PIXI: Oxford Textarc version format notes There are 7 files as well as the one you are now perusing. They are: 1Intro (the introduction to the book, modified for this version) 2Lod (the English data) 3Bof (the main Italian data) 4Paf (minor Italian data) 5Pif " 6Rok " 7notes (the footnotes from the printed version of the data) These files are all in wordperfect 5.0, and can be retrieved and formatted for whatever virtual printer you choose. Base font is set as HP courier 10pt. WP formatting codes have all (I think) been removed, apart from: a) indents/tabs. Tabs do not occur in the data files (2-6) b) bold, italic and underline, which are all significant c) redline codes in the introduction (1intro). These indicate all references made to the use of notes, bold, italics and underline, where the text of the introduction should be modified according to the decisions made for (b) in the Ascii version. All footnotes in the book have been moved to a separate file (7notes), and replaced in the text with comments (between square brackets) which give the note number reference. If playing around in wordperfect, keep hyphenation off at all costs. If converting to ascii, be particularly careful of the following wordperfect characters, which do not convert directly:    -(hardhyphen(en dash)) Have fun. Humbert