#$ c1450 Cotton Cleopatra F.IV. fol.126-27 Petition of Thomas Has eley, Clerk of the Crown #$% {(1) Besecheth and ful humbly preieth youre pou\2er\1e s\2er\1uiteur Thomas Haseley on of *e Clerkes of youre Corone g\2ra\1ciously (2) to considere howe in the absense of that victorieux pince youre blessed ffader whom god assoile hym beyng in his sharp werris and (3) g\2ra\1cious conquest of ffraunce and Normandie youre seide s\2er\1uitour be the co\2m\1maundem\2en\1t of youre most g\2ra \1cieux (4) vncle the duc of Bedford on whom god haue m\2er\1cy that tyme Regent of *is youre noble Roialme and aduys of alle the grete (5) counseill her a co\2m\1mission was assigned to take and areste Thomas Payn of Glamorganshire Walsshman that brak *e Tour of (6) London nowe beyng in Neugate su\2m\1tyme Clerk and chief conseillour to s\2ir\1 Iohn Oldecastell Traitour atteint to your seid g\2ra\1 cious (7) ffader the whiche Thomas Payn as Traitour was in the feld armed a geins your seid fa(der)\4^1\1 with *e llollardes be side (8) seint Iames next Charyngcrosse and eschaped vn hurt or taken til your seid besecher aaccompanied atte his cost and all maner expenses (9) (with)\4^1\1 notable poiar be the space of v daies and vj nyghtes lay for hym in the most secrete wyse that *ei coude: and so (10) with help and g\2ra\1ce of most almyghty god youre seid s\2er\1u iteur toke hym and arested hym atte mydnyght in a place beside your (11) Castell of Wyndesore where atte that tyme was *e Kyng of Scottes kept as prisoner to your seid ffader and that same nyght (12) this seid Traitour shulde haue broken the seid Castell be treson and goon with *e seid Kyng toward Scotland in proef wher of I (13) founde in *e Traitours purs a cedule wreten of alle places of giftes and loggynges appointed to hem fro Wyndesore vn to Edynbo urgh (14) in Scotland and so he confessed the whiche Traitour and cedule I delyu\2er\1ed to *e Bisshop of Duresme thanne Chaunceller (15) and William kynwolmerssh thanne Tresorer of *is your seide (n)oble\4^2\1 roialme and *e seid Traitour *anne was (16) her co\2m\1mitted to prison til *e comyng a geyn of your seid most g\2ra\1cious fader into *is roialme from your seid (17) duchie of Normandie and *anne in his nexte parlement here in *e counseil chambre of *e seid parlement a fore your (18) seid rightwys fader and alle his lordes p\2re\1sent *ere *e seid Traitour was brought and *e cedule aforeseid (19) and your seid suppliant in that p\2re\1sence examined of alle matiers abouesaid and othre circumstaunces and incident\4g\1 (20) and *e maner of takyng of hym atte whiche tyme your seide moste noble ffader declared and seide a fore all his lordes that (21) takyng plesid hym more *anne I hadde geten or Gyuen hym x. \2ml\1 li for *e grete inconueniences that weren like to (22) falle in his longe absense oute of *is roialme and so co\2m\1 mitte(d)\4^1\1 this Traitour to *e Tour of London *ere (23) saufly to be kept and *anne immediatly of his oune roiale largesse and bounteuous g\2ra\1ce with outen axing of your seid (24) suppliant or eny man for hym g\2ra\1unted to hym xl. li a yere to take t\2er\1me of his lif in what place in Inglond of hys that I (25) wold sauyng his oune demesne demesne\4^3\1 landes and *e duchie of lancastre and co\2m\1maunded *e seid Regent (26) Chaunceler and Tresorer gif your seid suppliant were not sped a fore his departyng oute of Inglond to spede hym in his absence in recompense (27) of his costes (expenses trewe diligent\4g\1 acquitaill and labour a foreseid)\4^4\1 a fore whiche spede youre seide fader was dede and (28) so his g\2ra\1unt void. #$% It\2e\1m to considere howe your seid suppliant be *e co\2m\1maundement and ordinance of your seid (29) ffader at his first parlement holden atte leycestre was sent fore to leycestre to appere a fore your seid blessed fader where he of his (30) oune mocion appointed assigned and ordeigned the seide suppliant s\2e\1c\2on\1de Clerk of his parlement with s\2ir\1 Iohn Frank (31) nowe Clerk of youre rolles that tyme chosen chief Clerk of *e parlement *at hadde and toke xl li yerely \4t\2er\1fore (32) while he occupied / and youre seide suppliant shuld hadde x li yerely as other men toke to fore hym the whiche office he occupied fro (33) \4t\2at\1 tyme into youre *redde parlement hens holden atte westmynstre atte whiche he myght not be for grete sikenesse (34) and so departed and neu\2er\1e com in *e parlement sithe that tyme and neu\2er\1e hadde peny of alle his tyme of *e (35) seide .x. li. ne of *e seide xl. li ne non othre regard in no man\2er\1e wyse #$% It\2e\1m howe youre seide suppliant in the (36) tenthe yeere of youre roialme aspied and toke in youre ryver of Thamise tweye shippes fretted with wolle cloth and othre m\2er\1ch aundise (37) to a notable value and weren seiled and departed and no custume ne othre deuoirs to you sou\2er\1ain lord \4t\2er\1of due paied (38) wherefore alle was forfaited and be *e seid suppliant to his grete perell and labour taken and to you answered as it appereth of (39) record in youre escheker *e whiche coste the seide suppliant more thanne .xx. li whereof he sholde haue had half after the fo\2ur \1me (40) of statuyt and hadde no thyng #$% It\2e\1m howe youre seid suppliant this same yeer of youre regne hath taken and arested (41) diu\2er\1se men empesched of high treson ymagined a geyns youre p\2er\1sone and mageste roiale and destruccion of youre land and (42) lawes the which he sent be youre roile co\2m\1mandement to youre p\2re\1sence be your Squyer Gilbert Parre the which were taken alle (43) atte his cost and many othre grete *inges doon to your highnesse and plesirs whiche were to longe to exp\2re\1sse here and nowe is (44) aboute moo / #$% The whiche thynges be youre seid highnesse conteined plese it to youre most benigne and abondant g\2ra\1ce to considere (45) the longe and continuel s\2er\1uice don be the seide suppliant to youre g\2ra\1unde fader and fader kynges of Inglond and to you (46) sou\2er\1aign lord as it is a fore exp\2re\1ssed and *e grete age of youre seid suppliant and in recompense of alle his costages (47) expenses and labours and diligences a foreseid of youre seide g\2ra\1ce g\2ra\1unten to youre seide suppliant an annuitee t\2er\1me of his (48) lif in man\2er\1e and fo\2ur\1me conteined in the cedule to *is bill annexed / and youre writtes and allocate c\2ur\1rant and dormant (49) for allowance of payement of the same withoute payement of eny fee for the seales of the same writtes} #$% [Printed in Bentley, \2Excerpta Historica,\1 pp.144-48.] #$% \4^1\1 [trimmed off] \4^2\1 [rubbed] \4^3\1 [demesne re peated at the beginning of the next line] \4^4\1 [crease] #$ #$ 1454-55 C1/24/79 Petition of Richard Sturgeon, Clerk of the Crown #$% {(1) To the right noble and gracious lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaun celer of Englond #$% (2) Mekely bisech Richard Sturgeon that where he and on William hall were sesed in hure demene as in fee symple yn a c\2er\1tayn (3) parcell of lond yn the parych of Tottenham Called Sokettis lond and the saide Richard and William so sesed. the same (ha)ll\4^1\1 (4) by hure dede yaf to on Iohn lurchon and Nicholas Baly and to hure heires yn fee. to that entente that when they were required they (5) shulde make a st(at)e\4^2\1 ayen of the same parcell to the saide Richard and to his heires and his assignes yn fee for eu\2er\1more. (6) And how be it that \4t\2e\1 saide Iohn diu\2er\1s tymes hath ben required by the same Richard to make to hym astate of the (7) sa(id)e\4^1\1 parcell accordyng to thentent of his feffement of the same parcell. that to doo the saide Iohn hath refused and yet doth to (8) make any such astate to the saide Richard. but kepeth still thesstate to hym in this party made as ys a fore saide. to grete hurte to the (9) saide Richard / Wherfor like it to youre goode lordship to graunte seu\2er\1all. writtis sub pena directe to the saide Iohn as Well (10) as to \4t\2e\1 saide Nicholas to a pere before you yn the Chauncery and there to be examyned vppon the content of this bill (11) and to doo as r(ight an)d\4^2\1 concience asketh and requireth for the loue of god and yn way of charite} #$% (Latin notation of securities follows.) #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ l388 SC8/20/997 Petition of the Mercers of London #$% {(1) (To)\4^1\1 the moost noble & Worthiest Lordes moost ryghtful & wysest conseille to owre lige (2) Lorde the kyng Compleynen if it lyke to yow. the folk of the mercerye of London: (as)\4^1\1 a (3) membre of the same Citee of many wronges subtiles & also open oppressions ydo to hem: by longe tyme here (4) bifore passed. #$% Of which: oon was where the eleccion of Mairaltee (5) is to be to the fre men of the Citee. bi gode & paisible auys of the wysest & trewest. at o day (6) in the yere frelich: there nought withstondyng the same fredam or (7) fraunchise: Nichol Brembre wyth his vpberers p\2ur\1posed hym the yere next after Iohn Northampton mair (8) of the same Citee: with stronge honde as it is ful knowen. & thourgh debate & strenger partye. ayeins the pees: bifore (9) purueyde. was chosen mair. in destruccion of many ryght: #$%ffor in the same yere. the forsaid Nichol with outen nede ay ein (10) the pees. made dyu\2er\1se enarmynges bi day & eke bi nyght: & destruyd the kynges trewe lyges. som with open slaughtre. (11) some bi false emprisonement\4g\1. & some: fledde the Citee for feere. as it is openlich knowen. #$%(12) And so ferthermore for to susteyne thise wronges & many othere. the next y(er)e\4^1\1 after the same Nichol ayeins (13) the forsaide fredam & trewe co\2mun\1es did crye openlich. that no man sholde come to chese her mair. but such as were (14) sompned & tho that were sompned: were of his ordynaunce & after his auys. / And in the nyght next after folwynge. he did carye (15) grete quantitee of Armure to the Guyldehalle with which as wel straungers of the contree. as othere of with Inne were (16) armed on the morwe. ayeins his owne proclamacion. that was such: that no man shulde be armed & certein busshment\4g\1 (17) were laide. that when free men of the Citee. come to chese her mair. breken vp armed. cryinge with loude voice sle. sle. (18) folwing hem wherthourgh the peple for feere fledde to houses & other (hidi)nges.\4^1\1 as in londe of werre: adradde to be ded in co\2mun\1e. #$%(19) And thus yet hiderward hath the mairaltee. ben holden as it were of Conquest or maistrye: & many othere offices als. So (20) that what man pryue or apert in special that he myght wyte. grocchyng pleyned or helde ayeins any of his wronges: or bi (21) puttyng forth of whom so it were. were it neuer so vnpreuable. were apeched. & it were displesyng to hym Nichol. anon was (22) emprisoned. And though it were ayeins falshede of the leest officer. that hym lust meynteigne: was holden vntrewe lige (23) man to owre kyng. for who reproued such an officer maynteigned bi hym of wronge or elles. he forfaited ayeins hym Nichol. & (24) he vnworthy as he saide: represented the kynges estat. / Also if any man. bi cause of seruyce or other leueful comaundement: (25) approched a lorde. to which lord he Nich\2ol\1 dradde his falshede to be knowe to. anon was apeched. that he was false to (26) the conseille of the Citee: & so to the kyng #$%And yif in gen\2er\1al his falsenesse were ayeinsaide. as (27) of vs togydre of the mercerye. or othere craftes. or ony conseille wolde haue taken. to ayeinstande it: or as out of (28) mynde hath be vsed. wolden companye togydre how lawful so it were. for owre nede or profite: were anon apeched for arrysers (29) ayeins the pees. (&)\4^1\1 falsly many of vs: that yet stonden : endited. And we ben openlich disclaundred. holden vntrewe (30) & traitours: to owre kyng / for the same Nichol sayd bifor mair. Aldermen. & owre craft bifor hem gadred in place of (31) recorde. that xx. or xxx. of vs. were worthy to be drawen & hanged / the which thyng lyke to yowre worthy lordship. (32) by an even Iuge: to be proued or disproued. the whether that trowthe may shewe. for trouthe amonges vs. of fewe or elles (33) no man many day dorst be shewed. And nought oonlich vnshewed or hidde. it hath be by man now: but also. of bifore tyme . (34) the moost profitable poyntes of trewe gouernaunce of the Citee. compiled togidre. bi longe labour of discrete & Wyse (35) men: wyth out conseille of trewe men. for thei sholde nought be knowen ne contynued: in the tyme of Nichol Exton mair: outerliche were brent #$%(36) And so ferforth falsehede hath be vsed. that oft tyme he Nichol Brembre saide in sustenaunce (37) of his falshede: owre lige lordes wille was such. that neuer was such: as we suppose. He saide also whan he hadde disclaundred (38) vs. which of vs wolde yelde hym false to his kyng: the kyng sholde do hym g\2ra\1ce cherise hym. & be good lorde to hym. And if (39) any of vs alle that wyth goddes help haue & shulle be founden trewe. was so hardy to profre prouyng of hym self trewe: (40) anon was comaunded to prisone. as wel bi the mair that now is: as of hym Nichol Brembre bifore #$%(Also)\4^1\1 we haue (41) be comaunded. oft tyme vp owre ligeaunce. to vnnedeful & vnleueful dyu\2er\1se doynges. And also to wythdrawe vs. (42) bi the same comaundement (fro)\4^1\1 thynges nedeful & lefful. as was shewed whan a companye of gode women. there (43) men dorst nought trauailleden barfote to owre lige lorde. to seche (g\2ra\1)ce\4^1\1 of hym for trewe men as they supposed (44) for thanne were such proclamacions made. that no man ne woman sholde approche owre lige lorde for sechyng of grace & (45) ouermany othere comaundement\4g\1 also. bifore & sithen. bi suggestion & informacion of suche that wolde nought her (46) falsnesse had be knowen: to owre lige lorde. And lordes by yowre leue. owre lyge lordes comaundement to symple & (47) vnkonnyng men. is a gret thyng to ben vsed. so famulerlich : with outen nede. for they vnwyse to saue it mowe lyghtly ther ayeins forfait #$%(48) ffor thy graciouse lordes lyke it to yow to take hede. in what man\2er\1e & where owre lige (49) lordes power hath ben mysused. by the forsaid Nich\2ol\1 : & hi(s vp)\4^1\1 berers for sithen (50) thise wronges bifore saide han ben vsed as accidental. or co\2mun\1e braunches outward: it sheweth wel. the rote (51) of hem is a ragged subi(ect)\4^1\1. / or stok inward. that is: the forsaid Brere or brembre./ the whiche co\2mun\1e (52) wronge vses. & many other. if it lyke to yow: mowe be shewed & wel knowen bi an indifferent Iuge & mair (53) of owre Citee / the which wyth yowre ryghtful lordeship. ygraunted: for moost pryncipal remedye: as goddes lawe & (54) al resoun wole: that no domesman stonde togidre Iuge & partye: wronges sholle more openlich be knowe. & trouth (55) dor apere. And ellis. as amonge vs. we konne nought wyte in what man\2er\1e. with(out a moch gretter )\4^2\1 (56) disese. sith the gou\2er\1naunce of this Citee standeth: as it is bifor saide/. / & wole stande whil vittaillers (57) bi suffraunce. presumen thilke states vpon hem. the which gou\2er\1naunce of bifor this tyme to moche folke yhidde: (58) sheweth hym self now open. whether it hath be a cause. or bygynnyng of dyuysion in the Citee & after in the Rewme: or no. #$%(59) Wherfore for grettest nede as to yow moost worthy. moost ryghtful & wysest lordes & conseille (60) to owre lige lorde the kyng. we biseche mekelich of yowre g(race coreccion)\4^3\1 of alle the wronges (61) bifore sayde & that it lyke to yowre lordeship. to be gracious menes to owre lyge lorde the kyng: that suc he (62) wronges be knowen to hym. & that we mowe shewe vs & sith ben holden. suche trewe to hym: as we ben. & owe to ben. #$%(63) Also we biseche vnto yowre g\2ra\1cious lordeship. that if any of vs in (64) special or gen\2er\1al. be apeched to owre lige lorde or to his worthy conseille bi comunyng (65) with othere. or approchyng to owre kyng. as wyth Brembre or his abettours with any wronge wytnesse beryng as that (66) it stode other wyse amonges vs here. than as it is now proued it hath ystonde / or any other wronge suggestion. by (67) which owre lige lorde hath ybe vnleeffullich enfourmed: that thanne. yowre worshipful lordship be such: that we (68) mowe come in answer to excuse vs / ffor we knowe wel as for by moche the more partye of vs. And as we hope for (69) alle: alle suche wronges han ben vnwytyng. to vs. or elles outerlich ayeins owre wille. #$%And ryghtful (70) lordes. for oon the grettest remedye with othere. for to ayeinstonde many of thilke diseses afore saide (71) amonges vs: we prayen wyth mekenesse this specialich. that the Statut ordeigned & made bi p\2ar\1lement (72) holden at Westmystre in the sexte yere of owre kyng now regnynge: mowe stonde in strengthe & be excecut as wel (73) here in london as elles where in the rewme. the which is this It\2e\1m} ordinat(um)\4^4\1 est (etc)\4^4\1#$% (Three lines in Latin follow.)#$% [Printed \2RP,\1 III.225; CD, pp.33-37; Morsbach, \2Neuenglischen Schriftsprache,\1 pp. 171-77; Emerson, \2Middle English Reader, \1 p. 252; Kluge, \2Mittelenglisches Lesebuch,\1 p. 42]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [rubbed] \4^4\1 [expanded]#$ #$ Before 1413 E28/29/69 Petition of Cecily Tikell of London #$%{(1) Worschipfull Sires and my dere maistres In whom is my sou\2er\1eigne treste Bifore alle Creatures of my knoweleche (2) I comand me vnto \4g\1owr worthinesse w\2ith\1 alle man\2er\1e obeianse and mekenesse (3) Thokynge \4pg\1or\4P^1 g\1ou w\2ith\1 alle myn herte for *e grete godenesse and noble maist\2er\1schipe yat (4) \4g\1e hauen shewede to me Bifore *is tyme w\2ith\1outen eny cause of deserte in me Bishechynge \4g\1ou *at \4g\1e (5) wol ben my helpe and cause of eacynge of myn Importable payne of longe enp\2ri\1sononement As I shal eu\2er\1emor and w\2ith\1 (6) oute fayuour do \4g\1ou seruyce and plesance to my symple power Also speciali I praye \4g\1ou *at In ese of me and (7) fortherynge of my simple p\2er\1sone \4g\1e wolde labor and trauaile for me to I my\4g\1te Be brou\4g\1te In to *e (8) kyngesbenche and so I meinp\2ri\1sed to go at large vnderstandynge Gracious sires *at as touchy\2n\1g . . .\4^2\1costes *at \4g \1e (9) spenden in *is nede I shal so do to \4g\1ou *at \4g\1e shul holde welapaide as sone *at I may speke w\2ith \1(10) my frende . . .\4^2\1 eu\2er\1mor deytyned woll *at I stonde destitute of alle man\2er\1e helpe and frendschipe saue (11) only of goddes poruoiaunce In grete hynderance and destru\2ci \1on of my powre astate And In *is man\2er\1e I Biseche (12) \4g\1ou of helpe and *is to be done as hasteli as \4g\1e may to sende me a answer what ht plese \4g\1ou to done In. (13) *is mater I write in grete haste in *e p\2ri\1sone of Neugate In *e feste of seynte luke *e iij day of (14) Nouembre #$%Le vre pour seruant Cecily Tikell *at dwellede . . .\4^3\1 poules gate} #$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] \4^2\1 [torn] \4^3\1 [rubbed]#$ #$ 1414 SC8/23/1143A Petition of Thomas Paunfeld of Cambridgeshire #$%{(1) To the worshipful and wyse syres and wyse Co\2m\1munes that to this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement ben assembled #$%(2) Besecheth mekely \4g\1oure pore Bedeman Thom\2a\1s Paunfeld oon of the fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of oure liege (3) lord the kyng of his maner and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre of Cambrigg: that \4g\1e wole considere how (4) that I pursuede diu\2er\1se billes by fore oure liege lord kyng henry the four the fader to oure liege lord the (5) kyng that now is and hise worchepeful lordes and co\2mun\1es in his p\2ar\1lement holden at Westm\2instre\1 (6) that x day of ffeuer the xiiij \4g\1er of his regne: #$%To the whiche billes myne adu\2er\1saries replieden by mouthe (7) and enfo\2r\1meden the kyng and the worshepeful lordes spirituelx and temp\2or\1elx in that p\2ar\1lement: how (8) that I was outelawed by heye record of trespace wherethurgh that I ne oughte not to ben herd nor answered of no man\2er\1 (9) compleynt in my billes writen but \4g\1if (it)\4^1\1 so were that I hadde brought my Chartre in myn hond wherby that (10) I myghte haue answered in lawe to alle mane\2r\1 of p\2er\1sones that ony replicacions wolden haue maked a\4g\1 eyns (11) ony article of my billes: #$%And worchepeful and discrete sires that myghte I not done that tyme: for ( I wi)ste\4^1\1 not how I (12) was endited and outelawed of what maner trespace: but as Iohan Cokayn the Iustice recordede byfore (13) the kyng and made mencion at that tyme. whiche I trustede to god to haue p\2ro\1ued by lawe by fore the kyng and the (14) worchepeful lordes and co\2mun\1es in that p\2ar\1lement that the p\2ro\1cesse of myn outelawerye was vnlawefully (15) made and al that longeth ther to: \4g\1if Iohan Cokayn the Iustice wolde haue brought in that record by fore the kyng (16) in the p\2ar\1lement and there to haue ben det\2er\1myned byfore hym and hise lordes and Co\2mun\1es afore seyde (17) (\4g\1o)r\4^1\1 they hadde dep\2ar\1ted thennes #$%ffor byfore hene of the p\2er\1sones that weren and ben (18) Co\2m\1mission\2er\1s vp on myn enditement wherby that I was outelawed: I myghte not haue ben remedied ne myne (19) neyghebores nother so sone at that tyme lyk as we oughten to haue ben of right and as me thoughte we shulde ben here: (20) and that was for cause of meyntenance that was a\4g\1eyns vs and \4g\1it is. and that made me cause to come to that (21) heye Court of rightwisnesse: (t)heder\4^1\1 to pleyne for to han declared thilke record a\4g\1eyns my neighboures and me (22) vnlawefully mad and there sounere to han ben remedied of the wronges that we haue had by the P\2r\1iour and Chanons (23) of Bernewelle and her meynteno\2r\1s these .x. \4g\1er (and)\4^1\1 more vnduely and vngoodly: #$%And now thanked be god (24) and the rightwisnesse of the discrete and trewe Iuges Sire william hankford and hise felawes: han after the laws of (25) the lond made me able for to \4g\1eue myne answeres in lawe as my symple wittes wole seruen me to alle man\2er\1 (26) p\2er\1sones that ony replicac\2i\1ons wolde maken a\4g\1eyns ony of the articles of my billes after the (27) f\2or\1me that sueth \4g\1if it like to the kyng: with swich conseil as he hath a(ss)igned\4^1\1 to (28) me and shal by the g\2ra\1ce of god: for to declaren the entente of my billes for the kynges auantage and for (29) fortherynge of his trewe lieges better than I can in this heye Court of rightwisnesse: #$%And by cause that I am (30) of no power to p\2ur\1sue these materes in any other Court saue in this heye Court of rightwisnesse where as (31) most truste and hope to haue rightwisnesse and lawe rather than I shulde in ony other Court byfore ony of tho (32) p\2er\1sones that weren and aren Co\2m\1mission\2er\1 es vp on myn enditement: for the heye meyntenance that I (33) knowe wel shuld be made a\4g\1eyns me: #$%Also worchepeful sires: we beseche \4g\1ow at the (34) reu\2er\1ence of god: that \4g\1e wole p\2ra\1ye to oure liege lord the kyng: that he wole fouche saf (35) of his special g\2ra\1ce and his Ryal p\2re\1rogatyf in this heye Court: to g\2ra\1unte me durynge my (36) p\2ur\1suyte by the auctorite of his p\2ar\1lement to walken at large to p\2ur\1sue these materes that (37) ben folwynge in my bille: lyk as his g\2ra\1cious g\2ra\1unt was by the autorite of his p\2ar\1lement (38) and of his Rial prerogatif on good fryday at langeley the ferste \4g\1er of his regne at the (39) reu\2er\1ence of oure lord god that deyede for vs alle as that day fil not withstondynge the (40) statut made vp on bonde bore men: which was holy p\2ur\1sued a\4g\1eyns me whan I (41) was byfore the kyng the second day of march whan I was remitted to the prison of flete at the instance of (42) some of the Iuges til I hadde founde surete to p\2ur\1sue myn erroures and to reu\2er\1se myn outelawerye byfore (43) seyde: #$%And sithe the tyme that I was resseyued to meynp\2ri\1se by cause that I was endited of t\2re\1 space (44) as an accessorie and not endited as a p\2ri\1ncipal and delyu\2er\1ed out of p\2ri\1son at large by the (45) kynges co\2m\1maundement in strengthyng and enhaunsyng of his Rial p\2re\1rogatif that he g\2ra\1untede to me by (46) the auctorite of his p\2ar\1lement: #$%\4G\1it myne adu\2er\1saries han p\2ur\1sued (47) me nowe and holden me in p\2ri\1son sithen seynt kat\2er\1ynes day twelve monthes last passed in to this (48) tyme. a\4g\1eyns (the kynges g\2ra\1unt &)\4^1\1 ordinaunce no consideracion ne tendernesse hauynge in (49) my pore p\2er\1sone that am goddes cristene creature of my longe contynuance in p\2ri\1son (for these materes that ben)\4^1\1 (50) folwynge vij. \4g\1er and more to destroye me to the uttereste that I shulde (51) no more haue come to the kynges p\2re\1sence to p\2ur\1sue my right but for to kepe (me stille in p\2ri\1son til I hadde)\4^1\1 (52) deyed for defaute of socour and helpe. and as it semeth to my (53) symple wittes there is litel charite of p\2rie\1stes whiche shulden cherice goddes christene (54) crature as the kynges trewe liege man: #$%And therfore I beseche \4g\1ow that \4g\1e wole p\2ra\1yen to oure liege (55) lord the kyng of his special g\2ra\1ce that swich remedie may be mad at this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement by the (56) auys of hise wise lordes spirituelx and temp\2or\1elx in sauynge and encresynge of the kynges p\2re\1rogatif in (57) tyme comynge and in fertherynge of hise trewe lieges after that he hath g\2ra\1unted hise g\2ra\1ciouse (58) g\2ra\1untes to ony of hise lieges: that fro hennes forward no p\2er\1sone of his Rewme deferre ony of hise (59) lieges fro hise g\2ra\1ciouse g\2ra\1untes that he hath g\2ra\1unted in esement and in fortheryng of hise (60) trewe lieges: and that vp on a suff(is)ant\4^1\1 peyne payinge to the kyng and a nother peyne payinge to (61) the p\2ar\1tie so defferred fro the kynges g\2ra\1 unt: #$%And also that \4g\1e wole p\2ra\1ye the kyng (62) to \4g\1eue in charge to myne adu\2er\1saries whanne they comen to his worchopful p\2re\1sence to asken a (63) copie of my bille: that they wryten her replicac\2i\1 ons a\4g\1ens the articles of myne billes by a day (64) assigned by oure liege lord the kyng vp on forfeture of her ferme: wherby that I may haue a copie ther of to my conseill (65) which that the kyng hath assigned me and shal by the g\2ra\1ce of god to make trewe relacion vnto the kyng (66) of her replicac\2i\1ons #$%And than to p\2ra\1yen oure g\2ra\1ciouse liege lord by the auys of hise lordes (67) spirtuelx and temp\2or\1elx \4g\1if it lyke hym by a day assigned that \4g\1e discrete and wyse comons mowen (68) comen to his heye p\2re\1sence: whan that he is avised vp on her replicac\2i\1ons makyng and thanne after his (69) heye discrecion to \4g\1eue rightful Iugement vp on these same materes in sauynge of his owne right and in fortherynge (70) of hise trewe lieges for the loue of god and of seynt charite: #$%And also to p\2ra\1ye oure liege lord of (71) his special g\2ra\1ce that the peticions afore rehersed and alle othere peticions that ben folwynge after hise (72) g\2ra\1ciouse (g\2ra\1untes)\4^1\1 mowe ben enacted in the p\2ar\1lement rolle: and also to \4g\1eue in charge to (73) the Clerk of the p\2ar\1lement: that I may haue (a copye)\4^1\1 of the same for the loue of god and of (74) seynt Charite:#$%Also to \4g\1ow worechepeful and wyse Co\2mun\1es greuouseliche compleynen alle the kynges (75) ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of the Ryal lordshipe and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre of Cambrigge: the (76) whiche holden of the tenure of anxien demeyn of the Rial Coroune longynge to oure sou\2er\1eyn lord the kyng as it (77) sheweth by oure euydence of old record in the book called Domesday thus begynnynge. D\2o\1m\2 ini\1ca villa regis E &c (78) in the kynges eschekker at Westm\2instre\1: #$%Also we greuouseliche (79) compleyne vs vp on the P\2ri\1our and Chanons of Bernewell in the Shyre of Cambrigg byfore seyd and vp (80) her p\2re\1decessour that was the kynges fermour how that they han (81) cleymed and \4g\1it cleymen the regalite and the frehold of the kynges lordshype and tounshipe of Chestreton in (82) the Shyre byfore seyd as for her owne with oute ony excepcion wher it is wel knowen by alle man\2er\1e of (83) euydences that the konne shewen for hem self or ony man for hem. that they were but fermo\2u\1rs to (84) the kyng: and now they are not as it sheweth by her chartres of king henry the thridde: #$%And vnder (85) colour of the regalite and of the frehold whiche they p\2re\1sumen wilfully to haue: they haue cleymed and (86) \4g\1it cleymen the kynges trewe lieges that ben hise fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 annexed to his coroune: as for her (87) bonde bore men and her bonde lond holderes: wher it is wel knowen by alle man\2er\1e of euydences that (88) they konne shewe for hem self or any man for hem that they ben fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 and fre holderes to the (89) kyng in chief and the chiefte resert and p\2ri\1ncipalite of the same lordshipe and tounshipe shal reto\2ur\1ne to (90) the kyng and to his forseide Coroune as for oure chief and p\2er\1petuel lord of the fee: #$%And \4g\1it algates (91) the forseide P\2ri\1our and Chanons han seid and \4g\1it seyn that they ben chief lordes of the fee and that the kyng (92) ne none of hise heires han nought to ent\2re\1mete of hem for no trespace ne for no forfait that eu\2er\1e they (93) diden or is possible by hem to be done: which is an heye p\2re\1iudice to the kyng as vs semeth and and heye (94) destruction to hise trewe lieges that ben hise fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 annexed to his worthy coroune: #$%(95) And also the forseid P\2ri\1our and Chanons han cleymed and \4g\1it cleymen of hem vnduely and vntrewely (96) bonde s\2er\1uages and customes for her singuler p\2ro\1fyt and non au\2a\1ntage to the kyng ne to hise heires in (97) tyme comynge but in p\2er\1petuel destruction of the kynges fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 afore seid and othere (98) s\2er\1uages and custumes than eu\2er\1e we or oure auncestres diden to any kyng. whan the same lordshipe and (99) tounshipe was in othere kynges handes by old tyme and sithe tyme of mynde: #$%And for cause that we haue p\2ur\1sued (100) to oure liege lord the kyng / as for oure chief lord of the fee for to haue remedie and socour of the grete wronges mischiefs (101) and diseses the whiche we haue suffred these .x. \4g\1er and more vnduely and vngoodly: The forseide P\2ri\1our (102) and Chanons han p\2ur\1sued a\4g\1eyns vs a Co\2m\1mission of oyer and t\2er\1myner after the fo\2r\1me of a (103) statut mad vp on bond bore men and bond lond holderes: which statut was made the ferste \4g\1er of kyng (104) Richard the seconde in his tendre age with oute mencion excepcion or declaracion made of the same fre (105) ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of the fre tenure of the ryal coroune byfore seid: #$%And by strengthe and colour of the forseide (106) statut so gen\2er\1aly mad vp on bonde bore men and bonde londe holderes: the forseide P\2ri\1our and Chanons (107) han vs endited by men of her owne clothyng and also by enquestes enbraced as for her bonde bore men: (108) to the which statut we fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of the coroune owe not obeye: for we be not in the cas of the (109) statut and ne oughte not to answere lyk as bonde men of byrthe shulde: for the whiche the forseide statut was made: #$%(110) ffor we be fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 and fre lond holderes annexed to the worthy coroune of oure most sou\2er\1eyn lord. (111) the kyng and that we wele p\2ro\1ue and declare by oure euydence wreten in the kynges eschekker at Westm\2instre\1: wherfore (112) we wole answere as fre men oughte to done and p\2ro\1ue that the suyte of the co\2m\1mission byfore seide which is mad vp on bonde (113) bore men and bonde lond holderes: was wrongfully taken a\4g\1eyns vs and al the p\2ro\1ces that longeth ther to with (114) oute auctorite and power and that shal we p\2ro\1ue by the g\2ra\1ce of god: #$%Neu\2er\1theles the (115) forsaide P\2ri\1our and Chanons of Bernewell han vs enp\2ri\1 soned as for her bonde bore men and opp\2re\1ssed vs by (116) duresce of p\2ri\1son to be bounde to hem and to othere p\2er\1sones in singuler obligac\2i\1ons in .m\2l\1.m\2l\1. li (117) that we shulde not p\2ur\1sue oure right ne the kynges right a\4g\1eyns hem: but onely to \4g\1olden vs to ben (118) her bonde cherles and oure heires for eu\2er\1more to oure vttereste p\2er\1petuel destruction and disheritance (119) to the kyng and to his heires for eu\2er\1e but we haue the sounere remedie by \4g\1ouer most g\2ra\1cious socour (120) and helpe at this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement #$%And thus worchepeful sires \4g\1if this be suff(red)\4^1\1: the (121) freest knyght or Squyre of the Rewme \4g\1if they be dwellynge ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 vnder ony of the (122) religious that haue swiche lordshipes of the kynges to ferme may be put in p\2ri\1son by swych cohercion and (123) co\2m\1p\2ul\1sse as (ye)\4^2\1 mischeuouse statut byfore seid sheweth and declareth: for to ben the moste bonde ten\2e\1n t\4g\1 (124) of al the Rewme: also in the contre they shullen ben endited by enquestes enbraced by these dede religiouse (125) fermo\2ur\1s: and that for cause of the grete p\2ro\1fites and the grete extorcions that the Sherreues of the Shyres (126) resceyuen and done: they mowe haue no remedie of the lawe but onely enp\2ri\1sonned manaced and opp\2re\1ssed: (127) and \4g\1if ony consaill of the lawe hem wolde helpe after the cours and fo\2ur\1me of lawe: they shulle ben (128) put in p\2ri\1son as her conseilloures fa(c)to\2ur\1s\4^1\1 and abetto\2uer\1s and as they were bonde men to these (129) religious byfore seide in so moche that they shulle non other m\2er\1cy haue ne non other remedie but only for (130) to \4g\1olden hem to ben her bond cherles for eu\2er\1e more and her heyres (alle the dayes)\4^2\1 of her lyues to these (131) dede religious fermo\2ur\1s: #$%Wherfore we beseche \4g\1ow mekely discrete and wyse Co\2mun\1es of this (132) p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement: that \4g\1e p\2ra\1ye for (vs to ouer liege lord)\4^1\1 the kyng and to hise worchepeful (133) lordes of (this p\2re\1sent)\4^1\1 p\2ar\1lement in sauynge of the right of the coroune of yngelond and of the fredam (134) (and the f\2ra\1unchise that was)\4^1\1 endowed ther to in the tyme of oure worthy kynges p\2ro\1genitour (135) seint edward: that he wole haue compassion and pite of these grete mischiefs and (falsetes so done)\4^1\1 to hise (136) \4p\1to hise\4P\1\4^3\1 fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of his coroune byfore seyd: and to ordeyne at \4g\1oure (137) p\2ra\1yere resonable and intierie remedie in this p\2ar\1tie for (goddes)\4^1\1 loue and for seynt charite after (138) the (forme)\4^1\1 that sueth \4g\1if it be lykynge to \4g\1ow: #$%That is to seyn that he wole (139) at \4g\1oure instance and p\2ra\1yer in sauynge of his owne right and in fortherynge of (his)\4^2\1 trewe lieges: ordeyne (140) at this tyme or \4g\1e dep\2ar\1ten hennes fro this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement with auys of hise wise (141) lordes and also by the assent of (\4g\1ow wyse)\4^1\1 and worchepeful comons: such remedie that fro hennes forward (142) none swiche co\2m\1missions be take nor pursued a\4g\1eyns the kynges fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 annexed (143) to his worthy coroune by no religious fermo\2ur\1s that (han such man\2or\1s)\4^1\1 and tounshipes (144) of the kynges to ferme: til that it be pleynly det\2er\1my ned byfore hise Iustices of that on benche or of that (145) other by comon lawe: whether the forseid ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 ben fre or bonde and whether they (146) ben worthy to ben punysshed by that forseide statut or non and that vp on a suffisant peyne payinge to the kyng (147) and a nother peyne payinge to the p\2ar\1tie p\2ur\1 sued and greued for such sute: #$%Also we (148) beseche \4g\1ow that \4g\1e p\2ra\1yen to oure liege lord the kyng in fortheryng of (his trewe lieges)\4^1\1 (149) that alle other co\2m\1missions brought or p\2ur\1sued a\4g\1eyns any of hise fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 in (150) man\2er\1e byfore seide by the strengthe and colour of the forseide statut at this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1 lement: (151) that they with alle the (p\2ro \1cesse circumstance)\4^1\1 and dependance mowen alle (152) vtterly ben (repeled)\4^1\1 and adnulled for hono\2r\1 and p\2ro\1fyt of the kyng and for ese and (153) remedie to hise forseid fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1: \4g\1if ony so be (in this cas of mesch)ief\4^1\1 at this tyme (154) withinne the Reme: #$%And also worchopeful sires: (that)\4^2\1 they ne cleyme ne haue none othere s\2er\1uages (155) ne custumes of the kynges fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 for her owne singuler p\2ro\1fyt and none (156) auntage to the (kyng ne to)\4^1\1 none of hise heires othor than the kyng chief lord hadde in his tyme whanne (157) the same lordshipes weren in his owne hondes withoute another (suffisant peyne payinge to)\4^1\1 the (158) kyng: a nother peyne to paie to the p\2ar\1tyes that ben p\2ur\1sued and greued for swiche wrongful (159) cleymes and also vpon peyne of forfaiture of the same man\2er\1es (for eu\2er\1e)\4^1\1 for eschewynge of grete (160) meschiefs that mighten by swiche wrongful cleymes: falle and turne to gret p\2re\1iudice to the kyng and (161) noiancie to al the Reume: #$%ffor manye of tho Religious that han swiche fermes of the kynges in gou\2er\1 naunce: (162) by strengthe of the forseide statut disesen and destreyen manye of the kynges ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 of the (163) same lordshipes and maken hem to voyde and gon out of hise lordshipes. by cause that they wolde hise lordshipes so destroyen that the kyng (164) nor none of hise heires (shulden)\4^1\1 neu\2er\1 haue lust ne wille to cleyme tho lordshipes in to her (165) owne handes a\4g\1eyn: ne that non other lord of his rewme shulde desire to ferme tho lordshipes of the (166) kyng ne (of)\4^1\1 his tresorer to the kynges encres \4g\1erly: and that is the cause that they ben so (167) abated: so desolat of housyng and so destroyed and voyde of peple which is gret doel to alle the (168) kynges trewe lieges to knowe and to weten of swiche meschiefs done and vsed (169) with jnne the Rewme: #$%Besechinge also (to)\4^1\1 oure liege lord that he wole haue compassion and pyte (170) vp on vs that eu\2er\1e haue ben trewe lieges and trewe fre ten\2e\1nt\4g\1 to his worthy coroune of his worthi (171) maner and tounshipe of Chestreton byfore seide that these greuouse meschiefs that ben done to vs mowen (172) ben amended now at this tyme or \4g\1e dep\2ar\1ten hennes and this co\2m\1mission mowe be (173) repeled and the oblgac\2i\1ons to ben adnulled and to ben delyu\2er\1ed to ech man his owne obligac\2i\1 on (174) for (the loue)\4^1\1 of god and of seynt charite:} #$% (End of first parchment. There is a second in the same hand and language.)#$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.57-61.]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [to his cancelled]#$ #$% To the worschipful and wyse syres and wyse Com\2m\1unes that to this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement ben assembled / #$% Besecheth mekely \4g\1oure pore Bedeman Thom\2a\1s Paunfeld oon of the fre ten\2e\1ntz of oure liege lord the kyng of his maner and tounshipe of Chestreton in the Shyre / of Cambrigg: that \4g\1e wole considere how that I pursuede u\2er\1se billes by fore oure liege lord kyng henry the fourthe fader to oure liege lord the kyng that now / is and hise worchepefull lordes and co\2mun\1es in his p\2ar\1lement holden at Westm\2inster\1 that x day of Feuer the xiij \4g\1er of his regne:/ #$% To the whiche billes myne adu\2er\1saries replieden by mouthe and enfo\2r\1meden the kyng and the worchepeful lordes spirituelx and temp\2er\1elx in that parlement: how that / I was outelawed by heye record of trespace wherethurgh that I ne oughte not to be herd nor answered of no man\2er\1 compleynt in my billes writen but \4g\1if / \4p\1it\4P\1 So were that I hadde brought my chartre in myn hond wherby that I myghte haue answered in lawe to alle mane\2r\1 of p\2er\1sones that ony replicacions wolden haue maked a\4g\1eyns ony article of my billes: / #$% And worchepful and discrete sires that myghte I not done that tyme: for I wiste not how I was endited and outelawed of what manqer trespace: but as Iohan / \4p\1C\4P\1okayn the Iustice recordede byfore the kyng and made mencion at that tyme: whiche I trustede to god to haue p\2ro\1ued by lawe byfore the kyng and the / worchepeful lordes and co\2mun\1es in that p\2ar\1lement that the p\2ro\1cesse of myn outelawerye was vnlawefully made and al that longeth therto: \4g\1if Iohn Cokayn the Iustice wolde / haue brought in that record by fore the kyng in the p\2ar\1lement and there to haue ben det\2er\1myned byfore hym and hise lordes and Co\2munF1es afore seyde \4p\2g\4P\1or they hadde dep\2ar\1ted thennes/ #$% For byfore here of the p\2er\1sones that weren and ben Com\2m\1ission\2er\1s vpon myn enditement wherby that I was outelawed: I myghte not haue ben remedied ne myne neyghebores / nother so sone at that tyme lyk as oughten to haue ben of right and as me thoughte we shulde ben here: and that was for cause of meyntenance that was a\4g\1eyns / vs and \4g\1it is. and that made me cause to come to that heye Court of rightwisnesse: theder to pleyne for to han declared thilke record a\4g\1eyns my neighboures and me / vnlawefully mad and there sounere to han ben remedied of the wronges that we haue had by the p\2r\1iour and Chanons of Bernewelle and her meynteno\2r\1s these .x.\4g\1er / and more vnduely and vngoodly:/#$% And now thanked be god and the rightwisnesse of the discrete and trewe Iuges Sire william hankford and hise felawes: han after the laws of the lond made me able for / to \4g\1eue myne answeres in lawe as my symple wittes wole seruen me to alle man\2er\1 p\2er\1sones that ony replicac\2i\1ons wolde maken a\4g\1eyns ony of the articles of my billes after the f\2or\1me that sueth \4g\1if it like to the kyng: with \2s\1wich conseil as he hath a\4p\1ss\4P\1igned to me and shal by the g\2ra\1ce of god: for to declaren the entente of my billes / for the kynges auantage and for fortherynge of his trewe lieges better than I can in this heye Court of rightwisnesse:/ #$% And by cause that I am of no power to p\2ur\1sue these materes in any other Court saue in this heye Court of rightwisnesse where as most truste and hope to haue rightwisnesse and / lawe rather than I shulde in ony other Court byfore ony of tho p\2er\1sones that weren and aren Com\2m\1ission\2er\1es vpon myn enditement: for the heye meyntenance that I knowe wol shuld be made a\4g\1eyns me:/ #$% Also worchepeful sires. we beseche \4g\1ow at the reu\2er\1ence of god: that \4g\1e wole p\2ra\1ye to oure liege lord the kyng: that he wole souche saf of his special g\2ra\1ce and his Ryal p\2re\1rogatyf in / this heye Court: to g\2ra\1unte me durynge my p\2ur\1suyte by the auctorite of his p\2ar\1 lement to walken at large to p\2ur\1sue these materes that ben folwynge in my bille: lyk as his g\2ra\1cious / g\2ra\1unt was by the autorite of his p\2ar\1lement and of his Rial \4p\1pre\4P\1rogatif on good fryday at langeley the ferste \4g\1er of his regne at the reuerence of oure lord god that deyede for / vs alle as #$ Between 1416 and 1421 C1/1/21 Petition of Rauf atte Ree of Lancashire (right end water damaged and torn) #$%{(1) To my most g\2ra\1cyouse lord the kyng #$%These ben the desesis and wrongys I doon to Rauf atte Ree ten\2a\1nt (2) of o\2ur\1 lord the kyng In the Ducherye of lancastre And fermo\2r\1 of \4g\1o\2ur\1e Maner of Ramesden Hall in (3) Essex by maynten\2a\1nce of Iohn Tyrell in disheredacon of the heryta . . . as water atte Re fader of the forseyd (4) Rauf made enfeffement to certeyn p\2er\1sones to enfeffe Margaret his wyf. in the tenement I Clepid Danyell tenement (5) w\2ith\1 al the apporten\2a\1nce longyng ther to the whych tenement stondith in . . . of the forseyd Margrete Scholde (6) descende to Thom\2a\1s atte Ree and to his Eyres And be Cause the same Thom\2a\1s deyde and al his Issew lyvyng the same (7) Margeret Sche stood in hool possessyon of the forseyd tenement duryng her . . . The same tenement scholde. t\2ur\1ne to the (8) forseyd Rauf atte Ree Sone of the forseyd water and Margaret as Ryght heyr As by a Charto\2r\1 In tayll more playnly hit schewyth. (9) Thus the forseyd Rauf be wey of Ryght. entryd and took p . . . tenement. afft\2er\1 decesse of his modo\2r\1. the which possessyon of (10) Ryht herytage he kept. vn to the tyme that Iohn wethy of Essex thorwgh meynten\2a\1nce of the forseyd Iohn Tyrell. and otho\2r\1 (11) mo of her Covey (that es to say Iohn Canon william Perham Iohn Folw. . .)\4^1\1 w\2ith\1 st\2ro\1ng hand. dryven hym . . . And malycyouslych ymagenyd (12) hym to Slee. So for drede of deth. he lefft his heritage P\2ur\1se wyng to my g\2ra\1cyo\2us\1 lady of herforde. to help him and (13) Sok\2or\1 hym in this greet myscheff. standyng in dowte of his lyf. and lesyng of his . . . g\2ra\1cyo\2us\1 lady of (14) herford. took the forseyd Rauf in to her howshald there abydyng vn to the tyme my lady w\2ith\1 her wyse Consell had ful (15) examinac\2i\1on. as wel by gode and trewe men of the same Con tr\2e\1 And by Evydence of his dedys . . .that the forseyd (16) Rauf was wrongfully put from his Ryght Beyng p\2re\1sent at that tyme in my ladyes p\2re\1sence. The forseyd Iohn Tyrell mayn teno\2r\1 (17) of this wrong. And at that tyme my lady rep\2re\1vid him as for maynte . . . her vpon my g\2ra\1cyo\2us\1 lady (18) set the same Rauf in to playn possessyon of his forseyd heritage by v\2er\1tu of examynac\2i\1on a boven seyd in p\2re\1sence of (19) s\2ir\1 Gerard Braybrook Iohn Doreward Rob\2er\1t Darcy Rob\2er\1t Rykedon and other m . . . p\2re\1sent. And vp on (20) this. the same Iohn wethy wi\2th\1 otho\2r\1 foure p\2er\1s ones. in p\2re\1sence of Rob\2er\1t Darcy Iustise of the pees (21) weren bownden Ech of h\2e\1m. In a .C. li. for sewrte of the pees And anoon as my g\2ra\1cyouse lady was p . . . wethy w\2ith\1 (22) maynten\2a\1nce of Iohn Tyrell and oth\2or\1 of her Covey w\2i th\1 strong hand and w\2ith\1 owte p\2ro\1cess of lawe. drovyn (23) and expellyd the Same Rauf from his forseyd herytage. And Robbeden the same Rauf of all his . . . the berne. and oth\2or\1 (24) goodes and catell. the valew of a .C. li and more. Wher of the kynges ferme. schold haf been raysyd and paijd And afft\2er\1 that (25) my lady was goo to god. Thise forseyd partyes tok fro me . . . herytage which forseyd land. my fader \4g\1af to me. and was in (26) possessyon the terme of .xvj. \4g\1eer and more. w\2ith\1 owte lawe. and w\2ith\1 oute any p\2ro\1cesse of the lawe. And tho (27) the same Tyrell made a vow that the forsey(d) . . . pleyne hym to lord ne lady more. And tho affterward. he sent to Io\2ur\1 maner of (28) Ramesdenhall twey Baylyes for to take the forseyd Rauf. lyves. or dethes. w\2ith\1 Swerdes I drawe \4g\1ef they myht hym (29) hafe . . . a slayn. but \4g\1ef he wolde haue I \4g\1olde him. And \4g\1ef hit had be so that he had I \4g\1olde hym. (30) he for to haue been Cast in prison. than scholde not he haue lyvid. iij. daijs But \4g\1ef he wolde haue I seled h\2e\1m (31) a Relees of all the wrong is . . . And than for dowte of his deeth he was fayn to fle that Cuntre. thenkyng in his Conseyt that (32) he wolde in to Normandy to o\2ur\1 lyge lorde the kyng. that tyme beyng at the Castel of Monterell. Complaynyng to (33) o\2ur\1 lyge lord the kyng . . . her vpon o\2ur\1 lyge lord the kyng sent his g\2ra\1cyouse lettres dyrecte to the (34) Chaunceller of Ingelond to se vn to the forseyd Rauf. that al Ryht and Reson scholde haue be doon vn to hym. And affter that (35) the Chaunceller had a p\2ro\1vision of the . . . vpon to go and to Come as his ful trust was in Saffte and in pees As the (36) kyngis ten\2a\1nt of his Maner of Ramesdon hall in Essex her vppon malicyously the same Iohn wethy w\2ith\1 strong (37) maynten\2a\1nce of the forseyd Iohn Tyrel and . . . In wayte a \4g\1ens the pees and sewrte maad for the pees. to fore the (38) Iustyce Maymed the same Rauf as hit Schewyth at the syghte his Enemyes wenyng to haue slayn him and for to make an (39) Ende of the same Rauf him to slee . . . of Iohn Tyrell and oth\2or\1 mo. all these wronges han doon to the forseyd Rauf. (40) And \4g\1et standith in dowte of his lyff. \4g\1ef he go to large Of the whyche wronges my ful g\2ra\1cyouse lord (41) the kyng. I besechy(e)\4^2\1 \4g\1ow of \4g\1o\2ur\1 specyall g\2ra\1ce that I may . . . And that I myght haue in pees my Ryghtful (42) herytage. As I schal be Io\2ur\1e trewe bedeman. all the dayes of my lyve. And ther to I beseche \4g\1ow of g\2ra\1ce. (43) and soko\2r\1e. for his loue that deyde on the Rode tree a goode fryday. } #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xvi-ii] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [blotted] #$ #$ Before 1417 C1/1/14 Petition of William Dodde, royal retainer #$%{(1) To my worthy and g\2ra\1ci\2ou\1s lord Bisshope of wynchestr\2e\1 Chau\2n\1celler of yngelond #$%Beseching (2) mekely youre pou\2er\1e bedeman Will\2ia\1m Dodde charyot\2er\1. wheche passed ou\2er\1e the see in s\2er\1uice w\2ith\1 our (3) liege lorde & was oon of his charioterys in his viages / & of hy\4g\1e treste ffefed in my land Ioh\2a\1n Brownyng & Ioh\2a\1n (atte)\4^1\1 hull (4) of Chekewell w\2ith\1 my wyfe. wheche Ioh\2a\1n & Ioh\2a\1n aft\2er\1 a \4g\1enste my wyll & wetynge pot my land to fferme / (5) & delyu\2er\1ed my mevable good the valewe of xx marke where hem leste & thus they kepe my dede & (the dent\2ur\1e w\2ith\1)\4^2\1 (6) my mevable good vnto myne vndoynge lasse than y have youre excylent & g\2ra\1cio\2u\1s helpe & lordship besechinge yow at reu\2er\1 ence (7) of \4t\2at\1 worthy prince ys Sowle youre ffader whoos bedeman y am eu\2er\1e that ye woll sende for Ioh\2a\1n & Ioh\2a\1n (8) affor seide \4t\2at\1 the cause may be knowe why they w\2ith\1 holde my good / to myne vndoynge / also wheche am vndo for brusinge in (9) s\2er\1uyce of our liege lorde / & in s\2er\1uice of \4t\2at\1 worthy Princesse my lady of clarence / & eu\2er\1e wolde yef my lemys (10) myght s\2er\1ve worthy Prince sone at reu\2er\1e(n)ce\4^3\1 of god & of that pereles princes his moder take this mat\2er\1 at hert of almes & charite:} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xiii] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [marginal insert] \4^3\1 [tear] #$ #$ Before 1421 C1/1/18 Petition of Roger Wodehill of Strete, Devon #$%{(1) To oure liege lord the kyng #$%Bysechith mekely \4g\1oure poure prest Roger Wodehill p\2er\1son of Strete som tyme Clerc (2) of \4g\1oure fadris Spicerie whos soule god assoille that for as moche as the Abbot and the (Co)nuent\4^1\1 of Glastonbury ymaginith (3) a for \4g\1enst the forseid p\2er\1son and wrongfully feynyth a \4g\1enst him & his men actions of trespas that be vntrewe (4) in \4g\1o(ur)e\4^1\1 Courtys and prisonyth his men at Glastonbury and ledyth a wey fro his p\2er\1sonage his ploghyren and his plogh (5) and his plogh gere that his men mowe (not)\4^1\1 sowe his londe and othir wrongys doth to him and to his men that he dar not duelle vp on his (6) p\2er\1sonage for to s\2er\1ue god nethir his men to do him eny seruise there in distruction of the forseid p\2er\1son (7) his men & his chirche but \4g\1if they haue \4g\1oure g\2ra\1cieux help and all this wronges they do be cause that (8) the p\2er\1son sewith a \4g\1enst hem in Court spirituell for dismes of his chirche that they haue wrongfully by nome (9) the forseid p\2er\1son and his chirche. notwithstondyng that the forseide p\2er\1son hath had a sentence for him in the (10) Courte of Cauntirbury by mestre Iohn kemp and an othir sentence in the Courte of Rome by the popis Audito\2r\1s. That it like (11) to \4g\1oure g\2ra\1cieuse astate considere the grete power and rychesse of the forsaid Abbot and the Conuent and the mene (12) power of the said p\2er\1son. and co\2m\1mande to write to \4g\1oure Chau\2n\1celer of yngelond to do clepe the parties (13) a for him and examine hem and make an ende by twene hem of all that hangith bitwene hem in \4g\1oure Courtys and so that the (14) forseid p\2er\1son haue ri\4g\1th for the m\2er\1cy of crist} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xvi] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1421 SC8/24/1168 Petition of the Soldiers in Calais #$%{(1) To the worthy wise and discrete p\2er\1sones Speker of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement and to alle the (2) knyghts of the Shires #$% Prayen and requiren on goddes behalue the pore liege men and Soudeo\2ur\1s in the (3) Tovn of Caleys that hit like to \4g\1oure wise and gode discrec\2i\1ons tenderly to considere how that (4) the pore Soudeo\2ur\1s be the space of V \4g\1eer a quarter except ( . . . bodies)\4^1\1 and here (5) godes han truly serued the saufgarde of the forsaid Tovn with oute any plein paiement sauyng app\2re\1st (6) and vitaille the whiche vitaille hath be so high supporta c\2i\1on to the Soudeo\2ur\1s that ellis here continuaunce (7) my\4g\1t not haue be born So (that there is)\4^1\1 due to the forseid Soudeo\2ur\1s in especial of the retenu (8) of oure worthy and gracious lord oure Capitaign the Erle of warre wyk be iuste rekenyng betuene the officers of oure (9) sou\2er\1aign lord the king And the officers of oure forsaide Capitaign vnto the (iij day)\4^1\1 of (10) ffeu\2er\1er last passed Atte whiche day be the comaunde ment of oure sou\2er\1aign lord there was abitted vjxx (11) Soudeo\2ur\1s on horsback vnpaid so atte that day there was due to the forsaid Capitaign and Soudeo\2ur\1s the (12) somme of xxvj m\2l\1. Dccxliij (l. xiij s. x d q.)\4^1\1 wherefore like vnto \4g\1oure high discrec\2i\1ons to (13) haue recomaunded amonge alle \4g\1oure other petic\2i\1 ons the forseid Tovn and for to be gode menes to oure (14) most douty lord oure naturell sou\2er\1aign lege lord the king (to that conclusion that *urgh)\4^1\1 (15) \4g\1oure gode and graciouse mediac\2i\1on so to be p\2ro\1ferred that the pore Soudeo\2ur\1s may haue in (16) p\2ar\1tie of paiement the somme that is receiued of the assignement last apointed be oure forsaid sou\2er\1aign (17) lord as fer as hit wold strecche and for the remen\2au\1nt that is due vnto hem to ordeigne as best (18) liketh to \4g\1oure gode and graciouse lordship in releuyng of the grettest necessite that eu\2er\1e \4g\1 our (19) forseid Soudeo\2ur\1s stode ynne saue hope of \4g\1oure habundant grace and mercy atte reu\2er\1ence of god (and)\4^1\1 yn wey of charitee } #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.159.5]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed]#$ #$ 1423 E28/41/76 Petition of Thomas Rokeby, royal retainer #$%{(1) To the hyghe & myghty Prince the Duk of Glouc\2ester\1 p\2ro \1tectour of ynglond & the right wyse & discrete counseyl of our (2) lord the kyng #$%Besecheth yo\2ur\1 humble seru\2a\1nt Thomas Rokeby Knyght that ther he has ben with holde & of retenue (3) for a yere wyt the full worthy & noble Kyng henry fader to our sou\2er\1aigne liege lord that nowe ys in his viage in to hys (4) realme of ffrance & Normandie the yer of hys regne de iiij als it be hys endent\2ur\1e made be twix the forsayd noble kyng & the (5) forsayd Thomas Rokeby pleinli appiers & his forsayd retenue for the yer forsayd pleinly execute & fulfellid & so forth be comande ment (6) of the forsayde ful noble kyng his s\2er\1uice & dem\2ur\1e continued fro yere to yer vn to four yer was nere spendid & passid (7) als it be c\2er\1teins endent\2ur\1s made also be twix the forsayd kyng & the forsayd Thomas Rokeby pleinly appiers for the (8) whilk time a gret part of the wage\4g\1 of the forsayd Thomas is be hynde & nowth payd hym to gret hynderyng & annentisyng (9) bot if yo\2ur\1 graciouse lordshippis & help in this mat\2er\1e to him be shewyd lyke it to \4g\1o\2ur\1 wyse\4g\1 discrecions (10) & graciouses lordshippis to comaunde the Tresorer & Barons of the Cheker of o\2ur\1 lord kyng to here his a compt in this mat\2er\1e (11) & c\2er\1tifie yow of the end of the forsayd acompt & aftre that to ordeigne that the forsayd Thomas myght be agreed of the (12) arerage\4g\1 of his forsaid wage\4g\1 als reson & Concience askys in discharging of the forsayd ful noble kyng & for the dede of Charite} #$%(Another hand) D a Westm\2instre\1 le .xviij. jour de may lan v &c prim\2ier\1#$ #$ 1423 E28/41/103 Letter accompanying payment to the soldiers (draft) #$%{(1) Right trusty and welbeloved / Albehit \4t\2at\1 (wee)\4^1\1 be *aduys of oure grete Counsseil / consideringe *e grete (2) disese. \4t\2at\1 yee and ech of yow suffre dayly / and haue suffred of lang time / alswel in oure fadres daies. whom god assoille (3) / as in oures / for defaute of paiement of youre wages / hadde now late / assigned / and maad prouision of *e so\2m\1me of .V\2Ml\1. li./ (4) to be distrebued and. departed / amanges yow for to say. iiij \2Ml\1. li. vn to yow of *e said tovn and Castel / and. a. M\2l\1. li. vn (5) to \4p\1yow\4P^2\1 (*aim)\4^1\1 of *e marches / And ou\2er\1 \4t\2at \1of *e subside of wolles / xiij. s iiij d / of eu\2er\1y (6) sak wheigte / and of *e wollefell after *afferant / liche as c\2er\1tain oure l\2ett\1res / *ervpon vn to yow / (7) directed / plainly. maken mencion Naught withstandinge / wee / Consid eringe *e saide so\2m\1me. and assignement nought suffeceant ynow / (8) to *e hastife and Redy paiement of youre saide wages (owynge of tyme passed as wel of tyme comyng)\4^1\1 / Seynge youre grete pouert (9) and duresse / wolen (and)\4^1\1 graunte \4p\1and promette\4P^2\1 be *aduis \4p\1of oure s\4P^2\1 and consent of oure said grete (coun)sseil\4^3\1/ *at (10) \4p\1what tyme and\4P^2\1 alssone / as any good. encreses and growes / vn to vs / be hit be graunt of Subside / or / (in any ot)her\4^3\1 wyse \4p\1or man\2er\1e\4P^2\1 (11) *at thanne *assignement for youre said paiement / shal bee notablely. enlargissed . . .\4^3\1essed. Soo to stande and endure / with outen (12) Reuokinge or adnullinge in any wyse / vn to *e time \4t\2at\1 yee of *e . . . \4^3\1marches / and ech of yow / been (13) fully content and paied / of al \4t\2at\1 vn to yow ys. owynge and verailly . . .\4^3\1 dorso.} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [corner torn off] #$ #$ 1424 E28/43/58(35) Petition of Thomas Burton concerning prisoners in France #$%{(1) To the kyng our sou\2er\1ayn lord & to my lordes of his counseil. #$%Besechet humebely your most obeisant subget Thomas (2) Burton knyght how that the saide Thomas hath accompted in your Escheqer for the kepyng of the Erle of Ewe. Arture of Britayne (3) & Bursegand that was Marchal of ffraunce And ouer CCC li relesed & lv li xvj s viij d disalowed ther ys clerely founden due to (4) the saide Thomas for the saide kepyng Clxxviij li x s x d as in the c\2er\1tificat made be your Tresorer & Barons in to your (5) saide counseil more pleynely ys declared of whiche so\2m\1me ys due for the kepyng of the saide Erle of Ewe lix li x s iiij d & (6) for the said Arture & Bursegand Cxix li vj d That hit like to your benigne g\2ra\1ce be auise of my said lordes of your said (7) counseil to consider the long labour and heuy and dredeful charge of the said Thomas & the seide so\2m\1mes above relesel and dis alowed (8) and in discharge of the soule of the kyng yo\2ur\1 noble fader that was. whom god assoil ordaigne swyche paiement or (9) agrement for the said Thomas of the so\2m\1mes aforsaid as thinketh to yo\2ur\1 saide benigne g\2ra\1ce be auis of my (10) said lordes of your counseil for the love of god and dede of charitee.] #$ #$ Between 1424-26 C1/1/25 Petition of John Staverne of Canterbury #$%{(1) To his g\2ra\1cious lord the Bysshopp of Wyncestre Chaunceller of Englond #$%Besechith mekely your pou\er\1e (2) bedeman Iohn Stauerne of Cantirbury that as myche as in a suete wyche the foresaide suppliant had before yowe ayens on Iohn (3) Bonyngton of Cantirbury foresaide be v\2er\1tu of a wirtt sub pena forto awenswer before yowe to c\2er\1teins matiers (4) and debates mouyd be twyn thame two: \4g\1ee accordyd and Aio\2ur\1nyd the same matiers and debates to tyme that on Dauid (5) Marrys of the same Towen Notarie had shewed the treweth of the said matiers and debates And nowe it is so that same dauyd (6) will gladly knawelygge the treweth of the sa me matiers: bot he wald haue a maundement fro yowe for the cause (7) that he shuld noght be haldyn parciall in the same matier That it lik to your g\2ra\1cious lordship to g\2ra\1unte a (8) wirtte sub pena direct to the saide Dauid to apere be fore yow att a c\2er\1tein day forto declare the treweth in the matiers (9) foresaide fore loue of gode And in wey of charitee#$% pleg' de p\2ro\1sequendo Ioh\2ann\1es Shirburn Thomas Pettysworth #$%[Printed \2PC\1 I.xix] #$ #$ Before 1424-26 C1/1/26 Petition of Johan Kymburley of Derby (right end rubbed; matter in parentheses supplied from \2PC\1) #$%{(1) To the high and mighty prince ryght dredd and gracieux lord of Wynchestre Chanceller of Englond #$%Consideryng if it (2) like youre highnes. howe youre poer beedman Iohan Kymburley of derby kynnesman to somtyme youre seru\2a\1nt s\2ir\1 (3) william hikeling bargayned in derby in lenten was twelf (mon)eth (with oon) Iohan Goldsmyth the elder of Melton in leycestreshire (4) Marchant. And the said parties fully accorded bitwix hem as it appereth by an euidence seled ther vpon and (writen of the said (5) Ioh\2a\1n Goldsmyth owen hand that he sholde by a moneth aftir the said Ester haue deliuered hym a tonn of wood price of (6) xiij li xs. for the which soume the said Iohan (Goldsmyth receyued) the verray value marchantlich in wolles of the same (7) Iohan kymburleys. and the said wood that he boughte yet never deliu\2er\1ed hym to his importable losse and hindryng (which (8) nys but a) poer man and . . .\4^1\1 of sufficeant remedie for lack of other laweful seuerte / like it youre noble grace thorugh (9) consideracion of rightwisnes and Iustice. the which re(leeveth many a) poer man. Vppon this mater by writt sub pena to sende (10) for the seid Iohan Goldsmyth to appere a fore yowe in the Chauncellerie att such day as yow list com(aund and heruppon) (11) right to be doon vn to the said beedman which eu\2er\1mor shal prai god for youre high and noble estat #$%(Signatures) Pleg' de p\2er\1s\2equendo \1Ioh\2ann\1es Stodley de london Rog\2er\1us Wolley de derby}#$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xx] #$% \4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ Before 1424-26 C1/1/27 Petition of Willyam Midylton of Holderness, Yorkshire #$%{(1) To my g\2ra\1ciouse Lorde of Wynchestre the Chauncellor of Engeland #$%Compleines Willyam Midylton of Waugh\2e\1n (2) in holdernesse in als mykill als Iohn of Cotyngh\2a\1m gentylman of Waugh\2e\1n forsayde a w\2ith\1 certeigne men of (3) his. wapynd & armed. yat es to say. Iohn of Waugh\2e\1n husbandman. Thomas warde husbandman (Robert of Bate)\4^1\1 wryght. (4) & Iohn west wryght. wyth yair force of ye same Toune forsayde. maliciously agayne ye kyngis pece & (rebelliously)\4^1\1 agayne ye (5) gou\2er\1nours of ye deuyne s\2er\1uyce of ye kyrk of Wangh\2e\1n forsayde in s\2er\1uyce tyme opon seint Steuyn (6) day ye last in y\2e\1 (same)\4^1\1 kyrke woulde haf slayn me w\2ith\1 ane polle axe & all ye pepyll & ye preste so affrayde at ye (7) leuacion tyme clappyd saume ye buke for ferid. & I for drede of my dede habade still in ye same kyrk of seint pet\2er\1 (8) ffraunchiss .x. houre\4g\1 lange & ye forsayde Iohan of Cotyng h\2a\1m Iohn. Thom\2a\1s Robert. & Iohn w\2ith\1 yair force (9) en armed & wapened lygand still in ane awayte in ye kyngis way & aboute ye same kyrke to haf slayne me if I had comyn oute (10) of ye kyrk. & no man durst hi\2m\1 arest to ye pece. & yat same Iohn of Cotyngh\2a\1m p\2ro\1ferd openly to ye (11) qwhylk of y\2a\1m forsayde yat myght haf kylled me. soulde haf had xx. noblis for my dede als (it is)\4^1\1 opynly knawen to (12) all y\2at\1 toune & ye contreth. for ane worde I spak in ye kyrk. yat it wer better bell vnrogne at ye sauntes (13) tyme yan ye messe vnsogne. & I neu\2er\1 sen yat day hidirward durst ye\2r\1 habyde in ye contree for drede of (14) my dede for yat Iohn of Cotyngh\2a\1m & his force forsayde. in harmyng & in cost\2es\1 of me & myne. xx li. Qwharfore lyke it to (15) yhour g\2ra\1ciouse lordeschip in saueyng of my lyfe & ye kyng\2is\1 pece & ye state of yat kyrke of seint pet\2er\1 (16) ff\2ra\1unchess & my harme\4g\1 g\2ra\1unte a writ sub pena for yis for(sayd)\4^1\1 Iohn of Cotyngh\2a\1m & his iiij. felaughes (17) in p\2ro\1pir p\2er\1sone\4g\1 to com by for yhour self. for ye luf of god & by way of charite #$%(Another hand) Pleg' de p\2er\1s\2equendo \1 Ioh\2an\1es de Wayhen de Suggestan in Com' Ebor' Ioh\2an\1es hakyns de london} #$%[Printed \2PC\1 I.xx.] #$% \4^1\1 [faded] #$ #$ 1425 SC8/24/1197 Petition by Commons for speedy trial of Lollards #$%{(1) Vn to the most excellent most worthy & g\2ra\1cious lordes of this present parlement #$%Shewyn & declaryn to (2) yo\2ur\1 hygh discrecion the Co\2m\1munes of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement for as mych as divers p\2er\1sones that (3) here to for havyn bene arettyd & acusyd of treson felonye lollardrie & other such poyntes bene co\2m\1myttyd (4) alday by the kynges comaundement & his counceyll some to the Tour of London & some to othir castels & holdes in (5) the rewme wher as they lye long tyme other while a yeer or two with out eny p\2ro\1cesse or execucion done a yens (6) hem to grete costes of our lord the kyng & grete p\2er\1ill & fere of her kepers & also emboldishing to other of her (7) covyne & assent / Plesith it vn to yo\2ur\1 moste excellent & worthy lordshipes so to ordeyne by yo\2ur\1 (8) most hye discrecions that all such prisoners that shul in tyme to come be co\2m\1myttid to eny such place for (9) treson felony lollardrie or eny such other high poynt mowe in short tyme be sent & apere by for (10) her Iuges temp\2or\1all or spirituell as the (caas)\4^1\1 askith. to the entent to be quyt & delyverd or ellis to (11) have the iewys they have deservid in eschewyng of excessiue costes of our lord the kyng done about the (12) long kepyng of such prisoners & the grete p\2er\1ill fere & labour of her kepers for goddis sake & in wey of charite.} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.292.46]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1426 E28/47/83 Petition of Baltazar Vivald of Genoa #$%{(1) To my lord of Bedford and o\4t\2er\1 lordys of *e wor*y cou\2n\1sel of England #$%Beseke* mekely Balta\4 g\1ar vivald (2) marchant of Iene of yowr special grace to co\2m\1maun de *e Tresorer and Barons of *e Chekk\2er\1 to restore (3) and delyu\2er\1 to *e seid Balta\4g\1ar *e Clo\4t \1is longyng to *e same Balta\4g\1ar. *e whych *e (4) Awner of london arestid and ha* brow\4g\1th in to *e Chekk\2er\1 Reccyuyng of *e seid Balta\4g\1ar xxv. mark. (5) *e which so\2m\1me he is acordit w\2ith\1 *e seid Tresorer to paye to owr sou\2er\1eyn lord as for fyne of *e Clo*is aforeseyd #$%(Signatures) H. gloucestre H Cantuar. I Ebor Cant T dunelm P Elien I Bathon Cromwell Typtot} #$ #$ 1427 E28/48/19(4) Petition of the Mayor and Citizens of Southampton #$%{(1) To owre sou\2er\1ayne lord the kyng & to hys ry\4g\1t worthy wyse & discrete Counsell bysechyth well humblely hys powre trewe (2) liege men the Mayr Aldremen & Burgeysys of Suthampton / that hyt dysplese nat vn to owre sayd sou\2er\1ayne lord / *e Kyng (3) ne to hys sayde worthy Counsell / that the sayd Mayr Aldremen & Burgeysys buth nat of power / for grete nede and pou\2er\1te (4) of ham selfe to make eny appreste of money / vn to owre sayd sou\2er \1ayne lord the Kyng at thys tyme / for trewly *e sayd towne (5) of Suthampton ys at thys tyme ry\4g\1t powre & all moste desolate / for to that place ry\4g\1t nowe comyth all most no man\2er\1 of (6) peple neyth\2er\1e by water ne by londe / for the wheche cause grete p\2ar\1tye of the dwellerys of that towne buth sodeynly departyd (7) & ago (&)\4^1\1 meny howsys ben yshutte vppe & grene gras grewyth at hare dorys and in diu\2er\1se placys of eu\2er\1y strete of the (8) towne / Whar for / for / the grete nede & pou\2er\1te of ham selfe / the sayd Mayr & burgeysys now in all haste moste make agrete Tallage by (9) thynne ham selfe / to gadery money to paye to Quene Iohane hare fee ferme of the towne / The wheche grete & greuouse fee ferme / *e (10) sayd Mayr & burgeysys ne may but alytyll whyle here after bere ne paye / by thowte *at / that they have helpe socowr & p\2ar\1don (11) of hare sayde fee ferme of hare sayd sou\2er\1ayne lord *e kyng & of the sayde Quene / thorwe helpe & prayer of *e sayd worthy Counsell:}#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1427-1428 SC8/25/1222 Petition on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury #$%{(1) Souuerain Lord We youre Humble Liegis han late vnderstande to oure greet heuynesse / that oure good fader the Archebisshop (2) of Canterbury (and Primat)\4^1\1 of al this land / shulde haue be detecte and noysed vngoodly and vnskilfully to oure (3) holy fader the pope / that he sholde haue been and pro(cu red)\4^1\1 ayens the libertees of the Courte of Rome in this (4) lond and other wyse haue gouerned hym in his cure / thanne hit longeth to a good prelat for to doo be cause whereof oure (5) holy fader was meuyd to make certain proces a yens hym in preiudice of hym and oure aller moder *e cherche of (6) Canterbury w(hi)ch\4^1\1 we been alle holden to worship and susteyne in as muche as in vs is. / Wherfor (7) we beseche youre hieghnesse as humblely as we can for to haue (th)e\4^1\1 saide oure aller good fader reco\2m\1missed (8) and yeue in special co\2m\1mandement to youre Ambassatours that shul goo to the Courte of Rome / or ellis (9) write to oure saide hooly fader *e pope / to haue *e saide Archebisshop and oure moder his cherche of Canterbury (19) sp\2ec\1ially reco\2m\1missed withowte any credence yeuyng to any swich informacions or deteccions now maad / or (20) to be maad in tyme to co\2m\1myng ayens faith and conscience / And yif any swich processe be maad / to cassen hem and annullen (21) hem / as swich that proceded of an vndewe and vnskilful sug gestion / and *e trouthe not knowen} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.322.18]#$% \4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1429 E28/51/A6 Petition of the residents of Uchayron Percell, Wales #$%{(1) To owr sou\2er\1eign lord the kyng #$%Besechyn mekely al tho poure tenant\4g\1 and Co\2mun\1es of Vchayron (2) p\2er\1cell of the Shyre of Cardygan There as the seid besechers suyn to yow owr sou\2er\1eign (lord)\4^1\1 & to yowre wyse . . .\4^2\1 a yenst (3) the abbot of Stratflere for diu\2er\1s mat\2er\1s as yn the seid bille more playnly apperyth where hit lykyd to yowr hynesse (4) to comytte the seid bille to the Bishop of Ely the Bishop of Bath Cromewell and to the lord Scrope lordys of yowr seid councell. yevyng hem yn (5) comaundement to here & finally to det\2er\1mine the seid mat\2er \1By autorite of the wheche comaundement . . .\4^2\1 lordys ruledyn (6) the seid Abbot to putte his answhere suche as he wold stonde to ayenst the mat\2er\1 yn the seid bille conteyned yn wrytyng. by forse of the whych rule (7) the seid Abbot put his seid answher yn wrytyng. the whych answher as hit apperyth yn the seid wrytyng lyeth muche on a record of a Cession (8) yhold on the monday next aft\2er\1 seynt Iames day yn the ix yere of the reign of yowr late sou\2er\1eign lord yowr fad\2er\1 (9) on hose sowle god have mercy afore Iohn M\2er\1bury at that tyme beyng yowr Iustice of Southwales & on other recordes (10) ymade seth the seid Cession yn yowr Esker of Cardyngan. Wherefore like hit vn to yowr hynesse to send yowr priue seales to the seid Iohn (11) M\2er\1bury and to on Dauid ap Thomas liwtenant of yowr Shyre of Cardygan to the lord of Audeley now yowr Iustice of (12) Southwales the whech Dauid hath the gou\2er\1nance vndur the seid lord ther of yowr lawe comaundyng by yowr seid priue (13) (seals)\4^1\1 the seide Iohn M\2er\1bury and the seid Dauid to be here afore yow graciouse (lord)\4^1\1 & yowr wyse councell on the (14) viij day next aftur seynt hillarie now next comyng so that they mowen be afore yow & yowr seid councell examined yn provyng of (15) the truthe of the seid mat\2er\1 and yn spede of the sute of the aforseid besechers.Aftur the whyche exa\2m\1i\2n\1ac\2i\1ou\2n\1 so to p\2ro\1cede (16) yn the seid mat\2er\1e aftur gode consience and lawe. And also anothir Priue seal to yowr Chamb\2er\1lein of Southwales (17) comaundyng hym to respite the leve of the co\2mune\1s yn the forseid bille rehersed of the seide besechers vn tille thys (18) mat\2er\1e be twene the seide besechers & the seid Abbot be de termynd ffor the love of god & wey of charite} #$% (Action recorded in French) #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1430-31 C49/20/1 Conditions of Payment of a Parliamentary Subsidy #$%{(1) To the wurship of god and for the grete love and entier affeccion the whiche we your pou\2r\1e (2) Co\2m\1munes of this your noble roialme haue to yow our most so\2uer\1aigne lord (kyng henry)\4^1\1 the sixte (3) be thassent of alle the lordes sp\2irit\1uel and temporelx beyng in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement (4) holden atte Westm\2instre\1 the friday next afore the fest of Seynt hillar the yere of your regne the ix\2e\1 (5) g\2ra\1unte to yow our saide sou\2er\1aigne lorde for the defence of this your saide roialme in esp\2eci\1all (6) an hole quins\4g\1isme and an hole disme and the thridde parte of an hole quins\4g\1isme and of an hole disme (7) to be paied and arered of the moeble godes of the laye poeple of this your saide roialme in mane\2r\1 accustumed: (8) that is to say that one hole quins\4g\1isme and hole disme beforesaide to been arered and paied be the fest of (9) Seynt martyn in wynter next after the saide g\2ra\1unte (10) and that other thridde parte of that other hole quins\4g \1isme and disme beforesaide to been arered and paied be (11) the fest of Ester come tuelfemonethe next after the saide g\2ra\1unte. Purueied alwey that the laye poeple of the (12) Citee of lincoln ne none of hem be arted or compelled be force of the saide g\2ra\1unte of the thridde parte of (13) the saide quins\4g\1isme and disme to make paieme( nt)\4^2\1 or any thyng to paye of the same thridde parte (14) of quins\4g\1isme and disme to be paied atte the saide fest of Ester come tuelfmoneth but that the saide lay (15) poeple of the saide Citee and ichone of hem of the saide paiement of the saide thridde part of quin\4g\1isme and (16) disme and of eu\2er\1y parte therof be alle vttirly acquite and discharget} #$% (Latin note follows in correcting hand.) #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.368.13]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1430-31 C49/20/2 Conditions of Payment of a Parliamentary Subsidy #$%{(1) To the worship of god and for the grete loue and entier affeccion the whiche we your pou\2er\1e (2) Co\2mun\1es of this your noble roialme haue to (\4g\1ou )\4^1\1 our . . .\4^2\1 sou\2er\1aigne lord kyng henry the .vj\2te\1. be assent (3) of your lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temporell in this your p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement beyng holden atte Westm\2in stre\1 (4) the friday next afore the fest of seint hillar the yere of your regne the ix\2e\1 be auctorite of the same (5) p\2ar\1lement g\2ra\1unte to yow our saide sou\2er\1a igne lord the kyng for the defence of this your saide (6) roialme and in esp\2eci\1all for the safe kepyng of the see a subsidie to be paied in the fo\2r\1me \4t\2at\1 (7) foloweth \4t\2at\1 is to say of eu\2er\1y tonne of wyne. of eu\2er\1y marchant denis\4g\1ein comyng into (8) *is saide roialme be wey of m\2ar\1chandise fro the saide friday next afore the fest of seint hillar (9) the forsaide yere of the saide regne vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter *anne next suyng and so fro (10) *e same fest of seint Martyn vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter thenne next folowyng iij s. and of eu\2er\1y (11) other man\2er\1 of m\2ar\1chandise of any m\2ar\1chant denis\4g\1ein passyng out of this saide roialme or (12) comyng into *is saide (Roume)\4^1\1 be wey of marchandise duryng the tyme aforesaide of the value of .xx. s xij. d (13) wolle wollenclothe hides and wollefell goyng oute of this saide roialme whete and rye and flour of *e same and (14) all mane\2r\1 ffresshfisshe (comyng)\4^1\1 into *is saide roialme oute of this g\2ra\1unte and auctorite except (15) and if any m\2ar\1chandise of any marchaunt denis\4g \1ein oute of this saide roialme passyng wherof the saide (16) subsidie is paied or agreed or surete made therfore. be perisshed or lost be infortune of the see. or be take with (17) enemys withouten covyne or fraude and \4t\2at\1 founden and p\2re\1ued before the Tresorer of England or afore (18) the chief Baron of the Cheker for *e tyme beyng be resonable p\2re\1ues of the saide m\2ar\1chandises (19) so lost or perisshed *at thanne the saide marchaunt\4g\1 denis\4g\1eins. Awners of the saide m\2ar\1chandises. (20) so perisshed and lost whenne hem liketh may ship as muche m\2ar\1chandises in value be force and v\2ir\1tue of (21) the said auctorite in the same port (in ye)\4^1\1 whiche the saide m\2ar\1chandises were shipped Inne as was so perisshed (22) lost or taken withouten any subsidie therof to be had And ouer \4t\2at\1 we your saide pou\2er\1e Co\2mun\1es (23) g\2ra\1unte to yow our saide sou\2er\1aigne lord be *e auctorite aforesaide a subsidie to be paied in (24) the man\2er\1e folowyng / that is to say of eu\2er\1y tonne of swete wyne of eu\2er\1y m\2ar\1chaunt alien (25) comyng into this saide roialme be wey of m\2ar\1chandise fro *e saide friday vnto *e saide latter fest of (26) saint Martyn .iij.s ou\2er\1e the subsidie of .iij.s *e whiche eu\2er\1y m\2ar\1chaunt alien for eu\2er\1y (27) tonne wyne atte *e tyme of this g\2ra\1unte custumably paied to yow / And also of eu\2er\1y other (28) man\2er\1e of m\2ar\1chandise of any of the saide m\2ar\1 chant\4g\1 aliens passyng oute of this saide roialme or (29) comyng into this saide roialme (be wey of merchandise\4^1\1)\4^3\1 duryng *e saide tyme. of the value of .xx. s. vj. d (30) ou\2er\1e the subsidie of .xij. d the whiche eu\2er\1y m\2ar\1chaunt alien for eu\2er\1y m\2ar\1chandise (31) to the value of .xx s paied to yow custumably atte the tyme of this g\2ra\1unte and afore and that all the saide (32) g\2ra\1unte of all the saide subsidies with the fo\2ur\1me and all the circumstaunce therof be conteyned and exp\2re\1ssed (33) in eu\2er\1y patent or co\2m\1mission of the Custum\2er\1s of eu\2er\1y port of this saide roialme and be force and (34) v\2ir\1tue of the auctorite aforesaide / And ou\2er\1e \4t\2at \1 (we)\4^1\1 your saide Co\2mun\1es g\2ra\1unte to yow our saide (35) sou\2er\1aigne lord be assent of yo\2ur\1 saide lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temporell for the defence aforesaide a (36) subsidie of .v. nobles of eu\2er\1y sak wolle and wollefelle to be hadde paied and rered fro the fest of seynt Martyn in (37) wynter \4t\2at\1 shall be the yere of our lord a .M\2l\1.CCCCXXXiij vnto the fest of seint Martyn in wynter *enne next folowyng to (38) be hadde paied and rered in man\2er\1e and f\2ou\1rme as it is hadde and paied and arered to yow our saide sou\2er\1aigne (39) lord atte the tyme of this g\2ra\1unte} #$% (The rest of the indenture, 21 lines, follows in French.)#$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.369.14.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert in another hand] \4^2\1 [5-letter cancel] \4^3\1 [over erasure] #$ #$ 1430-31 SC8/25/1235 Petition concerning Payments to Newgate Prisoners #$%{(1) To the kyng our soueraign lord and al the lordes sp\2irit \1uel & temp\2or\1ell in this present p\2ar\1lement #$%(2) Sheweth yo\2ur\1 most humble liege man Iohn Carpent\2er *executo\2r\1 of Richard Whityngton \4t\2at\1 where (3) on s\2ir\1 Iohn Pulteney knyght somtyme Mair of London be his testament enrolled in the Hustenge of the said Cite the (4) monday next afore seint Luce (*eu\2a\1ngelist the)\4^1\1 xxiij yeer of kyng Edward the thridde amonges other thinges (5) bequath and deuised to the Master and prestes of the Chapell of Corpus xpi beside the Chirche of seint laurence of Candel wikstrete (6) alle the Londes and (ten\2emen\1t\4g t\2at\1 he hadde)\4^1\1 in the Cite and Suburbes of London outake certein (7) ten\2emen\1t\4g t\2at\1 ben excepted in the said testament On condic\2i\1on and to \4t\2at\1 entent that the said (8) Maister shuld amonges other thinges paie and deliu\2er\1e in almesse eu\2er\1y yeer to theym (\4t\2at\1 were)\4^1\1 (9) prison\2er\1s withynne a p\2ri\1son of the said Cite called Neugate iiij m\2a\1rc of sterlinges in (10) this fourme and atte the t\2er\1mes vnderwriten / \4t\2at\1 is to sey on Cristemasse even x s on Goodfriday (11) xiij s iiij d on Midsomer even x s and on oure lady even *assumpc\2i\1on x s and on alle (12) halewyn even x s And moreouer he wolde and bequath be *e said testament \4t\2at\1 yef eny of the said (13) so\2m\1mes were vnpaid at eny tyme before limited \4t\2at\1 the forsaid Mastre shuld paie the double be way of (payne)\4^1\1 (14) wherof o p\2ar\1t shuld be applied to the werk of Poules and the tother p\2ar\1t to the Chambre of the Gildhalle of the (15) said Cite as it app\2er\1eth be the said testament which so\2m\1mes syn the deth of the said Sire Iohn haue alwey (16) ben (wel and treuly)\4^1\1 paid to the said prison\2er\1s til now late \4t\2at\1 the said prison be cause \4t\2at\1 it (17) was feble ouerlitel and so contagious of Eyr \4t\2at\1 hit caused the deth of many men was throwen doun / and of (18) almesse with the goodes and after (the will of the)\4^1\1 said Richard renoueld and made agayn in a better man\2er\1 (19) blessed be god / And now be cause \4t\2at\1 ther nis no mencion made in the said testament who shuld distreigne for the said (20) rente in caas it were behinde and the said (prison\2er\1s be)\4^1\1 insufficeant \4t\2er\1to / the same rente is (21) deneied and vnpaid ayens the wil of the (said s\2ir\1 Iohn)\4^2\1 and greuouse hurt to the poore prison\2er\1s / Wherfore (22) plese it to the kyng our sou\2er\1aign Lord be aduise and consent of alle the Lordes sp\2irit\1uel (23) and Temporell and Co\2mun\1es assembled in this p\2ar\1lement / to ordeign be auctorite of the same p\2ar\1lement \4t\2at\1 (24) the said rent be paid hens forward as it hath ben of olde / And \4t\2at\1 the Mair or Chamb\2er\1leyn of London now (25) beyng and (her)\4^1\1 successours haue ful power to destreigne (in the said mastres landes)\4^3\1 as well for *e said rent (26) of iiij m\2ar\1c and eu\2er\1y p\2ar\1c\2e\1ll \4t\2er\1offe / as for the said payne yef it be behinde (27) at eny tyme as is rehersed in the said testament for goddis love and in the wey of charite} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.370.16]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1430-31 C49/19/27 Parliamentary assent to Peace Negotiations with France #$%{(1) ffor asmoche as in *e tretee of *e pees maade no\4g\1t longe agoo. bytwyx *e kyng\2es\1 of noble (2) memoir. h. *e v\2te\1 late our sou\2er\1ain lord & his fadre Charles of ffraunce it is (3) contiened *at noon of *e p\2ar\1tyes shal entre / or make any tretee of pees or of accord with Charles (4) *e Daufyn / with oute *assent of *e *re estat\2es\1 of bothe Reumys *at is to say of England (5) & of ffraunce. And it is hold for certain. *at our holy ffad\2e\1r *e Pope sendeth nowe downe into ffraunce (6) *e moost Reu\2er\1ent ffad\2e\1r in god the Cardinal of seint Crois / to trete *e pees. bytwyx *e kyng (7) and *e said Daufyn And also *e kyng of Spayn sent hider but late agoo. (8) his Ambassadeurs which entred tretee of pees *e which tretee is yit hangyng. bytwyx *e kyng our (9) sou\2er\1ain lord & him / for *eim *eir Reumes. lordeshipes and subgitt\4g\1 And sem\2bla\1bly (10) *e kyng of Scott\2es\1 hath send now hider. his solempne Ambassadeurs. to trete a pees finale. bytwyx *e (11) kyng & him & her two Reumes / and as eu\2er\1y man endowed with reson may wel consider / it nys no\4g\1t (12) couenable ne fittyng. ne lyke to be to *e plesir of god ne of *e world a crysten Prince to refuse pees (13) offred with menes resonable ne *e tretee \4t\2er\1of yf it be Desired of hym. *e which by *e lawe of god (14) him owed to pursue and folowe / and also consideryng *e birdon of *e werr / and how greuous. and heuy. it is (15) to *is land / and how behofful \4t\2er\1for *e pees wer to hit: Plese it to *e comunes (16) of *is land beyng in *is p\2rese\1nt p\2ar\1lement to yeue her assent\2es\1 to *at: (17) that my lord\2es\1 of Bedford & Gloucest\2e\1r & my lord Cardinal & o\4t\2er\1 of *e kyng\2es\1 blood & of his (18) Counsail may trete *e pees. on *e kyng\2es\1 behalf. with *e said p\2ar\1tyes. or any o\4t\2er\1 / (19) and yf *eim *ynke *e meenys of pees offred by *at o\4t\2er\1 p\2ar\1tyes couenable. and good. (20) to *e kyng and his subgitt\4g\1. *enne to Receyue hem / And semblably. to offre for *e kyng\2es\1 (21) p\2ar\1tie menis *at shal be *ought to hem couenable and expedient and by swych menys to conclude (22) & accorde *e pees to godd\2es\1 plesire:#$% Savyng\4^1\1 to *e saide roialme of Englond and to (23) alle the kynges lieges and subiettes therof: their heires and their successo\2re\1s alle their lib\2er\1tees (24) fredoms lawes custumes and priueleges \4t\2at\1 thei their auncestres and p\2re\1ddessours haueth had afore this (25) tyme (in *e saide Roialme)\4^2\1 and \4t\2at *ei an iche of theym be demened and gou\2er\1ned after the lawes vsages and (26) custumes of the saide roialme of Englond and in none oth\2er \1wise this act not withstandyng} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.371.18.]#$% \4^1\1 [codicil on an attached strip in a different hand] \4^2\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1430-31 SC8/25/1238 Petition of Levin le Clerc of Ghent #$%{(1) To the kyng oure sou\2er\1aigne lord #$%Besechuth mekely leuin le Clerc Burgeois of Gand to Consider by (2) encheson of the trewe acquitaille that the seid towne hath doon and doth dayly in diu\2er\1se Maners vnto yow (3) oure sou\2er\1aigne lord howe *at but late ago he boght of Rob\2er\1t Brampton of Caleys atto\2ur\1ney (4) to his brother will\2ia\1m Brampton of Chestreville in derby shire certain wolles to the value of xij\2c\1 & xv nobles (5) the whiche monoie the same leuin paied in hand to the said Rob\2er\1t noght havyng liu\2er\1ey of the seid wolles (6) But the seid Rob\2er\1t bonde his seid Brother and hym self in the aboue seid so\2m\1me to the same leuin to the entent (7) *at at a certain day he shuld have had lyu\2er\1ey of the wolles aboue seid Notwythstondyng the whiche boonde the (8) seid leuin hath not as yet hadd no*er lyu\2er\1ey of the seid wolles ne of the seid Monay at the aboue seid (9) day the whuche is nowe passed to his vndoyng wythoute youre gracious help and remede in this partie and ther opon (10) like hit yowe to consider how *at by youre auctorite a writt sub pena vndyr your gret seal was direct to the (11) seid will\2ia\1m comaundyng hym by the same to haue be afore your Counseill at westm\2instre\1 at a c\2er\1tain (12) day passed there to haue onswered in the matier aboue seid the which writt was by tyme deliu\2er\1ed to the same (13) will\2ia\1m and by Cause he come not at that day a writt of attachement is passed by *e seid auctorite ayenst (14) the seid will\2ia\1m the whuche for this (cause)\4^1\1 absentuth hym in place priueleged and wolle not appere so (15) that the same leuin is not like to haue the seid wolles no*er his seid money wythoute youre g\2ra\1cious help (16) (and remedie)\4^1\1 in this partie wher opon like it yow sou\2er\1aigne lord of youre g\2ra\1ce especiall (17) by auctorite of this p\2re\1sent parlement to ordeigne *at the Chaunceler of Inglond for the tyme (beyng have)\4^1\1 (18) powair to g\2ra\1unte a writt of proclamac\2i\1on direct to the Shirref of the seid Shire yevyng hym in Comaundement (19) by the same writt to make p\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on in opo(n place wythynne)\4^1\1 the seid (20) Shire that *e seid will\2ia\1m Brampton appere a fore yow in youre Chauncerye at a certain day to be conteigned in (21) the same writt by the discres(ion of the seid)\4^1\1 Chaunceler to onswere to the seid Suppliant of (22) the matier conteignode in *is supplicac\2i\1on And yf the seid will\2ia\1m appere at that day that thenne the seid (23) Chaunceler have power and auctorite to examyne here and det\2er\1myne the seid matier aftur his discresc\2i\1on (24) And to p\2ro\1cede to Iuggement as well of the principall as of damage and Costage resonabull and to awarde execuc\2i\1on (25) for the seid besecher in *at partie . . .\4^2\1 be fieri fac elegit and Capias ad satisfaciend and theropon an exigent yf he be (26) not founde and thowe the seid will\2ia\1m appere not at suche day as he shall have by the seid p\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on (27) the seid Chaunceler have power to p\2ro\1cede to Iuggement for the seid suppliant ayenst the seid will\2ia\1m by (28) his defaute as well of the Principall as of damage\4g\1 and ther vpon to awarde execuc\2i\1on in the fo\2ur\1me (29) afore rehersode And that the seid Suppliant may have as well the good us of the seid will\2ia\1m as *e goodus *at eny other (30) p\2er\1sone hath to his ceuse in execuc\2i\1on for the seid Su\2m\1me vnto the tyme that the seid (somme)\4^3\1 wyth (31) damages and Costages in that partie resonabull be pleynly arerode or payode to the seid Suppliant And *at (32) semblable p\2ro\1cesse be made agayn *e seide Rob\2er\1t Brampton be *e cause aforseide} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.372.21.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn, rubbed] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1430-31 SC8/25/1245 Petition of the residents of Marblethorp, Lincolnshire #$%{(1) To the ful wyse and discret syrys the comyn\2e\1s of this p\2re\1sent parlement #$%The pore tenn\2an\1tes (2) and londholders of the toun of Malberthorp in the shire of lincoln whiche has ben and \4g\1it are vtterly destroyd (3) and waastid be ouer flowyng and gret distres of the water of the see and . . .\4^1\1 wyth oute gret and (4) contynuel help of mannys labur. whiche toun is and of olde tyme has bee charged at eu\2er\1y g\2ra\1unt of (5) ony hole taxe to oure sou\2er\1ayn lord to the so\2m\1me of vj li xiiij s v d ob q for the whiche (charche)\4^1\1 (6) als wele grauntyd to oure saide sou\2er\1eyn lord at hys parlement holden at Westm\2instre\1 xxij day of Septemb\2e\1r (7) the yere of his reigne the viij\2te\1 as for taxe and charche nowe g\2ra\1untyd or to be g\2ra\1untyd in this p\2re\1sent (8) p\2ar\1lement the . . .\4^2\1 saide tennt\4g\1 and lond holders dar not inhabitt maynour nor occupye the saide toun (9) to the fynal destruccion as Wele of the saide toun for eu\2er\1 as for a gret contre vnder the same daunger to the (10) valu(e)\4^1\1 \4g\1erly of ij\2ml\1 mark Please to \4g\1oure Wyse discressions consideryng the causes a fore (11) rehersyd and also howe at this day the londes and tenement\4g\1 in the saide toun are of no value nor p\2ro\1fit: to pray (12) oure sou\2er\1(aigne)\4^1\1 lorde that the saide tenn\2an\1t\4g\1 londholdres and inh\2ab\1itaunces in (13) the saide toun nowe and here aftyr be autorite of this p\2re\1sent parlement be respitid as wele of the taxe and (14) charge g\2ra\1untid to oure saide sou\2er\1aigne lord in his parlement holden at Westm\2instre\1 the xxij (15) day of Septemb\2e\1r a for said the saide yere as of the taxe and charge g\2ra\1untid or to be g\2ra\1untid in this (16) p\2re\1sent parlement on to the t\2er\1me of x \4g\1ere here aftyr. that then hit may be demenyd aftyr the hygh and (17) ful gracious discrecion of oure sou\2er\1aigne lord} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.385.5]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1432 SC1/43/166 Petition of the Bishop of Bath (left top damaged; right top washed) #$%{(1) (Worship)ful\4^1\1 fadre in god and my gracious lorde I recomaunde me in als humble maner as i (c)an\4^2\1 or may in any wyse to . . . lorshupes Bisechyng humblie to youre (2) noble & gracious lordshupes (yow lyk to vnderstande *at *e)\4^2\1 lord (D)reux\4^1\1 sir humferie Stafford & I Stounton tooke in Wiltes\2hire\1 certain (for)\4^3\1 Risers (3) & broughte hem to (Wells)\4^2\1 in Som\2er\1s\2et\1 & *are putte hem in my prison withoute assent of me or of my officers (4) bi my (knawlech)\4^2\1 which prison is ordeyned to kepe clerk\2es\1 conuict & to noon o*ir entent And *are I fande *aim withowte any (5) maner of kepyng saaf of my seruaunte\4g\1 / And hir vpon I sent worde to R. hill Shreef of Som\2er\1s\2et \4t\2at\1 he (6) sholde ordeyne for *air kepyng / And he come to me in is owen p\2er\1sone *is daie & seies he wole no\4g\1t int\2er\1 mete (7) hym of *e kepyng of *aim. Wherfore I biseche youre gracious lordshupes to considre how me ow\4g\1t no\4g\1t (8) to have kepyng of *aim for *aim owghte to be keped in *e kynggys comene gaiole & no\4g\1t in my poer prison (9) for it is agayne *e libertees & franchise\4g\1 of holy cherche and *e forsaid R. hill wole no\4g\1t resseyve (10) *aim And *erfor I biseche yow \4t\2at\1 ye wole consider *is matier & comaunde bi your highe discrecions (11) what ye wole bedoo in *is matier for sikerlie i dar kepe *aim no lenggre consideryng *e condicions (12) of men at *is daies And I biseche yow \4t\2at\1 ye wole considre *ees matiers effectuellie and \4t\2at\1 I (13) myght have an answere bi *e berer of *is l\2ett\1re Almyghty god sende yow as good lyf & p\2ro\1sp\2er\1itee as (14) your noble herte\4g\1 can best desire Writ at Banewell *e .xix. daie of Maij. #$% your preest & orato\2ur\1 N Bisshop of Baath\4^4\1 #$%(Another hand) The xxij day of (15) May *e x yere of *e k hit was accorded by *e consail \4t\2at\1 a writ shulde be sent to *e shiref of (16) som\2er\1s\2et\1 to Receyue *ees Rysers abouesaid and to doo kepe surely in *e kyng\2es\1 prison} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [washed] \4^3\1 [interlinear insert] \4^4\1 [The initial "N" and the PRO date are in conflict. In 1432, John Stafford was Bishop of Bath] #$ #$ 1431 E28/51/53 Petition of Jeynkyn Stanlay, royal retainer (damaged) #$%{(1) To the kyng our sou\2er\1ain lord and to his ful wyse Counsaill #$% Sheweth and besecheth mekely your pou\2er\1e (2) humble s\2er\1uito\2r\1 Ieynkyn Stanlay Squyer: howh that now late as the said suppliant was rydyng in the kynges high (3) wey in the hundred of wyrall withynne the Counte of chestr\2e\1 / there were c\2er\1tayn p\2er\1sones arraied in man\2er \1e (4) of werre ayens the kyngs pees lieng in dyu\2er\1s busshementes / of the which p\2er\1sones come vj\2x\1 men with bowes and other wepen (5) makyng grete shotte and assaute to the said suppliant and his men And there p\2ur\1posed to haue slayn and murdred the said (6) Suppliant withoute cause or offence of hym which hath ben knowleged sethen of Su\2m\1me of the said p\2er\1so(ns)\4^1\1 Of the which (7) mysdoers the names of c\2er\1tain gentilmen and yemen principall gou\2er\1no\2r\1s of the said affray ben conteyned in (the bille)\4^1\1 (8) annexed herto / Besechyng to your graciouse lordship\2es\1 consi(dering)\4^1\1 thees p\2re\1mysses of your grace especial to (9) g\2ra\1unte your graciouses l\2ett\1res of p\2ri\1ue seal seu\2er\1ally directe / that is to say . . . the said gentil men (10) whos names ben conteyne . . . said bille a nother to alle the yemen whos names ben conteyned in the same bille / Charching hem vppon (11) their . . . to ben at their answere afore you and your . . . at a c\2er\1tain day by you to be lymytte And the thridde priue (12) seal directe to will\2ia\1m Troutbek Chamberlain of Chestr\2e\1 . . . for the said gentilmen and yeme. . . and to se that the (13) two priue seals a foresaid to hem be s\2er\1ued and directe in gen\2er\1al And this in sauacion of the pees at . . . of charite} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1432 SC 8/26/1271 Petition of the Citizens of Lymington and Newport, Hampshire #$%{(1) To oure souerayn Lorde the Kyng and to his right wise Counseill #$%Lowelly and humbly bisechen (2) all the Marchaunt\4g\1 and pouere inhabitaunt\4g\1 of the Hauene of Lymyngton lying withyn the Hundredes of (3) Neweforest & of Crischurche & of the Hauene of Neweport lying withyn the Isle of Wight yn the Shire of Southampton & of (4) o*er Hauenes yn the same Shire that hough of tyme oute of mynde to *e grete and notable availle of oure liege (5) lorde and grete profit of the saide hauenes there were wont many diuerse Shippes & vesslx with grete substaunce of (6) m\2er\1chaundises nat staple ware but other as wele with wynde dryven as of purpos to come and arryve yn to the (7) saide hauenes and oure liege lordes Custumes therof trewly y paied there they haue atte all tymes be discharged & (8) recharged. Nowe late by diuerse yeres yt is fallen so that yn defaute that no Custum\2er\1s ne noon here (9) deputees be attendaunt to eny of the saide hauenes. many grete Shippes and vesselx dryven and also comyng (10) oute of ferre contreyes yn to *e saide hauenes with grete goodes & m\2er\1chaundi\4g\1es willyng (11) the Marchaunt\4g\1 of hem & gretely desiryng there to haue be discharged & recharged. for lakkyng of Custumers (12) haue passed fro the saide hauenes & sailled yn to other straunge londes to grete losse and disavaille yerly (13) of right grete notable sommes to oure liege lorde grete & hidous losse abatyng and hyndryng of *e saide (14) hauenes & grete discomfort of the saide Marchaunt\4g\1 of the Shippes & vesselx atte here comyng Wherfore yt lyketh (15) vn to youre high & worthy discreciouns graciously & tendrely to considere the premisses & yn especial the grete disavaille (16) aforsaide of oure liege lorde And thervpon atte this tyme after youre right noble and wise avys yt pleseth youre (17) myghti lordshippes to ordeyne remedie atte the reu\2er\1ence of god and yn way of charite Consideryng (18) also youre right high discreccions yif yt be to youre plesir hough the hauene of Wynchilse & o*er (19) hauenes vnder *e port of Chichestre yn *e Shire of Sussex the hauenes of pool & of waymouth & o\4t\2er\1 (20) hauenes vnder the port of Melcombe yn Dorset Shire & all the hauenes yn *e same Shires & yn *e shires of (21) Devenshire Kent Cornewaill & all other shires yn *e Reame except Southampton shire aforesaide eue\2r\1 hiderto (22) haue hadde & yit haue deputees vnder the Custum\2er\1s of *e port\4g\1 for the grete availl & commodite of (23) oure liege lorde & of all his Reame:} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.417.8.]#$ #$ 1432-39 SC1/57/121 Petition of Robert Coker of Somerset #$%{(1) Bisecheth you Robert Coker Esquyer that where the kyng oure Sou\2er\1eigne lord his ancecessours and his p\2ro\1genitours (2) of tyme that no mynde ys haue be sesid of ce\2r\1tigne rente of dyuers p\2er\1sons freholders . . .\4^1\1 of the Castell of (3) Dunster in the Shire of Somerset to be hadde and leuyed bi the seid freholders the whiche be to the numbir of .xl. and moo. (4) and so to be paiyd to the lord of the seid Castell for the tyme beyng and he to be chargyd of the seid rente and to pay (5) hit to the Sherrif of the seid Shire for the tyme beyng yerli at the feste. of Candelmasse. And now hit ys so that the too (6) p\2ar\1ties of the seid Castell and the too p\2ar\1ties of all the remanent of the londes and tenementes that late (7) were of s\2ir\1 Iohn lutrell knyght lord of the seid Castell ben grauntyd bi the kyng to you my lord and y nemnyd bi . . .\4^1\1 (8) lordship in the seid Commission and stonde chargyd vndir you my lord of the fee ferme as in the seid Commission is conteignyd (9) the whiche free holders of tyme abouesaid haue contynued to paye the seid rente in youre tyme tille now late Edward SeintIon (10) beyng (on)\4^2\1 of the freholders aboueseid and tenaunt of malice and euyll wille to the kyng oure sou\2er\1eigne lord his disheri taunce (11) and also the disheritaunce of Iames lutrell son to the seid s\2ir\1 Iohn now beyng in the kynges warde and also in disauaile (12) and Surcharge of you my lord and me vndir you beyng the kynges patenteer duryng the noun age of the said Iames hath withdrawe (13) the payment of his rente of v s afferyng yerli to his charge that amounteth to the Summe of .xvij s. & vj d. And also manesseth and (14) wylnou\4g\1t Suffre . . .\4^1\1 vppon hym to be hadde. with oute that rumour ther vppon were like to rise and nou\4g\1t oonli (15) this doth bi hym selfe but exciteth and Stureth othir dyuers of freholders and tenauntes that they sholde withdrawe ther (16) rentes And also impriseth the mater vppon hym Selfe. And at dyuers lawe dayes stureth Tathing men and also the xij men that they shold no (17) thyng p\2re\1sente and aftir his power of grete malice and euyll will wolde lette all the au\2a\1ntage that Sholde come (18) of all the Courtes that ther ben holde the whiche Sowneth to the kynges grete disauaile disheritaunce of the seid childe. and (19) surcharge to you my lord and me beyng vndir you Plese youre lordship thes maters throu youre wysdome to concider and to puruey (20) soche remedy that the kyng oure sou\2er\1eign lord and the seid h\2e\1ir be nou\4g\1t disherityd ne the lyuelode in (21) youre tyme amenusyd ne apeiryd but that du remedy and correccion be hadde in thes seid maters so that non othir p\2er\1son (22) haue cause of inboldesshyng her aftir bi the seid Coward SeintIon} #$% [Printed Somerset Record Soc. 33, p. 205.]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ After 1432 C1/1/41 Petition of Thomas Appelton of Dartford, Kent (right side rubbed; matter in parentheses supplied from \2PC\1) #$%{(1) To my most reu\2er\1ent fadir in god and most gracious and rightwose lord the Bisshop of Bathe Chaunceler of Englond #$%(2) Besechith in the most humble wise yo\2ur\1 povir s\2er\1u \2a\1nt Thomas Appelton That where as will\2ia\1m Aleyn clerk (3) of the countynghous with ynne the housold of the kyng our sou\2er\1aigne lord. Roberd Aleyn fadir to the seid will\2ia\1m (4) and Thomas Cotes ymagenyng of grete malice before thoght extorcionesli to opp\2re\1sse and fynalli to distroye yo\2ur \1seid (5) Suppliaunt ayens concience and lawe / On seynt Stephenes day at nyght be twene xj and xij of the Clokke at mydde nyght (6) the vij\2the\1. yer of the kyng our sou\2er\1aigne lord with force and armes on (7) horsbak in maner of werre riot and rowte araied. with bowys and arowys swerdis and bokelers in maner of rebellion and Insurrec c\2i\1on (8) a yens the dygnyte of our sou\2er\1aigne lord the kynge and his crowne. kome to the hous of yo\2ur \1seid Suppliaunt. (9) at Derteford in the Shire of kent. at mydde nyght. And took awey Anne the doghter and on of the heyres of yo\2ur\1 seid (10) besecher beynge with ynne the age of xij. yere. and in his warde whos mariage of right to hym p\2er\1teyned. and to non othir / And (11) that same doghter the seid will\2i\1am Aleyn ravisshid be force vileynously . . .\4^1\1 and here enforced be the supportac\2i\1on (12) and helpe of the seid Roberd. and Thomas Cotes. and weddid here ayens the wille of here said fadir. and alle here frendis (13) expressely ayens lawe And ayens the fo\2r\1me of all maner Statutes in such cas made before this tyme / And in lettynge (14) yo\2ur\1 besecher to take the p\2ro\1fit and avayle of here seid mariage. ffor the which mariage yo\2ur\1 seid besecher (15) myght haue had CC m\2a\1rk of money. & she to haue bene maryed to such dyu\2er\1se notable p\2er\1sones as myght exspende (16) an C li of enheritaunce be yer of yerly lyflode / where as the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn at that tyme hadde nor \4g\1it hath (17) no fote lond of his owne in Englond. And aftir the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn took an acc\2i\1on of wast in the comyn place vnIustly (18) withoute concience ayens your besecher (and)\4^2\1 with grete maynten\2au\1nce be colo\2r\1 of his seid office broggid (19) hyred and enbrasid to hym the Ioro\2re\1s the which Ioro\2re\1s were kept iiij. dayes in london at the cost of the seid will\2ia\1m (20) Aleyn (Thretyng and manasyng yo\2ur\1 seid besecher) opp\2re\1ssiouesly that the seid Ior\2or\1es were redy to haue condempnyd yo\2ur\1 (21) seid Suppliaunt in a M li And the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn Roberd Aleyn and Thomas Cotes thorow grete manace and meynten\2a\1unce of (22) dyu\2er\1se peple be cause of the office of the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn put yo\2ur\1 seid besecher in fere of. his lyf and com pellid (23) hym vntrewly. be opp\2re\1ssion to make a feffement of all his londis and. his. ten\2emen\1tes to the value of iiij m\2ar\1k (24) be yere with ynne the Shires of Essex and Midd\2lesex\1 (to c\2er\1teyn p\2er\1sones at the denomycacc\2i\1on of (25) the seide willi\2a\1m Aleyn) vpon condic\2i\1on that yo\2ur\1 seid suppliaunte sholde haue suffisaunt and (26) sure astate. noght defesable of xxiiij\2ti\1 li be yere to be paied. to hym at iiij t\2er\1mes yerly duryng his lyf of the issues and (27) p\2ro\1fites of the seid londis and ten\2emen\1tes with a sarteyn payne and reentre for defaute of payment (in maner and f\2or\1me) (28) like as in c\2er\1teyn dedis endentid. there of made be twene the seid p\2ar\1ties pleynly aperith The (29) which xxiiij\2ti\1 li be yere the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn be covyne and confederacie hadde be twene hym and the seid Roberd (30) Aleyn and Thomas Cotes with (all maner of) p\2ro\1fites comynge of the seid londis and ten\2emen\1tes withholdith (31) vntrewly ayens all reson and concience in his owne hand and paieth yo\2ur\1 seid. suppliaunt no peny nor no peny wolde paye (32) this ij. yere and an half. (last pased) and more And (also hath felde downe) all the tymbr\2e\1 of the seid lyflode to the (33) value of an C li and more and makith wast fro day to day. And latith the housyng of the seid lyflode falle doune and go to (34) noght for lakke of rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on in his defaute (Please hit) to yo\2ur\1 highne(sse to considere thes p\2re\1misses) (35) and be yo\2ur\1 most noble and high discrec\2i\1on to ordeyne that yo\2u\1r seid Suppliaunt myght haue Writtes direct (36) to the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn (Robert Aleyn and Thomas Cotes)\4^2\1 to appere before you in the Chauncerie. with ynne xl. dayes aftir the (37) date of the seid writts at Westm\2inster\1 (And that the seid tresspasours be ponysshid for the seid riottes opp\2re\1s sions (38) and offences aftir their deserte)\4^2\1 and yf the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn apere to the writ aforeseide. that thanne (39) be yo\2ur\1 discrec\2i\1on restore the seid Suppliaunt to the seid londis and ten\2emen\1t\4g\1 yf hit be founde be due (40) examinac\2i\1on that the seid rente of xxiij li be yere was be hy(nd) noght paied to yo\2ur\1 seid (Suppliaunt at) eny (41) t\2er\1me with ynne the seide dedis endentid. comprised. with the damages that the seid besecher hath hadde in this p\2ar\1tie. (42) And in cas the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyne a pere noght in the Chauncerie to the seid writ. that thanne lyke you to ordeyne that (43) yo\2ur\1 seid supplaiunt be restorid to the seid londis and ten\2emen\1tes in maner and fo\2r\1me afore seid. with all (44) maner of damages that he hath hadde in this p\2ar\1tie . . .\4^3\1 Considering of yo\2ur\1 rightwosenesse that yo\2ur\1 seid (45) Suppliaunt hath no more lyflode to lyve vpon / nor dar nethir ride nor go late nor rathe in to Essex nor Midd\2lesex\1 where the (46) seid londis and ten\2emen\1tis lieth for to distreyne nor for to make non entre (in the seid londis and) te\2nmen\1tis (47) nor dar not nor ys noght of power in no maner of wise p\2ur\1sue be lawe. ayen the seid will\2ia\1m for his damages nor can haue (48) non officer to execute no writ ayens the seid will\2ia\1m Aleyn whiles he s(tondith) in his office aforeseid And that for (49) the love of god and in the weye of Charite.} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xxxi-ii] #$% \4^1\1 [cancel] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [erasure] #$ #$ After 1432 C1/1/42 Petition of Geiffrey Qwyncy of Norwich (right side damaged; matter in parentheses supplied from \2PC\1) #$%{(1) To my right worthy and gracious Lorde the Bisshop of Bathe Chaunceler of Ingelond #$%Besecheth lowly youre pouere seruaunt (2) Gieffrey Qwyncy Citeseyn and Chaundeler of Norwich that where he trewly vseth and hath vsed to bye and selle suche marchaundises (3) as lo(ngeth to his crafte by the wightes accordyng) to the estandarde of the kynges escheker / And also atte excitac\2i\1on (4) of the pouer poeple / hath made candell of talghe with weyke of flex / to serve hem aswell / and as longe to endure as candell (5) (made with weyke of cotoun / sellyng ther of) contynuelly to *em *at verraily knowe the seid weyke made of flax / (6) a pounde lesse by a ferthyng thanne of candell. made with weyke of Cotoun / to gret refresshyng of (the seid pouer poeple / There Robert (7) Landasdale and William) Hempstede Shirreves of the seid Citee this last yeer for as moche as Cotoun was lyke to be at lasse (8) price in the seid Citee / if candell were vsuelly made there with weyke (of flex / And for the seide Gieffrey wolde not selle suche) (9) Marchaundise as longeth to his crafte by wightes by the seide late Shirreves ordeyned / not accordyng to the seid estandarde / wher of (10) every pounde weighte is half an (vnce hevier thanne the pounde of the seide estandarde whiche) wighte *e seid Gieffrey hath (11) redy to shewe by colour of heer office / brak & entrid *e hows of \4t\2e\1 seid Gieffrey & CCxx li of candell / & a pece (12) of bras of hefe of a pound weighte ensealed & acordyng to *e (seide estandarde whar by *e seid Gieffry vsed to (13) bye and selle took . . . ) body arested & imprisoned & notwithstondyng \4t\2e\1 seid Gieffrey profered to hem sufficeant (14) suertee of a M\2l\1 m\2a\1rc to appere in his owen p\2er\1sone beforn *em / whanne and where they wolde desire / they (hym withhelden (15) in prison vnto the tyme the seide . . .) the seide late Shirreves xx \2s\1 for his delyveraunce / and made his frendes (16) william Love and Iohn ffit\4g\1 be bounden to the seide late Shirreves in xl li wherfor and by(cause *e seide late Shirreves (17) ne wolde not . . .) werkyng ageyn the seide Gieffry / ne in his owen persone sued to your good Lordship / and of (youre) grace hadde (18) too writtes sub pena directe to the same late Shirreves / the which (writtes the seide Gieffrey delivered to . . .) by (19) cause of which writtes thus delyvered the same late Shirreves forthwith vpon the seide lyvere of the seide writtes / wrongfully (20) arested the seide Gieffrey and hym inprison(ed and hym so beyng prisoner ledde . . .) bisily intreted hym to receyve (21) a geyn the seide writtes / and for the worship of heer estates to fynde hem suerete of C li by obligac\2i\1on symple to profre & (22) leye beforn hem xl li / affermyng and (be hestyng to the seid Gieffry . . .) he shuld treuly forthwith have his monye (23) ageyn and livere of the seide obligac\2i\1ons / by which trete the seide Gieffrey trostyng verrily to heer seide behestes receyved (24) ageyn the seide writtes and made Edmund Ripon (& \4t\2e\1 seide Iohn ffitz be bounde by . . .) seide late Shirreves in (25) C li and by full harde menes chevised and leyed / beforn \4t\2e\1 seide late Shirreves the seide xl li as they desired / whervpon the (26) seide late Shirreves delyvred to \4t\2e\1 seid Gieffrey the (seide obligac\2i\1ons and xxli . . .) of *e (27) seide xl. li wrongfully by extorc\2i\1on ageyne heer seid behestes took & kepe to heer owen vse to *e verray distrucion (28) & aneyntisyng of \4t\2e\1 poer degre of *e seid (Gieffrey) Please it to youre (graciouse Lordship . . .) Chauncerie the seide late (29) Shirreves in suche fourme and tyme as pleseth to yow / to be examined of these matiers and to abide your rightfull reule and ordinaunce (30) of the (same Bryngyng with hem the . . .) takyn of the seide Gieffrey & a pounde weyghte suche as they have compelled the seide Gieffrey and other (31) Chaundeleres in the seide Citee to selle by heer Marchaundises (Consideryng of your gret grace the poverte . . .) and that he in this case hath no remedeye atte co\2mun\1e lawe} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xxxii-iii] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1433 E28/54/42 Petition of Thomas Walton, Chamberlain of North Wales #$%{(1) To the kyng oure sou\2er\1aigne lorde. #$%Besecheth mekely Thomas Walton late Chamberlayn of Northwales \4t\2at\1 where as (2) a subsidie of CCCC marc was g\2ra\1nted to oure sou\2er\1aigne lord youre fadir whos saule god assoile by the comyns of the (3) Counte of Caernarvan paiable at certain dayes comp\2re\1hendet in the said graunt the whech CCCC marc the said besecher hathe (4) knawlaget in his acompte And vnswared to youe sou\2er\1aigne lord of CCCl marc \4t\2er\1 of as hit apperyth by his accompt\4g \1 (5) in youre Escheker of recorde & the Barons of youre said Escheker hath put him to vnsware why hit schuld not be demyd an concelement (6) for asmeche as omission was made of paiement of .l. marc p\2ar\1c ell of the forsaid CCCC marc in the said acompt\4g\1. the wheche (7) l. marc the said besecher neu\2er\1 recevuyd ne no p\2ar\1cell ther of but hit remaynes in the collocto\2ur\1s hondes of the saide (8) Counte. the which in the said Escheker the said besecher hath p\2re \1tendet to au\2er\1re as the Court wold a ward. Neu\2er\1 the (9) lesse the said besecher hath made gree & payet the forsaid. l. marc in youre seid Escheker to youe sou\2er\1aigne lord as hit ap peryth (10) in youre said Escheker of recorde / Please hit vnto youre high & g\2ra\1ciouse lordship be the avise of youre full wise Consell (11) to consider the longe seruice \4t\2at\1 the said besecher hath don a fore *is tyme Als well to oure said sou\2er\1aigne lorde (12) youre fadir as to youe sou\2er\1aigne lorde & the greuouse vexacion \4t\2at\1 the said besecher hathe hade. (13) hath & most have continuelly to *is mat\2er\1 be det\2er\1mynet if hit schulde falle in triall in the Contre & non avauntage to (14) youe sou\2er\1ayn lord \4t\2er\1opon to graunt a priue seall dirett vnto youre Tresorer & to youre Barons of youre said (15) Escheker to discharge finally the said besecher of the maters afore saide receyuyng of the saide besecher .x. (marc)\4^1\1 li\4^2\1 for a fyn (16) in eschewyn of the cost labo\2ur\1 & trauaill \4t\2at\1 the said besecher schuld have aboute the triall of the said mat\2er\1 (17) for goddes love & in way of charite: #$% (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre .I. Ebor I. Bathon Canc W lincoln Suffolk Scrop hungerford } #$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] \4^2\1 [interlinear insertion] #$ #$ 1433 SC8/277/13830 Petition of Commons concerning the Stews in Southwark #$%{(1) Please Hit to the wysdome and high dyscrecion of the worschipfull Comunes in this present p\2ar\1lement (2) assemblid to consyder a gret myschief in late dayes begonne Among vntrwe lyvers and peple withe oute conscience and (3) yet duellyng in a Suspect and wycked place called the Stwys in the Burgh of Southewerke in the Shire (4) of Surr\2ey\1 That ys to wete how that withe In fewe dayes diuerse p\2er\1sones of ryght gret poverte and ryght (5) disolute govern\2a\1unce withe in a fewe yeres dwellynge in the sayd suspecte place as well by recettyng (6) of comon women thefes mansleers and avoutoures as by murdererys and prive Roberyes done ther by hem selff (7) and other many withe oute pitye trowthe and good conscience ther pryvile logyd haue sodenly comyn to gret Rychesse (8) and ther withe purchasyd gret lyvelode of londes and tenementys to ryght grete value yerly and by (9) cause of sufficyaunt of freholde so purchased haue bene ofte returned by the shereve of the shire and other (10) Bayllefs and sworen in enquestes as well for felonyes and trespases be twene the kyng and partie / and p\2ar\1tie (11) (& p\2ar\1tie)\4^1\1 as in assises and othere pleys of londe afore diu\2er\1se Iuges of oure liege lorde in hys (12) courtes And afore the Stward and marchall of hys houshold thorugh whiche causes many and dyuerse dysherytaunces and wrongfull (13) condempnac\2i\1ons of many true lyege men of oure souerayne lorde haue ben hadde and many murderyrys of (14) men and notarye theves have ben sauyd and gret morderyes and robberyes conseled and passed vnponischyd and how the (15) sayd suspecte peple enhabyte hem in Comune hostryes and tauernys in the high strete of the sayd bu\2r\1gh ther (16) Recettyng theves comune women and other mysdoers in lyk wyse as they deden atte the sayd suspecte place (17) of the stwys / like hit to youre high dyscrec\2i\1ons these p\2re\1misses consydered and that suche peple (18) withe oute consience mowe not of reson be vnderstonden worthi of trouthe nor to bere witnesse of trouthe in (19) any cause wher ryght ys to be enquered to praye the kyng oure souerayne lorde that by the assent of the lordes (20) espirituele and temp\2or\1ele and by auctorite of this present p\2ar\1lement to ordeyne (that yef)\4^2\1 any suche (21) p\2er\1sone be retorned by any shereff bayllef or other mynisterys of oure souerayne lorde the kyng in the sayd (22) Shire of Surr\2ey\1 or by ony mynister afore the stuarde and marchall of the kynges houshold that as well for the (23) kyng as for any p\2ar\1tye he (maye in)\4^2\1 all tymes here after be chalenged and the chalenge in this p\2ar\1tye (24) allowed for the cause aforesayd And also that no\2n\1 suche that haue so duellyd atte the sayd Stwys be (25) sufferyd to holde any comune hostrie nor taverne in any other place withe in the sayd Sutwerk sauf (26) only atte the sayd Stwys in estcheuyng of mur(dere)ris\4^3\1 robberyes and avoutries that ellys ben lykly to ben (27) hadde And that the Iustice\4g\1 of the pees in the sayd Shire of Surr\2ey\1 haue (power to enquere)\4^1\1 of all such (28) holders of hostries and tauernis and to punysche hem that suche ben by f(yn and raunson and)\4^1\1 enprisonyng of her (29) bodyes after the dyscrec\2i\1on of the sayd Iustice\4g\1 for the love of god and in waye of Charitee} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.447.1] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] \4^3\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1436 SC8/27/1309 Petition of Commons concerning the Stews of Southwark #$%{(1) Please hit to the Wisedomes and hye discrecions of the Worshipfull Co\2mun\1es in this p\2re\1sent parlement (2) assembled to consider two grete meschiefs nowe in late dayes bygonnen by vntrywe lyvers and people with owte consciens (3) and yet dwellyng in the Burgh of Suthwerk in the Shire of Surr\2ey\1 / Oon is that howe nowe late by Auctorite of (4) parlement was ordeyned and stablet that no p\2er\1son that had dwelled at the co\2mun\1e Stywes shulde hald any co\2mun\1e (5) hostryes ne co\2mun\1e Tavernes with yn the saide B(u rg)h\4^1\1 ne thay shulde not passe in no maner enquestes with yn (6) the saide Shire safe only at the saide co\2mun\1e Stywes the whiche ordenaunce hath been to grete weel of alle the honest (7) people of the saide Burgh and Shire and put awey mony and grete p\2er\1iuries robberyes and other inconueniences (8) And nowe syn that tyme ther be comyn other strange p\2er\1sones and have set vp Stywehouses and houses of bordell and vnclene (9) lyvers with yn the hye stretes and among the honest dwellers of the saide Burgh and there they herber and refet alle maner of (10) myslyvers and avowterers theefs robbers mansleers and other myslyvers wherthurgh meny wemen ben ravysshed and brought (11) to evil levyng neightbores and strangers ofte tymes robbed and murdred that vnnethese any p\2er\1sone dar passe thair (12) house fro nyght come And also nowe late tyme ther been certeyn Alienes callid fflemmynges that have set vp co\2mun\1e (13) hostryes and co\2mun\1e Tavernes with yn the saide Burgh where ynne thay refet and herber alle maner Alienes and (14) strangers as wel ffrensshmen and Picardes as flemmynges and alle other nacions aswel Aduersaries to oure souu\2er\1ayn (15) lord the kyng as frendes and there thay han thair comenycacions and metynges by thaym self nought sufferyng any englisshman (16) to be herbered or come among hem / by the whiche Alienes and strangers by liklynesse the Counseill ordenaunce and purveaunce (17) of oure saide souu\2er\1ayn lord and his trywe liege people is discovered to his Adu\2er\1saries his custumes and (18) dywtees embesiled and conceiled to hym grete p\2re\1iudice and alle his liege people / Thees p\2re\1misses considered (19) like hit to youre high discrecions to pray the kyng oure sou u\2er\1ayn lord by the Assent of the lordes sp\2irit\1uels (20) and temp\2or\1els and by Auctorite of this p\2re\1sent parlement to graunte and ordeyne that no maner of p\2er\1sone (21) in eny tyme to come be hardy to take vppon hym to holde ne kepe any maner Stywes ne houses of bordell and vnclene lyvers in any place with yn (22) the saide Burgh safe only atte place called the co\2mun\1e Stywes on peyne of enprisonement of their bodyes by xl dayes (23) and makyng fyne and raunsom atte kynges will / And that no maner persone Aliene holde ne kepe co\2mun\1e hostrye ne (24) co\2mun\1e Taverne in any place with yn the saide Burgh after the fest of Estire next comyng on peyne of enprisonement (25) and makyng fyne and raunsom in the fourme abovesaide / And that the Iustices of pees in the saide Shire and the kynges baillif (26) of the saide Burgh for the tyme beyng and every of hem have power at alle tymes that thaym shal seme nedeful and expedient (27) to enquere in the saide Burgh of thees p\2re\1misses And opon alle suche p\2er\1sones as thay or any of thaym fynde gilty (28) and dywly convycte afore thaym to do excucion and punysshement in the maner and fourme byforseide for Charite}] #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.511.1]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1433 SC8/26/l281 Petition concerning the murder of Isabell by her husband John Carpenter of Sussex (right side torn) #$%(1) A Roy n\2ot\1re sou\2er\1ain s\2eigneu\1r #$% {Besechen humbly youre Comunes of this p\2re\1sent (2) parliament. that where one Iohn Carpenter of Brydh\2a\1m in the Shire of Sussex husbundman (the vii daye of (3) Fevever the yere of youre noble reigne the viii\2te)\4^1\1 saying to Isabell his wijff that was of the Age. of xvj\2e\1. (4) yere and had be maried to him but xv dayes. that they wolde go to gedre on Pilgre(mage and made to arraye hir in (5) hir best arraie and toke hir with)\4^1\1 hym fro the said Toun of Brydh\2a\1m to the Toun of Stoghton in the (6) said Shire. And there in a woode he smote the said Isabell his wijff (on the hede that the brayne wende oute (7) and with his knyff)\4^1\1 yaf hire many other dedly wound\2es\1. And streped hir naked out of hir clothes (8) and toke his knyff and slitte hir bely fro the breste doun & (toke hir bowels oute of hir body and)\4^1\1 (9) loked if she were with Childe And thus the said Iohn mourdered horrebely his wijff. of the which horryble (10) mourdure the thoursday (next after the Fest of Seint Ambrose the Bishop the)\4^1\1 yere of your Reigne bi for said the (11) said Iohn was endyteth bi for Sire Iohn Bohun. knyght henri husee knyght and william (12) (Sydney youre Commissioners of youre pees withinne)\4^1\1 the Shire forsaid and proces made oute (13) vpon the same endytement according to youre lawe. til the same Iohn Carpenter was oute(lawed of the said (14) mourdure and nowe graciously for the same)\4^1\1 cause Arest. and in youre Prisone called the kyng\2es\1 benche. (15) Please hit to your hie Rightwysnesse to considre the horrible mourdur (fore said)\4^1\1 . . .\4^2\1 And by auctorite (16) of this your hie Court of Parliament to ordeine that this said Iohn Carpenter may be Iuged as a Traytour (and (17) yat youre Iugges have power to yeve Iugement)\4^1\1 vpon him to be draw. and hanged as a Traytour . . .\4^2\1 in (18) Eschewyng of such horrible (mourdurs in tyme comyng Savyng allwey to the)\4^1\1 lord\2es\1 of the ffee. Eschete\4g\1 (19) of his land\2es\1 aftire yere. day and wast} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.447.43]#$% \4^1\1 [torn off; supplied from \2RP\1] \4^2\1 [cancelled]#$ #$ 1433 Fragment joined to C49/21/14 Proclamations and Petition concerning the safety of Members of Parliament (damaged) #$%{(1) the kyng woll *at if any assaute or affray be. made. to eny lord . . . p\2ar\1lement. (or elles to *e kynges counseille by)\4^1\1 (2) his comaund . . . conseill *at thenne p\2ro\1cla macion be made thre sondry dayes in *e . . . made. *at *e. (3) partie. so offendyng appere. byfore. *e. kyng in his . . . if it be. in terme. tyme. or elles atte. *e. next day (4) in t\2er\1me. tyme folo . . . desired #$ 1433 RP IV.453.60 (Conclusion) #$% Le Roy voet, q\2ue\1 si ascun assaut ou affraye soit fait a ascun Seign\2eu\1r Espirituel ou Temporell, Chivaler de Countee, Citezein ou Burgeis, venuz au Parlement, ou au Counseil du Roy p\2ar\1 son commandement, & la esteant & entendant au Parlement, ou au Counseil; q'adonq\2ue\1s soit Proclamation fait p\2ar\1 trois jours severalx, en la pluis overt lieu de la Ville ou l'assaut ou affraye fuist enty fait, q\2ue\1 la partie qi face tiel l'assaut ou affraie, soy rende devaunt le Roy en son Bank, deinz un quarter d'un an apres la Proclamation fait, s'il soit el temps du terme, ou autrement all prochein jour en temps de terme, ensuant le dit quarter, a faire & receivere en manere come il este desire p\2ar\1 la Petition. #$ 1444 C49/26/4 Ancient Petition (damaged; material in parentheses supplied from \2RP\1) #$%(5) P(ra)yen the comune (in this) p\2re\1sent parliament assembled that it please vnto the kyng our sou\2er\1ain lord by *avis (6) of his lordes sp\2ir\1ituell and temp\2or\1ell in *e said parliament beyng (to ordeine estable) and auctorise in the said (7) parliament and by auctorite of the same that if any p\2er\1sone or p\2er\1sones make any assault or affray vpon the said lordes (8) or comunes or vpon any of hem (beyng in the seid) parliament or from thens re to\2ur\1nyng homeward or vpon any lord knyght of the Shire (9) Cite\4g\1ein or burgeis at any tyme here after by the kynges comandement comyng to (high court of) parliament \4t\2ere\1 (10) abidyng or from thens reto\2ur\1nyng to his dwellyng place. *at *en the seid lord knyght of the Shire Cite\4g\1ein (11) or burgeys vpon whom suche assault or affray is (made have such writte or writtes of proclama)cion as by an Act of *e said p\2re\1sent (12) parliament for s\2ir\1e Thomas Parr knyghte is in like cas ordeined to be hade. to be directed (to such) Sherif of Sherifs (13) (where the trespas is supposed to be done) retournable or retournables at eny day to be desired by *e same p\2ar\1tie compleignant (14) aforne the kyng in his benche. the same p\2ar\1tie compleignant to haue \4t\2er\1e(upon such app\2er\1ance) or els upon *e (15) default of app\2er\1ance of the p\2er\1son or p\2er\1sones vpon whom it is in *at p\2ar\1tie compleigned suche (16) execucion as is ordeined also in the seid Acte for the seid s\2ir\1 Tho(mas)} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.111.41] #$% \4^1\1 [over erasure in a different hand] #$ #$ 1433 SC8/27/1303 Petition of Wylliam Warwyk of Salisbury #$%{(1) To the ryght wise & discrete Comunes of thys P\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement#$% Shewith lowely wylliam warwyk of Salesbery (2) marchant how that late he sende in to Bretayn water Trenchevile hys seruant factour and attournay to marchandise ther wyth (3) wollen cloth of diu\2er\1s colours which cost hym here in Englond CC. li. at the ferst byeng by sidis custumis subsidijs (4) and other costis for the shippyng and saue hauyng ouer of the same cloth which seruant with the same cloth in the (5) monthe of October *e ix\2e\1 yer of the reigne of oure sou\2er\1ayne lorde \4t\2at\1 now ys arived / at (6) Gildo in Bretayn forsayd and there hade eschangid *e same cloth for canevas Tressecloth and other marchandise (7) of \4t\2at\1 contray Ther the lord of Mountassi lond lord of the same port of Gildo nat consideryng *e (8) (pees)\4^1\1 and trewys *oo had by twene oure sou\2er\1ayn lord and the duk of Brytayn and soworne by the same duk (9) nor consideryng the lett\2re\1s of the saue condut and saue(gard the)\4^2\1 which *e said seruant (10) *oo had and shewid as wel vnder the seal of the sayd Duk as vnder the seal of same lord whiche lett\2re\1s (11) the sayd william warwyk hath yet to shewe toke the said seruant and hys (cloth and)\4^2\1 marchandise (12) and brought ham in to hys Castel of Gildo and imprisoned *e same seruant and Ingyned hym so *at he (13) was in point of deth and after ward made hym fast iij days wyth out mete and (drynke)\4^2\1 and thanne putte (14) hym to fynance to pay .l. li. for hys deliu\2er\1ance wher of the sayde lord by the hondys of hys pourtour of (15) the said Castell and other of hys minystres *ere toke and was (payd at seynt malwis)\4^2\1 (16) of the sayde william warwyk of .xxviij. li. iij s.iiij d. in marchaundyse in party of payment of the saide l. li. and (17) afterward *e same lord of muntassiland for as moche as the said william war(wike)\4^2\1 as wel by (18) priue seals oute of thys lond as by supplicac\2i\1ons made ther in the name of hys said seruant suwyd to the (19) saide Duk for the deliu\2er\1ance of hys sayde seruant and of hys said godys and (marchaundises)\4^2\1 lete (20) take *e sayd seruant and cast hym oute ouer hys castell wall to the see and drowened hym and kepyth styll (21) al the forsaid canvas Tressecloth and marchandises to hys owne use ayen *e forme (of the)\4^2\1 (22) Trewys saue condutis and save gardys by for seid to the harmys of the sayd william warwyk of CCCC. li. in anientesing (23) of the pover degree of the sayd bysecher (but due remedie be hastylych)\4^2\1 ordeyned and purueyd for hym (24) in thys p\2ar\1tie Plese hyt to yowre wyse discrecions to considere al thys for seyd mat\2er\1s and there apon to (25) pray the kyng oure sou\2er\1ayne lord to ordeyne by autoritee (of thys)\4^2\1 p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement (26) *at hyt be lawfull to the sayd besecher to sese and take such godys and marchandyses of the sayd lord of mountassilant (27) and of hys tenantys and s\2er\1uant\4g\1 to (*e walwe of CCC. li. as)\4^2\1 he shal mowe fynde here after in (28) eny p\2ar\1tys of the lond geresey or garnesey in ful re(com)pense\4^3\1 of hys lose and harme by foresayd (29) with oute inpechement of oure said sou\2er\1ayn (lord and of his heires)\4^2\1 in tyme comyng for the loue of god and in the way of Charitee} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.475.23]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] \4^3\1 ["com" superior insert]#$ #$ 1433-50 C1/2/18(21) Petition of John Bredhill, retainer of John Bate, Clerk of Chancery #$%{(1) To the worshipfull ffado\2r\1 in god Iohn Bisshop of Bathe Chauncellere of Engelond #$%Compleyneth your pore (2) orato\2r\1 Iohn Bredhill p\2ar\1son of the chirche of kyngesswynford oon of the s\2er\1uantes of Iohn Bate Clerk (3) of the Chauncery of our sou\2er\1eyn lord the kyng that Iohn Sutton knyght Iohn Sheldon Iohn Clerk Thomas yonge & Thomas (4) Bradley the tewseday in whitson wike the yere of the regne of our sou\2er\1eyn lord the kyng xvj wronfully entred in to the (5) p\2ar\1sonage of your seid suppliant at kyngessynford in the Counte of Stafford and ther breke vp iiij Cofors & bere away (6) alle his godes. that is to sey j Bibull (historia scholastica)\4^1\1 the maisto\2r\1 of stories / j legend aurea. j pupille. the (7) eu\2a\1ngelistes glosed ij gloses vppon Iob. Alquyn vppon sentence. Alquyn de veritatib\4g\1. viij Bokes of Ph\2ilo soph\1ie. (8) j Bok de regimi\2n\1e p\2ri\1n\2cip\1or\2um\1 nobil\2um\1 . iij Bokes of Bonauenture iiij. Bokes of s\2er\1mons. the (9) maisto\2r\1 of sentence Augustyn de caritate. a docto\2r\1 vppon luke. j myssal ij portuose. xl volumes of G\2ra\1mare logik (10) Rethorik & otho\2r\1 science with stuffe of Parchyment & papire whiche godes were worth: l. li. #$%Also they toke away x li in money. xiij. spon(es of)\4^2\1 silu\2er\1. j mas\2er\1. iij paire (11) bedes of corall. j paire bedes of aumbo\2r\1. j paire bedes of gete vj broches vj rynges. ij Beddes of bokerh\2a\1m hangyng. (12) j silo\2r\1 with a testo\2r\1. ij Cou\2er\1lettes of Tapsery j Cou\2er\1lette of wostede xvj cou\2er\1lettes vj blankettes (13) iij mat\2r\1ace iij Bolsters xviij shetes viij Bordclothes xx sanappes. iij gownes furred ij hodes v hures.j Dowbelette (14) iij Chistes iiij Cofors. v bassyns. iij lavors ij paire trostell. iij tabull iiij Chaiers j bras potte of xvj galons (15) vj pannes vij pottes iij brandardes. iij yron broches iij frying pannes ij gredyrons iiij kichon knyves vj Chandellers. v salors (16) iiijxx peces of peauto\2r\1 vessell vij q\2ua\1rt\2er\1s of Boef v Bakons vj turnell viij Barell for ale. j bras mort\2er\1 (17) with a pestell of yron. A Chymney of yron ij wyn botell ij pottes of letho\2r\1. j. dorser iij Bankers x quysshons. j herneysed (18) girdill. xx lb wex. v yerdes of Blanket viij ellon of lynnon cloth x lb of lynnon yorn. ij paire wightes for gold. j. dial (19) a bowe. xxiiij arowes j habo\2r\1yon & j sweyrd whiche godes were worth: xlviij. li. #$%Also they toke a way. x b\2ushel\4g\1 of (20) rie iij quarts of malt. j mowe of rie j wayn j payre wheles. j dongewayn CC thraves of stre iiij shoveles iiij spades j plough (21) iiij yockes. v kyn ij Calves iij Bores j Mere ij Coltes xvj hogges x pigges x Capons x hennes & vj mavlers whiche godes were worth (22) xvj li. x. s. #$%Also they toke vp the p\2ro\1fites of the chirche that is to sey xxx teithe lambes xij ston of teithe (23) wolle. the teithe hay the offerynges the p\2ro\1fites of the glebe the gardyn the chirche yerd and also they hewen doun (24) & brende his wodes & destroied his houses hegges & diches in harmes & valo\2ue\1 of : xj. li.#$%And also they putte away (25) his s\2er\1uantes that is to sey s\2ir\1 Iohn Mere p\2re\1st Richard Bredhill Thom\2a\1s Morley & Iohn webbe by whiche your (26) seid suppliant myssed the s\2er\1uice of his seid s\2er\1uantes by the space of xij wekes to the harmes of .x.li vnto the vtterest (27) vndoyng of your seid suppliant Wherfore the seid suppliant bi secheth your g\2ra\1cious ffado\2r\1hode of remedie afto\2r\1 (28) reson & conscience at the high reu\2er\1ence of the holy Trinite.} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xvii] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1434 E28/54/43 Petition of the Mayor and Citizens of Limerick #$%{(1) To the kyng our sou\2er\1ayne lord and to his Ri\4g\1te wise counseill #$%Besichith mekely the Mair and the co\2m\1 i\2n\1alte (2) of your Cite of Lymerik / in the parties of Irland That wher Harrie late kyng of Ingland fader of our sou\2er\1aigne (3) lord kyng that nowe is by his l\2ett\1res patente\4g\1 grauntyd to the Mair and com\2in\1alte of the saide (4) Cite thair heires and successours among other thyng\2es\1 foreu\2er\1 more that they scholde haue alle man\2er\1e p\2ro\1ffites of (5) alle man\2er\1e plees with in the saide Cite fines Am\2er\1c iament\2es\1 forfaitures and other diu\2er\1ce p\2ro\1ffites (6) and co\2m\1moditees to take by thair owne officers to thair owne vse / as in the same l\2ett\1res patente\4g\1 playnely (7) apperith in resistens of thair enemyes your rebellious in the saide lande And that Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell sufficeant (8) Cite\4g\1eins of the same Cite my\4g\1te take and resseyuen alle the fines Am\2er\1ciament\2es\1 and alle other p\2ro\1 ffites (9) and co\2m\1moditees after the fourme and affecte of the same l\2ett\1res patente\4g\1 / And the same p\2ro\1ffites (10) and co\2m\1moditees to dispende and besette in rep\2ar\1a c\2i\1ons of the wallis and other diffences of the same Cite / (11) the whiche stonden now in grete dispair and drede by cause that diewe rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on is not made And over that the saide (12) Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell my\4g\1te ben accomp table yerelye vnto the Mair and Bailiff\2es\1 of the saide Cite for (13) the tyme beyng of alle the p\2ro\1ffites and co\2m\1moditees so by ham at eny tyme taken and resseuyd in the man\2er\1e and (14) fourme as in the saide l\2ett\1res patente\4g\1 it is conteigned like it vn to your gracious lordeschipp by Auys of your counseill (15) to considery the meschieff that the saide Cite stondith in and like is for to stonde by cause aforsaid / by your l\2ett\1res patente\4g \1 (16) vnder your grete seal to ord\2ey\1ne and assigne the saide Thomas Comyn and Phelipp Russell to take and resseyue alle the (17) saide p\2ro\1ffites and co\2m\1moditees and ham to dispende and bysette on the co\2m\1u\2n\1e p\2ro\1ffites of the saide Cite (18) And yerelye therof for to accompte in man\2er\1e and fourme afore ywrete in saluac\2i\1on of alle the kyng\2es\1 lieges (19) conu\2er\1saunt and diwellyng with in the saide Cite / for the loue of god and in waye of charitee. #$% (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre H Cantuar .I. Ebor .I. Bathon Canc Richard I huntington Suffolk } #$ #$ 1435 SC8/27/1307 Petition of Thomas Norton of Bristol #$%{(1) To the wyse and discrete Comunes of this present parliament #$%Beseketh yowe mekely Thomas Norton of Bristowe that there he (2) hath a bille hongyng before the lordes of the kynges Counsaill ayenst Thomas Stamford of the same tovne which comprehendyth (3) twayn mate\2r\1s: On is of the brekyng and the rasyng of the seales of a dede ymade by by Cristian Nele vndir her seal (4) and the Maires seal of Bristowe to on william Combe In fee simple of certeyne londes and ten\2emen\1t\4g\1 in (5) the (burgh)\4^1\1 \4p\1tovne\4P^2\1 of Bristowe before sayd: And bonde her and her heres to the (6) warante: The which william enfeffed Ths Spelly of P\2or\1oell of thes londes and ten\2emen\1t\4g\1 in fee: the which Ths (7) deuysed this londe to Thomas Norton in his testament aftir the olde custom in the tovne be fore sayd in fee for eu\2er\1 more And (8) the othir mat\2er\1 is (that)\4^1\1 the sayd Thomas Stamford feyned a fals action of dette in the name of Iohn Mavyoll (9) in a foreyn Counte that is to say in the shire of Surr\2ey\1 p\2ro\1ces contynewed in to the tyme that the said suppliant (10) was outlawed. where ther neuer was no contracte be twene the said Iohn Mavyoll and the said suppliant in the said shire nor (11) in no nother shire: the which bille was endosed to the lordes of the counsaill of kynge herry the fyfte that dede is on (12) whos soule god have m\2er\1cy vnder the fo\2ur\1me that folwyth: that the lordes of the said counsaill for the tyme (13) beyng shuld haue power be auctorite of parlement to here and determyn all mat\2er\1es contenyd whith in the same (14) petycion by suche wey and p\2ro\1cesse as it semyth best to her discrecions: by force of whiche autorite the said (15) lordes sende out a wrytte lyke as the bille required to Rob\2er\1t Russell late Maire of Bristowe and Rogir . . .\4^3\1 (16) and Walter Mylton late baillifs of the said tovne to c\2er\1tifie vnto hem whether that this said Thomas (17) Stamford knovlegged the rasyng and the brekyng of the seales of the said dede or no. lyke as hit was surmy(se)d (18) in . . .\4^3\1 the which late Maire and baillifs haue c\2er\1tified vnto the lordes of the said counsell vndir her seales and the (19) Maires seal of office of the said tovne fro worde to worde lyke as it is in a cedule annexed her to: the which is afore (20) th(e lordes\4^3\1 in the counsell oforeseyd: Also for asmych that the l)ordes of the counsaill wold be assertid of the v\2er\1rey (21) trevthe of this mat\2er\1e they co\2m\1maundyd to come afore hem Sir Iohn Iuyn Chief Baron of the Escheker at that tyme beyng (22) (re)corder\4^3\1 of Bristowe and Robert longe at that time beyng of Counsaill of the said Thomas Stamford the (23) which forsoke hym for his vntreuth and made hem to swere vpon a boke to enforme hem trewely what they knewe of the brekyng (24) of the said dede and rasyng of the seales of the same: the which sir Iohn Iuyn and Rob\2er\1t longe hath affermed the (25) same c\2er\1tificate lyke as the Maire and baillifs c\2er\1tified: the which examinacion is of record afore (26) the lordes of the counsaill So hangyng this mat\2er\1 vn . . .\4^1\1 by the decesse of the said kynge herry the fyfte the said bille (27) exspired: And aftir ward the said bille and the Actes ther vpon made were autorysed and affermed in the p\2ar\1lement (28) of oure liege lorde that nowe is yholde the monday next be fore the feste of seynt Martyn the yere of his reigne the (29) ferste wyth the same power and more yeue to the lordes of the kynges counsaill that nowe is wyth all autorites (30) c\2er\1tificacions examinacions wyth all the munyeles and circumstances of the same the which is afore the said (31) lordes of record: Which power was co\2m\1mitted by the lordes a bove said to sir william Babyngton chief Iustice (32) of the comyn place and Iohn Cotayne another Iustice of the same place to here and det\2er\1myn these mat\2er\1es (33) a bove said: the which Iugges dyd come afore them the sayd Thomas Stamford and made hym to wryte his answer to the (34) said mat\2er\1es and the sayd Thomas Norton replid in writyng And dyu\2er\1ses days yafe to the (said)\4^1\1 Thomas (35) Stamford to remue: So that he had a day p\2er\1emtorely atte last to remue and to come in and to abyde the revle (36) of the said Iustices: At the which day he was called solemp(ly)\4^4\1 and appered not and so made defaut as hit apperith a fore the (37) lordes of record be relacion of the same Iugges: And so for lakkyng of power they myght not p\2ro\1cede to the ende and (38) det\2er\1minacion of the mat\2er\1es above said That hit please vnto yowe to pray oure sou\2er\1aigne lord the (39) kynge and all the lordes espirituell and temporelx of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement seth that this mat\2er\1e is thus (40) y c\2er\1tified and examynyd to ordeigne (by auctoryte of parlement)\4^1\1 that this said dede may be also stronge and effectuell in lawe as hit was any tyme afore (41) the brekyng ther of (sauyng eu\2er\1y p\2er\1son here answer there to suche as they scholde haue hadde a fore that the (42) seide dede was broke whenne he was yn streyngth thys petic\2i\1on not wythstondyng)\4^1\1 And \4t\2at\1 the said suppliant may haue (43) his costes and damag\2es\1 aftir the discrecion of the sayd Iugges (or els westship & Iuyn)\4^1\1 And as touchyng (44) to the vntrewe sute that was taken in a foren shire by the said Thomas Stamford that the said Iugges (45) (or els westship & Iuyne)\4^1\1 mowe haue pleyn power by autorite of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement to send for the said (46) Thomas Stamford and duely examine hym and other aftir her discrecions and if hit may be founde by her discrecions that he sewed the sute a bove said and toke out (47) the writtes that thenne the said Thomas Stamford may haue punysshement accordyng to the statut y made the ferthe (48) yere of kynge herry the ferthe a yenst attourneys that suyth fals sutes in foren shires and that the sayd Iugges (49) (or else westship & Iuyne)\4^1\1 may gif iuggement ayenst hym and to award to the said supplia(nt damages)\4^4\1 aftir their discrecions and (50) accordyng to the losse that the suppliant hath take by the said outlawery And ouer that yf the said Thomas Stamford (51) duely warnyd make defaute afore theym that the said Iugges (or els westship or Iuyne)\4^1\1 by autorite of this p\2re\1sent (52) p\2ar\1lement mowe haue power to p\2ro\1cede to iuggement vpon his defaut and m\2or\1 ou\2er\1 yef eny of the said Iugges be (53) absent that he that ys present may haue power by auctorite of this p\2ar\1lement to p\2ro\1cede vpon these matteres (54) and after the entent (and desyre)\4^1\1 a boue said in the worship of god and in weye of charyte#$%(Dorse, in another hand) As (55) tochynge *e brekyng and rasyng of *e seales of a dede ymade by Cristian Nele vnder here sele and *e (56) maires seal of Bristowe to on william Combe in fee simple of c\2er\1tein landes & ten\2emen\1t\4g\1 in (57) *e subarbes of Bristowe with a clause of warante as *e peticion maketh mencion Atte *e (58) esp\2eci\1ale request of *e Co\2mun\1es and for diu\2er\1se causes conteined in *e (59) same peticion hit is ordeined by auctorite of *e seide p\2ar\1lement *at *e seyde dede be (60) . . .\4^4\1 and effectuel in lawe as it was eny tyme afore *e brekyng *er of of Sauyng (61) to eu\2er\1y p\2er\1son her next . . .\4^4\1 ner to such as *er shuld haue hadde afore *at *e seide dede was (62) broken wherinne it was in . . .\4^4\1 and as tochyng *e remenant of *e seide peticion the plaintif may haue (63) his accion atte *e co\2mun\1e lawe}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.509.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [torn] \4^4\1 [rubbed]#$ #$ 1436 E28/58/56 Petition of William Norton of Wales #$%{(1) To *e kyng our souuerein lord #$%Besecheth lowely your poure seruaunt William Norton Squier. *at *ere as ye (2) of your sp\2ec\1iale grace haue graunted to your seide besecher *e office of a mobr\2e\1 in *e shires of (3) Kermerdyn and Cardigan as in your l\2ett\1res patentes *e revpon maade more plainely it apperethe: The whiche office dauyd ap (4) Morgan (vych\2a\1n)\4^1\1 occupieth and *e prouffit\4g t\1erof takethe ayenst *effecte of your seid graunte: Plese it to (5) your gracious lordship to considre *e premisses and *er uppon to graunte a priue seal direct to *e seid dauyd to appier (6) befor your discrete counsail at Westmynstre at a day and vpon a peyne by your hieghnesse to be limited. for goddys loue and in wey (7) of charitee:} #$% (Another hand) le xxiij Io\2ur\1 doctob\2er\1. lan xv. l\2ett\1re ont feust f\2ai\1te au dit Dauid dest\2re\1 deugnt le consail. la ou il s\2er\1ra &c en lendemain de la Puri\2ficacion\1 de n\2os\1tre dame sur la peine de xl. li #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1437 SC8/27/1305 Petition concerning rape of Isabell, wife of John Boteler of Lancashire #$%{(1) To the right sage and full wise Co\2mun\1es of this p\2re\1sent parlement #$%Besecheth mekely your (2) right sage and wyse discrecions Isabell that was the wife of Iohn Boteler of Beausey in the Shire of Lanc\2aster\1 (3) Knyght to consider that where one william Pulle late of wyrall in the Shire of Chestre Gentilman the moneday next (4) afore the fest of Seynt Iame the Appostell last passed the seid Isabell beyng atte Beausey aforeseid with force and (5) armes in riotouse man\2er\1e with grete numbre of other mysdoers the house of the seid Besecher atte Beausey (6) aforeseid breke ageynst the peas of our sou\2er\1aigne lorde the kyng And there the seid Besecher felonousely and (7) moste horribely rauysshed and her naked except hir kirtyll and hir smokke ledde with hym into the wilde and desolate (8) places of wales of the whiche rape he tofore the kynges Iustices atte lancastre is endited And in wales aforeseid and (9) in other secrete places her kept till nowe late that itt like d the kyng oure sou\2er\1aigne lorde of his sp\2eci\1al (10) grace atte the besechyng of diu\2er\1s of the ffrendes of the seid Besecher shewyng to hym the seid grete and horrible (11) felonye and offences to giff in co\2m\1maundement aswell by his co\2m\1mission vndir his grete seal as by his (12) l\2ett\1res of his priuey seal. aswell to diu\2er\1s lordes as to other to take and bryng the seid william Pulle and other (13) of the seid mysdoers into the p\2re\1sence of oure seid sou\2er\1aigne lorde. And also to take the seid Besecher and her (14) to putte into safe warde into the tyme that itt liked the kyng in other wise for her to ordeigne wheruppon the seid william (15) Pulle p\2er\1ceyuyng the seid co\2m\1maundement hym withdrewe and absented into desert and other secrete (16) places in wales and other Countrees where the kynges writt renneth noght: so that he in no wise by the seid Co\2m\1mis sioners (17) as yitt may be take notwithstondyng that the seid Co\2m\1missioners haue done thair diligence hym to haue (18) take in alle that thay in any wise godely myght doo. And so itt is that Thomas Stanley knyght one of the seide (19) Co\2m\1missioners nowe late atte Birkhede in the seid Shire of Chestr\2e\1 the seid Besecher fonde and her brought (20) to Chestre and putte in warde. Please itt to your seid wise discrecions consideryng these p\2re\1misses to pray (21) the kyng our sou\2er\1aigne lorde to ordeigne by auctorite of this p\2re\1sent parlement a writt of p\2ro\1clamacion (22) oute of his Chauncellarie of lancastre direct to the Shirref of the same Shire to do p\2ro\1clayme in the (23) tovne of lancastre atte eu\2er\1y marketday within two wekes next folowyng aftir the date of the seid writt that (24) the seid william Pulle Rauysshour appier afore the Iustices of our seid sou\2er\1aigne lorde of his Countee (25) palentine the next Session there to be holden next aftir the seid p\2ro\1clamacion made to answer of the seid felonyes (26) wherof he afore the seid Iustices is endited by what so eu\2er\1 name the seid william be called or endited the (27) seid writt to be retourned atte the seid Session before the seid Iustices And if he appier not atte the seid Session: (28) that than he stand atteint of high Tresoun by the same auctorite. consideryng that the seid rauysshyng is done (29) in more horrible wise and with more heynouse violence than any hath be sene or knawen before this tyme And that the (30) seid william Rauysshour is and of long tyme hath be outelawed of felonye for mannes dethe by him foule murdred (31) and slayn not chargyng the execucion therof And that for the love of god and in werk of charitee.}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.497.14]#$ #$ 1437 SC8/27/1308 Petition concerning the estate of Thomas Norton of Bristol #$%{(1) To the right wise and discreet Comons of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement #$%Besechen mekely Thomas Norton Water Norton (2) of Bristowe Gentilmen Sonnes and executo\2r\1s of the testament of Thomas Norton late of Bristowe Gentilman Thomas (3) Halewey Nicholas Deuenyssh and Iohn Papenham and Iohn Shepward of Bristowe M\2ar\1chant\4g\1 that it please you (4) to considr\2e\1 how that oon Thomas Stamford before our sou\2er\1ain lord the kyng at westm\2instre\1 for certein (5) trespasses falshedes and disceites doon vnto the same Thomas Norton the fader atte the suyte of the same Thomas by bylle (6) was found gylty by v\2er\1dite of xij notable men of the seid Toun of Bristowe to the harmes of the seid Thomas (7) Norton of iiijc marc wherupon it was awarded that the same Thomas Norton shuld recou\2er\1e the seid so\2m\1me of iiijc (8) marc ayens the seid Thomas Stamford. And that the seid (Thomas)\4^1\1 Stamford shulde be take to satisfie (9) our seid sou\2er\1ain lord of his redempcion by cause of the seid trespaces falshedes and deceites of whiche he was (10) conuicted. And aft\2er\1 that the seid Thomas Stamford beyng atte barre at westm\2instre\1 by fore our lord the (11) kyng at the peticion of the same Thomas Norton was comytted to the Marchall in prison to abide vnto tyme that he hadde (12) aswell satisfied the same Thomas Norton of his seid damages as our sou\2er\1ain lord of his seid redempcion. Aft\2er\1 (13) whiche the same Thomas Stamford p\2re\1tendyng a fals othe to be made by the seid xij men in the seid suyte sued (14) atteynt therupon in due fo\2ur\1me of lawe. in whiche it was founden be xxiiij notable men of the seid Toun that the seid (15) xij men in the premisses hadde made good and true othe Wherupon the seid Thomas Stamford was by Iuggement barrid (16) of his seid atteynt and awarded ou\2er\1e by the Co\2ur\1t. that he shulde abide in p\2ri\1son vnto the tyme he hadde made (17) an other greet fyn with our lord the kyng for the same. Aft\2er\1 whiche tyme Thomas Stamford so beyng in p\2ri\1son (18) encresyng his greet vntrouthe and malice by favour supportacion and help of his keper there and by comfort of other vntrue (19) p\2er\1sones by sotill and malicious menes p\2ur\1posing to hurt vexe and vndoo your seid suppliant\4g\1 and to make (20) hem waste and lese her godds and her bodyes to her greet hyndryng ymagined (contrevyd)\4^1\1 & feyned diu\2er\1s (21) vntrue accions of trespases and fals enp\2ri\1sonement\4g\1 in foreyn shires. that is to wite in london tweyn ayens the (22) seid Thomas Norton wat\2er\1 Norton Thomas halewey & Iohn Papenh\2a\1m iiij of the seid bisechers by the names of (23) Thomas Norton and wat\2er\1 Norton of Bristowe Gentilmen and Thomas Halewey and Iohn Papenh\2a\1m of Bristowe (24) m\2ar\1chaunt\4g\1. And in Southrey oon ayens the same Thomas Norton wat\2er\1 Norton and Iohn Papenh\2a\1m (25) by the same names and Nich\2ol\1as Deuenyssh and Iohn Shipward (of Bristowe marchaunt\4g\1 supposyng)\4^2\1 (26) that thei shulde haue beten and enp\2ri\1soned hym. where in trouthe thei were neu\2er\1e gilty \4t\2er\1of ne som of (27) hem com not in suche places ther the trespaces ys supposid to be doon by x yere before the trespaces supposid and somm of (28) hem neu\2er\1e. and in this fo\2ur\1me before seid the seid suppliant\4g\1 (ben grevousely vexed and labored (29) dailly)\4^2\1 and so ben likly by longe tyme to endure. by cause that if *e seid Thomas Stamford p\2er\1ceyue (30) that eny enquest woll not passe with his entent he woll be nonsuyd and \4t\2er\1upon he will begynn a newe feyned sute (32) ayen. so supposyng to labore the seid suppliant\4g\1 infenytly by vntrue sutes w\2ith\1oute your good help and (33) soco\2ur\1. And now late our seid sou\2er\1ain lord enformed of the greet mysgou\2er\1n\2a\1unce of the seid (34) Thomas Stamford hadde ayen hym and his liege peple for dyu\2er\1s causes that meved him and his rightwys Counseill (35) the seid Thomas Stamford from the p\2ri\1son callid the kynges benche was remeved vnto his p\2ri\1son in london (36) y callid the fflete be his (l\2ett\1res vnder his p\2ri\1ve seale)\4^1\1 the whiche Thomas Stamford sueth now to our seid (37) sou\2er\1ain lord to be remeued and remyttid ayen to the seid prison of kynges benche to that entent that he myght be (38) there at large as he was before and there to enbrace the Iuro\2ur\1s ayenst the seid suppliant\4g\1 and also to be an (39) enfo\2ur\1mour a techer and a Counceillo\2ur\1 as well be his writyng as otherwise to alle the prison\2er\1s (40) and mysdoers beyng in the seid prison of the kynges benche As he was before to the gret hurt and derogacion of oure (41) sou\2er\1ain lord and of his liege peple as it is openly knowen. Please it to your wise discrecions to consider these (42) p\2re\1misses. and that diu\2er\1s of the seid suppliant\4g\1 for greet age ben impotent to laboure. (43) And therupon to p\2ra\1ye our sou\2er\1ain lord the king by the assent of his (lordes espirituelx)\4^1\1 and (44) temporell in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement assembled and by aucorite of the same p\2ar\1lement to ordeyne and (45) establie that the seid Thomas Stamford may abide and remayne still in the seid prison of fflete and in the kepyng and (46) warde of the wardeine of the same prison for the tyme beyng w\2ith\1oute eny remevement to be hadde of hym (47) into the seid p\2ri\1son called the kynges benche or into eny o\4t\2er\1 prison out of the kepyng. and warde of the seid (48) wardeyn of fflete for the tyme beyng till the seid fynes and alle other thynges of the whiche the seid (Thomas Stamford (49) standeth charged ayens oure souerain)\4^2\1 lord be satisfied and (determyned)\4^2\1. And the seid (50) executo\2r\1s fully agreed and satisfied of the seid iiijc marc as lawe woll and requireth. and that for the (51) loue of god and in wey of charitee } #$(31 more lines in \2RP\1) #$% [Printed \2RP\1 IV.509.38]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed, stained] \4^2\1 [creased]#$ #$ 1438 E28/62/36 Petition of the Weavers of Oxford #$% (Initialed) R h #$% {(1) To the Kyng ooure soueragne Lord #$% Besechit mekely youre poure liege men of the crafte of weuers and of ffulleres of youre (2) Towne of Oxenford that whan Kyng Edward the furste yooure noble progenitour by his l\2ett\1res patentes grauntyd vnto yooure (3) said poure men of the craft of weuers of the said Towne that they shold haue here Gylde and alle there libertees and frauncheses (4) that they hadde in the tyme of kyng Harry Aiel of kyng Iohn and in the tyme of the noble kyng ffader of the said kyng Edward (5) so that euere yere they shold paye to the said kyng Iohn on marke of golde and that no man shold werk the said craft of weuers (6) w\2ith\1ynne fyfe myle a boute the said towne but onely w\2ith\1 ynne the saide Towne and by men of the said craft of weuers of the (7) saide Towne And aftirward the said kyng Edward hauyng consideracion that where the numbre of the said craft of weuers in the said (8) Towne were wonede to be of lx p\2er\1sones and more in the tyme (of \4t\2e\1 Aiel)\4^1\1 of the said kyng Iohn. and how they (9) were but xv p\2er\1sones in his tyme and than they were so poure and nedy that they myght noght paie to the same kyng Edward the said (10) mark of gold the wheche amountyth to vj li of sterlinges of his special grace by his l\2ett\1res patentes pardoned to the said (11) weuers of the said towne the said rent of a mark of gold yerely and the Arrerages of the same And furthermore grauntyde by hys (12) l\2ett\1res patentes that the said weuers fro that tyme furth shuld paye yerly by the haundes of the meire and Bailees of the (13) said Towne the wheche for the tyme shold be xlij s half atte mighelmasse and half atte the feste of Estur in the same manere (14) as they were wonede and accustomed to paie the said mark of gold as in the l\2ett\1res patentes of confirmacione of kyng Richard (15) the secunde after the conquest made vpon that is conteyned more pleynely And now hit is so souerayne lord that ther ben in the (16) said Town atte this tyme but ij p\2er\1sones of the said craft of weuers and they ben so poure and nedi that they han noght for to (17) paye the said xlij s. yerly by cause that othure that ben of the same craft dwelling wyth out the said Towne comyth dayly wythynne (18) the said towne and (.v.)\4^2\1 mile abowte and there they purchace and taken the matere apperteynyng to the same craffte and cariene (19) hit a way out of the said towne and werkythe hit in to grete hindryng of the payement of the said .xlij s. yerely and also into (20) grete damage and destruccione of the said p\2er\1sones of the said Craft of weuers in the said Towne but they be by yoou souerayne (21) lord socoured in this p\2ar\1tie That hit please vnto yooure noble grace and roial maieste to considere graciousely the symple numbre (22) of folke of the said Craft of weuers that ben p\2re\1sent dwellyng in the said Towne and that they ben so poure of here goodes that they (23) may noght paye to yow the said yerly rent of .xlij s. And vpon that to graunte to the said folk of the Crafte of weuers and ffulleres of (24) the saide towne to them and to theire successours for euer more to haue a Gilde entier to gedere in the said Towne wyth alle theire (25) libertees and fraunchises to entierely and frely as the said folk of the craft of weuers and here p\2re\1decessours of the (26) said Towne euer han hadde in the tyme of yooure noble progenitours a forsaide. and that the said folke of the craft of weuers and (27) fulleres of the said Towne that now ben and theire successores the wheche for the tyme shall be. shal paie the said xlij s. (28) yerly by the handes of the said Mair and Bayllees of the said Towne at the festes aforesaid wythought beryng or supportyng (29) (for *abouesaid cause)\4^1\1 ony othur charge And that the said folke of the craft of weuers and fullers and their (30) successoures among othur fraunchises and libertees fro this tyme furth haue suche libertees and fraunchises that they yerly in the (31) fest of the holy crosse in Septembre mow assemble their .ij. craftes in on place at theyre pleasire in the said Towne and there (32) chese ij p\2er\1sones of the moste wyse and discrete men of the said craftes that on of that on craft and that othur of that othur (33) craft the wheche ij maistres shall haue the gouernanance of the said craftes wythinne the said Towne by the yere and that no p\2er\1 soone (34) worke ne ocupie by hem self ne be othur. the said craftes ne ony of the said craftes ne take any maner (mat)ier\4^3\1 app\2er\1 teignyng (35) vnto the said craftes othur to ony of hem w\2ith\1ynne the said Towne and .v. mile a boute but only the folke of the said (36) craftes (and of the said towne)\4^3\1 vpon the payne of forfeture to yow sou\2er\1ayne lord such matere be them so taken And that (37) the said .ij. maistres of the said craftes shull make theyre serches fro tyme in to tyme for the said forfeture when hit shall lyke hem (38) for suche matere so taken w\2ith\1ynne the said Towne and .v. mile aboute or to be caried out of the said Towne and .v. mi(le)\4^3\1 (39) aboute as hit is forsaid. \4p\1that yo sou\2er\1ayn lord haue that on halfe and the said craftes that othur half of such maner (40) of forfeture\4P^4\1 And also that the said maistres. of the said craftes the whyche for the tyme shall be. haue sufficiente (41) auctorite and pouere to make and ordeyne among the said Craftes alle goode constitucions and ordinances for the gode cons\2er\1 uac\2i\1on (42) of the said Craftes as oftyn tymes as hem lyke wyth (oute)\4^1\1 ony pechement of yoow souerayn lord othur of yooure (43) heires or Officers what euyr they ben payyng yerly to yoow souerayne lord and to yooure heirs .xlij s. by the handes of the (44) Maire and Baillees of the said Towne for the tyme beyng. att the termes of Estur and Mighelmasse be euen porciones. \4p\1ony (45) statutes or ordinaunces ymad in the contrare noght wythstondyng\4P ^4\1} #$% ^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [torn and rubbed] \4^4\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1438 E28/62/35 Privy Seal: Warrant transmitting Petition of the Weavers of Oxford #$%{(1) HENRY by *e grace of (god)\4^1\1 Kyng of Englande and of ffraunce and Lorde of Irlande: To *e worshipfull fadre in (2) god *e Bisshop of Bath oure Chaunceller gretyng: Nowe late hathe shewed vnto vs *e weuers and fullers of oure (3) toune of Oxonford *at when kyng Edward *e furst oure progenito\2ur\1 by his l\2ett\1res patentes graunted vnto *e (4) weuers and fullers of oure saide Toune *at *ey sholde haue here Gilde and all *eire libertees and franchesies * at (5) *ey had in *e tyme of kyng henry Aieul of kyng Iohan and in *e tyme of *e noble kyng fadre of *e saide kyng (6) Edward so *at eu\2er\1y yere *ey shoulde paye to \4t \1e saide kyng Iohan a marc of golde and *at no man shoulde (7) werke *e saide crafte of weuers. withynne fyue myle aboute \4t \1e saide toune but oonly w\2ith\1ynne *e saide toune & by (8) men of *e saide crafte of weuers of *e saide toune / And aftirward *e saide kyng Edward hauyng consideracion *at (9) where *e nombre of *e saide craft of weuers in *e saide toune were wont to be of .lx. p\2er\1sones and more in \4t \1e (10) tyme of *e Aieul of *e saide kyng Iohan and howe \4t \1ey were but .xv. p\2er\1sones in his tyme and *an *ey (11) were so poeu\2er\1e and nedy \4t\2at *ey myght noght paye to *e same kyng Edward *e saide marc of golde. *e which amo unteth (12) to vj. li. of sterling\2es\1: of his speciale grace by his l\2ett\1res patentes p\2ar\1doned to *e saide weuers of (13) oure saide toune. *e saide Rent of a marc of golde yerely and *arrerages of *e same: and forthermore graunted by his l\2ett\1res patentes: *at *e (14) saide weuers fro \4t\2at\1 \1tyme forthe shoulde paie yerely by *e handes of *e (15) Maire and Bailliefs of *e saide toune *at for *e tyme shoulde be .xlijs. halfe at michelmesse and half at *e feste (16) of Pasque in *e same maniere as *ey were wont and accus tumed to paie *e saide marc of golde: as in *e l\2ett\1res (17) patentes of *e confirmacion of kyng Richard *e seconde after *e conquest made vpon *at / is conteyned more plainely / (18) And nowe it is so. *at \4t\2er\1 been in *e saide toune at *is tyme but .ij\2e\1. p\2er\1sones of *e saide (19) crafte of weuers and *ey be soo poeu\2er\1e and nedy as it is saide *at *ey haue no\4g\1t for to paye *e saide .xlijs. (20) yerely by cause *at o\4t\2er\1 *at been of *e same crafte duellyng w\2ith\1oute *e saide toune cometh (21) dayly w\2ith\1in *e saide Toune and .v. myle aboute and \4t\2er *ey purchace and take *e mat\2er\1 app\2er\1tiegnyng (22) to *e same crafte and carie it awaye oute of *e saide toune and wirkith it into grete hind\2er\1yng of *e paiement of (23) *e saide .xlijs. yerely and also into grete damage and destruc cion of *e saide p\2er\1sones of *e (saide)\4^2\1 crafte of (24) weuers in *e saide toune. but yf *ey by vs be socored in *is partie. We *ees p\2re\1misses consideryng and (25) also *e symple nombre of folke of *e saide craft of weuers *at been p\2re\1sent duellyng in *e saide toune and (26) *at *ey bee soo poeu\2er\1e of her goodes *at *ey may noght paye to vs *e saide yerely rent of (27) xlijs. haue of oure grace esp\2ec\1iale graunted vnto *e saide folke of *e craft of weuers and ffullers of (28) *e saide toune to *ayme and to *eire successours for eu\2er\1 more to haue a Gilde entiere to gedre in *e (29) saide toune with all *eire libertees and fraunchises soo entierely and frely as *e saide folke of *e crafte of (30) weuers and her p\2re\1decessours of *e saide toune eu\2er\1e haue had in *e tyme of oure noble progenito\2u\1r aforsaide (31) and *at *e saide folk of *e craft of weuers and ffullers of *e saide toune *at nowe er and *eire (32) successours *at for *e tyme shall be. shall paye *e saide xlij s yerely by *e handes of *e saide maire and (33) bailliefs of *e saide toune at *e festes aforsaide w\2ith\1oute beryng or supportyng for *e abouesaide cause (34) any o\4t\2er\1e charge And *at *e saide folke of *e craft of weuers and ffullers and \4t\2er\1e success ours (35) among o\4t\2er\1e franchises and libertees fro *is tyme furth haue suche libertees and franchises *at *ey yerely (36) in *e feste of *e holy cros in Septemb\2e\1r may assemble *eire two craftes in o place at *eire pleasure in \4t \1e (37) saide toune and \4t\2er\1e chese two p\2er\1sones of *e moost wyse and discrete men of *e saide craftes *at oon (38) of *at oon craft and *at o\4t\2er\1e of *at o\4t\2er\1e crafte *e which ij\2e\1 maist\2res\1 shall haue *e gouuernance of (39) *e saide craftes w\2ith\1in oure saide towne by *e yere and *at noo p\2er\1sone werke ne occupie by hym selfe (40) ne by oother *e saide craftes ne any of *e saide craftes ne take any man\2er\1e matier app\2er\1tiegnyng vnto *e (41) saide craftes. other to any of hem w\2ith\1ynne *e saide toune and fyue myle aboute. but oonly *e folk of *e (42) saide craftes & of the saide toune vpon *e payne of forfai ture to vs suche matere by *ayme so taken. And *at *e (43) saide two maistres of *e saide craft\2es\1 shall make *eire serches fro tyme to tyme for *e saide forfaiture (44) when it shall like hem for suche matere so taken w\2ith\1in *e saide toune and .v. myle aboute or to be caried oute of (45) *e saide toune and .v. myle aboute as it is aforsaide. And also *at *e saide Maistres of *e saide craft\2es\1 (46) *e which for *e tyme shall be haue souficeante autoritee and poaire to make and ordeigne among\2es\1 *e saide craftes all (47) gode constitucions and ordinances for *e gode conseruacion of *e saide craftes as oft tymes as hem like withouten eny (48) empeschem\2en\1t of vs other of oure heirs or officers what eu\2er\1e *ey bee paiyng yerely to vs and to oure heirs xlij s by (49) *e handes of \4t\2e\1 Maire and Bailliefs of *e saide toune for *e tyme beyng at *e (50) termes of Pasque and michelmesse by euen porcions. We woll and charge you *at herevpon ye doo make oure l\2ett\1res (51) patentes vndre oure grete seal en deue forme. Yeuen vnder oure priue seal at oure Manoir of Sheene *e .xiij.\2e \1day (52) of Iuyll. The yere of oure regne xvij\2e\1.} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1438 E28/61/11 Petition of John Loveyn of Normandy #$%{(1) To *e most Reu\2er\1end fad\2er\1 and right grac ious lord Henry Cardinall of England #$%Most loweli be sechithe (2) vn to youre most gracious and heigh lordship. youre pooure Horatour Iohn Loueyn Natyff in Normandie / wiche Iohn is *e kyng is (3) truwe liege man of England. and ha* been his Soldiour atte Gurnay in Normandie / bi *e t\2er\1mes of x. yere now (4) passide / as *e maist\2er\1 of *e said / youre suppli aunt s\2ir\1 Thomas kiryell knyght & late Capitayn of *e (5) said Gurnay euidenceth can report vn to youre said lordship / wiche suppliaunt now a hole \4g\1ere passide was bi force of *e (6) Inimyes taken prisoner. and so hider too ha* contynued in duras of pryson yn Beuoys / in *e wiche \4t\2er\1 be leide (7) plegges for *e finance / of youre said suppliaunt .C. li now to be paide. or els his body to pryson a\4g\1en. wiche were (8) soroufull atte *is tyme / Please hit vn to youre heighnesse. consideryng *e truwe & diligent s\2er\1uice al so *e (9) duras of prison of youre pooure suppliaunt. * at bi *e most gracious socour of youre said lordship and by (10) *e ordynance & helpe of *e Chaunceler of England. \4g\1e wuld graciousli graunte to *e same youre suppliaunt a (11) Saff Conducte in Duwe fourme / he wi* xx\2ti\1. p\2er\1sones to come from Brytayne in a Shippe lade wi* Salt and o\4t\2er (12) \1m\2er\1chandise saffeli yn to England / and so to haue sa ff passage a\4g\1en in to Britayne as hit hath been vsed (13) bi o\4t\2er\1 m\2er\1chantes in like maner bi fore *is . The name of *e said Shippe called is .Seynt (14) ffyacre. of *e wiche *e maist\2er\1 is. maist\2er\1 Nicholas Issaunt of Garand. for *e loue of god and yn weye of Charitee:}#$% (Notation by Moleyns that petition was granted.)#$ #$ 1439 C49/23/14 Royal Proclamation appointing Tax Collectors #$%{(1) The Kyng will that no man dwellyng within any Citee or Burgh of this roialme of the which Citee or Burgh it hath (2) ben vsed her afore and yit is (the names of c\2er\1tein men)\4^1\1 by the (p\2er\1sones for)\4^1\1 the saide Citee or Burgh (3) co\2m\1myng to the parlement to be deliu\2er\1ed into the kynges Chaunc\2er\1ie (to be Collectours of the Xme (4) in the same Cite or Burgh)\4^2\1 And whervppon the kyng hath sent his l\2ett\1res patent\2es\1 to the same p\2er\1sones (5) so named and deliu\2er\1ed into (his saide)\4^1\1 Chaunc\2er\1ie to be Collectours of the (x\2me\1 or)\4^1\1 (p\2ar\1cell therof)\4^2\1 within (6) the saide Citee or Burgh And the which Collectours hath accounted and er boundyn to accompte of thaire receit in this (7) p\2ar\1tie immediatly in the kynges Escheker be (in any)\4^1\1 wyse depute nor assigned to be Collectour of any xv\2me\1 (8) (or any parcell therof to the kinge or his heires)\4^1\1 (g\2ra\1un ted or)\4^2\1 to be g\2ra\1unted within any Shire of this roialme (9) o les than he mowe spende in the: shire oute of the saide Citee or Burgh in londes or ten\2enementes\1 to the value of (10) C.s by yere ou\2er\1 the charges and reprises} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.25.39]#$% \4^1\1 [correction over erasure in another hand] \4^2\1 [superior insert in second hand]#$ #$ 1439 SC8/27/1327 Petition from Commons to be excused from kissing the king because of the Plague (right end damaged; material in parenthesis supplied from \2RP\1) #$%{(1) To The Kyng oure Soueraigne Lord #$%Shewen mekely youre trewe liege people here (by youre Auc)torite riaill in this (2) present parlement for the Comuns of this youre noble Roialme assembled. Howe that a Sekenesse (called the pestilence (3) vniu\2er\1selly through this youre Roialme more comunely reyneth than hath bien usuell bifore this tyme the) whiche (4) is an infirmite most infectif. and the presence of suche soonfect most to be eschewed as by noble ffisisseanes and wise Philosofors (5) bifore this tyme pleynly it hath (bene det\2er\1myned And as exp\2er\1ience dayly sheweth. Wherfore we youre pore true (6) liege people above all erthly thyng) tenderyng and desiryng the helth and welfare of youre most noble persone. the whiche is to (7) oure most grettest erthly comfort. byseche youre most noble grace in conseruyng of youre (most noble p\2er\1sone And in comfort of (8) vs all and of alle tho that we ben comen hider fore in) esch ewyng of eny suche infeccion to you to fall whiche god defende (9) graciousely to conceyve howe where that eny of youre said Comunes holdyng of you by knyghtes service (oweth in doyng to (10) you homage by youre graciouse sufferance to kysse you to ordeine and graunte) by the auctorite of this (11) present parlement that eueriche of youre said lieges in the doyng of thair said homage may omitte the said kissyng of (12) you (and be excused therof at youre will *e homage beyng of the same force as though they kissed (13) you and have thair lettres at doyng of thair homage the kyssyng of you . . . ) not withstondyng } #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.31.58] #$ #$ 1439 SC8/27/1328 Petition of Commons concerning the spice trade #$%{(1) To the right wyse and discrete Co\2mun\1es of thys present parlement assembled #$%Plese hit yo\2ur\1 wyse discrec\2i\1ons (2) to considre the grete disceyte yat (is)\4^1\1 vsed by lumbardes Itaylions and by other m\2er\1ch\2a\1untes aliens with other (3) m\2er\1chaunt\4g\1 of this Roialme in sellyng of all maner of Spyc\2er\1es . . .\4^2\1 to lordes knyghtes Esquiers and to all other (4) kynges liegemen that byth stuff of Spyceryes for there houshold of sych m\2er\1chaundises that beth not clene clensyd ne (5) clene garbaled in grete hurte and hynderyng of all the kynges liege poeple And to praye the kyng oure (6) sou\2er\1ain lord and all the lordes espirituelx and temporeles in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement assembled and by auctoritee (7) of the same p\2ar\1lement to ordeign that in eu\2er\1y Port of this noble Roialme where eny espic\2er\1ies be to sell or (8) p\2ro\1fored to sale that the sayd spic\2er\1ies . . .\4^3\1 be trewly and duely garbelyd and clensyd in gode man\2er\1 and trewe (9) fo\2ur\1me as hit is vsed in the porte and Citee of london vppon peyne of forfaiture of the sayd spiceries (be trewly so yfound)\4^3\1 (10) vngarbelyd and vnclensyd And that eu\2ery\1 liege man that kan or may fynde or preve eny such espic\2er\1ies (11) vngarbeled and vnclensyd in fo\2ur\1me and man\2er\1e abouesayde in eu\2er\1y place of this Roialme have full (12) powere by Auctoritee of the sayd p\2ar\1lement to seise and take the sayd spic\2er\1ies . . .\4^2\1 for a forfaiture to the (13) kyng oure sou\2er\1ain lord. the kyng to haue the two p\2ar \1ties therof and the fynder the thryd parte for his labore (14) and costys and that in weye of charitee} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.32.60]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1441 SC1/44/11 Designation of Power of Attorney by Richard Wydevyll #$%{(1) Reu\2er\1ent fader in god and my right worshipfull lord humble I recomande me to yo\2ur\1 gode lordshipp. And for (2) asmuche as hit is wele knowen to your seid lordshipp that I am disposed in hast with goddes m\2er\1cy to passe the (3) see. my frendes haue auysed me to make my Gen\2er\1all Atto\2r\1neys by the kynges letters Patentes vnder his Seall. (4) And by cause that my leyser asketh not now to come in p\2ro\1p\2re\1 p\2er\1sone to yo\2ur\1 p\2re\1sence (5) to c\2er\1tifie yow the names of suche p\2er\1sones as I haue ordeyned therto. I beseche yow lowely that hit like yow to (6) receyue lowes Iohn knyght my ffader Richard wydevyll Squyer william Tresh\2a\1m and william Garnet\4g\1. And that I (7) may haue the said letters Patentes therof made in due fo\2r \1me: And This my writyng signed with my Signe manuell. and Se ald (8) with my Seall. vnder whiche I haue endented with the kyng oure sou\2er\1aigne lord. I will holde ferme and stable: (9) Writen at the Abbey of Batayll the iiij day of Iuyll #$% (Signed) Richard Wydevyll} #$ #$ 1442 C49/25/7 Petition concerning the administration of royal holdings (damaged; unless otherwise noted, material in parentheses is supplied from \2RP\1) #$%{(1) To the kyng oure souerain lord #$%Besechethe youre Co\2mun\1ies of this youre p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement (2) assembled that it plese youre highnesse to considre how that the Right Excellent most famouse and victoriouse Prince Harry (3) sumtyme kyng of Englond youre right noble fadir whome god assoyle by his letteres patent\4g\1 enfeffid Harry Bisshop (4) of wynchestre now Cardinal of Englond Harry Archebisshop of Caunturbury waulter lord hungerford and other for the grete (5) truste that he hadde in hem of dyuers Castelle\4g\1 manere\4g\1 Towne\4g\1 lordschippe\4g\1 honure\4g\1 londe\4g\1 (6) tenemente\4g\1 rentes reuersions s\2er\1uice\4g\1 Iurisdictions libertees fraunchise\4g\1 fees avousons and other possessions (7) as well in Englond as in Wale\4g\1 as of his enheritaunce (p\2ar\1cell)\4^1\1 of his Duchie of lancastre of the yerely value of (8) vi M\2l\1 li and more by estimacion to haue to theym and to theire heire\4g\1 to the entent and effecte to execute and p\2er\1fo urme (9) his wille vpon the seide feffement to hem by hym made and declarid in writyng the value of wiche Castelle\4g\1 maner\4g\1 (10) Towne\4g\1 lordschippe\4g\1 honure\4g\1 londe\4g\1 rentes tenemente\4g\1 reu\2er\1sions Iurisdictions liberte\4g\1 (11) fraunchise\4g\1 avousons and possessions aftur the seide extente fro the dethe of youre seid noble fadir in to the (12) fest of Seinte Michell last passed by the seide feffee\4g\1 resceiued and to be resceiued amounteth to the so\2m\1me of (13) Cxiiij M\2l\1 li and more be estimacion And how it is to suppose and conceyue that \4t\2e\1 seide wille of youre seide (14) noble fadir by the seide feffee\4g\1 of so grete and notable so\2m\1mes by hem resceiued of the issue\4g\1 p\2ro\1fite\4g\1 (15) and revenu\4g\1 comyng of the seid Castelle\4g\1 manere\4g\1 Towne\4g\1 lordschippe\4g\1 honoure\4g\1 londes tenementis (16) rentes reu\2er\1sions s\2er\1uices Iurisdictiones libertee\4g\1 fraunchyse\4g\1 fee\4g\1 and possessions by so long tyme beyng (17) in theire honde\4g\1 might afore this tyme dieuly haue ben fully executed and p\2er\1fourmed aboue all other chargie\4g\1 that (18) are knowyn wiche wille p\2er\1fourmed it is to vndirstond by all reson good feith and consciens that alle the seid (19) Castelle\4g\1 lordschippe\4g\1 Manours londe\4g\1 tenement\4g\1 and all the other seid possessions as the olde (20) right and enheritaunce of youre seide noble fadir belongeth vn to yow sou\2er\1ain lord as heire to hym Consideryng that (21) the seid feffees haue no title ner interesse therynne but only vpon trust and to his vse to execute his wille as it is a fore (22) rehersid And that the seid feffee\4g\1 be but fewe in noumbre whereby of liklyhode the possession ther of by casuel(t)e\4^2\1 (23) of dethe myght reste in oon of theyme And so descende vn to his heire\4g\1 that ou\2er\1 lyved in wiche case and it fortune (24) vpon a temp\2or\1all man thenne his wyfe were therof endowable And by suche menys your right and interesse therof by your lawe (25) the further fro yowe thenne thei now be to youre grete hurte and to youre likly disheritaunce therof Considered also that in (26) youre counceill the xv day of Iuyn the xij\2the\1 yere of your Reigne beyng thenne there my lord of Bedford youre vncle whome (27) god assoile the seid feffee\4g\1 desired that by yow certeyne lorde\4g\1 of youre councell myht be depute to see the bokes (28) of receyte and of the ministracion of th(e revenue\4g\1 in all goodly) haste of thoo lande\4g\1 that thei were so (29) enfeffid ynne And that done thei agreed that ye myght haue and resceyue alle that shulde growe of the seide feffement aftur (30) Michelmesse day thenne next comyng by the honde\4g\1 of the officere\4g\1 and deputee\4g\1 of the seide feffee\4g\1 so (31) that p\2ro\1clamacion schulde be made be fore the p\2ar\1lement thenne next sewyng (that every man that wolde aske) (32) dette for housholde Chaumbre warderobe kynges werkes or for money borowed brynge ynne to the seide feffee\4g\1 the grownde\4g\1 (33) that thei aske it by And if it myght apper that the so\2m\1me\4g\1 of the assignement\4g\1 or of the revenu\4g\1 of \4t\2at\1 (34) yere wolde not suffise for paiement for the kynge\4g\1 dette\4g\1 afore rehersid and for p\2er\1fourmyng of his Chaunterye and (35) (of his Toumbe thenne ye to make) to the seid feffee\4g\1 for the rest that schulde so be founde dieu assignement (36) and agrement And if (so were that the somme) of the assignement made to the seide feffee\4g\1 and the revenue\4g\1 (37) of that yere wolde amounte to a gretter so\2m\1me thenne the so\2m\1me of the dette\4g\1 And makyng of the seid Chauntrye (38) and Tombe thenne the residue ther(of to be paied up to yowe) And ou\2er\1 that the seid feffee\4g\1 this done (39) willed and agreed to make astate to yowe sou\2er\1ain (lord of all the seide londes and tenement\4g\1) that thei stode (40) enfeffed ynne that is to sey of that / that was fee taille in fee taill And of that / that was fee symple in fee symple how be it and ye (41) toke astate therof of your seide feffee\4g\1 in suche (wise or that they enfeffe yowe) therynne ye might (42) not haue holde ner enjoye\4^3\1 the seide possessions in enherit (aunce to youre availle and suerte in suche man\2er\1) And (43) fourme of enheritaunce and as p\2ar\1cell of youre seid Duchie as youre seide noble fadir hem hadde and helde at the tyme of the (44) seid feffement and be fore vpon whoos desire\4g\1 writte\4g\1 of p\2ro\1clamacion p\2re\1cednt acc(ordyng to theise premisse\4g\1 Considered) (45) also that in the p\2ar\1lement at Redyng the xviij\2the\1 yere of youre reigne the seid (feffee\4g \1 (46) among other grauntid to yow so)u\2er\1ain lord that aftur the dette that thenne was owyng vn to the seide Cardinall (47) and to the seid Archebisshop of Caunturbury paied for the wiche assignement was made by the seid feffee\4g\1 vpon the (seid (48) Castelle\4g\1 manere\4g\1 Townes lordschippe) honure\4g \1 londe\4g\1 tenemente\4g\1 rentes reu\2er\1sions s\2er\1 uice\4g\1 (49) Iurisdictions libertee\4g\1 (fraunchise\4g\1 fee\4g\1 avousons and other possessions) (50) comprised by the seide feffement by certeyne p\2er\1sone\4g\1 by yo\2ur\1 co\2m\1maundement to the vse of the seid Cardinall (51) and Archebisshop Res\2er\1uyng to the seid feffee\4g\1 ij \2ml\1 li yerely vn to the tyme thei hadde (perfourmed the seid kyngis wille their feffour) (52) that thenne all the surplusage therof schulde be delyuerid to the Tresor(er of youre house holde for the tyme beyng for) (53) the expense\4g\1 of the same householde of wiche surplusage so resceiued the seid Tresorer (54) schulde accompte in your eschequer wiche dette long tyme be fore the first day of this present p\2ar\1leme(nt was paied to the seid Cardinall and Archebisshop) (55) And ou\2er\1 that grete and notable so\2m\1mes haue ben resceyued sithyn the (56) said (Parlement so beyng at Redyng And therupon of youre noble grace) theise premisse\4g\1 considered and for (57) the comfort and ease of youre peple that it plese your high nesse by auctorite of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement to (58) ordeigne and assigne certein p\2er\1sones suche (as may like to your highnesse to here the declaration) of the (59) seide feffee\4g\1 or of other p\2er\1sones by hem suche as thei will depu(te and name in writyng . . .)}#$% (This is about one third of the total.) #$%[Printed \2RP\1 V.56.29]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [crease] \4^3\1 [enjoye sic]#$ #$ 1443 SC1/57/89(65) Petition concerning Fernand Dalueys and his ship Seynt Auton #$%{(1) Ryght Reu\2er\1ent fadir in god and Ryght Reu\2er\1ent and Ryght worshipfulle Lord. we Reco\2m\1maund vs vn to your (2) lordship please it vn to youre grace to adu\2er\1tice that howe oure sou\2er\1ain lord by his gracious l\2ett\1res (3) patentes made vndir his grete seal of Englond the .xix. day of ffeu\2er\1er the yere of his noble Reigne the .xx\2e\1. (4) tooke in his gracious saufe and soeure condut and in protecioune tuicioune and defence especiale fore two yere *en (5) nexst suyng ffernand dalueys de Vernico in Spayne Maist\2er\1 and marchaunt of a Shipp called Seynt Auton in Spayne of *e (6) borden of .CCC. tonne o*ir w\2ith\1in and what soo euyr o*ir marchaunts the same ffernand othir ways occupied othir (7) froo *is light withdrawe maist\2er\1 Gouu\2er\1nour or possessour of the same shipp. too geddir w\2ith\1o*ir (8) marchaunts what soo eu\2er\4 t\1ay bee and harre dowers and attourneys and .lx. p\2er\1souns armed o*ir not armed for (9) *e defence and (saufe)\4^1\1 kepyng of the same shipp in to *e Reaume of Englond or o*ir lordshippes o*ir his power with (10) the said shipp charged with wyne Irne oile wex and othir m\2ar\1ch andises what (soeuyr)\4^1\1 *ay bee and with competent nombre of (11) maryn\2ers\1 fore the gou\2er\1naunce of the same shipp comyng there abydyng by daies and by nyghtes m\2ar\1chaundisyng. the (12) said shipp dischargyng and it agayne in partie o*ir in alle wi*e o*ir godes and m\2ar\1chaundises (13) lawefulles agayne chargyng and wi*e the same soo charged fro the same Reaume lordship o*ir power agayne goyn and agayne (14) with *e same shipp or o*ir like godes and m\2ar\1ch aundises charged in to *e same Reaume o*ir lordshippes (15) and power foresaid agayne co\2m\1myng and froo *ense too harre p\2ro\1pre parties a gayne goyng and soo as oft tymes as it shuld please vn to hame duryng (16) the said saufe condut agayne co\2m\1myng w\2ith\1oute eny empechement impediment trouble o*ir greuaunce what so euyr it be eny mark (17) count\2er\1mark o*ir reprisale graunted o*ir to be graunted notw\2ith\1stondyng as by *e said saufe condut (18) shewed vn to vs more playnely apperith. which ffernand by force of *e said saufe condut the .xij. day of Maij. the yere of *e (19) Reigne of oure souuerain lord the .xxj. came in too *e port of dalkey in Irland wi*e *e said shipp charged w\2ith\1 (20) wyne and salt with xxxvj men onely on the said shipp. which wyne and salt was sold to *e marchaunts of the Citee of dyuelyn (21) and delyuered vn to *e said marchaunts. except .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quart\2er\1es of salt which shipp w\2ith\1 alle *e (22) apparaille of the same shipp and the said .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quart\2er\1es with diu\2er\1s othir godes. and h\2er\1neys in the said shipp (23) beyng. soone aftir the said .xij day of Maij. at dalkey foresaid. was take by one Iohn Colwelle of Comoch in Englond with a shipp (24) of the which shipp. oone Thomas Cradok of Bryggewatir is owner and by william Cooke wi*e a spynnace wi*e diu\2er\1s men (25) of armes in *e said shipp and spynnac in man\2er\1e of werre. and vppon this atte praier and grete desire of the said (26) ffernand we send and lete shewe the said saufe condut vn to *e said Iohn Colwelle and william Cooke. and hame requyed on oure (27) souuerain lord is be halfe and by autorite of the said saufe condut to delyu\2er\1e the said shipp of *e said ffernand. w\2ith\1 (28) alle *e apparaille of the same and the said .xl tonne of wyne and .CCC. quart\2er\1es of salt w\2ith\1 alle the o*ir godes (29) and h\2er\1neys foresaid and willed hame to see and rede the said saufe condut. and *at to doo *ay wold not but (30) *e said shipp of the said ffernand and the said .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. quart\2er\1es of salt wi*e *e said o*ir (31) godes and h\2er\1neys *ay take with hame and yitt it holden in contempt of oure said souuerain lorde and hurt of the said saufe (32) condut and alsoo grete hurt as welle of *e trewe liege poeple of the said land as vn too *e said ffernand. and alsoo a grete (33) hurt like to be too alle saufe conduts of oure said souuerain lord in tyme to come. and also grete ensample vn to *e said (34) Iohn Colwelle and william Cooke and to alle o*irs to offende a gayns the saufe conduts of oure said souuerain lord in tyme to (35) co\2m\1me las *en this be hastiefly remedyed / fore *e said Iohn Colwelle and william. Cooke as Rebelles and pirates on *e (36) see Romyng ha*e take by fore *is tyme diu\2er\1s shippes aliens with diu\2er\1s marchaundises and godes in the said (37) shippes co\2m\1myng in too *e said land. and alsoo beyng in diu\2er \1s portes of the said land / some of hame beyng at peas and some vndir (38) *e saufe condut of oure said souuerain lord. to *e grete hurt of *e trewe liege poeple of *e said land. where fore (39) we besechyn youre lordship *at it like vn too youe to resceyue this oure l\2ett\1re send vn too youe by the said (40) ffernand. and in as moche as ye been oure souuerain lord is Chaunceller. by fore whome *e said saufe condut is of (41) recorde enroulled. *at it please vn too youre gracious lordshipp too move oure said souuerain lord *at he by (42) providence of his most sadd and discrete Counseille too ordeine that *e said ffernand myght be restored vn too the saiden (43) shipp of Seynt Anton with alle *e apparaille of the said shipp and too *e saiden .xl. tonne of wyne and .CCC. (44) qu\2a\1rt\2er\1es of Salt and too alle *e said othire godes and h\2er\1neys to geddir with alle the costes and (45) damages whiche the said ffernand ha*e soeuffred and shalle soeuffre in the poursuyt thereof vn too oure said souuerain lord and to (46) his said Counseille. and also that *e saiden Iohn Coolwelle and william Cooke myght be chastised of harre said rebellioune and (47) Ryght Reuerent fadir in god and Ryght Reuerent and Ryght worshipful le Lord (the holy gost)\4^1\1 preserue youre worshipfulle estate too his (48) most souuerain pleasir. Written atte Citte of Dyuelyn vndir the Comune seale of the said Citee the second day of Iuyle. #$% (49) Yo(ure)\4^2\1 fulle humble seruaunts Maire and Co\2mmun\1es of the Citee of Dyuelyn.} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1444 C49/26/5 Petition concerning the murder of Isabell, wife of Roger Bakeler, by John Bolton #$%{(1) Prayen the Co\2m\1unes of this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement that hit please the kyng oure soueraigne lord of his benygne (2) grace to consider how that now late Iohn Bolton nowe beynge in prison And in the Marschall ward of the kynges (3) benche the tiuesday next a fore the feste of Saynt lauerens the yere of youre reigne the xxij\2e\1 at Pekh\2a\1m in the (4) Counte of Surr\2ey\1 wold haue rauesshed Isabell late the wife of Roger Bakeler and for as muche as sche (5) wold not assent vn to him he vilanisly toke of here all the Atire of her hede And al so her clothes of her body otake her (6) smokke. And yet sche wolde neu\2er\1 assent vn to his vnlefull desir but at all tymes kepte her a goode womman. (7) And at the last be cause he cowde noghte haue his desir of her . he ther at the same tyme felonesly sloeth and murdred her (8) and kutte her throte twyes. and twyes stikked her thurgh her pappes and sides w\2ith\1 a dagger wher vppon sche died. (9) And all so at the same tyme and plase after the said murdre noght repentyng hym of his said horible dede as hit semed. a (10) gowne. a kirtell. a hode. two kerchieffes and two keyes vppon her ther founde of the goods and catells of the said (11) Rog(er)\4^1\1 husbond to the said Isabell the whiche wer the weryng clothes of the said Isabell beyng vppon her (12) p\2er\1son felonesly toke and bare a way of the whiche forsaide murdre and roborie the said Iohn Bolton ys endited (13) wher of the recordes remayneth a for yowe of Recorde in your benche of the whiche Recorde the tenur ther of ys Annexed vn (14) to this bille. And the said Iohn Bolton of his sotell ymaginacion be cause he wold not answer to the saide enditement nether to (15) other diuerse horible felonies of the whiche he was endited he knowleched diu\2er\1se felonies and . . .\4^2\1 tresons and be cam a (16) prouowr and ther of appeled diu\2er\1se other men and vnder colour of that Appelle so hongyng he gate hym a Chartr\2e\1 of (17) p\2ar\1don of yow of all man\2er\1 tresons and felonies ye beyng not lerned of the forsaid horible felonies and treson (18) the whiche Chartr\2e\1 ys allowed of Recorde. And ther vppon to ordeigne And g\2ra\1unte by the Au(ctorite of)\4^3\1 (19) this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement that the saide Iohn Bolton so beyng in prison as hit ys forsaid by what name so eu\2er\1 he (20) be named be putte to Answer vn to the said felonies comp\2re\1h end(id in the)\4^3\1 said enditement\4g\1 And in (21) especiall to the murdr\2e\1 of the said Isabell w\2ith\1 out any p\2ro\1cesse to be made Ayenst hym considering that he ys (22) in the (Marschall warde of yo\2ur\1 benche)\4^4\1 the said (Cha tre)\4^3\1 or allowance ther of or any other chartr\2e\1 made (23) or to be made to the said Iohn a contr\2ar\1ie noght w\2ith\1stonding And all so that he be came a p\2ro\1uowr (24) or for any other cause as a fore (reh\2er\1sed)\4^1\1 And yf he be founden gilty in the saide murdre he to be iuged (25) and demed as a traitour and suche execucion to be don vppon his body as schuld be don vppon a traitour (atteint of hie)\4^1\1 (26) treson notw\2ith\1stondyng the saide (chartr\2e\1 And he to forfete)\4^4\1 his goodes and Catels londes And ten\2emen\1tes as the lawe (27) requireth of hym that ys atteint of ffelonie And that the (s aid chartre be)\4^1\1 not as for the saide murdr\2e\1 and Roborie (28) to hym in no wise auaillable but vtterly voide and noght in lawe. And all so that by the said Autorite A speciall co\2m\1mission (29) be (made to the)\4^1\1 Chief iustice of youre . . .\4^2\1 benche and other iustices nowe beyng p\2re\1sent to p\2ro\1c ede (30) to the Areignement of the said Iohn in all goodly hast vppon the said murdr\2e\1 (and Roberie)\4^1\1 accordinge to this (31) said Acte notwi\2th\1standinge the Ai\2ou\1rnement of your Courtes in exsample and drede to all other that wold offende (32) in like wise And that the saide (Chief Justice)\4^1\1 haue power by this saide Autorite to bringe thes saide recordes of (33) the saide enditementes by fore hym selue and the saide Comission\2er\1s at the day that they (shalle sitte uppon the said)\4^3\1 (34) comission And ther vppon to p\2ro\1cede in hast as hit ys forsaid (And yf any man desire here after to Rauisshe Any (35) woman)\4^4\1 and for cause that sche wolle noghte assente (vnto hym sle and)\4^1\1 murdre her that any chartr\2e\1 to be made (36) to any suche p\2er\1son for any suche murdr\2e\1 (be)\4^5\1 voide and noght auaillable in lawe for the loue of ih\2e\1su and yn way of charite} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.111.42] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [torn, supplied from \2RP\1] \4^4\1 [over erasure] \4^5\1 [crease] #$ #$ 1449 C49/27/14 Petition of Commons that Priests be pardoned for all accusations of rape #$%{(1) Also preyen the Communes for asmoche as in diu\2er\1se\4g\1 p\2ar\1tie\4g\1 of this Realme many prestes aswell seculer (2) as religiouse bene grevously vexud and troubled wrongwesly by diu\2er\1se\4g\1 inditement\2es\1 of felonie to their (3) full grete hurt a yeynst feyth and conciens for synguler lucre of other p\2er\1sone\4g\1 and not for youre availle / (4) *at it please youre highnesse of youre influent g\2ra\1ce by the auctorite of *is youre p\2ar\1liament to p\2ar\1don (5) and acquite all and eu\2er\1y prest aswell religiouse as seculer of all man\2er\1 felonie\4g\1. of rape done by fore the first (6) day of Iune next comynge And also to p\2ar\1don and relese by the auctorite of the same p\2ar\1liament to all and eu\2er\1ich (7) prest Seculer stipendiar anuell all yat longeth or app\2er\1 teineth to youe by wey of forfature of eu\2er\1ich of theim. by fore (8) the said first day of Iune by cause of takyng excessious selarie contrarie to the statutes theruppon made / And *at eu\2er\1ich of theim (9) may haue writtes here vppon suffisant\4g\1 for theire discharge withouten eny Chartre suynte ffor the which we youre trewe liege (10) men to the helpe and relieff of youre necessite by the assent of the lord\2es\1 sp\2irit\1uell\2es\1 and temp\2or\1ell\2es\1 (11) of this youre Realme g\2ra\1unten to youe oure sou\2er\1aigne Lorde a subsidie to be take and rerud of all man\2er\1 prest\2es\1 (12) Seculers stipendiaries and Chauntre prestes within this youre Realme *at is to sey of eu\2er\1y prest vj s viij d to be (13) payed to youe at the ffest of Seynt Martyn in wynt\2er\1 next comyng #$%(Response on dorse) At the (14) reu\2er\1ence of god and for the loue and tendernesse *at *e kyng hath to *e Chirche and to *e Ministres (15) of *e same he woll *at this bille. as to *e imposicion *at shuld be to the seculer preestes of this (16) Roialme not beneficed. as Stipendiaries and chaunt\2er\1ie preestes. be co\2m\1mittid to *e Archebisshoppes and (17) Bisshoppes in *e Conuocacions of *e Clergies of this Roialme. by cause it touchith *e Immunite and (18) lib\2er\1te of *e Chirch. the which *e kyng intendith to kepe withoute hurt or p\2re\1iudice in alle (19) wyse. And as touchyng the p\2ar\1don conteyned in this bille. in cas *e nobles of *e saide preestes be g\2ra\1untid (20) to hym in *e said Conuocacions. then *e kyng woll *at the saide p\2ar\1don stonde in his v\2er\1tu (21) and strenght. with oute fyne or fee payng \4t\2er\1fore by auctorite of *is p\2re\1sent parlement.} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.152.25]#$ #$ 1449 C49/27/17 Bill seeking to regularize the collection of customs #$%{(1) That eu\2er\1y Marchaunt alien or estraunger of what Countre *at he be. that bringith into *is land. Corne. Vitail. (2) or any oder man\2er\1 of marchandise: shall at the tyme of his entre. p\2re\1sent hym self to the Custumer of the Poort. Creke (3) or oder place that he comyth to. or to his Clerk. and make declaracio\2u\1n of the Corne. Vitail. or oder man\2er\1 of (4) marchaundise that he hath brought / And furth with be sworne vpon *e boke. that all *e golde. siluer. in masse. (5) plate. and money. that he shall resceyve. for the seide Corne. vitail. or oder marchaundise. he shall employe hit (6) into marchaundise of *is lond. his resonable expenses and costes of intendaunce vpon the same exceptid And after the (7) seide employment before his departyng out of *is lond. he shall resort ayene to \4t\2e\1 seide Custumer. or his Clerk. (8) and make vnto him a trwe declaracio\2u\1n in gen\2er\1all of the seide employment so made by him. And to *entent *at the seide (9) Marchaunt\4g\1 repairyng into *is lond benot vnresonably greved by any of the seide Custumers in obseruance of *is (10) ordinaunce. nor any occasion yeuyn to *e seide Marchaunt\4g t\1er by to forbere her resorte or comyng into *is lond. hit (11) is also ordeined *at non of hem shall resceive priuely nor apert. directly or indirectly of any of the seide Marchaunt\4g\1. (12) for \4t\2e\1 takyng of his seide ougth ne for the enteryng \4t\2 er\1of or of the declaracio\2u\1n aboueseid. any man\2er\1 of (13) gode. or gode worth. but freely and w\2ith\1oute any wilfull taryng or delaiyng of *e seide Marchaunt\4g\1 execute (14) *is seide ordinaunce. And *at for \4t\2e\1 more euident and souner knolach of the deuoir and diligence doon by hym (15) in execucion of *is ordinaunce. shall at \4t\2e\1 lest before \4t\2e\1 ende of eu\2er\1y t\2er\1me in \4t\2e\1 yere (16) brynge or make to be brought into the kynges Eschequer a plein and clere knolach of all *at shall be don by him in *is (17) behalue. And *at for the more surete of due execucio\2u\1n to be don by the seide Custumers of *is ordinaunce. ych of (18) hem at the tyme of his admission to his office. shall be sworne in especial *at he shall trewly obserue and kepe *is (19) ordinaunce so *at and he be founde faillyng \4t\2er\1Inne. he shall not oonly renne into the crime of p\2er\1iurie: but be put (29) oute of his office. and forfeite the su\2m\1me of. xx. li. of the which he *at detectith him and conuictith hym \4t\2er\1of (30) shall haue *at oon half And oure sou\2er\1ain lorde \4t\2e\1 kyng the oder half for expensis of his houshold. This ordinaunce to (31) endure for t\2er\1me of foure yere next folowyng.\4^1\1 #$%(Note in the second hand) as to all the mater comprisid in this cedule not comp\2re\1hendid (32) in the bille to the whiche this cedule is annexed the Co\2mun\1 es be not assented} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.156]#$% \4^1\1 [Last sentence in a different hand.]#$ #$ 1449 SC8/27/1345A Petition of John Talbot to be named Chancellor of Ireland #$%{(1) To the Kyng our Sou\2er\1eigne Lorde #$%Besecheth . . .\4^1\1 mekely your highnesse Iohn Talbot knight Sone and heir of Iohn Erle (2) of Shrewesbury that where it hath liked your highnesse of your most noble (grace by your le\2ttr\1es)\4^2\1 patent\4g\1 beryng (3) date at Westm\2instre\1 the ij\2de\1 day of Septemb\2re\1 the yere of your blessed reigne xxv\2th\1 to g\2ra\1unte (4) to your seid besecher thoffice of your Chaunceller of your lond of Irelond To haue and to occupy by hym self or by his (5) sufficiant depute as long as he bare hym well in the seid office. takyng in the seid office fee\4g\1 wage\4g\1 and rewarde\4g\1 (6) to the seid office due and of olde tyme accustumed. the tenur of which l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 to this bill is annexed. By (7) v\2ir\1tue of which l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 your seid besecher was therof peasebly possessed fro the date of the (8) seid l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 vnto now late that he by oon Thomas ffit\4g\1 Gerot by colour of your l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 (9) to hym made of the seid office long tyme sith the seid l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 to your seid besecher made by the name comp\2re\1hended (10) in the same l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1. To haue to hym aft\2er\1 the deth or decesse of your seid besecher which had the (seid)\4^2\1 (11) office of your g\2ra\1unte or immediatly aft\2er\1 eny othir manne the same office of your g\2ra\1unte or of eny othir (12) whosoeu\2er\1 thei were or othir wise in eny man\2er\1 havyng or occupyng or as sone as \4t\2at\1 office to your hand or (13) g\2ra\1unte of you or of eny othir by deth cessio\2u\1n a\2m\1mocioun resumpcio\2u\1n dimissio\2u\1n remocio\2u\1n (14) p\2er\1mutacio\2u\1n reddicio\2u\1n or surrendre or elles in eny othir maner it be next then to come or elles happe to (15) ffall was putte oute. No defaute at eny tyme p\2ro\1ved ne founde by no man\2er\1 of meane in your Said Suppliant ne (16) that he mys bare hym in the seid office Please it your highnesse of your sp\2eci\1all g\2ra\1ce the p\2re\1misses (17) g\2ra\1ciously considred by thassent of the lord\4g\1 sp\2iri\1tuell and temp\2or\1ell and the comunes of this (18) your noble Roialme in this p\2re\1sent parlament assemblyd and by auctorite of the same to ratify afferme and approve the seid (19) l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 to your seid besecher made. to haue to hym after theffecte of the same And that al othir l\2ett\1res (20) patent\4g\1 of the seid office to eny othir man made and in exicucion putte in derogacion or hurte of your seid besecher (21) conc\2er\1nyng the seid office be voide and of no force ne effecte And that your seid besecher may haue seu\2er\1aly als (22) mony writt\2es\1 and prive seals as shalbe behouefull and necessary to hym to be had (to)\4^2\1 be directid aswell to your (23) leuten\2a\1nt in or of your lond of Irelond as to othir of your counseill there: Comaundyng theim oppon their ligeaunce to do (24) restore your seid besecher vnto the seid office And hym there in In peasebly possession to putte To haue to hym and to (25) occupy aft\2er\1 theffecte and f\2our\1me of the seid l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 to your seid besecher made And (26) by the same auct\2orite\1 that he may haue als mony writt\2es \1and prive seals as shalbe behoueful and ne\2cess\1ary to (27) hym to be had to be directid vnto the seid Thomas ffit\4g\1 Gerot chargyng hym oppon his ligeaunce for to restore and (28) deliu\2er\1 withoute delay your grete Seal of your lond of Irelond beyng in his kepyng by colour of The seid l\2ett\1res (29) patent\4g\1 to hym made. To your seid besecher or to his sufficiant depute havyng sufficiant power of your seid besecher to (30) resceyve the seid seall And this atte reu\2er\1erence of god and way of charite #$%(Response) The kyng by *aduise (31) and assent of the lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temporell beyng in this p\2re\1sent parlement woll and grauntith *at (32) *e saide Sir Iohn Talbot haue and occupie the saide office of Chaunceller of Irelond by hym self or by his (33) sufficient depute there after the fourme of the kynges l\2ett\1res patentes to hym made \4t\2er\1of. the (34) whiche l\2ett\1res patentes byn thought gode and eff\2ec\1tuell and to be approved after the tenure of (35) the same Also *at *e grete seal of *e saide lond belongyng to *e saide office. which *e (36) said Thomas hath geton vn to hym be delyu\2er\1ed to *e said Sir Iohn Talbot. or to his sufficiante depute hauyng power (37) of hym to resceiue hit. And *at *e said Sir Iohn Talbot. haue bothe writtes and priue seals. such and als many as byn (38) behovefull and necessarie for hym. als well to *e lieuten\2a\1nt of Irlond or his depute. and *e Counseill (39) *ere to do restore the said Sir Iohn Talbot vn to *e said office. and hym to putte in pesible possession of *e (40) same: To haue and to occupie after the tenure of his said l\2ett\1res patentes. as to the said Thomas chargyng hym vppon (41) his ligeaunce for to restore and delyu\2er\1e *e said seall to *e said Sir Iohn Talbot after *e tenure (42) of his said supplicacion any lettres patentes made to the said Thomas of *e said office in that partie notte withstondyng. (43) And as touchyng the remenaunt that ys desired by this peticion the kyng will be aduysed.} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.166.13]#$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1449 SC8/27/1347 Petition of Thomas Parr of Cumberland #$%{(1) Besecheth s\2ir\1 Thomas Parr knyght one of the knyghts of *e shire in this p\2re\1sent Court of parlement for the (2) Shire of Cumbreland that where he *e .xiiij. day of marche *e yeer of our lorde king *at now is *e xxiiij (3) was comyng toward *is saide (court)\4^1\1 of parliament Rob \2er\1t Belyngeh\2a\1m late of Burnelshede in *e Countee (4) of Westm\2or\1land *e yonger Gentilman Thomas Belinge h\2a\1m late of the same in the same Countee Gentilman Rob\2er\1t (5) Dykonson late of the same in the same Countee yoman (Thomas Strykland)\4^1\1 late of Brendrigge in *e said Countee yoman and Iohn Selyngier late of (6) Shoote in the Countee of Deuon yoman *e day and yere aforsaid Vpon a c\2er\1tain (7) ground called Cornewalesse ground beside the Crane in *e warde of the (vyntrye in london wher by the (8) heygh)\4^1\1 way of *e said s\2ir\1 Thomas lay to go to *e water of Thamyse from his loogyng place and from (9) thens to this said heigh Court of Parliament beyng at westmynstre. felonsly lay in awaite of *e same s\2ir\1 Thomas to (10) thentent to haue (murdred)\4^1\1 or slayn hym and *e\2r\1 *en to suche entent an assaulte made vpon (11) hym and vpon Rob\2er\1t Duket Thomas Wright and Mathewe Pierson his s\2er\1u\2a\1ntes to his grete affraying and ther (12) at *e same tyme greuously hurt and sore wounded *e said (s\2er\1u\2a\1ntes *e comons of *is (13) p\2re\1sent)\4^1\1 parliament to pray *e king our sou\2er\1ain lord by *avys of his lordes sp\2irit\1ual and temp\2or\1a ll (14) beyng in *is p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1liament to ordeine estable and enacte in *is said parliament and by auctoritee (15) of *e same parliament *at a writte of proclamacion be made in *e king\2es\1 Chaunc\2er\1ie direct and sent vnto (16) *e Shirifes of *e Citee of london for *e tyme beyng to p\2ro\1clayme within *e said Citee within two (17) dayes after *e liu\2er\1ee of \4t\2at\1 writte to *eym or to one of *eim. *at *e seid (18) Rob\2er\1t Belyngeh\2a\1m Thomas Belyngh\2a\1m Thomas Strykland Ioh\2a\1n and Rob\2er\1t Dykonson and echone of hem in (19) their p\2ro\1pre p\2er\1sones or p\2ro\1pre p\2er\1sone appiere afore *e king in his benche at the mois of (20) Pasche (that shal be in the)\4^1\1 yeer of our lorde M\2l\1.ccccxlvj. The said writte retorneable afore *e king (in his)\4^1\1 said (21) benche at *e said mois of Pasche And if they *en so appiere. *at from *e tyme of suche app\2er\1ance vnto (22) tyme *at *e mat\2er\1e of *e seid assaute lying in awaite and greuouse hurtes and *e seid (23) woundyng bitwene *e seid s\2ir\1e Thomas and his said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt\4g\1 and eu\2er\1yche of hem and *e (24) seid Rob\2er\1t Thomas Belyngeh\2a\1m Rob\2er\1t Thomas Strykland Ioh\2a\1n and echone of *eym after *e (25) cours of *e co\2m\1e\2n\1 lawe of *is lande be fully discussed and det\2er\1myned afore oure lord king in his (26) said benche. The same Rob\2er\1t Thomas Belyngeh\2a\1m Rob\2er\1t Thomas Strykland and Ioh\2a\1n to abide in *e king\2es\1 (27) prison in *e kepyng of *e mareschall of *e said benche. withoute *at *at *ei or any of * eym (28) be hade in baille or put to mainprise afore *ende of suche det\2er\1mynacion hade. So *at *e seid s\2ir\1e (29) Thomas and his said s\2er\1u\2a\1ntes at the said moys in *e said benche appiere in p\2ro\1pre p\2er\1sones (30) or p\2ro\1pre p\2er\1sone or by attourney to sue with effect ayenst *e said Rob\2er\1t Thomas Belingeh\2a\1m (31) Rob\2er\1t Thomas Stryckland and Ioh\2a\1n and echone of hem as lawe woll from tyme to tyme in the p\2re\1misses. And if (32) *e said Shirifes make nat *e said p\2ro\1clamacion within *e said two dayes by v\2ir\1tue of *e said (33) writ if it be to hem or to *at one of hem at any tyme afore. viij. dayes next afore *e said day of Reto\2ur\1ne (34) deliu\2er\1ed. And also reto\2ur\1ne afore *e kyng in his said benche at *e said mois *e seid p\2ro\1cl amacion (35) by *eym made *at *en the said Shirifes forfette .c (li)\4^1\1 *at one half \4t\2er\1of to *e king (36) and *at o*e\2r\1 half to *e seid s\2ir\1e Thomas and his said s\2er\1u\2a\1ntes. And if *e (37) same Rob\2er\1t Thomas Belingh\2a\1m Rob\2er\1t Thomas Strykland and Ioh\2a\1n or any of hem plede any plee or plees in barr (38) of *e Accion (or in abatemente of the bille billes)\4^2\1 or writte of the said s\2ir\1e Thomas or his said s\2er\1u\2a \1nt\4g\1 (39) in *e mat\2er\1es abouesaid triable or triable\4g\1 in eny other place (*en within *e (40) said Citee)\4^1\1 *at all suche plee or plees stonde and be as voide and as no plee And if *e seid Rob\2er\1t (41) Thomas Belyngeh\2a\1m Rob\2er\1t Thomas Strykland and Ioh\2a\1n ne none of hem appiere nat afore our seid lord king in his said (42) benche at the seid mois. *at *en *ei and echone of hem nat so appieryng be and stond as atteingted of (43) felonye. And *at in *is cas neither *e kynges p\2ro\1teccion ne his Chartre of Pardon ne esson of (44) the king\2es\1 s\2er\1uice stonde or be to *eym or to any of *eym in any avaylle or effect ne *at *ei (45) ne none of *eym take by suche p\2ro\1teccion or pardon or esson any avauntage or availle in restreyng or delaying (46) of *is Acte. And if *e seid Rob\2er\1t Thomas Belyngeh\2a\1m Rob\2er\1t Thomas Strykland and Ioh\2a\1n for (47) defaute of the seid app\2er\1ance be atteignted in the fo\2ur\1me aforseid *at *en after *at atteyndre (48) *ei ne none of hem so atteygnted haue ne take any avauntage or benefice by writ of Errour assignyng in *at writte for (49) Erro\2ur\1 *at *ei or any of hem were or was in *e king\2es\1 s\2er\1uice oute of *is Reawme (50) or in (pryson)\4^1\1 at the tyme of *e said p\2ro\1clamacion made} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.168.15] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [rubbed or erased] #$ #$ 1450 SC8/2/52 Petition of Commons concerning trade with Braband, Holland (left margin torn; material in parentheses supplied from \2RP\1) #$%{(1) (Prayen) the Comeyns in this (yo\2ur\1)\4^1\1 p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement assembled to consider howe that atte yo\2ur\1 p\2ar\1lement (2) holden atte Westm\2instre\1 the xxvij yere of yo\2ur\1 noble reigne for cause of a c\2er\1teyn ordinaunce hadde (proclai)med (3) puplished and streytely kepte in the parties of Braband holland and \4g\1eland that no man\2er\1e of cloth made in this Reame of (4) Englond shulde not come in to the said parties \4t\2er\1 (to be sold) in eny wise vppon peyne of forfetur of the (5) same cloth wherefore ye our sou\2er\1ain lord by cause it ys expressely ageinis the trieux and appointement made & take (6) betwix (youre Rea)mes landes and subgiett\2es\1 of the oon parties and the landes whiche the Duke of Burgoigne holdeth and (7) occupieth on \4t\2e\1 o\4t\2er\1 p\2ar\1tie haue often her bifore this tyme do write yo\2ur\1 (8) (l\2ett\1res requi)sitore and send yo\2ur\1 messages for due reformac\2i\1on to haue be hadde in this behalfe whereof as yet (9) no due redresse is hadde vnto \4t\2e\1 right intollerable hurt of all the Comeyns of this (Reame by) cause \4t\2at\1 (10) many cloth makers \4t\2at\1 is to wete men weuvers fullers diers and women kempers Carders & spynners & o\4t\2er\1 biers (11) & sellers \4t\2er\1of such as can noon o\4t\2er\1 occupacions (by verrey necessite be) compelled for their (12) levyng to do the occupacions And such of theym as can nat do noon o\4t\2er\1 occupac\2i\1ons be come as ydell pepull (13) whiche p\2ro\1uoketh hem to (synne and myschevous lyvyng and) vppon this considerac\2i\1on that it please you sou\2er\1 ain (14) lord by the aduyce and assent of yo\2ur\1 lordes sp\2irit\1 uelx and temporelx assembled in yo\2ur\1 said p\2ar\1lement and (15) by auctorite (of the same p\2ar\1)lement it was ordeyned that but yf so were \4t\2at\1 due continuell reformacion wer (16) made in the seid p\2ar\1ties of Braband holland and \4g\1eland of the seid (ordenaunce betwi)x that tyme and the fest of seint (17) Michell *an next comyng so that all man\2er\1 of cloth of woll made in this Reame myghte come and be accepted into (the (18) same par)ties of Braband holland and \4g\1eland ther to be vtt\2r\1 ed and sold as frely as eny o\4t\2er\1 m\2er\1chandises (19) \4t\2at\1 than for defaute of such reformac\2i\1on in (that behalve no manere of) m\2er\1chandises ne goodes of the (20) growyng nor wurkyng of the landes and parties that the said Duke helde and occupied schuld not come in to the seid (Reame (21) after the seid Fest uppon) peyne of forfeitur of the m\2er\1chandises \4t\2at\1 is for to sey the one halfe (22) \4t\2er\1of to the kyng and o\4t\2er\1 halfe \4t\2er\1of to hym that firste seiseth the seid m\2er\1chandises (in (23) whos handes that ever) they wer founde and that ther vppon open p\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on shuld be made betwyx \4t\2at\1 tyme (24) and the xv day of Iuyll than next comyng withinne (the Citee of london and other) places necessarie & conuenient \4t\2er\1to (25) And yif eny suyt wer co\2m\1menced aft\2er\1e that tyme hadd for cause of eny such seisyng in which eny issue (concernyng (26) \4t\2at\1 acte sh)uld be taken \4t\2at\1 the seid issue shuld be tried in the shire wher the seid seisyn shulde be (27) hadde and in noon o\4t\2er\1 place The whiche orden\2au\1nce (shuld endure unto the) next p\2ar\1lement And for asmoch as be the (28) summyns and co\2m\1mensyng of this yo\2ur\1 p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement the seid acte is fully expired & determyned (29) no (due reformation) of the p\2ar\1te of the seid Duke of the p\2re\1mysses yut hade that it please yo\2ur\1 highnesse (30) be the avise of yo\2ur\1 (lordes sp\2irit\1uelx and temp\2or \1ell in this yo\2ur\1 p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement (31) assembled) and be the auctorite of the same to ordeyne and estable that open p\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on be hadde in the Citee (32) of london and o\4t\2er\1 places necessarie (and convenient) \4t\2er\1to betwyx this and the fest of Pentecost next (33) comeyng \4t\2at\1 but yf so be dewe contenuell reformac\2i\1on be made and hadde in the seid parties (of Braband) holland and (34) \4g\1eland betwyxte this tyme and the fest of Natiuite of Seynt Iohn Baptist next comeyng so that all man\2er\1 cloth of woll (35) (made in) this yo\2ur\1 Reame mowe come & be accepted into the same p\2ar\1ties of Braband holland and \4g\1eland \4t\2er\1 (36) to be vtt\2er\1ed and sold as frely as eny o\4t\2er\1 m\2er\1chandises (that than) for defaute of such reformac\2i\1 on (37) in that be halue no man\2er\1 of m\2er\1chandises ne goodes of the growyng nor wurkyng of the landes and p\2ar\1ties that (38) \4t\2e\1 (seid Duke) holde and occupieth shulle come in to the seid Reame aft\2er\1 the seid fest vppon peyn of forfaitur (39) of the m\2er\1chandises that is for to sey the (one halfe ) \4t\2er\1of to \4t\2e\1 kyng & \4t\2e\1 o\4t\2er\1 (40) halfe \4t\2er\1of to hym that first seiseth the seid m\2er\1chandises in whos handes that ev\2er\1 they wer (41) founde and if eny suyt be (co\2m\1menced) her aft\2er\1 for cause of eny such seysyng in whiche eny issue con\2cer\1 nyng (42) this acte shall be taken that the seid issue be tried in \4t\2e\1 shire wher (the seid) seisyng is hadde and in (43) noon o\4t\2er\1 place and that this acte indur in p\2ur\1petuete}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.201.57.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1450 SC8/28/1352 Petition of the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight #$%{(1) Vn to the wise and discrete Comens of this p\2ar\1lement assembled #$%Prayn the poure peple inh\2ab\1itant w\2it\1h in (2) \4t\2e\1 (Ile)\4^1\1 of Wyght in *e Counte o Hampshire on to al the comons assembled in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement (3) to considere the gret noyse \4t\2at\1 dayli goth vppon \4t\2e \1 Se bi oure Enemyes and \4t\2e\1 adu\2er\1site \4t\2at\1 (4) *ei shewen daili on to \4t\2e\1 said Ile The whiche Ile is vndirtake by a certayn of wariours of oure enemyes of ffr\2au\1nce (5) to be conquerid in to here hondis bi shorte time the whiche god defende: vppon \4t\2e\1 whiche the pure peple of \4t\2e\1 (6) Ile ben discomforted and a mayd: Seyng \4t\2e\1 febelnysse w\2it\1h in ham Self: Certefyeng yo\2ur\1 wysdoms \4t\2at\1 (7) wher as \4t\2e\1 said Ile hath be her a fore at \4t\2e\1 Nombre of gret pepul sensabul hit hath be so pelyd and opressid (8) now late bi on Iohn Newport Steward of the said Ile made bi \4t\2e\1 Duke of york for the whiche mysgou\2er\1naunce wos (9) (by hym)\4^1\1 discharged And put oute of hus office: And then aftur hus discharge the said Iohn Newport and o*ur of hus secte (10) \4t\2e\1 last Somer vppon \4t\2e\1 See So thretenyng \4t\2e\1 kinggis pepil of \4t\2e\1 Ile and distressing (11) h\2e\1m ther bodies her harneis and her godis bothe bi lond and bi See that \4t\2e\1 pepul is forsake *e Ile so (12) at \4t\2is\1 dai is not xv\2C\1 pepul sensabul the whiche is on to vs al enh\2ab\1itant\2es\1 in \4t\2e\1 Ile (13) grete heuynysse: Seyng no more Stuf of men nor no stuf of arterie sensabul left w\2ith\1 in \4t\2e\1 Ile (nor with)\4^2\1 (14) in \4t\2e\1 Castell of \4t\2e\1 same Ile hit hath cawsid vs alle to make supplicacion on to \4t\2e\1 Duke of yorke and hus Consail for Supportacion (15) and aide of *e said Castel and Ile bothe for men and arterie in sauacion of *e Ilond and of *e kingg\2es\1 peple (16) ther: Certefyyng on to your aller wisdoms of (no relef)\4^2\1 (by cause of dob\4g\1the of Resumpcion)\4^1\1 and \4t\2at\1 hit is noised (17) her \4t\2at\1 bi \4t\2e\1 resompcion \4t\2e\1 Ile shal stond in \4t\2e\1 kingg\2es\1 hand And *at *e (18) forsaid Iohn Newport sewith dailli to \4t\2e\1 king our sou\2er\1ayne lord to be lewtenant Steward Resseyuo\2ur\1 and Baylly w\2ith\1in (19) \4t\2e\1 said Ile the whiche god defend considering \4t\2e\1 gret opression bi fore rehersid: And also hit is ope(n)li\4^3\1 (20) Spoken and noysed *at \4t\2e\1 said Iohn Newport hath Sold \4t\2e\1 said Ile and desirith to haue \4t\2e\1 hed offices ther to (21) \4t\2e\1 entent to (hurt the poure peple to ther otteraunce ondoyng & distruccion of \4t\2e\1 said Ile)\4^4\1 the whiche god of (22) hus hie m\2er\1cy defende: Moreou\2er\1 certefyyng your wisdoms (th\2at\1)\4^2\1 *e said Ioh(n)\4^3\1 Newport hath at \4t\2is\1 (23) day ne lyvelode to mentayne hus gret Countenaunce but bi \4t\2e\1 opressing of *e peple in \4t\2e\1 Contray \4t\2at\1 (24) he Sitte in thorw *e whiche he hath gretli enpoured & hurt \4t\2e\1 pure Ilond redy: ffor what time he was Steward of (25) \4t\2e\1 Ile he had but x m\2ar\1c of fee (and)\4^2\1 kepte an h(ou)shold\4^3\1 and a Countenaunce like a lord w\2ith\1 as riche (26) wynys as couthe be ymagened Namyng him Silf Newport \4t\2e\1 Galaunt o*er wise called Newport \4t\2e\1 the Riche. wham (27) \4t\2e\1 Contray Courson Daylay that evir he com ther: And afturtime \4t\2e\1 said Iohn Newport was so discharged (28) bi \4t\2e\1 Duke of yorke \4t\2e\1 said Duke ordayned and made on harri Bruyn Squyer to be lewten\2a\1unt and Steward of (29) \4t\2e\1 said Ile whas rule hath be hon\2ou\1rable ther bothe to god. \4t\2e\1 lord and to *e peple of \4t\2e\1 (30) Ile as lawe and ryth at al times hath required & w(el)\4^2\1 y rulyd in hus litil time \4t\2e\1 Contray and were like to (31) bring hit in to hus furst astate if he were like to contynew. and abide w\2ith\1in *e Ile for he hath bi Stowed a gret (32) good of hus owyn bothe in gonnys and in arterie lyyng w\2ith\1 in him Silf w\2ith\1 in \4t\2e\1 said Ile \4t\2e\1 whiche (33) is (at this)\4^2\1 day a gret strenthe riches Socour and comfort to al \4t\2e\1 Ile Prayng Specialli to your aller wisdoms (34) in sauacion of \4t\2e\1 said Ile and in sauacion of \4t\2e\1 kingg\2es\1 pepil \4t\2er\1 That for as moche as \4t\2e\1 (35) said harri Bruyn is \4t\2e\1 kingg\2es\1 houshold man and borne to gret reputacion and wel anherited. and at no time (36) corrupte but egalli rulith \4t\2e\1 said Ilond aftur Iustice w\2ith\1 oute complaynt and enriched \4t\2e\1 contray w\2ith \1 (37) hus gret Stuf if nede of \4t\2e\1 warre required that he mygh contenew stille in hus good rule keping (38) \4t\2e\1 Countrei vndir \4t\2e\1 forme as he hath bi gonne to \4t\2e\1 most Savacion of \4t\2e\1 said (39) Ilond and of \4t\2e\1 kingg\2es\1 peple \4t\2er\1: for whos good rule. we al wul ondurtake to *e king our (40) sou\2er\1ayne lord. And also \4t\2at\1 al o*ur officer of \4t\2e\1 Ile \4t\2at\1 is to say harri (41) Trenchard constabul & Porter may haue straytely in comaundement bi \4t\2e\1 kyng to abide resident w\2ith\1 (42) in \4t\2e\1 said Ile Duryng \4t\2e\1 time of . . .\4^5\1 werr Certefyyng at al times \4t\2e\1 kinggis hinesse that and (43) Iohn Newport shold com to gouerne *e said Ile hit wul be cause of distruccion of \4t\2e\1 Contray to wham no (44) man wul obeye excepte the king oure Sou\2er\1ayne lordis plesur for\4^6\1 he and hus hath do so meny gret offencis in \4t\2e\1 (45) see aboute \4t\2e\1 Ilond in morthering \4t\2e\1 kinggis peple and hus frendis castyng *em owte of har vessellis (46) in to \4t\2e\1 See as (\4t\2ei\1 haue be comyng)\4^2\1 to *e port of Hampton bi \4t\2e\1 whiche *e (47) kinggis costumes of hus port of Suth\2a\1mpton hath be lost bi hus riot kept vppon \4t\2e\1 See of v or vj m mark in a yer (48) and also \4t\2e\1 (said)\4^1\1 Newport hath . . .\4^7 t\1e king oure sou\2er\1ayne lord and defraudid him in gr\2au\1ntyng (49) x m\2a\1rc worth liflode . . .\4^2\1 gret hurt and trobul her aftur . . .\4^7\1 for the said liflode is entailid the whiche (50) is hud fro *e kinggis hynesse bi *e whiche mene he disirith to be recompensid bi \4t\2e\1 offices of the Ilond (51) aforesaid and also *e said Newport hath take \4t\2e\1 same yere extorciousli (in Hampshire gret multitude)\4^2\1 of (52) diu\2er\1se graynes of Corne in \4t\2e\1 kinggis name of \4t\2e\1 pure peple of him \4t\2at\1 had but iiij (quarters corne)\4^1\1 (53) toke on and made ham carie hit to hampton som man x mile & som man xx mile at har owin cost and \4t\2er\1 as was plente (54) of corne he toke money to hus Owyn Vse to \4t\2e\1 sum w\2ith\1 in (*e shire of an c marc)\4^2\1 *e whiche *e (55) peple of \4t\2e\1 Contrai curse him daily ther for And to \4t\2e\1 witnysse her of for \4t\2e\1 more credance we haue Set to oure Selis}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.204.2]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] \4^3\1 [torn] \4^4\1 [over erasure] \4^5\1 [cancelled] \4^6\1 [from here on writing grows smaller and lighter] \4^7\1 [erasure] #$ #$ 1450-54 C1/19/491 Petition of Thomas Bodyn (original version) #$%{(1) To the most reuerent ffader yn god the Cardinall of yorke Chaunceler of Englond #$%Besechyth mekely yowre powre and (2) contynuall orato\2r\1 Thom\2a\1s Bodyn of that as where accorde and couenaunt was made bitwene hym and on Robert Chirche Cite\4g\1e yn (3) and haburdassher of London the .xv. day of ffeuerer the yere of the regne of kyng harry the .vj. after the conquest the .xx. by (4) the mediacion of ther. ffrende\4g\1 beyng then yowre seyd sup pliaunt wythyn the age of .xiiij. yer that he shuld be prentice with (5) the seid Rob\2er\1t yn and of the crafte of haburdassher fro the feste of all halowen then last past vnto the yende of .xij. yer (6) thenne nexte sewyng (in)\4^1\1 allway that the seid Rob\2er\1t shuld fynde to scole att his owne Costis and charge the seid Thom\2a\1s (7) duryng twoo the ferst yeres of the seid terme that is to sey a yere and (halfe)\4^1\1 therof to lerne g\2ra\1mere and the residue of the (8) seid twoo yer whych amounteth to halfe a yer to lerne to wryte And thervppon the seid Thom\2a\1s by the aduise of his (9) (fr)endis\4^1\1 trustyng to haue be found to scole yn forme afore seid g\2ra\1unted the same .xv. day by dede endentid thenne made bi twene (10) hym and the seid Robert to be trewe aprentice to the (seid)\4^2\1 same Rob\2er\1t duryng the seid terme of .xij. yer of whych (11) terme of .xij. yer he hath contenued yn the seruice of the seid Rob\2er\1t as his prentice yn the seid crafte fro the seid (12) ffest of all halowen vn to the ende of .viij. yere thenne nexte sewyng And more and often tymes yn the bigynnyng of the same terme (13) and mony tymes sethen the seid Thom\2a\1s wyth hys frendis hath preyed and required the seid Rob\2er\1t to putt and to fynde hym (14) to scole yn forme afore seid after the effecte of the seid couenaunt & accorde which to do the seid Rob\2er\1t woll not but that to do (15) at all tymes vtturly hath refused to the grete hurte harme & losse of the seid Thom\2a\1s. Plese it yowr goode and g\2ra\1cious (16) lordshipp to consider the p\2re\1misses and that / the seid Thom \2a\1s therof may haue no remedy bi the course of the co\2m\1 i\2n\1e (17) lawe of thys land And ther vppon to g\2ra\1unte a wryte sub pene to be directe to the seid Robert to apper bifore the kyng (18) yn hys Chaunc\2er\1y at a certyn day vppon a certeyn peyn bi yowre g\2ra\1cious lordshipp to be lymyted ther to answer and to (19) do and resceyve of & In these p\2re\1misses as bi the Court of the same Chauncery then shall be ordeigned & he shall pray to god for yow &c}#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [blotted] #$ #$ 1450-54 C1/19/492 Petition of Thomas Bodyn (Chancery copy) #$%{(1) To the most reuend ffader in god the Archibisshop of york Cardynall and Chaunceller of England #$%Sheweth mekely to (2) youre g\2ra\1cious lordship Thomas Bodyn of london that where accord and covenaunt was made betwene hym and one Robert Chirche (3) Cite\4g\1in and haburdassher of london the xv\2th\1 day of ffeuerere the yere of the reigne of kyng henr\2y\1 the vj\2the\1 (4) after the conquest the xx\2th\1 be the medeacion of the frende\4g\1 . beyng thenne your said suppliant w\2ith\1 in age of xiiij yere (5) that he shuld be prentice to the said Robert in and of the crafte of haburdassher fro the ffeste of Alhalowen then last passed vnto (6) the yend of xij yere thenne next comyng So alwey that the said Robert shuld fynd to scole at hys awen costes and charge the (7) (sa)id\4^1\1 Thomas duryng two the furst yeres (of the said t\2er\1me that is to say a yere and half therof to lerne gram\2er\1 and the (8) resydue of the said two yeres)\4^2\1 which amounteth to half-a-yere to scole for to lerne to write And ther uppon the said Thomas by the (9) aduise of his frende\4g\1 trustyng to haue be founde to scole in fourme aforsaid g\2ra\1unted the same xv\2th\1 day by dede (10) indented thenne made betwene hym and the said Robert to be true Apprentice to the same Robert duryng the said t\2er\1me of (11) xij yere of which t\2er\1me of xij yere he hath contynued in the s\2er\1uice of the said Robert as his prentice in the said (12) crafte from the said ffeste of Alhalowen vnto the yende of viij yere and more And often tymes in the bigynnyng of the same (13) t\2er\1me and mony tymes sithon: the said Thomas w\2ith\1 his frendes hath (p\2ra\1yed)\4^2\1 and required the said Robert to (14) putt and fynd hym to scole in fourme aforsaid after the effecte of the said coven\2a\1unt and accorde. the which to doo the said (15) Robert wolnot. but that to doo at all tymes vtturly hath refused to the grete hurte harme and losse of the said Thomas Please hit (16) your good and g\2ra\1ciouce lordship to consider the p\2re\1mis ses and that the said Thomas therof may haue no remedy by the course (17) of the co\2m\1e\2n\1 lawe of this land / And theruppon to g\2ra\1 unt a write to be direct to the said Robert to appere by fore the (18) kyng in his Chauncerie at a certeyn day and vppon a notable payne by your g\2ra\1cious lordship to be lymyted there to answere and (19) to doo and resceyve of and in thise p\2re\1misses as by the Courte of the same Chauncerye thenne shall be ordeigned and he (20) shall p\2ra\1y to god for you} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1450-54 C1/19/493 Answer of Robert Chirch to Petition of Thomas Bodyn #$%{(1) This is the Answer of Robert Chirch a\4g\1einst the bill of Thomas Bodyn #$%ffirst the seid Robert by p\2ro\1testac\2i on\1 (2) y\2at\1 the mat\2er\1 in y\2e\1 seid bill conteynyd is not sufficient to put hym to answer to in y\2is\1 courte saith (3) y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Endentur of Apprentice by y\2e\1 which the seid Thom\2a\1s was bounde to y\2e\1 seid Robert w\2i th\1 (4) all y\2e\1 circumst\2a\1unce y\2er\1of was made & had w\2ith\1 in the Cite of london wher by y\2e\1 custom (5) of the same Cite ane acc\2i\1on of couen\2a\1unt ys mayntenable as well w\2ith\1oute Esp\2eci\1alte as w\2ith\1 Esp\2eci\1alte so y\2at\1 (6) yf eny sich couen\2a\1unt of fyndyng at scole of the seid Thom\2a\1s had be made & broken like as the seid Thomas hath (7) surmittyd he myght y\2er\1 of haue had & \4g\1it may haue couenable remydy by pleynt w\2ith\1in y\2e\1 seid Cite aft\2er (8) \1the fo\2r\1me & cours of the Co\2m\1i\2n\1e lawe y\2er\1 and fory\2er\1mor for \4t\2e\1 mor declarac\2i\1on (9) in y\2is\1 mat\2er\1 y\2e\1 seid Robert seith y\2at\1 nygh aboute the fest of all halowen the \4g\1er of the reign (10) of our sou\2er\1eign lord the kyng y\2at\1 no(w is)\4^1\1 xix\2th\1 y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s & Robert by y\2e\1 mene (11) of one henri wakefeld wer agrede & Endentures y\2er\1vpon made y\2at\1 the same Thom\2a\1s shuld be apprentice w\2ith\1 (12) y\2e\1 seid Robert for y\2e\1 t\2er\1me of xiij. \4g\1er yen next folowyng so y\2at\1 sufficient suerte wer founde for (13) the seid Thom\2a\1s to be trewe apprentice w\2ith\1 y\2e\1 seid Robert duryng y\2e\1 t\2er\1me aforsayd wherupon y\2e\1 seid (14) Thom\2a\1s abode w\2ith\1 y\2e\1 seid Robert fro y\2at\1 tyme vnto y\2e\1 t\2er\1me of hillar y\2e\1 xx\2th \4g\1er (15) of y\2e\1 seid kyng yen next cu\2m\1my\2n\1g & no suert\2e\1 for the p\2ar\1te of y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s by all y\2at\1 tyme (16) was founde wherfor y\2e\1 seid Robert at y\2at\1 tyme was in full p\2ur\1pose no mor to haue had to do w\2ith\1 (17) y\2e\1 seid Thomas in so mych y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Endenturis on e\2uer\1y p\2ar\1te afor y\2at\1 tyme made wer broken & noght (18) enrollyd & so both p\2ar\1ties at y\2er\1 large so y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s myght then haue dep\2ar\1tyd if hym had (19) list but \4g\1it y\2e\1 seid henry eftsones entretyd y\2e\1 seid Robert to take y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s app\2re\1ntice for (20) y\2e\1 t\2er\1me of xij. \4g\1er next folowyng y\2e\1 fest of halowen yen last passyd p\2ro\1mettyng to gete suert\2e\1 for (21) y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s to be true app\2r\1entice duryng y\2e\1 same t\2er\1me so y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Thomas in y\2e\1 seid (22) t\2er\1me shuld haue couenable lernyng & doctrine as reasonably for y\2e\1 p\2ro\1fite of sich app\2re\1ntice shuld belong the which (23) he had w\2ith\1oute y\2at\1 at y\2e\1 seid Robert at y\2at\1 tyme or eny tyme beth made couen\2au\1nt w\2ith\1 the seid Thom\2a \1s (24) to fynd hym at scole in (sich)\4^2\1 man\2er\1 & fo\2r\1me as y\2e\1 seid Thomas hath s\2ur\1mittyd wherupon y\2e\1 seid (25) Endentures of App\2re\1nteshode wer made like as y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s hath declaryd the seid Thomas beyng at y\2at\1 (26) tyme in (ye)\4^2\1 xiiij \4g\1er of his age or nygh vpon by v\2er\1tue of which Endentures y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s & by the enrolmente (27) y\2er\1 of was admitte as A lauful app\2re\1ntice aft\2er\1 y\2e\1 custom of the seid Cite y\2e\1 xxx day of Octobr (28) y\2e \4g\1er of the reign of y\2e\1 kyng aforsaid (xxj)\4^2\1 the which t\2er\1me y\2e\1 seid Thomas on his p\2ar\1te hath (29) not truly kept but by hys owne knowlage in hys seid bill nygh y\2e\1 iij p\2ar\1te y\2er\1of y\2at\1 is to witte all most (30) .iiij. \4g\1er wrongfully of hys obstinate willfulness hath broken & disobeyd which not w\2ith\1stondyng y\2e\1 seid Robert (31) seith y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Thomas is & afor his depar tur was sufficiently lernyd & instruct both in redyng & also (32) in wrytyng as vnto sich app\2re\1ntice resonably may suffice and ou\2er\1 all y\2is\1 y\2e\1 seid Robert seith y\2at\1 he & (33) y\2e\1 (seid)\4^2\1 Thomas y\2e\1 vij day of ffev\2ure\1r nowe last passyd at y\2e\1 grete inst\2a\1unce of y\2e\1 seid Thomas (34) wer put in award of iiij notable & thrifty p\2er\1sones then warden\4g\1 of y\2e\1 Craft of haberdasshers of y\2e\1 (35) seid Cite Arbito\2r\4g\1 bytwix hem both indeferently chosen of all man\2er\1 causes acc\2i\1ons querele\4g\1 debates & (36) demaundes betwix hem afor y\2at\1 tyme in eny man\2er\1 of wise had meuyd (or)\4^3\1 hangyng The which arbit\2or\4g\1 w\2ith\1 (37) in y\2e\1 day to hem y\2er\1of limitte demyd awardyd & finally determynyd betwix y\2e\1 seid Robert & Thom\2a\1s (The)\4^2\1 which (38) award dome & determinacion y\2e\1 seid Robert is & at all tymes hath bene redy on hys p\2ar\1te to kepe & p\2er\1forme (39) notw\2ith\1stondyng y\2at\1 y\2e\1 seid Thom\2a\1s y\2at\1 al to hym y\2er\1of belongith fulfill will in no wise nor obey (40) The which mat\2er\1s & ich of hem y\2e\1 seid Robert is redy to preue like as this Courte will award wherfor he p\2ra\1 th (41) to be dismist oute of thys Courte & to be restoryd to hys Costes & Damag\2es\1 for hys gret & wrongfull vexac\2i\1on aft\2er\1 (42) the fo\2r\1me of the Statute.:} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [over erasure] #$ #$ 1453 C1/1/70 Petition of Thomas Fitz Harry and his Wife (right side damaged; matter in parentheses supplied from \2PC\1) #$%{(1) To the honorable lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaunceller of Englond #$%Humbly besechen youre Oratoures Thomas ffit\4g\1 (2) harry and Iohanne his wif late the wyf of Rauf lyngen that where the seide Rauf by his testament and last wille ordeyne and made (3) the seide Iohanne his wif and Iohn his Sonne with other his executors (to have) the administrac\2i\1one of his goodes and (4) to execute his wille the whiche Iohanne and Iohn his sonne provid the seide testament and were Sworen by fore the ordinarie (5) to execute & p\2er\1forme the seide wille accordynge to the seid testament and aftir that the seide (Iohanne and) Iohn hur (6) sonne by mediac\2i\1one of ther frend\2es\1 in the presence of Iohn Barre knyght Thomas Bromewyche and other by ther writying (7) endented and ensealid acordid and concludid that the seid Iohanne shuld haue all the goodes that were hur seid late husbondes (8) (excepte) suche goodes as were in the maners of Ailemi\2n\1stre and lyngen and she to paie the dettes of hur seid late husbondes (9) by force of whiche accorde she hadde and occupied the seid goodes except the goodes a fore exceptid And paied of the dettes of hur (10) seid late (husbondes) the su\2m\1me of .xliiij. li and more and entendid to haue content the remen\2au\1nt not content And (11) aftir this acorde the seid Iohn not dredyng god the kyng nor his lawes with the nombre of xl. misrulid p\2er\1sones with hym (12) arraied in man\2er\1e of werre with (Iakes salats) habergeones bowis speres Gleives and other wepyns of werre the .vj. day of (13) Septemb\2e\1r the xxxij\2te\1 yere of the reigne of oure soueraigne lord nowe come into the man\2er\1e of Sutton where the seid (14) Iohanne his moder dwellid and ther entrid and shette the (yate) of the place and as cruell and euille disposid child contrarie (15) to god\2es\1 lawe & nature toke the seide Iohanne his moder and hur su\2rue\1nt\4g\1 and kept theim in warde And when (16) the seid Iohanne wolde haue dep\2ar\1tid for to (haue)\4^1\1 hadde socoure hur seid sonne vnkyndely (toke and) huld hur faste (17) in violence and in vngoodely wise that she might nat depart and so kept hur and hur s\2er\1u\2a\1nte\4g\1 ther in prison by the (18) space of vj. owres and more And in that tyme the seid misrulid p\2er\1sones by his co\2m\1maundement with Gleivis and (other wepyns) (19) hewe downe the beddes costeres and hongynges of hall and Chaumbres ther beyng and brake coffres and all man\2er\1e fastenes (20) in the seid Man\2er\1e and of the goodes ther founden chargid twoo waynes and cariet hit a waye And all so where the seide (Rauf ) (21) of trust to p\2er\1forme his wille hadde enffeffid the seid s\2ir\1e Iohn Barre and other in the seid Man\2er\1e of (22) Sutton with other Man\2er\1es londe\4g\1 and tenemente\4g\1 of which Man\2er\1e of Sutton the seid Rauf declarid his wille And (23) ordeine by his testament that (the) seid feoffes of the seid Man\2er\1e with other londe\4g\1 and tenemente\4g\1 comprisid (24) in the seid wille as it apperith in the same shuld immediatly aftir his decesse enfeffe the seide Iohanne terme of hur lyff accordyng (25) whiche will the seid Ioh(anne by the) suffraunce of the seid feoffes after the deth of hur seid late husbond occupied and with (26) hur grete cost and laboure gaynyd and enblaied the seid Man\2er\1e londe\4g\1 and tenemente\4g\1 and in the seid Maner housid the (27) enblaymente\4g\1 And also (other p\2ro\1fite\4g\1) therof growyng by hur laboure opteinyd to the value of .CC. marc (28) and more hur sonne a forseide with a grete multitude of people arraied in man\2er\1e of werre the xxvij\2th\1 day of Septemb\2e\1r (29) the same yere come with force and entrid (into the seid) man\2er\1e londe\4g\1 and tenemente\4g\1 And hit \4p\1to\4P^2\1 kepith (30) with force and ther occupied wastid and destruid the seid enblaimente\4g\1 and profite\4g\1 to the value aboue rehersid (31) with other goodes of the seid Thomas ffitz harry to the value of (xl.li. And also) where that Iohn Vynter and William Pauers (32) hadde yeven to the seid Rauf and Iohanne the Man\2er\1e of kenchestre to haue to theim and to theire heires of ther bodies (33) bygeten And thei therof by force of the seid gefte seis(ed and contenued) ther possessione in to the tyme the seid Rauf died And (34) aftir that the seid Iohanne contenued hur possessione in to nowe late the seid Iohn hur sonne entrid in to the seid Man\2er\1e and put (35) hur out with force and so kepith hit And ou\2er\1 this the seid Iohn (will) nat suffre his seid moder to ben endowid in (36) eny possessione that was hur seid late husbonde\4g\1 to the grete hurt of youre seid besechers That hit please youre lorde shippes (37) to consider thes p\2re\1misses And that a p\2ri\1vey seall apon peyne of his alligeaunce may be directe to the (38) seid Iohn co\2m\1maundyng hym to appere afore you at a certayne day by you to ben limite to aunswere of this riotes misrule vngoodely (39) and vnlaufull demenyng And then therapon to p\2ro\1cede as lawe feith and conscience requiren.} #$% [Printed \2PC\1 I.xlviii-ix] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [erased] #$ #$ 1453/54 SC8/29/1446 Petition of Thomas de la More, Sheriff of Cumberland #$%{(1) To *e kyng oure sou\2er\1ain lord #$%Sheweth vnto youre highnes Thomas De la More Squyer late Shiref of *e (2) Counte of Cumb\2er\1land howe *at yn *e yere last passed *e said Thomas beyng Shiref of *e said Counte (3) grete discensions riotes and debates were moved and stired betwene c\2er\1tein p\2er\1sones so ferforth *at *e toon (4) half of *e Shire was diuided from *e tother and where *e said late Shiref sent his vndirshiref and (5) baillyfs to make leve of youre dettes yn diu\2er\1se parties of *e said Shire thei were by c\2er\1tein riotous peple (6) longyng to *e lord Egremond grevously wounded and bette so *at aft\2er\1 *at the said late Shiref myght haue (7) noon Officers forto leve youre dettes for dreede of their deth And also howe *e said lord Egremond long before *e (8) said betyng saide yn *e p\2re\1sens of notable p\2er\1sones *at he wold haue *e said late Shiref hede and forthe (9) w\2ith\1 *e foresaid late Shiref sent word of *e said manasse to *e Erle of Salesbury by his l\2ett\1re and his (10) seal to thentent *at his good lordshipp shuld shewe it to yowe and yo\2ur\1 counseill / Besecheth also youre said highnes (11) *e said late Shiref to be adu\2er\1tised howe *at *e olde extent of *e said Counte by cause of grete (12) importable and many fold ruynes and decayes myght not yn grete parte of long tyme be reysed by *e Sherefs \4t\2er\1of (13) to their right grete charges and likly oftetymes of their vndoyng *e which importable charges arn demaunded of (14) *e said Thomas late Shiref by *e so\2m\1mones of *e pipe comyng oute of *e Eschequyer *at is (15) forto say. D\2e\1 p\2er\1ficuo Com xl. li where yn dede *er can not be arered vj li And also of xxij\2ti\1 (16) o*e\2r\1 fermes asked of *e said late Shiref sub no\2m\1i\2n\1e vic xxxvj li wherof he can not rere viij. li. (17) ne wote not where viij of thise fermes lye w\2it\1h yn *e said Counte And also where ther is asked of hym for (18) youre demaynes yn *e said Counte xliij li xj li therof lyth wast and distroied by *e Scottes and *e watyr (19) of Eden: which charges amountes to *e so\2m\1me of \2xx\1iiij xiiij li for which causes in especiall all such p\2er\1s ones (20) as hath of late tyme be named to be Shirefs there haue enstraunged them from *e said Office and yet doon. so *at (21) throgh defaute of such Officers grete hurtes and inconueniences haue late growen and dayly groweth to yowe sou\2er\1aigne (22) lord and to youre subgettes therefor noun execucion of *e lawe yn *at partie. And howe *e said late Shiref (23) also for *e same causes enstraunged hym and wold not take vppon hym *e said Office. vnto *e tyme he was putte (24) yn coumforth and trust to be vtt\2er\1ly and clerely dis charged of all such so\2m\1mes as he couthe make no leve of (25) wherfore please it to youre said highnes tendrely to considre *e p\2re\1misses and howe yf *e (26) said late Shiref shuld be charged yn his accompte w\2ith\1 *e said so\2m\1me of \2xx\1iiij xiiij li which he can make (27) noo leve of. it shuld be to his vtt\2er\1 vndoyng of youre speciall g\2ra\1ce to graunte to *e aforesaid late (28) Shiref a priue seal to be direct to *e Tresourer and Barones of youre Eschequyer co\2m\1maundyng hem *at (29) yn thaccompte which *e said Thomas is to yelde to yowe before youre said Tresorer and Barons by cause (30) of his said office *at they charge hym not w\2ith\1 *e hole extent of the said Shire. *at is to say (31) of *is ferme called firma p\2er\1 p\2er\1spicuo Com. nor of *e other xxii\2ti\1 fermes above rehersed asked (32) of *e said late Shiref sub no\2m\1i\2n\1e vic nor of *e ferme asked of hym for youre demayns landes (33) ner of noon other so\2m\1mes of money by hym to be reysed by vertue of his said office yn *e said Shire: save (34) only of such parcelles as he w\2ith\1 his trewe diligence myght or may arere. and gadre And also *at *e (35) said Thomas late Shiref be not vexed by any astate or p\2er\1son for any annuite or charge by yowe g\2ra\1unted to be resceyved (36) of *e issues and profites of *e said Counte ferther *an he may arere or gadre as it is abouesaid And *at (37) of all *e remn\2au\1nt *at shuld growe vnto yowe w\2ith\1 yn *e said Shire they vtt\2er\1ly and clerely (38) discharge the said Thomas late Shiref and therof acquiete hym his heires and his executours ayenst yowe and youre heires (39) for eu\2er\1more by his othe or by *e othe of his depute sufficeant accomptyng for hym w\2ith\1outen any issue triall (40) or verrement to be takyn betwene yowe and hym thervppon for *e love of god. and yn wey of charite.} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 VI.63.3] #$ #$ 1454 SC8/28/1358 Petition of James, Earl of Wiltshire #$%{(1) To the full wyse and discrete Comons of this present parlement #$%Sheweth vnto your notable discrecions and (2) wisdoms Iames Erle of Wiltshire and of Ormond That where he is seised in his demesne as in fee of *e Maner of Hukcote (3) with the Auowson of *e Chirche of Hukcote to *e seid Maner app\2er\1tenyng and of a Croft called *e (4) litill mylne hamme with theire app\2er\1ten\2au\1nces in *e Countee of Buk\2ingham\1 of *e yift and (5) feffement of Iames late Erle of Ormond fader of *e seid Erle of wiltshire and Iohn Neell Clerk And *at *e seid (6) Erle of wiltshire at *e reu\2er\1ence of our blissed lord Crist jh\2es\1us and of his blissed moder our lady Seint Marie (7) and in worship of that glorious Martir Seint Thomas somtyme Archebisshop of Caunt\2er\1bury of whos blode the seid Erle (8) of wiltshire his fader and many of his Auncestres are lyneally descended And the which glorious martir was borne of his moder (9) within *e ground where nowe is sette *e hous or hospitall of *e seid martir called Seint Thomas of (10) Acres within *e Citee of london / And also for *e grete tenderance trust and loue *at *e seid Iames (11) late Erle of Ormond on whom god haue mercy when he was on lyve hade vnto *at devout and holy place / and also for asmoche (12) as *e moder of *e seid Erle of wiltshire is beryed w\2ith\1in *at holy place / is disposed agreed and fully (13) sette for hym and his heirs in consideracion of *e p\2re\1misses and by *e agrement comfort supportacion (14) and assent of yo\2ur\1 full grete and notable wisdomes / that Iohn Neell nowe Maist\2re\1 of the seid hous or hospitall (15) shall haue *e seid Maner of hukcote with the Auowson therto app\2er\1tenyng and the seid Croft with their app\2er\1t enaunces (16) to hym and to his successo\2r\1s for eu\2er\1more to *entent that he and his success\2or\1s shall fynde twey (17) prestes w\2ith\1in *e seid hous or hospitall p\2er\1p etuelly and dayly to pray for *e gode estate of our sou\2er\1ain (18) lord the kyng and of our sou\2er\1ain lady the Queene and of the seid Erle of wiltshire / And for the soules of our sou\2er\1ain (19) lord *e kyng and *e Queene when *ey ben passed out of *is world / And for *e soules of the fader of (20) *e seid Erle of wiltshire and of his moder / And for *e soule of *e gode lady Dame Iohane Beauchamp late lady of (21) Bergeuenny grauntdame to *e seid Erle of wiltshire and for *e soules of all o*er his Auncestres *at ben (22) dede And for *e soules of *e seid Erle of wiltshire and of his wyfe and theire heires aft\2er *eir discece / (23) and for all Cristen Soules which entent and disposicion *e seid Erle of wiltshire may nat p\2er\1fo\2ur\1me ne fulfille (24) without your speciall fauo\2ur\1 help and socour be to hym shewed in *is behalfe Wherfore please it yo\2ur\1 full (25) grete and notable wisdomes to considre *e p\2re\1misses and to pray *e kyng our sou\2er\1ain lord *at he by (26) *assent of his lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temp\2or\1ell in *is present parlement assembled and by *e auctoritee (27) of *e same will ordeyne and establissh that *e seid Iohn Neell nowe maist\2re\1 of *e seid hous or hospitall (28) or his successo\2ur\1s may entre in to *e seid maner of hukcote w\2ith\1 the Auowson aforseid and Croft w\2ith\1 (29) *eire app\2er\1tenaunces / And to haue and to holde *e seid maner and Auowson *erto app\2er\1tenyng and Croft (30) w\2ith\1 *eire App\2er\1ten\2au\1nces to *e seid maist\2re\1 and his succeso\2ur\1s foreu\2er\1more (31) w\2ith\1out Int\2er\1rupcion impediment or empechement of *e seid Erle of wiltshire or of his heirs or of any o*er (32) p\2er\1sone or p\2er\1sones p\2re\1tendyng title by theyme or to *eire vse / in p\2er\1fourmyng of *e gode entent and disposicion (33) aboue rehersid / Prouided alwey *at *is Acte statute or ordenaunce shall not exclude ne forbarre none o*er p\2er\1s one (34) or p\2er\1sones of *eire title or right *at *ey haue to *e seid maner w\2ith *auowson \4t\2er\1to (35) app\2er\1tenyng and Croft with *eire app\2er\1tenaunces but onely to exclude and forbarre *e seid Erle of wiltshire (36) and his heirs and all o*er p\2er\1sone and p\2er\1sones claymyng or hauyng title or right to *e seid maner with (37) thouowson aforseid and Croft wi\2th *eire app\2er\1te n\2au\1nces to *e vse of *e seid Erle of wiltshire or (38) of his heires for *e love of god and in wey of charitee}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.257.57] #$ #$ 1454 C1/2/36/(53) Petition of John Frebarn of London, lighterman #$%{(1) Vnto the full noble and gracious lord. my lord the Erle of Salesbury Chaunceller of Engeland #$%Mekely besecheth your (2) pou\2r\1e Oratour Iohn ffrebarn of london lighterman pitously complaynyng. how that the vij\2e\1 day of Septembr\2e\1 now last (3) passed in the xxxiij\2e\1 yer of the Regne of our sou\2er \1ain lord the kyng that now is. as his s\2er\1vant\4g\1 (4) called Iohn Scotte will\2ia\1m Spencer Nich\2ol\1as Essex Mathewe white Iohn Ducheman and Morice Argill were comyng (5) from seint Katerines by the Tour wharf hom(ewa)rd\4^1\1 toward the house of yo\2ur\1 seid besecher in Pety wales. ther cam vpon them (6) on the seid Tour wharf oon John Davy Squyer marchall of the Admiralte and Atte sute of p\2ar\1tie. arrested the (seid)\4^1\1 (7) s\2er\1u\2a\1nt\4g\1 of yo\2ur\1 seid besecher. aswell vpon accion of trespas. as of surete of peas. and thervpon had them (8) in to the Tour of London. and there were in prison by iij dayes in grete duresse. And your seid besecher coude not haue them out (9) of prison there. but as he was fayn for to take them to baile vnder surete for to brynge them to their answer there atte Court (10) day whiche shall be on Monday next comyng / that is to sey. the xxj\2e \1 day of this p\2re\1sent moneth of Octobre / And besides that. your (11) seid besecher paid for their fees xvij \2s\1. that is to wite . to the seid Iohn Davy x s. to the maister porter iij s iiij d. to the (12) vnder porter viij d. to the Iayler xvj d. to the Clerk of the Court \4t\2er\1e xiiij d. and for continuaunce of the Court there in (13) to Monday next comyng vj d / And right g\2ra\1cious lord your seid besecher is enfo\2r\1med for certein. that neither the seid Iohn Davy (14) ner non other Officer ner minister of the Tour ner of the Admiralte. oweth not to entremet hym. ner hath no power auctorite ner Iuris diccion (15) for to arrest emprison ner vexe eny p\2er\1sone (in)\4^2\1 to the Tour of london ner in eny other Court of the Admiralte. (16) for eny mater meved or don betwene p\2ar\1tie and p\2ar\1tie w\2ith\1ynne the body of this Reaume. neither on water ner on (17) londe / As by diu\2er\1se statut\4g t\2er\1vpon made by auctorite of p\2ar\1lement\4g\1 in the tymes of the moost excellent Princes (18) kyng Richard the ij\2de\1 and kyng harry the iiij\2e\1. whos soules god (assoile)\4^1\1 more plainly it appereth. These p\2re\1mi sses (19) tenderly considered / Please hit your noble lordship in asmoche as the day of apperaunce of the seid s\2er\1u\2a\1nt\4g\1 in (20) the seid Tour approcheth (nygh)\4^1\1 for to sende for the seid Iohn Davy by a s\2er\1geant of armes. co\2m\1maundyng the same Iohn (21) to appere before you at suche tyme on this half the seid day. as may like vnto your good lordship. And to charge hym for to (22) deliu\2er\1 the seid s\2er\1u\2a\1nt\4g\1 clerely out of the seid Tour. as for eny mat\2er\1s dependyng there ageyns them (23) by reson of the accions aforesaid. and also . . .\4^1\1 discharge and dismisse out of the Court there. the suretees that haue taken (24) them to baille for to brynge them to answer. and also to restore ageyn vnto your (seid besecher the seid xvij s)\4^1\1 that he was con strayned (25) wrongefully for to pay for the fees of the seid s\2er\1u \2a\1nt\4g\1 Vpon the peyne comprised in the seid Statut\4g\1. atte rev\2er\1ence . . .\4^1\1 and for charite } #$% [ Printed \2PC\1 I.xxxvi-vii.]#$%\4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed]#$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1363 Petition of the Abbot and Convent of Seynt Germayne, Yorkshire #$%{(1) To the kyng oure souerain Lorde #$%Moost humbly besechen youre poure Chappeleyns and continuell Oratoures thabbot and (2) Convent of the monastery of Seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york *at where it lyked yo\2ur\1 highnes (3) because *at the more part of sp\2irit\1ueltees and temporaltees of the seid monastery lying and adioynyng (4) to the Rivers of humbre Owse Trent Aire doune derwent and the dyke which weren the grete relyef and susten\2a\1nce of (5) yo\2ur\1 seid Oratoures werne of long tyme and yit ben by the Invndacions of the seid waters and brekyng in of the (6) bankes of hem there / so amynused dyscresed depaupa\2r\1te and anyentysed and also taxed and surcharged to the paying (7) of the dysme\4g\1 and su(bs)idies\4^1 t\1at diuers yeres the proufites and reuenues of them wolde vnneth suffice to (8) paie the hole dismes aftre the taxe of theim which hole disme\4g\1 of her possessions sp\2irit\1uelx and (9) temporelx amounten to the some of iiij xx. iiij. li. and more in the provinces of Caunterbury and yorke and for other (10) grete charges and pitevous causes and consideracons than shewed vnto youre highnes It lyked youre most benigne grace (11) of grete tendernes and \4g\1ele to youre seid monastery and merite to youre soule and to thencresing of dyuine seruice (12) there by youre l\2ett\1res patentes the seid special causes and other meritory causes rehersing for to graunte (13) vnto youre seid Oratours and to their successours and to the monastery Aforeseid to be quyte and discharged for eu\2er\1e (14) of alle disme\4g\1 to be graunted in the seid provinces ou\2er\1 the so\2m\1me of .xl. li. so *at yo\2ur\1 (15) seid Oratours shulde paie after the graunte of eu\2er\1y hole disme in those provinces .xl li. oonly that is to seye .xv. li. (16) after an hole disme within the province of Caunterbury And so after the rate vpon eu\2er\1e graunt vpon eny part or quote of (17) any disme within the same prouince And .xxv. li. after an hole disme w\2ith\1 in the province of york And so after the rate (18) there in semblable wise as it more pleynly appiereth in youre seid l\2ett\1res patentes. Please it (yo\2ur\1 most habundant)\4^2\1 (19) grace the premisses tenderly to considre at this tyme. And in releuacion of your seid c\2on\1tinuel Oratours and Monastery (20) of youre patronage being for to prouide for yo\2ur\1 seid Oratours vpon this Act of resumpcion by thassent of your lordes (21) sp\2irit\1uelx and temporelx now in this youre present parlemet assembled in the wise and in *e maner and (22) fourme as folowith / At the Reu\2er\1ence of god and in wey of Charite And they shal continuelly prey for youre Royal estate (23) and prosp\2er\1ite. #$%Prouided alwey that this Act or ordin\2a\1nce of Resumpcion extende not ne be p\2re\1iudicial (24) to thabbot and Conuent of the monastery of seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york (25) (duryng *e lif of thabbot \4t\2at\1 now is)\4^3 p\1ne to her successours\4P^4\1 of or for Any graunte or l\2ett\1res patentes of exon\2er\1acion or Acquitaill (26) vnto hem made of any disme\4g\1 or subsidie\4g\1 aboue the so\2m\1me of .xv. li. after the taxe or quantite of an hole (27) disme g\2ra\1unted or to be graunted in the province of Caunterbury And aboue the som\2m\1e of .xxv. li after the (28) taxe or quantite of an hole disme graunted or to be graunted in the province of york and so after tha Rate and quantite of hem (29) more or lesse but *at the (grauntes)\4^5\1 or l\2ett\1res patentes made to hem of or for the premisse\4g\1 mowe stonde (30) in her force and so be vtterly except and forprised owte of this Act of Resumpcion #$%(Memorandum of action on dorse, in a third hand) The kyng by thavice (31) of the lordes sp\2irit\1uelx and temp\2or\1elx aggreedh this p\2ro\1vysyon as it is desyred duryng the liffe of the Abbot that (32) nowe is and after his discesse the kyng taketh and resumeth in to his handes all the grauntes conteyned in \4t\2e\1 p\2ro\1vysyon to be at his pleasire} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.308] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [superior insert in a second hand] \4^4\1 [bracketed for excision] \4^5\1 [rubbed] #$ \227\1#$ 1455 SC8/28/1369 Petition of William Neel and William Laweshull that their grants not be resumed #$%{(1) To the King oure sou\2er\1ain Lorde #$%Besechen mekely youre humble and pou\2r\1e seru\2a\1nt\2es\1 William (2) Neel yoman of youre Honn\2ou\1rable Chambre and William Laweshull Grome of the same That where as in considerac\2i\1on aswel (3) of the long and continual seruice that they haue do vnto you as for the grete cost\2es\1 charges and expenses by theym (4) born and doon in the same seruice in riding diu\2er\1se tymes at youre high comaundement\2es\1 and oth\2e\1r wise manyfold. (5) hit hath liked vnto youre highnesse forto Rewarde youre seid besechers as hit shall appere in the tenour here folwing (6) And for asmuche as they haue no thinge ellis to leve vppon in any wise but oonly the seid Rewardes and dred theym sore (7) forto forgo the same by force of an Acte of Resumpc\2i\1on whiche is made in this youre p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement vnto their (8) importable hurt but if hit be Remediyd by yo\2ur\1 (high nesse vnto whiche please hit \4t\2er\1fore of yo\2ur\1 most (9) noble & benigne g\2ra\1ce by thavis)\4^1\1 and assent of the lords sp\2irit\1uelx and temporelx assembled in this p\2re\1sent (10) p\2ar\1lement for to execute and p\2ro\1uide for youre seid besechers in the seid Acte according vnto the tenour here (11) folwing And they shall sp\2eci\1ally pray to god for you #$%Prouided also that this Acte of Resumpc\2i\1on or adnullac\2i\1on (12) extende nor in any Wise be p\2re\1iudicial vnto William Neel by the name of william Neel oon of oure Gromes of (13) oure Chaumbre in or of a g\2ra\1unte made by vs vnto him of thoo vj li vj s viij d whiche Geffrey Lescrop and his heires (14) to vs yerely owe for to yelde of the Residue of the Manoirs of Bowedon and haverebergh in the Countee of Leyc\2estre\1 for . . . \4^2\1 (15) terme of viij yeres \4p\1Nor vnto William Laweshull in or of a gr\2a\1unte by vs made vnto him of the landes and tenement\2es \1 (16) Rent and seruice in the Tovn of wrotthyng made vnto him for the term of xxx yeres yelding vnto vs therof by yere iiij (17) li as hugh atte ffenne to vs therof before tyme yelded and xx s ou\2er\1 of encresce by yere.\4P^3\1 but that \4p\1alle\4P^3\1 and eu\2er\1y (18) of our seid graunt\2es\1 seu\1er\1ally made vnto the seid william and william And oure l\2ett\1res patent\2es\1 (19) seu\2er\1ally theruppon made be good and effectual vnto theym and eich of theym. the seid Acte notwistanding. #$%(Dorse in a different hand) (20) As to Nele it is aggreed and as to William lawshull it is aggreed \4t\2at\1 that he hath be resumed to *e kynges advayle} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.313b] #$% \4^1\1 [over erasure] \4^2\1 [cancel] \4^3\1 cancelled#$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1373 Petition of Thomas Scargill that his grant not be resumed #$%{(1) To the kyng our sou\2er\1ain lord #$%Besecheth mekely your humble s\2er\1uaunt Thomas Scargill Squier late vssher (2) of your honorable Chambre that where as in consideracion of the long and continuall s\2er\1uice that he hath doon vnto you (3) in your honorable houshold about your g\2ra\1cious p\2er\1sone by the space of xx yeres and more it hath liked vnto your highnesse (4) for to make hym Squier and to susteyne that degre the xxx yere of your noble and g\2ra\1cious Regne forto g\2ra\1unt vnto him (5) by the name of Thomas Scargill Squier vj d by day to be take for t\2er\1me of his lif of the issues and p\2ro\1fites (6) comyng of *e Counte of york by the handes of *e Shiref of the same Counte for the tyme beyng Please it vnto your (7) most noble and benigne g\2ra\1ce forto g\2ra\1unte by thaduise and assent of the lordes spiritualx and temporalx (8) assembled in this p\2re\1sent parlement that in the acte of resumpc\2i\1on made in this said parlement a p\2ro\1uision (9) be made for your said besecher in the fourme folwyng and he shall sp\2eci\1ally pray to god for you #$%(10) Prouided also that this acte of resumpsion extende not nor be preiudiciall vnto Thomas (11) Scargill Squier in or of a g\2ra\1unt made by vs vnto him by the same name of vj d by day to be take for t\2er\1me (12) of his lif of the issues s\2er\1uices reuenues p\2ro\1fites and other co\2m\1modites comyng of the Counte of york by the (13) handes of the Shiref of the same Counte for the tyme beyng but that our said g\2ra\1unte and l\2ett\1res patentes (14) therupon made beryng date *e xvj day of Marche the xxxthe yere of our regne be good and effectuall vnto hym (15) aftir the tenour and p\2ur\1port of the same the said acte not withstandyng #$%(Dorse,in another hand) The lordes spirituelx and (16) temp\2or\1elx consideryng that Thomas Scargyll hathe no thyng of the kynges yeft but vj d by the day save oonly (17) the parkership of *e park of haveryng of the Bour by the which he hath but lytle avayle obov his charges agree w\2ith\1 this p\2ro\1vysyen}#$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.314b] #$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1380A Petition of John Heron to be made Constable of the Castel of Bameburgh #$%{(1) To the kyng oure sou\2er\1aigne lord #$%Mekely beseketh your humble s\2er\1u\2a\1nt Iohn Heron Squyer that wher (2) it liked yo\2ur\1 highnesse to g\2ra\1unt to yo\2ur\1 said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt thoffice of Constable of yo\2ur\1 Castell (3) of Bameburgh. to haue and occupie for t\2er\1me of his lif by him or by his depute sufficient / for whom he woll aunswere with (4) all man\2er\1 fees wages and p\2ro\1fites to *e same office of olde tyme due and accustumed and also the kepyng of (5) your said Castell and ou\2er\1sight of the lordship of the same Castell. and also .xl. li to be take of thissues fermes profites (6) and reuenues of the said Castell and lordship of Bameburgh comyng. by the handes of all man\2er\1 Receyuours ffermers (7) and Occupiers of the same Castell and lordship for the tyme beyng / at the t\2er\1mes of Ester and of Seynt Michell by (8) euen porcions for the saufgarde of your said Castell. And in your last parlement holden before this p\2re\1sent parlement. (9) it liked you by thauys and assent of yo\2ur\1 lordes sp\2irit\1uelx and temporelx and your Co\2m\1ens in (10) *e same parlement assembled / and by auctorite of the same to ordeyne that your said besecher was restored and p\2re\1f erred (11) yerely to *e said fees wages and .xl. li specified in yo\2ur\1 said l\2ett\1res of g\2ra\1unte to him made (12) accordyng to the p\2ur\1porte and tenour of the same l\2ett\1 res patent\4g\1 of the said issues fermes p\2ro\1fites (13) and reuenues afore all other assignement\4g\1 and g\2ra\1u ntes to eny p\2er\1sone or p\2er\1sones therof had or made. (14) eny other g\2ra\1unte or assignement by you made to eny other p\2er\1sone or p\2er\1sones not withstondyng. That it please (15) you of your moost habundaunt g\2ra\1ce considered that \4t\2e\1 said Castell stondith in \4t\2e\1 fronter of your marches (16) toward Scotland and \4t\2at\1 the same Castell is right ruinous and diu\2er\1se partes of the walles of the same Castell and (17) also the Dungeon forteresses and Toures therin likely to falle do\2u\1n withoute \4t\2at\1 the soner remedy of reparacion (18) be had in theym And also the see with dryftes of weder hath dryven the sandes to the walles of *e said Castell. so (19) that all people may haue cours to the same walles . . .\4^1\1 wherfore your said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt ys put to *e more coste and charge (20) and because therof fyndeth .xl. p\2er\1sones dayely abydyng in the said Castell for the saufgarde of the same (21) and that he yeueth yerely to his lieuten\2a\1nt continuelly abydyng vpon the saufgarde of the same Castell .xx. marc and to (22) .ij. men watching there both wynter tyme and Som\2er\1tyme to either of theym vj. marc yerely and mete and drynke and that (23) yo\2ur\1 said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt hath nomore of you to supporte the said charges but the said .xl. li. that it like yo\2ur\1 (24) highnesse to g\2ra\1unte that a purven may be had for your said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt in forme here vnder writen And if it like (25) yo\2ur\1 highnesse that your said s\2er\1u\2a\1nt shall not be p\2ro\1uided for in this behalue that it may be (26) enacted in this high Courte of parlement that he be not empeched in tyme to come neither by you yo\2ur\1 heires ne successours (27) for eny losse or hurt \4t\2at\1 might falle to the said Castell as godde for bede by yo\2ur\1 ennemys for lacke or defaute (28) of kepyng of the said Castell #$%(Similar hand but smaller script)Prouided also that this act e or peticion of resumpsion extende not nor in eny wise be (29) preiudiciall to oure g\2ra\1unte made by vs by oure l\2ett\1res patentes to Iohn Heron Squyer in to for or of thoffice of Constable (30) and ouersight of oure Castell and lordship of Bameburgh ne to the wages fees and rewardes to the same of olde tyme due and (31) accustumed ne to oure g\2ra\1unte made by the same l\2ett\1res patentes to the same Iohn of .xl. li yerely to be take of thissues (32) rentes p\2ro\1fites and reuenues of the said Castell and lordship comyng for the kepyng and charges of the said Castell aswell in tyme (33) of werre as tyme of pease Considered that oure p\2ro\1genitours and we haue be charged for the kepyng of the said Castell with (34) DC. marc yerly and nowe be charged but with the said xl. li And that oure said l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 be gode and (35) eff\2ect\1uell to the said Iohn this acte notwithstondyng #$% SC8/28/1380B (draft; cancels not recorded) #$%So alwey \4t\2at\1 if *e seid (36) wages fees and rewardes atteigne to the so\2m\1me of xl. li by yere. \4t\2at *en *e seid (g\2ra\1unte of xl li)\4^2\1 (38) yerely be not comprised within *is p\2ro\1u ision and if *e seid fees wages & rewardes atteigne not (39) to the so\2m\1me of xl. li by yere. then *e seid g\2ra\1unte (of xl li yerely)\4^2\1 & l\2ett\1res patentes (40) \4t\2er\1of. to and for asmoche as so shal atteigne (to the sume of xl li with the wages fees and rewardes)\4^2\1 be & stond (41) (goode)\4^2\1 effectuell and availlable for the kepyng and charge of the said Castell as wel in tyme of werre as in tyme of pease} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.316b] #$% \4^1\1 [cancel] \4^2\1 [superior insert in a different hand] #$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1387 Petition of Thomas Yong for restitution after his arrest for speaking out in Parliament #$%{(1) To the right wise and discret Comons in this present parlement assembled #$%Bese(cheth)\4^1\1 humbly Thomas yong that where (2) as he late beyng oon of the knyghtes for the shire and towne of Bristowe in dyu\2er\1s parlementes holden afore this demened (3) him in his saiyng in the same as wele faithfully and with alle suche trewe diligent labour as his symplenesse couthe or might (4) for the wele of the kyng oure sou\2er\1ain lorde and this his noble Realme and notwithstonding that by the olde lib\2er\1te (5) and fredom of the Comyn\2s\1 of this londe had enIoyed and p\2re\1scribed fro the tyme that no mynde is alle suche p\2er\1s ones (6) as for the tyme been assembled / in eny parlement for the same Comyn\2s\1 ought to haue theire fredom to speke and sey in the (7) hous of there assemble as to theym (is)\4^2\1 thought conuenyent or resonable withoute eny man\2er\1 chalange charge or punycion (8) therefore to be leyde to theym in eny wise Neu\2er\1thelesse by vntrewe sinistre reportes made to the kinges highnesse of (9) your said bisecher for matiers by him shewed in the hous accustumed for the Comyns in the said p\2ar\1lementes He was (10) therefore taken arrested and rigorously in open wise led to the Toure of London and there greuously in grete duresse long (11) tyme emprisoned (ayenst)\4^2\1 the said fredom and lib\2er\1te and was there put in grete fere of ymportable punycion of his body and (12) drede of losse of his lif withoute eny enditement p\2re\1sente ment appele due originall accusement or cause laufull had or sued (13) ayenst him as it is openly knowen: the not mowyng come to eny answere or declaracion in that partie whereby he not oonly suffered (14) grete hurt payn and disese in his body (but)\4^2\1 was by the occasion therof put to ou\2er\1 grete excessyue losses and expenses of his (15) good amountyng to the so\2m\1me of M\2l\1. mark and muche more Please hit your grete wisedoms tenderly to consider the p\2re\1misses And (16) thervpon to pray the kyng our sou\2er\1ain lorde that hit like his (highness)\4^2\1 of his moost noble grace to graunte and p\2ro\1uide (17) by thavice of the lordes spirituell and temporell in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1lement assembled that for the said losses costes damages (18) and imprisonment your said bi(secher)\4^2\1 haue sufficient and resonable recompense as good feith trouthe and conscience requiren} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.337.15] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1388 Petition of the Citizens of Oxford #$%{(1) To the right wise and discret Co\2mun\1s of this p\2re\1sent parlement #$%Besechen (mekely)\4^1\1 yo\2ur\1 contynuell Oratours the (2) Mair and Burgeises of the towne of Oxenford that where *e said towne is charged to *e kyng our sou\2er\1ayn lorde (3) yerely of a fee ferme of xl li beside and other charge of xxiij li v d And ou\2er\1 that at eu\2er\1y xv\2me\1 & x\2e\1 of \2xx\1iiij. li (4) And howe *at the said towne in *e dais what tyme the same towne was thus charged with *e said (5) so\2m\1mes was full enhabited with marchauntes artificers and grete multitude of lay people And now is desolate for the (6) more parte be cause of diu\2er\1se statut\4g\1 in diu\2er\1se parlement\4g\1 made that noo man shulde take noon apprentices (7) but if the fadres or *e modres of *e apprentices myght spende yerely xx s of free hold So that the said lay people (8) nowe in *e said towne of dyu\2er\1s craftes may not bere *e charges aforsaid ne s\2er\1ue and plese the Clergie (9) beyng in *e vniu\2er\1syte that is there Wherfore many scolers withdrawe theym and voide the said vniu\2er\1syte seyng *at (10) they may not haue artificers to serue theym at their nede to *e p\2er\1petuell anyentesyng of *e said towne and grete (11) hyndryng of the said Clergie / Please it vnto your wisdoms the p\2re\1mysses tendrely considred to pray the kyng our sou\2er\1ayn (12) lord that it lyke his highnesse by *aduise and assent of his lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temporell in this p\2re\1sent p\2ar\1l ement (13) assembled to ordeyne by auctoryte of *e same *at it be liefull to eu\2er\1y Burgeys of the said towne of (14) Oxenford to take apprentece or apprentices such as to hem semeth behofull in semblable maner as *e Citezens of the Citee (15) of london doo and vse how be it that *e fadre or fadres of the said app\2re\1ntice or app\2re\1ntices haue not ne (16) neu\2er\1 had eny free holde in londes te\2ne\1m\2en\1tes rentes s\2er\1uices or eny other possessions within *is (17) Roialme and *at (noon)\4^2\1 of the said Burgeyses of the said towne for takyng of eny such apprentice contr\2ar\1ie to the (18) said statu\4g\1 by our said sou\2er\1ain lord ne his heires nor noon other p\2er\1sone be disturbed inquieted greved vexed (19) or empeched eny statute afore *is tyme made to *e contr\2ar\1ie not withstondyng Savyng allwey to the Chaunceller of (20) *e vniu\2er\1syte of Oxenford and to his successours ther custumes and priueleges of old tyme hadde and vsed. Prouyded (21) alwey that noon of the said Burgeises ne dwellers within the said toun shall take to apprentice eny scoler withoute *assent (22) and avise of *e fader and moder or *e speciall frendes of *e same scoler And this atte reu\2er\1ence of god and in way of Charitee:} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.337.16] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1455 SC8/28/1393 Petition to Commons of Richard Ford, Clerk of the Exchequer #$%{(1) To the right wyse notable and discrete Comons of this p\2re\1sent parlement assembled #$%(Humbly bisechith)\4^1\1 and (2) prayeth Richard fforde Remembrauncer of the kynges Eschequier on the part of the Tresorer of Englond that where the Tresorer (3) of Englond for the tyme beyng by the tyme that no mynd is as Tresorer and by vertu of (his offi)ce\4^1\1 hath yevyn and grauntid (4) the office of the Clerk of the pipe and remembrauncer on his part amonge othir offices whenne they voyde to suche p\2er\1sones (5) as by his discrecion semyd to be able and expedient to ocupie the seid office and now late (Marmaduke Lumley bishop of)\4^2\1 Karliell (6) late Tresorer of Englond by the agrement and consent of on Robart Cawode thenne Clerk of the office of the pipe yaff and graunted to (7) yo\2ur\1 seid besecher the seid office of the pipe by force of the which gr\2au\1nte he was therof possessed and ocupied and Thomas (8) Thorp thenne beyng remembrauncer of the seid Tresorers part for diu\2er\1se causes resonable mevyng Iohn Erle of Worcestre (9) thenne beyng Tresorer was ammoued and put oute of the seid office and the seid Erle beyng Tresorer yaff and graunted the seid office (10) of remembrauncer vn to yo\2ur\1 seid besecher by vertu of the which he was therof possessed and oon Iohn Gloucestre by the (11) g\2ra\1unte of the same Tresorer ocupyed and yit is possessed of the seid office of the pipe and yo\2ur\1 seid besecher (12) the seid office of Remembrauncer ocupied and enioyed vn to the tyme that the seid Thomas Thorp by colo\2ur\1 of the kynges (13) l\2ett\1res patentes made vn to him of the seid office of Remembrauncer for the t\2er\1me of his lyfe contrary to the (14) lib\2er\1te and the custume of the office of the seid Tresorer (by the)\4^2\1 tyme afore rehersed hadde and vsyd was put and kept (15) oute by grete fauo\2ur\1 and supportacion and your sei d besecher the which of tendre age was brought vp in the seid (16) Eschequier was destitute and vnpurveide of any office or occupacion there and how be hit that the seid Thomas (17) Thorp hadde no title to\4\1 the seid office of Rembrauncer but it ocupyed by grete supportacion contrarye to the custume a boue rehersed and (18) also ayeinst the wylle of the said Erle beyng Tresorer wuld not be ammoved on lesse the(nne)\4^2\1 he myght bene p\2re\1ferred (19) to be third Baron of the seid Eschequier and theroppon by grete meanes made by (\4t\2e\1)\4^2\1 officers of the seid Eschequier and by othir welle disposed p\2er\1sones it was entredid (20) labored and concluded with s\2ir\1 willm ffallan Clerk thenne beyng third Baron of the seid Eschequier that he . . .\4^3\1 shuld cese and (21) leue his ocupacion of Baron of the seid Eschequier and the seid Thomas Thorp to haue the seid ocupacion for the which conclusion (22) yo\2ur\1 seid besecher was reuled to be bounden by his obligacion to the seid william ffallan in a c\2er\1teyne su\2m\1me of money to (23) pay him yerely duryng his lyfe xl m\2ar\1c of lawfull money on lesse thenne by the kyng oure seid sou\2er\1ayne lord or by (24) the seide Erle or by any other p\2er\1sone atte the instaunce of the seid Erle or of yo\2ur\1 seid besecher were p\2ur\1veied (25) fore and recompensed (to the valewe of xl m\2ar\1c)\4^2\1 and more yerely duryng his lyfe so that no recompense be made to the (26) seid willy\2a\1m of any benefice hauyng cure of Soule the which charge of xl m\2ar\1c yo\2ur\1 seid besecher seth that (27) tyme yerely hath boryn and payde vnto the seid willm ffallan to his grete enpou\2er\1isshing and importable charge / Please it (28) yo\2ur\1 grete wysdoms and discressions to considre these (p\2re\1misses and)\4^2\1 also othir grete costis and charges (29) that yo\2ur\1 seid besecher hath dayly in occupacion of the seid office and to pray the kyng oure sou\2er\1ayn lord by (39) the assent of the Lordes sp\2irit\1uell and temporelx in this p\2re\1sent parlem\2en\1t assembled and by (auctorite of)\4^2\1 (40) the seid parlement to ordeigne and establysshe that the obligac\2i\1on and suerte made to the seid willy\2a\1m (41) ffallan by the seid Richard fforde for the yerly payement of the seid xl m\2ar\1c be voide and of none effect (nor)\4^2\1 strength} #$% [Printed \2RP\1 V.342.25] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] \4^3\1 [cancel] #$ #$ 1384 E40/A1779 London Indenture #$%{(1) M\2emorandum\1 that Iohn Chirteseye of the Schyr of hertford Gentilman made (astat)\4^1\1 bi dede Endentid vn to Richard willysdon And (2) to Anneys hys wyf of all hys w(h)arf\4^1\1 Callyd Pakemannys wharf w\2ith\1 all the land And tenementys And portin\2aunce\1 in the (3) parsch of seynt dunstonys in the Este in london And to holde vn to the seyd Ric\2hard\1 wyllysdon And Anneys hys wyf to ther eyrys (4) And ther Assynes ffrom the date of seyd Endentur vn to the Ende of C. \4g\1er the wych dat of the seyd Endentur was in the (5) feste of seynt Archunwolde the \4g\1er of kyng Ric\2hard\1 the ij\2d\1 the vij\2e\1 Beryng vn to the seyd Iohn Chirtheseyd hys (6) eyr\2es\1 And to hys Assygnes xij li of lawfull money duryng the seyd t\2er\1me Also bryng to seynt Mari overey And to Socage All the (7) Charge that to thethm \4g\1erli of of the seyd soyle by longyth Also beryng Alman\2er\1 of c\2er\1teyn And Casuell Chargis (8) As A\4g\1en holy chyrch. And to the kyng that ys or schall long vn(to)\4^1\1 the seyd land And tenement duryng the seyd t\2er\1me (9) Also Ric\2hard\1 wyllysdon s(h)all\4^2\1 vp on hys owne p\2ro\1p\2er\1 Cost wyth yn x \4g\1er next folovyng Afft \2er\1 (10) the dat of the seyde Endentur Enlarg Strecch yng in tho themesward the seyd wharfe \2xx\1iij fote of A sise And wall (11) All only of maydenston ston Also the seyd Ric\2hard\1 wyllesdon Schall w\2ith\1 yn the t\2er\1me of the seyd x. \4g\1er to (12) take don All man\2er\1 of hosyng. At the tyme of the seyd lese beryng \4p\1beryng\4P^3\1 vp on all the seyd soyl And byld All the Soyle All (13) only wyth new tymbre puttyng to no thyng to of the olde tymbr And that to (be)\4^1\1 p\2er\1formyd yn the forme Aft\2er\1 wrytten That (14) ys to wyten wytten All the ffrountte of the seyde soyle A\4g\1e nst the hye Strete And xl fote ynward of Storyes of heygh the fyrst (15) story of xij fote of heygh te ij of x fote te thryd of vij fote p\2ur\1posseuyd of sufficient tymbr All only of herte of oke (16) As Sufficienttyly longyth to Sych man\2er\1 of Byldyng wyth All man\2er\1 of \4p\1divyn\4P^3\1 dividyng Garnysshyng And Cou\2er\1yng (17) that schuld long to the seyd Bildyng \4p\1wyth All man\2er\4P^3\1 Also the seyd Ric\2hard\1 wyllesdon schall wythynne the seyd t\2er\1me Of (18) x \4g\1er do byld vp on the seyd Soyle in warde A Chef dwellyng place A bove Stag \4p\1tat\4P^3\1 that ys to wyte A hall of xl fote (19) of lengyth And xxiiij fote of brede A (parlour)\4^4\1 kychyn And bot\2er\1ye As to Sych A hall Schulde long And the remen\2a\1nt of the soyle (20) Accept the Cartway And the seyd wharf of \2xx\1iiij fote to do bylde Chambrys And hovs\2es\1 for the march\2a\1undyse sufficiently (21) forseyng that As well vndyr the seyd hall parlour And kechyn bot\2er \1y And All the seyd Chambr beselered vndurnethe the Grunde xij (22) fote in heygh And All the seyd Byldyng To be donn Be \4p\1the of\4P^3\1 the seyd Ihon Chirtheseye or hys Assign And \4g\1yf Caas be that the (23) seyd byldyng or Eny part ther of be not holly p\2er\1formyd in the man\2er\1 A fore seyd by the Ende of the seyde x \4g\1er then (24) schall hit be lefull vn to the seyd Iohn Chirtheseye hys executo\2r \1iis And hys Assygnes And to the seyde soyle w\2ith\1 All portinaun c\2es\1 (25) to reentr And the seyd Ric\2hard\1 wyllysdon hys executorijs And hys Assignis holli to put owte for Eu\2er\1 mor (26) thys Endentur no\4g\1th w\2ith\1standyng Also in the Same Endentur A Clause of destresse \4g\1yf the Rent be by hynde A (27) moneth of Eny \4p\1vsuall da\4P^3\1 vusuall day of payment And \4g\1yf that be bi hynde iij Monethys to (r)eentr\4^2\1 &c (28) Also \4g\1yf dew Rep\2er\1acion be no\4g\1th don w\2ith\1 lefull \4p\1warnyg\4P^3\1 warnyng had be seyd lessour or his Assygnes (29) w\2ith\1 yn xl dayes Aft\2er\1 warnyng to holly reentre &c}#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [crease] \4^3\1 [cancelled] \4^4\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1426 C146/C1223 Stonor Indenture, London #$%{(1) This bille endentid made atte london the xxiiij day of Nouembr\2e \1the yere of kyng henri the sext after the conquest the fourthe (2) bitwene Thomas Stonore Squier of the Shire of Oxonford and william Rothewell of the Shire of lyncoln Squyer witnessith that the said (3) william hath boght the Maner of Repyngale with alle the londes and tenementes of the seid Thomas in the seid Shire of lyncoln with the (4) douson of the thirde parte of the Churche of Rypyngale vnder the fo\u2r\1me and condicione that folowen. that is to seyn the sad (5) william shall paye vnto the same Thomas for the seid Maner and ten\2emen\1tes at Stonore CC.\2xx\1iiij. xvj li xiij s. iiij d of (6) good lavfull money of Inglond the oon half \4t\2er\1of atte fest of Annunciacion of oure lady next comyng after the date aboueseid and (7) the other half atte fest of Seynt michell Archangle than next folow yng And that the seid Thomas vpon the seid payement atte fest of Annun ciacion (8) of oure lady shall make a feffement of the Maner and ten\2e men\1tes aboueseid vnto the seid william and to his heirs and assignee s (9) with a warantye for eu\2er\1more vpon condic\2i\1on that if the same william faill of his forseyd seconde payement of half CC\2xx\1iiij. (10) xvj li xiij s iiij d atte seid fest of Seynt Michell that than the seid Thomas the forseid Maner and ten\2emen\1tes (11) may reentre the. seysyne therof delyu\2er\1ed nat withstandyng And if the seid william well and trewely paye all the sume aboue seid (12) of CC\2xx\1iiij xvj li xiij s iiij d atte festes aboueseid thanne the forseid Thomas shall make vnto the same william as good (13) sufficient and sure estat of the Maner and ten\2emen\1tes aboue seid and eu\2er\1y p\2ar\1cell therof as the counceles of the (13) seid Thomas and william will deuyse In witnesse wherof the said parties to this endent\2ur\1es entrechangeably haue put her (14) seals y yove at london the day and yere aboueseid.}#$ #$ 1427 E28/48/18 Winchester Indenture #$%{(1) Thys endenture (y)\4^1\1 made by Walt\2er\1 hore mair of *e Cite of Wynchestr\2e\1 & Cyte\4g\1yns of the same Cyte *e (2) *rydde. day of Septemb\2e\1r *e \4g\1er of *e regne of kyng (henr\2y\1)\4^2\1 *e .vj. *e .v. wytennssuth *at (3) oure worshupful. & holy. fadur in god henr\2y\1 by *e grace of god Bysshup of Wynchestr\2e\1 & *e worthy Clerk / Abbot of (4) Beaulieu Walt\2er\1 Sandes knyght & Iohn Vuedale Squyer Co\2m \1mission\2er\1s of oure sayde liege lorde by. hys l\2ett\1res of (5) p\2ri\1ue seal. lat were. y.sende to *e sayde Mayr & Cyte\4g \1ins to trete wyth hem to haue en. app\2re\1st of hem. a. notable (6) so\2m\1me in (helpyng of *e w)erres\4^3\1 of oure sayde liege lord by twext whyche Co\2m\1mission\2er\1s. Mayr & Cyte\4g\1ins (7) diu\2er\1se\4g\1 co\2muni\1cacions .y.hadde to fore *e. day bwesaid & also diu\2er\1se\4g\1 co\2muni\1cacions & (8) dayes. y. hadde by. *e sayde Mayr & . Cite\4g\1ins by. twext hem self / to fore *at day / (& so)\4^2\1 (the day A)\4^3\1 forsayde (9) the Mair & Cyte\4g\1ins answered & sayde *at wyth. diu\2er\1 se late pestylence\4g t\1e *ryftyust men &. so grete. a. multi tude (10) of peple ys dede in oure cyte \4t\2at\1. *e *rydde man ys nat. y.left. a lyue \4t\2er\1 ynne & *e kyngus (11) ferme of *at Cyte & o*er many diu\2er\1se\4g\1 ch\2ar \1ge\4g\1 fallyng vpon *at Cyte fro day to day bu* now (12) as grete as euu\2r *ey were (as)\4^2\1 whan *e Cyte of peple & goud stovde most in p\2ro\1sp\2er\1ite & so for grete ch\2ar \1ges (13) fallyng vpon hem. day by day *ey mowe vnne*e lyve but bu*. so pore. *at ap\2re\1st. hy bu* nat in power (14) to make but and. hyt were in. here power to make. ap\2re\1st or (of power to)\4^2\1 do plesance to oure (liege)\4^2\1 lord wyth here goud. hy (15) wolde do hyt as tendurly & w\2ith\1. as goude hert &. wyll as eny man *at lyuuth.}#$% \4^1\1 [crease] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [over erasure] #$ #$ c 1428 C49/22/19 Bristol Deposition #$%{(1) The certyficate of the Meyr and Baillyffes of Brystowe #$%Remembrance that the fryday next after *e fest of the (2) Exaltac\2i\1on of the holy Croyce the sexte yer of the kyng that nowe ys: Iohn Baylly late the Clerk of Phelip Excestre: come a (3) fore Robert Russell that tyme Meyr Roger lyuedon and Water Milton the yonger Baillifs. And many other worthy men syttyng yn open (4) Court And seyd openly yn heryng of alle men: that ther were that serteyn day and yere: he shewed to Thomas Stamford a dede (5) ensealed that Crystyan Nele somtyme of Brystowe made vnder her seal. And also vnder the Meyres seale: to Willyam Combe som tyme (6) Burgeis of Bristowe: of certeyn londes And tenementes: yn the towne: and *e subarbes of Bristowe: And whan he had (7) shewed the same dede: vn to the same Thomas: the same Thomas toke the seales yn his honde: and desyred the foresaid dede: And (8) for the same Iohn Bailly. wolde not delyuer hit hym: he pulled of the seales. that he helde yn his honde: and putte hem yn his (9) sleue: And whan the same Thomas hed harde these wordes: he said . that sothe hit was: that *e said Iohn Baylly shewed hym (10) suche a dede: And. yn struglyng be twene hem bothe: he brake of the seales: and so he knoweleched the brekyng ther of: openly (11) a fore alle the Court / and said these wordes: I didde hit. what wolle ye sey ther to: take youre auauntage:}#$ #$ 1445 C146/C3584 London Indenture #$%{(1) This bille endentid made be twyn Rob\2er\1t Clopton Ceteseyn and Alderman of london on the on p\2ar\1ty And Iohn Gerveys of (2) Bury Seynt Edmunde on the other p\2ar\1ty witnessith that where as the seid Rob\2er\1t hath c\2er\1teyn lond\2es\1 and ten\2e men\1t\2es\1 (3) in Bury afor seid And in the feld\2es\1 of the same To\2u\1n And in the tounes of ffornh\2a\1m Alhalwyn fforn ham (4) Martyn Berton And in other Tounes there w\2ith\1 here app\2er \1ten\2a\1nc\2es\1 the seid Rob\2er\1t hath solde alle the (5) seid lond\2es\1 and ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 w\2ith\1 the app\2er \1ten\2a\1n\2ces\1 to the seid Iohn for CCCC m\2a\1rc for to be payd (6) at the ffest\2es\1 vnderwrete / that is to sey At the feste of halumesse next comyng: xl m\2a\1rc and at the seid feste of (7) Candelmesse that shall be in the yer of our lord M\2l\1CCCCxlvj. xx. m\2a\1rc and so yerly at the seid feste of Candelmesse (8) xx m\2a\1rc into the tyme that \4t\2e\1 seid sume of CCCC m\2a\1rc be fully content and paid to the seid Rob\2er \1t (9) or his c\2er\1teyn Attorn\2ey\1 And the seid Rob\2er\1t shall make or do make to the seid Iohn and to othere sweche as the seid Iohn (10) will name A sufficiaunt estate in all \4t\2e\1 seid lond\2es\1 and ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 w\2ith\1 the app\2er\1ten\2a\1nc\2es\1 at (11) the seid feste of halumesse / at wheche tyme the seid Iohn shal fynde to the seid Rob\2er\1t And to sweche as he wil haue suffi ciaunt (12) suerte for the seid paiement\2es\1 be a vis of Counsel of \4t\2e\1 seid Rob\2er\1t And for the more suerte of the seid (13) Iohn that he hys heir\2es\1 and assign\2es\1 shul\2e\1n haue the seid lond\2es\1 and ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 w\2ith\1owte ony (14) recou\2er\1e of the seid Rob\2er\1t or his heir\2es\1 The seid Rob\2er\1t shal make or do make to the seid Iohn and his heir\2 es\1 (15) a. resonable suerte of An Annuyte in his Man\2er\1 of wyndey in the Counte of Caumbregge or ellys in othere fee symple lond\2es \1(16) to the value of xx m\2a\1rc yerly be a vis of Counseyll of \4t\2e\1 seid Rob\2er\1t and Iohn that the seid Iohn shal haue (17) the seid lond\2es\1 and ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 in Bury and in the other Tounes aforseid to hym hys heir\2es\1 and assign\2es\1 pes ybly (18) for the forseid Rob\2er\1t hys heir\2es\1 and assign\2es\1 w\2i th\1owtyn ende And also Iohn harpour fermour of the seid lond\2es\1 (19) shal haue fre entre and issu to thresshyn fannyn and caryen all his Cornes straw and chaf howsyd in the Bernes there in to the feste (20) of Estryn nest co\2m\1mynge And also it shal be leful to the seid Rob\2er\1t And his Attorn\2ey\1 for to distreyne in all the (21) forseid lond\2es\1 and ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 for ony rente or ferme be hynde for the t\2er\1me of Mighelmesse nest comyng or ellys (22) before / into the feste of Estryn aforeseid In witnesse where of either of the seid p\2ar\1ties to other chaungeably haue put to these (23) p\2re\1sent bill endentyd her seales: at the xx day of Iull In the yere of kyng herry the vj\2t\1 the xx iij.} #$%p\2er\1 copia sigillat #$ #$ 1445 E101/504/19 Cambridgeshire Indenture #$%{(1) This is the Acorde made the xij\2te\1 day of Septembr\2e\1 the xxiiij\2t \4g\1ere of our sou\2er\1eyn lord kyng henry (2) the vj\2te\1. betwix Iohn ffox of wisbeche in ye counte of Cambrige on that one partie and will\2ia\1m Boydell othirwise called (3) wright of (beche)\4^1\1 Saift\2er\1ton in ye Counte of lincoln on that othir partie / that is to say that y\2e\1 seid william shall (4) take doune all the timbre of the chapetre hous atte ye Nonnes of Staunford And make a low flore in ye same hous contenyng (5) vij som\2er\1s & lx trasons. And make A new Rofe for y\2e\1 same (hous)\4^2\1 co\2n\1tenyng vj bemes vj wyndbeme\4g\1 vj principals . (6) xxvj cople sparres. w\2ith\1 walplates & side trees. w\2ith\1 brase\4g\1 fro ye principals to ye seid Sidetrees whiche Rofe shall (7) conteyne in length .xxj \4g\1erdis & in brede viij. \4g\1erdes of assise ffor whiche werkmanship truly to be made. w\2ith\1 takyng (8) doune of y\2e\1 olde Rofe / the seid Iohn shall pey to ye seid william xlvj s viij d acordyng to his wirkyng / And Agenne / (9) And also ordein timbr\2e\1 to y\2e\1 seid werkes brought in to conuenable place w\2ith\1 in ye \4g\1erde of ye seid Nonnes (10) This flore & Rofe to be made & sette vp. w\2ith\1 in viij moneth es next folowyng aft\2er\1 ye Date herof #$%Also ye seid Iohn (11) & william be acordid y\2at\1 ye seid william shall take doune ye Rofe of the Dortour of ye seid Nonne\4g\1 And make a new Rofe for (12) y\2e\1 seid Dortour contenyng. xlvj \4g\1erdis in length & viiij \4g\1erdis of assise in brede. w\2ith\1 xij grete bemes. (13) xij principals xij wyndbemes lxvj cople sperre\4g\1 (w\2ith\1)\4^2\1 walplates & syde trees acording to ye seid Rofe & xx\2te\1 (14) brase\4g\1 fro ye principals to y\2e\1 side tree\4g\1 ffor werkman ship of whiche Rofe & taking doune of the olde Rofe ye seid Iohn (15) shall pey to ye seid will\2ia\1m vij marc as ye (seid)\4^2\1 werk p\2ro\1s\2ed\1ith and agenne. Also ye seid Iohn shall ordein (16) timbr\2e\1 for ye seid Rofe & do bryng h\2it\1 to couenable place w\2ith\1 in the \4g\1erde of ye seid Nonne\4g\1. And (17) ye seid will\2ia\1m shal take asmuche of y\2e\1 olde timbre as wille in eny wise serve to y\2e\1 seid werkes And he shal make (18) & sette vp the seid Rofe w\2ith\1ine xx\2te\1 monethes next folowyng aft\2e\1r y\2e\1 date herof In wittenes where of the (19) seid Iohn & william has putte yeir seles to this Indentures. atte Staunford the day and \4g\1ere forseid}#$% \4^1\1 [over erasure] \4^2\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1453 E40/A2495 London Indenture #$%{(1) This indenture made bitwene Sire Iohn Burcestre knyght and Thomas hoo of *e Countee of Sussex Squier on *at one (2) partie and william lemyng Cite\4g\1ein and Grocer of london on *at other partie witnesseth *at *e seid Sire (3) Iohn and Thomas han graunted bargayned and solde vnto the seid william *e day of makyng of *is indenture all *e (4) tenement\2es\1 with *e app\2er\1ten\2a\1nces of *e seid sire Iohn liggyng beside *e grete Condite in westchepe (5) in *e paroche of Seint Marie Colchirche in london *at were somtyme Sysors of london Of all *e which tenement\2es (6) \1with *e app\2er\1ten\2a\1nces the seid sire Iohn and Thomas g\2ra\1unten by *is indenture to make or do to make (7) to *e seid william or to his assignes as sure and as suff icient estate as kan be thought most sure and sufficient by *e (8) aduyse of *e Counseill of *e seid william with a suffi cient warantis accordyng to *e same estate (in)\4^1\1 as (hasty (9) time as it)\4^1\1 kan be thought by *e counseill of *e seid william / And *e seid sire Iohn and Thomas g\2ra\1unten by (10) *is indenture to deliu\2er\1 or do to be deliu\2er\1ed vnto *e seid william or to his assignes before *e (11) fest of *e natiuitee of seint Iohn Baptist next forto come aft\2er\1 *e date of *is indenture all *e (12) Chartres euidences and muniment\2es\1 *at *e seid sire Iohn and Thomas han or may haue touchyng or conc\2er\1ny ng (13) *e same tenement\2es\1 or any parcell \4t\2er\1of / Prouided alweys *at yf \4t\2er\1e be more land or mo (14) tenement\2es\1 conteyned in *e same euidences / *at *e seid william shall haue of all suche chartres euidences (15) and muniment\2es\1 a copie in suche wise as kan be *ought most seure by *e aduise of *e Counceill of *e (16) seid william / Also *at *e seid sire Iohn shall fynde to *e seid william sufficient seurtee *at dame Eli\4g \1abeth (17) wyfe of *e seid s\2ir\1e Iohn aft\2er\1 *e decece of *e same sire Iohn shall clayme no dower of (18) nor in *e seid ten\2emen\1t\2es\1 nor any parcell \4t\2er\1of / yf god fortune hir to ou\2er\1live *e (19) seid sire Iohn hir husbond To the which couen\2a\1nt\4g\1 all aboueseid and eu\2er\1ych of *eym on *e partie of (20) *e seid sire Iohn and Thomas and of either of *eym wele and truly to be hold p\2er\1formed and kept in all *inges in (21) *e man\2er\1e and f\2our\1me aforseid / *e seid Sire Iohn and Thomas bynden *eym and either of *eym by hi\2m\1 self for all and in (22) *e hole her heirs her executo\2r\1s and all her goodes to *e forseid william (23) in an hundred pound st\2er\1ling\2es\1 by *ise p\2re\1sent l\2ett\1res In witnesse wherof *e parties aforseid to (24) *ise indentures chaungeably han sette her seals *e xiij\2th\1 day of Iuyn *e yer of *e reigne of (25) king henr\2y *e sixt aft\2er *e conquest .xxxj\2th\1 #$%Stodeley I} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1456 E40/A7651 Northampton Indenture #$%{(1) This endenture made bitwene hugh wyche Cite\4g\1ein and Mercer of london Arthure Ormesby Gentilman and william Sewster Cite\4g\1ein (2) and Mercer of london on that oon partye And henry Baldeswell of Northampton Mercer on that othir partie witnessith / that the said (3) hugh Arthure and william haue dymysed and leten to ferme to the said henry a Shop with Chambres and houses aboue bielded and alle their (4) appurten\2a\1nces set in the olde Drapery of the towne of Northampton forsaid bitwix the ten\2emen\1t of the Abbot seynt (5) Iames biside Northampton abouesaid on that oon partie and the ten\2 emen\1t late of Thomas Bibyng on that othir partie To haue and to (6) holde the said Shop with Chambres and houses aboue bielded and alle their appurten\2a\1nces to the said henry from the fest of (7) Cristemas next co\2m\1myng aftir the date of these presentes vnto the ende and terme of twenty yeres than next suyng and fully to be (8) fulfilled yeldyng therefore yerely duryng the said terme to the said hugh Arthure and william to their heirs or assignees. fyve (9) markes sterlinges atte the festes of the Anunciacion of oure lady Virgyn Natiuite of seynt Iohn Baptist seynt Michell tharchaungell (10) and Natiuite of oure lorde by even porcions And in case be that the said Rent of fyve mark be behynde in part or in alle aftir eny of the (11) said festes by viij dayes vnpaid than hit shall be lefull to the said hugh Arthure and william in the said Shop with Chambers and houses (12) aboue bielded and their appurten\2a\1nces to entre and distreyn And the distresses so taken lefully to bere away and towardes theym to (13) kepe and withholde vnto the tyme that of the said rent and of the arrereges of the same if any be to theym be made satisfaccion and payment And if (14) hit happen the said Rent of fyve mark to be behinde in part or in alle aftir any of the termes abouesaid by .xv. dayes not paid / or if the (15) said henry the said Shop with Chambers & (houses aboue bielded)\4^1\1 & all *eir app\2er\1ten\2a\1unc\2es\1 or eny p\2ar\1cell (16) of he\2m\1 let to serue to any p\2er\1sone or p\2er\1sones within the said terme withoute the speciall licence of the said hugh Arthure (17) and william Than hit shall be lefull to the said hugh Arthure and william and to their heirs and assignees in to the said shop with (18) Chambers and houses aboue bielded / and alle their appurten\2a\1nces to reentre / And the said henry and all othir therof to put oute and (19) amoeve this endenture not withstonding And the said henry ou\2er\1 the said yerely ferme of fyve mark shall pay yerely duryng the said (20) terme of twenty yeres to the wardeyns of the ffrat\2er\1nite & gilde of the holy Trinite and of oure lady virgyn in the Chirche (21) of Alhalowen in Northampton forsaid for the tyme beyng xx s sterl inges aftir the fourme of an endenture made bitwene the wardeyns and the (22) Brithirn and sustern of the said ffrat\2er\1nite on that oon partie and Richard wemmys late of Northampton forsaid Mercer and Iohan his (23) wif on that othir partie / of whiche endenture the date is xxviij day of the Moneth of Septembre In the yere of the reigne of kyng henry (24) the fifte aft\2er\1 the conquest the vx\2th\1 And the said henry shall sufficiently repaire the said Shop with Chambres and houses (25) aboue bielded and their appurten\2a\1nce and theym ayens wynde and reyne defensible shall make atte his p\2ro\1pre costes duryng (26) the terme abouesaid / and atte the ende of the said terme shall leve the said Shop with the Chambres and houses aboue bielded and their (27) appurten\2a\1nces in as gode estate. as he receyued theym in the begynnyng of the said terme / Resonable vse excepte / And to alle these (28) couen\2a\1ntes and paymentes abouesaid on the partye of the said henry wele and truly to be holde p\2er\1fourmed and paid the same (29) henry byndith him his heirs and executours / to the said hugh Arthure and william their heirs and executours by thes endentures In (30) witnesse wherof the parties forsaid to these endentures / chaungeably haue put and set their seall\2es\1 yeuen the .iiij. day of Decembre (31) In the xxxiiij\2th\1 yere of the reigne of kyng henry the sext. #$%(Signed) Plumer} #$% \4^1\1 [over erasure] #$ #$ 1462 C146/C273 Devonshire Indenture #$%{(1) Be hit y knowe to all maner mene that wher. a\4g\1 Iohn Cheyne. Esquyer. haue by my dede. beringe date ate Pynhoe the latyste day of (2) Auerell the yeer of the regne of kyng harrey the Syxth after the conquest the fourtieth haue enfeoffid in fee with owte co\2n\1d ic\2i\1on (3) walter lord hungerford Philipp Courtenay. knyghte Iohn ffortescu walter Sargeaunt Iohn longe preste & Iohn Mayne in all my (4) Maner of Nortonhautevile with all my londis and ten\2emen\1ts and all the app\2er\1ten\2a\1ncis in the Schere of Som\2er \1s\2et\1. (5) And al soe in the haluyndell of the Maner of hulpryngton all my londis and ten\2emen\1ts with all the app\2er\1ten\2a\1 nce (6) in the sshere of wilts\2hire\1 \4p\1And longe tyme afore by a nothire dede berynge date ate Excestr\2e\1 in the feste of (7) seint mathew the apostell the yeer of the regne of kynge herry the Syxth after the conqueste the twelf haue feoffed william Palain (8) knyght James Chideleoh william Chideleogh . . . in all my landis & ten\2emen\1ts withinne the paryssh of Pynhoe in the Schere (9) of Deuo\2n\1sshire in the forme as hit apperith in the sayde dede\4P^1\1 & rentholds for as moche as I am in dette to diu\2er\1s (10) p\2er\1sons as well for my owne dywte as for my modir is dywte . And al soe my goodis mevabel suffisith note to p\2er\1forme my (11) entent that is to sey to doe some soth to the church wherby as well my fader my moder & tho that I am in especiall bounde to doe for as (1e2) my wyfe and I myghte the more tenderly be hadde in memoir of the churche with oute subsidi of the sayde londis vre as well tho (13) seruant\2es\1 that the moste parte of hir dayis haue despendyd on my fader & my sayde modir is seruys al tho that haue dispendid tharre (14) dayis in my seruys buth no thinge rewardid wherfore my wyll and my entent is that my sayd feffeis aftir my disses doe leue and (15) divise all the reuenus and p\2ro\1fits of the sayde Maners londis & ten\2emen\1ts. And tho to take & deliu\2er\1e to my Executo \2r\1s (16) soe that they ther with mowe pay all my sayd detts and all so p\2er\1forme and execute my diuise and bequestis co\2m\1p \2re\1hendid (17) in my laste wille which apperith in my testame\2n\1t. And all this aco\2m\1plisid and p\2er\1formyd. I woll that all the (18) sayde feffeis reles to the said Philip knyghte all the ryghte that they have in the sayde. Man\2er\1ys. haluyndele of the sayde Maner (19) londis and ten\2emen\1ts. So that the sayd s\2ir\1 Philip may. soulye p\2er\1forme. c\2er\1tein co\2n\1dic\2i\1onis co\2m\1p rehendid. (20) in certain endent\2ur\1is. made and endentid. by twyxte the sayd s\2ir\1 Philip and me In witnisse of the which to this (21) p\2re\1sent endent\2ur\1. I putte my seale. Wryten ate Pynhoe the furst day of the Monith of May. the yeer of the regne of kynge herry (22) the syxth. after the conquest. the fourtieth}#$% \4^1\1 [cancelled]#$