00010 00020 00030 00040 00050 kyrkandres 00060 Inquisicio capta apud karliolum die Lune proxima ante festum 00070 sancti michaelis anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu 00080 decimo nono coram domino Thoma de Lucy Ricardo...g'ton per 00090 Commissionem domini Regis assignatis super quibusdam 00100 dissencionibus et discordijs inter homines in municione Castri 00110 domini Regis karlioli existentibus & Communitatem Ciuitatis 00120 karlioli...per Adamum de Kyrkeby Petrum ffrankys Thomam de Neuby 00130 Iohannem de mulcastre Ricardum de Scraityngham Ricardum del 00140 sandes... Thomam de Canonuby Iohannem de Ireby Iohannem de 00150 Agillonuby Iohannem de Cokedene & Iohannem filium simonis de 00160 Iuratores Qui dicunt super sacra...quod die dominica in vigilia 00170 sancti Petri aduincula anno supradicto Cum Clerici fecerunt 00180 quendam ludum in foro dicte ciuitatis karlioli quedam contumelia 00190 mota fuit inter Edmundum Walays seruientem domini Episcopi 00200 karlioli & Walterum Cole hominem domini Petri de Tillioll' eo 00210 quod idem Edmundus percussit dictum Walterum cum quadam virga 00220 grossa ter in capite...dictus Walterus cepit ipsum Edmundum per 00230 capucium & delacerauit capucium & tunicam et Ricardus del 00240 Botelry seruiens dicti domini Episcopi karlioli videns hoc 00250 percussit dictum Walterum cum quodam cultello in dorso fere ad 00260 mortem & super hoc ludus recessit Et tunc dictus Petrus de 00270 Tillioll' videns hominem suum sic esse in periculo mortis misit 00280 Willelmum... Wyclyf Coronatorem domini Regis & cum eo Iohannem 00290 de stapelton' & Thomam de Neuby ad dictum dominum Episcopum 00300 karlioli supplicando eidem domino Episcopo quoniam cum haberet 00310 dictum Ricardum del Botelria in comitiua sua in Castro karlioli 00320 qui hominem predictum percussit quod faceret ipsum responsurum 00330 de predicta transgressione secundum legem... predictus 00340 Episcopus karlioli concessit pro se & hominibus suis quod nulla 00350 mala fieri deberent quousque veritas fuerit inde inquisita... 00360 00370 00380 00390 00400 Acta apud karliolum die Luna proxima ante festum sancti 00410 michaelis archangeli anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu 00420 decimo Nono coram domino Thoma de Lucy...assignatis per 00430 Commissio...domini Regis ad inquirendum de diuersis articulis in 00440 Commissione contentis per Adamum de Crofton' Robertum de Tybay 00450 Nicholas le spenser Willelmum de morley Thomam kaskell' 00460 stephanum de Acton' gilbertum de kirkandres Robertum growce 00470 henricum de musgraue Iohannem de Tybay stephanum aurisfabrum & 00480 Adamum de Appylby' Iuratores qui...super sacramentum suum quod 00490 die dominica in vigilia sancti petri ad uincula sicut clerici 00500 inceperunt ludere quoddam miraculum in foro karlioli in medio 00510 Ciuitatis quid...iger Episcopi Edmundus Walays percussit in 00520 capite Walterum Cole de Skaleby cum grossa virga ter & Walterus 00530 volens impedire dictum Edmundum ne ampl...cepit eum per capucium 00540 & interim Ricardus frater Walteri de Botellar' percussit dictum 00550 Walterum Cole retro in dorso cum quodam cultello fere ad mortem 00560 propter quod populus erat perter...vnde maior & balliui multum 00570 moti Connotauerunt Communitatem ad aulam Communem ad inquirendum 00580 veritatem de dicta contumelia et interim vicecomes maior Ciui... 00590 Crofton' juerunt ad Episcopum & rogauerunt eum vt pacificaret 00600 homines suos ne amplius delinquerint quousque veritas de 00610 transgressione predicta fuerit inquisita... 00620 00630 00640 00650 00660 After my verie hartie Comendacions: vpon a letre receyved from 00670 Mr Roger Asheton, Signifying vnto me that yt was the kinges 00680 earnest desire for to have hir Majestes players for to repayer 00690 into Scotlande to his grace I dyd furthwith dispatche a servant 00700 of my owen vnto them where they were in the furthest parte of 00710 Langkeshier, whervpon they made their returne heather to 00720 Carliell, wher they are, and have stayed for the space of ten 00730 dayes, wherof, I thought good to gyue yow notice in respect of 00740 the great desyre that the king had to have the same, to Come 00750 vnto his grace: And withall to praye yow to gyve knowledg 00760 therof to his Majestie / So for the present, I bydd yow right 00770 hartelie farewell / Carlislie the xxth of Septembre / 1589 00780 00790 00800 00810 00820 Item for Clothe vnto the drummer belman and beadell with Clarke 00830 to be theyre leveryes...Item for silver playgames vpon 00840 Shrovetewesdaie...Item vnto nycholas hudson...Item vnto Iohn 00850 troumpeter...Item vnto a blinde harper...Item vnto Iohn 00860 troumpeter capteine boyer Droommer and other ij musitians...Item 00870 vnto the players of penrethe...Item vnto Iames baines and his 00880 felowe players...Item for a Coatt vnto the waitte... Item for 00890 Candles to the players...Item vnto my lorde morleyes 00900 players...Item vnto the waittes of penreth...Item vnto Iohn 00910 troumpeter...Item vnto Iohn grayson waitt of Cokermouthe...Item 00920 vnto ij Scotes minstrels...Item vnto Iohn nixon piper...Item 00930 vnto j scotes gentlewomanminstrell...Item vnto my lorde evers 00940 players...Item vnto the waittes of lankaster...Item vnto 00950 Certeine players in december...Item in chardgies in the highe 00960 chamber vpon mr Maior and his bretheren vpon hallowe 00970 thursdaie... 00980 00990 01000 01010 01020 Item for vj quartes stamell brodclothe vno the droummer...Item 01030 for playgames vpon shrovetewesdaie...Item vnto the eighte 01040 occupations vpon halow thursdaie...Item vnto nycholas hudson 01050 droummer...first vnto Iohn troumpeter...Item vnto the waittes of 01060 Penrethe...Item vnto the waittes of leaddes...Item vnto the 01070 waittes of kendall...Item vnto the waittes of Rychmonde...Item 01080 vnto one that was foole vpon hallow thursdaie... Item vnto 01090 Craggell the singer...Item vnto the waittes of waikfeald...Item 01100 for one gallon of Secke one potle Clared wine one quarte whitt 01110 wine j li of Suger 3 pottes beare one box of comfittes and 01120 wheatt Caikes vpon halowethursdaie at afternoone in the heighe 01130 Chamber... 01140 01150 01160 01170 01180 Item to Iohn Burton trumpiter vpon the election day at mr maior 01190 comand...Item vnto Iohn Burton trumpiter for his Newyeares 01200 gifte...Item vnto the waits of Newcastle at mr maior 01210 command...Item the 3 day vpon the waits of kendall at mr maior 01220 commande...Item the 7 daie vpon the waits of peareth at mr maior 01230 command...Item the last day In the citties games beinge 01240 Shrovetewesday...Item vpon Iohn blacke fydler piper the same 01250 day... Item the 3 day to the waits of hallifax at mr maior 01260 commande...Item vnto a musition of mr dudleys at mr maior 01270 commande...Item the 5 day vnto one maior vavicers musitions at 01280 mr maior commande...Item the 6 day vnto the waits of durham at 01290 mr maior commande...Item the 10 day vnto the waits of Lemin at 01300 mr maior commande...Item the 24 day vpon the waits of midlam at 01310 mr maior commande... Item...vpon the waits of wakeffeilde at mr 01320 maior commande...Item the 18 day vpon a Trumpiter at mr maior 01330 commande...Item the xxiiij day 4for4 vpon my lord stafforde 01340 players at mr maior commande...Item vnto the waits of Richmonde 01350 at mr maior commande...Item the xxiiijth day vpon my lord of 01360 lincolne players at mr maior commande...Item...to the waits of 01370 york at mr maior commande... Item to nicholas hudson for his 01380 hex...To Nicholas hudson the drumer...To Nicholas hudson the 01390 drumer...Item to Iohn Burton trumpiter vpon the election day at 01400 mr Maior commande...Item vnto the waits of peareth the same daie 01410 at mr maior commande...Item to my lord wharton players at mr 01420 Maior commande...Item for a paire of shoes to willy the fowle at 01430 mr maior commande... Item the xxvjth day for a coat to my lord 01440 Abbott at mr Maior commande...Item for a hat vnto 4my4 the said 01450 lord read in the makinge of his coat & hat & for candles...Item 01460 for the games vpon Shrove tewesday...Item to the waits of 01470 peareth at mr maior command the same day...Item for a foat ball 01480 the same day at mr maior commande...Item the xxth of februarij 01490 to the waits the waits of lancaster at mr Maior commande... 01500 Item the xxiijth daie to the waits of Midlam at mr maior 01510 command...Item the iiijth of March to the waits of Appleby at mr 01520 Maior commande...Item the xxvjth day to the waits of wackefeilde 01530 at mr Maior commande...Item to the drummer for his coat... 01540 01550 01560 01570 01580 Item the seconde of Maie being alhallowe thursday to the 01590 chambers at mr Maior commande...Item to Philip Burtholme the 01600 same day at mr Maior commande...Item to musitions the same 01610 day...Item to the plaie hase at mr maior commande...Item to 01620 henry mounk for xviij li of powder at mr Maior commande...Item 01630 to Michaell warde for x li of powder at mr Maior commande...Item 01640 to Iohn Iackson for xvij li of powder... Item vnto the waits of 01650 lincolne at mr Maior commande...Item to the waits of peareth at 01660 mr Maior commande...Item to the waits of leads at mr Maior 01670 commande...Item to george wilson & his thre sones being waits 01680 who offerd them selves to be hird at mr Maior command...Item to 01690 my lord Awbeny plaiers at mr Maior commande...Item payed for 01700 Makinge of the fowles coat and his stockins at mr Maior 01710 commande... Item for his coat & his stockins to Michaell 01720 warde...Item to nicholas hudson drummer... 01730 01740 01750 01760 01770 Ite for ye settinge of ye occupacion dinner...Ite for wylde 01780 foole Capons & cunyes...Ite to 4Minstrels4 minstrells at ye 01790 Dinner...Ite for Strangers at ye same Dinnere...Ite ffor wyne & 01800 suger then...Ite rec of the Cittyes benevolence ffor 01810 accopaininge Mr Maior to the kinge moore...Inprimis disbursed in 01820 Charges at our Chamber uppon ye Rydinge with Mr Maior of the 01830 bounder of the kings moore... 01840 01850 01860 01870 01880 Ite for ye settinge of 4the4 ye Occupacion Dinner...Ite for 01890 Capons, wyled foole & Connyes...Ite for sertayne Strangers...Ite 01900 for wyne & Sewger in all...Ite to minstralls at ye Dinner... 01910 01920 01930 01940 01950 Ite ffor settinge of ye Dinner...Ite for 4.4 wyldefoole and 01960 Capons...Ite for Strangers...Ite for wyne over my lords 01970 allowance of...and...to ye howse...Ite to the Minstrells...Ite 01980 geven to ye Chamberlens to paye the howse where ye Dinner was 01990 madd...Ite off Mr Maiors gifft & ye Cittyes for ryding ye kings 02000 moore...Ite bestowed upon Mr Maior & his brethren in ye Chamber 02010 upon hallowe Thursdaye...Ite to ye wates & Drummer... 02020 02030 02040 02050 02060 Imprimis given to Iohn Bvrton trumpeter to Iohn Gyles and other 02070 his Men dwelling in Cockermouth being sir henry Curwens 02080 Muzistians...given to A blind harper called hingerham Stewart A 02090 scotes Man...the 19th given to george Little piper...payed to Mr 02100 maior wic'h he gave to A blind harper with other of his 02110 Companye...Given to Muuiissians that came from yorkshire...to my 02120 lord Quarton plaires... to willye Milner A paire shoes and 02130 paire hoisen...to sir Mvngo and the boyes for singing at Mr 02140 Maiors...to the waytes of lancaster...to kendall players not 02150 permiting yem to play...given to sir henrye Curwens Musissians 02160 at last court...given to the players came from barnycastle...to 02170 the waiytes fo pearith...to my lord Staffordes players...the 02180 ffirst day March to the waites of Canterburye... when my lord 02190 Cumberland dynned with yow pottle sack pottle Clared dli 02200 suger...to his man & his three boyes that was our waites...A 02210 foote Bawlle vpon the sandes...to a Boy that wonn the foote 02220 Boll...given to Mr maior & Iohn Hoddye to bestowe of waites 02230 Riton and other passengers...to the whaites of Appelby...given 02240 to waites of Midlam...given to the waites of Lancaster... given 02250 to the waites of Hellifax...giuen to the waytes of 02260 Altherton...4th4 To threre munisseners that Came frome 02270 Barwick...To the occupations...ffor Games...ffor powder...for 02280 Carridg and browne paper...Mr Maior in the merchantes chamber 02290 two quarts of white wyne and Suger 8d...Shoemaker Chamber a 02300 quart of white and Suger...To Iohn Earle when you brought in the 02310 Games...At yor awne house Carried by lytell Wille a quart of 02320 Clarrit & suger... Paied to henrie Monk for three yeardes of 02330 white Carsay for the fooles Cotte...and white threed and read 02340 threed...for a yeard and a halfe of harne...Paied to Thomas hodg 02350 for three yardes of Read Carsaie for the foole...paied to 02360 Mathewe Cape for two bells for the foole and a fether...ffor 02370 makeing of the fooles Cotte...To the waytes of Bristo not 02380 sufferinge them to play...given to the waites of knarshbrough... 02390 for a paire of Shooes and hose to the foole at the Sizes...to 02400 three mussishiners one of them said he was borne in 02410 Carelell...given to the waites that was last here at Mr Maiors 02420 appointment...to william ffoole half yeard half quarter 02430 saye...to the Cittyes dromer...Nicholas hudson...the two 02440 waites...ffor the bouchers waike and the seargantes waike...to 02450 the watchers either night one pott of Ale...Giuen to the Cities 02460 waites St Iohn Euen and St Peters even... 02470 02480 02490 02500 02510 Item to ye wates ffor their wages... 02520 02530 02540 02550 02560 Ite receaved of Mr Maior as his gifte for Rydinge 02570 kingmoore...Ite bestowed in ye Chamber upon ye Daye of Rydinge 02580 the kinge moore...Ite to ye wates of ye Cittye... 02590 02600 02610 02620 02630 Item to Iohn Trumpiter by mr maiors Comand...Item to Mr Thompson 02640 ye musicion at mr maiors comand...Item to his boyes then by mr 02650 maiors Comand...Item to ye fforesayde Thompson musicion ye xth 02660 of october mr Aglionby mr hasset & others...Item to ye wates of 02670 kirkbesteven...Item the 2 of december to my lord whartons 02680 players, at Comand of mr maior...Item to the wates their leveres 02690 cost... Item ye last daye of december to one Iohn dockara ye 02700 wate of lancaster...Item to ye wates of pearethe...Item to ye 02710 lord Staffoordes playeres...Item to ye waites of 02720 kerkbethure...Item the newers gift by mr maior to ye Cittyes 02730 wates...Item ffor ye Summergames...Item ffor A ffooteball to 02740 yonge men vpon Shraffe tewsdaye...Item to ye Chambers and 02750 occupacions of ye Cittye vpon all hallow daye... Item in ye 02760 merchantes Chamber then a quart of Sacke sett vpon mr maores 02770 head...Item to Iohn Trumpeter as an intruder vpon alhallowes 02780 thursdaye...Item in powder wasted ye same daye...Item to ye 02790 wates of kendall...Item to ye wates of lincoln...Item ffor A 02800 Coote to ye naturall ffoole miller tow payer of showes & tow 02810 payer of hosse...Item to ye wates of knasburghe...Item to Sir 02820 Thomas metcalfes musicions... Item to ye wates of 02830 Bristowe...Item to ye wates of lancaster...The wates ffee...Item 02840 to ye Cittyes drummer... 02850 02860 02870 02880 02890 Imprimis receaved of Mr Maior as a Gratuity for accompaining him 02900 & his brethren to ye kinge moore upon Allhallowe 02910 Thursday...Inprimis at ye Rydinge of the bounder bestowed in our 02920 Chamber... 02930 02940 02950 02960 02970 Item to Iohn burton trumpiter vpon the election day at mr Maior 02980 commande...Item to...Thompson the cities wate...Item to the 02990 waits of thriske at mr Maior commande...Item the vth of November 03000 to mr Maior for his diner the same day...Item to the Iudgler the 03010 same day at mr Maior commande...Item to mr thompsone the 03020 wait...Item for a shert to wille the ffowle...Item to wille the 03030 ffoall for a paire of shoes & hoas... Item to one william 03040 hutton a musitian & 3 of his company at mr Ma commande...Item 03050 for the games vpon Shrovetewesday...Item for a foat ball...Item 03060 payde ffor leadinge 8: Carfull of wood ffrom Corbye, beinge for 03070 Rayles againste his majesties Cominge to Carlell, ye 27 of 03080 Iune...Item in rewarde to ye waytes of Barwicke...Item to ye 03090 paynter ffor ye kinges Armes vpon Richard gayte, & payntinge ye 03100 Crosse with ye ffayne over & besydes....payde to him by Iohn 03110 Iackson. Item geuen to A tumbler & his musicions...Item to 03120 Anthony Sanderson, Thomas Blackelocke Mychaell pattinson, 03130 William hynde, Robart watson & Richard Stodart for wating of mr 03140 Maior when ye kinges Majestie was heare...first to the 03150 occupations vpon alhallowe thursday in theire chambers...to Iohn 03160 Burton trumpiter...to the waits of lincolne...In wine & sugar 03170 the brethren beinge present the same day...In powder the same 03180 day... Item to the waits of lancaster...Item for whit & Read 03190 carsey to the foalls coat...Item for harne to his clothes...Item 03200 for Makinge the foall coat...to nicholas hudson drummer... 03210 03220 03230 03240 03250 The Accounte...begininge At Mychaelmes 1616 And endinge At 03260 Mychaelmes 1617: In which yeare his Majestie kinge Iames the 03270 ffirst was at Carelell & did Solemnise his ffeast their vpon 03280 Gowryes daye. ye vth of August:/...The Alowances now Craved 03290 with ye nessesarye expences disbursede Againste his Majestie 03300 Comminge, As also in fees to his offisers, At his heighnes 03310 beinge their... Item ffor a present to his Majestie which was a 03320 Cupp of goulde duble giltt with a Cover of three full quarters 03330 heigh...Item to Thomas Blackelocke ffor goinge to London aboute 03340 ye same to Robert pattinson their...Item ffor ffortye duble 03350 peaces of goulde with a purse of blewe Silke & Silver, presented 03360 with ye Cupp: to his Majestie & for ye Charge & procuringe ye 03370 said gould... Item in ffees to all offisers of his Majesties 03380 howsholde as by A particuler vnder mr hebburns hande, beinge 03390 gentilman vsher to his Majestie appearede...Item in more ffees 03400 to ye offisers of his Majesties querye as by a particuler 03410 appeared vnder Sir Robert Osburnes hande...Item alowede in mr 03420 Robinsons hande ffor his extraordinarij Chargis in entertayninge 03430 ye kinges servantes & for his howse kepinge to ye more worshipp 03440 of ye Citty.. 03450 03460 03470 03480 03490 Ite of Mr Maior for accompainge him at ye kinge moore...Item at 03500 ye Rydinge of our bounder bestowed in ye Chaber...Memorandum 03510 that the kings most excellent Majestie Iames ye firste was heare 03520 at Carelell ye ffourth Daye of Auguste where ye maior of the 03530 Cittye Mr Adam Robinson with Mr Thomas Carelton Recorder and ye 03540 Brethren of 4ye4 the Cittye presented him first with a Speatche 03550 then a cupp of gold vallewed at...and a purse of Sylk with 4tie 03560 Iacobusies or peaces in ye same his Majestie vouchsafed very 03570 pleasinglye the Speatch & Gifte & thanked Mr Maior & all 4the4 03580 ye cittizens theirfore and then presentlye went to 4the4 ye 03590 Churche accompaned with his nobles bothe of Englande & Scotlande 03600 The next Daye he did keepe a feast Royall went agayne to ye 03610 Churche in State with his nobles / beinge gowryeidaye / where 03620 preached before him Robert Snadon Bishopp of Carelell And ye 03630 maior that Daye goinge before him to & from 4the4 ye Church at 03640 ye Courte gate kissed his Hand & so...At his Departure ye third 03650 Daye ye Maior & his Brethren tooke their leves of his Majestie 03660 who used all of them very graciouslye talkinge a good Space with 03670 them./ 03680 03690 03700 03710 03720 Rewarde/Imprimis/rew/ffoole/foole/foole/Rewarde/Rewarde/ffee/drum 03730 mer/Rewarde/ffoole/rewarde/not./ffoole/Rewarde/Rewarde/Rew/Reward 03740 e/ffee/drummer/Rewarde/Rew/ffoole/Imprimis/ffoole/foole/Rew/Rew/R 03750 ewarde/Rewarde/Rew/Rewarde/ffee/foole/Rewarde/Rewarde/Rew/Rew/Rew 03760 /Rew/ffee disbursed to Iohn Trumpetter...disbursed to the 03770 musetions at mr mayre the vt of november beinge gowres 03780 day...disbursed for willyam miller the Citye foule for a 03790 sacke...disbursed for a pare of hose...disbursed for a pare of 03800 dulle sole shewes...geauen to me Lord Quarton 03810 players...disbursed to mr mayre for gonpowdr dinner the vt of 03820 november...geauen to the Earle of Sussex players... to nicholas 03830 hudson...geauen to the wates of kendall...disbursed to willye 03840 foule for a pare of shewes...geauen to hobbye 03850 Corbutt...disbursed to Edward dalton for the games...disbursed 03860 for leadder to men willye foule shewes...geauen to a 03870 tumler...geauen to the Irishe wates...geauen to the wates of 03880 Durham...geauen to sir Iohn dalton musetions...to nychols 03890 hudson...geauen to the quenes players...geauen to the wates of 03900 Penreathe... disbursed to Thomas Raylton for makeing willye 03910 foule cotte...disbursed for Clothe delivered to the Chamberlayns 03920 for the Citye vse at Christames sportes vj yeardes of read 03930 kersaye at...a yeard...disbursed for vj yeardes of kersaye whit 03940 and read Peniston...iij qurtrs of Peniston and Coulert 03950 thred...iij yeardes and a halfe of grey kersaye...for the 03960 saregantes Clokes Lace and neckes...for Willym myller cott vj 03970 yeardes of whit and read kersaye... for Canvice...disbursed for 03980 puder...disbursed to ye eight Occupations...geauen to Iohn 03990 Trumpetter...geauen to the Wates of hellefax...geauen to the 04000 wates of wakfeld...geauen to mr Thompson boyes...geauen to a 04010 Iugler...disbursed to the fidler on Allathursdaye...to nichols 04020 hudson...disbursed for read and white for mending willye foule 04030 cott...geauen to me Ladye Elibethe players... geauen to 04040 musetions of hellefax at the dynner at Besse Parker...geauen to 04050 the players the xij of September by mr mayre derection...geauen 04060 to Sir Iohn sawell musetiones...geauen to the wats of 04070 Bedell...geauen to the wates of Linkon...to nycholas hudson... 04080 04090 04100 04110 04120 Ite of Mr Maior a gratuetie for accompainge him to ye kinge 04130 moore...Ite at ye Rydinge of ye bounder bestowed in 4the4 ye 04140 Chaber... 04150 04160 04170 04180 04190 In primis geuen to Iohn Trumpeter ye ffirste daye of October, 04200 beinge ye election day...Item to Edwarde dalton ffor ye 04210 Sommergames...Item ffor a ffote ball, & ye breatch of a hammer 04220 shafte...Item to ye occupacions vpon alhallowe daye...Item ye 04230 same daye to Iohn trumpeter...Item to ye wates of Millam...Item 04240 to Sir wilfryde lawsons Musecions...Item to ye wates of 04250 pearethe...Item to ye wates of Barnardcastle... Item to ye 04260 wates of Rippon...Item to ye wates of wakeffeelde...Item to A 04270 knightes musicions yt Came oute of yorkshyer...Item ye 20tie of 04280 November geven to my lord whartons playeres...Item to ye wates 04290 of kendall...Item to ye wates of Applebye...Item to hobbye 04300 Corbett & lebodye vpon hall thursdaye...Item to the 04310 Bearwarde...Item to George Bell & other tow wates...Item to ye 04320 kinges playeres... The drummers ffee...The Seriantes leueries, 04330 The Beedles leueries, The hirdes leuerye, The wates leverey, The 04340 drummers leverey, The Bellmans leverey...The ffooles Cote & 04350 other Chargis ffor him...Trumpeter...Leveres...ffoole... 04360 04370 04380 04390 04400 Item we Request that Mr Maior and his breathren shall call for 04410 the silver broad Arrowes and the Stock and the horse nages Bels 04420 with all expedytion4s4 and the same so called 4into4 in to 04430 bestowe the same and ffive poundes more in A silver Cup gilded 04440 to be Imployed for manteyning of A horse Rase for the Cytties 04450 vse (vpon the kinges more) at such tyme yearely as theye shall 04460 thinke convanient, And to Article that the same cup shall be 04470 brought in yearely as they shall thinke ffittinge... 04480 04490 04500 04510 04520 Ite for 4ye4 Strangers at our Dinner...Ite for wyne & Sewger 04530 then...Ite for wylde foole Cunnyes & Capons...Ite at ye settinge 04540 of ye Dinner...Ite to ye Musicians at our Dinner...Ite from Mr 04550 Maior of hallow Thursdaye...Ite bestowed in ye Chamber upon 04560 hallowe Thursday... 04570 04580 04590 04600 04610 Item to Iohn Burton trumpiter vpon the election day at mr maior 04620 commande...Item to 2 musitions beinge mr navell his men at mr 04630 Maior commande...Item for Amending wille the ffoale his 04640 clothes...Item for 2 shertts to wille the foale & for makeinge 04650 of them...Item bestowed vpon my lord dudley players at mr Maior 04660 commande...Item to the waits of kendall at mr Maior 04670 commande...Item to a piper & a drummer at mr Maior commande... 04680 Item bestowed vpon Sir wilfrid lawson foale at mr Maior 04690 commande...Item for a paire of shoes to wille the foale vpon 04700 christmas even...Item for a paire of stockins & making them to 04710 him...Item to the schollers for a speach play...Item to a scotts 04720 foale...Item to 2 musitions at thomas Atkinson mariage...Item 04730 for the cites gams vpon Shrove tewesday...Item in wine & sugar 04740 after the brethren came from the meadowe... Item for a 04750 foatball...Item for a bar...Item to 2 pipers vpon Shrovetewesday 04760 at night at mr Maior commande...Item to puppie players...Item to 04770 3 musitions at mr Maior commande...Item to a Iudgler that would 04780 have gone in the town at divers tyms...Item vpon alhallow 04790 thursday in the occupations chambers...In powder the same 04800 day...Item vpon the late quenes Majesties players... Item for a 04810 coat to wille the foal...Item for sherts to him & making 04820 them...Item for a paire of stockins...Item for a paire of 04830 shoes...Item for making his coat...Item to the waits of 04840 kendall...Item to one of mllam that playd vpon a drume & a 04850 pipe...Item to a piper when the veneson was eaten at mr 04860 Maior...Item for a band to wille the foale...Item to one 04870 Iohnston a ffoole at mr Maior commande... Item to my lord hume 04880 his ffoole...Item vpon hobby corbat vpon shrove tewesday for 04890 musicke...Item to the waits of Aske at mr Maior commande...Item 04900 to the waits of midlam...Item to the waits of peareth...Item to 04910 the waits of Rippon...Item to a Iudgler vpon alhallowe 04920 thursday...Item to Robert lebody for musicke vpon alhallowe 04930 thursday...Item to the waits of lincolne at mr Maior 04940 commande...Item bestowed vpone my lady elizabeth players...The 04950 drummers ffee... 04960 04970 04980 04990 05000 Ite for xiij Strangers at our Dinner...Ite for wyne & (Sewger 05010 besydes Mr 4gents4 Gents) our Dinner...Ite for wylde fowle 05020 Cunnyes & Capons...Ite at ye settinge of our Dinner...Ite to ye 05030 Musecions for playing at our Dinner...Ite frome Mr Maior of 05040 hallowthursdaye...Ite bestowed in 4the4 ye Chaber upon hallow 05050 Thursdaye... 05060 05070 05080 05090 05100 Item to Iohn Trumpiter...Item to the Musitians att Mr Maior 05110 comand...Item giuen for makinge awake the fifte day of nouember 05120 att Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to Mrs Maioras for the dyner 05130 the vth of nouember...Item giuen to the Musitians the same day 05140 att Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to the kings players att Mr 05150 Maior comand...Item disbursed for william Mylners buriall and 05160 his funerall expenses att mr maior comand... Item giuen to towe 05170 Musitians of Ednebrough att Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to 05180 Edward Dalton vpon shroufe theusday for the gams Mr Maior 05190 comand...Item giuen for a foot ball the same day at Mr Maior 05200 comand...the Musitians the same...Maior comand...Item giuen to 05210 the princis players the xxth of december att mr Maior 05220 comand...Item giuen to thre Musitioners goeinge to workington 05230 att Mr Maior comand... Item giuen to the waits of penrith att 05240 Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to the waites of midlim In yorke 05250 shire att Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to Edmond Chraister for 05260 the lords coat against Christinmes Mr Maior comand...Item giuen 05270 for powder vpon allhallow thursday...Item giuen vpon 05280 allhallowthursday to the chambers of the ocupations...Item giuen 05290 to the Musitians the same day att Mr Maior comand...Item 05300 bestowed vpon my lord william sonnes the horsrace day In beare 05310 att Mr Maiors... Item giuen the Musitioner for plainge the same 05320 daye att Mr Maior comand...Item giuen to the waites of 05330 durham...Item giuen to the waites of Rippin att Mr Maior 05340 comand...Item giuen to the waites of kendall...Item giuen att 05350 the assize to Sir Henry Curwen Musitians...Item giuen to the 05360 waites of kendall...Item giuen to the waites of Millam...Item 05370 giuen to the kings players...To the drummer... 05380 05390 05400 05410 05420 Ite ffor v: Strangers at our Dinner...Ite ffor wyne then...Ite 05430 in towpences ffor everye brothers Dinner & Strangers amountinge 05440 to 82. psons...Ite to Musetions of ye Dinner...Ite of Mr Maior 05450 4*.*4 a benevolence to 4the4 ye Company...Ite bestowed in 4the4 05460 ye Chamber upon hallow Thursday... 05470 05480 05490 05500 05510 Reward/ordnere/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/R 05520 eward/Reward/ordnere/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/Reward/ord' 05530 Reward/Reward/Reward Item to a poore singingman one Busse 05540 Cominge out of Irelande...Item ffor a dinner to the bretheren 05550 vpon ye gunpowder daye Sir Iohn dalston & other Strangers 05560 ther...Item to ye Scollers ffor an exercyse or an oracion 05570 deliuered by them to Mr Maior & his Company then...Item to ye 05580 wates of Boston in linconshyer...Item to my Lorde Wharton 05590 playeres... Item to Nycholas hudson in ye tyme of him self & 05600 his howsouldes vicitacion...Item geuen to offiseres in 05610 Christinmes at nawart ye Maior & bretheren beinge ther...Item to 05620 a musicion their at ye same tyme...Item to Richeson ye Ieaster 05630 or Counterfeete...Item to ye kinges Iugler...Item to ye wates of 05640 kirkbylonesdell...Item payde vnto Edmonde Craster ffor ye 05650 seriantes ffreese Cotes & viijth yeardes and a halfe of brode 05660 Reed ffor ye beadles drumme & hirdes leveres... Item to ye 05670 wates of lincon...Item to ye wates of lancaster...Item to ye 05680 wates of pearethe...Item to ye wates of kirkbyelonesdell...Item 05690 to ye wates of Rippon...Item to Edward dalton ffor ye 05700 Summergames...Item to ye wates of Barwicke...Item to ye wates of 05710 kendall...Item to ye kinges playeres ye 13 of September...Item 05720 to ye drummer of ye Cittye... 05730 05740 05750 05760 05770 Ite for two Strangers at our Dinner...Ite bestowed in Wine 05780 then...Ite in towpences for every Brothers dinner beinge 05790 Parsons...Ite for setting of 4the4 ye Dinner...Ite to 05800 Musitions... 05810 05820 05830 05840 05850 More giuen to my lord wharton players att Mr Maior Comand...More 05860 given to the princes players att Mr Maior comand...More given to 05870 the Musitians vpon ffastineven day att Mr Maior comand...More 05880 given to the kinges players att Mr Maior comand...More given for 05890 the games vpon fastineven day... 05900 05910 05920 05930 05940 Ite for 4the4 sex Strangers...Ite ffor wylde foole Cunyes & 05950 Capons...Ite in Wyne...Ite at ye setting of ye dinner...Ite to 05960 ye Musicions... 05970 05980 05990 06000 06010 Ite ffor Settinge of our dinner...Ite ffor viij Strangers 06020 invyted to ye same at 8d...Ite ffor wyne beinge both Sacke & 06030 Claried...Ite ffor wylde ffooll Capons & Cunyes...Ite to 4the4 06040 ye Musicions... 06050 06060 06070 06080 06090 Item at our dinner for 16 Straingers...Item for the Occupation 06100 and weadoes being in Nomber 36. at...Item 13 quartes of Clared 06110 wine...Item for 5 quartes of secke...Item to the Cookes, and 06120 vnder Cookes...Item to the Musitians... 06130 06140 06150 06160 06170 Imprimis given to the musitians at michaelmas at mr maior 06180 Command...Item given to the waitts of lincoln at mr maior 06190 Command...Item the 14th of december given to balife ward pro 15 06200 yard 4of4 & aquarter of brod read pro the waitts Clocks the 3 06210 beadles Cotts the belman Cotte the drummerCotte & the hird Cotte 06220 at...per yard at mr Maior Command...Item given to George tayler 06230 pro makeinge of aplay at mr maior Command...Item to the waitts 06240 of Rippon at mr maior Command... Item given to the waits of 06250 peareth...Item given to the waitts of lincoln at mr maior 06260 Command...Item given to the kings players vpon the 5th of Iulij 06270 at mr maior Command... Item given to the waitts of 06280 peareth...Item to the waytes of wakefeild...Item to the waytes 06290 of kendall...Item to the waitts of darinton...Item to the 06300 drummer pro his ffee...Item to the drumer pro his ffee...Item to 06310 the drummer pro his ffee...Item to the drummer pro his ffee... 06320 06330 06340 06350 06360 Ite ffor Setting ye Occupacions Dinner...Ite ffor viij Stranges 06370 invyted to ye same at...apeace...Ite ffor Wyne bothe Sacke and 06380 Clarrede...Ite bestowed in wyld ffoole Capons and Cunyes...Ite 06390 to the Musitions...Ite ffrome Mr Maior as A gratuetie to ye 06400 Companie ffor Rydinge with him of he Cittyes bounder...Inprimis 06410 bestowed upon ye Companye at ye Rydinge of ye kings moore upon 06420 ye assention daye in breede cheese drinke & Cake...Ite ffor our 06430 quarter of Sacke & one quart whyte wine... Ite ffor 4*...*4 06440 dressinge & trinning of ye Chamber...Ite to ye Musisions that 06450 daye... 06460 06470 06480 06490 06500 Imprimis 45 persones that were at our dinner...ffor wine at our 06510 dinner...to the Cookes and vndercokes...ffor Musik...ffor 06520 beare... 06530 06540 06550 06560 06570 Ite ffor setting of 4the4 ye occupacons dinner...Ite ffor vij 06580 Strangers at ye dinner...Ite ffor wyne both Sacke & Clarred to 06590 ye sayd dinner...Ite to ye musisions at ye dinner...ffor 57 06600 persones at our dinner...ffor wine the same tyme...ffor 06610 Musike...to the Cookes...Bestowed in beare... 06620 06630 06640 06650 06660 Item given to thomas porter pro makeinge of the games at...the 06670 6th of feabruarij...Item given pro afoott balle on shrough 06680 tuesday...Item given to the waitts of kendall the 8th of 06690 feabruarij at mr maior Command...Item given to the waitts of 06700 Ripon at mr maior Command...Item to the waitts of peareth at mr 06710 maior Command...Item bestowed vpon the waitts of 06720 lancaster...Item given to the lord dudles players ye 18 Iune... 06730 Item payde the 5th of auguste to Edward dalton pro adrume to the 06740 Cittye at mr maior Command..Item given to the kings players at 06750 mr maior Command...Item bestowed vpon the waitts of lancaster 06760 darinton and Sir thomas Medcalfe 4Mu4 players...Item to the 06770 drumer...Item to the drumer...Item to the drumer...Item to the 06780 drumer... 06790 06800 06810 06820 06830 Ite to ye setting of ye Occupacons dinner...Ite for x Strangers 06840 at ye same dinner...Ite ffor wyne bothe Sacke & Claret to ye 06850 sayd dinner...Ite ffor wylde ffowle Capons & Cunnyes...Ite to ye 06860 Musicions or wates... 06870 06880 06890 06900 06910 Item given to mr maior for the dinner that was bestowed vpon the 06920 brethren and other gentlemen and Cittizens vpon the gunpowther 06930 day...Item given to the schollers that maid the oration ye 5th 06940 of november at mr maior Command...Item given to Edward dalton of 06950 Shrougtuesday for makeinge of the gaimes at mr maior 06960 Command...Item for 2 foott balles...pro ahammer shaftinge... 06970 Item for acocke that day & for makeinge his pitts...Item for 06980 adoore for the gunners that day...Item given to ye waitts of 06990 kendell at mr maior Command...Item given to ye waitts of peareth 07000 at mr maior Command...Item given the 10th of martch to ye waitts 07010 of Rippon...Item given to william heslehead for playinge at 07020 Caldowe... Item given to hobbye Corbitt for playinge at 07030 Michaelmas when mr maior was Elected and other times...Item 07040 given to the waits of hallifacke at mr maior Command...Item to 07050 the drumer...Item payed to the kings Ravelles ye 29 of 07060 Iulij...Item for the waitts vj yeard of fine Read at...Item for 07070 3 yeard of Read kersay for the drumer... 07080 07090 07100 07110 07120 Ite at ye settinge of ye occupacions dinner...Ite payed ffor 8 07130 Strangers invited by thoccupacion...Ite ffor wyne & Sacke to ye 07140 sayd dinner...Ite ffor wyld ffowle Capon & Cunyes...Ite to ye 07150 Wates in benevolence... 07160 07170 07180 07190 07200 Imprimis to Thomas Blaymer who had the Occupation dinner...ffor 07210 wine the same tyme...More given to the Cookes...To the 07220 Musike...More for settinge the dinner in beare... 07230 07240 07250 07260 07270 To ye drummer... 07280 07290 07300 07310 07320 Ite at ye settinge of ye occupacions dinner...Ite ffor aleavene 07330 Strangers at ye sayde dinner...Ite ffor wyldeffowle, Capons & 07340 Cunyes...To wyne & Sacke...Ite to ye Wates for ther musycke at 07350 dinner...Ite Mr Maiors gift at ye Rydinge of his 07360 bounder...Inprimis bestowed in this Chamber upon thassencion 07370 Daye, havinge accompaned Mr Maior upon ye rydinge of ye Cittyes 07380 Bounder upon ye kings moore, in wyne Ayle, breed, Cakes & 07390 Cheese... 07400 07410 07420 07430 07440 More of the Chamberlines vpon Assention daye...More vpon 07450 assention day disbursed the Musike same daye...Payed at our 07460 dinner for comp & Strangers...More ffor wine at our 07470 dinner...payed to the Cookes and Musicke...payed at setting our 07480 dinner... 07490 07500 07510 07520 07530 Item we order that the waytes of this cyttie Shall goe euerye 07540 day Morning and evening vntill candlemas, (saving onely the 07550 saboath daye) And likewise that goe all Christenmasse tyme 07560 except sabaoth daye... 07570 07580 07590 07600 07610 Ite At ye settinge of ye occupacions dinnere...Ite ffor 07620 Strangers at ye dinner x:...Ite ffor wilde ffoole Capons & 07630 Cunnyes...Ite ffor wyne & Sacke...Ite to ye Wates for musicke at 07640 dinner... 07650 07660 07670 07680 07690 Imprimis at our dinner for 54 persones at...ffor wine at our 07700 dinner...Payed to the Musicke...To the Cookes and 07710 vndercookes...ffor settinge the dinner... 07720 07730 07740 07750 07760 Item ffor A ffree gilt Bowlle provyded by ye Cittye to be Rune 07770 ffor vpon ye kinges moore...Item ffor Chargis to Mr Maior that 07780 he was att to Strangers at those Rases...Item bestowed vpon 07790 sertayne Scittizens beinge halbert men to se good order kept 07800 vpon ye moore... 07810 07820 07830 07840 07850 Ite at ye settinge of the occupacion Dinner...Ite ffor Strangers 07860 at our dinners...Ite ffor Wylde ffoole Capons & Cunyes...Ite 07870 ffor Wyne & Sacke...Ite to ye Wates in benevolence... 07880 07890 07900 07910 07920 Ite at the settinge of the Occupacions Dinner...Ite ffor 07930 Strangers bidd to our Dinner...Ite ffor Wylde ffowle & 07940 Capons...Ite ffor wyne & Sacke...Ite to ye Wates in 07950 benevolence... 07960 07970 07980 07990 08000 Item given to the Musicke...for setting the dynner...for 47 at 08010 our dinner...ffor wine at the same tyme... 08020 08030 08040 08050 08060 Ite of ye Chaberlens as frome Mr Maior...Ite upon all hallowe 08070 Thursdaye (with ye Collection of the Brotherhoode) in 08080 accompaninnge Mr Maior in rydinge of ye bounder upon ye Kings 08090 more spent in this our Chamber as by pticuler note 08100 appeared...Ite gene towards ye price of one dosan of Silver 08110 spoones by consent upon ye motion of Mr Iohn Baynes then maior 08120 as every of other 7 Companyes did ffor a third Course of Horse 08130 rase... 08140 08150 08160 08170 08180 Receaved of Mr William Barwicke 4ffor4 in money towardes the 08190 renewing of a Runninge Bowle and deliuered to Edward dalton...of 08200 the Chamberlines...on assention day for a Cheise...ffor bread 08210 and Cakes...ffor beare same tyme...ffor wine the same tyme...to 08220 the Musike...The whole stocke of Money now remayinge due to the 08230 occupation the 5 of Iuly 1633...of wch the money for the plate 08240 is a parte thereof... 08250 08260 08270 08280 08290 Item we request mr maior that the three wates wche now are 08300 allowed may continue and commanded to play begininge presently 08310 and soe to continue vntill Candlemas and to play both att 08320 Christmas and at all other times according to former Custome 08330 excepted onely the Sabbaoth dayes and to haue such allowance as 08340 formerly they haue had, this is resone to the whole Company... 08350 08360 08370 08380 08390 resting in Edward dalton handes for the plate...more to him for 08400 the plate...More for 35 at our dinner...Payed ffor 5 08410 widdoes...ffor 6 Straingers...More given to the Cookes...More to 08420 the Musicke...ffor wine at our dinner...More for settinge the 08430 dinner... 08440 08450 08460 08470 08480 Item to the drummer...ffor the siluer games against 08490 Shroftuesday...for expenses about them...one sheet pastboard for 08500 the Gunners...two footballs...for carrying and bringing home the 08510 doore...for the Gunners and bar from the sandes...To the 08520 drummer...paid to the waites of Askrig...paid to the Waites of 08530 Orton...paid to the Waites of Bradforth...to the waites of 08540 Cockermoth...to the waites of Orton...Paid to william Atkinson & 08550 Allexander dalton for 36. li. 3 ounces of powder... paid to 08560 the seuerall companies vpon ascention day...ffor carrying the 08570 weightes and scales to ye kinges moore two daies at our 08580 courses...To the halbyteers for attending there...To the 08590 drummer...To the Waites...bestowed on the Waites of 08600 Penreth...Bestowed on the Waites for their attendance on 08610 shroftuesday and ascention day...To the drummer...Item bestowed 08620 vpon ye waites of Barwicke...Item To the drummer... 08630 08640 08650 08660 08670 Item to ye Scolleres ffor their Oracion...Item ffor ye plate 08680 ffor ye horsrace...Item to Mr Maior ffor his expenc then...Item 08690 in Rewarde to dyveres strangeres wates... 08700 08710 08720 08730 08740 Ite Receaved of Mr Maior ffor accompaning him in Rydinge of ye 08750 kings moore...Inprimis upon hallow Thursdaye spent in ye Chamber 08760 (over yt was Collected of everye brother towards ye defrayinge 08770 of yt expence beinge:...the some oute of the Stocke...Ite ffrom 08780 Dressinge of the Chamber then... 08790 08800 08810 08820 08830 Thes following are to pay arrerages behind for plat the last 08840 yeare 1634Edward Barwis Thomas Atkinson Iohn: Iacksoun Thomas 08850 Robinson Iohn hewart Edward durrance Thomas Blaymer Mdum yt is 08860 agreed by consent of the whole trade this quarter day 1635 that 08870 thes whose Names are vnder written shall pay every of them 08880 towardes the Maintenance of the Plate this next yeare ffor that 08890 they have payed nothing heretofore Mathew wilkinson 4Ioseph 08900 Ieffersoun Thomas Warde William Slee Thomas Monke4 of the 08910 Chamberlines vpon assen day...ffor settinge the dinner...ffor 08920 wine at the dinner...ffor Strangers at our dinner...ffor Musicke 08930 at the dinner...owing by Edward dalton towardes a New pece of 08940 plate to be Run the next yeare 1636... 08950 08960 08970 08980 08990 An Act made & Consented vnto at ye Last Auditt by Mr Maior & his 09000 bretheren with the ffowers of ye occupacions that no Barr monnye 09010 was heareafter to be alowte to ye seriantes nor no monnyes to ye 09020 wates at ye goinge to ye kinges more or ye horsrace...Item to 09030 the drumer...Item given for 2 ffoott balles & acocke of 09040 shroughtuesday...Item for a doore and paisboard pro the gunners 09050 yt day... Item given to Edward dalton for the games...Item 09060 given to the Citties whaitts...Item to ye drumer...Item given to 09070 ye waitts of kendell...Item given vpon Assention day amongst the 09080 occupations...Item given for 36 lb of powther...Item to the 09090 drumer...Item to the drumer... 09100 09110 09120 09130 09140 Item ffor a peace of plate ffor ye horse Course... 09150 09160 09170 09180 09190 Ite Rec ffrome Mr Maior...Inprimis for 1 quart of Sacke & 09200 Musyk...Ite upon hallowe Thursdaye in cheese...in breede & 09210 Cakes...Ayle...wyne...Rishes...in all... 09220 09230 09240 09250 09260 ffrom the Chamberlines...vpon assention day 1 quarte of wine i p 09270 sacke...Remaining in Mr William Iames Maior for the plate... 09280 09290 09300 09310 09320 to the drummer...Item given to Edward dalton for makeinge the 09330 games against Shroughtuesday & for apeace Cloth to put them 09340 on...Item given that day for 2 foott balles...Item given for a 09350 Cocke that day...Item given for adoore and paysbourd for the 09360 guners...Item given for makeinge 2 new hammer shaftes that was 09370 broken that day...Item given to the Citties whaitts of 09380 Shroughtuesday... Item given to the skhollers for makeinge an 09390 Oratioun the 5th of november before mr maior & his 09400 brethren...Item given to the waitts of Rippon at mr maior 09410 Command...Item to the drumer...Item more the 25th May for 09420 careing of the weights to the moore 2 times...more for 09430 packthred...Item more that was bestowed in wine at the 09440 Crosse...Item given to them that caried halbertes to the 09450 Moore... to the drumer...Item given to the waitts of 09460 darinton...Item given to the waytts of Barwicke...Item given to 09470 the waitts of kendell...Item to the drumer... 09480 09490 09500 09510 09520 To my lord Whartons players by the command of Mr Maior November 09530 the 15th...To ye drummer...In cloth for the Sergiants, pipers, 09540 Beadles and drummer...To the Waites of Keizwicke...To the Waites 09550 of kendaill...To the musitions vpon fasten Euenday by the comand 09560 of Mr Maior...ffor the playes for fasteneuenday...To one for 09570 carrienge the doore...ffor two footebals...To Richard Hudson for 09580 fastenuen day & the same day... To the drummer...To the waites 09590 of Rippon Aprill 10th...To the drummer...To ye drummer... 09600 09610 09620 09630 09640 Item to the drummer...Item giuen to the players att Chrisinmas 09650 by the Commaund of mr mayor...Item 7 february giuen to the 09660 waites of kendall by the Commaunde of mr mayor...Item 17 09670 february giuen to the waites of askrigg by the Commaund of mr 09680 mayor...Item to the drummer...Item 20 Aprill giuen to the waites 09690 of Rippon by the Commaund of mr mayor...Item to the 09700 drummer...Item bestowed by mr mayor on the waites of ...Item to 09710 the drummer... 09720 09730 09740 09750 09760 to William Iames the drummer...to a drummer for teachinge of Heslop... 09770 09780 09790 09800 09810 To Robert Browne a puppie player...to the drummer hudson...to 09820 William Iames drummer...paid for cloath for the Sergiants Cooke 09830 and waits... 09840 09850 09860 09870 09880 Verehrt Spilleutten In Weihennacht Feirtagen/...Des Lord 09890 Moundtyadt Spileuten verehrt...Ettlichen Spilleuten In 09900 Weyhenachten...Den Knappen verehrt, so Ine am 3 Konigstag 09910 angesungen... 09920 09930 09940 09950 09960 In 2 malen Comedias oder Spil Zustehen verert Jedes mals 3 09970 s...Mer Spilleutten In 2 mal als frembde leutt sein hier gewesen 09980 verert... 09990 10000 10010 10020 10030 Einem frembden Spilman verert... 10040 10050 10060 10070 10080 Den Hofierern alhie, Geiger und Pfeiffer... 10090 10100 10110 10120 10130 Milorts Scrups Dinern so ein Comedi gehalten verert...Den 10140 Spilleuten alhie...Dem Schuelmaister von Bireth verert, so ein 10150 Comedi gehalten... 10160 10170 10180 10190 10200 Item to the players this last Chistinmas...Item to the piper for 10210 his wages this last Christenmas...To the pypers at newbiggin & 10220 penrith... 10230 10240 10250 10260 10270 To the Musicions...To Troughton the pyper... 10280 10290 10300 10310 10320 To Troughton the pyper in Christmas...To my Lady, for Anthony 10330 the 4p4 pyper... 10340 10350 10360 10370 10380 To the pyper in harvest...To my Lord Whartons players...To the 10390 Earle of derbyes players...To Cockermoth players...To Bodell the 10400 fidler...To the pyper, for 16. dayes in harvest... 10410 10420 10430 10440 10450 To my Lord Whartons players...To my Mr for the players. 6. 10460 Ianuarij...To Anthonie the pyper...To Bodle the fiddler. 26: 10470 februarij...To a pyper...To a Companie of players 2: 10480 september...To the Musicions for my Lady... 10490 10500 10510 10520 10530 To henrye the pyper for harvest...To Will Bodle the fiddler...To 10540 a Company of players...To the players...To players, by my 10550 Lady... 10560 10570 10580 10590 10600 To the pyper in harvest...To the pyper in Christmas...To two 10610 Trumpetters, 8. Martch... 10620 10630 10640 10650 10660 To the pyper in harvest. for 9. dayes...To the pyper for 10670 Christmas...To my Lord Whartons players. 21: februarij...To a 10680 poor fidler...To yorkshyre Musicions...To the pyper for 15. 10690 dayes... 10700 10710 10720 10730 10740 To my Lord Whartons men. 7. december...To Troughton the 10750 pyper...To my Maister, for Cockermoth players...To Bodle the 10760 fidler...To the Pyper for watching horses... 10770 10780 10790 10800 10810 To Troughton the pyper, 9 Ianuarij... 10820 10830 10840 10850 10860 To the pyper for harvest...To a Company, of Musicians...To the 10870 pyper, for 15. dayes in harvest... 10880 10890 10900 10910 10920 To my Lord Strange men...To the pyper for .16. dayes in 10930 harvest...For making the Ialor and Trumpiters Cloakes... 10940 10950 10960 10970 10980 To the pyper for 16: dayes... 10990 11000 11010 11020 11030 To the pyper, in harvest, for 17. dayes at...To Anthony 11040 troughton the pyper in Christmas... 11050 11060 11070 11080 11090 To the pyper, for 15: dayes in harvest, at...To Anthony 11100 troughton, the pyper... 11110 11120 11130 11140 11150 To the pyper, for his harvest wages... 11160 11170 11180 11190 11200 4.4 3. pair of red dauncing pumpes for the children...To Iohn 11210 Trumpetor..To iij pipers at the gates...To the wates at 11220 Carlyle...To Sir Henry Curwens iij waites...To ye waites of 11230 Pearoth...To the waites of Rippon...To ye waites of Carlyle...to 11240 a pyper at ye gate...To ye wates of doncaster...To Iohn 11250 Trumpeter...To a musician sent from Mrs Tayler...To Rbert for 11260 teaching the gentlemen to daunce...The waites of 11270 wakefield...Iohn Trumpeter... 11280 11290 11300 11310 11320 Carlile/ Carlile 11330 To iij pipers at the gates...To iiij musicians at the gates...To 11340 the Princes players...iij consorts of musicians... 11350 11360 11370 11380 11390 To a piper yt came out of Lankyshire...Iohn 11400 Trumpetor...musicians...To a iugler...To a cornetter...to iij 11410 minstrells giuen by mrs mary...to ij other...to 2.pipers...to a 11420 piper...Giuen at Askerton by my lady. 12 of Iune.a piper...To 11430 iij musicians at the gate...To the waites of Carlyle...To the 11440 musicians of Penreth...to mr Heymore for teaching to daunce in 11450 part... 11460 11470 11480 11490 11500 mr Radclif/mr Radclif 11510 mr Gray for mrs mary.per bill. december. 1620.a pair of 11520 daunsing pumpes...To the poor at my lady going to 11530 Thornthwate...to the dawncer...To the players...To Iohn 11540 trumpeter...To the princes players...To the waites of 11550 Penreth...to a minstrell at the gates vij marcij...To the waites 11560 of midlam...To the waytes of Richmond...To the waites of 11570 Carlyle...To ij.fidlers at the gate...To the waites of 11580 kendall...To a company of players... 11590 11600 11610 11620 11630 mr Radcliff/mr william Radclif 11640 To mrs mary to giue vnto 2. fidlers...To Players...to iij 11650 waytes of Rippon...To a harper...To pypers at ye gate...To the 11660 waites of lancaster...to ye waites of berwick...To a harper at 11670 the gates... 11680 11690 11700 11710 11720 To a piper...To a cornetor...To ye players of Penreth...Sent to 11730 them afterward for mrs Howard...To a company of players at 11740 4Brampton4 Coomcach...To the waites of lancaster... 11750 11760 11770 11780 11790 To the Players of warwick...to the waytes of Penreth...to the 11800 waites of Carlyle... 11810 11820 11830 11840 11850 To the waites of Penreth...to iij trumpeters... 11860 11870 11880 11890 11900 To ye scottish piper...To the piper of Brampton...To ye piper by 11910 my ladyes commaund...To the waites of Penreth... 11920 11930 11940 11950 11960 To the waites of Carlile...To 2 Pypers... 11970 11980 11990 12000 12010 To a Piper by my ladie...To Iohn Mulcaster the Piper for 12020 playinge at Naward this Cristenmas time...To thre Pypers the 12030 waytes of Richmonde...To a Companie of Players...To a Companie 12040 of Players by my ladies Commaund...To a Companie of ffidlers... 12050 12060 12070 12080 12090 To a Pyper at 4Carlile4 Corbie... 12100 12110 12120 12130 12140 To a fellow with a Hobbie Horsse by my ladies Commaund...To the 12150 Piper by my lady vpon New yeares daye...To Iohn Mulcaster the 12160 Piper for playinge here all Christenmas...To 3 Pypers at 12170 Corbye...To the waytes of darneton...To 3 ffidlers...To a 12180 Companie of Pipers...To 2 Pipers the waites of Durham...To 3 12190 Severall Companies of Musitions at the Gate, by Iohn Porter...To 12200 the waites of Penreth... To the waites of Durham...To a 12210 ffidler...To a blinde Herper by my ladies Commaund...To a Herper 12220 by my ladies Commaund...To a Companie of Players...To Mr Robert 12230 Hymes for one Moneth Teachinge Mr William Howard and Mrs 12240 Elizabeth his Sister to daunce... 12250 12260 12270 12280 12290 Gyuen Fiddlers...yt came toye doors...I gaue piper... & 12300 Coocke... and came to Whithauen...Gaue pipers at house... 12310 12320 12330 12340 Also it is ordained & appointed by ye said Occupacion that vpon 12350 Corpus Christy day, as old vse & Custome was befor time, the 12360 whole Light, with ye whole Occupacion & Banner to be in St 12370 Maries Churchyard at ye Ash tree at 4x4 10 of ye clock in ye 12380 forenoon, & he yt comes not befor ye banner be rased to come 12390 away...pay...each offender toties quoties... 12400 12410 12420 12430 12440 Item to Iohn Simpson for the pipers cote...To Mr: smith for the 12450 piper wages... 12460 12470 12480 12490 12500 to Iohn simpson for ye piper wayge... 12510 12520 12530 12540 12550 Stett/No bydden dynners:or drynkynges:/An Other Order for 12560 metinges off Burgesses & xxiiijti etc on: Certayn stacion & 12570 apoyntyd dayes 14 : day Iune 4...4 1576/caps repealed/Stacion 12580 Dayes: repealed 22 Maij 1578; viz: Alhallowe daye: Newe yeare 12590 & xijth: Dayes: Thassencion Daye: etc/vacat Item it is 12600 Orderide & Constitutid: lykewise by the Alderman/ and 12610 Burgesses, withe the hole assennte and advise aforesaid / That 12620 no person or personns.off what callinge or estate so 12630 ever.he.she.or they bee off / Whiche either.be nowe dwellinge / 12640 or whiche hearafter.shall fforton to be dwellinge & 12650 residente.within this Boroughe / or liberties hearoff / ffrome & 12660 after / the sayd sevynth daye off ffebruarij nexte comynge / 12670 shall./ either provide.prepare.desyer.byd.warne.have or make / 12680 or cause or suffer to be had provided prepared.desyerid bydden 12690 warnyd.or made / at or with in / any his.hers.or their seuerall 12700 howse / or in or at any other howsse or place / within this / 12710 Boroughe./ or liberties hearoff/any dynner.super or ffeaste / 12720 ffor moneye offor.for personns towne ffolkes,to any Nomber moore 12730 or lesse above the Nomber off/ twelve which makes vpp. three 12740 measses off ffolkes (Suche lyke dynners supers.ffeastes or 12750 drynkyns / as have bene comonlye vsed / at or vpon / Shotinges 12760 in long bowes, or metynges of men off Occupacions / aboute 12770 orders for their severall pagiandes of Corpus Christi playe / Or 12780 at the Aldermans electyon / Or at any court day at accustomyed 12790 tymes in the yeare / onely exceptyd and resserved) Or shall 12800 provide / prepair / desyer.byd.warne make.or have/or cause or 12810 suffer to be provided.prepaired desyerid.bydden warnyd or made 12820 any open or generall drynkynges Nutcastes.merye 12830 nyghtes.aplecastes.or others suche lyke at all / ffor moneye 12840 offor ffor any nomber of townsfolkes greate or.small vpon payn 12850 to fforfeite & losse to thusse off the Chamber /.off this 12860 Boroughe ffor everye ffault so comytted & donne... Item it is 12870 Ordeyned & Constitutyd by the Alderman Burgesses and xxiiiiti 12880 Assistauntes off this Boroughe / that aswell everye one off the 12890 xxiiijti Assistauntes,as the xij Pryncipall Burgesses off this 12900 Boroughe / nowe & from hencefurthe, ffrome tyme to tyme beinge 12910 in some convenyente tyme after he be called into either off the 12920 same ij companys and have receyved his Othe, 12930 shall provide & have A playne Clothe gowen off black or off some 12940 other sad color, or mor at his pleasure, and the same gowen 12950 shall putt & wear vpon hym with A rownd black capp on his head 12960 moost commonlye on all Sondayes in the year, and on all holye 12970 dayes lykewise when the wether is ffayr & vphold, But 12980 especiallye on theis dayes ffollowinge, (as many as be at home & 12990 in healthe / or have not some busynes or presente occacion to go 13000 furthe off this Boroughe, abowte some busynes tollerable, that 13010 is to say, on the dayes off the Election / etc & othe takynge of 13020 every Alderman, The day off every Alderman his pryncypall 13030 ffeaste or dynner, 4On Alhallowe day4, On Christenmes day 4On 13040 Newe years daye / The Twelfth day4, On Easter day 4Thassencion 13050 day4, & On Whitsondaye (4Excepte some of the same holye dayes 13060 happen on any Setterdaye4) And shall on everye of the same dayes 13070 before or at tyme off Rynnginge off the Third peall, be redye 13080 accordinglye to accompanye the Alderman or his deputie ffor the 13090 tyme alwayes beinge everye one at and ffrome the Alderman or his 13100 deputye his owen dwellinge howsse, to the Churche, bothe to 13110 mornynge & evnynge prayer, every one in his order rowem & place 13120 / as he nowe is or hearafter may be lawfullye called & placyd 13130 and not otherwise, And agayne ffrome the Churche in lyke order 13140 to accompany the sayd Alderman or his deputye to anempste everye 13150 one his owen dwellinge howse, 4And also4 Sub pena forisfacturae 13160 tocies quocies / ...to be levyed etc in like maner & order to 13170 and ffrome the proclamacion on the ffayer dayes and play dayes 13180 and ffrome thence to and ffrome the hall, as occation shall 13190 requyer, Sub pena fforisfacturae tocies quocies... 13200 13210 13220 13230 13240 Stet:/18. Maij 1581 ad Curiam ibidem 13250 Shearmen 13260 Item it is likewise Ordeyned / That all & every person & persons 13270 beinge A Shearman(when he hath Served owte 4of4 his 13280 Apryntishippe / and before he be admyttid ffreeman of the same 13290 Company), shall pay to thuse of the hole Companye of Shearmen 13300 aforesaid / besides Custome for the Playe) ... (suche persons 13310 as have alredie paid to the corporacion / only exceptid) 13320 13330 13340 13350 13360 payd to edward garnett for waites cootes... 13370 13380 13390 13400 13410 pd...by mr edward potter...pd to him for ye waites cotes... 13420 13430 13440 13450 13460 St: Mark 1586/Ad Curiam tentam 22: September 1586 13470 And it is further declaryde to be the trewe meaninge & entente 13480 of the same Alderman & Burgesses that everye one of them on 13490 everye of the foresayd: three Cheiff ffestivall dayes of 13500 christenmas. easter & penticost 4and also on every of the sayd 13510 dayes of the ffayres & playdayes4, shall have vpon them & weare 13520 their best vyolat gownes 4...4 Sub pena... ffor the Playe 13530 Forasmuche as verry many & dyvers of the common Inhabitantes of 13540 this Incorporacion (suche of them onlye as rather preferr ther 13550 owne pryvate commodities / and the common customes & vsages hear 13560 / and more respecte the Satisfyinge of their/ owne delightes & 13570 fantasyes, by A greate deale than the Benyfite & common welthe 13580 of all others in generall / beinge the greater parte) doo covytt 13590 & earnestlye Crye for the havinge of Corpus christi play, 13600 yearlye vsuallye to be had played and vsed heare as in former 13610 tymes without admyttinge or allowinge almost any occacion or 13620 necessitie for the stayinge therof in any yeare Holdinge pryvate 13630 opynyons sometymes and affirmynge that the havinge or denyinge 13640 therof onlye restethe in the Alderman/ for the tyme beinge) 13650 Althoughe (that in trewth) in all matters & causes belonginge 13660 this Bourghe he is (at it were) tyed to the Societie Counsell 13670 and Brotherhead of others with hym Not havinge power in 13680 hymselff, to appoynte & sett downe Orders & constitucions of 13690 hymselff 4to appoynte & sett downe4 in all thinges specially in 13700 suche as generallye Concerne the Common state & affayrs of the 13710 same Bourghe without the ayde & counsell & grave advise & 13720 assistaunce of his Bretherne the head Burgesses adioyned vnto 13730 hym / ffor the redresse & certayntye of reformacion wherof / It 13740 is Ordeyned & constitutid by the Alderman and head Burgesses of 13750 this Bourghe of Kyrkbykendall/ That it shall not be lawfull at 13760 no tyme hearafter ffor the Alderman of the same Bourghe for the 13770 tyme beinge or any his deputie or deputies, to appoynte & geve 13780 lycence ffor the same Playe of Corpus christi/ or any other 13790 stage playes to be had or vsed heare, onlye of hymselff in any 13800 yeare at or aboute the accustomyde tyme therof, or at any other 13810 tyme Excepte it shalbe lyked of and consentid vnto by his sayd 13820 Brethern the head Burgesses or the more parte of them frome tyme 13830 to tyme beinge vpon payne to forfeyte & losse to the vse of the 13840 Chamber of this Bourghe tocies quocies... 13850 13860 13870 13880 13890 pd to william fox wif for Ale bread & Apples at A banket when ye 13900 Auditor & receiueres was ther at martinmas...pd to mr dickson 13910 for comffites ye same tyme...pd to ye players of my lord 4of4 13920 morlaies at ye same tyme...All ys was bistowid vpon ye Auditor & 13930 receiuer & for ther plesure bothe for yt ye Auditor was for my 13940 lord of warwick then / & Also ye receiuer did help hus to our 13950 mony at my lord wardens had at yt tyme 13960 13970 13980 13990 14000 pd ye iij of Iune for ye waites cotes...pd to ye waytes at ye 14010 election diner...pd to mr potter yt he paid to ye plaiers of my 14020 lord of sussex & my lord of essex... 14030 14040 14050 14060 14070 pd to waites in reward...pd to garnet for plaieng on ye 14080 drome...pd for A pot of Ale when ye playe was at mr wilsons...pd 14090 to garnet for plaieng on ye drome...pd for ye diners of mr 14100 doctor mr Ingall for ye curat & clarke & peter Alansons at ye 14110 elections diner...pd more in od mony at yt tyme...pd to ye 14120 minstrels & for ye seriantes...pd to ye waites at mr Alderman 14130 diner...pd for candles when mr Ingall play was... 14140 14150 14160 14170 14180 pd to Iohn collen for his lofte for ye playe...pd to ye 14190 menstrells at ye dener at christofer foxes...more for the 4...4 14200 clarkes & outhers... 14210 14220 14230 14240 14250 paid to ye waytes when mr docktor robinson was here...pd for x 14260 quartes of wyne when mr robinson was here to him & his 14270 company... 14280 14290 14300 14310 14320 pd to Iarvis dickson wif for ij pottes of Ale more at ye 14330 maske...pd for ij quartes wine at ye maske...pd to mr dawson for 14340 ye charges of ye banket at ye maske...pd to ye plaiers in ye 14350 newe hall...pd to mr dawson for ye waites cotes...pd to ye 14360 quenes players ys somer...pd for charges at ye diner at ye 14370 election & for wine & to ye waites... 14380 14390 14400 14410 14420 Item pd to cudbert pearsone yt he layd forth to ye players at ye 14430 dragon the last yeare...Item pd to cudbert yt he pd to garnat 14440 ffor playing on the drome on the crownatyon daye...Item pd by 14450 the Apointment of mr Alderman for the Charges of the Staig of 14460 Sir potters playe...Item pd to Sir potter by cuthbert...Item pd 14470 Iames Aryey wyff for xxxvj mens dinners of the election 14480 day...Item pd for the ij Sargents dinners the same daie... Item 14490 pd mr Swaynson for a gallanne of Claried wine & A quart seck on 14500 the election daie...pd Cudbert yt he pd ye waytes on ye 14510 elecktyon day... 14520 14530 14540 14550 14560 Item to william Iudsons wyfe for the dinners of ix messe and one 14570 person at the election dinner...Item to the pypers which Iames 14580 Ayraye layd forth at ye election dinner... 14590 14600 14610 14620 14630 Item to mr fleminge for iij yards and a half of blv to the wets 14640 cots...Item to the drvmer at bvrning of bekens...Item to Rowland 14650 michell for goinge to perit at bvrnings of bekens...Layd out for 14660 chesse to go to perit at the burnings of the beking and 14670 bred...Item to edward the cariar of it...Item to the weats and 14680 drvmer...Item for drinke that time...Item to Richard selle for 14690 letther to a par of hampers yt went to Carlill at the bvrning of 14700 the bekinngs... Item payed at the eleckcion dener for vij meas 14710 and on man at...pes...Item to the menstrills at dener... 14720 14730 14740 14750 14760 Item pd to one playing on the dromme ye Quenes daye...mor at 14770 hwnts to the whaytts...mor to whayets at my masters... 14780 14790 14800 14810 14820 Item pd to Iames Ayreye wyffe for the leete courte dynner 14830 mychelmas 1597...Item to the mynstrells at a dynner at Iames 14840 Ayreyes...Item payd to Edmund Hunt wyffe at the dynner of mr 14850 Iames willsons election...Item pd in reward to the lord 14860 Montegles players...Item pd in reward to Therle of derbys 14870 players... 14880 14890 14900 14910 14920 payed vnto ye mvisioneres in kendall Churche for playeng thar by 14930 Mr Aldermanes Appoyntment vij s payed them... 14940 14950 14960 14970 14980 paid to my lorde quarton playeres...At the election of Mr 14990 Twhaite Alderman/ paid to William denison Wife for a 15000 dinner...more for iij quartes of wine which was feched to the 15010 diners...more to the wettes... 15020 15030 15040 15050 15060 paid the 28th off october to Christoffor Eskrige ffor ix yardes 15070 off grey ffrese ffor the pipers Cottes...paid Christoffor 15080 hodgson when beakenes brunt ffor going to peareth...paid Robert 15090 Ayre ffor playing off drum at same time...paid mr Alderman ffor 15100 otes that he bestowed off a horse when beakenes brunte...paid to 15110 Richard scales that he paid ffo v tarbareles when beakenes 15120 brunte... paid to a lad ffor plainge on the drum when wach was 15130 sett...paid ffor wine off the play daie...paid to Iohn Robinson 15140 wiffe ffor xxvij menes dinneres sam daie Mr Alderman was 15150 chosen...pd pipers for theyr fee same daye mr alderman was 15160 chosen...pd piper the ll of ottutober for playinge at mr 15170 aldermans diner...pd Gowen Caslaye for paven of stret whear 15180 playe was... 15190 15200 15210 15220 15230 pd in Reward to ye new waytes at theyr first Coming 7.nov...pd 15240 to edward archer for playing on drum quens day...pd mor to Iohn 15250 Robinson which he layd ovt abovt the play by appoyntment...pd 15260 more to Iohn Robinson wif for vij mease on the election day 15270 ...wyne ... & waytes ... 15280 15290 15300 15310 15320 Item payd to Edward Artcher for playinge of the drume vpon the 15330 queens daie...Item payd to mr Robert Wilkinsonne as his note 15340 dothe Appeare...Item 31 of same viijth yeardes of blake 15350 ffreyse...Item ffor ffasinge button and bayse ffor the Waytes 15360 Cottes... 15370 15380 15390 15400 15410 pd to Robert hodgshone shold have beine the wait...pd for 6 15420 quarters of brod Read to the wayte...pd 5 August 1604 to drumer 15430 & mynstrells...pd ll same for mending drume to watr backus... 15440 15450 15460 15470 15480 pd the 12 of Aprill to Iames Ayray for the Leete Coarte 15490 dynner...pd the same daye 4f4 to Robert holme wif for Chardges 15500 for the Commissoneres About the play...paid to Iames Ayraye wyfe 15510 the same daye for the Commissinares...More pd to hughe Iackson 15520 wyf for the Chardges of the Commissinores...pd to hir for wyne 15530 the same tyme... pd to Iames Ayraye the 10 of Iune which was 15540 paid for A Iorneye to yorck...pd more for mr tyrares seckond 15550 Iorneye to yorck for Chardges...pd the 4 of september for 15560 Chardges About mr Tyrar & mr Ingalle... 15570 15580 15590 15600 15610 pd when we wente to the play... 15620 15630 15640 15650 15660 pd to Edward Archer for playeinge vpon the Drvme at ye queenes 15670 departure...pd to william warriner ye 18 of march that his 15680 master gave to ye Earle of da r byes men...pd to ye earle of 15690 Lincolne his men... 15700 15710 15720 15730 15740 pd per the aponyment of mr alderman to my lord mounteagell playres... 15750 15760 15770 15780 15790 pd to the Players... 15800 15810 15820 15830 15840 pd mor to mr ffisher which was for the waittes Cottes... 15850 15860 15870 15880 15890 payd Bryan Preston ffor the waytes 4cottes4 Clokes...payd the 15900 waytes ffor playinge...payd ffor the Elekxtion diner...payd for 15910 wyne same tyme...pd ffor the Leet Courte dinner...payd ffor 15920 drinke & Bread to the Iurie...payd ffor ij quartes of 15930 sake...payd ffor dresinge of A holbert to Iames Ienniges...payd 15940 William Warrinner for buildinge the stage... 15950 15960 15970 15980 15990 payd mr willson Alderman which was bestowed in Reward of the 16000 players belonging to the lord mounteagle...pd mr Alderman which 16010 was geiuen to the players...pd ffor xj yerds yerds off Cloth to 16020 the wayts Clokes & Iacketts att ... yerd...pd to william 16030 waryner wif...pd hir more for the diner att the Chusing of the 16040 Alderman vizd for xiij mease att... pd ffor aples & nuts after 16050 diner att mr Alderman table...pd for drink after...pd to the 16060 waytes for Reward... 16070 16080 16090 16100 16110 Payed to William Warriner the first of November yt was given to 16120 the quens players...pd to the quens men the 13 of Awgust for 16130 playing... 16140 16150 16160 16170 16180 payd per mr Aldermans Consent and mr wilkinsons with the rest of 16190 of ye companye vnto one Symcock and frannerton two of his 16200 majestis vshurs of the gard when they cam to the towne for 16210 looking for housses to intertayne ye king...pd more ffor ther 16220 Charges in meat and drink one night & one daye...more for 2 16230 quartes of sack to theme...payd for wine att the leet Court... 16240 payd to the kinges harbinger The Same tyme...payd vnto mr 16250 Sledall ffor a pursse...put mor in to the kinges pursse..payd to 16260 the groumes of the Stable of estat...payd to The litter 16270 men...payd to mr harres...payd to the trumpeters...payd ffor 16280 proclaying the proclamacion...payd to mr wilson ffor 16290 nacies...payd vnto the Quense players...pd for glass & othr 16300 things when the king was heere att mr Aldrmans Comandment which 16310 he promist me to 4p4 Allow me... pd more...to ye minsterels at 16320 ye venyson ffeast...pd william Chamber wiff the same daye ffor 16330 the venyson diner being 14 mease... 16340 16350 16360 16370 16380 pd to William Chamber the 12 th of november that was given to 16390 the earle of Sussex players...pd more the 22 th of march that 16400 was given to the queens players in gould...pd more the 17 th of 16410 Aprill 1618 to william Chamber wif for the Leit Court diner 16420 beinge/5/mease & three 4f4 men/.../a peece...pd more for 4meat4 16430 bread & drink yt was sent to Ieurie...pd more to Iasper 4garnet4 16440 hey & his man for musack... pd more to Mr Alderman...pd more to 16450 him which he had given to other towe poor men the one was a 16460 Trumpater...pd to walter Beck the 20th of August for a peece of 16470 broadcloth xij yeardes for the waites Cloakes...pd more the 30th 16480 of August to the yonge princes players... 16490 16500 16510 16520 16530 pd the waitts at leet Court dinner...pd Bartholomew Shiphard 16540 ffor a meass which dined at Court leet dinner...pd ffor Beare 16550 and Bread to the Iurie...pd the 22th Iulie 1619 ffor ix yardes 16560 1/4 Brode Read delivered accordinge to mr Aldermans Appointment 16570 ffor the waites Cloackes at 7.2...pd more the 7th of October to 16580 Bartholomew Shipperd wif for the leit Court diner being Seven 16590 mease & twoe men... pd more for bread & drinke that was sent to 16600 the leit Iuerie...pd more the sam day to our Waites for musacck 16610 at diner... 16620 16630 16640 16650 16660 more pd to mr Alderman that he payed vnto a company of 16670 players...more pd to the Queens of bohemia players per mr 16680 Alderman...more pd for 9 yardes of brood clooth for the wayts 16690 clookes...more pd to the kings players the 21 th of October per 16700 mr Alderman dawson appoyntment...more pd to mr Alderman that he 16710 disbursed to the princes players as apears per his note... 16720 16730 16740 16750 16760 Pd to the players...Pd to mr Steven Nuby...Pd him more at same 16770 time for the princes players in the old account...Pd for the 16780 wattes Cloakes... 16790 16800 16810 16820 16830 pd to mr Alderman which he gave to the kinges players...pd the 16840 waytes at leete court dinner... 16850 16860 16870 16880 16890 And to make the said Lordes the more odious to the people, Soe 16900 it is further if it maie please yor moste excellent Majestie 16910 that the said Confederates haue alsoe stirred and raysed vp one 16920 Richard Helm, Henry warde, Thomas Duckett and diuers others 16930 whose names are as yett vnknowne to yor said Attorney but humbly 16940 desireth that hee maie incerte the same when they shalbee 16950 discouered they beinge Players and Actors in a stage playe 16960 publickelie to personate & represent the persons of the said 16970 Lordes of Mannors in theire said playe, and accordingelie the 16980 said Helme, warde, and duckett and the said other vnknowne 16990 persons on or aboute the moneth of Iulie last in the Nineteenth 17000 yeare of yor Majestes Raigne did publickly act a stage plaie at 17010 kendale Castle in the said County and did therein make a 17020 representacion of Hell and in the same did personate and acte 17030 manie Lordes of the Mannors of the said Countie which they did 17040 libellouslie and disgracefullie then and there represent to bee 17050 in hell to the greate abuse of the said Lordes, by which they 17060 were prouoked to haue fallen into outrage and to haue broken yor 17070 Majestes peace and haue sought private Revenge of suche 17080 disgracefull iniuries, had not they beene restrained by the due 17090 respecte of the obeydience to yor majestes lawes Edict and 17100 proclamacion In tender Consideracion whereof ... It maie 17110 therefore please yor most excelent Majestie to graunt vnto yor 17120 said Attorney yor most gracious Writtes of Subpena to be 17130 directed to the said 4persons including4 Richard Helme Henry 17140 Ward and Thomas duckett ... Commaunding them and euery of them 17150 ... to be and appeare before yor highnes and yor majestes most 17160 Honorable Councell in yor Majestes High Courte of Starcham... 17170 And the defendant Richard Helme Confesseth that he was by the 17180 perswasion of one Iasper Garnett (who was the Authore of the 17190 play) in the information mentioned/ an actor in the 4play4 same 17200 etc acted at ... dall Castell about the tyme in the Informacion 17210 mencioned But denyeth that he did in any sorte Represent or Act 17220 the part of any Landlord or tenante in the same as in the said 17230 Informacion is supposed And saith that the said play was penned 17240 by the said Iasper Garnet aboue fower yeares agoe he being a 17250 Scholemaister in Lancashire And drawn into fower large bookes 17260 And was seene and lyked by some landlord and divers men in the 17270 barrony of kendall before the same was acted.. Itim whether doe 17280 you know that Richard Helme Henrie ward Thomas Duckett or any of 17290 them in or a bout the month of Iulij last 1621 did ackt or plaie 17300 a staige plaie att Kendall Castle in the said Countie of 17310 westmerland whether weere you priuie afore hand yt the sayd 17320 plaie was then to be plaied whether weare you pressent att the 17330 then actinge of the said plaie whether was ther then in the same 17340 any representacion of Hell & whether was any thinge then Acted 17350 or mencioned of any landlordes of westmerland to bee seane there 17360 in hell, wherefore weare they the said landlordes represented 17370 soe to bee in hell, what was the Conseite or morallitie there 17380 of, weare you priuie to the Inuentinge makinge or settinge forth 17390 of the said plaie who was the Inuentor or maker ther of and by 17400 whose meanes or abettment or procurment was the same soe 17410 inuented & maid & enacted accordinglie declaire yor knowledge 17420 therein & how you know the same to be true://... Hee saieth 17430 that hee knoweth not that Richard Helme Henrie Ward, Tomas 17440 Duckett or anie of them did in or about the moneth of Iulie last 17450 1621. act or play anie Stage play at Kendall Castell in the 17460 said Countie of Westmerland. neither was hee this defendant 17470 privie that anie such play would bee there plaied, nor was 17480 present at the acting therof. And therefore cannot depose 17490 whether there was in the same anie representacion of hell, or 17500 the mencion of anee of the Landlords of Westmerland to bee 4in4 17510 seene in hell or not. neither doth hee. this Defendant know 17520 what the conceipt or moralitie of the said play was. neither 17530 was hee this defendant privie to the inventing, setting fourth 17540 or making of the same. nor knoweth who was the Inventor or 17550 maker therof, nor by whose meanes, abettment or procurement the 17560 same was invented, made, or acted. 17570 To the xj th Interr he Cannot depose otherwise then that he did 17580 heare that there was such a play acted at kendall aforesaid as 17590 in the said Interr is mencioned./ To the xj th Interr he saith 17600 that about the time in the Interr mencioned there was a stage 17610 play acted at kendall Castell, & that he this Examinat was an 17620 actor in the said plaie, haueinge a parte Called Raymond, & that 17630 Thomas duckett Henry ward with others to the number of twentie 17640 or thereaboutes were actores allso in the said plaie, but 17650 denieth that in the said play there was anie representacion of 17660 hell or of anie landlordes within the said Barronie to be in 17670 hell, saue onely there was a ieast betweene thomas Duckett and 17680 Henry ward who acted the partes of towe Clownes in the said 17690 plaie deliuered by thone of them to thother in these wordes 17700 vizt, Rauens quotha no, thou art farr byth square, ites false 17710 landlordes makes all that Croakinge there, & those sheepe wee 17720 poore men, whose right these by their skill, would take awaie, & 17730 make vs tennantes at will, & when or ancient liberties are gone, 17740 theile puke & poole & peele vs to the bare bone. the which 17750 speeches passed betweene the the said Clownes vpon former 17760 speeches vsed betweene them of hell, And allso saith that the 17770 said plaie was made by one Iasper Garnett borne in the Barronie 17780 of Kendall Schoolemaister at Lancaster at the time of the 17790 makeinge of the said plaie, And at the time of the said Actinge 17800 thereof resident within the said Barronie of kendall./ Item 17810 whether did the said defe...of them & which and howe many of 17820 them by name styrrvp or procure any players & acters in a Stage 17830 playe pvblickelie to personate & represent the persons of the 17840 Lordes of Mannors in their said playe which were oppressors of 17850 the said Custome of Tenant right howe & in what maner were the 17860 said Lordes represented / Item did the said defendant Helme one 17870 Ward & one Duckett together with other Actors and Stage players 17880 on or about the moneth of Iuly in the nynteenth yeare of his 17890 Majestes Raigne acte a Stage playe at Kendall Castle in the said 17900 Countye of Westmerland & which & howe many of them by name did 17910 act or reprsent the persons or accions of any the lordes of 17920 Mannors within the said Countye & was the same playe acted in 17930 disgrace or contempt of the lordes of Mannors there declare yor 17940 knowledge herein at large.... Item whethether doe you knowe 17950 that the defendantes did 4effe...4 publikely act a stage play 17960 and there in did personate and present the persons of the Lordes 17970 of the Mannors within the Countie of Westmerland in the moneth 17980 of Iuly in Anno domini 1621. in Kendall Castell And whether did 17990 the said defendantes in the said Stage play make a 18000 representacion of Hell And in the same did personate and Act 18010 manie Lordes of the said Mannors which they did lybellouslye and 18020 disgracefully then and there represent to be in hell yea or noe, 18030 yf yea then which or how manie of the defendantes did soe make a 18040 representacion of Hell and did personate and represent the said 18050 landlordes to be in hell, or which or how manie of the said Land 18060 Lordes was so personated by anie of the defendantes or how manie 18070 of the said defendantes did act the said stage play or what part 18080 or partes did anie of them act therein or what wordes can you 18090 declare which was spoken in anie part or partes which the 18100 defendantes or anie of them did act or how manie of the 18110 defendantes were at the actinge of the said play declare the 18120 trueth vpon your oath./ Item who was the Author or Composer of 18130 the play which was acted at Kendall Castell, and hath not Sir 18140 ffrauncis duckett knight seene and redd the said play or some 18150 part thereof and liked allowede or Commended the same before the 18160 actinge thereof, And was not Iames Duckett which is grand sonne 18170 to the said Sir ffrancis Duckett one of the actors in the said 18180 play at Kendall Castell and his bayliffe and Tennantes actors 18190 therein and whether did he or they act the same by the privitie 18200 or consent of the said Sir ffrancis Duckett, And whoe did speake 18210 anie wordes in nameinge of Hell in the said play or make anie 18220 representacion thereof. Item doe you knowe that these 18230 defendantes haue Raised vp anie players or actors in anie stage 18240 play or playes to act and personate anie of the Lordes of the 18250 Mannors of the Countie of westmerland, And to represent the said 18260 lordes or anie of them to be in hell and to make a 18270 representacion of Hell and the Land Lordes therein, yea or noe, 18280 yf yea declare whoe what where when and the circumstances 18290 thereof and how you knowe the same to be true./. To the xxxj th 18300 Interrogatory he deposeth and saith that about the time in the 18310 Interrogatory mencioned there was a Stage plaie publikly acted 18320 at kendall Castle wherein Richard Helme one of the defendantes 18330 and Thomas ducket and one ward in the Informacion named were 18340 amongst others actores, And further saith That he hath heard 18350 That in the same plaie there was a representacion of Hell and 18360 that landlordes were reprsented 18370 to be in hell but this he doth not knowe of his owne knowledge, 18380 because he was not present at the Actinge of that parte of the 18390 said plaie if anie such was./ To the xxxij th Interrogatory he 18400 cannot certainly depose otherwise then formerlie to the xxxj th 18410 he hath deposed./ To the xxxiij th Interrogatory he deposeth and 18420 saith That he dothnot knowe nor now remember of any act done by 18430 these defendantes or anie of them in the said stage plaie by 18440 personateinge of the lordes of the Mannor of the Countie of 18450 westmerland or reprsentacion of hell otherwise or in anie other 18460 sort then in his answere to the xxxj th Interrogatory he hath 18470 deposed,/ To the xxxj th Interrogatory he deposeth & saith That 18480 Richard Helme one of the defendantes & Thomas ducket and Henrie 18490 Ward who as he thinketh were named in the Informacion were 18500 Actores in a Stage Play which was Acted at kendall Castle about 18510 the time in the Interrogatory mencioned, And that he this 18520 deponent was present at a parte of the said plaie wherein hell 18530 was reprsented, And in which Thomas Ducket & Henry Ward did Act 18540 the partes of towe fooles or Clownes & demaunded of a Boy who 18550 did looke into the said represented hell who he did see there 18560 which boy declared vnto the 4.4 Clownes & they to the people 18570 that they did see Land lordes & puritanes & Sheriffe Bailiffes & 18580 other Sortes of people whom they would haue made odious and gaue 18590 this reason (as he now remembreth) why the Landlordes were there 18600 in regard they did seeke to make their tennantes, tennantes at 18610 will, & in this or the like manner to this Examinates now 18620 remembrance was that parte of the said plaie acted./ To the 32 18630 th Interrogatory he deposeth and saith That he doth not knowe 18640 who was the Author or Composer of the said plaie neither doth he 18650 knowe that Sir ffrancis Ducket knight this deponentes father Did 18660 read Comend allowe or like the said plaie before the Actinge 18670 thereof neither as he thinketh did 4allowe4 knowe thereof in 18680 particuler or otherwise then by Common report that in generall 18690 there would be a plaie, And he further saith That Iames Ducket 18700 sonne to this deponent beinge then about the age of Seauen 18710 yeares was then an actor in the said plaie by the priuitie and 18720 Consent both of this deponent and the said Sir ffrancis Duckett 18730 this deponentes father, he the said Iames Duckett beinge a 18740 younge Scholler, & therefore they willinge that he should be an 18750 actor in a play, But denieth that he this deponent knewe what 18760 the said play was or would be in particuler or anie parte 18770 thereof, which if he had knowne he would neuer haue suffered his 18780 Sonne to haue beene an Actor therein, And he further saith that 18790 the said Henrie ward beinge then Bailiffe and tennant to this 18800 deponentes father and the said Richard Helme being Tennant to 18810 the said deponentes father were actores in the said plaie./ 18820 18830 18840 18850 18860 pd for mr Alderman and his Companie the 22th of february to the 18870 kings majestie his players...pd to the waytes at the leet Court 18880 diner the 22th of Aperill 1623...pd to the prince his players by 18890 the appointment of mr alderman the 27th of aperill 1623...pd to 18900 william Chamber wiffe for 3 mease at the leet Court diner after 18910 Easter...pd the same tyme for Seven measse... pd for Bread and 18920 drinke to the Iury...pd to the waytes at the venison feast...pd 18930 to peeter huggon for 18 quartes of wine at the feast...pd to 18940 william Chambers wiffe for 17th measses at the venison 18950 feast...pd to the waytes at the leet Court dinner at mychalmas 18960 1623... 18970 18980 18990 19000 19010 To the 2. interrogatory this 4defendant4 deponent sa he doth 19020 know of the actinge of a Stage play at Kendall Castle in the 19030 moneth of Iuly 1621 & confesseth that this deponent was auther & 19040 Composor of the said playe & noe other & sa that there were not 19050 any of the defendantes Actors 4actors4 4be4 in the Stage play 19060 saving the defendant Richard Helme 4whoe acted the ... parte4 19070 4but denieth4 whoe acted the parte but denieth that the said 19080 H4ell4 defendant Helme 4prsented4 did make any representacion of 19090 Hell but there were two other actors in the said play called by 19100 the Names of Thomas duckett & one Henry Warde that in their 19110 actinge the represented a supposed hell vnder the stage but 19120 4whether4 there were not any of the defendantes presente att the 19130 actinge of the said playe to this defendantes knowledge only 19140 savinge the defendant Helme whoe was an actor in the same play 19150 neithr were any of the defendantes to his knowledge acquainted 19160 nor privy to the same before the same was 4acq4 acted savinge 19170 the defendant Helmes whoe was drawn by this defendant to play 19180 his parte in the said playe. To the 3. inter this deponent sa 19190 that Sir ffrancis duckett knight & Anthony Duckett his sonne did 19200 move & intreate Mr Rowland dawson in this interrogatory 19210 mencioned that the said playe might be acted att Kendall & 19220 4vpon4 by there 4p inter4 meanes the saide 4was played there4 Mr 19230 Dawson gave way vnto the 4acted4 actinge of the same, at which 19240 tyme 4of4 the said Sir ffrancis duckett & his sonne moved 19250 4.....f4 the said Mr Dawson this defendant was present & at the 19260 first movinge of the said mr Dawson the said mr Dawson seemed to 19270 be 4vnwillg4 vnwillinge to give way vnto by reason the whole 19280 Corporacion of kendall had bene formerly questioned for 19290 suffering of a play to be played there 1605 whervnto this 19300 4defendant4 deponent answered the said mr Dawson that 4the Clerk 19310 of t4 mr George Warde clerke of the peace both for the Countrie 19320 & towne of kendall had seene & perushed the said play bookes & 19330 had libertie to correct 4&4 any thinge that was offensive in the 19340 said play bookes which 4th4 Mr Dawson acknowledged to be true 4& 19350 that4 sayinge that neither mr warde 4coulde & h. 4 nor he 19360 coulde fynde any thing contayned in the said play bookes which 19370 were not to be allowed to be played, therevpon mr Anthoney 19380 duckett replyed he sawe noe reason whye mr Dawson or any othrs 19390 should lett the said playes to be acted alledginge that it 19400 woulde bringe a greate Concourse of people to the towne & woulde 19410 cause much money to be spent there & therevpon the said mr 19420 Dawson gave way therevnto condiconally that there should be noe 19430 more added to the playe then that which they had perused To the 19440 4. inter he saith he 4neuer4 had conferance & speeche with the 19450 said Sir ffr Duckett & Anthony his sonne concerning the said 19460 play in desiringe their helpe & furthrance that the same might 19470 be acted but whether they had seene the said play bookes or any 19480 parte thereof before the same was played this deponent knowth 19490 not but by the relacion of one Thomas ducket whoe was an acter 19500 in the said playe tolde this 4defendant4 deponent that the said 19510 Sir ffrancis Ducket had seene parte of the said plea. & this 19520 deponent furthr sa that Iames duckett is grand sonne to the said 19530 Sir ffrancis Duckett & was one of the Actors in the said plea at 19540 Kendall castle & the said Sir ffr his Balive & 4te4 some of his 19550 tennantes were actors therein & played their partes in the said 19560 play with the privity & consent of the said Sir ffrancis Duckett 19570 for any thing this deponent did know or hearde to the Contrary & 19580 4furth4 to the rest of the questions in this interrogatory 19590 mencioned this4defendant4 deponent hath before set downe saving 19600 that the said playebookes were 4..4 made 7. yeares or 19610 thereaboutes before the same were acted but there was not any 19620 intent of hurt or disgrace intended against the landlordes of 19630 the County of westmerland 4then4 but 4what4 that the same 19640 concerned all in generall & furthr deposeth not / To the 5 inter 19650 this deponent sa there was not any of the defendantes nor any 19660 other players that acted any of the stage playes wherein they 19670 reprsented or personated any of the lordes of the Mannors within 19680 the County of Westmrlande4nor4 neithr were any of them 19690 personated to be in Hell but what was then acted 4..4was a 19700 reprsentacion of ravens feeing of poore sheepe 4which whoe 4 in 19710 Hell which ravens were compared to 4lan4 greedy landlordes & 19720 the sheepe to their poore tennantes whoe oppressed them & fedd 19730 vpon their 4Carcasses4 Carkesses but the same was not intended 19740 more against any of the County of westmrlande then against other 19750 counties & all in generall To the 6. inter he saith that the 19760 Actors of the said pleas which were acted at Kendall castle 19770 4the4 had 4their a4 4all4 the best & the greatest parte of their 19780 apparrell & playing Clothes lent them by & from the howses of 19790 Sir Iames Bellingham knight & Sir ffrancis duckettes whoe were 19800 the furthrers.of the acting of the said pleas & there were 4so 19810 divers4 att the acting of the said pleas which were of Sir Iames 19820 Bellinghams howse Mr Allen Bellingham & Sir ffrancis duckettes 19830 howse the Lady duckett Mr Anthony duckett & his wife with divers 19840 others & furthr he cannot depose To the 7. inter this 19850 4defendant4 deponent saith that 4Ier. m. Ga4 Ierom Garnett 19860 this 4defendant4 deponentes brother 4writ4 & servant to Sir 19870 Iames Bellingham writ alettere to this 4defendant4 deponent that 19880 he should keepe out of the way alledgeing 4tha4 by his letteres 19890 that the defendant Samuel Knipe had a proces to serve on him but 19900 he knew not for what cause the same was but as he 4supposed4 19910 thought it was for a libell supposed to be made against him the 19920 said Samuel Knipe by this4defendant4 deponent, & the said Ierom 19930 Garnett by his lettere advised this 4defendant4 Deponent to come 19940 over vnto Leavens to where Sir Iames Bellingham then dwelt, & 19950 then the said Ierom Garnett & this deponent would consider 19960 furthr cocerning the business or word to that effect & sa, vpon 19970 receipt of the said lettere he absented him self & send worde 19980 vnto the defendant knipe by divers persons concerning the said 19990 supposed writt which the said Ierom had written vnto him thereof 20000 & that he should send this 4defendant4 deponent an answere there 20010 of wherevpon this deponent received answer from the said Knipe 20020 that he had a writt of suppena to serve on him to testifie the 20030 truth in this he .. Cort on the defendantes behalfe Concerning 20040 the said plays & for noe othr cause & this deponent thought he 20050 was in Conscience bounde to testife the truth on the behalfe of 20060 the defendant , & this deponent saith that after 4the4 he 4h4 20070 received informacion from the defendant knipe this deponent met 20080 with his brother Ierom att Ascham in the County of westmerland 20090 where his brothr Ierom seemed to be offended because this 20100 deponent had diclosed the secrettes of his letteres to such as 20110 had 4infored4 informed the defendant knipe thereof alledging 20120 that the defendant knipe woulde informe against the said Ierom 20130 vpon the writing of the said lettere , & this deponent was 20140 likewise angrie with his brother for writing vntruly vnto this 20150 deponent knowing as this deponent was perswaded to the 20160 Contrarie4& furthr depo4 To the 8 inter this deponent sa 4he sa4 20170 there were not any of the defendantes made acquainted nor 20180 4knewe4 of the makinge of the said playes 4vnto4 neithr did any 20190 of them to his knowledge see or heare reade 4any of the said 20200 playes4 the same 4for that that4 savinge the defendant Helmes 20210 for that this 4defendant4 deponent was not then acquainted with 20220 them neithr had any of the said defendantes any hand in the 20230 Contrivinge & composinge thereof before the same was acted as in 20240 this inter is questioned & further he cannot depose / 20250 20260 20270 20280 20290 paid to william Chamber wife ffor the Leet dynner att 20300 micheallmas for 12 measse and A halff whereof 3 measse 20310 were...apece and the Rest...apece...paid for bread and drink to 20320 the Iury...Paid to mr Alderman Bank the 26th of march 1624 for 9 20330 yeardes & A half of broad Cloth for the waites...pd Sir ffrancis 20340 keeper when he brought venyson which was Eaten att william 20350 Chambers... paid william Chamber wife for 13 meass att the Leet 20360 dynner att Easter where of 3 mease was...apece and the Rest...pd 20370 in bread and drink to the Iury...more which was fetch to william 20380 Chamber att the venyson feast 1 quart sack...more when mr 20390 Alderman was Chosen 1 gallon Clarett and 1 quart Sack...more for 20400 wyne and Sack att his house att the venyson feast...more for 20410 five measse att the venyson feast... pd the waites att Easter 20420 att Leet dynner...pd william Chamber wife att venyson ffeast for 20430 9 measse att...apece...pd the waites att thatt tyme...pd william 20440 Chamber wife att the Ellection dynner for 17 measse whereof 3 20450 measse was...apece and the Rest...paid the waites the same 20460 tyme... 20470 20480 20490 20500 20510 more a gallon of Clarett wine to the election dinner...more 2 20520 quarts of sack same tyme...payd Ned Ienninges wife at the 20530 election dinner for 16. mease 4at4 whereof 3. mease at...and 20540 the rest at...a peece...given the Wayts then... 20550 20560 20570 20580 20590 paid to Edward Ienings wyf for 14.mease at leet Cort dinner at 20600 mighallmas wheareof 3 mease was at...a pece and and the rest 20610 at...a pece...paid waites for playing same tyme...paid Petter 20620 Hugon for a leuen quartes of wyne and a pynt was had at the leet 20630 dnner at mighalmas...paid the waites for theire atendance at the 20640 leet dinner at easter...paid to the kings plaies by the 20650 apoyntment of mr Alderman... paid to Petter huggon for 9 20660 quartes of wyne and a pynt to the leet Cort dinner at 20670 easter...paid Edward Ienings wyf for 12.mease at the lete court 20680 dinner at Easter wheareof 3. mease were at...apece, and the 20690 rest...apec...for drinke and bread to the Iuri...paid mor for 20700 drinke after dinner...paid the waites for playinge at the 20710 venyson ffeast, and the election diner... paid to Mr Becke ffor 20720 the waites Clockes and wine had at Sundeir tymes as by his note 20730 doth apeare...paid to Edward Ienings wyf for the Election 20740 dinner, for tenn mease wheareof 3 of them was at...apece and the 20750 other at...a pece...paid at Petter hugons ffor venyson 20760 ffeast...paid to him which browght the venyson ffrom 20770 Greyrige...paid to him which browght the venysoun ffrom 20780 Leuens... 20790 20800 20810 20820 20830 Payd Iohn Troughton wyfe for 14 mease at Court leete dynner at 20840 michaelmas whereof 3 mease at...a peece and the Rest at...payd 20850 for breade and drinke to the Iury...Payd to Robert wylkinson for 20860 13 quarts of wyne for the court leete dynner at...the 20870 quart...Payd The Waytes for Theyre Atendance That day...Payd The 20880 first of November to my Lord Whartons players by mr Aldermans 20890 apoyntment...Payd the 23 th of November to the kyngs players by 20900 mr Aldermans apoyntment... payd To wylliam Chambers the 4th of 20910 aprill 1627 for 13 mease at Court leete dynner whereof 3 mease 20920 at...a peece And the Rest at...and for drinke and breade to the 20930 Iury...payd The waytes for theyre Attendance...payd by mr 20940 Aldermans apoyntment which was given to The kyngs players The 20950 4th of August...Payd to wylliam Chambers wyfe for The Ellection 20960 dynner...payd The waytes for theyre atendance... 20970 20980 20990 21000 21010 pd william Chamber wife for 16 mease at leet Court diner whereof 21020 3 mease at...the peece and the rest at...and for drinke and 21030 bread to the Iury...pd the waites for their allowance that 21040 day...pd to mr bankes the 11th of march 1627 for sarientes 21050 Coates, waites coates, and beadle coat as may apeare by his 21060 noate of parcelles...pd to william Chamber wife for 7 mease & 3 21070 forkes at leet court diner whereof 3 mease at...peece... pd for 21080 drinke after diner...pd for drinke that went to the Iury...pd fo 21090 the waites at leet coort diner...given to my Lord Morley his 21100 seruant that brought halfe a bucke, to the Companie...pd william 21110 Chamber wife for 8 mease where of 3 mease of the 12 21120 at...peece...pd to mr Alderman that he gave the waites at the 21130 venison feast...pd to william Chamber wife for 16 mease at the 21140 venison feast at...peece... pd for drinke afterward...pd for 21150 tobacco & pips...pd for 16 mease want one bodie at the ellection 21160 diner whereof 3 mease of the 12 at...peece & 21170 therest...peece...pd for drinke afterwardes...pd for tobacco & 21180 pips...pd to the fidlers for playinge at 2 feastes...pd to the 21190 waites for playinge at the mr Aldermans at the sweareinge 21200 diner...given to Sir ffrancis keper...pd peter huggon for 8 21210 quartes of wine at 2 venison feastes...pd to the players in 21220 August by mr fisher for agratuitie... 21230 21240 21250 21260 21270 pd will Chamber wyffe the leettes Courte dyner vizett 14 mease 21280 wherof 3 mease at...apece and the Reste at...pece...pd waytes at 21290 lett Court dyner...pd ffor drinke & breat 4to4 the Iury at leete 21300 Courte...pd ffor tobaco & pipes...pd mr becke ffor v quartes of 21310 Clartt and one quart of sacke at leett Court dyner...pd will 21320 Chambr wyffe the Court leete dyner for 3 mease at...pece & 12 21330 measse at...pece...pd ffor drinke & bread at Court leete 21340 Iurry... pd to waytes at that dyner...pd ffor tobaco & 21350 pips...pd ffor drinke after dyner...pd to the earle of darbie 21360 his players by Aldrman deections...pd my lord wharton playrs by 21370 mr aldrman derections...pd to will Chambr wyffe 29 sept ffor 21380 ffor election dyner vizett 3 . measse at...pece...17 measse & 2 21390 folkes at...pece...all....pd to the waytes same tyme...pd ffor 3 21400 quartes of sacke same tyme... pd ffor v quartes 21410 Clarrett...quart...pd ffor vj quartes of wt wyne...pd ffor 21420 tobaco & pipes...pd ffor drinke afterwardes... 21430 21440 21450 21460 21470 Paid this 7t of Ocktober to william Chamber wife for :14: mese 21480 and a halfe 4of4 at leete Cort diner .3. mese at...apece and 21490 the rest...a pece and for drinke and bread to Iurie...paid the 21500 waites for theire allowence for mewsike at diner...This 24th of 21510 martch paid to mr Becke for sargentes Cotes and waites Clokes as 21520 apeareth by his note of prjzes... This :8:th of aprell paid 21530 william Chambr wife for :9 mese at leete Corte diner 3 mease at 21540 :8: pece the rest at...a pece...paid for drinke & bread to 21550 Iurie...paid for drinke before diner and after 21560 extrordinarie...paid for A ounce of tobaco & pipes at that 21570 time...paid waites for thaire alow alowence for musike 21580 then...paid william Chamber wife for :16: mease and a halfe at 21590 the elecktion diner whereof :4: mease at...a pece and the rest 21600 at...a pece... paid hir for drinke had extrordanrie...paid the 21610 waites theire alowence for 4playinge4 atendance at the elecktion 21620 diner...paid Edward Turner for two ounces of tobaco had at the 21630 elecktion diner & halfe pond of sugor had by allan nickalson to 21640 mr sledals & a duson of pipes with tobaco... 21650 21660 21670 21680 21690 Payd William Chambrs wife the of October for 3 mease at mr 21700 Aldermans Table...pd more for 9 mease & 3 persons...pd more for 21710 drinke...pd more for bread & drinke for the Leete Iurie...pd mr 21720 Becke for 8 quartes Clarett...pd him more for j quart Sacke...pd 21730 waytes their wages, for the Leete Court dinner...pd at Leete 21740 Court dinner for 3 mease at mr Aldermans Table...pd for 7 mease, 21750 & 2 persons more at...a peece... pd more for drinke...pd for 21760 Tobacco, & pypes...pd for bread & drinke for Leete Iury...pd for 21770 wage for mouthall Table...pd the waytes their wages...pd for 3 21780 measse at mr Aldermans Table at venison feast...pd for 13 21790 measse, & di. more same night...pd for 3 measse next daie...pd 21800 for drinke for all...pd for Tobacco, & pypes in all...pd the 21810 Waytes... pd since the 13th of August, per mr mr Aldermans 21820 note...pd him more, which he spent of the Gentlemen, at Tauerne, 21830 when feast was...pd to Lord Morley his Keeper...pd to Sir 21840 ffrancis duckett keeper...pd William Chambrswife, at the 21850 Eleccion dinner for 3 measse at mr Aldermans Table...pd more for 21860 15 measse, & 3 persons...pd more for drinke...pd for Tobacco, & 21870 pypes... pd Waytes the same tyme...pd mr Becke ... since 21880 Michelmas...pd him more, accordinge to his note, for sacke, & 21890 other wyne, when the venison ffeast was at mr Adermans... 21900 21910 21920 21930 21940 Paid William Chamber Wife the 5th of October 1631 ffor 13 measse 21950 and a bodie at Leete Courte dinner whearof 3 measse at...measse 21960 and the Rest at...per measse...paid her ffor Beare which was 21970 drunck befor and after dynner...paid ffor bread and beare to 21980 Iurie...paid the waites ffor ther attendance ther ffee...paid Mr 21990 Aldrman the 26th which he bestowd on the lord Wharton men beinge 22000 players... paid ffor 1 oz Christopher tobaco & half oz varino 22010 and half dozen pipes to leete Courte dinner...paid Allan 22020 Nicholson Wif the 11th of Aprill 1632 ffor 14 Measse at Leete 22030 Courte dinner wherof 3 measse...measse & the 22040 Rest...measse...paid her ffor Beare which was drunk befor and 22050 after dinner...paid ffor beare and Bread to Iurie...paid ffor 1 22060 oz Chistopher Tobaco and almost an oz of varino and a dozen of 22070 pipes... paid the Waites ffor ther attendance ther ffee...paid 22080 William Chamber Wiffe the 31th of Iuly 1632 ffor 18 Measse at 22090 the venison ffeast whereof 4 Measse...and the Rest...paid ffor 22100 Beare which was drunke befor & after dyner...paid ffor Cherisse 22110 which mr Aldrman bestowd on the wines...paid Henery Beck ffidler 22120 ffor his paines...paid for Tobaccho and pipes... In Varino 22130 Tobaco and pipes to mr Aldrmans at the venison ffeast Septembr 22140 1th...paid the mr of ffence the 26th per mr Aldrman his 22150 derecktions....paid ffor Tobacco and pipes...paid the waites 22160 ffor thear attendance thear ffee...paid Edward Turner the 4th 22170 Octobr 1632 ffor Sargantes Coates the waites Cloakes and other 22180 Wares ffor Chambr vse as per his note of parcelles 22190 appearethe...paid mr aldrman which he 4had4 bestowed on the Lord 22200 Morlay keeper which he brought 4Venison4 venison... 22210 22220 22230 22240 22250 Imprms to william Chamber wife at the leet courte dinner for 13 22260 mease and 3 folkes 4 Mease where of at...peece...paid for beare 22270 and tobacco for all compaines before and affter dinner...1 22280 douzen of best tobacco pipes...for bread and drinke to the 22290 iurie...pd the waites the 21 th of october 1632 for theire 22300 attendance at Leet court dinner... pd to Brian Warrinner which 22310 was pd to mr waite to make vp his stipend...pd to mr Alderman 22320 which he had disbursed to lorde dudleyes players...pd at leete 22330 courte dinner for 3 Mease at...peece...for 9 Mease and 3 folkes 22340 at...peece...pd for beare and tobacco and pipes before and 22350 affter dinner...pd for bread and drinke to'th Iury...pd the 22360 waites for theire attendance... pd william Chamber wife the 22370 22th of September at the Election dinner for 3 Mease and 3 22380 folkes at...peece...11 Mease and 3 folkes at...mease...for 22390 drinke tobacco and pipes before and after dinner in all...pd 22400 to'th waites for theire Attendance at the Election dinner...pd 22410 to Richard Prisor for...half a dozen of pipes at the Election 22420 dinner...pd more to Peeter Huggon for 1 quart of wine sent for 22430 to'th election dinner... 22440 22450 22460 22470 22480 pd to william Chamber wife for 13 maase 4of4 and one body at the 22490 Leete dinner the 7th of October 1633...More for drinke after 22500 dinner...and for drinke & bread to the Iurie...for tobacco and 22510 pipes...to the waites...for wyne...in all...for the Waites 22520 Cloakes to Richard Priesoe...Paid to William Chamber wife for 22530 dinners and drinke att the Chuseing of the Alderman...Paid more 22540 the same tyme for tabacco and pipes...Paid more to the waytes 22550 the same daie... 22560 22570 22580 22590 22600 Imprimis 22610 Paid William Chamber wife the 8th daie of October 1634:ffor 14 22620 mease and halfe att Leet Court dinner whereof 3 mease & half 22630 att...the mease and the rest att...per mease...Paid her for 22640 beare before and after dinner...Paid for bread & beare to the 22650 Iurie...Paid mr Becke for 4 quartes of sack & 9 quart in white & 22660 Clarett to the Court Leet dinner...Paid the waytes... Paid 22670 Thomas Towson for Tabacco and pipes as appeares by his 22680 note...Paid William Chamber wife the 8th of April 1635/ for 22690 14.mease and one person att the Court Leet dinner wherof 3.mease 22700 att...and the rest att...a mease...Paid her for drinke before 22710 and after dinner...Paid her more for bread 4to the4 and beare to 22720 the Iurie...Paid for Tabacco and pipes as appeares by Thomas 22730 Towson 4their4 note... Paid Waytes same daie...Paid mr Becke 22740 for 12 quartes and a pinte of wine att...a quart...Paid William 22750 Chamber wife for 16 mease & three persons whereof 3 Mease & 3 22760 persons after...the Mease and the rest after...a mease att the 22770 Election dinner...Paid drinke before & after dinner...Paid 22780 Waytes... 22790 22800 22810 22820 22830 pd will Chamber wife for the leet Court dinner 3 measse ...& 12 22840 measse & 1 person att...a peece more to 3 poore people...a 22850 peece...pd for drinke before & after dinner...pd for Ale & bread 22860 to 4Iury4 Iurye...pd the waites their fee for attendance...pd 22870 for 4 oz varona tobacco...pd for 3 oz virginia...per oz...pd for 22880 1 oz Christopher...& 26 pipes... pd for ij oz varina &...pipes 22890 at the dinnr when mr Aldrman was sworn...bestowed on th earle of 22900 derbyes playrs...pd will Chambr wife at leet Court dinner for 3 22910 mease att...per peece & 11 mease & 2 men att...& 3 poore...a 22920 peece in all...pd for beare before & after dinner...pd for bred 22930 & beare to Iurye...pd for tobacco 3 oz varina...for 3 oz & di. 22940 virginia... & 20 pipes... pd the waytes their fee...pd Iohn 22950 Archer for 3 Clokes for the waytes...pd the waytes thr fee at 22960 dinner when mr Alderman vse to be sworne...pd mr Maior per Bryam 22970 warriner he bestowed on my lord strange his players... 22980 22990 23000 23010 23020 Paid William Chamber bye thapointment of mr Maior for the kinges 23030 plaiors... 23040 23050 23060 23070 23080 Paid to the waytes for playing att the light Court dinner in 23090 mony...Paid to Iohn Becke for Clothe and baize for the waytes 23100 Cloakes... 23110 23120 23130 23140 23150 2. whether Corpus Christi play long since acted in Kendall, was 23160 tolerable by Gods law because it seemes to be a kind of 23170 preaching or setting out of ye scripture to edification worse 23180 was that about Clifton, one priest Sir Humfrey Close suffring a 23190 play to be acted in ye Church. as mr Airay hath the story./ 23200 23210 23220 23230 23240 Payd for 9 yrdes di quarter of broode for Waytes Clookes... 23250 23260 23270 23280 23290 (James Leyburne to Thomas Cromwell) 23300 23310 Iames labrones lettere to know yor pleysur toching Isaac dykson 23320 being in prison for desyreinge a mynstrall to sing a song a 23330 genst yor lordshyp 23340 Ryght Honorable my Dewtie vnto youre Lordshippe remembride/ 23350 Pleassith yow to be aduerteshede I haue Sente yow herin clossede 23360 certayn artikilles which is of truthe both worde & dede to knowe 23370 your lordshipe pleassure ther in And I haue the vngracius & 23380 myscheuus fellow ysaac dikson in the tooll buthe in kendall and 23390 hath chargid the bailly deputes of the same with the sewre 23400 custody & kepyng of hym afor Richard Ducket Iustice of peace 23410 within the countie of westmorlande/ vnto Such tyme I knowe 23420 ffurthere of yor lordshipe pleassure .... and some of thes 23430 persones which gaue me informacion of the premyss dide stayger & 23440 deny theyr wordes which maid me tary the longer.... And as 23450 concernyng the mynstrall which is a rynner abrod from place to 23460 place I haue hym at my howsse & shall be aboutward to keipe hym 23470 to I know mor of yor lordshipe pleassure And also I haue sent a 23480 copy of the artikilles herin clossed to the kynges honorable 23490 consaill establishede in the north parties accordyng to my 23500 dewtye ....ffrom conyswik the xiijth day of Iulye... Memorandum 23510 ixth Day of Iulye in The xxxth yere of The Reigne of our 23520 Soueraigne lorde kyng henry the viijth/ Alexandre stotson lat of 23530 cartmell in the countye of Lancastre mynstrall Saieth the last 23540 day of Iune Last past on ysaac dikson of wyndandermer in the 23550 countie of westmorland A bout Sexe of the clock at afternone of 23560 the same day come in to the howsse of on william willan in 23570 wynster in wyndandermer aforsaid where the said Alexandre was 23580 playing on a fedill & makyng mery with certayn honest persones 23590 Item the said ysaac commandit the said minstrall to Syng on Song 23600 he had song At on ffayrbank howsse in crostwat in the said 23610 countye of westmorland in the tyme of the Rebellion which songe 23620 was called crummok / which was not conuenyent which the said 23630 mynstrall vtterly Denyede/ Item the said ysaac commandit the 23640 said mynstrall agayn in violente maner to synge on song called 23650 crumwell & the said mynstrall said he wold syng none such & then 23660 the said ysaac pulled the mynstrall by the armes & smot hym 23670 about the hed with a pomell of a dager & hurt the mynstrall in 23680 the hande & the said songe the mynstrall wold not syng to Dye 23690 fore Item the Thrid tyme the said ysaac commaundit the said 23700 mynstrall to syng the same songe/ which then the mynstrall saide 23710 it wold turn tham both to Angre/ & wold syng no such/ And then 23720 the said ysaac callid for A cuppe of aill & bad the mynstrall 23730 syng agayn which he alwayes denyed/ & then the said ysaac tuk 23740 the said mynstrall by the Birde & dasshet the cupe of aill in 23750 his fface Item the said ysaac further more drewe his dager and 23760 hurt the said william willan beyng the host of the said howsse 23770 sore & grevuslye in the thight in rescuyng of the said mynstrall 23780 only for that matter Item the said ysaac after the day goying in 23790 violent maner followede & sought further for the said mynstrall 23800 to on Nicollus brokbank howsse in the said wyndandermer which 23810 was iij quartteres of a myll fro the said william willan howsse 23820 Thes witnesse of the premyss Robert phelipson of wyndandermer 23830 aforsaid william belman of the same & wylliam dremylmyer of 23840 wynster... 23850 23860 23870 23880 23890 Item given this day in Reward to Sir william Constable his 23900 Coachman whoe Came to knowe what daye he should be readee with 23910 his Coach to Carree Doctor Campion from Londsbrough to 23920 Browham...and to mr Stewardes boy whoe brought a letter to 23930 Doctor Campion from mr Iohn Tailor... Item paied this day to a 23940 man of Hull, which was sent for to Londsbrough to play on the 23950 lute at Browham, by Mr George Mason, but was sent backe, there 23960 being noe occasion to vse him... 23970 23980 23990 24000 24010 SONN, I have till now expected your letteres, according to your 24020 promis at your departure; so did George Minson your directions 24030 touching the musick, whereupon he mought the better have writt 24040 to doctor Campion. He is now gone to my Lord President's, and 24050 will be ready to do as he heares from you. For my own opinion, 24060 albeit I will not dislyke your device, I fynde plainly, upon 24070 better consideration, the charge for that entertaynment will 24080 grow very great, besyde the musick; and that, instead of 24090 lessening, my charge in generall encreaseth, and newe paiments 24100 come on, which, without better providence hereafter, cannot be 24110 performed. 24120 24130 24140 24150 24160 pd to a piper...pd to Penrith waites...pd to the waites of Midlam... 24170 24180 24190 24200 24210 Pd to Players... 24220 24230 24240 24250 men now become bould to abvse ye churche in tyme of diuine 24260 service, as at christemas last, at bampton in westmorland, where 24270 ye tenantes, and servantes of ye lord William assisted with 24280 others of ye parishe, did erect a christemas lord, and resorting 24290 to ye church, did most grossely disturb ye minister in tyme of 24300 prayer, ye minister him selfe grantinge a kind of toleration for 24310 that, he for ye most part livethe with ye lord william at his 24320 table, but never praye together. these christemas misrule men, 24330 drunke to ye minister readinge an homilie in ye pulpitt, others 24340 stept into ye pulpitt, and exhorted ye parishioners to an 24350 offeringe for mayntenance of there sport, ye minister 24360 contynuinge still his service, others of ye lord william owne 24370 servantes came in savage manner disguised into ye churche, in ye 24380 tyme of prayer, others with shootinge of gunnes, others with 24390 flagges, and banners borne entered ye churche, others sported 24400 them selves in ye churche with pies, and puddinges, vsinge them 24410 as bowles in ye churche allies, others tooke dogges 24420 counterfeitinge ye shepherdes part when he fees his shepe, and 24430 all there in ye tyme of diuine service. 24440 24450 24460 24470 R. Marlow Lord Maior./Corpus Christi play. 24480 Orate pro animabus Richardi Marloi quondam venerabilis Maioris 24490 Ciuitatis London, & Agnetis consortis sue. Qui...ob... This 24500 Marlow was Lord Maior in the yeare 1409. in whose Maioraltie 24510 there was a Play at Skinners Hall, which lasted eight dayes 24520 (saith Stow) to heare which, most of the greatest Estates of 24530 England were present. The Subiect of the play was the sacred 24540 Scriptures, from the creation of the world: They call this, 24550 Corpus Christi Play in my countrey, which I haue seene acted at 24560 Preston, and Lancaster, and last of all at Kendall, in the 24570 beginning of the raigne of King Iames; for which the Townesmen 24580 were sore troubled; and vpon good reasons the play finally 24590 supprest, not onely there, but in all other Townes of the 24600 kingdome. I went to Cartmell, about the later end of April 24610 1644, and about the begining of May following, my wife came to 24620 me to Cartmell: where I found a very large spacious Church, 24630 scarce any seats in it, a people very ignorant, yet willing to 24640 learne; so as I had frequently some thousands of hearers: I 24650 seeing my work great: a large feild & looking something white 24660 towards harvest, & knowing my stay must be but short, & finding 24670 also 4 chapels in the parish, I preached & catechised often, 24680 seven or 8 times in one week; I preached and catechised in 24690 season & out of season at every one of the chappells, and 24700 usually ye Churches were so throng by 9 a clock in ye morning, 24710 yt I had muchadoe to get to the pulpit, I also preached at other 24720 Churches round about in ye weekday. One day an old man (about 24730 60) sensible enough in other things, & living in the parish of 24740 Cartmel, but in the chapelry of Cartmel-fell, coming to me about 24750 some business, I told him, yt he belonged to my care & charge, & 24760 I desired to be informed in his knowledge of Religion; I asked 24770 him, How many Gods there were? he said, he knew not: I 24780 informing him, asked him again: how he tho't to be saved? he 24790 answered, he coud not tell, yet tho't that was a hard question 24800 than the other, I told him, yat the way to Salvation was by 24810 Iesus Christ God-man, who as he was man shed his blood for us on 24820 the crosse etc Oh, Sir (said he) I think I heard of that man you 24830 speake of, once in a play at Kendall, called Corpus-Christi 24840 play, where there was a man on a tree, & blood ran downe etc And 24850 after, he professed, that tho he was a good Churchman, yat is, 24860 he constantly went to Common-prayer, at their chappel, yet he 24870 could not remember thatever he heard of Salvation by Iesus + but 24880 in that play, This very discourse made me ye more vigorously go 24890 thro the chappelrye, & both publikly & from house to house, 24900 catechise both old & young.... 24910 24920 24930 24940 24950 Super articulis ex parte promotoris in hoc negotio Datis./ 24960 Die predicto super articulis predictis Carrettus Band de Beisley 24970 in Comitatu Gloucestrie tucker vbi moram fecit per spatium 24980 quinque Ann.. et vltra natus apud Estington in Comitatu 24990 predicto aetatis quadraginta quatuor Annorum aut eo circiter 25000 testas & c. Ad dictos Articulos articulorum predictorum Deponit 25010 et Dicit that at Whitsontide in Anno Domini 1610 there was a 25020 maye pole sett vpp neare vnto the parish church of Bieslye & 25030 4pipe..g4 pipeing & Daunceinge at the same pole by the youth of 25040 the parish there & all of the same was Done as this Deponent 25050 hath very credibley heard at the appointe4d4ment & abettinge of 25060 mr christophre windle ye viccar there: & he saieth that he Doth 25070 verely believe in his concience that the sayd reporte is true 25080 because that vppon the Munday in the same Whitson weeke the sayd 25090 christophre windle Did in a sermon that he then preached before 25100 the congregacion most prohanely & erroniously Defend averre and 25110 affirme that pipeinge & Daunceinge at a Maye poule; & keepinge 25120 of Somerale was as lawfull to be vsed & ke4e4pte by the people 25130 as it was lawfull for them to here the word of god sincerely 25140 preached: which assertion of the sayd Windle the sayd 25150 congregacion Did very much 4at that tyme4 mislike being as most 25160 of them 4aff4 affirmed very contrary to the worde of Allmightye 25170 god And he this Deponent saieth further that the sayd mr Windle 25180 is very much subiecte to the like phantasicall & idle speeches 25190 in his sermons. for he sayeth that the sayd Windle did on 4.4 a 25200 Sabaoth Daye between Allholl tyde & Cristmas last paste preach 25210 on a parte of 4scp4 scripture out of the 4Gos4 18th chapter of 25220 St Mathew, & expounding the same before the congregacion he 25230 sayed and 4af4 Did most idley & in most vnfitte & prophane 25240 Manner averre & say that the sayed texte of screpture was 25250 Arithmatike & not the logicall Divinitye.yet sayed he nunber are 25260 necessary. for 42 hosen to4 two feete two shooes 2. slops 2 25270 sleeves 4. quarters of a ierken. yf the taylor cutteth five he 25280 stealeth one. 24. buttons twenty fowre butten holes seven 25290 churches of Asia. 4p4 tenn commandementes & keepe neuer and 25300 with many other idle & prophane and senceles speeches as they 25310 seemed to the Congregacion Et aliter ad Dictos articulos nescit 25320 vt dicit Deponere/ Henricus Aisgill Signum Garetti Band Die 25330 predicto super articulis predictis/ Willelmus Hopton de Barkley 25340 in Comitatu Gloucestrie yeoman vbi moram fecit per sex 25350 hebdomodas et antea apud Bieslye in Comitatu predicto aetatis 25360 .32. Annorum aut eo circiter ibidem ortus 4aetatis4 testis &c. 25370 Ad Dictos articulos Deponit et Dicit that at Whitsontyde last 25380 was twelve moneth there was a May pole sett vppe & pipeinge & 25390 Daunceinge kepte in the parish of Bieslye 4and that4 with the 25400 consent of the churchwardens (as they themselues haue affermed 25410 but onely as this Deponent hath credibly heard) at the 25420 appointement of mr christophre Windle the viccar there who 4eso4 25430 as this Deponent hath likewise heard 4was4 caused his sonne to 25440 be Lord of the same pole. And saieth that the sayd mr windle 25450 Did on the sabaoth before Whitsontide aforesayed preach before 25460 the congregacion in the parish church of Bieslye aforesaid & in 25470 his sermon he the sayed christophre Windle Did then & there 25480 afferme & Defend that pipeinge & Daunceinge at a Maypole were by 25490 the word of god lawfull to be kepte.... officium Domini 25500 promotum per Richardum Hall contra christopherum Windle Iohannes 25510 Clissold de Beisely in Comitatu Gloucestrie yeoman vbi moram 25520 fecit plerumque a nativitate sua ibidem ortus aetatis 25530 quinquaginta Annorum aut eo circiter testis &c. Ad Dictos 25540 articulos Deponit et dicit that in the yeare of our Lord god 25550 1610 last past he this Deponent 4was4 & one christophre Bidmead 25560 weare churchwardens of the parish of Beisley in the countye of 25570 Gloucester:& did exequute the same office of churchwardenship 25580 the same yeare. & saieth that at Whitsontide in the same yeare 25590 mr christophre Windle articulate without the consent & privity 25600 of him this deponent & his sayd fellow churchwarden & against 25610 the goodwill of the honest and relligiouse desposed people of 25620 the same parish erecte & sett vpp a May pole or somner pole and 25630 caused & mainteynde pipeinge and Daunceinge to be kepte & vsed 25640 at the same tyme./ & for the better countenanceinge of that 25650 prophane buisines suffered his sonne arlate to be lord of the 25660 sayd May pole: And after he the sayd christophre Windle was by 25670 4this4 the well Desposed people of the same parish reprov .. 25680 for that his prophane action and 4.4 toyes ar not thaught fitt 25690 for a ... of his callinge & profession and intreated to Desiste 25700 from further vseinge the same. he the sayd christophre Did (as 25710 th . Deponent hath credibly heard) in a sermon Defend & 25720 mayntayne that the erectinge of Maypoles pipeing & Daunceing 25730 about the same & keepinge of somer ale was by the Word of god 25740 lawfull to be kepte to the greate interruption & Discontentment 25750 of the consiences of the whole parish as this Deponent hath 25760 heard most of the parishioners since saye.... Die predicto 25770 super articulis predictis Christoferus Bidmeade De Beisley in 25780 Comitatu Gloucestrie yeoman vbi moram fecit 4plerumque4 quatuor 25790 Annos elapsos natus apud Ellc... in Comitatu predicto aetatis 25800 sexaginta Annorum aut eo circiter testis &c. Ad dictos 25810 articulos deponit et dicit that 4the arlate4 in the yeare of our 25820 lord god 1610 Iohn Clissold & 4christophre Bi4 this deponent 25830 wear churchwardens of Bieslye articulate & 4..4 at Whitsontide 25840 in the same yeare a maye pole was sett vppe, pipeing & 25850 Daunceinge kepte & somorale or churchale 4l4 made & sold in the 25860 parish of Biesley aforesaid. & 4..4 christophre windle 4.4 25870 sonne of the 4sayd4 articulate christophre Windle clarke was 25880 lord of the sayd Maypole But whether the sayd Maypole was erect 25890 .. by the meanes & instigacion of the sayd viccar or whether h 25900 . was the aughter therof or defended the same to be lawfu.. 25910 this Deponent knoweth not neyther hath credibily heard./... 25920 25930 25940 25950 25960 Misericordia lusorum/.xxs xs .s .s xs .s .s 25970 Item presentant super sacramentis suis provt sequitur in his 25980 Anglicanis verbis viz. that vpon thursday the xvijth daie of 25990 Ianuary last past Guido dobbins sounded his drume vp & downe the 26000 towne of Cheltenham in the tyme of markett accompanied with 26010 Richard Clerke & divers other younge fellowes being artificers & 26020 laborers, and the said Richard Clerke following the said dobbins 26030 sounding his drume with a trunchion or short staffe in his hand 26040 in the maner of a lyvtenant or marshall man in very disorderly & 26050 rude maner caused proclamacion to be made in divers places of 26060 the said towne publicquely proclayming, that whosoever would 26070 heere a play should comme to the signe of the crowne such an 26080 howre, where they intended to play, whervpon the Bayliffe of the 26090 libertie & towne of Cheltenham, taking notice therof, much 26100 disliked therat, the rather for that the neighbor townes, namely 26110 Tredington & Presbury were then infected with the plague, & the 26120 towne of Cheltenham it self much suspected & greatly doubted 26130 that thinfection was there also And thervpon required the said 26140 dobbins Clerke & the rest that they should desist & forbeare to 26150 sounde the drumme & to make any further proclamacion. And did 26160 also send vnto Thomas Milton keeping the signe of the Crowne to 26170 will him not to suffer the said persons to play there, whervpon 26180 the said Clerke dobbins & the rest in murmuring maner departed, 26190 but not satisfied did endevor to play notwithstanding at the 26200 house of one david Powell a victualler likewise in Cheltenham, 26210 and somme of them caused the drumme to be sounded againe about 26220 viij of the clocke in the night of the said daie which the 26230 Bayliffe hearing sent Iohn holdy vnder bayliffe there to will 26240 them to forbeare from playing & drawing company together so 26250 contemptuously especially in so dangerous a tyme, otherwise he 26260 the said Bayliffe would come himselfe & suppresse them, which 26270 message being deliuerid to the said Clerke & to the rest his 26280 consortes & companions he the said Clerke...dobbins...Thomas 26290 Clerke...Richard ffortey...Edmund Trinder...Walter Milton...& 26300 Robert Cliveley...with many others then assembled of their 26310 company much insulted & revyled against the said holdy & also 26320 the said chiefe Bayliffe with many rayling & opprobrious termes 26330 saying that they respected neither of them both in contempt of 26340 all aucthority & good governement, whervpon the said chiefe 26350 Bayliffe vnderstanding their insolent course went himselfe to 26360 suppresse them & to punish them accordingly, which they 26370 vnderstanding departed & went away before the comming of the 26380 said Bayliffe Ideo ipse in misericordia &c. 26390 26400 26410 26420 26430 A Miller at Churchdown, neer Glocester, would needs (contrary to 26440 the admonitions both of his Minister in private, and generally 26450 in publike, yea and that very day, and of other Christian 26460 friends) keep a solemn Whitson ale, for which he had made large 26470 preparation and provision, even of threescore dozen of 26480 cheesecakes, with other things proportionable, in the 26490 Church-house, half a mile from his Mil, his musicall instruments 26500 were set forth on the side of the Church-house, where the 26510 Minister and people were to passe to the Church to Evening 26520 Prayer. When Prayer and Sermon were ended, the Drumme is struck 26530 up, the peeces discharged, the Musicians play, and the rowt fall 26540 a dauncing, till the evening; where they all with the Miller to 26550 his Mill; where that evening before they had supt, about nine of 26560 the clock on Whitsunday, a fire took suddenly in his house over 26570 their heads, and was so brief and quick, that it burnt down his 26580 house and mill, and devoured with all the greatest of all his 26590 other provision and housholdstuffe. This is confirmed by sundry 26600 good testimonies... 26610 26620 26630 26640 26650 Gloucestria 26660 In oblationibus Regis, apud Winchecumbe in ecclesia maiori per 26670 manus dicti. H.... Item in elemosina Regis data.... infirmis 26680 de manu Regis benedicentis in diuersis locis per illam 26690 ebdomadam.... Item Priori & Conuentui de Newent ad vnam 26700 pietanciam per manum de H. de elemosina Regis.... Item 26710 clericis ludentibus miracula sancti Nicholai & eorum Episcopo de 26720 elemosina Regis........ Item fratribus sancti Iohannis de 26730 Crikelade de elemosina Regis per manus dicti.H....Summa.... 26740 Die dominica vto die Decembris in uigilia sancti Nicholai in 26750 pascendo... pauperes in honore sancte Trinitatis de statuta 26760 elemosina. Regis per manus dicti H.... Die Lune sequenti in 26770 festo sancti Nicholai in pascendo .L. pauperes de communi 26780 elemosina Regis per manus dicti .H.... Eodem die in pascendo 26790 .C. pauperes in honore sancti Nicholai de elemosina Regis .... 26800 Die martis sequenti in pascendo L pauperes in honore sancti 26810 Thome martyris de consueta elemosina Regis .... in oblationibus 26820 Regis apud Gloucestriam die sancti Nicholai predicto per manus 26830 dicti .H.... 26840 26850 26860 26870 26880 Nono ne camera iuxta ordinaciones domini Cantuarie. pro 26890 ffratrum necessariis deputata / aliis exaccionibus indebite 26900 oneretur / ordinatum est/ quod dominus Abbas / decem marcas quas 26910 de Camera percepit porcionem eciam / quam soluunt Priores 26920 forinseci pro fratrum suorum indumentis pro suo tempore tantum 26930 percipiat Ita quod alteri succedenti eidem nichil contribuatur 26940 predictorum / sed dicta pecunia Camerario totaliter assignetur 26950 vt fratribus valeat in vestibus vberius prouidere / nec liceat 26960 Abbati cuicumque succedenti / Citharedas / aut ministrallos 26970 alios tamquam de familia continue sustentare habeat autem Abbas 26980 vnum esquierium in consilio discretum / & circumspectum qui in 26990 monasterii necessitatibus valeat deseruire / et cum ad 27000 excercendum visitacionis officium circuit Prioratus occacione 27010 statuti dicti Cantuarie de non dandis pecunia & iocalibus in 27020 obediencia aliqua puta Camera vel sacristaria. siue Prioratu 27030 moram non trahat nisi sicut trahere consueuerat ab antiquo 27040 27050 27060 27070 27080 Item soluti pro diuersis ministrallis & Nuncijs domini regis... 27090 Item soluti ministrall' domini Ducis Gloucestrie ... Item 27100 soluti ministrall' comitis marchie per.... Item soluti 27110 ministrall' & cuidam Nuncio comitis Wygorn... Item soluti 27120 ministrall' domini Dess...... 27130 27140 27150 27160 27170 I...soluti Ministrallis domini Regis hoc Anno.... Item in 27180 costagijs factis super ministrallos domini Principis & donis 27190 ipsis.... Item in donis & expensis factis super ministrall' 27200 domini de codemore & Iohann' greynder... Item soluti 27210 ministrall' domine comitisse stafford... Item soluti 27220 ministrall' domini de Berkeley dimidia mar.. 27230 27240 27250 27260 27270 Than the ffriday next folowing the king Roode & Remeved to 27280 gloucester wher iij myles withoute the towne the mair with his 27290 brether And Shriffes In Scarlet gownes And other people in great 27300 nomber in Rede gownes al on horse bakkes Welcommed the king And 27310 without the gate betwixte both brigges The procession of the 27320 freres And also the procession of the town of Al the pariche 27330 chirches Receyuede the king And in that towne ther was no 27340 pageaunt nor speche ordeynede Thabbot And his Monkes Receyued 27350 the king with procession At thabbey Chirche doore wher the king 27360 Abode Satirday And Sonday al day whiche was the trinytie Sonday 27370 And thabbot mitred sange the high masse And in procession the 27380 Bisshop of Worcester prechide shewing the popes Bulles touching 27390 as afor And on the Monday the king Remeved to Bristow warde & 27400 lay at thabbey of kinges Woode And on tewsday dynyd at Acton 27410 with Sir Robert poynez Shryef of gloucestershire.... 27420 27430 27440 27450 27460 How the princes of Englond Lady Mary was Receyved by the Meire & 27470 Burgessez of the Towne of Glouceter the xijth day of Septembre 27480 yn the xvijth yere of the Reigne of our Soueraigne lord kyng 27490 henry the viijth yn the tyme of Iohn Rawlens Meyre of the same 27500 Towne William Mathew and henre ffrensche Shreffes there/ ffirst 27510 the Meire Aldermen & Shreffes yn Scarlett & C. Burgesses 4yn4 27520 Rode to Quoddisleys Grene withyn the libertye of the seid Towne 27530 there kepyng array tyll the seid princes came & then there 27540 obeysaunce on horsebak showyng oon of the mases of the Towne/ 27550 Then by thadvyse of ther Counsell Mr Meire & all his brederne yn 27560 Scarlett settyng forward on horsebak ij & ij the seriauntes 27570 ledyng the wey formust & knyghtes squyars & gentyltylmen yn the 27580 myddes and the Meire next byfore her grace rydyng with the 27590 seriaunt at Armys barehede & oon of the sergeauntes mases yn his 27600 hand Then all the ladyes & gentilwomen folowyng her grace on 27610 horsebak After them all her seruauntes yn a lyuerey & her 27620 officers And after them other of the Stywardes & Burgesses of 27630 the Town ij & ij so rydyng to the Town ende Where all the Clerge 27640 Were yn Copys Crosses Carpettes & Cusshyns and her grace 27650 lovyngly there kyssynge the Crosse on horsebak/ And then Rode 27660 forthe euery man After the seid maner throw6e the Towne bryngyng 27670 her grace into the Abbey throw6e Seynt Edwardes gate The Abbott 27680 & his brederne then beyng yn the Abbey porche with Copys Crosse 27690 Carpettes & Cusshyns receyvyng her grace And so she dyd a lyght 27700 of horse & kyssed the Crosse/ And then went vp to the high Awter 27710 Mr Meyre & all his brederne yn Skarlett goyng byfore her grace & 27720 there she offered A pece of gold & then proceded to her loggyng 27730 Mr Meire & his seid brederne byfore her/ The Gyfte and present 27740 gevyn by the Meire & his bre9ern to 9e princes ffirst ij fatte 27750 oxen of the best that myght be gotton Item x fatte Wethurs of 27760 the best 9at myght be gotton/ 27770 27780 27790 27800 27810 suffragan/Abbott/torches 27820 Howe owre most dreade Soueraign lorde Kyng henry the viijth by 27830 the grace of god of England & of ffraunce Kyng defender of the 27840 ffaith lorde of Ireland & in erthe Supreme hedde of the Churche 27850 of England & his most dere & entierly beloued lawfull Wiff quene 27860 Anne at ther ffirst commyng to Glouceter after his graces 27870 Coronacion Was resceyued by the maire Aldermen Shriffes & 27880 Burgesses of the seid towne of Glouceter commyng from Tewkysbury 27890 toward Glouceter the Saturday the last day of Iuly in the 27900 xxvijth yere of 4the reigne4 his most Riall reign in the tyme of 27910 Iohn ffawconer then beyng Maire of the towne of Glouceter Thomas 27920 Payne & Richard Edwardes Shriffes there as hereafter ensuyth// 27930 ffirst the maire Aldermen Shriffes & Shriffes peres in ther 27940 Skarlett gownes & velfett typpettes with an .C. of other 27950 Burgessez or ther abowtes in Cootes of Musterdevilles all. And 27960 rode ffourth of the towne toward Tewkysbury till they came to 27970 the grene at the hether ende of the lane athisside 27980 Brickehamptons brigge within the libertie of the seid towne'. 27990 Then & there metyng the kynges grace & the quene and did ther 28000 obeysaunce all on horsebacke gevyng his grace the right hande/ 28010 And then the maire rode vnto his grace (seyng these wordes) 28020 thankes be to god of your graces helth & good prosperite Whiche 28030 god long Contynue. And therwith the maire beyng still on 28040 horsebacke with oon of the towne masez in his hand kissed the 28050 same Mase & did his Obeysaunce & delyuered it vp vnto his grace 28060 (seyng these wordes) 4thankes to be to god of your graces4 that 28070 all suche liberties privelages Customes & grauntes as your grace 28080 & other your noble progenytours here tofore haue gevyn vnto the 28090 Maire & Burgessez of this your towne of Glouceter. We delyuer 28100 4haue4 vp vnto your grace. trustyng that your grace wilbe as 28110 good & graciouce lord vnto us nowe as ye haue byn here to 28120 ffore'. And ferthermore I here presente my selff vnto your 28130 grace as maire of your seid towne of Glouceter certyfying you 28140 that all your burgessez there be in a redynes & obedyemt at your 28150 graces Commaundement & hartely thankes your grace for such 28160 liberties priveleges & grauntes that your grace hathe gevyn vnto 28170 vs/ besechyng you of your graciouuce aide & 4assiss4 assistaunce 28180 herafter in the execucon therof in doyng Iustice/. And so the 28190 kynges grace resceyved the same mase. Wheruppon his grace 28200 immediately delyuered it ayen vnto the maire with all such 28210 liberties priveleges Customes & grauntes as were byfore tyme 28220 graunted. And then rode foreward in maner & forme folowyng/. 28230 That is to wit first & foremost rode all the burgesses in a ray 28240 ij & ij next them the Skarlett gownes. then all Gentilmen 28250 Esquyers knyghtes lordes & other greate men and then the maire 28260 opyn hedde with the mase still in his hand & the kyng of arrodes 28270 with hym. then rode next the kyng he that bare the Swirde & on 28280 euery side of hym a sergeaunt at armys with ther masys. And 28290 then folowid the kynges grace & the quene with all the lades & 28300 gentilwomen folowyng them. & after them the Garde & other 28310 Sondry persons folowyng the Courte/ till they came byfore the 28320 White ffrires without the vtter northe yate/. Wher all the 28330 Clergie were in Coopys & the lorde Suffryngam mytourde with 28340 Crosse Carpettes & Cusshynges. And his grace & the quene bothe 28350 beyng on horsebacke lovyngly there kissed the Crosse. And then 28360 rode forthe euery man after the seid maner throwght the towne 28370 bryngyng his grace into the Abbey throwght Seynt Edwardes lane. 28380 The abbott & his bretherne then beyng in the abbey Churche 28390 porche with Coopys Crosse Carpettes & Cusshynges receyvyng his 28400 grace. And so lighted of his horsebacke & the quene also & 28410 kneled downe bothe & kissed the Crosse with greate Reueraunce. 28420 And then went vp to the highe Alter. And so fromthens to there 28430 lodgynges. And the maire Alwey byfore his grace with the mase 28440 in his hande till he came to his lodgyng &c/ Item the monday the 28450 second day after his graces comyng to Glouceter abowte x of the 28460 Clocke his grace & the quene both beying rydyng toward 28470 paynswicke to huntyng, the maire with certen of his bretherne 28480 mett his grace in the abbey Churche yarde. & presented hym 28490 there with tenne ffatte Oxen price...for the whiche his grace 28500 gave vnto them lovyng thankes. And the same day in the darke 28510 evenyng they came from paynswicke. And at Aillesgate mett them 28520 Certen persons to the noumbre of xv with torches light & browght 28530 there graces in to the Abbey/ for the whiche they gave hartie 28540 thankes. & the quenes grace gave them in reward iiij angellett 28550 nobles at that tyme// Item the tewesday the thirde day after his 28560 graces comyng he & the quenes grace also beyng rydyng toward 28570 Coberley the seid Maire & his bretherne mett the quene in the 28580 abbey Churche yarde and ther presented hir with a purse of gold 28590 price... & xxti rialles in golde theryn whiche Amounted 28600 to...for the whiche hir grace gave like lovyng thankes as the 28610 kyng hadd don tofore/. And the same day kyng hunted at myserden 28620 in so moche it was nyght er his grace came to Aillysyate. where 28630 mett hym xl burgessez in there best apparell with torches light 28640 as they did byfore & browght his grace into the abbey for the 28650 whiche he gave hartie thankes & ffyve markes in gold for there 28660 reward in soe doyng &c/ Howe our seid Soueraign lorde the kyng & 28670 the quene also departed from Glouceter the vijth Day of august 28680 then next folowyng at after none. & that nyght laye at leonard 28690 Stanley & on the morowe from thens toward Barkeley. And the 28700 maner & forme howe is grace rode forth till he came to 28710 quoddesleys grene/ ffirst the maire & his brethern with suche 28720 burgesses as were byfore appoynted prepared them selffes in like 28730 apparell as they were yn at his graces resceyvyng on horsebacke 28740 at the Abbey Churche dore & there gave attendaunce till his 28750 grace came ffourthe & was on horsebacke. And then rode fforthe 28760 euery man in there degree after the maner & forme as they did at 28770 his graces resceyving into the towne/. throwght the towne 28780 forthe at the Sowthe yate. And so rode accordyngly till they 28790 came into quoddesley grene/ where all the townes men sate on 28800 horsebacke in a raunge gevyng his grace the right hande And 28810 there did the kyng take the maire by the hande & so departed. 28820 And soe both the kynges grace & the quene passid by the seid 28830 townes men. And gave them all thankes. That don the maire with 28840 the aldermen Shriffes & all other 4of4 burgessez returned all to 28850 gethers homeward & rode with the maire to his dore ij & ij to 28860 gethers in a ray in like maner & forme as they rode forthe. And 28870 then at the maires dore euery man departed and went home &c//. 28880 The giftes gevyn by the Maire & Burgessez of the towne of 28890 Glouceter vnto the kynges grace the quene with there officers & 28900 servauntes at there ffirst beyng at Glouceter after the 28910 Coronacon as before is mencioned as hereafter ensuyth In primis 28920 to the kynges grace tenne ffatte oxen price... Item to the 28930 quenes grace A purce of golde price...with xxti rialles of gold 28940 theryn conteynyng...Summa... Item for gese capons & chekyn 28950 gevyn to Maister Secutorys4...4... Item in reward gevyn to oon 28960 of the kynges seruauntes whiche made proclamacon ayenst his 28970 graces ffirst comyng... Item to the kynges ffotemen at his 28980 graces departure... Item to quenes ffotemen... Item to the 28990 kynges Trompettors... Item to the seruauntes of the kynges 29000 boterye... Item to the seruauntes of the kynges pantrye... 29010 Item in reward gevyn tothe blacke garde... Item geven to the 29020 kynges Amners seruaunt... Item to the arrode of arremes... 29030 Summa totalis... 29040 29050 29060 29070 29080 Giftes gevyn/with other/necessarie/Expences 29090 Also in reward gevyn to maister kyngestons abbott of Mysrule 29100 Commyng to the Citie of Glouceter in the Cristemas tyme by the 29110 Commaundement of the maior... Also in reward gevyn to the 29120 pleyers of the seid maister kyngeston by the commaundement of 29130 the maior by the tyme of this present accompte... 29140 29150 29160 29170 29180 Also in money paied & gevyn to the pleyers of Sir Anthony 29190 kyngeston by the Commaundement of the maior & his brethern the 29200 tyme of this present accompte... 29210 29220 29230 29240 29250 Also in money gevyn in reward to Sir Anthony Kyngestons pleyars 29260 the tyme of this present accompte by the Commaundement of the 29270 maire... And in money likewise gevyn in reward to a geister of 29280 the kynges maiesties & an other commyng with hym by the 29290 Commaundement of maister maire.... Also in money gevyn to the 29300 Gentilman that browght the proclamacon for the Quenes grace that 29310 nowe is by the Commaundement of maister maire & his brethern att 29320 the newe Inne... And in money gevyn the same tyme to Sir John A 29330 Bridges Trompetor by like Commaundement....Also in reward gevyn 29340 to maister Arnoldes seruauntes on may day at the bryngyng in of 29350 may by the Commaundement of the maire... Also in reward gevyn 29360 the same tyme to William Tele & his Company by like 29370 Commaundement... And more to those persons that daunsed the 29380 moorys daunse the same tyme by like Commaundement.... 29390 29400 29410 29420 29430 Also in money gevyn in reward to the pleyers of the Citie by mr 29440 maires Commaundement... 29450 29460 29470 29480 29490 Also in reward gevyn to the Quenes Geister by the Commaundement 29500 of maister maire... 29510 29520 29530 29540 29550 Also in money gevyn to the Quenes pleyars by the tyme of this 29560 accompte by like commaundement of the seid maior... 29570 29580 29590 29600 29610 Also in moneye payed & gevyn by the tyme of this accompte by Mr. 29620 mayores commaundement to my Lord Chaundos playeres... 29630 29640 29650 29660 29670 Also in money payed for an hundred of bordenayles to make a 29680 Scaffolde in the Bothall for Quenes maiestes players... Also 29690 payed to Iohn battye carpinter & his fellowe for the makinge of 29700 the seide Scaffolde... Also paid at the commaundement of Mr M & 29710 other the aldermen of the Citie to the Quenes maiesties players 29720 playeng openly in the bothall in the tyme of this accompte... 29730 Also paide in money for a banket the same day by the said maire 29740 & aldermen at the taverne upon the saide plaiers... Also in 29750 money paide by the afor seide Accomptauntes to the Lord ambrose 29760 dudleies plaiers by the commaundement of mr mayre playeng openly 29770 in the bothall in the tyme of this accompte... 29780 29790 29800 29810 29820 Also geven in Rewarde to the lorde Roberte Dudleyes playores at 29830 mr mayores commaundemente in Redye moneye... Also geven in 29840 rewarde to Sir Androwe ffortescues players at mr mayores 29850 commaundemente in redye moneye by Iohn Smythe... Also geven in 29860 presente to the lorde presidente of the merches at his late 29870 beinge here in Glouceter one hoggeshedde of Clarrett wyne which 29880 coste... Also geven in rewarde to my lordes Trumpettor in redye 29890 moneye... Also geven in rewarde to Iustyce Trogmerton his 29900 mynstrelles in redye moneye... 29910 29920 29930 29940 29950 Also the same Accomptauntes aske allowaunce in moneye payed & 29960 geven in Rewarde to the Quenes maiesties players this yere... 29970 Also bestowed & spente vpon the same players at the taverne... 29980 Also payed to Mr Ingram for a pounde of candelles at the same 29990 playe... Also in Rewardes geven to the Erle of warwickes 30000 players at Mr mayores Commaundemente in redye monye... Also 30010 payed for a bankett made to the seid players & for makynge of a 30020 4S..f4 Scaffold in the bothall... Also geven in Rewarde to the 30030 lorde Roberte dudleye his servauntes & players by the 30040 commaundemente of Mr mayor in Redy moneye... Also spente vppon 30050 the seid players at the taverne and for makynge of the scaffold 30060 in the bothall... 30070 30080 30090 30100 30110 ALso the same accomptauntes aske allowaunce of moneye payed & 30120 geven in Rewarde to the duchesse of Suffolkes players by the 30130 commaundemente of Mr mayor... Also bestowed & spente vppon the 30140 same players at the taverne... Also payed for the makynge of 30150 the skaffold at the Bothall & for nayles there.... 30160 30170 30180 30190 30200 Also paid by the Commaundement of Mr mayor to one that brought 30210 golden sommes 4to4 parchment from the lord of misrule of 30220 hineham.... Also geven Stanweye the Quenes Iugler for shewinge 30230 pastimes and other of his Iuglinge feates to Mr mayor and other 30240 of his bretherne this yeare by the commaundement of Mr mayor... 30250 Also geven to the Erle of warwickes playores by the 30260 commaundement of Mr mayor this yeare.... Also vpon the same 30270 playores at the wine taverne.... Also geven in rewarde this 30280 yeare likiwise by the Commaundemente of Mr mayor to the lorde 30290 Cobhames playeres.... 30300 30310 30320 30330 30340 Also paid for the makinge of the scaffold in the bothall at the 30350 tyme that the Quenes maiesties playeres did playe there befor mr 30360 mayor and thaldermen... Also in money paid for takinge of the 30370 same scaffold awaye agayne.... Also the same accomptauntes aske 30380 allowaunce of money paid and gevenn in rewarde to the Quenes 30390 maiestes playores by the commaundement of mr mayor... Also in 30400 money paide & geven in reward to the lorde stranges playores by 30410 the like commaundement of mr mayor.... 30420 30430 30440 30450 30460 Allso the same accomptauntes aske allowaunce of money paied & 30470 geven in rewardes to the lorde hundsdons plaiars the makinge of 30480 the scaffolde in the bothall & the drinckinge....Allso geven to 30490 the quenes plaiores playinge at the bothall by the commaundement 30500 of mr maior.... Allso for wine & chirries spente vppon them at 30510 Mr Swerdbearers.... 30520 30530 30540 30550 30560 Alsoe pd to battie for C & iij quarteres of elme bourdes for a 30570 skaffold for playors to playe one.... Alsoe pd to hime for a 30580 peece of tymber to sett vnder the bourdes.... Also the same 30590 accomptaunce aske a lowaunce of money pd and geven in rewarde to 30600 the erle of worcester his players and their drinkynge at Mr 30610 swordberers by the commaundement of mr mayore.... alsoe in 30620 money pd and geven to the quenes maiestes players and their 30630 drinkinge.... 30640 30650 30660 30670 30680 ffirste thesame accomptauntes aske allowaunce of money by them 30690 geuen to mr ffoskeues plaiers at the Commaundement of mr 30700 maior.... And for theire drincking.... Allsoe geuen to the 30710 lorde monges plaiers at the Commaundement of Mr maior.... 30720 Allsoe geuen to the erle of woorcesters plaiers.... 30730 30740 30750 30760 30770 Allsoe geuen in rewarde to the Quenes plaiers....Allsoe geven in 30780 rewarde to therle of lecesters players playing before Mr 30790 Maior....Allsoe geuen to theirle of suxsex plaiers plainge 30800 before Mr Maior.... Allsoe spent on them.... 30810 30820 30830 30840 30850 Alsoe paied to the vssher of the fenche Schole for his paines in 30860 playenge before the watche one midsomer yeve and Sainte Peters 30870 yeve.... Alsoe geven to the Earle of worceters plaiers for 30880 playinge before Mr Maior and his bretherne the vjth of 30890 februarie.... Alsoe spente vppon them at the taverne the same 30900 time....Alsoe geven to thearle of Leysetors plaiers for playinge 30910 before Mr Maior and his bretherne the xxxth of aprill by the 30920 Commandemente of Mr Maior.... Alsoe spente vppon them at the 30930 Taverne by the like commandemente.... Alsoe geven in rewarde to 30940 the Quenes Maiestes Berward for baytinge of his bears before Mr 30950 Maior and his bretherne the seconde of m.ie.... Alsoe geven to 30960 the lifftenante of the tower his plaiers for playinge before Mr 30970 maior and his bretherne the xxth of September.... Alsoe spente 30980 vppon them at the Swordberers by the commandemente of Mr 30990 Maior.... 31000 31010 31020 31030 31040 geven to the Queenes maiesties plaiers at the comaundment of 31050 Master Maior alsoe Spente vppon them at the swoordbearars by 31060 Like comaundmente.... Allsoe geven to Ladie Manches plaiers by 31070 comaundmente of Master Maior.... Allsoe for their dringinge.... 31080 31090 31100 31110 31120 Alsoe the same accomptantes aske allowance of money geuen in 31130 rewarde as folowethe ffirste gevene to the Earle of Wosters 31140 plaiers the firste daie of December Anno Domini 1573 by 31150 Commaundemente of Maister Maior.... Allsoe spente vppon them by 31160 like Commaundement.... Allsoe geven by like Commaundement to 31170 the Earle of Sussex plaiers the thirde of Aprell.... Allsoe 31180 spent vppon them at that time.... Allsoe geuen by like 31190 commaundement to the Earle of Essexe plaiers the tenthe of 31200 Iulie.... Allsoe spent vppon them.... Allsoe geuen to the 31210 Lorde Moongeis plaiers the laste of September by like 31220 Commaundemente then not plaienge before the Maior.... 31230 31240 31250 31260 31270 'All Rewardes 31280 Alsoe the same accomptauntes praie allowaunce of...by them paied 31290 to Maister Semis for three staf torches Allsoe paied to Edward 31300 ffleminnge for eighttenthe linkes to lighte in the Quenes 31310 Maiestie.... Allsoe paied to him for tene staffe 31320 torches....Allsoe paied for benttes for Maister maior and 31330 Maister recorder to knele vpon at the receauinge of the Quenes 31340 Maiestie.... 31350 Allsoe geuen to the Earle of wosters plaiers... Allsoe spente 31360 one them in charges.... Alsoe the same accomptantes praie 31370 allowaunce of money geuene in gifftes as followethe./ffirste 31380 geuen to the Quenes Maiestie one Cuppe doble gilte weienge 31390 threscore seuentene ounces and three quarters at sixe shillinges 31400 tenne pence the ounce--.... Allsoe geuen to her Maiestie in 31410 golde in the same Cuppe--.... Allsoe geuene to the kinge of 31420 heraldes-- Allsoe geuen to the Sergeauntes at armes--.... 31430 Allsoe geuen to her Maiesties footemen---.... Allsoe geuen to 31440 her Maiesties Tromppettors--.... Allsoe geuen to the Clarke of 31450 the markett--.... Allsoe geuen to the yeomene of the 31460 Bottelles--.... Allsoe geuen to the ordenarie massingers of the 31470 Quenes Chamber--.... Allsoe geuen to them that did kepe the 31480 Quenes Maiesties sworde and the mace--.... geuen to the Quenes 31490 musitianes--.... Allsoe geuen to her maiesties porters--.... 31500 Allsoe geuen to her maiesties Couchemen--.... Allsoe geuen vnto 31510 the blacke garde--.... geuen to her maiesties Bakers--.... 31520 Allsoe geuen to the waie maister--.... Allsoe geuen to the 31530 officers of the boylinge house--.... Paied to the Marshall for 31540 a proclamacion--.... paied for a Copie of the same 31550 proclamacion--.... geuen to the marshalls man--....geuen to the 31560 Clarke of the marketts man--.... Allsoe geuen to the waytts 31570 that came with the Quenes footemen to dinner to maister 31580 maiors--.... Allsoe geuen to my Lorde of Leycestors 31590 Trumppettors and musitianes--.... Allsoe geuen to the Lorde 31600 Treasorer one sugger loffe weyinge fiftie pounde at sixtene 31610 pence the pounde--.... Allsoe geuen to him twoe gallons of 31620 secke and one gallande of clarrett wine--....Paied to him that 31630 broughte the redde dere which the Quenes maiesties sente--.... 31640 Paied to the waytes of Shresburie for plaienge aboute the Citie 31650 everie moreninge as longe as the Quenes grace was here--.... 31660 Alsoe the same accomptauntes praie allowaunce of money by them 31670 disbursed as folowethe ffirste for paintinge of the 31680 Tollsey--.... Allsoe paied to Iohn Rise for trimenge of the 31690 kinges borde-.... Allsoe paied to Gilden for makinge the 31700 beastes for the kinges boorde-.... paied to him for Coloringe 31710 of the Criste schole--.... paied to William Sannes for hornes 31720 for the Antelap and vnicornes and the tonge for the Dragon--.... 31730 paied vnto Iohn windowe for the Cariedge of twoe loode of birche 31740 to the medow--... and for one loode of sande to the kinges 31750 borde--... and for the Carriage of twoe lode of grauell to the 31760 forren bridge--.... paied for pauinge aboute the crosse--.... 31770 paied to fiftene laborers for makinge of the highe waie with 31780 owte the Southegate throught the pastures for the Quenes 31790 Maiestie--.... paied to William Dove for the hawlinge of fower 31800 draftes of plankes to make bridges to the meadowe--.... paied 31810 to sparkes and hickes for twoe daies worke--... Paied for twoe 31820 loode of sande for the Castell lane ende--....Paied for twoe 31830 loode of sande more hade into the Colledge lane--.... paied to 31840 harrison for dressinge the Bothall and the Tollsey--... paied 31850 for packethred for the Scaffolde in the meadow--.... paied to 31860 Battie for takinge downe the scaffolde in the meadowe and 31870 settinge vpp a paire of tesselles at the Crosse--.... paied for 31880 the makinge cleane of the Trinitie Crosse--....paied for makinge 31890 cleane of the Streate at the colledge gate--.... paied to Roger 31900 Layton Iohn Shewell Iohn Viner and Richard hickes for woorkinge 31910 in the meadowe--.... paied to William Cugley for tenne daies 31920 worke--.... paied to Thomas wheler for the hawlinge of one lode 31930 of birche and one lode of bordes into the meadowe--.... paied 31940 for sixetene lode of grauell bestowed betwene the twoe northe 31950 gates--.... paied to Gildene for mendinge the Quenes picture 31960 and the pinicle--.... Allsoe they aske allowaunce of money by 31970 them disbursed for dressinge and paintinge the Crosse and the 31980 kinges borde viz. for stones bordes Timber Canvas verdigrese 31990 allablaster workemanes 4hier and manie other necessarie thinges 32000 as by the perticulers thereof shewed and examined plainlie maie 32010 appere--.... Allsoe paied for paintinge of the fowere 32020 gates--.... Allsoe the aske allowaunce of money by them 32030 disbursed for makinge of twoe Scaffoldes with the furniture of 32040 the pagentes at the vtter northegate and at the highe Crosse 32050 viz. for timber bordes Ivie mosse workemans hier and diuerse 32060 othere necessaries as by the perticulers thereof shewed and 32070 examined plainlie appearethe--.... Allsoe paied to the 32080 musitians that plaied at the Scaffoldes and the Gates--.... 32090 Allsoe paied to Maister henrie Shrieffe for a greate powle for 32100 the skaffolde for the gate--.... paied to Thomas wheler for 32110 hawlinge certaine peces of timber from the meadowe into the 32120 Towne--.... Allsoe paied to Iohn Battie and twoe laborers for 32130 mendinge of the cradell and measuringe of bordes and timber-.... 32140 Allsoe paied to Iacson for twoe peces of timber--.... Summa.... 32150 32160 32170 32180 32190 Allsoe geven to the Lorde of Sussex plaiers.... and more to 32200 them in wine and makinge a skaffolde.... Allsoe geven to 32210 Maister Comptrollers players.... Allsoe geven to the Quenes 32220 Berrardes....Allsoe geven to the Erle of Essex players by 32230 Mayster Maiors Commaundement.... And more in wine to them 32240 bestowed.... Item geven to the Lorde of Leycesters bearrade.... 32250 32260 32270 32280 32290 payed Batty for plankes for the scaffould at the Boothall and 32300 workmanshipp.... Allso geeven to the Lorde of Sussex 32310 players.... Allso geeven vnto the Lorde Comptons players.... 32320 32330 32340 32350 32360 Geven to my lorde Sheffields players.... Geven to the lorde 32370 mountyoes.... Item and for a drinkinge and for a drinkinge for 32380 them.... and so in the holl.... Geven to my lord wourcesters 32390 players....Geven to my lorde Barkleyes players and spente on 32400 them....Geven to the Earle of Bathes players.... 32410 32420 32430 32440 32450 Also paide to Garratt Barneys for his yeeres fee ended at 32460 Michaellmas.... Geuen to the Barons of kyndertons Players.... 32470 Also geuen to the Countes of Essex players.... Also geuen to my 32480 Lord Ogles Players.... Also geuen to the Lorde Barckleys 32490 Players.... 32500 32510 32520 32530 32540 Paymentes of money/Gyftes and Rewardes 32550 Also paide to Garrett Barnys, for his yeerely fee ended at 32560 Michaellmas.... Paide vnto the Earle of Darbyes Players.... 32570 The same accomptauntes praye allowaunce of money by them 32580 disbursed for giftes and rewardes bestowed as followeth/ ffirste 32590 geuen the xxviijth of 1579/ vnto my lorde Barkleys Players by Mr 32600 Thomas Machen Maior.... Geuen the 20th of Iune/1580/ by Mr 32610 Mayors appoinctmente vnto the Lorde Sheffildes Players.... 32620 32630 32640 32650 32660 plaiers of enterludes/pg. 32670 130:/Queenes.../Baron.../others.../time/licence/howse At the 32680 Counceill it was moued that some restreinte might hadde ageinst 32690 commen Players of Enterludes./ And for so much as daillie 32700 experience teacheth and delyuereth that the commen Players of 32710 Enterludes and playes Drawe awey greate Sommes of money. from 32720 diuerse persons. and allure seruantes and lightnes of life. 32730 besides the maintenaunce of idlenes and diuerse other 32740 inconveniences which arise thereby. most necessarie to be 32750 redressed. It is therfore at this Councell graunted, concluded 32760 and condiscended vnto/ by the holle company at this Councell 32770 assembled/ That Players of Enterludes. and common Players shall 32780 not be suffred within this Citie at any tyme herafter in any 32790 other sorte or manner, or otherwise than followeth and 32800 herinconteyned./. ffirst the Queenes maiestes Players to be 32810 allowed to playe three interludes or playes within three dayes 32820 or vnder. at euery one tyme of theire comminge to or beinge 32830 within this Citie/ and no more/ nor oftener// And the players of 32840 any subiecte beinge a baron of the parliamente or of higher 32850 callinge or degree to be allowed to playe ij playes or 32860 interludes in twoe dayes or vnder at every one tyme of theire 32870 comminge to or within this Citie and noe moore nor oftener./ And 32880 any other subiectes players vnder the degree of a Baron of the 32890 parliament and beinge allowed by the statutes and Lawes of the 32900 Realme to keape or have players to be allowed to playe but one 32910 playe or interlude in one daye at every one tyme of there 32920 comminge to or beinge within this Citie and noe more nor 32930 oftener./ And that none of the players above mencioned be they 32940 her maiestes players or others be suffered or allowed to playe 32950 in the nighte season nor at any vnfeet tyme neither at any tyme 32960 withoute Warrante or Licence from Mr Maior of this Citie./ And 32970 it is lyke agreed and ordeyned that noe Burges of this Citie 32980 shall at any tyme hereafter permitt or suffer any players to be 32990 played in his howse withoute expresse Licence of mr Maior nor 33000 otherwise then in other sorte then is above declared vnder paine 33010 of discomininge/ 33020 33030 33040 33050 33060 Allsoe paide vnto Garrett Barnes for his yerelie fee ended at 33070 micklemas.... The same accomptauntes doe aske and praie 33080 allowaunce of money by them disbursed for gieftes and rewardes 33090 by them bestowed as followeth/ ffirste paied vnto the lorde 33100 Strainges players by thappointment of mr maior....Allsoe geven 33110 vnto the lorde Berckleis players.... 33120 33130 33140 33150 33160 Also payde to Garrett Barneyes for his yeeres fee.... Geven by 33170 mr maiors comaundement to my lorde Barkleyes players.... Geven 33180 to my lorde morleyes players the xviijth of July 1582.... Geven 33190 to my lorde Staffordes players....Geven to my L players.... 33200 Geven to my lorde Huntesdounes players.... Geven to her 33210 maiestes poppette players the vijth of december 1582.... 33220 33230 33240 33250 33260 Also paide to Garrette Barneyes the musicion for his holl yeeres 33270 fee.... Geven by mr maiors appoinctement to my lorde Chaundos 33280 players the vijth of November 1582.... Geven to my lorde 33290 Barckleyes players the xxxth of November.... Geven to 4my4 the 33300 Lorde Staffordes players.... Geven to the Earle of Oxonia 33310 players the xxvjth of may....Given to her maiestes players.... 33320 33330 33340 33350 33360 Also paide to Garrette Barneyes for his holl yeeres fee.... 33370 Also they aske allowaunce of diuerse sommes of money by them 33380 disbursed for giftes and rewardes bestowed as followeth. viz. 33390 To the players of the Master of the Revelles of the Queenes 33400 maiestes howse.... To the Earle of woorcesters players the the 33410 two and twentith of December.... Paid to the Lorde Chaundos 33420 players the xjth of Ianuarye.... To the Earle of Oxefordes 33430 players....Given the seconde of Maye to the Lorde Staffordes 33440 players.... Given to the Earle of Essex players the fifth of 33450 33460 33470 33480 33490 geven by the appoinctement of mr maior to the Lord Barckleyes 33500 players.... geven by the appoinctement of mr maior to the Lorde 33510 players....geven by the appoinctement of Mr Maior to the Earle 33520 of Essex players....geven by the appoinctement of mr maior to 33530 the Lorde Staffordes players.... Geven by the appoinctemente of 33540 mr Maior to the Earle of Oxfordes players....Geven by the 33550 appoinctemente of mr maior to the Earle of Sussex players.... 33560 Geven by the appoincetement of mr maior the Earle of Leycesters players. 33570 33580 33590 33600 33610 To the Lord of Essex plaiers....To the Earle of Sussex plaiers.... 33620 33630 33640 33650 33660 Paid Garrett Barnes the musicion for his yeeres fee.... Geauen 33670 to the Earle of Essex plaiers....Geauen to the Queenes maiestes 33680 plaiers.... Geauen to the Earle of Leycesters plaiers.... 33690 Geauen to the Earle of Essex plaiers.... 33700 33710 33720 33730 33740 And the same Accomptantes aske allowance of diverse sommes of 33750 money by them layed out in Giftes and Rewardes as followeth: 33760 And firste to my Lord of Leycesters Players the xvijth of Iune 33770 by mr Mayors appointement.... Geaven the xijth of Iuly to the 33780 Queenes maiestes Players.... To the Earle of Sussex Players the 33790 xvij of September.... To Garret Barnes the musicion for his his 33800 yeeres ffee.... 33810 33820 33830 33840 33850 To Garrett Barnes the musicon for his yeeres fee.... And the 33860 same Accomptantes aske allowance for moneys by them laied out in 33870 giftes and rewardes to diverse persons as followeth And first to 33880 the Queenes players the xvijth of Aprill....To the Earle of 33890 Sussex players the secconde of September.... 33900 33910 33920 33930 33940 Paide to Garrett Barnes the musicion for his yeeres fee.... 33950 geven to the Lord Chandos players the xxviijth of December.... 33960 geven to the Lord Beachames players the vjth of Aprill.... 33970 geven to the Lord Chandos poppett players the xxxth of 33980 Iune....geven to the Queenes players which played in the 33990 Colledge Churche yarde.... geven to the lorde Admiralls players 34000 the xvijth of September.... 34010 34020 34030 34040 34050 plaiers/dat.71. 34060 Item it is agreed that one former ordinance made at a common 34070 Councell houlden iij die Nouembris anno xxijdo Regine touchinge 34080 pleyers of enterludes shall stande in force and that noe plaies 34090 be suffered hereafter to be plaied vppon any sundaies nor any 34100 rewardes to be geven without good occasion by the Mayor and 34110 Alldermen 34120 34130 34140 34150 34160 paid to Garrett Barnes the musicion for his yeeres fee.... And 34170 the same accomptantes aske allowance for moneys by them layed 34180 out in giftes and rewards to diuerse persons as followeth geven 34190 to the Earle of worcesters players by mr Mayors 34200 appointment....geven to the Lord Bechams players.... to the 34210 Queenes players.... To the Queenes and the earle of Sussex 34220 players.... to the Children of powls.... to the Lord admiralls 34230 players.... 34240 34250 34260 34270 34280 Payed to Garret Barnes the musicion for his yeares fee.... And 34290 the same accomptauntes aske allowance of moneyes by them layed 34300 out in giftes and rewardes to diuerse persons as followeth. 34310 Imprimis geuen to the Earle of Worcester his players....To the 34320 Queenes players.... Payed for a breakfast for them at Mrs 34330 Powelles.... To the Queenes trumpetters by the appoyntmente of 34340 Mr Mayor.... Gaue the Lord Straunge his players....Gyuen to the 34350 Lorde Chandos in money for gratificacion against the receauing 34360 of the Queenes Maiesty at Sudely in progresse.... 34370 34380 34390 34400 34410 ffees and wages/Guiftes and rewardes 34420 Paid to mr Garret the Musicion for his fee for three quarters of 34430 a yere.... To my lord Morl.ies players in money and j pottle of 34440 wine and sugar by mr Maiors and mr Seamys appointment the 34450 xxviijth of Iune.... 34460 34470 34480 34490 34500 Gaue the lord Ogles players....Item gaue to the Queenes maiestes 34510 Players.... 34520 34530 34540 34550 34560 geven the blind harper for the wine which he gave mr 34570 maior....geven to Anthonie Cooke and his companie at midsommer 34580 one gallon of wine & suger.... paied Thomas Bubbe for a wagon 34590 in the pageant for the turke....To the Lord Chandois man that 34600 brought venison... and to my Lordes players.... Geven to the 34610 Queenes players.... geven to the Lord Ogles players.... 34620 34630 34640 34650 34660 Musitians/40s 34670 It is allso agreed that Iames musitians, 4plaieng4 having plaied 34680 on the Rcorder as the Waites for this quarter of yere passed 34690 4shall therefore4 at iiij of the clock in the morninges in the 34700 Chief streetes of this city shall therefore, and in recompence 34710 of their service at the solempne vsuall assemblies, this yere 34720 have...for Reward and...for their liuereys to be paied by the 34730 stewardes of this City/ 34740 34750 34760 34770 34780 Paied to Iames the musition and his men towards their liverie of 34790 stamell cloakes and for their service.... Geven to my L 34800 Staffordes plaiers.... geven to my L Chandois plaiers by mr 34810 maiors appoinctment geven to the queenes plaiers for their 34820 play.... geven to the Earle of Darbies plaiers.... geven to my 34830 L Oagles plaiers.... geven to my L Admiralls plaiers.... Geven 34840 to the Queenes plaiers in wine and suger.... geven for wine and 34850 suger for my Lord Admiralls players.... 34860 34870 34880 34890 34900 And to the musicions..../ 34910 34920 34930 34940 34950 wayt et howell contra wylmott 34960 Thomas Hyll Ciuitatis Gloucestrie yoman vbi moram fecit 34970 plerumque a natiuitate sua ibidem ortus etatis xxxv. annorum 34980 aut circiter libere vt dicit condicionis testis &c. Ad primum 34990 articulum dicit eundem esse verum Ad iijj deponit that twelue 35000 monethes now past or there aboutes this deponent was at a stage 35010 play in the Botholl in the Cytty of Gloucester in the Company of 35020 tharticulate Iohn wylmott, at which tyme the said mr Iohn 35030 wylmott 4did4 offered to present himself vppon the said stage, 35040 and sayd to this deponent that he could play better then any of 35050 those stage players, and offered to goe vppon the same stage and 35060 to take one of the same players instrumentes out ot their handes 35070 to haue played vppon yt himself. And this deponent perceauinge 35080 the said mr wylmot to be very earnest to haue gon vppon the said 35090 stage and fearing that he would haue then 4haue4 discredyted 35100 himself did pull him and hold him back and did not suffer him to 35110 goe vpp to the same stage/ And this deponent dyd Iudge the said 35120 mr Iohn wylmot to be overtaken with drynck at that tyme, and so 35130 did others then there present/ et aliter nescit deponere Super 35140 reliquis articulis non est examinatus Iohannes fflemyng de 35150 Ciuitate Gloucestrie Barbor vbi moram fecit plerunque a 35160 natiuitate sua ibidem ortus etatis xxxvj annorum et amplius 35170 libere vt dicit condicionis testis &c. Ad primum articulum 35180 dicit eundem esse verum Ad ij et iij nescit deponere Ad iiij 35190 deponit that twelue monethes last past or there aboutes this 35200 deponent was at a stage play at the Botholl in the Cytty of 35210 Gloucester in the Company of the articulate mr Iohn wylmott at 35220 which tyme the sayd mr Iohn wylmot did offer to haue gon 4vpp4 35230 vppon the said stage, And then this deponent 4then4 asked Thomas 35240 hill his precontest what the matter was, and the said Thomas 35250 hill tould this deponent that mr wylmot said he would haue gon 35260 vppon the stage to play vppon one of the players Instrumentes, 35270 And at that tyme this deponent did perceaue the said mr wylmot 35280 to be very pleasant and merry but wheyther he was then druncken 35290 or not this deponent cannot depose, but doth Iudge that he had 35300 ben dryncking hard before that 4tyme4 day, and doth thinck that 35310 excepte he had ben moued by drynck that 4..4 he the said mr 35320 wylmot would not haue offered to doe soe/ et aliter nescit 35330 deponere 35340 35350 35360 35370 35380 Alsoe for wyne and sugar at the masters howse at St. Clementes 35390 tyde--..../ Alsoe for money geeven to the musicions.--..../ 35400 35410 35420 35430 35440 The said Accomptant prayeth to bee allowed of diuerse sommes of 35450 money by him layed oute within the tyme of his accompte, viz: 35460 payed for musick at Iohn Morganes..../ geeven in money to 35470 Richard Lye..../ ffor wyne at his comnge in master...in all 35480 35490 35500 35510 35520 Alsoe hee prayeth allowance for wyne and sugar and museck at his 35530 dinner... 35540 35550 35560 35570 35580 Item for the oddes of moneye at our Breakefast in the 35590 haule--.... 4Item paid to Iohn Atkinges for js loaffe--....4 35600 Item paid for j vj d loaffe to Abell Aungell & for j pottell of 35610 Secke--.... Item paid for the wayghtes--.... 35620 35630 35640 35650 35660 Allso he prayeth Alowance of...which he laide out for wine att 35670 mr Smithes Dinner--.... Allso he prayeth Allowance of...which 35680 he laid out for musicke att the same Dinner--.... Allso he 35690 prayeth Allowance for wine & sugar and musicke att his 35700 Dinner--.... 35710 35720 35730 35740 35750 Alsoe payed for a supper at the Newyne and for wyne and museck 35760 there.... Alsoe he prayeth allowance for wyne and sugar.and 35770 museck.at his dynner.... 35780 35790 35800 35810 35820 It this Accomptant craueth allowance for money laid out for one 35830 supper att new Ine the xxvth day of Iune.... It giuen to the 35840 wait players the same day by the appoyntment of the Companie.... 35850 It Laid out for wine & sugar when I went forth maister of the 35860 Companie--.... It this same day to the waite plaiers.... 35870 35880 35890 35900 35910 It laid out for wine when I went forth maister of the 35920 Companie.... It the same day to the waite plaiers.... 35930 35940 35950 35960 35970 It laide out for wine when I went forth of the Companie 35980 maister.... It the same day to the waite player.... 35990 36000 36010 36020 36030 ffor wyne and sugar at Robert Reynoldes Dynner.... To the 36040 musitions at thattyme.... Also he prayeth allowance of money by 36050 him layed out for a supper at a meeting at the newynne.... ffor 36060 wyne at the same tyme.... ffor musick at the same tyme.... 36070 ffor wyne and sugar; at the masters dynner.... To the musick at 36080 the same tyme.... 36090 36100 36110 36120 36130 ffor wine and sugar att the maisters Dinner--.... ffor musicke 36140 att the same time--.... 36150 36160 36170 36180 36190 Payd for musicke att the maisters Dinner--.... 36200 36210 36220 36230 36240 Item layd out for wine and sugar att william Ieynes his 36250 Dinner--.... Allso for musicke the same time.... Item layd out 36260 for wine and sugar att Richard Luggs Dinner--.... Allso for 36270 musicke the same time.... It iij gallons of sacke. ij gallons 36280 of Clarett & j pottle of Clarett & iijli. of sugar att our 36290 maisters Dinner.... Item for musicke.... 36300 36310 36320 36330 36340 Allso for wine and sugar att Richard Nashes Dimner--.... ffor 36350 musicke--.... 36360 36370 36380 36390 36400 It att Iohn Nichols Dinner att newe Inne in wine sugar & 36410 musicke.... It for vij pottles of sacke iiij pottles of Clarett 36420 j pottle of white wine ij pounde of sugar att our master his 36430 Dinner.... It for musicke.... It for Linkes.... 36440 36450 36460 36470 36480 At which tyme one Henry Sandes with three others brought a commicon vnde 36490 36500 36510 36520 36530 Item spent in wine at the Maisters dinner and suger.... It for 36540 wine.... It for Musick.... 36550 36560 36570 36580 36590 Allso layd out for wine sugar & musicke when Iames Stevens 36600 keepte his Dinner.... It spent in wine & sugar att the maisters 36610 Dinner.... Item for musicke.... 36620 36630 36640 36650 36660 Item spent in wine and sugar att the maisters Dinner.... Item 36670 for musicke.... 36680 36690 36700 36710 36720 It when Anthony ffeeld came into our Companie in methegline 36730 beare & Cakes.... It att his Dinner in wine & sugar.... It att 36740 the same time for musicke.... It when Robert Teyther keepe his 36750 Dinner att his Cominge into the Companie in wine & sugar.... It 36760 for musicke.... It in wine & sugar att the maisters Dinner.... 36770 It for musicke att our maisters Dinner.... 36780 36790 36800 36810 36820 mor the .6. of November for beare and ffyer... more that Daye 36830 at our Dinner j galland of Clarrett and one pottell of Secke... 36840 more then for Beare to make the musicians Drincke.... 36850 36860 36870 36880 36890 Item to Trowte a poore Musican--.... 36900 36910 36920 36930 36940 Payd the Weight Players for their Wages from this Cittie for 36950 their pay--.... Payd the Drummers and Trumpetts vppon the 36960 Proclayning of the prolimation for peace with ffraunce--.... 36970 Payd Mr Merowe at Cristie for their Mussicke in the 36980 Colledg--.... 36990 37000 37010 37020 37030 It payd vnto the waightplayers att Lawrence Luggs & Richard 37040 Williams Dinner.... It for wine and sugar att our maisters 37050 Dinner.... It for musicke.... 37060 37070 37080 37090 37100 It for wine and sugar att our maisters Dinner.... It for 37110 musicke.... 37120 37130 37140 37150 37160 Repayed to Iohn Merro for a Rome which he rented of Iohn Beames 37170 to teache the Children to playe vppon the Vialls--.... To a 37180 poore Singingman at the intreaty of the Quiremen.... To A poore 37190 Musicion sent by Mr Subdeane.... 37200 37210 37220 37230 37240 It to the prisners as we went to william Packers Dinner.... It 37250 giuen to the musicke the same tyme.... It ffor wine and sugar 37260 att our maisters Dinner.... It the same tyme to the musicke.... 37270 37280 37290 37300 37310 It for musicke att Alexander Hores Dinner.... It he craueth 37320 allowance of...towards the keeping of his maisters Dinner 37330 accordinge to the order in that case made and provided.... It 37340 for wine.... It the same tyme for musicke.... 37350 37360 37370 37380 37390 Item the 29th of Nouember att William Luggs Dinner spent in wine 37400 and sugar.... Item the same tyme by the consent of the maister 37410 wardens and the rest of the companie spent more in wine & 37420 sugar.... Item for musicke the same tyme.... Item he craueth 37430 allowance of...towardes the keepeinge of his maisters Dinner 37440 accordinge to the order in that case made & provided.... Item 37450 the same tyme spent in wine.... Item for sugar.... Item for 37460 musicke.... 37470 37480 37490 37500 37510 It spent in wine and sugar when I keepe my maisters Dinner.... 37520 It payd for musicke.... It for musicke att Iohn Luggs 37530 Dinner.... 37540 37550 37560 37570 37580 To some of the Waytes for playinge in the Quire per Consensum 37590 Magistri Decani.... 37600 37610 37620 37630 37640 It spent in wine & sugar when I kept my masters Dinner.... It 37650 payd for musicke.... 37660 37670 37680 37690 37700 Given to the Waites at Ablods Court.... 37710 37720 37730 37740 37750 Vpon May Eve Thomas Tree of Glocester, Carpenter in the Parish 37760 of S. Michael, some coming unto him, and asking him, whether he 37770 would go with them to fetch the May-pole, he swore by the Lords 37780 wounds, that he would, though he never went more. Now whiles he 37790 was working on the May-pole on May day morning, before he had 37800 finished his work, the Lord smote him with such a lamenesse and 37810 swelling in all his limbs, that he could neither go, nor lift 37820 his hands to his mouth, to feed himself, but kept his bed for 37830 half a yeer together, and stil goes lame to this day; May 4 37840 1636... 37850 37860 37870 37880 37890 Item payd the Wayte players for their wages for the whole yeare.... 37900 37910 37920 37930 37940 It att my 4mais4 keeping of our maisters Dinner spent in wine & 37950 sugar.... It for musicke.... 37960 37970 37980 37990 38000 Item payd the wayte players for theire wages for the whole 38010 yeare.... Item payd vnto Vincente that Caries Sightes and 38020 shewes with dauncing on the Ropp wch was by order of the 38030 Iustices.... Item payd vnto William Daniell one of the Kings 38040 Reuells because he should not playe beeing in the contagious 38050 tyme by order of the Iustices.... Item payd more vnto Vincent 38060 at his Retorning to towne in that the tyme of contagious sicknes 38070 might prove dangerous by the order of the Iustices.... 38080 38090 38100 38110 38120 It att my keepinge of our maisters Dinner in wine and sugar.... 38130 It for musicke.... 38140 38150 38160 38170 38180 Item payd the Waightplayers theyr wages for the whole yeare.... 38190 Item payd the Quiristers at Cristemas by Mr Mayor and Iustices 38200 order.... 38210 38220 38230 38240 38250 Item at my keeping of our masters dinner in wine and suger.... 38260 Item spent by consent of the company afterwards.... Item for 38270 musicke.... 38280 38290 38300 38310 38320 To Richard Brodgate Iunior for playinge on the Sagbott the whole 38330 yeare.... 38340 38350 38360 38370 38380 Item Payd the Waytplayers theyr wages for the whole yeare.... 38390 38400 38410 38420 38430 To Richard Bradgate Iunior for playinge on the Sagbutt the whole 38440 yeare.... 38450 38460 38470 38480 38490 Item payd the Wayte players theyr Wages for the whole yeare.... 38500 Item given to Stage playars by the appoyntemente of Mr Mayor and 38510 the Iustices in regard they should not acte any play at that 38520 tyme in this City.... 38530 38540 38550 38560 38570 To Henry Vizard for playing on the Sagbutt the whole yeare.... 38580 ffor amending the Saggbutt--.... To the Oxford musicke for 38590 playing on their Cornettes att the Summer Assizes by the 38600 appointment of the Prebendaryes.... 38610 38620 38630 38640 38650 Item payd the Wayt players theyr Wages for j whole yeare.... 38660 Item payd to the Stage players by the Mayor & Iustices order 38670 when they went to see the Accte.... 38680 38690 38700 38710 38720 To Henry . yssen for playing on the Saggbutt the whole 38730 yeare--.... To Mr Machins man for bringing the Saggbutt which 38740 was his Masteres his gift to ye churche.... To 4the4 Thomas 38750 Smyth for playing on the Cornett two yeares granted by 38760 peticion.... 38770 38780 38790 38800 38810 Item payd the Wayte players theyr wages for the whole yeare.... 38820 38830 38840 38850 38860 To Henry Vizard for playing on the Saggbutt the whole yeare.... 38870 38880 38890 38900 38910 Item: paid the Wayte players their wages for the whole yeare.... 38920 38930 38940 38950 38960 Katherina Haselton vxor Willelmi Haselton versus Doratheam 38970 Dorney vxor Ricardi Dorney senioris in causa diffamacionis Super 38980 libello ex parte dict Katharinae Haselton in hac causa dato et 38990 exhibito Alicia Arthure de Harsfield in comitatu Gloucestrie 39000 Spinster vbi moram fecit per spacium duorum annorum vltra 39010 elapsorum aut eo circiter nata apud Painswick in comitatu 39020 predicto aetatis viginti et vniius annorum aut eo circiter 39030 testis pro ducta Iurata et examinata/ Ad secundum articulum 39040 libelli predicti deponit et dicit That vpon a Saboath day in 39050 harvest last aboute a Moneth before Michaelmas last or 39060 thereaboutes the tyme more certaine this Deponent remembreth not 39070 shee this Deponent did goe to the dwelling howse of Richard 39080 Dorney thelder scituate in harsfield articulate husband of 39090 Dorathy Dorney articulate to carry achilde of 4the sai.4 Richard 39100 Dorney the younger, whoe then dwelled in howse with his father 39110 (he the said Richard Dorney the yonger havng before that tyme 39120 marryed one Iane Arthure this Deponentes sister And the same day 39130 assoone as this Deponent came to the dwellg howse of the said 39140 Richard Dorney thelder as aforesaid Dorathy Dorney articulate 39150 came to this Deponent standing at the doore vnto whome this 39160 Deponent 4diff4 did offer the child that it might be there kept 39170 because the said Richard Dorney the younger would not come nere 39180 the child nor give his wife any maintenance at all for to keepe 39190 it and then the same tyme the said Dorathy Dorney beganne to 39200 fall out with this Deponent and called her many ill names as 39210 Iade 4..4 Qune such other like termes And also the said Dorathy 39220 saied to this Deponent the same tyme, thy mother meaning 39230 katheryne Haselton articulate hath said that I am a whoore)) but 39240 I am not such a whore as shee is for thy mother meaning 39250 katheryne Haselton articulate was naught at harsecombe vpon a 39260 Bedd and that one Bond a Musitian did play at the bedes feete in 39270 the meane tyme, 4All which4 meaning thereby as this Deponent 39280 conceived that some one man or another had had the carnall 39290 knowledge of (the body of the said katheryne Haselton 39300 articulate.... 39310 39320 39330 39340 39350 contra Robertum Stoakes parochie de henburie articulatur by 39360 report for kepeinge of musicke & Dansinge in his howse at the 39370 time of eueniinge praier Siimiliter Comparuit Stoakes et fassus 39380 est presentacioni 4negat presentacio.. esse verum vnde Dominus4 39390 vnde Dominus iniunxit ei penitentiam sequentem videlicet that he 39400 hath 4on the4 to morrowe 4followenge4 in the parishe church of 39410 henburie sig.nifye publiquelye vnto the whole congregacon that 39420 he hath offended the lawe in keepinge of musique & dancinge in 39430 his howse in time of Devine service &c et ad certificandum 39440 39450 39460 39470 39480 Deane parva/. 39490 Willelmus hopkins de eadem detected for playeing at tabber & 39500 pipe at 4servis4 tymes. inconvenient./ 4excommunicatus4 Citatus 39510 in ecclesia Comparuit et dominus iniunxit ei ad fatendum culpam 39520 vestibus assuetis die dominica proxima et ad certificandum in 39530 proxima/ peregit Welthiana harte alias higeve vidua de eadem 39540 detected for dancing at prayer tyme excommunicata: citata in 39550 ecclesia./ Comparuit et dominus detectione predicta inunxit ei 39560 ad fatendum culpam die dominica proxima 4suis4 genibus flexis 39570 etc et ad Certificandum in proxima. excommunicata: 24 Martij 39580 1601 Blanchia Iones et Maria Iones de eadem pro eodem 39590 excommunicate: citate in ecclesia Comparuit Catherina Iones 39600 4et4 mater dicit. et suscepit Deane parva Ioanna Eston de eadem 39610 detected for dauncing at servis tyme/ Citata in ecclesia/ 39620 excommunicationem emat Ioanna Turnor de eadem detected for 39630 dauncinge citata in ecclesia Maria Buffrey de eadem pro eodem 39640 Comparuit et dominus iniunxit ei ad fatendum culpam postea cum 39650 monicione dimisit &c. Margeria fflewellin et soror de eadem pro 39660 eodem citate in ecclesia abijt ex diocesis Gloucestrie Andreas 39670 Philpott de eadem detected for playing at tabber & pype at 39680 servis tyme/ Citatus in ecclesia refertur ministro et gardianis 39690 Persivall & Iohannes Tilar de eadem detected for dauncing with 39700 young Women at inconvenient tyme/. citati in ecclesia Comparuit 39710 et Dominus iniunxit ei ad fatendum culpam die dominica proxima 39720 et ad certificandum in proxima Comparuit et certificauit quod 39730 peregit Richardus harte de eadem pro eodem citatus in ecclesia 39740 Comparuit mater Anna Lewis de eadem ffor dauncinge Comparuit et 39750 dominus iniunxit ei ad fatendum culpam vestibus assuetis &c/ et 39760 ad certificandum in proxima peregit penitenciam 39770 39780 39790 39800 39810 the first. branche. To the Quenes most excelent maiestie his 39820 Soueraigne Lady and most greate mistres, the perfect frucion of 39830 all grace and happines. Sacred and most gracious Quene may it 39840 please your maiestie to accept as a new yeares gifte at the 39850 handes of me your most humble poore subiect these thirteene 39860 branches to the dozen to be planted in this your highnes garden 39870 of England, if it seeme vnto your grace to be convenient and 39880 necessary, whose nature and vertue I omitte to speake of, bothe 39890 for that I would not be tedious, and also for that the rarenes 39900 and excellencie of your highnes witt can consider and examine 39910 advisedlie, and iudge 4and4 easilie of the same. A restraint of 39920 the profaning of the Saboth day especiallie with minstrelcie, 39930 baiting of beares and other beastes, and such like. 2. That it 39940 be felonie in hym that will haue hencefoorth two wiues lyving 39950 and felony in her that will haue hencefoorth two husbandes 39960 lyving. 3. A restraint of publishing profane poetrie bookes of 39970 profane songes sonnettes pamphlettes and such like, otherwise 39980 then to be sold out of your highnes dominions. 4. That there 39990 be no booke pamphlett sonnet ballad or libell printed or written 40000 of purpose either to be sold or openlie 4b4 published without 40010 your maiestes licence. 5. Th psalmes of the prophett David 40020 being now in english meeter to be printed in folio in such sort 40030 as prophane ballades now are. 6. To prohibite euery spirituall 40040 person to haue any more then one benifice, and that they be 40050 resident vppon the same except six weekes in the yeare. 7. 40060 That there be not any admitted into the ministery but at such 40070 time as there shalbe a place voide of a Curate, And that such as 40080 can preache the word be thervnto preferred rather then others. 40090 8. To nominate and sett downe euery suspicion of papistrie and 40100 to punish the offendors by fyne or otherwise for the first 40110 second and third offence. 9. That euery papist and recusant be 40120 exempted out of euery Iury and inquisicion and to be barred of 40130 his othe if challenge be made against hym. 10. That the 40140 inhabitantes of euery parish suffering any scholemaister to 40150 teache publkely within their parishe without licence of the Lord 40160 Bishop of the same dioces do forfaite vnto your maiestie for 40170 euery weeke so teaching.... And euery person keping in his 40180 howse any scholemaister teaching privatlie vnlicenced as is 40190 aforsaide to forfaite for euery day so kepte.... The righte 40200 honorable the Lordes of your maiestes privy Counsaill and such 40210 as shall please your highnes to be excepted. 11. That euery 40220 person arested within the County of Middlesex recouer his treble 40230 costes if after his apparance the plaintiff doth not declare 40240 within three daies next after and prosequuteth with effect, 12. 40250 That no spirituall person do make or write any manner of 40260 evidences but onlie testamentes and last wills. 13. The 40270 thirteenth, and if it please your maiestie, is the bodie & 40280 service of my self your most humble poore subiect and dailie 40290 Orator to commaunde at your highnes pleasure. Anthonye 40300 Bridgeman of Mychell Deane in the County of Gl... 40310 40320 40330 40340 40350 Please it youre grace for the great repaire of strangiers 40360 supposed vnto the pryncesse honorable householde this solempne 40370 fest of Cristmas. we humbly beseche the same/to let vs knowe 40380 youre gracious pleasure/ concernyng aswell a ship of siluer for 40390 the Almes Disshe requysite for her high estate/ and spice 40400 plates/ as also for trumpettes and a Rebek to be sent/ and 40410 whither we shall appoynte any lord of mysrule for the said 40420 honorable householde/ provide for enterludes Disgysynges or 40430 pleyes in the said fest/ or for banket on twelf nyght/ And in 40440 likewise whither the pryncesse shall sende any newe yeres giftes 40450 to the kynge the quene youre grace and the frensshe quene/ and 40460 of the value & Devise of the same Besechyng your grace also to 40470 pardon oure busy and Importunate sutes to the same in suche 40480 bihalf made/ Thus oure right syngler good lorde we pray the holy 40490 trynyte haue you in his holy preseruacion/ At Teoxbury the xxvij 40500 Day of nouember/ To the most reuerent ffather in god the lord 40510 Cardinall his good grace./ youre humble orators (signed) Iohn 40520 Exoniensis Ieiliz Grevile peter burnell Iohn Salter G. Bromley 40530 Thomas Audeley 40540 40550 40560 40570 40580 Item Recevid for the hier of the players gere... 40590 40600 40610 40620 40630 Reseved ffore the Lone off the players aperell... 40640 40650 40660 40670 40680 Paid for mendinge ye newe seate beinge brokene Downe at 40690 Aplaye.... paid for naylles to Doo ye same.... 40700 40710 40720 40730 40740 Item Receved for the hyer of players gere.... Item Receved of 40750 Thomas Wheler for hier of the players geare--.... ffurther we 40760 haue loned out some players geare to Thoms & Iohn Wheler the 40770 note wherof we receued by theyr hand wrytyng & they 4S4 most 40780 paye for hyer of it on myd somer yeve & then delyuer it 40790 agayne--.... Areregis there is due to be Receued & to be 40800 chargyd to the next Churchwardens 40810 40820 40830 40840 40850 The charge of the nowe churchwardens Iohn Bubbe & Richard ffield 40860 anno 1577. ffirst delivered to them in lead--.... twentie 40870 three hundred poundes Item in brasse half hundred lacking.... 40880 Item five Corslettes furnished tenn Calivers/ sixteene murrens/ 40890 fower pickes/ Item in yron one barr/ one highe Candlestick. one 40900 Casement/ ij chaynes Item one riche Coape/ five players gownes/ 40910 iiij Iacketts/ iiij beardes/ twoo heades/ Item tenn towel4..4s/ 40920 vij albes or sirplisses/ xj other pieces of lynnen./ Item ij 40930 curtynns up at the handes of Mr Gailetiewood by Richard ffield & 40940 Iohn Bubbe then churche wardens/ 40950 40960 40970 40980 40990 Item Receued of Richarde Donne for ye hyer of ye players 41000 Apparell--.... More that is by vs/ paide vnto those whose names 41010 are vnderwritt for ye players geare as followeth Item to Roberte 41020 Collens for payntinge--.... Item to Roger Mylwarde for makinge 41030 of garmentes--.... Item to Richard Westone for makinge A 41040 Ierkine--.... Item for vj sheepe skyns for Christes 41050 garmentes--.... Item to William ffyelde for buckeram for 41060 capes--.... Item for two kippe skines for ye thunder 41070 heades--.... 41080 41090 41100 41110 41120 Item Receued for the hyer of the players apparell--.... Itim 41130 Receued of Roger Wiette for the hire of the players 41140 apparell--.... 41150 41160 41170 41180 41190 Item Receued of luke hurst for hyer of ye players apparell--.... 41200 Item Receued for ye hyer of the players beardes--.... Item 41210 Receued for the players capes--.... Item of Richard mathewes & 41220 salsburie for the hyer of the players geere--.... 41230 41240 41250 41260 41270 Item Reseuyd off Wyllyam salsbery & Rychard mathews for the hyer 41280 off ye players Rament--.... Item Reseuyd for the lonne off ye 41290 Reparell at Chrystymas--.... Item We haue Reseuyd off Rychard 41300 Wood / & / Iohn farley off mathen for ye hyer off ye 41310 Reparell--.... 41320 41330 41340 41350 41360 bailiffes accompt 41370 memorandum iij novembris 1584 as in the last yeere aforesaid the 41380 abouesaid bailiffes and Thomas Crump accomptinge before William 41390 hill & William willis then bailiffes the abouenamed bailiffes 41400 having receaved in to their handes... they accompted laid out 41410 by them vnto players, in wyne to the Iustices, rent for their 41420 market standing, to the clarck of the market & tenshall 41430 money--.... 41440 41450 41460 41470 41480 Item receavid of certen men of Mathon for the vse of the pleyers 41490 apparrell--.... Item receavid of the person of hyllchurche for 41500 the vse of the plaiers apparrell at Cristmas last--.... players 41510 Apparrell--Item viijt gownes and clokes Item vij Iirkyns Item 41520 iiij capps of greene sylke Item viij heades of heare for the 41530 apostles and x beardes Item a face or vysor for the devyll 41540 41550 41560 41570 41580 attelment on/..e steeple 41590 The Churchewardens this yeere after michaelmas intendinge of 41600 them selves to build a battlement vppon the toppe of the churche 41610 tower offred to do the same by contracting martes without any 41620 common charge: and to that purpose did sett furthe iij stage 41630 playes shewed in the abby at Whitsontide following, and making 41640 further mocion for a churchale, the same could not be granted 41650 but vnder some condicons of abuses accustomed to be reforned and 41660 abouts midsom.. following didd that battlement which cost vppon 41670 the accompt--.... 41680 41690 41700 41710 41720 Also these Churchewardens vndertooke to sett a battlement of 41730 stone vppon the topp of the tower as now it standeth where 41740 before was none, but stoode as it was at the fall of the spier 41750 of leade, which happened on Easterdeye in the first yeere of the 41760 Quenes maiestis raigne on which was a beautifull woodden 41770 battlement. This battlement of stone they adventured vppon 41780 themselves by makinge of martes with suche as would take of 41790 them, only was licensed them for that yeere to devise some 41800 meetinges to be had within the towne for their helpe therein 41810 which they after practised by settinge furthe iij severall stage 41820 playes within the abbey on the iij first dyes of whitsonweeke 41830 anno Domini .1600. havinge begun that woorck in lent before of 41840 which charge they acquainte the bailiffes & parishe as 41850 followeth; Imprimis they accompt to have gotten by gifte within 41860 the towne & countrey 4a4 neere aboute in wheate & malte / 41870 videlicet wheate xvj bushels at...a bushel and of malte xxxj 41880 bushels at...rated...of which they gained by vtteraunce of the 41890 same at their playes so muche as made the the same amounte 41900 to.... Item receved for the gaine of the iij playes--.... Item 41910 receved of free gifte aboue martes--.... Item receved for lead 41920 that was spared from the topp of the tower--.... Item receved 41930 for spare tymber--.... Summa.... Expended aboute the same 41940 battlementes and playes as followeth; Imprimis for making a 41950 whele to drawe vp stone to the tower--.... Item for takinge vp 41960 the lead & wyniige the tymber woorck--.... Item for wynding vp 41970 stones to the masons--.... Item for baskettes, cradles & 41980 necessaries--.... Item for xix lodes of stone from coscombe 41990 quarr--.... Item for hallinge over stones from Stanwey 42000 hill--.... Item for sand, hallinge it & lyme and timber & 42010 morter--.... Item paidd to the masons--.... Item paid 42020 Bradburye to attend them--.... Item for yron woorck for bothe 42030 battlementes & pyinacles--.... Item for carpenters woorck & 42040 nayles to laye the lead on the tower--.... Item for castinge 42050 gutters laying & soldringe--.... Summa--.... laid out aboute 42060 the playes. Imprimis for the place to playe in--.... Item for 42070 attendantes & other thinges--....Item to T. B. for his 42080 charges--.... Item for hier of apparell--.... Item for iij 42090 trumpetters--.... Item for musicions all the tyme--.... Item 42100 for 4i4j butte4s4 4& halfe4 of beare and brewing our malte--.... 42110 Item for fruites & spices--.... Item for coockery--.... Item 42120 for meate for the players--.... Item for wayters in the seller 42130 & cuppes--.... All the receiptes towardes the makinge of the 42140 battlementes--.... The whole charges vppon the battlementes and 42150 playes--.... By which accompt appeareth that the Churchewardens 42160 have in this woorcke expended more then they gained by there 42170 playes the sum of.... This...is to be compared with the martes 42180 which they adventured 42190 42200 42210 42220 42230 Tewxbury 42240 Robertus Ieynes de eadem Ad respondendum articulis comparuit 42250 dictus Ieynes et vigore iuramenti affirmavit that aboutes 42260 christmas laste was 3 yeeres Thomas Deacons called to this 42270 deponent Robert Ieynes then comminge from the play and 4told him 42280 that4 requested him to goe alonge with him to Richard Brushes 42290 howse and there he should fynde Iohn 4Hodges4 hazard & Margery 42300 Hodges in an vpper chamber togeather which he did accordingly 42310 and when they came thither they found there 4the said Io.4 the 42320 Constable & divers others to the nomber of xxty persons or 42330 thereaboutes and the matter beinge then called in question the 42340 said Iohn hazard did as it did then appeare lament his falte and 42350 the said Margery Hodges as one Iohn Cooke told this deponent 42360 offered to giue him...or...& a gold ringe to saue her honestye & 42370 to conceale this matter &c/ 42380 42390 42400 42410 42420 Musicions--allowaunce for their liueries 42430 It is also agreed at this house that the 4bu4 publike musicions 42440 of this Cittie in regard their number is increased from ffower 42450 to Six beeing avery able & sufficient consort shall haue yearly 42460 for their liveryes out of the Chamber of this Cittie the Sume 42470 of...During the pleasure of this house to begin presently 42480 42490 42500 42510 42520 Willelmus Lawrence de Torthworth in Comitatu Gloucestrie 42530 husbandman vbi moram fecit per dudicim aut circiter ortus in 42540 Chavenidge infra parochiam de Horseley in Comitatu predicto 42550 etatis xxxij. annorum aut circiter libere vt dicit condicionis 42560 testis &c. Ad primum dicit that mr wylmot articulate ys a 42570 minister in holy orders as he beleeveth and parson of Tortworth 42580 and so comonly accompted and taken/ Ad iij.deponit that vppon 42590 the sunday before St. Thomas day last past at a wedding and in 42600 the Church howse of Tortworth after Candellighting this deponent 42610 did see mr wylmot articulate amongest diuers others of his 42620 parishioners dance and lay a Cushion on the ground and kneele 42630 Downe vppon it and kysse4d4 a woman that then daunced with him, 42640 as all the rest that then daunced with him (being 4..4 v. or 42650 vj. more) also did/ and ymedyatly after, this deponent did 42660 heare the said mr wylmott say thus in effecte/ viz. Bycause my 42670 Lord Byshopp of Gloucester will not geue me leaue to preach, I 42680 will studdy noe more on my booke and nowe I will studdy knauery. 42690 And there were then present this deponent Gyles Daunt and diuers 42700 others et aliter nescit deponere./... Egidius Dawnte parochie 42710 de Osellworth in Comitatu Gloucestrie generosus vbi moram fecit 42720 per duodecem annos vltra elapss etatis xlvj annorum aut eo 42730 circiter testis productus et iuratus Dicit et deponit vt 42740 sequitur. Ad primum credit eundem esse verum. Ad secundum 42750 nescit deponere./ Ad tertium dicit that the sundaye before 42760 Sainte Thomas daye last past (as this deponent remembreth) he 42770 this deponent accompanyed with others came into the Churchhouse 42780 att Tortworth about vij or viij a clock in the Eveninge and 42790 there founde divers of that parishe and other straingers 42800 dawnceinge and amongest the rest tharticulate mr willmott and 42810 beinge well acquainted with him mr willmott came vnto this 42820 deponent and asked him if he wolde dawnce to whome this deponent 42830 replyed yea if he (meaneinge the saide mr willmott) wolde beginn 42840 and leade a dawnce, and mr willmott saide faith that I will. 42850 for nowe the Bishopp hath suspended me from preachinge I will 42860 practise and studdye all knaveries and therewithall he begann, 42870 and ledd the Cushin dawnce with a Cushin on his sholder and 42880 kneeled downe as the order of the dawnce is, and kissed one 42890 goodwife Hickes 4there presente4 there beinge presente Thomas 42900 Taute and others whome this deponent doth not nowe verie well 42910 remember. Et aliter nescit deponere 42920 42930 42940 42950 42960 7ma Die Iulij 1574 repetit/ 42970 Responsiones personales Michaelis Hyndemer clerici facte 42980 contente in quibusdam presentibuss articulis ad voluntariam 42990 promocionem Iohannis Castler parochiani sui versus eum Dat. 43000 sequuntur. The the first article He aunsweareth yat in a 43010 Christmas Hollydayes he went a masking & yat ther was ann egge 43020 brok 43030 43040 43050 43060 43070 Articles concerning the parishioners, and other of the Laity 17 43080 Whether haue you or your predecessors, Churchwardens there 43090 suffered since the last pardon, any playes, feasts, banquenttes, 43100 Churchales, Drinkinges or any other prophane vsages, to bee kept 43110 in your Church, chappels, or Churchyard, or bels to be rung 43120 superstitiously vpon holy daies or Eues abrogated by the booke 43130 of Common Prayer, contrary to the 68. Canon? 43140 43150 43160 43170 43180 1 Touching the Church-wardens and Side-men. Whether you and the 43190 Church-wardens, Quest-men, or Side-men, from time to time, doe 43200 and haue done their diligences, in not suffering any idle person 43210 to abide either in the Church-yard, or Church-porch, in Seruice 43220 or Sermon time, but causing them either to come into the Church 43230 to heare Diuine Seruice, or to depart, and not disturbe such as 43240 be hearers there/ And whether haue they, and doe you diligently 43250 see the Parishioners duely resort to the Church euery Sunday and 43260 Holliday, and there to remaine during Diuine seruice and sermon? 43270 And whether you or your predecessors, Churchwardens there, 43280 suffer any Plaies, Feasts, Drinkings, or any other prophane 43290 vsages, to be kept in your Church, Chappell, or Church-yards, or 43300 haue suffered to your and their vttermost power and endeuour, 43310 any person person or persons, to be tipling or drinking in any 43320 Inne or Victualing house in your Parish, during the time of 43330 Diuine Seruice or Sermon, on Sundaies and Holydaies. 43340 43350 43360 43370 43380 28 Whether haue any Lords of misrule, dauncers, players, or any 43390 other disguised person, beene suffered to dance or play vpon the 43400 Sabbath day, or to enter into the church or chappell, with games 43410 or daunces, to the prophaning of Gods house, or into the 43420 church-yarde in time of Diuine seruice: and if they haue, what 43430 bee the names of such disordered persons. 29 Whether there be 43440 any stage-playes, beare-baitings, bul-baitings, or any other 43450 such vnlawfull and prophane exercises vsed vpon the Sabbath day: 43460 and who gaue them Licence. Whether there be any common 43470 drinkings in the Church, and who were present at such drinkings: 43480 or sports, or any that doe sit in the Tauerne, or Alehouse, or 43490 streetes vpon Sundayes or Holidayes, in time of morning or 43500 euening prayer. 43510 43520 43530 43540 43550 17 Whether haue you or your predecessors, churchwardens, there 43560 suffered (since the last pardon) any playes, feasts, banquets, 43570 chuchales, drinkings, or any other prophane vsages, to be kept 43580 in your Church, chappell, or churchyard, or bels to be rung 43590 superstitiously vpon holidayes or Eues, abrogated by the Booke 43600 of Common Prayer, contrary to the 68. canon. 43610 43620 43630 43640 43650 Et in expensis .ij. minstrallis domini de Wallia venientibus 43660 usque Berkeley ad loquendum cum domina & existentibus in 43670 hostelaria eiusdem Iohannis. Shephurde.per .vj. noctes dicta 43680 mense.... Ad prandium Item I. mynstrallus domine.de 43690 Staffordia.... Ad prandium Item .iij. Trumpettes domini. Item 43700 .ij. harpers.... In.diuersis disgisingez.factis hoc.festo.... 43710 Et dato cuidam mynstrallo domini de Clarense.existenti in 43720 hospicio per I diem et I noctem 4hos4 hoc.festo.... Et dato vj. 43730 ludentibus coram domina. hoc festo de Slymbrugge per preceptum 43740 domine.... 43750 Et dato .iiij. ludentibus de Wotton pro consilio ex precepto 43760 domine.... Et dato .ij. minstrallis 4de4 domine de Bergeveny 43770 existentibus in hospicio videlicet in festo Epiphanie.... 43780 43790 43800 43810 43820 Ad prandium Item ij harpers de Wallia.... Ad prandium Item .ij. 43830 mynstrallis domine de Bergeveny.... 43840 43850 43860 43870 43880 Item geven the viijth of Julie to the keeper of Tortworth parke 43890 for a buck.--.../Item geuen the same day to the Weightes--.... 43900 43910 43920 43930 43940 my Lords diet at Cirencester/Reward/Reward./ 43950 Item paid for your lordships diet at Cirencester.... Item geuen 43960 to the musicions there--.... Item to the musicions at Sir Iohn 43970 Hungerfordes--.... 43980 43990 44000 44010 44020 At her Maiesties entrance into the Castle, an olde Shepheard 44030 spake this saying. Vouchsafe to heare, a simple Shephard, 44040 shephards and simplicity cannot part, your highnes is come into 44050 Cotshold, an vneuen country, but a people, that carry their 44060 thoughtes leuell with their fortunes, lowe spirites, but true 44070 harts, vsing plaine dealinge, once counted a Iewell nowe 44080 beggery, these hills afoorde nothing but cottages, and nothing 44090 can we present to your highnes, but shephards. The country 44100 healthy, and harmeles, a fresh aier, where there are noe dampes, 44110 and where a black sheepe is a perilous beast, no monsters, we 44120 carry our harts, at our tongues ends, being as farre from 44130 dissembling, as our sheepe from fiercenesse, and if in anything, 44140 we shall chance to discouer our leudnes, it wilbe in ouer 44150 boldnesse, in gazinge at you, who fils our harts with ioye, and 44160 our eies with wonder, as for the honorable Lord and Lady of the 44170 Castle, what happines they conceiue, I would it were possible 44180 for them selues to expresse, then should your Maiestie see, that 44190 al outwarde enterteinment, were but a smoake rising from their 44200 inward affections, which as they cannot be seene, being in the 44210 hart, so can they not be smoothred, appearing in their 44220 countenance, this lock of wooll Cotsholdes best fruite, and my 44230 poore gift, I offer to your highnes, in which nothing is to be 44240 esteemed, but the whitenes, virginities colour, nor to be 44250 expected but duetye, shepards religion. Sunday, Apollo running 44260 after Daphne, a Shepheard followed vttering this. Nescis 44270 temeraria; nescis, Quem fugias; die que fugis. A short tale, 44280 but a sorrowfull, a iust complaint, but remedelesse, I loued, 44290 (for shephardes haue their Saints) long I loued (for beauty 44300 bindeth prentices) a Nymph most faire & as chast as faire, yet 44310 not more faire, then I vnhappy, Apollo who calleth him selfe a 44320 god (a title among men, when they will commit iniuries) tearme 44330 themselues gods, pursued my Daphne with bootelesse loue, and me, 44340 with endless hate, her he woed; with fair wordes, the flatteries 44350 of men, with great gifts, the sorceries of gods, with cruell 44360 threates, the terrefiing of weake damosels Nec prece nec pretio 44370 nec mouet ill minis. me; he terrified with a monstrous word 44380 metamorphosing, saying that he would turne me into a woolfe and 44390 of a shepheard make me a sheepe-biter, or into a Cockatrice and 44400 cause mine eies which gazed on her, to blind hers which made 44410 mine dazell, or to a molde that I should heare his flattering 44420 speech, but neuer behold her faire face, tantaene animis 44430 calestibus irae? sometimes would he allure here with sweete 44440 musicke, but harmony is harsh when it is lusts broaker, often 44450 with promise of immortality, but chastetye is of it selfe 44460 immortall, euer pursuing her with swiftnes, but vertue tying 44470 wings to the thoughts of Virgins, swiftnes becommeth surbated; 44480 thus liued he twixt loue and ielousy; I twixt loue and danger; 44490 she twixt feare and vertue. At last and alas, this day I feare 44500 of all my ioyes the last, I cannot as a Poet (who describing the 44510 morning, and before he tell what it is, make it night,) stand on 44520 the time, loue coyneth no circumloquutions, but by the sunne, a 44530 Shepheardes Diall, which goeth as true as our harts, it was four 44540 of the clock, when she flying from his treason was turned into a 44550 tree; which made me stand, as though I had bene turned into a 44560 stone, and Apollo so enchanted as wounded with her losse, or his 44570 owne crueltye, the fingers which were wonte to play on the Lute, 44580 found no other instrument then his owne face, the goulden haire 44590 the pride of his heade pulde off in lockes and stampt at his 44600 feete, his sweete voice, turned to howling; and there sitteth 44610 he, (long maie he sorrowe,) wondring, and weeping, and kissing 44620 the lawrell, his late loue, and mine euer. Pleaseth your 44630 Maiestye to viewe the melancholy of Apollo, my distresse, and 44640 Daphnes mischance, it may be the sight of so rare perfection, 44650 will make him die for griefe, which I wish, or Daphne returne to 44660 her olde shape, which must be your wounder; if neither, it shal 44670 content me that I haue reuealed my griefes, and that you may 44680 beholde his. This speech ended, her Maiesty sawe Apollo with 44690 the tree, hauing on the one side one that sung, on the other one 44700 that plaide. Sing you, plaie you, but sing and play my truth, 44710 This tree my Lute, these sighes my notes of ruth: The Lawrell 44720 leafe for euer shall bee greene, And chastety shalbe Apolloes 44730 Queene. If gods maye dye, here shall my tombe be plaste, And 44740 this engrauen, fonde Phoebus, Daphne chaste. After these 44750 verses, the song. My hart and tongue were twinnes, at once 44760 conceaued, The eldest was my hart, borne dumbe by destenie, The 44770 last my tongue, of all sweete thoughts bereaued, Yet strung and 44780 tunde, to play harts harmonie. Both knit in one, and yet 44790 asunder placed, What hart would speake, the tongue doeth still 44800 discouer, What tongue doth speake, is of the hart embraced, And 44810 both are one to make a new found louer: New founde, and onely 44820 founde in Gods and Kings, Whose words are deedes, but deedes nor 44830 words regarded: Chaste thoughts doe mount and flie with 44840 swiftest wings, My loue with paine, my paine with losse 44850 rewarded: Engraue vpon this tree, Daphnes perfection, That 44860 neither men nor gods, can force affection. The song ended, the 44870 tree riued, and Daphne issued out, Apollo ranne after, with 44880 these words. Nimpha mane, per me concordant carmina neruis. 44890 Faire Daphne staye, too chaste because too faire, Yet fairer in 44900 mine eies, because so chaste, And yet because so chaste, must I 44910 despaire? And to despaire, I yeelded haue at last. Shepheard 44920 possesse thy loue, for me too cruell, Possesse thy loue, thou 44930 knowest not how to measure, A dunghill cock doeth often finde a 44940 Iewell, Enioying that, he knowes not to be treasure. When 44950 broomy bearde, to sweepe thy lips presume, When on thy necke, 44960 his rough hewen armes shall moue, And gloate on thee with eies 44970 that drizell reume, When that his toothlesse mouth shall call 44980 thee loue, Nought will I saie of him, but pittie thee, That 44990 beauty might, but would no wiser bee. Daphne running to her 45000 Maiestie vttred this. I stay, for whether should chastety fly 45010 for succour, but to the Queene of chastety, by thee was I 45020 enterred in a tree, that by crafte, way might be made to lust, 45030 by your hignes restored, that by vertue, there might be 45040 assurance in honor::these tables, to set downe your prayses long 45050 since Sibillas prophesies I humbly present to your Maiesty, not 45060 thinking that your vertues can be deciphered in so slight a 45070 volume, but noted; the whole world is drawen in a small mappe, 45080 Homers Illiades in a nutshel, and the riches of a Monarch, in a 45090 few cyphers, and so much ods, betwext explaining of your 45100 perfections, and the touching, as is betvvixt painting and 45110 thinking, the one, running ouer a little table in a vvhole day, 45120 the other ouer the whole world in a minute, vvith this vouchsafe 45130 a poore virgins wish, that often wish for good husbands, mine, 45140 only for the endlesse prosperity of my soueraigne. The verses, 45150 written in the tables which were giuen to her Maiesty. Let fame 45160 describe your rare perfection, Let nature paint your beuties 45170 glory, Let loue engraue your true affection, Let wonder write 45180 your vertues story, By them and Gods must you be blazed, 45190 Sufficeth men they stand amazed. The thirde day shoulde haue 45200 beene presented to her Maiestie, the high Constable of Cotsholde 45210 but the weather so vnfit, that it was not. But this it should 45220 haue beene, one clothed all in sheepesskins, face & all spake 45230 this by his interpreter. May it please your highnes, this is 45240 the great Constable and commandadore of Cotsholde, he speaks no 45250 language, but the Rammish tongue, such sheepishe gouernours 45260 there are, that can say no more to a messenger then he, (Bea), 45270 this therfore, as signifying his duety to your Maiestye, and al 45280 our desires, I am commanded to be his interpreter, or shepheards 45290 starre, pointing directly to Cotshold, and in Cotshold, to 45300 Sudley, made vs expect some wonder, and of the eldest, aske some 45310 counsel, it was resolued by the ancientst, that such a one 45320 should come, by whome all the shepheards should haue their 45330 flocks in safety, & their own liues, all the country quietnes, & 45340 the whole world astonish-ment: our Constable commaunds this day 45350 to be kept holliday, all our shepheards are assembled, and if 45360 shepheards pastimes may please, how ioyful would they be if it 45370 would please you to see them; which if you vouchsafe not, as 45380 pastimes too meane for your Maiestie, they meane to call this 45390 day the shepheards blacke day; in all humilitie we entreat, that 45400 you would cast an eie to their rude deuices, and an eare to 45410 their harshe wordes, and if nothing happen to be pleasing, the 45420 amends is, nothing shalbe tedious. After this speech her 45430 Maiesty was to be brought amonge the shepheards amonge whome was 45440 a King and a Queene to be chosen and thus they beganne. 45450 Melibaus. Nisa. Cutter of Cootsholde. Mel. Cvt the Cake, who 45460 hath the beane; shalbe King, and where the peaze is, shee shalbe 45470 Queene. Nis. I haue the peaze, and must be Queene. Mel. I 45480 the beane and King, I must cammaunde. Nis. Not so, the Queene, 45490 shall and must commaunde, for I haue often heard of a King that 45500 coulde not commaunde his subiects, and of a Queene that hath 45510 commaunded Kings. Mel. I yeeld, yet it is within compasse of 45520 my authoritie to aske questions and first I will beginne with 45530 you in loue, I meane Shepheardes loue, for I will not meddle 45540 with Gentlefolkes loue, which is most constant, the man or the 45550 woman? Nis. It is no question, no more then if you should aske 45560 whether on a steepe hill, a square stone, or a globe stoode most 45570 steddye. Mel. Both louing, which is most louing? Nis. The 45580 woman if she haue her right, the man, if he be his owne Indge. 45590 Mel. Why doth the man euer vvoe the vvoman, the woman neuer the 45600 man? Nis. Because men are most amorous and least chaste, women 45610 carelesse of fonde affections, and vvhen they embrace them, 45620 fearefull. But vnlesse your questions were vviser, I commaunde 45630 you to silence. You sirra, that sit as though your wits were a 45640 vvoole-gathering vvill you haue a question, or a commaundement? 45650 Cut. No question of a Queene, for they are harde to be 45660 answered, but anie commaundement, for that must be obeyed. Nis. 45670 Then sing, and you sir, a question, or commaundment? Do. A 45680 commaundment I, and glad that I am? Nis. Then play: Do. I 45690 haue plaide so long with my fingers that I haue beaten out of 45700 play al my good fortunes The Song. Hearbes, wordes, and stones, 45710 all maladies haue cured, Hearbes, wordes, and stones, I vsed 45720 when I loued. Hearbes smels, words, winde, stones hardnes haue 45730 procured, By stones, nor wordes, nor hearbes her minde was 45740 moued; I askt the cause, this was a womans reason, Mongst 45750 hearbes are weedes, and thereby are refused, Deceite, as well as 45760 truth speakes wordes in season, False stones by foiles haue many 45770 one abused, I sight, and then shee saide my fancie smoaked, I 45780 gaz'd, shee saide my lookes were follies glauncing, I sounded 45790 deade, shee saide my loue was choaked, I started vp, shee saide 45800 my thoughtes were dauncing, O sacred loue if thou haue any 45810 Godhead, Teach other rules to winne a maidenheade. Mel. Well 45820 song, & wel plaide, seldome so well amonge shepheards, but call 45830 me the Cutter of Cotsholde, that lookes as though he onlie knew 45840 his leripoope, amorous he is, and vvise, carying a sheepes eie 45850 in a calfs heade. Nis. Will you 3 questions, or 3 45860 commaundments? Cut. Halfe a dozen of eache. My wits worke 45870 like new beare, and they will breake my head, vnlesse it vent at 45880 the mouthe. Nis. Sing. Cut. I haue forsworne that since 45890 cuckow-time, for I heard, one sing all the sommer, and in the 45900 winter was all balde. Nis. Play on the Lute. Cut. Taylers 45910 crafte, a knocke on the knuckles, wil make one faste a 45920 fortnight, my belly and back shall not be retainers to my 45930 fingers. Nis. What question shall I aske? Cut. Any so it be 45940 of loue. Nis. Are youe amorous? Cut. No, but fantasticall. 45950 Nis. But what is loue? Cut. A single Accidens. In loue there 45960 are eight partes. Ioy Hope Truth Constancy all tolerable. 45970 Sorrow Anger Ielousie Dispaire all intolerable. These containe 45980 all, till you come to the rules, and then in loue, there are 45990 three concords. 1 The first, betwixt a Bacheler, and a maide, 2 46000 The seconde, betwixt a man and his wife, 3 The thirde, betwixt 46010 any he and she, that loueth stragling. Nis. The foole bleeds, 46020 it is time to stopp his vaine, for hauing wet his foote, he 46030 careth not how deepe he wades. Let vs attend that, which we 46040 most expect. the starr, that directs vs hither, who hath in 46050 Almanacke? Cut. What meane you, a starmonger, the quipper of 46060 the firmament, here is one. I euer carrie it, to knowe the hye 46070 vvaies, to euerie good tovvne, the faires, and the faire 46080 weather. Mel. Let me see it. The seuenth of September, 46090 happines was borne into the world, it may be the eleuenth is 46100 some wonder. The moone at the ful, tis true, for Cynthia neuer 46110 shined so bright, the twelfth the weather inclined to moisture & 46120 shepheards deuises to dryenes, the thirteenth, sommer, goeth 46130 from hence, the signe in virgo, viuat clarissima virgo. The 46140 diseases shalbe melancholies, some proceeding of necessitie, 46150 some of superfluity, many shalbe studying how to spend what they 46160 haue, more, beating their braines to get what they want. Malice 46170 shalbe more infectious then the pestilence, and Drones more 46180 fauoured then Ants, as for Bees, they shal haue but their 46190 laboure for their paines, and when their combes be full, they 46200 shalbe stilde; the warre shal be, twixt hemlocke and honie. At 46210 foure of the clocke this day, shal appeare the worldes wonder 46220 that leades England into euery land, and brings all lands into 46230 England. Then espying her Maiesty, he & al the shepheards 46240 kneeling, concluded thus. This is the day, this the houre, this 46250 the starre, pardon dread Soueraigne, poore shepheards pastimes, 46260 and bolde shepheards presumptions. We call our selues Kings and 46270 Queenes to make mirth, but when we see a King or Queene, we 46280 stand amazed. The sunne warmes the earth, yet looseth no 46290 brightnes; but sheweth more force, & Kings names that fall vpon 46300 shepheards, loose no dignity, but breede more feare. Their 46310 pictures are drawen in colours, and in brasse their portraytures 46320 engrauen. At chests, there are Kings, and Queenes, & they of 46330 wood. Shepheards are no more, nor no lesse, woodden. In 46340 Theaters, artificers haue plaide Emperours, yet the next day 46350 forgotten, neither their dueties nor occupations. For our 46360 boldenes in borrowing their names, and in not seeing your 46370 Maiesty for our blindness, we offer these shepheards weedes, 46380 which, if your Maiestye vouchsafe at any time to weare, it shall 46390 bring to our hearts comfort, and happines to our labours. 46400 46410 46420 46430 46440 Regarda extraniorum seruientium domini ministrallorum 46450 seruientium vltra vada &c. Et in consimilibus regardis per 46460 eundem mandatum solutis tam diuersis ministrallis & trumpettis 46470 extranijs quam ministrallis domini ad diuersas vices infra 46480 tempus predictum vt particulariter patet in libro de 46490 particularibus supradicto--.... 46500 46510 46520 46530 46540 Presentes prandio...ij Trumpettes/ .... Cena...ij 46550 minstrelles.... Presentati prandio..ij mynstrelles.... 46560 Presentes prandio...vj Trumpettes/ ij. mynstrelles/ .... 46570 Cena...Et xv Cantatores Capelle.... Presentes prandio...xviij 46580 Cantatores Capelle/ ix pueri/ vj familiares Cantatores/ vj. 46590 Trumpettes/ ij Lez/ mynstrelles/ .... Presentes prandio...ij le 46600 Mynstrelles/ vj Trunpettes iiijor lusores domini de Writell/ 46610 .... 46620 46630 46640 46650 46660 Presentes prandio...ij le minstralles vj Trompettes iiij 46670 lusores/ .... Presentes prandio...ij le mynistralles vj 46680 Trompettes iiijor lusores.... Presentes prandio...ij lez 46690 ministrall/ vj trompettes/ iiijor lusores/ .... Cena...iiij le 46700 waytes de Bristoll Presentes prandio...ij le minstralles vj 46710 Trompettes/ iiijor le Waites de Bristoll/ iiijor lusores de 46720 Writhill/ .... Presentes prandio...ij le ministrall vj lez 46730 Trompettes iiij le Waites de Bristoll iiijor lusores de 46740 Writhill.... Presentes prandio...ij le minstralles/ vj lez 46750 Trompettes iiijor lusores.... Presentes prandio...vj le 46760 Tompettes/ ij le ministralles/ .... Presentes prandio...vj 46770 Trompettes.... 46780 46790 46800 46810 46820 domino Regi & diuercis generosis. seruientibus tam hospicii 46830 quam fforincecis domini ducis/Canvas-- vj vlne domino Regi &. 46840 Diuersis seruientibus.hospicij. dicti domini ducis ad habendum 46850 ex. dono ipsius ducis. videlicet vj vlne Canvas.pro ffactura 46860 vnius lez. pagent. & ostensione in I lez enterlude. coram 46870 prefato domino duce in ffesto Natali domini.... 46880 46890 46900 46910 46920 Ad vsum Gardrobe lectorum ipsius ducis/moresbelles/Bokeram 46930 niger/Bokeram ruber/Canvas/.../vj virge iij garte/di. virge/iij 46940 virge moresbelles. vj. virge. iij grate nigri bokeram & di. 46950 virge rubri bokeram pro ij Tunicis pro le moresdaunce. & iij 46960 virge Canvas pro linura vnius dictarum Tunicarum.... 46970 46980 46990 47000 47010 Liberaciones et soluciones dicti mensis Ianuarij 47020 Item in Rewarde geven by the said Dukes coimmaundement vnto 47030 certain frenshe men and ij frenshe women playing afore the said 47040 Duc the passion of oure lorde by a vise and also to a yong maide 47050 a Tumbeller by Reaport of Iohn kyrk being present maister 47060 poley.... Item the same day in Reward geven by the said Dukes 47070 commaundement vnto the waites of bristowe 4th4 by Reaport of 47080 Iohn kyrk.... 47090 47100 47110 47120 47130 Thornbury/Prandium Generosi xxiiij xv valetti Cvij garciones 47140 xxiiij xvij/ Cena generosi xxiiij iiij valetti Cxiiij garciones 47150 xxiiij xij Cij xxiiij xiiije Presentes Prandio Dominam Annam se 47160 xiiija Abbatem de kaynsham se vijmo W Walwyn se iijcio I 47170 Seyntgeorge se ijdo Robertum P'ticile se ijdo Cancellarium se 47180 vto H Blunt se ijdo Iohannem Burrell se ijdo/ balliuum de 47190 Hatfield se ijdo/ balliuum de okeham se ijdo/ balliuum de 47200 Navisby se / balliuum de Rowell se ijdo Q.(?) Barth 47210 se ijdo/ ij alii seruientes de Penshurst/ Henricum Duston/ ij le 47220 mynstrelles/ vj Trunpettes/ iiijor lusores domini de Writell/ H 47230 Boughey se ijdo/ Receptatorem de Nuport se ijdo/ T Morgan se 47240 iijcio/ ij alios seruientes domini de Nuport cum I famuliare/ 47250 viij seruientes domini Brechon cum x famuliaribus domini 47260 Iohannis Burton/ xviij Clericos Capelle & ix pueros eiusdem 47270 Capelle/ iij Cissores iij Penulatores I natiuum ij de lez 47280 Hardwaremen xxij de villa xxxij de Patria/ ij cocos de Bristol 47290 &c Cena vt in prandio preter vj Extranei ad Prandium C xxiiij ij 47300 ad Cena Clxxvj ffestum Natalis Domini Die Sabbati xxvto. die 47310 Decembris Panetrie expense iiijC iiijxx xj panes iij quarterii 47320 4iij quarterii4 ij Manchet frumenti precij.... vnde Iantaculo 47330 xv panes dimidium & I manchet vt in diebus precedentibus ac 47340 Thesaurario I panis Abbati de Kaynsham I panis I manchet 47350 generosis Capelle viij panes generosis extraneis xij panes/ in 47360 fercul' ijc iiijxx xiiij panes Sissor'xxxiiij panes Regardator' 47370 lxx Salt' vj panes Coquine pro operibus x panes/ Chaundelar' v 47380 panes le vrsar' ij panes Elemosinar' ij panes Potacionibus xv 47390 panes dimidium/ scilicet Extraneis/ 4perpetuum(?)4/ liberacioni 47400 xv panes iij quarterii Cellarie expense xj sextarii iij quarte 47410 vini gasconiensis precii...I picherius dimidium vini de Royn' 47420 precii xv d ac dimidium picherii de Maluesey precii vj d vnde 47430 Iantaculo dimidium picherii/ in ffercul' I sextarius I picherius 47440 vini gasconiensis & I picherius vini de Royn' pro Waller nutrice 47450 dimidium picherii magna camera I sextarius aula iiijor sextarii 47460 ij picherii per arnoldum Dietis dimidium picherii vini 47470 gasconiensis I quarta vini de Royn' & I quarta de Maluesey 47480 Coquine pro operibus iij picherii ad hostium ij sextarii iij 47490 picherii Liberacioni ij picherii I quarta vini gasconiensis ac I 47500 quarta de Malvesey Buttrie expense in Ceruisia Clxxj lagene I 47510 quarta precii...vnde Iantaculo xvij lagene iij quarte/ in 47520 ffercul'/ lxxiij lagene dimidium Regardator' xxxix lagene 47530 Coquine pro operibus v lagene/ Potacionibus vj lagene iij quarte 47540 ad hostium xx lagene/ Liberacioni ix lagene I quarta/ Coquine 47550 expense de stauro domini I carcosium & vij Rondes Carnis bouis 47560 precij...casea multonis precii...porci...ac I vitulus dimidium 47570 precii.../ Achatoris expense videlicet in iij signis precii... 47580 aucis...porcellis...Caponibus...pullis gallinariis 47590 precii...Cuniculis...I 47600 Pavone...Mallardes...Wigions...Teles...Castrimargis...Snytes xij 47610 volucribus grandibus...ouis gallinariis... Discis 47620 butiri...Lagenis Lactis...I Lagena dimidium quaice...Lagenis 47630 frumenti cocti...ac herbis precii... Chaundrie expense de 47640 Candellis parisiensibus...precii...Sises lxiiij 47650 precii...quariars ij precii...ac Prikettes iiij precij... Aule 47660 & camere expense de focali Carecte...ac...quarte Carbonis 47670 Siluestris precij... Totalis Dieta 47680 47690 47700 47710 47720 p. 111/p. 112/p. 113/ p. 114 47730 Upon a Stage-play Which I saw when I was a child. In the City 47740 of Gloucester the manner is (as I think it is in other like 47750 corporations) that when Players of Enterludes come to towne, 47760 they first attend the Mayor to enforme him what noble-mans 47770 servants they are, and so to get licence for their publike 47780 playing; and if the Mayor like the Actors, or would shew respect 47790 to their Lord and Master, he appoints them to play their first 47800 play before himselfe and the Aldermen and common Counsell of the 47810 City; and that is called the Mayors play, where every one that 47820 will comes in without money, the Mayor giving the players a 47830 reward as hee thinks fit to shew respect unto them. At such a 47840 play, my father tooke me with him and made mee stand betweene 47850 his leggs, as he sate upon one of the ben ches where wee saw and 47860 heard very well. The play was called (the Cradle of security,) 47870 wherin was personated a King or some great Prince with his 47880 Courtiers of severall kinds, amongst which three Ladies were in 47890 speciall grace with him; and they keeping him in delights and 47900 pleasures, drew him from his graver Counsellors, hearing of 47910 Sermons, and listning to good counsell, and admonitions, that in 47920 the end they got him to lye downe in a cradle upon the stage, 47930 where these three Ladies joyning in a sweet song rocked him 47940 asleepe, that he snorted againe, and in the meane time closely 47950 conveyed under the cloaths where withall he was covered, a 47960 vizard like a swines snout upon his face, with three wire 47970 chaines fastned thereunto, the other end whereof being holden 47980 severally by those three Ladies, who fall to singing againe, and 47990 then discovered his face, that the spectators might see how they 48000 had transformed him, going on with their singing, whilst all 48010 this was acting, there came forth of another doore at the 48020 farthest end of the stage, two old men, the one in blew with a 48030 Serjeant at Armes, his mace on his shoulder, the other in red 48040 with a drawn sword in his hand, and leaning with the other hand 48050 upon the others shoulder, and so they two went along in a soft 48060 pace round about by the skirt of the Stage, till at last they 48070 came to the Cradle, when all the Court was in greatest jollity, 48080 and then the foremost old man with his Mace stroke a fearfull 48090 blow upon the Cradle; whereat all the Courtiers with the three 48100 Ladies and the vizard all vanished; and the desolate Prince 48110 starting up bare faced, and finding himselfe thus sent for to 48120 judgement, made a lamentable complaint of his miserable case, 48130 and so was carried away by wicked spirits. This Prince did 48140 personate in the morall, the wicked of the world; the three 48150 Ladies, Pride, Covetousnesse, and Luxury, the two old men, the 48160 end of the world and the last judgement. This sight tooke such 48170 impression in me, that when I came towards mans estate, it was 48180 as fresh in my memory, as if I had seen it newly acted. From 48190 whence I observe out of mine owne experience, what great care 48200 should bee had in the education of children, to keepe them from 48210 seeing of spectacles of ill examples, and hearing of lascivious 48220 or scurrilous words: for that their young memories are like 48230 faire writing tables, wherein if the faire sentences or lessons 48240 of grace bee written, they may (by Gods blessing) keepe them 48250 from many vicious blots of life, wherewithall they may otherwise 48260 bee tainted; especially considering the generall corruption of 48270 our nature, whose very memories are apter to receive evill then 48280 good, and that the well seasoning of the new Caske at the first, 48290 keepes it the better and sweeter ever after, and withall wee may 48300 observe, how farre unlike the Plaies and harmlesse morals of 48310 former times, are to those which have succeeded, many of which, 48320 (by report of others,) may bee termed schoolmasters of vice, and 48330 provocations to corruptions: which our deprived nature is too 48340 prone unto: nature and grace being contraries. 48350 48360 48370 48380 48390 a By the King/b Rebuking some puritanes & precisians/c 48400 Aspersions Misinterpretation of our meaning/d countie of 48410 Lancashire-/e Barred from all recreationes/f produce two 48420 e=vils./g more able for warr./h filthye tiplings/I If not vpon 48430 Sundays, & holy days./k Our Iudges & Iustices--Bishop of ye 48440 diocese/polus in Sancti Nicolai Gloucestriensis parochia 48450 deiectus, Iulij X 1618. Itidem 2 paulo ante barklaeae./servi 48460 Domini Graij Domini S Chandos/Verso .15. In hanc Regiam eximiam 48470 et Dulcissimam Declarationem Christophori Windlei varie mixtus 48480 commentarius, vel copiosa Oratio. Hanc Regiam tum eximiam tum 48490 dulcissimam Declarationem de Ludis et Lusibus, Iocis et 48500 recreationibus, honestis, ingenuis, licitis ac legitimis, populo 48510 suo quam optimo, charissimis Subditis exhibitam, propositam, 48520 concessam, legenti mihi primum (Lector Charissime; seu Rex Ipse, 48530 vt Serenissime, potentissime, edoctissime, Pientissime; sic 48540 Subditorum Amantissime, cupientissime, Studiosissime, 48550 Inclytissime quidem Ipse, dilectissime, et quid non ? seu 48560 Minister, Populusve, cuiuscunque Ordinis, sortis, allectionis; 48570 vt qui vel Indolis bonae conditionisque es, vel optimarum 48580 conditionum esse debes) et inter Legendum primo temporis 48590 articulo, dixit Minister quidam Gloucestriensis, et dixit quam 48600 gravatus et ingemiscens, se sibi valde timere, metuere, 48610 formidare, ne multum doloris, damni, praeiudicij, detrimenti, 48620 multis Ecclesiae Ministris, haec licentia, libertas, lenis 48630 concessio facesseret, progigneret, vndequaque pareret. Cui tum 48640 ego Respondi; Quid ita, quaeso? Satisne sani sumus? vel 48650 nunquid insani atque inscij? vt quid nobis et nostrae plebi sit 48660 bonum et commodum, nesciamus. Estne periculum aliquod timendum, 48670 tentandumve; si consentimus Declarationi? Vel autem nunquid est 48680 praeiudicij in Ipsa Declaratione? Tum Ille: Iubemur reminisci, 48690 vt sancte Sabbatum agamus et colamus; et non partem tantum, sed 48700 totum Sabbatum sanctificare debemus. Ludere vero, iocari, 48710 ridere, saltare, recreare corporali actione animos est Sabbatum 48720 violare, polluere, prophanare, contaminare; si vel tantillum e 48730 viginti quatuor horis Illius diei a sanctificatione 48740 sanctimoniaque discerpatur. Siccine doctus es, inquam ego; vel 48750 Iudaicum colendi Sabbati ritum nobis imponere; vel in Ludicris 48760 et recreationibus corporeis contaminationem eius ponere? Certe 48770 si Iudaeos imitari vel placeat, vel liceat; in laetis 48780 exultationibus, Iubilationibus, Choreis, tripudijs, 48790 saltationibus id fieri potest, et debet potius, quam in praecisa 48800 perstrictaque temporum, dierum, locorum, ceremoniarum, 48810 ceremoniarum, circumstantiarum observatione. Istud tamen, quoad 48820 dierum seu temporum rationem respectumque ausim affirmare; 48830 nullum vnquam vel diem, vel tempus, choreis, saltibus, corporeis 48840 gestibus, rebus iocularijs, ingenuis gaudendi modis, quam 48850 Sabbata, Solis, ferias, festosque ac Dominicos dies magis 48860 convenisse, potius satius competisse. Sabbata vero solennesque 48870 ferias sic istis convenisse: vt neque his praeteritis rite coli 48880 transigique possint; neque vlli vnquam tales dies absque istis 48890 ritibus absolute transigantur. Atque hoc quidem 4perquam 48900 Charissimi fratres4 in apricum proferre, planum, perspicuum, 48910 apertum facere statuo, et statim huc me converto et recipio, quo 48920 nihil talis sit timoris, nihil metus, nil formidinis; quin omne 48930 potius periculum, omne praeiudicium eximatur; omni simul 48940 detrimento, displicentia doloreque quisque vestrum liberetur. 48950 Principio peterem equidem, non Principium, mali causa 48960 Syllogismi; sed principalem et praecipuam causam nostri tum 48970 creandi, tum instaurandi. Respondebitis procul-dubio, Gloriam 48980 Dei, seu creationis, seu Redemptionis, sive rerum aliarum 48990 omnium, finem vltimam et finalem esse causam. Atqui vero Gloria 49000 Dei, quomodo, quibusque in rebus explicatur, illustratur, 49010 apparere cogitur? Habesne fidem? inquit Apostolus. Apud 49020 teipsum habeto coram Deo. quasi diceret, homines non possunt 49030 corporeis oculis fidem videre. Vt e platone de Sapientia 49040 Cicero: Haec si oculis cerneretur, mirabiles amores excitaret 49050 sui. Sic itidem D. Iacobus: ostende mihi fidem tuam ex 49060 operibus tuis; et ego tibi fidem meam per opera mea demonstrabo. 49070 Deus ergo manifestatur inter homines, Dei Gloria micat, nitet, 49080 elucescit; quum interioris hominis vultum pium, mentis ingenium 49090 perquam ingenuum, secreti cordis veram fidem, synceram 49100 voluntatem, exterius actionibus honestis, probis, sacrosanctis 49110 declaremus. At num tripudia, choreae, saltationes, gestus 49120 corporei agiles et versatiles sunt ista opera, actiones istae 49130 externae, videor mihi vos dicentes audire? Quid ni sint eorum 49140 bona magnaque pars, inquam ego? Nam et corporibus semper 49150 gaudemus; et aliquid semper agendum est; et plurima saepe 49160 facimus, quae sunt istis minus vtilia, magis servilia; eaque 49170 sine correptione, sine exceptione facimus. Nihil tamen absque 49180 fide faciendum, nihil invtile, nihil servile, ei sane quod 49190 vtile, quodque liberum sit, est praeferendum. Corpora nobis 49200 esse, non opus est vlla probatione; vt neque semper agendum esse 49210 aliquid; et agi quodammodo, tametsi dormiamus. Iam vero quoad 49220 vtilitatem minorem, maiorem fortasse vilitatem; quid vilius, 49230 precor, quam vel cibos coquere, et alijs edendos parare, 49240 morbosis medicari, vrinam reddere, stercus eijcere, boves, oves, 49250 vel asinos e puteis extrahere? Quid invtilius, praeter 49260 vilitatem, quam sacrificare, circumcidere, pecora occidere, 49270 praeputium concidere? quae omnia ferijs in vsu fuere. Sin 49280 autem priorum commoditatem, posteriorum vero sanctitatem, 49290 instatis, vrgetis. contenditis non esse minimam: tamen quanto 49300 sunt commodiora, praefatis exercitijs cibos concoquere, 49310 salubriter eos digerere, morbis mederi, vel potius praevenire, 49320 incolumem ab aegritudine sanitatem, tutam ab hostibus sospitatem 49330 procurare; amicitias inire, promovere, confirmare? Sanctiora 49340 vero seipsos sacrificare, corda sua circumcidere, Deo plaudere, 49350 in Deo laetari, coram Deo prae nimio gaudio salire, saltare, 49360 exultare? Vos autem: Quasi vero haec ita sunt. Salaces 49370 scilicet adolescentes cum lascivis puellis choreas ducentes, 49380 tanquam cum prurientibus capris salientes haedos, ea de causa 49390 circumcisos, sacrosanctos, et quasi suijpsorum sacrificos 49400 evadere. Quasi vero, et Ipse quoque dico, vel vel Rex 49410 serenissimus, fidei Defensor constantissimus, Evangelij Iesu 49420 Christi synceraeque Religionis professor et propugnator 49430 veracissimus, pientissimus potentissimus; vel quisquam alius 49440 alicuius notae, quantum ad Ecclesiae rempublicam et animarum 49450 salutem attinet; choreas vllas alias, gestus, saltus, aut 49460 gymnasia, vel postulat, vel permittit, nedum praescribit, aut 49470 plusquam tolerans perfert; quam quae Christianam iuventutem 49480 deceant, illorum gaudia, laeticiam, exultationem in Domino, 49490 summam et singularem gratitudinem adversus Deum, conditorem, 49500 Redemptorem, conservatorem suum repraesentent et demonstrent. 49510 Nam quod huiusmodi gymnasia, talia exercitia, vel eximiae 49520 pietatis et et exhibere possint in populo Dei, docent et 49530 probant, infallibiliterque confirmant haec exempla cum reliquis 49540 Scripturae testimonijs, et Ecclesiae consuetudine. Ac primum 49550 quod vel in Paradiso rerumque principio, cum illa quiete 49560 laborumque cessatione, conceditur, vel iniungitur magis, esus 49570 arboris vitae; eiusque vescendi copia, quasi sacramenti cuiusdam 49580 foederis operum (et is status valde perfectus erat) quid illud 49590 nobis potius intimare queat, quam nunc dierum sub foedere 49600 gratiae, in mysterijs Christi consulendum esse vitae, dum carnem 49610 Eius comedimus etiam, sanguinem vero bibimus et epotamus? At 49620 ista comestio, dicitis, et potatio spirtualis est; quid hoc ad 49630 tripudia, res iocularias, et tales gesticulationes? Sed estne 49640 Christi caro spirituale quiddam? Nunquid non fuit Christus 49650 verus homo? Nonne gavisus est carne et cruore? Annon est 49660 duplex genus comedendi, praeter illa phantastica et imaginaria, 49670 capernaiticum scilicet, pontificium, seu papisticum, sive quod 49680 est aliud? Annon et nos cum animis corporibus quoque gaudemus: 49690 carnem cum spiritu, quoad humanam naturam et substantiam 49700 habemus. Annon corpus comedit sacramentaliter, vt manducat 49710 anima spiritualiter? Annon Cyprianus ait, et alij, corpora 49720 fidelium, vt e terris resurrectura, sic in caelum cum animis 49730 ascensura, quam certissimum hoc argumentum esse, quod 49740 sacramentum accipiunt corporis Christi corpora nostra, sicuti 49750 animae nostrae gratiam illius; vtraque suo modo Christi 49760 sanguinemque? Vt mystikws, typicws, Metaphysicws ac isthaec 49770 potissimum intelligantur; Annon ergo fuit christus inquam, 49780 versus homo? Annon Eundem Christum, qui conceptus e Spiritu 49790 sancto, natus est ex virgine Maria, crucifixus, mortuus et 49800 sepultus, et ita deinceps, edimus, bibimus, in eoque recreati 49810 coalescimus? Certe non est alius verus Christus, verus Dei 49820 hominisque filius; Hunc vtcunque vsurpamus. Iam officium, quod 49830 nostra interest amplius praestare; an non agimus, peragimus, 49840 perficimusque psallendo, canendo, gaudendo, exultando? At vos: 49850 Non autem saliendo, saltando, gestiendo, ludendo, ridendo, 49860 ducendo choreas, et iocando. Et ego; Sic neque manducando 49870 nimis, aut multum epotando. Nam, annon habetis domos, ait 49880 Apostolus, in quibus edatis et bibatis, vt Ecclesiam contemptui 49890 sic habeatis? Reliqui proinde gestus et gesta locis alijs 49900 convenientibus usurpanda, peragenda, perficiendaque sunt. Sunt 49910 autem vt vtrique vitae quam necessaria, tam corporis, quam 49920 animae, tum spirituali, tum naturali, non penitus omittenda, 49930 negligendave; sed locis idoneis, aptis temporibus adhibenda, 49940 praebenda quidem et praestanda. Neque sane imponenda est 49950 poenitentia nobis a lapsu primorum parentum ea tantum 49960 Significatione, vt semper sit dolor, tristicia, contritio, 49970 asperitas, amaritudo, sub nomine scilicet pij gemitus, maeroris, 49980 planctus, eiulatus. Et gaudia simul requiruntur, alacritas, 49990 hilaritas, laeticia, delectatio. Et dies gaudijs, laeticiae, 50000 lusibus, oblectamentisque sunt indicti atque assignati. Nunquam 50010 enim data fuit et tributa tanta talis causa laetandi, gaudendi, 50020 iocandi, ridendi, saltandi, exultandi, ne Adamo quidem in statu 50030 suo perfectissimo, nempe innocentiae quidem et integritatis 50040 eximiae, nedum Abrahamo, prae operibus suis in se laetanti; 50050 qualis quanta nobis in Adamo secundo, Christo nimirum, Abrahamo 50060 promisso semine benedicto; sicut in Izhac vocatum iri semen 50070 eius, prae ostensum, praesignificatum et praemonstratum fuit. 50080 Qui quidem Izhac, quod ad vocabuli significatum et appellationis 50090 rationem spectat, tum quod parentes, quum promissus esset, 50100 vtrique risere, tum quod occasionem summam, causam ridendi 50110 maximam exhibuit, risum denotat; in risum reddendo convertitur, 50120 risum lingua canaanaea praesignat, designat, consignatque.: 50130 Ecquid aliud est, quod sic efferri gaudio; effundi laeticia, 50140 risu diffluere, cor dilatare, mentem exhilarare valeat; atque 50150 Dei gratia, divini favoris foederisque in Christo, ad salutem 50160 vsque et vitam aeternam, hoc est, ad remissionem peccatorum et 50170 caelestem sempiternam haereditatem beneficium? Aut certe hoc 50180 ineffabile quidem, inaestimabile, incompraehensibile beneficium 50190 minime dignum est, quo laetemur et gaudeamus? Sed videamus 50200 vlterius, quid olim fecerint Israelitae; quid primitus, et 50210 hucvsque fideles continuo Christiani; quid semper a populo Dei 50220 vehementius fuerit exactum; quid nunc temporis a nobis 50230 constanter exigatur. Sit Iubal pater et Author eorum omnium, 50240 qui nablijs, citharis, tubis, tibijs, fidibus, tympanis 50250 psallendo sunt vsi, alijsque similibus organis et instrumentis: 50260 Sed Moses et Miriam ad vsum adhibent, vsum fructum capiunt; 50270 vsura, pia, licita, sacrosancta, quid valeant, experiuntur. 50280 Etenim his Deum collaudaverunt Optimum Maximum ob egregiam super 50290 hostes, populum scilicet AEgyptiacum cum crudelissimo suo 50300 Tyranno victoriam. Per alias novi ac memini multo secus 50310 evenisse. Quippe trigesimo-secundo capite, yers ibus 6-19. 50320 describit eorum Idololatriam, mentionem vna faciens edendi, 50330 bibendi, cantandi, saliendi. Neque sum oblitus, quid in novo 50340 testament . . abetur eadem de re, nimirum priore ad Corinthios 50350 epistola 10 capite versu septimo, quasi comestio, potatio, 50360 ductio chorearum, et saltatio, vel ipsa Idololatria; vel ipsius 50370 aliquae pars esset; quum tamen hi gestus, lusus et gymnasia non 50380 simpliciter odio habentur, vitio vertuntur, sive culpae 50390 criminique dantur: sed vsus mali, malae applicationis ratione, 50400 Ipsius Idololatriae respectu, sicuti videre est praefati capitis 50410 Exodi versu decimo-nono, cuius haec sunt aliquae verba: Quum 50420 primum ad exercitum appropinquavit Moses, vitulum vidit et 50430 saltationem. Vitulus igitur et vituli adoratio in causa sunt, 50440 quod Moses ita rixatus est, et obiurgavit Aaronem. Et vitulum 50450 illum aureum postea reperit, in ignem posuit, prorsus combussit, 50460 in cineres redegit, in pulvere quasi molitum convertit, super 50470 aquas stravit, aquas illas ebibere coegit Israelitas. De 50480 saltatione ne verbum vlterius vnum quidem. Porro video non 50490 solum in illo pentateucho constitutum Sabbatum observandum; 50500 verum etiam multas alias ferias et festivos dies, paschae 50510 scilicet et panis azimi, pentecostes vel hebdomadarum, 50520 Tabernaculorum, item et aliorum nonnullorum. Sed quomodo feria, 50530 qui festivi sunt? Aliane ratione, more, modove; quam quiescendo 50540 servilibus ab operibus; pijs, sanctis, probis, honestis, 50550 festivis, ingenuis, et vel divinis actionibus atque exercitijs 50560 dies illos omnes, tum Sabbatorum, tum etiam festos et feriales 50570 insumere, impendere, praeterire? Sed neque ignem accendere 50580 Sabbato licuit. Quid ni liceret alijs modis licitis, seipsos, 50590 vt decuit, et oportuit, calefacere? Iam quid hoc est, quod in 50600 his festis laetari, gaudere sic, atque exultare iubet, deu. 16. 50610 non semel, at saepius; et qua via, quo modo gaudebunt, 50620 laetabuntur, exhilarabuntur? Nam vt symphoniam illam 50630 Ecclesiasticam, psalmorum, hymnorum laudum in Templo cautionem 50640 permittentes concedatis; quid illud ad plebem et populum 50650 gregarium seorsum agentem apud se, quod illis convenit et 50660 consentaneum est? Annon in ipsis psalmis Ipse psalmista, quid 50670 in hac causa deceat, edocuit? Annon id omnes et singulos quam 50680 saepissime, iuxta canones a seipso iam antea constitutos? Quo 50690 tempore quam sanctissimus David etiam ipse psalmographus fecit, 50700 in vsu praxique posuit, quod vel alijs imposuit, vel pro alijs 50710 composuit, vel licitum esse demonstravit .1. Chron.15. et 25. 50720 et 29. ps. 50730 150. 50740 Obijciet fortasse quispiam ex prophetis, vt 50750 Isa.24.8-11.Am. culpari multum condemnarique eiusmodi 50760 omnia exercitia, gymnasia, iocularia. Sed enim annon apparet 50770 facile, non vsum rectum, sed pravissimos abusus vitio verti, 50780 condemnari, abominari? Quod idem observandum Iudicum 50790 Matthew .14.6. et siqua sunt plura loca similia. 50800 Nam quod Math.9.23. Tibicines cum citharaedis, et cum cantante, 50810 clamante, vociferanteque multitudine Christus e mortui domo 50820 discedere cogens extrudit; tantum abest, vt contra nos sit, aut 50830 faciat in hoc negotio; vt nihil fere magis aptum appositumque 50840 dici possit. Nuptijs non inter sunt modo gaudia, lusus et 50850 Musica: sed exequijs etiam et funeribus. cuiusnam rei, quaeso, 50860 causa? qua significatione? Nimirum caelestia gaudia, caelicam 50870 laeticiam, sanctorum in caelis exultationem repraesentare, 50880 asserere, affirmare, confirmare, stabilire. Quo spectant, quae 50890 in Apocalipsi Divi Iohannis de citharis Dei, praestantissimis, 50900 quam eximijs, excellentissimis Organis caeli narrantur et 50910 declarantur. Capitibus videlicet 5.14. et 15. & caetera. 50920 Itidem quae apud Divum Paulum habentur 1.Cor.13.1. et 14.7.8. 50930 Eph.5.19. Col.3.16. et phil.4.4. praecipue Domini Christi 50940 delineatio apud lucam Evangelistam capite 15. versibus 50950 23.25.31. necnon septimo decimoque. Vt recte lugere ieiuni 50960 dicantur prae Sponsi defectu et absentia, qui praesentia gaudere 50970 nolunt, laetoque praesentis sponsi vultu laetarei recusant. Id 50980 quod a Nostratibus sic effertur: Panis et Butyrum est esca quam 50990 optima; dolor autem sit Eius amantibus, cupientibus, 51000 expetentibus vt qui tam dolosi, quam dolorosi, ipsi desipiunt, 51010 seque ipsos defraudant merito atque decipiunt. At non Alcithoe 51020 Mineies orgia censet Attribuenda Deo. Scilicet vt a 51030 debacchantibus offerantur Ethnico Baccho, quae Deo Optimo Maximo 51040 soli omnino debentur; illis interim per auras et aera 51050 sonantibus: Io comites, vereremur Iacchum. Non aliter quam 51060 egisse, seque impie gessisse, videre est apud Hoseam, Habacucum, 51070 Zephaniam et alios, Idololatricos Israelitas. Ea tamen in 51080 Iehovam pie contulisse, quae nefarie sic Idolis suis et 51090 prophanis atque impijs exposuere procis, nunquam offenderet 51100 Dominum, 4offenderet4 vitio nunquam verteretur. Rex autem 51110 noster, et pastor Agamemnon, sive magis Davidicus Salomon, 51120 sentit et censet, per legitimos Mystas et Tyresias Christicolas, 51130 litandum esse divinae Maiestati ac Numini, tum animabus, tum 51140 corporibus suis a iuventute Christiana. Videte proinde nunquid 51150 maiorem rationem quasi praesentis sponsi Rex habeat, Domini Iesu 51160 Christi scilicet, in verbo suo, in Evangelio, in Ministris, in 51170 populo suo, per spiritum sanctum semper instantis ad mundi finem 51180 vsque, Mat.28.20. quam eorum quisquam, vel vniversi quidem 51190 isti; qui prae nimio zeli synceri, sanctimoniae vel purissimae 51200 praetextu; nullum in Sabbato corporale prorsus excercitium, 51210 praesertim quod recreationem, alacritatemque quandam resipiat et 51220 prae se ferat; ferre, sinere, sustinere; nedum perferre, 51230 permittere, patienter tolerare, vt maximum, probare possunt. 51240 Ego vero summum quoddam Argumentum et certissimam demostrationem 51250 hinc colligo Regiae noticiae sanae certaeque scientiae Christi 51260 Ipsius et Evangelij sui verae naturae, propositi, sensus intimi, 51270 proprietatis. Similem itidem aequiparamque colligo notam ac 51280 significationem Eius amoris dulcissimi, Charissimi favoris, 51290 Regiae, paternae, pientissimaeque curae in Subditos suos quam 51300 dilectissimos, populum Ipsius amantissimum, cupientissimum, 51310 studiosissimum, vt et fidelissimum, constantissimum 51320 integerrimum. Quem Quem quidem haud semel aut secundo, sed quam 51330 saepissime populum suum, populum quam optimum, in paucis his 51340 paginis nominat. Our people; Our good people plusquam decies 51350 certe. vt vel decies repetita semper placeant. Vtrum autem 51360 maiorem benevolentiam benignitatemque testificetur; vel quod 51370 eiusmodi recreationes concedit Regia Maiestas; vel quod easdem 51380 excudit sua quasi Ipsius propria manu; non est in promptu, non 51390 in proclivi patefacere. Neque minus est difficile, quantum 51400 amorem, quam aequalem perinde et aequam benevolentiam, paternam 51410 curam, episcopalem, seu potius Apostolicam vigilantiam, in 51420 vtramque huius Insulae Regionisque Inclytissimae partem, cum 51430 Aquilonis, tum Australem, inque omnes et singulos comitatus, 51440 collaudandas quasque Civitates societatesque, gerat, ferat, 51450 amplectatur, ostendere, Describere, manifestare. Proinde 51460 adiunxi huic tractatui meam Ipsius Regiae Maiestatis Reditus e 51470 Boreae finibus gratiosissimi exoptatissimique gratulationem. 51480 Quam tametsi rudem valde imperitamque; Amoris tamen 51490 incontinentis, animique non mediocriter benevoli gratia, non 51500 potui non meorum Oxoniensium egregijs gymnasijs, Araeque 51510 sacrasanctae simul affigere. Iam vos interrogo (fratres, 51520 praesertim siqui sunt inter vos puritani) quid opus est esse 51530 praecisos, puritatem, pietatem, sanctimoniam in rebus externis 51540 praetexere? An non est Deus spiritus? An non spiritu et 51550 veritate, venerandus, adorandus et colendus? Praecisi potestis 51560 esse conscientia, vt verbis nihil sciatur, sed operibus. 51570 Externa et corporalia, ceu parum prosunt, parum proferunt, nihil 51580 fere conducunt ad pietatem: sic in postestate non sunt sita, 51590 non collocata vestra, proinde de lana caprina de Asini vm bra de 51600 rebus nihili contenditis, et vos stultos esse declaratis, de non 51610 pertinentibus, non proficuis. Subinde praesumentes, arrogantes, 51620 insolentes habemini, otiosi, negotiosi, contentiosi, Puritani. 51630 Odiosum sane nomen, et iam olim plus minus abominandum. Vobis 51640 enim ominatum est, vel omen vestrum. Sed vestra culpa, vestro 51650 crimine. Qui namque vocentur, quo nomine gaudere vel debent, 51660 vel possunt, ex loco coniugatorum Aristotelico; qui sibi 51670 puritatem arrogant, se puros videri haberique volunt; nisi vel 51680 purorum, vel puritanorum? At puri non estis. Ergo non purorum. 51690 Sed factis impuri potius, maxime puritatem scilicet, pietatem, 51700 sanctitatem ad nauseam vsque praetendentes et praetexentes, vt 51710 praefati sumus. Ergo Puritani. Neque tamen vel gratum, vel non 51720 grave mihi potest esse (fratres dulcissimi) Si qui sunt alioqui 51730 viri vere pij peritique, qui nihilominus sensu suo nimium 51740 abundantes, vt Hieronymi verbis vtar, nimis arcte praeconceptis 51750 opinionibus, in rebus vel indifferentibus, vel nugatorijs fere, 51760 vel etiam extra communem optionem positis, praeiudicatis et 51770 praefractis affectibus, respectibus, et sententijs adhaerent. 51780 Id quod Rex Ipse serenissimus non omisit in eximio suo ac vere 51790 aureo opusculo, quod dicitur, suam mentem esse declarare. Ne 51800 vicio vertatis igitur, quod ita nominamini, nisi culpatis vosmet 51810 etiam ipsos, quod sic operamini. Num Philosophum meministis, 51820 qui demonstrans Ostentum; En, inquit, magnos fures, fure 51830 pusillos ad crucem ducentes, adigentesque suspendendos ad 51840 patibulum? Vos itidem in magnis laedentes, vt vel laesae 51850 Maiestatis rei fere; parvulos tamen incusatis, maximopere 51860 criminamini, pessimarum noxarum reos agitis? Id autem minime 51870 mirum; quum Rex Ipse quidem vestras acerbas criminationes, 51880 vafras Aspersiones et traductiones amaras, vt est 51890 innocentissimus, pientissimus, benevolentissimus, evitare 51900 nequeat. Quos enim pertentare, irritare, sollicitare, 51910 traducere, laedere, nocere, necare non audetis; qui Regem Ipsum, 51920 tam Evangelicum, Orthodoxum, Angelicum, et Sanctissimum, 51930 mordere, molestare, traducere, per auras, aures et ora mortalium 51940 trahere, sugillare, blasphemare, quam audacissimi coepitis, 51950 arripitis, irruitis? Interest Eius Serenae Maiestatis, Nomen 51960 Numenque suum Christianum, gloriosum et caelicum, a vestrarum 51970 macularum aspersione vindicare; Ius suum Imperiale, supremam 51980 Authoritatem, meritum honorem vendicare; quinimo cur non vobis 51990 foedas culparum criminumque notas, mendarum et noxarum, 52000 praesertim petulantium et pestilentium vociferationum conflatas 52010 labes, quas demeruistis, quas aduocatis accercitisque, inferre, 52020 imponere, infligere? Medius-fidius non agit vobiscum Regia 52030 clementia secundum merita vestra. Imo ver. venientem in 52040 memoriam AEsopicam quandam vt moralem, ita memorabilem fabulam, 52050 non possum ex animo eijcere, neque me continere, quin enarrem; 52060 quomodo scilicet olim Ranae rogatum habuerunt Iovem, vt illis 52070 concederet et daret Regem. Cessit Iupiter, et dedit ingentem 52080 trabem pro Rege. Cuius vt casu quatefacta fuit terra; sic 52090 conspectu terrefactae Ranae. Proinde certis diebus delituere. 52100 Temporis intervallo Latebris egressi ad Regem appropinquabant. 52110 Vident quietum, tranquillum, pacatum, sedatum, non moventem. 52120 Transcendunt, transiliunt, insiliunt, resiliunt; spernunt, 52130 contemnunt, despiciunt, reijciunt. Iovem rursum accedunt; Hunc 52140 soporis, desidiae, ignaviae, pigritiae damnant; alium postulant. 52150 Audit eos iterum Iupiter, et Ciconiam in Regem assignavit. Haec 52160 Ranam vllam quoties intueretur, statim arripuit et devoravit. 52170 Hinc sunt Ranae rursus vniversae conquestae, se crudelissime a 52180 ciconia dilaniari, excruciari, absorberi. Sed incassum et 52190 frustra. Essent enim contenti et grati de superiore, tam omnis 52200 acerbitatis immuni ac libero. Videtis adumbratum in hac 52210 hypotyposi, quid siet, Regem pacificum, beneficum, mitissimum, 52220 Christianum nolle, negare, recusare, reijcere. Audite nunc 52230 aliam veram et nuperam historiam; Quum haec scripserim, et eodem 52240 temporis momento, dum pinxerim, erectus est polus aestivalis in 52250 Ipsius custodiae (Castelli nempe Gloucestriensis) horto seu 52260 fundo adiacente, quo solent alternis vicibus incarcerati 52270 deambulare, confabulari, seipsos paulisper recreare. Id multi 52280 vituperant factum, eiusmodi res ludicras eo loci exerceri, in 52290 vsu ibi poni, vbi tot sunt potius lachrymarum et Lamentationis, 52300 quam Lusuum et Musicae ostenta et indicia. Verum in hoc quoque 52310 quid ego dicam, perpendite. Si Regis edicto, si regimine 52320 discreto, si mente boni conscia plaudere, psallere, salire 52330 possunt in carceribus et custodijs, in ergastulis et angustijs, 52340 nimirum homunciones captivi; quid nequeant, non audeant ij, qui 52350 in immunibus civitatibus libere agunt, et voluntarie? Insuper 52360 illud simul aspicio, vel in ijs tenebrosis latibulis plaerosque 52370 secum Baccho ac Veneri facere et litare; quum his gymnasijs 52380 aliquo vel casu, vel causa prohibentur, interdicuntur, 52390 deprivantur. Accipite simul et aliud simile. In Civitate 52400 praefatae Glocestriae, me praedicto tempore in Castello 52410 diversante, sicut fit inter caetera similia, quidam Sicarius ad 52420 vxorem vicini accessit; idque multoties et saepe-numero. Rem 52430 habere cum ea petijt, expetijt, et impetrare visus est; interea 52440 foeminam dum tacturus quassit, venit subito Maritus, qui tale 52450 quiddam videns, exclamavit, contine, contine, hold, hold. Quae 52460 Verba ab alijs audita, iam ab omnibus quotidie parabolae 52470 proverbijve vice recitantur. At Polis quibusdam et pyramidibus 52480 ibidem elevatis oblatrant nonnulli obganniuntque, quum eorum 52490 ratione communiter Iuventus a carnalibus incitamentis, 52500 incantamentis, lenocinijs, compotationibus, ebrietate, 52510 scortationibus avocantur tamen. Vos igitur, vt immunes 52520 liberique Regis misericordia perquam ineffabili evadatis; at 52530 quaeso, permittite, si hoc a vobis petere; expetere, impetrare, 52540 potirique licitum, par, fas, et aequum sit; permittite, inquam, 52550 et perpetimini quieti sedati, modesti; vt falsae pravaeque 52560 expositionis evitandae gratia, sensus suos eximios, Regale 52570 placitum et propositum explicet, enodet, explanet. Quod 52580 Lancastria tantopere recusantibus Papistis abundavit, id me male 52590 habet, vt decet, et doleo multum (etenim tum Rex Ipse mirifice 52600 dolet idem; tum ego puer 4quatt...4 decennius in ea Diocoesi per 52610 tres vt minimum annos scholam petij Grammaticam et studui) Quod 52620 vero reformari homines, mores emendari conformarique, Regiae 52630 Maiestati significent Magnates, id bene quidem habet, vt 52640 praefatas ob causas oportet; meque multa perfundit laeticia, 52650 magno gaudio afficit. Verum enimvero quomodocunque abundavit 52660 cacolics Papistis Comitatus Ille Lancastrensis, pro certo, 52670 comperto, exploratoque habemus hoc, totum terrarum Orbem Regiae 52680 Ditionis, et Regium vniversum superabundanter exundare 52690 Puritanis. Quibus (quanquam verae puritatis avidi, syncerae 52700 pietatis cupidi cultores non sunt hoc nomine gravandi, vt qui 52710 soli sunt habendi appellandique christiani; tamen abiecta omni 52720 vafra, callida, perniciosa adulatione) non sunt Schismaticis 52730 istis homunciones vlli peiores, praviores, pestilentiores, 52740 periculosiores. Hi profecto sunt dolendi; imo sane penitus 52750 delendi; roinde vero praecavendi. Vsurpant hi potestatem, 52760 Authoritatem, Dominationem, Imperium in ijs rebus, in quibus 52770 absolute contracta est, et ab ijs quoad partem alteram abstracta 52780 libertas. Dominantur, et principatum tenent ac gerunt, vimque 52790 alienis conscientijs faciunt peremptori. Religionem ac cultum 52800 Dei vel statuunt in ijs rebus, in quibus aut nulla est; aut si 52810 vlla, in earum vsu recto, non neglectu perspicitur; vel 52820 collocant in Iudaico quodam colendi Sabbati more, hoc est 52830 ipsorum suo; quasi nullo prorsus modo aliter quam Isti 52840 praescribunt et profitentur.dies ille praetereundus, ritus 52850 cultusque eius obseruandus. Non obseruant Isti cum sacrosancto 52860 Rege sapientissimo, quam multa solent incommoda, pessimaque 52870 effecta de suo iure praxique insequi ac ingruescere, Non 52880 cernunt, non curant, quantum obstaculum praebent e pontificiorum 52890 secta catholicaque superstitione conversuris, vel infirmis etiam 52900 protestantibus, cum quibus agunt sacerdotes pontificij; quum 52910 isthinc obijcere possint isti nebulones histrionici, nostram 52920 Religionem nullam admittere iucunditatem nullam iubilationem; 52930 proinde no esse probam, non veram, certam, piam, non aequae 52940 mentis consciam. Non perpendunt, non considerant, non cogitant, 52950 quantum praeiudicium, et nocumentum horum gymnasiorum 52960 interdictio rebus sit martijs, dum perquam apposite, prae nimio 52970 rerum proeliarum neglectu, in scaenam, arenam, vel tanquam 52980 campum introducti iuvenes conscendunt, discendunt, facies 52990 altervtri vultusque invicem conspiciunt, agiles fiunt, 53000 bellicosi, et perquam strenui milites. Israelitae, nostis, vt 53010 omittam Lacedaemonios et eiusmodi quosdam alios, exercebant 53020 iuventutem suam in bellicis negotijs, in exercitamentis ad 53030 Martem, Minervam, et proelia pertinentibus. Christiana fortasse 53040 religio non adeo rigide desiderat, efflagitatve bellicos 53050 apparatus. Eo satius tolerat et postulat mitiora mansuetioraque 53060 exercitamenta. Quanquam si peropus et necesse fuerit, non 53070 prohibet, vel omnino, vel Sabbato depugnanda proelia, Domini 53080 Nostri Iesu Christi Evangelium contra communes Illius hostes, 53090 saevos, barbaros, immanes, crudeliter irruentes Inimicos. Id 53100 quod multis sacrarum literarum locis demonstrari potest; quae 53110 nunc non est enumerandi locus, ex= expediendoque nullus vsus. 53120 Neque hoc Enunciatum ab alijs quam ab huius aetatis acerbissimis 53130 Anabaptistis denegatur. Istis autem in hoc Argumento satis 53140 superque a multis est responsum; vt mea non iam egeat 53150 defensione. Caeteroquin quum ab ijs, quarum iam saepius 53160 mentionem fecimus, exercitationibus humanioribus et ingenuis 53170 ingeniosisque recreationibus cohibentur Adolescentes; Deus bone, 53180 quanta subinde Tabernarum frequentia? quanta domibus inhiatio 53190 cervisiarijs? quantae et quam foetidae comessationes, 53200 epotationes, ebrietates, ebibitiones; ineptae, absurdae, 53210 obcoenae sermocinationes, confabulationes, contumeliae, 53220 obtrectationes, lites, dissidia, iurgia rixae, pugnae, 53230 contentiones? Cumque his quot foedae fornicationes? quot 53240 turpia stupra, execranda adulteria, incestus horrendi, 53250 abominanda Lenocinia? Pudet nominare quae fiunt ab istis in 53260 tenebris; imo qualia non pudet isto sub sole perpetrare, 53270 designare, in propatulo committere; quae ne nomin.ntur quidem 53280 apud obcoenas et Idololatricas gentes. Patet id vndique et in 53290 aprico iacet, cunctisque patefactum ex multitudine spuriorum in 53300 vniverso superexvndantium. Sed de his videntur habere Praecisi, 53310 revera nihil habent omnino pensi. Tantummodo iudicant eiusmodi 53320 notabiles peccatores reprobos esse, deinde relinqunt eos in 53330 errore, inpericulo. Nunquid hoc notum est Regiae Maiestati, 53340 notatumque tam accurate, nos autem tanquam ignotum inscij 53350 penitus praeterlabimur? certe sumus quam fidi subiecti, seduli 53360 officiarij, Reipublicae, et Ecclesiae charissimi commodissimique 53370 Amici; aut fallor mire. Veruntamen audire me videor, nonnullos 53380 effantes, infantes tamen: Alijs diebus septimanae possunt 53390 homines se recreare, istiusmodi ludos vsurpare, iocis vti, 53400 gesta, gestus, res ludicras exercere; vt diebus dominicis non 53410 inferant, ingerant obtrudant, imponant. Quasi vero dies 53420 hebdomadis alij, ijdem operibus ac laboribus addicti, talibus 53430 humanis mansuetisque ludis et recreationibus aptiores essent, 53440 appositi magis, accomodatique, quam dies festi ab alijs negotijs 53450 tum servilibus tum necessarijs liberi, immunes et quieti. Annon 53460 egregie ridiculum immenseque absurdum hoc est, vel ab 53470 agricultura Rusticos, vel a scrobibus fossores, vel a popinis 53480 coquos, vel calcearios a scamnulis, sive sutores a sedibus, vel 53490 vpiliones a caulis, vel a capris et haedis caprarios pastores, 53500 vel bubulcos a stabulis vel laniones a macellis, vel a 53510 molendinis molitores, vel a Textrina Textores, vel etiam a Lana 53520 ac tela pedissequas, a lacte mulgendo, premendo, tundendo, 53530 multrices ancillas mox in plateas exilire, ibidem in pannis 53540 laceratis, vestibus defoedatis, corporibus adipe deturpatis, 53550 saltare, exultare; insultare, insanire fere tantum non furere ac 53560 furare? Quemadmodum enim deuteronom 5 versibus 14.15. non 53570 conceditur modo, sed et requiritur, iniungitur, et demandatur, 53580 vt est servi quiescant a laboribus, sese oblectamentis 53590 recreantes, memoribus interim Israelitis, semetipsos servos et 53600 mancipia fuisse in AEgypto: sic impraesentiorum hac aetate 53610 docendi sunt Iuvenes in sermonibus Dominicalibus qua ratione, 53620 quibus moribus se gerant in exercitijs, quibus etiam finibus se 53630 recreent, iocentur et ludant. Non id agendum, quod a nostris 53640 vbique factitatum est, vt Doctrinae loco de recto rerum 53650 externarum atque indifferentium vsu, res ipsas a Deo Ipso Optimo 53660 Maximo creatas, constitutas, ordinatas, subtrahant, abigant, 53670 prorsus tollant. Miror equidem quam responsionem facient, quam 53680 rationem reddent olim Domino, de Ordinationis Ei..contemptu, de 53690 benignitatis Eius in his oblectamentis et recreationibus 53700 abiectione. Quid enim aliud agunt isti, quam vt Deum Ipsum 53710 doceant, qui dies quieti atque lusibus, qui laboribus atque 53720 alijs vsibus maxime sunt appositi; quando simul operari, quando 53730 vero recreare seipsos debent? Ecquis praeterea nescit, ecquis 53740 ignorat, vel Musicam ex Artibus ingenuis, e scientijs 53750 liberalibus unam esse; vel sine vsu, lusu, choreis, applausu, 53760 gaudio, laeticia, delectatione, nihili ac nullius esse? Haec 53770 cum, quasi nesciant ipsi, neminem instruunt, neminem scire 53780 volunt, digni sunt et demeriti, qui in his, cum reliquis suis 53790 enormibus, deformibus, absurdissimis erratis, a Dominis 53800 Episcopis, et quam honoratis Magistratibus castigentur, 53810 corripiantur, reconformentur. Verum enimvero non parum videtur 53820 mihi metuendum, a Iusticiarijs, Iudicibus, Episcopis etiam ipsis 53830 nonnullis, ac si non aeque se gererent in his Conformitatibus, 53840 in his reformationibus. Etenim nisi sibi in animum inducerent, 53850 se certo persuasos haberent, Istis, quos puritanes nominari 53860 solet et decet, summe pios in omnibus, puros, sanctos esse; qui 53870 fieri omnino posset, Vt Regi facesserent vndique tantum assidue 53880 negotium? quomodo esset tanta vbique Regionis Multitudo. 53890 Novimus istorum iactantiam, novimus ostentationem, se suis 53900 xenijs et muneribus cum potentibus ad placitum vsque promovere 53910 posse. Interim conformes vel praesentes ipsi, vel effroenes et 53920 refractarios praesentantes, negliguntur, non animantur, nedum 53930 corroburantur; imo vero bene cum illis est, si non obiurgantur, 53940 exanimantur, repelluntur; idque cum contumeliosissimis 53950 vociferationibus, Thou, Thou, Sirra, Thou, I'le make ye bee 53960 quiet yfayth, Sir & caetera. Sic boni isti ordinarij ad 53970 Ministros ordinatos et conformes, de vel pro praefatis illis 53980 praefractis et inordinatis. Sed spero iam hinc inde divina 53990 gratia, Regia Maiestatis eximia cura, imposterum omnia emendatum 54000 iri, futura meliora. Mihi autem quod mea refert, condonent 54010 ista, propter meum ipsius experimentum. Vel si nolent ignoscere 54020 neque placet haec conditio, si lubet magis, vlterius faciant 54030 periculum, et quid in hac re sit verum experiantur. Me nanque 54040 illorum tractatus in hac causa et huiusmodi, prorusu 54050 pessundedit; nec peius agere, plusve nocere vel opus est, vel 54060 omnini possunt. At vero cur non potius sermonem meum converto 54070 ad Polos AEstivos et Maias Pyramides, in ea invectus et 54080 vociferans, quae tanquam essent Idola surda, muta, mortua, nihil 54090 vacent respondere? Vt nihil respondeant, obijcitur tamen esse 54100 ea Diabolica Idola, cultusque Diabolicos esse simul omnes illos 54110 Ludos Maios, Allas Whitsonias, Mauritii choreas, varia tripudia, 54120 ioca quam plurima, Ludorum genera pene infinita, caeterum ego 54130 respondeo. neque tale quippiam esse, necesse posse; si, quod 54140 pie requiritur, locis et temporibus aequis et aptis sine divini 54150 cultus vel impedimento, vel incuria fieri doceantur: At choreas 54160 ducunt circa polos; populus circumstans et vndique collecta 54170 multitudo in polum conijciunt oculos, in fidicines tibicines, 54180 citharaedos, in Musica instrumenta, in saltatores, collusores, 54190 colluctatores, in Ludicra omnia ioculariaque. Sic et qui 54200 templum adeunt, Ecclesiam frequentant, et sacros coetus petunt 54210 crebrius, Lumina conijciunt, circumspiciunt, aspectant pulpita, 54220 biblia, concionatores; Conciones et cantiones suas, mores, 54230 conditiones atque gestiunculas plane stupent et admirantur. 54240 Quae quidem ista vt doctrina recta fieri atque integra queunt ac 54250 debent; sic illa reformari. Imo sane diligenter docendo quae in 54260 recto vsu sunt necessaria, si perveniri ad rectum perfectumque 54270 non potest; certe recta paulatim et commendata cum imperfectis 54280 et nonnecessarijs intolerandisque siqua sunt istiusmodi absque 54290 repraehensione viribus suis et voluntate simul irrecuperabiliter 54300 corruent. Memini, quod refert facundus Aschamus, Dominam Ianam 54310 a Matre tam rigide vrgeri, sic arceri ad arcte aequipareque 54320 saltandum in tripudijs, ad singulas mensuras in quibusvis 54330 choreis, ad tam innumeras repeditationes et gestiunculas 54340 observandas adigi; vt prorsus habuit odio saltationem omnem, et 54350 ad linguas, cum latinam, tum graecam, ediscendas, ad Authores 54360 veteres edoctissimos versandos, legendos, perlegendos, 54370 relegendos, terendos, trahendos, discerpendos, se penitus 54380 convertere et recipere delegit. Rectus ergo Ludorum vsus 54390 intimandus et instillandus est potius, quam tum in abvsus, tum 54400 in lusus ipsos invehendum; quod ita vel se reformabunt et ad 54410 rectum recipient; vel vsum omnem pro abvsuum periculo ac 54420 scandalo protenus et penitus reijcient. Soporem aut somnum quis 54430 desiderat in aegritudine. non autem potest dormire prae multis 54440 phantasmatis recurrentibus, pragmatibusque tum peioribus, tum 54450 potioribus, cerebrum eius versantibus, circumvolitantibus 54460 sollicitantibus. Precetur serio, fundat vota Deo; mox obrepet 54470 sopor, et suaviter dormiet, altum dormitabit. Dicetis 54480 fortassis: Istud agit Diabolus, qui nolet homines precari, pia 54490 vota fundere, sancte quovismodo se gerere. Quasi vero multum 54500 nonnullis sit pensi curaeve, quis eorum Author sit conceptuum, 54510 modo Deum praetexant, et suas vias, voluntates, consilia 54520 concessa sibi habeant, et ad placitum gaudeant. Experto crede 54530 Roberto, inquiunt. Haec enim tum domi, tum foris verissima 54540 reperi. Descripsi namque diligenter vsus et abvsus rerum 54550 indifferentium, eorumque rationem et differentiam. Rectum vsum 54560 in vsu tantummodo praxique, esse debere graviter et gnaviter 54570 institi. Nox evanuerunt omnia simul. Proinde longe mecum 54580 aliter agitur, quam cum morosis istis fratribus, in quorum 54590 Paroechijs excitantur poli, simulque turbae commoventur, magis 54600 opponendi vociferanti Ministro gratia, quam sibi placendi in 54610 rebus Ludicris, vel Regi parendi in exercitijs et 54620 recreationibus. Et in custodia Gloucestriensi, vbi menses 54630 quosdam iam fere consumpsi, Deus immortalis, quam diserte, 54640 discrete, laudabiliter geruntur omnia? Est ibi quasi pyramis 54650 elevata, polus AEstivus collocatus, vt antea dictum est. Genera 54660 Ludorum praefata statuunt exercere. Rebus ego, id est, 54670 exercitijs et recreationibus haud contradico, nedum interdico. 54680 At rectum vsum ostendo; quomodo se gerere recreareque debent, 54690 edoceo. Hac etiam occasione, statuta quaedam et ordinationes 54700 AEdi Illi ac custodiae maxime convenientes edidimus, Omnium et 54710 singulorum incarceratorum manibus et cordibus, scilicet consensu 54720 subscribi fecimus. Exinde, Deus bone, quam modeste, quam 54730 honeste, quam pie, sancte vivitur, quam degitur christiane? Vt 54740 iam Exemplum possit esse pietatis et Modestiae carcer Iste seu 54750 custodia plaerisque alijs, sive custodijs, sive societatibus, 54760 vel carceribus vel civitatibus fere. Vt est hoc pernotum tam 54770 vrbes quam Rura sua omnia mancipia membrave depravata et vitiosa 54780 in eiusmodi carceres et custodias, quasi loca domosque 54790 correptionis conijcere atque obtrudere, quo Dominicis 54800 Castigationibus emendari reformarique possint. Sunt autem haec 54810 statuta vel Ordinationes huiusmodi, ea de causa hoc loco 54820 inserta, quo nostrum consilium factique nostri rationem, 54830 facilius quisquam, cuius intererit, colligere queat. Certein 54840 Orders meet and necessarie to be observed and kept of all and 54850 every the Prisoners in the Castle of Gloucester, to ye Glorie of 54860 God, ye kinges, honour and their owne welfare, and subscribed 54870 vnto by their owne handes 1618. Regni Regis Iacobi Dei gratia 54880 nunc & caetera decigo-sexto, et quinquagesimo-secundo, Iulij 54890 Imprimis whosoever come not vnto, and are not present at the 54900 service of God in the Chapel or Gallerie of the sayd Castle on 54910 the Sabbaoth daies and all and everie other festival daies, and 54920 Wensdaies and ffridaies on the forenoone, & that so, as they bee 54930 present thereat within one quarter of an houre after nine of the 54940 clock of the forenoone, and after 3. of the clock on the 54950 afternoon, not departing till within a quarter of an houre at 54960 the most of Eleven of the clock on the forenoon, and five a 54970 Clock on the after-noon, without a reasonable Cause declared 54980 vnto, and alowed of the Arbitrators to that purpose appoynted: 54990 Hee or Shee shall paie for euerie such defalt...or be left in 55000 the Stockes sixe houres. And whosoever shal walk, or talk, or 55010 stand aloof at prayer, or sermon time, or vse anye meanes of 55020 disturbaunce of the Minister and service of god, hee shal 55030 forfeyt...or be stocked 3. houres Item whosoever shal vse anie 55040 vnlawfull game at anie time, or the lawful games otherwise than 55050 the Kinges Majesty hath declared and required, shal forfeyt 55060 lykwise for 4feyt lykewyse4 everie such defalt--...to the vse of 55070 the poor Prisoners of the common or maign Gaole of or in the 55080 sayd castle, to be disposed by the Arbitrators, or some of them. 55090 or els shall sitt in the stockes sixe houres. Item whosoever 55100 shal falselie or rashlie sweare, or tell a false lie, or bee 55110 druncken, or committ fornication, or Adulterie, or shall have 55120 anie Ribaldish talke, or shall abuse anie by nicknames, and by 55130 brabling and brawling, they shalbee at the lyke forfeyture and 55140 penaltie. Item whosoever shal purloin, steal, beguile of, or 55150 take awaie anothers money, vittayles or apparell, or anie thing 55160 els; They shalbee at the lyke; besyde Restiticion, and aunswere 55170 to the lawes of the Realme, for so doing, at the pursuit of the 55180 Robbed and beguyled. Atque hoc modo ac ratione certiores fieri 55190 facile queunt omnes de Regiae Maiestatis mente ac consilio, 55200 quoad praedicta gymnasia Olympiaca quasi, libera exercitia et 55210 recreationes. De fidelium omnium itidem subiectorum ingenuo 55220 consensu, obsequio submisso, recta constructione, officijs atque 55230 obedientia quam prompta, quam paratissima. Puritani valeant, 55240 qui corporalia Dominicalium dierum exercitia prorsus abnegant. 55250 Valeant et Papistae, qui a nostra Religione deterrentur, quod 55260 nullam putant approbare, nullam admittere christianam 55270 recreationem. Vtrosque sane prohibet nisi prius una conveniunt 55280 in sacris coetibus ad divina concelebranda. Quod quidem vtrique 55290 recusant agere; papistae nempe schismaticum esse credentes, 55300 Puritani Pontificium et impium. Ambo sub uno iugocontrahentes, 55310 sub vno vexillo commilitantes cum meris prophanis histrionibus, 55320 Nebulonibus, et vel negligentibus, vel praefractis reprobis, qui 55330 communibus precibus, votis fidelium vsitatis, pientissimis 55340 Christianorum orationibus interesse, non possunt omnino 55350 sustinere. Sed iam satis superque de his omnibus antea. Tantum 55360 ad haec pauca proba ex mea ipsius experientia. Fui quodam die 55370 cirencestriae (iam Anni sunt plus minus duo) ad mensam cum 55380 Magistro Archi.diacono ac Eius decanatus Ministris et 55390 contionatoribus. Intraverunt ad nos in illud conclave 55400 coenobiale Musici quidam Lyrici, Myntyi dicti quidem illi, 55410 spondentes nobis Musicae nonnihil illorum harmoniae, symphoniae, 55420 melodiae. Mox quidam e Ministris (quem eo nominandum censeo, ne 55430 caeteris, ingenuis, liberis et inculpatis aspersionem alicuius 55440 mendae maculaeve, notamque vllam inferam) Alderus nomine, 55450 abeant, inquit, abeant; quid hic agerent? sunt enim per 55460 Statutum vagabundi; atque inter plebem et populum multorum 55470 malorum caput et causa. Hi statim abituri, ne mutire quidem 55480 audentes, quantum ego tum auscultavi, a nemine revocantur. 55490 Tandem ego: Maucte, maucte, vos, boni viri; commoramini 55500 parumper, fortasse libenter audiemus. Ad criminantem me 55510 converto, aio; Quid quaeso, abirent? Annon sponte veniunt, si 55520 non ab aliquibus accersiti? Annon amantes nos et venerantes 55530 accedunt? Annon in hoc, vt in alijs elucet Divina providentia? 55540 Annon aeque Musica, atque mensae et convivia, nobis conceditur? 55550 (nisi forte sumus illis similes, qui Mulierum interesse 55560 gratiarum-actioni post puerperium prae papistica superstitione, 55570 quam fingunt, pernegantes, epulis tamen et bellarijs 55580 commessationibus et epotationibus inter illas adsunt quam 55590 lubentissime) Annon est Musica e Liberalibus scientijs vna? 55600 Grammatica loquitur, Dialectica vera docet, Rhetorica verba 55610 colorat, Musica canit, Arithmetica numerat, Geometria ponderat, 55620 Astronomia colit Astra. Annon, vt nos, sic illi lubenter vsum 55630 fructum caperent, laeticiam cum vtilitate meterent e sua 55640 scientia, facultate, professione? Eheu, quam multos dies, 55650 noctes, septimanas, menses, annos, vt ne miseram totam vitam 55660 dicam, impendunt, impertiunt, consumunt ieiuni miseruli, vt 55670 peritiam aliquam cantandi, psallendi, chord as vel plectro 55680 percutiendi, vel digitis graciliter tangendi nanciscantur; quo 55690 nobis magis placeant, mire delectent, exhilarent, gratulentur? 55700 Nos vero tali more, praefatis modis, contumaelijs scilicet et 55710 convitijs eos recipimus, tractamus, gratificamur? Taceamus nos, 55720 et eos potius humaniter tractemus. Nunquid Davidem illum 55730 sanctissimum meminimus in psalmis et alias, quid pro psalmodia, 55740 symphonia, musica harmonia fusissime dicat, et quam plane 55750 pleneque describat? Illo tamen hoc temporis omisso, vt in hac 55760 causa cunctis notissimo; locum illum sacrarum litterarum de 55770 propheta Elisha commemoremus, in 2 libro regum Iudaicorum, 55780 capite 3. Adducite, inquit, citharaedum seu Musicum aliquem. 55790 Lyricus autem, seu Tibicen, dum psallit et cecinit, manus Dei 55800 fuit super Eum et prophetavit. Nunquid hic videtis (confratres 55810 mei Dilectissimi) quod Propheta sit musica Melodia magis ad 55820 prophetandum excitatus? Itidem et nos fortasse post Istorum 55830 musicam harmoniam magis apposite gratias agemus Deo Optimo 55840 Maximo propter haec et innumera alia Eius in nos collata 55850 beneficia. Magister Archidiaconus Magister Suttonus, reliqui 55860 omnes, quantum scio, suavissima concordia concedunt; accedunt 55870 Musici propius, psallunt, ludunt, cum Instrumentis sonant, 55880 boant, tinniunt; Nobis placent, et delectant. Ego, non dico, 55890 subtilis emungo, sed facile collatam et contributam accipio 55900 vniuscuiusque ministri drachmam vice cuiusdam symboli; musicis 55910 recipio quosdam hinc conflatos solidos; ij placantur et grati 55920 discedunt. Quare mihi est opus alicui, nulla causa data, cur 55930 Regiam dicat Maiestatem agere summo iure, proinde iniuria; Qui 55940 si vulpis Aures cornua vocitet, aures pro cornibus sunt 55950 habendae. Tantummodo vocat Aures Aures, cornua cornua, viros 55960 viros, Asinos Asinos; et pro libito habet et placitis Leges 55970 ipsas christianas et constitutior pias. Deo gratiae. Vivat Rex 55980 aeternum. Remember at ye pulling down of 2. poles in Barkley 55990 so 1. in St. Nicholas parish in Gloucester. some say at ye 56000 Iudges commandment.at ye Instigation of ye Maior & prior that 56010 puritan Minister. & thomas cherics a precisian.