S 601 My3t no stede doun stap bot on stele wede S 602 Or on burne o7er on beste or on bri3t scheldes S 603 So myche was 7e multitude 7at on 7e molde lafte S 604 7er so many wer mar[red] mereuail wer ellis S 605 3it wer 7e Romayns as rest as 7ey fram Rome come S 606 [Vnrevyn] eche a renk & no3t a ryng brosten S 607 Was no poynt perschid of alle her pris armur S 608 So Crist his kny3tes gan kepe tille complyn tyme S 609 An hundred 7ousand helmes of 7e he7en syde S 610 Wer fey fallen in 7e felde [7at no freke skapide] S 611 Saue seuen 7ousand of 7e somme 7at to 7e cite flowen S 612 & wy[nn]en with mychel wo 7e walles with-ynne S 613 Ledes lepen to a-non louken 7e 3ates S 614 Barren hem bigly with boltes of yren S 615 Brayden vp brigges with brouden chaynes S 616 & portecolis with pile picchen to grounde S 617 7ei wynnen vp why3tly 7e walles to kepe S 618 Fr[e]sche vnfonded folke & grete defence made S 619 Tye7 in-to tourres tonnes ful manye S 620 With grete stones of gret & of gray marble S 621 Kepten kenly with caste 7e kernels alofte S 622 Quar[r]en qu[a]rels out with quart[ote]s attonys S 623 7at o7er folke at 7e fote freshly assayled S 624 Tille eche dale with dewe was donked aboute S 625 With-drowen hem fro 7e diche dukes & o7er S 626 [For] 7e caste was so kene 7at come fram 7e walles S 627 Comen for7e with 7e kyng clene as 7ey 3ede S 628 W[ant]ed no3t o wye ne non 7at wem hadde S 629 Princes to her pauelouns passen on swy7e S 630 Vnarmen hem as tyt & alle 7e ny3t resten S 631 With wacche vmbe 7e walles to many wyes sorowe S 632 7ey wolle no3t 7e he7en her so harmeles be lafte S 633 Sone as 7e rede day ros [o]n 7e schye S 634 Bemes blowen anon burnes to aryse S 635 7e kyng comaunde7 a cry 7at comsed was sone S 636 7e ded bodies on 7e bonke barforto make S 637 To spoyle 7e spilt folke spar scholde none S 638 Geten girdeles & ger gold & goode stones S 639 Byes broches bry3t besauntes riche S 640 Helmes hewen of gold hamberkes manye S 641 Kesten ded vpon ded was deil to byholde S 642 Made wide weyes & to 7e walles comen S 643 Assembleden at 7e cite saut to bygynne S 644 Ffolke ferlich 7ycke at 7e four 3ates S 645 7ey bro3ten toures of tre 7at 7ey taken hadde S 646 A-3en euereche 3ate 3arken hem hey S 647 By-gonnnen at 7e grettist a garrite to rer S 648 Groded vp fro 7e grounde on twelfe grete postes S 649 [It] was wonderlich wide wro3t vpon hy3te S 650 Ffyue hundred in frounte to fi3ten at 7e walles S 651 Hardy men vp-on haste hyen at 7e grecys S 652 & bygonnnen with bir 7e borow to assayle S 653 Quarels flambande of fur flowen out harde S 654 & arwes [vn]arwely with attyr enuenymyd S 655 Taysen at 7e toures tachen on 7e Jewes S 656 7ro3 kernels cacchen her de7 many kene burnes S 657 brenten & beten doun 7at bilde was wel 7ycke S 658 Brosten 7e britages & 7e brode toures S 659 By 7at was many bold burne 7e burwe to assayle S 660 7e hole batail boun a-boute 7e brode walles S 661 7at wer byg & brode & bycchet to wynne S 662 Wonder heye to byholde with holwe diches vnder S 663 Heye bonked a-bou[t]e vpon bo7e sydes S 664 Ri3t wicked to wynne bot 3if wyles helpe S 665 Bow-men atte bonke benden her ger S 666 Schoten vp scharply to 7e schene walles S 667 With arwes & arblastes & alle 7at harme my3t S 668 To affray 7e folke 7at defence made S 669 7e Jewes werien 7e walles with wyles ynowe S 670 Hote [p]l[ay]ande picche a-monge 7e peple 3eten S 671 Brenn[a]n[d] leed & brynston barels fulle S 672 Schoten schynande doun ri3t as schyr water S 673 Waspasian wende7 fram 7e walles wariande hem alle S 674 O7er busked wer boun benden engynes S 675 Kesten at 7e kernels & clustred toures S 676 & monye der daies worke dongen to grounde S 677 By 7at wri3tes han wro3t a wonder stronge pale S 678 Alle aboute 7e burwe with bastiles manye S 679 7at [no freke in my3t fonde with-owttyn fethyrhames] S 680 [Ne] no segge vnder sonne my3t fram 7e cite passe S 681 Su7 dommyn 7e diches with 7e ded corses S 682 Crammen hit myd karayn 7e kirnels vnder S 683 7at 7e stynk of 7e steem my3t strike ouer 7e walles S 684 To co7e 7e corsed folke 7at hem kepe scholde S 685 7e cors of 7e condit 7at comen to [7e] toun S 686 Stoppen euereche a streem 7er any str[ande] 3ede S 687 With stockes & stones & stynkande bestes S 688 7at 7ey no water my3t wynne 7at weren enclosed S 689 Waspasian tourne7 to his tente with Titus & o7er S 690 Commaunde7 consail anon on Cayphas to sitte S 691 W[hat] de7 by dome 7at he dey scholde S 692 With 7e lettered ledes 7at 7ey lau3te hadde S 693 Domes-men vpon de[y]s demeden swy7e S 694 7at ech freke wer quyk fleyn 7e felles of clene S 695 7en to be on a bent with blonkes to-drawe S 696 & su7 honget on an hep vpon heye galwes S 697 7e feet to 7e firmament alle folke to byholden S 698 With hony vpon ech [halfe] 7e hydeles anoynted S 699 Corres & cattes with claures ful scharpe S 700 Ffour kagge[d] & knyt to Cayphases 7eyes S 701 Twey apys at his armes to angren hym mor S 702 7at renten 7e rawe flesche vpon rede peces S 703 So was he pyned fram prime with persched sides S 704 Tille 7e sonne doun sou3t in sommere-tyme S 705 7e lered men of 7e lawe a litel byny7e S 706 Weren tourmented on a tre topsail walten S 707 Knyt to euerech clerke kene corres twey S 708 7at alle 7e cite my3t se 7e sorow 7at 7ey dryuen S 709 7e Jewes walten ouer 7e walles for wo at 7at tyme S 710 Seuen hundred slow hem-self for sorow of her clerkes S 711 Somme hent her heer & fram 7e hed pulled S 712 & somme [down] for deil dasch[e]de to grounde S 713 7e kyng lete drawen hem a-doun whan 7ey dede wer S 714 Bade a bole-fur betyn to brennen 7e corses S 715 Kesten Cayphas 7er-yn & his clerkes twelf S 716 & brenten euereche bon in-to 7e browne askes S 717 Su7 went to 7e walle on 7e wynde syde S 718 & alle a-brod on 7e burwe blewen 7e powder S 719 7er is doust [to] 3our drynke a du[ke] to hem crie7 S 720 & bade hem bible of 7at bro7 for 7e bischopes soule S 721 7us ended coursed Cayphas & his clerkes alle S 722 Al to-brused myd bestes brent at 7e laste S 723 In tokne of tresoun & trey 7at he wro3t S 724 Whan Crist 7row his conseil was cacched to de7 S 725 By 7at was 7e day don dym[m]ed 7e skyes S 726 Merked [7e] montayns & mores a-boute S 727 Foules fallen to fote & her fe7res r[y]s[t]en S 728 7e ny3t-wacche to 7e walle & waytes to blowe S 729 Bry3t fures a-boute betyn a-brode in 7e oste S 730 7e kyng & his consail carpen to-gedr S 731 Chosen chyuentayns out & chiden no mor S 732 Bot charged 7e chek-wecche & to chambr wenten S 733 Kynges & kny3tes to cacchen hem reste S 734 Waspasian ly7 in his logge litel he slepi7 S 735 Bot walwy7 & wyndi7 & waltre7 a-boute S 736 Ofte tourne7 for tene & on 7e toun 7ynke7 S 737 Whan schadewes & schir day scheden attwynne S 738 Leuerockes vpon lofte lyften her steuenes S 739 Burnes busken hem out of bedde with bemes loude S 740 Bo7e blowyng on bent & on 7e burwe walles S 741 Waspasian bounys of bedde busked hym fayr S 742 Fram 7e fote to 7e fourche in fyne gold clo7es S 743 Su7 putte7 7e prince ouer his pal[l]e[n] wedes S 744 A brynye browded 7icke with a brest-plate S 745 [7e] gra[te was] of gray steel & of gold riche S 746 7er-ouer he caste7 a cote colour[ede] of his armys S 747 A grete girdel of gold with-out ger o7er S 748 Lay7 vmbe his lendis with lacchetes ynow S 749 A bry3t burnesched swerd he belte7 alofte S 750 Of pur purged gold 7e pomel & 7e hulte S 751 A brod schynande scheld on scholdir he hongi7 S 752 Bocklyd myd bri3t gold abou[t]e at 7e necke S 753 7e glowes of gray steel 7at wer with gold hemmyd S 754 Haule7 [ouer] harnays & his hors aske7 S 755 7e gold hewen helme haspe7 he blyue S 756 With viser & with a-vental deuysed for 7e nones S 757 A croune of clene gold was closed vpon lofte S 758 Rybaunde vmbe 7e rounde helm ful of riche stones S 759 Py3t prudely with perles in-to 7e pur corners S 760 & so with saphyres sett 7e sydes a-boute S 761 He stride7 on a stif stede & strike7 ouer 7e bente S 762 Li3t as a lyoun wer loused out of cheyne S 763 His segges se[y]en hym alle & echon say7 to o7er S 764 7is is a comlich kyng kny3tes to lede S 765 He bowe7 to 7e barres or he bide wolde S 766 Betynge on with 7e brond on 7e bras rynges S 767 Come7 caytifes for7 3e 7at Crist slowen S 768 Knowe7 hym for 3our kyng or 3e cacche mor S 769 Wayte7 doun fro 7e walle what wo is on hande S 770 May 3e fecche 3ou no fode 7o3 3e fey wor7e S 771 & 7o3 3e waterles wede wynne 3e no3t o droppe S 772 7o3 3e de7 scholde dey daies in 3our lyue S 773 7e pale 7at I pi3t haue passe hit who my3t S 774 7at is so byg on 7e bonke & ha7 7e burowe closed S 775 Ffourty to fy3ten a3ens fyue hundred S 776 7o3 3e wer etnes echon in scholde [3]e [tourne] S 777 & more manschyp wer hit 3it mercy by-seche S 778 7an metles marr 7er no my3t helpys S 779 Was non 7at warpi7 a word bot waytes her poyntes S 780 3if [any] stertis on st[r]ay with stones hem to kylle S 781 7an wro7 as a wode bore he wende7 his bridul S 782 3if 3e as dogges wol dey 7e deuel haue 7at recche S 783 & or I wende fro 7is walle 3e schul wordes schewe S 784 & efte spakloker speke or y 3our speche owene S 785 By 7at a Jewe Josophus 7e gentyl clerke S 786 Hadde wro3t a wonder wyle whan hem water fayled S 787 Made wedes of wolle in wete for to plunge S 788 Water-waschen as 7ey wer & on 7e walle hengen S 789 7e wedes dropeden doun d[r]yed 3erne S 790 Rich rises hem fro 7e Romayns byholden S 791 Wenden wel her wedes hadde wasschyng so ryue S 792 7at no wye in 7e wone water schold fayle S 793 Waspasian 7e wile wel ynow knewe S 794 Loude law3[e7] 7er-at & lordlynges byddis S 795 No burne abasched be 7o3 7ey 7is bost make S 796 Hit be7 bot wyles of werr for water hem fayle7 S 797 7an was no-7yng bot a newe note to bygynne S 798 Assaylen on eche a side 7e cite by halues S 799 Merken myd manglouns ful vn-mete dyntes S 800 & myche of masouns note 7ey marden 7at tyme S 801 7er-of was Josophus war 7at myche of werr cou7e S 802 & sette on 7e walle side sakkes myd chaf S 803 A3ens 7e streyng7e of 7e stroke 7er 7e stones hytte S 804 7at alle dered no3t a dy3s bot grete dy[n] made S 805 7e Romayns runne to a-non & on roddes knytte S 806 Si7es for 7e sackes 7at selly wer kene S 807 Ra3ten to 7e ropis rent hem in sonder S 808 7at alle dasschande doun in-to 7e diche flatten S 809 Bot Josophus 7e gynful her engynes alle S 810 Brente with brennande oyle & myche bale wro3t S 811 Waspasian wounded was 7er wonderlich sore S 812 7row 7e hard of 7e hele with an hande-darte S 813 7at boot 7row 7e bote & 7e bone nayled S 814 Of 7e frytted fote in 7e folis syde S 815 Sone assembled hym to many sadde hundred S 816 7at wolden wrecken 7e wounde o7er wo habben S 817 7ey bowyn to 7e barres bekered 3erne S 818 Fou3t ri3t felly foyned with speres S 819 Jo[k]ken Jewes 7ro3 engynes by 7anne S 820 Wer manye bent at 7e bonke & to 7e burwe 7rewen S 821 7er wer selcou7es sen as segges mowe here S 822 A burne with a balwe-ston was 7e brayn cloue S 823 7e gretter pese of 7e panne 7e pyble for7 strike7 S 824 7at hit flow in-to 7e feld a forlong or more S 825 A womman bounden with a barn was on 7e body hytte S 826 With 7e ston o[f] a staf[-slyng] as 7e storyj telle7 S 827 7at 7e barn out brayde fram 7e body clene S 828 & was born vp as a bal ouer 7e burwe walles S 829 Burnes wer brayned & brosed to de7 S 830 Wymmen wide open walte vnder stones S 831 Frosletes fro 7e ferst to 7e flor 7rylled S 832 & many toret doun tilte 7e temple a-boute S 833 7e cite had ben seised myd saut at 7at tyme S 834 Nad 7e folke be so fers 7at 7e fende serued S 835 7at kilden on 7e cristen & kepten 7e walles S 836 With arwes & arblastes & archers manye S 837 With speres & spryngoldes sponnen out hard S 838 Dryuen dartes a-doun 3euen depe woundes S 839 7at manye renke out of Rome [by] rest[ing] of 7[e] s[o]nne S 840 Was mychel leuer a leche 7an layke myd his ton S 841 Waspasian stynte7 of 7e stour stewe7 his burnes S 842 7at wer for-beten & bled vnder bry3t yren S 843 Tyen to her tentis myd tene 7at 7ey hadde S 844 Al wery of 7at werk & wounded ful sore S 845 Helmes & hamberkes hadden of sone S 846 Leches by torche-li3t loken her hurtes S 847 Waschen woundes with wyn & with wolle stoppen S 848 With oyle & orisoun ordeyned in charme S 849 Su7 euereche a segge to 7e soper 3ede S 850 7o3 7ey wounded wer was no wo nempned S 851 Bot daunsyng & no deil with dynnyng of pipis S 852 & 7e nakerer noyse alle 7e ny3t-tyme S 853 Whan 7e derk was doun & 7e day spr[o]ngen S 854 Sone after 7e sonne sembled 7e grete S 855 Comen for7-with 7e kyng conseil to her S 856 Alle 7e kny3thod clene 7at for Crist werred S 857 Waspasian waite7 a-wide his wyes byholde7 S 858 7at wer frescher to fi3t 7an at 7e furst tyme S 859 Praye7 princes on ernest & alle 7e peple after S 860 7at eche wye of 7at werr schold his wille specke S 861 For or 7is toun be tak & 7is toures heye S 862 Michel tor[fere] & tene vs tides on hande S 863 7ay tourned alle to Titus & hym 7e tale schewe7 S 864 Of 7e cite & 7e sege to seyn for hem alle S 865 7an Titus tourne7 hem to & talkyng bygynne7 S 866 7us to layke with 7is les[e folke] vs lympis 7e worse S 867 For 7ey ben fel[l]e of defence ferce men & noble S 868 & 7is toured toun is tenful to wynne S 869 7e worst wrecche in 7e wone may on walle lygge S 870 Strike doun with a ston & stuny many kny3tes S 871 Whan we schul houe & byholde & litel harme wirche S 872 & ay 7e lo7e of 7e layk li3t on vs-selue S 873 Now mowe 7ey ferke no ferr her fode forto wynne S 874 Wolde we stynt of our strif whyle 7ey her stor ma[r]den S 875 We scholde with [hunger] hem honte to hoke out of toun S 876 [With-owttyn weme or wounde or any wo ells] S 877 For 7er as fayle7 7e fode 7er is feynt streng7e S 878 & 7er as hunger is hote hertes ben feble S 879 Alle assenteden to 7e sawe 7at to 7e [sege] longed S 880 Apaied as 7e prince & 7e peple wolde S 881 To 7e kyng wer called constables 7anne S 882 Marchals maser[s] men 7at he to tristi7 S 883 He charge7 hem che[f]ly for chaunce 7at may falle S 884 With wacche of waled men 7e walles to kepe S 885 For we wol hunten at 7e hart 7is he7es aboute S 886 & hur racches renne a-monge 7is rowe bonkes S 887 Ride to 7e reuer & rer vp 7e foules S 888 Se faucouns fle fole of 7e beste S 889 Ech segge to 7e solas 7at hym-self lyked S 890 Princes out of pauelouns presen on stedes S 891 Torn[ei]en trifflyn & on 7e toun wayten S 892 7is lyf 7ey ledde longe & [lord] 3yue vs grace S 893 In Rome Nero ha7 now mychel noye wro3t S 894 To de7 pyned 7e pope & mychel peple quelled S 895 Petr apostlen prince & seint Poule [also] S 896 Senek & 7e senatours & alle 7e cite fured S 897 His modir & his my[l]de wif murdred to de7e S 898 Combred Cristen fele 7at on Crist leued S 899 7e Romayns resen a-non whan 7ey 7[i]s rew7e seyen S 900 To quelle 7e emperour quyk 7at hem vnquemed hadde S 901 7ey pressed to his paleys porayle & o7er S 902 To br[it]ten 7e bold kyng in his burwe riche S 903 7e cite & 7e senatours assented hem bo7e S 904 Non o7er dede was to doun 7ey han his dome 3olden S 905 7an flowe 7at freke frendles alone S 906 Out at a pore posterne & alle 7e peple folwed S 907 With a tronchoun of tre toke he no more S 908 Of alle 7e glowande gold 7at he on grounde hadde S 909 On 7at tronchoun with his te7 he togge7 & byte7 S 910 Tille hit was piked at 7e poynt as a pokes ende S 911 7an abide7 7at burne & biterlych speke7 S 912 To alle 7e wyes 7at 7er wer wordes aloude S 913 Tourne7 traytours a3en schal neuer 7e tale rise S 914 Of no karl by 7e coppe how he his kyng quelde S 915 Hym-self he stryke7 myd 7at staf stre3t to 7e hert S 916 7at 7e colke to-clef & 7e kyng deyed S 917 Six mon7e after & no mor 7is myschef bytydde S 918 7at Waspasian was went to werry on 7e Jewes S 919 Four mettyn myle out of Rome to mynde for euere S 920 7at erst was emperour of alle 7us ended in sorow S 921 7e grete to-gedres 7an [gete] hem an-o7er S 922 On Gabba a gome 7at mychel grem hadde S 923 7ro3 Othis L[ucy]us a lord 7at hym longe hated S 924 & at 7e last 7at lord out of lyf hym bro3t S 925 Amydde 7e market of Rome 7e[y] mette to-gedres S 926 Othis falli7 hym fey 3af hym fale woundes S 927 7at four mon7es & [no] mor hadde mayntened 7e croune S 928 & 7o deyed 7e duke & 7e diademe lefte S 929 & whan 7at Gabba was gon & to grounde bro3t S 930 Othis entri7 on ernest & emperour was made S 931 7e man in his maieste was mon7es bot 7re S 932 7an he 3elde7 Sathanas 7e soule & hym-self quelled S 933 7e Romayns risen vp a renk Rome for to kepe S 934 A kny3t 7at Vitel was calde & hym 7e croune rau3te S 935 Bot for sir Sabyns sake a segge 7at was noble S 936 Waspasian bro7er of blode [7at] he brytned hadde S 937 Waspasian vpon Vitel to vengen his bro7er S 938 S[en]t out of Surrie segges to Rome S 939 7at [a]s naked as an nedul 7e newe emperour S 940 For sir Sabyns sake alle 7e cite drowe hym S 941 Su7 gored 7e gome 7at his guttes alle S 942 As a bowe[l]ed beste in-to his breche felle S 943 Doun 3er[m]ande he 3ede & 3elde7 7e soule S 944 & [7ey] kay3t 7e cors & kast in-to Tybre S 945 Seuen mon7es 7is [segge] hadde septre on hande S 946 & 7us loste he 7e lyf for his lu7er dedes S 947 An o7er segge was to seke 7at septre schold haue S 948 For alle 7is grete ben gon & neuer agayn tournen S 949 Now of 7e cite & of 7e sege wolle y sey mor S 950 How 7is comelich kyng 7at for Crist werre7 S 951 Ha7 holden yn 7e he7en men 7is o7er half wynter S 952 7at neuer burne was so bold 7e burwe for to passe S 953 As he to dyner on a day with dukes was sette S 954 Comen renkes fram Rome rapande swy7e S 955 In bruneys & in bry3t wede with bodeworde newe S 956 Louten alle to 7e lord letres hym rau3ten S 957 Sayn Comelich kyng 7e kny3thod of Rome S 958 7ro3 7e senatours assent & alle 7e cite ellis S 959 Han chosen 7e her chyuentayn her chef lord to wor7e S 960 And riche emperour of Rome 7us rede7 7is letres S 961 7e lord vnlappe7 7e lef 7is letres byholde7 S 962 Ouer-loke7 ech a lyne to 7e last ende S 963 Bordes born wer doun & 7e burne rise7 S 964 Calle7 consail a-non & ky7e7 7is speche S 965 3e ben burnes of my blod 7at y best wolde S 966 My sone is next to my-self & o7er sib manye S 967 Sir Sabyn of Surrie a segge 7at y triste S 968 & o7er frendes fele 7at me fay7 owen S 969 Now is me bodeword of blys bro3t froward Rome S 970 To be lord ouer 7at lond as 7is letres speke7 S 971 Sir Sabyn of Surrie sey 7e by-houy7 S 972 How y my3t sauy my-self & I so wro3t S 973 Ffor y haue heylych hey3t her forto lenge S 974 [Tille] me 7e 3ates ben 3et & 3olden 7e keyes S 975 [And] I 7is toured [t]oun ha[ue] taken at wille S 976 & su7 houshed on hem 7at 7is hold kepyn S 977 Brosten & betyn doun 7is britages heye S 978 7at neuer ston in 7at stede stond vpon o7er S 979 Ky7e 7[i] consail sir kny3t 7is kyng to hym sayde S 980 For y wol worche by 7y witt 3if worschip may folowe S 981 7an sei7 sir Sabyn a-non Semelich lord S 982 We ben wyes 7e with 7y worschup to fur7er S 983 Of longe tyme bylafte & ledes 7yn owen S 984 7at we doun is 7y dede may no man demen elles S 985 7e dom demed was 7er who so do7 by ano7er S 986 Schal be soferayn hym-self sein in 7e werke S 987 For as fers is 7e freke atte ferr ende S 988 7at of fleis 7e fel as he 7at foot holde7 S 989 Bytake Tytus 7y sone 7is toun for to kepe S 990 & to 7e dou3ti duke Domyssian his bro7er S 991 Her I holde vp myn honde myd hem for to lenge S 992 with alle 7e here 7at I haue while my herte laste7 S 993 & 7ou schalt ride to Rome & receyue 7e croune S 994 In honour emperour to be as 7yn eure schapi7 S 995 So may 7y couenaunt be kept 7at 7ou to Crist made S 996 7y-self dest 7at 7y soudiours by 7yn assent worchen S 997 7an with a liouns lote he lifte vp 7e eyen S 998 To Titus tourne7 a-non & hym 7e tale schewed S 999 & as sir Sabyn hadde seid he hym sone grante7 S 1000 With his bro7er & 7e burne[s] as he hym blesse wolde S 1001 & I wol tarie at 7is toun til I hit taken haue S 1002 Made weys 7row [7e walles] for wenes & cartes S 1003 Our bo7ere heste to holde 3if me 7e happ tydi7 S 1004 Or her be to-hewen or I hennes passe S 1005 A boke on a brode scheld was bro3t on to swer S 1006 Alle burnes boden [to] 7e honde & barouns hit kyssen S 1007 To be leel to 7at lord 7at hem lede scholde S 1008 Sir Titus 7e trewe kyng tille 7ey 7e toun hadde S 1009 Fayn as 7e foul of day was 7e freke 7anne S 1010 Kysse7 kny3tes a-non with carful wordes S 1011 My wele & my worschup 3e welde7 to kepe S 1012 For 7e tresour of my treu7 vpon 7is toun hengy7 S 1013 I nold 7is toun wer vn-take ne 7is toures heye S 1014 For alle 7e glowande golde vpon grounde riche S 1015 [N]e no ston in 7e stede stond[i]n[g] alofte S 1016 Bot alle ouer-tourned & tilt temple & o7er S 1017 7us lacche7 [he] his leeue at his ledes alle S 1018 Wende wepande a-way & on 7e walles loke7 S 1019 Praie7 [god] as he goo7 hem grace to sende S 1020 To hold 7at 7ey byhot han & neuer her herte chaunge S 1021 Now is Waspasian went ouer wale stremys S 1022 Euen entred in-to Rome & emperour maked S 1023 & Titus for 7e tydyng ha[7] take [so] mychel joye S 1024 7at in his synwys soudeynly a syknesse is fallen S 1025 7e freke for 7e fayndom of 7e fader blysse S 1026 With a cramp & a colde cau3t was so hard S 1027 7at 7e fyngres & feet fustes & joyntes S 1028 Was ly7y as a leke & lost han her streng7e S 1029 [He] croked a3ens kynde & as a crepel woxe S 1030 & whan 7ey sey hym so many segge wepy7 S 1031 7ey [s]ende to 7e cite & sou3ten a leche S 1032 7at cou7e keuere 7e kyng & condi[t] delyueryn S 1033 Whan 7ey 7e cyte hadde sou3t with seggys aboute S 1034 Fynde cou7e 7ey no [freke] 7at on 7e feet cou7e S 1035 Saue 7e self Josophus 7at surgyan was noble S 1036 & he graunte7 to go with a goode wylle S 1037 Whan he was comen to 7e kyng & 7e cause wyste S 1038 How 7e segge so sodeynly in syknesse is fallen S 1039 Tille he haue complet his cure condit he aske7 S 1040 For what burne of 7e burwe 7at he brynge wolde S 1041 7e kyng was glad alle to graunte 7at 7e gome wylned S 1042 & he ferki7 hym forth fettes ful blyue S 1043 A man to 7e mody kyng 7at he moste hated S 1044 & yn brynge7 7e burne to his beddes syde S 1045 Whan Tytus saw 7at segge sodeynly with eyen S 1046 His herte in an hote yre so hetterly rise7 S 1047 7at 7e blode bygan to [br]ed[e] abrode in 7e vaynes S 1048 & 7e synwes [to] resorte in her self kynde S 1049 Ffeet & alle 7e fetoures as 7ey byfore wer S 1050 comyn in her owen kynd & 7e kyng ryse7 S 1051 7onke7 God of his grace & 7e goode leche S 1052 Of alle saue 7at his enemy was yn on hym bro3t S 1053 7an say7 Josophus 7is segge ha7 7e holpyn S 1054 & her ha7 be 7y bote 7o3 7ou hym bale wolde S 1055 7erfor graunte hym 7y grace a-3en his goode dede S 1056 & be frende with 7y foman 7at frendschup ha7 serued S 1057 7e kyng satles with 7e segge 7at hym saued hadde S 1058 & 7er graunted hym grace to go wher he wolde S 1059 With Josophus he made joye & jewels hym rau3te S 1060 Besauntes byes of gold broches & ryngys S 1061 Bot alle forsake7 7e segge & to 7e cite 3ede S 1062 With condit as he come he kepi7 no more S 1063 [And] Tytus segy7 7e toun 7er tene is on hande S 1064 For hard hunger & hote 7at hem is bylompyn S 1065 [Nowe] of 7e tene in 7e toun wer [tor] for to telle S 1066 What moryne & meschef for mete is byfalle S 1067 For four dayes byfor 7ey no fode hadde S 1068 No7er fisch ne flesch freke on to byte S 1069 Bred browet ne bro7e ne beste vpon lyue S 1070 Wyn ne water to drynke bot wope of hemself S 1071 Olde scheldes & schone scharply 7ey eten S 1072 7at liflode for ladies was lu7er to chewe S 1073 Fellen doun for defaute [f]latte to 7e grounde S 1074 Ded as a dore-nayl eche day many hundred S 1075 Wo wakned 7ycke as wolues 7ey ferde S 1076 7e wy[ght]e waried on 7e woke alle his wombe-fille S 1077 On Marie a myld wyf for meschef of foode S 1078 Hir owen barn 7at 3o bar 3o brad on 7e gledis S 1079 Rosty7 rigge & rib with rewful wordes S 1080 Say7 Sone vpon eche side our sorow is a-lofte S 1081 Batail a-boute 7e borwe our bodies to quelle S 1082 Withyn hunger so hote 7at ne3 our herte bresty7 S 1083 7erfor 3eld 7at I 7e 3af & a3en tourne S 1084 & entr 7er 7ou cam out & ety7 a schoulder S 1085 7e smel roos of 7e rost ri3t to 7e walles S 1086 7at fele fastyng folke felde 7e sauere S 1087 Doun 7ei daschen 7e dore dey scholde 7e berde S 1088 7at mete yn 7is meschef hadde from men loyned S 1089 7an sai7 7at wor7i wif in a wode hunger S 1090 Myn owen barn haue I brad & 7e bones gnawen S 1091 3it haue I saued 3ou som & for7 a side fecche7 S 1092 Of 7e barn 7at 3o bar & alle hir blode chaunge7 S 1093 A-way 7ey went for wo wepyng echone S 1094 & sayn Alas in 7is lif how longe schul we dwelle S 1095 3it beter wer at o brayde in batail to deye S 1096 7an 7us in langur to lyue & leng7en our [p]yne S 1097 7an 7ey demeden a dom 7at deil was to hure S 1098 To voiden alle by vile de7 7at vitelys destruyed S 1099 Wymmen & weyke folke 7at weren of olde age S 1100 My3t no3t stonde in stede bot her stor mardyn S 1101 After [7ay] touche of trewe to trete with 7e lord S 1102 Bot Titus graunte7 no3t for gile 7at 7e gomes 7enke S 1103 For he is wise 7at is war or hym wo hape S 1104 & with falsede a-fer is fairest to dele S 1105 To worchyn vnder 7e wal w[a]yes 7ey casten S 1106 Whan Tytus nold no trewe to 7e toun graunte S 1107 With mynours & masouns myne 7ey bygonne S 1108 Grobben faste [i]n 7e grounde & god 3yue vs joye S 1109 As Tytus after [on] a tyme vmbe 7e toun r[i]de7 S 1110 Wy7 sixty speres of 7e sege segges a fewe S 1111 Alle outwith 7e ost out of a kaue S 1112 Vp a buschment brake alle of bri3t hedis S 1113 Fyf hundred fi3tyng men fellen hem aboute S 1114 In jepouns & jambers Jewes 7ey wer S 1115 Hadde wro3t hem a wey & 7e wal myned S 1116 & Titus tourne7 hem to without tale mor S 1117 Schaftes schedred wer sone & scheldes y7relled S 1118 [And many schalke thurghe schotte with 7e scharpe ende] S 1119 Brunyes & bri3t wede blody by-runne S 1120 & many segge at 7at saute sou3te to 7e grounde S 1121 Hacchen vpon hard steel with an herty wylle S 1122 7at fur out flowe as of flynt stonys S 1123 Of 7e helm & 7e hed hewen at-tonys S 1124 7e stompe vnder stede feet in 7e steel leue7 S 1125 7e 3ong duk Domycian of 7e dyn herde S 1126 And issed out of 7e ost with e3te hundred speres S 1127 Ffel on 7e fals folke vmbe-feldes hem sone S 1128 As bestes bretnes hem alle & ha7 his bro7er holpen S 1129 7an Titus toward his tentis tourne7 hym sone S 1130 Make7 mynour[s] & men 7e myne to stoppe S 1131 After profre7 pes for pyte 7at he hadde S 1132 Whan he wist of her wo 7at wer withyn stoken S 1133 Bot Jon 7e jenfulle 7at 7e Jewes ladde S 1134 An o7er Symond of his assent forsoke 7e profre S 1135 Sayn leuer in 7is lif lengen hem wer S 1136 7an any renke out of Rome [re]joycid her sorowe S 1137 Sale in 7e cite was cesed with 7anne S 1138 Was no3t for besauntes to bye 7at men bite my3t S 1139 For a fer7yng-wor7 of fode floryns an hundred S 1140 Princes profren in 7e toun to pay in 7e fuste S 1141 Bot alle was boteles bale f[or] who so bred hadde S 1142 Nold a goet haue [g]ouen for goode vpon [er7]e S 1143 Wymmen falwed faste & her face chaungen S 1144 Ffeynte & fallen doun 7at so fair wer S 1145 S[ome] swallen as swyn som swart wexen S 1146 Som lene on to loke as la[n]terne-hornes S 1147 7e morayne was so myche 7at no man cou7e telle S 1148 Wher to burie in 7e burwe 7e bodies 7at wer ded S 1149 Bot wenten with hem to 7e walle & walten [hem o]uere S 1150 In-to 7e depe of 7e diche 7e ded doun fallen S 1151 Whan Titus told was 7e tale to trewe god he vouched S 1152 7at [he] hadde profred hem pes & grete pite hadde S 1153 7o praied he Josophus to preche 7e peple [to enforme] S 1154 [For] to saue hemself & 7e cite 3elde S 1155 Bot Jon forsoke 7e sawe so for to wyrche S 1156 With Symond 7at o7er segge 7at 7e cyte ladde S 1157 Myche peple for 7e prechyng at 7e posterne 3atis S 1158 Tyen out of 7e toun & Tytus byseche7 S 1159 To for[g]yue hem 7e gult 7at 7ey to god wro3t S 1160 & he graunte7 hem grace & gaylers bytau3t S 1161 Bot whan 7ey metten with mete vnmy3ty 7ey wer S 1162 Any fode to defye so faynt was her streng7e S 1163 Fful 7e gottes of gold eche gome hadde S 1164 Lest fomen fongen hem schold her floreyns 7ey eten S 1165 Whan hit was bro3t vp abrode & 7e bourd aspyed S 1166 [Wi7ou]ten leue of 7at lord ledes hem slowen S 1167 [G]oren euereche a gome & 7e gold taken S 1168 Ffayn[ere] of 7e floreyns [7an of] 7e frekes alle S 1169 Ay wer 7e 3ates vn[3]et tille two 3eres ende S 1170 So longe 7ey [s]ou3t hit by sege or 7ey 7e [cite] hadde S 1171 Eleuen hundred 7ousand Jewes in 7e mene whyle S 1172 Swalten while 7e sweng last by swerd & by hunger S 1173 Now Titus conseil ha7 take 7e toun to assayle S 1174 To wynne hit on eche [wise] of warwolues handes S 1175 Neuer pyte ne pees profre hem more S 1176 Ne gome 7at he gete may to no grace taken S 1177 [7ei] armen hem as tyt alle for 7e werr S 1178 Tyen euen to 7e toun with trompis & pypys S 1179 With nakerers & grete noyce ne3en 7e walles S 1180 7er many styf man & stour stondi7 alofte S 1181 Sir Sabyn of Surrye on a syde 3ede S 1182 7e 3ong duke Domycian drow to an o7er S 1183 XV 7ousand [fi3tynge] men eche freke hadde S 1184 With many maner of engyne & mynours ynowe S 1185 Tytus at 7e toun 3ate with ten 7ousand helmes S 1186 Merke7 mynour[s] at 7e wal wher 7ey myne scholde S 1187 On ech side for 7e assaute sette7 engynes S 1188 & bold-brayned men in belfrayes heye S 1189 Was no3t bot dyn & dyt as alle deye scholde S 1190 So eche lyuande lyf laye7 on o7er S 1191 At eche kernel was cry & quasschyng of wepne S 1192 & many burne atte brayd brayned to de7 S 1193 Sir Sabyn of Surrye whyle 7e saute laste S 1194 Ley7 a ladder to 7e wal & alofte clymy7 S 1195 Wende7 wy3tly 7eron 7o3 hym wo happned S 1196 & vp stondi7 for ston[es] or for steel gere S 1197 Syx he slow on 7e wal sir Sabyn alone S 1198 7e seue7 hitte7 on hym an vnhende dynte S 1199 7at 7e brayn out brast at bo7 nose-7rylles S 1200 & Sabyn ded of 7e dynt in-to 7e diche falle7 S 1201 7an Tytus wepy7 for wo & warie7 7e tyme S 1202 Sy7 he 7e lede ha7 lost 7at he loue scholde S 1203 Ffor now is a duke ded 7e dou3tiest y trowe S 1204 7at euer stede bystrode or any steel wered S 1205 Tytus on 7e same side sette7 an engyne S 1206 A sowe wro3t for 7e werr & to 7e wal dryue7 S 1207 7at alle ouerwalte 7er he went & wyes an hundred S 1208 Wer ded of 7at dynt & in 7e diche ly3ten S 1209 7an Tytus heue7 vp 7e honde & heuen kyng 7onke7 S 1210 7at 7ey 7e dukes de7 han so der bou3te S 1211 7e Jewes praien 7e pees 7is was 7e paske-euene S 1212 & 7e comelich kyng 7e keyes out rau3ten S 1213 Nay traytours quo7 Tytus now take hem 3ourselfen S 1214 Ffor schal no ward on 3our wal vs 7e way lette S 1215 We han geten vs a gate a[g]en 3our wille S 1216 7at schal be satled sour on 3our sory kynde S 1217 Or 7e 3ates wer 3olden 7re 3er byfore S 1218 Ouer 7e cyte wer seyn selcou7e 7ynges S 1219 A bry3t bren[n]yng swerd ouer 7e burwe henged S 1220 Without hond o7er helpe saue [of] heuen one S 1221 Armed men in 7e ayer vpon ost-wyse S 1222 Ouer 7e cyte wer seyn sundrede tymes S 1223 A calf a3en kynde calued in 7e temple S 1224 & eued an ewe-lombe at [7e] offryng-tyme S 1225 A wye on 7e wal cried wonder heye S 1226 Voys fram est & fram west & fram 7e four wyndis S 1227 & sayd Wo wo wo wor7 on 3ou bo7e S 1228 Jerusalem 7e Jewen toun & 7e joly temple S 1229 3if say7 7e wye on 7e walle o word mor S 1230 Wo to 7is worldly wone & wo to my-selue S 1231 & deyd whan he don hadde 7row dynt of [a] slynge S 1232 & haplich was had away how wyst I neuere S 1233 & 7an 7ey deuysed hem & vengaunce hit helde S 1234 & wyten her wo 7e wronge 7at 7ey wro3te S 1235 Whan 7ey brutned in 7e burwe 7e byschup seint Jame S 1236 No3t wolde acounte hit for Crist 7e car 7at 7ey hadde S 1237 Bot vp 3eden her 3ates [7ey] 3elden hem alle S 1238 Without brunee & bri3t wede in her bar chertes S 1239 fram none tille 7e merke ny3t neuer ne cesed S 1240 Bot man after man mercy bysou3t S 1241 Tytus into 7e toun take7 his way S 1242 My3t no man st[e]ken [i]n 7e stret for stynke of ded corses S 1243 7e peple in 7e pauyment was pite to byholde S 1244 7at we enfamy[n]ed for defaute whan hem fode wanted S 1245 Was no3t on ladies lafte bot 7e lene bones S 1246 7at wer fleschy byfor & fayr on to loke S 1247 Burges with balies as barels or 7at tyme S 1248 No gretter 7an a grehounde to grype on 7e medil S 1249 Tytus tarie7 no3t for 7at bot to 7e temple wendi7 S 1250 7at was rayled 7e roof with rebies grete S 1251 With perles & peritotes alle 7e place ferde S 1252 As glowande gledfur 7at on gold st[r]ike7 S 1253 7e dores ful of dyemauntes dryuen wer 7icke S 1254 & made merueylous lye with margeri perles S 1255 Derst no candel be [ky]nde whan clerkes scholde rise S 1256 So wer 7ey lemaunde ly3t & as a lampe schonen S 1257 7e Romayns wayten on 7e werke warien 7e tyme S 1258 7at euer so precious a place scholde persche for her synne S 1259 Out 7e tresour to take Tytus commaundy7 S 1260 Doun bete 7e bilde brenne hit in-to grounde S 1261 7er was plente in 7e place of precious stonys S 1262 Grete gaddes of gold who-so grype lyste S 1263 Platis pecis of peys pulsched vessel S 1264 Bassynes of brend gold & o7er bry3t ger S 1265 Pelours masly made of metals fele S 1266 In cop[r]e craftly cast & in clene seluere S 1267 Peynted [with] pur gold alle 7e place was ouer S 1268 7e Romayns renten hem doun & to Rome ledyn S 1269 Whan 7ey 7e cyte han sou3t vpon 7e same wyse S 1270 Telle cou7e no tonge 7e tresours 7at 7ei 7er foundn S 1271 Jewels for joly men je[mewes] riche S 1272 Ffloreyns of [fyne] gold no freke wanted S 1273 Riche pelour & pane princes to wer S 1274 Besantes bies of gold broches & rynges S 1275 Clene clo7es of selke many carte-fulle S 1276 Wele wante7 no wye bot wale[7] what hym lyke7 S 1277 Now masouns & mynours han 7e molde sou3te S 1278 With pykeyse & ponsone persched 7e walles S 1279 Hewen 7row hard ston hadde hem to grounde S 1280 7at alle derkned 7e diche for doust of 7e pouder S 1281 So 7ey wrou3ten at 7e wal alle 7e woke-tyme S 1282 Tille alle 7e cyte was serched & sou3t al aboute S 1283 Maden wast at [a] wappe 7er 7e walle stode S 1284 Bo7e in temple & in tour alle 7e toun ouer S 1285 Nas no ston in 7e stede stondande alofte S 1286 Morter ne m[o]de walle bot alle to mulle fallen S 1287 No7er tymbr ne tre temple ne o7er S 1288 Bot doun betyn & brent into blake er7e S 1289 & whan 7e temple was ouertourned Tytus commaundys S 1290 In plowes to putte & alle 7e place erye S 1291 Su7 sow hit with salt & seide 7is wordes S 1292 Now is 7is stalwour7e stede distroied for euere S 1293 Tytus su7 sett hym on a sete riche S 1294 As juge Jewes to jugge justise hym-self S 1295 Criour[s] callen hem for7 as hy 7at Crist slowen S 1296 & beden Pilat apere 7at prouost was 7anne S 1297 Pilat proffri7 hym for7 apered at 7e bar S 1298 & he frayne7 7e freke alle with fair wordis S 1299 Whan Crist of dawe was don & to 7e de7 3ede S 1300 Of 7e he[7]yng 7at he hadde & 7e hard woundis S 1301 7an melys 7e man & 7e matere tolde S 1302 How alle 7e ded was don whan he de7 7oled S 1303 For 7ritty penyes in a poke his postel hym solde S 1304 So was he bargayned & bou3t & as a beste quelled S 1305 Now corsed be he quo7 7e kyng 7at 7e cate made S 1306 He wexe marchaunte amys 7at 7e money fenged S 1307 To sille so precyous a prince for penyes so fewe S 1308 [Thoghe ilke a ferthynge had bene ful florence an hundrethe] S 1309 Bot I schal marchaundise make in mynde of 7at o7er S 1310 7at schal be he7yng to hem or I hennes passe S 1311 Alle 7at here bodyes wol by or bargaynes make S 1312 By lower pris for to passe 7an 7ey 7e prophete solde S 1313 He made in myddel of [7e] ost a market to crye S 1314 Alle 7at cheffare wolde chepe chepis to haue S 1315 Ay for a peny of pris who-so pay wolde S 1316 7rytty Jewes in a 7rom 7rongen in ropis S 1317 So wer 7ey bargayned & bou3t & bro3t out of londe S 1318 Neuer su7 [on] 7at syde cam segge of hem after S 1319 Ne non 7at leued in her lawe scholde in 7at londe dwelle S 1320 7at tormented trewe God 7us Titus commaundy7 S 1321 Josophus 7e gentile clerke a-jorneyd was to Rome S 1322 7er of 7is mater & mo he made fayr bokes S 1323 & Pilat to prisoun was do to pyne for euere S 1324 At Viterbe 7er he veniaunce & vile de7 7oled S 1325 7e wye 7at hym warded wente on a tyme S 1326 Hym-self fedyng with frut & feffyt hym with a per S 1327 & forto paren his pere he praie7 hym 3erne S 1328 Of a knyf & 7e kempe kest hym a trenchour S 1329 & with 7e same he schef hymself to 7e herte S 1330 & so 7e kaytif as his kynde corsedlich deied S 1331 Whan alle was demed & d[on]e 7ei drow vp tentis S 1332 Trossen her tresour & trompen vp 7e sege S 1333 Wenten syngyng away & han her wille for7red S 1334 & hom riden to Rome Now rede ous our lord