From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 27-NOV-1989 18:04:05.80 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: dylanthomas From: CBS%UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX::CSMIKE 5-SEP-1989 11:41:55.41 To: LOU CC: Subj: Dylan Thomas Via: UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX; Tue, 5 Sep 89 11:41 BST Date: Tue, 5 Sep 89 11:43 GMT From: CSMIKE@UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX To: LOU@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX Subject: Dylan Thomas Lou, Nagging has partially worked. Have sent Dylan Thomas Poems just before this message. Still looking for Under Milk Wood--might have to retrieve it from an old tape (no doubt non-compatible with VAX). Had a wonderful time in July in Bamberg with Bob & Betsy Oakman. Off to USofA next week till end of month-- working my passage as an ACM lecturer, Jill going for the ride. How many HUMANIST messages will be waiting when I get back. It can be frightening just leaving the office for a few days... Best wishes, Mike P.S. I haven't got copyright clearance for the Thomas-- I remember trying several years ago but had no response. From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 27-NOV-1989 18:04:20.20 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: dylanthomas From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 5-SEP-1989 12:04:22.74 To: CBS%UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX::CSMIKE CC: LOU Subj: RE: Dylan Thomas Many thanks! we will pursue the copyright question for you and get back with whatever success we obtain. if milkwood is on tape we can almost certainly (almost) read it so hope you'll persevere. where is your lecture tour taking you? try to get to Brown if you can - and give George Landow, Allen Renear etc. my regards if you do. Lou From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 27-NOV-1989 18:04:33.49 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: dylanthomas From: CBS%UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX::CSMIKE 6-SEP-1989 10:16:17.01 To: LOU CC: Subj: Under Milk Wood found! Via: UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX; Wed, 6 Sep 89 10:16 BST Date: Wed, 6 Sep 89 10:17 GMT From: CSMIKE@UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX To: LOU@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX Subject: Under Milk Wood found! Have just sent a copy of Under Milk Wood which Derwyn Evans here managed to read from my 8 year old & never rewound tape... Same problems over copyright apply. Off to Orlando from Cardiff next week. NOT seeing Orlando, just staying overnight to rest. Thence: Columbia SC, where we lived for a year and have several friends still, including, of course, Bob & Betsy Oakman. Lecture in Columbia. Next stop Chapel Hill followed by Virginia Tech, U of Virginia (Charlottesville)--again with friends over a weekend, then my favourite city, Washington, with lectures at American U & Gerogetown U plus one other they've arranged on the spot. Then Orlando-Cardiff and the beginning of term... Keeping our fingers crossed that nothing will get in the way. Jill is coming for a holiday and to see old friends, I'm working my passage. Actually, there are only three hectic days when I'm driving 150 miles or so to an afternoon lecture. Should be fun. Best wishes, Mike From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 27-NOV-1989 18:04:20.20 To: ARCHIVE CC: Subj: dylanthomas From: VAX::LOU "Lou Burnard" 5-SEP-1989 12:04:22.74 To: CBS%UK.AC.SWANSEA.VAX::CSMIKE CC: LOU Subj: RE: Dylan Thomas Many thanks! we will pursue the copyright question for you and get back with whatever success we obtain. if milkwood is on tape we can almost certainly (almost) read it so hope you'll persevere. where is your lecture tour taking you? try to get to Brown if you can - and give George Landow, Allen Renear etc. my regards if you do. Lou