TABULA THE REGYSTER OR TABLE OF THIS PRESENT BOKE IN ENGLYSSHE. $Alexander $Barclay excusynge the rudenes of his translacion, ye first lefe $Barclay ye translatour to ye folys. + A prologe in prose shewynge to what intent this Boke was firste made, & who were the first Auctours of it. + Another Prologe: in Balade concernyng the same. + In what place this Boke was translate and to what purpose it was translatyd. + Here begynneth the Folys and firste of inprofytable bokys. + Of euyll Counsellours Juges & men of lawe. + Of couetyse and prodigalyte. + Of newe disgysynges in apparayle. + A lawde of the nobles and grauyte of Kynge $Henry the eyght. + Of olde Folys encresynge foly with age + Of negligent Fathers ayenst their Children. + Of taleberers: & mouers of debate. + Of nat folowers of good counsel.

Of vngoodly maners, and dysordred. + Of the hurtynge of frendshyp. + Of dispysers of holy scripture. + Of folys inprouydent. + Of disordred & venerious loue. + Of them that synne trustynge vpon the mercy of almyghty $god. + Of folys yt begyn great byldynge without sufficient prouysion. + Of glotons, and droncardes. + Of ryches vnprofytable. + Of folys that wyl serue two lordes both togyther. + Of superflue speche. + Of them that correct other, them self culpable in the same faut. + Of folys that fynde others good, nat restorynge the same to the owner. + The sermon or doctryne of wysdom. + Of Folys bostyng them in fortune. + Of the superflue curyosyte of men. + Of great borowers, & slacke payers. + Of vnprofitable vowers & peticions. + Of negligent stodyers. + Of them that folysshly speke ayenst the workes of $god. + Of lewde Juges of others dedes. + Of the pluralytees of benefyces. + Of synners that prolonge from daye to day to amende theyr myslyuyng. + Of men that ar Jelous. + Of auoutry, and specially of suche as ar bawdes to theyr wyues.

Of suche as nedys wyll contynue in theyr foly nat withstandynge holsom erudicion. + An addicion of the secundaries of Otery saynt $Mary, in $Deuynshyre. + Of wrathfull folys. + Of mutabylyte of fortune. + Of seke men inobedient. + Of to open councellers. + Of folys that can nat be ware by ye mysfortune nor take example of others damage. + Of folys that force or care for the bacbytynge of lewde people. + Of mockers and fals accusers. + Of them that despyse euerlastynge blys for worldly thynges & transitory. + Of talkers and makers of noyse in the Chirche of $god. + Of folys that put them self in wylful ieopardy and peryll. + Of the way of folycyte, and godnes and the payne to come to synners. + Of olde folys yt gyue example of vyce to youth negligent & vnexpert. + Of bodely lust or corporall voluptuosyte. + Of folys that can nat kepe secrete theyr owne counsell. + Of yonge folys that take olde wymen to theyr wyues nat for loue but for ryches. + Of enuyous Folys. + Of impacient folys disdaynynge to abyde and suffer correccion, for theyr profyte. + Of folysshe Fesicians vsynge theyr practyke without speculacyon.

Of the ende of worldly honour & power and of folys yt trust in them. + An addicion of $Alexander $barclay. + Of predestinacyon. + Of folys that aply other mennys besynes leuynge theyr owne vndone. + Of the vyce of ingratytude or vnkyndnes and folys that vse it. + Of Folys that stande to moche in theyr owne conceyte. + Of folys that delyte them in daunsynge. + Of nyght watchers. + Of the vanyte of beggers.

$Alexander $Barclay excusynge the rudenes of his translacion. + Go Boke: abasshe the thy rudenes to present. To men auaunced to worshyp, and honour. By byrthe or fortune: or to men eloquent. By thy submyssion excuse thy Translatour. But whan I remember the comon behauour. Of men: I thynke thou ought to quake for fere Of tunges enuyous whose venym may the dere + Tremble, fere, and quake, thou ought I say agayne. For to the Redar thou shewest by euydence Thy selfe of Rethoryke pryuate and barayne In speche superflue: and fruteles of sentence. Thou playnly blamest without al difference Bothe hye and lowe sparinge eche mannes name. Therfore no maruayle thoughe many do the blame.

But if thou fortune to lye before a State As Kynge or Prince or Lordes great or smal. Or doctour diuyne, or other Graduate Be this thy Excuse to content theyr mynde withal My speche is rude my termes comon and rural And I for rude peple moche more conuenient. Than for Estates, lerned men, or eloquent. + But of this one poynt thou nedest not to fere. That any goode man: vertuous and Just. Wyth his yl speche shal the hurt or dere. But the defende. As I suppose and trust. But suche Unthriftes as sue theyr carnal lust Whome thou for vyce dost sharply rebuke and blame Shal the dysprayse: emperisshinge thy name. An exhortacion Of $Alexander $Barclay. + But ye that shal rede this boke: I you exhorte. And you that ar herars therof also I pray Where as ye knowe that ye be of this sorte: Amende your lyfe and expelle that vyce away. Slomber nat in syn. Amende you whyle ye may. And yf ye so do and ensue Vertue and grace. Wythin my Shyp ye get no rowme ne place. $Barclay the Translatour tho the Foles. + To Shyp galantes the se is at the ful. The wynde vs calleth out sayles ar displayed. Where may we best aryue? at $Lyn or els at $Hulle? To vs may no hauen in $Englonde be denayd. Why tary we? the Ankers vp wayed. If any corde of Cabyl vs hurt, let outher hynder. Let slyp the ende, or els hewe it in sonder. + Retourne your syght beholde vnto the shore. There is great nomber that fayne wold be aborde. They get no rowme our Shyp can holde no more. Haws in the Cocke gyue them none other worde. $God gyde vs from Rockes, quicsonde tempest & forde If any man of warre, wether, or wynde apere. My selfe shal trye the wynde and kepe the Stere. + But I pray you reders haue ye no dysdayne. Thoughe Barclay haue presumed of audacite This Shyp to rule as chefe mayster and Captayne. Though some thynke them selfe moche worthyer than he. It were great maruayle forsoth syth he hath be. A scoler longe: and that in dyuers scoles But he myght be Captayne of a Shyp of Foles.

But if that any one be in suche maner case. That he wyl chalange the maystershyp fro me Yet in my Shyp can I nat want a place. For in euery place my selfe I oft may se. But this I leue besechynge eche degre: To pardon my youthe and to bolde interprise. For harde is it duely to speke of euery vyce. + For yf I had tunges an hundreth: and wyt to fele%Non mihi si lingua centum+ sint; oraque centum ferrea vox omnes/ceterum comprehendere formas. Omnia + stultorum percurrere nomina possem (1570) Al thinges natural and supernaturall A thousand mouthes: and voyce as harde as stele. And sene all the seuen Sciences lyberal. Yet cowde I neuer touche the vyces all. And syn of the worlde: ne theyr braunches comprehende: Nat though I lyued vnto the worldes ende. + But if these vyces whiche mankynde doth incomber. Were clene expellyd and vertue in theyr place. I cowde nat haue gathered of fowles so great a nomber. Whose foly from them out chaseth $goddys grace. But euery man that knowes hym in that case To this rude Boke let hym gladly intende. And lerne the way his lewdnes to amende.

Here begynneth the prologe.%Proludium + Amonge the people of euery regyon And ouer the worlde, south north eest and west Soundeth godly doctryne in plenty and foyson Wherin the grounde of vertue & wysdome doth rest Rede gode and bad, and kepe the to the best Was neuer more plenty of holsome doctryne Nor fewer people that doth therto enclyne + We haue the Bybyll whiche godly doth expresse Of the olde testament the lawes mysticall And also of the newe our erour to redresse Of phylosophy and other artes liberall With other bokes of vertues morall But thought suche bokes vs godly wayes shewe We all ar blynde no man wyll them ensue + Banysshed is doctryne, we wander in derknes Throughe all the worlde: our selfe we wyll not knowe Wysdome is exyled, alas blynde folysshenes Mysgydeth the myndes of people hye and lowe Grace is decayed, yll governaunce doth growe Both prudent $Pallas and $Minerua are slayne Or els to heuyn retourned are they agayne

Knowledge of trouth, Prudence, and iust Symplicite Hath vs clene left: For we set of them no store. Our Fayth is defyled loue, goodnes, and Pyte: Honest maners nowe ar reputed of: no more. Lawyers ar lordes: but Justice is rent and tore. Or closed lyke a Monster within dores thre. For without mede: or money no man can hyr se. + Al is disordred: Vertue hathe no rewarde. Alas, Compassion: and Mercy bothe ar slayne. Alas, the stony hartys of pepyl ar so harde That nought can constrayne theyr folyes to refrayne But styl they procede: and eche other meyntayne. So wander these foles: incresinge without nomber. That al the worlde they vtterly encomber. + Blasphemers of $Chryst; Hostlers. and Tauerners:%Horatius in sermonibus Crakars and bosters with Courters auenterous, Bawdes and Pollers with comon extorcioners Ar taken nowe adayes in the worlde moste glorious. But the gyftes of grace and al wayes gracious We haue excluded. Thus lyue we carnally: Utterly subdued to al lewdnes and Foly. + Thus is of Foles a sorte almost innumerable.%Eccle*s primo. Peruersi difficile + corriguntur. Et stultorum infinitus est numerus Defilynge the worlde with syn and Vylany. Some thynkinge them self moche wyse and commendable Thoughe al theyr dayes they lyue vnthryftely. No goodnes they perceyue nor to no goode aplye. But if he haue a great wombe, and his Cofers ful%Prouer.xxvi Than is none holde wyser bytwene $London and $Hul.

But to assemble these Foles in one bonde. And theyr demerites worthely to note. Fayne shal I Shyppes of euery maner londe. None shalbe left: Barke, Galay, Shyp, nor Bote. One vessel can nat brynge them al aflote. For yf al these Foles were brought into one Barge The bote shulde synke so sore shulde be the charge. + The sayles ar hawsed, a pleasant cole dothe blowe. The Foles assembleth as fast as they may dryue. Some swymmeth after: other as thycke doth rowe In theyr small botes, as Bees about a hyue The nomber is great, and eche one doth stryue For to be chefe as Purser and Capytayne Quarter mayster, Lodesman or els Boteswayne. + They ron to our shyp, eche one doth greatly fere Lyst his slacke paas, sholde cause hym byde behynde The wynde ryseth, and is lyke the sayle to tere Eche one enforseth the anker vp to wynde The se swellyth by planettes well I fynde These obscure clowdes threteneth vs tempest All are nat in bed whiche shall haue yll rest + We are full lade and yet forsoth I thynke A thousand are behynde, whom we may not receyue For if we do, our nauy clene shall synke He oft all lesys that coueytes all to haue From $London Rockes almyghty $god vs saue For if we there anker, outher bote or barge There be so many that they vs wyll ouercharge

Ye $London Galantes, arere, ye shall nat enter We kepe the streme, and touche nat the shore In Cyte nor in Court we dare nat well auenter Lyst perchaunce we sholde displeasure haue therfore But if ye wyll nedes some shall haue an ore And all the remenaunt shall stande afar at large And rede theyr fautes paynted aboute our barge. + Lyke as a myrrour doth represent agayne The fourme and fygure of mannes countenaunce%Speculum stultorum. So in our shyp shall he se wrytyn playne The fourme and fygure of his mysgouernaunce What man is fautles, but outher ignoraunce Or els wylfulnes causeth hym offende: Than let hym nat disdayne this shyp, tyll he amende. + And certaynly I thynke that no creature%Seneca Lyuynge in this lyfe mortall in transytory%Prouer. Can hym self kepe and stedfastly endure Without all spot, as worthy eternall glory%Quis potest dicere mundum est cor + meum purussum a peto. But if he call to his mynde and memory Fully the dedys both of his youthe and age He wyll graunt in this shyp to kepe some stage + But who so euer wyll knowlege his owne foly And it repent, lyuynge after in symplynesse Shall haue no place nor rowme more in our nauy But become felawe to $pallas the goddesse But he that fyxed is in suche a blyndnesse That thoughe he be nought he thynketh al is well Suche shall in this Barge bere a babyll and a bell

These with other lyke may eche man se and rede Eche by themselfe in this small boke ouerall The fautes shall he fynde if he take good hede Of all estatis as degres temporall With gyders of dignytees spirituall Both pore and riche, Chorles and Cytezyns For hast to lepe a borde many bruse theyr shynnys + Here is berdles youth, and here is crokyd age%Pedes enim eorum ad malum + currunt et festinant ad effundendum saguinem Prouer.i,Psal.xlviij. Children with theyr faders that yll do them insygne And doth nat intende theyr wantones to swage Nouther by worde nor yet by discyplyne Here be men of euery science and doctryne Lerned and vnlerned man mayde chylde and wyfe May here se and rede the lewdenes of theyr lyfe + Here ar vyle wymen: whome loue Immoderate And lust Venereall bryngeth to hurt and shame. Here ar prodigal Galantes: wyth mouers of debate. And thousandes mo: whome I nat wel dare name. Here ar Bacbyters whiche goode lyuers dyffame. Brakers of wedlocke, men proude: and couetous: Pollers, and pykers with folke delicious. + It is but foly to rehers the names here Of al suche Foles: as in one Shelde or targe. Syns that theyr foly dystynctly shal apere On euery lefe: in Pyctures fayre and large. To $Barclays stody: and $Pynsones cost and charge Wherfore ye redars pray that they both may be saued Before $God. syns they your folyes haue thus graued.

But to thentent that euery man may knowe The cause of my wrytynge: certes I intende%Scribendi causa To profyte and to please both hye and lowe And blame theyr fautes wherby they may amende But if that any his quarell wyll defende Excusynge his fautes to my derysyon Knowe he that noble poetes thus haue done. + Afore my dayes a thousande yere ago Blamynge and reuylynge the inconuenyence Of people, wyllynge them to withdrawe therfro Them I ensue: nat lyke of intellygence And though I am nat to them lyke in science Yet this is my wyll mynde and intencion To blame all vyce lykewyse as they haue done + To tender youth my mynde is to auayle%Excusatio scribentis. That they eschewe may all lewdenes and offence Whiche doth theyr myndes often sore assayle Closynge the iyen of theyr intellygence But if I halt in meter or erre in eloquence Or be to large in langage I pray you blame nat me For my mater is so bad it wyll none other be

Here begynneth the foles and first inprofytable bokes. I am the first fole of all the hole nauy To kepe the pompe, the helme and eke the sayle For this is my mynde, this one pleasoure haue I Of bokes to haue grete plenty and aparayle I take no wysdome by them: nor yet auayle Nor them perceyue nat: And then I them despyse Thus am I a foole and all that sewe that guyse

That iu this shyp the chefe place I gouerne%Diodorus Siculus li.i. Ecclesi.xij. By this wyde see with folys wanderynge The cause is playne, and easy to dyscerne Styll am I besy bokes assemblynge For to haue plenty it is a plesaunt thynge In my conceyt and to haue them ay in honde%Dabitur liber nescientibus literas + esaie.xxix. But what they mene do I nat vnderstonde + But yet I haue them in great reuerence And honoure sauynge them from fylth and ordure By often brusshynge, and moche dylygence Full goodly bounde in pleasaunt couerture Of domas, satyn, or els of veluet pure I kepe them sure ferynge lyst they sholde be lost For in them is the connynge wherin I me bost + But if it fortune that any lernyd men Within my house fall to disputacion I drawe the curtyns to shewe my bokes then That they of my cunnynge sholde make probacion I kepe nat to fall in altercacion And whyle they comon my bokes I turne and wynde For all is in them, and no thynge in my mynde. + $Tholomeus the riche causyd longe agone%Ptolomeus philadetemus me minit. + Josephus. li.xij. Ouer all the worlde good bokes to be sought Done was his commaundement anone These bokes he had and in his stody brought Whiche passyd all erthly treasoure as he thought But neuertheles he dyd hym nat aply Unto theyr doctryne, but lyued vnhappely

Lo in lyke wyse of bokys I haue store%Qui parum studet parum proficit glo. + L. vnicuique. G. dexsacr.scri. But fewe I rede, and fewer vnderstande I folowe nat theyr doctryne nor theyr lore It is ynoughe to bere a boke in hande It were to moche to be it suche a bande For to be bounde to loke within the boke I am content on the fayre couerynge to loke + Why shole I stody to hurt my wyt therby Or trouble my mynde with stody excessyue Sythe many ar whiche stody right besely And yet therby shall they neuer thryue The fruyt of wysdom can they nat contryue And many to stody so moche are inclynde That vtterly they fall out of theyr mynde + Eche is nat lettred that nowe is made a lorde Nor eche a clerke that hath a benefyce They are nat all lawyers that plees doth recorde All that are promotyd are nat fully wyse On suche chaunce nowe fortune throwys hir dyce That thoughe one knowe but the yresshe game Yet wolde he haue a gentyllmannys name + So in lyke wyse I am in suche case Thoughe I nought can I wolde be callyd wyse Also I may set another in my place Whiche may for me my boks excercyse Or els I shall ensue the comon gyse And say concedo to euery argument Lyst by moche speche my latyn sholde be spent

I am lyke other Clerkes whiche so frowardly them gyde. That after they ar onys come vnto promocion They gyue them to plesour theyr stody set asyde. Theyr Auaryce couerynge with fayned deuocion. Yet dayly they preche : and haue great derysyon Against the rude Laymen : and al for Couetyse. Though theyr owne Conscience be blynded with that vyce. + But if I durst trouth playnely vtter and expresse. This is the special cause of this Inconuenyence. That greatest foles, and fullest of lewdnes Hauynge least wyt : and symplest Science Ar fyrst promoted : and haue greatest reuerence For if one can flater, and bere a hawke on his Fyst He shalbe made Person of $Honyngton or of $Clyst. + But he that is in Stody ay ferme and diligent. And without al fauour prechyth $Chrystys lore Of al the Comontye nowe adayes is sore shent. And by Estates thretened to Pryson oft therfore. Thus what auayle is it, to vs to Stody more : To knowe outher scripture, trouth, wysedom, or vertue Syns fewe, or none without fauour dare them shewe. + But O noble Doctours, that worthy ar of name :%Prouer. quinto origine.+ iur. originem. Consyder our olde faders : note wel theyr diligence : Ensue ye theyr steppes : obtayne ye such fame, As they dyd lyuynge : and that by true Prudence. Within theyr hartys they planted theyr scyence And nat in plesaunt bokes. But nowe to fewe suche be. Therfore in this Shyp let them come rowe with me.

THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY TRANSLATOUR EXORTYNGE THE FOLES ACCLOYED WITH THIS VICE TO AMENDE THEYR FOLY. Say worthy doctours and Clerkes curious : What moueth you of Bokes to haue such nomber. Syns dyuers doctrines throughe way contrarious. Doth mannys mynde distract and sore encomber. Alas blynde men awake, out of your slomber%Translatio a somniantibus And if ye wyl nedys your bokes multyplye With diligence endeuer you some to occupye. %De malis consultoribus.

Of euyl Counsellours, Juges and men of lawe. He that Office hath and hyghe autorite. To rule a Royalme: as Juge or Counsellour Which seynge Justice, playne ryght and equyte Them falsly blyndeth by fauour or rigour Condemnynge wretches gyltles. And to a Transgressour For mede shewinge fauour. Suche is as wyse a man As he that wolde seeth a quycke sowe in a Pan.

Right many labours nowe, with hyghe diligence For to be Lawyers the Comons to counsayle. Therby to be in honour had and in reuerence But onely they labour for theyr pryuate auayle.%xlv.dis.omnis qui iudicat. The purs of the Clyent shal fynde hym apparayle. And yet knowes he neyther lawe good counsel nor Justice.%Ecclesiasti.ij.& ij. + q.vii. Sicut xxx.q.v.iudicantem But speketh at auenture : as men throwe the dyce. + Suche in the Senate ar taken oft to counsayle With Statis of this and many a other region. Whiche of theyr maners vnstable ar and frayle Nought of Lawe Ciuyl knowinge nor Canon. But wander in derknes clerenes they haue none. O noble $Rome thou gat nat thy honours Nor general Empyre by suche Counsellours. + Whan noble $Rome all the worlde dyd gouerne%Salustius bel.catelinario. Dilecti + quibus corpus annis infermum ingenium sapientia validum erat reip. + consultabant hij.&c. Theyr councellers were olde men iust and prudent Whiche egally dyd euery thynge descerne Wherby theyr Empyre became so excellent But nowe a dayes he shall haue his intent That hath most golde, and so it is befall That aungels worke wonders in westmynster hall. + There cursyd coyne makyth the wronge seme right The cause of hym that lyueth in pouertye%Judicandum legibus non exemplis.l.+ meum. C. desentem & inter. Hath no defence, tuycion, strength nor myght Suche is the olde custome of this faculte That colours oft cloke Justyce and equyte None can the mater fele nor vnderstonde Without the aungell be weyghty in his honde

Thus for the hunger of syluer and of golde Justyce and right is in captyuyte And as we se nat gyuen fre, but solde Nouther to estates, nor sympell comonte And though that many lawyers rightwysnes be Yet many other dysdayne to se the ryght And they ar suche as blynde Justycis syght + There is one and other alleged at the barre%vidi sub sole loco iudicii + impietatem: et in loco iusticie inquitatem ecclesi iij. And namely suche as chrafty were in glose Upon the lawe : the clyentis stande afarre Full lytell knowynge howe the mater goose And many other the lawes clene transpose Folowynge the example, of lawyers dede and gone Tyll the pore Clyentis be etyn to the bone + It is not ynough to conforme thy mynde%xi.*q & si ad tempus. Unto the others faynyd opynyon Thou sholde say trouthe, so Justyce doth the bynde And also lawe gyueth the commyssyon To knowe hir, and kepe hir without transgressyon Lyst they whome thou hast Juged wrongfully%Virgilius nec curare deum credis + mortalia quemquam Unto the hye Juge for vengeaunce on the crye. + Perchaunce thou thynkest that $god taketh no hede To mannes dedys, nor workes of offence Yes certaynly he knowes thy thought and dede%Salustius priusquam incipias + consulto et ubi consulueris mature opus est facto. No thynge is secrete, nor hyd from his presence Wherefore if thou wylt gyde the by prudence Or thou gyue Jugement of mater lesse or more Take wyse mennys reade and good counsayle before

Loke in what Balance, what weyght and what mesure Thou seruest other. for thou shalt serued be%De pe et re c. cum ex eo. With the same after this lyfe I the ensure. If thou ryghtwysly Juge by lawe and equyte Thou shalt haue presence of $goddes hyghe maiestye But if thou Juge amys : than shall Eacus (As Poetis sayth) hell Juge thy rewarde discusse + $God is aboue and regneth iudi.l.rem Whiche shall vs deme at his last Jugement, And gyue rewardes to echone egally After suche fourme as he his lyfe hath spent Than shall we them se whome we as violent Traytours : haue put to wronge in worde or dede And after our deserte euen suche shall be our mede + There shall be no Bayle nor treatynge of maynpryse%De re ludi. cum eterni + Ne worldly wysdome there shall no thynge preuayle There shall be no delayes vntyll another Syse But outher quyt, or to infernall Gayle. Ill Juges so iuges, Lo here theyr trauayle Worthely rewarded in wo withouten ende. Than shall no grace be graunted ne space to amende. THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Therfore ye yonge Studentes of the Chauncery : (I speke nat to the olde the Cure of them is past) Remember that Justyce longe hath in bondage be

Reduce ye hir nowe vnto lybertye at the last. Endeuer you hir bondes to louse or to brast Hir raunsome is payde and more by a thousande pounde And yet alas the lady Justyce lyeth bounde. + Thoughe your fore Faders haue take hir prysoner%Luce.xi. et vobis legisperitis ve quia oneratis homines oneribus que portare non possunt et + ipsi vno digito non tangitis sarcinas.ff. And done hir in a Dongeon nat mete for hir degre Lay to your handes and helpe hir from daungere And hir restore vnto hir lybertye That pore men and monyles may hir onys se But certaynly I fere lyst she hath lost hir name Or by longe prysonment shall after euer be lame.

Of Auaryce or Couetyse and prodygalyte. Ye that ar gyuen ouer moche to Couetyse Come nere, a place is here for you to dwel Come nere ye wastfull people in lyke wyse Youre rowme shall be hye in the Topcastell Ye care for no shame, for heuen nor for hell Golde is your god, ryches gotten wrongfully Ye dame your soule, and yet lyue in penury.

He that is besy euery day and houre%xlvij.dis.sicut. Without mesure, maner, or moderacion To gather riches and great store of treasoure Therof no ioy takinge, confort nor consolacion. He is a Fole : and of blynde and mad opynyon For that which he getteth and kepeth wrongfully%Primo xlviij. His heyre often wasteth moche more vnthryftely. + While he here lyueth in this lyfe caduke and mortal. Ful sore he laboureth : and oft hungry gothe to bed Sparinge from hymselfe : for hym that neuer shal After do hym goode. thoughe he were harde bested. Thus is this Couetous wretche so blyndly led By the fende that here he lyueth wretchydly And after his deth damned eternally. + There wandreth he in dolour and derknes%Ecclesiasti.v. Amonge infernall flodes tedyous and horryble%Ps.xlviij. Let se what auayleth than all his ryches Ungracyously gotyne, his paynes ar terryble Than wolde he amende but it is inpossyble In hell is no order nor hope of remedy But sorowe vpon sorowe, and that euerlastyngly + Yet fynde I a nother vyce as bad as this%Ca de cura furio.l.i. Whiche is the vyce of prodygalyte He spendyth all in ryot and amys Without all order, pursuynge pouertye He lyketh nat to lyue styll in prosperite But all and more he wastyth out at large (Beware the ende) is the leste poynt of his charge

But of the couetous somwhat to say agayne%Vendi animam lucro.&c. Persius. Thou art a fole thy soule to sell for riches Or put thy body to labour or to payne Thy mynde to fere, thy herte to heuynesse Thou fole thou fleest no maner cruelnesse So thou may get money, to make thy heyr a knyght Thou sleest thy soule where as thou saue it myght + Thou hast no rest thy mynde is euer in fere%Juuenalis Of mysauenture, nor neuer art content Deth is forgoten, thou carest nat a here To saue thy soule from infernall punysshement%Sophonia si cased et argentum + &c.Luce.xvi.Tob.xxvij. If thou be dampned, than art thou at thy stent By thy ryches which thou here hast left behynde To thy executours, thou shalt small comforte fynde + Theyr custome is to holde fast that they haue Thy pore soule shall be farthest fro theyr thought If that thy carkes be brought onys in the graue And that they haue thy bagges in handes cought What say they, than (by $god the man had nought) Whyle he here lyuyd he was to lyberall Thus dampned is thy soule, thy ryches cause of all + Who wyll denay but it is necessary Of riches for to haue plenty and store To this opynyon I wyll nat say contrary So it be ordred after holy lore Whyle thy selfe leuest departe some to the pore%Thobi.iiij. With thy owne hande trust nat thy executours%Daniel.iiij. Gyue for $god, and $god shall sende at all houres%Luce.xi.

Rede $Tullius warkes the worthy Oratour.%Tullius in para. And writen shalt thou fyynde in right fruteful sentence That neuer wyseman loued ouer great honour. Nor to haue great riches put ouer great diligence But onely theyr mynde was set on Sapience And quyetly to lyue in Just symplycite. For in greatest honour is greatest ieoperdye. + He that is symple, and on the grounde doth lye And that can be content with ynoughe or suffisaunce Is surer by moche than he that lyeth on hye. Nowe vp nowe downe vnsure as a Balaunce. But sothly he that set wyll his plesance Onely on wysdom and styl therfore labour. Shal haue more goode than all erthly tresour.%Melior est sapientia + negociatione auri & argenti. + Wysdom techeth to eschewe al offence. Gydynge mankynde the ryght way to vertue. But of couetyse Comys all Inconuenyence. It cawseth man of worde to be vntrue. Forswerynge and falshode doth it also ensue. Brybery and Extorcion, murder and myschefe. Shame is his ende : his lyuyinge is reprefe. + By couetyse $Crassus brought was to his ende.%Crassus i.q.i.c.quam.+ quidam vir crassus. By it the worthy $Romayns lost theyr name. Of this one yl a thousand ylles doth descende. Besyde enuy, Pryde, wretchydnes and shame. $Crates the Philosopher dyd Couetyse so blame :%Crates thebanus xii.q.ij.+ gloria episcopi. That to haue his mynde vnto his stody fre. He threwe his Tresour all hole into the see.

But shortly to conclude. Both bodely bondage. And gostly also : procedeth of this couetyse. The soule is damned the body hath damage As hunger, thyrst, and colde with other preiudice. Bereft of the ioyes of heuenly Paradyse. For golde was theyr god and that is left behynde Theyr bodyes beryed the soule clene out of mynde THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY TRANSLATOUR. Therfore thou couetouse thou wretch I speke to the. Amende thy selfe ryse out of this blyndenes. Content thy wyth ynoughe for thy degre. Dam nat thy soule by gatheringe frayle riches Remembre this is a Uale of wretchednes. Thou shalt no rest nor dwellynge place here fynde. Depart thou shalt and leue it al behynde.

Of new fassions and disgised Garmentes. Who that newe garmentes loues or deuyses. Or weryth by his symple wyt, and vanyte Gyuyth by his foly and vnthryfty gyses Moche yl example to yonge Comontye. Suche on is a Fole and skant shal euer thee And comonly it is sene that nowe a dayes One Fole gladly folowes anothers wayes.

Drawe nere ye Courters and Galants disgised Ye counterfayt Caytifs. that ar nat content As $god hath you made : his warke is despysed Ye thynke you more crafty than $God onipotent. Unstable is your mynde : that shewes by your garment A fole is knowen by his toyes and his Cote. But by theyr clothinge nowe may we many note.%Math.xviij. + Aparayle is apayred. Al sadness is decayde%ij.Regum.x. Nouitatibus + indulgendum non est xi.dis C. de consue cum consuetudinibus. The garmentes ar gone that longed to honestye. And in newe sortes newe Foles ar arayede Despisynge the costom of good antiquyte. Mannys fourme is disfigured with euery degre As Knyght Squyer yeman Jentilman and knaue For al in theyr goynge vngoodely them behaue + The tyme hath ben, nat longe before our dayes Whan men with honest ray coude holde them self content. Without these disgised : and counterfayted wayes. Wherby theyr goodes ar wasted, loste, and spent. $Socrates with many mo in wysdom excellent. Bycause they wolde nought change that cam of nature%Socrates in exemplum + vetustatis inducitur. Let growe theyre here without cuttinge or scissure. + At that tyme was it reputed to lawde and great honour. To haue longe here : the Beerde downe to the brest For so they vsed that were of moste valour. Stryuynge together who myht be godlyest Saddest, most clenely, discretest, and moste honest. But nowe adayes together we contende and stryue. Who may be gayest : and newest wayes contryue.

Fewe kepeth mesure, but excesse and great outrage In theyr aparayle. And so therin they procede That theyr goode is spent : theyr Londe layde to morgage. Or solde out right : of Thryft they take no hede. Hauinge no Peny them to socour at theyr nede. So whan theyr goode by suche wastefulnes is loste. They sel agayne theyr Clothes for half that they coste. + A fox furred Jentelman : of the fyrst yere or hede. If he be made a Bailyf a Clerke or a Constable. And can kepe a Parke or Court and rede a Dede Than is Ueluet to his state mete and agreable. Howbeit he were more mete to bere a Babyl. For his Foles Hode his iyen so sore doth blynde That Pryde expelleth his lynage from his mynde. + Yet fynde I another sort almoste as bad as thay. As yonge Jentylmen descended of worthy Auncetry. Whiche go ful wantonly in dissolute aray. Counterfayt, disgised, and moche vnmanerly Blasinge and garded : to lowe or else to hye. And wyde without mesure : theyr stuffe to wast thus gothe But other some they suffer to dye for lacke of clothe + Some theyr neckes charged with colers, and chaynes%De vita et honestate + clericorum As golden withtthes : theyr fyngers ful of rynges : Theyr neckes naked: almoste vnto the raynes Theyr sleues blasinge lyke to a Cranys wynges Thus by this deuysinge suche counterfayted thinges They dysfourme that figure that $god hymselfe hath made On pryde and abusion thus ar theyr myndes layde%Tullius

Than the Courters careles that on theyr mayster wayte Seinge hym his Uesture in suche fourme abuse Assayeth suche Fassion for them to counterfayte. And so to sue Pryde contynually they muse. Than stele they; or Rubbe they. Forsoth they can nat chuse. For without Londe or Labour harde is it to mentayne. But to thynke on the Galows that is a careful payne. + But be it payne or nat: there many suche ende. At $Newgate theyr garmentis ar offred to be solde. Theyr bodyes to the Jebet solemly ascende. Wauynge with the wether whyle theyr necke wyl holde. But if I shulde wryte al the ylles manyfolde. That procedeth of this counterfayt abusion And mysshapen Fassions: I neuer shulde haue done. + For both States, comons, man, woman, and chylde Ar vtterly inclyed to this inconuenyence. But namely therwith these Courters are defyled. Bytwen mayster and man I fynde no dyfference. Therfore ye Courters knowledge your offence. Do nat your errour mentayne, support nor excuse. For Fowles ye ar your Rayment thus to abuse. + To Shyp Galauntes come nere I say agayne. Wyth your set Busshes Curlynge as men of vultimo + vestiolob. et aur. libro xi. Ye counterfayted Courters come with your fleinge brayne Expressed by these variable Garmentes that ye fynde. To tempt chast Damsels and turne them to your mynde Your breste ye discouer and necke. Thus your abusion Is the Fendes bate. And your soules confusion.

Come nere disgysed foles : receyue your Foles Hode. And ye that in sondry colours ar arayde. Ye garded galantes wastinge thus your goode Come nere with your Shertes brodered and xxv.+ si.quis virorum. In fourme of Surplys. Forsoth it may be sayde. That of your Sort right fewe shal thryue this yere. Or that your faders werith suche Habyte in the Quere. + And ye Jentyl wymen whome this lewde vice doth blynde Lased on the backe: your peakes set a loft. Come to my Shyp. forget ye nat behynde. Your Sadel on the tayle : yf ye lyst to sit soft. Do on your Decke Slut : yf ye purpos to come oft. I mean your Copyntanke : And if it wyl do no goode. To kepe you from the rayne. ye shall haue a foles hode. + By the ale stake knowe we the ale hous And euery Inne is knowen by the sygne So a lewde woman and a lecherous Is knowen by hir clothes, be they cours or fyne Folowynge newe fassyons, not graunted by doctry The bocher sheweth his flesshe it to sell So doth these women dampnyng theyr soule to hell + What shall I more wryte of our enormyte Both man and woman as I before haue sayde Ar rayde and clothyd nat after theyr degre As nat content with the shape that $god hath made The clenlynes of Clergye is nere also decayed. Our olde apparale (alas) is nowe layde downe And many prestes asshamed of theyr Crowne.

Unto laymen we vs refourme agayne As of $chryste our mayster in maner halfe asshamed My hert doth wepe : my tunge doth sore complayne Seing howe our State is worthy to be blamed. But if all the Foly of our Hole Royalme were named Of mys apparayle of Olde, young, lowe, and hye, The tyme shulde fayle : and space to me denye. + Alas thus al states of Chrysten men declynes. And wymen also disfourmynge theyr fygure. Wors than the Turkes, Jewes, or Sarazyns.%Seneca in hercule etheo. + anostrophe ad angliam. A Englonde Englonde amende or be thou sure Thy noble name and fame can nat endure Amende lyst $god do grueously chastyce. Bothe the begynners and folowes of this vyce. THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY YE TRANSLATOUR. Reduce courters clerly vnto your rembrance From whens this disgysyng was brought wherein ye go As I remember it was brought out of $France This is to your plesour. But payne ye had also. As French Pockes hote ylles with other paynes mo. Take ye in good worth the swetnes with the Sour. For often plesour endeth with sorowe and dolour. + But ye proude Galaundes that thus yourselfe disgise Be ye asshamed. beholde vnto your Prynce.%Laus summa de gravitate eximia % henrician glorum regis.viij. Consyder his sadnes : His honestye deuyse His clothynge expresseth his inwarde prudence Ye se no Example of suche Inconuenyence In his hyghnes : but godly wyt and grauyte Ensue hym : and sorowe for your enormyte

Away with this pryde, this statelynes let be Rede of the Prophetis clothynge or vesture And of $Adam firste of your ancestrye Of $Johnn the Prophete, theyr clothynge ws obscure Ugle and homly, but nowe what creature Wyll then eusue, sothly fewe by theyr wyll Therfore suche folys my nauy shall fulfyll

Of old folys that is to say the longer they lyue the more they ar gyuen to foly. Howe beit I stoup, and fast declyne Dayly to my graue, and sepulture And though my lyfe fast do enclyne To pay the trybute of nature Yet styll remayne I and endure In my olde synnes, and them nat hate Nought yonge, wors olde, suche is my state

The madnes of my youthe rotyd in my age%Inveterate fatuitas. Inveterate + diersu malorum, nunc venerunt peccata tua quae operabaris prius. A + senioribus egressa est iniquitas. Puer centum annotum monetur & peccator + centum annorum maledictus erit. Stultitia est quae me non sunt esse + senem.(1570) And the blynde foly of my iniquite Wyll me nat suffer to leue myne old vsage Nor my fore lyuynge full of enormyte Lame ar his lymmys, and also I can nat se%Ouidius in fast. Prouer.xxij. + Esaie xlvi. I am a childe and yet lyuyd haue I An hundreth wynter, encresynge my foly + But though I myght lerne my wyll is nat therto But besy I am and fully set my thought To gyue example to children to mysdo By my lewde doctryne bryngynge them to nought And whan they ar onys into my daunce brought I teche them my foly wysdome set asyde My selfe example, begynner, and theyr gyde + My lewde lyfe, my foly and my selfwyllyd mynde%C. ex studiis et ca cum in + iuuentute de presumpti. Whiche I haue styll kept hytherto in this lyfe In my testament I leue wryten behynde Bequethyng parte both to man childe and wyfe I am the actour of myschefe and of stryfe The foly of my youth and the inconuenyence In age I practyse, techynge by experyence + I am a fole and glad am of that name%Laudatur percator in desideris suis + Psal.xviij. Desyrynge lawde for eche vngracious dede And of my foly to spred abrode the fame To showe my vyce and synne, as voyde of drede Of heuen or hell. therfore I take no hede But as some stryue disputynge of theyr cunnynge Right so do I in lewdnes and myslyuynge.

Somtyme I bost me of falshode and dysceyt Somtyme of the sede that sawyn is by me Of all myschefe, as murder flatery debate Couetyse bacbytynge theft and lechery My mynde is nat to mende my iniquyte But rather I sorowe that my lyfe is wore That I can nat do as I haue done licuit. + But syns my lyfe so sodaynly dothe apeyre That byde I can nat styll in this degre I shall infourme and teche my sone and heyre To folowe his fader, and lerne this way of me The way is large, $god wot glad shall he be%De glo. Lernynge my lore with affeccion and desyre And folowe the steppys of his vnthryfty syre + I trust so crafty and wyse to make the lad%Juuenalis That me his father he shall pas and excell O that my herte shall than be wonder glad If I here of may knowe, se, or here tell If he be false faynynge sotyll or cruell And so styll endure I haue a speciall hope To make hym scrybe to a Cardynall or Pope. + Or els if he can be a fals extorcyoner Fasynge and bostynge to scratche and to kepe He shall be made a comon costomer As yche hope of $Lyn $Calays or of $Depe Than may he after to some great offyce crepe So that if he can onys plede a case He may be made Juge of the comon place.

Thus shall he lyue as I haue all his dayes And in his age increas his folysshenes His fader came to worshyp by suche ways So shall the sone, if he hym selfe addres To sue my steppes in falshode and lewdnes And at leste if he can come to no degre This shyp of folys shall he gouerne with me $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Awake age alas what thynkest thou be%Tullius de senectute. Awake I say out of thy blynde derkenes Remembrest thou nat that shortly thou shalt dye Aryse from synne amende thy folysshenes Though thy youth reted were in vyciousnes Aryse in age is full tyme to leue it Thy graue is open thy one fote in the pyt + Leue thy bostynge of that thou hast done amys Bewayle thy synnes, sayeng with rufull mone %Delicta %iuuentutis $mee %deus %ne %memineris Amende the or thy youth be fully gone That sore is harde to hele that bredes in the bone He that is nought yonge, procedynge so in age%Danie.xiij. Shall skant euer his vyciousnes asswage%Prouer.xxvi.&.xviij. + What thinge is more abhomynable in $goddes syght. Than vicious age : certaynly no thynge. It is eke worldly shame, whan thy corage and mycht Is nere dekayed, to kepe thy lewde lyuynge. And by example of the, thy yonge children to brynge. Into a vicious lyfe : and all goodnes to hate. Alas age thus thou art the Fendes bate.

Of the erudicion of neglygent faders anenst theyr chyldren. That fole that suffreth his Chylde for to offende Wythout rebukynge, blame, and correccion. And hym nat exhorteth, hymselfe to amende. Of suche fawtes as by hym ar done. Shal it sore repent : $god wote howe sone For oft the faders foly, fauour, and neglygence Causyth the Chylde for to fall to great offence

A myserable Fole euermore shal he be. A wretche vnauysed, and a Catyf blynde. Whiche his chyldren fawtes forseth nat to see Hauynge no care for to induce theyr mynde To godly vertue : and vyce to leue behynde. For whyle they ar yonge fereful and tender of lxv.dis.cum bea. Theyre vyce and foly is easy to asswage. + Two dyuers sortes of these foles may we fynde. By whome theyr chyldren ar brought to confusion. The one is neglygent. the other is starke blynde. Nat wyllynge to beholde his childes yl condicion. Whyle he is in youthe : But for a conclusion He is a Fole that wyl nat se theyr vyce. And he that seyth : and wyl it nat chastyce. + Alas thou art a cursed counselloure%Prouer.xxij. To wanton youth that tender is of age To let them wander without gouernoure Or wyse mayster, in youthes furious rage Get them a mayster theyr foly to asswage For as a herdles flocke strayth in Jepardy So children without gyde wandreth in foly.%Numer.xxvij.Esa.liij. + To moche lyberty pleasoure and lycence%Therencius Nos omnes licencia + deteriores sumus. Gyuen vnto youth, whether it be or age Right often causyth great inconuenyence As ryot mysrule with other sore damage Theyr londe and goodes solde or layde to gage But thou folysshe father art redy to excuse Thy yonge children of theyr synne and abuse

Thou sayst they ar ouer tender to eschewe Theyr folysshe maners and they haue no skyll To knowe the wayes of goodnes or vertue Nor to discerne what is gode, what is yll Thou blynde dodart these wordes holde thou styll%Virtus adeo in teneris + consuescere multum est. Theyr youth can nat excuse thy folysshenes He that can yll as well myght lerne goodnes + A yonge hert is as apt to take wysdome%Juuenalis. Ex studijs intelligetur + puer si munda et recta sunt opera eius.Prouer xx. As is an olde, and if it rotyd be It sawyth sede of holy lyfe to come Also in children we often tymes se Great aptness outwarde and syne of grauyte But fyll an erthen pot first with yll lycoure And euer after it shall smell somwhat soure%Horatius in ars poetica + So youth brought vp in lewdnes and in sin%Quo semel est imbuta recens seruabit + odorem resta diu. Shall skant it shrape so clene out of his mynde But that styll after some spot wyll byde within A lytell twygge plyant is by kynde A bygger braunche is harde to bowe or wynde But suffer the braunche to a byg tre to growe%Ouidius de remedio amoris And rather it shall brake than outher wynde or bowe + Correct thy childe whyle he is lyke a twygge Soupyll and plyant, apt to correccion It wyll be harde forsoth whan he is bygge To brynge his stubron herte to subieccion What hurtyth punysshement with moderacion Unto yonge children, certaynely no thynge%Prouer.xxiiij. It voydeth vyce, gettynge vertue and cunnynge

Say folysshe fader haddest thou leuer se Thy sonnes necke vnwrested wyth a rope. Than with a rod his skyn shulde brokyn be. And oft thou trustest : and hast a stedfast hope To se thy son promoted nere as hye as is the Pope But yet perchaunce mourne thou shalt ful sore. For his shameful ende : fortuned for lacke of lore. + Some folowe theyr chyldrens wyl and lewde plesour So grauntinge them theyr mynde : that after it doth fal To theyr great shame : they sorowe and dolour As dyd to $Priamus a Kynge Imperial%Fatum Priami. Whiche suffred his men : his son chefe of them al By force from $Grece to robbe the fayre $Helayne. Wherby both Fader and son were after slayne. + With noble $Hector and many thousandes mo. The Cyte of $Troy vnto the ground clene brent. I rede in the Cronycles of the $Romayns also Howe $Tarquyne the proude had shame and punysshment :%Tarquinus filius + tarquini superbi Romanorum regis de quo Valerius Lucrecia sese interemit. For rauysshynge chaste $Lucres agaynst hyr assent. Wherfore hyrselfe she slewe hyr seynge thus defiled. For the which dede this $Tarquyn was exiled. + From $Rome : wandrynge in the Costes of $Italy. Dyd nat the traytour $Catelyne also conspyre%C. Catelina de quo Salustius And many mo sworne to his cruel tyranny Agaynst the Romans to oppresse theyr Impyre, But he and all his were murdred for theyr hyre. And nat vnworthely. Beholde wherto they come Which ar nat enfourmed in youth to ensue wysdom.

The son oft foloweth the faders behauour And if the fader be discrete and vertuous. The son shal suche wayes practyse both day and hour. But if that the fader be lewde and vicious By falshode lyuynge : and by wayes cautelous. The son also the same wayes wyl ensue And that moche rather than goodnes or vertue + Therfore it nedeth that better prouysion. Were founde for youthe by sad and wyse counsayle Far from theyr faders of this condicion. And other lewde gydes which myght theyr myndes assayle Greuously wyth syn. So were it theyr auayle From theyr faders frawde and falshode to declyne And them submyt to some lawdable mannys doctryne. + $Peleus, somtyme a noble and worthy kynge%Peleus de quo Homerus. Subdued $Achylles vnto the doctryne Of $phenix whiche was both worthy and cunnynge Wherfore $Achyllys right gladly dyd enclyne With his hert and mynde vnto his disciplyne Wherby his name so noble was at the last That all $Asy in worthynes he past + Ryght so $Philippus a kynge worthy of name%Philippus Ouer all $Grece made great iniquicion To fynde one wyse, sad and laudable of fame To $Alexander his sonne for to gyue Instruccion. Founde was great $Aristotyl at the conclusion%Aristoleles magister Alexandri + magni & discipulus platonis. Disciple of $Plato. whiche in euery Science. Infourmed this chylde with parfyte diligence.

Whiche $Alexander afterward had so great dignyte. What by his strength, his cunnynge, and boldenes. That he was lorde both of Londe and See. And none durst rebel aganst his worthynes. Lo here the lawde, the honour, and nobles. Which dothe procede of vertue and doctryne But few ar the faders that nowe hereto inclyne + Fewe ar that forceth nowe adayes to se Theyr chyldren taught : or to do any cost On som sad man, wyse, and of auctorite : Al that is theron bestowed thynke they loste. The folyssh Fader oft tymes maketh great boste. That he his son to habundant riches shal auance But no thynge he speketh of vertuous gouernance. + The feder made but smal shyft or prouysion. To induce his Son by vertuous doctryne. But whan he is dede and past : moche les shal the son To stody of grace his mynde or hert inclyne.%Prouerbiorum x. But abuse his reason : and from al good declyne. Alas folysshe faders gyue your aduertence To $Crates complaynt comprysed in this sentence.%Crates thebanus + If it were graunted to me to shewe my thought Ye follysshe faders Caytifes I myght you cal Whiche gather riches to brynge your chylde to nought. Gyuynge him occasion forto be prodigal. But goode nor cunnynge shewe ye hym none at all. But whan ye drawe to age, ye than moste comonly.%Prouer.xix. Sorowe for your suffrance. But without remedy.%Eccle.xxij.

An olde sore to hele is oft halfe incurable Ryght so ar these Chyldren roted in myschefe Some after euer lyueth a lyfe abhomynable To all theyr Kyn great sorowe and reprefe. The one is a murderer the other a fereles thefe.%Deutro.xxi. The one of $god nor goode man hath no fors ne care. Another so out wasteth that his frendes ar ful bare. + Some theyr londe and lyuelode in riot out wasteth. At cardes and, tenys, and other vnlawful gamys. And some wyth the Dyce theyr thryft away casteth. Some theyr soule damnes, and theyr body shames. With flesshly lust : which many one dyffamys. Spendynge the floures of youth moche vnthryftely. On dyuers Braunches that longe to Lechery. + Another delyteth hymselfe in Glotony. Etynge and drynkynge without maner, or mesure : The more that some drynke : the more they wax drye. He is moste Galaut whyche lengest can endure. Thus without mesure ouercharge they theyr nature. So that theyr Soule is loste theyr body and goode is spent. For lacke of doctryne, Norture and punysshment. + Se here playne prose, example and euydence%xii.q.i.omnis Geneseos viij. Howe youthe which is nat norysshed in doctryne. In age is gyuen vnto al Inconuenyence. But nought shall make youthe soner forto inclyne. To noble maners : nor Godly dysciplyne : Than shal the doctryne of a mayster wyse and sad :%Prouer.xix For the rote of vertue and wysdome therby is had.%Eccle.vij.

Without dout Noblenes is moche excellent Whiche oft causeth youth to be had in great honour. To haue the name, and lawde they ar content.%Seneca Thoughe it be nat gotten by theyr owne labour.%Juuenalis. But what auayleth them this lewde obscure errour Of suche hye byrthe them self to magnyfy. Sythe they defyle it with vice and Uilany. + Why art thou proude thou foul of that nobles Whyche is nat gotten by thyne owne vertue. By thy goode maners, wyt nor worthynes : But this forsothe oft tymes fynde I true That of a goode beste, yl whelpes may weshewe. In lyke wyse of a Moder that is bothe chast and goode. Often is brought forth a ful vngracious Brode. + But though the childe be of lewde condicion And of his nature frowarde and varyable If the fader be slacke in the correccion Of his childe, he onely is culpable Whiche wyll nat teche hym maners commendable%Eccle.xxij. Thus is the fader a fole for his suffraunce And the sone also for his mysgouernaunce THENUOY. Auoyd faders your fauour and suffraunce Anenst your children in theyr faute and offence Reduce ye clerely vnto your remembraunce That many a thousande inconuenyence Haue children done by they faders negligence But to say trouth brefely in one clause The fader's fauour onely is the cause

Of tale berers, fals reporters, & prometers of stryfes. Of folys yet fynde I another maner sorte Whiche ar cause of brawlynge stryfe and deuysion Suche ar dowble tongyd that lesyngys reporte Therby trustynge to come to great promosion But suche lewde caytyfes at the conclusion Bytwene two mylstons theyr legges puttes to grynde And for rewarde, theyr confusion shall they fynde.

Some ar that thynke the pleasoure and ioy of theyr xix. To brynge men in blawlynge to discorde and debate Enioynge to moue them to chydynge and to stryfe%Eccle.xxvij. And where loue before was to cause mortall hate With the comonty, and many great estate Suche is moche wors than outher murderer or thefe For ofte of his talys procedeth grete myschefe + Within his mouth is venym Jeperdous and vyle%Ecc.x. His tonge styll laboryth lesynges to contryue His mynde styll museth on falshode and on gyle Therwith to trobyll suche as gladly wolde nat stryue Somtyme his wordes as dartis he doth dryue% Pravo corde machinatur malum + cum tempore et iurgia seminat. Prouer.sexto Agaynst good men : for onely his delyte. Is set to sclaunder to diffame and bacbyte. + And namely them that fautles ar and innocent. Of conscience clene, and maners commendable These dryuyls sclaunder, beynge full dilygent.%Sex sunt que odit dominus &c.+ To deuyde, louers that ar moste agreable His tonge Infect his mynde abhomynable Infectyth loue and ouertourneth charyte Of them that longe tyme haue lyuyd in amyte + But he that accused is thus without all faute%Prouer.xxix. And so sclaundred of this caytyf vnthryfty Knowyth nought of this ieoperdous assaute For he nought dowteth that is no thynge fauty Thus whyle he nought feryth comyth sodaynly This venemous doloure distaynynge his gode name And so gyltles put to rebuke, and to shame

Thus if one serche and seke the worlde ouerall%Prouer.xxiiij. Than a backbyter nought is more peryllous His mynde myscheuous, his wordys or mortall His damnable byt is foule and venemous A thousande lyes of gyles odyous%Prouer.primo pedes n eorum ad malum + currunt et festinant vt effundant sanguinem. He castyth out where he wolde haue debate Engendrynge murder whan he his tyme can wayt + Where as any frendes lyueth in accorde Faythfull and true : this cowarde and caytyf With his fals talys them bryngeth to dyscorde%Esai.xxxij. Ipsi+ quoque contra sanguinem suum insidiantur: & moliuntus fraudes contra + animas suas pro.primo. And with his venym kepeth them in stryfe But howe beit that he thus pas forth his lyfe Sawynge his sede of debate and myschefe His darte oft retourneth to his own reprefe + But nat withstandynge, suche boldely wyl excuse His fals dyffamynge : as fautles and innocent. If any hym for his dedes worthely accuse He couereth his venym : as symple of intent. Other ar whiche flater : and to euery thynge assent. Before face folowynge the way of adulacion, Whiche afterwarde sore hurteth by detraccion. + The worlde is nowe alle set on dyffamacion.%Therencius in eunucho olim isti + fuit generi quondam questus apud seculum prius.&c. Suche as Ar moste cherisshed that best can forge a tale. Whych shulde be moste had in abhomynacion. And so they ar of wyse men without fayle. But suche as ar voyde of wysdom and counsayle Inclyneth theyr erys to sclander and detraccion. Moche rather than they wolde to a noble sermon.%Horatius

But euery Sclanderer, and begynner of stryfe.%Sapientie.i. Lousers of loue, and infecters of Charite.%Prouer.xix. Unworthy ar to lyue here at large in this lyfe. But in derke Dongeon they worthy ar to be. And there to remayne in pryson tyl they dye. For with there yl tunges they labour to destroy Concorde : whiche cause is of loue and of ioy. + An olde quean that hath ben nought al hyr dayes. Whiche oft hath for money hyr body let to hyre Thynketh that al other doth folowe hyr olde wayes. So she and hyr boul felawes syttinge by the fyre. The Boule about walkynge with theyr tunges they conspyre Agaynst goode peple, to sclander them wyth shame. Than shal the noughty doughter lerne of the bawdy dame. + By his warkes knowen is euery creature For if one good, louynge, meke and charitable be. He labours no debates amonge men to procure. But coueyteth to norysshe true loue and charite. Where as the other ful of falshode and iniquyte Theyr synguler plesour put to ingender variaunce. But oft theyr folysshe stody retournes to theyr myschaunce + Therfore ye bacbyters that folke thus dyffame%remoue a te os prauum et + detrahencia labia sint procul a te. Prouerb.iiij. Leue of your lewdnes and note wel this sentence. Whiche $Cryist hymself sayd : to great rebuke and shame Unto them that sclandreth a man of Innocence. Wo be to them whych by malyuolence Slandreth or dyffameth any creature. But wel is hym that wyth pacience can indure. %De delatoribus & litigiorum promotoribus.

Of hym that wyll nat folowe nor ensue good counsell, and necessary. Of folys yet another sorte doth come Vnto our shyp rowynge with great trauayle Whiche nought perceyue of doctryne nor wysdome And yet dysdayne they to aske wyse counseyll Nor it to folowe for theyr owne auayle Let suche folys therat haue no dysdayne If they alone endure theyr losse and payne

He is a fole that dothe coueyt and desyre To haue the name of wysdome and prudence And yet of one sought thorugh a cyte or a shyre None coude be founde of lesse wysdome nor science%Ne sis sapiens apud + temetipsum. Prouer.iij. But whyle he thynketh hym full of sapience Crafty and wyse, doutles he is more blynde Than is that fole whiche is out of his mynde%Prouer.xiiij. et xi. + But though he be wyse, and of myght meruaylous%Abdie.ii. Endued with retoryke and with eloquence And of hym selfe both ware and cautelous If he be tachyd with this inconuenyence%Prouer.primo. To dysdayne others counseyll and sentence%Eccle.xix. He is vnwyse, for oft a folys counsayle Tourneth a wyse man to confort and auayle + But specially the read and auysement%Prouer primo. audiens sapiens sapientior + erit et intelligens gubernacula possidebit. Of wyse men, discrete, and full of grauyte Helpeth thyne owne, be thou never so prudent To thy purpose gyuynge strength and audacyte. One man alone knowys nat all polycye Thoughe thou haue wysdome cunnynge and scyence Yet hath another moche more experience + Some cast out wordes in paynted eloquence Thynkynge therby to be reputed wyse Thoughe they haue neyther wysdome nor science Suche maner folys them self do exercyse%C. de in niteris de consti. A plughe and teame craftely to deuyse To ere the path that folys erst hath made The trouth vnder glose of suche is hyd and layde

For why, they trust alway to theyr owne mynde And furour begon whether it be good or yll As if any other, no wyser read coude fynde Thus they ensue theyr pryuate folysshe wyll Oft in suche maters wherin they haue no skyll As did $Pyrrus whiche began cruell Batayle Agaynst $Orestes refusynge wyse counsayle + But folowyd his owne rasshe mynde without auayle%Pyrrhus Epirotarum rex. in + boca de ge. de. lxii.C.lii. As blynde and obstynat of his intencion Wherfore he was disconfyted in Batayle Hymselfe slayne, his men put to confusyon If that the Troyans in theyr abusyon With false $Parys, had confourmed theyr intent To $Helenns counsayle $Troy had nat ben brent. + For that $Priamus his mynde wolde nat aply To the counseyll of $Cassandra Prophetes The grekys distroyed a great parte of $Asy $Hector also by his selfwyllydnes Was slayne with Peyn for all his doughtynes Of $Achylles in open and playne Batayle For nat folowynge of his faders counsayle + If $Hector that day had byddyn within $Troy%Hector primogenitus priam. And vnto his fader bene obedient Perchaunce he sholde haue lyuyd in welth and ioy Longe tyme after and come to his intent Wheras his body was with a spere through rent Of the sayd $Achyllys cruell and vnkynde Alas for suynge his owne selfwyllyd mynde

I rede of $Nero moche cursed and cruell%Nero Whiche to wyse counsayle hymself wolde nat agre But in all myschef all other dyd excell Delytynge hym in synne and crueltye But howe dyde he ende forsoth in myserye And at the last as wery of his lyfe Hymselfe he murdred with his owne hand & knyfe + The Bybyll wytnessyth howe the prophete $Thoby%Thobias Gaue his dere sone in chefe commaundement That if he wolde lyue sure without ieoperdy He sholde sue the counsayle of men wyse & prudent The story of $Roboam is also euydent%Roboam Whiche for nat suynge of counseyll and wysdome%Eccle xlvii. Lost his Empyre, his scepter and kyngdome + If that it were nat for cawse of breuyte I coude shewe many of our predecessours Whiche nat folowynge counceyll of men of grauyte Soone haue decayed from theyr olde honours I rede of Dukes, Kynges, and Emperours Whiche dispysynge the counsayle of men of age Haue after had great sorowe and damage + For he suerly whiche is so obstynate%Sapienciam et prudenciam stulti + despiciunt. Prouer.primo. That onely he trusteth to his owne blyndnes Thynkynge all wysdome within his dotynge pate He often endyth in sorowe and dystres Wherfore let suche theyr cours swyftly addres To drawe our Plough, and depe to ere the ground That by theyr laboure all folys may be founde

THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. O man vnauysed, thy blyndes set asyde Knowlege thy owne foly thy statelynes expel Let nat for thy eleuate mynde nor folysshe pryde. To order thy dedes by goode and wyse counsel Howbeit thou thynke thy reason doth excel Al other mennys wyt. yet oft it doth befall. Anothers is moche surer : and thyn the worst of all.

Of disordred and vngoodly maners. Drawe nere ye folys of lewde condicion Of yll behauoure gest and countenaunce Your proude lokys, disdayne and derysyon Expresseth your inwarde folysshe ignoraunce Nowe wyll I touche your mad mysgoueraunce Whiche hast to foly, And folysshe company Treylynge your Baybll in sygne of your foly

In this our tyme small is the company%Sapientie.xij. That haue good maners worthy of reuerence%Eccle.xx. But many thousandes folowe vylany Prone to all synne and inconuenyence Stryuynge who sonest may come to all Of lewde condicions and vnlefulnesse%Math.vij. Blyndnes of yll, and defylyd folysshenesse + All myserable men alas haue set theyr mynde On lothsome maners clene destytute of grace%Treno.iiij. Theyr iyen dymmyd, theyr hertes are so blynde That heuenly ioy none forceth to purchace Both yonge and olde procedeth in one trace%Esaie.lvi. With ryche and pore without all dyfference%Math.xv. As bonde men subdued to foly and offence + Some ar busshed theyr bonetes, set on syde.%Esai.xiij. Some waue theyr armys and hede to and fro%ii.thimo.iij. Some in no place can stedfastly abyde%Sapientie.xij. More wylde and wanton than outher buk or do Some ar so proude that on fote they can nat go But get they must with countenaunce vnstable Shewynge them folys, frayle and varyable + Some chyde that all men do them hate Some gygyll and lawgh without grauyte Some thynkes, hymselfe a gentylman or state Though he a knaue caytyf and bonde churle be These folys ar so blynde them self they can nat so A yonge boy that is nat worthe an onyon With gentry or presthode is felowe and companyon

Brybours and Baylyes that lyue vpon towlynge Are in the world moche set by nowe a dayes Sergeauntis and Catchpollys that lyue upon powlynge Courters and caytyfs begynners of frayes Lyue styll encreasynge theyr vnhappy wayes And a thousande mo of dyuers facultyes Lyue auauntynge them of theyr enormytees + Within the chirche and euery other place These folys vse theyr lewde condicions Some starynge some cryeng some haue great solace In rybawde wordes, some in deuysyons Some them delyte in scornes and derysons Some pryde ensueth and some glotony. Without all norture gyuen to vylany + Theyr lyfe is folysshe lothsome and vnstable%Jacobi.ij. Lyght brayned, theyr herte and mynde is inconstant Theyr gate and loke proude and abhomynable They haue nor order as folys ignorant Chaungyng theyr myndes thryse in one instant Alas this lewdnes and great enormyte Wyll them nat suffer theyr wretchydnes to se + Thus ar these wretchyd caytyfes fully blynde All men and wymen that good ar doth them hate But he that with good maners endueth his tu.& cu.l.scire. Auoydeth this wrath hatered and debate His dedes pleaseth both comonty and estate And namely suche as ar good and Thynketh his dedes right and commendable

As wyse men sayth: both vertue and cunnynge Honoure and worshyp grace and godlynes Of worthy maners take theyr begynnynge And fere also asswagyth wantones. Subduynge the furour of youthes wylfulnes But shamefastnes trouth constance and probyte Both yonge and olde bryngeth to great dignyte. + These foresayde vertues with charite and peas. Together assembled stedfast in mannys mynde. Cawseth his honour and worthynes to encreas. And his godly lyfe a godly ende shal fynde But these lewde caytyfs which doth theyr myndes blynde With corrupt maners lyuynge vnhappely: In shame they lyue and wretchedly they dye.

Of brekynge and hurtynge of amyte and frendshyp. He that iniustyce vseth and greuaunce Agaynst all reason lawe and equyte By vyolent force puttynge to vtteraunce A symple man full of humylyte Suche by his lewdnes and iniquyte. Makyth a graue wherin hym selfe shall lye And lewdly he dyeth that lyueth cruellye.

A Fole frowarde cruell and vntrewe%Sapientie.v. Is he whiche by his power wrongfully%Prouer.tercia. His frendes and subiectes laboures to subdewe%Eccle.xi. Without all lawe, but clene by tyranny Therfore thou Juge thy erys se thou aply To right Justyce and set nat thyne intent By wrath or malyce to be to vyolent. + It is nat lawfull to any excellent Or myghty man, outher lawyer or estate By cruelnes to oppresse an innocent Ne by pryde and malyce Justyce to violate The law transposynge after a frowarde rate With proude wordes defendynge his offence $God wot oft suche haue symple conscience + O that he cursed is and reprouable%Prouer.xi.&.iij. Whiche day and nyght stodyeth besely To fynde some meanes false and detestable To put his frende to losse or hurte therby Our hertes ar fully set on vylany There ar right fewe of hye or lowe degre That luste to norysshe trewe loue and amyte + Alas exyled is godly charyte Out of our Royalme we all ar so vnkynde Our folys settyth gretter felycyte On golde and goodes than on a faythfull frynde Awake blynde folys and call vnto your mynde That though honest ryches be moche commendable Yet to a true frende it is nat comparable

Of all thynges loue is moste profytable For the right order of lowe and amyte%Eccle.xxv. Is of theyr maners to be agreable%Luce.xi. And one of other haue mercy and pyte Eche doynge for other after theyr degre And without falshode this frendeshyp to mayntayne And nat departe for pleasour nor for payne + But alas nowe all people haue dysdayne On suche frendshyp for to set theyr delyte Amyte we haue exyled out certayne We lowe oppressyon to sclaunder and bacbyte Extorcyon hath strength, pyte gone is quyte Nowe in the worlde suche frendes ar there none As were in $Grece many yeres agone. + Who lyst thystory of $Patroclus to rede%Achilles Hectorem hasta truci dauit + gratia Patrocli interempti. Actor est There shall he se playne wryten without fayle Howe whan $Achyllys gaue no force nor hede Agaynst the Troyans to execute batayle The sayd $Patroclus dyd on the aparayle Of $Achylles, and went forth in his steade Agaynst $Hector: but lyghtly he was dede. + But than $Achylles seynge this myschaunce. Befallen his frende whiche was to hym so true. He hym addressyd shortly to take vengeaunce. And so in Batayle the noble $Hector slewe And his dede cors after his charot drewe. Upon the grounde traylynge ruthfully behynde Se howe he auengyd $Patroclus his frende.

The hystory also of $Orestes dothe expresse%Pilades amicus Orestis. Actor + est Theodocius vt refert Whiche whan $agamenon his fader was slayne By $egystus whiche agaynst rightwysnes The sayde $Orestis moder dyd meyntayne The childe was yonge wherfore it was but vayne In youth to stryue, but whan he came to age His naturall moder slewe he in a rage + And also $Egystus whiche had his fader slayne Thus toke he vengeaunce of both theyr cruelnes But yet it grewe to his great care and payne For sodaynly he fell in a madnesse And euer thought that in his furiousnes His moder hym sued flamynge full of And euer his deth was redy to conspyre + $Orestes troubled with this fereful vysyon As franatyke and mad wandred many a day Ouer many a countrey londe and regyon His frende $Pylades folowynge hym alway In payne nor wo he wolde hym nat denay Tyll he restoryd agayne was to his mynde Alas what frynde may we fynde nowe so kynde + Of $dymades what shall I lawde or wryte.%Valerius And $Pythias his felawe amyable Whiche in eche other suche loue had and delyte That whan $Denys a tyrant detestable And of his men some to hym agreable Wolde one of them haue mordred cruelly Echone for other offred for to dye

$Ualerius wrytyth a story longe and ample Of $Lelius and of worthy $Cipio.%Cipio amicus Lelij. ca supra dictis. Whiche of trewe loue hath left vs great example For they neuer left in doloure wele nor wo I rede in thystory of $Theseus also:%De Theseo et Preithoo prolixius narrant + Oui et Lactancius vt refert Howe he (as the Poetes fables doth tell) Folowyd his felawe $perothus in to hell. + And serchynge hym dyd wander and compas Those lothsome flodys and wayes tenebrous Ferynge no paynes of that dysordred place Nor obscure mystes or ayres odyous Tyll at the laste by his wayes cautelous And $Hercules valyaunt dedes of boldnesse%Multi homines misericordes vocantur: + virum autem fidelem quis inueniet. He gat $Perothus out of that wretchydnesse + Alas where ar suche frendes nowe a dayes Suerly in the worlde none suche can be founde All folowe theyr owne profyte and lewde wayes%Prouer.xiiij.&.xxix. None vnto other coueytys to be bounde Brekers of frendshyp ynough ar on the grounde%Ecclesi.xxxvij. Whiche set nought by frendshyp so they may haue good All suche in my shyp shall haue a folys hode THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS Ye cruell folys full of ingratitude. Aryse be asshamyd of your iniquyte Mollyfy your hertes vnkynde stuberne and rude Graffynge in them true loue and amyte Consyder this prouerbe of antyquyte And your vnkyndnes weray ban and curse For whether thou be of hy or lowe degre Better is a frende in courte than a peny in purse

Of contempt or dispisynge of holy scripture. He that gyueth his erys or credence To euerys folys talys or talkynge Thynkynge more wysdome and fruytfull sentence In theyr vayne talys, than is in the redynge Of bokes whiche shewe vs the way of godly lyuynge And soulys helth: forsoth suche one is blynde And in this shyp the anker shall vp wynde.

Suche as dispyseth auncyent scripture Whiche prouyd is of great And hath no pleasoure felycyte or cure Of godly Prophetis whiche wrote of vertye A fole he is for his moste felycyte Is to byleue the tales of an olde wyfe Rather than the doctryne of eternall lyfe + The holy Bybyll grounde of trouth and of lawe%Disciplinam domini fili mi, ne + abijcias. Prouer.iij. Is nowe of many abiect and nought set by Nor godly scripture is nat worth an hawe But talys ar louyd grounde of rybawdry And many blynddyd ar so with theyr foly That no scripture thynke they so true nor gode As is a folysshe yest of $Robyn $hode. He that to scripture wyll not gyue credence %Eccle.iii. Wherin ar the armys of our tuycion %Marc.xvi. And of our fayth foundacion and defence %Johannis.iii. Suche one ensueth nat the condycion Of man resonable, but by abusyon Lyuyth as a best of conscyence cruell As saue this worlde were neyther heuen nor hell + He thynketh that there is no $god aboue Nor nobler place than is this wretchyd grounde %Psalmo.xii. Nor $goddes power suche neyther fere nor loue With whom all grace and mercy doth abounde Whiche whan hym lyst vs wretches may confounde Alas what auayleth to gyue instruccion To suche lewde folys of this condycion

It nought auayleth vnto them to complayne Of theyr blyndnes, nor enfourme them with vertue Theyr cursed lyfe wyll by no mean refrayne Their viciousnes, nor their erroure eschewe But rather stody theyr foly to renewe Alas what profytis to suche to expresse. The heuenly ioy, rewarde of holynesse + Alas what auayleth to suche to declare The paynes of hell, wo dissolate and derke No wo nor care can cause suche to beware From their lewde lyfe corrupt and synfull warke What profyteth sermons of any noble clarke %Psalmo.xci. Or godly lawes taught at any Scolys For to reherse to these myscheuous folys. + What helpeth the Prophetis scripture or doctryne %Prouer.xxii. Unto these folys obstynate and blynde Their hertis ar harde, nat wyllynge to enclyne To theyr preceptis nor rote them in theyr mynde Nor them byleue as Cristen men vnkynde For if that they consydred heuen or hell They wolde nat be so cursed and cruell + And certaynly the trouth apereth playne That these folys thynke in theyr intent That within hell is neyther car nor payne %Prouer.xiii. Hete nor colde, woo, nor other punysshement %Juuenalis. Nor that for synners is ordeyned no turment Thus these mad folys wandreth euery houre Without amendement styll in theyr blynde erroure

Before thy fete thou mayst beholde and se %Luce.xvi. Of our holy fayth the bokys euydent The olde lawes and newe layde ar before the Expressynge $christes tryumphe right excellent But for all this set is nat thyne intent Theyr holy doctryne to plant within thy brest Wherof shold procede ioy and eternall rest + Trowest thou that thy selfe wyllyd ignoraunce %De cog. spi.cum vir. Of godly lawes and mystycall doctryne May clense or excuse thy blynde mysgouernaunce Or lewde erroure, whiche scorne hast to inclyne To theyr preceptis: and from thy synne declyne Nay nay thy cursed ignoraunce sothly shall Drowne thy soule in the depe flodes infernall + Therfore let none his cursydnes defende Nor holy doctryne, nor godly bokes dispyse But rather stody his fawtes to amende For $god is aboue all our dedes to deuyse %Eccle.iii. Whiche shall rewarde them in a ferefull wyse %Math.xxi. With mortall wo that euer shall endure %Luce.xiii. Whiche haue dyspysyd his doctryne and scripture $BARCLAY TO THE FOLYS. Out of your slomber folys I rede you ryse. Scripture dyuyne, to folowe and inbrace Be nat so bolde it to leue nor dispyse But you enforce it to get and purchase Remember mannys confort and solace. Is holy closyd within the boke of lyfe Who that it foloweth hath a speciall grace But he that doth nat a wretche is and caytyfe

Of folys without prouysyon. He is a fole forsoth and worse That to his saddyll wolde lepe on hye Before or he haue gyrt his horse For downe he comys with an euyll thee But as great a fole forsoth is he And to be lawghed to derysyon. That ought begynneth without prouysyon

Of other folys yet is a moche nomber Whom I wolde gladly brynge to intellygence To auoyde their blyndnes which sore doth incomber Theyr mynde and herte for lackynge of science Suche ar vnware and gyuen to neglygence Mad and mysmyndyd pryuate of wysdome Makynge no prouysyon for the tyme to come. + If any mysfortune aduersyte or wo As often hapnyth, to suche a fole doth fall %Seneca. Than sayth he I thought it wolde nat haue be so But than ouer late is it agayne to call %Eccle.xxxii. It is nat ynough thou fole to say I shall %Callidus videt malum & + abscondit se. Pro.xx. For this one daye prouyde me by wysdome A wyse man seyth peryll longe before it come + He is vnwyse and of prouysyon pore That nought can se before he haue damage Whan the stede is stolyn to shyt the stable dore Comys small pleasoure profyte or vauntage But he that can suche folysshenes asswage %Salustius. Begynnynge by counsayll, and fore prouydence Is sure to escape all inconuenyence + Whan $Adam tastyd the appyll in Paradyse %Adam To hym prohybyte by dyuyne commaundement If he had noted the ende of his interpryse To $Eue he wolde nat haue ben obedyent Thus he endured right bytter punysshement For his blynde erroure and inprouydence That all his lynage rue sore for his offence

Hymselfe dryuyn out from Paradyce all bare With $Eue, into this vale of wretchydnes To get theyr lyuynge with laboure payne and care And also if $Jonathas by errour and blyndnes %Jonathas.i. Had nat receyued the gyftis of falsnes %Machabe.xii. Unto hym gyuen of $Tryphon by abusyon He sholde haue escapyd great confusyon + If that he before had notyd craftely His ennemyes gyftis of frawde full and of terason He myght haue sauyd hymselfe from ieoperdy And all his people by prouydence and reason Where as he blynde was as at that season And to a cyte brought in by a trayne Where he was murdred and all his people slayne + $Julius $Cesar the chefe of conquerours%Julius Cesar inprouidentia in teriit. Was euer warre and prudent of counsayle But whan he had obteyned great honours And drewe to rest as wery of Batayle Than his vnwarnes causyd hym to wayle For if he had red with good aduysement The letter whiche to the counselhous was sent + He had nat gyuen his owne iugement As he dyd by his foly and neglygence For whiche he murdred was incontynent Without respect had vnto his excellence Alas se here what inconuenyence Came to this Emperour hye and excellent For nat beynge wyse dyscrete and prouydent

If $Nichanor before had noted well %Nichanor. primo macha.vii. The ende of his dedes he had nat be slayne By $Judas and the children of $Israell His hande and tunge cut of to his great payne And than his hede, as the bybyll sheweth playne Thus may all knowe that wyll therto entende Wherto they come that caryth nat the ende + But he that begynneth by counsayll and wysdome %prouer.ii. & xiii. Alway procedynge with good prouysyon Notynge what is past and what is for to come Suche folowys godly scripture and monycion In happy wayes without transgressyon Of $goddes lawes, and his commaundement And often tymes comys to his intent + Thus it appereth playne and euydent That wyse prouysyon, profe and good counsayle Are moche laudable, and also excellent And to mankynde great profyte and auayle. Where as those folys haue often cause to wayle For theyr mysfortune, in sorowe vexed sore Whiche ought begyn nat prouydyd before THE ENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. O man remember thou canste nat abyde Styll in this lyfe therfore moste specially For thy last ende thou oughtest to prouyde. For that prouysion forsoth is most godly And than next after thy mynde thou ought aply To fle offence, and bewayle thyne olde synne And in all workes and besynes worldly What may be the ende marke well or thou begynne

Of disordred loue and veneryous. Here drawe we folys mad togyther bounde Whom $Uenus caught hath in hyr net a snare Whose blynde hertes this forour doth confounde Theyr lyfe consumynge in sorowe shame and care Many one she blyndeth alas fewe can beware Of hyr dartes hedyd with shame and vylany But that is wondyd can skant fynde remedy

O cruell $Uenus forsoth who doth insue Thy flaterynge gylys and proude commaundement %Eccle.xi. And hastyth nat the dartis to eschewe %Prouer.v. Of blynde $Cupido but folowys his intent %Ouidius de remedio amoris Suche folys endure moche sorowe and turment Wastynge theyr goodes dishonestynge their name As past fere of $god and sekynge after shame + Howe many yllys, what inconuenyence Howe great vengeaunce, and howe bytter punysshement Hath $god oft takyn for this synne and offence Howe many Cytees hye and excellent Hath $Uenus lost destroyed, and alto brent What lordes and howe many a great estate Hath loue lost, murdred, or els brought in debate + The noble Troyans murdred ar and slayne %Ob venerem troia crematur. Theyr cyte brent, decayde is theyr kyngdome Theyr kynge $pryant by $pyrrus dede and slayne %Priamus truci datur. tota + pene Asia conculcatur. And all this by $Parys vnhappy loue is come Whiche voyde of grace and blynde without wysdome To fyll his lust, from $Grece rubbyd $Helayne But this one pleasour was grounde of moche payne + Also $Marcus a Prynce of the Romayns %Marcus Antonius a Cesare obtruncatur. Called $Antonius by another name After that he had ouercome the persyans To $Rome retournyd with tryumphe lawde and fame And there ( whiche after was to his great shame) %Cleopatra amica sua. With $cleopatra is loue was take so in blyndnes That he promysyd to make hir empresse

So this blynde louer to fyll his interpryse Caused his men two hondred shyppes ordayne And toke the see wenynge in suche fourme and wyse His lewde desyre: to perfourme and obteyne But shortly after was he ouercome and slayne Of $Cesar: and whan he this purpose vnderstode He bathed his Corse within his lemmans blode + For two serpentis that venemus were and fell Were set to the brestis of fayre $Cleopatray So this cruell purpose had punysshement cruell For theyr intendynge theyr countrey to betray And worthy they were, what man can it denay Thus it apereth playne by euydence That of false loue cometh great inconuenyence + For he that loueth is voyde of all reason %Ouidius epistola.i.Res est soliciti + plena timoris amor. Wandrynge in the worlde without lawe or mesure In thought and fere sore vexed eche season And greuous dolours in loue he must endure No creature hym selfe may well assure From loues soft dartis: I say none on the grounde%Prouer.v. But mad and folysshe bydes he whiche hath the wounde + Aye rennynge as franatyke no reason in his mynde He hath no constaunce nor ease within his herte His iyen ar blynde, his wyll alwaye inclyned To louys preceptes yet can nat he departe%Ouidius secundo methamor. The Net is stronge, the fole caught can nat starte The darte is sharpe, who euer is in the chayne Can nat his sorowe in vysage hyde nor fayne

Rede howe $Phedra hir loue fixed so feruent%Phedra calumniatrix ypoliti On $ypolitus in prohybyte auowtry. That when he wolde nat vnto hir consent To hir husbonde she accused hym falsly As if he wolde hir tane by force to vylany $Ipolitus was murdred for this accusement But $Phedra for wo hanged hyrself incontynent + The lewde loue of $Phasyphe abhomynable As poetis sayth) brought hir to hir confusyon%Phasiphae vide + et enei prin. $Nero the cruell Tyrant detestable. His naturall mother knewe by abusyon $Uenus and $Cupido with their collusyon. Enflamyd $Messalina in suche wyse%Messalina. Et lassata viris numquam saciata + remansit That euery nyght hir selfe she wolde disgyse + And secretly go to the brothelhous For to fulfyll hir hote concupyssence What shall I wryte the dedes vicious Of $Julia or, hir cruell offence.%Julia. What shall I wryte the inconuenyence Whiche came by $Danythys cursed auowtry Syth that the bybyll it shewyth openly + What shall I wryte the greuous forfayture%In autem.vt non + Of $Sodom and $Gomor syns the Bybyll doth tell Of their synnes agaynst $god and nature For whiche they sanke a lyue downe into hell. Thus it aperith what punysshement cruell. Our lorde hath taken both in the olde lawe & newe For this synne: whiche sholde vs moue it to eschewe

$ALEXANDER $BARCLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye folys inflamyd with loue inordynate. Note these examples, drawe from this vyce your mynde Remember that there is none so great estate But that false loue hym causeth to be blynde Our folysshe wymen may nat be left behynde For many of them so folowys in this way That they sell theyr soules and bodyes to go gay + The graceles galantes, and the aprentyce pore Though they nought haue, themselfe they set nought by Without they be acquaynted with some hore Of $westmynster or some other place of rybawdry Than fall they to murder theft and robery. For were nat proude clothynge, and also flesshely lust All the feters and gyues of $Englonde shulde rust. Therfore folys awake, and be no longer blynde%Ut custodiat te a muliere mala &c. Non concupiscat pulchritudinem eius cor tuum, Consyder that shame, sekenes, and pouertye Of loue procedeth: and drawe from it your mynde Suffre not your soules damned and lost to be By vayne lust and carnall sensualyte For thoughe the small pleasure do make the fayne The ende oft is worldly wo and myserye Or amonge the fendes eternall payne

Of them yt synne trustynge vpon the mercy of $god. Who that styll synneth without contricion Trustynge $goddes mercy and benygnyte Bycause he sparyth our transgressyon And he that thynketh iustice and equyte Is nat in $god as well as is petye Suche is forsoth without discressyon Syns he thus synneth vpon presumpcion

The wynde is vp our Nauy is aflote A bande of Folys a borde is come yet more%Danielis.iij. Theyr cursed maners and mad I shall nowe diuinitatis. xc.iij.+ pe.dis.vij.Nullus Whose herte for synne is neyther contryte ne sore Nat mornynge (as they ought to do) therfore Without fere styll lyuynge in theyr vyciousnes No thynge inclyned to godly holynes + They thynke no thynge on $goddes rightwysnes But grounde them all, on his mercy and pyte For that he redyer is vnto Unto all people, than them punysshed to se%Psal.lxxxv. Trouth it is that the great enormyte Of the worlde hathe nat aye worthy punysshement Nor he nat damnyd that doth his synne repent + Put case he gyuyth nat aye lyke iugement On mannys mysdede, nor yet mundayne offence And though he be gode meke and pacyent Nor shortly punyssheth our inconuenyence Put case also he gyue nat aduertence To all mundayne fawtes synne and fragylyte Yet none sholde synne in hope of his mercy + But these folys assembled in a companye Sayth eche to other that oft it is laufull To perseuerant synners lyuynge in iniquyte To trust in $god syns he is mercyfull What nedeth vs our wyttis for to dull%Psal.C.v. Labourynge our synne and foly to refrayne Syns synne is a thynge naturall and humayne

Than sayth another forsoth thou sayst playne And also our fore Faders and progenitours Before our dayes offendyd haue certayne. As well as we, in many blynde errours But syns they haue escapyd all paynes and dolours Of hell; and nowe in heuyn ar certayne What nede haue we to fere infernall payne. + Than comys in an other with his dotysshe brayne By $god sayth he I knowe it without fable That heuyn was made neyther for gose nor crane Nor yet for other bestes vnresonable Than of the Scripture doth he Chat and bable Alleggynge our forefaders whiche haue mysdone Saynge that no synne is newe in our season + A myserable men destytute of reason. That thus on hope do synne vnhappely%Eccle.i. Remember the synne of our forefaders done%Exodi.xx. Haue neuer ben left vnpunysshed fynally And that, somtyme, full sharpe and bytterly For euer more all synne hath had a fall With sorowe here, or els wo infernall + The synne of $Sodom foule and nat natural%Sodoma non euasit penam / non rome + superbia non Pharaois amencia. The Pryde of $rome, whiche was so excellent The offence of $Dauyd Prophete and kynge royal The furour of $Pharao fyers and violent Haue nat escaped the rightwyse punysshment Of $god aboue, the celestial and gighe Justice Which fyrst, or last punyssheth euery vyce.

Remember $Richarde lately kynge of price%Exemplum necis richardi tertii + anglorum regis. In $Englonde raynynge vnrightwysely a whyle. Howe he ambycion, and gyleful Couetyse With innocent blode his handes dyd defyle But howbeit that fortune on hym dyd smyle Two yere or thre: yet $god sende hym punysshment By his true seruant the rede Rose redolent. + Therfore remember that $god Oft suffreth synners in theyr iniquyte%Tob.xxi. Grauntynge them space and tyme of amendement%Eccle.ix. And nat to procede in their enormyte%Luce.x. But those synners that byde in one degre And in this lyfe their synne wyll nat refrayne $God after punyssheth with infernall payne + As I haue sayde (therfore) I say agayne Though $god be of infynyte pety and mercy%Psal.xlvij. His fauour and grace passynge all synne mundayne%Sapientie.i. Yet iustice is with hym eternally.%Esaye.i. Wherfore I aduyse the to note intentifly Though pyte wolde spare, iustyce wyll nat so But the here rewarde, els with infernal wo. $ALEXANDER $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Syghe synners, syghe, for your mysgouernaunce. Lament, mourne, and sorowe for your enormyte.%Deutro.xxii. Away with these Clowdes of mysty ignorance Syn nat in hope of $goddys hyghe petye%Eccle.ii. And remember howe ye daily punysshed be With dyuers dyseases both vncouthe and cruel And all for your synne, but suche as escapeth fre And styl lyue in syn, may fere the peynes of helle %De fatuis edificandi incoeptibus.

Of the folisshe begynnynge of great bildynges without sufficient prouision. Come nere folys and rede your ignorance And great losse procedynge of your owne foly Whiche without gode and discrete purueaunce Any great werke wyll bylde or edefye. All suche ar folys what man wyll it deny For he that wyll bylde before he count his cost Shall seldome well ende, so that is made is lost.

Who euer begynneth any worke or dede Of byldynge or of other thynge chargeable%xxij.q.ij. faciat And to his costes before taketh no hede Nor tyme nat countyth to his worke agreable Suche is a fole and well worthy a babyll For he that is wyse wyll no thynge assay%Eccle.xxi. Without he knowe howe he well ende it may + The wyse man counteth his cost before alway%Theren.xxij. Or he begyn, and nought wyll take in honde Wherto his myght or power myght denay His costes confourmynge to the stynt of his londe Where, as the fole that nought doth vnderstonde Begynneth a byldynge without aduysement But or halfe be done his money clene is spent. + Many haue begon with purpose dilygent To bylde great houses and pleasaunt mansyons Them thynkynge to fynysshe after theyr intent But nede disceyuyd hath theyr opynyons Their purpose nat worth a cowpyll of onyons But whan they se that they it ende nat can They curse the tyme that euer they it began + Of $Nabugodosor that worthy man.%Nabugodonosor Babilonie rex. What shall I wryte or the story to the tell Syth that the Bybyll to the expresse it can In the fourth chapter of the prophete $Danyell%Danielis.iij. Was he nat punysshed in paynes cruell For his great pryde and his presumpcion Whiche he toke it in the byldynge of $Babylon

His golde and treasoure he spendyd hole theron Enioynge hym in his Cyte excellent Right so $Nemroth by his inuencion%Nemroth.g.x. The towre of $Babylon began for this intent To saue hym, if the worlde agayne were drent But the hye $god consyderynge his blynde rage His purpose let by confusyon of langage + His towre vnperfyte to his losse and domage His people punysshed, hymselfe specyally Thus it apereth what great disauauntage On theyr hede falleth that byldeth in foly Thus he is folysshe that wolde edefy Any great worke without ryches in excesse%Eccle.xxi. For great byldynges requyreth great rychesse%Jeremie.xxi. + But many folys ar in suche a blyndnesse That hereon nought they set their mynde ne thought Wherfore to them oft commyth great distresse And to great pouerty often ar they brought Laughed to scorne, their purpose cometh to nought And truely I fynde in bokes wryten playne That our olde faders haue neuer set theyr brayne + On great byldynge, ne yet of them ben fayne: It longeth to a lorde a Prynce or a Kynge That lacke no treasoure theyr werkes to mayntayne To set theyr myndes on excellent buyldynge%Salustius. Therfore who so euer wyll meddle with this thynge Or any other, before let hym be wyse That his myght and ryches therto may suffyse.

Lyst all men do mocke and scorne his interpryse%Seruius.i.eneidos. Satius + est rem non incipere quam inceptam relinquere. For if he ought begyn without prouysyon And haue nat wherby his byldynge may vp ryse All that is lost that is made and begon And better it is sothly in myn intencion Nought to begyn, and spare laboure and payne Than to begyn, and than, leue of agayne + Who euer he be that so doth certayne%In auten. de fi alie. col.ii. He shall haue mockis mengled with his damage Therfore let suche folys sharpe theyr brayne And better intende to theyr owne auauntage Consyderynge that processe of tyme and age Theyr curyous byldynges shall at the lest confounde%Eccle.ij. And Roufe and wallys make egall with the grounde. $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye folys blyndyd with curyosyte Whiche on great byldynge set so sore your mynde Remember ye nat that doutles ye shall dye And your gay byldynges and howses leue behynde Thynke ye your conforte alway in them to fynde Or whan ye dye, them hens with you to haue Nay nay the laste hous gyuen to mankynde Is the course grounde and walles of his graue.

Of glotons and dronkardes. That gloton or dronkarde, vyle in $goddes sight Shall hardly escape the weyght of pouertye. Whiche drynketh and deuoureth both day and nyght Therin onely settynge all his felycyte His lothsome lust and his bestyalyte Shall brynge vnto destruccion fynally His soule, his godes and his wretchyd body

Within our nauy he nedes shall haue a place.%Ca. crapula de vi. et hone. + cle.horatius in epystolis.xxxv.dist.sexto die. Whiche without mesure on lothsome glotony Setteth his pleasure and singuler solace His stomake ouerchargynge, vyle and vngodely And to none other thynge his mynde doth he aply Saue depest to drynke, suche force nat of theyr soules%Esaye.v. But labure in rynsynge pecis cuppis and bowles%Eccle.xxxi. + The madnes of dronkennes is so immoderate That greuous sores it ingendreth and sykenes%De tales It causeth often great foly and debate With soden deth and carefull heuynes In thynges no difference putteth dronkennes.%Juuenalis. It febleth the ioyntis and the body within%Osee.iiij. Wastynge the brayne makynge the wyt full thyn + It engendreth in the hede infirmyte Blyndynge the herte wyt and The mynde it demynyssheth, coloure and beaute. Causynge all myschef, shame and abusyon It maketh men mad, and in conclusyon Causeth them lyue without lawe or measure%Prouer.xxiiij. xxxv.dist.vent. Suynge after syn defylynge theyr nature + The people that are acloyed with this synne. On no thynge els theyr myndes wyll aply: Saue to the wyne and ale stakes to renne And there as bestes to stryue and drynke auy%Prouer.v. xxxv.dis.luxuriam. Than ar they outher gyuyn to rybawdry Or els to brawle and fight at euery worde Thus dronkennes is the chefe cause of discorde

But namely dronkennes and wretchyd glotony%Resume predictas allegationes. By their excesse and superfluyte Engendreth the rote of cursed Lechery With murder, thefte and great enormyte So bryngeth it many to great aduersyte%Ad ephe.v. And with his furour the worlde so doth it blynde That many it bryngeth to a shamfull ende + This vyce (alas) good maners doth confounde And maketh man ouer besy of langage%Horatius in epist. And hym that in all ryches doth abounde It ofte in pryson bryngeth and in bondage It causeth man to his great sorowe and domage Disclose his secrete and his preuey counsayle Whiche causeth hym after sore to mourne and wayle + Nought is more lothsome, more vycyous nor vyle Than he that is subdued to this vyce%prouer.vltimo. His lyfe shortynge his body he doth defyle%xxx.dist.c.vlt. Bereuynge his soule the ioy of Paradyse Howe many Cytees and lordes of great pryce Hath ben destroyed by dronken glotony And by his felawe, false loue, or lechery. + The sone of $Thomyr had nat ben ouercome Nor slayne by $Cyrus for all his worthynes.%Herodotus. If he hym selfe had gydyd by wysdome%Justinus li.primo. And the vyce auoydyd of blynde dronkennes The great $Alexander taken with this madnes With his swerde, whan he was dronken slewe%Quintus curtius Alexander magnus. Suche of his frendes as were to hym most trewe

I rede also howe this conquerour myghty Upon a season played at the Chesse%Commentator boetij de disci sco.vbi. + infertur de ebrietate. With one of his knyghtes which wan fynally Of hym great golde treasoure and rychesse And hym ouercame, but in a furyousnes And lade with wyne, this conquerour vp brayde And to his knyght in wrath these wordes sayde + I haue subdued by strength and by wysdome All the hole worlde, whiche obeyeth to me And howe hast thou alone me thus ouercome And anone commaundyd his knyght hanged to be Than sayde the knyght by right and equyte I may apele. syns ye ar thus cruell Quod $Alexander to whome wylt thou apell + Knowest thou any that is gretter than I Thou shalt be hanged thou spekest treason playne The knyght sayd sauynge your honour certaynly I am no traytoure, apele I woll certayne From dronken $Alexander tyll he be sober agayne His lorde than herynge his desyre sounde to reason Differryd the iustyce as for that tyme and season + %Bis sex credates sunt species ebrietatis. Est vilis primus. sapiens est alter/ optimus. Ternus grande vorat/quartus sua crimina plorat. Quintus luxuriat sextus per omnia iurat. Septimus attendit/octauus singula vendit. Somnia denus amat vndenus turpia clamat. Et cum sit plenus vomiton facit duodenus. Vel sic. Ebrius atque satur, his ecce modis variantur Hic canit/hic plorat.hic est blasphemus/ hic orat/Hic est pacificus hic est nullius amicus Hic saltat letus hic est sermone facetus Hic loqui nescit. hic cespitat iste pigrescit. Hic est clamosus Hic est verbis viciosus. Disputat hic ille currit per computa ville Nunc decium iactat socium feriendoque mactat. Hic seruit veneri/ somno vult ipse teneri Hic vomit/hic vorat: sic Bacchi tura laborat. And than after whan this furour was gone His knyght he pardoned repentynge his blyndenes. And well consydered that he shulde haue mysdone If he to deth had hym done in that madnesse Thus it apereth what great unhappynes And blyndnes cometh to many a creature By wyne or ale taken without measure.

Se here the inconuenyence manyfolde Comynge of dronkennes as I wrytyn fynde. Some ar so starynge mad that none can them holde Rorynge and cryeng as men out of their mynde Some fyghtynge some chydynge, some to other kynde Nought lyuynge to them selfe: and some dotynge $Johnn Beynge dronke thynketh hym as wyse as $Salomon + Some sowe dronke, swaloynge mete without mesure Some mawdelayne dronke, mournynge lowdly and hye Some beynge dronke no lenger can endure Without they gyue them to bawdy rybawdry Some swereth armys nayles herte and body. Terynge our lord worse, than the Jowes hym arayed Some nought can speke, but harkenyth what is sayd. + Some spende all that they haue and more at wast With reuell and reuell dasshe fyll the cup $Joohnn Some their thryft lesyth with dyce at one cast Some slepe as slogardes tyll their thryft be gone Some shewe theyr owne counsell for kepe can they none Some are Ape dronke full of lawghter and of toyes Some mery dronke syngynge with wynches and boyes + Some spue, some stacker some vtterly ar lame Lyeng on the grounde without power to ryse Some bost them of bawdry ferynge of no shame Some dumme, and some speketh. %ix. wordes at thryse Some charge theyr bely with wyne in suche wyse That theyr legges skant can bere vp the body Here is a sort to drowne a hole nauy.

$BARKLAYE TO THE FOLYS. Alas mad folys howe longe wyll ye procede In this beestly lyuynge agayst humayne nature Cease of your Foly: gyue aduertence and hede That in eche thynge ought to be had measure Wyne ne ale hurteth no maner creature But sharpeth the wyt if it be take in thimo.v. But if it be nat, than I the ensure%Eccle.xxxi. It dulleth the brayne, blyndynge the wyt and mynde%Eccle.ij. + Rede all bokes and thou shalt neuer fynde That dronkennes and wysdome may togyther be%xxxv.dis.luxuriosa. For where is dronkennes, there madnes is by kynde Gydynge the hauer to all enormyte And where as is madnes thou shalt neuer se Reason ne wysdome take theyr abydynge In one instant, wherfore lerne this of me That dronkennes is mortell enmy to cunnynge.

Of ryches vnprofytable.%Qui obturat aurem suam ad clamorem pauperis ipse + clamabit et non exaudietur.Prouer.xxi. Yet fynde I folys of another sorte Whiche gather and kepe excessyfe ryches With it denyeng their neyghboures to conforte Whiche for nede lyueth in payne and wretchydnes Suche one by fortune may fall into distres And in lyke wyse after come to mysery And begge of other, whiche shall to hym deny

It is great foly, and a desyre in vayne%Eccle.v. To loue and worshyp ryches to feruently%Prouer.x.&.xi. And so great laboure to take in care and payne%Luce.xvi. Fals treasoure to encrease and multyply%Prouer.xxij. But yet no wonder is it sertaynly%Tob.xxvij. Syth he that is ryche hath gretter reuerence%Psal.xlviij. Than he that hath sadnes wysdom and scyence + The ryche mannes rewardes stande in best degre But godly maners we haue set clene asyde Fewe loueth vertue, but fewer pouertye. Fals couetyse his braunches spreddeth wyde Ouer all the worlde, that pety can nat byde Among vs wretches banysshed is kyndnes Thus lyeth the pore in wo and wretchydnes + Without conforte and without auctoryte%Prouer.xxviij. But he only is nowe reputed wyse%Horatius.ij.sermo Whiche hath ryches in great store and plente. Suche shall be made a sergeant or Justyce And in the Court reputed of moste pryse He shall be callyd to counseyll in the lawe Though that his brayne be skarsly worth a strawe + He shall be Mayre baylyfe or constable And he onely promotyd to Prouer.xxviij.Juuenalis. His maners onely reputed ar laudable His dedys praysyd as grettest of valoure Men laboure and seke to fall in his fauoure He shall haue loue, echone to hym shall sue For his ryches, but nought for his vertue

Se what rewardes ar gyuen to ryches Without regarde had to mannys condycyon A strawe for cunnynge wysdome and holynes Of ryches is the first and chefe questyon What rentes what londes howe great possessyon%Eccle.xiij. What stuffe of housholde what store of grotz and pens And after his gode his wordes hath credence. + His wordes ar trouth men gyue to them credence Thoughe they be falsly fayned and sotell But to the pore none wyll gyue aduertence Though that his wordes be true as the gospell Ye let hym swere by heuyn and by hell By $god and his sayntes and all that $god made Yet nought they beleue that of hym is sayde + They say that the pore men doth $god dispyse%Prouer.xix. Thouhe they nought swere but trouth and veryte And that $god punyssheth them in suche wyse For so dispysynge of his hye maiestye Kepynge them for their synnes in pouerte And theyr ryche exaltyth by his power and grace To such ryches, worldly pleasour and solace + The ryche ar rewarded with gyftis of dyuerse sorte With Capons and Conyes delycious of sent But the pore caytyf abydeth without confort Though he moste nede haue: none doth hym present The fat pygge is baast, the lene cony is brent He that nought hathe, shall so alway byde pore But he that ouer moche hath, yet shall haue more

The wolfe etis the shepe, the great fysshe the small The hare with the houndes vexed ar and frayde He that hath halfe nedes wyll haue all The ryche mannes pleasour can nat be denayde Be the pore wroth, or be he well apayde Fere causeth hym sende vnto the ryches hous His mete from his owne mouth, if it be delycious + And yet is this ryche caytyf nat content Though he haue all yet wolde he haue more. And though this gode can neuer of hym be spent With nought he departyth to hym that is pore Though he with nede harde vexed were and sore. O cursyd hunger o mad mynde and delyte.%Psal.xxxvi. To laboure for that whiche neuer shall do profyte + Say couetous caytyfe what doth it the auayle%Eccle.iiij. For to haue all and yet, nat to be content Thou takest nat this sore laboure and trauayle%Psal.xxxviij. To thy pleasoure but to thy great turment%Amos.ij. But loke therof what foloweth consequent%Prouer.xi. Whan thou art dede and past this wretchyd lyfe%Math.xix. Thou leuyst behynde brawlynge debate and stryfe + To many one ryches is moche necessary%Marci.x. Whiche can it order right as it ought to be But vnto other is it vtterly contrary Whiche therwith disdayneth to socoure pouerte. Nor them relefe in theyr aduersyte%Luce.xij. Suche shall our lorde sore punysshe fynally%Thobie.iiij. And his petycion rightwysly deny

$BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye great estatis and men of dignyte To whome $god in this lyfe hath sent ryches Haue ye compassion, on paynfull pouertye And them conforte in theyr carefull wretchydnes $God hym loueth and shall rewarde doutles Whiche to the nedy for hym is charitable With heuenly ioy, whiche treasour is endeles So shall thy ryches to the be profytable.

Of hym that togyder wyll serue two maysters. A fole he is and voyde of reason Whiche with one hounde tendyth to take Two harys in one instant and season Rightso is he that wolde vndertake Hym to two lordes a seruaunt to make For whether, that he be lefe or lothe The one he shall displease, or els bothe.

A fole also he is withouten doute And in his purpose sothly blyndyd sore Whiche doth entende labour or go aboute To serue $god, and also his wretchyd Of worldly ryches: for as I sayde He that togyder wyll two maysters serue%Eccle.iii. Shall one displease and nat his loue deserue + For he that with one hownde wol take Two harys togyther in one instant For the moste parte doth the both two forgo And if he one haue: harde it is and skant And that blynde fole mad and ignorant That draweth thre boltis atons in one bowe At one marke shall shote to hye or lowe + Or els to wyde, and shortly for to say With one or none of them he strykis the marke: And he that taketh vpon hym nyght or day Laboures dyuers to chargeable of warke. Or dyuerse offycis: suche wander in the darke For it is harde to do well as he ought To hym that on dyuerse thynges hath his thought%xvi.q.i.presbiteros. + With great thoughtes he troubleth sore his c accusatus de + her.?.vi. His mynde vnstable, his wyt alway wandrynge: Nowe here nowe there his body labours in payne And in no place of stedfast abydynge.%C Cle.con Nowe workynge now musynge now renynge now rydynge[dot above e in renynge] Now on see nowe on londe, than to se agayne Somtyme to $Fraunce, and nowe to $Flaunders or $Spayne

Thus is it paynfull and no thynge profytable On many labours a man to set his mynde For nouther his wyt nor body can be stable Whiche wyll his body to dyuers chargis bynde Whyle one goth forwarde the other bydes behynde Therfore I the counseyll for thyne owne behoue Let go this worlde and serue thy lorde aboue + He that his mynde settyth $god truly to serue And his sayntes: this worlde settynge at nought Shall for rewarde euerlastynge ioy deserue But in this worlde, he that settyth his thought All men to please, and in fauour to be brought Must lout and lurke, flater, lawde, and lye:%Eccle.v. And cloke a knauys counseyll, though it fals be + If any do hym wronge or iniury%C.cum singula de He must it suffer and pacyently endure A dowble tunge with wordes lyke hony And of his offycis if he wyll be sure%xxxix.di.c.i. He must be sober and colde of his langage More to a knaue, than to one of hye lynage + Oft must he stoupe his bonet in his honde His maysters backe he must oft shrape and clawe%Jacobi.i. His breste anoyntynge, his mynde to vnderstonde But be it gode or bad therafter must he drawe Without he can Jest he is nat worth a strawe. But in the meane tyme beware that he none checke For than layth malyce a mylstone in his necke

He that in court wyll loue and fauour haue A fole must hym fayne, if he were none afore And be as felowe to euery boy and knaue And to please his lorde he must styll laboure sore%C.quia in tantum de + preben et dignita His manyfolde charge maketh hym coueyt more That he had leuer serue a man in myserye Than serue his maker in tranquylyte + But yet whan he hath done his dylygence His lorde to serue as I before haue sayde For one small faute or neglygent offence Suche a displeasoure agaynst hym may be layde That out is he cast bare and vnpuruayde. Whether he be gentyll, yeman grome or page Thus worldly seruyce is no sure herytage + Wherfore I may proue by these examples playne%xxi.q.i.clericum. That it is better more godly and plesant To leue this mondayne casualte and payne And to thy maker one $god to be seruaunt Whiche whyle thou lyuest shall nat let the want%Eccle.ix. That thou desyrest iustly, for thy syruyce And than after gyue the, the ioyes of Paradyse $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Alas man aryse out of Idolatry. Worshyp nat thy ryches nor thy vayne treasoure Ne this wretchyd worlde full of mysery. But lawde thy maker and thy sauyour With fere, mekenes, fayth, glory, and honoure Let thy treasoure onely in his seruyce be And here be content with symple behauoure Hauynge in this lorde trust and felycyte

Of to moche spekynge or bablynge. He that his tunge can temper and refrayne%Qui custodit os suum et linguam + suam custodit ab augustiis animam suam prouer.xxi. And asswage the foly of hasty langage Shall kepe his mynde from trowble, sadnes and payne And fynde therby great ease and auauntage Where as a hasty speker falleth in great domage Peryll and losse, in lyke wyse as the pye Betrays hir byrdes by hir chatrynge and crye.

Ye blaberynge folys superflue of langage Come to our shyp our ankers ar in wayde By right and lawe ve maye chalange a stage To you of $Barklay it shall nat be Howe be it the charge $Pynson hathe on me layde%Psal.cxxxix. With many folys our Nauy not to charge.%Eccle.ix. Yet ye of dewty shall haue a sympyll barge%Jacobi.iii. + Of this sorte thousandes ar withouten fayle That haue delyte in wordes voyde and vayne On men nat fawty somtyme vsynge to rayle On folysshe wordes settynge theyr herte and brayne They often touche to theyr owne shame and payne%Eccle.v. Suche thynges to whiche none wyll theyr mynde aply (Saue suche folys) to theyr shame and enuy + Say besy fole art thou nat well worthy To haue enuy, and that echone sholde the hate Whan by thy wordes soundynge to great foly Thou sore labrest to engender debate Some renneth fast thynkynge to come to late To gyue his counsell whan he seeth men in doute And lyghtly his folysshe bolt shall be shot out + Is it nat better for one his tunge to kepe Where as he myght (perchaunce) with honestee%Prouer.xxij. Than wordes to speke whiche make hym after wepe For great losse folowynge wo and aduersyte A worde ones spokyn reuoked can nat be%Dignito compesce labellum persius + et iuuenalis. Therfore thy fynger lay before thy lypes For a wyse mannys tunge, without aduysement trypes

He that wyll answere of his owne folysshe brayne Before that any requyreth his counsayle Shewith hym selfe and his hasty foly playne%Job.xv. Wherby men knowe his wordes of none auayle%Prouer.xviii. Some haue delyted in mad blaborynge and frayle Whiche after haue suffred bytter punysshement For their wordes, spoken without aduysement + Say what precedeth of this mad outrage But great mysfortune, wo and vnhappynesse%Hiere.xviij. But for all theyr chattynge and plenty of langage%Osee.vij. Whan to the preste they come them to confesse To shewe theyr lewde lyfe theyr synne and wretchydnes Whan they sholde speke, and to this poynt ar come Theyr tunges ar loste and there they syt as domme + Many haue ben whiche sholde haue be counted wyse Sad and discrete, and right well sene in scyence But all they haue defyled with this one vyse Of moche spekynge: o cursyd synne and offence Pyte it is that so great inconuenience So great shame, contempt rebuke and vylany Sholde by one small member came to the hole body + Let suche take example by the chatrynge pye.%Pica. Whiche doth hyr nest and byrdes also betraye By hyr grete chatterynge, clamoure dyn and crye Ryght so these folys theyr owne foly bewraye. But touchynge wymen of them I wyll nought say%Occupatio color retoricus. They can nat speke, but ar as coy and styll As the horle wynde or clapper or a mylle

But that man or woman or any creature That lytell speketh or els kepeth sylence%Eccle.v. Ar euer of them selfe moste stedfast and sure Without enuy, hatred or malyuolence. Where as to suche comys moche inconuenyence%Prouer.xxv. Sorowe vpon sorowe, malyce and dysdayne Whiche wyll no tyme, his speche nor tunge refrayne%Eccle.iij. + Fayre speche is pleasaunt if it be moderate And spoken in season, conuenyente and dewe To kepe scylence, to pore man or estate Is a great grace, and synguler vertue Langage is lawdable whan it is god and true A wyse man or he speke wyll be wyse and ware What (to whome) why (howe) whan and whare $BARKLAYE TO THE FOLYS. Ye bablynge brybours, endeuer you to amende Mytygat by mesure, your prowde hasty langage Kepe well your tunges so, shall ye kepe your frende For hasty speche ingendreth great damage Whan a worde is nat sayde, the byrde is in the cage Also the hous is surest whan the dorys be barryde So whan thy worde is spokyn and out at large Thou arte nat mayster, but he that hath it harde + If thou take hede and set therto thy brayne In this world thou shalt fynde thynges thre Whiche ones past, can nat be callyd agayne. The firste is (tyme lost) by mannes symplycyte The seconde (youth) reuoked can nat be The thyrde (a worde spoken) it gooth out in the wynde And yet is the fourth, that is (virginyte) My forgetfull mynde, had lefte it nere behynde

Of them that correct other and yet them selfe do nought and synne worse than they whom they so correct. He lacketh reason and vnderstandynge to%Qui reliquunt iter rectum et ambulant + per vias tenebrosas.Pro.ij. Whiche to a towne or Cyte knoweth the way And shewyth other howe they may thether go Hym selfe wandrynge aboute from day to day In myre and fen, though his iourney thether lay%Ne delecteris in semitis impiorum &c Pro.iiij. So he is mad whiche to other doth preche and tell The waye to heuyn, and hym selfe goth to hell.

Nowe to our Nauy, a sorte maketh asaute%xl.dis.c.i.iusti quod cum eo ceterum + que de sta regu. Of folys blynde, mad Jugys and Iniust Whiche lyghtly noteth another mannes faute. Chastynge that synne, whiche theyr owne mynde doth rust By longe abydynge, and increas of carnall lust They cloke their owne vyce synne and enormyte Other blamynge and chastynge with moche cruelte + They mocke and mowe at anothers small offence%iii.q.vii.iudicet. &c. in + grauibus. And redy ar a faute in them to fynde But of theyr owne foly and inconuenyence They se no thynge, for fully ar they blynde Nat notynge the vyce rotyd in theyr owne mynde%Via impiorum tenebrosa nesciunt + ubi corruant.Prouer.iiij. Theyr greuous woundes and secrete malady For theyr owne yll they seke no remedy + The hande whiche men vnto a Crosse do nayle Shewyth the waye ofte to a man wandrynge Whiche by the same his right way can nat fayle But yet the hande is there styll abydynge%iii.q.vii.tria. So do these folys lewde of theyr owne lyuynge To other men shewe mean and way to wynne Eternall ioy themselfe bydynge in synne + He sertaynly may well be callyd a sote Moche vnauysed and his owne ennemy%Math.vij. Whiche in a nothers iye can spye a lytell And in his owne can nat fele nor espye A moche stycke, so is he certaynly. Whiche noteth anothers small faute or offence To his owne great synnes gyuynge none aduertence

Many them selfe fayne as chaste as was saynt $Johnn%Iuuenalis And many other fayne them meke and innocent Some other as iust, and wyse as $Salomon As holy as $Poule, as $Job als pacyent%Esaye.ix. As sad as $senecke, and as obedyent As $Abraham, and as $martyn vertuous But yet is theyr lyfe full lewde and vycious + Some lokyth with an aungels countenaunce Wyse sad and sober lyke an heremyte%Juuenalis. Thus hydynge theyr synne and theyr mysgouernaunce. Under suche clokys lyke a fals ypocryte Let suche folys rede what $Cicero doth wryte%Cicero. Whiche sayth that none sholde blame any creature For his faut, without his owne lyuynge be sure + Without all spot of synne faut or offence%Luce.iiij. For in lyke fourme as a phesycyan. By his practyse and cunnynge or scyence%xxvi.dis.una tantum The sekenes curyth of a nother man But his owne yll nor dyseas he nat can Relefe nor hele so doth he that doth blame%i.q.i.multi. Anothers synne: he styll lyuynge in the same + Many ar whiche other can counseyll craftely And shewe the peryll that may come by theyr synne But them selfe they counseyll nat: ne remedy. Nor take no waye whereby they heuyn may wynne But lye in that vyce that they rotyd ar in Leuynge the way that gydyth to ioy and rest Their owne sensualyte ensuynge as a beest

Wherfore ye prestis that haue the charge and cure.%xliii.dist.sit.rector. To teche and enfourme the rude comonte. In $goddys lawes groundyd in scripture And blame all synnes sparynge no degre%xxv.dis.prima. Whyle ye rebuke thus theyr enormyte%xli.dis.i.necesse Lyue so that none may cause haue you to blame And if ye do nat: it is to your great shame + For without doute it is great vylany A man to speke agaynst any offence Wherin he well knowyth hym owne selfe gylty Within his mynde and secrete conscience Agaynst hymselfe suche one gyueth sentence Howe $god ryght iuge, by rightwyse iugement Shulde hym rewarde with worthy punysshement THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye clerkes that on your shulders bere the shelde Unto you graunted by the vnyuersyte. Howe dare ye auenture to fyght in $cristes felde Agaynst synne, without ye clere and gyltles be Consyder the Cocke and in hym shall ye se: A great example, for with his wynges thryse He betyth hym selfe to wake his owne bodye Before he crowe, to cause other wake or ryse

Of hym that fyndeth ought of another mannys it nat restorynge to the owner. He that ought fyndyth outher by day or nyght Usynge it as his owne, as thynge gottyn iustly And thynketh that he so may do by lawe and right Suche is disceyuyd, and thynketh wrongfully For why the deuyll our goostly ennemy Doth hym so counseyll and in his erys blowe Disceyuynge in his bondes, as he doth many mo

The feruour of ryches and disordred quid iuuenisti Whiche many haue, doth me bynde and constrayne. Within my shyp them sharply to reproue That pen nor hande, themselfe wyll not refrayne%L. cum querebatur Or couetyse nowe I wyll nat speke agayne%C. But of them that kepeth by force and by myght That thynge wherto they haue nat come, by ryght + Some fyndeth treasours others mennys good And in theyr owne vse suche good they occupy. Whiche of theyr myndes ar so blynde and wode. And so reted in theyr errour and foly That oft they say (say) ye and dare byde by That some saynt whome they worshypped haue Haue sende, them the same theyr honestee to saue + They haue no force nor care, nor they none haue wyll To whome the ryches so loste dyde apertayne That fortune hath gyuen they holde fast and kepe styll Neuer hauynge mynde it to restore agayne Suche folys fere no thynge euerlastynge payne Nor note nat, that without true restytucion It small auayleth to haue made confessyon. + Here me fole with thy immoderate mynde Here me and do thy herte therto aply If thou by fortune any ryches fynde%Augustinus Callynge it thyne: thou lyest therin falsly If thou haue wyt thou canst nat well deny But that gode nat gyuen, nor gottyn by laboure Can nat be rightwyse: thus mende thy blynde erroure

If thou ought fynde that longeth nat to the Than is it anothers, the case is clere and playne%i.petri.iiij. Wherfor thou ought of lawe and of dewte%Deutro.vii. Unto the owner it soone to yelde agayne%Ange iusti de re duu iusti But if he be dede, to whome it dyd attayne Thou ought nat yet to kepe it nere the more. But to his sectours or heyres it restore + Put case that they also be past and dede Yet ought thou nat to keep it styll with the. The lawe commaundyth, and also it is mede. To gyue it to suche as haue necessyte. With it releuynge theyr paynfull pouertee And so shalt thou discharge thy conscyence. Helpynge the pore, and auoyde great offence + But he that others godes tourneth to his owne vse Spendynge and wastynge that thynge that neuer was his Suche certaynly his reason doth abuse And by this meane greuously doth amysse Wherby he lesyth eternall ioy and blysse His soule drownynge depe within hell flodes For his myspendynge of other mennys goodes + But to be shorte, and brefe in my sentence And sothe to saye playne as the mater is%xxxij.dist erubescant. Forsoth I se nat right great difference%Hiere.xvij. Bytwene a thefe, and these folys couetys Both wrongly kepeth that thynge that is nat his Thynkynge that $god doth nat therto aduerte Whiche notyth thy dedys, thy mynde thought and herte

Wherfore if thou haue a rightwyse conscyence%In regula peccatum. Thou wylt nought kepe whiche longeth nat to the The lawe so commaundeth in payne of great offence For of gode that thou kepest agaynst equyte Thou shalt make accompt after that thou shalt dye%peccatum non dimittitur + de To thy great payne in hell for euer more If thou no restytucion make before. + Here myght I touche executours in this cryme. Blamynge theyr dedys dysceyte and couetyse If it were nat for wastynge of my tyme For mende they wyll nat them in any wyse Nor leue no poyntes of theyr disceytfull gyse Let them take parte of that whiche I here note And be partynge foles in this present bote. THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY THE TRANSLATOUR TO THE FOLYS. Ye false executours whome all the worlde repreuys And ye that fynde mennes goodes or treasoures I call you as bad as robbers or theuys For ye by your falshode and manyfolde errours Kepe falsly that thynge whiche is none of yours And wast here the goodes of hym that is past The soule lyeth in payne, ye take your pleasours. With his ryches, damnynge your owne soule at the last

Of the sermon or erudicion of wysdome bothe to wyse men and folys. He that delyteth in godly sapience And it to obtain puttyth his besynes Aboue all folys shall haue preemynence And in this worlde haue honour and rychesse Or a worthy crowne in heuyns blessydnesse Or els bothe welthe here, and after ioy and blysse Where as a fole of bothe the two shall mysse

Wysdome with voyce replete with grauyte Callyth to all people, and sayth o thou mankynde%Prouer.i. Howe longe wylt thou lyue in this enormyte%Persius satyra tercia. Alas howe longe shalt thou thy wyt haue blynde Here my preceptis and rote them in thy Nowe is full tyme and season to clere thy syght: Harkyn to my wordes, grounde of goodnes and ryght + Lerne mortall men, stodyenge day and nyght To knowe me wysdome, chefe rote of chastyte My holy doctryne thy herte shall clere and lyght My tunge shall shewe the ryght and equyte Chase out thy foly, cause of aduersyte. And seke me wysdome whiche shall endewe thy mynde With helth and welth wherby thou lyfe shalt fynde + Aryse I say agayne to the mankynde And seke me wysdome that am well of goodnes%Prouer.xiij. Let nat this worlde thy conscyence farther blynde Nor to synne subdue for loue of false rychesse Blynde nat thy herte with mondayne wretchednes I am worthe golde and worth all good mundayne: And to mankynde counselloure souerayne + No maner Jowell is to me lyke certayne Ne so profytable to mortall creature%Plautus in amphitrione. I passe all ryches and cause a man refrayne His mynde from synne, and of his ende be sure There is no treasoure nor precious stone so pure Carbuncle Ruby ne adamond in londe nor see Nor other lapydary comparable to me:

And shortly to speke wysdome is more laudable%Prouer.viii. Than all the worlde or other thynge mundayne%eodem capto plura vide ad hunc + locum spectancia. There is no treasoure: to wysdome comparable But it alone is a vertue moste souerayne%Melior est acquisitio eius + negociatione auri & argenti. Prouer.iij. Hauynge nought lyke in valoure nor worth certayne No fole is so ryche, nor hye of dignyte But that a wyse man pore is more worthy than he + Wysdome preserueth men in auctoryte%Inquere prudentiam et arripe illam: et + exaltabit te: Glorificaberis ab ea cum eam fueres amplexatus &c. corona + inclita proteget te:Pro.iiij. Prynces promotynge by counseyll prouydent By it pore men somtyme, and of lowe degre Hath had the hole worlde to them obedyent It gydeth Cytees and countrees excellent And gouerneth the counseyll of prynce lorde and kynge Strengthynge the body the herte enlumynynge + It gydyth lordes and from bondage doth brynge Them whome foly hath brought in to captyuyte Hir gyftys to mankynde frely offrynge Gydynge hir discyples from all aduersyte Wysdome stondynge vpon a stage on hye%Prouer.viij. Cryeth to mankynde with lowde voyce in this wyse I trouth exalte: and vycious men dispyse + Lerne of me wysdome cast out your couetyse For by my myght craft and wyse prouysicion Kynges vnto their dygnyte dothe ryse Theyr septers gydynge by my monycion I gaue them lawes to gyde eche regyon In welthe defendynge and in prosperyte Them and theyr royalmes whyle they gyde them by me

All maner nacyons that doth to me inclyne%Eccle.xx. I gyde and gouerne by lawe and equyte In me is right, godly wyt and doctryne What blynde foly, and howe great aduersyte Do they auoyde that gyde them selfe by me And he that me louyth with worshyp and honour Shall knowe my loue my grace and my fauour + He that me folowyth shall auoyde all dolour I shall hym folowe promotynge in suche case That none shall be before hym in valour%Prouer.iij. I godly ryches in my power inbrace Whiche man by me may esely purchase And he that wyll his way by me addresse I shall rewarde with heuenly ioy endles + The father of heuen of infynyte goodnesse.%Beatus dominus sapientia fundavit + terram stabiliuit celos &c.Pro.iij. Me comprehendyth within his deytee Of hym my firste begynnynge is doutles. And heuen and erth he create hath by me And euery creature bothe on londe and se The heuen imperyall planetis and firmament $God neuer thynge made without my true assent + Therfore mankynde set thy mynde and intent To me wysdome to be subiect and seruaunt To my preceptis be thou obedyent And heuenly ioy thou shalt nat lacke nor want For doutles they ar mad and ignoraunt And folys blyndyd who so euer they be%Prouer.prio. That wyll nat gladly be seruauntes vnto me

THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Aryse folys of myndes darke and blynde.%Si intrauerit sapientia cor tuum et + scientia animae tuae placuerit consilium custodiet te & prudencia seruabit te + &c.Prouer.ii. Receyue the gyftes of godly sapyence Here hir perceptis and plant them in your mynde And rote out the gaffys of your olde offence. Call to your myndes what inconuenyence Howe sodayne fallys, what sorowe and turment Hath come to many a myghty lorde and prynce For nat folowynge of hir commaundement.

Of bostynge or hauynge confydence in fortune. He is a fole whiche settyth confydence On frayle fortune vncertayne and mutable His mynde exaltynge in pryde and insolence Bycause that she somtyme is fauorable As if she wolde so be perdurable Suche folys oft whan they thynke them most sure All sodaynly great mysfortune endure

Amonge our folys he ought to haue a place And so he shall for it is resonable Whiche thynketh hymselfe greatly in fortunes grace Bostynge that she to hym is fauorable%Augustinus. As if hyr maner were nat to be mutable%Prouer.xxviij. In this vayne hope suche theyr lyfe doth Tyll at the laste theyr hous borne ouer theyr hede%Eccle.v. + He shakyth boost and oft doth hym auaunte Of fortunes fauoure and his prosperyte Whiche suffreth hym nought of his wyll to wante So that he knoweth nought of aduersyte Nor mysfortune nor what thynge is pouertee.%Esaye.lxv. O lawles fole, o man blyndyd of mynde Say what suretye in fortune canst thou fynde + To what ende or vnto what conclusyon Shall fortune frayle vnrightwyse and vnsure Lede the blynde fole by hyr abusyon. Howe darest thou the in hir blyndnes assure. Syns she vnstable is and can nat longe endure Hir gyftis changith, she is blynde and sodayne Thoughe she firste lawghe hir ende is vncertayne. + Thou shakest boste ofte of hir foly in vayne For he is most happy whiche can auoyde hir snare If she exalte some one vnto welth mundayne%Augustinus She bryngeth another to payne sorowe and care Whyle one is ladyd to the others backe is bare Whyle she a begger maketh in good abounde A lorde or state she throweth to the grounde

But nat withstandynge hir mutabylyte. Thou bostest thy gode and to moche abundaunce Thou bostest thy welth and thy prosperyte Thy good auenturs, and plentyfull pleasaunce Alas blynde fole amende thy ygnoraunce And in thy welthe to this saynge intende That fortune euer hath an incertayne ende + Fals fortune infect of countenaunce and of face By hir iyen clowdy, and varyable vysage%Seneca in hercule furenti. Hath many for a whyle taken to hir grace Whiche after by hir whele vnstable and volage Hath brought them to wo mysfortune and damage She ruleth pore and riche without difference Lewdnes exaltynge and damnynge innocence + Thus is that man voyde, of all intellygence Whom fortune fedyth, with chaunche fortunable If he therin haue ouer large confydence And thynke that sure that euer is mutable That fole is sonne, to the fende abhomynable That foloweth ryches, and fortune that is blynde His sauyour lefte, and clene out of mynde + Whan the foule fende, father of vnhappynes Pore man purposyth by falshode to begyle%Prouer.xxi. He sendeth hym welth worldly, and fals ryches And causeth fortune, awhyle on hym to smyle Whiche with hir blyndenes doth mankynde so defyle That whyle they trust in hir fauour to sore. They damme theyr soules in hell for euermore

By large examples thou eche day mayste se The chaunge of fortune and the ende vncertayne%Prouer.i. Wherfore to boste the of hyr commodyte%Prosperitas stultorum perdet eos. It is great foly and also thynge in vayne From this lewdnes thy mynde therfore refrayne And be content with fortune moderate Nor boste the nat of thy welth or estate + This day thou art ryche and despysest the pore Yet so may it fall, that for thy lewde lyuynge To morowe thou beggest thy brede from dore to dore Therfore remembre that blynde fortune wandrynge Hath nat in hyr handes power, nor gydnge The rewardes of welth, nor of felycyte%Juuenalis. But $god them gydeth by his great maieste + And all thynge chaungeth as is to hym plesaunt His dedes to wysdome alwaye agreable Wherfore blynde fole be nat so ignoraunt To prayse fortune whiche is so varyable And of rewardes vnsure and chaungeable%Resume pro.i. prosperitas &c. But thoughe she smyle trust nat to hir intent For amonge swete herbes ofte lurkyth the serpent

$BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye folys that haue in fortune confydence: And boste you of welth and of prosperyte Leue of your foly, and note by euydence: Hir cours vnsure: and hir mutabylyte None in this lyfe can byde in one degre But somtyme hye, than after pore and lowe. Nowe nought set by, nowe in auctoryte Nowe full nowe voyde as waters ebbe and flowe + I am remembred that I haue often sene Great worldly ryches ende in pouertye And many one that hath in fauour ben: And hye promotyd in welth and dignyte. Hath sodaynly fallyn into calamyte Thus is it foly to trust in fortunes grace For whyle the Se floweth and is at Burdews hye It as fast ebbeth at some other place

Of the ouer great and chargeable curyosyte of men. Unto mo folys here ordayne I a barge Whiche medlyth with euery mannys besynes And nat intendeth to their owne losse and charge Great payne and wo suche folys oft oppresse And let them lerne with pacyent mekenes To suffer sorowe for why they shall none lacke Syns they alone, the hole worlde take on theyr backe

He that wyll coueyt to bere more than he may And take on his sholders more than he can sustayne Suche is a fole, his dedys wyll not deny And with his owne wyll gooth to peryll and payne.%Persius.i.De renum.c.i.+ in He is vnwyse whiche is ioyous and fayne To offer his necke to bere that without fere Whiche were ynoughe for dyuers men to bere + That man that taketh vpon his backe alone%ad:ro.xij. The heuy weght of the large fyrmament%Prouer.xx. Or any burdeyne whiche maketh hym to grone Whiche to sustayne his strength is ympotent%ab hominatio est apud deum pondus + et pondus.Eccle.i. et xiij. No meruayle is if he fall incontynent And than whan he lowe on the grounde doth lye He oft repentyth his purpose and foly + We haue in storyes many examples great Shewynge the lewde ende of this curyosyte. I rede of $Alexander that dyd often sweate In great peryls to augment his dignyte He was nat content with $europe and $asye Nor all the grounde under the fyrmament At the last ende, cowde nat his mynde content + As if all the erth were nat suffycyent For his small body by curyouse couetyse But at the last he must holde hym content With a small cheste, and graue nat of great pryce. Thus deth vs shewyth what thynge sholde vs suffyce And what is the ende of our curyosyte.%Eccle.vij. For dethe is lyke to hye and lowde degre

What shall a kynge at his laste endynge haue Of all his realme and infynyte treasoure Saue onely his towmbe, and the grounde of his graue But thoughe it be of great pryce and voloure As is conuenyent to his hye honoure. Yet lytell conforte to his soule shall it gyue%Nota augustinum. But cause of bostynge to them that after lyue + Thus whan man vnto his last ende is come He nought with hym bereth of his dignytees Wherfore $cynicus a man of great wysdome%Diogenes. Lorde grettest of Grece in londes and Cytees%Horatius Hathe lefte great example vnto all degrees For his great ryches his herte dyd neuer blynde But worldly pompe set clene out of his mynde + He forced of no castels nor excellent byldynge Dispysynge charges and besynes worldly But gaue his mynde to vertue and cunnynge And namely to the scyence of astronomy Consyderynge that great rest of mynde and of body With hym abydeth whiche with bolde herte is fayne To folowe vertue, and leue charges mundayne + He that so doth no weght doth vndertake Vpon his backe of so great a grauyte That his small strength must it agayne forsake. Where he that attempteth grettest thynges, and hye:%Juuenalis Great weyght of charges and moche dignite Must lerne to suffer payne thought and vexacion By his great charges of perturbacion

What auayle is it the worlde to obtayne%Prouer.xvii. In one mannys power, and all other to excell%Sapientie.v. To suffer trouble, and vayne charges sustayne%Math.xvij. And at the last his pore soule gooth to hell There toren and tourmented in paynes cruell It were moche better to kepe a quyet mynde And after our deth eternall rest to fynde + He that taketh thought for euery besynes: And caryth for that whiche doth nat apertayne Nor longe to his charge, he is full of blyndnes And no houre shall rest, but styll in thought and payne Care for thy owne charges, theron set thy brayne For he a fole is that caryth or doth intende For another mannys charge whiche he can nat amende + Therfore lyue in rest after thy degre. Nor on suche thynges do nat thy mynde aply Whiche ar no thynge apertaynynge vnto the If thou so do thou shalt fynde rest therby Auoyde thou the charge of worldly mysery%Sapientie.viij. For godes take no thought great care ne trauayle. Whiche after deth shall do the none auayle $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Fole clere thy iyen and of thy selfe beware Care moste for thy owne besynes and charge For other mennes take no great thought nor care If thou thy conscience mayst therof discharge A curyous man that of his tunge is large Talkynge or carynge of other, his place is best Hye in the fore top of our folysshe barge For in that place is small quyet or rest

Of them that ar alway borowynge. A man that is besy both euyn and morowe With rauysshynge clawys and insaciable Of his frendes and neyghbours to begge and to borow To the deuourynge wolfe is most lyke or semblable Suche in our shyp shall nat want a babyll For he that styll borowes shall skant hym quyte or redde And as a wretche the asse shall hym ouer tredde

That fole that hym selfe a dettour doth make To dyuerse men, and is borowynge alway%Deutro.xv. Right ponderous charges on hym doth take%Prouer.xxii. Borowynge of one another therwith to pay%Psal.xxxvi. Thoughe he be glad to haue longe terme and day%Eccle.iij. To hym assygned to make his payment It nought auayleth, for soone the tyme is spent + But in the meane tyme deuourynge vsurye Spoylyth makynge pore many a borewer%Psal.lxxi. Where they two borewed they promys to pay thre Their day of payment lenger to defarre. Thus doth oft borowynge many thousandes marre%Prouer.xxviij. Yet some get malyce for that gode that they And where they lent twenty gladly taketh ten. + I wyll nat say but that it is mede certayne%Et prestiterunt molestiam + his qui se adiuuerunt donec accipiantur osculantur manus et cetera. Require + eccle.xxiv. Et alia bona & conducentia ad hunc locum. To lene frely to one that is in nede And wyll be glade it to content agayne. But he that lenyth to haue rewarde or mede Or more than he lent, may of hell payne haue drede And he that so boroweth gayne can haue none Therby in this lyfe, but hell whan he is gone + Therfore in this satyre suche wyll I repreue And none that borowe nor lene on amyte The vsurers: fals cristen men in theyr byleue Folowe the waren way of theyr iniquyte Prohybyte by lawe iustyce and equyte Theyr vnclene hertes, and mynde, vnhappely On lucre settynge, comynge by vsury

They hepe theyr synne in quantyte horryble%Eccle.vii. (& viij. Labowrynge that lewde burthen gretter to make And that sore weght tedyose and terryble With a great rope vpon theyr shulders take The weyght vp taken all theyr hole ioyntes quake Thus these caytyfs with this rope and burthyn heuy Them selfe hange damnynge theyr soule eternally + A wretchyd man, alas make clere thy reason%Eccle.xij. xxiiij.q.iiij. + Nabuchadonosor Remember thoughe $god the suffer thus longe tyme He graunteth that space to amende the in season. And nat dayly to encreas thy synne and cryme Somtyme he punyssheth with infernall abhyme Shortly for synne, somtyme thoughe one mysdo He suffreth longe: but yet truste nat therto + The longer vnpunysshed, the sorer is the payne And if thou wylt nat gyue to me credence Of $sodome and $Gomor the Bybyll sheweth playne%Sodomia. Howe $God rightwysely ponysshed theyr offence%Gene.xviij. And also $Solym, towne of great excellence%iiij regum.xvi. For vyciousnes $god ponysshed bytterly%Thobie.xiij. Whiche sholde vs cause for to lyue rightwysely.%Michee.iiij. + The rightwyse $god also dyd sore chastyce%Exodi.iij. The $Nilicolyans and them vtterly destroy%Johelis.iij. For theyr contynuynge in theyr syn and vyce%Amos.ix. And theyr lynage longe kepte from welth and ioy In great trouble whiche dyd theyr hertis noy: Howe be it that they were good and innocent For theyr fathers faute they suffred punysshement

But to our purpose to retourne agayne.%Esaye.i. He that ought boroweth whiche he can nat pay%Prouer.xxij. Of a wolfe rauysshynge foloweth the trayne%Thobie.xiij. But though he all swolowe yet can he by no way Deuoure the tyme nor the prefyxed day Wherfore if he than disceyue his credytour He oft hym chastyth with iustyce and rygour + Ryght in lyke wyse our lorde omnipotent%Ezech.xliij. In this worlde to lyue grauntyth vs tyme and space Nat styll to synne, but vnto this intent To leue our vyce, and folowe the way of grace But if we styll contynue in one case And haue done no good to pay hym at our day In hell pryson he iustly shall vs lay $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Thou fole mysmyndyd to large of sconscyence To the I speke that art a lewde dettour Borowe thou no thynge, noble grote ne pens.%Math.xxij. Reddite ergo quae + sunt cesaris cesari et que sunt dei deo. More than thou mayst agayne pay thy credytour Right so endeuer the to pay thy sauyour His right and dewty, with a glad wyll and fayne That is true seruyce, with glory and honour%Ad Ro.xv. gentes autem super + misericordia honorato deum. Than shalt thou surely escape infernall payne.

Of inprofytable and vayne prayers vowes and peticyons. That man whose herte vnhappy synne doth blynde%ii.Macha.ix. Orabat autem + scelestus dominum a quo non esset misericordiam consecuturus de antiacho.e. And prayth gasynge into the fyrmament Or he that setteth nat his herte and mynde Upon his wordes, theyr sentence or intent And he that desyreth thynge nat conuenyent Suche folys shall nat theyr peticion obtayne For without the herte the tonge laboureth in vayne

Here we repreue (reperue) ye and reuyle.%Eccle.xviij.Pro.v.Eccles.vii. A sorte of folys lewde of condicions Whose herte and tunge theyr soules doth By theyr blynde prayers and yll peticions%Johannis.xi. Suche folowe no techynge nor gode monysyons For often many of them with tunge doth spiritu + orabo & mente psallam spiritu psallam & mente. ad ro.viij. Nam quid oremus. + Sicut oporte nesscimus sed ipse spiritus postulat pro nobis &c. Theyr mynde, abstract nat knowynge what they say + Man oft desyreth with great affeccion That thynge of $god, whiche thynge if $god wolde graunt. Sholde be at last vnto theyr destruccyon Examples hereof thou canst nat lacke nor want The great $Medas somtyme kynge tryumphant. Of $Phrygye By his owne folysshe desyre With paynfull hunger, his lyfe breth dyd expyre + This kynge $Mydas of whom I haue you tolde%Midas rex phrigum. Ouidius met.xi. Of $god desyred with prayer dylygent. That all that he touchyd tourne myght vnto golde His prayer was harde, he obteyned his intent But nat to his welth, but mortall punysshement For whan he brede or drynke tast or touche sholde Incontynent was it tourned in to golde + Thus was his prayer to his owne damage For at the laste he dyed in wo and payne For no golde coude his sore hunger asswage Nor his desyre coude he nat call agayne. Thus his peticion desyred was in vayne: And where he wenyd great welth to get therby He dyed in shame hunger and mysery.

Some dayly pray with marueylous besynes Cryeng and syghynge to $god omnypotent%Prouer.xvij. For to haue plenty of welth ioy and ryches And to be made ryche myghty and excellent. O cursyd lyuers, o blynde men of intent On suche desyres they set theyr mynde and thought%Sapien.viij. Whiche thousandes vnto shamefull ende hath brought + What profyted the myghty edefyces: Of $Lycynus, or lyuelode of excesse: What profyteth the money gotten in vyces Of riche $Crassus, or $cresus, great ryches They all ar dede by theyr vnhappynes And that lewdely, nat by deth naturall Theyr blynde desyres chefe rote and cause of all + Another whiche is in youthes prosperyte%Juuenalis For strength and myght often to $god doth pray Some of theyr lyfe to haue prolyxyte Desyreth $god, and here to byde alway In riches welth, ioy and solempne aray But yet they in glotony take suche custome That they slea them selfe longe or theyr day be come + Alas mad fole why prayest thou for age Syns it so greuous is and ymportable%Ad hebre.viij. Unstable and full of dolour and damage%Prouer.xvii. Odyous to youth and intollerable Say folysshe man whiche art of mynde vnstable Is it nat great foly to any creature To pray for that thynge, whiche he can nat endure

$Peleus, and $Nestor and many other mo As $Itackes and $laertes,sore haue complayned For to longe age, euer full of payne and wo%Psalmista Wherwith theyr bodyes sore haue ben constrayned And with great sorowes and dyuers often payned: And to conclude brefly in one sentence Oft to age falleth moche inconuenyence + Yet ar mo folys whiche ought repreued be%Horatius in arte. And they ar suche whiche styll on $god doth call%Sapien.v. For great rowmes, offyces and great dignyte%Eccle.xi. No thynge intendynge to theyr greuous fall For this is dayly sene, and euer shall That he that coueytys hye to clym aloft If he hap to fall, his fall can nat be soft + Some other pray for bewty and fayrnes And that to a cursyd purpose and intent Wherby they lese the heuenly blyssydnes: Theyr soule subduynge to infernall turment O ye mad folys of myndes ympotent Pray your Pater noster with deuoute herte and mynde For therin is all that is nedefull to mankynde + Our sauyour $criste whyle he was on this grounde Amonge vs synners in this vale of mysery%Pater noster Taught his disciples this prayer whiche doth sounde Nere to this sentence, nor greatly doth nat vary (Our father wiche art in heuen) eternally Thy name be halowyd (graunt that to thy kyngdome) All we thy seruauntis worthely may come

In heuen and erth thy wyll be done alway And of thy great grace and thy benygnyte Our dayly brede graunt vnto vs this day Forgyuynge our synnes and our iniquyte: As we forgyue them that to vs detters be And to auoyde temptacion thy grace vnto vs len And vs delyuer from euery yll amen. + Whan thou hast clensyd thy mynde from syn before And sayd this prayer to thy maker deuoutly Thou nedyst nat of hym to desyre more Yet mayst thou pray and desyre rightwysly%Juuenalis For helthe of soule within thy hole body For stedfast fayth and yll name to eschewe. And chastely to lyue (by his help) in vertue + Thus sholde thou pray thou wretche both day and nyght With herte and mynde vnto thy creatoure: And nought by foly to asshe agaynst right To hurte or losse to thy frende or neyghboure Nor to thy fo by yll wyll or rygoure But if $god to thy prayers alway sholde enclyne Oft sholde come great sorowe to the and to all thyne THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Man clere thy mynde or thou begyn to pray Els though thy prayer be iust it is but vayne And kepe togyther thy hurte and tonge alway Or els doutles thou lesest all thy payne From lewde peticions thy mynde thou ought refrayne If thou desyre yll to thy fo by malyce At thy peticion $god shall haue dysdayne For though thou be wrothe $god is nat in lyke wyse %De inutili studio.

Of vnprofytable stody. He that vayne stody doth haunt or exercyse And lesyth his tyme, of fruyte voyde and barayne Resortynge to ryot whiche cunnynge doth dispyse And that of doctryne (in maner) hath disdayne Suche shall in age of his madnes complayne And seynge that he lesyth his tyme thus in foly Let hym come to our folysshe company.

Nowe in this Nauy many them selfe present Of this our roylame and from beyoud the see Whiche in theyr stody or lewde and neglygent. Lesynge theyr tyme at the vnyuersyte%Eccle.xliiij. Yet count they them selfe of great auctoryte%ad hebre.v. With theyr proude hodes on theyr neckes thy.iij. They haue the lawde: but other haue the cunnynge + They thynke that they haue all scyence perfytely Within theyr hertes bostynge them of the same Though they therto theyr mynde dyd neuer aply Without the thynge, they ioy them of the name But suche mad folys to theyr great losse and shame Whyle they sholde norysshe theyr myndes with science%Eccle.xxv. They seke theyr pleasour, gyuen to neglynce + They wander in euery inconuenyence From strete to strete, from tauerne to tauerne But namely youth, foloweth all offence%xvi.b.i.sic vine No thynge intendynge the profyte to dyscerne Nor fruyte of cunnynge wherby they myght gouerne Them selfe by reason, but suche thynges they ensue Wherby they neyther get good maners nor vertue + But he that intendeth to come to the science%Seneca epistola. xviij. C.nisi + cum pridem de renum. And godly wysdome of our elders: certayne. He must sore stody, for without dilygence And besy laboure no man can it obtayne None ought to cesse: though it firste be a payne. In good perseueraunce getteth great ryches Where no good cometh by sleuthfull ydelnes.

But moste I marueyll of other folys blynde Whiche in dyuers scyencis ar fast laborynge Both daye and nyght with all theyr herte and mynde But of gramer knowe they lytyll or no thynge Whiche is the grounde of all lyberall cunnynge Yet many ar besy in Logyke and in lawe Whan all theyr gramer is skarsly worth a strawe + If he haue onys red the olde dotrinall With his diffuse and vnparfyte breuyte%Sulpicius in Alexandrum: est breuis + ille nimis: fuscus et ille nimis. He thynketh to haue sene the poyntis of grammer all. And yet of one errour he maketh two or thre Precyan or sulpice disdayneth he to se Thus many whiche say that they theyr grammer can Ar als great folys as whan they firste began + One with his speche rounde tournynge lyke a whyle Of logyke the knottis doth lows and vndo%xxxvij. di nonne In hande with his sylogysimes, and yet doth he fele No thynge what it menyth, nor what longeth therto%Virgilius est et non cuncti + monosyllaba nota frequentant &c. His demptis nihil est hominum quod sermo + volutet. Qualis vita hominum quam duo monosyllaba versant. &c. Virgilius. Nowe %sortes %currit: Nowe is in hande $plato Another comyth in with $bocardo and $pheryson And out goeth agayne a fole in conclusyon + There is nought else but %Est and %non %est Blaberynge and chydynge, as it were beawlys wyse They argue nought els but to proue man a beest %Homo %est %Asinus is cause of moche stryfe Thus passe forth these folys the dayes of theyr lyfe In two syllabis, not gyuynge aduertence To other cunnynge doctryne, nor scyence.

I wyll nat say but that it is expedyent The to knowe of Logyke the chrafte and connynge For by argument it maketh euydent%Eccle.xvi. Moche obscurenes, somtyme enlumynynge The mynde: and sharpynge the wyt in many a thynge But oft yet by it a thynge playne bryght and pure Is made diffuse, vnknowen harde and obscure + It is ynoughe therof to knowe the grounde And nat therin to wast all thy lyfe holly%xxxvi.dist.legimus. Styll grutchynge lyke vnto the frogges sounde Or lyke the chaterynge of the folysshe pye if one afferme the other wyll deny Sophestry nor Logyke with their art talcatyfe Shewe nat the way vnto the boke of lyfe + With suche folyes tender youth is defylyd And all theyr dayes on them they set delyte But godly doctryne is from theyr myndes exylyd Whiche sholde the body and the soule also profyte They take no layser, pleasur nor respyte To other scyences, pleasaunt and profytable But without ende in one thynge chat and bable + One rennyth to $almayne another vnto $fraunce To $parys $padway $Lumbardy or $spayne%Eccle viij. Et quantum plus laboraverit + ad quaerendum tanto minus inveniet. Another to $Bonony, $Rome or $orleance To $cayne, to $Tolows, $Athenys or $Colayne And at the last retournyth home agayne More ignorant, blynder and gretter folys Than they were whan they firste went to the scolys

One bostynge the name of a lawer or deuyne%xij. q. ij. gloria epis glo. in c + cum ex. littera de in te resti. His proude hode hye vpon his stately necke: Thus must a gode clerke vnto a foule enclyne Lowt with the body and with obedyence becke And thoughe it tourne to theyr rebuke and checke%Prouer.xiij. Cicero in + epistolis ad vale iuri sanctum praesertim cum his temporibus audacia pro + sapienta liceat vti. Yet nowe a dayes ouer many suche there be. Whiche in stede of cunnynge vseth audacyte + The hode must answere for the folysshe student Theyr tyme hath ben lost frutles and barayne. Theyr frendes godes on suche folyes ar spent To their damage thought hunger and payne: Thus to conclude: me thynke it is but vayne The frendes to labour the dayes of theyr lyue To spare for suche scolers whiche shall neuer thryue + The great foly, the pryde, and the enormyte%Addicio Alexandri barklay + presbyteri &c. Of our studentis, and theyr obstynate errour Causeth me to wryte two sentences or thre More than I fynde wrytyn in myne actoure The tyme hath ben whan I was conductoure Of moche foly, whiche nowe my mynde doth greue Wherfor of this shyp syns I am gouernoure. I dare be bolde myne owne vyce to repreue + Howe be it I knowe my wordes shall suche greue As them selfe knoweth fawty and culpable But if they be wroth: take they me by the sleue For they shall bere the hode and I wyll the bable: But firste ye studentis that ar of mynde vnstable Ye wasters and getters by nyght in felde or towne Within my Nauy wolde I set you to a cable If I not fered lyst ye your selfe wolde drowne

Also I fere lyst my shyp sholde synke for syn If that $Cupido and $Uenus seruytours On the vnsure se my shyp entred within Or all the folys promotyd to honours I none receyue can of hye progenytours My shyp is nat dressyd for them conuenyent And to I fere lyst theyr cruell rygours: Sholde rayse to my shyp some tempest or tourment THENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Fy studentis clens your myndes of this cryme Gyue ones your hertis to parfyte dylygence Howe longe in Idelnes, wyll ye lese your tyme In pryde and ryot, with all other offence Alas what profyte get ye by neglygence But spende your goodes in all iniquyte And where your frendes thynke, ye labour for scyence: Ye lese your tyme bryngynge them to pouertee + Leue of suche stody as is vnprofytable Without fruyte outher godly discyplyne And gyue your myndes to scyences lawdable Where ye may your herte set and inclyne: To $Arystotyls or $Platoys doctryne And nat alway on logyke or Sophestry I wyll nat say but it is a thynge dyuyne And moche worth to knowe Phylosophy

Of them that folysshly speke agaynst the workes of $god. Here note we fowlys whiche can nat be content With $goddes worke, and ordynaunce dyuyne Thynkynge theyr owne wyll moche more expedyent Nat wyllynge theyr myndes to his wyll to enclyne But suche folys often sholde come to ruyne And wo with sorowe and losse sholde they fynde If $god sholde conforme his workes to theyr mynde

He is a fole and laboreth in vayne: Whiche with small brondes of fyre flamynge bryght Entendyth with laboure besynes and payne Of the shynynge sonne for to encrease the Suche one assayeth a thynge passynge his myght%Eccle.iij.vt*s And is a fole to set thought or delyte%Prouer.xxv. To mende that thynge whiche $god hath made perfyte + But yet he is a moche gretter fole truely Whiche wyll correct that thynge whiche $god hath done And doth nat his herte his wyll and mynde aply To $goddes workes and deuyne prouysyon Of all other maddest is his condycion And more frantyfe forsoth I may hym call Than they that ar vext with furyes infernall: + (Thou fole) the myght of $god omnipotent In vertue and wysdome so largely doth extende%ad romanes.x. His maiesty, and power is so excellent His glorious godhede his workes doth defende So that no mortall man can them amende%Esaie.xl. Wenest thou mad fole that thou amende cannest ought That he hath done: whiche made all thynge of nought + He that hath made the heuen and firmament The londe, the se, and euery other thynge Is so discrete, so wyse, and prouydent Before his presence parfytely seynge All thynge to come that neuer hath had beynge His workes and dedys ar so perfyte and ryght That none can increas nor yet decreas his myght

He doth all thynge dispose moderate and dispence%xxxij.dis.erubescant. Knowynge our mynde, and what is to vs most mete All thynge is open and playne in his presence Our inwarde thought must he nedes knowe and wete And euery fortune is playne before his fete He hath all thynge by lawe and order drest And doth no thynge but it is for the best + Therfore whether he gyue thunder snowe or rayne Wynde or wether, tempest or tourment Frost lyghtnynge, fayre wether, outher storme sodayne Mystes or clowdes, yet man sholde be content%Sapientie.i. And nat with worde nouther inwarde intent Agaynst $god grutche, but euery day and houre Magnyfye the dedys of $god his creatoure + It were moche better thou fole that thou were dome%Psalma.c.iij. Than to cast lewde wordes agaynst thy lorde in vayne%Sapientie.xi. et duodecimo. Thou fole he worketh no thynge but by wysedome And yet art thou nat content but dost complayne%Eccle.iij. Thou sekest vengeaunce (for thy synne) and payne In hell for euer, thynkynge thy selfe so wyse To teche thy $god, and his warke to dispyse + It is nat lawfull for any, hye nor lowe To be so bolde so blynde or so cruell Grutchynge wordes agaynst his $god to throwe Thughe to theyr plaesour a thynge nat fortune well%Numeri.xiiij. Take example by the children of $Israell%Josue.ix. Whiche oft for this synne suffred great payne and wo%i.corinth.x. Slayne and distroyed, so haue ben many mo

Many a lewde body without wysdome or rede Grutche in theyr myndes, and openly do blame Almyghy $god, whan theyr children ar dede Where rather they ought to enioye of the same For it myght fortune that great rebuke and shame Myght to theyr frendes haue come by theyr synne and cryme Soone after: if they had nat dyed at that tyme + Wherfore this one clause is my conclusyon That $god our maker is wyse and prouydent Blame nat his workes by thyne abusyon For all that he doth is for the best intent But if that $god sholde alwaye assent To our desyres and euer perfourme our wyll Our owne requestis sholde tourne vs to great yll $ALEXANDER $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. O ye mad myndes that no thynge vnderstonde O man presumptuous and vnobedyent%Nolite loquitur ad versus deum iniquitatem + ps.ix. Howe darest thou be so bolde to take on honde To repreue the workes of $god omnipotent Wylt thou hym teche, as more wyse and prouydent Than he is (whiche made all thynge of nought) Leue of this thy foly, and holde thy selfe content For thou art a fole to set theron thy thought

Of them that gyue iugement on other. Who that reputyth hym selfe iust and fawtles Of maners gode, and of lyuynge commendable. And iugeth other (parchaunce that ar gyltles) To be of a condicion reprouable Hymselfe nat notynge, thoughe that he were culpable He is a fole, and onys shall haue a fall Syns he wyll other iuge, hym selfe yet worse of all.

Many fallyth in great peryll and damage%Math.ei.vij.o And greuous deth by the vyce of Perseuerantly bydynge in theyr outrage%Ad rom.ii.A + de sta. regum.iij.q. vij. iudicet &c. Theyr soule infect with synne and viciousnes And though that deth hym alway to them addres Yet hope they in longe lyfe and prosperyte And neuer asswageth theyr blynde iniquyte + The tyme passeth as water in a ryuere No mortall man can it reuoke agayne Dethe with his dartis vnwarely doth apere It is the ende of euery man certayne The last of all ferys and ende of worldly payne But thoughe we knowe that we all must haue an ende%Nec qui praeterijt iterum + revocabitur vnda nec qui praetiit hora redire potest. Mors est ultimum + terribilium philosophus. We slepe in synne disdaynynge vs to amende + Some thynke them gode, iust and excellent Myghty stronge and worthy, of preemynence: Charitable, chast, constant and innocent Nat doutynge deth nor other, inconuenyence But yet ar they wrappyd sore in synne and offence And in a vayne hope, contynue in suche wyse That all the worlde (saue them selfe) they dispyse%Prouer. xxiiij. et xxvi. + They take on them the workes of $god omnipotent%Eccle.x. To iuge the secrete of mannys mynde and thought And where no sygne is sene playne and euydent They iuge a man saynge, his lyfe is nought And if deth one hath vnto his last ende brought (As mad) they mende nat theyr mysgouernaunce%Mathei.vij. Nat thynkynge that they ensue must the same daunce.%Ad romanos.ij.

Suche folys fayne causes and often tymes say:%Eccle.xi. That he that is dede vsed ryot and moche foly Whiche causyd hym to dye before his day And that he was feble, or full of malancoly%Esaie.xxxviij. Ouer sad, or prowde, disceytfull and pope holy Uiciously lyuynge in couetyse and gyle Wherfore $god suffred hym lyue the shorter whyle + Lo these blynde folys saciat with vyce%Sapientie.iij. Jugeth hym that perchaunce dyd nat amys Whyle he here lyuyd, and is in paradyce Rewardyd for his workes in endles ioy and blys Where as this lewde Juger, here in this worlde is%Eccle.xxi. Styll lyuynge in synne, suffrynge great payne and wo And though he thynke hym gode shall neuer come therto + He that in synne here lyeth fettered fast And iugeth the deth of his frende or neyboure Whiche from this lyfe is departed and past.%Eccle.vij. Let hym beware, for onys come shall the houre That he must fele dethis dolorouse rygoure. And after that endure infernall punysshement For iugynge and mysdemynge of people innocent + The terme and day, of deth is moche vnsure%Seneca. The deth is sure, the houre is vncertayne%Apocaly.xviij. Deth is generall to euery creature Theder we must all, be it pleasour or payne Wherfore wysdome wyll that we shulde refrayne From folysshe demynge and nons deth discus After deth $god wot howe it shall be with vs

Alas full often a iust man gode and true Of mynde innocent sad sober and sympyll Passynge his tyme in goodnes and vertue Is of these folys thought and demyd for yll And he that is nought, frowarde of dede and wyll Of these folys blynde frantyke and wode. Without all reason is iugyd to be goode + Wherfore I proue that a blynde fole thou art To iuge or deme a mannys thought or intent For onely $god knoweth our mynde and hart Wherto we gree and to what thynge we assent But who that is rightwyse iust, and innocent And louyth $god with honour and with reuerence Than, may he boldely iuge anothers offence $ALEXANDER $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Amende you folys: do way these folysshe wayes Take ye no charge: nat mete for your degre. And note these wordes: whiche $criste our sauyour sayes Juge nat another, and thou shalt nat iugyd be It longeth onely to the hye dyuynyte To iuge our mynde: for he is true iustyce All thynge discernynge by right and equyte No man sholde deme, whyle hym selfe is in vyce

Of pluralitees that is to say of them whiche charge them selfe with many benefycis. That myller is a fole and here shall haue a barge And as a mad man shall fast therin be bounde Whiche his Asse wyll with so many sackes charge That the pore beste for payne fallys to the grounde Many in the chirche lyke hym may be founde. Whiche so many benefycis labour to procure That their small myght can nat the charge endure.

Amonge our folys delytynge them in vyces%De preben quia intantum &c. de + multa de cleri non resi. Quia nonnulli. Is yet another sorte of the speritualte Whiche them ouerchargeth with dyuers benefyces And namely suche that lowest ar in degre Of byrth and cunnynge, of this condycion be Defylynge $goddes rentis and the chirches goode Them selfe ouer ladynge, as men frantyke and wode + The weght is so great they can it nat endure Theyr myght is small, theyr cunnynge is moche lesse Thus this great charge wherof they haue the cure To infernall Fenn doth this pore Asse oppresse And to an Asse moste lyke he is doutles Whiche takynge on his backe sackes nyne or tenne.%Eccle.xxxiiij. Destroyeth hymselfe (them leuynge in the fenne + But though one prebende were to hym suffycient Or one benefyce his lyuynge myght suffyse Yet this blynde fole is nat therwith content But labowreth for mo, and alway doth deuyse Fals meanes to come therto by couetyse He gapeth with his wyde throte insaciable And neuer can content his wyll abhomynable + So for the loue of the peny and ryches. He taketh this charge to lyue in welth and eas.%C. auaricie de prebendis Howe be it that fole that hath suche besynes And dyueres charges fyndeth great disseas Neyther shall he $god, nor yet the worlde pleas%xlvij.dis.sicut. And shall with his burthyns his mynde so vex and comber That halfe his cures, can he nat count nor nomber

These carefull caytyfs, that ar of this same sort With cures ar ouerchargyd so that of theyr mynde. Rest haue they none, solace, pleasour nor conforte Howe be it they thynke therby great welth to fynde They gape yet euer, theyr maners lyke the wynde Theyr lyfe without all terme or sertaynte If they haue two lyuynges, yet loke they to haue thre + The folys whose hertis vnto this vyce ar bounde Upon theyr sholders bereth aboute a sacke. Insaciable without botome, outher grounde: They thynke them nat lade though all be on theyr backe. The more that they haue (the more they thynke they lacke) What deuyll can stop theyr throte so large and wyde Yet many all waste aboute Ryot and pryde + But yet is this moche more abhomynable That asses vntaught without wysdome or scyence Haue theyr proude myndes moste vnsaciable Nat commynge to worshyp by vertue nor prudence Yet counte they them worthy of this excellence Courters become prestis nought knowynge but the dyce They preste not for $god, but for a benefyce + The clerke of the kechyn is a prest become In full trust to come to promosyon hye No thynge by vertue cunnynge nor wysdome But by couetyse, practyse and flatery The Stepyll and the chirche by this meane stand awry For some become rather prestis for couetyse. Than for the loue of $god or his seruyce.

Alas oft $goddes goodes and $cristis herytage Of suche folys is wastyd and spent in vayne In great folyes mundaynes and outrage Where it decreed, and ordeyned is certayne.%xvi.q.i.c.vlti. That prestis sholde helpe pore people that lyue in payne%xxiii.q.viij.conuenior. And with suche goodes kepe hospytalyte Whiche pryde ryot and $Uenus suffreth nat to be + Thus is the grettest parte of the spiritualte Pore preste, persone, vicayr, relygyon and prelate With couetyse acloyde outher prodigalyte And folys promotyd causyth good clerkis haue hate Say lordes and bysshops with other of estate What mouyth you so gladly, suche to promote Whiche haue no cunnynge their wyt skant worth a grote + Wyll ye alway the folysshe asse ouercharge With suche burthyns wherwith it can nat fare And suffer other to walke and ren at large And where they best myght bere theyr backes ar left bare And that is worst of all, suche folys can nat be ware But whan they ar promotyd after theyr owne entent. Yet theyr insaciable mynde can neuer be content. + Some make exchanges and permutacions Some take to ferme, and some let out agayne Oher folys for hope make resignacions And some for one $god scosyth gladly twayne Some lyueth longe in hunger and in payne And in the somer day skarsly drynketh twyse Sparynge monay therwith to by a benefyce

Some for no wages in court doth attende With lorde or knyght, and all for this polecy To get of his lorde a benefyce at the ende%Actuum.viij. And in the meane tyme ensueth rybawdry%i.q.petrus et c.qui studet. And somtyme laboureth by chraft of symony. He playeth a fals cast, nat cessynge to coniure Tyll of some benefyce he at the last be sure + Than if this lorde haue in hym fauoure, he hath hope To haue a nother benefyce of gretter dignyte And so maketh a fals suggestyon to the pope For a Tot quot outher els a pluralyte Than shall he nat be pleased with %.ii. nouther thre But dyuers wyll he haue ay choppynge and changynge So oft a fole hath all and a gode clerke no thynge + These of nought force so that they may haue gayne And golde ynough to spende on rybawdry and pryde They haue the profyte, another hath the payne The cure of the soulys of them is set asyde And no meruayle, for howe sholde they abyde. To teche their parysshynges vertue wysdome or grace Syns no man can be atonys in euery place + Alas these folys our mayster $criste betray Of mannes soule wherof they haue the cure And settynge in their stede syr $Johnn of $garnesey They thynketh them selfe dischargyd quyte and sure These folys note nat that euery creature. Whiche here of soulys doth cure or charge take At domys day a compt for them shall make

But if I sholde touche all the enormytees The immoderat couetyse and desyre of dignyte That nowe is vsed amonge all the degrees Of benefycyd men ouer all the spiritualte I fere displeasour, and also I often se That trouth is blamed, and nat ay best to tell But he that in this lyfe wyll alway besy be To get dyuers prebendes shall haue the last in hell THENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. What meane ye gyders of $Christis herytage Shall ye neuer leue this your deuowrynge mynde%Non habemus hic ciuitatem per + manentem suum futuram inquirimus. Shall ye no tyme your couytyse asswage Whiche in $goddes seruyce your hartis sore doth blynde Let this fals traytour no place amonge you fynde Graunt hym no rowne in churche nor in quere. For this is sure ye shall all leue behynde We haue no Cyte, nor place abydynge here

Of them that prolonge from day to day to amende themselfe. He that cras cras syngeth with the crowe Deferrynge the tyme of his amendement Amonge our folys, in this our shyp shall rowe For his presumpcion, dull mynde and blynde intent What knowe these folys whether $god omnypotent Wyll graunt them to lyue vntyll another day. Wherfore we ought to mende vs whyle we may.

If vnto any almyghty $god doth sende From heuen aboue by inspyracion dyuyne Wyll and gode mynde his synnes to amende%Eccle.v. And with his grace his thoughtes enlumyne%Psal.xciiij. If that synner wyll nat therto enclyne%Ad hebreos.iij. But doth dyffer and dryue frome day to day%Luce.xxii. A fole he is, no wyse man wyll denay + Yet many folowe this inconuenience And knowynge theyr owne vyce, and lyfe full of ordure The payne therof, and howe euery offence And synne is punysshed of eche creature Also they knowe that theyr deth is vnsure And dye they must knowynge no houre nor space Yet synne they styll, nat receyuynge this grace + They folowe the crowes cry to theyr great sorowe Cras cras cras to morowe we shall amende And if we mende nat than, than shall we the next morowe%Eccle.v. Outher shortly after, we shall no more offende Amende mad fole whan $god this grace doth sende He is vnwyse whiche trustes the crowes songe And that affermyth that he shall lyue so longe + Syns deth (as I haue sayde) is so vnstable Wherfore we ought alway vs to prouyde And mende our lyfe and synne abhomynable For though that thou be hole at the euyn tyde Thou knowest nat sure that thou shall here abyde Untyll the morne but if thou dye in that space It shall be to late for the to cry cras cras

Syns it is in thy power that thou may%Prouer.xxvii. Amende thy selfe whan $god inspyreth the%Ouidius. Why shalt thou tary vnto another day The longer tary the lesse apt shalt thou be. In olde sores is grettest ieopardye%Consuetudo est altera natura. no. glo. ff.+ de lib. & posthu. l. se quis super verbo consuetudo.l.ff. quid quisque inte. + in alte statue. Whan costome and vse is tourned to nature It is right harde to leue: I the ensure + Therfore if that thou lewdly fall in syn By thy frayle flesshe, and the fals fendes trayne Take nat the vse, contynue nat therin But by confessyon shortly ryse agayne Synne alway thretenyth vnto the doer, payne And grutche of conscience with moche thought and wo Yet alwaye ar we redy and prone therto%Esaie.lvi. + Mannys lyfe on erth is euyn a chyualry Agaynst our flesshe fyghtyng whiche often doth vs shame%Job milicia est vita + hominis super terram. Also the deuyll our goostly ennemy On his parte labours to get vs in his frame Thus oft we fall, and than our foly blame Repentynge sore, and wyllynge to refrayne%Jacobi.iiij. But within an houre we fall therto agayne + Thus euer to vyce ar we redy and prone The gyftis of grace we clene from vs exclude We haue great cause sore to complayne and mone We leue that thynge (our myndes ar so rude) That myght vs gyde to helth and beatytude Thus our owne foly, and our owne blynde madnes Us often ledyth vnto great wretchydnes

And if it fortune, that at any tyme Within our myndes we purpose stedfastly For to confesse our synne, excesse, or cryme Agayne our thought is changyd by and by Away then ren we with the crowys crye With one cras, to morowe, perauenture twayne Without regarde had, vnto infernall payne + But in the meane space if that deth vntretable%Eccle.x. Arrest the with his mace, fyers and And for thy synne and lyfe abhomynable%Luce.xij. By iustyce damme thy soule for euer to hell Than woldest thou gladly (If thou myght) do well But there is no grace but doloure payne and sorowe Than is to late to crye cras cras to morowe THE ENUOY OF THE ACTOUR. Say what delyte, thou fole or what pleasoure%Esaie.xxij. Takest thou in synne and voluptuosyte%i.corin.xv. It is small sothly, and passeth euery houre%Prouer.iii. Lyke to the water, and that in myserye Therfore set nat in synne thy felycyte This day begyn thy lewde lyfe to refuse Perchaunce to morowe sholde be to late to the So sholde cras the crwys songe the sore abuse

Of hym that is Jelous ouer his wyfe and watcheth hir wayes without cause, or euydent tokyn of hir myslyuynge. He that his wyfe wyll counterwayte and watche And feryth of hir lyuynge by his Jelowse intent Is as great fole, as is that wytles wratche That wolde kepe flees vnder the son feruent Or in the se cast water, thynkynge it to augment For thoughe he hir watche lockynge with lockys twayne But if she kepe hir selfe his kepynge is but vayne

$Orestes was neuer so blynde and mad as is Whiche for his wyfe taketh, thought and charge%Numeri.v. Watchynge hir wayes, thoughe that she gyltles be This fole styll fereth, if she be out at large Lyst that some other his harnes sholde ouercharge But for all his fere and carefull Jelowsy If she be nought there is no remedy. + Thou fole I proue, thy watchynge helpeth nought%Eccle.xix. Thy labour lost is, thou takest this care in vayne In vayne thou takest this Jelowsy and thought In vayne thou sleest thy selfe with care and payne And of one doute thou fole thou makest twayne And neuer shalt fynde eas nor mery lyuynge (Whyle thou thus lyuest) but hatered and chydynge + For locke hir fast and all hir lokes marke. Note all hir steppys, and twynklynge of hir iye.%Juuenalis Ordeyne thy watchers and dogges for to Bar fast thy dores and yet it wyll nat be Close hir in a Toure with wallys stronge and hye But yet thou fole thou lesist thy trauayle For without she wyll no man can kepe hir tayle + And yet more ouer breche hir with plate and mayleEccle.xxv. And for all that if she be nought of kynde She shall disceyue the (If she lyst) without fayle But if that she be chast of dede and mynde Hir selfe shall she kepe, though thou hir neuer bynde%Prouer.xij. Thus they that ar chast of nature, wyll byde so And nought wyll be nought what so euer thou do

Thus is it foly and causeth great debate Bytwene man and wyfe, whan he by Jelowsy. His wyfe suspectyth, and doth watche or counterwayt Or hir mysdemyth and kepyth in stratly. Wherfore me thynke it is best remedy For hym that gladly wolde escape the hode Nat to be Jelous: but honest lyuynge and gode + The toure of bras that callyd was $darayne.%Ouidius.iiij. Coude nat the damsell (by name $Danes) defende%methamor. But that $Jupiter fonde a cautell and trayne In a golden shoure into hir to discende%Therencius in eunucho: scena quis me sequitur And to be short, at conclusyon and ende This mayde for all this Toure was there defylyd. And by this lorde was she there brought with childe + By this example it apereth euydent That it is foly a woman to kepe or close For if she be of lewde mynde or intent Outher preuy or apert there about she goys Deuysynge wayes with hir good man to glose But specially if that he hir suspect With a hode shall he vnwars be ouerdect + But in the worlde right many other be%Penolope apud homerum in odissea et + apud ouidium epist. prima Hero. Whiche neuer folowe this fals and lothly way We haue example of one $Penolope Whiche though that she alone was many a day Hir husbonde gone, and she vexed alway. By other louers: yet was she euer trewe Unto hir olde: and neuer changyd for newe

I fynde that often this folysshe Jelowsy Of men: causyth some women to mysdo Where as (were nat theyr husbondes blynde foly) The pore wymen knowe nat what longyd therto Wherfore suche men ar folys and mad also And with theyr hodes whiche they them selfe purchace Within my shyp shall haue a rowme and place + For where as perchaunce theyr wyfes ar chaste and goode By mannys vnkyndnes they chaunge and turne theyr herte So that the wyfe must nedes gyue them a hode But to be playne some wymen ar esy to conuert For if one take them where they can nat start. What for theyr husbondes folysshe Jelowsy And theyr owne pleasour: they scars can ought deny THE ENUOY OF THE ACTOUR. Therfore ye wymen lyue wysly and eschewe%Ecclesi.xxvi. These wanton wowers and suche wylde company%Seneca in declama. Get you gode name by sadnes and vertue Haunt no olde quenys that nourysshe rybawdry Than fere ye nat your husbondes Jelowsy If ye be fawtles, chaste and innocent But wanton wowers ar ful of flatery Euer whan they labour for their intent. + Be meke, demure, bocsome, and obedyent, Gyue none occasyon to men by your foly If one ought asshe, deny it incontynent And euer after auoyde his company

Beware of cornes, do nat your erys aply%Helena rapitur per parida vnde + ouidius epistolis. To pleasaunt wordes nor letters eloquent If that $Helena had done so certaynly She had nat ven rauysshed by handes violent

Of auoutry, & specially of them yt ar bawdes to their wyues, knowynge and wyll nat knowe, but kepe counseyll, for couetyse, and gaynes or auauntage. A fole blynde, forsoth and wytles is that man Whiche thoughe his wyfe openly defylyd be Before his owne face, yet suche a chrafte he can To fayne hym a slepe, nat wyllynge it to se Or els he layeth his hande before his iye And thoughe he here and se howe the mater gose He snortynge slepyth, and wyll it nat disclose.

O what disorder, what shame and what domage Is nowe brought in, and right lykely to abyde In the sacrament of holy mariage The fere of payne and lawe is set a syde Faythe is clene lost, and fewe them selfe do gyde After theyr othe, but for lacke of punysshement.%ff li de adulterio. They brake and despyse this dyuyne sacrament + Alas the lawe that $Julius dyd ordeyne Agaynst auoutry: is nowe a slepe or dede None feryth iustyce punysshement nor payne Both man and woman ar past all fere and drede Theyr promes brekynge, without respect or hede Had to theyr othe, by mariage solemnysed The bed defylyd. the sacrament despysed + Many ar whiche thynke it is a thynke laudable%Juuenalis Anothers sponse to pullute and dyffame%vi. satyra And howe beit the synne is moche abhomynable They fere nat $god, nor dout nat worldly shame%Leut.xx. But rather boldly they bost them of the same%Deutro.xxij. They note no thynge the mortall punysshement Taken on auoutrers in the olde testament + Yet is another thynge more lothsome and vyle That many husbondes knowynge theyr wyues syn Absent themselfe and stop theyr iyen the whyle Kepynge the dore whyle the auoutrer is within%Juuenalis They forse no thynge so they may money wyn Lyuynge as bawdes, and that to theyr owne wyues%C. quemadmodum de in ui. + Prouer.xviij. de adul. & stu. C. si vir extra. xxxij. q.v.c. Si quis vxorem + quia patronus est turpitudinis &c. vt supra xxxij. q.i.c.i. & iure iuram. quem + admodum: & de adul. lij. Seneca in ethimologiis ff. ad l.Juli. de adul. l. + stupor.xxij. q. ve lucrecia: Tarquinus expulsus. O cursyd money, this madnes thou contryuys

O cursyd husbonde thou ought to be asshamyd To set so great fors for syluer or for golde That thou for them thy wyfe wyll se diffamyd And helpe therto: ye: and the dede beholde Blame it blynde dryuyll: by the lawe so thou sholde And nat therat to gyggyll laghe and Jest It is a lewde byrde that fyleth his owne nest + The Hystory of $Atreus expressyth playne Howe he (by his owne brother) for auoutry Was dryuen from his royalme and his childre slayne For his mysdede: without: let or remedy These children thus bought theyr faders mad foly What shall I wryte the wo and heuynes Whiche $Tarquyn had for rauysshynge $lucres + I rede in the hystory of one $Virginius%Clodius al. pius Ad venus ad nutum + trahis omnia tu fera: tu ceca: tu ceci ianua leti. corpora tu maculos: animas + in tartara mergis. Whiche to thyntent this foule synne to eschewe Whan his doughter was desyred by $Clodius And that by force: the fader his dowghter slewe Bytwene the handes of $Clodius vntrue The fader answered (whan men his dede dyd blame) Better is to dye chast: than longe to lyue in shame + But of auoutry somwhat more to speke In it is yre Enuy and paynfull pouertye. And also he or she that mariage doth breke May fere of deth eternall whan they dye And here without welth ioy and rest shall they be And well ar they worthy (forsoth) of sore tourment In hell: for brekynge this holy sacrament

But in the meane tyme here shalt thou haue discorde%C. de adulteriis gracchus. + And neuer prosper in vertue nor ryches And lothsome be before the almyghty lorde Thy dedes shall purchace mysfortune and distres Thou lyue shalt in shame and dye in wretchydnes And if thou procede therin and nat amende Some great shame shalt thou haue before thyne ende. THE ENUOY OF THE ACTOUR. O creatures vnkynde leue ye this outrage Breke nat your othe whiche ye made solemly Eche one to other for to lyue in mariage Defyle ye it nat by synne and vylany On both partis if ye lyue faythfully After your promes: in loue, fayth and concorde Than shall ye in erth encreas and multyply And after haue syght of the almyghty lorde + Let all spousys in theyr myndes comprehende The lawys and decrees of the olde testament Howe they that in auoutry dyd offende Were outher stonyd or els openly brent Wherfore syns $goddes son omnypotent. Confermed hath the olde testament with the newe Auoutrers nowe deserue that same punysshement But well is to them, that stedfast ar and trewe

Of hym that nought can and nought wyll lerne, and seyth moche, lytell berynge away, I mene nat theuys. He is a fole, and so shall he dye and lyue That thynketh hym wyse, and yet can no thynge And though he myght he wyll nat set nor gyue His mynde to good maners, vertue nor cunnynge. So is he a fole that doth to market brynge His Gese fast bounde, and game or sporte to se Lowsyth theyr fete, and suffreth them to fle

Saynt $George to borowe our Nauy is aflote%Prouer.xv.&.xxvi. Forth shall we sayle, thoughe that it be a payne And moche laboure to forge a pryuate bote%Horatius i epist. For euery faute: yet shall I nat refrayne My hande nor penne: thoughe vnsure be my gayne My laboure sure: my wyt and reason thynne%Therencius Than leue a thynge vnendyd better nat begynne + But in this place shall I a Shyp ordayne For that fole: that heryth great doctryne%Seruius.i.eueydos.vt supra Wherby good maners and vertue aperyth playne He seth all goodnes, stody, and disciplyne And yet wyll nat his mynde therto enclyne But though he knowe what thynge is godlyest Ouer all the worlde, yet is he styll a beest. + Many of this sort wander and compase%Seneca: peregrinatio non facit + medicum et nulla ars discitur loco. All studies, the wonders of the worlde to se With vnstabyll wynges fleynge from place to place Some seyth lawe and some dyuynyte But for all this byde they in one degre And if they were Asses and folys blynde before After all these syghtes yet ar they moche more + They se moche nought lernynge, and hauynge no delyte In wysdome nor maners vertue nor goodnes Theyr tyme is loste, without wysdome or profyte Without grace, or other holynes But whyle they labour thus with besynes%Eccle.xxix. If they se ought newe, or any folysshe toy That lyghtly they lerne, and set theron theyr ioy.

By this desyre folys may knowen be For wytles men of fleynge mynde and brayne At best pleasyd with thynges of neweltye And them to haue, they spare no cost nor payne To dyuers londes to ren but all in vayne And so they labour alway from londe to londe To se all wonders, but nought they vnderstonde + Some fle to se the wonders of $englonde Some to the court to se the maners there Some to $Wallys, $Holonde, to $Fraunce or $Irlonde To $Lybye, $afryke, and besyly enquere. Of all marueyles, and skantly worth a here Some vnto $Fraunce and some to $Flaunders ren To so the wayes, and workes of cunnynge men + And to be shorte ouer all they range Spendynge theyr goodes about vnthryftynes%Prouer.xxvi. In countrees knowen, vnknowen and strange%Luce.xv. But whan theyr iourney they homwarde must addres As folys vnware, and vagabundes thryftles They haue nought lerned, kept, nor with them brought Of maners, wysdome or other thynge that is ought + They that by the se sayle to londes strange%Horatius in epistolis. Oft chaunge the place and planete of the fyrmament But theyr mynde nor maners they ne turne nor chaunge And namely suche that ar lewde and neglygent What euer they se styll one is theyr intent Whan he departyd, If that he were a sote Agayne anone he comyth in the same mynde and cote

Say mad folys blynde ouersene, and worthy scorne Fayne wolde I knowe what necessyte ye haue To go from the place where ye were bred and borne Into another londe to lerne to play the knaue Your mynde vnstable sheweth playne that ye raue Laboure nat so sore, to lerne to be a fole That cometh by it selfe without any other scole + He that is borne in $walys or small $brytayne To lerne to pyke and stele nedys nat go to $Rome. What nede we sayle to $Flaunders or $Almayne To lerne glotony, syns we may it lerne at home Suche lewdnes soon may we lerne of our wombe He that wyll lerne falshode gyle or sotelte May lerne it here as well as beyonde the se. + To passe the se to lerne $Uenus rybawdry It is great foly, for thou mayst lerne thy fyll In shoppis Innes and sellers, ye somtyme openly At saynt $Martyns $Westmynster or at the tour hyll So that I fere all $London, in tyme it shall fyll For it is there kept in lyght and in darke That the pore Stuys decays for lacke of warke + But brefely to speke, and this to set a syde He that on vyce, and synne wyll set his entent May lerne it in $Englonde, if he at home abyde And that of all sortis: $god sende amendement But if thou alway wyll nede be dylygent To labour in the worlde about from place to place Do as dyd $Plato, than shalt you fynde great grace%Plato de quo Hieronimus + in prologo biblie.

This godly $plato laboured with dilygence To $Egypt, and other londes sparynge for no payne Where euer he came: augmentynge his scyence And at the last retourned to $Grece agayne His countrey natyf: with laude and name souerayne Thus he for all his wysdome laboured besyly But that fowle that nought can nought settyth by + Wherfore that gose that styll about wyll wander%Ad hebreos. xiij. Moche seynge and herynge, and nought berynge away Shall home come agayne as wyse as a gander But more fole is he that may lerne euery day Without coste or laboure out of his owne countrey And whan the well of wysdome renneth by theyr dore Yet looth they the water as if that it were soure $ALEXANDER $BARKLAY %AD %FATUOS %VT %DENT %LOCUM %OCTO %SECUNDARIUS %BEATE $MARIE $DE $OTEREY %QUI %QUIDEM %PRIMA %HUIUS %RATIS %TRANSTRA %MERENTUR. Soft folys soft, a lytell slacke your pace Tyll I haue space you to order by degre I haue eyght neyghbours, that firste shall haue a place Within this my shyp, for they most worthy be They may theyr lernynge receyue costeles and fre. Theyr wallys abuttynge and ioynynge to the scoles. No thynge they can, yet nought wyll they lerne nor se Therfore shall they gyde this one shyp of foles.

THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY. O vnauysyd, vnwyse and frowarde mam Great cause thou hast to morne sore and complayne Whan no goodnes vertue nor wyt thou can And yet to lerne thou hast scorne and dysdayne Alas man mende, and spare no maner payne To get wysdome, and it thou shalt nat want Hym that nought wyll knowe, $god wyll nat knowe certayne Wo is hym that wylfully is ignorant.

Of great wrathe, procedynge of small occasyon. Assys erys for our folys a lyuray is And he that wyll be wroth for a thynge of nought Of the same leuray is nat worthy to mys For who that by wrathe to suche a wyll is brought To sle his Asse for hir pas slowe and soft Shall after his fury, repent his mad foly For to a clere mynde, mad wratche is ennemy

Come nere, ye wrathfull men, take your rowme & place%xxxij.q.vij. Within our shyp, and to slake our hastynes%Quid in nimbus Mount on an Asse slowe of hir gate and pace%Sapientie xiij. Syns troublous wrath, in you, styreth this madnes%Ad romanos.ij. Often lacke of myght asswagyth cruelnes%Hiere.xxix. To a wylde cowe $god doth short hornys sende%Seneca de ira Wrath is great foly, where myght may nat extende%Valerius li.iij. + O man yll myndyd what helpeth the this yre%Prouer.xxii. None the commendyth whiche doth thy maners marke%Jacobi primo. What dost thou: but the waste with thyne owne fyre%Prouer.xvij. Narrynge with thyselfe lyke as a dogge doth barke%Eccle.v.c. Without meke worde and pleasyd with no warke Art thou: but thoughe all men be Mad wrathe to please, yet who can it content + This man malycious whiche troubled is with wrath Nought els soundeth but the hoorse letter R%Persius. Thoughe all be well, yet he none answere hath Saue the dogges letter, glowmynge with nar nar Suche labour nat this mad rancour to defar Nor yet his malyce to mytygate or asswage%Prouer.xx. But ioyeth to be drede of men for this outrage + His mouth fomyth his throte out gorgyth fyre His ferefull furoure is, his hole felycyte By his great yre, doth he coueyte and desyre%Prouer.xxvij. Dowtyd to be: of the pore comonyte His owne madnes and cruell furyosyte Wyll he nat knowe as he were nat culpable Of this mad fury and vyce abhomynable

Hym selfe is blynde, but other well note his dede He shall be poynted whether he go or ryde Saynge one to other take gode regarde and hede Of yonder furyous fole whome reason doth nat gyde Beware his wayes fle hym on euery syde Who that hym sueth both hurte and shame shall fynde Thus other hym notyth but he hymself is blynde + So his Asse erys to hym ar inuysyble%Persius He thynkyth to haue pacyence though that he haue none And vnto hym it is thynge incredyble That suche ar folys whose pacyence is gone Thus coueytyth he to kepe his erys alone And to wrathfull men he wyll no thynge obiect For that hym selfe is with the same infect + But somwhat to touche the inconuenyences%Prouer.xi. Whiche by this wrath procedyth to mankynde It is chefe grounde of many great offences Destroynge reason blyndynge the wyt and mynde By malyce man is to all yll inclynde Both symple man, and lordes excellent Do that by wrath oft whiche they after repent + Reuoke thy mynde, somwhat thy herte enclyne%Architas Unto $Archytas a man of hye wysdome Borne the ryche Cyte namyd $Tarentyne Rede howe that he his malyce dyd ouercome For thoughe his seruaunt was fals to hym become And he sore mouyd to auenge the same offence Yet he refraynyd his wrathe by pacyence

So $socrates so $Senyk and $Plato%Socrates Suffred great wronge great iniury and payn%Plato And of your fayth sayntis right many mo%Seneca. For $christ our mayster dyd great turment sustayne%Laurencius pacienter + sustulit martyrium dirissum et tamen orauit pro populo ninico. What wo or payne cowde saynt $Laurance refrayne From pacience wherfore it is great shame For christen men if they do not the same + They suffred deth, ye, and yet were pacyent And many haue prayed, for suche that haue them slayne Where thou mad fole takest greuous punysshement For small occasyon, ye come by chaunce sodayne Fole thou art blynde, and mad to set thy brayne All thynge to venge (by wrath) that doth mysfall For he that part hath lost: by wrath oft lesyth all + And forsoth no meruayle, if suche wyse actours Hath wrathes madnes, expelled and set For where that wrath doth rayne with his furours%Eccle.xix. There can no reason nor wysedome longe abyde%xi.q.ij.ira.v.q.ij.relatum &c.+ seruetur.Prouer.xxij.& xvij. The wyt it wastyth: so is it a lewde gyde Therfore let mesure, this malyce holde agayne But pacyence is brydyll his madnes to refrayne + It longeth nat to any man of hye prudence For to be wrothe, yrous, or gyuys to malancoly No suche passyon nor inconuenyence Can fall to man, ay stedfast wyse and holy%Jo.xxxvi. But folys ar moste troublyd with this foly%Prouer.xij. Where as a wyse man for any aduersyte Lyueth in quyete mynde and tranquylyte

A man well manerd, sad sober and dyscrete If he be ware, wyse, chrafty and prouydent Beholdeth all thynge before his syght and fete. Gydynge hym by mesure a vertue excellent Where as a fole doth all without aduysement And in euery thynge shewyth his folysshnes Wroth at eche worde, as mayster of madnes + Wherfore ye folys se ye no lenger tary But on the dull Asse hastely assende That a slowe beest may hasty folys cary For your mad wrath dowtyth no thynge the ende%Eccles.vij. Your madnes can nat your blynde mysdede defende For who that one sleyth, angry and feruent Ought to be hangyd whan he is pacyent THE ENUOY OF THE ACTOUR. Blynde myndyd man whiche wylt all thynge ouercome Reputynge thy selfe, moste souerayne and royall If thou be wyse or partener of wysdome Labour to ouercome thyne owne selfe firste of all Thy wrath asswage thou in especyall Let neyther malyce, nor yre with the abyde Thou art a fole the chefe or lorde to call Of other: whan thou can nat thy selfe well gyde.

Of the mutabylyte of fortune. That man whiche hopyth hye vp to ascende On fortunes whele, and come to state royall If the whele turne, may doute sore to descende If he be hye the sorer is his fall So he whiche trustyth nat therto at all Shall in moste eas and suerty hymselfe gyde For vnsure fortune can in no place abyde

We dayly proue by example and euydence That many be made folys mad and ignorant By the brode worlde, puttynge trust and confydence%Eccle.x. In fortunes whele vnsure and inconstant%i.macha.ij. Some assay the whele thynkynge it pleasant%Prouer.xiiij. But whyle they to clym vp haue pleasour and desyre%Seneca in her. cu.fur. Theyr fete them faylyth so fall they in the myre + Promote a yeman, make hym a gentyl man And make a Baylyf of a Butchers son Make a Squyer knyght, yet wyll they if they can Coueyt in theyr myndes hyer promosyon And many in the worlde haue this condicion In hope of honour by treason to conspyre But ofte they slyde, and so fall in the myre + Suche lokys so hye that they forget theyr fete On fortunes whele whiche turneth as a ball They seke degrees for theyr small myght pe.di.iij.quid + ergo in glo. Theyr folysshe hertis and blynde se nat theyr fall Some folys purpose to haue a rowme Royall Or clym by fortunes whele to an empyre The whele than turneth, lyuynge them in the myre + O blynde man say what is thyne intent To worldly honoures so greatly to entende Or here to make the hye ryche and excellent Syns that so shortly thy lyfe must haue an ende%Prouer xiij. None is so worthy, nor can so hye ascende Nor nought is so sure if thou the trouth enquyre But that it may doute to fall downe to the myre

There is no lorde Duke kynge nor other estate But dye they must, and from this wolde go All worldly thynges whiche $god hath here create%horatius Shall nat ay byde, but haue an ende also What mortall man hath ben promotyd so: In worldly welthe or vncertayne dignyte%seneca.i.h.fu. That euer of lyfe had houre of certaynte + In stormy wyndes lowest trees ar most sure%Addicio alexandri barklay. And howsys surest whiche ar nat byldyd hye Where as hye byldynges may no tempest endure Without they be foundyd sure and stedfastly So gretest men haue most fere and ieopardy Better is pouertye though it be harde to bere Than is a hye degre in ieopardy and fere + The hyllys ar hye, the valeys ar but lowe In valeys is corne the hyllys ar barayne On hyest places most gras doth nat ay growe A mery thynge is mesure and easy to sustayne The hyest in great fere, the lowest luye in payne Yet better ly on grounde, hauynge no name at all Than hye on a Clyf ferynge alway to fall + Thus as me thynke it is no thynge lawdable On fortunes whele, for one to clym to hye Syns the swyft cours therof is so vnstable And all must we leue whan we depart and dye Of our short lyfe haue we no certayntye%Marcialis. For $lachesys (whan that thou hast lefte drede) Of thy lyue dayes shall shortly breke the threde.

$Atropos is egall to pore man and estate Defar wyll nat deth by prayer ne request No mortall man may his furour mytygate. Nor of hym haue one day longer here to rest: Content the with measure (therfore) for it is best Coueyt nat to moche in honour to excell It is a fowle fall to fall from erth to hell + Unstable fortune exalteth some a loft To this intent, them to brynge to an yll ende For who that hye clymmeth his fall can nat be soft If that mysfortune constrayne hym to dyscende Though $Julius $Cesar his lordshyp dyd extende%Julius cesar Ouer all the worlde: yet fortune at the last. From lyfe and lordshyp hym wretchydly dyd cast + This hath ben sene, is sene, and euer shall That most peryll is in hyest dignyte Howe many estatis, howe many men Royall. Hath fortune dryuyn downe into aduersyte Rede dyuers, cronycles, and thou shall playnly se That many thousandes hath endyd in doloure By theyr immoderate mynde to honoure + Ouer rede $Bochas and than shalt thou se playne The fall of prynces wryten ryght compendeously There shalt thou se what punysshement and payne Haue to them fallen, somtyme by theyr foly And oft is moche preuy hatered and enuy%Tullius in offi. Had agaynst lordes of the rude comonte%Eccle.xx. Where euer they go: they lyue in ieopardye

Ay dowtynge deth by cursed gyle and treason Eche thynge mysdemynge, ferynge to be opprest By some mysfortune, with venym or with poyson. Thus in great honour is neyther ioy nor rest But thought and fere, ye whyle the lyfe doth lest Thus who that procuryth great honour to attayne Procuryth with all, enuy, peryll, fere and payne + A lorde or state whom many men doth drede With loueles fere, and fayned countenaunce Unto hym selfe ought wysely to take hede And them to fere, if he wyll voyde myschaunce For why a comonty is of suche ignoraunce And so enuyous, that both erly and late They muse to destroy hym whom, they fere and hate%Sapientie.v. + A man promotyd vnto hye dygnyte Shall haue loue shewyd hym by adulacion But no true loue nouther faythfull amyte. Good fame nor name, ne commendacion Ye though he be worthy great exaltacion Pytefull louynge and full of equyte Yet harde is to please a folysshe comonte + Therfore me thynke of all thynge it is best Man to be pleased and content with his degre For why in mesure, is suerty eas and rest And ay moste peryll in hyest dignyte Fortune is full of changes and mutabylyte Trust nat therto, therby comyth do gode But nowe hye nowe lowe, vnstable as a flode

$ALEXANDER $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Labour nat man with to moche besy cure To clymme to hye lyst thou by fortune fall For certaynly, that man slepyth nat sure That lyeth lows vpon a narowe wall Better somtyme to serue, than for to gouerne all For whan the Net is throwen into the se The great fysshe ar taken and the pryncipall Where as the small escapyth quyte and fre

Of them that be diseasyd ans seke and ar impacient and inobedyent to the Phesycyan. If one be vexed with sore infirmyte Within his body felynge dyseas and payne And wyll nat gladly with perfyte mynde agre To a wyse Phesycian that wolde hym hele agayne He is a fole, and shall his foly sore complayne And if that he by his selfe wyll do sterue It is but well: syns he it doth deserue.

He that is feble with sekenes outher wounde Wherwith he feleth hym selfe so kept in aures de eta et qua. or That dye he muste but if remedy be founde He is a fole, if that he haue dysdayne Of wyse Phesycyans: and medecines xxxvij. And wyll nat sue theyr counsell and aduysement Wherby he myght haue helth and short amendement%Boetius + Thoughe the Phesycyan (of his lyfe) hym assure So he be ruled, and vnto his mynde agre The pacyent yet kepyth no dyete nor mesure In mete nor drynke, and wyll nat gouerned be But foloweth Ryot and all superfluyte Receyuynge colde water in stede of ale or wyne Agaynst read and counsell of crafty medycyne + What mete or drynke that is most contagious And most infectyf to his sekenes or dyseas And to hym forbyden, as moste contrarious Unto his sekenes. That namely doth hym pleas%Juuenalis But that thynge that myght hym helpe and greatly eas%Persius He hatyth moste, and wyll none receyue at all. Tyll this small sore, at the last become mortall + Suche wyll no counsell ensue, nor mesure haue Nor temper theym selfe in lesse nor yet in more. Tyll theyr yll gouernaunce brynge them to theyr graue%Eccle.xviij. Retournynge into grounde lyke as they were before%Ouidius de re medio amoris But who that soone wolde, be helyd of his sore Whan it is newe ought to fynde remedy. For in olde sorys is greatest ieopardy

A small sparcle often tyme doth augment It selfe: and groweth to flames peryllous Right so small wellys whiche semeth to be spent With lytell sprynges and Ryuers, ofte so growys Unto great waters, depe and ieopadous. So a small sore augmentyth, styll preuely By lytell and lytell for lacke of remedy + A small diseas whiche is ynoughe durable At the begynnynge, for lacke of medycyne At longe contynuaunce becomyth incurable The paynfull pacyent bryngynge vnto ruyne Wherfore who wyll to his owne helth enclyne%Eccle.xxxi. And soone be helyd of yll without all taryBoetius de conso. philoso. To the Phesician ought nat to be contrary + Obstynat frowarde or inobedyent Ought he nat be, but with a pacyent mynde Shewe all his soris truly playne and euydent To the Phesician if he wyll socour fynde.%Eccle.xxxviij. And thoughe his saluys in paynes hym sore bynde. Let nat for that, but after his wyll the gyde Better a shorte payne, than that doth longe abyde + No sore can be releuyd without payne. Forsake nat the short, the longe payne to eschewe To the Phesycian we ought in worde be playne And shewe hym our sore, whether it be olde or newe For in thy wordes if that thou be nat trewe Or kepe ought close, thou dysceyuest be thou sure Thy selfe. and nat hym that of the hath the cure.

In lyke fourme who comyth vnto confessyon There to declare howe he his lyfe hath spent And shewyth nat his synne lyke wyse as he hath done Hymself he disceyuyth, as blynde of his entent. Thus many one endureth infernall tourment With wo contynuall and payne for euermore For kepynge secrete there, of his goostly sore. + Thus who that is payned in any malady Bodely or gostly, ought nat to be callyd wyse To the Phesycian without that he aply. And his preceptis hant kepe and exercyse But nowe olde wytches dare boldly interpryse To intromyt to hele all infyrmyte And many them byleue, whiche sothly is pyte + Suche wytches of theyr byleue abhomynable On brest or hede of the paynfull pacyent With theyr wytchecraftis shall compasse chat & bable Assurynge hym of helth, and short amendement Than he that is seke fyxith his intent Upon hir errour: to haue helpe of his sore But she hym leuyth wors than he was before + $Poule the apostyll doth boldly say and preue That they whiche to suche wytches wyll Ar heretykes, Lolardes and false of theyr byleue Brekynge $goddes lawes and commaundement And oft also by profe it apereth euydent That suche as to wytches craftis wyll intende By theyr fals Phesyke come soner to theyr ende

Theyr body dede, theyr soule in ieopardy By mysbyleue for euer in paynes infernall. Whiche ar rewarde for wretchyd synne and heresy But if thou to thy mynde and reason call And of this wrytynge perceyue the sence morall Whan thou art fallen seke and in dedely syn Seke helpe betyme, and byde nat longe therin THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Thou man or woman, that lyest seke in vyce To $goddes vycayrs confesse thy syn holly So shalt thou from thy goostly yll aryse. For thy soule fyndynge helpe and remedy Without leasynge shewe hym thy synne playnly Let nat for shame nor fall nat therto agayne Better shewe thy sore there to one secretely Than after openly: and byde eternall payne Ensewe the counsell of a wyse confessour Take nat colde water in stede of vermayll wyne: For moche swetnes, endure thou a lytell soure Kepe well the dyet and threfolde medicyne Ordayned for synne by spirituall doctryne That is confessyon, the next contrycyon. With satisfaccion these thre, with grace deuyne Ar salues parfyte for all transgressyon

Of ouer open takynges of counsell. Who that to clerely layeth his net or snare Before the byrdes whome he by gyle wolde take Them playnly techyth of his gyle to be ware And is a fole whether he slepe or wake Right so is he (and doth a sauegarde make) For his foes them (techynge remedy to fynde) Whiche sheweth them by thretenynge the secret of his mynde

Who that intendyth by chraft and polycy%Aesopus in apo. Prouer.i.Ouidius de + reme.glo.i.cle.pastoralis de re iu. To take many byrdes, outher small or great And layeth before them to playne and openly His lynes snarys, his lyme twyggis or his net He shall no profyte gayne nor auauntage get For if that he his engynes can nat hyde The byrdes shall be ware, and lyghtly fle asyde + So he that wyll openly manace and threte With worde and hande, as he wolde sle adowne ryght Is oft scant abyll a symple hounde to bete. For in his worde is all his force and myght And he that alway thretenyth for to fyght. Oft at the profe is skantly worth a hen For greattest crakers ar nat ay boldest men%Prouer.x. + Who that agaynst his ennemy wolde fyght And gyueth hym before wepyn and armour. Agaynst hym selfe to encreas his foes myght Suche one hath reason and wyt of small valour. Ryght so that fole is led in lyke errour Which nought can do, of mater les or more Without he crake and boste therof before. + And also suche bosters and crakers comonly Whiche doth theyr mynde in hasty wordes declare Of other men ar lytell or nought set by And by theyr wordes, full often yll they fare A man also may ryght easely be ware Of folys whiche thus theyr counsell out expres Whose thretenynges to theyr foes is armour & harnes

But hym call I wyse and crafty of counsell Whiche kepeth close the secretis of his mynde And to no man wyll them disclose nor tell%Prouer.xviij. et xxvi. To man nor woman, ennemy nor yet frynde But do his purpose whan he best tyme can fynde Without worde spekynge, and so may his intent Best come to ende, his foo, beynge inprouydent + And specially no man ought to be large%Horatius in epistolis. Of wordes nor shewe his counsell openly%Prouer.xi. In thynges weyghty, of peryll and great charge Consernynge a royallue, or helth of his body For many ar falsly disceyued fynally By lewde tale berers whiche seke the way to fynde To knowe the preuy counsell of theyr lordes mynde + They fawne and flater to knowe his pryuetee But they forsoth, that wolde knowe thynges newe For the moste part of this condicion be No thynge to kepe, but lyghtly it to shewe. Thus may the saynge of $Salomon be fonde true. Whiche sayth that he is wyse, and lyueth happely Whiche to hym selfe kepyth his counsell secretely + I fynde foure thynges whiche by meanes can Be kept close, in secrete, one longe in preuetee The firste is the counsell of a wytles man The seconde a Cyte, whiche byldyd is a hye%Eccle.viij. Upon a mountayne, the thyrde we often se%Math.v. That to hyde his dedes a louer hath no skyll The fourth is strawe or fethers on a wyndy hyll

A pore mannys dedys may soone be kept close%Ouidius His name is hyd, and right so is his dede.%Juuenalis A ryche mannys dede may no man hyde nor glose It fleeth farthest, all men of it take hede So that yll fame whome all men ought to drede In fleynge about hir myght doth multyply%Virgilius veresque acquirit eum do.+ iiij.eney Augmentynge to his lynage shame and vylany + Therfore who that intendyth to be wyse Ware and crafty, auoydynge all inconuenyence To shewe his counsell ought nat to interpryse But do his mynde, kepynge alway sylence In seruauntis is small trust or confydence He that is nowe thy frende may after be thy fo%Seneca Warne nat thy ennemy of that that thou wylt do%Catho. THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. O ye that ar put to wronge and Iniury If ye intende for to yelde the same agayne It is great foly to warne your ennemye Or hym to threten with bostynge wordes vayne. For oft is sayde, and true it is certayne That they that wyll lyue in quyetnes and rest%Audi, vide facet tace. Must here and se and hasty wordes refrayne All styll with fewe wordes do that they thynke best

Of folys that can nat beware by the mysfortune and example of others damage. Here we expresse, the errour and blyndnes Of them that se. others aduersyte Theyr wofull fall the ruyne and dystres. Yet sue they the same, and ware they wyll nat be Though they by example the payne of other se Yet leue they nat: thus may they clayme a place Within my Nauy, as folys voyde of grace

We dayly se the mysfortune and And often fallys, to pouerte and payne Whiche folys suffer for theyr synne and outrage%Johannis.xvij. Some drowned, some maymed, some other wyse slayne Yet this example can nat cause vs refrayne Our wretchyd lyfe, and seke for remedy We marke no thynge anothers ieopardy. + We se the mockynge scorne and derysyon That folys hath ofte tyme whan they offende We se theyr losse, theyr, shame and theyr confusion Howe be it all this can cause vs to amende We can no thynge and to nought we intende So many folys I fynde that playne I thynke Theyr weyghty charge shall cause my shyp to synke + Suche ar despysyd of men discrete and wyse%Eccle.xxv. Ye and more ouer these folys ar so blynde That echone of them the other doth despyse%Eccle*s.x. With sharp rebukes, wordes lewde and vnkynde Yet in theyr lyfe no difference may we fynde And though they haue sene a thousande brough to shame For one sore vyce: yet lyue they in the same + The example of other can nat theyr myndes Theyr wyttis ar blynde theyr foly is the cause%Eccle.i. Alas mad folys why do ye vyce thus loue Rennynge ay to deth without all rest or pause Alas, at the last retourne to $christis lawes Be ware, whan ye other se taken in the snare Let anothers peryll cause you to be ware

Ye do nat so, alas it is great shame Your synne hath quenchyd your grace and gostly lyght One blynde man another doth chyde and blame And yet both stomble, nat goynge euyn or right A blynde man hym ledyth that also hath no syght So both in the dyche fallyth in suche a wyse%Mathei.xv. That one can nat helpe, the other agayne to + One crab blamys another for hir bacwarde pace And yet the blamer sothly can none other do%Esopus in apo. But both two ar in theyr goynge in lyke case The one goeth bocwarde, the other doth also Many of these folys after that maner go But who that of his moders doctryne hath disdayne: Shall by his stepdame endure wo care and payne%Ecclesi.iij.& xlj. + And perchaunce after abyde the correccyon Of the sayde stepdame, in place of punysshement. For his synne, sufferynge hir vniust subieccien And who that nat foloweth the commaundement Of his fader beynge to hym obedyent May fortune after in hunger thyrst ond colde Obey that stranger, whom he nat gladly wolde + We fynde Hystories wryten longe and ample In dyuers bokes of great auctoryte The hole Bybyll sheweth to vs example Howe they were punysshed that lyuyd in cruelte%Pheton. I fynde also wryten in bokes of Poetrye%Tullius.iij.offi. Howe that $Pheton was brent with the For his presumpcion, agaynst a myghty kynge

We haue example also by $Icarus%Icarus ouidius.viij. metha vide virgilium. + iiij. eney. et seruium eodem, loco. Prouer.xv. et xxiij. Whiche contrary vnto the commaundement Of his crafty father named $Dedalus By fleynge to hye his wynges and fethers brent And so descendyd and in the se was drent Thus these two endynge by theyr lewdnes in care By theyr example sholde cause vs to beware + We dayly se before our syght and our presence%Addicio alexandri Barklay. What mysauenture to many one doth fall And that worthely for theyr synne and offence Yet ar we blynde, and ar nat ware at all But in our synnes lyue vnto them egall And where by synne we se one come to shame We wyllyngly (alas) ensue the same + Therfore who sethe a mad fole come to wo%Eccle.xi. Or fall in peryll for lacke of a good gyde By another way ought craftely to go And (by anothers yll) for his helthe to prouyde The fox was ware, and peryll set asyde And wolde nat enter into the caue, for playne%Esopus. Of bestis that entred sawe he none come agayne%Horatius in epistolis THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY Lerne man, lerne of bestes to be ware Of others peryll, by theyr enormyte For if one byrde be onys tane in a snare The other auoyde as fast as they may flee A fysshe byrde or beste that hath in peryll be Of net hoke or snare, if that they may escape. Wyll after euer beware, but blynde man wyll nat se His owne destruccion, but after it doth gape

Of them that forceth or careth for the bacbytynge of lewde people. Whether that a bell be hangyd or lye on grounde If vnto the same a clapper lacke or fayle The bell shall make but sympyll noyse or sounde Though thou in it do hange a Foxys tayle Right so backbyters that vse on men to rayle Can nat greatly hurt them that lyue rightwysly Wherfore it is foly theyr babblynge to set by.

Who that within this worlde wolde rest and lyue%Psal.c.viij. In eas of mynde, peas and tranquyllyte%Prouer.xxiiij. Must nat his mynde set, nor his erys gyue%Sapientie.ij. To the vayne talys, of the rude comonte And though some people of suche condicion be Oft to dyffame good people true and Just Let them nought care, for byde it nede they must + Let no man care for the lewde hyssynges And yll soundynges of his vnhappy rage It is great foly to set by the lesynges%ad philip.ij. Of cursyde tunges syns none can them asswage%Prouer.xiiij. et xviij. For who in this worlde wyll come to auautage Hym selfe exaltynge to worshyp and honoure Shall fynde the swetnes mengled with the sowre + And he that wyll of his dygnyte be sure Or sympyll lyuynge what so euer it be Right greuous chargis somtymes must endure And with his iyen often beholde and se Suche thynges wherwith his mynde can not agre And he that wyll with the worlde haue to do Must suffer suche trouble as belongeth therto + Yet some haue pytched theyr tentis stedfastly% Ad hebreos.xi. Upon sure grounde, auoyde of all this payne Despysynge the worldes wantonnes and foly For in the same is nought sure nor certayne Nought se we tranquyll in these wawes mundayne We se no loue, lawe, fydelyte, nor trust But nowe up hye, and nowe lowe in the dust

To auoyde the worlde with his foly and stryfe Many hath left londes townes and ryches And yll company lyuynge solytary lyfe Alone in desert and in wyldernes Ye and that: men of moste wyt and worthynes Whiche by that meane dyd best of all eschewe All worldly sclaunder and lyuyd in vertue + He that intendeth to lyue a rightwyse lyfe%Johan.xv. And so procedeth in maners and good dede%Sapien.xi. Of worldly sclaunder, complaynt, hatered, and stryfe And all yll wyll, he ought nat to take hede For he that is iuste ought no thynge for to drede A sclaundrynge tonge, ye, be it neuer so wode For suche lewde tonges can none hurte that ar gode + Lyue well and wysely, than let men chat theyr fyll Wordes ar but wynde, and though it oft so fall That of lewde wordes comyth great hurte and yll Yet byde the ende, that onely prouyth all If thou canst suffer truste well that thou shall Ouercome thyne ennemyes better by pacience Than by hye wordes rygour or vyolence + If poetis that somtyme vyce blamyd and discommendyd%Satyri. And holy Prophetis whiche also dyd the same%Prophete To suche vayne and mortall wordes had intendyd They sholde nat haue durst the peoples vyce to blame So sholde they haue lost their honour and good name%Psalmus.lij. Theyr fame and meryt, but nowe they haue nat so But spred theyr fame, whiche neuer away shall go

Forsoth none lyueth within the worlde wyde So meke so holy, so wyse or Whiche can hym selfe at euery tyme so gyde To please eche fole, for none can some content Forsoth he myght be named excellent Happy and blessyd and lyue in welth and eas Whiche euery man cowde serue content and pleas%Eccle.viij. + But suche is none. and he that wyll assay For to content eche folysshe mannes mynde Must brake his slepe and stody nyght and day And yet alway some fole shall be behynde%Eccle.xxxvij. Ye if one lyue well, yet wyll they somwhat fynde Behynde his backe hym to sclaunder and diffame For beggers and bawdes therin haue all theyr game + For whether thou dwell in Est west north or south Of suche dryuels euer shalt thou fynde plente One must haue moche mele, to stoppe eche mannys mouth Sclander is the cunnynge of all the comonte And in the same suche ay moste besy be Whiche lyue them selfe in shame and vylany Euen nowe they speke repentynge by and by + Thus all the cunnynge and stody dilygent.%i.corin.iij. Of people vnthryfty is alway to despyse And diffame other whiche ar but innocent%Eccle.ii. Wherfore let suche as ar discrete and wyse%Prouer.xv. Nought set by them that lesyngys doth deuyse%Eccle.vii. Nor theyr vayne foly: for he that doth certayne Is but, a fole. and euer shall lyue in payne

THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Trouble nat thy selfe (thou man) where is no nede And arme thou thy selfe with goodly pacyence Be sure it is great foly to take hede Unto backbytynge syns that no resystence May be founde to withstande his violence And take thou this one thynge for thy comfort That none wyse, or good, wyll commyt this offence But all ar caytyffes, that ar of this lewde sort.

Of mockers, and scorners, and false accusers. Yet ar mo Folys whiche mocke and scorneth fast Suche as them shewyth wysdome and doctryne And at theyr hedes (vngoodly) stonys cast In mynde disdaynynge to wysdome to enclyne But gladly they ensue the discyplyne Of folysshe mockers. let wyse men them eschewe For no correccion can brynge them to vertue

O Hertles folys, haste here to our doctryne%Eccle.xxii. Leue of the wayes of your enormyte%Prouer.xxiii. et xxix. Enforce you to my preceptis to enclyne For here shall I shewe you good and veryte%Sapientie.x. Enclyne, and ye fynde shall great prosperyte Ensuynge the doctryne of our faders olde And godly lawes in valour worth great golde + Who that wyll folowe the graces manyfolde Whiche ar in vertue, shall fynde auauncement Wherfore ye folys that in your syn ar bolde Ensue ye wysedome and leue your lewde intent Wysdome is the way of men most excellent Therfore haue done, and shortly spede your pace To quaynt your selfe and company with grace + Lerne what is vertue, therin is great Lerne what is trouth sadnes and prudence Let grutche be gone, and grauyte purchace Forsake your foly and inconuenyence%Baruth.iij. Cesse to be folys, and ay to sue offence%Ad titum.iij. Folowe ye vertue, chefe rote of For it and wysdome is grounde of clenlynes%Eccle.xvi. + Wysedome and vertue two thynges ar doutles Whiche man endueth with honour specyall But suche hertis as slepe in folysshnes Knoweth no thynge, and wyll nought knowe at all But in this lytell barge in pryncypall All folysshe mockers I purpos to repreue Clawe he his backe that felyth ytche or greue

Mockers and scorners that ar harde of byleue With a rugh combe here wyll I clawe and grate To proue if they wyll from theyr vyce remeue And leue theyr foly whiche causeth great debate Suche caytyfs spare neyther pore man nor estate And where theyr selfe ar moste worthy of dyrysion Other men to scorne is all theyr moste condicion + Yet ar mo folys of this abusion%Job.xij. Whiche of wyse men despyseth the doctryne With mowes, mockes, scorne, and collusyon Rewardynge rebukes, for theyr good disciplyne%Prouer.xiiij. Shewe to suche wysdome, yet shall they nat enclyne Unto the same, but set no thynge therby But mocke thy doctryne, styll or openly + So in the worlde it apereth comonly That who that wyll a Fole rebuke or blame%Prouer.xi. A mocke or mowe shall he haue by and by Thus in derysyon, haue folys theyr speciall game Correct a wyse man, that wolde eschewe yll name And fayne wolde lerne, and his lewde lyfe amende%Eccle.xix. And to thy wordes he gladly shall intende + If by mysfortune a rightwyse man offende He gladly suffreth a iuste correccion And hym that hym techyth taketh for his frende Hym selfe puttynge mekely vnto subieccion Folowynge his preceptis and good dyreccion But if that one a Fole rebuke or blame%Prouer.xxv. He shall his techer, hate, sclaunder and dyffame

Howbeit his wordes, oft turne to his owne shame And his owne dartis retourne to hym agayne And so is he sore woundyd with the same%Prouer.xix. And in wo endyth, great mysery and payne It also prouyd full often is certayne That they that on mockes alway theyr myndes cast Shall of all other be mocked at the last + He that goeth right, stedfast sure and fast%Juuenalis May hym well mocke that goth haltynge and lame And he that is whyte may well his scornes cast Agaynst a man of $ynde, but no man ought to blame Anothers vyce whyle he vsyth the same But who that of synne is clene in dede and thought May hym well scorne whose lyuynge is starke nought%iij.q.vii.qui sine. + The scornes of $Naball full dere sholde haue ben bought%Nabal.i.regum.xxv. If $Abigayll his wyfe discrete and sage Had nat by kyndnes right crafty meanes sought The wrath of $Dauyd to temper and asswage Hath nat two berys in theyr fury and rage Two and fourty Children rent and torne%iiij.regum.ij. in fine. For they the Prophete $Helyseus dyd scorne + So myght they curse the tyme that they were borne For theyr mockynge of this Prophete dyuyne So many other of this sorte often mowrne For theyr lewde mockes, and fall in to ruyne Thus is it foly for wyse men to enclyne To this lewde flocke of Folys for se thou shall Them moste scornynge that ar most bad of all

THENUOY OF $BARCLY TO THE FOLYS. Ye mockynge Folys that in scorne set your ioy%Geneseos.ix. Proudly dyspysynge $goddes punycion Take ye example by $Cham the son of $Noy Whiche laughyd his Father vnto derysyon Whiche hym, after, cursyd for his transgressyon And made hym seruaunt to all his lyne and stocke So shall ye Caytyfs at the conclusyon Syns ye ar nought, and other scorne and mocke

Of them that dyspyse euerlastynge ioye, and settyth thynges transytory before thynges eternall and euerlastynge. He is a foule that weyeth in one balaunce The heuen and erth to knowe the heuyest And by his foly and cursed ignoraunce He thynketh that this wretchyd erth is best And thoughe that here be neyther ioy nor rest Yet had some leuer here styll to remayne Than to depart to heuen voyde of all payne

My hande is wery: fayne wolde I rest a space But folys comyth to my shyp so besely%Eccle.xiiij. That to haue rest: they wyll graunt me no grace%Psal.lxi. That nede I must theyr lewdnes notefy%Mar.viij. But to recorde this folysshe company%Math.xvi. They ar suche that this worlde so greatly loue That they despyse the heuenly Royalme aboue + They often thynke in theyr mynde preuely%Sapien.iiij. And by them selfe in this wyse oft they say%Ad romanos.ij. O glorious lorde raynynge eternally%Amos quinto. Graunt me thy grace that I may lyue alway%Eccl*s.ij. To se of this worlde the extreme ende and day This is my wyll and synguler askynge As for thy royalme, forsoth I set no thynge + But yet this fole doth nat desyre this tyme%i.Johannis.i. Of so longe lyfe, and yeres alway newe To clens his mynde from all synfull cryme Nor for the loue of goodnes or vertue But rather that he his pleasour may ensue And with his matis and felawes suche as he To folowe ryot, delytys and enormyte. + To lyue in wantonnes and blynde lascynyte In pryde in Lechery andin couetyse Suche setteth theyr myndes and theyr felycyte%Luce sexto Not ferynge hell whiche is rewarde of vyce. Those dredefull dennys, in a right ferefull wyse With fyres flamynge, and manyfolde tourment Can nat suche folys, theyr synnes cause to stent

O sleuthfull fole say why doste nat thou call%Prouer.xiiij. Unto thy mynde that this worldes wretchydnes Is full of sorowe moche more bytter than gall Uoyde of all ioy, all pleasour and swetnes Why settest thou so moche by frayle delyciousnes On vayne pleasours, whiche shall sothly decay%Tullius de senectute. Lyke as the sone meltyth the snowe away + Man note my mordes and gyue to them credence I say that pleasours and also ioyes mundayne As it apereth playne by good euydence Ar fylled with sorowe bytternes and payne%Job.xviij. Without all rest quyete or certayne And yet alas the worlde so doth men blynde That it they loue and caste heuen out of mynde + Wherfore it hapneth full often as I fynde That suche as foloweth shamefull wantonnes Ungoodly luste, and statelynes of mynde Shall ofte perceyue great shame and wretchydnes And them most suffer, with great mundayne distres. And better charges, and after must nede endure Cruell deth whiche ende is of euery creature + The worlde shall passe: ye and all ioy Without all doute at last shall haue an ende And euery thynge outher fruytfull or barayne Shall to the grounde outher firste or last discende We se also that none can hym defende%Eccle*s.iij. From dethes dartis: and for conclusyon. We dayly se many mennys confusyon.

We dayly se the fallys innumerable%Sapientie.ij.& v. And greuous deth aswell of youth as age%Jacobi primo Thus is this wretchyd worlde moche vnstable%Luce.xij. Wherfore me thynke it is a great outrage To trust therto, or for an vnsure stage Or hye place of welth or worldly honour The presence to despyse of our sauyoure + But without doute the tyme shall come and houre Whan all mankynde shall se hym euydent Some to theyr ioy, some to wo and doloure None shall eskhape that rightwyse iugement. But eche be rewardyd as he his tyme hath spent So they that vertuously haue lyuyd here Despysynge this worlde shall gladly there apere + But they that here haue led theyr lyfe in vyce For to depart ar wo in herte and mynde And ferefull to byde that sentence of iustyce%Apo.xiiij. & xx. Syns of theyr synne excuse they can none fynde%Math.xxv. But to conclude forsoth that fole is blynde That for worldly welth, from $god wolde hym deuyde And for vayne clay, the hye heuyn set a syde THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. O blynde man whiche hast thy moste felycyte On worldly thynges, alas make clere thy mynde What fyndest thou here, but great aduersyte Wylt thou for it leue yt heuenly ioy behynde And where thou myght euerlastynge ryches fynde Where as is helth, endles lyfe and all goodues Wylt thou forsake it for worldly wretchydnes

Wylt thou heuyn compare with his paynfull lyfe There on to thynke thou art vnwyse certayne There is concorde, here is no thynge but stryfe There is all rest, and here is care and payne There is true loue: here is scorne and disdayne There is all goodnes, here all yll and offence Nowe chuse the best: here is great difference

Of them that make noyses rehersynges of talys and do other thynges vnlaufull and dishonest in ye chirche of $god. A fole is he, and hath no mynde deuoute And gyueth occasyon to men on hym to rayle. Whiche goth in the chirche, his houndes hym aboute Some rennynge, some fast tyed to his tayle A hawke on his fyst suche one withouten fayle Better were to be thens, for by his dyn and cry He troublyth them that wolde pray deuoutly:

Yet of mo folys fynde I a great nomber Whiche thynke that it is no shame nor vylany Within the chirche, the seruyce to encomber With theyr lewde barkynge roundynge dyn and cry%De immu.eccle.c decet. denunciamus. And whyle good people ar praynge stedfastly Theyr herte to $good, with meke mynde and deuout Suche folys them let, with theyr mad noyse and his qui ad eccle. + confu. + And whyle the prestis also them exercyse. In matyns masse sermon or prechynge dyuyne Or other due thynges that longe to theyr seruyce. Techynge the people to vertue to enclyne Than these folys as it were rorynge swyne With theyr gettynge and talys of vycyousnes Trouble all suche seruyce, that is sayd, more & les + In to the churche than comys another sote Without deuocyon gettynge vp and downe%Prouer.v. Or to be sene, and to showe his gardyd cote%Treno.i. Another on his fyst a Sparhauke or fawcon Or els a Cokow, and so wastynge his shone Before the auters he to and fro doth wander With euyn as great deuocyon as a gander + In comys another his houndes at his tayle With lynes and leshes and other lyke baggage. His dogges barkyth, so that withouten fayle The hole churche is troubled by theyr outrage So innocent youth lernyth the same of age And theyr lewde sounde doth the churche fyll. But in this noyse the good people kepe them styll

One tyme the hawkys bellys Jenglyth hye Another tyme they flutter with theyr wynges And nowe the houndes barkynge strykes the skye Nowe sounde theyr fete, and nowe the chaynes rynges They clap with theyr handes, by suche maner thynges They make of the churche, for theyr hawkes a mewe And Canell to theyr dogges, whiche they shall after rewe + So with suche folys is neyther peas nor rest Unto the holy churche they haue no reuerence But wander about to see who get may best In rybawde wordes pryde and insolence As mad men they fere nat our sauyours presence Hauynge no honour vnto that holy place Wherin is gyuen to man euerlastynge grace + There ar handlyd pledynges and causes of the lawe There ar made bargayns of dyuers maner thynges Byenges and sellynges scant worth a hawe And there ar for lucre contryuyd false lesynges And whyle the prest his Masse or matyns synges These folys whiche to the Churche do repayre Ar chattynge and bablynge as it were in a fayre + Some gygyll and lawghe and some on maydens stare And some on wyues with wanton countenaunce As for the seruyce they haue small force or care But full delyte them in theyr mysgouernaunce%In autem vt lice ma. et anie. + in fi. colloss.viii. Some with theyr slyppers to and fro doth prance Clappynge with their helys in churche and in quere So that good people can nat the seruyce here

What shall I wryte of maydens and of wyues%Addicio translatoris Alexandri + barclay. Of theyr roundynges and vngoodly comonynge Howe one a sclaundre craftely contryues And in the churche therof hath hyr talkynge The other hath therto theyr erys lenynge And than whan they all hath harde forth hir tale With great deuocyon they get them to the ale + Thus is the churche defylyd with vylany And in stede of prayer and godly oryson Ar vsyd shamefull bargayns and talys of rybawdry Jettynges and mockynges and great derysyon There fewe ar or none of perfyte deuocion And whan our lorde is consecrate in fourme of brede Therby walkes a knaue, his bonet on his hede + And whyle those wordes of consecracion Ar sayde of the preste in $goddes owne presence%In ce + missarum Suche caytyfs kepe talys and communycacion Fast by the auter, thynkynge it none offence%C. linthiamina. veri saluatoriis. And where as the angels ar ther with reuerence Laudynge and worshyppynge our holy sauyour These vnkynde caytyfs wyll scantly hym honour + Alas wherto shall any man complayne For this foly and accostomed furour%Johannis.ij. Syns none of them theyr fautes wyll refrayne But ay procede in this theyr lewde errour And nat withstandynge that $Christ our sauyour Hath left vs example, that none sholde mysdo Within the chirche, yet inclyne we nat therto

$Jhonn the euangelyst doth openly expres. Howe $criste our sauyour dyd dryue out and expell%Math.xxi. From the Temple, suche as vsed there falsnes%Marci.xij. And all other that therin dyd bye and sell%Luce.xix. Saynge as it after lyeth in the Gospell Unto the Jues rebuke and great repreues That of $goddes house they made a den of theues + Remember this man, for why thou dost the same Defylynge $goddes Chirche with synne and vanyte Whiche sothly was ordeyned to halowe $goddes name And to lawde and worshyp the holy trynyte%Eccle.xxi. With deuout harte, loue, and all benygnyte%Johellis.ij. And with all our myght our lorde to magnyfy%Psal.i. And than after all the heuenly company + For this cause hath $god the holy chirche ordeyned And nat for rybawde wordes and thynges vayne But by vs chrysten men it is distayned. Moche wors than euer, the Jewes dyd certayne And if our lorde sholde nowe come downe agayne. To dryue out of the churche suche as there do syn Forsoth I thynke, right fewe sholde byde within THE ENUOY TO THE REDERS. O man that bosteth thy selfe in $cristes name Callynge the christen, se thou thy synne refuse Remember well it is both synne and shame The house of $god, thus to defyle and abuse But this one thynge causeth me oft to muse That the false paynyms within theyr Temples be To theyr ydols moche more deuout than we

Of them that wyllynge and knowyngly put them self in ieopardy and peryll. He is a fole that wyll purchace and desyre His owne deth or putteth hym selfe in ieopardy Lepynge in a well, or in a flamynge fyre And where he myght lyue so dyeth wyllyngly Suche suffer theyr destruccyon worthely And if that they be drowned outher brent It is to late them after to repent.

I fynde mo folys yet. whome I shall note%Eccle.iij. Suche ar they whiche pray both day and nyght To $god and his sayntes cryeng with open throte O glorious $god helpe me by thy great myght%Math.vij. That I may clens my herte and clere my syght Wherby all foly and synne may fro me fall But yet this fole it leuyth nat at + Suche folys oft pray for theyr amendement Unto our lorde with syghynges sore and depe But yet to synne contynually they assent And after the same often complayne and wepe Than say they playne that $god hath had no kepe Unto theyr prayer and taken of it no hede But theyr owne foly is cause of theyr lewde dede + They se the peryll before theyr faces playne That $god hath ordeyned, for foly and for synne They pray for helpe, and yet ar they full fayne After the folys hode alway to ren And besely laboure the same alone to wyn So vnto $god for helpe they cry and call But they them selfe wyll helpe no thynge at all%juuenalis + Than thynke they theyr prayers to $god nat acceptable%Persius. Bycause (anone) they haue nat all theyr wyll And for that $god is nat sone agreable To here theyr cry and it graunt and fulfyll These folys in theyr vyce contynue styll And put theyr selfe in wylfull ieopardy And where they myght they fynde no remedy

But these folys vnstabyll as the wynde Prayeth vnto $god and to his sayntis aboue Nat knowynge what may content theyr folysshe mynde Nor whether theyr askynge be for theyr behoue But sothly this dare I both say and proue%Math.xx. And it auowe after my sympyll skyll%Marci.x. That neuer man shall syn without his wyll%Ad Ro.viij. + If that one with his owne wyll doth fall Into a well to assay the ieopardy Whan he is there. if he lowde crye and call Bothe on $god and man for helpe and remedy He sekyth that peryll, and dyeth worthely So were ir foly to gyue hym corde or trayne Or other engyne to helpe hym vp agayne + Whan suche folys ar sure vpon the grounde Without all daunger, peryll hurt or fere They lepe in the wel and yet fere to be drowned $Empedocles though he right myghty were%Empedocles. With suche lyke foly hym selfe so sore dyd dere That knowyngly and with his owne consent Hymself he lost and by fyers fyre was brent + He lept hedelynge into the flamynge fyre Of a brennynge hyll whiche callyd is $Ethnay To knowe the trouth, and nature to enquyre Whether that same flame were very fyre or nay So with his deth the trouth he dyd assay But who that wolde hym drawen out of that hyll Had ben a fole, syns it was his owne wyll

For why his mynde was blyndyd so certayne That thoughe a man had hym delyuered than The same peryll wolde he haue proued agayne As mad as he forsoth is euery man That is at eas, and hym nat so holde can And also he that putteth hymselfe in drede Or fere and peryll, where as he hath no nede + So he that prayeth to $god that he may get%Prouer.xxviij. The blysse of heuen, and scape infernall He is a fole his herte or mynde to set%Esaie.i. On frayle ryches, welth and ioy mundayne On stedfast fortune, on lucre or on gayne For certaynly these thynges of worldly welth Oft man deuydeth away from heuenly helth + Thus he that prayeth for welth or for ryches Or in this worlde hym selfe to magnyfy Prayeth for his hurt and cause of viciousnes For worldly welth doth vyce oft multyply So seke men theyr owne peryll wyllyngly But who that prayeth, and can nat as he ought%Luce.xx. He bloweth in the wynde, and shall nat haue his thought + And who that to honour couetyse to ascende Or to lyue in damnable voluptuosyte He seketh his peryll for if that he descende From welth and worshyp to payne and pouerte It is but worthy, and let hym pacyent be It to endure with mynde demure and meke He is worthy sorowe that wyll it alway seke

THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye that fayne wolde escape all ieopardy Auoyde suche thynges the whiche myght cause the same To proue a peryll, is foly certaynly Whether it be done in ernest or in game They that so doth may theyr owne madnes blame For he that is sure, and to a fray wyll ren May fortune come home agayne, nosles or lame And so it were better for to haue byd within

Of the way of felycyte and godnes, and of the payne to come vnto synners. Many in this lyfe the cart of syn doth drawe By payne and labour, alway right dylygent Norysshynge theyr syn agaynst all right and lawe And alway lyuynge after one lyke assent But whan they ar dede than shall theyr punysshement In hell be dowblyd with cartis of whelys foure Where as they thought. deth shuld ende theyr laboure

$God suffreth nat eche vicious fole to knowe The wonders that he made hath on this grounde%Prouer.xiiij. And dayly worketh. wherfore theyr syn soth growe%Psal.xviii. et xl. So that theyr foly them selfe doth confounde%Sapien. xiij. And here theyr bodyes to great labours ar bounde Sparynge no peryll for pleasour and for gayne Than after deth haue they euerlastynge payne + So he that here lyueth in vyce and synne Shall extreme dolour after deth endure%Prouer.v. Than what auantage is it for man to wyne%Eccle*s.ij. All orthly tresour, and of hell payne be sure But without dowt that wretchyd creature Whiche $goddes lawes wyll nat here holde and kepe Shall after deth haue cause to wayle and wepe + And suche as here wyll nat knowe theyr sauyour Obseruynge his preceptis and commaundement Whiche $god hathe ordeyned to saue vs from erroure%Eccle.xij.& xl. And vs commaundyd to kepe with clene intent Ouer all the worlde. as rule moste excellent To lyue godly. and who so euer he be%Treuorum.iiij. That foloweth in this worlde voluptuosyte + Or carnall lust ryot or other offence Wastynge his tyme in syn and viciousnes All suche in this worlde, by theyr blynde negligence Drawe styll the cart of greuous besynes.%Sapientie.xix. With payne and charge and, whan this wretchydnes Is past and gone, yet after this they shall In hell endure great tourmentis eternall

There shalt (thou fole) the charet drawe alway With dowble paynes both tedyous and cruell Wherfore thou fole retourne the I the pray.%Seneca Seke nat the way whiche ledeth vnto hell With his foule dennes, more darke than tunge can And thoughe the way be esy streyght and playne%facilis discensus auerni. The ende is nought, I aduyse the tourne agayne + The way to hell is greatly occupyed The path is playne, and easy to ouergo%Math.vij. The dore ay open no entre is denyed To suche as purpose in mynde to come therto But at the ende therof is care and wo With syghtis odyous and abhomynable Yet in the way ar folkes innumerable + Thus is no meruayle though this way be playne And greatly worne syns it is hantyd so%Prouer.ij.&.iiij. By dyuers folys whiche haste them to that payne. By way contynuall therto: but none noctes atque + dies patem atriiuanua ditis. Ecclesi.xxxij. The dredefull dore to them that wyll in go Both day and nyght is open, it doth forsake No folys that wyll theyr iourney thyther take + But that way that to hye heuen doth lye Is way of grace plesour, and all felycyte In it suche walke as here lyue vertuously And blessyd men, but nat suche as vyciouse be Yet is it narowe, and full of difficulte There is many a harde flynt brer and thorne And no meruayle for it is nat greatly worne

For why lewde people, whiche is the gretest sort%Sapientie.v. Forsake this way for the payne and But godly men therin haue chefe confort With all that lyue by grace in ryghtwysnes Suche well consyder that heuyns blessydnes Can nat be gotten by pleasour rest nor eas Wherfore this way can nat suche synners pleas + $God so hath ordeyned that who wyll haue vertue Must it obtayne with payne and dilygence And great labour, whiche many nowe eschewe Without it be to seke synne and offence Fewe seke the way to $christis hye Therby it hapneth that many a thousande%Ezech.vij. Fast rennyth leftwarde, but fewe on the right hande THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Alas man remembre heuens blyssednes And though the way be harde that lyeth therto Forsoke it nat for all that great sharpnes For at the ende is lyfe and rest also Euerlastynge glory with other ioyes mo But who that taketh the other way certayne Shall fynde at the ende eternall payne and wo Thoughe the way thether be easy streyght and playne

Of the yll example of elders gyuyn vnto youth. If that the fader and mother before theyr son By anger or malyce brake, platter pot, or pan The son in hande shall take some cauderon And lerne to breke it if his small power can Thus oft tyme chyldren haue cause to curse or ban Theyr frendes for suche example of lewdnes For soner that they lerne than vertue or goodes

Ye aged men rotyd in folysshnes And folysshe parentis lewde of your langage%Prouer.xxix. Vnto our shyp swyftly your selfe addres%Juuenalis Syns ye be worthy therin to haue a Nowe cast I repreues agaynst your outrage%Sapientie.iiij. Whiche boldly bost you of your vnthryfty lyues%Eccle.xli. Before your maydes, your doughters and your wyues + Alas the folys of this mad company By theyr example cause great inconuenyence Before theyr children recountynge rybaudry%Eccle.iiij. Of suche as they haue had experyence. So gyue they to them example of offence And in that synne wheron they bost and vant They make them perfyte whiche erst were ignorant + Theyr wordes ar voyde of shame and honestye%Eccle*s.x. Theyr lyfe is without mesure and reuerence But yet they thynke that they moste worthy be That moste can tell of this greuous offence Thus all the youth that is in theyr presence Or that doth here theyr vyce and rybawdry Vnto the same with theyr full mynde aply + Thus theyr yonge children maners lernyth none The wyfe hath occasyon to breke hir chastyte So is the lyfe defyled of them echone And to be playne, we often tymes se That of what maners the folysshe husbondes be Suche ar theyr wyues, children and housholde The yonge Cok lerneth to crowe hye of the olde

A folysshe Father, full hardly shall ensyne His sone to good lyfe or to good gouernaunce%Prouer.xix.&.xxix. For if the father to foly doth enclyne The sone wyll folowe his father in that daunce And if the father vse hasarde or the chaunce Or any prohybyt and vnlawfull game%Juuenalis Most comonly the sone wyll do the same + If that the husbonde be vycious of his lyfe Wastfull or dronken, or vyle in his langage His sonnes or doughters, his seruauntes and his wyfe Wyll lerne of hym to passe the same passage And if the husbonde breke his maryage If the wyfe knowe, in mynde she wyll be wroth Without he haue a hode of the same cloth + An olde prouerbe hath longe agone be sayde That oft the sone in maners lyke wyll si edic. Vnto the Father, and in lyke wyse the mayde Or doughter, vnto the mother wyll agre So if the elders vse enormyte And before theyr children bost them of the same The sone and doughter shall folowe syre and dame + The monkes thynke it lawfull for to play Whan that the Abbot bryngeth them the con.dis.v. Right so the Father, can nought or lytell say Agaynst the sone, nor hym blame or chastyce If he hym selfe be taken in that same vyce Thus lyues the Father in synne withouten shame And after his deth the sone shall do the same

O wretchyd maners o tyme full of furour And full of foly without all hope to stent Howe longe shall $god our lorde and sauyour This synne suffer without greuous punysshement Alas it nowe apereth euydent That the fathers foly synne and great outrage Is left to the sonne as it were herytage + And no meruayle, for it hath neuer ben seen That of a wolfe a shepe hath be forth brought Or that a calfe or lambe gendred hath been Of a fell tygre: right so if it were sought Ouer all the worlde. a Father that is nought Sholde scant be founde, whiche coude brynge vp his childe With his synne in no maner poynt defylyd + The yonge crab bacwarde doth crepe or go As doth the olde, none can hir cours redres%Esipus in apol. These yonge children for the moste part also Foloweth theyr fathers synne and his lewdnes But they that lyue in maners of mekenes%Ecclesi.vij. In honest lyfe, goodnes grace and chastyte May brynge forth children of maners as they be + I rede howe the Phylosopher $Diogenes Sayde by a childe whiche dronken was with wyne%Diogenes. That his Father was in that case doutles Whan he it gate, so his hye wyt dyuyne Knewe that the childes maners dyd inclyne Vnto his Fathers, and so was it founde trewe By them whiche well that childes fader knewe

But though the Father and mother also be nought Without dout this one thynge apereth playne That the childe is suche as it is vp brought And nat lyghtly chaungyd without great charge or payne Therfore let euery man hym selfe refrayne Within his hous from all thynge worthy blame%Eccle.xxxvij. Than shall his children and seruauntes do the same%Prouer.xxii. THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY. Ye that haue children or other great housholde Subdued to your seruyce, and your obedyence Kepe vertuous lyfe, for that is worth great golde And great example to youth to auoyde offence But if ye boost you of synne and neglygence In rybawde wordes, gyue credence to this clause If the herers fall into inconuenyence Your lewde example is the chefe grounde and cause

Of bodely pleasour or corporall voluptuosyte Wanton wastfull and vayne voluptuosyte Oft blyndeth attysynge vnto inconuenyence Many that ar rude, for theyr symplycyte And them as shepe sleeth for all theyr innocence But other some it kepyth with myght and violence As bulles bounde sure to endure great care And other as byrdes it tangleth in hir snare

Drawe nere ye folys to you I crye and call%Prouer.vij. Whiche ar of grace clene destytute and bare Folowynge your lust and pleasour corporall But for your soule ye take no thought ne care To whome may I this shamefull lust compare Saue to a harlat faynynge, fals and couetous.%Juuenalis. Of whome comyth shame and bytes venemous + She syttyth in the strete as past both shame and fere Hir brestes bare to tempt them that passe by%Eccle*s.ix. Hir face anoyntyd blasynge abrode hir here Or els on hir folysshe front enlaced hye Hir smocke to garnysshyd so hir dysceytfull iye To shamfull lust a thousande doth attyce Of youth whiche erst perchaunce knewe nought of vyce + Hir chamber full of flatery and disceyte%Ezech.xvi. Anone is opened the blynde fole entreth in The hoke of deth is hyd vnder the bayte Of folysshe lust pleasour and mortall syn Hir soule she sellyth ryches therby to wyne And what riches: a rewarde sothly full vyle The soules damneth and bodyes doth defyle + The one departyth, another comys in agayne%Michee.i. Without all shame dare she them boldly pray%Prouer.xvij. To hir fals pleasours, Thus by hir gyle and trayne This folysshe youth to hir wyll nat denay But vnto hir some lepe both nyght and day%Eccle.xix. Without mesure, rennynge to lese theyr lyfe As ox or shepe vnto the bochers knyfe

The symple lambe his necke doth out extende Vnto the Bocher his mortall ennemy So doth these folys, sekynge a shamefull ende And theyr owne deth, though they myght fynde remedy O blynde fole I requyre the to aply Vnto my wordes and thou shalt here and se. Howe moche thou oughtest this folysshe lust to fle + The soule it damneth, and drowneth depe in hell The wyt it wastyth, and confoundeth the mynde%Hiere.xli. It causeth man his londe and good to sell And if that he none other mene can fynde To rob and stele he oft tyme is inclyned Besyde all these this fowle lust is so vyle That with fowle sauour it shall thy body fele + Thoughe of lewde lust the ioy be short and small And thoughe the pleasour therof be soon ouer past%Prouer.v. The payne that foloweth it, is eternall With wofull dolour menglyd, that euer shall last Therfore leue of: do nat thy pleasour cast%Eccle*s.ij. On worldly welth, delyte ioy and pleasour For soon they pas and chaunge at euery hour%Luce.viij. + Who that in this wretchyd worlde wyll auoyde%Prouer.viij.&.xiij. Of voluptuousnes the ioyes frayle and vayne And suffre nat hym with them to be acloyde%Ecclesi.i. Infect or drownyd, shall for the same certayne Euerlastynge lyfe, and endles ioy obtayne And for his hye tryumphe and dyuyne prudence Haue the fruycyon of $goddes hye presence

But who that wyll his carnall lust ensue Shall here haue shame, and after payne cruell I coude hereof dyuers examples shewe But of right many this one I shall you tell One $Sardanapalus all other dyd excell. In carnall lust and so his mynde dyd cast%Sardanapalus. On loue prohybyte, that grace was fro hym + The loue of vertue was full out of his mynde So he concludyd to sue dilyciousnes Thynkynge after deth no welth nor ioy to fynde For this is the sentence of the prynce of But $good almyghty seynge his vycyousnes His body and soule deuydyd soon in twayne From worldly pleasour vnto infernall payne + By this hystory to vs it apereth playne That from worldly pleasour and voluptuosyte With all our myght we ought vs to refrayne For thoughe the first of them delycious be Theyr ende is poyson, and of sournes plente Sue wyse men vertue, and set suche lust asyde For they ar folys that in it lyue and byde THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Amende mad men your blynde mysgouernaunce Subdue nat your necke to the captyuyte Of flysshely lust and corporall pleasaunce Nor to blynde $Venus with hir lasciuyte (If ye it note) ye dayly here and se The mysfortune of them that it ensue And certaynly no man can saued be By carnall lust, but by godly vertue

Of folys that can nat kepe secrete theyr owne counsell. Of other Foles a nomber yet I fynde Which by theyr bablynge wordes and langage Can nat kepe close the secrete of theyr mynde. But all theyr counsel out they shewe at large. So that oft therof procedeth great damage. As Murder, myschefe, hatered and debate. That after they repent. But than it is to late

He is a naturall fole and vndiscrete And to hym selfe ingendryth oft great stryfe Whiche can nat hyde his counsell and secrete But by his foly it sheweth to his wyfe%Seneca in moralibus. And all that he hath done in his hole lyfe Or that to do here after he doth purpose %Job.xxviij.&.xviij. To euery man suche a fole wyll disclose + The noble $Sampson moste excellent of myght%Eccle.xxix. And strongest man that euer was get or borne%Catho. Were nat this foly: sholde nat haue lost his xvi. Nor had his here, by gyle from his hede ofshorne And of his ennemyes ben laughyd vnto scorne And at the last with herte wrethfull and wo His ennemyes murdred and hym selfe also + Where as he myght haue lyued in honour If he had kept his secretes in his mynde With his owne wyll he dyed in great dolour. By the fals treason of his lemman vnkynde We may in dyuers mo examples fynde Howe many thousandes haue suffred paynes smart And all for shewynge the secretes of theyr hart + $Amphiaraus a Prynce moste excellent%Stacius in theb. Shortened the dayes of his pore doutfull lyfe For shewynge the preuetees of his intent By his owne foly to his disceytfull wyfe And thoughe he longe escaped had the stryfe And war of $Thebes whiche he dyd longe defende Yet at the leest his tunge was his owne ende

Thus olde storyes doth oft recorde and tell By theyr examples whiche they vnto vs gyue%Eccle*s.x. That wymen ar no kepars of councell It goeth through them as water trough a syue Wherfore let them that quyetly wolde lyue No more of theyr counsell to any woman showe%Ecclesi.xix. Than that they wolde that euery man dyd knowe + Let euery man that is discrete and sage Of suche folys with all wysdome be ware Whiche shewe theyr counsell by theyr hasty langage. To euery man without all thought and care%Prouer.xxi. For they of wysdome and reason ar but bare And who that his owne secrete wyll forth tell Howe sholde he hyde another mannes counsell + Yet other be whiche by theyr flaterynge trayne Labour to knowe euery mannys pryuete%Horatius in epistolis And by and by to shewe it forth agayne Of them be ware for they disceyfull be. Some other bost them of theyr felycyte Bablynge that they haue theyr wyll in euery thynge As prosperous welth loue, ryches and cunnynge + And of great dedes done both on see and londe%Prouer.xxviij. Some by theyr falshode, some by strength and vertue But if one laboured the trouth to vnderstonde Suche folysshe wordes sholde all be founde vntrewe Let neuer man to suche his counsell shewe For of one worde these folys makyth twayne Whiche tourneth many to losse rebuke and payne

Wherfore if thou wylt that thy pryuete%Seneca Be kept secrete and nat come out at large Be nat so folysshe to showe it vnto me Or any other if it be thynge of charge And if thou do thou shalt be in this barge For howe wylt thou thynke that another man Can kepe thy counsell syns thou thy self ne can + If the kynge $Achab had nat vttred and tolde%iij.regum.xxi. Unto his wyfe his wyll and mynde so playne By hir fals treason, and dysceyt manyfolde Unrightwysly $Nabot had nat ben slayne But for the same, $Achab suffred great payne By deth in batayle, and for a punysshment His wyfe with houndes was all to torne and rent + Thus it apereth that he is wyse and ware%Prouer.xxv. Whiche can his counsell kepe within his hart For by that mean may he escape great care And suerly lyue without yll wyllys dart The Prophete seynge what dyuers paynes smart%Esaie.xxiiij. Comyth oft to them whiche doth theyr secret tell Eche man exortyth to kepe close his counsell. THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Thou man that hast thy secret in thy brest Holde it styll there suffer it nat out to go Who that so doth, therby shall fynde great rest Ne to thy frende shewe nat thy mynde also For if that he after become thy fo As often hapneth, than myght he the bewry So sholde thy foly tourne vnto thy great wo Howe be it suche thynges are prouyd comonly.

Of yonge folys that take olde wymen to theyr wyues, for theyr ryches. Within our shyp that fole shall haue a hode Whiche an olde wyfe taketh in maryage Rather for hir ryches and hir worldly gode Than for pure loue, or hope to haue lynage But suche youth as mary them selfe with age The profyte and pleasour of wedlocke lese certayne And worthely lyue in brawlynge stryfe and payne.

Under the Asse tayle thoughe it be no thynge pure%Juuenalis Yet many seke and grope for the vyle corinth.vij. Gatherynge togyther the fowle dunge and ordure%Prouer.xix. Suche ar they that for treasour and ryches Whyle they ar yonge in theyr chefe lustynes An agyd woman taketh to theyr wyfe Lesynge theyr youth, and shortynge so theyr lyfe + They that so do hath neyther rest nor peas But besy brawlynge and stryfe contynuall They haue no pleasour, but thought and great dyseas Rebuke out braydynge, and strypes whan they fall%Juuenalis But theyr owne foly is grounde and cause of all%Prouer.xix. For they be maryd unto the vyle treasour And precious bagges, but nat for godly pleasour + They haue no hope of children nor Loue is there none, and durynge theyr wretchyd lyfe Is nat one day in suche mad maryage Auoyde of brawlynge, of hatered and of stryfe But that pore man that weddeth a ryche wyfe Cast in his nose shall styll hir bagges fynde%Prouer.ix. For whose cause he made was made and blynde + They that ar weddyd nat for loue but rychesse%Eccle.xix. Of moryage despysynge the pleasour and profyte Suche seldome sauour fortunes happynes But oft mysfortune them greuously doth byte Thus gone is theyr pleasour theyr ioy and delyte And for vayne treasoure suche ar so glad and fayne That for the same they them subdue to payne

They wyllyngly to payne them selfe subdue The whiche ar weddyd for wretchyd couetyse They take no hede to maners and vertue To honeste nor wysdome but lyue ay in malyce For if a woman be fowle and full of vice And lewde of maners, nought both to man and lad Yet good shall hir mary be she neuer so bad%Juuenalis + If that a man of hye or lowe degre%Prouer.vii. Wolde spouse his doughter vnto a strange man%Ecclesi.x. He nought inquyreth of his honestye Of his behauour, nor if he norture can But if he be ryche in londes and good: than He shall be prayed his doughter for to haue Thoughe be but a bonde man or a knaue + The firste enquyrynge and speciall questyon%Juuenalis Is of the money, that thynge namely they moue And last of all aske they the condicion So whan they mete they neuer haue perfyte loue Wherfore it were better to suche for theyr behoue%Prouer.xxi. To byde alone in deserte and wyldernes Than in wedloke in payne for frayle ryches + Forsoth it is an vnmete maryage And disagreynge and moche agaynst the lawe Bytwene fresshe youth, and lame vnlusty age The loue bytwene them is scantly worth a strawe So doth the one styll on the other gnawe And oft the man in mynde doth sore complayne. His sede to sowe vpon a grounde barayne

Than muste he haue another prymme or twayne With them to slake his wanton yonge cowrage%Prouer.xxv. But in that space must he endure great payne%Eccle.xxv. With hir that he hath tane in maryage Hir bablynge tunge whiche no man can asswage With wrathfull wordes shall sle hym at the laste His other prymes his good shall spende and waste + Thus who that selleth his youthes lustynes For frayle ryches and this mundayne vanyte He byeth stryfe, gyle and falshode endlesse Suche force nat for fayth true loue nor honestye And thoughe that he discende of hye degre For hope of money he shall an olde fole wed By whose foly he to euery yll is led. + And so these folys subdue them to bondage%Eccle*s.xii. And worthely endure suche payne and punysshement They hope therby to come to auauntage But that they lese and lyue in sore tourment They wast theyr good, and so whan that is spent And nought remayneth theyr bodyes to relefe Theyr disputacion is nought but hore and thefe + But if I sholde wryte all the vnhappynes The wrath discorde and the great deuysyon Wherin they lyue, that mary for ryches And nat for loue. I neuer sholde haue done Wherfore this say I for a conclusyon That he shall neuer thryue ne come to his behoue That weddyth a wyfe for gode and nat for loue

THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY. Alas man myndles what is thyne intent To wed for ryches, that weddynge I defy Maryage was ordeyned by $god omnypotent In $goddes lawes the worlde to multyply Wherfore that man that wyll therto aply And wolde haue the profyte of faythfull maryage This worldly ryches ought no thynge to set by But wed for loue and hope to haue lynage + Remember ryches is no thynge comparable To mekenes vertue and discrete gouernaunce And other maners whiche ar more commendable Than worldly treasour or suche vnsure substaunce Wherfore consyder and call to thy remembraunce That better is to haue some woman pore and bare And lyue in eas: Than one with habundaunce Of great ryches: and euer to lyue in care

Of enuyous Folys. Yet ar mo folys whiche greatly them delyte In others losse, and that by fals enuy Wherby they suche vnrightwysly bacbyte The dartis of suche ouer all the wordly flye And euer in fleynge theyr fethers multyply No state in erth therfro can kepe hym sure His sede encreasyth as it wolde euer endure

Wastynge enuy oft styreth to malyce%Eccle.xiiij. Folys nat a fewe whiche ar therto enclynyd%Horatius in epistolis. xlvi.dis.+ clericus. Pryckynge theyr frowarde hertes vnto vyce Of others damage reioysynge in theyr mynde Enuyes darte doth his begynnynge fynde In wrathfull hertes, it wastyth his owne nest Nat suffrynge other to lyue in eas and rest + If one haue plenty of treasour and ryches%Salustius. Or by his merytis obteyne great dignyte%Prouer.xxxviij. These folys enuyous that of the same haue les%Cicero Enuy by malyce, the others hye degre%Ecclesi.xiiij. And if another of honour haue plente They it enuy and wysshe that they myght sterue Howe be it suche folys can nat the same deserue + These folys desyre agaynst both lawe and right Anoters good if they may get the same%Ouidius.ii.meth. If they may nat by flaterynge nor by myght Than by fals malyce they hym enuy and blame Outher if one by his vertue hath good name %Prouer.xxiij. By fals enuy these foles hym reproue Their wrath them blyndeth so that they none can loue + The wounde of this malycious, fals enuy So dedely is, and of so great cruelte That it is incurable and voyde of remedy A man enuyous hath suche a properte That if he purpose of one vengyd to be Or do some mysche, whiche he reputyth best Tyll it be done, he neuer hath eas nor rest

No slepe, no rest nor pleasour can they fynde To them so swete, pleasaunt and delectable That may expell this malyce from theyr mynde So is enuy a vyce abhomynable And vnto helth so frowarde and damnable That if it onys be rotyd in a man It maketh hym lene. his colour pale and wan + Enuy is pale of loke and countenaunce%Descripcio inui die ex ouidio. His body lene of colour pale and blewe His loke frowarde, his face without pleasaunce Pyllynge lyke scalys, his wordes ay vntrue His iyen sparklynge with fyre ay fresshe and newe It neuer lokyth on man with iyen full But euer his herte by furious wrath is dull + Thou mayst example fynde of this enuy%Joseph gen.xxxvij. By $Joseph whome his bretherne dyd neuer beholde With louynge loke, but sharpe and cruelly So that they hym haue murdred gladly wolde I myght recount examples manyfolde Howe many by enuy lost hath theyr degre But that I leue bycause of breuyte + Enuyous folys ar stuffed with yll wyll In them no myrth nor solace can be founde%Eccle.lxviij. They neuer laughe but if it be for yll As for gode lost or whan some shyp is drounde Or whan some hous is brent vnto the grounde But whyle these folys on other byte and gnawe Theyr enuy wastyth theyr owne herte and theyr mawe

The mount of $Ethnay though it brent euer styll Yet (saue itselfe) it brenneth none other thynge%Alanus So these enuyous Folys by theyr yll wyll Wast theyr owne herte, thoughe they be ay musynge Another man to shame and losse or hurte to brynge Upon them sellfe Thus tournyth this yll agayne To theyr destruccion both shame great losse and payne + This fals enuy by his malycious yre Doth often, bretherne so cursedly inflame That by the same the one of them conspyre%Lucanus Agaynst the other without all fere and shame As $Romulus and $Remus excellent of fame Whiche byldyd $Rome, but after: enuy so grewe Bytwene them that the one the other slewe + What shall I wryte of $Cayme and of $Abell Howe $Cayme for murder suffred great payne and wo $Atreus story and $Theseus cruell. Ar vnto vs example hereof also $Ethyocles with his brother: and many mo Lyke as the storyes declareth openly The one the other murdred by enuy THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Wherfore let hym that is discrete and wyse This wrathfull vyce exyle out of his mynde And yll on none by malyce to surmyse Let charyte in perfyte loue the bynde Sue hir preceptis than shalt thou confort fynde Loue in this lyfe, and ioy whan thou art past Where as enuy thy conscyence shall blynde And both they blode and body mar and wast

Of impacient Folys that wyll nat abyde correccion. Unto our Folys shyp let hym come hastely Whiche in his Bagpype hath more game and sport Than in a Harpe or Lute more swete of melody I fynde vnnumerable Folys of this sort Whiche in theyr Bable haue all they hole confort For it is oft sayd of men both yonge and olde A fole wyll nat gyue his Babyll for any golde

The grettest synners that man may se or fynde%Prouer.xxiij. In myserable Folys theyr foly to expres%Ecclesi.xxii. Is whan they wyll by no mean gyue theyr mynde To frendly wordes, to grace or to goodnes Suche folys so set theyr mynde on frowardnes That though one gyue them counsell sad and wyse They it disdayne and vtterly dispyse + But he that is discrete sad and Aplyeth his mynde right gladly to doctryne He hereth wyse men, his wysdome to augment He them doth folowe and to theyr wordes enclyne But that fole whiche ay goeth to ruyne. And mortall myschefe had leuer be dede or slayne Than byde correccyon or for his profyte payne + Suche haue suche pleasour in theyr mad folysshe pype%Prouer.x. That they dispyse all other melody.%Ecclesi.xv. They leuer wolde dye folys than: byde a strype For theyr correccyon and specyall remedy And without dout none other To suche folys is halfe so delectable As is their folysshe bagpype and theyr babyll + These frantyke folys wyll byde no punysshement Nor smale correccion, for theyr synn and offence No frendly warnynge can chaunge theyr yll intent For to abyde it, they haue no pacyence. They here no wysdome but fle from hir presence And so it hapnyth that in the worlde be Mo folys than men of wyt and grauyte

O mortall fole remember well what thou Thou art a man of erth made and of clay Thy dayes ar short and nede thou must depart%Ad Out of this lyfe, that canst thou nat denay Yet hast thou reason and wyt wherby thou may%Ecclesi.xxv. Thy selfe here gyde by wysdome ferme and stable%Psal.c.xviij. Wherby thou passest all bestis vnresonable + Thou art made lorde of euery creature All thynge erthly vnto thyne obedyence $God hath the creat vnto his owne fygure Lo is nat here a great preemynence $God hath also gyuyn vnto the intellygence And reason and wyt all foly to refuse. Than art thou a fole that reason to abuse + He that is fre outher in subieccion. If by his foly he fall into offence And than submyt hym vnto correccyon. All men shall laude his great obedyence But if that one by pryde and insolence Supporte his faute and so bere out his vyce The hell tourmentis hym after shall chastyce + Correccyon shall the vnto wysdome brynge Whiche is more precious than all erthly ryches Than londes rentis or any other thynge Why dost thou bost the of byrth or noblenes Of ryches, strength beauty or fayrnes These often ar cause of inconuenyence.%Eccle.iii.&.xvij. Where as all good comyth by wysdome and prudence

A wyse man onely as we often fynde%Tullius in para. Is to be named moste ryche and of most myght Here thou his wordes and plant them in thy mynde%Eccle.vij. And folowe the same for they ar sure and right. Better is to endure, thoughe it be nat lyght To suffer a wyse man the sharply to repreue Than a flaterynge fole to clawe the by the sleue + Thoughe sharpe correccyon at the first the greue%Job.ij. Thou shalt the ende therof fynde profytable%Job.xxviij. It oft apereth, therfore I it byleue%Psal.xviij. That man also forsoth is fortunable%Prouer.i.&.viij. Whiche here in fere lyueth sure and And in this lyfe is clene of his intent Ferynge the sharpe payne of hellys punysshement + He may hym selfe right happy call also Whiche is correct in his first tender age And so lernyth in $goodes law to go And in his yocke, whiche doth all yll asswage But these folys bydynge in theyr outrage Whiche of correccyon in this lyfe hath dysdayne May fere to be correct in hell with endles payne THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. Ye obstynate folys that often fall in vyce Howe longe shall ye kepe this frowarde ignoraunce Submyt your myndes, and so from synne aryse Let mekenes slake your mad mysgouernaunce Remember that worldly payne is greuaunce To be compared to hell whiche hath no pere There is styll payne, this is a short penaunce Wherfore correct thy selfe whyle thou art here.

Of folysshe Fesycyans and vnlerned that onely folowe paractyke knowynge nought of the speculacyon of theyr faculte. Who that assayeth the craft of medycyne Agaynst the seke and paynfull pacyent And hath no insyght cunnynge nor doctryne To gyue the seke, helth and amendement Suche is a fole, and of a mad intent To take on hym by Phesyke any cure Nat knowynge of man, nor herbe the right nature

Yet be mo folys vpon the grounde and londe Whiche in our Shyp may clayme a rowme and place Suche be Phesycians that no thynge vnderstonde%Domine.&c. + imperitia. re ra. imperitia.xxix. Wandrynge about in euery towne and place Uysytynge the seke whiche lyue in heuy case But nought they relefe of those paynes harde But gape alway after some great rewarde + Suche that haue practyse and nought of speculatyfe Whan they go vysyte some paynfull pacyent Whan they hym note sure to forgo his lyfe Without all hope of any amendement Yet say they other than is in theyr intent That his diseas is no thynge incurable So that the pacyent to hym be agreable + Sayth the Phesycyan whan he hath his rewarde%Seneca declemen ad nero. Eccle.+ x.&.xliiij. Abyde a whyle tyll I my bokes ouer se Wherby I may relyue thy paynes harde Than from the pacyent homewarde departyth he To se his bokes but if the pacyent In that meane space the medycyne is to late So may he lay it to his owne folysshe pate + The speculacion sholde he before haue sene For that in Phesyke is chefe and pryncypall, Yet many ar that vse the craft I wene%Eccle.xxxviij. Whiche of the cunnynge knowe lytell or nought at sen. A herbe or wede that groweth vpon a Beryth in it these folys medycyne. None other bokes haue they nor doctryne

Nor none they rede to haue the true scyence Or perfyte knowlege and grounde of medycyne They rede no volumes of the experyence Of $Podalirius nor $Mesues doctryne Suche folys disdayne theyr myndes to enclyne Unto the doctryne of bokes of $Auycen Of $ypocras and parfyte $galyen + But all the substance of theyr blynde faculte%Sapien.xij. They take in bokes that speke of herbes only Without respect had to theyr properte Or operacion so often they them aply To fals doctrynes, but first and specyally These olde wyues therwith wyll haue to do Thoughe they nought knowe that doth belonge therto + They dare be bolde to take on them the cure Of them diseasyd howe be it that they nat can Suche thynge discerne as longyth to nature What is for woman good, and what for man So oft they ende moche wors than they began That the pore pacyent is so brought to his graue Yet dyuers suters suche folysshe wytches haue + Suche wytches boldly dare afferme and That with one herbe they hele can euery sore Under euery syne plenete, houre and day Yet besyde this they boldly dare say more That it that helyth a man aged and hore Shall helpe also a woman or a childe Thus many thousandes oft ar by them begyled

They say also in this our charge or cure%Seneca. What nedes it note the synes or fyrmament The cause of thynges, or the strength of nature Whether that the seke be stronge or impotent They gyue one medesyn to euery pacyent And if it fortune it be to colde or warme The faythles wytche in hande goth with hir scharme + Say folysshe Surgyan by what experyence Or whose Doctryne discyplyne or lore Takest thou on the, nought knowynge of scyence%Sapien.i. With one Salue or plaster, to heale euery sore Yet so thou thynkest, I the compare therfore Unto a lawyer that of his craft nought can And yet presumeth to counsell euery man + A lawer and a Phesician ar both lyke Of theyr condicion and both insue one trayne%Addicio alexandri barklay. The one begyleth the pacyent and seke Takynge his god for to encreas his payne The other labours and cauteles oft doth fayne To clawe the coyne by craft from his clyent Castynge hym of whan all his good is spent + Thus thryues the lawer by anothers good Iniustly gotten, disceyuynge his clyent Also some other ar callyd Phesicians good Whiche vtterly disceyue the pacyent If he haue money than hath he his intent And if the seke haue store ynough to pay Than shall the cure be dryuen from day to day

So if the lawer may any auauntage wyn He shall the cause from terme to terme defarre The playntyf for a player is holde in. With the defendaunt kepynge open warre So laweyers and Phesicians thousandes do marre And whan they no more can of theyr suers haue The playntyf beggyth, the seke is borne to graue + But of these lawyers bycause I spoke before Of folysshe Phesicians here onely I intende. Somwhat to say: And of lawers no more On you Phesicians shall I conclude and ende I say no man may hym so well defende That he for murder may auoyde punysshement Yet may Phesicians, sleynge the pacient + Thus thou that of Phesycian hast the name If thou nought knowe of perfyte medycyne It is forsoth to thy rebuke and shame To boste the scyence: nat hauynge the doctryne Therfore I counsell that thou thy mynde inclyne To haue the cunnynge, els certaynly thou shall Haue thy blynde craft and lyue a fole with all. THE ENUOY OF THE TRASLATOUR. Thou blynde Phesician that of thy craft nought can Leue of thy lewdnes and bolde audacyte To take on the: the cure of chylde or man For by thy foly the wors myght they be And ye that suerly perceyue your faculte Be true therin, and auaryce from you cast Shame is to brynge a man to pouertye And than in paynes to leue hym at the last

Of the ende of worldly honour and power and of Folys that trust therin. On erth was neuer degre so excellent Nor man so myghty: in ryches nor scyence But at the ende all hath ben gone and spent Agaynst the same no man can make defence Deth all thynge drawyth, ferefull is his presence, It is laste ende of euery thynge mundayne Thus mannys fortune of cours is vncertayne

O creatures of myndes mad and blynde%Job.xv. I wonder of your hertis proude and eleuate%Eccle.ix.&.xxix. Whiche on vayne power set so sore your mynde%Juuenalis i satyra omnibus in + terris. Eccle*s.xi. And trust so moche to your vnsure estate As of your lyfe were neyther yere nor date To worldly worshyp ye stedfastly intende As if your lyfe sholde neuer more come to ende + Alway ye labour to come to dignyte And oft by falshode your power to augment Alas fewe ar content with theyr degre But by extorcion spoyle the pore innocent On worldly treasour so set is theyr intent And styll to honour as besely to ascende As if theyr lyfe sholde neuer more come to ende + Take thou example by $Julius $cesar%Cesar Julius That of the worlde durynge a whyle was sure And many kynges subduyd by myght of warre And of the Empyre had lordshyp charge cure But this his myght great space dyd nat endure And whyle he trustyd yet hyer to ascende By cruell deth he soon came to his ende + Right in lyke wyse the myghty $Darius Was kynge of $Persy a realme moche excellent%Darius rex persarum.i.mach.i. Yet was his mynde so greatly couetus That with the same helde he hym nat content But warred on other Royalmes adiacent So whan his myght coude nat therto extende His owne Royalme he loste and so came to his ende

And also $Xerxes in ryches abundant%Xerxes de quo Juuenalis et Herodotus lv. Was longe in peas and great tranquyllyte And in his Royalme was hye and tryumphant As longe as he was content with his degre Than had he pleasour and great felycyte. To assay by warre his kyngdome to amende But all he lost and so came to his ende + Whyle $Nabugodonosor kynge of $Babylone%Nabuchodonosor daniel.iij. In vnsure fortune set to great confydence Commaundynge honour vnto hym to be done As vnto $god: with all humble reuerence $God by his power and hye magnyfycence Made hym a beste, for that he dyd offende And so in proces of tyme came to his ende + $Alexander the great and myghty conquerour%Alexander magnus Juuenalis. To whome all the worlde scantly myght suffyse Of $Grece was the origynall lorde and Emperour And all the wrolde subdued as I surmyse Yet hath he done as is the comon gyse Left all behynde, for nought coude hym defende But as a symple man at the last came to his ende + The myghty $Cresus with his kyngdomes and store%Cresus Of golde and ryches hym selfe coude nat content But whyle he trustyd and laboured for more Fortune hym fayled: So lost he his intent.%Cyrus Herodotus et Justinus li.i. What shall I wryte of $Cyrus excellent Drynkynge his blode by deth whiche fortune sende Lo here of states the comon deth and ende

All kyngdomes dekay and all estate mundayne Example of $Rome $Cartago and $Mycene%Ecclesi.x. Of $Solyme &Tyre $grace and $Troy moste souerayne None of these places ar nowe as they haue ben%Ecclesi.xlix. Nor none other ouer the worlde as I wene%Job.ij. Thus shortly to speke and all to comprehende%Apoca.xviij. All worldly thynges at last shall haue an ende.%Sapientie.vij. THE ENUOY OF $BARKLAY TO THE FOLYS. O man that hast thy trust and confydence Fyxed on these frayle fantasyes mundayne Remember at the ende there is no difference Bytwene that man that lyued hath in payne And hym that hath in welth and ioy souerayne They both must dye their payne is of one sort Both ryche and pore, no man can deth refrayne For dethes dart expellyth all confort + Say where is $Adam the fyrst progenytour%Gene.v. Of all mankynde is he nat dede and gone%Hec prima mundi etas est And where is $Abell of innocence the flour With $adamys other sonnes euerychone A: dredfull deth of them hath left nat one Where is $Mathusalem, and $Tuball that was playne%Gene.v. The first that played on Harpe or on Orgone%Gene.v. %Ilz %sont %tous %mortz %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne%Longeuissimus mortalium. + Secunda etas. + Where is iust $Noy and his ofsprynge become Where is $Abraham and all his progeny As $Isaac and $Jacob, no strength nor wysdome%Tercia etas. Coude them ensure to lyue contynually

Where is kynge $Dauyd whome $god dyd magnyfy And $Salomon his son of wysdome souerayne%Quarta etas. Where ar his sonnes of wysdome and beauty %Ilz %sont %toutz %mortz %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne. + Where ar the prynces and kynges of $Babylon%Quinta etas. And also of $Jude and kynges of $Israell Where is the myghty and valiant $Sampson He had no place in this lyfe ay to dwell Where ar the Prynces myghty and cruell That rayned before $Christ delyuered vs from payne%Sexta etas. And from the Dongeons of darke and ferefull hell %Ilz %sont %toutz %mortz %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne. + Of worldly worshyp no man can hym assure%Septima etas. mundi a Christo usque + ad seculi finem. In this our age whiche is the last of all No creature can here alway endure Yonge nor olde, pore man nor kynge royall Unstable fortune tourneth as doth a ball And they that ones pas can nat retourne agayne Wherfore I boldly dare speke in generall We all shall dye: %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne. + Ryches nor wysdome can none therfro defende Ne in his strenght no man can hym assure Say where is $Tully is he nat come to ende $Seneke the sage with $Cato and $Arture The hye $Arystotyll of godly wyt and pure The glorious $Godfray, and myghty $Charlemayne Thoughe of theyr lyfe they thought that they were sure Yet ar they all dede: %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne.

Where ar the Phylosophers and Poetis lawreat The great Grammaryens and pleasant oratours. Ar nat they dede after the same fourme and rate As ar all these other myghty conquerours Where ar theyr Royalmes theyr ryches and treasours Left to theyr heyres: and they be gone certayne And here haue left theyr riches and honours So haue they proued that this worlde is but vayne. + So I conclude bycause of breuyte That if one sought the worlde large and wyde Therin sholde be founde no maner of dere That can alway in one case suerly byde Strength, honour, riches cunnynge and beautye All these decay, dayly: thoughe we complayne %Omnia %fert %etas, both helth and iolyte We all shall dye: %ce %monde %est %choce %vayne.

Of predestynacion. That man that lokyth for to haue a rewarde Whiche he hath nat deseruyd to obtayne And lenyth his body vpon a rede forwarde Whiche for waykenes may hym nat well sustayne Forsoth this fole may longe so loke in vayne And on the Crauys he styll shall bacwarde ryde Cryenge with the doue, whose flyght shall hym ay gyde

It is vnlawfull, man to be dilygent%Ad ephe.i. Or serchynge $goddes workes to set his thought Howe he hath made the heuen and fyrmament%De pen.dis.iiij.c.benedictus.ij.+ Ad thimo.ij. The erth the see and euery thynge of nought Yet of some Folys the cause hereof is sought Whiche labour also with curyosyte To knowe the begynnynge of his dyuynyte + These folys forgettynge their owne fragilyte Wolde loke to knowe the ende of euery thynge Boldly disputynge in $goddys pryuete And what rewarde is ordeynyd for men lyuynge Of many folys this is the moste musynge Whiche labour dayly with besy cure and payne. To knowe what $god doth discerne and or ordayne + Therfore in this part I shall dispyse and blame%Ad romanos.i. Unchrafty folys whiche scantly haue ouer sene%Prouer.xxvi. Ought of scripture, if they knowe the bokes name Or els a whyle hath at the Scoles bene Than bende they the browys and stedfastly they wene In theyr conceyt that they ar passynge wyse For all scripture newe commentis to deuyse + They frowardly the sentence do transpose%Hieronimus in prologo biblie. And that whiche is wryten, both playne and holely By theyr corruptynge and vnlawfull glose Oft tyme they brynge to damnable heresy Falsly expoundynge after theyr fantasy They labour to transpose and turne the right sence Thoughe the wordes stryue and make great resystence

Here what these folys with theyr audacyte Dare besely say by theyr fals errour blynde Presumynge on $goddes secrete and pryuete Here what lewde wordes they cast out in the wynde They say what man can chaunge or turne his mynde To lyue after any other fourme and rate But lyke as he is therto predestynate + They say: if $god that rayneth ouerall Hath any ordeyned that in this worlde is To come to the place and rowme dio.xxiij.q.iiij obtineri. For to be partyner of euerlastynge blys Ordeyned for suche as here doth nat amys No man can chaunge, not other thynge mundayne That thynge whiche $god by his myght doth ordayne + But if that $god prefyxed hath before Any creature vnto infernall payne In derknes to be damnyd for euer No erthely thynge may that sentence call agayne Nor hym delyuer: o fole thou mayst complayne For this thy foly and also it repent Thynkest thou nat $god alway omnypotent + Is $god nat rightwyse and grounde of all iustyce%xxiiii.q.iiij. Nabuchodocosor. Rewardynge man after his gouernaunce He that hath here nat lyen in synne and vyce Hauynge in $goddys seruyce his pleasaunce Shall of his lorde be had in remembraunce%Sapientie.x. And of rewarde worthely be sure Where it is worthy that synners payne

Trust well who seruyth his maker stedfastly%Prouer.xxiiij. With pure herte kepynge sure his commaundement%Ecclesi.xij. And lawes shall be rewardyd fynally With heuenly ioy and scape all punysshement Therfore thou fole leue of this lewde intent%Math.xvi. Lyue vertuously and trust in $goddes grace%ad romanos.ij. Than yll desteny in the shall haue no place + Unto great ioy $god hath vs all create And to vs all ordeyned his kyngdome%Apoca.xxij. And none hath vnto Hell predestynate But often whan we folowe nat wysdome By ouer owne foly we fall, and so become Unto our maker vnkind: and hym deny Whiche them rewardyth that here lyue vertuously + Therfore thou Fole desyst thy wordes vayne And let thy tunge no more suche wordes say For $god hath vs made all of one stuf certayne As one potter makyth of one clay. Vessels dyuers, but whan he must them lay Vpon the kyll with fyre them there to dry They come nat all to good, moste comonly + Doth this erthyn pot his maker dispyse%Esaie.xlv. Whether it be made of fassyon good or yll%Ad romanum.x. Saynge why dost thou make me in this wyse Wherfore mad man I reade the to be styll Blame nat thy maker, for thy vnhappy wyll For $god hath neuer man nor childe create But all he hath to heuen predestynate

And whyle we lyue here on this wretchyd grounde We haue our reason and wyttes vs to gyde With our fre wyll and if no faute be founde In our demenour, in heuen we shall abyde But if we $goddes lawes set asyde Howe may we hope of hym rewarde to wyn So our owne foly is moste cause of our syn. THE ENUOY OF $BARCLAY. O creature vnkynde vnto thy creatour What carest thou to knowe or to inuestygate The pryuetye, of $god, leue this thy errour To thynke the by hym to be predestynate To endles wo and from his blysse pryuate For syns thou hast thy reason and frewyll Gyuyn the by $god, thou art in suche estate To take the eleccion outher of good or yll

Of folys that forget them selfe and do other mannys besynes leuynge theyr owne vndone. Who that wyll suffer his owne hous to bren Tyll nought of it saue the bare wallys stonde And with his water hastely doth ren To quenche the fyre of anothers hous or londe He is a fole and haue shall in his hande A folysshe Pype or horne therwith to blowe For other folys that in my shyp wyll rowe.

Within my Shyp of rowme he shall be sure%Jn.l.culpa re in.&.in.c.+ non est sine +culpa. de Whiche for anothers auantage and profyte Takyth great thought and doth moche payne endure Vnto his owne charge takynge no respyte But settyth it asyde and hath all his delyte With all his stody hym to enforce and dres: To care for euery mannys, besynes. + Suche hertles folys to them self neglygent In theyr owne charge slepe But with open iyen they ar full dylygent The worke of other with all theyr myght to aply And for others profyte prouyde they besely. But whyle these Folys ar glad to take in hande Anothers charge, theyr owne styll let they stande + Wherfore I am so bolde within my boke Somwhat to touch these folys mad vsage That if it fortune them on the same to loke They may therby perceyue in theyr corage That labour they ought for their owne auauntage Most specyally. for that is the degre And the true order of perfyte charite + For perfyte loue and also charite Begynneth with hym selfe for to be charitable%De qui vult. And than to other after his degre Thy owne auauntage is ay moost profytable The great Phylosophers of maners ferme and stable And also of wysdome godly and dyuyne Hath left to vs suche techynge and doctryne

We haue by $Therence the same commaundement The same is wryten also as I fynde%Therencius In the holy lawe of the olde testament%Heauton. And therfore he that oft wyll set his mynde For others maters with care his thought to blynde%l.presens.c.ser et aqua. Let hym first se vnto his owne profyte Lyst some mysfortune hym after sharply byte + Let hym turne his labour to his owne auauntage And than do for other where as he seeth moste nede%Cicero in epistolis:xxiij. + placet For who that playeth for mony outher gage And on his felawes cast takyth onely hede And nat to his owne, suche one shall seldom spede And is a Fole. So is he that doth To quenche another hous, suffrynge his owne to bren + Suche one of his owne damage hath no fere And worthy is his losse and hurte to byde So is he that wyll anothers burthen bere Or takyth anothers charge at any tyde Despysynge his owne werke and settynge it asyde If suche haue losse and after it forthynke No man shall moche force whether he flete or synke + He is well worthy to haue a folys pype That goth vnbyddyn to rype anothers corne And suffreth his owne to stande though it be rype. And generally all Folys ar worthy scorne Of what maner byrth so euer they be borne%xix.q.ij.duc. If they them self put, to losse or damage%xiiij.dis quod ait. Therby to do some other auauntage

Say curyous Fole: say what pleasour thou hast%Prouer.v.&.xxvi. In others maters thy self to intermyt Or theyr great charges thus in thy mynde to cast Thy selfe to socour set thou thy mynde and wyt Let others maters therfore in quyete syt On thy owne profyte of all firste set thy mynde And than (if thou mayst) do somwhat for thy frende + For vtterly that man is moche vnwyse That thus takyth thought for anothers charge%Prouer.xx. And doth his owne by neglygence despyse For suche Folys I forgyd haue this barge But of the same suche men I clene discharge That first of his pryuate profyte can take hede And than helpe a frende and felowe at a nede%iiij.regum.xx. THENUOY OF $BARKLAY. Ye that take charge, thought and besy cure For others mysfortune, losse or aduersyte First of your self I aduyse you to be sure For this is the order of parfyte charyte Eche to hym selfe moste louynge ay to be And next to his frende, but who that doth dispyse. His owne besynes whiche is in ieopardye Seynge to anothers forsoth he is vnwyse

Of the vyce of vnkyndnes and Folys that it folowe. That Fole can neyther gode nor honeste Whiche whan one doth to hym a frendly dede It gladly takyth, thoughe it be two or thre Lokynge for kyndnes, yet takyth he no hede To shewe the same agayne in tyme of nede Let suche Folys be no thing wroth therfore Thoughe in this Shyp I set them to an ore.

He is a Fole that crauynge is alway Takynge the seruyce and rewardes of his frende And nat remembryth the same agayne to pay%C de li.l.i.&.ij. But as a churle it castyth out of his mynde%xii.q.ij.octa For who that wolde haue one to hym be kynde%Tullius in officiis. And lyberall, he ought the same to be For kyndnes meyntayneth bothe loue and charyte + He that wyll charge another with cures harde%Ad collo.iij. And great labours greuous to sustayne%Leuiti.xix. Ought for his labour hym worthely rewarde%Tobie.iiij. That the rewarde may be confort to his payne%Eccle.xxxiiij. It is disworshyp and also shame certayne To take the labour of any ryche or pore And nat iustly hym to content therfore + Wherfore the workman ought also to intende Vnto his labour to saue his honestye And workemanly to brynge it the ende%Plautus in asi. If he therby wolde well rewardyd be And if the owner therof beholde and se. His worke so done, he is a chorle vnkynde If he do nat content the workmannys mynde. + He that wolde gladly that men sholde hym commende Must fully purpose and fyx within his mynde Lyberall to be and nat euer to intende%Prouer.xxii. To false Auaryce, whiche many one doth blynde And if he purpose hye honours for to fynde Or hym auaunce to any great degre He must haue mekenes and lyberalyte

He must of maners also be commendable%Moribus et vita nobilitatur homo. And of his speche als pleasaunt as he can For an olde prouerbe true and verytable Sayth that good lyfe and maners makyth man But euery lawe doth dam and also ban The churlysshe vyce and lewde of vnkyndnes Whiche dryeth vp the well of bouute and goodnes + For vnkynde folys if one labour dylygent And so brynge theyr worke vnto good conclusyon They fynde yet fautis and so ar nat content Withdrawynge the rewarde by theyr collusyon Wherfore let suche thynke it no abusyon Nor haue disdayne ne yet in mynde complayne If the pore laborer gyue vp his worke agayne + These frowarde Folys, doth wronge and iniury To suche as to them do profyte and honour%Ecclesi.xxix. For kyndnes, they render shame and vylany%Pro honore et beneficio.reddet illi + contumeliam. Rebukes sclander extorcion and rygour But whyle they hope to come to great valoure And by such rygour to honours to aryse Theyr hope vanyssheth as doth the snowe or yce + Wherfore who that puttyth one to besynes%Sapientie.xvij. To charge or labour of body or of mynde%Ingrati enim spes &c. in fine. Ought hym rewarde agayne for his kyndnes If he do nat forsoth he is vnkynde But specyally as I oft wryten fynde%Eccle.vii. It is a thynge whiche doth for vengeaunce cry%Malach.iii. A pore laborer to put to Iniury

What man can wryte the inconuenyence Whiche groweth of this lewde and cursyd vyce Vnkyndnes causeth great myschefe and offence And is repugnynge to reason and iustyce Wherfore let suche that wyll be namyd wyse Leue it: and folowe lyberalyte Whiche is noryssher of loue and amyte + In dyuers bokes examples we may fynde Howe many Cytees hygh and excellent Agaynst all lawe and reason were vnkynde To suche as dyd theyr dignyte augment%Camillus de quo titus liuius O vnkynde $rome thou was of this intent Whiche hast $Camyllus exyled in great payne Thoughe he euer laboured thy honour to mentayne + O cruell $Athenes by thy ingratytude%Solon de quo Herodotus. Hast thou nat banysshyd $Solon also fro the Though he enfourmyd hath thy maners rude And gyuyn the lawes of right and equyte For his great meryte, loue and benygnyte Thou hast hym gyuen exyle and paynes harde His labour was nat worthy that rewarde + Thou vnkynde $Sparta: of thy audacyte What shall I wryte or thy lewde vnkyndnes%Licurgus de quo Justinus Hast thou nat banysshed by thy cruelte Thy kynge $Lycurgus, bycause he dyd redres Thy wanton errours by lawe and rightwysnes%Scipio africanus de quo titus liuius. And $Scipio whiche his country dyd defende Fonde it to hym, vnkynde at the laste ende

A thousande mo whome I can nat expresse To suche as haue for them abyde great payne Haue done displeasour, and shewed vnkyndnes And them disceyued by some cautele or trayne Yet none of them great goodnes cowde obtayne By theyr vnkyndnes for who that so doth cast Vnkyndly shall be seruyd at the last. THENUOY OF $BARKLAY. O fals vnkyndnes out on the I cry From all goodnes dost thou nat man withdrawe Bydynge his herte to gyle and vylany Agaynst nature, agaynst both right and lawe Thou makest man his maker nat to knawe Therfore thou man expell out from thy mynde This vyce, for we fynde in an olde sayde sawe Wo is hym that to his maker is vnkynde. + Remember man the great preemynence%Minuisti cum paulominus ab angelis &c. Gyuen unto the by $good omnypotent Bytwene the and Angels is lytell difference And all thynge erthly to the obedyent Fysshe byrde and beste vnder the fyrmament Say what excuse mayst thou nowe lay or fynde Syns thou art made by $god so excellent But that thou oughtest agayne to hym be kynde + $God hath the made vnto his owne lykenes No erthly creature vnto the comparable%%Genesies prio. Thy iyen vpwarde to consyder his hyghnes Where other creatures that ar vnresonable%Ouidius meth.

Goeth on all foure and ar nat other able.%Prona. &c. Theyr loke alway vnto the grounde inclynyd Therfore thou ought in vertue to be stable And to thy maker neuer to be vnkynde + Whan man offendyd by disobedyence Subduynge hym self to labour care and payne%Gesi.ij. And lost the confort of $goodes hye presence Hath nat $christ $Jhesu redemyd hym agayne Besyde all this thou hast no thynge certayne In erth but by hym. wherfore I call the blynde And of thy maners vncurtayse and vylayne If to thy sauyour thou be nat true and kynde + Thoughe $god hath made the (man) thus excellent To lyue (if thou lyst) in ioy eternally A lytell thynge shall hym agayne content He nought requyreth but thy herte onely And that thou defy thy gostly ennemy And in $goddes seruyce thy herte and body bynde. Than shall he rewarde the in heuen right gloriously So mayst thou be callyd vnto thy maker kynde

Of folys that stande so well in their owne conceyt that they thinke none so wyse, stronge, fayre, nor eloquent, as they ar themself. We haue ouercome the malyce and enuy Of suche as agaynst our Nauy did conspyre Wherfore I shall my folys call quyckly That they my Shyp may aparayle and atyre Drawe nere ye Folys whiche syttynge by the fyre Loke ay in a glasse to se your countenaunce And in your owne dedis haue all your hole pleasaunce

Vnto my shyp I call hym to be Coke%Prouer.iij. The mete to dresse to other Folys imitatis de consti. Whiche in his myrrour doth alway gase and loke Whan he may get hym vnto a place alone And though of colour and beaute he haue none Yet thynketh he hym self fayre and right plesant And wyse: thoughe that he be mad and ignorant%Ad roma.viij. + In his owne dedys is onely his delyte In his owne conceyte thynkynge hymself rightwyse And fayre, thoughe he be yelowe as kyte Is of hir fete: yet doth he styll deuyse His vayne myrrour: that onely is his gyse And thoughe he beholde hym self of lothly shape%Prouer.xiij et xiiij. He wyll it nat byleue, but in his glasse doth gape + Though for his foly all men myght hym repreue And that he se it before hym openly Within his glasse: he wyll it nat byleue But strongly it defende and eke deny He seyth nat his erys longe and hye Whiche stande vpon his folysshe hode behynde His lewde conceyt thus makyth hym starke blynde + Whan people comon of men of hye prudence Or of hye beauty, and strength if men doth tell If one suche fole were there in the presence He swere durst boldly, and that on the gospell%Eccle.xx. That he onely all other dyd excell%Job.v.&.xviij. And that to gyue councell good and profytable Were none in the wordly vnto hym comparable

These folys bost them selfe of theyr wysdome And thynke them selfe to haue preemynence Aboue all other that ar in christendome. In gyftis of grace as beautye and scyence Of strength, gode maners, vertue, and eloquence But thoughe they stande in theyr owne conceytis Nought is saue foly within theyr folysshe patis + And thoughe theyr face and vysage stande awry And all to reuylde, theyr mouth standynge asyde Within theyr myrrour the same can they nat spye But in theyr foly contynually abyde And whether that they ar styll outher go or ryde Labour or be ydyll, they gase styll in theyr glasse Yet wyll they nat byleue to haue erys lyke an Asse + Oft whan these folys lye in theyr bed vpright With tawny loke or els theyr botyll nose They haue theyr myrrour alway in theyr syght The vayne glasse (of theyr beautye) to apose And whan suche fole into the kechyn gose To stere the pot, there whether he syt or stande The glasse alway is in the other hande + Whan he a whyle his glas hath loken than If one examynyd hym of his beautye%Prouer.xxxi. He boldly durst swere both by $god and man%Ezech.xvi. That nought were in hym whiche myght repreuyd be%Esaie.iij. But all goodnes, fayre shape, and loke of grauyte And that his gere gayly vpon his backe doth syt He hardly is wyse: if he had any wyt

I wryten fynde that great inconuenyence As losse, contempt and occasyon of pryde Hath fallyn vnto many by this lewde complacence Whiche haue nat knowen the way themself to gyde%Otho imperator speculum secum + semper habuit.Juuenalis. The emperour $Otho had ay borne by his syde In warre and peas (a glasse) for his pleasaunce To se his colour therin; and countenaunce + And to the entent to make his colour gay With Assys mylke he noyntyd oft his skyn And shauyd his berde onys euery day But for that he offendyd $god herein After was he sharply punysshyd for this syn And put vnto extreme rebuke and shame To gyue other example to auoyde the same + It is forsoth a maner femynyne%Salustius. And nat for man to be so elegant To suche toyes wanton wymen may inclyne A yonge mayde may at her forhede haue pendant The vayne myrrour to se hir shape pleasant Man sholde nought set by to norysshe his beautye But onely manhode strength and audacyte + The wanton mayde may for hir self ordayne Hir call hir coyfe, and suche conceytis newe As broches fyletes and oyntmentis souerayne And clothynge of dyuers colour and of hewe But nowe yonge men the same fourme do ensue Aud to content theyr mad and folysshe mynde To wymen they compare themselfe agaynst kynde

Disorder rayneth as I before haue sayde The yonge men takyth womans countenaunce And hir aparayll, and wymen ar arayde%Ennius. As men: agaynst all lawe and ordynaunce%Tullius in officijs. Thus man and woman ensue mysgouernaunce In theyr behauour is small dyuersyte Theyr owne conceyt causeth great enormyte + The poet $Ouyde shewyth in a fable Howe that one callyd $Pygmalyon by name%Pygmalion de quo ouidius.x.meth. A fygure made vnto hymself semblable Whiche he in marbyll right craftely dyd frame And in so moche he worshypped the same Tyll at the last his mynde was past and gone And he transformed so was in to that stone + And if the Poetis fables be all sure As by theyr subtyle wordes oft we here The childe $Narcissus was chaungyd of fygure%Narcissus de quo ouidius. iij.+ metha. Whyle he behelde into the water clere For whyle his shadowe vnto hym dyd apere Vpon the same so sore he set his mynde That he transformyd was to another kynde. + But to retorne agayne to our purpose And of this sort of Folys to conclude If $god sholde them to other shape transpose That thynke them fayre though they be foule and rude Into foule fassyon he many sholde include For whyle Folys theyr owne beauty magnyfy So growyth the nomber and so they multyply THENUOY OF $BARKLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Blynde man inclere thy wylfull ignoraunce Stande nat so great in thy owne conceyte Ne in thy lewde fassyon set nat thy pleasaunce Whether thou be pore or man of great estate Another man moche more shall in the wayte Of gode and yll than thou thy self canst do Therfore be nat cause to thy self of disceyte If one the teche: aply thy mynde therto

Of lepynges and dauncis and Folys that pas theyr tyme in suche vanyte. That fole that settyth his felycyte In wanton daunces and lepes immoderate Hath in my Shyp a rowme for his degre Bysyde the stere for troublynge of his pate He $god dyspleasyth, whiche doth suche foly hate Suche lese theyr tyme in vayne and oft therin Ar many hurtis: and cause of dedely syn.

Those folys a place may chalenge in my shyp%Exodi.xxxij. Whiche voyde of wysdome as men out of theyr mynde%Psal.x. Them selfe delyte to daunce to lepe and skyp In compase rennynge lyke to the worlde wyde In vnkynde labour, suche folys pleasour fynde Rennynge about in this theyr furyous vyce Lyke as it were in $Bacchus sacryfyce%Origia bacchi. + Or as the Druydans rennyth in vayne about%Druyde de quibus Julius Cesar in + commen. In theyr mad festes vpon the hylle of $yde Makynge theyr sacrafyce with furour noyse and shout Whan theyr madnes settyth theyr wyt asyde Or whan the prestis of mars all nyght abyde Within theyr temple by vse abhomynable%Salij. de quibus.Virgilius.ij. To theyr ydollys doynge theyr seruyce detestable + Lyke as these paynyms hath to theyr ydols done%Georgicorum. Theyr sacryfyce wandrynge in theyr madnes Theyr bodyes weryenge, in vayne wastynge their shone So do these fowlys them selfe to daunsynge dres Sekynge occason of great vnhappynes They take suche labour without all hope of gayne Without rewarde sure, of werynes and payne + Say Folys that vse this fury and outrage What causyth you to haue delyte therin For your great labour say what is your wage Forsoth ye can therby no profyte wyn But seke occasyon (as I haue sayde) of syn And for thy werynge thy fete thus in the dust Thou gettest no gayne but cause of carnall lust

But whan I consyder of this folysshe game The firste begynnynge and cause orygynall%Exodi.xxxi. I say the cause therof is worthy blame For whan the deuyll to disceyue man mortall And do contempt to the hye $god eternall Vpon a stage had set a Calfe of golde. That euery man the same myght clere beholde + So than the Fende grounde of mysgouernaunce Causyd the people this fygure to honour As for theyr god and before the same to cor.x. Whan they were dronken, thus fell they in errour Of Idolatry, and forgate theyr creatour. Before this ydoll daunsynge both wyfe and man Dispysynge $god: Thus daunsynge fyrst began + Suche blynde folyes and inconuenyence%Uide cel.mis. Engendryth great hurte and incommodyte And sawyth sede wherof groweth great offence The grounde of vyce and of all enormyte In it is pryde, fowle lust and lecherye%In cle attendentes de vi. + et ho. cle. cum decorem. And whyle lewde lepys ar vsyd in the daunce Oft frowarde bargayns ar made by countenaunce + What els is daunsynge but euen a nurcery Or els a bayte to purchace and meyntayne In yonge hertis the vyle synne of rybawdry Them fetrynge therin, as in a dedely chayne And to say trouth in wordes clere and playne Venereous people haue all theyr hole pleasaunce Theyr vyce to norysshe by this vnthryfty daunce

And wanton people disposyd vnto syn To satysfye theyr mad concnpyscence With hasty cours vnto this daunsynge ryn To seke occasyon of vyle synne and offence And to expresse my mynde in short sentence This vyciouse game oft tymes doth attyse By his lewde synes, chast hartis vnto vyce + Than it in erth no game is more damnable%Prouer.ij. It semyth no peas, but Batayle openly They that it vse of myndes seme vnstable As mad folke rennynge with clamour showt and cry What place is voyde of this furyous foly None: so that I dout within a whyle These folys the holy churche shall defyle + Of people what sort or order may we fynde Ryche or pore hye or lowe of name But by theyr folysshnes, and wanton mynde Of eche sort some ar gyuen vnto the same The prestis and clerkes to daunce haue no shame The frere or monke in his frocke and cowle Must daunce in his dortor lepynge to play the fole + To it comys children, maydes and wyues. And flaterynge yonge men to se to haue theyr pray The hande in hande great falshode oft contryues The olde quean also this madnes wyll assay And the olde dotarde thoughe he skantly may For age and lamenes stere outher fote or hande Yet playeth he the fole with other in the bande

Than lepe they about as folke past theyr mynde%Vir.ij.georg. With madnes amasyd rennynge in compace He moste is commendyd that can moste lewdnes fynde Or can most quyckly ren about the place There ar all maners vsyd that lacke grace Mouynge theyr bodyes in synes full of shame%Judith.ij. Whiche doth theyr hertes to synne right sore inflame + So oft this vyce doth many one abuse That whan they ar departyd from the daunce On lust and synne contynually they muse Hauynge therin theyr wyll and theyr pleasaunce Than fall they oft to great mysgouernaunce As folys gyuyn to worke vnprofytable So in my shyp they well deserue a babyll. THENUOY OF $BARKLAY. Do way your daunces ye people moche vnwyse Desyst your folysshe pleasour of trauayle It is me thynke an vnwyse vse and gyse To take suche labour and payne without auayle And who that suspectyth his mayde or wyues tayle Let hym nat suffer them in the daunce to be For in that game thoughe sys or synke them fayle The dyse oft renneth vpon the chaunce of thre

Of nyght watchers & beters of the stretes playnge by nyght on instrumentes & vsynge lyke Folyes whan tyme is to rest. He is a fole that wandreth by nyght In felde or towne, in company or alone Playnge at his lemmans dore withouten lyght Tyll all his body be colde as lede or stone These folys knockynge tyll the nyght be gone At that season thoughe that they fele no colde Shall it repent and fele whan they be olde.

Nowe wolde I of my boke haue made an ende And with my shyp drawen to some hauen or porte Stryken my sayle, and all my folys sende Vnto the londe, a whyle them selfe to sporte But this my purpose is lettyd by a sorte Of frantyke folys, wandrynge about by nyght%Esaie.xxix. For often all yll doers hatyth the day lyght%Sapien.xiiij. + Whyle (man) beste and euery lyuely creature%Job.xxxiiij. Refresshe theyr myndes and bodyes with rest And slepe: without the whiche none can endure And whyle all byrdes drawe them to theyr nest%Prouer.vij. These dronken bandes of Folys than doth Jest About the stretis, with rumour noyse and cry Syngynge theyr folysshe songes of rybawdry + The furyes ferefull spronge of the flodes of hell Vexith these vagabundes in theyr myndes so That by no mean can they abyde ne dwell Within theyr howsys, but out they nede must go More wyldly wandrynge than outher bucke or doo Some with theyr harpis another with his lute Another with his bagpype or a folysshe flute + Than mesure they theyr songes of melody%Ouidius in arte. Before the dores of theyr lemman dere Yowlynge with theyr folysshe songe and cry So that theyr lemman may theyr great foly here%Luce.v. And tyll the yordan make them stande arere Cast on theyr hede, or tyll the stonys fle They nat depart, but couet there styll to be

But yet more ouer these Folys ar so vnwyse That in colde wynter they vse the same madnes Whan all the howsys ar lade with snowe and yse%Sapien.xvij. O mad men amasyd vnstabyll and wytles%Johan.i. What pleasour take ye in this your folysshenes What ioy haue ye to wander thus by nyght Saue that yll doers alway hate the lyght + But folysshe youth doth nat alone this vse Come of lowe byrth and sympyll of degre But also statis them selfe therin abuse With some yonge folys of the spiritualte The folysshe pype without all grauyte Doth eche degre call to this frantyke game The darkenes of nyght expellyth fere of shame + One barkyth another bletyth lyke a shepe Some rore, some countre, some theyr balades fayne Another from syngynge gyueth hym to wepe Whan his souerayne lady hath of hym dysdayne Or shyttyth hym out, and to be short and playne Who that of this sort best can play the knaue Lokyth of the other the maystery to haue + The folysshe husbonde oft of this sort is one With wanton youth wandrynge by nyght also Leuynge his wyfe at home in bed alone And gyueth hyr occasyon often to mysdo%Juuenalis So that whyle he after the owle doth go Fedynge the Couko, his wyfe hir tyme doth watche Receyuynge another whose egges she doth hatche.

Therfore ye folys that knowe you of this sort To gyue occasyon of synne vnto your wyues And all other: I you pray and exort Of this your foly to amende your lyues For longe nyght watches seldome tymes thryues%Ad ephe.iiij. But if it be in labour: good to wyn%Ad thessa.iiij. Therfore kepe your dorys: els abyde within + Thoughe I haue touchyd of this enormyte%Addicio translatoris Alexandri barclay. In englysshe tunge: yet is it nat so vsed In this Royalme as it is beyonde the se Yet moche we vse whiche ought to be refusyd Of great nyght watchynge we may nat be excusyd But our watchynge is in drunken glotony More than in syngynge or other meledy + Whan it is nyght and eche shulde drawe to rest Many of our folys great payne and watchynge take To proue maystryes and se who may drynke best Outher at the Tauerne of wyne, or at the ale stake Other all nyght watchyth for theyr lemmans sake Standynge in corners lyke as it were a spye Whether that the weder be, hote, colde, wete, or dry + Some other Folys range about by nyght Prowdely Jettynge as men myndeles or wode To seke occasyon with pacyent men to fyght Delytynge them in shedynge mennys blode Outher els in spoylynge of other mennys gode Let these folys with suche lyke and semblable Drawe to this barge, here shall they bere a bable

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Ye folys that put your bodyes vnto payne By nyghtly watchynge, voyde of auauntage Leue of your foly or els ye shall complayne And mourne it sore if ye lyue vnto age For though ye thynke that this your blynde outrage Is vnto you no hurte nor preiudyce It doth your body and goodes great dammage And great cause both to you and yours of vyce.

Of folysshe beggers and of theyr vanytees. Syns I haue taken the charge one me Mo botis and Barges for Folys to aparayle And so agayne of newe to take the se I feryd lyst company shulde me fayle Within my folysshe shyppis to trauayle But nowe doth beggers them selfe to me present For fewe of them I fynde of good intent

A great company of folys may we fynde%C.mendi de omnis.+ xvii.di.c.pasci.glo.super math. Amonge beggers, whiche haue theyr hole delyte In theyr lewde craft: wherfore I set my mynde In this Barge theyr maners, brefely for to write For thoughe that nede them greuously do byte. Yet is theyr mynde for all theyr pouerte To kepe with them of children great plente + And though that they myght otherwyse well lyue And get theyr lyuynge by labour and besynes Yet fully they theyr myndes set and gyue To lede this lyfe alway in wretchydnes%C. auaricie de prebendis. Prouer.xiij. The clerke, frere, or monke, whiche hath store of ryches For all his lyfe. if he gyde it wysely. Wyll yet the beggers offyce occupy + Suche oft complayne the charge of pouerte In garmentis goynge raggyd and to rent But yet haue they of ryches great plente Whiche in gode vse can neuer of them be spent Almys is ordeyned by $god omnypotent%Luce.xi. And holy churche: for to be gyuyn in dede%Tobie.iiij. et.xij.. Vnto good vse, and suche as haue moste nede + Almes is ordeyned by $god our creatour%Ecclesi.iij. For men that lyue in nede and wretchydnes%Psal.xl. Therwith their paynfull lyues to socour And nat for ryche that lyues in viciousnes But yet suche caytyfs boldly in dare pres For their lewde lyfe without all maner drede This almes takynge from them that haue most nede

The abbot, the Pryour, and also theyr couent%Danielis.iiij. Ar so blyndyd with vnhappy couetyse That with theyr owne can they nat be content But to haue more, they alway mean deuyse Ye: in so moche that some haue founde a gyse To fayne theyr bretherne tan in captyuyte That they may begge so by auctoryte + They fayne myracles where none were euer done And all for lucre: some other range about To gather and begge with some fayned pardon And at the alehows at nyght all drynkyth out So ren these beggers in company rowt%Ecclesi.vij. By stretis tauernes townes and vyllagys No place can well be fre of theyr outragys + Some begge for byldynges, some for relyques newe Of holy sayntis of countreys farre and strange And with theyr wordes faynyd and vntrewe For cause of Lucre, about they ren and range%De pen.&.re.c.cum ex eo. But in a sympyll vyllage, ferme or grange Where as these beggers moste sympyll men may fynde With theyr fals bonys as relykes they them blynde + Other beynge stronge and full of lustynes And yonge ynoughe to labour for theyr fode%Ecclesi.xix. Gyuyth theyr bodyes fully to slewthfulnes%L.vna mendis vali. The beggers craft thynkynge to them moost good Some ray theyr legges and armys ouer with blood With leuys & plasters though they be hole and sounde Some halt as crypyls, theyr legge falsly vp bounde

Some other beggers falsly for the nonys Disfygure theyr children $god wot vnhappely Manglynge theyr facys, and brekynge theyr bonys To stere the people to pety that passe by There stande they beggynge with tedyous shout and cry%Hic plura notantur + in libro teutonico. Theyr owne bodyes tournynge to a strange fassion To moue suche as passe to pyte and compassyon + Suche yonge laddys as lusty ar of age Myghty and stronge, and wymen in lyke wyse Wanton and yonge and lusty of cowrage Gyueth them selfe vtterly to this gyse The cause is that they labour do despyse For theyr mynde is in ydylnes to be styll Or els in vyce to wander at theyr wyll + They paciently theyr prouertye abyde Nat for deuocion of herte or of mynde But to the intent that at euery tyde Other mennys godes sholde them fede and fynde. But if they a whyle haue ron in the wynde And in theyr hande the staf some hete hath caught They neuer after shall leue the beggers craft + Amonge these beggers also is comonly Braulynge debate hatered and chydynge Great othes, mockes falshode and enuy And one with other euer more fyghtynge As for theyr dronkennes and vnsure abydynge Theyr rebaudry both in dede and communycacion These ar chefe poyntis of theyr occupacion

If the begger haue his staf and his hode One bagge behynde and another before Than thynkes he hym in the myddes of his goode Thoughe that his clothes be raggyd and to tore His body nere bare he hath no thought therfore And if some man cloth them well to day To morowe it shall agayne be solde away + And if these caytyfes fortune to begge or cry For mete or money, on woman or on man If one to them that, that they aske deny And so depart: anone these beggers than Whan he is gone, doth wary curse and ban And if another gyue them ought of pyte At the next alestake dronken shall it be + But if that I sholde gather in my barge%xlij.di.quiescamus in glo. To note all theyr vyces, to sore sholde be the charge And as I suppose I neuer sholde make an ende. Wherfore I counsell them shortly to amende Or els theyr lewdnes, synne, and enormyte Shall cause men withdrawe theyr almes of charyte THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. O people vnthrifty gyuen to ydelnes Spendynge your youth this wyse in vanyte What ioy haue ye to lyue in wretchydnes Where ye myght come to better rowme and degre

By worke, and labour: and so auaunsyd be Yet begge ye styll hauynge your ioy therin Amende your foly, and lerne ye this of me That $goddes good sholde nat be spent in syn

TABULA + Of wymens malyce & wrath. + Of the great myght & powerr of Folys. + An addicion of $Alexander $barclay in the lawde of kynge $Henry y%e viij. + Of y%e vayne cure of Astronomy. + Of the folysshe descripcion or inquysycion of dyuers countres or regyons. + Of folys y%t stryue agaynst theyr betters nat wyllynge to se theyr foly. + Of folys that can nat vnderstande sport & yet wyll haue to do with folys. + Of folys that hurte euery man nat wyllynge to be hurt agayne. + Of folys improuyndent. + Of folys that stryue in the lawe for thynges of small valour. + Of dyshonest folys in wordes of rybawdry, or vyle langage. + Of the abusion of y%e spiritualte. + Of carde players, and dysers. + Of proude, vayne and superflue bostys of Folys. + A rehersinge of dyuers sortes of Folys oppressyd with theyr owne foly. + Of the extorcion of men of warre, scrybes and other offycers. + Of folysshe messangers. + Of the foly of Cokes, butlers, and other offycers of housholde. + Of the pryde of Churles and rude men of the countrey. + Of folys that despise and abhorre pouertye. + Of suche Folys as begyn to do well and contynue nat. + Of folys that despyse deth and make no prouysyon therfore. + Of folys that despyse $god. + Of blasphemers of $god. + Of the plage and indignacyon of $god. + Of folysshe exchaunges. + Of children that dysdayne to honoure & worshyp theyr parentis. + Of claterynge and vayne langage vsyd of prestes & clerkes in y%e Quere. + Of the elacion or bostynge of pryde. + Of vsures and okerers. + Of the vayne hope y%t folys haue to succede to herytage of men yet lyuynge. + Of the vyce of slouthe. + Of Folys that gyue & that after repent of that they haue gyuen. + Of Folys that kepe nat the holy daye. + Of mysbeleuynge folys as Sarrazyns, Paynems, turkes and other suche lyke. + Of the ruyne, inclynacyon and decay of the fayth of $Christ by slouthe of estatis. + A specyall exhortacion and lawde of the kynge $Henry the viij. + Of flaterers and glosers. + Of taleberers & Folys of lyght credence vnto the same. + Of marchauntis and other occupyers y%t vse falshode and gyle. + Of the falshode of Antichrist. + Of hym that dare nat vtter the trouthe for fere of displeasour, &c. + Of suche as withdrawe & let other from good dedes. + Of leuyng gode warkes vndone. + Of the rewarde of wysdom. + Of folys that wyl nat beware of mysfortune. + Of bacbyters of good workes & ayenst suche as shall dysprayse this boke. + Of the immoderate vylenes in maners vsed at the table. + Of folys disgysed with visers and other counterfayt apparayle. + The discripcion of a wyse man. + $Alexander $barclay to his welbeloued frende syr $Johnn $Bysshop of $Excester. + Of folys that despyse wysdome & Phylosophy and a commendacion of the same. + Of concertacyon or stryuyng bytwene vertue & voluptuosyte. + The obieccion of lust blamynge vertue. + The answere of vertue agaynst the obieccion of voluptuosyte. + The vnyuersall and generall Shyp or Barge: wherin they rowe that erst hath had no charge. + The vnyuersall shyp of craftysmen or laborers. + Of folys that ar to worldly. + A brefe addicion of the syngularyte of some newe Folys. + A conclusion of this Boke with a Balade of our Lady.

Of the yre immoderate, the wrath and great lewdnes of wymen. For wrathfull men I purposyd to ordayne A slowe Asse theyr hastynes to asswage But nowe must they forgo that beste agayne For wymen clayme the same by theyr great rage Theyr furour passyth, in dede and in langage All men in erth : none may with them compare He is well happy whiche may of them be ware.

My balade bare of frute and eloqueuce And I also with all my herte and mynde%Prouer.xxi. Wolde wymen lawde and prayse with reuerence %Eccle.xxv. And namely suche as ar founde true and kynde But of that sort, but fewe a man shall fynde So the yll cause, and theyr nature cruell To say the trouth doth me constrayne and bynde And of theyr vyces somwhat brefely to tell + I haue longe louyd, loue nowe, and euer shall%Prouer.xxi. Them to commende that in vertue haue delyte And that ar good and chaste namely of all But bad, that full of wrath ar, and despyte It is conuenyent of theyr madnes to wryte And theyr condycions repreue without all drede So am I bolder and redyer to endyte For no wyse woman shall these rebukes rede + The mother of $Graccus. $Cornelia prudent%Cornelia Chaste and discrete, and of beauty souerayne Shall nat my Balade rede : for intent Was euer in vertue, hir honour to mentayne No godly woman, that doth from synne refrayne Shall I disprayse but rather them defende Therefore in my wordes I shall boldly and playne Lawde iust and good, and the yll discommende + She that hath bene brought vp in honestye%Ecclesi.xix. Fedynge hir mynde with wysdome and prudence And kept hir gode name in youth by chastyte The fere of $God alway in hir presence

Suche ren nat lyghtly to vyle synne and offence And doth no thynge, but gode and commendable O that suche one is worthy reuerence%Ecclesi.xxvi. Better than al golde, than ryches more lawdable + A woman iust and to goodnes inclyned If wrath and yre hir husbonde do inflame With hir good counsell shall mytigate his mynde%Hester. v. And peas his wrath, an example of the same We haue by kynge $Assuerus by name Whiche commaundyd all the hebreans to be slayne But his Quene $hester worthy of dede and fame With hir fayre wordes apeasyd hym agayne + The kynge $Dauyd despysed by $Naball That wronge purposyd to punysshe hastely%Abigayl.i.reg.xxv. Yet was he apaysyd by a woman lyberall $Abygayll by name, whiche very womanly Causyd hym that yre to temper by and by His hande withdrawynge, and swerde of punysshment So good wymen counsell well and rightwysely%Ecclesi.xlviii. But yll gyue counsell after the worst + $Salomon the wyse infect with the foly Of wymens counsell and blynde aduysement%Salomon.iij.Regum.xx. To his great hurte fell to Idolatry Renounsynge the seruyce of $god omnypotent Of womans tunge : who can the malyce stent Forsoth no man : for all theyr felycyte%Eccle.xlvii. Is set in spekynge of wordes For in theyr tunge is all theyr cruelte

Theyr cruell tunge is sharper than a dart Therwith they labour to brynge men to yll name%Ecclesi.xxv. And with the same they stryke some to the herte With thoughtfull wounde, no thynge can hele the same%Eccle.xlij. They neuer haue done, and yet haue they no shame Without occasyon to chyde with noyse and cry In cruell wordes is all theyr myrth and game Sawynge theyr sede of chatrynge lyke the pye + O $god aboue : o kynge moste glorious%Prouer.ij. Of heuen and erth the whiche hast rauysshyd hell Delyuer vs from the tungys venemous%Ecc*s.vij. Of frowarde wymen, cursyd and cruell For a thousande mo myscheuys than man can tell Procede of theyr mad and disordred langage%Ecclesi.xiij. One woman chydynge makyth gretter yell%Prouer.vij. Than sholde an hundreth pyes in one cage + The pore husbonde with some is so bested That he no rest hath one houre of the day%Inne Nor in the nyght whan he is in his bed There she hym techyth a brawlynge crede to say%Eccle.xxvi. And if he there ought vnto hir denay She gronyth grutchynge, with hir complayntis styll Ye foure dayes after let hym do what he may He shall hir nat asswage tyll she hath chyd hir fyll + Thus is hir chydynge to this pore man great wo%Prouer.ij.&.v. Moreouer in woman is gyle and sotyltye%Ecclesi.xix.&.xxv. And secrete malyce whiche none can take hir fro And for that she wolde fayne commendyd be

She hym commaundeth as moche more wyse than he In hir owne conceyt despysynge his doctryne And if hir husbonde to any thynge agre By no maner mean wyll she therto inclyne + She wyll that no thynge be perfourmyd of his wyll All must be rulyd after hir folysshe mynde%Eccle*s.vij. And that in thynges, wherin she hath no skyll. So oft the husbonde fawtles great hurte doth fynde And also lossys whiche his herte sharply bynde By the lewde dedys and langage of his wyfe And though a womans wordes be but wynde Yet of them growe bothe : murder losse and stryfe + Right so $Amphyon of $Thebes myghty kynge For the offences : and selfe wyll of his wyfe%Amphyon. Bycause he dyd hir wyll in euery For his owne foly at laste he lost his lyfe Wordes amonge wymen is comon and ryfe And fere of shame, from many gone is quyte So one $Calphurnia in a case postu. His bare tyle shewyd to the iuge in despyte + But for to speke of womans wrath and yre No beste in erthe to wrath is so inclynde As she : hir wrath in hete passyth hote fyre No tunge can tell the rancour of hir mynde This wrath in woman is rotyd so by kynde That if she be onys set in hir madnesse She passyth all the cruell bestis of Inde The bere the wolf fell lyon, and and the lyones.

The cruell Tyger to woman is nat lyke Whiche whan hir whelpis from hir den taken be Rangyth about in furour them to seke For madnes gnawynge and terynge stocke and tre A wrathfull woman is yet more made than she%Medea de qua. Seneca in me. Cruell $Medea doth us example shewe Of womans furour great wrath and cruelte Whiche hir owne children dyd all to pecis hewe + $Progne also may be to vs example Whiche sode hir owne childe after she had hym slayne The story in $Ouyde is wryten longe and ample But if $Juuenall had nat wryten playne Of wymen the wrath, theyr cruelte and trayne The same shulde nowe haue wryten ben by me But foly it is to wryte the same agayne. Therefore I leue it for cause of breuyte + The herte of woman is ay deuysynge scornys%Eccl*s.vij. Disceyt and cautele falshode lesynge and gyle It is more sharpe than knyfe, pryckynge as therues If she be pacient : it lastyth but a whyle Hir stomacke swellyth by bytter gall and vyle Hir body full of rancour and madnes But where she settyth, man by worde to reuyle From hir stynkynge mouth commyth all vnhappynes + No maner vyce shall she vntouchyd leue%Ecclesi.xxv. She troubleth maners of men that ar lawdable And of theyr gode name doth falsly them bereue She troublyth right and peas most profytable

Brakynge hir fayth by synne abhomynable The bed defylynge, Dean can nat withdrawe Them from that vyse theyr mynde is so vnstable%Eccle.xlvi. They take theyr pleasour in synne agaynst the lawe + She that hir mynde doth to this vyce subdue Gyuynge hir body to this mysgouernaunce To husbonde, nor to none other man is true Yet kepeth she a solem countenaunce As none were lyke hir in Englonde nor in Fraunce In all vertues, and knowynge nought of syn But if that she were well sought she is perchaunce A wolfe or gote within a Lammys skyn + A woman is lyke a clyster laxatyf%Juuenalis In mannys purs voydynge that is within If man shulde euer by rulyd by his wyfe Hir proude aparayle sholde make his thryst full thyn As well can some spende as theyr good man can wyn And moche faster, but if that coyne do fayle She labowryth nat to get it without syn But craftely to forge it with hir tayle + I fynde in the worlde that there by thynges thre Right harde to knowe, the fourth that no man may Knowe nor perceyue, first, whan a byrde doth fle Alonge in the ayre : no man can spye hir way The way of a Shyp in the see thoughe it be day Harde is to se whiche way the shyp hath gone The thirde harde thynge as I have oft harde say Is the way of a serpent ouer a stone

But the fourth way that of all hardest is Of yonge man is, in youthes lustynes A vycyous womans way is lyke to this Whiche after hir synne and great vnhappyness Fedyth hir with mete of blynde delyciousnes Than wypyth hir mouth and sayth in audyence With mynde assured and past all shamefastnes I haue nat commyttyd yll, synne nor any offence + Thre other thynges on erth I fynde certayne Whiche troubleth the grounde and also the The fourth nouther see nor londe may well sustayne The firste is a churle that hath a bonde man be And so by fortune come vnto hye degre The seconde is a fole whan he is dronke and full. The thirde a wrathfull woman, full of cruelte He that hir weddyth, hath a crowe to pull + Yet is the fourth wors and more eleuate That is a hande mayde lowe of hir lynage Promotyd from a begger and so come to estate Succedynge hir lady as heyr in herytage Of suche procedeth moche malyce and outrage Disdayne great scorne, vilany and debate For the frenche man, sayth in his langage No thynge is wors than a churle made a state + I wolde fayne cesse of womans gyle and treason And theyr great falshode whiche none can well defende I nought wyll speke, howe some by mortall poyson Theyr husbondes brynge to sodayne deth and ende

Examples habunde : who lyst therto intende Of $Agrippina, and $Poncia wode of mynde%Agrippina. Whiche on theyr husbondes dyd mortall hande extende%Poncia. Of many suche we may in wrytynge fynde + What shall I wryte the cursyd cruelte%Dianaydes Of the susters of $Danaides echone Fyfty in nomber, whiche by iniquyte Slewe all their husbondes reseruyd one alone O chast $lucres, alas where art thou gone%Lucretia From theyr presence all wymen ner, the chace Thou art belouyd, nowe almost of none%Thais And bawdy tays hath nowe thy rowme and place + Fals $Clytymnestra cruell of hir dede%Clytymnestra May trouble the hertis of all men on the grounde And cause them of other suche to take hede Whose manyfolde malyce doth mynde of man confounde The prudent $Porcia to fewe men nowe is bounde%Porcia cathonis Or associat by the way of mariage This $Porcia kept hir body chast and sounde Trewe to hir husbonde $Cato the great sage + The Chast $Sabyn is nat weddyd nowe a dayes$Sabina To many men : as she was wont to be I meane that fewe inclyne, nowe to hir wayes Wherfore I say that well happy is he%Prouer.xij. That hath a whman kepynge hir Pacient of mynde, in suche is great confort She is a Jewell that louyth chastyte It is pyte that so fewe, be of that sort

Ye gentyll wymen, and other great and small Be nat displeasyd with these true cours sentences For certaynly I haue nat wryten all The vyce of wymen theyr synnes nor offences If I had red all the lyberall sciences And all my lyfe shulde there about intende Yet coude I neuer wryte all inconuenyences By wymen done, nor theyr malyce comprehende + But whyle I lyue the good shall I commende And them exalt at euery tyme and season I may haue leyser ynoughe therto tyntende Syns of them is no plenty but great geason But suche folys as ar voyde of all reason And shame to all wymen by theyr mysgouernaunce As powlynge yre disceyte sclaunder and treason Them shall I blame with wrathfull countenannce THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Ye wrathfull wymen by vyce lesynge your name Correct your selfe, and labour ye with payne In your lyuynge for to deserue no blame Assay with mekenes to get your name agayne By that mean may ye, all your wyll obtayne Let chastyte you gyde and pacience For to be frowarde, (it is a thynge in vayne Vnto hym to whom yet owe obedyence + The lawe commaundyth you to do reuerence Vnto your spousys with honour and mekenesse

And nat displease hym by your wylfull offence As hasty langage disceyte and vnkyndnes If ye lyue well than shall $God sende riches To you in erth, with welth and joy mundayne And if ye fortune to fall in to lewdnes These great gyftis shall ye iustly lese agayne

Of the great myght and power of Folys. Blynde foly hath hir tentis abrode displayde In euery place, from them no felde is fre. With hir madnes, the worlde is hole dismayde She hath all men in hir captyuyte But namely suche as ar of moste degre Of most riches power lynage and myght Vnder hir standard submyt them selfe to fyght

Thou folysshe man trustynge in thy ryches%Sapien.v. Therby contendynge to haue preemynence%Prouer.xvij. et.xviiij. Howe be it that thou art gyuen to viciousnes And none so bolde to shewe the thy offence%Ecce.xxxiiij The more thou errest in thy blynde negligence For if that thou be hye of rowme and name If thou offende the more shall be thy shame + Thoughe all thy wordes be full of folysshenes%Psal.ix. And all thy dedys to no good ende do come Yet wylt thou be reputyd in ryches Bebefore all other and also in wysdome O howe oft tymes (of these folys) wyll some Commende them self and lawde their glorious name%Prouer.xxvij. Whan they se that none other wyll do the same + These folys them boste of dedys of valyaunce%Ecclesi.xv.xxii.q.ii.pri. + Job.xxxvij. And worthy actis done by them in batayle Howe be it that lawde wherby man doth auaunce Hym self by his owne mouth is of but small auayle And vyle before men of wysdome and counsayle But suche fowlys that of eche hatyd be Them self may commende by gode auctoryte. + These Folys say that londe is fortunate%Prouer.xx. Whiche is gouernyd, by ryche Prynce or kynge%Eccle*s.x. But better is that londe whiche longyth to a Whiche is induyd with wysdome and cunnynge Workynge by counsell in euery maner thynge For who that raynth in wysdome and vertue The great Vlixes shall scantly hym subdue

A wyse Prynce gydeth hymselfe by reason And his Realme by Justyce and equyte Ordeynynge eche thynge, accordynge to the season Nowe with rygour : and oft by benygnyte. Nat beynge parcyall to hye nor lowe degre No coyne nor brybe can change or turne his mynde But so he iugeth as lawe and right doth bynde + Suche louyth vertue, next $god omnypotent And grace hym gydeth with godly chastyte Wherby his Realme becommyth excellent His londe increasynge in great prosperyte His counsell discrete and full of grauyte Graciously gydeth the subiectis on his grounde And so departynge this Prynce in heuyn is crownde + Well is that londe and ioyous may it be Whiche is defendyd by suche a noble estate%Eccle*s.v.&.x. But wo be that londe, whose crowne of royalte Is gyuen to a childe, whose counsell drynketh Gyuen to the wombe, to Ryot and debate Suche frowarde counsell shall blynde his innocence And cause hym decay from his hye excellence + A fole promotyd to riches and renowne%Sapien.xi. Syttynge in his stage or chayre of rowme royall%Ecclesi.x. Blyndeth iustyce tournynge the lawes vp set downe By vyle rewardes and gyftis temporall Another by fauour, letteth true iustyce fall Damnynge innocence by fals iniquyte Thus falsly ouerthrowen is iust symplycyte

Justyce ought be wayed in an euyn balance By egall mesure, all fauour set a syde Nat rygorously for wrath or The fere of $god ought a iuges mynde to gyde But moche I fere lyst the fals sede abyde In erthe yet : of them whiche by fals polecy Vnto deth iuged $Susanna wrongfully%Daniel.xiij. + And of $Andronicus whiche hath $Onias slayne%ii.mach.iiij. Thoughe both be dede, the sede of them abyde Wherof fals traytours begyn to growe agayne Infectynge falsly the worlde on euery side Maystershyp, and money euery thynge doth gyde $Bynadab by gyftis hath broke his othe alas $Tryphon by the same disceyued $Jonathas%iii.Regum.xx. + In hope of brybes men of great dignyte%i.macha.xij. Blyndyth the lawes, and some doth oft betray Theyr kynge and countrey sellynge theyr honeste Example of $Jugurtha whiche oft by $Rome dyd say%Jugurtha da quo Salustius + bello iugurthino. Whyle he frome it departyd on a day O $Rome $Rome, who that had store of golde By thy owne gyders, thou falsly sholde be solde + Trust me (on grounde, no maner man we fynde%Ouidius de arte amandi Of so great wrath malyce nor rancoure But the holy Crosse shall mytygate his mynde All men doth it great worshyp and honour%Horatius in Epistolis Money ouer man is like a conquerour No herte so stronge whiche it doth nat ouercome It is preferred both vertue and wysdome

Whan mony labours it leuyth nought vndone It all ouercomyth with hye and lowe degre%Eccle*s. x. And shortly to speke for a conclusyon%Ecclesi.x. It thousandes blyndeth of men of dignyte With dyuers folyes, whiche they themself nat se Thus doth the nomber of Folys rayne so wyde Ouer all the worlde : that no man can them gyde. THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. O nobel prynces, in wroshyp decorate Infix your myndes to vertue and prudence Remember it is more dishonour to a state Than to a sympyll man to fall to vyle offence And where as of $God ye haue preemynence Aboue lowe people, labour with full intent To pass them in vertue, and so with dylygence Lerne to lyue by the rede Rose redolent + Though that we Brytons be fully separate From all the worlde as is sene by euydence Wallyd with the se, and longe ben in debate By insurreccion yet $God hath made defence By his prouysion ordeyned us a prynce. In all vertues most noble and excellent This prynce is $Harry clene of conscience Smellynge as the Rose ay fresshe and redolent + Drawe nere ye Prynces of myndes eleuate Mekens may ye lerne beynge in his presence And godly wysdome as hath apered late In dyuers dedys done, by his excellence

Subduynge without blode great inconuenyence Punysshynge the proude, louynge the innocent Wherfore to his dedys gyue your aduertence Folowynge the smell of the Rose redolent + By his reygne is all $Englonde lawreat With godly peas nat nedynge great defence Murdred is $Mars, and with woundes sawciate The bondys of peas hath dryuen the tyrant hens Banysshed is batayle by his magnyficence And peas confermyd by $god omnypotent The blynde $Venus chefe grounde of neglygence Is exyled from the rede Rose redolent + In hym is iustyce with petye sociate Vpon the pore he spareth no expense Nor on the Churche after lyke maner rate Promotynge men of wysdome and science Seruynge his maker with loue and reuerence Wherfore O $englonde be true to thy intent With faythfull herte do hym obedyence Thanke $god whiche hath the Rose vnto the sent <&.ii>

Of the vayne cure of Astronomy. He is forsoth of purpose vayne and blynde Of mynde mysbeleuynge and without aduysement Whiche stedfastly thynkyth in his mynde To knowe thynges to come playne and euydent Onely by the sterrys of the fyrmament Yet churlys voyde of cunnynge and wysdome Ar nowe a dayes Astronomyers become

Here call we to our folysshe company%xxvi.q.v.non liceat christia et per totum + et.xxvi.q.vij.non obseruetis &c. sequentur. Suche folys as labour and stody with great payne To iuge the planetis, by theyr Astronomy And other craftis without profyte and vayne Come hyther Astronomyers haue yet no disdayne Ye planetystis and wytches, and other of this sort Whiche honour the sterres onely : as your confort + Suche iuge the dedys of men both more and les%Ad gala.iiij.xxvi.q.vii.quis + existimaret. Expoundynge the sterres by theyr vayne iugement They labour wenynge by theyr folysshnes To knowe the secrete of $god omnypotent On this vayne stody so set is theyr intent That what so euer they in the sterres se Without all dout they thynke the same shall be + On the sterrys is all theyr felycyte%xxvi.q.ij.ipsos And in the planetis ar they full dilygent And than vtter with great audacyte All that the same do showe or represent The preuy workynges of euery element And secrete causys of other bodyes aboue.%Exodi.xij. They note to knowe to what effect they moue + Some gase vpon the wandrynge of the mone Another deuysyth the cours of $Phebus clere Gasynge on the Sonne at mornynge nyght or none And by other planetis shewyth what doth apere Howe some of them whan they do gyde the yere Engendreth plenty pleasour myrth and ioy And howe some other doth man and beste destroy

Some techyth what thynge sad $Saturne doth manace%Saturnus. And what cruell $Mars doth note and signyfye%Mars. Some expoundyth $Venus with hir pleasaunt face%Venus. Howe she men bryngyth oft tyme to vylany Another is in hande to trete of $Marcury%Marcurius. Howe eche of these planetis doth men predestynate And howe $Jupiter theyr wrath doth mytygate%Jupiter <&.iii> + These folys say that in theyr bokes they fynde That men borne vnder the constellacion Of $Saturne : to theft and robbynge ar inclynyd Yet fynde we suche true ofte by probacion And gode and iust without all decepcion They say that children of $Mars without fayle Shall be disposyd and full gyuen to Batayle + Yet fynde we often by playne experience That suche as vnder this planete borne be Ar nat inclyned after theyr sentence But gyuen ay to peas and tranquyllyte Right so by $Venus we often tymes se That though she dispose hir children vnto lust And bodely pleasour, yet ar they : chast and iust + Thus it aperyth both playne and openly That it is foly to gyue great confydence To the vnsure science of Astronomy%Ad Titum.ij. Wherfore haue done Just man, note this sentence%Ptolomeus. A man of wysdome vertue and science If he the wayes of vyces set asyde Shall gyde the sterris, and they shall hym nat gyde

Thynke well the sterris and eche elyment The hole firmament and planetis euerychone%Ad roma.x. Stande in the handes of $god omnypotent None can them gyde saue this hye lorde alone Therfore mad man, let thy foly be gone Wylt thou knowe the secretis of thy creatour%Ecclesi.primo Leue of thy blyndnes, thy foly and furour%Psal.xxxv. + Takest thou this labour and charge vpon the As who sayth $god whiche reyneth eternall Wolde shewe his secretis and godly pryuytye By sterre or planete to any man in domo Wherfore it is best me thynke that we leue all Vnto the iugement and wyll of $god aboue Whiche gydeth all : howe euer the sterris moue + He by his myght hath made the fyrmament With all the sterres and planetis of the same Whiche at his wyll ar euer obedyent And he them rulyth, therfore what hurt or shame%Ad ephe.i. What mysfortune aduersyte or blame%Ad rom.viij. Can all the planetis to man or childe pretende%xxvi.q.v.non.? If $god moste glorious by his myght vs defende + Thus is it foly, voyde labour and vanyte To gyue great credence vnto Astronomy It is great Foly also in certaynte To trust vnto fortune, to byrth or desteny%xxvi.q.iiij. admoneant. A vertuouse lyuer may all the same defye Lyue well and than trust surely to $goddes grace The sterris ne fortune shall in the haue no place.

THENUOY OF BARKLAY. Leue of your foly, whiche labour this science And let this your clokyd errour be refusyd Vnto the sterris gyue nat to great credence For many one therby hath ben abusyd. And many one haue stodyed sore and musyd To wryte Pronosticacions, whiche haue be founde Of none effect, and than falsly excusyd For suche shewe before after as they ar bounde.

Of the folysshe descripcion and inquisicion of dyuers contrees and regyons. Who that is besy to mesure and compace The heuyn and erth and all the worlde large Describynge the clymatis and folke of euery place He is a fole and hath a greuous charge Without auauntage, wherfore let hym discharge Hym selfe, of that fole whiche in his necke doth syt About suche folyes dullynge his mynde and wyt.

That fole, of wysdome and reason doth fayle%Plinius libro secundo circa + pricipium. And also discression labowrynge for nought. And in this shyp shall helpe to drawe the sayle Which day and nyght infixeth all his thought To haue the hole worlde within his body brought Mesurynge the costes of euery royalme and lande And clymatis, with his compace, in his hande + He coueytyth to knowe, and compryse in his mynde%xxvi.q.iiij.c.igitur. Euery regyon and euery sundry place Whiche ar nat knowen to any of mankynde And neuer shall be without a specyall grace Yet suche folys take pleasour and solace%Esa.xl.&.xlviij. The length and brede of the worlde to mesure%Eccle*s.iiij. In vayle besynes, takynge great charge and cure%ij.corin.x. + They set great stody labour and besynes To knowe the people that in the east abyde And by and by theyr mesures after dres To knowe what folke the west and north part gyde%Abacuc.iij. And who the sowth, thus all the worlde wyde By these folys is meated by ieometry Yet knowe they scant theyr owne vnwyse body + Another labours to knowe the nacions wylde Inhabytynge the worlde in the North plage and syde Metynge by mesure, countrees both fyers and mylde Vnder euery planete, where men sayle go or ryde And so this fole castyth his wyt so wyde To knowe eche londe vnder the fyrmament That therabout in vayne his tyme is spent

Than with his compace drawyth he about $Europe, and $Asye, to knowe howe they stande And of theyr regyons nat to be in dout Another with $Grece and $Cesyll is in honde With $Apuly, $Afryke and the newe fonde londe With $Numydy and, where the Moryans do dwell And other londes whose namys none can tell + He mesureth $Athlant, $calpe, and $cappadoce The see of $Hercules $garnado and $Spayne The yles there aboute shewynge all in groce Throwynge his mesure to $Fraunce and to $Brytayne The more and lesse, to $Flaundres and $almayne There is no yle so lytell that hath name But that these Folys in hande ar with the same + And regyons that are compasyd with the se They besely labour to knowe and vnderstande And by what cause, nature or propertye These doth flowe, nat ouercouerynge the londe So he descrybyth his cercle in his honde The hole worlde : leuynge no thynge behynde As in the Doctrynes of $Strabo he doth fynde%Strabo + Whiche wrote in bokes makynge declaracion Somtyme hym groundynge vpon auctoryte Howe eche Royalme and Londe had sytuacion%Eccle*s. Some in brode feldes some closyd with the see But ye geometryans that of this purpose be Ye ar but folys to take suche cure and payne Aboute a thynge whiche is fruteles and vayne%Plinius.

It passyth your reason the hole worlde to discus And knowe euery londe and countrey of the grounde For though that the noble actour $plinius The same purposyd, yet fawty is he founde%Ptolomeus And in $Tholomeus great errours doth habounde Thoughe he by auctoryte makyth mencyon Of the descripcion of euery regyon + Syns these actours so excellent of name Hath bokes composyd of this facultye And neuer coude parfytely perfourme the same Forsoth it is great foly vnto the %Ecclesi.xxxiiij. To labour about suche folysshe vanyte%Ezech.xiij. It is a furour also one to take payne%Sapien.iij. In suche thynges as prouyd ar vncertayne%Hiere.ij. + For nowe of late hath large londe and grounde Ben founde by maryners and crafty gouernours The whiche londes were neuer knowen nor founde Byfore our tyme by our predecessours And here after shall by our successours Parchaunce mo be founde, wherin men dwell Of whome we neuer before this same harde tell + $Ferdynandus that late was kynge of $spayne Of londe and people hath founde plenty and store Of whome the bydynge to vs was vncertayne No christen man of them harde tell before Thus is it foly to tende vnto the lore And vnsure science of vayne geometry Syns none can knowe all the worlde perfytely

THENUOY OF BARKLAY. Ye people that labour the worlde to mesure Therby to knowe the regyons of the same Knowe firste your self, that knowledge is moste sure For certaynly it is rebuke and shame For man to labour. onely for a name To knowe the compasse of all the worlde wyde Nat knowynge hym selfe, nor howe he sholde hym gyde

Of hym that wyll net se his owne folysshenes: and that stryuth agaynst his strenger. The folysshe $Marcia dyd with $Apollo stryue But he ouercome : loste sone the victory. And for his foly was fleyd beinge alyue For that he comparyd to ioyous Armony. His foulysshe Bagpype voyde of al melody. Yet kept he stylle his Bagpype in his honde: Nat willynge his foly to knowe nor vnderstonde.

Ouer al the worlde eche folysshe If he by his foly, or neglygence offende. Hath suche condicion within hym by That to mennys mockes nought wyl he Nor knowledge his foly, nor stody hym to amende. But as one obstynate, continue in his synne. O folysshe $Marcia : for this thou lost thy skynne.%Juuenalis. + This folysshe $Marcia with $Phebus dyd contende. Comparynge with hym in songe of Armony%Eccles.ij. But for that $Marcia cowde nat his part defende%Prouer.xxvi. He fleaed was alyue moche pyteously. To whose example we se that comonly Many mad brayned and blynde Foles ar alyue Which voyde of reason, with prudent men dar stryue. + And euery fole that is voyde of dyscressyon At al tymes thynketh hymself wyse and prudent. Though he be destytute of wysedom and of reason. Suche ar so blynde that they can nat aduyse.%Ecclesi.xx. Howe men by mockes and scornes them despyce.$Sapientie.iiij. Lawghinge to derision theyr maners and lewde dede. Yet se they nat the foles erys vpon theyr hede. + Thys fole thus lawghed to scorne and derision Taketh al in sporte lawhinge with them also. Nat thynkynge hym contemned for his mad condicion, Lewde, and disordred. but where so euer he go He best is content with them that so wyl do. He loueth to be flatered and slawed by the sleue That thynge that he wolde here : he gladly doth byleue.%Ecclesi.xix.

Who that hym prayseth in scorne and in mockage. And in derision doth magnyfy his name Anone he enclyneth vnto that lewde langage : Auaunsinge hymselfe and presumynge on the same Stryuynge with his better to his rebuke and shame. So hangith on his shulders hys pype contynually Wherby men may his lewdnes notefy. + If suche a fole haue patrymony and londe%Ouidius.i.tristium. Or in his Coffres great treasour and riches He shall haue frendes and felawys at honde%Prouer.xix. To egge hym forwarde vnto vnhappynes And sawynge in hym sede of moche vnthryftynes%Luce.xv. And than to spoyle hym : and leue hym pore and bare Wherby he after must lyue in payne and care + Wastfull youth oft spendeth, all his hole substaunce On suche Felawys folowynge alway theyr mynde Rennynge hedely to vngracious gouernaunce But whan of his good no more is left behynde%Tullius de amicia. And he theyr falshode and preuy gyle doth fynde He than auysyth hym of his olde estate Begynnynge to spare, but than it is to late + So whan he by them is brought to pouertye Hauynge no thynge his bodye to sustayne Than all his frendes away fast from hym fle As trayters vntrue leuynge the Fole in payne Than cryeth he on god, and sore doth hym complayne With wofull wordes, mournynge with herte full faynt And than forthynkyth : but late is his complaynt

But who that in his costes is so ryfe%l.ius alimentorum ff.xv.pup edu.debe. That he that spendyth within a yere or twayne Whiche were ynoughe the dayes of his lyfe With honest rule his body to mayntayne He is a fole spendynge his good in vayne But they on whome he so his good doth spende%Prouer.xxxviij. Shall more to his money, than to his loue intende + Wherof precedyth pouerty and contempt Scorne and derisyon nede and aduersyte And from all honour these folys ar exempt That thus wast theyr good in prodygalyte For who that is of small power and degre And with his betters wyll in expence stryue Without all dout that Fole shall neuer thryue + And also folys that stryueth in the lawe Agaynst an estate them passynge in ryches%Addicio alexandri barclay. Shall theyr owne flesshe vnto the bonys gnawe Or he that is voyde of reason and wytles And dare presume by his presumptuousnes Agaynst a man of hye wysdome and lore He shall byde a fole, euen as he was before. + Ye folys voyde of wysdome and scyence That wyll presume with cunnynge men to stryue And ye feble Folys that by your insolence Thynke you more stronge than any man a lyue And ye pore Folys whiche labour to contryue Mean to ouercome suche as better ar than ye I you ensure that ye shalt neuer thryue But outher be brought to shame or pouerte

And thou that art a courter or a knaue Or a bonde chorle, and all thy hole lynage Thynke well thou shalt but small profyte haue To stryue with thy mayster come of hye parage I fynde it moste for mannys auauntage Within his bondes his body to preserue And nat in riches, strength wysdome nor langage To stryue agaynst the streme, lyst he in swymmynge sterue.

Of folys that vnderstonde nat game and can no thynge take in sport, and yet intermyt them with Folys. Who that with Folys or children wyll play Or meddyll with suche as wyt and reason want He ought them to suffer folowynge theyr way And them endure, as for that small instant Lyst for his maners mad and ignorant I call hym hyther to gyde the helme and sayle If the shyp brake, the les is his auayle

That man shall one be of our folysshe sort%Math.vij. Whiche without wysdome and princi. Wyll besely with folys and children sport And can nat them indure with meke intent And mad he is that wyll in mynde assent To haue ado or accompany with boyes And can nat suffer theyr folysshnes and toyes + He is a Fole also, that hath great game Whan childe or dronkard blamyth one absent%Prouer.xxvi. If he can nat also indure the same And quenche madnes with wordes pacyent For without dout who that wyll be present And conuersaunt with caytyfs in theyr bourdes Or els with children, must suffer theyr lewde wordes + Yet some ar besy on euery man to rayle%Ecclesi.i. With voyde wordes, and talys mad and vayne With scornes and mockes behynde eche mannys tayle And yet disdayneth to abyde the same agayne Theyr madnes doth theyr myndes so constrayne That with euery Fole they gladly haue to do And can nat suffer what doth belonge therto + He that wyll labour a beast to hunt or chace%Ecclesi.primo. With his pleasour must take payne and besynes Folowynge the same about from place to place His lynes, colers, and lesshes he must dres And often also abyde, full great hardnes So he that wyll by yll worde man ouerturne Must holde hym sure, lyst he vnwarly spurne

One worde in sporte spokyn, another lyke requyrys%Ecclesi.xix. Rayle with a Fole, or childe that can nat gyde Hym selfe by reason, thy sportis lyke, desyres He is a fole whiche can it nat abyde For lyke wyll haue lyke, if thou be by the syde Or in the company of Fole or innocent So suffer theyr foly thou moste be pacyent + A fole hastely rendreth yll for yll%Psal.xxxvij. And oft for good, and loue most profytable%Ad Roma.ij. They render hatered malyce and yll Whiche is a thynge wronge and intollerable%i.petri.iij. Yet this nature in folys abydeth stable That seldome or neuer, they goodnes pay agayne They other scorne, of scornys hauynge disdayne + With suche Folys none wyse ought intermyt%Prouer.xiij. But coueyt amonge wyse men to be And so they do, but Folys voyde of wyt Takyth theyr rowme amonge other ignoraunt The company of folys to folys is pleasaunt For it is a prouerbe, and an olde sayd sawe That in euery place lyke to lyke wyll drawe + A precious stone wrappyd in myre and fen Lesyth his colour and semyth nat of pryce Right so one good, amonge vnthrifty men Distayneth his name, with theyr yll name and vyce And doth to hym selfe great wronge and preiudice For eche man is reputyd of the same sort As is the company wherto he doth resort

Wherfore me thynke it best, for euery creature To auoyde the bandes and mad enormyte%Prouer.xxvij. Of suche Folys whiche can no man endure By theyr blynde pryde and desyre of dignyte They coueyt to gouerne both hye and lowe degre%C.quia No dolour troubleth a Folys mynde so sore As when a man of reason is set hym before + If twenty men be in one company Som of hye byrth, some wyse, some lyberall If one fole be amonge them certaynly He thynkes hym selfe moche wyser than they all Thus shortly to speke, a folysshe man rurall If he a churle, a fole and vnthrift be The more he lokyth to come to hye degre + Suche folys promotyd haue no pacience To suffer theyr folawes, so hye set is theyr mynde%Lucarnus in primo. And to theyr betters they haue no reuerence They can nat them endure, they ar so blynde So by experience as we often fynde A fole thoughe he neyther haue wysdome nor cunnynge Yet thynketh hym selfe aboue all worldly thynge + Hereof the Bybyll examples doth expres%Hester.iij. Howe the fals $Aman (howe beit he was vnwyse) Had dyuers statis of wysdome and riches To hym abeynge, and yet dyd them despyse But for that $Mardocheus wolde nat ryse Out of his place to do to hym honour His mynde was fyllyd with malyce and dolour

In so moche that he wolde haue had hym slayne For this small faut, but $god gaue remedy To $mardocheus for to escape his trayne And so fals $Aman his treason dyd abye And hanged was, for $Mardocheus worthely And that before $Mardocheus face and iyene By the persuasion of $Hester noble quene + But of this proces to drawe vnto What man that intendeth for to lyue quyetly And wyse to be callyd without abusion Let hym auoyde mad and folysshe company But if he nedys wyll vnto suche aply Let hym mekely endure theyr game and sport Els shall he be one of this my folysshe sort. THENUOY OF BARKLAY. O wyse man thou ought lewde company auoyde For it is dayly prouyde by experyence That with a thynge corrupt, a sounde thynge is distroyed Right so good man oft fall in to great offence And iugyd yll, though they gyde them by prudence And that for hauntynge of company diffamyd For thoughe one be gyuen to godly innocence As is his company right so shall he be namyd.

Of them that wylfully offende nat takynge hede to the ende, and hurtyth euery man nat thynkynge to haue theyr malyce rendryd agayne. That fole castyth a dart into the ayre And gasyth after it without aduysement Of the fallynge downe therof nat beynge ware Whiche labouryth with dedys and wordes vyolent To get many foes hurtynge the innocent And lokyth nat agayne lyke to endure One yll turne requyreth, another be thou sure

Here touche I folys, and men without counsell%Math.vij. Whiche puttyth many vnto besynes and payne%In prohe.decre. And them sore greuyth by theyr dedys cruell Nat thynkynge to be seruyd with the same agayne That fole forsoth is of a frantyke brayne Whiche other men wyll hurt rebuke and blame And wyll nat suffer of them agayne the same%Sapien.xviij. + Consyder man, oft tyme within thy mynde The wronge that thou woldest do to thy neyghbour Whether thou myght in thy herte paciently fynde The same to suffer of hym without rancour Malyce or yll wyll, wrath or For thou oughtest nat do to any creature That thynge whiche thou of hym wolde nat endure + He that wyll other men thurst by violence In to a sak by extorcion and wronge Must in lyke maner arme hym with pacyence And suffer some blowys nowe and than amonge To one yll turne another doth belonge He that is besy euery man to displeas Or to indamage shall neuer lyue in eas + One namyd $Peryllus a workman excellent%Perillus de quo ouidius de arte amandi. A bull of bras forgyd by his subtylte Wherin a Tyrant myght put men to tourment Deuysynge deth of moste payne and cruelte But this workman to proue his faculte Was by that Tyrant put to deth in lyke wyse As he for other dyd ordayne and deuyse

O vnwyse Fole whome madnes doth abuse%Math.vij. Howe darest thou be so hardy for to do That to another whiche thy selfe wolde refuse Of hym to be done, to the, yet some do so Makynge a pyt to others hurte and wo%Psal.vij. Wherin hymselfe is destroyed at the last%Prouer.xxvi. And some in theyr owne snarys ar taken fast%Ecclesi.xxvij. + So cursyd $Aman in lyke wyse dyd ordayne For $Mardocheus a maner of tourment Wheron he hoped to haue hangyd hym in payne%Hester.vij. His lyfe consumynge with suche punysshement But the ende happended nat after his intent For at the last Aman hym selfe with care Was hangyd vp, and that in his owne snare + On wronge and malyce yll wyll and iniury All moste all men hath nowe set theyr intent Wherfore let wyse men for them fynde remedy%Prouer.xvij. For thoughe that it be a thynge conuenyent%Eccle.vij. To trust to other, yet be thou prouydent Of mannys gyle falshode and sotelte So mayst thou escape oft tymes, aduersyte + Suche men as put to moche confydence In other vnknowen, often great domage wyn Suffrynge losse and hurt by theyr owne neglygence For whan thou lokest vpon the vtter skyn Thou knowyst full lytell what trust is within For oft vnder flowres lurketh the serpent So paynted wordes hydeth a fals intent

Be nat a gest thou man who euer thou art%Eccle.ix. To suche as louynge outwarde thou seest apere%Prouer.xxiij. Malyciously within, and of enuyous hart He byddeth the ete and drynke, and make good chere With loue as farre as thou canst se or here. But whan suche traytours moste swetly on the smyle Than ar they besyest the falsely to begyle + Vnder fayre wordes pleasaunt and lyberall And smylynges fals and disceyuable Suche beryth venym to poyson the withall Auoyde suche men: thou wyse man and laudable Theyr dedes ar so fals and so abhomynable%Ecclesi.xiiij. That whan thou gyuyst vnto them moste credence They shall the brynge to moste inconuenyence + Ye: oft he lawygheth as he were true and gode Grauntynge thy wordes what euer thynge thou say Whiche in his mynde: wolde fayne se thy herte blode And of thy secrete counsell the bewray Beware of suche men as moche as thou may For amonge swete herbys oft growyth stynkynge wedes All flaterynge caytyfs ar nat true in theyr dedes + But whan these caytyfes hath hurt a mannys name Or done hym in body or goodes preiudice They thynke he ought nat to render them the same Thoughe it may be done by lawe and by iustyce But certaynly who that hym doth exercyce In doynge other losse, hurt, or greuaunce Shall lyue a fole and dye by some myschaunce

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. O men malycious fals and iniuryous Whiche set your myndes fals meanes to deuyse To hurte your neyghbours by malyce odyous And thynke nat to be seruyd in lyke wyse Ye ar abusyd therin I you promyse For he that here to his neyghbour is cruell And doth hym in dede or worde, hurt or despyce Shall outher be rewardyd here, or els in hell.

Of foles without prouysion: that prouyde nought in the somer to lyue by i the wynter nor in youth to lyue by in age. Who that maketh for hymselfe no purueaunce. Of fruyt and corne in somer season clere. Whan of the same is store and habundaunce Shal after lyue in hunger all the yere Sowkynge his fyngers lyke as the Bere doth here. And he that in youth wyl nought for hym prouyde In age must the paynes of pouertye abyde.

Amonge our Folys I nomber hym for one%l.xxxii.dis.nihil Whiche lyueth ydylly and in slewthfulnes Maykynge in the somer no prouysion To auoyde the wynters, payne and colde hardnes%Seneca. What man wyll nat curse and disprayse his madnes Whiche at no tyme wyll for hym self Of sustenaunce, in nede hym selfe to gyde + He that begynneth without aduysement Can nat prouyde that thynge that is to come%Deutro.xxxij. Nor scantly that whiche must be done present Thus ar his dedys done all without wysedome Of this company yet fynde I other some Whiche nought wyll saue them self to fynde with all But all out wastyth, by Ryot prodygall + These folys of theyr myndes ar so blynde%Ecclesi.xxvi. That nought they saue to theyr owne vtylyte On wyse prouysion they set no thynge theyr mynde But if they be dryuen by extreme necessyte As hunger thrist colde, or other aduersyte So oft whan suche ar vexed with moste nede%Prouer.xix. The wolde prouyde, but than they can nat spede + A fole of propertye that is neglygent For thynge to come prouydeth nought atall But on one daye settyth all his intent So in that space if any nede do fall To hym. he shall vpon his neyghbour call For helpe and socour, and sore to hym complayne And aske relefe whiche he shall nat obtayne

Whan suche folys haue theyr wombes full%Prouer.xiij. They force no more, ne take no farther thought Theyr vayne myndes to farther thynges is dull Saue on that whiche from hande to mouth is brought But he is wyse, and of reason wantyth nought Whiche here hym gydeth by vertue and wysdome And so prouydeth for the tyme to come + Wherby his wyfe, his children and ofsprynke%Ecclesi.iiij.&.xxxviij. May without care outher besynes or payne With honestye haue theyr fode and theyr lyuynge Without occasiou theyr good name to distayne I count hym wyse that thus doth set his brayne And in the Somer can make suche purueaunce Wherby all his may haue theyr sustenaunce%Prouer.xx. + And that in wynter, and the hardest of the yere But hym I count moche folysshe and vnwyse%Sapien.xv. And voyde of reason, whiche makyth styll good chere And by no men wyll the tyme to come But folys folowe moste comonly this gyse To slepe all Somer whan the season is moste clere And labour in the hardest season of the yere + Suche no thynge labour, ne to no worke intende But to ydylnes, a vyce yll and damnable That whiche is gotten vnwysely thus they spende%Prouer.xxi. So that whan wynter comys they ar nat able To haue one lofe of brede vpon theyr table Nor other thynge theyr hunger to asswage An ydell man is worthy suche wage

In wynter he abydeth a lyfe myserable%Prouer.xxvi. Whiche in the Somer prouydyd hath no thynge%Math.xxvi. That to his vse is nede and profytable Who that in July whyle $Phebus is shynynge About his hay is nat besy labourynge And other thynges whiche ar for his auayle%Ecclesi.xxij. Shall in the wynter his negligence bewayle + And who that can nat hym selfe wysely prouyde Of wode and vytayle and other sustenaunce Shall in the wynter nat knowe where to abyde%Prouer.xxij. For colde and hunger with other lyke greuaunce Lerne man of the symple Emet purueaunce%Juuenalis. Whiche gathers and puruays euery thynge in Shame is to man of beste to lerne reason + For euery thynge $god hath a tyme puruayde%Addicio alexandri barclay. And gyuen reason to man hym selfe to gyde By good prouysion, if that his mynde be layde Vnto the same, and sleuth to set asyde But that yonge man that wyll in age abyde Without prouysion, wherby he myght hym fede Shall worthely in his age dye for nede + Of that Fole who shall haue compassion Whiche by his Foly, great slouth and neglygence Vpon hym selfe intendyth to haue none But all out wastyth by immoderate expence So to conclude in brefe and short sentence That fole hath nat the way hym selfe to gyde Whiche in due season can nat eche thynge prouyde

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. O blynde man vnwyse, wastynge and neclygent Lerne of the Emet to labour craftely And in thy youth to be so dylygent Wherby in age, thou lyue mayst easely For he that wyll nat his mynde therto aply In youth and Somer to labour without fere In age and wynter shall lyue in penury And sowke his clawys for hanger lyke the bere.

Of great styuers in the lawe for thynges of nought. He is a fole, whether it be man or wyfe Whiche hym delyteth in iugement and lawe And euer contendyth in discorde and in stryfe In small tryfyls, and scantly worth a strawe Suche, theyr owne flesshe vnto the bonys gnawe And labour by theyr sotelty and gyle To blynde iustyce, and the lawes to defyle.

A cause conuenyent doth me bynde and To blame mo Folys: and that in myghty nomber%Prouer.iij. Whiche I haue suffred tyll this tyme to remayne%Ecclesi.viij. To se if they wolde waken from theyr slomber%Ad Titum.iij. Suche ar mad Folys whiche other men inconber With besy pledynge, wherby them selfe ar brought By longe contynuaunce vnto the poynt of nought + For small occasion for lytell thynge or nought%ij.thimo.ij. Vnwyse men stryue deuysynge falshode and gyle%Math quinto. Nowe euery fole hath set his mynde and thought%Prouer.xvi. To seke the extreme of lawe, but though they smyle At the begynnynge, after within a whyle Theyr laughynge shall turne to sorowe and damage And onely the lawyers catchyth the auauntage + Yet ar these folys ioyous in theyr mynde They norysshe stryfe without ende, them amonge%Jacobi.iiij. And some by falshode can crafty meanes fynde By fals delayes theyr mater to prolonge Suche Folys drawyth the lawe thus wyse a longe To that intent that by rightwyse iugement%Prouer.xvij. Transgressours sholde nat haue worthy punysshement + These folys that thus theyr maters doth diffarre Shall in that space theyr owne goode waste and spende To that purpose theyr neyghbour also to marre So ar they both made beggers at the ende Than must they to some agrement condiscende Theyr cause and mater discussed neuer the more O mad Folys so sholde they haue done before

Some suffer them selfe for defaut of To be outlawyd, and other some suspendyd Out of the Churche for hys mysgouernaunce%Hiere.ij. And yet nought caryth, therfro to be defendyd Howe beit they myght: and haue theyr mater endyd Suche assay by falshode to prouoke the lawe And than it fle, and them therfro withdrawe%Prouer.xxvi. + But suche Folys that thus so besely%Ecclesi.xxviij. Pursue the lawe, with stryfe and brawlynge vayne Consyder nat that they ren in great enuy%Esaie.lviij. Amonge theyr neyghbours whiche shall them pay agayne With theyr owne malyce and gyle to theyr great payne%Ecclesi.viij. But in the mean space the lawyers a made ryche Leuynge these Folys and theyr mater in the dyche + Thou besy fole intende vnto this clause That euery lawyer shall gyue more aduertence To mony and gyftis than vnto thy cause For after he hath set thy wordes and sentence In his fat boke, fyllyd with offence And there pryckyd with his couetous pen Thou neuer shalt thryue whyle thy name is therin + Yet thou vnwysely art redy to intende%Eccle.viij. Vnto thy cause, and though it fortune be%Prouer.xviij. Skant worth a grote, yet gladly wylt thou spende Thy hole good theron so sekynge pouerte For howe beit that the lawes ought be fre Yet sergeaunt at turney promoter Juge or scribe Wyll nat fele thy mater without a preuy brybe

Therfore thou acloyest with money or rewarde%Prouer.iiij. The kepars of the lawe to make them to the bounde In so moche that thoughe thy mater be but harde Yet money shall make it haue moche better sounde And to be playne that case hath euer best grounde That is best anoyntyd with maystershyp and golde Thoughe it be false it strongly is vpholde + And without dout the lawyers dylygence%Eccl* Is in his pledynge euer moste substancyall Whan of thy purse he hath had experyence And knowyth thy hande to hym fre and lyberall Wherfore we often vnto our mater call From far places men of greatest disceyt And fayrest wordes to prolonge our debate + And with theyr fayre and paynted eloquence To glose our mater in wordes of no substaunce%Eccle.xl. So that Juge that by way of innocence%%Prouer.xxiij. Gydeth the lawe in Just and right balaunce Of suche pleders is led the blynde mannys daunce So that they playnly proue before his syght The right to be wronge, and the wronge to be right. THENUOY OF BARKLAY. O man malycious thus besy in the lawe For euery mater and thynge of nought to stryue I reade you your myndes from suche stryfe withdrawe And from suche falshode as ye oft contryue

Or I ensure you ye shall neuer thryue But wast your goodes therwith to get enuy Lyuynge in discorde whyle ye ar a lyue And at the ende your wylfulnes defye + Alas mad Fole, and man vnmerciable What menest thou thy neyghbour to oppresse And for thynge of nought to be so vengeable To put both thy self and hym to besynes Wastynge your goodes about vnhappynes Leue man thy malyce and mytygate thy mynde For who that can lyue in peas and quyetnes Shall welth and rest both loue and riches fynde + Where as that Fole that is alway inclynde To stryfe and pledynge for thynge of none auayle And none occasion: labours the lawe to blynde Becomynge a begger at last for his trauayle And at the laste shall euery man assayle This Fole with malyce, for his accostomyd stryfe So that his foly he shall mone and bewayle And so be wery of his wretchyd lyfe.

Of foles abhomynable in fowle wordes of rybawdry. The lothsome wordes that nowe adayes we vse And shamefull commonynge, full of wantonnes Ar wont good maners to infect and abuse Indusynge yll maners, yll lyfe and viciousnes With countenaunces and dedes of vnhappynes For as the wyse man sayth in a parable Fowle wordes infectyth maners commendable

In our tyme nowe both waman childe and Without nomber worshyp with humbyll reuerence The festis abhomynable of vyle grobyan%Math.v. With all theyr myght honour and theyr Compassynge his auters with lawdes and insence%xxviij.q.i.sepe. With wordes and vsys, Fowle and abhomynable Suche men myscheuous to hym ar acceptable + To his vyle temple renneth yonge and olde%Ezech.ix. Man, woman, mayden, and with them many a childe%Ecclesi.xxix. And bere with them insence as I before haue tolde%Job.xxv.&.ij. Worshyppynge his festis with theyr langage defylde And wordes from whiche all goodnes is exylyd And with vyle langage of rybawdry the grounde Whose yl example doth sympyll outh confounde + Shamefastnes is exylyd and all his hole lynage%Ouidius.i. Meth. And in his place is vylenes byd behynde Vngoodly maners, vngoodlyer langage%Psal.xi. Whiche ar the clene destruccion of mankynde Lo here a fole, that with suche vyce is blynde A vyle swyne, and foule ledyth by the ere His bestely lyfe of this vyle beste to lere + These Folys also ar in suche an outrage To rynge the bell of theyr mad rybaudry%Ecclesi.xx. That men may knowe theyr lyfe by theyr langage Wherby they vtter theyr lewdnes openly%Prouer.xi. Thus all the Shyppes of our folysshe company Ar led by the wawes of this see mundayne By the foule swyne folowynge hir lyfe and trayne

Lyst our Folys of theyr right cours myght fayle Or by great charge brake or els be drowned The swyne of the se them draweth at hir tayle And them nat suffreth to synke or stryke on grounde%Ecc*s.v. But if all the Folys that of this sort ar founde Sholde drynke no ale nor wyne durynge this yere We nedyd nat to fere, that they sholde be moche dere + But these Folys the trouth to determyne%ij.Petri.ij. Bycause the sowe so doth hir pygges multyply Therfore they folowe the maners of the swyne In rybawde wordes full of shame and vylany Suche maners in this tyme doth men best magnyfy%Ad.ephe.v. And them promotyth moche rather than wysedome%Psal.xl. O where ar honesty and shamefastnes become + They ar exyled and haue no rowme nor place In erth at this season with hye nor lowe dere But suche as vse rybawde wordes voyde of grace%Hiere.ij. Ar nowe promotyd sonest to dignyte And howe be it that they moche vnworthy be Who that of his langage is moste obhomynable Is taken in the court as man moste commendable + The hogge promotyd out of the myre and dust Vyle and vngoodly of body and vsage%Esaie.xl. Promotyth and admyttyth men after his lust The vylest settynge moste hye vpon his stage%Ad col.iij. And some ar so past shame in theyr langage%Ad titum primo. So fowle and lothly, that they moste comenly Haue all theyr wordes in viciouse rybawdry

So that if mad $Horestes myght them se Hauynge respect vnto theyr lothlynes%Horestes. He myght well say they were more made than he And wonder on theyr langage full of viciousnes%Prouer.xij. For all theyr delyte is in delyciousnes Glotony and drynke, but he hath gayest name%Ecclesi.xxxi. Whiche rybawde wordes can mengle with the same + Thus who that offreth the Fende suche sacrafyce%Ecclesi.xxxij. With rybawde wordes foule and abhomynable Gyuynge occasion to youth to fall to vyce Suche in his dedes is greatly reprouable%Esaie.xlvi. And shall as a fowle both pore and myserable Shamefully lyue without moche better ende Before his deth if he hym nat amende. THENUOY OF BARKLAY. Man vse thy tunge in myrth and honeste And laude thy maker ther with with reuerence To that intent $god gaue it vnto the And nat to vse it in incouenyence In rybawde wordes is great synne and offence And to youth great example, and damage But thoughe thou be clene of dede and conscience Yet men shall the Juge after thy langage.

Of the abusion of the spiritualte. Here must I yet another barge ordayne For many folys of the spiritualte Whiche to the intent to auoyde labour and payne In theyr meane youth take on them this degre But after whan they a whyle prestis haue be To haue forsaken the worlde they repent Where firste they sholde better haue prouyd theyr intent

Yet somwhat here remayneth of my etc.Moyses. Whiche must be touchyd and here of very right Amonge our Folys haue a sympyll barge And that is this, As moche as I haue insyght Euery man laboures nowe with all theyr myght. Vnto the order of presthode to promote His sonne: howe beit he be a very sote + If he be folysshe or of his wyt vnstable Mysshapyn of his face, his handes or his fete And for no besynes worldly profitable For the holy Churche than thynke they hym most mete%xviij.dis.nos.autem + glosa.i.xxi.dis.cleros. And so thou rurall churle, a man may wete Thou woldest nat thy sone haue preste for this intent To serue and to pleas our lorde omnypotent + But to the intent to lyue in eas and rest And to auoyde all worldly besynes And in his lust to fede hym with the best%xxiij.dis.his igitur. Contynuynge in vyce, and moche vnhappynes Suche Folys haue theyr myndes on ryches On cursyd lucre pleasour ioy and welth Carynge nought at all for theyr soulys helth + They care nought for wysdome vertue nor doctryne Cursyd mony troubleth the goodly sacryfyce%xii.q.i.quia. And to the same theyr mynde they so inclyne That it them ledyth to eche vnhappy vyce And yet they thynke them self to exercyse By way of wysdome and gouernaunce laudable Thoughe they be worthy a bagpype and a bable

The order of presthode is troublyd of eche fole The honour of religion euery where decays Suche caytyfs and courters that neuer were at scole Ar firste promotyd to presthode nowe adays O $Numa $Numa thou folowyd nat suche wayes%Numa pompeus In thy olde Temples suche folys to consecrate But suche as were wyse, and with vertue decorate + And suche as had in cunnynge be brought vp%Addicio translatoris. Godly of maners and of lyfe laudable But nowe blynde Folys nought knowynge saue the cup Falshode and flatery ar brought out of the stable Sreyght to the auter, and without any fable Mo prestes ar made than lernyd men or clerkes As it aperyth playne by theyr folysshe warkes + From the kechyn to the quere and so to a state One yester day a courter is nowe a prest become And than haue these folys theyr myndes so eleuate That they disdayne men of vertue and wysdome But if they haue of golde a myghty some They thynke them abyll a man to make or marre And ar so presumptuous, and proude as $Lucifarre + O godly order () prestly innocence O laudable lyfe wysdome and humylyte Alas why haue we you put from our presence And you exylyd with godly grauyte Our lyfe is nowe led in all enormyte And all by our foly and amasyd ignoraunce The prelatis ar the cause of this mysgouernaunce%xxxvi.dis oportet.

O cursyd hunger of syluer and of golde For your loue and desyre imoderate To folys and boyes presthode is nowe solde And to men myscheuous fyllyd with debate The godly honour longynge to a state Replete with wysdome cunnynge and grauyte Ar nowe nat ordred right as they ought to be + O folys cursyd, o men moche myserable%xcv.dis.ecce. Say say what Furour your myndes doth constrayne%xxvi.dis.quis dubicet To this holy order whiche is to you damnable If ye in vertue your lyues nat mentayne Away with this mynde withdrawe your fete agayne Assay your lyfe longe before or ye begyn For it is damnable to man ensuynge syn + Yet certaynly I fynde by That in the worlde is no sort of degre Whiche is more gyuen to inconuenyence Than ar suche Folys of this spiritualte O where is chastnes and dame humylyte Alas they ar dede and nat with vs aquayntyd But flaterynge falshode hath our facis payntyd + Alas our order is fallen in errour The path is left wherin we ought vs kepe With what relygion do we our lorde honour Alas the Shepherd is lewder, than the shepe This great disorder causyth my herte to wepe Alas what lewdness is cloked vnder cowlys Who can expresse the foly of these folys

O holy orders of Monkes and of Freres%Monarchi et ceteri regulares arguuntur. And of all other sortes of relygion Your straytnes hath decayed of late yeres The true and perfite rule of you is done Fewe kepyth truly theyr right profession In inwarde vesture, dyet, worde, or dede Theyr chefe stody is theyr wretchyd wombe to fede + O holy $Benet with $god nowe glorifyed O glorious $Austen, o $Francis decorate. With mekenes, the placis that ye haue edefyed Ar nowe disordred and with vyces maculate Enuy, Pryde, Malyce, Glotony and debate Ar nowe chefe gyders in many of your placis Whiche grace and vertue vtterly out chasys + These holy faders rehersyd afore by name Composed rules holy and laudable For men religious, to lyue after the same Whiche nowe but lytell to them ar agreable But in theyr lyfe from them moche varible%vij.q.i.non autem O holy $Benet $Francis and $Augustyne Se howe your children despyseth your doctryne + But to speke shortly and in generall We fynde but fewe suche prestis now certayne As $moyses in the olde lawe first of all%Moyses. To serue in $goddes Temple dyd ordayne%Deutro.xviij. But vnwyse men rasshe, and mad of brayne%xxi.q.iiij.his.&c.Sacerdos. Becomyth prestis onely for couetyse%Prouer.xxi. Gouernynge the Churche in a disordred wyse%ij.Petri.iij.

Loke who that nowe of mynde is And that gentylman that mysshapen and wytles is Shall be made a preste, and after a prelate To gyde the Churche, full bacwardly I wys But suche as here the same doth gyde amys And in theyr lyfe them selfe nat gydyth well May after theyr deth abyde rewarde in hell THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Ye that ar gyders of $goddes heritage Be in your dedes to hum faythfull and true Instruct his flocke with vertuous langage And good example to goodnes and vertue Teche them the wayes of lewdnes to eschewe Rather with your workes than payntyd eloquence For the rude pepyll moste gladly them subdue To that thynge wherof they se experyence + Expell couetyse, and desyre of dignyte Beware of $Venus, hir dartis are damnable Take nat on you the order and degre Of presthode: without that ye be somwhat able For this often prouyd without fable That whan the Shepherde is folysshe outher blynde Vnto his mayster he is nat profitable Nor to his flocke: as he shall after fynde + The greattest rote of all mysgouernaunce That nowe is vsyd amonge the comonte Procedith of folysshe prestis ignoraunce Whiche haue no wysdome way nor faculte

To hele such shepe as they playne scabbyd se And straynge abrode without aduysement They let them alone: so spiritually they dye Wherfore the kepar is worthy punysshement + The cause why so many prestis lackyth wyt Is in you bysshops, if I durst trouth expresse Whiche nat consyder what men that ye admyt Of lyuynge cunnynge person and godlynes But who so euer hym self therto wyll dresse If an angell be his brokar to the scribe He is admyttyd howe beit he be wytles Thus solde is presthode for an vnhappy brybe

Of the prowde and vayne bostynge of Folys. My hande is wery my wyt is dull almoste Fayne wolde I rest to refresshe my wyt agayne But a folysshe bande, that vse them selfe to bost Of thynge nat done by them in wordes vayne To wryte theyr lewdnes doth me bynde and constrayne For some them bost in Phesyke and the lawys Or in dedes of war: howe beit they ar but dawes

Here had I purpoysd as I before haue sayde To haue stynt my tonge and seased for a whyle Or of my boke here a conclusion made And so these folys no farther to reuyle But than aduysement dyd me beholde: and smyle Saynge that my purpose was intendyd in vayne And I but euen in the myddes of my payne%xii.q.ij.gloria episcopi. + This worde to me was halfe a disconfort%xxi.q.omnis. For almoste wery was I of my trauayle%Prouer.xxviij. With that of Folys I sawe a myghty sort Of dyuers sortis and duyers aparayle Some rayde as knyghtes in whyte harnes and mayle And oher as Doctours, and gyders of some scoles But euer me thought that they sholde be but folys + Some other Crowned as Poetis lawreat%Militis iactacio. And other as Doctours expert in medycyne Of whose maners condicions and estate And stately bostynge of strength and of doctryne Here shall I wryte, who lyst therto inclyne And first I proue that euery day we se That bostynge Folys leste of theyr dedes be + Some is a knyght hym bostynge of his londes With his gylt sporys, and other cognysance Another a Doctour and the lawys vnderstondes And sene all the scolys of $Italy and $Fraunce The knyght hym bostyth and boldely dare auaunce Of his olde lynage, nobles and auncetry Recountynge the discent of all his progeny

Ye in so moche that oft he hath no shame%Patres conscripti romanorum. Hym selfe of the stocke of the Romayns senatours Or of some kynges progeny to name Els other whiche hath ben myghty conquerours And yet perchaunce his first progenytours%Psal.lxi. Came first of all vnto theyr chefe estate By fals extorcion, oppression or discayte%Prouer.xxviij. + Suche folys ar proude of suche noblenes%Juuenalis Whiche they haue neuer nether cowde obtayne%Seneca By theyr owne vertue theyr strength or theyr boldnes But in the gettynge therof for to be playne%i.Ad cor.iiij. Noblenes is gotten with dilygence and payne%De preben venerabilis. By iustyce vertue strength and rightwysnes And nat by rygour oppression or ryches + Say fole by what vertue or wothynes Hast thou deseruyd this renowe Or what hast thou done wherby this noblenes Wheron thou bostest, is thus vnto the fall If it were sought I trowe no thynge atall Saue that thou lust suche folysshe wordes to fayne Wherby thy foly and pryde aperyth playne + Lo sayth a fole. I haue be longe in warre In straunge countrees and far beyonde the se To dyuers Nacions my dedys knowen ar Both $spayne and $Egypt and $Fraunce spekes of me In so many countrees in warrys haue I be That all the people of Est, west, North and South My name and laudys haue onely in theyr mouth

But yet perchaunce this fole that thus hym bostis Was neuer in war nor out of his owne londe Some other as Doctours come from strange costis Coueytynge that name though they nought vnderstonde With euery folysshe thynge they ar in honde%xlix.dis.sacerdotes & l.i.c + de Spekynge vayne wordes without wysdome and prudence Yet count they them wyse and of parfyte eloquence + They boste theyr stody and vant of theyr cunnynge With stately wordes proude loke and countenaunce And thoughe suche folys lernyd haue no thynge With theyr solem pryde they defende theyr ignoraunce As none were wyser in all the scolys of fraunce If they can reken and tell eche bokes name They thynke them self great doctours by the same + So lede they foly about fast by the hande Bostynge theyr laudes and name in euery place Howbeit theyr owne dedes on se or on lande Were neuer so noble suche lawdes to purchace But to be short proude folys ar in that case Rotyd by nature that them them they moste auaunt In that wherin they ar moste ignoraunt%Prouer.xxvij. THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Desyst ye folys your bostynge wordes and vayne Let other men commende your honestye%Prouer.xxvij. And godly lyfe, for it is foly playne To prayse your selfe though that ye worthy be Than moche gretter shame is it to lye Bostynge that thynge the whiche ye neuer had In cunnynge strength lynage or degre Of all bostynge this namely is moste bad.

But yet men olde of our predecessours In theyr olde prouerbes often comprehende That he that is amonge shrewyd neyghbours May his owne dedes laufully commende Syns his yll wyllers wyll nat therto intende Also I fynde that there thre sortes be Of people lyuynge, whiche may themselfe defende In lesynge, for they haue auctoryte to lye + The first is pylgrymes that hath great wonders sene In strange countres, suche may say what they wyll Before tho men that hath nat also ben In those same places, and hath of them no skyll The seconde ar men aged suche may bost theyr fyll Without repugnaunce. And men of hye degre Before theyr seruauntis may playne say what they wyll Yet ar they nought but folys if they lye

Of carde players and dysers. The damnable lust of cardes and of dyce And other gamys prohybyte by the lawe To great offencis some folys doth attyce Yet can they nat them self therfro withdrawe They count theyr labour and los nat worth a strawe Carynge nought els: therin is theyr delyte Tyll thryft and helth from them be scapyd quyte

Lo yet agayne of Folys assemblyth mo%in autem de sanc epi. interdicimus. Vnto my shyppys in hope of auauntage But oft it hapnyth or they depart and go Theyr lust them turneth to losse and great damage By theyr lewde gamys furour and outrage Suche ar great gamners hauynge small substance Whiche often fall to great losse and myschance + Sayth poetis that in hell ar Furyes ludo Sperne lucrum + Exodi.xxxij. The folys to punysshe that ar sende to the same For theyr nat lyuynge here in equyte It nedyth nat them here to count by name%i.corin.x. The fourth Fury is encresyd by this game Whiche (than the other) is more furious and bad For here in erth it makyth folys mad + But of men gyuen vnto this alea. Of vnsure game, chefe cause of stryfe and wo And moche losse: somwhat I shall expresse But first I say some ar so gyuen therto That where so euer they labour ryde or go If they be onys inflamyd with the game To theyr destruccion theyr mynde is on the same + In hope to get (that they haue lost) agayne All theyr hole pleasour is set to throwe the dyse So of one losse oft tymes make they twayne Wherby oftyme they ren in preiudyce And get occasion of theft and other ho cle.xxxv.+ dis.c.i. glo.i. But thre dyse rennynge square all of one sort To suche Folys is chefe confort ioy and sport

Suche folowe this game stryuynge nyght and day Tournynge the dyse somtyme by polecy Them falsly settynge assaynge if they may Some vyle auauntage for to obtayne therby But than if they nat set them craftely Anone begynneth brawlynge and debate Blasfemynge and othes the pot about the pate + Exces of watchynge doth players great damage And in that space oft $Venus doth them blynde%Juuenalis. Makynge them hoore longe or they come to age Also this game troubleth oft theyr mynde With wrath them makynge vnstable as the wynde Theyr mynde it disclosyth theyr wyt infextynge to It also theyr reasons troublyth with inwarde wo + A couetous herte by game is kept in fere%De.ex prela.interdilectos.ubi glo.&.+ And styrred to yre euer whan it can nat wyn Whiche yre vnto the stomake doth great dere Besyenge the mynde pryuely within The wyt thus troublyd of wysdome is but thyn And so the more that wrath doth hym inflame The more backwarde and lewdly goeth his game + These folys vngracious of theyr gouernaunce Care for no thynge: theyr lust is fyxed On vnsure fortune: and hir vncertayne chaunce Whiche them promotyth to beggers at the last Watchynge without season tyll theyr wyt be past Ye two nyghtes or thre as folys voyde of grace No thyrst nor hunger can moue them from that place

But in the mean season if that any discorde%Leui.xxiiij. Amonge them fall, the woundes of $god ar sworne His armys, herte and bonys, almoste at euery worde Thus is our sauyour amonge these caytyfs torne And wordes of malyce myschefe and great scorne They throwe to $god renounsynge oft his name%Ad rom.ij. Whan that mysfortune doth bacwarde gyde theyr game + These folys in furour vpon our lorde thus As if he caryd for theyr myscheuous game Or whan they for theyr lossys ar sory That $god aboue sholde also be the same%De But whyle these Folys blasfeme thus christes name The wymen and maydes, whiche is abhomynable In game and othes to men ar euen semblable + There is almoste no maner of degre Man, childe, woman, pore man, or estate, Olde or yonge, that of this game ar fre Nor yet the clargy, both pore preste and prelate They vse the same almoste after one rate Whan by great los they brought ar in a rage Right fewe haue reason theyr madnes to asswage + I wyll nat say but it is ho.cle. For recreasion somtyme to use suche sport So it be done in season and tyme laudable And amonge persons mekely of one sort And nat for lucre, but pleasour and confort Without all othes and with perfyte pacyence In losse and gayne, in suche game is none offence

But yet the Lucre that is won therby%Host in sum de ex.praela.qualiter. Is nat allowed ne by the lawes approbate For to be gotten true and rightwysely For $god almyghty doth suche yll getters hate And theyr wronge gamys also, causynge debate Enuy and murder, and euen for the same cause They ar prohybyte also by the lawes + And to be playne great inconuenyences Procedyth to many by this vnlawfull game And by the same oft youth doth sue offences To his destruccion and all his frendes shame For whan all theyr good is wastyd by the same Often some by foly fallyth to be a thefe And so ende in shame sorowe and myschefe THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Consyder ye players the great losse and damage That comyth of this game vsyd vnlaufully Firste of it comyth no maner auauntage But if one put hym firste in ieoperdy And that small lucre that gotten is therby Thought thou about the same hast moche payne Thynke well that it is gotten wrongfully The lawe the byndeth: it to restore agayne + Wherfore me thynke that man doth surest play That with this madnes medlyth nat atall%Ludunt secure quibus est es semper in + arca.virgi. de ludo. But in his cofres his moyney kepis alway For that is sure howe euer the cardes fall

Or other game as Tables dyse or ball And better a lytell sure than moche in fere and dout Better haue one birde sure within thy wall Or fast in a Cage than twenty score without + This game also oft causeth wrath and othes And malyce where erst was loue and amyte And moche falshode, whiche $god almyghty lothes With fals forswerynge disceyt and cruelte It causeth by watchynge also infirmyte So men by it (los) of goodes and body fynde Wherfore let euery man suche foly fle There was neuer wyse man that set theron his mynde.

Of folys oppressyd with theyr owne foly. Of folys I wot there is great company Within my boke in fygures and scripture But in this Shyp namely ar there many Whiche theyr owne foly can by no meane endure Suche in this Barge shall of a rowme besure Thoughe they haue rowme I can graunt them no rest For with the Asse they rudely ar opprest

Within my shyp: and also on euery syde%Prouer.i. Ar so many folys saylynge before the wynde So swyftly that me thynke they wyll nat byde But sone depart, and so leue me behynde%Ecclesi.xxxiij. The faute and cause is in my sleuthfull mynde But the slowe Asse hye on my backe doth skyp And warnyth me so enter I the shyp + The shyp I enter, and worthy am therto Amonge my folys my self may clayme a place For my great slouth in eche dede that I do But neuertheles I am nat in that case To occupy great rowme before eche mannys face A lytell and strayt corner for me is best That I may slepe therin and take my rest + I coueyt nat to be in places wyde I am content with a corner of straytnes Vpon the hatchys I coueyt nat to byde For there is to moche labour and besynes And also the Asse betokenynge sleuthfulnes Sholde haue to moche space on me to tred If I at large about by it were led + Yet in my sleuth if I coude be pacient%Sapien.ij. And folowe the Asse without all repugnaunce But alway redy at his commaundement%Ad hebre.xij. I sholde be put to moche lesse greuaunce%ij.q.i.multi. And so haue hope to scape this perturbaunce My membres fre, from suche wo and payne. But well I fell my trust is but in vayne

But this one thynge my herte and mynde doth glad And in my payne is the moste chefe confort That mo companyons by the same Asse ar lad. Of my condicion lyuynge, and lyke sort Whose owne foly, whiche they take for a sport By longe contynuaunce themself doth sore oppres Tournynge theyr myrth to wo and wretchydnes + These ar they whiche wyll nat aply theyr mynde%Prouer.i. To wyse mennys counsell and aduysement Wherby they myght both welth and profyte fynde If to suche counsell they gladly wolde assent These ar suche folys as furious of intent By wrath ar dryuen to dyuers great offence%Prouer.xxvij. For none occasion, without reason and prudence + These ar suche Folys as by stryfe and debate%Prouer.xv. And other suche whiche lewdly by enuy%Ecclesi.xlviij. And no cause gyuen theyr neyghbous hurt and hate And so to malyce theyr cursyd myndes aply These ar suche Folys as suffer paciently%Prouer.xiij. For lacke of betynge theyr children folowe vyce To theyr great shame, theyr losse and preiudyce + These ar they that by malyce at all hours%Prouer.xxvij. Ar cruell and greuous, and put to losse and payne Suche as they ouer may: both straunges and neyghbours By cursyd lesynges whiche they iniustly fayne These are they that of all men haue disdayne With dronken dryuyls gyuen hole to glotony These ar the felawes of this mad company%Eccle.xxxi.

Moreouer into my Shyp shall they ascende That ar streght shoed whiche them doth sharply greue But yet they se nat therto, it to amende%Ecclesi.viij. Suche ar they that on no goodnes wyll byleue%Eccle*s.ij. All wastynge folys whiche to theyr great myscheue Sell and waste theyr londes suche ar of this sort And they that more spende than theyr londes may support + These ar mad Folys and adul.matiri.&.l.ij. And cursyd of god: that ar bawdes to theyr wyues Lettynge them to hyre, and thoughe that profytable This way they thynke, yet right fewe of them thryues These ar mad Folys that lewde ar of theyr lyues%de pe.dis.iij.quem dimissa &.c.+ nihil. Knowynge what payne is ordeyned for eche syn Yet moue they nat, but styll abyde therin + These ar proude beggers, and other stately folys Sclanderers lyers, and Jurours of the syse%Addicio alexandri barclay & + salicibus Phesicians and lawyers, that neuer went to scolys And fals Tauerners that reken one pot twyse Tapsters and hostlers that folowe that same gyse These ar fals offycers that lyue vpon brybes As excheters officials Counstables and scribes + Folys of these sortis and mo than I can tell For theyr myslyuynge and great enormyte Of the slowe Asse shalbe tred downe to hell If they nat mende them self before they dye But in the mean tyme shall they be here with me In my folys Shyp, on se rowynge with payne If they amende, depart they shall agayne

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. O folys oppressyd with your mysgouernaunce Amende your lyfe expell this your offence Ye can nat excuse your self by ignoraunce Ye ar taught to leue your inconenyence By godly Prechers men of hye prudence Also the punysshement whiche $god doth often sende To other Folys shulde moue you to amende

Of the extorcion of knyghtis great, offycers, men of war, scribes and practysers of the lawe. Whyle knyghtes and scribes exchetours and constables And other offycers whiche haue auctoryte Vnder the kynge: as Shryfs by fayned fables Catche a rurall man rude, and of symplycite If he haue money, These theues so cruell be That what by crakynge thretenynge and extorcion They spoyle this pore man, so that sympyll is his porcion

To our folysshe Shyp I sommon and assyte%Prouer.xxi. Constables scribes lawyers and Sowdyours%Math.xxiij. Exchetours Sheryfs, and knyghtes that haue delyte%Ecclesi.xli. To abuse theyr offyces, by falshode and rygours They gyue me occasion to blame theyr errours%Luce.iij. And for that in theyr charge they often tryp By false abusion, they shall be in my shyp + Hast hyther I requyre, my Nauy is a flote Longe tary hurtyth, for hawsyd is the sayle The anker wayed, within borde is the bote Our shyp decked after a homely aparayle By suche passyngers I loke for none auayle But fere displesour, bycause I shall be trewe Yet shall I so. ensue what may ensue + Good offycers ar good and commendable And manly knyghtes that lyue in rightwysenes But they that do nat ar worthy of a bable Syns by theyr pryde pore poeple they oppres My mayster kyrkham for his perfyte mekenes And supportacion of men in pouertye Out of my shyp shall worthely be fre + I flater nat I am his true seruytour His chaplayne and bede man whyle my lyfe shall endure Requyrynge $god to exalt hym to honour And of his Prynces fauour to be sure For as I haue sayd I knowe no creature More manly rightwyse wyse discrete and sad But thoughe he be good, yet other ar als bad

They shall vnnamyd my shyppis haue in cure And other offycers who so euer they be Whiche in extorcion and falshode them inure Hopynge by the same to come do dignyte And by extorcion to augment theyr degre $Mansell of $Otery for powlynge of the pore Were nat his great wombe, here sholde haue an ore + But for his body is so great and corporate And so many burdens his brode backe doth charge If his great burthen cause hym to come to late Yet shall the knaue be Captayne of a barge Where as ar bawdes, and so sayle out at large About our shyp to spye about for prayes For therupon hath he lyued all his dayes + But hym I leue, and so retourne agayne Namly to speke of the vnrightwysenes Of knyghtes and fals scribes whiche fully set theyr brayne To brynge pore people into gretter wretchydnes Than they were erst and so them to oppresse For playnly to speke fals knyghtes and scribes be Of one maner lyuynge practyse and faculte%Ezech.xxij. + The scribe in wrytynge with his disceytfull pen Syttynge in his syege acloyde with couetyse By subtyle wordes spoylyth the symple men Whiche come to hym, desyrynge right iustyce The knyght in warre is gyuen to the same vyce Robbynge and spoylynge by feldys: preuely%Esaie.x. But the scribe oppressyth the pore men

The knyght in warre in tyme of frost or rayne Or the colde snowe as man masyd with rage Subduyth his body to ieopardye or payne Damnynge his soule for brybynge auauntage%Math.v. The iniust scribe ensuys the same vsage Defylynge his soule with his pen and black ynke Whose couetyse causyth his soule in hell to synke + The cursyd hunger of syluer and of golde%Job.xxviij. After one maner doth these two so inflame That for the Lucre therof theyr soules ar solde The one a thefe without all fere and shame In tyme of warre in spoylynge hath his game%Prouer.xi. Murdrynge men and brennynge towne and vylage%Mich.ij. Nought sekynge but Lucre by spoylynge and pyllage%Psal.ix. + The pore chorle vnexpert and innocent Suspectynge nought for his true symplycyte Is by this scribe compellyd by falshode vyolent To pay for his pennys tyll he a begger be Thus lyue knyghtis and scribes after one degre Oppressynge the pore, them puttynge to great payne Vnto them self by falshode gettynge gayne%Luce.xxi. + Eche of them askyth Lucre and wynnynge Nought carynge whether it be wronge or right%Amos.iij. Thus cursyd is the sort that haue theyr lyuynge In robbynge pore people by violence and myght%Ecclesi.x. But if they had Iustyce and mercy in theyr syght Theyr offyces mynystrynge by lawe and equyte Both of $god and man rewardyd sholde they be

Who that is rightwyse good, men shall hym commende%Jacobi.iiij. And lawde his name, and his dedes thimo.ij. The knyght is ordeyned by manhode to defende Wydowhode and age from wronge and iniury With fatherles children, and suche as lyue in penury And with dynt of swerde to defende the comon welth Expellynge theuys, sauynge true mannys helth + The scribe is ordeyned hymself to exercyse To wryte with his pen iust lawes and verytable%Esaie.iij. And shewe by his craft the rule of right iustyce%Math.xiij. But nowe theyr dedys ar moche varyable For knyghtes and scribes by wayes disceyuable By the swerde and pen right cursydly intende%Math.xxiij. Them to oppres, whome they ought to defende + As wydowes pore men and children pryuate Of Father and mother and feble men by age By suche oppression they increase theyr estate And by successyon of all theyr hole lynage Alas the childe oft forgoys his heritage Without: right longe or he be of discression And all by fals knyghtis spoylynge and oppression + In erth no gyle, nor falshode is doutles%Zach.vij. Nor yll that is to scribes comparable But touchynge thoppression and vnhappynes Of other offycers it is innumerable%Malach.iij. And namely sowdeours ar nowe moste vengeable And other courters: that scant the kynges way Of theyr spoylynge may be quyte by nyght or day

What shall I wryte of powlynge customers And spoylynge serchers Baylyfs and Constables Sergeauntis and catchpollis and other offycers Whiche with others plate garnysshe gay theyr tables Theyr howsys stuffed with brybes abhomynbles Suche by oppression become thus excellent%Luce.iij. Contynuynge in falshode for lacke of punysshement THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Ye knyghtes vnrightwyse and offycers iniust Auoyde your extorcion done by cruelte Auoyde this desyre, mad and myscheuous lust Whiche ye haue in spoylynge of the comonte Better is for you to lyue in pouertye So plesynge $god with vndefyled name Than by oppression to come to hye degre And than after deth be damnyd for the same

Of folysshe messangers and Pursuyuauntis. I am a swyft Pursuyuaunte or messangar None in the worlde swyfter as I wene Here am I come from londes strange and far Yet can I nat (drynkynge) voyde my botell clene Tyll in the foles Shyppes I haue ben And to the chefe delyuered vp this byll Shpyman (tyll I enter) let thy shyp stande styll

I had purposyd nat to haue tane on honde%Qualis debeat esse nuncius ponit spe.+ execu. To cary in my shyp any messangers Or pursuyuauntis that occupy on londe For I myself and all my maryners Kepe on the see, with our folysshe partners So far from londe, and rowynge with suche payne%Prouer.xxv. That no messanger may vs reuoke agayne + Yet some of them coueyt to haue place To them assigned within a folysshe And with our folys to be so moche in grace Of all theyr messages to haue the cure and charge To this intent to ren euer out at large With letters or Charters, about dyuers londes%Prouer.xiij. Somtyme in theyr mouth and somtyme in theyr hondes + Somtyme other wyse them hydynge pryuely To kepe them sure, from moystnes of the rayne And so to go without all ieopardy In his iourny and salue to come agayne But some of these folys take vpon them payne To execute more, than is in theyr message To theyr owne scorne, and lordes great damage + But yet oft tyme (Howbeit theyr promes)%Prouer.xvi. Was in all hast to theyr message to entende They it prolonge by ouer moche dronkennes Taryenge theyr charge, and bryngynge nought to ende By theyr slowe paas, thus he that dyd them sende Thynkyth his mater well done and brought to pas But by theyr prolongynge it is euyn as it was

And often these messangers so wysely them gouerne That whyle they sholde be in hande with theyr mesage They range about to eche alehous and tauerne%Prouer.xxiiij. With the swete wyne theyr great hete to asswage Tyll he be brought into the dronken rage Than opyns he his letter it redynge twyse or thryse And all for this purpose newe lesynges to deuyse + His letter he openyth as fals and past all shame%Prouer.xxvi. To knowe the secrete therof to this intent With his fals tunge to glose vpon the same And oft in his message he is so neglygent To lese his letters, and so as imprudent He can nat that shewe that men to hym commyt Retournynge without answere so folysshe is his wyt + A true messanger and of parfyte dilygence%Prouer.xxvi. Is moche worthy, and greatly commendable%Sapien.v. For lyke as in Somers feruent vyolence The colde wynde and snowe to man is delectable And as to men wery: rest is moche confortable So a messanger spedy faythfull and parfyte Retournynge to his lorde doth hym as great delyte + Suche true messangers no man wyll discommende That is of wysdome mynde pacient, or doctryne But folysshe messangers here I comprehende Whiche in theyr message to folysshe wordes inclyne More tendynge to theyr botell full of ale or wyne Than to theyr message, for this is prouyd playne That sende a fole forth. and so comys he agayne

Suche folys haue theyr mawes so feruent In hete by rennynge, and excessyue langage Fyllyd with foly: That no drynke can it stent Nor with moystnes that feruent hete asswage But a faythfull man that doth truly his message Is to be lawdyd. But we dayly proued se That wyse wyll do wysely, and folys as they be. THENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE ACTOUR. Ye folysshe messangers gyuen to neglygence To slouth and ryot in your besynes Reduce your myndes to parfyte dilygence So may ye to your lordes do confort and gladnes Be true in his myssage, gyue you to secretnes If ye do nat I $Barclay, shall certayne For eche of you my folys lyueray dres That is a hode to kepe you from the rayne

Of folisshe Cokes &buttelers and other offycers of howsholde that wast theyr maysters good without mesure Lo nowe comys a sort by dosyns multyplyed Vnto my shyp: of dyuers cokes and buttelers. A rowme to them may nat be well denyed Nor to all other suche howsholde offycers These folys hast fast to be my maryners Rowynge with suche myght that all the se fomes Suche increas our Nauy, by vylenes of other wombes

This sort of seruauntes whome thou dost here espy%Ezech.xxiiij. Gyuen to theyr wombe by lust obhomynable Of meat and drynke and superflwe glotony Ar to theyr maysters but lytell profytable. Oft Cokes and butlers ar so disceyuable Of nature, to theyr mayster and folowe this offence That nought they set by his losse by theyr expence + These folys reuellynge on theyr maysters Spare no expence, nought carynge his damage But they as Caytyfs often thus them boste In theyr glotony with disolute langage Be mery companyons and lusty of cowrage We haue our pleasour in deynty mete and drynke On whiche thynge only we alway muse and thynke + Ete we and drynke we therfore without all care%Esaie.lxv. With reuyll without mesure as longe as we may It is a royall thynge thus lustely to fare With others mete, thus reuell we alway Spare nat the pot another shall it pay Whan that is done spare nat for more to call He merely slepys the whiche shall pay for all + Thus fewe or none of kepars shall we fynde%Prouer.xix. Trewe in theyr dedys, and after one intent%Math.xxiiij. Though maysters to theyr seruauntis be full kynde Agayne is the seruaunt fals and fraudelent So howsholde seruauntes though they seme innocent And without falshode before theyr lordes face They wast all and more in another place

Whan mayster and maystres in bed ar to rest The bordes ar spred, the dores open echone Than farys the Coke and butteler of the best Other both togyther, or eche of them alone%Eccle.xxxi. With wyne and ale tyll all the best be gone By galons and potels they spende without care That whiche theyr lorde for his owne mouth dyd spare + They ar nat content amonge them selfe to spende%Prouer.xij. Theyr maysters goodes in suche lyke glotony But also for other glotons they do sende And strange dronkardys to helpe out theyr vylany By whose helpe they may the vessellis make dry And he that hath way to drynke at eche worde Amonge these Caytyfs is worshyppyd as a lorde + Amonge these wasters is no fydelyte%Luce.xvi. They haue no hede nor care ne aduertence.%Treno.v. Of the great losse, and the cause of pouertye Growynge to theyr lorde by this wastfull expence But hym begyle behynde his backe and presence The mayster or lorde lyinge in his bed%Prouer.xxix. Full lytell knowys howe his howsholde is led + But whyle the seruauntes fals ryot thus ensue Wastynge theyr maysters good and hole substance The mayster thynkes his seruauntes good and true But if it fortune after by some chaunce That the mayster haue a desyre or plesaunce Of his best drynke with his louers to haue some The vessell empty shall yelde nought but bom bom

Than shall the lorde perceyue the great disceyte Of his wastfull seruauntes and theyr fals abusion%Ecclesi.xxxij. But his perceyuynge than is all to late%Luce.xij. So it apereth that great collusion Comyth vnto many, and extreme confusion By vntrue seruauntes as Cokes and butlers And by all other housholde offycers. + I thynke it shame to wryte in this my boke The great disceyte gyle and vnclenlynes Of any scolyon, or any bawdy Coke His lorde abusynge by his vnthryftynes Some for the nonys theyr meat lewdly dres. Gyuynge it a tast to swet to salt or stronge Bycause the seruauntes wolde eat it them amonge + This company, and bende vngracious%Ad Ar with no pety mouyd, nor yet care They wast: and ete theyr mayster out of hous Deuourynge his good, tyll he be pore and bare And with what meates so euer the lorde shall fare If it be in the kechyne or it come to the hall The coke and scolyon must taste it first of all + In euery dysshe these caytyfs haue theyr handes Gapynge as it were dogges for a bone Whan nature is content fewe of them vnderstandes. In so moche that as I trowe, of them is none That dye for age: but by glotony echone But suche folys were nat theyr hasty lokes To my folysshe shyp sholde chosen be for Cokes

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. In this shyp myght I compryse or comprehende Seruauntis of euery craft and facultye Whiche in lewde ryot theyr maysters goodes spende Bryngynge them therby to carefull pouertye But as for this tyme they shall passe by for me Syns by theyr maysters folysshe neglygence They haue occasion so ryotous to be By great cause gyuen of inconuenyence. + But to you seruauntis I tourne my pen agayne Exortynge you to your maysters to be true And nat thus to spende and wast his good in vayne And so to harde nede therby hym to subdue Lewde felawshyp se that ye euer eschewe Beware of ryot, be content wyth your degre. For who that agaynst his mayster is vntrewe In his owne labour is seldome sen to thye.

Of the arrogance and pryde of rude men of the countrey. The rustycall pryde of carles of the londe Remaynyth nowe, whiche I intende to note Whiche theyr owne pryde nat se nor vnderstonde Wherfore they coueyte with me to haue a bote And so they shall, but whan they ar a flote Let them me pardon, for I wyll take no charge Of them: but them touche and let them ren at large

Of husbonde men the lyfe and the nature%xlvi.i. & + l:seruis vrba.ff de.le.iij. Was wont be rude and of symplycyte And of condicion humble and demure But if a man wolde nowe demande of me Howe longe agone is syns they thus haue be I myght well answere it is nat longe agone Syns they were symple and innocent echone + And so moche were they gyuen to symplenes And other vertues chefe and in meth. That the godly trone of fayth and righwysnes Had left great townes lordes and men royall And taken place amonge these men rurall All vertues: stedfastnes iustyce and lawe Disdayned nat these pore cotis thekt with strawe + There was no disceyt nor gyle of tymes longe%Juuenalis. Amonge these men: they were out chasyd and gone For iustyce (as I haue sayd) was them amonge And of longe tyme there kept hir chayre and trone Of brynnynge Auaryce amonge these men was none%Ecclesi.viij. No wrongfull lucre nor disceytful auauntage Infect the myndes of men of the vyllage + That is to say they knewe none vsury No hunger of golde dyd theyr myndes confounde They knewe no malyce: nor pryde of theyr body Nor other vyces that trowbleth nowe the grounde They coueyted nat to greatly to abounde In proude aparayle, lyke Cytezyns excellent But theyr hole lyfe was symple and innocent

But nowe the lyfe of eche carle and vyllayne%Hiere.xiij. Is in all maners chaungyd euen as clene As if the trone moste noble and souerayne Of rightwysenes: amonge them had neuer bene Of theyr olde vertues nowe is none in them sene Wherby they longe were wont themself to gyde Theyr lyfe is loste and they set hole on pryde + Theyr clothes stately after the courters gyse Theyr here out busshynge as a foxis tayle And all the fassions whiche they can deuyse In counterfaytynge they vse in aparayll Party and gardyd or short to none auayle So that if $god sholde theyr bodyes chaunge After theyr vesture theyr shape sholde be full strange + Thus is theyr mekenes and olde symplycyte Tournyd by theyr foly to arrogance and pryde Theyr rightwysenes, loue and fydelyte By enuy and falshode nowe ar set asyde Disceyt and gyle with them so sure doth byde That folke of the towne of them oft lerne the same%Sapien.xvij. And other newe yllis causynge reprofe and shame + Theyr scarsnes nowe is tournyd to couetyse%Job.xxiiij. They onely haue golde and that, in abundaunce Theyr vertue is gone, and they rotyd in vyce%Esaie.v. Onely on riches fixed is theyr plesaunce Fye Chorles amende this mad mysgouernaunce What mouyth you vnto this thyrst Of golde: that were wont to be so innocent

What causeth you thus your lyfe to change To cursyd malyce from godly innocence Nowe Carles ar nat content with one grange Nore one ferme place, suche is theyr insolence They must haue many, to support theyr expence And so a riche, vyllayne proude and arrogant Anone becomyth a couetous marchant + Than labours he for to be made a state%Prouer.xxiiij. And to haue the pryuelege of hye nobles Thus churlys becomyth statis nowe of late Hye of renowne without all sympylnes%Juuenalis. But it is great foly and also shame doutles For Carles to coueyt this wyse to clym so hye And nat be pleasyd with theyr state and degre%Ecclesi.iij. TENUOY OF $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Fye rurall carles awake I say and ryse Out of your vyce and lyfe abhomynable Namely of pryde, wrath, enuy and couetyse Whiche ye insue, as they were nat damnable Recouer your olde mekenes, whiche is most profytable Of all vertues, and be content with your degre For make a carle a lorde, and without any fable In his inwarde maners one man styll shall he be.

Of the contempt and dispysynge of pouertye. In this our tyme we pouertye out chase From vs, but ryches doth euery man content The pore is oppressyd to grounde in eche place He onely is mocked and countyd imprudent As it were a naturall fole, or innocent He that is pore, and wyse, must hym submyt Vnto a riche fole whiche in a trone shall syt.

I cary of folys within this present barge%xlvij.dis.sicut priuilegia, + cle archi.xi.q.iij.pauper. A marueylous nomber and almoste infynyte Whiche on vayne ryches only haue theyr charge And hath on it more pleasour and delyte Than in good vertues that myght theyr soule profyte They set more store the peny to posses Than of good, maners, worshyp, or holynes + All men forsaketh in this tyme to sustayne%Sapien v. Virgilius.iij.enei + Quid non mortalia pectora cogis auri sacra fames.Juuenalis The weght and burthen of godly pouerte The cursyd hunger of ryches doth constrayne The hertis of men and that of eche degre Good lyuers of no valour countyd be If they lacke riches, theyr goodnes to support To theyr company none forsyth to resort + They that haue honoured wysdome here before%Prouer.xxiij. And loued vertue, and in the same procede In this our tyme promotyd ar no more To lawde and honour whiche ought to be theyr mede%Ecclesi.x. To rightwyse men nowe no man taketh hede But onely they haue bribes in plente That ar moste riche and hyest in degre + But syns it is so that plenty and abundaunce%Ouidius Of vayne riches and blynde and frayle treasour Doth them that hath the same lyghtly auaunce To loue, to frendshyp, to lawdes and honour And he that lackyth the same is in dolour Therfore all men more gladly it ensue Than lawdable lyfe gode maners or vertue

The worlde rennyth on suche chaunce nowe adayes%Juuenalis That none by vertue riches can attayne%Eccle*s.v. But who that wyll be riche must folowe nowe suche Firste must he flater and of honour haue disdayne%Eccle.xxv. He spare must none othes though they be fals and vayne And that he hath sayde by and by forsake. Nowe swere and promes, anone them both to brake + He must promes and vowe both to $god and man%xxxv.dis.nonne. And neuer care nor force to kepe the same By falshode or brybynge get what he can His wordes and dedes both without fere and shame By cruell delynge he must hym get a name%Eccle*s.iiij. Nought must he care for synne nor vyolence%xlviij.dis.sicut. Nouther present nor past, styll redy to offence + He must with rauysshynge clawes exercyse%Ecclesi.xiiij. Vsury, rubbynge from people innocent Brybes and spoylynges and tyme therfore deuyse%Amos.v. He must bere talys faynyd and fraudelent And with his lyes trouble myndes pacient%Esaie.x. And into the erys of good men and laudable He droppyth venym by wordes vengeable + O damnable lyfe pollutyd all with vyce O deuylysshe maners alas we may complayne%Job.v. The worlde is wrappyd in suche syn by couetyse Whiche doth all vertue and godlynes distayne%Prouer.xi. All thynge is solde, for frayll treasour and vayne Laufull and vnlaufull vertue lawe and right Ar solde for money whiche blyndyth mannys syght

Were nat blynde treasour and vnhappy ryches%xi.q.iij.pauper.xxiiij.q.iiij. + ne amisso. Many one for theyr synnes and offence Sholde worthely haue dyed in wretchydnes And other escapyd for theyr innocence The peny damnyth: somtyme gyuynge sentence So that oft tymes in tyme of iugement%Apo.xviij. It reddyth murdrers and Theues fro punysshement + Thus synnes greuous escapyth quyte and fre%Eccl*s.x. By money, whiche is so good an aduocate That it man reddyth what euer his trespas be From deth and peryll if it come nat to late It gettyth loue of pore man and estate It wolues and Foxis delyuereth from tourment%Juuenalis. And hangeth vp, doues and Lambes innocent + The ryche by oppressyon augmentyth theyr ryches Whiche is at last to theyr owne great damage Lyke as the Bybyll playnly doth expres Howe $Achab wolde haue had the herytage%Achab. Of $Nabeth: descendynge to hym by his lynage%iii.regum.xxi.Ecclesi.v. Wherfore this $Naboth rightwysly withstode The kynges wyll and that by reason gode + Where as this rightwyse man full wretchydly By this ryche kynge, by oppression playne And his Quenes falshode was damnyd wrongfully For his denyenge, and so with stonys slayne For whiche thynge this kynge after had payne By wretchyd deth whiche $god to hym dyd sende Of extorcioners this is the comon ende

Thus the pore onely for theyr symplycite%vi.q.iij.pauper. Is tred vnder fote by suche as haue myght Thus bagges must be had of pure necessyte For without them no man can haue his right%Juuenalis But whan the golden age the worlde dyd lyght%Lucarnus And rayned amonge men, than was pouerte Of great lawde and glory with men of eche degre + Than was theyr fode scas, theyr lyuynge lyberall%xv.q.ij.illa re scrip.+ Theyr labour comon, they knewe no couetyse All thynge was comon than amonge them all The lawe of nature from them expellyd vyce Without violence or rygour of iustyce But none of all these our firste progenytours Theyr myndes blyndyd with gatherynge great treasours + But thoughe by ryches nowe men be enhaunced%Prouer.xix.xij.q.ij.crates + laus priscorum romanorum. Yet in tyme past men haue by pouertye In lawde and glory theyr royalmes hye auaunsyd And come therby vnto so great dignyte That theyr hye name and fame can neuer dye $Rome was firste pore, and pore was the senate And in $Rome pore was many a great estate + Yet were they nobly disposyd to batayle So that whyle they lyuyd in theyr symplenes No other Nacion agayne them coude preuayle But after whan they gaue theyr myndes to ryches Oft strange Nacions them sharply dyd oppres By this example it apereth openly That to a good warrour ryches is ennemy

The noble $Curius in scarsnes and vertue%Q.Curius. Rulynge in $Rome, at the Romayns desyre%Dendatus. Dyd the Samnytyens manfully subdue And the Ausonyans vnto the same empyre With all other that durst agaynst $Rome conspyre Of whome many for his souerayne wysdome Of theyr frewyll dyd subiect to hym become + What man doth nat $Publicola commende%Laus publicole. Whiche by scarsnes deseruyd hath honour And heuenly worshyp whiche none can comprehende Hystoryan, Poet, nor other oratour We lawde $Fabricius a mean Conquerour Whiche the rewardes of $Pyrrhus did despyse%Laus.fabricij. Wherby men knewe he louyd no couetyse + Yet led this $Fabricius his lyfe in scarsyte With lytell riches to hym moche acceptable%Marcus regulus de quo tullius in of. $Regulus also a man of great dignyte For his suffysaunce reputyd is laudable In small substance he thought to lyue most stable Thus is that man both wyse and excellent That with ynoughe can holde hym selfe content + The firste begynnynge and origynall%Apuleus. Of all the worlde was firste in scarsyte Therby were Cytees byldyd first of all And kynges establyd in theyr royalte With theyr kyngdomes. and men of eche degre. Pouerte of all the lawes was Inuentryce Mother vnto vertue, confonderes of vyce

By scarsyte $Grace hath gotten suche a name%Summa laus grecorum. Of laude and worshyp whiche neuer shall decay That all the worlde holde, spekyth of the same But howe the lordes thereof lyued alway In stedfast vertue somwhat shall I say%Aristides. The iust $Arystydes inuentour of iustyce Was euer pore, nat gyuen to couetyse + $Epamynundas also lyued in vertue%Epamynundas And he beynge Duke possessyd small ryches Yet neuer kynge nor Prynce coude hym subdue By suffysaunce suche was his worthynes%Laus homeri poete heroici a paupertate. The noble Poet $homerus eke: doutles Whyle he descrybed the sore ruyne of $Troy Was pore, and set on couetyse no ioy + $Socrates with godly wysdome decorate%Socratis Laus. Set neuer his mynde on ryches or treasour Yet was neuer kynge so ryche nor estate That was more worthy than he was of honour In all the worlde is no thynge at this houre So proude nor hye whiche hath nat first of all Had chefe begynnynge of a Ryuer but small + The worthy Cyte callyd $Tarpye by name%Augustinus. Of small begynnynge is nowe made excellent $Rome hath also farre sprede abrode hir fame Thoughe it were byldyd (as lerned men assent) Of symple Shepherdes pore and innocent O what a Cyte, and what a se royall Hath had first name of pore men and rurall

Where as the cursyd hunger of ryches%Ouidius Hath oft these Cytees destroyed and lost agayne%Eccle.xviij. Hath nat the Romayns byd oft great wretchydnes And for Couetyse oppressyd in great payne For the same vyce $Cartago hath certayne Suffred ruyne by fortune myserable%Ruina cartaginis Where as pouerte brynges men to ende laudable + Alas why Coueyt we so faruently%Prouer.xxij. Exces of ryches as men myndles and blynde%Juuenalis Syns it so many hath brought to mysery Yet ryches gotten is vnsure as the wynde Dyd nat proude $Cersus therby destruccion fynde Endynge in payne great wo and wretchydnes%Cersus de quo By the immoderate and lewde Ioue of ryches + Wherfore let men of eche sort of degre Loue pouertye as thynge moste commendable%Prouer.xij. For suerly ryches is nought but vanyte%Eccl*s vi. Rulyd by chaunce vncertayne and vnstable%Marci.x. And to the Hauer oftentyme damnable For a ryche man settynge theron his mynde Shal into heuen right hardly passage fynde THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Withdrawe your myndes men from to great ryches Set nat your thought vpon vnsure treasour Rede howe the Gospell examples doth expres Of the pouertye of $Christe our sauyour

Thoughe he of all was lorde and creatour And seconde parsone of the holy Trinite Yet he for vs hath suffred great dolour And in all his lyfe wylfull pouete. + Wherfore blynde man make clere thy ignoraunce Take here example by $god omnypotent Holde thou thy selfe content with suffysaunce Voluntary scarsnes is a vertue excellent That folowed the fathers of the olde testament And also the discyples and Apostles in the newe But to pouertye thoughe thou wylt nat consent Than kepe thou mesure, and couetyce eschewe

Of them that begyn to do well and contynue nat in that purpose. Vnto this Plough of Folys many ren Begynnynge to labour with dylygence and payne But they wyll nat contynue longe therin But shortly after cast of theyr worke agayne No maruayle. for so volage is theyr brayne That without reason they gyue moche gretter hede As wytles Folys the bare Coko to fede

First whan the Carle takys his ploughe in honde He is so besy therwith and dylygent%Luce.xi. As if that he wolde Ere out all his londe%Eccle.xxxviij. Vpon one day or he leue of, or Multi. To the first labour men ar lest insolent But I shall tell the if thou gyue audyence Of this my meter what is the chefe sentence + Some men ar lyuynge that for awhyle begyn To lyue well ynoughe and outwarde represent%Ad hebre.iij. For to contynue in good lyfe without syn Entrynge the way of vertue excellent But shortly after chaungyd is that intent%Ad hebre.xij. They come nat vnto the top of the Mountayne%Eccl*s.ij. Wherin is vertue and good moste souerayne + These ar those Folys that taketh hastely The ploughe in hande, as for a cours or twayne And than agayne it leuyth by and by%Abacuc.i. These well deserue for theyr vnstable In our lewde barges for to be put to payne And besy labour, and alway to trauayle To rowe our barges and hye to hawse the sayle + The wyse man in descripcion of vertue Hath set the same on the hyght of a hyll%Pytagoras Whiche vnto heuen a certayne way doth shewe To suche men as with theyr full myndes wyll%Josue.vij. To that hyghe top theyr hole iourney fulfyll But to this hyll, fewe ar that go forwarde But many thousandes wolde clymbe therto bacwarde%Prouer.xxvi.

They ar suche that set all theyr hold lykynges On ryches pleasour and euery dedely synne And onely muse on these lowe worldly thynges As if man myght hye goodnes by them wynne Whiche haue no grace nor vertue them within These men that ar of mynde thus varyable To the children of Israell ar moste comparable + Whiche whan they were delyuered of destres And out of $Egypt, and past that cruell payne%Exodi.xvi. By hande of $moyses, suche was theyr wylfulnes%Numeri.xiiij. That oft they wysshyd that they were there agayne And all for hunger of one day or scant twayne They rather wolde vytayle in sore captyuyte Than with small penaunce, haue plesaunt lybertye + These worldly thynges to Egypt I compare Wherin mankynde abydeth in bondage Oft by his foly suffrynge great payne and care But whan theyr mynde is red from this outrage And they delyuered, and all theyr hole lynage Forsakynge the worlde, for vertue moste souerayne Than for small hardnes anone they turne agayne + Alas these people of myndes ar so rude That they had leuer be in captyuyte Of $Faro the Fende, and his blynde seruytude Than in $Christis seruyce lyuynge in lybertye But though the way of $Christis seruyce be Harde to be kept by blynde and frayle mankynde Parseruer, and thou shalt a Crowne in heuen fynde

But many (alas) retourne agayne to vyce And bacwarde agayne go to theyr olde offence%Math.xv. And he that the seruyce of $god dyd exercyse%Luce.xi. In mekenes vertue and lowe obedyence Is fallyn nowe to all inconuenyence Alas the state of them is moche vnsure%Apoca.iij. Whiche chaunge good for yll agayne nature%Hiere.iij. + The quakynge seke in bed lyenge prostrate Halfe dede halfe lyuynge, by some mortall wounde%i.q.i. ventum de + pe.dis.i.quem penitet.xcij. dis.plurimos.xvi. canonibus. And of all his myghtis of manhode clene pryuate Can nat be hole, but if plasters be bounde Vnto his grefe to clens it by the grounde Purgynge it by suche playsters mundifycatyue And than it closynge by playsters sanatyue + And corrosyues, somtyme he must endure To purge that flesshe whiche is putrefyed Kepynge and obseruynge good dyet alway sure But by this way whan his payne is modefyed His wounde nere hole, fresshe and claryfyed Withdrawe he his playsters for a day or twayne His sore reneweth and rottyth than agayne + And oft becomyth wors than it was before Corruptynge the flesshe and skyn on euery syde Right so it fortunes by a gostely sore%Ecclesi.xviij. In vertue we ought perseuerantly abyde Whiche to the heuenly regyon shall vs gyde It nought auayleth thyself to boste and cry That thou haste somtyme lyued rightwysly

It is nat ynough from vyce the to defende%Eccle.vij. One day or twayne or onys to haue done well%Sapien.v. But that man that contynuys to the ende%%Math.x. Shall neuer nede to fere the paynes of hell%Deutro.xxxij. For it expressed is playne in the gospell%Eccle.ix. Who that perseueryth in vertue and in grace To his last ende, in in heuen shall haue a place + Therfore I pray, and humbly you beseke Lerne good and vertue, and be therin actyfe Nat onely for one day nor yet one weke But in contynue the dayes of all your lyfe Thynges thus begone, of man, childe, mayde, or wyfe Ar moste acceptable to $god our sauyour And nat to do well, and leue within an hour TENUOY OF $BARCLAY. O youth full frayle blynde youth I say agayne In thy tendernes stody thou to begyn To serue thy maker in vertues souerayne And se thou surely rote thy self therin That thou the neuer pollute with dedely synne And if thou fall agayne ryse hastely Than shalt thou sothly heuen obtayne & wynne If thou perseuer and so lyue stedfastly.

O folys that despyse deth makynge no prouysion therfore O cruell deth, of fury fauourles So fyers art thou of loke and countenaunce That thou nought sparest vertue nor ryches Beauty nor byrth, strength nor valyaunce Eche creature thou bryngest to vttraunce Thou shewest none his season nor his tyde So is he vnwyse that wyll the nat prouyde.

O Brether in $Christ conioyned by byleue%Seneca Our blynde presumpcion doth vs sore abuse Trust of longe lyfe our soules oft doth greue%Job.xxi. We haue playne warnynge and yet we it refuse Vnwarely we wander, and no thynge we muse%Juuenalis On deth: but despyse his furour intretable Whiche sure shall come, though tyme be varyable + Man dye thou shalt: this thynge thou knowest playe But as for the tyme, howe, where, and whan%Job.xviij. These ar and shall be kept vncertayne Fro the, and me, and almoste from euery man Thus dye thou must prouyde it if thou can We all must therto, olde, yonge, yll and goode%ij.regum.xiiij. Our lyfe styll passyth as water of a flode + Ly, stande, or go, ete, slepe, or drynke Or in what so euer thynge thou the exercyse%Ouidius.x. Yet deth cometh thoughe thou nat theron thynke%Meth. But for that we dye in suche varyable wyse Thou for day: if suche a chaunce doth ryse Thy neyghbour shall folowe outher first or last%Prouer.x. Therfore on hope all men theyr myndes cast + On hope to lyue set mortall men theyr mynde Thoughe they be seke yet thynke they nat to dye So this vayne hope doth them disceyue and blynde%Eccl*s.ix. If deth them stryke in that infirmyte Ye and also we often tymes may se That deth is lyke to men opprest in age%Sapien.x. And to yonge children and men of hye corage

Thy ernest is layde, the bargen must abyde%Gene.x. It may nat be broke, but where as synne doth growe And a pore wretche in vicious lyfe mysgyde%Ad rom.v. Suche wretches thynke that deth is neuer to slowe And many one in vyce habounde and flowe%Seneca. Alway thoughe they that dye in synne mortall%Mors peccatorum pessima. (As $Dauyd sayth) dye must rufull deth of all + Deth is (as I haue sayd) so intreatable That all he consumeth, as his wyll doth aply%Ecclesi.xi. Thoughe one in beauty be incomparable%Ad In strength or riches, thoughe $god hym magnyfye It nought auayleth: at last yet must he dye%Job.xxi. Prolongyd is no tyme, if furour the submyt Of cruell deth, thou must obey to it + Thy strength decays, and thy breth wexeth short%Juuenalis. Thy vaynes labours, and be somwhat colde Thy body wexeth styf without comfort Anone thy beauty pleasaunt, semeth olde Thy vysage chaungynge by lokes manyfolde Somtymes Pale with colour chaungeable Somtyme as lede, from deth scant varyable + Thy herte quaketh thy vaynes lesyth myght%Ecclesi.xvij. Corrupt blode doth thy colour putryfye Thy throte hurtlyth, thy wordes, and thy syght Theyr naturall offyce shall vnto the denye With suche passions all mortall men shall dye For lyfe shall fayle whan deth shall take his place No man of lyfe can charter here purchace

O deth howe bytter is thy remembraunce%Prouer.xi. And howe cruell is it thy paynes to indure%Eccle.xli. To them that in erth settyth theyr On wretchyd ryches, vnstable and vnsure And on vayne pleasours: yet euery creature Must from this riches (though they be loth) depart Whan deth them woundeth with his mortall dart + It is thynge Folysshe to trouble and encomber%in autem That man that restyth and slepyth quyetly His tyme was come, and we in the same slomber Shall be opprest: $god wot howe sodaynly%Juuenalis We all must therto, there is no remedy It hath to many ben profyte, and gladnes To dye or theyr day to auoyde this wretchydnes + And ende the myseries, and labours of this lyfe And many one as wery of this short lyfe and payne Them selfe hath murdred with theyr owne hande and And some with poyson also them selfe hath slayne%Sapien.iiij. With snare, with water or with some other trayne The cause why they them selfe haue thus destroyd Was worldly payne and mysery to auoyde + Yet better were it lyue a lyfe myserable Than thus to dye, yet so haue nat they thought But naturall deth to some if profytable To suche as therby out of bondage ar brought And paynfull Pryson, In all the worlde is nought Concernynge payne, dole wo and mysery But that deth fyndeth therfore a remedy.

Deth with his fote doth worldly thynges tred%Juuenalis O howe many that hath ben in captyuyte And bytter Pryson doth deth clene quyte and red By it all fetters and Chaynes lowsyd be All worldly tourment all payne and cruelte Is red by deth: and they that sholde haue bene In payne contynuall, by deth ar quyted clene + Deth is delyuered, and from fortune lyberall%Horatius It tourneth downe the Castels and the for. Of kynges Prynces and other men royall With lyke cruelte of payne and sodayne shoures As pore mennys howsis lyuynge in doloures For deth hym selfe behaueth in one rate%Martialis And in lyke mesure to begger and estate%Eccle.xxxix. + And thoughe that fortune cruell and vniust Exalt yll lyuers and rightwyse men oppres Deuydynge honour and ryches where hir lust Deth all the same doth order and redres With egall payne by weght of rightwysnes There is no prayer, rewarde, nor myght that may Of deth prolonge one houre of the set day + This dredfull deth of colour pale and wan To pore and ryche in fauour is egall It spareth neyther woman childe nor man But is indifferent both to great and small For as sayth $Flaccus, Poet heroycall%Horatius. With one fote, it stryketh at the dore%Job.xv. Of kynges palaysys, and of the wretched pore%Ecclesi.xlviij.

It caryth nought for Pryde, ne statelynes Nor myght, as we se oft by experyence It is nat peasyd with treasour nor ryches With cunnynge of Retoryke ne glosyd eloquence%Job.iiij. To Pope and Begger it hath no difference.%Eccl*s.ij.&.iiij. With throte lyke wyde on echone doth he gape None can his clawes auoyde, fle, nor escape + Yet he nat grauntyth to any creature As symple man great Lorde or Prynce souerayne%Ecclesi.xiiij. Of dethes hour, to be stedfast and sure To euery man his comynge is sodayne Except to them that ar condemned playne Whiche by theyr foly lewdely prouoke theyr tyme By theft or murder or ellys some other cryme + It maketh no force: there is no difference Whether thou dye yonge or els in extreme age For this is sure eche creature shall hense Both state and Begger shall pas the same passage Lyue an hundryth wynter increasynge thy sac.san eccle. Yet to thy lyfe deth, ende, shall set and gyue But fewe ar that nowe one hundreth wynter lyue + And than at the last: whether he by lefe or lothe His wretchyd Carcas shall the voyde graue fulfyll And many one also to his ende gothe (As wery of his lyfe) at his desyre and wyll No man hath fauour (of deth) to byde here styll The father ded: the sone shall after hastely And oft dyes the sone before the Father dye

One after other, out of his lyfe we shall Syster and brother, neuewe syre and dame Tyll at the last from lyfe we gone be all And the elementis pourgyd by fyry flame%Apo.xxi. To mourne for deth therfore thou art to blame Or crye for the dede, and dolefully to wepe Thy cryenge (fole) shall nat wake hym of that slepe + Thynge wordy that to man is delectable This deth disdaynes, ne no Can turne nor fere hym: his promys is so stable His cruell daunce no man mortall can stent Nor lede his cruell cours after his intent The pope nor Emperour, if they be in his hande%Ecclesi.xlviij. Hath no maner myght his sore cours to withstande%Eccl* + The bysshop, lorde, the Pore man, lyke a state Deth in his daunce ledyth by the sleue He oft causeth men them self to fatygate And wery in his daunce, longe or they wolde byleue But thoughe his besy coursys doth them greue He gyuys no space to man to stande nor syt But sue the trompe tyll he come to the pyt + There neuer was man of so great pryde ne pompe Nor of suche myght, youth nor man of age That myght gaynsay the sounde of dethes trompe He makes man daunce and that without courage As well the state as man of lowe lynage His cruell cours is ay so intretable That mannys myght to withstande is nat able

Whan thou art dede, what profyte or auayle%Horatius Hast thou in toumbes hye ryche and excellent That Corps that lackes all suche gay aparayle Shall be ouercouered with the fyrmament%Arthemesia de The blynde, Arthemisia yet was of this intent A sumtuous toumbe and ryche to edefye By vayne opynyon hir name to magnyfye + This toumbe was shynynge with slyuer and pure golde So gayly couchyd and set with precious stone Alayd with asure and coloures manyfolde That of the seuen wonders of kyngdomes echone That ar vnder Son: that rekened is for one Yet this gay tombe abyll for any kynge To hir pore soule profyted no thynge + $Chemnys also as $dyodorus sayes%Chemnis de quo Byldyd a speere hye and wonderous To bere remembraunce of his tyme and dayes This speere was costely dere and sumptuous And of quantyte so great and marueylous That a thousande men and. iii. hundreth fulfyde In twenty yeres coude it skantly bylde + The brother of the sayd $chemnys in lyke fte chemnis qui + edificauit pyramydem Brought all his Royalme vnto pouertye Whyle he another lyke speere dyd deuyse For his vayne toumbe, so that his comonte And other workmen after one degre Were longe compellyd in this worke to ete Herbys and rotis for lacke of other mete

One $Rodopis callyd by suche a name%Rodopis de quo herodo.+ li.ij. Byldyd suche another vayne sepulture The riche $Amasis also dyd the same But what was this, els but a vayne pleasure It is great Foly to any creature To make so great expences and trauayle About vayne thynges that ar of none auayle + So great expences, suche Folysshe coste and vayne%Eccl*s.viij. Is done on toumbes and all by pompe and pryde%Math.xxiij. That this my shyp can it scarsly contayne%Luce.xi. But the soulys helth (alas) is set asyde%Esaie.xxij. Whiche euer sholde lyue and without ende abyde%Ecc*s.vij. And the caryon and fylth: is magnyfyed By suche vayne toumbes that nowe ar edefyed + Beholde a toumbe and precious sepulture Thought it be gay: aduyse what is within A rottyn caryon vyler than all ordure By this proude toumbe the soule no welth can wynne But is Damnyd if the body dyed in synne So is it Foly great coste and vanyte To vse in Toumbes suche curyosyte + Euery grounde vnto $god is sanctyfyed%xiij.q.ii.vbicumque Seneca. A rightwyse man that well doth lyue and dye Shall in hye heuen in soule be glorifyed In what euer grounde his wretchyd Carcas lye But where a toumbe is byldyd curyously It is but cause of Pryde to the ofsprynge Helpynge the soule right lytell or no thynge

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. Man kepe thy body from synne exces and cryme%Prouer.x. And if thou fall aryse shortly agayne Be euer redy, prouyde thy deth by tyme For dye thou shalt that one thynge is certayne And oft deth stelyth on man by cours sodayne He warneth none, but who that dyes in syn Dyes worst of all, and sure is of hell payne%Psal.xxxiij. Thus is it peryll longe to abyde therin + Vnto an Archer deth may I well compare Whiche with his dart stryketh somtyme the marke That is last age delyuerynge them from care Of mundayne thought, and payne of worldly warke Somtyme he shotyth ouer: as he were darke Of syght, and somtyme to short: or els asyde But well is hym that takyth thought and carke At euery season his dartis to prouyde.

Of Folys that despyse god. Whan that man synneth or therto doth assent Thoughe $god be of moche mercy and great pacience Suffrynge hym escape without punysshement And often is nat hasty to punysshe eche offence Yet thou blynde Fole voyde of all prudence He gyueth nat the his berde to draw and brast For euery synne he punyssheth first or last.

What man myght suffer with mynde pacient%Job.xv. These folys that stryue agaynst theyr creatour%Psal.cvij. With wordes despysynge our lorde omnypotent%Eccle.iij. And hym denyenge as nat theyr gouernour%Exodi.xvi. Both day and nyght increasynge theyr errour%Danielis.iij. All $goddes preceptis these folys thus confounde With vicious wordes whiche doth theyr soules wounde + They vtter wordes, full of all folysshenes%Sapien.xv. Agaynst the Father of heuen they hym nat drede No more than he were, of no myghtynes Lyke to mankynde, or come of mannys sede Of his great power they haue no fere nor hede Nor yet aduertyce his rightwyse iugement Ne that yll doers ar worthy punysshement + What menest thou by god the Father eternall%Persius. Howe takest thou hym, howe countest thou his lawe Whiche by thy presumpcion foule and infernall Dare be so bolde his berde this wyse to drawe By his hye myg$ht thou countest nat a strawe And than whan god, by mercy and pyte A whyle the suffreth for thy dede to go fre + And doth nat punysshe this synne in contynent%Eccl*s.viij. Therfore thou thynkest that god hath pardoned the Bycause the lyghtnynge or thounder vyolent And other tempestous stormes whan they be Ouertourneth downe an oke or other tre And suffreth the and thy hows to be vnbrent Thus thynkest thou: the pardonyd by $god omnypotent

O people of cursyd hope and confydence What ioy haue ye: or what a lewde delyte%Ad roma.ij. Without amendement alway to sue offence And more to offende, bycause ye haue respyte Is godes Iustyce (thynke ye) decayd guyte Nay $god is more rightwyse than creature terrene All thynge he seys, no thynge can stop his iyen + Thynkest thou that thy lyfe shall euer endure That thou mayst haue longe tyme our lorde to pray%Prouer.xxiij. And in thy last age of pardone to be sure%Eccle.xvi. O fole vnrulyd lay this lewde mynde away%Hiere.xiij. Trust nat to lyfe, for vnsure is thy day We all must dye: but he that styll doth syn%Esaie.xlvij. In hope of longe lyfe he often dyes therin + $God suffreth the oftymes to And folowe thy wyll and sensualyte To proue if thou thy lewde lyfe wylt amende Expellynge thy carnall and blynde fragilyte But if thou contynue in thy iniquyte The more space that thou hast had before Thy payne and tourment shall after be the more + Alas suche ar infect with great offence That thus on synne infix alway theyr mynde%Eccle.xxxvij. They haue no wysdome grate, goodnes, ne prudence But kepe theyr herte in darke errour and blynde That to true byleue it no thynge is inclyned%Ad roma.ij. Whan synfull errour is set in theyr intent They $god despyse, and his commaundement

These folys in maner nought care for $goddes myght Whiche by his worde hath made eche element%Psal.vij.&.xlvi. The sonne: the mone, the derkenes and the lyght%Gene.i. The day, the nyght, the sterrys and firmament%Eccl*s.v. Whihiche knowys all tymes eche hour and eche moment Both the tyme past and tyme that is to come Our lyfe and deth he knowys by his wysdome + O man myserable: o wretchyd creature Sholdest thou agaynst thy souerayne lorde rebell Whiche to thyntent: that thou sholde nat endure Eternall deth. sende to tourment cruell His onely son to red thy soule fro hell The whiche also with his blode hath the bought Therfore loue hym, and turne this frowarde thought + Thou art nat so redy to gyue the to penaunce And to set thy mynde on vertue parfytely%Ecclesi.ij. Forsakynge thy synne and olde mysgouernaunce%Hiere.xviij. But $god is als redy to take the to mercy%Ezechi.xviij. Thus mayst thou thynke both sure and stedfastly%Math.iiij. That if thou for thy synnes mourne and wayle%Luce.xiij. $God shall the here, and quyte the thy trauayle + But who that hath herte harde in suche a wyse And rotyd in suche malyce and furour That by the same by worde he dare despyse His god, his maker, his helth and sauyour By synne, contempt or lyuynge in errour Suche (but if he chaunge his intent) Is damnyd, to endure infernall punysshement

THENUOY OF $BARCLAY. O people proude, and of goodnes ignoraunt Enclyne your myndes sore blyndyd by offence Mollyfy your hertis that ar harde as adamant Expell ye this pryde and stately insolence Presume ye no more in worde, nor conscience Your lord, defender, and maker to despyse For who that doth, shall outher here or hence At last be rewardyd, and that in ferefull wyse.

Of Blasphemers and sweres of the name of $god, and of his Sayntis. Nowe commyth to cours to wryte of the errours Of men abhomynable, of women mayde and childe Whiche agaynst $Christ ar newe tourmentours His skyn terynge, wors than Iowes it defylyd O man myscheuous by whome $Christ is reuylyd Thou worthy art to dye in soule and in body That Iuge that it suffreth sore shall it abye.

O Myrthles myse of eloquence barayne%Math.xij. Cast out thy terys and mourne without re.dis.i.pena+ Bea.tho.ii.ii. For from sore waylynge my selfe can nat refrayne Nor as I thynke none erthly creature Consyderynge howe men in malyce them inur If there were reason within harde stele or flynt From carefull terys I wot they coude nat stynt + If beste had reason, wyt, or mannys brayne To note and aduyse mannys mysgouernaunce Without all dout I thynke it wolde complayne For mannys synne, and wylfull ignoraunce Therfore all ye that haue wyll and pleasaunce To rede of the Folys of this iniquyte Expell hye corage, and than come wepe with me + For certaynly, I trowe no man coude wryte The vyce nowe vsed, agaynst all ordynaunce Nor yet that rede, whiche other men indyte Without sore waylynge, and terys in habundaunce For well I wot my herte is in greuaunce Whan I consyder and wryte, thus wyse of syn Seynge howe the worlde defylyd is therin + But though I haue had great dilygence with payne%Leui.xxiiij(1570) Before this, to blame blynde Folys abhomynable Yet this my labour almoste was tane in vayne For none to this present sort ar comparable These folys in theyr dedys ar so detestable That all synne and vyce vnder the firmament Theyr vicious hertis can nat pleas nor content

Yet seke they wors: agaynst our lorde aboue%Luke.xij.(1570) By theyr yll tunge they tourment newe with payne And though he onys dyed in erth for mannys loue These caytyfs hym tourment nowe in heuen agayne These folys (with newe sperys) set theyr brayne To wounde, our lorde, whiche, can do hym no grefe Saue that he seyth man seke his owne myschefe%Marke iij.(1570) + Agaynst $Christ they cast and throwe great othys Blasphemynge agaynst dyuyne commaundement Wordes of Enuy whiche $god almyghty lothys They throwe agayne hym as trayters vyolent O cursyd creatures, with armour impotent That lorde that dyed to red them out of payne%Esay.iii.(1570) They haue good wyll to tere his herte agayne + The one blasphemys by $christis hede and brayne Grutchynge and grennynge for symple thynge or nought Another Caytyfe, or myscheuous vylayne By all his holy membres, to swere hath lytyll thought Another by the blode wherwith he hath vs pro + capilium(1570) His Face his herte, or by his crowne of thorne Wherwith (for them) his skyn was rent and torne + Another out vomytis wordes execrable Agaynst our lordes holy woundes fyue His handes his fete and his crosse venerable%in auten vt non l? con na circa + ne, Wheron he dyed to make mankynde a lyue That fole that grettest othes can contryue Blasphemynge god, men hym moste magnyfye Thus newe agayne our lorde they crucyfye

O cruell Caytyfs tyrantis and tourmentours O blynde blasphemers, o men brought vp in vyce O ye fals folowers, and inherytours Of the cruell Iowes myschefe and malyce%ii.Mach.xij(1570) To moche immoderate madnes doth attyce%De pe dist.iij.authoritas in tex,et glo. Your myndes amasyd by othes to tourment The sayntis of heuen: and $god omnypotent + O ye blasphemers: o tourmentours vnkynde Alas what mean ye your maker thus to tere Syns in the Gospell we playnly wryten fynde That no creature lyuynge ought to swere By ought that $god made, no nat by a here Of his owne hede, our othes ought to be (As $christ vs techyth) onely (nay) and (ye) + But nowe in our othes is $god omnypotent With all his membres and sayntis euerychone All that $god made, and euery sacrament The fere of payne (alas) is from vs gone Our hertis harder than flynt or marbell stone Alas we tere our Lord that hath vs bought By our blasphemynge, and that for thynge of nought + The tables, tenys, cardis, or the dyce Ar chefe begynnynge of this vnhappynes For whan the game wyll nat well aryse And all the players troubled by dronkenes Than suche Caytyfs as ioy in this exces At eche worde labour our sauyour to tere With othes abhomynable whiche they vngoodly swere

Alas these folys repute it but a game To cast suche wordes agyne theyr creatour Them selfe forswerynge, blasphemynge $christis name And he that is moste gyuen to this errour Is nowe reputyd moste worthy of honour%Romans ii.(1570) He shall no rule in court nor kechen bere (As this tyme goys) but he can crake and swere + The yonge (alas) this vyce doth here and lere With stody intentyf, and parfyte, aduertence Of suche as ar olde: to blaspheme, and to swere The name of $god without all reuerence In so moche that they thynke it none offence To swere the holy Masse, that othe is nowe so ryfe In mouth of man, mayden childe and wyfe + It was onys ordeyned by constytucion As I haue harde, that both symple men and hye Sholde onely swere by that occupacion The whiche theyr Faders dyd vse and occupy But nowe eche sweryth the Mas comonly Whiche is the prestis seruyce and besynes So mennys others theyr Fathers doth expres + Alas no honour, laude nor reuerence Is had nowe vnto that blessyd sacrament But boyes, and men without all difference Tere that holy body of $god omnypotent As it were iowes to his passion they assent In euery bargayne, in ale hous and at borde The holy Mas is euer the seconde worde

And than these houndes can suche excusys fynde As to theyr soules without dout ar damnable Saynge it is gode to haue the masse in mynde And the name of god, and his sayntis honourable O erytykes. o houndes abhomynable That is a thynge whiche $god almyghty lothys To take his name in thy foule mouth by othys + Yet doest thou so, there is no maner place%Leui.xix. Nor no order or state that of this vyce is fre%Math.v. For whiche (alas) $god hath withdrawyn his grace And oft vs chastyth with plage of cruelte With dyuers dethes, and moche aduesyte For this vyce, Iuges ordayne no punysshement Therfore is it punysshyd by $god omnypotent + With tempest thunder, lyghtnynge hete or colde With murder by pertylence or els by some batayle And sore diseasys, and paynys manyfolde We oft by hunger haue cause also to wayle The corne destroyed by wynde lyghtnynge or hayle Of suche punysshement we wretchys worthy be For $god suffreth nat our synnes to go fre + $Sennacheryb as the bybyll doth expres%ij.Mach.xvi. $Nychanor and fyers $Antyochus also%ij.Mach.v. Hath shamely dyed for this vnhappynes Nat only they: but many thousandes mo And in our dayes I fere lyst payne and wo Be to vs sende by ryghtwyse punysshement For swerynge in vayne, by $god omnypotent

O father almyghty our $god and creatour In thy hye maiesty syttynge in thy trone%xxiij.q.v. With blessyd $Iesu thy sone our sauyour%Quid ergo.ij.petri.xxxij. And o holy goste whiche ar thre in one O $god graunt thy grace to this our regyon Pardon vs synners differ thy vengeaunce Thoughe we deserue it by our mysgouernaunce + O glorious godhed of mercy infynyte%Addicio alexandri barclay. Consyder howe mankynde is prone alway to vyce Graunt vs good lord layser and respyte Out of our slombrynge snnes to aryse Let thy great mercy excell thy hye iustyce For if thy iustyce sholde put vs to vttraunce We sholde be damnyd for our mysgouernaunce + If thou good lorde denye vs to socour On whome may we wretches for socour cry or call Alas on none, therfore let our errour And synfull dedes clene from thy presence fall Brynge vs vnto thy realme celestyall Where in thy presence we may set our pleasaunce And so haue pardon of our mysgouernaunce.

THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. Alas ye swerers mourne, for ye haue cause Wasshe ye away your synne with syghes depe For if I sholde vtter my mynde in one clause I say your vnkyndnes causeth me to wepe What $god hath done for you ye take no kepe But tere his body by swerynge hym in vayne Thoughe he as a good Shepherd, dyed for his shepe That is for you, yet wolde ye hym sle agayne

Alas blasphemer, of $christ thou hast the name And callyd art christen, so made by sacrament But sothly that name is to thy vtter shame Syns thou thy god, and sauyour dare tourment O iuges iuges ordayne ye punysshement For eche blasphemer wors than is an hell hounde For if ye do nat our lorde omnypotent Shall vs with our synnes by right iustyce confounde %De plaga & indignatione dei.

Of the plage and indignacion of $god, and folys that fere nat the same. Some folys meruayle and thynketh it great wonder Whan $god vs stryketh for our yll and offence With tempest, hete, sekenes, lyghtenynge or thunder Hunger or colde, outher sodayne pestylence But certaynly his hye magnyfycence Vs worthely punyssheth for our iniquyte For vertue alas is gone from eche degre.

O folys abusyd whome foly doth diffame%Prouer.xiij. Say what auauntage what profyte or what fine Is it to you to haue $christis name%Deutro.xxv. Whan ye nat folowe his lyfe in worde nor dede%Hiere.xv. Of his preceptis alas we take no hede Yet we repute vs condigne in our corage To be callyd christen, and christes herytage + Who that in vyce his dayes doth meyntayne May bere the name of $christ our sauyour But than his name he chalangeth in vayne And tyll he amende led in a blynde errour So we (alas) often forget our creatour Abusynge and brakeynge his hyghe commaundement Nat carynge the decrees of faders auncient + We take $christes name, but his doctryne we deny%Ecclesi.xxxvij. And from his way (alas) we sore declyne And to all ylles our myndes we aply%Esaie.lij. Whiche often doth vs brynge to perelous ruyne We ioy of the name, and the true fayth deuyne%Luce.xxi. Trustyng therby to eschewe euerlastynge But godly workes we abhor and disdayne + Iustyce and hir lawes ar banysshyd from eche place Mysrule amasyd hir braunches doth extende%Johan.viij. All vertuous doctryne away from vs we chase Thus goth the worlde aprochynge to the ende Our fayth oftyme doth from hir chayre discende She is nat so parfyte as she in tyme hath be Nor yet hir two systers hope and charyte

Alas we dayly without all drede commyt Moche cursyd vyce somtyme by ignoraunce Somtyme by malyce, somtyme for lacke of wyt As wors than the turke, in our mysgouernaunce Thus dame mysrule so ledes vs in hir daunce That our blynde youth with to moche lybertye Subdueth our bodyes to all enormyte + So all mankynde with vyce is violate%Job.xv. Both yonge and olde stronge feble and ympotent The ryche, the pore, the vylayne and estate That they rebell agaynst our lorde omnypotent%Eccl*s.vij. Howbeit our lorde as a father pacyent Sayth man if thou my lawes kepe and loue%Exodi.xvi. I shall the lede to my hye Royalme aboue%Deutro.xi. + But if thou by malyce selfe wyll or neglygence%Math.vij. Dispyse my lawes reputynge them but vayne Thou shalt nat escape ay fre for thyne offence Without correccion punysshement and payne%Johan.xv. Yet we blynde men of these wordes haue disdayne To this great promes alas we nought intende Ne labour nat our errours to amende + Suche is our foly we thynke nat to amende But styll procede in our olde mysgouernaunce We ar so blyndyd we note no thynge the ende%Leuit.xxvi. Wherfore our lorde, by Iustyces balance%Nume.xiiij. Of suche offenders oft taketh vengeaunce With dyuers plagis, and punysshement terryble As pockes, pestylence, and other yll horryble

Though mercy fauour, yet $god of his iustyce With dyuers plages sundry sorys and sekenes%Ezech.xxxviij. And dredfull dolours punyssheth vs for vyce%Esaie.lix. Suche is the order of his hyghe rightwysnes Whan men contynue in theyr vnhappynes His swerde of vengeaunce vpon them to extende And that namely whan they wyll nat amende + Cruell $Mars somtyme vs thretenyth with batayle%Deutro.xxviij. Somtyme our bodyes infect with pestylence%ij.Regum.vij. The corne somtyme distroyed with rayne or hayle Than hunger men consumyth without all difference This worthely we indure for our offence With sore diseasys that neuer were sene before But yet our synnes increasyth euer more + Somtyme our fode with hete is all to brent%Luce.xij. Somtyme by colde abyde we moche payne%Apocalip.xviij. Some hath with thunder theyr bodyes all to rent Now frost, nowe snowe, lyghtenynge, tempest, or rayne Some with thunder boltis theyr bodyes smyt in twayne Some murdred, some hanged some hedyd, some drownde And all for offence, and synne done on the grounde + The dyuers dethes whiche dayly we indure And dyuers chaunces whiche dayly on vs fall I trowe there is none erthly creature That hath the brayne to comprehende them all Though that his dayes were nere perpetuall And often se we tokens of ferefull punysshement By sygnes and sterres of the clere fyrmament

We ought these paynes with mekenes to indure%Ouidius in epistolis. And nat to grutche therfore, nor $god to blame For our lewde lyfe forsoth doth them procure%Psal.v.&.xliij. And for our synnes ar we worthy of the same%Esaie.xxij. Some nacions haue ben dryuen out in shame%Johel.ij. From theyr owne londe wandrynge in payne and stryfe Whiche sothly was for theyr disordred lyfe + Wherfore thou man thynke sure in thyne intent That synne accostomed, by order of iustyce Of $god aboue, cryeth for punysshement%Prouer.xiiij. Other here or els in hell: for euery vyce%Treno.v. Hath suche rewarde, wherfore let vs be wyse%Hiere.xxix. And shortly amende our olde mysgouernaunce $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. O man clere thy syght, beholde thy owne offence And mende for the loue of $god omnypotent For if thy synne stynke alway in his presence Iustyce shall nat let the auoyde his punysshement And though mercy be nat to the moch vyolent Nat suffrynge vengeaunce shortly on the to fall Yet mende betyme be nat ouer neglygent Beware the ende for that oft payth for all.

Of folysshe exchanges scorsynges & permutacions. Who that hath a nedy iourney for to ryde And for a bagpype his hors wyll sell. playnly He is a fole and lewdly doth hym gyde And no auauntage shall he obtayne therby. So hapnyth it to hym moste comonly Whiche for frayle pleasour of one day or twayne Forsaketh heuen, sure of euerlastynge payne

Some Folys yet shall of a rowme be sure%glo.iusti.quod cum eo qui in versum + erit et in autem coll.vij. de fact.ig. Within this shyp a lowe or els a hye Suche ar they that greuous charges wyll indure Subduynge theyr bodyes to labour besely Theyr shulders with burthyns chargynge heuely In worldly curys sore labourynge in vayne Therby hereafter to byde infernall payne + They laboure here so sore for wretchyd goodes That whan theyr body departyth from this lyfe Theyr soule is plungyd in infernall flodys So what auayleth them to be so actyfe In worldly labour, so thoughtfull or pensyfe Here in this erth all other to excell And after toren by cruell houndes of hell + He that here labours in erth for frayle ryches%Ad hebre.xi. Suffreth more sorowe and payne contynually Than he that lyueth alone in wyldernes And hym in $goddes seruyce doth aply Abydynge in fastynge, and praynge deuoutly So worldly wretchys (as it apereth playne) Take here sore labour to wynne euerlastynge payne + Who that serueth $god with parfyte dylygence Shall in this lyfe auoyde moche worldly wo And be rewardyd in heuen whan he goth hens Where as he that serueth this worlde shall nat so Yet of this sort fynde we right many mo That to haue ryches all besynes employ Rather than to get in heuen eternall ioy

Mysrule, wast, falshode, and also couetyse, With other vyces as pryde or Vs sorer labours causeth to exercyse Than vertue doth: or godly holynes For them fewe men wyll take great besynes Easy is the way to vyce and men are prone To folowe that cursyd way almoste echone + Before our syght it dayly apereth playne%Sapien.xij. What great labours, what charge and besynes Proude people indure theyr pryde for meyntayne With dyuers garnamentis presentynge statelynes%Eccle.&.xxxij. Onely on clothynge bestowynge theyr ryches Suche set all vertuous besynes asyde%Esaie.lvij. And onely labour for to mayntayne theyr pryde + Somtyme suche dare set theyr lyfe in ieopardy Nat ferynge Iustyce, but the lawe to violate For to mayntayne theyr statelynes therby By proude apparayle, nat mete for theyr estate Right so Couetyse after lyke maner rate By ardaunt desyre of hir blynde iniquyte%Horatius in epist. Draweth men to peryls both of londe and se + To dyuers peryls men boldly them subdue In hope frayle ryches to purchace and obtayne But for the loue of goodnes or vertue Right fewe or none wyll put them selfe to payne For money man sayles the troublous se of $spayne And moche of the worlde he compasyth about%Sapien.xiiij. Of ieopardy and peryll without all maner dout

Who that by couetyse is drawen and opprest Is neuer at eas ne quyetnes of mynde By nyght nat takynge slepe ne naturall rest With fyry ropys this fury so doth them bynde%Ecclesi.v. They fere no flode, no colde, tempest, or wynde,%Sapho in epistolis There is no labour nor colde that can them dere The hunger of golde them maketh without fere%Claudianus de captu proserpie. + O man commyttynge thy lyfe vnto the streme Alas note well thy desyrous vanyte Howe thou the auenterest in holowe beame To pas the see in contynuall ieopardye And all this thou doest of gode to haue plentye But for the loue of $god thy creatour Thou skarsly woldest endure a symple shoure + Some for vayne ryches folowes another vyce Watchynge by myght in wynter sharpe and colde To encreas his purse, by cardes or by dyce There syttynge in paynes and peryls manyfolde Suche sle them selfe longe tyme or they be olde And waste theyr youth without all auauntage Theyr soule submyttynge to $Lucyfers bondage + What shall I say or of the maners wryte%Treno.iiij. Of dronkardes or glotons Whiche without mesure Onely in theyr wombes set theyr hole delyte Corruptynge and chargynge them self beyonde nature%Juuenalis So whan the body can nat suche rule indure Theyr lyfe they ende and oft by deth sodayne And for this labour rewardyd with hell payne

What shall I say of the paynfull fantasy Whiche he abydeth and suffreth day and nyght Whiche for his wyfe taketh thought and ielowsy Hir alway ferynge, thoughe she be in his syght Howe by those Folys whiche settyth all theyr myght By force of Armys to be $Uenus champyon Rather than to wyn the heuenly regyon + What shall I wryte of the mad mysgouernaunce And vayne labour whiche men vpon them take Some watchynge in reuell and some to ren and daunce Some for worldly pleasour both day and nyght to wake But nought wyll we suffer for $god almyghtyes sake In whose seruyce we rest at ende myght fynde We labour here for deth as bestis blynde%Sapien.v. + We seke our destruccion: for symple ioy mundayne Our myndes ar so blynde: and we so prone to yll That heuen we chaunge for euerlastynge payne%Juuenalis. In good workes haue we no pleasour nouther skyll Deuyne preceptis we seldome tyme fulfyll Banysshyd is vertue decayed is holynes%Eccl*s.x. And moche of the worlde ensue vnthryftynes + Let wyse men stody (therfore) to obtayne Vertue though the way be in diffyculte For thoughe that one neuer infyx his brayne%Math.vij. To vyce, yet shall the way full esy be But certaynly wors than a fole is he Whiche wyll in stede of heuenly blyssydness%Ezech.vij. Bye worldly pleasour, endynge in wretchydnes

THENYOY OF $BARCLAY. Remember Fole it is great hurte and losse For worldly pleasour to lese ioy eternall Remember also howe $god dyed on the crosse Shedynge his blode the to redeme withall This payne he suffred for the and for vs all Consyder his sorowes, be kynde to hym agayne Lese nat ne change nat his ioy celestyall For folysshe pleasour, or frayll and worldly payne

Of folysshe children y%t worshyp nat their fader and moder. Them also I repute for Folys blynde Whiche haue no honour worshyp ne reuerence To father and mother, but ar to them vnkynde And nat consyder what payne and dylygence What labour, thought, great costis, and expence Theyr parentis had for them in theyr yonge age But they rewarde the same with great outrage

That foule is full of all vnhappynes%Ecclesi.iij. And suerly worthy of euerlastynge payne%iii.q.v.omnes qui thimo. Whiche for his frendes loue and great kyndnes Rewardeth them with vnkyndnes agayne%Prouer.xx.&.xxviij. But hym I iuge a gretter fole certayne Whiche on his children bestowys all his substaunce And lyues hym selfe (for nede) in harde penaunce + And where as he myght his age well relefe With his owne goodes at euery tyme of nede There lyeth he gronynge, in payne wo and myschefe%Beatus tho.xxij. q.c.xxij.+ ar.v. His vnkynde children takynge of hym no hede And where he labowred right sore his son to fede Sparynge from hym selfe to fynde hym to the scole In age his son hym taketh for a fole + And where as he ought his father to honour To worshyp and loue by dyuyne commaundement The vnkynde caytyf wyll do hym no socour But suffreth hym abyde both pore and indigent And often this Caytyf with handes violent As past all grace shame or godly fere With strokes doth his Father hurt and dere + Or suffreth hym vtterly to dye for lacke%Prouer.xxvij. Or els hym dryueth vnkyndly to the colde%Ouidius.i.meth. With a cowpyll of croches a walet on his backe Whan he hath spoylyd hym of that he wolde So whan the Father is tedyous and olde His children thynke he lyueth alto longe Oft wysshynge hym to be drownyd outher honge

There is no pyte that can suche wretches moue%Ecclesi.ij.&.vij. Anenst theyr Faders wo and paynfull age%Leuit.xx. They shewe hatered for fouour and hye loue%Deutro.v. O folysshe Fader consyder in thy corage%Deutro.xxiij. Thy to great pyte thy olde and blynde dotage Whiche to thy sonne hast gyuen suche store of gode Whiche the dede wyssheth nat grauntynge the thy fode + He suffreth the to lyue with hunger harde bested And god wot howe glad wolde he be in his mynde If thou by cruell deth were from hym red%Exodi.xx. Yet is his owne lyfe vnstable as the wynde%Malach. And shortly shall dye leuynge that gode behynde%Math.xv. And for his vylayne, and frowarde vnkyndness His soule berest euerlastynge blessydnes + And what worthely, for after my sentence He well deserueth an yll and shamefull ende%Marci.vij. Whiche wyll nat honour, with loue and reuerence His fader and mother as his myght may extende%Ad And also all them of whose blode he doth discende%Deutro.xxvii. And who that agaynst his parentis wyll rebell%Prouer.xx. Is sothly worthy to haue a roume in hell + And oft it is sene by examples euydent That short space they lyue and shamefully thy dye Whiche to theyr parentis ar nat obedyent And suffreth them lyue in nede and penury Disdaynynge them to honour and worshyp reuerently Examples in the Bybyll we haue in sondry wyse Howe they haue endyd that doth theyr faders despyse

The goodly $Absolon of beauty excellent%Absolon Of pleasaunt fygure thoughe he so goodly were%ij.Regii.xv.&.xviij. For beynge vnto his Fader inobedyent And his purposynge hym and all his to dere And to rob his Royalme, was hangyd by the here By sodayne chaunce and $goddes punysshement And with thre sperys his herte in sonder rent + For that $Cham discouered his faders pryuete%Cham As in contempt hauynge of hym disdayne%Gene.ix. Was he nat cursyd by $goddes maiestye%Leuiti.xviij. And bonde to his bretherne whiche was to his great payne Thoughe $Sennacheryb by his owne sonnes were slayne%Sennacherib.ij.para.xxxij. They hopynge to obtayne his royalme for theyr mede Yet none of them theyr fader dyd succede + $Balthasar kynge somtyme of $Babylon%Danielis.v. In sorowfull yeres longe lyued worthely For his proude mynde and fyers transgression Agaynst his father, for that he cruelly Dismembred hym: but sothly if that I Sholde all suche wretches paynes comprehende In this my boke, I neuer sholde haue ende + The bybyll recordeth howe $Toby auncyent Approchynge to deth almost in dethys hour%Thobie.iiij. Gaue his dere sone speciall commaundement With all reuerence his mother to honour $Salomon therfore of sapyence the flour%iij.Regum.ij. Hauynge no respect to his hye excellence Vnto his mother dyd humble reuerence

Erectynge hym vp from his hye rowme royall To mete his mother, and set hir by his syde On his right hande as chefe and pryncipall By whose example all children ought them gyde Humbly to theyr parentis without all grutche or pryde But fewe alas nowe wyll vnto this intende Whiche causyth them sore repent it at the ende + If $Corylaus had nat ben obedyent%Corylaus Vnto his moder and fered hir. certayne%Plutarchus By $Rome he sholde haue suffred punysshement And by his foly longe lyued in great payne The Bybyll also recordeth to vs playne%Hiere.xxxv. Howe the sonnes of $Rechab had great preemynence%Ecclesi.xxiij. For hauynge to theyr fader loue and obedyence + Were they nat lauded by $god omnypotent Yes certaynly but the chefe cause wherfore Was for they folowed the commaundement Of $Rechab theyr fader, denyenge nat his lore So shall I conclude shortly and say no more That he that to Fader or moder is vnkynde Shall here in erth his soule to fendes bynde $BARCLAY TO THE FOLYS. Thou vnkynde childe and inobedyent Thynke what thy Fader and Moder dyd for the Remember what goodes they haue on the spent Or they coude brynge the vnto thy degre Endeuer the to them kynde agayne to be For all the kyndnes that thou canst shewe: certayne Nor all thy worshyp nor thy humylyte Can neuer be abyll them to rewarde agayne

Be nat therfore childe vnto them vylayne But take thou example of $Christ our sauyour Howe he alway thoughe he were $god souerayne His carnall moder benyngly dyd honour And $Joseph also whiche after the errour Of the blynde Jewes to hym was fader sayde Yet is he $god and gracious gouernour Lyke to the Fader before the worlde was made + But thou aged man that seest thy dayes fade Thy strength decay, and thy colour fro the fall Thynke well that whan thou all thy good hast layde Vpon thy children to auaunce them with all Whan thou hast nede perchaunce none of them shall Socour thy nede, but from theyr hous the cast Therfore I aduyse the, nede nat on them to call But whyle thou lyuest to holde sure that thou hast.

Of the claterynge and bablynge of prestis and clerkes in the quere. Of folys yet: may we great nomber se In the holy querys of chirches small and great Whose communycacyon is voyde of honestye But on vayne talys theyr myndes clene ar set That $goddes seruyce is oft hyndred and let By suche iapes and dedys of farre and nere Whiche they as Folys recount within the quere

I haue before touchyd the great enormyte The foly, and disorder, without all reuerence%c.decet de immu. Whiche in the chirche dayly we may se Amonge lay folys, whiche better were be thens But nowe shall I touche another, lyke offence And that is of Folys whiche in the quere habounde Nat saynge the seruyce of $god as they ar bounde + But dyuers toyes and Iapis varyable They spred abrode, encombrynge the seruyce%C.cum decorem And namely with theyr tunge wherwith they bable Eche one to other, as if they toke aduyse And counsell togyder theyr cartis to deuyse%Hieronimus ad damasum. Vnto our shyppes theyr company to cary For loth they be to longe fro them to tary + O $goddes temple, o godly ordynaunce By holy faders ordeyned to gyde the Ad ephe.iij. None labours you to support nor auaunce But to decay they suffer, vnto theyr shame The godly costomes ar tourned vnto game The Seremonyes somtyme kept stedfastly Ar nowe defyled by Iestis of vylany + The constitucions ordeyned right holely In tyme past by Faders wyse and auncyent Holy Chirches honour to meyntayne therby Ar halfe abusyd, none suys theyr, right intent The seruyce also of $god omnypotent Is nowe mysusyd: as playnly doth apere Nat in the chirche so moche as in the quere

There be no tydynges nor neweltees of warre%Prouer.v. Nor other wonders done in any strange londe What euer they be and come they neuer so farre The prestis in the quere at first haue them in honde Whyle one recountyth, the other, to vnderstonde His fayned fable harkeneth to the glose Full lytell aduertynge howe the seruyce goes + The bataylys done perchaunce in small $brytayne In $fraunce or $Flaunders or to the worldes ende Ar tolde in the quere (of some) in wordes vayne In myddes of Matyns in stede of the Legende And other gladly to here the same intende Moche rather than the seruyce for to here The rector Chori is made the messanger + He rennyth about lyke to a pursuyuant With his whyte staffe mouynge from syde to syde Where he is lenynge talys ar nat skant But in one place nat longe doth he abyde So he and other them selfe so lewdly gyde Without deuocion, by theyr lewde neglygence That no thynge can bynde theyr tunges to sylence + And in the mornynge whan they come to the quere The one begynneth a Fable or a hystory The other lenyth theyr erys it to here Takynge it in stede of the Inuytory Some other maketh respons antym and memory And all of fables and Iestis of $Robyn $hode Or other tryfyls that skently ar so gode

With tryfyls they begyn and so oft tyme they ende Recountynge nueltees, they waste theyr tyme therin And where as they ought the seruyce to intende Of $god almyghty: they spende the tyme in syn And other some, vnto the quere doth ren Rather for lucre and cursyd couetyse Than for the loue of the dyuyne seruyce + The peny them prycketh vnto de cle.non Psal.xv. But that is outwarde nat rotyd in the harte But better were auoyde this hye promocion And surer, from the quere to stande a parte Than thyder to presume, and if that thou aduert Thy owne order and therof the excellence So shalt thou nat gyde the in $goddes hye presence + I thynke it better more mete and profytable To stande afarre without the Chirche and quere Than there to be, and so to that bable That for thy noyse none can the seruyce here%Neemie.xiij. And if thou thynke thy talys and wanton chere Or wordes superflue ar to our lorde pleasaunt Thou art abusyd and greatly ignoraunt + But certaynly the prestis that thus lyue%Ecclesi.xx.xvi.q.vii.&.ho.diximmus Disordred in the hous of $god our creatour Doth yll example vnto lay people gyue By theyr musrule to sue the same errour But to them selfe do they great dishonour And sclaunder to the Chirche, so that moste comonly All prestis (of laymen) ar moche the lesse set by

O folysshe preste vsynge suche fables vayne And cursyd customes: thynkest thou therby%actuum.xij. Of $god any mede or meryte to obtayne Nay $god is nat pleased with suche lewde foly It is conuenyent our lorde to magnyfye%xxiiij.q.i.omnibus.&c.quare ex sola. With parfyte prayer loue reuerence and honour And nat with iapys and talys of no valour THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. Ye prestis and clerkes amende your myslyuynge Defyle nat the Churche with wordes of vanyte%Eccle*s.iij Remember: there is tyme and place for euery thynge As tyme of myrth, and tyme of grauyte%Domum domini decet sctitudo. In euery place ye ought discrete to be That men may commende your vertue and goodnes But namely in churche vse wordes of honestye That is no place for talys, but for holynes

Of eleuate pryde, and bostynge. That lawde is vyle the whiche doth procede From mannys owne mouth vttred in wordes vayne Os suche foly no wyse man taketh hede But by discression, doth hym selfe refrayne But pompe and pryde whiche doth all men disdayne Engendreth folys: whiche thynkynge to exell All other in erth: at last fall downe to hell.

Besyde our folys rehersyd here before%Eccle.ix.&.xi. In dyuers barges almost innumerable%Judith.ix. Yet stately pryde makyeth the nomber more%Psal.xc.&.cxxiij. Whiche is a vyce so moche abhomynable%Prouer.vij. That it surmountyth without any fable%Eccl*s.vij. All other vyces in furour and vylenes%Oui.meth. And of all synne is it rote and maystres + The noblest hertis by this vyce ar acloyed It is confounder, of mekenes and vertue So by the same is many one destroyed In soule and body whiche them to it subdue Wherfore let the wyse his statelynes eschewe For it hath be sene is sene, and euer shall That first or last foule pryde wyll haue a fall + The first inuentour of this vnhappy vyce As doth the scripture playne expres and tell Was $lucyfer, whiche to hym dyd attyce%De pe.dis ij.hinc etiam. Esaie.xiij. A cursyd nomber both stately and cruell In mynde intendynge his maker to excell Or els if he coude come to his intent For to be egall with $god omnypotent + Thus of all synnes pryde was the first of all Bygon by $Lucifer, but $god omnypotent Percyuynge his foly made hym and his to fall From heuen to hell to paynes violent In horryble shape: before so excellent Shynynge in heuen before the aungels all Thus had his folysshe pryde a greuous fall

But to be short. and to retourne agayne Vnto my auctour: suche as ar stryke with pryde Vse for to bost them self with wordes vayne%Thobie.iiij. To spred theyr fame theyr name and lawes wyde And though that they vngraciously them gyde%Jacobi.iiij. Yet as mad men they bost they vaunt and raue And of that whiche they neuer deserued haue + Lo sayth a fole attached with this imitare. I haue ben norsshed at the vnyuersyte In dyuers contrees and stodyes of great pryce Both in these partyes and eke beyonde the se At $bonony, $Parys and $Padway haue I be%xij.q.ij.gloria episcopi in fine. Wherfore I ought to haue preemynence And the chefe place with lawde and reuerence + Another bostyth hym self that he hath ben In $Grece at scolys and many other londe%Peregrinatio: non facit medicum + & nulla ars loco discitur vt ait seneca. But if that he were aposyd well I wene The grekes letters he skant doth vnderstonde But thou vayne boster if thou wylt take on honde To stody cunnynge and ydylnes despyse The royalme of $Englonde myght for the suffyse + In englonde is suffycyent discyplyne And noble men endued with scyence And if thou lyst to aply to theyr doctryne Thou mayst lerne wysdome and noble eloquence Haunt them that haue therin preemynence And to theyr Instruccion with all thy mynde intende It is no great boste to haue sene the worldes ende%Johel.ij.

But syns mad pryde Enmy to all Subdueth the worlde vnder baner brode displayde Thoughe folys obey, let wyse men it eschewe For $Lucyfer, as I before haue sayde Corrupt with this vyce, had heuen to him denayde And as first actour of this infectyfe sore Was dryuen downe to hell with his, for euer more%Luce.x. + And nowe hym folowe men, children and wymen%xxiiij.q.iij.quidam ver.luciferiani. Fallynge from erth for this myscheuous pryde To infernall flodes and that darke dredefull den%Job.xl. Where without ende in payne they must abyde%Prouer.xv. et.viij. This fende with his felawes layeth on euery syde Theyr nettis of pryde wherwith they goostly quell%Psal.xvij. Foles without nomber, drawynge with them to hell%Sapien.v. + Let man haue wysdome and beautye souerayne%Prouer.xiiij. Strength, vertue, cunnynge, honour and ryches%Job.xxvi. And this one vyce shall all the same dystayne%Ecclesi.xi. Defylynge worshyp by his proude statelynes%Eccl*s.vij. But namely this pryde is lady and maystres Ouer womankynde, whiche playnly without fayle Apereth by theyr lokes, and stately apparayle + Whiche wymen whan that they on pryde do muse The same representynge outwarde in theyr habyte%Eccle.xix. Both yonge and olde of men they sore abuse%Prouer.v. Whan theyr frayle beautye doth mennes hertes byte And to be playne: in pryde, wymen haue such delyte That if some were as they ar almost all The pryde in them at last sholde haue a fall

As I haue sayde. whan wymen set theyr mynde Them selfe to garnysshe by thys stately pryde Men that ar wyse, make they as folys blynde Nat knowyng howe by reason them to gyde%Holofernes As dyd $Iudith: whiche whyle she dyd abyde%Judyth.ix. Were the Tent of $Holofernes capytayne By hir feble hande he wretchydly was slayne + And all by reason that he was so inflamyd By hir fayre shape, hir clothynge, and beautye Yet was this $Iudith of lyuynge nat dyffamyd%Jesabel.iiij. But yonge and olde euer kept hir chastyte%Regum.ix. And in lyke wyse $Iesabell, whan that she Thought by hir beautye $Iehu to betray By pryde she payntyd hir face to make hir gay + Betray I say, to pardon hir offence Agaynst the wyll of $god omnypotent Whiche myght haue turnyd to inconuenyence To noble $Iehu, by $goddes Salomon. These thynges consydered wysdome with voyce prudent Both lowde and shyll (sayth) cryeng to mankynde From womans pryde and beauty drawe they mynde + Of all erthly thynges enclyne nat to theyr gyle For with theyr iyen replete with wantonnes Pure hertes and chaste they enfect and defyle But suche as ar gyuen to vertue and goodnes%Prouer.xiiij. To mesure and mekenes expellynge statelynes%Ecclesi.xxv. They worthy ar of lawdes for theyr humylyte For seldome or neuer they breke theyr chastyte

If $Barsabe throughe hir blynde neglygence%ij.Regum xi. In bathynge had nat discoueryd hir beauty $Dauyd had nat fallen to that cruell offence Of murder, engendred by vyle auoutry%Ecclesi.x. But to be playne, and for to speke shortly%Johel.ij. Thousandes ar disceyued & brought to wofull fall By pryde, and eke they folys abyde withall + But $god almyghty dispyseth and doth hate%Nume.xv. These stately folys blyndyd with ignoraunce%Thobie.iiij. Whose myndes ar so hye and eleuate That they nat se theyr owne mysgouernaunce Wherfore our lorde oft taketh vengeaunce Of theyr abusyon, and with infernall payne Whiche is rewarde to fowle pryde and disdayne + O that he is happy whome this vnthryfty syn Of pryde or vayne glory with his hasty furour Hath nat subdued, ouercome, nor entred in Nor the vayne desyre, of ryches nor honour And happy is he whiche thynketh euery hour Of howe great valour is the royalme celestyall Beynge ware of pryde by $Lucyfers fall + Suche one nat forsyth of honour no hye name Nat carynge in this worlde to haue preemynence Nor other exces longynge vnto the same Whiche ar attysers of men to all offence. But proude folys voyde of wysdome and scyence By vayne pryde stodyeth all other to excell And than at the last they fall downe vnto hell

Of proude $Lucyfer thus they assay the fall Receyuynge a rewarde for theyr statelynes%Job.xlj. Drownynge theyr proude hertis in flodes infernall%Esaie.xiiij. Where payne is eternall, wo, and bytternes More tedyous than all tunges can expres This is of pryde rewarde at the last ende A thynge of the hyest thus nedes moste descende + Presumptuous pryde hath euer a shamefull ende So haue they that coueyt other to excell%Nu.xvi. As we of $Chore: $Datan: and $Abiron fynde%Psal.c.v. Whiche by pryde agaynst $Moyses dyd rebell Wherfore they and theyrs alyue sanke downe to tell Thus well is hym that foloweth vertue And that with mekenes can stately pryde subdue. THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. O men make your myndes: ensue humylyte And also ye wymen, refuse your statelynes For certaynly the more hyghe that ye be The more ye ought to gyue you to mekenes For pryde is the rote of all vnhappynes Supporter of vyce, and enmy to vertue Therfore it is sayd (and true it is doutles) That pryde goth goth before, but shame do it ensue AN EXCLAMACION AYENST PRYDE. O pryde despytous, o hasty tyranny. Infernall fury with venym maculate Fy on thy fraylte, out on the I cry For with thy venym thou hast intoxicate

So many kynges, so many a great estate Thou man destroyest, if thou may hym subdue Wherfore we ought the to desprayse and hate Thou goest before But shame doth the ensue + By the is $Lucyfer damned eternally%Gene.iij. Expulsed to payne, from $goddes hyghe presence And all mankynde endureth mysery For that thou causyd hym by thy offence Of pryde: to desyre to haue suche excellence To knowe gode and yll, that all mankynde myght rewe Tyll Aue: for $Eue had made a recompence Thus, o blynde pryde ay shame doth the ensue + The pryde of them that byldyd $Babylon%Gene.xi. Was nat asswagyd without great vengeaunce%Nabugo. The kynge transformyd from mannys fassyon%Judi.ix. Vnto a brute bestis shape and countenaunce%Gene.xvi. Dyd nat $Agar hir selfe also auaunce By pryde despysynge hir lady bycause she knewe Hir selfe conceyued, but hir mysgouernaunce%Moab.Esaie.xvi. Was sharply punysshed, and shame dyd it ensue%Holofernes. + But shortly to drawe me to a conclusyon%Judith.xiij. Thou hast made thousandes to ende in care and wo%Aman By the, had $moab payne and confusion%ij.macha.xv. $Holofernes, $Aman, $Nichanor, and $Pharao%Exodi.xiiij. $Balthasar, $Anthiochus, $Herode and many mo%Danielis.xv. In the olde testament and also in the newe%i.macha.i. But shortly to speke, and farther nat to go%ii.macha.v. Pryde goeth before, and shame doth ensue%Actuum.xij.

Of vsurers, and Okerers. Vnto our shyp let them come hastely Whiche by theyr ardent desyre of frayle ryches Theyr myndes set on deuourynge vsury These ar the theues that by theyr cruelnes Spoyle the pore people and greuously oppres They boste theyr gaynes they bye they sell agayne Spolylynge and oppressynge, on gyle is all theyr brayne.

A Shamfull sort of Folys doth remayne%Prouer.xx. Wors than all other spoken of Whose synfull lyfe and fals disceytfull autem.+ ad hec.C.e.ii. xiiij.q.iiij.per totum. I shall reuyle with wordes sharpe and sore This sort is vtter ennemy to the pore Full of lyes, couetyse gyle, and foule vylenes Content with no treasour, nor innumerable ryches + The power of the lawe ought sharpely to ven With extreme rygour and mortall punysshement This sort infectyf that foloweth this vyce. This rauenynge sort worthy paynes violent Agaynst our lordes dyuyne commaundement%Ecclesi.xlij. By theyr vnmekenes, the pore oft maketh bare%Esaie.xxxiij. Of londe and goodes, than leuynge them in care + These wretchyd folys of mynde ar made so dull%Ezech.xiij. That with theyr money gotten all by fals vsury%Abacuc.ij. Of corne and vytayle they stuff theyr howses full Therby to ingender nede, and paynfull penury Vnto the pore, that they may wyn therby So of all vytayle these wretches get plentye To sell it derer, whan some great darth shalbe + These vsurers alone haue all the store Of wyne and vytayle, whiche sothly myght suffyse%xiiij.q.iiij.c.nonum &c.+ se & Many without nomber, of Cytezyns, ryche and pore No punysshement they drede ne fere in any wyse But lyue the men that theyr maker doth despyse No feruent lyghtnynge, ne thunder vyolent Can cause these wretches theyr vsury to stent

But by all synne, and in all vnlefulnes These wretches labour and syngulerly gyue hede To multyply theyr foule and vyle ryches They brynge forth hunger them selfe they onely fede%Math.xxiij. Suffrynge the pore (alas) to sterue for nede%Leui.xxv. This sorte, thus, to the pore is so cruell That for lacke of petye many one they quell + Thoughe the Iewes lyue in errour and derknes%Deutro.xxiij. Gyuen to vsury (as lobourynge men oft sayes)%Exodi.xxij. Yet ar they more gyuen to pytye and mekenes%Hiere.v. And almes: than christen men ar nowe adayes In vsury we ensue the Iewes wayes And many other synnes folwe and abhomynable Rennynge without mesure whiche is intollerable + For his vsury, the Iewe is out exyled From christen costes yet of vs many one With the same vyce is infect and defyled The pore by the ryche is etyn to the bone Almes is banysshed, pytye is there no Cruell crauynge spoyleth them that erst had nought The pore is vexyd and to a begger brought + The weyke hath the weyght, the worlde so doth fare The spere of extorcyon persyth throughe his syde He that nere is naked shall be made fully bare He skant hath rowme in any place to byde But these vsurers, whome gylefull gayne doth gyde Desyreth no plenty of corne vpon the grounde But onely that theyr owne garners may habounde

These caytyfs wysshe the feldes baryne in this wyse%Ecclesi.xxvij. To theyr owne profyte and others great greuaunce That hunger and darth may by the same aryse But for bycause that they haue habundaunce They laugh anone and haue a great quicunque If there be skant of corne and of vytayle By mouryn, lyghtnynge, tempest, rayne or hayle + These wretchyd folys for theyr owne auauntage Dayly desyre, and fayne wolde here or se A hole comontye to haue losse and damage But to conclude: those men vyle caytyfs be That seke lucre, enhaunsynge theyr degre Or that wyll gather ryches by couetyse Or fals vsury, to others preiudyce + Some gladly lene to haue wynnynge therby%Addicio alexandri barclay. And some sell dere bycause the payment Is set to longe day: yet thynke they verely Nat to perysshe the dyuyne commanndement Thoughe that suche folys thynke them innocent If that they nat mende a rowme they haue in hell But in the mean space in my shyp shall they dwell $BARCLAY TO THE FOLYS. O mysbyleuers, o men wytles and blynde Gyue nat your myndes to gylefull vsury And thou of the chirche reuoke also thy mynde Frome the fowle synne of cursyd symony And ye marchauntis: that greatly occupy Expell this vyce, for sore is the offence Your ryches shall moche the soner multyply If pytye of the pore be ay in your presence

Of the vayne hope that Foles hath to succede to herytage possession and ryches. Some ar that hope and hath gode trust alway Others goodes by succession to attayne Lokynge, and gapynge, hourly nyght and day Whan they shall perysshe and dye by chaunce sodayne But this they often tymes wysshe in vayne For suche as they moste gladly dede wolde haue Etyth of that gose that graseth on theyr graue

Who may endure those Folys ignoraunce%de conces.preben.c.ij.& captande + l.stupulatio ver.ob.l.quidan dona. Whose myndes: the feruour of wretchyd couetyse Maketh mad, and folysshe, to such extreme vttraunce That the hole worlde myght say they ar vnwyse Of suche mad foles this is the comon gyse Contynually to gape for the succession Of others goodes, ryches and possessyon%Ecclesi.xxxi. + Of heyres this is the comon vse in dede Theyr parentis deth to wysshe and to desyre To the londe and ryches the soner to succede%Trenorum.v. And often by venemous treason they But syth the ruler of the hauenly In no mannys handes putteth deth ne desteny%Prouer.xx. Oft se we these folys before the other dye + I say to suche as others deth loke fore It often happeneth, as we may dayly se%Eccle.xliiij. That lyghtly they theyr self departe before Wherfore thou fole fyllyd with all iniquyte Say: is it nat great foly and shame to the And also madnes, to wysshe thy frende damage Or deth: for his vyle goode an herytage + A frende lyuynge is a ryches excellent Therfore I say he is a fole doutles That in his herte wolde gladly be content%Hiere.xiij. To se hym dede for lyuelode or riches Therfore fole expell this errour and blyndnes%Sapien. For this thy hope is full of vanyte What knowest thou whan thou thy self shall dye

Deth the assayleth and foloweth hestely Thy lyfe shortnyth whether thou slepe or Thy selfe shall dye: there is no remedy And if thou before canst no prouysion make Vpon his backe the full Asse shall the take And to our shyp the lede through fen and myre For this thy folysshe hope and vayne desyre + It is great foly whan thou art farre in age To loke dayly whan a yonge childe shall dye Hopynge to succede hym vnto his herytage Howbeit thou nerer art to thy deth than he Yet this vayne hope doth fede and norysshe the By the whiche hope though many confort haue Yet oft it doth his mayster sore discayue + Hope man confortyth makynge hym glad and fayne Ought to obtayne whan that he doth intende But from vayne hope thou oughtest to refayne For it disayueth his mayster at the ende So if thou sylt my purpose comprehende Whether thou be olde, yonge, or of myd age Set nat thy trust to moche on herytage + For though thou be yonge: as I before haue sayd%Ecclesi.xxxviij. Thy ioyntis stronge in youthes lustynes%Prouer.x. Thy colour quycke, and pleasaunt lyke a mayde Thy skyn smoth, and thy herte full of boldles Yet deth dayly steleth slyely on the: doutles%Osee.ix. Both yonge and olde must go the same passage%Prouer.xij. Thus is it foly to hope on herytage

Oft mourneth the Fader, the sonnes deth sodayne%priamus de quo Juuenalis. Thus dyeth the yonge oft tyme before the olde Dyd nat $Pryamus right pyteously complayne His sonnes dede whyle they were yonge and bolde Them to haue lyued though he right gladly wolde Whyle $absolon hoped by treason to obtayne%Absolon. His faders kyngdome: he wretchydly was slayne%ij.Regum.xviij. + Pale deth and cruell, as it is often sene%Hiere.viij. Maketh hym thy heyre by his stroke mortall Whome thou supposyd, and thought sholde neuer haue bene%Nume.xxv. So lytell knoweth these folys what may fall%Psal.xxxvi. For this is dayly sene and euer shall That $god almyghty, owner of euery thynge Chosyth heyres at his pleasour and lykynge THENUOY OF THE ACTOUR. Ye wytles men, full blyndyd with errour Set nat vayne hope on worldly herytage But only on $god: lyue after his pleasour And so infourme your ofsprynge and lynage It is a vayne hope, a madnes and outrage On worldly thynges to hope contynually Hauynge small hope within thy dull carage Of heuen: where thou myght byde perpetually

Of folys that kepe nat the holy daye. He that doth nat the holy day honour With due deuocyon, lawde, and reuerence But rather intendyth to couetous labour Vayne talys, sportis, or other lyke offence Suche ought of dutye and very congruence To clym as companyon vp to the cart of Apys Whiche (eche day lyke) aplyeth nought but apis.

Alas for shame, howe wretchedly mankynde%Exodi.xx.&.xxxi. Wandryth in the way of obscure darkenes They haue no wysdome, ne parfytenes of mynde%Leui.xxvi. To knowe the cours of godly ryghtwysnes%Johannis.xvij. Though $god of his grace, and infynyte goodnes%Deutro.v. To true christen men hath grauntyd hym to knawe By the holy doctryne of his precept and lawe + And thoughe they be chosen to $god and his kyngdome As men elect, callyd to the royalme celestyall%Hierr.xvij. de.fere.c.i.&.xl + c.e.ti.l.omnes de.con dis.iiij.c.i. Yet of vs christen men (alas) ar some That of his doctryne worshyp nought at all We let his lawes clene from our myndes fall Our holy fayth despysed half: and defyled Hir honour decayes: the fere of payne exyled + The fader of heuen gaue a commendement To $moyses wryten in tables of harde stone Deuydyd in Ten preceptis, to this intent Mankynde to reduce whiche had mysgone Amonge the whiche preceptis this was one The sabbot to Worshyp and sanctyfy alway The seuenth day of the weke called the sonday + This day was ordeyned in the olde testament After worldly werke done all the weke before To worshyp and to honour our lord omnypotent And bysshops it conferme, and yet besyde this more They haue decreed and ordred by holy lore Other festis of sayntis in heuen gloryfyed To be on theyr dayes halowed and magnyfyed

These dayes were ordeyned for men to exercyse Them selfe in prayer, goodnes and vertue Our lorde and his sayntis to honour: and lyke wyse Of worde and dede all excesse to eschewe But for that we more gladly vs die To worldly tryfyls, and bodely pleasour We vyolate the fayth by our wylfull errour + Those laudable costomes we defyle and vyolate By the holy lawes (alas) we set no thynge But on the holy day, mad ryot and debate Troubleth the seruyce of the almyghty kynge The holy day we fyle with eche vnlefull thynge%xxiiij.dis.cum liceat. As fat festis and bankettis sausyd with glotony And that from mornynge to nyght, contynually + The heuenly festis ar wasshyd with dronkenes And whan quyete rest is gyuen to mankynde%xxiij.dis.his igitur By the holy day: from worldly besynes These dronken dastardes set nat theyr mynde On churche nor prayer, but drynke tyll they be blynde%xliij.dis.non oportet. And on the holy day, we dayly se that men Soner to the tauerne than to the churche ren + The tauerne is open before the churche be The pottis are ronge as bellys of dronkenes%Seneca ad lucillum in + epistola.xviij.c.placita.xiiij.q.iiij. Before the churche bellys with great salemnyte There here these wretches theyr Matyns and theyr masse Who lysteth to take hede shall often se doutles The stallys of the tauerne stuffyd nere echone Whan in the churche stallys he shall se fewe or none

There one drynketh fastynge without discression Another deuoureth drynkynge out his iyen This lyfe they lede: and that before or one Of all the sort hath at the churche bene%de con.dis.iij.irreligiosa. But besyde this vyce: it euery day is sene That on the holy day suche workes we tende to Whiche on the workynge day scantly we wolde do + Alas man it is a great shame certaynly Whyle the prest precheth the deuyne commaundement For the to aply vnto bestly thassa.x. Or whyle any seruyce of $god omnypotent%Actuum.ij. Is done in the churche, me thynke in myne intent It is great shame to the to take more hede To fede thy foule wombe: than thy soule to fede + And nat to the churche nor auter for to come Without thou erst be dronken so bestely That whan thou art there outher art thou dombe Or els in prayeng thou bokest vnmanerly%Esaie.xxviij. Spuynge vp thy prayers: $god wot vndeuoutly And where the hole weke thou keptest sobernes Thou worshyppest the holy day with dronkenes + It passeth my myght, I thynke none can ne may Wryte all the folyes synnes and offence Whiche nowe ar vsed vpon the holy day For some folowe Idelnes slouth and neglygence Some vse gamys: grounde of great inconuenyence Som bete the stretis, and to rybawdry On the holy day moste namely them aply

Some slaunder, some lye, what shall I say more We se some more besy about theyr marchaundyse Than they haue ben all the hole weke before Thus on the holy day forborne is no vyce These folys aply nat them in the seruyce Of $god, but the sabbot defyle with vylany Wherby theyr soulys they dam eternally. Cesse fule, and leue of worldly besynes%C.Thenuoy of the actour Vpon the holy day, and rest of the labour Of thy handes aplyenge the hole to holynes With worde and dede to lawde thy creatour%Hiere.xvij. Sanctyfy the sabbot: so sayth our sauyour%Leuiti.xxv. From terrene Lucre that day withdrawe thy mynde%Marci.ij. For with clene herte thy maker to honour%Johan.ix. On the holy day: the scripture doth the bynde

Of folys that repent of that they haue gyuen. He is a Fole: and voyde of wyt certayne That mourneth for that whiche is past remedy And by no mean may reuoked be agayne For vayne cure suche one vexeth contynually Moreouer that man is folysshe certaynly Whiche gyueth his frende ought and after doth repent Suche lesyth the meryte: the gyft in vayne is spent

If thou lyst to gyue: and to be dona.xxiij.q.vl.ex + his omnibus ii.Corinth.v. I shall the shewe what thynge it is in dede It is a vertue right great and pryncipall Of loue, and pytye, if that the same procede And if it be nat done for fere and drede But of a herte true, stedfast, faythfull and fre It gendreth confort, and grounde of amyte + Who gyueth his frende with mery countenaunce%Ecclesi.xij. Gyft or rewarde: and who so euer he That a straunge man doth worthely auaunce With condigne rewarde, by lyberalyte%Ad coll.iij. It may be proued and sayde forsoth that he%Ad hebre.iiij. Is worthy lawdes and an excellent fame And for his goodnes of vertue to haue name + But he is a fole and full of vylany%Ecclesi.xviij. Whiche to his louer gyueth ought at all And than agayne repentyth by and by Full of sorowe that he was so lyberall He is also a fole and a man rurall Whiche gyueth with mynde neyther good ne glad With lokes pale: and countenaunce sore and sad + And for that this displeasour doth hym dere%Eccle.xx. His frende: he soone out braydeth of the same Hym self (for malyce) drawynge by the here So hath this fole, by malyce and yll name His rewarde lost, for it rebuked and shame And no meruayle: for no man that hath skyll Shall thanke hym for goodnes done agaynst his wyll

Yet is he moche wors and lewder of intent Whiche whan he hath gyuen a thynge for $goddes sake%Ecclesi.xxv. Of his dede, or gyft anone hym doth repent Thynkynge that $god wyll no recompence make Of that rewarde whiche to the pore they take For that he ne sendeth to euery fole agayne Alway, and lyghtly for one gyft thre or twayne + Suche folys for lucre, gayne and auauntage To haue great gyftis and dowble of valour Wolde gyue small gyftis: and that with glad courage But loth they ar to departe with great treasour Be sure thou fole that $god our creatour Shall nat thy rewardes ne gyftis accept atall But thou gyue them with fre herte and lyberall%Canti.viij. + Wenest thou blynde man that $god omnypotent%Ecclesi.xiiij. Careth ought for the small gyftes of mankynde Thou art abused if thou be of that intent $God onely marketh the gode wyll of thy mynde And in thy gyftis deuout if he the fynde For thy gode wyll and god deuocyon He shall to the graunt the heuenly region + Thus he that of goodnes and lyberalyte%Prouer.iij. With mery face and cherefull countenaunce%Ecclesi.iiij. Gyuyth to his frende that hath necessyte And to other men good of theyr gouernaunce By almes and pytye: his dede shall hym auaunce To worthy laudes, and thankes manyfolde And vnto a gode name: which better is than golde

Those rewardes euer ar namely commendable And best of all, that gyuen ar with glad mynde%Prouer.xxviij. But yet is he moche vyle and reprouable%Seneca de in gratitudine. Whiche euer is takynge: remaynynge styll vnkynde In all the worlde nought vyler can I offi. Nor wors, than is a fals vnkynde vylayne%Sapien.xvi. Yet many thousandes ensue that bestly trayne%Ecclesi.xxix. + A man that is good hauynge wysdome, skyll and wyt Lyghtly rewardeth his frendes true kyndnes Than moste the other indeuer hym to quyte The same agayne with thanke, and faythfulnes But if thou wylt gyue, for to haue thanke doutles It moste be done with mery loke and mynde%ij.thimo.iij. Els shalt thou neyther thanke, ne meryte THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY THE TRANSLATOUR. Whether thou wylt gyue rewarde gyft or present To $god or man, it must be gladly done And with gode wyll: els thy rewarde is spent And loste vtterly, with meryte small or none Therfore consyder with thy selfe alone To whome thou gyuest: for that is wyt and skyll And if thou worthy and wyse fynde the person Than gyue thy gyft with glad loke and good wyll + So shall thy kyndnes rewardyd be agayne But all is lost that thou dost gyue to fynde Four sortis of people: the first is a vylayne Or chorle, for agayne thou shalt hym proue vnkynde

The seconde a childe, for his forgetfull mynde Expellyth kyndnes, the thirde a man in age The fourth a woman varyable as the wynde Beynge of hir loue vnstable and volage

Of the vyce of slouth. The Papy sede betokenynge slouthfulnes Is sawen in the worlde and fast doth multyply The synne of slouth all mankynde doth oppres But namely seruauntis them self therto aply Despysynge labour, slepynge contynually But olde and yonge gyue them to this offence Chalangynge theyr wagis: they voyde of dilygence

Though that vyle slouth sprenklyd with dedely slomber Be destroyer and confounder of And in all vyce constrayneth hym to slomber Yet many it folowe, and on it set theyr mynde If thou take hede, thou clere and playne shalt fynde That damnable slouth is so corrupt a vyce That of his foule rote all yllys doth aryse + Of slouthys bosom out spryngeth euery yll And who that attachyd is with this offence No vertuous dede he gladly shall fulfyll But slepyth ay in Idelnes and blynde Bytwene hym and the lame is lytell difference%Sapien. For both, in maner, lyueth in lyke case Nat vsynge theyr membres but slepynge in one place + A slouthfull man is nere of that nature%Prouer.xv.&.xxvi. That if he lay besyde a fyre brennynge For to be brent: he rather wolde endure%Prouer.xxvij. Than take the payne hym selfe in any thynge For to relefe by rysynge or mouynge Thus is he a Fole, and worthy wretchydnes To gyue other example, of his lewde sleuthfulnes + A slouthfull creature is as vnprofytable%Prouer.x. As smoke or dust, is for a mannys iyen%Eccl*s.x. Or as a molle, or vant mete and able For to do profyte within a garden grene For in no goodnes besyed is he sene Saue for to slepe, and watche the fyre alway Besy in no thynge, but in vayne sport and play

Amonge all other the slouthfull man onely Withstandeth hym selfe so mad and blynde is he In Idelness lyeng styll contynually By that prouysyon to purchace pouertye%Prouer.xx. But happy is he whiche hath felycyte To vse his ioyntes in workes iust and gode With labour of his handes gettynge his dayly fode + But our sauyour oft taketh By godly iustyce and very rightwysenes And that oft tyme with hell payne and tourment On them that lyue alway in slouthfulnes But them that labour in lawfull besynes He largely rewardeth, and wryte doth testyfy%Job.v. That an Idell man to ete is nat worthy%Eccl*s.ij. + The vyce of slouth full harde is to asswage Or to subdue: therfore before our By it was brought moche peryll and damage Into the worlde. and that by dyuers wayes%Juuenalis. For as $Juuenall the noble Poete Amonge the Romayns dyd growe and sprynge therby The rote of couetyse, pryde and lechery, + And sothly slouth and wretchyd Idylnes By wayes remys and dranynge neglygence Of all other synne is rote and maystres%ii.thessa.iij. Yonge hartis attysyth ta many a sore offence The noble $Dauyd, a man of hye prudence%ii.Regum.xi. Whyle he submyttyd hymselfe to Idylnes Synned in adultery and murder: by blyndenes

Whyle $Rome was gyuen to labour and dylygence%Augustinus de roma. They wan $Cartago, as it is wryten playne But afterwarde by slouth and neglygence That noble Cyte anone they lost agayne For whan the romaynes were voyde of care and payne Of batayle and labour, and other besynes They gaue theyr bodyes to slouth and ydelnes + They had no warre to exercyse theyr myght%Appianus To them obeyed small, great, lowe and hye Enmy was none agayne whome they myght fyght Than gaue the youth them selfe to lechery Whiche lost theyr force, theyr nyght and strength therby Amonge them selfe than began they to conspyre This wyse decayed theyr excellent impyre + For whyle the romayns straunge regions dyd assayle Expellynge faynt slouth, and nedy Idelnes By dedes of Armes and boldenes of batayle Therin they subdued theyr hye cowragyousnes But after by slouth vyle lust dyd them oppres And (alas) so sore they gaue them to the same%Ouidius in fast. That vtterly they loste theyr glorious name THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. Lerne by example o man for to beware Of faynt Idelnes and of neglygence Suffer nat that slouth take the in hir snare For she is rote of all synne and offence Gyue the therfore to perfyte dylygence Be alway doynge, but se thy dede be gode For as I sayde before in a sentence An Idell man is nat, worthy of his fode.

Of straunge Folys and infydels as sarasyns paynems, turkes and suche lyke. Hytherto I haue me indeuered to repreue The folys of our fayth: for theyr enormyte But nowe shall I touche wretches of mysbyleue Expressynge theyr foly by theyr infydelyte But thoughe these Heretykes greatly vnworthy be With vs christen men to be: for theyr blynde slomber In errour: yet ar they of this our folysshe nomber

O $God aboue: howe moche abundaunt nomber%Ecclesi.x. Of folys rayneth, from the right way vi. By mysbyleue, wherin they slepe and slomber Leuynge the right lawe of $god in euery thynge%Sapien.iiij. These ar fals Sarasyns, fals of theyr lyuynge And other mysbyleuers by blyndnes voyde of grace Whiche in our Shyppis loketh to haue a place + Of these fals forayns renneth so great a bonde Vnto our shyppis that the great company%i.Corin.vij. Of them, ouerspredeth both the brode se & diuor gaudemus For of them all nat one, if fautles verely These folys ar Forayns: and this is the cause why For from the folde of $god they falsly them withdrawe And the trewe fayth, despysynge $goddes lawe + It were moche better these wretchys to despyse And styll to leue them in theyr blynde derkenes What haue I to do with the myscheuous gyse Of them whome errour so blyndly doth oppres For they ar so blyndyd in theyr vayne wyckydnes That they wyll be helyd by no medycyne Nor from theyr vayne Idolatry declyne + I sholde them passe ouer, for there is no doctryne%xcij.dis.plurimos. No gode monysyon nor good aduysement That can them moue, ne cause them to canonibus. Vnto the holy fayth of our lorde omnypotent But as blynde bestis, of one cursed assent In the lewde lawes, they onely haue delyte Of theyr fals mayster, diceytfull $Mahumyte

But touchynge the nomber and the horrible bende Of these blynde folys: they ar so infynyte That a small volume can nat well comprehende Theyr foly. who sholde the hole togyther wryte Therfore after my wyt, my laysar, and respyte Of theyr sectis onely I shall make mensyon For breuyte leuynge theyr fyrst inuencion + The cursyd Iewes despysynge $christis lore %Judei. For theyr obstynate, and vnrightwyse cruelte Of all these folys must nede be set before The nacion of Turkes next to them shall be%Tucci. The sarrazyns next whose infydelyte Is groundyd so blyndly on $mahumetis lawe%Sarraceni, That no instruccion can them fro it withdrawe + The whiche errour as I in wrytynge fynde Two partis of the worlde: as $afryke and $asye With mysbyleue full wretchydly doth blynde%Tartari. And of $europe great part and quantyte Whiche in our shyp caryed shall nedes be The houndes of $Tartary ar of this sect also With other londes and Ilys many mo + The Scithians and also they of $Sarmatyke%Scithe And they of $Boeme, by fendes fraudolent%Boemi Ar led and blyndyd with an errour lyke Despysynge the lawes of $god omnypotent Many ar the londes and Iles adiacent Whiche with lyke errour ar blyndyd and infect The owgly Mauryans ar also of this sect%Morani.

These with other lyke ar Folys, and blynde dawes Hauynge the chefe shyp of foly and errour For that they folowe vayne doctryne and fals lawes But namely they that be of suche furour Wylfully to forsake $god theyr creatour On fals enchauntement whyle they theyr myndes set In the deuelysshe scoles: of $Praga and $Tolet%Praga + Nygromancians, and fals wytches also%Nigromantici. Ar of this sort, folowynge lyke offence Nat onely they that wytche craftis do%Heretici. But they also that gyue to them credence Or them supportyth with fauour or defence For all suche Caytayfs as vnto them assent Byleue nat truly on $god omnypotent + It were to moche and to longe a labour To rehers all those folys innumerable Whiche worshyp Idollys and lyue in lyke errour As vayne sacrifyces, and lawes execrable Whiche by theyr iugement moche abhomynable Agaynst the holy fayth of $Christ dare obiect That it is fals, vayne, and of small effect + Amonge these sayde folys plunged in hell payne I may assemble those wretched houndes of his qui sibi. mor.+ consci.l.vna.xxiij.q.v.placuit Whiche by dispayre with theyr owne handes ar slayne By rope, water, knyfe, or other deth cruell But of these mysbyleuers more to wryte or tell Or to them enuoy, theyr errour to counsayle It were but foly, and, payne without auayle

Of the ruyne, inclynacion and decay of the holy fayth catholyke, and dymynucion of the Empyre. O christen Prynces gyders of Christendome Whiche ought our fayth with manhode to defende I you exort, by reason and wysdome And hyghe discressyon in mynde to comprehende The fall therof, and besely to intende It to defende with your labour dilygent Leuynge me the hode, that I shewe here present

Whyle I remember the sore ruyne and dekay Of our christen fayth, and our parfyte byleue Howe it decreaseth to damage euery day%in.aut.ut + vt prin.col.viij. The causers therof I nedes must repreue Whiche slouthfull suffraunce sothly me so doth greue That with wete chekes by teres thycke as hayle I am constrayned this, harde chaunce to bewayle + My dolefull teres may I nat well defarre My stomake strykynge with handes lamentable For none with Trumpet nor sounde betokenynge warre This hurt out chaseth, ne furour vengeable Thoughe vnto Prynces the dede were honorable To chace out this hurt and inconuenyence Alas yet therto none doth his dilygence + No man is so dull, nor so cruell of hert Thoughe that his herte were harder than the stone But that this dolefull chanse sholde cause it smert And with inwarde syghes sore to complayne and mone Saynge thus saynt $Petyrs holy chare or trone And the fayth decresynge playne in our presence By slouth of statis and thoughtles neglygence + The holy chayr, and apostolyke See Lyeth in decay, plungyd in fere and dout And $Rome the hede, and chefe of christentye%Roma de qua Lactancius Thretenyth ruyne: and all the londe about Tremblynge for fere of the vnchristen rout Of cursyd Turkes and other infydelys Thus is our fortune led forth on feble whelys

All christen Royalmes, and $christis comonte Wandreth, and ar cast in case full myserable Flowynge, and swymmynge in the tempestous se And wawes of fere, abasshyd and vnstable Nat onely our fayth, and lawes honorable Decreaseth dayly: but also trouth to say All holy ordynaunce we dayly se decay + But estatis as kynges, and other men royall%Causa de struccionis fidei By theyr blynde slouth and ferefull neglygence Ar to be blamyd, for they be cause of all For though that they be our shelde and defence Hauynge in theyr handes, as is sene by euydence The armour, and dartis: of warre and chyualry These peryls they beholde: fyndynge no remedy + None taketh helme, spere, ne other armour With manly courage, and bolde audacyte These peryls to preuent and to socour Wherfore o $Rome: I fere thy lybertye Shall by thy enmyes be reft away fro the And thou be brought to bondage payne and care If that thy gyders be nat both wyse and ware + Defence of our fayth by slouth is left behynde Saynt $Peters shyp is cast from syde to syde And all to shaken with tempest wawes and wynde Without respyte in eas and rest to abyde The fayth of $Christ whiche all mankynde doth gyde Vnto the hye Royalme and see celestyall Declyneth sore, ferynge ruyne and fall

Suche frowarde Nacions, as ar of mysbyleue Prepareth armour in theyr mad crueltye Agaynst the churche, the same to hurt and greue And it to subdue to sore captyuyte Whiche churche quaketh ferynge this ieopardye And skant goth fre, but if no ayde be founde I fere sore lyst it shall be throwen to grounde + The turke on euery syde doth it assayle%Turcus Despysynge the fayth: demynysshynge the same Whiche cruell tyrant (alas) if he preuayle Shall of them order that worshyp $christis name The fals Prophete, fyllyd with synne and shame (I mean $Mahumet) by his lawes damnable%Mahumetis Hath subuertyd people almost innumerable + His Sectis infectyf he hath out cast and spred Nere ouer the worlde, and namely firste of all The Arabyens by his fals lawes ar led%Arabia Next by his venym dedely and mortall $Asye the more abeyeth (as bonde and thrall)%Asia Vnto his lawes, and so in maner lyke To his fals lawes obey they of $Afryke%Aphrica + The Soldan of $Egypt and Royalmes of $Tartary%Turcus ex caspis montibus Ar of his sect, and the fals Turke also Whiche to our fayth is mortall ennemy, Our marchys, marrynge as moche as he may do And moche of them annexeth his vnto Warrynge dayly on christen royalmes adiacent Whiche with his owne was wont to be content

The londe of $Trace, large in a marueylous wyse%Tracia With the royalmes of $Septemtrion echone Longynge to his fader: coude nat his mynde snffyse%Libia We lost haue the Nacions of $lybye: echone%Asia minor $Asia the lesse: from vs is reft and gone Whiche in tyme past was true obedyent To the holy lawes of Faders auncyent + Of $Europe moche haue we lost and forgone Alas the excellent royalme of $Hungarye%Hungaria By this fals Turke had: vtterly, ben vndone If it had nat hym resystyd noblye And in lyke maner the men of $Dalmacye%Dalmacia With blody Batayle and woundes wyde and depe Cessyth nat they Royalme, from the fals Turke to kepe + But in theyr dredefull paynes and dolour Theyr dayly warre and manly resystence Seldome, or neuer, haue they ayde or socour Of christen Sowdyours, to be at theyr defence Thus by our slouth, and wylfull neglygence Our fayth sore fadeth (alas) we it despyse Suffrynge our enmyes to enter in this wyse + Alas no thynge increasyth nowe a dayes Vnto our fayth our londes to augment But euery thynge contynually decayes%Hiere.ix. And namely our fayth and vertue excellent%Treno.ij. Who is so stuburne of stomake or intent Whiche coude nat this dolefull fortune sore bewayle Rendynge his here his face and apparayle

Forsoth I thynke so harde hertyd is none But bysyde these forsayd losses or damage%Grecia. From vs alas the Ilys of Grece ar gone Whiche longe tyme kept our fayth and our vsage The Traciens from vs ar reft by the outrage%Tracia. Of the Turkes: Obeyinge to theyr ydolatry%Achaia. So doth $Achynus, and eke $Masedony + We $Sparta haue lost, by this fyers tryant The cruell Turke, and $Tessaly also%Sperta. With his swete Laundes goodly and pleasaunt%Thessasia We haue lost $Thebe, and dyuers Cytees mo With dyuers mo Iles as $Mysia: both the two%Mysia. And $Constanstynoble that Cyte excellent%Constantinoplis Vnto the Turke nowe is made obedyent + This noble Cyte, worthy and lawdable Condigne to be gouernyd by an emperour Vnto the noble $Rome moste lyke and comparable Is nowe in thraldome, bereft his olde honour And also the fayth of $christ our sauyour. What shall I wryte farther of the ruyne And fall of our fayth, and holy lawe dyuyne + To christen men it is great vylany And shame: to suffer our fayth thus to decay The Turke hath all won: by his tyranny Yet that, his mynde contentyth by no way But yet more ouer he stodyeth euery day Nat cessynge his Army and Batayle to renewe Vs and our landes in lyke wyse to subdue

The nobel $Cecyle is dayly in great dout%Sicilia. $Istria: $pannony, and also, $Lumberdy%Istria And dyuers other Nacions there about%Pannonia. As $Sycyll, the $Stiryans $Venyce and $Italy%Lumberdia These Ilys, and regions quakyth contynually%Venetia The royalme of $Naplys lyueth also in dout%Neopolis Of the fals Turke besegeynge it about%Apulia + The royalme of $Denmarke with his hyll $ethnay%Danubia As men sayth, brennynge alway with flamynge fyre Scantly escapyth the Ieopardous affray Of these fals Turkes, and theyr cruell Impyre Agaynst all christen royalmes they conspyre But namely subdue they vnto captiuyte Suche royalmes as ioynynge vnto theyr marchys be + O holy $Rhodes thou nedys moste entende%Rhodos With thy noble knyghtis thy manhode and vertue The fayth and Crosse of $Christ for to defende And to ouerthrowe, and manly to subdue The Turkes, and theyr lawes moche vntrue O noble place thou moste the payne abyde Though thou assaylyd be sore on euery syde + $Bagiazit a Prynce moche proude and pyteles%Bagiazit With his wylde people full of crudelyte Prepareth armour our to people oppres By batayle horryble, dayly contendyth he Our costes to brynge into captyuyte And onely that purpose fyxeth in his hert Our holy fayth, by rygour, to subuert

He is throughe persyd with fury serpentyne With madnes enuyroned: and that on euery syde Rauynge in his rage, as $Bacchus god of wyne So that no christen man dare hym abyde For with dolefull deth, and blody woundes wyde He them sore vexeth, but suche as he doth kepe And saue on lyue: he layth in pryson depe + With no maner blode this thyrst is facyate%Esaie.lvi. Vnto these Turkes, whiche neuer ar content%Ecclesi.xij. With cruell Batayle they bete agaynst the yate Of our christen Roaylmes, with strokes vyolent Wherfore o $Rome, o Cyte excellent%Roma O flour of our fayth, o $Peters holy chear Be ware: for why great cause thou hast to fear + Beholde this Sect vomyteth out madnes Enflamyd by the fende with furour infernall Our holy fayth, and the, also doutles By ferefull rygour for to make bonde and thrall The wolfe (alas) sore wastyth ouerall%xliii.dis.sit rector &.c.ephesiis The innocent folde, of $christ our sauyour Drownynge the sheepe in drede, wo, and dolour + They al deuour, no man is founde so bolde Them to withstande, thus without resystence They flee both man, and woman, yonge and olde Hauynge no respect to godly Innocence Yet we, alas, by slouth and neglygence Plungyd in the wawes of voluptuosyte Make no resystence to this calamyte

Of men and harnes whiche longeth to batayle We haue ynoughe: and capytayns excellent With strength ynough, bolde corage and counsayle We lacke no thynge that is expedyent As wyt, and wysdome, wyse practyse and prudent But yet suffer we, these turkes to procede And them to resyst haue we no care nor hede + We lese our fayth (alas) and wyllyngly To our great shame (forsoth) and dishonour%C.quamuis de reg iu in auri. The cause is: for that slouth doth occupy The mynde of euery kynge and gouernour Our states slomber, both kynge and emperour And $Palynurus the hede of christente And chefe lodes man: slepyth in his See + Thy people $Peter in ryches abundaunt Slepyth in lyke wyse, and in lyke neglygence%Psal.lxxv. As if that they were blynde and ignoraunt Of this great peryll and inconuenyence Our holy fayth without faut or offence%Naum.iii. Without helpe lyeth open: to the Turkes hande To be defyled, no man doth hym withstande + None lettyth this cruell ennemy to rage By royalmes and Cytees, but as we se Theyr owne selfe they subdue vnto bondage And ferefull deth wyllynge and gladly Therfore this turke (alas) moche cruelly Where euer he comys, by batayle violent Demynyssheth the fayth of $god omnypotent

And that as a conquerour valyent and stronge But doutles I suppose in myne intent That the greuous synnes raynynge vs amonge Be the chefe causers of this sore punysshement We it deserue: therfore $god hath it sent As scourge and penaunce for our vyciousnes And that by due order of his rightwysnes + We worshyp ryches, therto we vs subdue To golde and treasour we make our sacryfyce Our fayth is exyled (alas) so is vertue With vs abydeth no thynge, but synne and vyce The execrable hunger of golde and couetyse And the vayne pleasour of Folys fraudelent Subduyth our bodyes to worthy punysshement + The heuenly vergyn from vs is dryuen hens I meane that iustice is blynde in christente%Ouidius et in prohe.grego. Or out of the grounde, disdaynynge our presence%Ecclesi.xiiij. With hir thre systers, strength or quattuor de + obe.c.nimis de priuile Prudence and temperaunce also exylyde by Charyte is banysshyd also from eche place For whose absence, alas we haue no grace + All christen Royalmes ar thus corrupt with syn And gyuen in so moche to slouth and ydelnes That eche man stodyeth part of some royalme to wyn Suffrenge the Turkes our fayth thus to oppres In tyme past, $Rome lanterne of worthynes Chose four Susters, of Cytees pryncipall Felawes of the fayth, and in honour egall

The firste was $Jerusalem in holynes shynynge%Jherosolima. The seconde $Alexander so callyd first of all%Alexandria. After the name of that moste noble kynge The thirde $Antyoche, a place or hold royall%Antiochia The fourth $Constantynoble whiche euery man dyd call%Constantinopolis Newe $Rome, and onely bycause of the lykenes But nowe, mysbyleuers, doth all the same oppres + These Cytees nowe ar take from vs away By the fals enmyes, of our godly byleue Besyde all this yet ryseth euery day Newe sectis of gentyles our costes for to greue And fals prophetis whiche dayly doth repreue And defyle our fayth in as moche as they may Yet fewe, or none at all doth them gaynsay + So blynde ar our hertis, opressyd in derkenes And also our iyen, this peryll wyll nat se Therfore we ar worthy to suffer this distres Suche is our lyfe, and our fragylyte And though we be drowned in depe aduersyte Vnto vs denyeth $Christ socour for to sende%Cause desolatonis fidei Leuite.xxvi. For that we nat purpos our lyues to amende + The Turke to his Idols hath gretter reuerence And more deuocion, to his fals lawe and doctryne%Prouer.xviij. Than we christen men without obedyence Haue to our true fayth, and holy lawe dyuyne Concorde and peas ar fall into ruyne Vnmekenes vs pleasyth: disceyt and vsury The pore, and good we, oppres by rebbery

Neyghbour agayne neyghbour, the son agayne nature Agaynst the Fader, and echone nowe adayes Anothers londes desyreth to procure By falshode, oppressyon, or suche disceytfull wayes The states ar vexyd by foule dyscorde and frayes%Prouer.xvij. But yet both they and men of lowe degre%Hiere.xv. Seke but theyr pryuate profyte and owne vtylyte + Euery man seketh but for his owne auayle Wherby our fayth decayeth dayly so Wherfore it is no marueyle without fayle Though we our townes and Cytees thus forgo Lesynge our royalmes, to our great payne and wo And namely suche as were most auncyent Best groundyd in the fayth of $christ omnypotent + No thynge is left: nought doth to vs remayne Anone the Turke shall with his hoste cruell Enter on our costes to our great losse and payne Yet labour we nat his furour to expell But namely suche as other doth excell In byrth and ryches, strength and audacyte Labour leste to chalange and defende our lybertye + The yate is open: The way is open made Wherfore o $Rome. o $Rome moste excellent I fere me sore lyst thy honour shall fade Thou skant shalt escape, nor fle the punysshement The storme on the comyth cruell and vyolent A kynge the byldyd and eft a counsellour Encreased thy name, and brought the to hnour

Than had this Cyte so hye a name royall That through the worlde it spred abrode his fame And also vp vnto, the Heuen Imperyall Than after we it subgect vnder the name%Romane vrbis principia. Of an emperour, to honour, and nat shame Yet after it was agayne admyttyd fre But nowe may it fere, agayne in seruytude to be + No man resistyth agaynst this vyolence%Hiere.xxxi. Our fayth also demynysshyth euery day%ad hebre.viij. By culpable synne, and our noyson offence Whiche at the ende hath greuous payne alway O christen Prynces therfore do that ye may Our fayth to socour, out of captyuyte Sauynge your owne londes, your lyfe and lybertye + O worthy prynces and lordes Italyen Ye stoberne Flemynges and ye of $Pannony%Exortacio O subtyle Lumberdes, Spanyardes and Frenchmen And o holy Fader the Pope moste specyally Lay to your handes by strength and polycy Our fayth to defende, and helpe ye shall nat want Throwe out your dartis with handes tryumphant + Expell your wrath: set statelynes asyde%Concordia parui res crescunt + discordia maxime dilabuntur Salustius in Jugurtha Be stedfast in fayth: kepe ay humylyte Let constance and peas amonge you ay abyde With knot perpetuall of loue and amyte Haue one assent, in concorde all agre Ioyn hande to hande, prepare you vnto warre Take soone your armour, and no more tyme diffarre

If peas be with vs, concorde and amyte We may from our costis the cruell turke expell And so kepe our fayth in stedfast lybertye One hope we haue, our ennemyes to quell Whiche hope is stedfast if we ourselfe do well%Mutatur laus maximiliani + romanorum regis in laudem henrici octaui anglorum regis. For $Henry the eyght replete with hye wysdome By iust tytyll gydeth our Septer of kyngdome + This noble Prynce begynnyth vertuonsly By iustyce and pyte, his roylme to meyntayne So that he and his: without mo company May succour, our sores by his manhode souerayne And get with his owne hande $Jerusalem agayne He passyth $Hercules in manhode and courage Hauynge a respect vnto his tender age + He passeth $Achylles in strength and valyance His fame nere as great, but as for his larges And lyberalyte, he shewyth in countenaunce That no auaryce can blynde his rightwysnes Couetyse hath left behynde hym his riches Vnto the hyghe possessyon, of lyberalyte Whiche with the same shall kepe, our lybertye + Let go $Pompeius: and $Camyllus also And $Sylla, for none of them wyll I commende This Prynce I prayse alonely and no mo Whiche is moste abyll our fayth for to defende He is moste worthy by honour to ascende Vnto a noble Diademe Imperyall So is my hope, that he hereafter shall

Than shall he our fayth establysshe and make sure Defendynge the Churche and $christis herytage There shall no Turke be abyll to indure His rampynge Lyons rorynge in theyr rage Nor none of all the Sarxazyns lynage Thus may our Prynce be shelde of christendome By strength and ryches, but namely by wysdome + His armys victorious shall spred abrode theyr fame Ouer all the worlde, for he may wyn agayne $Jerusalem: and the Crosse within the same With the holy toumbe: for this is my trust certayne That if he begyn: he nought shall do in vayne For $god and his sayntis shall helpe hym for to fyght Saynt $george our patrone shall eke augment his myght + But o englysshe states I humbly you requyre Vnto your kynge of hert and mynde be true%Apostropha ad angli genas Submyt your selfe gladly to his empyre So shall ye lyghtly your ennemyes subdue And syth that all Christen prynces doth eschewe Labour and payne, for the holy faythes defence In the name of $god do ye your dylygence + Though $Aufony slepe and also $Italy The kynges of $Sycyll and also of $Fraunce And they of the Churche for none of them truly Defendyth the fayth, but labour to auaunce Theyr proper londes, suche is theyr gouernaunce That christen kynges this wyse togyder fyght Suffrynge the fayth decay before theyr syght

They knowe the cause, hauynge power and myght Yet wyll they nat the holy fayth defende Therefore lede ye your Host of men forth right These Turkes to subdue. If ye so condiscende Than be ye sure $Christ shall you socour sende%Apoca.xvij. Of angels heuenly to your ayde and defence And brake theyr Tentis with his hande and presence + The noble $Henry of $Englonde is at hande%Henricus rex anglorum. Of kynges noblest, of worthy auncetrye Whiche shall you helpe to wyn the holy lande And brynge these tyrantis vnto Captyuyte Enuy who wyll: none rightwyser than he Is in the worlde nor of more noblenes Nor more habundant in treasour and ryches + His maiestye presentyth a kynges countenaunce His maners honest, and full of noblenes He seketh nat his kyngdome to auaunce By gyle disceyte: nor other lyke falsnes His mynde nat elate with scornfull statelynes But in the playne path of goodnes lawe and right The fere of $god alway before his syght + As longe as this noble Prynce shall be our gyde With vs all honour godnes and ioy shall growe With perfyte pease about on euery syde In welth and ryches we shall habounde and flowe And if there be any of statis hye or lowe Whiche by yll councell wolde cause hym to mysdo $God graunt them no myght, no space ne tyme therto

There is no Prynce to greatter excellence I trowe none lyuynge of hye nor lowe degre Wherfore let them do hym obedyence As to theyr hede: and moste of dignyte Obey to hym Prynces than trust I ye shall se That by his manhode, and counsell souerayne%Addicio alexandri Barclay. All that his lost, we shall: soone wyn agayne + And ye christen Prynces who so euer ye be%Jacobi scotorum regis strennuissimi + a magnani mitate laus summa If ye be destytute of a noble Capytayne Take $Iamys of $Scotlonde for his audacyte And proued manhode if ye wyll laude attayne Let hym haue the forwarde, haue ye no disdayne Nor indignacion, for neuer kynge was borne That of ought of warre can shewe the vnycorne + For if that he take onys his spere in hande Agaynst these Turkes strongly with it to ryde None shall be abyll his stroke for to withstande Nor before his face so hardy to abyde Yet this his manhode increasyth nat his pryde But euer sheweth he mekenes and humylyte In worde and dede to hye and lowe degre + In prudence pereles is this moste comely kynge And as for his strength and maguanymyte Concernynge his noble dedes in euery thynge One founde or grounde lyke to hym can nat be By byrth borne to boldnes and audacyte Vnder the bolde planet of $Mars the champyon Surely to subdue his ennemyes echone

$Mars hath hym chosyn: all other set asyde To be in practyse of Batayle without pere Saue ryches lacketh his manfull myght to gyde He hath nat plentye of all thynge as is here The cause is that stormes in season of the yere Destroyeth the corne engendrynge so scarsnes Whiche thynge moche hurteth this Prynces worthynes + Let hym be formest, than dout ye nought at all For onely his loke (so bolde is his courage) The turkes pryde shall make decay and fall Lyke to a Lyon in dedes he shall rage Thus he beynge gyde the fury shall asswage Of the fals Turkes: so that they shall be fayne Our christen londes to vs to yelde agayne + If the Englysshe Lyon his wysdome and ryches Conioyne with true loue, pease and fydelyte With the Scottis vnycornes myght and hardynes Than is no dout but all hole christente Shall lyue in peas welth and tranquylyte And the holy londe come into christen hondes And many a regyon out of the fendes bondes. THENUOY OF $ALEXANDER $BARCLAY. O worthy estatis of Christendome echone Consyder your power and your habylyte Let slombrynge slouth away fro you be gone Fere nat to fyght for your lyfe and lybertye Let eche man do after his power and degre To withstande the Turke and the fayth to defende If we manly fyght: and all in one agre Than without dout $god shall vs socour sende.

Of flaterers and glosers. He that wyll flater a hors of hye corage Clappynge or touchynge: if that he stande to nye May happen to haue the fote on his vysage To his great hurt: and who that subtylly Wyll flater an estate to get some good therby He often at the last is cast out of fauour For flaterynge pleaseth no wyse man of honour.

Our folys yet encreasyth more and more But as for those that nowe themselfe present I thought to haue set them in a shyp before%Prouer.xxix.Bea.tho.ii.ii.q.c.+ xv.glo.xxv.dis. c. unum eunu. Where as ar seruauntis fals and fraudelent But by no meane wyll they therto consent They coueyt a shyp for them selfe to attayne Therfore for them this shyp I nowe ordayne + Great lordes seruauntis, wyll nedes sayle apart Alone by them self they coueyt for to be%xlvi.dist.ecce quare For they ne can well vse theyr craft and art Of gyle and flaterynge amonge the comontye And if that ye wyll knowe what men these be They ar fals flaterers fyllyd full of gyle And fowle corrupcion: as is a botche or byle + A crafty flaterer, as nowe is many one%Hora in epistolis With grettest lordes coueytis alway to dwell Also they labour to knowe eche thynge alone Yet can they nought kepe secrete in counsell But with the comon Folys for that they wyll nat mell I ordoyne to them this Barge here present Lyst theyr fraude myght be theyr owne impedyment%Leui.xix. + The kynges Court nowe adayes doth fede%Ecclesi.vij. Suche faynynge flaterers: and best they ar in grace As chefe with theyr lorde, by lyes gettynge mede Some with a fals herte, and a payntyd face In his lordes seruyce to haue chefe rowme and place Into his lordes erys yetyth secretly%xliij.dis.c.vl. Lyes venemous, debate to multyply%Prouer.xxvi.

Another can pyke vp the fethers properly Of his maysters clothys if they syt nat right He maketh them yet for to syt more awry To take occasion them clenlyer to dyght Another ay bydeth in his maysters syght Nat to his profyte, but to his charge and coste But to support hym, if he do crake or boste + These faynynge flaterers theyr lordes thus begyle Yet ar theyr lordes therwith right well content They laughe out lowde if that theyr lorde do smyle What euer he sayth they to the same assent And in so moche ar they fals and fraudelent That if theyr mayster say that the crowe is whyte They say the same, and haue therin delyte + They flater theyr lorde with wordes fayre and gay And vayne roundynges to cause hym to thassa.ij. That all is trouth whiche they vnto hym say%Ecclesi.xxviij. Another hym stryketh and claweth by the sleue Another with fals talys his neyghbour doth greue Vnto a ryche man accusynge hym falsly To syt at his dysshe and get some mete therby + Thus cause these flaterers, malyce and discorde.%Juuenalis her insti.+ l.captatorias. The ryche oft desyreth suche lyes for to here Eche flaterer is in chefe rowme with his lorde Whan a symple seruaunt must nedes stande arere The playne man hungreth, the lyer hath the chere%lxxxiii.dis.nihil xi. q. iii.+ Nemo petit. No man in Court shall nowe a lyuynge fynde Without that he can bowe to euery wynde

The tre that bowyth to no wynde that doth blowe In stormes and tempest is in moste li,c, si.que + aliquem tes.per. And often with sodayne blastis ouerthrowe Therfore these flaterers to eche wynde aply And he that can, vpholde his maysters lye With ye and nay, and helpe hym if he tryp Obteyneth nowe grettest honour and worshyp + Many one in flaterynge cometh to great honour%Ad roma.i. The cause is: for grettest statis nowe a dayes%Psal.xl. To be disceyued ar glad, and haue pleasour%Ecclesi.xiiij. In a dowble tunge beleuynge that it sayes None is nowe beloued, but suche as vse the wayes%xlvi.dis sunt non nulli de + his que fi. a. ma. per c. que siuit & in glo. Of adulacion, and that can secretely Whysper and rounde thynges ymagyned falsly + And they that haue lerned to forge tydynges newe Ar most made of if they haue the scyence By flaterynge wordes to make them to seme true None settyth by seruauntis of faythfull dilygence But for that punysshement foloweth eche offence We dayly se these flaterers harde bested And by theyr owne gyle, they vnder fote ar tred Thenuoy of $Alexander Barclay. Amende fals flaterers: it is a folysshe sport And vayne besynes, for a small wretchyd mede Folys in theyr lyes to flater and support And whan all is done nat to be sure to spede Thou shalt fynde truly: if thou take gode hede That at the ende flaterers ar nought set by But he that is playne, to flater hauynge drede At last shall be rewardyd well and worthely

Of tale berers and Foles of lyght credence vnto the same. He is lyght myndyd, and voyde of all prudence Whiche alway is wont, without aduysement To all vayne talys sone to gyue credence Aplyenge his erys therto: with full intent For why these brybours fals and fraudelent And bablynge lyers, by wordes wors than knyfe. Amonge men sawe debate and greuous stryfe.

These folys present I sholde haue callyd skant Vnto my shyp to rowe amonge the mo%xi.q.iii.non glo. pen.+ xvi.q.ii.c.i. But that the Shyp before can them nat want So these two sortis wyll nedis togyther go For thoughe the flaterer hym selfe behauyth so By fayned talys good lyuers oft to They ar as lewde that wyll the same byleue%Ecclesi.xix. + He is a fole that his erys wyll inclyne Lyghtly: to his wordes that is of suche vsage Newe talys and tydynges dayly to ymagyne And that apereth superflue of langage For he showeth tokyns of foly and dotage Whiche gyueth his erys to here suche wordes vayne As myght his neyghbours honestye distayne + A fole is ay lyght, and hasty of credence With erys open to eche tale that is newe%Hester.xvi. Wherof oft groweth great inconuenyence But a wyse man suche talys can eschewe%Prouer.xiiii. Nat them byleuynge but if he knowe them true He is nat hardy the whiche one stryketh Behynde his backe: nat warnynge hym before + For who that is vnwarely strykyn so Can for the same no helpe ne socour fynde%Prouer.xxii. No more can he fynde remedy therto That of taleberers is sclandred thus behynde But nowe is he a mayster that hath suche wyly mynde A rightwyse man with fals wordes to diffame And many vngoodly gyue credence to the same

But who so euer vsyth this adulacion Or that to vayne wordes gyueth to sone credence Ar trayters, and full of abhomynacion Cursyd and iniust stynkynge in the presence Of $god almyght: for by the same offence Is sawen the sede of stryfe: and mortall wo Amonge great statis: and comontye also%Eccle.xxviii + Therfore that man that quyetly wolde lyue And rightwysely: with name of honestye To flaterynge talys must nat his erys gyue%ii.thessa.ii. For a fals tunge fulfyllyd with iniquyte%Prouer.xviij. By mortall venym infecteth eche degre Brekynge the bonys (god wot) of many one Howbeit the tunge within it hath no bone + By this vyce: the honour of hym that is absent%Eccle.viiij. Thoughe it were gotten by way moste vertuous Is hurt and distayned by worde malyuolent%Sapien.ij. Of it cometh many a vyce full peryllous And it often tymes by wayes iniuryous%Ecce.xviij. Jugement gyueth on man in his absence%Prouer.xxix. Fals and iniustly by to hasty credence + By this maner, iustyce and lawe is vyolate Vnto the absent moche noysom, harde and sore Whan he is falsly accusyd by some state Or some other man, nat assytyd before Howe can he defende his cause well: whan no more Tary is made, but forth right the sentence Vnwysely is gyuen by to hasty credence

The wretchyd $Aman byleuynge hastely%Hester.iij. By $Mardocheus the talys to hyme tolde Wolde hym haue put to deth vnrightwysly If the Quene $hester durst nat haue ben so bolde The kynge to asswage, by wordes sad and colde Wherby fals $Aman in paynfull shame and care Anone was hanged: and that in his owne smare + Ouer hasty credence without aduysement%Miphiboseth. Sende $Saulis sone: $myphiboseth by name%Regum.xvi. Great care and sorowe by paynfull punysshement The noble $Alexander most excellent of fame%i.macha.x. Wolde neuer inclyne his erys vnto the same%Esa.xxviij. For well he wyst to what inconuenyence They fall: that ar to hasty of credence. $Alexander $Barclay the Translatour Consyder man wheder thou be lowe or hye What thynge thou herest, before thou thynke it true For flaterers ay speke fayrest whan they lye Or whan they lyst to brynge vp talys newe Beware of them: Theyr company eschue They shall the cause to fall to suche offence That all thy lyfe thou shalt it after rue To them, if thou be hasty of credence + Therfore do thou as doth the god palfray Whan they begyn to clawe the by the sleue Flynge with thy helys: and dryue them so away And with sharpe wordes be bolde them to repreue

Stop fast thy erys, or els fro them remeue For be thou sure: to speke in short sentence Mo men are marryd, than any wolde byleue And greuously offende by to hasty credence

Of falshode, gyle, and disceyte, & suche as folowe them. The vayne $ disceytfull craft of alkemy The corruptynge of wyne and other merchandyse Techyth and shewyth vnto vs openly What gyle and falshode men nowe do exercyse All occupyers almost, suche gyle dyuyse In euery chaffar, for no fydelyte Is in this londe, but gyle and subtylte

O well of muses: o pleasaunt castaly%Contra alchi. mistas vide textum i.c.+ episcopi circa finem xxvi.q.v. O susters nyne, with lowe benygnyte I you beseke my wyt to multyply By hundred folde, and tunges of lyke plente Graunt to me strength to wryte the subtylte The fraude, and disceyt, whiche is by gylefull wayes Amonge all chraftis vsed nowe adayes + Without a hundred tunges great wysdome and respyte Contynuall labour: and stody without ende None can theyr gyles ne all theyr falshode wryte Nor all fals folys in balade comprehende So many be that thus theyr lyues spende That all the shyppes ne galays vnto Spayne Nor myghty Carakes can nat them well coutayne + So they that ar abrode fast about may range Rowynge on the see: myself theyr lode and gyde In dyuers contres farre and londes straunge And spred theyr namys about on euery syde But dyuers ar the sortis, that the worlde wyde In euery part doth infect and defyle By fraudes fayned, and fals myscheuous gyle + Firste fals loue disceyuyth and doth Both age: and youthe both wylde and prodygall Lernyd and lewde: if that they it byleue For vnder his tunge is hyd venym mortall Frendes and felawes faynynge and fals with Also shalt thou fynde that of suche maner be To speke fayre wordes mengled with sotylte%Eccle.xxxvij.

Suche in theyr hertis haue no fydelyte And often we se that wycked and fals counsell%Prouer.xii. Disceyueth many by fals xxxvij. Disceytfull wordes, dissymuled as gospell Doth many abuse and from theyr right expell And no maruayle, for almoste euery man To his pryuate profyte intendeth what he can + None is that caryth for comon auauntage%Ouidius Thus comon welth sore fallyth into decay But ouerall, men ar fals of theyr langage By lyes auaylynge them selfe all that they may Brother begylyth brother as we se euery day And the sone the Fader desceyueth oft also But though he can nat: yet is his mynde therto + No bondes of loue, amonge men nowe doth byde%Math.vii. Fals gyle vs gydeth, blyndyd is conscyence And suche as within the cloyster doth abyde Fyle theyr relygion oft by the same offence Faynynge them sayntis whan they ar in presence With ypocresy payntynge theyr countenaunce So clokynge and hydynge theyr yll mysgouernaunce + Some shyne without: and as swete bawme they smell But yet theyr hertis ar fyllyd with falsnes And within the skyn more yll than man can tell As gyle and disceyte, iust men therwith toppres%Ezech.xiii. And wolues rauysshynge full of vnthryftynes%Luce.xiii Bere shepes skynnes showynge nat that they be%Prouer.xviij Foxys within: shewynge out symplycyte

By suche falshode, they many one begyle In vniust coyne, is founde also abusyon And disceyt: which doth all the worlde defyle By clyppynge and wasshynge, and lyke dymynusyon Bysyde all this, yet in many a regyon Suche folys stody to mengle and multyply Eche sort of metall men do disceyue therby + And in theyr wretchyd ryches to abounde The clyp, they coyne, and that: counterfayt And the right kynde of golde they oft confounde They sell precious stones nat true ne naturall But counterfayt (for true) men to begyle withall The coyne by falshode also oft lacketh weyght Thus ouer the worlde is nought but gyle and sleyght + What shall I wryte of gyle and sotyltye Vsed in weyght nomber, tale and mesure%Ecclesi.xxvij. Howe they bye with one, large, or weyghtye And sell by a les: theyr conscyence is so obscure Marchaundys also in gyle them them selfe inure By dyuers wayes makynge them to seme plasaunt True men to disceyue that therin ar ignoraunt + That whiche is nought they make seme good and fyne But to touche a teuerners hye experyence%Virgilius Howe lyghtly the knaue can brewe a bowle of wyne%iiij.euey. As who sayth that he hath the craft and scyence To amende that thynge that $goddes hye prudence Hath made parfyte, but he his owne to saue By newe brewyd wyne, men bryngeth to theyr graue

In no man is trust, for euery man by gyle%Prouer.xx. And preuy falshode hath suche a craftynes His occupacion by fraudys fals to defyle Reputynge hym selfe wyse for suche disceytfulnes Thus is there no craft, pore, ryche, more or les But all ar vpholden with gyle and soteltye Whiche falshode causeth that many neuer thye + But if I sholde tarry so longe here to expres All the fals wayes and gyle done wrongfully In eche occupacion, and euery besynes It were to longe: therfore I say shortly That he is happy whiche lyueth perfytely Voyde of all fraude: but the trouth to reporte In worde and dede, but fewe be of that sort Thenuoy of $Alexander Barcly. Thou that hast to do with worldly besynes Outher occupacyon, in court or marchaundyse Kepe clene thy conscyence, beware disceytfulnes All fraude and gyle take hede that thou despyce Than shalt thou to welth, ryches and honour ryse And if thou be fals: beware of pouertye Besyde hell payne, for $Christ sayth in this wyse That in his owne mesure eche man shall serued be

Of the falshode of Antichrst. We haue before, a shyp sende forth to see Swyft and, well stuffed with many a subtyll rout%Deutro.xiij. But of lyke folys, yet many one there On our shyp sydes, clymmynge rounde about I speke with pacyence: for why I am in dout Lyst this company, of proude speche: yll and haut With theyr sharpe dartis my feble shyp assaut

But if thou aske who they ar that me incomber And what be theyr maners and conuersacion Of whens they ar and howe great is theyr nomber Of whome I intende to make declaracyon Vnto thy questyons this is my relacion And fynall answere, that they that thus me greue%Math.xxiiij. Ar fals Christen men, nat perfyte of byleue%Marci.xij. + And fals Prophetis, nat folowynge the right Whiche with fals hertis vnperfyte of credence Nat duly worshyp the lawe of $god almyght Nor his holy doctryne, with worthy reuerence And other suche as varye the true sence Of $goddes lawes, expoundynge other wyse Than it in the text clere and playnly lyes + Suche counterfayte the kayes that $Jesu dyd ad sacros.xxiiij. Vnto $Peter: brekynge his Shyppis takelynge Subuertynge the fayth, beleuynge theyr owne wyt%q.iii.heresis Agaynst our perfyte fayth in euery thynge So is our Shyp without gyde wanderynge%Actuum.xxvii. By tempest dryuen, and the mayne sayle of That without gyde the Shyp about is borne + I mean that euery fals interpretour%Marci.iiij. And vniust Prophete accordynge in assent Defyle the lawes of $Christ our sauyour%Math.viij. And also the fayth, but suche in theyr prologo biblie xxxvii.+ dis relatum. Apoca.xx. Whan theyr owne selfe by errour fraudelent Ar all corrupt, with synne agaynst the lawe They stody: yet mo to theyr errour to drawe

Many they disceyue, by theyr myscheuous lore Of theyr fals lawes castynge abrode the sede Yet greuous paynes of Hell byde them therfore But suche Hell houndes therof wyll take no hede But certaynly all our byleue and crede The whiche is able to saue vs from hell payne To vs is gyuen in wordes clere and playne + In our lawe ar founde no wordes disceyuable%iii.thimo.iii.ix.ix.dis.quis + nesciat.ii.petri.iiij. No fals abusyon, nor obscure hardnes But many folys of mynde abhomynable For an hye name, for honour and ryches%Hiere.xxiij. Or for vayne pryde and fals presumptuousnes%Mach.iij. To shewe theyr cunnynge, they men blynde and abuse Makynge the playne lawe, obscure, darke and diffuse + They holy scriptures rehers moche other wyse Than the $holy goost them vttred first of all The cause is that pryde them vexeth to aryse To some hye Rowme, and a glory pryncypall%xlvi.dis hoc habet. O blynde fole awake and to remembraunce call%xxiiij.q.iii.heresis.xxxvij.c.+ direlatum.c.vino. The prophetis saynge. confermyd by the lawe And so from errour thy synfull mynde withdrawe. + Were it nat ynoughe for the to vnderstonde The holy lawes: passynge in that scyence But yet presumptuously to take on honde To turne frowardly, the true and rightwyse sence Chaungynge our fayth, by thy fals neglygence Whiche fayth was sende from $god omnypotent By the $holy gost to our faders auncyent

They seme in handes to bere a fals balance%xxiiij.q.i.non. afferamus. Whiche falsly techyth the lawe of $god almyght Some poyntis thynke they heuy and worthy penaunce And other some make they but small and lyght By glose thus turne we the lawe agaynst right%Ezech.ii. Thus they that our faythis doctryne wolde confounde Before Antichrist set tentis here on grounde + They set no tentis agayne hym for to fyght But agaynst his comynge they ordayne great treasour Other to subdue: for to encreas his myght Them drawynge to his infaciable errour%i.Johann.i. Many one assembleth as to a conquerour Obeynge and berynge his cursed cognysaunce Assaynge for to put our fayth to harde vttraunce + Whiche trayters also them besely doth hast With Antichrist theyr mayster and theyr lorde Theyr cursed lawes to spred abrode and cast Ouer all the worlde, for to infect concorde Bryngynge theyr fals goddes with them at one accorde Suche folys ar nat drawen by scourge of punysshement%Ecclesi.x. But to Antichrist of theyr owne mynde thassent + To be of his garde they yelde them wyllyngly But some shall obey for meney and treasour Whome he by lyberall gyftis crafty Shall so attyce hym lowly to honour Suche foles shall he bye and brynge to his errour Se here howe money theyr soules shall defyle But some shall he wyn by sotylte and gyle

Some by fals myracles and some by punysshement Shall this fals Tyraunt to his seruyce procure But than by the myght of $god omnypotent This wycked Nauy longe tyme shall nat endure But whyle these Folys shall thynke them selfe most sure%Apoca.xiij. Theyr shyppys shall dryue and shortly at the last By myght of $god they all shall ryue and brast + Togyther shall they fall vnto the pyt of hell And suche be releued as they put vnto payne Antichristis $Charettes and $Cartis shall cesse theyr yell And the true lawe and fayth sprynge vp agayne But in the mean space, alas we may complayne%Marci.iiij. For the shyp of $Peter in stormes and tempest Is throwen and cast clene destytute of rest + The Mast nowe meuyth the taklynge and the sayle O $god wythsaue the wayke shyp to socour From the fals Herytikes that dayly it assayle With great violence and manyfolde rygour For with fals Doctryne, conteynynge great errour The holy scriptures some labour to expounde But the true fayth full pyteously is drowned + Thus fals Antichrist, the fayth of $Christ to stent Into the wyde worlde his messangers doth sende%i.iohannis.i As swyft Currours, onely for that intent%Ecclesi.ij. His Tentis to prepare, his Army to defende%ii.iohan.i. And to cause the Chrysten to hym to confydence By the fals sede of errour that they sawe Before his comynge agaynst our fayth and lawe

But thre maner thynges I fynde that be autem de pe & re.+ et in cle fi.c.ti. Whiche ar well worthy for to be notyd here For they our fayth support, defende and meyntayne The firste is the wysdome and great grace that apere From a Bysshops mouth by doctryne playne and clere But ouer the worlde if that poynt were well sought For the most part it slepeth and is set at nought + The seconde is of Bokes store and abundaunce Whorin ar the lawes of $Christ our sauyour Whiche rottyth nowe, the cause why in substaunce%Eccl*s.xvi. Is for they haue no iust interpretour Of the holy lawes, nor good exposytour The thyrde is Doctryne, wysdome, and scyence But that nowe decayeth by slouth and neglygence + And if that a man haue cunnynge parfytely%Prouer.xvi. Labourynge by it to make men leue theyr vyce The rude commontye shall set no thynge hym by Therfore we nowe our selfe moste exercyse In cunnynge to wyn coyne: by blynde Couetyse Or some other blyndnes and conceytis newe Whiche neyther sleyth vyce, ne shewyth vs vertue + Of bokis is plenty ynoughe in euery legimus And some but pore theyr Shoppes haue stuffyd full But fewe or none haue pleasour nor solace The same to stody theyr myndes ar so dull The ryche stodyeth, all, from the pore to pull Disdaynynge to set his mynde on gode doctryne For none saue the pore doth nowe therto inclyne

Suche as ar noble and excellent of fame%Prouer.xvi. To rede in bokes of wysdome haue great scorne%Eccl*s.iij. The noble and holy lawe this wyse is lame And wytty Pallas so by the here is torne I mean that wysdome hir greuous fall doth morne For they that to hir doctryne moste aply Can get no laude, but malyce and enuy + No mede ne rewarde is gyuen to wysdome%Hiere.xiiij. Thus is the labour of stody lost in vayne%Ecclesi.viij. By suche neglygence, alas the tyme is come That fals Prophetis our holy fayth distayne They all shall turne if fauour them meyntayne%Ezech.viij. And if they that preche for mede and vyle rewarde Shall them supportyth: our case shall be full harde Thenuoy. O ye that to Antichrist disciples be Of fore messangers the chrysten to accloy Corruptynge the lawes by your iniquyte Alas what may I vnto you nowe enuoy Your wycked errour your soules shall destroy Wherfore I pray you your herte therfro withdrawe Els shall ye haue $Hell payne destytute of ioy For none ar saued that corrupt $goddes lawe.

Of hym that dare nat vtter the trouth for fere of displeasour or punysshement. Who euer he be, that for loue, fere or mede For fauour, thretnynge or suche lyke accydence Sayth nat the trouth lyke as it is in dede But stoppeth his mouth, and kepeth so sylence To please the people allowynge theyr offence And sparynge theyr fautes, it playnly doth apere Suche to Antichrist is frende and messanger

Many hath a mynde redy prompt and clere To knowlege, and to preche the very lawe dyuyne And to say the trouth lyke as it doth apere But oft, suche, by flatery or thretenynge declyne%xxxviij.dis.sedulo. From the way of trouth and verytable lyne And so holy trouth and godly veryte%Psal.xxxv. By fere they leue, disdaynynge it to se%Prouer.xxij. + Sothly I may say they vnderstonde nat right%Eccl*s.xij. That for loue or fere: dare nat the trouth expres%Math.x. But hydeth it away from mannys syght%xi.q.iij.quis.metu. Doutynge displeasour of them that haue Thus is the power of wordly wretchydnes%xliij.dis.sit rector. More in theyr myndes than the commaundement%Actuum.x. And chefe preceptis of $god omnypotent + Why sholde he fere to preche and to expres%xviij.q.iij.Transferunt The lawes of $god gyuen vnto mankynde To whome our lorde of his great goodnes Hath sende chefe gyftis: as reason of his mynde With wyt and wysdome: the way therof to fynde To fayne or to lye to hym it is great foly Whiche hath the reason the trouth to fortyfy + But for that flaterynge so many doth ouercome%Eccle.iiij.&.xix. And rewardes, lettyth the trouth for to apere%%xi.q.iij.nemo + quis arbitre. Therfore the Fole, that sholde say trouth is dum Hackynge his wordes that no man may them here And if he knowe that any one is nere Infect and scabbyd, he dare no worde let slyp But layeth his fynger anone before his lyp

But suche a wyse man as $Vyrgyll doth discrybe%Virgilius de viro bono. Is stedfast, fereles, constant farme and stable Nat lettynge, nor leuynge for fauour, loue, nor brybe The trouth to shewe, and blame the reprouable Ponderynge the furour of them that ar culpable And blamynge the same, playne and openly For veryte and trouth nat doutynge for to dye + The wyse man to vtter the trouth is nat aferde%Juuenalis de thauro phalar.+ Dionisius Thugh he sholde be closyd within the bull of bras Of $Phalaris, the tyraunt: or if a naked swerde Henge ouer his necke his lyfe so to oppres For he that is wyse perfytely: doutles Hath so establysshyd his mynde the trouth to say That daunger of deth can hym no thynge affray + No lorde nor man of hye ne lowe degre%Thobie.iiij. Nor thretnynge wordes, ne other punysshement Can cause suche one in any poynt to lye%Prouer.xij. He showyth out the lawes of $god omnypotent In wordes playne, nat fals ne fraudelent Nat ferynge to touche the foly and errour Of Pope nor prelate, kynge ne emperour + Saynt $Johnn the baptyst our lordes messanger%Johannes baptista. Withdrewe hym selfe into secrete wyldernes Nat wyllynge amonge the people to apere For theyr vayne grutchis and wylfull frowardnes Yet dyd he euer the very trouth As true messanger, the worlde to despyse Therfore had he grace our sauyour to baptyse

He that doth one with pleasaunt worde correct And colde pacyence that he may condiscende To lerne the wayes his vyces to abiect%Eccl*s vij. And take example his lyuynge to amende Vnto thy wordes though he nat than intende But the beholde with lokes sharp and Yet tyme shall come whan he shall the rewarde + If he in hym haue any droppe of grace He shall conuerte, rewardynge thy counsell Therfor I say who euer is in that case For worldly ryches, the trouth nat playne to tell Puttynge bodely profyte before eternall well Suche shall dye a Fole blynde and ignoraunt And may to Antichrist be callyd pursuyuaunt. Thenuoy of $Alexander $Barcly. O precher thou deth ought rather to endure Than for loue, fauour, fere or punysshement The veryte to cloke, or make the trouth obscure Or to hyde the lawes of $god omnypotent And if that any vnto thy deth assent For prechynge trouth: receyue it paciently So hath many sayntis theyr blode and lyues spent Rather than they wolde hyde veryte, or lye

Of folys that withdrawe and let other to do good dedes. He that wyll walke in the ryght way of vertue And worshyp trouth iustyce and rightwysnes And stody all pleasours mundayne to eschewe Subduynge the, flesshe and fende with his falsnes Oft tymes suche one shall fynde contraryousnes And byde and endure losse with aduersyte By enuy of the that lewde and wycked be

He is a naturall Fole: and eke a dawe%Math.xvi. And all his blode corrupt with folysshnes%Marci.viij. Whiche labours to let, hynder and withdrawe%Prouer.xxiiij. Good men and iust from dedes of goodnes%Ad.roma.i. I wyll nat say, but some, there be doutles%Psal.xxxvi. That assay to folowe good maners and vertue By stedfast lyfe, all synne for to subdue + But than thou fole: with all thy force and myght Withdrawest hym backwarde full malyciously Assaynge to hurt his wyll to good and right Whiche he purposyd to kepe contynually Thou hym withdrawest: this is the reason why%Prouer.xiiij. That a Fole hath chefe pleasour and confort To haue all other lyke hym of the same sort + A fole is glad his nomber to augment%Ecclesi.xiiij. And euer is besy them namely to pursue To hate and manace with malyce vyolent Whiche iustly lyue in goodnes and vertue%Ecclesi.xx. By vyce hym pleasyth, for that doth he insue A fole fast stodyeth to hym to drawe echone Lyst he of foly myght bere the name alone + He gyueth counsell fals and reprouable With all his myght to hym attysynge mo Or els them troublyth by wordes moch vnstable Whiche ar iust men, euer wyllynge good to do A prysoner lyenge longe in payne and wo Hath consolacion and great confort certayne To haue many mo be partnes of his payne

Therfore if any whiche hath that gyft of grace For to, despyse this worldes wretchydnes Withdrawynge hym selfe to some solytary place Anone this Fole lyuynge in viciousnes%Sapientie.v. Cryeth out, and blamyth suche parfyte holynes This iust man condemnynge by wrongfull iugement%Luce.xij. Bycause his lyuynge is nat after his intent%i.thimo.iiij. + Suche frowarde folys all goodnes thus defyle By wordes iniurious, and oft we here and se That with suche wordes the good men they reuyle Saynge one to other, lo yonder same is he Whiche without make thynketh hym wyse to be Secretnes he loueth, and theder is he gone Nought can hym pleas, saue that whiche is alone + In $christ and his sayntes he lyueth in dispayre All worldly pleasour despysynge vtterly He loueth nat to come in open ayre But lorkyth in cornes by fals Ipocrysy But we with our felawes lyue alway merely And though we in erth oft tymes do amys Yet hope we hereafter to come to heuyns blysse + Who that hym gydeth by reason and wysdome%Math.v. Folowynge the way of parfyte thimno.ij. Intendynge therby vnto hye heuen to come%Eccl* Shall here suche wordes of foly and lewdnes Spoken of these folys lyuynge in viciousnes And no meruayle, for thou shalt neuer se That synners shall with vertuous men agre

Alas thus conuersacyon worldy or mundayne%xxviij.q.i.sepe. Is moche noysom, and so great preiudyce That oft of vertue it maketh man barayne And hym corruptyth with many a greuous vyce And synners labour with all theyr myght to attyse Vnto theyr lyuynge, corrupt and detestable Suche as of lyuynge ar vertuous and laudable + Therfore if vertue, good lyfe and honestye%Luce.xxi. By thy selfwyllyd, and owne malyciousnes%Prouer.xiiij. Can nat haue place ne rowme to be in the%Ecclesi.xxxvij. Yet trouble thou nat by thy vngraciousnes%Hiere.xxxix. Suche as ar good and lyue in rightwysnes%Ad collo.iij. Fauour the good, and suffer hym procede That is in the way of vertue and good dede $Alexander $Barclay to the Folys. Amende thy lyfe man: expell thou thy offence Submyttynge thy selfe vnto the true doctryne Of godly wysdome ensuynge hir prudence Wherin is groundyd scripture and lawe dyuyne But if that thou wylt nat therto inclyne By thy owne malyce and wylfull frowardnes Yet hynder them nat, that go after the lyne Of good instruccion, and vertuous goodnes.

Of the omyssyon or leuynge of good warkes. It is nat ynoughe to bere a lampe in hande But also thou must haue oyle and lyght therin By whiche saynge: this thynge I vnderstande That, man nat onely ought for to leue all syn But also to do good: suche shall heuyn wyn Heuyns yatis shall be opened to them anone Whiche do good dedys, after vyce fro them is gone

O hertis of men in wylfull errour drowned And through neglygence oppressyd sore in payne%Boecius Though your yll lyuynge hath brought you to the ground%Math.xxv. Seke the way of helth: and so ryse vp agayne%Luce.xiij. But playne I se whiche causeth me The myndes of all men beryed in None feryth punysshement of $goddis rightwysnes + Alas mannes lyfe graffyd in synne and vyce Contynuyth in vylenes, we plunge in the see Our woundyd hertis: disdaynynge to aryse Out of the slomber of our iniquyte%Ad hebre.xii. de cle.non resi.relatum. Alas man it is but small auayle to the The deuylles lawes, and vyces to eschewe Without thou withall sue goodnes and vertue + So to do good dedes it is a thynge eta + &.qua intelleximus.Math.x.i.q.vij.suggestum.i.reg.xij. As the Churche of $god to support and meyntayne In paynge tythes to be true and verytable And in thy yonge age from vyces to abstayne Folowynge vertue in dedes true and playne And nyght and day to set thy mynde and wyll All other poyntis of the lawe to fulfyll + But than in age for to go out of kynde Thy lyfe defylynge with lewde mysgouernaunce It lytell auaylyth as I thynke in my mynde A whyle to lyue well, in suche inconstance What helpeth it a whyle to haue a short plesance The stedfast fayth for to folowe by vertue And nat in he same alway to contynue

At last whan $god shall iuge all mankynde%Math.xxiiij. And that the trompes sounde shall them vp corin.xiiij. Vnto his iugement: nat leuynge one behynde Than shall there be made a count in generall And eche man shall showe out his dedes all Bothe great, and small, receyuynge theyr rewarde Some of great ioy: and some of paynes harde + He that wyll there haue ioy of $god almyght Must haue his Lampe clere and yllumynate And of gode dedes shewynge abrode the lyght But whan the Lampe here is voyde or maculate And in the kyndlynge therof is slowe or late As wyllynge to do well, whan his lyue dayes ar wore He often is disceyued, and abusyd right sore + He is vnware, and clene without in glo. That doth no good dedes longynge to charyte Tyll the extreme houre of bytter deth do come So moche hopynge, and trustynge euer is he In hope of recoueraynge from his infyrmyte That nought he caryth those wordes that $Christ shall say Sharply to synners at Domys dredefull day + But if a wyse man by deth sodaynly fall Whiche caryth to prepare his ende before he dye%Math.xxv. His deth ought to be rewed nowght atall%Sapien.iij. Syth he here hath lyuyd well and vertuously And sende his good dedes of pyte and mercy Before deth to make for his soule purueaunce O well is hym that hath suche remembraunce

By vertuous dede to prouyde a place before With $god in the glorious heuen Imperyall Where as if lyfe that last shall euer more Euerlastynge lyght, and ioy perpetuall%Ecclesi.xi. But that blynde fole shall haue a greuous fall Whiche nat inclyneth to vertue nor wysdome Nor any good dede tyll his last ende be come + Suche folys hath nought but foly them within Whiche vnto the ferefull day of iugement%Deutro.viij. If they sholde lyue, wolde alway lyue in syn%Ad hebre.ij. Nat dredynge infernall payne ne punysshement%Seneca But whan this blynde wretche hath thus his dayes sp%Ecclesi.vij. The grounde hath his Carkas, there his Corps must dwell%Math.xi. His sory soule beryed in the paynes of hell%Ezech.xxxiij. + Alas we folowe mortall thynges Vnsure incertayne: and all without wysdome And as by our folysshe maners doth appere We despyse prouysyon for the tyme to come These worldly chargis doth folys thus ouercome Fewe hath theyr myndes on $god ne gode, stedfast Thus meruayle nat, if $god despyse them at the last. Thenuoy of the Traslatour. O christen soules if ye wyll haue the syght Of glorious $god in his Royalme celestyall Whan ye haue syn ouercome by godly myght Ye most you indeuer to do good dedes withall

The lampe of thy soule clerely bren than shall And at heuen gates knocke, and thou shalt come in For that is rewarde, with ioy eternall To them that do good: fleynge from wretchyd syn + But those wretchyd folys whose lampes lackyth lyght By remysse myndes, slouth, or wylfull neglygence May nat well clayme of our sauyour to haue syght Nor to haue Rowme or place in his presence Therfore to my wordes, o man gyue aduertence Do vertuous dedes, and also vyce refrayne Than without dout for this thy hye prudence Thou shalt in heuen a glorious place obtayne

Of the rewarde of wysdome Two wayes lyeth before eche mannys syght Of the whiche wayes man nedys one must holde The one lyeth leftwarde, the other lyeth right At whose ende we oft may se a crowne of golde But at the leftis, ende, ar erys many folde In sygne of Foly, and many folys be Whiche leftwarde go, sekynge captyuyte

O Folys of pardon I you requyre and pray And vnto you I shall also gyue the same%Prouer.xvi. Take no displeasour with that that I shall say%Math.vij. And though my balade your maners touche or blame.%Job.xxvij. Nowe shall I wryte what laude what mede and fame%Tobie.iiij. Ar gyuen to wysdome vertue and rightwysnes And what is rewarde moste mete for viciousnes + Many ar whiche greatly desyreth an hye And famous honour, or tytyll of dignyte Some ar desyrous, to spred abrode theyr fame To be callyd Doctours, or maysters of degre%Vide.glo.xliij.dis.insum. Moste clere in wysdome of the vnyuersyte But these names coueyt they nat for this intent The christen to infourme, that of wyt ar indigent + Nor in holy doctrine them self to occupy%xlvi.dis.habet.hoc de obe. humilis. As in scripture or lawes of $Christ our sauyour Or other godly techynge our fayth to fortyfy%viij.q.i.qualis But onely they ar drawen and led to this errour For desyre of fame, vayne lawde, and great honour Suche walke in the way that is on the left syde On rockes and clyffis and hyghe mountayns of pryde + They leue the right way of goodnes and vertue Of iustyce and wysdome, hauynge no thought atall Howe they myght ignoraunt myndes with them endue And fede them with that sauour delycious and royall And other with theyr wordes hye and retorycall Theyr sentences paynt in fauour for to come Or therby to purchace a name of hye wysdome

But sothly all worldly wysdome and prudence%Abdie.i. Vsyd here in erth, is before $god almyght%Ad corin.i. Of none effect, and all wordly scyence Is but as foly in that hye lordes syght Thus many one byleue that they go right And towarde the right hande vnto the way of helth By theyr vayne pleasours, lust and worldly welth + They suppose to walke in the way of rightwysnes Whiche bryngeth man by gode labour contynuall Vnto the endles ioy, and seat of blessydnes%Judith viii(?) Of the hye kyngdome and place celestyll%Actuum.xiiij. But neuertheles, ignoraunt foly with hir pall So blyndeth theyr myndes, that they nat vnderstande Mean to kepe duly the path on the right hande + That way is harde, streyght, and full of diffyculte%Luce.xiij. Whiche mankynde ledyth to the heuenly regyon But that way is brode, easy and playne to se Which ledeth man to $Hellys depe donygon Therfore thou must stablysshe thy intencion (If thou wylt be partyner of heuenly ioy and chere) To despyse vayne pleasour whyle thou art lyuynge here + Thou art vnwyse, if that thou set thy thought To wyn heuenly ioy by worldly pleasour Or to take that thynge whiche thou neuer bought Or aske rewarde where thou dyd no labour And surely he whiche lyueth in errour Folowynge his foly in vyce without all shame%Ecclesi.vij. Shall haue iust rewardes accordynge to the same

Also the wyse that lyueth rightwysely Shall nat depart without rewarde and mede But be rewardyd right well and worthely With gyftis of heuen, whiche sothly shall excede In valour, all the worlde in lenght and brede This ioy that I of speke, so passynge in valour Is the holy presence of $Christ our sauyour + So $Plato dyd folysshe company eschewe And all other folyes procedynge of the same%Plato de quo hiero in prologo biblie. Walkynge in the way of goodnes and vertue Wherby he wan, laude and immortall fame But nowe worldly wysdome hath so corrupt the name That none it makyth happy vertuous nor wyse But hym that with hert and mynde doth it despyse Thenuoy of $Alexander $Barcly. Lerne man, lerne, wysdome to vnderstonde For trust me though that the way of viciousnes And dedely synne, lyenge on the left hande Seme full of pleasour and wanton lustynes At the ende is dolour wo and wretchydnes Mysery vexacion and euerlastynge payne And if sodayne deth in this way the: oppres To late shall it be for retourne agayne + Auoyde thou therfore this left and frowarde way For a short pleasour take nat eternall payne Go on the right hande in as moche as thou may And whan thou art there retourne thou nat agayne

And though the path be nat moche smothe and playne But full of sharpe thornes whiche shall the hurte and noy Yet at the ende, thou shalt come to certayne A heuenly castell replete with myrth and ioy

Of the despysynge of mysfortune. He is a fole and greatly reprouable Whiche seyth and felyth suerly in his mynde That all his dedes ar moche infortunable And where euer he go agaynst hym is the wynde But in his mysfortune yet is he so blynde That he is improuydent, abydynge wyllyngly Despysynge (thoughe he myght) for to fynde remedy

The greuous fallys of men from theyr degre%in auten de non alie. aut per ec. + col.ii. The frayle chaunsys, and aduersyte sodayne And of vnsure fortune the mutabylyte Whiche we se dayly, shewyth vnto vs playne%Prouer.xi. That in all thynges that to men apertayne%Sapien.iiij. Is no constance, trust or confydence Nor sure degre, or stable permanence + For these vayne thynges the whiche we outwarde se%Tullius Syns they ar so caduke in condicion frayle%Seneca Can none make perfyte in true felycyte But that somtyme he may fynde cause to wayle%Horatius in arte. Nor no man by preuate wysdome or counsayle Nor strength, or labour can make a warke so fast But that it shall perysshe and decay at the last + But here I purpose of suche a Fole to nona con mor.l.senatus. To whom eche fortune is aduers and contrary And yet hath he chefe pleasour and neg.ges.l.iiij. With all his mynde and herte for to apply To thynges of fortune, that contynually Of cruell chauncis he hath but lytell Trustynge afterwarde moche better for to spede%Ezech.xxvi. + He is nat ware, but bare without wysdome That can nat consyder surely in his mynde That whan one yll is past: as bad may after come If he hym ieparde to suche lyke storme and wynde Let suche nat thynke it thynge against kynde Nor any meruayle if theyr shyp without ore Mast or sayle, be drownyd rent and tore

If any mysfortune happen on the to vt. At the begynnynge of thynge that thou wolde do If thou go farther may fortune that thou shall Haue after that same, other yllys many mo For wyse men sayth, and oft it fallyth so As it is wryten and sayd of many one That one myshap fortuneth neuer alone + An yll fortune growyth alway more and more The ende oft is greuous: and euer vncertayne And if thou hast had one mysfortune before Another lyke sone, may after fall, agayne Thou mayst se example before the clere and playne By dyuers changes whiche playnly thou mayst se By fallys contynuall, full of aduersyte + Thus fortune floweth oft synkynge at the last And playne shall perysshe if thou the space abyde Thus happy is he that is of mynde stedfast Doynge his deuoyr the same ay to prouyde%Prouer.viij. So muste he do whiche hath desyre to abyde In suertye and rest: for dayly thou mayst se Howe ferefull fortune sodaynly crepys on the + Who that dare auenture or ieparde for to rowe%Ecclesi.xliij. Vpon the se swellynge by wawes great and In a weyke vessell, had nede that wynde sholde blowe Styll, soft, and cawme, lyst that he, fynally%Luce.xviij. And also his shyp: stande in great ieopardy Throwyn with the flodes on the se depe and wyde And drowned at the last: or rent the syde fro syde

And also he whiche hath no craft nor skyll And dare auenture on the wylde se to rowe By his rasshe mynde his mad brawne and self wyll No meruayle is if the wawes hym ouer flowe And if he than escape and be nat clene ouerthrowe%Luce.viij. If he after dare ieoparde hym selfe agayne To the same peryll: he is a fole certayne + But he is wyse, and so men may hym call%Ecclesi.iij. Whiche hath nat alway his trust and confydence%Esaie.xxiij. In vnsure fortune and chaunsys inequall%Soph.ij. And of the same can beware by prudence%Job.iiij. That man is haphy, and shall fle the violence%Sapien.xiiij. And furour of the see, though it moche rughly moue And with his shyp enter the heuenly port aboue Thenuoy &c. Beware of mysfortune, ye men, in that ye may And in that thynge that comyth vnfortunate Procede nat: but your mynde drawe ye away And if by good fortune that ye be eleuate To some hye rowme conuenyent for a state Whyle ye ar there, ye ought you euen to bere For myshape prouydynge both erly and late And than if it come ye nede nat greatly fere + We haue late sene some men promotyd hye For whose sharpnes all men fered theyr name But for they toke on them than theyr degre Myght nat support: they fell down in great shame

But well myght they haue contynued without blame If they had kept them within theyr boundes well By right and iustyce: but oft full yll they frame That wyll be besy with to hye thynges to mell

Of bacbyters of good men & of them y%t shal disprayse this warke. Oft so it hapneth that he that is vnwyse With his lewde tunge, and mouth full of enuy Doth wyse men and iust sclaunder and despyse About the Cattis necke suche men a bell doth tye Thynkynge that theyr dedes may be kept secretely And to haue no name therof they thynke echone But yet the dogge cryeth, stryken with the bone

Nowe shall wyse men enioy and haue pleasaunce%Prouer.i. With inwarde myrth and also outwarde sport%Ecclesi.vij. With mery lokes of chere and of countenaunce%Ecclesi.xxi. Seynge that we haue gathred so great a sort Of folys in one boke: To rede to theyr confort The wyse men shall enioy: and they that loue vertue That we by craft haue forged this Nauy newe + Our shyp sayleth nat abrode vnto presence Vnto the rebuke of vertuouse men and wyse For in suche is small faut, synne, or offence Wherfore no man ought them blame or despyse We coueyte nat to perysshe theyr fame in any wyse But pray $god in ioy to contynue them a lyue And that yll lyuers may mende, or neuer thryue + Amende may they well if they lyst to take hede For here haue we gyuen them holsome medecyne To rule theyr lyfe, also we haue in dede Vnto them gyuen, of maners, good doctryne Who lyst them to rede, and to them to inclyne If he be wyse: he shall auoyde doutles The clowdes of synne: and nettis of folysshnes + Suche I commende as ar worthy great honour But other be whiche sore I hurt and blame By my wrytynge: for theyr mysbehauour Syns that of Folys they well deserue the name Yet may they nat (without theyr owne great shame) Disprayse my wrytynge boldly by any way Nor rasshly yll wordes ayenst the same to say

Yet doubt I nat: but surely knowe it well That some shall be whiche ayenst my wrytynge With harde and frowarde wordes shall rebell And it contynue, and hurt in euery thynge But if that suche be wyse men and cunnynge They shall my youth pardone, and vnchraftynes Whiche onely translate, to eschewe ydelnes + But if some other be troubled by enuy As brybours to barke agaynst my besynes They ought to cesse, for my boke certaynly I haue compyled, for vertue and goodnes And to reuyle foule synne and viciousnes At first begynnynge lyke as I toke the charge Requyrynge pardon if I haue ben to large + To wryte playne trouth was my chefe mynde and wyll But if any thynke that I hyt hym to nere Let hym nat grutche but kepe hym coy and styll And clawe were it itchyth so drawynge hym arere For if he be hasty, it playnly shall apere That he is fauty, gylty, and culpable So shall men repute hym worthy of a bable + But be they angry or be they well apayde This thynge oft prouyd is by experyence He that is gylty thynketh all that is sayde Is spokyn of hym, and touchynge his offence I fele well the hyssynge and malyuolence Of some enuyours whiche doth my warke disdayne But my playne Balade comfortyth me agayne

Suche Folys namely agaynst my boke shall barke As nought haue in them but synne and viciousness Leuynge all besynes vertuous and good warke%Horatius in arte. And gyuynge them selfe to slouth and ydylnes $Horace the poet doth in his warke expres That both wyse and unwyse dyuers warkes wryte Some to gode: and pleasour, and some but small profyte + But if my warke be nat moche delactable Nor gayly payntyd with termys of eloquence I pray that at lest it may be profytable To brynge men out of theyr synne and olde offence Into the noble way of good intellygence I care nat for folysshe bacbyters, let them passe The swete Cymball is no pleasour to an asse + Melodyous myrth to bestis is vncouthe And the swete graffis of wysdome and doctryne Sauoureth no thynge within a folys mouthe Whiche to the same disdayneth to inclyne Cast precious stones or golde amonges swyne And they had leuer haue dreggis fylth or chaffe No meruayle: for they: were norysshed vp with draffe + Therfore o reders I you exort and pray Rede ouer this warke well and intentyfly Expell hye mynde, put statelynes away Barke nat therat: loke nat theron awry With countenaunce pale expressynge your enuy If ought be amysse: of that take ye no hede Tend to the best than shall ye haue the mede

Be pleased withall, and if that ye ought fynde Nat ordred well, and as it ought to be Whiche may displeas or discontent your mynde In wantonnes, or in to and grauyte Or sharply spoken with to great audacyte Vnto your correccion all hole I do submyt If ought be amys it is for lacke of wyt. Thenuoy of $Barclay. Ye folys enuyous detractynge eche good dede Expell your malyce, and, yre, and ougly syn And to your selfe, and your owne warke take hede Howe yll infect and foule ye ar within Correct your selfe: so sholde ye first begyn And than teche other to vertue to aply And nat by malyce on them to grutche and gryn Or behynde theyr backe them sclaunder by enuy

Of immoderate vylenes, in maners, vsyd at the table. It is thynge laufull: and nat vncommendable To touche the yll maners, the foule and lothsome wayes Whiche dyuers folys nowe vsyth at the table Whiche ar so past all shame, that nowe a dayes But fewe or none, there honest wordes sayes Of pleasaunt norture they haue no care nor hede But bestely intende as swyne theyr wombe to fede

I thought that I had fyllyd suffyciently%Prouer.xiiij. & xiij.(1570) This boke with folys: and men persuynge syn%Psal.lxviij.(1570) And endyd my rebukes: but yet one company%Ecclesi.xxix.(1570) (Of other folys doth) vnto my nauy ryn%i.Corin.x.(1570) Cryeng with lowde voyce: captayne abyde, haue in%Ecclesi.x.(1570) I kest an Anker: and restynge at that worde Sende forth a bote: them to receyue abrode + But vnderstonde ye what company they be: I you ensure that fewe of all the sort%iiij.dist.denique (1570) Ar gyuen greatly to disceyt or sotylte In couetyse, or gayne haue fewe of them comfort But they echone that to this shyp resorte%Esay xxviij,lxiiij,dist.c.i.(1570) Ar lothsome Folys of norture clene pryuate Fedynge at theyr mete: euyn after swynys rate + In shamefull vse: voyde of all shamefastnes All theyr hole dedes: ar without reuerence But lyke to vnresonable bestis in vylenes Bytwene them and swyne as lytell difference They spare no coyne, no coste, nor yet expence But brede, and mete, dayntyes, bere, ale, and wyne They drynke, and deuour, lyke wyse as it were swyne + The first of this sort whome I intende to pro reuerentia de con omnibus. Plinius + li.xiiij.circa finem. Ar suche as intende theyr lothsome wombe to fede Or theyr face be wasshyd or handes: and the same Do they or they say theyr Aue, or theyr Crede As for theyr Pater noster: of it take they no hede And for the great gyftis that they of $god obtayne They render no gracis ne thankes to hym agayne

Theyr lyppis ar foule, dryuelynge on euery syde Within theyr handes is vyle fylth and ordure Theyr noses droppynge, in vylenes is theyr pryde Theyr iyen rawky, and all theyr face vnpure By suche vylenes disfygure they nature Theyr chekis dyrty: Theyr tethe by rustynes Blacke, foule, and rottyn, expressyth theyr vylenes + No honestye, maner, norture nor clenlynes Is in these wretchys, for they the same disdayne He is kynge of dronkardes and of dronkenes%c.a crapula de ho.cle.+ Horatius in epistolis. Percius. Reputyd of them: the whiche is moste vylayne As gruntynge and drynkynge, rebokynge vp agayne And that can excyte his felawes to glotony Techynge them the bowles and pottis to occupy + Some drynkes: some quaxes the canykyn halfe full And some all out, chargynge hym in suche wyse That the wyne semyth for to ryue his skull That he hath no power from the borde to ryse Than bokes he all vp after the comon gyse (So longe he drynkyth) yet other haue no shame Seynge all the table couered with the same + Than drynke they about, euery fole to other In order: but he that doth forsake the pot Shall no more be taken as felawe frende and brother But cast out of company, callyd fole and sot The other stryue drynkynge, echone by lot It nought auayleth these caytyfs to reuyle Shewynge howe this vse theyr soulys doth defyle

It weryeth the bodye, by anger and syknes%de reli.& ve.san.c.i.xxxv.dis + luxuriosa. Ecclesi.xxxi. Styrynge it to wrath, to fyghtynge and varyaunce Nought is wors than contynuall dronkenes For dyuers sores, great sekenes and greuaunce Procedyth therof by longe contynuaunce It lowsyth the body, troublynge eche ioynt and vayne%Osee.iiij. The wyt it wastyth, blyndynge the mynde and brayne + O cursyd maners, o vse abhomynable%Luce.xxxi. O bestelynes, agaynst nature humayne%Prouer.xij.&.xxij. Whether is become the reuerence of the table The moderate honour of it is lost agayne Where is Curius and abstynence souerayne%Curius Where is olde Persymony wont to be so gode Where is the olde mesure of mannys lyfe and fode + Where is the bryght worshyp therof nowe become Where is the clenlynes, and maners euerychone Of the borde or table, vsed amonge some Of our fore Faders that nowe ar dede and gone But we vse nought but bestelynes alone In worde and dede corrupt with vylany In stede of good talkynge vse we rybawdry + Gone is the honour and costomes moderate Mesure is despysyd: ryght so is honestye With hye and lowe: both pore man and estate%Luce.xiiij. Yet at the table another vse we se%Prouer.xxv. Whiche is vnlaufull, and ought nat vsed be%Leuit.xix. That folys at the borde haue oft the hyest stage The boy lokes to syt before a man of age

Thus is no order obseruyd at the table%Iusti de iu. Honestye hath the hyest place no Iusti de + offi.cus.c.i. But eche man is reputyd honorable After his ryches, his treasour and his store The vyle Churle shall syt and drynke before Thus at the table is gyuen all honour Nat after vertue, but after vayne treasour + To mannys maners no respect they haue They take gode and yll almoste indifferently A gentyl man somtyme is set beneth a knaue Without honestye, and moche vnreuerently But whan these bestis hath set them selfe thus hye%Irreuerentia mense In handlynge or tastynge, mete, bere, ale, or wyne Them selfe behaue they moche bestelyer than swyne + One swalloweth into his throte a soppe or twayne Another drunkard, goth to, so hastely That all together he castyth vp agayne Another with fyngers foule and vnmanerly Tossyth vp the mete, or lyftyth it a hye Vnto his foule nose holdynge it to wete If it may lyke hym: and if the sent be swete + Some drynketh, the lycour on euery syde rennynge Of his vyle mouth pollute: foule and horryble Some whan the cuppis ar empty hyely synge Some voyde mo cuppis than man wolde thynke possyble And other some, galons: so that theyr ioyntis ar feble They vomytynge agayne, rorynge vnmanerly Troublynge the ayre, with barkynge, noyse and cry

Some synge, and reuell as in $bacchus sacryfyce As rauysshyd with furour, whiche $Bacchus doth blynde Theyr myndes: attysynge them vnto euery vyce And loke whome this sort moste vngoodly can fynde He shall the borde haue ruled by his mynde He brastyth a glasse or cup at euery worde So that the drynke ouercouereth all the borde + Some pull from theyr felawes with hande rauysshynge And from that mease that nere to them doth syt They taste the swettest and best of euery thynge%Sardanapalus Thus $Sardanapalus: whiche onely dyd His mynde to vyle lust: without reason or wyt Hath nowe many felawes: whome lust, corrupt and vyle Fedyth and whome lackynge of mesure doth defyle + Suche ar best pleasyd with thynges Immoderate But what man can wryte all vylenes of the table And all the folyes vsyd in dyuers rate%de sepul.certificari.Persius. Syns wyse men lyue nat all in way semblable Theyr lyuynge and maners ar greatly varyble For euery Nacyon at table hathe his gyse Some we commende, and other some despyse + The $grekis $Latyns, and the men of $Almayne In theyr behauour many other thynges vse Agaynst the vse of $Englonde, $Fraunce or $spayne The $Turkes and $Paynyms haue also in them mysuse And men of $ynde these wayes afore, refuse Hauynge other maner: yet other them despyce Thus euery Nacion lyuynge hath his gyse

Mennys maners ar moche dyuers and varyable%Terencius Theyr wyll vnlyke in pleasour and solace%Quintilianus Eche royalme hath fedynge dyuers at the treb.quia poterat. And dyuers is theyr lyfe almost in euery place Yet ought they all with herte and mynde to embrace Wyse talkynge, and maners longynge to honeste Auoydynge foule wordes, and bestyalyte + The swynes lyuynge we all ought to In worde and dede we ought to auoyde excesse%Ad collo.iij. With communycacion, of goodnes, and vertue$Thobie.ij. Folowynge the way of honest clenlynesse And with all our herte, our mynde, and lowe mekenes Yelde thankes and gracis to $god omnypotent For suche goodes, as he: vnto vs hath sent + We ar nat borne into this worlde Alway to ete, as bestis vnresonable And euery houre: to vse suche bestely thess.ii & v. + anima Eccle*s.v. Ouerchargynge nature by vse abhomynable But to refresshe vs by wayes mesurable Our lyfe and body togyder to preserue And hour of melys, by dyete to obserue + That mete and drynke shall do all men moste gode That is receyued without superflue exces To confort the body, and to norysshe the blode Our soule is a spyryt as scripture doth expres Wherfore it may nat rest in place of drynes%xxxij.q.ii.moyses So must we our blode norysshe and meyntayne For in the same our spyryte doth remayne

But in euery thynge is ordre and mesure%Horatius glo.iusti per quis:per + non ac in prin. By to great exces, and superfluyte The soule and lyfe, may by no mean indure And in lyke wyse by to great scarsyte But this we fynde that many one, mo dye%Ecclesi.xxxviij. By glotony, excesse, and lyuynge bestyall Than by hunger, knyfe, or deth naturall + In lordes courtis were wont vsyd to be%Curialitas antiqua. Gode maners, worthy, honest and commendable Wherby all other myght lerne honestye But nowe ar the maners there no thynge laudable But corrupt, and foule, but namely at the table In dronken glotony is theyr chefe, sport and game And rybaude wordes without all fere and shame + Norture fro them by suche vyce is exyled Theyr olde name, and fame of honestye Ar vnder fote, so worshyp is exylyd Nat onely from the court and men of hye degre But also from the symple comontee Both yonge and olde, vsyth suche excesse At tables, without maners of honest clenlynes. Thenuoy of $Barclay. Ye men vnmanerde, to whome intellygence And wysdome ar gyuen, by the Prynce celestyall It is to you shame, that no maner difference Is bytwene your lyfe, and maners, bestyall And that at the table in chefe and pryncypall It is an olde saynge that man ought of dutye Behaue hym on hyll, lyke as he wolde in hall Vsynge and accostomynge hym to honestye

Of folys disgysyd with vysers and other counterfayte apparayle. $Democritus laughed to scorne and dyd despy-se These folysshe games and worldly vanyte And suche folys as oft them selfe disgyse By counterfayt vysers exprssynge what they be But other wyse $Cynicus a man of grauyte Oft tyme bewayled the bytter and harde chaunce Seynge in the worlde of folys suche abundaunce

If $Democritus sholde nowe agayne be borne Or in our tyme, if he lyued: doutles%Prouer.xiiij. He sholde, the men nowe lyuynge laugh to scorne%Juuenalis + plinius li.vij.Solinus.Crassus. For theyr dyuers synnes and wylfull folysshenes And $Crassus also, for all his great sadnes Sholde laugh to scorne, our folysshe lyfe and wayes Thoughe he neuer laughed but onys in all his dayes + But namely sholde he laughe: if that he myght ho.cle.c.cum decorem. The wayes of men in this our tyme lyuynge Howe they with vysers dayle disgysed be Them selfe difformynge almost in euery thynge Whan they ar disgysyd to them it is semynge That no syn is gret: nor soundynge to theyr shame Syns theyr foule vysers therof can cloke the fame + To euery yll: theyr lewde lyfe doth them drawe They wander ragynge more madly in theyr vyce Than doth suche people as forsake $goodes lawe Whan to theyr ydols they make theyr sacrifyce Whose names to tell as for nowe I despyse But as for these Folys, arayed in theyr rage They kepe almost euyn suche lyke vsage + The one hath a vyser vgly: set on his face Another hath on, vyle counterfayte vesture Or payntyth his vysage with fume in suche case That what he is hym selfe is skantly sure Another by pryde his wyt hath so obscure To hyre the busshe of one that late is dede Therwith to disgyse his folys dotynge hede

Some counterfayte theyr tethe in a straynge wyse Some for a mocke hath on gowne of whyte And other some in straunge londes gyse Aray them selfe, eche after his delyte And other some besyde theyr vayne habyte Defyle theyr faces: so that playne trouth to tell They ar more fowle, than the blacke Deuyll of hell + Than cary they theyr instrumentis musycall%Eccle.xxv. About: of theyr louers wyllynge to be sene And theyr wanton hertis for to disceyue withall But happy is she that can her selfe kepe clene From these mad folys: for all that euer they meane Is vnder theyr deuyls clothynge as they go The deuyllys workes for to commyt also + They disceyue myndes chaste and innocent With dyuers wayes whiche I wyll nat expres Lyst that whyle I labour this cursyd gyse to stynt I myght to them mynyster example of lewdnes And therfore in this part I shall say les Than doth my actour: and that in dyuers clauses Whiche is nat done without suffycyent causes + Many one whiche hath nat done amys%In auten de sau. epi.col.ix. All the hole yere: but kept hym from all vyce Fallyth vnto synne: whan this disgysynge is For some in baudy wordes them exercyce%C. de cle.l.minime. To $venus warkes yonge wymen to attyce But all theyr maners: if that I sholde shewe playne It were to longe: and labour without gayne

These folys that them selfe disgyseth thus In theyr lewde gestis doth outwarde represent The frowarde festis of the Idoll $Saturnus%Saturnalis compitalitia. + Mammurius faber. And other disceytfull, goddes and fraudelent Or els rather: forsoth in myne intent That they ar wyckyd spiritis I byleue Sende out of hell (to erth) mankynde to greue + With dyuers fassyons they hyde the same vysage%C. de de cri.+ audientiam. Whiche $god hath made vnto his owne lykenes And gyuen to $Adam and all his hole lynage For to remember his excellent goodnes But these lewde wretchys by theyr folysshnes Defylyth nature, hauynge a chefe pleasaunce For to disfygure theyr shape and countenaunce + Yet haue they no fere of $god: ne drede of shame Them selfe to disfygure this wyse agaynst kynde But besyde this: some them selfe fayneth lame%De con.dist.v.fucare. Some counterfayt them as they were fully blynde And yonge gentylmen wyll nat abyde behynde Some them disgyse euyn as the other do And so go forth as folys amonge the mo + Some goeth on four disfourmed as a bere Some fayne them croked, and some impotent Some with theyr fyngers theyr iyen abrode blere And yet that is wors: and worthy punysshement These folys disgysed moste set theyr intent On hyest dayes, and most solemne also In suche disfygured maner for to go

As is $christis feste or his Natyuyte%de con.dis.v.quadragesima At Ester, and most speciall at wytsontyde Whan eche creature sholde best disposyd be Settynge all worldly vanytees asyde Than $Venus stryfes accompanyed with pryde Ar led by daunsynge, and other them disgyse These holy festis alas thus they despyse + Whan the bytter passyon of $Christ our sauyour Sholde be remembred: these wretchyd folys ryn To theyr disgysynge, vanyte and errour To seke occasyon therby of dedely syn Thus lytell they coueyt the heuenly ioy to wyn With $Crist our sauyour alas suche ryse to late For worldly synne them holdyth in one state + Therfore let these Folys auoyde this mad mysuse And folowe the right way of vertuous grauyte Let them these lewde disgysynges clene refuse For nought is therin: saue worldly vanyte It is vnlefull, It can none other be Where $god made man eche creature to excell Than man to make hym selfe a deuyll of hell + I haue harde that a certayne man was slayne Beynge disgysyd as a Fowle fende horryble Whiche was anone caryed to hell payne By suche a fende. whiche is nat impossyble It was his right it may be so credyble For that whiche he caryed with hym away Was his vysage: and his owne leueray

Thenuoy of $Alexander $Barclay. Man be content with thy owne nature As $god hath made the of shape and countenaunce Diffourme nat thy body, thy vysage of fygure Nor yet in vesture: in play, disgyse or daunce Art thou nat made to $goddes owne semblaunce Than certaynely thou art greatly to blame By the blynde pryde of thy mysgouernaunce Presumptuously to counterfayt the same

The descripcion of a wyse man. A man that is gode: endued with xxvij. Repreuyth dedys nat good ne commendable He chastyseth wordes: wherof myght growe And that to the ere haue sounde abhomynable%Ecclesi.x. But vnto the soule his wordes ar profytable He techyth vertue: hauynge inwarde regarde To his owne dedys: or he procede forwarde

He auoydeth all yll and worldly vanyte Sekynge and louynge the harde way of goodnes And his hole lyfe in that way ordreth he In euery thynge auoydynge great excesse The noble $virgyll in wrytynge doth expresse A wyse man describynge his poyntis nere echone What maner man, in our tyme lyueth none + Of $Socrates the hyghe maieste souerayne%Socrates. In this part had the hyghest degre And went moste nere the hye name to attayne For in his maners and lyuynge lyke was he To suche a man: as we may wryten se In the crafty Poesye of excellent $virgyll This worthy $Socrates was ruler of his wyll + Within his boundys kepynge alway the same He holly of hymselfe dependyd stedfastly So constant and parfyte that none coude hym blame Except it were by malyce and enuy He was prouydent: gode and eche thynge wolde aply Vnto the best: nat doynge to any creature But that: whiche gladly he wolde agayne indure + And euery man that is in suche case Of this goodnes to kepe the godly way%Seneca epista.C.v. Within his herte hath many gyftis of grace Shynynge as bryght as is the sonny para. His owne dedes doth he iuge by rightwyse way Nat carynge for the grutches of the rude commonte Takynge euyn lyke welth and aduersyte

By his prouysyon he euer is safe and sure From outwarde thynges his mynde doth he abstayne He hath no brybes of any creature To fauour syn, or yll men to meyntayne%Ecclesi.iij. He uer is fre: lyberall: true and playne With stedfast mynde, he vayne desyre doth Desyrynge no thynge: but that is + He all is foundyd is parfyte stablenes%Prouer.x. Nat gyuynge hym selfe to rest in any wyse%Ecclesi.xviij. Before he can by good prouysion dresse All thynge that to his lyuynge may suffyce A pryuat profyte, he alway doth despyse In respect of the wele of a hole comonte Conioynynge thynge honest with his vtylyte + He euery day doth some thynge, great or small Aparteynynge to goodnes, laude and honestye%Eccl*s.xij. O wolde $god that suche fortune myght vs fall%Ecclesi.xxxvij. That in this our tyme, suche men myght with vs be And that men endued with wyt and grauyte Myght teche the same, to magnyfy doctryne And that the ignoraunt wolde to theyr lore inclyne + We ought nat sothly to meruayle in this case%Eccl*s.i. That of the folysshe folke a sort innumerable Multyplyeth thus almoste in euery place The cause is playne, for certis without fable%Prouer.iiij. Wysdome is banysshed, as thynge nat profytable Out of the worlde with woundes on euery syde We graunt no place to hir with vs to byde

Who that wyll labour in this our wretchyd tyme%Eccl*s.x. To lyue in wysdome vertue and goodnes%Easie.v. Is clene dispysyd of them that lyue in cryme Gyuen to all synne and all vnthryftynes They call hym folysshe, rude and full of madnes%Prouer.xxix. But he that can fraude crafty: and gylefull wayes Hath name of nobles, and wysdome nowe adayes + Gode $Aristydes for all his rightwysenes%Aristides In this our tyme sholde nat be of great pryse%Curius $Fabricius and $Curius, for all theyr hye goodnes%Fabricius Sholde be despysyd: and $Cato sad and wyse Sholde nowe be mocked of suche as lyue in vyce%Prouer.i. For it is sayde, and prouyd true and verytable%Sapien.v. That folys hath no pleasour but onely in they bable + Of noble $Plato: what sholde the sect dyuyne Do amonge men that nowe adayes ar borne They sholde for all theyr wysdome and doctryne Of suche folys be laughed vnto scorne And if they trouth vttred: be all to rent and torne For the lawde and glory of this tyme nowe present Ar gyuen vnto folys: men fals and fraudelent + The company of men that lackyth wyt Is best exaltyd (as nowe) in euery place And in the chayr, or hyest rowme shall syt Promotynge none: but suche as sue theyr trace They ryches thynke moste speciall gyft of grace But whan a Fole is thus become a state He shall with his foly good myndes violate

If the noble royalme of $Englonde wolde auaunce%Anglie defectus In our dayes: men of vertue and prudence Eche man rewardynge after his gouernaunce As the wyse with honour and rowme of excellence And the yll with greuous payne for theyr offence Than sholde our famous laude of olde obtayned Nat bene decayed, oppressyd and thus distayned + If men of wysdome were brought out of the scolys And after theyr vertue set in moste hye degre My shyp sholde nat haue led so many folys Both of men temporall, and of the spiritualyte Whiche in the wawes of the tempestuous se Of this wretchyd worlde moche payne and wo abyde For lacke of wyt, and reason, them to gyde + But none doth iuge hym selfe for his offence%Prouer.xiij. With godly wysedome none doth endue his mynde%Virgilius. None parfytely wyll serche is conscyence Suche fautis expellynge as he therin doth fynde These worldly pleasours, alas mankynde doth blynde So sore: that if the worlde hole were sought Fewe sholde be founde that lyue ryght as they ought + And therfore in wordes both of sadnes and sport With folysshe Cotis and hodes I haue disgysed Of these Folys a great and meruaylous sort Lyke as my mayster $Brant had first deuysyd But of these Folys though good men be despysyd And had as Folys, no meruayle is truly For in a folys syght hye wysdome is foly

But though these folys repute men of wysdome As wors than they: yet let them lyue and do%Ecclesi.iij. As $virgyll techyth, wysely, and they shall To heuen whan that theyr soule shall hens go They nought shall knowe of mysery nor wo And for theyr ledynge here in rightwysnes Shall be theyr rewarde the heuenly blyssydnes + Thoughe wysemen here, of folys be opprest Had in derysion: and kept in lowe degre For this theyr trouble eternall ioy and rest In $goddes hye presence to them rewarde shall be Wherfore o man I warne and councell the Prepare thy selfe to wysdome and prudence Do thou hir honour with loue and reuerence + Wysedome shall men auaunce vnto honour So $Barclay wyssheth and styll shall tyll he dye Parfytely pray to $god our creatour That vertuous men and wyse may haue degre (As they ar worthy) of lawde and dygnyte But namely to his frende bysshop by name Before all other desyreth he the same + Whiche was the first ouersear of this warke%Familiarem suum Johannem bisshop + de eo bene meritum commendat And vnto his frende gaue his aduysement It nat to suffer to slepe styll in the darke But to be publysshyd abrode: and put to prent To thy monycion my bysshop I assent Besechynge $god that I that day may se That thy honour may prospere and augment So that thy name and offyce may agre

Thy name to worshyp and honour doth accorde As borne a bysshop without a benefyce Thy lyuynge small: thy name is of a lorde And though thou nowe be stryke with couetyse That vyce shall slake in the if thou aryse (As I suppose) and lyberalyte Shall suche fortune for the by grace deuyse So that thy name and offyce shall agre + But if that fortune to thy goodnes enuye As though she wolde: the nat honour to attayne Yet let hir passe: and hir fraylenes defye For all hir gyftis ar frayle and vncertayne If she nat smyle on the but haue disdayne The to promote to welth and dignyte To olde acquayntaunce be stedfast true and playne Than shall thy goodnes and thy name agre + Let pas the worlde for nought in it is stable The greatter Baylyf the sorer is his payne Some men that late were callyd honorable Dyd theyr promosyon after sore complayne No wyse man is desyrous to obtayne The forked cap without he worthy be As ar but fewe: but be thou glad and fayne That thy good name and maners may agre + In this short balade I can nat comprehende All my full purpose that I wolde to the wryte But fayne I wolde that thou sholde sone asende To heuenly worshyp and celestyall delyte

Than sholde I after my pore wyt, and respyt, Display thy name, and great kyndnes to me But at this tyme no farther I indyte But pray that thy name and worshyp may agre.

Of folys that dispyse wysdome and Phylosophy and a commendacion of the same. With dolefull dolour: it sorowyd ought to be That nowe adayes the wysdome and doctryne Of wyse men, iust, and full of grauyte Is nought set by: but fallyth to ruyne But folys that to wysdome wyll nat inclyne Spyttyth for despyte on hym the whiche is wyse And all his dedys doth vtterly despyse

The rude commontye, that wyt and wysedome lacke%Psalmo.xxix. Labouryth with all the power that they may%Johell.i. Wyse men and gode: to thyrst into a For vnder fote of Folys without nay%Sapien.i. Phylosophy lyeth, oppressyd nyght and day Folys it repute nought worth ne profytable They haue delyte: in men to them semblable + Who euer he be that purposyth in mynde The holy Toure of wysdome to attayne And coueytyth his rest in it to fynde Despysynge worldly welth and ioy mundayne He must both hande and tunge fro synne refrayne Obseruynge his body in grace by chastyte And than of wysedome receyued shall he be + Phylosophy doth mannys mynde compace%Tullius pro orchia poeta. With syghtis and iyen replete with holynes To man it gyueth right many gyftis of grace As eloquence: and waye of rightwysnes%Ecclesi.i. It man confortyth oppressyd in sadnes By holy doctryne, and it doth socour fynde For all yll mouynges, and fantasyes of mynde + It techyth man to all vertues to inclyne It shewyth the way for to lyue vertuously And by suche lore and vertuous doctryne It techyth them that truly it aply The heuenly way: vnto the sterres a hye We sadnes and sorowe may fle by this wysdome And greuous chaunces or fallys by it ouercome

The father of heuen our lorde omnypotentProuer.ij. Of his great grace and infynyte goodnes%Ecclesi.i. Hath sende this scyence to people innocent To shewe them the way of grace and rightwysnes All hir aparayle agreyth to holynes Therwith she offreth frely to cloth mankynde Sawynge hir sede of vertue in theyr mynde + She coueryth hir hede with vale of chastyte Hir body clothyd with pall of the same sort The rosys purpyll of fayre humylyte Spredyth the grounde where as she doth resort Wherfore let euery wyse man haue Onely in wysedomys presence and seruyce For where she rayneth subdued is euery vyce + She fedeth man with dylycious drynke Of parfyte wysdome: all vyce therby to fle And vnto hym that euer on hir doth thynke She grauntyth honour of parfyte lybertye%Ecclesi.xxviij. Whyle she is gyde the herte and mynde are fre For she expellyth: vyce and Whiche ar rote of mysfortune and mychaunce + She gyueth laudes to all them that hir loue And by hir doctryne and worthy sapyence The wyse ascendyth to the hye heuen aboue And to iust lyuers: and men of innocence Heuen yates she opyns theyr dedes to recompence Thus wysdome is chefe gyder of our lyfe Is blyssyd rest: slakynge debate and stryfe

None lyueth so fyers, nor so cruell tyrant But that noble wysedome by parfyte pacyence Shall hym ouercome: but he that wyt doth want For lacke of wysedome oft fallyth to offence There is no lorde ne Prynce of excellence%Sapien.viij. That can well gyde his scepter and kyngdome Without the helpe and counsell of wysedome + Wysdome is moder of fayth: and of iustyce And all goodnes doth of it growe and sprynge But yet moste people nowe insuyth vyce Fulfyllynge theyr folysshe lust in euery thynge They foly folowe, but wysedome and cunnynge They clene dispyse: hauynge scorne and enuy At suche god men as them to it aply + But leue this foly, o wretchyd men alas%%Prouer.vij. And both yonge and olde fast spede you to obtayne The godly gyftis of excellent $pallas Endeuour your selfe to drynke of hir fountayne%Prouer.iij. But o disciples of wysdome: spare no payne To help your moder: for if ye be to slacke The rude comontye shall thrust hir in a sacke A Lementacion of $Barclay for the Ruyne and Fall of Wysdome. O synfull season: sore drownyd in derkenes O wylfull foly o thou proude ignoraunce Howe longe shall ye mankynde thus wyse oppres That none almost in wysdome hath pleasaunce

But men myslyuynge in mad mysgouernaunce Ar so with statis in fauour loue and grace That with them wysdome can haue none acquayntaunce But clene exyled and foly in hir place + Alas the tyme: that wyse men of mekenes Sholde be despysyd: yet fallen is that chaunce Nought is set by: saue treasour and ryches Playne trouth is foly: and pouertye penaunce Boldnes and bostynge ledyth all the daunce $Venus all techyth for to insue hir trace Fals flatery the most part doth auaunce But gone is wysdome and foly in hir place + Foule falshode hath confoundyd faythfulnes The newe disgyses hath left $Almayne and $Fraunce And come to $Englonde: and eche vnclenlynes Doth lede vs wretchys, we make no purueaunce Agaynst our ende whan deth shall with his launce Consume this lyfe: we may bewayle this case Our wordes ar folysshe: so is our countenaunce Thus gone is wysdome, and foly in hir place + Who can rehers eche sort of folysshenes That vs mysgydeth through our mysordynaunce Lust is our Lady: and glotony maystres Sobernes is gone: and stately arrogaunce Hath mekenes slayne: alas this is greuaunce Vnto my herte: expellynge all solace O glorious $god direct this perturbaunce That wysdome may agayne obtayne hir place

A concertacion or stryuynge bytwene vertue & voluptuosyte: or carnall lust. Beholde here man dyrect thy syght to se For in this balade I shall vnto the shewe The stryfe of vyce and voluptuosyte Had in comtempt of goodnes and vertue But do thou so that vertue may subdue Foule carnall lust whose pleasour is but vayne Firste full of myrth: endynge in bytter payne

Whyle $Hercules lay slepynge (as I rede) Two wayes he sawe full of diffyculte The one of pleasour: at ende gyuynge no mede The other of vertue auaunsynge eche degre But of both these two wayes whan that he Had sought the state: the ende, and the strayghtnes The way he entred of vertue and goodnes + Therfore o reder that hast wyll to inclyne To souerayne vertue that is incomperable Thy mynde aplyenge stedfast to hir doctryne Ouer rede this balade for it is profytable And though thou thynke it but a fayned fable Yet red it gladly: but if thou be to haut Fle from it fast and fynde in it no faut + We pardon requyre where as we do offende%Horatius in arte. Grauntynge the same to other vsynge to wryte None doth so well but some may it amende But namely if it be done without respyte. None without leyser: can voyde of faut endyte And mannys wyt, as dayly doth apere Somtyme is dull: somtyme parfyte and clere + With wordes playne: I viciousnes confounde Oppressynge men with fals flatrynge semblaunt And throwynge $Venus tentis to the grounde But vertue I lawde: as goodnes moste plesaunt Whiche with hir wepen most stronge and tryumphaunt Subduyth vyce: and all suche as hir loue With hir she ledyth to the hye royalme aboue

Therfore let euery man, mayde, childe, and wyfe In theyr yonge age to vertue them inclyne Lernynge of hir the way to lede theyr lyfe As of maysteres moste holsome in doctryne Who hir insuys assayeth no ruyne For hir rewarde is sure, and eternall In erth here: and in the royalme celestyall + Thus shall he lyue in perpetuyte. But let echone auoyde the viciousnes%Tullius in off. To hym promysyd by voluptuosyte Hir warkes ar all oppressyd with blyndnes And where as she can wanton youth oppres She hym so rotyth in slouth and neglygence That nede shall cause hym fall to all offence + Lust brakyth the mynde: and as we often se It blyndyth the vnderstondynge and the wyt From mannys hert it chasis chastyte All mortall venym hath the chefe rote in it None can be helyd that hath hir byt But noble blode she most of all doth blynde Whiche more on hir: than vertue haue theyr mynde + Therfore yonge men gyue aduertence and hede Here shall ye se: and so shall feble age What yll of worldly pleasour doth procede And howe she bryngeth some men to great damage Than shall ye here what good and auauntage What welth what rest, what honour and ryches Comys to mankynde by vertue and goodnes

The obiection of lust blamynge vertue. Lo gorgays galantis: to galantis here am I%Eccl*s.ij. Lo here fayre lust: full enmy to vertue%Sapien.ij. Clothyd in laurer: in sygne of victory The large worlde I hole to me subdue My stremynge standardes alayd with sundry hewe In tryumphe shynyth bryghter than the sonne I all the worlde to my Empyre haue wonne

All fragaunt floures most pleasaunt: gay and swete Whose sundry sortis no lyuynge man can tell Vnto my pleasour ar spred vnder my fete That all the ayre enioyeth of the smell The vyolet that in odour doth excell About in bosom by me alway I bere The same oft tyme inlasyd with my here + All my vesture: is of golde pure My gay Chaplet, with stonys set With couerture: of fyne asure In syluer net my here up knet Soft sylke bytwene lyst it myght fret My purpyll pall, ouercouereth all Clere as Christall: no thynge egall + My wanton face: louers to embrace: my wanton iye In suche a case: shewe them solace: that none ar fre So louers be subiet to me: in euery plame My hye beautye: voyde of bounte: doth them inlace To hunt to chace: to daunce: to trace: what one is he That beryth face: or hath that grace: on londe or se In lyke degre hym selfe to se: my pleasaunt pace Is lyght as fle: thus none that be: can me compace + I cast my pleasours: and hony swete Ouer all the worlde none can beware Nor loke so surely vnto his fete But that I tangle hym in my snare Whan I with youth can mete With reason nat well replete In lust I cause hym flete Of grace barayne and bare

What man is he that can beware Whan I my nettis abrode display Namely to youth I me repare I blynde theyr hertis sorest alway I take no thought ne care Howe euer the worlde fare No season fre I spare Frome pleasour: nyght nor day + With harpe in hande, alway I stande Passynge eche hour: in swete pleasour A wanton bande: of euery lande Ar in my tour, me to honour Some of voloure, some bare and poure Kynges in theyr pryde, syt by my syde Euery fresshe flour, of swete odour To them I prouyde, that with me byde + Whan the stature, of my fygure With golde shynyng, is hye standynge They that inure, in my pleasure With herte wandrynge, moche swetely synge Garlandes of golde, to me offrynge And me beholde with countenaunce Smylynge, laughynge: eche wanton thynge On myrth musynge, lernynge to daunce + Mo men me honour: for my pleasaunce Than worshyp the mother of the hye kynge I shewe them myrth, she harde penaunce I pleasaunt lust: She chast lyuynge

Who euer they be, that folowe me And gladly fle: to any standarde They shall be fre: nat sek nor se Aduersyte: nor paynes harde + No poynt of payne, shall he sustayne But ioy souerayne, whyle he is here No frost ne rayne, there shall distayne, His face by payne, ne hurt his chere + He shall his hede, cast to no drede To get the mede, and lawde of warre Nor yet haue nede, for to take hede Howe batayles spede, but stande a farre + Nor yet be bounde, to care the sounde Of man: or grounde: or trumpet shyll Strokes that redounde, shall nat confounde Nor his mynde wounde: but if he wyll + Who wyll subdue, hym to insue My pleasours newe: that I demayne I shall hym shewe, way to eschewe Where hardnes grewe: and to fle payne + The swetnes of loue he shall assay But suche as my pleasours hate and dispyse In hardnes lyue and bytter payne alway In dolour drowned, and that in greuous wyse Endynge theyr lyfe after a wretchyd gyse By couetyse, abstaynynge theyr pleasour Chaungynge swetnes for bytter payne and sour

By pleasaunt lust I callyd am ouer all Prynces pereles and glorious goddes Of me procedyth pleasour: as is egall To come of a hye and noble Empres In me is myrth and songes of gladnes And vnder my dayes and hours fortunate Age hath first rote to holde vp his estate + The lusty $Parys, by whome the ryche $troy%Paris Gaue place to $grece, as subiect to the same In my seruyce had pleasour and great ioy So that by me he spred abrode his fame Those pleasours folowynge of whan I haue the name And that remayneth in my auctoryte And proude $Cleopatra: was seruytour to me%Cleopatra + There is no londe inclosyd with the se But that they all haue folowyd my counsell As $Afryke, $Numyde the other I let be I wyll nat tary theyr namys for to tell But fewe or none ar bytwene heuen and hell In hethynes nor yet in chrystente But yonge outher olde they all obey to me + My deynteous dartis about full brode I cast Amonge all Nacions vnto the worldes ende%Epicurei. The Phylosophers that were in tymes past As Epicurians to me dyd condiscende All theyr hole sect my quarell doth defende For all theyr sect to this clause dyd assent That lust and pleasour was gode most excellent

Without corporall labour: my goodes shall profyte Of mete and drynke I haue welth and excesse I haue my pleasour, my ioy and my delyte In deynty dysshes and swete delyciousnes I lede nat lyfe in peryll and hardnes Vnder heuy helme, in felde from any towne Nat on harde strawe: but soft and costely downe + If ioy, and pleasour, dyd me nat ay insue And lusty myrthe, with corporall pleasaunce%Juuenalis in satyra Omnibus in + terris So myghty kynges wolde nat them subdue Vnto my tentis, whose myght shall me auaunce That all the worlde vnder my gouernaunce Shall it submyt, and dwellers of the same Shall bere about the badges of my name + It is longe past syns that men first dyd thus Subdue theyr myndes and bodyes vnto me The myghty kynge callyd $Sardanapalus%Sardanapalus de quo diodorus et + Justinus Roma. Left dedes that longyd vnto his royalte Folowynge my pleasour and voluptuosyte And $rome victorious at last by hye courage Yeldyd it selfe mekely to my bondage + Eas welth and rest to me alway is best Vnto my seruauntis I gyue the same And where as nature aperyth goodlyest I am moste besy the herte for to inflame%Hiere.vij. With fyry brondes to $Venus plesaunt game No colde ne hunger to yonge men shall I gyue But pleasaunt rest: whyle they with me do lyue

My lyfe I lede in ioyfull Idylnes Nat let nor troubled by any aduersyte Therfore o youth that art in lustynes And age also that of bad maners be Tourne hyther your faces beholdynge my beaute And you indeuer your erys to inclyne To my preceptis, folowynge my doctryne + The tyme passyth dayly fro mankynde Our dayes of lyfe longe whyle can nat indure%Verba Sardanapali. Therfore on pleasour establysshe we our mynde For in my mynde no erthly creature After this lyfe of pleasour shall be sure%Sapien.ij. Therfore be we mery the time that we ar here And passe we our tyme alway in lusty chere

The answere of vertue agenst this obiection of voluptuosyte. O Lothsome lust: o mad mysgouernour%Eccl*s.xvij. Of all mankynde, and rote of euery i. With thy barayne balade, and corporall pleasour%Baruth.iij. Howe darest thou greue me me thus in any wyse Thy wordes ar vayne: thy myght I clene despyse How dare thy cowarde herte me thus assayle Syns thou, the bostest: vnmete vnto batayle

Haue done and answere: disceytfull trayteres Howe darest thou wretchyd men this wyse abuse Or them disceyue by the chraft of falsnes Why doth mankynde on thy vayne pleasours muse Why doth the worlde goodnes and grace refuse Rennynge to thy foly, subduynge them in care As fysshe or byrde to panter, net or snare + Why lawdest thou thy lust and pleasour vayne Thy wandrynge wayes in syn and bestlynes Who that the folowys, shall at the ende certayne Fynde no honour, but payne and great distres Thy faythfull felawe is bestyall dronkenes Thy pursuyuaunt is dredfull worldly shame Fleynge about to spred abrode thy name + Shame them subdueth that them submyt to the Thy beautye blyndyd is by mysgouernaunce I say nat nay, but fayre thou art to see And alway wrappyd in halters of pleasaunce Thy iyen wanton, with wanton countenaunce Thy here glystrynge or shynynge as golde bryght That many thousande destroyed is by thy syght + Thy purpyll garlandes couchyd with precious stone Pure and resplendaunt is all thy apparayle Aleyed gayly with perles many a one Of purpyll colour of Tyre is thy mantayle With precious stones beset as thycke as hayle Thy gyrdyls gay, and rynges pleasaunt to se But what is this: but worldly vanyte

Thou art nat armyd, nor to no warre dost go But standest naked, and all thy body bare As chefe champyon vnto blynde $Cupido Suche feble men that lacke wyt to beware Attysest thou falsly into thy snare The bowe of $Venus, and dartis lye by the Hedyd with shame, myshap and pouertye + In thy one hande is the myscheuous dart Of fleshly lust: and pleasour corporall Wherwith thou sharply strykest to the hart The olde, the yonge: the pore, and pryncipall Thy other hande bereth in it venym mortall Vnto the whiche if man nat well attende With all yll shall he be poysoned at the ende + Of thy fayre forehede: the beauty and bryghtnes And all the fassyon, and shape that is in the Defyled and blyndyd is, by viciousnes And flesshely lust clene voyde of chastyte In thy vayne wordes is nought of honestee Thou canst no skyll of honest sport ne game But rybaude wordes, soundynge all to shame + Thou art distroyer of all mankynde But namely to suche: as sue thy trayne The wyt thou dullyst, troublynge thy mynde The honest name doste thou distayne Thou bryngest man to infernall payne Wastynge his goodes by wayes prodygall Bnt his last ende, alas is worst of all

By the, in the worlde true loue is maculate By the, dull slouth doth pyteously oppres The lusty bodyes of many a great estate Thou ar destroyer of vertue and nobles And youth descendyd of byrth of worthynes Whan they theyr myndes to thy precept inclyne To nought they vanysshe, so fallynge in ruyne + By the, we greuous sores oft sustayne Infyrmytees, sore peryls and mortall By the, the soule is drowned depe in payne In hell, amonge the fendys infernall Thou makest man slouthfull and dull withall To chast hartis art thou mortall ennemy The wyttis blyndynge, or wastynge vtterly + Thou wretchyd lust dost stynt abate and swage The strength of man, and his audacyte Thou bryngest lowe the lusty hye corage Of manly youth in his prosperite Thou art the mete of all aduersyte And cursyd fode of payne, wo, and doloure Both to the pore, and men of great honoure + Of the hath mortall sorys oft theyr rote And sore sekenes, where to no man mortall Can fynde no socour, no remedy, nor bote But for to speke of the, in generall Recount all yll: and thou art grounde of all Thou art the well, of eche disordered thynge Of whose hede, vyle glotony doth sprynge

Thou makest youth suche as thou dost attyse To lese the vertue of manhode and boldnes Theyr hertis dullynge with ferefull cowardyse Thou makest age to grow in viciousnes Thou makest many to wander in derknes Of vicious lyfe, attysynge by thy gyle Nought chaste thou techyst: but thynge vnpure and vyle + Thou hast no reason: ne stedfastnes of mynde Of wysdome the purest grayne is fro the gone No parfyte wyt shall man within the fynde Of reasons sad, thou certaynly hast none And thoughe at the first thou shewe vnto echone Pleasour: and hope vnto honour to ascende Thou them disceyuest falsly at the ende + The hande of many great laude sholde haue obtayned By worthy tryumphe, auaunsynge so theyr name If thou haddest nat theyr hye purpose distayned Them by thy gyle withdrawynge from the same So by thy mean obscured is theyr fame And by thy venym thou hast intoxycate The noble hertis: of many a great estate + Thou hast ouerthowe the wallys of nobel $Troy%Troia voluptate in teriit si + militeret. Parthi. Grecia.Attica.Sodoma.Corinthus.Egiptus.Tarentum. The $parthyans, and dwellers of $Asy By thy deuowrynge lust haue lost their ioy And many a Cyte by the, on grounde doth lye The Cytees of $Grece with wallys strong and hye Ly nowe on grounde the wallys with gras ouergrowe The $attyke royalmes by the ar nowe full lowe

By the was sodome and other Cytees drowned And that in nomber mo than I can name Hath ben destroyed, and made euyn with the grounde $Corynth (by the) was lost with swerde and flame And moche parte of $egypt was the same $Tarent also, $Assyria and eke $Trace Thou hast destroyed: and that, in wofull case + What nedyth here to name the royalmes all Or all those Cytees and places excellent Whiche thou hast made from theyr honour to fall By punysshement of our lorde omnypotent Some drowned, and some with fyre of heuen brent But to be playne we dayly se doutles That all thy seruauntis ende in wretchydnes + But better is my state, my fortune and degre For all my seruauntis that vnto me inclyne Shall haue rewarde of ioy and blysse with me Whiche ioy, in $heuen abydeth me and myne Vnto vs grauntyd by the grace dyuyne By pacyent labour I pore men here auaunce To worldly welth, and good in abundaunce + The yatis of $heuen to man ar opened wyde And he receyued in ioy that neuer shall cesse So that I be his helper and his gyde To lede hym theder by way of rightwysnes My way is harde, and full of besynes But at the ende I haue a restynge place Wherin is lyfe euerlastynge and solace

Stronge $Hercules that myghty champyon%Hercules And $Julius $Cesar an Emperour royall%Julius cesar And $Alexander whose felawe found was none%Alexander magnus Consyderynge well his wyt and dedys all These hath renowne that neuer can stynt nor fall For that they euer obeyed vnto me And many mo by me brought to degre + I haue auaunsyd to glorious lawde and name $Poule that was consull of the Impyre $romayne%Paulus emilius Whiche dyuers Nacions wan encresynge his fame To the sayde romaynes, triumphe and laude souerayne And thoughe they suffred peryll and great payne Yet hath the loue, and mede of me vertue Nat suffred them harde chargis to eschewe + By me the honour of the hye eloquence Of $Cicero: and: his parfyte polecy$Cicero Ar spred abrode, shynynge: for excellence And noble $Virgyll the Prynce of Poetry%Virgilius The romayne lynage by vers dyd magnyfy He and $Homerus: with Poetis euerychone Hath won theyr glory and laude by me alone + $Arystotyll ensuynge my iust commaundement%Aristolteles Hath made his name, and laudes immortall And also $Plato moste noble and excellent The Phylosophers all other, great or small Hauynge no name, in goodes temporall%Plato. Hath left the worlde, with all his vanyte And at the ende great honour had by me

I clere the wyt, the speche I fortyfye With sadnes reason, and Pleasaunt eloquence I man conferme, augment and edefye With honour, laude, and knowledge of science And to expres my myght in brefe sentence%Prouer.viij. None may here wyn, but by my socour Lawde, fame, ne helth, ryches nor honour + In the is pryde: and all thy wanton wyll Is set on ryot and wretchyd lechery All vicious wordes doth from thy mouth dystyll Thy hole delyte in lust and rybawdry But as for hym that wyll to me aply I shall by vertue brynge hym to rightwysnes And than to glory by wysdome and ryches + I shewe my seruauntis true iustyce and pyte In the hye $Heuen sure fixyd is my mynde My hous is kept ay clene by chastyte My $god is hye: and who that wyll hym fynde%Sapien.iiij. For to be lyght: his lust must leue behynde And so by labour, and parfyte dilygence%Prouer.ix. He may attayne that place of excellence + In vertue, is besy, and dylygent labour For no good comys of slouthfull ydelnes But swet and payne, at ende shall fynde pleasour And parfyte rest: is ende of besynes And he that walkes the way of holynes And lyues in worshyp, ought to be glad and fayne This quyet rest by my helpe to obtayne

So whether thou lust to wyn name of honour By wyt, or warre: by wysdome or by myght Or in a Cyte for to be councellour Or els by lawe to gyue eche man his right Let me vertue alway be in thy syght Than shalt thou by my mean, the way prouyde In euery case howe, thou mayst best the gyde + Who that for loue of vertue speciall Endureth labour, swet, payne and besynes The endles pleasour of ioy celestyall Shall be rewarde to hym for his hardnes Vertue alone is of suche worthynes That gyde it ought and, gouerne euery thynge%Prouer.viij. And gode gyftis, parte, as is to it lykynge + But thou fals lust and pleasour corporall All men disceyuest that vnto the inclyne Thou first art swete, at last more soure than gall Thou many thousandes hast brought vnto ruyne And namely such as of most noble lyne Discendyd ar: for gettynge theyr degre Defyle theyr byrth: and auncyent name by the + Thou art so fyers: so hasty and cruell That no wylde beste: no: nat the mighty bere Can haue respyte within his den to dwell Thy cruell clawes so fyersly doth him tere That on his skyn remayned skant a here Thou sholdest his skyn I trowe rent of also Ne had the Lyon: him socoured in his wo

Therfore ye men (whyle ye haue tyme and space)%Platus in amphi. Prouer.vij. Expell vayne lust and pleasour corporall Whiche dedely yll is barayne of all grace And rote or sparcle to kyndell synnes all Therfore to $Christ for grace se that ye call Wherby ye may all carnall lust subdue And plant in your myndes goodnes and vertue + So shall your hertis sauour the true doctryne And blessyd fayth of $Christ our sauyour Whiche fayth shall brynge you to the syght dyuyne Of $goddes presence, and celestyall pleasour But worldly welth, as riches and honour Shall in this lyfe be part of your rewarde Where as vayne lust endyth in paynes harde The vnyuersall shyp and generall Barke or barge Wherin they rowe: that yet hath had no charge. Within my shyp ar folys innumerable My shyppys dyuers forgyd here before With furious Folys, in foly perdurable But nat the les yet here I forge more And if perchaunce some one hath had no ore Nor place before: condigne for his degre In this great Carake nowe shall he rowe with me + Here shall $Jacke, charde, my brother $Robyn hyll%ii.q.i.multi. With Myllers and bakers that weyght and mesure vii. All stelynge taylers: as Soper: and Manshyll Receyue theyr rowme: bycause they come to The foulest place is mete for theyr estate%i.Esere.v. A rowme for rascoldes hard by the pompe shall be%Sapien.iiii. That stynkynge placis and knaues may agre + Come to Companyons: ren: tyme it is to rowe Our Carake fletis: the se is large and wyde And depe Inough: a pleasaunt wynde doth blowe Prolonge no tyme, our Carake doth you byde Our felawes tary for you on euery syde Hast hyther I say ye folys naturall Howe oft shall I you vnto my Nauy call + Ye haue one confort ye shall nat be alone%Ecclesi.i. Your company almoste is infynyte For nowe alyue ar men but fewe or none That of my shyp can red hym selfe out quyte A fole in felawes, hath pleasour and delyte%In omnem terram exiuit sonus eorum. Here can none want, for our proclamacion Extendyth farre: and to many a straunge nacyon + But to be playne, and speke as intende All men ar folys that can nat them selfe gyde Thus all the worlde may I well comprehende Except a fewe: whome I may set a syde All hole $Asia: though it be longe and wyde And farre from vs, and all nat of our lawe Yet ar they redy our sayles vp to drawe From the farre Costis and hote of $Lybia The $Mawryans and eke the men of $ynde And all the dwellers almost of $Africa The $Lumbarde nacion vntrue of dede and mynde All these within our shyp wyll placis fynde So may the dwellers of $Cecyle and $almayne Of $Italy $Fraunce, $Flaunders, $Grece, and $Spayne + The $Pycardes, $Normans and $Neapolytayns Come in great clusters, our Nauy to augment So doth $Venycians, $Gascowns and $Romayns And lytell $Brytayne is all of lyke assent And also the great by ryches excellent Whiche nowe is callyd plentyfull in $Englonde Comyth to our shyp, with $Wales, and $Scotlande + The out yles all dyspersyd here and there In the mayne se: also come in one bonde So many comys that certaynly I fere Within my shyp they all can nat well stonde Hyther comys also the dwellers of $Irelonde $Denys, and $Mawrys, $Patryke, and $Mackmure In mantels preckyd, for lacke of precious furre + In $Englonde is no Cyte, nor shyre towne Boroughe ne vyllage howe pore so euer it be Nor noble Palays of suche a great renowne But some maryners sende must they vnto come But to be shorte and fle prolixyte There is no Nacyon, ne regyon vnder sonne But all or some, to this my shyp doth ronne Both yonge and olde, pore man, and estate The folysshe moder: hir doughter by hir syde Ren to our Nauy ferynge to come to late No maner of degre is in the worlde wyde But that for all theyr statelynes and pryde As many as from the way of wysdome tryp Shall haue a rowme and place within my shyp + My folysshe felawes therfore I you exort Hast to our Nauy, for tyme it is to rowe Nowe must we leue eche sympyll hauen and porte And sayle to that londe where folys abounde and flowe For whether we aryue, at $London or $Brystowe Or any other Hauen within this our londe We folys ynowe, shall fynde alway at hande + No speciall place wyll I chose for our rode But at auenture: where the wynde shall vs dryue But whyle we wretchys, thus sayle and rowe abrode On this depe se, our foly doth depryue Our soule from helth: and lond of men alyue So that in the wawes of this tempestous se Oftyme we lyue, in doutfull ieopardye + Our frayle bodyes wandreth in care and payne And lyke to botes trowbled with tempest sore%de hac meteria Vergilius in + secundo & iii. enei. From rocke to rocke cast in this se mundayne Before our iyen beholde we euer more The deth of them that passed ar before Alas mysfortune vs causeth oft to rue Whan to vayne thoughtis our bodyes we subdue By dyuers chauncis ren we to ieopardy And of our lyfe, $god wot we ar vnsure Oft of our chauncis we seke no remedy But wander forth: our reason moche obscure Tempest we suffer: sore fallys we indure And to our iournay, so symple hede we take That in the se, and Rockis our shyppis brake + A farre of $Scylla: the rorynge we may here%Scilla Yet by our foly, our myndes ar so cruell That to the peryls (alas) we drawe vs nere And some so wander without gyde or counsell That in the hourlynge pyttis of ferefull hell Theyr shyppis brake, and there alway remayne Within that gulf, in endles wo and payne%Caribdis + We wander in more dout than mortall man can thynke And oft by our foly, and wylfull neglygence Our shyp is in great peryll for to synke So sore ar we ouercharged with offence We se the daunger before our owne presence Of straytis rockis, and bankis of sonde full hye Yet we procede to wylfull ieopardye + We dyuers Monsters within the se beholde Redy to abuse or to deuour mankynde As Dolphyns, whallys, and wonders manyfolde And oft the Marmaydes songe dullyth our mynde That to all goodnes we ar made dull and blynde The wolues of these oft do vs moche care Yet we of them can neuer well beware We se $Polyphemus that foule and great Geant In his dredefull den, mankynde also to dere Whome great vlixes both bolde and valyant Myght for his lokes drede: and quake for fere A thousande Monstres ar mo, mankynde to tere And to deuour, and brynge vnto hell pyt Yet we (alas) our selfe to them submyt + About we wander in tempest and tourment What place is sure, where Foles may remayne And fyx theyr dwellynge sure and parmanent None certaynly: The cause therof is playne We wander in the se, for pleasour bydynge payne And though the hauen of helth be in our syght Alas we fle from it with all our myght + Alas, therfore dayly we must indure Great payne and wo: and well we it deserue For he that of rest (whan he lyst) may be sure And wyll none haue: he worthy is to sterue We loue no wysdome: ne tende nat to obserue Hir lore, and lawes: ne way of ryghtwysnes But arme our selfe with foly and falsnes + Alas, alas the vyle and vayne goddes Of folysshnes: and worldly vanyte Hath made vs drynke: so of hir cup doutles That all our wyttes and reasons blyndyd be A wysdome wysedome great pyte it is to se Howe fewe to thy preceptis nowe inclyne Thy name decayes: and fallys to ruyne Alas dere bretherne, alas thou wretchyd man O frowarde stocke to thy creatour vnkynde Expell thy foly: aply all that thou can To folowe wysdome with all thy myght and mynde What ioy hast thou to wander in the wynde In vyce and errour, without good wyll to stent Cesse man: and seke the: place ay permanent + Set foly: errour (and vanyte asyde) Fle from the wayes: of suche as sue offence Labour to obtayne a place: ay to abyde Without ende before $goddes hye presence Lyst that hell monsters by furyous violence Swalowe vp thy soule to payne from ioy and blys Whyle in this lyfe thou errest or goest amys The vnyuersall shyp of crafty men, or laborers. A company gathryd togyther in a rout Of folysshe men, and blynde by ignoraunce Rowe nowe in botis my shyppis all about Suche men ar they that get theyr sustenaunce With labour of hande, and lewde of gouernaunce But suche as labour truly for theyr fode I wyll nat blame, but them repute as gode + Haste hyther laborers: our sayles ar a loft Our shyp fleys swyftly by myght of ore But first of all ye folys that labour soft And lese the tyme, makynge your maysters pore In this shyp present shall ye be set afore%Operarius ebriosus non + locupletabitur. And than suche as spende theyr wage in dronkenes For dronken workmen come neuer to ryches + But why these Folys vnto my shyp I call For to be short this is the reason why For as the state of all men mortall And eche other thynge chaungyth contynually%Prouer.xi. Without condicion, stable: certaynly So is the state of labourers, disceyuable And moche vnsure, and also chaungeable + The speciall vyce comon amonge them all%de elec.cum magistrum. lxi.dis.miserum.+ xix.dis.sacerdos Is that eche seruaunt fayne wolde a mayster be Yet in his craft he knoweth nought atall But is a Fole therin: and so shall dye And many worke men: as we may dayly se Wandreth as folys: in slouth and ydelnes Hurtynge theyr wages by theyr folysshnes One laboureth fast for lytell or for nought His felawe to put to los or hurte therby Yet he hym selfe to pouertye is brought By his yll wyll, his hatred and enuy And for that this vyce his herte contynually%Ezech.vii. Vexyth and troubleth, for nought he offreth forth That worke or thynge that is great treasour worth + Yet this foule abuse and malyce enuyous Of laborynge men: oft tyme doth them oppres With pouertye, to all mankynde odyous If one sell for lytell another sellys for les Tyll both be opprest with pouertees hardnes%Leui.xxv. Echone despyseth his pryuate auauntage To do another displeasour and damage + Some make theyr ware iniust and disceyuable Sellynge it forth for small and lytell pryce%Ecclesi.xxvii. The trouth appereth playne and verytable For in gode ware the pryse doth ay aryse But contrary if thou the trouth aduyse Where a great thynge for lytell pryce is bought It sygnyfyeth that it is stolen, or nought + All suche as ceueyt the byers to begyle With flaterynge wordes fals and dysceyuable Disceyuynge other, disceyue them selfe the whyle And all other ar greatly reprouable Whiche make theyr warke nat true and profitable But counterfayte and pleasaunt to the iye And nought in profe: men to abuse therby The pryse of eche ware decayeth euery day And yet the ware is skantly worth the pryse Amonge all marchauntis, skant and vneth we may Fynde one or two that trouth do ercyse But all ar blyndyd so by couetyse That nought they force of fals disceytfulnes So that they, may therby obtayne riches + Thus so great chaungis: and mutablyte Styreth the hertis of labourynge men to yre That the most part abyde in pouertye And to be short, echone of them conspyre Agaynst other by malyce, hote as fyre In all theyr hertis none, other thynge doth rayne Saue enuy malyce, hatered and disdayne + What nede is it in wordes to be large Or all the vyce of chrafty men to wryte The payne were longe, and great sholde be the charge And to the same I haue to small respyte For if that any haue pleasour and delyte In this our tyme to be constant and wyse The comontye shall hym hate and despyse + Therfore I leue them in theyr folysshnes Yet praynge $god that they may ones amende And so increas in trouth and rightwysnes That I may haue cause theyr goodnes to commende Who iustly lyueth iustly also shall ende And who that in his craft is iust and true Shall proue in ryches, and prospere in vertue Of Folys that ar ouer worldly. Oft whyle man labours for to ascende By fortune frayle alway forwarde And whyle alway he doth intende For his sore labour to haue rewarde Than is his fortune so sharpe and harde To leue his fote, at his moste nede And let hym slyp in mortall fere and drede Who that lenyth on braunchys frayle Or taketh his holde by leuys lyght Can fynde therby but small auayle But to the grounde descende downe right And though the braunches be stronge and wyght Whan thou begynnest to slyp or slyde In thy degre harde is to abyde + And thoughe the braunches be hole and sounde And be to wayke the to sustayne Yet shalt thou downe come to the grounde So if a man take care and payne To lyue in vertue, and good souerayne Yet all this shall be nought set by But if they be gyded craftely + The strongest braunche or boughe shall fayle Without good wysdome if man ascende But vnto the top if thou preuayle Yet ought thou to thy fete intende Eche thynge is prouyd at the ende Therfore man ought hym euen to bere In hyest rowmes is greattest fere + In clymmynge vp man hath great payne But whan he at the hyest is Hauynge great hope there to remayne In welth and pleasour ioy and blys Yet of the frute small part is his For by one blast of wynde sodayne In one instant he fallys agayne If one be in a rowme a hye Men that ar lowe seme to hym small But to say trouth and veryte Yet may theyr stature be egall In lyke wyse though a man royall Despyse them lyuynge in pouerte Of one metall yet both they be + This worlde all hole goeth vp and downe It ebbes and flowes lyke to the se Wexynge and waynynge lyke the mone Nowe in welthe and in prosperyte Eft in aduers and frowarde pouerte But that man folowes hye wysdome Whiche takys all thynges lyke as they come + Thoughe some in treasour and welth abounde Thynkynge them self wyse men alone Yet whan that they ar brought to grounde They and the pore: is all but one And thoughe thou suerly marke the bone Of begger, and hym, that kynge hath bene Small difference shalt thou fynde bytwene + After the day cometh the nyght So after pleasour oft comys payne He is in prudence, but porely pyght That can nat both in lyke sustayne But if I shall be true and playne No erthly thynge makes more debate Than a vyle chorle come to a state Whan suche a vilayne rude of his mynde A hye is set on a myghty tre To gentyll blode can he nat be kynde Yet he forgettis his owne degre But thoughe the thycke leuys let none se Howe moche myschefe suche go about Yet at the last it wyll come out + If dethys ax the tre downe throwe And if theyr riches as leuys lyght Away fro them on grounde do flowe Than all theyr falshode is out in syght But whyle the tre may stande vp right The leuys of ryches hangynge about To lorellys often the lorde moste lowt + The noble fawcons ar oft opprest The Egle blyndyd, and byrdes small Ar spoyled and dryuen from theyr nest Whan the gredy kyte wyll rule all But if the kyte than after fall By aduers fortune: or his iniquyte The fawcons may well haue ioy to se + Thus well is hym that can attende To take his holde by braunchys stronge Whan he purposeth vp to ascende And in the top to byde there longe Without wysdome it shall be wronge For who that clymmes by stately pryde For greuous wyndes can nat abyde Therfore man who so euer thou be That hast mynde and concupyscence To brynge the into hye degre Or in the seruyce of kynge or prynce If thou be brought to excellence Kepe petye styll before thy iyen Vse iustyce, mekenes, and prudence Remembrynge euer what thou hast ben + To get loue do thy dylygence And if thou wylt haue amyte To auncient blode, do reuerence Thoughe it be but of lowe degre Prouyde the in prosperite For mysfortune: for it is sene That fortune hath no certaynte So thynke thou euer what thou hast bene + Serue $god thy maker aboue all thynge And next that with thy herte and mynde Be true and loyall vnto thy kynge And to his subiectis just and kynde Let auaryce by no way the blynde Than myght thou fall or thou wolde wene So that no faut in the men fynde Care nat to be as thou hast bene A brefe addicion of the syngularyte of some newe Folys. Here maketh myne Autour a specyall mencion Of ypocrytis nat parfyte of byleue And suche as abuseth theyr relygyon But I shall nat so sharply them repreue I am full lothe relygious men to greue Or discontent: for if I so do wolde A myghty volume coude nat theyr vyces holde I leue theyr pryde: I leue theyr couetyse I woll nat touche theyr malyce nor enuy Nor them that $Venus toyes exercyse I woll nat blame, nor touche openly It were but foly, syth is no remedy But if I sholde vpon me take the payne A newe labour I sholde begynne agayne + I them nat touche that cunnynge men disdayne There were none ende in blamynge all the folys The maners, rude, vngoodly, and vylayne And assys erys clokyd vnder cowlys Knowynge no thynge, contemnynge yet the scolys All these to touche and sondry vyces mo It were to sore a charge and payne to do + I wyll nat say that they vse any syn Yet oft, forsoth they folowe nat the way Of the relygon that they haue entred in%Math.vij. Thoughe they the name and, habyte nat denay Yet of theyr lyfe full harde it is to say But often at ende it proueth euydent That vnder floures lurketh the serpent + The wolfe or Foxe is hyd within the skyn Of the symple shepe pore and innocent Mekenes without: but pryde is hyd within The wordes fayre: but fals is theyr intent No sort by falshode, or wayes fraudelent May soner disceyue good folke by any way Than the wyckyd sort of ypocrytis may Hange vp the scapler: the amys cowle and frocke Or other habyte of eche relygyon Vpon a tre clene dede, or rottyn stocke Suche ar those folys that haue professyon Leuynge theyr right rule in eche condicion They bere the habyte the vesture or the wede And eke the name, without the thynge in dede + And if that one lyue well and vertuously In way of grace: lyke as he ought to go The remanent assayle hym with enuy And hym oppres with greuous payne and wo Vntyll he folowe lyke as the other do And leue his way of godly ryghtwysnes Folowynge theyr lyfe full of all viciousnes + The gode ar good and worthy reuerence And whan the Shepherde is ware and dylygent Rulynge hym selfe by vertue and prudence Than grace and goodnes soner shall augment Amonge the flocke by example euydent But if the Shepherde by foly hurte his name Moste comonly the flocke shall do the same + Whan that the hede hath no diseas nor payne Than all the membres greatly the sounder be But if the hede be seke or sore certayne Than ouer the body goeth that infyrmyte But to be playne we dayly here and se That the comontye, in theyr behauour Ar suche as is theyr lorde and gouernour Alas what lewde relygion do they take Or of what sort is theyr professyon That of theyr wombes vyle theyr goddes make As wytles bestis, voyde of discressyon Thus it appereth that theyr ingressyon Into relygion is more for welth and eas Than by harde penaunce, our sauyour to pleas + Thoughe men relygious be countyd in the lawe As dede and gone out of this lyfe actyue That saynge surely is scantly worth a strawe For suche dedys oft tymes they contryue That it appereth playne that they ar alyue But as for that: a part it shall be layde At eche season: trouth ought nat to be sayde + A heuenly lyfe is to be monke or frere Yet is it nat ynoughe to bere the name Suche must they be in lyfe as they apere In outwarde habyte: accordynge to the same Than sholde none haue occasion them to blame For certaynly no vertuous man there is That wyll hym blame that hath nat done amys + For he that is of $god without all dout Wyll be full redy and besy nyght and day The workes of $god almyght to go about The deuyllys seruaunt kepyth another way In lust and pleasour walkynge whyle he may Seruynge his mayster: and yet in euery place He fayneth vertue outwarde in his face Of suche a vyle and wretchyd ypocryte And of his maners playnly as they be At this conclusion brefly shall I wryte As it is founde in good auctoryte Leuynge my auctour for his prolyxite And to playne speche, and eke to lyberall For to be drawen in langage maternall + By these poyntis the whiche I shall expres%Bernardum contra hipocritis + super cantica. Volunt esse humilet sine aespectu, parta pares sine aescectum.+ Bene vestire fine sollicitudine delicate pasci sine labore. Aliis adulantes,+ aliis detrahentes, aliis inuidentes, mordaces vt canes, dolosi vt vulpes,+ superbi vt leones, exterius vt oues, interius vt lupi rapaces, sine + authoritate iudices, sine visu testes, sine processu doctores, postremo + falsi accusatores et omni virtute carentes hecule. Those ypocrytis shall openly apere Whiche outwarde fayne vertue and holynes In worde and dede: where men may se or here But whan that they haue brought them selfe arere And out of syght, and others audyence They ar moche wors than, other in offence + They outwarde in face present humylyte As if they were holy and parfyte of lyuynge Yet wolde they nat of men despysyd be They fayne them pore: yet wyll they lacke no thynge Touchynge theyr habyte, vesture or clothynge They wyll the same in costely maner dresse Without all care thought, trouble or besynesse + They loke to be fed, well and delycyously Without labour, therin is no delyte Some men they flater, but other they enuy And other some, they cruelly bacbyte Some men to malyce, by falshode they excyte As dogges they byte some in playne audyence For synne: thoughe they commyt the same offence As Foxis full of falshode and of gyle By sotelte they all theyr workes gyde They boldly, other for statelynes reuyle Yet as proude Lyons, ar they accloyd with pryde And whyle that they in company abyde They shewe them outwarde as Lambes innocent Lyke rauysshynge wolues yet ar they of intent + They wyll be Iuges without auctoryte And wytnesses without knowlege, or syght They wyll be Doctours of passynge grauyte Without processe in stody day, or nyght And to be short, by Iugement vnright They oft accuse good men, them to oppres Theyr selfe yet bare of vertue and goodnes + These ar the tokyns and sygnes euydent Whiche in ypocrytis men may note and se Also the religyous sholde be obedyent And euer perseuer in fayre humylyte Beynge content with wylfull pouerte Enclynynge euer with all his dilygence His chastyte, to kepe by abstynence + But nowe hath entred into relygyon In stede of mekenes and obedyence Pryde and disdayne, and fals rebellyon Yll wyll, enuy, and other lyke offence Wylfull pouertye, expellyd haue they thence And all ar gyuen vnto worldly ryches Whiche they out wast about vnthryftynes But of theyr chastyte for to be playne It for to kepe is great diffyculte Where glotony and dronkenes doth rayne But where as is abstynence, and scarsyte It may be kept, and best contynued be The flesshe agaynst the reason doth rebell But well is hym that the ardent hete may quell + But these wretchys haue moche gretter hede Theyr wombe to fede tyll they be full as swyne As for theyr soule they labour nat to fede With godly wordes or holsome discyplyne The greattest part to glotony inclyne Whiche is the rote of $Venus insolence Nowe Iuge ye where is theyr contynence + By flatery fayre I loke to haue no mede Theyr lyfe is godly that kepe theyr order true And of theyr right professyon taketh hede Passynge theyr lyfe in goodnes and vertue And that the fendes workes wyll subdue And eke the Fende, fader of all iniquyte By sobernes subduynge theyr sensualyte + Here purpose I no farther to procede Let euery man chose for hym selfe a place As he shall in this boke ouerse or rede For hym moste mete: man knoweth best his case And here shall I by $goddes helpe and grace Drawe all my Nauy, to hauyns for to rest For fere of wynter stormes and tempest Wysdome hath gyuen me this commaundement My wyt is wery: my hande and hede also Wherfore I gladly with all my herte assent And lepe a borde, amonge the other mo But in my iournay: if that I haue mysgo By bytynge wordes or scarsnes of scyence I yelde me vnto men of more prudence + It is no meruayle (the trouth playnly to say) Syth I a mayster without experyence Of worldly thynges, haue erred from the way By ignoraunce, or slouthfull neglygence Let none be wroth for blamynge his offence For if his lyfe fro synne be pure and clere No maner hurt is sayde agaynst hym here + Within a myrrour, if thou beholde thy chere Or shap of face: if thy colour be pure Within the myrrour to the it shall apere But if that thou be foule of thy fygure The glas shall shewe the same I the insure Yet blame thou nat the myrrour for the same But thy owne shap thou ought rebuke and blame + The myrrour showys eche man lyke as they be So doth my boke, for who that is in syn Shall of his lyfe, the fygure in it se If he with good aduertence loke therin But certaynly his reason is but thyn For his yll lyfe if he my boke despyse For them I laude that vertue exercyse Let nat the redar be discontent with this Nor any blame agayne me to obiect Thoughe that some wordes be in my boke amys For though that I my selfe dyd it correct Yet with some fautis I knowe it is infect Part by my owne ouersyght and neglygence And part by the prynters nat perfyte in science + And other some escaped ar and past For that the Prynters in theyr besynes Do all theyr workes hedelynge, and in hast Wherfore if that the redar be wytles He shall it scorne anone by frowardnes But if the reder wyse, sad and discrete be He shall it mende: laynge no faut to me + It is ynoughe if my labour may be sene Of lernyd men, and theyr mynde to content For nought is pleasaunt before a Folys iyen And to be playne it was nat myne intent At my begynnynge to Folys to assent Ne pleas theyr myndes by sparynge of theyr vyce But it to shewe: and that in playnest wyse + Therfore let Folys haue theyr wordes vayne Whiche nought can do, but without reason chat All others dedes, by lewde tunge to distayne And if theyr belyes be full, and chekis fat Let Clerkes speke, and they haue scorne therat They knowe no thinge: yet wolde, they fayne haue prayse And theyr owne dedes onely doth them please With suche Folys I ende my besynes Whiche all thynge blame, and vtterly dispyse Yet all theyr lyfe they passe in ydylnes Or in theyr bely fedynge in bestely wyse But this I fynde, that no man can deuyse A thynge so crafty, so good and excellent Or yet so sure: that may eche man content + What warke is that: that may eche man content No worldly thynge: forsoth I trowe the same Thoughe $Virgyll were a poet excellent Afore all other, shynynge in lawde and fame Yet some there were whiche dyd his warkes blame $Jerome with other Doctours certaynly Cowde nat theyr warkes defende well from enuy + Holde me excusyd: for why my wyll is gode Men to induce vnto vertue and goodnes I wryte no Iest ne tale of $Robyn $hode Nor sawe no sparcles ne sede of vyciousnes Wyse men loue vertue, wylde people wantones It longeth nat to my scyence nor cunnynge For $Phylyp the Sparowe the (Dirige) to synge. A conclusyon of this Boke with a Balade of the translatour in the honoure of the blessyd Virgyn $Mary, moder of $god. O Moder $mary flour of all womankynde In beauty passynge eche erthly creature In whome the Fende no thought of synne coude fynde O blessyd moder remaynynge Mayden pure O lemynge lampe in lyght passynge nature Moste clere Crystall by clene virgynyte O holy moder, and virgyne most demure Direct our lyfe in this tempestous se + O well of mercy: o godly graffe of grace Bryght as the mone, and porte of Paradyse In whome Chryst $Jesu elect his dwellynge place Chosen as the son, O rose passynge all pryce Plantyd in $Ann without consent of vyce O noble fruyte spronge of a barayne tre Syns to thy son: thou art our medyatryce Direct our lyfe in this tempestous se + O ceder tre growynge in $Lybany O rod of $Jesse, and spouse of $Salomon O well of water lastynge eternally O gardayne, closyd, o flees of $gedeon O cyte of $god, and sempiternall trone Of $god elect for thy humylyte To the I call: o Lady here my mone Direct our lyfe, in this tempestous se + O $Mary, myrrour clere and immaculate O tour of $Dauyd: with Pynacles without pere O pleasaunt olyue, with vertue decorate Pyller of fayth, whyle thou wast lyuynge here O heuenly starre, of gardyns fountayne clere O plesaunt Lyly moste goodly in beautye Compalyd rounde with the sharpe thorne and brere Direct our lyfe in this tempestous se + Hayle moder of mercy: Hayle myrrour of mekenes Hayle Quene of blysse: hayle sterre celestyall Hayle hope of synners, eternall Emperes Whiche by the fruyt of thy closet virgynall Mankynde hast wasshyd from synne orygynall Lowse of our bondes, and make vs synners fre From paynfull pyt and dongeon infernall Gydynge our lyfe in this tempestous se + O Quene vs red out, of captyuyte On the we call, in the our confort is That by thy prayer to the hye Trinyte All shall be pardonyd that we haue done amys Syns thou art in eternall ioy and blys Our mediatryce: before the deyte Our hope is sure: that thou wylt neuer mys Our lyfe to gyde in this tempestous se + O glorious Lady: o Quene most excellent Howe may I synner thy lawdes comprehende My synfull mouth is nat suffycyent Worthy nor able thy goodnes to commende My wyt ne reason coude nat therto extende Thoughe euery member of myne were tunges thre Yet is my trust that thou wylt euer intende To gyde vs synners in this tempestous se Syns synners stray here in this se mundayne In dyuers synnes, by errour and fraylnes By thy bryghtnes reduce our way agayne Shewe vs thy lyght to clere our thycke derknes And to subdue the Prynce of viciousnes With all his pompes, his pryde and vanyte And come to heuen by way of rightwysnes Thou gydynge vs in this tempestous se. + O blessyd Moder, set hye in $goddes trone In ioy and blysse surmountynge mannes mynde Syns by thy fruyte we saued ar echone And heuen yatis opened to mankynde Graunt that we dayly by the may socour fynde Of soule and body in eche aduersyte Let thy lyght. Lady. the Fende subdue and blynde And gyde vs wretches in this tempestous se + Thou art the Sterre, blasynge with bemys bryght Aboue these worldes wawes so violent Our synnes darke enclerynge with thy lyght Mannys mediatryce to $god omnypotent Wherfore to the, o Lady I present This symple Boke thoughe it vnworthy be But pore and symple and moche ineloquent Rudely composyd in this tempestous se + O blessyd virgyn, O resplendaunt lanterne Defende my Shyp from the malyciousnes Of fals enuy, withsaue it to gouerne From stroke of storme: as most holy patrones My soule and body: to the also Empres And all my workes I submyt besekynge the That the foule Fende me neuer may oppres Whyle I here wander in this tempestous se + And after whan my soule is seperate From this mortall body, and clot of clay With thy holy presence, o moder immaculate From me expell the ougly fende away O moder of mercy syns thou well may Thy sonnes presence purchace for me By thy ayde and socour that I may say That I haue escapyd this stormy se. + Our Shyp here leuyth the sees brode By helpe of $God almyght and quyetly At Anker we lye within the rode But who that lysteth of them to bye In $Flete strete shall them fynde truly At the $George: in $Richarde $Pynsonnes place Prynter vnto the Kynges noble grace. Deo gratias.