#$ Early Date? C81/1326/36 Signet of Henry V (exemplar) #$%{(1) By the Kyng #$% Trusty and welbeloued. ffor asmuche as in cer tain matiers *at gretely touchen and concernen *e good / (2) weele / and worship of vs our Landes lordships and subgitt\2es\1 We haue willed our Comissaries berers herof to comen with you: We (3) woll / desire / and pray you *erfore hertely / *at in suche *ing\2es\1 as *at *ei or eny of *eim (4) woll shewe declare / and sey vnto you on our behalf: ye woll yeue vnto hem / and to eche of hem full feith and credence: And we pray you (5) *at ye leue not *is as ye woll *e good weele / and worship abouesaid: Yeuen vndre our priue seel at westm\2in stre\1 (6) *e .xx. day of Iuyll #$%This style of trusty and welbeloued may be direct to oon p\2er\1sone / or to as many (7) to gider as shal lyke *e said Co\2m\1missioners: And it may serue for all man\2er\1 men yif nede be except Bisshops: #$% Item (8) *e said style of Trusty and welbeloued may serue for Citees Tovneships and Commaltees after *is tenno\2ur\1 in (9) *e taile of *e l\2ett\1re: To our trusty and welbe loued *e thrifty men notable p\2er\1sones and Co\2m\1i\2n \1alte (10) of our Citee of .A. or of the Tovne of .B. and to eu\2er\1iche of *eim. #$%To \4t\2e \1Right Dere in (11) god / and Dere in god eu\2er\1iche of *ees styles may serue for Abbott\2es\1 / Priour\2es\1 / Denes Archediacones. (12) And for nede for thrifty Persons #$% Hamond}#$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/34 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng: #$%Worshipful fader yn god. We sende yow closed wi*in *is l\2ett\1re a cedule contenyng *e (2) names of certein maistres / for owr owne grete shippes Carrakes Barges and Balyngers to *e whiche maistres we haue granted (3) annuitees / suche as is appointed vpon eche of hem: in *e same cedule / to take yerely of owre grante while *at vs (4) lust: at owr Eschequer of westm\2instre\1 / atte *e termes of Michelmasse and Ester by Euen porcions. Wherfore we wol and (5) charge yow *at vnto eche of *e said maistres / ye do make / vnder owr grete seel beyng in yowre warde owr l\2ett\1res (6) patentes sau\2er\1ales en due forme after *effect and pour port of owr said (grant)e\4^1\1. yeuen vnder owr signet (7) atte owr Castel of Tonque *e xij. day of Aoust:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 808. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.72-74. Grants recorded 12 Aug. 1417, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 120-21.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn and stained] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/36 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. ffor as muche as We haue ordeined and assigned our Welbeloued seruant Robert Rodyngton. (2) to be surueour of *e makyng of our toures at Portesmouth. We wil *at ye do make vnder our greet seel (3) a Co\2m\1mission to *e same Robert. suche as ye *enke resonable and necessarie for *e goode and hastie spede. (4) of our werkes forsaid. during while vs lust. Yeuen in oure Towne of Caen *e .v\2e\1. day of Septembre vnder our signet S}#$% [Calendared Kirby 809. Appointment recorded 5 Sept. 1417, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 122.] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/37 Signet of Henry V (damaged) #$%{(1) By the Kyng:#$%Worshepful fader in god we wyl that ye doo make writtes of p\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on in to alle oure portes of (2) Englond . . .\4^1\1 al maner men that wil bryng vitailles vn to oure tovn of Caen for the Refresshing of vs and of our hoost in our (3) Duchie of Normandie that they schul paye therfor no custume / so that they fynde sufficeant seurte. (4) that they shal brynge the sayd vitailles vn to our said tovn of Caen for the refress. . . of our seyd hoost / yeuen vnder our (5) signet in our Castel of Caen the .xxij. day of Septembre} #$% [Calendared Kirby 810. Orders recorded 18 Oct. 1417, \2CCR 1413-19,\1 pp. 838-39.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1417 SC1/43/157 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng:#$%Trusty and Welbeloued. By a supplicacion of greuouse compleinte. putte vnto vs yn name of *e Priour and (2) Couent of oure cathedrale chirche of Bathe. We haue vnderstande how albeit *at of tyme passed mynde it hath be vsed and (3) acustumed *at ye of *e Cite of Bathe. shulde ryng no belle / no day (in *e week)\4^1\1 til *ey of (4) *e s(aid chirch)e\4^2\1 hadden first rong *air belles. Neither at night aftir *e tyme *at *ey (5) had rong / yit . . .\4^1\1 a\4g\1einstonding *e long continu ance of *e same vsag and custume. ye of late tyme haue do (6) *e contrary and wilfully do fro day to day. yn greet disese and preiudice of *e forseide Priour and Couent. but if (7) remede couenable be ordeined *er vppon. Wharfor we wol if it so be. and charge you expressely *at ye cesse of (8) al suche man\2er\1e newe and wilfulle gouernance yn *e matire forsaide. and conforme yn to *e gode (9) custume of olde tyme vsed and continued here a fore. vnto oure comyng with *e grace of god ynto our Realme (10) of Englond. *at we may haue ful knowloche of *e matire and to ordeine suche remede \4t\2er\1 vppon (11) as we shal be *an auised. by wey of trouthe and of right. Yeuen vnder our signet at oure towne of Caen *e xxiij. day of Septembre}#$% [Calendared Chambers and Daunt, p. 259, no. 38; Kirby 811. See no. 33 below. This letter is quoted in a French petition from the convent, SC8/ 176/8781.] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed and stained] \4^2\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/38 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god / ryght trusty and welbeloued / yf *er be eny trewes to be taken now *is (2) wynter / betwene vs and *e Scottes. We Wold *at owr vncle of Excetre my\4g\1t come to vs wi* his good heelp (3) and pray yow / *at after yowre good auis and discrecion / ye ordeyne for *is in *e best wise / *at ye can / for (4) *at doon. we wold / owr said vncle were wi* us wi* his good heelp als sone as he mi\4g\1t *ow hit were yitte wi* (5) the fewer meyne. Also we send a l\2ett\1re to owr cosin *e Bysshop of Excetre for maistre Iohn Copthorn to com(e to)\4^1\1 (6) vs / and a no\4t\2er\1 to *e Bysshop of Lincoln / for maistre Thomas Brounce in *e same wise the whiche l\2ett\1res (7) we pray yow / *at *ey be redely send for*e. and *at in al haast / as we trust to you / And *e holy Trinite (8) haue yow alwey in his kepyng. Wreten vnder owr signet atte owr Towne of Caen *e xxv day of Septembre. ffer\4t\2er\1more (9) we wol *at to *e chirche of hambury *at is voide by maistre William Corff / *at is passed to god. as hit is said (10) and longe* to owr yifte / ye p\2re\1sented (in)\4^2\1 owr name Iohn woborne oon of *e p\2re\1stes of owr Chapelle *at soiou rneth (11) at wyndesore by owr l\2ett\1res . . .\4^3\1 \4t\2e r\1of to be maad . . .\4^3\1 in due forme: Also *at ye do (12) make l\2ett\1res patente vnto maistre Richard holme to be maistre of owr College of Cambrigg / as maistre Ric\2ard\1 Derh\2a\1m was. (13) Also we haue yeuen to Will. hayton *empension of Sar\2esbury *at whan tyme is ye do him haue suche l\2ett\1res \4t\2er\1 (14) upon / as *e cas asketh G G } #$% [Calendared Kirby 812. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.74; Maxwell-Lyte, \2Great Seal,\1 p. 119. Presentation recorded 3 Oct. 1417, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 123] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [cancel] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/39 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. ffor as moche as we haue granted to our welbeloued clerc of *office of our signet (2) Robert Shiryngton. *e prebende whiche maistre Richard Derham had yn *e chirche of Chichestre. And is now voide by *e (3) deces of *e same maistre Richard. as it is said. and longeth to oure gifte by reson of *e temporaltees of *e saide (4) chirche beyng yn oure handes. by cause of *e voidance *er of: we wol \4t\2a\1t *eruppon. ye do haue to *e (5) forsaid Robert. our l\2ett\1res patentes vnder our greet seel beyng yn youre Warde. Yeuen vnder our signet at oure towne of Caen *e laste day of Septembre. S}#$% [Calendared Kirby 813. On the Seaford prebend, see Le Neve, \2Chichester Diocese,\1 p. 38.] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/40 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader yn god We wol *at to oure clerc Robert Shiryngton ye do haue our l\2ett\1res (2) patentes vnder owr grete seal en due forme / of *e p\2re\1b ende *at was maistre Richard Derehams in *e chirche of (3) Chichestre / *e whiche is voide by his dee* and longe\4 t\1 to owr yifte be cause of *e temp\2or\1altees of *e (4) bisshoprich of Chichestre / of whiche mat\2er\1e we haue writen to yow afore *is tyme / yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Chastel (5) of Alencon *e second day of Nouembre} #$% [Calendared Kirby 814. Confirms no. 7 above. See \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 132.] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1364/41 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Worshipful fader: in god Right trusty and Welbeloued. We grete yow ofte tymes Wel. And for as muche as we haue vnderstande (2) that maistre Iohan Chaundeler that was Deen of Salesbury is chosen bisshop of the same chirche / Wherof we hald vs wel agreed / and (3) therto we yeue our assent Roial and we wol wel / that after the Consecrac\2i\1on of the said Elit he haue liu\2er\1ee of his (4) temp\2or\1altees / And the holy goost haue yow in his keping: yeuen vnder our signet in our hoost afor ffaloise. the .xvij. day of Decembre}#$% [Calendared Kirby 815. See no. 10 below.] #$ #$ 1417 C81/1542/9 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Right trusty and Welbeloued brother / We grete yow often tymes Wel / And for as moche as We haue vnderstande that (2) maistre Iohan Chaundeler that was Deen of Salesbury is chosen Bisshop of the same chirche. Wher of we hald vs wel agreed / and therto we (3) yeue oure assent Roial / and we wol wel that after the consecracion of the said Elit / he haue liu\2er\1ee of his temp\2or\1altees / (4) And the holy gost haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder our signet in oure hoost afor ffaloise / the .xvij. day of Decembre /} #$% (Assent of Council, in French, follows in a different hand.) #$% [Calendared and French printed, Kirby 816. Assent recorded 22 Nov. 1417, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 126. Livery recorded 8 Jan. 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 131.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/42 Signet of Henry V (right side torn off) #$%{(1) By the kyng.#$%Worschipful fader in god / We wol and we charge yow / that vp on theffect and the teneure of oure l\2ett\1res (2) patentes . . . we han granted and assigned to oure welbeloued Richard Whytyngdon and Richard harowedon monk of Westmins. . . (3) V\2c.\1 mark yeerly vp on the issues of the hanaper of oure chancellerie for the byldynge of oure chirche of Westmins. . . (4) ye doo maake writt\2es\1 of liberate with the clause that folweth her after / Preferramento dece\2m\1 miliu\2m\1 librarum Regi in parliamento suo nup\2er\1 f\2a\1c\2t\1o non obstante / (5) yeuen vnder oure signet in our hoost beside oure toun of ffaloise the xviij day of Januer} #$% [Calendared Kirby 817. Grant recorded 14 Dec. 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 pp. 145-46] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/43 Signet of Henry V (damaged) #$%{(1) . . . kyng. /#$%Worshipful f . . . usty and welbeloued. We Wol *at ye calle vnto you our Iustices and ordeine *at our Ri\4g\1t trusty (2) . . . ed cousin *erl of huntyngdon *e whiche doo* us good seruice / on *is side *e see . . . es and ten\2em\1e\2n\1t\4g\1 as reson and lawe wollen Yeuen (3) vnder our signet in our hoost biside . . . vne of faloi\4g\1e *e xix. day of Ianuier:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 818, who suggests that it is related to no. 39 below.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/44 Signet of Henry V (left side missing) #$%{(1) By *e Kyng: #$%(Worshipful fa)\4^1\1der in god. ffor as moche as we han vnderstande *at Slake is deed Which (2) was dean of oure Chapelle . . . wol *at Sir Iohan Prentys of oure Chapelle haue *e said deannee. but *at he departe not out of . . . (3) Yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost at oure town of Faleyse *e .xx. day of Ianuer: . . . make oure Clerkes of oure Chapelle haste hem vnto vs al *at *ey may. so (4) *at *ey faile not with . . . wi* vs atte begynnynge of lentyn in any wyse: S S} #$% [Calendared Kirby 819. Grant recorded 28 Jan. 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 132.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn off] #$ #$ 1418 Cotton Vesp. C. XII. fol. 155 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader in god / Right trusty and Welbeloued / ffor as moche as oure welbeloued squier Iohn Hull haath long tyme be in oure (2) ambassiat and s\2er\1uice in the p\2ar\1ties of Spaigne for the whiche as he haath compleined to vs he is endaungerd gretly (3) / and certein goodys of his leyd to wedde / Wherfor we wol / that ye see / that theer be taaken dewe accomptes of the said Iohn. how many (4) dayes he haath stande in oure said ambassiat and s\2er\1uice / and thervpon that he be contented and agreed in the best wyse as (5) longeth vn to hym in this cas. yeuen vnder oure Signet in oure hoost beside oure toun of ffaloise: the: x.day of ffeu\2er\1er} #$% (Latin note follows)#$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 820. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.64; Nicolas II.239.]#$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/45 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%W(or)shipful\4^1\1 fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued. For as moche as we haue granted of oure grace (2) speciale to o(ure)\4^1\1 welbeloued Esquier Piers Gerueys *e londes and tenementes *at weren hugh ffastolfs (3) knyght as ye may se moore cleerly by *e supplicac\2i\1on whiche *e saide Piers putte vnto vs closed wi*inne (4) *is l\2ett\1re: We wole *at ye (do)\4^2\1 make vpon *e same supplicac\2i\1on by vs graunted. l\2ett\1res patentes vnto (5) *e said Piers Garueys vnder oure greet seel beynge in youre kepynge in due forme. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen (6) *e xxviij. day of ffeuerer:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 821. See no 55 below. Grant recorded 28 Feb. 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.134] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1418 SC1/43/158 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued bro*er / We haue resceyued youre l\2ett\1res / by *e whiche ye desire (2) to knawe our entent as touching *e deliu\2er\1ance of *e temporeltees of saint dauid / vnto Benet Bisshop of *e (3) same chirche of saint dauid / *at was of Bangore / In *e whiche matere we wol *at *e said Benet haue *e (4) Issues of *e said temporeltees / from *e deces of his p\2re\1decessour / *at was our Confessour / so *at ye / (5) and our Chanceller trete wi* him / in suche wyse / *at seurtee taaken / as yow seme* after youre discrecion he aske (6) ne taake for no rep\2ar\1acion of our said Confessour / con(s id)eryng\4^1 t\1at he hadde nowht for rep\2ar\1acion / whanne he (7) was maad bisshop *ere / And elles it were our entent / \4t\2at \1our said Confessour shuld haue *e prouffit\4g\1 of *e (8) forsaid temporaltees vnto *e date of *ees l\2ett\1res / And if ye may nat wel trete *e said Benet \4t\2er\1 to / (9) speke* effectuelly vnto *archebishop / *at he do his deuoire / as touching *e forsaid rep\2ar\1acion / \4t\2at \1(10) he agree resonably *e said Benet / Consideryng *at *archebishop maade noon vnto our Confessour abouesaid / Yeuen (11) vnder our signet at oure Cite of Baieux *e .xvij. day of marche} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 822. See no. 23 below. Grant recorded 1 June 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp.151-52] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/47 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng: #$%Worshipful fad(er in)\4^1\1 god / ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued / We wol / *at to s\2ir\1 (2) Nichol Wynbush clerc of our petit bagge / ye do haue / oure l\2ett\1res of collacion Vnder oure grete seel in due forme / (3) of a prebende in Chichestre / *at voided now late and longe* vnto ou(r)e\4^1\1 yifte / by cause of *e (4) temporaltees of *e bishopriche of Chichestre / in like wise as oure Chamb\2er\1lain wrote vnto yow now late fro faloi\4g\1e / (5) for *e said s\2ir\1 Nichol / vnto *e p\2re\1bende a forsaid / Yeuen vnder our signet in oure Cite of Baieux *e xxij. day of Marche.}#$% [Calendared Kirby 823. Grant recorded 22 March 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.150.] #$%\4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/46 Signet of Henry V (Right side missing) #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worsh(ipfu)l\4^1\1 fader yn god ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued. For asmoche as we yaf now . . . (2) Robert Chicheley Aldermen of london wi* o*er / in an annuitee of xx.marc . . . Recluse of Berkyng. by cause she (3) mi\4g\1t nat haue *annuitee her self: for . . . of london. as in oure l\2ett\1res patentes / it is more clerly contened / (4) we wol . . . of liberate courrant & allocate dormant / natwi\4t \1standyng any p\2re\1ferreme(nt)\4^1\1 . . . we write (5) at *is tyme vnto *e quenes conseil / for to deliu\2er\1e (6) certain endentures vn. . . Syon at Shene / touching certain money \4t\2at\1 is due to her / of *e ferme of saint . . . endowed vnto oure said howse: So we pray yow . . .\4^2\1 \4t\2at\1 ye be helpyng to \4t\2at\1 mate\2r\1e . . . deliu\2er\1 ance of *endentures aforsaid / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Cite of Baieux . . . day of M(arche)\4^1\1} #$% [Calendered with explanations, Kirby 824. Grant recorded 12 May 1417, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 102.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [cancel] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/48 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng: #$% Worshipful fader in god. We sende you closed herewi*ynne. two supplicacions taken vnto vs *etoone yn name of (2) Thomas Brounflet knight Robert Wiclyff clerc / and Iohn Ellerker / and *e to*er in name of Robert Wiclyff p\2er\1son of *e (3) chirche of Rudby and William Reson chaplein. to *at eende / *at we wolde yeue hem licence to enfeffe (4) Iohn hohom knight / william ake and Robert Constable Escuier yn *e Manoirs of Baynton. Birdsale. Doncastre. Rosyngton & (5) Bramham in yorkshire w\2ith *app\2er\1tenances so \4t\2at *ey beyng in possession / *erof might enfeffe (6) Maude somtyme wife (of)\4^1\1 Pierres Mauley knight yn *e forme more fully specifie(d)\4^1\1 w\2ith\1 in (7) *e supplicacions aforsaide. \4T\1e whiche we haue granted: Whar fore we wol *at vppon *e teneur of *e same (8) supplicacions ye doo mak(e)\4^1\1 oure l\2ett\1res patentes. Vnder our greet seel of oure saide licence after *e cours (9) and forme of oure Chancellerie vsed in like cas afore *is tyme. Yeuen vnder our signet at Baieux *e .iiij. day of Auril}#$% [Calendared Kirby 825. Licences granted 12 Feb. 1419, 4 April 1421, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 179, 263.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ Early Date? C81/1326/36 Signet of Henry V (exemplar)#$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/49 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader yn god ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for as muche as we haue (2) vnderstande / *at *e prebende of Swerdys yn oure chirche of Deuelyn ys voyde yn lawe / and longe* to oure (3) collac\2i\1on we have yeue to oure trusty and welbeloued clerc maister Thomas Bolton bringer of *is *e same prebende / (4) wherfor we wol *at ye maake l\2ett\1res of oure collac\2i\1 on of *e saide prebende vnder oure greet seel to oure said clerc (5) yn due fourme / yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure cite of Baieux *e .vj. day of Au\2er\1ill}#$% [Calendared Kirby 826. Grant recorded 6 April 1418, \2CPR 1416- 22,\1 p. 149.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/50 Signet of Henry V (right margin missing) #$%{(1) By *e kyng:#$%Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And albe it / *at . . . (2) parlement by *e whiche we haue a preferrement .x.ml. li. as ye knowe: yitte we wol: *at . . . in yowre warde ye do make (3) writt\2es\1 of liberate and allocate vnto oure welbeloued squier Iohn . . . is due vnto him. of suche annuitees as he hath of (4) oure grante Yeven vnder oure signet in . . . Caen *e xxviij. day of Au\2er\1ill}#$% [Calendared Kirby 827. Confirmation of annuity recorded 7 Nov. 1413, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 119.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/51 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%W(orshipful)\4^1\1 fader yn god right trusty and Welbeloued / We sende yow closed wi* ynne *ees a (2) supplicac\2i\1on put vnto vs yn *e nam of oure welbeloued Roger Walth\2a\1m / by *e whiche he ha* prayd vs for (3) certein causes contened yn *e saide supplicac\2i\1on / we wold graunte hym to be oon of *e barons of oure Eschequer / yn (4) *e stede of Rob\2er\1t Sandford *at is god betaght / Considering *at he might be of power to doo vs *e bett \2er\1 (5) s\2er\1uice yn o*er occupac\2i\1on as we haue sette hym ynne for oure prouffit / as ye may be more clerly enfourmed (6) by *e saide supplicac\2i\1on / So we wol *at ye see and vnderstande clerely al *e mat\2er\1e contened \4t\2er\1 (7) ynne / and \4t\2er\1vpon ordeine suche prouision as hit seme* best to youre Discrec\2i\1on for oure p\2ro\1uffit and auantage (8) yn *is cas: yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure Castel of Caen *e furst day of May /} #$% [Calendared Kirby 828. Petition SC8/185/9223. Appointment recorded 15 July 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 170.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/52 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader yn god ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue Receyued (2) a bulle direct vnto vs / whiche we sende yow closed vnder oure signet by *e bringer of *is / touching *e promocion of (3) maistre William Barowe to *e bisshopriche of Bangore: we wol *at he haue liu\2er\1ee of *e temp\2or\1altees (4) of *e said bisshopriche of Bangore / and do his feaulte in suche cas duely accustumed / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Caen *e xv. day of May} #$% [Calendared Kirby 829. Livery recorded 5 June 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 167.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/53 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng: #$%Worshipful fader yn god. ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued. we grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue vnderstande (2) by yowre l\2ett\1re wreten in oure Cite of London *e iiij. day of May / how *at *e bisshop of saint Dauid ha* (3) founden seurte in oure Chancellerie / *at he shal neu\2er\1 vexe ne inquiete *executours of *e testament of his last (4) p\2re\1decessour / *at was our Confessour *e whiche god assoille / but for asmuche as *e said bisshop of saint Dauid ha\4 t\1 (5) (not)\4^1\1 brawt into oure said Chancellerie *e bulles of his translacion dirett vnto vs / *at *ees bulles *er seen (6) he mighte make certein renunciacion in suche cas accustumed in con seruacion of oure Regalie / *e deliu\2er\1ance of his temp\2 or\1altees (7) as yit been deferret. wherfore we sende yow by *e berer of *is *e said bulle / and wol *at *e (8) said bisshop haue lyueree of his temp\2or\1altees / and do his fewte / as hit ha* been vsed duely in suche cas afore *is tyme. (9) and god haue yow in his kepyng / ffer\4t\2er\1more / for asmuche as we haue granted to oure clerc Robert Shiryngton *e prebende (10) whiche s\2ir\1 Laurence haukyn \4t\2at\1 is god betaght hadde now late in oure Chirche of Chichestre. we wol *at ye do (11) make vnto *e said Robert oure l\2ett\1res patentes vnder oure grete seel beyng in yowre warde in due forme. Consideryng (12) *at he last by oure comandem\2en\1t. a no\4t\2er\1 p\2re \1bende in *e same chirche / to *e vse of oure trusty (13) and welbeloued clerc maistre henry ware / keper of oure priue seel and eslit of oure chirche abouesaid / yeuen vnder oure signet in oure (14) Castel of Caen *e xv day of May abouesaid: Also we do yow to witte *at we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued clerc William (15) Toly *e pension of *e abbot of Bataille. wher vpon we wol *at oure said clerc haue suche l\2ett\1res vnder oure (16) grete (seel)\4^1\1 as *e cas aske*} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 830. See no. 15 above and 31 below. Livery recorded 1 June 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 151-52.] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/54 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng: #$%Worshipful fader in god. Ryght trusty and Welbeloued: For as moche as we haue granted to our wel beloued (2) Chapellain Maistre Iohan Cruche Comenceour and licenced in diuinitee: *e prebende of west wythryng in *e Cathedrale chirche (3) of Chichestre *at is voide. be *e de* of maistre Richard Alkeryngton and belongynge to oure collac\2i\1on / be (4) reson of *e temporalitees. of *e Bysshopriche of Chichestre. now beynge in oure handes. to haue it wi* alle *e ryghtes (5) and appurtennances \4t\2er\1of: and also *at we haue granted to Thomas ffeltewell preest: p\2res\1entac\2i\1on to *e (6) chirche parochiele of Rademeld voide and belongynge also to our yefte be *e reson abouesaid: We wol *at vnto *e saide (7) p\2er\1sones: ye do make her vpon oure l\2ett\1res seueral vnder oure greet seal beynge in your warde in due forme. Yeven vnder (8) oure signet in oure Castel of Caen *e xix. day of May:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 831. Presentations recorded 1 June 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 154, 168.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/55 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader yn god. right trusty and welbeloued / We sende to yow closed wi*ynne *ees oure (2) l\2ett\1res a supplicac\2i\1on putte vnto vs yn *e name of *e priour and Conuent of oure house of Ih\2es\1u of Bethle em (3) at Shene of *ordre of Chartuse makyng menc\2i\1on how *at *e barons of oure Eschequer at Westm\2instre\1 wol (4) not discharge hem of certeine so\2m\1mes of moneye rennyng on hem at oure saide Eschequer for diu\2er\1ses dimes and quin\4g\1imes (5) granted vnto vs by *e clergie and comunes of oure Reaume of Englond. we wol *at *e saide supplicac\2i\1on seyen / (6) and vnderstanden by yow / and oure l\2ett\1res paten\2tes\1 m(ade)\4^1\1 vnto hem *erevpon / ye doo ordeine and see / (7) *at *ai be discharged of *e saide dymes and quin\4g\1imes aft\2er\1 *effect of oure saide l\2ett\1r es (8) paten\2tes\1 and if *at *e said p\2r\1iour and cou ent may not be discharged by *e vertue of oure same l\2ett\1res (9) patentes *anne we wol / *at ye ordeine yn *e best wyse *at ye can / *at *ai be discharged as for \4t \1is (10) tyme of *e dymes and quin\4g\1imes abouesaid / Also we pray yow / speke* vnto *archebisshop of Cant\2er\1bu ry (11) / *at oure l\2ett\1res patentes made vnto *e saide priour and Conuent touching *e discharge of *e saide (12) dymes and quin\4g\1imes be entred in his Registre / if ye *inke hit goodly to be doon / yeuen under oure signet yn oure Castel of Caen *e xx. day of May:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 832.] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/56 Signet of Henry V #$%{{(1) By *e king: #$%Worshipful fader in god and right trusty and wel beloued. We sende you closed wi*ynne *is / a supp\2licaci\1 on (2) putte vnto vs. by william holand of Glatton. by *e whiche he hath besoght vs to foryeue vnto him. and to Margerie his wife (3) *e suite of oure pees *at to vs longe* ayeins hem for *e causes specified in *e saide supp\2licaci\1on. (4) as it is more fully contened *erynne and in acopie of *e nditement take *ervppon. closed in *e same supp\2licaci\1o n (5) / and forto grante vnto hem also al her goodis and catels. to vs for *e same cause forfait and beyng in oure handes. Wherfore we wol (6) *at seene by you and vnderstande *e saide supp\2licaci\1 on. Whiche of oure grace especiale. We haue fully granted. after (7) *effect *er of: ye do haue to *e saide william and Margerie *er vppon. oure l\2ett\1res patentes vnder oure (8) greet seel. in due forme. yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Cite of Lisieux *e xxvij. day of May} #$% [Calendared Kirby 833. Pardon recorded 12 June 1418. \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.168.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/58 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. ffor asmuche as we be fully auysed to make oure maistre (2) mason as maistre (S)teven\4^1\1 was: oon *at hyght Colchestre / whiche is maistre mason bo*e of *e Chirche of york (3) / and of westm\2instre\1 (we w)ol\4^1\1 *at ye sende for *e said Colchestre / and *at ye yeue him his charge / (4) and do make him a patent vnder oure grete seel / suche as han been accustumed afore *is tyme in *at caas / Yeuen vnder oure (5) signet in oure Town of Barnay in Normandie *e second day of Iuyn:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 834. Appointment recorded 6 July 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 170.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/57 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god ryht trusty and wel be loued. We grete you wel. And for as moche as our trusty and wel bel oued (2) knyght. william Bowys *at is of Retenue of our Ryht trusty and entierly wel beloued bro*er *e Duke of Clarence. is (3) continuelly abydynge here in oure s\2er\1uice. We wol and charge you. *at vpon oure l\2ett\1res patentes of confirmac\2i\1on (4) maad vnto *e said william of *e grantes of certaine annui tees granted vnto hym afore *is tyme. ye do make our writtes of (5) liberate and allocate necessaires vpon our saide l\2ett\1res patent es. Notwithstondynge *e p\2re\1ferrem\2en\1t of x\2ml\1. li. (6) granted vnto vs afore *is tyme (as ye knowe)\4^1\1. Yeven vnder oure signet at oure Town of Bernay *e second day of Iuyn} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 835. Confirmation recorded 4 Aug. 1413, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.98.] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/59 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng. #$%Worshipful fader yn god / right trusty and wel beloued We grete yow wel / And we wol *at yn al haste possible (2) ye doo ordeyne / *at out of oure port of Bristowe be sent to Wat\2er\1ford in Irland as many shippes as wol suffice for \4t \1e (3) shippyng of *e priour of Kylmaynan / wi* .CC. horsmen and .CCC. footemen to come to vs yn al hast wi* godd\2es\1 grace / And *a t (4) *is be not left yn no wyse / as oure trust ys to yow / Yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Bernay / *e. iij\2e\1. (5) day. of Iuyn: (Another hand) ffer*ermore we wol and prey yow *at for any *ing ye haste *e said shipping (6) for *e same Priour and *ey *at shal come to vs wi* him taryen for noon o*ir but for lacke of shipping / (7) yeuen vnder oure signet at oure Abbaye of Beekhelwyn *e iii*e day of *e said mone* #$% (Signed) Stone}#$% (Order for shipping, in French, follows in the second hand.) #$% [Calendared and French order printed, Kirby 836. Commission recorded 27 Oct. 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 202.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/60 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. ryht trusty and wel beloued / ffor as moche as we haue vnderstande by a supplicac\2i\1on (2) put vnto vs. *at Rob\2er\1t haburgeham Sqwyer beynge heere in our seruice on *is syde of *e See in *e (3) compaignie of our trusty and wel beloued *e lord ffi\4g\1 hugh oure Chamb\2er\1lein. is pursued and empleted in our Royaume (4) of Engeland in certaine cause p\2er\1sonneles. whiles *at he is heere in our said s\2er\1uice. wher by he ha* lost and (5) is in poynt to leese many of his goodes fro day to day. We wol *at ye do ordeyne vn to *e said Rob\2er\1t oure l\2ett \1res (6) of p\2ro\1tect\2i\1on in *e co\2m\1mune forme. whiche may be soufficeante and vaillable vnto hym duringe *e (7) tyme *at he is in our said s\2er\1uice on *is syde of *e See. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure Abbaye of Beekhel wyn. *e .v. day of Iuyn:} #$% [Calendared and letters of protection cited, Kirby 837.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/61 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng: #$%Worshipf(ul)\4^1\1 fader in god Ryht trusty and welbeloued we grete yow wel And sende you closed wi*i nne (2) *ees l\2ett\1res. a copie of certaine l\2ett\1res sent vnto vs from oure Bro*er *e Duc of Bretaigne. for to haue (3) Restituc\2i\1on of certaine goodes of Hamon Martyn breton and o\4t\2er\1e of his sougittes of Bretaigne specified in *e (4) same l\2ett\1res whiche shulde haue be taken vpon *e See by c\2er\1taine of our sougettes. of Cornewaille. as ye may se moore (5) cleerly by *e saide copie. *e whiche. seen and vnderst anden and hauynge ful knowleche whe*er *e sugestion comp\2r e\1hended (6) in *e same l\2ett\1res be trewe. we wol and charge you. *at ye se and ordeyne *at hasty restituc\2i\1on of (7) *e forsaide goodes be maad and *at ye do co\2m\1pelle our saide sougettes to make restituc\2i\1on abouesaid in obs\2er\1 uynge (8) duely for our partie *e trewes taken betwix vs and our said Bro*er of Bretaigne/. And knowe* wel *at our wil (9) and desire is \4t\2at *e saide trieues be kept as Iustly for oure partie. as we wolde \4t\2at *ey wer kept towardes vs for his partie (10) and in suche wyse \4t\2at\1 nouther he ne his saide sougettes haue no cause raisounable to compleyne vnto vs her after for *is (11) cause ne for non o*er semblable for defaute of Ryght as we haue write to our Ryht trusty and welbeloued bro*er of Bede ford (12) by oure o*ere l\2ett\1res. And also in wyse as we wol *at restituc\2i\1on be maad of *e forsaide goodes. yn (13) lychwyse / we wol *at deliu\2er\1ance of *e Barge and p\2er\1sones specified in *e saide copie be maad wi\4t t\1e (14) saide goodes. so *at no defaute be founde on our partie. And we wol \4t\2at \1ye do *is *yng by *auys (15) of our said bro*er. to whom we write semblablely at *is tyme for *e same matire. Yeven vnder our signet in our hoost afore Louiers *e viij. day of Iuyn.} #$% (Subsequent orders, in French, follow in a different hand.) #$% [Calendared with explanations and French printed, Kirby 838.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/62 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng. #$%Worshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued. We grete you wel. And do you to wite \4t\2at\1 we (2) haue seen a supplicac\2i\1on directe vnto vs *e whiche was closed in your l\2ett\1re and sent vnto oure ryht trusty and (3) wel beloued Clerc maister henri Ware for *e Priour and *e Couent of *e Priorie of Seint Osewoldes of Gloucestre touchinge (4) *appropriac\2i\1on of *e Chirche of Mynstreworth in our Shire of Gloucestre / and *e whiche supplicac\2i\1on we (5) sende to you closed wi*inne *es our l\2ett\1res. and haue granted it fully vpon *is condic\2i\1on: *at (6) *e saide Priour and Couent. do appropre *e forsaide Chirche wi*inne a yeer next folwynge after *e date of (7) *es l\2ett\1res. So we wol *at vpon *e contenne of *e same supplicac\2i\1on / ye do maake vnto *e (8) said Priour and Couent our l\2ett\1res patentes vnder oure greet seel. beynge in youre warde in due forme. Yeven vnder our signet (9) in our hoost afore Louiers. *e xxij. day of Iuyn:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 839. Licence recorded 1 July 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 169.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/63 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng#$%Worshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and wel beloued: We grete you wel. And we wol *at vnto oure wel beloued (2) Sqwyer Ianico Dartas. which *at is abydyng wi* vs in oure s\2er\1uice heer in *es parties: ye do make vpon *e (3) l\2ett\1res patentes by *e whiche he take* of vs a certaine annuitee durynge his lyf of *e issues of our (4) Citee of london: our writtes of liberate and allocate vnder oure greet seel for *e terme of Pascq\2ues\1 last passed. notwith stondynge (5) *e p\2re\1ferrem\2en\1t of x\2ml\1. li. granted vnto vs afore this tyme Yeven vnder our signet at oure town of Louiers. *e .xxvj. day of Iuyn:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 840. Confirmations recorded 20 July 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 170.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/64 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. Ryght trusty and wel beloued. ffor as muche as oure ryht trusty and welbeloued Clerc (2) . . .\4^1\1 maistre henri ware. Elit to *e Byssho priche of Chichestre ha* deliu\2er\1ed to vs *e bulles of (3) prouision maad vnto hym by oure holy fader *e pope of *e said Byssho(pri)\4^2\1che. and *e same Elit ha* maad (4) renunciac\2i\1on of alle *e wordes contened in *e said bulles of prouision *at myghte be p\2re\1iudiciel (5) vnto vs and to oure corowne: And also maad his feawte. vnto vs for *e temporalitees. *at longen to *e forsaid byssho priche. (6) We wol *at by oure l\2ett\1res to be maad in due forme vnder oure greet seel: ye do make to *e said Elit res tituc\2i\1on (7) and liueree of *e temporalitees *at longen to *e same Bysshopriche: oure saide l\2ett\1res vnder oure (8) greet seal beringe *e date of *e .xiij. day of *e mone* of May last passed. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure (9) hoost beside our town of Pont de larche. *e .x. day of Iuill:}}#$% [Calendared Kirby 841. See no.23 above. Livery recorded 13 May 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 171.] #$% \4^1\1 [cancel] \4^2\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/65 Signet of Henry V (rubbed) #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful . . .\4^1\1 We grete you wel And for as muche as *e trewes taken b(etwen)e\4^1\1 vs and (2) oure bro\4t\2er *e Duc of B(re)taigne\4^1\1: been proroged vnto halowmesse next coming. we wol *at *(er)\4^1\1 (3) vpon ye ordeine that *er be p\2ro\1clamacion maade in alle oure port\2es\1 and in suche plac\2es\1 as hit ha* been (4) vsed and accustumed to be doon in like caas afore *is time / And god haue yow in his keping yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost before Roan *e ix. day of Aust.} #$% [Calendared Kirby 842. Prerogation of the truce, Rymer, \2Foedera\1 IX.613-14.] #$% \4^1\1 [badly rubbed and/or torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/66 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%W(or)shipful\4^1\1 fadre yn god / ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wy*inne (2) *ees oure l\2ett\1res a supplicacion (pu)t\4^1\1 vn to vs yn the name of oure welbeloued yn god (3) *e Prieur and Couent of oure Cathedrale chirche of Bathe the whiche supplicacion vs seme* resonable / So we wol * at (4) *e same supplicacion seen / and *e mat\2er\1e *erinne contened pleinly vnderstanden by yow / ye do ful execu cion (5) of right vpon *e same supplicacion / aftre youre discrecion / And god haue yow yn his keping yeuen vnder oure signet yn (6) oure hoost afore Roan *e xxx day of Aougst} #$% [Calendared Kirby 843. See no. 5 above. Commission of inquiry recorded 30 Aug. 1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 205.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/67 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. Ryht trusty and wel beloued We grete you wel. And for asmoche as Thomas Toky which (2) *at ha* an annuitee of x li. to take yeerly by *e handes of *e fermours of *e subside and aulnage of saale (3) clo*es. of our Citee of York: is heer wi* vs in our duchie of Normandie abydynge continuelly in our s\2er\1uice: We wol * at (4) vnto *e same Thomas vpon his l\2ett\1res patentes maad vnto hym of *e same annuitee: ye do maake our writtes of (5) liberate and allocate vnder our greet seal beynge in your warde in due forme: wi\4t t\1is clause / notwi*standynge *e (6) p\2re\1ferrem\2en\1t of .x\2ml\1. li. granted vn to vs in oure parlem\2en\1t Yeven vnder our signet in oure hoost afore Roan *e xiij. day of Septembre:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 844. Confirmation recorded 16 June 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p. 66.] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/68 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi*in (2) *is / a copie of a L\2ett\1re sent now late vnto vs by *abbot and Conuent of oure hows of Graces beside oure towre (3) of London / So we wol *(at)\4^1\1 ye shewe al *e fauour and ese *at may be don by lawe and conscience vnto (4) oure said hows so *at hit be nat spoilled of noon of *e possessions \4t\2at\1 Longeth *erto yn no wyse / Vnto * at (5) we nowe ordeyne at oure comyng hoom wi* godd\2es\1 grace / to put hit yn Reste and quiete / yn asmuche as hit is of oure fundac c\2i\1on (6) / for whiche cause we haue hit moche *e more yn chie rte as reson is / Yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure hoost afore Roan \4t \1e xxj day of Septembre} #$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 845. Letter follows, no.40 below. For more on the dispute see \2CPR 1399-1401,\1 pp.274-75; \2RP\1 IV.110; \2VCH London\1 I.462.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/69 Petition from St. Mary Graces #$% { (1) Most excellent and noble prince and our most gracieux souerain Liege Lord We your owne pore prestes vs reco\2m\1mande to (2) yo\2ur\1 high and gracieux Lordship Preying both day and night for yo\2ur\1 good estat and good spede as wele as for the hele (3) of yo\2ur\1 . . .\4^1\1 p\2er\1sonne the whiche we p\2re\1 serue and mayntene thurgh his grace longe tyme to his plesament (4) and to confort to al yo\2ur\1 lieges Most excellent and noble prince & our most gracieux liege lord plese to you for to . . .\4^1\1 (5) \4t\2at\1 yo\2ur\1 pore hous the whiche we occupie vnder yo\2ur\1 gracieux lordship is so villed and empored fro day to day bi the (6) plee that hath be and (\4t\2at\1)\4^1\1 continueth (betwix)\4^1 \1our (worthi)\4^1\1 lord the Erle Huntyngton and vs: and we be there (7) bi so vexed and (unquieted)\4^1\1 that we may not thus endure withoute yo\2ur\1 gracieux help and socour the whiche at al tymes (8) haue put your noble hand as a cristen prince . . .\4^1\1 deliuerance of holichirche fro daunger of tribulacions and diseses Wherefore we (9) beseche you our souerain lord as mekely & deuoutely . . .\4^1\1 that with yo\2ur\1 yen of pitee and m\2er\1cy like you to consider (10) how that now late in yo\2ur\1 absence we ne haue but litil comfort and in cas that . . .\4^1\1 beyng now in plee the whiche is the (11) most substance of our lyuelode be take awey fro yo\2ur\1 seide hous & shuld not be of power for to bere the charges of diuin seruice (12) and of other werkes of pitee and de(uoci)on\4^1\1 as it was founded and ordeyned bi yo\2ur\1 most noble p\2ro\1genitours And \4t\2er\1 fore (13) vouche ye saaf of your high goodnesse for to take this matere in to yo\2ur\1 gracieux hondes vntil yo\2ur\1 comyng home the whiche god (14) graunte sone for to be with as moche worship and p\2ro\1sp\2er\1ite as euer hadde any prince and than for to (r)ule\4^1\1 it after the (15) high discrecc\2i\1on of you and of yo\2ur\1 conseil or els for to send yo\2ur\1 gracieux l\2ett\1res to your Chanceller of England (16) that noon liueree be made of the same land withou(t)\4^1\1 a Scire facias like as it was ordened and granted in yo\2ur\1 (17) p\2ar\1lement bifore your dep\2ar\1tyng In whiche thing our sou\2er\1ain liege lord and most gracieux (king)\4^1\1 ye may (18) sette (vs)\4^1\1 yo\2ur\1 pore bedemen in grete ese of hert for to bisie vs the better in diuin s\2er\1uice as we be bounde to do (19) Vnderstondyng (howeuer)\4^1\1 our most gracieux lord that yo\2ur\1 deuout Chapellain Sir Roger Grenway now late our Abbot & gou\2er\1n our (20) is passed to god to our grete discomfort and heuynesse and as we suppose the grete thought and bisinesse that he toke for to susteyne (21) the charges of the plee was grete cause of his infirmite as your humble liege man the berer of this l\2ett\1re can declare to your (22) excellence if it like you for to here him to whom we biseche your gracieux audience and ful credence in this bihalf Most excellent and (23) noble prince and our most gracieux sou\2er\1ain liege Lord we biseche the holy trinitee that he you haue euermore in his holy (24) kepyng both body and soule Written at London vnder our co\2m\1moun seel the iiij day of Septemb\2e\1r} #$% [Calendared Kirby 845.] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/70 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue comanded (2) oure welbeloued seruant and squier. maistre Robert Bonsergeant: to go hoom at *is time / Considering *at he is so biset (3) wi* sekenesse / *at he may do vs no s\2er\1uice on *is side *e see / we wol *at of suche annuitees (4) as he ha* of oure grante for t\2er\1me of his lyf. ye ordeine *at he haue oure writt\2es\1 of liberate and alloc ate / (5) fro t\2er\1me to t\2er\1me as hit shal nede / by *e whiche he may be redely paid at eche t\2er\1me of his annuitees (6) aforsaid / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan *e . . .\4^1\1 day of Septembre: } #$% [Calendared Kirby 846. Confirmations recorded 12 June, 18 Dec. 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\2 pp. 95, 144.] #$% \4^1\1 [space left for date] #$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/71 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god. Ryht trusty and welbeloued We grete you wel. And we sende you closed wi*inne (2) *es L\2ett\1res a supplicacion put vnto vs. by our beloued s\2er\1uant William Cursun. by *e whiche he desire\4t t\1at (3) we sholde write vnto you for a certaine matire *at is contened in *e said supplicac\2i\1on as ye may se more plainly by (4) *e same. So we wol *at *e same supplicac\2i\1on seyen. and *e matire contened *er in. wel vnderstanden by (5) you. *at ye do ordeyne so *er vpon by your good avys. *at our said s\2er\1uant haue non hindrynge \4t\2er \1of (6) now in his absence. but \4t\2at \1ye se *e more tendrely *erto be cause *at he is heer continuelly abydinge wi* (7) vs in our s\2er\1uice. Yeven vnder our signet in oure hoost afore Roan *e .v day of Octobre:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 847.] #$ #$ 1418 Cotton Galba B.I. fol. 164 Signet of Henry V#$%{(1) By *e kyng#$% #$%Right worshipful and worshipful faders yn god / right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And wol ye wite / \4t\2at *am bassiatours (2) of oure bro*ir *e Duc of Baire / bring\2er\1s of *is / haue been here wi* vs / and doon *eire ambas siat (3) in suche wyse / as we halde vs wel apaide / And among o*ir *ing\2es\1 declared vnto vs / *ei haue desired to (4) knowe / how it standeth bitwix vs / and *e princes of Duchelond and in what wise *ei gou\2er\1ne hem toward\2es\1 vs / and in (5)esp\2ec\1ial how Duc Iohan of Baire su\2m\1tyme Elit of Lieges gou\2er\1ne* him anenst vs / for as *ei sey / *ereaft er (6) wol oure bro\4t\2ir\1 of Baire gou\2er\1ne him / to *e same Iohan / And for asmuche as ye knowe bett\2er\1 *anne we doo / how (7) *e said Duc Iohan gou\2er\1ne* him toward\2es\1 vs / and oure Rewme of Englande / and oure suggett\2es\1. we remitte hem to (8) haue ful declaracion and verrai knaweleche of you in *at mat\2er\1e . Wherefore we wol *at ye comune wi* *aim of *is (9) mat\2er\1e / latyng hem haue knoweleche \4t\2er\1of / and how yow *enke *at oure broth\2ir\1 of Baiere shulde (10) gou\2er\1ne him anenst *e same Duc Ioh\2a\1n / for ye mowe trustely anogh comun wi\4t t\1aim of suche mat\2er\1es / as vs (11) *enke* by *e gou\2er\1nance *at *ei haue shewed to vs / Moreou\2er\1 *ei haue desired of vs / to be (12) counseilled be what weye / *ai might best and most seurly Retourne hoom ayen into *aire cuntre / owt of oure Rewme of (13) Englande. Consideryng *at *e trewes whiche were bitwix vs / and *e Duc of Bourg\2oi\1ne. expired at Mighelmasse (14) last passed / wherfore In asmuche as ye knowe better *anne we / how *ai of fflandres and also of hollande gou\2er\1ne (15) *aim toward\2es\1 vs / and oure soubgettes. we desiryng in al wise *e sauf Retournyng hoom of *e said Ambassiatours / (16) wol *at ye counseille and aduise hem in *e best wyse *at ye can for *e seurete of *aire Retour nyng (17) / And whiles *ai tarie yn oure land / we wol *at * ere be shewed vnto hem / al *e fee fauor and chere / *at may (18) be doon yn goodly wyse. And also *at ye oure Chanceller doo make vnto *aim / soufficeant writt\2es\1 of passage. In suche (19) wyse as *ai may haue redy passage owt of oure land / from what port *ai come too / vnto what port *ayme is Leuest to (20) drawe to by yowre aduis / And almighty god haue yow in his kepyng. yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan the xxj day of Octobre}#$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 848. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.61-63.]#$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/72 Signet of Henry V #$%{ S (1) Worshipful fader yn god right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel. And sende yow closed wi*in *ees / a supplicacion (2) dir(ect)\4^1\1 vnto yow / and by *e whiche. oon Marke william of Bristow m\2er\1chant. desireth to haue remedie of (3) certain wrong(es)\4^1\1 and iniuries doon to him / aswel as to *ospital of *e t\2ri\1nite beside Bristow / touching (4) *e manoir of Ruggewey by Rober(t)\4^1\1 Russell maire of Bristow / and william Burgh / as ye may haue more pleine knawleche (5) by *e said supp\2licacion\1. So we wol *at ye se *e said supp\2licacion\1. and if *e matere contened (6) *erin oughte to be examined by oure conseil hit be do / and \4t\2er\1vpon ye ordeine *at Right be doon / as Lawe and (7) conscience wollen / *at *ere be no more compleinte ne poursuite maad vnto vs on *is side *e see / touching (8) *at mat\2er\1e. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Roan *e xxiij day of Octobr(e)\4^1\1} #$% [Calendared Kirby 849. Recognisance recorded 16 Feb. 1419, \2CPR 1413-19,\1 p. 524.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1418 C81/1364/73 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued We grete yow wel / And we wol / *at nat wi*standyng *e (2) p\2re\1ferrement *at we haue of .x. m\2l\1. li as ye knawe wel / ye ordeyne *at oure welbeloued squier Iohan Ascow: (ha ue)\4^1\1 (3) oure (writ)t\2es\4^2\1 of Liberate and allocate vnder oure grete seal in due forme. by *e vertue of *e (4) whiche: he may haue paiement of *at / *at is due vnto him o f suche annuitees as he haa* of oure grante by oure l\2ett\1res (5) patentes And *at ye se *e bett\2er\1 to him / by cause he is here wi* vs continuely in oure s\2er\1uice / Yeuen (6) vnder oure signet . . . \4^3\1 in oure hoost afore Roan *e xxvij day of Octobre:} #$% [Calendared with explanations Kirby 850. Confirmation recorded 20 June, 17 July 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 pp. 66, 69.] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [torn] \4^3\1 [cancel] #$ #$ 1418 Cotton Julius B. VI. fol. 97(35) Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king\4^1\1#$%Right trusty and welbeloued / brother / We grete yow wel / And as we suppose / It is not out of youre Remembrance in what wise and (2) how ofte we haue charged yow by oure l\2ett\1res / *at good and hasty rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on and restituc\2i\1on were ordeined and (3) maade at altymes of suche attemptat\2es\1 as hapned to be made by oure sugett\2es\1 / ayenst *e trewes taken betwix vs (4) and oure brother *e duc of Bretaigne / And not withstanding oure saide l\2ett\1res diuers compleint\2es\1 be maad and sent vnto vs (5) / for defaulte of rep\2ar\1acion and restituc\2i\1on of suche attemptat\2es\1 as be made by certein of oure subgett\2es\1 (6) and lieg\2es\1 as ye may vnderstand by a supplicac\2i\1on sent to vs by *e said duc / whiche supplicac\2i\1on we sende to yow (7) closed wi* ynne *ees l\2ett\1res for to haue *e more pleine knoweleche of *e trouthe / wherfor we wol and (8) charge yow / *at ye calle to yow oure Chancell\2er\1 to haue knowelache of *e same supplicac\2i\1on: and *at doon / we (9) wol / *at ye doo sende to vs in al hast al *oo personnes / *at been oure sugettes contened in *e supplicac\2i\1on (10) abouesaid / And *at also in alle other semblable mat\2er\1es / ye doo ordeine so hasty and Iuste Remede / restituc\2i\1on / and rep\2ar \1ac\2i\1on (11) vpon suche attemptat\2es\1 doon by oure sugett\2es\1 in co\2n\1seruac\2i\1on of oure trewes / *at noman haue (12) cause hereafter to compleine in suche wyse as thai doon for defaute of right doyng / ner we cause to write to yow alweys as we doon (13) for suche causes / Considered *e gret occupac\2i\1on *at we haue otherwyse / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure (14) signet in oure hoost afor Roan. *e.xxix. day of Nouembre}#$% [Calendared Kirby 851. Printed Nicolas II.243.]#$% \4^1\1 [on a detached slip, different paper(?).]#$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/8 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader i(n g)\4^1\1od / right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed (2) wi* ynne *is a (s)upplicac\2i\1on\4^1\1 put vnto vs in *e names of william ffowler of *e contee of Buk \2inghamshire \1(3) gentil(man)\4^1\1 william Buktoft / and Richart Brount / *e whiche supplicac\2i\1on seen and vnderstanden (4) by yow / wi\4t t\1e circumstances / yif ye can be trewely enfour med *at *e suggestion be trewe *at is contened in (5) *e said supplicac\2i\1on / we wol \4t\2at\1 *e same william: william: and Richard haue pardon in due fourme / of *e (6) so\2m\1me specified in *e saide supplicac\2i\1on / yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure town of Rouen / *e .xxviij. day of Ianuer / #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 852. Pardon recorded 29 March 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 216.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1364/74 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbeloued / we grete yow wel / And for asmuche as *e trewes (2) bitwix vs / and ou(r)e\4^1\1 bro*ir *e duc of Bretaigne been p\2ro\1roged vnto *e feste of alhalowmesse (3) next comyng / and for . . .\4^1\1 wekes after / in *e same fourme as *ei were taken *e last yere at Alencon / (4) we wol *at in al hast ye do proclame in due fourme *e said p\2ro\1rogacion in al plac\2es\1 nedeful and accustumed (5) in suche cas / And god haue yow in his keping Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen *e xxx day of Ianuer} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 853. Prorogation recorded 12 Jan. 1419, Rymer, \2Foedera\1 IX.663.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1419 C/81/1366/10 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king. #$% Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And doo yow to wite *at (2) we haue yeuen vnder oure greet seel here / *e chirche of Morton / whiche as we were enfourmed voyded be *e deces (3) of oon maist\2er\1 Richard Penelles and longed to oure yift / be cause of *e beyng of oure Cousin Courrenays land\2es\1 (4) yn oure hand\2es\1 / the whiche oure yift we signiffie vnto yow to *at ende / \4t\2at\1 ye witt / we wol hit take (5) effect / yeuen vnder oure signet / in. oure town of Rouen. *e .xxx. day of Ianu\2er\1 #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 854. Presentation confirmed C64/10/36; Deputy Keeper's Report no. 41, p.727.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/5 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king. #$%Worshipful fader in god. right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we wol / \4t\2at\1 ye doo make / (2) vnto Thomas Cochare of oure town of Douorre / whiche ha* doon vs s\2er\1uice here on *is side *e see / writtes of (3) liberate and Allocate / in due fourme / for *at \4t\2at\1 is behynde and due vnto hym. of .iiij. d (*e day)\4^1\1 granted vnto (4) hym by c\2er\1tein l\2ett\1res paten\2tes\1 / confermed by vs / to Receiue he\2m\1 of *e fee ferme of oure Cite of Cant\2er \1bury. (5) by *e hand\2es\1 of oure baillifs of *e same place / Not wi*standyng *e preferrem\2en\1t of .x.m \2l\1. pound. (6) graunted vnto vs / by p\2ar\1lem\2en\1t as ye knowe / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / in (7) oure Castel of Rouen / *e .xj. day of ffeu\2er\1er #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 855. Grant recorded 1 Dec. 1399, \2CPR 1399-1401,\1 p. 138; confirmation recorded 7 June 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p. 25.] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1419 SC1/43/162 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader in god right trusti and welbeloued we grete you wel And witeth yat we been enformed yat ye kyng of Castel maketh (2) a grete armee of vesselx whiche shuld be redy / in short tyme as is sayde for to doo ye harme ayeinst vs and oures yat yay (3) may / whiche god defende. and in esp\2eci\1ale yat yaire purpos is to doo yaire powaire for to brynne and destrue oure shippes and ye (4) nauie of oure lande and namely oure shippes at Hampton And also yaire ordinance is to lande in our(e)\4^1\1 Reaume for to (5) doo thannoye yat yay may / Wherefore we wol and charge you / yat by yauys of oure brothre of Bedford and of othir suche as semeth to (6) youre discrecion: ye ordenne in alle haste for ye gou\2er\1nance of oure lande And for ye saufwarde of seurkepyng of oure saide (7) vesselx at Hampton and in othir places where as eure yay bee And yat yay of ye portes and of ye see coost al abowte be warned (8) here of in alle haste and charged to be wel awaytyng and redy at al tymes if any suche thyng happen: yeuen vnder oure signet in (9) oure Castel of Rouen ye xij day of ffeuerer} #$% [Calendared Kirby 856. Commissions of array recorded 5 March 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 209-12; Rymer, \2Foedera\1 IX.702.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/9 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the King: #$%Worshipful fader in god oure trusty and welbe loued / We wol and charge yow *at vnto oure Welbeloued clerc Iohn Hethe (2) / ye doo make out writt\2es\1 of Liberate and Allocate / from t\2er\1me to t\2er\1me / wi* the clause / non obstante / (3) *e prefer(re)ment\4^1\1 / of *a\2n\1nuite of xx Marc / which we haue granted hym by oure l\2ett\1res patent\2es\1 (4) / of the fee ferme / of oure town of Iarnemouthe / to take hit by *e handes of oure baillifs of the saide toun f(or)\4^2\1 (5) the tyme beyng / And see\4t t\1at *is be doon / notwi* standyng / any co\2m\1mandement / yeuen vnto yow / to *e contrary (6) here afore / Yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Rouen *e xxviij\2e\1 day of ffeuerer #$%(Signed) Andrieu} #$% [Calendared Kirby 857. Confirmation recorded 12 June 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p. 70.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/15 Signet of Henry V (Right corner missing, approximately one fifth of the first four lines) #$%{(1) By the King: #$% (Wor)shipful fader in god / oure trusty and welbeloued / for asmuch . . . a (2) Patente closed vnder oure signet / and ensealled with oure grete sea . . . Syon / *e whiche Patente / fore haste my\4g\1ht not be (3) enrolled here . . . enrolled in England. Not wi*standing / *e two names rased . . . Yeuen vnder oure signet / at (4) oure town of Rouen / *e ij\2e\1 day of March / #$% (Another hand) The two names aforesaide been *erles of Arundell and of (5) warrewik \4t\2e\1 whiche wer Rased / because *ey wer myssette And for asmuche as oure saide patent is of a *yng p\2er\1pe tuel: (6) we wol \4t\2at\1 ye do write hit ayein of a more substancial hande / and seel hit vndre oure seel beyng yn youre warde. And now (7) \4t\2at\1 we haue satisfied to *e desire of *ayme of Syon as toward\2es\1 *aire p\2ro\1fession. we wolde (8) \4t\2at\1 for any thyng *e p\2ro\1fession wer hasted. wherto we pray yow to stere and to help *at ye may.} #$% [Calendared Kirby 858.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/6 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king: #$%Worshipful fader yn god. oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel. And we wol. *at vpon *e (2) contenne of *e supplicac\2i\1on. whiche we sende yow closed here wi*in: ye ordeine suche writt\2es\1 of liberate and (3) allocate vnto oure welbeloued knight william Cromewell. as haue be maade to o\4t\2er\1 afore *is tyme in like cas. Notwi\4t \1standing (4) *e p\2re\1ferrement of .x. m\2l\1. li. And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen *e xvij. day of Marche: #$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 859. Confirmation of grant recorded 1 Oct. 1414, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p. 240.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/1 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king S #$%Wor(ship)ful\4^1\1 fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we wol *at seyen and (2) vnderstande by yow *e mat\2er\1e contened in *e supp\2licacion\1 / whiche we sende yow closed here wi*in (3) / touching certain *ing\2es\1 granted vnto oure welbeloued squier. Ianico dartasse: as ye may se more pleinly. by *e (4) saide supp\2licacion\1: ye doo ordeine *at he haue suche writt\2es\1 as may Lawefully be hadde / and suche as yow *en ke* (5) resounable in *e cas. And god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnd\2er\1 oure signet in oure town of vernon *e vj. day of Au\2er\1il S #$%(Signed) Shiryngton}#$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 860.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/2 Signet of Henry V #$%{S (1) By *e king S #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And we wol *at after *e (2) teneur of a supp\2licacion\1. whiche we sende yow closed wi* ynne *is / ye do make oure l\2ett\1res of saufconduit. vnder (3) oure grete seel in due forme / duryng for a yere / And god haue yow in his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon *e xx\2the\1. day of Auril S#$%(Signed) Shiryngton}#$% [Calendared Kirby 861.] #$ #$ 1419 Cotton Galba B.I fol. 157 Signet of Henry V#$%{(1) By *e king S #$%Right trusty and welbeloued bro\4t\2er\1 / We grete yow wel / And we lete yow wite / how *at *ei of .iiij. membres of (2) flandres desiren by *aire l\2ett\1res sent to vs / *at we wolde continue and p\2ro\1rogue *e seurtees and p\2ro\1uis ions (3) ordeined afore *is time for *e cours of marchandise. betwix oure Rewme of England and *e cuntre of flandres *e (4) whiche p\2ro\1uisions and seurtees expired at Ester last / as ye may se more plainly by *e copie closed wi*in *is of (5) *e said iiij. membres l\2ett\1res S #$%Also we send yow closed wi*in *is / a copie of oure l\2ett\1re Responsiue (6) vnto *e l\2ett\1res abouesaid / and *e forme of an Instrucci\2on\1 of certain p\2ro\1uisions / whiche we wol / be added to (7) *at o*ir seurtees and prouisions afore tyme / at *e next taking newe of *e forsaid seurtees and p\2ro\1uisions (8) by oure Co\2m\1missaires / suche as by yow / wi* avis of oure Chan cell(or)\4^1\1 and o*ir of oure conseil shul be deputed (9) and ordeined for to goo to Calais for *at cause S#$% ffer\4t\2er\1more whan *at ye haue seyen and vnderstande (10) *ees oure l\2ett\1res and copies closed \4t\2er\1in. we wol *at ye write vnto *e said .iiij. membres / certifieng hem. (11) how *at by oure comandement. ye write vnto hem / to be certifi ed at what tyme *aire Ambassiatours. shullen be redy at oure (12) towne of Calais. for *e said cause / ayein *e whiche tyme / we wolde oure Co\2m\1missaires were *ere also. And god haue (13) yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon *e xxviij day of Auerill S#$%(Signed) Shiryngton}#$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 862. Printed, with the letter from Bruges and the King's reply, Nicolas II.250-54. See no. 65 below.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn off]#$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/4 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king. #$%Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi* (2) ynne *ees oure l\2ett\1res. a supplicacion of greuous compleynt / put vnto vs by. s\2ir\1 Rogier wodehill person of (3) Strete / as ye may see more clerely by *e same supplicacion / wherfor we wol *at *e forsaide supplicac\2i\1on wel (4) vnderstanden and considered by yow / ye doo calle before yow bothe parties speciffied in *e same supplicacion / and *aire (5) causes herd / *at ye doo vnto hem boothe / right and equite / and in esp\2ec\1ial *at ye see *at *e porer (6) partye suffre no wrong / but *at ye make suche an ende in *is matiere / \4t\2at\1 (we)\4^1\1 be nomore vexed hereafter (7) wi\4t t\1aire complaint\2es\1 / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Vernon *e .xxviij. (8) day of Au\2er\1ill} #$% [Calendered Kirby 863. Printed \2PC\1 I.xvi.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/3 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king S #$%Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And for asmuche as we be enfourmed / (2) *at oure l\2ett\1res patentes by *e whiche we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued squier Pierres Garueys. *e (3) warde of *e landes and t\2enem\1ent\4g t\1at were hugh ffastolfs knight *at is godbetaght: be nat vaillable. by (4) cause. *e value is nat exp\2re\1ssed. in oure saide l\2ett \1res / and also. for suche wardes been assigned for *e despens es (5) of oure howsholde. we wol. *at ye do make vnto oure said squier oure l\2ett\1res patentes vnder oure grete seel in due (6) forme / of *e said warde beryng *e date of oure furst grante. nat wi*standing *at mencion is nat maade of * e (7) verraye value yerly / and also natwi*standyng \4t\2at\1 suche wardes been assigned for *e despenses of oure howshold. (8) for hit is oure wille *at he (haue)\4^1\1 suche l\2ett\1res paten tes as may be vaillable (and resonabe)\4^1\1 to him in *is caas. (9) Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon *e xxviij day of Au\2er\1ill S #$%(Signed) Shiryngton}#$% [Calendared Kirby 864. See no.14 above. Grant recorded 28 Feb.1418, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 134.] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1366/13 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue ordei ned (2) oure trusty and welbeloued knyght Iohn of Radclif. to be oure Conestable of Bourdeux And also to be Cap\2taine\1 of oure Castel (3) of fronsac for *e grete trust *at we haue to his trewthe and discrecion. we wol and charge yow *at by *auis of (4) oure bro\4t\2er\1 of Bedford and o\4t\2er\1 of oure conseil *ere in Englande. ye trete and accorde wi\4t t\1e said (5) Iohn for his abidyng *ere. And so *at he may do vs good seruice. as hit seme* best to youre discrecions for oure (6) auantage and proffit of *e cuntree And *at ye spede him in al *e haste *at ye may. And se *at he tarye (7) not *ere: as oure trust is to to yow And god ha(ue yo)w\4^1\1 in his keping Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Castel of Rouen *e . . .\4^1\1#$% (Signed) Shir(yngton)\4^1\1} #$% [Calendared with other references Kirby 865.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn off] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/5 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And we wol *at vpon *e contenn of *e sup p\2licacion\1 (2) closed wi*in *is / ye do make vnto oure welbeloued seruant Piers Logge / yeman of oure Cha\2m\1bre oure (3) writt\2es\1 of liberate and allocate vnder oure grete seal in due fourme / by vertue of *e whiche / he may haue paiement of al (4) *at is behinde and due vnto him of vj.d a day / by *e handes of *e visconte of Wilto\2n\1. not wi*standing (5) *e p\2re\1ferrement of x.m\2l\1. li. \4t\2at\1 we haue as ye knowe wel / And god haue yow in his keping. yeuen vnder (6) oure signet in oure towne of Mante *e xix. day of Iuyn S #$% (Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared with references, Kirby 866. Grant recorded 26 Aug. 1416, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 56.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/6 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader yn god: oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue a man\2er \1e (2) of dowte / whether kynwolm\2er\1sh occupie clerely and wi* owte scrupule / *ospital of saint Antony by oure yifte or noo / (3) for to eschewe *e peril yn conscience / *at myght be vnto vs by \4t\2e\1 yeuyng / and to hym (by)\4^1 t\1e (4) resceyuyng of *e said hospital / *at god defende / on lasse *an *e title wher clere yn lawe and conscience. We wol (5) ye do make a patent vnder oure greet seel vnto *e said kynwol m\2er\1sh of *e Deanee of saint martin(es)\4^1\1 grande (6) yn London. Takyng furst of him souffissante seurtee *at he shal be redy al tymes to resigne *e said hospital / whan vs like\4t \1(7) to co\2m\1mande hym / And yf hit be foun(d)\4^1 t\1at noo scrupule be yn oure yifte. \4t\2at\1 we made vnto hym of * e (8) said hospital / wherof we wolde ye sent vs worde yn al goodely haste . *an we wol *at kynwolm\2er\1sh chese to kepe / stille (9) whether hym ha* leuer *e forsaid De(anee)\4^1\1 or hospital / And If hym ha* leuer *e Deanee / and to leue (10) *ospital we holde vs content / but *an hit is oure wille / *at *ow he kepe stille *ospital wi\4t t\1e Deanee (11) for a tyme / to *at we haue disposed \4t\2er\1fore / * at he dispende not *e Reuenues and comoditees of *e said (12) hospital / but kepe *aym stille hooly vnto oure comyng hoom w\2ith\1 godd\2es\1 grace. And If he wol p\2er\1auanture holde (13) stille *ospital if hit stande clere. we wol he fynde semblable seurte to resigne *e Deanee ayein into oure hand\2es\1 And (14) god haue yow in his keping. Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante *e xx. day of Iuyn S #$% (Signed) (Shir)yngton\4^1\1 } #$% [Calendared Kirby 867. Grant of deanery to Kynwolmersh 1 July 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 218.] #$% \4^1\1 [stained] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/7 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fadre in god / and oure Ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued : We grete you wel / And for asmuche as by * expresse (2) and esp\2eci\1ale avyse and consent of oure Ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued vncle *e Duc of Excestre / to whome we had g ranted (3) by oure l\2ett\1res patentes *e keping of alle *e landes *at shul longe by heritage vnto oure trusty and welbelou ed (4) Cousin Iohn son and heire to william Roos of hamelak *at helde of vs in chief *e day he deyed on / durynge *e non age (5) of *e said Iohn: we of oure sp\2eci\1ale grace haue granted vnto oure said Cousin plein lyu\2er\1e of alle *e (6) landes *at longen / or may longe vnto him by heritage wy\4t \1ynne oure Reaume of Engeland / or elleswhere aftre *e fourme (7) of a copie of a patent annexed to a supplicac\2i\1on take to vs: *e whiche we sende you closed wy*ynne *ees oure (8) l\2ett\1res: we wol and charge you *at in al *e goodely hast *at ye may ye make vpon oure said grant to oure said Cousin (9) oure l\2ett\1res patentes aftre *e fourme of *e said copie *at we sende you and also suche wryttes of lyu\2er\1e / (10) and yn suche fourme and nombre as is necessarie and vaylable for him wi* al *e h. . .\4^1\1 and fauour *at ye may. (11) So *at *is be not take to non euel example: notwy* standyng \4t\2at\1 of oure grace we wol hit An(d)\4^1\1 (12) god haue you in his keping: Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure towne of Mant *e xxiij. day of Iuyne #$%(Signed) Caud . . .}#$% [Calendared Kirby 868. The petition is SC8/182/9061. Grant to Exeter recorded 22 Sept. 1414, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 pp. 235-36; to John Roos 8 July 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 263.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn off] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/8 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng S #$%Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel And forasmuche / as we lete sende (2) for maistre Richard garsedale oon of *e contendent\2es\1 of *e p\2ro\1uoste of *e Oriell to *at ende (3) *at for his p\2ar\1tie / shulde no thyng be poursuyd neither at *e Courte of Rome ne elles (where)\4^1\1 but *at / (4) *at cont\2ro\1uersie shulde be put in Respit vnto oure comyng hoom wi* godd\2es\1 grace / for oure occupac\2i\1 on (5) is suche *at we mow nat wel entende to suche mat\2er\1es here / Wherefore we wol \4t\2at\1 ye make boo*e *e (6) said garsdale whiche come* now hoom be oure leue / and also Lentwardyn / com afore yow / and \4t\2at\1 ye take seurte souf ficeant (7) of bothe *e parties / *at neither of hem shal make fer\4t\2er\1 poursuyt of appelle at Courte of Rome / ner no (8) man\2er\1e of poursuyt *ere or elles where / as touching *e said cont\2ra\1uersie vnto oure comyng as before / at (9) whiche tyme oure entent ys / to put *e same cont\2ro\1uersie to a goode and rightwyse conclusion and *e said p\2ar\1tie (10) yn Rest. And yf any of hem haue *e saide poursuyt of apelle hangyng yn Court *at *ey abate hit / and sende to Revoke (11) hit yn al haste / and \4t\2at *ay make al suche as been * aire attornes or doers yn Court sp\2irit\1uel or te\2m\1porel to (12) surcesse. And we wol fer\4t\2er\1more as touching oure said College of *oriell / \4t\2at\1 ye put hit yn suche gou\2er\1nance / (13) as semeth to yowre Discrecion for to doo vnto oure Comyng. And god haue yow yn his keping / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Mante *e vij day of Iuill S#$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 869.] #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/9 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader yn god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi* yn (2) *ees / (a)\4^1\1 supplicac\2i\1on put vnto vs / by oure poure ligeman Iohan Bone. vpon whiche supp\2licaion\1 / we wol (3) *at ye doo hym haue *at that right and lawe wollen yn *e cas / but *at o*ersyde beeth wel avysed or to (4) grete duresse be shewed vnto hym / or to any of oure suggett\2es\1 yn p\2er\1sone or yn good\2es\1 / for *e suggestions or appech ement\2es\1 (5) of (him)\4^2 t\1at calleth hym self p\2er\1son of worth\2a\1m. vnto *e tyme *e verray trow*e be clerely (6) examined and knowen / of his accusacions / o\4t\2er\1 elles *oo *at he accuseth. han be noted afore tyme of suche default\2es. (7) \1for *e forsaid p\2er\1son is holden to besy in suche mat\2er\1s / And god haue yow in his keping / Yeuen vnder oure (8) signet in oure town of Mante *e xj. day of Iuill S} #$% [Calendared Kirby 870. The petition is SC8/179/8940.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1419 E28/33/5 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king. #$%Right trusty and welbeloued bro*er / We grete yow wel / And we sende yow closed wi* ynne *ees (2) oure l\2ett\1res / a supplicacion putte vnto vs / on *e behalue of will Godard and Agneis his wyf / Wolnyng / (3) \4t\2at\1 knowelache hadde of *e trouthe of *e mat\2er\1e contened in *e same supplicacion / ye calle (4) vnto yow oure Iustices / And by *aire aduis / ordeineth *at bothe parties nempned in *e forsaide supplicacon (5) haue right / soo *at nouther of *aim haue cause to compleine hereafter for defaute of Iustice / And god haue yow in (6) his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet at oure toun of Mante .*e . xij. day of Iuill: #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared with explanations and other references, Kirby 871.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/10 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We grete yow wel / And we wol ye wyte / \4t\2at \4t \1e (2) priour of oure hows of saint Bartholomew / in Westsmythfeld of London haa* poursued vnto vs here on *is side *e (3) see / for confirmacion of alle *e yiftes grantes / priuileges / franchises and libertees graunted vnto oure saide hows by oure (4) progenitours and predecessours / And for asmuche: as ye might by vertue of youre office haue doo maad hym oure l\2ett\1res of (5) confirmac\2i\1on wi*oute *at hym shulde haue neded to poursue ferther vnto vs / we suppose *ere bee sum cause (6) resounable / why ye haue not doo hit / in cas *at he haue pour sued vnto yow *erfor / wherfor if ye knowe any suche cause why (7) ye aught not to make hym oure forsaide l\2ett\1res / we wol * at ye certiffie vs what hit is And if *ere noon bee / * at (8) *anne ye doo maake vnto *e forsaide priour and to *e conuent of oure saide hows of seint Berth\2olomew\1 / (9) oure l\2ett\1res paten\2tes\1 of confirmac\2i\1on vnder oure greet seel in due fourme of alle *e yiftes / grantes / priui leges (10) / franchises and libertes / whiche *ay haue / as is aboue said of *e yifte or grant of oure progenitours and predece ssours (11) / leuyng out *e clause licet / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / at oure town of Mante. *e (12) .xxij. Day of Iuyll #$%(Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 872. Printed Maxwell-Lyte, \2Great Seal,\1 pp. 119-20. Confirmation recorded 27 Sept. 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp. 239-46.] #$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/11 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng S #$%Worshipful fader yn god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / we (2) grete yow wel / And for asmuche as we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued clerc of oure Chapelle / Thomas Gyles / *e p\2re\1 bende (3) whiche / Iohn Cooke late clerc of oure saide Chapelle / hadde wi*in oure free Chapelle of hastynges. We wol *at (4) \4t\2er\1vpon ye do make oure l\2ett\1res patentes in due fourme. vnder oure grete seel / as *e cas asketh / Yeuen vnder (5) oure signet in oure town of Mante *e xxv. Day of Iuill S #$% (Signed) Shiryngton}#$% [Calendared Kirby 873. Confirmation recorded 25 July 1419, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 219. ] #$ #$ 1419 Cotton Vesp. F. I. fol. 104 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1)Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel / And wol ye wete / yat we haue Receiued youre l\2ett \1res (2) whiche ye sent vs last by hugh of oure chambre / by whiche we conceive / yat among other ying\2es\1 whiche ye write vn to vs (3) of / ye desire to knawe oure entent touchyng ye trewes taken vn to Alhalwen tyde betwix vs and flaundres / of whiche trewes writtes (4) of proclamac\2i\1on been passed vnder oure grete seel. whervpon we wol ye wete / yat we hald vs agreed of ye proclamac\2i\1on / (5) after as in ye writt\2es\1 be contened / And in cas yat yay of flaundres wol here after desire prorogacion of ye said trewes / (6) we wolde yay were halden in hand wiy tretee / vn to ye tyme ye haue c\2er\1tiffied vs yerof / and knowe oure entent ayeinward / (7) And of o thing we wold ye were wel aduised / yat in any trewes takyng (with hem)\4^1\1 hereafter yere were put yn / alle oure suggett\2es\1 (8) as wel of oure duchie of Normandie / and of oure other lordshippes / as of oure Reaume of Englond #$%And as touchyng ye tretee wiy (9) yembassiatours of Gene / of whiche ye haue send vs a cedule / sent vn to yowe be Escourt / In whiche cedule the m\2er\1chant\2es\1 of (10) oure Reaume of England asken after ye vttermast estimacion of yayre godes yat were taken be ye Ianeuoys .x m\2l.\1li. And (11) ye same Ianevoys maken estimacion of ye same goodes at vii. m\2l\1. C\2xx\1iiij. li. wolnyng for to stand in oure goode (12) grace et beniuolence paye wiy oute any excepcion / iiij. m\2l\1. li. at Resonable t\2er\1mes / oure subgett\2es\1 and oure m\2er\1chan d\2es\1 (13) of oure land hauyng hereaftre fre co\2m\1myng and goyng to Gene / as yay of Gene desire to haue in to oure Reaume of England / (14) witteth yat consideryng ye vnese yat ye merque of hem of Gene haay / doon: as wel in strengthyng of oure ennemys / as in hindryng of (15) ye cours of marchandise betwix oure Reaume and yaym / and tourneth to noon neer ende for hom yat han ye merque. yan hit did / at (16) bygynnyng / vs yenkey and we wold / yat such so\2m\1me as yay profer were accepted / yf no grett\2er\1 myght be haad in short tyme / (17) wiy ye condicion yat we vnderstond / yay profre / y\2a\1t is / yat oure sugett\2es\1 of Englond etc\2etera\1: may be fre in alle yaire portes (18) (to which we wold were put yat oure subgit\4g\1 shuld be free in alle yaire portes)\4^1\1 as wel as to passe by hem to what other portes (19) yaim lust by waye of marchandise / if this myght be haad. And alle this we committe to yow and to ye Remenant of oure counseil to (20) be wroght after youre discrecions and comun aduis / for as (of)\4^1\1 ye so\2m\1me al ying considered / we halde hit Resounable o lasse yenne more (21) may be geten / wiy oute taryeng of yaccord / And if yis mat\2er\1e myght be concluded in oure Reaume of England before yow / hit were (22) oure entent / And ellis if yat may not bee / we wol wel yat yeende be maade at Calais wyt a goode Instrucc\2i\1on And yat it be seyn (23) / yat yay be wel bounden / not to \4p\1holde\4P^2\1 (helpe)\4^1\1 nor suffre non of yaires to helpe noon of oure ennemys ayeines vs ner noon of oures / nouther be (24) land ner water / And yat in ye best wise yat may be haade.#$% Also as touchyng yat now late ye saide Ambassiatours of Gene haue writen vn (25) to oure Ambass\2iatours\1 sharpely / yat \4p\1Awe\4P^2\1 (al be)\4^1\1 hit / yat yaire vessell and marchandes haan been late taken be oure sugge tt\2es\1 (26)/ ye tretee of pees so nigh concluded / neu\2er\1 ye lat\2er\1 yay wol a byde an answar after as was accorded whiche haad from vs / (27) yay wol send to Gene / Not wolnyng other wise yanne as before trete ner conclude / but yf yay haue other in co\2m\1mandement from yaire (28) souueraines / The answar may be wel maad yat til yai be ful thorogh wiy vs / yat yay shal no thyng haue but werre / And yerfor desire (29) of hem to make ye sonner ende / for in oure partie / and yay wol be Resounable hit shal not halde / but yat good Rest and frensship shal be /} #$% [Calendared Kirby 874. Printed Nicolas II. 255-57. See no. 53 above. Order to proclaim truce recorded 14 July 1419. \2CCR 1419-22,\1 p. 47; Rymer, \2Foedera\1 IX.784.] #$% \4^1 \1[ superior insert] \4^2\1 [cancelled]#$ #$ 1417 Cotton Vesp. F. III. fol. 8. Autograph draft by Henry V? #$%{(1) Furthremore I wole that ye comend with my brothre with the chanceller with my cosin of northumbrelond and my cosin of (2) Westme(r)land\4^1\1 and that ye set a gode ordinance for my north marches and specialy for the Duc of (O)rlians\4^1\1. (3) and for alle the remanant of my prisoners of France. and also for the k\2ing\1 of Scotelond. for as I am secrely enfourmed by (4) a man of ryght notable estate in this lond that there hath ben a man of the Ducs of Orliance in scotland and accorded with the (5) Duc of albany. that this next somer he shal bryng in the mamnet of Scotland to sturre what he may. and also that ther schold be (6) founden weys to the havyng awey specialy of the Duc of Orlians. and also of the k\2ing\1 as welle as of the remanant of my (7) forsayd p\2r\1ysoners that god do defende. wherfore I wolle that the Duc of Orliance be kept st(i)lle\4^1\1 withyn the castil (8) of pontfret with owte goyng to robertis place or to any othre disport. for it is bettre he lak his dispor(t)\4^1\1 (9) (t)hen\4^1\1 we were disceyued. of alle the remanant dothe as ye thenketh}#$% [Calendared Kirby 881. Printed Ellis, 1st ser., I.1-2; Halliwell I.92; T. Livius, \2Vita Henrici Quinti,\1 pp.99-100.] #$%\4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1420 E28/33/13 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Trusty and welbeloued We grete you wel. And as touching youre credence to declare to *e Lordes esp\2er\1ituel (2) and temporel and also to al *e gentilmen and comunes of oure contree of guyenne aftre \4t\2at\1 ye haue p\2re\1sented to ham (3) oure L\2ett\1re the copie of *e whiche we sende vnto you clos ed in *ees to \4t\2at\1 ende at \4t\2er \1vpon ye may (4) grounde youre saide credence *e better to oure entencion and desir / the whiche been *ees \4t\2at\1 for the seuretee and (5) cons\2er\1uacion of oure saide contree we wol and desire \4t\2at *e saide estat\4g\1 gentilmen and co\2m\1munes by gen\2er \1al (6) assent grante vs a fuage *orow oute al oure forsaide co ntree and \4t\2at\1 aswel vpon esp\2er\1ituel persones as temporel (7) for *e sauuacion of oure contree and harmyng of oure enemis And also if nede be \4t\2at\1 more be granted *an *e (8) same fuage we wol \4t\2at\1 by *e good auys of oure trusty and welbeloued *erle of Longuille Captal de buch and \4t\2at (9) \1ye see also in youre good auys and discrecion what \4t\2at\1 yow semeth best and \4t\2at\1 ye laboure it by *e best (10) deliberacion and diligence \4t\2at\1 ye can and may as oure trust is to you and as ye desire oure lordship God haue (you in)\4^1\1 his kepyng yeuen vnder (11) oure signet at oure toune of Mante *e xj day of Octobre} #$% [Calendared Kirby 883. Printed Nicolas II.265.]#$% \4^1\1 [stained]#$ #$ 1419 C81/1365/12 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e king #$%Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued We wol \4t\2at\1 ye sende hedir vnto vs s\2ir\1 Thomas (2) Suthwell preste / in al resonable haste. And fer\4t\2er\1more we wol and also charge you \4t\2at\1 ye ordeyne \4t\2at *at (3) be effectuelly doon in dede. \4t\2at\1 we wrote vnto you as touching *e Duc of Orliens as oure trust is to you. for the (4) cas is so grete \4t\2at\1 ye ne couthe not ymagyn hit gretter. And as touching *e chirche of Lughtbourgh in contie of (5) Lercestre longyng to oure yift: we wol wel \4t\2at\1 oure welbeloued clerc Robert ffry remembred to vs by youre l\2ett \1res (6) haue *e saide chirche / So \4t\2at\1 he be preste or atte leste infra sacros wi* yn *is yere aftre *e (7) tenour of *e comun lawe Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure toune of Mante *e first day of Noue\2m\1b\2e\1r.} #$% [Calendered Kirby 885. Presentation recorded 10 May 1419, \2CPR 1416-22, \1 p.249.]#$ #$ 1420-21 SC1/43/160 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$% #$%Right trusty and Welbeloued bro*er. We sende yow closed (2) wi* ynne *ees / a supplicacion put vnto vs: by William Mynours. yeman huissher of oure Chambre. And hit ys oure wille: (3) *at ye be as fauorable to him yn *is mat\2er\1e: as ye may resounably: And *at al *e fauour be doon vnto (4) him / bothe afore oure chief Iustice of oure benche / and also afore oure Chauncell\2e\1r : that may be doon / by Lawe conscience and reson. (5) And bro\4t\2er\1 see ye \4t\2er\1to. Consideryng his beyng here in oure seruice. yn wyse as ye wote. Yeuen vnder oure signet (6) in oure towne of Rouen *e .v. day of Ianuier S #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 886.] #$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/13 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the King #$%Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We wol \4t\2at\1 ye doo al the fauour and ese \4t\2at \1 (2) ye may lawfully vnto Iohan Spendeloue bringer of *ees touchyng *e bille whiche we sende vnto yow closed wi*ynne (3) *ees oure l\2ett\1res. And if ye may lawfully doo al \4t\2 at *e same bille conteneth / we wolde ye dide hit. And we wol \4t \1at (4) ye doo delyu\2er\1e vnto maistre Roger Whelpdale Elit of Karlell *e temporaltees of *e bisshopriche / as sone as his (5) bulles bee comen / not withstandyng \4t\2at\1 he hath not made homage \4t\2er\1fore to vs / Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure town of Rouen *e xxj day of Ianuer:} #$% [Calendared Kirby 887. Commission of inquiry for Spendelove recorded 1 July 1420, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.320; livery to Whelpdale recorded 17 March 1420. \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 264.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1366/1 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the Kyng #$%Worshipful fader yn god / oure Right trusty and Welbeloued / ffor asmuche as oure seruant Iohn Bayll barbour hauyng (2) of oure confirmac\2i\1on .x. marc yerly for terme of his lif at oure Eschequer: ys behinde and vnpaide \4t\2er\1of .vj. yere at (3) Ester next comyng as he sayth: We wol / *at ye ordeine / *at he haue oure writt\2es\1 of liberate and allocate / by *e (4) whiche he may be paide of *e saide annuitee / Notwi*stan dyng *e p\2re\1ferrement *at we haue as ye knowe / (5) Yeuen vnder oure signet yn oure towne of Rouen *e x day of ffeu\2er\1er / #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 888. Confirmation recorded 1 Oct. 1413, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p. 101.] #$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/15 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) S By the Kyng. #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / We wol *at ye doo make vnto oure welbeloued (2) kny\4g\1t Iohn saint Iohn oure writt\2es\1 of liberate and allocate / by vertue of *e whiche he may be paide of *at (3) / that is due vnto hym of *annuite *at he take* at oure Eschequer by oure l\2ett\1res patentes / Natwi*standyng (4) *e p\2re\1ferre(\2men\1t)\4^1 t\1at we haue / as ye knowe / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen *e xxviij day of Marche /#$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 889. Grant recorded 17 July 1414, \2CPR 1413-16,\1 p.234.]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed.]#$ #$ 1420 SC1/43/161 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Right trusty and welbeloued bro\4t\2er \1Ri\4g\1t worshipful and worshipful faders in god / and trusty (2) and welbeloued we sende vnto yow wi\4t t\1ees oure l\2ett\1res a Rolle vnder oure signet contenyng certain articles aduised by oure (3) welbeloued kny\4g\1t Iohn Tiptoft Sen\2eschal\1 of oure duchie of guyenne / for *e gou\2er\1nance of oure said duchie And (4) *answeres yeuen by oure conseil here / vpon *e same ar\2 ticles\1. Wherfore we wol *at ye execute *e said answeres (5) as fer as to yow may apparteyne And *at *is be doon in suche wyse / *at oure said Sen\2eschal\1 and maire of Bourdeux / (6) be nat taried yn oure Rewme of England / but hasted al *at is possible as oure truste is to yow / for hit is grete necessite / (7) *at *aire goyng be hasted al *at may be doon / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure Town of Rouen *e xxx. day of Marche.} #$% [Calendared Kirby 890.] #$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/16 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued. We late yow wite lyke as we haue doo or *is *at (2) we haue granted (vnto)\4^1\1 oure welbeloued clerc Iohn Stopyndon *empension \4t\2at\1 longe* to oure no\2m\1 i\2n\1acion (3) by *e vacacion of oure chirche Cathedrale of Excestre. *e whiche oure grant / we wol take effect / Albe hit: (4) *at sithe we wroote last vnto yow (\4t\2er\1of)\4^2\1 haue falle a new vacac\2i\1on of oure saide chirche / by *e deces of hym / (5) *at was before of Chestre for elles shulde oure said clerc beer no p\2ro\1ffit by oure furst graunt / And semblably we wol / *at (6) oure welbeloued clerc William Toly haue *e pension of *e bisshopriche of Chestre. notwi*standing *e chaunge &c as ye (7) wote. And thridly we haue granted vnto oure clerc of oure signet Thomas Andrew / *empension \4t\2at\1 longeth to oure no\2m\1 i\2n\1ac\2i\1on (8) by *auoidance of oure chirche cath\2edrale \1 (9) of h\2er\1eford. Wherfore we wol / *at as soone as due tyme Requireth: ye doo make oure writt\2es\1 in due fourme vpon oure (10) said grant\2es\1: Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen *e x. Day of Au\2er\1ill S} #$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 891. Stopyndon, Toly, and Andrew were all signet clerks. Letter in Shiryngton's hand.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/17 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng#$% S Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued / And lat yow wite / *at *e worshipful fader yn god *e (2) bisshop of wircestre / ha* doon his feaultee to vs here / as for *e temp\2or\1altees *at longen vnto his biss hopriche. (3) and also maade Renunciacion aftir *e fourme * at ye sent vs. whiche we signiffie vnto yow: to *at ende *at ye haue (4) knowlege \4t\2er\1of wolnyng *at ye shewe him and his proctours al *ese and fauour *at ye may goodely: and (5) *e more sp\2ec\1ialy by cause of his beyng here in our s\2er\1uice: Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure town of Rouen *e (6) xiiij day of Au\2er\1ill / }#$% [Calendared Kirby 892. Livery recorded 18 Oct. 1419, \2CPR 1416-22 , \1p. 246.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/18 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbe loued / For asmuche as of oure sp\2ec\1ial grace we haue granted (2) to *elit of Chestre late Abbot of saint Albons / to haue *e temp\2or\1alitees of *e bisshopriche of Chestre not withst anding (3) *at he is not yit sacred bisshop *ere We wol and charge yow / *at in al goodly haste aft\2er *e Recepc \2i\1on (4) of *ees oure l\2ett\1res ye ordeyne *at deliu\2er\1ance bee maad vnto *e said elit of *e said (5) temp\2or\1alitees and that ye make hym out oure l\2ett\1res paten\2tes *ere vppon / such as *e cas Requireth. (6) Yeuen vnder oure signet at oure town of Rouen *e .xv. day of Aueril #$%(Signed) Andrieu} #$% [Calendared Kirby 893. Livery recorded 15 April 1420, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 276.]#$ #$ C54/270/m17d Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Ri\4g\1t trusty and welbeloued bro\4t\2er\1 Ri\4g\1t worschipfull and worschipfull faders in god and trusty and welbeloued ffor as muche (2) as we wote wele *at youre desire were to here Ioyfull tyding \2es\1 of oure goode spede touching *e conclusion of pees betwix (3) *e two Rewmes et c\2etera\1 we signiffie vnto yow *at worschipped be oure lorde *at of oure labour ha* sent vs a goode (4) conclusion vpon moneday *e xx day of *is p\2rese\1nt mone* of May we arriued in *is town of Troyes / And on *e moro (5) we haddeyn a conuencion betwix oure moder *e quene of ffrance and oure brother *e duc of Burg\2oigne\1 as Co\2m\1missairs of *e king (6) of france oure fader for his partie / and vs in oure (owne)\4^1\1 p\2er \1sonne for oure partie / and *accorde of *e said pees p\2er\1 petuelle (7) was *e\2re\1 sworne (by)\4^2\1 bo*e *e saide Co\2m\1missaires / yn name of oure forsaide fader / And semblably by vs in oure owne name / (8) And *e l\2ett\1res (\4t\2er\1vpon)\4^2\1 forwi* enseled vnder *e grete seel of oure saide fader to vs warde / and vnder oures to hym warde *e (9) copie of whiche l\2ett\1res we sende yo\2u\1 closed yn *ees to *at ende: *at ye doo *e saide accorde to be p\2ro\1clamed yn (10) oure Citee of london / and *orowe al oure Rewme *at al oure pueple may haue verray knowlege *\2er\1of for *are consolacion / as wel as (11) kepe hit aftir as longe* vnto *ayme Also at *e saide conuencion was mariage betrowthed betwix vs and oure wyf doghter of oure for said (12) fader *e kyng of france / And fer\4t\2er\1more for asmuch as we must by vertue of *e saide accorde vse a newe stile duryng *e lyf (13) of oure saide fader / we sende yow in a cedule wi*in *ees oure stille *at we wol vse heraft\2er\1 bo*e in latine in (14) englyssh and in ffrenssh. Chargeyng yow *at in al thing *at passe* duryng the tyme aforesaide aswel vnder oure grete seel as (15) al oure o\4t\2er\1 seeles wher eu\2er\1 hit bee and in p\2ro\1 clamacions *e or\2de\1yne *at oure stille be vsed aft\2er\1 *e (16) contenne of *e saide cedule And *at *e scripture of all oure seeles be amended \4t\2er\1aft\2er\1 yn al haste / And so (17) charge* by oure writt\2es\1 all oure offic\2er\1s / *at *is may long vnto aswel yn England as yn Irlande and yn guyenne for so wol (18) we ordeyne *at shalbe doon heere / yeuen vnder oure signet in *e saide Town of Troyes *e xxij day of May abouesaide / And as (19) touching *e scripture of *e seeles vs semeth / *at *is worde Regent may be owte wel ynogh #$% To oure Right trusty and wel beloued (20) brother *e duc of Gloucestre wardein in oure Rewme of Englande and to all *e remanent of oure conseil *ere #$% (21) henricus dei gra\2cia\1 Rex Angl\2ae\1 heres & Regens regni ffranci\2ae\1 & D\2omi\1n\2u\1s hib\2er\1ni\2ae\1 #$% (22) henry by *e grace of god kyng of England heire and Regent of *e Rewme of ffrance and lorde of Irlande #$% henry par la grace de (23) dieu Roy denglet\2er\1re heritier & Regent du Royaume de ffrance & seigneur dirlande #$%Et memorand\2um\1 q\2uo\1d p\2ro\1missa (24) sunt irrotulata virtute l\2itte\1ris de priuato sigillo d\2o\1m\2 ini\1 Regis Cancellar Angl\2ae\1 directi & infilactis #$% Cancellar (25) ip\2ri\1m\2is\1 d\2o\1m\2ini\1 Regis de hoc anno residentis}#$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 894. Calendared \2CCR 1419-22,\1 p. 108. Printed Halliwell I.102-03; Rymer, \2Foedera\1 IX.906-07.] #$%\4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/19 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god right trusty and welbe loued / We sende yow closed wi* ynne thees asupplicacion putte (2) vnto vs by a poure tenant of oures / Rauf atte Ree. which compleineth hym of c\2er\1tain grete wrong\2es\1 and griefs doon vnto hym (3) as ye may more clerely parceiue by the same supplicacion / Wherfor we wol and charge yow / *at the saide supplicac\2i\1on seen (4) and wel understanden by yow / and had pleine Informacion of the trouthe of *at \4t\2at\1 is contened therein / ye see and ordeyne (5) \4t\2at\1 oure saide tenant haue al *at he aught to haue of right in this p\2ar\1tie / and suffreth no man to doo hym wron(g) \4^1\1 (6) in no w(yse)\4^2\1 touching the mat\2er\1e contened in his saide supplicacion asmuche as ye may lette hit / ner *at he (7) be not wrongf(ully ouerlad)\4^2\1 by maintenance of lordship ner other wyse / for as we been enfourmed beside *at (8) \4t\2at\1 is contened in the saide supplicacion / the p\2er\1so nnes whiche he compleineth hym vpon / be gretely maintened ayenst hym / (9) And therfor we wol that ye take hede / the more tenderly to his mat\2er\1e And so \4t\2at\1 he haue no cause for lak of right (10) to Retourne hider ayein vnto vs compleyning / And god haue yow in his keping yeuen vnder oure signet at Monsirtan ou Sault yonne the .iiij\2e\1. day of Iuill #$%(Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 895. Printed \2PC,\1 p.xviii.] #$%\4^1\1 [torn off] \4^2\1 [rubbed and torn]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/20 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god oure Right trusty and welbeloued. For asmuche as we bee enfourmed *at *ab ot (2) of Gloucestre is passed to god: we haue granted vnto oure welb eloued clerc william Toly *empension. whiche longe* vnto (3) oure yifte: by cause of *e creacion of hym *at shal be next Abbot of *e same place: wollyng \4t\2at\1 ye doo make (4) \4t\2er\1vpon oure l\2ett\1res vnder oure gret seel in due fourme as *e cas Requireth. Yeuen vnder oure signet at *e (5) siege before Meleun *e .xx. day of Iuill #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 896.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/21 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbel oued / We sende yow closed wi* ynne *ees a supplicacion putte (2) v(n)to\4^1\1 vs by Thomas Gray / grocier and marchant of oure Cite of London making mencion of c\2er\1tain dettes whiche the lord Talbot / (3) *at is god betaught shuld owe to hym and to his wyf as is more pleinely contened in the same supplicacion / Wherefor we wol and (4) charge yow / *at *ees oure l\2ett\1res with the saide supplicacion seen by yow / ye doo co\2m\1me tofore yow / the enfeffours / (5) *at *e same supplicac\2i\1on maketh menc\2i\1on of / and seeth / *at *ay contente *e forsaide Thomas: (6) of al that thay been bounde by right and Reson to contente hym of touching the Dett\2es\1 abouesaide / And god haue yow in his (7) kepyng yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun: the .xvj. day of Septembre #$%(Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 897.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/22 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god: oure right trusty and welbeloued / for asmuche as we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued (2) clerc Rob\2er\1t Rolleston oure warderober the chirche of warton in oure Conte of Lancastre / whiche standeth voide in lawe / as we (3) been enfourmed / and longeth to oure yift / we wol and charge yow / \4t\2at\1 ye doo make vnto oure saide clerc / oure l\2ett\1res (4) of collacion of *e saide chirche / in due fourme / And god haue yow in his kepyng / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost / afore Meleun / the / xxij. day of Septembre / #$%(Signed) Toly} #$%[Calendared Kirby 898. Presentation recorded 2 Sept. 1420. 9 July 1421, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 pp.299, 374.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/23 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king#$%Worshipful fader in god / right trusty and welbeloued / For asmuche as hit is doon vs to vnderstande that the vicaire gen\2er\1al of (2) the bisshop of Chestre that last was / before hym that now is / maad collacion of the prebende of hondesacre in oure Cathedral chirche (3) of Lichefeld whiche voided by the deces of Iohn aullforth / vnto Robert ffit\4g\1hugh soon vnto the lord ffit\4g\1hugh oure (4) Chamberlain / And hit is soo / that before that the saide Robert was put in possession of the saide prebende as hit is saide / oure saide (5) chirche fel voide and so be cause of the temp\2or\1altees thereof beyng in oure handes the disposic\2i\1on of the saide prebende (6) longeth clerely vnto vs / we wol and charge yow / *at ye doo make oure l\2ett\1res of Ratifficacion vpon his title and poss ession (7) that he hath now / or elles of newe / if nede bee / doo make hym oure l\2ett\1res of collac\2i\1on of the same prebende in due (8) fourme / so that he may haue the same benefice by oure title / in caas ye haue maad collac\2i\1on to noon other / for oure entente is / (9) that he haue hit / If there bee no thing passed oure seel of the contraire / And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure signet / (10) in oure hoost afore meleun / the last day of Septembre / #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 899. Grant recorded 4 Nov. 1420, \2CPR 1416-22, \1p. 303.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1543/21 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%R(yht trusty)\4^1\1 and welbeloued bro*er. We grete you wel. and we do you to wite *at it (2) is oure wil and entente *at ye d(eclar)e\4^1\1 a parlement to be holde monday *e second day of (3) Decembre (next)\4^2\1 for certaine causes *e whiche we wol do you to haue knowlech of in al haste. And also (we)\4^2\1 wol and charge you (4) *at ye se \4t\2at\1 Iustices of pees. Shereues. Eschetours. Coroners and suche officers as shul be maad. be suche p\2er\1sones (5) as ben able & worthy \4t\2er\1to & \4t\2at\1 ben no troublers in *aire contrees. and \4t\2at *ey be chose wi* oute (6) brocage or fauour of p\2er\1sones or any o\4t\2er\1e vnleeful. meenes. after *estatut & ordennances maad \4t\2er\1vpon. (7) Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun *e viij day of Octobre: #$% (Signed) I hethe} #$% (Consent of the Council follows in Latin in different hand and ink.)#$% [Calendared and Latin printed, Kirby 900. Writs recorded 21 Oct. 1420, \2CCR 1419-22,\1 pp. 124-25.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/24 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By *e Kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god Ryht trusty and We lbeloued. we grete you wel. And we wol and charge you *at as soone (2) as ye ben certain *at *e bulles of oure holy fader *e pope: ben come for *e translacion of *e Bysshop (3) of hereford vnto *e chirche of Excestre: *at be oure l\2ett\1res to be maad vnder oure greet seal: ye do make Restituc \2i\1on (4) of *e temporalitees of *e said Bysshopriche of Excestre. vnto *e said Bysshop in forme as *aym oughte (5) to be wi*oute taryinge. Yeven vnder oure signet in oure hoost afore Meleun *e viij. day of Octobre: #$%(Signed) I. hethe} #$% [Calendared Kirby 901. Livery recorded 31 Oct. 1420, \2CPR 1416-22, \1p. 303.]#$ #$ 1420 C81/1365/26 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king#$% Worshipful fader in god Right trusty and welbeloued. We grete (2) yow wel / And for asmuche as oure s\2er\1uant Iohan H(er) tishille\4^1\1 hath shewed vnto vs by supplicacion / that s\2ir\1 Richard Stanhapp (3) knight / letteth and destourbeth hym and his attourne / wrongfully / and ayenst lawe and conscience / to Reioisse and occupie (3) a place with cer\1taine Rentes / with ynne the toun of Claworth in the Conte of Notyngham / whiche by the deces of Robert (4) hertishil his Cousin / been descended vnto oure saide s\2er\1uant by waye of heritage as to the Right heire of the saide place and (5) Rent\2es\1 Of whiche thing If hit soo bee / we be no thing wel plesed / we wol and charge yow / considering *at oure saide (6) s\2er\1uant hath continuelly abiden in oure s\2er\1uice sith oure commyng in to this land / \4t\2at\1 ye see and ordenne / (7) \4t\2at\1 he haue no wrong by the said Stanhapp / ner by noon other / in his absence / but that he may pesibly Reioisse and occupie his (8) saide heritage / and his Attourne Receiue the p\2ro\1ffit\4g\1 thereof to his vse / and (algates)\4^2\1 vnto oure commyng hoom with godd\2 es\1 (9) grace in to oure Reaume of England so *at we may / If nede bee. doo entende to the same mat\2er\1e oureself / (10) wittyng \4t\2at\1 we write semblably vnto oure brother of Glouc estre / vpon this same mat\2er\1e / And god haue yow in his keping / (11) Yeuen vnder oure signet / in oure oost afore Meleun / the v. Day of Nouembre #$%(Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 902.]#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed and torn] \4^2\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/28 Signet of Henry V (right side torn) #$%{(1) Be the kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god our trusty and welbeloued / ffor certein causes of science mevyng vs wee haue taake *e (2) Priour . . . kerm\2er\1dyn which is of our patronage / and alle her men. s\2er\1uans. possessions. goodes and katell & c\2e tera\1 (3) in to our sauf protecc\2i\1on . . . *at yee do maake hem a protecc\2i\1on in due fourme as swich cas requereth for (4) to endure two yeer: ffurthermore we wol . . . and keepynge of all our forseid Priourie and of all *yng longyng ther to be co\2m\1mitted (5) to *e Priour of Lanthony (beside Gloucestre)\4^1\1 and to Iohan Ru . . . Sauf to keepe and gou\2er\1ne to *e proffyt of our (6) said hous of kerm\2er\1dyn. duryng *e forsaid tyme after \4t \1e best fourme of protecc\2i\1ons maad in such cas. And god haue yow in (7) his kepynge. youen vnder our signet of *eegle in absence of our oothir at Webley *e vij day of March. #$% (Signed) Depeden} #$% [Calendared Kirby 903. Commitment and proteccion of the priory recorded 28 April 1421, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.338.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/29 Signet of Henry V (right margin torn) #$%{(1) By *e kyng S #$%Worshipful fader in god / Right trusty and welbeloued. we consideryng *e goode and agreable seruice / \4t \1at (2) *e worshipful fade(r)\4^1\1 in god *e bisshop of hereford oure p\2ro\1ctour in *e popes court / ha* doo n (3) to vs / and yit doo* dayly as ye knowe: haue of our sp\2ec\1 ial grace Respited his ho\2m\1mage / *at he shulde make vnto vs / by (4) cause of his bisshopriche: vnto his comyng hoom from cour(t)\4^1\1 wolnyng *at vpon *is oure grante ye doo make vnto (5) hym / or to his p\2ro\1ctours in his name. suche l\2ett\1res as *e cas axeth vnd(er)\4^1\1 oure grete seel in due (6) fourme. Yeuen vnder oure signet of *egle in absence of oure o\4t\2er\1. at oure towne of Shrouesbur(y)\4^1\1 *e xj. day of Marche: #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 904. Livery recorded 9 Nov.1420, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 304.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/30 Signet of Henry V (top torn) #$%{(1) Worship(f)ul\4^1\1 fader in god / oure Right trusty and wel beloued we sende yow closed wi*in thees. a supp\2licacion\1 (2) put vnto vs by Mar(ger)ye\4^1\1 Deye / touching certain extor cions and harmes doon vnto hir howsbond and hir / by maist\2re\1 (3) Iohn Armesby Notarye of Leycestre / as in *e same supp\2li cacion\1 hit is more clerely contened. So we we wol *at ye doo (4) sende for *e saide maist\2re\1 Iohn by writte / And examineth *e mat\2er\1e / And \4t\2er\1vpon ordeyneth *at Right (5) be doon to *e p\2ar\1tie compleignant. wi*owte any long delaye / And *e more fauorably. consideryng *e pourete (6) of *e saide Margerye: Yeuen vnder oure signet at Lambhithe the .ix. day of May S #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 905.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed] #$ #$ 1421 SC1/43/159 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Chancell\2e\1r there is oon Thomas walweynes wyf which hath maad a greuous compleynt vnto vs vpon s\2ir\1 Iohn (2) Skydmore And for asmuche as we had ordenned bothe parties for to bee before vs or oure conseil for to (haue)\4^1\1 had knowlache (3) of the mat\2er\1e *at *ay stande in debat fore / and for to haue made an ende *ereof / And hit is soo (4) now / *at we may nat g(oo)dly\4^2\1 ende *ere to at this tyme / as ye wot considered oure hasty departyng hens / we w(ol n)at\4^2\1 \1 (5) nat wi*standyng / *at we suppose she standeth not in the right / be cause s(he is)\4^1\1 s\2um\1what a des cl(aunder)ouse\4^2\1 (6) womman / and also *at we kepe nomore to be wexed wi* hir encombrous poursuites / \4t\2at\1 ye doo sende (7) for bothe the saide parties to co\2m\1me before yow at suche day as yow semeth Resounable / for to here the saide mat\2er\1e of controuersie / (8) and make an ende therein / as we shal telle yow to morwe more pleinly by mouthe But algates / yeueth hem to morwe here day / whanne thay (9) shal be with yow / yeuen vnder oure signet of the Egle at lambehith / this day / *e .xxij. day of may #$% (Signed) Toly] #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 906.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/31 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Wurshipful fader in god our right trusty and welb eloued / ffor as muche as we be enfourmed\4 t\1at *e (2) Corrodie of our abbeye of hyde in hamptshire. is voide now by the deth of Thomas Meweys *at last occupied and hadde hit / which (3) corrodie of our sp\2ec\1iale grace we haue yiuen to our welbeloued Clerc of our Chapele Iohan hunte / We wol and charge yow. *at (4) yee do maake oure l\2ett\1res patentes in due fourme vn to our said Clerc of *e corrodie forsaid / yeuen vnder our signet of (5) *e egle in absence of our oothir at our town of Douorre *e .viij. day of Iuyn: #$%(Signed) Depeden} #$% [Calendared Kirby 907.]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/32 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Worshipful f(ader in)\4^1\1 god our trusty and welbeloued / We haue receyued a supplicac\2i\1on put (2) vn to vs be our trusty and welbeloued knyght henry Brounflete that is with vs in our s\2er\1uice (in)\4^1\1 *ees parties / to whech (3) supplicac\2i\1on we haue take but litel heed / Neu\2er\1etheles we wol and charge yow / *at *e said supplicac\2i\1on be (4) yow seen / and *e mat\2er\1e \4t\2er\1inne comprised discretly considered / ye do hym *e ese *at yee may (5) as ferfoorth as right and lawe wol / So that by cause of his beynge heere in our said s\2er\1uice he be not wrongfully hyndred ne (6) harmed in no wyse / And god haue yow in hys keepinge / yeuen vnder our signet in our hoost at seint Denys of Moronval beside Dreux. the .xviij day of Iuyll. #$%(Signed) Depeden} #$% [Calendared with explanation, Kirby 908. The petition, in Latin, is SC8/175/8713.] #$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed]#$ #$ 1421 E101/188/10/2 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng#$%Trusty and welbeloued: ffor as muche as we be enfourmed / Thomas de la Croix hath sent hors and c\2er\1tain (2) Armerers and h\2er\1nois for vs vn to our town of Caleys We wol and charge yow expresly *at ye ordeine *at *e (3) saide hors and *e men *at ar comen wi* hem come to vs in al seur haste / and send sum trusty man for to go wi* (4) hem / *at may haue *e ou\2er\1sighte and gou\2er\1n ance of hem alle / And *at be seurly and saufly conduyed fro (5) thens to Seintom\2er\1e / and so to Arras / And fro thens to Amyas / there abiding vn to *e tyme they haue seur conduyt from our (6) brothir of Burgoigne or fro s\2ir\1 Iohan de Luxemburgh. to *e whiche we haue writen for her sauf passage fro thens to Aubiualle (7) fro whens our garnisons wi* godd\2es\1 grace shullen conduit hem to Parys where we wol they abyde til *ey haue woord of (8) our wille / And *ey comen to Parys we wol he *at shal come fro yow with hem / sende vs woord of their comyng thider. yeuen (9) vnder our signet in our Oost at seint Denys de Moronval beside Dreux the laste day of Iuyll: #$%(Signed) Depeden} #$% [Calendared Kirby 909.]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/33 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / For asmuche as hit is doon vs to vnderstande that (2) the bisshop of London is passed to god / we lat yow wite / that we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued s\2er\1uant Iohan Hanh\2a\1m. (3) clerc of oure Caterye the pension of hym that shal be next bisshop of the same place wol(nyng)\4^1\1 & chargyng yow / that there (4) vpon whanne tyme commeth ye doo make hym oure l\2ett\1res vnder ou(re gree)t\4^1\1 seel in due fourme / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure oost (5) at Laigny sur marne / the xiij. day of Octobre#$%(Signed) Toly}#$% [Calendared Kirby 910.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/25 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king#$%Worshipful fader in (god)\4^1\1 / oure Ri\4g\1t trusty and wel beloued ffor asmuche as we haue vnderstande by youre l\2ett\1res late (2) sent vnto vs *at oure wyf *e quene hath spoke vnto yow. and desireth *at hir phisicien myght haue sum b\2e\1n\2e\1 fice (3) wi*owte cure of oure collacion / in *e whiche mat\2e r\1e ye desire to haue knowlege of oure wil we signiffie vnto yow / (4) *at hit is wel oure entent whanne any suche b\2e\1n\2e\1fice voydeth of oure yifte *at ye make collac\2i\1on (5) to him \4t\2er\1of / And aft\2er\1 certiffieth vs what hit is \4t \1at he ha* Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure oost beside Meaulx *e xxix. day of Octobre: #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 911. Printed Ellis, 3rd ser., I.71.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/27 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued We wol and charge yow. that at what tyme / oure welbeloued (2) knight Iohan Cornewaille / bringeth vnto yow / oon called Mareschal Des Rues. for to swere *e pees that is made betw(een ou)re\4^1\1 (3) fader of france and vs: ye take his ooth and lat him swere tofore yow *e same pees / after *e fo(urme)\4^2\1 of (4) *e copie whiche we sende yow closed wi*in thees / Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure hoost at Ruthueil besi(de)\4^2\1 Meaulx *e xiiij. day of Nouembre. #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared Kirby 912.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed] \4^2\1 [torn off]#$ #$ 1421 C81/1365/34 Signet of Henry V (torn) #$%{(1) By the kyng #$% . . . in god Right trusty and welbeloued We sende yow closed wy*yn thees: a suppl\2icacion\1 put vnto vs (2) / by Thom\2a\1s . . . (co)mpleinyng him / how *at he beyng here in oure s\2er\1uice oon Robert Roklee Squier ha* (3) dissesed him of *e manoi(r) . . . with *appourtenanc \2es\1 in york shire / as in *e same supp\2licacion\1 hit is (4) more clerely contened / Wherfore we wol *at . . . (e)uidences of bothe parties ordeine so for *at mat\2er\1e *at (5) his beyng here in oure saide s\2er\1uice be nat harmeful nor . . . but *at he stande in as goode condicion as he did at (6) his comyng owt wi* vs Yeuen vnder oure signet . . . saint faron beside Meaulx *e xv day of ffeu\2er\1er} #$% [Calendared Kirby 913.]#$ #$ 1422 C81/1365/35 Signet of Henry V#$% (1){By the king#$%Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / for asmuche as we be enfourmed that maister William (2) Kentwode is elite to the deanee of oure chriche of london / the whiche elecc\2i\1on / he assentyng / is confermed and by the same (3) confirmac\2i\1on / the Archedeaknee of london in oure saide Chirche / the which the saide maist\2er\1 willia\2m\1 last (4) occupied / is voide / and longeth clerely to oure yifte / the temp\2or\1altees of the bisshopriche beyng at this tyme in oure hand\2es\1 (5) / We haue yeuen the saide Archedeaknee / to oure welbeloued clerc / s\2ir\1 Iohn / Snell oure Aulmosner Wherfore we wol and charge yow / that (6) ye doo make (hy\2m\1)\4^1\1 oure l\2ett\1res necessaire therevpon / in fourme accoustumd And god haue yow in his keping / yeuen vnder oure (7) signet in oure oost at Seintfaron / beside Meaulx the .viij. day of Marche}#$%(Signed) Toly#$%[Calendared Kirby 914. Grant recorded 16 March 1422, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p. 414.] #$%\4^1\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1422 C81/1365/36 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Worshipful fader in god / oure Right trusty and welbeloued / We sende you closed wi*in thees oure l\2ett\1res (2) a supplicacion put vnto vs by marchant\2es\1 of Paris / Rouen / Troyes / and Bruge\2es\1 / as ye may see \4t\2er\1by / And wol and (3) charge yow / *at ye enfourmed of *e mat\2er\1e contened in *e same supp\2licacion\1 / ordeineth that Right be doon vnto (4) *e saide m\2ar\1chant\2es\1 aft\2er\1 *e lawes and coustumes of oure Rewme of England / wi*owte any long delay / (5) Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure ost at *e toun of Meaulx. *e xxviij. day of Marche / #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared with references, Kirby 915. Commission of inquiry recorded 22 April 1422, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.443.]#$ #$ 1422 C81/1365/37 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the king #$%Worshipful fader in god oure right trusty and welbeloued For asmuche as we haue yeuen and granted vnto maister Iames Cole / (2) p\2ro\1ctour vnto oure hous of Syon at Shene / the prebende whiche is voyde in oure chirche of London by the deces of maister (3) Iohn Maluern / and longeth vnto oure yifte and disposic\2i\1on at this tyme / be cause of the temp\2or\1altees of the bisshopriche (4) of London beyng in oure hand\2es\1 by waye of the voidance of the same chirche / we wol / that there vpon ye doo make vnto the saide (5) maist\2er\1 Iames Cole oure l\2ett\1res paten\2tes\1 vnd\2er \1oure gree(t)\4^1\1 seel in dew fourme / yeuen vnder oure signet / at (6) Meaulx / the. last day of Au\2er\1il / #$%(Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 916. Grant recorded 10 June 1422, \2CPR 1416-22,\1 p.438.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn off]#$ #$ 1422 E101/188/10/1 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Trusty and welbeloued / we haue Receiued youre L\2ett\1res whiche ye sent vnto vs last / And as tou(chyng \4t \1e)\4^1\1 (2) bargayne of Brekstone contened in *e same / we halde vs wel appaide / And as to *e p\2ri\1sonn\2er\1s of Crotey (3) whiche ye hau(e in)\4^2\1 keping / hit is o(u)re\4^1\1 wil *at ye kepe hem forth as straitely as ye can (sauyng * air (4) lyues)\4^3\1 to tyme *at we be o*er\1wyse aduised / ffer\4t \2er\1more as touching ou(r) . . .\4^2\1 hurt / we wol *at ye ordeine (5) *at he be sent into *e north cuntre to Robert of waterton. to whom we . . .\4^2\1 for to Receiue him and to putte him to renne (6) in sum of oure parcs \4t\2er\1e: yeuen vnder oure signet at m . . .\4^2\1 of May: #$%(Signed) Shiryngton} #$% [Calendared with explanations, Kirby 917.]#$% \4^1\1 [faded] \4^2\1 [torn] \4^3\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1422 C81/1366/12 Signet of Henry V #$%{(1) Worshipful fader in god / oure right trusty and welbeloued / We wol and charge yow / that ye make oute oure writt\2es\1 to oure (2) viconte of hamptshire / for to make P\2ro\1clamac\2i\1on in oure saide vicontee / in alle place accoustumed / that alle man\2 er\1e (3) men that haue any grond or land with ynne oure toun of Port esmouth / with ynne suche a c\2er\1tein day as ye shal li(m it)\4^1\1 (4) by youre discrec\2i\1on / co\2m\1me and chalenge / eche man his owen grond / So that hit may be knowen sekirly what g(ron)d\4^1\1 (5) is longing to eu\2er\1ych of he\2m\1 / And that grond that is not chalenged / with ynne the saide day limited / we wol ye ordeine / (6) that hit be saised in to oure hand\2es\1 / yeuen vnd\2er\1 oure signet / at Saint li\4g\1 the .xviij. day of Iuyn / #$% (Signed) Toly} #$% [Calendared Kirby 918. Order recorded 21 July 1422, \2CCR 1419-22,\1 p. 263.]#$% \4^1\1 [torn and rubbed] #$ #$ 1434 E28/55/1 Signet #$%(Initialed)R h #$%{(1) Henri &c To *e Tresorer and Barons of oure Eschequir gretyng ffor certayne materes vs moeuyng we wol and (2) charge you *at vnto oure welbeloued Squier Iohn Ardern hauyng *e kepyng to ferme of oure manoyrs of Shene Petresh\2a\1m (3) and hame with *eir app\2er\1tenaunces / for *e which he is bounde to paye yerly for *e saide ferme to vs at our (4) Eschequir xxiiij. li. as it is conteyned in oure l\2ett\1res patentes / We wol and charge you *at ye allowe vnto *e (5) saide Iohn Ardern .vij. li. v. s. v. d yerly or elles discharge him yerly of. vij. li. v. s. v. d in the payment of his saide ferme / That (6) is to wite fro *e feest of Seynt Michell. the yere of oure Regne xv\2the\1. Also longe as he shall haue And occupie *e (7) said kepyng or ferme at all tymes. yeuen &c #$% Dat' apud Westm\2onasterium\1 p\2rim\1o ffebruarii anno &c xii\2o\1 #$ #$ 1440 E28/63/5 Signet or Privy Seal (draft) #$%{(1) By *e kyng #$%Trusty and welbeloued &c ffor asmoche as (we haue ordeyned)\4^1\1 oure welbeloued \4p\1s\2ir\1 w\4P^2\1 s\2ir\1e. (2) w. (Moreton)\4^1\1 \4p\1n\4P\1 to entende and ouersee \4p\1oure\4P t\1e rep\2ar\1acion (as well)\4^3\1 of oure towne of Caleys as of *e (3) wateris *ere. the whiche we truste shal do vs \4p\1right\4P \1good and behouful s\2er\1uice. and *e better if by your (4) good assistens. Wherefore \4p\1y\4P\1 we wille and pray yow. \4t\2at\1 at suche tyme \4p\1as *e\4P\1 as \4p\1ony \4P\1 (5) vrgent case & necessite askyth \4p\1to\4P\1 ayde of more peple \4pt\1ant\4P t\1an be *ere of workemen or laborenis (6) \4t\2at\1 ye wille putte to youre good helpyng hand like as we \4p\1vn\4P\1 be enformed ye haue do herebefore for whiche we (7) can yow right good thanke. #$% (Another hand) yeuen at Westm\2instre *e xiij day of Auerell A\2o\1 xviij Rh. vj #$%(8) To the Lieutenant and Soudeours of the Towne of Calays #$%(9) To *e Mair of the Staple of oure Towne of Calays and his felship marchant\2es\1 ther #$%(10) To the mair of the towne of Calays and burgeys of the same} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [matter in square brackets cancelled] \4^3\1 [marginal insert] #$ #$ 1452 SC1/43/184 Signet #$%(Initialed) R h #$%{(1) By the king #$%Trusty and welbeloued. we grete you wel. And albe it that oon Thomas Beneste (2) of Solihille taylour. for certain greete offenses crimes and treasons by him doon ayeinst our Royal personne. was after the due (3) processe of our lawe endited and therupon arained and atteint / and Iugem\2en\1t yeuen. which Iugem\2en\1t as ye knowe wel (4) shuld be putte in execuc\2i\1on as to morwe. in the town of warrewyk / yet natheles we stured of pite and mercy by our own (5) moc\2i\1on / haue g\2ra\1unted and yeuen him grace of thexecuc\2i\1on of the said Iugem\2en\1t / and ouer \4t\2at\1 (6) haue pardonned him alle his trespaces and crimes & treasons of which he was endited trusting \4t\2at\1 he \4p\1ne\4P^1\1 (7) neuer wol offende ayeinst our Royal maieste heraft\2er\1 / wherfore we charge you \4t\2at\1 Immediatly aft\2er\1 the (8) receyuing herof ye cesse vtterly of eny execuc\2i\1on doing vpon him by occasion of the premisses. And \4t\2at\1 ye faile (9) not to obserue *is our co\2m\1mandem\2en\1t / as ye wol ansuere vnto vs / Yeuen vnder our signet at our Castel of kenelworth the xxvj day of Aoust} #$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1455 SC1/43/182 Signet (right margin torn off) #$%{(1) By the king #$%Trusty and welbeloued. we greet you wel. and for asmoche as we be occupied and laboured as ye knowe wel. w\2ith\1 (2) sikeness . . . whiche. to be deliuered and cured by the g\2ra\1ce of oure lord. vs nedeth. the helpe. entendance and laboure of suche (3) exp\2er\1t . . . in the crafte of medicines as ye be in (Relem)\4^1\1 among\2es\1 alle other. oure affeccion and desire. right esp\2ec\1ially. (4) is sette. we des(ire)\4^2\1 you that ye be w\2ith\1 vs at oure castel of wyndesore the .xij. Day of this moneth and entende vpon oure (5) p\2er\1sone for the . . . ye faille not as oure singuler trust is on you and as ye desire. and tendre of oure helth and (6) welfare yeuen vndre . . . the v Day of Iuyn. #$% (Another hand) To maistre Gilbert of Salesbury} #$% [Printed Rymer, \2Foedera\1 XI.366] #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [torn off] #$ #$ c1408 E28/29 Letter of Thomas Fry, Clerk of the Privy Seal (right side torn off) #$%{(1) Worsshupfull Sire and frend: Upon the matire whiche ye declared me now Late at London touchyng the . . . I haue comuned with my (2) Lord the Chaunceller of Engeland. opon whiche matire as y vnderstand he hath . . . worsshupfull Lady of wilton: in the whiche matire y (3) praie yow. that ye be effectuel and trusty frend as . . . yow parfit affiance: I write in haste at London: the: xviij day of (4) Iuyn: And with the grace of . . . deserue hit ayenst yow. in such wyse that ye shulleth holde yow content: #$% (Signed) Rob\2er\1t ffrye youres} #$% [Described by A. L. Brown in \2The Study of Medieval Records,\1 ed. Bullough and Story, pp.260ff.] #$ #$ After 1415 E28/37/105 Letter of William Soper, Clerk of the Exchequer, to the Chancellor #$%{(1) Ryght worshipfull lorde I recomaunde me to youre gude lordship as yowre s\2er\1u\2a\1nt And plese it yowe to haue in know lage (2) that I am enfo\2ur\1med that ther is a saue condit graunted to be prolonged for a Ship of Spayn called the Mare of Bilbawe (3) wher of is Maistre petre de Dariega & that ye desire to haue in knowlage what p\2ro\1fite it hathe bene to the kyng or may (4) turne (h)eraftre\4^1\1 Please it yowe to wit that the sayd shipp aryved late (here)\4^1\1 in this porte & the kyng answerd of Custum & (5) s(u)bs\2idie\4^1\1 inward & outeward in that viage the s\2u\1m of xlix li & is liche to haue as moche more at his next comyng / And in this (6) to my simple conceit the kyng may take avail & the Contre & no man hurt And as tithynges here bene nane as yit And god haue yowe in (7) kepyng writen at Suthampton xj day of Dece\2m\1bre #$%(Signed) yo\2ur\1 s\2er\1u\2a\1nt Will\2ia\1m Soper}#$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ After 1417 Cotton Vesp. F.XIII. fol.71 Letter of Thomas Longley , Bishop of Durham, Chancellor, possibly to Henry V. #$%(1){ Souereyn lord with als meke & entier hert as I kan or may I recomande me to your Roial maieste to ye whiche plaise it to wite yat (2) on monday at nyght last passet I haue receyuet youre fulworschipfull l\2ett\1res by ye tenure of ye whiche it hath liket yow to let me (3) wite how ye be enforme(d)\4^1\1 y\2at\1 with Inne youre churche of duresme vnder ye warde of two monkes of ye churche & ye last priour (4) y\2at\1 ded. is & of \4p\1on\4P^2\1 a man y\2at\1 is clepet mydelton y\2er\1 shuld be c\2er\1tein thyng y\2at\1 to yowe (5) app\2er\1teneth as (it)\4^3\1 is more sp\2eci\1aly writen in youre said l\2ett\1res. #$% (6) Ye whiche youre l\2ett\1res by me receyuet & vnderstanden ye said monday atte nyht. I haue on tysday in ye morning ordeynet a sufficient (7) p\2er\1sone yat with youre message & ye enform\2acion\1 yat come with hym is goen in al godely hast to your said kirk of duresme (8) y\2er\1 to charge on youre behalue ye priour yat now is yat out of ye said chirche ne priory be not remwet ne delyu\2er\1et no kist no (9) othir Instrument yat may cotene gold syluer or \4p\1Iuillo\4P^2\1 Iuell chartre muniment or othir euyd\2e\1nces y\2at\1 y\2er\1 has (10) (bene)\4^4\1 left to kepe: til ye forsaid prio\2ur\1 & I may speke to gedir and more to yat matire haue Inoght mow do as yet but als sone (11) as I (may)\4^4\1 more do ye shal haue wityng y\2er\1 of /. as of \4p\1othir\4P^2\1 tythyngs I kan no nothir write but suche as by (12) myn othir l\2ett\1res I send yow by ye berer of yes Sou\2er\1ein lord ye holy gost haue yow in his kepyng Writen att pontfreu yis thoresday in ye morning #$% youre humble preest of duresme #$% (In a later hand) To our souerainge lorde y\2e\1 Kynge.} #$% \4^1\1 [trimmed off] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [rubbed] \4^4\1 [superscript insert] #$ #$ 1420 SC1/43/192 Letter, possibly of Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, to Henry V #$%{(1) In all wyse my sou\2er\1eyne lord I recoma\2n\1dde me to \4g\1owr moste noble grace wyht all the lowlinesse (2) that any s\2u\1bgit kan *enkke or deuise And at \4g\1ow luste my sou\2er\1eyne lord to lete me \4g\1owr (3) moste hu\2m\1ble liege ma\2n\1 to haue knowleche be \4g\1o wr gracious. lettris. of the pees and mariage ocludid. the whyche (4) godde knowyht I haue desirid. as. herttyly. as euer dide any poor creature. and that for goddis worshyp and \4g\1owr moste (5) noble herttis. ese. And also for the sou\2er\1eyne gladnesse and co\2m\1fort\2es\1 that we \4g\1owr trwe pepil. haue and . (6) wyht goddis m\2er\1cy. shall haue In the lyklynesse of succes sion of \4g\1owr bodily heyrys. \4t\2at\1. lord *ank ke (7) \4g\1ow. \4t\2at\1. is verray pees. and wyht all the hu\2m\1 blesse that any s\2u\1bg\2i\1t kan *ankke hys sou\2er\1 eyne. (8) lord I *ankke \4g\1ow. my moste gracious. sou\2er\1eyne lord And there as. hyt lykyd. \4g\1owr hynesse to wryte In (9) \4g\1owr forseide gracious lettris \4t\2at\1 \4g\1e p\2ur\1 pose the time of \4g\1owr mariage. as. sone aftir the feste of the (10) t\2ri\1nite as couenable time comyht In the beste tyme of the \4g\1er I beseche godde. And trwly my sou\2er\1eyne lord but if (11) \4g\1owr hynesse hadd coma\2n\1ddid me the c\2ontra\1rie if I myht haue be to goddis. wrshyp and \4g\1owrys at that (12) blessid. gladde mariage I nolde for no thyng be thennys but godde blissid mote he be wlle not \4t\2at\1 I haue In thys worde (13) \4t\2at\1. \4t\2at\1 I moste desired. of the whyche to see \4t\2at\1 Ioyfull day of \4g\1owr mariage haht ben. on. Bese chyng (14) \4g\1ow my sou\2er\1eyne lord to haue In \4g\1owr noble reme\2m\1brauncte wyht what Conclusion of (15) reste I dep\2ar\1tid laste owte of \4g\1owr graciouse p\2re\1sence and aftir \4t\2at\1 I haue demenid me syht I (16) kam. In to thys \4g\1owr reaume and wyht goddis grace shall to my lyuys. ende lyk as I truste to godde \4g\1owr hu\2m\1ble (17) lyge ma\2n\1 my. Cousin. Chaucer. haht pleinly. enformid \4g\1owr hynesse or thys time. Also my sou\2er\1eyne lord (18) whanne I was on the grette see I made awowe \4t\2at\1 aftir time I were onys. In \4g\1owr reaume of Engeland I sholde no see (19) passe. saue on pilgrimage vn to I hadde be at Senct Iamys and for \4t\2at\1 cause. whanne I was at \4g\1owr tou\2n\1 (20) of Calays. for the grete desir I hadde. to see the p\2ro\1sp \2er\1ite of \4g\1owr moste dredde and noble p\2er\1sone I. (21) wentte streht fro thennys. to \4g\1owr moste gracious p\2res \1ence. for if I hadde goone In to \4g\1owr reaume of Engeland I (22) myht not haue come In to Norma\2n\1die to my pilgrimage hadde be doo. And therefore my sou\2er\1eyne lord. wyht all the hu\2m\1bl esse (23) \4t\2at\1 any. s\2u\1bg\2i\1t kan *enkke or deuise I beseche \4g\1owr hynesse to take not to displesaunsse (24) mi nowht comyng. for godde knowht I ne feyne not ne no colour seke Besechyng godde In all wyse my sou\2er\1eyne lord to saue (25) and kepe \4g\1ow body and sowle and sendde \4g\1ow. In thys blissid sacrament of mariage Ioye p\2ro\1sp\2er\1ite longe (26) to endur wyht heyrys of \4g\1owr body. to hys. blissid wrshyp and \4g\1owrys In singuler comfort\2es\1 of all \4g\1owr (27) trwe pepyll of the whyche I am. on. and euer shall be. wrytyn at walth\2a\1m. the vj day of Iuin. #$%(28) \4g\1owr humble s\2u\1bgit and trwe liege ma\2n\1. H W.}#$ #$ 1420 SC1/51/118 Petition of John Cappe #$%{(1) Ryght hye prynce and soueraigne graciouse lorde I recomaunde me to \4g\1ow And for as myche as my mayster S\2ir \1Roger (2) Saluayn is passyd owte of this worlde whoes soule god assoile I shalle do \4g\1owre comaundement to abyde vpon the saue garde (3) of \4g\1owre castell at Banelyngham with alle my myght and alle my power be the grace of god tylle \4g\1e sende other (4) charge or comaundement Prayenge \4g\1ow to dyrecte \4g\1owre gracious letters to \4g\1owre vetyllere of Caleis to delyuer (5) suffissaunt vetaille for the sustentacion of \4g\1owre castell / for I am a olde man and haue be hurte and maymed and loste my (6) good in \4g\1owre werrys be \4g\1owre ennemyes / so that I haue not where with to do to \4g\1owre castell as I desyre / (7) but euere I pray \4g\1ow to be my good and gracious lorde. and assigne sum refresshement to \4g\1owre powre soudeours that wille (8) abyde vapon the saue garde of \4g\1owre castell tylle \4g\1e sende other ordenaunce. Ryght hye prynce and soueraigne graciouse (9) lorde the holy blessyd trynyte haue \4g\1ow in his kepynge. wreten atte castell of Banelyngham the xj day of Nouemb\2e\1r #$% (10) Be \4g\1owre powre liege Iohn Cappe} #$ #$ 1421 E28/35/13-14 Privy Seal: Council Business #$%{(1) To *e kyng. oure souu\2er\1eigne Lorde: #$%Prim\2er\1m ent. *at it like yow to graunte l\2ett\1res vndre (2) youre priue seell directed to all youre Capitaines Lieutenant\4g\1 and baillie\4g\1 of youre towne & marche\4g\1 of Caleis chargyng (3) *aim to supporte youre Tresourier. and his deputees to enprowe. and to sette to fferme all youre landes Rentes tenement\4g\1 with (4) all o*er co\2m\1modite\4g\1 of youre towne. and marches afoersaide to *e moste prouffit. in conf\2er\1macon of (5) youre worship and right as *ey desire to stande in youre good lordshippe.#$%Item *at it like yow. to appoincte what (6) gouu\2er\1nance *at youre Castell of Guisnes shall be putte Inne. and what p\2er\1sone shall haue *e kepyng. and (7) saufegarde therof. #$%Item *at it like yow to appoincte what gouu\2er\1nance that youre Castell of Baunelingham shall (8) be putte Inne. And what p\2er\1sone shall haue *e kepyng and saufegarde *erof. $%Item *at it like yow. *at (9) youre priue Seell be charged to make warant soufficeant for youre Tresourier to be allowed in his accompte of all man\2er\1e Stuffe (10) and ordounance. deliured and pourveied by youre Co\2m\1mandement as it pereth by endenture deliured vn to *e clerke of *e (11) ordounance atte *is tyme. #$%Item *at hit like yowe to Charge yowre priue Seell to make a warant soufficeant / to youre (12) Tresourier of Caleis *at he may occupie youre Seell *e which he hath In kepyng. as o*er Tresouriers haue vsed befoer (13) tyme In letyng oute youre landes and tenement\4g t\1e which will tourne yow to greete prouffit. for defaute *at it hath notte (14) be vsed. ye haue hadde greete losse. #$%(Second sheet and hand) It\2e\1m that it like yow sou\2er\1aign Lord to consider the grete mischief (15) and poentot of youre said towns And marches of Caleys And \4t\2er\1vpon appointe sufficeaunt assignem\2en\1t for the paiement And saufgard of the (16) said towne and marches. #$%It\2e\1m for as muche sou\2er\1aigne lord as thexceketeurs of s\2ir\1 Roger Salwyn natcompteht no (17) ferther but to the iiij. daie of ffeuerer last passed the daie of his discharge. \4t\2er\1fore that it like that your p\2ri\1ue seal be charged (18) to make warant\4g\1 sufficiaunte for your seid Tresorer he fro the seid .iiij. daie of ffeu\2er\1er to Resceyve al man\2er\1 of Reuenu\4g\1 (19) and recepts and proufits longing to the seid office in to the first daie of his Charge after the tenor of his patent w\2ith\1 the wages and (21) fees longing to the seid office And also that he Accompte *erfore deuhely and bi the sa(ide)\4^1\1 warrant to haue therof deuhe allouance vpon his (22) accompt: #$%It\2e\1m sith it list yow that he have the seid office of Tresourier and the charges wi* all like it your (23) hi\4g\1nes that wi* oute his aduis noon officers be made in *oo partes but such as he schall Ansuere fore to yow (24) si* he schall Rekene And accompt for hem wi* this if it like that noo maner of paiements be made to no man\2er\1 (25) p\2er\1sone of the Reuenu\4g\1. nei\4t\2er\1 of thentres ne of thissues *eer but by *especiall knowlich and hand (26) of your said Tresourer si* he schall accompte *erfore.}#$% \4^1\1 [torn]#$ #$ 1427 Cleopatra F IV fol.3 Privy Council Minute Book #$%{(1) My lord of Glouc\2estr\1e The Archbishop of Cant\2erbury\1 The Bisshopes of London Wynchestr\2e\1 Norwych & wircestre The Duc of Excetr Therl of March Warrewyk Marchal Northumb\2erland\1 Westm\2or\1land The Lord ffit\4g\1 hugh S\2ir\1 Rauf Cromwell s\2ir\1 walter hungerford s\2ir\1 Iohn Tiptoft s\2ir\1 walter Beauchamp #$%(2) The wich Lordys a boue said ben condescended to take hit vpon hem in *e man\2er\1e (3) and fourme *at sueth. ffirst foras muche as execuc\2i\1on of lawe and keping of pees stant muche in Iustic\2es\1 of pees Shirrefs (4) and Eschetours / the proffit\4g\1 of the kyng and \4t\2e\1 Reuenues of \4t\2e\1 Roiaume ben gretly encresced or anientisched (5) by Coustumers Countrollours porsours serch(ers)\4^1\1 and all such o\4t\2er \1officers. Therfore \4t\2e\1 same Lordys wol and desireth \4t\2at\1 (6) such offics and all o\4t\2er\1 be maade by aduis and denomina c\2i\1on of *e said Lordys. Saued always and reserued to my (7) Lordes of Bedford and of Glouc\2ester\1 alle \4t\2at\1 longe\4t \1vnto hem by a special act maad in parlement And to \4t\2e\1 (8) Bischop of Wynchestre. that *at he hath g\2ra\1unted him by our sou\2er\1ain lord *at last was of whos soule god haue mercy / and by auctoritee of parlement confermed} . . .(Text changes without a break to French.)#$% [Printed Nicolas III.16-17.] #$% \4^1\1 [trimmed off] #$ #$ 1423 E28/41/75(105) Privy Seal: for the King, to John, Duke of Bedford #$%{(1) Right trusti and most beloued vncle / We grete yow wel wi* al our herte / And signifie vn to yow as for your consolation (2) (\4t\2at\1)\4^1\1 at \4t\2e\1 tyme of \4t\2e\1 writing of \4t\2e\1se *ankid be god we wer in p\2er\1fite hele (3) of persone / tristing to our lord \4t\2at\1 (as we desire)\4^1\1 in semblable wise ye so be And for asmoche as we and (4) our counsail hier been acertained as wel be \4t\2e\1 effecte and euidence of your werk\2es\1 as be \4t\2e\1 credible (5) report\2es\1 and writing\2es\1 maad vn to vs and to our said counsail fro tyme to tyme of \4t\2e\1 singulier diligence & (6) *e fulnotable \4p\1and laborious\4P^2\1 s\2er\1uice *at ye doon vn to vs In gouuernaunce of oure Reaume of ffrau\2n\1ce (7) as wel as of our Duchie of Normandie we *anke our lord \4t\2er \1of and yow as hertily as we kan willing & (also)\4^1\1 (8) p\2ra\1ing yow alwey so to continue (euyr fro wel to bett\2er\1 as )\4^1\1 we ne \4p\1doute\4P^2\1 doute in no wise wi\4t t\2e\1 grace of our e (9) lord but *at ye so wol. / And considering *at in acompl ishing of your desir. we send now vn to yow the B. of l.\4^3\1 / also our (10) dier and welbeloued cosin *eril Marshal / and \4t\2e \1lord Wilby / wi* notable puissau\2n\1ce of *is our (11) Reaume of Englond. We (desire &)\4^1\1 pray yow \4t\2at\1 at *air comyng vn to yow ye Receyue & demene hem & also ordeine hem to be (12) tretid and demenyd benyngly and fauorably so \4t\2at *iey ne haue no resonable cause of grucching greue nor co\2m \1plaint (13) but *at *ay and *air feleship haue cause to reioise hem and contente hem of *air comyng vn to yow (14) In our s\2er\1uise & *at as wel *ay as o\4t\2er\1 of our sugit\2es\1 hier take \4t\2er\1 be occasion (corage)\4^1\1 (15) & \4p\1to\4P^2\1 wille to goon *i\4t\2er\1 at al tymes when our behoof shal asshid \4p\1& hit shal be . . . of *aym\4P^2\1 / And as toward \2es\1 (16) our bel vncle of Excest\2e\1r whoom our lord now late visitid wi* seknesse blessid mote god be he is rekiu\2e r\1yd (17) & wi* his grace shal be wi* yow in al goodly haste whoom and o\4t\2er\1 *at we send \4pt\1at\4P^2\1 now vn to yow (18) to assiste yow as for \4t\2e\1 tyme in counsail / We pray yow goodly & eff\2e\1c\2t\1uelly to hier in swiche *ing\2es\1 as *a y (19) shal auise yow of fro tyme to tyme for (*e worship of god \4t \2e\1)\4^1 pt\1e\4P^2\1 goode of vs (& of yow)\4^1\1 & of \4p\1bo\4t\2e\4P^2\1 our (20) Reaum\2es\1 & Duchie abouesaid willing also \4t\2at\1 ye yeue (fai * &)\4^1\1 credence to *at *at \4t\2e\1 said bisshop of (21) london &c shal say on to yow on our behalue And almyghty god &c #$% (Different hand) yeuen at Westmynstre \4t\2e\1. xv day of May (22) #$%(After three lines skipped, the first hand) Right trusti and welbeloued cosin. for asmoche as we knowin *at ye desire to be ac\2er\1tained fro (23) tyme to tyme of our p\2ro\1sp\2er\1ite & welfar we lete yow wite *at *ankid be our lord at \4t\2e\1 tyme of \4t \2e\1 (24) writing of *ese we werin in p\2er\1fite hele of p\2er \1sone & so plesit vn to hym \4t\2at\1 ye be / And ou\2er\1 *is (25) witi\4t t\2at\1 we sende vn to our fultrusty & most beloued vncle of Bedford. A. &c to \4t\2e\1 whiche we wol \4t\2at\1 (26) ye yeue fai* and credence In \4t\2at *at *ay shal say vn to yow on our behalue And Almyghty} &c #$% (Second hand) don co\2m\1e dess\2us\1. #$% [Printed Nicholas III.86-88; Ellis, 2nd ser., I.99-100.]#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [Bishop of London] #$ #$ 1423 E28/39 Petition of Janyn Cassons #$%(1){ To the kyng oure souuerein lord #$%Bisecheth lowly youre pore Ianyn Cassons squyer of my lord of Wynchestre. that sith the Office (2) of Viergerschup in the kyng\2es\1 Chapelle of Wyndesore is . . .\4^1\1 voide by the deth of Iohan Clifford of whom god haue mercy. (3) like youre highnes by thaduis of my redoubted lord of Gloucestre and of al youre noble . . .\4^1\1 graunt your saide (4) bisech\2e\1r the same office of vierger with al the fees and appurtenanc\2es\1 that longeth ther to in wise like as the said (5) Iohan . . .\4^1\1 terme of life for godd\2es\1 sake. and as he shal euer praie for youre high estat and for al your noble lignie} #$%(Another hand) Dat ap\2ud\1 Westm\2onasterium\1 terc\2i\1o die Marcii A\2nn\1o &c p\2rimo\1 #$% \4^1\1 [washed out] #$ #$ 1423 E28/40/18 Petition of Maud Fosbroke, drynurse (first of three versions) #$%(1){ To *e hygh and myghty Prynce *e Duc of Glouc \2ester\1 and o*ere of *e councell of our souu\2er \1aign (2) lord *e kyng #$%Lyke vn to *e hygh and discrete councell of oure souu\2er\1aign lord *e kynges to g\2ra\1 unt (3) vn to Mald ffosbroke drynorysse vn to oure said souu\2er\1ai gne lord *e kyng x li by yere for as long as *am lykis and (4) to be paid yn whatt plasse \4t\2at\4 t\1e said discrete councell will Assign for *e goode s\2er\1uyse and entendaunt\4g t\2at \1 (5) *e said drynorysse hath don fro *e day of *e berth of our souu\2er\1aign lord vn to *is day consideryng (6) \4t\2at *e said Mauld hath no*er reward As fee by for g\2ra\1untede of our said lord for *e wach and laboure (7) \4t\2at\1 scho hath had fro *e day as yit es a boven re hersid vn to *is day wherfor and yit lyke *e said hye and (8) discrete councell to g\2ra\1unte *e said Mauld *e said x li yn *e way of Charitee and Almouse} #$%(Another hand) Don\2ee\1 a Westm\2instre\1 le xxviij jo\2ur\1 Daurill Lan p\2ri\1m\2ier\1#$ #$ 1423 E28/40/19 Petition of Margaret Brothnam (second version) #$%(1){ To *e hygh and myghty Prynce *e Duc of Glouc\2ester\1 and o*er of *e councell of our souu\2er\1aign lord (2) *e kyng #$%Lyke vn to *e high and discrete councell of oure souu\2er\1aign lord *e kyng to g\2ra\1unt to (3) Morgrete Brothnam Chambrer and Wesher of oure said souu\2er\1a ign lord *e kyng C s for as long as *e said descrete (4) councell lykys and to be paid yn what place \4t\2at *ei will Assign for *e goode s\2er\1uice and entendant\4g\1 (5) \4t\2at *e said Chambrer hath don fro *e day of * e birth of oure sou\2er\1aign lord vn to *is day consideryng (6) \4t\2at\1 *e said M\2or\1grete hath no*er reward nor fee be for g\2ra\1unted of oure said lord for *e wach (7) and labo\2r \4t\2at\1 scho hath had fro *e day as yit es aboven rehersid vn to *is day wherfor and yit like *e (8) said hye & discrete councell to g\2ra\1unt *e said Morgre te Brothnam *e said C s in *e wey of Charite and Almous.} #$ #$ 1423 E28/40/20 Petition of Joan Asteley (third version) #$%(1){ To *e hyghe and myghty Prynce *e duc of Glouc\2e ster\1 and other of *e councell of oure souu\2er\1aigne lord (2) *e kynge\4g\1 #$%Lyke vn to *e hyghe and to *e descrete councell of oure souu\2er\1aigne lord *e kynges (3) to graunte vnto Ioan Asteley norysse of oure said souu\2er\1aign lord *e kyng xx li by yere at *e terme of here lyve (4) to be paied yn what place \4t\2at *e said discrete councell woll assign for *e goode s\2er\1uyse and entendaunt\4g\1 \4t \2at\1 (5) *e said norysse hathe doen fro *e day of *e berthe of oure said souu\2er\1aign lord vn to *is day consid eryng (6) \4t\2at *e said Ioan hath neyther reward ne fee by fore g\2ra\1unted of oure said lord for *e wathe and labour (7) \4t\2at \1sheo hath had fro *e day as hit is a boven rehersed vn to *is day. Where fore and hit lyke *e said (8) hye and discrete councell to graunte *e said Ioan Asteley *e said xx li for *e terme as hit is a boven wreton yn (9) *e wey of charite} #$%(Another hand) Don\2ee\1 a Westm\2inster \1 le xxvij jou\2r\1 (dauerill)\4^1\1 Lan &c p\2ri\1m\2ier\1 #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1424 Cleopatra F IV fol. 17v-18r Privy Council Minute Book #$%{(1) Thise ben certain prouisions for *e good of *e gouernance of this land that *e lord\2es\1 which ben of (2) *e k\2inges\1. counseil desireth #$%First that my Lord of Gloucestre ne noon oth\2e\1r man of *e counsail in no (3) suyte *at shal be maad vnto hem. schal no fauour graunte neithr in billes of right. ne of office / ne of benefice. (4) that loongeth to *e counsail / but oonly to ansuere that the bille shall be seen by all the counsail and the partie suynge so (5) to haue ansuer: #$%It\2e\1m. that all the billes. that shull be putt vnto the counseil. shul be onys in the woke / at the lest / that (6) is to saye on *e Wednesday redd bifore *e counsail / And their ansueres endoced by *e same counsail / And on *e (7) friday next folewinge declared to *e partie suyng: #$%It\2e\1m / that alle the billes that comprehende materes terminable (8) at the commune lawe that semeth nought feyned be remited there to be determined. but if so be that *e discrecion of the counsail feele to (9) greet might on that oo syde and vnmyght oo that other: (or ellus o*er cause Resonable *at shul moeue hem.) \4^1\1 #$%It\2e\1m. (10) if so be that eny matere suyd in the counseil falle in to diuerse opin\2i\1ons: that oo lesse than the more partie of the counseil. (11) beyng present in the tyme of discord falle to that oo part: that be nought enacted as assented And the namys of the bothe (12) parties enact by the Clerc of the counseil with here assent or disassent: #$%It\2e\1m. that in alle suytes that be maad to the (13) counsail in materes Whois determinacion Loongeth Vnto the counsail. but if it so be that thei touche the weel of *e k\2ing\1. (14) oure souerain lord. or of his Roiaume hastely to be spedd. ellys that they be nought enact doon by the counseil. oo lesse than to (15) the nombre. of vj \4p\1or iiij\4P^2\1 att the leeste of the counsail with the Officiers that ben present be of oon assent / And att alle tyme (16) the names of *assenteurs to be writen of their owen hand in the sa(me)\4^3\1 bille: #$%It\2e\1m. for asmuche as it is to greet (17) a schame / that in to Strange countrees oure souuerain lord shal write his l\2ett\1res by *aduise of his counseil. for such mater es (18) and p\2er\1sones as the counsail writeth in his name. And singuler persones of *e counsail. to write the contrarie: that it be (19) ordeynned. that noman of *e counsail presume to doo it on peyne of shame and reproef: #$%It\2e\1m. that the Clerc of the counseil (20) be sworn. that euery. day. that the counseil sitteth on eny billes bitwix partie and partie. that he shal as ferr as he can. aspye. which (21) is the porest suyteurs bille / and that first to be redd / And ansuered / And the kyng\2es\1 Sergeant\2es\1 to be sworin trewly and plainly. (22) to yeue the poore man that for such is accept to *e counsail / assistence and trewe counsail in his matere so to be suyd with oute (23) eny good takyng of hym: on peyne of discharge of *eir offices: #$% It\2e\1m. for asmuche as it is lykly. that many materes (24) shul be treted a fore the counsail. the which toucheth the king\2es\1 prerogatif\2es\1 and freehold o that oo partie. (25) and othr of his sougets o. *at othr: in the which matires the counsail is not lerned. to kepe the. k\2inges\1. right\2es\1 . (26) and *e parties bothe. withoute thaduise of the king\2es\1 Iustic\2es\1 which ben lerned. both in his prerogatifs. and in his comune (27) lawe. That in alle such materes his Iuges be called therto and their aduise with their namys also to be entred of record. what (28) and how they determyne and aduise therinne #$% ffor the good keping of pees & reste in *is Reaume in the which stont (29) *e prosp\2er\1itee and welfare of oure sou\2er\1ain Lord and of alle *estatys of *is land. hit is aduised (30) assented and assured by my Lord of Glouc\2estre\1 and by all my lordys sp\2irit\1uel and temp\2or\1el *at yf any (31) mat\2er\1e be now or haue bee not yit decided or schal be hereafter bitwyx lord & lord by *e sturyng of which (32) mat\2er\1e *e good Reste and pees of *is land myght in any wise be letted or troubled: *at in all suche materes (33) *e p\2ar\1tie *at hit toucheth shal open to my forsaid Lord of Glouc\2estre\1 and to *e Remenant (34) of my Lordys of *e Consail suche mat\2er\1e or mat\2er\1es as toucheth him with *e circumstances \4t\2er\1of and \4t\2er\1ynne (35) be reuled after *aduis of my forsaid Lord and lordes and in non o*er wise. and suche Rule as *e Conseil (36) ordeyneth *e parties to obeie. And so like as *ei doo in mat\2er\1es *at toucheth hem self\2es\1: *ei (37) shal doo in alle o\4t\2er\1 mat\2er\1es *at touchen or mowe touche them or theirs by weye of feoffement (38) or in ony other wyse. And *at my forsaid lord of Glouc\2e stre\1. and all myn other Lordes assure diligently truly & (39) indifferently in suche mat\2er\1es to hem opened to procede with outen ony parcialtee or fauour: #$% This ordenance (40) abouesaid to kepe my Lord of Glouc\2estre\1 openly assured in his persone to all *e remenant of my lordys *ere (41) beyng present and *ey ayenward assured him the same by here trouthe in his hand. First. My Lord of Cant\2er\1bury Wyn cestre (42) Norwych Worcestre Roucestre Duresme K arlill *erl Mareschall *erl of Staff\2ord\1 (43) *e Lord Cromwell Scroop Hungerford Tiptoft *e Treseror *e Priue Seal}#$% [Printed Nicolas III.148-52.]#$% \4^1\1 [added in the same hand] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [superior insert]#$ #$ 1429 E28/50/9 Petition of William Pope, royal retainer (right side faded) #$%{(1) Vnto *e kynge oure full sou\2er\1ain lorde #$% Biseches full lowelich and mekelich youre humble s\2er\1uant (2) and Squyer William Pope: That where as howe Iohn Cassons Squyer of youre g\2ra\1ciouse g\2ra\1unte hath *e Office of (3) vergiershippe or Ostiarshippe of *e compaignye of *e Gartier withynne *e . . . Wyndesore togider with *e (4) mansion vnto *e same withynne *e saide Castell p\2er\1t enynge: And also for to bere *e Rodde tofore yowe and youre (5) heires In p\2ro\1cession in festiuall dayes with *e wages of xij. d *e day for to betake of *e Reuercions issues and (6) . . . Manoir of kenyngton o\4t\2er\1wise callidde Coldken yngton in *e Shire of Middilsex by *e handes of *e (7) ffermo\2ur\1s Resceiuo\2ur\1s Baillifs Prouostes or Gaderers of *e same Manoir for *e tyme beeng as by youre g\2ra\1t ious (8) l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 to hym \4t\2er\1of . . . Shewe the which youre g\2ra\1t\2i\1ous (9) l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 *e saide Iohn Cassons is in full wille and is fully assentede and accorded to restore in to youre (10) Chauncerie \4t\2er\1e to be cancellede: to *e effect entent and p\2ur\1pos *at *e saide William *e . . . (11) mansion and wages and alle o\4t\2er\1 mare p\2ro\1fites and app\2ur\1ten\2a\1nt\4g\1 may haue: Where apon like it (12) vnto youre mageste roiale of youre g\2ra\1ce especiale to g\2ra\1 unte vnto *e saide William *e saide Office with *e (13) saide mansion and wa . . . co\2m\1moditees and app\2ur\1 ten\2a\1nt\4g\1 \4t\2er\1to longyng or p\2er\1tenyng in *e same (14) man\2er\1e and fourme as *e saide Iohn Cassons it hath hadde and occupiede durynge youre g\2ra\1tiouse wille And he shall praye god for yowe: #$% (Signatures in different hands) H. gloucestre H Cantuar I Ebor Canc W london P Elien I huntyngton}#$ #$ 1430 E28/51/69 Petition on behalf of the retainers of the Earl of Ormond (right side torn off) #$%{(1) Pleese it vn to the King oure sou\2er\1ayn Lord to g\2ra\1u nt / l\2ett\1res of his prive seel to yo\2ur\1 Lieuten\2a\1nt or (2) . . . in Irland \4t\2at\1 thay g\2ra\1unt licences of absence w\2ith\1 out fin / to all *aym \4t\2at\1 shal come out (3) . . . in ffrance in *e feloweship of Iames le Botiller Erill of Ormond til *e fest of Sey . . . comyng a twolfmonth (4) And to charg *e said lieuten\2a\1nt or depute & Counsell . . . (as)\4^1\1 to be arrest at yo\2ur\1 p\2re\1se to (5) s\2er\1ue *e said Erilles retenu out of Irland in to Engl. . . #$% (Signatures in different hands) H Gloucestre H. Cantuar I Ebor Canc W london P Elien I . . . I huntyngton} #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1432-36 SC1/44/8 Letter of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, to the Chancellor #$%{(1) By the Duc of Gloucestre & Constable of the Castel of Douor wardein & Admiral of *e .V. Portes #$%Worshipful (2) fader in god. oure right trusty and right welbeloued we grete you wel. And for asmuche as we ben enfo\2ur\1med *at oure trusty (3) and welbeloued knight s\2ir\1 Iohan fastolf hath take a suyt ayeinst certein p\2er\1sonnes of hastynge & Brithelmeston in (4) *admiral court of England for a trespasse supposed to be doon apon *e high see ayeinst a place callid *e hors (5) Shoo *e which p\2er\1sonnes be come afore you. in my lordis chancerye by v\2er\1tue of his writt\2es\1. We praye (6) you hertly in asmuch as *e said high see ys withinne *e Iurisdiccion of our Admiraltee of *e said port\4g\1: (7) *at *e said matier be not Remitted to *e said Admiral Court of England In eschuyng *e hurt *at (8) p\2er\1auenture mighte inconueniently falle to our said admiraltee of *e saide port\4g\1 be *at meene. (9) as we trust you. And our lord haue you in his keping. Yeuen vndir our signet at Sandewych *e xvj day of Iuyng} #$ #$ 1423-50 C81/1715/39 Letter of Richard, Duke of York, to the Chancellor #$%{(1) Right worshipfull and reuerent fadir yn god / and my right entierly welbelouyd cosyn I reco\2m\1maund me vnto yow (2) as hertly as I can / thankyng yow of youre goode cosynage shewyd vnto me. yn especiall the tyme of my beyng yn the seruice (3) of oure soueraigne lord the kyng. yn his Reaume of ffraunce and Duchery of Normandie And forasmoch as I haue and shall be absent (4) certaigne yerys after the appunctuament of oure saide soueraigne lord yn his saide Reaume of ffraunce and Duchery of Normandie. (5) hit is vnder your fauore and goode wille expedient vnto me. forto haue gen\2er\1all Attorneys to pursue no\4g\1t only matiers (6) and causes longgyng to me / bu\4g\1t also forto defend all causes and matiers mouyed a\4g\1enst me / yn my saide absens: Wherfore (7) I pray hertly yow / forto domake letters patent\4g\1 vnder the grete seale of oure saide soueraigne lord Recordyng and affirmyng (8) that my entent is and I woll / And by this writyng I make ordeigne and depute. my right trusty and welbelouyd s\2ir\1 Nicholl (9) Dixon one of my. Councell\2ou\1rs yn the Reaume of Englond. and my right welbelouyd s\2er\1uaunt Iohan Wyggemore myne gen\2er\1all Attorneys / (10) forto pursue and to de fend all matiers & causes with me and a\4g\1enst me yn the tyme of my absens byforesaide / to whom and all other of my (11) partye yn such matiers. I pray yow to be goode lord. Writon at Rone the .v\2the\1 daye of Iuyn #$% Youre trew cosyn and frend #$% Richard Duc of york}#$ #$ After 1432 SC1/44/12 Letter of Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, to the Chancellor #$% {(1) Worschipful fadr\2e\1 in god (and Right)\4^1\1 trusty and Welbe loued Brothre and frend: I. grete yow Right hertely wel And sende yow (2) herinne encloosed a bille of \4p\1a tennant of myn of farnham cal led\4P^2\1 Thomas Gode. which as he saith now dwelleth atte (3) Colcestr\2e\1 and of tyme passed hadd pourchaced and dwelled atte Stowemarkett in Suffolok. And as ye may see by the saide poeu\2er\1e (4) mannys su(ges)t\2i\1on\4^1\1. two men of Stowemarkett *at is to saye Thomas Sengelton & Iohan Ady whom *e saide poeu\2er \1e (5) man hadd enfeoffed of trust. han halden hym oute of his hous and lifloode as he sayeth .v. yeer & mor. And forasmoche as the open (6) wroong *at is doon hym in *at partie yif hit bee soo. is full odieux and agreggeable. In example of othr mysdoers in cas (7) semblable. I wolde pray yow worshipful fad\2re\1 in god. my Right trusty & welbeloued Brothr & frend for to doo be sent for. by writtes (8) sub pena the saide Sengelton and Ady. And thay bothe vpon the saide suggestion which is a mat\2er\1e of conscience (a forn yow)\4^3\1 (9) to be examined atte such a day as ye wol assigne. And to be Reuled & iustified in *at partie As good faith trouthe and conscience (10) sholde Requere aftre your good discrecion As I truste yow And wor shipful fadr\2e\1 in god my Right trusty and welbeloued brothr (11) and frend Our blessed lord god haue yow eu\2er\1e in his gracioux protection and keping Writen atte merton the xxxix day of Auerill} #$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [superscript insert] #$ #$ After 1432 C1/12/179 Petition of Richard Selby, possibly Clerk of Chancery #$% {(1) To the ful reu\2er\1ent fader in god Bysshop of Bathe & of welles Ch\2a\1unceller of Englonde #$% (2) Besechith meekly your poer Chapelyn Richard Selby clerk that wher as he was late vicare of the chirche of Seint stephns in the Town (3) of Seint Albons in the Shir of hertford by the p\2re\1sentac\2i\1 on of on Iohn Abbot of Seint Albons by vertu of wyche p\2re\1senta c\2i\1on (4) he was admitte & Institute in the seyd Chirche wyche ys of the value of xxv mark be yer And wher the xx\2ti\1 day of August (5) the yer of hour (lord the kyng that now is the XX at Iseldon in the Shir of Midd\2lesex\1 on william Rachedale preest come to the (6) seid besecher seieng & affermyng)\4^1\1 that he was p\2er\1son of the Chirche of Northwodebernyngh\2a\1m in the shire of Norfolk (7) wiche is of the Value of xxviij mark be yer atthe p\2re\1sentac\2i \1on of oon Iohn Palton of the seyd Shire of Norfolk wher as the seyd william (8) was neu\2er\1 p\2er\1son of that Chirche nor of non other Chirche in the same Shire of Norfolk nor neu\2er\1 was noon suche Iohn (9) Palton patron of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngh\2a\1m And ther Accorde toke by twene the seyd bysecher & william that (10) iche of them shuld haue others Chirche And iche of them gete other A p\2re\1sentac\2i\1on from his patron by vertu of wiche Accorde (11) the seyd bysecher Accordyng to this couen\2a\1nt resigned & gate A p\2re\1sentac\2i\1on of the seyd abbot to the same william (12) by vertu of wyche p\2re\1sentac\2i\1on the seyd william was inducte institute in the same vikerage & the forseyd william (13) deliu\2er\1ed to the seyd bysecher A p\2re\1sentac\2i\1on of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngh\2a\1m forged & feyned in (14) the name of the seyd Iohn Palton ther As the seyd Iohn was neu\2er \1patron of the seyd Chirche of Northwodebernyngh\2a\1m nor (15) the seyd william was neu\2er\1 p\2er\1son of the same Chirche of Northwodebernyngh\2a\1m nor or noon other chirche in the (16) seyd shire of Norfolk And so the seyd william is vikary of the seyd chirche of seintstephens And your seyd bysecher withoute (17) Any Chirche to his finall vndoyng & destrucc\2i\1on w\2ith\1 ought youre g\2ra\1cio\2us\1 helpe in this matier please it your (18) g\2ra\1cio\2us\1 lordshipp to concidre thes p\2re\1misses and theruppon to g\2ra\1unte a writte sub pena directe to the (19) same william Rachedale to apper by fore you Att A certeyn day be you to be lemytedd ther to be examined vppon thes p\2re\1misses (20) as good feithe & concience requireth for the loue of god & way of charte #$%Pleg\2ium\1 de p\2ro\1s\2ecutio\1 Rad\2n\1us Clerk Ioh\2an\1es Bernewell} #$% \4^1\1 [over erasure] #$ #$ 1435 SC1/44/45 Letter of Richard, Duke of York, possibly to John Frank, Master of Rolls #$%{(1) Right trusty & entierly welbeloued frende / I grete you often tymes wel / And thanke you with al myn hert of *e grete (2) gentilesse and kyndenesse *e whiche hit hath liked vnto you / to shewe herebefore aswel vnto me / as vnto myn officers & (3) s\2er\1uant\2es\1 atte reuerence of me / Prayeng you hertily of good continuance / And for asmuche / as for suche mat\2er\1es (4) and *ing\2es\1 as I shal haue adoo and to poursue in oure souuerain lord\2es\1 courtes in Irlande / hit is right nedeful (5) for me to haue certaine p\2er\1sonnes \4t\2er\1e and to haue auctorite and power of *e kyng oure saide souuerain (6) lord forto bee myn attournees / I pray you with al myn hert / *at hit like you / forto doo make l\2ett\1res patentes (7) vnder *e kyng oure saide souuerain lord\2es\1 seel in deue fourme / forto endure iiij. yere namyng in thayme Robert (8) Doudale and Iames water forto bee my saide attournees / as my singuli\2er\1 trust is vnto yow / Right trusty and entierly (9) welbeloued frende. oure lord haue you in his keping writen vnder my signet at westmynster *e xvij day of May. #$% (10) The Duc of york Erle of *e marche & of vluestre} #$ #$ 1435 E28/56/1 Privy Seal: Summons to Parliament (draft with titles of recipients attached) #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Ri\4g\1t worshipful fadre in god / for as muche as sithe *e tyme \4t\2at\1 we wrote vnto you last by (2) oure writtes vndre oure greet seel to be with vs in oure p\2ar\1l ement at oure paleis of Westm\2inster\1 *e x day of Octobr (3) next co\2m\1mynge as ye knowe wel / ther be fallen vpon vs so grete mat\2er\1es of weght and charge conc\2er\1nyng *e (4) weel of vs and *is oure Reaume / *at *e purueance of *e Remedie for hem axeth of u\2er\1raie necessite an hool (5) aduis and consail of alle *estates of oure p\2ar\1lem\2en\1t / we desire and ch\2ar\1ge you as ye loue vs \4t\2at\1 alle (6) excusacions cessinge ye be with vs and *e R\2e\1menant of *e lordes of oure p\2ar\1lem\2en\1t at oure said paleis (7) (*e)\4^1\1 said day contened in oure writ sent vnto you there to yeue yo\2ur\1 assent and aduis vpon *e saide Remedies / (8) wetinge for cert\2ei\1ne \4t\2at\1 at *is tyme we ney\4t \1er may ne wol haue your p\2er\1sones co\2m\1mynge vnto oure (9) said p\2ar\1lem\2en\1t excused in eny man\2er\1e / yeuen &c xxviij day of Septemb\2e\1r A\2o\1 xiiij\2o\1 #$%To *e Arche bisshop\2es\1 #$%To &c alle *e lordes semble} #$% (Followed by a full list of addressees on the next vellum) #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1436 E28/56/28 Privy Seal: Council Business #$%{(1) The xx day of ffeuerer. *e xiiij. yere &c at Westm\2in ster\1 / The kyng consideryng *e good herte and kyndenesses. (2) *at his greet Oncle *e Cardinal hath at alle tymes in his necessitees shewed vnto him and specially now at *is tyme. in (3) his greet necessitee. for *e settyng forth of his greet armee into his Reume of ffraunce and Duchee of Normandie for *e (4) sauue gard and defense of *e same ffor *e settyng forth of *e which armee: the said Cardinal graunteth to lene vnto *e (5) kyng at *is tyme. with o*er so\2m\1mes. by him lent before. for *e kyng\2es\1 saide necessitees *e so\2m\1me of . . .\4^1\1 *a bouesaid (6) so\2m\1mes soo before. by him lent. accounted vndre *e same so\2m\1me of xx\2ml\1. li: vpon such seuretees as foloweth:#$% (7) Furst as for *e so\2m\1me of x\2ml\1. marc. late by *e said Cardinal lent vnto *e kyng for his greet necessitees: (8) ffor *e repaiement of *e which so\2m\1me. he hath diu\2er\1s lordes bounden vnto him by seu\2er\1all obliga(cions)\4^1\1 The kyng wol. by *auis of (9) his counsail *at *e saide obligacions remaigne in his said Oncles handes by the same auctoritee as *ei were deliu\2er \1ed (10) vnto him: #$%It\2e\1m and for *e so\2m\1me of M\2l\1 marc. by *e said Cardinal. also lent vnto *e kyng for his greet (11) necessitees. for *e seuretee of *e which. he hath tail les. of *e iij\2de\1: partie of *e dysm co\2m\1mited vnto *e kyng. by his (12) Clergie *e xij yere of his regne. paiable at Martynmasse next comyng: The kyng by *auis of his said counsail. wol (13) *at *e said tailles remaigne vnto his said Oncle as *ei were appointed at *e tyme of *e deliu\2er\1yng of hem: And ouer (14) *at *at he haue for *e seuretee of *e same M\2l\1 marc such weddes. as he hath of *e kyng at *is tyme of *e value of M\2l\1 marc (15) til *at he be contented of *e so\2m\1me of M\2l\1 marc. soo by hym lent. as aboue: #$% Also *e kyng wol by *a uis (16) &c *at my said lord *e Cardinal haue sufficeant assignement for seuretee of repaiement for *e so\2m\1me (17) of xj\2ml\1. marc. now by hym lent of *e first partee of *e xv. graunted vnto *e kyng in his last parlement. paiable at Witsontyde next comyng. whereupon he (18) shal haue tailles. and l\2ett\1res patentes such as he wol agree hym vnto and yf *e same paiement of *e xv. come not to my said lord Cardinal\2es\1 handes (19) by mydsom\2er\1 day. next folowyng. *at *enne *e Tresorer of England. shal content *e said Cardinal in prest paiement of \4t\2at \4t\2at\1 he (20) shal lene of gold in gold l & of \4t\2at\1 *at he shal lene in siluer in l siluer. of *e so\2m\1me \4t\2at\1 is (21) to him due: #$%Also and for *e so\2m\1me of viij\2m\1 marc. reest of *e saide so\2m\1me. of xx\2m\1. li. Whereof *e said Cardinal (22) hath non assignement: The kyng wol. *at \4t\2er\1 be deliu \2er\1ed vnto hym Ioialx to the value of *e so\2m\1me of xiij\2ml\1 marc. like as it may be accorded (23) betwix *e said Cardinal and *e Tresorer of England. with powere of Sale. of *e said Ioialx so to be engaged for defaute of paiement at the xv\2me\1 (24) of Martynmasse next comyng. and *e o\4t\2er\1 half of *e saide so\2m\1me of viij\2ml\1 marc at Witsontyde after (25) *at Martynmasse (*en)\4^2\1 next folowyng #$%And *e kyng by *auis of his said counsail wol *at vpon *ees (26) Ar\2ti\1cles: in eu\2er\1i of he\2m\1: the Chaunceller of England and *e keper of *e kinges priue seel for *e tyme beyng make suche & as many l\2ett\1res & war rant\4g\1 (27) vndre *e kyng\2es\1 greet & p(riue seele)s\4^3\1 as for execuc \2i\1on of *e same Ar\2ti\1cles as the caas shal requir (28) . . . 4^1\1 Cardinal shal duely be demaunded. #$% (Signatures in different hands) H gloucestre I. Ebor H Nor thumbyrlonde} #$% \4^1\1 [water stained] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1436 E28/57A Privy Seal: Summons to Arms (first of three versions) #$%{(1) By *e kynge #$%Trusty and welbelouyd ffor asmoche as he *at calleth him Duc of Bourgoigne oure rebell with his puis saunce (2) of fflemmenges Picardes Bourgoignons and o\4t\2er\1 is come ouer *e water of Grauelyng and hath pighte his tentes (3) with Inne oure Pale of *e marches \4t\2er\1e willyng and disposyng him to gete oure Toune of Caleys and alle oure strengthes (4) in *e marches \4t\2er\1e *e whiche if so were *at god defende shulde be vn to vs you oure Reamme and subgitt\4g\1 (5) to grete an hurte and a perpetuelle shame we \4t\2er\1fore willyng to resiste *e malice of (*e)\4^1\1 saide callyng him Duc dis pose (6) vs in p\2er\1sone for to go to oure Citee of Caunt\2er\1b ury for *e rescous to oure said Toune and marches Wherfore we (7) desire and praye you hertely as oure feod man in wise as at *is tyme we desire and praye oure o\4t\2er\1 feod men *at (8) in alle *e haste *at ye maye ye make you redy and alle *e defensable people *at ye can and maye and (9) drawe you *eder to ward vs So *at ye be \4t\2er\1e at *e fer*est on mary Maughdelenes day next redy in (10) your beste arraye for *e said rescous with o\4t\2er\1 of oure feod men and trewe subgitt\4g\1 to whom we write sembly for (11) *e good of vs you oure Reaume and subgitt\4g\1 of *e same And in no wise faylleth her of as oure singuler truste ys in yowe: (12) yeuen vnder oure priue sealle at Westm\2inster *e laste day of Iuyn #$%And trusty and welbeloued after the writyng of thise l\2ett \1res (13) come to vs tithynges that the seide callyng hym Duk hath take our fortalice of Oye and slayn all our souldiours ther Inne And that (14) the seconde day of Iuyll next co\2m\1myng purposith hym redyly to be before oure seide Town of Caleys for the sonner rescous of (*e)\4^1\1 (15) which oure beall vncle of Gloucestre Capitayn of the seide Town and Marches. hath desired of vs to go thedir in p\2er\1sone so that he (16) may be compaigned with a notable retenue accordyng to his estate And of myght to make a feld ayeinste our seide rebell and enemyes Where fore (17) we pray yow as aboue that ye faille not to be with your retenue with oure saide vncle at Sandwych the seide Mary Magdeleyn day redy (18) there to awayte on oure seide Vncle and take the passage to ward Caleys at farthest } #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1436 E28/57B Privy Seal: Summons to Arms (second version, badly damaged, in a smaller hand than A) #$% {(1) . . . Duk of Burgoyne oure rebell with his puissans of ffleming . . . water of Gravelyng and . . . willyng and disposyng (2) hym to gete oure toun of Caley . . . *ere the whuche if so were . . . to grete an hurte and p\2er\1petuell shame. We (3) therfore willyng to resiste the malice of the said callyng hym Duk dispose . . . rescous to oure said toun and marches. Wherefore (4) we desire and pray you hertly as oure feod man in wise & as at this tyme . . . make you redy and al the . . . poeple that ye (5) can and may and drawe you theder toward . . . best array for the seid . . . oure foed men and true subgitts to whom we . . . yeven (6) vnder oure priue seal (at Westm\2instre\1)\4^1\1 the last day of . . . #$% . . . callyng hym Duk hath take oure fortalys (7) Of Oye and slayn all our sowdyours \4t\2er\1inne And . . . *e secund day of *e moneth . . . sonner rescous of (8) *e whiche our beal Vncle of Gloucestre . . . and marches hath desirid of vs to go thider . . . and of myght to make a (9) feld ayenst our seid rebell and enemys wherfore we pray yow . . . *at ye faille not to be wyth . . . redy \4t\2er\1 to (10) awayte on our seid vncle and take *e passage toward Caleys atte ferthest:} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1436 E28/57C Privy Seal: Summons to Arms (third version) #$% {(1) By the kyng #$% Trusty and welbeloued for asmoche as he *at calleth hym Duc of Bourg\2oine\1 oure rebell wyth his (2) puissance of fflemyng\2es\1 picard\2es\1 Bourgoignons and o\4t\2er\1 is come ou\2er\1 the water of Gravelyng and (3) hath pight his tentes w\2ith\1 Inne oure pale of the marches there willyng and disposyng hym to gete oure tovne of Caleys (4) and all oure Strengthes in *e m\2ar\1ches *ere. the which if so were *at god defende shuld be vnto vs (5) yowe oure roialme and subgettes to grete an hurte and perpetuell shame: we \4t\2er\1fore willyng to resiste the malice of (6) the said callyng hym Duc. dispose vs in p\2er\1sone for to goo vnto oure Citee of Caunt\2er\1bury for the rescous to owre seid (7) tovne and marches. wherfore we (desire)\4^1\1 and pray yowe hertly as oure feod man in wise as at this tyme we desire and pray oure (8) o\4t\2er\1 feod men. *at in all *e hast ye may ye make yowe redy And all the defensable poeple *at ye can and may (9) And drawe yowe thider toward vs Soo *at ye be there at the ferthest on Mary Magdelan next redy yn youre best array for the (10) seid rescous w\2ith\1 o\4t\2er\1 of oure feod men and trewe subgettes to whom we write semblably for the good of vs you (11) oure reaume and subgett\4g\1 of the same and yn no wise faileth here of as oure singuler trust ys yn you yeuen vnder oure (12) priue seal at Westm\2instre\1 the last day of Iuyn #$% (Another hand) And trusty and welbeloued after the writyng of (13) thise l\2ett\1res come vnto vs tithinges that the seide callyng hym Duk hath take oure fortalice of Oye and slayn (14) all oure soudiours ther Inne and that the seconde day of Iuyll next co\2m\1myng p\2ur\1poseth hym redely to be before (15) oure . . .\4^2\1 of Caleys for the sonnor . . .\4^2\1 of whiche oure beall vncle Gloucestre Captayn of the seide Tovn (16) and Marches hath desired of vs to go thedir in p\2er\1sone so that he may be compaigned with anotable retenue accordyng (17) to his estats and of myght to make a feld ayenst oure seide rebell. and enemye wherfor we p\2ra\1y you as aboue that ye (18) faille not to be with your retenue withe oure seide vncle at Sandwiche the seide Mary Magdeleyn day redy there to awayte (19) on oure seid vncle and take the passage toward Caleys at fartherst} #$% \4^1\1 [over erasure] \4^2\1 [rubbed] #$ #$ 1436 E/28/56/40 Privy Seal: Instructions to Sir John Stokes and other Ambassadors (draft) #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Trusty & welbeloued ffor asmoch as we be credebly enfourmed \4t\2at\1 (how it be \4t\2at\1)\4^1\1 Thambassatours. of (2) *e heres of Spruce & of *e \4p\1cees of \4tP^2\1 Citees of *e hans\2er\1e haue be sumwhat taryed in (3) *eir comyng for to haue mete w\2ith\1 you for *e materes \4t\2at\1 we sende you for Neu\2er\1thelees. *ei (4) beth in comyng: \4p\1We\4P^2\1 and as we vndrstonde wol come down to Brug\2es \1(wher for)\4^1\1 we wol & charge you \4t\2at\1 ye abyde stylle at (5) Caleys \4p\1w\2ith\1out \4t\2at\1 ye departe fro *ens\4P^2\1 vnto *e tyme \4t\2at\1 ye haue redy word fro *e sayd Ambassatours (6) \4pt\2at *ei beth come to brug\2es\4P^2\1 & (wher)\4^1\1 \4t\2at\1 ye (& *ei)\4^1\1 shal meete \4p\1w\2ith\1 he\2m\1 (7) *er or at Caleys abouesaid\4P^2\1 for *e speed of *e mattere\2s\1 wherfor ye be sent. Yeuen at westm\2in istre (8) *e vij day of March A\2nno\1 xiij #$% To m\2aistre\1 Iohn Stokes & o\4t\2er\1 our Ambassato\2ur\1s ioyned w\2ith\1 (9) him beyng at Caleys} #$% \4^1\1 [interlinear insertion] \4^2\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1436 E28/57D/23 Privy Seal: Commission to Richard, Duke of York(corrected draft) #$%{(1) By the kyng: #$%Ryght trusty and right welbeloued Cosin. We sende to yow at *is tyme oure l\2ett\1res of poiar and (2) Co\2m\1mission as for youre Lieutenancie and gou\2er\1naille in oure behalue in oure Reume of ffrance and Duchie of Normandie / (3) and with hem we sende to yow oure answeres yeuen to certein arti cles late ministred by yow to vs and oure conseil with o*er (4) articles of Instrucc\2i\1on auised by vs and oure seid conseil / *e whiche we wole *at ye obserue in *e office (5) co\2m\1mitted vnto yow. prayeng yow *at considering *e greet \4p\1iooardie\4P^1\1 (jupardie)\4^2\1. *at *e said (6) cuntrees standen in and *enterprise *at dayly fallen *ere by oure ennemyes (and also ye grete hurt and losse *at (7) (daylye)\4^2\1 renneth upon vs as wele for yo\2ur\1 longe abode / as for ye cost\2es\1 of shyppes which \4p\1fro day to day \4P^1\1 (8) (as it noht vnknowen to you)\4^2\1 standen vs to grete charge / with oute\2n\1 lenger delaye.)\4^3\1 \4p\1in all *e haste possible\4P^1\1 ye (9) with your retenue take youre passage into oure said Reume and Duchie to *e consolac\2i\1on and comfort of oure trewe (10) subgett\2es\1. *ere. And right trusty and right welbeloued Cosin for asmuche as oure welbeloued Secretarie Maister Laurence (11) Calot disposeth hym at *is tyme for to passe with yow into oure said Duchie \4t\2er\1e for to abide and for to do to vs (12) and to yow such s\2er\1uice. as he can in his best wyse as he oweth to doo. we praye yow *at ye haue hym specially reco\2m\1men ded (13) aswel to som lyflode. as to his wages partiegnyng to his office / after *effect of a cedule. which we sende to yow closed withynne (14) *ese. And god haue yow in his keping. yeuen vnder oure priue seel at Westm\2instre *e xij day of May: #$%(15) \4^4\1To oure right trusty and right welbeloued Cosin Richard Duc of york oure Lieutenant of oure Reume of ffrance and Duchie of Normandie}#$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] \4^2\1 [superior insert] \4^3\1 [addition in a finer secretary hand marked for insertion after ennemyes.] \4^4 \1 [a third hand] #$ #$ 1436 E28/57/28 Privy Seal: Confirmation of a Commission (corrected) #$%{(1) Trusty & wele be louyd. We be gladde (for as mych)\4^1 t\1at we her \4p\1yo\2ur\4P^2\1 at dyu\2er\1se tymes of yo\2ur\1. gode demeynyng (2) (and manly gou\2er\1naunce)\4^1\1 as touchyng ye safe guarde of our toune & castell of Crotey wher of we thank you (hertlye)\4^1\1 prayng (3) you so (to)\4^1\1 co\2n\1tinue (at all tymes)\4^1 p\1Trustyng fully\4P^2\1 Noght dowtyng but *at at *e comyng of our counseil next (4) to gedrs *e which shall be In ye octaues of ye trynite (next co\2m\1myng)\4^1\1 Such purveaunce shal be made for you and ye contin ance (5) of yo\2ur\1 abode (yere)\4^1\1 as wele of money fo\4^3\1 yo\2ur\1 wages as o\4t\2er\1 wise. yat vp o\4^4\1 (6) reson ye shall holde you (wele)\4^1\1 contente. youen &c xxij day of May Anno xiiij\2o\1} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [cancelled] \4^3\1 [fo \2sic\1] \4^4\1 [o \2sic\1] #$ #$ 1436 E28/58/15 Petition of John Stok, royal retainer #$%(Initialed) R h nous avons gra\2u\1nte #$%{(1) Please hit the kyng oure souerain lorde graunt vnto youre contynuell seruant Iohn Stok (2) s\2er\1geant porter in youre worshipfull houshold the Corrodie in thabbey of Peterburgh the whiche is in youre g\2ra\1cious gifte (3) in like maner and fourme that oon Iohn Swan now late passed vnto god had. with the arrerages sithen the day of his deth vnto now (4) this day at / the reuerence of god and in wey of charite} #$% (Another hand) l\2ett\1re ent feust f\2ai\1te a Westmonstieur le quint iour de Nouembre. lan &c xv\2e\1. #$ #$ 1437 E28/58/62 Privy Seal: Petition of William Soper, Clerk of the Exchequer #$%{(1) To the kyng oure souerain lord #$%Right mekely besecheth to your sou\2er\1ain lordship youre pore seru\2a\1nt William Soper (2) Clerk of your Shippes that for as moche as he hath stonde charged with right greet and combrous occupacions in the seid (3) Office as well in the tyme of your gracious ffader late oure sou\2er\1ain lord whom god assoil As in all your g\2ra\1 cious (4) regne and yit doth. but it stondeth so right sou\2er\1ain lord that your forseid besecher hath made a vowe to do certein (5) Pilgrymages beyonde the see. the whiche he may not do whiles he stondeth thus charged with the seid Office Wherfor plese hit vnto (6) your sou\2er\1ain lordship. that the seid Beseker may be discharged of the seid Office. And that som other man with the same (7) office myght be charged. resceyvyng alle man\2er\1e thinges p\2er\1teynyng vnto the same Office that may be founde due (8) be accompt in your Escheker in suche man\2er\1e and fo\2ur\1me as it hath ben accustomed before this tyme in caas semblable (9) to thentent that the seid Beseker with your graciouse licence may do the Pilgrymages be him so p\2ro\1mised / And of your noble grace (10) hym to graunte yo\2ur\1 graciouse l\2ett\1res patentent\4g\1 for his tuicion and fauour in all p\2ar\1ties duryng his seid (11) pilgrimage in man\2er\1e as before thys tyme hath ben g\2ra\1 unted to your oder seru\2a\1nt\4g\1 in cas semblable. And of (12) your more haboundant grace to g\2ra\1unte that the seid Beseker may haue xx sak\2es\1 of wolle for his despenses vnto the p\2ar\1 ties (13) of lumbardye paiyng the custumes and other deuairs as langeth to your Staple at Caleys for the loue of god and for charitee. Con sideryng (14) graciouse lord that the seid Pilgrymage was avowed and p\2ro\1mysed for the greet p\2er\1iles and combrous occupaci ons (15) that be liklynesse at diu\2er\1se tymes myght haue falle in the Office aboueseid. Consideryng also that the seid Beseker (16) groweth into such age that if the seid Pylgrymage be not don in right short tyme. it may neu\2er\1e be don be hym:} #$ #$ 1437 E28/59/21 Petition of Thomas Frank, Clerk of the Privy Seal #$%(Initialed) R h #$%{(1) To the kyng oure so\2u\1erain Lorde: #$% Shewieth moost lowely youre full humble and continuel seruant Thomas (2) ffrank. Kep\2er\1 and filacer of youre Recordes in thoffice of youre priue seal. Howe \4t\2at\1 duryng *e tyme of .viij. yere (3) nowe passed his fader William ffrank of Richemond and he. haue been fermours of *e Priorie Alien of Begger at Richemond in *e (4) Countee of York paiyng \4t\2er\1fore .vij li. vj s viij d by yere to Quene Iehanne whome god assoille and she to bere *e grete (5) Rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on of *e same *e which rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on and o*er charge were suche yerely duryng \4t\2e\1 forsaide tyme / (6) *at all *e proufit of *e saide priorie passed not yerely to *oeps of *e saide Quene *e somme of .v. li. (7) Please it vnto youre moost benigne grace to consider *e dayly seruice \4t\2at *e said Thomas ha(th)\4^1\1 doon aswell vnto *e (8) moost cristen Prince late oure sou\2er\1ain Lorde youre fader on whoome god haue mercy as to you our sou\2er\1ain lorde during (9) \4t\2e\1 space of .xx\2e\1. yere. *e seruice also *at by godd\2es\1 mercy. he shal do vnto youre hieghnesse in tyme to come. (10) And \4t\2er\1vpon of youre moost hiegh and habundante grace / to graunt vnto *e saide Thomas the forsaide\4^2\1 Priorie (11) of Begger Alien in *e Countee of york with milnes dysmes landes ten\2ementes\1 & possess\2ions\1 what *ei be of olde tyme \4t\2e\1 (12) said Priorie longyng & eny (man\2er\1e)\4^3\1 fro *e decesse of *e saide Quene duryng his lyfe. w\2ith\1outen eny thyng *erfore (13) yeldyng to you (or to yo\2ur\1 herys)\4^2\1 (In Reco\2m\1pensac\2i\1on of the saide seruices)\4^2\1 Purueied allway \4t\2at\1 *e same Thomas. (14) bere rep\2ar\1ac\2i\1on and all man\2er\1e of o*er charges \4t\2er\1to necessarie due or accustumed: Not withstondyng \4t \2at\1 (15) menc\2i\1on is not made of o*er grant\4g\1 and yift\2es\1 by youre saide hieghnesse here afore made to *e same Thomas. (16) ne of *e verraie value yerely of *e saide Priorie after *e statut\2es\1 or ordinaunce made to *e contrarie (17) And *e saide Thomas shal dayly pray for you as he is moost \4t\2er\1to bounden: And \4t\2at\1 wythouten eny fee of (18) (youre grete)\4^2\1 seel for *e loue of god and in way of charitee:} #$%L\2ett\1re ent feust f\2ai\1te a wyndesore Le xx\2me\1. jour de ffeuerer lan &c xvj\2me\1 #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1437 E28/58/4 Petition of William Walysby, Treasurer to Queen Katherine #$%(Initialed) R h nous auou\2n\1s grau\2n\1te #$%{(1) Please it to the Kyng oure sou\2er\1ain Lord of youre Benigne grace to (2) g\2ra\1unte to youre humble s\2er\1u\2a\1nt and Oratoure s\2ir\1 William Walysby Tresorer w\2ith\1 the Quene youre (3) moder the denerye of hastyng\2es\1 in the dyose of Chichester the whiche Prestewyke Clerke of youre parlement late had on who (4) sowle god assoile And youre saide Oratour shal p\2ra\1y god for yow. #$%(Another hand) l\2ett\1re ent feust f\2ai\1te a Westm\2onstieur le \4p\1xv\4P^1\1 viij\2e\1. je\2ur\1 de Novemb\2e\1r. lan &c xv\2e\1.} #$% \4^1\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1437 C49/22/18 Deposition signed by Adam Moleyns #$% {(1) The x\2e\1 day of ffeuerer the vj\2e\1 yere of the kyng at Westmynstre in the Sterre Chambre beyng *anne present *e (2) high and myghti Prince Duc of Gloucestre the Bisshops of Bath Chanceller and of seint dauid *erlis of Sar\2esbury\1 (3) and Northumbr the lord Cromwell Tresorer of England William lyndewode kep\2er\1 of *e kyngis priue seal and Rob\2er\1t (4) Rolleston Warderober the kyngis counsaillours examined *e person(s)\4^1\1 whoos namis here on folow vpon *e ryot (5) (that)\4^2\1 was doon at Bedford. *e xij\2e\1. day of Ianuer *e yere aboue said. AND FIRST. was called before *e (6) seid (counsale)\4^3\1 Thomas wawton and sworn vpon a bok to sey the playn trouth and nou\4g\1t to mene it with eny ontrouth for (7) hate or euel will nei*er for loue ner fauour but plainly report as it was in dede nou\4g\1t sparing for no persone ne for no (8) *ing and he seid plainly he wolde seye *e trouth in such *ingis as shulde be demaunded of him .FIRST. it was (9) asked him yif he hadde sette his seel vnto *e certificat *at was yeue and put vp to *e kyng vpon *e lord (10) ffaunhop as touching *e seid mater of Bedford / and he answered ye . And forthwith asked yif he knewe *e mater content in the (11) said certificatt and he answered ye HE WAS asked with what pepil *e lord ffaunhop come to *e Toune of Bedford at *at tyme (12) and in what array he answered as to *e nombr of persones with a sexti and as to (*e)ire\4^1\1 array with pikk doublettis (13) and swerdis and bokelers and *us arraied some of *eime come in to *e halle / and as too of *eime within *e (14) barre IT WAS asked yif *e seid lord ffaunhop at o*er cessions a fore *at tyme was wont to come in like array he (15) answered ye. HE WAS asked wheder he cam to *e halle before *e lord ffaunhop / and hou many of *e iustices were (16) *ere to giders ar *e lord ffaunhop cam he answered *at he and Iohn Enderby / Iohn ffit\4g\1 and harry Etwell cam (17) to *e halle before *e lord ffaunhop / HE WAS asked yif *ei all knewe wel *at *e lord ffaunhop was in *e (18) towne of Bedford and yif *ei hadde eny spech of him among\2es\1 *eime iiij\2e\1. and to all *is he aunswered ye. HE WAS (19) demaunded yif he sent to *e lord ffaunhop eny word of *eire beyng *ere to geders or warned him *at *ei wolde (20) procede in *e cessions or ellis *at *ei taried vnto his comyng to euerich of *is he answered nay / but *ei (21) iiij\2e\1. sat downe and proceded not to *e cessions but com moned to geders HE WAS. asked yif he and his felaws such time as *e (22) lord ffaunhop come to *eime dede him eny reuerence or what counte nance *ei made (he seid)\4^3 t\1at his *re felaws stode (23) vp and he sitting stille a valed his hode. HE WAS asked hou *e lord ffaunhop demened him after his comyng to *eime / And he (24) answered *at he sat him (doune)\4^1\1 and callid to him Iohn ffit\4g\1 and william Pek and willed *eime to sitte downe by (25) him and *e seid ffit\4g\1 aduised *e lord ffaunhop to take vnto him wawton (and)\4^1\1 and Enderby for *ei were (26) a boue *e seid ffit\4g\1 in *e commission / and *e seid lord ffaunhop aunswered (*eim nay)\4^2\1 come and *u (27) will *e (toon)\4^2\1 shal be wolcome *e to*er may chese and *is co\2m\1municac\2i\1on had *ei sat downe (28) to (gideris)\4^1\1 HE WAS. asked hou *e rumor and noyse fill among\2es *eime / he answered by oncurteise langage be twene (29) Iohn ffit\4g\1 Geffray and a seruant of *e lord ffaunhops *e which *e seid lord ffaunhop bad to answere to *at (30) *e which was seid vnto him and *e same seruant forthwith sauyng *e reuerence of his lord seid it was fals and so lyued (31) *e said Iohn fit\4g\1 Geffray and forth with wawton seith *at he seid to *e lord ffaunhop it is *e vnruliest (32) cession *at I haue euer sey in Bedford and yif it be not o*erwise reuled I wol complaine vnto *e king\2es\1 (33) counseill to *e which *e lord ffaunhop shulde haue seid complaine (34) as *o wole y defie *i menasing and all *ine euel will wawton seide he answered I sette litil of *i defiance and (35) with *is *ere was rumor and noyse in *e halle and soo *ei rose vp bo*e *e lord ffaunhop wawton (36) Enderby and all *e remenant / and *e lord ffaunhop stode vpon *e Cheker borde *e which borde stode a fore *e (37) benche HE WAS asked yif he sye *e lord ffaunhop drawe eny dagger he seid forsoth nay he was asked whe*er he sawe (38) eny dagger in his hande and he seid ye. fur*ermore he was asked in what wise he helde *e dagger in his hande *e point (39) forth ri\4g\1t foynyng / or ellis *e point toward\2es\1 his elbowe downward / and to *is he said he wist nat / HE WAS also (40) asked yif he sawe *e lord ffaunhop (or any man of his)\4^4\1 smite eny man or made eny likly countenaunce to smyte he said nay / HE WAS (41) also asked whe*er *e lord ffaunhop such tyme as he stode vpon *e borde labored to *e cessing of *e (42) rumor and debat or ellis *at he stured and moued *e pepil to rumor / and he answered *at he labored to cesse *e noyse (43) and *e rumor *at was in *e halle He was asked wheder he labored effectuelly or ellis faintly and vnder colour of (44) his labore soffred harme to be doo / he answered *at to his vnderstandyng he labored to *e keping of pees / and to stynte *e noyse and Rumor (45) *at was in *e halle and alsoo diligently as euer he sawe man. HE WAS asked what the seid lord ffaunhop dide such tyme as (46) the noyse was cessed / he answered *at he went vnto his ynne. and with his owne seruant\4g\1 lete feleshipped *e seid (47) wawton / and o*er of his felaws / vnto *eire logging\2es\1 for *eire more seuretee and *e lord ffaunhop willed (48) wawton to haue come dronken with him as he hadde Enderby seyeng to wawton *at he sholde be welcome for he yaf him drink which (49) he hadde lesse cause to loue *anne (him)\4^1\1 menyng be Enderby: IOHN Enderby called before *e counsail in fourme as it (50) is reherced of Thomas wawton in like wise swore vpon a bok to (sey)\4^2\1 *e trouth in *e mat\2er\1 a boue said & *e which he promissed to do &c. (51) EXAMINED vpon *e first article he seide at *e tyme of makyng of *e certificat *e which was sent vnto (52) *e kyng his felawe and he were in d(i)fference\4^3\1 and discorde not for* anne he sette his seal *erto. AS TO *e secunde to (53) *e *ridde to *e fourthe to *e fifte to \4t \1e vj\2e\1. and to *e vij\2e\1. articles he accorded in all (54) his deposic\2i\1on and answere with Thomas wawton: AS TO *e viij\2e\1. he seide *at *ei stode vp all such tyme as (55) *e lord ffaunhop come to *eime. AS TO *e ix\2e\1. and *e x\2e\1. article he accorded in substance with (56) *e seid wawton confessing alsoo *at he him self drewe out his owne dagger / and in *e tyme of *e rumor his man brought (57) him a swerd and in what wise he dep\2ar\1tid from his dagger he can not sey. AS TO *e xj\2e\1 article he seith *at he sawe (58) not *e lord ffaunhop to drawe eny dagger / nei*er *at he hadde eny in his hande: EXAMINED vpon *e xij\2e\1. (59) and *e xiij\2e\1 articles he accorded with Thomas wawton no *ing varyeng in substance. IOHN ffit\4g\1 in like (60) wise as wawton and Enderby sworn vpon a bok and examined answereth as it folowith: IN THE first and *e secunde Article (61) he accorded with wawton: IN THE *ridde *e iiij\2e\1 and *e v\2e\1. and *e sexte Articles he accorded in his (62) deposic\2i\1on with wawton and Enderby: AS TO \4T\2e\1 vij article he accorded with Enderby and not with wawton: AS TO (63) *e viij article he accorded alsoo AS TO *e ix article he accordith with wawton. IN \4T\2e\1. x\2e\1 article he (64) accordith with Enderby bo*e *at he sawe *e lord ffaunhop to drawe no dagger nei*er *at he hadde eny in (65) his hande In the xj\2e\1 and xij articles he accordeth with wawton and Enderby AND ALSO in *e xiij\2e\1 article no*i ng (66) chaungyng in substance. HARRY Etwell examined and sworn vpon a bok to sey trouth In *e first article he accordith with his (67) felaws: IN THE secunde article he accorded also with his felaws saue he va(ri)ed\4^5\1 in nombre seyng *at *e lord ffaunhop come (68) to Bedford with xl. or l. p\2e\1rsons / IN THE iij\2e\1 *e iiij\2 *e v. and *e vj\2e\1. articles he accordid with (69) his felaws IN \4T\2e\1 vij and *e viij. articles he accor ded with Enderby (IN \4T\2e\1 ix\2e\1)\4^3\1 and *e x\2e\1. (70) articles he accordith with wawton IN \4T\2e \1(xi\2e\1. xij and xiij\2e\1)\4^3\1 articles he accordith with his felaws: THE xxiiij (71) day of ffeuerer *e yere a boue seid at westmynstre Thomas Stratton vnder shereue of Bedford in *e (presence)\4^1\1 of the high and my\4g\1ti prince * e (72) Duc of Gloucestre the Bisshop of Bath Chaunceller of England *erle of Sar\2esbury\1 lord Cromwel tresorer of Englonde: *e lord hungerford William (73) lyndewode kep\2er\1 of *e king\2es\1 priue seal *e king\2es\1 counsaillours / swere vpon a bok to make trewe and iuste (74) answere in *at shulde be demanded him of *e Ryot doon at Bedford: FIRST he was demanded yif he was priue of *e (75) certificat *at was made vnto *e kyng by wawton Enderby ffit\4g\1 and Etwell and he seid ye: MORE OUER he was (76) demanded where he sat at *e cession tyme. and he answered at *e lord ffaunhop fete inasmoche as he was clerc of *e (77) cessions: HE WAS asked hou *e rumor be gan / and he *erein accorded with *e (seye)ng\4^1\1 of wawton and soo he dede in all (78) his deposic\2i\1ons sauyng in *e xj Article he varied from all seyeng / *at *e lord ffanhop (su)ch\4^1\1 tyme (79) as he stode vpon *e Cheker borde he made (countenance)\4^1\1 toward\2es\1 Enderby as he wolde haue smete him / but he seith he smote him not#$%Adam Moleyns}#$% \4^1\1 [rubbed] \4^2\1 [over erasure] \4^3\1 [torn] \4^4 \1 [superior insert] \4^5\1 [crease] #$ #$ 1438 E28/62/10 Petition of John Croke, Clerk of the Exchequer #$%(Initialed) R h#$%{(1) To The kyng our sou\2er\1ain Lorde #$%Besechith humbly to yo\2ur\1 highnesse yo\2ur\1 humble (2) seru\2a\1nt Iohn Croke oon of *e Clerkis of yo\2ur \1Eschequyer *at hit please to yo\2ur\1 high & noble (3) g\2ra\1ce to g\2ra\1unte vnto yo\2ur\1 said s\2er\1u\2a \1nt *annuel pension of a hundreth shillyngis be yere wich (4) *at the Pryo\2ur\1 of Neustede vpon Acolm in the countye of lyncoln oweth and is bounden to geve & bere yerly to (you)\4^1\1 (5) And lyeth in yo\2ur\1 graciouse gifte / to haue and to resceyve *e said pension yerle duryng his (6) lyfe be the handes of *e Pryo\2ur\1 of Neustede foresaid *at now is or for the tyme shal be And he shal pray god for you}#$%(Latin notation of grant by Adam Moleyns)#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1438 E28/60/59 Petition of John Tiptoft. Adam Moleyns' note at the end. #$%{(1) To the kyng oure souereigne lorde #$%Besechith mekely youre humble Seru\2a\1nt Iohn lord Tiptot and of Powys where as ye (2) beyng in youre gret councell at *e Hospitall of Seint Iohn of Ier\2usa\1l\2e\1m be side london xiij\2the\1. day of (3) Nouembr\2e\1 the yere of youre full nobill Reigne the xvj\2the\1 con cideryng the gret laboures costes and diligence which haue fallen (4) and shull fallen to your Councellours of youre seid Councell In recompence of her seid labours costes and diligence\4g\1 don & (5) to be don g\2ra\1unted to Serteyn lordes of youre seid Councell to eche of them a certeyn Somme of money yerly to be taken for (6) terme of their lyves that is to sey to youre seid besecher as on of youre seid councell a mong oder C. m\2a\1rc for terme of his lyve (7) as in an Acte ther uppon made in youre seid Councell the day and place aforseide more openly it apperith Please to youre hynesse (8) concidering *e long s\2er\1uice that youre seid besecher hath don to you and the full nobill and gracious prince kyng (9) Henry the fourthe youre Aiell And to the full nobill and gracious prince kyng Henry *e fifte your fader whos soules god (10) assoile. to graunte to youre seid besecher Iohn lorde Tiptot and of Powys. be your gracious l\2ett\1res patentis in forme youen (11) the day and place a fore seide. youre Manoir of Bassyngbourn and *e baillywyk of Badburh\2a\1m of the honour of Richemond in (12) the Counte of Cantebrige with all the londys teneme\2n\1tis medis pastures mylles wateres vineres ffysshynges Rentes Seruices bailles (13) hundredes Tournes Courtes letys lib\2er\1tes Castellwarde Gide of Richemond Custumes ffraunchie\4g\1 retornes of writtes and other (14) youre p\2re\1ceptis and execucions of *e same vnto the seid Manoir and bailliwyk longyng or p\2er\1teynyng in recompens of the seid (15) hundred m\2a\1rc as it is conteyned in a Sedule annexed to this peti cion more ouer please it vnto youre hynesse to graunte youre gracious (16) l\2ett\1res vnder youre pryvy Seall directe vnto youre Tresorer and barouns of your Eschequer comaundyng them to discharge all (17) other fermers of all maner fermys rentis and charges of and for the seid Manoir bailliwyk londys teneme\2n\1tis and Rentis with all their (18) apporten\2a\1nce fro the seid xiij. day of Nouembr\2e\1 duryng \4t \1e lyfe of youre seid besecher And he shall prey to god for you#$% (19) (Moleyns' autograph postscript) \4T\1e kyng at his maner of kenynga ton *e v\2the\1 day of maij *e xvij yere of his regne (20) bi *advise of his consail graunted *is bille And \4t\2at *e besecher haue *e man\2er \4t\2at\1 he here (21) asketh so \4t\2at *e ouerpluse of *e saide man\2er \1 a bove C marc valew by \4t\2e\1 yer he paye vnto \4t\2e\1 (22) kyng And \4t\2at \4t\2e\1 keper of *e p\2ri\1uay seall do make Suffisaunt warant vn to *e Chaunceler (23) \4t\2at\1 he hereupon do make l\2ett\1res pat\2entes\1 in forme of *e cedule annexed here to soo \4t\2at\1 hit a corde (24) with *is endocement Beyng p\2re\1sent yn tyme of *is gr\2a\1unte *e duc of Glouc\2ester \4t \1e Cardynal (25) and *e thre Officers #$% Adam moleyns #$% Also *at he make suffisaunt warant vn to \4t\2e\1 Tresorer (26) and *e Barons of *eschequyr to make discharge vn to *e ffermers (&c)\4^1\1 yn maner as hit is a bove desired} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1438 E28/60/47 Petition to the Council concerning the Ship Maryknight. Moleyns' notation at the end. #$%{(1) Vnto the kyng oure souu\2er\1ayn lord and his most discrete and sage Counsell #$%Be yt remembred that how a ship called (2) Maryknyght of Amsterdam in Holand of wiche the Maister ys called Petre Van ley went with certein Merchaundise\4g\1 ynto Iseland (3) and there was lade with stokfissh and other m\2er\1chaundise\4g \1and the Merchant\4g\1 ther yn cleped Copeman Iohn Will\2ia\1m (4) Sale and Heyn Rosen with other of Amsterdam and Clays Will\2ia\1m sone Van Herlam. And so yt happed the seid ship Maister and Merch aunt\4g\1 (5) to mete with a Ship of Hull with xl men ther yn vnder the costes of Irland at the feste of Michelmasse last passed At (6) whiche tyme the seid shippes with the p\2er\1sones of bothe the seid parties were Sworn togedir to be either others frende with (7) oon assent and p\2ro\1misse And so as frendes they sailed togedir to Crakfarwes in Irland and there they leyn and communyd togedir (8) as brethern eche of theym cheryng other duryng iij wokes and fro thennes they sailed togedir to Dalkesound in Irland and there they (9) came ynne on seynt lukes Even last passid And the sonday folwyng they herd masse and ete and drank togedir in Develyn And w(h)ile\4^1\1 the (10) seid Maister and Merchaunt\2es\1 of the seid ship called Mary knyght were at diner the said p\2er\1sones of the Ship of Hull (11) hyred theym hors p\2ri\1uely and rode downe to the seid shippes And there the same sonday they toke the said ship cleped Maryknyght (12) lade thanne with Stokfyssh oyle and lynnencloth and other Merchaundises to the value of xvC li And thanne come Englissh folk (13) to the seid Merchaunt\4g\1 of the Maryknyght and bad theym beware whom they had lefte yn their Ship sayng that yt was likely be (14) taken And there vppon the seid p\2er\1sones of the ship of Hull goyng to do the said wrong / yaf to oon henry wales Gentilman duellyng (15) abowte the coste of Develyn x m\2a\1rc\4g\1 to lette and arreste the seid Maister and Merchaunt\4g\1 wan they come downe toward (16) their Ship cleped Maryknyght And so they were met and sonderly prisoned yn dyu\2er\1se p\2ri\1sons that they myght not Reskewe (17) their owne ship And thanne the Maier and Merchaunt\2es\1 of Develyn / seyng the seid Maister and Merchaunt\4g\1 of the sayd (18) Maryknyght hauyng the said wrong and vntrue enp\2ri\1sonement with theire strenghth and poiar had theym out of p\2ri\1son and lete (19) theym walke at large At wiche tyme the seid mysdoers of the ship of Hull were goon forth and sailed away with bothe the seid Shippes (20) to Portile in Northwales And there the seid Will\2ia\1m Sale Merchaunt of the seid ship cleped Maryknyght happed come to (21) Portile And there he Aspied iij of the seid Misdoers that toke the said Maryknyght whiche iij ben called Thomas Crathorn Merchaunt (22) of york\2es\1 Willi\2a\1m Cokeram Merchaunt of Beu\2er\1le and Will\2ia\1m Abbot Merchaunt of lynne And there the same Will \2ia\1m Sale (23) did to be arrestid the seid iij mysdoers and bothe the said Shippes and godes the whiche ben vnder arest and kepyng of (24) Henry Noreys depute to the Chamb\2er\1leyn there And thanne tho iij Mysdoers seiden wan they were so arestid that they were not (25) gylty of the seid wrongfull takyng of the seid ship cleped Maryknyght with the said Merchandi\4g\1es And the same Will\2ia\1m Sale seid to (26) theym that he wold fyght with the seid iij Mysdoers that they were at the said mysdede doyng And thanne seid oon of the same mysdoers (27) that ys called Thomas Crathorne that he wold fight with the said Will\2ia\1m Sale that yt was contrarie that the same Will\2ia\1m (28) saide And there vppon they cast eche to other their gloves whiche were taken vp and ensealed by Henry Noreys Depute of the Chamb\2er \1leyn (29) of Northwales And so the same Depute arrested bothe the seid iij Mysdoers and also the said Will\2ia\1m Sale to be kept til (30) the said mater be tried byfore you gracious lord and your noble counsell Werfore Iames Rose Sederyk Iohnsone and Copeman Iohn (31) Merchaunt\4g\1 of the said ship cleped Maryknyght besechith you of your speciall grace to considre this p\2re\1misse\4g\1 and by (32) the avise of your worthy and noble counsell ther vppon to sende your letters of p\2ri\1uat seale directid to the said Henry (33) Noreys comaundyng hym by the same to come (hym self aswel as to bryng)\4^3 t\2e\1 said Will\2ia\1m Sale as the said Thomas (34) Crathorn Will\2ia\1m Cokeram and Will\2ia\1mm Abbot to appere byfore you and your seid counsell (at Westmynst\2re\1)\4^3\1 yn \4t\2e\1 (35) quyn\4g\1isme of Trinite terme next comyng and furder more to answere and receve that ye and your counsell wol awarde in this (36) partie And more ouer yeuyng yn charge to the said henry to kepe sauely and suerly the said shippes and Merchaundise\4g\1 til he haue other (37) comaundement of you vppon peyne of CC li for the loue of God and yn way of Charite #$% (Moleyns' endorsement) *e kyng bi * aduise (38) of his conseil graunted *is bille at Westm\2inster * e xvj day of maij *e xvij yer and willed *e kep\2er\1 (39) of his priay\4^2\1 seal to do wryte l\2ett\1res after \4t\2at\1 *e case requyreth and as hit is desired here (40) aboue Beyng present *e Chauncele *e Erle of Sar\2esberi\1 and *e kep\2er\1 of *e priuay seal #$% .A.moleyns}#$% \4^1\1 [ h superior insert] \4^2\1 [priay for priuay] \4^3 \1 [over erasure] #$ #$ 1438 E28/62/10/40 Petition for Clarehall, Cambridge, to take over Godshouse Grammar School (right end water damaged) #$%{(1) Please it vnto you our sou\2er\1ain lord graciously for to conceyve how *at w\2ith\1 in this your Reamme of Ingelond / (2) is ful grete heuynesse and anyentisment of Clergie and of maynte n\2a\1nce of diuine s\2er\1uice also w\2ith\1 in short tyme (3) like for to faile . . . defaute of Scolemaistres of Gramer / where of as now ben almost none in the vniu\2er\1sitees of (4) Oxenford and Cambrigge ou\2er\1 those *at most nedes teche and abide stille there / suffisant to enforme yonge p\2er\1sones (5) in there Gramer . . . which in this your Reamme / vndrestondyng of latyn / to the edifying of cristen Soules makyng of euidences / to (6) rule Sp\2irit\1uel and temp\2or\1all necessarie / nor co\2mmun\1icac\2i\1on w\2ith\1 Straungers and Alient\4g\1 amonge your (7) pleople may not well be hade / And also how that thurgh defaute of such maistres of Gram\2er *e moste part of Gramer Scoles in (8) this land in Contrees where as the p\2re\1senter here of hath ben conu\2er\1saunt and riden stande *e dores shet in So moch (9) that as he knoweth and credibly is informed on the Est p\2ar\1tie of the wey / ledyng from Hampton to Couentre / and (10) so forth no ferther North than Rypton / ben voide .lx. scoles. and mo / beside all other Countres of this your lond the which haue (11) ben occupied all at ones w\2ith\1 in this .l. yere. wherfore your continuel bedeman and Prest william Byngham p\2er\1son of (12) Seint Iohn \4G\1acharie of london the p\2re\1senter of this mat\2er\1e consideryng how that in Cambrigge a ryght devoute (13) fader called maister Richard kendale / *at there somtyme taught Gramer set a ful spedy wey there toward / by a tretyce *at he (14) labored / And also your seid bedeman and preest hertly desiryng *at a remedie might be devysed ageyn the seid mischief / yf (15) it were in his power / hath so labored *at there is made / a poure loggyng ycalled Goddeshous fast by Clarehalle in Cambrigge / (16) where in poure Children shull haue free herbergage for thre . . . folo weth here bynethe / where in ben some yonge poure scolers and moo (17) shull be as god sendeth sustin\2a\1nce for theim / that by goddes grace shull be drawen forth there / for to comense in Grame \2r\1 (18) and also be ordered preestes and than ordeyned in to diu\2er\1se Contrees of this land there to po\2r\1veye theim annuels and s\2er\1ui ces (19) and to teche Gramer in places / where Scoles ben voide and stande now desolat thurgh the seid defaute Of the which seid scolers (20) And of other as your seid Preest hath done / afore this tyme / w\2ith\1outen supportac\2i\1on and helpe / no lenger he may (21) continue / the which to hi\2m\1 is ful hevy / and therfore he hath labored vnto diu\2er\1se notable p\2er\1sones of your people (22) in tyme comyng / so that he trusteth *urgh the Suffraunce of god and by your gracious licence of a mortisment / *at (23) there shall be lyflode ordeyned for to fynde and sustene w\2ith \1all p\2er\1petuelly and continuelly scolers to gou\2er\1ne (24) theim / Consideryng most gracious lord / how *at for Maistres and Scolers of all other liberall Sciences / vsed in your seid (25) vniu\2er\1sitee / liflode is ordeyned and endowed / savyng onely for Scolers of Gramer which . . . and grounde of all *e seid (26) facultees And there vpon graciously for to graunte licence to the Maistre and Scolers of Clarehalle in the vniu\2er\1site (27) of Cambrigge for to resceyue *e forseid Mansion and other lyflode of *e value of . . . by yere w\2ith\1outen fyn or fee of such as is nat holden (28) of you by knyght C\2er\1uice immediatly / in fortheryng of the same entent / aft\2er *e fo\2ur\1me of a Cedule to this (29) bille annexed in quiknyng and reviguryng of the said faculte of Gramer that as now is bothe seek and febyll / *urgh the seid (30) defaute / in all p\2ar\1ties of this your Reamme of Inglond / by the which said lyflode / from hennes forward / socour may be (31) ordeyned for drawyng forth of Maisters of Gramer in Goddeshous aforseid / aft\2er *e fo\2ur\1me rules and statutes / as is (32) contened in the seid Cedule hereto annexed / So *at by the ferveure and swetnesse of your high deuocion hertly fixed in god (33) and by the labours of your seid poure Prest this so nedefull and meritorious work / may come to gode effecte / for the loue of (34) god and in wey of Ch\2ar\1itee. } #$ #$ 1438 E28/61C Petition of Thomas Colland, Oxford Scholar #$%(1) (Superscript notation of grant; non-Chancery secretary hand){ My lord hath grantid this bille #$%To the kyng oure sou\2er\1ain (2) lord #$%Humbly bisecheth Thomas Colland of Oxinford in Oxinford shire Scoler. that where he is endited the Monday next befor the (3) feste of Seint George the yere of your regne the xv at Oxinford before William Brampton maier of the same Toun William herberfeld (4) Thomas Daggevile and Iohn North Aldermen Rob\2er\1t Tretherf and Rob\2er\1t Walford Baillif\2es\1 of the same at the vieu (5) of frankplegge there holden that the forseid monday the seid Thomas Colland by the name of Thomas Colland of Oxinford (in Oxinford Shire)\4^1\1 Scoler in the feste (6) of translacion of seint Thomas the martir last then passed at Oxinford an hors of hug Gerard p\2ri\1ce of xv s. felonousely (7) shuld haue stolen. the whiche enditement was to hym p\2ur\1p osid maliciousely he ther of not beyng gilty as all the cuntre (8) knoweth. Wherfore please to yow sou\2er\1ain lord of your m\2er \1ciable grace. considering that your seid pou\2er\1e oratour (9) is not gilty of the seid felonie ne is not of power to sue his deliu\2er\1aunce in no man\2er\1e wise. and that he was the (10) tyme that the seid felonie was supposed and longe before at london in the s\2er\1uice of the Bisshop of Bangore. to g\2ra \1unte (11) your l\2ett\1res of p\2ar\1don to him of the seid felonie. for the loue of god and in the wey of charitee.} #$% (Same hand as superior notation) H chambellan of Ingland #$%(Another hand) L\2ett\1re ent feust f\2ai\1te a Westm\2instre\1 le xxiij Iour de Iuyn Lan &c xvij\2e\1. #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1438 E28/61/3 Royal Warrant, written by Adam Moleyns #$%(Initialed) R h#$%{(1) The king co\2m\1mandeth the keper of his priue seal to make suffisant warrant to *e Chauncell\2e\1r of England that he by (2) l\2ett\1re\2s\1 patent\4g\1 yeue licence vnto such lord\2es\1 as shal be atte tretee of peas at Caleys &c to haue stuff with (3) *eim of gold silu\2er\1 coyned & in plate & al o\4t\2er *ing\2es\1 such as is behoueful to euch of *eim (4) aft\2er\1 *air estat: & \4t\2at *e same (kep\2er\1 of)\4^1\1 our p\2ri\1ue seal make hervpon such seu\2er\1alx warrent\2es\1 (5) As *e clerc of *e counseil can declare him aft\2er\1 *e king\2es\1 entent / And also \4t\2at *e said kep\2er\1 of (6) our p\2ri\1ue seal / make a warrant to *e T\2r\1es\2orer\1 of England & to *e Chamberlains to paie Robert whitingh\2a\1m (7) such wag\2es\1 for *e viage of Caleys abouesaid (for a q\2ua\1rt\2er\1 of a yere)\4^1\1 as so app\2er\1teine* to a Squier to take (8) / And also a no\4t\2er\1 warrant to *e said T\2re\1s\2orer \1& Chaumberleins to put in gage such Iewelx as (9) he hath in keping of *e king\2es\1 for money to be emploied in second paiem\2en\1t for *arme into Normadie (10) at *is time: \4^2\1yeven at Wyndesore *e secunde day of \4p\1Iul\4P^3\1 Iuin. *e . xvij yer of *e kyng #$% Ada\2m\1 Moleyns} #$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [smaller, more legible hand] \4^3\1 [cancelled] #$ #$ 1439 E28/63/42 Petition of Richard, Earl of Salisbury #$%(Initialed) R h#$%{(1) To *e kyng our sou\2er\1ain lorde #$%Bise cheth humbly Richard Erl of Salisbury of yo\2ur\1 grace esp\2ec \1ial (2) to graunt hym *e keping of your towne & Castel of Carlele & of *e West march toward Scotland to haue fro (3) *e ende of *e t\2er\1me \4t\2at *e bisshop of Carlele in theym now hath / to *ende of ten yeres *en (4) next filowyng in such fo\2ur\1me as *e said bisshop *e saide keping hath Takyng *e said Erl for *e same keping (5) eu\2er\1y yere during *e same x yeres M\2l\1 li in such man\2er \1e fo\2ur\1me & places & with such surties & p\2re\1ferrement\4g \1 (6) of & to Paiement\4g\1 of *e so\2m\1me aforsaide / as *e said bisshop hath for *e keping of *e said towne Castel & (7) march by (indentures and)\4^1\1 yo\2ur\1 l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 \4t\2er\1vpon to be made in due fo\2ur\1me / to *e said Erl / (8) And if it happen *e said bisshop. in eny wise to leve *e keping of *e towne Castel & march aforsaide. afore *ende (9) of his saide t\2er\1me. \4t\2at *en *e said Erl. may haue *e keping of *e same towne Castel & march for x (10) yeres next filowyng after \4t\2at\1 levyng / takyng *e said Erl for *e same keping eu\2er\1y yer of *e same x yeres (11) M\2l\1 li in such man\2er\1e fo\2ur\1me place & wyth such surties & p\2re\1ferrement\4g\1 to hym by yo\2ur\1 l\2ett\1res (12) patent\4g\1 to be made / as It is abouesaid. And *e said Erl shal within iiij yeres next aft\2er\1 (his)\4^2\1 entree / to *e said (13) keping do repair *e dungeon of *e said Castel. so \4t \2at\1 he yerly haue during *e same iiij yeres l. li to be (14) taken of *issu\4g\1 p\2ro\1fit\4g\1 & Reuenu\4g\1 co\2m\1myng of *e shir of Cumb\2erland\1 / by *e handes of (15) *e shirif \4t\2er\1e for *e tyme beeyng by yo\2ur \1l\2ett\1res patent\4g\1 aforsaide of graunt also \4t\2er\1 of (16) to hym to be made. consid\2er\1yng \4t\2at\1 if *e said dungeon wherof (p\2ar\1tie be)\4^3\1 downefallen: hooly fal downe / as It is liche (17) to do but if hasty reparac\2i\1on \4t\2er\1of be made / wol cost yow M\2l\1 li & more / for . . .\4^3\1 And \4t\2at\1 (ye)\4^1\1 yif nowe . . .\4^4\1 (18) for *e said keping. l li yerely more. *en *e said Erl desireth to haue (of yow)\4^1\1 for *e said keping And (he shal pra)y\4^3\1 god for yow}#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] \4^2\1 [blotted] \4^3\1 [washed] \4^4\1 [erasure] #$ #$ 1439 E28/59/74 Royal Warrant written by Adam Moleyns#$% {(1) *e xxviij day of April *e xvij ye\4^1\1 of *e kyng he bi*aduise of his consail at Westm\2inst\2re\1 (2) charged *e keper of his priuay seal to do make warent suffisaunt vn to *e Tresorer of Englond and *e Cham berlayns (3) to paye by wey of Reward to Iohn lowyngbargh & henr\2i\1 mu\2n\1ke (maysters of *e gu\2n\1nys)\4^2\1 for them and for *er (4) iiij s\2er\1aunt\2es\1 xxvj marc v s ij d. Beyng p\2re\1sent *archebischopp of Cant\2erbury *e Bischopp\2es\1 of (5) Bath and Lincoln *e Erlis of Stafford Sar\2esbury\1 and Suff\2olk\1 the Tresorer and *e kep\2er\1 of *e priuay seal Ada\2m\1 moleyn} #$% \4^1\1 [ye \2sic\1] \4^2\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ 1440 E28/65/27(4) Privy Seal: Royal Grant. Note by William Bekynton. #$%(Initialed) R h#$%{(1) Right trusty and welbeloued For asmuch as the xij. day of Septemb\2e\1r last passid we haue enfeffid by oure (2) L\2ettr\1es patent\2es\1 the worshipfull fadres in god Henry the Archebusshop of Canterbury. Iohn Bisshop of Bathe and of Welles. (3) Iohn Bisshop of Saint Asse\2ph\1. William Bisshop of Salesbury and oure trusty and welbeloued Cousyn William Erl of Suff\2olk\1 (4) and also oure welbeloued Iohn Som\2er\1seth Thomas Bekynton Richard Andrewe. Adam Moleyns Clerk. Iohn hampton. Iames ffenys (5) Squiers and William Tresham in alle the Priouries Manoirs Landes tenement\2es\1 Rentes s\2er\1uices pensions porc\2i\1ons apportes (6) and possessions withynne oure Royavme of England and Wales and the Marches of Wales whiche ben callid Priouries and possessions (7) Aliens than being in oure handes. And also the Rentes and fermes whiche any p\2er\1sonne than was bounde to yelde vnto vs for (8) suche Priouries and possessions to haue and to holde with the Reuersions aswel of the same Priouries and possessions whan (9) they shal falle as of any other Priouries and possessions whiche (10) any p\2er\1sone holdith hath or occupieth for t\2er\1me of lif by the lawe of England in dower terme of yeres or any other (11) wyse to the seid Archebusshop Bisshops Erl Iohn Thomas Richard Adam Iohn Iames and William and to their heires and Assignes (12) from the fest of Pasche last passid for eu\2er\1e As in oure seid l\2ett\1res theruppon made hit is conteyned more at large (13) We wol therfore and charge yow that on al wise alle the Assign ement\2es\1 of the seid Priouries and possessions Rentes and (14) fermes or of any of theym made to any persone or persones sithen the seid fest of Pasche last passed ye doo theym to be callid (15) again and that ye chaunge alle suche assignement\2es\1 So that the hool Reuenu\4g\1 of the same Priouries possessions Rentes and (16) fermes from the same fest forthward may be hadde and receyued by the seid feoffes withoute any interrupc\2i\1on aftre theffecte (17) of oure seid g\2ra\1unte And thes oure l\2ett\1res shal be vnto yow suffisant warant. Yoven vndre oure priuee seel &c. #$% (Note in a different hand) (18) The k\2ing\1 hath co\2m\1maunded l\2ett\1res aft\2er\1 this forme to passe vnd\2er\1 his (19) p\2ri\1ue seal. At Wyndesor *e iiij day of Novemb\2e\1r. A\2nno\1 &c xix. Bekynton #$%To *e Tres\2urer\1 of Engl\2and\1} #$ #$ 1440(?) SC1/61/59 Privy Seal: Summons to the Court of Chancery #$%{(1) By *e kyng. #$%Trusty and welbeloued: Sith we be enfo\2r\1med *at ye in *e Contree \4t\2er\1e (2) as ye be. haue co\2m\1mitted dyvers riott\2es\1 and attempted dyvers thyng\2es\1 contrarie to oure lawes and pees: we (3) wolle and charge you: *at ye all excusa\2i\1ons ceessyng be afore vs in oure Chauncellarye wheresoeuer it be \4t\2e\1 (4) .xvij. day of Augst next co\2m\1myng *ere to aunswere to *e matieres abouesaid: and such othr as shalbe declared vnto (5) you at youre co\2m\1myng And we wolle ye leue not this in anywise Yeuen vnder oure priue seal at Westm\2instre\1. *e .xxiij. Day of Iuyl #$% Brewester } #$ #$ 1440 E28/64/27 Petition of William, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds #$%(Initialed) R h#$%{(1) To the right heigh and myghty p\2ri\1nce most xpien kyng oure althir sou\2er\1ayn (2) lord #$%Mekely besechith youre humble and trewe chapeleyn Willyam Abbot of youre Monast\2er\1ye at Bury to whiche Monast\2er\1ye (3) youre noble p\2ro\1genitoures whos soulys god reste as to the place of (theire)\4^1\1 deuout fundacion han grauntyd at reu\2er\1ence (4) of the blissed kyng and martir seynt Edmond there incorrupte bodyly in shryne re\2st\1yng notable ff\2ra\1unchise and ful (5) special p\2r\1uilegijs as in the chartris of there graunt it is clerly specified whiche fraunchise be youre chartre is at this (6) day g\2ra\1ciously confermyd And for the defence and sauyng of the right of the seid fraunchise Abbotis of the seid Monast \2er\1ye (7) chapeleynes vn to youre noble p\2ro\1genitoures gaf out of there lyflode before tyme of mende to a styward c\2er\1te yn (8) maner\2e\1s to the intent that the seid chapeleynes and alle there successoures shuld not be trobled for the seid fra\2u\1nchise but (9) quietly preyse and serue god p\2ra\1yend deuoutly for there foundoures as religious and contemplatif p\2er\1sonys shulde (10) But sithe it is so that now of late tyme dyu\2er\1s mysdoerys coveryng them vndir lordchipe dayly make resistence and int\2er \1rupte (11) the fraunchise ayens all good reule of the lawe of youre rewme and wil suffre no lawe to be executyd ther yn of the (12) whiche to gret inco\2n\1uenyence myght falle ffor as moche that the styward of the fraunchise whiche be inheritaunce ocupie th (13) the maner\2e\1s tho were youyn oute for defence and conseruyng of the seid fraunchise is duellyng and abydyng in a foreyn chyre (14) wherfore youre seid chapeleyn may not in tyme of nede haue redy recurs vn to hym And the Erl of Suff\2olk\1 is (15) a gret lord in the cuntre and goodly to youre seid Monast\2er\1ye to whom youre seid chapeleyn many tymes may haue redy recurs Lyke it vn to (16) youre heighnesse and good g\2ra\1ce to yeve hym in comaundement vndir youre grete seal to supporte maynteigne and defende youre (17) seid Monast\2er\1ye youre seid chapeleyn and alle your p\2re\1stys his bretheryn wyth alle othir thynges tho of right longyn vn to (18) them And correcte suyche p\2er\1sonys as be there mysdoerys and opp\2re\1sseres so that alle youre prestys be occasion therof (19) may here aftir more quietly preyse and serue god and pray to hym for the wel and bonchef of youre heighnesse wythoute troble of opp \2re\1ssioun (20) yn honour of oure lord and of charite.}#$%(Latin note by Adam Moleyns follows)#$% \4^1\1 [superior insert] #$ #$ c1440 E28/27/71(124) Privy Seal: Summons to appear before the Privy Council (draft with addresses) #$% {(1) By the king #$%Trusty and Welbeloued: We be credebly enfourmed that what by you and other of youre affinitee and . . .\4^1\1 in the (2) Countrees where as ye be wherethurgh oure paix is gretely troubled and broken to the greet hurt . . .\4^1\1 poeple dwellyng in the Contree (3) there to oure Right greete displeasire: Wherfor we woll and charge you strang(ly)\4^1\1 that ye may forfaite vnto vs and (to)\4^2\1 ren into oure (4) greuous indingnac\2i\1on / tha fromhensforward ye cesse and do be cessed . . .\4^1\1 affinitees and alliaunces alle suche (riotous)\4^2\1 reules (5) and gou\2er\1naunces and that ye ne do neither soeffre to be doo . . .\4^1\1 affinitees any thing that myght be to the trouble or breche (6) of oure saide paix or in any wyse sarue therto . . .\4^1\1 persone afore vs and oure Counsaill at oure Paloys of Westm\2inster\1 in the (7) .xv\2me\1. of saint Michell next commy(ng)\4^1\1 to answere to suche matiers as that shall thanne be shewed and declared vnto you at youre (8) comyng / And . . .\4^1\1 priue seal at Westm\2instre\1 the .viij. day of Iuyl: #$% (Addresses) lord of Wesp\2er\1lande Robert Ogle Knyght lorde Clyfford Robert Ogle Squier Baron of Graystok Roger Thornton Iohn Neuil knyght Mair of Neucastell Thomas Neuil knyght The Sherief of Neucastell Thomas Percy Robert Rodys\4^3\1 Rauf Percy}#$% \4^1\1 [washed and torn] \4^2\1 [washed] \4^3\1 [different hand] #$ #$ 1440s SC1/61/60 Privy Seal: Summons to the Court of Chancery #$%{(1) By the kyng #$%Trusty and Welbeloued. ffor certaine causes and considerac\2i\1ons / vs and oure counsaile sp\2ec\1ially (2) moeuyng We woll be *auis and assent of oure saide counsaile and straitely comaunde you that ye do bring *e body of (3) Laurence de bona villa late Priour of *e hous of Marie Mawdeleyn of Golclyff in Wales before vs in oure Chauncellarie / (4) where so eu\2er\1e it shall be withynne *is oure Royaume of Englande / at *e quins\4g\1eme of saint Michel next (5) co\2m\1myng And *at ye leue not *is in enny maniere / Vpon *e peyne of .VC. li. Yeuen vndre oure priue seal at Westmonstier *e .xj. day of Septemb\2e\1r.} #$ #$ 1441 E28/66/34 Royal Indenture #$%{(1) THIS ENDENTURE MADE bytwix the Kyng oure souuerain Lorde on *at one part and William Pyrton Squier on *at other (2) part. Wittenesseth / that the said William is witholden with *e kyng lieutenant of his Castell of Guysnes / fro *e .ix. day of (3) Ianuer last passed duryng *e terme of vj. yere *enne next folowing / And the said william shall haue continuelly w\2ith \1him (4) abidyng vpon *e saufgarde of *e said Castell duryng *e saide tyme .l. men of Armes on foote himself accompted (5) onely on horsbak and .l. Archiers on foote / takyng for him self .ij s. on *e day for eu\2er\1ich of *e saide men of Armes (6) .viij. d. and for eu\2er\1ich of *e saide Archiers on fote. vj d a day duryng *e werre Of *e which wages *e (7) saide william shall be paied for him and his saide Retenue for a quarter in hand at *e makyng of *ees endentures & so (8) fro quarter to quarter at the beginnyng of eu\2er\1y quarter duryng *e (tyme)\4^1\1 aforesaide by *e handes of *e Tresourer of (9) Caleys for the tyme being Of *e which paiement the said william shall receiue for him and his saide Retenue / *e thrid peny in (10) vitailles couenables and at suche price as *ey be worth at Caleys \4t\2e\1 tyme of *e deliueryng of hem by *e (11) handes of *e said Tresourer / and yf *e said Tresorer may not p\2er\1fo\2r\1me *e thrid peny in vitailles as afore (12) it is saide. he shall p\2er\1fo\2r\1me in monoye to the same william all *at that he shall lak duryng *e tyme (13) aforesaide / And yf it fortune that *e kyng\2es\1 Adu\2er\1 sairs be of suche myght *at by liklinesse *e saide Castell (14) be put in grete p\2er\1ill of enny sodeine aduenture by trewe espiall. withouten *at it were stuffed with greter nombre of (15) men of Armes & Archiers that *en *e said william shall aduertise *e kyng and his counsaile \4t\2er\1of and *ey (16) to pourueye him in all hast possible oute of *e Royaume of Englande or oute of *e towne of Caleys vnto *e nombre (17) of .CC. persones men of Armes & Archiers or within after *e discrec\2i\1on of *e kyng\2es\1 counsaile and as *e cas. requireth (18) Also yf *e kyng for enny cause moeuyng him and his counsaile woll resume into his handes his saide Castell within *e saide (19) tyme / the forsaide william shall haue warnyng \4t\2er\1of half a yere afore *e day of his discharge of *e said (20) Castell by l\2ett\1res vnder *e kyng\2es\1 grete or priue sealx and in lyke wyse *e saide william shall yeue (21) warnyng vnto *e kyng or his counsaile by an half yere / that if he for sekenesse lak of paiement or other cause resonable may not (22) occupie *e saide lieutenancie So *at the kyng may purueye a newe lieutenant \4t\2er\1 and *e said william (23) to stande discharged ayenst *e kyng w\2ith\1outen enny empeschement in tyme co\2m\1myng / And the kyng oure souuerain lorde shall (24) haue aswell *e thrid partie of wynnyng\2es\1 of werre / of *e saide william as *e thridde of *e thriddes / (25) whereof *e persones of his saide Retenue shall be answeryng vnto him of *eire wynnyng\2es\1 of werre / be *ey prisoners (26) prayes or oth\2e\1r *ing\2es\1 taken by werre and all droit\4g\1 of werre acccustumed / Of *e which thriddes and thridde (27) of thriddes / and also droit\4g\1 *e said willi\2a\1m shall by his othe or by *e othe of his executour or executours of his (28) testament trewely answere to *e kyng oure saide souuerain lorde in his Eschequier at Caleys / And also *e said william (29) and *o of his saide Retenue shall haue all maniere prisoners *at shall be taken by hem. duryng *e said tyme except (30) princes and sones of Princes / mareschalx & lieutenant\4g\1 gen\2er\1al x and *o *at bere *e armes of ffraunce except also (31) him *at calleth him Duc of Bourgoigne and all his mareschalx and lieutenant\4g\1 gen\2er\1alx / the which shall remayne and be (32) prisoners vnto *e kyng oure said souuerain / lorde and for *e which he shall make resonable agreement to him or to hem *at (33) so shall take *eime And *e saide william hath vndertake sauely to kepe the saide Castell to *e worship and proufit of (34) oure said souuerain lorde the kyng duryng *e tyme aforesaide and not to deliu\2er\1e *e saide Castell to enny persone bot to (35) our sou\2er\1ain lorde *e kyng abouesaide / or to his heirs kyng\2es\1 of Englande or at *eire co\2m\1maundement by *e ire (36) l\2ett\1res of grete or priue sealx In wittenesse of which *ing to \4t\2e\1 partie of *is endenture (37) remaignyng with *e kyng oure saide souuerain Lorde *e saide william hath putte his seal. Yeuen at westm\2instre *e (38) x day of feu\2er\1er *e yere of *e Regne of the kyng oure said souuerain lord xix\2e\1.} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] #$ #$ 1446 SC1/44/13 Signet of Queen Margaret: Letter concerning a case in Chancery #$%{(1) By the Quene #$%Right worshipful fader in god / our Right trusty and right welbeloued / We grete you wele. And for asmuche (2) as the proctours of our seruant Bawdewyn Saheny of Spynall marchant / haue doon vs to be enfourmed that the action & plee (3) hanging / bitwix the said Bawdewin & oon william Bowes of york marchant / touching certeine money whiche hath be delaied on (4) *e part of the said william / this viij yere or more / as It is said / is nowe broughte lawfully vnto the point of (5) sentence / to be yeuen in the Courte of Chauncellerie: We therfore pray you hertly sith that ye haue be at al times for our sake (6) vnto *e said Bawdewin good and esp\2ec\1ial lord in his Right: ye wil now in his absence conclude your (7) tendernesse & faueur vnto his proctours / and In as goodly hast / as ye may by lawe trouth & gode conscience to procede / to (8) Iuggement shewing herein suche expedicion and beniuolence / as ye haue doo hiderto / As the cas hath Required / whereof we (9) thanke you hertly: In whiche thing ye shul mowe not oonly doon vs grete pleasance / but also vnto our Right entierly best beloued (10) fad\2er\1 the king of Sicile / in ministring the xpedic\2i\1on of Iustice: Right worshipful fader in god / our (11) Right trusty and Right welbeloued. Our lord haue you in his blessed keping Yeuen vnd\2er\1 our signet at my lord\2es\1 (12) Castel of Windesore the viij day of Ianuer} #$ #$ 1450 C49/26/18 Minutes of Council Action #$% (Initialed) R h #$% #$%{(1) Memo\2randum\1 that the kyng by thaduise of his counseil hath ordeined graunted & appointed that al man\2er\1 assignement\4g\1 (2) by tailles rered or made vnto sir Iohn Stourton Tresorier of the king\2es\1 house for thexpensis of the same house the xviij. day (3) of Iuyl last passed on c\2er\1tein (C)ollectours\4^1\1 of Custumes & subsidies in diu\2er\1s portes in this lande fro the first day of (4) Octob\2e\1r last passed vnto the first day of Octob\2e\1r next co\2m\1my ng. to be made & rered a mountyng to the so\2m\1me of xij M\2l\1 li for (5) thexpensis forsaide vnto the said Tresorier of household shal sp\2ecia\1lly be p\2re\1ferred & paide asferforth as good wil (6) growe. wherof they may be contente afore al other assignement\4g\1 made. or to be made on the same be it by tailles grauntes. paten t\4g\1. (7) or writtes vnder the grete seal or l\2ett\1res vnder the p\2ri\1ue seal or secret signet or in eny other wise to what (8) p\2er\1sone so eu\2er\1 hit. be. by the discrecion of \4t\2e\1 Tresorier of England. eny act g\2ra\1unte orden\2a\1nce or (9) appointeme\2n\1t into the contrarie made. natwithstandyng / And that writtes excoutories. vnder the King\2es\1 grete seal (10) be direct to the custum\2er\1s for payement of the same assignement\4g\1. as often tymes as the case shal requere / by (11) *aduise of the saide t\2re\1sorier of England. And how be it \4t\2at\1 to so\2m\1me conceit\2es\1. it wol be thought \4t \2e\1 (12) appointement made for p\2re\1ferreme\2n\1t of \4t\2e\1 household shuld be into \4t\2e\1 delaye & hurt of o\4t\2er\1 (13) me\2n\1nys paieme\2n\1t\4g\1 yit neu\2er\1theles \4t\2e\1 king willing aswel *astate & hono\2ur\1 of his household to be (14) p\2er\1fo\2ur\1med & kept in al *ing as it ought as \4t\2e\1 gode & sure co\2n\1tentacion of his dett\2es\1 to his poeple\4^2\1 (15) hath g\2ra\1unted & ordeined \4t\2is\1 appoi\2n \1teme\2n\1t for his household to be kept for \4t\2is\1 yeer / (16) and wil by \4t\2e\1 lord\2es\1 of his cou\2n\1seil it be co\2m\1mau\2n\1de & seen how in \4t\2e\1 meane tyme \4t\2e\1 moost co\2n \1uenie\2n\1t (17) waies & meanes of remedie may be had for \4t\2e\1 good p\2ro\1uision & co\2n\1tenting of his astate aswel of his (18) household as in al o\4t\2er\1 wise and for \4t\2e\1 sure & good paieme\2n\1t. of his dett\2es\1. trusting w\2ith \4t\2e\1 (19) m\2er\1cy of god \4t\2er\1appon to co\2n\1clude such remedies be \4t\2e\1 yeer finisshed as may be to his worship and for (20) \4t\2e\1 wele of his peple. #$%Also by the same aduise it is ordei ned g\2ra\1unted & appointed. that sp\2eci\1al charge & co\2m \1maundeme\2n\1t (21) be yeven by the. king. in writing to the Chau\2n \1celler of Englande. and to \4t\2e \1keper of the p\2ri\1ue (22) seal. \4t\2at\1 thof by importune labour & p\2ur\1sute made. vnto the kinge it happ\2en\1. eny thing of grau\2n\1te to passe (23) his highnes. which might lette hindre or disapoint *appo inteme\2n\1t made for his household. they & eu\2er\1ich. of theym. (24) to whom hit. app\2er\1tenith shal differre & put in suspence *exploit &. execucion. of al such. graunt\2es\1. to the tyme (25) the Tresorier of Englonde be co\2m\1mynde w\2ith\1 therof. & his aduise. &. agreme\2n\1t be had therin as the case shal reque re (26) for the proffit of the king. and for. the wele & good of his household. #$%And also semblably that this wryting may be. warrant (27) & a co\2m\1maundeme\2n\1t vnto yo\2ur\1 said Chauncell\2e\1r. \4t\2at\1 he in no wise suffre no man\2er\1 of patent\4g\1 ner (28) chartres passe seled without *e ful payement for the ffyne & fee. & for the seal of \4t\2e\1 same as *e case requerith. (29) be it w\2ith\1 the clause. saun\4g\1 fyne ou ffee. or eny oth \2er\1 wise. #$%And semblably by thaduise forsaid it is ordeined (30) \4t\2at\1 thof by importunite. of sute or for lak of iust infor macion ther passe the. king. his Chauncell\2er\1. or p\2ri\1ue (31) seal. eny thing which might be p\2re\1iudicial to *appointem e\2n\1t forsaid ther be sp\2eci\1al charge & co\2m\1maundement. (32) yeven to the tresorier of England \4t\2at\1 for eny co\2m\1maunde me\2n\1t or writing vnder the. grete seal p\2ri\1ue seal. or secret (33) signet to be direct. vnto hym. he dyffer *execucion \4t\2er \1of. to the tyme he here the king\2es\1 co\2m\1maundement & (34) wil therin by his mouthe. and that sp\2eci\1al ch\2ar\1ge &. co\2m\1maundeme\2n\1t be made vnto the Barons. of *escheker (35) in wryting. that they in al wise. differ *execucion & allow ans. \4t\2er\1of be it for p\2ar\1don. sp\2eci\1al licens (36) or eny other graunte. be it neu\2er\1 so sp\2eci\1al vnder the grete seal. p\2ri\1ue seal. secret signet. or in eny other fo\2ur \1me. (37) to the tyme. they. haue taken. aduise. therof. of the Tresorier of England. and \4t\2at\1 he yeve his assent \4t\2er \1to. #$%(38) And if so be that the said Tresorier of England be ou\2er\1 ruled. or charged contrarie. to thente of the p\2re\1mises wherthrow (39) the reuenu\4g\1 of the port\4g\1. wardes mariages vacacions. of Bisshopriches & of. Abbeyes priories or eny oth house of Rligio\2n\1 (40) forfaitures. casueltees. or other reuenus whatsom euir they be. may not com to his hand\2es\1 because of eny g\2ra\1unt warrant or (41) co\2m\1maundement fro hens forth to be made for thenploiement of theym. to othir vse *an for the said household or elles if (42) ther be no shipping of wolles. by al the said tyme. *at then the said tresorier of Englonde be hold for excuses & stande (43) disch\2ar\1ged of his promise. made for the. household & bere no blame ner put in eny defaute thof. the appointem\2en\1t made (44) for the household be not kept aftir the fo\2r\1me it is ordeined for. and \4t\2at\1 al the p\2re\1mises. be to hy(m)\4^1\1 exemplified. (45) artitulerly vnder the grete seal. #$%And that for the good & sure accomplisshment of al the said. p\2re\1mises. the Chau\2n\1cell\2e\1r (46) of England and the Priue Seal. shal do make fro tyme. to tyme. as many & as large wryting\2es\1 vnder the kingis grete seal & priue (47) seal as to the. tresorier of England. shal bethought. behoful & necessarie in that behalf.} #$% \4^1\1 [torn] \4^2\1 [l-inch cancel line covering erasure]#$