Piers The Ploughmans Crede CROS, AND Curteis Crist * @is begynnynge spede, For @e faderes frendchipe * @at fourmede Heuene, And @oru$ @e speciall spirit * @at sprong of hem tweyne, And alle in on godhed * endles dwelle@ ! 4 A and all myn A.b.c * after haue y lerned, And [patred] in my pater-noster * iche poynt after o@er, And after all, myn Aue-marie * almost to @e ende ; 7 But all my kare is to comen * for y can noh$t my Crede. Whan y schal schewen myn schrift * schent mote y wor@en, #e prest wil me punyche * & penaunce enioyne ; #e Leng@e of a Lenten * flech moot y leue After @at Estur ys ycomen * and @at is hard fare ; 12 And Wedenes-day iche wyke * wi@-outen flech-mete. And also Jesu hym-self * to the Jewes he seyde, " He @at leeue@ nou$t on me * he lese@ @e blisse." #erfor lerne @e byleue * leuest me were, 16 And if any werldly wi$t * wille me cou@e, O@er lewed or lered * @at lyue@ @erafter, And fulliche folweth @e fey@ * and feyne@ non o@er ; #at no worldliche wele * wilne@ no tyme, 20 But lyue@ in louynge of God * and his lawe holde@, And for no getynge of good * neuer his God greue@, But follow[e]@ him @e full wey * as he @e folke taughte. But to many maner of men * @is matter is asked, 24 Bo@e to lered and to lewed * @at seyn @at @ey leueden Hollich on @e grete god * and hoden alle his hestes ; But by a fraynyng for-@an * faile@ @er manye. 27 For first y fraynede @e freres * and @ey me fulle tolden, #at all @e frute of @e fay@ * was in here foure ordres, And @e cofres of cristendam * & @e keye bo@en, And @e lok [of beleve * lyeth] loken in her hondes. #anne [wende] y to wyten * & wi@ a whi$t y mette, 32 A Menoure in a morow-tide * & to @is man I saide, " Sire, for grete god[e]s loue * @e grai@ @ou me telle, Of what myddelerde man * my$te y best lerne My Crede ? For I can it nou$t * my kare is @e more ; 36 & @erfore, for Cristes loue ! * @i councell y praie. A Carm me ha@ y-couenaunt * @e Crede me to teche ; But for @ou knowest Carmes well * @i counsaile y aske." #is Menour loked on me * and law$yng he seyde, 40 " Leue Cristen man * y leue @at @ou madde ! Whou$ schulde @ei techen @e God * @at con not hemselue? #ei ben but jugulers * and iapers, of kynde, Lorels and Lechures * & lemmans holden ; 44 Ney@er in order ne out * but vn-ne@e lybbe@, And byiape@ @e folke * wi@ gestes of Rome ! It is but a faynt folk * i-founded vp-on iapes, #ei make@ hem Maries men * (so @ei men tellen), 48 And lie@ on our Ladie * many a longe tale. And @at wicked folke * wymmen bi-traie@, And bigile@ hem of her good * wi@ glauerynge wordes, And @erwi@ holden her hous * in harlotes werkes. 52 And, so saue me God ! * I hold it gret synne To $yuen hem any good * swiche glotones to fynde, To maynteyne swiche maner men * @at mychel good destruye@. $et seyn they in here sutilte * to sottes in townes, 56 #ei comen out of Carmeli * Crist for to followen, & feyne@ hem with holynes * @at yuele hem biseme@. #ei lyuen more in lecherie * and lieth in her tales #an suen any god liife ; * but [lurken] in her selles, 60 [And] wynnen werldliche god * & wasten it in synne. And $if @ei cou@en her credo * o@er on Crist leueden, #ei weren nou$t so hardie * swich harlotri vsen. Sikerli y can nou$t fynden * who hem first founded, 64 But @e foles foundeden hem-self * freres of the Pye, And maken hem mendynauns * & marre @e puple. But what glut of @o gomes * may any good kachen, He will kepen it hym-self * & cofren it faste, 68 And @ei$ his felawes fayle good for him he may steruen. Her money may bi-quest * & testament maken, And no obedience bere * but don as [hem] luste. [And] ry$t as Robertes men * raken aboute, 72 At feires & at ful ales * & fyllen @e cuppe, And preche@ all of pardon * to plesen the puple. Her pacience is all based * & but out to ferme, And pride is in her pouerte * @at litell is to preisen. 76 And at @e lulling of oure Ladye * @e wymmen to lyken, And miracles of mydwyves * & maken wymmen to wenen #at @e lace of oure ladie smok * li$te@ hem of children. #ei ne prechen nou$t of Powel * ne penaunce for synne, But all of mercy & mensk * @at Marie maie helpen. 81 Wi@ sterne staues and stronge * @ey ouer lond strake@ #ider as her lemmans ligge@ * and lurke@ in townes, (Grey grete-hedede quenes * wi@ gold by @e ei$en), 84 And seyn, @at here sustien @ei ben * @at soiourne@ aboute ; And @us about @ey gon * & godes folke by-traie@. It is @e puple @at Powel * preched of in his tyme ; He seyde of swich folk * @at so aboute wente, 88 " Wepyng, y warne $ow * of walkers aboute ; It be@ enemyes of @e cros * @at crist opon @olede. Swiche slomerers in slepe * slau@e is her ende, And glotony is her God * wi@ g[l]oppyng of drynk, 92 And gladnes in glees * & gret ioye y-maked ; In @e schendyng of swiche * schall mychel folk law$e.' #perfore, frend, for @i fey@ * fond to don betere, Leue nou$t on @o losels * but let hem for@ pasen, 94 For @ei ben fals in her fei@ * & fele mo o@ere." " Alas ! frere," qua@ I @o * " my purpos is i-failed, Now is my counfort a-cast ! * canstou no bote, Where y my$te meten wi@ a man * @at my$te me [wissen] 100 For to connne my Crede * Crist for to folwen ?" "CERTEYNE, felawe," qua@ @e frere * " wi@-outen any faile. Of all men opon mold * we Menures most schewe@ #e pure Apostell[e]s life * wi@ penance on er@e, 104 And suen hem in saunctite * & suffren well harde. We haunten none tauernes * ne hobelen abouten ; At marketts & myracles * we medle@ vs nevere ; We hondlen no money * but menelich faren, 108 And haven hunger at [the] meate * at ich a mel ones. We hauen forsaken the worlde * & in wo lybbe@, In penaunce & pouerte * & preche@ @e puple, By ensample of oure life * soules to helpen ; 112 And in pouertie praien * for all oure parteners #at $yue@ vs any good * god to honouren, O@er bell o@er booke * or breed to our fode, O@er catell o@er clo@ * to coveren wi@ our bones, 116 Money or money-worthe ; * here mede is in heven. For we bulde@ a burw$ * a brod and a large, A Chirche and A Chapaile * with chambers a-lofte, Wi@ wide windowes y-wrou$t * & walles well heye, 120 #at mote bene portreid and paynt * & pulched ful clene, Wi@ gaie glittering glas * glowing as @e sonne. And my$testou amenden vs * wi@ money of @yn owne, #ou chuldest enely bifore Crist * in compas of gold 124 In @e wide windowe westwarde * wel ni$o in the myddell, And seynt Fraunces himself * schall folden the in his cope, And presente the to the trynitie * and praie for thy synnes ; #i name schall noblich ben wryten * & wrou$t for the nones, 128 And, in remembrance of @e * y-rade @er for euer. And, bro@er, be @ou nou$t aferd ; * [bythenk in] thyn herte, #ou$ @ou conne nou$t @i Crede * kare @ou no more. I schal asoilen @e, syre * & setten it on my soule, 132 And @ou maie maken @is good * @enk @ou non o@er." " SIRE," y saide, " in certaine * y schal gon & asaye ;"-- And he sette on me his honde * & asoilede me clene, And @eir y parted him fro * wi@-outen any peine, 136 In couenant @at y come a$en * Crist he me be-tau$te. @anne saide y to my-self * " here seme@ litel trew@e ! First to blamen his bro@er * and bacbyten him foule, #eire-as curteis Crist * clereliche saide, 140 " Whow my$t-tou in thine bro@er ei$e * a bare mote loken, And in @yn owen ei$e * nou$t a bem toten? See fyrst on @i-self * and si@en on ano@er, And clense clene @i sy$t * and kepe well @yn ei$e, 144 And for ano@er mannes ei$e * ordeyne after.' And also y sey coueitise * catel to fongen, #at Crist ha@ clerliche forboden * & clenliche destruede, And saide to his sueres * forso@e on @is wise, 148 " Nou$t @i nei$bours good * couet yn no tyme.' But charite & chastete * ben chased out clene, But Crist seide, " by her fruyt * men shall hem ful knowen.' " 151 #anne saide y, " certeyn, sire * @ou demest full trewe ! " #ANNE @ou$t y to frayne @e first * of @is foure ordirs, And presede to @e prechoures * to proven here wille. [Ich] hi$ede to her house * to herken of more ; And whan y cam to @at court * y gaped aboute. 156 Swich a bild bold, y-buld * opon er@e hei$te Say i nou$t in certeine * si@@e a longe tyme. Y $emede vpon @at house * & $erne @eron loked, 159 Whou$ @e pileres weren y-peynt * and pulched ful clene, And queynteli i-coruen * wi@ curiouse knottes, Wi@ wyndowes well y-wrou$t * wide vp o-lofte. And @anne y entrid in * and even-for@ went, And all was walled @at wone * @ou$ it wid were, 164 Wi@ posternes in pryuytie * to pasen when hem liste ; Orche$ardes and erberes * euesed well clene, And a curious cros * craftly entayled, Wi@ tabernacles y-ti$t * to toten all abouten. 168 #e pris of a plou$-lond * of penyes so rounde To aparaile @at pyler * were pure lytel. #anne y munte me for@ * @e mynstre to knowen, And a-waytede a woon * wonderlie well y-beld 172 Wi@ arches on eueriche half * & belliche y-corven, Wi@ crochetes on corners * wi@ knottes of golde, Wyde wyndowes y-wrou$t * y-written full @ikke, Schynen wi@ schapen scheldes * to schewen aboute, 176 Wi@ merkes of marchauntes * y-medled bytwene, Mo @an twenty and two * twyes y-noumbered. #er is none heraud @at ha@ * halt swich a rolle, Ri$t as a rageman * ha@ rekned hem newe. 180 Tombes opon tabernacles * tyld opon lofte, Housed in hirnes * harde set abouten, Of armede alabaustre * clad for @e nones, [Made vpon marbel * in many maner wyse, 184 Knyghtes in her conisantes * clad for @e nones,] All it semed seynteg * y-sacred opon er@e ; And louely ladies y-wrou$t * leyen by her sydes In many gay garmentes * @at weren gold-beten. 188 #ou$ @e tax of ten $er * were trewly y-gadered, Nolde it nou$t maken @at hous * half, as y trowe. #anne kam I to @at cloister * & gaped abouten 191 Whou$ it was pilered and peynt * & portred well clene, All y-hyled wi@ leed * lowe to @e stones, And y-paued wi@ peynt til * iche poynte after o@er ; Wi@ kundites of clene tyn * closed all aboute, Wi@ lauoures of latun * louelyche y-greithed. 196 I trowe @e gaynage of @e ground * in a gret schire Nolde aparaile @at place * oo poynt til other ende. #anne was @e chaptire-hous wrou$t * as a greet chirche, Coruen and couered * and queyntliche entayled ; 200 Wi@ semlich selure * y-set on lofte ; As a Parlement-hous * y-peynted aboute. #anne ferd y into fraytour * and fond @ere an o@er, 203 An halle for an hey$ kinge * an housholde to holden, Wi@ brode bordes aboute * y-benched wel clene, Wi@ windowes of glas * wrou$t as a Chirche. #anne walkede y ferrer * & went all abouten, And sei$ halles full hy$e * & houses full noble, 208 Chambers wi@ chymneyes * & Chapells gaie ; And kychens for an hy$e kinge * in castells to holden, And her dortour y-di$te * wi@ dores ful stronge ; Fermery and fraitur * with fele mo houses, 212 And all strong ston wall * sterne opon hei@e, Wi@ gaie garites & grete * & iche hole y-glased ; [And o@ere] houses y-nowe * to herberwe @e queene. And $et @ise bilderes wilne beggen * a bagg-ful of wheate 216 Of a pure pore man * @at maie one@e paie Half his rente in a $er * and half ben behynde ! #anne turned y a$en * whan y hadde all y-toted, And fond in a freitour * a frere on a benche, 220 A greet cherl & a grym * growen as a tonne, Wi@ a face as fat * as a full bledder, Blowen bretfull of bre@ * & as a bagge honged 223 On bo@en his chekes, & his chyn * wi@ a chol lollede, As greet as a gos eye * growen all of grece ; #at all wagged his fleche * as a quyk myre. His cope @at biclypped him * wel clene was it folden, Of double worstede y-dy$t * doun to @e hele ; 228 His kyrtel of clene whijt * clenlyche y-sewed ; Hyt was good y-now of ground * greyn for to beren. I haylsedo @at herdeman * & hendliche y saide, " Gode syre, for Godes loue * canstou me grai@ tellen 232 To any wor@ely wij$t * @at [wissen] me cou@e Whou y schulde conne my Crede * Crist for to folowe, #at leuede lelliche him-self * & lyuede @erafter, #at feynede non falshede * but fully Crist suwede ? 236 For sich a certeyn man * syker wold y trosten, #at he wolde telle me @e trew@e * and turne to none o@er. And an Austyn @is ender daie * egged me faste ; 239 #at he wolde techen me wel * he ply$t me his treu@e, And seyde me, " serteyne * sy@en Crist died Oure ordir was [euelles] * & erst y-founde.' " " FYRST, felawe !" qua@ he * " fy on his pilche ! He is but abortijf * eked wi@ cloutes ! 244 He holde@ his ordynaunce * wi@e hores and @eues, And purchase@ hem pryuileges * wi@ penyes so rounde ; It is a pur pardoners craft * proue & asaye ! For haue @ei @i money * a mone@ @erafter, 248 Certes, @ei$ @ou come a$en * he nyl @e nou$t knowen. But, felawe, our foundement * was first of @e o@ere, And we ben founded fulliche * wi@-outen fayntise ; And we ben clerkes y-cnowen * cunnynge in scole, 252 Proued in procession * by processe of lawe. Of oure ordre @er be@ * bichopes wel manye, Seyntes on sundry stedes * @at suffreden harde ; And we ben proued @e prijs * of popes at Rome, 256 And of gretest degre * as godspelles telle@." " A ! syre," qua@ y @anne * " @on seyst a gret wonder, Si@en Crist seyd hym-self * to all his disciples, " Which of $ou @at is most * most schal he werche, 260 And who is goer byforne * first schal he seruen.' And seyde, " he sawe satan * sytten full hey$e And ful lowe ben y-leyd ;' * in lyknes he tolde, #at in pouernesse of spyrit * is spedfullest hele, 264 And hertes of heynesse * harme@ @e soule. And @erfore, frere, fare well * here fynde y but pride ; Y preise nou$t @i preching * but as a pure myte." And anger[l]ich y wandrede * @e Austyns to proue, 268 And mette wi@ a maister of @o men * & meklich y seyde, " Maister, for @e moder loue * @at Marie men kalle@, Knowest @ou ou$t @er @ou comest * a creatour on er@e, #at coude me my Crede teche * and trewliche enfourme, Wi@-outen flaterynge fare * & no@ing feyne ? 273 #at folwe@ fulliche @e fei@ * and none other fables, Wi@-outen gabbynge of glose * as @e godspelles telle@ ? A Menour ha@ me holly by-hy$t * to helen my soule, For he sei@ @at her sekte * is sykerest on er@e, 277 And ben kepers of @e keye * @at Cristendome helpe@, And pur[l]iche in pouerte * @e apostells @ey suwe@." " ALAS ! ' qua@ @e frier * " almost y madde in mynde, To sen hou$ @is Minoures * many men begyleth ! So@li, somme of @o gomes * ha@ more good him-selue #an ten kny$tes @at y knowe * of catell in cofers ! In fraytour @ei faren best * of all @e foure orders, 284 And [vsen] ypocricie * in all @at @ey werchen, And prechen all of parfitnes * but loke now, y @e praye, Nou$t but profre hem in pryvite * a [peny] for a masse, And, but his cnaue be prest * put out myne ei$e, 288 #ou$ he hadde more money hid * @an marchantes of wolle ! Loke hou$ @is loresmen * lordes bytrayen, Seyn @at @ey folwen fully * Fraunceses rewle, #at in cotynge of his cope * is more clo@ y-folden 292 #an was in Fraunces froc * whan he hem first made. And $et, vnder @at cope * a cote ha@ he furred, Wi@ foyns, or wi@ fitchewes * o@er fyn beuer, And @at is cutted to @e kne * & queyntly y-botend, 296 Lest any spirituall man * aspie @at gile. Fraunces bad his bre@eren * barfote to wenden ; Non han @ei bucled schon * for bleynynge of her heles, And hosen in harde weder * y-hamled by @e ancle, 300 And spicerie sprad in her purse * to parten where hem lust. Lordes loueth hem well * for @ei so lowe crouchen ; But knewen men her cautel * & her queynt wordes, #ei wolde worchyhen hem * nou$t but a litel, 304 #e image of ybocricie * ymped vpon fendes. But, sone, $if @ou wilte ben syker * seche @ou no ferther, We friers be @e first * and founded vpon treu@e. Paul primus [heremita] * put vs him-selue 308 Awey into wildernes * @e werlde to dispisen ; And @ere we leng[e]den full longe * & lyueden full harde, For-to all @is freren folke * weren founded in townes, And tau$ten vntrulie ; * and @at we well aspiede, 312 And for chefe charitie * we chargeden vs seluen ; In amending of @is men * we maden oure celles To ben in cyties y-set * to sty$tle @e people, Preching & praying * as profetes schulden ; 316 And so we holden vs @e heued * of all holy chirche. We haue power of the pope * purliche assoilen All @at helpen our hous * in helpe of her soules, To dispensen hem wi@ * in dedes of synne ; 320 All @at amendeth oure hous * in money o@er elles, Wi@ corne o@er catell * or clo@es of beddes, O@er- bedys or broche * or breed for our fode. And $if @ou hast any good * & wilt @i-selfe helpen, 324 Helpe vs hertliche @erwi@e * & here I vndertake, #ou schalt ben bro@er of our hous * & a boke habben (At @e next chaptire) * clereliche ensealed ; And @anne oure prouinciall * ha@ power to assoilen 328 Alle sustren & bre@eren * @at be@ of our order. And @ou$ @ou conne nou$t @i Crede * knele downe here ; My soule y sette for @yn * to asoile @e clene, In Couenaunt @at @ou come againe * & katell vs bringe." 332 And @anne loutede y adoun * & he me leue grauntede, And so I partid him fro * & @e frere left. #anne seid I to my-self * " here is no bote ; 335 Heere pride is @e pater-noster * in preyinge of synne ; Here Crede is coueytise ; * now can y no fer@er, $et will y fonden for@ * & fraynen @e Karmes." #ANNE totede into a tauerne * & @er y aspyede Two frere Karmes * wi@ a full coppe. 340 #ere y auntrede me in * & ai[s]liche y seide, " Leue syre, for @e lordes loue * @at @ou on leuest, Lere me to som man * my Crede for to lerne, #at lyue@ in [lel] lijf * and loue@ no synne, 344 And glose@ nou$t @e godspell * but halt Godes he[s]tes, And ne@er money ne mede * ne may him nou$t letten But werchen after Godes worde * wi@-outen any faile. A prechour y-professed * ha@ pli$t me his trew@e 348 To techen me trewlie ; * but woldest @ou me tellen For @ei ben certayne men * & syker on to trosten, Y wolde quyten @e @i mede * as my mi$te were." " A TREFLE qua@ he " trewlie ! * his treu@ is full litell ! 352 He dyned nou$t wi@ Domynike * si@e Crist deide ! For wi@ @e princes of pride * @e prechours dwellen ; #ei bene as digne as @e devel * @at droppe@ fro heuene. Wi@ hertes of heynesse * wou$ halwen @ei chirches 356 And dele@ in devynitie * as dogges do@ bones ! #ei medleth wi@ messages * & mariages of grete ; #ey leeuen wi@ lordes * wi@ lesynges y-nowe ; #ey bigge@ hem bichopryches * wi@ bagges of golde ; 360 #ei wilne@ worchipes-- * but waite on her dedes ! Herken at Herdfor@e * hou @at @ey werchen, And loke whou @at @ei lyven * & leeue as @ou fyndest. #ey [ben] counseilours of kinges * Crist wot @e so@e, 364 Whou @ey [curry] kinges * & her back clawe@ ! God lene hem leden well * in lyvinge of heven, And glose hem nou$t for her good * to greven her soules ! 367 Y pray @e, where ben @ei pryue * wi@ any pore wi$tes, #at maie not amenden her hous * ne amenden hem- seluen ? #ei prechen in proude harte * & preise@ her order, And werdliche worchype * wilne@ in er@e. Leeue it well, lef man * & men ry$t-lokede, 372 #er is more pryue pride * in prechours hertes #an @er lefte in Lucyfer * er he were lowe fallen ; #ey ben digne as dich water * @at dogges in bayte@ Loke a ribaut of hem * @at can nou$t wel reden 376 His rewle ne his respondes * but be pure rote, Als as he were a connynge Clerke * he caste@ @e lawes, Nou$t lowli but lordly * & leesinges lye@. For ry$t as Menoures * most ypocricie vse@, 380 Ry$t so ben Prechers proude * purlyche in herte. But, Cristen creatour * we Karmes first comen Even in Elyes tyme * first of hem all, And lyven by our Lady * & lelly hir seruen 384 In clene comun life * kepen vs out of synne ; Nowt proude as prechours be@ * but prayen full still For all @e soules and @e lyves * @at we by lybbeth. We connen on no queyntyse * (Crist wot @e so@e !) 388 But bysie@ vs in oure bedes * as vs best holde@. And @erfore, leue leel man * leeue @at ich sygge, A masse of vs mene men * is of more mede And passeth all praiers * of @ies proude freers. 392 And @ou wilt $yuen vs any good * y would @e here graunten To taken all @y penance * in peril of my soule ; And @ou$ @ou conne nou$t @y crede * clene @e assoile, So @at @ou mowe amenden our hous * wi@ money o@er elles, 396 Wi@ som katell o@er corne * or cuppes of siluer." " TREWELY, frere," qua@ y @o * " to tellen @e @e so@e, #er is no peny in my palke * to payen for my mete ; I haue no good ne no gold * but go @us abouten, 400 And travaile full trewlye * to wynnen withe my fode. But woldest @ou for godes loue * lerne me my Crede, Y schuld don for @y will * whan I wele hadde." " Trewlie," qua@ @e frere * " a fol y @e holde ! 404 #ou woldest not weten @y fote * & woldest fich kacchen ! Our pardon & oure preiers * so be@ @ey nou#t parted, Oure power laste@ nou$t so feer * but we some peny fongen. Fare well," qua@ @e frere * " for y mot he@en fonden, And hyen to an houswife * @at ha@ vs beque@en 409 Ten pounde in hir testament * to tellen @e so@e. Ho drawe@ to @e de@e-warde * but $et I am in drede Lest ho turne her testament * & @erfore I hy$e 412 To hauen hir to our hous * and henten $if y mi$te An Anuell for myn owen [vse] * to helpen to clo@e." " Godys forbode," qua@ [his] fellawe * " but ho for@ passe Wil ho is in purpose * wi@ vs to departen ; 416 God let her no lenger lyven * for letteres ben manye." #ANNE turned y me for@e * and talked to my-selue Of @e falshede of @is folk * whou fei@les they [weren]. And as y wente be @e #aie * wepynge for sorowe, 420 [I] sei$ a sely man me by * opon @e plow hongen. His cote was of a cloute * @at cary was y-called, His hod was full of holes * & his heer oute, Wi@ his knopped schon * clouted full @ykke ; 424 His ton toteden out * as he @e londe treddede, His hosen ouerhongen his hokschynes * on eueriche a side, Al beslombred in fen * as he @e plow folwede ; Twey myteynes, as mete * maad all of cloutes ; 428 #e fyngers weren for-werd * & ful of fen honged. #is whit waselede in @e [fen] * almost to @e ancle, Foure ro@eren hym by-forn * @at feble were [wor@en] ; Men my$te reken ich a ryb * so reufull @ey weren. 432 His wijf walked him wi@ * wi@ a longe gode, In a cutted cote * cutted full hey$e, Wrapped in a wynwe schete * to weren hire fro weders, Barfote on @e bare ijs * @at @e blod folwede. 436 And at @e londes ende laye * a litell crom-bolle, And @eron lay a litell childe * lapped in cloutes, And tweyne of tweie $eres olde * opon a-no@er syde, And alle @ey songen o songe * @at sorwe was to heren ; #ey crieden alle o cry * a carefull note. 441 #e sely man si$ede sore, & seide * " children, be@ stille !" #is man loked opon me * & leet @e plow stonden, And seyde, " sely man, why sy$est @ou so harde ? 444 $if @e lakke lijflode * lene @e ich will Swich good as God ha@ sent * go we, leue bro@er." Y saide @anne, " naye, sire * my sorwe is wel more ; For y can nou$t my Crede * y kare well harde ; 448 For y can fynden no man * @at fully byleue@, To techen me @e hey$e weie * & @erfore I wepe. For y haue [fonded] @e freers * of @e foure orders, 451 For @ere I wende haue wist * but now my wit lakke@ ; And all my hope was on hem * & myn herte also ; But @ei ben fully fei@les * and @e fend sue@." " A ! bro@er," qua@ he @o * " beware of @o foles ! For Crist seyde him-selfe * "of swiche y $ou warne,' 456 And false profetes in @e fei@ * he fulliche hem calde, " In vestimentis ouium * but onlie wi@-inne #ei ben wilde wer-wolues * @at wiln @e folk robben' #e fend founded hem first * @e fei@ to destroie, 460 And by his craft @ei comen in * to combren @e chirche, By @e coueiteise of his craft * @e curates to helpen ; But now @ey hauen an hold * @ey harmen full many. #ei don nou$t after Domynick * but drecche@ @e puple, Ne folwen nou$t Fraunces * but falslyche lybben, 465 And Austynes rewle * @ei rekne@ but a fable, But purchase@ hem pryuylege * of popes at Rome. #ei coueten confessions * to kachen some hire, And sepultures also * some wayten to cacchen ; 469 But o@er cures of Cristen * @ei coveten nou$t to haue, But @ere as wynnynge lij@ * he loke@ none o@er." " Whou$ schal y nemne @y name * @at nei$boures @e kalle@ ?" 472 " Peres," qua@ he, " @e pore man * @e plowe-man y hatte." " A ! Peres," qua@ y @o * " y pray @e, @ou me telle More of @ise tryflers * hou trechurly @ei libbe@ ? For ichon of hem ha@ told me * a tale of @at o@er, 476 Of her wicked lijf * in werlde @at hy lybbe@. I trowe @at some wikked wy$t * wrou$te @is orders [#oru$] @at gleym of @at gest * @at Golias is y-calde, O@er ells Satan him-self * sente hem fro hell 480 To cumbren men wi@ her craft * Cristendome to schenden ? " " Dere bro@er," qua@ Peres * " @e devell is ful queynte ; To encombren holy Churche * he caste@ ful harde, And fluriche@ his falsnes * opon fele wise, 484 And fer he caste@ to-forn * @e folke to destroye. Of @e kynrede of Caym * he caste @e freres, And founded hem on Farysens * feyned for gode ; But @ei wi@ her fals fai@ * michel folk schende@, 488 Crist calde hem him-self * kynde ypocrites ; How often he cursed hem * well can y tellen He seide ones him-self * to @at sory puple, " Wo wor@e $ou, wy$tes * wel lerned of @e lawe !' 492 Eft he seyde to hem-selfe * " wo mote $ou wor@en, #at @e toumbes of profetes * tilde@ vp hei$e ! $oure faderes fordeden hem * & to @e de@ hem brou$te.' Here y touche @is two * twynnen hem I @enke ; 496 Who wilne@ ben wisere of lawe * @an lewde freres, And in multitude of men * ben maysters y-called, And wilne@ worchips of @e werlde * & sitten wi@ heye, And leue@ louynge of God * and lownesse behinde ? 500 And in beldinge of tombes * @ei trauaile@ grete To chargen her chirche-flore * and chaungen it ofte. And @e fader of @e freers * defouled hir soules, @at was @e dygginge devel * @at drecche@ men ofte. 504 #e divill by his dotage * dissaue@ @e chirche, And put in @e prechours * y-paynted wi@outen And by his queyntise @ey comen in * @e curates to helpen, But @at harmede hem harde * and halp hem full litell ! But Austines ordynaunce * was on a good trew@e, 509 And also Domynikes dedes * weren [deruelich] y-vsed, And Frauncis founded his folke * fulliche on trew@e, Pure parfit prestes * in penaunce to lybben, 512 In loue and in lownesse * & lettinge of pride, Grounded on @e godspell * as God bad him-selue. But now @e glose is so greit * in gladding tales #at turne@ vp two-folde * vnteyned opon trew@e, 516 #at @ei bene cursed of Crist * y can hem well proue ; Wi@-outen his blissinge * bare be@ @ey in her werkes. For Crist seyde him-selfe * to swiche as him folwede, " Y-blessed mote @ei ben * @at mene ben in soule ;" 520 And alle pouere in gost * God him-self blisse@. Whou fele freers fare@ so * fayn wolde y knowe ! Proue hem in proces * & pynch at her ordre, And deme hem after @at @ey don * & dredles, y leue #ei willn wexen pure wro@ * wonderliche sone, 525 And schewen @e a scharp will * in a schort tyme, To wilne wilfully wra@@e * & werche @erafter. Wytnesse on Wycliff * @at warned hem wi@ trew@e ; For he in goodnesse of gost * gray@liche hem warned To wayuen her wik[e]dnesse * & werkes of synne. Whou sone @is sori men * [seweden] his soule, And oueral lollede him * wi@ heretykes werkes ! 532 And so of @e blessinge of God * @ei bere@ litel mede. Afterward ano@er * onliche he blissede, #e meke of @e [myddel-erde] * @ouru$ my$t of his fader. Fynd foure freres in a flok * @at folwe@ @at rewle, 536 #anne haue y tynt all my tast * touche and assaie ! Lakke hem a litil wi$t * & here lijf blame, But he lepe vp on hei$ * in hardynesse of herte, And nemne @e anon nou$t * & @i name lakke 540 Wi@ proude wordes apert * @at passeth his rule, Bo@e wi@ " @ou leyest, & @ou lext' * in heynesse of sowle, And turne as a tyrant * @at turmente@ him-selue, A lord were lo@ere * for to leyne a k[n]aue 544 #anne swich a beggere * @e beste in a toun ! Loke nowe, leue man * be@ nou$t @ise i-lyke Fully to @e Farisens * in fele of @ise poyntes ? Al her brod beldyng * ben belded withe synne, 548 And in worchipe of @e werlde * her wynnynge @ei holden ; #ei schapen her chapolories * & strecche@ hem brode, And launce@ hei$e her hemmes * wi@ babelyng in stretes ; #ei ben y-sewed wi@ whi$t silk * & semes full queynte, Y-stongen wi@ stiches * @at stare@ as siluer. 553 And but freres ben first y-set * at sopers & at festes, #ei wiln ben wonderly wro@ * ywis, as y trowe ; But @ey ben at @e lordes borde * louren @ey wille@, He mot bygynne @at borde * a beggere, (wi@ sorwe !) And first sitten in se * in her synagoges, 558 #at be@ here hey$e helle-hous * of Kaymes kynde ! For @ou$ a man in her mynster * a masse wolde heren, His si$t schal so [be] set * on sundrye werkes, #e penounes & @e pomels * & poyntes of scheldes Wi@-drawen his deuocion * & dusken his herte ; I likne it to a lym-$erde * to drawen men to hell, 564 And to worchipe of @e fend * to wra@@en @e soules. And also Crist him-selfe seide * to swiche ypocrites, " He loue@ in markettes ben met * wi@ gretynges of pouere, And lowynge of lewed men * in Lent[e]nes tyme.' 568 For @ei han of bichopes y-bou$t * wi@ her propre siluer, And purchased of penaunce * @e puple to assoile. But money may maken * mesur of @e peyne, (After @at his power is to payen) * his penance schal faile. 572 (God lene it be a good help * for hele of @e soules !) And also @is myster men * ben maysters icalled, #at @e gentill Iesus * generallyche blamed, And @at poynt to his apostells * purly defended. 576 But freres hauen for$etten @is * (and @e fend suwe@, He @at maystri louede * Lucifer @e olde), Wher Fraunceis or Domynik * o@er Austen ordeynide Any of @is dotardes * doctur to wor@e, 580 Masters of dyvinitie * her matens to leue, And chereliche as a cheueteyne * his chambre to holden Wi@ chymene & chapell * & chesen whan him liste, And serued as a souereine * & as a lorde sitten. 584 Swiche a gome godes wordes * grysliche glose@ ; Y trowe, he touche@ nou$t @e text * but take@ it for a tale. God forbad to his folke * & fullyche defended 587 #ey schulden nou$t stodyen biforn * ne sturen her wittes, But sodenlie @e [same] word * with her mow@ schewe #at weren $euen hem of God * @oru$ gost of him-selue. Now mot a frere studyen * & stumblen in tales, And leuen his matynes * & no masse singen, 592 And loken hem lesynges * @at like@ @e puple, To purchasen him his pursfull * to paye for @e drynke. And bro@er, when bernes ben full * & holly tyme passed, #anne comen cursed freres * & crouche@ full lowe ; 596 A losel, a lymitour * ouer all @e lond lepe@, And loke, @at he leue non house * @at somwhat he ne lacche ; And @er @ei gilen hem-self * & godes worde turne@. Bagges and beggyng * he bad his folk leuen, 600 And only seruen him-self * & hijs rewle sechen, And all @at nedly nede@ * @at schuld hem nou$t lakken. Whereto beggen @ise men * and ben nou$t so feble ; (Hem faile@ no furrynge * ne clo@es at full), 604 But for a lustfull lijf * in lustes to dwellen ? Wi@-outen any trauaile * vntrewliche [hy] lybbeth. Hy be@ nou$t maymed men * ne no mete lakke@, Y-clo@ed in curious clo@ * & clenliche arayed. 608 It is a laweles lijf * as lordynges vsen, Ney@er ordeyned in ordir * but onlie libbe@. Crist bad blissen * bodies on er@e 611 #at wepen for wykkednes * @at he byforne wrou$te ;-- #at ben fewe of @o freres * for @ei ben ner dede And put all in pur [cla@] * wi@ pottes on her hedes ; #anne [he] warye@ & wepe@ * & wiche@ after heuen, And fye@ on her falshedes * @at @ei bifore deden ; 616 And @erfore of @at blissinge * trewlie, as y trowe, #ei may trussen her part * in a terre pow$e ! All @o blissed be@ * @at bodyliche hungre@ ;-- #at ben @e pore penyles * @at han ouer-passed 620 #e poynt of her pris lijf * in penaunce of werkes, And mown nou$t swynken ne sweten * but ben swy@e feble, O@er maymed at myschef * or meseles syke, And here good is a-gon * & greue@ hem to beggen. 624 #er is no frer in fei@ * @at fare@ in @is wise ; But he maie beggen his bred * his bed is ygrei@ed ; Vnder a pot he schal be put * in a pryvie chambre, #at he schal lyuen ne last * but litell while after ! 628 Al-mi$ti god & man * @e merciable blessed #at han mercy on men * @at misdon hem here ;-- But whoso for-gabbed a frere * y-founden at @e stues, And brou$te blod of his bodi * on bak or on side, 632 Hym were as god greuen * a greit lorde of rentes. He schulde sonner bene schryven * (schortlie to tellen) #ou$ he kilde a comlye kny$t * & compased his mor@er, #anne a buffet to beden * a beggere frere. 636 #e clene hertes Crist * he curtey[s]liche blissed, #at [coueten] no katel * but Cristes full blisse, #at leeue@ fulliche on God * & lellyche @enke@ On his lore and his lawe * & lyue@ opon trew@e ;--640 Freres han for$eten @is * & folwe@ an o@er ; #at @ei may henten, @ey holden * by-hirne@ it sone. Heir hertes ben clene y-hid * in her hi$e cloistre, As kurres from kareyne * @at is cast in dyches ! 644 And parfite Crist * @e pesible blissed, #at bene suffrant & sobre * & susteyne anger ;-- A-say of her sobernesse * & @ou mi$t y-knowen, #er is no waspe in @is werlde * @at will wilfullok[e]r styngen, 648 For stappyng on a too * of a styncande frere ! For ne@er souereyn ne soget * @ei ne suffre@ neuer ; All @e blissing of God * beouten @ei walken ; For of her suffraunce, for so@e * men se@ but litell ! 652 Alle @at persecution * in pure lijf suffren, #ei han @e benison of god * blissed in er@e ;-- Y praie, parceyue now * @e pursut of a frere, In what measure of meknesse * @ise men dele@. 656 Byhold opon Wat Brut * whou bisiliche @ei pursueden For he seyde hem @e so@e * & $et, syre, fer@ere, Hy may no more marren [hym] * but men telle@ #at he is an heretike * and yuele byleue@, 660 And prechi@ it in pulpit * to blenden @e puple ; #ei wolden awyrien @at wi$t * for his well dedes ; And so @ei chewen charitie * as chewen schaf houndes. And @ei pursue@ @e pouere * & passe@ pursutes, 664 Bo@e @ey wiln & @ei wolden * y-wor@en so grete To passen any mans mi$t * to mor@eren @e soules ; First to brenne @e bodye * in a bale of fijr, 667 And sy@en @e sely soule slen * & senden hyre to helle ! And Crist clerlie forbadde * his Cristene, & defended #ei schulden nou$t after @e face * neuer @e folke demen ; "-- " Sur " y seide my-self * " @ou semest to blamen. Why dispisest @ou @us * @ise sely pore freres 672 None o@er men so mychel * monkes ne preistes, Chanons ne Charthous * @at in chirche serueth ? It seme@ @at @ise sely men * han somwhat @e greved O@er wi@ word or wi@ werke * & @erfore @ou wilnest To schenden o@er [schamen] hem * wi@ @i sharpe speche, And harmen holliche * & her hous greuen ?" " I praie @e " qua@ Peres * " put @at out of @y mynde ; Certen for sowle hele * y saie @e @is wordes. 680 Y preise nou$t possessioners * but pur lytel ; For falshed of freres * ha@ fulliche encombred Manye of @is maner men * & maid hem to leuen Here charite & chastete * & [chesen] hem to lustes, 684 And waxen to werldly * and wayuen @e trew@e, And leuen @e loue of her God * and @e werlde seruen. But for falshed of freres * y fele in my soule, (Seynge @e synfull lijf) * @at sorwe@ myn herte 688 How @ei ben clo@ed in clo@ * @at clennest schewe@ ; For aungells & Arcangells * all @ei whijt vse@, And alle Aldermen * @at bene ante tronum. #ise tokens hauen freres taken * but y trowe @at a fewe Folwen fully @at clo@ * but falsliche @at vse@. 693 For whijt in trow@e bytokne@ * clennes in soule ; $if he haue vnder-ne@en whijt * @anne he aboue were@, Blak, @at bytokne@ * bale for oure synne, And mournynge for misdede * of hem @at @is vse@, 697 And serwe for synfull lijf ; * so @at clo@ aske@. Y trowe @er ben nou$t ten freres * @at for synne wepen, For @at lijf is here lust * & @ereyn @ei libben 700 In fraitour & in fermori * her fostringe is synne ; It is her mete at iche a mel * her most sustenaunce. Herkne opon Hyldegare * hou homliche he telle@ How her sustenaunce is synne ; * & syker, as y trowe, Weren her confessiones * clenli destrued, 705 Hy schulde nou$t beren hem so bragg * ne [belden] so hey$e, (For @e fallynge of synne * socoure@ @o foles) ; And bigile@ @e grete * wi@ glauerynge wordes, 708 Wi@ glosinge of godspells * @ei gods worde turne@, And pasen all @e pryuylege * @at Petur after vsed. #e power of @e Apostells * @ei pasen in speche, For to sellen @e synnes * for siluer o@er mede, 712 And purlyche a pena * @e puple assoile@, And a culpa also * @at @ey may kachen Money o@er money-worthe * & mede to fonge, And bene at lone & at bode * as burgeses vsithe. 716 #us @ey seruen Satanas * & soules bygile@, Marchantes of malisons * mansede wreches ! #ei vsen russet also * somme of @is freres, #at bitokne@ trauaile * & trew@e opon er@e ;-- 720 Bote loke whou @is lorels * labouren @e er@e, But freten @e frute @at @e folk * full lellich biswynke@ ; Wi@ trauail of trewe men * @ei tymbren her houses, And of @e curious clo@e * her copes @ei biggen ; 724 And [als] his getynge is greet * he schal ben good holden, And ry$t as dranes do@ nou$t * but drynke@ vp @e huny, Whan been wi@e her bysynesse * han brou$t it to hepe, Ri$t so, fare@ freres * wi@ folke opon er@e ; 728 #ey freten vp @e fu[r]ste-froyt * & falsliche lybbe@. But alle freres eten nou$t * y-lich good mete, But after @at his wynnynge is * is his well-fare ; And after @at he bringe@ home * his bed schal ben gray@ed ; 732 And after @at his rychesse is rau$t * he schal ben redy serued. But see @i-self in @i si$t * whou somme of hem walke@ Wi@ cloutede schon * & clo@es ful feble, Wel nei$ for-werd * & @e wlon offe ; 736 And his felawe in a froke * wor@ swiche fiftene, A-rayd in rede sc[h]on * (& elles were reu@e !) And sexe copes or seven * in his celle honge@. #ou$ for fayling of good * his fellawe schulde sterue, 740 He wolde nou$t lenen him a peny * his lijf for to holden. Y mi$t tymen @o troiflardes * to toilen wi@ @e er@e, Tylyen & trewliche lyven * & her flech tempren ! Now mot ich soutere his sone * setten to schole, 744 And ich a beggers brol * on @e booke lerne, And wor@ to a writere * & wi@ a lorde dwell, O@er falsly to a frere * @e fend for to seruen ! So of @at beggers brol * a bychop schal wor@en, 748 Among @e peres of @e lond * prese to sitten, And lordes sones lowly * to @o losells aloute, Kny$tes crouke@ hem to * & cruche@ full lowe ; And his syre a soutere * y-suled in grees, His tee@ wi@ toylinge of le@er * tatered as a sawe ! Alaas ! @at lordes of @e londe * leue@ swiche wrechen, And lene@ swiche lorels * for her lowe wordes ! #ey schulden maken bichopes * her owen bre@ren childre, O@er of some gentil blod * & so it best semed, 757 And foster none faytoures * ne swiche false freres To maken fatt & full * & her fleche combren ! For her kynde were more * to y-clense diches 760 #an ben to sopers y-set first * and serued wi@ siluer ! A great bolle-full of benen * were betere in his wombe, And wi@ @e randes of bakun * his baly for to fillen, #an pertriches or plouers * or pekokes y-rosted, 764 And comeren her stomakes * wi@ curious drynkes, #at make@ swiche harlottes * hordome vsen, And wi@ her wicked worde * wymmen bitraie@ ! God wold her wonynge * were in wildernesse, 768 And fals freres forboden * @e fayre ladis chaumbres ! For knewe lordes her craft * trewlie, y trowe, #ey schulden nou$t haunten her hous * so homly on ni$tes, Ne bedden swiche bro@els * in so brode schetes, 772 But scheten her heued in @e stre * to scharpen her wittes ; Ne ben kynges confessours of custom * ne @e counsell of @e rewme knowe ! For Fraunces founded hem nou$t * to faren on @at wise, Ne Domynik dued hera neuer * swiche drynkers to wor@e, 776 Ne Helye ne Austen * swiche lijf neuer vsed, But in pouerte of spirit * spended her tyme. We haue sene our-self * in a schort tyme, Whou freres wolden no flech * among @e folke vsen ; But now @e harlottes * han hid thilke rewle, 781 And, for @e loue of oure lorde * haue leyd hire in water. Wenest @ou @er wold so fele * swiche warlawes wor@en, Ne were wordlyche wele * & her welfare ? #ei schulden deluen & diggen * & dongen @e er@e, And mene-mong corn bred * to her mete fongen, 786 And wortes flechles wroughte * & water to drinken, And werchen & wolward gon * as we wrecches vsen ; An aunter $if @er wolde on * amonge an hol hundred Lyuen so for godes loue * in tyme of a wynter !" 790 " Leue Peres" qua@ y @o * " y praie @at @ou me tell Whou y maie conne my Crede * in Cristen beleue ?" " Leue bro@er," qua@ he * " hold @at y segge, I will techen @e @e trew@e * & tellen @e @e so@e." 794 CREDO. LEUE @ou on oure Louerd God * @at all @e werlde wrou$te, Holy heuen opon hey * hollyche he fourmede, 796 And is almi$ti him-self * ouer all his werkes, And wrou$t as his will was * @e we[r]lde and @e heuen ; And on gentyl Jesu Crist * engendred of him-seluen, His own onlyche sonne * Lord ouer all y-knowen, 800 [#at] was clenly conseued * clerlye, in trew@e, Of @e hey Holy Gost * @is is @e holy beleue ; And of @e mayden Marye * man was he born, Wi@-outen synnfull sede * @is is fully @e beleue ; 804 Wi@ @orn y--crouned, crucified * & on @e crois dyede, And sy@en his blessed body * was in a ston byried, And descended a-doune * to @e derk helle, And fet oute our formfaderes * & hy full feyn weren ; #e @ridde daye rediliche * him-self ros fram dee@, 809 And on a ston @ere he stod * he stei$ vp to heuene, And on his fader ri$t hand * redeliche he sitte@, #at al-mi$ti god * ouer all o@er why$tes ; And is hereafter to komen * Crist, all him-seluen, To demen @e quyke and @e dede * wi@-outen any doute ; And in @e hei$e holly gost * holly y beleue, 816 And generall holy chirche also * hold @is in @y mynde ; [The communion of sayntes * for soth I to the sayn ; And for our great sinnes * forgiuenes for to getten, And only by Christ * clenlich to be clensed ; Our bodies again to risen * right as we been here, 820 And the liif euerlasting * leue ich to habben ; Amen.] And in @e [sacrement] also * @at so@fast God on is, (Fullich his fleche & his blod) * @at for vs de@e @olede.-- And @ou$ @is flaterynge freres * wyln for her pride, 824 Disputen of @is deyte * as dotardes schulden, #e more @e matere is moved * @e [masedere hy] wor@en. Lat @e losels alone * & leue @ou @e trew@e, For Crist seyde it is so * so mot it nede wor@e ; 828 #erfore studye @ou nou$t @eron * ne stere @i wittes, It is his blissed body * so bad he vs beleuen. #ise maystres of dyvinitie * many, als y trowe, Folwen nou$t fully @e fei@ * as fele of @e lewede. 832 Whou$ may mannes wijt * @oru$ werk [of] him-selue, Knowen Cristes pryuitie * @at all kynde passe@ ? It mot ben a man * of also mek an herte, #at my$te wi@ his good lijf * @at Holly Gost fongen ; And @anne nede@ him nou$t * neuer for to studyen ; 837 He mi$te no maistre [ben] kald * (for Crist @at de- fended), Ne puten [no] pylion * on his pild pate ; But prechen in parfite lijf * & no pride vsen. 840 But all @at euer I haue seyd * so@ it me seme@, And all @at euer I haue writen * is so@, as I trowe, And for amending of @ise men is most @at I write ; God wold hy wolden ben war * & werchen @e better ! But, for y am a lewed man * paraunter y mi$te Passen par auenture * & in som poynt erren, 846 GOD AMEND ALL FALSE FRIARS ! Y will nou$t @is matere * maistrely auowen ; But $if ich haue myssaid * mercy ich aske, 848 & praie all maner men * @is matere amende, Iche a word by him-self * & all, $if it nede@. God of his grete my$te * & his good grace Saue all freres * @at fai@fully lybben, 852 And alle @o @at ben fals * fayre hem amende, And $yue hem wijt & good will * swiche dedes to werche #at @ei maie wynnen @e lif * @at euer schal lesten ! AMEN. 855