennesse of the comune $and clerkes clene lyuynge H 19378 Made Vnite holicherche $in holynesse to stonde H 19379 I care nou#te quod Conscience $though Pryde come nouthe H 19380 The lorde of luste shal be letted $al this lente I hope H 19381 Cometh quod Conscience $#e Cristene and dyneth H 19382 That han laboured lelly $al this lente-tyme H 19383 Here is bred yblessed $and goddes body ther-vnder H 19384 Grace thorw goddes worde $gaue Pieres power H 19385 And my#tes to maken it $and men to ete it after H 19386 In helpe of her hele $onys in a moneth H 19387 Or as ofte as they hadden nede $tho that hadde ypayed H 19388 To Pieres pardoun the Plowman $redde quod debes H 19389 How quod al the comune $thow conseillest vs to #elde H 19390 Al that we owen any wy#te $ar we go to housel H 19391 That is my conseille $quod Conscience $and cardynale vertues H 19392 That vche man for#yue other $and that wyl the paternoster Et dimitte nobis debita nostra etc. H 19393 And so to ben assoilled $and sithen ben houseled H 19394 #e bawe quod a brewere $I wil nou#t be reuled H 19395 Bi Iesu for al #owre Ianglynge $with spiritus iusticie H 19396 Ne after Conscience by Cryste $whil I can selle H 19397 Bothe dregges and draffe $and drawe it at on hole H 19398 Thikke ale and thinne ale $for that is my kynde H 19399 And nou#te hakke after holynesse $holde thi tonge Conscience H 19400 Of spiritus iusticie $thow spekest moche an ydel H 19401 Caytyue quod Conscience $cursed wrecche H 19402 Vnblessed artow brewere $but if the god helpe H 19403 But thow lyue by lore $of spiritus iusticie H 19404 The chief seed that Pieres sewe $ysaued worstow neure H 19405 But Conscience the comune fede $and cardynale vertues H 19406 Leue it wel thei ben loste $bothe lyf and soule H 19407 Thanne is many man ylost $quod a lewed vycory H 19408 I am a curatour of holykyrke $and come neure in my tyme H 19409 Man to me that me couth telle $of cardinale vertues H 19410 Or that acounted Conscience $at a cokkes fether or an hennes H 19411 I knewe neure cardynal $that he ne cam fro the pope H 19412 And we clerkes whan they come $for her comunes payeth H 19413 For her pelure and her palfreyes mete $and piloures that hem folweth H 19414 The comune clamat cotidie $eche a man to other H 19415 The contre is the curseder $that cardynales come inne H 19416 And there they ligge and lenge moste $lecherye there regneth H 19417 For-thi quod this vicori $be verrey god I wolde H 19418 That no cardynal come $amonge the comune peple H 19419 But in her holynesse $holden hem stille H 19420 At Auynoun amonge the Iuwes $cum sancto sanctus eris etc. H 19421 Or in Rome as here rule wole $the reliques to kepe H 19422 And thow Conscience in kynges courte $and shuldest neure come thennes H 19423 And Grace that thow gredest so of $gyour of alle clerkes H 19424 And Pieres with his newe plow $and eke with his olde H 19425 Emperour of al the worlde $that alle men were Cristene H 19426 Inparfyt is that pope $that al peple shulde helpe H 19427 And sendeth hem that sleeth suche $as he shulde saue H 19428 And wel worth Piers the Plowman $that pursueth god in doynge H 19429 Qui pluit super iustos $et iniustos at ones H 19430 And sent the sonne to saue $a cursed mannes tilthe H 19431 As bry#te as to the best man $and to the beste woman H 19432 Ri#te so Pieres the Plowman $peyneth hym to tulye H 19433 As wel for a wastour $and wenches of the stuwes H 19434 As for hym-self and his seruauntz $saue he is firste yserued H 19435 And trauailleth and tulyeth $for a tretour also sore H 19436 As for a trewe tydy man $al tymes ylyke H 19437 And worshiped be he that wrou#te al $bothe good and wykke H 19438 And suffreth that synful be $til some tyme that thei repente H 19439 And god amende the pope $that pileth holykirke H 19440 And cleymeth bifor the kynge $to be keper ouer Crystene H 19441 And counteth nou#t through Crystene $ben culled and robbed H 19442 And fynt folke to fy#te $and Cristene blode to spille H 19443 A#eyne the olde lawe and newe lawe $as Luke ther-of witnesseth Non occides michi vindictam etc. H 19444 It semeth by so $hym-self hadde his wille H 19445 That he ne reccheth ri#te nou#te $of al the remenaunte H 19446 And Cryst of his curteisye $the cardinales saue H 19447 And tourne her witte to wisdome $and to wele of soule H 19448 For the comune quod this curatour $counten ful litel H 19449 The conseille of Conscience $or cardinale vertues H 19450 But if thei sei#e as by sy#te $somwhat to wynnynge H 19451 Of gyle ne of gabbynge $gyue thei neuere tale H 19452 For spiritus prudencie $amonge the peple is gyle H 19453 And alle tho faire vertues $as vyces thei semeth H 19454 Eche man sotileth a sleight $synne forto hyde H 19455 And coloureth it for a kunnynge $and a clene lyuynge H 19456 Thanne lough there a lorde $and by this li#te sayde H 19457 I halde it ry#te and resoun $of my reue to take H 19458 Al that myne auditour $or elles my stuwarde H 19459 Conseilleth me by her acounte $and my clerkes wrytynge H 19460 With spiritus intellectus $they seke the reues rolles H 19461 And with spiritus fortitudinis $fecche it I wole H 19462 And thanne come there a kynge $and bi his croune seyde H 19463 I am kynge with croune $the comune to reule H 19464 And holykirke and clergye $fro cursed men to defende H 19465 And if me lakketh to lyue by $the lawe wil I take it H 19466 There I may hastlokest it haue $for I am hed of lawe H 19467 For #e ben but membres $and I aboue alle H 19468 And sith I am #owre aller hed $I am #owre aller hele H 19469 And holycherche chief help $and chiftaigne of the comune H 19470 And what I take of #ow two $I take it atte techynge H 19471 Of spiritus iusticie $for I iugge #ow alle H 19472 So I may baldely be houseled $for I borwe neuere H 19473 Ne craue of my comune $but as my kynde asketh H 19474 In condicioun quod Conscience $that thow konne defende H 19475 And rule thi rewme in resoun $ri#t wel and in treuth H 19476 Take thow may in resoun $as thi lawe asketh Omnia tua sunt ad defendendum set non ad depredandum H 19477 The vyker hadde fer home $and faire toke his leue H 19478 And I awakned there-with $and wrote as me mette H 20001 Thanne as I went by the way $whan I was thus awaked H 20002 Heuy-chered I #ede $and elynge in herte H 20003 I ne wiste where to ete $ne at what place H 20004 And it neighed nyeghe the none $and with Nede I mette H 20005 That afronted me foule $and faitour me called H 20006 Coudestow nou#te excuse the $as dede the kynge and other H 20007 That thow toke to thi bylyf $to clothes and to sustenance H 20008 As by techynge and by tellynge $of spiritus temperancie H 20009 And thow none namore $than Nede the tau#te H 20010 And Nede ne hath no lawe $ne neure shal falle in dette H 20011 For thre thynges he taketh $his lyf forto saue H 20012 That is mete when men hym werneth $and he no moneye weldeth H 20013 Ne wyght none wil ben his borwe $ne wedde hath none to legge H 20014 And he cau#te in that cas $and come there-to by sleighte H 20015 He synneth nou#te sothelich $that so wynneth his fode H 20016 And though he come so to a clothe $and can no better cheuysaunce H 20017 Nede anon ri#te $nymeth hym vnder meynpryse H 20018 And if hym lyst for to lape $the lawe of kynde wolde H 20019 That he dronke at eche diche $ar he for thurste deyde H 20020 So Nede at grete nede $may nymen as for his owne H 20021 Wyth-oute conseille of Conscience $or cardynale vertues H 20022 So that he suwe and saue $spiritus temperancie H 20023 For is no vertue by fer $to spiritus temperancie H 20024 Neither spiritus iusticie $ne spiritus fortitudinis H 20025 For spiritus fortitudinis $forfaiteth ful oft H 20026 He shal do more than mesure $many tyme and ofte H 20027 And bete men ouer bitter $and somme of hem to litel H 20028 And greue men gretter $than goode faith it wolde H 20029 And spiritus iusticie $shal iuggen wolhe nolhe H 20030 After the kynges conseille $and the comune lyke H 20031 And spiritus prudencie $in many a poynte shal faille H 20032 Of that he weneth wolde falle $if his wytte ne were H 20033 Wenynge is no wysdome $ne wyse ymagynacioun H 20034 Homo proponit et deus disponit $and gouerneth alle good vertues H 20035 Ac Nede is next hym $for anon he meketh H 20036 And as low as a lombe $for lakkyng of that hym nedeth H 20037 Wyse men forsoke wele $for they wolde be nedy H 20038 And woneden in wildernesse $and wolde nou#te be riche H 20039 And god al his grete Ioye $gostliche he left H 20040 And cam and toke mankynde $and bycam nedy H 20041 So nedy he was as seyth the boke $in many sondry places H 20042 That he seyde in his sorwe $on the selue rode H 20043 Bothe fox and foule $may fleighe to hole and crepe H 20044 And the fisshe hath fyn $to flete with to reste H 20045 There nede hath ynome me $that I mote nede abyde H 20046 And suffre sorwes ful sowre $that shal to Ioye tourne H 20047 For-thi be nou#te abasshed $to bydde and to be nedy H 20048 Syth he that wrou#te al the worlde $was wilfullich nedy H 20049 Ne neuer none so nedy $ne pouerere deyde H 20050 Whan Nede had vndernome me thus $anon I felle aslepe H 20051 And mette ful merueillously $that in mannes forme H 20052 Antecryst cam thanne $and al the croppe of treuthe H 20053 Torned it vp so doune $and ouertilte the rote H 20054 And made fals sprynge and sprede $and spede mennes nedes H 20055 In eche a contre there he cam $he cutte awey treuthe H 20056 And gert gyle growe there $as he a god were H 20057 Freres folwed that fende $for he #af hem copes H 20058 And religiouse reuerenced hym $and rongen here belles H 20059 And al the couent forth cam $to welcome that tyraunt H 20060 And alle hise as wel as hym $saue onlich folis H 20061 Which folis were wel leuer $to deye than to lyue H 20062 Lenger sith leute $was so rebuked H 20063 And a fals fende Antecriste $ouer alle folke regned H 20064 And that were mylde men and holy $that no myschief dredden H 20065 Defyed al falsenesse $and folke that it vsed H 20066 And what kynge that hem conforted $knowynge hem any while H 20067 They cursed and her conseille $were it clerke or lewed H 20068 Antecriste hadde thus sone $hundredes at his banere H 20069 And Pryde it bare $boldely aboute H 20070 With a lorde that lyueth $after lykynge of body H 20071 That cam a#ein Conscience $that kepere was and gyoure H 20072 Ouer kynde Crystene $and cardynale vertues H 20073 I conseille quod Conscience tho $cometh with me #e foles H 20074 In-to Vnyte holy-cherche $and holde we vs there H 20075 And crye we to Kynde $that he come and defende vs H 20076 Foles fro this fendes lymes $for Piers loue the Plowman H 20077 And crye we to alle the comune $that thei come to Vnite H 20078 And there abide and bikere $a#ein Beliales children H 20079 Kynd Conscience tho herde $and cam out of the planetes H 20080 And sent forth his foreioures $feures and fluxes H 20081 Coughes and cardiacles $crampes and tothaches H 20082 Rewmes and radegoundes $and roynouse scalles H 20083 Byles and bocches $and brennyng agues H 20084 Frenesyes and foule yueles $forageres of kynde H 20085 Hadde yprykked and prayed $polles of peple H 20086 That largelich a legioun $lese her lyf sone H 20087 There was harrow and help $here cometh Kynde H 20088 With Deth that is dredful $to vndone vs alle H 20089 The lorde that lyued after lust $tho alowde cryde H 20090 After Conforte a knyghte $to come and bere his banere H 20091 Al-arme alarme quod that lorde $eche lyf kepe his owne H 20092 And thanne mette this men $ar mynstralles my#te pipe H 20093 And ar heraudes of armes $hadden descreued lordes H 20094 Elde the hore $he was in the vauntwarde H 20095 And bare the banere bifor Deth $by ri#te he it claymed H 20096 Kynde come after $with many kene sores H 20097 As pokkes and pestilences $and moche poeple shente H 20098 So Kynde thorw corupciouns $kulled ful manye H 20099 Deth cam dryuende after $and al to doust passhed H 20100 Kynges and kny#tes $kayseres and popes H 20101 Lered ne lewed $he let no man stonde H 20102 That he hitte euene $that euere stired after H 20103 Many a louely lady $and lemmanes of knyghtes H 20104 Swouned and swelted $for sorwe of Dethes dyntes H 20105 Conscience of his curteisye $to Kynde he bisou#te H 20106 To cesse and suffre $and see where thei wolde H 20107 Leue Pryde pryuely $and be parfite Cristene H 20108 And Kynde cessed tho $to se the peple amende H 20109 Fortune gan flateren thenne $tho fewe that were alyue H 20110 And byhight hem longe lyf $and Lecherye he sent H 20111 Amonges al manere men $wedded and vnwedded H 20112 And gadered a gret hoste $al agayne Conscience H 20113 This Lecherye leyde on $with a laughyng chiere H 20114 And with pryue speche $and peynted wordes H 20115 And armed hym in ydelnesse $and in hiegh berynge H 20116 He bare a bowe in his hande $and manye blody arwes H 20117 Weren fethered with faire biheste $and many a false truthe H 20118 With his vntydy tales $he tened ful ofte H 20119 Conscience and his compaignye $of holicherche the techeres H 20120 Thanne cam Coueityse $and caste how he my#te H 20121 Ouercome Conscience $and cardynal vertues H 20122 And armed hym in auaryce $and hungriliche lyued H 20123 His wepne was al wiles $to wynnen and to hyden H 20124 With glosynges and with gabbynges $he gyled the peple H 20125 Symonye hym sente $to assaille Conscience H 20126 And preched to the peple $and prelates thei hem maden H 20127 To holden with Antecryste $her temperaltes to saue H 20128 And come to the kynges conseille $as a kene baroun H 20129 And kneled to Conscience $in courte afor hem alle H 20130 And gart Gode-Feith flee $and Fals to abide H 20131 And boldeliche bar adown $with many a bri#te noble H 20132 Moche of the witte and wisdome $of Westmynster halle H 20133 He Iugged til a Iustice $and Iusted in his ere H 20134 And ouertilte al his treuthe $with take-this-vp- amendement H 20135 And to the arches in haste $he #ede anone after H 20136 And torned ciuile in-to symonye $and sitthe he toke the official H 20137 For a mantel of menyuere $he made lele matrimonye H 20138 Departen ar deth cam $and deuors shupte H 20139 Allas quod Conscience and cried tho $wolde Criste of his grace H 20140 That Coueityse were Cristene $that is so kene a fi#ter H 20141 And bolde and bidyng $while his bagge lasteth H 20142 And thanne lowgh Lyf $and leet dagge his clothes H 20143 And armed hym in haste $in harlotes wordes H 20144 And helde Holynesse a Iape $and Hendenesse a wastour H 20145 And lete Leute a cherle $and Lyer a fre man H 20146 Conscience and conseille $he counted it a folye H 20147 Thus relyed Lyf $for a litel fortune H 20148 And pryked forth with Pryde $preyseth he no vertue H 20149 Ne careth nou#te how Kynde slow $and shal come atte laste H 20150 And culle alle erthely creatures $saue Conscience one H 20151 Lyf leep asyde $and lau#te hym a lemman H 20152 Heel and I quod he $and hieghnesse of herte H 20153 Shal do the nou#te drede $noyther Deth ne Elde H 20154 And to for#ete sorwe $and #yue nou#te of synne H 20155 This lyked Lyf $and his lemman Fortune H 20156 And geten in her glorie $a gadelyng atte laste H 20157 One that moche wo wrou#te $Sleuthe was his name H 20158 Sleuthe wex wonder #erne $and sone was of age H 20159 And wedded one Wanhope $a wenche of the stuwes H 20160 Her syre was a sysour $that neure swore treuthe H 20161 One Thomme Two-tonge $ateynte at vch a queste H 20162 This Sleuthe was war of werre $and a slynge made H 20163 And threwe drede of dyspayre $a dozein myle aboute H 20164 For care Conscience tho $cryed vpon Elde H 20165 And bad hym fonde to fy#te $and afere Wanhope H 20166 And Elde hent good hope $and hastilich he shifte hym H 20167 And wayued awey Wanhope $and with Lyf he fy#teth H 20168 And Lyf fleigh for fere $to Fysyke after helpe H 20169 And bisou#te hym of socoure $and of his salue hadde H 20170 And gaf hym golde good woon $that gladded his herte H 20171 And thei gyuen hym agayne $a glasen houve H 20172 Lyf leued that lechecrafte $lette shulde Elde H 20173 And dryuen awey Deth $with dyas and dragges H 20174 And Elde auntred hym on Lyf $and atte laste he hitte H 20175 A fisicien with a forred hood $that he fel in a palsye H 20176 And there deyed that doctour $ar thre dayes after H 20177 Now I see seyde Lyf $that surgerye ne fisyke H 20178 May nou#te a myte auaille $to medle a#ein Elde H 20179 And in hope of his hele $gode herte he hente H 20180 And rode so to Reuel $a ryche place and a merye H 20181 The companye of conforte $men cleped it sumtyme H 20182 And Elde anone after me $and ouer myne heed #ede H 20183 And made me balled bifore $and bare on the croune H 20184 So harde he #ede ouer myn hed $it wil be seen eure H 20185 Sire euel-ytau#te Elde quod I $vnhende go with the H 20186 Sith whanne was the way $ouer mennes hedes H 20187 Haddestow be hende quod I $thow woldest haue asked leue H 20188 #e leue lordeyne quod he $and leyde on me with age H 20189 And hitte me vnder the ere $vnethe may ich here H 20190 He buffeted me aboute the mouthe $and bette out my tethe H 20191 And gyued me in goutes $I may nou#te go at large H 20192 And of the wo that I was in $my wyf had reuthe H 20193 And wisshed ful witterly $that I were in heuene H 20194 For the lyme that she had loued me fore $and leef was to fele H 20195 On ny#tes namely $whan we naked were H 20196 I ne myght in no manere $maken it at hir wille H 20197 So Elde and she sothly $hadden it forbeten H 20198 And as I seet in this sorwe $I say how Kynde passed H 20199 And Deth drowgh niegh me $for drede gan I quake H 20200 And cried to Kynde $out of care me brynge H 20201 Loo Elde the hoore $hath me biseye H 20202 Awreke me if #owre wille be $for I wolde ben hennes H 20203 #if thow wilt ben ywroken $wende in-to Vnite H 20204 And holde the there eure $tyl I sende for the H 20205 And loke thow conne somme crafte $ar thow come thennes H 20206 Conseille me Kynde quod I $what crafte is best to lerne H 20207 Lerne to loue quod Kynde $and leue of alle othre H 20208 How shal I come to catel so $to clothe me and to fede H 20209 And thow loue lelly quod he $lakke shal the neure H 20210 Mete ne worldly wede $whil thi lyf lasteth H 20211 And there by conseille of Kynde $I comsed to rowme H 20212 Thorw Contricioun and Confessioun $tyl I cam to Vnite H 20213 And there was Conscience constable $Cristene to saue H 20214 And biseged sothly $with seuene grete gyauntz H 20215 That with Antecrist helden $hard a#ein Conscience H 20216 Sleuth with his slynge $an hard saut he made H 20217 Proude prestes come with hym $moo than a thousand H 20218 In paltokes and pyked shoes $and pisseres longe knyues H 20219 Comen a#ein Conscience $with Coueityse thei helden H 20220 By Marie quod a mansed preste $of the marche of Yrlonde H 20221 I counte namore Conscience $bi so I cacche syluer H 20222 Than I do to drynke $a drau#te of good ale H 20223 And so seide sexty $of the same contreye H 20224 And shoten a#ein with shotte $many a shef of othes H 20225 And brode hoked arwes $goddes herte and his nayles H 20226 And hadden almost Vnyte $and holynesse adowne H 20227 Conscience cryed helpe $Clergye or ellis I falle H 20228 Thorw inparfit prestes $and prelates of holicherche H 20229 Freres herden hym crye $and comen hym to helpe H 20230 Ac for thei couth nou#te wel her craft $Conscience forsoke hem H 20231 Nede neghed tho nere $and Conscience he tolde H 20232 That thei come for coueityse $to haue cure of soules H 20233 And for thei arn poure par auenture $for patrimoigne hem failleth H 20234 Thei wil flatre to fare wel $folke that ben riche H 20235 And sithen thei chosen chele $and cheytif pouerte H 20236 Lat hem chewe as thei chese $and charge hem with no cure H 20237 For lomer he lyeth $that lyflode mote begge H 20238 Than he that laboureth for lyflode $and leneth it beggeres H 20239 And sithen freres forsoke $the felicite of erthe H 20240 Lat hem be as beggeres $or lyue by angeles fode H 20241 Conscience of this conseille tho $comsed forto laughe H 20242 And curteislich conforted hem $and called in alle freres H 20243 And seide sires sothly $welcome be #e alle H 20244 To Vnite and holicherche $ac on thyng I #ow preye H 20245 Holdeth #ow in Vnyte $and haueth none envye H 20246 To lered ne to lewed $but lyueth after #owre rewle H 20247 And I wil be #owre borghe $#e shal haue bred and clothes H 20248 And other necessaries i-nowe $#ow shal no thyng faille H 20249 With that #e leue logyk $and lerneth for to louye H 20250 For loue laft thei lordship $bothe londe and scole H 20251 Frere Fraunceys and Dominyk $for loue to ben holy H 20252 And if #e coueyteth cure $Kynde wil #ow teche H 20253 That in mesure god made $alle manere thynges H 20254 And sette hem at a certeyne $and at a syker noumbre H 20255 And nempned names newe $and noumbred the sterres Qui numerat multitudinem stellarum et omnibus eis nomina [vocat] etc. H 20256 Kynges and knyghtes $that kepen and defenden H 20257 Han officers vnder hem $and vch of hem certeyne H 20258 And if thei wage men to werre $thei write hem in noumbre H 20259 Or wil no tresorere hem paye $trauaille thei neure so sore H 20260 Alle other in bataille $ben yholde bribours H 20261 Pilours and pykehernois $in eche a place ycursed H 20262 Monkes and monyals $and alle men of religioun H 20263 Her ordre and her reule wil $to han a certeyne noumbre H 20264 Of lewed and of lered $the lawe wol and axeth H 20265 A certyn for a certeyne $saue onelich of freres H 20266 For-thi quod Conscience by Cryst $kynde witte me telleth H 20267 It is wikked to wage #ow $#e wexeth out of noumbre H 20268 Heuene hath euene noumbre $and helle is with-out noumbre H 20269 For-thi I wolde witterly $that #e were in the registre H 20270 And #owre noumbre vndre notaries sygne $and noyther mo ne lasse H 20271 Enuye herd this $and heet freres to go to scole H 20272 And lerne logyk and lawe $and eke contemplacioun H 20273 And preche men of Plato $and preue it by Seneca H 20274 That alle thinges vnder heuene $ou#te to ben in comune H 20275 And #it he lyeth as I leue $that to the lewed so precheth H 20276 For god made to men a lawe $and Moyses it tau#te Non concupisces rem proximi tui H 20277 And euele is this yholde $in parisches of Engelonde H 20278 For persones and parishprestes $that shulde the peple shryue H 20279 Ben curatoures called $to knowe and to hele H 20280 Alle that ben her parisshiens $penaunce to enioigne H 20281 And shulden be ashamed in her shrifte $ac shame maketh hem wende H 20282 And fleen to the freres $as fals folke to Westmynstre H 20283 That borweth and bereth it thider $and thanne biddeth frendes H 20284 #erne of for#ifnesse $or lenger #eres lone H 20285 Ac whil he is in Westmynstre $he wil be bifore H 20286 And make hym merye $with other mennes goodis H 20287 And so it fareth with moche folke $that to the freres shryueth H 20288 As sysours and excecutours $thei wil #yue the freres H 20289 A parcel to preye for hem $and make hem-self myrye H 20290 With the residue and the remenaunt $that other men biswonke H 20291 And suffre the ded in dette $to the day of dome H 20292 Enuye herfore $hated Conscience H 20293 And freres to philosofye $he fonde hem to scole H 20294 The while Coueytise and Vnkyndnesse $Conscience assailled H 20295 In Vnite holycherche $Conscience helde hym H 20296 And made Pees porter $to pynne the #ates H 20297 Of alle taletellers $and tyterers in ydel H 20298 Ypocrisye and he $an hard saut thei made H 20299 Ypocrysie atte #ate $hard gan fi#te H 20300 And wounded wel wykkedly $many a wise techer H 20301 That with Conscience acorded $and cardinale vertues H 20302 Conscience called a leche $that coude wel shryue H 20303 Go salue tho that syke ben $and thorw synne ywounded H 20304 Shrifte shope sharpe salue $and made men do penaunce H 20305 For her mysdedes $that thei wrou#te hadden H 20306 And that Piers were payed $redde quod debes H 20307 Somme lyked nou#te this leche $and lettres thei sent H 20308 #if any surgien were in the sege $that softer couth plastre H 20309 Sire Lief-to-lyue-in-leccherye $lay there and groned H 20310 For fastyng of a Fryday $he ferde as he wolde deye H 20311 Ther is a surgiene in this sege $that softe can handle H 20312 And more of phisyke bi fer $and fairer he plastreth H 20313 One frere Flaterere $is phisiciene and surgiene H 20314 Quod Contricioun to Conscience $do hym come to Vnyte H 20315 For here is many a man $herte thorw Ypocrisie H 20316 We han no nede quod Conscience $I wote no better leche H 20317 Than persoun or parissh-prest $penytancere or bisshop H 20318 Saue Piers the Plowman $that hath powere ouer hem alle H 20319 And indulgence may do $but if dette lette it H 20320 I may wel suffre seyde Conscience $syn #e desiren H 20321 That frere Flaterer be fette $and phisike #ow syke H 20322 The frere her-of herde $and hyed faste H 20323 To a lorde for a lettre $leue to haue to curen H 20324 As a curatour he were $and cam with his lettres H 20325 Baldly to the bisshop $and his brief hadde H 20326 In contrees there he come in $confessiouns to here H 20327 And cam there Conscience was $and knokked atte #ate H 20328 Pees vnpynned it $was porter of Vnyte H 20329 And in haste asked $what his wille were H 20330 In faith quod this frere $for profit and for helthe H 20331 Carpe I wolde with Contricioun $and therfore come I hider H 20332 He is sike seide Pees $and so ar many other H 20333 Ypocrisie hath herte hem $ful harde is if thei keure H 20334 I am a surgien seide the segge $and salues can make H 20335 Conscience knoweth me wel $and what I can do bothe H 20336 I preye the quod Pees tho $ar thow passe ferther H 20337 What hattestow I preye the $hele nou#te thi name H 20338 Certes seyde his felow $sire Penetrans-domos H 20339 #e go thi gate quod Pees $bi god for al thi phisyk H 20340 But thow conne somme crafte $thow comest nou#t her- inne H 20341 I knewe such one ones $nou#te eighte wynter passed H 20342 Come in thus ycoped $at a courte there I dwelt H 20343 And was my lordes leche $and my ladyes bothe H 20344 And at the last this limitour $tho my lorde was out H 20345 He salued so owre wommen $til somme were with childe H 20346 Hende-speche het Pees $opene the #ates H 20347 Late in the frere and his felawe $and make hem faire chere H 20348 He may se and here $so it may bifalle H 20349 That Lyf thorw his lore $shal leue Coueityse H 20350 And be adradde of Deth $and with-drawe hym fram Pryde H 20351 And acorde with Conscience $and kisse her either other H 20352 Thus thorw Hende-speche $entred the frere H 20353 And cam in-to Conscience $and curteisly hym grette H 20354 Thow art welcome quod Conscience $canstow hele the syke H 20355 Here is Contricioun quod Conscience $my cosyn ywounded H 20356 Conforte hym quod Conscience $and take kepe to his sores H 20357 The plastres of the persoun $and poudres biten to sore H 20358 He lat hem ligge ouerlonge $and loth is to chaunge hem H 20359 Fro lenten to lenten $he lat his plastres bite H 20360 That is ouerlonge quod this limitour $I leue I shal amende it H 20361 And goth and gropeth Contricioun $and gaf hym a plastre H 20362 Of a pryue payement $and I shal praye for #ow H 20363 For alle that #e ben holde to $al my lyf-tyme H 20364 And make #ow my lady $in masse and in matynes H 20365 As freres of owre fraternite $for a litel syluer H 20366 Thus he goth and gadereth $and gloseth there he shryueth H 20367 Tyl Contricioun hadde clene for#eten $to crye and to wepe H 20368 And wake for his wykked werkes $as he was wont to done H 20369 For confort of his confessour $Contricioun he lafte H 20370 That is the souereynest salue $for alkyn synnes H 20371 Sleuth seigh that $and so did Pryde H 20372 And come with a kene wille $Conscience to assaile H 20373 Conscience cryde eft $and bad Clergye help hym H 20374 And also Contricioun $forto kepe the #ate H 20375 He lith and dremeth seyde Pees $and so do many other H 20376 The frere with his phisik $this folke hath enchaunted H 20377 And plastred hem so esyly $thei drede no synne H 20378 Bi Cryste quod Conscience tho $I wil bicome a pilgryme H 20379 And walken as wyde $as al the worlde lasteth H 20380 To seke Piers the Plowman $that Pryde may destruye H 20381 And that freres hadde a fyndyng $that for nede flateren H 20382 And contrepleteth me Conscience $now Kynde me auenge H 20383 And sende me happe and hele $til I haue Piers the Plowman H 20384 And sitthe he gradde after grace $til I gan awake.