The accompanying electronic files, "HEREBERT.*", reproduce the text of the
sermons and poems of the fourteenth-century Oxford Franciscan, William
Herebert, as edited by Stephen R. Reimer. This text, with complete critical
apparatus, commentary, and bibliography, is contained in
The Works of William Herebert, OFM, ed. Stephen R. Reimer (Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1987).
This edition and all reproductions of parts of that edition (such as these
electronic files) are copyrighted: (c) 1987, the Pontifical Institute of
Mediaeval Studies, Toronto. Permission for the use of any part of these
electronic files beyond those uses explicitly allowed under the Code of
Practice and the classification system of the Oxford Text Archive should be
sought from
The Director of Publications
The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
59 Queen's Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 2C4
The conventions used in coding these texts are based upon the recommendations
contained in the Chicago Guide to Preparing Electronic Manuscripts
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), with a number of additions.
Specifically, the following codes have been used:
Chapter number: begins a heading for a new division of the text
(sermon, sermon outline, or poem)
End the chapter heading
Begin italics
End italics
End non-printing comments
Where "n" stands for any integer: this code is placed at the point
in the text where a note by the author (Herebert) appeared;
the notes are placed at the end of each sermon/file
Begin treating the following lines as verse: do not "fill" the
lines or delete blanks at the beginning of lines, etc. Lines
longer than 80 characters are continued on a second line which
begins with three blanks.
End verse; resume prose
What follows is a crux in the text: the reading offered is not
necessarily reliable (consult the paper copy of the edition
for explanations)
End crux: normal reliability resumes
The following codes do not use "end" codes: each of these affects only one
An accute accent should be placed over the FOLLOWING letter
Replace this code with a lower case thorn
Replace this code with an upper case thorn
Replace this code with a lower case yogh
Replace this code with an upper case yogh
Replace this code with a lower case o-e ligature
Replace this code with an upper case o-e ligature
The folio numbers given throughout the texts refer to the unique manuscript
of Herebert's works: London, BL MS Addit. 46919.
These texts are offered to the Oxford Text Archive and its users by the editor
with the permission of the publisher. Please advise the editor of any errors
detected in the transcription or of any improvements that could be made to
this electronic publication. I would also appreciate hearing of any projects
which make use of these texts and of the results of any analyses of these
Stephen R. Reimer
Department of English
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E5