A Louerd God of might mast Fader and Son and Haly Gast Fader for you ert almighty Son for you ert alle witty Haly Gast for you alle wille Yat gode es and nathyng ille A God and a Louerd in threhede And thre persons in anhede Yus was you ay and euer salbe Thre in ane and ane in thre And byginnyng and ende of alle yat es And yat euer was bathe mar and les Byginnyng withouten byginnyng And ende withouten endyng Yat byfor ar anythyng was wroght Or any byginnyng was of oght And byfor alle tymes God was yowe And als mighty and wyse als you ert nowe Yi might and witte of yiself was tane For neuer na God was bot you ane And als you was ay God suthfast Swa sal yi Godhede euermar last And als you bygan alle yat euer was Swa sal you ende alle yat sal pas Loued and blissed ay mot you be And with alle my hert I thank ye Of alle yat you has done and wroght Fra ye first tyme yat you bygan oght For me and for alle mankynde Wharfor vs aght ay haue ye in mynde And loue ye for yat you has done for man Als I here thurgh yi grace reherce can First heuen and erthe for man you made And alle yis world here wide and brade And alle thyng yat es yaryn For withouten ye es nathyng bot syn Ye whilk was neuer thurgh ye wroght Yarfor in haly writte es syn cald noght Heuen you made whar you duelles For our endeles wonnyng with aungels And ye world our sugget here to be To serue vs yat we yaryn serue ye Ye firmament you made mouand To norisshe alle thyng yarvndir lyfand And ye son to shede ye day fra ye night And ye mone and sternes to tak yair light Of ye son for to shyne on night clere In takenyng yat we sal receyue here Ye light of grace yat [gast]ly gyft es Of ye yat es son of rightwisnes Ye monelight you made to wax and wane Als semes yat ensaumple yarby be tane Of our lyf yat passes here sone And waxes and wanes als light of ye mone Ye sternes you made in skye standand And ye planetes in yair courses passand For ensaumple til vs to knawe and se Howe we suld lyf here in ilka degre Ye four elementes you made sere To sustayne our bodily kynde here And alle othir creatures als was yi wille In sere kyndes you made for certayne skille Of whilk som er noyand til vs kyndely And som er profitabel and esy And alle er yai for our profit wroght Bathe yai yat noyes and yat noyes noght Ye noyand you made vs for to chasty And to clense vs here of our foly And for to make vs to knawe and se Howe febel and howe freyle er we Ye vnnoyand to sustayne vs and fede And to helpe vs and eese vs in our nede Yi creatures er aywhar in sere sted Of whilk som er qwik and som er ded For som semes noght bot als ded thyng Als stanes yat has noght bot beyng Som als gresse and trese yat men sese spryng Has beyng and lifyng bot na felyng Som als bestes yat crepes and rynnes And als foghels with feders and fisshes with fynnes Has bathe beyng and lifyng and felyng Bot na witte ne skille of demyng Som als men and aungels has thurgh ye And thurgh yi might beyng and lifyng fre And felyng bathe of gode and ille And discrecion of witte and skille Yus has men beyng als men sese With stanes and lyf with gresse and trese And felyng with bestes of sere kynde And with aungels skille and mynde Yus wald you ar you oght bygan Yat somwhat of ilk creature had man Man you made maste digne creature And mast semely of shap and stature Of alle othir creatures mar or les For you made hym aftir yin awen liknes And gaf hym lordshipe and powere Obouen alle vnskilwys creatures sere And to rewel hym with witte and skille And for to knawe bathe gode and ille Wharfor gret luf til man you kid When you yus ordaynd for man and did It semes you had gret luf til man Byfor ar you euer oght bygan Louerd I am man for wham you did yus And yat man es ilkan of vs And als wele alle yis you did for me Als for ilkane yat man es made thurgh ye And forthy yat I am yat man For wham you alle thyng bygan I aghe thurgh right to luf ye ay And to loue ye bathe night and day And to worshipe ye with saule and body Right als you had done for me alle anely Louerd God allemighty yhit thank I ye Yat mykel mar wald do for me And for alle mankynde thurgh yi godenes And yi mercy yat til vs ay redy es Yat fra heuen til erthe doun wald com To bryng vs here out of thraldom And of ye fendes daunger yat we war yn Thurgh our formest fader syn Louerd mykel you meked ye for our sake Yat come fra swa heghe our kynde to take And vouched daue swa lawe to light Yat swa heghe a Louerd es of gret might Bot luf ye made of vs mercy haue Yat fra ye was tynt vs for to saue Thurgh processe of lyf yat you wald lede In erthe in our kynde of manhede First you lighted intil a mayden chast Yat conceyued ye of ye Haly Gast And of hir yat was ay wemles You tuke flesshe and blode and our liknes And our kynde here and of nan othir And bycome man for vs and our brothir And for ye luf yat you had til vs You wald be borne of hir and called Ihesus For Ihesus es als mykel at say Als hele or heler yat alle hele may You come to hele vs yat war lorne Bot in na real place wald you be borne Nouthir in palays castelle ne tour Ne in nane othir sted of honour Bot in a lawe house and layd you was In a cribbe byfor an ox and an as You wald nouthir in purpre ne byse Be lapped ne in nane othir clathe of pryse Bot in vile cloutes for to couer yi body For we suld tak ensaumple yarby To luf mekenes and gastly pouert And fra ricches and pompes withdrawe our hert On ye aghted day of yi birthe here Yat ye first day es of newe yhere Circumcist in body wald you be Als ye lawe was yan in sere cuntre In saufyng of ye lawe and in fulfillyng And in ensaumple of vs and in takenyng Yat als you was circumcist in body Swa suld we circumcyse vs here gastly Yat es we suld cutt fra vs oway Alle yat til lust and likyng stirre vs may On ye twelft day you was visit of kynges And worshiped with thre precious thynges Yat es at say with gold and encens And mirre yat yai offred in yi presens By ye gold may vndirstanden be Yat you ert kyng of mast pouste Ye encens yat yaraftir was offerd neste Bytakens yat you ert souerayne preste Ye mirre yat kepes alle thyng fra rotyng Bytakens yi ded and yi biriyng Ye threttyd yhere of ye elde of ye Of Saynt Ion wald you baptized be In ye flum Iordan specialy For to gyf vs ensaumple yarby Yat alle suld be yat til heuen suld pas Baptized in water als you was Bot for na cause of syn in ye hid Was you baptized yat neuer syn did For in ye was neuer funden gile Ne nathyng yat any saule mught file Bot for to lere vs howe we suld bygyn To wasshe vs of ye originalle syn And for to make vertu in alle waters to be For to get vs ogayne with grace to be fre Sithen when you had fasten thurgh yi might Fourty days and fourty night You suffred yiself tempted to be Of ye deuel yat yarto had leue of ye To lere vs to wristel and to stand stifly Ogayne ye fandyng of yat enemy You lete ye of Iudas traytour balde For thretty penys til ye Iewes be salde You lete ye als thief be tane bodily Of ye Iewes yat til ye had enuy Ye whilk til Anna hous ye led And yan alle yi disciples fra ye fled Til ye was done yar at ye biginnyng Manyfalde despite and hethyng First yai spitted opon ye yare And gaf ye many buffetes sare And yin eghen with a clathe yai hid And smate ye and asked ye wha it did Sithen yai did ye mar hethyng Yai led ye to Herodes hous ye kyng Yat held ye a fole als hym thoght For you til his speche answerd noght He did clethe ye in a white garnement And til Pilat ogayne he ye sent Aftirward you was scourged sare In Pilats hous alle naked and bare Yat yi hide was alle toryuen yan And ye blode on ilk syde doun ran Ye knightes aftir yat scourgyng Obout ye lapped a mantel on hethyng Yat with ye blode til yi body clyued Sithen drowe yai it of and yat ye gryued And raced of alle ye skyn yat tyde For til yat clathyng cleued fast yi hide And when yai had done ye yis payne Yai cled ye in yin awen clathes ogayne And thrast yan opon yi heued yare A coroun of thornes yat prikked ye sare Of whilk ye prikkes swa sharp war yan Yat yai perced nere thurgh ye harnepan Yai gaf ye a rede in yi hand Insted of a septre ye scornand And kneled byfor ye on hethyng And sayde til ye hayle Iewes kyng Sithen was you demed at ye Iewes [voice] Thurgh Pilat to be hynged on croice Ye whilk you bar toward ye sted Whar you was ordaynd to be done to ded Sithen was you streyned on ye croice swa [fast] Thurgh ye Iewes yat ye vayns and synwes [brast] And nayled yaron thurgh hand and fote For hele of my saule and for my bote And aftir yai had nayled ye on ye croice swa Yai did ye aftir strang payne and wa For yai ra[y]sed ye croice with yi body And [......] in a tremortays violently In whilk ye croice swilk a iagge tuke Yat yi body thurgh weght alle toshuke Yan rane yi woundes thurgh fote and hand And war sene ful wyde gapand And ye ioyntes of ilka lym and bane And ye vaynes war strydand ilkane Sithen you sayde hangand on rode tre [Ye] thristed and yan ye Iewes bed ye A ful bitter drynk yat was wroght Of aysel and gaule yat ye lyked noght [......] to taste it you was boune Bot you wald noght swelghe it doune For yat threst was noght elles yan Bot a yhernyng aftir ye saule of man You suffred many reproues yat tide Bathe of ye thief yat hanged on yi lefte side And of maysters and [othir of ye......]y Yat mykel shame ye did and [.....] At none of ye day you cryed hely And yhelded ye gast to ye Fad[er almi]ghty Yus you dighed to bye vs fre Fra ye gret thraldom in whilk war we Bot [myk]el payne and mykel reproue You tholde byfor ye ded for our luf And noght for to bye vs ogayne anely Forwhy yi ded myght suffice vs alle to by Bot for we suld yarby ensaumple take To be pacient in angres for yi sake And for ye to thole alle yat hard es Als you tholed for vs thurgh yi godenes Elles thurt ye haf tholed nane othir payne Bot ye ded anely for to bye vs ogayne Sithen was you smyten in yi right side With a sper yat til yi hert gun [....] [Fra w]hilk [out] ran to our saluacioun Ye precious blode of our [rauncoun] With ye water of baptyme clere and [thynn] [For to wasshe] vs here of ye original syn Lord [......] bitter payns felle With[....] yan I can telle Yat you swa mekely suffre wald For me synful yi traytour balde I thank ye here ynwardly With alle my hert and my body A Ihesu Crist Louerd ful of might When I thynk outhir day or night Of swa mykel kyndenes of ye And of ye paynes yat you tholed for me And of myn vnkyndnes manyfalde And howe I to wretthe ye haf ay bene balde Of myn hard hert yan es gret wondir Yat it for soru bristes noght in sondir Bot flesshely hert in me semes nane For my hert es hard als it war of stane A Ihesu I graunt til ye my trespas And knawe I am wers yan Iudas was Yat ye bytrayed als traitour balde And til ye Iewes for xxx penys salde For I synful wrecche has oft sald ye For a litel worldly vanite And for a litel flesshely delite Wharfor I am mar yan Iudas to wite I hald me yhit wers and mar wode Yan ye Iewes war yat did ye on rode Forwhy yai did bot anes yat dede And yai knewe ye noght God in manhede And I yat wate and knawes right Yat you ert God ay ful of might Thurgh myn awen malice als I war wode Ful oftsithes haue I done ye on rode For als oft als I haf done dedly syn And thurgh malice wittandly fallen yar[yn] Als oft I haue done ye on rode In yat yat in me was and shed yi blode Louerd alle yf I haue done swilk foly Put me noght oway fra yi mercy Bot graunt me grace yat may me wisse To amende me of yat I haf done misse Sen yat you sayd yiself you wil noght Ye ded of synful yat you has boght Bot yat he turne hym to do yi wille And lyf for you wil na man spille Louerd swilk grace you me gyf Yat I may turne me to ye and lyf Louerd Ihesu Crist yhit thank I ye Yat alle yis and mar has done for me